1. 78f8c00 Remove the job id parameter to fetch the dataset directory service info. by madhusudancs@gmail.com · 12 years ago
  2. 37b7d29 Implement the client side of RPCs to give the clients the ability to retrieve serialized record descriptor. by madhusudancs@gmail.com · 12 years ago
  3. a66e9dc Rewrite the dataset directory service. by madhusudancs@gmail.com · 12 years ago
  4. dac14cf Pass the serialized record descriptor all the way upto dataset directory service in the RPC chain. by madhusudancs@gmail.com · 12 years ago
  5. a1e56ce Teach result writer operator about the record descriptor. by madhusudancs@gmail.com · 12 years ago
  6. 4bb03e9 Revert the hyracks version to 0.2.2 for all the packages. by madhusudancs@gmail.com · 12 years ago
  7. 646a03f Enforce ordering in exposing the directory records for partitions to the clients if ordering constraint is imposed by the ResultWriterOperatoryDescriptor. by madhusudancs · 12 years ago
  8. b44e20d Provide the ordering specification to result writer operator descriptor in SortMergeTest. by madhusudancs · 12 years ago
  9. a4478a2 Use a slightly enhanced datastructure to store whether the results should be ordered or not. by madhusudancs · 12 years ago
  10. 75fd920 Add a parameter for the ResultWriterOperatorDescriptor to support ordered result distribution. by madhusudancs · 12 years ago
  11. 98214bf Remove the unused IDatasetInputChannel interface definition file. by madhusudancs · 12 years ago
  12. 499aaf1 We do not have a need to define a frame size statically within the dataset now because we obtain that from the job specification. by madhusudancs · 12 years ago
  13. f9332dd Use IInputChannel instead of IDatasetInputChannel in the monitor definitions. by madhusudancs · 12 years ago
  14. 459d110 Construct the DatasetClientContext object in the HyracksDataset constructor and pass it to the result channel's open method. by madhusudancs · 12 years ago
  15. b641a67 Implement a client side context from IHyracksCommonContext. by madhusudancs · 12 years ago
  16. bcb2b0a Extend IDatasetInputChannelMonitor from IInputChannelMonitor rather than creating a new one altogether. by madhusudancs · 12 years ago
  17. 82d17f7 Reimplement the DatasetNetworkInputChannel using the IInputChannel interface instead of creating a new interface defintion. by madhusudancs · 12 years ago
  18. 18143eb Refactor IInputChannel.open method to take IHyracksCommonContext as the parameter instead of IHyracksTaskContext. by madhusudancs · 12 years ago
  19. 3b2d55b Just use null as values to localAddress and listener for non listening TCP endpoints instead of copy pasting the constructor method. by madhusudancs · 12 years ago
  20. c11728d Fix a formatting issue with the comment. by madhusudancs · 12 years ago
  21. 3385489 Update the sort merge test to use the new API. by madhusudancs · 12 years ago
  22. 4da79e4 Use DatasetDirectoryRecords instead of NetworkAddresses everywhere we access that information in the dataset stack. by madhusudancs · 12 years ago
  23. a5b45f5 Add support for registering the result set id with the ResultWriterOperatorDescriptor. by madhusudancs · 12 years ago
  24. d5769b0 Support adding result set ids to the job specification and retrieving it. by madhusudancs · 12 years ago
  25. 41da2db Implement a class that holds a directory record. by madhusudancs · 12 years ago
  26. 9c7a006 Implement ResultSetId class to represent result sets. by madhusudancs · 12 years ago
  27. 544eb63 We should print the buffer before recycling it by madhusudancs · 12 years ago
  28. 93f3bb9 Synchronize reads and writes to not let the reader attempt to read the file before it is written by the writer. by madhusudancs · 12 years ago
  29. 5b029cf Formatting fixes. by madhusudancs · 12 years ago
  30. 78eb0c2 Make all the necessary changes or additions to report the data transfer info across the new result distribution socket for the node controller. by madhusudancs · 12 years ago
  31. 83f33fb Update the tests to set the IPAddress for result distribution socket. by madhusudancs · 12 years ago
  32. b6cd6db5 Update all the imports with the new locations and fix the method calls with argument changes. by madhusudancs · 12 years ago
  33. 117703a Complete the implementation of basic DatasetPartitionWriter class to work with the network layer. by madhusudancs · 12 years ago
  34. 1b6cfde Update the ResultWriterOperatorDescriptor to work with the new network layer implementation. by madhusudancs · 12 years ago
  35. 44faf47 Update the implementation of DatasetPartitionManger along with its interface to support the network communication completely. by madhusudancs · 12 years ago
  36. 586abd7 Create a separate datasetNetworkManager with its own socket (ipaddress and port) by madhusudancs · 12 years ago
  37. 07c1e8e Allow TCPEndpoints without listeners by overloading the required methods. by madhusudancs · 12 years ago
  38. b7fa154 Teach root pom.xml about the new projects and update the poms in other projects to include the required projects as dependencies. by madhusudancs · 12 years ago
  39. 69f0819 Implement a network manager for the dataset clients to talk to the result distributing nodes. by madhusudancs · 12 years ago
  40. 9b0469f Implement a network input channel for dataset clients to read the results over the network. by madhusudancs · 12 years ago
  41. a7ad48d Implement a separate network manager for result distribution in the NodeController. by madhusudancs · 12 years ago
  42. 7d57868 Create a new project called hyracks-comm and move the network channel communication related code there. by madhusudancs · 12 years ago
  43. 7e8e6d5 Create a new project called hyracks-client and move all the dataset api implementation classes into this new project. by madhusudancs · 12 years ago
  44. e3394aa Add an additional TODO comment for the global dataset directory information. by madhusudancs · 12 years ago
  45. c34a385 Replace the per job dataset directory service with a global directory service. by madhusudancs · 12 years ago
  46. 63231e4 Add the dataset service remote proxy file which I had accidentally missed in the previous commits. by madhusudancs · 12 years ago
  47. 2eff37f Remove the debug print statements. by madhusudancs · 12 years ago
  48. 377b400 Modify the SortMergeTest and the base AbstractTest to use the new result distribution mechanism. by madhusudancs · 12 years ago
  49. 2890358 Connect the whole get dataset directory service info and get result locations path from the client through the ClusterController by implementing the necessary RPC interfaces. by madhusudancs · 12 years ago
  50. 8c2c4c4 Connect the whole register result generating partition path from the NodeController through the ClusterController by implementing the necessary RPC interfaces. by madhusudancs · 12 years ago
  51. ddea760 Register the per application DatasetDirectoryService with the JobRun when the job starts. by madhusudancs · 12 years ago
  52. 3e22d90 Create a DatasetDirectoryService per application in the application context. by madhusudancs · 12 years ago
  53. 68a18f5 Implement a basic ResultWriterOperatorDescriptor. by madhusudancs · 12 years ago
  54. a049867 Create dataset partition manager at the time of instantiation of NodeControllerService and implement the methods for obtaining that from the task context. by madhusudancs · 12 years ago
  55. 5142c92 Implement the work classes for the RPCs for getting directory service info, getting the result partition locations and the node controller registering the result generating partitions. by madhusudancs · 12 years ago
  56. b9f0729 Implement the core DatasetDirectoryService class. by madhusudancs · 12 years ago
  57. ec9a3fd Implement the core basics of the per node controller dataset partition manager and writer. by madhusudancs · 12 years ago
  58. 9b57e9e Implement the basic API required for dataset result distribution. by madhusudancs · 12 years ago
  59. 70c821c [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration by vinayakb · 12 years ago
  60. 4a6309b [maven-release-plugin] prepare release fullstack-0.2.2 by vinayakb · 12 years ago
  61. e3288f4 Added distribution management to all POMs by vinayakb · 12 years ago
  62. 6390e6b [maven-release-plugin] rollback the release of fullstack-0.2.2 by vinayakb · 12 years ago
  63. 7a8cb26 [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration by vinayakb · 12 years ago
  64. 671f31b [maven-release-plugin] prepare release fullstack-0.2.2 by vinayakb · 12 years ago
  65. 8557558 Removed SCM and distribution information from POMs by vinayakb · 12 years ago
  66. 5570ea3 [maven-release-plugin] rollback the release of fullstack-0.2.2 by vinayakb · 12 years ago
  67. 5d149c3 [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration by vinayakb · 12 years ago
  68. 551fd7d [maven-release-plugin] prepare release fullstack-0.2.2 by vinayakb · 12 years ago
  69. 8d79d16 add a name to all hyracks subprojects by buyingyi · 12 years ago
  70. c75247f Added flag to decide task cluster scheduling by vinayakb · 12 years ago
  71. 0090f96 Added code to propagate ConnectorPolicyAssignmentPolicy from the JobSpecification by vinayakb · 12 years ago
  72. 4b606fd Merged hyracks_asterix_vldb_demo -r 1860:1862 by vinayakb · 12 years ago
  73. 36016dc Hoisted algebricks as a top-level project in fullstack by vinayakb · 12 years ago
  74. 819edac Added IPageCleanerPolicy by vinayakb · 12 years ago
  75. e5add8a Added root pom. Updated hyracks pom to be under fullstack by vinayakb · 12 years ago
  76. 0c86039 Copied hyracks trunk into fullstack by vinayakb · 12 years ago