blob: 4123cf2684905b798f12eb9db7b33f43618cc956 [file] [log] [blame]
* Testcase Name : open-closed-24.aql
* Description : Test use of additional data(open) field in create type statement
* Success : Yes
* Date : 29th May 2012
drop dataverse test if exists;
create dataverse test;
use dataverse test;
create type testType as open {
id : int32,
name : string,
opt_tag : {{ string }}
create dataset testds(testType) primary key id;
insert into dataset testds({"id": 32,"name": "UCI","opt_tag":{{"optional text","put any text here","and more"}}});
write output to nc1:"rttest/open-closed_open-closed-24.adm";
for $l in dataset('testds')
return $l