blob: e493b6882ee50e84094bddd02b4d12317e8c9638 [file] [log] [blame]
<!doctype html>
<script type="text/javascript">
var target = location.hash.substring(1);
var host = window.opener.frames[target];
if (window.opener) {
try {
// test if we have access to the document
if (window.opener.document.title) {
host = window.opener;
catch (xDomainError) {
// we have an opener, but it's not on our domain,
host = window.opener.frames[target];
if (host) {
try {
catch (browserHostError) {
alert("was unable to gain a reference to the iframe");
<!-- Send some data to the other side using the proxy --><input type="button" onclick="host.sendData({a:'b',c:'d',e:'f'});" value="send data to local"/>