title: Apache AsterixDB layout: default
AsterixDB supports various storage and indexing options:
- [Managed datasets]({{ site.DOCS_BASE_URL }}/{{ site.STABLE_VERSION }}/aql/primer.html), internal LSM-based storage
- [External datasets]({{ site.DOCS_BASE_URL }}/{{ site.STABLE_VERSION }}/aql/externaldata.html), e.g., data on HDFS
- [Secondary indexes]({{ site.DOCS_BASE_URL }}/{{ site.STABLE_VERSION }}/aql/primer.html), for both storage options.
If you would like to know more about how to contribute to AsterixDB or any of its related components, head on over to the [Contributing]({{ site.url }}dev-setup.html) page to learn more.
[AsterixDB 101]({{ site.DOCS_BASE_URL }}/{{ site.STABLE_VERSION }}/aql/primer.html)