blob: 01591944188a9c79a03e5d1b3f1461eada3fd147 [file] [log] [blame]
! Copyright 2009-2013 by The Regents of the University of California
! Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
! you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
! you may obtain a copy of the License from
! Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
! distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
! See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
! limitations under the License.
<asterixConfiguration xmlns="asterixconf">
<value>-Xms6144m -Xmx7168m</value>
<description>JVM parameters for each Node Contoller (NC)</description>
<value>-Xms6144m -Xmx6144m</value>
<description>JVM parameters for each Cluster Contoller (CC)
<description>Maximum wait (in seconds) for a cluster to be ACTIVE (all nodes are available)
before a submitted query/statement can be executed. (Default = 60 seconds)
<description>The page size in bytes for pages in the buffer cache.
(Default = "131072" // 128KB)
<description>[3GB] The size of memory allocated to the disk buffer cache.
The value should be a multiple of the buffer cache page size(Default
= "536870912" // 512MB)
<description>The maximum number of open files in the buffer cache.
(Default = "214748364")
<!-- Buffer size per dataset for in-memory components: 1GB -->
<description>The page size in bytes for pages allocated to memory
components. (Default = "131072" // 128KB)
<!--// Buffer size per dataset for in-memory components -->
<description>The number of pages to allocate for a memory component.
(Default = 64)
<description>The number of memory components to be used per lsm index.
(Default = 2)
<description>[4GB + 8MB]The total size of memory in bytes that the sum of all
open memory
components cannot exceed. (Default = "536870192" // 512MB)
<description>The maximum acceptable false positive rate for bloom
filters associated with LSM indexes. (Default = "0.01" // 1%)
<description>The number of in-memory log buffer pages. (Default = "8")
<description>[8MB]The size of pages in the in-memory log buffer. (Default =
"524288" // 512KB)
<description>The maximum size of a log file partition allowed before
rotating the log to the next partition. (Default = "2147483648" //
<description>The size of the window that the maximum LSN is allowed to
be ahead of the checkpoint LSN by. (Default = ""67108864" // 64M)
<description>The time in seconds between that the checkpoint thread
waits between polls. (Default = "120" // 120s)
<description>The number of old log partition files to keep before
discarding. (Default = "0")
<description>The number of entity level locks that need to be acquired
before the locks are coalesced and escalated into a dataset level
lock. (Default = "1000")
<description>The time in milliseconds to wait before deallocating
unused lock manager memory. (Default = "5000" // 5s)
<description>The time in milliseconds to wait before labeling a
transaction which has been waiting for a lock timed-out. (Default =
"60000" // 60s)
<description>The time in milliseconds the timeout thread waits between
sweeps to detect timed-out transactions. (Default = "10000" // 10s)
<description>[64MB]The amount of memory in bytes given to sort operations.
(Default = "33554432" // 32mb)
<description>[64MB]The amount of memory in bytes given to join operations.
(Default = "33554432" // 32mb)
<description>The Hyracks frame size that the compiler configures per
job. (Default = "131072" // 128KB)
<description>The port for the ASTERIX web interface. (Default = 19001)
<description>The port for the ASTERIX API server. (Default = 19002)
<description>The minimum log level to be displayed. (Default = INFO)
<description>Feed memory budget (1 GB = 1073741824 Bytes)
<description>Feed pending work threshold
<description>Feed max threshold period