Merged 500:541 from trunk
git-svn-id: 123451ca-8445-de46-9d55-352943316053
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+++ b/hyracks-storage-am-rtree/.classpath
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
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+ <classpathentry kind="con" path="org.maven.ide.eclipse.MAVEN2_CLASSPATH_CONTAINER"/>
+ <classpathentry kind="output" path="target/classes"/>
diff --git a/hyracks-storage-am-rtree/.project b/hyracks-storage-am-rtree/.project
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index 0000000..4989318
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+++ b/hyracks-storage-am-rtree/.project
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
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+#Fri May 20 19:34:07 PDT 2011
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+#Wed Feb 02 19:49:19 PST 2011
+resourceFilterGoals=process-resources resources\:testResources
diff --git a/hyracks-storage-am-rtree/pom.xml b/hyracks-storage-am-rtree/pom.xml
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@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
+ <modelVersion>4.0.0</modelVersion>
+ <groupId>edu.uci.ics.hyracks</groupId>
+ <artifactId>hyracks-storage-am-rtree</artifactId>
+ <version>0.1.8-SNAPSHOT</version>
+ <parent>
+ <groupId>edu.uci.ics.hyracks</groupId>
+ <artifactId>hyracks</artifactId>
+ <version>0.1.8-SNAPSHOT</version>
+ </parent>
+ <build>
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+ <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId>
+ <artifactId>maven-compiler-plugin</artifactId>
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+ </configuration>
+ </plugin>
+ </plugins>
+ </build>
+ <dependencies>
+ <dependency>
+ <groupId>edu.uci.ics.hyracks</groupId>
+ <artifactId>hyracks-storage-am-common</artifactId>
+ <version>0.1.8-SNAPSHOT</version>
+ <type>jar</type>
+ <scope>compile</scope>
+ </dependency>
+ <dependency>
+ <groupId>edu.uci.ics.hyracks</groupId>
+ <artifactId>hyracks-dataflow-common</artifactId>
+ <version>0.1.8-SNAPSHOT</version>
+ <type>jar</type>
+ <scope>compile</scope>
+ </dependency>
+ <dependency>
+ <groupId>edu.uci.ics.hyracks</groupId>
+ <artifactId>hyracks-dataflow-std</artifactId>
+ <version>0.1.8-SNAPSHOT</version>
+ <type>jar</type>
+ <scope>compile</scope>
+ </dependency>
+ <dependency>
+ <groupId>edu.uci.ics.hyracks</groupId>
+ <artifactId>hyracks-control-nc</artifactId>
+ <version>0.1.8-SNAPSHOT</version>
+ <type>jar</type>
+ <scope>compile</scope>
+ </dependency>
+ <dependency>
+ <groupId>junit</groupId>
+ <artifactId>junit</artifactId>
+ <version>4.8.1</version>
+ <type>jar</type>
+ <scope>test</scope>
+ </dependency>
+ </dependencies>
diff --git a/hyracks-storage-am-rtree/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/hyracks/storage/am/rtree/api/ b/hyracks-storage-am-rtree/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/hyracks/storage/am/rtree/api/
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@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+ * Copyright 2009-2010 by The Regents of the University of California
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * you may obtain a copy of the License from
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+public interface IRTreeFrame extends ITreeIndexFrame {
+ public ITreeIndexTupleReference createTupleReference();
+ public void generateDist(ITupleReference tuple, TupleEntryArrayList entries, Rectangle rec, int start, int end);
+ public void computeMBR(ISplitKey splitKey, MultiComparator cmp);
+ public void insert(ITupleReference tuple, MultiComparator cmp, int tupleIndex) throws Exception;
+ public void delete(int tupleIndex, MultiComparator cmp) throws Exception;
+ public int getPageNsn();
+ public void setPageNsn(int pageNsn);
+ public int getRightPage();
+ public void setRightPage(int rightPage);
+ public void adjustMBR(ITreeIndexTupleReference[] tuples, MultiComparator cmp);
diff --git a/hyracks-storage-am-rtree/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/hyracks/storage/am/rtree/api/ b/hyracks-storage-am-rtree/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/hyracks/storage/am/rtree/api/
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@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+ * Copyright 2009-2010 by The Regents of the University of California
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * you may obtain a copy of the License from
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+public interface IRTreeInteriorFrame extends IRTreeFrame {
+ public boolean findBestChild(ITupleReference tuple, MultiComparator cmp);
+ public int getBestChildPageId(MultiComparator cmp);
+ public int getChildPageIdIfIntersect(ITupleReference tuple, int tupleIndex, MultiComparator cmp);
+ public int findTupleByPointer(ITupleReference tuple, MultiComparator cmp);
+ public int findTupleByPointer(ITupleReference tuple, PathList traverseList, int parentId, MultiComparator cmp);
+ public void adjustKey(ITupleReference tuple, int tupleIndex, MultiComparator cmp);
+ public boolean recomputeMBR(ITupleReference tuple, int tupleIndex, MultiComparator cmp);
+ public void enlarge(ITupleReference tuple, MultiComparator cmp);
diff --git a/hyracks-storage-am-rtree/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/hyracks/storage/am/rtree/api/ b/hyracks-storage-am-rtree/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/hyracks/storage/am/rtree/api/
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@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+ * Copyright 2009-2010 by The Regents of the University of California
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * you may obtain a copy of the License from
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+public interface IRTreeLeafFrame extends IRTreeFrame {
+ public int findTupleIndex(ITupleReference tuple, MultiComparator cmp);
+ public boolean intersect(ITupleReference tuple, int tupleIndex, MultiComparator cmp);
diff --git a/hyracks-storage-am-rtree/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/hyracks/storage/am/rtree/dataflow/ b/hyracks-storage-am-rtree/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/hyracks/storage/am/rtree/dataflow/
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@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+ * Copyright 2009-2010 by The Regents of the University of California
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * you may obtain a copy of the License from
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.api.context.IHyracksTaskContext;
+import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.api.exceptions.HyracksDataException;
+public class RTreeOpHelper extends TreeIndexOpHelper {
+ protected MultiComparator interiorCmp;
+ public RTreeOpHelper(ITreeIndexOperatorDescriptorHelper opDesc, IHyracksTaskContext ctx, int partition,
+ IndexHelperOpenMode mode) {
+ super(opDesc, ctx, partition, mode);
+ }
+ public ITreeIndex createTreeIndex() throws HyracksDataException {
+ IBufferCache bufferCache = opDesc.getStorageManager().getBufferCache(ctx);
+ ITreeIndexMetaDataFrameFactory metaDataFrameFactory = new LIFOMetaDataFrameFactory();
+ IFreePageManager freePageManager = new LinkedListFreePageManager(bufferCache, indexFileId, 0,
+ metaDataFrameFactory);
+ return new RTree(bufferCache, freePageManager, opDesc.getTreeIndexInteriorFactory(),
+ opDesc.getTreeIndexLeafFactory(), cmp);
+ }
diff --git a/hyracks-storage-am-rtree/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/hyracks/storage/am/rtree/dataflow/ b/hyracks-storage-am-rtree/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/hyracks/storage/am/rtree/dataflow/
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index 0000000..75668e1
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@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+ * Copyright 2009-2010 by The Regents of the University of California
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * you may obtain a copy of the License from
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.api.context.IHyracksTaskContext;
+public class RTreeOpHelperFactory implements ITreeIndexOpHelperFactory {
+ private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
+ @Override
+ public TreeIndexOpHelper createTreeIndexOpHelper(ITreeIndexOperatorDescriptorHelper opDesc,
+ IHyracksTaskContext ctx, int partition, IndexHelperOpenMode mode) {
+ return new RTreeOpHelper(opDesc, ctx, partition, mode);
+ }
diff --git a/hyracks-storage-am-rtree/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/hyracks/storage/am/rtree/dataflow/ b/hyracks-storage-am-rtree/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/hyracks/storage/am/rtree/dataflow/
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index 0000000..3dc0963
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@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+ * Copyright 2009-2010 by The Regents of the University of California
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * you may obtain a copy of the License from
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.api.context.IHyracksTaskContext;
+import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.api.dataflow.IOperatorNodePushable;
+import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.api.dataflow.value.IBinaryComparatorFactory;
+import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.api.dataflow.value.IRecordDescriptorProvider;
+import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.api.dataflow.value.ITypeTrait;
+import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.api.dataflow.value.RecordDescriptor;
+import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.api.job.IOperatorEnvironment;
+import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.api.job.JobSpecification;
+import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.dataflow.std.file.IFileSplitProvider;
+public class RTreeSearchOperatorDescriptor extends AbstractTreeIndexOperatorDescriptor {
+ private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
+ private int[] keyFields; // fields in input tuple to be used as keys
+ public RTreeSearchOperatorDescriptor(JobSpecification spec, RecordDescriptor recDesc,
+ IStorageManagerInterface storageManager, IIndexRegistryProvider<ITreeIndex> treeIndexRegistryProvider,
+ IFileSplitProvider fileSplitProvider, ITreeIndexFrameFactory interiorFrameFactory,
+ ITreeIndexFrameFactory leafFrameFactory, ITypeTrait[] typeTraits,
+ IBinaryComparatorFactory[] comparatorFactories, int[] keyFields, ITreeIndexOpHelperFactory opHelperFactory) {
+ super(spec, 1, 1, recDesc, storageManager, treeIndexRegistryProvider, fileSplitProvider, interiorFrameFactory,
+ leafFrameFactory, typeTraits, comparatorFactories, opHelperFactory);
+ this.keyFields = keyFields;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public IOperatorNodePushable createPushRuntime(final IHyracksTaskContext ctx, final IOperatorEnvironment env,
+ IRecordDescriptorProvider recordDescProvider, int partition, int nPartitions) {
+ return new RTreeSearchOperatorNodePushable(this, ctx, partition, recordDescProvider, keyFields);
+ }
diff --git a/hyracks-storage-am-rtree/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/hyracks/storage/am/rtree/dataflow/ b/hyracks-storage-am-rtree/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/hyracks/storage/am/rtree/dataflow/
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index 0000000..86c5591
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+++ b/hyracks-storage-am-rtree/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/hyracks/storage/am/rtree/dataflow/
@@ -0,0 +1,185 @@
+ * Copyright 2009-2010 by The Regents of the University of California
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * you may obtain a copy of the License from
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
+import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.api.context.IHyracksTaskContext;
+import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.api.dataflow.value.IBinaryComparator;
+import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.api.dataflow.value.IRecordDescriptorProvider;
+import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.api.dataflow.value.RecordDescriptor;
+import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.api.exceptions.HyracksDataException;
+import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.dataflow.common.comm.util.FrameUtils;
+import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.dataflow.std.base.AbstractUnaryInputUnaryOutputOperatorNodePushable;
+public class RTreeSearchOperatorNodePushable extends AbstractUnaryInputUnaryOutputOperatorNodePushable {
+ private TreeIndexOpHelper treeIndexOpHelper;
+ private FrameTupleAccessor accessor;
+ private ByteBuffer writeBuffer;
+ private FrameTupleAppender appender;
+ private ArrayTupleBuilder tb;
+ private DataOutput dos;
+ private RTree rtree;
+ private PermutingFrameTupleReference searchKey;
+ private SearchPredicate searchPred;
+ private MultiComparator cmp;
+ private ITreeIndexCursor cursor;
+ private ITreeIndexFrame interiorFrame;
+ private ITreeIndexFrame leafFrame;
+ private RTreeOpContext opCtx;
+ private RecordDescriptor recDesc;
+ public RTreeSearchOperatorNodePushable(AbstractTreeIndexOperatorDescriptor opDesc, IHyracksTaskContext ctx,
+ int partition, IRecordDescriptorProvider recordDescProvider, int[] keyFields) {
+ treeIndexOpHelper = opDesc.getTreeIndexOpHelperFactory().createTreeIndexOpHelper(opDesc, ctx, partition,
+ IndexHelperOpenMode.OPEN);
+ this.recDesc = recordDescProvider.getInputRecordDescriptor(opDesc.getOperatorId(), 0);
+ if (keyFields != null && keyFields.length > 0) {
+ searchKey = new PermutingFrameTupleReference();
+ searchKey.setFieldPermutation(keyFields);
+ }
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void open() throws HyracksDataException {
+ AbstractTreeIndexOperatorDescriptor opDesc = (AbstractTreeIndexOperatorDescriptor) treeIndexOpHelper
+ .getOperatorDescriptor();
+ accessor = new FrameTupleAccessor(treeIndexOpHelper.getHyracksTaskContext().getFrameSize(), recDesc);
+ interiorFrame = opDesc.getTreeIndexInteriorFactory().createFrame();
+ leafFrame = opDesc.getTreeIndexLeafFactory().createFrame();
+ cursor = new RTreeSearchCursor((IRTreeInteriorFrame) interiorFrame, (IRTreeLeafFrame) leafFrame);
+ try {
+ treeIndexOpHelper.init();
+ rtree = (RTree) treeIndexOpHelper.getTreeIndex();
+ int keySearchFields = rtree.getCmp().getComparators().length;
+ IBinaryComparator[] keySearchComparators = new IBinaryComparator[keySearchFields];
+ for (int i = 0; i < keySearchFields; i++) {
+ keySearchComparators[i] = rtree.getCmp().getComparators()[i];
+ }
+ cmp = new MultiComparator(rtree.getCmp().getTypeTraits(), keySearchComparators);
+ searchPred = new SearchPredicate(searchKey, cmp);
+ accessor = new FrameTupleAccessor(treeIndexOpHelper.getHyracksTaskContext().getFrameSize(), recDesc);
+ writeBuffer = treeIndexOpHelper.getHyracksTaskContext().allocateFrame();
+ tb = new ArrayTupleBuilder(rtree.getCmp().getFieldCount());
+ dos = tb.getDataOutput();
+ appender = new FrameTupleAppender(treeIndexOpHelper.getHyracksTaskContext().getFrameSize());
+ appender.reset(writeBuffer, true);
+ opCtx = rtree.createOpContext(IndexOp.SEARCH, treeIndexOpHelper.getLeafFrame(),
+ treeIndexOpHelper.getInteriorFrame(), null);
+ } catch (Exception e) {
+ treeIndexOpHelper.deinit();
+ throw new HyracksDataException(e);
+ }
+ }
+ private void writeSearchResults() throws Exception {
+ while (cursor.hasNext()) {
+ tb.reset();
+ ITupleReference frameTuple = cursor.getTuple();
+ for (int i = 0; i < frameTuple.getFieldCount(); i++) {
+ dos.write(frameTuple.getFieldData(i), frameTuple.getFieldStart(i), frameTuple.getFieldLength(i));
+ tb.addFieldEndOffset();
+ }
+ if (!appender.append(tb.getFieldEndOffsets(), tb.getByteArray(), 0, tb.getSize())) {
+ FrameUtils.flushFrame(writeBuffer, writer);
+ appender.reset(writeBuffer, true);
+ if (!appender.append(tb.getFieldEndOffsets(), tb.getByteArray(), 0, tb.getSize())) {
+ throw new IllegalStateException();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void nextFrame(ByteBuffer buffer) throws HyracksDataException {
+ accessor.reset(buffer);
+ int tupleCount = accessor.getTupleCount();
+ try {
+ for (int i = 0; i < tupleCount; i++) {
+ searchKey.reset(accessor, i);
+ searchPred.setSearchKey(searchKey);
+ cursor.reset();
+, searchPred, opCtx);
+ writeSearchResults();
+ }
+ } catch (Exception e) {
+ throw new HyracksDataException(e);
+ }
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void close() throws HyracksDataException {
+ try {
+ if (appender.getTupleCount() > 0) {
+ FrameUtils.flushFrame(writeBuffer, writer);
+ }
+ writer.close();
+ try {
+ cursor.close();
+ } catch (Exception e) {
+ throw new HyracksDataException(e);
+ }
+ } finally {
+ treeIndexOpHelper.deinit();
+ }
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void flush() throws HyracksDataException {
+ if (appender.getTupleCount() > 0) {
+ FrameUtils.flushFrame(writeBuffer, writer);
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/hyracks-storage-am-rtree/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/hyracks/storage/am/rtree/frames/ b/hyracks-storage-am-rtree/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/hyracks/storage/am/rtree/frames/
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@@ -0,0 +1,206 @@
+ * Copyright 2009-2010 by The Regents of the University of California
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * you may obtain a copy of the License from
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.api.exceptions.HyracksDataException;
+public abstract class RTreeNSMFrame extends TreeIndexNSMFrame implements IRTreeFrame {
+ protected static final int pageNsnOff = smFlagOff + 1;
+ protected static final int rightPageOff = pageNsnOff + 4;
+ protected ITreeIndexTupleReference[] tuples;
+ protected ITreeIndexTupleReference cmpFrameTuple;
+ protected TupleEntryArrayList tupleEntries1; // used for split and checking
+ // enlargement
+ protected TupleEntryArrayList tupleEntries2; // used for split
+ protected Rectangle[] rec;
+ protected static final double splitFactor = 0.4;
+ protected static final int nearMinimumOverlapFactor = 32;
+ private static final double doubleEpsilon = computeDoubleEpsilon();
+ private static final int numTuplesEntries = 100;
+ public RTreeNSMFrame(ITreeIndexTupleWriter tupleWriter, int keyFieldCount) {
+ super(tupleWriter, new UnorderedSlotManager());
+ this.tuples = new ITreeIndexTupleReference[keyFieldCount];
+ for (int i = 0; i < keyFieldCount; i++) {
+ this.tuples[i] = tupleWriter.createTupleReference();
+ }
+ cmpFrameTuple = tupleWriter.createTupleReference();
+ tupleEntries1 = new TupleEntryArrayList(numTuplesEntries, numTuplesEntries);
+ tupleEntries2 = new TupleEntryArrayList(numTuplesEntries, numTuplesEntries);
+ rec = new Rectangle[4];
+ for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
+ rec[i] = new Rectangle(keyFieldCount / 2);
+ }
+ }
+ private static double computeDoubleEpsilon() {
+ double doubleEpsilon = 1.0;
+ do {
+ doubleEpsilon /= 2.0;
+ } while (1.0 + (doubleEpsilon / 2.0) != 1.0);
+ return doubleEpsilon;
+ }
+ public static double doubleEpsilon() {
+ return doubleEpsilon;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void initBuffer(byte level) {
+ super.initBuffer(level);
+ buf.putInt(pageNsnOff, 0);
+ buf.putInt(rightPageOff, -1);
+ }
+ public void setTupleCount(int tupleCount) {
+ buf.putInt(tupleCountOff, tupleCount);
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void setPageNsn(int pageNsn) {
+ buf.putInt(pageNsnOff, pageNsn);
+ }
+ @Override
+ public int getPageNsn() {
+ return buf.getInt(pageNsnOff);
+ }
+ @Override
+ protected void resetSpaceParams() {
+ buf.putInt(freeSpaceOff, rightPageOff + 4);
+ buf.putInt(totalFreeSpaceOff, buf.capacity() - (rightPageOff + 4));
+ }
+ @Override
+ public int getRightPage() {
+ return buf.getInt(rightPageOff);
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void setRightPage(int rightPage) {
+ buf.putInt(rightPageOff, rightPage);
+ }
+ protected ITreeIndexTupleReference[] getTuples() {
+ return tuples;
+ }
+ // for debugging
+ public ArrayList<Integer> getChildren(MultiComparator cmp) {
+ ArrayList<Integer> ret = new ArrayList<Integer>();
+ frameTuple.setFieldCount(cmp.getKeyFieldCount());
+ int tupleCount = buf.getInt(tupleCountOff);
+ for (int i = 0; i < tupleCount; i++) {
+ int tupleOff = slotManager.getTupleOff(slotManager.getSlotOff(i));
+ frameTuple.resetByTupleOffset(buf, tupleOff);
+ int intVal = IntegerSerializerDeserializer.getInt(
+ buf.array(),
+ frameTuple.getFieldStart(frameTuple.getFieldCount() - 1)
+ + frameTuple.getFieldLength(frameTuple.getFieldCount() - 1));
+ ret.add(intVal);
+ }
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public void generateDist(ITupleReference tuple, TupleEntryArrayList entries, Rectangle rec, int start, int end) {
+ int j = 0;
+ while (entries.get(j).getTupleIndex() == -1) {
+ j++;
+ }
+ frameTuple.resetByTupleIndex(this, entries.get(j).getTupleIndex());
+ rec.set(frameTuple);
+ for (int i = start; i < end; ++i) {
+ if (i != j) {
+ if (entries.get(i).getTupleIndex() != -1) {
+ frameTuple.resetByTupleIndex(this, entries.get(i).getTupleIndex());
+ rec.enlarge(frameTuple);
+ } else {
+ rec.enlarge(tuple);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ @Override
+ public ITreeIndexTupleReference createTupleReference() {
+ return tupleWriter.createTupleReference();
+ }
+ public void adjustMBRImpl(ITreeIndexTupleReference[] tuples, MultiComparator cmp) {
+ int maxFieldPos = cmp.getKeyFieldCount() / 2;
+ for (int i = 1; i < getTupleCount(); i++) {
+ frameTuple.resetByTupleIndex(this, i);
+ for (int j = 0; j < maxFieldPos; j++) {
+ int k = maxFieldPos + j;
+ int c = cmp.getComparators()[j].compare(frameTuple.getFieldData(j), frameTuple.getFieldStart(j),
+ frameTuple.getFieldLength(j), tuples[j].getFieldData(j), tuples[j].getFieldStart(j),
+ tuples[j].getFieldLength(j));
+ if (c < 0) {
+ tuples[j].resetByTupleIndex(this, i);
+ }
+ c = cmp.getComparators()[k].compare(frameTuple.getFieldData(k), frameTuple.getFieldStart(k),
+ frameTuple.getFieldLength(k), tuples[k].getFieldData(k), tuples[k].getFieldStart(k),
+ tuples[k].getFieldLength(k));
+ if (c > 0) {
+ tuples[k].resetByTupleIndex(this, i);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void computeMBR(ISplitKey splitKey, MultiComparator cmp) {
+ RTreeSplitKey rTreeSplitKey = ((RTreeSplitKey) splitKey);
+ RTreeTypeAwareTupleWriter rTreeTupleWriterLeftFrame = ((RTreeTypeAwareTupleWriter) tupleWriter);
+ frameTuple.setFieldCount(cmp.getFieldCount());
+ int tupleOff = slotManager.getTupleOff(slotManager.getSlotEndOff());
+ frameTuple.resetByTupleOffset(buf, tupleOff);
+ int splitKeySize = tupleWriter.bytesRequired(frameTuple, 0, cmp.getKeyFieldCount());
+ splitKey.initData(splitKeySize);
+ this.adjustMBR(tuples, cmp);
+ rTreeTupleWriterLeftFrame.writeTupleFields(tuples, 0, rTreeSplitKey.getLeftPageBuffer(), 0);
+ rTreeSplitKey.getLeftTuple().resetByTupleOffset(rTreeSplitKey.getLeftPageBuffer(), 0);
+ }
+ @Override
+ public int getPageHeaderSize() {
+ return rightPageOff;
+ }
diff --git a/hyracks-storage-am-rtree/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/hyracks/storage/am/rtree/frames/ b/hyracks-storage-am-rtree/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/hyracks/storage/am/rtree/frames/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d03c5e9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hyracks-storage-am-rtree/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/hyracks/storage/am/rtree/frames/
@@ -0,0 +1,645 @@
+ * Copyright 2009-2010 by The Regents of the University of California
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * you may obtain a copy of the License from
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+import java.util.Collections;
+import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.api.dataflow.value.ISerializerDeserializer;
+import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.api.exceptions.HyracksDataException;
+public class RTreeNSMInteriorFrame extends RTreeNSMFrame implements IRTreeInteriorFrame {
+ private static final int childPtrSize = 4;
+ public RTreeNSMInteriorFrame(ITreeIndexTupleWriter tupleWriter, int keyFieldCount) {
+ super(tupleWriter, keyFieldCount);
+ }
+ @Override
+ public String printKeys(MultiComparator cmp, ISerializerDeserializer[] fields) throws HyracksDataException {
+ StringBuilder strBuilder = new StringBuilder();
+ int tupleCount = buf.getInt(tupleCountOff);
+ frameTuple.setFieldCount(cmp.getKeyFieldCount());
+ for (int i = 0; i < tupleCount; i++) {
+ frameTuple.resetByTupleIndex(this, i);
+ for (int j = 0; j < cmp.getKeyFieldCount(); j++) {
+ ByteArrayInputStream inStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(frameTuple.getFieldData(j),
+ frameTuple.getFieldStart(j), frameTuple.getFieldLength(j));
+ DataInput dataIn = new DataInputStream(inStream);
+ Object o = fields[j].deserialize(dataIn);
+ strBuilder.append(o.toString() + " ");
+ }
+ strBuilder.append(" | ");
+ }
+ strBuilder.append("\n");
+ return strBuilder.toString();
+ }
+ @Override
+ public boolean findBestChild(ITupleReference tuple, MultiComparator cmp) {
+ cmpFrameTuple.setFieldCount(cmp.getKeyFieldCount());
+ frameTuple.setFieldCount(cmp.getKeyFieldCount());
+ int bestChild = 0;
+ double minEnlargedArea = Double.MAX_VALUE;
+ // the children pointers in the node point to leaves
+ if (getLevel() == 1) {
+ // find least overlap enlargement, use minimum enlarged area to
+ // break tie, if tie still exists use minimum area to break it
+ for (int i = 0; i < getTupleCount(); ++i) {
+ frameTuple.resetByTupleIndex(this, i);
+ double enlargedArea = enlargedArea(frameTuple, tuple, cmp);
+ tupleEntries1.add(i, enlargedArea);
+ if (enlargedArea < minEnlargedArea) {
+ minEnlargedArea = enlargedArea;
+ bestChild = i;
+ }
+ }
+ if (minEnlargedArea < RTreeNSMFrame.doubleEpsilon() || minEnlargedArea > RTreeNSMFrame.doubleEpsilon()) {
+ minEnlargedArea = Double.MAX_VALUE;
+ int k;
+ if (getTupleCount() > nearMinimumOverlapFactor) {
+ // sort the entries based on their area enlargement needed
+ // to include the object
+ tupleEntries1.sort(EntriesOrder.ASCENDING, getTupleCount());
+ k = nearMinimumOverlapFactor;
+ } else {
+ k = getTupleCount();
+ }
+ double minOverlap = Double.MAX_VALUE;
+ int id = 0;
+ for (int i = 0; i < k; ++i) {
+ double difference = 0.0;
+ for (int j = 0; j < getTupleCount(); ++j) {
+ frameTuple.resetByTupleIndex(this, j);
+ cmpFrameTuple.resetByTupleIndex(this, tupleEntries1.get(i).getTupleIndex());
+ int c = pointerCmp(frameTuple, cmpFrameTuple, cmp);
+ if (c != 0) {
+ double intersection = overlappedArea(frameTuple, tuple, cmpFrameTuple, cmp);
+ if (intersection != 0.0) {
+ difference += intersection - overlappedArea(frameTuple, null, cmpFrameTuple, cmp);
+ }
+ } else {
+ id = j;
+ }
+ }
+ double enlargedArea = enlargedArea(cmpFrameTuple, tuple, cmp);
+ if (difference < minOverlap) {
+ minOverlap = difference;
+ minEnlargedArea = enlargedArea;
+ bestChild = id;
+ } else if (difference == minOverlap) {
+ if (enlargedArea < minEnlargedArea) {
+ minEnlargedArea = enlargedArea;
+ bestChild = id;
+ } else if (enlargedArea == minEnlargedArea) {
+ double area = area(cmpFrameTuple, cmp);
+ frameTuple.resetByTupleIndex(this, bestChild);
+ double minArea = area(frameTuple, cmp);
+ if (area < minArea) {
+ bestChild = id;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } else { // find minimum enlarged area, use minimum area to break tie
+ for (int i = 0; i < getTupleCount(); i++) {
+ frameTuple.resetByTupleIndex(this, i);
+ double enlargedArea = enlargedArea(frameTuple, tuple, cmp);
+ if (enlargedArea < minEnlargedArea) {
+ minEnlargedArea = enlargedArea;
+ bestChild = i;
+ } else if (enlargedArea == minEnlargedArea) {
+ double area = area(frameTuple, cmp);
+ frameTuple.resetByTupleIndex(this, bestChild);
+ double minArea = area(frameTuple, cmp);
+ if (area < minArea) {
+ bestChild = i;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ tupleEntries1.clear();
+ frameTuple.resetByTupleIndex(this, bestChild);
+ if (minEnlargedArea > 0.0) {
+ return true;
+ } else {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ @Override
+ public int getBestChildPageId(MultiComparator cmp) {
+ return buf.getInt(getChildPointerOff(frameTuple, cmp));
+ }
+ @Override
+ public int findTupleByPointer(ITupleReference tuple, MultiComparator cmp) {
+ frameTuple.setFieldCount(cmp.getKeyFieldCount());
+ for (int i = 0; i < getTupleCount(); i++) {
+ frameTuple.resetByTupleIndex(this, i);
+ int c = pointerCmp(frameTuple, tuple, cmp);
+ if (c == 0) {
+ return i;
+ }
+ }
+ return -1;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public int getChildPageIdIfIntersect(ITupleReference tuple, int tupleIndex, MultiComparator cmp) {
+ frameTuple.setFieldCount(cmp.getKeyFieldCount());
+ frameTuple.resetByTupleIndex(this, tupleIndex);
+ int maxFieldPos = cmp.getKeyFieldCount() / 2;
+ for (int i = 0; i < maxFieldPos; i++) {
+ int j = maxFieldPos + i;
+ int c = cmp.getComparators()[i].compare(tuple.getFieldData(i), tuple.getFieldStart(i),
+ tuple.getFieldLength(i), frameTuple.getFieldData(j), frameTuple.getFieldStart(j),
+ frameTuple.getFieldLength(j));
+ if (c > 0) {
+ return -1;
+ }
+ c = cmp.getComparators()[i].compare(tuple.getFieldData(j), tuple.getFieldStart(j), tuple.getFieldLength(j),
+ frameTuple.getFieldData(i), frameTuple.getFieldStart(i), frameTuple.getFieldLength(i));
+ if (c < 0) {
+ return -1;
+ }
+ }
+ // return buf.getInt(frameTuple.getFieldStart(cmp.getKeyFieldCount()));
+ return buf.getInt(getChildPointerOff(frameTuple, cmp));
+ }
+ @Override
+ public int findTupleByPointer(ITupleReference tuple, PathList traverseList, int parentIndex, MultiComparator cmp) {
+ frameTuple.setFieldCount(cmp.getKeyFieldCount());
+ for (int i = 0; i < getTupleCount(); i++) {
+ frameTuple.resetByTupleIndex(this, i);
+ int c = pointerCmp(frameTuple, tuple, cmp);
+ if (c == 0) {
+ return i;
+ } else {
+ int pageId = IntegerSerializerDeserializer.getInt(frameTuple.getFieldData(cmp.getKeyFieldCount() - 1),
+ getChildPointerOff(frameTuple, cmp));
+ traverseList.add(pageId, -1, parentIndex);
+ }
+ }
+ return -1;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public boolean compact(MultiComparator cmp) {
+ resetSpaceParams();
+ frameTuple.setFieldCount(cmp.getKeyFieldCount());
+ int tupleCount = buf.getInt(tupleCountOff);
+ int freeSpace = buf.getInt(freeSpaceOff);
+ ArrayList<SlotOffTupleOff> sortedTupleOffs = new ArrayList<SlotOffTupleOff>();
+ sortedTupleOffs.ensureCapacity(tupleCount);
+ for (int i = 0; i < tupleCount; i++) {
+ int slotOff = slotManager.getSlotOff(i);
+ int tupleOff = slotManager.getTupleOff(slotOff);
+ sortedTupleOffs.add(new SlotOffTupleOff(i, slotOff, tupleOff));
+ }
+ Collections.sort(sortedTupleOffs);
+ for (int i = 0; i < sortedTupleOffs.size(); i++) {
+ int tupleOff = sortedTupleOffs.get(i).tupleOff;
+ frameTuple.resetByTupleOffset(buf, tupleOff);
+ int tupleEndOff = frameTuple.getFieldStart(frameTuple.getFieldCount() - 1)
+ + frameTuple.getFieldLength(frameTuple.getFieldCount() - 1);
+ int tupleLength = tupleEndOff - tupleOff + childPtrSize;
+ System.arraycopy(buf.array(), tupleOff, buf.array(), freeSpace, tupleLength);
+ slotManager.setSlot(sortedTupleOffs.get(i).slotOff, freeSpace);
+ freeSpace += tupleLength;
+ }
+ buf.putInt(freeSpaceOff, freeSpace);
+ buf.putInt(totalFreeSpaceOff, buf.capacity() - freeSpace - tupleCount * slotManager.getSlotSize());
+ return false;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public FrameOpSpaceStatus hasSpaceInsert(ITupleReference tuple, MultiComparator cmp) {
+ int bytesRequired = tupleWriter.bytesRequired(tuple) + childPtrSize; // for
+ // the
+ // child
+ // pointer
+ if (bytesRequired + slotManager.getSlotSize() <= buf.capacity() - buf.getInt(freeSpaceOff)
+ - (buf.getInt(tupleCountOff) * slotManager.getSlotSize()))
+ else if (bytesRequired + slotManager.getSlotSize() <= buf.getInt(totalFreeSpaceOff))
+ return FrameOpSpaceStatus.SUFFICIENT_SPACE;
+ else
+ return FrameOpSpaceStatus.INSUFFICIENT_SPACE;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void adjustKey(ITupleReference tuple, int tupleIndex, MultiComparator cmp) {
+ frameTuple.setFieldCount(cmp.getKeyFieldCount());
+ if (tupleIndex == -1) {
+ tupleIndex = findTupleByPointer(tuple, cmp);
+ }
+ if (tupleIndex != -1) {
+ tupleWriter.writeTuple(tuple, buf, getTupleOffset(tupleIndex));
+ }
+ }
+ private int pointerCmp(ITupleReference tupleA, ITupleReference tupleB, MultiComparator cmp) {
+ return cmp.getIntCmp().compare(tupleA.getFieldData(cmp.getKeyFieldCount() - 1),
+ getChildPointerOff(tupleA, cmp), childPtrSize, tupleB.getFieldData(cmp.getKeyFieldCount() - 1),
+ getChildPointerOff(tupleB, cmp), childPtrSize);
+ }
+ @Override
+ public int split(ITreeIndexFrame rightFrame, ITupleReference tuple, MultiComparator cmp, ISplitKey splitKey)
+ throws Exception {
+ rightFrame.setPageTupleFieldCount(cmp.getKeyFieldCount());
+ frameTuple.setFieldCount(cmp.getKeyFieldCount());
+ RTreeSplitKey rTreeSplitKey = ((RTreeSplitKey) splitKey);
+ RTreeTypeAwareTupleWriter rTreeTupleWriterLeftFrame = ((RTreeTypeAwareTupleWriter) tupleWriter);
+ RTreeTypeAwareTupleWriter rTreeTupleWriterRightFrame = ((RTreeTypeAwareTupleWriter) rightFrame.getTupleWriter());
+ // calculations are based on the R*-tree paper
+ int m = (int) Math.floor((getTupleCount() + 1) * splitFactor);
+ int splitDistribution = getTupleCount() - (2 * m) + 2;
+ // to calculate the minimum margin in order to pick the split axis
+ double minMargin = Double.MAX_VALUE;
+ int splitAxis = 0, sortOrder = 0;
+ int maxFieldPos = cmp.getKeyFieldCount() / 2;
+ for (int i = 0; i < maxFieldPos; i++) {
+ int j = maxFieldPos + i;
+ for (int k = 0; k < getTupleCount(); ++k) {
+ frameTuple.resetByTupleIndex(this, k);
+ double LowerKey = DoubleSerializerDeserializer.getDouble(frameTuple.getFieldData(i),
+ frameTuple.getFieldStart(i));
+ double UpperKey = DoubleSerializerDeserializer.getDouble(frameTuple.getFieldData(j),
+ frameTuple.getFieldStart(j));
+ tupleEntries1.add(k, LowerKey);
+ tupleEntries2.add(k, UpperKey);
+ }
+ double LowerKey = DoubleSerializerDeserializer.getDouble(tuple.getFieldData(i), tuple.getFieldStart(i));
+ double UpperKey = DoubleSerializerDeserializer.getDouble(tuple.getFieldData(j), tuple.getFieldStart(j));
+ tupleEntries1.add(-1, LowerKey);
+ tupleEntries2.add(-1, UpperKey);
+ tupleEntries1.sort(EntriesOrder.ASCENDING, getTupleCount() + 1);
+ tupleEntries2.sort(EntriesOrder.ASCENDING, getTupleCount() + 1);
+ double lowerMargin = 0.0, upperMargin = 0.0;
+ // generate distribution
+ for (int k = 1; k <= splitDistribution; ++k) {
+ int d = m - 1 + k;
+ generateDist(tuple, tupleEntries1, rec[0], 0, d);
+ generateDist(tuple, tupleEntries2, rec[1], 0, d);
+ generateDist(tuple, tupleEntries1, rec[2], d, getTupleCount() + 1);
+ generateDist(tuple, tupleEntries2, rec[3], d, getTupleCount() + 1);
+ // calculate the margin of the distributions
+ lowerMargin += rec[0].margin() + rec[2].margin();
+ upperMargin += rec[1].margin() + rec[3].margin();
+ }
+ double margin = Math.min(lowerMargin, upperMargin);
+ // store minimum margin as split axis
+ if (margin < minMargin) {
+ minMargin = margin;
+ splitAxis = i;
+ sortOrder = (lowerMargin < upperMargin) ? 0 : 2;
+ }
+ tupleEntries1.clear();
+ tupleEntries2.clear();
+ }
+ for (int i = 0; i < getTupleCount(); ++i) {
+ frameTuple.resetByTupleIndex(this, i);
+ double key = DoubleSerializerDeserializer.getDouble(frameTuple.getFieldData(splitAxis + sortOrder),
+ frameTuple.getFieldStart(splitAxis + sortOrder));
+ tupleEntries1.add(i, key);
+ }
+ double key = DoubleSerializerDeserializer.getDouble(tuple.getFieldData(splitAxis + sortOrder),
+ tuple.getFieldStart(splitAxis + sortOrder));
+ tupleEntries1.add(-1, key);
+ tupleEntries1.sort(EntriesOrder.ASCENDING, getTupleCount() + 1);
+ double minArea = Double.MAX_VALUE;
+ double minOverlap = Double.MAX_VALUE;
+ int splitPoint = 0;
+ for (int i = 1; i <= splitDistribution; ++i) {
+ int d = m - 1 + i;
+ generateDist(tuple, tupleEntries1, rec[0], 0, d);
+ generateDist(tuple, tupleEntries1, rec[2], d, getTupleCount() + 1);
+ double overlap = rec[0].overlappedArea(rec[2]);
+ if (overlap < minOverlap) {
+ splitPoint = d;
+ minOverlap = overlap;
+ minArea = rec[0].area() + rec[2].area();
+ } else if (overlap == minOverlap) {
+ double area = rec[0].area() + rec[2].area();
+ if (area < minArea) {
+ splitPoint = d;
+ minArea = area;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ int startIndex, endIndex;
+ if (splitPoint < (getTupleCount() + 1) / 2) {
+ startIndex = 0;
+ endIndex = splitPoint;
+ } else {
+ startIndex = splitPoint;
+ endIndex = (getTupleCount() + 1);
+ }
+ boolean tupleInserted = false;
+ int totalBytes = 0, numOfDeletedTuples = 0;
+ for (int i = startIndex; i < endIndex; i++) {
+ if (tupleEntries1.get(i).getTupleIndex() != -1) {
+ frameTuple.resetByTupleIndex(this, tupleEntries1.get(i).getTupleIndex());
+ rightFrame.insert(frameTuple, cmp, -1);
+ ((UnorderedSlotManager) slotManager).modifySlot(
+ slotManager.getSlotOff(tupleEntries1.get(i).getTupleIndex()), -1);
+ totalBytes += tupleWriter.bytesRequired(frameTuple) + childPtrSize;
+ numOfDeletedTuples++;
+ } else {
+ rightFrame.insert(tuple, cmp, -1);
+ tupleInserted = true;
+ }
+ }
+ ((UnorderedSlotManager) slotManager).deleteEmptySlots();
+ // maintain space information
+ buf.putInt(totalFreeSpaceOff, buf.getInt(totalFreeSpaceOff) + totalBytes
+ + (slotManager.getSlotSize() * numOfDeletedTuples));
+ // compact both pages
+ rightFrame.compact(cmp);
+ compact(cmp);
+ if (!tupleInserted) {
+ insert(tuple, cmp, -1);
+ }
+ int tupleOff = slotManager.getTupleOff(slotManager.getSlotEndOff());
+ frameTuple.resetByTupleOffset(buf, tupleOff);
+ int splitKeySize = tupleWriter.bytesRequired(frameTuple, 0, cmp.getKeyFieldCount());
+ splitKey.initData(splitKeySize);
+ this.adjustMBR(tuples, cmp);
+ rTreeTupleWriterLeftFrame.writeTupleFields(tuples, 0, rTreeSplitKey.getLeftPageBuffer(), 0);
+ rTreeSplitKey.getLeftTuple().resetByTupleOffset(rTreeSplitKey.getLeftPageBuffer(), 0);
+ ((IRTreeFrame) rightFrame).adjustMBR(((RTreeNSMFrame) rightFrame).getTuples(), cmp);
+ rTreeTupleWriterRightFrame.writeTupleFields(((RTreeNSMFrame) rightFrame).getTuples(), 0,
+ rTreeSplitKey.getRightPageBuffer(), 0);
+ rTreeSplitKey.getRightTuple().resetByTupleOffset(rTreeSplitKey.getRightPageBuffer(), 0);
+ tupleEntries1.clear();
+ tupleEntries2.clear();
+ return 0;
+ }
+ private int getChildPointerOff(ITupleReference tuple, MultiComparator cmp) {
+ return tuple.getFieldStart(cmp.getKeyFieldCount() - 1) + tuple.getFieldLength(cmp.getKeyFieldCount() - 1);
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void insert(ITupleReference tuple, MultiComparator cmp, int tupleIndex) throws Exception {
+ frameTuple.setFieldCount(cmp.getKeyFieldCount());
+ slotManager.insertSlot(-1, buf.getInt(freeSpaceOff));
+ int freeSpace = buf.getInt(freeSpaceOff);
+ int bytesWritten = tupleWriter.writeTupleFields(tuple, 0, cmp.getKeyFieldCount(), buf, freeSpace);
+ System.arraycopy(tuple.getFieldData(cmp.getKeyFieldCount() - 1), getChildPointerOff(tuple, cmp), buf.array(),
+ freeSpace + bytesWritten, childPtrSize);
+ int tupleSize = bytesWritten + childPtrSize;
+ buf.putInt(tupleCountOff, buf.getInt(tupleCountOff) + 1);
+ buf.putInt(freeSpaceOff, buf.getInt(freeSpaceOff) + tupleSize);
+ buf.putInt(totalFreeSpaceOff, buf.getInt(totalFreeSpaceOff) - tupleSize - slotManager.getSlotSize());
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void delete(int tupleIndex, MultiComparator cmp) throws Exception {
+ frameTuple.setFieldCount(cmp.getKeyFieldCount());
+ int slotOff = slotManager.getSlotOff(tupleIndex);
+ int tupleOff = slotManager.getTupleOff(slotOff);
+ frameTuple.resetByTupleOffset(buf, tupleOff);
+ int tupleSize = tupleWriter.bytesRequired(frameTuple);
+ // perform deletion (we just do a memcpy to overwrite the slot)
+ int slotStartOff = slotManager.getSlotEndOff();
+ int length = slotOff - slotStartOff;
+ System.arraycopy(buf.array(), slotStartOff, buf.array(), slotStartOff + slotManager.getSlotSize(), length);
+ // maintain space information
+ buf.putInt(tupleCountOff, buf.getInt(tupleCountOff) - 1);
+ buf.putInt(totalFreeSpaceOff,
+ buf.getInt(totalFreeSpaceOff) + tupleSize + childPtrSize + slotManager.getSlotSize());
+ }
+ @Override
+ public boolean recomputeMBR(ITupleReference tuple, int tupleIndex, MultiComparator cmp) {
+ frameTuple.setFieldCount(cmp.getKeyFieldCount());
+ frameTuple.resetByTupleIndex(this, tupleIndex);
+ int maxFieldPos = cmp.getKeyFieldCount() / 2;
+ for (int i = 0; i < maxFieldPos; i++) {
+ int j = maxFieldPos + i;
+ int c = cmp.getComparators()[i].compare(frameTuple.getFieldData(i), frameTuple.getFieldStart(i),
+ frameTuple.getFieldLength(i), tuple.getFieldData(i), tuple.getFieldStart(i),
+ tuple.getFieldLength(i));
+ if (c != 0) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ c = cmp.getComparators()[j].compare(frameTuple.getFieldData(j), frameTuple.getFieldStart(j),
+ frameTuple.getFieldLength(j), tuple.getFieldData(j), tuple.getFieldStart(j),
+ tuple.getFieldLength(j));
+ if (c != 0) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ private double overlappedArea(ITupleReference tuple1, ITupleReference tupleToBeInserted, ITupleReference tuple2,
+ MultiComparator cmp) {
+ double area = 1.0;
+ double f1, f2;
+ int maxFieldPos = cmp.getKeyFieldCount() / 2;
+ for (int i = 0; i < maxFieldPos; i++) {
+ int j = maxFieldPos + i;
+ double pHigh1, pLow1;
+ if (tupleToBeInserted != null) {
+ int c = cmp.getComparators()[i].compare(tuple1.getFieldData(i), tuple1.getFieldStart(i),
+ tuple1.getFieldLength(i), tupleToBeInserted.getFieldData(i),
+ tupleToBeInserted.getFieldStart(i), tupleToBeInserted.getFieldLength(i));
+ if (c < 0) {
+ pLow1 = DoubleSerializerDeserializer.getDouble(tuple1.getFieldData(i), tuple1.getFieldStart(i));
+ } else {
+ pLow1 = DoubleSerializerDeserializer.getDouble(tupleToBeInserted.getFieldData(i),
+ tupleToBeInserted.getFieldStart(i));
+ }
+ c = cmp.getComparators()[j].compare(tuple1.getFieldData(j), tuple1.getFieldStart(j),
+ tuple1.getFieldLength(j), tupleToBeInserted.getFieldData(j),
+ tupleToBeInserted.getFieldStart(j), tupleToBeInserted.getFieldLength(j));
+ if (c > 0) {
+ pHigh1 = DoubleSerializerDeserializer.getDouble(tuple1.getFieldData(j), tuple1.getFieldStart(j));
+ } else {
+ pHigh1 = DoubleSerializerDeserializer.getDouble(tupleToBeInserted.getFieldData(j),
+ tupleToBeInserted.getFieldStart(j));
+ }
+ } else {
+ pLow1 = DoubleSerializerDeserializer.getDouble(tuple1.getFieldData(i), tuple1.getFieldStart(i));
+ pHigh1 = DoubleSerializerDeserializer.getDouble(tuple1.getFieldData(j), tuple1.getFieldStart(j));
+ }
+ double pLow2 = DoubleSerializerDeserializer.getDouble(tuple2.getFieldData(i), tuple2.getFieldStart(i));
+ double pHigh2 = DoubleSerializerDeserializer.getDouble(tuple2.getFieldData(j), tuple2.getFieldStart(j));
+ if (pLow1 > pHigh2 || pHigh1 < pLow2) {
+ return 0.0;
+ }
+ f1 = Math.max(pLow1, pLow2);
+ f2 = Math.min(pHigh1, pHigh2);
+ area *= f2 - f1;
+ }
+ return area;
+ }
+ private double enlargedArea(ITupleReference tuple, ITupleReference tupleToBeInserted, MultiComparator cmp) {
+ double areaBeforeEnlarge = area(tuple, cmp);
+ double areaAfterEnlarge = 1.0;
+ int maxFieldPos = cmp.getKeyFieldCount() / 2;
+ for (int i = 0; i < maxFieldPos; i++) {
+ int j = maxFieldPos + i;
+ double pHigh, pLow;
+ int c = cmp.getComparators()[i].compare(tuple.getFieldData(i), tuple.getFieldStart(i),
+ tuple.getFieldLength(i), tupleToBeInserted.getFieldData(i), tupleToBeInserted.getFieldStart(i),
+ tupleToBeInserted.getFieldLength(i));
+ if (c < 0) {
+ pLow = DoubleSerializerDeserializer.getDouble(tuple.getFieldData(i), tuple.getFieldStart(i));
+ } else {
+ pLow = DoubleSerializerDeserializer.getDouble(tupleToBeInserted.getFieldData(i),
+ tupleToBeInserted.getFieldStart(i));
+ }
+ c = cmp.getComparators()[j].compare(tuple.getFieldData(j), tuple.getFieldStart(j), tuple.getFieldLength(j),
+ tupleToBeInserted.getFieldData(j), tupleToBeInserted.getFieldStart(j),
+ tupleToBeInserted.getFieldLength(j));
+ if (c > 0) {
+ pHigh = DoubleSerializerDeserializer.getDouble(tuple.getFieldData(j), tuple.getFieldStart(j));
+ } else {
+ pHigh = DoubleSerializerDeserializer.getDouble(tupleToBeInserted.getFieldData(j),
+ tupleToBeInserted.getFieldStart(j));
+ }
+ areaAfterEnlarge *= pHigh - pLow;
+ }
+ return areaAfterEnlarge - areaBeforeEnlarge;
+ }
+ private double area(ITupleReference tuple, MultiComparator cmp) {
+ double area = 1.0;
+ int maxFieldPos = cmp.getKeyFieldCount() / 2;
+ for (int i = 0; i < maxFieldPos; i++) {
+ int j = maxFieldPos + i;
+ area *= DoubleSerializerDeserializer.getDouble(tuple.getFieldData(j), tuple.getFieldStart(j))
+ - DoubleSerializerDeserializer.getDouble(tuple.getFieldData(i), tuple.getFieldStart(i));
+ }
+ return area;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void enlarge(ITupleReference tuple, MultiComparator cmp) {
+ int maxFieldPos = cmp.getKeyFieldCount() / 2;
+ for (int i = 0; i < maxFieldPos; i++) {
+ int j = maxFieldPos + i;
+ int c = cmp.getComparators()[i].compare(frameTuple.getFieldData(i), frameTuple.getFieldStart(i),
+ frameTuple.getFieldLength(i), tuple.getFieldData(i), tuple.getFieldStart(i),
+ tuple.getFieldLength(i));
+ if (c > 0) {
+ System.arraycopy(tuple.getFieldData(i), tuple.getFieldStart(i), frameTuple.getFieldData(i),
+ frameTuple.getFieldStart(i), tuple.getFieldLength(i));
+ }
+ c = cmp.getComparators()[j].compare(frameTuple.getFieldData(j), frameTuple.getFieldStart(j),
+ frameTuple.getFieldLength(j), tuple.getFieldData(j), tuple.getFieldStart(j),
+ tuple.getFieldLength(j));
+ if (c < 0) {
+ System.arraycopy(tuple.getFieldData(j), tuple.getFieldStart(j), frameTuple.getFieldData(j),
+ frameTuple.getFieldStart(j), tuple.getFieldLength(j));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void adjustMBR(ITreeIndexTupleReference[] tuples, MultiComparator cmp) {
+ for (int i = 0; i < tuples.length; i++) {
+ tuples[i].setFieldCount(cmp.getKeyFieldCount());
+ tuples[i].resetByTupleIndex(this, 0);
+ }
+ adjustMBRImpl(tuples, cmp);
+ }
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@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+ * Copyright 2009-2010 by The Regents of the University of California
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * you may obtain a copy of the License from
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+public class RTreeNSMInteriorFrameFactory implements ITreeIndexFrameFactory {
+ private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
+ private ITreeIndexTupleWriterFactory tupleWriterFactory;
+ private int keyFieldCount;
+ public RTreeNSMInteriorFrameFactory(ITreeIndexTupleWriterFactory tupleWriterFactory, int keyFieldCount) {
+ this.tupleWriterFactory = tupleWriterFactory;
+ this.keyFieldCount = keyFieldCount;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public IRTreeInteriorFrame createFrame() {
+ return new RTreeNSMInteriorFrame(tupleWriterFactory.createTupleWriter(), keyFieldCount);
+ }
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@@ -0,0 +1,266 @@
+ * Copyright 2009-2010 by The Regents of the University of California
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * you may obtain a copy of the License from
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+public class RTreeNSMLeafFrame extends RTreeNSMFrame implements IRTreeLeafFrame {
+ public RTreeNSMLeafFrame(ITreeIndexTupleWriter tupleWriter, int keyFieldCount) {
+ super(tupleWriter, keyFieldCount);
+ }
+ @Override
+ public int findTupleIndex(ITupleReference tuple, MultiComparator cmp) {
+ frameTuple.setFieldCount(cmp.getFieldCount());
+ return slotManager.findTupleIndex(tuple, frameTuple, cmp, null, null);
+ }
+ @Override
+ public boolean intersect(ITupleReference tuple, int tupleIndex, MultiComparator cmp) {
+ frameTuple.setFieldCount(cmp.getFieldCount());
+ frameTuple.resetByTupleIndex(this, tupleIndex);
+ int maxFieldPos = cmp.getKeyFieldCount() / 2;
+ for (int i = 0; i < maxFieldPos; i++) {
+ int j = maxFieldPos + i;
+ int c = cmp.getComparators()[i].compare(tuple.getFieldData(i), tuple.getFieldStart(i),
+ tuple.getFieldLength(i), frameTuple.getFieldData(j), frameTuple.getFieldStart(j),
+ frameTuple.getFieldLength(j));
+ if (c > 0) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ c = cmp.getComparators()[i].compare(tuple.getFieldData(j), tuple.getFieldStart(j), tuple.getFieldLength(j),
+ frameTuple.getFieldData(i), frameTuple.getFieldStart(i), frameTuple.getFieldLength(i));
+ if (c < 0) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public int split(ITreeIndexFrame rightFrame, ITupleReference tuple, MultiComparator cmp, ISplitKey splitKey)
+ throws Exception {
+ rightFrame.setPageTupleFieldCount(cmp.getFieldCount());
+ frameTuple.setFieldCount(cmp.getFieldCount());
+ RTreeSplitKey rTreeSplitKey = ((RTreeSplitKey) splitKey);
+ RTreeTypeAwareTupleWriter rTreeTupleWriterLeftFrame = ((RTreeTypeAwareTupleWriter) tupleWriter);
+ RTreeTypeAwareTupleWriter rTreeTupleWriterRightFrame = ((RTreeTypeAwareTupleWriter) rightFrame.getTupleWriter());
+ // calculations are based on the R*-tree paper
+ int m = (int) Math.floor((getTupleCount() + 1) * splitFactor);
+ int splitDistribution = getTupleCount() - (2 * m) + 2;
+ // to calculate the minimum margin in order to pick the split axis
+ double minMargin = Double.MAX_VALUE;
+ int splitAxis = 0, sortOrder = 0;
+ int maxFieldPos = cmp.getKeyFieldCount() / 2;
+ for (int i = 0; i < maxFieldPos; i++) {
+ int j = maxFieldPos + i;
+ for (int k = 0; k < getTupleCount(); ++k) {
+ frameTuple.resetByTupleIndex(this, k);
+ double LowerKey = DoubleSerializerDeserializer.getDouble(frameTuple.getFieldData(i),
+ frameTuple.getFieldStart(i));
+ double UpperKey = DoubleSerializerDeserializer.getDouble(frameTuple.getFieldData(j),
+ frameTuple.getFieldStart(j));
+ tupleEntries1.add(k, LowerKey);
+ tupleEntries2.add(k, UpperKey);
+ }
+ double LowerKey = DoubleSerializerDeserializer.getDouble(tuple.getFieldData(i), tuple.getFieldStart(i));
+ double UpperKey = DoubleSerializerDeserializer.getDouble(tuple.getFieldData(j), tuple.getFieldStart(j));
+ tupleEntries1.add(-1, LowerKey);
+ tupleEntries2.add(-1, UpperKey);
+ tupleEntries1.sort(EntriesOrder.ASCENDING, getTupleCount() + 1);
+ tupleEntries2.sort(EntriesOrder.ASCENDING, getTupleCount() + 1);
+ double lowerMargin = 0.0, upperMargin = 0.0;
+ // generate distribution
+ for (int k = 1; k <= splitDistribution; ++k) {
+ int d = m - 1 + k;
+ generateDist(tuple, tupleEntries1, rec[0], 0, d);
+ generateDist(tuple, tupleEntries2, rec[1], 0, d);
+ generateDist(tuple, tupleEntries1, rec[2], d, getTupleCount() + 1);
+ generateDist(tuple, tupleEntries2, rec[3], d, getTupleCount() + 1);
+ // calculate the margin of the distributions
+ lowerMargin += rec[0].margin() + rec[2].margin();
+ upperMargin += rec[1].margin() + rec[3].margin();
+ }
+ double margin = Math.min(lowerMargin, upperMargin);
+ // store minimum margin as split axis
+ if (margin < minMargin) {
+ minMargin = margin;
+ splitAxis = i;
+ sortOrder = (lowerMargin < upperMargin) ? 0 : 2;
+ }
+ tupleEntries1.clear();
+ tupleEntries2.clear();
+ }
+ for (int i = 0; i < getTupleCount(); ++i) {
+ frameTuple.resetByTupleIndex(this, i);
+ double key = DoubleSerializerDeserializer.getDouble(frameTuple.getFieldData(splitAxis + sortOrder),
+ frameTuple.getFieldStart(splitAxis + sortOrder));
+ tupleEntries1.add(i, key);
+ }
+ double key = DoubleSerializerDeserializer.getDouble(tuple.getFieldData(splitAxis + sortOrder),
+ tuple.getFieldStart(splitAxis + sortOrder));
+ tupleEntries1.add(-1, key);
+ tupleEntries1.sort(EntriesOrder.ASCENDING, getTupleCount() + 1);
+ double minArea = Double.MAX_VALUE;
+ double minOverlap = Double.MAX_VALUE;
+ int splitPoint = 0;
+ for (int i = 1; i <= splitDistribution; ++i) {
+ int d = m - 1 + i;
+ generateDist(tuple, tupleEntries1, rec[0], 0, d);
+ generateDist(tuple, tupleEntries1, rec[2], d, getTupleCount() + 1);
+ double overlap = rec[0].overlappedArea(rec[2]);
+ if (overlap < minOverlap) {
+ splitPoint = d;
+ minOverlap = overlap;
+ minArea = rec[0].area() + rec[2].area();
+ } else if (overlap == minOverlap) {
+ double area = rec[0].area() + rec[2].area();
+ if (area < minArea) {
+ splitPoint = d;
+ minArea = area;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ int startIndex, endIndex;
+ if (splitPoint < (getTupleCount() + 1) / 2) {
+ startIndex = 0;
+ endIndex = splitPoint;
+ } else {
+ startIndex = splitPoint;
+ endIndex = (getTupleCount() + 1);
+ }
+ boolean tupleInserted = false;
+ int totalBytes = 0, numOfDeletedTuples = 0;
+ for (int i = startIndex; i < endIndex; i++) {
+ if (tupleEntries1.get(i).getTupleIndex() != -1) {
+ frameTuple.resetByTupleIndex(this, tupleEntries1.get(i).getTupleIndex());
+ rightFrame.insert(frameTuple, cmp, -1);
+ ((UnorderedSlotManager) slotManager).modifySlot(
+ slotManager.getSlotOff(tupleEntries1.get(i).getTupleIndex()), -1);
+ totalBytes += tupleWriter.bytesRequired(frameTuple);
+ numOfDeletedTuples++;
+ } else {
+ rightFrame.insert(tuple, cmp, -1);
+ tupleInserted = true;
+ }
+ }
+ ((UnorderedSlotManager) slotManager).deleteEmptySlots();
+ // maintain space information
+ buf.putInt(totalFreeSpaceOff, buf.getInt(totalFreeSpaceOff) + totalBytes
+ + (slotManager.getSlotSize() * numOfDeletedTuples));
+ // compact both pages
+ rightFrame.compact(cmp);
+ compact(cmp);
+ if (!tupleInserted) {
+ insert(tuple, cmp, -1);
+ }
+ int tupleOff = slotManager.getTupleOff(slotManager.getSlotEndOff());
+ frameTuple.resetByTupleOffset(buf, tupleOff);
+ int splitKeySize = tupleWriter.bytesRequired(frameTuple, 0, cmp.getKeyFieldCount());
+ splitKey.initData(splitKeySize);
+ this.adjustMBR(tuples, cmp);
+ rTreeTupleWriterLeftFrame.writeTupleFields(tuples, 0, rTreeSplitKey.getLeftPageBuffer(), 0);
+ rTreeSplitKey.getLeftTuple().resetByTupleOffset(rTreeSplitKey.getLeftPageBuffer(), 0);
+ ((IRTreeFrame) rightFrame).adjustMBR(((RTreeNSMFrame) rightFrame).getTuples(), cmp);
+ rTreeTupleWriterRightFrame.writeTupleFields(((RTreeNSMFrame) rightFrame).getTuples(), 0,
+ rTreeSplitKey.getRightPageBuffer(), 0);
+ rTreeSplitKey.getRightTuple().resetByTupleOffset(rTreeSplitKey.getRightPageBuffer(), 0);
+ tupleEntries1.clear();
+ tupleEntries2.clear();
+ return 0;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void insert(ITupleReference tuple, MultiComparator cmp, int tupleIndex) throws Exception {
+ frameTuple.setFieldCount(cmp.getFieldCount());
+ slotManager.insertSlot(-1, buf.getInt(freeSpaceOff));
+ int bytesWritten = tupleWriter.writeTuple(tuple, buf, buf.getInt(freeSpaceOff));
+ buf.putInt(tupleCountOff, buf.getInt(tupleCountOff) + 1);
+ buf.putInt(freeSpaceOff, buf.getInt(freeSpaceOff) + bytesWritten);
+ buf.putInt(totalFreeSpaceOff, buf.getInt(totalFreeSpaceOff) - bytesWritten - slotManager.getSlotSize());
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void delete(int tupleIndex, MultiComparator cmp) throws Exception {
+ frameTuple.setFieldCount(cmp.getFieldCount());
+ int slotOff = slotManager.getSlotOff(tupleIndex);
+ int tupleOff = slotManager.getTupleOff(slotOff);
+ frameTuple.resetByTupleOffset(buf, tupleOff);
+ int tupleSize = tupleWriter.bytesRequired(frameTuple);
+ // perform deletion (we just do a memcpy to overwrite the slot)
+ int slotStartOff = slotManager.getSlotEndOff();
+ int length = slotOff - slotStartOff;
+ System.arraycopy(buf.array(), slotStartOff, buf.array(), slotStartOff + slotManager.getSlotSize(), length);
+ // maintain space information
+ buf.putInt(tupleCountOff, buf.getInt(tupleCountOff) - 1);
+ buf.putInt(totalFreeSpaceOff, buf.getInt(totalFreeSpaceOff) + tupleSize + slotManager.getSlotSize());
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void adjustMBR(ITreeIndexTupleReference[] tuples, MultiComparator cmp) {
+ for (int i = 0; i < tuples.length; i++) {
+ tuples[i].setFieldCount(cmp.getFieldCount());
+ tuples[i].resetByTupleIndex(this, 0);
+ }
+ adjustMBRImpl(tuples, cmp);
+ }
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@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+ * Copyright 2009-2010 by The Regents of the University of California
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * you may obtain a copy of the License from
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+public class RTreeNSMLeafFrameFactory implements ITreeIndexFrameFactory {
+ private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
+ private ITreeIndexTupleWriterFactory tupleWriterFactory;
+ private int keyFieldCount;
+ public RTreeNSMLeafFrameFactory(ITreeIndexTupleWriterFactory tupleWriterFactory, int keyFieldCount) {
+ this.tupleWriterFactory = tupleWriterFactory;
+ this.keyFieldCount = keyFieldCount;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public IRTreeLeafFrame createFrame() {
+ return new RTreeNSMLeafFrame(tupleWriterFactory.createTupleWriter(), keyFieldCount);
+ }
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@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+ * Copyright 2009-2010 by The Regents of the University of California
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * you may obtain a copy of the License from
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+public enum EntriesOrder {
diff --git a/hyracks-storage-am-rtree/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/hyracks/storage/am/rtree/impls/ b/hyracks-storage-am-rtree/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/hyracks/storage/am/rtree/impls/
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@@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
+ * Copyright 2009-2010 by The Regents of the University of California
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * you may obtain a copy of the License from
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+public class PathList {
+ private IntArrayList pageIds;
+ private IntArrayList pageLsns;
+ private IntArrayList pageIndexes;
+ public PathList(int initialCapacity, int growth) {
+ pageIds = new IntArrayList(initialCapacity, growth);
+ pageLsns = new IntArrayList(initialCapacity, growth);
+ pageIndexes = new IntArrayList(initialCapacity, growth);
+ }
+ public int size() {
+ return pageIds.size();
+ }
+ public int first() {
+ return pageIds.first();
+ }
+ public void add(int pageId, int pageLsn, int pageIndex) {
+ pageIds.add(pageId);
+ pageLsns.add(pageLsn);
+ pageIndexes.add(pageIndex);
+ }
+ public int getFirstPageId() {
+ return pageIds.getFirst();
+ }
+ public int getFirstPageLsn() {
+ return pageLsns.getFirst();
+ }
+ public int getFirstPageIndex() {
+ return pageIndexes.getFirst();
+ }
+ public int getLastPageId() {
+ return pageIds.getLast();
+ }
+ public int getLastPageLsn() {
+ return pageLsns.getLast();
+ }
+ public int getLastPageIndex() {
+ return pageIndexes.getLast();
+ }
+ public int getPageId(int i) {
+ return pageIds.get(i);
+ }
+ public int getPageLsn(int i) {
+ return pageLsns.get(i);
+ }
+ public int getPageIndex(int i) {
+ return pageIndexes.get(i);
+ }
+ public void setPageLsn(int i, int pageLsn) {
+ pageLsns.set(i, pageLsn);
+ }
+ public void moveFirst() {
+ pageIds.moveFirst();
+ pageLsns.moveFirst();
+ pageIndexes.moveFirst();
+ }
+ public void moveLast() {
+ pageIds.removeLast();
+ pageLsns.removeLast();
+ pageIndexes.removeLast();
+ }
+ public boolean isLast() {
+ return pageIds.isLast();
+ }
+ public void clear() {
+ pageIds.clear();
+ pageLsns.clear();
+ pageIndexes.clear();
+ }
+ public boolean isEmpty() {
+ return pageIds.isEmpty();
+ }
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@@ -0,0 +1,937 @@
+ * Copyright 2009-2010 by The Regents of the University of California
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * you may obtain a copy of the License from
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
+import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong;
+import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReadWriteLock;
+import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantReadWriteLock;
+import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.api.dataflow.value.ISerializerDeserializer;
+import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.api.exceptions.HyracksDataException;
+public class RTree implements ITreeIndex {
+ private boolean created = false;
+ private boolean loaded = false;
+ private final int rootPage = 1; // the root page never changes
+ private final AtomicInteger globalNsn; // Global node sequence number
+ private int numOfPages = 1;
+ private final ReadWriteLock treeLatch;
+ private final IFreePageManager freePageManager;
+ private final IBufferCache bufferCache;
+ private int fileId;
+ private final SearchPredicate diskOrderScanPredicate;
+ private final ITreeIndexFrameFactory interiorFrameFactory;
+ private final ITreeIndexFrameFactory leafFrameFactory;
+ private final MultiComparator cmp;
+ public int rootSplits = 0;
+ public int[] splitsByLevel = new int[500];
+ public AtomicLong readLatchesAcquired = new AtomicLong();
+ public AtomicLong readLatchesReleased = new AtomicLong();
+ public AtomicLong writeLatchesAcquired = new AtomicLong();
+ public AtomicLong writeLatchesReleased = new AtomicLong();
+ public AtomicLong pins = new AtomicLong();
+ public AtomicLong unpins = new AtomicLong();
+ public byte currentLevel = 0;
+ public RTree(IBufferCache bufferCache, IFreePageManager freePageManager,
+ ITreeIndexFrameFactory interiorFrameFactory, ITreeIndexFrameFactory leafFrameFactory, MultiComparator cmp) {
+ this.bufferCache = bufferCache;
+ this.freePageManager = freePageManager;
+ this.interiorFrameFactory = interiorFrameFactory;
+ this.leafFrameFactory = leafFrameFactory;
+ this.cmp = cmp;
+ globalNsn = new AtomicInteger();
+ this.treeLatch = new ReentrantReadWriteLock(true);
+ this.diskOrderScanPredicate = new SearchPredicate(null, cmp);
+ }
+ public void incrementGlobalNsn() {
+ globalNsn.incrementAndGet();
+ }
+ public int getGlobalNsn() {
+ return globalNsn.get();
+ }
+ public void incrementReadLatchesAcquired() {
+ readLatchesAcquired.incrementAndGet();
+ }
+ public void incrementReadLatchesReleased() {
+ readLatchesReleased.incrementAndGet();
+ }
+ public void incrementWriteLatchesAcquired() {
+ writeLatchesAcquired.incrementAndGet();
+ }
+ public void incrementWriteLatchesReleased() {
+ writeLatchesReleased.incrementAndGet();
+ }
+ public void incrementPins() {
+ pins.incrementAndGet();
+ }
+ public void incrementUnpins() {
+ unpins.incrementAndGet();
+ }
+ public String printStats() {
+ StringBuilder strBuilder = new StringBuilder();
+ strBuilder.append("\n");
+ strBuilder.append("ROOTSPLITS: " + rootSplits + "\n");
+ strBuilder.append("SPLITS BY LEVEL\n");
+ for (int i = 0; i < currentLevel; i++) {
+ strBuilder.append(String.format("%3d ", i) + String.format("%8d ", splitsByLevel[i]) + "\n");
+ }
+ strBuilder.append(String.format("READ LATCHES: %10d %10d\n", readLatchesAcquired.get(),
+ readLatchesReleased.get()));
+ strBuilder.append(String.format("WRITE LATCHES: %10d %10d\n", writeLatchesAcquired.get(),
+ writeLatchesReleased.get()));
+ strBuilder.append(String.format("PINS: %10d %10d\n", pins.get(), unpins.get()));
+ strBuilder.append(String.format("Num of Pages: %10d\n", numOfPages));
+ return strBuilder.toString();
+ }
+ public void printTree(IRTreeFrame leafFrame, IRTreeFrame interiorFrame, ISerializerDeserializer[] fields)
+ throws Exception {
+ printTree(rootPage, null, false, leafFrame, interiorFrame, fields);
+ }
+ public void printTree(int pageId, ICachedPage parent, boolean unpin, IRTreeFrame leafFrame,
+ IRTreeFrame interiorFrame, ISerializerDeserializer[] fields) throws Exception {
+ ICachedPage node =, pageId), false);
+ incrementPins();
+ node.acquireReadLatch();
+ incrementReadLatchesAcquired();
+ try {
+ if (parent != null && unpin == true) {
+ parent.releaseReadLatch();
+ incrementReadLatchesReleased();
+ bufferCache.unpin(parent);
+ incrementUnpins();
+ }
+ interiorFrame.setPage(node);
+ int level = interiorFrame.getLevel();
+ System.out.format("%1d ", level);
+ System.out.format("%3d ", pageId);
+ for (int i = 0; i < currentLevel - level; i++)
+ System.out.format(" ");
+ String keyString;
+ if (interiorFrame.isLeaf()) {
+ leafFrame.setPage(node);
+ keyString = leafFrame.printKeys(cmp, fields);
+ } else {
+ keyString = interiorFrame.printKeys(cmp, fields);
+ }
+ System.out.format(keyString);
+ if (!interiorFrame.isLeaf()) {
+ ArrayList<Integer> children = ((RTreeNSMFrame) (interiorFrame)).getChildren(cmp);
+ for (int i = 0; i < children.size(); i++) {
+ printTree(children.get(i), node, i == children.size() - 1, leafFrame, interiorFrame, fields);
+ }
+ } else {
+ node.releaseReadLatch();
+ incrementReadLatchesReleased();
+ bufferCache.unpin(node);
+ incrementUnpins();
+ }
+ } catch (Exception e) {
+ node.releaseReadLatch();
+ incrementReadLatchesReleased();
+ bufferCache.unpin(node);
+ incrementUnpins();
+ throw e;
+ }
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void create(int fileId, ITreeIndexFrame leafFrame, ITreeIndexMetaDataFrame metaFrame) throws Exception {
+ if (created)
+ return;
+ treeLatch.writeLock().lock();
+ try {
+ // check if another thread beat us to it
+ if (created)
+ return;
+ freePageManager.init(metaFrame, rootPage);
+ // initialize root page
+ ICachedPage rootNode =, rootPage), true);
+ incrementPins();
+ rootNode.acquireWriteLatch();
+ incrementWriteLatchesAcquired();
+ try {
+ leafFrame.setPage(rootNode);
+ leafFrame.initBuffer((byte) 0);
+ } finally {
+ rootNode.releaseWriteLatch();
+ incrementWriteLatchesReleased();
+ bufferCache.unpin(rootNode);
+ incrementUnpins();
+ }
+ currentLevel = 0;
+ created = true;
+ } finally {
+ treeLatch.writeLock().unlock();
+ }
+ }
+ public void open(int fileId) {
+ this.fileId = fileId;
+ }
+ public void close() {
+ fileId = -1;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public RTreeOpContext createOpContext(IndexOp op, ITreeIndexFrame leafFrame, ITreeIndexFrame interiorFrame,
+ ITreeIndexMetaDataFrame metaFrame) {
+ return new RTreeOpContext(op, (IRTreeLeafFrame) leafFrame, (IRTreeInteriorFrame) interiorFrame, metaFrame, 8);
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void insert(ITupleReference tuple, IndexOpContext ictx) throws Exception {
+ RTreeOpContext ctx = (RTreeOpContext) ictx;
+ ctx.reset();
+ ctx.setTuple(tuple);
+ ctx.splitKey.reset();
+ ctx.splitKey.getLeftTuple().setFieldCount(cmp.getKeyFieldCount());
+ ctx.splitKey.getRightTuple().setFieldCount(cmp.getKeyFieldCount());
+ ctx.interiorFrame.setPageTupleFieldCount(cmp.getKeyFieldCount());
+ ctx.leafFrame.setPageTupleFieldCount(cmp.getFieldCount());
+ ICachedPage leafNode = findLeaf(ctx);
+ int pageId = ctx.pathList.getLastPageId();
+ ctx.pathList.moveLast();
+ insertTuple(leafNode, pageId, ctx.getTuple(), ctx, true);
+ while (true) {
+ if (ctx.splitKey.getLeftPageBuffer() != null) {
+ updateParentForInsert(ctx);
+ } else {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ leafNode.releaseWriteLatch();
+ incrementWriteLatchesReleased();
+ bufferCache.unpin(leafNode);
+ incrementUnpins();
+ }
+ public ICachedPage findLeaf(RTreeOpContext ctx) throws Exception {
+ int pageId = rootPage;
+ boolean writeLatched = false;
+ ICachedPage node = null;
+ boolean isLeaf = false;
+ int pageLsn = 0, parentLsn = 0;
+ while (true) {
+ if (!writeLatched) {
+ node =, pageId), false);
+ incrementPins();
+ ctx.interiorFrame.setPage(node);
+ isLeaf = ctx.interiorFrame.isLeaf();
+ if (isLeaf) {
+ node.acquireWriteLatch();
+ incrementWriteLatchesAcquired();
+ writeLatched = true;
+ if (!ctx.interiorFrame.isLeaf()) {
+ node.releaseWriteLatch();
+ incrementWriteLatchesReleased();
+ bufferCache.unpin(node);
+ incrementUnpins();
+ writeLatched = false;
+ continue;
+ }
+ } else {
+ // Be optimistic and grab read latch first. We will swap it
+ // to write latch if we need to enlarge the best child
+ // tuple.
+ node.acquireReadLatch();
+ incrementReadLatchesAcquired();
+ }
+ }
+ if (pageId != rootPage && parentLsn < ctx.interiorFrame.getPageNsn()) {
+ // Concurrent split detected, go back to parent and re-choose
+ // the best child
+ if (writeLatched) {
+ node.releaseWriteLatch();
+ incrementWriteLatchesReleased();
+ bufferCache.unpin(node);
+ incrementUnpins();
+ writeLatched = false;
+ } else {
+ node.releaseReadLatch();
+ incrementReadLatchesReleased();
+ bufferCache.unpin(node);
+ incrementUnpins();
+ }
+ pageId = ctx.pathList.getLastPageId();
+ if (pageId != rootPage) {
+ parentLsn = ctx.pathList.getPageLsn(ctx.pathList.size() - 2);
+ }
+ ctx.pathList.moveLast();
+ continue;
+ }
+ pageLsn = ctx.interiorFrame.getPageLsn();
+ ctx.pathList.add(pageId, pageLsn, -1);
+ if (!isLeaf) {
+ // findBestChild must be called *before* getBestChildPageId
+ ctx.interiorFrame.findBestChild(ctx.getTuple(), cmp);
+ int childPageId = ctx.interiorFrame.getBestChildPageId(cmp);
+ if (!writeLatched) {
+ node.releaseReadLatch();
+ incrementReadLatchesReleased();
+ // TODO: do we need to un-pin and pin again?
+ bufferCache.unpin(node);
+ incrementUnpins();
+ node =, pageId), false);
+ incrementPins();
+ node.acquireWriteLatch();
+ incrementWriteLatchesAcquired();
+ ctx.interiorFrame.setPage(node);
+ writeLatched = true;
+ if (ctx.interiorFrame.getPageLsn() != pageLsn) {
+ // The page was changed while we unlocked it; thus,
+ // retry (re-choose best child)
+ ctx.pathList.moveLast();
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ // We don't need to reset the frameTuple because it is
+ // already pointing to the best child
+ ctx.interiorFrame.enlarge(ctx.getTuple(), cmp);
+ node.releaseWriteLatch();
+ incrementWriteLatchesReleased();
+ bufferCache.unpin(node);
+ incrementUnpins();
+ writeLatched = false;
+ pageId = childPageId;
+ parentLsn = pageLsn;
+ } else {
+ ctx.leafFrame.setPage(node);
+ return node;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private void insertTuple(ICachedPage node, int pageId, ITupleReference tuple, RTreeOpContext ctx, boolean isLeaf)
+ throws Exception {
+ FrameOpSpaceStatus spaceStatus;
+ if (!isLeaf) {
+ spaceStatus = ctx.interiorFrame.hasSpaceInsert(tuple, cmp);
+ } else {
+ spaceStatus = ctx.leafFrame.hasSpaceInsert(tuple, cmp);
+ }
+ switch (spaceStatus) {
+ if (!isLeaf) {
+ ctx.interiorFrame.insert(tuple, cmp, -1);
+ incrementGlobalNsn();
+ ctx.interiorFrame.setPageLsn(getGlobalNsn());
+ } else {
+ ctx.leafFrame.insert(tuple, cmp, -1);
+ incrementGlobalNsn();
+ ctx.leafFrame.setPageLsn(getGlobalNsn());
+ }
+ ctx.splitKey.reset();
+ break;
+ }
+ if (!isLeaf) {
+ ctx.interiorFrame.compact(cmp);
+ ctx.interiorFrame.insert(tuple, cmp, -1);
+ incrementGlobalNsn();
+ ctx.interiorFrame.setPageLsn(getGlobalNsn());
+ } else {
+ ctx.leafFrame.compact(cmp);
+ ctx.leafFrame.insert(tuple, cmp, -1);
+ incrementGlobalNsn();
+ ctx.leafFrame.setPageLsn(getGlobalNsn());
+ }
+ ctx.splitKey.reset();
+ break;
+ }
+ int rightPageId = freePageManager.getFreePage(ctx.metaFrame);
+ ICachedPage rightNode =, rightPageId), true);
+ incrementPins();
+ rightNode.acquireWriteLatch();
+ incrementWriteLatchesAcquired();
+ try {
+ IRTreeFrame rightFrame;
+ int ret;
+ numOfPages++; // debug
+ if (!isLeaf) {
+ splitsByLevel[ctx.interiorFrame.getLevel()]++; // debug
+ rightFrame = (IRTreeFrame) interiorFrameFactory.createFrame();
+ rightFrame.setPage(rightNode);
+ rightFrame.initBuffer((byte) ctx.interiorFrame.getLevel());
+ rightFrame.setPageTupleFieldCount(cmp.getKeyFieldCount());
+ ret = ctx.interiorFrame.split(rightFrame, tuple, cmp, ctx.splitKey);
+ ctx.interiorFrame.setRightPage(rightPageId);
+ rightFrame.setPageNsn(ctx.interiorFrame.getPageNsn());
+ incrementGlobalNsn();
+ int newNsn = getGlobalNsn();
+ rightFrame.setPageLsn(newNsn);
+ ctx.interiorFrame.setPageNsn(newNsn);
+ ctx.interiorFrame.setPageLsn(newNsn);
+ } else {
+ splitsByLevel[0]++; // debug
+ rightFrame = (IRTreeFrame) leafFrameFactory.createFrame();
+ rightFrame.setPage(rightNode);
+ rightFrame.initBuffer((byte) 0);
+ rightFrame.setPageTupleFieldCount(cmp.getFieldCount());
+ ret = ctx.leafFrame.split(rightFrame, tuple, cmp, ctx.splitKey);
+ ctx.leafFrame.setRightPage(rightPageId);
+ rightFrame.setPageNsn(ctx.leafFrame.getPageNsn());
+ incrementGlobalNsn();
+ int newNsn = getGlobalNsn();
+ rightFrame.setPageLsn(newNsn);
+ ctx.leafFrame.setPageNsn(newNsn);
+ ctx.leafFrame.setPageLsn(newNsn);
+ }
+ if (ret != 0) {
+ ctx.splitKey.reset();
+ } else {
+ ctx.splitKey.setPages(pageId, rightPageId);
+ }
+ if (pageId == rootPage) {
+ rootSplits++; // debug
+ splitsByLevel[currentLevel]++;
+ currentLevel++;
+ int newLeftId = freePageManager.getFreePage(ctx.metaFrame);
+ ICachedPage newLeftNode =, newLeftId),
+ true);
+ incrementPins();
+ newLeftNode.acquireWriteLatch();
+ incrementWriteLatchesAcquired();
+ try {
+ // copy left child to new left child
+ System.arraycopy(node.getBuffer().array(), 0, newLeftNode.getBuffer().array(), 0,
+ newLeftNode.getBuffer().capacity());
+ // initialize new root (leftNode becomes new root)
+ ctx.interiorFrame.setPage(node);
+ ctx.interiorFrame.initBuffer((byte) (ctx.interiorFrame.getLevel() + 1));
+ ctx.splitKey.setLeftPage(newLeftId);
+ ctx.interiorFrame.insert(ctx.splitKey.getLeftTuple(), cmp, -1);
+ ctx.interiorFrame.insert(ctx.splitKey.getRightTuple(), cmp, -1);
+ incrementGlobalNsn();
+ int newNsn = getGlobalNsn();
+ ctx.interiorFrame.setPageLsn(newNsn);
+ ctx.interiorFrame.setPageNsn(newNsn);
+ } finally {
+ newLeftNode.releaseWriteLatch();
+ incrementWriteLatchesReleased();
+ bufferCache.unpin(newLeftNode);
+ incrementUnpins();
+ }
+ ctx.splitKey.reset();
+ }
+ } finally {
+ rightNode.releaseWriteLatch();
+ incrementWriteLatchesReleased();
+ bufferCache.unpin(rightNode);
+ incrementUnpins();
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ public void updateParentForInsert(RTreeOpContext ctx) throws Exception {
+ int parentId = ctx.pathList.getLastPageId();
+ ICachedPage parentNode =, parentId), false);
+ incrementPins();
+ parentNode.acquireWriteLatch();
+ incrementWriteLatchesAcquired();
+ ctx.interiorFrame.setPage(parentNode);
+ boolean foundParent = true;
+ if (ctx.interiorFrame.getPageLsn() != ctx.pathList.getLastPageLsn()) {
+ foundParent = false;
+ while (true) {
+ if (ctx.interiorFrame.findTupleByPointer(ctx.splitKey.getLeftTuple(), cmp) != -1) {
+ // found the parent
+ foundParent = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ int rightPage = ctx.interiorFrame.getRightPage();
+ parentNode.releaseWriteLatch();
+ incrementWriteLatchesReleased();
+ bufferCache.unpin(parentNode);
+ incrementUnpins();
+ if (rightPage == -1) {
+ break;
+ }
+ parentId = rightPage;
+ parentNode =, parentId), false);
+ incrementPins();
+ parentNode.acquireWriteLatch();
+ incrementWriteLatchesAcquired();
+ ctx.interiorFrame.setPage(parentNode);
+ }
+ }
+ if (foundParent) {
+ ctx.interiorFrame.adjustKey(ctx.splitKey.getLeftTuple(), -1, cmp);
+ insertTuple(parentNode, parentId, ctx.splitKey.getRightTuple(), ctx, ctx.interiorFrame.isLeaf());
+ ctx.pathList.moveLast();
+ parentNode.releaseWriteLatch();
+ incrementWriteLatchesReleased();
+ bufferCache.unpin(parentNode);
+ incrementUnpins();
+ return;
+ }
+ // very rare situation when the there is a root split, do an exhaustive
+ // breadth-first traversal looking for the parent tuple
+ ctx.pathList.clear();
+ ctx.traverseList.clear();
+ findPath(ctx);
+ updateParentForInsert(ctx);
+ }
+ public void findPath(RTreeOpContext ctx) throws Exception {
+ int pageId = rootPage;
+ int parentIndex = -1;
+ int parentLsn = 0;
+ int pageLsn, pageIndex;
+ ctx.traverseList.add(pageId, -1, parentIndex);
+ while (!ctx.traverseList.isLast()) {
+ pageId = ctx.traverseList.getFirstPageId();
+ parentIndex = ctx.traverseList.getFirstPageIndex();
+ ICachedPage node =, pageId), false);
+ incrementPins();
+ node.acquireReadLatch();
+ incrementReadLatchesAcquired();
+ ctx.interiorFrame.setPage(node);
+ pageLsn = ctx.interiorFrame.getPageLsn();
+ pageIndex = ctx.traverseList.first();
+ ctx.traverseList.setPageLsn(pageIndex, pageLsn);
+ ctx.traverseList.moveFirst();
+ if (pageId != rootPage && parentLsn < ctx.interiorFrame.getPageNsn()) {
+ int rightPage = ctx.interiorFrame.getRightPage();
+ if (rightPage != -1) {
+ ctx.traverseList.add(rightPage, -1, parentIndex);
+ }
+ }
+ parentLsn = pageLsn;
+ if (ctx.interiorFrame.findTupleByPointer(ctx.splitKey.getLeftTuple(), ctx.traverseList, pageIndex, cmp) != -1) {
+ fillPath(ctx, pageIndex);
+ node.releaseReadLatch();
+ incrementReadLatchesReleased();
+ bufferCache.unpin(node);
+ incrementUnpins();
+ return;
+ }
+ node.releaseReadLatch();
+ incrementReadLatchesReleased();
+ bufferCache.unpin(node);
+ incrementUnpins();
+ }
+ }
+ public void fillPath(RTreeOpContext ctx, int pageIndex) throws Exception {
+ if (pageIndex != -1) {
+ fillPath(ctx, ctx.traverseList.getPageIndex(pageIndex));
+ ctx.pathList.add(ctx.traverseList.getPageId(pageIndex), ctx.traverseList.getPageLsn(pageIndex), -1);
+ }
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void delete(ITupleReference tuple, IndexOpContext ictx) throws Exception {
+ RTreeOpContext ctx = (RTreeOpContext) ictx;
+ ctx.reset();
+ ctx.setTuple(tuple);
+ ctx.splitKey.reset();
+ ctx.splitKey.getLeftTuple().setFieldCount(cmp.getKeyFieldCount());
+ ctx.interiorFrame.setPageTupleFieldCount(cmp.getKeyFieldCount());
+ ctx.leafFrame.setPageTupleFieldCount(cmp.getFieldCount());
+ int tupleIndex = findTupleToDelete(ctx);
+ if (tupleIndex != -1) {
+ int pageId = ctx.pathList.getLastPageId();
+ ctx.pathList.moveLast();
+ deleteTuple(pageId, tupleIndex, ctx);
+ while (true) {
+ if (ctx.splitKey.getLeftPageBuffer() != null) {
+ updateParentForDelete(ctx);
+ } else {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ ctx.leafFrame.getPage().releaseWriteLatch();
+ incrementWriteLatchesReleased();
+ bufferCache.unpin(ctx.leafFrame.getPage());
+ incrementUnpins();
+ }
+ }
+ public void updateParentForDelete(RTreeOpContext ctx) throws Exception {
+ int parentId = ctx.pathList.getLastPageId();
+ ICachedPage parentNode =, parentId), false);
+ incrementPins();
+ parentNode.acquireWriteLatch();
+ incrementWriteLatchesAcquired();
+ ctx.interiorFrame.setPage(parentNode);
+ boolean foundParent = true;
+ int tupleIndex = -1;
+ if (ctx.interiorFrame.getPageLsn() != ctx.pathList.getLastPageLsn()) {
+ foundParent = false;
+ while (true) {
+ tupleIndex = ctx.interiorFrame.findTupleByPointer(ctx.splitKey.getLeftTuple(), cmp);
+ if (tupleIndex != -1) {
+ // found the parent
+ foundParent = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ int rightPage = ctx.interiorFrame.getRightPage();
+ parentNode.releaseWriteLatch();
+ incrementWriteLatchesReleased();
+ bufferCache.unpin(parentNode);
+ incrementUnpins();
+ if (rightPage == -1) {
+ break;
+ }
+ parentId = rightPage;
+ parentNode =, parentId), false);
+ incrementPins();
+ parentNode.acquireWriteLatch();
+ incrementWriteLatchesAcquired();
+ ctx.interiorFrame.setPage(parentNode);
+ }
+ }
+ if (foundParent) {
+ if (tupleIndex == -1) {
+ tupleIndex = ctx.interiorFrame.findTupleByPointer(ctx.splitKey.getLeftTuple(), cmp);
+ }
+ boolean recomputeMBR = ctx.interiorFrame.recomputeMBR(ctx.splitKey.getLeftTuple(), tupleIndex, cmp);
+ if (recomputeMBR) {
+ ctx.interiorFrame.adjustKey(ctx.splitKey.getLeftTuple(), tupleIndex, cmp);
+ ctx.pathList.moveLast();
+ incrementGlobalNsn();
+ ctx.interiorFrame.setPageLsn(getGlobalNsn());
+ ctx.splitKey.reset();
+ if (!ctx.pathList.isEmpty()) {
+ ctx.interiorFrame.computeMBR(ctx.splitKey, cmp);
+ ctx.splitKey.setLeftPage(parentId);
+ }
+ } else {
+ ctx.pathList.moveLast();
+ ctx.splitKey.reset();
+ }
+ parentNode.releaseWriteLatch();
+ incrementWriteLatchesReleased();
+ bufferCache.unpin(parentNode);
+ incrementUnpins();
+ return;
+ }
+ // very rare situation when the there is a root split, do an exhaustive
+ // breadth-first traversal looking for the parent tuple
+ ctx.pathList.clear();
+ ctx.traverseList.clear();
+ findPath(ctx);
+ updateParentForDelete(ctx);
+ }
+ public int findTupleToDelete(RTreeOpContext ctx) throws Exception {
+ ctx.traverseList.add(rootPage, -1, -1);
+ ctx.pathList.add(rootPage, -1, ctx.traverseList.size() - 1);
+ while (!ctx.pathList.isEmpty()) {
+ int pageId = ctx.pathList.getLastPageId();
+ int parentLsn = ctx.pathList.getLastPageLsn();
+ int pageIndex = ctx.pathList.getLastPageIndex();
+ ctx.pathList.moveLast();
+ ICachedPage node =, pageId), false);
+ incrementPins();
+ node.acquireReadLatch();
+ incrementReadLatchesAcquired();
+ ctx.interiorFrame.setPage(node);
+ boolean isLeaf = ctx.interiorFrame.isLeaf();
+ int pageLsn = ctx.interiorFrame.getPageLsn();
+ int parentIndex = ctx.traverseList.getPageIndex(pageIndex);
+ ctx.traverseList.setPageLsn(pageIndex, pageLsn);
+ if (pageId != rootPage && parentLsn < ctx.interiorFrame.getPageNsn()) {
+ // Concurrent split detected, we need to visit the right page
+ int rightPage = ctx.interiorFrame.getRightPage();
+ if (rightPage != -1) {
+ ctx.traverseList.add(rightPage, -1, parentIndex);
+ ctx.pathList.add(rightPage, parentLsn, ctx.traverseList.size() - 1);
+ }
+ }
+ if (!isLeaf) {
+ for (int i = 0; i < ctx.interiorFrame.getTupleCount(); i++) {
+ int childPageId = ctx.interiorFrame.getChildPageIdIfIntersect(ctx.tuple, i, cmp);
+ if (childPageId != -1) {
+ ctx.traverseList.add(childPageId, -1, pageIndex);
+ ctx.pathList.add(childPageId, pageLsn, ctx.traverseList.size() - 1);
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ ctx.leafFrame.setPage(node);
+ int tupleIndex = ctx.leafFrame.findTupleIndex(ctx.tuple, cmp);
+ if (tupleIndex != -1) {
+ node.releaseReadLatch();
+ incrementReadLatchesReleased();
+ bufferCache.unpin(node);
+ incrementUnpins();
+ node =, pageId), false);
+ incrementPins();
+ node.acquireWriteLatch();
+ incrementWriteLatchesAcquired();
+ ctx.leafFrame.setPage(node);
+ if (ctx.leafFrame.getPageLsn() != pageLsn) {
+ // The page was changed while we unlocked it
+ tupleIndex = ctx.leafFrame.findTupleIndex(ctx.tuple, cmp);
+ if (tupleIndex == -1) {
+ ctx.traverseList.add(pageId, -1, parentIndex);
+ ctx.pathList.add(pageId, parentLsn, ctx.traverseList.size() - 1);
+ node.releaseWriteLatch();
+ incrementWriteLatchesReleased();
+ bufferCache.unpin(node);
+ incrementUnpins();
+ continue;
+ } else {
+ ctx.pathList.clear();
+ fillPath(ctx, pageIndex);
+ return tupleIndex;
+ }
+ } else {
+ ctx.pathList.clear();
+ fillPath(ctx, pageIndex);
+ return tupleIndex;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ node.releaseReadLatch();
+ incrementReadLatchesReleased();
+ bufferCache.unpin(node);
+ incrementUnpins();
+ }
+ return -1;
+ }
+ public void deleteTuple(int pageId, int tupleIndex, RTreeOpContext ctx) throws Exception {
+ ctx.leafFrame.delete(tupleIndex, cmp);
+ incrementGlobalNsn();
+ ctx.leafFrame.setPageLsn(getGlobalNsn());
+ // if the page is empty, just leave it there for future inserts
+ if (pageId != rootPage && ctx.leafFrame.getTupleCount() > 0) {
+ ctx.leafFrame.computeMBR(ctx.splitKey, cmp);
+ ctx.splitKey.setLeftPage(pageId);
+ }
+ }
+ public void search(ITreeIndexCursor cursor, SearchPredicate pred, RTreeOpContext ctx) throws Exception {
+ ctx.reset();
+ ctx.cursor = cursor;
+ cursor.setBufferCache(bufferCache);
+ cursor.setFileId(fileId);
+ ctx.cursorInitialState.setRootPage(rootPage);
+, pred);
+ }
+ public ITreeIndexFrameFactory getInteriorFrameFactory() {
+ return interiorFrameFactory;
+ }
+ public ITreeIndexFrameFactory getLeafFrameFactory() {
+ return leafFrameFactory;
+ }
+ public MultiComparator getCmp() {
+ return cmp;
+ }
+ public IFreePageManager getFreePageManager() {
+ return freePageManager;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void update(ITupleReference tuple, IndexOpContext ictx) throws Exception {
+ throw new Exception("RTree Update not implemented.");
+ }
+ public final class BulkLoadContext implements IIndexBulkLoadContext {
+ public RTreeOpContext insertOpCtx;
+ public BulkLoadContext(float fillFactor, IRTreeFrame leafFrame, IRTreeFrame interiorFrame,
+ ITreeIndexMetaDataFrame metaFrame) throws HyracksDataException {
+ insertOpCtx = createOpContext(IndexOp.INSERT, leafFrame, interiorFrame, metaFrame);
+ }
+ }
+ @Override
+ public IIndexBulkLoadContext beginBulkLoad(float fillFactor, ITreeIndexFrame leafFrame,
+ ITreeIndexFrame interiorFrame, ITreeIndexMetaDataFrame metaFrame) throws HyracksDataException {
+ if (loaded)
+ throw new HyracksDataException("Trying to bulk-load RTree but has RTree already been loaded.");
+ BulkLoadContext ctx = new BulkLoadContext(fillFactor, (IRTreeFrame) leafFrame, (IRTreeFrame) interiorFrame,
+ metaFrame);
+ return ctx;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void bulkLoadAddTuple(IIndexBulkLoadContext ictx, ITupleReference tuple) throws HyracksDataException {
+ try {
+ insert(tuple, ((BulkLoadContext) ictx).insertOpCtx);
+ } catch (Exception e) {
+ throw new HyracksDataException("BulkLoad Error");
+ }
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void endBulkLoad(IIndexBulkLoadContext ictx) throws HyracksDataException {
+ loaded = true;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void diskOrderScan(ITreeIndexCursor icursor, ITreeIndexFrame leafFrame, ITreeIndexMetaDataFrame metaFrame,
+ IndexOpContext ictx) throws HyracksDataException {
+ TreeDiskOrderScanCursor cursor = (TreeDiskOrderScanCursor) icursor;
+ RTreeOpContext ctx = (RTreeOpContext) ictx;
+ ctx.reset();
+ int currentPageId = rootPage + 1;
+ int maxPageId = freePageManager.getMaxPage(metaFrame);
+ ICachedPage page =, currentPageId), false);
+ page.acquireReadLatch();
+ cursor.setBufferCache(bufferCache);
+ cursor.setFileId(fileId);
+ cursor.setCurrentPageId(currentPageId);
+ cursor.setMaxPageId(maxPageId);
+ ctx.cursorInitialState.setPage(page);
+, diskOrderScanPredicate);
+ }
+ @Override
+ public int getRootPageId() {
+ return rootPage;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public int getFieldCount() {
+ return cmp.getFieldCount();
+ }
+ @Override
+ public IndexType getIndexType() {
+ return IndexType.RTREE;
+ }
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@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+ * Copyright 2009-2010 by The Regents of the University of California
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * you may obtain a copy of the License from
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+public class RTreeCursorInitialState implements ICursorInitialState {
+ private PathList pathList;
+ private int rootPage;
+ private ICachedPage page; // for disk order scan
+ public RTreeCursorInitialState(PathList pathList, int rootPage) {
+ this.pathList = pathList;
+ this.rootPage = rootPage;
+ }
+ public PathList getPathList() {
+ return pathList;
+ }
+ public int getRootPage() {
+ return rootPage;
+ }
+ public void setRootPage(int rootPage) {
+ this.rootPage = rootPage;
+ }
+ public ICachedPage getPage() {
+ return page;
+ }
+ public void setPage(ICachedPage page) {
+ = page;
+ }
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@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+ * Copyright 2009-2010 by The Regents of the University of California
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * you may obtain a copy of the License from
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+public final class RTreeOpContext implements IndexOpContext {
+ public final IndexOp op;
+ public final IRTreeInteriorFrame interiorFrame;
+ public final IRTreeLeafFrame leafFrame;
+ public ITreeIndexCursor cursor;
+ public RTreeCursorInitialState cursorInitialState;
+ public final ITreeIndexMetaDataFrame metaFrame;
+ public final RTreeSplitKey splitKey;
+ public ITupleReference tuple;
+ public final PathList pathList; // used to record the pageIds and pageLsns
+ // of the visited pages
+ public final PathList traverseList; // used for traversing the tree
+ private static final int initTraverseListSize = 100;
+ public RTreeOpContext(IndexOp op, IRTreeLeafFrame leafFrame, IRTreeInteriorFrame interiorFrame,
+ ITreeIndexMetaDataFrame metaFrame, int treeHeightHint) {
+ this.op = op;
+ this.interiorFrame = interiorFrame;
+ this.leafFrame = leafFrame;
+ this.metaFrame = metaFrame;
+ pathList = new PathList(treeHeightHint, treeHeightHint);
+ if (op != IndexOp.SEARCH && op != IndexOp.DISKORDERSCAN) {
+ splitKey = new RTreeSplitKey(interiorFrame.getTupleWriter().createTupleReference(), interiorFrame
+ .getTupleWriter().createTupleReference());
+ traverseList = new PathList(initTraverseListSize, initTraverseListSize);
+ } else {
+ splitKey = null;
+ traverseList = null;
+ cursorInitialState = new RTreeCursorInitialState(pathList, 1);
+ }
+ }
+ public ITupleReference getTuple() {
+ return tuple;
+ }
+ public void setTuple(ITupleReference tuple) {
+ this.tuple = tuple;
+ }
+ public void reset() {
+ if (pathList != null) {
+ pathList.clear();
+ }
+ if (traverseList != null) {
+ traverseList.clear();
+ }
+ }
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@@ -0,0 +1,201 @@
+ * Copyright 2009-2010 by The Regents of the University of California
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * you may obtain a copy of the License from
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.api.exceptions.HyracksDataException;
+public class RTreeSearchCursor implements ITreeIndexCursor {
+ private int fileId = -1;
+ private ICachedPage page = null;
+ private IRTreeInteriorFrame interiorFrame = null;
+ private IRTreeLeafFrame leafFrame = null;
+ private IBufferCache bufferCache = null;
+ private SearchPredicate pred;
+ private PathList pathList;
+ private int rootPage;
+ ITupleReference searchKey;
+ private int tupleIndex = 0;
+ private int tupleIndexInc = 0;
+ private MultiComparator cmp;
+ private ITreeIndexTupleReference frameTuple;
+ private boolean readLatched = false;
+ private int pin = 0;
+ private int unpin = 0;
+ public RTreeSearchCursor(IRTreeInteriorFrame interiorFrame, IRTreeLeafFrame leafFrame) {
+ this.interiorFrame = interiorFrame;
+ this.leafFrame = leafFrame;
+ this.frameTuple = leafFrame.createTupleReference();
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void close() throws Exception {
+ if (readLatched) {
+ page.releaseReadLatch();
+ bufferCache.unpin(page);
+ readLatched = false;
+ }
+ tupleIndex = 0;
+ tupleIndexInc = 0;
+ page = null;
+ pathList = null;
+ }
+ public ITupleReference getTuple() {
+ return frameTuple;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public ICachedPage getPage() {
+ return page;
+ }
+ public boolean fetchNextLeafPage() throws HyracksDataException {
+ if (readLatched) {
+ page.releaseReadLatch();
+ bufferCache.unpin(page);
+ unpin++;
+ readLatched = false;
+ }
+ while (!pathList.isEmpty()) {
+ int pageId = pathList.getLastPageId();
+ int parentLsn = pathList.getLastPageLsn();
+ pathList.moveLast();
+ ICachedPage node =, pageId), false);
+ pin++;
+ node.acquireReadLatch();
+ readLatched = true;
+ interiorFrame.setPage(node);
+ boolean isLeaf = interiorFrame.isLeaf();
+ int pageLsn = interiorFrame.getPageLsn();
+ if (pageId != rootPage && parentLsn < interiorFrame.getPageNsn()) {
+ // Concurrent split detected, we need to visit the right page
+ int rightPage = interiorFrame.getRightPage();
+ if (rightPage != -1) {
+ pathList.add(rightPage, parentLsn, -1);
+ }
+ }
+ if (!isLeaf) {
+ for (int i = 0; i < interiorFrame.getTupleCount(); i++) {
+ int childPageId = interiorFrame.getChildPageIdIfIntersect(searchKey, i, cmp);
+ if (childPageId != -1) {
+ pathList.add(childPageId, pageLsn, -1);
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ page = node;
+ leafFrame.setPage(page);
+ tupleIndex = 0;
+ return true;
+ }
+ node.releaseReadLatch();
+ readLatched = false;
+ bufferCache.unpin(node);
+ unpin++;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public boolean hasNext() throws Exception {
+ if (page == null) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (tupleIndex == leafFrame.getTupleCount()) {
+ if (!fetchNextLeafPage()) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ do {
+ for (int i = tupleIndex; i < leafFrame.getTupleCount(); i++) {
+ if (leafFrame.intersect(searchKey, i, cmp)) {
+ frameTuple.resetByTupleIndex(leafFrame, i);
+ tupleIndexInc = i + 1;
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ } while (fetchNextLeafPage());
+ return false;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void next() throws Exception {
+ tupleIndex = tupleIndexInc;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void open(ICursorInitialState initialState, ISearchPredicate searchPred) throws Exception {
+ // in case open is called multiple times without closing
+ if ( != null) {
+ readLatched = false;
+ bufferCache.unpin(;
+ pathList.clear();
+ }
+ pathList = ((RTreeCursorInitialState) initialState).getPathList();
+ rootPage = ((RTreeCursorInitialState) initialState).getRootPage();
+ pred = (SearchPredicate) searchPred;
+ cmp = pred.getLowKeyComparator();
+ searchKey = pred.getSearchKey();
+ pathList.add(this.rootPage, -1, -1);
+ frameTuple.setFieldCount(cmp.getFieldCount());
+ tupleIndex = 0;
+ fetchNextLeafPage();
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void reset() {
+ try {
+ close();
+ } catch (Exception e) {
+ e.printStackTrace();
+ }
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void setBufferCache(IBufferCache bufferCache) {
+ this.bufferCache = bufferCache;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void setFileId(int fileId) {
+ this.fileId = fileId;
+ }
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@@ -0,0 +1,152 @@
+ * Copyright 2009-2010 by The Regents of the University of California
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * you may obtain a copy of the License from
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
+public class RTreeSplitKey implements ISplitKey {
+ public byte[] leftPageData = null;
+ public ByteBuffer leftPageBuf = null;
+ public ITreeIndexTupleReference leftTuple;
+ public byte[] rightPageData = null;
+ public ByteBuffer rightPageBuf = null;
+ public ITreeIndexTupleReference rightTuple;
+ public int keySize = 0;
+ public RTreeSplitKey(ITreeIndexTupleReference leftTuple, ITreeIndexTupleReference rightTuple) {
+ this.leftTuple = leftTuple;
+ this.rightTuple = rightTuple;
+ }
+ public void initData(int keySize) {
+ // try to reuse existing memory from a lower-level split if possible
+ this.keySize = keySize;
+ if (leftPageData != null) {
+ if (leftPageData.length < keySize + 4) {
+ leftPageData = new byte[keySize + 4]; // add 4 for the page
+ leftPageBuf = ByteBuffer.wrap(leftPageData);
+ }
+ } else {
+ leftPageData = new byte[keySize + 4]; // add 4 for the page
+ leftPageBuf = ByteBuffer.wrap(leftPageData);
+ }
+ if (rightPageData != null) {
+ if (rightPageData.length < keySize + 4) {
+ rightPageData = new byte[keySize + 4]; // add 4 for the page
+ rightPageBuf = ByteBuffer.wrap(rightPageData);
+ }
+ } else {
+ rightPageData = new byte[keySize + 4]; // add 4 for the page
+ rightPageBuf = ByteBuffer.wrap(rightPageData);
+ }
+ leftTuple.resetByTupleOffset(leftPageBuf, 0);
+ rightTuple.resetByTupleOffset(rightPageBuf, 0);
+ }
+ public void resetLeftPage() {
+ leftPageData = null;
+ leftPageBuf = null;
+ }
+ public void resetRightPage() {
+ rightPageData = null;
+ rightPageBuf = null;
+ }
+ public ByteBuffer getLeftPageBuffer() {
+ return leftPageBuf;
+ }
+ public ByteBuffer getRightPageBuffer() {
+ return rightPageBuf;
+ }
+ public ITreeIndexTupleReference getLeftTuple() {
+ return leftTuple;
+ }
+ public ITreeIndexTupleReference getRightTuple() {
+ return rightTuple;
+ }
+ public int getLeftPage() {
+ return leftPageBuf.getInt(keySize);
+ }
+ public int getRightPage() {
+ return rightPageBuf.getInt(keySize);
+ }
+ public void setLeftPage(int page) {
+ leftPageBuf.putInt(keySize, page);
+ }
+ public void setRightPage(int page) {
+ rightPageBuf.putInt(keySize, page);
+ }
+ public ISplitKey duplicate(ITreeIndexTupleReference copyLeftTuple, ITreeIndexTupleReference copyRightTuple) {
+ RTreeSplitKey copy = new RTreeSplitKey(copyLeftTuple, copyRightTuple);
+ copy.leftPageData = leftPageData.clone();
+ copy.leftPageBuf = ByteBuffer.wrap(copy.leftPageData);
+ copy.leftTuple.setFieldCount(leftTuple.getFieldCount());
+ copy.leftTuple.resetByTupleOffset(copy.leftPageBuf, 0);
+ copy.rightPageData = rightPageData.clone();
+ copy.rightPageBuf = ByteBuffer.wrap(copy.rightPageData);
+ copy.rightTuple.setFieldCount(rightTuple.getFieldCount());
+ copy.rightTuple.resetByTupleOffset(copy.rightPageBuf, 0);
+ return copy;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void reset() {
+ leftPageData = null;
+ leftPageBuf = null;
+ rightPageData = null;
+ rightPageBuf = null;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public ByteBuffer getBuffer() {
+ // TODO Auto-generated method stub
+ return null;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public ITreeIndexTupleReference getTuple() {
+ // TODO Auto-generated method stub
+ return null;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void setPages(int leftPage, int rightPage) {
+ leftPageBuf.putInt(keySize, leftPage);
+ rightPageBuf.putInt(keySize, rightPage);
+ }
+ @Override
+ public ISplitKey duplicate(ITreeIndexTupleReference copyTuple) {
+ // TODO Auto-generated method stub
+ return null;
+ }
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+ * Copyright 2009-2010 by The Regents of the University of California
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * you may obtain a copy of the License from
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+public class Rectangle {
+ private int dim;
+ private double[] low;
+ private double[] high;
+ public Rectangle(int dim) {
+ this.dim = dim;
+ low = new double[this.dim];
+ high = new double[this.dim];
+ }
+ public int getDim() {
+ return dim;
+ }
+ public double getLow(int i) {
+ return low[i];
+ }
+ public double getHigh(int i) {
+ return high[i];
+ }
+ public void setLow(int i, double value) {
+ low[i] = value;
+ }
+ public void setHigh(int i, double value) {
+ high[i] = value;
+ }
+ public void set(ITupleReference tuple) {
+ for (int i = 0; i < getDim(); i++) {
+ int j = i + getDim();
+ setLow(i, DoubleSerializerDeserializer.getDouble(tuple.getFieldData(i), tuple.getFieldStart(i)));
+ setHigh(i, DoubleSerializerDeserializer.getDouble(tuple.getFieldData(j), tuple.getFieldStart(j)));
+ }
+ }
+ public void enlarge(ITupleReference tupleToBeInserted) {
+ for (int i = 0; i < getDim(); i++) {
+ int j = getDim() + i;
+ double low = DoubleSerializerDeserializer.getDouble(tupleToBeInserted.getFieldData(i),
+ tupleToBeInserted.getFieldStart(i));
+ if (getLow(i) > low) {
+ setLow(i, low);
+ }
+ double high = DoubleSerializerDeserializer.getDouble(tupleToBeInserted.getFieldData(j),
+ tupleToBeInserted.getFieldStart(j));
+ if (getHigh(i) < high) {
+ setHigh(i, high);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ public double margin() {
+ double margin = 0.0;
+ double mul = Math.pow(2, (double) getDim() - 1.0);
+ for (int i = 0; i < getDim(); i++) {
+ margin += (getHigh(i) - getLow(i)) * mul;
+ }
+ return margin;
+ }
+ public double overlappedArea(ITupleReference tuple) {
+ double area = 1.0;
+ double f1, f2;
+ for (int i = 0; i < getDim(); i++) {
+ int j = getDim() + i;
+ double low = DoubleSerializerDeserializer.getDouble(tuple.getFieldData(i), tuple.getFieldStart(i));
+ double high = DoubleSerializerDeserializer.getDouble(tuple.getFieldData(j), tuple.getFieldStart(j));
+ if (getLow(i) > high || getHigh(i) < low) {
+ return 0.0;
+ }
+ f1 = Math.max(getLow(i), low);
+ f2 = Math.min(getHigh(i), high);
+ area *= f2 - f1;
+ }
+ return area;
+ }
+ public double overlappedArea(Rectangle rec) {
+ double area = 1.0;
+ double f1, f2;
+ for (int i = 0; i < getDim(); i++) {
+ if (getLow(i) > rec.getHigh(i) || getHigh(i) < rec.getLow(i)) {
+ return 0.0;
+ }
+ f1 = Math.max(getLow(i), rec.getLow(i));
+ f2 = Math.min(getHigh(i), rec.getHigh(i));
+ area *= f2 - f1;
+ }
+ return area;
+ }
+ public double area(ITupleReference tuple) {
+ double area = 1.0;
+ for (int i = 0; i < getDim(); i++) {
+ int j = getDim() + i;
+ area *= DoubleSerializerDeserializer.getDouble(tuple.getFieldData(j), tuple.getFieldStart(j))
+ - DoubleSerializerDeserializer.getDouble(tuple.getFieldData(i), tuple.getFieldStart(i));
+ }
+ return area;
+ }
+ public double area() {
+ double area = 1.0;
+ for (int i = 0; i < getDim(); i++) {
+ area *= getHigh(i) - getLow(i);
+ }
+ return area;
+ }
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+ * Copyright 2009-2010 by The Regents of the University of California
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * you may obtain a copy of the License from
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+public class SearchPredicate implements ISearchPredicate {
+ private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
+ protected ITupleReference searchKey;
+ protected MultiComparator cmp;
+ public SearchPredicate(ITupleReference searchKey, MultiComparator cmp) {
+ this.searchKey = searchKey;
+ this.cmp = cmp;
+ }
+ public ITupleReference getSearchKey() {
+ return searchKey;
+ }
+ public void setSearchKey(ITupleReference searchKey) {
+ this.searchKey = searchKey;
+ }
+ public MultiComparator getLowKeyComparator() {
+ return cmp;
+ }
+ public MultiComparator getHighKeyComparator() {
+ return cmp;
+ }
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@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+ * Copyright 2009-2010 by The Regents of the University of California
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * you may obtain a copy of the License from
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+public class TupleEntry implements Comparable<TupleEntry> {
+ private int tupleIndex;
+ private double value;
+ public TupleEntry() {
+ }
+ public int getTupleIndex() {
+ return tupleIndex;
+ }
+ public void setTupleIndex(int tupleIndex) {
+ this.tupleIndex = tupleIndex;
+ }
+ public double getValue() {
+ return value;
+ }
+ public void setValue(double value) {
+ this.value = value;
+ }
+ public int compareTo(TupleEntry tupleEntry) {
+ double cmp = this.getValue() - tupleEntry.getValue();
+ if (cmp > RTreeNSMFrame.doubleEpsilon())
+ return 1;
+ cmp = tupleEntry.getValue() - this.getValue();
+ if (cmp > RTreeNSMFrame.doubleEpsilon())
+ return -1;
+ return 0;
+ }
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@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+ * Copyright 2009-2010 by The Regents of the University of California
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * you may obtain a copy of the License from
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+import java.util.Arrays;
+import java.util.Collections;
+public class TupleEntryArrayList {
+ private TupleEntry[] data;
+ private int size;
+ private final int growth;
+ public TupleEntryArrayList(int initialCapacity, int growth) {
+ data = new TupleEntry[initialCapacity];
+ size = 0;
+ this.growth = growth;
+ }
+ public int size() {
+ return size;
+ }
+ public void add(int tupleIndex, double value) {
+ if (size == data.length) {
+ TupleEntry[] newData = new TupleEntry[data.length + growth];
+ System.arraycopy(data, 0, newData, 0, data.length);
+ data = newData;
+ }
+ if (data[size] == null) {
+ data[size] = new TupleEntry();
+ }
+ data[size].setTupleIndex(tupleIndex);
+ data[size].setValue(value);
+ size++;
+ }
+ public void removeLast() {
+ if (size > 0)
+ size--;
+ }
+ // WARNING: caller is responsible for checking size > 0
+ public TupleEntry getLast() {
+ return data[size - 1];
+ }
+ public TupleEntry get(int i) {
+ return data[i];
+ }
+ public void clear() {
+ size = 0;
+ }
+ public boolean isEmpty() {
+ return size == 0;
+ }
+ public void sort(EntriesOrder order, int tupleCount) {
+ if (order == EntriesOrder.ASCENDING) {
+ Arrays.sort(data, 0, tupleCount);
+ } else {
+ Arrays.sort(data, 0, tupleCount, Collections.reverseOrder());
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/hyracks-storage-am-rtree/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/hyracks/storage/am/rtree/impls/ b/hyracks-storage-am-rtree/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/hyracks/storage/am/rtree/impls/
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/hyracks-storage-am-rtree/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/hyracks/storage/am/rtree/impls/
@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
+ * Copyright 2009-2010 by The Regents of the University of California
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * you may obtain a copy of the License from
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+public class UnorderedSlotManager extends AbstractSlotManager {
+ @Override
+ public int findTupleIndex(ITupleReference searchKey, ITreeIndexTupleReference frameTuple, MultiComparator multiCmp,
+ FindTupleMode mode, FindTupleNoExactMatchPolicy matchPolicy) {
+ int maxFieldPos = multiCmp.getKeyFieldCount() / 2;
+ for (int i = 0; i < frame.getTupleCount(); i++) {
+ frameTuple.resetByTupleIndex(frame, i);
+ boolean foundTuple = true;
+ for (int j = 0; j < maxFieldPos; j++) {
+ int k = maxFieldPos + j;
+ int c1 = multiCmp.getComparators()[j].compare(frameTuple.getFieldData(j), frameTuple.getFieldStart(j),
+ frameTuple.getFieldLength(j), searchKey.getFieldData(j), searchKey.getFieldStart(j),
+ searchKey.getFieldLength(j));
+ if (c1 != 0) {
+ foundTuple = false;
+ break;
+ }
+ int c2 = multiCmp.getComparators()[k].compare(frameTuple.getFieldData(k), frameTuple.getFieldStart(k),
+ frameTuple.getFieldLength(k), searchKey.getFieldData(k), searchKey.getFieldStart(k),
+ searchKey.getFieldLength(k));
+ if (c2 != 0) {
+ foundTuple = false;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ int remainingFieldCount = multiCmp.getFieldCount() - multiCmp.getKeyFieldCount();
+ for (int j = multiCmp.getKeyFieldCount(); j < multiCmp.getKeyFieldCount() + remainingFieldCount; j++) {
+ if (!compareField(searchKey, frameTuple, j)) {
+ foundTuple = false;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (foundTuple) {
+ return i;
+ }
+ }
+ return -1;
+ }
+ public boolean compareField(ITupleReference searchKey, ITreeIndexTupleReference frameTuple, int fIdx) {
+ int searchKeyFieldLength = searchKey.getFieldLength(fIdx);
+ int frameTupleFieldLength = frameTuple.getFieldLength(fIdx);
+ if (searchKeyFieldLength != frameTupleFieldLength) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ for (int i = 0; i < searchKeyFieldLength; i++) {
+ if (searchKey.getFieldData(fIdx)[i + searchKey.getFieldStart(fIdx)] != frameTuple.getFieldData(fIdx)[i
+ + frameTuple.getFieldStart(fIdx)]) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public int insertSlot(int tupleIndex, int tupleOff) {
+ int slotOff = getSlotEndOff() - slotSize;
+ setSlot(slotOff, tupleOff);
+ return slotOff;
+ }
+ public void modifySlot(int slotOff, int tupleOff) {
+ setSlot(slotOff, tupleOff);
+ }
+ public void deleteEmptySlots() {
+ int slotOff = getSlotStartOff();
+ while (slotOff >= getSlotEndOff()) {
+ if (frame.getBuffer().getInt(slotOff) == -1) {
+ while (frame.getBuffer().getInt(getSlotEndOff()) == -1) {
+ ((RTreeNSMFrame) frame).setTupleCount(frame.getTupleCount() - 1);
+ }
+ if (slotOff > getSlotEndOff()) {
+ System.arraycopy(frame.getBuffer().array(), getSlotEndOff(), frame.getBuffer().array(), slotOff,
+ slotSize);
+ ((RTreeNSMFrame) frame).setTupleCount(frame.getTupleCount() - 1);
+ } else {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ slotOff -= slotSize;
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/hyracks-storage-am-rtree/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/hyracks/storage/am/rtree/tuples/ b/hyracks-storage-am-rtree/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/hyracks/storage/am/rtree/tuples/
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index 0000000..96820c9
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+++ b/hyracks-storage-am-rtree/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/hyracks/storage/am/rtree/tuples/
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+ * Copyright 2009-2010 by The Regents of the University of California
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * you may obtain a copy of the License from
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
+import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.api.dataflow.value.ITypeTrait;
+public class RTreeTypeAwareTupleWriter extends TypeAwareTupleWriter {
+ public RTreeTypeAwareTupleWriter(ITypeTrait[] typeTraits) {
+ super(typeTraits);
+ }
+ public int writeTupleFields(ITreeIndexTupleReference[] refs, int startField, ByteBuffer targetBuf, int targetOff) {
+ int runner = targetOff;
+ int nullFlagsBytes = getNullFlagsBytes(refs.length);
+ // write null indicator bits
+ for (int i = 0; i < nullFlagsBytes; i++) {
+ targetBuf.put(runner++, (byte) 0);
+ }
+ // write field slots for variable length fields
+ // since the r-tree has fixed length keys, we don't actually need this?
+ encDec.reset(targetBuf.array(), runner);
+ for (int i = startField; i < startField + refs.length; i++) {
+ if (typeTraits[i].getStaticallyKnownDataLength() == ITypeTrait.VARIABLE_LENGTH) {
+ encDec.encode(refs[i].getFieldLength(i));
+ }
+ }
+ runner = encDec.getPos();
+ // write data
+ for (int i = 0; i < refs.length; i++) {
+ System.arraycopy(refs[i].getFieldData(i), refs[i].getFieldStart(i), targetBuf.array(), runner,
+ refs[i].getFieldLength(i));
+ runner += refs[i].getFieldLength(i);
+ }
+ return runner - targetOff;
+ }
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+++ b/hyracks-storage-am-rtree/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/hyracks/storage/am/rtree/tuples/
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+ * Copyright 2009-2010 by The Regents of the University of California
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * you may obtain a copy of the License from
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.api.dataflow.value.ITypeTrait;
+public class RTreeTypeAwareTupleWriterFactory implements ITreeIndexTupleWriterFactory {
+ private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
+ private ITypeTrait[] typeTraits;
+ public RTreeTypeAwareTupleWriterFactory(ITypeTrait[] typeTraits) {
+ this.typeTraits = typeTraits;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public ITreeIndexTupleWriter createTupleWriter() {
+ return new RTreeTypeAwareTupleWriter(typeTraits);
+ }