blob: f55ccbd619757dd4b6ec7ca10d2a618f3a34b582 [file] [log] [blame]
use dataverse demo1112;
declare type CustomerType as open {
cid: int32,
name: string,
age: int32?,
address: AddressType?,
lastorder: {
oid: int32,
total: float
declare type AddressType as open {
number: int32,
street: string,
city: string
declare type OrderType as open {
oid: int32,
cid: int32,
orderstatus: string,
orderpriority: string,
clerk: string,
total: float
declare nodegroup group1 on rainbow-01, rainbow-02, rainbow-03, rainbow-04, rainbow-05;
declare dataset Customers(CustomerType)
primary key cid on group1;
declare dataset Orders(OrderType)
primary key oid on group1;
write output to rainbow-01:"/home/onose/hyracks-rainbow/results/custorder.adm";
for $c in dataset('Customers')
for $o in dataset('Orders')
where $c.cid = $o.cid and $ > 70
group by $age := $c.age with $c
return {"custage": $age, "count":count($c)}