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| /* Displays a checkmark to indicate selection/clearing */ |
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| } else { |
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| $.post("/", $("form#queryform").serialize(), function(data) { |
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| var resSet = 0; |
| var resPattern = /<h4>Results:<\/h4>/g; |
| var durPattern = /<PRE>Duration/g; |
| var resultCount = data.match(resPattern); |
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| $('#output-message').html(data); |
| } else { |
| if (resultCount.length <= 1) { |
| $('#output-message').html(data); |
| } else { |
| var splitData = data.split('<PRE>Duration'); |
| var results = splitData[0].split('<h4>'); |
| var components = results.slice(1, results.length); |
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| for (resSet = 0; resSet < resultCount.length; resSet++) { |
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| $('#output-message').append('<h4>' + components[(resSet+1)*sections - 1]); |
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| for (var c = 0; c < sections - 1; c++) { |
| var pos = resSet*sections + c; |
| $('#collapse' + resSet).append('<h4>' + components[pos]); |
| } |
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| /* Placeholder for future on show/hide result plan behavior |
| $('#collapse' + resSet).on('show', function() { |
| }).on('hide', function() { |
| }); |
| */ |
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| $('#output-message').append("<hr/>"); |
| } |
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| } |
| $('#output-message').append('<PRE>Duration' + splitData[1]); |
| } |
| |
| } |
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| var contentString = data.toString(); |
| if (contentString.indexOf("<PRE>Duration") !== -1) { |
| $('<div/>') |
| .addClass("alert alert-success") |
| .html("Success: Query Complete") |
| .appendTo('#output-message'); |
| } |
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