blob: 33f9d5a417e45d7ea6b347aa010d830eae8eb410 [file] [log] [blame]
* Description : Tests whether an ngram_index is applied to optimize a selection query with ~= using Jaccard on 3-gram tokens.
* The index should be applied.
* Success : Yes
drop dataverse test if exists;
create dataverse test;
use dataverse test;
create type DBLPType as closed {
id: int32,
dblpid: string,
title: string,
authors: string,
misc: string
create dataset DBLP(DBLPType) partitioned by key id;
create index ngram_index on DBLP(title) type ngram(3);
write output to nc1:"rttest/inverted-index-basic_ngram-fuzzyeq-jaccard.adm";
set simfunction 'jaccard';
set simthreshold '0.8f';
for $o in dataset('DBLP')
where gram-tokens($o.title, 3, false) ~= gram-tokens("Transactions for Cooperative Environments", 3, false)
return $o