drop dataverse loj-super-key_02 if exists; | |
create dataverse loj-super-key_02; | |
use dataverse loj-super-key_02; | |
create type SupplierType as closed { | |
s_suppkey: int32, | |
s_name: string, | |
s_address: string, | |
s_nationkey: int32, | |
s_phone: string, | |
s_acctbal: double, | |
s_comment: string | |
} | |
create type NationType as closed { | |
n_nationkey: int32, | |
n_name: string, | |
n_regionkey: int32, | |
n_comment: string | |
} | |
create type LineItemType as closed { | |
l_orderkey: int32, | |
l_partkey: int32, | |
l_suppkey: int32, | |
l_linenumber: int32, | |
l_quantity: double, | |
l_extendedprice: double, | |
l_discount: double, | |
l_tax: double, | |
l_returnflag: string, | |
l_linestatus: string, | |
l_shipdate: string, | |
l_commitdate: string, | |
l_receiptdate: string, | |
l_shipinstruct: string, | |
l_shipmode: string, | |
l_comment: string | |
} | |
create type PartType as closed { | |
p_partkey: int32, | |
p_name: string, | |
p_mfgr: string, | |
p_brand: string, | |
p_type: string, | |
p_size: int32, | |
p_container: string, | |
p_retailprice: double, | |
p_comment: string | |
} | |
create type PartSuppType as closed { | |
ps_partkey: int32, | |
ps_suppkey: int32, | |
ps_availqty: int32, | |
ps_supplycost: double, | |
ps_comment: string | |
} | |
create nodegroup group1 if not exists on nc1, nc2; | |
write output to nc1:"/tmp/loj-super-key_01.adm"; | |
create dataset LineItems(LineItemType) | |
primary key l_partkey, l_linenumber on group1; | |
create dataset PartSupp(PartSuppType) | |
primary key ps_partkey, ps_suppkey on group1; | |
for $ps in dataset('PartSupp') | |
let $items := | |
for $li in dataset('LineItems') | |
where $li.l_partkey = $ps.ps_partkey | |
and $li.l_suppkey = $ps.ps_suppkey | |
and $li.l_extendedprice = $ps.ps_supplycost | |
return $li | |
return { | |
"partsupp": $ps, | |
"li": $items | |
} | |