blob: c3cfdb1696045f6e6e7957a64e1ff05bf2c973b7 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
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// under the License.
// This is not a complete javacc file.
// This file is used by asterix-grammar-extension-maven-plugin to extend the AQL grammar to AQL+ grammar.
// For more details about how to use this plugin, refer to asterix-grammar-extension-maven-plugin.
// If you want to put an additional import, just add import statements like the following.
// import package name
import org.apache.asterix.lang.aql.clause.JoinClause;
import org.apache.asterix.lang.aql.clause.MetaVariableClause;
import org.apache.asterix.lang.aql.expression.MetaVariableExpr;
// To remove an import, use the keyword unimport
// unimport package name
// If you want to add a method in the class definition (before PARSER_END), use the following phrase and attach
// new method right after the phrase.
// @new_at_the_end
public void initScope() {
// Merging of non-terminals can only be done on non-terminals which conform to the following structure.
// Content will simply be prepended or appended to the base blocks.
// Note: refrain from using the strings "before:" and "after:" in the merge areas as that will break the merge.
// As a workaround, you can always override
// one additional possible change is direct replacement and it can be done through the followin syntax:
// @merge replace "base phrase" with "extension phrase" true/false
// Here, true/false tells whether the tool needs to process the three blocks.
// If true, like normal @merge case, before and after clause in each block will be processed
// after "base phrase" in the blocks have been replaced with "new phrase".
// If false, then it just expects the blank form that consists of three blocks and not process them.
// Only, "base phrase" in the blocks will be replaced with "new phrase".
Clause Clause() throws ParseException :
// merge area 1
// merge area 2
after: | clause = MetaVariableClause()
| clause = JoinClause())
// merge area 3
Expression PrimaryExpr()throws ParseException:
// merge area 1
// merge area 2
after: | expr = MetaVariableRef())
// merge area 3
// In the following case, all instances of "tmp = LetClause() {clauseList.add(tmp);}" will be replaced
// with "tmp = LetClause() {clauseList.add(tmp);} | tmp = MetaVariableClause() {clauseList.add(tmp);}".
// Also, we don't check "before:" and "after:" section of each area. That check will be ignored since
// the last parameter is set to false.
@merge replace "tmp = LetClause() {clauseList.add(tmp);}" with "tmp = LetClause() {clauseList.add(tmp);} | tmp = MetaVariableClause() {clauseList.add(tmp);}" false
Expression FLWOGR() throws ParseException:
// merge area 1
// merge area 2
// merge area 3
// The default option when you don't specify any @optiontype.
// Adding a new node. if a node exists, it will throw an exception.
Clause MetaVariableClause() throws ParseException :
MetaVariableClause mc = new MetaVariableClause();
VarIdentifier var = new VarIdentifier();
return mc;
MetaVariableExpr MetaVariableRef() throws ParseException:
MetaVariableExpr metaVarExp = new MetaVariableExpr();
VarIdentifier var = new VarIdentifier();
return metaVarExp;
Clause JoinClause() throws ParseException :
Expression whereExpr;
List<Clause> leftClauses, rightClauses;
JoinClause.JoinKind kind = JoinClause.JoinKind.INNER;
("join" | "loj" { kind = JoinClause.JoinKind.LEFT_OUTER; } )
<LEFTPAREN> rightClauses = Clauses() <RIGHTPAREN> <COMMA>
whereExpr = Expression() <RIGHTPAREN>
JoinClause jc = new JoinClause(kind);
return jc;
List<Clause> Clauses() throws ParseException:
List<Clause> clauses = new ArrayList<Clause>();
Clause c = null;
c = Clause() {
return clauses;
// Overriding a non-terminal. if exists in base, it will be overriden, otherwise, it will be added.
// @override
// If something needs to be added at the end of file, you can use @new_at_the_end like the following.