blob: faf9e94f8d5f5a337de5d0cb583b6282be0eb37d [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python
# - Task colors:
# - User-defined using config file.
# - Automagically chosen from color space.
# - Advanced algorithm (contact Hannes Pretorius).
# - Koos' specs:
# - Resources and tasks sorted in read-in order (default)
# or alphabetically (flag).
# - Have proper gnuplot behavior on windows/x11, eps/pdf, latex terminals.
# - Create and implement algorithm for critical path analysis.
# - Split generic stuff into a Gantt class, and specific stuff into the main.
# ganttfile | gnuplot
import itertools, sys, getopt
from ConfigParser import ConfigParser
rectangleHeight = 0.8 #: Height of a rectangle in units.
class Activity(object):
Container for activity information.
@ivar resource: Resource name.
@type resource: C{str}
@ivar start: Start time of the activity.
@type start: C{float}
@ivar stop: End time of the activity.
@type stop: C{float}
@ivar task: Name of the task/activity being performed.
@type task: C{str}
def __init__(self, resource, start, stop, task):
self.resource = resource
self.start = start
self.stop = stop
self.task = task
class Rectangle(object):
Container for rectangle information.
def __init__(self, bottomleft, topright, fillcolor):
self.bottomleft = bottomleft
self.topright = topright
self.fillcolor = fillcolor
self.fillstyle = 'solid 0.8'
self.linewidth = 2
class ColorBook(object):
Class managing colors.
@ivar colors
@ivar palette
@ivar prefix
def __init__(self, colorfname, tasks):
Construct a ColorBook object.
@param colorfname: Name of the color config file (if specified).
@type colorfname: C{str} or C{None}
@param tasks: Existing task types.
@type tasks: C{list} of C{str}
if colorfname:
values = self.load_config(colorfname, tasks)
values = self.fixed(tasks)
self.colors, self.palette, self.prefix = values
def load_config(self, colorfname, tasks):
Read task colors from a configuration file.
palettedef = 'model RGB'
colorprefix = 'rgb'
# Read in task colors from configuration file
config = ConfigParser()
config.optionxform = str # makes option names case sensitive
config.readfp(open(colorfname, 'r'))
# Colors are RGB colornames
colors = dict(config.items('Colors'))
# Raise KeyError if no color is specified for a task
nocolors = [t for t in tasks if not colors.has_key(t)]
if nocolors:
msg = 'Could not find task color for ' + ', '.join(nocolors)
raise KeyError(msg)
return colors, palettedef, colorprefix
def fixed(self, tasks):
Pick colors from a pre-defined palette.
# Set task colors
# SE colors
# (see\
# info_for_se_students/how2make_a_poster/pictures/)
# Decrease the 0.8 values for less transparent colors.
se_palette = {"se_red": (1.0, 0.8, 0.8),
"se_pink": (1.0, 0.8, 1.0),
"se_violet": (0.8, 0.8, 1.0),
"se_blue": (0.8, 1.0, 1.0),
"se_green": (0.8, 1.0, 0.8),
"se_yellow": (1.0, 1.0, 0.8)}
se_gradient = ["se_red", "se_pink", "se_violet",
"se_blue", "se_green", "se_yellow"]
se_palettedef = '( ' + \
', '.join(('%d ' % n +
' '.join((str(x) for x in se_palette[c]))
for n, c in enumerate(se_gradient))) + \
' )'
palettedef = 'model RGB defined %s' % se_palettedef
colorprefix = 'palette frac'
# Colors are fractions from the palette defined
colors = dict((t, '%0.2f' % (float(n)/(len(tasks)-1)))
for n, t in enumerate(tasks))
return colors, palettedef, colorprefix
class DummyClass(object):
Dummy class for storing option values in.
def make_rectangles(activities, resource_map, colors):
Construct a collection of L{Rectangle} for all activities.
@param activities: Activities being performed.
@type activities: C{iterable} of L{Activity}
@param resource_map: Indices of all resources.
@type resource_map: C{dict} of C{str} to C{int}
@param colors: Colors for all tasks.
@type colors: C{dict} of C{str} to C{str}
@return: Collection of rectangles to draw.
@rtype: C{list} of L{Rectangle}
rectangles = []
for act in activities:
ypos = resource_map[act.resource]
bottomleft = (act.start, ypos - 0.5 * rectangleHeight)
topright = (act.stop, ypos + 0.5 * rectangleHeight)
fillcolor = colors[act.task]
rectangles.append(Rectangle(bottomleft, topright, fillcolor))
return rectangles
def load_ganttfile(ganttfile):
Load the resource/task file.
@param ganttfile: Name of the gantt file.
@type ganttfile: C{str}
@return: Activities loaded from the file, collection of
(resource, start, end, task) activities.
@rtype: C{list} of L{Activity}
activities = []
for line in open(ganttfile, 'r').readlines():
line = line.strip().split()
if len(line) == 0:
resource = line[0]
start = float(line[1])
stop = float(line[2])
task = line[3]
activities.append(Activity(resource, start, stop, task))
return activities
def make_unique_tasks_resources(alphasort, activities):
Construct collections of unique task names and resource names.
@param alphasort: Sort resources and tasks alphabetically.
@type alphasort: C{bool}
@param activities: Activities to draw.
@type activities: C{list} of L{Activity}
@return: Collections of task-types and resources.
@rtype: C{list} of C{str}, C{list} of C{str}
# Create list with unique resources and tasks in activity order.
resources = []
tasks = []
for act in activities:
if act.resource not in resources:
if act.task not in tasks:
# Sort such that resources and tasks appear in alphabetical order
if alphasort:
# Resources are read from top (y=max) to bottom (y=1)
return tasks, resources
def generate_plotdata(activities, resources, tasks, rectangles, options,
resource_map, color_book):
Generate Gnuplot lines.
xmin = 0
xmax = max(act.stop for act in activities)
ymin = 0 + (rectangleHeight / 2)
ymax = len(resources) + 1 - (rectangleHeight / 2)
xlabel = 'time'
ylabel = ''
title = options.plottitle
ytics = ''.join(['(',
', '.join(('"%s" %d' % item)
for item in resource_map.iteritems()),
# outside and 2 characters from the graph
key_position = 'outside width +2'
grid_tics = 'xtics'
# Set plot dimensions
plot_dimensions = ['set xrange [%f:%f]' % (xmin, xmax),
'set yrange [%f:%f]' % (ymin, ymax),
'set autoscale x', # extends x axis to next tic mark
'set xlabel "%s"' % xlabel,
'set ylabel "%s"' % ylabel,
'set title "%s"' % title,
'set ytics %s' % ytics,
'set key %s' % key_position,
'set grid %s' % grid_tics,
'set palette %s' % color_book.palette,
'unset colorbox']
# Generate gnuplot rectangle objects
plot_rectangles = (' '.join(['set object %d rectangle' % n,
'from %f, %0.1f' % r.bottomleft,
'to %f, %0.1f' % r.topright,
'fillcolor %s %s' % (color_book.prefix,
'fillstyle solid 0.8'])
for n, r in itertools.izip(itertools.count(1), rectangles))
# Generate gnuplot lines
plot_lines = ['plot ' +
', \\\n\t'.join(' '.join(['-1',
'title "%s"' % t,
'with lines',
'linecolor %s %s ' % (color_book.prefix,
'linewidth 6'])
for t in tasks)]
return plot_dimensions, plot_rectangles, plot_lines
def write_data(plot_dimensions, plot_rectangles, plot_lines, fname):
Write plot data out to file or screen.
@param fname: Name of the output file, if specified.
@type fname: C{str} (??)
if fname:
g = open(fname, 'w')
g.write('\n'.join(itertools.chain(plot_dimensions, plot_rectangles,
print '\n'.join(itertools.chain(plot_dimensions, plot_rectangles,
def fmt_opt(short, long, arg, text):
if arg:
return '-%s %s, --%s%s\t%s' % (short[:-1], arg, long, arg, text)
return '-%s, --%s\t%s' % (short, long, text)
def make_default_options():
option_values = DummyClass()
option_values.outputfile = ''
option_values.colorfile = ''
option_values.alphasort = False
option_values.plottitle = ''
return option_values
def process_options():
Handle option and command-line argument processing.
@return: Options and gantt input filename.
@rtype: L{OptionParser} options, C{str}
optdefs = [('o:', 'output=', 'FILE', 'Write output to FILE.'),
('c:', 'color=', 'FILE', 'Use task colors (RGB) as defined in '
'configuration FILE (in RGB triplets,\n\t\t\t\tGnuplot '
'colornames, or hexadecimal representations.'),
('a', 'alpha', '', '\t\tShow resources and tasks in '
'alphabetical order.'),
('t:','title=', 'TITLE', 'Set plot title to TITLE (between '
'double quotes).'),
('h', 'help', '', '\t\tShow online help.')]
short_opts = ''.join(opt[0] for opt in optdefs if opt[0])
long_opts = [opt[1] for opt in optdefs if opt[1]]
usage_text = ' [options] gantt-file\nwhere\n' + \
'\n'.join(' ' + fmt_opt(*opt) for opt in optdefs)
option_values = make_default_options()
opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], short_opts, long_opts)
except getopt.GetoptError, err:
sys.stderr.write(" %s\n" % err)
for opt, optval in opts:
if opt in ('-o', '--output'):
option_values.outputfile = optval
if opt in ('-c', '--color'):
option_values.colorfile = optval
if opt in ('-a', '--alphasort'):
option_values.alphasort = True
if opt in ('-t', '--title'):
option_values.plottitle = optval
if opt in ('-h', '--help'):
print usage_text
# Check if correct number of arguments is supplied
if len(args) != 1:
sys.stderr.write(' incorrect number of arguments '
'(task/resource file expected)\n')
return option_values, args[0]
def compute(options, ganttfile):
activities = load_ganttfile(ganttfile)
tasks, resources = make_unique_tasks_resources(options.alphasort,
# Assign indices to resources
resource_map = dict(itertools.izip(resources, itertools.count(1)))
color_book = ColorBook(options.colorfile, tasks)
rectangles = make_rectangles(activities, resource_map, color_book.colors)
plot_dims, plot_rects, plot_lines = \
generate_plotdata(activities, resources, tasks, rectangles,
options, resource_map, color_book)
write_data(plot_dims, plot_rects, plot_lines, options.outputfile)
def run():
options, ganttfile = process_options()
compute(options, ganttfile)
if __name__ == '__main__':