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diff --git a/install.html b/install.html
index e5f8237..269fe6e 100644
--- a/install.html
+++ b/install.html
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+                  <li id="publishDate">Last Published: 2015-06-03</li>
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 <h2><a name="Section3InstallingAsterixDBOnAClusterOfMultipleMachines" id="Section3InstallingAsterixDBOnAClusterOfMultipleMachines">Section 3: Installing AsterixDB on a Cluster of Multiple Machines</a><font size="4"><a href="#toc">[Back to TOC]</a></font><a name="Section_3:_Installing_AsterixDB_on_a_Cluster_of_Multiple_MachinesBack_to_TOC"></a></h2>
 <p>We assume that you have read the two sections above on single-machine AsterixDB setup. Next we explain how to install AsterixDB in a cluster of multiple machines. As an example, we assume we want to setup AsterixDB on a cluster of three machines, in which we use one machine (called machine A) as the master node and two other machines (called machine B and machine C) as the worker nodes, as shown in the following diagram:</p>
-<p><img src="" alt="AsterixCluster" /></p>
+<p><img src="images/AsterixCluster.png" alt="AsterixCluster" /></p>
 <p>Notice that each machine has a &#x2018;&#x2018;cluster_ip&#x2019;&#x2019; address, which is used by these machines for their intra-cluster communication. Meanwhile, the master machine also has a &#x2018;&#x2018;client_ip&#x2019;&#x2019; address, using which an end-user outside the cluster can communicate with this machine. The reason we differentiate between these two types of IP addresses is that we can have a cluster of machines using a private network. In this case they have internal ip addresses that cannot be used outside the network. In the case all the machines are on a public network, the &#x201c;client_ip&#x201d; and &#x201c;cluster_ip&#x201d; of the master machine can share the same address.</p>
 <p>Next we describe how to set up AsterixDB in this cluster, assuming no Managix has been installed on these machines.</p>
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