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1) Use of absolute location constraints: HDFS Adapter will attempt to form absolute location constraints from the information retreived from the Namenode. If for any input split, there is no node controller running at the location, teh adapter will fall back to using count constraints.
by ramangrover29
· 13 years ago
Issue no 102: Testing on a small rainbow cluster or as part of the regular build process did not reveal some issues that were observed when running on a big Yahoo cluster. The issue observed was an HTTP 500 error Reason: org.hadoop.apache.mapred.Reporter. This check-in makes a slight modification to the HDFS adapter to not re-use the reporter instance across mutliple operator instances.
by ramangrover29
· 13 years ago
1) Modified HDFS adapter to use the Hadoop API for constructing a record reader to parse HDFSInputStream 2) Modified other adapters to swithc to a model where the parser instance is not shared across multiple instances 3) enabled HDFS cluster test case
by ramangrover29
· 13 years ago
During creation of a jobspec for a job that involved the ExternalDataScanOperator, the adapter is now configured at compile time and the oncfigured instance is set inside the operator. At runtime, the instance is deserialized to retain all information that was populated at compile time. This saves effort in re-computing the stuff by all operator instances
by ramangrover29
· 13 years ago
modified HDFS adapter to evaluate parition constraints at compile time and store the serialized form. This also avoids multiple calls to namenode
by ramangrover29
· 13 years ago
Modified stabilization branch to work with hyracks_asterix_stabilization
by vinayakb
· 13 years ago
Fixed asterix to depend on the latest hyracks release
by vinayakb
· 13 years ago
Added asterix project
by vinayakb
· 13 years ago