blob: e19ee7a37820894cdb18b4cae99915298d7fc7eb [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
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// under the License.
options {
STATIC = false;
package org.apache.asterix.lang.sqlpp.parser;
// For SQL++ ParserTokenManager
import java.util.ArrayDeque;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import org.apache.asterix.common.annotations.AutoDataGen;
import org.apache.asterix.common.annotations.DateBetweenYearsDataGen;
import org.apache.asterix.common.annotations.DatetimeAddRandHoursDataGen;
import org.apache.asterix.common.annotations.DatetimeBetweenYearsDataGen;
import org.apache.asterix.common.annotations.FieldIntervalDataGen;
import org.apache.asterix.common.annotations.FieldValFileDataGen;
import org.apache.asterix.common.annotations.FieldValFileSameIndexDataGen;
import org.apache.asterix.common.annotations.IRecordFieldDataGen;
import org.apache.asterix.common.annotations.InsertRandIntDataGen;
import org.apache.asterix.common.annotations.ListDataGen;
import org.apache.asterix.common.annotations.ListValFileDataGen;
import org.apache.asterix.common.annotations.SkipSecondaryIndexSearchExpressionAnnotation;
import org.apache.asterix.common.annotations.TypeDataGen;
import org.apache.asterix.common.annotations.UndeclaredFieldsDataGen;
import org.apache.asterix.common.config.DatasetConfig.DatasetType;
import org.apache.asterix.common.config.DatasetConfig.IndexType;
import org.apache.asterix.common.exceptions.CompilationException;
import org.apache.asterix.common.exceptions.ErrorCode;
import org.apache.asterix.common.functions.FunctionConstants;
import org.apache.asterix.common.functions.FunctionSignature;
import org.apache.asterix.lang.common.base.AbstractLangExpression;
import org.apache.asterix.lang.common.base.AbstractStatement;
import org.apache.asterix.lang.common.base.Expression;
import org.apache.asterix.lang.common.base.Literal;
import org.apache.asterix.lang.common.base.IParser;
import org.apache.asterix.lang.common.base.ILangExpression;
import org.apache.asterix.lang.common.base.IParserFactory;
import org.apache.asterix.lang.common.base.Statement;
import org.apache.asterix.lang.common.clause.GroupbyClause;
import org.apache.asterix.lang.common.clause.LetClause;
import org.apache.asterix.lang.common.clause.LimitClause;
import org.apache.asterix.lang.common.clause.OrderbyClause;
import org.apache.asterix.lang.common.clause.UpdateClause;
import org.apache.asterix.lang.common.clause.WhereClause;
import org.apache.asterix.lang.common.context.RootScopeFactory;
import org.apache.asterix.lang.common.context.Scope;
import org.apache.asterix.lang.common.expression.AbstractAccessor;
import org.apache.asterix.lang.common.expression.CallExpr;
import org.apache.asterix.lang.common.expression.FieldAccessor;
import org.apache.asterix.lang.common.expression.FieldBinding;
import org.apache.asterix.lang.common.expression.GbyVariableExpressionPair;
import org.apache.asterix.lang.common.expression.IfExpr;
import org.apache.asterix.lang.common.expression.IndexAccessor;
import org.apache.asterix.lang.common.expression.IndexedTypeExpression;
import org.apache.asterix.lang.common.expression.ListConstructor;
import org.apache.asterix.lang.common.expression.LiteralExpr;
import org.apache.asterix.lang.common.expression.OperatorExpr;
import org.apache.asterix.lang.common.expression.OrderedListTypeDefinition;
import org.apache.asterix.lang.common.expression.QuantifiedExpression;
import org.apache.asterix.lang.common.expression.RecordConstructor;
import org.apache.asterix.lang.common.expression.RecordTypeDefinition;
import org.apache.asterix.lang.common.expression.TypeExpression;
import org.apache.asterix.lang.common.expression.TypeReferenceExpression;
import org.apache.asterix.lang.common.expression.UnaryExpr;
import org.apache.asterix.lang.common.expression.UnorderedListTypeDefinition;
import org.apache.asterix.lang.common.expression.VariableExpr;
import org.apache.asterix.lang.common.literal.DoubleLiteral;
import org.apache.asterix.lang.common.literal.FalseLiteral;
import org.apache.asterix.lang.common.literal.FloatLiteral;
import org.apache.asterix.lang.common.literal.LongIntegerLiteral;
import org.apache.asterix.lang.common.literal.MissingLiteral;
import org.apache.asterix.lang.common.literal.NullLiteral;
import org.apache.asterix.lang.common.literal.StringLiteral;
import org.apache.asterix.lang.common.literal.TrueLiteral;
import org.apache.asterix.lang.common.parser.ScopeChecker;
import org.apache.asterix.lang.common.statement.CompactStatement;
import org.apache.asterix.lang.common.statement.ConnectFeedStatement;
import org.apache.asterix.lang.common.statement.StartFeedStatement;
import org.apache.asterix.lang.common.statement.StopFeedStatement;
import org.apache.asterix.lang.common.statement.CreateDataverseStatement;
import org.apache.asterix.lang.common.statement.CreateFeedPolicyStatement;
import org.apache.asterix.lang.common.statement.CreateFeedStatement;
import org.apache.asterix.lang.common.statement.CreateFunctionStatement;
import org.apache.asterix.lang.common.statement.CreateIndexStatement;
import org.apache.asterix.lang.common.statement.DatasetDecl;
import org.apache.asterix.lang.common.statement.DataverseDecl;
import org.apache.asterix.lang.common.statement.DataverseDropStatement;
import org.apache.asterix.lang.common.statement.DeleteStatement;
import org.apache.asterix.lang.common.statement.DisconnectFeedStatement;
import org.apache.asterix.lang.common.statement.DropDatasetStatement;
import org.apache.asterix.lang.common.statement.ExternalDetailsDecl;
import org.apache.asterix.lang.common.statement.FeedDropStatement;
import org.apache.asterix.lang.common.statement.FeedPolicyDropStatement;
import org.apache.asterix.lang.common.statement.FunctionDecl;
import org.apache.asterix.lang.common.statement.FunctionDropStatement;
import org.apache.asterix.lang.common.statement.IndexDropStatement;
import org.apache.asterix.lang.common.statement.InsertStatement;
import org.apache.asterix.lang.common.statement.InternalDetailsDecl;
import org.apache.asterix.lang.common.statement.LoadStatement;
import org.apache.asterix.lang.common.statement.NodeGroupDropStatement;
import org.apache.asterix.lang.common.statement.NodegroupDecl;
import org.apache.asterix.lang.common.statement.Query;
import org.apache.asterix.lang.common.statement.RefreshExternalDatasetStatement;
import org.apache.asterix.lang.common.statement.SetStatement;
import org.apache.asterix.lang.common.statement.TypeDecl;
import org.apache.asterix.lang.common.statement.TypeDropStatement;
import org.apache.asterix.lang.common.statement.UpdateStatement;
import org.apache.asterix.lang.common.statement.UpsertStatement;
import org.apache.asterix.lang.common.statement.WriteStatement;
import org.apache.asterix.lang.common.struct.Identifier;
import org.apache.asterix.lang.common.struct.OperatorType;
import org.apache.asterix.lang.common.struct.QuantifiedPair;
import org.apache.asterix.lang.common.struct.VarIdentifier;
import org.apache.asterix.lang.common.util.RangeMapBuilder;
import org.apache.asterix.lang.sqlpp.clause.AbstractBinaryCorrelateClause;
import org.apache.asterix.lang.sqlpp.clause.FromClause;
import org.apache.asterix.lang.sqlpp.clause.FromTerm;
import org.apache.asterix.lang.sqlpp.clause.HavingClause;
import org.apache.asterix.lang.sqlpp.clause.JoinClause;
import org.apache.asterix.lang.sqlpp.clause.Projection;
import org.apache.asterix.lang.sqlpp.clause.SelectBlock;
import org.apache.asterix.lang.sqlpp.clause.SelectClause;
import org.apache.asterix.lang.sqlpp.clause.SelectElement;
import org.apache.asterix.lang.sqlpp.clause.SelectRegular;
import org.apache.asterix.lang.sqlpp.clause.SelectSetOperation;
import org.apache.asterix.lang.sqlpp.clause.UnnestClause;
import org.apache.asterix.lang.common.clause.WhereClause;
import org.apache.asterix.lang.sqlpp.expression.CaseExpression;
import org.apache.asterix.lang.sqlpp.expression.SelectExpression;
import org.apache.asterix.lang.sqlpp.expression.WindowExpression;
import org.apache.asterix.lang.sqlpp.optype.JoinType;
import org.apache.asterix.lang.sqlpp.optype.SetOpType;
import org.apache.asterix.lang.sqlpp.struct.SetOperationInput;
import org.apache.asterix.lang.sqlpp.struct.SetOperationRight;
import org.apache.asterix.lang.sqlpp.util.ExpressionToVariableUtil;
import org.apache.asterix.lang.sqlpp.util.FunctionMapUtil;
import org.apache.asterix.lang.sqlpp.util.SqlppVariableUtil;
import org.apache.hyracks.algebricks.common.utils.Pair;
import org.apache.hyracks.algebricks.common.utils.Triple;
import org.apache.hyracks.algebricks.common.exceptions.AlgebricksException;
import org.apache.hyracks.algebricks.core.algebra.expressions.IExpressionAnnotation;
import org.apache.hyracks.algebricks.core.algebra.expressions.IndexedNLJoinExpressionAnnotation;
import org.apache.hyracks.algebricks.core.algebra.functions.FunctionIdentifier;
import org.apache.hyracks.api.exceptions.SourceLocation;
class SQLPPParser extends ScopeChecker implements IParser {
// optimizer hints
private static final String AUTO_HINT = "auto";
private static final String BROADCAST_JOIN_HINT = "bcast";
private static final String COMPOSE_VAL_FILES_HINT = "compose-val-files";
private static final String DATE_BETWEEN_YEARS_HINT = "date-between-years";
private static final String DATETIME_ADD_RAND_HOURS_HINT = "datetime-add-rand-hours";
private static final String DATETIME_BETWEEN_YEARS_HINT = "datetime-between-years";
private static final String HASH_GROUP_BY_HINT = "hash";
private static final String INDEXED_NESTED_LOOP_JOIN_HINT = "indexnl";
private static final String INMEMORY_HINT = "inmem";
private static final String INSERT_RAND_INT_HINT = "insert-rand-int";
private static final String INTERVAL_HINT = "interval";
private static final String LIST_HINT = "list";
private static final String LIST_VAL_FILE_HINT = "list-val-file";
private static final String RANGE_HINT = "range";
private static final String SKIP_SECONDARY_INDEX_SEARCH_HINT = "skip-index";
private static final String VAL_FILE_HINT = "val-files";
private static final String VAL_FILE_SAME_INDEX_HINT = "val-file-same-idx";
private static final String GEN_FIELDS_HINT = "gen-fields";
// data generator hints
private static final String DGEN_HINT = "dgen";
// error configuration
protected static final boolean REPORT_EXPECTED_TOKENS = false;
private int externalVarCounter;
private static class IndexParams {
public IndexType type;
public int gramLength;
public IndexParams(IndexType type, int gramLength) {
this.type = type;
this.gramLength = gramLength;
private static class FunctionName {
public String dataverse;
public String library;
public String function;
public String hint;
public SourceLocation sourceLoc;
private String getHint(Token t) {
if (t.specialToken == null) {
return null;
String s = t.specialToken.image;
int n = s.length();
if (n < 2) {
return null;
return s.substring(1).trim();
private static IParser createNewParser(String statement) {
return new SQLPPParser(statement);
private Token getHintToken(Token t) {
return t.specialToken;
private IRecordFieldDataGen parseFieldDataGen(String hint, Token hintToken) throws ParseException {
IRecordFieldDataGen rfdg = null;
String splits[] = hint.split(" +");
if (splits[0].equals(VAL_FILE_HINT)) {
File[] valFiles = new File[splits.length - 1];
for (int k=1; k<splits.length; k++) {
valFiles[k-1] = new File(splits[k]);
rfdg = new FieldValFileDataGen(valFiles);
} else if (splits[0].equals(VAL_FILE_SAME_INDEX_HINT)) {
rfdg = new FieldValFileSameIndexDataGen(new File(splits[1]), splits[2]);
} else if (splits[0].equals(LIST_VAL_FILE_HINT)) {
rfdg = new ListValFileDataGen(new File(splits[1]), Integer.parseInt(splits[2]), Integer.parseInt(splits[3]));
} else if (splits[0].equals(LIST_HINT)) {
rfdg = new ListDataGen(Integer.parseInt(splits[1]), Integer.parseInt(splits[2]));
} else if (splits[0].equals(INTERVAL_HINT)) {
FieldIntervalDataGen.ValueType vt;
if (splits[1].equals("int")) {
vt = FieldIntervalDataGen.ValueType.INT;
} else if (splits[1].equals("long")) {
vt = FieldIntervalDataGen.ValueType.LONG;
} else if (splits[1].equals("float")) {
vt = FieldIntervalDataGen.ValueType.FLOAT;
} else if (splits[1].equals("double")) {
vt = FieldIntervalDataGen.ValueType.DOUBLE;
} else {
throw new SqlppParseException(getSourceLocation(hintToken), "Unknown type for interval data gen: " + splits[1]);
rfdg = new FieldIntervalDataGen(vt, splits[2], splits[3]);
} else if (splits[0].equals(INSERT_RAND_INT_HINT)) {
rfdg = new InsertRandIntDataGen(splits[1], splits[2]);
} else if (splits[0].equals(DATE_BETWEEN_YEARS_HINT)) {
rfdg = new DateBetweenYearsDataGen(Integer.parseInt(splits[1]), Integer.parseInt(splits[2]));
} else if (splits[0].equals(DATETIME_BETWEEN_YEARS_HINT)) {
rfdg = new DatetimeBetweenYearsDataGen(Integer.parseInt(splits[1]), Integer.parseInt(splits[2]));
} else if (splits[0].equals(DATETIME_ADD_RAND_HOURS_HINT)) {
rfdg = new DatetimeAddRandHoursDataGen(Integer.parseInt(splits[1]), Integer.parseInt(splits[2]), splits[3]);
} else if (splits[0].equals(AUTO_HINT)) {
rfdg = new AutoDataGen(splits[1]);
return rfdg;
public SQLPPParser(String s) {
this(new StringReader(s));
public static void main(String args[]) throws ParseException, TokenMgrError, IOException, FileNotFoundException, CompilationException {
File file = new File(args[0]);
Reader fis = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(new FileInputStream(file), "UTF-8"));
SQLPPParser parser = new SQLPPParser(fis);
List<Statement> st = parser.parse();
//st.accept(new SQLPPPrintVisitor(), 0);
public List<Statement> parse() throws CompilationException {
try {
return Statement();
} catch (Error e) {
// this is here as the JavaCharStream that's below the lexer sometimes throws Errors that are not handled
// by the ANTLR-generated lexer or parser (e.g it does this for invalid backslash u + 4 hex digits escapes)
final String msg = e.getClass().getSimpleName() + (e.getMessage() != null ? ": " + e.getMessage() : "");
throw new CompilationException(ErrorCode.PARSE_ERROR, msg);
} catch (SqlppParseException e) {
throw new CompilationException(ErrorCode.PARSE_ERROR, e.getSourceLocation(), getMessage(e));
} catch (ParseException e) {
throw new CompilationException(ErrorCode.PARSE_ERROR, getMessage(e));
protected String getMessage(ParseException pe) {
Token currentToken = pe.currentToken;
if (currentToken == null) {
return pe.getMessage();
int[][] expectedTokenSequences = pe.expectedTokenSequences;
String[] tokenImage = pe.tokenImage;
String sep = REPORT_EXPECTED_TOKENS ? eol : " ";
StringBuilder expected = REPORT_EXPECTED_TOKENS ? new StringBuilder() : null;
int maxSize = appendExpected(expected, expectedTokenSequences, tokenImage);
Token tok =;
int line = tok.beginLine;
StringBuilder message = new StringBuilder(128);
message.append("In line ").append(line).append(" >>").append(getLine(line)).append("<<").append(sep).append("Encountered ");
for (int i = 0; i < maxSize; i++) {
if (i != 0) {
message.append(' ');
if (tok.kind == 0) {
final String fixedTokenImage = tokenImage[tok.kind];
if (! tok.image.equalsIgnoreCase(stripQuotes(fixedTokenImage))) {
message.append(fixQuotes(fixedTokenImage)).append(' ');
tok =;
message.append(" at column ").append('.').append(sep);
if (expectedTokenSequences.length == 1) {
message.append("Was expecting:").append(sep).append(" ");
} else {
message.append("Was expecting one of:").append(sep).append(" ");
return message.toString();
protected static SourceLocation getSourceLocation(Token token) {
return token != null ? new SourceLocation(token.beginLine, token.beginColumn) : null;
protected static <T extends AbstractLangExpression> T addSourceLocation(T expr, Token token) {
return expr;
List<Statement> Statement() throws ParseException:
List<Statement> decls = new ArrayList<Statement>();
Statement stmt = null;
(stmt = SingleStatement()
return decls;
Statement SingleStatement() throws ParseException:
Statement stmt = null;
stmt = DataverseDeclaration()
| stmt = FunctionDeclaration()
| stmt = CreateStatement()
| stmt = LoadStatement()
| stmt = DropStatement()
| stmt = WriteStatement()
| stmt = SetStatement()
| stmt = InsertStatement()
| stmt = DeleteStatement()
| stmt = UpdateStatement()
| stmt = UpsertStatement()
| stmt = ConnectionStatement()
| stmt = CompactStatement()
| stmt = ExplainStatement()
| stmt = Query(false)
| stmt = RefreshExternalDatasetStatement()
return stmt;
DataverseDecl DataverseDeclaration() throws ParseException:
Token startToken = null;
String dvName = null;
<USE> { startToken = token; } dvName = Identifier()
defaultDataverse = dvName;
DataverseDecl dvDecl = new DataverseDecl(new Identifier(dvName));
return addSourceLocation(dvDecl, startToken);
Statement CreateStatement() throws ParseException:
Token startToken = null;
String hint = null;
Token hintToken = null;
boolean hintDGen = false;
Statement stmt = null;
<CREATE> { startToken = token; }
hint = getHint(token);
if (hint != null) {
hintToken = getHintToken(token);
hintDGen = hint.startsWith(DGEN_HINT);
stmt = TypeSpecification(startToken, hint, hintDGen, hintToken)
| stmt = NodegroupSpecification(startToken)
| stmt = DatasetSpecification(startToken)
| stmt = IndexSpecification(startToken)
| stmt = DataverseSpecification(startToken)
| stmt = FunctionSpecification(startToken)
| stmt = FeedSpecification(startToken)
| stmt = FeedPolicySpecification(startToken)
return stmt;
TypeDecl TypeSpecification(Token startStmtToken, String hint, boolean dgen, Token hintToken) throws ParseException:
Pair<Identifier,Identifier> nameComponents = null;
boolean ifNotExists = false;
TypeExpression typeExpr = null;
<TYPE> nameComponents = TypeName() ifNotExists = IfNotExists()
<AS> typeExpr = RecordTypeDef()
long numValues = -1;
String filename = null;
if (dgen) {
String splits[] = hint.split(" +");
if (splits.length != 3) {
throw new SqlppParseException(getSourceLocation(hintToken), "Expecting /*+ dgen <filename> <numberOfItems> */");
filename = splits[1];
numValues = Long.parseLong(splits[2]);
TypeDataGen tddg = new TypeDataGen(dgen, filename, numValues);
TypeDecl stmt = new TypeDecl(nameComponents.first, nameComponents.second, typeExpr, tddg, ifNotExists);
return addSourceLocation(stmt, startStmtToken);
NodegroupDecl NodegroupSpecification(Token startStmtToken) throws ParseException:
String name = null;
String tmp = null;
boolean ifNotExists = false;
List<Identifier>ncNames = null;
<NODEGROUP> name = Identifier()
ifNotExists = IfNotExists() <ON> tmp = Identifier()
ncNames = new ArrayList<Identifier>();
ncNames.add(new Identifier(tmp));
( <COMMA> tmp = Identifier()
ncNames.add(new Identifier(tmp));
NodegroupDecl stmt = new NodegroupDecl(new Identifier(name), ncNames, ifNotExists);
return addSourceLocation(stmt, startStmtToken);
DatasetDecl DatasetSpecification(Token startStmtToken) throws ParseException:
Pair<Identifier,Identifier> nameComponents = null;
boolean ifNotExists = false;
Pair<Identifier,Identifier> typeComponents = null;
String adapterName = null;
Map<String,String> properties = null;
FunctionSignature appliedFunction = null;
Pair<List<Integer>, List<List<String>>> primaryKeyFields = null;
String nodeGroupName = null;
Map<String,String> hints = new HashMap<String,String>();
DatasetDecl stmt = null;
boolean autogenerated = false;
Pair<Integer, List<String>> filterField = null;
Pair<Identifier,Identifier> metaTypeComponents = new Pair<Identifier, Identifier>(null, null);
RecordConstructor withRecord = null;
<EXTERNAL> Dataset() nameComponents = QualifiedName()
<LEFTPAREN> typeComponents = TypeName() <RIGHTPAREN>
ifNotExists = IfNotExists()
<USING> adapterName = AdapterName() properties = Configuration()
( <ON> nodeGroupName = Identifier() )?
( <HINTS> hints = Properties() )?
( <WITH> withRecord = RecordConstructor() )?
ExternalDetailsDecl edd = new ExternalDetailsDecl();
stmt = new DatasetDecl(nameComponents.first,
nodeGroupName != null? new Identifier(nodeGroupName): null,
} catch (CompilationException e){
throw new SqlppParseException(getSourceLocation(startStmtToken), e.getMessage());
| ( <INTERNAL> )?
Dataset() nameComponents = QualifiedName()
<LEFTPAREN> typeComponents = TypeName() <RIGHTPAREN>
{ String name; }
name = Identifier()
if (!name.equalsIgnoreCase("meta")){
throw new SqlppParseException(getSourceLocation(startStmtToken),
"We can only support one additional associated field called \"meta\".");
<LEFTPAREN> metaTypeComponents = TypeName() <RIGHTPAREN>
ifNotExists = IfNotExists()
primaryKeyFields = PrimaryKey()
(<AUTOGENERATED> { autogenerated = true; } )?
(<ON> nodeGroupName = Identifier() )?
( <HINTS> hints = Properties() )?
( LOOKAHEAD(2) <WITH> <FILTER> <ON> filterField = NestedField() )?
( <WITH> withRecord = RecordConstructor() )?
if(filterField!=null && filterField.first!=0){
throw new SqlppParseException(getSourceLocation(startStmtToken),
"A filter field can only be a field in the main record of the dataset.");
InternalDetailsDecl idd = new InternalDetailsDecl(primaryKeyFields.second,
filterField == null? null : filterField.second);
stmt = new DatasetDecl(nameComponents.first,
nodeGroupName != null ? new Identifier(nodeGroupName) : null,
} catch (CompilationException e){
throw new SqlppParseException(getSourceLocation(startStmtToken), e.getMessage());
return addSourceLocation(stmt, startStmtToken);
RefreshExternalDatasetStatement RefreshExternalDatasetStatement() throws ParseException:
Token startToken = null;
Pair<Identifier,Identifier> nameComponents = null;
String datasetName = null;
<REFRESH> { startToken = token; } <EXTERNAL> Dataset() nameComponents = QualifiedName()
RefreshExternalDatasetStatement stmt = new RefreshExternalDatasetStatement();
return addSourceLocation(stmt, startToken);
CreateIndexStatement IndexSpecification(Token startStmtToken) throws ParseException:
CreateIndexStatement stmt = new CreateIndexStatement();
String indexName = null;
boolean ifNotExists = false;
Pair<Identifier,Identifier> nameComponents = null;
Pair<Integer, Pair<List<String>, IndexedTypeExpression>> fieldPair = null;
IndexParams indexType = null;
boolean enforced = false;
boolean isPrimaryIdx = false;
(<INDEX> indexName = Identifier()
ifNotExists = IfNotExists()
<ON> nameComponents = QualifiedName()
<LEFTPAREN> ( fieldPair = OpenField()
) (<COMMA> fieldPair = OpenField()
)* <RIGHTPAREN> ( <TYPE> indexType = IndexType() )? ( <ENFORCED> { enforced = true; } )?)
(<PRIMARY> <INDEX> {isPrimaryIdx = true;}
(indexName = Identifier())? ifNotExists = IfNotExists()
<ON> nameComponents = QualifiedName() (<TYPE> <BTREE>)?
if (isPrimaryIdx && indexName == null) {
indexName = "primary_idx_" + nameComponents.second;
stmt.setIndexName(new Identifier(indexName));
if (indexType != null) {
return addSourceLocation(stmt, startStmtToken);
String CompactionPolicy() throws ParseException :
String compactionPolicy = null;
compactionPolicy = Identifier()
return compactionPolicy;
String FilterField() throws ParseException :
String filterField = null;
filterField = Identifier()
return filterField;
IndexParams IndexType() throws ParseException:
IndexType type = null;
int gramLength = 0;
type = IndexType.BTREE;
type = IndexType.RTREE;
gramLength = Integer.valueOf(token.image);
return new IndexParams(type, gramLength);
CreateDataverseStatement DataverseSpecification(Token startStmtToken) throws ParseException :
String dvName = null;
boolean ifNotExists = false;
<DATAVERSE> dvName = Identifier()
ifNotExists = IfNotExists()
CreateDataverseStatement stmt = new CreateDataverseStatement(new Identifier(dvName), null, ifNotExists);
return addSourceLocation(stmt, startStmtToken);
CreateFunctionStatement FunctionSpecification(Token startStmtToken) throws ParseException:
FunctionSignature signature;
boolean ifNotExists = false;
List<VarIdentifier> paramList = new ArrayList<VarIdentifier>();
String functionBody;
VarIdentifier var = null;
Expression functionBodyExpr;
Token beginPos;
Token endPos;
FunctionName fctName = null;
String currentDataverse = defaultDataverse;
<FUNCTION> fctName = FunctionName()
defaultDataverse = fctName.dataverse;
ifNotExists = IfNotExists()
paramList = ParameterList()
beginPos = token;
(functionBodyExpr = SelectExpression(true) | functionBodyExpr = Expression())
endPos = token;
functionBody = extractFragment(beginPos.beginLine, beginPos.beginColumn, endPos.beginLine, endPos.beginColumn);
// TODO use fctName.library
signature = new FunctionSignature(fctName.dataverse, fctName.function, paramList.size());
getCurrentScope().addFunctionDescriptor(signature, false);
defaultDataverse = currentDataverse;
CreateFunctionStatement stmt = new CreateFunctionStatement(signature, paramList, functionBody, functionBodyExpr, ifNotExists);
return addSourceLocation(stmt, startStmtToken);
CreateFeedStatement FeedSpecification(Token startStmtToken) throws ParseException:
Pair<Identifier,Identifier> nameComponents = null;
boolean ifNotExists = false;
String adapterName = null;
Map<String,String> properties = null;
CreateFeedStatement stmt = null;
Pair<Identifier,Identifier> sourceNameComponents = null;
RecordConstructor withRecord = null;
<FEED> nameComponents = QualifiedName() ifNotExists = IfNotExists()
<WITH> withRecord = RecordConstructor()
try {
stmt = new CreateFeedStatement(nameComponents, withRecord, ifNotExists);
return addSourceLocation(stmt, startStmtToken);
} catch (AlgebricksException e) {
throw new SqlppParseException(getSourceLocation(startStmtToken), e.getMessage());
CreateFeedPolicyStatement FeedPolicySpecification(Token startStmtToken) throws ParseException:
String policyName = null;
String basePolicyName = null;
String sourcePolicyFile = null;
String definition = null;
boolean ifNotExists = false;
Map<String,String> properties = null;
CreateFeedPolicyStatement stmt = null;
<INGESTION> <POLICY> policyName = Identifier() ifNotExists = IfNotExists()
(<POLICY> basePolicyName = Identifier() properties = Configuration() (<DEFINITION> definition = ConstantString())?
stmt = new CreateFeedPolicyStatement(policyName,
basePolicyName, properties, definition, ifNotExists);
| <PATH> sourcePolicyFile = ConstantString() (<DEFINITION> definition = ConstantString())?
stmt = new CreateFeedPolicyStatement(policyName, sourcePolicyFile, definition, ifNotExists);
return addSourceLocation(stmt, startStmtToken);
List<VarIdentifier> ParameterList() throws ParseException:
List<VarIdentifier> paramList = new ArrayList<VarIdentifier>();
VarIdentifier var = null;
var = SqlppVariableUtil.toInternalVariableIdentifier(token.image);
var = SqlppVariableUtil.toInternalVariableIdentifier(token.image);
return paramList;
boolean IfNotExists() throws ParseException:
return true;
return false;
void ApplyFunction(List<FunctionSignature> funcSigs) throws ParseException:
FunctionName functioName = null;
String fqFunctionName = null;
<APPLY> <FUNCTION> functioName = FunctionName()
fqFunctionName = functioName.library == null ? functioName.function : functioName.library + "#" + functioName.function;
funcSigs.add(new FunctionSignature(functioName.dataverse, fqFunctionName, 1));
<COMMA> functioName = FunctionName()
fqFunctionName = functioName.library == null ? functioName.function : functioName.library + "#" + functioName.function;
funcSigs.add(new FunctionSignature(functioName.dataverse, fqFunctionName, 1));
String GetPolicy() throws ParseException:
String policy = null;
<USING> <POLICY> policy = Identifier()
return policy;
FunctionSignature FunctionSignature() throws ParseException:
FunctionName fctName = null;
int arity = 0;
fctName = FunctionName() <ATT> <INTEGER_LITERAL>
arity = new Integer(token.image);
if (arity < 0 && arity != FunctionIdentifier.VARARGS) {
throw new SqlppParseException(getSourceLocation(token), "Invalid arity:" + arity);
// TODO use fctName.library
String fqFunctionName = fctName.library == null ? fctName.function : fctName.library + "#" + fctName.function;
return new FunctionSignature(fctName.dataverse, fqFunctionName, arity);
Pair<List<Integer>, List<List<String>>> PrimaryKey() throws ParseException:
Pair<Integer, List<String>> tmp = null;
List<Integer> keyFieldSourceIndicators = new ArrayList<Integer>();
List<List<String>> primaryKeyFields = new ArrayList<List<String>>();
<PRIMARY> <KEY> tmp = NestedField()
( <COMMA> tmp = NestedField()
return new Pair<List<Integer>, List<List<String>>> (keyFieldSourceIndicators, primaryKeyFields);
Statement DropStatement() throws ParseException:
Token startToken = null;
String id = null;
Pair<Identifier,Identifier> pairId = null;
Triple<Identifier,Identifier,Identifier> tripleId = null;
FunctionSignature funcSig = null;
boolean ifExists = false;
AbstractStatement stmt = null;
<DROP> { startToken = token; }
Dataset() pairId = QualifiedName() ifExists = IfExists()
stmt = new DropDatasetStatement(pairId.first, pairId.second, ifExists);
| <INDEX> tripleId = DoubleQualifiedName() ifExists = IfExists()
stmt = new IndexDropStatement(tripleId.first, tripleId.second, tripleId.third, ifExists);
| <NODEGROUP> id = Identifier() ifExists = IfExists()
stmt = new NodeGroupDropStatement(new Identifier(id), ifExists);
| <TYPE> pairId = TypeName() ifExists = IfExists()
stmt = new TypeDropStatement(pairId.first, pairId.second, ifExists);
| <DATAVERSE> id = Identifier() ifExists = IfExists()
stmt = new DataverseDropStatement(new Identifier(id), ifExists);
| <FUNCTION> funcSig = FunctionSignature() ifExists = IfExists()
stmt = new FunctionDropStatement(funcSig, ifExists);
| <FEED> pairId = QualifiedName() ifExists = IfExists()
stmt = new FeedDropStatement(pairId.first, pairId.second, ifExists);
| <INGESTION> <POLICY> pairId = QualifiedName() ifExists = IfExists()
stmt = new FeedPolicyDropStatement(pairId.first, pairId.second, ifExists);
return addSourceLocation(stmt, startToken);
boolean IfExists() throws ParseException :
return true;
return false;
InsertStatement InsertStatement() throws ParseException:
Token startToken = null;
Pair<Identifier,Identifier> nameComponents = null;
VariableExpr var = null;
Query query = null;
Expression returnExpression = null;
<INSERT> { startToken = token; } <INTO> nameComponents = QualifiedName() (<AS> var = Variable())?
query = Query(false)
( <RETURNING> returnExpression = Expression())?
if (returnExpression != null && var == null) {
var = ExpressionToVariableUtil.getGeneratedVariable(query.getBody(), true);
InsertStatement stmt = new InsertStatement(nameComponents.first, nameComponents.second, query, getVarCounter(),
var, returnExpression);
return addSourceLocation(stmt, startToken);
UpsertStatement UpsertStatement() throws ParseException:
Token startToken = null;
Pair<Identifier,Identifier> nameComponents = null;
VariableExpr var = null;
Query query = null;
Expression returnExpression = null;
<UPSERT> { startToken = token; } <INTO> nameComponents = QualifiedName() (<AS> var = Variable())?
query = Query(false)
( <RETURNING> returnExpression = Expression())?
if (returnExpression != null && var == null) {
var = ExpressionToVariableUtil.getGeneratedVariable(query.getBody(), true);
UpsertStatement stmt = new UpsertStatement(nameComponents.first, nameComponents.second, query, getVarCounter(),
var, returnExpression);
return addSourceLocation(stmt, startToken);
DeleteStatement DeleteStatement() throws ParseException:
Token startToken = null;
VariableExpr varExpr = null;
Expression condition = null;
Pair<Identifier, Identifier> nameComponents;
<DELETE> { startToken = token; }
<FROM> nameComponents = QualifiedName()
((<AS>)? varExpr = Variable())?
(<WHERE> condition = Expression())?
if(varExpr == null){
varExpr = new VariableExpr();
VarIdentifier var = SqlppVariableUtil.toInternalVariableIdentifier(nameComponents.second.getValue());
addSourceLocation(varExpr, startToken);
DeleteStatement stmt = new DeleteStatement(varExpr, nameComponents.first, nameComponents.second,
condition, getVarCounter());
return addSourceLocation(stmt, startToken);
UpdateStatement UpdateStatement() throws ParseException:
Token startToken = null;
VariableExpr vars;
Expression target;
Expression condition;
UpdateClause uc;
List<UpdateClause> ucs = new ArrayList<UpdateClause>();
<UPDATE> { startToken = token; } vars = Variable() <IN> target = Expression()
<WHERE> condition = Expression()
<LEFTPAREN> (uc = UpdateClause()
(<COMMA> uc = UpdateClause()
UpdateStatement stmt = new UpdateStatement(vars, target, condition, ucs);
return addSourceLocation(stmt, startToken);
UpdateClause UpdateClause() throws ParseException:
Expression target = null;
Expression value = null ;
InsertStatement is = null;
DeleteStatement ds = null;
UpdateStatement us = null;
Expression condition = null;
UpdateClause ifbranch = null;
UpdateClause elsebranch = null;
(<SET> target = Expression() <EQ> value = Expression()
| is = InsertStatement()
| ds = DeleteStatement()
| us = UpdateStatement()
| <IF> <LEFTPAREN> condition = Expression() <RIGHTPAREN>
<THEN> ifbranch = UpdateClause()
[LOOKAHEAD(1) <ELSE> elsebranch = UpdateClause()]
return new UpdateClause(target, value, is, ds, us, condition, ifbranch, elsebranch);
Statement SetStatement() throws ParseException:
Token startToken = null;
String pn = null;
String pv = null;
<SET> { startToken = token; } pn = Identifier() pv = ConstantString()
SetStatement stmt = new SetStatement(pn, pv);
return addSourceLocation(stmt, startToken);
Statement WriteStatement() throws ParseException:
Token startToken = null;
String nodeName = null;
String fileName = null;
Query query;
String writerClass = null;
Pair<Identifier,Identifier> nameComponents = null;
<WRITE> { startToken = token; } <OUTPUT> <TO> nodeName = Identifier() <COLON> fileName = ConstantString()
( <USING> writerClass = ConstantString() )?
WriteStatement stmt = new WriteStatement(new Identifier(nodeName), fileName, writerClass);
return addSourceLocation(stmt, startToken);
LoadStatement LoadStatement() throws ParseException:
Token startToken = null;
Identifier dataverseName = null;
Identifier datasetName = null;
boolean alreadySorted = false;
String adapterName;
Map<String,String> properties;
Pair<Identifier,Identifier> nameComponents = null;
<LOAD> { startToken = token; } Dataset() nameComponents = QualifiedName()
dataverseName = nameComponents.first;
datasetName = nameComponents.second;
<USING> adapterName = AdapterName() properties = Configuration()
alreadySorted = true;
LoadStatement stmt = new LoadStatement(dataverseName, datasetName, adapterName, properties, alreadySorted);
return addSourceLocation(stmt, startToken);
String AdapterName() throws ParseException :
String adapterName = null;
adapterName = Identifier()
return adapterName;
Statement CompactStatement() throws ParseException:
Token startToken = null;
Pair<Identifier,Identifier> nameComponents = null;
<COMPACT> { startToken = token; } Dataset() nameComponents = QualifiedName()
CompactStatement stmt = new CompactStatement(nameComponents.first, nameComponents.second);
return addSourceLocation(stmt, startToken);
Statement ConnectionStatement() throws ParseException:
Token startToken = null;
Statement stmt = null;
<CONNECT> { startToken = token; } stmt = ConnectStatement(startToken)
| <DISCONNECT> { startToken = token; } stmt = DisconnectStatement(startToken)
| <START> { startToken = token; } stmt = StartStatement(startToken)
| <STOP> { startToken = token; } stmt = StopStatement(startToken)
return stmt;
Statement StartStatement(Token startStmtToken) throws ParseException:
Pair<Identifier,Identifier> feedNameComponents = null;
AbstractStatement stmt = null;
<FEED> feedNameComponents = QualifiedName()
stmt = new StartFeedStatement (feedNameComponents);
return addSourceLocation(stmt, startStmtToken);
AbstractStatement StopStatement(Token startStmtToken) throws ParseException:
Pair<Identifier,Identifier> feedNameComponents = null;
AbstractStatement stmt = null;
<FEED> feedNameComponents = QualifiedName()
stmt = new StopFeedStatement (feedNameComponents);
return addSourceLocation(stmt, startStmtToken);
AbstractStatement DisconnectStatement(Token startStmtToken) throws ParseException:
Pair<Identifier,Identifier> feedNameComponents = null;
Pair<Identifier,Identifier> datasetNameComponents = null;
AbstractStatement stmt = null;
<FEED> feedNameComponents = QualifiedName() <FROM> Dataset() datasetNameComponents = QualifiedName()
stmt = new DisconnectFeedStatement(feedNameComponents, datasetNameComponents);
return addSourceLocation(stmt, startStmtToken);
AbstractStatement ConnectStatement(Token startStmtToken) throws ParseException:
Pair<Identifier,Identifier> feedNameComponents = null;
Pair<Identifier,Identifier> datasetNameComponents = null;
Map<String,String> configuration = null;
List<FunctionSignature> appliedFunctions = new ArrayList<FunctionSignature>();
AbstractStatement stmt = null;
String policy = null;
String whereClauseBody = null;
WhereClause whereClause = null;
Token beginPos = null;
Token endPos = null;
<FEED> feedNameComponents = QualifiedName() <TO> Dataset() datasetNameComponents = QualifiedName()
(policy = GetPolicy())?
beginPos = token;
whereClause = new WhereClause();
Expression whereExpr;
whereExpr = Expression()
if (whereClause != null) {
endPos = token;
whereClauseBody = extractFragment(beginPos.endLine, beginPos.endColumn, endPos.endLine, endPos.endColumn + 1);
stmt = new ConnectFeedStatement(feedNameComponents, datasetNameComponents, appliedFunctions,
policy, whereClauseBody, getVarCounter());
return addSourceLocation(stmt, startStmtToken);
Map<String,String> Configuration() throws ParseException :
Map<String,String> configuration = new LinkedHashMap<String,String>();
Pair<String, String> keyValuePair = null;
<LEFTPAREN> ( keyValuePair = KeyValuePair()
configuration.put(keyValuePair.first, keyValuePair.second);
( <COMMA> keyValuePair = KeyValuePair()
configuration.put(keyValuePair.first, keyValuePair.second);
return configuration;
Pair<String, String> KeyValuePair() throws ParseException:
String key;
String value;
<LEFTPAREN> key = ConstantString() <EQ> value = ConstantString() <RIGHTPAREN>
return new Pair<String, String>(key, value);
Map<String,String> Properties() throws ParseException:
Map<String,String> properties = new HashMap<String,String>();
Pair<String, String> property;
(LOOKAHEAD(1) <LEFTPAREN> property = Property()
properties.put(property.first, property.second);
( <COMMA> property = Property()
properties.put(property.first, property.second);
return properties;
Pair<String, String> Property() throws ParseException:
String key = null;
String value = null;
(key = Identifier() | key = StringLiteral())
( value = ConstantString() | <INTEGER_LITERAL>
try {
value = String.valueOf(Long.parseLong(token.image));
} catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
throw new SqlppParseException(getSourceLocation(token), "inapproriate value: " + token.image);
return new Pair<String, String>(key.toUpperCase(), value);
IndexedTypeExpression IndexedTypeExpr() throws ParseException:
TypeExpression typeExpr = null;
boolean isUnknownable = false;
typeExpr = TypeReference()
| typeExpr = OrderedListTypeDef()
| typeExpr = UnorderedListTypeDef()
( <QUES> { isUnknownable = true; } )?
return new IndexedTypeExpression(typeExpr, isUnknownable);
TypeExpression TypeExpr() throws ParseException:
TypeExpression typeExpr = null;
typeExpr = RecordTypeDef()
| typeExpr = TypeReference()
| typeExpr = OrderedListTypeDef()
| typeExpr = UnorderedListTypeDef()
return typeExpr;
RecordTypeDefinition RecordTypeDef() throws ParseException:
Token startToken = null;
RecordTypeDefinition recType = new RecordTypeDefinition();
RecordTypeDefinition.RecordKind recordKind = null;
( <CLOSED> { recordKind = RecordTypeDefinition.RecordKind.CLOSED; }
| <OPEN> { recordKind = RecordTypeDefinition.RecordKind.OPEN; } )?
startToken = token;
String hint = getHint(token);
if (hint != null) {
String splits[] = hint.split(" +");
if (splits[0].equals(GEN_FIELDS_HINT)) {
if (splits.length != 5) {
throw new SqlppParseException(getSourceLocation(getHintToken(token)),
"Expecting: /*+ gen-fields <type> <min> <max> <prefix>*/");
if (!splits[1].equals("int")) {
throw new SqlppParseException(getSourceLocation(getHintToken(token)),
"The only supported type for gen-fields is int.");
UndeclaredFieldsDataGen ufdg = new UndeclaredFieldsDataGen(UndeclaredFieldsDataGen.Type.INT,
Integer.parseInt(splits[2]), Integer.parseInt(splits[3]), splits[4]);
( <COMMA> RecordField(recType) )*
if (recordKind == null) {
recordKind = RecordTypeDefinition.RecordKind.OPEN;
return addSourceLocation(recType, startToken);
void RecordField(RecordTypeDefinition recType) throws ParseException:
String fieldName;
TypeExpression type = null;
boolean nullable = false;
fieldName = Identifier()
String hint = getHint(token);
IRecordFieldDataGen rfdg = hint != null ? parseFieldDataGen(hint, token.specialToken) : null;
<COLON> type = TypeExpr() (<QUES> { nullable = true; } )?
recType.addField(fieldName, type, nullable, rfdg);
TypeReferenceExpression TypeReference() throws ParseException:
Pair<Identifier,Identifier> id = null;
id = QualifiedName()
if (id.first == null && id.second.getValue().equalsIgnoreCase("int")) {
TypeReferenceExpression typeRef = new TypeReferenceExpression(id);
return addSourceLocation(typeRef, token);
OrderedListTypeDefinition OrderedListTypeDef() throws ParseException:
Token startToken = null;
TypeExpression type = null;
<LEFTBRACKET> { startToken = token; }
( type = TypeExpr() )
OrderedListTypeDefinition typeDef = new OrderedListTypeDefinition(type);
return addSourceLocation(typeDef, startToken);
UnorderedListTypeDefinition UnorderedListTypeDef() throws ParseException:
Token startToken = null;
TypeExpression type = null;
<LEFTDBLBRACE> { startToken = token; }
( type = TypeExpr() )
UnorderedListTypeDefinition typeDef = new UnorderedListTypeDefinition(type);
return addSourceLocation(typeDef, startToken);
FunctionName FunctionName() throws ParseException:
String first = null;
String second = null;
String third = null;
boolean secondAfterDot = false;
first = Identifier()
FunctionName result = new FunctionName();
result.hint = getHint(token);
result.sourceLoc = getSourceLocation(token);
( <DOT> second = Identifier()
secondAfterDot = true;
(<SHARP> third = Identifier())? | <SHARP> second = Identifier() )?
if (second == null) {
result.dataverse = defaultDataverse;
result.library = null;
result.function = first;
} else if (third == null) {
if (secondAfterDot) {
result.dataverse = first;
result.library = null;
result.function = second;
} else {
result.dataverse = defaultDataverse;
result.library = first;
result.function = second;
} else {
result.dataverse = first;
result.library = second;
result.function = third;
if (result.function.equalsIgnoreCase("int")) {
result.function = "int64";
return result;
Pair<Identifier,Identifier> TypeName() throws ParseException:
Pair<Identifier,Identifier> name = null;
name = QualifiedName()
if (name.first == null) {
name.first = new Identifier(defaultDataverse);
return name;
String Identifier() throws ParseException:
String lit = null;
return token.image;
| lit = QuotedString()
return lit;
void Dataset() throws ParseException:
Pair<Integer, Pair<List<String>, IndexedTypeExpression>> OpenField() throws ParseException:
IndexedTypeExpression fieldType = null;
Pair<Integer, List<String>> fieldList = null;
fieldList = NestedField()
( <COLON> fieldType = IndexedTypeExpr() )?
return new Pair<Integer, Pair<List<String>, IndexedTypeExpression>>
(fieldList.first, new Pair<List<String>, IndexedTypeExpression>(fieldList.second, fieldType));
Pair<Integer, List<String>> NestedField() throws ParseException:
List<String> exprList = new ArrayList<String>();
String lit = null;
Token litToken = null;
int source = 0;
lit = Identifier()
boolean meetParens = false;
litToken = token;
throw new SqlppParseException(getSourceLocation(litToken), "The string before () has to be \"meta\".");
meetParens = true;
source = 1;
lit = Identifier()
return new Pair<Integer, List<String>>(source, exprList);
String ConstantString() throws ParseException:
String value = null;
(value = QuotedString() | value = StringLiteral())
return value;
String QuotedString() throws ParseException:
return removeQuotesAndEscapes(token.image);
String StringLiteral() throws ParseException:
return removeQuotesAndEscapes(token.image);
Pair<Identifier,Identifier> QualifiedName() throws ParseException:
String first = null;
String second = null;
first = Identifier() (<DOT> second = Identifier())?
Identifier id1 = null;
Identifier id2 = null;
if (second == null) {
id2 = new Identifier(first);
} else
id1 = new Identifier(first);
id2 = new Identifier(second);
return new Pair<Identifier,Identifier>(id1, id2);
Triple<Identifier,Identifier,Identifier> DoubleQualifiedName() throws ParseException:
String first = null;
String second = null;
String third = null;
first = Identifier() <DOT> second = Identifier() (<DOT> third = Identifier())?
Identifier id1 = null;
Identifier id2 = null;
Identifier id3 = null;
if (third == null) {
id2 = new Identifier(first);
id3 = new Identifier(second);
} else {
id1 = new Identifier(first);
id2 = new Identifier(second);
id3 = new Identifier(third);
return new Triple<Identifier,Identifier,Identifier>(id1, id2, id3);
FunctionDecl FunctionDeclaration() throws ParseException:
Token startToken = null;
String functionName;
List<VarIdentifier> paramList = new ArrayList<VarIdentifier>();
Expression funcBody;
<DECLARE> { startToken = token; } <FUNCTION>
functionName = Identifier()
paramList = ParameterList()
(funcBody = SelectExpression(true) | funcBody = Expression())
FunctionSignature signature = new FunctionSignature(defaultDataverse, functionName, paramList.size());
getCurrentScope().addFunctionDescriptor(signature, false);
FunctionDecl stmt = new FunctionDecl(signature, paramList, funcBody);
return addSourceLocation(stmt, startToken);
Query ExplainStatement() throws ParseException:
Query query;
<EXPLAIN> query = Query(true)
return query;
Query Query(boolean explain) throws ParseException:
Query query = new Query(explain);
Expression expr;
expr = Expression()
expr = SelectExpression(false)
return query;
Expression Expression():
Expression expr = null;
Expression exprP = null;
expr = OperatorExpr()
| expr = QuantifiedExpression()
return (exprP==null) ? expr : exprP;
Expression OperatorExpr() throws ParseException:
OperatorExpr op = null;
Expression operand = null;
operand = AndExpr()
if (op == null) {
op = new OperatorExpr();
addSourceLocation(op, token);
} catch (Exception e){
throw new SqlppParseException(getSourceLocation(token), e.getMessage());
operand = AndExpr()
return op==null? operand: op;
Expression AndExpr() throws ParseException:
OperatorExpr op = null;
Expression operand = null;
operand = NotExpr()
if (op == null) {
op = new OperatorExpr();
addSourceLocation(op, token);
} catch (CompilationException e){
throw new SqlppParseException(getSourceLocation(token), e.getMessage());
operand = NotExpr()
return op==null ? operand: op;
Expression NotExpr() throws ParseException:
Expression inputExpr;
boolean not = false;
Token startToken = null;
(<NOT> { not = true; startToken = token; } )? inputExpr = RelExpr()
if(not) {
FunctionSignature signature = new FunctionSignature(BuiltinFunctions.NOT);
CallExpr callExpr = new CallExpr(signature, new ArrayList<Expression>(Collections.singletonList(inputExpr)));
return addSourceLocation(callExpr, startToken);
} else {
return inputExpr;
Expression RelExpr() throws ParseException:
boolean not = false;
OperatorExpr op = null;
Expression operand = null;
boolean broadcast = false;
IExpressionAnnotation annotation = null;
operand = BetweenExpr()
LOOKAHEAD(2)( <LT> | <GT> | <LE> | <GE> | <EQ> | <NE> | <LG> |<SIMILAR> | (<NOT> { not = true; })? <IN>)
String mhint = getHint(token);
if (mhint != null) {
if (mhint.equals(INDEXED_NESTED_LOOP_JOIN_HINT)) {
annotation = IndexedNLJoinExpressionAnnotation.INSTANCE;
} else if (mhint.equals(SKIP_SECONDARY_INDEX_SEARCH_HINT)) {
annotation = SkipSecondaryIndexSearchExpressionAnnotation.INSTANCE;
} else if (mhint.equals(BROADCAST_JOIN_HINT)) {
broadcast = true;
String operator = token.image.toLowerCase();
if (operator.equals("<>")){
operator = "!=";
if (not) {
operator = "not_" + operator;
if (op == null) {
op = new OperatorExpr();
op.addOperand(operand, false); // broadcast is always for the right branch
addSourceLocation(op, token);
} catch (CompilationException e){
throw new SqlppParseException(getSourceLocation(token), e.getMessage());
operand = BetweenExpr()
op.addOperand(operand, broadcast);
if (annotation != null) {
return op==null? operand: op;
Expression BetweenExpr() throws ParseException:
boolean not = false;
OperatorExpr op = null;
Expression operand = null;
IExpressionAnnotation annotation = null;
operand = IsExpr()
(<NOT> { not = true; })? <BETWEEN>
String mhint = getHint(token);
if (mhint != null) {
if (mhint.equals(INDEXED_NESTED_LOOP_JOIN_HINT)) {
annotation = IndexedNLJoinExpressionAnnotation.INSTANCE;
} else if (mhint.equals(SKIP_SECONDARY_INDEX_SEARCH_HINT)) {
annotation = SkipSecondaryIndexSearchExpressionAnnotation.INSTANCE;
String operator = token.image.toLowerCase();
operator = "not_" + operator;
if (op == null) {
op = new OperatorExpr();
addSourceLocation(op, token);
} catch (CompilationException e){
throw new SqlppParseException(getSourceLocation(token), e.getMessage());
operand = IsExpr()
operand = IsExpr()
if (annotation != null) {
return op==null ? operand: op;
Expression IsExpr() throws ParseException:
Token notToken = null;
CallExpr expr = null;
Expression operand = null;
boolean not = false;
FunctionIdentifier fn = null;
operand = LikeExpr()
( <IS>
(<NOT> { not = true; notToken = token; })?
<NULL> { fn = BuiltinFunctions.IS_NULL; } |
<MISSING> { fn = BuiltinFunctions.IS_MISSING; } |
<UNKNOWN> { fn = BuiltinFunctions.IS_UNKNOWN; } |
(<KNOWN> | <VALUED>) { not = !not; fn = BuiltinFunctions.IS_UNKNOWN; }
FunctionSignature signature = new FunctionSignature(fn);
expr = new CallExpr(signature, new ArrayList<Expression>(Collections.singletonList(operand)));
addSourceLocation(expr, token);
if (not) {
FunctionSignature notSignature = new FunctionSignature(BuiltinFunctions.NOT);
expr = new CallExpr(notSignature, new ArrayList<Expression>(Collections.singletonList(expr)));
addSourceLocation(expr, notToken);
return expr == null ? operand : expr;
Expression LikeExpr() throws ParseException:
boolean not = false;
OperatorExpr op = null;
Expression operand = null;
operand = ConcatExpr()
(<NOT> { not = true; })? <LIKE>
op = new OperatorExpr();
addSourceLocation(op, token);
String operator = token.image.toLowerCase();
if (not) {
operator = "not_" + operator;
try {
} catch (CompilationException e){
throw new SqlppParseException(getSourceLocation(token), e.getMessage());
operand = ConcatExpr()
return op == null ? operand : op;
Expression ConcatExpr() throws ParseException:
OperatorExpr op = null;
Expression operand = null;
operand = AddExpr()
if (op == null) {
op = new OperatorExpr();
addSourceLocation(op, token);
operand = AddExpr()
return op == null ? operand : op;
Expression AddExpr() throws ParseException:
OperatorExpr op = null;
OperatorType opType = null;
Expression operand = null;
operand = MultExpr()
(<PLUS> { opType = OperatorType.PLUS; } | <MINUS> { opType = OperatorType.MINUS; } )
if (op == null) {
op = new OperatorExpr();
addSourceLocation(op, token);
operand = MultExpr()
return op == null ? operand : op;
Expression MultExpr() throws ParseException:
OperatorExpr op = null;
OperatorType opType = null;
Expression operand = null;
operand = ExponentExpr()
( (
<MUL> { opType = OperatorType.MUL; } |
<DIVIDE> { opType = OperatorType.DIVIDE; } |
<DIV> { opType = OperatorType.DIV; } |
( <MOD> | <PERCENT> ) { opType = OperatorType.MOD; }
if (op == null) {
op = new OperatorExpr();
addSourceLocation(op, token);
operand = ExponentExpr()
return op == null ? operand : op;
Expression ExponentExpr() throws ParseException:
OperatorExpr op = null;
Expression operand = null;
operand = UnaryExpr()
if (op == null) {
op = new OperatorExpr();
addSourceLocation(op, token);
operand = UnaryExpr()
return op == null ? operand : op;
Expression UnaryExpr() throws ParseException:
boolean not = false;
UnaryExpr uexpr = null;
Expression expr = null;
( (<PLUS> | <MINUS> | (<NOT> { not = true; } )? <EXISTS> )
String exprType = token.image.toLowerCase();
if (not) {
exprType = "not_" + exprType;
uexpr = new UnaryExpr();
addSourceLocation(uexpr, token);
try {
} catch (CompilationException e){
throw new SqlppParseException(getSourceLocation(token), e.getMessage());
expr = ValueExpr()
if (uexpr == null) {
return expr;
} else {
return uexpr;
Expression ValueExpr() throws ParseException:
Expression expr = null;
AbstractAccessor accessor = null;
expr = PrimaryExpr() (
accessor = FieldAccessor(accessor != null ? accessor : expr)
| accessor = IndexAccessor(accessor != null ? accessor : expr)
return accessor == null ? expr : accessor;
FieldAccessor FieldAccessor(Expression inputExpr) throws ParseException:
Token startToken = null;
String ident = null;
<DOT> { startToken = token; } ident = Identifier()
FieldAccessor fa = new FieldAccessor(inputExpr, new Identifier(ident));
return addSourceLocation(fa, startToken);
IndexAccessor IndexAccessor(Expression inputExpr) throws ParseException:
Token startToken = null;
Expression expr = null;
<LEFTBRACKET> { startToken = token; }
( expr = Expression()
if (expr.getKind() == Expression.Kind.LITERAL_EXPRESSION)
Literal lit = ((LiteralExpr)expr).getValue();
if (lit.getLiteralType() != Literal.Type.INTEGER &&
lit.getLiteralType() != Literal.Type.LONG) {
throw new SqlppParseException(expr.getSourceLocation(), "Index should be an INTEGER");
IndexAccessor ia = new IndexAccessor(inputExpr, expr);
return addSourceLocation(ia, startToken);
Expression PrimaryExpr() throws ParseException:
Expression expr = null;
expr = FunctionCallExpr()
| expr = CaseExpr()
| expr = Literal()
| expr = VariableRef()
| expr = ExternalVariableRef()
| expr = ListConstructor()
| expr = RecordConstructor()
| expr = ParenthesizedExpression()
return expr;
Expression Literal() throws ParseException:
LiteralExpr lit = new LiteralExpr();
String str = null;
( str = StringLiteral()
lit.setValue(new StringLiteral(str));
try {
lit.setValue(new LongIntegerLiteral(Long.valueOf(token.image)));
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
throw new SqlppParseException(getSourceLocation(token), "Could not parse numeric literal \"" + token.image +'"');
try {
lit.setValue(new FloatLiteral(Float.valueOf(token.image)));
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
throw new SqlppParseException(getSourceLocation(token), "Could not parse numeric literal \"" + token.image +'"');
try {
lit.setValue(new DoubleLiteral(Double.valueOf(token.image)));
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
throw new SqlppParseException(getSourceLocation(token), "Could not parse numeric literal \"" + token.image +'"');
| <NULL>
| <TRUE>
return addSourceLocation(lit, token);
VariableExpr VariableRef() throws ParseException:
VarIdentifier var = new VarIdentifier();
String id = null;
(<IDENTIFIER> { id = token.image; } | id = QuotedString())
id = SqlppVariableUtil.toInternalVariableName(id); // Prefix user-defined variables with "$"
Identifier ident = lookupSymbol(id);
if (isInForbiddenScopes(id)) {
throw new SqlppParseException(getSourceLocation(token),
"Inside limit clauses, it is disallowed to reference a variable having the same name as any variable bound in the same scope as the limit clause.");
VariableExpr varExp = new VariableExpr();
if (ident != null) { // exist such ident
} else {
return addSourceLocation(varExp, token);
VariableExpr Variable() throws ParseException:
VarIdentifier var = new VarIdentifier();
String id = null;
(<IDENTIFIER> { id = token.image; } | id = QuotedString())
id = SqlppVariableUtil.toInternalVariableName(id); // prefix user-defined variables with "$".
Identifier ident = lookupSymbol(id);
VariableExpr varExp = new VariableExpr();
if(ident != null) { // exist such ident
return addSourceLocation(varExp, token);
VariableExpr ExternalVariableRef() throws ParseException:
String name = null;
<INTEGER_LITERAL> { name = token.image; } |
<IDENTIFIER> { name = token.image; } |
name = QuotedString()
<QUES> { name = String.valueOf(++externalVarCounter); }
String idName = SqlppVariableUtil.toExternalVariableName(name);
VarIdentifier id = new VarIdentifier(idName);
VariableExpr varExp = new VariableExpr(id);
return addSourceLocation(varExp, token);
Expression ListConstructor() throws ParseException:
Expression expr = null;
expr = OrderedListConstructor() |
expr = UnorderedListConstructor()
return expr;
ListConstructor OrderedListConstructor() throws ParseException:
Token startToken = null;
List<Expression> exprList = null;
<LEFTBRACKET> { startToken = token; }
exprList = ExpressionList()
ListConstructor expr = new ListConstructor(ListConstructor.Type.ORDERED_LIST_CONSTRUCTOR, exprList);
return addSourceLocation(expr, startToken);
ListConstructor UnorderedListConstructor() throws ParseException:
Token startToken = null;
List<Expression> exprList = null;
<LEFTDBLBRACE> { startToken = token; }
exprList = ExpressionList()
ListConstructor expr = new ListConstructor(ListConstructor.Type.UNORDERED_LIST_CONSTRUCTOR, exprList);
return addSourceLocation(expr, startToken);
List<Expression> ExpressionList() throws ParseException:
Expression expr = null;
List<Expression> exprList = new ArrayList<Expression>();
expr = Expression()
( <COMMA> expr = Expression()
return exprList;
RecordConstructor RecordConstructor() throws ParseException:
Token startToken = null;
FieldBinding fb = null;
List<FieldBinding> fbList = new ArrayList<FieldBinding>();
<LEFTBRACE> { startToken = token; }
fb = FieldBinding() { fbList.add(fb); }
(<COMMA> fb = FieldBinding() { fbList.add(fb); })*
RecordConstructor expr = new RecordConstructor(fbList);
return addSourceLocation(expr, startToken);
FieldBinding FieldBinding() throws ParseException:
Expression left, right;
left = Expression() <COLON> right = Expression()
return new FieldBinding(left, right);
Expression FunctionCallExpr() throws ParseException:
Expression resultExpr;
List<Expression> argList = new ArrayList<Expression>();
Expression tmp = null;
int arity = 0;
FunctionName funcName = null;
String hint = null;
boolean star = false;
boolean distinct = false;
Token overToken = null;
Expression partitionExpr = null;
List<Expression> partitionExprs = new ArrayList<Expression>();
OrderbyClause orderByClause = null;
funcName = FunctionName()
hint = funcName.hint;
( <DISTINCT> { distinct = true; } )?
( tmp = Expression() | <MUL> { star = true; } )
throw new SqlppParseException(getSourceLocation(token), "The parameter * can only be used in COUNT().");
argList.add(new LiteralExpr(new LongIntegerLiteral(1L)));
} else {
arity ++;
(<COMMA> tmp = Expression()
String name = funcName.function;
if (distinct) {
name += "-distinct";
// TODO use funcName.library
String fqFunctionName = funcName.library == null ? name : funcName.library + "#" + name;
FunctionSignature signature
= lookupFunctionSignature(funcName.dataverse, fqFunctionName, arity);
if (signature == null) {
signature = new FunctionSignature(funcName.dataverse, fqFunctionName, arity);
CallExpr callExpr = FunctionMapUtil.normalizedListInputFunctions(new CallExpr(signature,argList));
if (hint != null) {
if (hint.startsWith(INDEXED_NESTED_LOOP_JOIN_HINT)) {
} else if (hint.startsWith(SKIP_SECONDARY_INDEX_SEARCH_HINT)) {
resultExpr = callExpr;
<OVER> { overToken = token; }
partitionExpr = Expression() { partitionExprs.add(partitionExpr); }
( <COMMA> partitionExpr = Expression() { partitionExprs.add(partitionExpr); } )*
orderByClause = OrderbyClause()
WindowExpression winExp = new WindowExpression(callExpr, partitionExprs, orderByClause.getOrderbyList(),
resultExpr = addSourceLocation(winExp, overToken);
return resultExpr;
Expression ParenthesizedExpression() throws ParseException:
Expression expr;
<LEFTPAREN> expr = Expression() <RIGHTPAREN>
expr = Subquery()
return expr;
Expression CaseExpr() throws ParseException:
Token startToken = null;
Expression conditionExpr = null;
List<Expression> whenExprs = new ArrayList<Expression>();
List<Expression> thenExprs = new ArrayList<Expression>();
Expression elseExpr = null;
Expression whenExpr = null;
Expression thenExpr = null;
<CASE> { startToken = token; }
( conditionExpr = Expression() )?
<WHEN> whenExpr = Expression()
<THEN> thenExpr = Expression()
(<ELSE> elseExpr = Expression() )?
if (conditionExpr == null) {
LiteralExpr litExpr = new LiteralExpr(TrueLiteral.INSTANCE);
conditionExpr = addSourceLocation(litExpr, startToken);
CaseExpression caseExpr = new CaseExpression(conditionExpr, whenExprs, thenExprs, elseExpr);
return addSourceLocation(caseExpr, startToken);
SelectExpression SelectExpression(boolean subquery) throws ParseException:
List<LetClause> letClauses = new ArrayList<LetClause>();
SelectSetOperation selectSetOperation;
OrderbyClause orderbyClause = null;
LimitClause limitClause = null;
( letClauses = LetClause() )?
selectSetOperation = SelectSetOperation()
(orderbyClause = OrderbyClause() {})?
(limitClause = LimitClause() {})?
SelectExpression selectExpr =
new SelectExpression(letClauses, selectSetOperation, orderbyClause, limitClause, subquery);
selectExpr.setSourceLocation((!letClauses.isEmpty() ? letClauses.get(0) : selectSetOperation).getSourceLocation());
return selectExpr;
SelectSetOperation SelectSetOperation() throws ParseException:
SetOperationInput setOperationInputLeft;
List<SetOperationRight> setOperationRights = new ArrayList<SetOperationRight>();
SelectBlock selectBlockLeft = null;
SelectExpression subqueryLeft = null;
Expression expr = null;
selectBlockLeft = SelectBlock()
setOperationInputLeft = new SetOperationInput(selectBlockLeft, subqueryLeft);
SetOpType opType = SetOpType.UNION;
boolean setSemantics = true;
SelectBlock selectBlockRight = null;
SelectExpression subqueryRight = null;
(<UNION> {opType = SetOpType.UNION;} |<INTERSECT> {opType = SetOpType.INTERSECT;} |<EXCEPT> {opType = SetOpType.EXCEPT;}) (<ALL> {setSemantics = false;} )?
(selectBlockRight = SelectBlock()| subqueryRight = Subquery())
setOperationRights.add(new SetOperationRight(opType, setSemantics, new SetOperationInput(selectBlockRight, subqueryRight)));
SelectSetOperation selectSetOp = new SelectSetOperation(setOperationInputLeft, setOperationRights);
return selectSetOp;
SelectExpression Subquery() throws ParseException:
SelectExpression selectExpr = null;
<LEFTPAREN> selectExpr = SelectExpression(true) {} <RIGHTPAREN>
return selectExpr;
SelectBlock SelectBlock() throws ParseException:
SelectClause selectClause = null;
FromClause fromClause = null;
List<LetClause> fromLetClauses = null;
WhereClause whereClause = null;
GroupbyClause groupbyClause = null;
List<LetClause> gbyLetClauses = null;
HavingClause havingClause = null;
SourceLocation startSrcLoc = null;
selectClause = SelectClause() { startSrcLoc = selectClause.getSourceLocation(); }
fromClause = FromClause()
fromLetClauses = LetClause()
(whereClause = WhereClause())?
groupbyClause = GroupbyClause()
gbyLetClauses = LetClause()
(havingClause = HavingClause())?
fromClause = FromClause() { startSrcLoc = fromClause.getSourceLocation(); }
fromLetClauses = LetClause()
(whereClause = WhereClause())?
groupbyClause = GroupbyClause()
gbyLetClauses = LetClause()
(havingClause = HavingClause())?
selectClause = SelectClause()
SelectBlock selectBlock = new SelectBlock(selectClause, fromClause, fromLetClauses, whereClause, groupbyClause,
gbyLetClauses, havingClause);
return selectBlock;
SelectClause SelectClause() throws ParseException:
Token startToken = null;
SelectRegular selectRegular = null;
SelectElement selectElement = null;
boolean distinct = false;
<SELECT> { startToken = token; } (<ALL>|<DISTINCT> { distinct = true; } )?
selectRegular = SelectRegular()
selectElement = SelectElement()
SourceLocation sourceLoc = getSourceLocation(startToken);
if (selectRegular == null && selectElement == null){
Projection projection = new Projection(null, null, true, false);
List<Projection> projections = new ArrayList<Projection>();
selectRegular = new SelectRegular(projections);
SelectClause selectClause = new SelectClause(selectElement, selectRegular, distinct);
return selectClause;
SelectRegular SelectRegular() throws ParseException:
SourceLocation startSrcLoc = null;
List<Projection> projections = new ArrayList<Projection>();
Projection projection = null;
projection = Projection()
startSrcLoc = projection.getSourceLocation();
( LOOKAHEAD(2) <COMMA> projection = Projection()
SelectRegular selectRegular = new SelectRegular(projections);
return selectRegular;
SelectElement SelectElement() throws ParseException:
Token startToken = null;
Expression expr = null;
String name = null;
(<RAW>|<ELEMENT>|<VALUE>) { startToken = token; } expr = Expression()
SelectElement selectElement = new SelectElement(expr);
return addSourceLocation(selectElement, startToken);
Projection Projection() throws ParseException :
SourceLocation startSrcLoc = null;
Expression expr = null;
Identifier identifier = null;
String name = null;
boolean star = false;
boolean varStar = false;
<MUL> { star = true; startSrcLoc = getSourceLocation(token); }
| LOOKAHEAD(3) expr = VariableRef() <DOT> <MUL> { varStar = true; }
| expr = Expression() ((<AS>)? name = Identifier())?
if (name == null) {
String generatedColumnIdentifier = ExpressionToVariableUtil.getGeneratedIdentifier(expr, false);
if (generatedColumnIdentifier != null) {
name = SqlppVariableUtil.toUserDefinedName(generatedColumnIdentifier);
Projection projection = new Projection(expr, name, star, varStar);
projection.setSourceLocation(expr != null ? expr.getSourceLocation() : startSrcLoc);
return projection;
FromClause FromClause() throws ParseException :
Token startToken = null;
List<FromTerm> fromTerms = new ArrayList<FromTerm>();
FromTerm fromTerm = null;
<FROM> { startToken = token; } fromTerm = FromTerm() { fromTerms.add(fromTerm); }
(LOOKAHEAD(2) <COMMA> fromTerm = FromTerm() { fromTerms.add(fromTerm); } )*
FromClause fromClause = new FromClause(fromTerms);
return addSourceLocation(fromClause, startToken);
FromTerm FromTerm() throws ParseException :
Expression leftExpr = null;
VariableExpr leftVar = null;
VariableExpr posVar = null;
List<AbstractBinaryCorrelateClause> correlateClauses = new ArrayList<AbstractBinaryCorrelateClause>();
leftExpr = Expression() ((<AS>)? leftVar = Variable())? (<AT> posVar = Variable())?
{JoinType joinType = JoinType.INNER; }
(joinType = JoinType())?
AbstractBinaryCorrelateClause correlateClause = null;
(correlateClause = JoinClause(joinType)
| correlateClause = UnnestClause(joinType)
if (leftVar == null) {
leftVar = ExpressionToVariableUtil.getGeneratedVariable(leftExpr, true);
FromTerm fromTerm = new FromTerm(leftExpr, leftVar, posVar, correlateClauses);
return fromTerm;
JoinClause JoinClause(JoinType joinType) throws ParseException :
Token startToken = null;
Expression rightExpr = null;
VariableExpr rightVar = null;
VariableExpr posVar = null;
Expression conditionExpr = null;
<JOIN> { startToken = token; } rightExpr = Expression() ((<AS>)? rightVar = Variable())? (<AT> posVar = Variable())? <ON> conditionExpr = Expression()
rightVar = ExpressionToVariableUtil.getGeneratedVariable(rightExpr, true);
JoinClause joinClause = new JoinClause(joinType, rightExpr, rightVar, posVar, conditionExpr);
return addSourceLocation(joinClause, startToken);
UnnestClause UnnestClause(JoinType joinType) throws ParseException :
Token startToken = null;
Expression rightExpr;
VariableExpr rightVar;
VariableExpr posVar = null;
(<UNNEST>|<CORRELATE>|<FLATTEN>) { startToken = token; } rightExpr = Expression() ((<AS>)? rightVar = Variable()) (<AT> posVar = Variable())?
if (rightVar == null) {
rightVar = ExpressionToVariableUtil.getGeneratedVariable(rightExpr, true);
UnnestClause unnestClause = new UnnestClause(joinType, rightExpr, rightVar, posVar);
return addSourceLocation(unnestClause, startToken);
JoinType JoinType() throws ParseException :
JoinType joinType = JoinType.INNER;
(<INNER>|<LEFT> (<OUTER>)? {joinType = JoinType.LEFTOUTER; })
return joinType;
List<LetClause> LetClause() throws ParseException:
List<LetClause> letList = new ArrayList<LetClause>();
LetClause letClause;
(<LET>|<LETTING>) letClause = LetElement() { letList.add(letClause); } (LOOKAHEAD(1) <COMMA> letClause = LetElement() { letList.add(letClause); })*
<WITH> letClause = WithElement() { letList.add(letClause); } (LOOKAHEAD(1) <COMMA> letClause = WithElement() { letList.add(letClause); })*
return letList;
WhereClause WhereClause() throws ParseException :
Token startToken = null;
Expression whereExpr;
<WHERE> { startToken = token; } whereExpr = Expression()
WhereClause wc = new WhereClause(whereExpr);
return addSourceLocation(wc, startToken);
OrderbyClause OrderbyClause() throws ParseException :
Token startToken = null;
OrderbyClause oc = new OrderbyClause();
Expression orderbyExpr;
List<Expression> orderbyList = new ArrayList<Expression>();
List<OrderbyClause.OrderModifier> modifierList = new ArrayList<OrderbyClause.OrderModifier>();
int numOfOrderby = 0;
startToken = token;
String hint = getHint(token);
if (hint != null) {
if (hint.startsWith(INMEMORY_HINT)) {
String splits[] = hint.split(" +");
int numFrames = Integer.parseInt(splits[1]);
int numTuples = Integer.parseInt(splits[2]);
if (hint.startsWith(RANGE_HINT)) {
try {
} catch (CompilationException e) {
throw new SqlppParseException(getSourceLocation(getHintToken(token)), e.getMessage());
<BY> orderbyExpr = Expression()
OrderbyClause.OrderModifier modif = OrderbyClause.OrderModifier.ASC;
( (<ASC> { modif = OrderbyClause.OrderModifier.ASC; })
| (<DESC> { modif = OrderbyClause.OrderModifier.DESC; }))?
(LOOKAHEAD(2) <COMMA> orderbyExpr = Expression()
modif = OrderbyClause.OrderModifier.ASC;
( (<ASC> { modif = OrderbyClause.OrderModifier.ASC; })
| (<DESC> { modif = OrderbyClause.OrderModifier.DESC; }))?
return addSourceLocation(oc, startToken);
GroupbyClause GroupbyClause()throws ParseException :
Token startToken = null;
GroupbyClause gbc = new GroupbyClause();
List<GbyVariableExpressionPair> vePairList = new ArrayList<GbyVariableExpressionPair>();
VariableExpr var = null;
Expression expr = null;
VariableExpr decorVar = null;
Expression decorExpr = null;
VariableExpr groupVar = null;
List<Pair<Expression, Identifier>> groupFieldList = new ArrayList<Pair<Expression, Identifier>>();
Scope newScope = extendCurrentScopeNoPush(true);
// extendCurrentScope(true);
startToken = token;
String hint = getHint(token);
if (hint != null && hint.equals(HASH_GROUP_BY_HINT)) {
<BY> (
expr = Expression()
var = Variable()
var = ExpressionToVariableUtil.getGeneratedVariable(expr, false);
GbyVariableExpressionPair pair1 = new GbyVariableExpressionPair(var, expr);
var = null;
expr = Expression()
var = Variable()
var = ExpressionToVariableUtil.getGeneratedVariable(expr, false);
GbyVariableExpressionPair pair2 = new GbyVariableExpressionPair(var, expr);
(<GROUP> <AS> groupVar = Variable()
VariableExpr fieldVarExpr = null;
String fieldIdentifierStr = null;
fieldVarExpr = VariableRef() <AS> fieldIdentifierStr = Identifier()
groupFieldList.add(new Pair<Expression, Identifier>(fieldVarExpr, new Identifier(fieldIdentifierStr)));
fieldVarExpr = VariableRef() <AS> fieldIdentifierStr = Identifier()
groupFieldList.add(new Pair<Expression, Identifier>(fieldVarExpr, new Identifier(fieldIdentifierStr)));
gbc.setDecorPairList(new ArrayList<GbyVariableExpressionPair>());
gbc.setWithVarMap(new HashMap<Expression, VariableExpr>());
return addSourceLocation(gbc, startToken);
HavingClause HavingClause() throws ParseException:
Token startToken = null;
Expression filterExpr = null;
<HAVING> { startToken = token; } filterExpr = Expression()
HavingClause havingClause = new HavingClause(filterExpr);
return addSourceLocation(havingClause, startToken);
LimitClause LimitClause() throws ParseException:
Token startToken = null;
LimitClause lc = new LimitClause();
Expression expr;
<LIMIT> { startToken = token; } expr = Expression() { lc.setLimitExpr(expr); }
(<OFFSET> expr = Expression() { lc.setOffset(expr); })?
return addSourceLocation(lc, startToken);
QuantifiedExpression QuantifiedExpression()throws ParseException:
Token startToken = null;
QuantifiedExpression qc = new QuantifiedExpression();
List<QuantifiedPair> quantifiedList = new ArrayList<QuantifiedPair>();
Expression satisfiesExpr;
VariableExpr var;
Expression inExpr;
QuantifiedPair pair;
( ((<ANY>|<SOME>) { startToken = token; qc.setQuantifier(QuantifiedExpression.Quantifier.SOME); })
| (<EVERY> { startToken = token; qc.setQuantifier(QuantifiedExpression.Quantifier.EVERY); }))
var = Variable() <IN> inExpr = Expression()
pair = new QuantifiedPair(var, inExpr);
<COMMA> var = Variable() <IN> inExpr = Expression()
pair = new QuantifiedPair(var, inExpr);
<SATISFIES> satisfiesExpr = Expression() (<END>)?
return addSourceLocation(qc, startToken);
LetClause LetElement() throws ParseException:
VariableExpr varExp;
Expression beExp;
varExp = Variable() <EQ> beExp = Expression()
LetClause lc = new LetClause(varExp, beExp);
return lc;
LetClause WithElement() throws ParseException:
VariableExpr varExp;
Expression beExp;
varExp = Variable() <AS> beExp = Expression()
LetClause lc = new LetClause(varExp, beExp);
return lc;
public int commentDepth = 0;
public ArrayDeque<Integer> lexerStateStack = new ArrayDeque<Integer>();
public void pushState() {
lexerStateStack.push( curLexState );
public void popState(String token) {
if (lexerStateStack.size() > 0) {
SwitchTo( lexerStateStack.pop() );
} else {
int errorLine = input_stream.getEndLine();
int errorColumn = input_stream.getEndColumn();
String msg = "Lexical error at line " + errorLine + ", column " + errorColumn + ". Encountered \"" + token
+ "\" but state stack is empty.";
throw new TokenMgrError(msg, -1);
<ALL : "all">
| <AND : "and">
| <ANY : "any">
| <APPLY : "apply">
| <AS : "as">
| <ASC : "asc">
| <AT : "at">
| <AUTOGENERATED : "autogenerated">
| <BETWEEN : "between">
| <BTREE : "btree">
| <BY : "by">
| <CASE : "case">
| <CLOSED : "closed">
| <CREATE : "create">
| <COMPACTION : "compaction">
| <COMPACT : "compact">
| <CONNECT : "connect">
| <CORRELATE : "correlate">
| <DATASET : "dataset">
| <COLLECTION : "collection">
| <DATAVERSE : "dataverse">
| <DECLARE : "declare">
| <DEFINITION : "definition">
| <DELETE : "delete">
| <DESC : "desc">
| <DISCONNECT : "disconnect">
| <DISTINCT : "distinct">
| <DROP : "drop">
| <ELEMENT : "element">
| <EXPLAIN : "explain">
| <ELSE : "else">
| <ENFORCED : "enforced">
| <END : "end">
| <EVERY : "every">
| <EXCEPT : "except">
| <EXISTS : "exists">
| <EXTERNAL : "external">
| <FEED : "feed">
| <FILTER : "filter">
| <FLATTEN : "flatten">
| <FOR : "for">
| <FROM : "from">
| <FULL : "full">
| <FULLTEXT : "fulltext">
| <FUNCTION : "function">
| <GROUP : "group">
| <HAVING : "having">
| <HINTS : "hints">
| <IF : "if">
| <INTO : "into">
| <IN : "in">
| <INDEX : "index">
| <INGESTION : "ingestion">
| <INNER : "inner">
| <INSERT : "insert">
| <INTERNAL : "internal">
| <INTERSECT : "intersect">
| <IS : "is">
| <JOIN : "join">
| <KEYWORD : "keyword">
| <KEY : "key">
| <KNOWN : "known">
| <LEFT : "left">
| <LETTING : "letting">
| <LET : "let">
| <LIKE : "like">
| <LIMIT : "limit">
| <LOAD : "load">
| <NODEGROUP : "nodegroup">
| <NGRAM : "ngram">
| <NOT : "not">
| <OFFSET : "offset">
| <ON : "on">
| <OPEN : "open">
| <OR : "or">
| <ORDER : "order">
| <OUTER : "outer">
| <OUTPUT : "output">
| <OVER: "over">
| <PATH : "path">
| <PARTITION : "partition">
| <POLICY : "policy">
| <PRESORTED : "pre-sorted">
| <PRIMARY : "primary">
| <RAW : "raw">
| <REFRESH : "refresh">
| <RETURN : "return">
| <RETURNING : "returning">
| <RTREE : "rtree">
| <RUN : "run">
| <SATISFIES : "satisfies">
| <SECONDARY : "secondary">
| <SELECT : "select">
| <SET : "set">
| <SOME : "some">
| <START : "start">
| <STOP : "stop">
| <TEMPORARY : "temporary"> // intentionally not used but reserved for future usage
| <THEN : "then">
| <TYPE : "type">
| <TO : "to">
| <UNION : "union">
| <UNKNOWN : "unknown">
| <UNNEST : "unnest">
| <UPDATE : "update">
| <UPSERT : "upsert">
| <USE : "use">
| <USING : "using">
| <VALUE : "value">
| <VALUED : "valued">
| <WHEN : "when">
| <WHERE : "where">
| <WITH : "with">
| <WRITE : "write">
<CARET : "^">
| <CONCAT : "||">
| <DIVIDE : "/">
| <DIV : "div">
| <MINUS : "-">
| <MOD : "mod">
| <MUL : "*">
| <PLUS : "+">
| <LEFTPAREN : "(">
| <RIGHTPAREN : ")">
| <ATT : "@">
| <COLON : ":">
| <COMMA : ",">
| <DOLLAR: "$">
| <DOT : ".">
| <PERCENT: "%">
| <QUES : "?">
| <SEMICOLON : ";">
| <SHARP : "#">
| <LT : "<">
| <GT : ">">
| <LE : "<=">
| <GE : ">=">
| <EQ : "=">
| <NE : "!=">
| <LG : "<>">
| <SIMILAR : "~=">
<LEFTBRACE : "{"> { pushState(); } : DEFAULT
<RIGHTBRACE : "}"> { popState("}"); }
<LEFTDBLBRACE : "{{"> { pushState(); } : IN_DBL_BRACE
<RIGHTDBLBRACE : "}}"> { popState("}}"); }
<MISSING : "missing">
| <NULL : "null">
| <TRUE : "true">
| <FALSE : "false">
<#DIGIT : ["0" - "9"]>
< DOUBLE_LITERAL: <DIGITS> ( "." <DIGITS> ) (("e"|"E") ("+"|"-")? <DIGITS>)?
| <DIGITS> (("e"|"E") ("+"|"-")? <DIGITS>)
| "." <DIGITS> (("e"|"E") ("+"|"-")? <DIGITS>)?
| < FLOAT_LITERAL: <DIGITS> ( "f" | "F" )
| <DIGITS> ( "." <DIGITS> ( "f" | "F" ) )?
| "." <DIGITS> ( "f" | "F" )
| <DIGITS : (<DIGIT>)+ >
<#LETTER : ["A" - "Z", "a" - "z"]>
// backslash u + 4 hex digits escapes are handled in the underlying JavaCharStream
| <EscapeBslash>
| <EscapeSlash>
| <EscapeBspace>
| <EscapeFormf>
| <EscapeNl>
| <EscapeCr>
| <EscapeTab>
| ~["`","\\"])* "`">
| <STRING_LITERAL : ("\"" (
| <EscapeBslash>
| <EscapeSlash>
| <EscapeBspace>
| <EscapeFormf>
| <EscapeNl>
| <EscapeCr>
| <EscapeTab>
| ~["\"","\\"])* "\"")
| ("\'"(
| <EscapeBslash>
| <EscapeSlash>
| <EscapeBspace>
| <EscapeFormf>
| <EscapeNl>
| <EscapeCr>
| <EscapeTab>
| ~["\'","\\"])* "\'")>
| < #EscapeQuot: "\\\"" >
| < #EscapeApos: "\\\'" >
| < #EscapeBslash: "\\\\" >
| < #EscapeSlash: "\\/" >
| < #EscapeBspace: "\\b" >
| < #EscapeFormf: "\\f" >
| < #EscapeNl: "\\n" >
| < #EscapeCr: "\\r" >
| < #EscapeTab: "\\t" >
" "
| "\t"
| "\r"
| "\n"
<"//" (~["\n"])* "\n">
<"//" (~["\n","\r"])* ("\n"|"\r"|"\r\n")?>
<"--" (~["\n"])* "\n">
<"--" (~["\n","\r"])* ("\n"|"\r"|"\r\n")?>
<"/*"> { pushState(); } : INSIDE_COMMENT
<"+"(" ")*(~["*"])*>
<"/*"> { pushState(); }
<"*/"> { popState("*/"); }
| <~[]>