blob: 5047342cdd7356ec7f2db4219e8526cc46630f50 [file] [log] [blame]
* Testcase Name : open-closed-29.aql
* Description : Query for undeclared data from an open type internal dataset
* : use the some keyword in the where clause
* Status : Yes
* Date : 31st May 2012
drop dataverse testdv2 if exists;
create dataverse testdv2;
use dataverse testdv2;
create type testtype01 as open {
id: string,
name: string
create type testtype02 as open {
id : string,
name : string
create dataset testds01(testtype01) primary key id;
create dataset testds02(testtype02) primary key id;
insert into dataset testds02 (
{ "id": "001", "name": "Person One", "hobbies": {{"scuba", "music"}}}
insert into dataset testds02 (
{ "id": "002", "name": "Person Two", "hobbies": {{"fishing", "dance"}}}
insert into dataset testds02 (
{ "id": "003", "name": "Person Three", "hobbies": {{"hiking", "surfing"}}}
insert into dataset testds01(
for $d in dataset("testds02")
return $d
// select all hobbies where hiking is one of the hobbies
write output to nc1:"rttest/open-closed_open-closed-29.adm";
for $d in dataset('testds01')
where some $h in $d.hobbies satisfies $h='hiking'
order by $
return $d