1. a049867 Create dataset partition manager at the time of instantiation of NodeControllerService and implement the methods for obtaining that from the task context. by madhusudancs · 12 years ago
  2. 9b57e9e Implement the basic API required for dataset result distribution. by madhusudancs · 12 years ago
  3. c75247f Added flag to decide task cluster scheduling by vinayakb · 12 years ago
  4. 0090f96 Added code to propagate ConnectorPolicyAssignmentPolicy from the JobSpecification by vinayakb · 12 years ago
  5. 4b606fd Merged hyracks_asterix_vldb_demo -r 1860:1862 by vinayakb · 12 years ago
  6. 0c86039 Copied hyracks trunk into fullstack by vinayakb · 12 years ago