| * Description : Tests whether an ngram_index is applied to optimize a selection query using the similarity-jaccard-check function on 3-gram tokens. |
| * The index should be applied. |
| drop dataverse test if exists; |
| create type DBLPType as closed { |
| create dataset DBLP(DBLPType) partitioned by key id; |
| using "edu.uci.ics.asterix.external.dataset.adapter.NCFileSystemAdapter" |
| (("path"="nc1://data/dblp-small/dblp-small-id.txt"),("format"="delimited-text"),("delimiter"=":")) pre-sorted; |
| create index ngram_index on DBLP(title) type ngram(3); |
| write output to nc1:"rttest/inverted-index-basic_ngram-jaccard-check.adm"; |
| for $o in dataset('DBLP') |
| where similarity-jaccard-check(gram-tokens($o.title, 3, false), gram-tokens("Transactions for Cooperative Environments", 3, false), 0.5f)[0] |