blob: 360cdc6f4cade033ae1f67bfe67c51ba0dd7a153 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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* distributed with this work for additional information
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drop dataverse emergencyTest if exists;
create dataverse emergencyTest;
use dataverse emergencyTest;
create type CHPReport as
{ "rid":uuid, "epicenter":point, "radius":double }
create type userLocation as
{ "id":uuid, "user-id":int64, "location":point }
create type tornadoShelter as
{ "tsid":uuid, "location":point }
create type sub as closed
{ "id":int, "param0":int64 }
create dataset NearbySheltersDuringTornadoDangerChannelSubscriptions(sub)
primary key id;
create dataset tornadoShelters(tornadoShelter)
primary key tsid autogenerated;
create dataset userLocations(userLocation)
primary key id autogenerated;
create dataset CHPReports(CHPReport)
primary key rid autogenerated;
create function NearbySheltersDuringTornadoDanger($userid) {
for $emergency in dataset CHPReports
let $dangerzone := create-circle($emergency.epicenter,$emergency.radius)
where (some $user in dataset userLocations satisfies $user.user-id = $userid
and spatial-intersect($dangerzone, $user.location))
{ "shelter locations":for $shelter in dataset tornadoShelters return $shelter.location}
create function findShelters($id){
for $result in NearbySheltersDuringTornadoDanger($id)
return { "subscription-id":$id,"execution-time":current-datetime(),"result":$result }
for $sub in dataset NearbySheltersDuringTornadoDangerChannelSubscriptions
for $r in findShelters($sub.param0)
return $r;