| * Description : Test string-length(string) function |
| // Create internal dataset, insert string data and pass the string attribute to string-length function, and verify results. |
| drop dataverse test if exists; |
| create type TestType as { |
| create dataset testds(TestType) partitioned by key name; |
| insert into dataset testds({"name":"Maradona"}); |
| insert into dataset testds({"name":"Pele"}); |
| insert into dataset testds({"name":"Roberto Baggio"}); |
| insert into dataset testds({"name":"Beckham David"}); |
| insert into dataset testds({"name":"Rooney"}); |
| insert into dataset testds({"name":"Ronaldinho"}); |
| insert into dataset testds({"name":"Ronaldo"}); |
| insert into dataset testds({"name":"Zinadine Zidane"}); |
| insert into dataset testds({"name":"Cristiano Ronaldo"}); |
| insert into dataset testds({"name":"Messi"}); |
| insert into dataset testds({"name":"Tevez"}); |
| insert into dataset testds({"name":"Henry"}); |
| write output to nc1:"rttest/string_strlen03.adm"; |
| for $l in dataset('testds') |
| return string-length($l.name) |