blob: c037cc8f928e0b33bd119a5a1bbff8a03462474f [file] [log] [blame]
* Test case Name : open-closed-02.aql
* Description : This test is intended to test insertion of additional data into a dataset of closed type
* Expected Result : This test should fail because closed type internal datasets can not ingest additional data.
drop dataverse test if exists;
create dataverse test;
use dataverse test;
// name field here is optional.
create type testType as closed {
id : int32,
name : string?
create dataset testds(testType) partitioned by key id;
insert into dataset testds({"id": 123);
write output to nc1:"rttest/open-closed_open-closed-02.adm";
for $l in dataset("testds") return $l