| * Description : The hint to skip secondary indexes don't apply to the primary index |
| * : This test is intended to verify that the primary index is still used instead of a scan |
| * Expected Result : Success |
| * Date : 21th December 2013 |
| drop dataverse test if exists; |
| write output to nc1:"rttest/btree-index_btree-primary-16.adm"; |
| create type TestType as open { |
| create dataset testdst(TestType) primary key fname,lname; |
| for $emp in dataset('testdst') |
| where $emp.fname /*+ skip-index */ >= "Craig" and $emp.lname /*+ skip-index */ >= "Kevin" and $emp.fname /*+ skip-index */ <= "Mary" and $emp.lname /*+ skip-index */ <= "Tomes" |