Add 0.9.1 Documentation
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Reviewed-by: Xikui Wang <>
diff --git a/content/docs/0.9.1/aql/js-sdk.html b/content/docs/0.9.1/aql/js-sdk.html
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+ ! --><h1>AsterixDB Javascript SDK</h1>
+<div class="section">
+<h2><a name="Obtaining_and_Including"></a>Obtaining and Including</h2>
+<p><a class="externalLink" href="">Download</a> the javascript SDK and include it like any other javascript library by adding the following line in the appropriate HTML file:</p>
+<div class="source">
+<div class="source">
+<pre><script src="path/to/asterix-sdk-stable.js"></script>
+<div class="section">
+<h2><a name="Interactive_Demos"></a>Interactive Demos</h2>
+<p>There are two interactive demos that are available for download. Both of the demos illustrate how the javascript API would be used in an application:</p>
+<li><a class="externalLink" href="">Tweetbook Demo</a>: a contrived geo-spatial application dealing with artificial Tweets allowing spatial, temporal, and keyword-based filtering.</li>
+<li><a class="externalLink" href="">ADM/AQL 101 Demo</a>: an interactive version of all of the examples that are provided in the following section.</li>
+<div class="section">
+<h2><a name="The_javascript_SDK:_by_example"></a>The javascript SDK: by example</h2>
+<p>In this section, we explore how to form AQL queries using the javascript SDK. The queries from <a href="primer.html">AsterixDB 101: An ADM and AQL Primer</a> are used as examples here. For each AQL statement, the equivalent javascript expression is shown below it, followed by the results of executing the query.</p>
+<div class="section">
+<h3><a name="Query_0-A_-_Exact-Match_Lookup"></a>Query 0-A - Exact-Match Lookup</h3>
+<div class="section">
+<div class="section">
+<div class="section">
+<h6><a name="AQL"></a>AQL</h6>
+<div class="source">
+<div class="source">
+<pre>use dataverse TinySocial;
+for $user in dataset FacebookUsers
+where $ = 8
+return $user;
+<div class="section">
+<h6><a name="JS"></a>JS</h6>
+<div class="source">
+<div class="source">
+<pre>var expression0a = new FLWOGRExpression()
+ .ForClause("$user", new AExpression("dataset FacebookUsers"))
+ .WhereClause(new AExpression("$ = 8"))
+ .ReturnClause("$user");
+<div class="section">
+<h6><a name="Results"></a>Results</h6>
+<div class="source">
+<div class="source">
+<pre>{ "id": { int32: 8 } , "alias": "Nila", "name": "NilaMilliron", "user-since": { datetime: 1199182200000}, "friend-ids": { unorderedlist: [{ int32: 3 } ]}, "employment": { orderedlist: [{ "organization-name": "Plexlane", "start-date": { date: 1267315200000}, "end-date": null } ]} }
+<div class="section">
+<h3><a name="Query_0-B_-_Range_Scan"></a>Query 0-B - Range Scan</h3>
+<div class="section">
+<div class="section">
+<div class="section">
+<h6><a name="AQL"></a>AQL</h6>
+<div class="source">
+<div class="source">
+<pre>use dataverse TinySocial;
+for $user in dataset FacebookUsers
+where $ >= 2 and $ <= 4
+return $user;
+<div class="section">
+<h6><a name="JS"></a>JS</h6>
+<div class="source">
+<div class="source">
+<pre>var expression0b = new FLWOGRExpression()
+ .ForClause("$user", new AExpression("dataset FacebookUsers"))
+ .WhereClause().and(new AExpression("$ >= 2"), new AExpression("$ <= 4"))
+ .ReturnClause("$user");
+<div class="section">
+<h6><a name="Results"></a>Results</h6>
+<div class="source">
+<div class="source">
+<pre>{ "id": { int32: 2 } , "alias": "Isbel", "name": "IsbelDull", "user-since": { datetime: 1295691000000}, "friend-ids": { unorderedlist: [{ int32: 1 } , { int32: 4 } ]}, "employment": { orderedlist: [{ "organization-name": "Hexviafind", "start-date": { date: 1272326400000}, "end-date": null } ]} }
+{ "id": { int32: 3 } , "alias": "Emory", "name": "EmoryUnk", "user-since": { datetime: 1341915000000}, "friend-ids": { unorderedlist: [{ int32: 1 } , { int32: 5 } , { int32: 8 } , { int32: 9 } ]}, "employment": { orderedlist: [{ "organization-name": "geomedia", "start-date": { date: 1276732800000}, "end-date": { date: 1264464000000} } ]} }
+{ "id": { int32: 4 } , "alias": "Nicholas", "name": "NicholasStroh", "user-since": { datetime: 1293444600000}, "friend-ids": { unorderedlist: [{ int32: 2 } ]}, "employment": { orderedlist: [{ "organization-name": "Zamcorporation", "start-date": { date: 1275955200000}, "end-date": null } ]} }
+<div class="section">
+<h3><a name="Query_1_-_Other_Query_Filters"></a>Query 1 - Other Query Filters</h3>
+<div class="section">
+<div class="section">
+<div class="section">
+<h6><a name="AQL"></a>AQL</h6>
+<div class="source">
+<div class="source">
+<pre>use dataverse TinySocial;
+for $user in dataset FacebookUsers
+where $user.user-since >= datetime('2010-07-22T00:00:00')
+and $user.user-since <= datetime('2012-07-29T23:59:59')
+return $user;
+<div class="section">
+<h6><a name="JS"></a>JS</h6>
+<div class="source">
+<div class="source">
+<pre>var expression1 = new FLWOGRExpression()
+ .ForClause("$user", new AExpression("dataset FacebookUsers"))
+ .WhereClause().and(
+ new AExpression("$user.user-since >= datetime('2010-07-22T00:00:00')"),
+ new AExpression("$user.user-since <= datetime('2012-07-29T23:59:59')")
+ ).ReturnClause("$user");
+<div class="section">
+<h6><a name="Results"></a>Results</h6>
+<div class="source">
+<div class="source">
+<pre>{ "id": { int32: 2 } , "alias": "Isbel", "name": "IsbelDull", "user-since": { datetime: 1295691000000}, "friend-ids": { unorderedlist: [{ int32: 1 } , { int32: 4 } ]}, "employment": { orderedlist: [{ "organization-name": "Hexviafind", "start-date": { date: 1272326400000}, "end-date": null } ]} }
+{ "id": { int32: 10 } , "alias": "Bram", "name": "BramHatch", "user-since": { datetime: 1287223800000}, "friend-ids": { unorderedlist: [{ int32: 1 } , { int32: 5 } , { int32: 9 } ]}, "employment": { orderedlist: [{ "organization-name": "physcane", "start-date": { date: 1181001600000}, "end-date": { date: 1320451200000} } ]} }
+{ "id": { int32: 3 } , "alias": "Emory", "name": "EmoryUnk", "user-since": { datetime: 1341915000000}, "friend-ids": { unorderedlist: [{ int32: 1 } , { int32: 5 } , { int32: 8 } , { int32: 9 } ]}, "employment": { orderedlist: [{ "organization-name": "geomedia", "start-date": { date: 1276732800000}, "end-date": { date: 1264464000000} } ]} }
+{ "id": { int32: 4 } , "alias": "Nicholas", "name": "NicholasStroh", "user-since": { datetime: 1293444600000}, "friend-ids": { unorderedlist: [{ int32: 2 } ]}, "employment": { orderedlist: [{ "organization-name": "Zamcorporation", "start-date": { date: 1275955200000}, "end-date": null } ]} }
+<div class="section">
+<h3><a name="Query_2-A_-_Equijoin"></a>Query 2-A - Equijoin</h3>
+<div class="section">
+<div class="section">
+<div class="section">
+<h6><a name="AQL"></a>AQL</h6>
+<div class="source">
+<div class="source">
+<pre>use dataverse TinySocial;
+for $user in dataset FacebookUsers
+for $message in dataset FacebookMessages
+where $ = $
+return {
+ "uname": $,
+ "message": $message.message
+<div class="section">
+<h6><a name="JS"></a>JS</h6>
+<div class="source">
+<div class="source">
+<pre>var expression2a = new FLWOGRExpression()
+ .ForClause ("$user", new AExpression("dataset FacebookUsers"))
+ .ForClause ("$message", new AExpression("dataset FacebookMessages"))
+ .WhereClause(new AExpression("$ = $"))
+ .ReturnClause({
+ "uname" : "$",
+ "message" : "$message.message"
+ });
+<div class="section">
+<h6><a name="Results"></a>Results</h6>
+<div class="source">
+<div class="source">
+<pre>{ "uname": "MargaritaStoddard", "message": " dislike x-phone its touch-screen is horrible" }
+{ "uname": "MargaritaStoddard", "message": " like ccast the 3G is awesome:)" }
+{ "uname": "MargaritaStoddard", "message": " can't stand product-w the touch-screen is terrible" }
+{ "uname": "MargaritaStoddard", "message": " can't stand acast the network is horrible:(" }
+{ "uname": "MargaritaStoddard", "message": " can't stand acast its plan is terrible" }
+{ "uname": "IsbelDull", "message": " like product-y the plan is amazing" }
+{ "uname": "IsbelDull", "message": " like product-z its platform is mind-blowing" }
+{ "uname": "WoodrowNehling", "message": " love acast its 3G is good:)" }
+{ "uname": "BramHatch", "message": " dislike x-phone the voice-command is bad:(" }
+{ "uname": "BramHatch", "message": " can't stand product-z its voicemail-service is OMG:(" }
+{ "uname": "EmoryUnk", "message": " love product-b its shortcut-menu is awesome:)" }
+{ "uname": "EmoryUnk", "message": " love ccast its wireless is good" }
+{ "uname": "WillisWynne", "message": " love product-b the customization is mind-blowing" }
+{ "uname": "SuzannaTillson", "message": " like x-phone the voicemail-service is awesome" }
+{ "uname": "VonKemble", "message": " dislike product-b the speed is horrible" }
+<div class="section">
+<h3><a name="Query_2-B_-_Index_join"></a>Query 2-B - Index join</h3>
+<div class="section">
+<div class="section">
+<div class="section">
+<h6><a name="AQL"></a>AQL</h6>
+<div class="source">
+<div class="source">
+<pre>use dataverse TinySocial;
+for $user in dataset FacebookUsers
+for $message in dataset FacebookMessages
+where $ /*+ indexnl */ = $
+return {
+ "uname": $,
+ "message": $message.message
+<div class="section">
+<h6><a name="JS"></a>JS</h6>
+<div class="source">
+<div class="source">
+<pre>var expression2b = new FLWOGRExpression()
+ .ForClause ("$user", new AExpression("dataset FacebookUsers"))
+ .ForClause ("$message", new AExpression("dataset FacebookMessages"))
+ .WhereClause(new AExpression("$ /*+ indexnl */ = $"))
+ .ReturnClause({
+ "uname" : "$",
+ "message" : "$message.message"
+ });
+<div class="section">
+<h6><a name="Results"></a>Results</h6>
+<div class="source">
+<div class="source">
+<pre>{ "uname": "MargaritaStoddard", "message": " dislike x-phone its touch-screen is horrible" }
+{ "uname": "MargaritaStoddard", "message": " like ccast the 3G is awesome:)" }
+{ "uname": "MargaritaStoddard", "message": " can't stand product-w the touch-screen is terrible" }
+{ "uname": "MargaritaStoddard", "message": " can't stand acast the network is horrible:(" }
+{ "uname": "MargaritaStoddard", "message": " can't stand acast its plan is terrible" }
+{ "uname": "IsbelDull", "message": " like product-y the plan is amazing" }
+{ "uname": "IsbelDull", "message": " like product-z its platform is mind-blowing" }
+{ "uname": "WoodrowNehling", "message": " love acast its 3G is good:)" }
+{ "uname": "BramHatch", "message": " dislike x-phone the voice-command is bad:(" }
+{ "uname": "BramHatch", "message": " can't stand product-z its voicemail-service is OMG:(" }
+{ "uname": "EmoryUnk", "message": " love product-b its shortcut-menu is awesome:)" }
+{ "uname": "EmoryUnk", "message": " love ccast its wireless is good" }
+{ "uname": "WillisWynne", "message": " love product-b the customization is mind-blowing" }
+{ "uname": "SuzannaTillson", "message": " like x-phone the voicemail-service is awesome" }
+{ "uname": "VonKemble", "message": " dislike product-b the speed is horrible" }
+<div class="section">
+<h3><a name="Query_3_-_Nested_Outer_Join"></a>Query 3 - Nested Outer Join</h3>
+<div class="section">
+<div class="section">
+<div class="section">
+<h6><a name="AQL"></a>AQL</h6>
+<div class="source">
+<div class="source">
+<pre>use dataverse TinySocial;
+for $user in dataset FacebookUsers
+return {
+ "uname": $,
+ "messages": for $message in dataset FacebookMessages
+ where $ = $
+ return $message.message
+<div class="section">
+<h6><a name="JS"></a>JS</h6>
+<div class="source">
+<div class="source">
+<pre>var expression3messages = new FLWOGRExpression()
+ .ForClause("$message", new AExpression("dataset FacebookMessages"))
+ .WhereClause(new AExpression("$ = $"))
+ .ReturnClause("$message.message");
+var expression3 = new FLWOGRExpression()
+ .ForClause ("$user", new AExpression("dataset FacebookUsers"))
+ .ReturnClause({
+ "uname": "$",
+ "messages" : expression3messages
+ });
+<div class="section">
+<h6><a name="Results"></a>Results</h6>
+<div class="source">
+<div class="source">
+<pre>{ "uname": "MargaritaStoddard", "messages": { orderedlist: [" dislike x-phone its touch-screen is horrible", " like ccast the 3G is awesome:)", " can't stand product-w the touch-screen is terrible", " can't stand acast the network is horrible:(", " can't stand acast its plan is terrible" ]} }
+{ "uname": "IsbelDull", "messages": { orderedlist: [" like product-y the plan is amazing", " like product-z its platform is mind-blowing" ]} }
+{ "uname": "NilaMilliron", "messages": { orderedlist: [ ]} }
+{ "uname": "WoodrowNehling", "messages": { orderedlist: [" love acast its 3G is good:)" ]} }
+{ "uname": "BramHatch", "messages": { orderedlist: [" dislike x-phone the voice-command is bad:(", " can't stand product-z its voicemail-service is OMG:(" ]} }
+{ "uname": "EmoryUnk", "messages": { orderedlist: [" love product-b its shortcut-menu is awesome:)", " love ccast its wireless is good" ]} }
+{ "uname": "WillisWynne", "messages": { orderedlist: [" love product-b the customization is mind-blowing" ]} }
+{ "uname": "SuzannaTillson", "messages": { orderedlist: [" like x-phone the voicemail-service is awesome" ]} }
+{ "uname": "NicholasStroh", "messages": { orderedlist: [ ]} }
+{ "uname": "VonKemble", "messages": { orderedlist: [" dislike product-b the speed is horrible" ]} }
+<div class="section">
+<h3><a name="Query_4_-_Theta_Join"></a>Query 4 - Theta Join</h3>
+<div class="section">
+<div class="section">
+<div class="section">
+<h6><a name="AQL"></a>AQL</h6>
+<div class="source">
+<div class="source">
+<pre>use dataverse TinySocial;
+for $t in dataset TweetMessages
+return {
+ "message": $t.message-text,
+ "nearby-messages": for $t2 in dataset TweetMessages
+ where spatial-distance($t.sender-location, $t2.sender-location) <= 1
+ return { "msgtxt":$t2.message-text}
+<div class="section">
+<h6><a name="JS"></a>JS</h6>
+<div class="source">
+<div class="source">
+<pre>var expression4messages = new FLWOGRExpression()
+ .ForClause( "$t2", new AExpression("dataset TweetMessages"))
+ .WhereClause( new AExpression("spatial-distance($t.sender-location, $t2.sender-location) <= 1"))
+ .ReturnClause({ "msgtxt" : "$t2.message-text" });
+var expression4 = new FLWOGRExpression()
+ .ForClause( "$t", new AExpression("dataset TweetMessages"))
+ .ReturnClause({
+ "message" : "$t.message-text",
+ "nearby-messages" : expression4messages
+ });
+<div class="section">
+<h6><a name="Results"></a>Results</h6>
+<div class="source">
+<div class="source">
+<pre>{ "message": " hate ccast its voice-clarity is OMG:(", "nearby-messages": { orderedlist: [{ "msgtxt": " hate ccast its voice-clarity is OMG:(" }, { "msgtxt": " like product-w the speed is good:)" } ]} }
+{ "message": " like x-phone the voice-clarity is good:)", "nearby-messages": { orderedlist: [{ "msgtxt": " like x-phone the voice-clarity is good:)" } ]} }
+{ "message": " like product-y the platform is good", "nearby-messages": { orderedlist: [{ "msgtxt": " like product-y the platform is good" } ]} }
+{ "message": " love product-z its customization is good:)", "nearby-messages": { orderedlist: [{ "msgtxt": " love product-z its customization is good:)" } ]} }
+{ "message": " like product-y the voice-command is amazing:)", "nearby-messages": { orderedlist: [{ "msgtxt": " like product-y the voice-command is amazing:)" } ]} }
+{ "message": " like product-w the speed is good:)", "nearby-messages": { orderedlist: [{ "msgtxt": " hate ccast its voice-clarity is OMG:(" }, { "msgtxt": " like product-w the speed is good:)" } ]} }
+{ "message": " love ccast its voicemail-service is awesome", "nearby-messages": { orderedlist: [{ "msgtxt": " love ccast its voicemail-service is awesome" } ]} }
+{ "message": " can't stand product-w its speed is terrible:(", "nearby-messages": { orderedlist: [{ "msgtxt": " can't stand product-w its speed is terrible:(" } ]} }
+{ "message": " like product-z the shortcut-menu is awesome:)", "nearby-messages": { orderedlist: [{ "msgtxt": " like product-z the shortcut-menu is awesome:)" } ]} }
+{ "message": " can't stand x-phone its platform is terrible", "nearby-messages": { orderedlist: [{ "msgtxt": " can't stand x-phone its platform is terrible" } ]} }
+{ "message": " like ccast its shortcut-menu is awesome:)", "nearby-messages": { orderedlist: [{ "msgtxt": " like ccast its shortcut-menu is awesome:)" } ]} }
+{ "message": " like product-b the voice-command is mind-blowing:)", "nearby-messages": { orderedlist: [{ "msgtxt": " like product-b the voice-command is mind-blowing:)" } ]} }
+<div class="section">
+<h3><a name="Query_5_-_Fuzzy_Join"></a>Query 5 - Fuzzy Join</h3>
+<div class="section">
+<div class="section">
+<div class="section">
+<h6><a name="AQL"></a>AQL</h6>
+<p>use dataverse TinySocial;</p>
+<div class="source">
+<div class="source">
+<pre>set simfunction "edit-distance";
+set simthreshold "3";
+for $fbu in dataset FacebookUsers
+return {
+ "id": $,
+ "name": $,
+ "similar-users": for $t in dataset TweetMessages
+ let $tu := $t.user
+ where $ ~= $
+ return {
+ "twitter-screenname": $tu.screen-name,
+ "twitter-name": $
+ }
+<div class="section">
+<h6><a name="JS"></a>JS</h6>
+<div class="source">
+<div class="source">
+<pre>var similarUsersExpression = new FLWOGRExpression()
+ .ForClause("$t", new AExpression("dataset TweetMessages"))
+ .LetClause ("$tu", new AExpression("$t.user"))
+ .WhereClause(new AExpression("$ ~= $"))
+ .ReturnClause({
+ "twitter-screenname": "$tu.screen-name",
+ "twitter-name": "$"
+ });
+var expression5 = new FLWOGRExpression()
+ .ForClause ("$fbu", new AExpression("dataset FacebookUsers"))
+ .ReturnClause(
+ {
+ "id" : "$",
+ "name" : "$",
+ "similar-users" : similarUsersExpression
+ }
+ );
+<div class="section">
+<h6><a name="Results"></a>Results</h6>
+<div class="source">
+<div class="source">
+<pre>{ "id": { int32: 1 } , "name": "MargaritaStoddard", "similar-users": { orderedlist: [ ]} }
+{ "id": { int32: 2 } , "name": "IsbelDull", "similar-users": { orderedlist: [ ]} }
+{ "id": { int32: 8 } , "name": "NilaMilliron", "similar-users": { orderedlist: [{ "twitter-screenname": "NilaMilliron_tw", "twitter-name": "Nila Milliron" } ]} }
+{ "id": { int32: 9 } , "name": "WoodrowNehling", "similar-users": { orderedlist: [ ]} }
+{ "id": { int32: 10 } , "name": "BramHatch", "similar-users": { orderedlist: [ ]} }
+{ "id": { int32: 3 } , "name": "EmoryUnk", "similar-users": { orderedlist: [ ]} }
+{ "id": { int32: 6 } , "name": "WillisWynne", "similar-users": { orderedlist: [ ]} }
+{ "id": { int32: 7 } , "name": "SuzannaTillson", "similar-users": { orderedlist: [ ]} }
+{ "id": { int32: 4 } , "name": "NicholasStroh", "similar-users": { orderedlist: [ ]} }
+{ "id": { int32: 5 } , "name": "VonKemble", "similar-users": { orderedlist: [ ]} }
+<div class="section">
+<h3><a name="Query_6_-_Existential_Quantification"></a>Query 6 - Existential Quantification</h3>
+<div class="section">
+<div class="section">
+<div class="section">
+<h6><a name="AQL"></a>AQL</h6>
+<div class="source">
+<div class="source">
+<pre>use dataverse TinySocial;
+for $fbu in dataset FacebookUsers
+where (some $e in $fbu.employment satisfies is-null($e.end-date))
+return $fbu;
+<div class="section">
+<h6><a name="JS"></a>JS</h6>
+<div class="source">
+<div class="source">
+<pre>var expression6 = new FLWOGRExpression()
+ .ForClause ("$fbu", new AQLClause().set("dataset FacebookUsers"))
+ .WhereClause(
+ new QuantifiedExpression (
+ "some" ,
+ {"$e" : new AExpression("$fbu.employment") },
+ new FunctionExpression("is-null", new AExpression("$e.end-date"))
+ )
+ )
+ .ReturnClause("$fbu");
+<div class="section">
+<h6><a name="Results"></a>Results</h6>
+<div class="source">
+<div class="source">
+<pre>{ "id": { int32: 1 } , "alias": "Margarita", "name": "MargaritaStoddard", "user-since": { datetime: 1345457400000}, "friend-ids": { unorderedlist: [{ int32: 2 } , { int32: 3 } , { int32: 6 } , { int32: 10 } ]}, "employment": { orderedlist: [{ "organization-name": "Codetechno", "start-date": { date: 1154822400000}, "end-date": null } ]} }
+{ "id": { int32: 2 } , "alias": "Isbel", "name": "IsbelDull", "user-since": { datetime: 1295691000000}, "friend-ids": { unorderedlist: [{ int32: 1 } , { int32: 4 } ]}, "employment": { orderedlist: [{ "organization-name": "Hexviafind", "start-date": { date: 1272326400000}, "end-date": null } ]} }
+{ "id": { int32: 8 } , "alias": "Nila", "name": "NilaMilliron", "user-since": { datetime: 1199182200000}, "friend-ids": { unorderedlist: [{ int32: 3 } ]}, "employment": { orderedlist: [{ "organization-name": "Plexlane", "start-date": { date: 1267315200000}, "end-date": null } ]} }
+{ "id": { int32: 6 } , "alias": "Willis", "name": "WillisWynne", "user-since": { datetime: 1105956600000}, "friend-ids": { unorderedlist: [{ int32: 1 } , { int32: 3 } , { int32: 7 } ]}, "employment": { orderedlist: [{ "organization-name": "jaydax", "start-date": { date: 1242345600000}, "end-date": null } ]} }
+{ "id": { int32: 7 } , "alias": "Suzanna", "name": "SuzannaTillson", "user-since": { datetime: 1344334200000}, "friend-ids": { unorderedlist: [{ int32: 6 } ]}, "employment": { orderedlist: [{ "organization-name": "Labzatron", "start-date": { date: 1303171200000}, "end-date": null } ]} }
+{ "id": { int32: 4 } , "alias": "Nicholas", "name": "NicholasStroh", "user-since": { datetime: 1293444600000}, "friend-ids": { unorderedlist: [{ int32: 2 } ]}, "employment": { orderedlist: [{ "organization-name": "Zamcorporation", "start-date": { date: 1275955200000}, "end-date": null } ]} }
+{ "id": { int32: 5 } , "alias": "Von", "name": "VonKemble", "user-since": { datetime: 1262686200000}, "friend-ids": { unorderedlist: [{ int32: 3 } , { int32: 6 } , { int32: 10 } ]}, "employment": { orderedlist: [{ "organization-name": "Kongreen", "start-date": { date: 1290816000000}, "end-date": null } ]} }
+<div class="section">
+<h3><a name="Query_7_-_Universal_Quantification"></a>Query 7 - Universal Quantification</h3>
+<div class="section">
+<div class="section">
+<div class="section">
+<h6><a name="AQL"></a>AQL</h6>
+<div class="source">
+<div class="source">
+<pre>use dataverse TinySocial;
+for $fbu in dataset FacebookUsers
+where (every $e in $fbu.employment satisfies not(is-null($e.end-date)))
+return $fbu;
+<div class="section">
+<h6><a name="JS"></a>JS</h6>
+<div class="source">
+<div class="source">
+<pre>var expression7 = new FLWOGRExpression()
+ .ForClause("$fbu", new AExpression("dataset FacebookUsers"))
+ .WhereClause(
+ new QuantifiedExpression (
+ "every" ,
+ {"$e" : new AExpression("$fbu.employment") },
+ new FunctionExpression("not", new FunctionExpression("is-null", new AExpression("$e.end-date")))
+ )
+ )
+ .ReturnClause("$fbu");
+<div class="section">
+<h6><a name="Results"></a>Results</h6>
+<div class="source">
+<div class="source">
+<pre>{ "id": { int32: 9 } , "alias": "Woodrow", "name": "WoodrowNehling", "user-since": { datetime: 1127211000000}, "friend-ids": { unorderedlist: [{ int32: 3 } , { int32: 10 } ]}, "employment": { orderedlist: [{ "organization-name": "Zuncan", "start-date": { date: 1050969600000}, "end-date": { date: 1260662400000} } ]} }
+{ "id": { int32: 10 } , "alias": "Bram", "name": "BramHatch", "user-since": { datetime: 1287223800000}, "friend-ids": { unorderedlist: [{ int32: 1 } , { int32: 5 } , { int32: 9 } ]}, "employment": { orderedlist: [{ "organization-name": "physcane", "start-date": { date: 1181001600000}, "end-date": { date: 1320451200000} } ]} }
+{ "id": { int32: 3 } , "alias": "Emory", "name": "EmoryUnk", "user-since": { datetime: 1341915000000}, "friend-ids": { unorderedlist: [{ int32: 1 } , { int32: 5 } , { int32: 8 } , { int32: 9 } ]}, "employment": { orderedlist: [{ "organization-name": "geomedia", "start-date": { date: 1276732800000}, "end-date": { date: 1264464000000} } ]} }
+<div class="section">
+<h3><a name="Query_8_-_Simple_Aggregation"></a>Query 8 - Simple Aggregation</h3>
+<div class="section">
+<div class="section">
+<div class="section">
+<h6><a name="AQL"></a>AQL</h6>
+<div class="source">
+<div class="source">
+<pre>use dataverse TinySocial;
+count(for $fbu in dataset FacebookUsers return $fbu);
+<div class="section">
+<h6><a name="JS"></a>JS</h6>
+<div class="source">
+<div class="source">
+<pre>var expression8 = new FunctionExpression(
+ "count",
+ new FLWOGRExpression()
+ .ForClause("$fbu", new AExpression("dataset FacebookUsers"))
+ .ReturnClause("$fbu")
+<div class="section">
+<h6><a name="Results"></a>Results</h6>
+<div class="source">
+<div class="source">
+<pre>{ int64: 10 }
+<div class="section">
+<h3><a name="Query_9-A_-_Grouping_and_Aggregation"></a>Query 9-A - Grouping and Aggregation</h3>
+<div class="section">
+<div class="section">
+<div class="section">
+<h6><a name="AQL"></a>AQL</h6>
+<div class="source">
+<div class="source">
+<pre>use dataverse TinySocial;
+for $t in dataset TweetMessages
+group by $uid := $t.user.screen-name with $t
+return {
+ "user": $uid,
+ "count": count($t)
+<div class="section">
+<h6><a name="JS"></a>JS</h6>
+<div class="source">
+<div class="source">
+<pre>var expression9a = new FLWOGRExpression()
+ .ForClause("$t", new AExpression("dataset TweetMessages"))
+ .GroupClause("$uid", new AExpression("$t.user.screen-name"), "with", "$t")
+ .ReturnClause(
+ {
+ "user" : "$uid",
+ "count" : new FunctionExpression("count", new AExpression("$t"))
+ }
+ );
+<div class="section">
+<h6><a name="Results"></a>Results</h6>
+<div class="source">
+<div class="source">
+<pre>{ "user": "ColineGeyer@63", "count": { int64: 3 } }
+{ "user": "OliJackson_512", "count": { int64: 1 } }
+{ "user": "NilaMilliron_tw", "count": { int64: 1 } }
+{ "user": "ChangEwing_573", "count": { int64: 1 } }
+{ "user": "NathanGiesen@211", "count": { int64: 6 } }
+<div class="section">
+<h3><a name="Query_9-B_-_Hash-Based_Grouping_and_Aggregation"></a>Query 9-B - (Hash-Based) Grouping and Aggregation</h3>
+<div class="section">
+<div class="section">
+<div class="section">
+<h6><a name="AQL"></a>AQL</h6>
+<div class="source">
+<div class="source">
+<pre>use dataverse TinySocial;
+for $t in dataset TweetMessages
+/*+ hash*/
+group by $uid := $t.user.screen-name with $t
+return {
+ "user": $uid,
+ "count": count($t)
+<div class="section">
+<h6><a name="JS"></a>JS</h6>
+<div class="source">
+<div class="source">
+<pre>var expression9b = new FLWOGRExpression()
+ .ForClause("$t", new AExpression("dataset TweetMessages"))
+ .AQLClause("/*+ hash*/")
+ .GroupClause("$uid", new AExpression("$t.user.screen-name"), "with", "$t")
+ .ReturnClause(
+ {
+ "user" : "$uid",
+ "count" : new FunctionExpression("count", new AExpression("$t"))
+ }
+ );
+<div class="section">
+<h6><a name="Results"></a>Results</h6>
+<div class="source">
+<div class="source">
+<pre>{ "user": "ColineGeyer@63", "count": { int64: 3 } }
+{ "user": "OliJackson_512", "count": { int64: 1 } }
+{ "user": "NilaMilliron_tw", "count": { int64: 1 } }
+{ "user": "ChangEwing_573", "count": { int64: 1 } }
+{ "user": "NathanGiesen@211", "count": { int64: 6 } }
+<div class="section">
+<h3><a name="Query_10_-_Grouping_and_Limits"></a>Query 10 - Grouping and Limits</h3>
+<div class="section">
+<div class="section">
+<div class="section">
+<h6><a name="AQL"></a>AQL</h6>
+<div class="source">
+<div class="source">
+<pre>use dataverse TinySocial;
+for $t in dataset TweetMessages
+group by $uid := $t.user.screen-name with $t
+let $c := count($t)
+order by $c desc
+limit 3
+return {
+ "user": $uid,
+ "count": $c
+<div class="section">
+<h6><a name="JS"></a>JS</h6>
+<div class="source">
+<div class="source">
+<pre>var expression10 = new FLWOGRExpression()
+ .ForClause("$t", new AExpression("dataset TweetMessages"))
+ .GroupClause("$uid", new AExpression("$t.user.screen-name"), "with", "$t")
+ .LetClause("$c", new FunctionExpression("count", new AExpression("$t")))
+ .OrderbyClause( new AExpression("$c"), "desc" )
+ .LimitClause(new AExpression("3"))
+ .ReturnClause(
+ {
+ "user" : "$uid",
+ "count" : "$c"
+ }
+ );
+<div class="section">
+<h6><a name="Results"></a>Results</h6>
+<div class="source">
+<div class="source">
+<pre>{ "user": "NathanGiesen@211", "count": { int64: 6 } }
+{ "user": "ColineGeyer@63", "count": { int64: 3 } }
+{ "user": "NilaMilliron_tw", "count": { int64: 1 } }
+<div class="section">
+<h3><a name="Query_11_-_Left_Outer_Fuzzy_Join"></a>Query 11 - Left Outer Fuzzy Join</h3>
+<div class="section">
+<div class="section">
+<div class="section">
+<h6><a name="AQL"></a>AQL</h6>
+<div class="source">
+<div class="source">
+<pre>use dataverse TinySocial;
+set simfunction "jaccard";
+set simthreshold "0.3";
+for $t in dataset TweetMessages
+return {
+ "tweet": $t,
+ "similar-tweets": for $t2 in dataset TweetMessages
+ where $t2.referred-topics ~= $t.referred-topics
+ and $t2.tweetid != $t.tweetid
+ return $t2.referred-topics
+<div class="section">
+<h6><a name="JS"></a>JS</h6>
+<div class="source">
+<div class="source">
+<pre>var expression11 = new FLWOGRExpression()
+ .ForClause( "$t", new AExpression("dataset TweetMessages"))
+ .ReturnClause({
+ "tweet" : new AExpression("$t"),
+ "similar-tweets": new FLWOGRExpression()
+ .ForClause( "$t2", new AExpression("dataset TweetMessages"))
+ .WhereClause().and(
+ new AExpression("$t2.referred-topics ~= $t.referred-topics"),
+ new AExpression("$t2.tweetid != $t.tweetid")
+ )
+ .ReturnClause("$t2.referred-topics")
+ });
+<div class="section">
+<h6><a name="Results"></a>Results</h6>
+<div class="source">
+<div class="source">
+<pre>{ "tweet": { "tweetid": "10", "user": { "screen-name": "ColineGeyer@63", "lang": "en", "friends_count": { int32: 121 } , "statuses_count": { int32: 362 } , "name": "Coline Geyer", "followers_count": { int32: 17159 } }, "sender-location": { point: [29.15, 76.53]}, "send-time": { datetime: 1201342200000}, "referred-topics": { unorderedlist: ["ccast", "voice-clarity" ]}, "message-text": " hate ccast its voice-clarity is OMG:(" }, "similar-tweets": { orderedlist: [{ unorderedlist: ["x-phone", "voice-clarity" ]}, { unorderedlist: ["ccast", "shortcut-menu" ]}, { unorderedlist: ["ccast", "voicemail-service" ]} ]} }
+{ "tweet": { "tweetid": "6", "user": { "screen-name": "ColineGeyer@63", "lang": "en", "friends_count": { int32: 121 } , "statuses_count": { int32: 362 } , "name": "Coline Geyer", "followers_count": { int32: 17159 } }, "sender-location": { point: [47.51, 83.99]}, "send-time": { datetime: 1273227000000}, "referred-topics": { unorderedlist: ["x-phone", "voice-clarity" ]}, "message-text": " like x-phone the voice-clarity is good:)" }, "similar-tweets": { orderedlist: [{ unorderedlist: ["ccast", "voice-clarity" ]}, { unorderedlist: ["x-phone", "platform" ]} ]} }
+{ "tweet": { "tweetid": "7", "user": { "screen-name": "ChangEwing_573", "lang": "en", "friends_count": { int32: 182 } , "statuses_count": { int32: 394 } , "name": "Chang Ewing", "followers_count": { int32: 32136 } }, "sender-location": { point: [36.21, 72.6]}, "send-time": { datetime: 1314267000000}, "referred-topics": { unorderedlist: ["product-y", "platform" ]}, "message-text": " like product-y the platform is good" }, "similar-tweets": { orderedlist: [{ unorderedlist: ["x-phone", "platform" ]}, { unorderedlist: ["product-y", "voice-command" ]} ]} }
+{ "tweet": { "tweetid": "1", "user": { "screen-name": "NathanGiesen@211", "lang": "en", "friends_count": { int32: 39339 } , "statuses_count": { int32: 473 } , "name": "Nathan Giesen", "followers_count": { int32: 49416 } }, "sender-location": { point: [47.44, 80.65]}, "send-time": { datetime: 1209204600000}, "referred-topics": { unorderedlist: ["product-z", "customization" ]}, "message-text": " love product-z its customization is good:)" }, "similar-tweets": { orderedlist: [{ unorderedlist: ["product-z", "shortcut-menu" ]} ]} }
+{ "tweet": { "tweetid": "12", "user": { "screen-name": "OliJackson_512", "lang": "en", "friends_count": { int32: 445 } , "statuses_count": { int32: 164 } , "name": "Oli Jackson", "followers_count": { int32: 22649 } }, "sender-location": { point: [24.82, 94.63]}, "send-time": { datetime: 1266055800000}, "referred-topics": { unorderedlist: ["product-y", "voice-command" ]}, "message-text": " like product-y the voice-command is amazing:)" }, "similar-tweets": { orderedlist: [{ unorderedlist: ["product-y", "platform" ]}, { unorderedlist: ["product-b", "voice-command" ]} ]} }
+{ "tweet": { "tweetid": "3", "user": { "screen-name": "NathanGiesen@211", "lang": "en", "friends_count": { int32: 39339 } , "statuses_count": { int32: 473 } , "name": "Nathan Giesen", "followers_count": { int32: 49416 } }, "sender-location": { point: [29.72, 75.8]}, "send-time": { datetime: 1162635000000}, "referred-topics": { unorderedlist: ["product-w", "speed" ]}, "message-text": " like product-w the speed is good:)" }, "similar-tweets": { orderedlist: [{ unorderedlist: ["product-w", "speed" ]} ]} }
+{ "tweet": { "tweetid": "9", "user": { "screen-name": "NathanGiesen@211", "lang": "en", "friends_count": { int32: 39339 } , "statuses_count": { int32: 473 } , "name": "Nathan Giesen", "followers_count": { int32: 49416 } }, "sender-location": { point: [36.86, 74.62]}, "send-time": { datetime: 1342865400000}, "referred-topics": { unorderedlist: ["ccast", "voicemail-service" ]}, "message-text": " love ccast its voicemail-service is awesome" }, "similar-tweets": { orderedlist: [{ unorderedlist: ["ccast", "voice-clarity" ]}, { unorderedlist: ["ccast", "shortcut-menu" ]} ]} }
+{ "tweet": { "tweetid": "5", "user": { "screen-name": "NathanGiesen@211", "lang": "en", "friends_count": { int32: 39339 } , "statuses_count": { int32: 473 } , "name": "Nathan Giesen", "followers_count": { int32: 49416 } }, "sender-location": { point: [40.09, 92.69]}, "send-time": { datetime: 1154686200000}, "referred-topics": { unorderedlist: ["product-w", "speed" ]}, "message-text": " can't stand product-w its speed is terrible:(" }, "similar-tweets": { orderedlist: [{ unorderedlist: ["product-w", "speed" ]} ]} }
+{ "tweet": { "tweetid": "8", "user": { "screen-name": "NathanGiesen@211", "lang": "en", "friends_count": { int32: 39339 } , "statuses_count": { int32: 473 } , "name": "Nathan Giesen", "followers_count": { int32: 49416 } }, "sender-location": { point: [46.05, 93.34]}, "send-time": { datetime: 1129284600000}, "referred-topics": { unorderedlist: ["product-z", "shortcut-menu" ]}, "message-text": " like product-z the shortcut-menu is awesome:)" }, "similar-tweets": { orderedlist: [{ unorderedlist: ["ccast", "shortcut-menu" ]}, { unorderedlist: ["product-z", "customization" ]} ]} }
+{ "tweet": { "tweetid": "11", "user": { "screen-name": "NilaMilliron_tw", "lang": "en", "friends_count": { int32: 445 } , "statuses_count": { int32: 164 } , "name": "Nila Milliron", "followers_count": { int32: 22649 } }, "sender-location": { point: [37.59, 68.42]}, "send-time": { datetime: 1205057400000}, "referred-topics": { unorderedlist: ["x-phone", "platform" ]}, "message-text": " can't stand x-phone its platform is terrible" }, "similar-tweets": { orderedlist: [{ unorderedlist: ["x-phone", "voice-clarity" ]}, { unorderedlist: ["product-y", "platform" ]} ]} }
+{ "tweet": { "tweetid": "2", "user": { "screen-name": "ColineGeyer@63", "lang": "en", "friends_count": { int32: 121 } , "statuses_count": { int32: 362 } , "name": "Coline Geyer", "followers_count": { int32: 17159 } }, "sender-location": { point: [32.84, 67.14]}, "send-time": { datetime: 1273745400000}, "referred-topics": { unorderedlist: ["ccast", "shortcut-menu" ]}, "message-text": " like ccast its shortcut-menu is awesome:)" }, "similar-tweets": { orderedlist: [{ unorderedlist: ["product-z", "shortcut-menu" ]}, { unorderedlist: ["ccast", "voice-clarity" ]}, { unorderedlist: ["ccast", "voicemail-service" ]} ]} }
+{ "tweet": { "tweetid": "4", "user": { "screen-name": "NathanGiesen@211", "lang": "en", "friends_count": { int32: 39339 } , "statuses_count": { int32: 473 } , "name": "Nathan Giesen", "followers_count": { int32: 49416 } }, "sender-location": { point: [39.28, 70.48]}, "send-time": { datetime: 1324894200000}, "referred-topics": { unorderedlist: ["product-b", "voice-command" ]}, "message-text": " like product-b the voice-command is mind-blowing:)" }, "similar-tweets": { orderedlist: [{ unorderedlist: ["product-y", "voice-command" ]} ]} }
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