A Jekyll plugin that enables Pygments syntax highlighting for Kramdown-parsed fenced code blocks. Heavily based on krampygs, but refactored to make it work with Jekyll 2.*.
In the standard setup, Jekyll Kramdown only works with Pygments for syntax highlighting when you use Liquid tags. This plugin makes Kramdown also use Pygments when using fenced code blocks. That way you can use more Markdown and less Liquid. Yay!
markdown: KramdownPygments
Fenced code blocks can now be syntax highlighted using the power of Pygments.
~~~php print "Hello World" ~~~
The same goes for inline code:
You could also do something like this: `var foo = 'bar'`{:.language-javascript}. Amazing!
If you don't want to set the language for inline code blocks like that every time, you can define a global default language for the entire site in your _config.yml
kramdown: default_lang: php
If you want to override that for a single page, add the following at the top of that page, but below the front-matter
{::options kramdown_default_lang="php" /}
This plugin supports all options that the original kramdown converter supports:
kramdown: auto_ids: true footnote_nr: 1 entity_output: as_char toc_levels: 1..6 smart_quotes: lsquo,rsquo,ldquo,rdquo input: GFM
This plugin is heavily based on krampygs. Thanks to @navarroj for developing the original plugin.