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+ <li id="projectVersion" class="pull-right">Version: 0.9.2-SNAPSHOT</li>
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+ <li class="nav-header">Get Started - Installation</li>
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+ <a href="ncservice.html" title="Option 1: using NCService">
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+ Option 1: using NCService</a>
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+ Option 2: using Ansible</a>
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+ <a href="aws.html" title="Option 3: using Amazon Web Services">
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+ Option 3: using Amazon Web Services</a>
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+ <a href="yarn.html" title="Option 4: using YARN">
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+ Option 4: using YARN</a>
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+ <a href="install.html" title="Option 5: using Managix (deprecated)">
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+ Option 5: using Managix (deprecated)</a>
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+ <li class="nav-header">AsterixDB Primer</li>
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+ <a href="sqlpp/primer-sqlpp.html" title="Option 1: using SQL++">
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+ Option 1: using SQL++</a>
+ </li>
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+ <a href="aql/primer.html" title="Option 2: using AQL">
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+ Option 2: using AQL</a>
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+ <li class="nav-header">Data Model</li>
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+ <a href="datamodel.html" title="The Asterix Data Model">
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+ The Asterix Data Model</a>
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+ <li class="nav-header">Queries - SQL++</li>
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+ <a href="sqlpp/manual.html" title="The SQL++ Query Language">
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+ The SQL++ Query Language</a>
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+ Builtin Functions</a>
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+ <a href="aql/manual.html" title="The Asterix Query Language (AQL)">
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+ The Asterix Query Language (AQL)</a>
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+ <a href="aql/builtins.html" title="Builtin Functions">
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+ Builtin Functions</a>
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+ <li class="nav-header">Advanced Features</li>
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+ Support of Full-text Queries</a>
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+ <a href="aql/externaldata.html" title="Accessing External Data">
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+ Accessing External Data</a>
+ </li>
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+ <a href="feeds/tutorial.html" title="Support for Data Ingestion">
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+ Support for Data Ingestion</a>
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+ <a href="udf.html" title="User Defined Functions">
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+ User Defined Functions</a>
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+ <a href="aql/filters.html" title="Filter-Based LSM Index Acceleration">
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+ Filter-Based LSM Index Acceleration</a>
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+ <a href="aql/similarity.html" title="Support of Similarity Queries">
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+ Support of Similarity Queries</a>
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+ <!-- ! Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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+ ! --><h1>AsterixDB</h1>
+<p>AsterixDB is a BDMS (Big Data Management System) with a rich feature set that sets it apart from other Big Data platforms. Its feature set makes it well-suited to modern needs such as web data warehousing and social data storage and analysis. AsterixDB has:</p>
+<p><b>Data model</b><br /> A semistructured NoSQL style data model (<a href="datamodel.html">ADM</a>) resulting from extending JSON with object database ideas</p></li>
+<p><b>Query languages</b><br /> Two expressive and declarative query languages (<a href="sqlpp/manual.html">SQL++</a> and <a href="aql/manual.html">AQL</a>) that support a broad range of queries and analysis over semistructured data</p></li>
+<p><b>Scalability</b><br /> A parallel runtime query execution engine, Apache Hyracks, that has been scale-tested on up to 1000+ cores and 500+ disks</p></li>
+<p><b>Native storage</b><br /> Partitioned LSM-based data storage and indexing to support efficient ingestion and management of semistructured data</p></li>
+<p><b>External storage</b><br /> Support for query access to externally stored data (e.g., data in HDFS) as well as to data stored natively by AsterixDB</p></li>
+<p><b>Data types</b><br /> A rich set of primitive data types, including spatial and temporal data in addition to integer, floating point, and textual data</p></li>
+<p><b>Indexing</b><br /> Secondary indexing options that include B+ trees, R trees, and inverted keyword (exact and fuzzy) index types</p></li>
+<p><b>Transactions</b><br /> Basic transactional (concurrency and recovery) capabilities akin to those of a NoSQL store</p></li>
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