blob: 7516bea21b2473706ab0c3953144642005701d60 [file] [log] [blame]
* Test case Name : cpttostr01.aql
* Description : Test codepoint-to-string(codepoint) function.
* : Pass the codepoints which are in the internal dataset to the function.
* Success : Yes
* Date : 16th April 2012
drop dataverse test if exists;
create dataverse test;
use dataverse test;
create type TestType as open{
create dataset testds(TestType) primary key id;
// insert codepoint data into internal dataset testds here into the cpt attribute
insert into dataset testds({"id":123,"cpt":[0048,0045,0057,0044,0065,0045,0090]});
write output to nc1:"rttest/string_cpttostr01.adm";
for $l in dataset('testds')
return codepoint-to-string($l.cpt)