To be able to serialize the results on the server side obtain the printer factories for the results and pass it to the result handling metadataprovider run time.

In order to achieve this, provide the serializer factory provider to
Algebricks which in turn gets the serializer factory and passes it
on the actual operator. The operator runtime in turn uses the factory
to create the serializer object and it is used while generating the
results to serialize it.

We implement these interfaces in Asterix and for Hivestrix and
Pregelix just return null from the result handling runtime because
we don't handle result in those projects.

git-svn-id: 123451ca-8445-de46-9d55-352943316053
11 files changed
tree: 8557572b78681c5124a20ba1245cc28073bb4308
  1. algebricks/
  2. hivesterix/
  3. hyracks/
  4. pom.xml
  5. pregelix/