blob: 5b2f8a42a8e6379540285f7028f549ee1424207f [file] [log] [blame]
! Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
! or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
! distributed with this work for additional information
! regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
! to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
! "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
! with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
! Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
! software distributed under the License is distributed on an
! KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
! specific language governing permissions and limitations
! under the License.
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
<name>Apache License, Version 2.0</name>
<comments>A business-friendly OSS license</comments>
If you'd like to tell the plugin where your .git directory is,
use this setting, otherwise we'll perform a search trying to
figure out the right directory. It's better to add it explicite IMHO.
<!-- this is false by default, forces the plugin to generate the file -->
<!-- The path for the to be generated properties file, it's relative to ${project.basedir} -->
<!-- there is no .git directory when building from a source assembly- a static file (generated
at source assembly time) is used in this case -->
<echo message="Extracting fake-gcs-server" />
<mkdir dir="${}/fake-gcs-server" />
<gunzip src="${}/fake-gcs-server_1.48.0_Linux_amd64.tar.gz" dest="${}/fake-gcs-server_1.48.0_Linux_amd64.tar" />
<untar src="${}/fake-gcs-server_1.48.0_Linux_amd64.tar" dest="${}/fake-gcs-server" />
<chmod file="${}/fake-gcs-server/fake-gcs-server" perm="ugo+rx" />
<ignoredUsedUndeclaredDependencies combine.children="append">
<usedDependencies combine.children="append">
<!--suppress UnresolvedMavenProperty -->
<argument>-o </argument>
<argument>-o </argument>
<!--suppress UnresolvedMavenProperty -->
<licenses combine.children="append">
<license implementation="org.apache.rat.analysis.license.MITLicense" />
<excludes combine.children="append">
<licenses combine.children="append">
<license implementation="org.apache.rat.analysis.license.MITLicense" />
<license implementation="org.apache.rat.analysis.license.SimplePatternBasedLicense">
<patterns>(c) jQuery Foundation |</patterns>
<license implementation="org.apache.rat.analysis.license.SimplePatternBasedLicense">
<patterns>Licensed under MIT (</patterns>
<license implementation="org.apache.rat.analysis.license.SimplePatternBasedLicense">
<patterns> | (c) 2010-2016 Google, Inc. | License: MIT</patterns>
<licenseFamilies combine.children="append">
<licenseFamily implementation="org.apache.rat.license.MITLicenseFamily" />
<licenseFamily implementation="org.apache.rat.license.SimpleLicenseFamily">
<licenseFamily implementation="org.apache.rat.license.SimpleLicenseFamily">
<licenseFamily implementation="org.apache.rat.license.SimpleLicenseFamily">
<id>install node and yarn</id>
<id>azurite blob</id>
<arguments>install azurite</arguments>
<!--This plugin's configuration is used to store Eclipse m2e settings only. It has no influence on the Maven build itself.-->
<ignore />
<excludes combine.self="override"/>
-enableassertions -Xmx${test.heap.size}m
-Xloggc:"${}/surefire-reports/SqlppExecutionTest-%p-gc.log" -XX:+PrintGC -XX:+PrintGCDateStamps -XX:GCLogFileSize=10M
<id>install node and yarn</id>
<id>azurite blob</id>
<arguments>install azurite</arguments>
<!-- AWS -->
<!-- Mock for AWS S3 -->
<!-- Needed for the s3 mock -->
<!-- Azure -->
<!-- Google Cloud Storage SDK -->