1. 3035ede This change covers three points: by Abdullah Alamoudi · 10 years ago
  2. 8325946 Implement TokenizeOperator in addition to the changes made by Zachary Heilbron. by Taewoo Kim · 11 years ago
  3. e8fd4cc New test cases for the new replicate operator by icetindil · 11 years ago
  4. 0e19648 Changed create-polygon to accept a list of doubles. by salsubaiee · 11 years ago
  5. 0bed7f2 Modify all the plans to use ONE_TO_ONE_EXCHANGE for result distribution operator. by Madhusudan.C.S · 12 years ago
  6. 4decba7 Fix optimzer tests to work with DISTRIBUTE_RESULT operator. by madhusudancs@gmail.com · 12 years ago
  7. 905948b Enabled IntroduceProjectRule. Approved by Vinayak. by alexander.behm · 12 years ago
  8. 3aff45f Added rule to inline variables with a single reference to physical rewrite collection. Changed expected plans for optimizer tests since the plans have been improved (fewer assigns due to inlining). by alexander.behm · 12 years ago
  9. c576c60 Reintegrated asterix-fuzzy. by alexander.behm · 13 years ago
  10. 38b7ca4 Added asterix project by vinayakb · 13 years ago