blob: 6df0d5acbf4d331afd0d7b0b86337efcc46d1da0 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
* Description : This test case is to verify the fix for issue785
* Expected Res : SUCCESS
* Date : 2nd Oct. 2014
drop dataverse tpch if exists;
create dataverse tpch;
use dataverse tpch;
create type OrderType as closed {
o_orderkey: int32,
o_custkey: int32,
o_orderstatus: string,
o_totalprice: double,
o_orderdate: string,
o_orderpriority: string,
o_clerk: string,
o_shippriority: int32,
o_comment: string
create type CustomerType as closed {
c_custkey: int32,
c_name: string,
c_address: string,
c_nationkey: int32,
c_phone: string,
c_acctbal: double,
c_mktsegment: string,
c_comment: string
create type SupplierType as closed {
s_suppkey: int32,
s_name: string,
s_address: string,
s_nationkey: int32,
s_phone: string,
s_acctbal: double,
s_comment: string
create type NationType as closed {
n_nationkey: int32,
n_name: string,
n_regionkey: int32,
n_comment: string
create type RegionType as closed {
r_regionkey: int32,
r_name: string,
r_comment: string
create dataset Orders(OrderType)
primary key o_orderkey;
create dataset Supplier(SupplierType)
primary key s_suppkey;
create dataset Region(RegionType)
primary key r_regionkey;
create dataset Nation(NationType)
primary key n_nationkey;
create dataset Customer(CustomerType)
primary key c_custkey;
create dataset SelectedNation(NationType)
primary key n_nationkey;
let $t := for $nation in dataset Nation
for $sn in dataset SelectedNation
where $nation.n_nationkey = $sn.n_nationkey /*+ indexnl */
return {
"n_nationkey": $nation.n_nationkey,
"n_name": $nation.n_name
let $X := (
for $n in $t
for $customer in dataset Customer
for $order in dataset Orders
where $order.o_custkey = $customer.c_custkey
and $customer.c_nationkey = $n.n_nationkey
group by $orderdate := $order.o_orderdate, $nation_key := $n.n_nationkey with $order
let $sum := sum(for $o in $order return $o.o_totalprice)
return {
"nation_key": $nation_key,
"order_date": $orderdate,
"sum_price": $sum
for $x in $X
group by $nation_key := $x.nation_key with $x
return {
"nation_key": $nation_key,
"sum_price": for $y in $x
order by $y.sum_price desc
limit 3
return {
"orderdate": $y.order_date,
"sum_price": $y.sum_price