ASTERIXDB-1470 Fix escapes in String values in ClassAd Parser

Change-Id: Id6e4e25263c5a6f0efe26773da7c3b8fcf7e2427
Reviewed-by: Jenkins <>
Tested-by: Jenkins <>
Reviewed-by: Michael Blow <>
diff --git a/asterixdb/asterix-external-data/src/test/java/org/apache/asterix/external/classad/ b/asterixdb/asterix-external-data/src/test/java/org/apache/asterix/external/classad/
index cbecb1b..789cf1d 100644
--- a/asterixdb/asterix-external-data/src/test/java/org/apache/asterix/external/classad/
+++ b/asterixdb/asterix-external-data/src/test/java/org/apache/asterix/external/classad/
@@ -18,32 +18,36 @@
 package org.apache.asterix.external.classad;
+import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
 import java.text.DateFormat;
 import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
 import java.util.Calendar;
 import java.util.Date;
 import java.util.Random;
 import java.util.TimeZone;
+import java.util.regex.Matcher;
+import java.util.regex.Pattern;
 public class Util {
     // convert escapes in-place
     // the string can only shrink while converting escapes so we can safely convert in-place.
-    // needs verification
+    private static final Pattern OCTAL = Pattern.compile("\\\\([0-3][0-7]{0,2})");
     public static boolean convertEscapes(AMutableCharArrayString text) {
         boolean validStr = true;
-        if (text.getLength() == 0)
+        if (text.getLength() == 0) {
             return true;
-        int length = text.getLength();
+        }
         int dest = 0;
-        for (int source = 0; source < length; ++source) {
+        boolean hasOctal = false;
+        for (int source = 0; source < text.getLength(); ++source) {
             char ch = text.charAt(source);
             // scan for escapes, a terminating slash cannot be an escape
-            if (ch == '\\' && source < length - 1) {
+            if (ch == '\\' && source < text.getLength() - 1) {
                 ++source; // skip the \ character
                 ch = text.charAt(source);
                 // The escape part should be re-validated
                 switch (ch) {
                     case 'b':
@@ -66,29 +70,8 @@
                         if (Lexer.isodigit(ch)) {
-                            int number = ch - '0';
-                            // There can be up to 3 octal digits in an octal escape
-                            //  \[0..3]nn or \nn or \n. We quit at 3 characters or
-                            // at the first non-octal character.
-                            if (source + 1 < length) {
-                                char digit = text.charAt(source + 1); // is the next digit also
-                                if (Lexer.isodigit(digit)) {
-                                    ++source;
-                                    number = (number << 3) + digit - '0';
-                                    if (number < 0x20 && source + 1 < length) {
-                                        digit = text.charAt(source + 1);
-                                        if (Lexer.isodigit(digit)) {
-                                            ++source;
-                                            number = (number << 3) + digit - '0';
-                                        }
-                                    }
-                                }
-                            }
-                            if (ch == 0) { // "\\0" is an invalid substring within a string literal
-                                validStr = false;
-                            }
-                        } else {
-                            // pass char after \ unmodified.
+                            hasOctal = true;
+                            ++dest;
@@ -99,40 +82,44 @@
                 // text[dest] = ch;
             } else {
-                text.erase(dest);
-                text.setChar(dest, ch);
-                ++dest;
-                --source;
+                try {
+                    text.erase(dest);
+                    text.setChar(dest, ch);
+                    ++dest;
+                    --source;
+                } catch (Throwable th) {
+                    th.printStackTrace();
+                }
-        if (dest < length) {
+        if (dest < text.getLength()) {
-            length = dest;
+            text.setLength(dest);
         // silly, but to fulfull the original contract for this function
         // we need to remove the last character in the string if it is a '\0'
         // (earlier logic guaranteed that a '\0' can ONLY be the last character)
-        if (length > 0 && !(text.charAt(length - 1) == '\0')) {
-            //text.erase(length - 1);
+        if (text.getLength() > 0 && (text.charAt(text.getLength() - 1) == '\0')) {
+            text.erase(text.getLength() - 1);
+        if (hasOctal) {
+            Matcher m = OCTAL.matcher(text.toString());
+            StringBuffer out = new StringBuffer();
+            while (m.find()) {
+                int octet = Integer.parseInt(, 8);
+                if (octet == 0 || octet > 255) {
+                    return false;
+                }
+                m.appendReplacement(out, String.valueOf((char) octet));
+            }
+            m.appendTail(out);
+            text.setValue(new String(out.toString().getBytes(StandardCharsets.ISO_8859_1), StandardCharsets.UTF_8));
+        }
         return validStr;
-    /***************************************************************
-     * Copyright (C) 1990-2007, Condor Team, Computer Sciences Department,
-     * University of Wisconsin-Madison, WI.
-     * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you
-     * may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may
-     * obtain a copy of the License at
-     *
-     * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-     * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-     * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
-     * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-     * limitations under the License.
-     ***************************************************************/
     public static Random initialized = new Random((new Date()).getTime());
     public static int getRandomInteger() {
diff --git a/asterixdb/asterix-external-data/src/test/java/org/apache/asterix/external/classad/test/ b/asterixdb/asterix-external-data/src/test/java/org/apache/asterix/external/classad/test/
index 493bd3b..a4a64c4 100644
--- a/asterixdb/asterix-external-data/src/test/java/org/apache/asterix/external/classad/test/
+++ b/asterixdb/asterix-external-data/src/test/java/org/apache/asterix/external/classad/test/
@@ -138,6 +138,44 @@
+    *
+    */
+    public void testEscaping() {
+        try {
+            ClassAdObjectPool objectPool = new ClassAdObjectPool();
+            ClassAd pAd = new ClassAd(objectPool);
+            String[] files = new String[] { "/escapes.txt" };
+            ClassAdParser parser = new ClassAdParser(objectPool);
+            CharArrayLexerSource lexerSource = new CharArrayLexerSource();
+            for (String path : files) {
+                List<Path> paths = new ArrayList<>();
+                paths.add(Paths.get(getClass().getResource(path).toURI()));
+                FileSystemWatcher watcher = new FileSystemWatcher(paths, null, false);
+                LocalFSInputStream in = new LocalFSInputStream(watcher);
+                SemiStructuredRecordReader recordReader = new SemiStructuredRecordReader(in, "[", "]");
+                try {
+                    Value val = new Value(objectPool);
+                    while (recordReader.hasNext()) {
+                        val.reset();
+                        IRawRecord<char[]> record =;
+                        lexerSource.setNewSource(record.get());
+                        parser.setLexerSource(lexerSource);
+                        parser.parseNext(pAd);
+                        Assert.assertEquals(
+                                "[ Args = \"“-1 0.1 0.1 0.5 2e-07 0.001 10 -1”\"; GlobalJobId = \"\" ]",
+                                pAd.toString());
+                    }
+                } finally {
+                    recordReader.close();
+                }
+            }
+        } catch (Exception e) {
+            e.printStackTrace();
+            assertTrue(false);
+        }
+    }
+    /**
     public void testSchemaless() {
@@ -153,33 +191,36 @@
                 FileSystemWatcher watcher = new FileSystemWatcher(paths, null, false);
                 LocalFSInputStream in = new LocalFSInputStream(watcher);
                 SemiStructuredRecordReader recordReader = new SemiStructuredRecordReader(in, "[", "]");
-                Value val = new Value(objectPool);
-                while (recordReader.hasNext()) {
-                    val.reset();
-                    IRawRecord<char[]> record =;
-                    lexerSource.setNewSource(record.get());
-                    parser.setLexerSource(lexerSource);
-                    parser.parseNext(pAd);
-                    Map<CaseInsensitiveString, ExprTree> attrs = pAd.getAttrList();
-                    for (Entry<CaseInsensitiveString, ExprTree> entry : attrs.entrySet()) {
-                        ExprTree tree = entry.getValue();
-                        switch (tree.getKind()) {
-                            case ATTRREF_NODE:
-                            case CLASSAD_NODE:
-                            case EXPR_ENVELOPE:
-                            case EXPR_LIST_NODE:
-                            case FN_CALL_NODE:
-                            case OP_NODE:
-                                break;
-                            case LITERAL_NODE:
-                                break;
-                            default:
-                                System.out.println("Something is wrong");
-                                break;
+                try {
+                    Value val = new Value(objectPool);
+                    while (recordReader.hasNext()) {
+                        val.reset();
+                        IRawRecord<char[]> record =;
+                        lexerSource.setNewSource(record.get());
+                        parser.setLexerSource(lexerSource);
+                        parser.parseNext(pAd);
+                        Map<CaseInsensitiveString, ExprTree> attrs = pAd.getAttrList();
+                        for (Entry<CaseInsensitiveString, ExprTree> entry : attrs.entrySet()) {
+                            ExprTree tree = entry.getValue();
+                            switch (tree.getKind()) {
+                                case ATTRREF_NODE:
+                                case CLASSAD_NODE:
+                                case EXPR_ENVELOPE:
+                                case EXPR_LIST_NODE:
+                                case FN_CALL_NODE:
+                                case OP_NODE:
+                                    break;
+                                case LITERAL_NODE:
+                                    break;
+                                default:
+                                    System.out.println("Something is wrong");
+                                    break;
+                            }
+                } finally {
+                    recordReader.close();
-                recordReader.close();
         } catch (Exception e) {
diff --git a/asterixdb/asterix-external-data/src/test/java/org/apache/asterix/external/library/ b/asterixdb/asterix-external-data/src/test/java/org/apache/asterix/external/library/
index 48cbeb2..a5e422c 100644
--- a/asterixdb/asterix-external-data/src/test/java/org/apache/asterix/external/library/
+++ b/asterixdb/asterix-external-data/src/test/java/org/apache/asterix/external/library/
@@ -91,10 +91,12 @@
     private ARecordType recordType;
     private IObjectPool<IARecordBuilder, ATypeTag> recordBuilderPool = new ListObjectPool<IARecordBuilder, ATypeTag>(
             new RecordBuilderFactory());
-    private IObjectPool<IAsterixListBuilder, ATypeTag> listBuilderPool = new ListObjectPool<IAsterixListBuilder, ATypeTag>(
-            new ListBuilderFactory());
-    private IObjectPool<IMutableValueStorage, ATypeTag> abvsBuilderPool = new ListObjectPool<IMutableValueStorage, ATypeTag>(
-            new AbvsBuilderFactory());
+    private IObjectPool<IAsterixListBuilder, ATypeTag> listBuilderPool =
+            new ListObjectPool<IAsterixListBuilder, ATypeTag>(
+                    new ListBuilderFactory());
+    private IObjectPool<IMutableValueStorage, ATypeTag> abvsBuilderPool =
+            new ListObjectPool<IMutableValueStorage, ATypeTag>(
+                    new AbvsBuilderFactory());
     private final ClassAd rootAd;
     private String exprPrefix = "expr=";
     private String exprSuffix = "";
@@ -1574,7 +1576,6 @@
             isExpr = false;
-            // parse the expression
             if (tree.getInnerTree() == null) {
                 throw new HyracksDataException("parse expression returned empty tree");
diff --git a/asterixdb/asterix-external-data/src/test/resources/escapes.txt b/asterixdb/asterix-external-data/src/test/resources/escapes.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..50361e2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/asterixdb/asterix-external-data/src/test/resources/escapes.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+        Args = "\342\200\234-1 0.1 0.1 0.5 2e-07 0.001 10 -1\342\200\235";
+        GlobalJobId = "";
+    ]
diff --git a/asterixdb/asterix-external-data/src/test/resources/jobads.txt b/asterixdb/asterix-external-data/src/test/resources/jobads.txt
index 2ca4919..74215a8 100644
--- a/asterixdb/asterix-external-data/src/test/resources/jobads.txt
+++ b/asterixdb/asterix-external-data/src/test/resources/jobads.txt
@@ -1,12869 +1,22732 @@
-        BlockWrites = 0; 
-        LastJobStatus = 2; 
-        JobCurrentStartExecutingDate = 1446112223; 
-        WantRemoteIO = true; 
-        RequestCpus = 1; 
-        NumShadowStarts = 1; 
-        RemoteUserCpu = 2.179100000000000E+04; 
-        NiceUser = false; 
-        RequestMemory = 1000; 
-        BytesRecvd = 2.850540000000000E+05; 
-        ResidentSetSize = 150000; 
-        StreamOut = false; 
-        SpooledOutputFiles = "CURLTIME_2696692,ChtcWrapper159.out,AuditLog.159,simu_3_159.txt,harvest.log,159.out"; 
-        OnExitRemove = true; 
-        ImageSize_RAW = 811948; 
-        RemoteWallClockTime = 2.195400000000000E+04; 
-        MachineAttrSlotWeight0 = 1; 
-        ExecutableSize = 7; 
-        JobStatus = 4; 
-        DAGParentNodeNames = ""; 
-        ExitCode = 0; 
-        DAGManNodesMask = "0,1,2,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,13,16,17,24,27"; 
-        BytesSent = 3.056100000000000E+04; 
-        LastSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        ExecutableSize_RAW = 6; 
-        RecentBlockReadKbytes = 0; 
-        TransferInputSizeMB = 0; 
-        Matlab = "R2011b"; 
-        BlockReadKbytes = 0; 
-        LocalSysCpu = 0.0; 
-        Iwd = "/home/xguo23/finally_2/Simulation_condor/model_3/159"; 
-        RecentStatsLifetimeStarter = 1200; 
-        LeaveJobInQueue = false; 
-        TargetType = "Machine"; 
-        WhenToTransferOutput = "ON_EXIT"; 
-        Owner = "xguo23"; 
-        JobNotification = 0; 
-        BufferSize = 524288; 
-        RecentBlockWrites = 0; 
-        CompletionDate = 1446134176; 
-        LastMatchTime = 1446112222; 
-        LastJobLeaseRenewal = 1446134176; 
-        DAGManNodesLog = "/home/xguo23/finally_2/Simulation_condor/model_3/./mydag.dag.nodes.log"; 
-        ClusterId = 49582557; 
-        NumJobStarts = 1; 
-        JobUniverse = 5; 
-        AutoClusterAttrs = "JobUniverse,LastCheckpointPlatform,NumCkpts,ClientMachine,_condor_RequestCpus,_condor_RequestDisk,_condor_RequestGPUs,_condor_RequestMemory,RequestCpus,RequestDisk,RequestGPUs,RequestMemory,BIOCHEM,MachineLastMatchTime,ConcurrencyLimits,NiceUser,Rank,Requirements,ImageSize,MemoryRequirements,User,RemoteGroup,SubmitterGroup,SubmitterUserPrio,Group,WIDsTheme,InteractiveJob,Is_Resumable,WantFlocking,WantGlidein,Scheduler,Owner,JobStart,MemoryUsage,IsExpressQueueJob,DiskUsage,HEP_VO,IsDesktop,OSG_VO,x509userproxysubject,PassedTest,IsLocalCMSJob,IsLocalCMSSlot,IsSAMSlot,IsSAMJob,MaxDiskTempC,IsDedicated,estimated_run_hours,IsCHTCSubmit,RequiresCVMFS,DynamicSlot,PartitionableSlot,Slot1_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot1_JobStarts,Slot1_SelfMonitorAge,Slot2_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot2_JobStarts,Slot2_SelfMonitorAge,Slot3_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot3_JobStarts,Slot3_SelfMonitorAge,Slot4_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot4_JobStarts,Slot4_SelfMonitorAge,Slot5_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot5_JobStarts,Slot5_SelfMonitorAge,Slot6_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot6_JobStarts,Slot6_SelfMonitorAge,Slot7_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot7_JobStarts,Slot7_SelfMonitorAge,Slot8_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot8_JobStarts,Slot8_SelfMonitorAge,Slot1_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot1_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot2_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot2_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot3_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot3_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot4_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot4_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot5_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot5_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot6_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot6_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot7_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot7_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot8_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot8_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot10_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot10_JobStarts,Slot10_SelfMonitorAge,Slot11_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot11_JobStarts,Slot11_SelfMonitorAge,Slot12_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot12_JobStarts,Slot12_SelfMonitorAge,Slot9_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot9_JobStarts,Slot9_SelfMonitorAge,Slot12_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot10_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot10_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot11_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot11_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot12_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot9_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot9_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot13_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot13_JobStarts,Slot13_SelfMonitorAge,Slot14_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot14_JobStarts,Slot14_SelfMonitorAge,Slot15_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot15_JobStarts,Slot15_SelfMonitorAge,Slot16_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot16_JobStarts,Slot16_SelfMonitorAge,IsResumable,WHEN_TO_TRANSFER_OUTPUT,_condor_Requestadmin_mutex_1,_condor_Requestadmin_mutex_2,_condor_Requestadmin_mutex_3,_condor_Requestmachine_token,Requestadmin_mutex_1,Requestadmin_mutex_2,Requestadmin_mutex_3,Requestmachine_token,nyehle,IsBuildJob,IsMatlabBuildJob,TotalJobRunTime,NodeOnline,Slot13_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot13_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot14_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot14_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot15_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot15_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot16_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot16_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,TmpIsFull,trResumable,RequiresCMSFrontier,Slot17_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot17_JobStarts,Slot17_SelfMonitorAge,Slot17_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot17_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot18_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot18_JobStarts,Slot18_SelfMonitorAge,Slot18_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot18_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot19_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot19_JobStarts,Slot19_SelfMonitorAge,Slot19_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot19_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot20_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot20_JobStarts,Slot20_SelfMonitorAge,Slot20_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot20_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot21_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot21_JobStarts,Slot21_SelfMonitorAge,Slot21_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot21_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot22_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot22_JobStarts,Slot22_SelfMonitorAge,Slot22_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot22_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot23_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot23_JobStarts,Slot23_SelfMonitorAge,Slot23_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot23_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot24_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot24_JobStarts,Slot24_SelfMonitorAge,Slot24_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot24_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot25_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot25_JobStarts,Slot25_SelfMonitorAge,Slot25_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot25_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot26_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot26_JobStarts,Slot26_SelfMonitorAge,Slot26_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot26_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot27_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot27_JobStarts,Slot27_SelfMonitorAge,Slot27_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot27_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot28_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot28_JobStarts,Slot28_SelfMonitorAge,Slot28_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot28_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot29_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot29_JobStarts,Slot29_SelfMonitorAge,Slot29_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot29_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot30_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot30_JobStarts,Slot30_SelfMonitorAge,Slot30_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot30_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot31_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot31_JobStarts,Slot31_SelfMonitorAge,Slot31_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot31_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot32_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot32_JobStarts,Slot32_SelfMonitorAge,Slot32_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot32_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,ResidentSetSize"; 
-        MaxHosts = 1; 
-        Args = "--type=Matlab --version=R2011b --cmdtorun=simu_condor --unique=159 -- 3"; 
-        CondorVersion = "$CondorVersion: 8.5.0 Sep 16 2015 BuildID: 341710 $"; 
-        CoreSize = 0; 
-        OnExitHold = false; 
-        CondorPlatform = "$CondorPlatform: X86_64-RedHat_6.6 $"; 
-        JobFinishedHookDone = 1446134177; 
-        QDate = 1446105741; 
-        JobLeaseDuration = 2400; 
-        In = "/dev/null"; 
-        DiskUsage = 1250000; 
-        EncryptExecuteDirectory = false; 
-        CommittedSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        User = ""; 
-        UserLog = "/home/xguo23/finally_2/Simulation_condor/model_3/159/process.log"; 
-        JobCurrentStartDate = 1446112222; 
-        BufferBlockSize = 32768; 
-        MATCH_EXP_JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = ""; 
-        Requirements = ( ( OpSysMajorVer is 6 ) ) && ( MY.JobUniverse == 12 || MY.JobUniverse == 7 || MY.WantFlocking || MY.WantGlidein || TARGET.PoolName == "CHTC" || TARGET.COLLECTOR_HOST_STRING == "" ) && ( TARGET.Arch == "X86_64" ) && ( TARGET.OpSys == "LINUX" ) && ( TARGET.Disk >= RequestDisk ) && ( TARGET.Memory >= RequestMemory ) && ( TARGET.HasFileTransfer ); 
-        MinHosts = 1; 
-        PeriodicHold = false; 
-        ProcId = 0; 
-        Environment = ""; 
-        DAGNodeName = "159+159"; 
-        MemoryUsage = ( ( ResidentSetSize + 1023 ) / 1024 ); 
-        TerminationPending = true; 
-        NumRestarts = 0; 
-        NumSystemHolds = 0; 
-        CommittedTime = 21954; 
-        AutoClusterId = 24; 
-        ExitStatus = 0; 
-        ShouldTransferFiles = "YES"; 
-        MachineAttrCpus0 = 1; 
-        WantRemoteSyscalls = false; 
-        MyType = "Job"; 
-        CumulativeSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        Rank = 0.0; 
-        StartdPrincipal = "execute-side@matchsession/"; 
-        Err = "process.err"; 
-        PeriodicRemove = false; 
-        BlockWriteKbytes = 0; 
-        ExitBySignal = false; 
-        DAGManJobId = 49581933; 
-        EnteredCurrentStatus = 1446134176; 
-        JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "$$([IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName), IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), \"\", TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName)])"; 
-        RecentBlockWriteKbytes = 0; 
-        TransferIn = false; 
-        IsCHTCSubmit = true; 
-        NumJobMatches = 1; 
-        RootDir = "/"; 
-        JobStartDate = 1446112222; 
-        JobPrio = 0; 
-        CurrentHosts = 0; 
-        GlobalJobId = ""; 
-        RemoteSysCpu = 1.370000000000000E+02; 
-        TotalSuspensions = 0; 
-        CommittedSlotTime = 2.195400000000000E+04; 
-        WantCheckpoint = false; 
-        BlockReads = 0; 
-        LastRemoteHost = ""; 
-        TransferInput = "/home/xguo23/finally_2/Simulation_condor/data/159/,/home/xguo23/finally_2/Simulation_condor/data/shared/"; 
-        LocalUserCpu = 0.0; 
-        PeriodicRelease = ( JobStatus == 5 ) && ( ( CurrentTime - EnteredCurrentStatus ) > 1800 ) && ( JobRunCount < 5 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 6 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 14 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 22 ); 
-        RequestDisk = 1000000; 
-        ResidentSetSize_RAW = 125604; 
-        OrigMaxHosts = 1; 
-        LastPublicClaimId = "<>#1444772294#9281#..."; 
-        WantRHEL6 = true; 
-        NumCkpts_RAW = 0; 
-        Out = "process.out"; 
-        SubmitEventNotes = "DAG Node: 159+159"; 
-        CumulativeSlotTime = 2.195400000000000E+04; 
-        JobRunCount = 1; 
-        RecentBlockReads = 0; 
-        StreamErr = false; 
-        DiskUsage_RAW = 1216669; 
-        NumCkpts = 0; 
-        StatsLifetimeStarter = 21953; 
-        ImageSize = 1000000; 
+        BlockWrites = 0;
+        LastJobStatus = 2;
+        JobCurrentStartExecutingDate = 1446112223;
+        WantRemoteIO = true;
+        RequestCpus = 1;
+        NumShadowStarts = 1;
+        RemoteUserCpu = 2.179100000000000E+04;
+        NiceUser = false;
+        RequestMemory = 1000;
+        BytesRecvd = 2.850540000000000E+05;
+        ResidentSetSize = 150000;
+        StreamOut = false;
+        SpooledOutputFiles = "CURLTIME_2696692,ChtcWrapper159.out,AuditLog.159,simu_3_159.txt,harvest.log,159.out";
+        OnExitRemove = true;
+        ImageSize_RAW = 811948;
+        RemoteWallClockTime = 2.195400000000000E+04;
+        MachineAttrSlotWeight0 = 1;
+        ExecutableSize = 7;
+        JobStatus = 4;
+        DAGParentNodeNames = "";
+        ExitCode = 0;
+        DAGManNodesMask = "0,1,2,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,13,16,17,24,27";
+        BytesSent = 3.056100000000000E+04;
+        LastSuspensionTime = 0;
+        ExecutableSize_RAW = 6;
+        RecentBlockReadKbytes = 0;
+        TransferInputSizeMB = 0;
+        Matlab = "R2011b";
+        BlockReadKbytes = 0;
+        LocalSysCpu = 0.0;
+        Iwd = "/home/xguo23/finally_2/Simulation_condor/model_3/159";
+        RecentStatsLifetimeStarter = 1200;
+        LeaveJobInQueue = false;
+        TargetType = "Machine";
+        WhenToTransferOutput = "ON_EXIT";
+        Owner = "xguo23";
+        JobNotification = 0;
+        BufferSize = 524288;
+        RecentBlockWrites = 0;
+        CompletionDate = 1446134176;
+        LastMatchTime = 1446112222;
+        LastJobLeaseRenewal = 1446134176;
+        DAGManNodesLog = "/home/xguo23/finally_2/Simulation_condor/model_3/./mydag.dag.nodes.log";
+        ClusterId = 49582557;
+        NumJobStarts = 1;
+        JobUniverse = 5;
+        AutoClusterAttrs = "JobUniverse,LastCheckpointPlatform,NumCkpts,ClientMachine,_condor_RequestCpus,_condor_RequestDisk,_condor_RequestGPUs,_condor_RequestMemory,RequestCpus,RequestDisk,RequestGPUs,RequestMemory,BIOCHEM,MachineLastMatchTime,ConcurrencyLimits,NiceUser,Rank,Requirements,ImageSize,MemoryRequirements,User,RemoteGroup,SubmitterGroup,SubmitterUserPrio,Group,WIDsTheme,InteractiveJob,Is_Resumable,WantFlocking,WantGlidein,Scheduler,Owner,JobStart,MemoryUsage,IsExpressQueueJob,DiskUsage,HEP_VO,IsDesktop,OSG_VO,x509userproxysubject,PassedTest,IsLocalCMSJob,IsLocalCMSSlot,IsSAMSlot,IsSAMJob,MaxDiskTempC,IsDedicated,estimated_run_hours,IsCHTCSubmit,RequiresCVMFS,DynamicSlot,PartitionableSlot,Slot1_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot1_JobStarts,Slot1_SelfMonitorAge,Slot2_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot2_JobStarts,Slot2_SelfMonitorAge,Slot3_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot3_JobStarts,Slot3_SelfMonitorAge,Slot4_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot4_JobStarts,Slot4_SelfMonitorAge,Slot5_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot5_JobStarts,Slot5_SelfMonitorAge,Slot6_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot6_JobStarts,Slot6_SelfMonitorAge,Slot7_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot7_JobStarts,Slot7_SelfMonitorAge,Slot8_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot8_JobStarts,Slot8_SelfMonitorAge,Slot1_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot1_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot2_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot2_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot3_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot3_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot4_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot4_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot5_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot5_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot6_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot6_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot7_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot7_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot8_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot8_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot10_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot10_JobStarts,Slot10_SelfMonitorAge,Slot11_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot11_JobStarts,Slot11_SelfMonitorAge,Slot12_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot12_JobStarts,Slot12_SelfMonitorAge,Slot9_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot9_JobStarts,Slot9_SelfMonitorAge,Slot12_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot10_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot10_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot11_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot11_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot12_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot9_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot9_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot13_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot13_JobStarts,Slot13_SelfMonitorAge,Slot14_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot14_JobStarts,Slot14_SelfMonitorAge,Slot15_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot15_JobStarts,Slot15_SelfMonitorAge,Slot16_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot16_JobStarts,Slot16_SelfMonitorAge,IsResumable,WHEN_TO_TRANSFER_OUTPUT,_condor_Requestadmin_mutex_1,_condor_Requestadmin_mutex_2,_condor_Requestadmin_mutex_3,_condor_Requestmachine_token,Requestadmin_mutex_1,Requestadmin_mutex_2,Requestadmin_mutex_3,Requestmachine_token,nyehle,IsBuildJob,IsMatlabBuildJob,TotalJobRunTime,NodeOnline,Slot13_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot13_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot14_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot14_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot15_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot15_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot16_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot16_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,TmpIsFull,trResumable,RequiresCMSFrontier,Slot17_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot17_JobStarts,Slot17_SelfMonitorAge,Slot17_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot17_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot18_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot18_JobStarts,Slot18_SelfMonitorAge,Slot18_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot18_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot19_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot19_JobStarts,Slot19_SelfMonitorAge,Slot19_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot19_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot20_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot20_JobStarts,Slot20_SelfMonitorAge,Slot20_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot20_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot21_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot21_JobStarts,Slot21_SelfMonitorAge,Slot21_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot21_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot22_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot22_JobStarts,Slot22_SelfMonitorAge,Slot22_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot22_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot23_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot23_JobStarts,Slot23_SelfMonitorAge,Slot23_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot23_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot24_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot24_JobStarts,Slot24_SelfMonitorAge,Slot24_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot24_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot25_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot25_JobStarts,Slot25_SelfMonitorAge,Slot25_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot25_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot26_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot26_JobStarts,Slot26_SelfMonitorAge,Slot26_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot26_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot27_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot27_JobStarts,Slot27_SelfMonitorAge,Slot27_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot27_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot28_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot28_JobStarts,Slot28_SelfMonitorAge,Slot28_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot28_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot29_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot29_JobStarts,Slot29_SelfMonitorAge,Slot29_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot29_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot30_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot30_JobStarts,Slot30_SelfMonitorAge,Slot30_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot30_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot31_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot31_JobStarts,Slot31_SelfMonitorAge,Slot31_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot31_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot32_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot32_JobStarts,Slot32_SelfMonitorAge,Slot32_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot32_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,ResidentSetSize";
+        MaxHosts = 1;
+        Args = "--type=Matlab --version=R2011b --cmdtorun=simu_condor --unique=159 -- 3";
+        CondorVersion = "$CondorVersion: 8.5.0 Sep 16 2015 BuildID: 341710 $";
+        CoreSize = 0;
+        OnExitHold = false;
+        CondorPlatform = "$CondorPlatform: X86_64-RedHat_6.6 $";
+        JobFinishedHookDone = 1446134177;
+        QDate = 1446105741;
+        JobLeaseDuration = 2400;
+        In = "/dev/null";
+        DiskUsage = 1250000;
+        EncryptExecuteDirectory = false;
+        CommittedSuspensionTime = 0;
+        User = "";
+        UserLog = "/home/xguo23/finally_2/Simulation_condor/model_3/159/process.log";
+        JobCurrentStartDate = 1446112222;
+        BufferBlockSize = 32768;
+        MATCH_EXP_JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "";
+        Requirements = ( ( OpSysMajorVer is 6 ) ) && ( MY.JobUniverse == 12 || MY.JobUniverse == 7 || MY.WantFlocking || MY.WantGlidein || TARGET.PoolName == "CHTC" || TARGET.COLLECTOR_HOST_STRING == "" ) && ( TARGET.Arch == "X86_64" ) && ( TARGET.OpSys == "LINUX" ) && ( TARGET.Disk >= RequestDisk ) && ( TARGET.Memory >= RequestMemory ) && ( TARGET.HasFileTransfer );
+        MinHosts = 1;
+        PeriodicHold = false;
+        ProcId = 0;
+        Environment = "";
+        DAGNodeName = "159+159";
+        MemoryUsage = ( ( ResidentSetSize + 1023 ) / 1024 );
+        TerminationPending = true;
+        NumRestarts = 0;
+        NumSystemHolds = 0;
+        CommittedTime = 21954;
+        AutoClusterId = 24;
+        ExitStatus = 0;
+        ShouldTransferFiles = "YES";
+        MachineAttrCpus0 = 1;
+        WantRemoteSyscalls = false;
+        MyType = "Job";
+        CumulativeSuspensionTime = 0;
+        Rank = 0.0;
+        StartdPrincipal = "execute-side@matchsession/";
+        Err = "process.err";
+        PeriodicRemove = false;
+        BlockWriteKbytes = 0;
+        ExitBySignal = false;
+        DAGManJobId = 49581933;
+        EnteredCurrentStatus = 1446134176;
+        JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "$$([IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName), IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), \"\", TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName)])";
+        RecentBlockWriteKbytes = 0;
+        TransferIn = false;
+        IsCHTCSubmit = true;
+        NumJobMatches = 1;
+        RootDir = "/";
+        JobStartDate = 1446112222;
+        JobPrio = 0;
+        CurrentHosts = 0;
+        GlobalJobId = "";
+        RemoteSysCpu = 1.370000000000000E+02;
+        TotalSuspensions = 0;
+        CommittedSlotTime = 2.195400000000000E+04;
+        WantCheckpoint = false;
+        BlockReads = 0;
+        LastRemoteHost = "";
+        TransferInput = "/home/xguo23/finally_2/Simulation_condor/data/159/,/home/xguo23/finally_2/Simulation_condor/data/shared/";
+        LocalUserCpu = 0.0;
+        PeriodicRelease = ( JobStatus == 5 ) && ( ( CurrentTime - EnteredCurrentStatus ) > 1800 ) && ( JobRunCount < 5 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 6 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 14 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 22 );
+        RequestDisk = 1000000;
+        ResidentSetSize_RAW = 125604;
+        OrigMaxHosts = 1;
+        LastPublicClaimId = "<>#1444772294#9281#...";
+        WantRHEL6 = true;
+        NumCkpts_RAW = 0;
+        Out = "process.out";
+        SubmitEventNotes = "DAG Node: 159+159";
+        CumulativeSlotTime = 2.195400000000000E+04;
+        JobRunCount = 1;
+        RecentBlockReads = 0;
+        StreamErr = false;
+        DiskUsage_RAW = 1216669;
+        NumCkpts = 0;
+        StatsLifetimeStarter = 21953;
+        ImageSize = 1000000;
         Cmd = "/home/xguo23/finally_2/Simulation_condor/chtcjobwrapper"
-        BlockWrites = 0; 
-        LastJobStatus = 2; 
-        JobCurrentStartExecutingDate = 1446111648; 
-        WantRemoteIO = true; 
-        RequestCpus = 1; 
-        NumShadowStarts = 1; 
-        RemoteUserCpu = 2.235300000000000E+04; 
-        NiceUser = false; 
-        RequestMemory = 1000; 
-        BytesRecvd = 2.846290000000000E+05; 
-        ResidentSetSize = 150000; 
-        StreamOut = false; 
-        SpooledOutputFiles = "CURLTIME_818403,ChtcWrapper211.out,AuditLog.211,simu_3_211.txt,harvest.log,211.out"; 
-        OnExitRemove = true; 
-        ImageSize_RAW = 811948; 
-        RemoteWallClockTime = 2.252000000000000E+04; 
-        MachineAttrSlotWeight0 = 1; 
-        ExecutableSize = 7; 
-        JobStatus = 4; 
-        DAGParentNodeNames = ""; 
-        ExitCode = 0; 
-        DAGManNodesMask = "0,1,2,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,13,16,17,24,27"; 
-        BytesSent = 3.060300000000000E+04; 
-        LastSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        ExecutableSize_RAW = 6; 
-        RecentBlockReadKbytes = 0; 
-        TransferInputSizeMB = 0; 
-        Matlab = "R2011b"; 
-        BlockReadKbytes = 0; 
-        RecentStatsLifetimeStarter = 1200; 
-        LeaveJobInQueue = false; 
-        TargetType = "Machine"; 
-        WhenToTransferOutput = "ON_EXIT"; 
-        Owner = "xguo23"; 
-        JobNotification = 0; 
-        BufferSize = 524288; 
-        RecentBlockWrites = 0; 
-        CompletionDate = 1446134167; 
-        QDate = 1446105734; 
-        JobLeaseDuration = 2400; 
-        JobFinishedHookDone = 1446134167; 
-        LastMatchTime = 1446111647; 
-        LastJobLeaseRenewal = 1446134167; 
-        DAGManNodesLog = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/model_3/./mydag.dag.nodes.log"; 
-        ClusterId = 49582533; 
-        JobUniverse = 5; 
-        NumJobStarts = 1; 
-        CondorVersion = "$CondorVersion: 8.5.0 Sep 16 2015 BuildID: 341710 $"; 
-        CoreSize = 0; 
-        OnExitHold = false; 
-        CondorPlatform = "$CondorPlatform: X86_64-RedHat_6.6 $"; 
-        In = "/dev/null"; 
-        DiskUsage = 1250000; 
-        EncryptExecuteDirectory = false; 
-        CommittedSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        User = ""; 
-        UserLog = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/model_3/211/process.log"; 
-        JobCurrentStartDate = 1446111647; 
-        BufferBlockSize = 32768; 
-        MATCH_EXP_JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = ""; 
-        Requirements = ( ( OpSysMajorVer is 6 ) ) && ( MY.JobUniverse == 12 || MY.JobUniverse == 7 || MY.WantFlocking || MY.WantGlidein || TARGET.PoolName == "CHTC" || TARGET.COLLECTOR_HOST_STRING == "" ) && ( TARGET.Arch == "X86_64" ) && ( TARGET.OpSys == "LINUX" ) && ( TARGET.Disk >= RequestDisk ) && ( TARGET.Memory >= RequestMemory ) && ( TARGET.HasFileTransfer ); 
-        MinHosts = 1; 
-        MaxHosts = 1; 
-        Args = "--type=Matlab --version=R2011b --cmdtorun=simu_condor --unique=211 -- 3"; 
-        PeriodicHold = false; 
-        ProcId = 0; 
-        Environment = ""; 
-        DAGNodeName = "211+211"; 
-        MemoryUsage = ( ( ResidentSetSize + 1023 ) / 1024 ); 
-        TerminationPending = true; 
-        NumRestarts = 0; 
-        NumSystemHolds = 0; 
-        CommittedTime = 22520; 
-        MachineAttrCpus0 = 1; 
-        WantRemoteSyscalls = false; 
-        MyType = "Job"; 
-        CumulativeSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        Rank = 0.0; 
-        StartdPrincipal = "execute-side@matchsession/"; 
-        Err = "process.err"; 
-        PeriodicRemove = false; 
-        BlockWriteKbytes = 0; 
-        ExitBySignal = false; 
-        DAGManJobId = 49582200; 
-        EnteredCurrentStatus = 1446134167; 
-        JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "$$([IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName), IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), \"\", TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName)])"; 
-        RecentBlockWriteKbytes = 0; 
-        TransferIn = false; 
-        ExitStatus = 0; 
-        ShouldTransferFiles = "YES"; 
-        IsCHTCSubmit = true; 
-        NumJobMatches = 1; 
-        RootDir = "/"; 
-        JobStartDate = 1446111647; 
-        JobPrio = 0; 
-        CurrentHosts = 0; 
-        GlobalJobId = ""; 
-        RemoteSysCpu = 1.370000000000000E+02; 
-        TotalSuspensions = 0; 
-        CommittedSlotTime = 2.252000000000000E+04; 
-        WantCheckpoint = false; 
-        BlockReads = 0; 
-        LastRemoteHost = ""; 
-        TransferInput = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/data/211/,/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/data/shared/"; 
-        LocalUserCpu = 0.0; 
-        PeriodicRelease = ( JobStatus == 5 ) && ( ( CurrentTime - EnteredCurrentStatus ) > 1800 ) && ( JobRunCount < 5 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 6 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 14 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 22 ); 
-        RequestDisk = 1000000; 
-        ResidentSetSize_RAW = 126608; 
-        OrigMaxHosts = 1; 
-        LastPublicClaimId = "<>#1444759807#6759#..."; 
-        WantRHEL6 = true; 
-        NumCkpts_RAW = 0; 
-        Out = "process.out"; 
-        SubmitEventNotes = "DAG Node: 211+211"; 
-        CumulativeSlotTime = 2.252000000000000E+04; 
-        JobRunCount = 1; 
-        RecentBlockReads = 0; 
-        StreamErr = false; 
-        DiskUsage_RAW = 1216669; 
-        NumCkpts = 0; 
-        StatsLifetimeStarter = 22519; 
-        ImageSize = 1000000; 
-        Cmd = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/chtcjobwrapper"; 
-        LocalSysCpu = 0.0; 
+        BlockWrites = 0;
+        LastJobStatus = 2;
+        JobCurrentStartExecutingDate = 1446111648;
+        WantRemoteIO = true;
+        RequestCpus = 1;
+        NumShadowStarts = 1;
+        RemoteUserCpu = 2.235300000000000E+04;
+        NiceUser = false;
+        RequestMemory = 1000;
+        BytesRecvd = 2.846290000000000E+05;
+        ResidentSetSize = 150000;
+        StreamOut = false;
+        SpooledOutputFiles = "CURLTIME_818403,ChtcWrapper211.out,AuditLog.211,simu_3_211.txt,harvest.log,211.out";
+        OnExitRemove = true;
+        ImageSize_RAW = 811948;
+        RemoteWallClockTime = 2.252000000000000E+04;
+        MachineAttrSlotWeight0 = 1;
+        ExecutableSize = 7;
+        JobStatus = 4;
+        DAGParentNodeNames = "";
+        ExitCode = 0;
+        DAGManNodesMask = "0,1,2,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,13,16,17,24,27";
+        BytesSent = 3.060300000000000E+04;
+        LastSuspensionTime = 0;
+        ExecutableSize_RAW = 6;
+        RecentBlockReadKbytes = 0;
+        TransferInputSizeMB = 0;
+        Matlab = "R2011b";
+        BlockReadKbytes = 0;
+        RecentStatsLifetimeStarter = 1200;
+        LeaveJobInQueue = false;
+        TargetType = "Machine";
+        WhenToTransferOutput = "ON_EXIT";
+        Owner = "xguo23";
+        JobNotification = 0;
+        BufferSize = 524288;
+        RecentBlockWrites = 0;
+        CompletionDate = 1446134167;
+        QDate = 1446105734;
+        JobLeaseDuration = 2400;
+        JobFinishedHookDone = 1446134167;
+        LastMatchTime = 1446111647;
+        LastJobLeaseRenewal = 1446134167;
+        DAGManNodesLog = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/model_3/./mydag.dag.nodes.log";
+        ClusterId = 49582533;
+        JobUniverse = 5;
+        NumJobStarts = 1;
+        CondorVersion = "$CondorVersion: 8.5.0 Sep 16 2015 BuildID: 341710 $";
+        CoreSize = 0;
+        OnExitHold = false;
+        CondorPlatform = "$CondorPlatform: X86_64-RedHat_6.6 $";
+        In = "/dev/null";
+        DiskUsage = 1250000;
+        EncryptExecuteDirectory = false;
+        CommittedSuspensionTime = 0;
+        User = "";
+        UserLog = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/model_3/211/process.log";
+        JobCurrentStartDate = 1446111647;
+        BufferBlockSize = 32768;
+        MATCH_EXP_JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "";
+        Requirements = ( ( OpSysMajorVer is 6 ) ) && ( MY.JobUniverse == 12 || MY.JobUniverse == 7 || MY.WantFlocking || MY.WantGlidein || TARGET.PoolName == "CHTC" || TARGET.COLLECTOR_HOST_STRING == "" ) && ( TARGET.Arch == "X86_64" ) && ( TARGET.OpSys == "LINUX" ) && ( TARGET.Disk >= RequestDisk ) && ( TARGET.Memory >= RequestMemory ) && ( TARGET.HasFileTransfer );
+        MinHosts = 1;
+        MaxHosts = 1;
+        Args = "--type=Matlab --version=R2011b --cmdtorun=simu_condor --unique=211 -- 3";
+        PeriodicHold = false;
+        ProcId = 0;
+        Environment = "";
+        DAGNodeName = "211+211";
+        MemoryUsage = ( ( ResidentSetSize + 1023 ) / 1024 );
+        TerminationPending = true;
+        NumRestarts = 0;
+        NumSystemHolds = 0;
+        CommittedTime = 22520;
+        MachineAttrCpus0 = 1;
+        WantRemoteSyscalls = false;
+        MyType = "Job";
+        CumulativeSuspensionTime = 0;
+        Rank = 0.0;
+        StartdPrincipal = "execute-side@matchsession/";
+        Err = "process.err";
+        PeriodicRemove = false;
+        BlockWriteKbytes = 0;
+        ExitBySignal = false;
+        DAGManJobId = 49582200;
+        EnteredCurrentStatus = 1446134167;
+        JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "$$([IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName), IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), \"\", TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName)])";
+        RecentBlockWriteKbytes = 0;
+        TransferIn = false;
+        ExitStatus = 0;
+        ShouldTransferFiles = "YES";
+        IsCHTCSubmit = true;
+        NumJobMatches = 1;
+        RootDir = "/";
+        JobStartDate = 1446111647;
+        JobPrio = 0;
+        CurrentHosts = 0;
+        GlobalJobId = "";
+        RemoteSysCpu = 1.370000000000000E+02;
+        TotalSuspensions = 0;
+        CommittedSlotTime = 2.252000000000000E+04;
+        WantCheckpoint = false;
+        BlockReads = 0;
+        LastRemoteHost = "";
+        TransferInput = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/data/211/,/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/data/shared/";
+        LocalUserCpu = 0.0;
+        PeriodicRelease = ( JobStatus == 5 ) && ( ( CurrentTime - EnteredCurrentStatus ) > 1800 ) && ( JobRunCount < 5 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 6 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 14 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 22 );
+        RequestDisk = 1000000;
+        ResidentSetSize_RAW = 126608;
+        OrigMaxHosts = 1;
+        LastPublicClaimId = "<>#1444759807#6759#...";
+        WantRHEL6 = true;
+        NumCkpts_RAW = 0;
+        Out = "process.out";
+        SubmitEventNotes = "DAG Node: 211+211";
+        CumulativeSlotTime = 2.252000000000000E+04;
+        JobRunCount = 1;
+        RecentBlockReads = 0;
+        StreamErr = false;
+        DiskUsage_RAW = 1216669;
+        NumCkpts = 0;
+        StatsLifetimeStarter = 22519;
+        ImageSize = 1000000;
+        Cmd = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/chtcjobwrapper";
+        LocalSysCpu = 0.0;
         Iwd = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/model_3/211"
-        BlockWrites = 0; 
-        LastJobStatus = 2; 
-        JobCurrentStartExecutingDate = 1446134109; 
-        WantRemoteIO = true; 
-        RequestCpus = 1; 
-        NumShadowStarts = 1; 
-        RemoteUserCpu = 1.400000000000000E+01; 
-        NiceUser = false; 
-        BytesRecvd = 1.220270000000000E+06; 
-        RequestMemory = 1000; 
-        ResidentSetSize = 7500; 
-        StreamOut = false; 
-        SpooledOutputFiles = "chtcinnerwrapper,CURLTIME_137795,ChtcWrapper11021.out,R2011b_INFO,AuditLog.11021,SLIBS2.tar.gz,CODEBLOWUP"; 
-        OnExitRemove = true; 
-        ImageSize_RAW = 5124; 
-        RemoteWallClockTime = 5.800000000000000E+01; 
-        MachineAttrSlotWeight0 = 1; 
-        ExecutableSize = 7; 
-        JobStatus = 4; 
-        DAGParentNodeNames = ""; 
-        ExitCode = 5; 
-        DAGManNodesMask = "0,1,2,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,13,16,17,24,27"; 
-        BytesSent = 2.727270000000000E+06; 
-        LastSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        ExecutableSize_RAW = 6; 
-        RecentBlockReadKbytes = 160; 
-        TransferInputSizeMB = 1; 
-        Matlab = "R2011b"; 
-        BlockReadKbytes = 160; 
-        RecentStatsLifetimeStarter = 48; 
-        LeaveJobInQueue = false; 
-        TargetType = "Machine"; 
-        WhenToTransferOutput = "ON_EXIT"; 
-        Owner = "dentler"; 
-        JobNotification = 0; 
-        BufferSize = 524288; 
-        RecentBlockWrites = 0; 
-        CompletionDate = 1446134165; 
-        QDate = 1446134012; 
-        JobLeaseDuration = 2400; 
-        JobFinishedHookDone = 1446134165; 
-        LastMatchTime = 1446134107; 
-        LastJobLeaseRenewal = 1446134165; 
-        DAGManNodesLog = "/home/dentler/ChtcRun/project_auction/results_fix2/./mydag.dag.nodes.log"; 
-        ClusterId = 49584018; 
-        JobUniverse = 5; 
-        NumJobStarts = 1; 
-        CondorVersion = "$CondorVersion: 8.5.0 Sep 16 2015 BuildID: 341710 $"; 
-        CoreSize = 0; 
-        OnExitHold = false; 
-        CondorPlatform = "$CondorPlatform: X86_64-RedHat_6.6 $"; 
-        In = "/dev/null"; 
-        DiskUsage = 1250000; 
-        EncryptExecuteDirectory = false; 
-        CommittedSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        User = ""; 
-        UserLog = "/home/dentler/ChtcRun/project_auction/results_fix2/11021/process.log"; 
-        JobCurrentStartDate = 1446134107; 
-        BufferBlockSize = 32768; 
-        MATCH_EXP_JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = ""; 
-        Requirements = ( ( OpSysMajorVer is 6 ) ) && ( MY.JobUniverse == 12 || MY.JobUniverse == 7 || MY.WantFlocking || MY.WantGlidein || TARGET.PoolName == "CHTC" || TARGET.COLLECTOR_HOST_STRING == "" ) && ( TARGET.Arch == "X86_64" ) && ( TARGET.OpSys == "LINUX" ) && ( TARGET.Disk >= RequestDisk ) && ( TARGET.Memory >= RequestMemory ) && ( TARGET.HasFileTransfer ); 
-        MinHosts = 1; 
-        MaxHosts = 1; 
-        Args = "--type=Matlab --version=R2011b --cmdtorun=net_est --unique=11021 --"; 
-        PeriodicHold = false; 
-        ProcId = 0; 
-        Environment = ""; 
-        DAGNodeName = "11021+11021"; 
-        MemoryUsage = ( ( ResidentSetSize + 1023 ) / 1024 ); 
-        TerminationPending = true; 
-        NumRestarts = 0; 
-        NumSystemHolds = 0; 
-        CommittedTime = 58; 
-        MachineAttrCpus0 = 1; 
-        WantRemoteSyscalls = false; 
-        MyType = "Job"; 
-        CumulativeSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        Rank = 0.0; 
-        StartdPrincipal = "execute-side@matchsession/"; 
-        WantFlocking = true; 
-        Err = "process.err"; 
-        PeriodicRemove = false; 
-        BlockWriteKbytes = 0; 
-        ExitBySignal = false; 
-        DAGManJobId = 49583804; 
-        EnteredCurrentStatus = 1446134165; 
-        JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "$$([IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName), IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), \"\", TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName)])"; 
-        RecentBlockWriteKbytes = 0; 
-        TransferIn = false; 
-        ExitStatus = 0; 
-        ShouldTransferFiles = "YES"; 
-        IsCHTCSubmit = true; 
-        NumJobMatches = 1; 
-        RootDir = "/"; 
-        JobStartDate = 1446134107; 
-        JobPrio = 0; 
-        CurrentHosts = 0; 
-        GlobalJobId = ""; 
-        RemoteSysCpu = 1.200000000000000E+01; 
-        TotalSuspensions = 0; 
-        CommittedSlotTime = 5.800000000000000E+01; 
-        WantCheckpoint = false; 
-        BlockReads = 14; 
-        LastRemoteHost = ""; 
-        TransferInput = "/home/dentler/ChtcRun/project_auction/11021/,/home/dentler/ChtcRun/project_auction/shared/"; 
-        LocalUserCpu = 0.0; 
-        PeriodicRelease = ( JobStatus == 5 ) && ( ( CurrentTime - EnteredCurrentStatus ) > 1800 ) && ( JobRunCount < 5 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 6 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 14 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 22 ); 
-        RequestDisk = 4000000; 
-        ResidentSetSize_RAW = 5124; 
-        OrigMaxHosts = 1; 
-        LastPublicClaimId = "<>#1445038698#5043#..."; 
-        WantRHEL6 = true; 
-        NumCkpts_RAW = 0; 
-        Out = "process.out"; 
-        SubmitEventNotes = "DAG Node: 11021+11021"; 
-        CumulativeSlotTime = 5.800000000000000E+01; 
-        JobRunCount = 1; 
-        RecentBlockReads = 14; 
-        StreamErr = false; 
-        DiskUsage_RAW = 1139127; 
-        NumCkpts = 0; 
-        StatsLifetimeStarter = 56; 
-        ImageSize = 7500; 
-        Cmd = "/home/dentler/ChtcRun/chtcjobwrapper"; 
-        WantGlidein = true; 
-        LocalSysCpu = 0.0; 
+        BlockWrites = 0;
+        LastJobStatus = 2;
+        JobCurrentStartExecutingDate = 1446134109;
+        WantRemoteIO = true;
+        RequestCpus = 1;
+        NumShadowStarts = 1;
+        RemoteUserCpu = 1.400000000000000E+01;
+        NiceUser = false;
+        BytesRecvd = 1.220270000000000E+06;
+        RequestMemory = 1000;
+        ResidentSetSize = 7500;
+        StreamOut = false;
+        SpooledOutputFiles = "chtcinnerwrapper,CURLTIME_137795,ChtcWrapper11021.out,R2011b_INFO,AuditLog.11021,SLIBS2.tar.gz,CODEBLOWUP";
+        OnExitRemove = true;
+        ImageSize_RAW = 5124;
+        RemoteWallClockTime = 5.800000000000000E+01;
+        MachineAttrSlotWeight0 = 1;
+        ExecutableSize = 7;
+        JobStatus = 4;
+        DAGParentNodeNames = "";
+        ExitCode = 5;
+        DAGManNodesMask = "0,1,2,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,13,16,17,24,27";
+        BytesSent = 2.727270000000000E+06;
+        LastSuspensionTime = 0;
+        ExecutableSize_RAW = 6;
+        RecentBlockReadKbytes = 160;
+        TransferInputSizeMB = 1;
+        Matlab = "R2011b";
+        BlockReadKbytes = 160;
+        RecentStatsLifetimeStarter = 48;
+        LeaveJobInQueue = false;
+        TargetType = "Machine";
+        WhenToTransferOutput = "ON_EXIT";
+        Owner = "dentler";
+        JobNotification = 0;
+        BufferSize = 524288;
+        RecentBlockWrites = 0;
+        CompletionDate = 1446134165;
+        QDate = 1446134012;
+        JobLeaseDuration = 2400;
+        JobFinishedHookDone = 1446134165;
+        LastMatchTime = 1446134107;
+        LastJobLeaseRenewal = 1446134165;
+        DAGManNodesLog = "/home/dentler/ChtcRun/project_auction/results_fix2/./mydag.dag.nodes.log";
+        ClusterId = 49584018;
+        JobUniverse = 5;
+        NumJobStarts = 1;
+        CondorVersion = "$CondorVersion: 8.5.0 Sep 16 2015 BuildID: 341710 $";
+        CoreSize = 0;
+        OnExitHold = false;
+        CondorPlatform = "$CondorPlatform: X86_64-RedHat_6.6 $";
+        In = "/dev/null";
+        DiskUsage = 1250000;
+        EncryptExecuteDirectory = false;
+        CommittedSuspensionTime = 0;
+        User = "";
+        UserLog = "/home/dentler/ChtcRun/project_auction/results_fix2/11021/process.log";
+        JobCurrentStartDate = 1446134107;
+        BufferBlockSize = 32768;
+        MATCH_EXP_JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "";
+        Requirements = ( ( OpSysMajorVer is 6 ) ) && ( MY.JobUniverse == 12 || MY.JobUniverse == 7 || MY.WantFlocking || MY.WantGlidein || TARGET.PoolName == "CHTC" || TARGET.COLLECTOR_HOST_STRING == "" ) && ( TARGET.Arch == "X86_64" ) && ( TARGET.OpSys == "LINUX" ) && ( TARGET.Disk >= RequestDisk ) && ( TARGET.Memory >= RequestMemory ) && ( TARGET.HasFileTransfer );
+        MinHosts = 1;
+        MaxHosts = 1;
+        Args = "--type=Matlab --version=R2011b --cmdtorun=net_est --unique=11021 --";
+        PeriodicHold = false;
+        ProcId = 0;
+        Environment = "";
+        DAGNodeName = "11021+11021";
+        MemoryUsage = ( ( ResidentSetSize + 1023 ) / 1024 );
+        TerminationPending = true;
+        NumRestarts = 0;
+        NumSystemHolds = 0;
+        CommittedTime = 58;
+        MachineAttrCpus0 = 1;
+        WantRemoteSyscalls = false;
+        MyType = "Job";
+        CumulativeSuspensionTime = 0;
+        Rank = 0.0;
+        StartdPrincipal = "execute-side@matchsession/";
+        WantFlocking = true;
+        Err = "process.err";
+        PeriodicRemove = false;
+        BlockWriteKbytes = 0;
+        ExitBySignal = false;
+        DAGManJobId = 49583804;
+        EnteredCurrentStatus = 1446134165;
+        JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "$$([IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName), IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), \"\", TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName)])";
+        RecentBlockWriteKbytes = 0;
+        TransferIn = false;
+        ExitStatus = 0;
+        ShouldTransferFiles = "YES";
+        IsCHTCSubmit = true;
+        NumJobMatches = 1;
+        RootDir = "/";
+        JobStartDate = 1446134107;
+        JobPrio = 0;
+        CurrentHosts = 0;
+        GlobalJobId = "";
+        RemoteSysCpu = 1.200000000000000E+01;
+        TotalSuspensions = 0;
+        CommittedSlotTime = 5.800000000000000E+01;
+        WantCheckpoint = false;
+        BlockReads = 14;
+        LastRemoteHost = "";
+        TransferInput = "/home/dentler/ChtcRun/project_auction/11021/,/home/dentler/ChtcRun/project_auction/shared/";
+        LocalUserCpu = 0.0;
+        PeriodicRelease = ( JobStatus == 5 ) && ( ( CurrentTime - EnteredCurrentStatus ) > 1800 ) && ( JobRunCount < 5 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 6 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 14 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 22 );
+        RequestDisk = 4000000;
+        ResidentSetSize_RAW = 5124;
+        OrigMaxHosts = 1;
+        LastPublicClaimId = "<>#1445038698#5043#...";
+        WantRHEL6 = true;
+        NumCkpts_RAW = 0;
+        Out = "process.out";
+        SubmitEventNotes = "DAG Node: 11021+11021";
+        CumulativeSlotTime = 5.800000000000000E+01;
+        JobRunCount = 1;
+        RecentBlockReads = 14;
+        StreamErr = false;
+        DiskUsage_RAW = 1139127;
+        NumCkpts = 0;
+        StatsLifetimeStarter = 56;
+        ImageSize = 7500;
+        Cmd = "/home/dentler/ChtcRun/chtcjobwrapper";
+        WantGlidein = true;
+        LocalSysCpu = 0.0;
         Iwd = "/home/dentler/ChtcRun/project_auction/results_fix2/11021"
-        BlockWrites = 4; 
-        LastJobStatus = 2; 
-        JobCurrentStartExecutingDate = 1446108996; 
-        WantRemoteIO = true; 
-        RequestCpus = 1; 
-        NumShadowStarts = 1; 
-        RemoteUserCpu = 2.477600000000000E+04; 
-        NiceUser = false; 
-        RequestMemory = 1000; 
-        BytesRecvd = 2.850540000000000E+05; 
-        ResidentSetSize = 100000; 
-        StreamOut = false; 
-        SpooledOutputFiles = "harvest.log,ChtcWrapper407.out,AuditLog.407,CURLTIME_1861323,407.out,simu_3_407.txt"; 
-        OnExitRemove = true; 
-        ImageSize_RAW = 123648; 
-        RemoteWallClockTime = 2.513300000000000E+04; 
-        MachineAttrSlotWeight0 = 1; 
-        ExecutableSize = 7; 
-        JobStatus = 4; 
-        DAGParentNodeNames = ""; 
-        ExitCode = 0; 
-        DAGManNodesMask = "0,1,2,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,13,16,17,24,27"; 
-        BytesSent = 3.056100000000000E+04; 
-        LastRejMatchReason = "PREEMPTION_REQUIREMENTS == False "; 
-        LastSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        ExecutableSize_RAW = 6; 
-        RecentBlockReadKbytes = 3976; 
-        TransferInputSizeMB = 0; 
-        Matlab = "R2011b"; 
-        BlockReadKbytes = 30280; 
-        LocalSysCpu = 0.0; 
-        Iwd = "/home/xguo23/finally_2/Simulation_condor/model_3/407"; 
-        Cmd = "/home/xguo23/finally_2/Simulation_condor/chtcjobwrapper"; 
-        RecentStatsLifetimeStarter = 1200; 
-        LeaveJobInQueue = false; 
-        TargetType = "Machine"; 
-        WhenToTransferOutput = "ON_EXIT"; 
-        Owner = "xguo23"; 
-        JobNotification = 0; 
-        BufferSize = 524288; 
-        RecentBlockWrites = 0; 
-        CompletionDate = 1446134128; 
-        LastMatchTime = 1446108995; 
-        LastJobLeaseRenewal = 1446134128; 
-        DAGManNodesLog = "/home/xguo23/finally_2/Simulation_condor/model_3/./mydag.dag.nodes.log"; 
-        ClusterId = 49582261; 
-        NumJobStarts = 1; 
-        JobUniverse = 5; 
-        AutoClusterAttrs = "JobUniverse,LastCheckpointPlatform,NumCkpts,ClientMachine,_condor_RequestCpus,_condor_RequestDisk,_condor_RequestGPUs,_condor_RequestMemory,RequestCpus,RequestDisk,RequestGPUs,RequestMemory,BIOCHEM,MachineLastMatchTime,ConcurrencyLimits,NiceUser,Rank,Requirements,ImageSize,MemoryRequirements,User,RemoteGroup,SubmitterGroup,SubmitterUserPrio,Group,WIDsTheme,InteractiveJob,Is_Resumable,WantFlocking,WantGlidein,Scheduler,Owner,JobStart,MemoryUsage,IsExpressQueueJob,DiskUsage,HEP_VO,IsDesktop,OSG_VO,x509userproxysubject,PassedTest,IsLocalCMSJob,IsLocalCMSSlot,IsSAMSlot,IsSAMJob,MaxDiskTempC,IsDedicated,estimated_run_hours,IsCHTCSubmit,RequiresCVMFS,DynamicSlot,PartitionableSlot,Slot1_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot1_JobStarts,Slot1_SelfMonitorAge,Slot2_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot2_JobStarts,Slot2_SelfMonitorAge,Slot3_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot3_JobStarts,Slot3_SelfMonitorAge,Slot4_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot4_JobStarts,Slot4_SelfMonitorAge,Slot5_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot5_JobStarts,Slot5_SelfMonitorAge,Slot6_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot6_JobStarts,Slot6_SelfMonitorAge,Slot7_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot7_JobStarts,Slot7_SelfMonitorAge,Slot8_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot8_JobStarts,Slot8_SelfMonitorAge,Slot1_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot1_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot2_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot2_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot3_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot3_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot4_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot4_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot5_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot5_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot6_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot6_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot7_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot7_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot8_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot8_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot10_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot10_JobStarts,Slot10_SelfMonitorAge,Slot11_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot11_JobStarts,Slot11_SelfMonitorAge,Slot12_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot12_JobStarts,Slot12_SelfMonitorAge,Slot9_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot9_JobStarts,Slot9_SelfMonitorAge,Slot12_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot10_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot10_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot11_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot11_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot12_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot9_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot9_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot13_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot13_JobStarts,Slot13_SelfMonitorAge,Slot14_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot14_JobStarts,Slot14_SelfMonitorAge,Slot15_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot15_JobStarts,Slot15_SelfMonitorAge,Slot16_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot16_JobStarts,Slot16_SelfMonitorAge,IsResumable,WHEN_TO_TRANSFER_OUTPUT,_condor_Requestadmin_mutex_1,_condor_Requestadmin_mutex_2,_condor_Requestadmin_mutex_3,_condor_Requestmachine_token,Requestadmin_mutex_1,Requestadmin_mutex_2,Requestadmin_mutex_3,Requestmachine_token,nyehle,IsBuildJob,IsMatlabBuildJob,TotalJobRunTime,NodeOnline,Slot13_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot13_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot14_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot14_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot15_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot15_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot16_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot16_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,TmpIsFull,trResumable,RequiresCMSFrontier,Slot17_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot17_JobStarts,Slot17_SelfMonitorAge,Slot17_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot17_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot18_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot18_JobStarts,Slot18_SelfMonitorAge,Slot18_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot18_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot19_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot19_JobStarts,Slot19_SelfMonitorAge,Slot19_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot19_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot20_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot20_JobStarts,Slot20_SelfMonitorAge,Slot20_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot20_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot21_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot21_JobStarts,Slot21_SelfMonitorAge,Slot21_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot21_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot22_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot22_JobStarts,Slot22_SelfMonitorAge,Slot22_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot22_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot23_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot23_JobStarts,Slot23_SelfMonitorAge,Slot23_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot23_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot24_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot24_JobStarts,Slot24_SelfMonitorAge,Slot24_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot24_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot25_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot25_JobStarts,Slot25_SelfMonitorAge,Slot25_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot25_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot26_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot26_JobStarts,Slot26_SelfMonitorAge,Slot26_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot26_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot27_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot27_JobStarts,Slot27_SelfMonitorAge,Slot27_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot27_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot28_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot28_JobStarts,Slot28_SelfMonitorAge,Slot28_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot28_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot29_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot29_JobStarts,Slot29_SelfMonitorAge,Slot29_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot29_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot30_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot30_JobStarts,Slot30_SelfMonitorAge,Slot30_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot30_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot31_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot31_JobStarts,Slot31_SelfMonitorAge,Slot31_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot31_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot32_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot32_JobStarts,Slot32_SelfMonitorAge,Slot32_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot32_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,ResidentSetSize"; 
-        MaxHosts = 1; 
-        Args = "--type=Matlab --version=R2011b --cmdtorun=simu_condor --unique=407 -- 3"; 
-        CondorVersion = "$CondorVersion: 8.5.0 Sep 16 2015 BuildID: 341710 $"; 
-        CoreSize = 0; 
-        OnExitHold = false; 
-        CondorPlatform = "$CondorPlatform: X86_64-RedHat_6.6 $"; 
-        JobFinishedHookDone = 1446134128; 
-        QDate = 1446105631; 
-        JobLeaseDuration = 2400; 
-        In = "/dev/null"; 
-        DiskUsage = 1250000; 
-        EncryptExecuteDirectory = false; 
-        CommittedSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        User = ""; 
-        UserLog = "/home/xguo23/finally_2/Simulation_condor/model_3/407/process.log"; 
-        JobCurrentStartDate = 1446108995; 
-        BufferBlockSize = 32768; 
-        MATCH_EXP_JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = ""; 
-        Requirements = ( ( OpSysMajorVer is 6 ) ) && ( MY.JobUniverse == 12 || MY.JobUniverse == 7 || MY.WantFlocking || MY.WantGlidein || TARGET.PoolName == "CHTC" || TARGET.COLLECTOR_HOST_STRING == "" ) && ( TARGET.Arch == "X86_64" ) && ( TARGET.OpSys == "LINUX" ) && ( TARGET.Disk >= RequestDisk ) && ( TARGET.Memory >= RequestMemory ) && ( TARGET.HasFileTransfer ); 
-        MinHosts = 1; 
-        PeriodicHold = false; 
-        ProcId = 0; 
-        Environment = ""; 
-        DAGNodeName = "407+407"; 
-        MemoryUsage = ( ( ResidentSetSize + 1023 ) / 1024 ); 
-        TerminationPending = true; 
-        NumRestarts = 0; 
-        NumSystemHolds = 0; 
-        CommittedTime = 25133; 
-        AutoClusterId = 38210; 
-        ExitStatus = 0; 
-        ShouldTransferFiles = "YES"; 
-        MachineAttrCpus0 = 1; 
-        WantRemoteSyscalls = false; 
-        MyType = "Job"; 
-        CumulativeSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        Rank = 0.0; 
-        StartdPrincipal = "execute-side@matchsession/"; 
-        Err = "process.err"; 
-        PeriodicRemove = false; 
-        BlockWriteKbytes = 16; 
-        ExitBySignal = false; 
-        DAGManJobId = 49581933; 
-        EnteredCurrentStatus = 1446134128; 
-        JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "$$([IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName), IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), \"\", TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName)])"; 
-        RecentBlockWriteKbytes = 0; 
-        TransferIn = false; 
-        IsCHTCSubmit = true; 
-        NumJobMatches = 1; 
-        RootDir = "/"; 
-        JobStartDate = 1446108995; 
-        JobPrio = 0; 
-        CurrentHosts = 0; 
-        GlobalJobId = ""; 
-        RemoteSysCpu = 2.770000000000000E+02; 
-        LastRejMatchTime = 1446108994; 
-        TotalSuspensions = 0; 
-        CommittedSlotTime = 2.513300000000000E+04; 
-        WantCheckpoint = false; 
-        BlockReads = 906; 
-        LastRemoteHost = ""; 
-        TransferInput = "/home/xguo23/finally_2/Simulation_condor/data/407/,/home/xguo23/finally_2/Simulation_condor/data/shared/"; 
-        LocalUserCpu = 0.0; 
-        PeriodicRelease = ( JobStatus == 5 ) && ( ( CurrentTime - EnteredCurrentStatus ) > 1800 ) && ( JobRunCount < 5 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 6 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 14 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 22 ); 
-        RequestDisk = 1000000; 
-        ResidentSetSize_RAW = 76112; 
-        OrigMaxHosts = 1; 
-        LastPublicClaimId = "<>#1445344800#1604#..."; 
-        WantRHEL6 = true; 
-        NumCkpts_RAW = 0; 
-        Out = "process.out"; 
-        SubmitEventNotes = "DAG Node: 407+407"; 
-        CumulativeSlotTime = 2.513300000000000E+04; 
-        JobRunCount = 1; 
-        RecentBlockReads = 313; 
-        StreamErr = false; 
-        DiskUsage_RAW = 1216669; 
-        NumCkpts = 0; 
-        StatsLifetimeStarter = 25132; 
+        BlockWrites = 4;
+        LastJobStatus = 2;
+        JobCurrentStartExecutingDate = 1446108996;
+        WantRemoteIO = true;
+        RequestCpus = 1;
+        NumShadowStarts = 1;
+        RemoteUserCpu = 2.477600000000000E+04;
+        NiceUser = false;
+        RequestMemory = 1000;
+        BytesRecvd = 2.850540000000000E+05;
+        ResidentSetSize = 100000;
+        StreamOut = false;
+        SpooledOutputFiles = "harvest.log,ChtcWrapper407.out,AuditLog.407,CURLTIME_1861323,407.out,simu_3_407.txt";
+        OnExitRemove = true;
+        ImageSize_RAW = 123648;
+        RemoteWallClockTime = 2.513300000000000E+04;
+        MachineAttrSlotWeight0 = 1;
+        ExecutableSize = 7;
+        JobStatus = 4;
+        DAGParentNodeNames = "";
+        ExitCode = 0;
+        DAGManNodesMask = "0,1,2,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,13,16,17,24,27";
+        BytesSent = 3.056100000000000E+04;
+        LastRejMatchReason = "PREEMPTION_REQUIREMENTS == False ";
+        LastSuspensionTime = 0;
+        ExecutableSize_RAW = 6;
+        RecentBlockReadKbytes = 3976;
+        TransferInputSizeMB = 0;
+        Matlab = "R2011b";
+        BlockReadKbytes = 30280;
+        LocalSysCpu = 0.0;
+        Iwd = "/home/xguo23/finally_2/Simulation_condor/model_3/407";
+        Cmd = "/home/xguo23/finally_2/Simulation_condor/chtcjobwrapper";
+        RecentStatsLifetimeStarter = 1200;
+        LeaveJobInQueue = false;
+        TargetType = "Machine";
+        WhenToTransferOutput = "ON_EXIT";
+        Owner = "xguo23";
+        JobNotification = 0;
+        BufferSize = 524288;
+        RecentBlockWrites = 0;
+        CompletionDate = 1446134128;
+        LastMatchTime = 1446108995;
+        LastJobLeaseRenewal = 1446134128;
+        DAGManNodesLog = "/home/xguo23/finally_2/Simulation_condor/model_3/./mydag.dag.nodes.log";
+        ClusterId = 49582261;
+        NumJobStarts = 1;
+        JobUniverse = 5;
+        AutoClusterAttrs = "JobUniverse,LastCheckpointPlatform,NumCkpts,ClientMachine,_condor_RequestCpus,_condor_RequestDisk,_condor_RequestGPUs,_condor_RequestMemory,RequestCpus,RequestDisk,RequestGPUs,RequestMemory,BIOCHEM,MachineLastMatchTime,ConcurrencyLimits,NiceUser,Rank,Requirements,ImageSize,MemoryRequirements,User,RemoteGroup,SubmitterGroup,SubmitterUserPrio,Group,WIDsTheme,InteractiveJob,Is_Resumable,WantFlocking,WantGlidein,Scheduler,Owner,JobStart,MemoryUsage,IsExpressQueueJob,DiskUsage,HEP_VO,IsDesktop,OSG_VO,x509userproxysubject,PassedTest,IsLocalCMSJob,IsLocalCMSSlot,IsSAMSlot,IsSAMJob,MaxDiskTempC,IsDedicated,estimated_run_hours,IsCHTCSubmit,RequiresCVMFS,DynamicSlot,PartitionableSlot,Slot1_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot1_JobStarts,Slot1_SelfMonitorAge,Slot2_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot2_JobStarts,Slot2_SelfMonitorAge,Slot3_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot3_JobStarts,Slot3_SelfMonitorAge,Slot4_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot4_JobStarts,Slot4_SelfMonitorAge,Slot5_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot5_JobStarts,Slot5_SelfMonitorAge,Slot6_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot6_JobStarts,Slot6_SelfMonitorAge,Slot7_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot7_JobStarts,Slot7_SelfMonitorAge,Slot8_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot8_JobStarts,Slot8_SelfMonitorAge,Slot1_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot1_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot2_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot2_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot3_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot3_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot4_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot4_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot5_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot5_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot6_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot6_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot7_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot7_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot8_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot8_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot10_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot10_JobStarts,Slot10_SelfMonitorAge,Slot11_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot11_JobStarts,Slot11_SelfMonitorAge,Slot12_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot12_JobStarts,Slot12_SelfMonitorAge,Slot9_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot9_JobStarts,Slot9_SelfMonitorAge,Slot12_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot10_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot10_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot11_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot11_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot12_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot9_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot9_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot13_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot13_JobStarts,Slot13_SelfMonitorAge,Slot14_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot14_JobStarts,Slot14_SelfMonitorAge,Slot15_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot15_JobStarts,Slot15_SelfMonitorAge,Slot16_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot16_JobStarts,Slot16_SelfMonitorAge,IsResumable,WHEN_TO_TRANSFER_OUTPUT,_condor_Requestadmin_mutex_1,_condor_Requestadmin_mutex_2,_condor_Requestadmin_mutex_3,_condor_Requestmachine_token,Requestadmin_mutex_1,Requestadmin_mutex_2,Requestadmin_mutex_3,Requestmachine_token,nyehle,IsBuildJob,IsMatlabBuildJob,TotalJobRunTime,NodeOnline,Slot13_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot13_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot14_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot14_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot15_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot15_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot16_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot16_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,TmpIsFull,trResumable,RequiresCMSFrontier,Slot17_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot17_JobStarts,Slot17_SelfMonitorAge,Slot17_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot17_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot18_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot18_JobStarts,Slot18_SelfMonitorAge,Slot18_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot18_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot19_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot19_JobStarts,Slot19_SelfMonitorAge,Slot19_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot19_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot20_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot20_JobStarts,Slot20_SelfMonitorAge,Slot20_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot20_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot21_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot21_JobStarts,Slot21_SelfMonitorAge,Slot21_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot21_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot22_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot22_JobStarts,Slot22_SelfMonitorAge,Slot22_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot22_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot23_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot23_JobStarts,Slot23_SelfMonitorAge,Slot23_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot23_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot24_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot24_JobStarts,Slot24_SelfMonitorAge,Slot24_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot24_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot25_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot25_JobStarts,Slot25_SelfMonitorAge,Slot25_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot25_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot26_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot26_JobStarts,Slot26_SelfMonitorAge,Slot26_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot26_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot27_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot27_JobStarts,Slot27_SelfMonitorAge,Slot27_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot27_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot28_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot28_JobStarts,Slot28_SelfMonitorAge,Slot28_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot28_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot29_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot29_JobStarts,Slot29_SelfMonitorAge,Slot29_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot29_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot30_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot30_JobStarts,Slot30_SelfMonitorAge,Slot30_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot30_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot31_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot31_JobStarts,Slot31_SelfMonitorAge,Slot31_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot31_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot32_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot32_JobStarts,Slot32_SelfMonitorAge,Slot32_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot32_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,ResidentSetSize";
+        MaxHosts = 1;
+        Args = "--type=Matlab --version=R2011b --cmdtorun=simu_condor --unique=407 -- 3";
+        CondorVersion = "$CondorVersion: 8.5.0 Sep 16 2015 BuildID: 341710 $";
+        CoreSize = 0;
+        OnExitHold = false;
+        CondorPlatform = "$CondorPlatform: X86_64-RedHat_6.6 $";
+        JobFinishedHookDone = 1446134128;
+        QDate = 1446105631;
+        JobLeaseDuration = 2400;
+        In = "/dev/null";
+        DiskUsage = 1250000;
+        EncryptExecuteDirectory = false;
+        CommittedSuspensionTime = 0;
+        User = "";
+        UserLog = "/home/xguo23/finally_2/Simulation_condor/model_3/407/process.log";
+        JobCurrentStartDate = 1446108995;
+        BufferBlockSize = 32768;
+        MATCH_EXP_JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "";
+        Requirements = ( ( OpSysMajorVer is 6 ) ) && ( MY.JobUniverse == 12 || MY.JobUniverse == 7 || MY.WantFlocking || MY.WantGlidein || TARGET.PoolName == "CHTC" || TARGET.COLLECTOR_HOST_STRING == "" ) && ( TARGET.Arch == "X86_64" ) && ( TARGET.OpSys == "LINUX" ) && ( TARGET.Disk >= RequestDisk ) && ( TARGET.Memory >= RequestMemory ) && ( TARGET.HasFileTransfer );
+        MinHosts = 1;
+        PeriodicHold = false;
+        ProcId = 0;
+        Environment = "";
+        DAGNodeName = "407+407";
+        MemoryUsage = ( ( ResidentSetSize + 1023 ) / 1024 );
+        TerminationPending = true;
+        NumRestarts = 0;
+        NumSystemHolds = 0;
+        CommittedTime = 25133;
+        AutoClusterId = 38210;
+        ExitStatus = 0;
+        ShouldTransferFiles = "YES";
+        MachineAttrCpus0 = 1;
+        WantRemoteSyscalls = false;
+        MyType = "Job";
+        CumulativeSuspensionTime = 0;
+        Rank = 0.0;
+        StartdPrincipal = "execute-side@matchsession/";
+        Err = "process.err";
+        PeriodicRemove = false;
+        BlockWriteKbytes = 16;
+        ExitBySignal = false;
+        DAGManJobId = 49581933;
+        EnteredCurrentStatus = 1446134128;
+        JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "$$([IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName), IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), \"\", TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName)])";
+        RecentBlockWriteKbytes = 0;
+        TransferIn = false;
+        IsCHTCSubmit = true;
+        NumJobMatches = 1;
+        RootDir = "/";
+        JobStartDate = 1446108995;
+        JobPrio = 0;
+        CurrentHosts = 0;
+        GlobalJobId = "";
+        RemoteSysCpu = 2.770000000000000E+02;
+        LastRejMatchTime = 1446108994;
+        TotalSuspensions = 0;
+        CommittedSlotTime = 2.513300000000000E+04;
+        WantCheckpoint = false;
+        BlockReads = 906;
+        LastRemoteHost = "";
+        TransferInput = "/home/xguo23/finally_2/Simulation_condor/data/407/,/home/xguo23/finally_2/Simulation_condor/data/shared/";
+        LocalUserCpu = 0.0;
+        PeriodicRelease = ( JobStatus == 5 ) && ( ( CurrentTime - EnteredCurrentStatus ) > 1800 ) && ( JobRunCount < 5 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 6 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 14 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 22 );
+        RequestDisk = 1000000;
+        ResidentSetSize_RAW = 76112;
+        OrigMaxHosts = 1;
+        LastPublicClaimId = "<>#1445344800#1604#...";
+        WantRHEL6 = true;
+        NumCkpts_RAW = 0;
+        Out = "process.out";
+        SubmitEventNotes = "DAG Node: 407+407";
+        CumulativeSlotTime = 2.513300000000000E+04;
+        JobRunCount = 1;
+        RecentBlockReads = 313;
+        StreamErr = false;
+        DiskUsage_RAW = 1216669;
+        NumCkpts = 0;
+        StatsLifetimeStarter = 25132;
         ImageSize = 125000
-        BlockWrites = 0; 
-        LastJobStatus = 2; 
-        JobCurrentStartExecutingDate = 1446121054; 
-        WantRemoteIO = true; 
-        RequestCpus = 1; 
-        NumShadowStarts = 1; 
-        RemoteUserCpu = 1.293400000000000E+04; 
-        NiceUser = false; 
-        RequestMemory = 1000; 
-        BytesRecvd = 2.846290000000000E+05; 
-        ResidentSetSize = 150000; 
-        StreamOut = false; 
-        SpooledOutputFiles = "CURLTIME_37424,ChtcWrapper409.out,AuditLog.409,simu_3_409.txt,harvest.log,409.out"; 
-        OnExitRemove = true; 
-        ImageSize_RAW = 811948; 
-        RemoteWallClockTime = 1.305100000000000E+04; 
-        MachineAttrSlotWeight0 = 1; 
-        ExecutableSize = 7; 
-        JobStatus = 4; 
-        DAGParentNodeNames = ""; 
-        ExitCode = 0; 
-        DAGManNodesMask = "0,1,2,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,13,16,17,24,27"; 
-        BytesSent = 2.787300000000000E+04; 
-        LastSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        ExecutableSize_RAW = 6; 
-        RecentBlockReadKbytes = 0; 
-        TransferInputSizeMB = 0; 
-        Matlab = "R2011b"; 
-        BlockReadKbytes = 0; 
-        LocalSysCpu = 0.0; 
-        Iwd = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/model_3/409"; 
-        RecentStatsLifetimeStarter = 1200; 
-        LeaveJobInQueue = false; 
-        TargetType = "Machine"; 
-        WhenToTransferOutput = "ON_EXIT"; 
-        Owner = "xguo23"; 
-        JobNotification = 0; 
-        BufferSize = 524288; 
-        RecentBlockWrites = 0; 
-        CompletionDate = 1446134104; 
-        LastMatchTime = 1446121053; 
-        LastJobLeaseRenewal = 1446134104; 
-        DAGManNodesLog = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/model_3/./mydag.dag.nodes.log"; 
-        ClusterId = 49583239; 
-        NumJobStarts = 1; 
-        JobUniverse = 5; 
-        AutoClusterAttrs = "JobUniverse,LastCheckpointPlatform,NumCkpts,ClientMachine,_condor_RequestCpus,_condor_RequestDisk,_condor_RequestGPUs,_condor_RequestMemory,RequestCpus,RequestDisk,RequestGPUs,RequestMemory,BIOCHEM,MachineLastMatchTime,ConcurrencyLimits,NiceUser,Rank,Requirements,ImageSize,MemoryRequirements,User,RemoteGroup,SubmitterGroup,SubmitterUserPrio,Group,WIDsTheme,InteractiveJob,Is_Resumable,WantFlocking,WantGlidein,Scheduler,Owner,JobStart,MemoryUsage,IsExpressQueueJob,DiskUsage,HEP_VO,IsDesktop,OSG_VO,x509userproxysubject,PassedTest,IsLocalCMSJob,IsLocalCMSSlot,IsSAMSlot,IsSAMJob,MaxDiskTempC,IsDedicated,estimated_run_hours,IsCHTCSubmit,RequiresCVMFS,DynamicSlot,PartitionableSlot,Slot1_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot1_JobStarts,Slot1_SelfMonitorAge,Slot2_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot2_JobStarts,Slot2_SelfMonitorAge,Slot3_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot3_JobStarts,Slot3_SelfMonitorAge,Slot4_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot4_JobStarts,Slot4_SelfMonitorAge,Slot5_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot5_JobStarts,Slot5_SelfMonitorAge,Slot6_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot6_JobStarts,Slot6_SelfMonitorAge,Slot7_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot7_JobStarts,Slot7_SelfMonitorAge,Slot8_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot8_JobStarts,Slot8_SelfMonitorAge,Slot1_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot1_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot2_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot2_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot3_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot3_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot4_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot4_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot5_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot5_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot6_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot6_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot7_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot7_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot8_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot8_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot10_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot10_JobStarts,Slot10_SelfMonitorAge,Slot11_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot11_JobStarts,Slot11_SelfMonitorAge,Slot12_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot12_JobStarts,Slot12_SelfMonitorAge,Slot9_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot9_JobStarts,Slot9_SelfMonitorAge,Slot12_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot10_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot10_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot11_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot11_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot12_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot9_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot9_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot13_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot13_JobStarts,Slot13_SelfMonitorAge,Slot14_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot14_JobStarts,Slot14_SelfMonitorAge,Slot15_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot15_JobStarts,Slot15_SelfMonitorAge,Slot16_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot16_JobStarts,Slot16_SelfMonitorAge,IsResumable,WHEN_TO_TRANSFER_OUTPUT,_condor_Requestadmin_mutex_1,_condor_Requestadmin_mutex_2,_condor_Requestadmin_mutex_3,_condor_Requestmachine_token,Requestadmin_mutex_1,Requestadmin_mutex_2,Requestadmin_mutex_3,Requestmachine_token,nyehle,IsBuildJob,IsMatlabBuildJob,TotalJobRunTime,NodeOnline,Slot13_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot13_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot14_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot14_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot15_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot15_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot16_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot16_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,TmpIsFull,trResumable,RequiresCMSFrontier,Slot17_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot17_JobStarts,Slot17_SelfMonitorAge,Slot17_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot17_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot18_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot18_JobStarts,Slot18_SelfMonitorAge,Slot18_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot18_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot19_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot19_JobStarts,Slot19_SelfMonitorAge,Slot19_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot19_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot20_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot20_JobStarts,Slot20_SelfMonitorAge,Slot20_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot20_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot21_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot21_JobStarts,Slot21_SelfMonitorAge,Slot21_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot21_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot22_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot22_JobStarts,Slot22_SelfMonitorAge,Slot22_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot22_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot23_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot23_JobStarts,Slot23_SelfMonitorAge,Slot23_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot23_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot24_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot24_JobStarts,Slot24_SelfMonitorAge,Slot24_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot24_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot25_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot25_JobStarts,Slot25_SelfMonitorAge,Slot25_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot25_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot26_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot26_JobStarts,Slot26_SelfMonitorAge,Slot26_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot26_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot27_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot27_JobStarts,Slot27_SelfMonitorAge,Slot27_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot27_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot28_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot28_JobStarts,Slot28_SelfMonitorAge,Slot28_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot28_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot29_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot29_JobStarts,Slot29_SelfMonitorAge,Slot29_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot29_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot30_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot30_JobStarts,Slot30_SelfMonitorAge,Slot30_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot30_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot31_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot31_JobStarts,Slot31_SelfMonitorAge,Slot31_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot31_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot32_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot32_JobStarts,Slot32_SelfMonitorAge,Slot32_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot32_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,ResidentSetSize"; 
-        MaxHosts = 1; 
-        Args = "--type=Matlab --version=R2011b --cmdtorun=simu_condor --unique=409 -- 3"; 
-        CondorVersion = "$CondorVersion: 8.5.0 Sep 16 2015 BuildID: 341710 $"; 
-        CoreSize = 0; 
-        OnExitHold = false; 
-        CondorPlatform = "$CondorPlatform: X86_64-RedHat_6.6 $"; 
-        JobFinishedHookDone = 1446134104; 
-        QDate = 1446106003; 
-        JobLeaseDuration = 2400; 
-        In = "/dev/null"; 
-        DiskUsage = 1250000; 
-        EncryptExecuteDirectory = false; 
-        CommittedSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        User = ""; 
-        UserLog = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/model_3/409/process.log"; 
-        JobCurrentStartDate = 1446121053; 
-        BufferBlockSize = 32768; 
-        MATCH_EXP_JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = ""; 
-        Requirements = ( ( OpSysMajorVer is 6 ) ) && ( MY.JobUniverse == 12 || MY.JobUniverse == 7 || MY.WantFlocking || MY.WantGlidein || TARGET.PoolName == "CHTC" || TARGET.COLLECTOR_HOST_STRING == "" ) && ( TARGET.Arch == "X86_64" ) && ( TARGET.OpSys == "LINUX" ) && ( TARGET.Disk >= RequestDisk ) && ( TARGET.Memory >= RequestMemory ) && ( TARGET.HasFileTransfer ); 
-        MinHosts = 1; 
-        PeriodicHold = false; 
-        ProcId = 0; 
-        Environment = ""; 
-        DAGNodeName = "409+409"; 
-        MemoryUsage = ( ( ResidentSetSize + 1023 ) / 1024 ); 
-        TerminationPending = true; 
-        NumRestarts = 0; 
-        NumSystemHolds = 0; 
-        CommittedTime = 13051; 
-        AutoClusterId = 24; 
-        ExitStatus = 0; 
-        ShouldTransferFiles = "YES"; 
-        MachineAttrCpus0 = 1; 
-        WantRemoteSyscalls = false; 
-        MyType = "Job"; 
-        CumulativeSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        Rank = 0.0; 
-        StartdPrincipal = "execute-side@matchsession/"; 
-        Err = "process.err"; 
-        PeriodicRemove = false; 
-        BlockWriteKbytes = 0; 
-        ExitBySignal = false; 
-        DAGManJobId = 49582200; 
-        EnteredCurrentStatus = 1446134104; 
-        JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "$$([IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName), IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), \"\", TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName)])"; 
-        RecentBlockWriteKbytes = 0; 
-        TransferIn = false; 
-        IsCHTCSubmit = true; 
-        NumJobMatches = 1; 
-        RootDir = "/"; 
-        JobStartDate = 1446121053; 
-        JobPrio = 0; 
-        CurrentHosts = 0; 
-        GlobalJobId = ""; 
-        RemoteSysCpu = 9.300000000000000E+01; 
-        TotalSuspensions = 0; 
-        CommittedSlotTime = 1.305100000000000E+04; 
-        WantCheckpoint = false; 
-        BlockReads = 0; 
-        LastRemoteHost = "slot1@e442.chtc.WISC.EDU"; 
-        TransferInput = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/data/409/,/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/data/shared/"; 
-        LocalUserCpu = 0.0; 
-        PeriodicRelease = ( JobStatus == 5 ) && ( ( CurrentTime - EnteredCurrentStatus ) > 1800 ) && ( JobRunCount < 5 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 6 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 14 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 22 ); 
-        RequestDisk = 1000000; 
-        ResidentSetSize_RAW = 127216; 
-        OrigMaxHosts = 1; 
-        LastPublicClaimId = "<>#1443991450#10456#..."; 
-        WantRHEL6 = true; 
-        NumCkpts_RAW = 0; 
-        Out = "process.out"; 
-        SubmitEventNotes = "DAG Node: 409+409"; 
-        CumulativeSlotTime = 1.305100000000000E+04; 
-        JobRunCount = 1; 
-        RecentBlockReads = 0; 
-        StreamErr = false; 
-        DiskUsage_RAW = 1216669; 
-        NumCkpts = 0; 
-        StatsLifetimeStarter = 13050; 
-        ImageSize = 1000000; 
+        BlockWrites = 0;
+        LastJobStatus = 2;
+        JobCurrentStartExecutingDate = 1446121054;
+        WantRemoteIO = true;
+        RequestCpus = 1;
+        NumShadowStarts = 1;
+        RemoteUserCpu = 1.293400000000000E+04;
+        NiceUser = false;
+        RequestMemory = 1000;
+        BytesRecvd = 2.846290000000000E+05;
+        ResidentSetSize = 150000;
+        StreamOut = false;
+        SpooledOutputFiles = "CURLTIME_37424,ChtcWrapper409.out,AuditLog.409,simu_3_409.txt,harvest.log,409.out";
+        OnExitRemove = true;
+        ImageSize_RAW = 811948;
+        RemoteWallClockTime = 1.305100000000000E+04;
+        MachineAttrSlotWeight0 = 1;
+        ExecutableSize = 7;
+        JobStatus = 4;
+        DAGParentNodeNames = "";
+        ExitCode = 0;
+        DAGManNodesMask = "0,1,2,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,13,16,17,24,27";
+        BytesSent = 2.787300000000000E+04;
+        LastSuspensionTime = 0;
+        ExecutableSize_RAW = 6;
+        RecentBlockReadKbytes = 0;
+        TransferInputSizeMB = 0;
+        Matlab = "R2011b";
+        BlockReadKbytes = 0;
+        LocalSysCpu = 0.0;
+        Iwd = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/model_3/409";
+        RecentStatsLifetimeStarter = 1200;
+        LeaveJobInQueue = false;
+        TargetType = "Machine";
+        WhenToTransferOutput = "ON_EXIT";
+        Owner = "xguo23";
+        JobNotification = 0;
+        BufferSize = 524288;
+        RecentBlockWrites = 0;
+        CompletionDate = 1446134104;
+        LastMatchTime = 1446121053;
+        LastJobLeaseRenewal = 1446134104;
+        DAGManNodesLog = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/model_3/./mydag.dag.nodes.log";
+        ClusterId = 49583239;
+        NumJobStarts = 1;
+        JobUniverse = 5;
+        AutoClusterAttrs = "JobUniverse,LastCheckpointPlatform,NumCkpts,ClientMachine,_condor_RequestCpus,_condor_RequestDisk,_condor_RequestGPUs,_condor_RequestMemory,RequestCpus,RequestDisk,RequestGPUs,RequestMemory,BIOCHEM,MachineLastMatchTime,ConcurrencyLimits,NiceUser,Rank,Requirements,ImageSize,MemoryRequirements,User,RemoteGroup,SubmitterGroup,SubmitterUserPrio,Group,WIDsTheme,InteractiveJob,Is_Resumable,WantFlocking,WantGlidein,Scheduler,Owner,JobStart,MemoryUsage,IsExpressQueueJob,DiskUsage,HEP_VO,IsDesktop,OSG_VO,x509userproxysubject,PassedTest,IsLocalCMSJob,IsLocalCMSSlot,IsSAMSlot,IsSAMJob,MaxDiskTempC,IsDedicated,estimated_run_hours,IsCHTCSubmit,RequiresCVMFS,DynamicSlot,PartitionableSlot,Slot1_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot1_JobStarts,Slot1_SelfMonitorAge,Slot2_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot2_JobStarts,Slot2_SelfMonitorAge,Slot3_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot3_JobStarts,Slot3_SelfMonitorAge,Slot4_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot4_JobStarts,Slot4_SelfMonitorAge,Slot5_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot5_JobStarts,Slot5_SelfMonitorAge,Slot6_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot6_JobStarts,Slot6_SelfMonitorAge,Slot7_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot7_JobStarts,Slot7_SelfMonitorAge,Slot8_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot8_JobStarts,Slot8_SelfMonitorAge,Slot1_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot1_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot2_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot2_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot3_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot3_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot4_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot4_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot5_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot5_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot6_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot6_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot7_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot7_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot8_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot8_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot10_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot10_JobStarts,Slot10_SelfMonitorAge,Slot11_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot11_JobStarts,Slot11_SelfMonitorAge,Slot12_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot12_JobStarts,Slot12_SelfMonitorAge,Slot9_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot9_JobStarts,Slot9_SelfMonitorAge,Slot12_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot10_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot10_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot11_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot11_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot12_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot9_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot9_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot13_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot13_JobStarts,Slot13_SelfMonitorAge,Slot14_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot14_JobStarts,Slot14_SelfMonitorAge,Slot15_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot15_JobStarts,Slot15_SelfMonitorAge,Slot16_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot16_JobStarts,Slot16_SelfMonitorAge,IsResumable,WHEN_TO_TRANSFER_OUTPUT,_condor_Requestadmin_mutex_1,_condor_Requestadmin_mutex_2,_condor_Requestadmin_mutex_3,_condor_Requestmachine_token,Requestadmin_mutex_1,Requestadmin_mutex_2,Requestadmin_mutex_3,Requestmachine_token,nyehle,IsBuildJob,IsMatlabBuildJob,TotalJobRunTime,NodeOnline,Slot13_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot13_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot14_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot14_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot15_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot15_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot16_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot16_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,TmpIsFull,trResumable,RequiresCMSFrontier,Slot17_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot17_JobStarts,Slot17_SelfMonitorAge,Slot17_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot17_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot18_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot18_JobStarts,Slot18_SelfMonitorAge,Slot18_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot18_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot19_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot19_JobStarts,Slot19_SelfMonitorAge,Slot19_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot19_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot20_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot20_JobStarts,Slot20_SelfMonitorAge,Slot20_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot20_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot21_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot21_JobStarts,Slot21_SelfMonitorAge,Slot21_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot21_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot22_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot22_JobStarts,Slot22_SelfMonitorAge,Slot22_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot22_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot23_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot23_JobStarts,Slot23_SelfMonitorAge,Slot23_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot23_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot24_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot24_JobStarts,Slot24_SelfMonitorAge,Slot24_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot24_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot25_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot25_JobStarts,Slot25_SelfMonitorAge,Slot25_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot25_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot26_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot26_JobStarts,Slot26_SelfMonitorAge,Slot26_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot26_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot27_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot27_JobStarts,Slot27_SelfMonitorAge,Slot27_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot27_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot28_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot28_JobStarts,Slot28_SelfMonitorAge,Slot28_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot28_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot29_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot29_JobStarts,Slot29_SelfMonitorAge,Slot29_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot29_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot30_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot30_JobStarts,Slot30_SelfMonitorAge,Slot30_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot30_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot31_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot31_JobStarts,Slot31_SelfMonitorAge,Slot31_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot31_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot32_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot32_JobStarts,Slot32_SelfMonitorAge,Slot32_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot32_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,ResidentSetSize";
+        MaxHosts = 1;
+        Args = "--type=Matlab --version=R2011b --cmdtorun=simu_condor --unique=409 -- 3";
+        CondorVersion = "$CondorVersion: 8.5.0 Sep 16 2015 BuildID: 341710 $";
+        CoreSize = 0;
+        OnExitHold = false;
+        CondorPlatform = "$CondorPlatform: X86_64-RedHat_6.6 $";
+        JobFinishedHookDone = 1446134104;
+        QDate = 1446106003;
+        JobLeaseDuration = 2400;
+        In = "/dev/null";
+        DiskUsage = 1250000;
+        EncryptExecuteDirectory = false;
+        CommittedSuspensionTime = 0;
+        User = "";
+        UserLog = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/model_3/409/process.log";
+        JobCurrentStartDate = 1446121053;
+        BufferBlockSize = 32768;
+        MATCH_EXP_JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "";
+        Requirements = ( ( OpSysMajorVer is 6 ) ) && ( MY.JobUniverse == 12 || MY.JobUniverse == 7 || MY.WantFlocking || MY.WantGlidein || TARGET.PoolName == "CHTC" || TARGET.COLLECTOR_HOST_STRING == "" ) && ( TARGET.Arch == "X86_64" ) && ( TARGET.OpSys == "LINUX" ) && ( TARGET.Disk >= RequestDisk ) && ( TARGET.Memory >= RequestMemory ) && ( TARGET.HasFileTransfer );
+        MinHosts = 1;
+        PeriodicHold = false;
+        ProcId = 0;
+        Environment = "";
+        DAGNodeName = "409+409";
+        MemoryUsage = ( ( ResidentSetSize + 1023 ) / 1024 );
+        TerminationPending = true;
+        NumRestarts = 0;
+        NumSystemHolds = 0;
+        CommittedTime = 13051;
+        AutoClusterId = 24;
+        ExitStatus = 0;
+        ShouldTransferFiles = "YES";
+        MachineAttrCpus0 = 1;
+        WantRemoteSyscalls = false;
+        MyType = "Job";
+        CumulativeSuspensionTime = 0;
+        Rank = 0.0;
+        StartdPrincipal = "execute-side@matchsession/";
+        Err = "process.err";
+        PeriodicRemove = false;
+        BlockWriteKbytes = 0;
+        ExitBySignal = false;
+        DAGManJobId = 49582200;
+        EnteredCurrentStatus = 1446134104;
+        JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "$$([IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName), IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), \"\", TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName)])";
+        RecentBlockWriteKbytes = 0;
+        TransferIn = false;
+        IsCHTCSubmit = true;
+        NumJobMatches = 1;
+        RootDir = "/";
+        JobStartDate = 1446121053;
+        JobPrio = 0;
+        CurrentHosts = 0;
+        GlobalJobId = "";
+        RemoteSysCpu = 9.300000000000000E+01;
+        TotalSuspensions = 0;
+        CommittedSlotTime = 1.305100000000000E+04;
+        WantCheckpoint = false;
+        BlockReads = 0;
+        LastRemoteHost = "slot1@e442.chtc.WISC.EDU";
+        TransferInput = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/data/409/,/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/data/shared/";
+        LocalUserCpu = 0.0;
+        PeriodicRelease = ( JobStatus == 5 ) && ( ( CurrentTime - EnteredCurrentStatus ) > 1800 ) && ( JobRunCount < 5 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 6 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 14 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 22 );
+        RequestDisk = 1000000;
+        ResidentSetSize_RAW = 127216;
+        OrigMaxHosts = 1;
+        LastPublicClaimId = "<>#1443991450#10456#...";
+        WantRHEL6 = true;
+        NumCkpts_RAW = 0;
+        Out = "process.out";
+        SubmitEventNotes = "DAG Node: 409+409";
+        CumulativeSlotTime = 1.305100000000000E+04;
+        JobRunCount = 1;
+        RecentBlockReads = 0;
+        StreamErr = false;
+        DiskUsage_RAW = 1216669;
+        NumCkpts = 0;
+        StatsLifetimeStarter = 13050;
+        ImageSize = 1000000;
         Cmd = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/chtcjobwrapper"
-        BlockWrites = 0; 
-        LastJobStatus = 2; 
-        JobCurrentStartExecutingDate = 1445943853; 
-        WantRemoteIO = true; 
-        RequestCpus = 1; 
-        NumShadowStarts = 1; 
-        RemoteUserCpu = 1.852360000000000E+05; 
-        NiceUser = false; 
-        RequestMemory = 1000; 
-        BytesRecvd = 2.843670000000000E+05; 
-        ResidentSetSize = 125000; 
-        StreamOut = false; 
-        SpooledOutputFiles = "CURLTIME_3753852,ChtcWrapper180.out,AuditLog.180,simu_3_180.txt,harvest.log,180.out"; 
-        OnExitRemove = true; 
-        ImageSize_RAW = 811948; 
-        RemoteWallClockTime = 1.902470000000000E+05; 
-        MachineAttrSlotWeight0 = 1; 
-        ExecutableSize = 7; 
-        JobStatus = 4; 
-        DAGParentNodeNames = ""; 
-        ExitCode = 0; 
-        DAGManNodesMask = "0,1,2,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,13,16,17,24,27"; 
-        BytesSent = 3.076600000000000E+04; 
-        LastSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        ExecutableSize_RAW = 6; 
-        RecentBlockReadKbytes = 0; 
-        TransferInputSizeMB = 0; 
-        Matlab = "R2011b"; 
-        BlockReadKbytes = 0; 
-        RecentStatsLifetimeStarter = 1200; 
-        LeaveJobInQueue = false; 
-        TargetType = "Machine"; 
-        WhenToTransferOutput = "ON_EXIT"; 
-        Owner = "xguo23"; 
-        JobNotification = 0; 
-        BufferSize = 524288; 
-        RecentBlockWrites = 0; 
-        CompletionDate = 1446134099; 
-        QDate = 1445938922; 
-        JobLeaseDuration = 2400; 
-        JobFinishedHookDone = 1446134099; 
-        LastMatchTime = 1445943852; 
-        LastJobLeaseRenewal = 1446134099; 
-        DAGManNodesLog = "/home/xguo23/finally/Simulation_condor/model_3/./mydag.dag.nodes.log"; 
-        ClusterId = 49573720; 
-        JobUniverse = 5; 
-        NumJobStarts = 1; 
-        CondorVersion = "$CondorVersion: 8.5.0 Sep 16 2015 BuildID: 341710 $"; 
-        CoreSize = 0; 
-        OnExitHold = false; 
-        CondorPlatform = "$CondorPlatform: X86_64-RedHat_6.6 $"; 
-        In = "/dev/null"; 
-        DiskUsage = 1250000; 
-        EncryptExecuteDirectory = false; 
-        CommittedSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        User = ""; 
-        UserLog = "/home/xguo23/finally/Simulation_condor/model_3/180/process.log"; 
-        JobCurrentStartDate = 1445943852; 
-        BufferBlockSize = 32768; 
-        MATCH_EXP_JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = ""; 
-        Requirements = ( ( OpSysMajorVer is 6 ) ) && ( MY.JobUniverse == 12 || MY.JobUniverse == 7 || MY.WantFlocking || MY.WantGlidein || TARGET.PoolName == "CHTC" || TARGET.COLLECTOR_HOST_STRING == "" ) && ( TARGET.Arch == "X86_64" ) && ( TARGET.OpSys == "LINUX" ) && ( TARGET.Disk >= RequestDisk ) && ( TARGET.Memory >= RequestMemory ) && ( TARGET.HasFileTransfer ); 
-        MinHosts = 1; 
-        MaxHosts = 1; 
-        Args = "--type=Matlab --version=R2011b --cmdtorun=simu_condor --unique=180 -- 3"; 
-        PeriodicHold = false; 
-        ProcId = 0; 
-        Environment = ""; 
-        DAGNodeName = "180+180"; 
-        MemoryUsage = ( ( ResidentSetSize + 1023 ) / 1024 ); 
-        TerminationPending = true; 
-        NumRestarts = 0; 
-        NumSystemHolds = 0; 
-        CommittedTime = 190247; 
-        MachineAttrCpus0 = 1; 
-        WantRemoteSyscalls = false; 
-        MyType = "Job"; 
-        CumulativeSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        Rank = 0.0; 
-        StartdPrincipal = "execute-side@matchsession/"; 
-        Err = "process.err"; 
-        PeriodicRemove = false; 
-        BlockWriteKbytes = 0; 
-        ExitBySignal = false; 
-        DAGManJobId = 49572657; 
-        EnteredCurrentStatus = 1446134099; 
-        JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "$$([IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName), IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), \"\", TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName)])"; 
-        RecentBlockWriteKbytes = 0; 
-        TransferIn = false; 
-        ExitStatus = 0; 
-        ShouldTransferFiles = "YES"; 
-        IsCHTCSubmit = true; 
-        NumJobMatches = 1; 
-        RootDir = "/"; 
-        JobStartDate = 1445943852; 
-        JobPrio = 0; 
-        CurrentHosts = 0; 
-        GlobalJobId = ""; 
-        RemoteSysCpu = 1.835000000000000E+03; 
-        TotalSuspensions = 0; 
-        CommittedSlotTime = 1.902470000000000E+05; 
-        WantCheckpoint = false; 
-        BlockReads = 0; 
-        LastRemoteHost = ""; 
-        TransferInput = "/home/xguo23/finally/Simulation_condor/data/180/,/home/xguo23/finally/Simulation_condor/data/shared/"; 
-        LocalUserCpu = 0.0; 
-        PeriodicRelease = ( JobStatus == 5 ) && ( ( CurrentTime - EnteredCurrentStatus ) > 1800 ) && ( JobRunCount < 5 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 6 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 14 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 22 ); 
-        RequestDisk = 1000000; 
-        ResidentSetSize_RAW = 123680; 
-        OrigMaxHosts = 1; 
-        LastPublicClaimId = "<>#1444753997#6000#..."; 
-        WantRHEL6 = true; 
-        NumCkpts_RAW = 0; 
-        Out = "process.out"; 
-        SubmitEventNotes = "DAG Node: 180+180"; 
-        CumulativeSlotTime = 1.902470000000000E+05; 
-        JobRunCount = 1; 
-        RecentBlockReads = 0; 
-        StreamErr = false; 
-        DiskUsage_RAW = 1216669; 
-        NumCkpts = 0; 
-        StatsLifetimeStarter = 190245; 
-        ImageSize = 1000000; 
-        Cmd = "/home/xguo23/finally/Simulation_condor/chtcjobwrapper"; 
-        LocalSysCpu = 0.0; 
+        BlockWrites = 0;
+        LastJobStatus = 2;
+        JobCurrentStartExecutingDate = 1445943853;
+        WantRemoteIO = true;
+        RequestCpus = 1;
+        NumShadowStarts = 1;
+        RemoteUserCpu = 1.852360000000000E+05;
+        NiceUser = false;
+        RequestMemory = 1000;
+        BytesRecvd = 2.843670000000000E+05;
+        ResidentSetSize = 125000;
+        StreamOut = false;
+        SpooledOutputFiles = "CURLTIME_3753852,ChtcWrapper180.out,AuditLog.180,simu_3_180.txt,harvest.log,180.out";
+        OnExitRemove = true;
+        ImageSize_RAW = 811948;
+        RemoteWallClockTime = 1.902470000000000E+05;
+        MachineAttrSlotWeight0 = 1;
+        ExecutableSize = 7;
+        JobStatus = 4;
+        DAGParentNodeNames = "";
+        ExitCode = 0;
+        DAGManNodesMask = "0,1,2,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,13,16,17,24,27";
+        BytesSent = 3.076600000000000E+04;
+        LastSuspensionTime = 0;
+        ExecutableSize_RAW = 6;
+        RecentBlockReadKbytes = 0;
+        TransferInputSizeMB = 0;
+        Matlab = "R2011b";
+        BlockReadKbytes = 0;
+        RecentStatsLifetimeStarter = 1200;
+        LeaveJobInQueue = false;
+        TargetType = "Machine";
+        WhenToTransferOutput = "ON_EXIT";
+        Owner = "xguo23";
+        JobNotification = 0;
+        BufferSize = 524288;
+        RecentBlockWrites = 0;
+        CompletionDate = 1446134099;
+        QDate = 1445938922;
+        JobLeaseDuration = 2400;
+        JobFinishedHookDone = 1446134099;
+        LastMatchTime = 1445943852;
+        LastJobLeaseRenewal = 1446134099;
+        DAGManNodesLog = "/home/xguo23/finally/Simulation_condor/model_3/./mydag.dag.nodes.log";
+        ClusterId = 49573720;
+        JobUniverse = 5;
+        NumJobStarts = 1;
+        CondorVersion = "$CondorVersion: 8.5.0 Sep 16 2015 BuildID: 341710 $";
+        CoreSize = 0;
+        OnExitHold = false;
+        CondorPlatform = "$CondorPlatform: X86_64-RedHat_6.6 $";
+        In = "/dev/null";
+        DiskUsage = 1250000;
+        EncryptExecuteDirectory = false;
+        CommittedSuspensionTime = 0;
+        User = "";
+        UserLog = "/home/xguo23/finally/Simulation_condor/model_3/180/process.log";
+        JobCurrentStartDate = 1445943852;
+        BufferBlockSize = 32768;
+        MATCH_EXP_JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "";
+        Requirements = ( ( OpSysMajorVer is 6 ) ) && ( MY.JobUniverse == 12 || MY.JobUniverse == 7 || MY.WantFlocking || MY.WantGlidein || TARGET.PoolName == "CHTC" || TARGET.COLLECTOR_HOST_STRING == "" ) && ( TARGET.Arch == "X86_64" ) && ( TARGET.OpSys == "LINUX" ) && ( TARGET.Disk >= RequestDisk ) && ( TARGET.Memory >= RequestMemory ) && ( TARGET.HasFileTransfer );
+        MinHosts = 1;
+        MaxHosts = 1;
+        Args = "--type=Matlab --version=R2011b --cmdtorun=simu_condor --unique=180 -- 3";
+        PeriodicHold = false;
+        ProcId = 0;
+        Environment = "";
+        DAGNodeName = "180+180";
+        MemoryUsage = ( ( ResidentSetSize + 1023 ) / 1024 );
+        TerminationPending = true;
+        NumRestarts = 0;
+        NumSystemHolds = 0;
+        CommittedTime = 190247;
+        MachineAttrCpus0 = 1;
+        WantRemoteSyscalls = false;
+        MyType = "Job";
+        CumulativeSuspensionTime = 0;
+        Rank = 0.0;
+        StartdPrincipal = "execute-side@matchsession/";
+        Err = "process.err";
+        PeriodicRemove = false;
+        BlockWriteKbytes = 0;
+        ExitBySignal = false;
+        DAGManJobId = 49572657;
+        EnteredCurrentStatus = 1446134099;
+        JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "$$([IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName), IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), \"\", TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName)])";
+        RecentBlockWriteKbytes = 0;
+        TransferIn = false;
+        ExitStatus = 0;
+        ShouldTransferFiles = "YES";
+        IsCHTCSubmit = true;
+        NumJobMatches = 1;
+        RootDir = "/";
+        JobStartDate = 1445943852;
+        JobPrio = 0;
+        CurrentHosts = 0;
+        GlobalJobId = "";
+        RemoteSysCpu = 1.835000000000000E+03;
+        TotalSuspensions = 0;
+        CommittedSlotTime = 1.902470000000000E+05;
+        WantCheckpoint = false;
+        BlockReads = 0;
+        LastRemoteHost = "";
+        TransferInput = "/home/xguo23/finally/Simulation_condor/data/180/,/home/xguo23/finally/Simulation_condor/data/shared/";
+        LocalUserCpu = 0.0;
+        PeriodicRelease = ( JobStatus == 5 ) && ( ( CurrentTime - EnteredCurrentStatus ) > 1800 ) && ( JobRunCount < 5 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 6 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 14 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 22 );
+        RequestDisk = 1000000;
+        ResidentSetSize_RAW = 123680;
+        OrigMaxHosts = 1;
+        LastPublicClaimId = "<>#1444753997#6000#...";
+        WantRHEL6 = true;
+        NumCkpts_RAW = 0;
+        Out = "process.out";
+        SubmitEventNotes = "DAG Node: 180+180";
+        CumulativeSlotTime = 1.902470000000000E+05;
+        JobRunCount = 1;
+        RecentBlockReads = 0;
+        StreamErr = false;
+        DiskUsage_RAW = 1216669;
+        NumCkpts = 0;
+        StatsLifetimeStarter = 190245;
+        ImageSize = 1000000;
+        Cmd = "/home/xguo23/finally/Simulation_condor/chtcjobwrapper";
+        LocalSysCpu = 0.0;
         Iwd = "/home/xguo23/finally/Simulation_condor/model_3/180"
-        BlockWrites = 0; 
-        LastJobStatus = 2; 
-        JobCurrentStartExecutingDate = 1446114726; 
-        WantRemoteIO = true; 
-        RequestCpus = 1; 
-        NumShadowStarts = 1; 
-        RemoteUserCpu = 1.908100000000000E+04; 
-        NiceUser = false; 
-        RequestMemory = 1000; 
-        BytesRecvd = 2.846290000000000E+05; 
-        ResidentSetSize = 75000; 
-        StreamOut = false; 
-        SpooledOutputFiles = "harvest.log,232.out,ChtcWrapper232.out,AuditLog.232,CURLTIME_1864147,simu_3_232.txt"; 
-        OnExitRemove = true; 
-        ImageSize_RAW = 118772; 
-        RemoteWallClockTime = 1.933800000000000E+04; 
-        MachineAttrSlotWeight0 = 1; 
-        ExecutableSize = 7; 
-        JobStatus = 4; 
-        DAGParentNodeNames = ""; 
-        ExitCode = 0; 
-        DAGManNodesMask = "0,1,2,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,13,16,17,24,27"; 
-        BytesSent = 2.791100000000000E+04; 
-        LastSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        ExecutableSize_RAW = 6; 
-        RecentBlockReadKbytes = 12; 
-        TransferInputSizeMB = 0; 
-        Matlab = "R2011b"; 
-        BlockReadKbytes = 26436; 
-        RecentStatsLifetimeStarter = 1200; 
-        LeaveJobInQueue = false; 
-        TargetType = "Machine"; 
-        WhenToTransferOutput = "ON_EXIT"; 
-        Owner = "xguo23"; 
-        JobNotification = 0; 
-        BufferSize = 524288; 
-        RecentBlockWrites = 0; 
-        CompletionDate = 1446134062; 
-        QDate = 1446105779; 
-        JobLeaseDuration = 2400; 
-        JobFinishedHookDone = 1446134062; 
-        LastMatchTime = 1446114724; 
-        LastJobLeaseRenewal = 1446134062; 
-        DAGManNodesLog = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/model_3/./mydag.dag.nodes.log"; 
-        ClusterId = 49582659; 
-        JobUniverse = 5; 
-        NumJobStarts = 1; 
-        CondorVersion = "$CondorVersion: 8.5.0 Sep 16 2015 BuildID: 341710 $"; 
-        CoreSize = 0; 
-        OnExitHold = false; 
-        CondorPlatform = "$CondorPlatform: X86_64-RedHat_6.6 $"; 
-        In = "/dev/null"; 
-        DiskUsage = 1250000; 
-        EncryptExecuteDirectory = false; 
-        CommittedSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        User = ""; 
-        UserLog = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/model_3/232/process.log"; 
-        JobCurrentStartDate = 1446114724; 
-        BufferBlockSize = 32768; 
-        MATCH_EXP_JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = ""; 
-        Requirements = ( ( OpSysMajorVer is 6 ) ) && ( MY.JobUniverse == 12 || MY.JobUniverse == 7 || MY.WantFlocking || MY.WantGlidein || TARGET.PoolName == "CHTC" || TARGET.COLLECTOR_HOST_STRING == "" ) && ( TARGET.Arch == "X86_64" ) && ( TARGET.OpSys == "LINUX" ) && ( TARGET.Disk >= RequestDisk ) && ( TARGET.Memory >= RequestMemory ) && ( TARGET.HasFileTransfer ); 
-        MinHosts = 1; 
-        MaxHosts = 1; 
-        Args = "--type=Matlab --version=R2011b --cmdtorun=simu_condor --unique=232 -- 3"; 
-        PeriodicHold = false; 
-        ProcId = 0; 
-        Environment = ""; 
-        DAGNodeName = "232+232"; 
-        MemoryUsage = ( ( ResidentSetSize + 1023 ) / 1024 ); 
-        TerminationPending = true; 
-        NumRestarts = 0; 
-        NumSystemHolds = 0; 
-        CommittedTime = 19338; 
-        MachineAttrCpus0 = 1; 
-        WantRemoteSyscalls = false; 
-        MyType = "Job"; 
-        CumulativeSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        Rank = 0.0; 
-        StartdPrincipal = "execute-side@matchsession/"; 
-        Err = "process.err"; 
-        PeriodicRemove = false; 
-        BlockWriteKbytes = 0; 
-        ExitBySignal = false; 
-        DAGManJobId = 49582200; 
-        EnteredCurrentStatus = 1446134062; 
-        JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "$$([IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName), IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), \"\", TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName)])"; 
-        RecentBlockWriteKbytes = 0; 
-        TransferIn = false; 
-        ExitStatus = 0; 
-        ShouldTransferFiles = "YES"; 
-        IsCHTCSubmit = true; 
-        NumJobMatches = 1; 
-        RootDir = "/"; 
-        JobStartDate = 1446114724; 
-        JobPrio = 0; 
-        CurrentHosts = 0; 
-        GlobalJobId = ""; 
-        RemoteSysCpu = 1.790000000000000E+02; 
-        TotalSuspensions = 0; 
-        CommittedSlotTime = 1.933800000000000E+04; 
-        WantCheckpoint = false; 
-        BlockReads = 615; 
-        LastRemoteHost = ""; 
-        TransferInput = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/data/232/,/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/data/shared/"; 
-        LocalUserCpu = 0.0; 
-        PeriodicRelease = ( JobStatus == 5 ) && ( ( CurrentTime - EnteredCurrentStatus ) > 1800 ) && ( JobRunCount < 5 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 6 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 14 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 22 ); 
-        RequestDisk = 1000000; 
-        ResidentSetSize_RAW = 71268; 
-        OrigMaxHosts = 1; 
-        LastPublicClaimId = "<>#1445344800#1612#..."; 
-        WantRHEL6 = true; 
-        NumCkpts_RAW = 0; 
-        Out = "process.out"; 
-        SubmitEventNotes = "DAG Node: 232+232"; 
-        CumulativeSlotTime = 1.933800000000000E+04; 
-        JobRunCount = 1; 
-        RecentBlockReads = 3; 
-        StreamErr = false; 
-        DiskUsage_RAW = 1216668; 
-        NumCkpts = 0; 
-        StatsLifetimeStarter = 19336; 
-        ImageSize = 125000; 
-        Cmd = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/chtcjobwrapper"; 
-        LocalSysCpu = 0.0; 
+        BlockWrites = 0;
+        LastJobStatus = 2;
+        JobCurrentStartExecutingDate = 1446114726;
+        WantRemoteIO = true;
+        RequestCpus = 1;
+        NumShadowStarts = 1;
+        RemoteUserCpu = 1.908100000000000E+04;
+        NiceUser = false;
+        RequestMemory = 1000;
+        BytesRecvd = 2.846290000000000E+05;
+        ResidentSetSize = 75000;
+        StreamOut = false;
+        SpooledOutputFiles = "harvest.log,232.out,ChtcWrapper232.out,AuditLog.232,CURLTIME_1864147,simu_3_232.txt";
+        OnExitRemove = true;
+        ImageSize_RAW = 118772;
+        RemoteWallClockTime = 1.933800000000000E+04;
+        MachineAttrSlotWeight0 = 1;
+        ExecutableSize = 7;
+        JobStatus = 4;
+        DAGParentNodeNames = "";
+        ExitCode = 0;
+        DAGManNodesMask = "0,1,2,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,13,16,17,24,27";
+        BytesSent = 2.791100000000000E+04;
+        LastSuspensionTime = 0;
+        ExecutableSize_RAW = 6;
+        RecentBlockReadKbytes = 12;
+        TransferInputSizeMB = 0;
+        Matlab = "R2011b";
+        BlockReadKbytes = 26436;
+        RecentStatsLifetimeStarter = 1200;
+        LeaveJobInQueue = false;
+        TargetType = "Machine";
+        WhenToTransferOutput = "ON_EXIT";
+        Owner = "xguo23";
+        JobNotification = 0;
+        BufferSize = 524288;
+        RecentBlockWrites = 0;
+        CompletionDate = 1446134062;
+        QDate = 1446105779;
+        JobLeaseDuration = 2400;
+        JobFinishedHookDone = 1446134062;
+        LastMatchTime = 1446114724;
+        LastJobLeaseRenewal = 1446134062;
+        DAGManNodesLog = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/model_3/./mydag.dag.nodes.log";
+        ClusterId = 49582659;
+        JobUniverse = 5;
+        NumJobStarts = 1;
+        CondorVersion = "$CondorVersion: 8.5.0 Sep 16 2015 BuildID: 341710 $";
+        CoreSize = 0;
+        OnExitHold = false;
+        CondorPlatform = "$CondorPlatform: X86_64-RedHat_6.6 $";
+        In = "/dev/null";
+        DiskUsage = 1250000;
+        EncryptExecuteDirectory = false;
+        CommittedSuspensionTime = 0;
+        User = "";
+        UserLog = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/model_3/232/process.log";
+        JobCurrentStartDate = 1446114724;
+        BufferBlockSize = 32768;
+        MATCH_EXP_JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "";
+        Requirements = ( ( OpSysMajorVer is 6 ) ) && ( MY.JobUniverse == 12 || MY.JobUniverse == 7 || MY.WantFlocking || MY.WantGlidein || TARGET.PoolName == "CHTC" || TARGET.COLLECTOR_HOST_STRING == "" ) && ( TARGET.Arch == "X86_64" ) && ( TARGET.OpSys == "LINUX" ) && ( TARGET.Disk >= RequestDisk ) && ( TARGET.Memory >= RequestMemory ) && ( TARGET.HasFileTransfer );
+        MinHosts = 1;
+        MaxHosts = 1;
+        Args = "--type=Matlab --version=R2011b --cmdtorun=simu_condor --unique=232 -- 3";
+        PeriodicHold = false;
+        ProcId = 0;
+        Environment = "";
+        DAGNodeName = "232+232";
+        MemoryUsage = ( ( ResidentSetSize + 1023 ) / 1024 );
+        TerminationPending = true;
+        NumRestarts = 0;
+        NumSystemHolds = 0;
+        CommittedTime = 19338;
+        MachineAttrCpus0 = 1;
+        WantRemoteSyscalls = false;
+        MyType = "Job";
+        CumulativeSuspensionTime = 0;
+        Rank = 0.0;
+        StartdPrincipal = "execute-side@matchsession/";
+        Err = "process.err";
+        PeriodicRemove = false;
+        BlockWriteKbytes = 0;
+        ExitBySignal = false;
+        DAGManJobId = 49582200;
+        EnteredCurrentStatus = 1446134062;
+        JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "$$([IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName), IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), \"\", TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName)])";
+        RecentBlockWriteKbytes = 0;
+        TransferIn = false;
+        ExitStatus = 0;
+        ShouldTransferFiles = "YES";
+        IsCHTCSubmit = true;
+        NumJobMatches = 1;
+        RootDir = "/";
+        JobStartDate = 1446114724;
+        JobPrio = 0;
+        CurrentHosts = 0;
+        GlobalJobId = "";
+        RemoteSysCpu = 1.790000000000000E+02;
+        TotalSuspensions = 0;
+        CommittedSlotTime = 1.933800000000000E+04;
+        WantCheckpoint = false;
+        BlockReads = 615;
+        LastRemoteHost = "";
+        TransferInput = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/data/232/,/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/data/shared/";
+        LocalUserCpu = 0.0;
+        PeriodicRelease = ( JobStatus == 5 ) && ( ( CurrentTime - EnteredCurrentStatus ) > 1800 ) && ( JobRunCount < 5 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 6 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 14 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 22 );
+        RequestDisk = 1000000;
+        ResidentSetSize_RAW = 71268;
+        OrigMaxHosts = 1;
+        LastPublicClaimId = "<>#1445344800#1612#...";
+        WantRHEL6 = true;
+        NumCkpts_RAW = 0;
+        Out = "process.out";
+        SubmitEventNotes = "DAG Node: 232+232";
+        CumulativeSlotTime = 1.933800000000000E+04;
+        JobRunCount = 1;
+        RecentBlockReads = 3;
+        StreamErr = false;
+        DiskUsage_RAW = 1216668;
+        NumCkpts = 0;
+        StatsLifetimeStarter = 19336;
+        ImageSize = 125000;
+        Cmd = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/chtcjobwrapper";
+        LocalSysCpu = 0.0;
         Iwd = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/model_3/232"
-        BlockWrites = 0; 
-        LastJobStatus = 2; 
-        JobCurrentStartExecutingDate = 1446133964; 
-        WantRemoteIO = true; 
-        RequestCpus = 1; 
-        NumShadowStarts = 1; 
-        RemoteUserCpu = 1.200000000000000E+01; 
-        NiceUser = false; 
-        BytesRecvd = 1.220270000000000E+06; 
-        RequestMemory = 1000; 
-        ResidentSetSize = 7500; 
-        StreamOut = false; 
-        SpooledOutputFiles = "R2011b_INFO,CODEBLOWUP,AuditLog.10012,SLIBS2.tar.gz,ChtcWrapper10012.out,CURLTIME_2575055,chtcinnerwrapper"; 
-        OnExitRemove = true; 
-        ImageSize_RAW = 5128; 
-        RemoteWallClockTime = 7.700000000000000E+01; 
-        MachineAttrSlotWeight0 = 1; 
-        ExecutableSize = 7; 
-        JobStatus = 4; 
-        DAGParentNodeNames = ""; 
-        ExitCode = 5; 
-        DAGManNodesMask = "0,1,2,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,13,16,17,24,27"; 
-        BytesSent = 2.727355000000000E+06; 
-        LastSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        ExecutableSize_RAW = 6; 
-        RecentBlockReadKbytes = 160; 
-        TransferInputSizeMB = 1; 
-        Matlab = "R2011b"; 
-        BlockReadKbytes = 160; 
-        LocalSysCpu = 0.0; 
-        WantGlidein = true; 
-        Iwd = "/home/dentler/ChtcRun/project_auction/results_fix2/10012"; 
-        Cmd = "/home/dentler/ChtcRun/chtcjobwrapper"; 
-        RecentStatsLifetimeStarter = 67; 
-        LeaveJobInQueue = false; 
-        TargetType = "Machine"; 
-        WhenToTransferOutput = "ON_EXIT"; 
-        Owner = "dentler"; 
-        JobNotification = 0; 
-        BufferSize = 524288; 
-        RecentBlockWrites = 0; 
-        CompletionDate = 1446134040; 
-        LastMatchTime = 1446133963; 
-        LastJobLeaseRenewal = 1446134040; 
-        DAGManNodesLog = "/home/dentler/ChtcRun/project_auction/results_fix2/./mydag.dag.nodes.log"; 
-        ClusterId = 49583905; 
-        NumJobStarts = 1; 
-        JobUniverse = 5; 
-        AutoClusterAttrs = "JobUniverse,LastCheckpointPlatform,NumCkpts,ClientMachine,_condor_RequestCpus,_condor_RequestDisk,_condor_RequestGPUs,_condor_RequestMemory,RequestCpus,RequestDisk,RequestGPUs,RequestMemory,BIOCHEM,MachineLastMatchTime,ConcurrencyLimits,NiceUser,Rank,Requirements,ImageSize,MemoryRequirements,User,RemoteGroup,SubmitterGroup,SubmitterUserPrio,Group,WIDsTheme,InteractiveJob,Is_Resumable,WantFlocking,WantGlidein,Scheduler,Owner,JobStart,MemoryUsage,IsExpressQueueJob,DiskUsage,HEP_VO,IsDesktop,OSG_VO,x509userproxysubject,PassedTest,IsLocalCMSJob,IsLocalCMSSlot,IsSAMSlot,IsSAMJob,MaxDiskTempC,IsDedicated,estimated_run_hours,IsCHTCSubmit,RequiresCVMFS,DynamicSlot,PartitionableSlot,Slot1_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot1_JobStarts,Slot1_SelfMonitorAge,Slot2_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot2_JobStarts,Slot2_SelfMonitorAge,Slot3_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot3_JobStarts,Slot3_SelfMonitorAge,Slot4_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot4_JobStarts,Slot4_SelfMonitorAge,Slot5_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot5_JobStarts,Slot5_SelfMonitorAge,Slot6_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot6_JobStarts,Slot6_SelfMonitorAge,Slot7_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot7_JobStarts,Slot7_SelfMonitorAge,Slot8_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot8_JobStarts,Slot8_SelfMonitorAge,Slot1_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot1_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot2_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot2_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot3_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot3_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot4_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot4_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot5_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot5_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot6_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot6_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot7_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot7_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot8_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot8_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot10_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot10_JobStarts,Slot10_SelfMonitorAge,Slot11_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot11_JobStarts,Slot11_SelfMonitorAge,Slot12_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot12_JobStarts,Slot12_SelfMonitorAge,Slot9_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot9_JobStarts,Slot9_SelfMonitorAge,Slot12_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot10_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot10_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot11_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot11_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot12_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot9_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot9_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot13_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot13_JobStarts,Slot13_SelfMonitorAge,Slot14_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot14_JobStarts,Slot14_SelfMonitorAge,Slot15_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot15_JobStarts,Slot15_SelfMonitorAge,Slot16_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot16_JobStarts,Slot16_SelfMonitorAge,IsResumable,WHEN_TO_TRANSFER_OUTPUT,_condor_Requestadmin_mutex_1,_condor_Requestadmin_mutex_2,_condor_Requestadmin_mutex_3,_condor_Requestmachine_token,Requestadmin_mutex_1,Requestadmin_mutex_2,Requestadmin_mutex_3,Requestmachine_token,nyehle,IsBuildJob,IsMatlabBuildJob,TotalJobRunTime,NodeOnline,Slot13_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot13_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot14_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot14_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot15_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot15_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot16_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot16_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,TmpIsFull,trResumable,RequiresCMSFrontier,Slot17_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot17_JobStarts,Slot17_SelfMonitorAge,Slot17_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot17_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot18_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot18_JobStarts,Slot18_SelfMonitorAge,Slot18_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot18_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot19_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot19_JobStarts,Slot19_SelfMonitorAge,Slot19_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot19_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot20_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot20_JobStarts,Slot20_SelfMonitorAge,Slot20_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot20_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot21_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot21_JobStarts,Slot21_SelfMonitorAge,Slot21_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot21_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot22_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot22_JobStarts,Slot22_SelfMonitorAge,Slot22_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot22_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot23_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot23_JobStarts,Slot23_SelfMonitorAge,Slot23_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot23_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot24_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot24_JobStarts,Slot24_SelfMonitorAge,Slot24_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot24_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot25_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot25_JobStarts,Slot25_SelfMonitorAge,Slot25_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot25_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot26_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot26_JobStarts,Slot26_SelfMonitorAge,Slot26_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot26_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot27_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot27_JobStarts,Slot27_SelfMonitorAge,Slot27_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot27_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot28_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot28_JobStarts,Slot28_SelfMonitorAge,Slot28_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot28_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot29_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot29_JobStarts,Slot29_SelfMonitorAge,Slot29_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot29_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot30_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot30_JobStarts,Slot30_SelfMonitorAge,Slot30_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot30_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot31_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot31_JobStarts,Slot31_SelfMonitorAge,Slot31_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot31_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot32_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot32_JobStarts,Slot32_SelfMonitorAge,Slot32_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot32_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,ResidentSetSize"; 
-        MaxHosts = 1; 
-        Args = "--type=Matlab --version=R2011b --cmdtorun=net_est --unique=10012 --"; 
-        CondorVersion = "$CondorVersion: 8.5.0 Sep 16 2015 BuildID: 341710 $"; 
-        CoreSize = 0; 
-        OnExitHold = false; 
-        CondorPlatform = "$CondorPlatform: X86_64-RedHat_6.6 $"; 
-        JobFinishedHookDone = 1446134040; 
-        In = "/dev/null"; 
-        DiskUsage = 1250000; 
-        EncryptExecuteDirectory = false; 
-        CommittedSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        User = ""; 
-        UserLog = "/home/dentler/ChtcRun/project_auction/results_fix2/10012/process.log"; 
-        JobCurrentStartDate = 1446133963; 
-        BufferBlockSize = 32768; 
-        MATCH_EXP_JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = ""; 
-        Requirements = ( ( OpSysMajorVer is 6 ) ) && ( MY.JobUniverse == 12 || MY.JobUniverse == 7 || MY.WantFlocking || MY.WantGlidein || TARGET.PoolName == "CHTC" || TARGET.COLLECTOR_HOST_STRING == "" ) && ( TARGET.Arch == "X86_64" ) && ( TARGET.OpSys == "LINUX" ) && ( TARGET.Disk >= RequestDisk ) && ( TARGET.Memory >= RequestMemory ) && ( TARGET.HasFileTransfer ); 
-        MinHosts = 1; 
-        JobLeaseDuration = 2400; 
-        QDate = 1446133888; 
-        PeriodicHold = false; 
-        ProcId = 0; 
-        Environment = ""; 
-        DAGNodeName = "10012+10012"; 
-        MemoryUsage = ( ( ResidentSetSize + 1023 ) / 1024 ); 
-        TerminationPending = true; 
-        NumRestarts = 0; 
-        NumSystemHolds = 0; 
-        CommittedTime = 77; 
-        AutoClusterId = 38267; 
-        ExitStatus = 0; 
-        ShouldTransferFiles = "YES"; 
-        MachineAttrCpus0 = 1; 
-        WantRemoteSyscalls = false; 
-        MyType = "Job"; 
-        CumulativeSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        Rank = 0.0; 
-        StartdPrincipal = "execute-side@matchsession/"; 
-        WantFlocking = true; 
-        Err = "process.err"; 
-        PeriodicRemove = false; 
-        BlockWriteKbytes = 0; 
-        ExitBySignal = false; 
-        DAGManJobId = 49583804; 
-        EnteredCurrentStatus = 1446134040; 
-        JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "$$([IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName), IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), \"\", TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName)])"; 
-        RecentBlockWriteKbytes = 0; 
-        TransferIn = false; 
-        IsCHTCSubmit = true; 
-        NumJobMatches = 1; 
-        RootDir = "/"; 
-        JobStartDate = 1446133963; 
-        JobPrio = 0; 
-        CurrentHosts = 0; 
-        GlobalJobId = ""; 
-        RemoteSysCpu = 1.200000000000000E+01; 
-        TotalSuspensions = 0; 
-        CommittedSlotTime = 7.700000000000000E+01; 
-        WantCheckpoint = false; 
-        BlockReads = 12; 
-        LastRemoteHost = ""; 
-        TransferInput = "/home/dentler/ChtcRun/project_auction/10012/,/home/dentler/ChtcRun/project_auction/shared/"; 
-        LocalUserCpu = 0.0; 
-        PeriodicRelease = ( JobStatus == 5 ) && ( ( CurrentTime - EnteredCurrentStatus ) > 1800 ) && ( JobRunCount < 5 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 6 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 14 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 22 ); 
-        RequestDisk = 4000000; 
-        ResidentSetSize_RAW = 5128; 
-        OrigMaxHosts = 1; 
-        LastPublicClaimId = "<>#1444973293#3769#..."; 
-        WantRHEL6 = true; 
-        NumCkpts_RAW = 0; 
-        Out = "process.out"; 
-        SubmitEventNotes = "DAG Node: 10012+10012"; 
-        CumulativeSlotTime = 7.700000000000000E+01; 
-        JobRunCount = 1; 
-        RecentBlockReads = 12; 
-        StreamErr = false; 
-        DiskUsage_RAW = 1211433; 
-        NumCkpts = 0; 
-        StatsLifetimeStarter = 76; 
+        BlockWrites = 0;
+        LastJobStatus = 2;
+        JobCurrentStartExecutingDate = 1446133964;
+        WantRemoteIO = true;
+        RequestCpus = 1;
+        NumShadowStarts = 1;
+        RemoteUserCpu = 1.200000000000000E+01;
+        NiceUser = false;
+        BytesRecvd = 1.220270000000000E+06;
+        RequestMemory = 1000;
+        ResidentSetSize = 7500;
+        StreamOut = false;
+        SpooledOutputFiles = "R2011b_INFO,CODEBLOWUP,AuditLog.10012,SLIBS2.tar.gz,ChtcWrapper10012.out,CURLTIME_2575055,chtcinnerwrapper";
+        OnExitRemove = true;
+        ImageSize_RAW = 5128;
+        RemoteWallClockTime = 7.700000000000000E+01;
+        MachineAttrSlotWeight0 = 1;
+        ExecutableSize = 7;
+        JobStatus = 4;
+        DAGParentNodeNames = "";
+        ExitCode = 5;
+        DAGManNodesMask = "0,1,2,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,13,16,17,24,27";
+        BytesSent = 2.727355000000000E+06;
+        LastSuspensionTime = 0;
+        ExecutableSize_RAW = 6;
+        RecentBlockReadKbytes = 160;
+        TransferInputSizeMB = 1;
+        Matlab = "R2011b";
+        BlockReadKbytes = 160;
+        LocalSysCpu = 0.0;
+        WantGlidein = true;
+        Iwd = "/home/dentler/ChtcRun/project_auction/results_fix2/10012";
+        Cmd = "/home/dentler/ChtcRun/chtcjobwrapper";
+        RecentStatsLifetimeStarter = 67;
+        LeaveJobInQueue = false;
+        TargetType = "Machine";
+        WhenToTransferOutput = "ON_EXIT";
+        Owner = "dentler";
+        JobNotification = 0;
+        BufferSize = 524288;
+        RecentBlockWrites = 0;
+        CompletionDate = 1446134040;
+        LastMatchTime = 1446133963;
+        LastJobLeaseRenewal = 1446134040;
+        DAGManNodesLog = "/home/dentler/ChtcRun/project_auction/results_fix2/./mydag.dag.nodes.log";
+        ClusterId = 49583905;
+        NumJobStarts = 1;
+        JobUniverse = 5;
+        AutoClusterAttrs = "JobUniverse,LastCheckpointPlatform,NumCkpts,ClientMachine,_condor_RequestCpus,_condor_RequestDisk,_condor_RequestGPUs,_condor_RequestMemory,RequestCpus,RequestDisk,RequestGPUs,RequestMemory,BIOCHEM,MachineLastMatchTime,ConcurrencyLimits,NiceUser,Rank,Requirements,ImageSize,MemoryRequirements,User,RemoteGroup,SubmitterGroup,SubmitterUserPrio,Group,WIDsTheme,InteractiveJob,Is_Resumable,WantFlocking,WantGlidein,Scheduler,Owner,JobStart,MemoryUsage,IsExpressQueueJob,DiskUsage,HEP_VO,IsDesktop,OSG_VO,x509userproxysubject,PassedTest,IsLocalCMSJob,IsLocalCMSSlot,IsSAMSlot,IsSAMJob,MaxDiskTempC,IsDedicated,estimated_run_hours,IsCHTCSubmit,RequiresCVMFS,DynamicSlot,PartitionableSlot,Slot1_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot1_JobStarts,Slot1_SelfMonitorAge,Slot2_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot2_JobStarts,Slot2_SelfMonitorAge,Slot3_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot3_JobStarts,Slot3_SelfMonitorAge,Slot4_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot4_JobStarts,Slot4_SelfMonitorAge,Slot5_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot5_JobStarts,Slot5_SelfMonitorAge,Slot6_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot6_JobStarts,Slot6_SelfMonitorAge,Slot7_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot7_JobStarts,Slot7_SelfMonitorAge,Slot8_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot8_JobStarts,Slot8_SelfMonitorAge,Slot1_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot1_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot2_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot2_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot3_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot3_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot4_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot4_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot5_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot5_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot6_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot6_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot7_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot7_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot8_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot8_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot10_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot10_JobStarts,Slot10_SelfMonitorAge,Slot11_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot11_JobStarts,Slot11_SelfMonitorAge,Slot12_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot12_JobStarts,Slot12_SelfMonitorAge,Slot9_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot9_JobStarts,Slot9_SelfMonitorAge,Slot12_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot10_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot10_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot11_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot11_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot12_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot9_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot9_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot13_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot13_JobStarts,Slot13_SelfMonitorAge,Slot14_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot14_JobStarts,Slot14_SelfMonitorAge,Slot15_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot15_JobStarts,Slot15_SelfMonitorAge,Slot16_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot16_JobStarts,Slot16_SelfMonitorAge,IsResumable,WHEN_TO_TRANSFER_OUTPUT,_condor_Requestadmin_mutex_1,_condor_Requestadmin_mutex_2,_condor_Requestadmin_mutex_3,_condor_Requestmachine_token,Requestadmin_mutex_1,Requestadmin_mutex_2,Requestadmin_mutex_3,Requestmachine_token,nyehle,IsBuildJob,IsMatlabBuildJob,TotalJobRunTime,NodeOnline,Slot13_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot13_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot14_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot14_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot15_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot15_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot16_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot16_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,TmpIsFull,trResumable,RequiresCMSFrontier,Slot17_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot17_JobStarts,Slot17_SelfMonitorAge,Slot17_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot17_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot18_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot18_JobStarts,Slot18_SelfMonitorAge,Slot18_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot18_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot19_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot19_JobStarts,Slot19_SelfMonitorAge,Slot19_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot19_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot20_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot20_JobStarts,Slot20_SelfMonitorAge,Slot20_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot20_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot21_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot21_JobStarts,Slot21_SelfMonitorAge,Slot21_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot21_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot22_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot22_JobStarts,Slot22_SelfMonitorAge,Slot22_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot22_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot23_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot23_JobStarts,Slot23_SelfMonitorAge,Slot23_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot23_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot24_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot24_JobStarts,Slot24_SelfMonitorAge,Slot24_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot24_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot25_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot25_JobStarts,Slot25_SelfMonitorAge,Slot25_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot25_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot26_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot26_JobStarts,Slot26_SelfMonitorAge,Slot26_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot26_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot27_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot27_JobStarts,Slot27_SelfMonitorAge,Slot27_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot27_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot28_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot28_JobStarts,Slot28_SelfMonitorAge,Slot28_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot28_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot29_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot29_JobStarts,Slot29_SelfMonitorAge,Slot29_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot29_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot30_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot30_JobStarts,Slot30_SelfMonitorAge,Slot30_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot30_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot31_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot31_JobStarts,Slot31_SelfMonitorAge,Slot31_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot31_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot32_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot32_JobStarts,Slot32_SelfMonitorAge,Slot32_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot32_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,ResidentSetSize";
+        MaxHosts = 1;
+        Args = "--type=Matlab --version=R2011b --cmdtorun=net_est --unique=10012 --";
+        CondorVersion = "$CondorVersion: 8.5.0 Sep 16 2015 BuildID: 341710 $";
+        CoreSize = 0;
+        OnExitHold = false;
+        CondorPlatform = "$CondorPlatform: X86_64-RedHat_6.6 $";
+        JobFinishedHookDone = 1446134040;
+        In = "/dev/null";
+        DiskUsage = 1250000;
+        EncryptExecuteDirectory = false;
+        CommittedSuspensionTime = 0;
+        User = "";
+        UserLog = "/home/dentler/ChtcRun/project_auction/results_fix2/10012/process.log";
+        JobCurrentStartDate = 1446133963;
+        BufferBlockSize = 32768;
+        MATCH_EXP_JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "";
+        Requirements = ( ( OpSysMajorVer is 6 ) ) && ( MY.JobUniverse == 12 || MY.JobUniverse == 7 || MY.WantFlocking || MY.WantGlidein || TARGET.PoolName == "CHTC" || TARGET.COLLECTOR_HOST_STRING == "" ) && ( TARGET.Arch == "X86_64" ) && ( TARGET.OpSys == "LINUX" ) && ( TARGET.Disk >= RequestDisk ) && ( TARGET.Memory >= RequestMemory ) && ( TARGET.HasFileTransfer );
+        MinHosts = 1;
+        JobLeaseDuration = 2400;
+        QDate = 1446133888;
+        PeriodicHold = false;
+        ProcId = 0;
+        Environment = "";
+        DAGNodeName = "10012+10012";
+        MemoryUsage = ( ( ResidentSetSize + 1023 ) / 1024 );
+        TerminationPending = true;
+        NumRestarts = 0;
+        NumSystemHolds = 0;
+        CommittedTime = 77;
+        AutoClusterId = 38267;
+        ExitStatus = 0;
+        ShouldTransferFiles = "YES";
+        MachineAttrCpus0 = 1;
+        WantRemoteSyscalls = false;
+        MyType = "Job";
+        CumulativeSuspensionTime = 0;
+        Rank = 0.0;
+        StartdPrincipal = "execute-side@matchsession/";
+        WantFlocking = true;
+        Err = "process.err";
+        PeriodicRemove = false;
+        BlockWriteKbytes = 0;
+        ExitBySignal = false;
+        DAGManJobId = 49583804;
+        EnteredCurrentStatus = 1446134040;
+        JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "$$([IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName), IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), \"\", TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName)])";
+        RecentBlockWriteKbytes = 0;
+        TransferIn = false;
+        IsCHTCSubmit = true;
+        NumJobMatches = 1;
+        RootDir = "/";
+        JobStartDate = 1446133963;
+        JobPrio = 0;
+        CurrentHosts = 0;
+        GlobalJobId = "";
+        RemoteSysCpu = 1.200000000000000E+01;
+        TotalSuspensions = 0;
+        CommittedSlotTime = 7.700000000000000E+01;
+        WantCheckpoint = false;
+        BlockReads = 12;
+        LastRemoteHost = "";
+        TransferInput = "/home/dentler/ChtcRun/project_auction/10012/,/home/dentler/ChtcRun/project_auction/shared/";
+        LocalUserCpu = 0.0;
+        PeriodicRelease = ( JobStatus == 5 ) && ( ( CurrentTime - EnteredCurrentStatus ) > 1800 ) && ( JobRunCount < 5 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 6 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 14 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 22 );
+        RequestDisk = 4000000;
+        ResidentSetSize_RAW = 5128;
+        OrigMaxHosts = 1;
+        LastPublicClaimId = "<>#1444973293#3769#...";
+        WantRHEL6 = true;
+        NumCkpts_RAW = 0;
+        Out = "process.out";
+        SubmitEventNotes = "DAG Node: 10012+10012";
+        CumulativeSlotTime = 7.700000000000000E+01;
+        JobRunCount = 1;
+        RecentBlockReads = 12;
+        StreamErr = false;
+        DiskUsage_RAW = 1211433;
+        NumCkpts = 0;
+        StatsLifetimeStarter = 76;
         ImageSize = 7500
-        BlockWrites = 0; 
-        LastJobStatus = 2; 
-        JobCurrentStartExecutingDate = 1446115779; 
-        WantRemoteIO = true; 
-        RequestCpus = 1; 
-        NumShadowStarts = 1; 
-        RemoteUserCpu = 1.811800000000000E+04; 
-        NiceUser = false; 
-        RequestMemory = 1000; 
-        BytesRecvd = 2.847170000000000E+05; 
-        ResidentSetSize = 150000; 
-        StreamOut = false; 
-        SpooledOutputFiles = "CURLTIME_3140097,ChtcWrapper3.out,AuditLog.3,simu_3_3.txt,harvest.log,3.out"; 
-        OnExitRemove = true; 
-        ImageSize_RAW = 811948; 
-        RemoteWallClockTime = 1.824800000000000E+04; 
-        MachineAttrSlotWeight0 = 1; 
-        ExecutableSize = 7; 
-        JobStatus = 4; 
-        DAGParentNodeNames = ""; 
-        ExitCode = 0; 
-        DAGManNodesMask = "0,1,2,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,13,16,17,24,27"; 
-        BytesSent = 2.789600000000000E+04; 
-        LastSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        ExecutableSize_RAW = 6; 
-        RecentBlockReadKbytes = 0; 
-        TransferInputSizeMB = 0; 
-        Matlab = "R2011b"; 
-        BlockReadKbytes = 0; 
-        RecentStatsLifetimeStarter = 1200; 
-        LeaveJobInQueue = false; 
-        TargetType = "Machine"; 
-        WhenToTransferOutput = "ON_EXIT"; 
-        Owner = "xguo23"; 
-        JobNotification = 0; 
-        BufferSize = 524288; 
-        RecentBlockWrites = 0; 
-        CompletionDate = 1446134026; 
-        QDate = 1446105835; 
-        JobLeaseDuration = 2400; 
-        JobFinishedHookDone = 1446134026; 
-        LastMatchTime = 1446115778; 
-        LastJobLeaseRenewal = 1446134026; 
-        DAGManNodesLog = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.46/Simulation_condor/model_3/./mydag.dag.nodes.log"; 
-        ClusterId = 49582786; 
-        JobUniverse = 5; 
-        NumJobStarts = 1; 
-        CondorVersion = "$CondorVersion: 8.5.0 Sep 16 2015 BuildID: 341710 $"; 
-        CoreSize = 0; 
-        OnExitHold = false; 
-        CondorPlatform = "$CondorPlatform: X86_64-RedHat_6.6 $"; 
-        In = "/dev/null"; 
-        DiskUsage = 1250000; 
-        EncryptExecuteDirectory = false; 
-        CommittedSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        User = ""; 
-        UserLog = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.46/Simulation_condor/model_3/3/process.log"; 
-        JobCurrentStartDate = 1446115778; 
-        BufferBlockSize = 32768; 
-        MATCH_EXP_JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = ""; 
-        Requirements = ( ( OpSysMajorVer is 6 ) ) && ( MY.JobUniverse == 12 || MY.JobUniverse == 7 || MY.WantFlocking || MY.WantGlidein || TARGET.PoolName == "CHTC" || TARGET.COLLECTOR_HOST_STRING == "" ) && ( TARGET.Arch == "X86_64" ) && ( TARGET.OpSys == "LINUX" ) && ( TARGET.Disk >= RequestDisk ) && ( TARGET.Memory >= RequestMemory ) && ( TARGET.HasFileTransfer ); 
-        MinHosts = 1; 
-        MaxHosts = 1; 
-        Args = "--type=Matlab --version=R2011b --cmdtorun=simu_condor --unique=3 -- 3"; 
-        PeriodicHold = false; 
-        ProcId = 0; 
-        Environment = ""; 
-        DAGNodeName = "3+3"; 
-        MemoryUsage = ( ( ResidentSetSize + 1023 ) / 1024 ); 
-        TerminationPending = true; 
-        NumRestarts = 0; 
-        NumSystemHolds = 0; 
-        CommittedTime = 18248; 
-        MachineAttrCpus0 = 1; 
-        WantRemoteSyscalls = false; 
-        MyType = "Job"; 
-        CumulativeSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        Rank = 0.0; 
-        StartdPrincipal = "execute-side@matchsession/"; 
-        Err = "process.err"; 
-        PeriodicRemove = false; 
-        BlockWriteKbytes = 0; 
-        ExitBySignal = false; 
-        DAGManJobId = 49582778; 
-        EnteredCurrentStatus = 1446134026; 
-        JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "$$([IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName), IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), \"\", TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName)])"; 
-        RecentBlockWriteKbytes = 0; 
-        TransferIn = false; 
-        ExitStatus = 0; 
-        ShouldTransferFiles = "YES"; 
-        IsCHTCSubmit = true; 
-        NumJobMatches = 1; 
-        RootDir = "/"; 
-        JobStartDate = 1446115778; 
-        JobPrio = 0; 
-        CurrentHosts = 0; 
-        GlobalJobId = ""; 
-        RemoteSysCpu = 1.080000000000000E+02; 
-        TotalSuspensions = 0; 
-        CommittedSlotTime = 1.824800000000000E+04; 
-        WantCheckpoint = false; 
-        BlockReads = 0; 
-        LastRemoteHost = ""; 
-        TransferInput = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.46/Simulation_condor/data/3/,/home/xguo23/model_3_1.46/Simulation_condor/data/shared/"; 
-        LocalUserCpu = 0.0; 
-        PeriodicRelease = ( JobStatus == 5 ) && ( ( CurrentTime - EnteredCurrentStatus ) > 1800 ) && ( JobRunCount < 5 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 6 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 14 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 22 ); 
-        RequestDisk = 1000000; 
-        ResidentSetSize_RAW = 125940; 
-        OrigMaxHosts = 1; 
-        LastPublicClaimId = "<>#1444685448#11070#..."; 
-        WantRHEL6 = true; 
-        NumCkpts_RAW = 0; 
-        Out = "process.out"; 
-        SubmitEventNotes = "DAG Node: 3+3"; 
-        CumulativeSlotTime = 1.824800000000000E+04; 
-        JobRunCount = 1; 
-        RecentBlockReads = 0; 
-        StreamErr = false; 
-        DiskUsage_RAW = 1216669; 
-        NumCkpts = 0; 
-        StatsLifetimeStarter = 18247; 
-        ImageSize = 1000000; 
-        Cmd = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.46/Simulation_condor/chtcjobwrapper"; 
-        LocalSysCpu = 0.0; 
+        BlockWrites = 0;
+        LastJobStatus = 2;
+        JobCurrentStartExecutingDate = 1446115779;
+        WantRemoteIO = true;
+        RequestCpus = 1;
+        NumShadowStarts = 1;
+        RemoteUserCpu = 1.811800000000000E+04;
+        NiceUser = false;
+        RequestMemory = 1000;
+        BytesRecvd = 2.847170000000000E+05;
+        ResidentSetSize = 150000;
+        StreamOut = false;
+        SpooledOutputFiles = "CURLTIME_3140097,ChtcWrapper3.out,AuditLog.3,simu_3_3.txt,harvest.log,3.out";
+        OnExitRemove = true;
+        ImageSize_RAW = 811948;
+        RemoteWallClockTime = 1.824800000000000E+04;
+        MachineAttrSlotWeight0 = 1;
+        ExecutableSize = 7;
+        JobStatus = 4;
+        DAGParentNodeNames = "";
+        ExitCode = 0;
+        DAGManNodesMask = "0,1,2,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,13,16,17,24,27";
+        BytesSent = 2.789600000000000E+04;
+        LastSuspensionTime = 0;
+        ExecutableSize_RAW = 6;
+        RecentBlockReadKbytes = 0;
+        TransferInputSizeMB = 0;
+        Matlab = "R2011b";
+        BlockReadKbytes = 0;
+        RecentStatsLifetimeStarter = 1200;
+        LeaveJobInQueue = false;
+        TargetType = "Machine";
+        WhenToTransferOutput = "ON_EXIT";
+        Owner = "xguo23";
+        JobNotification = 0;
+        BufferSize = 524288;
+        RecentBlockWrites = 0;
+        CompletionDate = 1446134026;
+        QDate = 1446105835;
+        JobLeaseDuration = 2400;
+        JobFinishedHookDone = 1446134026;
+        LastMatchTime = 1446115778;
+        LastJobLeaseRenewal = 1446134026;
+        DAGManNodesLog = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.46/Simulation_condor/model_3/./mydag.dag.nodes.log";
+        ClusterId = 49582786;
+        JobUniverse = 5;
+        NumJobStarts = 1;
+        CondorVersion = "$CondorVersion: 8.5.0 Sep 16 2015 BuildID: 341710 $";
+        CoreSize = 0;
+        OnExitHold = false;
+        CondorPlatform = "$CondorPlatform: X86_64-RedHat_6.6 $";
+        In = "/dev/null";
+        DiskUsage = 1250000;
+        EncryptExecuteDirectory = false;
+        CommittedSuspensionTime = 0;
+        User = "";
+        UserLog = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.46/Simulation_condor/model_3/3/process.log";
+        JobCurrentStartDate = 1446115778;
+        BufferBlockSize = 32768;
+        MATCH_EXP_JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "";
+        Requirements = ( ( OpSysMajorVer is 6 ) ) && ( MY.JobUniverse == 12 || MY.JobUniverse == 7 || MY.WantFlocking || MY.WantGlidein || TARGET.PoolName == "CHTC" || TARGET.COLLECTOR_HOST_STRING == "" ) && ( TARGET.Arch == "X86_64" ) && ( TARGET.OpSys == "LINUX" ) && ( TARGET.Disk >= RequestDisk ) && ( TARGET.Memory >= RequestMemory ) && ( TARGET.HasFileTransfer );
+        MinHosts = 1;
+        MaxHosts = 1;
+        Args = "--type=Matlab --version=R2011b --cmdtorun=simu_condor --unique=3 -- 3";
+        PeriodicHold = false;
+        ProcId = 0;
+        Environment = "";
+        DAGNodeName = "3+3";
+        MemoryUsage = ( ( ResidentSetSize + 1023 ) / 1024 );
+        TerminationPending = true;
+        NumRestarts = 0;
+        NumSystemHolds = 0;
+        CommittedTime = 18248;
+        MachineAttrCpus0 = 1;
+        WantRemoteSyscalls = false;
+        MyType = "Job";
+        CumulativeSuspensionTime = 0;
+        Rank = 0.0;
+        StartdPrincipal = "execute-side@matchsession/";
+        Err = "process.err";
+        PeriodicRemove = false;
+        BlockWriteKbytes = 0;
+        ExitBySignal = false;
+        DAGManJobId = 49582778;
+        EnteredCurrentStatus = 1446134026;
+        JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "$$([IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName), IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), \"\", TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName)])";
+        RecentBlockWriteKbytes = 0;
+        TransferIn = false;
+        ExitStatus = 0;
+        ShouldTransferFiles = "YES";
+        IsCHTCSubmit = true;
+        NumJobMatches = 1;
+        RootDir = "/";
+        JobStartDate = 1446115778;
+        JobPrio = 0;
+        CurrentHosts = 0;
+        GlobalJobId = "";
+        RemoteSysCpu = 1.080000000000000E+02;
+        TotalSuspensions = 0;
+        CommittedSlotTime = 1.824800000000000E+04;
+        WantCheckpoint = false;
+        BlockReads = 0;
+        LastRemoteHost = "";
+        TransferInput = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.46/Simulation_condor/data/3/,/home/xguo23/model_3_1.46/Simulation_condor/data/shared/";
+        LocalUserCpu = 0.0;
+        PeriodicRelease = ( JobStatus == 5 ) && ( ( CurrentTime - EnteredCurrentStatus ) > 1800 ) && ( JobRunCount < 5 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 6 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 14 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 22 );
+        RequestDisk = 1000000;
+        ResidentSetSize_RAW = 125940;
+        OrigMaxHosts = 1;
+        LastPublicClaimId = "<>#1444685448#11070#...";
+        WantRHEL6 = true;
+        NumCkpts_RAW = 0;
+        Out = "process.out";
+        SubmitEventNotes = "DAG Node: 3+3";
+        CumulativeSlotTime = 1.824800000000000E+04;
+        JobRunCount = 1;
+        RecentBlockReads = 0;
+        StreamErr = false;
+        DiskUsage_RAW = 1216669;
+        NumCkpts = 0;
+        StatsLifetimeStarter = 18247;
+        ImageSize = 1000000;
+        Cmd = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.46/Simulation_condor/chtcjobwrapper";
+        LocalSysCpu = 0.0;
         Iwd = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.46/Simulation_condor/model_3/3"
-        BlockWrites = 506; 
-        LastJobStatus = 2; 
-        JobCurrentStartExecutingDate = 1446133964; 
-        WantRemoteIO = true; 
-        RequestCpus = 1; 
-        NumShadowStarts = 1; 
-        RemoteUserCpu = 1.100000000000000E+01; 
-        NiceUser = false; 
-        BytesRecvd = 1.220270000000000E+06; 
-        RequestMemory = 1000; 
-        ResidentSetSize = 7500; 
-        StreamOut = false; 
-        SpooledOutputFiles = "chtcinnerwrapper,SLIBS2.tar.gz,R2011b_INFO,AuditLog.20111,CURLTIME_1051736,ChtcWrapper20111.out,CODEBLOWUP"; 
-        OnExitRemove = true; 
-        ImageSize_RAW = 5056; 
-        RemoteWallClockTime = 5.800000000000000E+01; 
-        MachineAttrSlotWeight0 = 1; 
-        ExecutableSize = 7; 
-        JobStatus = 4; 
-        DAGParentNodeNames = ""; 
-        ExitCode = 5; 
-        DAGManNodesMask = "0,1,2,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,13,16,17,24,27"; 
-        BytesSent = 2.727274000000000E+06; 
-        LastSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        ExecutableSize_RAW = 6; 
-        RecentBlockReadKbytes = 164; 
-        TransferInputSizeMB = 1; 
-        Matlab = "R2011b"; 
-        BlockReadKbytes = 164; 
-        LocalSysCpu = 0.0; 
-        WantGlidein = true; 
-        Iwd = "/home/dentler/ChtcRun/project_auction/results_fix2/20111"; 
-        Cmd = "/home/dentler/ChtcRun/chtcjobwrapper"; 
-        RecentStatsLifetimeStarter = 43; 
-        LeaveJobInQueue = false; 
-        TargetType = "Machine"; 
-        WhenToTransferOutput = "ON_EXIT"; 
-        Owner = "dentler"; 
-        JobNotification = 0; 
-        BufferSize = 524288; 
-        RecentBlockWrites = 506; 
-        CompletionDate = 1446134021; 
-        LastMatchTime = 1446133963; 
-        LastJobLeaseRenewal = 1446134021; 
-        DAGManNodesLog = "/home/dentler/ChtcRun/project_auction/results_fix2/./mydag.dag.nodes.log"; 
-        ClusterId = 49583938; 
-        NumJobStarts = 1; 
-        JobUniverse = 5; 
-        AutoClusterAttrs = "JobUniverse,LastCheckpointPlatform,NumCkpts,ClientMachine,_condor_RequestCpus,_condor_RequestDisk,_condor_RequestGPUs,_condor_RequestMemory,RequestCpus,RequestDisk,RequestGPUs,RequestMemory,BIOCHEM,MachineLastMatchTime,ConcurrencyLimits,NiceUser,Rank,Requirements,ImageSize,MemoryRequirements,User,RemoteGroup,SubmitterGroup,SubmitterUserPrio,Group,WIDsTheme,InteractiveJob,Is_Resumable,WantFlocking,WantGlidein,Scheduler,Owner,JobStart,MemoryUsage,IsExpressQueueJob,DiskUsage,HEP_VO,IsDesktop,OSG_VO,x509userproxysubject,PassedTest,IsLocalCMSJob,IsLocalCMSSlot,IsSAMSlot,IsSAMJob,MaxDiskTempC,IsDedicated,estimated_run_hours,IsCHTCSubmit,RequiresCVMFS,DynamicSlot,PartitionableSlot,Slot1_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot1_JobStarts,Slot1_SelfMonitorAge,Slot2_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot2_JobStarts,Slot2_SelfMonitorAge,Slot3_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot3_JobStarts,Slot3_SelfMonitorAge,Slot4_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot4_JobStarts,Slot4_SelfMonitorAge,Slot5_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot5_JobStarts,Slot5_SelfMonitorAge,Slot6_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot6_JobStarts,Slot6_SelfMonitorAge,Slot7_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot7_JobStarts,Slot7_SelfMonitorAge,Slot8_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot8_JobStarts,Slot8_SelfMonitorAge,Slot1_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot1_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot2_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot2_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot3_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot3_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot4_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot4_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot5_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot5_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot6_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot6_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot7_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot7_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot8_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot8_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot10_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot10_JobStarts,Slot10_SelfMonitorAge,Slot11_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot11_JobStarts,Slot11_SelfMonitorAge,Slot12_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot12_JobStarts,Slot12_SelfMonitorAge,Slot9_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot9_JobStarts,Slot9_SelfMonitorAge,Slot12_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot10_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot10_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot11_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot11_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot12_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot9_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot9_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot13_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot13_JobStarts,Slot13_SelfMonitorAge,Slot14_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot14_JobStarts,Slot14_SelfMonitorAge,Slot15_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot15_JobStarts,Slot15_SelfMonitorAge,Slot16_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot16_JobStarts,Slot16_SelfMonitorAge,IsResumable,WHEN_TO_TRANSFER_OUTPUT,_condor_Requestadmin_mutex_1,_condor_Requestadmin_mutex_2,_condor_Requestadmin_mutex_3,_condor_Requestmachine_token,Requestadmin_mutex_1,Requestadmin_mutex_2,Requestadmin_mutex_3,Requestmachine_token,nyehle,IsBuildJob,IsMatlabBuildJob,TotalJobRunTime,NodeOnline,Slot13_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot13_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot14_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot14_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot15_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot15_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot16_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot16_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,TmpIsFull,trResumable,RequiresCMSFrontier,Slot17_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot17_JobStarts,Slot17_SelfMonitorAge,Slot17_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot17_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot18_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot18_JobStarts,Slot18_SelfMonitorAge,Slot18_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot18_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot19_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot19_JobStarts,Slot19_SelfMonitorAge,Slot19_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot19_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot20_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot20_JobStarts,Slot20_SelfMonitorAge,Slot20_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot20_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot21_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot21_JobStarts,Slot21_SelfMonitorAge,Slot21_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot21_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot22_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot22_JobStarts,Slot22_SelfMonitorAge,Slot22_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot22_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot23_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot23_JobStarts,Slot23_SelfMonitorAge,Slot23_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot23_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot24_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot24_JobStarts,Slot24_SelfMonitorAge,Slot24_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot24_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot25_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot25_JobStarts,Slot25_SelfMonitorAge,Slot25_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot25_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot26_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot26_JobStarts,Slot26_SelfMonitorAge,Slot26_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot26_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot27_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot27_JobStarts,Slot27_SelfMonitorAge,Slot27_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot27_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot28_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot28_JobStarts,Slot28_SelfMonitorAge,Slot28_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot28_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot29_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot29_JobStarts,Slot29_SelfMonitorAge,Slot29_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot29_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot30_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot30_JobStarts,Slot30_SelfMonitorAge,Slot30_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot30_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot31_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot31_JobStarts,Slot31_SelfMonitorAge,Slot31_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot31_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot32_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot32_JobStarts,Slot32_SelfMonitorAge,Slot32_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot32_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,ResidentSetSize"; 
-        MaxHosts = 1; 
-        Args = "--type=Matlab --version=R2011b --cmdtorun=net_est --unique=20111 --"; 
-        CondorVersion = "$CondorVersion: 8.5.0 Sep 16 2015 BuildID: 341710 $"; 
-        CoreSize = 0; 
-        OnExitHold = false; 
-        CondorPlatform = "$CondorPlatform: X86_64-RedHat_6.6 $"; 
-        JobFinishedHookDone = 1446134021; 
-        In = "/dev/null"; 
-        DiskUsage = 1250000; 
-        EncryptExecuteDirectory = false; 
-        CommittedSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        User = ""; 
-        UserLog = "/home/dentler/ChtcRun/project_auction/results_fix2/20111/process.log"; 
-        JobCurrentStartDate = 1446133963; 
-        BufferBlockSize = 32768; 
-        MATCH_EXP_JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = ""; 
-        Requirements = ( ( OpSysMajorVer is 6 ) ) && ( MY.JobUniverse == 12 || MY.JobUniverse == 7 || MY.WantFlocking || MY.WantGlidein || TARGET.PoolName == "CHTC" || TARGET.COLLECTOR_HOST_STRING == "" ) && ( TARGET.Arch == "X86_64" ) && ( TARGET.OpSys == "LINUX" ) && ( TARGET.Disk >= RequestDisk ) && ( TARGET.Memory >= RequestMemory ) && ( TARGET.HasFileTransfer ); 
-        MinHosts = 1; 
-        JobLeaseDuration = 2400; 
-        QDate = 1446133922; 
-        PeriodicHold = false; 
-        ProcId = 0; 
-        Environment = ""; 
-        DAGNodeName = "20111+20111"; 
-        MemoryUsage = ( ( ResidentSetSize + 1023 ) / 1024 ); 
-        TerminationPending = true; 
-        NumRestarts = 0; 
-        NumSystemHolds = 0; 
-        CommittedTime = 58; 
-        AutoClusterId = 38259; 
-        ExitStatus = 0; 
-        ShouldTransferFiles = "YES"; 
-        MachineAttrCpus0 = 1; 
-        WantRemoteSyscalls = false; 
-        MyType = "Job"; 
-        CumulativeSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        Rank = 0.0; 
-        StartdPrincipal = "execute-side@matchsession/"; 
-        WantFlocking = true; 
-        Err = "process.err"; 
-        PeriodicRemove = false; 
-        BlockWriteKbytes = 249656; 
-        ExitBySignal = false; 
-        DAGManJobId = 49583804; 
-        EnteredCurrentStatus = 1446134021; 
-        JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "$$([IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName), IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), \"\", TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName)])"; 
-        RecentBlockWriteKbytes = 249656; 
-        TransferIn = false; 
-        IsCHTCSubmit = true; 
-        NumJobMatches = 1; 
-        RootDir = "/"; 
-        JobStartDate = 1446133963; 
-        JobPrio = 0; 
-        CurrentHosts = 0; 
-        GlobalJobId = ""; 
-        RemoteSysCpu = 7.000000000000000E+00; 
-        TotalSuspensions = 0; 
-        CommittedSlotTime = 5.800000000000000E+01; 
-        WantCheckpoint = false; 
-        BlockReads = 16; 
-        LastRemoteHost = ""; 
-        TransferInput = "/home/dentler/ChtcRun/project_auction/20111/,/home/dentler/ChtcRun/project_auction/shared/"; 
-        LocalUserCpu = 0.0; 
-        PeriodicRelease = ( JobStatus == 5 ) && ( ( CurrentTime - EnteredCurrentStatus ) > 1800 ) && ( JobRunCount < 5 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 6 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 14 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 22 ); 
-        RequestDisk = 4000000; 
-        ResidentSetSize_RAW = 5056; 
-        OrigMaxHosts = 1; 
-        LastPublicClaimId = "<>#1445396629#2313#..."; 
-        WantRHEL6 = true; 
-        NumCkpts_RAW = 0; 
-        Out = "process.out"; 
-        SubmitEventNotes = "DAG Node: 20111+20111"; 
-        CumulativeSlotTime = 5.800000000000000E+01; 
-        JobRunCount = 1; 
-        RecentBlockReads = 16; 
-        StreamErr = false; 
-        DiskUsage_RAW = 1205568; 
-        NumCkpts = 0; 
-        StatsLifetimeStarter = 52; 
+        BlockWrites = 506;
+        LastJobStatus = 2;
+        JobCurrentStartExecutingDate = 1446133964;
+        WantRemoteIO = true;
+        RequestCpus = 1;
+        NumShadowStarts = 1;
+        RemoteUserCpu = 1.100000000000000E+01;
+        NiceUser = false;
+        BytesRecvd = 1.220270000000000E+06;
+        RequestMemory = 1000;
+        ResidentSetSize = 7500;
+        StreamOut = false;
+        SpooledOutputFiles = "chtcinnerwrapper,SLIBS2.tar.gz,R2011b_INFO,AuditLog.20111,CURLTIME_1051736,ChtcWrapper20111.out,CODEBLOWUP";
+        OnExitRemove = true;
+        ImageSize_RAW = 5056;
+        RemoteWallClockTime = 5.800000000000000E+01;
+        MachineAttrSlotWeight0 = 1;
+        ExecutableSize = 7;
+        JobStatus = 4;
+        DAGParentNodeNames = "";
+        ExitCode = 5;
+        DAGManNodesMask = "0,1,2,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,13,16,17,24,27";
+        BytesSent = 2.727274000000000E+06;
+        LastSuspensionTime = 0;
+        ExecutableSize_RAW = 6;
+        RecentBlockReadKbytes = 164;
+        TransferInputSizeMB = 1;
+        Matlab = "R2011b";
+        BlockReadKbytes = 164;
+        LocalSysCpu = 0.0;
+        WantGlidein = true;
+        Iwd = "/home/dentler/ChtcRun/project_auction/results_fix2/20111";
+        Cmd = "/home/dentler/ChtcRun/chtcjobwrapper";
+        RecentStatsLifetimeStarter = 43;
+        LeaveJobInQueue = false;
+        TargetType = "Machine";
+        WhenToTransferOutput = "ON_EXIT";
+        Owner = "dentler";
+        JobNotification = 0;
+        BufferSize = 524288;
+        RecentBlockWrites = 506;
+        CompletionDate = 1446134021;
+        LastMatchTime = 1446133963;
+        LastJobLeaseRenewal = 1446134021;
+        DAGManNodesLog = "/home/dentler/ChtcRun/project_auction/results_fix2/./mydag.dag.nodes.log";
+        ClusterId = 49583938;
+        NumJobStarts = 1;
+        JobUniverse = 5;
+        AutoClusterAttrs = "JobUniverse,LastCheckpointPlatform,NumCkpts,ClientMachine,_condor_RequestCpus,_condor_RequestDisk,_condor_RequestGPUs,_condor_RequestMemory,RequestCpus,RequestDisk,RequestGPUs,RequestMemory,BIOCHEM,MachineLastMatchTime,ConcurrencyLimits,NiceUser,Rank,Requirements,ImageSize,MemoryRequirements,User,RemoteGroup,SubmitterGroup,SubmitterUserPrio,Group,WIDsTheme,InteractiveJob,Is_Resumable,WantFlocking,WantGlidein,Scheduler,Owner,JobStart,MemoryUsage,IsExpressQueueJob,DiskUsage,HEP_VO,IsDesktop,OSG_VO,x509userproxysubject,PassedTest,IsLocalCMSJob,IsLocalCMSSlot,IsSAMSlot,IsSAMJob,MaxDiskTempC,IsDedicated,estimated_run_hours,IsCHTCSubmit,RequiresCVMFS,DynamicSlot,PartitionableSlot,Slot1_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot1_JobStarts,Slot1_SelfMonitorAge,Slot2_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot2_JobStarts,Slot2_SelfMonitorAge,Slot3_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot3_JobStarts,Slot3_SelfMonitorAge,Slot4_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot4_JobStarts,Slot4_SelfMonitorAge,Slot5_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot5_JobStarts,Slot5_SelfMonitorAge,Slot6_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot6_JobStarts,Slot6_SelfMonitorAge,Slot7_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot7_JobStarts,Slot7_SelfMonitorAge,Slot8_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot8_JobStarts,Slot8_SelfMonitorAge,Slot1_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot1_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot2_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot2_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot3_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot3_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot4_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot4_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot5_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot5_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot6_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot6_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot7_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot7_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot8_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot8_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot10_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot10_JobStarts,Slot10_SelfMonitorAge,Slot11_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot11_JobStarts,Slot11_SelfMonitorAge,Slot12_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot12_JobStarts,Slot12_SelfMonitorAge,Slot9_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot9_JobStarts,Slot9_SelfMonitorAge,Slot12_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot10_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot10_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot11_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot11_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot12_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot9_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot9_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot13_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot13_JobStarts,Slot13_SelfMonitorAge,Slot14_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot14_JobStarts,Slot14_SelfMonitorAge,Slot15_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot15_JobStarts,Slot15_SelfMonitorAge,Slot16_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot16_JobStarts,Slot16_SelfMonitorAge,IsResumable,WHEN_TO_TRANSFER_OUTPUT,_condor_Requestadmin_mutex_1,_condor_Requestadmin_mutex_2,_condor_Requestadmin_mutex_3,_condor_Requestmachine_token,Requestadmin_mutex_1,Requestadmin_mutex_2,Requestadmin_mutex_3,Requestmachine_token,nyehle,IsBuildJob,IsMatlabBuildJob,TotalJobRunTime,NodeOnline,Slot13_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot13_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot14_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot14_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot15_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot15_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot16_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot16_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,TmpIsFull,trResumable,RequiresCMSFrontier,Slot17_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot17_JobStarts,Slot17_SelfMonitorAge,Slot17_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot17_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot18_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot18_JobStarts,Slot18_SelfMonitorAge,Slot18_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot18_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot19_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot19_JobStarts,Slot19_SelfMonitorAge,Slot19_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot19_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot20_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot20_JobStarts,Slot20_SelfMonitorAge,Slot20_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot20_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot21_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot21_JobStarts,Slot21_SelfMonitorAge,Slot21_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot21_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot22_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot22_JobStarts,Slot22_SelfMonitorAge,Slot22_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot22_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot23_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot23_JobStarts,Slot23_SelfMonitorAge,Slot23_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot23_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot24_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot24_JobStarts,Slot24_SelfMonitorAge,Slot24_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot24_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot25_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot25_JobStarts,Slot25_SelfMonitorAge,Slot25_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot25_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot26_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot26_JobStarts,Slot26_SelfMonitorAge,Slot26_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot26_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot27_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot27_JobStarts,Slot27_SelfMonitorAge,Slot27_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot27_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot28_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot28_JobStarts,Slot28_SelfMonitorAge,Slot28_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot28_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot29_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot29_JobStarts,Slot29_SelfMonitorAge,Slot29_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot29_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot30_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot30_JobStarts,Slot30_SelfMonitorAge,Slot30_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot30_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot31_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot31_JobStarts,Slot31_SelfMonitorAge,Slot31_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot31_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot32_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot32_JobStarts,Slot32_SelfMonitorAge,Slot32_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot32_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,ResidentSetSize";
+        MaxHosts = 1;
+        Args = "--type=Matlab --version=R2011b --cmdtorun=net_est --unique=20111 --";
+        CondorVersion = "$CondorVersion: 8.5.0 Sep 16 2015 BuildID: 341710 $";
+        CoreSize = 0;
+        OnExitHold = false;
+        CondorPlatform = "$CondorPlatform: X86_64-RedHat_6.6 $";
+        JobFinishedHookDone = 1446134021;
+        In = "/dev/null";
+        DiskUsage = 1250000;
+        EncryptExecuteDirectory = false;
+        CommittedSuspensionTime = 0;
+        User = "";
+        UserLog = "/home/dentler/ChtcRun/project_auction/results_fix2/20111/process.log";
+        JobCurrentStartDate = 1446133963;
+        BufferBlockSize = 32768;
+        MATCH_EXP_JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "";
+        Requirements = ( ( OpSysMajorVer is 6 ) ) && ( MY.JobUniverse == 12 || MY.JobUniverse == 7 || MY.WantFlocking || MY.WantGlidein || TARGET.PoolName == "CHTC" || TARGET.COLLECTOR_HOST_STRING == "" ) && ( TARGET.Arch == "X86_64" ) && ( TARGET.OpSys == "LINUX" ) && ( TARGET.Disk >= RequestDisk ) && ( TARGET.Memory >= RequestMemory ) && ( TARGET.HasFileTransfer );
+        MinHosts = 1;
+        JobLeaseDuration = 2400;
+        QDate = 1446133922;
+        PeriodicHold = false;
+        ProcId = 0;
+        Environment = "";
+        DAGNodeName = "20111+20111";
+        MemoryUsage = ( ( ResidentSetSize + 1023 ) / 1024 );
+        TerminationPending = true;
+        NumRestarts = 0;
+        NumSystemHolds = 0;
+        CommittedTime = 58;
+        AutoClusterId = 38259;
+        ExitStatus = 0;
+        ShouldTransferFiles = "YES";
+        MachineAttrCpus0 = 1;
+        WantRemoteSyscalls = false;
+        MyType = "Job";
+        CumulativeSuspensionTime = 0;
+        Rank = 0.0;
+        StartdPrincipal = "execute-side@matchsession/";
+        WantFlocking = true;
+        Err = "process.err";
+        PeriodicRemove = false;
+        BlockWriteKbytes = 249656;
+        ExitBySignal = false;
+        DAGManJobId = 49583804;
+        EnteredCurrentStatus = 1446134021;
+        JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "$$([IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName), IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), \"\", TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName)])";
+        RecentBlockWriteKbytes = 249656;
+        TransferIn = false;
+        IsCHTCSubmit = true;
+        NumJobMatches = 1;
+        RootDir = "/";
+        JobStartDate = 1446133963;
+        JobPrio = 0;
+        CurrentHosts = 0;
+        GlobalJobId = "";
+        RemoteSysCpu = 7.000000000000000E+00;
+        TotalSuspensions = 0;
+        CommittedSlotTime = 5.800000000000000E+01;
+        WantCheckpoint = false;
+        BlockReads = 16;
+        LastRemoteHost = "";
+        TransferInput = "/home/dentler/ChtcRun/project_auction/20111/,/home/dentler/ChtcRun/project_auction/shared/";
+        LocalUserCpu = 0.0;
+        PeriodicRelease = ( JobStatus == 5 ) && ( ( CurrentTime - EnteredCurrentStatus ) > 1800 ) && ( JobRunCount < 5 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 6 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 14 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 22 );
+        RequestDisk = 4000000;
+        ResidentSetSize_RAW = 5056;
+        OrigMaxHosts = 1;
+        LastPublicClaimId = "<>#1445396629#2313#...";
+        WantRHEL6 = true;
+        NumCkpts_RAW = 0;
+        Out = "process.out";
+        SubmitEventNotes = "DAG Node: 20111+20111";
+        CumulativeSlotTime = 5.800000000000000E+01;
+        JobRunCount = 1;
+        RecentBlockReads = 16;
+        StreamErr = false;
+        DiskUsage_RAW = 1205568;
+        NumCkpts = 0;
+        StatsLifetimeStarter = 52;
         ImageSize = 7500
-        BlockWrites = 0; 
-        LastJobStatus = 2; 
-        JobCurrentStartExecutingDate = 1446115115; 
-        WantRemoteIO = true; 
-        RequestCpus = 1; 
-        NumShadowStarts = 1; 
-        RemoteUserCpu = 1.878200000000000E+04; 
-        NiceUser = false; 
-        RequestMemory = 1000; 
-        BytesRecvd = 2.846290000000000E+05; 
-        ResidentSetSize = 125000; 
-        StreamOut = false; 
-        SpooledOutputFiles = "CURLTIME_2890029,ChtcWrapper260.out,AuditLog.260,simu_3_260.txt,harvest.log,260.out"; 
-        OnExitRemove = true; 
-        ImageSize_RAW = 811948; 
-        RemoteWallClockTime = 1.890300000000000E+04; 
-        MachineAttrSlotWeight0 = 1; 
-        ExecutableSize = 7; 
-        JobStatus = 4; 
-        DAGParentNodeNames = ""; 
-        ExitCode = 0; 
-        DAGManNodesMask = "0,1,2,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,13,16,17,24,27"; 
-        BytesSent = 3.050700000000000E+04; 
-        LastSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        ExecutableSize_RAW = 6; 
-        RecentBlockReadKbytes = 0; 
-        TransferInputSizeMB = 0; 
-        Matlab = "R2011b"; 
-        BlockReadKbytes = 0; 
-        RecentStatsLifetimeStarter = 1200; 
-        LeaveJobInQueue = false; 
-        TargetType = "Machine"; 
-        WhenToTransferOutput = "ON_EXIT"; 
-        Owner = "xguo23"; 
-        JobNotification = 0; 
-        BufferSize = 524288; 
-        RecentBlockWrites = 0; 
-        CompletionDate = 1446134017; 
-        QDate = 1446105803; 
-        JobLeaseDuration = 2400; 
-        JobFinishedHookDone = 1446134017; 
-        LastMatchTime = 1446115114; 
-        LastJobLeaseRenewal = 1446134017; 
-        DAGManNodesLog = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/model_3/./mydag.dag.nodes.log"; 
-        ClusterId = 49582724; 
-        JobUniverse = 5; 
-        NumJobStarts = 1; 
-        CondorVersion = "$CondorVersion: 8.5.0 Sep 16 2015 BuildID: 341710 $"; 
-        CoreSize = 0; 
-        OnExitHold = false; 
-        CondorPlatform = "$CondorPlatform: X86_64-RedHat_6.6 $"; 
-        In = "/dev/null"; 
-        DiskUsage = 1250000; 
-        EncryptExecuteDirectory = false; 
-        CommittedSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        User = ""; 
-        UserLog = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/model_3/260/process.log"; 
-        JobCurrentStartDate = 1446115114; 
-        BufferBlockSize = 32768; 
-        MATCH_EXP_JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = ""; 
-        Requirements = ( ( OpSysMajorVer is 6 ) ) && ( MY.JobUniverse == 12 || MY.JobUniverse == 7 || MY.WantFlocking || MY.WantGlidein || TARGET.PoolName == "CHTC" || TARGET.COLLECTOR_HOST_STRING == "" ) && ( TARGET.Arch == "X86_64" ) && ( TARGET.OpSys == "LINUX" ) && ( TARGET.Disk >= RequestDisk ) && ( TARGET.Memory >= RequestMemory ) && ( TARGET.HasFileTransfer ); 
-        MinHosts = 1; 
-        MaxHosts = 1; 
-        Args = "--type=Matlab --version=R2011b --cmdtorun=simu_condor --unique=260 -- 3"; 
-        PeriodicHold = false; 
-        ProcId = 0; 
-        Environment = ""; 
-        DAGNodeName = "260+260"; 
-        MemoryUsage = ( ( ResidentSetSize + 1023 ) / 1024 ); 
-        TerminationPending = true; 
-        NumRestarts = 0; 
-        NumSystemHolds = 0; 
-        CommittedTime = 18903; 
-        MachineAttrCpus0 = 1; 
-        WantRemoteSyscalls = false; 
-        MyType = "Job"; 
-        CumulativeSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        Rank = 0.0; 
-        StartdPrincipal = "execute-side@matchsession/"; 
-        Err = "process.err"; 
-        PeriodicRemove = false; 
-        BlockWriteKbytes = 0; 
-        ExitBySignal = false; 
-        DAGManJobId = 49582200; 
-        EnteredCurrentStatus = 1446134017; 
-        JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "$$([IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName), IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), \"\", TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName)])"; 
-        RecentBlockWriteKbytes = 0; 
-        TransferIn = false; 
-        ExitStatus = 0; 
-        ShouldTransferFiles = "YES"; 
-        IsCHTCSubmit = true; 
-        NumJobMatches = 1; 
-        RootDir = "/"; 
-        JobStartDate = 1446115114; 
-        JobPrio = 0; 
-        CurrentHosts = 0; 
-        GlobalJobId = ""; 
-        RemoteSysCpu = 1.090000000000000E+02; 
-        TotalSuspensions = 0; 
-        CommittedSlotTime = 1.890300000000000E+04; 
-        WantCheckpoint = false; 
-        BlockReads = 0; 
-        LastRemoteHost = ""; 
-        TransferInput = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/data/260/,/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/data/shared/"; 
-        LocalUserCpu = 0.0; 
-        PeriodicRelease = ( JobStatus == 5 ) && ( ( CurrentTime - EnteredCurrentStatus ) > 1800 ) && ( JobRunCount < 5 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 6 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 14 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 22 ); 
-        RequestDisk = 1000000; 
-        ResidentSetSize_RAW = 124924; 
-        OrigMaxHosts = 1; 
-        LastPublicClaimId = "<>#1444760010#7999#..."; 
-        WantRHEL6 = true; 
-        NumCkpts_RAW = 0; 
-        Out = "process.out"; 
-        SubmitEventNotes = "DAG Node: 260+260"; 
-        CumulativeSlotTime = 1.890300000000000E+04; 
-        JobRunCount = 1; 
-        RecentBlockReads = 0; 
-        StreamErr = false; 
-        DiskUsage_RAW = 1216669; 
-        NumCkpts = 0; 
-        StatsLifetimeStarter = 18902; 
-        ImageSize = 1000000; 
-        Cmd = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/chtcjobwrapper"; 
-        LocalSysCpu = 0.0; 
+        BlockWrites = 0;
+        LastJobStatus = 2;
+        JobCurrentStartExecutingDate = 1446115115;
+        WantRemoteIO = true;
+        RequestCpus = 1;
+        NumShadowStarts = 1;
+        RemoteUserCpu = 1.878200000000000E+04;
+        NiceUser = false;
+        RequestMemory = 1000;
+        BytesRecvd = 2.846290000000000E+05;
+        ResidentSetSize = 125000;
+        StreamOut = false;
+        SpooledOutputFiles = "CURLTIME_2890029,ChtcWrapper260.out,AuditLog.260,simu_3_260.txt,harvest.log,260.out";
+        OnExitRemove = true;
+        ImageSize_RAW = 811948;
+        RemoteWallClockTime = 1.890300000000000E+04;
+        MachineAttrSlotWeight0 = 1;
+        ExecutableSize = 7;
+        JobStatus = 4;
+        DAGParentNodeNames = "";
+        ExitCode = 0;
+        DAGManNodesMask = "0,1,2,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,13,16,17,24,27";
+        BytesSent = 3.050700000000000E+04;
+        LastSuspensionTime = 0;
+        ExecutableSize_RAW = 6;
+        RecentBlockReadKbytes = 0;
+        TransferInputSizeMB = 0;
+        Matlab = "R2011b";
+        BlockReadKbytes = 0;
+        RecentStatsLifetimeStarter = 1200;
+        LeaveJobInQueue = false;
+        TargetType = "Machine";
+        WhenToTransferOutput = "ON_EXIT";
+        Owner = "xguo23";
+        JobNotification = 0;
+        BufferSize = 524288;
+        RecentBlockWrites = 0;
+        CompletionDate = 1446134017;
+        QDate = 1446105803;
+        JobLeaseDuration = 2400;
+        JobFinishedHookDone = 1446134017;
+        LastMatchTime = 1446115114;
+        LastJobLeaseRenewal = 1446134017;
+        DAGManNodesLog = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/model_3/./mydag.dag.nodes.log";
+        ClusterId = 49582724;
+        JobUniverse = 5;
+        NumJobStarts = 1;
+        CondorVersion = "$CondorVersion: 8.5.0 Sep 16 2015 BuildID: 341710 $";
+        CoreSize = 0;
+        OnExitHold = false;
+        CondorPlatform = "$CondorPlatform: X86_64-RedHat_6.6 $";
+        In = "/dev/null";
+        DiskUsage = 1250000;
+        EncryptExecuteDirectory = false;
+        CommittedSuspensionTime = 0;
+        User = "";
+        UserLog = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/model_3/260/process.log";
+        JobCurrentStartDate = 1446115114;
+        BufferBlockSize = 32768;
+        MATCH_EXP_JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "";
+        Requirements = ( ( OpSysMajorVer is 6 ) ) && ( MY.JobUniverse == 12 || MY.JobUniverse == 7 || MY.WantFlocking || MY.WantGlidein || TARGET.PoolName == "CHTC" || TARGET.COLLECTOR_HOST_STRING == "" ) && ( TARGET.Arch == "X86_64" ) && ( TARGET.OpSys == "LINUX" ) && ( TARGET.Disk >= RequestDisk ) && ( TARGET.Memory >= RequestMemory ) && ( TARGET.HasFileTransfer );
+        MinHosts = 1;
+        MaxHosts = 1;
+        Args = "--type=Matlab --version=R2011b --cmdtorun=simu_condor --unique=260 -- 3";
+        PeriodicHold = false;
+        ProcId = 0;
+        Environment = "";
+        DAGNodeName = "260+260";
+        MemoryUsage = ( ( ResidentSetSize + 1023 ) / 1024 );
+        TerminationPending = true;
+        NumRestarts = 0;
+        NumSystemHolds = 0;
+        CommittedTime = 18903;
+        MachineAttrCpus0 = 1;
+        WantRemoteSyscalls = false;
+        MyType = "Job";
+        CumulativeSuspensionTime = 0;
+        Rank = 0.0;
+        StartdPrincipal = "execute-side@matchsession/";
+        Err = "process.err";
+        PeriodicRemove = false;
+        BlockWriteKbytes = 0;
+        ExitBySignal = false;
+        DAGManJobId = 49582200;
+        EnteredCurrentStatus = 1446134017;
+        JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "$$([IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName), IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), \"\", TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName)])";
+        RecentBlockWriteKbytes = 0;
+        TransferIn = false;
+        ExitStatus = 0;
+        ShouldTransferFiles = "YES";
+        IsCHTCSubmit = true;
+        NumJobMatches = 1;
+        RootDir = "/";
+        JobStartDate = 1446115114;
+        JobPrio = 0;
+        CurrentHosts = 0;
+        GlobalJobId = "";
+        RemoteSysCpu = 1.090000000000000E+02;
+        TotalSuspensions = 0;
+        CommittedSlotTime = 1.890300000000000E+04;
+        WantCheckpoint = false;
+        BlockReads = 0;
+        LastRemoteHost = "";
+        TransferInput = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/data/260/,/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/data/shared/";
+        LocalUserCpu = 0.0;
+        PeriodicRelease = ( JobStatus == 5 ) && ( ( CurrentTime - EnteredCurrentStatus ) > 1800 ) && ( JobRunCount < 5 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 6 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 14 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 22 );
+        RequestDisk = 1000000;
+        ResidentSetSize_RAW = 124924;
+        OrigMaxHosts = 1;
+        LastPublicClaimId = "<>#1444760010#7999#...";
+        WantRHEL6 = true;
+        NumCkpts_RAW = 0;
+        Out = "process.out";
+        SubmitEventNotes = "DAG Node: 260+260";
+        CumulativeSlotTime = 1.890300000000000E+04;
+        JobRunCount = 1;
+        RecentBlockReads = 0;
+        StreamErr = false;
+        DiskUsage_RAW = 1216669;
+        NumCkpts = 0;
+        StatsLifetimeStarter = 18902;
+        ImageSize = 1000000;
+        Cmd = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/chtcjobwrapper";
+        LocalSysCpu = 0.0;
         Iwd = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/model_3/260"
-        BlockWrites = 0; 
-        LastJobStatus = 2; 
-        JobCurrentStartExecutingDate = 1446121413; 
-        WantRemoteIO = true; 
-        RequestCpus = 1; 
-        NumShadowStarts = 1; 
-        RemoteUserCpu = 1.249100000000000E+04; 
-        NiceUser = false; 
-        RequestMemory = 1000; 
-        BytesRecvd = 2.846290000000000E+05; 
-        ResidentSetSize = 150000; 
-        StreamOut = false; 
-        SpooledOutputFiles = "CURLTIME_549258,ChtcWrapper419.out,AuditLog.419,simu_3_419.txt,harvest.log,419.out"; 
-        OnExitRemove = true; 
-        ImageSize_RAW = 811948; 
-        RemoteWallClockTime = 1.260400000000000E+04; 
-        MachineAttrSlotWeight0 = 1; 
-        ExecutableSize = 7; 
-        JobStatus = 4; 
-        DAGParentNodeNames = ""; 
-        ExitCode = 0; 
-        DAGManNodesMask = "0,1,2,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,13,16,17,24,27"; 
-        BytesSent = 3.048500000000000E+04; 
-        LastSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        ExecutableSize_RAW = 6; 
-        RecentBlockReadKbytes = 0; 
-        TransferInputSizeMB = 0; 
-        Matlab = "R2011b"; 
-        BlockReadKbytes = 0; 
-        RecentStatsLifetimeStarter = 1200; 
-        LeaveJobInQueue = false; 
-        TargetType = "Machine"; 
-        WhenToTransferOutput = "ON_EXIT"; 
-        Owner = "xguo23"; 
-        JobNotification = 0; 
-        BufferSize = 524288; 
-        RecentBlockWrites = 0; 
-        CompletionDate = 1446134016; 
-        QDate = 1446106031; 
-        JobLeaseDuration = 2400; 
-        JobFinishedHookDone = 1446134016; 
-        LastMatchTime = 1446121412; 
-        LastJobLeaseRenewal = 1446134016; 
-        DAGManNodesLog = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/model_3/./mydag.dag.nodes.log"; 
-        ClusterId = 49583316; 
-        JobUniverse = 5; 
-        NumJobStarts = 1; 
-        CondorVersion = "$CondorVersion: 8.5.0 Sep 16 2015 BuildID: 341710 $"; 
-        CoreSize = 0; 
-        OnExitHold = false; 
-        CondorPlatform = "$CondorPlatform: X86_64-RedHat_6.6 $"; 
-        In = "/dev/null"; 
-        DiskUsage = 1250000; 
-        EncryptExecuteDirectory = false; 
-        CommittedSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        User = ""; 
-        UserLog = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/model_3/419/process.log"; 
-        JobCurrentStartDate = 1446121412; 
-        BufferBlockSize = 32768; 
-        MATCH_EXP_JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = ""; 
-        Requirements = ( ( OpSysMajorVer is 6 ) ) && ( MY.JobUniverse == 12 || MY.JobUniverse == 7 || MY.WantFlocking || MY.WantGlidein || TARGET.PoolName == "CHTC" || TARGET.COLLECTOR_HOST_STRING == "" ) && ( TARGET.Arch == "X86_64" ) && ( TARGET.OpSys == "LINUX" ) && ( TARGET.Disk >= RequestDisk ) && ( TARGET.Memory >= RequestMemory ) && ( TARGET.HasFileTransfer ); 
-        MinHosts = 1; 
-        MaxHosts = 1; 
-        Args = "--type=Matlab --version=R2011b --cmdtorun=simu_condor --unique=419 -- 3"; 
-        PeriodicHold = false; 
-        ProcId = 0; 
-        Environment = ""; 
-        DAGNodeName = "419+419"; 
-        MemoryUsage = ( ( ResidentSetSize + 1023 ) / 1024 ); 
-        TerminationPending = true; 
-        NumRestarts = 0; 
-        NumSystemHolds = 0; 
-        CommittedTime = 12604; 
-        MachineAttrCpus0 = 1; 
-        WantRemoteSyscalls = false; 
-        MyType = "Job"; 
-        CumulativeSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        Rank = 0.0; 
-        StartdPrincipal = "execute-side@matchsession/"; 
-        Err = "process.err"; 
-        PeriodicRemove = false; 
-        BlockWriteKbytes = 0; 
-        ExitBySignal = false; 
-        DAGManJobId = 49582200; 
-        EnteredCurrentStatus = 1446134016; 
-        JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "$$([IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName), IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), \"\", TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName)])"; 
-        RecentBlockWriteKbytes = 0; 
-        TransferIn = false; 
-        ExitStatus = 0; 
-        ShouldTransferFiles = "YES"; 
-        IsCHTCSubmit = true; 
-        NumJobMatches = 1; 
-        RootDir = "/"; 
-        JobStartDate = 1446121412; 
-        JobPrio = 0; 
-        CurrentHosts = 0; 
-        GlobalJobId = ""; 
-        RemoteSysCpu = 8.600000000000000E+01; 
-        TotalSuspensions = 0; 
-        CommittedSlotTime = 1.260400000000000E+04; 
-        WantCheckpoint = false; 
-        BlockReads = 0; 
-        LastRemoteHost = ""; 
-        TransferInput = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/data/419/,/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/data/shared/"; 
-        LocalUserCpu = 0.0; 
-        PeriodicRelease = ( JobStatus == 5 ) && ( ( CurrentTime - EnteredCurrentStatus ) > 1800 ) && ( JobRunCount < 5 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 6 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 14 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 22 ); 
-        RequestDisk = 1000000; 
-        ResidentSetSize_RAW = 125420; 
-        OrigMaxHosts = 1; 
-        LastPublicClaimId = "<>#1444681013#9588#..."; 
-        WantRHEL6 = true; 
-        NumCkpts_RAW = 0; 
-        Out = "process.out"; 
-        SubmitEventNotes = "DAG Node: 419+419"; 
-        CumulativeSlotTime = 1.260400000000000E+04; 
-        JobRunCount = 1; 
-        RecentBlockReads = 0; 
-        StreamErr = false; 
-        DiskUsage_RAW = 1216669; 
-        NumCkpts = 0; 
-        StatsLifetimeStarter = 12602; 
-        ImageSize = 1000000; 
-        Cmd = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/chtcjobwrapper"; 
-        LocalSysCpu = 0.0; 
+        BlockWrites = 0;
+        LastJobStatus = 2;
+        JobCurrentStartExecutingDate = 1446121413;
+        WantRemoteIO = true;
+        RequestCpus = 1;
+        NumShadowStarts = 1;
+        RemoteUserCpu = 1.249100000000000E+04;
+        NiceUser = false;
+        RequestMemory = 1000;
+        BytesRecvd = 2.846290000000000E+05;
+        ResidentSetSize = 150000;
+        StreamOut = false;
+        SpooledOutputFiles = "CURLTIME_549258,ChtcWrapper419.out,AuditLog.419,simu_3_419.txt,harvest.log,419.out";
+        OnExitRemove = true;
+        ImageSize_RAW = 811948;
+        RemoteWallClockTime = 1.260400000000000E+04;
+        MachineAttrSlotWeight0 = 1;
+        ExecutableSize = 7;
+        JobStatus = 4;
+        DAGParentNodeNames = "";
+        ExitCode = 0;
+        DAGManNodesMask = "0,1,2,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,13,16,17,24,27";
+        BytesSent = 3.048500000000000E+04;
+        LastSuspensionTime = 0;
+        ExecutableSize_RAW = 6;
+        RecentBlockReadKbytes = 0;
+        TransferInputSizeMB = 0;
+        Matlab = "R2011b";
+        BlockReadKbytes = 0;
+        RecentStatsLifetimeStarter = 1200;
+        LeaveJobInQueue = false;
+        TargetType = "Machine";
+        WhenToTransferOutput = "ON_EXIT";
+        Owner = "xguo23";
+        JobNotification = 0;
+        BufferSize = 524288;
+        RecentBlockWrites = 0;
+        CompletionDate = 1446134016;
+        QDate = 1446106031;
+        JobLeaseDuration = 2400;
+        JobFinishedHookDone = 1446134016;
+        LastMatchTime = 1446121412;
+        LastJobLeaseRenewal = 1446134016;
+        DAGManNodesLog = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/model_3/./mydag.dag.nodes.log";
+        ClusterId = 49583316;
+        JobUniverse = 5;
+        NumJobStarts = 1;
+        CondorVersion = "$CondorVersion: 8.5.0 Sep 16 2015 BuildID: 341710 $";
+        CoreSize = 0;
+        OnExitHold = false;
+        CondorPlatform = "$CondorPlatform: X86_64-RedHat_6.6 $";
+        In = "/dev/null";
+        DiskUsage = 1250000;
+        EncryptExecuteDirectory = false;
+        CommittedSuspensionTime = 0;
+        User = "";
+        UserLog = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/model_3/419/process.log";
+        JobCurrentStartDate = 1446121412;
+        BufferBlockSize = 32768;
+        MATCH_EXP_JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "";
+        Requirements = ( ( OpSysMajorVer is 6 ) ) && ( MY.JobUniverse == 12 || MY.JobUniverse == 7 || MY.WantFlocking || MY.WantGlidein || TARGET.PoolName == "CHTC" || TARGET.COLLECTOR_HOST_STRING == "" ) && ( TARGET.Arch == "X86_64" ) && ( TARGET.OpSys == "LINUX" ) && ( TARGET.Disk >= RequestDisk ) && ( TARGET.Memory >= RequestMemory ) && ( TARGET.HasFileTransfer );
+        MinHosts = 1;
+        MaxHosts = 1;
+        Args = "--type=Matlab --version=R2011b --cmdtorun=simu_condor --unique=419 -- 3";
+        PeriodicHold = false;
+        ProcId = 0;
+        Environment = "";
+        DAGNodeName = "419+419";
+        MemoryUsage = ( ( ResidentSetSize + 1023 ) / 1024 );
+        TerminationPending = true;
+        NumRestarts = 0;
+        NumSystemHolds = 0;
+        CommittedTime = 12604;
+        MachineAttrCpus0 = 1;
+        WantRemoteSyscalls = false;
+        MyType = "Job";
+        CumulativeSuspensionTime = 0;
+        Rank = 0.0;
+        StartdPrincipal = "execute-side@matchsession/";
+        Err = "process.err";
+        PeriodicRemove = false;
+        BlockWriteKbytes = 0;
+        ExitBySignal = false;
+        DAGManJobId = 49582200;
+        EnteredCurrentStatus = 1446134016;
+        JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "$$([IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName), IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), \"\", TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName)])";
+        RecentBlockWriteKbytes = 0;
+        TransferIn = false;
+        ExitStatus = 0;
+        ShouldTransferFiles = "YES";
+        IsCHTCSubmit = true;
+        NumJobMatches = 1;
+        RootDir = "/";
+        JobStartDate = 1446121412;
+        JobPrio = 0;
+        CurrentHosts = 0;
+        GlobalJobId = "";
+        RemoteSysCpu = 8.600000000000000E+01;
+        TotalSuspensions = 0;
+        CommittedSlotTime = 1.260400000000000E+04;
+        WantCheckpoint = false;
+        BlockReads = 0;
+        LastRemoteHost = "";
+        TransferInput = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/data/419/,/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/data/shared/";
+        LocalUserCpu = 0.0;
+        PeriodicRelease = ( JobStatus == 5 ) && ( ( CurrentTime - EnteredCurrentStatus ) > 1800 ) && ( JobRunCount < 5 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 6 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 14 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 22 );
+        RequestDisk = 1000000;
+        ResidentSetSize_RAW = 125420;
+        OrigMaxHosts = 1;
+        LastPublicClaimId = "<>#1444681013#9588#...";
+        WantRHEL6 = true;
+        NumCkpts_RAW = 0;
+        Out = "process.out";
+        SubmitEventNotes = "DAG Node: 419+419";
+        CumulativeSlotTime = 1.260400000000000E+04;
+        JobRunCount = 1;
+        RecentBlockReads = 0;
+        StreamErr = false;
+        DiskUsage_RAW = 1216669;
+        NumCkpts = 0;
+        StatsLifetimeStarter = 12602;
+        ImageSize = 1000000;
+        Cmd = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/chtcjobwrapper";
+        LocalSysCpu = 0.0;
         Iwd = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/model_3/419"
-        BlockWrites = 0; 
-        LastJobStatus = 2; 
-        JobCurrentStartExecutingDate = 1446133965; 
-        WantRemoteIO = true; 
-        RequestCpus = 1; 
-        NumShadowStarts = 1; 
-        RemoteUserCpu = 1.400000000000000E+01; 
-        NiceUser = false; 
-        BytesRecvd = 1.220270000000000E+06; 
-        RequestMemory = 1000; 
-        ResidentSetSize = 7500; 
-        StreamOut = false; 
-        SpooledOutputFiles = "chtcinnerwrapper,CURLTIME_1010832,ChtcWrapper21020.out,R2011b_INFO,AuditLog.21020,SLIBS2.tar.gz,CODEBLOWUP"; 
-        OnExitRemove = true; 
-        ImageSize_RAW = 5124; 
-        RemoteWallClockTime = 5.100000000000000E+01; 
-        MachineAttrSlotWeight0 = 1; 
-        ExecutableSize = 7; 
-        JobStatus = 4; 
-        DAGParentNodeNames = ""; 
-        ExitCode = 5; 
-        DAGManNodesMask = "0,1,2,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,13,16,17,24,27"; 
-        BytesSent = 2.727283000000000E+06; 
-        LastSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        ExecutableSize_RAW = 6; 
-        RecentBlockReadKbytes = 12; 
-        TransferInputSizeMB = 1; 
-        Matlab = "R2011b"; 
-        BlockReadKbytes = 12; 
-        LocalSysCpu = 0.0; 
-        WantGlidein = true; 
-        Iwd = "/home/dentler/ChtcRun/project_auction/results_fix2/21020"; 
-        Cmd = "/home/dentler/ChtcRun/chtcjobwrapper"; 
-        RecentStatsLifetimeStarter = 40; 
-        LeaveJobInQueue = false; 
-        TargetType = "Machine"; 
-        WhenToTransferOutput = "ON_EXIT"; 
-        Owner = "dentler"; 
-        JobNotification = 0; 
-        BufferSize = 524288; 
-        RecentBlockWrites = 0; 
-        CompletionDate = 1446134015; 
-        LastMatchTime = 1446133964; 
-        LastJobLeaseRenewal = 1446134015; 
-        DAGManNodesLog = "/home/dentler/ChtcRun/project_auction/results_fix2/./mydag.dag.nodes.log"; 
-        ClusterId = 49583931; 
-        NumJobStarts = 1; 
-        JobUniverse = 5; 
-        AutoClusterAttrs = "JobUniverse,LastCheckpointPlatform,NumCkpts,ClientMachine,_condor_RequestCpus,_condor_RequestDisk,_condor_RequestGPUs,_condor_RequestMemory,RequestCpus,RequestDisk,RequestGPUs,RequestMemory,BIOCHEM,MachineLastMatchTime,ConcurrencyLimits,NiceUser,Rank,Requirements,ImageSize,MemoryRequirements,User,RemoteGroup,SubmitterGroup,SubmitterUserPrio,Group,WIDsTheme,InteractiveJob,Is_Resumable,WantFlocking,WantGlidein,Scheduler,Owner,JobStart,MemoryUsage,IsExpressQueueJob,DiskUsage,HEP_VO,IsDesktop,OSG_VO,x509userproxysubject,PassedTest,IsLocalCMSJob,IsLocalCMSSlot,IsSAMSlot,IsSAMJob,MaxDiskTempC,IsDedicated,estimated_run_hours,IsCHTCSubmit,RequiresCVMFS,DynamicSlot,PartitionableSlot,Slot1_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot1_JobStarts,Slot1_SelfMonitorAge,Slot2_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot2_JobStarts,Slot2_SelfMonitorAge,Slot3_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot3_JobStarts,Slot3_SelfMonitorAge,Slot4_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot4_JobStarts,Slot4_SelfMonitorAge,Slot5_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot5_JobStarts,Slot5_SelfMonitorAge,Slot6_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot6_JobStarts,Slot6_SelfMonitorAge,Slot7_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot7_JobStarts,Slot7_SelfMonitorAge,Slot8_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot8_JobStarts,Slot8_SelfMonitorAge,Slot1_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot1_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot2_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot2_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot3_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot3_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot4_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot4_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot5_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot5_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot6_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot6_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot7_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot7_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot8_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot8_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot10_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot10_JobStarts,Slot10_SelfMonitorAge,Slot11_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot11_JobStarts,Slot11_SelfMonitorAge,Slot12_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot12_JobStarts,Slot12_SelfMonitorAge,Slot9_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot9_JobStarts,Slot9_SelfMonitorAge,Slot12_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot10_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot10_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot11_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot11_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot12_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot9_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot9_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot13_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot13_JobStarts,Slot13_SelfMonitorAge,Slot14_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot14_JobStarts,Slot14_SelfMonitorAge,Slot15_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot15_JobStarts,Slot15_SelfMonitorAge,Slot16_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot16_JobStarts,Slot16_SelfMonitorAge,IsResumable,WHEN_TO_TRANSFER_OUTPUT,_condor_Requestadmin_mutex_1,_condor_Requestadmin_mutex_2,_condor_Requestadmin_mutex_3,_condor_Requestmachine_token,Requestadmin_mutex_1,Requestadmin_mutex_2,Requestadmin_mutex_3,Requestmachine_token,nyehle,IsBuildJob,IsMatlabBuildJob,TotalJobRunTime,NodeOnline,Slot13_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot13_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot14_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot14_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot15_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot15_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot16_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot16_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,TmpIsFull,trResumable,RequiresCMSFrontier,Slot17_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot17_JobStarts,Slot17_SelfMonitorAge,Slot17_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot17_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot18_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot18_JobStarts,Slot18_SelfMonitorAge,Slot18_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot18_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot19_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot19_JobStarts,Slot19_SelfMonitorAge,Slot19_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot19_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot20_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot20_JobStarts,Slot20_SelfMonitorAge,Slot20_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot20_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot21_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot21_JobStarts,Slot21_SelfMonitorAge,Slot21_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot21_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot22_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot22_JobStarts,Slot22_SelfMonitorAge,Slot22_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot22_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot23_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot23_JobStarts,Slot23_SelfMonitorAge,Slot23_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot23_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot24_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot24_JobStarts,Slot24_SelfMonitorAge,Slot24_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot24_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot25_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot25_JobStarts,Slot25_SelfMonitorAge,Slot25_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot25_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot26_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot26_JobStarts,Slot26_SelfMonitorAge,Slot26_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot26_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot27_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot27_JobStarts,Slot27_SelfMonitorAge,Slot27_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot27_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot28_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot28_JobStarts,Slot28_SelfMonitorAge,Slot28_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot28_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot29_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot29_JobStarts,Slot29_SelfMonitorAge,Slot29_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot29_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot30_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot30_JobStarts,Slot30_SelfMonitorAge,Slot30_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot30_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot31_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot31_JobStarts,Slot31_SelfMonitorAge,Slot31_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot31_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot32_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot32_JobStarts,Slot32_SelfMonitorAge,Slot32_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot32_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,ResidentSetSize"; 
-        MaxHosts = 1; 
-        Args = "--type=Matlab --version=R2011b --cmdtorun=net_est --unique=21020 --"; 
-        CondorVersion = "$CondorVersion: 8.5.0 Sep 16 2015 BuildID: 341710 $"; 
-        CoreSize = 0; 
-        OnExitHold = false; 
-        CondorPlatform = "$CondorPlatform: X86_64-RedHat_6.6 $"; 
-        JobFinishedHookDone = 1446134015; 
-        In = "/dev/null"; 
-        DiskUsage = 1250000; 
-        EncryptExecuteDirectory = false; 
-        CommittedSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        User = ""; 
-        UserLog = "/home/dentler/ChtcRun/project_auction/results_fix2/21020/process.log"; 
-        JobCurrentStartDate = 1446133964; 
-        BufferBlockSize = 32768; 
-        MATCH_EXP_JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = ""; 
-        Requirements = ( ( OpSysMajorVer is 6 ) ) && ( MY.JobUniverse == 12 || MY.JobUniverse == 7 || MY.WantFlocking || MY.WantGlidein || TARGET.PoolName == "CHTC" || TARGET.COLLECTOR_HOST_STRING == "" ) && ( TARGET.Arch == "X86_64" ) && ( TARGET.OpSys == "LINUX" ) && ( TARGET.Disk >= RequestDisk ) && ( TARGET.Memory >= RequestMemory ) && ( TARGET.HasFileTransfer ); 
-        MinHosts = 1; 
-        JobLeaseDuration = 2400; 
-        QDate = 1446133916; 
-        PeriodicHold = false; 
-        ProcId = 0; 
-        Environment = ""; 
-        DAGNodeName = "21020+21020"; 
-        MemoryUsage = ( ( ResidentSetSize + 1023 ) / 1024 ); 
-        TerminationPending = true; 
-        NumRestarts = 0; 
-        NumSystemHolds = 0; 
-        CommittedTime = 51; 
-        AutoClusterId = 38259; 
-        ExitStatus = 0; 
-        ShouldTransferFiles = "YES"; 
-        MachineAttrCpus0 = 1; 
-        WantRemoteSyscalls = false; 
-        MyType = "Job"; 
-        CumulativeSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        Rank = 0.0; 
-        StartdPrincipal = "execute-side@matchsession/"; 
-        WantFlocking = true; 
-        Err = "process.err"; 
-        PeriodicRemove = false; 
-        BlockWriteKbytes = 0; 
-        ExitBySignal = false; 
-        DAGManJobId = 49583804; 
-        EnteredCurrentStatus = 1446134015; 
-        JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "$$([IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName), IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), \"\", TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName)])"; 
-        RecentBlockWriteKbytes = 0; 
-        TransferIn = false; 
-        IsCHTCSubmit = true; 
-        NumJobMatches = 1; 
-        RootDir = "/"; 
-        JobStartDate = 1446133964; 
-        JobPrio = 0; 
-        CurrentHosts = 0; 
-        GlobalJobId = ""; 
-        RemoteSysCpu = 8.000000000000000E+00; 
-        TotalSuspensions = 0; 
-        CommittedSlotTime = 5.100000000000000E+01; 
-        WantCheckpoint = false; 
-        BlockReads = 3; 
-        LastRemoteHost = ""; 
-        TransferInput = "/home/dentler/ChtcRun/project_auction/21020/,/home/dentler/ChtcRun/project_auction/shared/"; 
-        LocalUserCpu = 0.0; 
-        PeriodicRelease = ( JobStatus == 5 ) && ( ( CurrentTime - EnteredCurrentStatus ) > 1800 ) && ( JobRunCount < 5 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 6 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 14 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 22 ); 
-        RequestDisk = 4000000; 
-        ResidentSetSize_RAW = 5124; 
-        OrigMaxHosts = 1; 
-        LastPublicClaimId = "<>#1445025971#4139#..."; 
-        WantRHEL6 = true; 
-        NumCkpts_RAW = 0; 
-        Out = "process.out"; 
-        SubmitEventNotes = "DAG Node: 21020+21020"; 
-        CumulativeSlotTime = 5.100000000000000E+01; 
-        JobRunCount = 1; 
-        RecentBlockReads = 3; 
-        StreamErr = false; 
-        DiskUsage_RAW = 1118707; 
-        NumCkpts = 0; 
-        StatsLifetimeStarter = 49; 
+        BlockWrites = 0;
+        LastJobStatus = 2;
+        JobCurrentStartExecutingDate = 1446133965;
+        WantRemoteIO = true;
+        RequestCpus = 1;
+        NumShadowStarts = 1;
+        RemoteUserCpu = 1.400000000000000E+01;
+        NiceUser = false;
+        BytesRecvd = 1.220270000000000E+06;
+        RequestMemory = 1000;
+        ResidentSetSize = 7500;
+        StreamOut = false;
+        SpooledOutputFiles = "chtcinnerwrapper,CURLTIME_1010832,ChtcWrapper21020.out,R2011b_INFO,AuditLog.21020,SLIBS2.tar.gz,CODEBLOWUP";
+        OnExitRemove = true;
+        ImageSize_RAW = 5124;
+        RemoteWallClockTime = 5.100000000000000E+01;
+        MachineAttrSlotWeight0 = 1;
+        ExecutableSize = 7;
+        JobStatus = 4;
+        DAGParentNodeNames = "";
+        ExitCode = 5;
+        DAGManNodesMask = "0,1,2,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,13,16,17,24,27";
+        BytesSent = 2.727283000000000E+06;
+        LastSuspensionTime = 0;
+        ExecutableSize_RAW = 6;
+        RecentBlockReadKbytes = 12;
+        TransferInputSizeMB = 1;
+        Matlab = "R2011b";
+        BlockReadKbytes = 12;
+        LocalSysCpu = 0.0;
+        WantGlidein = true;
+        Iwd = "/home/dentler/ChtcRun/project_auction/results_fix2/21020";
+        Cmd = "/home/dentler/ChtcRun/chtcjobwrapper";
+        RecentStatsLifetimeStarter = 40;
+        LeaveJobInQueue = false;
+        TargetType = "Machine";
+        WhenToTransferOutput = "ON_EXIT";
+        Owner = "dentler";
+        JobNotification = 0;
+        BufferSize = 524288;
+        RecentBlockWrites = 0;
+        CompletionDate = 1446134015;
+        LastMatchTime = 1446133964;
+        LastJobLeaseRenewal = 1446134015;
+        DAGManNodesLog = "/home/dentler/ChtcRun/project_auction/results_fix2/./mydag.dag.nodes.log";
+        ClusterId = 49583931;
+        NumJobStarts = 1;
+        JobUniverse = 5;
+        AutoClusterAttrs = "JobUniverse,LastCheckpointPlatform,NumCkpts,ClientMachine,_condor_RequestCpus,_condor_RequestDisk,_condor_RequestGPUs,_condor_RequestMemory,RequestCpus,RequestDisk,RequestGPUs,RequestMemory,BIOCHEM,MachineLastMatchTime,ConcurrencyLimits,NiceUser,Rank,Requirements,ImageSize,MemoryRequirements,User,RemoteGroup,SubmitterGroup,SubmitterUserPrio,Group,WIDsTheme,InteractiveJob,Is_Resumable,WantFlocking,WantGlidein,Scheduler,Owner,JobStart,MemoryUsage,IsExpressQueueJob,DiskUsage,HEP_VO,IsDesktop,OSG_VO,x509userproxysubject,PassedTest,IsLocalCMSJob,IsLocalCMSSlot,IsSAMSlot,IsSAMJob,MaxDiskTempC,IsDedicated,estimated_run_hours,IsCHTCSubmit,RequiresCVMFS,DynamicSlot,PartitionableSlot,Slot1_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot1_JobStarts,Slot1_SelfMonitorAge,Slot2_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot2_JobStarts,Slot2_SelfMonitorAge,Slot3_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot3_JobStarts,Slot3_SelfMonitorAge,Slot4_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot4_JobStarts,Slot4_SelfMonitorAge,Slot5_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot5_JobStarts,Slot5_SelfMonitorAge,Slot6_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot6_JobStarts,Slot6_SelfMonitorAge,Slot7_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot7_JobStarts,Slot7_SelfMonitorAge,Slot8_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot8_JobStarts,Slot8_SelfMonitorAge,Slot1_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot1_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot2_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot2_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot3_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot3_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot4_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot4_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot5_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot5_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot6_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot6_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot7_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot7_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot8_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot8_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot10_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot10_JobStarts,Slot10_SelfMonitorAge,Slot11_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot11_JobStarts,Slot11_SelfMonitorAge,Slot12_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot12_JobStarts,Slot12_SelfMonitorAge,Slot9_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot9_JobStarts,Slot9_SelfMonitorAge,Slot12_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot10_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot10_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot11_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot11_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot12_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot9_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot9_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot13_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot13_JobStarts,Slot13_SelfMonitorAge,Slot14_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot14_JobStarts,Slot14_SelfMonitorAge,Slot15_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot15_JobStarts,Slot15_SelfMonitorAge,Slot16_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot16_JobStarts,Slot16_SelfMonitorAge,IsResumable,WHEN_TO_TRANSFER_OUTPUT,_condor_Requestadmin_mutex_1,_condor_Requestadmin_mutex_2,_condor_Requestadmin_mutex_3,_condor_Requestmachine_token,Requestadmin_mutex_1,Requestadmin_mutex_2,Requestadmin_mutex_3,Requestmachine_token,nyehle,IsBuildJob,IsMatlabBuildJob,TotalJobRunTime,NodeOnline,Slot13_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot13_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot14_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot14_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot15_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot15_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot16_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot16_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,TmpIsFull,trResumable,RequiresCMSFrontier,Slot17_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot17_JobStarts,Slot17_SelfMonitorAge,Slot17_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot17_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot18_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot18_JobStarts,Slot18_SelfMonitorAge,Slot18_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot18_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot19_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot19_JobStarts,Slot19_SelfMonitorAge,Slot19_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot19_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot20_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot20_JobStarts,Slot20_SelfMonitorAge,Slot20_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot20_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot21_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot21_JobStarts,Slot21_SelfMonitorAge,Slot21_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot21_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot22_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot22_JobStarts,Slot22_SelfMonitorAge,Slot22_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot22_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot23_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot23_JobStarts,Slot23_SelfMonitorAge,Slot23_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot23_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot24_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot24_JobStarts,Slot24_SelfMonitorAge,Slot24_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot24_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot25_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot25_JobStarts,Slot25_SelfMonitorAge,Slot25_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot25_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot26_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot26_JobStarts,Slot26_SelfMonitorAge,Slot26_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot26_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot27_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot27_JobStarts,Slot27_SelfMonitorAge,Slot27_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot27_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot28_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot28_JobStarts,Slot28_SelfMonitorAge,Slot28_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot28_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot29_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot29_JobStarts,Slot29_SelfMonitorAge,Slot29_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot29_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot30_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot30_JobStarts,Slot30_SelfMonitorAge,Slot30_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot30_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot31_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot31_JobStarts,Slot31_SelfMonitorAge,Slot31_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot31_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot32_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot32_JobStarts,Slot32_SelfMonitorAge,Slot32_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot32_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,ResidentSetSize";
+        MaxHosts = 1;
+        Args = "--type=Matlab --version=R2011b --cmdtorun=net_est --unique=21020 --";
+        CondorVersion = "$CondorVersion: 8.5.0 Sep 16 2015 BuildID: 341710 $";
+        CoreSize = 0;
+        OnExitHold = false;
+        CondorPlatform = "$CondorPlatform: X86_64-RedHat_6.6 $";
+        JobFinishedHookDone = 1446134015;
+        In = "/dev/null";
+        DiskUsage = 1250000;
+        EncryptExecuteDirectory = false;
+        CommittedSuspensionTime = 0;
+        User = "";
+        UserLog = "/home/dentler/ChtcRun/project_auction/results_fix2/21020/process.log";
+        JobCurrentStartDate = 1446133964;
+        BufferBlockSize = 32768;
+        MATCH_EXP_JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "";
+        Requirements = ( ( OpSysMajorVer is 6 ) ) && ( MY.JobUniverse == 12 || MY.JobUniverse == 7 || MY.WantFlocking || MY.WantGlidein || TARGET.PoolName == "CHTC" || TARGET.COLLECTOR_HOST_STRING == "" ) && ( TARGET.Arch == "X86_64" ) && ( TARGET.OpSys == "LINUX" ) && ( TARGET.Disk >= RequestDisk ) && ( TARGET.Memory >= RequestMemory ) && ( TARGET.HasFileTransfer );
+        MinHosts = 1;
+        JobLeaseDuration = 2400;
+        QDate = 1446133916;
+        PeriodicHold = false;
+        ProcId = 0;
+        Environment = "";
+        DAGNodeName = "21020+21020";
+        MemoryUsage = ( ( ResidentSetSize + 1023 ) / 1024 );
+        TerminationPending = true;
+        NumRestarts = 0;
+        NumSystemHolds = 0;
+        CommittedTime = 51;
+        AutoClusterId = 38259;
+        ExitStatus = 0;
+        ShouldTransferFiles = "YES";
+        MachineAttrCpus0 = 1;
+        WantRemoteSyscalls = false;
+        MyType = "Job";
+        CumulativeSuspensionTime = 0;
+        Rank = 0.0;
+        StartdPrincipal = "execute-side@matchsession/";
+        WantFlocking = true;
+        Err = "process.err";
+        PeriodicRemove = false;
+        BlockWriteKbytes = 0;
+        ExitBySignal = false;
+        DAGManJobId = 49583804;
+        EnteredCurrentStatus = 1446134015;
+        JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "$$([IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName), IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), \"\", TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName)])";
+        RecentBlockWriteKbytes = 0;
+        TransferIn = false;
+        IsCHTCSubmit = true;
+        NumJobMatches = 1;
+        RootDir = "/";
+        JobStartDate = 1446133964;
+        JobPrio = 0;
+        CurrentHosts = 0;
+        GlobalJobId = "";
+        RemoteSysCpu = 8.000000000000000E+00;
+        TotalSuspensions = 0;
+        CommittedSlotTime = 5.100000000000000E+01;
+        WantCheckpoint = false;
+        BlockReads = 3;
+        LastRemoteHost = "";
+        TransferInput = "/home/dentler/ChtcRun/project_auction/21020/,/home/dentler/ChtcRun/project_auction/shared/";
+        LocalUserCpu = 0.0;
+        PeriodicRelease = ( JobStatus == 5 ) && ( ( CurrentTime - EnteredCurrentStatus ) > 1800 ) && ( JobRunCount < 5 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 6 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 14 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 22 );
+        RequestDisk = 4000000;
+        ResidentSetSize_RAW = 5124;
+        OrigMaxHosts = 1;
+        LastPublicClaimId = "<>#1445025971#4139#...";
+        WantRHEL6 = true;
+        NumCkpts_RAW = 0;
+        Out = "process.out";
+        SubmitEventNotes = "DAG Node: 21020+21020";
+        CumulativeSlotTime = 5.100000000000000E+01;
+        JobRunCount = 1;
+        RecentBlockReads = 3;
+        StreamErr = false;
+        DiskUsage_RAW = 1118707;
+        NumCkpts = 0;
+        StatsLifetimeStarter = 49;
         ImageSize = 7500
-        BlockWrites = 1; 
-        LastJobStatus = 2; 
-        JobCurrentStartExecutingDate = 1446133965; 
-        WantRemoteIO = true; 
-        RequestCpus = 1; 
-        NumShadowStarts = 1; 
-        RemoteUserCpu = 1.200000000000000E+01; 
-        NiceUser = false; 
-        BytesRecvd = 1.220267000000000E+06; 
-        RequestMemory = 1000; 
-        ResidentSetSize = 7500; 
-        StreamOut = false; 
-        SpooledOutputFiles = "chtcinnerwrapper,CURLTIME_517597,ChtcWrapper00202.out,R2011b_INFO,AuditLog.00202,SLIBS2.tar.gz,CODEBLOWUP"; 
-        OnExitRemove = true; 
-        ImageSize_RAW = 5064; 
-        RemoteWallClockTime = 4.400000000000000E+01; 
-        MachineAttrSlotWeight0 = 1; 
-        ExecutableSize = 7; 
-        JobStatus = 4; 
-        DAGParentNodeNames = ""; 
-        ExitCode = 5; 
-        DAGManNodesMask = "0,1,2,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,13,16,17,24,27"; 
-        BytesSent = 2.727272000000000E+06; 
-        LastSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        ExecutableSize_RAW = 6; 
-        RecentBlockReadKbytes = 156; 
-        TransferInputSizeMB = 1; 
-        Matlab = "R2011b"; 
-        BlockReadKbytes = 156; 
-        RecentStatsLifetimeStarter = 32; 
-        LeaveJobInQueue = false; 
-        TargetType = "Machine"; 
-        WhenToTransferOutput = "ON_EXIT"; 
-        Owner = "dentler"; 
-        JobNotification = 0; 
-        BufferSize = 524288; 
-        RecentBlockWrites = 1; 
-        CompletionDate = 1446134008; 
-        QDate = 1446133871; 
-        JobLeaseDuration = 2400; 
-        JobFinishedHookDone = 1446134008; 
-        LastMatchTime = 1446133964; 
-        LastJobLeaseRenewal = 1446134008; 
-        DAGManNodesLog = "/home/dentler/ChtcRun/project_auction/results_fix2/./mydag.dag.nodes.log"; 
-        ClusterId = 49583894; 
-        JobUniverse = 5; 
-        NumJobStarts = 1; 
-        CondorVersion = "$CondorVersion: 8.5.0 Sep 16 2015 BuildID: 341710 $"; 
-        CoreSize = 0; 
-        OnExitHold = false; 
-        CondorPlatform = "$CondorPlatform: X86_64-RedHat_6.6 $"; 
-        In = "/dev/null"; 
-        DiskUsage = 1250000; 
-        EncryptExecuteDirectory = false; 
-        CommittedSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        User = ""; 
-        UserLog = "/home/dentler/ChtcRun/project_auction/results_fix2/00202/process.log"; 
-        JobCurrentStartDate = 1446133964; 
-        BufferBlockSize = 32768; 
-        MATCH_EXP_JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = ""; 
-        Requirements = ( ( OpSysMajorVer is 6 ) ) && ( MY.JobUniverse == 12 || MY.JobUniverse == 7 || MY.WantFlocking || MY.WantGlidein || TARGET.PoolName == "CHTC" || TARGET.COLLECTOR_HOST_STRING == "" ) && ( TARGET.Arch == "X86_64" ) && ( TARGET.OpSys == "LINUX" ) && ( TARGET.Disk >= RequestDisk ) && ( TARGET.Memory >= RequestMemory ) && ( TARGET.HasFileTransfer ); 
-        MinHosts = 1; 
-        MaxHosts = 1; 
-        Args = "--type=Matlab --version=R2011b --cmdtorun=net_est --unique=00202 --"; 
-        PeriodicHold = false; 
-        ProcId = 0; 
-        Environment = ""; 
-        DAGNodeName = "00202+00202"; 
-        MemoryUsage = ( ( ResidentSetSize + 1023 ) / 1024 ); 
-        TerminationPending = true; 
-        NumRestarts = 0; 
-        NumSystemHolds = 0; 
-        CommittedTime = 44; 
-        MachineAttrCpus0 = 1; 
-        WantRemoteSyscalls = false; 
-        MyType = "Job"; 
-        CumulativeSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        Rank = 0.0; 
-        StartdPrincipal = "execute-side@matchsession/"; 
-        WantFlocking = true; 
-        Err = "process.err"; 
-        PeriodicRemove = false; 
-        BlockWriteKbytes = 32; 
-        ExitBySignal = false; 
-        DAGManJobId = 49583804; 
-        EnteredCurrentStatus = 1446134008; 
-        JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "$$([IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName), IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), \"\", TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName)])"; 
-        RecentBlockWriteKbytes = 32; 
-        TransferIn = false; 
-        ExitStatus = 0; 
-        ShouldTransferFiles = "YES"; 
-        IsCHTCSubmit = true; 
-        NumJobMatches = 1; 
-        RootDir = "/"; 
-        JobStartDate = 1446133964; 
-        JobPrio = 0; 
-        CurrentHosts = 0; 
-        GlobalJobId = ""; 
-        RemoteSysCpu = 7.000000000000000E+00; 
-        TotalSuspensions = 0; 
-        CommittedSlotTime = 4.400000000000000E+01; 
-        WantCheckpoint = false; 
-        BlockReads = 6; 
-        LastRemoteHost = ""; 
-        TransferInput = "/home/dentler/ChtcRun/project_auction/00202/,/home/dentler/ChtcRun/project_auction/shared/"; 
-        LocalUserCpu = 0.0; 
-        PeriodicRelease = ( JobStatus == 5 ) && ( ( CurrentTime - EnteredCurrentStatus ) > 1800 ) && ( JobRunCount < 5 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 6 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 14 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 22 ); 
-        RequestDisk = 4000000; 
-        ResidentSetSize_RAW = 5056; 
-        OrigMaxHosts = 1; 
-        LastPublicClaimId = "<>#1445363387#2925#..."; 
-        WantRHEL6 = true; 
-        NumCkpts_RAW = 0; 
-        Out = "process.out"; 
-        SubmitEventNotes = "DAG Node: 00202+00202"; 
-        CumulativeSlotTime = 4.400000000000000E+01; 
-        JobRunCount = 1; 
-        RecentBlockReads = 6; 
-        StreamErr = false; 
-        DiskUsage_RAW = 1206795; 
-        NumCkpts = 0; 
-        StatsLifetimeStarter = 42; 
-        ImageSize = 7500; 
-        Cmd = "/home/dentler/ChtcRun/chtcjobwrapper"; 
-        WantGlidein = true; 
-        LocalSysCpu = 0.0; 
+        BlockWrites = 1;
+        LastJobStatus = 2;
+        JobCurrentStartExecutingDate = 1446133965;
+        WantRemoteIO = true;
+        RequestCpus = 1;
+        NumShadowStarts = 1;
+        RemoteUserCpu = 1.200000000000000E+01;
+        NiceUser = false;
+        BytesRecvd = 1.220267000000000E+06;
+        RequestMemory = 1000;
+        ResidentSetSize = 7500;
+        StreamOut = false;
+        SpooledOutputFiles = "chtcinnerwrapper,CURLTIME_517597,ChtcWrapper00202.out,R2011b_INFO,AuditLog.00202,SLIBS2.tar.gz,CODEBLOWUP";
+        OnExitRemove = true;
+        ImageSize_RAW = 5064;
+        RemoteWallClockTime = 4.400000000000000E+01;
+        MachineAttrSlotWeight0 = 1;
+        ExecutableSize = 7;
+        JobStatus = 4;
+        DAGParentNodeNames = "";
+        ExitCode = 5;
+        DAGManNodesMask = "0,1,2,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,13,16,17,24,27";
+        BytesSent = 2.727272000000000E+06;
+        LastSuspensionTime = 0;
+        ExecutableSize_RAW = 6;
+        RecentBlockReadKbytes = 156;
+        TransferInputSizeMB = 1;
+        Matlab = "R2011b";
+        BlockReadKbytes = 156;
+        RecentStatsLifetimeStarter = 32;
+        LeaveJobInQueue = false;
+        TargetType = "Machine";
+        WhenToTransferOutput = "ON_EXIT";
+        Owner = "dentler";
+        JobNotification = 0;
+        BufferSize = 524288;
+        RecentBlockWrites = 1;
+        CompletionDate = 1446134008;
+        QDate = 1446133871;
+        JobLeaseDuration = 2400;
+        JobFinishedHookDone = 1446134008;
+        LastMatchTime = 1446133964;
+        LastJobLeaseRenewal = 1446134008;
+        DAGManNodesLog = "/home/dentler/ChtcRun/project_auction/results_fix2/./mydag.dag.nodes.log";
+        ClusterId = 49583894;
+        JobUniverse = 5;
+        NumJobStarts = 1;
+        CondorVersion = "$CondorVersion: 8.5.0 Sep 16 2015 BuildID: 341710 $";
+        CoreSize = 0;
+        OnExitHold = false;
+        CondorPlatform = "$CondorPlatform: X86_64-RedHat_6.6 $";
+        In = "/dev/null";
+        DiskUsage = 1250000;
+        EncryptExecuteDirectory = false;
+        CommittedSuspensionTime = 0;
+        User = "";
+        UserLog = "/home/dentler/ChtcRun/project_auction/results_fix2/00202/process.log";
+        JobCurrentStartDate = 1446133964;
+        BufferBlockSize = 32768;
+        MATCH_EXP_JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "";
+        Requirements = ( ( OpSysMajorVer is 6 ) ) && ( MY.JobUniverse == 12 || MY.JobUniverse == 7 || MY.WantFlocking || MY.WantGlidein || TARGET.PoolName == "CHTC" || TARGET.COLLECTOR_HOST_STRING == "" ) && ( TARGET.Arch == "X86_64" ) && ( TARGET.OpSys == "LINUX" ) && ( TARGET.Disk >= RequestDisk ) && ( TARGET.Memory >= RequestMemory ) && ( TARGET.HasFileTransfer );
+        MinHosts = 1;
+        MaxHosts = 1;
+        Args = "--type=Matlab --version=R2011b --cmdtorun=net_est --unique=00202 --";
+        PeriodicHold = false;
+        ProcId = 0;
+        Environment = "";
+        DAGNodeName = "00202+00202";
+        MemoryUsage = ( ( ResidentSetSize + 1023 ) / 1024 );
+        TerminationPending = true;
+        NumRestarts = 0;
+        NumSystemHolds = 0;
+        CommittedTime = 44;
+        MachineAttrCpus0 = 1;
+        WantRemoteSyscalls = false;
+        MyType = "Job";
+        CumulativeSuspensionTime = 0;
+        Rank = 0.0;
+        StartdPrincipal = "execute-side@matchsession/";
+        WantFlocking = true;
+        Err = "process.err";
+        PeriodicRemove = false;
+        BlockWriteKbytes = 32;
+        ExitBySignal = false;
+        DAGManJobId = 49583804;
+        EnteredCurrentStatus = 1446134008;
+        JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "$$([IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName), IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), \"\", TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName)])";
+        RecentBlockWriteKbytes = 32;
+        TransferIn = false;
+        ExitStatus = 0;
+        ShouldTransferFiles = "YES";
+        IsCHTCSubmit = true;
+        NumJobMatches = 1;
+        RootDir = "/";
+        JobStartDate = 1446133964;
+        JobPrio = 0;
+        CurrentHosts = 0;
+        GlobalJobId = "";
+        RemoteSysCpu = 7.000000000000000E+00;
+        TotalSuspensions = 0;
+        CommittedSlotTime = 4.400000000000000E+01;
+        WantCheckpoint = false;
+        BlockReads = 6;
+        LastRemoteHost = "";
+        TransferInput = "/home/dentler/ChtcRun/project_auction/00202/,/home/dentler/ChtcRun/project_auction/shared/";
+        LocalUserCpu = 0.0;
+        PeriodicRelease = ( JobStatus == 5 ) && ( ( CurrentTime - EnteredCurrentStatus ) > 1800 ) && ( JobRunCount < 5 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 6 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 14 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 22 );
+        RequestDisk = 4000000;
+        ResidentSetSize_RAW = 5056;
+        OrigMaxHosts = 1;
+        LastPublicClaimId = "<>#1445363387#2925#...";
+        WantRHEL6 = true;
+        NumCkpts_RAW = 0;
+        Out = "process.out";
+        SubmitEventNotes = "DAG Node: 00202+00202";
+        CumulativeSlotTime = 4.400000000000000E+01;
+        JobRunCount = 1;
+        RecentBlockReads = 6;
+        StreamErr = false;
+        DiskUsage_RAW = 1206795;
+        NumCkpts = 0;
+        StatsLifetimeStarter = 42;
+        ImageSize = 7500;
+        Cmd = "/home/dentler/ChtcRun/chtcjobwrapper";
+        WantGlidein = true;
+        LocalSysCpu = 0.0;
         Iwd = "/home/dentler/ChtcRun/project_auction/results_fix2/00202"
-        BlockWrites = 0; 
-        LastJobStatus = 2; 
-        JobCurrentStartExecutingDate = 1446116498; 
-        WantRemoteIO = true; 
-        RequestCpus = 1; 
-        NumShadowStarts = 1; 
-        RemoteUserCpu = 1.735700000000000E+04; 
-        NiceUser = false; 
-        RequestMemory = 1000; 
-        BytesRecvd = 2.846290000000000E+05; 
-        ResidentSetSize = 150000; 
-        StreamOut = false; 
-        SpooledOutputFiles = "CURLTIME_373303,ChtcWrapper280.out,AuditLog.280,simu_3_280.txt,harvest.log,280.out"; 
-        OnExitRemove = true; 
-        ImageSize_RAW = 811948; 
-        RemoteWallClockTime = 1.750600000000000E+04; 
-        MachineAttrSlotWeight0 = 1; 
-        ExecutableSize = 7; 
-        JobStatus = 4; 
-        DAGParentNodeNames = ""; 
-        ExitCode = 0; 
-        DAGManNodesMask = "0,1,2,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,13,16,17,24,27"; 
-        BytesSent = 2.789400000000000E+04; 
-        LastSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        ExecutableSize_RAW = 6; 
-        RecentBlockReadKbytes = 0; 
-        TransferInputSizeMB = 0; 
-        Matlab = "R2011b"; 
-        BlockReadKbytes = 0; 
-        RecentStatsLifetimeStarter = 1200; 
-        LeaveJobInQueue = false; 
-        TargetType = "Machine"; 
-        WhenToTransferOutput = "ON_EXIT"; 
-        Owner = "xguo23"; 
-        JobNotification = 0; 
-        BufferSize = 524288; 
-        RecentBlockWrites = 0; 
-        CompletionDate = 1446134003; 
-        QDate = 1446105864; 
-        JobLeaseDuration = 2400; 
-        JobFinishedHookDone = 1446134003; 
-        LastMatchTime = 1446116497; 
-        LastJobLeaseRenewal = 1446134003; 
-        DAGManNodesLog = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/model_3/./mydag.dag.nodes.log"; 
-        ClusterId = 49582873; 
-        JobUniverse = 5; 
-        NumJobStarts = 1; 
-        CondorVersion = "$CondorVersion: 8.5.0 Sep 16 2015 BuildID: 341710 $"; 
-        CoreSize = 0; 
-        OnExitHold = false; 
-        CondorPlatform = "$CondorPlatform: X86_64-RedHat_6.6 $"; 
-        In = "/dev/null"; 
-        DiskUsage = 1250000; 
-        EncryptExecuteDirectory = false; 
-        CommittedSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        User = ""; 
-        UserLog = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/model_3/280/process.log"; 
-        JobCurrentStartDate = 1446116497; 
-        BufferBlockSize = 32768; 
-        MATCH_EXP_JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = ""; 
-        Requirements = ( ( OpSysMajorVer is 6 ) ) && ( MY.JobUniverse == 12 || MY.JobUniverse == 7 || MY.WantFlocking || MY.WantGlidein || TARGET.PoolName == "CHTC" || TARGET.COLLECTOR_HOST_STRING == "" ) && ( TARGET.Arch == "X86_64" ) && ( TARGET.OpSys == "LINUX" ) && ( TARGET.Disk >= RequestDisk ) && ( TARGET.Memory >= RequestMemory ) && ( TARGET.HasFileTransfer ); 
-        MinHosts = 1; 
-        MaxHosts = 1; 
-        Args = "--type=Matlab --version=R2011b --cmdtorun=simu_condor --unique=280 -- 3"; 
-        PeriodicHold = false; 
-        ProcId = 0; 
-        Environment = ""; 
-        DAGNodeName = "280+280"; 
-        MemoryUsage = ( ( ResidentSetSize + 1023 ) / 1024 ); 
-        TerminationPending = true; 
-        NumRestarts = 0; 
-        NumSystemHolds = 0; 
-        CommittedTime = 17506; 
-        MachineAttrCpus0 = 1; 
-        WantRemoteSyscalls = false; 
-        MyType = "Job"; 
-        CumulativeSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        Rank = 0.0; 
-        StartdPrincipal = "execute-side@matchsession/"; 
-        Err = "process.err"; 
-        PeriodicRemove = false; 
-        BlockWriteKbytes = 0; 
-        ExitBySignal = false; 
-        DAGManJobId = 49582200; 
-        EnteredCurrentStatus = 1446134003; 
-        JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "$$([IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName), IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), \"\", TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName)])"; 
-        RecentBlockWriteKbytes = 0; 
-        TransferIn = false; 
-        ExitStatus = 0; 
-        ShouldTransferFiles = "YES"; 
-        IsCHTCSubmit = true; 
-        NumJobMatches = 1; 
-        RootDir = "/"; 
-        JobStartDate = 1446116497; 
-        JobPrio = 0; 
-        CurrentHosts = 0; 
-        GlobalJobId = ""; 
-        RemoteSysCpu = 1.120000000000000E+02; 
-        TotalSuspensions = 0; 
-        CommittedSlotTime = 1.750600000000000E+04; 
-        WantCheckpoint = false; 
-        BlockReads = 0; 
-        LastRemoteHost = ""; 
-        TransferInput = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/data/280/,/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/data/shared/"; 
-        LocalUserCpu = 0.0; 
-        PeriodicRelease = ( JobStatus == 5 ) && ( ( CurrentTime - EnteredCurrentStatus ) > 1800 ) && ( JobRunCount < 5 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 6 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 14 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 22 ); 
-        RequestDisk = 1000000; 
-        ResidentSetSize_RAW = 126200; 
-        OrigMaxHosts = 1; 
-        LastPublicClaimId = "<>#1443991446#13109#..."; 
-        WantRHEL6 = true; 
-        NumCkpts_RAW = 0; 
-        Out = "process.out"; 
-        SubmitEventNotes = "DAG Node: 280+280"; 
-        CumulativeSlotTime = 1.750600000000000E+04; 
-        JobRunCount = 1; 
-        RecentBlockReads = 0; 
-        StreamErr = false; 
-        DiskUsage_RAW = 1216669; 
-        NumCkpts = 0; 
-        StatsLifetimeStarter = 17505; 
-        ImageSize = 1000000; 
-        Cmd = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/chtcjobwrapper"; 
-        LocalSysCpu = 0.0; 
+        BlockWrites = 0;
+        LastJobStatus = 2;
+        JobCurrentStartExecutingDate = 1446116498;
+        WantRemoteIO = true;
+        RequestCpus = 1;
+        NumShadowStarts = 1;
+        RemoteUserCpu = 1.735700000000000E+04;
+        NiceUser = false;
+        RequestMemory = 1000;
+        BytesRecvd = 2.846290000000000E+05;
+        ResidentSetSize = 150000;
+        StreamOut = false;
+        SpooledOutputFiles = "CURLTIME_373303,ChtcWrapper280.out,AuditLog.280,simu_3_280.txt,harvest.log,280.out";
+        OnExitRemove = true;
+        ImageSize_RAW = 811948;
+        RemoteWallClockTime = 1.750600000000000E+04;
+        MachineAttrSlotWeight0 = 1;
+        ExecutableSize = 7;
+        JobStatus = 4;
+        DAGParentNodeNames = "";
+        ExitCode = 0;
+        DAGManNodesMask = "0,1,2,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,13,16,17,24,27";
+        BytesSent = 2.789400000000000E+04;
+        LastSuspensionTime = 0;
+        ExecutableSize_RAW = 6;
+        RecentBlockReadKbytes = 0;
+        TransferInputSizeMB = 0;
+        Matlab = "R2011b";
+        BlockReadKbytes = 0;
+        RecentStatsLifetimeStarter = 1200;
+        LeaveJobInQueue = false;
+        TargetType = "Machine";
+        WhenToTransferOutput = "ON_EXIT";
+        Owner = "xguo23";
+        JobNotification = 0;
+        BufferSize = 524288;
+        RecentBlockWrites = 0;
+        CompletionDate = 1446134003;
+        QDate = 1446105864;
+        JobLeaseDuration = 2400;
+        JobFinishedHookDone = 1446134003;
+        LastMatchTime = 1446116497;
+        LastJobLeaseRenewal = 1446134003;
+        DAGManNodesLog = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/model_3/./mydag.dag.nodes.log";
+        ClusterId = 49582873;
+        JobUniverse = 5;
+        NumJobStarts = 1;
+        CondorVersion = "$CondorVersion: 8.5.0 Sep 16 2015 BuildID: 341710 $";
+        CoreSize = 0;
+        OnExitHold = false;
+        CondorPlatform = "$CondorPlatform: X86_64-RedHat_6.6 $";
+        In = "/dev/null";
+        DiskUsage = 1250000;
+        EncryptExecuteDirectory = false;
+        CommittedSuspensionTime = 0;
+        User = "";
+        UserLog = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/model_3/280/process.log";
+        JobCurrentStartDate = 1446116497;
+        BufferBlockSize = 32768;
+        MATCH_EXP_JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "";
+        Requirements = ( ( OpSysMajorVer is 6 ) ) && ( MY.JobUniverse == 12 || MY.JobUniverse == 7 || MY.WantFlocking || MY.WantGlidein || TARGET.PoolName == "CHTC" || TARGET.COLLECTOR_HOST_STRING == "" ) && ( TARGET.Arch == "X86_64" ) && ( TARGET.OpSys == "LINUX" ) && ( TARGET.Disk >= RequestDisk ) && ( TARGET.Memory >= RequestMemory ) && ( TARGET.HasFileTransfer );
+        MinHosts = 1;
+        MaxHosts = 1;
+        Args = "--type=Matlab --version=R2011b --cmdtorun=simu_condor --unique=280 -- 3";
+        PeriodicHold = false;
+        ProcId = 0;
+        Environment = "";
+        DAGNodeName = "280+280";
+        MemoryUsage = ( ( ResidentSetSize + 1023 ) / 1024 );
+        TerminationPending = true;
+        NumRestarts = 0;
+        NumSystemHolds = 0;
+        CommittedTime = 17506;
+        MachineAttrCpus0 = 1;
+        WantRemoteSyscalls = false;
+        MyType = "Job";
+        CumulativeSuspensionTime = 0;
+        Rank = 0.0;
+        StartdPrincipal = "execute-side@matchsession/";
+        Err = "process.err";
+        PeriodicRemove = false;
+        BlockWriteKbytes = 0;
+        ExitBySignal = false;
+        DAGManJobId = 49582200;
+        EnteredCurrentStatus = 1446134003;
+        JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "$$([IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName), IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), \"\", TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName)])";
+        RecentBlockWriteKbytes = 0;
+        TransferIn = false;
+        ExitStatus = 0;
+        ShouldTransferFiles = "YES";
+        IsCHTCSubmit = true;
+        NumJobMatches = 1;
+        RootDir = "/";
+        JobStartDate = 1446116497;
+        JobPrio = 0;
+        CurrentHosts = 0;
+        GlobalJobId = "";
+        RemoteSysCpu = 1.120000000000000E+02;
+        TotalSuspensions = 0;
+        CommittedSlotTime = 1.750600000000000E+04;
+        WantCheckpoint = false;
+        BlockReads = 0;
+        LastRemoteHost = "";
+        TransferInput = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/data/280/,/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/data/shared/";
+        LocalUserCpu = 0.0;
+        PeriodicRelease = ( JobStatus == 5 ) && ( ( CurrentTime - EnteredCurrentStatus ) > 1800 ) && ( JobRunCount < 5 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 6 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 14 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 22 );
+        RequestDisk = 1000000;
+        ResidentSetSize_RAW = 126200;
+        OrigMaxHosts = 1;
+        LastPublicClaimId = "<>#1443991446#13109#...";
+        WantRHEL6 = true;
+        NumCkpts_RAW = 0;
+        Out = "process.out";
+        SubmitEventNotes = "DAG Node: 280+280";
+        CumulativeSlotTime = 1.750600000000000E+04;
+        JobRunCount = 1;
+        RecentBlockReads = 0;
+        StreamErr = false;
+        DiskUsage_RAW = 1216669;
+        NumCkpts = 0;
+        StatsLifetimeStarter = 17505;
+        ImageSize = 1000000;
+        Cmd = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/chtcjobwrapper";
+        LocalSysCpu = 0.0;
         Iwd = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/model_3/280"
-        BlockWrites = 0; 
-        LastJobStatus = 2; 
-        JobCurrentStartExecutingDate = 1446133933; 
-        WantRemoteIO = true; 
-        RequestCpus = 1; 
-        NumShadowStarts = 1; 
-        RemoteUserCpu = 1.500000000000000E+01; 
-        NiceUser = false; 
-        BytesRecvd = 1.220270000000000E+06; 
-        RequestMemory = 1000; 
-        ResidentSetSize = 5000; 
-        StreamOut = false; 
-        SpooledOutputFiles = "chtcinnerwrapper,CURLTIME_2149965,ChtcWrapper10200.out,R2011b_INFO,AuditLog.10200,SLIBS2.tar.gz,CODEBLOWUP"; 
-        OnExitRemove = true; 
-        ImageSize_RAW = 28840; 
-        RemoteWallClockTime = 4.800000000000000E+01; 
-        MachineAttrSlotWeight0 = 1; 
-        ExecutableSize = 7; 
-        JobStatus = 4; 
-        DAGParentNodeNames = ""; 
-        ExitCode = 5; 
-        DAGManNodesMask = "0,1,2,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,13,16,17,24,27"; 
-        BytesSent = 2.727275000000000E+06; 
-        LastSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        ExecutableSize_RAW = 6; 
-        RecentBlockReadKbytes = 180; 
-        TransferInputSizeMB = 1; 
-        Matlab = "R2011b"; 
-        BlockReadKbytes = 180; 
-        LocalSysCpu = 0.0; 
-        WantGlidein = true; 
-        Iwd = "/home/dentler/ChtcRun/project_auction/results_fix2/10200"; 
-        Cmd = "/home/dentler/ChtcRun/chtcjobwrapper"; 
-        RecentStatsLifetimeStarter = 37; 
-        LeaveJobInQueue = false; 
-        TargetType = "Machine"; 
-        WhenToTransferOutput = "ON_EXIT"; 
-        Owner = "dentler"; 
-        JobNotification = 0; 
-        BufferSize = 524288; 
-        RecentBlockWrites = 0; 
-        CompletionDate = 1446133980; 
-        LastMatchTime = 1446133932; 
-        LastJobLeaseRenewal = 1446133980; 
-        DAGManNodesLog = "/home/dentler/ChtcRun/project_auction/results_fix2/./mydag.dag.nodes.log"; 
-        ClusterId = 49583854; 
-        NumJobStarts = 1; 
-        JobUniverse = 5; 
-        AutoClusterAttrs = "JobUniverse,LastCheckpointPlatform,NumCkpts,ClientMachine,_condor_RequestCpus,_condor_RequestDisk,_condor_RequestGPUs,_condor_RequestMemory,RequestCpus,RequestDisk,RequestGPUs,RequestMemory,BIOCHEM,MachineLastMatchTime,ConcurrencyLimits,NiceUser,Rank,Requirements,ImageSize,MemoryRequirements,User,RemoteGroup,SubmitterGroup,SubmitterUserPrio,Group,WIDsTheme,InteractiveJob,Is_Resumable,WantFlocking,WantGlidein,Scheduler,Owner,JobStart,MemoryUsage,IsExpressQueueJob,DiskUsage,HEP_VO,IsDesktop,OSG_VO,x509userproxysubject,PassedTest,IsLocalCMSJob,IsLocalCMSSlot,IsSAMSlot,IsSAMJob,MaxDiskTempC,IsDedicated,estimated_run_hours,IsCHTCSubmit,RequiresCVMFS,DynamicSlot,PartitionableSlot,Slot1_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot1_JobStarts,Slot1_SelfMonitorAge,Slot2_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot2_JobStarts,Slot2_SelfMonitorAge,Slot3_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot3_JobStarts,Slot3_SelfMonitorAge,Slot4_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot4_JobStarts,Slot4_SelfMonitorAge,Slot5_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot5_JobStarts,Slot5_SelfMonitorAge,Slot6_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot6_JobStarts,Slot6_SelfMonitorAge,Slot7_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot7_JobStarts,Slot7_SelfMonitorAge,Slot8_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot8_JobStarts,Slot8_SelfMonitorAge,Slot1_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot1_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot2_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot2_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot3_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot3_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot4_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot4_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot5_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot5_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot6_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot6_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot7_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot7_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot8_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot8_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot10_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot10_JobStarts,Slot10_SelfMonitorAge,Slot11_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot11_JobStarts,Slot11_SelfMonitorAge,Slot12_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot12_JobStarts,Slot12_SelfMonitorAge,Slot9_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot9_JobStarts,Slot9_SelfMonitorAge,Slot12_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot10_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot10_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot11_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot11_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot12_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot9_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot9_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot13_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot13_JobStarts,Slot13_SelfMonitorAge,Slot14_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot14_JobStarts,Slot14_SelfMonitorAge,Slot15_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot15_JobStarts,Slot15_SelfMonitorAge,Slot16_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot16_JobStarts,Slot16_SelfMonitorAge,IsResumable,WHEN_TO_TRANSFER_OUTPUT,_condor_Requestadmin_mutex_1,_condor_Requestadmin_mutex_2,_condor_Requestadmin_mutex_3,_condor_Requestmachine_token,Requestadmin_mutex_1,Requestadmin_mutex_2,Requestadmin_mutex_3,Requestmachine_token,nyehle,IsBuildJob,IsMatlabBuildJob,TotalJobRunTime,NodeOnline,Slot13_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot13_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot14_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot14_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot15_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot15_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot16_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot16_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,TmpIsFull,trResumable,RequiresCMSFrontier,Slot17_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot17_JobStarts,Slot17_SelfMonitorAge,Slot17_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot17_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot18_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot18_JobStarts,Slot18_SelfMonitorAge,Slot18_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot18_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot19_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot19_JobStarts,Slot19_SelfMonitorAge,Slot19_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot19_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot20_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot20_JobStarts,Slot20_SelfMonitorAge,Slot20_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot20_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot21_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot21_JobStarts,Slot21_SelfMonitorAge,Slot21_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot21_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot22_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot22_JobStarts,Slot22_SelfMonitorAge,Slot22_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot22_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot23_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot23_JobStarts,Slot23_SelfMonitorAge,Slot23_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot23_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot24_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot24_JobStarts,Slot24_SelfMonitorAge,Slot24_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot24_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot25_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot25_JobStarts,Slot25_SelfMonitorAge,Slot25_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot25_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot26_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot26_JobStarts,Slot26_SelfMonitorAge,Slot26_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot26_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot27_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot27_JobStarts,Slot27_SelfMonitorAge,Slot27_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot27_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot28_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot28_JobStarts,Slot28_SelfMonitorAge,Slot28_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot28_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot29_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot29_JobStarts,Slot29_SelfMonitorAge,Slot29_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot29_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot30_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot30_JobStarts,Slot30_SelfMonitorAge,Slot30_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot30_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot31_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot31_JobStarts,Slot31_SelfMonitorAge,Slot31_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot31_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot32_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot32_JobStarts,Slot32_SelfMonitorAge,Slot32_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot32_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,ResidentSetSize"; 
-        MaxHosts = 1; 
-        Args = "--type=Matlab --version=R2011b --cmdtorun=net_est --unique=10200 --"; 
-        CondorVersion = "$CondorVersion: 8.5.0 Sep 16 2015 BuildID: 341710 $"; 
-        CoreSize = 0; 
-        OnExitHold = false; 
-        CondorPlatform = "$CondorPlatform: X86_64-RedHat_6.6 $"; 
-        JobFinishedHookDone = 1446133980; 
-        In = "/dev/null"; 
-        DiskUsage = 1250000; 
-        EncryptExecuteDirectory = false; 
-        CommittedSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        User = ""; 
-        UserLog = "/home/dentler/ChtcRun/project_auction/results_fix2/10200/process.log"; 
-        JobCurrentStartDate = 1446133932; 
-        BufferBlockSize = 32768; 
-        MATCH_EXP_JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = ""; 
-        Requirements = ( ( OpSysMajorVer is 6 ) ) && ( MY.JobUniverse == 12 || MY.JobUniverse == 7 || MY.WantFlocking || MY.WantGlidein || TARGET.PoolName == "CHTC" || TARGET.COLLECTOR_HOST_STRING == "" ) && ( TARGET.Arch == "X86_64" ) && ( TARGET.OpSys == "LINUX" ) && ( TARGET.Disk >= RequestDisk ) && ( TARGET.Memory >= RequestMemory ) && ( TARGET.HasFileTransfer ); 
-        MinHosts = 1; 
-        JobLeaseDuration = 2400; 
-        QDate = 1446133826; 
-        PeriodicHold = false; 
-        ProcId = 0; 
-        Environment = ""; 
-        DAGNodeName = "10200+10200"; 
-        MemoryUsage = ( ( ResidentSetSize + 1023 ) / 1024 ); 
-        TerminationPending = true; 
-        NumRestarts = 0; 
-        NumSystemHolds = 0; 
-        CommittedTime = 48; 
-        AutoClusterId = 38256; 
-        ExitStatus = 0; 
-        ShouldTransferFiles = "YES"; 
-        MachineAttrCpus0 = 1; 
-        WantRemoteSyscalls = false; 
-        MyType = "Job"; 
-        CumulativeSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        Rank = 0.0; 
-        StartdPrincipal = "execute-side@matchsession/"; 
-        WantFlocking = true; 
-        Err = "process.err"; 
-        PeriodicRemove = false; 
-        BlockWriteKbytes = 0; 
-        ExitBySignal = false; 
-        DAGManJobId = 49583804; 
-        EnteredCurrentStatus = 1446133980; 
-        JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "$$([IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName), IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), \"\", TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName)])"; 
-        RecentBlockWriteKbytes = 0; 
-        TransferIn = false; 
-        IsCHTCSubmit = true; 
-        NumJobMatches = 1; 
-        RootDir = "/"; 
-        JobStartDate = 1446133932; 
-        JobPrio = 0; 
-        CurrentHosts = 0; 
-        GlobalJobId = ""; 
-        RemoteSysCpu = 9.000000000000000E+00; 
-        TotalSuspensions = 0; 
-        CommittedSlotTime = 4.800000000000000E+01; 
-        WantCheckpoint = false; 
-        BlockReads = 12; 
-        LastRemoteHost = ""; 
-        TransferInput = "/home/dentler/ChtcRun/project_auction/10200/,/home/dentler/ChtcRun/project_auction/shared/"; 
-        LocalUserCpu = 0.0; 
-        PeriodicRelease = ( JobStatus == 5 ) && ( ( CurrentTime - EnteredCurrentStatus ) > 1800 ) && ( JobRunCount < 5 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 6 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 14 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 22 ); 
-        RequestDisk = 4000000; 
-        ResidentSetSize_RAW = 4816; 
-        OrigMaxHosts = 1; 
-        LastPublicClaimId = "<>#1445317370#2779#..."; 
-        WantRHEL6 = true; 
-        NumCkpts_RAW = 0; 
-        Out = "process.out"; 
-        SubmitEventNotes = "DAG Node: 10200+10200"; 
-        CumulativeSlotTime = 4.800000000000000E+01; 
-        JobRunCount = 1; 
-        RecentBlockReads = 12; 
-        StreamErr = false; 
-        DiskUsage_RAW = 1206292; 
-        NumCkpts = 0; 
-        StatsLifetimeStarter = 46; 
+        BlockWrites = 0;
+        LastJobStatus = 2;
+        JobCurrentStartExecutingDate = 1446133933;
+        WantRemoteIO = true;
+        RequestCpus = 1;
+        NumShadowStarts = 1;
+        RemoteUserCpu = 1.500000000000000E+01;
+        NiceUser = false;
+        BytesRecvd = 1.220270000000000E+06;
+        RequestMemory = 1000;
+        ResidentSetSize = 5000;
+        StreamOut = false;
+        SpooledOutputFiles = "chtcinnerwrapper,CURLTIME_2149965,ChtcWrapper10200.out,R2011b_INFO,AuditLog.10200,SLIBS2.tar.gz,CODEBLOWUP";
+        OnExitRemove = true;
+        ImageSize_RAW = 28840;
+        RemoteWallClockTime = 4.800000000000000E+01;
+        MachineAttrSlotWeight0 = 1;
+        ExecutableSize = 7;
+        JobStatus = 4;
+        DAGParentNodeNames = "";
+        ExitCode = 5;
+        DAGManNodesMask = "0,1,2,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,13,16,17,24,27";
+        BytesSent = 2.727275000000000E+06;
+        LastSuspensionTime = 0;
+        ExecutableSize_RAW = 6;
+        RecentBlockReadKbytes = 180;
+        TransferInputSizeMB = 1;
+        Matlab = "R2011b";
+        BlockReadKbytes = 180;
+        LocalSysCpu = 0.0;
+        WantGlidein = true;
+        Iwd = "/home/dentler/ChtcRun/project_auction/results_fix2/10200";
+        Cmd = "/home/dentler/ChtcRun/chtcjobwrapper";
+        RecentStatsLifetimeStarter = 37;
+        LeaveJobInQueue = false;
+        TargetType = "Machine";
+        WhenToTransferOutput = "ON_EXIT";
+        Owner = "dentler";
+        JobNotification = 0;
+        BufferSize = 524288;
+        RecentBlockWrites = 0;
+        CompletionDate = 1446133980;
+        LastMatchTime = 1446133932;
+        LastJobLeaseRenewal = 1446133980;
+        DAGManNodesLog = "/home/dentler/ChtcRun/project_auction/results_fix2/./mydag.dag.nodes.log";
+        ClusterId = 49583854;
+        NumJobStarts = 1;
+        JobUniverse = 5;
+        AutoClusterAttrs = "JobUniverse,LastCheckpointPlatform,NumCkpts,ClientMachine,_condor_RequestCpus,_condor_RequestDisk,_condor_RequestGPUs,_condor_RequestMemory,RequestCpus,RequestDisk,RequestGPUs,RequestMemory,BIOCHEM,MachineLastMatchTime,ConcurrencyLimits,NiceUser,Rank,Requirements,ImageSize,MemoryRequirements,User,RemoteGroup,SubmitterGroup,SubmitterUserPrio,Group,WIDsTheme,InteractiveJob,Is_Resumable,WantFlocking,WantGlidein,Scheduler,Owner,JobStart,MemoryUsage,IsExpressQueueJob,DiskUsage,HEP_VO,IsDesktop,OSG_VO,x509userproxysubject,PassedTest,IsLocalCMSJob,IsLocalCMSSlot,IsSAMSlot,IsSAMJob,MaxDiskTempC,IsDedicated,estimated_run_hours,IsCHTCSubmit,RequiresCVMFS,DynamicSlot,PartitionableSlot,Slot1_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot1_JobStarts,Slot1_SelfMonitorAge,Slot2_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot2_JobStarts,Slot2_SelfMonitorAge,Slot3_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot3_JobStarts,Slot3_SelfMonitorAge,Slot4_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot4_JobStarts,Slot4_SelfMonitorAge,Slot5_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot5_JobStarts,Slot5_SelfMonitorAge,Slot6_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot6_JobStarts,Slot6_SelfMonitorAge,Slot7_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot7_JobStarts,Slot7_SelfMonitorAge,Slot8_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot8_JobStarts,Slot8_SelfMonitorAge,Slot1_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot1_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot2_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot2_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot3_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot3_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot4_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot4_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot5_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot5_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot6_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot6_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot7_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot7_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot8_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot8_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot10_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot10_JobStarts,Slot10_SelfMonitorAge,Slot11_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot11_JobStarts,Slot11_SelfMonitorAge,Slot12_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot12_JobStarts,Slot12_SelfMonitorAge,Slot9_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot9_JobStarts,Slot9_SelfMonitorAge,Slot12_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot10_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot10_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot11_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot11_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot12_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot9_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot9_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot13_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot13_JobStarts,Slot13_SelfMonitorAge,Slot14_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot14_JobStarts,Slot14_SelfMonitorAge,Slot15_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot15_JobStarts,Slot15_SelfMonitorAge,Slot16_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot16_JobStarts,Slot16_SelfMonitorAge,IsResumable,WHEN_TO_TRANSFER_OUTPUT,_condor_Requestadmin_mutex_1,_condor_Requestadmin_mutex_2,_condor_Requestadmin_mutex_3,_condor_Requestmachine_token,Requestadmin_mutex_1,Requestadmin_mutex_2,Requestadmin_mutex_3,Requestmachine_token,nyehle,IsBuildJob,IsMatlabBuildJob,TotalJobRunTime,NodeOnline,Slot13_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot13_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot14_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot14_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot15_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot15_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot16_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot16_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,TmpIsFull,trResumable,RequiresCMSFrontier,Slot17_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot17_JobStarts,Slot17_SelfMonitorAge,Slot17_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot17_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot18_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot18_JobStarts,Slot18_SelfMonitorAge,Slot18_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot18_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot19_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot19_JobStarts,Slot19_SelfMonitorAge,Slot19_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot19_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot20_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot20_JobStarts,Slot20_SelfMonitorAge,Slot20_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot20_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot21_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot21_JobStarts,Slot21_SelfMonitorAge,Slot21_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot21_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot22_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot22_JobStarts,Slot22_SelfMonitorAge,Slot22_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot22_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot23_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot23_JobStarts,Slot23_SelfMonitorAge,Slot23_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot23_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot24_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot24_JobStarts,Slot24_SelfMonitorAge,Slot24_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot24_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot25_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot25_JobStarts,Slot25_SelfMonitorAge,Slot25_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot25_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot26_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot26_JobStarts,Slot26_SelfMonitorAge,Slot26_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot26_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot27_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot27_JobStarts,Slot27_SelfMonitorAge,Slot27_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot27_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot28_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot28_JobStarts,Slot28_SelfMonitorAge,Slot28_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot28_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot29_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot29_JobStarts,Slot29_SelfMonitorAge,Slot29_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot29_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot30_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot30_JobStarts,Slot30_SelfMonitorAge,Slot30_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot30_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot31_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot31_JobStarts,Slot31_SelfMonitorAge,Slot31_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot31_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot32_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot32_JobStarts,Slot32_SelfMonitorAge,Slot32_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot32_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,ResidentSetSize";
+        MaxHosts = 1;
+        Args = "--type=Matlab --version=R2011b --cmdtorun=net_est --unique=10200 --";
+        CondorVersion = "$CondorVersion: 8.5.0 Sep 16 2015 BuildID: 341710 $";
+        CoreSize = 0;
+        OnExitHold = false;
+        CondorPlatform = "$CondorPlatform: X86_64-RedHat_6.6 $";
+        JobFinishedHookDone = 1446133980;
+        In = "/dev/null";
+        DiskUsage = 1250000;
+        EncryptExecuteDirectory = false;
+        CommittedSuspensionTime = 0;
+        User = "";
+        UserLog = "/home/dentler/ChtcRun/project_auction/results_fix2/10200/process.log";
+        JobCurrentStartDate = 1446133932;
+        BufferBlockSize = 32768;
+        MATCH_EXP_JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "";
+        Requirements = ( ( OpSysMajorVer is 6 ) ) && ( MY.JobUniverse == 12 || MY.JobUniverse == 7 || MY.WantFlocking || MY.WantGlidein || TARGET.PoolName == "CHTC" || TARGET.COLLECTOR_HOST_STRING == "" ) && ( TARGET.Arch == "X86_64" ) && ( TARGET.OpSys == "LINUX" ) && ( TARGET.Disk >= RequestDisk ) && ( TARGET.Memory >= RequestMemory ) && ( TARGET.HasFileTransfer );
+        MinHosts = 1;
+        JobLeaseDuration = 2400;
+        QDate = 1446133826;
+        PeriodicHold = false;
+        ProcId = 0;
+        Environment = "";
+        DAGNodeName = "10200+10200";
+        MemoryUsage = ( ( ResidentSetSize + 1023 ) / 1024 );
+        TerminationPending = true;
+        NumRestarts = 0;
+        NumSystemHolds = 0;
+        CommittedTime = 48;
+        AutoClusterId = 38256;
+        ExitStatus = 0;
+        ShouldTransferFiles = "YES";
+        MachineAttrCpus0 = 1;
+        WantRemoteSyscalls = false;
+        MyType = "Job";
+        CumulativeSuspensionTime = 0;
+        Rank = 0.0;
+        StartdPrincipal = "execute-side@matchsession/";
+        WantFlocking = true;
+        Err = "process.err";
+        PeriodicRemove = false;
+        BlockWriteKbytes = 0;
+        ExitBySignal = false;
+        DAGManJobId = 49583804;
+        EnteredCurrentStatus = 1446133980;
+        JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "$$([IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName), IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), \"\", TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName)])";
+        RecentBlockWriteKbytes = 0;
+        TransferIn = false;
+        IsCHTCSubmit = true;
+        NumJobMatches = 1;
+        RootDir = "/";
+        JobStartDate = 1446133932;
+        JobPrio = 0;
+        CurrentHosts = 0;
+        GlobalJobId = "";
+        RemoteSysCpu = 9.000000000000000E+00;
+        TotalSuspensions = 0;
+        CommittedSlotTime = 4.800000000000000E+01;
+        WantCheckpoint = false;
+        BlockReads = 12;
+        LastRemoteHost = "";
+        TransferInput = "/home/dentler/ChtcRun/project_auction/10200/,/home/dentler/ChtcRun/project_auction/shared/";
+        LocalUserCpu = 0.0;
+        PeriodicRelease = ( JobStatus == 5 ) && ( ( CurrentTime - EnteredCurrentStatus ) > 1800 ) && ( JobRunCount < 5 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 6 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 14 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 22 );
+        RequestDisk = 4000000;
+        ResidentSetSize_RAW = 4816;
+        OrigMaxHosts = 1;
+        LastPublicClaimId = "<>#1445317370#2779#...";
+        WantRHEL6 = true;
+        NumCkpts_RAW = 0;
+        Out = "process.out";
+        SubmitEventNotes = "DAG Node: 10200+10200";
+        CumulativeSlotTime = 4.800000000000000E+01;
+        JobRunCount = 1;
+        RecentBlockReads = 12;
+        StreamErr = false;
+        DiskUsage_RAW = 1206292;
+        NumCkpts = 0;
+        StatsLifetimeStarter = 46;
         ImageSize = 30000
-        BlockWrites = 0; 
-        LastJobStatus = 2; 
-        JobCurrentStartExecutingDate = 1446133934; 
-        WantRemoteIO = true; 
-        RequestCpus = 1; 
-        NumShadowStarts = 1; 
-        RemoteUserCpu = 1.500000000000000E+01; 
-        NiceUser = false; 
-        BytesRecvd = 1.220270000000000E+06; 
-        RequestMemory = 1000; 
-        ResidentSetSize = 5000; 
-        StreamOut = false; 
-        SpooledOutputFiles = "chtcinnerwrapper,CURLTIME_2149966,ChtcWrapper11010.out,R2011b_INFO,AuditLog.11010,SLIBS2.tar.gz,CODEBLOWUP"; 
-        OnExitRemove = true; 
-        ImageSize_RAW = 4812; 
-        RemoteWallClockTime = 4.700000000000000E+01; 
-        MachineAttrSlotWeight0 = 1; 
-        ExecutableSize = 7; 
-        JobStatus = 4; 
-        DAGParentNodeNames = ""; 
-        ExitCode = 5; 
-        DAGManNodesMask = "0,1,2,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,13,16,17,24,27"; 
-        BytesSent = 2.727276000000000E+06; 
-        LastSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        ExecutableSize_RAW = 6; 
-        RecentBlockReadKbytes = 36; 
-        TransferInputSizeMB = 1; 
-        Matlab = "R2011b"; 
-        BlockReadKbytes = 36; 
-        LocalSysCpu = 0.0; 
-        WantGlidein = true; 
-        Iwd = "/home/dentler/ChtcRun/project_auction/results_fix2/11010"; 
-        Cmd = "/home/dentler/ChtcRun/chtcjobwrapper"; 
-        RecentStatsLifetimeStarter = 37; 
-        LeaveJobInQueue = false; 
-        TargetType = "Machine"; 
-        WhenToTransferOutput = "ON_EXIT"; 
-        Owner = "dentler"; 
-        JobNotification = 0; 
-        BufferSize = 524288; 
-        RecentBlockWrites = 0; 
-        CompletionDate = 1446133979; 
-        LastMatchTime = 1446133932; 
-        LastJobLeaseRenewal = 1446133979; 
-        DAGManNodesLog = "/home/dentler/ChtcRun/project_auction/results_fix2/./mydag.dag.nodes.log"; 
-        ClusterId = 49583856; 
-        NumJobStarts = 1; 
-        JobUniverse = 5; 
-        AutoClusterAttrs = "JobUniverse,LastCheckpointPlatform,NumCkpts,ClientMachine,_condor_RequestCpus,_condor_RequestDisk,_condor_RequestGPUs,_condor_RequestMemory,RequestCpus,RequestDisk,RequestGPUs,RequestMemory,BIOCHEM,MachineLastMatchTime,ConcurrencyLimits,NiceUser,Rank,Requirements,ImageSize,MemoryRequirements,User,RemoteGroup,SubmitterGroup,SubmitterUserPrio,Group,WIDsTheme,InteractiveJob,Is_Resumable,WantFlocking,WantGlidein,Scheduler,Owner,JobStart,MemoryUsage,IsExpressQueueJob,DiskUsage,HEP_VO,IsDesktop,OSG_VO,x509userproxysubject,PassedTest,IsLocalCMSJob,IsLocalCMSSlot,IsSAMSlot,IsSAMJob,MaxDiskTempC,IsDedicated,estimated_run_hours,IsCHTCSubmit,RequiresCVMFS,DynamicSlot,PartitionableSlot,Slot1_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot1_JobStarts,Slot1_SelfMonitorAge,Slot2_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot2_JobStarts,Slot2_SelfMonitorAge,Slot3_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot3_JobStarts,Slot3_SelfMonitorAge,Slot4_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot4_JobStarts,Slot4_SelfMonitorAge,Slot5_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot5_JobStarts,Slot5_SelfMonitorAge,Slot6_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot6_JobStarts,Slot6_SelfMonitorAge,Slot7_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot7_JobStarts,Slot7_SelfMonitorAge,Slot8_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot8_JobStarts,Slot8_SelfMonitorAge,Slot1_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot1_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot2_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot2_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot3_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot3_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot4_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot4_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot5_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot5_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot6_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot6_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot7_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot7_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot8_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot8_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot10_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot10_JobStarts,Slot10_SelfMonitorAge,Slot11_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot11_JobStarts,Slot11_SelfMonitorAge,Slot12_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot12_JobStarts,Slot12_SelfMonitorAge,Slot9_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot9_JobStarts,Slot9_SelfMonitorAge,Slot12_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot10_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot10_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot11_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot11_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot12_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot9_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot9_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot13_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot13_JobStarts,Slot13_SelfMonitorAge,Slot14_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot14_JobStarts,Slot14_SelfMonitorAge,Slot15_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot15_JobStarts,Slot15_SelfMonitorAge,Slot16_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot16_JobStarts,Slot16_SelfMonitorAge,IsResumable,WHEN_TO_TRANSFER_OUTPUT,_condor_Requestadmin_mutex_1,_condor_Requestadmin_mutex_2,_condor_Requestadmin_mutex_3,_condor_Requestmachine_token,Requestadmin_mutex_1,Requestadmin_mutex_2,Requestadmin_mutex_3,Requestmachine_token,nyehle,IsBuildJob,IsMatlabBuildJob,TotalJobRunTime,NodeOnline,Slot13_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot13_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot14_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot14_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot15_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot15_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot16_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot16_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,TmpIsFull,trResumable,RequiresCMSFrontier,Slot17_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot17_JobStarts,Slot17_SelfMonitorAge,Slot17_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot17_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot18_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot18_JobStarts,Slot18_SelfMonitorAge,Slot18_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot18_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot19_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot19_JobStarts,Slot19_SelfMonitorAge,Slot19_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot19_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot20_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot20_JobStarts,Slot20_SelfMonitorAge,Slot20_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot20_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot21_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot21_JobStarts,Slot21_SelfMonitorAge,Slot21_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot21_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot22_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot22_JobStarts,Slot22_SelfMonitorAge,Slot22_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot22_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot23_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot23_JobStarts,Slot23_SelfMonitorAge,Slot23_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot23_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot24_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot24_JobStarts,Slot24_SelfMonitorAge,Slot24_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot24_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot25_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot25_JobStarts,Slot25_SelfMonitorAge,Slot25_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot25_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot26_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot26_JobStarts,Slot26_SelfMonitorAge,Slot26_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot26_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot27_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot27_JobStarts,Slot27_SelfMonitorAge,Slot27_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot27_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot28_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot28_JobStarts,Slot28_SelfMonitorAge,Slot28_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot28_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot29_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot29_JobStarts,Slot29_SelfMonitorAge,Slot29_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot29_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot30_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot30_JobStarts,Slot30_SelfMonitorAge,Slot30_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot30_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot31_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot31_JobStarts,Slot31_SelfMonitorAge,Slot31_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot31_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot32_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot32_JobStarts,Slot32_SelfMonitorAge,Slot32_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot32_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,ResidentSetSize"; 
-        MaxHosts = 1; 
-        Args = "--type=Matlab --version=R2011b --cmdtorun=net_est --unique=11010 --"; 
-        CondorVersion = "$CondorVersion: 8.5.0 Sep 16 2015 BuildID: 341710 $"; 
-        CoreSize = 0; 
-        OnExitHold = false; 
-        CondorPlatform = "$CondorPlatform: X86_64-RedHat_6.6 $"; 
-        JobFinishedHookDone = 1446133979; 
-        In = "/dev/null"; 
-        DiskUsage = 1250000; 
-        EncryptExecuteDirectory = false; 
-        CommittedSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        User = ""; 
-        UserLog = "/home/dentler/ChtcRun/project_auction/results_fix2/11010/process.log"; 
-        JobCurrentStartDate = 1446133932; 
-        BufferBlockSize = 32768; 
-        MATCH_EXP_JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = ""; 
-        Requirements = ( ( OpSysMajorVer is 6 ) ) && ( MY.JobUniverse == 12 || MY.JobUniverse == 7 || MY.WantFlocking || MY.WantGlidein || TARGET.PoolName == "CHTC" || TARGET.COLLECTOR_HOST_STRING == "" ) && ( TARGET.Arch == "X86_64" ) && ( TARGET.OpSys == "LINUX" ) && ( TARGET.Disk >= RequestDisk ) && ( TARGET.Memory >= RequestMemory ) && ( TARGET.HasFileTransfer ); 
-        MinHosts = 1; 
-        JobLeaseDuration = 2400; 
-        QDate = 1446133831; 
-        PeriodicHold = false; 
-        ProcId = 0; 
-        Environment = ""; 
-        DAGNodeName = "11010+11010"; 
-        MemoryUsage = ( ( ResidentSetSize + 1023 ) / 1024 ); 
-        TerminationPending = true; 
-        NumRestarts = 0; 
-        NumSystemHolds = 0; 
-        CommittedTime = 47; 
-        AutoClusterId = 38257; 
-        ExitStatus = 0; 
-        ShouldTransferFiles = "YES"; 
-        MachineAttrCpus0 = 1; 
-        WantRemoteSyscalls = false; 
-        MyType = "Job"; 
-        CumulativeSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        Rank = 0.0; 
-        StartdPrincipal = "execute-side@matchsession/"; 
-        WantFlocking = true; 
-        Err = "process.err"; 
-        PeriodicRemove = false; 
-        BlockWriteKbytes = 0; 
-        ExitBySignal = false; 
-        DAGManJobId = 49583804; 
-        EnteredCurrentStatus = 1446133979; 
-        JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "$$([IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName), IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), \"\", TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName)])"; 
-        RecentBlockWriteKbytes = 0; 
-        TransferIn = false; 
-        IsCHTCSubmit = true; 
-        NumJobMatches = 1; 
-        RootDir = "/"; 
-        JobStartDate = 1446133932; 
-        JobPrio = 0; 
-        CurrentHosts = 0; 
-        GlobalJobId = ""; 
-        RemoteSysCpu = 1.100000000000000E+01; 
-        TotalSuspensions = 0; 
-        CommittedSlotTime = 4.700000000000000E+01; 
-        WantCheckpoint = false; 
-        BlockReads = 3; 
-        LastRemoteHost = ""; 
-        TransferInput = "/home/dentler/ChtcRun/project_auction/11010/,/home/dentler/ChtcRun/project_auction/shared/"; 
-        LocalUserCpu = 0.0; 
-        PeriodicRelease = ( JobStatus == 5 ) && ( ( CurrentTime - EnteredCurrentStatus ) > 1800 ) && ( JobRunCount < 5 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 6 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 14 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 22 ); 
-        RequestDisk = 4000000; 
-        ResidentSetSize_RAW = 4812; 
-        OrigMaxHosts = 1; 
-        LastPublicClaimId = "<>#1445317370#2817#..."; 
-        WantRHEL6 = true; 
-        NumCkpts_RAW = 0; 
-        Out = "process.out"; 
-        SubmitEventNotes = "DAG Node: 11010+11010"; 
-        CumulativeSlotTime = 4.700000000000000E+01; 
-        JobRunCount = 1; 
-        RecentBlockReads = 3; 
-        StreamErr = false; 
-        DiskUsage_RAW = 1206312; 
-        NumCkpts = 0; 
-        StatsLifetimeStarter = 45; 
+        BlockWrites = 0;
+        LastJobStatus = 2;
+        JobCurrentStartExecutingDate = 1446133934;
+        WantRemoteIO = true;
+        RequestCpus = 1;
+        NumShadowStarts = 1;
+        RemoteUserCpu = 1.500000000000000E+01;
+        NiceUser = false;
+        BytesRecvd = 1.220270000000000E+06;
+        RequestMemory = 1000;
+        ResidentSetSize = 5000;
+        StreamOut = false;
+        SpooledOutputFiles = "chtcinnerwrapper,CURLTIME_2149966,ChtcWrapper11010.out,R2011b_INFO,AuditLog.11010,SLIBS2.tar.gz,CODEBLOWUP";
+        OnExitRemove = true;
+        ImageSize_RAW = 4812;
+        RemoteWallClockTime = 4.700000000000000E+01;
+        MachineAttrSlotWeight0 = 1;
+        ExecutableSize = 7;
+        JobStatus = 4;
+        DAGParentNodeNames = "";
+        ExitCode = 5;
+        DAGManNodesMask = "0,1,2,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,13,16,17,24,27";
+        BytesSent = 2.727276000000000E+06;
+        LastSuspensionTime = 0;
+        ExecutableSize_RAW = 6;
+        RecentBlockReadKbytes = 36;
+        TransferInputSizeMB = 1;
+        Matlab = "R2011b";
+        BlockReadKbytes = 36;
+        LocalSysCpu = 0.0;
+        WantGlidein = true;
+        Iwd = "/home/dentler/ChtcRun/project_auction/results_fix2/11010";
+        Cmd = "/home/dentler/ChtcRun/chtcjobwrapper";
+        RecentStatsLifetimeStarter = 37;
+        LeaveJobInQueue = false;
+        TargetType = "Machine";
+        WhenToTransferOutput = "ON_EXIT";
+        Owner = "dentler";
+        JobNotification = 0;
+        BufferSize = 524288;
+        RecentBlockWrites = 0;
+        CompletionDate = 1446133979;
+        LastMatchTime = 1446133932;
+        LastJobLeaseRenewal = 1446133979;
+        DAGManNodesLog = "/home/dentler/ChtcRun/project_auction/results_fix2/./mydag.dag.nodes.log";
+        ClusterId = 49583856;
+        NumJobStarts = 1;
+        JobUniverse = 5;
+        AutoClusterAttrs = "JobUniverse,LastCheckpointPlatform,NumCkpts,ClientMachine,_condor_RequestCpus,_condor_RequestDisk,_condor_RequestGPUs,_condor_RequestMemory,RequestCpus,RequestDisk,RequestGPUs,RequestMemory,BIOCHEM,MachineLastMatchTime,ConcurrencyLimits,NiceUser,Rank,Requirements,ImageSize,MemoryRequirements,User,RemoteGroup,SubmitterGroup,SubmitterUserPrio,Group,WIDsTheme,InteractiveJob,Is_Resumable,WantFlocking,WantGlidein,Scheduler,Owner,JobStart,MemoryUsage,IsExpressQueueJob,DiskUsage,HEP_VO,IsDesktop,OSG_VO,x509userproxysubject,PassedTest,IsLocalCMSJob,IsLocalCMSSlot,IsSAMSlot,IsSAMJob,MaxDiskTempC,IsDedicated,estimated_run_hours,IsCHTCSubmit,RequiresCVMFS,DynamicSlot,PartitionableSlot,Slot1_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot1_JobStarts,Slot1_SelfMonitorAge,Slot2_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot2_JobStarts,Slot2_SelfMonitorAge,Slot3_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot3_JobStarts,Slot3_SelfMonitorAge,Slot4_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot4_JobStarts,Slot4_SelfMonitorAge,Slot5_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot5_JobStarts,Slot5_SelfMonitorAge,Slot6_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot6_JobStarts,Slot6_SelfMonitorAge,Slot7_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot7_JobStarts,Slot7_SelfMonitorAge,Slot8_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot8_JobStarts,Slot8_SelfMonitorAge,Slot1_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot1_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot2_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot2_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot3_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot3_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot4_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot4_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot5_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot5_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot6_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot6_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot7_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot7_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot8_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot8_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot10_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot10_JobStarts,Slot10_SelfMonitorAge,Slot11_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot11_JobStarts,Slot11_SelfMonitorAge,Slot12_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot12_JobStarts,Slot12_SelfMonitorAge,Slot9_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot9_JobStarts,Slot9_SelfMonitorAge,Slot12_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot10_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot10_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot11_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot11_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot12_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot9_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot9_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot13_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot13_JobStarts,Slot13_SelfMonitorAge,Slot14_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot14_JobStarts,Slot14_SelfMonitorAge,Slot15_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot15_JobStarts,Slot15_SelfMonitorAge,Slot16_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot16_JobStarts,Slot16_SelfMonitorAge,IsResumable,WHEN_TO_TRANSFER_OUTPUT,_condor_Requestadmin_mutex_1,_condor_Requestadmin_mutex_2,_condor_Requestadmin_mutex_3,_condor_Requestmachine_token,Requestadmin_mutex_1,Requestadmin_mutex_2,Requestadmin_mutex_3,Requestmachine_token,nyehle,IsBuildJob,IsMatlabBuildJob,TotalJobRunTime,NodeOnline,Slot13_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot13_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot14_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot14_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot15_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot15_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot16_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot16_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,TmpIsFull,trResumable,RequiresCMSFrontier,Slot17_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot17_JobStarts,Slot17_SelfMonitorAge,Slot17_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot17_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot18_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot18_JobStarts,Slot18_SelfMonitorAge,Slot18_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot18_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot19_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot19_JobStarts,Slot19_SelfMonitorAge,Slot19_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot19_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot20_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot20_JobStarts,Slot20_SelfMonitorAge,Slot20_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot20_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot21_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot21_JobStarts,Slot21_SelfMonitorAge,Slot21_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot21_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot22_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot22_JobStarts,Slot22_SelfMonitorAge,Slot22_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot22_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot23_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot23_JobStarts,Slot23_SelfMonitorAge,Slot23_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot23_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot24_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot24_JobStarts,Slot24_SelfMonitorAge,Slot24_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot24_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot25_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot25_JobStarts,Slot25_SelfMonitorAge,Slot25_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot25_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot26_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot26_JobStarts,Slot26_SelfMonitorAge,Slot26_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot26_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot27_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot27_JobStarts,Slot27_SelfMonitorAge,Slot27_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot27_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot28_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot28_JobStarts,Slot28_SelfMonitorAge,Slot28_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot28_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot29_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot29_JobStarts,Slot29_SelfMonitorAge,Slot29_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot29_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot30_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot30_JobStarts,Slot30_SelfMonitorAge,Slot30_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot30_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot31_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot31_JobStarts,Slot31_SelfMonitorAge,Slot31_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot31_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot32_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot32_JobStarts,Slot32_SelfMonitorAge,Slot32_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot32_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,ResidentSetSize";
+        MaxHosts = 1;
+        Args = "--type=Matlab --version=R2011b --cmdtorun=net_est --unique=11010 --";
+        CondorVersion = "$CondorVersion: 8.5.0 Sep 16 2015 BuildID: 341710 $";
+        CoreSize = 0;
+        OnExitHold = false;
+        CondorPlatform = "$CondorPlatform: X86_64-RedHat_6.6 $";
+        JobFinishedHookDone = 1446133979;
+        In = "/dev/null";
+        DiskUsage = 1250000;
+        EncryptExecuteDirectory = false;
+        CommittedSuspensionTime = 0;
+        User = "";
+        UserLog = "/home/dentler/ChtcRun/project_auction/results_fix2/11010/process.log";
+        JobCurrentStartDate = 1446133932;
+        BufferBlockSize = 32768;
+        MATCH_EXP_JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "";
+        Requirements = ( ( OpSysMajorVer is 6 ) ) && ( MY.JobUniverse == 12 || MY.JobUniverse == 7 || MY.WantFlocking || MY.WantGlidein || TARGET.PoolName == "CHTC" || TARGET.COLLECTOR_HOST_STRING == "" ) && ( TARGET.Arch == "X86_64" ) && ( TARGET.OpSys == "LINUX" ) && ( TARGET.Disk >= RequestDisk ) && ( TARGET.Memory >= RequestMemory ) && ( TARGET.HasFileTransfer );
+        MinHosts = 1;
+        JobLeaseDuration = 2400;
+        QDate = 1446133831;
+        PeriodicHold = false;
+        ProcId = 0;
+        Environment = "";
+        DAGNodeName = "11010+11010";
+        MemoryUsage = ( ( ResidentSetSize + 1023 ) / 1024 );
+        TerminationPending = true;
+        NumRestarts = 0;
+        NumSystemHolds = 0;
+        CommittedTime = 47;
+        AutoClusterId = 38257;
+        ExitStatus = 0;
+        ShouldTransferFiles = "YES";
+        MachineAttrCpus0 = 1;
+        WantRemoteSyscalls = false;
+        MyType = "Job";
+        CumulativeSuspensionTime = 0;
+        Rank = 0.0;
+        StartdPrincipal = "execute-side@matchsession/";
+        WantFlocking = true;
+        Err = "process.err";
+        PeriodicRemove = false;
+        BlockWriteKbytes = 0;
+        ExitBySignal = false;
+        DAGManJobId = 49583804;
+        EnteredCurrentStatus = 1446133979;
+        JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "$$([IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName), IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), \"\", TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName)])";
+        RecentBlockWriteKbytes = 0;
+        TransferIn = false;
+        IsCHTCSubmit = true;
+        NumJobMatches = 1;
+        RootDir = "/";
+        JobStartDate = 1446133932;
+        JobPrio = 0;
+        CurrentHosts = 0;
+        GlobalJobId = "";
+        RemoteSysCpu = 1.100000000000000E+01;
+        TotalSuspensions = 0;
+        CommittedSlotTime = 4.700000000000000E+01;
+        WantCheckpoint = false;
+        BlockReads = 3;
+        LastRemoteHost = "";
+        TransferInput = "/home/dentler/ChtcRun/project_auction/11010/,/home/dentler/ChtcRun/project_auction/shared/";
+        LocalUserCpu = 0.0;
+        PeriodicRelease = ( JobStatus == 5 ) && ( ( CurrentTime - EnteredCurrentStatus ) > 1800 ) && ( JobRunCount < 5 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 6 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 14 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 22 );
+        RequestDisk = 4000000;
+        ResidentSetSize_RAW = 4812;
+        OrigMaxHosts = 1;
+        LastPublicClaimId = "<>#1445317370#2817#...";
+        WantRHEL6 = true;
+        NumCkpts_RAW = 0;
+        Out = "process.out";
+        SubmitEventNotes = "DAG Node: 11010+11010";
+        CumulativeSlotTime = 4.700000000000000E+01;
+        JobRunCount = 1;
+        RecentBlockReads = 3;
+        StreamErr = false;
+        DiskUsage_RAW = 1206312;
+        NumCkpts = 0;
+        StatsLifetimeStarter = 45;
         ImageSize = 5000
-        BlockWrites = 0; 
-        LastJobStatus = 2; 
-        JobCurrentStartExecutingDate = 1446133931; 
-        WantRemoteIO = true; 
-        RequestCpus = 1; 
-        NumShadowStarts = 1; 
-        RemoteUserCpu = 1.000000000000000E+01; 
-        NiceUser = false; 
-        BytesRecvd = 1.220270000000000E+06; 
-        RequestMemory = 1000; 
-        ResidentSetSize = 7500; 
-        StreamOut = false; 
-        SpooledOutputFiles = "chtcinnerwrapper,CURLTIME_2893592,ChtcWrapper01100.out,R2011b_INFO,AuditLog.01100,SLIBS2.tar.gz,CODEBLOWUP"; 
-        OnExitRemove = true; 
-        ImageSize_RAW = 5048; 
-        RemoteWallClockTime = 4.000000000000000E+01; 
-        MachineAttrSlotWeight0 = 1; 
-        ExecutableSize = 7; 
-        JobStatus = 4; 
-        DAGParentNodeNames = ""; 
-        ExitCode = 5; 
-        DAGManNodesMask = "0,1,2,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,13,16,17,24,27"; 
-        BytesSent = 2.727275000000000E+06; 
-        LastSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        ExecutableSize_RAW = 6; 
-        RecentBlockReadKbytes = 108; 
-        TransferInputSizeMB = 1; 
-        Matlab = "R2011b"; 
-        BlockReadKbytes = 108; 
-        LocalSysCpu = 0.0; 
-        WantGlidein = true; 
-        Iwd = "/home/dentler/ChtcRun/project_auction/results_fix2/01100"; 
-        Cmd = "/home/dentler/ChtcRun/chtcjobwrapper"; 
-        RecentStatsLifetimeStarter = 30; 
-        LeaveJobInQueue = false; 
-        TargetType = "Machine"; 
-        WhenToTransferOutput = "ON_EXIT"; 
-        Owner = "dentler"; 
-        JobNotification = 0; 
-        BufferSize = 524288; 
-        RecentBlockWrites = 0; 
-        CompletionDate = 1446133970; 
-        LastMatchTime = 1446133930; 
-        LastJobLeaseRenewal = 1446133970; 
-        DAGManNodesLog = "/home/dentler/ChtcRun/project_auction/results_fix2/./mydag.dag.nodes.log"; 
-        ClusterId = 49583811; 
-        NumJobStarts = 1; 
-        JobUniverse = 5; 
-        AutoClusterAttrs = "JobUniverse,LastCheckpointPlatform,NumCkpts,ClientMachine,_condor_RequestCpus,_condor_RequestDisk,_condor_RequestGPUs,_condor_RequestMemory,RequestCpus,RequestDisk,RequestGPUs,RequestMemory,BIOCHEM,MachineLastMatchTime,ConcurrencyLimits,NiceUser,Rank,Requirements,ImageSize,MemoryRequirements,User,RemoteGroup,SubmitterGroup,SubmitterUserPrio,Group,WIDsTheme,InteractiveJob,Is_Resumable,WantFlocking,WantGlidein,Scheduler,Owner,JobStart,MemoryUsage,IsExpressQueueJob,DiskUsage,HEP_VO,IsDesktop,OSG_VO,x509userproxysubject,PassedTest,IsLocalCMSJob,IsLocalCMSSlot,IsSAMSlot,IsSAMJob,MaxDiskTempC,IsDedicated,estimated_run_hours,IsCHTCSubmit,RequiresCVMFS,DynamicSlot,PartitionableSlot,Slot1_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot1_JobStarts,Slot1_SelfMonitorAge,Slot2_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot2_JobStarts,Slot2_SelfMonitorAge,Slot3_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot3_JobStarts,Slot3_SelfMonitorAge,Slot4_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot4_JobStarts,Slot4_SelfMonitorAge,Slot5_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot5_JobStarts,Slot5_SelfMonitorAge,Slot6_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot6_JobStarts,Slot6_SelfMonitorAge,Slot7_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot7_JobStarts,Slot7_SelfMonitorAge,Slot8_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot8_JobStarts,Slot8_SelfMonitorAge,Slot1_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot1_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot2_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot2_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot3_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot3_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot4_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot4_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot5_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot5_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot6_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot6_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot7_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot7_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot8_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot8_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot10_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot10_JobStarts,Slot10_SelfMonitorAge,Slot11_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot11_JobStarts,Slot11_SelfMonitorAge,Slot12_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot12_JobStarts,Slot12_SelfMonitorAge,Slot9_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot9_JobStarts,Slot9_SelfMonitorAge,Slot12_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot10_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot10_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot11_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot11_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot12_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot9_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot9_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot13_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot13_JobStarts,Slot13_SelfMonitorAge,Slot14_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot14_JobStarts,Slot14_SelfMonitorAge,Slot15_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot15_JobStarts,Slot15_SelfMonitorAge,Slot16_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot16_JobStarts,Slot16_SelfMonitorAge,IsResumable,WHEN_TO_TRANSFER_OUTPUT,_condor_Requestadmin_mutex_1,_condor_Requestadmin_mutex_2,_condor_Requestadmin_mutex_3,_condor_Requestmachine_token,Requestadmin_mutex_1,Requestadmin_mutex_2,Requestadmin_mutex_3,Requestmachine_token,nyehle,IsBuildJob,IsMatlabBuildJob,TotalJobRunTime,NodeOnline,Slot13_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot13_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot14_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot14_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot15_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot15_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot16_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot16_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,TmpIsFull,trResumable,RequiresCMSFrontier,Slot17_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot17_JobStarts,Slot17_SelfMonitorAge,Slot17_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot17_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot18_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot18_JobStarts,Slot18_SelfMonitorAge,Slot18_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot18_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot19_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot19_JobStarts,Slot19_SelfMonitorAge,Slot19_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot19_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot20_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot20_JobStarts,Slot20_SelfMonitorAge,Slot20_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot20_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot21_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot21_JobStarts,Slot21_SelfMonitorAge,Slot21_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot21_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot22_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot22_JobStarts,Slot22_SelfMonitorAge,Slot22_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot22_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot23_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot23_JobStarts,Slot23_SelfMonitorAge,Slot23_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot23_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot24_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot24_JobStarts,Slot24_SelfMonitorAge,Slot24_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot24_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot25_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot25_JobStarts,Slot25_SelfMonitorAge,Slot25_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot25_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot26_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot26_JobStarts,Slot26_SelfMonitorAge,Slot26_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot26_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot27_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot27_JobStarts,Slot27_SelfMonitorAge,Slot27_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot27_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot28_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot28_JobStarts,Slot28_SelfMonitorAge,Slot28_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot28_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot29_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot29_JobStarts,Slot29_SelfMonitorAge,Slot29_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot29_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot30_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot30_JobStarts,Slot30_SelfMonitorAge,Slot30_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot30_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot31_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot31_JobStarts,Slot31_SelfMonitorAge,Slot31_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot31_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot32_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot32_JobStarts,Slot32_SelfMonitorAge,Slot32_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot32_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,ResidentSetSize"; 
-        MaxHosts = 1; 
-        Args = "--type=Matlab --version=R2011b --cmdtorun=net_est --unique=01100 --"; 
-        CondorVersion = "$CondorVersion: 8.5.0 Sep 16 2015 BuildID: 341710 $"; 
-        CoreSize = 0; 
-        OnExitHold = false; 
-        CondorPlatform = "$CondorPlatform: X86_64-RedHat_6.6 $"; 
-        JobFinishedHookDone = 1446133971; 
-        In = "/dev/null"; 
-        DiskUsage = 1250000; 
-        EncryptExecuteDirectory = false; 
-        CommittedSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        User = ""; 
-        UserLog = "/home/dentler/ChtcRun/project_auction/results_fix2/01100/process.log"; 
-        JobCurrentStartDate = 1446133930; 
-        BufferBlockSize = 32768; 
-        MATCH_EXP_JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = ""; 
-        Requirements = ( ( OpSysMajorVer is 6 ) ) && ( MY.JobUniverse == 12 || MY.JobUniverse == 7 || MY.WantFlocking || MY.WantGlidein || TARGET.PoolName == "CHTC" || TARGET.COLLECTOR_HOST_STRING == "" ) && ( TARGET.Arch == "X86_64" ) && ( TARGET.OpSys == "LINUX" ) && ( TARGET.Disk >= RequestDisk ) && ( TARGET.Memory >= RequestMemory ) && ( TARGET.HasFileTransfer ); 
-        MinHosts = 1; 
-        JobLeaseDuration = 2400; 
-        QDate = 1446133780; 
-        PeriodicHold = false; 
-        ProcId = 0; 
-        Environment = ""; 
-        DAGNodeName = "01100+01100"; 
-        MemoryUsage = ( ( ResidentSetSize + 1023 ) / 1024 ); 
-        TerminationPending = true; 
-        NumRestarts = 0; 
-        NumSystemHolds = 0; 
-        CommittedTime = 40; 
-        AutoClusterId = 38254; 
-        ExitStatus = 0; 
-        ShouldTransferFiles = "YES"; 
-        MachineAttrCpus0 = 1; 
-        WantRemoteSyscalls = false; 
-        MyType = "Job"; 
-        CumulativeSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        Rank = 0.0; 
-        StartdPrincipal = "execute-side@matchsession/"; 
-        WantFlocking = true; 
-        Err = "process.err"; 
-        PeriodicRemove = false; 
-        BlockWriteKbytes = 0; 
-        ExitBySignal = false; 
-        DAGManJobId = 49583804; 
-        EnteredCurrentStatus = 1446133970; 
-        JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "$$([IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName), IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), \"\", TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName)])"; 
-        RecentBlockWriteKbytes = 0; 
-        TransferIn = false; 
-        IsCHTCSubmit = true; 
-        NumJobMatches = 1; 
-        RootDir = "/"; 
-        JobStartDate = 1446133930; 
-        JobPrio = 0; 
-        CurrentHosts = 0; 
-        GlobalJobId = ""; 
-        RemoteSysCpu = 6.000000000000000E+00; 
-        TotalSuspensions = 0; 
-        CommittedSlotTime = 4.000000000000000E+01; 
-        WantCheckpoint = false; 
-        BlockReads = 8; 
-        LastRemoteHost = ""; 
-        TransferInput = "/home/dentler/ChtcRun/project_auction/01100/,/home/dentler/ChtcRun/project_auction/shared/"; 
-        LocalUserCpu = 0.0; 
-        PeriodicRelease = ( JobStatus == 5 ) && ( ( CurrentTime - EnteredCurrentStatus ) > 1800 ) && ( JobRunCount < 5 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 6 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 14 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 22 ); 
-        RequestDisk = 4000000; 
-        ResidentSetSize_RAW = 5044; 
-        OrigMaxHosts = 1; 
-        LastPublicClaimId = "<>#1444977535#2490#..."; 
-        WantRHEL6 = true; 
-        NumCkpts_RAW = 0; 
-        Out = "process.out"; 
-        SubmitEventNotes = "DAG Node: 01100+01100"; 
-        CumulativeSlotTime = 4.000000000000000E+01; 
-        JobRunCount = 1; 
-        RecentBlockReads = 8; 
-        StreamErr = false; 
-        DiskUsage_RAW = 1206320; 
-        NumCkpts = 0; 
-        StatsLifetimeStarter = 39; 
+        BlockWrites = 0;
+        LastJobStatus = 2;
+        JobCurrentStartExecutingDate = 1446133931;
+        WantRemoteIO = true;
+        RequestCpus = 1;
+        NumShadowStarts = 1;
+        RemoteUserCpu = 1.000000000000000E+01;
+        NiceUser = false;
+        BytesRecvd = 1.220270000000000E+06;
+        RequestMemory = 1000;
+        ResidentSetSize = 7500;
+        StreamOut = false;
+        SpooledOutputFiles = "chtcinnerwrapper,CURLTIME_2893592,ChtcWrapper01100.out,R2011b_INFO,AuditLog.01100,SLIBS2.tar.gz,CODEBLOWUP";
+        OnExitRemove = true;
+        ImageSize_RAW = 5048;
+        RemoteWallClockTime = 4.000000000000000E+01;
+        MachineAttrSlotWeight0 = 1;
+        ExecutableSize = 7;
+        JobStatus = 4;
+        DAGParentNodeNames = "";
+        ExitCode = 5;
+        DAGManNodesMask = "0,1,2,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,13,16,17,24,27";
+        BytesSent = 2.727275000000000E+06;
+        LastSuspensionTime = 0;
+        ExecutableSize_RAW = 6;
+        RecentBlockReadKbytes = 108;
+        TransferInputSizeMB = 1;
+        Matlab = "R2011b";
+        BlockReadKbytes = 108;
+        LocalSysCpu = 0.0;
+        WantGlidein = true;
+        Iwd = "/home/dentler/ChtcRun/project_auction/results_fix2/01100";
+        Cmd = "/home/dentler/ChtcRun/chtcjobwrapper";
+        RecentStatsLifetimeStarter = 30;
+        LeaveJobInQueue = false;
+        TargetType = "Machine";
+        WhenToTransferOutput = "ON_EXIT";
+        Owner = "dentler";
+        JobNotification = 0;
+        BufferSize = 524288;
+        RecentBlockWrites = 0;
+        CompletionDate = 1446133970;
+        LastMatchTime = 1446133930;
+        LastJobLeaseRenewal = 1446133970;
+        DAGManNodesLog = "/home/dentler/ChtcRun/project_auction/results_fix2/./mydag.dag.nodes.log";
+        ClusterId = 49583811;
+        NumJobStarts = 1;
+        JobUniverse = 5;
+        AutoClusterAttrs = "JobUniverse,LastCheckpointPlatform,NumCkpts,ClientMachine,_condor_RequestCpus,_condor_RequestDisk,_condor_RequestGPUs,_condor_RequestMemory,RequestCpus,RequestDisk,RequestGPUs,RequestMemory,BIOCHEM,MachineLastMatchTime,ConcurrencyLimits,NiceUser,Rank,Requirements,ImageSize,MemoryRequirements,User,RemoteGroup,SubmitterGroup,SubmitterUserPrio,Group,WIDsTheme,InteractiveJob,Is_Resumable,WantFlocking,WantGlidein,Scheduler,Owner,JobStart,MemoryUsage,IsExpressQueueJob,DiskUsage,HEP_VO,IsDesktop,OSG_VO,x509userproxysubject,PassedTest,IsLocalCMSJob,IsLocalCMSSlot,IsSAMSlot,IsSAMJob,MaxDiskTempC,IsDedicated,estimated_run_hours,IsCHTCSubmit,RequiresCVMFS,DynamicSlot,PartitionableSlot,Slot1_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot1_JobStarts,Slot1_SelfMonitorAge,Slot2_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot2_JobStarts,Slot2_SelfMonitorAge,Slot3_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot3_JobStarts,Slot3_SelfMonitorAge,Slot4_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot4_JobStarts,Slot4_SelfMonitorAge,Slot5_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot5_JobStarts,Slot5_SelfMonitorAge,Slot6_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot6_JobStarts,Slot6_SelfMonitorAge,Slot7_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot7_JobStarts,Slot7_SelfMonitorAge,Slot8_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot8_JobStarts,Slot8_SelfMonitorAge,Slot1_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot1_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot2_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot2_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot3_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot3_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot4_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot4_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot5_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot5_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot6_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot6_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot7_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot7_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot8_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot8_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot10_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot10_JobStarts,Slot10_SelfMonitorAge,Slot11_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot11_JobStarts,Slot11_SelfMonitorAge,Slot12_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot12_JobStarts,Slot12_SelfMonitorAge,Slot9_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot9_JobStarts,Slot9_SelfMonitorAge,Slot12_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot10_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot10_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot11_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot11_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot12_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot9_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot9_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot13_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot13_JobStarts,Slot13_SelfMonitorAge,Slot14_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot14_JobStarts,Slot14_SelfMonitorAge,Slot15_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot15_JobStarts,Slot15_SelfMonitorAge,Slot16_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot16_JobStarts,Slot16_SelfMonitorAge,IsResumable,WHEN_TO_TRANSFER_OUTPUT,_condor_Requestadmin_mutex_1,_condor_Requestadmin_mutex_2,_condor_Requestadmin_mutex_3,_condor_Requestmachine_token,Requestadmin_mutex_1,Requestadmin_mutex_2,Requestadmin_mutex_3,Requestmachine_token,nyehle,IsBuildJob,IsMatlabBuildJob,TotalJobRunTime,NodeOnline,Slot13_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot13_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot14_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot14_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot15_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot15_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot16_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot16_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,TmpIsFull,trResumable,RequiresCMSFrontier,Slot17_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot17_JobStarts,Slot17_SelfMonitorAge,Slot17_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot17_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot18_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot18_JobStarts,Slot18_SelfMonitorAge,Slot18_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot18_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot19_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot19_JobStarts,Slot19_SelfMonitorAge,Slot19_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot19_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot20_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot20_JobStarts,Slot20_SelfMonitorAge,Slot20_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot20_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot21_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot21_JobStarts,Slot21_SelfMonitorAge,Slot21_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot21_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot22_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot22_JobStarts,Slot22_SelfMonitorAge,Slot22_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot22_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot23_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot23_JobStarts,Slot23_SelfMonitorAge,Slot23_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot23_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot24_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot24_JobStarts,Slot24_SelfMonitorAge,Slot24_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot24_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot25_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot25_JobStarts,Slot25_SelfMonitorAge,Slot25_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot25_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot26_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot26_JobStarts,Slot26_SelfMonitorAge,Slot26_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot26_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot27_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot27_JobStarts,Slot27_SelfMonitorAge,Slot27_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot27_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot28_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot28_JobStarts,Slot28_SelfMonitorAge,Slot28_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot28_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot29_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot29_JobStarts,Slot29_SelfMonitorAge,Slot29_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot29_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot30_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot30_JobStarts,Slot30_SelfMonitorAge,Slot30_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot30_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot31_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot31_JobStarts,Slot31_SelfMonitorAge,Slot31_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot31_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot32_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot32_JobStarts,Slot32_SelfMonitorAge,Slot32_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot32_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,ResidentSetSize";
+        MaxHosts = 1;
+        Args = "--type=Matlab --version=R2011b --cmdtorun=net_est --unique=01100 --";
+        CondorVersion = "$CondorVersion: 8.5.0 Sep 16 2015 BuildID: 341710 $";
+        CoreSize = 0;
+        OnExitHold = false;
+        CondorPlatform = "$CondorPlatform: X86_64-RedHat_6.6 $";
+        JobFinishedHookDone = 1446133971;
+        In = "/dev/null";
+        DiskUsage = 1250000;
+        EncryptExecuteDirectory = false;
+        CommittedSuspensionTime = 0;
+        User = "";
+        UserLog = "/home/dentler/ChtcRun/project_auction/results_fix2/01100/process.log";
+        JobCurrentStartDate = 1446133930;
+        BufferBlockSize = 32768;
+        MATCH_EXP_JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "";
+        Requirements = ( ( OpSysMajorVer is 6 ) ) && ( MY.JobUniverse == 12 || MY.JobUniverse == 7 || MY.WantFlocking || MY.WantGlidein || TARGET.PoolName == "CHTC" || TARGET.COLLECTOR_HOST_STRING == "" ) && ( TARGET.Arch == "X86_64" ) && ( TARGET.OpSys == "LINUX" ) && ( TARGET.Disk >= RequestDisk ) && ( TARGET.Memory >= RequestMemory ) && ( TARGET.HasFileTransfer );
+        MinHosts = 1;
+        JobLeaseDuration = 2400;
+        QDate = 1446133780;
+        PeriodicHold = false;
+        ProcId = 0;
+        Environment = "";
+        DAGNodeName = "01100+01100";
+        MemoryUsage = ( ( ResidentSetSize + 1023 ) / 1024 );
+        TerminationPending = true;
+        NumRestarts = 0;
+        NumSystemHolds = 0;
+        CommittedTime = 40;
+        AutoClusterId = 38254;
+        ExitStatus = 0;
+        ShouldTransferFiles = "YES";
+        MachineAttrCpus0 = 1;
+        WantRemoteSyscalls = false;
+        MyType = "Job";
+        CumulativeSuspensionTime = 0;
+        Rank = 0.0;
+        StartdPrincipal = "execute-side@matchsession/";
+        WantFlocking = true;
+        Err = "process.err";
+        PeriodicRemove = false;
+        BlockWriteKbytes = 0;
+        ExitBySignal = false;
+        DAGManJobId = 49583804;
+        EnteredCurrentStatus = 1446133970;
+        JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "$$([IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName), IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), \"\", TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName)])";
+        RecentBlockWriteKbytes = 0;
+        TransferIn = false;
+        IsCHTCSubmit = true;
+        NumJobMatches = 1;
+        RootDir = "/";
+        JobStartDate = 1446133930;
+        JobPrio = 0;
+        CurrentHosts = 0;
+        GlobalJobId = "";
+        RemoteSysCpu = 6.000000000000000E+00;
+        TotalSuspensions = 0;
+        CommittedSlotTime = 4.000000000000000E+01;
+        WantCheckpoint = false;
+        BlockReads = 8;
+        LastRemoteHost = "";
+        TransferInput = "/home/dentler/ChtcRun/project_auction/01100/,/home/dentler/ChtcRun/project_auction/shared/";
+        LocalUserCpu = 0.0;
+        PeriodicRelease = ( JobStatus == 5 ) && ( ( CurrentTime - EnteredCurrentStatus ) > 1800 ) && ( JobRunCount < 5 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 6 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 14 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 22 );
+        RequestDisk = 4000000;
+        ResidentSetSize_RAW = 5044;
+        OrigMaxHosts = 1;
+        LastPublicClaimId = "<>#1444977535#2490#...";
+        WantRHEL6 = true;
+        NumCkpts_RAW = 0;
+        Out = "process.out";
+        SubmitEventNotes = "DAG Node: 01100+01100";
+        CumulativeSlotTime = 4.000000000000000E+01;
+        JobRunCount = 1;
+        RecentBlockReads = 8;
+        StreamErr = false;
+        DiskUsage_RAW = 1206320;
+        NumCkpts = 0;
+        StatsLifetimeStarter = 39;
         ImageSize = 7500
-        BlockWrites = 0; 
-        LastJobStatus = 2; 
-        JobCurrentStartExecutingDate = 1446115779; 
-        WantRemoteIO = true; 
-        RequestCpus = 1; 
-        NumShadowStarts = 1; 
-        RemoteUserCpu = 1.805400000000000E+04; 
-        NiceUser = false; 
-        RequestMemory = 1000; 
-        BytesRecvd = 2.846290000000000E+05; 
-        ResidentSetSize = 150000; 
-        StreamOut = false; 
-        SpooledOutputFiles = "CURLTIME_1401618,ChtcWrapper440.out,AuditLog.440,simu_3_440.txt,harvest.log,440.out"; 
-        OnExitRemove = true; 
-        ImageSize_RAW = 811948; 
-        RemoteWallClockTime = 1.818900000000000E+04; 
-        MachineAttrSlotWeight0 = 1; 
-        ExecutableSize = 7; 
-        JobStatus = 4; 
-        DAGParentNodeNames = ""; 
-        ExitCode = 0; 
-        DAGManNodesMask = "0,1,2,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,13,16,17,24,27"; 
-        BytesSent = 2.791400000000000E+04; 
-        LastSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        ExecutableSize_RAW = 6; 
-        RecentBlockReadKbytes = 0; 
-        TransferInputSizeMB = 0; 
-        Matlab = "R2011b"; 
-        BlockReadKbytes = 0; 
-        LocalSysCpu = 0.0; 
-        Iwd = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/model_3/440"; 
-        RecentStatsLifetimeStarter = 1200; 
-        LeaveJobInQueue = false; 
-        TargetType = "Machine"; 
-        WhenToTransferOutput = "ON_EXIT"; 
-        Owner = "xguo23"; 
-        JobNotification = 0; 
-        BufferSize = 524288; 
-        RecentBlockWrites = 0; 
-        CompletionDate = 1446133967; 
-        LastMatchTime = 1446115778; 
-        LastJobLeaseRenewal = 1446133967; 
-        DAGManNodesLog = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/model_3/./mydag.dag.nodes.log"; 
-        ClusterId = 49582782; 
-        NumJobStarts = 1; 
-        JobUniverse = 5; 
-        AutoClusterAttrs = "JobUniverse,LastCheckpointPlatform,NumCkpts,ClientMachine,_condor_RequestCpus,_condor_RequestDisk,_condor_RequestGPUs,_condor_RequestMemory,RequestCpus,RequestDisk,RequestGPUs,RequestMemory,BIOCHEM,MachineLastMatchTime,ConcurrencyLimits,NiceUser,Rank,Requirements,ImageSize,MemoryRequirements,User,RemoteGroup,SubmitterGroup,SubmitterUserPrio,Group,WIDsTheme,InteractiveJob,Is_Resumable,WantFlocking,WantGlidein,Scheduler,Owner,JobStart,MemoryUsage,IsExpressQueueJob,DiskUsage,HEP_VO,IsDesktop,OSG_VO,x509userproxysubject,PassedTest,IsLocalCMSJob,IsLocalCMSSlot,IsSAMSlot,IsSAMJob,MaxDiskTempC,IsDedicated,estimated_run_hours,IsCHTCSubmit,RequiresCVMFS,DynamicSlot,PartitionableSlot,Slot1_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot1_JobStarts,Slot1_SelfMonitorAge,Slot2_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot2_JobStarts,Slot2_SelfMonitorAge,Slot3_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot3_JobStarts,Slot3_SelfMonitorAge,Slot4_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot4_JobStarts,Slot4_SelfMonitorAge,Slot5_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot5_JobStarts,Slot5_SelfMonitorAge,Slot6_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot6_JobStarts,Slot6_SelfMonitorAge,Slot7_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot7_JobStarts,Slot7_SelfMonitorAge,Slot8_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot8_JobStarts,Slot8_SelfMonitorAge,Slot1_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot1_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot2_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot2_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot3_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot3_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot4_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot4_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot5_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot5_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot6_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot6_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot7_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot7_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot8_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot8_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot10_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot10_JobStarts,Slot10_SelfMonitorAge,Slot11_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot11_JobStarts,Slot11_SelfMonitorAge,Slot12_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot12_JobStarts,Slot12_SelfMonitorAge,Slot9_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot9_JobStarts,Slot9_SelfMonitorAge,Slot12_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot10_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot10_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot11_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot11_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot12_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot9_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot9_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot13_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot13_JobStarts,Slot13_SelfMonitorAge,Slot14_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot14_JobStarts,Slot14_SelfMonitorAge,Slot15_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot15_JobStarts,Slot15_SelfMonitorAge,Slot16_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot16_JobStarts,Slot16_SelfMonitorAge,IsResumable,WHEN_TO_TRANSFER_OUTPUT,_condor_Requestadmin_mutex_1,_condor_Requestadmin_mutex_2,_condor_Requestadmin_mutex_3,_condor_Requestmachine_token,Requestadmin_mutex_1,Requestadmin_mutex_2,Requestadmin_mutex_3,Requestmachine_token,nyehle,IsBuildJob,IsMatlabBuildJob,TotalJobRunTime,NodeOnline,Slot13_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot13_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot14_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot14_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot15_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot15_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot16_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot16_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,TmpIsFull,trResumable,RequiresCMSFrontier,Slot17_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot17_JobStarts,Slot17_SelfMonitorAge,Slot17_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot17_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot18_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot18_JobStarts,Slot18_SelfMonitorAge,Slot18_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot18_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot19_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot19_JobStarts,Slot19_SelfMonitorAge,Slot19_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot19_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot20_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot20_JobStarts,Slot20_SelfMonitorAge,Slot20_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot20_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot21_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot21_JobStarts,Slot21_SelfMonitorAge,Slot21_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot21_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot22_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot22_JobStarts,Slot22_SelfMonitorAge,Slot22_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot22_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot23_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot23_JobStarts,Slot23_SelfMonitorAge,Slot23_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot23_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot24_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot24_JobStarts,Slot24_SelfMonitorAge,Slot24_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot24_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot25_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot25_JobStarts,Slot25_SelfMonitorAge,Slot25_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot25_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot26_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot26_JobStarts,Slot26_SelfMonitorAge,Slot26_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot26_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot27_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot27_JobStarts,Slot27_SelfMonitorAge,Slot27_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot27_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot28_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot28_JobStarts,Slot28_SelfMonitorAge,Slot28_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot28_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot29_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot29_JobStarts,Slot29_SelfMonitorAge,Slot29_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot29_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot30_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot30_JobStarts,Slot30_SelfMonitorAge,Slot30_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot30_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot31_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot31_JobStarts,Slot31_SelfMonitorAge,Slot31_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot31_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot32_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot32_JobStarts,Slot32_SelfMonitorAge,Slot32_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot32_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,ResidentSetSize"; 
-        MaxHosts = 1; 
-        Args = "--type=Matlab --version=R2011b --cmdtorun=simu_condor --unique=440 -- 3"; 
-        CondorVersion = "$CondorVersion: 8.5.0 Sep 16 2015 BuildID: 341710 $"; 
-        CoreSize = 0; 
-        OnExitHold = false; 
-        CondorPlatform = "$CondorPlatform: X86_64-RedHat_6.6 $"; 
-        JobFinishedHookDone = 1446133967; 
-        QDate = 1446105831; 
-        JobLeaseDuration = 2400; 
-        In = "/dev/null"; 
-        DiskUsage = 1250000; 
-        EncryptExecuteDirectory = false; 
-        CommittedSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        User = ""; 
-        UserLog = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/model_3/440/process.log"; 
-        JobCurrentStartDate = 1446115778; 
-        BufferBlockSize = 32768; 
-        MATCH_EXP_JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = ""; 
-        Requirements = ( ( OpSysMajorVer is 6 ) ) && ( MY.JobUniverse == 12 || MY.JobUniverse == 7 || MY.WantFlocking || MY.WantGlidein || TARGET.PoolName == "CHTC" || TARGET.COLLECTOR_HOST_STRING == "" ) && ( TARGET.Arch == "X86_64" ) && ( TARGET.OpSys == "LINUX" ) && ( TARGET.Disk >= RequestDisk ) && ( TARGET.Memory >= RequestMemory ) && ( TARGET.HasFileTransfer ); 
-        MinHosts = 1; 
-        PeriodicHold = false; 
-        ProcId = 0; 
-        Environment = ""; 
-        DAGNodeName = "440+440"; 
-        MemoryUsage = ( ( ResidentSetSize + 1023 ) / 1024 ); 
-        TerminationPending = true; 
-        NumRestarts = 0; 
-        NumSystemHolds = 0; 
-        CommittedTime = 18189; 
-        AutoClusterId = 24; 
-        ExitStatus = 0; 
-        ShouldTransferFiles = "YES"; 
-        MachineAttrCpus0 = 1; 
-        WantRemoteSyscalls = false; 
-        MyType = "Job"; 
-        CumulativeSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        Rank = 0.0; 
-        StartdPrincipal = "execute-side@matchsession/"; 
-        Err = "process.err"; 
-        PeriodicRemove = false; 
-        BlockWriteKbytes = 0; 
-        ExitBySignal = false; 
-        DAGManJobId = 49582200; 
-        EnteredCurrentStatus = 1446133967; 
-        JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "$$([IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName), IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), \"\", TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName)])"; 
-        RecentBlockWriteKbytes = 0; 
-        TransferIn = false; 
-        IsCHTCSubmit = true; 
-        NumJobMatches = 1; 
-        RootDir = "/"; 
-        JobStartDate = 1446115778; 
-        JobPrio = 0; 
-        CurrentHosts = 0; 
-        GlobalJobId = ""; 
-        RemoteSysCpu = 1.050000000000000E+02; 
-        TotalSuspensions = 0; 
-        CommittedSlotTime = 1.818900000000000E+04; 
-        WantCheckpoint = false; 
-        BlockReads = 0; 
-        LastRemoteHost = ""; 
-        TransferInput = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/data/440/,/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/data/shared/"; 
-        LocalUserCpu = 0.0; 
-        PeriodicRelease = ( JobStatus == 5 ) && ( ( CurrentTime - EnteredCurrentStatus ) > 1800 ) && ( JobRunCount < 5 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 6 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 14 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 22 ); 
-        RequestDisk = 1000000; 
-        ResidentSetSize_RAW = 125632; 
-        OrigMaxHosts = 1; 
-        LastPublicClaimId = "<>#1444759998#9425#..."; 
-        WantRHEL6 = true; 
-        NumCkpts_RAW = 0; 
-        Out = "process.out"; 
-        SubmitEventNotes = "DAG Node: 440+440"; 
-        CumulativeSlotTime = 1.818900000000000E+04; 
-        JobRunCount = 1; 
-        RecentBlockReads = 0; 
-        StreamErr = false; 
-        DiskUsage_RAW = 1216669; 
-        NumCkpts = 0; 
-        StatsLifetimeStarter = 18187; 
-        ImageSize = 1000000; 
+        BlockWrites = 0;
+        LastJobStatus = 2;
+        JobCurrentStartExecutingDate = 1446115779;
+        WantRemoteIO = true;
+        RequestCpus = 1;
+        NumShadowStarts = 1;
+        RemoteUserCpu = 1.805400000000000E+04;
+        NiceUser = false;
+        RequestMemory = 1000;
+        BytesRecvd = 2.846290000000000E+05;
+        ResidentSetSize = 150000;
+        StreamOut = false;
+        SpooledOutputFiles = "CURLTIME_1401618,ChtcWrapper440.out,AuditLog.440,simu_3_440.txt,harvest.log,440.out";
+        OnExitRemove = true;
+        ImageSize_RAW = 811948;
+        RemoteWallClockTime = 1.818900000000000E+04;
+        MachineAttrSlotWeight0 = 1;
+        ExecutableSize = 7;
+        JobStatus = 4;
+        DAGParentNodeNames = "";
+        ExitCode = 0;
+        DAGManNodesMask = "0,1,2,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,13,16,17,24,27";
+        BytesSent = 2.791400000000000E+04;
+        LastSuspensionTime = 0;
+        ExecutableSize_RAW = 6;
+        RecentBlockReadKbytes = 0;
+        TransferInputSizeMB = 0;
+        Matlab = "R2011b";
+        BlockReadKbytes = 0;
+        LocalSysCpu = 0.0;
+        Iwd = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/model_3/440";
+        RecentStatsLifetimeStarter = 1200;
+        LeaveJobInQueue = false;
+        TargetType = "Machine";
+        WhenToTransferOutput = "ON_EXIT";
+        Owner = "xguo23";
+        JobNotification = 0;
+        BufferSize = 524288;
+        RecentBlockWrites = 0;
+        CompletionDate = 1446133967;
+        LastMatchTime = 1446115778;
+        LastJobLeaseRenewal = 1446133967;
+        DAGManNodesLog = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/model_3/./mydag.dag.nodes.log";
+        ClusterId = 49582782;
+        NumJobStarts = 1;
+        JobUniverse = 5;
+        AutoClusterAttrs = "JobUniverse,LastCheckpointPlatform,NumCkpts,ClientMachine,_condor_RequestCpus,_condor_RequestDisk,_condor_RequestGPUs,_condor_RequestMemory,RequestCpus,RequestDisk,RequestGPUs,RequestMemory,BIOCHEM,MachineLastMatchTime,ConcurrencyLimits,NiceUser,Rank,Requirements,ImageSize,MemoryRequirements,User,RemoteGroup,SubmitterGroup,SubmitterUserPrio,Group,WIDsTheme,InteractiveJob,Is_Resumable,WantFlocking,WantGlidein,Scheduler,Owner,JobStart,MemoryUsage,IsExpressQueueJob,DiskUsage,HEP_VO,IsDesktop,OSG_VO,x509userproxysubject,PassedTest,IsLocalCMSJob,IsLocalCMSSlot,IsSAMSlot,IsSAMJob,MaxDiskTempC,IsDedicated,estimated_run_hours,IsCHTCSubmit,RequiresCVMFS,DynamicSlot,PartitionableSlot,Slot1_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot1_JobStarts,Slot1_SelfMonitorAge,Slot2_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot2_JobStarts,Slot2_SelfMonitorAge,Slot3_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot3_JobStarts,Slot3_SelfMonitorAge,Slot4_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot4_JobStarts,Slot4_SelfMonitorAge,Slot5_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot5_JobStarts,Slot5_SelfMonitorAge,Slot6_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot6_JobStarts,Slot6_SelfMonitorAge,Slot7_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot7_JobStarts,Slot7_SelfMonitorAge,Slot8_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot8_JobStarts,Slot8_SelfMonitorAge,Slot1_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot1_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot2_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot2_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot3_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot3_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot4_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot4_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot5_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot5_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot6_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot6_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot7_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot7_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot8_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot8_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot10_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot10_JobStarts,Slot10_SelfMonitorAge,Slot11_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot11_JobStarts,Slot11_SelfMonitorAge,Slot12_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot12_JobStarts,Slot12_SelfMonitorAge,Slot9_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot9_JobStarts,Slot9_SelfMonitorAge,Slot12_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot10_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot10_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot11_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot11_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot12_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot9_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot9_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot13_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot13_JobStarts,Slot13_SelfMonitorAge,Slot14_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot14_JobStarts,Slot14_SelfMonitorAge,Slot15_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot15_JobStarts,Slot15_SelfMonitorAge,Slot16_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot16_JobStarts,Slot16_SelfMonitorAge,IsResumable,WHEN_TO_TRANSFER_OUTPUT,_condor_Requestadmin_mutex_1,_condor_Requestadmin_mutex_2,_condor_Requestadmin_mutex_3,_condor_Requestmachine_token,Requestadmin_mutex_1,Requestadmin_mutex_2,Requestadmin_mutex_3,Requestmachine_token,nyehle,IsBuildJob,IsMatlabBuildJob,TotalJobRunTime,NodeOnline,Slot13_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot13_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot14_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot14_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot15_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot15_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot16_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot16_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,TmpIsFull,trResumable,RequiresCMSFrontier,Slot17_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot17_JobStarts,Slot17_SelfMonitorAge,Slot17_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot17_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot18_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot18_JobStarts,Slot18_SelfMonitorAge,Slot18_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot18_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot19_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot19_JobStarts,Slot19_SelfMonitorAge,Slot19_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot19_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot20_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot20_JobStarts,Slot20_SelfMonitorAge,Slot20_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot20_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot21_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot21_JobStarts,Slot21_SelfMonitorAge,Slot21_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot21_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot22_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot22_JobStarts,Slot22_SelfMonitorAge,Slot22_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot22_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot23_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot23_JobStarts,Slot23_SelfMonitorAge,Slot23_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot23_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot24_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot24_JobStarts,Slot24_SelfMonitorAge,Slot24_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot24_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot25_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot25_JobStarts,Slot25_SelfMonitorAge,Slot25_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot25_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot26_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot26_JobStarts,Slot26_SelfMonitorAge,Slot26_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot26_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot27_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot27_JobStarts,Slot27_SelfMonitorAge,Slot27_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot27_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot28_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot28_JobStarts,Slot28_SelfMonitorAge,Slot28_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot28_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot29_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot29_JobStarts,Slot29_SelfMonitorAge,Slot29_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot29_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot30_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot30_JobStarts,Slot30_SelfMonitorAge,Slot30_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot30_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot31_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot31_JobStarts,Slot31_SelfMonitorAge,Slot31_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot31_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot32_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot32_JobStarts,Slot32_SelfMonitorAge,Slot32_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot32_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,ResidentSetSize";
+        MaxHosts = 1;
+        Args = "--type=Matlab --version=R2011b --cmdtorun=simu_condor --unique=440 -- 3";
+        CondorVersion = "$CondorVersion: 8.5.0 Sep 16 2015 BuildID: 341710 $";
+        CoreSize = 0;
+        OnExitHold = false;
+        CondorPlatform = "$CondorPlatform: X86_64-RedHat_6.6 $";
+        JobFinishedHookDone = 1446133967;
+        QDate = 1446105831;
+        JobLeaseDuration = 2400;
+        In = "/dev/null";
+        DiskUsage = 1250000;
+        EncryptExecuteDirectory = false;
+        CommittedSuspensionTime = 0;
+        User = "";
+        UserLog = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/model_3/440/process.log";
+        JobCurrentStartDate = 1446115778;
+        BufferBlockSize = 32768;
+        MATCH_EXP_JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "";
+        Requirements = ( ( OpSysMajorVer is 6 ) ) && ( MY.JobUniverse == 12 || MY.JobUniverse == 7 || MY.WantFlocking || MY.WantGlidein || TARGET.PoolName == "CHTC" || TARGET.COLLECTOR_HOST_STRING == "" ) && ( TARGET.Arch == "X86_64" ) && ( TARGET.OpSys == "LINUX" ) && ( TARGET.Disk >= RequestDisk ) && ( TARGET.Memory >= RequestMemory ) && ( TARGET.HasFileTransfer );
+        MinHosts = 1;
+        PeriodicHold = false;
+        ProcId = 0;
+        Environment = "";
+        DAGNodeName = "440+440";
+        MemoryUsage = ( ( ResidentSetSize + 1023 ) / 1024 );
+        TerminationPending = true;
+        NumRestarts = 0;
+        NumSystemHolds = 0;
+        CommittedTime = 18189;
+        AutoClusterId = 24;
+        ExitStatus = 0;
+        ShouldTransferFiles = "YES";
+        MachineAttrCpus0 = 1;
+        WantRemoteSyscalls = false;
+        MyType = "Job";
+        CumulativeSuspensionTime = 0;
+        Rank = 0.0;
+        StartdPrincipal = "execute-side@matchsession/";
+        Err = "process.err";
+        PeriodicRemove = false;
+        BlockWriteKbytes = 0;
+        ExitBySignal = false;
+        DAGManJobId = 49582200;
+        EnteredCurrentStatus = 1446133967;
+        JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "$$([IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName), IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), \"\", TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName)])";
+        RecentBlockWriteKbytes = 0;
+        TransferIn = false;
+        IsCHTCSubmit = true;
+        NumJobMatches = 1;
+        RootDir = "/";
+        JobStartDate = 1446115778;
+        JobPrio = 0;
+        CurrentHosts = 0;
+        GlobalJobId = "";
+        RemoteSysCpu = 1.050000000000000E+02;
+        TotalSuspensions = 0;
+        CommittedSlotTime = 1.818900000000000E+04;
+        WantCheckpoint = false;
+        BlockReads = 0;
+        LastRemoteHost = "";
+        TransferInput = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/data/440/,/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/data/shared/";
+        LocalUserCpu = 0.0;
+        PeriodicRelease = ( JobStatus == 5 ) && ( ( CurrentTime - EnteredCurrentStatus ) > 1800 ) && ( JobRunCount < 5 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 6 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 14 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 22 );
+        RequestDisk = 1000000;
+        ResidentSetSize_RAW = 125632;
+        OrigMaxHosts = 1;
+        LastPublicClaimId = "<>#1444759998#9425#...";
+        WantRHEL6 = true;
+        NumCkpts_RAW = 0;
+        Out = "process.out";
+        SubmitEventNotes = "DAG Node: 440+440";
+        CumulativeSlotTime = 1.818900000000000E+04;
+        JobRunCount = 1;
+        RecentBlockReads = 0;
+        StreamErr = false;
+        DiskUsage_RAW = 1216669;
+        NumCkpts = 0;
+        StatsLifetimeStarter = 18187;
+        ImageSize = 1000000;
         Cmd = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/chtcjobwrapper"
-        BlockWrites = 0; 
-        LastJobStatus = 2; 
-        JobCurrentStartExecutingDate = 1446116499; 
-        WantRemoteIO = true; 
-        RequestCpus = 1; 
-        NumShadowStarts = 1; 
-        RemoteUserCpu = 1.730600000000000E+04; 
-        NiceUser = false; 
-        RequestMemory = 1000; 
-        BytesRecvd = 2.847180000000000E+05; 
-        ResidentSetSize = 125000; 
-        StreamOut = false; 
-        SpooledOutputFiles = "CURLTIME_373315,ChtcWrapper43.out,AuditLog.43,simu_3_43.txt,harvest.log,43.out"; 
-        OnExitRemove = true; 
-        ImageSize_RAW = 811948; 
-        RemoteWallClockTime = 1.743500000000000E+04; 
-        MachineAttrSlotWeight0 = 1; 
-        ExecutableSize = 7; 
-        JobStatus = 4; 
-        DAGParentNodeNames = ""; 
-        ExitCode = 0; 
-        DAGManNodesMask = "0,1,2,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,13,16,17,24,27"; 
-        BytesSent = 3.047900000000000E+04; 
-        LastSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        ExecutableSize_RAW = 6; 
-        RecentBlockReadKbytes = 0; 
-        TransferInputSizeMB = 0; 
-        Matlab = "R2011b"; 
-        BlockReadKbytes = 0; 
-        RecentStatsLifetimeStarter = 1200; 
-        LeaveJobInQueue = false; 
-        TargetType = "Machine"; 
-        WhenToTransferOutput = "ON_EXIT"; 
-        Owner = "xguo23"; 
-        JobNotification = 0; 
-        BufferSize = 524288; 
-        RecentBlockWrites = 0; 
-        CompletionDate = 1446133932; 
-        QDate = 1446105869; 
-        JobLeaseDuration = 2400; 
-        JobFinishedHookDone = 1446133932; 
-        LastMatchTime = 1446116497; 
-        LastJobLeaseRenewal = 1446133932; 
-        DAGManNodesLog = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.46/Simulation_condor/model_3/./mydag.dag.nodes.log"; 
-        ClusterId = 49582878; 
-        JobUniverse = 5; 
-        NumJobStarts = 1; 
-        CondorVersion = "$CondorVersion: 8.5.0 Sep 16 2015 BuildID: 341710 $"; 
-        CoreSize = 0; 
-        OnExitHold = false; 
-        CondorPlatform = "$CondorPlatform: X86_64-RedHat_6.6 $"; 
-        In = "/dev/null"; 
-        DiskUsage = 1250000; 
-        EncryptExecuteDirectory = false; 
-        CommittedSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        User = ""; 
-        UserLog = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.46/Simulation_condor/model_3/43/process.log"; 
-        JobCurrentStartDate = 1446116497; 
-        BufferBlockSize = 32768; 
-        MATCH_EXP_JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = ""; 
-        Requirements = ( ( OpSysMajorVer is 6 ) ) && ( MY.JobUniverse == 12 || MY.JobUniverse == 7 || MY.WantFlocking || MY.WantGlidein || TARGET.PoolName == "CHTC" || TARGET.COLLECTOR_HOST_STRING == "" ) && ( TARGET.Arch == "X86_64" ) && ( TARGET.OpSys == "LINUX" ) && ( TARGET.Disk >= RequestDisk ) && ( TARGET.Memory >= RequestMemory ) && ( TARGET.HasFileTransfer ); 
-        MinHosts = 1; 
-        MaxHosts = 1; 
-        Args = "--type=Matlab --version=R2011b --cmdtorun=simu_condor --unique=43 -- 3"; 
-        PeriodicHold = false; 
-        ProcId = 0; 
-        Environment = ""; 
-        DAGNodeName = "43+43"; 
-        MemoryUsage = ( ( ResidentSetSize + 1023 ) / 1024 ); 
-        TerminationPending = true; 
-        NumRestarts = 0; 
-        NumSystemHolds = 0; 
-        CommittedTime = 17435; 
-        MachineAttrCpus0 = 1; 
-        WantRemoteSyscalls = false; 
-        MyType = "Job"; 
-        CumulativeSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        Rank = 0.0; 
-        StartdPrincipal = "execute-side@matchsession/"; 
-        Err = "process.err"; 
-        PeriodicRemove = false; 
-        BlockWriteKbytes = 0; 
-        ExitBySignal = false; 
-        DAGManJobId = 49582778; 
-        EnteredCurrentStatus = 1446133932; 
-        JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "$$([IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName), IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), \"\", TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName)])"; 
-        RecentBlockWriteKbytes = 0; 
-        TransferIn = false; 
-        ExitStatus = 0; 
-        ShouldTransferFiles = "YES"; 
-        IsCHTCSubmit = true; 
-        NumJobMatches = 1; 
-        RootDir = "/"; 
-        JobStartDate = 1446116497; 
-        JobPrio = 0; 
-        CurrentHosts = 0; 
-        GlobalJobId = ""; 
-        RemoteSysCpu = 1.060000000000000E+02; 
-        TotalSuspensions = 0; 
-        CommittedSlotTime = 1.743500000000000E+04; 
-        WantCheckpoint = false; 
-        BlockReads = 0; 
-        LastRemoteHost = ""; 
-        TransferInput = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.46/Simulation_condor/data/43/,/home/xguo23/model_3_1.46/Simulation_condor/data/shared/"; 
-        LocalUserCpu = 0.0; 
-        PeriodicRelease = ( JobStatus == 5 ) && ( ( CurrentTime - EnteredCurrentStatus ) > 1800 ) && ( JobRunCount < 5 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 6 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 14 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 22 ); 
-        RequestDisk = 1000000; 
-        ResidentSetSize_RAW = 124328; 
-        OrigMaxHosts = 1; 
-        LastPublicClaimId = "<>#1443991446#13114#..."; 
-        WantRHEL6 = true; 
-        NumCkpts_RAW = 0; 
-        Out = "process.out"; 
-        SubmitEventNotes = "DAG Node: 43+43"; 
-        CumulativeSlotTime = 1.743500000000000E+04; 
-        JobRunCount = 1; 
-        RecentBlockReads = 0; 
-        StreamErr = false; 
-        DiskUsage_RAW = 1216669; 
-        NumCkpts = 0; 
-        StatsLifetimeStarter = 17433; 
-        ImageSize = 1000000; 
-        Cmd = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.46/Simulation_condor/chtcjobwrapper"; 
-        LocalSysCpu = 0.0; 
+        BlockWrites = 0;
+        LastJobStatus = 2;
+        JobCurrentStartExecutingDate = 1446116499;
+        WantRemoteIO = true;
+        RequestCpus = 1;
+        NumShadowStarts = 1;
+        RemoteUserCpu = 1.730600000000000E+04;
+        NiceUser = false;
+        RequestMemory = 1000;
+        BytesRecvd = 2.847180000000000E+05;
+        ResidentSetSize = 125000;
+        StreamOut = false;
+        SpooledOutputFiles = "CURLTIME_373315,ChtcWrapper43.out,AuditLog.43,simu_3_43.txt,harvest.log,43.out";
+        OnExitRemove = true;
+        ImageSize_RAW = 811948;
+        RemoteWallClockTime = 1.743500000000000E+04;
+        MachineAttrSlotWeight0 = 1;
+        ExecutableSize = 7;
+        JobStatus = 4;
+        DAGParentNodeNames = "";
+        ExitCode = 0;
+        DAGManNodesMask = "0,1,2,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,13,16,17,24,27";
+        BytesSent = 3.047900000000000E+04;
+        LastSuspensionTime = 0;
+        ExecutableSize_RAW = 6;
+        RecentBlockReadKbytes = 0;
+        TransferInputSizeMB = 0;
+        Matlab = "R2011b";
+        BlockReadKbytes = 0;
+        RecentStatsLifetimeStarter = 1200;
+        LeaveJobInQueue = false;
+        TargetType = "Machine";
+        WhenToTransferOutput = "ON_EXIT";
+        Owner = "xguo23";
+        JobNotification = 0;
+        BufferSize = 524288;
+        RecentBlockWrites = 0;
+        CompletionDate = 1446133932;
+        QDate = 1446105869;
+        JobLeaseDuration = 2400;
+        JobFinishedHookDone = 1446133932;
+        LastMatchTime = 1446116497;
+        LastJobLeaseRenewal = 1446133932;
+        DAGManNodesLog = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.46/Simulation_condor/model_3/./mydag.dag.nodes.log";
+        ClusterId = 49582878;
+        JobUniverse = 5;
+        NumJobStarts = 1;
+        CondorVersion = "$CondorVersion: 8.5.0 Sep 16 2015 BuildID: 341710 $";
+        CoreSize = 0;
+        OnExitHold = false;
+        CondorPlatform = "$CondorPlatform: X86_64-RedHat_6.6 $";
+        In = "/dev/null";
+        DiskUsage = 1250000;
+        EncryptExecuteDirectory = false;
+        CommittedSuspensionTime = 0;
+        User = "";
+        UserLog = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.46/Simulation_condor/model_3/43/process.log";
+        JobCurrentStartDate = 1446116497;
+        BufferBlockSize = 32768;
+        MATCH_EXP_JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "";
+        Requirements = ( ( OpSysMajorVer is 6 ) ) && ( MY.JobUniverse == 12 || MY.JobUniverse == 7 || MY.WantFlocking || MY.WantGlidein || TARGET.PoolName == "CHTC" || TARGET.COLLECTOR_HOST_STRING == "" ) && ( TARGET.Arch == "X86_64" ) && ( TARGET.OpSys == "LINUX" ) && ( TARGET.Disk >= RequestDisk ) && ( TARGET.Memory >= RequestMemory ) && ( TARGET.HasFileTransfer );
+        MinHosts = 1;
+        MaxHosts = 1;
+        Args = "--type=Matlab --version=R2011b --cmdtorun=simu_condor --unique=43 -- 3";
+        PeriodicHold = false;
+        ProcId = 0;
+        Environment = "";
+        DAGNodeName = "43+43";
+        MemoryUsage = ( ( ResidentSetSize + 1023 ) / 1024 );
+        TerminationPending = true;
+        NumRestarts = 0;
+        NumSystemHolds = 0;
+        CommittedTime = 17435;
+        MachineAttrCpus0 = 1;
+        WantRemoteSyscalls = false;
+        MyType = "Job";
+        CumulativeSuspensionTime = 0;
+        Rank = 0.0;
+        StartdPrincipal = "execute-side@matchsession/";
+        Err = "process.err";
+        PeriodicRemove = false;
+        BlockWriteKbytes = 0;
+        ExitBySignal = false;
+        DAGManJobId = 49582778;
+        EnteredCurrentStatus = 1446133932;
+        JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "$$([IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName), IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), \"\", TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName)])";
+        RecentBlockWriteKbytes = 0;
+        TransferIn = false;
+        ExitStatus = 0;
+        ShouldTransferFiles = "YES";
+        IsCHTCSubmit = true;
+        NumJobMatches = 1;
+        RootDir = "/";
+        JobStartDate = 1446116497;
+        JobPrio = 0;
+        CurrentHosts = 0;
+        GlobalJobId = "";
+        RemoteSysCpu = 1.060000000000000E+02;
+        TotalSuspensions = 0;
+        CommittedSlotTime = 1.743500000000000E+04;
+        WantCheckpoint = false;
+        BlockReads = 0;
+        LastRemoteHost = "";
+        TransferInput = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.46/Simulation_condor/data/43/,/home/xguo23/model_3_1.46/Simulation_condor/data/shared/";
+        LocalUserCpu = 0.0;
+        PeriodicRelease = ( JobStatus == 5 ) && ( ( CurrentTime - EnteredCurrentStatus ) > 1800 ) && ( JobRunCount < 5 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 6 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 14 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 22 );
+        RequestDisk = 1000000;
+        ResidentSetSize_RAW = 124328;
+        OrigMaxHosts = 1;
+        LastPublicClaimId = "<>#1443991446#13114#...";
+        WantRHEL6 = true;
+        NumCkpts_RAW = 0;
+        Out = "process.out";
+        SubmitEventNotes = "DAG Node: 43+43";
+        CumulativeSlotTime = 1.743500000000000E+04;
+        JobRunCount = 1;
+        RecentBlockReads = 0;
+        StreamErr = false;
+        DiskUsage_RAW = 1216669;
+        NumCkpts = 0;
+        StatsLifetimeStarter = 17433;
+        ImageSize = 1000000;
+        Cmd = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.46/Simulation_condor/chtcjobwrapper";
+        LocalSysCpu = 0.0;
         Iwd = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.46/Simulation_condor/model_3/43"
-        BlockWrites = 0; 
-        LastJobStatus = 2; 
-        JobCurrentStartExecutingDate = 1446107688; 
-        WantRemoteIO = true; 
-        RequestCpus = 1; 
-        NumShadowStarts = 1; 
-        RemoteUserCpu = 2.608800000000000E+04; 
-        NiceUser = false; 
-        RequestMemory = 1000; 
-        BytesRecvd = 2.850540000000000E+05; 
-        ResidentSetSize = 150000; 
-        StreamOut = false; 
-        SpooledOutputFiles = "CURLTIME_1114551,ChtcWrapper162.out,AuditLog.162,simu_3_162.txt,harvest.log,162.out"; 
-        OnExitRemove = true; 
-        ImageSize_RAW = 811948; 
-        RemoteWallClockTime = 2.623300000000000E+04; 
-        MachineAttrSlotWeight0 = 1; 
-        ExecutableSize = 7; 
-        JobStatus = 4; 
-        DAGParentNodeNames = ""; 
-        ExitCode = 0; 
-        DAGManNodesMask = "0,1,2,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,13,16,17,24,27"; 
-        BytesSent = 3.061200000000000E+04; 
-        LastSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        ExecutableSize_RAW = 6; 
-        RecentBlockReadKbytes = 0; 
-        TransferInputSizeMB = 0; 
-        Matlab = "R2011b"; 
-        BlockReadKbytes = 0; 
-        LocalSysCpu = 0.0; 
-        Iwd = "/home/xguo23/finally_2/Simulation_condor/model_3/162"; 
-        RecentStatsLifetimeStarter = 1200; 
-        LeaveJobInQueue = false; 
-        TargetType = "Machine"; 
-        WhenToTransferOutput = "ON_EXIT"; 
-        Owner = "xguo23"; 
-        JobNotification = 0; 
-        BufferSize = 524288; 
-        RecentBlockWrites = 0; 
-        CompletionDate = 1446133919; 
-        LastMatchTime = 1446107686; 
-        LastJobLeaseRenewal = 1446133919; 
-        DAGManNodesLog = "/home/xguo23/finally_2/Simulation_condor/model_3/./mydag.dag.nodes.log"; 
-        ClusterId = 49582148; 
-        NumJobStarts = 1; 
-        JobUniverse = 5; 
-        AutoClusterAttrs = "JobUniverse,LastCheckpointPlatform,NumCkpts,ClientMachine,_condor_RequestCpus,_condor_RequestDisk,_condor_RequestGPUs,_condor_RequestMemory,RequestCpus,RequestDisk,RequestGPUs,RequestMemory,BIOCHEM,MachineLastMatchTime,ConcurrencyLimits,NiceUser,Rank,Requirements,ImageSize,MemoryRequirements,User,RemoteGroup,SubmitterGroup,SubmitterUserPrio,Group,WIDsTheme,InteractiveJob,Is_Resumable,WantFlocking,WantGlidein,Scheduler,Owner,JobStart,MemoryUsage,IsExpressQueueJob,DiskUsage,HEP_VO,IsDesktop,OSG_VO,x509userproxysubject,PassedTest,IsLocalCMSJob,IsLocalCMSSlot,IsSAMSlot,IsSAMJob,MaxDiskTempC,IsDedicated,estimated_run_hours,IsCHTCSubmit,RequiresCVMFS,DynamicSlot,PartitionableSlot,Slot1_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot1_JobStarts,Slot1_SelfMonitorAge,Slot2_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot2_JobStarts,Slot2_SelfMonitorAge,Slot3_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot3_JobStarts,Slot3_SelfMonitorAge,Slot4_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot4_JobStarts,Slot4_SelfMonitorAge,Slot5_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot5_JobStarts,Slot5_SelfMonitorAge,Slot6_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot6_JobStarts,Slot6_SelfMonitorAge,Slot7_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot7_JobStarts,Slot7_SelfMonitorAge,Slot8_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot8_JobStarts,Slot8_SelfMonitorAge,Slot1_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot1_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot2_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot2_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot3_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot3_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot4_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot4_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot5_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot5_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot6_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot6_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot7_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot7_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot8_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot8_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot10_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot10_JobStarts,Slot10_SelfMonitorAge,Slot11_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot11_JobStarts,Slot11_SelfMonitorAge,Slot12_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot12_JobStarts,Slot12_SelfMonitorAge,Slot9_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot9_JobStarts,Slot9_SelfMonitorAge,Slot12_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot10_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot10_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot11_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot11_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot12_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot9_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot9_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot13_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot13_JobStarts,Slot13_SelfMonitorAge,Slot14_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot14_JobStarts,Slot14_SelfMonitorAge,Slot15_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot15_JobStarts,Slot15_SelfMonitorAge,Slot16_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot16_JobStarts,Slot16_SelfMonitorAge,IsResumable,WHEN_TO_TRANSFER_OUTPUT,_condor_Requestadmin_mutex_1,_condor_Requestadmin_mutex_2,_condor_Requestadmin_mutex_3,_condor_Requestmachine_token,Requestadmin_mutex_1,Requestadmin_mutex_2,Requestadmin_mutex_3,Requestmachine_token,nyehle,IsBuildJob,IsMatlabBuildJob,TotalJobRunTime,NodeOnline,Slot13_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot13_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot14_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot14_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot15_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot15_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot16_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot16_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,TmpIsFull,trResumable,RequiresCMSFrontier,Slot17_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot17_JobStarts,Slot17_SelfMonitorAge,Slot17_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot17_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot18_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot18_JobStarts,Slot18_SelfMonitorAge,Slot18_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot18_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot19_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot19_JobStarts,Slot19_SelfMonitorAge,Slot19_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot19_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot20_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot20_JobStarts,Slot20_SelfMonitorAge,Slot20_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot20_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot21_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot21_JobStarts,Slot21_SelfMonitorAge,Slot21_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot21_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot22_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot22_JobStarts,Slot22_SelfMonitorAge,Slot22_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot22_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot23_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot23_JobStarts,Slot23_SelfMonitorAge,Slot23_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot23_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot24_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot24_JobStarts,Slot24_SelfMonitorAge,Slot24_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot24_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot25_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot25_JobStarts,Slot25_SelfMonitorAge,Slot25_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot25_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot26_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot26_JobStarts,Slot26_SelfMonitorAge,Slot26_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot26_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot27_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot27_JobStarts,Slot27_SelfMonitorAge,Slot27_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot27_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot28_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot28_JobStarts,Slot28_SelfMonitorAge,Slot28_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot28_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot29_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot29_JobStarts,Slot29_SelfMonitorAge,Slot29_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot29_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot30_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot30_JobStarts,Slot30_SelfMonitorAge,Slot30_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot30_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot31_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot31_JobStarts,Slot31_SelfMonitorAge,Slot31_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot31_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot32_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot32_JobStarts,Slot32_SelfMonitorAge,Slot32_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot32_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,ResidentSetSize"; 
-        MaxHosts = 1; 
-        Args = "--type=Matlab --version=R2011b --cmdtorun=simu_condor --unique=162 -- 3"; 
-        CondorVersion = "$CondorVersion: 8.5.0 Sep 16 2015 BuildID: 341710 $"; 
-        CoreSize = 0; 
-        OnExitHold = false; 
-        CondorPlatform = "$CondorPlatform: X86_64-RedHat_6.6 $"; 
-        JobFinishedHookDone = 1446133919; 
-        QDate = 1446105547; 
-        JobLeaseDuration = 2400; 
-        In = "/dev/null"; 
-        DiskUsage = 1250000; 
-        EncryptExecuteDirectory = false; 
-        CommittedSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        User = ""; 
-        UserLog = "/home/xguo23/finally_2/Simulation_condor/model_3/162/process.log"; 
-        JobCurrentStartDate = 1446107686; 
-        BufferBlockSize = 32768; 
-        MATCH_EXP_JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = ""; 
-        Requirements = ( ( OpSysMajorVer is 6 ) ) && ( MY.JobUniverse == 12 || MY.JobUniverse == 7 || MY.WantFlocking || MY.WantGlidein || TARGET.PoolName == "CHTC" || TARGET.COLLECTOR_HOST_STRING == "" ) && ( TARGET.Arch == "X86_64" ) && ( TARGET.OpSys == "LINUX" ) && ( TARGET.Disk >= RequestDisk ) && ( TARGET.Memory >= RequestMemory ) && ( TARGET.HasFileTransfer ); 
-        MinHosts = 1; 
-        PeriodicHold = false; 
-        ProcId = 0; 
-        Environment = ""; 
-        DAGNodeName = "162+162"; 
-        MemoryUsage = ( ( ResidentSetSize + 1023 ) / 1024 ); 
-        TerminationPending = true; 
-        NumRestarts = 0; 
-        NumSystemHolds = 0; 
-        CommittedTime = 26233; 
-        AutoClusterId = 24; 
-        ExitStatus = 0; 
-        ShouldTransferFiles = "YES"; 
-        MachineAttrCpus0 = 1; 
-        WantRemoteSyscalls = false; 
-        MyType = "Job"; 
-        CumulativeSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        Rank = 0.0; 
-        StartdPrincipal = "execute-side@matchsession/"; 
-        Err = "process.err"; 
-        PeriodicRemove = false; 
-        BlockWriteKbytes = 0; 
-        ExitBySignal = false; 
-        DAGManJobId = 49581933; 
-        EnteredCurrentStatus = 1446133919; 
-        JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "$$([IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName), IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), \"\", TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName)])"; 
-        RecentBlockWriteKbytes = 0; 
-        TransferIn = false; 
-        IsCHTCSubmit = true; 
-        NumJobMatches = 1; 
-        RootDir = "/"; 
-        JobStartDate = 1446107686; 
-        JobPrio = 0; 
-        CurrentHosts = 0; 
-        GlobalJobId = ""; 
-        RemoteSysCpu = 9.600000000000000E+01; 
-        TotalSuspensions = 0; 
-        CommittedSlotTime = 2.623300000000000E+04; 
-        WantCheckpoint = false; 
-        BlockReads = 0; 
-        LastRemoteHost = "slot1@e370.chtc.WISC.EDU"; 
-        TransferInput = "/home/xguo23/finally_2/Simulation_condor/data/162/,/home/xguo23/finally_2/Simulation_condor/data/shared/"; 
-        LocalUserCpu = 0.0; 
-        PeriodicRelease = ( JobStatus == 5 ) && ( ( CurrentTime - EnteredCurrentStatus ) > 1800 ) && ( JobRunCount < 5 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 6 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 14 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 22 ); 
-        RequestDisk = 1000000; 
-        ResidentSetSize_RAW = 126384; 
-        OrigMaxHosts = 1; 
-        LastPublicClaimId = "<>#1443991414#13008#..."; 
-        WantRHEL6 = true; 
-        NumCkpts_RAW = 0; 
-        Out = "process.out"; 
-        SubmitEventNotes = "DAG Node: 162+162"; 
-        CumulativeSlotTime = 2.623300000000000E+04; 
-        JobRunCount = 1; 
-        RecentBlockReads = 0; 
-        StreamErr = false; 
-        DiskUsage_RAW = 1216669; 
-        NumCkpts = 0; 
-        StatsLifetimeStarter = 26230; 
-        ImageSize = 1000000; 
+        BlockWrites = 0;
+        LastJobStatus = 2;
+        JobCurrentStartExecutingDate = 1446107688;
+        WantRemoteIO = true;
+        RequestCpus = 1;
+        NumShadowStarts = 1;
+        RemoteUserCpu = 2.608800000000000E+04;
+        NiceUser = false;
+        RequestMemory = 1000;
+        BytesRecvd = 2.850540000000000E+05;
+        ResidentSetSize = 150000;
+        StreamOut = false;
+        SpooledOutputFiles = "CURLTIME_1114551,ChtcWrapper162.out,AuditLog.162,simu_3_162.txt,harvest.log,162.out";
+        OnExitRemove = true;
+        ImageSize_RAW = 811948;
+        RemoteWallClockTime = 2.623300000000000E+04;
+        MachineAttrSlotWeight0 = 1;
+        ExecutableSize = 7;
+        JobStatus = 4;
+        DAGParentNodeNames = "";
+        ExitCode = 0;
+        DAGManNodesMask = "0,1,2,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,13,16,17,24,27";
+        BytesSent = 3.061200000000000E+04;
+        LastSuspensionTime = 0;
+        ExecutableSize_RAW = 6;
+        RecentBlockReadKbytes = 0;
+        TransferInputSizeMB = 0;
+        Matlab = "R2011b";
+        BlockReadKbytes = 0;
+        LocalSysCpu = 0.0;
+        Iwd = "/home/xguo23/finally_2/Simulation_condor/model_3/162";
+        RecentStatsLifetimeStarter = 1200;
+        LeaveJobInQueue = false;
+        TargetType = "Machine";
+        WhenToTransferOutput = "ON_EXIT";
+        Owner = "xguo23";
+        JobNotification = 0;
+        BufferSize = 524288;
+        RecentBlockWrites = 0;
+        CompletionDate = 1446133919;
+        LastMatchTime = 1446107686;
+        LastJobLeaseRenewal = 1446133919;
+        DAGManNodesLog = "/home/xguo23/finally_2/Simulation_condor/model_3/./mydag.dag.nodes.log";
+        ClusterId = 49582148;
+        NumJobStarts = 1;
+        JobUniverse = 5;
+        AutoClusterAttrs = "JobUniverse,LastCheckpointPlatform,NumCkpts,ClientMachine,_condor_RequestCpus,_condor_RequestDisk,_condor_RequestGPUs,_condor_RequestMemory,RequestCpus,RequestDisk,RequestGPUs,RequestMemory,BIOCHEM,MachineLastMatchTime,ConcurrencyLimits,NiceUser,Rank,Requirements,ImageSize,MemoryRequirements,User,RemoteGroup,SubmitterGroup,SubmitterUserPrio,Group,WIDsTheme,InteractiveJob,Is_Resumable,WantFlocking,WantGlidein,Scheduler,Owner,JobStart,MemoryUsage,IsExpressQueueJob,DiskUsage,HEP_VO,IsDesktop,OSG_VO,x509userproxysubject,PassedTest,IsLocalCMSJob,IsLocalCMSSlot,IsSAMSlot,IsSAMJob,MaxDiskTempC,IsDedicated,estimated_run_hours,IsCHTCSubmit,RequiresCVMFS,DynamicSlot,PartitionableSlot,Slot1_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot1_JobStarts,Slot1_SelfMonitorAge,Slot2_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot2_JobStarts,Slot2_SelfMonitorAge,Slot3_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot3_JobStarts,Slot3_SelfMonitorAge,Slot4_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot4_JobStarts,Slot4_SelfMonitorAge,Slot5_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot5_JobStarts,Slot5_SelfMonitorAge,Slot6_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot6_JobStarts,Slot6_SelfMonitorAge,Slot7_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot7_JobStarts,Slot7_SelfMonitorAge,Slot8_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot8_JobStarts,Slot8_SelfMonitorAge,Slot1_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot1_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot2_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot2_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot3_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot3_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot4_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot4_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot5_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot5_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot6_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot6_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot7_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot7_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot8_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot8_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot10_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot10_JobStarts,Slot10_SelfMonitorAge,Slot11_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot11_JobStarts,Slot11_SelfMonitorAge,Slot12_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot12_JobStarts,Slot12_SelfMonitorAge,Slot9_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot9_JobStarts,Slot9_SelfMonitorAge,Slot12_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot10_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot10_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot11_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot11_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot12_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot9_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot9_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot13_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot13_JobStarts,Slot13_SelfMonitorAge,Slot14_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot14_JobStarts,Slot14_SelfMonitorAge,Slot15_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot15_JobStarts,Slot15_SelfMonitorAge,Slot16_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot16_JobStarts,Slot16_SelfMonitorAge,IsResumable,WHEN_TO_TRANSFER_OUTPUT,_condor_Requestadmin_mutex_1,_condor_Requestadmin_mutex_2,_condor_Requestadmin_mutex_3,_condor_Requestmachine_token,Requestadmin_mutex_1,Requestadmin_mutex_2,Requestadmin_mutex_3,Requestmachine_token,nyehle,IsBuildJob,IsMatlabBuildJob,TotalJobRunTime,NodeOnline,Slot13_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot13_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot14_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot14_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot15_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot15_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot16_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot16_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,TmpIsFull,trResumable,RequiresCMSFrontier,Slot17_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot17_JobStarts,Slot17_SelfMonitorAge,Slot17_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot17_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot18_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot18_JobStarts,Slot18_SelfMonitorAge,Slot18_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot18_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot19_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot19_JobStarts,Slot19_SelfMonitorAge,Slot19_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot19_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot20_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot20_JobStarts,Slot20_SelfMonitorAge,Slot20_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot20_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot21_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot21_JobStarts,Slot21_SelfMonitorAge,Slot21_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot21_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot22_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot22_JobStarts,Slot22_SelfMonitorAge,Slot22_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot22_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot23_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot23_JobStarts,Slot23_SelfMonitorAge,Slot23_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot23_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot24_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot24_JobStarts,Slot24_SelfMonitorAge,Slot24_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot24_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot25_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot25_JobStarts,Slot25_SelfMonitorAge,Slot25_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot25_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot26_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot26_JobStarts,Slot26_SelfMonitorAge,Slot26_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot26_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot27_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot27_JobStarts,Slot27_SelfMonitorAge,Slot27_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot27_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot28_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot28_JobStarts,Slot28_SelfMonitorAge,Slot28_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot28_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot29_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot29_JobStarts,Slot29_SelfMonitorAge,Slot29_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot29_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot30_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot30_JobStarts,Slot30_SelfMonitorAge,Slot30_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot30_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot31_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot31_JobStarts,Slot31_SelfMonitorAge,Slot31_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot31_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot32_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot32_JobStarts,Slot32_SelfMonitorAge,Slot32_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot32_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,ResidentSetSize";
+        MaxHosts = 1;
+        Args = "--type=Matlab --version=R2011b --cmdtorun=simu_condor --unique=162 -- 3";
+        CondorVersion = "$CondorVersion: 8.5.0 Sep 16 2015 BuildID: 341710 $";
+        CoreSize = 0;
+        OnExitHold = false;
+        CondorPlatform = "$CondorPlatform: X86_64-RedHat_6.6 $";
+        JobFinishedHookDone = 1446133919;
+        QDate = 1446105547;
+        JobLeaseDuration = 2400;
+        In = "/dev/null";
+        DiskUsage = 1250000;
+        EncryptExecuteDirectory = false;
+        CommittedSuspensionTime = 0;
+        User = "";
+        UserLog = "/home/xguo23/finally_2/Simulation_condor/model_3/162/process.log";
+        JobCurrentStartDate = 1446107686;
+        BufferBlockSize = 32768;
+        MATCH_EXP_JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "";
+        Requirements = ( ( OpSysMajorVer is 6 ) ) && ( MY.JobUniverse == 12 || MY.JobUniverse == 7 || MY.WantFlocking || MY.WantGlidein || TARGET.PoolName == "CHTC" || TARGET.COLLECTOR_HOST_STRING == "" ) && ( TARGET.Arch == "X86_64" ) && ( TARGET.OpSys == "LINUX" ) && ( TARGET.Disk >= RequestDisk ) && ( TARGET.Memory >= RequestMemory ) && ( TARGET.HasFileTransfer );
+        MinHosts = 1;
+        PeriodicHold = false;
+        ProcId = 0;
+        Environment = "";
+        DAGNodeName = "162+162";
+        MemoryUsage = ( ( ResidentSetSize + 1023 ) / 1024 );
+        TerminationPending = true;
+        NumRestarts = 0;
+        NumSystemHolds = 0;
+        CommittedTime = 26233;
+        AutoClusterId = 24;
+        ExitStatus = 0;
+        ShouldTransferFiles = "YES";
+        MachineAttrCpus0 = 1;
+        WantRemoteSyscalls = false;
+        MyType = "Job";
+        CumulativeSuspensionTime = 0;
+        Rank = 0.0;
+        StartdPrincipal = "execute-side@matchsession/";
+        Err = "process.err";
+        PeriodicRemove = false;
+        BlockWriteKbytes = 0;
+        ExitBySignal = false;
+        DAGManJobId = 49581933;
+        EnteredCurrentStatus = 1446133919;
+        JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "$$([IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName), IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), \"\", TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName)])";
+        RecentBlockWriteKbytes = 0;
+        TransferIn = false;
+        IsCHTCSubmit = true;
+        NumJobMatches = 1;
+        RootDir = "/";
+        JobStartDate = 1446107686;
+        JobPrio = 0;
+        CurrentHosts = 0;
+        GlobalJobId = "";
+        RemoteSysCpu = 9.600000000000000E+01;
+        TotalSuspensions = 0;
+        CommittedSlotTime = 2.623300000000000E+04;
+        WantCheckpoint = false;
+        BlockReads = 0;
+        LastRemoteHost = "slot1@e370.chtc.WISC.EDU";
+        TransferInput = "/home/xguo23/finally_2/Simulation_condor/data/162/,/home/xguo23/finally_2/Simulation_condor/data/shared/";
+        LocalUserCpu = 0.0;
+        PeriodicRelease = ( JobStatus == 5 ) && ( ( CurrentTime - EnteredCurrentStatus ) > 1800 ) && ( JobRunCount < 5 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 6 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 14 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 22 );
+        RequestDisk = 1000000;
+        ResidentSetSize_RAW = 126384;
+        OrigMaxHosts = 1;
+        LastPublicClaimId = "<>#1443991414#13008#...";
+        WantRHEL6 = true;
+        NumCkpts_RAW = 0;
+        Out = "process.out";
+        SubmitEventNotes = "DAG Node: 162+162";
+        CumulativeSlotTime = 2.623300000000000E+04;
+        JobRunCount = 1;
+        RecentBlockReads = 0;
+        StreamErr = false;
+        DiskUsage_RAW = 1216669;
+        NumCkpts = 0;
+        StatsLifetimeStarter = 26230;
+        ImageSize = 1000000;
         Cmd = "/home/xguo23/finally_2/Simulation_condor/chtcjobwrapper"
-        BlockWrites = 0; 
-        LastJobStatus = 2; 
-        JobCurrentStartExecutingDate = 1446108829; 
-        WantRemoteIO = true; 
-        RequestCpus = 1; 
-        NumShadowStarts = 1; 
-        RemoteUserCpu = 2.496600000000000E+04; 
-        NiceUser = false; 
-        RequestMemory = 1000; 
-        BytesRecvd = 2.846120000000000E+05; 
-        ResidentSetSize = 150000; 
-        StreamOut = false; 
-        SpooledOutputFiles = "CURLTIME_2607549,ChtcWrapper10.out,AuditLog.10,simu_3_10.txt,harvest.log,10.out"; 
-        OnExitRemove = true; 
-        ImageSize_RAW = 811948; 
-        RemoteWallClockTime = 2.508200000000000E+04; 
-        MachineAttrSlotWeight0 = 1; 
-        ExecutableSize = 7; 
-        JobStatus = 4; 
-        DAGParentNodeNames = ""; 
-        ExitCode = 0; 
-        DAGManNodesMask = "0,1,2,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,13,16,17,24,27"; 
-        BytesSent = 3.065900000000000E+04; 
-        LastSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        ExecutableSize_RAW = 6; 
-        RecentBlockReadKbytes = 0; 
-        TransferInputSizeMB = 0; 
-        Matlab = "R2011b"; 
-        BlockReadKbytes = 0; 
-        RecentStatsLifetimeStarter = 1200; 
-        LeaveJobInQueue = false; 
-        TargetType = "Machine"; 
-        WhenToTransferOutput = "ON_EXIT"; 
-        Owner = "xguo23"; 
-        JobNotification = 0; 
-        BufferSize = 524288; 
-        RecentBlockWrites = 0; 
-        CompletionDate = 1446133909; 
-        QDate = 1446105622; 
-        JobLeaseDuration = 2400; 
-        JobFinishedHookDone = 1446133909; 
-        LastMatchTime = 1446108827; 
-        LastJobLeaseRenewal = 1446133909; 
-        DAGManNodesLog = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.48/Simulation_condor/model_3/./mydag.dag.nodes.log"; 
-        ClusterId = 49582236; 
-        JobUniverse = 5; 
-        NumJobStarts = 1; 
-        CondorVersion = "$CondorVersion: 8.5.0 Sep 16 2015 BuildID: 341710 $"; 
-        CoreSize = 0; 
-        OnExitHold = false; 
-        CondorPlatform = "$CondorPlatform: X86_64-RedHat_6.6 $"; 
-        In = "/dev/null"; 
-        DiskUsage = 1250000; 
-        EncryptExecuteDirectory = false; 
-        CommittedSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        User = ""; 
-        UserLog = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.48/Simulation_condor/model_3/10/process.log"; 
-        JobCurrentStartDate = 1446108827; 
-        BufferBlockSize = 32768; 
-        MATCH_EXP_JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = ""; 
-        Requirements = ( ( OpSysMajorVer is 6 ) ) && ( MY.JobUniverse == 12 || MY.JobUniverse == 7 || MY.WantFlocking || MY.WantGlidein || TARGET.PoolName == "CHTC" || TARGET.COLLECTOR_HOST_STRING == "" ) && ( TARGET.Arch == "X86_64" ) && ( TARGET.OpSys == "LINUX" ) && ( TARGET.Disk >= RequestDisk ) && ( TARGET.Memory >= RequestMemory ) && ( TARGET.HasFileTransfer ); 
-        MinHosts = 1; 
-        MaxHosts = 1; 
-        Args = "--type=Matlab --version=R2011b --cmdtorun=simu_condor --unique=10 -- 3"; 
-        PeriodicHold = false; 
-        ProcId = 0; 
-        Environment = ""; 
-        DAGNodeName = "10+10"; 
-        MemoryUsage = ( ( ResidentSetSize + 1023 ) / 1024 ); 
-        TerminationPending = true; 
-        NumRestarts = 0; 
-        NumSystemHolds = 0; 
-        CommittedTime = 25082; 
-        MachineAttrCpus0 = 1; 
-        WantRemoteSyscalls = false; 
-        MyType = "Job"; 
-        CumulativeSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        Rank = 0.0; 
-        StartdPrincipal = "execute-side@matchsession/"; 
-        Err = "process.err"; 
-        PeriodicRemove = false; 
-        BlockWriteKbytes = 0; 
-        ExitBySignal = false; 
-        DAGManJobId = 49582206; 
-        EnteredCurrentStatus = 1446133909; 
-        JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "$$([IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName), IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), \"\", TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName)])"; 
-        RecentBlockWriteKbytes = 0; 
-        TransferIn = false; 
-        ExitStatus = 0; 
-        ShouldTransferFiles = "YES"; 
-        IsCHTCSubmit = true; 
-        NumJobMatches = 1; 
-        RootDir = "/"; 
-        JobStartDate = 1446108827; 
-        JobPrio = 0; 
-        CurrentHosts = 0; 
-        GlobalJobId = ""; 
-        RemoteSysCpu = 8.300000000000000E+01; 
-        TotalSuspensions = 0; 
-        CommittedSlotTime = 2.508200000000000E+04; 
-        WantCheckpoint = false; 
-        BlockReads = 0; 
-        LastRemoteHost = "slot1@e445.chtc.WISC.EDU"; 
-        TransferInput = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.48/Simulation_condor/data/10/,/home/xguo23/model_3_1.48/Simulation_condor/data/shared/"; 
-        LocalUserCpu = 0.0; 
-        PeriodicRelease = ( JobStatus == 5 ) && ( ( CurrentTime - EnteredCurrentStatus ) > 1800 ) && ( JobRunCount < 5 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 6 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 14 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 22 ); 
-        RequestDisk = 1000000; 
-        ResidentSetSize_RAW = 126500; 
-        OrigMaxHosts = 1; 
-        LastPublicClaimId = "<>#1443991450#14655#..."; 
-        WantRHEL6 = true; 
-        NumCkpts_RAW = 0; 
-        Out = "process.out"; 
-        SubmitEventNotes = "DAG Node: 10+10"; 
-        CumulativeSlotTime = 2.508200000000000E+04; 
-        JobRunCount = 1; 
-        RecentBlockReads = 0; 
-        StreamErr = false; 
-        DiskUsage_RAW = 1216669; 
-        NumCkpts = 0; 
-        StatsLifetimeStarter = 25080; 
-        ImageSize = 1000000; 
-        Cmd = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.48/Simulation_condor/chtcjobwrapper"; 
-        LocalSysCpu = 0.0; 
+        BlockWrites = 0;
+        LastJobStatus = 2;
+        JobCurrentStartExecutingDate = 1446108829;
+        WantRemoteIO = true;
+        RequestCpus = 1;
+        NumShadowStarts = 1;
+        RemoteUserCpu = 2.496600000000000E+04;
+        NiceUser = false;
+        RequestMemory = 1000;
+        BytesRecvd = 2.846120000000000E+05;
+        ResidentSetSize = 150000;
+        StreamOut = false;
+        SpooledOutputFiles = "CURLTIME_2607549,ChtcWrapper10.out,AuditLog.10,simu_3_10.txt,harvest.log,10.out";
+        OnExitRemove = true;
+        ImageSize_RAW = 811948;
+        RemoteWallClockTime = 2.508200000000000E+04;
+        MachineAttrSlotWeight0 = 1;
+        ExecutableSize = 7;
+        JobStatus = 4;
+        DAGParentNodeNames = "";
+        ExitCode = 0;
+        DAGManNodesMask = "0,1,2,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,13,16,17,24,27";
+        BytesSent = 3.065900000000000E+04;
+        LastSuspensionTime = 0;
+        ExecutableSize_RAW = 6;
+        RecentBlockReadKbytes = 0;
+        TransferInputSizeMB = 0;
+        Matlab = "R2011b";
+        BlockReadKbytes = 0;
+        RecentStatsLifetimeStarter = 1200;
+        LeaveJobInQueue = false;
+        TargetType = "Machine";
+        WhenToTransferOutput = "ON_EXIT";
+        Owner = "xguo23";
+        JobNotification = 0;
+        BufferSize = 524288;
+        RecentBlockWrites = 0;
+        CompletionDate = 1446133909;
+        QDate = 1446105622;
+        JobLeaseDuration = 2400;
+        JobFinishedHookDone = 1446133909;
+        LastMatchTime = 1446108827;
+        LastJobLeaseRenewal = 1446133909;
+        DAGManNodesLog = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.48/Simulation_condor/model_3/./mydag.dag.nodes.log";
+        ClusterId = 49582236;
+        JobUniverse = 5;
+        NumJobStarts = 1;
+        CondorVersion = "$CondorVersion: 8.5.0 Sep 16 2015 BuildID: 341710 $";
+        CoreSize = 0;
+        OnExitHold = false;
+        CondorPlatform = "$CondorPlatform: X86_64-RedHat_6.6 $";
+        In = "/dev/null";
+        DiskUsage = 1250000;
+        EncryptExecuteDirectory = false;
+        CommittedSuspensionTime = 0;
+        User = "";
+        UserLog = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.48/Simulation_condor/model_3/10/process.log";
+        JobCurrentStartDate = 1446108827;
+        BufferBlockSize = 32768;
+        MATCH_EXP_JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "";
+        Requirements = ( ( OpSysMajorVer is 6 ) ) && ( MY.JobUniverse == 12 || MY.JobUniverse == 7 || MY.WantFlocking || MY.WantGlidein || TARGET.PoolName == "CHTC" || TARGET.COLLECTOR_HOST_STRING == "" ) && ( TARGET.Arch == "X86_64" ) && ( TARGET.OpSys == "LINUX" ) && ( TARGET.Disk >= RequestDisk ) && ( TARGET.Memory >= RequestMemory ) && ( TARGET.HasFileTransfer );
+        MinHosts = 1;
+        MaxHosts = 1;
+        Args = "--type=Matlab --version=R2011b --cmdtorun=simu_condor --unique=10 -- 3";
+        PeriodicHold = false;
+        ProcId = 0;
+        Environment = "";
+        DAGNodeName = "10+10";
+        MemoryUsage = ( ( ResidentSetSize + 1023 ) / 1024 );
+        TerminationPending = true;
+        NumRestarts = 0;
+        NumSystemHolds = 0;
+        CommittedTime = 25082;
+        MachineAttrCpus0 = 1;
+        WantRemoteSyscalls = false;
+        MyType = "Job";
+        CumulativeSuspensionTime = 0;
+        Rank = 0.0;
+        StartdPrincipal = "execute-side@matchsession/";
+        Err = "process.err";
+        PeriodicRemove = false;
+        BlockWriteKbytes = 0;
+        ExitBySignal = false;
+        DAGManJobId = 49582206;
+        EnteredCurrentStatus = 1446133909;
+        JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "$$([IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName), IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), \"\", TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName)])";
+        RecentBlockWriteKbytes = 0;
+        TransferIn = false;
+        ExitStatus = 0;
+        ShouldTransferFiles = "YES";
+        IsCHTCSubmit = true;
+        NumJobMatches = 1;
+        RootDir = "/";
+        JobStartDate = 1446108827;
+        JobPrio = 0;
+        CurrentHosts = 0;
+        GlobalJobId = "";
+        RemoteSysCpu = 8.300000000000000E+01;
+        TotalSuspensions = 0;
+        CommittedSlotTime = 2.508200000000000E+04;
+        WantCheckpoint = false;
+        BlockReads = 0;
+        LastRemoteHost = "slot1@e445.chtc.WISC.EDU";
+        TransferInput = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.48/Simulation_condor/data/10/,/home/xguo23/model_3_1.48/Simulation_condor/data/shared/";
+        LocalUserCpu = 0.0;
+        PeriodicRelease = ( JobStatus == 5 ) && ( ( CurrentTime - EnteredCurrentStatus ) > 1800 ) && ( JobRunCount < 5 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 6 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 14 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 22 );
+        RequestDisk = 1000000;
+        ResidentSetSize_RAW = 126500;
+        OrigMaxHosts = 1;
+        LastPublicClaimId = "<>#1443991450#14655#...";
+        WantRHEL6 = true;
+        NumCkpts_RAW = 0;
+        Out = "process.out";
+        SubmitEventNotes = "DAG Node: 10+10";
+        CumulativeSlotTime = 2.508200000000000E+04;
+        JobRunCount = 1;
+        RecentBlockReads = 0;
+        StreamErr = false;
+        DiskUsage_RAW = 1216669;
+        NumCkpts = 0;
+        StatsLifetimeStarter = 25080;
+        ImageSize = 1000000;
+        Cmd = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.48/Simulation_condor/chtcjobwrapper";
+        LocalSysCpu = 0.0;
         Iwd = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.48/Simulation_condor/model_3/10"
-        BlockWrites = 0; 
-        LastJobStatus = 2; 
-        JobCurrentStartExecutingDate = 1446108668; 
-        WantRemoteIO = true; 
-        RequestCpus = 1; 
-        NumShadowStarts = 1; 
-        RemoteUserCpu = 2.508000000000000E+04; 
-        NiceUser = false; 
-        RequestMemory = 1000; 
-        BytesRecvd = 2.850540000000000E+05; 
-        ResidentSetSize = 150000; 
-        StreamOut = false; 
-        SpooledOutputFiles = "CURLTIME_2577757,ChtcWrapper343.out,AuditLog.343,simu_3_343.txt,harvest.log,343.out"; 
-        OnExitRemove = true; 
-        ImageSize_RAW = 811948; 
-        RemoteWallClockTime = 2.524100000000000E+04; 
-        MachineAttrSlotWeight0 = 1; 
-        ExecutableSize = 7; 
-        JobStatus = 4; 
-        DAGParentNodeNames = ""; 
-        ExitCode = 0; 
-        DAGManNodesMask = "0,1,2,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,13,16,17,24,27"; 
-        BytesSent = 3.179800000000000E+04; 
-        LastSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        ExecutableSize_RAW = 6; 
-        RecentBlockReadKbytes = 0; 
-        TransferInputSizeMB = 0; 
-        Matlab = "R2011b"; 
-        BlockReadKbytes = 0; 
-        LocalSysCpu = 0.0; 
-        Iwd = "/home/xguo23/finally_2/Simulation_condor/model_3/343"; 
-        RecentStatsLifetimeStarter = 1200; 
-        LeaveJobInQueue = false; 
-        TargetType = "Machine"; 
-        WhenToTransferOutput = "ON_EXIT"; 
-        Owner = "xguo23"; 
-        JobNotification = 0; 
-        BufferSize = 524288; 
-        RecentBlockWrites = 0; 
-        CompletionDate = 1446133907; 
-        LastMatchTime = 1446108666; 
-        LastJobLeaseRenewal = 1446133907; 
-        DAGManNodesLog = "/home/xguo23/finally_2/Simulation_condor/model_3/./mydag.dag.nodes.log"; 
-        ClusterId = 49582187; 
-        NumJobStarts = 1; 
-        JobUniverse = 5; 
-        AutoClusterAttrs = "JobUniverse,LastCheckpointPlatform,NumCkpts,ClientMachine,_condor_RequestCpus,_condor_RequestDisk,_condor_RequestGPUs,_condor_RequestMemory,RequestCpus,RequestDisk,RequestGPUs,RequestMemory,BIOCHEM,MachineLastMatchTime,ConcurrencyLimits,NiceUser,Rank,Requirements,ImageSize,MemoryRequirements,User,RemoteGroup,SubmitterGroup,SubmitterUserPrio,Group,WIDsTheme,InteractiveJob,Is_Resumable,WantFlocking,WantGlidein,Scheduler,Owner,JobStart,MemoryUsage,IsExpressQueueJob,DiskUsage,HEP_VO,IsDesktop,OSG_VO,x509userproxysubject,PassedTest,IsLocalCMSJob,IsLocalCMSSlot,IsSAMSlot,IsSAMJob,MaxDiskTempC,IsDedicated,estimated_run_hours,IsCHTCSubmit,RequiresCVMFS,DynamicSlot,PartitionableSlot,Slot1_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot1_JobStarts,Slot1_SelfMonitorAge,Slot2_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot2_JobStarts,Slot2_SelfMonitorAge,Slot3_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot3_JobStarts,Slot3_SelfMonitorAge,Slot4_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot4_JobStarts,Slot4_SelfMonitorAge,Slot5_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot5_JobStarts,Slot5_SelfMonitorAge,Slot6_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot6_JobStarts,Slot6_SelfMonitorAge,Slot7_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot7_JobStarts,Slot7_SelfMonitorAge,Slot8_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot8_JobStarts,Slot8_SelfMonitorAge,Slot1_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot1_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot2_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot2_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot3_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot3_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot4_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot4_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot5_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot5_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot6_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot6_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot7_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot7_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot8_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot8_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot10_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot10_JobStarts,Slot10_SelfMonitorAge,Slot11_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot11_JobStarts,Slot11_SelfMonitorAge,Slot12_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot12_JobStarts,Slot12_SelfMonitorAge,Slot9_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot9_JobStarts,Slot9_SelfMonitorAge,Slot12_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot10_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot10_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot11_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot11_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot12_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot9_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot9_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot13_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot13_JobStarts,Slot13_SelfMonitorAge,Slot14_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot14_JobStarts,Slot14_SelfMonitorAge,Slot15_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot15_JobStarts,Slot15_SelfMonitorAge,Slot16_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot16_JobStarts,Slot16_SelfMonitorAge,IsResumable,WHEN_TO_TRANSFER_OUTPUT,_condor_Requestadmin_mutex_1,_condor_Requestadmin_mutex_2,_condor_Requestadmin_mutex_3,_condor_Requestmachine_token,Requestadmin_mutex_1,Requestadmin_mutex_2,Requestadmin_mutex_3,Requestmachine_token,nyehle,IsBuildJob,IsMatlabBuildJob,TotalJobRunTime,NodeOnline,Slot13_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot13_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot14_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot14_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot15_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot15_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot16_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot16_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,TmpIsFull,trResumable,RequiresCMSFrontier,Slot17_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot17_JobStarts,Slot17_SelfMonitorAge,Slot17_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot17_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot18_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot18_JobStarts,Slot18_SelfMonitorAge,Slot18_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot18_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot19_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot19_JobStarts,Slot19_SelfMonitorAge,Slot19_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot19_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot20_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot20_JobStarts,Slot20_SelfMonitorAge,Slot20_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot20_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot21_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot21_JobStarts,Slot21_SelfMonitorAge,Slot21_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot21_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot22_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot22_JobStarts,Slot22_SelfMonitorAge,Slot22_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot22_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot23_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot23_JobStarts,Slot23_SelfMonitorAge,Slot23_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot23_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot24_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot24_JobStarts,Slot24_SelfMonitorAge,Slot24_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot24_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot25_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot25_JobStarts,Slot25_SelfMonitorAge,Slot25_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot25_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot26_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot26_JobStarts,Slot26_SelfMonitorAge,Slot26_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot26_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot27_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot27_JobStarts,Slot27_SelfMonitorAge,Slot27_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot27_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot28_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot28_JobStarts,Slot28_SelfMonitorAge,Slot28_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot28_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot29_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot29_JobStarts,Slot29_SelfMonitorAge,Slot29_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot29_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot30_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot30_JobStarts,Slot30_SelfMonitorAge,Slot30_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot30_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot31_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot31_JobStarts,Slot31_SelfMonitorAge,Slot31_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot31_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot32_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot32_JobStarts,Slot32_SelfMonitorAge,Slot32_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot32_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,ResidentSetSize"; 
-        MaxHosts = 1; 
-        Args = "--type=Matlab --version=R2011b --cmdtorun=simu_condor --unique=343 -- 3"; 
-        CondorVersion = "$CondorVersion: 8.5.0 Sep 16 2015 BuildID: 341710 $"; 
-        CoreSize = 0; 
-        OnExitHold = false; 
-        CondorPlatform = "$CondorPlatform: X86_64-RedHat_6.6 $"; 
-        JobFinishedHookDone = 1446133907; 
-        QDate = 1446105592; 
-        JobLeaseDuration = 2400; 
-        In = "/dev/null"; 
-        DiskUsage = 1250000; 
-        EncryptExecuteDirectory = false; 
-        CommittedSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        User = ""; 
-        UserLog = "/home/xguo23/finally_2/Simulation_condor/model_3/343/process.log"; 
-        JobCurrentStartDate = 1446108666; 
-        BufferBlockSize = 32768; 
-        MATCH_EXP_JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = ""; 
-        Requirements = ( ( OpSysMajorVer is 6 ) ) && ( MY.JobUniverse == 12 || MY.JobUniverse == 7 || MY.WantFlocking || MY.WantGlidein || TARGET.PoolName == "CHTC" || TARGET.COLLECTOR_HOST_STRING == "" ) && ( TARGET.Arch == "X86_64" ) && ( TARGET.OpSys == "LINUX" ) && ( TARGET.Disk >= RequestDisk ) && ( TARGET.Memory >= RequestMemory ) && ( TARGET.HasFileTransfer ); 
-        MinHosts = 1; 
-        PeriodicHold = false; 
-        ProcId = 0; 
-        Environment = ""; 
-        DAGNodeName = "343+343"; 
-        MemoryUsage = ( ( ResidentSetSize + 1023 ) / 1024 ); 
-        TerminationPending = true; 
-        NumRestarts = 0; 
-        NumSystemHolds = 0; 
-        CommittedTime = 25241; 
-        AutoClusterId = 24; 
-        ExitStatus = 0; 
-        ShouldTransferFiles = "YES"; 
-        MachineAttrCpus0 = 1; 
-        WantRemoteSyscalls = false; 
-        MyType = "Job"; 
-        CumulativeSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        Rank = 0.0; 
-        StartdPrincipal = "execute-side@matchsession/"; 
-        Err = "process.err"; 
-        PeriodicRemove = false; 
-        BlockWriteKbytes = 0; 
-        ExitBySignal = false; 
-        DAGManJobId = 49581933; 
-        EnteredCurrentStatus = 1446133907; 
-        JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "$$([IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName), IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), \"\", TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName)])"; 
-        RecentBlockWriteKbytes = 0; 
-        TransferIn = false; 
-        IsCHTCSubmit = true; 
-        NumJobMatches = 1; 
-        RootDir = "/"; 
-        JobStartDate = 1446108666; 
-        JobPrio = 0; 
-        CurrentHosts = 0; 
-        GlobalJobId = ""; 
-        RemoteSysCpu = 1.270000000000000E+02; 
-        TotalSuspensions = 0; 
-        CommittedSlotTime = 2.524100000000000E+04; 
-        WantCheckpoint = false; 
-        BlockReads = 0; 
-        LastRemoteHost = ""; 
-        TransferInput = "/home/xguo23/finally_2/Simulation_condor/data/343/,/home/xguo23/finally_2/Simulation_condor/data/shared/"; 
-        LocalUserCpu = 0.0; 
-        PeriodicRelease = ( JobStatus == 5 ) && ( ( CurrentTime - EnteredCurrentStatus ) > 1800 ) && ( JobRunCount < 5 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 6 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 14 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 22 ); 
-        RequestDisk = 1000000; 
-        ResidentSetSize_RAW = 127540; 
-        OrigMaxHosts = 1; 
-        LastPublicClaimId = "<>#1444673425#9467#..."; 
-        WantRHEL6 = true; 
-        NumCkpts_RAW = 0; 
-        Out = "process.out"; 
-        SubmitEventNotes = "DAG Node: 343+343"; 
-        CumulativeSlotTime = 2.524100000000000E+04; 
-        JobRunCount = 1; 
-        RecentBlockReads = 0; 
-        StreamErr = false; 
-        DiskUsage_RAW = 1216669; 
-        NumCkpts = 0; 
-        StatsLifetimeStarter = 25238; 
-        ImageSize = 1000000; 
+        BlockWrites = 0;
+        LastJobStatus = 2;
+        JobCurrentStartExecutingDate = 1446108668;
+        WantRemoteIO = true;
+        RequestCpus = 1;
+        NumShadowStarts = 1;
+        RemoteUserCpu = 2.508000000000000E+04;
+        NiceUser = false;
+        RequestMemory = 1000;
+        BytesRecvd = 2.850540000000000E+05;
+        ResidentSetSize = 150000;
+        StreamOut = false;
+        SpooledOutputFiles = "CURLTIME_2577757,ChtcWrapper343.out,AuditLog.343,simu_3_343.txt,harvest.log,343.out";
+        OnExitRemove = true;
+        ImageSize_RAW = 811948;
+        RemoteWallClockTime = 2.524100000000000E+04;
+        MachineAttrSlotWeight0 = 1;
+        ExecutableSize = 7;
+        JobStatus = 4;
+        DAGParentNodeNames = "";
+        ExitCode = 0;
+        DAGManNodesMask = "0,1,2,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,13,16,17,24,27";
+        BytesSent = 3.179800000000000E+04;
+        LastSuspensionTime = 0;
+        ExecutableSize_RAW = 6;
+        RecentBlockReadKbytes = 0;
+        TransferInputSizeMB = 0;
+        Matlab = "R2011b";
+        BlockReadKbytes = 0;
+        LocalSysCpu = 0.0;
+        Iwd = "/home/xguo23/finally_2/Simulation_condor/model_3/343";
+        RecentStatsLifetimeStarter = 1200;
+        LeaveJobInQueue = false;
+        TargetType = "Machine";
+        WhenToTransferOutput = "ON_EXIT";
+        Owner = "xguo23";
+        JobNotification = 0;
+        BufferSize = 524288;
+        RecentBlockWrites = 0;
+        CompletionDate = 1446133907;
+        LastMatchTime = 1446108666;
+        LastJobLeaseRenewal = 1446133907;
+        DAGManNodesLog = "/home/xguo23/finally_2/Simulation_condor/model_3/./mydag.dag.nodes.log";
+        ClusterId = 49582187;
+        NumJobStarts = 1;
+        JobUniverse = 5;
+        AutoClusterAttrs = "JobUniverse,LastCheckpointPlatform,NumCkpts,ClientMachine,_condor_RequestCpus,_condor_RequestDisk,_condor_RequestGPUs,_condor_RequestMemory,RequestCpus,RequestDisk,RequestGPUs,RequestMemory,BIOCHEM,MachineLastMatchTime,ConcurrencyLimits,NiceUser,Rank,Requirements,ImageSize,MemoryRequirements,User,RemoteGroup,SubmitterGroup,SubmitterUserPrio,Group,WIDsTheme,InteractiveJob,Is_Resumable,WantFlocking,WantGlidein,Scheduler,Owner,JobStart,MemoryUsage,IsExpressQueueJob,DiskUsage,HEP_VO,IsDesktop,OSG_VO,x509userproxysubject,PassedTest,IsLocalCMSJob,IsLocalCMSSlot,IsSAMSlot,IsSAMJob,MaxDiskTempC,IsDedicated,estimated_run_hours,IsCHTCSubmit,RequiresCVMFS,DynamicSlot,PartitionableSlot,Slot1_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot1_JobStarts,Slot1_SelfMonitorAge,Slot2_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot2_JobStarts,Slot2_SelfMonitorAge,Slot3_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot3_JobStarts,Slot3_SelfMonitorAge,Slot4_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot4_JobStarts,Slot4_SelfMonitorAge,Slot5_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot5_JobStarts,Slot5_SelfMonitorAge,Slot6_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot6_JobStarts,Slot6_SelfMonitorAge,Slot7_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot7_JobStarts,Slot7_SelfMonitorAge,Slot8_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot8_JobStarts,Slot8_SelfMonitorAge,Slot1_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot1_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot2_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot2_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot3_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot3_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot4_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot4_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot5_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot5_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot6_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot6_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot7_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot7_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot8_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot8_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot10_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot10_JobStarts,Slot10_SelfMonitorAge,Slot11_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot11_JobStarts,Slot11_SelfMonitorAge,Slot12_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot12_JobStarts,Slot12_SelfMonitorAge,Slot9_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot9_JobStarts,Slot9_SelfMonitorAge,Slot12_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot10_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot10_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot11_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot11_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot12_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot9_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot9_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot13_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot13_JobStarts,Slot13_SelfMonitorAge,Slot14_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot14_JobStarts,Slot14_SelfMonitorAge,Slot15_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot15_JobStarts,Slot15_SelfMonitorAge,Slot16_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot16_JobStarts,Slot16_SelfMonitorAge,IsResumable,WHEN_TO_TRANSFER_OUTPUT,_condor_Requestadmin_mutex_1,_condor_Requestadmin_mutex_2,_condor_Requestadmin_mutex_3,_condor_Requestmachine_token,Requestadmin_mutex_1,Requestadmin_mutex_2,Requestadmin_mutex_3,Requestmachine_token,nyehle,IsBuildJob,IsMatlabBuildJob,TotalJobRunTime,NodeOnline,Slot13_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot13_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot14_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot14_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot15_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot15_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot16_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot16_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,TmpIsFull,trResumable,RequiresCMSFrontier,Slot17_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot17_JobStarts,Slot17_SelfMonitorAge,Slot17_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot17_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot18_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot18_JobStarts,Slot18_SelfMonitorAge,Slot18_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot18_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot19_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot19_JobStarts,Slot19_SelfMonitorAge,Slot19_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot19_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot20_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot20_JobStarts,Slot20_SelfMonitorAge,Slot20_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot20_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot21_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot21_JobStarts,Slot21_SelfMonitorAge,Slot21_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot21_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot22_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot22_JobStarts,Slot22_SelfMonitorAge,Slot22_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot22_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot23_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot23_JobStarts,Slot23_SelfMonitorAge,Slot23_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot23_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot24_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot24_JobStarts,Slot24_SelfMonitorAge,Slot24_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot24_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot25_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot25_JobStarts,Slot25_SelfMonitorAge,Slot25_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot25_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot26_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot26_JobStarts,Slot26_SelfMonitorAge,Slot26_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot26_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot27_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot27_JobStarts,Slot27_SelfMonitorAge,Slot27_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot27_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot28_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot28_JobStarts,Slot28_SelfMonitorAge,Slot28_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot28_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot29_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot29_JobStarts,Slot29_SelfMonitorAge,Slot29_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot29_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot30_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot30_JobStarts,Slot30_SelfMonitorAge,Slot30_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot30_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot31_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot31_JobStarts,Slot31_SelfMonitorAge,Slot31_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot31_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot32_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot32_JobStarts,Slot32_SelfMonitorAge,Slot32_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot32_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,ResidentSetSize";
+        MaxHosts = 1;
+        Args = "--type=Matlab --version=R2011b --cmdtorun=simu_condor --unique=343 -- 3";
+        CondorVersion = "$CondorVersion: 8.5.0 Sep 16 2015 BuildID: 341710 $";
+        CoreSize = 0;
+        OnExitHold = false;
+        CondorPlatform = "$CondorPlatform: X86_64-RedHat_6.6 $";
+        JobFinishedHookDone = 1446133907;
+        QDate = 1446105592;
+        JobLeaseDuration = 2400;
+        In = "/dev/null";
+        DiskUsage = 1250000;
+        EncryptExecuteDirectory = false;
+        CommittedSuspensionTime = 0;
+        User = "";
+        UserLog = "/home/xguo23/finally_2/Simulation_condor/model_3/343/process.log";
+        JobCurrentStartDate = 1446108666;
+        BufferBlockSize = 32768;
+        MATCH_EXP_JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "";
+        Requirements = ( ( OpSysMajorVer is 6 ) ) && ( MY.JobUniverse == 12 || MY.JobUniverse == 7 || MY.WantFlocking || MY.WantGlidein || TARGET.PoolName == "CHTC" || TARGET.COLLECTOR_HOST_STRING == "" ) && ( TARGET.Arch == "X86_64" ) && ( TARGET.OpSys == "LINUX" ) && ( TARGET.Disk >= RequestDisk ) && ( TARGET.Memory >= RequestMemory ) && ( TARGET.HasFileTransfer );
+        MinHosts = 1;
+        PeriodicHold = false;
+        ProcId = 0;
+        Environment = "";
+        DAGNodeName = "343+343";
+        MemoryUsage = ( ( ResidentSetSize + 1023 ) / 1024 );
+        TerminationPending = true;
+        NumRestarts = 0;
+        NumSystemHolds = 0;
+        CommittedTime = 25241;
+        AutoClusterId = 24;
+        ExitStatus = 0;
+        ShouldTransferFiles = "YES";
+        MachineAttrCpus0 = 1;
+        WantRemoteSyscalls = false;
+        MyType = "Job";
+        CumulativeSuspensionTime = 0;
+        Rank = 0.0;
+        StartdPrincipal = "execute-side@matchsession/";
+        Err = "process.err";
+        PeriodicRemove = false;
+        BlockWriteKbytes = 0;
+        ExitBySignal = false;
+        DAGManJobId = 49581933;
+        EnteredCurrentStatus = 1446133907;
+        JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "$$([IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName), IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), \"\", TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName)])";
+        RecentBlockWriteKbytes = 0;
+        TransferIn = false;
+        IsCHTCSubmit = true;
+        NumJobMatches = 1;
+        RootDir = "/";
+        JobStartDate = 1446108666;
+        JobPrio = 0;
+        CurrentHosts = 0;
+        GlobalJobId = "";
+        RemoteSysCpu = 1.270000000000000E+02;
+        TotalSuspensions = 0;
+        CommittedSlotTime = 2.524100000000000E+04;
+        WantCheckpoint = false;
+        BlockReads = 0;
+        LastRemoteHost = "";
+        TransferInput = "/home/xguo23/finally_2/Simulation_condor/data/343/,/home/xguo23/finally_2/Simulation_condor/data/shared/";
+        LocalUserCpu = 0.0;
+        PeriodicRelease = ( JobStatus == 5 ) && ( ( CurrentTime - EnteredCurrentStatus ) > 1800 ) && ( JobRunCount < 5 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 6 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 14 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 22 );
+        RequestDisk = 1000000;
+        ResidentSetSize_RAW = 127540;
+        OrigMaxHosts = 1;
+        LastPublicClaimId = "<>#1444673425#9467#...";
+        WantRHEL6 = true;
+        NumCkpts_RAW = 0;
+        Out = "process.out";
+        SubmitEventNotes = "DAG Node: 343+343";
+        CumulativeSlotTime = 2.524100000000000E+04;
+        JobRunCount = 1;
+        RecentBlockReads = 0;
+        StreamErr = false;
+        DiskUsage_RAW = 1216669;
+        NumCkpts = 0;
+        StatsLifetimeStarter = 25238;
+        ImageSize = 1000000;
         Cmd = "/home/xguo23/finally_2/Simulation_condor/chtcjobwrapper"
-        BlockWrites = 0; 
-        LastJobStatus = 2; 
-        JobCurrentStartExecutingDate = 1446111453; 
-        WantRemoteIO = true; 
-        RequestCpus = 1; 
-        NumShadowStarts = 1; 
-        RemoteUserCpu = 2.230000000000000E+04; 
-        NiceUser = false; 
-        RequestMemory = 1000; 
-        BytesRecvd = 2.846290000000000E+05; 
-        ResidentSetSize = 150000; 
-        StreamOut = false; 
-        SpooledOutputFiles = "CURLTIME_1700927,ChtcWrapper300.out,AuditLog.300,simu_3_300.txt,harvest.log,300.out"; 
-        OnExitRemove = true; 
-        ImageSize_RAW = 811948; 
-        RemoteWallClockTime = 2.243000000000000E+04; 
-        MachineAttrSlotWeight0 = 1; 
-        ExecutableSize = 7; 
-        JobStatus = 4; 
-        DAGParentNodeNames = ""; 
-        ExitCode = 0; 
-        DAGManNodesMask = "0,1,2,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,13,16,17,24,27"; 
-        BytesSent = 2.791500000000000E+04; 
-        LastSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        ExecutableSize_RAW = 6; 
-        RecentBlockReadKbytes = 0; 
-        TransferInputSizeMB = 0; 
-        Matlab = "R2011b"; 
-        BlockReadKbytes = 0; 
-        RecentStatsLifetimeStarter = 1200; 
-        LeaveJobInQueue = false; 
-        TargetType = "Machine"; 
-        WhenToTransferOutput = "ON_EXIT"; 
-        Owner = "xguo23"; 
-        JobNotification = 0; 
-        BufferSize = 524288; 
-        RecentBlockWrites = 0; 
-        CompletionDate = 1446133882; 
-        QDate = 1446105728; 
-        JobLeaseDuration = 2400; 
-        JobFinishedHookDone = 1446133883; 
-        LastMatchTime = 1446111452; 
-        LastJobLeaseRenewal = 1446133882; 
-        DAGManNodesLog = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/model_3/./mydag.dag.nodes.log"; 
-        ClusterId = 49582525; 
-        JobUniverse = 5; 
-        NumJobStarts = 1; 
-        CondorVersion = "$CondorVersion: 8.5.0 Sep 16 2015 BuildID: 341710 $"; 
-        CoreSize = 0; 
-        OnExitHold = false; 
-        CondorPlatform = "$CondorPlatform: X86_64-RedHat_6.6 $"; 
-        In = "/dev/null"; 
-        DiskUsage = 1250000; 
-        EncryptExecuteDirectory = false; 
-        CommittedSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        User = ""; 
-        UserLog = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/model_3/300/process.log"; 
-        JobCurrentStartDate = 1446111452; 
-        BufferBlockSize = 32768; 
-        MATCH_EXP_JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = ""; 
-        Requirements = ( ( OpSysMajorVer is 6 ) ) && ( MY.JobUniverse == 12 || MY.JobUniverse == 7 || MY.WantFlocking || MY.WantGlidein || TARGET.PoolName == "CHTC" || TARGET.COLLECTOR_HOST_STRING == "" ) && ( TARGET.Arch == "X86_64" ) && ( TARGET.OpSys == "LINUX" ) && ( TARGET.Disk >= RequestDisk ) && ( TARGET.Memory >= RequestMemory ) && ( TARGET.HasFileTransfer ); 
-        MinHosts = 1; 
-        MaxHosts = 1; 
-        Args = "--type=Matlab --version=R2011b --cmdtorun=simu_condor --unique=300 -- 3"; 
-        PeriodicHold = false; 
-        ProcId = 0; 
-        Environment = ""; 
-        DAGNodeName = "300+300"; 
-        MemoryUsage = ( ( ResidentSetSize + 1023 ) / 1024 ); 
-        TerminationPending = true; 
-        NumRestarts = 0; 
-        NumSystemHolds = 0; 
-        CommittedTime = 22430; 
-        MachineAttrCpus0 = 1; 
-        WantRemoteSyscalls = false; 
-        MyType = "Job"; 
-        CumulativeSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        Rank = 0.0; 
-        StartdPrincipal = "execute-side@matchsession/"; 
-        Err = "process.err"; 
-        PeriodicRemove = false; 
-        BlockWriteKbytes = 0; 
-        ExitBySignal = false; 
-        DAGManJobId = 49582200; 
-        EnteredCurrentStatus = 1446133882; 
-        JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "$$([IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName), IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), \"\", TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName)])"; 
-        RecentBlockWriteKbytes = 0; 
-        TransferIn = false; 
-        ExitStatus = 0; 
-        ShouldTransferFiles = "YES"; 
-        IsCHTCSubmit = true; 
-        NumJobMatches = 1; 
-        RootDir = "/"; 
-        JobStartDate = 1446111452; 
-        JobPrio = 0; 
-        CurrentHosts = 0; 
-        GlobalJobId = ""; 
-        RemoteSysCpu = 1.120000000000000E+02; 
-        TotalSuspensions = 0; 
-        CommittedSlotTime = 2.243000000000000E+04; 
-        WantCheckpoint = false; 
-        BlockReads = 0; 
-        LastRemoteHost = ""; 
-        TransferInput = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/data/300/,/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/data/shared/"; 
-        LocalUserCpu = 0.0; 
-        PeriodicRelease = ( JobStatus == 5 ) && ( ( CurrentTime - EnteredCurrentStatus ) > 1800 ) && ( JobRunCount < 5 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 6 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 14 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 22 ); 
-        RequestDisk = 1000000; 
-        ResidentSetSize_RAW = 126740; 
-        OrigMaxHosts = 1; 
-        LastPublicClaimId = "<>#1444759970#7928#..."; 
-        WantRHEL6 = true; 
-        NumCkpts_RAW = 0; 
-        Out = "process.out"; 
-        SubmitEventNotes = "DAG Node: 300+300"; 
-        CumulativeSlotTime = 2.243000000000000E+04; 
-        JobRunCount = 1; 
-        RecentBlockReads = 0; 
-        StreamErr = false; 
-        DiskUsage_RAW = 1216669; 
-        NumCkpts = 0; 
-        StatsLifetimeStarter = 22429; 
-        ImageSize = 1000000; 
-        Cmd = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/chtcjobwrapper"; 
-        LocalSysCpu = 0.0; 
+        BlockWrites = 0;
+        LastJobStatus = 2;
+        JobCurrentStartExecutingDate = 1446111453;
+        WantRemoteIO = true;
+        RequestCpus = 1;
+        NumShadowStarts = 1;
+        RemoteUserCpu = 2.230000000000000E+04;
+        NiceUser = false;
+        RequestMemory = 1000;
+        BytesRecvd = 2.846290000000000E+05;
+        ResidentSetSize = 150000;
+        StreamOut = false;
+        SpooledOutputFiles = "CURLTIME_1700927,ChtcWrapper300.out,AuditLog.300,simu_3_300.txt,harvest.log,300.out";
+        OnExitRemove = true;
+        ImageSize_RAW = 811948;
+        RemoteWallClockTime = 2.243000000000000E+04;
+        MachineAttrSlotWeight0 = 1;
+        ExecutableSize = 7;
+        JobStatus = 4;
+        DAGParentNodeNames = "";
+        ExitCode = 0;
+        DAGManNodesMask = "0,1,2,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,13,16,17,24,27";
+        BytesSent = 2.791500000000000E+04;
+        LastSuspensionTime = 0;
+        ExecutableSize_RAW = 6;
+        RecentBlockReadKbytes = 0;
+        TransferInputSizeMB = 0;
+        Matlab = "R2011b";
+        BlockReadKbytes = 0;
+        RecentStatsLifetimeStarter = 1200;
+        LeaveJobInQueue = false;
+        TargetType = "Machine";
+        WhenToTransferOutput = "ON_EXIT";
+        Owner = "xguo23";
+        JobNotification = 0;
+        BufferSize = 524288;
+        RecentBlockWrites = 0;
+        CompletionDate = 1446133882;
+        QDate = 1446105728;
+        JobLeaseDuration = 2400;
+        JobFinishedHookDone = 1446133883;
+        LastMatchTime = 1446111452;
+        LastJobLeaseRenewal = 1446133882;
+        DAGManNodesLog = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/model_3/./mydag.dag.nodes.log";
+        ClusterId = 49582525;
+        JobUniverse = 5;
+        NumJobStarts = 1;
+        CondorVersion = "$CondorVersion: 8.5.0 Sep 16 2015 BuildID: 341710 $";
+        CoreSize = 0;
+        OnExitHold = false;
+        CondorPlatform = "$CondorPlatform: X86_64-RedHat_6.6 $";
+        In = "/dev/null";
+        DiskUsage = 1250000;
+        EncryptExecuteDirectory = false;
+        CommittedSuspensionTime = 0;
+        User = "";
+        UserLog = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/model_3/300/process.log";
+        JobCurrentStartDate = 1446111452;
+        BufferBlockSize = 32768;
+        MATCH_EXP_JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "";
+        Requirements = ( ( OpSysMajorVer is 6 ) ) && ( MY.JobUniverse == 12 || MY.JobUniverse == 7 || MY.WantFlocking || MY.WantGlidein || TARGET.PoolName == "CHTC" || TARGET.COLLECTOR_HOST_STRING == "" ) && ( TARGET.Arch == "X86_64" ) && ( TARGET.OpSys == "LINUX" ) && ( TARGET.Disk >= RequestDisk ) && ( TARGET.Memory >= RequestMemory ) && ( TARGET.HasFileTransfer );
+        MinHosts = 1;
+        MaxHosts = 1;
+        Args = "--type=Matlab --version=R2011b --cmdtorun=simu_condor --unique=300 -- 3";
+        PeriodicHold = false;
+        ProcId = 0;
+        Environment = "";
+        DAGNodeName = "300+300";
+        MemoryUsage = ( ( ResidentSetSize + 1023 ) / 1024 );
+        TerminationPending = true;
+        NumRestarts = 0;
+        NumSystemHolds = 0;
+        CommittedTime = 22430;
+        MachineAttrCpus0 = 1;
+        WantRemoteSyscalls = false;
+        MyType = "Job";
+        CumulativeSuspensionTime = 0;
+        Rank = 0.0;
+        StartdPrincipal = "execute-side@matchsession/";
+        Err = "process.err";
+        PeriodicRemove = false;
+        BlockWriteKbytes = 0;
+        ExitBySignal = false;
+        DAGManJobId = 49582200;
+        EnteredCurrentStatus = 1446133882;
+        JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "$$([IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName), IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), \"\", TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName)])";
+        RecentBlockWriteKbytes = 0;
+        TransferIn = false;
+        ExitStatus = 0;
+        ShouldTransferFiles = "YES";
+        IsCHTCSubmit = true;
+        NumJobMatches = 1;
+        RootDir = "/";
+        JobStartDate = 1446111452;
+        JobPrio = 0;
+        CurrentHosts = 0;
+        GlobalJobId = "";
+        RemoteSysCpu = 1.120000000000000E+02;
+        TotalSuspensions = 0;
+        CommittedSlotTime = 2.243000000000000E+04;
+        WantCheckpoint = false;
+        BlockReads = 0;
+        LastRemoteHost = "";
+        TransferInput = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/data/300/,/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/data/shared/";
+        LocalUserCpu = 0.0;
+        PeriodicRelease = ( JobStatus == 5 ) && ( ( CurrentTime - EnteredCurrentStatus ) > 1800 ) && ( JobRunCount < 5 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 6 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 14 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 22 );
+        RequestDisk = 1000000;
+        ResidentSetSize_RAW = 126740;
+        OrigMaxHosts = 1;
+        LastPublicClaimId = "<>#1444759970#7928#...";
+        WantRHEL6 = true;
+        NumCkpts_RAW = 0;
+        Out = "process.out";
+        SubmitEventNotes = "DAG Node: 300+300";
+        CumulativeSlotTime = 2.243000000000000E+04;
+        JobRunCount = 1;
+        RecentBlockReads = 0;
+        StreamErr = false;
+        DiskUsage_RAW = 1216669;
+        NumCkpts = 0;
+        StatsLifetimeStarter = 22429;
+        ImageSize = 1000000;
+        Cmd = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/chtcjobwrapper";
+        LocalSysCpu = 0.0;
         Iwd = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/model_3/300"
-        BlockWrites = 0; 
-        LastJobStatus = 2; 
-        JobCurrentStartExecutingDate = 1446111812; 
-        WantRemoteIO = true; 
-        RequestCpus = 1; 
-        NumShadowStarts = 1; 
-        RemoteUserCpu = 2.189700000000000E+04; 
-        NiceUser = false; 
-        RequestMemory = 1000; 
-        BytesRecvd = 2.846130000000000E+05; 
-        ResidentSetSize = 150000; 
-        StreamOut = false; 
-        SpooledOutputFiles = "CURLTIME_1702594,ChtcWrapper220.out,AuditLog.220,simu_3_220.txt,harvest.log,220.out"; 
-        OnExitRemove = true; 
-        ImageSize_RAW = 811948; 
-        RemoteWallClockTime = 2.205200000000000E+04; 
-        MachineAttrSlotWeight0 = 1; 
-        ExecutableSize = 7; 
-        JobStatus = 4; 
-        DAGParentNodeNames = ""; 
-        ExitCode = 0; 
-        DAGManNodesMask = "0,1,2,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,13,16,17,24,27"; 
-        BytesSent = 2.834400000000000E+04; 
-        LastSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        ExecutableSize_RAW = 6; 
-        RecentBlockReadKbytes = 0; 
-        TransferInputSizeMB = 0; 
-        Matlab = "R2011b"; 
-        BlockReadKbytes = 0; 
-        LocalSysCpu = 0.0; 
-        Iwd = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.48/Simulation_condor/model_3/220"; 
-        RecentStatsLifetimeStarter = 1200; 
-        LeaveJobInQueue = false; 
-        TargetType = "Machine"; 
-        WhenToTransferOutput = "ON_EXIT"; 
-        Owner = "xguo23"; 
-        JobNotification = 0; 
-        BufferSize = 524288; 
-        RecentBlockWrites = 0; 
-        CompletionDate = 1446133862; 
-        LastMatchTime = 1446111810; 
-        LastJobLeaseRenewal = 1446133862; 
-        DAGManNodesLog = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.48/Simulation_condor/model_3/./mydag.dag.nodes.log"; 
-        ClusterId = 49582540; 
-        NumJobStarts = 1; 
-        JobUniverse = 5; 
-        AutoClusterAttrs = "JobUniverse,LastCheckpointPlatform,NumCkpts,ClientMachine,_condor_RequestCpus,_condor_RequestDisk,_condor_RequestGPUs,_condor_RequestMemory,RequestCpus,RequestDisk,RequestGPUs,RequestMemory,BIOCHEM,MachineLastMatchTime,ConcurrencyLimits,NiceUser,Rank,Requirements,ImageSize,MemoryRequirements,User,RemoteGroup,SubmitterGroup,SubmitterUserPrio,Group,WIDsTheme,InteractiveJob,Is_Resumable,WantFlocking,WantGlidein,Scheduler,Owner,JobStart,MemoryUsage,IsExpressQueueJob,DiskUsage,HEP_VO,IsDesktop,OSG_VO,x509userproxysubject,PassedTest,IsLocalCMSJob,IsLocalCMSSlot,IsSAMSlot,IsSAMJob,MaxDiskTempC,IsDedicated,estimated_run_hours,IsCHTCSubmit,RequiresCVMFS,DynamicSlot,PartitionableSlot,Slot1_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot1_JobStarts,Slot1_SelfMonitorAge,Slot2_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot2_JobStarts,Slot2_SelfMonitorAge,Slot3_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot3_JobStarts,Slot3_SelfMonitorAge,Slot4_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot4_JobStarts,Slot4_SelfMonitorAge,Slot5_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot5_JobStarts,Slot5_SelfMonitorAge,Slot6_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot6_JobStarts,Slot6_SelfMonitorAge,Slot7_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot7_JobStarts,Slot7_SelfMonitorAge,Slot8_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot8_JobStarts,Slot8_SelfMonitorAge,Slot1_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot1_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot2_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot2_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot3_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot3_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot4_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot4_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot5_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot5_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot6_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot6_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot7_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot7_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot8_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot8_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot10_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot10_JobStarts,Slot10_SelfMonitorAge,Slot11_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot11_JobStarts,Slot11_SelfMonitorAge,Slot12_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot12_JobStarts,Slot12_SelfMonitorAge,Slot9_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot9_JobStarts,Slot9_SelfMonitorAge,Slot12_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot10_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot10_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot11_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot11_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot12_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot9_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot9_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot13_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot13_JobStarts,Slot13_SelfMonitorAge,Slot14_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot14_JobStarts,Slot14_SelfMonitorAge,Slot15_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot15_JobStarts,Slot15_SelfMonitorAge,Slot16_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot16_JobStarts,Slot16_SelfMonitorAge,IsResumable,WHEN_TO_TRANSFER_OUTPUT,_condor_Requestadmin_mutex_1,_condor_Requestadmin_mutex_2,_condor_Requestadmin_mutex_3,_condor_Requestmachine_token,Requestadmin_mutex_1,Requestadmin_mutex_2,Requestadmin_mutex_3,Requestmachine_token,nyehle,IsBuildJob,IsMatlabBuildJob,TotalJobRunTime,NodeOnline,Slot13_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot13_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot14_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot14_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot15_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot15_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot16_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot16_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,TmpIsFull,trResumable,RequiresCMSFrontier,Slot17_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot17_JobStarts,Slot17_SelfMonitorAge,Slot17_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot17_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot18_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot18_JobStarts,Slot18_SelfMonitorAge,Slot18_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot18_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot19_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot19_JobStarts,Slot19_SelfMonitorAge,Slot19_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot19_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot20_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot20_JobStarts,Slot20_SelfMonitorAge,Slot20_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot20_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot21_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot21_JobStarts,Slot21_SelfMonitorAge,Slot21_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot21_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot22_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot22_JobStarts,Slot22_SelfMonitorAge,Slot22_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot22_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot23_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot23_JobStarts,Slot23_SelfMonitorAge,Slot23_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot23_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot24_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot24_JobStarts,Slot24_SelfMonitorAge,Slot24_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot24_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot25_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot25_JobStarts,Slot25_SelfMonitorAge,Slot25_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot25_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot26_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot26_JobStarts,Slot26_SelfMonitorAge,Slot26_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot26_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot27_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot27_JobStarts,Slot27_SelfMonitorAge,Slot27_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot27_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot28_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot28_JobStarts,Slot28_SelfMonitorAge,Slot28_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot28_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot29_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot29_JobStarts,Slot29_SelfMonitorAge,Slot29_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot29_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot30_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot30_JobStarts,Slot30_SelfMonitorAge,Slot30_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot30_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot31_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot31_JobStarts,Slot31_SelfMonitorAge,Slot31_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot31_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot32_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot32_JobStarts,Slot32_SelfMonitorAge,Slot32_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot32_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,ResidentSetSize"; 
-        MaxHosts = 1; 
-        Args = "--type=Matlab --version=R2011b --cmdtorun=simu_condor --unique=220 -- 3"; 
-        CondorVersion = "$CondorVersion: 8.5.0 Sep 16 2015 BuildID: 341710 $"; 
-        CoreSize = 0; 
-        OnExitHold = false; 
-        CondorPlatform = "$CondorPlatform: X86_64-RedHat_6.6 $"; 
-        JobFinishedHookDone = 1446133862; 
-        QDate = 1446105734; 
-        JobLeaseDuration = 2400; 
-        In = "/dev/null"; 
-        DiskUsage = 1250000; 
-        EncryptExecuteDirectory = false; 
-        CommittedSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        User = ""; 
-        UserLog = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.48/Simulation_condor/model_3/220/process.log"; 
-        JobCurrentStartDate = 1446111810; 
-        BufferBlockSize = 32768; 
-        MATCH_EXP_JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = ""; 
-        Requirements = ( ( OpSysMajorVer is 6 ) ) && ( MY.JobUniverse == 12 || MY.JobUniverse == 7 || MY.WantFlocking || MY.WantGlidein || TARGET.PoolName == "CHTC" || TARGET.COLLECTOR_HOST_STRING == "" ) && ( TARGET.Arch == "X86_64" ) && ( TARGET.OpSys == "LINUX" ) && ( TARGET.Disk >= RequestDisk ) && ( TARGET.Memory >= RequestMemory ) && ( TARGET.HasFileTransfer ); 
-        MinHosts = 1; 
-        PeriodicHold = false; 
-        ProcId = 0; 
-        Environment = ""; 
-        DAGNodeName = "220+220"; 
-        MemoryUsage = ( ( ResidentSetSize + 1023 ) / 1024 ); 
-        TerminationPending = true; 
-        NumRestarts = 0; 
-        NumSystemHolds = 0; 
-        CommittedTime = 22052; 
-        AutoClusterId = 24; 
-        ExitStatus = 0; 
-        ShouldTransferFiles = "YES"; 
-        MachineAttrCpus0 = 1; 
-        WantRemoteSyscalls = false; 
-        MyType = "Job"; 
-        CumulativeSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        Rank = 0.0; 
-        StartdPrincipal = "execute-side@matchsession/"; 
-        Err = "process.err"; 
-        PeriodicRemove = false; 
-        BlockWriteKbytes = 0; 
-        ExitBySignal = false; 
-        DAGManJobId = 49582206; 
-        EnteredCurrentStatus = 1446133862; 
-        JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "$$([IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName), IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), \"\", TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName)])"; 
-        RecentBlockWriteKbytes = 0; 
-        TransferIn = false; 
-        IsCHTCSubmit = true; 
-        NumJobMatches = 1; 
-        RootDir = "/"; 
-        JobStartDate = 1446111810; 
-        JobPrio = 0; 
-        CurrentHosts = 0; 
-        GlobalJobId = ""; 
-        RemoteSysCpu = 1.270000000000000E+02; 
-        TotalSuspensions = 0; 
-        CommittedSlotTime = 2.205200000000000E+04; 
-        WantCheckpoint = false; 
-        BlockReads = 0; 
-        LastRemoteHost = ""; 
-        TransferInput = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.48/Simulation_condor/data/220/,/home/xguo23/model_3_1.48/Simulation_condor/data/shared/"; 
-        LocalUserCpu = 0.0; 
-        PeriodicRelease = ( JobStatus == 5 ) && ( ( CurrentTime - EnteredCurrentStatus ) > 1800 ) && ( JobRunCount < 5 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 6 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 14 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 22 ); 
-        RequestDisk = 1000000; 
-        ResidentSetSize_RAW = 126940; 
-        OrigMaxHosts = 1; 
-        LastPublicClaimId = "<>#1444759970#7932#..."; 
-        WantRHEL6 = true; 
-        NumCkpts_RAW = 0; 
-        Out = "process.out"; 
-        SubmitEventNotes = "DAG Node: 220+220"; 
-        CumulativeSlotTime = 2.205200000000000E+04; 
-        JobRunCount = 1; 
-        RecentBlockReads = 0; 
-        StreamErr = false; 
-        DiskUsage_RAW = 1216669; 
-        NumCkpts = 0; 
-        StatsLifetimeStarter = 22050; 
-        ImageSize = 1000000; 
+        BlockWrites = 0;
+        LastJobStatus = 2;
+        JobCurrentStartExecutingDate = 1446111812;
+        WantRemoteIO = true;
+        RequestCpus = 1;
+        NumShadowStarts = 1;
+        RemoteUserCpu = 2.189700000000000E+04;
+        NiceUser = false;
+        RequestMemory = 1000;
+        BytesRecvd = 2.846130000000000E+05;
+        ResidentSetSize = 150000;
+        StreamOut = false;
+        SpooledOutputFiles = "CURLTIME_1702594,ChtcWrapper220.out,AuditLog.220,simu_3_220.txt,harvest.log,220.out";
+        OnExitRemove = true;
+        ImageSize_RAW = 811948;
+        RemoteWallClockTime = 2.205200000000000E+04;
+        MachineAttrSlotWeight0 = 1;
+        ExecutableSize = 7;
+        JobStatus = 4;
+        DAGParentNodeNames = "";
+        ExitCode = 0;
+        DAGManNodesMask = "0,1,2,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,13,16,17,24,27";
+        BytesSent = 2.834400000000000E+04;
+        LastSuspensionTime = 0;
+        ExecutableSize_RAW = 6;
+        RecentBlockReadKbytes = 0;
+        TransferInputSizeMB = 0;
+        Matlab = "R2011b";
+        BlockReadKbytes = 0;
+        LocalSysCpu = 0.0;
+        Iwd = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.48/Simulation_condor/model_3/220";
+        RecentStatsLifetimeStarter = 1200;
+        LeaveJobInQueue = false;
+        TargetType = "Machine";
+        WhenToTransferOutput = "ON_EXIT";
+        Owner = "xguo23";
+        JobNotification = 0;
+        BufferSize = 524288;
+        RecentBlockWrites = 0;
+        CompletionDate = 1446133862;
+        LastMatchTime = 1446111810;
+        LastJobLeaseRenewal = 1446133862;
+        DAGManNodesLog = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.48/Simulation_condor/model_3/./mydag.dag.nodes.log";
+        ClusterId = 49582540;
+        NumJobStarts = 1;
+        JobUniverse = 5;
+        AutoClusterAttrs = "JobUniverse,LastCheckpointPlatform,NumCkpts,ClientMachine,_condor_RequestCpus,_condor_RequestDisk,_condor_RequestGPUs,_condor_RequestMemory,RequestCpus,RequestDisk,RequestGPUs,RequestMemory,BIOCHEM,MachineLastMatchTime,ConcurrencyLimits,NiceUser,Rank,Requirements,ImageSize,MemoryRequirements,User,RemoteGroup,SubmitterGroup,SubmitterUserPrio,Group,WIDsTheme,InteractiveJob,Is_Resumable,WantFlocking,WantGlidein,Scheduler,Owner,JobStart,MemoryUsage,IsExpressQueueJob,DiskUsage,HEP_VO,IsDesktop,OSG_VO,x509userproxysubject,PassedTest,IsLocalCMSJob,IsLocalCMSSlot,IsSAMSlot,IsSAMJob,MaxDiskTempC,IsDedicated,estimated_run_hours,IsCHTCSubmit,RequiresCVMFS,DynamicSlot,PartitionableSlot,Slot1_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot1_JobStarts,Slot1_SelfMonitorAge,Slot2_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot2_JobStarts,Slot2_SelfMonitorAge,Slot3_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot3_JobStarts,Slot3_SelfMonitorAge,Slot4_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot4_JobStarts,Slot4_SelfMonitorAge,Slot5_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot5_JobStarts,Slot5_SelfMonitorAge,Slot6_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot6_JobStarts,Slot6_SelfMonitorAge,Slot7_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot7_JobStarts,Slot7_SelfMonitorAge,Slot8_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot8_JobStarts,Slot8_SelfMonitorAge,Slot1_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot1_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot2_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot2_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot3_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot3_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot4_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot4_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot5_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot5_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot6_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot6_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot7_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot7_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot8_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot8_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot10_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot10_JobStarts,Slot10_SelfMonitorAge,Slot11_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot11_JobStarts,Slot11_SelfMonitorAge,Slot12_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot12_JobStarts,Slot12_SelfMonitorAge,Slot9_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot9_JobStarts,Slot9_SelfMonitorAge,Slot12_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot10_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot10_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot11_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot11_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot12_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot9_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot9_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot13_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot13_JobStarts,Slot13_SelfMonitorAge,Slot14_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot14_JobStarts,Slot14_SelfMonitorAge,Slot15_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot15_JobStarts,Slot15_SelfMonitorAge,Slot16_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot16_JobStarts,Slot16_SelfMonitorAge,IsResumable,WHEN_TO_TRANSFER_OUTPUT,_condor_Requestadmin_mutex_1,_condor_Requestadmin_mutex_2,_condor_Requestadmin_mutex_3,_condor_Requestmachine_token,Requestadmin_mutex_1,Requestadmin_mutex_2,Requestadmin_mutex_3,Requestmachine_token,nyehle,IsBuildJob,IsMatlabBuildJob,TotalJobRunTime,NodeOnline,Slot13_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot13_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot14_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot14_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot15_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot15_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot16_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot16_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,TmpIsFull,trResumable,RequiresCMSFrontier,Slot17_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot17_JobStarts,Slot17_SelfMonitorAge,Slot17_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot17_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot18_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot18_JobStarts,Slot18_SelfMonitorAge,Slot18_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot18_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot19_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot19_JobStarts,Slot19_SelfMonitorAge,Slot19_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot19_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot20_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot20_JobStarts,Slot20_SelfMonitorAge,Slot20_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot20_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot21_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot21_JobStarts,Slot21_SelfMonitorAge,Slot21_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot21_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot22_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot22_JobStarts,Slot22_SelfMonitorAge,Slot22_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot22_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot23_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot23_JobStarts,Slot23_SelfMonitorAge,Slot23_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot23_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot24_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot24_JobStarts,Slot24_SelfMonitorAge,Slot24_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot24_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot25_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot25_JobStarts,Slot25_SelfMonitorAge,Slot25_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot25_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot26_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot26_JobStarts,Slot26_SelfMonitorAge,Slot26_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot26_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot27_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot27_JobStarts,Slot27_SelfMonitorAge,Slot27_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot27_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot28_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot28_JobStarts,Slot28_SelfMonitorAge,Slot28_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot28_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot29_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot29_JobStarts,Slot29_SelfMonitorAge,Slot29_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot29_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot30_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot30_JobStarts,Slot30_SelfMonitorAge,Slot30_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot30_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot31_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot31_JobStarts,Slot31_SelfMonitorAge,Slot31_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot31_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot32_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot32_JobStarts,Slot32_SelfMonitorAge,Slot32_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot32_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,ResidentSetSize";
+        MaxHosts = 1;
+        Args = "--type=Matlab --version=R2011b --cmdtorun=simu_condor --unique=220 -- 3";
+        CondorVersion = "$CondorVersion: 8.5.0 Sep 16 2015 BuildID: 341710 $";
+        CoreSize = 0;
+        OnExitHold = false;
+        CondorPlatform = "$CondorPlatform: X86_64-RedHat_6.6 $";
+        JobFinishedHookDone = 1446133862;
+        QDate = 1446105734;
+        JobLeaseDuration = 2400;
+        In = "/dev/null";
+        DiskUsage = 1250000;
+        EncryptExecuteDirectory = false;
+        CommittedSuspensionTime = 0;
+        User = "";
+        UserLog = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.48/Simulation_condor/model_3/220/process.log";
+        JobCurrentStartDate = 1446111810;
+        BufferBlockSize = 32768;
+        MATCH_EXP_JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "";
+        Requirements = ( ( OpSysMajorVer is 6 ) ) && ( MY.JobUniverse == 12 || MY.JobUniverse == 7 || MY.WantFlocking || MY.WantGlidein || TARGET.PoolName == "CHTC" || TARGET.COLLECTOR_HOST_STRING == "" ) && ( TARGET.Arch == "X86_64" ) && ( TARGET.OpSys == "LINUX" ) && ( TARGET.Disk >= RequestDisk ) && ( TARGET.Memory >= RequestMemory ) && ( TARGET.HasFileTransfer );
+        MinHosts = 1;
+        PeriodicHold = false;
+        ProcId = 0;
+        Environment = "";
+        DAGNodeName = "220+220";
+        MemoryUsage = ( ( ResidentSetSize + 1023 ) / 1024 );
+        TerminationPending = true;
+        NumRestarts = 0;
+        NumSystemHolds = 0;
+        CommittedTime = 22052;
+        AutoClusterId = 24;
+        ExitStatus = 0;
+        ShouldTransferFiles = "YES";
+        MachineAttrCpus0 = 1;
+        WantRemoteSyscalls = false;
+        MyType = "Job";
+        CumulativeSuspensionTime = 0;
+        Rank = 0.0;
+        StartdPrincipal = "execute-side@matchsession/";
+        Err = "process.err";
+        PeriodicRemove = false;
+        BlockWriteKbytes = 0;
+        ExitBySignal = false;
+        DAGManJobId = 49582206;
+        EnteredCurrentStatus = 1446133862;
+        JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "$$([IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName), IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), \"\", TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName)])";
+        RecentBlockWriteKbytes = 0;
+        TransferIn = false;
+        IsCHTCSubmit = true;
+        NumJobMatches = 1;
+        RootDir = "/";
+        JobStartDate = 1446111810;
+        JobPrio = 0;
+        CurrentHosts = 0;
+        GlobalJobId = "";
+        RemoteSysCpu = 1.270000000000000E+02;
+        TotalSuspensions = 0;
+        CommittedSlotTime = 2.205200000000000E+04;
+        WantCheckpoint = false;
+        BlockReads = 0;
+        LastRemoteHost = "";
+        TransferInput = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.48/Simulation_condor/data/220/,/home/xguo23/model_3_1.48/Simulation_condor/data/shared/";
+        LocalUserCpu = 0.0;
+        PeriodicRelease = ( JobStatus == 5 ) && ( ( CurrentTime - EnteredCurrentStatus ) > 1800 ) && ( JobRunCount < 5 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 6 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 14 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 22 );
+        RequestDisk = 1000000;
+        ResidentSetSize_RAW = 126940;
+        OrigMaxHosts = 1;
+        LastPublicClaimId = "<>#1444759970#7932#...";
+        WantRHEL6 = true;
+        NumCkpts_RAW = 0;
+        Out = "process.out";
+        SubmitEventNotes = "DAG Node: 220+220";
+        CumulativeSlotTime = 2.205200000000000E+04;
+        JobRunCount = 1;
+        RecentBlockReads = 0;
+        StreamErr = false;
+        DiskUsage_RAW = 1216669;
+        NumCkpts = 0;
+        StatsLifetimeStarter = 22050;
+        ImageSize = 1000000;
         Cmd = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.48/Simulation_condor/chtcjobwrapper"
-        BlockWrites = 0; 
-        LastJobStatus = 2; 
-        JobCurrentStartExecutingDate = 1446109804; 
-        WantRemoteIO = true; 
-        RequestCpus = 1; 
-        NumShadowStarts = 1; 
-        RemoteUserCpu = 2.389400000000000E+04; 
-        NiceUser = false; 
-        RequestMemory = 1000; 
-        BytesRecvd = 2.846280000000000E+05; 
-        ResidentSetSize = 150000; 
-        StreamOut = false; 
-        SpooledOutputFiles = "CURLTIME_3652530,ChtcWrapper61.out,AuditLog.61,simu_3_61.txt,harvest.log,61.out"; 
-        OnExitRemove = true; 
-        ImageSize_RAW = 811948; 
-        RemoteWallClockTime = 2.404400000000000E+04; 
-        MachineAttrSlotWeight0 = 1; 
-        ExecutableSize = 7; 
-        JobStatus = 4; 
-        DAGParentNodeNames = ""; 
-        ExitCode = 0; 
-        DAGManNodesMask = "0,1,2,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,13,16,17,24,27"; 
-        BytesSent = 3.050000000000000E+04; 
-        LastSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        ExecutableSize_RAW = 6; 
-        RecentBlockReadKbytes = 0; 
-        TransferInputSizeMB = 0; 
-        Matlab = "R2011b"; 
-        BlockReadKbytes = 0; 
-        RecentStatsLifetimeStarter = 1200; 
-        LeaveJobInQueue = false; 
-        TargetType = "Machine"; 
-        WhenToTransferOutput = "ON_EXIT"; 
-        Owner = "xguo23"; 
-        JobNotification = 0; 
-        BufferSize = 524288; 
-        RecentBlockWrites = 0; 
-        CompletionDate = 1446133847; 
-        QDate = 1446105651; 
-        JobLeaseDuration = 2400; 
-        JobFinishedHookDone = 1446133847; 
-        LastMatchTime = 1446109803; 
-        LastJobLeaseRenewal = 1446133847; 
-        DAGManNodesLog = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/model_3/./mydag.dag.nodes.log"; 
-        ClusterId = 49582313; 
-        JobUniverse = 5; 
-        NumJobStarts = 1; 
-        CondorVersion = "$CondorVersion: 8.5.0 Sep 16 2015 BuildID: 341710 $"; 
-        CoreSize = 0; 
-        OnExitHold = false; 
-        CondorPlatform = "$CondorPlatform: X86_64-RedHat_6.6 $"; 
-        In = "/dev/null"; 
-        DiskUsage = 1250000; 
-        EncryptExecuteDirectory = false; 
-        CommittedSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        User = ""; 
-        UserLog = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/model_3/61/process.log"; 
-        JobCurrentStartDate = 1446109803; 
-        BufferBlockSize = 32768; 
-        MATCH_EXP_JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = ""; 
-        Requirements = ( ( OpSysMajorVer is 6 ) ) && ( MY.JobUniverse == 12 || MY.JobUniverse == 7 || MY.WantFlocking || MY.WantGlidein || TARGET.PoolName == "CHTC" || TARGET.COLLECTOR_HOST_STRING == "" ) && ( TARGET.Arch == "X86_64" ) && ( TARGET.OpSys == "LINUX" ) && ( TARGET.Disk >= RequestDisk ) && ( TARGET.Memory >= RequestMemory ) && ( TARGET.HasFileTransfer ); 
-        MinHosts = 1; 
-        MaxHosts = 1; 
-        Args = "--type=Matlab --version=R2011b --cmdtorun=simu_condor --unique=61 -- 3"; 
-        PeriodicHold = false; 
-        ProcId = 0; 
-        Environment = ""; 
-        DAGNodeName = "61+61"; 
-        MemoryUsage = ( ( ResidentSetSize + 1023 ) / 1024 ); 
-        TerminationPending = true; 
-        NumRestarts = 0; 
-        NumSystemHolds = 0; 
-        CommittedTime = 24044; 
-        MachineAttrCpus0 = 1; 
-        WantRemoteSyscalls = false; 
-        MyType = "Job"; 
-        CumulativeSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        Rank = 0.0; 
-        StartdPrincipal = "execute-side@matchsession/"; 
-        Err = "process.err"; 
-        PeriodicRemove = false; 
-        BlockWriteKbytes = 0; 
-        ExitBySignal = false; 
-        DAGManJobId = 49582200; 
-        EnteredCurrentStatus = 1446133847; 
-        JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "$$([IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName), IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), \"\", TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName)])"; 
-        RecentBlockWriteKbytes = 0; 
-        TransferIn = false; 
-        ExitStatus = 0; 
-        ShouldTransferFiles = "YES"; 
-        IsCHTCSubmit = true; 
-        NumJobMatches = 1; 
-        RootDir = "/"; 
-        JobStartDate = 1446109803; 
-        JobPrio = 0; 
-        CurrentHosts = 0; 
-        GlobalJobId = ""; 
-        RemoteSysCpu = 1.130000000000000E+02; 
-        TotalSuspensions = 0; 
-        CommittedSlotTime = 2.404400000000000E+04; 
-        WantCheckpoint = false; 
-        BlockReads = 0; 
-        LastRemoteHost = ""; 
-        TransferInput = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/data/61/,/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/data/shared/"; 
-        LocalUserCpu = 0.0; 
-        PeriodicRelease = ( JobStatus == 5 ) && ( ( CurrentTime - EnteredCurrentStatus ) > 1800 ) && ( JobRunCount < 5 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 6 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 14 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 22 ); 
-        RequestDisk = 1000000; 
-        ResidentSetSize_RAW = 128692; 
-        OrigMaxHosts = 1; 
-        LastPublicClaimId = "<>#1444759907#8412#..."; 
-        WantRHEL6 = true; 
-        NumCkpts_RAW = 0; 
-        Out = "process.out"; 
-        SubmitEventNotes = "DAG Node: 61+61"; 
-        CumulativeSlotTime = 2.404400000000000E+04; 
-        JobRunCount = 1; 
-        RecentBlockReads = 0; 
-        StreamErr = false; 
-        DiskUsage_RAW = 1216669; 
-        NumCkpts = 0; 
-        StatsLifetimeStarter = 24043; 
-        ImageSize = 1000000; 
-        Cmd = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/chtcjobwrapper"; 
-        LocalSysCpu = 0.0; 
+        BlockWrites = 0;
+        LastJobStatus = 2;
+        JobCurrentStartExecutingDate = 1446109804;
+        WantRemoteIO = true;
+        RequestCpus = 1;
+        NumShadowStarts = 1;
+        RemoteUserCpu = 2.389400000000000E+04;
+        NiceUser = false;
+        RequestMemory = 1000;
+        BytesRecvd = 2.846280000000000E+05;
+        ResidentSetSize = 150000;
+        StreamOut = false;
+        SpooledOutputFiles = "CURLTIME_3652530,ChtcWrapper61.out,AuditLog.61,simu_3_61.txt,harvest.log,61.out";
+        OnExitRemove = true;
+        ImageSize_RAW = 811948;
+        RemoteWallClockTime = 2.404400000000000E+04;
+        MachineAttrSlotWeight0 = 1;
+        ExecutableSize = 7;
+        JobStatus = 4;
+        DAGParentNodeNames = "";
+        ExitCode = 0;
+        DAGManNodesMask = "0,1,2,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,13,16,17,24,27";
+        BytesSent = 3.050000000000000E+04;
+        LastSuspensionTime = 0;
+        ExecutableSize_RAW = 6;
+        RecentBlockReadKbytes = 0;
+        TransferInputSizeMB = 0;
+        Matlab = "R2011b";
+        BlockReadKbytes = 0;
+        RecentStatsLifetimeStarter = 1200;
+        LeaveJobInQueue = false;
+        TargetType = "Machine";
+        WhenToTransferOutput = "ON_EXIT";
+        Owner = "xguo23";
+        JobNotification = 0;
+        BufferSize = 524288;
+        RecentBlockWrites = 0;
+        CompletionDate = 1446133847;
+        QDate = 1446105651;
+        JobLeaseDuration = 2400;
+        JobFinishedHookDone = 1446133847;
+        LastMatchTime = 1446109803;
+        LastJobLeaseRenewal = 1446133847;
+        DAGManNodesLog = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/model_3/./mydag.dag.nodes.log";
+        ClusterId = 49582313;
+        JobUniverse = 5;
+        NumJobStarts = 1;
+        CondorVersion = "$CondorVersion: 8.5.0 Sep 16 2015 BuildID: 341710 $";
+        CoreSize = 0;
+        OnExitHold = false;
+        CondorPlatform = "$CondorPlatform: X86_64-RedHat_6.6 $";
+        In = "/dev/null";
+        DiskUsage = 1250000;
+        EncryptExecuteDirectory = false;
+        CommittedSuspensionTime = 0;
+        User = "";
+        UserLog = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/model_3/61/process.log";
+        JobCurrentStartDate = 1446109803;
+        BufferBlockSize = 32768;
+        MATCH_EXP_JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "";
+        Requirements = ( ( OpSysMajorVer is 6 ) ) && ( MY.JobUniverse == 12 || MY.JobUniverse == 7 || MY.WantFlocking || MY.WantGlidein || TARGET.PoolName == "CHTC" || TARGET.COLLECTOR_HOST_STRING == "" ) && ( TARGET.Arch == "X86_64" ) && ( TARGET.OpSys == "LINUX" ) && ( TARGET.Disk >= RequestDisk ) && ( TARGET.Memory >= RequestMemory ) && ( TARGET.HasFileTransfer );
+        MinHosts = 1;
+        MaxHosts = 1;
+        Args = "--type=Matlab --version=R2011b --cmdtorun=simu_condor --unique=61 -- 3";
+        PeriodicHold = false;
+        ProcId = 0;
+        Environment = "";
+        DAGNodeName = "61+61";
+        MemoryUsage = ( ( ResidentSetSize + 1023 ) / 1024 );
+        TerminationPending = true;
+        NumRestarts = 0;
+        NumSystemHolds = 0;
+        CommittedTime = 24044;
+        MachineAttrCpus0 = 1;
+        WantRemoteSyscalls = false;
+        MyType = "Job";
+        CumulativeSuspensionTime = 0;
+        Rank = 0.0;
+        StartdPrincipal = "execute-side@matchsession/";
+        Err = "process.err";
+        PeriodicRemove = false;
+        BlockWriteKbytes = 0;
+        ExitBySignal = false;
+        DAGManJobId = 49582200;
+        EnteredCurrentStatus = 1446133847;
+        JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "$$([IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName), IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), \"\", TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName)])";
+        RecentBlockWriteKbytes = 0;
+        TransferIn = false;
+        ExitStatus = 0;
+        ShouldTransferFiles = "YES";
+        IsCHTCSubmit = true;
+        NumJobMatches = 1;
+        RootDir = "/";
+        JobStartDate = 1446109803;
+        JobPrio = 0;
+        CurrentHosts = 0;
+        GlobalJobId = "";
+        RemoteSysCpu = 1.130000000000000E+02;
+        TotalSuspensions = 0;
+        CommittedSlotTime = 2.404400000000000E+04;
+        WantCheckpoint = false;
+        BlockReads = 0;
+        LastRemoteHost = "";
+        TransferInput = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/data/61/,/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/data/shared/";
+        LocalUserCpu = 0.0;
+        PeriodicRelease = ( JobStatus == 5 ) && ( ( CurrentTime - EnteredCurrentStatus ) > 1800 ) && ( JobRunCount < 5 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 6 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 14 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 22 );
+        RequestDisk = 1000000;
+        ResidentSetSize_RAW = 128692;
+        OrigMaxHosts = 1;
+        LastPublicClaimId = "<>#1444759907#8412#...";
+        WantRHEL6 = true;
+        NumCkpts_RAW = 0;
+        Out = "process.out";
+        SubmitEventNotes = "DAG Node: 61+61";
+        CumulativeSlotTime = 2.404400000000000E+04;
+        JobRunCount = 1;
+        RecentBlockReads = 0;
+        StreamErr = false;
+        DiskUsage_RAW = 1216669;
+        NumCkpts = 0;
+        StatsLifetimeStarter = 24043;
+        ImageSize = 1000000;
+        Cmd = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/chtcjobwrapper";
+        LocalSysCpu = 0.0;
         Iwd = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/model_3/61"
-        BlockWrites = 0; 
-        LastJobStatus = 2; 
-        JobCurrentStartExecutingDate = 1446114862; 
-        WantRemoteIO = true; 
-        RequestCpus = 1; 
-        NumShadowStarts = 1; 
-        RemoteUserCpu = 1.884700000000000E+04; 
-        NiceUser = false; 
-        RequestMemory = 1000; 
-        BytesRecvd = 2.846290000000000E+05; 
-        ResidentSetSize = 150000; 
-        StreamOut = false; 
-        SpooledOutputFiles = "CURLTIME_930697,ChtcWrapper313.out,AuditLog.313,simu_3_313.txt,harvest.log,313.out"; 
-        OnExitRemove = true; 
-        ImageSize_RAW = 811948; 
-        RemoteWallClockTime = 1.898500000000000E+04; 
-        MachineAttrSlotWeight0 = 1; 
-        ExecutableSize = 7; 
-        JobStatus = 4; 
-        DAGParentNodeNames = ""; 
-        ExitCode = 0; 
-        DAGManNodesMask = "0,1,2,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,13,16,17,24,27"; 
-        BytesSent = 2.789600000000000E+04; 
-        LastSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        ExecutableSize_RAW = 6; 
-        RecentBlockReadKbytes = 0; 
-        TransferInputSizeMB = 0; 
-        Matlab = "R2011b"; 
-        BlockReadKbytes = 0; 
-        RecentStatsLifetimeStarter = 1200; 
-        LeaveJobInQueue = false; 
-        TargetType = "Machine"; 
-        WhenToTransferOutput = "ON_EXIT"; 
-        Owner = "xguo23"; 
-        JobNotification = 0; 
-        BufferSize = 524288; 
-        RecentBlockWrites = 0; 
-        CompletionDate = 1446133846; 
-        QDate = 1446105797; 
-        JobLeaseDuration = 2400; 
-        JobFinishedHookDone = 1446133846; 
-        LastMatchTime = 1446114861; 
-        LastJobLeaseRenewal = 1446133846; 
-        DAGManNodesLog = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/model_3/./mydag.dag.nodes.log"; 
-        ClusterId = 49582699; 
-        JobUniverse = 5; 
-        NumJobStarts = 1; 
-        CondorVersion = "$CondorVersion: 8.5.0 Sep 16 2015 BuildID: 341710 $"; 
-        CoreSize = 0; 
-        OnExitHold = false; 
-        CondorPlatform = "$CondorPlatform: X86_64-RedHat_6.6 $"; 
-        In = "/dev/null"; 
-        DiskUsage = 1250000; 
-        EncryptExecuteDirectory = false; 
-        CommittedSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        User = ""; 
-        UserLog = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/model_3/313/process.log"; 
-        JobCurrentStartDate = 1446114861; 
-        BufferBlockSize = 32768; 
-        MATCH_EXP_JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = ""; 
-        Requirements = ( ( OpSysMajorVer is 6 ) ) && ( MY.JobUniverse == 12 || MY.JobUniverse == 7 || MY.WantFlocking || MY.WantGlidein || TARGET.PoolName == "CHTC" || TARGET.COLLECTOR_HOST_STRING == "" ) && ( TARGET.Arch == "X86_64" ) && ( TARGET.OpSys == "LINUX" ) && ( TARGET.Disk >= RequestDisk ) && ( TARGET.Memory >= RequestMemory ) && ( TARGET.HasFileTransfer ); 
-        MinHosts = 1; 
-        MaxHosts = 1; 
-        Args = "--type=Matlab --version=R2011b --cmdtorun=simu_condor --unique=313 -- 3"; 
-        PeriodicHold = false; 
-        ProcId = 0; 
-        Environment = ""; 
-        DAGNodeName = "313+313"; 
-        MemoryUsage = ( ( ResidentSetSize + 1023 ) / 1024 ); 
-        TerminationPending = true; 
-        NumRestarts = 0; 
-        NumSystemHolds = 0; 
-        CommittedTime = 18985; 
-        MachineAttrCpus0 = 1; 
-        WantRemoteSyscalls = false; 
-        MyType = "Job"; 
-        CumulativeSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        Rank = 0.0; 
-        StartdPrincipal = "execute-side@matchsession/"; 
-        Err = "process.err"; 
-        PeriodicRemove = false; 
-        BlockWriteKbytes = 0; 
-        ExitBySignal = false; 
-        DAGManJobId = 49582200; 
-        EnteredCurrentStatus = 1446133846; 
-        JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "$$([IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName), IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), \"\", TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName)])"; 
-        RecentBlockWriteKbytes = 0; 
-        TransferIn = false; 
-        ExitStatus = 0; 
-        ShouldTransferFiles = "YES"; 
-        IsCHTCSubmit = true; 
-        NumJobMatches = 1; 
-        RootDir = "/"; 
-        JobStartDate = 1446114861; 
-        JobPrio = 0; 
-        CurrentHosts = 0; 
-        GlobalJobId = ""; 
-        RemoteSysCpu = 1.070000000000000E+02; 
-        TotalSuspensions = 0; 
-        CommittedSlotTime = 1.898500000000000E+04; 
-        WantCheckpoint = false; 
-        BlockReads = 0; 
-        LastRemoteHost = ""; 
-        TransferInput = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/data/313/,/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/data/shared/"; 
-        LocalUserCpu = 0.0; 
-        PeriodicRelease = ( JobStatus == 5 ) && ( ( CurrentTime - EnteredCurrentStatus ) > 1800 ) && ( JobRunCount < 5 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 6 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 14 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 22 ); 
-        RequestDisk = 1000000; 
-        ResidentSetSize_RAW = 126756; 
-        OrigMaxHosts = 1; 
-        LastPublicClaimId = "<>#1444685526#8861#..."; 
-        WantRHEL6 = true; 
-        NumCkpts_RAW = 0; 
-        Out = "process.out"; 
-        SubmitEventNotes = "DAG Node: 313+313"; 
-        CumulativeSlotTime = 1.898500000000000E+04; 
-        JobRunCount = 1; 
-        RecentBlockReads = 0; 
-        StreamErr = false; 
-        DiskUsage_RAW = 1216669; 
-        NumCkpts = 0; 
-        StatsLifetimeStarter = 18984; 
-        ImageSize = 1000000; 
-        Cmd = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/chtcjobwrapper"; 
-        LocalSysCpu = 0.0; 
+        BlockWrites = 0;
+        LastJobStatus = 2;
+        JobCurrentStartExecutingDate = 1446114862;
+        WantRemoteIO = true;
+        RequestCpus = 1;
+        NumShadowStarts = 1;
+        RemoteUserCpu = 1.884700000000000E+04;
+        NiceUser = false;
+        RequestMemory = 1000;
+        BytesRecvd = 2.846290000000000E+05;
+        ResidentSetSize = 150000;
+        StreamOut = false;
+        SpooledOutputFiles = "CURLTIME_930697,ChtcWrapper313.out,AuditLog.313,simu_3_313.txt,harvest.log,313.out";
+        OnExitRemove = true;
+        ImageSize_RAW = 811948;
+        RemoteWallClockTime = 1.898500000000000E+04;
+        MachineAttrSlotWeight0 = 1;
+        ExecutableSize = 7;
+        JobStatus = 4;
+        DAGParentNodeNames = "";
+        ExitCode = 0;
+        DAGManNodesMask = "0,1,2,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,13,16,17,24,27";
+        BytesSent = 2.789600000000000E+04;
+        LastSuspensionTime = 0;
+        ExecutableSize_RAW = 6;
+        RecentBlockReadKbytes = 0;
+        TransferInputSizeMB = 0;
+        Matlab = "R2011b";
+        BlockReadKbytes = 0;
+        RecentStatsLifetimeStarter = 1200;
+        LeaveJobInQueue = false;
+        TargetType = "Machine";
+        WhenToTransferOutput = "ON_EXIT";
+        Owner = "xguo23";
+        JobNotification = 0;
+        BufferSize = 524288;
+        RecentBlockWrites = 0;
+        CompletionDate = 1446133846;
+        QDate = 1446105797;
+        JobLeaseDuration = 2400;
+        JobFinishedHookDone = 1446133846;
+        LastMatchTime = 1446114861;
+        LastJobLeaseRenewal = 1446133846;
+        DAGManNodesLog = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/model_3/./mydag.dag.nodes.log";
+        ClusterId = 49582699;
+        JobUniverse = 5;
+        NumJobStarts = 1;
+        CondorVersion = "$CondorVersion: 8.5.0 Sep 16 2015 BuildID: 341710 $";
+        CoreSize = 0;
+        OnExitHold = false;
+        CondorPlatform = "$CondorPlatform: X86_64-RedHat_6.6 $";
+        In = "/dev/null";
+        DiskUsage = 1250000;
+        EncryptExecuteDirectory = false;
+        CommittedSuspensionTime = 0;
+        User = "";
+        UserLog = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/model_3/313/process.log";
+        JobCurrentStartDate = 1446114861;
+        BufferBlockSize = 32768;
+        MATCH_EXP_JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "";
+        Requirements = ( ( OpSysMajorVer is 6 ) ) && ( MY.JobUniverse == 12 || MY.JobUniverse == 7 || MY.WantFlocking || MY.WantGlidein || TARGET.PoolName == "CHTC" || TARGET.COLLECTOR_HOST_STRING == "" ) && ( TARGET.Arch == "X86_64" ) && ( TARGET.OpSys == "LINUX" ) && ( TARGET.Disk >= RequestDisk ) && ( TARGET.Memory >= RequestMemory ) && ( TARGET.HasFileTransfer );
+        MinHosts = 1;
+        MaxHosts = 1;
+        Args = "--type=Matlab --version=R2011b --cmdtorun=simu_condor --unique=313 -- 3";
+        PeriodicHold = false;
+        ProcId = 0;
+        Environment = "";
+        DAGNodeName = "313+313";
+        MemoryUsage = ( ( ResidentSetSize + 1023 ) / 1024 );
+        TerminationPending = true;
+        NumRestarts = 0;
+        NumSystemHolds = 0;
+        CommittedTime = 18985;
+        MachineAttrCpus0 = 1;
+        WantRemoteSyscalls = false;
+        MyType = "Job";
+        CumulativeSuspensionTime = 0;
+        Rank = 0.0;
+        StartdPrincipal = "execute-side@matchsession/";
+        Err = "process.err";
+        PeriodicRemove = false;
+        BlockWriteKbytes = 0;
+        ExitBySignal = false;
+        DAGManJobId = 49582200;
+        EnteredCurrentStatus = 1446133846;
+        JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "$$([IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName), IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), \"\", TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName)])";
+        RecentBlockWriteKbytes = 0;
+        TransferIn = false;
+        ExitStatus = 0;
+        ShouldTransferFiles = "YES";
+        IsCHTCSubmit = true;
+        NumJobMatches = 1;
+        RootDir = "/";
+        JobStartDate = 1446114861;
+        JobPrio = 0;
+        CurrentHosts = 0;
+        GlobalJobId = "";
+        RemoteSysCpu = 1.070000000000000E+02;
+        TotalSuspensions = 0;
+        CommittedSlotTime = 1.898500000000000E+04;
+        WantCheckpoint = false;
+        BlockReads = 0;
+        LastRemoteHost = "";
+        TransferInput = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/data/313/,/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/data/shared/";
+        LocalUserCpu = 0.0;
+        PeriodicRelease = ( JobStatus == 5 ) && ( ( CurrentTime - EnteredCurrentStatus ) > 1800 ) && ( JobRunCount < 5 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 6 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 14 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 22 );
+        RequestDisk = 1000000;
+        ResidentSetSize_RAW = 126756;
+        OrigMaxHosts = 1;
+        LastPublicClaimId = "<>#1444685526#8861#...";
+        WantRHEL6 = true;
+        NumCkpts_RAW = 0;
+        Out = "process.out";
+        SubmitEventNotes = "DAG Node: 313+313";
+        CumulativeSlotTime = 1.898500000000000E+04;
+        JobRunCount = 1;
+        RecentBlockReads = 0;
+        StreamErr = false;
+        DiskUsage_RAW = 1216669;
+        NumCkpts = 0;
+        StatsLifetimeStarter = 18984;
+        ImageSize = 1000000;
+        Cmd = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/chtcjobwrapper";
+        LocalSysCpu = 0.0;
         Iwd = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/model_3/313"
-        BlockWrites = 0; 
-        LastJobStatus = 2; 
-        JobCurrentStartExecutingDate = 1446108667; 
-        WantRemoteIO = true; 
-        RequestCpus = 1; 
-        NumShadowStarts = 1; 
-        RemoteUserCpu = 2.495700000000000E+04; 
-        NiceUser = false; 
-        RequestMemory = 1000; 
-        BytesRecvd = 2.850540000000000E+05; 
-        ResidentSetSize = 150000; 
-        StreamOut = false; 
-        SpooledOutputFiles = "CURLTIME_3925831,ChtcWrapper181.out,AuditLog.181,simu_3_181.txt,harvest.log,181.out"; 
-        OnExitRemove = true; 
-        ImageSize_RAW = 811948; 
-        RemoteWallClockTime = 2.514800000000000E+04; 
-        MachineAttrSlotWeight0 = 1; 
-        ExecutableSize = 7; 
-        JobStatus = 4; 
-        DAGParentNodeNames = ""; 
-        ExitCode = 0; 
-        DAGManNodesMask = "0,1,2,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,13,16,17,24,27"; 
-        BytesSent = 3.055700000000000E+04; 
-        LastSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        ExecutableSize_RAW = 6; 
-        RecentBlockReadKbytes = 0; 
-        TransferInputSizeMB = 0; 
-        Matlab = "R2011b"; 
-        BlockReadKbytes = 0; 
-        RecentStatsLifetimeStarter = 1200; 
-        LeaveJobInQueue = false; 
-        TargetType = "Machine"; 
-        WhenToTransferOutput = "ON_EXIT"; 
-        Owner = "xguo23"; 
-        JobNotification = 0; 
-        BufferSize = 524288; 
-        RecentBlockWrites = 0; 
-        CompletionDate = 1446133813; 
-        QDate = 1446105586; 
-        JobLeaseDuration = 2400; 
-        JobFinishedHookDone = 1446133813; 
-        LastMatchTime = 1446108665; 
-        LastJobLeaseRenewal = 1446133813; 
-        DAGManNodesLog = "/home/xguo23/finally_2/Simulation_condor/model_3/./mydag.dag.nodes.log"; 
-        ClusterId = 49582181; 
-        JobUniverse = 5; 
-        NumJobStarts = 1; 
-        CondorVersion = "$CondorVersion: 8.5.0 Sep 16 2015 BuildID: 341710 $"; 
-        CoreSize = 0; 
-        OnExitHold = false; 
-        CondorPlatform = "$CondorPlatform: X86_64-RedHat_6.6 $"; 
-        In = "/dev/null"; 
-        DiskUsage = 1250000; 
-        EncryptExecuteDirectory = false; 
-        CommittedSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        User = ""; 
-        UserLog = "/home/xguo23/finally_2/Simulation_condor/model_3/181/process.log"; 
-        JobCurrentStartDate = 1446108665; 
-        BufferBlockSize = 32768; 
-        MATCH_EXP_JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = ""; 
-        Requirements = ( ( OpSysMajorVer is 6 ) ) && ( MY.JobUniverse == 12 || MY.JobUniverse == 7 || MY.WantFlocking || MY.WantGlidein || TARGET.PoolName == "CHTC" || TARGET.COLLECTOR_HOST_STRING == "" ) && ( TARGET.Arch == "X86_64" ) && ( TARGET.OpSys == "LINUX" ) && ( TARGET.Disk >= RequestDisk ) && ( TARGET.Memory >= RequestMemory ) && ( TARGET.HasFileTransfer ); 
-        MinHosts = 1; 
-        MaxHosts = 1; 
-        Args = "--type=Matlab --version=R2011b --cmdtorun=simu_condor --unique=181 -- 3"; 
-        PeriodicHold = false; 
-        ProcId = 0; 
-        Environment = ""; 
-        DAGNodeName = "181+181"; 
-        MemoryUsage = ( ( ResidentSetSize + 1023 ) / 1024 ); 
-        TerminationPending = true; 
-        NumRestarts = 0; 
-        NumSystemHolds = 0; 
-        CommittedTime = 25148; 
-        MachineAttrCpus0 = 1; 
-        WantRemoteSyscalls = false; 
-        MyType = "Job"; 
-        CumulativeSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        Rank = 0.0; 
-        StartdPrincipal = "execute-side@matchsession/"; 
-        Err = "process.err"; 
-        PeriodicRemove = false; 
-        BlockWriteKbytes = 0; 
-        ExitBySignal = false; 
-        DAGManJobId = 49581933; 
-        EnteredCurrentStatus = 1446133813; 
-        JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "$$([IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName), IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), \"\", TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName)])"; 
-        RecentBlockWriteKbytes = 0; 
-        TransferIn = false; 
-        ExitStatus = 0; 
-        ShouldTransferFiles = "YES"; 
-        IsCHTCSubmit = true; 
-        NumJobMatches = 1; 
-        RootDir = "/"; 
-        JobStartDate = 1446108665; 
-        JobPrio = 0; 
-        CurrentHosts = 0; 
-        GlobalJobId = ""; 
-        RemoteSysCpu = 1.480000000000000E+02; 
-        TotalSuspensions = 0; 
-        CommittedSlotTime = 2.514800000000000E+04; 
-        WantCheckpoint = false; 
-        BlockReads = 0; 
-        LastRemoteHost = ""; 
-        TransferInput = "/home/xguo23/finally_2/Simulation_condor/data/181/,/home/xguo23/finally_2/Simulation_condor/data/shared/"; 
-        LocalUserCpu = 0.0; 
-        PeriodicRelease = ( JobStatus == 5 ) && ( ( CurrentTime - EnteredCurrentStatus ) > 1800 ) && ( JobRunCount < 5 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 6 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 14 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 22 ); 
-        RequestDisk = 1000000; 
-        ResidentSetSize_RAW = 125368; 
-        OrigMaxHosts = 1; 
-        LastPublicClaimId = "<>#1443991374#13401#..."; 
-        WantRHEL6 = true; 
-        NumCkpts_RAW = 0; 
-        Out = "process.out"; 
-        SubmitEventNotes = "DAG Node: 181+181"; 
-        CumulativeSlotTime = 2.514800000000000E+04; 
-        JobRunCount = 1; 
-        RecentBlockReads = 0; 
-        StreamErr = false; 
-        DiskUsage_RAW = 1216669; 
-        NumCkpts = 0; 
-        StatsLifetimeStarter = 25146; 
-        ImageSize = 1000000; 
-        Cmd = "/home/xguo23/finally_2/Simulation_condor/chtcjobwrapper"; 
-        LocalSysCpu = 0.0; 
+        BlockWrites = 0;
+        LastJobStatus = 2;
+        JobCurrentStartExecutingDate = 1446108667;
+        WantRemoteIO = true;
+        RequestCpus = 1;
+        NumShadowStarts = 1;
+        RemoteUserCpu = 2.495700000000000E+04;
+        NiceUser = false;
+        RequestMemory = 1000;
+        BytesRecvd = 2.850540000000000E+05;
+        ResidentSetSize = 150000;
+        StreamOut = false;
+        SpooledOutputFiles = "CURLTIME_3925831,ChtcWrapper181.out,AuditLog.181,simu_3_181.txt,harvest.log,181.out";
+        OnExitRemove = true;
+        ImageSize_RAW = 811948;
+        RemoteWallClockTime = 2.514800000000000E+04;
+        MachineAttrSlotWeight0 = 1;
+        ExecutableSize = 7;
+        JobStatus = 4;
+        DAGParentNodeNames = "";
+        ExitCode = 0;
+        DAGManNodesMask = "0,1,2,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,13,16,17,24,27";
+        BytesSent = 3.055700000000000E+04;
+        LastSuspensionTime = 0;
+        ExecutableSize_RAW = 6;
+        RecentBlockReadKbytes = 0;
+        TransferInputSizeMB = 0;
+        Matlab = "R2011b";
+        BlockReadKbytes = 0;
+        RecentStatsLifetimeStarter = 1200;
+        LeaveJobInQueue = false;
+        TargetType = "Machine";
+        WhenToTransferOutput = "ON_EXIT";
+        Owner = "xguo23";
+        JobNotification = 0;
+        BufferSize = 524288;
+        RecentBlockWrites = 0;
+        CompletionDate = 1446133813;
+        QDate = 1446105586;
+        JobLeaseDuration = 2400;
+        JobFinishedHookDone = 1446133813;
+        LastMatchTime = 1446108665;
+        LastJobLeaseRenewal = 1446133813;
+        DAGManNodesLog = "/home/xguo23/finally_2/Simulation_condor/model_3/./mydag.dag.nodes.log";
+        ClusterId = 49582181;
+        JobUniverse = 5;
+        NumJobStarts = 1;
+        CondorVersion = "$CondorVersion: 8.5.0 Sep 16 2015 BuildID: 341710 $";
+        CoreSize = 0;
+        OnExitHold = false;
+        CondorPlatform = "$CondorPlatform: X86_64-RedHat_6.6 $";
+        In = "/dev/null";
+        DiskUsage = 1250000;
+        EncryptExecuteDirectory = false;
+        CommittedSuspensionTime = 0;
+        User = "";
+        UserLog = "/home/xguo23/finally_2/Simulation_condor/model_3/181/process.log";
+        JobCurrentStartDate = 1446108665;
+        BufferBlockSize = 32768;
+        MATCH_EXP_JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "";
+        Requirements = ( ( OpSysMajorVer is 6 ) ) && ( MY.JobUniverse == 12 || MY.JobUniverse == 7 || MY.WantFlocking || MY.WantGlidein || TARGET.PoolName == "CHTC" || TARGET.COLLECTOR_HOST_STRING == "" ) && ( TARGET.Arch == "X86_64" ) && ( TARGET.OpSys == "LINUX" ) && ( TARGET.Disk >= RequestDisk ) && ( TARGET.Memory >= RequestMemory ) && ( TARGET.HasFileTransfer );
+        MinHosts = 1;
+        MaxHosts = 1;
+        Args = "--type=Matlab --version=R2011b --cmdtorun=simu_condor --unique=181 -- 3";
+        PeriodicHold = false;
+        ProcId = 0;
+        Environment = "";
+        DAGNodeName = "181+181";
+        MemoryUsage = ( ( ResidentSetSize + 1023 ) / 1024 );
+        TerminationPending = true;
+        NumRestarts = 0;
+        NumSystemHolds = 0;
+        CommittedTime = 25148;
+        MachineAttrCpus0 = 1;
+        WantRemoteSyscalls = false;
+        MyType = "Job";
+        CumulativeSuspensionTime = 0;
+        Rank = 0.0;
+        StartdPrincipal = "execute-side@matchsession/";
+        Err = "process.err";
+        PeriodicRemove = false;
+        BlockWriteKbytes = 0;
+        ExitBySignal = false;
+        DAGManJobId = 49581933;
+        EnteredCurrentStatus = 1446133813;
+        JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "$$([IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName), IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), \"\", TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName)])";
+        RecentBlockWriteKbytes = 0;
+        TransferIn = false;
+        ExitStatus = 0;
+        ShouldTransferFiles = "YES";
+        IsCHTCSubmit = true;
+        NumJobMatches = 1;
+        RootDir = "/";
+        JobStartDate = 1446108665;
+        JobPrio = 0;
+        CurrentHosts = 0;
+        GlobalJobId = "";
+        RemoteSysCpu = 1.480000000000000E+02;
+        TotalSuspensions = 0;
+        CommittedSlotTime = 2.514800000000000E+04;
+        WantCheckpoint = false;
+        BlockReads = 0;
+        LastRemoteHost = "";
+        TransferInput = "/home/xguo23/finally_2/Simulation_condor/data/181/,/home/xguo23/finally_2/Simulation_condor/data/shared/";
+        LocalUserCpu = 0.0;
+        PeriodicRelease = ( JobStatus == 5 ) && ( ( CurrentTime - EnteredCurrentStatus ) > 1800 ) && ( JobRunCount < 5 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 6 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 14 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 22 );
+        RequestDisk = 1000000;
+        ResidentSetSize_RAW = 125368;
+        OrigMaxHosts = 1;
+        LastPublicClaimId = "<>#1443991374#13401#...";
+        WantRHEL6 = true;
+        NumCkpts_RAW = 0;
+        Out = "process.out";
+        SubmitEventNotes = "DAG Node: 181+181";
+        CumulativeSlotTime = 2.514800000000000E+04;
+        JobRunCount = 1;
+        RecentBlockReads = 0;
+        StreamErr = false;
+        DiskUsage_RAW = 1216669;
+        NumCkpts = 0;
+        StatsLifetimeStarter = 25146;
+        ImageSize = 1000000;
+        Cmd = "/home/xguo23/finally_2/Simulation_condor/chtcjobwrapper";
+        LocalSysCpu = 0.0;
         Iwd = "/home/xguo23/finally_2/Simulation_condor/model_3/181"
-        BlockWrites = 0; 
-        LastJobStatus = 2; 
-        JobCurrentStartExecutingDate = 1446115400; 
-        WantRemoteIO = true; 
-        RequestCpus = 1; 
-        NumShadowStarts = 1; 
-        RemoteUserCpu = 1.826600000000000E+04; 
-        NiceUser = false; 
-        RequestMemory = 1000; 
-        BytesRecvd = 2.846290000000000E+05; 
-        ResidentSetSize = 150000; 
-        StreamOut = false; 
-        SpooledOutputFiles = "CURLTIME_2614862,ChtcWrapper170.out,AuditLog.170,simu_3_170.txt,harvest.log,170.out"; 
-        OnExitRemove = true; 
-        ImageSize_RAW = 811948; 
-        RemoteWallClockTime = 1.841100000000000E+04; 
-        MachineAttrSlotWeight0 = 1; 
-        ExecutableSize = 7; 
-        JobStatus = 4; 
-        DAGParentNodeNames = ""; 
-        ExitCode = 0; 
-        DAGManNodesMask = "0,1,2,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,13,16,17,24,27"; 
-        BytesSent = 2.823900000000000E+04; 
-        LastSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        ExecutableSize_RAW = 6; 
-        RecentBlockReadKbytes = 0; 
-        TransferInputSizeMB = 0; 
-        Matlab = "R2011b"; 
-        BlockReadKbytes = 0; 
-        RecentStatsLifetimeStarter = 1200; 
-        LeaveJobInQueue = false; 
-        TargetType = "Machine"; 
-        WhenToTransferOutput = "ON_EXIT"; 
-        Owner = "xguo23"; 
-        JobNotification = 0; 
-        BufferSize = 524288; 
-        RecentBlockWrites = 0; 
-        CompletionDate = 1446133810; 
-        QDate = 1446105819; 
-        JobLeaseDuration = 2400; 
-        JobFinishedHookDone = 1446133810; 
-        LastMatchTime = 1446115399; 
-        LastJobLeaseRenewal = 1446133810; 
-        DAGManNodesLog = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/model_3/./mydag.dag.nodes.log"; 
-        ClusterId = 49582760; 
-        JobUniverse = 5; 
-        NumJobStarts = 1; 
-        CondorVersion = "$CondorVersion: 8.5.0 Sep 16 2015 BuildID: 341710 $"; 
-        CoreSize = 0; 
-        OnExitHold = false; 
-        CondorPlatform = "$CondorPlatform: X86_64-RedHat_6.6 $"; 
-        In = "/dev/null"; 
-        DiskUsage = 1250000; 
-        EncryptExecuteDirectory = false; 
-        CommittedSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        User = ""; 
-        UserLog = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/model_3/170/process.log"; 
-        JobCurrentStartDate = 1446115399; 
-        BufferBlockSize = 32768; 
-        MATCH_EXP_JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = ""; 
-        Requirements = ( ( OpSysMajorVer is 6 ) ) && ( MY.JobUniverse == 12 || MY.JobUniverse == 7 || MY.WantFlocking || MY.WantGlidein || TARGET.PoolName == "CHTC" || TARGET.COLLECTOR_HOST_STRING == "" ) && ( TARGET.Arch == "X86_64" ) && ( TARGET.OpSys == "LINUX" ) && ( TARGET.Disk >= RequestDisk ) && ( TARGET.Memory >= RequestMemory ) && ( TARGET.HasFileTransfer ); 
-        MinHosts = 1; 
-        MaxHosts = 1; 
-        Args = "--type=Matlab --version=R2011b --cmdtorun=simu_condor --unique=170 -- 3"; 
-        PeriodicHold = false; 
-        ProcId = 0; 
-        Environment = ""; 
-        DAGNodeName = "170+170"; 
-        MemoryUsage = ( ( ResidentSetSize + 1023 ) / 1024 ); 
-        TerminationPending = true; 
-        NumRestarts = 0; 
-        NumSystemHolds = 0; 
-        CommittedTime = 18411; 
-        MachineAttrCpus0 = 1; 
-        WantRemoteSyscalls = false; 
-        MyType = "Job"; 
-        CumulativeSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        Rank = 0.0; 
-        StartdPrincipal = "execute-side@matchsession/"; 
-        Err = "process.err"; 
-        PeriodicRemove = false; 
-        BlockWriteKbytes = 0; 
-        ExitBySignal = false; 
-        DAGManJobId = 49582200; 
-        EnteredCurrentStatus = 1446133810; 
-        JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "$$([IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName), IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), \"\", TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName)])"; 
-        RecentBlockWriteKbytes = 0; 
-        TransferIn = false; 
-        ExitStatus = 0; 
-        ShouldTransferFiles = "YES"; 
-        IsCHTCSubmit = true; 
-        NumJobMatches = 1; 
-        RootDir = "/"; 
-        JobStartDate = 1446115399; 
-        JobPrio = 0; 
-        CurrentHosts = 0; 
-        GlobalJobId = ""; 
-        RemoteSysCpu = 1.040000000000000E+02; 
-        TotalSuspensions = 0; 
-        CommittedSlotTime = 1.841100000000000E+04; 
-        WantCheckpoint = false; 
-        BlockReads = 0; 
-        LastRemoteHost = ""; 
-        TransferInput = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/data/170/,/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/data/shared/"; 
-        LocalUserCpu = 0.0; 
-        PeriodicRelease = ( JobStatus == 5 ) && ( ( CurrentTime - EnteredCurrentStatus ) > 1800 ) && ( JobRunCount < 5 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 6 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 14 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 22 ); 
-        RequestDisk = 1000000; 
-        ResidentSetSize_RAW = 125400; 
-        OrigMaxHosts = 1; 
-        LastPublicClaimId = "<>#1443991385#10335#..."; 
-        WantRHEL6 = true; 
-        NumCkpts_RAW = 0; 
-        Out = "process.out"; 
-        SubmitEventNotes = "DAG Node: 170+170"; 
-        CumulativeSlotTime = 1.841100000000000E+04; 
-        JobRunCount = 1; 
-        RecentBlockReads = 0; 
-        StreamErr = false; 
-        DiskUsage_RAW = 1216669; 
-        NumCkpts = 0; 
-        StatsLifetimeStarter = 18410; 
-        ImageSize = 1000000; 
-        Cmd = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/chtcjobwrapper"; 
-        LocalSysCpu = 0.0; 
+        BlockWrites = 0;
+        LastJobStatus = 2;
+        JobCurrentStartExecutingDate = 1446115400;
+        WantRemoteIO = true;
+        RequestCpus = 1;
+        NumShadowStarts = 1;
+        RemoteUserCpu = 1.826600000000000E+04;
+        NiceUser = false;
+        RequestMemory = 1000;
+        BytesRecvd = 2.846290000000000E+05;
+        ResidentSetSize = 150000;
+        StreamOut = false;
+        SpooledOutputFiles = "CURLTIME_2614862,ChtcWrapper170.out,AuditLog.170,simu_3_170.txt,harvest.log,170.out";
+        OnExitRemove = true;
+        ImageSize_RAW = 811948;
+        RemoteWallClockTime = 1.841100000000000E+04;
+        MachineAttrSlotWeight0 = 1;
+        ExecutableSize = 7;
+        JobStatus = 4;
+        DAGParentNodeNames = "";
+        ExitCode = 0;
+        DAGManNodesMask = "0,1,2,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,13,16,17,24,27";
+        BytesSent = 2.823900000000000E+04;
+        LastSuspensionTime = 0;
+        ExecutableSize_RAW = 6;
+        RecentBlockReadKbytes = 0;
+        TransferInputSizeMB = 0;
+        Matlab = "R2011b";
+        BlockReadKbytes = 0;
+        RecentStatsLifetimeStarter = 1200;
+        LeaveJobInQueue = false;
+        TargetType = "Machine";
+        WhenToTransferOutput = "ON_EXIT";
+        Owner = "xguo23";
+        JobNotification = 0;
+        BufferSize = 524288;
+        RecentBlockWrites = 0;
+        CompletionDate = 1446133810;
+        QDate = 1446105819;
+        JobLeaseDuration = 2400;
+        JobFinishedHookDone = 1446133810;
+        LastMatchTime = 1446115399;
+        LastJobLeaseRenewal = 1446133810;
+        DAGManNodesLog = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/model_3/./mydag.dag.nodes.log";
+        ClusterId = 49582760;
+        JobUniverse = 5;
+        NumJobStarts = 1;
+        CondorVersion = "$CondorVersion: 8.5.0 Sep 16 2015 BuildID: 341710 $";
+        CoreSize = 0;
+        OnExitHold = false;
+        CondorPlatform = "$CondorPlatform: X86_64-RedHat_6.6 $";
+        In = "/dev/null";
+        DiskUsage = 1250000;
+        EncryptExecuteDirectory = false;
+        CommittedSuspensionTime = 0;
+        User = "";
+        UserLog = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/model_3/170/process.log";
+        JobCurrentStartDate = 1446115399;
+        BufferBlockSize = 32768;
+        MATCH_EXP_JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "";
+        Requirements = ( ( OpSysMajorVer is 6 ) ) && ( MY.JobUniverse == 12 || MY.JobUniverse == 7 || MY.WantFlocking || MY.WantGlidein || TARGET.PoolName == "CHTC" || TARGET.COLLECTOR_HOST_STRING == "" ) && ( TARGET.Arch == "X86_64" ) && ( TARGET.OpSys == "LINUX" ) && ( TARGET.Disk >= RequestDisk ) && ( TARGET.Memory >= RequestMemory ) && ( TARGET.HasFileTransfer );
+        MinHosts = 1;
+        MaxHosts = 1;
+        Args = "--type=Matlab --version=R2011b --cmdtorun=simu_condor --unique=170 -- 3";
+        PeriodicHold = false;
+        ProcId = 0;
+        Environment = "";
+        DAGNodeName = "170+170";
+        MemoryUsage = ( ( ResidentSetSize + 1023 ) / 1024 );
+        TerminationPending = true;
+        NumRestarts = 0;
+        NumSystemHolds = 0;
+        CommittedTime = 18411;
+        MachineAttrCpus0 = 1;
+        WantRemoteSyscalls = false;
+        MyType = "Job";
+        CumulativeSuspensionTime = 0;
+        Rank = 0.0;
+        StartdPrincipal = "execute-side@matchsession/";
+        Err = "process.err";
+        PeriodicRemove = false;
+        BlockWriteKbytes = 0;
+        ExitBySignal = false;
+        DAGManJobId = 49582200;
+        EnteredCurrentStatus = 1446133810;
+        JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "$$([IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName), IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), \"\", TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName)])";
+        RecentBlockWriteKbytes = 0;
+        TransferIn = false;
+        ExitStatus = 0;
+        ShouldTransferFiles = "YES";
+        IsCHTCSubmit = true;
+        NumJobMatches = 1;
+        RootDir = "/";
+        JobStartDate = 1446115399;
+        JobPrio = 0;
+        CurrentHosts = 0;
+        GlobalJobId = "";
+        RemoteSysCpu = 1.040000000000000E+02;
+        TotalSuspensions = 0;
+        CommittedSlotTime = 1.841100000000000E+04;
+        WantCheckpoint = false;
+        BlockReads = 0;
+        LastRemoteHost = "";
+        TransferInput = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/data/170/,/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/data/shared/";
+        LocalUserCpu = 0.0;
+        PeriodicRelease = ( JobStatus == 5 ) && ( ( CurrentTime - EnteredCurrentStatus ) > 1800 ) && ( JobRunCount < 5 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 6 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 14 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 22 );
+        RequestDisk = 1000000;
+        ResidentSetSize_RAW = 125400;
+        OrigMaxHosts = 1;
+        LastPublicClaimId = "<>#1443991385#10335#...";
+        WantRHEL6 = true;
+        NumCkpts_RAW = 0;
+        Out = "process.out";
+        SubmitEventNotes = "DAG Node: 170+170";
+        CumulativeSlotTime = 1.841100000000000E+04;
+        JobRunCount = 1;
+        RecentBlockReads = 0;
+        StreamErr = false;
+        DiskUsage_RAW = 1216669;
+        NumCkpts = 0;
+        StatsLifetimeStarter = 18410;
+        ImageSize = 1000000;
+        Cmd = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/chtcjobwrapper";
+        LocalSysCpu = 0.0;
         Iwd = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/model_3/170"
-        BlockWrites = 0; 
-        LastJobStatus = 2; 
-        JobCurrentStartExecutingDate = 1446115779; 
-        WantRemoteIO = true; 
-        RequestCpus = 1; 
-        NumShadowStarts = 1; 
-        RemoteUserCpu = 1.787500000000000E+04; 
-        NiceUser = false; 
-        RequestMemory = 1000; 
-        BytesRecvd = 2.846290000000000E+05; 
-        ResidentSetSize = 150000; 
-        StreamOut = false; 
-        SpooledOutputFiles = "CURLTIME_24492,ChtcWrapper270.out,AuditLog.270,simu_3_270.txt,harvest.log,270.out"; 
-        OnExitRemove = true; 
-        ImageSize_RAW = 811948; 
-        RemoteWallClockTime = 1.802300000000000E+04; 
-        MachineAttrSlotWeight0 = 1; 
-        ExecutableSize = 7; 
-        JobStatus = 4; 
-        DAGParentNodeNames = ""; 
-        ExitCode = 0; 
-        DAGManNodesMask = "0,1,2,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,13,16,17,24,27"; 
-        BytesSent = 2.787700000000000E+04; 
-        LastSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        ExecutableSize_RAW = 6; 
-        RecentBlockReadKbytes = 0; 
-        TransferInputSizeMB = 0; 
-        Matlab = "R2011b"; 
-        BlockReadKbytes = 0; 
-        RecentStatsLifetimeStarter = 1200; 
-        LeaveJobInQueue = false; 
-        TargetType = "Machine"; 
-        WhenToTransferOutput = "ON_EXIT"; 
-        Owner = "xguo23"; 
-        JobNotification = 0; 
-        BufferSize = 524288; 
-        RecentBlockWrites = 0; 
-        CompletionDate = 1446133801; 
-        QDate = 1446105831; 
-        JobLeaseDuration = 2400; 
-        JobFinishedHookDone = 1446133801; 
-        LastMatchTime = 1446115778; 
-        LastJobLeaseRenewal = 1446133801; 
-        DAGManNodesLog = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/model_3/./mydag.dag.nodes.log"; 
-        ClusterId = 49582783; 
-        JobUniverse = 5; 
-        NumJobStarts = 1; 
-        CondorVersion = "$CondorVersion: 8.5.0 Sep 16 2015 BuildID: 341710 $"; 
-        CoreSize = 0; 
-        OnExitHold = false; 
-        CondorPlatform = "$CondorPlatform: X86_64-RedHat_6.6 $"; 
-        In = "/dev/null"; 
-        DiskUsage = 1250000; 
-        EncryptExecuteDirectory = false; 
-        CommittedSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        User = ""; 
-        UserLog = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/model_3/270/process.log"; 
-        JobCurrentStartDate = 1446115778; 
-        BufferBlockSize = 32768; 
-        MATCH_EXP_JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = ""; 
-        Requirements = ( ( OpSysMajorVer is 6 ) ) && ( MY.JobUniverse == 12 || MY.JobUniverse == 7 || MY.WantFlocking || MY.WantGlidein || TARGET.PoolName == "CHTC" || TARGET.COLLECTOR_HOST_STRING == "" ) && ( TARGET.Arch == "X86_64" ) && ( TARGET.OpSys == "LINUX" ) && ( TARGET.Disk >= RequestDisk ) && ( TARGET.Memory >= RequestMemory ) && ( TARGET.HasFileTransfer ); 
-        MinHosts = 1; 
-        MaxHosts = 1; 
-        Args = "--type=Matlab --version=R2011b --cmdtorun=simu_condor --unique=270 -- 3"; 
-        PeriodicHold = false; 
-        ProcId = 0; 
-        Environment = ""; 
-        DAGNodeName = "270+270"; 
-        MemoryUsage = ( ( ResidentSetSize + 1023 ) / 1024 ); 
-        TerminationPending = true; 
-        NumRestarts = 0; 
-        NumSystemHolds = 0; 
-        CommittedTime = 18023; 
-        MachineAttrCpus0 = 1; 
-        WantRemoteSyscalls = false; 
-        MyType = "Job"; 
-        CumulativeSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        Rank = 0.0; 
-        StartdPrincipal = "execute-side@matchsession/"; 
-        Err = "process.err"; 
-        PeriodicRemove = false; 
-        BlockWriteKbytes = 0; 
-        ExitBySignal = false; 
-        DAGManJobId = 49582200; 
-        EnteredCurrentStatus = 1446133801; 
-        JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "$$([IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName), IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), \"\", TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName)])"; 
-        RecentBlockWriteKbytes = 0; 
-        TransferIn = false; 
-        ExitStatus = 0; 
-        ShouldTransferFiles = "YES"; 
-        IsCHTCSubmit = true; 
-        NumJobMatches = 1; 
-        RootDir = "/"; 
-        JobStartDate = 1446115778; 
-        JobPrio = 0; 
-        CurrentHosts = 0; 
-        GlobalJobId = ""; 
-        RemoteSysCpu = 1.150000000000000E+02; 
-        TotalSuspensions = 0; 
-        CommittedSlotTime = 1.802300000000000E+04; 
-        WantCheckpoint = false; 
-        BlockReads = 0; 
-        LastRemoteHost = "slot1@e442.chtc.WISC.EDU"; 
-        TransferInput = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/data/270/,/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/data/shared/"; 
-        LocalUserCpu = 0.0; 
-        PeriodicRelease = ( JobStatus == 5 ) && ( ( CurrentTime - EnteredCurrentStatus ) > 1800 ) && ( JobRunCount < 5 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 6 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 14 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 22 ); 
-        RequestDisk = 1000000; 
-        ResidentSetSize_RAW = 127404; 
-        OrigMaxHosts = 1; 
-        LastPublicClaimId = "<>#1443991450#10410#..."; 
-        WantRHEL6 = true; 
-        NumCkpts_RAW = 0; 
-        Out = "process.out"; 
-        SubmitEventNotes = "DAG Node: 270+270"; 
-        CumulativeSlotTime = 1.802300000000000E+04; 
-        JobRunCount = 1; 
-        RecentBlockReads = 0; 
-        StreamErr = false; 
-        DiskUsage_RAW = 1216669; 
-        NumCkpts = 0; 
-        StatsLifetimeStarter = 18022; 
-        ImageSize = 1000000; 
-        Cmd = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/chtcjobwrapper"; 
-        LocalSysCpu = 0.0; 
+        BlockWrites = 0;
+        LastJobStatus = 2;
+        JobCurrentStartExecutingDate = 1446115779;
+        WantRemoteIO = true;
+        RequestCpus = 1;
+        NumShadowStarts = 1;
+        RemoteUserCpu = 1.787500000000000E+04;
+        NiceUser = false;
+        RequestMemory = 1000;
+        BytesRecvd = 2.846290000000000E+05;
+        ResidentSetSize = 150000;
+        StreamOut = false;
+        SpooledOutputFiles = "CURLTIME_24492,ChtcWrapper270.out,AuditLog.270,simu_3_270.txt,harvest.log,270.out";
+        OnExitRemove = true;
+        ImageSize_RAW = 811948;
+        RemoteWallClockTime = 1.802300000000000E+04;
+        MachineAttrSlotWeight0 = 1;
+        ExecutableSize = 7;
+        JobStatus = 4;
+        DAGParentNodeNames = "";
+        ExitCode = 0;
+        DAGManNodesMask = "0,1,2,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,13,16,17,24,27";
+        BytesSent = 2.787700000000000E+04;
+        LastSuspensionTime = 0;
+        ExecutableSize_RAW = 6;
+        RecentBlockReadKbytes = 0;
+        TransferInputSizeMB = 0;
+        Matlab = "R2011b";
+        BlockReadKbytes = 0;
+        RecentStatsLifetimeStarter = 1200;
+        LeaveJobInQueue = false;
+        TargetType = "Machine";
+        WhenToTransferOutput = "ON_EXIT";
+        Owner = "xguo23";
+        JobNotification = 0;
+        BufferSize = 524288;
+        RecentBlockWrites = 0;
+        CompletionDate = 1446133801;
+        QDate = 1446105831;
+        JobLeaseDuration = 2400;
+        JobFinishedHookDone = 1446133801;
+        LastMatchTime = 1446115778;
+        LastJobLeaseRenewal = 1446133801;
+        DAGManNodesLog = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/model_3/./mydag.dag.nodes.log";
+        ClusterId = 49582783;
+        JobUniverse = 5;
+        NumJobStarts = 1;
+        CondorVersion = "$CondorVersion: 8.5.0 Sep 16 2015 BuildID: 341710 $";
+        CoreSize = 0;
+        OnExitHold = false;
+        CondorPlatform = "$CondorPlatform: X86_64-RedHat_6.6 $";
+        In = "/dev/null";
+        DiskUsage = 1250000;
+        EncryptExecuteDirectory = false;
+        CommittedSuspensionTime = 0;
+        User = "";
+        UserLog = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/model_3/270/process.log";
+        JobCurrentStartDate = 1446115778;
+        BufferBlockSize = 32768;
+        MATCH_EXP_JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "";
+        Requirements = ( ( OpSysMajorVer is 6 ) ) && ( MY.JobUniverse == 12 || MY.JobUniverse == 7 || MY.WantFlocking || MY.WantGlidein || TARGET.PoolName == "CHTC" || TARGET.COLLECTOR_HOST_STRING == "" ) && ( TARGET.Arch == "X86_64" ) && ( TARGET.OpSys == "LINUX" ) && ( TARGET.Disk >= RequestDisk ) && ( TARGET.Memory >= RequestMemory ) && ( TARGET.HasFileTransfer );
+        MinHosts = 1;
+        MaxHosts = 1;
+        Args = "--type=Matlab --version=R2011b --cmdtorun=simu_condor --unique=270 -- 3";
+        PeriodicHold = false;
+        ProcId = 0;
+        Environment = "";
+        DAGNodeName = "270+270";
+        MemoryUsage = ( ( ResidentSetSize + 1023 ) / 1024 );
+        TerminationPending = true;
+        NumRestarts = 0;
+        NumSystemHolds = 0;
+        CommittedTime = 18023;
+        MachineAttrCpus0 = 1;
+        WantRemoteSyscalls = false;
+        MyType = "Job";
+        CumulativeSuspensionTime = 0;
+        Rank = 0.0;
+        StartdPrincipal = "execute-side@matchsession/";
+        Err = "process.err";
+        PeriodicRemove = false;
+        BlockWriteKbytes = 0;
+        ExitBySignal = false;
+        DAGManJobId = 49582200;
+        EnteredCurrentStatus = 1446133801;
+        JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "$$([IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName), IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), \"\", TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName)])";
+        RecentBlockWriteKbytes = 0;
+        TransferIn = false;
+        ExitStatus = 0;
+        ShouldTransferFiles = "YES";
+        IsCHTCSubmit = true;
+        NumJobMatches = 1;
+        RootDir = "/";
+        JobStartDate = 1446115778;
+        JobPrio = 0;
+        CurrentHosts = 0;
+        GlobalJobId = "";
+        RemoteSysCpu = 1.150000000000000E+02;
+        TotalSuspensions = 0;
+        CommittedSlotTime = 1.802300000000000E+04;
+        WantCheckpoint = false;
+        BlockReads = 0;
+        LastRemoteHost = "slot1@e442.chtc.WISC.EDU";
+        TransferInput = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/data/270/,/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/data/shared/";
+        LocalUserCpu = 0.0;
+        PeriodicRelease = ( JobStatus == 5 ) && ( ( CurrentTime - EnteredCurrentStatus ) > 1800 ) && ( JobRunCount < 5 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 6 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 14 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 22 );
+        RequestDisk = 1000000;
+        ResidentSetSize_RAW = 127404;
+        OrigMaxHosts = 1;
+        LastPublicClaimId = "<>#1443991450#10410#...";
+        WantRHEL6 = true;
+        NumCkpts_RAW = 0;
+        Out = "process.out";
+        SubmitEventNotes = "DAG Node: 270+270";
+        CumulativeSlotTime = 1.802300000000000E+04;
+        JobRunCount = 1;
+        RecentBlockReads = 0;
+        StreamErr = false;
+        DiskUsage_RAW = 1216669;
+        NumCkpts = 0;
+        StatsLifetimeStarter = 18022;
+        ImageSize = 1000000;
+        Cmd = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/chtcjobwrapper";
+        LocalSysCpu = 0.0;
         Iwd = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/model_3/270"
-        BlockWrites = 0; 
-        LastJobStatus = 2; 
-        JobCurrentStartExecutingDate = 1446106291; 
-        WantRemoteIO = true; 
-        RequestCpus = 1; 
-        NumShadowStarts = 1; 
-        RemoteUserCpu = 2.728800000000000E+04; 
-        NiceUser = false; 
-        RequestMemory = 1000; 
-        BytesRecvd = 2.850530000000000E+05; 
-        ResidentSetSize = 150000; 
-        StreamOut = false; 
-        SpooledOutputFiles = "CURLTIME_4096502,ChtcWrapper82.out,AuditLog.82,simu_3_82.txt,harvest.log,82.out"; 
-        OnExitRemove = true; 
-        ImageSize_RAW = 811948; 
-        RemoteWallClockTime = 2.749100000000000E+04; 
-        MachineAttrSlotWeight0 = 1; 
-        ExecutableSize = 7; 
-        JobStatus = 4; 
-        DAGParentNodeNames = ""; 
-        ExitCode = 0; 
-        DAGManNodesMask = "0,1,2,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,13,16,17,24,27"; 
-        BytesSent = 3.055300000000000E+04; 
-        LastSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        ExecutableSize_RAW = 6; 
-        RecentBlockReadKbytes = 0; 
-        TransferInputSizeMB = 0; 
-        Matlab = "R2011b"; 
-        BlockReadKbytes = 0; 
-        LocalSysCpu = 0.0; 
-        Iwd = "/home/xguo23/finally_2/Simulation_condor/model_3/82"; 
-        RecentStatsLifetimeStarter = 1200; 
-        LeaveJobInQueue = false; 
-        TargetType = "Machine"; 
-        WhenToTransferOutput = "ON_EXIT"; 
-        Owner = "xguo23"; 
-        JobNotification = 0; 
-        BufferSize = 524288; 
-        RecentBlockWrites = 0; 
-        CompletionDate = 1446133781; 
-        LastMatchTime = 1446106290; 
-        LastJobLeaseRenewal = 1446133781; 
-        DAGManNodesLog = "/home/xguo23/finally_2/Simulation_condor/model_3/./mydag.dag.nodes.log"; 
-        ClusterId = 49581989; 
-        NumJobStarts = 1; 
-        JobUniverse = 5; 
-        AutoClusterAttrs = "JobUniverse,LastCheckpointPlatform,NumCkpts,ClientMachine,_condor_RequestCpus,_condor_RequestDisk,_condor_RequestGPUs,_condor_RequestMemory,RequestCpus,RequestDisk,RequestGPUs,RequestMemory,BIOCHEM,MachineLastMatchTime,ConcurrencyLimits,NiceUser,Rank,Requirements,ImageSize,MemoryRequirements,User,RemoteGroup,SubmitterGroup,SubmitterUserPrio,Group,WIDsTheme,InteractiveJob,Is_Resumable,WantFlocking,WantGlidein,Scheduler,Owner,JobStart,MemoryUsage,IsExpressQueueJob,DiskUsage,HEP_VO,IsDesktop,OSG_VO,x509userproxysubject,PassedTest,IsLocalCMSJob,IsLocalCMSSlot,IsSAMSlot,IsSAMJob,MaxDiskTempC,IsDedicated,estimated_run_hours,IsCHTCSubmit,RequiresCVMFS,DynamicSlot,PartitionableSlot,Slot1_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot1_JobStarts,Slot1_SelfMonitorAge,Slot2_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot2_JobStarts,Slot2_SelfMonitorAge,Slot3_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot3_JobStarts,Slot3_SelfMonitorAge,Slot4_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot4_JobStarts,Slot4_SelfMonitorAge,Slot5_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot5_JobStarts,Slot5_SelfMonitorAge,Slot6_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot6_JobStarts,Slot6_SelfMonitorAge,Slot7_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot7_JobStarts,Slot7_SelfMonitorAge,Slot8_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot8_JobStarts,Slot8_SelfMonitorAge,Slot1_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot1_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot2_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot2_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot3_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot3_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot4_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot4_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot5_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot5_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot6_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot6_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot7_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot7_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot8_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot8_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot10_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot10_JobStarts,Slot10_SelfMonitorAge,Slot11_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot11_JobStarts,Slot11_SelfMonitorAge,Slot12_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot12_JobStarts,Slot12_SelfMonitorAge,Slot9_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot9_JobStarts,Slot9_SelfMonitorAge,Slot12_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot10_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot10_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot11_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot11_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot12_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot9_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot9_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot13_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot13_JobStarts,Slot13_SelfMonitorAge,Slot14_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot14_JobStarts,Slot14_SelfMonitorAge,Slot15_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot15_JobStarts,Slot15_SelfMonitorAge,Slot16_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot16_JobStarts,Slot16_SelfMonitorAge,IsResumable,WHEN_TO_TRANSFER_OUTPUT,_condor_Requestadmin_mutex_1,_condor_Requestadmin_mutex_2,_condor_Requestadmin_mutex_3,_condor_Requestmachine_token,Requestadmin_mutex_1,Requestadmin_mutex_2,Requestadmin_mutex_3,Requestmachine_token,nyehle,IsBuildJob,IsMatlabBuildJob,TotalJobRunTime,NodeOnline,Slot13_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot13_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot14_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot14_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot15_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot15_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot16_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot16_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,TmpIsFull,trResumable,RequiresCMSFrontier,Slot17_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot17_JobStarts,Slot17_SelfMonitorAge,Slot17_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot17_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot18_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot18_JobStarts,Slot18_SelfMonitorAge,Slot18_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot18_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot19_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot19_JobStarts,Slot19_SelfMonitorAge,Slot19_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot19_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot20_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot20_JobStarts,Slot20_SelfMonitorAge,Slot20_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot20_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot21_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot21_JobStarts,Slot21_SelfMonitorAge,Slot21_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot21_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot22_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot22_JobStarts,Slot22_SelfMonitorAge,Slot22_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot22_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot23_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot23_JobStarts,Slot23_SelfMonitorAge,Slot23_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot23_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot24_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot24_JobStarts,Slot24_SelfMonitorAge,Slot24_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot24_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot25_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot25_JobStarts,Slot25_SelfMonitorAge,Slot25_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot25_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot26_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot26_JobStarts,Slot26_SelfMonitorAge,Slot26_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot26_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot27_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot27_JobStarts,Slot27_SelfMonitorAge,Slot27_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot27_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot28_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot28_JobStarts,Slot28_SelfMonitorAge,Slot28_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot28_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot29_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot29_JobStarts,Slot29_SelfMonitorAge,Slot29_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot29_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot30_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot30_JobStarts,Slot30_SelfMonitorAge,Slot30_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot30_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot31_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot31_JobStarts,Slot31_SelfMonitorAge,Slot31_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot31_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot32_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot32_JobStarts,Slot32_SelfMonitorAge,Slot32_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot32_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,ResidentSetSize"; 
-        MaxHosts = 1; 
-        Args = "--type=Matlab --version=R2011b --cmdtorun=simu_condor --unique=82 -- 3"; 
-        CondorVersion = "$CondorVersion: 8.5.0 Sep 16 2015 BuildID: 341710 $"; 
-        CoreSize = 0; 
-        OnExitHold = false; 
-        CondorPlatform = "$CondorPlatform: X86_64-RedHat_6.6 $"; 
-        JobFinishedHookDone = 1446133782; 
-        QDate = 1446105374; 
-        JobLeaseDuration = 2400; 
-        In = "/dev/null"; 
-        DiskUsage = 1250000; 
-        EncryptExecuteDirectory = false; 
-        CommittedSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        User = ""; 
-        UserLog = "/home/xguo23/finally_2/Simulation_condor/model_3/82/process.log"; 
-        JobCurrentStartDate = 1446106290; 
-        BufferBlockSize = 32768; 
-        MATCH_EXP_JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = ""; 
-        Requirements = ( ( OpSysMajorVer is 6 ) ) && ( MY.JobUniverse == 12 || MY.JobUniverse == 7 || MY.WantFlocking || MY.WantGlidein || TARGET.PoolName == "CHTC" || TARGET.COLLECTOR_HOST_STRING == "" ) && ( TARGET.Arch == "X86_64" ) && ( TARGET.OpSys == "LINUX" ) && ( TARGET.Disk >= RequestDisk ) && ( TARGET.Memory >= RequestMemory ) && ( TARGET.HasFileTransfer ); 
-        MinHosts = 1; 
-        PeriodicHold = false; 
-        ProcId = 0; 
-        Environment = ""; 
-        DAGNodeName = "82+82"; 
-        MemoryUsage = ( ( ResidentSetSize + 1023 ) / 1024 ); 
-        TerminationPending = true; 
-        NumRestarts = 0; 
-        NumSystemHolds = 0; 
-        CommittedTime = 27491; 
-        AutoClusterId = 24; 
-        ExitStatus = 0; 
-        ShouldTransferFiles = "YES"; 
-        MachineAttrCpus0 = 1; 
-        WantRemoteSyscalls = false; 
-        MyType = "Job"; 
-        CumulativeSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        Rank = 0.0; 
-        StartdPrincipal = "execute-side@matchsession/"; 
-        Err = "process.err"; 
-        PeriodicRemove = false; 
-        BlockWriteKbytes = 0; 
-        ExitBySignal = false; 
-        DAGManJobId = 49581933; 
-        EnteredCurrentStatus = 1446133781; 
-        JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "$$([IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName), IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), \"\", TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName)])"; 
-        RecentBlockWriteKbytes = 0; 
-        TransferIn = false; 
-        IsCHTCSubmit = true; 
-        NumJobMatches = 1; 
-        RootDir = "/"; 
-        JobStartDate = 1446106290; 
-        JobPrio = 0; 
-        CurrentHosts = 0; 
-        GlobalJobId = ""; 
-        RemoteSysCpu = 1.730000000000000E+02; 
-        TotalSuspensions = 0; 
-        CommittedSlotTime = 2.749100000000000E+04; 
-        WantCheckpoint = false; 
-        BlockReads = 0; 
-        LastRemoteHost = ""; 
-        TransferInput = "/home/xguo23/finally_2/Simulation_condor/data/82/,/home/xguo23/finally_2/Simulation_condor/data/shared/"; 
-        LocalUserCpu = 0.0; 
-        PeriodicRelease = ( JobStatus == 5 ) && ( ( CurrentTime - EnteredCurrentStatus ) > 1800 ) && ( JobRunCount < 5 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 6 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 14 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 22 ); 
-        RequestDisk = 1000000; 
-        ResidentSetSize_RAW = 126932; 
-        OrigMaxHosts = 1; 
-        LastPublicClaimId = "<>#1443991451#13496#..."; 
-        WantRHEL6 = true; 
-        NumCkpts_RAW = 0; 
-        Out = "process.out"; 
-        SubmitEventNotes = "DAG Node: 82+82"; 
-        CumulativeSlotTime = 2.749100000000000E+04; 
-        JobRunCount = 1; 
-        RecentBlockReads = 0; 
-        StreamErr = false; 
-        DiskUsage_RAW = 1216669; 
-        NumCkpts = 0; 
-        StatsLifetimeStarter = 27490; 
-        ImageSize = 1000000; 
+        BlockWrites = 0;
+        LastJobStatus = 2;
+        JobCurrentStartExecutingDate = 1446106291;
+        WantRemoteIO = true;
+        RequestCpus = 1;
+        NumShadowStarts = 1;
+        RemoteUserCpu = 2.728800000000000E+04;
+        NiceUser = false;
+        RequestMemory = 1000;
+        BytesRecvd = 2.850530000000000E+05;
+        ResidentSetSize = 150000;
+        StreamOut = false;
+        SpooledOutputFiles = "CURLTIME_4096502,ChtcWrapper82.out,AuditLog.82,simu_3_82.txt,harvest.log,82.out";
+        OnExitRemove = true;
+        ImageSize_RAW = 811948;
+        RemoteWallClockTime = 2.749100000000000E+04;
+        MachineAttrSlotWeight0 = 1;
+        ExecutableSize = 7;
+        JobStatus = 4;
+        DAGParentNodeNames = "";
+        ExitCode = 0;
+        DAGManNodesMask = "0,1,2,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,13,16,17,24,27";
+        BytesSent = 3.055300000000000E+04;
+        LastSuspensionTime = 0;
+        ExecutableSize_RAW = 6;
+        RecentBlockReadKbytes = 0;
+        TransferInputSizeMB = 0;
+        Matlab = "R2011b";
+        BlockReadKbytes = 0;
+        LocalSysCpu = 0.0;
+        Iwd = "/home/xguo23/finally_2/Simulation_condor/model_3/82";
+        RecentStatsLifetimeStarter = 1200;
+        LeaveJobInQueue = false;
+        TargetType = "Machine";
+        WhenToTransferOutput = "ON_EXIT";
+        Owner = "xguo23";
+        JobNotification = 0;
+        BufferSize = 524288;
+        RecentBlockWrites = 0;
+        CompletionDate = 1446133781;
+        LastMatchTime = 1446106290;
+        LastJobLeaseRenewal = 1446133781;
+        DAGManNodesLog = "/home/xguo23/finally_2/Simulation_condor/model_3/./mydag.dag.nodes.log";
+        ClusterId = 49581989;
+        NumJobStarts = 1;
+        JobUniverse = 5;
+        AutoClusterAttrs = "JobUniverse,LastCheckpointPlatform,NumCkpts,ClientMachine,_condor_RequestCpus,_condor_RequestDisk,_condor_RequestGPUs,_condor_RequestMemory,RequestCpus,RequestDisk,RequestGPUs,RequestMemory,BIOCHEM,MachineLastMatchTime,ConcurrencyLimits,NiceUser,Rank,Requirements,ImageSize,MemoryRequirements,User,RemoteGroup,SubmitterGroup,SubmitterUserPrio,Group,WIDsTheme,InteractiveJob,Is_Resumable,WantFlocking,WantGlidein,Scheduler,Owner,JobStart,MemoryUsage,IsExpressQueueJob,DiskUsage,HEP_VO,IsDesktop,OSG_VO,x509userproxysubject,PassedTest,IsLocalCMSJob,IsLocalCMSSlot,IsSAMSlot,IsSAMJob,MaxDiskTempC,IsDedicated,estimated_run_hours,IsCHTCSubmit,RequiresCVMFS,DynamicSlot,PartitionableSlot,Slot1_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot1_JobStarts,Slot1_SelfMonitorAge,Slot2_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot2_JobStarts,Slot2_SelfMonitorAge,Slot3_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot3_JobStarts,Slot3_SelfMonitorAge,Slot4_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot4_JobStarts,Slot4_SelfMonitorAge,Slot5_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot5_JobStarts,Slot5_SelfMonitorAge,Slot6_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot6_JobStarts,Slot6_SelfMonitorAge,Slot7_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot7_JobStarts,Slot7_SelfMonitorAge,Slot8_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot8_JobStarts,Slot8_SelfMonitorAge,Slot1_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot1_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot2_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot2_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot3_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot3_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot4_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot4_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot5_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot5_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot6_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot6_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot7_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot7_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot8_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot8_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot10_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot10_JobStarts,Slot10_SelfMonitorAge,Slot11_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot11_JobStarts,Slot11_SelfMonitorAge,Slot12_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot12_JobStarts,Slot12_SelfMonitorAge,Slot9_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot9_JobStarts,Slot9_SelfMonitorAge,Slot12_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot10_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot10_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot11_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot11_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot12_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot9_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot9_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot13_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot13_JobStarts,Slot13_SelfMonitorAge,Slot14_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot14_JobStarts,Slot14_SelfMonitorAge,Slot15_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot15_JobStarts,Slot15_SelfMonitorAge,Slot16_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot16_JobStarts,Slot16_SelfMonitorAge,IsResumable,WHEN_TO_TRANSFER_OUTPUT,_condor_Requestadmin_mutex_1,_condor_Requestadmin_mutex_2,_condor_Requestadmin_mutex_3,_condor_Requestmachine_token,Requestadmin_mutex_1,Requestadmin_mutex_2,Requestadmin_mutex_3,Requestmachine_token,nyehle,IsBuildJob,IsMatlabBuildJob,TotalJobRunTime,NodeOnline,Slot13_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot13_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot14_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot14_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot15_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot15_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot16_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot16_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,TmpIsFull,trResumable,RequiresCMSFrontier,Slot17_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot17_JobStarts,Slot17_SelfMonitorAge,Slot17_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot17_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot18_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot18_JobStarts,Slot18_SelfMonitorAge,Slot18_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot18_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot19_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot19_JobStarts,Slot19_SelfMonitorAge,Slot19_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot19_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot20_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot20_JobStarts,Slot20_SelfMonitorAge,Slot20_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot20_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot21_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot21_JobStarts,Slot21_SelfMonitorAge,Slot21_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot21_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot22_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot22_JobStarts,Slot22_SelfMonitorAge,Slot22_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot22_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot23_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot23_JobStarts,Slot23_SelfMonitorAge,Slot23_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot23_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot24_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot24_JobStarts,Slot24_SelfMonitorAge,Slot24_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot24_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot25_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot25_JobStarts,Slot25_SelfMonitorAge,Slot25_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot25_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot26_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot26_JobStarts,Slot26_SelfMonitorAge,Slot26_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot26_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot27_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot27_JobStarts,Slot27_SelfMonitorAge,Slot27_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot27_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot28_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot28_JobStarts,Slot28_SelfMonitorAge,Slot28_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot28_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot29_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot29_JobStarts,Slot29_SelfMonitorAge,Slot29_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot29_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot30_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot30_JobStarts,Slot30_SelfMonitorAge,Slot30_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot30_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot31_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot31_JobStarts,Slot31_SelfMonitorAge,Slot31_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot31_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot32_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot32_JobStarts,Slot32_SelfMonitorAge,Slot32_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot32_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,ResidentSetSize";
+        MaxHosts = 1;
+        Args = "--type=Matlab --version=R2011b --cmdtorun=simu_condor --unique=82 -- 3";
+        CondorVersion = "$CondorVersion: 8.5.0 Sep 16 2015 BuildID: 341710 $";
+        CoreSize = 0;
+        OnExitHold = false;
+        CondorPlatform = "$CondorPlatform: X86_64-RedHat_6.6 $";
+        JobFinishedHookDone = 1446133782;
+        QDate = 1446105374;
+        JobLeaseDuration = 2400;
+        In = "/dev/null";
+        DiskUsage = 1250000;
+        EncryptExecuteDirectory = false;
+        CommittedSuspensionTime = 0;
+        User = "";
+        UserLog = "/home/xguo23/finally_2/Simulation_condor/model_3/82/process.log";
+        JobCurrentStartDate = 1446106290;
+        BufferBlockSize = 32768;
+        MATCH_EXP_JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "";
+        Requirements = ( ( OpSysMajorVer is 6 ) ) && ( MY.JobUniverse == 12 || MY.JobUniverse == 7 || MY.WantFlocking || MY.WantGlidein || TARGET.PoolName == "CHTC" || TARGET.COLLECTOR_HOST_STRING == "" ) && ( TARGET.Arch == "X86_64" ) && ( TARGET.OpSys == "LINUX" ) && ( TARGET.Disk >= RequestDisk ) && ( TARGET.Memory >= RequestMemory ) && ( TARGET.HasFileTransfer );
+        MinHosts = 1;
+        PeriodicHold = false;
+        ProcId = 0;
+        Environment = "";
+        DAGNodeName = "82+82";
+        MemoryUsage = ( ( ResidentSetSize + 1023 ) / 1024 );
+        TerminationPending = true;
+        NumRestarts = 0;
+        NumSystemHolds = 0;
+        CommittedTime = 27491;
+        AutoClusterId = 24;
+        ExitStatus = 0;
+        ShouldTransferFiles = "YES";
+        MachineAttrCpus0 = 1;
+        WantRemoteSyscalls = false;
+        MyType = "Job";
+        CumulativeSuspensionTime = 0;
+        Rank = 0.0;
+        StartdPrincipal = "execute-side@matchsession/";
+        Err = "process.err";
+        PeriodicRemove = false;
+        BlockWriteKbytes = 0;
+        ExitBySignal = false;
+        DAGManJobId = 49581933;
+        EnteredCurrentStatus = 1446133781;
+        JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "$$([IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName), IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), \"\", TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName)])";
+        RecentBlockWriteKbytes = 0;
+        TransferIn = false;
+        IsCHTCSubmit = true;
+        NumJobMatches = 1;
+        RootDir = "/";
+        JobStartDate = 1446106290;
+        JobPrio = 0;
+        CurrentHosts = 0;
+        GlobalJobId = "";
+        RemoteSysCpu = 1.730000000000000E+02;
+        TotalSuspensions = 0;
+        CommittedSlotTime = 2.749100000000000E+04;
+        WantCheckpoint = false;
+        BlockReads = 0;
+        LastRemoteHost = "";
+        TransferInput = "/home/xguo23/finally_2/Simulation_condor/data/82/,/home/xguo23/finally_2/Simulation_condor/data/shared/";
+        LocalUserCpu = 0.0;
+        PeriodicRelease = ( JobStatus == 5 ) && ( ( CurrentTime - EnteredCurrentStatus ) > 1800 ) && ( JobRunCount < 5 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 6 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 14 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 22 );
+        RequestDisk = 1000000;
+        ResidentSetSize_RAW = 126932;
+        OrigMaxHosts = 1;
+        LastPublicClaimId = "<>#1443991451#13496#...";
+        WantRHEL6 = true;
+        NumCkpts_RAW = 0;
+        Out = "process.out";
+        SubmitEventNotes = "DAG Node: 82+82";
+        CumulativeSlotTime = 2.749100000000000E+04;
+        JobRunCount = 1;
+        RecentBlockReads = 0;
+        StreamErr = false;
+        DiskUsage_RAW = 1216669;
+        NumCkpts = 0;
+        StatsLifetimeStarter = 27490;
+        ImageSize = 1000000;
         Cmd = "/home/xguo23/finally_2/Simulation_condor/chtcjobwrapper"
-        BlockWrites = 0; 
-        LastJobStatus = 2; 
-        JobCurrentStartExecutingDate = 1446111076; 
-        WantRemoteIO = true; 
-        RequestCpus = 1; 
-        NumShadowStarts = 1; 
-        RemoteUserCpu = 2.255200000000000E+04; 
-        NiceUser = false; 
-        RequestMemory = 1000; 
-        BytesRecvd = 2.846120000000000E+05; 
-        ResidentSetSize = 150000; 
-        StreamOut = false; 
-        SpooledOutputFiles = "CURLTIME_1529941,ChtcWrapper69.out,AuditLog.69,simu_3_69.txt,harvest.log,69.out"; 
-        OnExitRemove = true; 
-        ImageSize_RAW = 811948; 
-        RemoteWallClockTime = 2.270200000000000E+04; 
-        MachineAttrSlotWeight0 = 1; 
-        ExecutableSize = 7; 
-        JobStatus = 4; 
-        DAGParentNodeNames = ""; 
-        ExitCode = 0; 
-        DAGManNodesMask = "0,1,2,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,13,16,17,24,27"; 
-        BytesSent = 3.055200000000000E+04; 
-        LastSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        ExecutableSize_RAW = 6; 
-        RecentBlockReadKbytes = 0; 
-        TransferInputSizeMB = 0; 
-        Matlab = "R2011b"; 
-        BlockReadKbytes = 0; 
-        RecentStatsLifetimeStarter = 1200; 
-        LeaveJobInQueue = false; 
-        TargetType = "Machine"; 
-        WhenToTransferOutput = "ON_EXIT"; 
-        Owner = "xguo23"; 
-        JobNotification = 0; 
-        BufferSize = 524288; 
-        RecentBlockWrites = 0; 
-        CompletionDate = 1446133776; 
-        QDate = 1446105717; 
-        JobLeaseDuration = 2400; 
-        JobFinishedHookDone = 1446133776; 
-        LastMatchTime = 1446111074; 
-        LastJobLeaseRenewal = 1446133776; 
-        DAGManNodesLog = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.48/Simulation_condor/model_3/./mydag.dag.nodes.log"; 
-        ClusterId = 49582489; 
-        JobUniverse = 5; 
-        NumJobStarts = 1; 
-        CondorVersion = "$CondorVersion: 8.5.0 Sep 16 2015 BuildID: 341710 $"; 
-        CoreSize = 0; 
-        OnExitHold = false; 
-        CondorPlatform = "$CondorPlatform: X86_64-RedHat_6.6 $"; 
-        In = "/dev/null"; 
-        DiskUsage = 1250000; 
-        EncryptExecuteDirectory = false; 
-        CommittedSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        User = ""; 
-        UserLog = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.48/Simulation_condor/model_3/69/process.log"; 
-        JobCurrentStartDate = 1446111074; 
-        BufferBlockSize = 32768; 
-        MATCH_EXP_JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = ""; 
-        Requirements = ( ( OpSysMajorVer is 6 ) ) && ( MY.JobUniverse == 12 || MY.JobUniverse == 7 || MY.WantFlocking || MY.WantGlidein || TARGET.PoolName == "CHTC" || TARGET.COLLECTOR_HOST_STRING == "" ) && ( TARGET.Arch == "X86_64" ) && ( TARGET.OpSys == "LINUX" ) && ( TARGET.Disk >= RequestDisk ) && ( TARGET.Memory >= RequestMemory ) && ( TARGET.HasFileTransfer ); 
-        MinHosts = 1; 
-        MaxHosts = 1; 
-        Args = "--type=Matlab --version=R2011b --cmdtorun=simu_condor --unique=69 -- 3"; 
-        PeriodicHold = false; 
-        ProcId = 0; 
-        Environment = ""; 
-        DAGNodeName = "69+69"; 
-        MemoryUsage = ( ( ResidentSetSize + 1023 ) / 1024 ); 
-        TerminationPending = true; 
-        NumRestarts = 0; 
-        NumSystemHolds = 0; 
-        CommittedTime = 22702; 
-        MachineAttrCpus0 = 1; 
-        WantRemoteSyscalls = false; 
-        MyType = "Job"; 
-        CumulativeSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        Rank = 0.0; 
-        StartdPrincipal = "execute-side@matchsession/"; 
-        Err = "process.err"; 
-        PeriodicRemove = false; 
-        BlockWriteKbytes = 0; 
-        ExitBySignal = false; 
-        DAGManJobId = 49582206; 
-        EnteredCurrentStatus = 1446133776; 
-        JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "$$([IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName), IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), \"\", TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName)])"; 
-        RecentBlockWriteKbytes = 0; 
-        TransferIn = false; 
-        ExitStatus = 0; 
-        ShouldTransferFiles = "YES"; 
-        IsCHTCSubmit = true; 
-        NumJobMatches = 1; 
-        RootDir = "/"; 
-        JobStartDate = 1446111074; 
-        JobPrio = 0; 
-        CurrentHosts = 0; 
-        GlobalJobId = ""; 
-        RemoteSysCpu = 1.220000000000000E+02; 
-        TotalSuspensions = 0; 
-        CommittedSlotTime = 2.270200000000000E+04; 
-        WantCheckpoint = false; 
-        BlockReads = 0; 
-        LastRemoteHost = ""; 
-        TransferInput = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.48/Simulation_condor/data/69/,/home/xguo23/model_3_1.48/Simulation_condor/data/shared/"; 
-        LocalUserCpu = 0.0; 
-        PeriodicRelease = ( JobStatus == 5 ) && ( ( CurrentTime - EnteredCurrentStatus ) > 1800 ) && ( JobRunCount < 5 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 6 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 14 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 22 ); 
-        RequestDisk = 1000000; 
-        ResidentSetSize_RAW = 126444; 
-        OrigMaxHosts = 1; 
-        LastPublicClaimId = "<>#1444673410#8302#..."; 
-        WantRHEL6 = true; 
-        NumCkpts_RAW = 0; 
-        Out = "process.out"; 
-        SubmitEventNotes = "DAG Node: 69+69"; 
-        CumulativeSlotTime = 2.270200000000000E+04; 
-        JobRunCount = 1; 
-        RecentBlockReads = 0; 
-        StreamErr = false; 
-        DiskUsage_RAW = 1216669; 
-        NumCkpts = 0; 
-        StatsLifetimeStarter = 22699; 
-        ImageSize = 1000000; 
-        Cmd = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.48/Simulation_condor/chtcjobwrapper"; 
-        LocalSysCpu = 0.0; 
+        BlockWrites = 0;
+        LastJobStatus = 2;
+        JobCurrentStartExecutingDate = 1446111076;
+        WantRemoteIO = true;
+        RequestCpus = 1;
+        NumShadowStarts = 1;
+        RemoteUserCpu = 2.255200000000000E+04;
+        NiceUser = false;
+        RequestMemory = 1000;
+        BytesRecvd = 2.846120000000000E+05;
+        ResidentSetSize = 150000;
+        StreamOut = false;
+        SpooledOutputFiles = "CURLTIME_1529941,ChtcWrapper69.out,AuditLog.69,simu_3_69.txt,harvest.log,69.out";
+        OnExitRemove = true;
+        ImageSize_RAW = 811948;
+        RemoteWallClockTime = 2.270200000000000E+04;
+        MachineAttrSlotWeight0 = 1;
+        ExecutableSize = 7;
+        JobStatus = 4;
+        DAGParentNodeNames = "";
+        ExitCode = 0;
+        DAGManNodesMask = "0,1,2,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,13,16,17,24,27";
+        BytesSent = 3.055200000000000E+04;
+        LastSuspensionTime = 0;
+        ExecutableSize_RAW = 6;
+        RecentBlockReadKbytes = 0;
+        TransferInputSizeMB = 0;
+        Matlab = "R2011b";
+        BlockReadKbytes = 0;
+        RecentStatsLifetimeStarter = 1200;
+        LeaveJobInQueue = false;
+        TargetType = "Machine";
+        WhenToTransferOutput = "ON_EXIT";
+        Owner = "xguo23";
+        JobNotification = 0;
+        BufferSize = 524288;
+        RecentBlockWrites = 0;
+        CompletionDate = 1446133776;
+        QDate = 1446105717;
+        JobLeaseDuration = 2400;
+        JobFinishedHookDone = 1446133776;
+        LastMatchTime = 1446111074;
+        LastJobLeaseRenewal = 1446133776;
+        DAGManNodesLog = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.48/Simulation_condor/model_3/./mydag.dag.nodes.log";
+        ClusterId = 49582489;
+        JobUniverse = 5;
+        NumJobStarts = 1;
+        CondorVersion = "$CondorVersion: 8.5.0 Sep 16 2015 BuildID: 341710 $";
+        CoreSize = 0;
+        OnExitHold = false;
+        CondorPlatform = "$CondorPlatform: X86_64-RedHat_6.6 $";
+        In = "/dev/null";
+        DiskUsage = 1250000;
+        EncryptExecuteDirectory = false;
+        CommittedSuspensionTime = 0;
+        User = "";
+        UserLog = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.48/Simulation_condor/model_3/69/process.log";
+        JobCurrentStartDate = 1446111074;
+        BufferBlockSize = 32768;
+        MATCH_EXP_JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "";
+        Requirements = ( ( OpSysMajorVer is 6 ) ) && ( MY.JobUniverse == 12 || MY.JobUniverse == 7 || MY.WantFlocking || MY.WantGlidein || TARGET.PoolName == "CHTC" || TARGET.COLLECTOR_HOST_STRING == "" ) && ( TARGET.Arch == "X86_64" ) && ( TARGET.OpSys == "LINUX" ) && ( TARGET.Disk >= RequestDisk ) && ( TARGET.Memory >= RequestMemory ) && ( TARGET.HasFileTransfer );
+        MinHosts = 1;
+        MaxHosts = 1;
+        Args = "--type=Matlab --version=R2011b --cmdtorun=simu_condor --unique=69 -- 3";
+        PeriodicHold = false;
+        ProcId = 0;
+        Environment = "";
+        DAGNodeName = "69+69";
+        MemoryUsage = ( ( ResidentSetSize + 1023 ) / 1024 );
+        TerminationPending = true;
+        NumRestarts = 0;
+        NumSystemHolds = 0;
+        CommittedTime = 22702;
+        MachineAttrCpus0 = 1;
+        WantRemoteSyscalls = false;
+        MyType = "Job";
+        CumulativeSuspensionTime = 0;
+        Rank = 0.0;
+        StartdPrincipal = "execute-side@matchsession/";
+        Err = "process.err";
+        PeriodicRemove = false;
+        BlockWriteKbytes = 0;
+        ExitBySignal = false;
+        DAGManJobId = 49582206;
+        EnteredCurrentStatus = 1446133776;
+        JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "$$([IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName), IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), \"\", TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName)])";
+        RecentBlockWriteKbytes = 0;
+        TransferIn = false;
+        ExitStatus = 0;
+        ShouldTransferFiles = "YES";
+        IsCHTCSubmit = true;
+        NumJobMatches = 1;
+        RootDir = "/";
+        JobStartDate = 1446111074;
+        JobPrio = 0;
+        CurrentHosts = 0;
+        GlobalJobId = "";
+        RemoteSysCpu = 1.220000000000000E+02;
+        TotalSuspensions = 0;
+        CommittedSlotTime = 2.270200000000000E+04;
+        WantCheckpoint = false;
+        BlockReads = 0;
+        LastRemoteHost = "";
+        TransferInput = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.48/Simulation_condor/data/69/,/home/xguo23/model_3_1.48/Simulation_condor/data/shared/";
+        LocalUserCpu = 0.0;
+        PeriodicRelease = ( JobStatus == 5 ) && ( ( CurrentTime - EnteredCurrentStatus ) > 1800 ) && ( JobRunCount < 5 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 6 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 14 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 22 );
+        RequestDisk = 1000000;
+        ResidentSetSize_RAW = 126444;
+        OrigMaxHosts = 1;
+        LastPublicClaimId = "<>#1444673410#8302#...";
+        WantRHEL6 = true;
+        NumCkpts_RAW = 0;
+        Out = "process.out";
+        SubmitEventNotes = "DAG Node: 69+69";
+        CumulativeSlotTime = 2.270200000000000E+04;
+        JobRunCount = 1;
+        RecentBlockReads = 0;
+        StreamErr = false;
+        DiskUsage_RAW = 1216669;
+        NumCkpts = 0;
+        StatsLifetimeStarter = 22699;
+        ImageSize = 1000000;
+        Cmd = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.48/Simulation_condor/chtcjobwrapper";
+        LocalSysCpu = 0.0;
         Iwd = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.48/Simulation_condor/model_3/69"
-        BlockWrites = 0; 
-        LastJobStatus = 2; 
-        JobCurrentStartExecutingDate = 1446106063; 
-        WantRemoteIO = true; 
-        RequestCpus = 1; 
-        NumShadowStarts = 1; 
-        RemoteUserCpu = 2.751000000000000E+04; 
-        NiceUser = false; 
-        RequestMemory = 1000; 
-        BytesRecvd = 2.850530000000000E+05; 
-        ResidentSetSize = 150000; 
-        StreamOut = false; 
-        SpooledOutputFiles = "CURLTIME_369560,ChtcWrapper40.out,AuditLog.40,simu_3_40.txt,harvest.log,40.out"; 
-        OnExitRemove = true; 
-        ImageSize_RAW = 811948; 
-        RemoteWallClockTime = 2.767600000000000E+04; 
-        MachineAttrSlotWeight0 = 1; 
-        ExecutableSize = 7; 
-        JobStatus = 4; 
-        DAGParentNodeNames = ""; 
-        ExitCode = 0; 
-        DAGManNodesMask = "0,1,2,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,13,16,17,24,27"; 
-        BytesSent = 3.058400000000000E+04; 
-        LastSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        ExecutableSize_RAW = 6; 
-        RecentBlockReadKbytes = 0; 
-        TransferInputSizeMB = 0; 
-        Matlab = "R2011b"; 
-        BlockReadKbytes = 0; 
-        RecentStatsLifetimeStarter = 1200; 
-        LeaveJobInQueue = false; 
-        TargetType = "Machine"; 
-        WhenToTransferOutput = "ON_EXIT"; 
-        Owner = "xguo23"; 
-        JobNotification = 0; 
-        BufferSize = 524288; 
-        RecentBlockWrites = 0; 
-        CompletionDate = 1446133737; 
-        QDate = 1446105329; 
-        JobLeaseDuration = 2400; 
-        JobFinishedHookDone = 1446133737; 
-        LastMatchTime = 1446106061; 
-        LastJobLeaseRenewal = 1446133737; 
-        DAGManNodesLog = "/home/xguo23/finally_2/Simulation_condor/model_3/./mydag.dag.nodes.log"; 
-        ClusterId = 49581952; 
-        JobUniverse = 5; 
-        NumJobStarts = 1; 
-        CondorVersion = "$CondorVersion: 8.5.0 Sep 16 2015 BuildID: 341710 $"; 
-        CoreSize = 0; 
-        OnExitHold = false; 
-        CondorPlatform = "$CondorPlatform: X86_64-RedHat_6.6 $"; 
-        In = "/dev/null"; 
-        DiskUsage = 1250000; 
-        EncryptExecuteDirectory = false; 
-        CommittedSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        User = ""; 
-        UserLog = "/home/xguo23/finally_2/Simulation_condor/model_3/40/process.log"; 
-        JobCurrentStartDate = 1446106061; 
-        BufferBlockSize = 32768; 
-        MATCH_EXP_JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = ""; 
-        Requirements = ( ( OpSysMajorVer is 6 ) ) && ( MY.JobUniverse == 12 || MY.JobUniverse == 7 || MY.WantFlocking || MY.WantGlidein || TARGET.PoolName == "CHTC" || TARGET.COLLECTOR_HOST_STRING == "" ) && ( TARGET.Arch == "X86_64" ) && ( TARGET.OpSys == "LINUX" ) && ( TARGET.Disk >= RequestDisk ) && ( TARGET.Memory >= RequestMemory ) && ( TARGET.HasFileTransfer ); 
-        MinHosts = 1; 
-        MaxHosts = 1; 
-        Args = "--type=Matlab --version=R2011b --cmdtorun=simu_condor --unique=40 -- 3"; 
-        PeriodicHold = false; 
-        ProcId = 0; 
-        Environment = ""; 
-        DAGNodeName = "40+40"; 
-        MemoryUsage = ( ( ResidentSetSize + 1023 ) / 1024 ); 
-        TerminationPending = true; 
-        NumRestarts = 0; 
-        NumSystemHolds = 0; 
-        CommittedTime = 27676; 
-        MachineAttrCpus0 = 1; 
-        WantRemoteSyscalls = false; 
-        MyType = "Job"; 
-        CumulativeSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        Rank = 0.0; 
-        StartdPrincipal = "execute-side@matchsession/"; 
-        Err = "process.err"; 
-        PeriodicRemove = false; 
-        BlockWriteKbytes = 0; 
-        ExitBySignal = false; 
-        DAGManJobId = 49581933; 
-        EnteredCurrentStatus = 1446133737; 
-        JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "$$([IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName), IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), \"\", TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName)])"; 
-        RecentBlockWriteKbytes = 0; 
-        TransferIn = false; 
-        ExitStatus = 0; 
-        ShouldTransferFiles = "YES"; 
-        IsCHTCSubmit = true; 
-        NumJobMatches = 1; 
-        RootDir = "/"; 
-        JobStartDate = 1446106061; 
-        JobPrio = 0; 
-        CurrentHosts = 0; 
-        GlobalJobId = ""; 
-        RemoteSysCpu = 1.050000000000000E+02; 
-        TotalSuspensions = 0; 
-        CommittedSlotTime = 2.767600000000000E+04; 
-        WantCheckpoint = false; 
-        BlockReads = 0; 
-        LastRemoteHost = ""; 
-        TransferInput = "/home/xguo23/finally_2/Simulation_condor/data/40/,/home/xguo23/finally_2/Simulation_condor/data/shared/"; 
-        LocalUserCpu = 0.0; 
-        PeriodicRelease = ( JobStatus == 5 ) && ( ( CurrentTime - EnteredCurrentStatus ) > 1800 ) && ( JobRunCount < 5 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 6 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 14 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 22 ); 
-        RequestDisk = 1000000; 
-        ResidentSetSize_RAW = 127252; 
-        OrigMaxHosts = 1; 
-        LastPublicClaimId = "<>#1444759888#6329#..."; 
-        WantRHEL6 = true; 
-        NumCkpts_RAW = 0; 
-        Out = "process.out"; 
-        SubmitEventNotes = "DAG Node: 40+40"; 
-        CumulativeSlotTime = 2.767600000000000E+04; 
-        JobRunCount = 1; 
-        RecentBlockReads = 0; 
-        StreamErr = false; 
-        DiskUsage_RAW = 1216669; 
-        NumCkpts = 0; 
-        StatsLifetimeStarter = 27674; 
-        ImageSize = 1000000; 
-        Cmd = "/home/xguo23/finally_2/Simulation_condor/chtcjobwrapper"; 
-        LocalSysCpu = 0.0; 
+        BlockWrites = 0;
+        LastJobStatus = 2;
+        JobCurrentStartExecutingDate = 1446106063;
+        WantRemoteIO = true;
+        RequestCpus = 1;
+        NumShadowStarts = 1;
+        RemoteUserCpu = 2.751000000000000E+04;
+        NiceUser = false;
+        RequestMemory = 1000;
+        BytesRecvd = 2.850530000000000E+05;
+        ResidentSetSize = 150000;
+        StreamOut = false;
+        SpooledOutputFiles = "CURLTIME_369560,ChtcWrapper40.out,AuditLog.40,simu_3_40.txt,harvest.log,40.out";
+        OnExitRemove = true;
+        ImageSize_RAW = 811948;
+        RemoteWallClockTime = 2.767600000000000E+04;
+        MachineAttrSlotWeight0 = 1;
+        ExecutableSize = 7;
+        JobStatus = 4;
+        DAGParentNodeNames = "";
+        ExitCode = 0;
+        DAGManNodesMask = "0,1,2,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,13,16,17,24,27";
+        BytesSent = 3.058400000000000E+04;
+        LastSuspensionTime = 0;
+        ExecutableSize_RAW = 6;
+        RecentBlockReadKbytes = 0;
+        TransferInputSizeMB = 0;
+        Matlab = "R2011b";
+        BlockReadKbytes = 0;
+        RecentStatsLifetimeStarter = 1200;
+        LeaveJobInQueue = false;
+        TargetType = "Machine";
+        WhenToTransferOutput = "ON_EXIT";
+        Owner = "xguo23";
+        JobNotification = 0;
+        BufferSize = 524288;
+        RecentBlockWrites = 0;
+        CompletionDate = 1446133737;
+        QDate = 1446105329;
+        JobLeaseDuration = 2400;
+        JobFinishedHookDone = 1446133737;
+        LastMatchTime = 1446106061;
+        LastJobLeaseRenewal = 1446133737;
+        DAGManNodesLog = "/home/xguo23/finally_2/Simulation_condor/model_3/./mydag.dag.nodes.log";
+        ClusterId = 49581952;
+        JobUniverse = 5;
+        NumJobStarts = 1;
+        CondorVersion = "$CondorVersion: 8.5.0 Sep 16 2015 BuildID: 341710 $";
+        CoreSize = 0;
+        OnExitHold = false;
+        CondorPlatform = "$CondorPlatform: X86_64-RedHat_6.6 $";
+        In = "/dev/null";
+        DiskUsage = 1250000;
+        EncryptExecuteDirectory = false;
+        CommittedSuspensionTime = 0;
+        User = "";
+        UserLog = "/home/xguo23/finally_2/Simulation_condor/model_3/40/process.log";
+        JobCurrentStartDate = 1446106061;
+        BufferBlockSize = 32768;
+        MATCH_EXP_JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "";
+        Requirements = ( ( OpSysMajorVer is 6 ) ) && ( MY.JobUniverse == 12 || MY.JobUniverse == 7 || MY.WantFlocking || MY.WantGlidein || TARGET.PoolName == "CHTC" || TARGET.COLLECTOR_HOST_STRING == "" ) && ( TARGET.Arch == "X86_64" ) && ( TARGET.OpSys == "LINUX" ) && ( TARGET.Disk >= RequestDisk ) && ( TARGET.Memory >= RequestMemory ) && ( TARGET.HasFileTransfer );
+        MinHosts = 1;
+        MaxHosts = 1;
+        Args = "--type=Matlab --version=R2011b --cmdtorun=simu_condor --unique=40 -- 3";
+        PeriodicHold = false;
+        ProcId = 0;
+        Environment = "";
+        DAGNodeName = "40+40";
+        MemoryUsage = ( ( ResidentSetSize + 1023 ) / 1024 );
+        TerminationPending = true;
+        NumRestarts = 0;
+        NumSystemHolds = 0;
+        CommittedTime = 27676;
+        MachineAttrCpus0 = 1;
+        WantRemoteSyscalls = false;
+        MyType = "Job";
+        CumulativeSuspensionTime = 0;
+        Rank = 0.0;
+        StartdPrincipal = "execute-side@matchsession/";
+        Err = "process.err";
+        PeriodicRemove = false;
+        BlockWriteKbytes = 0;
+        ExitBySignal = false;
+        DAGManJobId = 49581933;
+        EnteredCurrentStatus = 1446133737;
+        JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "$$([IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName), IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), \"\", TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName)])";
+        RecentBlockWriteKbytes = 0;
+        TransferIn = false;
+        ExitStatus = 0;
+        ShouldTransferFiles = "YES";
+        IsCHTCSubmit = true;
+        NumJobMatches = 1;
+        RootDir = "/";
+        JobStartDate = 1446106061;
+        JobPrio = 0;
+        CurrentHosts = 0;
+        GlobalJobId = "";
+        RemoteSysCpu = 1.050000000000000E+02;
+        TotalSuspensions = 0;
+        CommittedSlotTime = 2.767600000000000E+04;
+        WantCheckpoint = false;
+        BlockReads = 0;
+        LastRemoteHost = "";
+        TransferInput = "/home/xguo23/finally_2/Simulation_condor/data/40/,/home/xguo23/finally_2/Simulation_condor/data/shared/";
+        LocalUserCpu = 0.0;
+        PeriodicRelease = ( JobStatus == 5 ) && ( ( CurrentTime - EnteredCurrentStatus ) > 1800 ) && ( JobRunCount < 5 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 6 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 14 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 22 );
+        RequestDisk = 1000000;
+        ResidentSetSize_RAW = 127252;
+        OrigMaxHosts = 1;
+        LastPublicClaimId = "<>#1444759888#6329#...";
+        WantRHEL6 = true;
+        NumCkpts_RAW = 0;
+        Out = "process.out";
+        SubmitEventNotes = "DAG Node: 40+40";
+        CumulativeSlotTime = 2.767600000000000E+04;
+        JobRunCount = 1;
+        RecentBlockReads = 0;
+        StreamErr = false;
+        DiskUsage_RAW = 1216669;
+        NumCkpts = 0;
+        StatsLifetimeStarter = 27674;
+        ImageSize = 1000000;
+        Cmd = "/home/xguo23/finally_2/Simulation_condor/chtcjobwrapper";
+        LocalSysCpu = 0.0;
         Iwd = "/home/xguo23/finally_2/Simulation_condor/model_3/40"
-        BlockWrites = 0; 
-        LastJobStatus = 2; 
-        JobCurrentStartExecutingDate = 1446108830; 
-        WantRemoteIO = true; 
-        RequestCpus = 1; 
-        NumShadowStarts = 1; 
-        RemoteUserCpu = 2.472900000000000E+04; 
-        NiceUser = false; 
-        RequestMemory = 1000; 
-        BytesRecvd = 2.846270000000000E+05; 
-        ResidentSetSize = 150000; 
-        StreamOut = false; 
-        SpooledOutputFiles = "CURLTIME_1151628,ChtcWrapper6.out,AuditLog.6,simu_3_6.txt,harvest.log,6.out"; 
-        OnExitRemove = true; 
-        ImageSize_RAW = 811948; 
-        RemoteWallClockTime = 2.490000000000000E+04; 
-        MachineAttrSlotWeight0 = 1; 
-        ExecutableSize = 7; 
-        JobStatus = 4; 
-        DAGParentNodeNames = ""; 
-        ExitCode = 0; 
-        DAGManNodesMask = "0,1,2,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,13,16,17,24,27"; 
-        BytesSent = 3.054300000000000E+04; 
-        LastSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        ExecutableSize_RAW = 6; 
-        RecentBlockReadKbytes = 0; 
-        TransferInputSizeMB = 0; 
-        Matlab = "R2011b"; 
-        BlockReadKbytes = 0; 
-        RecentStatsLifetimeStarter = 1200; 
-        LeaveJobInQueue = false; 
-        TargetType = "Machine"; 
-        WhenToTransferOutput = "ON_EXIT"; 
-        Owner = "xguo23"; 
-        JobNotification = 0; 
-        BufferSize = 524288; 
-        RecentBlockWrites = 0; 
-        CompletionDate = 1446133728; 
-        QDate = 1446105617; 
-        JobLeaseDuration = 2400; 
-        JobFinishedHookDone = 1446133728; 
-        LastMatchTime = 1446108828; 
-        LastJobLeaseRenewal = 1446133728; 
-        DAGManNodesLog = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/model_3/./mydag.dag.nodes.log"; 
-        ClusterId = 49582222; 
-        JobUniverse = 5; 
-        NumJobStarts = 1; 
-        CondorVersion = "$CondorVersion: 8.5.0 Sep 16 2015 BuildID: 341710 $"; 
-        CoreSize = 0; 
-        OnExitHold = false; 
-        CondorPlatform = "$CondorPlatform: X86_64-RedHat_6.6 $"; 
-        In = "/dev/null"; 
-        DiskUsage = 1250000; 
-        EncryptExecuteDirectory = false; 
-        CommittedSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        User = ""; 
-        UserLog = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/model_3/6/process.log"; 
-        JobCurrentStartDate = 1446108828; 
-        BufferBlockSize = 32768; 
-        MATCH_EXP_JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = ""; 
-        Requirements = ( ( OpSysMajorVer is 6 ) ) && ( MY.JobUniverse == 12 || MY.JobUniverse == 7 || MY.WantFlocking || MY.WantGlidein || TARGET.PoolName == "CHTC" || TARGET.COLLECTOR_HOST_STRING == "" ) && ( TARGET.Arch == "X86_64" ) && ( TARGET.OpSys == "LINUX" ) && ( TARGET.Disk >= RequestDisk ) && ( TARGET.Memory >= RequestMemory ) && ( TARGET.HasFileTransfer ); 
-        MinHosts = 1; 
-        MaxHosts = 1; 
-        Args = "--type=Matlab --version=R2011b --cmdtorun=simu_condor --unique=6 -- 3"; 
-        PeriodicHold = false; 
-        ProcId = 0; 
-        Environment = ""; 
-        DAGNodeName = "6+6"; 
-        MemoryUsage = ( ( ResidentSetSize + 1023 ) / 1024 ); 
-        TerminationPending = true; 
-        NumRestarts = 0; 
-        NumSystemHolds = 0; 
-        CommittedTime = 24900; 
-        MachineAttrCpus0 = 1; 
-        WantRemoteSyscalls = false; 
-        MyType = "Job"; 
-        CumulativeSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        Rank = 0.0; 
-        StartdPrincipal = "execute-side@matchsession/"; 
-        Err = "process.err"; 
-        PeriodicRemove = false; 
-        BlockWriteKbytes = 0; 
-        ExitBySignal = false; 
-        DAGManJobId = 49582200; 
-        EnteredCurrentStatus = 1446133728; 
-        JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "$$([IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName), IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), \"\", TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName)])"; 
-        RecentBlockWriteKbytes = 0; 
-        TransferIn = false; 
-        ExitStatus = 0; 
-        ShouldTransferFiles = "YES"; 
-        IsCHTCSubmit = true; 
-        NumJobMatches = 1; 
-        RootDir = "/"; 
-        JobStartDate = 1446108828; 
-        JobPrio = 0; 
-        CurrentHosts = 0; 
-        GlobalJobId = ""; 
-        RemoteSysCpu = 1.290000000000000E+02; 
-        TotalSuspensions = 0; 
-        CommittedSlotTime = 2.490000000000000E+04; 
-        WantCheckpoint = false; 
-        BlockReads = 0; 
-        LastRemoteHost = ""; 
-        TransferInput = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/data/6/,/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/data/shared/"; 
-        LocalUserCpu = 0.0; 
-        PeriodicRelease = ( JobStatus == 5 ) && ( ( CurrentTime - EnteredCurrentStatus ) > 1800 ) && ( JobRunCount < 5 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 6 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 14 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 22 ); 
-        RequestDisk = 1000000; 
-        ResidentSetSize_RAW = 126592; 
-        OrigMaxHosts = 1; 
-        LastPublicClaimId = "<>#1444759823#5994#..."; 
-        WantRHEL6 = true; 
-        NumCkpts_RAW = 0; 
-        Out = "process.out"; 
-        SubmitEventNotes = "DAG Node: 6+6"; 
-        CumulativeSlotTime = 2.490000000000000E+04; 
-        JobRunCount = 1; 
-        RecentBlockReads = 0; 
-        StreamErr = false; 
-        DiskUsage_RAW = 1216669; 
-        NumCkpts = 0; 
-        StatsLifetimeStarter = 24898; 
-        ImageSize = 1000000; 
-        Cmd = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/chtcjobwrapper"; 
-        LocalSysCpu = 0.0; 
+        BlockWrites = 0;
+        LastJobStatus = 2;
+        JobCurrentStartExecutingDate = 1446108830;
+        WantRemoteIO = true;
+        RequestCpus = 1;
+        NumShadowStarts = 1;
+        RemoteUserCpu = 2.472900000000000E+04;
+        NiceUser = false;
+        RequestMemory = 1000;
+        BytesRecvd = 2.846270000000000E+05;
+        ResidentSetSize = 150000;
+        StreamOut = false;
+        SpooledOutputFiles = "CURLTIME_1151628,ChtcWrapper6.out,AuditLog.6,simu_3_6.txt,harvest.log,6.out";
+        OnExitRemove = true;
+        ImageSize_RAW = 811948;
+        RemoteWallClockTime = 2.490000000000000E+04;
+        MachineAttrSlotWeight0 = 1;
+        ExecutableSize = 7;
+        JobStatus = 4;
+        DAGParentNodeNames = "";
+        ExitCode = 0;
+        DAGManNodesMask = "0,1,2,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,13,16,17,24,27";
+        BytesSent = 3.054300000000000E+04;
+        LastSuspensionTime = 0;
+        ExecutableSize_RAW = 6;
+        RecentBlockReadKbytes = 0;
+        TransferInputSizeMB = 0;
+        Matlab = "R2011b";
+        BlockReadKbytes = 0;
+        RecentStatsLifetimeStarter = 1200;
+        LeaveJobInQueue = false;
+        TargetType = "Machine";
+        WhenToTransferOutput = "ON_EXIT";
+        Owner = "xguo23";
+        JobNotification = 0;
+        BufferSize = 524288;
+        RecentBlockWrites = 0;
+        CompletionDate = 1446133728;
+        QDate = 1446105617;
+        JobLeaseDuration = 2400;
+        JobFinishedHookDone = 1446133728;
+        LastMatchTime = 1446108828;
+        LastJobLeaseRenewal = 1446133728;
+        DAGManNodesLog = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/model_3/./mydag.dag.nodes.log";
+        ClusterId = 49582222;
+        JobUniverse = 5;
+        NumJobStarts = 1;
+        CondorVersion = "$CondorVersion: 8.5.0 Sep 16 2015 BuildID: 341710 $";
+        CoreSize = 0;
+        OnExitHold = false;
+        CondorPlatform = "$CondorPlatform: X86_64-RedHat_6.6 $";
+        In = "/dev/null";
+        DiskUsage = 1250000;
+        EncryptExecuteDirectory = false;
+        CommittedSuspensionTime = 0;
+        User = "";
+        UserLog = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/model_3/6/process.log";
+        JobCurrentStartDate = 1446108828;
+        BufferBlockSize = 32768;
+        MATCH_EXP_JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "";
+        Requirements = ( ( OpSysMajorVer is 6 ) ) && ( MY.JobUniverse == 12 || MY.JobUniverse == 7 || MY.WantFlocking || MY.WantGlidein || TARGET.PoolName == "CHTC" || TARGET.COLLECTOR_HOST_STRING == "" ) && ( TARGET.Arch == "X86_64" ) && ( TARGET.OpSys == "LINUX" ) && ( TARGET.Disk >= RequestDisk ) && ( TARGET.Memory >= RequestMemory ) && ( TARGET.HasFileTransfer );
+        MinHosts = 1;
+        MaxHosts = 1;
+        Args = "--type=Matlab --version=R2011b --cmdtorun=simu_condor --unique=6 -- 3";
+        PeriodicHold = false;
+        ProcId = 0;
+        Environment = "";
+        DAGNodeName = "6+6";
+        MemoryUsage = ( ( ResidentSetSize + 1023 ) / 1024 );
+        TerminationPending = true;
+        NumRestarts = 0;
+        NumSystemHolds = 0;
+        CommittedTime = 24900;
+        MachineAttrCpus0 = 1;
+        WantRemoteSyscalls = false;
+        MyType = "Job";
+        CumulativeSuspensionTime = 0;
+        Rank = 0.0;
+        StartdPrincipal = "execute-side@matchsession/";
+        Err = "process.err";
+        PeriodicRemove = false;
+        BlockWriteKbytes = 0;
+        ExitBySignal = false;
+        DAGManJobId = 49582200;
+        EnteredCurrentStatus = 1446133728;
+        JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "$$([IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName), IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), \"\", TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName)])";
+        RecentBlockWriteKbytes = 0;
+        TransferIn = false;
+        ExitStatus = 0;
+        ShouldTransferFiles = "YES";
+        IsCHTCSubmit = true;
+        NumJobMatches = 1;
+        RootDir = "/";
+        JobStartDate = 1446108828;
+        JobPrio = 0;
+        CurrentHosts = 0;
+        GlobalJobId = "";
+        RemoteSysCpu = 1.290000000000000E+02;
+        TotalSuspensions = 0;
+        CommittedSlotTime = 2.490000000000000E+04;
+        WantCheckpoint = false;
+        BlockReads = 0;
+        LastRemoteHost = "";
+        TransferInput = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/data/6/,/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/data/shared/";
+        LocalUserCpu = 0.0;
+        PeriodicRelease = ( JobStatus == 5 ) && ( ( CurrentTime - EnteredCurrentStatus ) > 1800 ) && ( JobRunCount < 5 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 6 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 14 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 22 );
+        RequestDisk = 1000000;
+        ResidentSetSize_RAW = 126592;
+        OrigMaxHosts = 1;
+        LastPublicClaimId = "<>#1444759823#5994#...";
+        WantRHEL6 = true;
+        NumCkpts_RAW = 0;
+        Out = "process.out";
+        SubmitEventNotes = "DAG Node: 6+6";
+        CumulativeSlotTime = 2.490000000000000E+04;
+        JobRunCount = 1;
+        RecentBlockReads = 0;
+        StreamErr = false;
+        DiskUsage_RAW = 1216669;
+        NumCkpts = 0;
+        StatsLifetimeStarter = 24898;
+        ImageSize = 1000000;
+        Cmd = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/chtcjobwrapper";
+        LocalSysCpu = 0.0;
         Iwd = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/model_3/6"
-        BlockWrites = 0; 
-        LastJobStatus = 2; 
-        JobCurrentStartExecutingDate = 1446121056; 
-        WantRemoteIO = true; 
-        RequestCpus = 1; 
-        NumShadowStarts = 1; 
-        RemoteUserCpu = 1.254900000000000E+04; 
-        NiceUser = false; 
-        RequestMemory = 1000; 
-        BytesRecvd = 2.846130000000000E+05; 
-        ResidentSetSize = 125000; 
-        StreamOut = false; 
-        SpooledOutputFiles = "CURLTIME_548136,ChtcWrapper239.out,AuditLog.239,simu_3_239.txt,harvest.log,239.out"; 
-        OnExitRemove = true; 
-        ImageSize_RAW = 811948; 
-        RemoteWallClockTime = 1.265600000000000E+04; 
-        MachineAttrSlotWeight0 = 1; 
-        ExecutableSize = 7; 
-        JobStatus = 4; 
-        DAGParentNodeNames = ""; 
-        ExitCode = 0; 
-        DAGManNodesMask = "0,1,2,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,13,16,17,24,27"; 
-        BytesSent = 2.822000000000000E+04; 
-        LastSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        ExecutableSize_RAW = 6; 
-        RecentBlockReadKbytes = 0; 
-        TransferInputSizeMB = 0; 
-        Matlab = "R2011b"; 
-        BlockReadKbytes = 0; 
-        RecentStatsLifetimeStarter = 1200; 
-        LeaveJobInQueue = false; 
-        TargetType = "Machine"; 
-        WhenToTransferOutput = "ON_EXIT"; 
-        Owner = "xguo23"; 
-        JobNotification = 0; 
-        BufferSize = 524288; 
-        RecentBlockWrites = 0; 
-        CompletionDate = 1446133710; 
-        QDate = 1446106014; 
-        JobLeaseDuration = 2400; 
-        JobFinishedHookDone = 1446133710; 
-        LastMatchTime = 1446121054; 
-        LastJobLeaseRenewal = 1446133710; 
-        DAGManNodesLog = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.48/Simulation_condor/model_3/./mydag.dag.nodes.log"; 
-        ClusterId = 49583278; 
-        JobUniverse = 5; 
-        NumJobStarts = 1; 
-        CondorVersion = "$CondorVersion: 8.5.0 Sep 16 2015 BuildID: 341710 $"; 
-        CoreSize = 0; 
-        OnExitHold = false; 
-        CondorPlatform = "$CondorPlatform: X86_64-RedHat_6.6 $"; 
-        In = "/dev/null"; 
-        DiskUsage = 1250000; 
-        EncryptExecuteDirectory = false; 
-        CommittedSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        User = ""; 
-        UserLog = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.48/Simulation_condor/model_3/239/process.log"; 
-        JobCurrentStartDate = 1446121054; 
-        BufferBlockSize = 32768; 
-        MATCH_EXP_JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = ""; 
-        Requirements = ( ( OpSysMajorVer is 6 ) ) && ( MY.JobUniverse == 12 || MY.JobUniverse == 7 || MY.WantFlocking || MY.WantGlidein || TARGET.PoolName == "CHTC" || TARGET.COLLECTOR_HOST_STRING == "" ) && ( TARGET.Arch == "X86_64" ) && ( TARGET.OpSys == "LINUX" ) && ( TARGET.Disk >= RequestDisk ) && ( TARGET.Memory >= RequestMemory ) && ( TARGET.HasFileTransfer ); 
-        MinHosts = 1; 
-        MaxHosts = 1; 
-        Args = "--type=Matlab --version=R2011b --cmdtorun=simu_condor --unique=239 -- 3"; 
-        PeriodicHold = false; 
-        ProcId = 0; 
-        Environment = ""; 
-        DAGNodeName = "239+239"; 
-        MemoryUsage = ( ( ResidentSetSize + 1023 ) / 1024 ); 
-        TerminationPending = true; 
-        NumRestarts = 0; 
-        NumSystemHolds = 0; 
-        CommittedTime = 12656; 
-        MachineAttrCpus0 = 1; 
-        WantRemoteSyscalls = false; 
-        MyType = "Job"; 
-        CumulativeSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        Rank = 0.0; 
-        StartdPrincipal = "execute-side@matchsession/"; 
-        Err = "process.err"; 
-        PeriodicRemove = false; 
-        BlockWriteKbytes = 0; 
-        ExitBySignal = false; 
-        DAGManJobId = 49582206; 
-        EnteredCurrentStatus = 1446133710; 
-        JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "$$([IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName), IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), \"\", TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName)])"; 
-        RecentBlockWriteKbytes = 0; 
-        TransferIn = false; 
-        ExitStatus = 0; 
-        ShouldTransferFiles = "YES"; 
-        IsCHTCSubmit = true; 
-        NumJobMatches = 1; 
-        RootDir = "/"; 
-        JobStartDate = 1446121054; 
-        JobPrio = 0; 
-        CurrentHosts = 0; 
-        GlobalJobId = ""; 
-        RemoteSysCpu = 8.800000000000000E+01; 
-        TotalSuspensions = 0; 
-        CommittedSlotTime = 1.265600000000000E+04; 
-        WantCheckpoint = false; 
-        BlockReads = 0; 
-        LastRemoteHost = ""; 
-        TransferInput = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.48/Simulation_condor/data/239/,/home/xguo23/model_3_1.48/Simulation_condor/data/shared/"; 
-        LocalUserCpu = 0.0; 
-        PeriodicRelease = ( JobStatus == 5 ) && ( ( CurrentTime - EnteredCurrentStatus ) > 1800 ) && ( JobRunCount < 5 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 6 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 14 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 22 ); 
-        RequestDisk = 1000000; 
-        ResidentSetSize_RAW = 124780; 
-        OrigMaxHosts = 1; 
-        LastPublicClaimId = "<>#1444681013#9585#..."; 
-        WantRHEL6 = true; 
-        NumCkpts_RAW = 0; 
-        Out = "process.out"; 
-        SubmitEventNotes = "DAG Node: 239+239"; 
-        CumulativeSlotTime = 1.265600000000000E+04; 
-        JobRunCount = 1; 
-        RecentBlockReads = 0; 
-        StreamErr = false; 
-        DiskUsage_RAW = 1216669; 
-        NumCkpts = 0; 
-        StatsLifetimeStarter = 12654; 
-        ImageSize = 1000000; 
-        Cmd = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.48/Simulation_condor/chtcjobwrapper"; 
-        LocalSysCpu = 0.0; 
+        BlockWrites = 0;
+        LastJobStatus = 2;
+        JobCurrentStartExecutingDate = 1446121056;
+        WantRemoteIO = true;
+        RequestCpus = 1;
+        NumShadowStarts = 1;
+        RemoteUserCpu = 1.254900000000000E+04;
+        NiceUser = false;
+        RequestMemory = 1000;
+        BytesRecvd = 2.846130000000000E+05;
+        ResidentSetSize = 125000;
+        StreamOut = false;
+        SpooledOutputFiles = "CURLTIME_548136,ChtcWrapper239.out,AuditLog.239,simu_3_239.txt,harvest.log,239.out";
+        OnExitRemove = true;
+        ImageSize_RAW = 811948;
+        RemoteWallClockTime = 1.265600000000000E+04;
+        MachineAttrSlotWeight0 = 1;
+        ExecutableSize = 7;
+        JobStatus = 4;
+        DAGParentNodeNames = "";
+        ExitCode = 0;
+        DAGManNodesMask = "0,1,2,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,13,16,17,24,27";
+        BytesSent = 2.822000000000000E+04;
+        LastSuspensionTime = 0;
+        ExecutableSize_RAW = 6;
+        RecentBlockReadKbytes = 0;
+        TransferInputSizeMB = 0;
+        Matlab = "R2011b";
+        BlockReadKbytes = 0;
+        RecentStatsLifetimeStarter = 1200;
+        LeaveJobInQueue = false;
+        TargetType = "Machine";
+        WhenToTransferOutput = "ON_EXIT";
+        Owner = "xguo23";
+        JobNotification = 0;
+        BufferSize = 524288;
+        RecentBlockWrites = 0;
+        CompletionDate = 1446133710;
+        QDate = 1446106014;
+        JobLeaseDuration = 2400;
+        JobFinishedHookDone = 1446133710;
+        LastMatchTime = 1446121054;
+        LastJobLeaseRenewal = 1446133710;
+        DAGManNodesLog = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.48/Simulation_condor/model_3/./mydag.dag.nodes.log";
+        ClusterId = 49583278;
+        JobUniverse = 5;
+        NumJobStarts = 1;
+        CondorVersion = "$CondorVersion: 8.5.0 Sep 16 2015 BuildID: 341710 $";
+        CoreSize = 0;
+        OnExitHold = false;
+        CondorPlatform = "$CondorPlatform: X86_64-RedHat_6.6 $";
+        In = "/dev/null";
+        DiskUsage = 1250000;
+        EncryptExecuteDirectory = false;
+        CommittedSuspensionTime = 0;
+        User = "";
+        UserLog = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.48/Simulation_condor/model_3/239/process.log";
+        JobCurrentStartDate = 1446121054;
+        BufferBlockSize = 32768;
+        MATCH_EXP_JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "";
+        Requirements = ( ( OpSysMajorVer is 6 ) ) && ( MY.JobUniverse == 12 || MY.JobUniverse == 7 || MY.WantFlocking || MY.WantGlidein || TARGET.PoolName == "CHTC" || TARGET.COLLECTOR_HOST_STRING == "" ) && ( TARGET.Arch == "X86_64" ) && ( TARGET.OpSys == "LINUX" ) && ( TARGET.Disk >= RequestDisk ) && ( TARGET.Memory >= RequestMemory ) && ( TARGET.HasFileTransfer );
+        MinHosts = 1;
+        MaxHosts = 1;
+        Args = "--type=Matlab --version=R2011b --cmdtorun=simu_condor --unique=239 -- 3";
+        PeriodicHold = false;
+        ProcId = 0;
+        Environment = "";
+        DAGNodeName = "239+239";
+        MemoryUsage = ( ( ResidentSetSize + 1023 ) / 1024 );
+        TerminationPending = true;
+        NumRestarts = 0;
+        NumSystemHolds = 0;
+        CommittedTime = 12656;
+        MachineAttrCpus0 = 1;
+        WantRemoteSyscalls = false;
+        MyType = "Job";
+        CumulativeSuspensionTime = 0;
+        Rank = 0.0;
+        StartdPrincipal = "execute-side@matchsession/";
+        Err = "process.err";
+        PeriodicRemove = false;
+        BlockWriteKbytes = 0;
+        ExitBySignal = false;
+        DAGManJobId = 49582206;
+        EnteredCurrentStatus = 1446133710;
+        JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "$$([IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName), IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), \"\", TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName)])";
+        RecentBlockWriteKbytes = 0;
+        TransferIn = false;
+        ExitStatus = 0;
+        ShouldTransferFiles = "YES";
+        IsCHTCSubmit = true;
+        NumJobMatches = 1;
+        RootDir = "/";
+        JobStartDate = 1446121054;
+        JobPrio = 0;
+        CurrentHosts = 0;
+        GlobalJobId = "";
+        RemoteSysCpu = 8.800000000000000E+01;
+        TotalSuspensions = 0;
+        CommittedSlotTime = 1.265600000000000E+04;
+        WantCheckpoint = false;
+        BlockReads = 0;
+        LastRemoteHost = "";
+        TransferInput = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.48/Simulation_condor/data/239/,/home/xguo23/model_3_1.48/Simulation_condor/data/shared/";
+        LocalUserCpu = 0.0;
+        PeriodicRelease = ( JobStatus == 5 ) && ( ( CurrentTime - EnteredCurrentStatus ) > 1800 ) && ( JobRunCount < 5 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 6 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 14 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 22 );
+        RequestDisk = 1000000;
+        ResidentSetSize_RAW = 124780;
+        OrigMaxHosts = 1;
+        LastPublicClaimId = "<>#1444681013#9585#...";
+        WantRHEL6 = true;
+        NumCkpts_RAW = 0;
+        Out = "process.out";
+        SubmitEventNotes = "DAG Node: 239+239";
+        CumulativeSlotTime = 1.265600000000000E+04;
+        JobRunCount = 1;
+        RecentBlockReads = 0;
+        StreamErr = false;
+        DiskUsage_RAW = 1216669;
+        NumCkpts = 0;
+        StatsLifetimeStarter = 12654;
+        ImageSize = 1000000;
+        Cmd = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.48/Simulation_condor/chtcjobwrapper";
+        LocalSysCpu = 0.0;
         Iwd = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.48/Simulation_condor/model_3/239"
-        BlockWrites = 0; 
-        LastJobStatus = 2; 
-        JobCurrentStartExecutingDate = 1446110792; 
-        WantRemoteIO = true; 
-        RequestCpus = 1; 
-        NumShadowStarts = 1; 
-        RemoteUserCpu = 2.280000000000000E+04; 
-        NiceUser = false; 
-        RequestMemory = 1000; 
-        BytesRecvd = 2.846280000000000E+05; 
-        ResidentSetSize = 150000; 
-        StreamOut = false; 
-        SpooledOutputFiles = "CURLTIME_915408,ChtcWrapper66.out,AuditLog.66,simu_3_66.txt,harvest.log,66.out"; 
-        OnExitRemove = true; 
-        ImageSize_RAW = 811948; 
-        RemoteWallClockTime = 2.291100000000000E+04; 
-        MachineAttrSlotWeight0 = 1; 
-        ExecutableSize = 7; 
-        JobStatus = 4; 
-        DAGParentNodeNames = ""; 
-        ExitCode = 0; 
-        DAGManNodesMask = "0,1,2,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,13,16,17,24,27"; 
-        BytesSent = 3.053400000000000E+04; 
-        LastSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        ExecutableSize_RAW = 6; 
-        RecentBlockReadKbytes = 0; 
-        TransferInputSizeMB = 0; 
-        Matlab = "R2011b"; 
-        BlockReadKbytes = 0; 
-        RecentStatsLifetimeStarter = 1200; 
-        LeaveJobInQueue = false; 
-        TargetType = "Machine"; 
-        WhenToTransferOutput = "ON_EXIT"; 
-        Owner = "xguo23"; 
-        JobNotification = 0; 
-        BufferSize = 524288; 
-        RecentBlockWrites = 0; 
-        CompletionDate = 1446133701; 
-        QDate = 1446105690; 
-        JobLeaseDuration = 2400; 
-        JobFinishedHookDone = 1446133701; 
-        LastMatchTime = 1446110790; 
-        LastJobLeaseRenewal = 1446133701; 
-        DAGManNodesLog = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/model_3/./mydag.dag.nodes.log"; 
-        ClusterId = 49582421; 
-        JobUniverse = 5; 
-        NumJobStarts = 1; 
-        CondorVersion = "$CondorVersion: 8.5.0 Sep 16 2015 BuildID: 341710 $"; 
-        CoreSize = 0; 
-        OnExitHold = false; 
-        CondorPlatform = "$CondorPlatform: X86_64-RedHat_6.6 $"; 
-        In = "/dev/null"; 
-        DiskUsage = 1250000; 
-        EncryptExecuteDirectory = false; 
-        CommittedSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        User = ""; 
-        UserLog = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/model_3/66/process.log"; 
-        JobCurrentStartDate = 1446110790; 
-        BufferBlockSize = 32768; 
-        MATCH_EXP_JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = ""; 
-        Requirements = ( ( OpSysMajorVer is 6 ) ) && ( MY.JobUniverse == 12 || MY.JobUniverse == 7 || MY.WantFlocking || MY.WantGlidein || TARGET.PoolName == "CHTC" || TARGET.COLLECTOR_HOST_STRING == "" ) && ( TARGET.Arch == "X86_64" ) && ( TARGET.OpSys == "LINUX" ) && ( TARGET.Disk >= RequestDisk ) && ( TARGET.Memory >= RequestMemory ) && ( TARGET.HasFileTransfer ); 
-        MinHosts = 1; 
-        MaxHosts = 1; 
-        Args = "--type=Matlab --version=R2011b --cmdtorun=simu_condor --unique=66 -- 3"; 
-        PeriodicHold = false; 
-        ProcId = 0; 
-        Environment = ""; 
-        DAGNodeName = "66+66"; 
-        MemoryUsage = ( ( ResidentSetSize + 1023 ) / 1024 ); 
-        TerminationPending = true; 
-        NumRestarts = 0; 
-        NumSystemHolds = 0; 
-        CommittedTime = 22911; 
-        MachineAttrCpus0 = 1; 
-        WantRemoteSyscalls = false; 
-        MyType = "Job"; 
-        CumulativeSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        Rank = 0.0; 
-        StartdPrincipal = "execute-side@matchsession/"; 
-        Err = "process.err"; 
-        PeriodicRemove = false; 
-        BlockWriteKbytes = 0; 
-        ExitBySignal = false; 
-        DAGManJobId = 49582200; 
-        EnteredCurrentStatus = 1446133701; 
-        JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "$$([IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName), IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), \"\", TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName)])"; 
-        RecentBlockWriteKbytes = 0; 
-        TransferIn = false; 
-        ExitStatus = 0; 
-        ShouldTransferFiles = "YES"; 
-        IsCHTCSubmit = true; 
-        NumJobMatches = 1; 
-        RootDir = "/"; 
-        JobStartDate = 1446110790; 
-        JobPrio = 0; 
-        CurrentHosts = 0; 
-        GlobalJobId = ""; 
-        RemoteSysCpu = 8.100000000000000E+01; 
-        TotalSuspensions = 0; 
-        CommittedSlotTime = 2.291100000000000E+04; 
-        WantCheckpoint = false; 
-        BlockReads = 0; 
-        LastRemoteHost = ""; 
-        TransferInput = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/data/66/,/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/data/shared/"; 
-        LocalUserCpu = 0.0; 
-        PeriodicRelease = ( JobStatus == 5 ) && ( ( CurrentTime - EnteredCurrentStatus ) > 1800 ) && ( JobRunCount < 5 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 6 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 14 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 22 ); 
-        RequestDisk = 1000000; 
-        ResidentSetSize_RAW = 126672; 
-        OrigMaxHosts = 1; 
-        LastPublicClaimId = "<>#1444685638#5766#..."; 
-        WantRHEL6 = true; 
-        NumCkpts_RAW = 0; 
-        Out = "process.out"; 
-        SubmitEventNotes = "DAG Node: 66+66"; 
-        CumulativeSlotTime = 2.291100000000000E+04; 
-        JobRunCount = 1; 
-        RecentBlockReads = 0; 
-        StreamErr = false; 
-        DiskUsage_RAW = 1216669; 
-        NumCkpts = 0; 
-        StatsLifetimeStarter = 22909; 
-        ImageSize = 1000000; 
-        Cmd = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/chtcjobwrapper"; 
-        LocalSysCpu = 0.0; 
+        BlockWrites = 0;
+        LastJobStatus = 2;
+        JobCurrentStartExecutingDate = 1446110792;
+        WantRemoteIO = true;
+        RequestCpus = 1;
+        NumShadowStarts = 1;
+        RemoteUserCpu = 2.280000000000000E+04;
+        NiceUser = false;
+        RequestMemory = 1000;
+        BytesRecvd = 2.846280000000000E+05;
+        ResidentSetSize = 150000;
+        StreamOut = false;
+        SpooledOutputFiles = "CURLTIME_915408,ChtcWrapper66.out,AuditLog.66,simu_3_66.txt,harvest.log,66.out";
+        OnExitRemove = true;
+        ImageSize_RAW = 811948;
+        RemoteWallClockTime = 2.291100000000000E+04;
+        MachineAttrSlotWeight0 = 1;
+        ExecutableSize = 7;
+        JobStatus = 4;
+        DAGParentNodeNames = "";
+        ExitCode = 0;
+        DAGManNodesMask = "0,1,2,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,13,16,17,24,27";
+        BytesSent = 3.053400000000000E+04;
+        LastSuspensionTime = 0;
+        ExecutableSize_RAW = 6;
+        RecentBlockReadKbytes = 0;
+        TransferInputSizeMB = 0;
+        Matlab = "R2011b";
+        BlockReadKbytes = 0;
+        RecentStatsLifetimeStarter = 1200;
+        LeaveJobInQueue = false;
+        TargetType = "Machine";
+        WhenToTransferOutput = "ON_EXIT";
+        Owner = "xguo23";
+        JobNotification = 0;
+        BufferSize = 524288;
+        RecentBlockWrites = 0;
+        CompletionDate = 1446133701;
+        QDate = 1446105690;
+        JobLeaseDuration = 2400;
+        JobFinishedHookDone = 1446133701;
+        LastMatchTime = 1446110790;
+        LastJobLeaseRenewal = 1446133701;
+        DAGManNodesLog = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/model_3/./mydag.dag.nodes.log";
+        ClusterId = 49582421;
+        JobUniverse = 5;
+        NumJobStarts = 1;
+        CondorVersion = "$CondorVersion: 8.5.0 Sep 16 2015 BuildID: 341710 $";
+        CoreSize = 0;
+        OnExitHold = false;
+        CondorPlatform = "$CondorPlatform: X86_64-RedHat_6.6 $";
+        In = "/dev/null";
+        DiskUsage = 1250000;
+        EncryptExecuteDirectory = false;
+        CommittedSuspensionTime = 0;
+        User = "";
+        UserLog = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/model_3/66/process.log";
+        JobCurrentStartDate = 1446110790;
+        BufferBlockSize = 32768;
+        MATCH_EXP_JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "";
+        Requirements = ( ( OpSysMajorVer is 6 ) ) && ( MY.JobUniverse == 12 || MY.JobUniverse == 7 || MY.WantFlocking || MY.WantGlidein || TARGET.PoolName == "CHTC" || TARGET.COLLECTOR_HOST_STRING == "" ) && ( TARGET.Arch == "X86_64" ) && ( TARGET.OpSys == "LINUX" ) && ( TARGET.Disk >= RequestDisk ) && ( TARGET.Memory >= RequestMemory ) && ( TARGET.HasFileTransfer );
+        MinHosts = 1;
+        MaxHosts = 1;
+        Args = "--type=Matlab --version=R2011b --cmdtorun=simu_condor --unique=66 -- 3";
+        PeriodicHold = false;
+        ProcId = 0;
+        Environment = "";
+        DAGNodeName = "66+66";
+        MemoryUsage = ( ( ResidentSetSize + 1023 ) / 1024 );
+        TerminationPending = true;
+        NumRestarts = 0;
+        NumSystemHolds = 0;
+        CommittedTime = 22911;
+        MachineAttrCpus0 = 1;
+        WantRemoteSyscalls = false;
+        MyType = "Job";
+        CumulativeSuspensionTime = 0;
+        Rank = 0.0;
+        StartdPrincipal = "execute-side@matchsession/";
+        Err = "process.err";
+        PeriodicRemove = false;
+        BlockWriteKbytes = 0;
+        ExitBySignal = false;
+        DAGManJobId = 49582200;
+        EnteredCurrentStatus = 1446133701;
+        JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "$$([IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName), IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), \"\", TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName)])";
+        RecentBlockWriteKbytes = 0;
+        TransferIn = false;
+        ExitStatus = 0;
+        ShouldTransferFiles = "YES";
+        IsCHTCSubmit = true;
+        NumJobMatches = 1;
+        RootDir = "/";
+        JobStartDate = 1446110790;
+        JobPrio = 0;
+        CurrentHosts = 0;
+        GlobalJobId = "";
+        RemoteSysCpu = 8.100000000000000E+01;
+        TotalSuspensions = 0;
+        CommittedSlotTime = 2.291100000000000E+04;
+        WantCheckpoint = false;
+        BlockReads = 0;
+        LastRemoteHost = "";
+        TransferInput = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/data/66/,/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/data/shared/";
+        LocalUserCpu = 0.0;
+        PeriodicRelease = ( JobStatus == 5 ) && ( ( CurrentTime - EnteredCurrentStatus ) > 1800 ) && ( JobRunCount < 5 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 6 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 14 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 22 );
+        RequestDisk = 1000000;
+        ResidentSetSize_RAW = 126672;
+        OrigMaxHosts = 1;
+        LastPublicClaimId = "<>#1444685638#5766#...";
+        WantRHEL6 = true;
+        NumCkpts_RAW = 0;
+        Out = "process.out";
+        SubmitEventNotes = "DAG Node: 66+66";
+        CumulativeSlotTime = 2.291100000000000E+04;
+        JobRunCount = 1;
+        RecentBlockReads = 0;
+        StreamErr = false;
+        DiskUsage_RAW = 1216669;
+        NumCkpts = 0;
+        StatsLifetimeStarter = 22909;
+        ImageSize = 1000000;
+        Cmd = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/chtcjobwrapper";
+        LocalSysCpu = 0.0;
         Iwd = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/model_3/66"
-        BlockWrites = 1; 
-        LastJobStatus = 2; 
-        JobCurrentStartExecutingDate = 1446108666; 
-        WantRemoteIO = true; 
-        RequestCpus = 1; 
-        NumShadowStarts = 1; 
-        RemoteUserCpu = 2.477000000000000E+04; 
-        NiceUser = false; 
-        RequestMemory = 1000; 
-        BytesRecvd = 2.850540000000000E+05; 
-        ResidentSetSize = 75000; 
-        StreamOut = false; 
-        SpooledOutputFiles = "CURLTIME_4179033,ChtcWrapper145.out,AuditLog.145,simu_3_145.txt,harvest.log,145.out"; 
-        OnExitRemove = true; 
-        ImageSize_RAW = 120972; 
-        RemoteWallClockTime = 2.502600000000000E+04; 
-        MachineAttrSlotWeight0 = 1; 
-        ExecutableSize = 7; 
-        JobStatus = 4; 
-        DAGParentNodeNames = ""; 
-        ExitCode = 0; 
-        DAGManNodesMask = "0,1,2,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,13,16,17,24,27"; 
-        BytesSent = 2.829000000000000E+04; 
-        LastSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        ExecutableSize_RAW = 6; 
-        RecentBlockReadKbytes = 1932; 
-        TransferInputSizeMB = 0; 
-        Matlab = "R2011b"; 
-        BlockReadKbytes = 28476; 
-        RecentStatsLifetimeStarter = 1200; 
-        LeaveJobInQueue = false; 
-        TargetType = "Machine"; 
-        WhenToTransferOutput = "ON_EXIT"; 
-        Owner = "xguo23"; 
-        JobNotification = 0; 
-        BufferSize = 524288; 
-        RecentBlockWrites = 1; 
-        CompletionDate = 1446133691; 
-        QDate = 1446105581; 
-        JobLeaseDuration = 2400; 
-        JobFinishedHookDone = 1446133691; 
-        LastMatchTime = 1446108665; 
-        LastJobLeaseRenewal = 1446133691; 
-        DAGManNodesLog = "/home/xguo23/finally_2/Simulation_condor/model_3/./mydag.dag.nodes.log"; 
-        ClusterId = 49582177; 
-        JobUniverse = 5; 
-        NumJobStarts = 1; 
-        CondorVersion = "$CondorVersion: 8.5.0 Sep 16 2015 BuildID: 341710 $"; 
-        CoreSize = 0; 
-        OnExitHold = false; 
-        CondorPlatform = "$CondorPlatform: X86_64-RedHat_6.6 $"; 
-        In = "/dev/null"; 
-        DiskUsage = 1250000; 
-        EncryptExecuteDirectory = false; 
-        CommittedSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        User = ""; 
-        UserLog = "/home/xguo23/finally_2/Simulation_condor/model_3/145/process.log"; 
-        JobCurrentStartDate = 1446108665; 
-        BufferBlockSize = 32768; 
-        MATCH_EXP_JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = ""; 
-        Requirements = ( ( OpSysMajorVer is 6 ) ) && ( MY.JobUniverse == 12 || MY.JobUniverse == 7 || MY.WantFlocking || MY.WantGlidein || TARGET.PoolName == "CHTC" || TARGET.COLLECTOR_HOST_STRING == "" ) && ( TARGET.Arch == "X86_64" ) && ( TARGET.OpSys == "LINUX" ) && ( TARGET.Disk >= RequestDisk ) && ( TARGET.Memory >= RequestMemory ) && ( TARGET.HasFileTransfer ); 
-        MinHosts = 1; 
-        MaxHosts = 1; 
-        Args = "--type=Matlab --version=R2011b --cmdtorun=simu_condor --unique=145 -- 3"; 
-        PeriodicHold = false; 
-        ProcId = 0; 
-        Environment = ""; 
-        DAGNodeName = "145+145"; 
-        MemoryUsage = ( ( ResidentSetSize + 1023 ) / 1024 ); 
-        TerminationPending = true; 
-        NumRestarts = 0; 
-        NumSystemHolds = 0; 
-        CommittedTime = 25026; 
-        MachineAttrCpus0 = 1; 
-        WantRemoteSyscalls = false; 
-        MyType = "Job"; 
-        CumulativeSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        Rank = 0.0; 
-        StartdPrincipal = "execute-side@matchsession/"; 
-        Err = "process.err"; 
-        PeriodicRemove = false; 
-        BlockWriteKbytes = 4; 
-        ExitBySignal = false; 
-        DAGManJobId = 49581933; 
-        EnteredCurrentStatus = 1446133691; 
-        JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "$$([IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName), IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), \"\", TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName)])"; 
-        RecentBlockWriteKbytes = 4; 
-        TransferIn = false; 
-        ExitStatus = 0; 
-        ShouldTransferFiles = "YES"; 
-        IsCHTCSubmit = true; 
-        NumJobMatches = 1; 
-        RootDir = "/"; 
-        JobStartDate = 1446108665; 
-        JobPrio = 0; 
-        CurrentHosts = 0; 
-        GlobalJobId = ""; 
-        RemoteSysCpu = 2.170000000000000E+02; 
-        TotalSuspensions = 0; 
-        CommittedSlotTime = 2.502600000000000E+04; 
-        WantCheckpoint = false; 
-        BlockReads = 796; 
-        LastRemoteHost = ""; 
-        TransferInput = "/home/xguo23/finally_2/Simulation_condor/data/145/,/home/xguo23/finally_2/Simulation_condor/data/shared/"; 
-        LocalUserCpu = 0.0; 
-        PeriodicRelease = ( JobStatus == 5 ) && ( ( CurrentTime - EnteredCurrentStatus ) > 1800 ) && ( JobRunCount < 5 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 6 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 14 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 22 ); 
-        RequestDisk = 1000000; 
-        ResidentSetSize_RAW = 73308; 
-        OrigMaxHosts = 1; 
-        LastPublicClaimId = "<>#1445322694#1541#..."; 
-        WantRHEL6 = true; 
-        NumCkpts_RAW = 0; 
-        Out = "process.out"; 
-        SubmitEventNotes = "DAG Node: 145+145"; 
-        CumulativeSlotTime = 2.502600000000000E+04; 
-        JobRunCount = 1; 
-        RecentBlockReads = 146; 
-        StreamErr = false; 
-        DiskUsage_RAW = 1216669; 
-        NumCkpts = 0; 
-        StatsLifetimeStarter = 25025; 
-        ImageSize = 125000; 
-        Cmd = "/home/xguo23/finally_2/Simulation_condor/chtcjobwrapper"; 
-        LocalSysCpu = 0.0; 
+        BlockWrites = 1;
+        LastJobStatus = 2;
+        JobCurrentStartExecutingDate = 1446108666;
+        WantRemoteIO = true;
+        RequestCpus = 1;
+        NumShadowStarts = 1;
+        RemoteUserCpu = 2.477000000000000E+04;
+        NiceUser = false;
+        RequestMemory = 1000;
+        BytesRecvd = 2.850540000000000E+05;
+        ResidentSetSize = 75000;
+        StreamOut = false;
+        SpooledOutputFiles = "CURLTIME_4179033,ChtcWrapper145.out,AuditLog.145,simu_3_145.txt,harvest.log,145.out";
+        OnExitRemove = true;
+        ImageSize_RAW = 120972;
+        RemoteWallClockTime = 2.502600000000000E+04;
+        MachineAttrSlotWeight0 = 1;
+        ExecutableSize = 7;
+        JobStatus = 4;
+        DAGParentNodeNames = "";
+        ExitCode = 0;
+        DAGManNodesMask = "0,1,2,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,13,16,17,24,27";
+        BytesSent = 2.829000000000000E+04;
+        LastSuspensionTime = 0;
+        ExecutableSize_RAW = 6;
+        RecentBlockReadKbytes = 1932;
+        TransferInputSizeMB = 0;
+        Matlab = "R2011b";
+        BlockReadKbytes = 28476;
+        RecentStatsLifetimeStarter = 1200;
+        LeaveJobInQueue = false;
+        TargetType = "Machine";
+        WhenToTransferOutput = "ON_EXIT";
+        Owner = "xguo23";
+        JobNotification = 0;
+        BufferSize = 524288;
+        RecentBlockWrites = 1;
+        CompletionDate = 1446133691;
+        QDate = 1446105581;
+        JobLeaseDuration = 2400;
+        JobFinishedHookDone = 1446133691;
+        LastMatchTime = 1446108665;
+        LastJobLeaseRenewal = 1446133691;
+        DAGManNodesLog = "/home/xguo23/finally_2/Simulation_condor/model_3/./mydag.dag.nodes.log";
+        ClusterId = 49582177;
+        JobUniverse = 5;
+        NumJobStarts = 1;
+        CondorVersion = "$CondorVersion: 8.5.0 Sep 16 2015 BuildID: 341710 $";
+        CoreSize = 0;
+        OnExitHold = false;
+        CondorPlatform = "$CondorPlatform: X86_64-RedHat_6.6 $";
+        In = "/dev/null";
+        DiskUsage = 1250000;
+        EncryptExecuteDirectory = false;
+        CommittedSuspensionTime = 0;
+        User = "";
+        UserLog = "/home/xguo23/finally_2/Simulation_condor/model_3/145/process.log";
+        JobCurrentStartDate = 1446108665;
+        BufferBlockSize = 32768;
+        MATCH_EXP_JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "";
+        Requirements = ( ( OpSysMajorVer is 6 ) ) && ( MY.JobUniverse == 12 || MY.JobUniverse == 7 || MY.WantFlocking || MY.WantGlidein || TARGET.PoolName == "CHTC" || TARGET.COLLECTOR_HOST_STRING == "" ) && ( TARGET.Arch == "X86_64" ) && ( TARGET.OpSys == "LINUX" ) && ( TARGET.Disk >= RequestDisk ) && ( TARGET.Memory >= RequestMemory ) && ( TARGET.HasFileTransfer );
+        MinHosts = 1;
+        MaxHosts = 1;
+        Args = "--type=Matlab --version=R2011b --cmdtorun=simu_condor --unique=145 -- 3";
+        PeriodicHold = false;
+        ProcId = 0;
+        Environment = "";
+        DAGNodeName = "145+145";
+        MemoryUsage = ( ( ResidentSetSize + 1023 ) / 1024 );
+        TerminationPending = true;
+        NumRestarts = 0;
+        NumSystemHolds = 0;
+        CommittedTime = 25026;
+        MachineAttrCpus0 = 1;
+        WantRemoteSyscalls = false;
+        MyType = "Job";
+        CumulativeSuspensionTime = 0;
+        Rank = 0.0;
+        StartdPrincipal = "execute-side@matchsession/";
+        Err = "process.err";
+        PeriodicRemove = false;
+        BlockWriteKbytes = 4;
+        ExitBySignal = false;
+        DAGManJobId = 49581933;
+        EnteredCurrentStatus = 1446133691;
+        JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "$$([IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName), IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), \"\", TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName)])";
+        RecentBlockWriteKbytes = 4;
+        TransferIn = false;
+        ExitStatus = 0;
+        ShouldTransferFiles = "YES";
+        IsCHTCSubmit = true;
+        NumJobMatches = 1;
+        RootDir = "/";
+        JobStartDate = 1446108665;
+        JobPrio = 0;
+        CurrentHosts = 0;
+        GlobalJobId = "";
+        RemoteSysCpu = 2.170000000000000E+02;
+        TotalSuspensions = 0;
+        CommittedSlotTime = 2.502600000000000E+04;
+        WantCheckpoint = false;
+        BlockReads = 796;
+        LastRemoteHost = "";
+        TransferInput = "/home/xguo23/finally_2/Simulation_condor/data/145/,/home/xguo23/finally_2/Simulation_condor/data/shared/";
+        LocalUserCpu = 0.0;
+        PeriodicRelease = ( JobStatus == 5 ) && ( ( CurrentTime - EnteredCurrentStatus ) > 1800 ) && ( JobRunCount < 5 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 6 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 14 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 22 );
+        RequestDisk = 1000000;
+        ResidentSetSize_RAW = 73308;
+        OrigMaxHosts = 1;
+        LastPublicClaimId = "<>#1445322694#1541#...";
+        WantRHEL6 = true;
+        NumCkpts_RAW = 0;
+        Out = "process.out";
+        SubmitEventNotes = "DAG Node: 145+145";
+        CumulativeSlotTime = 2.502600000000000E+04;
+        JobRunCount = 1;
+        RecentBlockReads = 146;
+        StreamErr = false;
+        DiskUsage_RAW = 1216669;
+        NumCkpts = 0;
+        StatsLifetimeStarter = 25025;
+        ImageSize = 125000;
+        Cmd = "/home/xguo23/finally_2/Simulation_condor/chtcjobwrapper";
+        LocalSysCpu = 0.0;
         Iwd = "/home/xguo23/finally_2/Simulation_condor/model_3/145"
-        BlockWrites = 0; 
-        LastJobStatus = 2; 
-        JobCurrentStartExecutingDate = 1446109354; 
-        WantRemoteIO = true; 
-        RequestCpus = 1; 
-        NumShadowStarts = 1; 
-        RemoteUserCpu = 2.414700000000000E+04; 
-        NiceUser = false; 
-        RequestMemory = 1000; 
-        BytesRecvd = 2.846280000000000E+05; 
-        ResidentSetSize = 150000; 
-        StreamOut = false; 
-        SpooledOutputFiles = "CURLTIME_3304508,ChtcWrapper33.out,AuditLog.33,simu_3_33.txt,harvest.log,33.out"; 
-        OnExitRemove = true; 
-        ImageSize_RAW = 811948; 
-        RemoteWallClockTime = 2.429700000000000E+04; 
-        MachineAttrSlotWeight0 = 1; 
-        ExecutableSize = 7; 
-        JobStatus = 4; 
-        DAGParentNodeNames = ""; 
-        ExitCode = 0; 
-        DAGManNodesMask = "0,1,2,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,13,16,17,24,27"; 
-        BytesSent = 3.168400000000000E+04; 
-        LastSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        ExecutableSize_RAW = 6; 
-        RecentBlockReadKbytes = 0; 
-        TransferInputSizeMB = 0; 
-        Matlab = "R2011b"; 
-        BlockReadKbytes = 0; 
-        RecentStatsLifetimeStarter = 1200; 
-        LeaveJobInQueue = false; 
-        TargetType = "Machine"; 
-        WhenToTransferOutput = "ON_EXIT"; 
-        Owner = "xguo23"; 
-        JobNotification = 0; 
-        BufferSize = 524288; 
-        RecentBlockWrites = 0; 
-        CompletionDate = 1446133650; 
-        QDate = 1446105640; 
-        JobLeaseDuration = 2400; 
-        JobFinishedHookDone = 1446133650; 
-        LastMatchTime = 1446109353; 
-        LastJobLeaseRenewal = 1446133650; 
-        DAGManNodesLog = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/model_3/./mydag.dag.nodes.log"; 
-        ClusterId = 49582283; 
-        JobUniverse = 5; 
-        NumJobStarts = 1; 
-        CondorVersion = "$CondorVersion: 8.5.0 Sep 16 2015 BuildID: 341710 $"; 
-        CoreSize = 0; 
-        OnExitHold = false; 
-        CondorPlatform = "$CondorPlatform: X86_64-RedHat_6.6 $"; 
-        In = "/dev/null"; 
-        DiskUsage = 1250000; 
-        EncryptExecuteDirectory = false; 
-        CommittedSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        User = ""; 
-        UserLog = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/model_3/33/process.log"; 
-        JobCurrentStartDate = 1446109353; 
-        BufferBlockSize = 32768; 
-        MATCH_EXP_JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = ""; 
-        Requirements = ( ( OpSysMajorVer is 6 ) ) && ( MY.JobUniverse == 12 || MY.JobUniverse == 7 || MY.WantFlocking || MY.WantGlidein || TARGET.PoolName == "CHTC" || TARGET.COLLECTOR_HOST_STRING == "" ) && ( TARGET.Arch == "X86_64" ) && ( TARGET.OpSys == "LINUX" ) && ( TARGET.Disk >= RequestDisk ) && ( TARGET.Memory >= RequestMemory ) && ( TARGET.HasFileTransfer ); 
-        MinHosts = 1; 
-        MaxHosts = 1; 
-        Args = "--type=Matlab --version=R2011b --cmdtorun=simu_condor --unique=33 -- 3"; 
-        PeriodicHold = false; 
-        ProcId = 0; 
-        Environment = ""; 
-        DAGNodeName = "33+33"; 
-        MemoryUsage = ( ( ResidentSetSize + 1023 ) / 1024 ); 
-        TerminationPending = true; 
-        NumRestarts = 0; 
-        NumSystemHolds = 0; 
-        CommittedTime = 24297; 
-        MachineAttrCpus0 = 1; 
-        WantRemoteSyscalls = false; 
-        MyType = "Job"; 
-        CumulativeSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        Rank = 0.0; 
-        StartdPrincipal = "execute-side@matchsession/"; 
-        Err = "process.err"; 
-        PeriodicRemove = false; 
-        BlockWriteKbytes = 0; 
-        ExitBySignal = false; 
-        DAGManJobId = 49582200; 
-        EnteredCurrentStatus = 1446133650; 
-        JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "$$([IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName), IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), \"\", TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName)])"; 
-        RecentBlockWriteKbytes = 0; 
-        TransferIn = false; 
-        ExitStatus = 0; 
-        ShouldTransferFiles = "YES"; 
-        IsCHTCSubmit = true; 
-        NumJobMatches = 1; 
-        RootDir = "/"; 
-        JobStartDate = 1446109353; 
-        JobPrio = 0; 
-        CurrentHosts = 0; 
-        GlobalJobId = ""; 
-        RemoteSysCpu = 1.350000000000000E+02; 
-        TotalSuspensions = 0; 
-        CommittedSlotTime = 2.429700000000000E+04; 
-        WantCheckpoint = false; 
-        BlockReads = 0; 
-        LastRemoteHost = ""; 
-        TransferInput = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/data/33/,/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/data/shared/"; 
-        LocalUserCpu = 0.0; 
-        PeriodicRelease = ( JobStatus == 5 ) && ( ( CurrentTime - EnteredCurrentStatus ) > 1800 ) && ( JobRunCount < 5 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 6 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 14 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 22 ); 
-        RequestDisk = 1000000; 
-        ResidentSetSize_RAW = 126564; 
-        OrigMaxHosts = 1; 
-        LastPublicClaimId = "<>#1444759846#8529#..."; 
-        WantRHEL6 = true; 
-        NumCkpts_RAW = 0; 
-        Out = "process.out"; 
-        SubmitEventNotes = "DAG Node: 33+33"; 
-        CumulativeSlotTime = 2.429700000000000E+04; 
-        JobRunCount = 1; 
-        RecentBlockReads = 0; 
-        StreamErr = false; 
-        DiskUsage_RAW = 1216669; 
-        NumCkpts = 0; 
-        StatsLifetimeStarter = 24295; 
-        ImageSize = 1000000; 
-        Cmd = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/chtcjobwrapper"; 
-        LocalSysCpu = 0.0; 
+        BlockWrites = 0;
+        LastJobStatus = 2;
+        JobCurrentStartExecutingDate = 1446109354;
+        WantRemoteIO = true;
+        RequestCpus = 1;
+        NumShadowStarts = 1;
+        RemoteUserCpu = 2.414700000000000E+04;
+        NiceUser = false;
+        RequestMemory = 1000;
+        BytesRecvd = 2.846280000000000E+05;
+        ResidentSetSize = 150000;
+        StreamOut = false;
+        SpooledOutputFiles = "CURLTIME_3304508,ChtcWrapper33.out,AuditLog.33,simu_3_33.txt,harvest.log,33.out";
+        OnExitRemove = true;
+        ImageSize_RAW = 811948;
+        RemoteWallClockTime = 2.429700000000000E+04;
+        MachineAttrSlotWeight0 = 1;
+        ExecutableSize = 7;
+        JobStatus = 4;
+        DAGParentNodeNames = "";
+        ExitCode = 0;
+        DAGManNodesMask = "0,1,2,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,13,16,17,24,27";
+        BytesSent = 3.168400000000000E+04;
+        LastSuspensionTime = 0;
+        ExecutableSize_RAW = 6;
+        RecentBlockReadKbytes = 0;
+        TransferInputSizeMB = 0;
+        Matlab = "R2011b";
+        BlockReadKbytes = 0;
+        RecentStatsLifetimeStarter = 1200;
+        LeaveJobInQueue = false;
+        TargetType = "Machine";
+        WhenToTransferOutput = "ON_EXIT";
+        Owner = "xguo23";
+        JobNotification = 0;
+        BufferSize = 524288;
+        RecentBlockWrites = 0;
+        CompletionDate = 1446133650;
+        QDate = 1446105640;
+        JobLeaseDuration = 2400;
+        JobFinishedHookDone = 1446133650;
+        LastMatchTime = 1446109353;
+        LastJobLeaseRenewal = 1446133650;
+        DAGManNodesLog = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/model_3/./mydag.dag.nodes.log";
+        ClusterId = 49582283;
+        JobUniverse = 5;
+        NumJobStarts = 1;
+        CondorVersion = "$CondorVersion: 8.5.0 Sep 16 2015 BuildID: 341710 $";
+        CoreSize = 0;
+        OnExitHold = false;
+        CondorPlatform = "$CondorPlatform: X86_64-RedHat_6.6 $";
+        In = "/dev/null";
+        DiskUsage = 1250000;
+        EncryptExecuteDirectory = false;
+        CommittedSuspensionTime = 0;
+        User = "";
+        UserLog = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/model_3/33/process.log";
+        JobCurrentStartDate = 1446109353;
+        BufferBlockSize = 32768;
+        MATCH_EXP_JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "";
+        Requirements = ( ( OpSysMajorVer is 6 ) ) && ( MY.JobUniverse == 12 || MY.JobUniverse == 7 || MY.WantFlocking || MY.WantGlidein || TARGET.PoolName == "CHTC" || TARGET.COLLECTOR_HOST_STRING == "" ) && ( TARGET.Arch == "X86_64" ) && ( TARGET.OpSys == "LINUX" ) && ( TARGET.Disk >= RequestDisk ) && ( TARGET.Memory >= RequestMemory ) && ( TARGET.HasFileTransfer );
+        MinHosts = 1;
+        MaxHosts = 1;
+        Args = "--type=Matlab --version=R2011b --cmdtorun=simu_condor --unique=33 -- 3";
+        PeriodicHold = false;
+        ProcId = 0;
+        Environment = "";
+        DAGNodeName = "33+33";
+        MemoryUsage = ( ( ResidentSetSize + 1023 ) / 1024 );
+        TerminationPending = true;
+        NumRestarts = 0;
+        NumSystemHolds = 0;
+        CommittedTime = 24297;
+        MachineAttrCpus0 = 1;
+        WantRemoteSyscalls = false;
+        MyType = "Job";
+        CumulativeSuspensionTime = 0;
+        Rank = 0.0;
+        StartdPrincipal = "execute-side@matchsession/";
+        Err = "process.err";
+        PeriodicRemove = false;
+        BlockWriteKbytes = 0;
+        ExitBySignal = false;
+        DAGManJobId = 49582200;
+        EnteredCurrentStatus = 1446133650;
+        JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "$$([IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName), IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), \"\", TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName)])";
+        RecentBlockWriteKbytes = 0;
+        TransferIn = false;
+        ExitStatus = 0;
+        ShouldTransferFiles = "YES";
+        IsCHTCSubmit = true;
+        NumJobMatches = 1;
+        RootDir = "/";
+        JobStartDate = 1446109353;
+        JobPrio = 0;
+        CurrentHosts = 0;
+        GlobalJobId = "";
+        RemoteSysCpu = 1.350000000000000E+02;
+        TotalSuspensions = 0;
+        CommittedSlotTime = 2.429700000000000E+04;
+        WantCheckpoint = false;
+        BlockReads = 0;
+        LastRemoteHost = "";
+        TransferInput = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/data/33/,/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/data/shared/";
+        LocalUserCpu = 0.0;
+        PeriodicRelease = ( JobStatus == 5 ) && ( ( CurrentTime - EnteredCurrentStatus ) > 1800 ) && ( JobRunCount < 5 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 6 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 14 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 22 );
+        RequestDisk = 1000000;
+        ResidentSetSize_RAW = 126564;
+        OrigMaxHosts = 1;
+        LastPublicClaimId = "<>#1444759846#8529#...";
+        WantRHEL6 = true;
+        NumCkpts_RAW = 0;
+        Out = "process.out";
+        SubmitEventNotes = "DAG Node: 33+33";
+        CumulativeSlotTime = 2.429700000000000E+04;
+        JobRunCount = 1;
+        RecentBlockReads = 0;
+        StreamErr = false;
+        DiskUsage_RAW = 1216669;
+        NumCkpts = 0;
+        StatsLifetimeStarter = 24295;
+        ImageSize = 1000000;
+        Cmd = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/chtcjobwrapper";
+        LocalSysCpu = 0.0;
         Iwd = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/model_3/33"
-        BlockWrites = 0; 
-        LastJobStatus = 2; 
-        JobCurrentStartExecutingDate = 1446111076; 
-        WantRemoteIO = true; 
-        RequestCpus = 1; 
-        NumShadowStarts = 1; 
-        RemoteUserCpu = 2.239700000000000E+04; 
-        NiceUser = false; 
-        RequestMemory = 1000; 
-        BytesRecvd = 2.846120000000000E+05; 
-        ResidentSetSize = 150000; 
-        StreamOut = false; 
-        SpooledOutputFiles = "CURLTIME_2637965,ChtcWrapper87.out,AuditLog.87,simu_3_87.txt,harvest.log,87.out"; 
-        OnExitRemove = true; 
-        ImageSize_RAW = 811948; 
-        RemoteWallClockTime = 2.257500000000000E+04; 
-        MachineAttrSlotWeight0 = 1; 
-        ExecutableSize = 7; 
-        JobStatus = 4; 
-        DAGParentNodeNames = ""; 
-        ExitCode = 0; 
-        DAGManNodesMask = "0,1,2,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,13,16,17,24,27"; 
-        BytesSent = 2.790500000000000E+04; 
-        LastSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        ExecutableSize_RAW = 6; 
-        RecentBlockReadKbytes = 0; 
-        TransferInputSizeMB = 0; 
-        Matlab = "R2011b"; 
-        BlockReadKbytes = 0; 
-        RecentStatsLifetimeStarter = 1200; 
-        LeaveJobInQueue = false; 
-        TargetType = "Machine"; 
-        WhenToTransferOutput = "ON_EXIT"; 
-        Owner = "xguo23"; 
-        JobNotification = 0; 
-        BufferSize = 524288; 
-        RecentBlockWrites = 0; 
-        CompletionDate = 1446133649; 
-        QDate = 1446105716; 
-        JobLeaseDuration = 2400; 
-        JobFinishedHookDone = 1446133649; 
-        LastMatchTime = 1446111074; 
-        LastJobLeaseRenewal = 1446133649; 
-        DAGManNodesLog = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.48/Simulation_condor/model_3/./mydag.dag.nodes.log"; 
-        ClusterId = 49582487; 
-        JobUniverse = 5; 
-        NumJobStarts = 1; 
-        CondorVersion = "$CondorVersion: 8.5.0 Sep 16 2015 BuildID: 341710 $"; 
-        CoreSize = 0; 
-        OnExitHold = false; 
-        CondorPlatform = "$CondorPlatform: X86_64-RedHat_6.6 $"; 
-        In = "/dev/null"; 
-        DiskUsage = 1250000; 
-        EncryptExecuteDirectory = false; 
-        CommittedSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        User = ""; 
-        UserLog = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.48/Simulation_condor/model_3/87/process.log"; 
-        JobCurrentStartDate = 1446111074; 
-        BufferBlockSize = 32768; 
-        MATCH_EXP_JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = ""; 
-        Requirements = ( ( OpSysMajorVer is 6 ) ) && ( MY.JobUniverse == 12 || MY.JobUniverse == 7 || MY.WantFlocking || MY.WantGlidein || TARGET.PoolName == "CHTC" || TARGET.COLLECTOR_HOST_STRING == "" ) && ( TARGET.Arch == "X86_64" ) && ( TARGET.OpSys == "LINUX" ) && ( TARGET.Disk >= RequestDisk ) && ( TARGET.Memory >= RequestMemory ) && ( TARGET.HasFileTransfer ); 
-        MinHosts = 1; 
-        MaxHosts = 1; 
-        Args = "--type=Matlab --version=R2011b --cmdtorun=simu_condor --unique=87 -- 3"; 
-        PeriodicHold = false; 
-        ProcId = 0; 
-        Environment = ""; 
-        DAGNodeName = "87+87"; 
-        MemoryUsage = ( ( ResidentSetSize + 1023 ) / 1024 ); 
-        TerminationPending = true; 
-        NumRestarts = 0; 
-        NumSystemHolds = 0; 
-        CommittedTime = 22575; 
-        MachineAttrCpus0 = 1; 
-        WantRemoteSyscalls = false; 
-        MyType = "Job"; 
-        CumulativeSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        Rank = 0.0; 
-        StartdPrincipal = "execute-side@matchsession/"; 
-        Err = "process.err"; 
-        PeriodicRemove = false; 
-        BlockWriteKbytes = 0; 
-        ExitBySignal = false; 
-        DAGManJobId = 49582206; 
-        EnteredCurrentStatus = 1446133649; 
-        JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "$$([IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName), IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), \"\", TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName)])"; 
-        RecentBlockWriteKbytes = 0; 
-        TransferIn = false; 
-        ExitStatus = 0; 
-        ShouldTransferFiles = "YES"; 
-        IsCHTCSubmit = true; 
-        NumJobMatches = 1; 
-        RootDir = "/"; 
-        JobStartDate = 1446111074; 
-        JobPrio = 0; 
-        CurrentHosts = 0; 
-        GlobalJobId = ""; 
-        RemoteSysCpu = 1.250000000000000E+02; 
-        TotalSuspensions = 0; 
-        CommittedSlotTime = 2.257500000000000E+04; 
-        WantCheckpoint = false; 
-        BlockReads = 0; 
-        LastRemoteHost = ""; 
-        TransferInput = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.48/Simulation_condor/data/87/,/home/xguo23/model_3_1.48/Simulation_condor/data/shared/"; 
-        LocalUserCpu = 0.0; 
-        PeriodicRelease = ( JobStatus == 5 ) && ( ( CurrentTime - EnteredCurrentStatus ) > 1800 ) && ( JobRunCount < 5 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 6 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 14 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 22 ); 
-        RequestDisk = 1000000; 
-        ResidentSetSize_RAW = 128908; 
-        OrigMaxHosts = 1; 
-        LastPublicClaimId = "<>#1443991405#8558#..."; 
-        WantRHEL6 = true; 
-        NumCkpts_RAW = 0; 
-        Out = "process.out"; 
-        SubmitEventNotes = "DAG Node: 87+87"; 
-        CumulativeSlotTime = 2.257500000000000E+04; 
-        JobRunCount = 1; 
-        RecentBlockReads = 0; 
-        StreamErr = false; 
-        DiskUsage_RAW = 1216669; 
-        NumCkpts = 0; 
-        StatsLifetimeStarter = 22573; 
-        ImageSize = 1000000; 
-        Cmd = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.48/Simulation_condor/chtcjobwrapper"; 
-        LocalSysCpu = 0.0; 
+        BlockWrites = 0;
+        LastJobStatus = 2;
+        JobCurrentStartExecutingDate = 1446111076;
+        WantRemoteIO = true;
+        RequestCpus = 1;
+        NumShadowStarts = 1;
+        RemoteUserCpu = 2.239700000000000E+04;
+        NiceUser = false;
+        RequestMemory = 1000;
+        BytesRecvd = 2.846120000000000E+05;
+        ResidentSetSize = 150000;
+        StreamOut = false;
+        SpooledOutputFiles = "CURLTIME_2637965,ChtcWrapper87.out,AuditLog.87,simu_3_87.txt,harvest.log,87.out";
+        OnExitRemove = true;
+        ImageSize_RAW = 811948;
+        RemoteWallClockTime = 2.257500000000000E+04;
+        MachineAttrSlotWeight0 = 1;
+        ExecutableSize = 7;
+        JobStatus = 4;
+        DAGParentNodeNames = "";
+        ExitCode = 0;
+        DAGManNodesMask = "0,1,2,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,13,16,17,24,27";
+        BytesSent = 2.790500000000000E+04;
+        LastSuspensionTime = 0;
+        ExecutableSize_RAW = 6;
+        RecentBlockReadKbytes = 0;
+        TransferInputSizeMB = 0;
+        Matlab = "R2011b";
+        BlockReadKbytes = 0;
+        RecentStatsLifetimeStarter = 1200;
+        LeaveJobInQueue = false;
+        TargetType = "Machine";
+        WhenToTransferOutput = "ON_EXIT";
+        Owner = "xguo23";
+        JobNotification = 0;
+        BufferSize = 524288;
+        RecentBlockWrites = 0;
+        CompletionDate = 1446133649;
+        QDate = 1446105716;
+        JobLeaseDuration = 2400;
+        JobFinishedHookDone = 1446133649;
+        LastMatchTime = 1446111074;
+        LastJobLeaseRenewal = 1446133649;
+        DAGManNodesLog = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.48/Simulation_condor/model_3/./mydag.dag.nodes.log";
+        ClusterId = 49582487;
+        JobUniverse = 5;
+        NumJobStarts = 1;
+        CondorVersion = "$CondorVersion: 8.5.0 Sep 16 2015 BuildID: 341710 $";
+        CoreSize = 0;
+        OnExitHold = false;
+        CondorPlatform = "$CondorPlatform: X86_64-RedHat_6.6 $";
+        In = "/dev/null";
+        DiskUsage = 1250000;
+        EncryptExecuteDirectory = false;
+        CommittedSuspensionTime = 0;
+        User = "";
+        UserLog = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.48/Simulation_condor/model_3/87/process.log";
+        JobCurrentStartDate = 1446111074;
+        BufferBlockSize = 32768;
+        MATCH_EXP_JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "";
+        Requirements = ( ( OpSysMajorVer is 6 ) ) && ( MY.JobUniverse == 12 || MY.JobUniverse == 7 || MY.WantFlocking || MY.WantGlidein || TARGET.PoolName == "CHTC" || TARGET.COLLECTOR_HOST_STRING == "" ) && ( TARGET.Arch == "X86_64" ) && ( TARGET.OpSys == "LINUX" ) && ( TARGET.Disk >= RequestDisk ) && ( TARGET.Memory >= RequestMemory ) && ( TARGET.HasFileTransfer );
+        MinHosts = 1;
+        MaxHosts = 1;
+        Args = "--type=Matlab --version=R2011b --cmdtorun=simu_condor --unique=87 -- 3";
+        PeriodicHold = false;
+        ProcId = 0;
+        Environment = "";
+        DAGNodeName = "87+87";
+        MemoryUsage = ( ( ResidentSetSize + 1023 ) / 1024 );
+        TerminationPending = true;
+        NumRestarts = 0;
+        NumSystemHolds = 0;
+        CommittedTime = 22575;
+        MachineAttrCpus0 = 1;
+        WantRemoteSyscalls = false;
+        MyType = "Job";
+        CumulativeSuspensionTime = 0;
+        Rank = 0.0;
+        StartdPrincipal = "execute-side@matchsession/";
+        Err = "process.err";
+        PeriodicRemove = false;
+        BlockWriteKbytes = 0;
+        ExitBySignal = false;
+        DAGManJobId = 49582206;
+        EnteredCurrentStatus = 1446133649;
+        JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "$$([IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName), IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), \"\", TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName)])";
+        RecentBlockWriteKbytes = 0;
+        TransferIn = false;
+        ExitStatus = 0;
+        ShouldTransferFiles = "YES";
+        IsCHTCSubmit = true;
+        NumJobMatches = 1;
+        RootDir = "/";
+        JobStartDate = 1446111074;
+        JobPrio = 0;
+        CurrentHosts = 0;
+        GlobalJobId = "";
+        RemoteSysCpu = 1.250000000000000E+02;
+        TotalSuspensions = 0;
+        CommittedSlotTime = 2.257500000000000E+04;
+        WantCheckpoint = false;
+        BlockReads = 0;
+        LastRemoteHost = "";
+        TransferInput = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.48/Simulation_condor/data/87/,/home/xguo23/model_3_1.48/Simulation_condor/data/shared/";
+        LocalUserCpu = 0.0;
+        PeriodicRelease = ( JobStatus == 5 ) && ( ( CurrentTime - EnteredCurrentStatus ) > 1800 ) && ( JobRunCount < 5 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 6 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 14 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 22 );
+        RequestDisk = 1000000;
+        ResidentSetSize_RAW = 128908;
+        OrigMaxHosts = 1;
+        LastPublicClaimId = "<>#1443991405#8558#...";
+        WantRHEL6 = true;
+        NumCkpts_RAW = 0;
+        Out = "process.out";
+        SubmitEventNotes = "DAG Node: 87+87";
+        CumulativeSlotTime = 2.257500000000000E+04;
+        JobRunCount = 1;
+        RecentBlockReads = 0;
+        StreamErr = false;
+        DiskUsage_RAW = 1216669;
+        NumCkpts = 0;
+        StatsLifetimeStarter = 22573;
+        ImageSize = 1000000;
+        Cmd = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.48/Simulation_condor/chtcjobwrapper";
+        LocalSysCpu = 0.0;
         Iwd = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.48/Simulation_condor/model_3/87"
-        BlockWrites = 0; 
-        LastJobStatus = 2; 
-        JobCurrentStartExecutingDate = 1446111995; 
-        WantRemoteIO = true; 
-        RequestCpus = 1; 
-        NumShadowStarts = 1; 
-        RemoteUserCpu = 2.147700000000000E+04; 
-        NiceUser = false; 
-        RequestMemory = 1000; 
-        BytesRecvd = 2.846130000000000E+05; 
-        ResidentSetSize = 150000; 
-        StreamOut = false; 
-        SpooledOutputFiles = "CURLTIME_2585208,ChtcWrapper121.out,AuditLog.121,simu_3_121.txt,harvest.log,121.out"; 
-        OnExitRemove = true; 
-        ImageSize_RAW = 811948; 
-        RemoteWallClockTime = 2.163500000000000E+04; 
-        MachineAttrSlotWeight0 = 1; 
-        ExecutableSize = 7; 
-        JobStatus = 4; 
-        DAGParentNodeNames = ""; 
-        ExitCode = 0; 
-        DAGManNodesMask = "0,1,2,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,13,16,17,24,27"; 
-        BytesSent = 3.050500000000000E+04; 
-        LastSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        ExecutableSize_RAW = 6; 
-        RecentBlockReadKbytes = 0; 
-        TransferInputSizeMB = 0; 
-        Matlab = "R2011b"; 
-        BlockReadKbytes = 0; 
-        RecentStatsLifetimeStarter = 1200; 
-        LeaveJobInQueue = false; 
-        TargetType = "Machine"; 
-        WhenToTransferOutput = "ON_EXIT"; 
-        Owner = "xguo23"; 
-        JobNotification = 0; 
-        BufferSize = 524288; 
-        RecentBlockWrites = 0; 
-        CompletionDate = 1446133628; 
-        QDate = 1446105740; 
-        JobLeaseDuration = 2400; 
-        JobFinishedHookDone = 1446133628; 
-        LastMatchTime = 1446111993; 
-        LastJobLeaseRenewal = 1446133628; 
-        DAGManNodesLog = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.48/Simulation_condor/model_3/./mydag.dag.nodes.log"; 
-        ClusterId = 49582553; 
-        JobUniverse = 5; 
-        NumJobStarts = 1; 
-        CondorVersion = "$CondorVersion: 8.5.0 Sep 16 2015 BuildID: 341710 $"; 
-        CoreSize = 0; 
-        OnExitHold = false; 
-        CondorPlatform = "$CondorPlatform: X86_64-RedHat_6.6 $"; 
-        In = "/dev/null"; 
-        DiskUsage = 1250000; 
-        EncryptExecuteDirectory = false; 
-        CommittedSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        User = ""; 
-        UserLog = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.48/Simulation_condor/model_3/121/process.log"; 
-        JobCurrentStartDate = 1446111993; 
-        BufferBlockSize = 32768; 
-        MATCH_EXP_JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = ""; 
-        Requirements = ( ( OpSysMajorVer is 6 ) ) && ( MY.JobUniverse == 12 || MY.JobUniverse == 7 || MY.WantFlocking || MY.WantGlidein || TARGET.PoolName == "CHTC" || TARGET.COLLECTOR_HOST_STRING == "" ) && ( TARGET.Arch == "X86_64" ) && ( TARGET.OpSys == "LINUX" ) && ( TARGET.Disk >= RequestDisk ) && ( TARGET.Memory >= RequestMemory ) && ( TARGET.HasFileTransfer ); 
-        MinHosts = 1; 
-        MaxHosts = 1; 
-        Args = "--type=Matlab --version=R2011b --cmdtorun=simu_condor --unique=121 -- 3"; 
-        PeriodicHold = false; 
-        ProcId = 0; 
-        Environment = ""; 
-        DAGNodeName = "121+121"; 
-        MemoryUsage = ( ( ResidentSetSize + 1023 ) / 1024 ); 
-        TerminationPending = true; 
-        NumRestarts = 0; 
-        NumSystemHolds = 0; 
-        CommittedTime = 21635; 
-        MachineAttrCpus0 = 1; 
-        WantRemoteSyscalls = false; 
-        MyType = "Job"; 
-        CumulativeSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        Rank = 0.0; 
-        StartdPrincipal = "execute-side@matchsession/"; 
-        Err = "process.err"; 
-        PeriodicRemove = false; 
-        BlockWriteKbytes = 0; 
-        ExitBySignal = false; 
-        DAGManJobId = 49582206; 
-        EnteredCurrentStatus = 1446133628; 
-        JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "$$([IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName), IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), \"\", TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName)])"; 
-        RecentBlockWriteKbytes = 0; 
-        TransferIn = false; 
-        ExitStatus = 0; 
-        ShouldTransferFiles = "YES"; 
-        IsCHTCSubmit = true; 
-        NumJobMatches = 1; 
-        RootDir = "/"; 
-        JobStartDate = 1446111993; 
-        JobPrio = 0; 
-        CurrentHosts = 0; 
-        GlobalJobId = ""; 
-        RemoteSysCpu = 1.340000000000000E+02; 
-        TotalSuspensions = 0; 
-        CommittedSlotTime = 2.163500000000000E+04; 
-        WantCheckpoint = false; 
-        BlockReads = 0; 
-        LastRemoteHost = ""; 
-        TransferInput = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.48/Simulation_condor/data/121/,/home/xguo23/model_3_1.48/Simulation_condor/data/shared/"; 
-        LocalUserCpu = 0.0; 
-        PeriodicRelease = ( JobStatus == 5 ) && ( ( CurrentTime - EnteredCurrentStatus ) > 1800 ) && ( JobRunCount < 5 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 6 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 14 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 22 ); 
-        RequestDisk = 1000000; 
-        ResidentSetSize_RAW = 126224; 
-        OrigMaxHosts = 1; 
-        LastPublicClaimId = "<>#1444673425#9485#..."; 
-        WantRHEL6 = true; 
-        NumCkpts_RAW = 0; 
-        Out = "process.out"; 
-        SubmitEventNotes = "DAG Node: 121+121"; 
-        CumulativeSlotTime = 2.163500000000000E+04; 
-        JobRunCount = 1; 
-        RecentBlockReads = 0; 
-        StreamErr = false; 
-        DiskUsage_RAW = 1216669; 
-        NumCkpts = 0; 
-        StatsLifetimeStarter = 21632; 
-        ImageSize = 1000000; 
-        Cmd = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.48/Simulation_condor/chtcjobwrapper"; 
-        LocalSysCpu = 0.0; 
+        BlockWrites = 0;
+        LastJobStatus = 2;
+        JobCurrentStartExecutingDate = 1446111995;
+        WantRemoteIO = true;
+        RequestCpus = 1;
+        NumShadowStarts = 1;
+        RemoteUserCpu = 2.147700000000000E+04;
+        NiceUser = false;
+        RequestMemory = 1000;
+        BytesRecvd = 2.846130000000000E+05;
+        ResidentSetSize = 150000;
+        StreamOut = false;
+        SpooledOutputFiles = "CURLTIME_2585208,ChtcWrapper121.out,AuditLog.121,simu_3_121.txt,harvest.log,121.out";
+        OnExitRemove = true;
+        ImageSize_RAW = 811948;
+        RemoteWallClockTime = 2.163500000000000E+04;
+        MachineAttrSlotWeight0 = 1;
+        ExecutableSize = 7;
+        JobStatus = 4;
+        DAGParentNodeNames = "";
+        ExitCode = 0;
+        DAGManNodesMask = "0,1,2,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,13,16,17,24,27";
+        BytesSent = 3.050500000000000E+04;
+        LastSuspensionTime = 0;
+        ExecutableSize_RAW = 6;
+        RecentBlockReadKbytes = 0;
+        TransferInputSizeMB = 0;
+        Matlab = "R2011b";
+        BlockReadKbytes = 0;
+        RecentStatsLifetimeStarter = 1200;
+        LeaveJobInQueue = false;
+        TargetType = "Machine";
+        WhenToTransferOutput = "ON_EXIT";
+        Owner = "xguo23";
+        JobNotification = 0;
+        BufferSize = 524288;
+        RecentBlockWrites = 0;
+        CompletionDate = 1446133628;
+        QDate = 1446105740;
+        JobLeaseDuration = 2400;
+        JobFinishedHookDone = 1446133628;
+        LastMatchTime = 1446111993;
+        LastJobLeaseRenewal = 1446133628;
+        DAGManNodesLog = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.48/Simulation_condor/model_3/./mydag.dag.nodes.log";
+        ClusterId = 49582553;
+        JobUniverse = 5;
+        NumJobStarts = 1;
+        CondorVersion = "$CondorVersion: 8.5.0 Sep 16 2015 BuildID: 341710 $";
+        CoreSize = 0;
+        OnExitHold = false;
+        CondorPlatform = "$CondorPlatform: X86_64-RedHat_6.6 $";
+        In = "/dev/null";
+        DiskUsage = 1250000;
+        EncryptExecuteDirectory = false;
+        CommittedSuspensionTime = 0;
+        User = "";
+        UserLog = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.48/Simulation_condor/model_3/121/process.log";
+        JobCurrentStartDate = 1446111993;
+        BufferBlockSize = 32768;
+        MATCH_EXP_JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "";
+        Requirements = ( ( OpSysMajorVer is 6 ) ) && ( MY.JobUniverse == 12 || MY.JobUniverse == 7 || MY.WantFlocking || MY.WantGlidein || TARGET.PoolName == "CHTC" || TARGET.COLLECTOR_HOST_STRING == "" ) && ( TARGET.Arch == "X86_64" ) && ( TARGET.OpSys == "LINUX" ) && ( TARGET.Disk >= RequestDisk ) && ( TARGET.Memory >= RequestMemory ) && ( TARGET.HasFileTransfer );
+        MinHosts = 1;
+        MaxHosts = 1;
+        Args = "--type=Matlab --version=R2011b --cmdtorun=simu_condor --unique=121 -- 3";
+        PeriodicHold = false;
+        ProcId = 0;
+        Environment = "";
+        DAGNodeName = "121+121";
+        MemoryUsage = ( ( ResidentSetSize + 1023 ) / 1024 );
+        TerminationPending = true;
+        NumRestarts = 0;
+        NumSystemHolds = 0;
+        CommittedTime = 21635;
+        MachineAttrCpus0 = 1;
+        WantRemoteSyscalls = false;
+        MyType = "Job";
+        CumulativeSuspensionTime = 0;
+        Rank = 0.0;
+        StartdPrincipal = "execute-side@matchsession/";
+        Err = "process.err";
+        PeriodicRemove = false;
+        BlockWriteKbytes = 0;
+        ExitBySignal = false;
+        DAGManJobId = 49582206;
+        EnteredCurrentStatus = 1446133628;
+        JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "$$([IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName), IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), \"\", TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName)])";
+        RecentBlockWriteKbytes = 0;
+        TransferIn = false;
+        ExitStatus = 0;
+        ShouldTransferFiles = "YES";
+        IsCHTCSubmit = true;
+        NumJobMatches = 1;
+        RootDir = "/";
+        JobStartDate = 1446111993;
+        JobPrio = 0;
+        CurrentHosts = 0;
+        GlobalJobId = "";
+        RemoteSysCpu = 1.340000000000000E+02;
+        TotalSuspensions = 0;
+        CommittedSlotTime = 2.163500000000000E+04;
+        WantCheckpoint = false;
+        BlockReads = 0;
+        LastRemoteHost = "";
+        TransferInput = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.48/Simulation_condor/data/121/,/home/xguo23/model_3_1.48/Simulation_condor/data/shared/";
+        LocalUserCpu = 0.0;
+        PeriodicRelease = ( JobStatus == 5 ) && ( ( CurrentTime - EnteredCurrentStatus ) > 1800 ) && ( JobRunCount < 5 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 6 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 14 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 22 );
+        RequestDisk = 1000000;
+        ResidentSetSize_RAW = 126224;
+        OrigMaxHosts = 1;
+        LastPublicClaimId = "<>#1444673425#9485#...";
+        WantRHEL6 = true;
+        NumCkpts_RAW = 0;
+        Out = "process.out";
+        SubmitEventNotes = "DAG Node: 121+121";
+        CumulativeSlotTime = 2.163500000000000E+04;
+        JobRunCount = 1;
+        RecentBlockReads = 0;
+        StreamErr = false;
+        DiskUsage_RAW = 1216669;
+        NumCkpts = 0;
+        StatsLifetimeStarter = 21632;
+        ImageSize = 1000000;
+        Cmd = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.48/Simulation_condor/chtcjobwrapper";
+        LocalSysCpu = 0.0;
         Iwd = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.48/Simulation_condor/model_3/121"
-        BlockWrites = 0; 
-        LastJobStatus = 2; 
-        JobCurrentStartExecutingDate = 1446108829; 
-        WantRemoteIO = true; 
-        RequestCpus = 1; 
-        NumShadowStarts = 1; 
-        RemoteUserCpu = 2.463100000000000E+04; 
-        NiceUser = false; 
-        RequestMemory = 1000; 
-        BytesRecvd = 2.846280000000000E+05; 
-        ResidentSetSize = 150000; 
-        StreamOut = false; 
-        SpooledOutputFiles = "CURLTIME_908930,ChtcWrapper23.out,AuditLog.23,simu_3_23.txt,harvest.log,23.out"; 
-        OnExitRemove = true; 
-        ImageSize_RAW = 811948; 
-        RemoteWallClockTime = 2.479800000000000E+04; 
-        MachineAttrSlotWeight0 = 1; 
-        ExecutableSize = 7; 
-        JobStatus = 4; 
-        DAGParentNodeNames = ""; 
-        ExitCode = 0; 
-        DAGManNodesMask = "0,1,2,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,13,16,17,24,27"; 
-        BytesSent = 3.053400000000000E+04; 
-        LastSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        ExecutableSize_RAW = 6; 
-        RecentBlockReadKbytes = 0; 
-        TransferInputSizeMB = 0; 
-        Matlab = "R2011b"; 
-        BlockReadKbytes = 0; 
-        LocalSysCpu = 0.0; 
-        Iwd = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/model_3/23"; 
-        RecentStatsLifetimeStarter = 1200; 
-        LeaveJobInQueue = false; 
-        TargetType = "Machine"; 
-        WhenToTransferOutput = "ON_EXIT"; 
-        Owner = "xguo23"; 
-        JobNotification = 0; 
-        BufferSize = 524288; 
-        RecentBlockWrites = 0; 
-        CompletionDate = 1446133626; 
-        LastMatchTime = 1446108828; 
-        LastJobLeaseRenewal = 1446133626; 
-        DAGManNodesLog = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/model_3/./mydag.dag.nodes.log"; 
-        ClusterId = 49582256; 
-        NumJobStarts = 1; 
-        JobUniverse = 5; 
-        AutoClusterAttrs = "JobUniverse,LastCheckpointPlatform,NumCkpts,ClientMachine,_condor_RequestCpus,_condor_RequestDisk,_condor_RequestGPUs,_condor_RequestMemory,RequestCpus,RequestDisk,RequestGPUs,RequestMemory,BIOCHEM,MachineLastMatchTime,ConcurrencyLimits,NiceUser,Rank,Requirements,ImageSize,MemoryRequirements,User,RemoteGroup,SubmitterGroup,SubmitterUserPrio,Group,WIDsTheme,InteractiveJob,Is_Resumable,WantFlocking,WantGlidein,Scheduler,Owner,JobStart,MemoryUsage,IsExpressQueueJob,DiskUsage,HEP_VO,IsDesktop,OSG_VO,x509userproxysubject,PassedTest,IsLocalCMSJob,IsLocalCMSSlot,IsSAMSlot,IsSAMJob,MaxDiskTempC,IsDedicated,estimated_run_hours,IsCHTCSubmit,RequiresCVMFS,DynamicSlot,PartitionableSlot,Slot1_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot1_JobStarts,Slot1_SelfMonitorAge,Slot2_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot2_JobStarts,Slot2_SelfMonitorAge,Slot3_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot3_JobStarts,Slot3_SelfMonitorAge,Slot4_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot4_JobStarts,Slot4_SelfMonitorAge,Slot5_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot5_JobStarts,Slot5_SelfMonitorAge,Slot6_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot6_JobStarts,Slot6_SelfMonitorAge,Slot7_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot7_JobStarts,Slot7_SelfMonitorAge,Slot8_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot8_JobStarts,Slot8_SelfMonitorAge,Slot1_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot1_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot2_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot2_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot3_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot3_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot4_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot4_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot5_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot5_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot6_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot6_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot7_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot7_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot8_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot8_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot10_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot10_JobStarts,Slot10_SelfMonitorAge,Slot11_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot11_JobStarts,Slot11_SelfMonitorAge,Slot12_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot12_JobStarts,Slot12_SelfMonitorAge,Slot9_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot9_JobStarts,Slot9_SelfMonitorAge,Slot12_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot10_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot10_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot11_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot11_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot12_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot9_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot9_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot13_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot13_JobStarts,Slot13_SelfMonitorAge,Slot14_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot14_JobStarts,Slot14_SelfMonitorAge,Slot15_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot15_JobStarts,Slot15_SelfMonitorAge,Slot16_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot16_JobStarts,Slot16_SelfMonitorAge,IsResumable,WHEN_TO_TRANSFER_OUTPUT,_condor_Requestadmin_mutex_1,_condor_Requestadmin_mutex_2,_condor_Requestadmin_mutex_3,_condor_Requestmachine_token,Requestadmin_mutex_1,Requestadmin_mutex_2,Requestadmin_mutex_3,Requestmachine_token,nyehle,IsBuildJob,IsMatlabBuildJob,TotalJobRunTime,NodeOnline,Slot13_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot13_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot14_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot14_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot15_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot15_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot16_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot16_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,TmpIsFull,trResumable,RequiresCMSFrontier,Slot17_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot17_JobStarts,Slot17_SelfMonitorAge,Slot17_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot17_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot18_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot18_JobStarts,Slot18_SelfMonitorAge,Slot18_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot18_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot19_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot19_JobStarts,Slot19_SelfMonitorAge,Slot19_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot19_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot20_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot20_JobStarts,Slot20_SelfMonitorAge,Slot20_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot20_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot21_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot21_JobStarts,Slot21_SelfMonitorAge,Slot21_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot21_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot22_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot22_JobStarts,Slot22_SelfMonitorAge,Slot22_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot22_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot23_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot23_JobStarts,Slot23_SelfMonitorAge,Slot23_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot23_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot24_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot24_JobStarts,Slot24_SelfMonitorAge,Slot24_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot24_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot25_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot25_JobStarts,Slot25_SelfMonitorAge,Slot25_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot25_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot26_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot26_JobStarts,Slot26_SelfMonitorAge,Slot26_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot26_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot27_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot27_JobStarts,Slot27_SelfMonitorAge,Slot27_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot27_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot28_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot28_JobStarts,Slot28_SelfMonitorAge,Slot28_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot28_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot29_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot29_JobStarts,Slot29_SelfMonitorAge,Slot29_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot29_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot30_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot30_JobStarts,Slot30_SelfMonitorAge,Slot30_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot30_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot31_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot31_JobStarts,Slot31_SelfMonitorAge,Slot31_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot31_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot32_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot32_JobStarts,Slot32_SelfMonitorAge,Slot32_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot32_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,ResidentSetSize"; 
-        MaxHosts = 1; 
-        Args = "--type=Matlab --version=R2011b --cmdtorun=simu_condor --unique=23 -- 3"; 
-        CondorVersion = "$CondorVersion: 8.5.0 Sep 16 2015 BuildID: 341710 $"; 
-        CoreSize = 0; 
-        OnExitHold = false; 
-        CondorPlatform = "$CondorPlatform: X86_64-RedHat_6.6 $"; 
-        JobFinishedHookDone = 1446133627; 
-        QDate = 1446105629; 
-        JobLeaseDuration = 2400; 
-        In = "/dev/null"; 
-        DiskUsage = 1250000; 
-        EncryptExecuteDirectory = false; 
-        CommittedSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        User = ""; 
-        UserLog = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/model_3/23/process.log"; 
-        JobCurrentStartDate = 1446108828; 
-        BufferBlockSize = 32768; 
-        MATCH_EXP_JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = ""; 
-        Requirements = ( ( OpSysMajorVer is 6 ) ) && ( MY.JobUniverse == 12 || MY.JobUniverse == 7 || MY.WantFlocking || MY.WantGlidein || TARGET.PoolName == "CHTC" || TARGET.COLLECTOR_HOST_STRING == "" ) && ( TARGET.Arch == "X86_64" ) && ( TARGET.OpSys == "LINUX" ) && ( TARGET.Disk >= RequestDisk ) && ( TARGET.Memory >= RequestMemory ) && ( TARGET.HasFileTransfer ); 
-        MinHosts = 1; 
-        PeriodicHold = false; 
-        ProcId = 0; 
-        Environment = ""; 
-        DAGNodeName = "23+23"; 
-        MemoryUsage = ( ( ResidentSetSize + 1023 ) / 1024 ); 
-        TerminationPending = true; 
-        NumRestarts = 0; 
-        NumSystemHolds = 0; 
-        CommittedTime = 24798; 
-        AutoClusterId = 24; 
-        ExitStatus = 0; 
-        ShouldTransferFiles = "YES"; 
-        MachineAttrCpus0 = 1; 
-        WantRemoteSyscalls = false; 
-        MyType = "Job"; 
-        CumulativeSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        Rank = 0.0; 
-        StartdPrincipal = "execute-side@matchsession/"; 
-        Err = "process.err"; 
-        PeriodicRemove = false; 
-        BlockWriteKbytes = 0; 
-        ExitBySignal = false; 
-        DAGManJobId = 49582200; 
-        EnteredCurrentStatus = 1446133626; 
-        JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "$$([IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName), IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), \"\", TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName)])"; 
-        RecentBlockWriteKbytes = 0; 
-        TransferIn = false; 
-        IsCHTCSubmit = true; 
-        NumJobMatches = 1; 
-        RootDir = "/"; 
-        JobStartDate = 1446108828; 
-        JobPrio = 0; 
-        CurrentHosts = 0; 
-        GlobalJobId = ""; 
-        RemoteSysCpu = 1.320000000000000E+02; 
-        TotalSuspensions = 0; 
-        CommittedSlotTime = 2.479800000000000E+04; 
-        WantCheckpoint = false; 
-        BlockReads = 0; 
-        LastRemoteHost = ""; 
-        TransferInput = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/data/23/,/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/data/shared/"; 
-        LocalUserCpu = 0.0; 
-        PeriodicRelease = ( JobStatus == 5 ) && ( ( CurrentTime - EnteredCurrentStatus ) > 1800 ) && ( JobRunCount < 5 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 6 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 14 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 22 ); 
-        RequestDisk = 1000000; 
-        ResidentSetSize_RAW = 126760; 
-        OrigMaxHosts = 1; 
-        LastPublicClaimId = "<>#1444685638#5758#..."; 
-        WantRHEL6 = true; 
-        NumCkpts_RAW = 0; 
-        Out = "process.out"; 
-        SubmitEventNotes = "DAG Node: 23+23"; 
-        CumulativeSlotTime = 2.479800000000000E+04; 
-        JobRunCount = 1; 
-        RecentBlockReads = 0; 
-        StreamErr = false; 
-        DiskUsage_RAW = 1216669; 
-        NumCkpts = 0; 
-        StatsLifetimeStarter = 24797; 
-        ImageSize = 1000000; 
+        BlockWrites = 0;
+        LastJobStatus = 2;
+        JobCurrentStartExecutingDate = 1446108829;
+        WantRemoteIO = true;
+        RequestCpus = 1;
+        NumShadowStarts = 1;
+        RemoteUserCpu = 2.463100000000000E+04;
+        NiceUser = false;
+        RequestMemory = 1000;
+        BytesRecvd = 2.846280000000000E+05;
+        ResidentSetSize = 150000;
+        StreamOut = false;
+        SpooledOutputFiles = "CURLTIME_908930,ChtcWrapper23.out,AuditLog.23,simu_3_23.txt,harvest.log,23.out";
+        OnExitRemove = true;
+        ImageSize_RAW = 811948;
+        RemoteWallClockTime = 2.479800000000000E+04;
+        MachineAttrSlotWeight0 = 1;
+        ExecutableSize = 7;
+        JobStatus = 4;
+        DAGParentNodeNames = "";
+        ExitCode = 0;
+        DAGManNodesMask = "0,1,2,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,13,16,17,24,27";
+        BytesSent = 3.053400000000000E+04;
+        LastSuspensionTime = 0;
+        ExecutableSize_RAW = 6;
+        RecentBlockReadKbytes = 0;
+        TransferInputSizeMB = 0;
+        Matlab = "R2011b";
+        BlockReadKbytes = 0;
+        LocalSysCpu = 0.0;
+        Iwd = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/model_3/23";
+        RecentStatsLifetimeStarter = 1200;
+        LeaveJobInQueue = false;
+        TargetType = "Machine";
+        WhenToTransferOutput = "ON_EXIT";
+        Owner = "xguo23";
+        JobNotification = 0;
+        BufferSize = 524288;
+        RecentBlockWrites = 0;
+        CompletionDate = 1446133626;
+        LastMatchTime = 1446108828;
+        LastJobLeaseRenewal = 1446133626;
+        DAGManNodesLog = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/model_3/./mydag.dag.nodes.log";
+        ClusterId = 49582256;
+        NumJobStarts = 1;
+        JobUniverse = 5;
+        AutoClusterAttrs = "JobUniverse,LastCheckpointPlatform,NumCkpts,ClientMachine,_condor_RequestCpus,_condor_RequestDisk,_condor_RequestGPUs,_condor_RequestMemory,RequestCpus,RequestDisk,RequestGPUs,RequestMemory,BIOCHEM,MachineLastMatchTime,ConcurrencyLimits,NiceUser,Rank,Requirements,ImageSize,MemoryRequirements,User,RemoteGroup,SubmitterGroup,SubmitterUserPrio,Group,WIDsTheme,InteractiveJob,Is_Resumable,WantFlocking,WantGlidein,Scheduler,Owner,JobStart,MemoryUsage,IsExpressQueueJob,DiskUsage,HEP_VO,IsDesktop,OSG_VO,x509userproxysubject,PassedTest,IsLocalCMSJob,IsLocalCMSSlot,IsSAMSlot,IsSAMJob,MaxDiskTempC,IsDedicated,estimated_run_hours,IsCHTCSubmit,RequiresCVMFS,DynamicSlot,PartitionableSlot,Slot1_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot1_JobStarts,Slot1_SelfMonitorAge,Slot2_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot2_JobStarts,Slot2_SelfMonitorAge,Slot3_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot3_JobStarts,Slot3_SelfMonitorAge,Slot4_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot4_JobStarts,Slot4_SelfMonitorAge,Slot5_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot5_JobStarts,Slot5_SelfMonitorAge,Slot6_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot6_JobStarts,Slot6_SelfMonitorAge,Slot7_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot7_JobStarts,Slot7_SelfMonitorAge,Slot8_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot8_JobStarts,Slot8_SelfMonitorAge,Slot1_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot1_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot2_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot2_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot3_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot3_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot4_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot4_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot5_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot5_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot6_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot6_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot7_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot7_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot8_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot8_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot10_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot10_JobStarts,Slot10_SelfMonitorAge,Slot11_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot11_JobStarts,Slot11_SelfMonitorAge,Slot12_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot12_JobStarts,Slot12_SelfMonitorAge,Slot9_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot9_JobStarts,Slot9_SelfMonitorAge,Slot12_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot10_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot10_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot11_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot11_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot12_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot9_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot9_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot13_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot13_JobStarts,Slot13_SelfMonitorAge,Slot14_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot14_JobStarts,Slot14_SelfMonitorAge,Slot15_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot15_JobStarts,Slot15_SelfMonitorAge,Slot16_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot16_JobStarts,Slot16_SelfMonitorAge,IsResumable,WHEN_TO_TRANSFER_OUTPUT,_condor_Requestadmin_mutex_1,_condor_Requestadmin_mutex_2,_condor_Requestadmin_mutex_3,_condor_Requestmachine_token,Requestadmin_mutex_1,Requestadmin_mutex_2,Requestadmin_mutex_3,Requestmachine_token,nyehle,IsBuildJob,IsMatlabBuildJob,TotalJobRunTime,NodeOnline,Slot13_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot13_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot14_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot14_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot15_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot15_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot16_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot16_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,TmpIsFull,trResumable,RequiresCMSFrontier,Slot17_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot17_JobStarts,Slot17_SelfMonitorAge,Slot17_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot17_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot18_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot18_JobStarts,Slot18_SelfMonitorAge,Slot18_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot18_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot19_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot19_JobStarts,Slot19_SelfMonitorAge,Slot19_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot19_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot20_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot20_JobStarts,Slot20_SelfMonitorAge,Slot20_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot20_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot21_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot21_JobStarts,Slot21_SelfMonitorAge,Slot21_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot21_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot22_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot22_JobStarts,Slot22_SelfMonitorAge,Slot22_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot22_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot23_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot23_JobStarts,Slot23_SelfMonitorAge,Slot23_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot23_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot24_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot24_JobStarts,Slot24_SelfMonitorAge,Slot24_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot24_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot25_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot25_JobStarts,Slot25_SelfMonitorAge,Slot25_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot25_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot26_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot26_JobStarts,Slot26_SelfMonitorAge,Slot26_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot26_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot27_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot27_JobStarts,Slot27_SelfMonitorAge,Slot27_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot27_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot28_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot28_JobStarts,Slot28_SelfMonitorAge,Slot28_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot28_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot29_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot29_JobStarts,Slot29_SelfMonitorAge,Slot29_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot29_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot30_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot30_JobStarts,Slot30_SelfMonitorAge,Slot30_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot30_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot31_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot31_JobStarts,Slot31_SelfMonitorAge,Slot31_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot31_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot32_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot32_JobStarts,Slot32_SelfMonitorAge,Slot32_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot32_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,ResidentSetSize";
+        MaxHosts = 1;
+        Args = "--type=Matlab --version=R2011b --cmdtorun=simu_condor --unique=23 -- 3";
+        CondorVersion = "$CondorVersion: 8.5.0 Sep 16 2015 BuildID: 341710 $";
+        CoreSize = 0;
+        OnExitHold = false;
+        CondorPlatform = "$CondorPlatform: X86_64-RedHat_6.6 $";
+        JobFinishedHookDone = 1446133627;
+        QDate = 1446105629;
+        JobLeaseDuration = 2400;
+        In = "/dev/null";
+        DiskUsage = 1250000;
+        EncryptExecuteDirectory = false;
+        CommittedSuspensionTime = 0;
+        User = "";
+        UserLog = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/model_3/23/process.log";
+        JobCurrentStartDate = 1446108828;
+        BufferBlockSize = 32768;
+        MATCH_EXP_JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "";
+        Requirements = ( ( OpSysMajorVer is 6 ) ) && ( MY.JobUniverse == 12 || MY.JobUniverse == 7 || MY.WantFlocking || MY.WantGlidein || TARGET.PoolName == "CHTC" || TARGET.COLLECTOR_HOST_STRING == "" ) && ( TARGET.Arch == "X86_64" ) && ( TARGET.OpSys == "LINUX" ) && ( TARGET.Disk >= RequestDisk ) && ( TARGET.Memory >= RequestMemory ) && ( TARGET.HasFileTransfer );
+        MinHosts = 1;
+        PeriodicHold = false;
+        ProcId = 0;
+        Environment = "";
+        DAGNodeName = "23+23";
+        MemoryUsage = ( ( ResidentSetSize + 1023 ) / 1024 );
+        TerminationPending = true;
+        NumRestarts = 0;
+        NumSystemHolds = 0;
+        CommittedTime = 24798;
+        AutoClusterId = 24;
+        ExitStatus = 0;
+        ShouldTransferFiles = "YES";
+        MachineAttrCpus0 = 1;
+        WantRemoteSyscalls = false;
+        MyType = "Job";
+        CumulativeSuspensionTime = 0;
+        Rank = 0.0;
+        StartdPrincipal = "execute-side@matchsession/";
+        Err = "process.err";
+        PeriodicRemove = false;
+        BlockWriteKbytes = 0;
+        ExitBySignal = false;
+        DAGManJobId = 49582200;
+        EnteredCurrentStatus = 1446133626;
+        JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "$$([IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName), IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), \"\", TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName)])";
+        RecentBlockWriteKbytes = 0;
+        TransferIn = false;
+        IsCHTCSubmit = true;
+        NumJobMatches = 1;
+        RootDir = "/";
+        JobStartDate = 1446108828;
+        JobPrio = 0;
+        CurrentHosts = 0;
+        GlobalJobId = "";
+        RemoteSysCpu = 1.320000000000000E+02;
+        TotalSuspensions = 0;
+        CommittedSlotTime = 2.479800000000000E+04;
+        WantCheckpoint = false;
+        BlockReads = 0;
+        LastRemoteHost = "";
+        TransferInput = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/data/23/,/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/data/shared/";
+        LocalUserCpu = 0.0;
+        PeriodicRelease = ( JobStatus == 5 ) && ( ( CurrentTime - EnteredCurrentStatus ) > 1800 ) && ( JobRunCount < 5 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 6 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 14 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 22 );
+        RequestDisk = 1000000;
+        ResidentSetSize_RAW = 126760;
+        OrigMaxHosts = 1;
+        LastPublicClaimId = "<>#1444685638#5758#...";
+        WantRHEL6 = true;
+        NumCkpts_RAW = 0;
+        Out = "process.out";
+        SubmitEventNotes = "DAG Node: 23+23";
+        CumulativeSlotTime = 2.479800000000000E+04;
+        JobRunCount = 1;
+        RecentBlockReads = 0;
+        StreamErr = false;
+        DiskUsage_RAW = 1216669;
+        NumCkpts = 0;
+        StatsLifetimeStarter = 24797;
+        ImageSize = 1000000;
         Cmd = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/chtcjobwrapper"
-        BlockWrites = 0; 
-        LastJobStatus = 2; 
-        JobCurrentStartExecutingDate = 1446106484; 
-        WantRemoteIO = true; 
-        RequestCpus = 1; 
-        NumShadowStarts = 1; 
-        RemoteUserCpu = 2.689500000000000E+04; 
-        NiceUser = false; 
-        RequestMemory = 1000; 
-        BytesRecvd = 2.850540000000000E+05; 
-        ResidentSetSize = 150000; 
-        StreamOut = false; 
-        SpooledOutputFiles = "CURLTIME_2158419,ChtcWrapper301.out,AuditLog.301,simu_3_301.txt,harvest.log,301.out"; 
-        OnExitRemove = true; 
-        ImageSize_RAW = 811948; 
-        RemoteWallClockTime = 2.714300000000000E+04; 
-        MachineAttrSlotWeight0 = 1; 
-        ExecutableSize = 7; 
-        JobStatus = 4; 
-        DAGParentNodeNames = ""; 
-        ExitCode = 0; 
-        DAGManNodesMask = "0,1,2,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,13,16,17,24,27"; 
-        BytesSent = 3.190500000000000E+04; 
-        LastSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        ExecutableSize_RAW = 6; 
-        RecentBlockReadKbytes = 0; 
-        TransferInputSizeMB = 0; 
-        Matlab = "R2011b"; 
-        BlockReadKbytes = 0; 
-        RecentStatsLifetimeStarter = 1200; 
-        LeaveJobInQueue = false; 
-        TargetType = "Machine"; 
-        WhenToTransferOutput = "ON_EXIT"; 
-        Owner = "xguo23"; 
-        JobNotification = 0; 
-        BufferSize = 524288; 
-        RecentBlockWrites = 0; 
-        CompletionDate = 1446133625; 
-        QDate = 1446105441; 
-        JobLeaseDuration = 2400; 
-        JobFinishedHookDone = 1446133625; 
-        LastMatchTime = 1446106482; 
-        LastJobLeaseRenewal = 1446133625; 
-        DAGManNodesLog = "/home/xguo23/finally_2/Simulation_condor/model_3/./mydag.dag.nodes.log"; 
-        ClusterId = 49582050; 
-        JobUniverse = 5; 
-        NumJobStarts = 1; 
-        CondorVersion = "$CondorVersion: 8.5.0 Sep 16 2015 BuildID: 341710 $"; 
-        CoreSize = 0; 
-        OnExitHold = false; 
-        CondorPlatform = "$CondorPlatform: X86_64-RedHat_6.6 $"; 
-        In = "/dev/null"; 
-        DiskUsage = 1250000; 
-        EncryptExecuteDirectory = false; 
-        CommittedSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        User = ""; 
-        UserLog = "/home/xguo23/finally_2/Simulation_condor/model_3/301/process.log"; 
-        JobCurrentStartDate = 1446106482; 
-        BufferBlockSize = 32768; 
-        MATCH_EXP_JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = ""; 
-        Requirements = ( ( OpSysMajorVer is 6 ) ) && ( MY.JobUniverse == 12 || MY.JobUniverse == 7 || MY.WantFlocking || MY.WantGlidein || TARGET.PoolName == "CHTC" || TARGET.COLLECTOR_HOST_STRING == "" ) && ( TARGET.Arch == "X86_64" ) && ( TARGET.OpSys == "LINUX" ) && ( TARGET.Disk >= RequestDisk ) && ( TARGET.Memory >= RequestMemory ) && ( TARGET.HasFileTransfer ); 
-        MinHosts = 1; 
-        MaxHosts = 1; 
-        Args = "--type=Matlab --version=R2011b --cmdtorun=simu_condor --unique=301 -- 3"; 
-        PeriodicHold = false; 
-        ProcId = 0; 
-        Environment = ""; 
-        DAGNodeName = "301+301"; 
-        MemoryUsage = ( ( ResidentSetSize + 1023 ) / 1024 ); 
-        TerminationPending = true; 
-        NumRestarts = 0; 
-        NumSystemHolds = 0; 
-        CommittedTime = 27143; 
-        MachineAttrCpus0 = 1; 
-        WantRemoteSyscalls = false; 
-        MyType = "Job"; 
-        CumulativeSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        Rank = 0.0; 
-        StartdPrincipal = "execute-side@matchsession/"; 
-        Err = "process.err"; 
-        PeriodicRemove = false; 
-        BlockWriteKbytes = 0; 
-        ExitBySignal = false; 
-        DAGManJobId = 49581933; 
-        EnteredCurrentStatus = 1446133625; 
-        JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "$$([IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName), IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), \"\", TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName)])"; 
-        RecentBlockWriteKbytes = 0; 
-        TransferIn = false; 
-        ExitStatus = 0; 
-        ShouldTransferFiles = "YES"; 
-        IsCHTCSubmit = true; 
-        NumJobMatches = 1; 
-        RootDir = "/"; 
-        JobStartDate = 1446106482; 
-        JobPrio = 0; 
-        CurrentHosts = 0; 
-        GlobalJobId = ""; 
-        RemoteSysCpu = 2.010000000000000E+02; 
-        TotalSuspensions = 0; 
-        CommittedSlotTime = 2.714300000000000E+04; 
-        WantCheckpoint = false; 
-        BlockReads = 0; 
-        LastRemoteHost = ""; 
-        TransferInput = "/home/xguo23/finally_2/Simulation_condor/data/301/,/home/xguo23/finally_2/Simulation_condor/data/shared/"; 
-        LocalUserCpu = 0.0; 
-        PeriodicRelease = ( JobStatus == 5 ) && ( ( CurrentTime - EnteredCurrentStatus ) > 1800 ) && ( JobRunCount < 5 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 6 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 14 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 22 ); 
-        RequestDisk = 1000000; 
-        ResidentSetSize_RAW = 126464; 
-        OrigMaxHosts = 1; 
-        LastPublicClaimId = "<>#1444760019#9307#..."; 
-        WantRHEL6 = true; 
-        NumCkpts_RAW = 0; 
-        Out = "process.out"; 
-        SubmitEventNotes = "DAG Node: 301+301"; 
-        CumulativeSlotTime = 2.714300000000000E+04; 
-        JobRunCount = 1; 
-        RecentBlockReads = 0; 
-        StreamErr = false; 
-        DiskUsage_RAW = 1216669; 
-        NumCkpts = 0; 
-        StatsLifetimeStarter = 27141; 
-        ImageSize = 1000000; 
-        Cmd = "/home/xguo23/finally_2/Simulation_condor/chtcjobwrapper"; 
-        LocalSysCpu = 0.0; 
+        BlockWrites = 0;
+        LastJobStatus = 2;
+        JobCurrentStartExecutingDate = 1446106484;
+        WantRemoteIO = true;
+        RequestCpus = 1;
+        NumShadowStarts = 1;
+        RemoteUserCpu = 2.689500000000000E+04;
+        NiceUser = false;
+        RequestMemory = 1000;
+        BytesRecvd = 2.850540000000000E+05;
+        ResidentSetSize = 150000;
+        StreamOut = false;
+        SpooledOutputFiles = "CURLTIME_2158419,ChtcWrapper301.out,AuditLog.301,simu_3_301.txt,harvest.log,301.out";
+        OnExitRemove = true;
+        ImageSize_RAW = 811948;
+        RemoteWallClockTime = 2.714300000000000E+04;
+        MachineAttrSlotWeight0 = 1;
+        ExecutableSize = 7;
+        JobStatus = 4;
+        DAGParentNodeNames = "";
+        ExitCode = 0;
+        DAGManNodesMask = "0,1,2,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,13,16,17,24,27";
+        BytesSent = 3.190500000000000E+04;
+        LastSuspensionTime = 0;
+        ExecutableSize_RAW = 6;
+        RecentBlockReadKbytes = 0;
+        TransferInputSizeMB = 0;
+        Matlab = "R2011b";
+        BlockReadKbytes = 0;
+        RecentStatsLifetimeStarter = 1200;
+        LeaveJobInQueue = false;
+        TargetType = "Machine";
+        WhenToTransferOutput = "ON_EXIT";
+        Owner = "xguo23";
+        JobNotification = 0;
+        BufferSize = 524288;
+        RecentBlockWrites = 0;
+        CompletionDate = 1446133625;
+        QDate = 1446105441;
+        JobLeaseDuration = 2400;
+        JobFinishedHookDone = 1446133625;
+        LastMatchTime = 1446106482;
+        LastJobLeaseRenewal = 1446133625;
+        DAGManNodesLog = "/home/xguo23/finally_2/Simulation_condor/model_3/./mydag.dag.nodes.log";
+        ClusterId = 49582050;
+        JobUniverse = 5;
+        NumJobStarts = 1;
+        CondorVersion = "$CondorVersion: 8.5.0 Sep 16 2015 BuildID: 341710 $";
+        CoreSize = 0;
+        OnExitHold = false;
+        CondorPlatform = "$CondorPlatform: X86_64-RedHat_6.6 $";
+        In = "/dev/null";
+        DiskUsage = 1250000;
+        EncryptExecuteDirectory = false;
+        CommittedSuspensionTime = 0;
+        User = "";
+        UserLog = "/home/xguo23/finally_2/Simulation_condor/model_3/301/process.log";
+        JobCurrentStartDate = 1446106482;
+        BufferBlockSize = 32768;
+        MATCH_EXP_JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "";
+        Requirements = ( ( OpSysMajorVer is 6 ) ) && ( MY.JobUniverse == 12 || MY.JobUniverse == 7 || MY.WantFlocking || MY.WantGlidein || TARGET.PoolName == "CHTC" || TARGET.COLLECTOR_HOST_STRING == "" ) && ( TARGET.Arch == "X86_64" ) && ( TARGET.OpSys == "LINUX" ) && ( TARGET.Disk >= RequestDisk ) && ( TARGET.Memory >= RequestMemory ) && ( TARGET.HasFileTransfer );
+        MinHosts = 1;
+        MaxHosts = 1;
+        Args = "--type=Matlab --version=R2011b --cmdtorun=simu_condor --unique=301 -- 3";
+        PeriodicHold = false;
+        ProcId = 0;
+        Environment = "";
+        DAGNodeName = "301+301";
+        MemoryUsage = ( ( ResidentSetSize + 1023 ) / 1024 );
+        TerminationPending = true;
+        NumRestarts = 0;
+        NumSystemHolds = 0;
+        CommittedTime = 27143;
+        MachineAttrCpus0 = 1;
+        WantRemoteSyscalls = false;
+        MyType = "Job";
+        CumulativeSuspensionTime = 0;
+        Rank = 0.0;
+        StartdPrincipal = "execute-side@matchsession/";
+        Err = "process.err";
+        PeriodicRemove = false;
+        BlockWriteKbytes = 0;
+        ExitBySignal = false;
+        DAGManJobId = 49581933;
+        EnteredCurrentStatus = 1446133625;
+        JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "$$([IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName), IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), \"\", TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName)])";
+        RecentBlockWriteKbytes = 0;
+        TransferIn = false;
+        ExitStatus = 0;
+        ShouldTransferFiles = "YES";
+        IsCHTCSubmit = true;
+        NumJobMatches = 1;
+        RootDir = "/";
+        JobStartDate = 1446106482;
+        JobPrio = 0;
+        CurrentHosts = 0;
+        GlobalJobId = "";
+        RemoteSysCpu = 2.010000000000000E+02;
+        TotalSuspensions = 0;
+        CommittedSlotTime = 2.714300000000000E+04;
+        WantCheckpoint = false;
+        BlockReads = 0;
+        LastRemoteHost = "";
+        TransferInput = "/home/xguo23/finally_2/Simulation_condor/data/301/,/home/xguo23/finally_2/Simulation_condor/data/shared/";
+        LocalUserCpu = 0.0;
+        PeriodicRelease = ( JobStatus == 5 ) && ( ( CurrentTime - EnteredCurrentStatus ) > 1800 ) && ( JobRunCount < 5 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 6 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 14 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 22 );
+        RequestDisk = 1000000;
+        ResidentSetSize_RAW = 126464;
+        OrigMaxHosts = 1;
+        LastPublicClaimId = "<>#1444760019#9307#...";
+        WantRHEL6 = true;
+        NumCkpts_RAW = 0;
+        Out = "process.out";
+        SubmitEventNotes = "DAG Node: 301+301";
+        CumulativeSlotTime = 2.714300000000000E+04;
+        JobRunCount = 1;
+        RecentBlockReads = 0;
+        StreamErr = false;
+        DiskUsage_RAW = 1216669;
+        NumCkpts = 0;
+        StatsLifetimeStarter = 27141;
+        ImageSize = 1000000;
+        Cmd = "/home/xguo23/finally_2/Simulation_condor/chtcjobwrapper";
+        LocalSysCpu = 0.0;
         Iwd = "/home/xguo23/finally_2/Simulation_condor/model_3/301"
-        BlockWrites = 0; 
-        LastJobStatus = 2; 
-        JobCurrentStartExecutingDate = 1446111075; 
-        WantRemoteIO = true; 
-        RequestCpus = 1; 
-        NumShadowStarts = 1; 
-        RemoteUserCpu = 2.237100000000000E+04; 
-        NiceUser = false; 
-        RequestMemory = 1000; 
-        BytesRecvd = 2.846280000000000E+05; 
-        ResidentSetSize = 150000; 
-        StreamOut = false; 
-        SpooledOutputFiles = "CURLTIME_3353135,ChtcWrapper86.out,AuditLog.86,simu_3_86.txt,harvest.log,86.out"; 
-        OnExitRemove = true; 
-        ImageSize_RAW = 811948; 
-        RemoteWallClockTime = 2.252000000000000E+04; 
-        MachineAttrSlotWeight0 = 1; 
-        ExecutableSize = 7; 
-        JobStatus = 4; 
-        DAGParentNodeNames = ""; 
-        ExitCode = 0; 
-        DAGManNodesMask = "0,1,2,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,13,16,17,24,27"; 
-        BytesSent = 3.049800000000000E+04; 
-        LastSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        ExecutableSize_RAW = 6; 
-        RecentBlockReadKbytes = 0; 
-        TransferInputSizeMB = 0; 
-        Matlab = "R2011b"; 
-        BlockReadKbytes = 0; 
-        RecentStatsLifetimeStarter = 1200; 
-        LeaveJobInQueue = false; 
-        TargetType = "Machine"; 
-        WhenToTransferOutput = "ON_EXIT"; 
-        Owner = "xguo23"; 
-        JobNotification = 0; 
-        BufferSize = 524288; 
-        RecentBlockWrites = 0; 
-        CompletionDate = 1446133594; 
-        QDate = 1446105706; 
-        JobLeaseDuration = 2400; 
-        JobFinishedHookDone = 1446133594; 
-        LastMatchTime = 1446111074; 
-        LastJobLeaseRenewal = 1446133594; 
-        DAGManNodesLog = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/model_3/./mydag.dag.nodes.log"; 
-        ClusterId = 49582462; 
-        JobUniverse = 5; 
-        NumJobStarts = 1; 
-        CondorVersion = "$CondorVersion: 8.5.0 Sep 16 2015 BuildID: 341710 $"; 
-        CoreSize = 0; 
-        OnExitHold = false; 
-        CondorPlatform = "$CondorPlatform: X86_64-RedHat_6.6 $"; 
-        In = "/dev/null"; 
-        DiskUsage = 1250000; 
-        EncryptExecuteDirectory = false; 
-        CommittedSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        User = ""; 
-        UserLog = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/model_3/86/process.log"; 
-        JobCurrentStartDate = 1446111074; 
-        BufferBlockSize = 32768; 
-        MATCH_EXP_JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = ""; 
-        Requirements = ( ( OpSysMajorVer is 6 ) ) && ( MY.JobUniverse == 12 || MY.JobUniverse == 7 || MY.WantFlocking || MY.WantGlidein || TARGET.PoolName == "CHTC" || TARGET.COLLECTOR_HOST_STRING == "" ) && ( TARGET.Arch == "X86_64" ) && ( TARGET.OpSys == "LINUX" ) && ( TARGET.Disk >= RequestDisk ) && ( TARGET.Memory >= RequestMemory ) && ( TARGET.HasFileTransfer ); 
-        MinHosts = 1; 
-        MaxHosts = 1; 
-        Args = "--type=Matlab --version=R2011b --cmdtorun=simu_condor --unique=86 -- 3"; 
-        PeriodicHold = false; 
-        ProcId = 0; 
-        Environment = ""; 
-        DAGNodeName = "86+86"; 
-        MemoryUsage = ( ( ResidentSetSize + 1023 ) / 1024 ); 
-        TerminationPending = true; 
-        NumRestarts = 0; 
-        NumSystemHolds = 0; 
-        CommittedTime = 22520; 
-        MachineAttrCpus0 = 1; 
-        WantRemoteSyscalls = false; 
-        MyType = "Job"; 
-        CumulativeSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        Rank = 0.0; 
-        StartdPrincipal = "execute-side@matchsession/"; 
-        Err = "process.err"; 
-        PeriodicRemove = false; 
-        BlockWriteKbytes = 0; 
-        ExitBySignal = false; 
-        DAGManJobId = 49582200; 
-        EnteredCurrentStatus = 1446133594; 
-        JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "$$([IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName), IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), \"\", TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName)])"; 
-        RecentBlockWriteKbytes = 0; 
-        TransferIn = false; 
-        ExitStatus = 0; 
-        ShouldTransferFiles = "YES"; 
-        IsCHTCSubmit = true; 
-        NumJobMatches = 1; 
-        RootDir = "/"; 
-        JobStartDate = 1446111074; 
-        JobPrio = 0; 
-        CurrentHosts = 0; 
-        GlobalJobId = ""; 
-        RemoteSysCpu = 1.200000000000000E+02; 
-        TotalSuspensions = 0; 
-        CommittedSlotTime = 2.252000000000000E+04; 
-        WantCheckpoint = false; 
-        BlockReads = 0; 
-        LastRemoteHost = ""; 
-        TransferInput = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/data/86/,/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/data/shared/"; 
-        LocalUserCpu = 0.0; 
-        PeriodicRelease = ( JobStatus == 5 ) && ( ( CurrentTime - EnteredCurrentStatus ) > 1800 ) && ( JobRunCount < 5 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 6 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 14 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 22 ); 
-        RequestDisk = 1000000; 
-        ResidentSetSize_RAW = 125772; 
-        OrigMaxHosts = 1; 
-        LastPublicClaimId = "<>#1443991427#12472#..."; 
-        WantRHEL6 = true; 
-        NumCkpts_RAW = 0; 
-        Out = "process.out"; 
-        SubmitEventNotes = "DAG Node: 86+86"; 
-        CumulativeSlotTime = 2.252000000000000E+04; 
-        JobRunCount = 1; 
-        RecentBlockReads = 0; 
-        StreamErr = false; 
-        DiskUsage_RAW = 1216669; 
-        NumCkpts = 0; 
-        StatsLifetimeStarter = 22519; 
-        ImageSize = 1000000; 
-        Cmd = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/chtcjobwrapper"; 
-        LocalSysCpu = 0.0; 
+        BlockWrites = 0;
+        LastJobStatus = 2;
+        JobCurrentStartExecutingDate = 1446111075;
+        WantRemoteIO = true;
+        RequestCpus = 1;
+        NumShadowStarts = 1;
+        RemoteUserCpu = 2.237100000000000E+04;
+        NiceUser = false;
+        RequestMemory = 1000;
+        BytesRecvd = 2.846280000000000E+05;
+        ResidentSetSize = 150000;
+        StreamOut = false;
+        SpooledOutputFiles = "CURLTIME_3353135,ChtcWrapper86.out,AuditLog.86,simu_3_86.txt,harvest.log,86.out";
+        OnExitRemove = true;
+        ImageSize_RAW = 811948;
+        RemoteWallClockTime = 2.252000000000000E+04;
+        MachineAttrSlotWeight0 = 1;
+        ExecutableSize = 7;
+        JobStatus = 4;
+        DAGParentNodeNames = "";
+        ExitCode = 0;
+        DAGManNodesMask = "0,1,2,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,13,16,17,24,27";
+        BytesSent = 3.049800000000000E+04;
+        LastSuspensionTime = 0;
+        ExecutableSize_RAW = 6;
+        RecentBlockReadKbytes = 0;
+        TransferInputSizeMB = 0;
+        Matlab = "R2011b";
+        BlockReadKbytes = 0;
+        RecentStatsLifetimeStarter = 1200;
+        LeaveJobInQueue = false;
+        TargetType = "Machine";
+        WhenToTransferOutput = "ON_EXIT";
+        Owner = "xguo23";
+        JobNotification = 0;
+        BufferSize = 524288;
+        RecentBlockWrites = 0;
+        CompletionDate = 1446133594;
+        QDate = 1446105706;
+        JobLeaseDuration = 2400;
+        JobFinishedHookDone = 1446133594;
+        LastMatchTime = 1446111074;
+        LastJobLeaseRenewal = 1446133594;
+        DAGManNodesLog = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/model_3/./mydag.dag.nodes.log";
+        ClusterId = 49582462;
+        JobUniverse = 5;
+        NumJobStarts = 1;
+        CondorVersion = "$CondorVersion: 8.5.0 Sep 16 2015 BuildID: 341710 $";
+        CoreSize = 0;
+        OnExitHold = false;
+        CondorPlatform = "$CondorPlatform: X86_64-RedHat_6.6 $";
+        In = "/dev/null";
+        DiskUsage = 1250000;
+        EncryptExecuteDirectory = false;
+        CommittedSuspensionTime = 0;
+        User = "";
+        UserLog = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/model_3/86/process.log";
+        JobCurrentStartDate = 1446111074;
+        BufferBlockSize = 32768;
+        MATCH_EXP_JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "";
+        Requirements = ( ( OpSysMajorVer is 6 ) ) && ( MY.JobUniverse == 12 || MY.JobUniverse == 7 || MY.WantFlocking || MY.WantGlidein || TARGET.PoolName == "CHTC" || TARGET.COLLECTOR_HOST_STRING == "" ) && ( TARGET.Arch == "X86_64" ) && ( TARGET.OpSys == "LINUX" ) && ( TARGET.Disk >= RequestDisk ) && ( TARGET.Memory >= RequestMemory ) && ( TARGET.HasFileTransfer );
+        MinHosts = 1;
+        MaxHosts = 1;
+        Args = "--type=Matlab --version=R2011b --cmdtorun=simu_condor --unique=86 -- 3";
+        PeriodicHold = false;
+        ProcId = 0;
+        Environment = "";
+        DAGNodeName = "86+86";
+        MemoryUsage = ( ( ResidentSetSize + 1023 ) / 1024 );
+        TerminationPending = true;
+        NumRestarts = 0;
+        NumSystemHolds = 0;
+        CommittedTime = 22520;
+        MachineAttrCpus0 = 1;
+        WantRemoteSyscalls = false;
+        MyType = "Job";
+        CumulativeSuspensionTime = 0;
+        Rank = 0.0;
+        StartdPrincipal = "execute-side@matchsession/";
+        Err = "process.err";
+        PeriodicRemove = false;
+        BlockWriteKbytes = 0;
+        ExitBySignal = false;
+        DAGManJobId = 49582200;
+        EnteredCurrentStatus = 1446133594;
+        JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "$$([IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName), IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), \"\", TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName)])";
+        RecentBlockWriteKbytes = 0;
+        TransferIn = false;
+        ExitStatus = 0;
+        ShouldTransferFiles = "YES";
+        IsCHTCSubmit = true;
+        NumJobMatches = 1;
+        RootDir = "/";
+        JobStartDate = 1446111074;
+        JobPrio = 0;
+        CurrentHosts = 0;
+        GlobalJobId = "";
+        RemoteSysCpu = 1.200000000000000E+02;
+        TotalSuspensions = 0;
+        CommittedSlotTime = 2.252000000000000E+04;
+        WantCheckpoint = false;
+        BlockReads = 0;
+        LastRemoteHost = "";
+        TransferInput = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/data/86/,/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/data/shared/";
+        LocalUserCpu = 0.0;
+        PeriodicRelease = ( JobStatus == 5 ) && ( ( CurrentTime - EnteredCurrentStatus ) > 1800 ) && ( JobRunCount < 5 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 6 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 14 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 22 );
+        RequestDisk = 1000000;
+        ResidentSetSize_RAW = 125772;
+        OrigMaxHosts = 1;
+        LastPublicClaimId = "<>#1443991427#12472#...";
+        WantRHEL6 = true;
+        NumCkpts_RAW = 0;
+        Out = "process.out";
+        SubmitEventNotes = "DAG Node: 86+86";
+        CumulativeSlotTime = 2.252000000000000E+04;
+        JobRunCount = 1;
+        RecentBlockReads = 0;
+        StreamErr = false;
+        DiskUsage_RAW = 1216669;
+        NumCkpts = 0;
+        StatsLifetimeStarter = 22519;
+        ImageSize = 1000000;
+        Cmd = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/chtcjobwrapper";
+        LocalSysCpu = 0.0;
         Iwd = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/model_3/86"
-        BlockWrites = 0; 
-        LastJobStatus = 2; 
-        JobCurrentStartExecutingDate = 1446107688; 
-        WantRemoteIO = true; 
-        RequestCpus = 1; 
-        NumShadowStarts = 1; 
-        RemoteUserCpu = 2.569200000000000E+04; 
-        NiceUser = false; 
-        RequestMemory = 1000; 
-        BytesRecvd = 2.850540000000000E+05; 
-        ResidentSetSize = 150000; 
-        StreamOut = false; 
-        SpooledOutputFiles = "CURLTIME_523030,ChtcWrapper333.out,AuditLog.333,simu_3_333.txt,harvest.log,333.out"; 
-        OnExitRemove = true; 
-        ImageSize_RAW = 811948; 
-        RemoteWallClockTime = 2.587600000000000E+04; 
-        MachineAttrSlotWeight0 = 1; 
-        ExecutableSize = 7; 
-        JobStatus = 4; 
-        DAGParentNodeNames = ""; 
-        ExitCode = 0; 
-        DAGManNodesMask = "0,1,2,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,13,16,17,24,27"; 
-        BytesSent = 3.054200000000000E+04; 
-        LastSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        ExecutableSize_RAW = 6; 
-        RecentBlockReadKbytes = 0; 
-        TransferInputSizeMB = 0; 
-        Matlab = "R2011b"; 
-        BlockReadKbytes = 0; 
-        RecentStatsLifetimeStarter = 1200; 
-        LeaveJobInQueue = false; 
-        TargetType = "Machine"; 
-        WhenToTransferOutput = "ON_EXIT"; 
-        Owner = "xguo23"; 
-        JobNotification = 0; 
-        BufferSize = 524288; 
-        RecentBlockWrites = 0; 
-        CompletionDate = 1446133562; 
-        QDate = 1446105553; 
-        JobLeaseDuration = 2400; 
-        JobFinishedHookDone = 1446133562; 
-        LastMatchTime = 1446107686; 
-        LastJobLeaseRenewal = 1446133562; 
-        DAGManNodesLog = "/home/xguo23/finally_2/Simulation_condor/model_3/./mydag.dag.nodes.log"; 
-        ClusterId = 49582154; 
-        JobUniverse = 5; 
-        NumJobStarts = 1; 
-        CondorVersion = "$CondorVersion: 8.5.0 Sep 16 2015 BuildID: 341710 $"; 
-        CoreSize = 0; 
-        OnExitHold = false; 
-        CondorPlatform = "$CondorPlatform: X86_64-RedHat_6.6 $"; 
-        In = "/dev/null"; 
-        DiskUsage = 1250000; 
-        EncryptExecuteDirectory = false; 
-        CommittedSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        User = ""; 
-        UserLog = "/home/xguo23/finally_2/Simulation_condor/model_3/333/process.log"; 
-        JobCurrentStartDate = 1446107686; 
-        BufferBlockSize = 32768; 
-        MATCH_EXP_JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = ""; 
-        Requirements = ( ( OpSysMajorVer is 6 ) ) && ( MY.JobUniverse == 12 || MY.JobUniverse == 7 || MY.WantFlocking || MY.WantGlidein || TARGET.PoolName == "CHTC" || TARGET.COLLECTOR_HOST_STRING == "" ) && ( TARGET.Arch == "X86_64" ) && ( TARGET.OpSys == "LINUX" ) && ( TARGET.Disk >= RequestDisk ) && ( TARGET.Memory >= RequestMemory ) && ( TARGET.HasFileTransfer ); 
-        MinHosts = 1; 
-        MaxHosts = 1; 
-        Args = "--type=Matlab --version=R2011b --cmdtorun=simu_condor --unique=333 -- 3"; 
-        PeriodicHold = false; 
-        ProcId = 0; 
-        Environment = ""; 
-        DAGNodeName = "333+333"; 
-        MemoryUsage = ( ( ResidentSetSize + 1023 ) / 1024 ); 
-        TerminationPending = true; 
-        NumRestarts = 0; 
-        NumSystemHolds = 0; 
-        CommittedTime = 25876; 
-        MachineAttrCpus0 = 1; 
-        WantRemoteSyscalls = false; 
-        MyType = "Job"; 
-        CumulativeSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        Rank = 0.0; 
-        StartdPrincipal = "execute-side@matchsession/"; 
-        Err = "process.err"; 
-        PeriodicRemove = false; 
-        BlockWriteKbytes = 0; 
-        ExitBySignal = false; 
-        DAGManJobId = 49581933; 
-        EnteredCurrentStatus = 1446133562; 
-        JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "$$([IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName), IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), \"\", TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName)])"; 
-        RecentBlockWriteKbytes = 0; 
-        TransferIn = false; 
-        ExitStatus = 0; 
-        ShouldTransferFiles = "YES"; 
-        IsCHTCSubmit = true; 
-        NumJobMatches = 1; 
-        RootDir = "/"; 
-        JobStartDate = 1446107686; 
-        JobPrio = 0; 
-        CurrentHosts = 0; 
-        GlobalJobId = ""; 
-        RemoteSysCpu = 1.570000000000000E+02; 
-        TotalSuspensions = 0; 
-        CommittedSlotTime = 2.587600000000000E+04; 
-        WantCheckpoint = false; 
-        BlockReads = 0; 
-        LastRemoteHost = ""; 
-        TransferInput = "/home/xguo23/finally_2/Simulation_condor/data/333/,/home/xguo23/finally_2/Simulation_condor/data/shared/"; 
-        LocalUserCpu = 0.0; 
-        PeriodicRelease = ( JobStatus == 5 ) && ( ( CurrentTime - EnteredCurrentStatus ) > 1800 ) && ( JobRunCount < 5 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 6 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 14 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 22 ); 
-        RequestDisk = 1000000; 
-        ResidentSetSize_RAW = 125740; 
-        OrigMaxHosts = 1; 
-        LastPublicClaimId = "<>#1443991409#14242#..."; 
-        WantRHEL6 = true; 
-        NumCkpts_RAW = 0; 
-        Out = "process.out"; 
-        SubmitEventNotes = "DAG Node: 333+333"; 
-        CumulativeSlotTime = 2.587600000000000E+04; 
-        JobRunCount = 1; 
-        RecentBlockReads = 0; 
-        StreamErr = false; 
-        DiskUsage_RAW = 1216669; 
-        NumCkpts = 0; 
-        StatsLifetimeStarter = 25874; 
-        ImageSize = 1000000; 
-        Cmd = "/home/xguo23/finally_2/Simulation_condor/chtcjobwrapper"; 
-        LocalSysCpu = 0.0; 
+        BlockWrites = 0;
+        LastJobStatus = 2;
+        JobCurrentStartExecutingDate = 1446107688;
+        WantRemoteIO = true;
+        RequestCpus = 1;
+        NumShadowStarts = 1;
+        RemoteUserCpu = 2.569200000000000E+04;
+        NiceUser = false;
+        RequestMemory = 1000;
+        BytesRecvd = 2.850540000000000E+05;
+        ResidentSetSize = 150000;
+        StreamOut = false;
+        SpooledOutputFiles = "CURLTIME_523030,ChtcWrapper333.out,AuditLog.333,simu_3_333.txt,harvest.log,333.out";
+        OnExitRemove = true;
+        ImageSize_RAW = 811948;
+        RemoteWallClockTime = 2.587600000000000E+04;
+        MachineAttrSlotWeight0 = 1;
+        ExecutableSize = 7;
+        JobStatus = 4;
+        DAGParentNodeNames = "";
+        ExitCode = 0;
+        DAGManNodesMask = "0,1,2,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,13,16,17,24,27";
+        BytesSent = 3.054200000000000E+04;
+        LastSuspensionTime = 0;
+        ExecutableSize_RAW = 6;
+        RecentBlockReadKbytes = 0;
+        TransferInputSizeMB = 0;
+        Matlab = "R2011b";
+        BlockReadKbytes = 0;
+        RecentStatsLifetimeStarter = 1200;
+        LeaveJobInQueue = false;
+        TargetType = "Machine";
+        WhenToTransferOutput = "ON_EXIT";
+        Owner = "xguo23";
+        JobNotification = 0;
+        BufferSize = 524288;
+        RecentBlockWrites = 0;
+        CompletionDate = 1446133562;
+        QDate = 1446105553;
+        JobLeaseDuration = 2400;
+        JobFinishedHookDone = 1446133562;
+        LastMatchTime = 1446107686;
+        LastJobLeaseRenewal = 1446133562;
+        DAGManNodesLog = "/home/xguo23/finally_2/Simulation_condor/model_3/./mydag.dag.nodes.log";
+        ClusterId = 49582154;
+        JobUniverse = 5;
+        NumJobStarts = 1;
+        CondorVersion = "$CondorVersion: 8.5.0 Sep 16 2015 BuildID: 341710 $";
+        CoreSize = 0;
+        OnExitHold = false;
+        CondorPlatform = "$CondorPlatform: X86_64-RedHat_6.6 $";
+        In = "/dev/null";
+        DiskUsage = 1250000;
+        EncryptExecuteDirectory = false;
+        CommittedSuspensionTime = 0;
+        User = "";
+        UserLog = "/home/xguo23/finally_2/Simulation_condor/model_3/333/process.log";
+        JobCurrentStartDate = 1446107686;
+        BufferBlockSize = 32768;
+        MATCH_EXP_JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "";
+        Requirements = ( ( OpSysMajorVer is 6 ) ) && ( MY.JobUniverse == 12 || MY.JobUniverse == 7 || MY.WantFlocking || MY.WantGlidein || TARGET.PoolName == "CHTC" || TARGET.COLLECTOR_HOST_STRING == "" ) && ( TARGET.Arch == "X86_64" ) && ( TARGET.OpSys == "LINUX" ) && ( TARGET.Disk >= RequestDisk ) && ( TARGET.Memory >= RequestMemory ) && ( TARGET.HasFileTransfer );
+        MinHosts = 1;
+        MaxHosts = 1;
+        Args = "--type=Matlab --version=R2011b --cmdtorun=simu_condor --unique=333 -- 3";
+        PeriodicHold = false;
+        ProcId = 0;
+        Environment = "";
+        DAGNodeName = "333+333";
+        MemoryUsage = ( ( ResidentSetSize + 1023 ) / 1024 );
+        TerminationPending = true;
+        NumRestarts = 0;
+        NumSystemHolds = 0;
+        CommittedTime = 25876;
+        MachineAttrCpus0 = 1;
+        WantRemoteSyscalls = false;
+        MyType = "Job";
+        CumulativeSuspensionTime = 0;
+        Rank = 0.0;
+        StartdPrincipal = "execute-side@matchsession/";
+        Err = "process.err";
+        PeriodicRemove = false;
+        BlockWriteKbytes = 0;
+        ExitBySignal = false;
+        DAGManJobId = 49581933;
+        EnteredCurrentStatus = 1446133562;
+        JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "$$([IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName), IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), \"\", TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName)])";
+        RecentBlockWriteKbytes = 0;
+        TransferIn = false;
+        ExitStatus = 0;
+        ShouldTransferFiles = "YES";
+        IsCHTCSubmit = true;
+        NumJobMatches = 1;
+        RootDir = "/";
+        JobStartDate = 1446107686;
+        JobPrio = 0;
+        CurrentHosts = 0;
+        GlobalJobId = "";
+        RemoteSysCpu = 1.570000000000000E+02;
+        TotalSuspensions = 0;
+        CommittedSlotTime = 2.587600000000000E+04;
+        WantCheckpoint = false;
+        BlockReads = 0;
+        LastRemoteHost = "";
+        TransferInput = "/home/xguo23/finally_2/Simulation_condor/data/333/,/home/xguo23/finally_2/Simulation_condor/data/shared/";
+        LocalUserCpu = 0.0;
+        PeriodicRelease = ( JobStatus == 5 ) && ( ( CurrentTime - EnteredCurrentStatus ) > 1800 ) && ( JobRunCount < 5 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 6 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 14 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 22 );
+        RequestDisk = 1000000;
+        ResidentSetSize_RAW = 125740;
+        OrigMaxHosts = 1;
+        LastPublicClaimId = "<>#1443991409#14242#...";
+        WantRHEL6 = true;
+        NumCkpts_RAW = 0;
+        Out = "process.out";
+        SubmitEventNotes = "DAG Node: 333+333";
+        CumulativeSlotTime = 2.587600000000000E+04;
+        JobRunCount = 1;
+        RecentBlockReads = 0;
+        StreamErr = false;
+        DiskUsage_RAW = 1216669;
+        NumCkpts = 0;
+        StatsLifetimeStarter = 25874;
+        ImageSize = 1000000;
+        Cmd = "/home/xguo23/finally_2/Simulation_condor/chtcjobwrapper";
+        LocalSysCpu = 0.0;
         Iwd = "/home/xguo23/finally_2/Simulation_condor/model_3/333"
-        BlockWrites = 0; 
-        LastJobStatus = 2; 
-        JobCurrentStartExecutingDate = 1446121056; 
-        WantRemoteIO = true; 
-        RequestCpus = 1; 
-        NumShadowStarts = 1; 
-        RemoteUserCpu = 1.239800000000000E+04; 
-        NiceUser = false; 
-        RequestMemory = 1000; 
-        BytesRecvd = 2.846130000000000E+05; 
-        ResidentSetSize = 150000; 
-        StreamOut = false; 
-        SpooledOutputFiles = "CURLTIME_2796351,ChtcWrapper194.out,AuditLog.194,simu_3_194.txt,harvest.log,194.out"; 
-        OnExitRemove = true; 
-        ImageSize_RAW = 811948; 
-        RemoteWallClockTime = 1.250100000000000E+04; 
-        MachineAttrSlotWeight0 = 1; 
-        ExecutableSize = 7; 
-        JobStatus = 4; 
-        DAGParentNodeNames = ""; 
-        ExitCode = 0; 
-        DAGManNodesMask = "0,1,2,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,13,16,17,24,27"; 
-        BytesSent = 2.791500000000000E+04; 
-        LastSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        ExecutableSize_RAW = 6; 
-        RecentBlockReadKbytes = 0; 
-        TransferInputSizeMB = 0; 
-        Matlab = "R2011b"; 
-        BlockReadKbytes = 0; 
-        RecentStatsLifetimeStarter = 1200; 
-        LeaveJobInQueue = false; 
-        TargetType = "Machine"; 
-        WhenToTransferOutput = "ON_EXIT"; 
-        Owner = "xguo23"; 
-        JobNotification = 0; 
-        BufferSize = 524288; 
-        RecentBlockWrites = 0; 
-        CompletionDate = 1446133555; 
-        QDate = 1446106019; 
-        JobLeaseDuration = 2400; 
-        JobFinishedHookDone = 1446133555; 
-        LastMatchTime = 1446121054; 
-        LastJobLeaseRenewal = 1446133555; 
-        DAGManNodesLog = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.48/Simulation_condor/model_3/./mydag.dag.nodes.log"; 
-        ClusterId = 49583285; 
-        JobUniverse = 5; 
-        NumJobStarts = 1; 
-        CondorVersion = "$CondorVersion: 8.5.0 Sep 16 2015 BuildID: 341710 $"; 
-        CoreSize = 0; 
-        OnExitHold = false; 
-        CondorPlatform = "$CondorPlatform: X86_64-RedHat_6.6 $"; 
-        In = "/dev/null"; 
-        DiskUsage = 1250000; 
-        EncryptExecuteDirectory = false; 
-        CommittedSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        User = ""; 
-        UserLog = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.48/Simulation_condor/model_3/194/process.log"; 
-        JobCurrentStartDate = 1446121054; 
-        BufferBlockSize = 32768; 
-        MATCH_EXP_JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = ""; 
-        Requirements = ( ( OpSysMajorVer is 6 ) ) && ( MY.JobUniverse == 12 || MY.JobUniverse == 7 || MY.WantFlocking || MY.WantGlidein || TARGET.PoolName == "CHTC" || TARGET.COLLECTOR_HOST_STRING == "" ) && ( TARGET.Arch == "X86_64" ) && ( TARGET.OpSys == "LINUX" ) && ( TARGET.Disk >= RequestDisk ) && ( TARGET.Memory >= RequestMemory ) && ( TARGET.HasFileTransfer ); 
-        MinHosts = 1; 
-        MaxHosts = 1; 
-        Args = "--type=Matlab --version=R2011b --cmdtorun=simu_condor --unique=194 -- 3"; 
-        PeriodicHold = false; 
-        ProcId = 0; 
-        Environment = ""; 
-        DAGNodeName = "194+194"; 
-        MemoryUsage = ( ( ResidentSetSize + 1023 ) / 1024 ); 
-        TerminationPending = true; 
-        NumRestarts = 0; 
-        NumSystemHolds = 0; 
-        CommittedTime = 12501; 
-        MachineAttrCpus0 = 1; 
-        WantRemoteSyscalls = false; 
-        MyType = "Job"; 
-        CumulativeSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        Rank = 0.0; 
-        StartdPrincipal = "execute-side@matchsession/"; 
-        Err = "process.err"; 
-        PeriodicRemove = false; 
-        BlockWriteKbytes = 0; 
-        ExitBySignal = false; 
-        DAGManJobId = 49582206; 
-        EnteredCurrentStatus = 1446133555; 
-        JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "$$([IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName), IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), \"\", TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName)])"; 
-        RecentBlockWriteKbytes = 0; 
-        TransferIn = false; 
-        ExitStatus = 0; 
-        ShouldTransferFiles = "YES"; 
-        IsCHTCSubmit = true; 
-        NumJobMatches = 1; 
-        RootDir = "/"; 
-        JobStartDate = 1446121054; 
-        JobPrio = 0; 
-        CurrentHosts = 0; 
-        GlobalJobId = ""; 
-        RemoteSysCpu = 8.700000000000000E+01; 
-        TotalSuspensions = 0; 
-        CommittedSlotTime = 1.250100000000000E+04; 
-        WantCheckpoint = false; 
-        BlockReads = 0; 
-        LastRemoteHost = ""; 
-        TransferInput = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.48/Simulation_condor/data/194/,/home/xguo23/model_3_1.48/Simulation_condor/data/shared/"; 
-        LocalUserCpu = 0.0; 
-        PeriodicRelease = ( JobStatus == 5 ) && ( ( CurrentTime - EnteredCurrentStatus ) > 1800 ) && ( JobRunCount < 5 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 6 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 14 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 22 ); 
-        RequestDisk = 1000000; 
-        ResidentSetSize_RAW = 125892; 
-        OrigMaxHosts = 1; 
-        LastPublicClaimId = "<>#1444759838#9136#..."; 
-        WantRHEL6 = true; 
-        NumCkpts_RAW = 0; 
-        Out = "process.out"; 
-        SubmitEventNotes = "DAG Node: 194+194"; 
-        CumulativeSlotTime = 1.250100000000000E+04; 
-        JobRunCount = 1; 
-        RecentBlockReads = 0; 
-        StreamErr = false; 
-        DiskUsage_RAW = 1216669; 
-        NumCkpts = 0; 
-        StatsLifetimeStarter = 12499; 
-        ImageSize = 1000000; 
-        Cmd = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.48/Simulation_condor/chtcjobwrapper"; 
-        LocalSysCpu = 0.0; 
+        BlockWrites = 0;
+        LastJobStatus = 2;
+        JobCurrentStartExecutingDate = 1446121056;
+        WantRemoteIO = true;
+        RequestCpus = 1;
+        NumShadowStarts = 1;
+        RemoteUserCpu = 1.239800000000000E+04;
+        NiceUser = false;
+        RequestMemory = 1000;
+        BytesRecvd = 2.846130000000000E+05;
+        ResidentSetSize = 150000;
+        StreamOut = false;
+        SpooledOutputFiles = "CURLTIME_2796351,ChtcWrapper194.out,AuditLog.194,simu_3_194.txt,harvest.log,194.out";
+        OnExitRemove = true;
+        ImageSize_RAW = 811948;
+        RemoteWallClockTime = 1.250100000000000E+04;
+        MachineAttrSlotWeight0 = 1;
+        ExecutableSize = 7;
+        JobStatus = 4;
+        DAGParentNodeNames = "";
+        ExitCode = 0;
+        DAGManNodesMask = "0,1,2,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,13,16,17,24,27";
+        BytesSent = 2.791500000000000E+04;
+        LastSuspensionTime = 0;
+        ExecutableSize_RAW = 6;
+        RecentBlockReadKbytes = 0;
+        TransferInputSizeMB = 0;
+        Matlab = "R2011b";
+        BlockReadKbytes = 0;
+        RecentStatsLifetimeStarter = 1200;
+        LeaveJobInQueue = false;
+        TargetType = "Machine";
+        WhenToTransferOutput = "ON_EXIT";
+        Owner = "xguo23";
+        JobNotification = 0;
+        BufferSize = 524288;
+        RecentBlockWrites = 0;
+        CompletionDate = 1446133555;
+        QDate = 1446106019;
+        JobLeaseDuration = 2400;
+        JobFinishedHookDone = 1446133555;
+        LastMatchTime = 1446121054;
+        LastJobLeaseRenewal = 1446133555;
+        DAGManNodesLog = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.48/Simulation_condor/model_3/./mydag.dag.nodes.log";
+        ClusterId = 49583285;
+        JobUniverse = 5;
+        NumJobStarts = 1;
+        CondorVersion = "$CondorVersion: 8.5.0 Sep 16 2015 BuildID: 341710 $";
+        CoreSize = 0;
+        OnExitHold = false;
+        CondorPlatform = "$CondorPlatform: X86_64-RedHat_6.6 $";
+        In = "/dev/null";
+        DiskUsage = 1250000;
+        EncryptExecuteDirectory = false;
+        CommittedSuspensionTime = 0;
+        User = "";
+        UserLog = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.48/Simulation_condor/model_3/194/process.log";
+        JobCurrentStartDate = 1446121054;
+        BufferBlockSize = 32768;
+        MATCH_EXP_JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "";
+        Requirements = ( ( OpSysMajorVer is 6 ) ) && ( MY.JobUniverse == 12 || MY.JobUniverse == 7 || MY.WantFlocking || MY.WantGlidein || TARGET.PoolName == "CHTC" || TARGET.COLLECTOR_HOST_STRING == "" ) && ( TARGET.Arch == "X86_64" ) && ( TARGET.OpSys == "LINUX" ) && ( TARGET.Disk >= RequestDisk ) && ( TARGET.Memory >= RequestMemory ) && ( TARGET.HasFileTransfer );
+        MinHosts = 1;
+        MaxHosts = 1;
+        Args = "--type=Matlab --version=R2011b --cmdtorun=simu_condor --unique=194 -- 3";
+        PeriodicHold = false;
+        ProcId = 0;
+        Environment = "";
+        DAGNodeName = "194+194";
+        MemoryUsage = ( ( ResidentSetSize + 1023 ) / 1024 );
+        TerminationPending = true;
+        NumRestarts = 0;
+        NumSystemHolds = 0;
+        CommittedTime = 12501;
+        MachineAttrCpus0 = 1;
+        WantRemoteSyscalls = false;
+        MyType = "Job";
+        CumulativeSuspensionTime = 0;
+        Rank = 0.0;
+        StartdPrincipal = "execute-side@matchsession/";
+        Err = "process.err";
+        PeriodicRemove = false;
+        BlockWriteKbytes = 0;
+        ExitBySignal = false;
+        DAGManJobId = 49582206;
+        EnteredCurrentStatus = 1446133555;
+        JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "$$([IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName), IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), \"\", TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName)])";
+        RecentBlockWriteKbytes = 0;
+        TransferIn = false;
+        ExitStatus = 0;
+        ShouldTransferFiles = "YES";
+        IsCHTCSubmit = true;
+        NumJobMatches = 1;
+        RootDir = "/";
+        JobStartDate = 1446121054;
+        JobPrio = 0;
+        CurrentHosts = 0;
+        GlobalJobId = "";
+        RemoteSysCpu = 8.700000000000000E+01;
+        TotalSuspensions = 0;
+        CommittedSlotTime = 1.250100000000000E+04;
+        WantCheckpoint = false;
+        BlockReads = 0;
+        LastRemoteHost = "";
+        TransferInput = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.48/Simulation_condor/data/194/,/home/xguo23/model_3_1.48/Simulation_condor/data/shared/";
+        LocalUserCpu = 0.0;
+        PeriodicRelease = ( JobStatus == 5 ) && ( ( CurrentTime - EnteredCurrentStatus ) > 1800 ) && ( JobRunCount < 5 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 6 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 14 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 22 );
+        RequestDisk = 1000000;
+        ResidentSetSize_RAW = 125892;
+        OrigMaxHosts = 1;
+        LastPublicClaimId = "<>#1444759838#9136#...";
+        WantRHEL6 = true;
+        NumCkpts_RAW = 0;
+        Out = "process.out";
+        SubmitEventNotes = "DAG Node: 194+194";
+        CumulativeSlotTime = 1.250100000000000E+04;
+        JobRunCount = 1;
+        RecentBlockReads = 0;
+        StreamErr = false;
+        DiskUsage_RAW = 1216669;
+        NumCkpts = 0;
+        StatsLifetimeStarter = 12499;
+        ImageSize = 1000000;
+        Cmd = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.48/Simulation_condor/chtcjobwrapper";
+        LocalSysCpu = 0.0;
         Iwd = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.48/Simulation_condor/model_3/194"
-        BlockWrites = 0; 
-        LastJobStatus = 2; 
-        JobCurrentStartExecutingDate = 1446108668; 
-        WantRemoteIO = true; 
-        RequestCpus = 1; 
-        NumShadowStarts = 1; 
-        RemoteUserCpu = 2.462600000000000E+04; 
-        NiceUser = false; 
-        RequestMemory = 1000; 
-        BytesRecvd = 2.850540000000000E+05; 
-        ResidentSetSize = 150000; 
-        StreamOut = false; 
-        SpooledOutputFiles = "CURLTIME_1382128,ChtcWrapper154.out,AuditLog.154,simu_3_154.txt,harvest.log,154.out"; 
-        OnExitRemove = true; 
-        ImageSize_RAW = 811948; 
-        RemoteWallClockTime = 2.487400000000000E+04; 
-        MachineAttrSlotWeight0 = 1; 
-        ExecutableSize = 7; 
-        JobStatus = 4; 
-        DAGParentNodeNames = ""; 
-        ExitCode = 0; 
-        DAGManNodesMask = "0,1,2,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,13,16,17,24,27"; 
-        BytesSent = 3.055900000000000E+04; 
-        LastSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        ExecutableSize_RAW = 6; 
-        RecentBlockReadKbytes = 0; 
-        TransferInputSizeMB = 0; 
-        Matlab = "R2011b"; 
-        BlockReadKbytes = 0; 
-        RecentStatsLifetimeStarter = 1200; 
-        LeaveJobInQueue = false; 
-        TargetType = "Machine"; 
-        WhenToTransferOutput = "ON_EXIT"; 
-        Owner = "xguo23"; 
-        JobNotification = 0; 
-        BufferSize = 524288; 
-        RecentBlockWrites = 0; 
-        CompletionDate = 1446133540; 
-        QDate = 1446105581; 
-        JobLeaseDuration = 2400; 
-        JobFinishedHookDone = 1446133540; 
-        LastMatchTime = 1446108666; 
-        LastJobLeaseRenewal = 1446133540; 
-        DAGManNodesLog = "/home/xguo23/finally_2/Simulation_condor/model_3/./mydag.dag.nodes.log"; 
-        ClusterId = 49582178; 
-        JobUniverse = 5; 
-        NumJobStarts = 1; 
-        CondorVersion = "$CondorVersion: 8.5.0 Sep 16 2015 BuildID: 341710 $"; 
-        CoreSize = 0; 
-        OnExitHold = false; 
-        CondorPlatform = "$CondorPlatform: X86_64-RedHat_6.6 $"; 
-        In = "/dev/null"; 
-        DiskUsage = 1250000; 
-        EncryptExecuteDirectory = false; 
-        CommittedSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        User = ""; 
-        UserLog = "/home/xguo23/finally_2/Simulation_condor/model_3/154/process.log"; 
-        JobCurrentStartDate = 1446108666; 
-        BufferBlockSize = 32768; 
-        MATCH_EXP_JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = ""; 
-        Requirements = ( ( OpSysMajorVer is 6 ) ) && ( MY.JobUniverse == 12 || MY.JobUniverse == 7 || MY.WantFlocking || MY.WantGlidein || TARGET.PoolName == "CHTC" || TARGET.COLLECTOR_HOST_STRING == "" ) && ( TARGET.Arch == "X86_64" ) && ( TARGET.OpSys == "LINUX" ) && ( TARGET.Disk >= RequestDisk ) && ( TARGET.Memory >= RequestMemory ) && ( TARGET.HasFileTransfer ); 
-        MinHosts = 1; 
-        MaxHosts = 1; 
-        Args = "--type=Matlab --version=R2011b --cmdtorun=simu_condor --unique=154 -- 3"; 
-        PeriodicHold = false; 
-        ProcId = 0; 
-        Environment = ""; 
-        DAGNodeName = "154+154"; 
-        MemoryUsage = ( ( ResidentSetSize + 1023 ) / 1024 ); 
-        TerminationPending = true; 
-        NumRestarts = 0; 
-        NumSystemHolds = 0; 
-        CommittedTime = 24874; 
-        MachineAttrCpus0 = 1; 
-        WantRemoteSyscalls = false; 
-        MyType = "Job"; 
-        CumulativeSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        Rank = 0.0; 
-        StartdPrincipal = "execute-side@matchsession/"; 
-        Err = "process.err"; 
-        PeriodicRemove = false; 
-        BlockWriteKbytes = 0; 
-        ExitBySignal = false; 
-        DAGManJobId = 49581933; 
-        EnteredCurrentStatus = 1446133540; 
-        JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "$$([IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName), IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), \"\", TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName)])"; 
-        RecentBlockWriteKbytes = 0; 
-        TransferIn = false; 
-        ExitStatus = 0; 
-        ShouldTransferFiles = "YES"; 
-        IsCHTCSubmit = true; 
-        NumJobMatches = 1; 
-        RootDir = "/"; 
-        JobStartDate = 1446108666; 
-        JobPrio = 0; 
-        CurrentHosts = 0; 
-        GlobalJobId = ""; 
-        RemoteSysCpu = 1.830000000000000E+02; 
-        TotalSuspensions = 0; 
-        CommittedSlotTime = 2.487400000000000E+04; 
-        WantCheckpoint = false; 
-        BlockReads = 0; 
-        LastRemoteHost = ""; 
-        TransferInput = "/home/xguo23/finally_2/Simulation_condor/data/154/,/home/xguo23/finally_2/Simulation_condor/data/shared/"; 
-        LocalUserCpu = 0.0; 
-        PeriodicRelease = ( JobStatus == 5 ) && ( ( CurrentTime - EnteredCurrentStatus ) > 1800 ) && ( JobRunCount < 5 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 6 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 14 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 22 ); 
-        RequestDisk = 1000000; 
-        ResidentSetSize_RAW = 125792; 
-        OrigMaxHosts = 1; 
-        LastPublicClaimId = "<>#1444759998#9379#..."; 
-        WantRHEL6 = true; 
-        NumCkpts_RAW = 0; 
-        Out = "process.out"; 
-        SubmitEventNotes = "DAG Node: 154+154"; 
-        CumulativeSlotTime = 2.487400000000000E+04; 
-        JobRunCount = 1; 
-        RecentBlockReads = 0; 
-        StreamErr = false; 
-        DiskUsage_RAW = 1216669; 
-        NumCkpts = 0; 
-        StatsLifetimeStarter = 24871; 
-        ImageSize = 1000000; 
-        Cmd = "/home/xguo23/finally_2/Simulation_condor/chtcjobwrapper"; 
-        LocalSysCpu = 0.0; 
+        BlockWrites = 0;
+        LastJobStatus = 2;
+        JobCurrentStartExecutingDate = 1446108668;
+        WantRemoteIO = true;
+        RequestCpus = 1;
+        NumShadowStarts = 1;
+        RemoteUserCpu = 2.462600000000000E+04;
+        NiceUser = false;
+        RequestMemory = 1000;
+        BytesRecvd = 2.850540000000000E+05;
+        ResidentSetSize = 150000;
+        StreamOut = false;
+        SpooledOutputFiles = "CURLTIME_1382128,ChtcWrapper154.out,AuditLog.154,simu_3_154.txt,harvest.log,154.out";
+        OnExitRemove = true;
+        ImageSize_RAW = 811948;
+        RemoteWallClockTime = 2.487400000000000E+04;
+        MachineAttrSlotWeight0 = 1;
+        ExecutableSize = 7;
+        JobStatus = 4;
+        DAGParentNodeNames = "";
+        ExitCode = 0;
+        DAGManNodesMask = "0,1,2,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,13,16,17,24,27";
+        BytesSent = 3.055900000000000E+04;
+        LastSuspensionTime = 0;
+        ExecutableSize_RAW = 6;
+        RecentBlockReadKbytes = 0;
+        TransferInputSizeMB = 0;
+        Matlab = "R2011b";
+        BlockReadKbytes = 0;
+        RecentStatsLifetimeStarter = 1200;
+        LeaveJobInQueue = false;
+        TargetType = "Machine";
+        WhenToTransferOutput = "ON_EXIT";
+        Owner = "xguo23";
+        JobNotification = 0;
+        BufferSize = 524288;
+        RecentBlockWrites = 0;
+        CompletionDate = 1446133540;
+        QDate = 1446105581;
+        JobLeaseDuration = 2400;
+        JobFinishedHookDone = 1446133540;
+        LastMatchTime = 1446108666;
+        LastJobLeaseRenewal = 1446133540;
+        DAGManNodesLog = "/home/xguo23/finally_2/Simulation_condor/model_3/./mydag.dag.nodes.log";
+        ClusterId = 49582178;
+        JobUniverse = 5;
+        NumJobStarts = 1;
+        CondorVersion = "$CondorVersion: 8.5.0 Sep 16 2015 BuildID: 341710 $";
+        CoreSize = 0;
+        OnExitHold = false;
+        CondorPlatform = "$CondorPlatform: X86_64-RedHat_6.6 $";
+        In = "/dev/null";
+        DiskUsage = 1250000;
+        EncryptExecuteDirectory = false;
+        CommittedSuspensionTime = 0;
+        User = "";
+        UserLog = "/home/xguo23/finally_2/Simulation_condor/model_3/154/process.log";
+        JobCurrentStartDate = 1446108666;
+        BufferBlockSize = 32768;
+        MATCH_EXP_JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "";
+        Requirements = ( ( OpSysMajorVer is 6 ) ) && ( MY.JobUniverse == 12 || MY.JobUniverse == 7 || MY.WantFlocking || MY.WantGlidein || TARGET.PoolName == "CHTC" || TARGET.COLLECTOR_HOST_STRING == "" ) && ( TARGET.Arch == "X86_64" ) && ( TARGET.OpSys == "LINUX" ) && ( TARGET.Disk >= RequestDisk ) && ( TARGET.Memory >= RequestMemory ) && ( TARGET.HasFileTransfer );
+        MinHosts = 1;
+        MaxHosts = 1;
+        Args = "--type=Matlab --version=R2011b --cmdtorun=simu_condor --unique=154 -- 3";
+        PeriodicHold = false;
+        ProcId = 0;
+        Environment = "";
+        DAGNodeName = "154+154";
+        MemoryUsage = ( ( ResidentSetSize + 1023 ) / 1024 );
+        TerminationPending = true;
+        NumRestarts = 0;
+        NumSystemHolds = 0;
+        CommittedTime = 24874;
+        MachineAttrCpus0 = 1;
+        WantRemoteSyscalls = false;
+        MyType = "Job";
+        CumulativeSuspensionTime = 0;
+        Rank = 0.0;
+        StartdPrincipal = "execute-side@matchsession/";
+        Err = "process.err";
+        PeriodicRemove = false;
+        BlockWriteKbytes = 0;
+        ExitBySignal = false;
+        DAGManJobId = 49581933;
+        EnteredCurrentStatus = 1446133540;
+        JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "$$([IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName), IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), \"\", TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName)])";
+        RecentBlockWriteKbytes = 0;
+        TransferIn = false;
+        ExitStatus = 0;
+        ShouldTransferFiles = "YES";
+        IsCHTCSubmit = true;
+        NumJobMatches = 1;
+        RootDir = "/";
+        JobStartDate = 1446108666;
+        JobPrio = 0;
+        CurrentHosts = 0;
+        GlobalJobId = "";
+        RemoteSysCpu = 1.830000000000000E+02;
+        TotalSuspensions = 0;
+        CommittedSlotTime = 2.487400000000000E+04;
+        WantCheckpoint = false;
+        BlockReads = 0;
+        LastRemoteHost = "";
+        TransferInput = "/home/xguo23/finally_2/Simulation_condor/data/154/,/home/xguo23/finally_2/Simulation_condor/data/shared/";
+        LocalUserCpu = 0.0;
+        PeriodicRelease = ( JobStatus == 5 ) && ( ( CurrentTime - EnteredCurrentStatus ) > 1800 ) && ( JobRunCount < 5 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 6 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 14 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 22 );
+        RequestDisk = 1000000;
+        ResidentSetSize_RAW = 125792;
+        OrigMaxHosts = 1;
+        LastPublicClaimId = "<>#1444759998#9379#...";
+        WantRHEL6 = true;
+        NumCkpts_RAW = 0;
+        Out = "process.out";
+        SubmitEventNotes = "DAG Node: 154+154";
+        CumulativeSlotTime = 2.487400000000000E+04;
+        JobRunCount = 1;
+        RecentBlockReads = 0;
+        StreamErr = false;
+        DiskUsage_RAW = 1216669;
+        NumCkpts = 0;
+        StatsLifetimeStarter = 24871;
+        ImageSize = 1000000;
+        Cmd = "/home/xguo23/finally_2/Simulation_condor/chtcjobwrapper";
+        LocalSysCpu = 0.0;
         Iwd = "/home/xguo23/finally_2/Simulation_condor/model_3/154"
-        BlockWrites = 0; 
-        LastJobStatus = 2; 
-        JobCurrentStartExecutingDate = 1446107491; 
-        WantRemoteIO = true; 
-        RequestCpus = 1; 
-        NumShadowStarts = 1; 
-        RemoteUserCpu = 2.593900000000000E+04; 
-        NiceUser = false; 
-        RequestMemory = 1000; 
-        BytesRecvd = 2.850540000000000E+05; 
-        ResidentSetSize = 150000; 
-        StreamOut = false; 
-        SpooledOutputFiles = "CURLTIME_522843,ChtcWrapper206.out,AuditLog.206,simu_3_206.txt,harvest.log,206.out"; 
-        OnExitRemove = true; 
-        ImageSize_RAW = 811948; 
-        RemoteWallClockTime = 2.604500000000000E+04; 
-        MachineAttrSlotWeight0 = 1; 
-        ExecutableSize = 7; 
-        JobStatus = 4; 
-        DAGParentNodeNames = ""; 
-        ExitCode = 0; 
-        DAGManNodesMask = "0,1,2,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,13,16,17,24,27"; 
-        BytesSent = 3.059600000000000E+04; 
-        LastSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        ExecutableSize_RAW = 6; 
-        RecentBlockReadKbytes = 0; 
-        TransferInputSizeMB = 0; 
-        Matlab = "R2011b"; 
-        BlockReadKbytes = 0; 
-        RecentStatsLifetimeStarter = 1200; 
-        LeaveJobInQueue = false; 
-        TargetType = "Machine"; 
-        WhenToTransferOutput = "ON_EXIT"; 
-        Owner = "xguo23"; 
-        JobNotification = 0; 
-        BufferSize = 524288; 
-        RecentBlockWrites = 0; 
-        CompletionDate = 1446133535; 
-        QDate = 1446105509; 
-        JobLeaseDuration = 2400; 
-        JobFinishedHookDone = 1446133535; 
-        LastMatchTime = 1446107490; 
-        LastJobLeaseRenewal = 1446133535; 
-        DAGManNodesLog = "/home/xguo23/finally_2/Simulation_condor/model_3/./mydag.dag.nodes.log"; 
-        ClusterId = 49582113; 
-        JobUniverse = 5; 
-        NumJobStarts = 1; 
-        CondorVersion = "$CondorVersion: 8.5.0 Sep 16 2015 BuildID: 341710 $"; 
-        CoreSize = 0; 
-        OnExitHold = false; 
-        CondorPlatform = "$CondorPlatform: X86_64-RedHat_6.6 $"; 
-        In = "/dev/null"; 
-        DiskUsage = 1250000; 
-        EncryptExecuteDirectory = false; 
-        CommittedSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        User = ""; 
-        UserLog = "/home/xguo23/finally_2/Simulation_condor/model_3/206/process.log"; 
-        JobCurrentStartDate = 1446107490; 
-        BufferBlockSize = 32768; 
-        MATCH_EXP_JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = ""; 
-        Requirements = ( ( OpSysMajorVer is 6 ) ) && ( MY.JobUniverse == 12 || MY.JobUniverse == 7 || MY.WantFlocking || MY.WantGlidein || TARGET.PoolName == "CHTC" || TARGET.COLLECTOR_HOST_STRING == "" ) && ( TARGET.Arch == "X86_64" ) && ( TARGET.OpSys == "LINUX" ) && ( TARGET.Disk >= RequestDisk ) && ( TARGET.Memory >= RequestMemory ) && ( TARGET.HasFileTransfer ); 
-        MinHosts = 1; 
-        MaxHosts = 1; 
-        Args = "--type=Matlab --version=R2011b --cmdtorun=simu_condor --unique=206 -- 3"; 
-        PeriodicHold = false; 
-        ProcId = 0; 
-        Environment = ""; 
-        DAGNodeName = "206+206"; 
-        MemoryUsage = ( ( ResidentSetSize + 1023 ) / 1024 ); 
-        TerminationPending = true; 
-        NumRestarts = 0; 
-        NumSystemHolds = 0; 
-        CommittedTime = 26045; 
-        MachineAttrCpus0 = 1; 
-        WantRemoteSyscalls = false; 
-        MyType = "Job"; 
-        CumulativeSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        Rank = 0.0; 
-        StartdPrincipal = "execute-side@matchsession/"; 
-        Err = "process.err"; 
-        PeriodicRemove = false; 
-        BlockWriteKbytes = 0; 
-        ExitBySignal = false; 
-        DAGManJobId = 49581933; 
-        EnteredCurrentStatus = 1446133535; 
-        JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "$$([IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName), IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), \"\", TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName)])"; 
-        RecentBlockWriteKbytes = 0; 
-        TransferIn = false; 
-        ExitStatus = 0; 
-        ShouldTransferFiles = "YES"; 
-        IsCHTCSubmit = true; 
-        NumJobMatches = 1; 
-        RootDir = "/"; 
-        JobStartDate = 1446107490; 
-        JobPrio = 0; 
-        CurrentHosts = 0; 
-        GlobalJobId = ""; 
-        RemoteSysCpu = 8.700000000000000E+01; 
-        TotalSuspensions = 0; 
-        CommittedSlotTime = 2.604500000000000E+04; 
-        WantCheckpoint = false; 
-        BlockReads = 0; 
-        LastRemoteHost = ""; 
-        TransferInput = "/home/xguo23/finally_2/Simulation_condor/data/206/,/home/xguo23/finally_2/Simulation_condor/data/shared/"; 
-        LocalUserCpu = 0.0; 
-        PeriodicRelease = ( JobStatus == 5 ) && ( ( CurrentTime - EnteredCurrentStatus ) > 1800 ) && ( JobRunCount < 5 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 6 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 14 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 22 ); 
-        RequestDisk = 1000000; 
-        ResidentSetSize_RAW = 126460; 
-        OrigMaxHosts = 1; 
-        LastPublicClaimId = "<>#1443991409#14238#..."; 
-        WantRHEL6 = true; 
-        NumCkpts_RAW = 0; 
-        Out = "process.out"; 
-        SubmitEventNotes = "DAG Node: 206+206"; 
-        CumulativeSlotTime = 2.604500000000000E+04; 
-        JobRunCount = 1; 
-        RecentBlockReads = 0; 
-        StreamErr = false; 
-        DiskUsage_RAW = 1216669; 
-        NumCkpts = 0; 
-        StatsLifetimeStarter = 26044; 
-        ImageSize = 1000000; 
-        Cmd = "/home/xguo23/finally_2/Simulation_condor/chtcjobwrapper"; 
-        LocalSysCpu = 0.0; 
+        BlockWrites = 0;
+        LastJobStatus = 2;
+        JobCurrentStartExecutingDate = 1446107491;
+        WantRemoteIO = true;
+        RequestCpus = 1;
+        NumShadowStarts = 1;
+        RemoteUserCpu = 2.593900000000000E+04;
+        NiceUser = false;
+        RequestMemory = 1000;
+        BytesRecvd = 2.850540000000000E+05;
+        ResidentSetSize = 150000;
+        StreamOut = false;
+        SpooledOutputFiles = "CURLTIME_522843,ChtcWrapper206.out,AuditLog.206,simu_3_206.txt,harvest.log,206.out";
+        OnExitRemove = true;
+        ImageSize_RAW = 811948;
+        RemoteWallClockTime = 2.604500000000000E+04;
+        MachineAttrSlotWeight0 = 1;
+        ExecutableSize = 7;
+        JobStatus = 4;
+        DAGParentNodeNames = "";
+        ExitCode = 0;
+        DAGManNodesMask = "0,1,2,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,13,16,17,24,27";
+        BytesSent = 3.059600000000000E+04;
+        LastSuspensionTime = 0;
+        ExecutableSize_RAW = 6;
+        RecentBlockReadKbytes = 0;
+        TransferInputSizeMB = 0;
+        Matlab = "R2011b";
+        BlockReadKbytes = 0;
+        RecentStatsLifetimeStarter = 1200;
+        LeaveJobInQueue = false;
+        TargetType = "Machine";
+        WhenToTransferOutput = "ON_EXIT";
+        Owner = "xguo23";
+        JobNotification = 0;
+        BufferSize = 524288;
+        RecentBlockWrites = 0;
+        CompletionDate = 1446133535;
+        QDate = 1446105509;
+        JobLeaseDuration = 2400;
+        JobFinishedHookDone = 1446133535;
+        LastMatchTime = 1446107490;
+        LastJobLeaseRenewal = 1446133535;
+        DAGManNodesLog = "/home/xguo23/finally_2/Simulation_condor/model_3/./mydag.dag.nodes.log";
+        ClusterId = 49582113;
+        JobUniverse = 5;
+        NumJobStarts = 1;
+        CondorVersion = "$CondorVersion: 8.5.0 Sep 16 2015 BuildID: 341710 $";
+        CoreSize = 0;
+        OnExitHold = false;
+        CondorPlatform = "$CondorPlatform: X86_64-RedHat_6.6 $";
+        In = "/dev/null";
+        DiskUsage = 1250000;
+        EncryptExecuteDirectory = false;
+        CommittedSuspensionTime = 0;
+        User = "";
+        UserLog = "/home/xguo23/finally_2/Simulation_condor/model_3/206/process.log";
+        JobCurrentStartDate = 1446107490;
+        BufferBlockSize = 32768;
+        MATCH_EXP_JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "";
+        Requirements = ( ( OpSysMajorVer is 6 ) ) && ( MY.JobUniverse == 12 || MY.JobUniverse == 7 || MY.WantFlocking || MY.WantGlidein || TARGET.PoolName == "CHTC" || TARGET.COLLECTOR_HOST_STRING == "" ) && ( TARGET.Arch == "X86_64" ) && ( TARGET.OpSys == "LINUX" ) && ( TARGET.Disk >= RequestDisk ) && ( TARGET.Memory >= RequestMemory ) && ( TARGET.HasFileTransfer );
+        MinHosts = 1;
+        MaxHosts = 1;
+        Args = "--type=Matlab --version=R2011b --cmdtorun=simu_condor --unique=206 -- 3";
+        PeriodicHold = false;
+        ProcId = 0;
+        Environment = "";
+        DAGNodeName = "206+206";
+        MemoryUsage = ( ( ResidentSetSize + 1023 ) / 1024 );
+        TerminationPending = true;
+        NumRestarts = 0;
+        NumSystemHolds = 0;
+        CommittedTime = 26045;
+        MachineAttrCpus0 = 1;
+        WantRemoteSyscalls = false;
+        MyType = "Job";
+        CumulativeSuspensionTime = 0;
+        Rank = 0.0;
+        StartdPrincipal = "execute-side@matchsession/";
+        Err = "process.err";
+        PeriodicRemove = false;
+        BlockWriteKbytes = 0;
+        ExitBySignal = false;
+        DAGManJobId = 49581933;
+        EnteredCurrentStatus = 1446133535;
+        JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "$$([IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName), IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), \"\", TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName)])";
+        RecentBlockWriteKbytes = 0;
+        TransferIn = false;
+        ExitStatus = 0;
+        ShouldTransferFiles = "YES";
+        IsCHTCSubmit = true;
+        NumJobMatches = 1;
+        RootDir = "/";
+        JobStartDate = 1446107490;
+        JobPrio = 0;
+        CurrentHosts = 0;
+        GlobalJobId = "";
+        RemoteSysCpu = 8.700000000000000E+01;
+        TotalSuspensions = 0;
+        CommittedSlotTime = 2.604500000000000E+04;
+        WantCheckpoint = false;
+        BlockReads = 0;
+        LastRemoteHost = "";
+        TransferInput = "/home/xguo23/finally_2/Simulation_condor/data/206/,/home/xguo23/finally_2/Simulation_condor/data/shared/";
+        LocalUserCpu = 0.0;
+        PeriodicRelease = ( JobStatus == 5 ) && ( ( CurrentTime - EnteredCurrentStatus ) > 1800 ) && ( JobRunCount < 5 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 6 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 14 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 22 );
+        RequestDisk = 1000000;
+        ResidentSetSize_RAW = 126460;
+        OrigMaxHosts = 1;
+        LastPublicClaimId = "<>#1443991409#14238#...";
+        WantRHEL6 = true;
+        NumCkpts_RAW = 0;
+        Out = "process.out";
+        SubmitEventNotes = "DAG Node: 206+206";
+        CumulativeSlotTime = 2.604500000000000E+04;
+        JobRunCount = 1;
+        RecentBlockReads = 0;
+        StreamErr = false;
+        DiskUsage_RAW = 1216669;
+        NumCkpts = 0;
+        StatsLifetimeStarter = 26044;
+        ImageSize = 1000000;
+        Cmd = "/home/xguo23/finally_2/Simulation_condor/chtcjobwrapper";
+        LocalSysCpu = 0.0;
         Iwd = "/home/xguo23/finally_2/Simulation_condor/model_3/206"
-        BlockWrites = 0; 
-        LastJobStatus = 2; 
-        JobCurrentStartExecutingDate = 1446115925; 
-        WantRemoteIO = true; 
-        RequestCpus = 1; 
-        NumShadowStarts = 1; 
-        RemoteUserCpu = 1.747100000000000E+04; 
-        NiceUser = false; 
-        RequestMemory = 1000; 
-        BytesRecvd = 2.847180000000000E+05; 
-        ResidentSetSize = 125000; 
-        StreamOut = false; 
-        SpooledOutputFiles = "CURLTIME_3813186,ChtcWrapper31.out,AuditLog.31,simu_3_31.txt,harvest.log,31.out"; 
-        OnExitRemove = true; 
-        ImageSize_RAW = 811948; 
-        RemoteWallClockTime = 1.760500000000000E+04; 
-        MachineAttrSlotWeight0 = 1; 
-        ExecutableSize = 7; 
-        JobStatus = 4; 
-        DAGParentNodeNames = ""; 
-        ExitCode = 0; 
-        DAGManNodesMask = "0,1,2,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,13,16,17,24,27"; 
-        BytesSent = 2.790500000000000E+04; 
-        LastSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        ExecutableSize_RAW = 6; 
-        RecentBlockReadKbytes = 0; 
-        TransferInputSizeMB = 0; 
-        Matlab = "R2011b"; 
-        BlockReadKbytes = 0; 
-        RecentStatsLifetimeStarter = 1200; 
-        LeaveJobInQueue = false; 
-        TargetType = "Machine"; 
-        WhenToTransferOutput = "ON_EXIT"; 
-        Owner = "xguo23"; 
-        JobNotification = 0; 
-        BufferSize = 524288; 
-        RecentBlockWrites = 0; 
-        CompletionDate = 1446133529; 
-        QDate = 1446105852; 
-        JobLeaseDuration = 2400; 
-        JobFinishedHookDone = 1446133529; 
-        LastMatchTime = 1446115924; 
-        LastJobLeaseRenewal = 1446133528; 
-        DAGManNodesLog = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.46/Simulation_condor/model_3/./mydag.dag.nodes.log"; 
-        ClusterId = 49582831; 
-        JobUniverse = 5; 
-        NumJobStarts = 1; 
-        CondorVersion = "$CondorVersion: 8.5.0 Sep 16 2015 BuildID: 341710 $"; 
-        CoreSize = 0; 
-        OnExitHold = false; 
-        CondorPlatform = "$CondorPlatform: X86_64-RedHat_6.6 $"; 
-        In = "/dev/null"; 
-        DiskUsage = 1250000; 
-        EncryptExecuteDirectory = false; 
-        CommittedSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        User = ""; 
-        UserLog = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.46/Simulation_condor/model_3/31/process.log"; 
-        JobCurrentStartDate = 1446115924; 
-        BufferBlockSize = 32768; 
-        MATCH_EXP_JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = ""; 
-        Requirements = ( ( OpSysMajorVer is 6 ) ) && ( MY.JobUniverse == 12 || MY.JobUniverse == 7 || MY.WantFlocking || MY.WantGlidein || TARGET.PoolName == "CHTC" || TARGET.COLLECTOR_HOST_STRING == "" ) && ( TARGET.Arch == "X86_64" ) && ( TARGET.OpSys == "LINUX" ) && ( TARGET.Disk >= RequestDisk ) && ( TARGET.Memory >= RequestMemory ) && ( TARGET.HasFileTransfer ); 
-        MinHosts = 1; 
-        MaxHosts = 1; 
-        Args = "--type=Matlab --version=R2011b --cmdtorun=simu_condor --unique=31 -- 3"; 
-        PeriodicHold = false; 
-        ProcId = 0; 
-        Environment = ""; 
-        DAGNodeName = "31+31"; 
-        MemoryUsage = ( ( ResidentSetSize + 1023 ) / 1024 ); 
-        TerminationPending = true; 
-        NumRestarts = 0; 
-        NumSystemHolds = 0; 
-        CommittedTime = 17604; 
-        MachineAttrCpus0 = 1; 
-        WantRemoteSyscalls = false; 
-        MyType = "Job"; 
-        CumulativeSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        Rank = 0.0; 
-        StartdPrincipal = "execute-side@matchsession/"; 
-        Err = "process.err"; 
-        PeriodicRemove = false; 
-        BlockWriteKbytes = 0; 
-        ExitBySignal = false; 
-        DAGManJobId = 49582778; 
-        EnteredCurrentStatus = 1446133529; 
-        JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "$$([IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName), IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), \"\", TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName)])"; 
-        RecentBlockWriteKbytes = 0; 
-        TransferIn = false; 
-        ExitStatus = 0; 
-        ShouldTransferFiles = "YES"; 
-        IsCHTCSubmit = true; 
-        NumJobMatches = 1; 
-        RootDir = "/"; 
-        JobStartDate = 1446115924; 
-        JobPrio = 0; 
-        CurrentHosts = 0; 
-        GlobalJobId = ""; 
-        RemoteSysCpu = 1.010000000000000E+02; 
-        TotalSuspensions = 0; 
-        CommittedSlotTime = 1.760400000000000E+04; 
-        WantCheckpoint = false; 
-        BlockReads = 0; 
-        LastRemoteHost = ""; 
-        TransferInput = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.46/Simulation_condor/data/31/,/home/xguo23/model_3_1.46/Simulation_condor/data/shared/"; 
-        LocalUserCpu = 0.0; 
-        PeriodicRelease = ( JobStatus == 5 ) && ( ( CurrentTime - EnteredCurrentStatus ) > 1800 ) && ( JobRunCount < 5 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 6 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 14 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 22 ); 
-        RequestDisk = 1000000; 
-        ResidentSetSize_RAW = 124912; 
-        OrigMaxHosts = 1; 
-        LastPublicClaimId = "<>#1444759815#9517#..."; 
-        WantRHEL6 = true; 
-        NumCkpts_RAW = 0; 
-        Out = "process.out"; 
-        SubmitEventNotes = "DAG Node: 31+31"; 
-        CumulativeSlotTime = 1.760500000000000E+04; 
-        JobRunCount = 1; 
-        RecentBlockReads = 0; 
-        StreamErr = false; 
-        DiskUsage_RAW = 1216669; 
-        NumCkpts = 0; 
-        StatsLifetimeStarter = 17603; 
-        ImageSize = 1000000; 
-        Cmd = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.46/Simulation_condor/chtcjobwrapper"; 
-        LocalSysCpu = 0.0; 
+        BlockWrites = 0;
+        LastJobStatus = 2;
+        JobCurrentStartExecutingDate = 1446115925;
+        WantRemoteIO = true;
+        RequestCpus = 1;
+        NumShadowStarts = 1;
+        RemoteUserCpu = 1.747100000000000E+04;
+        NiceUser = false;
+        RequestMemory = 1000;
+        BytesRecvd = 2.847180000000000E+05;
+        ResidentSetSize = 125000;
+        StreamOut = false;
+        SpooledOutputFiles = "CURLTIME_3813186,ChtcWrapper31.out,AuditLog.31,simu_3_31.txt,harvest.log,31.out";
+        OnExitRemove = true;
+        ImageSize_RAW = 811948;
+        RemoteWallClockTime = 1.760500000000000E+04;
+        MachineAttrSlotWeight0 = 1;
+        ExecutableSize = 7;
+        JobStatus = 4;
+        DAGParentNodeNames = "";
+        ExitCode = 0;
+        DAGManNodesMask = "0,1,2,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,13,16,17,24,27";
+        BytesSent = 2.790500000000000E+04;
+        LastSuspensionTime = 0;
+        ExecutableSize_RAW = 6;
+        RecentBlockReadKbytes = 0;
+        TransferInputSizeMB = 0;
+        Matlab = "R2011b";
+        BlockReadKbytes = 0;
+        RecentStatsLifetimeStarter = 1200;
+        LeaveJobInQueue = false;
+        TargetType = "Machine";
+        WhenToTransferOutput = "ON_EXIT";
+        Owner = "xguo23";
+        JobNotification = 0;
+        BufferSize = 524288;
+        RecentBlockWrites = 0;
+        CompletionDate = 1446133529;
+        QDate = 1446105852;
+        JobLeaseDuration = 2400;
+        JobFinishedHookDone = 1446133529;
+        LastMatchTime = 1446115924;
+        LastJobLeaseRenewal = 1446133528;
+        DAGManNodesLog = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.46/Simulation_condor/model_3/./mydag.dag.nodes.log";
+        ClusterId = 49582831;
+        JobUniverse = 5;
+        NumJobStarts = 1;
+        CondorVersion = "$CondorVersion: 8.5.0 Sep 16 2015 BuildID: 341710 $";
+        CoreSize = 0;
+        OnExitHold = false;
+        CondorPlatform = "$CondorPlatform: X86_64-RedHat_6.6 $";
+        In = "/dev/null";
+        DiskUsage = 1250000;
+        EncryptExecuteDirectory = false;
+        CommittedSuspensionTime = 0;
+        User = "";
+        UserLog = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.46/Simulation_condor/model_3/31/process.log";
+        JobCurrentStartDate = 1446115924;
+        BufferBlockSize = 32768;
+        MATCH_EXP_JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "";
+        Requirements = ( ( OpSysMajorVer is 6 ) ) && ( MY.JobUniverse == 12 || MY.JobUniverse == 7 || MY.WantFlocking || MY.WantGlidein || TARGET.PoolName == "CHTC" || TARGET.COLLECTOR_HOST_STRING == "" ) && ( TARGET.Arch == "X86_64" ) && ( TARGET.OpSys == "LINUX" ) && ( TARGET.Disk >= RequestDisk ) && ( TARGET.Memory >= RequestMemory ) && ( TARGET.HasFileTransfer );
+        MinHosts = 1;
+        MaxHosts = 1;
+        Args = "--type=Matlab --version=R2011b --cmdtorun=simu_condor --unique=31 -- 3";
+        PeriodicHold = false;
+        ProcId = 0;
+        Environment = "";
+        DAGNodeName = "31+31";
+        MemoryUsage = ( ( ResidentSetSize + 1023 ) / 1024 );
+        TerminationPending = true;
+        NumRestarts = 0;
+        NumSystemHolds = 0;
+        CommittedTime = 17604;
+        MachineAttrCpus0 = 1;
+        WantRemoteSyscalls = false;
+        MyType = "Job";
+        CumulativeSuspensionTime = 0;
+        Rank = 0.0;
+        StartdPrincipal = "execute-side@matchsession/";
+        Err = "process.err";
+        PeriodicRemove = false;
+        BlockWriteKbytes = 0;
+        ExitBySignal = false;
+        DAGManJobId = 49582778;
+        EnteredCurrentStatus = 1446133529;
+        JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "$$([IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName), IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), \"\", TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName)])";
+        RecentBlockWriteKbytes = 0;
+        TransferIn = false;
+        ExitStatus = 0;
+        ShouldTransferFiles = "YES";
+        IsCHTCSubmit = true;
+        NumJobMatches = 1;
+        RootDir = "/";
+        JobStartDate = 1446115924;
+        JobPrio = 0;
+        CurrentHosts = 0;
+        GlobalJobId = "";
+        RemoteSysCpu = 1.010000000000000E+02;
+        TotalSuspensions = 0;
+        CommittedSlotTime = 1.760400000000000E+04;
+        WantCheckpoint = false;
+        BlockReads = 0;
+        LastRemoteHost = "";
+        TransferInput = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.46/Simulation_condor/data/31/,/home/xguo23/model_3_1.46/Simulation_condor/data/shared/";
+        LocalUserCpu = 0.0;
+        PeriodicRelease = ( JobStatus == 5 ) && ( ( CurrentTime - EnteredCurrentStatus ) > 1800 ) && ( JobRunCount < 5 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 6 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 14 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 22 );
+        RequestDisk = 1000000;
+        ResidentSetSize_RAW = 124912;
+        OrigMaxHosts = 1;
+        LastPublicClaimId = "<>#1444759815#9517#...";
+        WantRHEL6 = true;
+        NumCkpts_RAW = 0;
+        Out = "process.out";
+        SubmitEventNotes = "DAG Node: 31+31";
+        CumulativeSlotTime = 1.760500000000000E+04;
+        JobRunCount = 1;
+        RecentBlockReads = 0;
+        StreamErr = false;
+        DiskUsage_RAW = 1216669;
+        NumCkpts = 0;
+        StatsLifetimeStarter = 17603;
+        ImageSize = 1000000;
+        Cmd = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.46/Simulation_condor/chtcjobwrapper";
+        LocalSysCpu = 0.0;
         Iwd = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.46/Simulation_condor/model_3/31"
-        BlockWrites = 1; 
-        LastJobStatus = 2; 
-        JobCurrentStartExecutingDate = 1446111277; 
-        WantRemoteIO = true; 
-        RequestCpus = 1; 
-        NumShadowStarts = 1; 
-        RemoteUserCpu = 2.204300000000000E+04; 
-        NiceUser = false; 
-        RequestMemory = 1000; 
-        BytesRecvd = 2.846290000000000E+05; 
-        ResidentSetSize = 75000; 
-        StreamOut = false; 
-        SpooledOutputFiles = "CURLTIME_935737,ChtcWrapper201.out,AuditLog.201,simu_3_201.txt,harvest.log,201.out"; 
-        OnExitRemove = true; 
-        ImageSize_RAW = 117304; 
-        RemoteWallClockTime = 2.224300000000000E+04; 
-        MachineAttrSlotWeight0 = 1; 
-        ExecutableSize = 7; 
-        JobStatus = 4; 
-        DAGParentNodeNames = ""; 
-        ExitCode = 0; 
-        DAGManNodesMask = "0,1,2,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,13,16,17,24,27"; 
-        BytesSent = 3.048300000000000E+04; 
-        LastSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        ExecutableSize_RAW = 6; 
-        RecentBlockReadKbytes = 4868; 
-        TransferInputSizeMB = 0; 
-        Matlab = "R2011b"; 
-        BlockReadKbytes = 81056; 
-        LocalSysCpu = 0.0; 
-        Iwd = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/model_3/201"; 
-        RecentStatsLifetimeStarter = 1200; 
-        LeaveJobInQueue = false; 
-        TargetType = "Machine"; 
-        WhenToTransferOutput = "ON_EXIT"; 
-        Owner = "xguo23"; 
-        JobNotification = 0; 
-        BufferSize = 524288; 
-        RecentBlockWrites = 1; 
-        CompletionDate = 1446133519; 
-        LastMatchTime = 1446111276; 
-        LastJobLeaseRenewal = 1446133519; 
-        DAGManNodesLog = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/model_3/./mydag.dag.nodes.log"; 
-        ClusterId = 49582511; 
-        NumJobStarts = 1; 
-        JobUniverse = 5; 
-        AutoClusterAttrs = "JobUniverse,LastCheckpointPlatform,NumCkpts,ClientMachine,_condor_RequestCpus,_condor_RequestDisk,_condor_RequestGPUs,_condor_RequestMemory,RequestCpus,RequestDisk,RequestGPUs,RequestMemory,BIOCHEM,MachineLastMatchTime,ConcurrencyLimits,NiceUser,Rank,Requirements,ImageSize,MemoryRequirements,User,RemoteGroup,SubmitterGroup,SubmitterUserPrio,Group,WIDsTheme,InteractiveJob,Is_Resumable,WantFlocking,WantGlidein,Scheduler,Owner,JobStart,MemoryUsage,IsExpressQueueJob,DiskUsage,HEP_VO,IsDesktop,OSG_VO,x509userproxysubject,PassedTest,IsLocalCMSJob,IsLocalCMSSlot,IsSAMSlot,IsSAMJob,MaxDiskTempC,IsDedicated,estimated_run_hours,IsCHTCSubmit,RequiresCVMFS,DynamicSlot,PartitionableSlot,Slot1_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot1_JobStarts,Slot1_SelfMonitorAge,Slot2_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot2_JobStarts,Slot2_SelfMonitorAge,Slot3_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot3_JobStarts,Slot3_SelfMonitorAge,Slot4_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot4_JobStarts,Slot4_SelfMonitorAge,Slot5_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot5_JobStarts,Slot5_SelfMonitorAge,Slot6_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot6_JobStarts,Slot6_SelfMonitorAge,Slot7_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot7_JobStarts,Slot7_SelfMonitorAge,Slot8_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot8_JobStarts,Slot8_SelfMonitorAge,Slot1_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot1_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot2_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot2_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot3_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot3_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot4_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot4_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot5_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot5_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot6_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot6_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot7_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot7_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot8_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot8_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot10_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot10_JobStarts,Slot10_SelfMonitorAge,Slot11_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot11_JobStarts,Slot11_SelfMonitorAge,Slot12_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot12_JobStarts,Slot12_SelfMonitorAge,Slot9_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot9_JobStarts,Slot9_SelfMonitorAge,Slot12_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot10_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot10_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot11_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot11_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot12_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot9_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot9_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot13_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot13_JobStarts,Slot13_SelfMonitorAge,Slot14_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot14_JobStarts,Slot14_SelfMonitorAge,Slot15_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot15_JobStarts,Slot15_SelfMonitorAge,Slot16_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot16_JobStarts,Slot16_SelfMonitorAge,IsResumable,WHEN_TO_TRANSFER_OUTPUT,_condor_Requestadmin_mutex_1,_condor_Requestadmin_mutex_2,_condor_Requestadmin_mutex_3,_condor_Requestmachine_token,Requestadmin_mutex_1,Requestadmin_mutex_2,Requestadmin_mutex_3,Requestmachine_token,nyehle,IsBuildJob,IsMatlabBuildJob,TotalJobRunTime,NodeOnline,Slot13_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot13_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot14_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot14_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot15_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot15_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot16_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot16_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,TmpIsFull,trResumable,RequiresCMSFrontier,Slot17_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot17_JobStarts,Slot17_SelfMonitorAge,Slot17_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot17_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot18_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot18_JobStarts,Slot18_SelfMonitorAge,Slot18_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot18_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot19_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot19_JobStarts,Slot19_SelfMonitorAge,Slot19_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot19_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot20_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot20_JobStarts,Slot20_SelfMonitorAge,Slot20_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot20_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot21_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot21_JobStarts,Slot21_SelfMonitorAge,Slot21_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot21_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot22_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot22_JobStarts,Slot22_SelfMonitorAge,Slot22_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot22_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot23_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot23_JobStarts,Slot23_SelfMonitorAge,Slot23_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot23_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot24_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot24_JobStarts,Slot24_SelfMonitorAge,Slot24_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot24_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot25_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot25_JobStarts,Slot25_SelfMonitorAge,Slot25_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot25_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot26_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot26_JobStarts,Slot26_SelfMonitorAge,Slot26_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot26_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot27_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot27_JobStarts,Slot27_SelfMonitorAge,Slot27_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot27_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot28_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot28_JobStarts,Slot28_SelfMonitorAge,Slot28_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot28_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot29_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot29_JobStarts,Slot29_SelfMonitorAge,Slot29_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot29_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot30_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot30_JobStarts,Slot30_SelfMonitorAge,Slot30_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot30_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot31_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot31_JobStarts,Slot31_SelfMonitorAge,Slot31_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot31_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot32_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot32_JobStarts,Slot32_SelfMonitorAge,Slot32_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot32_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,ResidentSetSize"; 
-        MaxHosts = 1; 
-        Args = "--type=Matlab --version=R2011b --cmdtorun=simu_condor --unique=201 -- 3"; 
-        CondorVersion = "$CondorVersion: 8.5.0 Sep 16 2015 BuildID: 341710 $"; 
-        CoreSize = 0; 
-        OnExitHold = false; 
-        CondorPlatform = "$CondorPlatform: X86_64-RedHat_6.6 $"; 
-        JobFinishedHookDone = 1446133520; 
-        QDate = 1446105723; 
-        JobLeaseDuration = 2400; 
-        In = "/dev/null"; 
-        DiskUsage = 1250000; 
-        EncryptExecuteDirectory = false; 
-        CommittedSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        User = ""; 
-        UserLog = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/model_3/201/process.log"; 
-        JobCurrentStartDate = 1446111276; 
-        BufferBlockSize = 32768; 
-        MATCH_EXP_JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = ""; 
-        Requirements = ( ( OpSysMajorVer is 6 ) ) && ( MY.JobUniverse == 12 || MY.JobUniverse == 7 || MY.WantFlocking || MY.WantGlidein || TARGET.PoolName == "CHTC" || TARGET.COLLECTOR_HOST_STRING == "" ) && ( TARGET.Arch == "X86_64" ) && ( TARGET.OpSys == "LINUX" ) && ( TARGET.Disk >= RequestDisk ) && ( TARGET.Memory >= RequestMemory ) && ( TARGET.HasFileTransfer ); 
-        MinHosts = 1; 
-        PeriodicHold = false; 
-        ProcId = 0; 
-        Environment = ""; 
-        DAGNodeName = "201+201"; 
-        MemoryUsage = ( ( ResidentSetSize + 1023 ) / 1024 ); 
-        TerminationPending = true; 
-        NumRestarts = 0; 
-        NumSystemHolds = 0; 
-        CommittedTime = 22243; 
-        AutoClusterId = 13; 
-        ExitStatus = 0; 
-        ShouldTransferFiles = "YES"; 
-        MachineAttrCpus0 = 1; 
-        WantRemoteSyscalls = false; 
-        MyType = "Job"; 
-        CumulativeSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        Rank = 0.0; 
-        StartdPrincipal = "execute-side@matchsession/"; 
-        Err = "process.err"; 
-        PeriodicRemove = false; 
-        BlockWriteKbytes = 4; 
-        ExitBySignal = false; 
-        DAGManJobId = 49582200; 
-        EnteredCurrentStatus = 1446133519; 
-        JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "$$([IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName), IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), \"\", TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName)])"; 
-        RecentBlockWriteKbytes = 4; 
-        TransferIn = false; 
-        IsCHTCSubmit = true; 
-        NumJobMatches = 1; 
-        RootDir = "/"; 
-        JobStartDate = 1446111276; 
-        JobPrio = 0; 
-        CurrentHosts = 0; 
-        GlobalJobId = ""; 
-        RemoteSysCpu = 1.330000000000000E+02; 
-        TotalSuspensions = 0; 
-        CommittedSlotTime = 2.224300000000000E+04; 
-        WantCheckpoint = false; 
-        BlockReads = 1906; 
-        LastRemoteHost = ""; 
-        TransferInput = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/data/201/,/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/data/shared/"; 
-        LocalUserCpu = 0.0; 
-        PeriodicRelease = ( JobStatus == 5 ) && ( ( CurrentTime - EnteredCurrentStatus ) > 1800 ) && ( JobRunCount < 5 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 6 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 14 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 22 ); 
-        RequestDisk = 1000000; 
-        ResidentSetSize_RAW = 72052; 
-        OrigMaxHosts = 1; 
-        LastPublicClaimId = "<>#1445345121#1580#..."; 
-        WantRHEL6 = true; 
-        NumCkpts_RAW = 0; 
-        Out = "process.out"; 
-        SubmitEventNotes = "DAG Node: 201+201"; 
-        CumulativeSlotTime = 2.224300000000000E+04; 
-        JobRunCount = 1; 
-        RecentBlockReads = 460; 
-        StreamErr = false; 
-        DiskUsage_RAW = 1216669; 
-        NumCkpts = 0; 
-        StatsLifetimeStarter = 22242; 
-        ImageSize = 125000; 
+        BlockWrites = 1;
+        LastJobStatus = 2;
+        JobCurrentStartExecutingDate = 1446111277;
+        WantRemoteIO = true;
+        RequestCpus = 1;
+        NumShadowStarts = 1;
+        RemoteUserCpu = 2.204300000000000E+04;
+        NiceUser = false;
+        RequestMemory = 1000;
+        BytesRecvd = 2.846290000000000E+05;
+        ResidentSetSize = 75000;
+        StreamOut = false;
+        SpooledOutputFiles = "CURLTIME_935737,ChtcWrapper201.out,AuditLog.201,simu_3_201.txt,harvest.log,201.out";
+        OnExitRemove = true;
+        ImageSize_RAW = 117304;
+        RemoteWallClockTime = 2.224300000000000E+04;
+        MachineAttrSlotWeight0 = 1;
+        ExecutableSize = 7;
+        JobStatus = 4;
+        DAGParentNodeNames = "";
+        ExitCode = 0;
+        DAGManNodesMask = "0,1,2,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,13,16,17,24,27";
+        BytesSent = 3.048300000000000E+04;
+        LastSuspensionTime = 0;
+        ExecutableSize_RAW = 6;
+        RecentBlockReadKbytes = 4868;
+        TransferInputSizeMB = 0;
+        Matlab = "R2011b";
+        BlockReadKbytes = 81056;
+        LocalSysCpu = 0.0;
+        Iwd = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/model_3/201";
+        RecentStatsLifetimeStarter = 1200;
+        LeaveJobInQueue = false;
+        TargetType = "Machine";
+        WhenToTransferOutput = "ON_EXIT";
+        Owner = "xguo23";
+        JobNotification = 0;
+        BufferSize = 524288;
+        RecentBlockWrites = 1;
+        CompletionDate = 1446133519;
+        LastMatchTime = 1446111276;
+        LastJobLeaseRenewal = 1446133519;
+        DAGManNodesLog = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/model_3/./mydag.dag.nodes.log";
+        ClusterId = 49582511;
+        NumJobStarts = 1;
+        JobUniverse = 5;
+        AutoClusterAttrs = "JobUniverse,LastCheckpointPlatform,NumCkpts,ClientMachine,_condor_RequestCpus,_condor_RequestDisk,_condor_RequestGPUs,_condor_RequestMemory,RequestCpus,RequestDisk,RequestGPUs,RequestMemory,BIOCHEM,MachineLastMatchTime,ConcurrencyLimits,NiceUser,Rank,Requirements,ImageSize,MemoryRequirements,User,RemoteGroup,SubmitterGroup,SubmitterUserPrio,Group,WIDsTheme,InteractiveJob,Is_Resumable,WantFlocking,WantGlidein,Scheduler,Owner,JobStart,MemoryUsage,IsExpressQueueJob,DiskUsage,HEP_VO,IsDesktop,OSG_VO,x509userproxysubject,PassedTest,IsLocalCMSJob,IsLocalCMSSlot,IsSAMSlot,IsSAMJob,MaxDiskTempC,IsDedicated,estimated_run_hours,IsCHTCSubmit,RequiresCVMFS,DynamicSlot,PartitionableSlot,Slot1_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot1_JobStarts,Slot1_SelfMonitorAge,Slot2_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot2_JobStarts,Slot2_SelfMonitorAge,Slot3_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot3_JobStarts,Slot3_SelfMonitorAge,Slot4_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot4_JobStarts,Slot4_SelfMonitorAge,Slot5_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot5_JobStarts,Slot5_SelfMonitorAge,Slot6_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot6_JobStarts,Slot6_SelfMonitorAge,Slot7_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot7_JobStarts,Slot7_SelfMonitorAge,Slot8_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot8_JobStarts,Slot8_SelfMonitorAge,Slot1_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot1_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot2_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot2_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot3_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot3_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot4_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot4_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot5_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot5_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot6_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot6_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot7_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot7_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot8_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot8_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot10_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot10_JobStarts,Slot10_SelfMonitorAge,Slot11_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot11_JobStarts,Slot11_SelfMonitorAge,Slot12_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot12_JobStarts,Slot12_SelfMonitorAge,Slot9_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot9_JobStarts,Slot9_SelfMonitorAge,Slot12_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot10_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot10_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot11_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot11_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot12_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot9_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot9_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot13_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot13_JobStarts,Slot13_SelfMonitorAge,Slot14_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot14_JobStarts,Slot14_SelfMonitorAge,Slot15_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot15_JobStarts,Slot15_SelfMonitorAge,Slot16_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot16_JobStarts,Slot16_SelfMonitorAge,IsResumable,WHEN_TO_TRANSFER_OUTPUT,_condor_Requestadmin_mutex_1,_condor_Requestadmin_mutex_2,_condor_Requestadmin_mutex_3,_condor_Requestmachine_token,Requestadmin_mutex_1,Requestadmin_mutex_2,Requestadmin_mutex_3,Requestmachine_token,nyehle,IsBuildJob,IsMatlabBuildJob,TotalJobRunTime,NodeOnline,Slot13_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot13_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot14_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot14_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot15_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot15_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot16_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot16_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,TmpIsFull,trResumable,RequiresCMSFrontier,Slot17_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot17_JobStarts,Slot17_SelfMonitorAge,Slot17_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot17_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot18_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot18_JobStarts,Slot18_SelfMonitorAge,Slot18_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot18_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot19_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot19_JobStarts,Slot19_SelfMonitorAge,Slot19_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot19_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot20_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot20_JobStarts,Slot20_SelfMonitorAge,Slot20_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot20_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot21_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot21_JobStarts,Slot21_SelfMonitorAge,Slot21_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot21_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot22_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot22_JobStarts,Slot22_SelfMonitorAge,Slot22_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot22_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot23_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot23_JobStarts,Slot23_SelfMonitorAge,Slot23_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot23_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot24_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot24_JobStarts,Slot24_SelfMonitorAge,Slot24_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot24_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot25_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot25_JobStarts,Slot25_SelfMonitorAge,Slot25_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot25_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot26_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot26_JobStarts,Slot26_SelfMonitorAge,Slot26_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot26_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot27_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot27_JobStarts,Slot27_SelfMonitorAge,Slot27_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot27_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot28_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot28_JobStarts,Slot28_SelfMonitorAge,Slot28_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot28_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot29_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot29_JobStarts,Slot29_SelfMonitorAge,Slot29_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot29_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot30_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot30_JobStarts,Slot30_SelfMonitorAge,Slot30_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot30_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot31_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot31_JobStarts,Slot31_SelfMonitorAge,Slot31_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot31_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot32_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot32_JobStarts,Slot32_SelfMonitorAge,Slot32_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot32_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,ResidentSetSize";
+        MaxHosts = 1;
+        Args = "--type=Matlab --version=R2011b --cmdtorun=simu_condor --unique=201 -- 3";
+        CondorVersion = "$CondorVersion: 8.5.0 Sep 16 2015 BuildID: 341710 $";
+        CoreSize = 0;
+        OnExitHold = false;
+        CondorPlatform = "$CondorPlatform: X86_64-RedHat_6.6 $";
+        JobFinishedHookDone = 1446133520;
+        QDate = 1446105723;
+        JobLeaseDuration = 2400;
+        In = "/dev/null";
+        DiskUsage = 1250000;
+        EncryptExecuteDirectory = false;
+        CommittedSuspensionTime = 0;
+        User = "";
+        UserLog = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/model_3/201/process.log";
+        JobCurrentStartDate = 1446111276;
+        BufferBlockSize = 32768;
+        MATCH_EXP_JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "";
+        Requirements = ( ( OpSysMajorVer is 6 ) ) && ( MY.JobUniverse == 12 || MY.JobUniverse == 7 || MY.WantFlocking || MY.WantGlidein || TARGET.PoolName == "CHTC" || TARGET.COLLECTOR_HOST_STRING == "" ) && ( TARGET.Arch == "X86_64" ) && ( TARGET.OpSys == "LINUX" ) && ( TARGET.Disk >= RequestDisk ) && ( TARGET.Memory >= RequestMemory ) && ( TARGET.HasFileTransfer );
+        MinHosts = 1;
+        PeriodicHold = false;
+        ProcId = 0;
+        Environment = "";
+        DAGNodeName = "201+201";
+        MemoryUsage = ( ( ResidentSetSize + 1023 ) / 1024 );
+        TerminationPending = true;
+        NumRestarts = 0;
+        NumSystemHolds = 0;
+        CommittedTime = 22243;
+        AutoClusterId = 13;
+        ExitStatus = 0;
+        ShouldTransferFiles = "YES";
+        MachineAttrCpus0 = 1;
+        WantRemoteSyscalls = false;
+        MyType = "Job";
+        CumulativeSuspensionTime = 0;
+        Rank = 0.0;
+        StartdPrincipal = "execute-side@matchsession/";
+        Err = "process.err";
+        PeriodicRemove = false;
+        BlockWriteKbytes = 4;
+        ExitBySignal = false;
+        DAGManJobId = 49582200;
+        EnteredCurrentStatus = 1446133519;
+        JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "$$([IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName), IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), \"\", TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName)])";
+        RecentBlockWriteKbytes = 4;
+        TransferIn = false;
+        IsCHTCSubmit = true;
+        NumJobMatches = 1;
+        RootDir = "/";
+        JobStartDate = 1446111276;
+        JobPrio = 0;
+        CurrentHosts = 0;
+        GlobalJobId = "";
+        RemoteSysCpu = 1.330000000000000E+02;
+        TotalSuspensions = 0;
+        CommittedSlotTime = 2.224300000000000E+04;
+        WantCheckpoint = false;
+        BlockReads = 1906;
+        LastRemoteHost = "";
+        TransferInput = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/data/201/,/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/data/shared/";
+        LocalUserCpu = 0.0;
+        PeriodicRelease = ( JobStatus == 5 ) && ( ( CurrentTime - EnteredCurrentStatus ) > 1800 ) && ( JobRunCount < 5 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 6 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 14 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 22 );
+        RequestDisk = 1000000;
+        ResidentSetSize_RAW = 72052;
+        OrigMaxHosts = 1;
+        LastPublicClaimId = "<>#1445345121#1580#...";
+        WantRHEL6 = true;
+        NumCkpts_RAW = 0;
+        Out = "process.out";
+        SubmitEventNotes = "DAG Node: 201+201";
+        CumulativeSlotTime = 2.224300000000000E+04;
+        JobRunCount = 1;
+        RecentBlockReads = 460;
+        StreamErr = false;
+        DiskUsage_RAW = 1216669;
+        NumCkpts = 0;
+        StatsLifetimeStarter = 22242;
+        ImageSize = 125000;
         Cmd = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/chtcjobwrapper"
-        BlockWrites = 0; 
-        LastJobStatus = 2; 
-        JobCurrentStartExecutingDate = 1446107491; 
-        WantRemoteIO = true; 
-        RequestCpus = 1; 
-        NumShadowStarts = 1; 
-        RemoteUserCpu = 2.584400000000000E+04; 
-        NiceUser = false; 
-        RequestMemory = 1000; 
-        BytesRecvd = 2.850540000000000E+05; 
-        ResidentSetSize = 150000; 
-        StreamOut = false; 
-        SpooledOutputFiles = "CURLTIME_3651606,ChtcWrapper304.out,AuditLog.304,simu_3_304.txt,harvest.log,304.out"; 
-        OnExitRemove = true; 
-        ImageSize_RAW = 811948; 
-        RemoteWallClockTime = 2.602200000000000E+04; 
-        MachineAttrSlotWeight0 = 1; 
-        ExecutableSize = 7; 
-        JobStatus = 4; 
-        DAGParentNodeNames = ""; 
-        ExitCode = 0; 
-        DAGManNodesMask = "0,1,2,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,13,16,17,24,27"; 
-        BytesSent = 3.180100000000000E+04; 
-        LastSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        ExecutableSize_RAW = 6; 
-        RecentBlockReadKbytes = 0; 
-        TransferInputSizeMB = 0; 
-        Matlab = "R2011b"; 
-        BlockReadKbytes = 0; 
-        RecentStatsLifetimeStarter = 1200; 
-        LeaveJobInQueue = false; 
-        TargetType = "Machine"; 
-        WhenToTransferOutput = "ON_EXIT"; 
-        Owner = "xguo23"; 
-        JobNotification = 0; 
-        BufferSize = 524288; 
-        RecentBlockWrites = 0; 
-        CompletionDate = 1446133511; 
-        QDate = 1446105492; 
-        JobLeaseDuration = 2400; 
-        JobFinishedHookDone = 1446133511; 
-        LastMatchTime = 1446107489; 
-        LastJobLeaseRenewal = 1446133511; 
-        DAGManNodesLog = "/home/xguo23/finally_2/Simulation_condor/model_3/./mydag.dag.nodes.log"; 
-        ClusterId = 49582098; 
-        JobUniverse = 5; 
-        NumJobStarts = 1; 
-        CondorVersion = "$CondorVersion: 8.5.0 Sep 16 2015 BuildID: 341710 $"; 
-        CoreSize = 0; 
-        OnExitHold = false; 
-        CondorPlatform = "$CondorPlatform: X86_64-RedHat_6.6 $"; 
-        In = "/dev/null"; 
-        DiskUsage = 1250000; 
-        EncryptExecuteDirectory = false; 
-        CommittedSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        User = ""; 
-        UserLog = "/home/xguo23/finally_2/Simulation_condor/model_3/304/process.log"; 
-        JobCurrentStartDate = 1446107489; 
-        BufferBlockSize = 32768; 
-        MATCH_EXP_JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = ""; 
-        Requirements = ( ( OpSysMajorVer is 6 ) ) && ( MY.JobUniverse == 12 || MY.JobUniverse == 7 || MY.WantFlocking || MY.WantGlidein || TARGET.PoolName == "CHTC" || TARGET.COLLECTOR_HOST_STRING == "" ) && ( TARGET.Arch == "X86_64" ) && ( TARGET.OpSys == "LINUX" ) && ( TARGET.Disk >= RequestDisk ) && ( TARGET.Memory >= RequestMemory ) && ( TARGET.HasFileTransfer ); 
-        MinHosts = 1; 
-        MaxHosts = 1; 
-        Args = "--type=Matlab --version=R2011b --cmdtorun=simu_condor --unique=304 -- 3"; 
-        PeriodicHold = false; 
-        ProcId = 0; 
-        Environment = ""; 
-        DAGNodeName = "304+304"; 
-        MemoryUsage = ( ( ResidentSetSize + 1023 ) / 1024 ); 
-        TerminationPending = true; 
-        NumRestarts = 0; 
-        NumSystemHolds = 0; 
-        CommittedTime = 26022; 
-        MachineAttrCpus0 = 1; 
-        WantRemoteSyscalls = false; 
-        MyType = "Job"; 
-        CumulativeSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        Rank = 0.0; 
-        StartdPrincipal = "execute-side@matchsession/"; 
-        Err = "process.err"; 
-        PeriodicRemove = false; 
-        BlockWriteKbytes = 0; 
-        ExitBySignal = false; 
-        DAGManJobId = 49581933; 
-        EnteredCurrentStatus = 1446133511; 
-        JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "$$([IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName), IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), \"\", TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName)])"; 
-        RecentBlockWriteKbytes = 0; 
-        TransferIn = false; 
-        ExitStatus = 0; 
-        ShouldTransferFiles = "YES"; 
-        IsCHTCSubmit = true; 
-        NumJobMatches = 1; 
-        RootDir = "/"; 
-        JobStartDate = 1446107489; 
-        JobPrio = 0; 
-        CurrentHosts = 0; 
-        GlobalJobId = ""; 
-        RemoteSysCpu = 1.430000000000000E+02; 
-        TotalSuspensions = 0; 
-        CommittedSlotTime = 2.602200000000000E+04; 
-        WantCheckpoint = false; 
-        BlockReads = 0; 
-        LastRemoteHost = ""; 
-        TransferInput = "/home/xguo23/finally_2/Simulation_condor/data/304/,/home/xguo23/finally_2/Simulation_condor/data/shared/"; 
-        LocalUserCpu = 0.0; 
-        PeriodicRelease = ( JobStatus == 5 ) && ( ( CurrentTime - EnteredCurrentStatus ) > 1800 ) && ( JobRunCount < 5 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 6 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 14 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 22 ); 
-        RequestDisk = 1000000; 
-        ResidentSetSize_RAW = 128776; 
-        OrigMaxHosts = 1; 
-        LastPublicClaimId = "<>#1444760039#6376#..."; 
-        WantRHEL6 = true; 
-        NumCkpts_RAW = 0; 
-        Out = "process.out"; 
-        SubmitEventNotes = "DAG Node: 304+304"; 
-        CumulativeSlotTime = 2.602200000000000E+04; 
-        JobRunCount = 1; 
-        RecentBlockReads = 0; 
-        StreamErr = false; 
-        DiskUsage_RAW = 1216669; 
-        NumCkpts = 0; 
-        StatsLifetimeStarter = 26020; 
-        ImageSize = 1000000; 
-        Cmd = "/home/xguo23/finally_2/Simulation_condor/chtcjobwrapper"; 
-        LocalSysCpu = 0.0; 
+        BlockWrites = 0;
+        LastJobStatus = 2;
+        JobCurrentStartExecutingDate = 1446107491;
+        WantRemoteIO = true;
+        RequestCpus = 1;
+        NumShadowStarts = 1;
+        RemoteUserCpu = 2.584400000000000E+04;
+        NiceUser = false;
+        RequestMemory = 1000;
+        BytesRecvd = 2.850540000000000E+05;
+        ResidentSetSize = 150000;
+        StreamOut = false;
+        SpooledOutputFiles = "CURLTIME_3651606,ChtcWrapper304.out,AuditLog.304,simu_3_304.txt,harvest.log,304.out";
+        OnExitRemove = true;
+        ImageSize_RAW = 811948;
+        RemoteWallClockTime = 2.602200000000000E+04;
+        MachineAttrSlotWeight0 = 1;
+        ExecutableSize = 7;
+        JobStatus = 4;
+        DAGParentNodeNames = "";
+        ExitCode = 0;
+        DAGManNodesMask = "0,1,2,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,13,16,17,24,27";
+        BytesSent = 3.180100000000000E+04;
+        LastSuspensionTime = 0;
+        ExecutableSize_RAW = 6;
+        RecentBlockReadKbytes = 0;
+        TransferInputSizeMB = 0;
+        Matlab = "R2011b";
+        BlockReadKbytes = 0;
+        RecentStatsLifetimeStarter = 1200;
+        LeaveJobInQueue = false;
+        TargetType = "Machine";
+        WhenToTransferOutput = "ON_EXIT";
+        Owner = "xguo23";
+        JobNotification = 0;
+        BufferSize = 524288;
+        RecentBlockWrites = 0;
+        CompletionDate = 1446133511;
+        QDate = 1446105492;
+        JobLeaseDuration = 2400;
+        JobFinishedHookDone = 1446133511;
+        LastMatchTime = 1446107489;
+        LastJobLeaseRenewal = 1446133511;
+        DAGManNodesLog = "/home/xguo23/finally_2/Simulation_condor/model_3/./mydag.dag.nodes.log";
+        ClusterId = 49582098;
+        JobUniverse = 5;
+        NumJobStarts = 1;
+        CondorVersion = "$CondorVersion: 8.5.0 Sep 16 2015 BuildID: 341710 $";
+        CoreSize = 0;
+        OnExitHold = false;
+        CondorPlatform = "$CondorPlatform: X86_64-RedHat_6.6 $";
+        In = "/dev/null";
+        DiskUsage = 1250000;
+        EncryptExecuteDirectory = false;
+        CommittedSuspensionTime = 0;
+        User = "";
+        UserLog = "/home/xguo23/finally_2/Simulation_condor/model_3/304/process.log";
+        JobCurrentStartDate = 1446107489;
+        BufferBlockSize = 32768;
+        MATCH_EXP_JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "";
+        Requirements = ( ( OpSysMajorVer is 6 ) ) && ( MY.JobUniverse == 12 || MY.JobUniverse == 7 || MY.WantFlocking || MY.WantGlidein || TARGET.PoolName == "CHTC" || TARGET.COLLECTOR_HOST_STRING == "" ) && ( TARGET.Arch == "X86_64" ) && ( TARGET.OpSys == "LINUX" ) && ( TARGET.Disk >= RequestDisk ) && ( TARGET.Memory >= RequestMemory ) && ( TARGET.HasFileTransfer );
+        MinHosts = 1;
+        MaxHosts = 1;
+        Args = "--type=Matlab --version=R2011b --cmdtorun=simu_condor --unique=304 -- 3";
+        PeriodicHold = false;
+        ProcId = 0;
+        Environment = "";
+        DAGNodeName = "304+304";
+        MemoryUsage = ( ( ResidentSetSize + 1023 ) / 1024 );
+        TerminationPending = true;
+        NumRestarts = 0;
+        NumSystemHolds = 0;
+        CommittedTime = 26022;
+        MachineAttrCpus0 = 1;
+        WantRemoteSyscalls = false;
+        MyType = "Job";
+        CumulativeSuspensionTime = 0;
+        Rank = 0.0;
+        StartdPrincipal = "execute-side@matchsession/";
+        Err = "process.err";
+        PeriodicRemove = false;
+        BlockWriteKbytes = 0;
+        ExitBySignal = false;
+        DAGManJobId = 49581933;
+        EnteredCurrentStatus = 1446133511;
+        JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "$$([IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName), IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), \"\", TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName)])";
+        RecentBlockWriteKbytes = 0;
+        TransferIn = false;
+        ExitStatus = 0;
+        ShouldTransferFiles = "YES";
+        IsCHTCSubmit = true;
+        NumJobMatches = 1;
+        RootDir = "/";
+        JobStartDate = 1446107489;
+        JobPrio = 0;
+        CurrentHosts = 0;
+        GlobalJobId = "";
+        RemoteSysCpu = 1.430000000000000E+02;
+        TotalSuspensions = 0;
+        CommittedSlotTime = 2.602200000000000E+04;
+        WantCheckpoint = false;
+        BlockReads = 0;
+        LastRemoteHost = "";
+        TransferInput = "/home/xguo23/finally_2/Simulation_condor/data/304/,/home/xguo23/finally_2/Simulation_condor/data/shared/";
+        LocalUserCpu = 0.0;
+        PeriodicRelease = ( JobStatus == 5 ) && ( ( CurrentTime - EnteredCurrentStatus ) > 1800 ) && ( JobRunCount < 5 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 6 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 14 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 22 );
+        RequestDisk = 1000000;
+        ResidentSetSize_RAW = 128776;
+        OrigMaxHosts = 1;
+        LastPublicClaimId = "<>#1444760039#6376#...";
+        WantRHEL6 = true;
+        NumCkpts_RAW = 0;
+        Out = "process.out";
+        SubmitEventNotes = "DAG Node: 304+304";
+        CumulativeSlotTime = 2.602200000000000E+04;
+        JobRunCount = 1;
+        RecentBlockReads = 0;
+        StreamErr = false;
+        DiskUsage_RAW = 1216669;
+        NumCkpts = 0;
+        StatsLifetimeStarter = 26020;
+        ImageSize = 1000000;
+        Cmd = "/home/xguo23/finally_2/Simulation_condor/chtcjobwrapper";
+        LocalSysCpu = 0.0;
         Iwd = "/home/xguo23/finally_2/Simulation_condor/model_3/304"
-        BlockWrites = 0; 
-        LastJobStatus = 2; 
-        JobCurrentStartExecutingDate = 1446111075; 
-        WantRemoteIO = true; 
-        RequestCpus = 1; 
-        NumShadowStarts = 1; 
-        RemoteUserCpu = 2.227800000000000E+04; 
-        NiceUser = false; 
-        RequestMemory = 1000; 
-        BytesRecvd = 2.846120000000000E+05; 
-        ResidentSetSize = 150000; 
-        StreamOut = false; 
-        SpooledOutputFiles = "CURLTIME_2507136,ChtcWrapper58.out,AuditLog.58,simu_3_58.txt,harvest.log,58.out"; 
-        OnExitRemove = true; 
-        ImageSize_RAW = 811948; 
-        RemoteWallClockTime = 2.239400000000000E+04; 
-        MachineAttrSlotWeight0 = 1; 
-        ExecutableSize = 7; 
-        JobStatus = 4; 
-        DAGParentNodeNames = ""; 
-        ExitCode = 0; 
-        DAGManNodesMask = "0,1,2,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,13,16,17,24,27"; 
-        BytesSent = 3.049900000000000E+04; 
-        LastSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        ExecutableSize_RAW = 6; 
-        RecentBlockReadKbytes = 0; 
-        TransferInputSizeMB = 0; 
-        Matlab = "R2011b"; 
-        BlockReadKbytes = 0; 
-        RecentStatsLifetimeStarter = 1200; 
-        LeaveJobInQueue = false; 
-        TargetType = "Machine"; 
-        WhenToTransferOutput = "ON_EXIT"; 
-        Owner = "xguo23"; 
-        JobNotification = 0; 
-        BufferSize = 524288; 
-        RecentBlockWrites = 0; 
-        CompletionDate = 1446133468; 
-        QDate = 1446105706; 
-        JobLeaseDuration = 2400; 
-        JobFinishedHookDone = 1446133468; 
-        LastMatchTime = 1446111074; 
-        LastJobLeaseRenewal = 1446133468; 
-        DAGManNodesLog = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.48/Simulation_condor/model_3/./mydag.dag.nodes.log"; 
-        ClusterId = 49582460; 
-        JobUniverse = 5; 
-        NumJobStarts = 1; 
-        CondorVersion = "$CondorVersion: 8.5.0 Sep 16 2015 BuildID: 341710 $"; 
-        CoreSize = 0; 
-        OnExitHold = false; 
-        CondorPlatform = "$CondorPlatform: X86_64-RedHat_6.6 $"; 
-        In = "/dev/null"; 
-        DiskUsage = 1250000; 
-        EncryptExecuteDirectory = false; 
-        CommittedSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        User = ""; 
-        UserLog = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.48/Simulation_condor/model_3/58/process.log"; 
-        JobCurrentStartDate = 1446111074; 
-        BufferBlockSize = 32768; 
-        MATCH_EXP_JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = ""; 
-        Requirements = ( ( OpSysMajorVer is 6 ) ) && ( MY.JobUniverse == 12 || MY.JobUniverse == 7 || MY.WantFlocking || MY.WantGlidein || TARGET.PoolName == "CHTC" || TARGET.COLLECTOR_HOST_STRING == "" ) && ( TARGET.Arch == "X86_64" ) && ( TARGET.OpSys == "LINUX" ) && ( TARGET.Disk >= RequestDisk ) && ( TARGET.Memory >= RequestMemory ) && ( TARGET.HasFileTransfer ); 
-        MinHosts = 1; 
-        MaxHosts = 1; 
-        Args = "--type=Matlab --version=R2011b --cmdtorun=simu_condor --unique=58 -- 3"; 
-        PeriodicHold = false; 
-        ProcId = 0; 
-        Environment = ""; 
-        DAGNodeName = "58+58"; 
-        MemoryUsage = ( ( ResidentSetSize + 1023 ) / 1024 ); 
-        TerminationPending = true; 
-        NumRestarts = 0; 
-        NumSystemHolds = 0; 
-        CommittedTime = 22394; 
-        MachineAttrCpus0 = 1; 
-        WantRemoteSyscalls = false; 
-        MyType = "Job"; 
-        CumulativeSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        Rank = 0.0; 
-        StartdPrincipal = "execute-side@matchsession/"; 
-        Err = "process.err"; 
-        PeriodicRemove = false; 
-        BlockWriteKbytes = 0; 
-        ExitBySignal = false; 
-        DAGManJobId = 49582206; 
-        EnteredCurrentStatus = 1446133468; 
-        JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "$$([IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName), IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), \"\", TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName)])"; 
-        RecentBlockWriteKbytes = 0; 
-        TransferIn = false; 
-        ExitStatus = 0; 
-        ShouldTransferFiles = "YES"; 
-        IsCHTCSubmit = true; 
-        NumJobMatches = 1; 
-        RootDir = "/"; 
-        JobStartDate = 1446111074; 
-        JobPrio = 0; 
-        CurrentHosts = 0; 
-        GlobalJobId = ""; 
-        RemoteSysCpu = 8.100000000000000E+01; 
-        TotalSuspensions = 0; 
-        CommittedSlotTime = 2.239400000000000E+04; 
-        WantCheckpoint = false; 
-        BlockReads = 0; 
-        LastRemoteHost = ""; 
-        TransferInput = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.48/Simulation_condor/data/58/,/home/xguo23/model_3_1.48/Simulation_condor/data/shared/"; 
-        LocalUserCpu = 0.0; 
-        PeriodicRelease = ( JobStatus == 5 ) && ( ( CurrentTime - EnteredCurrentStatus ) > 1800 ) && ( JobRunCount < 5 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 6 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 14 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 22 ); 
-        RequestDisk = 1000000; 
-        ResidentSetSize_RAW = 127308; 
-        OrigMaxHosts = 1; 
-        LastPublicClaimId = "<>#1443991428#13854#..."; 
-        WantRHEL6 = true; 
-        NumCkpts_RAW = 0; 
-        Out = "process.out"; 
-        SubmitEventNotes = "DAG Node: 58+58"; 
-        CumulativeSlotTime = 2.239400000000000E+04; 
-        JobRunCount = 1; 
-        RecentBlockReads = 0; 
-        StreamErr = false; 
-        DiskUsage_RAW = 1216669; 
-        NumCkpts = 0; 
-        StatsLifetimeStarter = 22393; 
-        ImageSize = 1000000; 
-        Cmd = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.48/Simulation_condor/chtcjobwrapper"; 
-        LocalSysCpu = 0.0; 
+        BlockWrites = 0;
+        LastJobStatus = 2;
+        JobCurrentStartExecutingDate = 1446111075;
+        WantRemoteIO = true;
+        RequestCpus = 1;
+        NumShadowStarts = 1;
+        RemoteUserCpu = 2.227800000000000E+04;
+        NiceUser = false;
+        RequestMemory = 1000;
+        BytesRecvd = 2.846120000000000E+05;
+        ResidentSetSize = 150000;
+        StreamOut = false;
+        SpooledOutputFiles = "CURLTIME_2507136,ChtcWrapper58.out,AuditLog.58,simu_3_58.txt,harvest.log,58.out";
+        OnExitRemove = true;
+        ImageSize_RAW = 811948;
+        RemoteWallClockTime = 2.239400000000000E+04;
+        MachineAttrSlotWeight0 = 1;
+        ExecutableSize = 7;
+        JobStatus = 4;
+        DAGParentNodeNames = "";
+        ExitCode = 0;
+        DAGManNodesMask = "0,1,2,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,13,16,17,24,27";
+        BytesSent = 3.049900000000000E+04;
+        LastSuspensionTime = 0;
+        ExecutableSize_RAW = 6;
+        RecentBlockReadKbytes = 0;
+        TransferInputSizeMB = 0;
+        Matlab = "R2011b";
+        BlockReadKbytes = 0;
+        RecentStatsLifetimeStarter = 1200;
+        LeaveJobInQueue = false;
+        TargetType = "Machine";
+        WhenToTransferOutput = "ON_EXIT";
+        Owner = "xguo23";
+        JobNotification = 0;
+        BufferSize = 524288;
+        RecentBlockWrites = 0;
+        CompletionDate = 1446133468;
+        QDate = 1446105706;
+        JobLeaseDuration = 2400;
+        JobFinishedHookDone = 1446133468;
+        LastMatchTime = 1446111074;
+        LastJobLeaseRenewal = 1446133468;
+        DAGManNodesLog = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.48/Simulation_condor/model_3/./mydag.dag.nodes.log";
+        ClusterId = 49582460;
+        JobUniverse = 5;
+        NumJobStarts = 1;
+        CondorVersion = "$CondorVersion: 8.5.0 Sep 16 2015 BuildID: 341710 $";
+        CoreSize = 0;
+        OnExitHold = false;
+        CondorPlatform = "$CondorPlatform: X86_64-RedHat_6.6 $";
+        In = "/dev/null";
+        DiskUsage = 1250000;
+        EncryptExecuteDirectory = false;
+        CommittedSuspensionTime = 0;
+        User = "";
+        UserLog = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.48/Simulation_condor/model_3/58/process.log";
+        JobCurrentStartDate = 1446111074;
+        BufferBlockSize = 32768;
+        MATCH_EXP_JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "";
+        Requirements = ( ( OpSysMajorVer is 6 ) ) && ( MY.JobUniverse == 12 || MY.JobUniverse == 7 || MY.WantFlocking || MY.WantGlidein || TARGET.PoolName == "CHTC" || TARGET.COLLECTOR_HOST_STRING == "" ) && ( TARGET.Arch == "X86_64" ) && ( TARGET.OpSys == "LINUX" ) && ( TARGET.Disk >= RequestDisk ) && ( TARGET.Memory >= RequestMemory ) && ( TARGET.HasFileTransfer );
+        MinHosts = 1;
+        MaxHosts = 1;
+        Args = "--type=Matlab --version=R2011b --cmdtorun=simu_condor --unique=58 -- 3";
+        PeriodicHold = false;
+        ProcId = 0;
+        Environment = "";
+        DAGNodeName = "58+58";
+        MemoryUsage = ( ( ResidentSetSize + 1023 ) / 1024 );
+        TerminationPending = true;
+        NumRestarts = 0;
+        NumSystemHolds = 0;
+        CommittedTime = 22394;
+        MachineAttrCpus0 = 1;
+        WantRemoteSyscalls = false;
+        MyType = "Job";
+        CumulativeSuspensionTime = 0;
+        Rank = 0.0;
+        StartdPrincipal = "execute-side@matchsession/";
+        Err = "process.err";
+        PeriodicRemove = false;
+        BlockWriteKbytes = 0;
+        ExitBySignal = false;
+        DAGManJobId = 49582206;
+        EnteredCurrentStatus = 1446133468;
+        JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "$$([IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName), IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), \"\", TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName)])";
+        RecentBlockWriteKbytes = 0;
+        TransferIn = false;
+        ExitStatus = 0;
+        ShouldTransferFiles = "YES";
+        IsCHTCSubmit = true;
+        NumJobMatches = 1;
+        RootDir = "/";
+        JobStartDate = 1446111074;
+        JobPrio = 0;
+        CurrentHosts = 0;
+        GlobalJobId = "";
+        RemoteSysCpu = 8.100000000000000E+01;
+        TotalSuspensions = 0;
+        CommittedSlotTime = 2.239400000000000E+04;
+        WantCheckpoint = false;
+        BlockReads = 0;
+        LastRemoteHost = "";
+        TransferInput = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.48/Simulation_condor/data/58/,/home/xguo23/model_3_1.48/Simulation_condor/data/shared/";
+        LocalUserCpu = 0.0;
+        PeriodicRelease = ( JobStatus == 5 ) && ( ( CurrentTime - EnteredCurrentStatus ) > 1800 ) && ( JobRunCount < 5 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 6 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 14 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 22 );
+        RequestDisk = 1000000;
+        ResidentSetSize_RAW = 127308;
+        OrigMaxHosts = 1;
+        LastPublicClaimId = "<>#1443991428#13854#...";
+        WantRHEL6 = true;
+        NumCkpts_RAW = 0;
+        Out = "process.out";
+        SubmitEventNotes = "DAG Node: 58+58";
+        CumulativeSlotTime = 2.239400000000000E+04;
+        JobRunCount = 1;
+        RecentBlockReads = 0;
+        StreamErr = false;
+        DiskUsage_RAW = 1216669;
+        NumCkpts = 0;
+        StatsLifetimeStarter = 22393;
+        ImageSize = 1000000;
+        Cmd = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.48/Simulation_condor/chtcjobwrapper";
+        LocalSysCpu = 0.0;
         Iwd = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.48/Simulation_condor/model_3/58"
-        BlockWrites = 0; 
-        LastJobStatus = 2; 
-        JobCurrentStartExecutingDate = 1446121054; 
-        WantRemoteIO = true; 
-        RequestCpus = 1; 
-        NumShadowStarts = 1; 
-        RemoteUserCpu = 1.224900000000000E+04; 
-        NiceUser = false; 
-        RequestMemory = 1000; 
-        BytesRecvd = 2.846290000000000E+05; 
-        ResidentSetSize = 150000; 
-        StreamOut = false; 
-        SpooledOutputFiles = "CURLTIME_2948896,ChtcWrapper275.out,AuditLog.275,simu_3_275.txt,harvest.log,275.out"; 
-        OnExitRemove = true; 
-        ImageSize_RAW = 811948; 
-        RemoteWallClockTime = 1.236300000000000E+04; 
-        MachineAttrSlotWeight0 = 1; 
-        ExecutableSize = 7; 
-        JobStatus = 4; 
-        DAGParentNodeNames = ""; 
-        ExitCode = 0; 
-        DAGManNodesMask = "0,1,2,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,13,16,17,24,27"; 
-        BytesSent = 3.050600000000000E+04; 
-        LastSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        ExecutableSize_RAW = 6; 
-        RecentBlockReadKbytes = 0; 
-        TransferInputSizeMB = 0; 
-        Matlab = "R2011b"; 
-        BlockReadKbytes = 0; 
-        RecentStatsLifetimeStarter = 1200; 
-        LeaveJobInQueue = false; 
-        TargetType = "Machine"; 
-        WhenToTransferOutput = "ON_EXIT"; 
-        Owner = "xguo23"; 
-        JobNotification = 0; 
-        BufferSize = 524288; 
-        RecentBlockWrites = 0; 
-        CompletionDate = 1446133415; 
-        QDate = 1446106008; 
-        JobLeaseDuration = 2400; 
-        JobFinishedHookDone = 1446133415; 
-        LastMatchTime = 1446121052; 
-        LastJobLeaseRenewal = 1446133415; 
-        DAGManNodesLog = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/model_3/./mydag.dag.nodes.log"; 
-        ClusterId = 49583254; 
-        JobUniverse = 5; 
-        NumJobStarts = 1; 
-        CondorVersion = "$CondorVersion: 8.5.0 Sep 16 2015 BuildID: 341710 $"; 
-        CoreSize = 0; 
-        OnExitHold = false; 
-        CondorPlatform = "$CondorPlatform: X86_64-RedHat_6.6 $"; 
-        In = "/dev/null"; 
-        DiskUsage = 1250000; 
-        EncryptExecuteDirectory = false; 
-        CommittedSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        User = ""; 
-        UserLog = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/model_3/275/process.log"; 
-        JobCurrentStartDate = 1446121052; 
-        BufferBlockSize = 32768; 
-        MATCH_EXP_JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = ""; 
-        Requirements = ( ( OpSysMajorVer is 6 ) ) && ( MY.JobUniverse == 12 || MY.JobUniverse == 7 || MY.WantFlocking || MY.WantGlidein || TARGET.PoolName == "CHTC" || TARGET.COLLECTOR_HOST_STRING == "" ) && ( TARGET.Arch == "X86_64" ) && ( TARGET.OpSys == "LINUX" ) && ( TARGET.Disk >= RequestDisk ) && ( TARGET.Memory >= RequestMemory ) && ( TARGET.HasFileTransfer ); 
-        MinHosts = 1; 
-        MaxHosts = 1; 
-        Args = "--type=Matlab --version=R2011b --cmdtorun=simu_condor --unique=275 -- 3"; 
-        PeriodicHold = false; 
-        ProcId = 0; 
-        Environment = ""; 
-        DAGNodeName = "275+275"; 
-        MemoryUsage = ( ( ResidentSetSize + 1023 ) / 1024 ); 
-        TerminationPending = true; 
-        NumRestarts = 0; 
-        NumSystemHolds = 0; 
-        CommittedTime = 12363; 
-        MachineAttrCpus0 = 1; 
-        WantRemoteSyscalls = false; 
-        MyType = "Job"; 
-        CumulativeSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        Rank = 0.0; 
-        StartdPrincipal = "execute-side@matchsession/"; 
-        Err = "process.err"; 
-        PeriodicRemove = false; 
-        BlockWriteKbytes = 0; 
-        ExitBySignal = false; 
-        DAGManJobId = 49582200; 
-        EnteredCurrentStatus = 1446133415; 
-        JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "$$([IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName), IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), \"\", TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName)])"; 
-        RecentBlockWriteKbytes = 0; 
-        TransferIn = false; 
-        ExitStatus = 0; 
-        ShouldTransferFiles = "YES"; 
-        IsCHTCSubmit = true; 
-        NumJobMatches = 1; 
-        RootDir = "/"; 
-        JobStartDate = 1446121052; 
-        JobPrio = 0; 
-        CurrentHosts = 0; 
-        GlobalJobId = ""; 
-        RemoteSysCpu = 9.500000000000000E+01; 
-        TotalSuspensions = 0; 
-        CommittedSlotTime = 1.236300000000000E+04; 
-        WantCheckpoint = false; 
-        BlockReads = 0; 
-        LastRemoteHost = ""; 
-        TransferInput = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/data/275/,/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/data/shared/"; 
-        LocalUserCpu = 0.0; 
-        PeriodicRelease = ( JobStatus == 5 ) && ( ( CurrentTime - EnteredCurrentStatus ) > 1800 ) && ( JobRunCount < 5 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 6 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 14 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 22 ); 
-        RequestDisk = 1000000; 
-        ResidentSetSize_RAW = 126732; 
-        OrigMaxHosts = 1; 
-        LastPublicClaimId = "<>#1443991420#10986#..."; 
-        WantRHEL6 = true; 
-        NumCkpts_RAW = 0; 
-        Out = "process.out"; 
-        SubmitEventNotes = "DAG Node: 275+275"; 
-        CumulativeSlotTime = 1.236300000000000E+04; 
-        JobRunCount = 1; 
-        RecentBlockReads = 0; 
-        StreamErr = false; 
-        DiskUsage_RAW = 1216669; 
-        NumCkpts = 0; 
-        StatsLifetimeStarter = 12361; 
-        ImageSize = 1000000; 
-        Cmd = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/chtcjobwrapper"; 
-        LocalSysCpu = 0.0; 
+        BlockWrites = 0;
+        LastJobStatus = 2;
+        JobCurrentStartExecutingDate = 1446121054;
+        WantRemoteIO = true;
+        RequestCpus = 1;
+        NumShadowStarts = 1;
+        RemoteUserCpu = 1.224900000000000E+04;
+        NiceUser = false;
+        RequestMemory = 1000;
+        BytesRecvd = 2.846290000000000E+05;
+        ResidentSetSize = 150000;
+        StreamOut = false;
+        SpooledOutputFiles = "CURLTIME_2948896,ChtcWrapper275.out,AuditLog.275,simu_3_275.txt,harvest.log,275.out";
+        OnExitRemove = true;
+        ImageSize_RAW = 811948;
+        RemoteWallClockTime = 1.236300000000000E+04;
+        MachineAttrSlotWeight0 = 1;
+        ExecutableSize = 7;
+        JobStatus = 4;
+        DAGParentNodeNames = "";
+        ExitCode = 0;
+        DAGManNodesMask = "0,1,2,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,13,16,17,24,27";
+        BytesSent = 3.050600000000000E+04;
+        LastSuspensionTime = 0;
+        ExecutableSize_RAW = 6;
+        RecentBlockReadKbytes = 0;
+        TransferInputSizeMB = 0;
+        Matlab = "R2011b";
+        BlockReadKbytes = 0;
+        RecentStatsLifetimeStarter = 1200;
+        LeaveJobInQueue = false;
+        TargetType = "Machine";
+        WhenToTransferOutput = "ON_EXIT";
+        Owner = "xguo23";
+        JobNotification = 0;
+        BufferSize = 524288;
+        RecentBlockWrites = 0;
+        CompletionDate = 1446133415;
+        QDate = 1446106008;
+        JobLeaseDuration = 2400;
+        JobFinishedHookDone = 1446133415;
+        LastMatchTime = 1446121052;
+        LastJobLeaseRenewal = 1446133415;
+        DAGManNodesLog = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/model_3/./mydag.dag.nodes.log";
+        ClusterId = 49583254;
+        JobUniverse = 5;
+        NumJobStarts = 1;
+        CondorVersion = "$CondorVersion: 8.5.0 Sep 16 2015 BuildID: 341710 $";
+        CoreSize = 0;
+        OnExitHold = false;
+        CondorPlatform = "$CondorPlatform: X86_64-RedHat_6.6 $";
+        In = "/dev/null";
+        DiskUsage = 1250000;
+        EncryptExecuteDirectory = false;
+        CommittedSuspensionTime = 0;
+        User = "";
+        UserLog = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/model_3/275/process.log";
+        JobCurrentStartDate = 1446121052;
+        BufferBlockSize = 32768;
+        MATCH_EXP_JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "";
+        Requirements = ( ( OpSysMajorVer is 6 ) ) && ( MY.JobUniverse == 12 || MY.JobUniverse == 7 || MY.WantFlocking || MY.WantGlidein || TARGET.PoolName == "CHTC" || TARGET.COLLECTOR_HOST_STRING == "" ) && ( TARGET.Arch == "X86_64" ) && ( TARGET.OpSys == "LINUX" ) && ( TARGET.Disk >= RequestDisk ) && ( TARGET.Memory >= RequestMemory ) && ( TARGET.HasFileTransfer );
+        MinHosts = 1;
+        MaxHosts = 1;
+        Args = "--type=Matlab --version=R2011b --cmdtorun=simu_condor --unique=275 -- 3";
+        PeriodicHold = false;
+        ProcId = 0;
+        Environment = "";
+        DAGNodeName = "275+275";
+        MemoryUsage = ( ( ResidentSetSize + 1023 ) / 1024 );
+        TerminationPending = true;
+        NumRestarts = 0;
+        NumSystemHolds = 0;
+        CommittedTime = 12363;
+        MachineAttrCpus0 = 1;
+        WantRemoteSyscalls = false;
+        MyType = "Job";
+        CumulativeSuspensionTime = 0;
+        Rank = 0.0;
+        StartdPrincipal = "execute-side@matchsession/";
+        Err = "process.err";
+        PeriodicRemove = false;
+        BlockWriteKbytes = 0;
+        ExitBySignal = false;
+        DAGManJobId = 49582200;
+        EnteredCurrentStatus = 1446133415;
+        JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "$$([IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName), IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), \"\", TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName)])";
+        RecentBlockWriteKbytes = 0;
+        TransferIn = false;
+        ExitStatus = 0;
+        ShouldTransferFiles = "YES";
+        IsCHTCSubmit = true;
+        NumJobMatches = 1;
+        RootDir = "/";
+        JobStartDate = 1446121052;
+        JobPrio = 0;
+        CurrentHosts = 0;
+        GlobalJobId = "";
+        RemoteSysCpu = 9.500000000000000E+01;
+        TotalSuspensions = 0;
+        CommittedSlotTime = 1.236300000000000E+04;
+        WantCheckpoint = false;
+        BlockReads = 0;
+        LastRemoteHost = "";
+        TransferInput = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/data/275/,/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/data/shared/";
+        LocalUserCpu = 0.0;
+        PeriodicRelease = ( JobStatus == 5 ) && ( ( CurrentTime - EnteredCurrentStatus ) > 1800 ) && ( JobRunCount < 5 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 6 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 14 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 22 );
+        RequestDisk = 1000000;
+        ResidentSetSize_RAW = 126732;
+        OrigMaxHosts = 1;
+        LastPublicClaimId = "<>#1443991420#10986#...";
+        WantRHEL6 = true;
+        NumCkpts_RAW = 0;
+        Out = "process.out";
+        SubmitEventNotes = "DAG Node: 275+275";
+        CumulativeSlotTime = 1.236300000000000E+04;
+        JobRunCount = 1;
+        RecentBlockReads = 0;
+        StreamErr = false;
+        DiskUsage_RAW = 1216669;
+        NumCkpts = 0;
+        StatsLifetimeStarter = 12361;
+        ImageSize = 1000000;
+        Cmd = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/chtcjobwrapper";
+        LocalSysCpu = 0.0;
         Iwd = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/model_3/275"
-        BlockWrites = 0; 
-        LastJobStatus = 2; 
-        JobCurrentStartExecutingDate = 1446113039; 
-        WantRemoteIO = true; 
-        RequestCpus = 1; 
-        NumShadowStarts = 1; 
-        RemoteUserCpu = 2.021400000000000E+04; 
-        NiceUser = false; 
-        RequestMemory = 1000; 
-        BytesRecvd = 2.846290000000000E+05; 
-        ResidentSetSize = 125000; 
-        StreamOut = false; 
-        SpooledOutputFiles = "CURLTIME_2647255,ChtcWrapper213.out,AuditLog.213,simu_3_213.txt,harvest.log,213.out"; 
-        OnExitRemove = true; 
-        ImageSize_RAW = 811948; 
-        RemoteWallClockTime = 2.037200000000000E+04; 
-        MachineAttrSlotWeight0 = 1; 
-        ExecutableSize = 7; 
-        JobStatus = 4; 
-        DAGParentNodeNames = ""; 
-        ExitCode = 0; 
-        DAGManNodesMask = "0,1,2,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,13,16,17,24,27"; 
-        BytesSent = 3.050700000000000E+04; 
-        LastSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        ExecutableSize_RAW = 6; 
-        RecentBlockReadKbytes = 0; 
-        TransferInputSizeMB = 0; 
-        Matlab = "R2011b"; 
-        BlockReadKbytes = 0; 
-        RecentStatsLifetimeStarter = 1200; 
-        LeaveJobInQueue = false; 
-        TargetType = "Machine"; 
-        WhenToTransferOutput = "ON_EXIT"; 
-        Owner = "xguo23"; 
-        JobNotification = 0; 
-        BufferSize = 524288; 
-        RecentBlockWrites = 0; 
-        CompletionDate = 1446133410; 
-        QDate = 1446105762; 
-        JobLeaseDuration = 2400; 
-        JobFinishedHookDone = 1446133410; 
-        LastMatchTime = 1446113038; 
-        LastJobLeaseRenewal = 1446133410; 
-        DAGManNodesLog = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/model_3/./mydag.dag.nodes.log"; 
-        ClusterId = 49582610; 
-        JobUniverse = 5; 
-        NumJobStarts = 1; 
-        CondorVersion = "$CondorVersion: 8.5.0 Sep 16 2015 BuildID: 341710 $"; 
-        CoreSize = 0; 
-        OnExitHold = false; 
-        CondorPlatform = "$CondorPlatform: X86_64-RedHat_6.6 $"; 
-        In = "/dev/null"; 
-        DiskUsage = 1250000; 
-        EncryptExecuteDirectory = false; 
-        CommittedSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        User = ""; 
-        UserLog = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/model_3/213/process.log"; 
-        JobCurrentStartDate = 1446113038; 
-        BufferBlockSize = 32768; 
-        MATCH_EXP_JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = ""; 
-        Requirements = ( ( OpSysMajorVer is 6 ) ) && ( MY.JobUniverse == 12 || MY.JobUniverse == 7 || MY.WantFlocking || MY.WantGlidein || TARGET.PoolName == "CHTC" || TARGET.COLLECTOR_HOST_STRING == "" ) && ( TARGET.Arch == "X86_64" ) && ( TARGET.OpSys == "LINUX" ) && ( TARGET.Disk >= RequestDisk ) && ( TARGET.Memory >= RequestMemory ) && ( TARGET.HasFileTransfer ); 
-        MinHosts = 1; 
-        MaxHosts = 1; 
-        Args = "--type=Matlab --version=R2011b --cmdtorun=simu_condor --unique=213 -- 3"; 
-        PeriodicHold = false; 
-        ProcId = 0; 
-        Environment = ""; 
-        DAGNodeName = "213+213"; 
-        MemoryUsage = ( ( ResidentSetSize + 1023 ) / 1024 ); 
-        TerminationPending = true; 
-        NumRestarts = 0; 
-        NumSystemHolds = 0; 
-        CommittedTime = 20372; 
-        MachineAttrCpus0 = 1; 
-        WantRemoteSyscalls = false; 
-        MyType = "Job"; 
-        CumulativeSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        Rank = 0.0; 
-        StartdPrincipal = "execute-side@matchsession/"; 
-        Err = "process.err"; 
-        PeriodicRemove = false; 
-        BlockWriteKbytes = 0; 
-        ExitBySignal = false; 
-        DAGManJobId = 49582200; 
-        EnteredCurrentStatus = 1446133410; 
-        JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "$$([IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName), IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), \"\", TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName)])"; 
-        RecentBlockWriteKbytes = 0; 
-        TransferIn = false; 
-        ExitStatus = 0; 
-        ShouldTransferFiles = "YES"; 
-        IsCHTCSubmit = true; 
-        NumJobMatches = 1; 
-        RootDir = "/"; 
-        JobStartDate = 1446113038; 
-        JobPrio = 0; 
-        CurrentHosts = 0; 
-        GlobalJobId = ""; 
-        RemoteSysCpu = 1.320000000000000E+02; 
-        TotalSuspensions = 0; 
-        CommittedSlotTime = 2.037200000000000E+04; 
-        WantCheckpoint = false; 
-        BlockReads = 0; 
-        LastRemoteHost = "slot1@e419.chtc.WISC.EDU"; 
-        TransferInput = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/data/213/,/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/data/shared/"; 
-        LocalUserCpu = 0.0; 
-        PeriodicRelease = ( JobStatus == 5 ) && ( ( CurrentTime - EnteredCurrentStatus ) > 1800 ) && ( JobRunCount < 5 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 6 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 14 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 22 ); 
-        RequestDisk = 1000000; 
-        ResidentSetSize_RAW = 124944; 
-        OrigMaxHosts = 1; 
-        LastPublicClaimId = "<>#1443991439#14297#..."; 
-        WantRHEL6 = true; 
-        NumCkpts_RAW = 0; 
-        Out = "process.out"; 
-        SubmitEventNotes = "DAG Node: 213+213"; 
-        CumulativeSlotTime = 2.037200000000000E+04; 
-        JobRunCount = 1; 
-        RecentBlockReads = 0; 
-        StreamErr = false; 
-        DiskUsage_RAW = 1216669; 
-        NumCkpts = 0; 
-        StatsLifetimeStarter = 20371; 
-        ImageSize = 1000000; 
-        Cmd = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/chtcjobwrapper"; 
-        LocalSysCpu = 0.0; 
+        BlockWrites = 0;
+        LastJobStatus = 2;
+        JobCurrentStartExecutingDate = 1446113039;
+        WantRemoteIO = true;
+        RequestCpus = 1;
+        NumShadowStarts = 1;
+        RemoteUserCpu = 2.021400000000000E+04;
+        NiceUser = false;
+        RequestMemory = 1000;
+        BytesRecvd = 2.846290000000000E+05;
+        ResidentSetSize = 125000;
+        StreamOut = false;
+        SpooledOutputFiles = "CURLTIME_2647255,ChtcWrapper213.out,AuditLog.213,simu_3_213.txt,harvest.log,213.out";
+        OnExitRemove = true;
+        ImageSize_RAW = 811948;
+        RemoteWallClockTime = 2.037200000000000E+04;
+        MachineAttrSlotWeight0 = 1;
+        ExecutableSize = 7;
+        JobStatus = 4;
+        DAGParentNodeNames = "";
+        ExitCode = 0;
+        DAGManNodesMask = "0,1,2,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,13,16,17,24,27";
+        BytesSent = 3.050700000000000E+04;
+        LastSuspensionTime = 0;
+        ExecutableSize_RAW = 6;
+        RecentBlockReadKbytes = 0;
+        TransferInputSizeMB = 0;
+        Matlab = "R2011b";
+        BlockReadKbytes = 0;
+        RecentStatsLifetimeStarter = 1200;
+        LeaveJobInQueue = false;
+        TargetType = "Machine";
+        WhenToTransferOutput = "ON_EXIT";
+        Owner = "xguo23";
+        JobNotification = 0;
+        BufferSize = 524288;
+        RecentBlockWrites = 0;
+        CompletionDate = 1446133410;
+        QDate = 1446105762;
+        JobLeaseDuration = 2400;
+        JobFinishedHookDone = 1446133410;
+        LastMatchTime = 1446113038;
+        LastJobLeaseRenewal = 1446133410;
+        DAGManNodesLog = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/model_3/./mydag.dag.nodes.log";
+        ClusterId = 49582610;
+        JobUniverse = 5;
+        NumJobStarts = 1;
+        CondorVersion = "$CondorVersion: 8.5.0 Sep 16 2015 BuildID: 341710 $";
+        CoreSize = 0;
+        OnExitHold = false;
+        CondorPlatform = "$CondorPlatform: X86_64-RedHat_6.6 $";
+        In = "/dev/null";
+        DiskUsage = 1250000;
+        EncryptExecuteDirectory = false;
+        CommittedSuspensionTime = 0;
+        User = "";
+        UserLog = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/model_3/213/process.log";
+        JobCurrentStartDate = 1446113038;
+        BufferBlockSize = 32768;
+        MATCH_EXP_JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "";
+        Requirements = ( ( OpSysMajorVer is 6 ) ) && ( MY.JobUniverse == 12 || MY.JobUniverse == 7 || MY.WantFlocking || MY.WantGlidein || TARGET.PoolName == "CHTC" || TARGET.COLLECTOR_HOST_STRING == "" ) && ( TARGET.Arch == "X86_64" ) && ( TARGET.OpSys == "LINUX" ) && ( TARGET.Disk >= RequestDisk ) && ( TARGET.Memory >= RequestMemory ) && ( TARGET.HasFileTransfer );
+        MinHosts = 1;
+        MaxHosts = 1;
+        Args = "--type=Matlab --version=R2011b --cmdtorun=simu_condor --unique=213 -- 3";
+        PeriodicHold = false;
+        ProcId = 0;
+        Environment = "";
+        DAGNodeName = "213+213";
+        MemoryUsage = ( ( ResidentSetSize + 1023 ) / 1024 );
+        TerminationPending = true;
+        NumRestarts = 0;
+        NumSystemHolds = 0;
+        CommittedTime = 20372;
+        MachineAttrCpus0 = 1;
+        WantRemoteSyscalls = false;
+        MyType = "Job";
+        CumulativeSuspensionTime = 0;
+        Rank = 0.0;
+        StartdPrincipal = "execute-side@matchsession/";
+        Err = "process.err";
+        PeriodicRemove = false;
+        BlockWriteKbytes = 0;
+        ExitBySignal = false;
+        DAGManJobId = 49582200;
+        EnteredCurrentStatus = 1446133410;
+        JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "$$([IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName), IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), \"\", TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName)])";
+        RecentBlockWriteKbytes = 0;
+        TransferIn = false;
+        ExitStatus = 0;
+        ShouldTransferFiles = "YES";
+        IsCHTCSubmit = true;
+        NumJobMatches = 1;
+        RootDir = "/";
+        JobStartDate = 1446113038;
+        JobPrio = 0;
+        CurrentHosts = 0;
+        GlobalJobId = "";
+        RemoteSysCpu = 1.320000000000000E+02;
+        TotalSuspensions = 0;
+        CommittedSlotTime = 2.037200000000000E+04;
+        WantCheckpoint = false;
+        BlockReads = 0;
+        LastRemoteHost = "slot1@e419.chtc.WISC.EDU";
+        TransferInput = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/data/213/,/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/data/shared/";
+        LocalUserCpu = 0.0;
+        PeriodicRelease = ( JobStatus == 5 ) && ( ( CurrentTime - EnteredCurrentStatus ) > 1800 ) && ( JobRunCount < 5 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 6 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 14 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 22 );
+        RequestDisk = 1000000;
+        ResidentSetSize_RAW = 124944;
+        OrigMaxHosts = 1;
+        LastPublicClaimId = "<>#1443991439#14297#...";
+        WantRHEL6 = true;
+        NumCkpts_RAW = 0;
+        Out = "process.out";
+        SubmitEventNotes = "DAG Node: 213+213";
+        CumulativeSlotTime = 2.037200000000000E+04;
+        JobRunCount = 1;
+        RecentBlockReads = 0;
+        StreamErr = false;
+        DiskUsage_RAW = 1216669;
+        NumCkpts = 0;
+        StatsLifetimeStarter = 20371;
+        ImageSize = 1000000;
+        Cmd = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/chtcjobwrapper";
+        LocalSysCpu = 0.0;
         Iwd = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/model_3/213"
-        BlockWrites = 0; 
-        LastJobStatus = 2; 
-        JobCurrentStartExecutingDate = 1446111076; 
-        WantRemoteIO = true; 
-        RequestCpus = 1; 
-        NumShadowStarts = 1; 
-        RemoteUserCpu = 2.211700000000000E+04; 
-        NiceUser = false; 
-        RequestMemory = 1000; 
-        BytesRecvd = 2.846120000000000E+05; 
-        ResidentSetSize = 150000; 
-        StreamOut = false; 
-        SpooledOutputFiles = "CURLTIME_2507151,ChtcWrapper88.out,AuditLog.88,simu_3_88.txt,harvest.log,88.out"; 
-        OnExitRemove = true; 
-        ImageSize_RAW = 811948; 
-        RemoteWallClockTime = 2.228000000000000E+04; 
-        MachineAttrSlotWeight0 = 1; 
-        ExecutableSize = 7; 
-        JobStatus = 4; 
-        DAGParentNodeNames = ""; 
-        ExitCode = 0; 
-        DAGManNodesMask = "0,1,2,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,13,16,17,24,27"; 
-        BytesSent = 2.790500000000000E+04; 
-        LastSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        ExecutableSize_RAW = 6; 
-        RecentBlockReadKbytes = 0; 
-        TransferInputSizeMB = 0; 
-        Matlab = "R2011b"; 
-        BlockReadKbytes = 0; 
-        LocalSysCpu = 0.0; 
-        Iwd = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.48/Simulation_condor/model_3/88"; 
-        RecentStatsLifetimeStarter = 1200; 
-        LeaveJobInQueue = false; 
-        TargetType = "Machine"; 
-        WhenToTransferOutput = "ON_EXIT"; 
-        Owner = "xguo23"; 
-        JobNotification = 0; 
-        BufferSize = 524288; 
-        RecentBlockWrites = 0; 
-        CompletionDate = 1446133355; 
-        LastMatchTime = 1446111075; 
-        LastJobLeaseRenewal = 1446133355; 
-        DAGManNodesLog = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.48/Simulation_condor/model_3/./mydag.dag.nodes.log"; 
-        ClusterId = 49582491; 
-        NumJobStarts = 1; 
-        JobUniverse = 5; 
-        AutoClusterAttrs = "JobUniverse,LastCheckpointPlatform,NumCkpts,ClientMachine,_condor_RequestCpus,_condor_RequestDisk,_condor_RequestGPUs,_condor_RequestMemory,RequestCpus,RequestDisk,RequestGPUs,RequestMemory,BIOCHEM,MachineLastMatchTime,ConcurrencyLimits,NiceUser,Rank,Requirements,ImageSize,MemoryRequirements,User,RemoteGroup,SubmitterGroup,SubmitterUserPrio,Group,WIDsTheme,InteractiveJob,Is_Resumable,WantFlocking,WantGlidein,Scheduler,Owner,JobStart,MemoryUsage,IsExpressQueueJob,DiskUsage,HEP_VO,IsDesktop,OSG_VO,x509userproxysubject,PassedTest,IsLocalCMSJob,IsLocalCMSSlot,IsSAMSlot,IsSAMJob,MaxDiskTempC,IsDedicated,estimated_run_hours,IsCHTCSubmit,RequiresCVMFS,DynamicSlot,PartitionableSlot,Slot1_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot1_JobStarts,Slot1_SelfMonitorAge,Slot2_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot2_JobStarts,Slot2_SelfMonitorAge,Slot3_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot3_JobStarts,Slot3_SelfMonitorAge,Slot4_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot4_JobStarts,Slot4_SelfMonitorAge,Slot5_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot5_JobStarts,Slot5_SelfMonitorAge,Slot6_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot6_JobStarts,Slot6_SelfMonitorAge,Slot7_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot7_JobStarts,Slot7_SelfMonitorAge,Slot8_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot8_JobStarts,Slot8_SelfMonitorAge,Slot1_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot1_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot2_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot2_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot3_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot3_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot4_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot4_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot5_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot5_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot6_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot6_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot7_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot7_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot8_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot8_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot10_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot10_JobStarts,Slot10_SelfMonitorAge,Slot11_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot11_JobStarts,Slot11_SelfMonitorAge,Slot12_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot12_JobStarts,Slot12_SelfMonitorAge,Slot9_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot9_JobStarts,Slot9_SelfMonitorAge,Slot12_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot10_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot10_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot11_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot11_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot12_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot9_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot9_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot13_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot13_JobStarts,Slot13_SelfMonitorAge,Slot14_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot14_JobStarts,Slot14_SelfMonitorAge,Slot15_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot15_JobStarts,Slot15_SelfMonitorAge,Slot16_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot16_JobStarts,Slot16_SelfMonitorAge,IsResumable,WHEN_TO_TRANSFER_OUTPUT,_condor_Requestadmin_mutex_1,_condor_Requestadmin_mutex_2,_condor_Requestadmin_mutex_3,_condor_Requestmachine_token,Requestadmin_mutex_1,Requestadmin_mutex_2,Requestadmin_mutex_3,Requestmachine_token,nyehle,IsBuildJob,IsMatlabBuildJob,TotalJobRunTime,NodeOnline,Slot13_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot13_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot14_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot14_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot15_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot15_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot16_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot16_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,TmpIsFull,trResumable,RequiresCMSFrontier,Slot17_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot17_JobStarts,Slot17_SelfMonitorAge,Slot17_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot17_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot18_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot18_JobStarts,Slot18_SelfMonitorAge,Slot18_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot18_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot19_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot19_JobStarts,Slot19_SelfMonitorAge,Slot19_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot19_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot20_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot20_JobStarts,Slot20_SelfMonitorAge,Slot20_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot20_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot21_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot21_JobStarts,Slot21_SelfMonitorAge,Slot21_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot21_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot22_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot22_JobStarts,Slot22_SelfMonitorAge,Slot22_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot22_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot23_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot23_JobStarts,Slot23_SelfMonitorAge,Slot23_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot23_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot24_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot24_JobStarts,Slot24_SelfMonitorAge,Slot24_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot24_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot25_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot25_JobStarts,Slot25_SelfMonitorAge,Slot25_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot25_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot26_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot26_JobStarts,Slot26_SelfMonitorAge,Slot26_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot26_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot27_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot27_JobStarts,Slot27_SelfMonitorAge,Slot27_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot27_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot28_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot28_JobStarts,Slot28_SelfMonitorAge,Slot28_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot28_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot29_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot29_JobStarts,Slot29_SelfMonitorAge,Slot29_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot29_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot30_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot30_JobStarts,Slot30_SelfMonitorAge,Slot30_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot30_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot31_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot31_JobStarts,Slot31_SelfMonitorAge,Slot31_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot31_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot32_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot32_JobStarts,Slot32_SelfMonitorAge,Slot32_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot32_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,ResidentSetSize"; 
-        MaxHosts = 1; 
-        Args = "--type=Matlab --version=R2011b --cmdtorun=simu_condor --unique=88 -- 3"; 
-        CondorVersion = "$CondorVersion: 8.5.0 Sep 16 2015 BuildID: 341710 $"; 
-        CoreSize = 0; 
-        OnExitHold = false; 
-        CondorPlatform = "$CondorPlatform: X86_64-RedHat_6.6 $"; 
-        JobFinishedHookDone = 1446133355; 
-        QDate = 1446105717; 
-        JobLeaseDuration = 2400; 
-        In = "/dev/null"; 
-        DiskUsage = 1250000; 
-        EncryptExecuteDirectory = false; 
-        CommittedSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        User = ""; 
-        UserLog = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.48/Simulation_condor/model_3/88/process.log"; 
-        JobCurrentStartDate = 1446111075; 
-        BufferBlockSize = 32768; 
-        MATCH_EXP_JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = ""; 
-        Requirements = ( ( OpSysMajorVer is 6 ) ) && ( MY.JobUniverse == 12 || MY.JobUniverse == 7 || MY.WantFlocking || MY.WantGlidein || TARGET.PoolName == "CHTC" || TARGET.COLLECTOR_HOST_STRING == "" ) && ( TARGET.Arch == "X86_64" ) && ( TARGET.OpSys == "LINUX" ) && ( TARGET.Disk >= RequestDisk ) && ( TARGET.Memory >= RequestMemory ) && ( TARGET.HasFileTransfer ); 
-        MinHosts = 1; 
-        PeriodicHold = false; 
-        ProcId = 0; 
-        Environment = ""; 
-        DAGNodeName = "88+88"; 
-        MemoryUsage = ( ( ResidentSetSize + 1023 ) / 1024 ); 
-        TerminationPending = true; 
-        NumRestarts = 0; 
-        NumSystemHolds = 0; 
-        CommittedTime = 22280; 
-        AutoClusterId = 24; 
-        ExitStatus = 0; 
-        ShouldTransferFiles = "YES"; 
-        MachineAttrCpus0 = 1; 
-        WantRemoteSyscalls = false; 
-        MyType = "Job"; 
-        CumulativeSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        Rank = 0.0; 
-        StartdPrincipal = "execute-side@matchsession/"; 
-        Err = "process.err"; 
-        PeriodicRemove = false; 
-        BlockWriteKbytes = 0; 
-        ExitBySignal = false; 
-        DAGManJobId = 49582206; 
-        EnteredCurrentStatus = 1446133355; 
-        JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "$$([IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName), IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), \"\", TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName)])"; 
-        RecentBlockWriteKbytes = 0; 
-        TransferIn = false; 
-        IsCHTCSubmit = true; 
-        NumJobMatches = 1; 
-        RootDir = "/"; 
-        JobStartDate = 1446111075; 
-        JobPrio = 0; 
-        CurrentHosts = 0; 
-        GlobalJobId = ""; 
-        RemoteSysCpu = 1.440000000000000E+02; 
-        TotalSuspensions = 0; 
-        CommittedSlotTime = 2.228000000000000E+04; 
-        WantCheckpoint = false; 
-        BlockReads = 0; 
-        LastRemoteHost = ""; 
-        TransferInput = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.48/Simulation_condor/data/88/,/home/xguo23/model_3_1.48/Simulation_condor/data/shared/"; 
-        LocalUserCpu = 0.0; 
-        PeriodicRelease = ( JobStatus == 5 ) && ( ( CurrentTime - EnteredCurrentStatus ) > 1800 ) && ( JobRunCount < 5 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 6 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 14 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 22 ); 
-        RequestDisk = 1000000; 
-        ResidentSetSize_RAW = 126084; 
-        OrigMaxHosts = 1; 
-        LastPublicClaimId = "<>#1443991428#13858#..."; 
-        WantRHEL6 = true; 
-        NumCkpts_RAW = 0; 
-        Out = "process.out"; 
-        SubmitEventNotes = "DAG Node: 88+88"; 
-        CumulativeSlotTime = 2.228000000000000E+04; 
-        JobRunCount = 1; 
-        RecentBlockReads = 0; 
-        StreamErr = false; 
-        DiskUsage_RAW = 1216669; 
-        NumCkpts = 0; 
-        StatsLifetimeStarter = 22279; 
-        ImageSize = 1000000; 
+        BlockWrites = 0;
+        LastJobStatus = 2;
+        JobCurrentStartExecutingDate = 1446111076;
+        WantRemoteIO = true;
+        RequestCpus = 1;
+        NumShadowStarts = 1;
+        RemoteUserCpu = 2.211700000000000E+04;
+        NiceUser = false;
+        RequestMemory = 1000;
+        BytesRecvd = 2.846120000000000E+05;
+        ResidentSetSize = 150000;
+        StreamOut = false;
+        SpooledOutputFiles = "CURLTIME_2507151,ChtcWrapper88.out,AuditLog.88,simu_3_88.txt,harvest.log,88.out";
+        OnExitRemove = true;
+        ImageSize_RAW = 811948;
+        RemoteWallClockTime = 2.228000000000000E+04;
+        MachineAttrSlotWeight0 = 1;
+        ExecutableSize = 7;
+        JobStatus = 4;
+        DAGParentNodeNames = "";
+        ExitCode = 0;
+        DAGManNodesMask = "0,1,2,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,13,16,17,24,27";
+        BytesSent = 2.790500000000000E+04;
+        LastSuspensionTime = 0;
+        ExecutableSize_RAW = 6;
+        RecentBlockReadKbytes = 0;
+        TransferInputSizeMB = 0;
+        Matlab = "R2011b";
+        BlockReadKbytes = 0;
+        LocalSysCpu = 0.0;
+        Iwd = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.48/Simulation_condor/model_3/88";
+        RecentStatsLifetimeStarter = 1200;
+        LeaveJobInQueue = false;
+        TargetType = "Machine";
+        WhenToTransferOutput = "ON_EXIT";
+        Owner = "xguo23";
+        JobNotification = 0;
+        BufferSize = 524288;
+        RecentBlockWrites = 0;
+        CompletionDate = 1446133355;
+        LastMatchTime = 1446111075;
+        LastJobLeaseRenewal = 1446133355;
+        DAGManNodesLog = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.48/Simulation_condor/model_3/./mydag.dag.nodes.log";
+        ClusterId = 49582491;
+        NumJobStarts = 1;
+        JobUniverse = 5;
+        AutoClusterAttrs = "JobUniverse,LastCheckpointPlatform,NumCkpts,ClientMachine,_condor_RequestCpus,_condor_RequestDisk,_condor_RequestGPUs,_condor_RequestMemory,RequestCpus,RequestDisk,RequestGPUs,RequestMemory,BIOCHEM,MachineLastMatchTime,ConcurrencyLimits,NiceUser,Rank,Requirements,ImageSize,MemoryRequirements,User,RemoteGroup,SubmitterGroup,SubmitterUserPrio,Group,WIDsTheme,InteractiveJob,Is_Resumable,WantFlocking,WantGlidein,Scheduler,Owner,JobStart,MemoryUsage,IsExpressQueueJob,DiskUsage,HEP_VO,IsDesktop,OSG_VO,x509userproxysubject,PassedTest,IsLocalCMSJob,IsLocalCMSSlot,IsSAMSlot,IsSAMJob,MaxDiskTempC,IsDedicated,estimated_run_hours,IsCHTCSubmit,RequiresCVMFS,DynamicSlot,PartitionableSlot,Slot1_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot1_JobStarts,Slot1_SelfMonitorAge,Slot2_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot2_JobStarts,Slot2_SelfMonitorAge,Slot3_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot3_JobStarts,Slot3_SelfMonitorAge,Slot4_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot4_JobStarts,Slot4_SelfMonitorAge,Slot5_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot5_JobStarts,Slot5_SelfMonitorAge,Slot6_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot6_JobStarts,Slot6_SelfMonitorAge,Slot7_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot7_JobStarts,Slot7_SelfMonitorAge,Slot8_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot8_JobStarts,Slot8_SelfMonitorAge,Slot1_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot1_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot2_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot2_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot3_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot3_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot4_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot4_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot5_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot5_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot6_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot6_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot7_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot7_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot8_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot8_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot10_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot10_JobStarts,Slot10_SelfMonitorAge,Slot11_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot11_JobStarts,Slot11_SelfMonitorAge,Slot12_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot12_JobStarts,Slot12_SelfMonitorAge,Slot9_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot9_JobStarts,Slot9_SelfMonitorAge,Slot12_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot10_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot10_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot11_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot11_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot12_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot9_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot9_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot13_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot13_JobStarts,Slot13_SelfMonitorAge,Slot14_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot14_JobStarts,Slot14_SelfMonitorAge,Slot15_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot15_JobStarts,Slot15_SelfMonitorAge,Slot16_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot16_JobStarts,Slot16_SelfMonitorAge,IsResumable,WHEN_TO_TRANSFER_OUTPUT,_condor_Requestadmin_mutex_1,_condor_Requestadmin_mutex_2,_condor_Requestadmin_mutex_3,_condor_Requestmachine_token,Requestadmin_mutex_1,Requestadmin_mutex_2,Requestadmin_mutex_3,Requestmachine_token,nyehle,IsBuildJob,IsMatlabBuildJob,TotalJobRunTime,NodeOnline,Slot13_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot13_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot14_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot14_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot15_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot15_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot16_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot16_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,TmpIsFull,trResumable,RequiresCMSFrontier,Slot17_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot17_JobStarts,Slot17_SelfMonitorAge,Slot17_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot17_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot18_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot18_JobStarts,Slot18_SelfMonitorAge,Slot18_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot18_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot19_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot19_JobStarts,Slot19_SelfMonitorAge,Slot19_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot19_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot20_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot20_JobStarts,Slot20_SelfMonitorAge,Slot20_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot20_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot21_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot21_JobStarts,Slot21_SelfMonitorAge,Slot21_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot21_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot22_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot22_JobStarts,Slot22_SelfMonitorAge,Slot22_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot22_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot23_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot23_JobStarts,Slot23_SelfMonitorAge,Slot23_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot23_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot24_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot24_JobStarts,Slot24_SelfMonitorAge,Slot24_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot24_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot25_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot25_JobStarts,Slot25_SelfMonitorAge,Slot25_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot25_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot26_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot26_JobStarts,Slot26_SelfMonitorAge,Slot26_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot26_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot27_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot27_JobStarts,Slot27_SelfMonitorAge,Slot27_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot27_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot28_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot28_JobStarts,Slot28_SelfMonitorAge,Slot28_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot28_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot29_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot29_JobStarts,Slot29_SelfMonitorAge,Slot29_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot29_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot30_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot30_JobStarts,Slot30_SelfMonitorAge,Slot30_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot30_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot31_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot31_JobStarts,Slot31_SelfMonitorAge,Slot31_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot31_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot32_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot32_JobStarts,Slot32_SelfMonitorAge,Slot32_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot32_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,ResidentSetSize";
+        MaxHosts = 1;
+        Args = "--type=Matlab --version=R2011b --cmdtorun=simu_condor --unique=88 -- 3";
+        CondorVersion = "$CondorVersion: 8.5.0 Sep 16 2015 BuildID: 341710 $";
+        CoreSize = 0;
+        OnExitHold = false;
+        CondorPlatform = "$CondorPlatform: X86_64-RedHat_6.6 $";
+        JobFinishedHookDone = 1446133355;
+        QDate = 1446105717;
+        JobLeaseDuration = 2400;
+        In = "/dev/null";
+        DiskUsage = 1250000;
+        EncryptExecuteDirectory = false;
+        CommittedSuspensionTime = 0;
+        User = "";
+        UserLog = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.48/Simulation_condor/model_3/88/process.log";
+        JobCurrentStartDate = 1446111075;
+        BufferBlockSize = 32768;
+        MATCH_EXP_JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "";
+        Requirements = ( ( OpSysMajorVer is 6 ) ) && ( MY.JobUniverse == 12 || MY.JobUniverse == 7 || MY.WantFlocking || MY.WantGlidein || TARGET.PoolName == "CHTC" || TARGET.COLLECTOR_HOST_STRING == "" ) && ( TARGET.Arch == "X86_64" ) && ( TARGET.OpSys == "LINUX" ) && ( TARGET.Disk >= RequestDisk ) && ( TARGET.Memory >= RequestMemory ) && ( TARGET.HasFileTransfer );
+        MinHosts = 1;
+        PeriodicHold = false;
+        ProcId = 0;
+        Environment = "";
+        DAGNodeName = "88+88";
+        MemoryUsage = ( ( ResidentSetSize + 1023 ) / 1024 );
+        TerminationPending = true;
+        NumRestarts = 0;
+        NumSystemHolds = 0;
+        CommittedTime = 22280;
+        AutoClusterId = 24;
+        ExitStatus = 0;
+        ShouldTransferFiles = "YES";
+        MachineAttrCpus0 = 1;
+        WantRemoteSyscalls = false;
+        MyType = "Job";
+        CumulativeSuspensionTime = 0;
+        Rank = 0.0;
+        StartdPrincipal = "execute-side@matchsession/";
+        Err = "process.err";
+        PeriodicRemove = false;
+        BlockWriteKbytes = 0;
+        ExitBySignal = false;
+        DAGManJobId = 49582206;
+        EnteredCurrentStatus = 1446133355;
+        JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "$$([IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName), IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), \"\", TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName)])";
+        RecentBlockWriteKbytes = 0;
+        TransferIn = false;
+        IsCHTCSubmit = true;
+        NumJobMatches = 1;
+        RootDir = "/";
+        JobStartDate = 1446111075;
+        JobPrio = 0;
+        CurrentHosts = 0;
+        GlobalJobId = "";
+        RemoteSysCpu = 1.440000000000000E+02;
+        TotalSuspensions = 0;
+        CommittedSlotTime = 2.228000000000000E+04;
+        WantCheckpoint = false;
+        BlockReads = 0;
+        LastRemoteHost = "";
+        TransferInput = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.48/Simulation_condor/data/88/,/home/xguo23/model_3_1.48/Simulation_condor/data/shared/";
+        LocalUserCpu = 0.0;
+        PeriodicRelease = ( JobStatus == 5 ) && ( ( CurrentTime - EnteredCurrentStatus ) > 1800 ) && ( JobRunCount < 5 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 6 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 14 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 22 );
+        RequestDisk = 1000000;
+        ResidentSetSize_RAW = 126084;
+        OrigMaxHosts = 1;
+        LastPublicClaimId = "<>#1443991428#13858#...";
+        WantRHEL6 = true;
+        NumCkpts_RAW = 0;
+        Out = "process.out";
+        SubmitEventNotes = "DAG Node: 88+88";
+        CumulativeSlotTime = 2.228000000000000E+04;
+        JobRunCount = 1;
+        RecentBlockReads = 0;
+        StreamErr = false;
+        DiskUsage_RAW = 1216669;
+        NumCkpts = 0;
+        StatsLifetimeStarter = 22279;
+        ImageSize = 1000000;
         Cmd = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.48/Simulation_condor/chtcjobwrapper"
-        BlockWrites = 0; 
-        LastJobStatus = 2; 
-        JobCurrentStartExecutingDate = 1446121414; 
-        WantRemoteIO = true; 
-        RequestCpus = 1; 
-        NumShadowStarts = 1; 
-        RemoteUserCpu = 1.171400000000000E+04; 
-        NiceUser = false; 
-        RequestMemory = 1000; 
-        BytesRecvd = 2.846130000000000E+05; 
-        ResidentSetSize = 125000; 
-        StreamOut = false; 
-        SpooledOutputFiles = "CURLTIME_1549103,ChtcWrapper392.out,AuditLog.392,simu_3_392.txt,harvest.log,392.out"; 
-        OnExitRemove = true; 
-        ImageSize_RAW = 811948; 
-        RemoteWallClockTime = 1.194200000000000E+04; 
-        MachineAttrSlotWeight0 = 1; 
-        ExecutableSize = 7; 
-        JobStatus = 4; 
-        DAGParentNodeNames = ""; 
-        ExitCode = 0; 
-        DAGManNodesMask = "0,1,2,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,13,16,17,24,27"; 
-        BytesSent = 3.050400000000000E+04; 
-        LastSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        ExecutableSize_RAW = 6; 
-        RecentBlockReadKbytes = 0; 
-        TransferInputSizeMB = 0; 
-        Matlab = "R2011b"; 
-        BlockReadKbytes = 0; 
-        RecentStatsLifetimeStarter = 1200; 
-        LeaveJobInQueue = false; 
-        TargetType = "Machine"; 
-        WhenToTransferOutput = "ON_EXIT"; 
-        Owner = "xguo23"; 
-        JobNotification = 0; 
-        BufferSize = 524288; 
-        RecentBlockWrites = 0; 
-        CompletionDate = 1446133355; 
-        QDate = 1446106036; 
-        JobLeaseDuration = 2400; 
-        JobFinishedHookDone = 1446133355; 
-        LastMatchTime = 1446121413; 
-        LastJobLeaseRenewal = 1446133355; 
-        DAGManNodesLog = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.48/Simulation_condor/model_3/./mydag.dag.nodes.log"; 
-        ClusterId = 49583329; 
-        JobUniverse = 5; 
-        NumJobStarts = 1; 
-        CondorVersion = "$CondorVersion: 8.5.0 Sep 16 2015 BuildID: 341710 $"; 
-        CoreSize = 0; 
-        OnExitHold = false; 
-        CondorPlatform = "$CondorPlatform: X86_64-RedHat_6.6 $"; 
-        In = "/dev/null"; 
-        DiskUsage = 1250000; 
-        EncryptExecuteDirectory = false; 
-        CommittedSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        User = ""; 
-        UserLog = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.48/Simulation_condor/model_3/392/process.log"; 
-        JobCurrentStartDate = 1446121413; 
-        BufferBlockSize = 32768; 
-        MATCH_EXP_JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = ""; 
-        Requirements = ( ( OpSysMajorVer is 6 ) ) && ( MY.JobUniverse == 12 || MY.JobUniverse == 7 || MY.WantFlocking || MY.WantGlidein || TARGET.PoolName == "CHTC" || TARGET.COLLECTOR_HOST_STRING == "" ) && ( TARGET.Arch == "X86_64" ) && ( TARGET.OpSys == "LINUX" ) && ( TARGET.Disk >= RequestDisk ) && ( TARGET.Memory >= RequestMemory ) && ( TARGET.HasFileTransfer ); 
-        MinHosts = 1; 
-        MaxHosts = 1; 
-        Args = "--type=Matlab --version=R2011b --cmdtorun=simu_condor --unique=392 -- 3"; 
-        PeriodicHold = false; 
-        ProcId = 0; 
-        Environment = ""; 
-        DAGNodeName = "392+392"; 
-        MemoryUsage = ( ( ResidentSetSize + 1023 ) / 1024 ); 
-        TerminationPending = true; 
-        NumRestarts = 0; 
-        NumSystemHolds = 0; 
-        CommittedTime = 11942; 
-        MachineAttrCpus0 = 1; 
-        WantRemoteSyscalls = false; 
-        MyType = "Job"; 
-        CumulativeSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        Rank = 0.0; 
-        StartdPrincipal = "execute-side@matchsession/"; 
-        Err = "process.err"; 
-        PeriodicRemove = false; 
-        BlockWriteKbytes = 0; 
-        ExitBySignal = false; 
-        DAGManJobId = 49582206; 
-        EnteredCurrentStatus = 1446133355; 
-        JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "$$([IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName), IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), \"\", TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName)])"; 
-        RecentBlockWriteKbytes = 0; 
-        TransferIn = false; 
-        ExitStatus = 0; 
-        ShouldTransferFiles = "YES"; 
-        IsCHTCSubmit = true; 
-        NumJobMatches = 1; 
-        RootDir = "/"; 
-        JobStartDate = 1446121413; 
-        JobPrio = 0; 
-        CurrentHosts = 0; 
-        GlobalJobId = ""; 
-        RemoteSysCpu = 8.100000000000000E+01; 
-        TotalSuspensions = 0; 
-        CommittedSlotTime = 1.194200000000000E+04; 
-        WantCheckpoint = false; 
-        BlockReads = 0; 
-        LastRemoteHost = ""; 
-        TransferInput = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.48/Simulation_condor/data/392/,/home/xguo23/model_3_1.48/Simulation_condor/data/shared/"; 
-        LocalUserCpu = 0.0; 
-        PeriodicRelease = ( JobStatus == 5 ) && ( ( CurrentTime - EnteredCurrentStatus ) > 1800 ) && ( JobRunCount < 5 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 6 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 14 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 22 ); 
-        RequestDisk = 1000000; 
-        ResidentSetSize_RAW = 119932; 
-        OrigMaxHosts = 1; 
-        LastPublicClaimId = "<>#1444053399#13743#..."; 
-        WantRHEL6 = true; 
-        NumCkpts_RAW = 0; 
-        Out = "process.out"; 
-        SubmitEventNotes = "DAG Node: 392+392"; 
-        CumulativeSlotTime = 1.194200000000000E+04; 
-        JobRunCount = 1; 
-        RecentBlockReads = 0; 
-        StreamErr = false; 
-        DiskUsage_RAW = 1216669; 
-        NumCkpts = 0; 
-        StatsLifetimeStarter = 11940; 
-        ImageSize = 1000000; 
-        Cmd = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.48/Simulation_condor/chtcjobwrapper"; 
-        LocalSysCpu = 0.0; 
+        BlockWrites = 0;
+        LastJobStatus = 2;
+        JobCurrentStartExecutingDate = 1446121414;
+        WantRemoteIO = true;
+        RequestCpus = 1;
+        NumShadowStarts = 1;
+        RemoteUserCpu = 1.171400000000000E+04;
+        NiceUser = false;
+        RequestMemory = 1000;
+        BytesRecvd = 2.846130000000000E+05;
+        ResidentSetSize = 125000;
+        StreamOut = false;
+        SpooledOutputFiles = "CURLTIME_1549103,ChtcWrapper392.out,AuditLog.392,simu_3_392.txt,harvest.log,392.out";
+        OnExitRemove = true;
+        ImageSize_RAW = 811948;
+        RemoteWallClockTime = 1.194200000000000E+04;
+        MachineAttrSlotWeight0 = 1;
+        ExecutableSize = 7;
+        JobStatus = 4;
+        DAGParentNodeNames = "";
+        ExitCode = 0;
+        DAGManNodesMask = "0,1,2,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,13,16,17,24,27";
+        BytesSent = 3.050400000000000E+04;
+        LastSuspensionTime = 0;
+        ExecutableSize_RAW = 6;
+        RecentBlockReadKbytes = 0;
+        TransferInputSizeMB = 0;
+        Matlab = "R2011b";
+        BlockReadKbytes = 0;
+        RecentStatsLifetimeStarter = 1200;
+        LeaveJobInQueue = false;
+        TargetType = "Machine";
+        WhenToTransferOutput = "ON_EXIT";
+        Owner = "xguo23";
+        JobNotification = 0;
+        BufferSize = 524288;
+        RecentBlockWrites = 0;
+        CompletionDate = 1446133355;
+        QDate = 1446106036;
+        JobLeaseDuration = 2400;
+        JobFinishedHookDone = 1446133355;
+        LastMatchTime = 1446121413;
+        LastJobLeaseRenewal = 1446133355;
+        DAGManNodesLog = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.48/Simulation_condor/model_3/./mydag.dag.nodes.log";
+        ClusterId = 49583329;
+        JobUniverse = 5;
+        NumJobStarts = 1;
+        CondorVersion = "$CondorVersion: 8.5.0 Sep 16 2015 BuildID: 341710 $";
+        CoreSize = 0;
+        OnExitHold = false;
+        CondorPlatform = "$CondorPlatform: X86_64-RedHat_6.6 $";
+        In = "/dev/null";
+        DiskUsage = 1250000;
+        EncryptExecuteDirectory = false;
+        CommittedSuspensionTime = 0;
+        User = "";
+        UserLog = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.48/Simulation_condor/model_3/392/process.log";
+        JobCurrentStartDate = 1446121413;
+        BufferBlockSize = 32768;
+        MATCH_EXP_JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "";
+        Requirements = ( ( OpSysMajorVer is 6 ) ) && ( MY.JobUniverse == 12 || MY.JobUniverse == 7 || MY.WantFlocking || MY.WantGlidein || TARGET.PoolName == "CHTC" || TARGET.COLLECTOR_HOST_STRING == "" ) && ( TARGET.Arch == "X86_64" ) && ( TARGET.OpSys == "LINUX" ) && ( TARGET.Disk >= RequestDisk ) && ( TARGET.Memory >= RequestMemory ) && ( TARGET.HasFileTransfer );
+        MinHosts = 1;
+        MaxHosts = 1;
+        Args = "--type=Matlab --version=R2011b --cmdtorun=simu_condor --unique=392 -- 3";
+        PeriodicHold = false;
+        ProcId = 0;
+        Environment = "";
+        DAGNodeName = "392+392";
+        MemoryUsage = ( ( ResidentSetSize + 1023 ) / 1024 );
+        TerminationPending = true;
+        NumRestarts = 0;
+        NumSystemHolds = 0;
+        CommittedTime = 11942;
+        MachineAttrCpus0 = 1;
+        WantRemoteSyscalls = false;
+        MyType = "Job";
+        CumulativeSuspensionTime = 0;
+        Rank = 0.0;
+        StartdPrincipal = "execute-side@matchsession/";
+        Err = "process.err";
+        PeriodicRemove = false;
+        BlockWriteKbytes = 0;
+        ExitBySignal = false;
+        DAGManJobId = 49582206;
+        EnteredCurrentStatus = 1446133355;
+        JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "$$([IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName), IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), \"\", TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName)])";
+        RecentBlockWriteKbytes = 0;
+        TransferIn = false;
+        ExitStatus = 0;
+        ShouldTransferFiles = "YES";
+        IsCHTCSubmit = true;
+        NumJobMatches = 1;
+        RootDir = "/";
+        JobStartDate = 1446121413;
+        JobPrio = 0;
+        CurrentHosts = 0;
+        GlobalJobId = "";
+        RemoteSysCpu = 8.100000000000000E+01;
+        TotalSuspensions = 0;
+        CommittedSlotTime = 1.194200000000000E+04;
+        WantCheckpoint = false;
+        BlockReads = 0;
+        LastRemoteHost = "";
+        TransferInput = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.48/Simulation_condor/data/392/,/home/xguo23/model_3_1.48/Simulation_condor/data/shared/";
+        LocalUserCpu = 0.0;
+        PeriodicRelease = ( JobStatus == 5 ) && ( ( CurrentTime - EnteredCurrentStatus ) > 1800 ) && ( JobRunCount < 5 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 6 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 14 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 22 );
+        RequestDisk = 1000000;
+        ResidentSetSize_RAW = 119932;
+        OrigMaxHosts = 1;
+        LastPublicClaimId = "<>#1444053399#13743#...";
+        WantRHEL6 = true;
+        NumCkpts_RAW = 0;
+        Out = "process.out";
+        SubmitEventNotes = "DAG Node: 392+392";
+        CumulativeSlotTime = 1.194200000000000E+04;
+        JobRunCount = 1;
+        RecentBlockReads = 0;
+        StreamErr = false;
+        DiskUsage_RAW = 1216669;
+        NumCkpts = 0;
+        StatsLifetimeStarter = 11940;
+        ImageSize = 1000000;
+        Cmd = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.48/Simulation_condor/chtcjobwrapper";
+        LocalSysCpu = 0.0;
         Iwd = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.48/Simulation_condor/model_3/392"
-        BlockWrites = 0; 
-        LastJobStatus = 2; 
-        JobCurrentStartExecutingDate = 1446111812; 
-        WantRemoteIO = true; 
-        RequestCpus = 1; 
-        NumShadowStarts = 1; 
-        RemoteUserCpu = 2.139200000000000E+04; 
-        NiceUser = false; 
-        RequestMemory = 1000; 
-        BytesRecvd = 2.846290000000000E+05; 
-        ResidentSetSize = 150000; 
-        StreamOut = false; 
-        SpooledOutputFiles = "CURLTIME_3934729,ChtcWrapper121.out,AuditLog.121,simu_3_121.txt,harvest.log,121.out"; 
-        OnExitRemove = true; 
-        ImageSize_RAW = 811948; 
-        RemoteWallClockTime = 2.153400000000000E+04; 
-        MachineAttrSlotWeight0 = 1; 
-        ExecutableSize = 7; 
-        JobStatus = 4; 
-        DAGParentNodeNames = ""; 
-        ExitCode = 0; 
-        DAGManNodesMask = "0,1,2,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,13,16,17,24,27"; 
-        BytesSent = 3.055700000000000E+04; 
-        LastSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        ExecutableSize_RAW = 6; 
-        RecentBlockReadKbytes = 0; 
-        TransferInputSizeMB = 0; 
-        Matlab = "R2011b"; 
-        BlockReadKbytes = 0; 
-        RecentStatsLifetimeStarter = 1200; 
-        LeaveJobInQueue = false; 
-        TargetType = "Machine"; 
-        WhenToTransferOutput = "ON_EXIT"; 
-        Owner = "xguo23"; 
-        JobNotification = 0; 
-        BufferSize = 524288; 
-        RecentBlockWrites = 0; 
-        CompletionDate = 1446133345; 
-        QDate = 1446105734; 
-        JobLeaseDuration = 2400; 
-        JobFinishedHookDone = 1446133345; 
-        LastMatchTime = 1446111811; 
-        LastJobLeaseRenewal = 1446133345; 
-        DAGManNodesLog = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/model_3/./mydag.dag.nodes.log"; 
-        ClusterId = 49582539; 
-        JobUniverse = 5; 
-        NumJobStarts = 1; 
-        CondorVersion = "$CondorVersion: 8.5.0 Sep 16 2015 BuildID: 341710 $"; 
-        CoreSize = 0; 
-        OnExitHold = false; 
-        CondorPlatform = "$CondorPlatform: X86_64-RedHat_6.6 $"; 
-        In = "/dev/null"; 
-        DiskUsage = 1250000; 
-        EncryptExecuteDirectory = false; 
-        CommittedSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        User = ""; 
-        UserLog = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/model_3/121/process.log"; 
-        JobCurrentStartDate = 1446111811; 
-        BufferBlockSize = 32768; 
-        MATCH_EXP_JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = ""; 
-        Requirements = ( ( OpSysMajorVer is 6 ) ) && ( MY.JobUniverse == 12 || MY.JobUniverse == 7 || MY.WantFlocking || MY.WantGlidein || TARGET.PoolName == "CHTC" || TARGET.COLLECTOR_HOST_STRING == "" ) && ( TARGET.Arch == "X86_64" ) && ( TARGET.OpSys == "LINUX" ) && ( TARGET.Disk >= RequestDisk ) && ( TARGET.Memory >= RequestMemory ) && ( TARGET.HasFileTransfer ); 
-        MinHosts = 1; 
-        MaxHosts = 1; 
-        Args = "--type=Matlab --version=R2011b --cmdtorun=simu_condor --unique=121 -- 3"; 
-        PeriodicHold = false; 
-        ProcId = 0; 
-        Environment = ""; 
-        DAGNodeName = "121+121"; 
-        MemoryUsage = ( ( ResidentSetSize + 1023 ) / 1024 ); 
-        TerminationPending = true; 
-        NumRestarts = 0; 
-        NumSystemHolds = 0; 
-        CommittedTime = 21534; 
-        MachineAttrCpus0 = 1; 
-        WantRemoteSyscalls = false; 
-        MyType = "Job"; 
-        CumulativeSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        Rank = 0.0; 
-        StartdPrincipal = "execute-side@matchsession/"; 
-        Err = "process.err"; 
-        PeriodicRemove = false; 
-        BlockWriteKbytes = 0; 
-        ExitBySignal = false; 
-        DAGManJobId = 49582200; 
-        EnteredCurrentStatus = 1446133345; 
-        JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "$$([IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName), IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), \"\", TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName)])"; 
-        RecentBlockWriteKbytes = 0; 
-        TransferIn = false; 
-        ExitStatus = 0; 
-        ShouldTransferFiles = "YES"; 
-        IsCHTCSubmit = true; 
-        NumJobMatches = 1; 
-        RootDir = "/"; 
-        JobStartDate = 1446111811; 
-        JobPrio = 0; 
-        CurrentHosts = 0; 
-        GlobalJobId = ""; 
-        RemoteSysCpu = 1.220000000000000E+02; 
-        TotalSuspensions = 0; 
-        CommittedSlotTime = 2.153400000000000E+04; 
-        WantCheckpoint = false; 
-        BlockReads = 0; 
-        LastRemoteHost = ""; 
-        TransferInput = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/data/121/,/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/data/shared/"; 
-        LocalUserCpu = 0.0; 
-        PeriodicRelease = ( JobStatus == 5 ) && ( ( CurrentTime - EnteredCurrentStatus ) > 1800 ) && ( JobRunCount < 5 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 6 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 14 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 22 ); 
-        RequestDisk = 1000000; 
-        ResidentSetSize_RAW = 125956; 
-        OrigMaxHosts = 1; 
-        LastPublicClaimId = "<>#1443991374#13421#..."; 
-        WantRHEL6 = true; 
-        NumCkpts_RAW = 0; 
-        Out = "process.out"; 
-        SubmitEventNotes = "DAG Node: 121+121"; 
-        CumulativeSlotTime = 2.153400000000000E+04; 
-        JobRunCount = 1; 
-        RecentBlockReads = 0; 
-        StreamErr = false; 
-        DiskUsage_RAW = 1216669; 
-        NumCkpts = 0; 
-        StatsLifetimeStarter = 21532; 
-        ImageSize = 1000000; 
-        Cmd = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/chtcjobwrapper"; 
-        LocalSysCpu = 0.0; 
+        BlockWrites = 0;
+        LastJobStatus = 2;
+        JobCurrentStartExecutingDate = 1446111812;
+        WantRemoteIO = true;
+        RequestCpus = 1;
+        NumShadowStarts = 1;
+        RemoteUserCpu = 2.139200000000000E+04;
+        NiceUser = false;
+        RequestMemory = 1000;
+        BytesRecvd = 2.846290000000000E+05;
+        ResidentSetSize = 150000;
+        StreamOut = false;
+        SpooledOutputFiles = "CURLTIME_3934729,ChtcWrapper121.out,AuditLog.121,simu_3_121.txt,harvest.log,121.out";
+        OnExitRemove = true;
+        ImageSize_RAW = 811948;
+        RemoteWallClockTime = 2.153400000000000E+04;
+        MachineAttrSlotWeight0 = 1;
+        ExecutableSize = 7;
+        JobStatus = 4;
+        DAGParentNodeNames = "";
+        ExitCode = 0;
+        DAGManNodesMask = "0,1,2,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,13,16,17,24,27";
+        BytesSent = 3.055700000000000E+04;
+        LastSuspensionTime = 0;
+        ExecutableSize_RAW = 6;
+        RecentBlockReadKbytes = 0;
+        TransferInputSizeMB = 0;
+        Matlab = "R2011b";
+        BlockReadKbytes = 0;
+        RecentStatsLifetimeStarter = 1200;
+        LeaveJobInQueue = false;
+        TargetType = "Machine";
+        WhenToTransferOutput = "ON_EXIT";
+        Owner = "xguo23";
+        JobNotification = 0;
+        BufferSize = 524288;
+        RecentBlockWrites = 0;
+        CompletionDate = 1446133345;
+        QDate = 1446105734;
+        JobLeaseDuration = 2400;
+        JobFinishedHookDone = 1446133345;
+        LastMatchTime = 1446111811;
+        LastJobLeaseRenewal = 1446133345;
+        DAGManNodesLog = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/model_3/./mydag.dag.nodes.log";
+        ClusterId = 49582539;
+        JobUniverse = 5;
+        NumJobStarts = 1;
+        CondorVersion = "$CondorVersion: 8.5.0 Sep 16 2015 BuildID: 341710 $";
+        CoreSize = 0;
+        OnExitHold = false;
+        CondorPlatform = "$CondorPlatform: X86_64-RedHat_6.6 $";
+        In = "/dev/null";
+        DiskUsage = 1250000;
+        EncryptExecuteDirectory = false;
+        CommittedSuspensionTime = 0;
+        User = "";
+        UserLog = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/model_3/121/process.log";
+        JobCurrentStartDate = 1446111811;
+        BufferBlockSize = 32768;
+        MATCH_EXP_JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "";
+        Requirements = ( ( OpSysMajorVer is 6 ) ) && ( MY.JobUniverse == 12 || MY.JobUniverse == 7 || MY.WantFlocking || MY.WantGlidein || TARGET.PoolName == "CHTC" || TARGET.COLLECTOR_HOST_STRING == "" ) && ( TARGET.Arch == "X86_64" ) && ( TARGET.OpSys == "LINUX" ) && ( TARGET.Disk >= RequestDisk ) && ( TARGET.Memory >= RequestMemory ) && ( TARGET.HasFileTransfer );
+        MinHosts = 1;
+        MaxHosts = 1;
+        Args = "--type=Matlab --version=R2011b --cmdtorun=simu_condor --unique=121 -- 3";
+        PeriodicHold = false;
+        ProcId = 0;
+        Environment = "";
+        DAGNodeName = "121+121";
+        MemoryUsage = ( ( ResidentSetSize + 1023 ) / 1024 );
+        TerminationPending = true;
+        NumRestarts = 0;
+        NumSystemHolds = 0;
+        CommittedTime = 21534;
+        MachineAttrCpus0 = 1;
+        WantRemoteSyscalls = false;
+        MyType = "Job";
+        CumulativeSuspensionTime = 0;
+        Rank = 0.0;
+        StartdPrincipal = "execute-side@matchsession/";
+        Err = "process.err";
+        PeriodicRemove = false;
+        BlockWriteKbytes = 0;
+        ExitBySignal = false;
+        DAGManJobId = 49582200;
+        EnteredCurrentStatus = 1446133345;
+        JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "$$([IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName), IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), \"\", TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName)])";
+        RecentBlockWriteKbytes = 0;
+        TransferIn = false;
+        ExitStatus = 0;
+        ShouldTransferFiles = "YES";
+        IsCHTCSubmit = true;
+        NumJobMatches = 1;
+        RootDir = "/";
+        JobStartDate = 1446111811;
+        JobPrio = 0;
+        CurrentHosts = 0;
+        GlobalJobId = "";
+        RemoteSysCpu = 1.220000000000000E+02;
+        TotalSuspensions = 0;
+        CommittedSlotTime = 2.153400000000000E+04;
+        WantCheckpoint = false;
+        BlockReads = 0;
+        LastRemoteHost = "";
+        TransferInput = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/data/121/,/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/data/shared/";
+        LocalUserCpu = 0.0;
+        PeriodicRelease = ( JobStatus == 5 ) && ( ( CurrentTime - EnteredCurrentStatus ) > 1800 ) && ( JobRunCount < 5 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 6 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 14 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 22 );
+        RequestDisk = 1000000;
+        ResidentSetSize_RAW = 125956;
+        OrigMaxHosts = 1;
+        LastPublicClaimId = "<>#1443991374#13421#...";
+        WantRHEL6 = true;
+        NumCkpts_RAW = 0;
+        Out = "process.out";
+        SubmitEventNotes = "DAG Node: 121+121";
+        CumulativeSlotTime = 2.153400000000000E+04;
+        JobRunCount = 1;
+        RecentBlockReads = 0;
+        StreamErr = false;
+        DiskUsage_RAW = 1216669;
+        NumCkpts = 0;
+        StatsLifetimeStarter = 21532;
+        ImageSize = 1000000;
+        Cmd = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/chtcjobwrapper";
+        LocalSysCpu = 0.0;
         Iwd = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/model_3/121"
-        BlockWrites = 0; 
-        LastJobStatus = 2; 
-        JobCurrentStartExecutingDate = 1446115780; 
-        WantRemoteIO = true; 
-        RequestCpus = 1; 
-        NumShadowStarts = 1; 
-        RemoteUserCpu = 1.742200000000000E+04; 
-        NiceUser = false; 
-        RequestMemory = 1000; 
-        BytesRecvd = 2.846290000000000E+05; 
-        ResidentSetSize = 150000; 
-        StreamOut = false; 
-        SpooledOutputFiles = "CURLTIME_3591632,ChtcWrapper252.out,AuditLog.252,simu_3_252.txt,harvest.log,252.out"; 
-        OnExitRemove = true; 
-        ImageSize_RAW = 811948; 
-        RemoteWallClockTime = 1.755700000000000E+04; 
-        MachineAttrSlotWeight0 = 1; 
-        ExecutableSize = 7; 
-        JobStatus = 4; 
-        DAGParentNodeNames = ""; 
-        ExitCode = 0; 
-        DAGManNodesMask = "0,1,2,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,13,16,17,24,27"; 
-        BytesSent = 2.791300000000000E+04; 
-        LastRejMatchReason = "no match found"; 
-        LastSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        ExecutableSize_RAW = 6; 
-        RecentBlockReadKbytes = 0; 
-        TransferInputSizeMB = 0; 
-        Matlab = "R2011b"; 
-        BlockReadKbytes = 0; 
-        RecentStatsLifetimeStarter = 1200; 
-        LeaveJobInQueue = false; 
-        TargetType = "Machine"; 
-        WhenToTransferOutput = "ON_EXIT"; 
-        Owner = "xguo23"; 
-        JobNotification = 0; 
-        BufferSize = 524288; 
-        RecentBlockWrites = 0; 
-        CompletionDate = 1446133335; 
-        QDate = 1446105836; 
-        JobLeaseDuration = 2400; 
-        JobFinishedHookDone = 1446133335; 
-        LastMatchTime = 1446115778; 
-        LastJobLeaseRenewal = 1446133335; 
-        DAGManNodesLog = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/model_3/./mydag.dag.nodes.log"; 
-        ClusterId = 49582794; 
-        JobUniverse = 5; 
-        NumJobStarts = 1; 
-        CondorVersion = "$CondorVersion: 8.5.0 Sep 16 2015 BuildID: 341710 $"; 
-        CoreSize = 0; 
-        OnExitHold = false; 
-        CondorPlatform = "$CondorPlatform: X86_64-RedHat_6.6 $"; 
-        In = "/dev/null"; 
-        DiskUsage = 1250000; 
-        EncryptExecuteDirectory = false; 
-        CommittedSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        User = ""; 
-        UserLog = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/model_3/252/process.log"; 
-        JobCurrentStartDate = 1446115778; 
-        BufferBlockSize = 32768; 
-        MATCH_EXP_JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = ""; 
-        Requirements = ( ( OpSysMajorVer is 6 ) ) && ( MY.JobUniverse == 12 || MY.JobUniverse == 7 || MY.WantFlocking || MY.WantGlidein || TARGET.PoolName == "CHTC" || TARGET.COLLECTOR_HOST_STRING == "" ) && ( TARGET.Arch == "X86_64" ) && ( TARGET.OpSys == "LINUX" ) && ( TARGET.Disk >= RequestDisk ) && ( TARGET.Memory >= RequestMemory ) && ( TARGET.HasFileTransfer ); 
-        MinHosts = 1; 
-        MaxHosts = 1; 
-        Args = "--type=Matlab --version=R2011b --cmdtorun=simu_condor --unique=252 -- 3"; 
-        PeriodicHold = false; 
-        ProcId = 0; 
-        Environment = ""; 
-        DAGNodeName = "252+252"; 
-        MemoryUsage = ( ( ResidentSetSize + 1023 ) / 1024 ); 
-        TerminationPending = true; 
-        NumRestarts = 0; 
-        NumSystemHolds = 0; 
-        CommittedTime = 17557; 
-        MachineAttrCpus0 = 1; 
-        WantRemoteSyscalls = false; 
-        MyType = "Job"; 
-        CumulativeSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        Rank = 0.0; 
-        StartdPrincipal = "execute-side@matchsession/"; 
-        Err = "process.err"; 
-        PeriodicRemove = false; 
-        BlockWriteKbytes = 0; 
-        ExitBySignal = false; 
-        DAGManJobId = 49582200; 
-        EnteredCurrentStatus = 1446133335; 
-        JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "$$([IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName), IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), \"\", TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName)])"; 
-        RecentBlockWriteKbytes = 0; 
-        TransferIn = false; 
-        ExitStatus = 0; 
-        ShouldTransferFiles = "YES"; 
-        IsCHTCSubmit = true; 
-        NumJobMatches = 1; 
-        RootDir = "/"; 
-        JobStartDate = 1446115778; 
-        JobPrio = 0; 
-        CurrentHosts = 0; 
-        GlobalJobId = ""; 
-        RemoteSysCpu = 1.080000000000000E+02; 
-        LastRejMatchTime = 1446115777; 
-        Iwd = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/model_3/252"; 
-        LocalSysCpu = 0.0; 
-        TotalSuspensions = 0; 
-        CommittedSlotTime = 1.755700000000000E+04; 
-        WantCheckpoint = false; 
-        BlockReads = 0; 
-        LastRemoteHost = ""; 
-        TransferInput = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/data/252/,/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/data/shared/"; 
-        LocalUserCpu = 0.0; 
-        PeriodicRelease = ( JobStatus == 5 ) && ( ( CurrentTime - EnteredCurrentStatus ) > 1800 ) && ( JobRunCount < 5 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 6 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 14 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 22 ); 
-        RequestDisk = 1000000; 
-        ResidentSetSize_RAW = 126656; 
-        OrigMaxHosts = 1; 
-        LastPublicClaimId = "<>#1444760024#8714#..."; 
-        WantRHEL6 = true; 
-        NumCkpts_RAW = 0; 
-        Out = "process.out"; 
-        SubmitEventNotes = "DAG Node: 252+252"; 
-        CumulativeSlotTime = 1.755700000000000E+04; 
-        JobRunCount = 1; 
-        RecentBlockReads = 0; 
-        StreamErr = false; 
-        DiskUsage_RAW = 1216669; 
-        NumCkpts = 0; 
-        StatsLifetimeStarter = 17555; 
-        ImageSize = 1000000; 
+        BlockWrites = 0;
+        LastJobStatus = 2;
+        JobCurrentStartExecutingDate = 1446115780;
+        WantRemoteIO = true;
+        RequestCpus = 1;
+        NumShadowStarts = 1;
+        RemoteUserCpu = 1.742200000000000E+04;
+        NiceUser = false;
+        RequestMemory = 1000;
+        BytesRecvd = 2.846290000000000E+05;
+        ResidentSetSize = 150000;
+        StreamOut = false;
+        SpooledOutputFiles = "CURLTIME_3591632,ChtcWrapper252.out,AuditLog.252,simu_3_252.txt,harvest.log,252.out";
+        OnExitRemove = true;
+        ImageSize_RAW = 811948;
+        RemoteWallClockTime = 1.755700000000000E+04;
+        MachineAttrSlotWeight0 = 1;
+        ExecutableSize = 7;
+        JobStatus = 4;
+        DAGParentNodeNames = "";
+        ExitCode = 0;
+        DAGManNodesMask = "0,1,2,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,13,16,17,24,27";
+        BytesSent = 2.791300000000000E+04;
+        LastRejMatchReason = "no match found";
+        LastSuspensionTime = 0;
+        ExecutableSize_RAW = 6;
+        RecentBlockReadKbytes = 0;
+        TransferInputSizeMB = 0;
+        Matlab = "R2011b";
+        BlockReadKbytes = 0;
+        RecentStatsLifetimeStarter = 1200;
+        LeaveJobInQueue = false;
+        TargetType = "Machine";
+        WhenToTransferOutput = "ON_EXIT";
+        Owner = "xguo23";
+        JobNotification = 0;
+        BufferSize = 524288;
+        RecentBlockWrites = 0;
+        CompletionDate = 1446133335;
+        QDate = 1446105836;
+        JobLeaseDuration = 2400;
+        JobFinishedHookDone = 1446133335;
+        LastMatchTime = 1446115778;
+        LastJobLeaseRenewal = 1446133335;
+        DAGManNodesLog = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/model_3/./mydag.dag.nodes.log";
+        ClusterId = 49582794;
+        JobUniverse = 5;
+        NumJobStarts = 1;
+        CondorVersion = "$CondorVersion: 8.5.0 Sep 16 2015 BuildID: 341710 $";
+        CoreSize = 0;
+        OnExitHold = false;
+        CondorPlatform = "$CondorPlatform: X86_64-RedHat_6.6 $";
+        In = "/dev/null";
+        DiskUsage = 1250000;
+        EncryptExecuteDirectory = false;
+        CommittedSuspensionTime = 0;
+        User = "";
+        UserLog = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/model_3/252/process.log";
+        JobCurrentStartDate = 1446115778;
+        BufferBlockSize = 32768;
+        MATCH_EXP_JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "";
+        Requirements = ( ( OpSysMajorVer is 6 ) ) && ( MY.JobUniverse == 12 || MY.JobUniverse == 7 || MY.WantFlocking || MY.WantGlidein || TARGET.PoolName == "CHTC" || TARGET.COLLECTOR_HOST_STRING == "" ) && ( TARGET.Arch == "X86_64" ) && ( TARGET.OpSys == "LINUX" ) && ( TARGET.Disk >= RequestDisk ) && ( TARGET.Memory >= RequestMemory ) && ( TARGET.HasFileTransfer );
+        MinHosts = 1;
+        MaxHosts = 1;
+        Args = "--type=Matlab --version=R2011b --cmdtorun=simu_condor --unique=252 -- 3";
+        PeriodicHold = false;
+        ProcId = 0;
+        Environment = "";
+        DAGNodeName = "252+252";
+        MemoryUsage = ( ( ResidentSetSize + 1023 ) / 1024 );
+        TerminationPending = true;
+        NumRestarts = 0;
+        NumSystemHolds = 0;
+        CommittedTime = 17557;
+        MachineAttrCpus0 = 1;
+        WantRemoteSyscalls = false;
+        MyType = "Job";
+        CumulativeSuspensionTime = 0;
+        Rank = 0.0;
+        StartdPrincipal = "execute-side@matchsession/";
+        Err = "process.err";
+        PeriodicRemove = false;
+        BlockWriteKbytes = 0;
+        ExitBySignal = false;
+        DAGManJobId = 49582200;
+        EnteredCurrentStatus = 1446133335;
+        JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "$$([IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName), IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), \"\", TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName)])";
+        RecentBlockWriteKbytes = 0;
+        TransferIn = false;
+        ExitStatus = 0;
+        ShouldTransferFiles = "YES";
+        IsCHTCSubmit = true;
+        NumJobMatches = 1;
+        RootDir = "/";
+        JobStartDate = 1446115778;
+        JobPrio = 0;
+        CurrentHosts = 0;
+        GlobalJobId = "";
+        RemoteSysCpu = 1.080000000000000E+02;
+        LastRejMatchTime = 1446115777;
+        Iwd = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/model_3/252";
+        LocalSysCpu = 0.0;
+        TotalSuspensions = 0;
+        CommittedSlotTime = 1.755700000000000E+04;
+        WantCheckpoint = false;
+        BlockReads = 0;
+        LastRemoteHost = "";
+        TransferInput = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/data/252/,/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/data/shared/";
+        LocalUserCpu = 0.0;
+        PeriodicRelease = ( JobStatus == 5 ) && ( ( CurrentTime - EnteredCurrentStatus ) > 1800 ) && ( JobRunCount < 5 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 6 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 14 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 22 );
+        RequestDisk = 1000000;
+        ResidentSetSize_RAW = 126656;
+        OrigMaxHosts = 1;
+        LastPublicClaimId = "<>#1444760024#8714#...";
+        WantRHEL6 = true;
+        NumCkpts_RAW = 0;
+        Out = "process.out";
+        SubmitEventNotes = "DAG Node: 252+252";
+        CumulativeSlotTime = 1.755700000000000E+04;
+        JobRunCount = 1;
+        RecentBlockReads = 0;
+        StreamErr = false;
+        DiskUsage_RAW = 1216669;
+        NumCkpts = 0;
+        StatsLifetimeStarter = 17555;
+        ImageSize = 1000000;
         Cmd = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/chtcjobwrapper"
-        BlockWrites = 0; 
-        LastJobStatus = 2; 
-        JobCurrentStartExecutingDate = 1446121056; 
-        WantRemoteIO = true; 
-        RequestCpus = 1; 
-        NumShadowStarts = 1; 
-        RemoteUserCpu = 1.218600000000000E+04; 
-        NiceUser = false; 
-        RequestMemory = 1000; 
-        BytesRecvd = 2.847190000000000E+05; 
-        ResidentSetSize = 150000; 
-        StreamOut = false; 
-        SpooledOutputFiles = "CURLTIME_2796365,ChtcWrapper421.out,AuditLog.421,simu_3_421.txt,harvest.log,421.out"; 
-        OnExitRemove = true; 
-        ImageSize_RAW = 811948; 
-        RemoteWallClockTime = 1.227400000000000E+04; 
-        MachineAttrSlotWeight0 = 1; 
-        ExecutableSize = 7; 
-        JobStatus = 4; 
-        DAGParentNodeNames = ""; 
-        ExitCode = 0; 
-        DAGManNodesMask = "0,1,2,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,13,16,17,24,27"; 
-        BytesSent = 2.791500000000000E+04; 
-        LastSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        ExecutableSize_RAW = 6; 
-        RecentBlockReadKbytes = 0; 
-        TransferInputSizeMB = 0; 
-        Matlab = "R2011b"; 
-        BlockReadKbytes = 0; 
-        RecentStatsLifetimeStarter = 1200; 
-        LeaveJobInQueue = false; 
-        TargetType = "Machine"; 
-        WhenToTransferOutput = "ON_EXIT"; 
-        Owner = "xguo23"; 
-        JobNotification = 0; 
-        BufferSize = 524288; 
-        RecentBlockWrites = 0; 
-        CompletionDate = 1446133329; 
-        QDate = 1446106024; 
-        JobLeaseDuration = 2400; 
-        JobFinishedHookDone = 1446133329; 
-        LastMatchTime = 1446121055; 
-        LastJobLeaseRenewal = 1446133329; 
-        DAGManNodesLog = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.46/Simulation_condor/model_3/./mydag.dag.nodes.log"; 
-        ClusterId = 49583295; 
-        JobUniverse = 5; 
-        NumJobStarts = 1; 
-        CondorVersion = "$CondorVersion: 8.5.0 Sep 16 2015 BuildID: 341710 $"; 
-        CoreSize = 0; 
-        OnExitHold = false; 
-        CondorPlatform = "$CondorPlatform: X86_64-RedHat_6.6 $"; 
-        In = "/dev/null"; 
-        DiskUsage = 1250000; 
-        EncryptExecuteDirectory = false; 
-        CommittedSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        User = ""; 
-        UserLog = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.46/Simulation_condor/model_3/421/process.log"; 
-        JobCurrentStartDate = 1446121055; 
-        BufferBlockSize = 32768; 
-        MATCH_EXP_JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = ""; 
-        Requirements = ( ( OpSysMajorVer is 6 ) ) && ( MY.JobUniverse == 12 || MY.JobUniverse == 7 || MY.WantFlocking || MY.WantGlidein || TARGET.PoolName == "CHTC" || TARGET.COLLECTOR_HOST_STRING == "" ) && ( TARGET.Arch == "X86_64" ) && ( TARGET.OpSys == "LINUX" ) && ( TARGET.Disk >= RequestDisk ) && ( TARGET.Memory >= RequestMemory ) && ( TARGET.HasFileTransfer ); 
-        MinHosts = 1; 
-        MaxHosts = 1; 
-        Args = "--type=Matlab --version=R2011b --cmdtorun=simu_condor --unique=421 -- 3"; 
-        PeriodicHold = false; 
-        ProcId = 0; 
-        Environment = ""; 
-        DAGNodeName = "421+421"; 
-        MemoryUsage = ( ( ResidentSetSize + 1023 ) / 1024 ); 
-        TerminationPending = true; 
-        NumRestarts = 0; 
-        NumSystemHolds = 0; 
-        CommittedTime = 12274; 
-        MachineAttrCpus0 = 1; 
-        WantRemoteSyscalls = false; 
-        MyType = "Job"; 
-        CumulativeSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        Rank = 0.0; 
-        StartdPrincipal = "execute-side@matchsession/"; 
-        Err = "process.err"; 
-        PeriodicRemove = false; 
-        BlockWriteKbytes = 0; 
-        ExitBySignal = false; 
-        DAGManJobId = 49582778; 
-        EnteredCurrentStatus = 1446133329; 
-        JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "$$([IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName), IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), \"\", TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName)])"; 
-        RecentBlockWriteKbytes = 0; 
-        TransferIn = false; 
-        ExitStatus = 0; 
-        ShouldTransferFiles = "YES"; 
-        IsCHTCSubmit = true; 
-        NumJobMatches = 1; 
-        RootDir = "/"; 
-        JobStartDate = 1446121055; 
-        JobPrio = 0; 
-        CurrentHosts = 0; 
-        GlobalJobId = ""; 
-        RemoteSysCpu = 7.000000000000000E+01; 
-        TotalSuspensions = 0; 
-        CommittedSlotTime = 1.227400000000000E+04; 
-        WantCheckpoint = false; 
-        BlockReads = 0; 
-        LastRemoteHost = ""; 
-        TransferInput = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.46/Simulation_condor/data/421/,/home/xguo23/model_3_1.46/Simulation_condor/data/shared/"; 
-        LocalUserCpu = 0.0; 
-        PeriodicRelease = ( JobStatus == 5 ) && ( ( CurrentTime - EnteredCurrentStatus ) > 1800 ) && ( JobRunCount < 5 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 6 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 14 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 22 ); 
-        RequestDisk = 1000000; 
-        ResidentSetSize_RAW = 127332; 
-        OrigMaxHosts = 1; 
-        LastPublicClaimId = "<>#1444759838#9139#..."; 
-        WantRHEL6 = true; 
-        NumCkpts_RAW = 0; 
-        Out = "process.out"; 
-        SubmitEventNotes = "DAG Node: 421+421"; 
-        CumulativeSlotTime = 1.227400000000000E+04; 
-        JobRunCount = 1; 
-        RecentBlockReads = 0; 
-        StreamErr = false; 
-        DiskUsage_RAW = 1216669; 
-        NumCkpts = 0; 
-        StatsLifetimeStarter = 12273; 
-        ImageSize = 1000000; 
-        Cmd = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.46/Simulation_condor/chtcjobwrapper"; 
-        LocalSysCpu = 0.0; 
+        BlockWrites = 0;
+        LastJobStatus = 2;
+        JobCurrentStartExecutingDate = 1446121056;
+        WantRemoteIO = true;
+        RequestCpus = 1;
+        NumShadowStarts = 1;
+        RemoteUserCpu = 1.218600000000000E+04;
+        NiceUser = false;
+        RequestMemory = 1000;
+        BytesRecvd = 2.847190000000000E+05;
+        ResidentSetSize = 150000;
+        StreamOut = false;
+        SpooledOutputFiles = "CURLTIME_2796365,ChtcWrapper421.out,AuditLog.421,simu_3_421.txt,harvest.log,421.out";
+        OnExitRemove = true;
+        ImageSize_RAW = 811948;
+        RemoteWallClockTime = 1.227400000000000E+04;
+        MachineAttrSlotWeight0 = 1;
+        ExecutableSize = 7;
+        JobStatus = 4;
+        DAGParentNodeNames = "";
+        ExitCode = 0;
+        DAGManNodesMask = "0,1,2,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,13,16,17,24,27";
+        BytesSent = 2.791500000000000E+04;
+        LastSuspensionTime = 0;
+        ExecutableSize_RAW = 6;
+        RecentBlockReadKbytes = 0;
+        TransferInputSizeMB = 0;
+        Matlab = "R2011b";
+        BlockReadKbytes = 0;
+        RecentStatsLifetimeStarter = 1200;
+        LeaveJobInQueue = false;
+        TargetType = "Machine";
+        WhenToTransferOutput = "ON_EXIT";
+        Owner = "xguo23";
+        JobNotification = 0;
+        BufferSize = 524288;
+        RecentBlockWrites = 0;
+        CompletionDate = 1446133329;
+        QDate = 1446106024;
+        JobLeaseDuration = 2400;
+        JobFinishedHookDone = 1446133329;
+        LastMatchTime = 1446121055;
+        LastJobLeaseRenewal = 1446133329;
+        DAGManNodesLog = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.46/Simulation_condor/model_3/./mydag.dag.nodes.log";
+        ClusterId = 49583295;
+        JobUniverse = 5;
+        NumJobStarts = 1;
+        CondorVersion = "$CondorVersion: 8.5.0 Sep 16 2015 BuildID: 341710 $";
+        CoreSize = 0;
+        OnExitHold = false;
+        CondorPlatform = "$CondorPlatform: X86_64-RedHat_6.6 $";
+        In = "/dev/null";
+        DiskUsage = 1250000;
+        EncryptExecuteDirectory = false;
+        CommittedSuspensionTime = 0;
+        User = "";
+        UserLog = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.46/Simulation_condor/model_3/421/process.log";
+        JobCurrentStartDate = 1446121055;
+        BufferBlockSize = 32768;
+        MATCH_EXP_JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "";
+        Requirements = ( ( OpSysMajorVer is 6 ) ) && ( MY.JobUniverse == 12 || MY.JobUniverse == 7 || MY.WantFlocking || MY.WantGlidein || TARGET.PoolName == "CHTC" || TARGET.COLLECTOR_HOST_STRING == "" ) && ( TARGET.Arch == "X86_64" ) && ( TARGET.OpSys == "LINUX" ) && ( TARGET.Disk >= RequestDisk ) && ( TARGET.Memory >= RequestMemory ) && ( TARGET.HasFileTransfer );
+        MinHosts = 1;
+        MaxHosts = 1;
+        Args = "--type=Matlab --version=R2011b --cmdtorun=simu_condor --unique=421 -- 3";
+        PeriodicHold = false;
+        ProcId = 0;
+        Environment = "";
+        DAGNodeName = "421+421";
+        MemoryUsage = ( ( ResidentSetSize + 1023 ) / 1024 );
+        TerminationPending = true;
+        NumRestarts = 0;
+        NumSystemHolds = 0;
+        CommittedTime = 12274;
+        MachineAttrCpus0 = 1;
+        WantRemoteSyscalls = false;
+        MyType = "Job";
+        CumulativeSuspensionTime = 0;
+        Rank = 0.0;
+        StartdPrincipal = "execute-side@matchsession/";
+        Err = "process.err";
+        PeriodicRemove = false;
+        BlockWriteKbytes = 0;
+        ExitBySignal = false;
+        DAGManJobId = 49582778;
+        EnteredCurrentStatus = 1446133329;
+        JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "$$([IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName), IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), \"\", TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName)])";
+        RecentBlockWriteKbytes = 0;
+        TransferIn = false;
+        ExitStatus = 0;
+        ShouldTransferFiles = "YES";
+        IsCHTCSubmit = true;
+        NumJobMatches = 1;
+        RootDir = "/";
+        JobStartDate = 1446121055;
+        JobPrio = 0;
+        CurrentHosts = 0;
+        GlobalJobId = "";
+        RemoteSysCpu = 7.000000000000000E+01;
+        TotalSuspensions = 0;
+        CommittedSlotTime = 1.227400000000000E+04;
+        WantCheckpoint = false;
+        BlockReads = 0;
+        LastRemoteHost = "";
+        TransferInput = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.46/Simulation_condor/data/421/,/home/xguo23/model_3_1.46/Simulation_condor/data/shared/";
+        LocalUserCpu = 0.0;
+        PeriodicRelease = ( JobStatus == 5 ) && ( ( CurrentTime - EnteredCurrentStatus ) > 1800 ) && ( JobRunCount < 5 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 6 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 14 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 22 );
+        RequestDisk = 1000000;
+        ResidentSetSize_RAW = 127332;
+        OrigMaxHosts = 1;
+        LastPublicClaimId = "<>#1444759838#9139#...";
+        WantRHEL6 = true;
+        NumCkpts_RAW = 0;
+        Out = "process.out";
+        SubmitEventNotes = "DAG Node: 421+421";
+        CumulativeSlotTime = 1.227400000000000E+04;
+        JobRunCount = 1;
+        RecentBlockReads = 0;
+        StreamErr = false;
+        DiskUsage_RAW = 1216669;
+        NumCkpts = 0;
+        StatsLifetimeStarter = 12273;
+        ImageSize = 1000000;
+        Cmd = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.46/Simulation_condor/chtcjobwrapper";
+        LocalSysCpu = 0.0;
         Iwd = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.46/Simulation_condor/model_3/421"
-        BlockWrites = 0; 
-        LastJobStatus = 2; 
-        JobCurrentStartExecutingDate = 1446111074; 
-        WantRemoteIO = true; 
-        RequestCpus = 1; 
-        NumShadowStarts = 1; 
-        RemoteUserCpu = 2.209600000000000E+04; 
-        NiceUser = false; 
-        RequestMemory = 1000; 
-        BytesRecvd = 2.846120000000000E+05; 
-        ResidentSetSize = 150000; 
-        StreamOut = false; 
-        SpooledOutputFiles = "CURLTIME_2637948,ChtcWrapper96.out,AuditLog.96,simu_3_96.txt,harvest.log,96.out"; 
-        OnExitRemove = true; 
-        ImageSize_RAW = 811948; 
-        RemoteWallClockTime = 2.225300000000000E+04; 
-        MachineAttrSlotWeight0 = 1; 
-        ExecutableSize = 7; 
-        JobStatus = 4; 
-        DAGParentNodeNames = ""; 
-        ExitCode = 0; 
-        DAGManNodesMask = "0,1,2,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,13,16,17,24,27"; 
-        BytesSent = 2.823100000000000E+04; 
-        LastSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        ExecutableSize_RAW = 6; 
-        RecentBlockReadKbytes = 0; 
-        TransferInputSizeMB = 0; 
-        Matlab = "R2011b"; 
-        BlockReadKbytes = 0; 
-        LocalSysCpu = 0.0; 
-        Iwd = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.48/Simulation_condor/model_3/96"; 
-        RecentStatsLifetimeStarter = 1200; 
-        LeaveJobInQueue = false; 
-        TargetType = "Machine"; 
-        WhenToTransferOutput = "ON_EXIT"; 
-        Owner = "xguo23"; 
-        JobNotification = 0; 
-        BufferSize = 524288; 
-        RecentBlockWrites = 0; 
-        CompletionDate = 1446133326; 
-        LastMatchTime = 1446111073; 
-        LastJobLeaseRenewal = 1446133326; 
-        DAGManNodesLog = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.48/Simulation_condor/model_3/./mydag.dag.nodes.log"; 
-        ClusterId = 49582476; 
-        NumJobStarts = 1; 
-        JobUniverse = 5; 
-        AutoClusterAttrs = "JobUniverse,LastCheckpointPlatform,NumCkpts,ClientMachine,_condor_RequestCpus,_condor_RequestDisk,_condor_RequestGPUs,_condor_RequestMemory,RequestCpus,RequestDisk,RequestGPUs,RequestMemory,BIOCHEM,MachineLastMatchTime,ConcurrencyLimits,NiceUser,Rank,Requirements,ImageSize,MemoryRequirements,User,RemoteGroup,SubmitterGroup,SubmitterUserPrio,Group,WIDsTheme,InteractiveJob,Is_Resumable,WantFlocking,WantGlidein,Scheduler,Owner,JobStart,MemoryUsage,IsExpressQueueJob,DiskUsage,HEP_VO,IsDesktop,OSG_VO,x509userproxysubject,PassedTest,IsLocalCMSJob,IsLocalCMSSlot,IsSAMSlot,IsSAMJob,MaxDiskTempC,IsDedicated,estimated_run_hours,IsCHTCSubmit,RequiresCVMFS,DynamicSlot,PartitionableSlot,Slot1_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot1_JobStarts,Slot1_SelfMonitorAge,Slot2_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot2_JobStarts,Slot2_SelfMonitorAge,Slot3_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot3_JobStarts,Slot3_SelfMonitorAge,Slot4_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot4_JobStarts,Slot4_SelfMonitorAge,Slot5_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot5_JobStarts,Slot5_SelfMonitorAge,Slot6_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot6_JobStarts,Slot6_SelfMonitorAge,Slot7_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot7_JobStarts,Slot7_SelfMonitorAge,Slot8_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot8_JobStarts,Slot8_SelfMonitorAge,Slot1_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot1_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot2_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot2_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot3_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot3_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot4_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot4_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot5_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot5_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot6_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot6_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot7_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot7_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot8_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot8_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot10_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot10_JobStarts,Slot10_SelfMonitorAge,Slot11_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot11_JobStarts,Slot11_SelfMonitorAge,Slot12_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot12_JobStarts,Slot12_SelfMonitorAge,Slot9_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot9_JobStarts,Slot9_SelfMonitorAge,Slot12_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot10_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot10_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot11_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot11_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot12_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot9_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot9_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot13_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot13_JobStarts,Slot13_SelfMonitorAge,Slot14_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot14_JobStarts,Slot14_SelfMonitorAge,Slot15_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot15_JobStarts,Slot15_SelfMonitorAge,Slot16_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot16_JobStarts,Slot16_SelfMonitorAge,IsResumable,WHEN_TO_TRANSFER_OUTPUT,_condor_Requestadmin_mutex_1,_condor_Requestadmin_mutex_2,_condor_Requestadmin_mutex_3,_condor_Requestmachine_token,Requestadmin_mutex_1,Requestadmin_mutex_2,Requestadmin_mutex_3,Requestmachine_token,nyehle,IsBuildJob,IsMatlabBuildJob,TotalJobRunTime,NodeOnline,Slot13_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot13_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot14_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot14_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot15_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot15_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot16_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot16_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,TmpIsFull,trResumable,RequiresCMSFrontier,Slot17_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot17_JobStarts,Slot17_SelfMonitorAge,Slot17_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot17_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot18_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot18_JobStarts,Slot18_SelfMonitorAge,Slot18_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot18_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot19_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot19_JobStarts,Slot19_SelfMonitorAge,Slot19_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot19_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot20_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot20_JobStarts,Slot20_SelfMonitorAge,Slot20_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot20_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot21_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot21_JobStarts,Slot21_SelfMonitorAge,Slot21_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot21_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot22_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot22_JobStarts,Slot22_SelfMonitorAge,Slot22_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot22_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot23_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot23_JobStarts,Slot23_SelfMonitorAge,Slot23_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot23_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot24_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot24_JobStarts,Slot24_SelfMonitorAge,Slot24_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot24_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot25_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot25_JobStarts,Slot25_SelfMonitorAge,Slot25_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot25_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot26_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot26_JobStarts,Slot26_SelfMonitorAge,Slot26_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot26_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot27_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot27_JobStarts,Slot27_SelfMonitorAge,Slot27_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot27_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot28_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot28_JobStarts,Slot28_SelfMonitorAge,Slot28_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot28_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot29_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot29_JobStarts,Slot29_SelfMonitorAge,Slot29_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot29_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot30_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot30_JobStarts,Slot30_SelfMonitorAge,Slot30_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot30_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot31_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot31_JobStarts,Slot31_SelfMonitorAge,Slot31_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot31_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot32_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot32_JobStarts,Slot32_SelfMonitorAge,Slot32_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot32_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,ResidentSetSize"; 
-        MaxHosts = 1; 
-        Args = "--type=Matlab --version=R2011b --cmdtorun=simu_condor --unique=96 -- 3"; 
-        CondorVersion = "$CondorVersion: 8.5.0 Sep 16 2015 BuildID: 341710 $"; 
-        CoreSize = 0; 
-        OnExitHold = false; 
-        CondorPlatform = "$CondorPlatform: X86_64-RedHat_6.6 $"; 
-        JobFinishedHookDone = 1446133328; 
-        QDate = 1446105711; 
-        JobLeaseDuration = 2400; 
-        In = "/dev/null"; 
-        DiskUsage = 1250000; 
-        EncryptExecuteDirectory = false; 
-        CommittedSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        User = ""; 
-        UserLog = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.48/Simulation_condor/model_3/96/process.log"; 
-        JobCurrentStartDate = 1446111073; 
-        BufferBlockSize = 32768; 
-        MATCH_EXP_JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = ""; 
-        Requirements = ( ( OpSysMajorVer is 6 ) ) && ( MY.JobUniverse == 12 || MY.JobUniverse == 7 || MY.WantFlocking || MY.WantGlidein || TARGET.PoolName == "CHTC" || TARGET.COLLECTOR_HOST_STRING == "" ) && ( TARGET.Arch == "X86_64" ) && ( TARGET.OpSys == "LINUX" ) && ( TARGET.Disk >= RequestDisk ) && ( TARGET.Memory >= RequestMemory ) && ( TARGET.HasFileTransfer ); 
-        MinHosts = 1; 
-        PeriodicHold = false; 
-        ProcId = 0; 
-        Environment = ""; 
-        DAGNodeName = "96+96"; 
-        MemoryUsage = ( ( ResidentSetSize + 1023 ) / 1024 ); 
-        TerminationPending = true; 
-        NumRestarts = 0; 
-        NumSystemHolds = 0; 
-        CommittedTime = 22253; 
-        AutoClusterId = 24; 
-        ExitStatus = 0; 
-        ShouldTransferFiles = "YES"; 
-        MachineAttrCpus0 = 1; 
-        WantRemoteSyscalls = false; 
-        MyType = "Job"; 
-        CumulativeSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        Rank = 0.0; 
-        StartdPrincipal = "execute-side@matchsession/"; 
-        Err = "process.err"; 
-        PeriodicRemove = false; 
-        BlockWriteKbytes = 0; 
-        ExitBySignal = false; 
-        DAGManJobId = 49582206; 
-        EnteredCurrentStatus = 1446133326; 
-        JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "$$([IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName), IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), \"\", TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName)])"; 
-        RecentBlockWriteKbytes = 0; 
-        TransferIn = false; 
-        IsCHTCSubmit = true; 
-        NumJobMatches = 1; 
-        RootDir = "/"; 
-        JobStartDate = 1446111073; 
-        JobPrio = 0; 
-        CurrentHosts = 0; 
-        GlobalJobId = ""; 
-        RemoteSysCpu = 1.240000000000000E+02; 
-        TotalSuspensions = 0; 
-        CommittedSlotTime = 2.225300000000000E+04; 
-        WantCheckpoint = false; 
-        BlockReads = 0; 
-        LastRemoteHost = ""; 
-        TransferInput = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.48/Simulation_condor/data/96/,/home/xguo23/model_3_1.48/Simulation_condor/data/shared/"; 
-        LocalUserCpu = 0.0; 
-        PeriodicRelease = ( JobStatus == 5 ) && ( ( CurrentTime - EnteredCurrentStatus ) > 1800 ) && ( JobRunCount < 5 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 6 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 14 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 22 ); 
-        RequestDisk = 1000000; 
-        ResidentSetSize_RAW = 127304; 
-        OrigMaxHosts = 1; 
-        LastPublicClaimId = "<>#1443991405#8554#..."; 
-        WantRHEL6 = true; 
-        NumCkpts_RAW = 0; 
-        Out = "process.out"; 
-        SubmitEventNotes = "DAG Node: 96+96"; 
-        CumulativeSlotTime = 2.225300000000000E+04; 
-        JobRunCount = 1; 
-        RecentBlockReads = 0; 
-        StreamErr = false; 
-        DiskUsage_RAW = 1216669; 
-        NumCkpts = 0; 
-        StatsLifetimeStarter = 22252; 
-        ImageSize = 1000000; 
+        BlockWrites = 0;
+        LastJobStatus = 2;
+        JobCurrentStartExecutingDate = 1446111074;
+        WantRemoteIO = true;
+        RequestCpus = 1;
+        NumShadowStarts = 1;
+        RemoteUserCpu = 2.209600000000000E+04;
+        NiceUser = false;
+        RequestMemory = 1000;
+        BytesRecvd = 2.846120000000000E+05;
+        ResidentSetSize = 150000;
+        StreamOut = false;
+        SpooledOutputFiles = "CURLTIME_2637948,ChtcWrapper96.out,AuditLog.96,simu_3_96.txt,harvest.log,96.out";
+        OnExitRemove = true;
+        ImageSize_RAW = 811948;
+        RemoteWallClockTime = 2.225300000000000E+04;
+        MachineAttrSlotWeight0 = 1;
+        ExecutableSize = 7;
+        JobStatus = 4;
+        DAGParentNodeNames = "";
+        ExitCode = 0;
+        DAGManNodesMask = "0,1,2,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,13,16,17,24,27";
+        BytesSent = 2.823100000000000E+04;
+        LastSuspensionTime = 0;
+        ExecutableSize_RAW = 6;
+        RecentBlockReadKbytes = 0;
+        TransferInputSizeMB = 0;
+        Matlab = "R2011b";
+        BlockReadKbytes = 0;
+        LocalSysCpu = 0.0;
+        Iwd = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.48/Simulation_condor/model_3/96";
+        RecentStatsLifetimeStarter = 1200;
+        LeaveJobInQueue = false;
+        TargetType = "Machine";
+        WhenToTransferOutput = "ON_EXIT";
+        Owner = "xguo23";
+        JobNotification = 0;
+        BufferSize = 524288;
+        RecentBlockWrites = 0;
+        CompletionDate = 1446133326;
+        LastMatchTime = 1446111073;
+        LastJobLeaseRenewal = 1446133326;
+        DAGManNodesLog = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.48/Simulation_condor/model_3/./mydag.dag.nodes.log";
+        ClusterId = 49582476;
+        NumJobStarts = 1;
+        JobUniverse = 5;
+        AutoClusterAttrs = "JobUniverse,LastCheckpointPlatform,NumCkpts,ClientMachine,_condor_RequestCpus,_condor_RequestDisk,_condor_RequestGPUs,_condor_RequestMemory,RequestCpus,RequestDisk,RequestGPUs,RequestMemory,BIOCHEM,MachineLastMatchTime,ConcurrencyLimits,NiceUser,Rank,Requirements,ImageSize,MemoryRequirements,User,RemoteGroup,SubmitterGroup,SubmitterUserPrio,Group,WIDsTheme,InteractiveJob,Is_Resumable,WantFlocking,WantGlidein,Scheduler,Owner,JobStart,MemoryUsage,IsExpressQueueJob,DiskUsage,HEP_VO,IsDesktop,OSG_VO,x509userproxysubject,PassedTest,IsLocalCMSJob,IsLocalCMSSlot,IsSAMSlot,IsSAMJob,MaxDiskTempC,IsDedicated,estimated_run_hours,IsCHTCSubmit,RequiresCVMFS,DynamicSlot,PartitionableSlot,Slot1_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot1_JobStarts,Slot1_SelfMonitorAge,Slot2_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot2_JobStarts,Slot2_SelfMonitorAge,Slot3_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot3_JobStarts,Slot3_SelfMonitorAge,Slot4_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot4_JobStarts,Slot4_SelfMonitorAge,Slot5_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot5_JobStarts,Slot5_SelfMonitorAge,Slot6_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot6_JobStarts,Slot6_SelfMonitorAge,Slot7_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot7_JobStarts,Slot7_SelfMonitorAge,Slot8_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot8_JobStarts,Slot8_SelfMonitorAge,Slot1_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot1_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot2_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot2_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot3_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot3_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot4_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot4_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot5_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot5_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot6_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot6_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot7_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot7_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot8_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot8_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot10_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot10_JobStarts,Slot10_SelfMonitorAge,Slot11_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot11_JobStarts,Slot11_SelfMonitorAge,Slot12_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot12_JobStarts,Slot12_SelfMonitorAge,Slot9_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot9_JobStarts,Slot9_SelfMonitorAge,Slot12_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot10_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot10_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot11_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot11_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot12_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot9_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot9_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot13_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot13_JobStarts,Slot13_SelfMonitorAge,Slot14_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot14_JobStarts,Slot14_SelfMonitorAge,Slot15_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot15_JobStarts,Slot15_SelfMonitorAge,Slot16_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot16_JobStarts,Slot16_SelfMonitorAge,IsResumable,WHEN_TO_TRANSFER_OUTPUT,_condor_Requestadmin_mutex_1,_condor_Requestadmin_mutex_2,_condor_Requestadmin_mutex_3,_condor_Requestmachine_token,Requestadmin_mutex_1,Requestadmin_mutex_2,Requestadmin_mutex_3,Requestmachine_token,nyehle,IsBuildJob,IsMatlabBuildJob,TotalJobRunTime,NodeOnline,Slot13_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot13_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot14_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot14_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot15_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot15_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot16_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot16_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,TmpIsFull,trResumable,RequiresCMSFrontier,Slot17_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot17_JobStarts,Slot17_SelfMonitorAge,Slot17_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot17_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot18_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot18_JobStarts,Slot18_SelfMonitorAge,Slot18_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot18_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot19_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot19_JobStarts,Slot19_SelfMonitorAge,Slot19_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot19_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot20_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot20_JobStarts,Slot20_SelfMonitorAge,Slot20_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot20_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot21_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot21_JobStarts,Slot21_SelfMonitorAge,Slot21_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot21_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot22_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot22_JobStarts,Slot22_SelfMonitorAge,Slot22_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot22_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot23_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot23_JobStarts,Slot23_SelfMonitorAge,Slot23_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot23_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot24_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot24_JobStarts,Slot24_SelfMonitorAge,Slot24_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot24_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot25_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot25_JobStarts,Slot25_SelfMonitorAge,Slot25_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot25_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot26_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot26_JobStarts,Slot26_SelfMonitorAge,Slot26_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot26_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot27_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot27_JobStarts,Slot27_SelfMonitorAge,Slot27_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot27_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot28_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot28_JobStarts,Slot28_SelfMonitorAge,Slot28_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot28_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot29_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot29_JobStarts,Slot29_SelfMonitorAge,Slot29_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot29_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot30_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot30_JobStarts,Slot30_SelfMonitorAge,Slot30_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot30_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot31_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot31_JobStarts,Slot31_SelfMonitorAge,Slot31_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot31_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot32_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot32_JobStarts,Slot32_SelfMonitorAge,Slot32_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot32_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,ResidentSetSize";
+        MaxHosts = 1;
+        Args = "--type=Matlab --version=R2011b --cmdtorun=simu_condor --unique=96 -- 3";
+        CondorVersion = "$CondorVersion: 8.5.0 Sep 16 2015 BuildID: 341710 $";
+        CoreSize = 0;
+        OnExitHold = false;
+        CondorPlatform = "$CondorPlatform: X86_64-RedHat_6.6 $";
+        JobFinishedHookDone = 1446133328;
+        QDate = 1446105711;
+        JobLeaseDuration = 2400;
+        In = "/dev/null";
+        DiskUsage = 1250000;
+        EncryptExecuteDirectory = false;
+        CommittedSuspensionTime = 0;
+        User = "";
+        UserLog = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.48/Simulation_condor/model_3/96/process.log";
+        JobCurrentStartDate = 1446111073;
+        BufferBlockSize = 32768;
+        MATCH_EXP_JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "";
+        Requirements = ( ( OpSysMajorVer is 6 ) ) && ( MY.JobUniverse == 12 || MY.JobUniverse == 7 || MY.WantFlocking || MY.WantGlidein || TARGET.PoolName == "CHTC" || TARGET.COLLECTOR_HOST_STRING == "" ) && ( TARGET.Arch == "X86_64" ) && ( TARGET.OpSys == "LINUX" ) && ( TARGET.Disk >= RequestDisk ) && ( TARGET.Memory >= RequestMemory ) && ( TARGET.HasFileTransfer );
+        MinHosts = 1;
+        PeriodicHold = false;
+        ProcId = 0;
+        Environment = "";
+        DAGNodeName = "96+96";
+        MemoryUsage = ( ( ResidentSetSize + 1023 ) / 1024 );
+        TerminationPending = true;
+        NumRestarts = 0;
+        NumSystemHolds = 0;
+        CommittedTime = 22253;
+        AutoClusterId = 24;
+        ExitStatus = 0;
+        ShouldTransferFiles = "YES";
+        MachineAttrCpus0 = 1;
+        WantRemoteSyscalls = false;
+        MyType = "Job";
+        CumulativeSuspensionTime = 0;
+        Rank = 0.0;
+        StartdPrincipal = "execute-side@matchsession/";
+        Err = "process.err";
+        PeriodicRemove = false;
+        BlockWriteKbytes = 0;
+        ExitBySignal = false;
+        DAGManJobId = 49582206;
+        EnteredCurrentStatus = 1446133326;
+        JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "$$([IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName), IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), \"\", TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName)])";
+        RecentBlockWriteKbytes = 0;
+        TransferIn = false;
+        IsCHTCSubmit = true;
+        NumJobMatches = 1;
+        RootDir = "/";
+        JobStartDate = 1446111073;
+        JobPrio = 0;
+        CurrentHosts = 0;
+        GlobalJobId = "";
+        RemoteSysCpu = 1.240000000000000E+02;
+        TotalSuspensions = 0;
+        CommittedSlotTime = 2.225300000000000E+04;
+        WantCheckpoint = false;
+        BlockReads = 0;
+        LastRemoteHost = "";
+        TransferInput = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.48/Simulation_condor/data/96/,/home/xguo23/model_3_1.48/Simulation_condor/data/shared/";
+        LocalUserCpu = 0.0;
+        PeriodicRelease = ( JobStatus == 5 ) && ( ( CurrentTime - EnteredCurrentStatus ) > 1800 ) && ( JobRunCount < 5 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 6 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 14 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 22 );
+        RequestDisk = 1000000;
+        ResidentSetSize_RAW = 127304;
+        OrigMaxHosts = 1;
+        LastPublicClaimId = "<>#1443991405#8554#...";
+        WantRHEL6 = true;
+        NumCkpts_RAW = 0;
+        Out = "process.out";
+        SubmitEventNotes = "DAG Node: 96+96";
+        CumulativeSlotTime = 2.225300000000000E+04;
+        JobRunCount = 1;
+        RecentBlockReads = 0;
+        StreamErr = false;
+        DiskUsage_RAW = 1216669;
+        NumCkpts = 0;
+        StatsLifetimeStarter = 22252;
+        ImageSize = 1000000;
         Cmd = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.48/Simulation_condor/chtcjobwrapper"
-        BlockWrites = 0; 
-        LastJobStatus = 2; 
-        JobCurrentStartExecutingDate = 1445561278; 
-        WantRemoteIO = true; 
-        JobLastStartDate = 1445546257; 
-        RequestCpus = 1; 
-        NumShadowStarts = 7; 
-        RemoteUserCpu = 5.717370000000000E+05; 
-        NiceUser = false; 
-        BytesRecvd = 8.735168800000000E+07; 
-        RequestMemory = 1000; 
-        ResidentSetSize = 125000; 
-        StreamOut = false; 
-        SpooledOutputFiles = "ChtcWrapperfabp4-0002.out,AuditLog.fabp4-0002,poses.mol2,CURLTIME_4057178,harvest.log,time_elapsed.log,surf_scores.txt,CURLTIME_38803,count.log,fabp4-0002.out,CURLTIME_253463"; 
-        OnExitRemove = true; 
-        LastVacateTime = 1445546251; 
-        ImageSize_RAW = 690056; 
-        RemoteWallClockTime = 7.695110000000000E+05; 
-        MachineAttrSlotWeight0 = 1; 
-        ExecutableSize = 7; 
-        JobStatus = 4; 
-        DAGParentNodeNames = ""; 
-        ExitCode = 0; 
-        DAGManNodesMask = "0,1,2,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,13,16,17,24,27"; 
-        BytesSent = 3.113566000000000E+06; 
-        LastRejMatchReason = "no match found"; 
-        LastSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        ExecutableSize_RAW = 6; 
-        RecentBlockReadKbytes = 0; 
-        TransferInputSizeMB = 12; 
-        BlockReadKbytes = 0; 
-        LocalSysCpu = 0.0; 
-        WantGlidein = true; 
-        Iwd = "/home/ssericksen/dude-14-xdock/ChtcRun/dude14-surf-out-esr1/fabp4-0002"; 
-        Cmd = "/home/ssericksen/dude-14-xdock/ChtcRun/chtcjobwrapper"; 
-        CommittedSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        DiskUsage_RAW = 32543; 
-        RecentStatsLifetimeStarter = 1200; 
-        LeaveJobInQueue = false; 
-        Owner = "ssericksen"; 
-        JobNotification = 0; 
-        BufferSize = 524288; 
-        RecentBlockWrites = 0; 
-        CompletionDate = 1446133322; 
-        WhenToTransferOutput = "ON_EXIT_OR_EVICT"; 
-        LastRemotePool = ""; 
-        TargetType = "Machine"; 
-        LastMatchTime = 1445561276; 
-        LastJobLeaseRenewal = 1446133322; 
-        DAGManNodesLog = "/home/ssericksen/dude-14-xdock/ChtcRun/dude14-surf-out-esr1/./mydag.dag.nodes.log"; 
-        ClusterId = 48968872; 
-        JobUniverse = 5; 
-        NumJobStarts = 6; 
-        CoreSize = 0; 
-        OnExitHold = false; 
-        NumJobReconnects = 1; 
-        CondorPlatform = "$CondorPlatform: X86_64-RedHat_6.6 $"; 
-        JobFinishedHookDone = 1446133322; 
-        In = "/dev/null"; 
-        DiskUsage = 35000; 
-        EncryptExecuteDirectory = false; 
-        User = ""; 
-        Requirements = ( ( OpSysMajorVer is 6 ) ) && ( MY.JobUniverse == 12 || MY.JobUniverse == 7 || MY.WantFlocking || MY.WantGlidein || TARGET.PoolName == "CHTC" || TARGET.COLLECTOR_HOST_STRING == "" ) && ( TARGET.Arch == "X86_64" ) && ( TARGET.OpSys == "LINUX" ) && ( TARGET.Disk >= RequestDisk ) && ( TARGET.Memory >= RequestMemory ) && ( TARGET.HasFileTransfer ); 
-        MinHosts = 1; 
-        MaxHosts = 1; 
-        Args = "--type=Other --unique=fabp4-0002 --"; 
-        PeriodicHold = false; 
-        ProcId = 0; 
-        Environment = ""; 
-        DAGNodeName = "fabp4-0002+fabp4-0002"; 
-        TerminationPending = true; 
-        NumRestarts = 0; 
-        NumSystemHolds = 0; 
-        CondorVersion = "$CondorVersion: 8.5.0 Sep 16 2015 BuildID: 341710 $"; 
-        UserLog = "/home/ssericksen/dude-14-xdock/ChtcRun/dude14-surf-out-esr1/fabp4-0002/process.log"; 
-        JobCurrentStartDate = 1445561276; 
-        MATCH_EXP_JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = ""; 
-        BufferBlockSize = 32768; 
-        JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "$$([IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName), IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), \"\", TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName)])"; 
-        EnteredCurrentStatus = 1446133322; 
-        JobLeaseDuration = 2400; 
-        QDate = 1445354636; 
-        BlockWriteKbytes = 0; 
-        ExitBySignal = false; 
-        DAGManJobId = 48940805; 
-        MemoryUsage = ( ( ResidentSetSize + 1023 ) / 1024 ); 
-        is_resumable = true; 
-        MachineAttrCpus0 = 1; 
-        WantRemoteSyscalls = false; 
-        CumulativeSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        MyType = "Job"; 
-        Rank = 0.0; 
-        StartdPrincipal = "execute-side@matchsession/"; 
-        WantFlocking = true; 
-        Err = "process.err"; 
-        PeriodicRemove = false; 
-        CommittedTime = 572046; 
-        RecentBlockWriteKbytes = 0; 
-        TransferIn = false; 
-        ExitStatus = 0; 
-        ShouldTransferFiles = "YES"; 
-        IsCHTCSubmit = true; 
-        NumJobMatches = 6; 
-        RootDir = "/"; 
-        JobStartDate = 1445362267; 
-        JobPrio = 0; 
-        CurrentHosts = 0; 
-        GlobalJobId = ""; 
-        ScheddBday = 1445383086; 
-        RemoteSysCpu = 0.0; 
-        LastRejMatchTime = 1445375317; 
-        TotalSuspensions = 0; 
-        CommittedSlotTime = 5.720460000000000E+05; 
-        WantCheckpoint = false; 
-        BlockReads = 0; 
-        LastRemoteHost = ""; 
-        TransferInput = "/home/ssericksen/dude-14-xdock/ChtcRun/dude14-surf-in/fabp4-0002/,/home/ssericksen/dude-14-xdock/ChtcRun/dude14-surf-in/shared/"; 
-        LocalUserCpu = 0.0; 
-        PeriodicRelease = ( JobStatus == 5 ) && ( ( CurrentTime - EnteredCurrentStatus ) > 1800 ) && ( JobRunCount < 5 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 6 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 14 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 22 ); 
-        RequestDisk = 1000000; 
-        ResidentSetSize_RAW = 100432; 
-        OrigMaxHosts = 1; 
-        LastPublicClaimId = "<>#1444067179#3317#..."; 
-        WantRHEL6 = true; 
-        NumCkpts_RAW = 0; 
-        Out = "process.out"; 
-        SubmitEventNotes = "DAG Node: fabp4-0002+fabp4-0002"; 
-        CumulativeSlotTime = 7.695110000000000E+05; 
-        JobRunCount = 7; 
-        RecentBlockReads = 0; 
-        StreamErr = false; 
-        NumCkpts = 0; 
-        StatsLifetimeStarter = 572059; 
+        BlockWrites = 0;
+        LastJobStatus = 2;
+        JobCurrentStartExecutingDate = 1445561278;
+        WantRemoteIO = true;
+        JobLastStartDate = 1445546257;
+        RequestCpus = 1;
+        NumShadowStarts = 7;
+        RemoteUserCpu = 5.717370000000000E+05;
+        NiceUser = false;
+        BytesRecvd = 8.735168800000000E+07;
+        RequestMemory = 1000;
+        ResidentSetSize = 125000;
+        StreamOut = false;
+        SpooledOutputFiles = "ChtcWrapperfabp4-0002.out,AuditLog.fabp4-0002,poses.mol2,CURLTIME_4057178,harvest.log,time_elapsed.log,surf_scores.txt,CURLTIME_38803,count.log,fabp4-0002.out,CURLTIME_253463";
+        OnExitRemove = true;
+        LastVacateTime = 1445546251;
+        ImageSize_RAW = 690056;
+        RemoteWallClockTime = 7.695110000000000E+05;
+        MachineAttrSlotWeight0 = 1;
+        ExecutableSize = 7;
+        JobStatus = 4;
+        DAGParentNodeNames = "";
+        ExitCode = 0;
+        DAGManNodesMask = "0,1,2,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,13,16,17,24,27";
+        BytesSent = 3.113566000000000E+06;
+        LastRejMatchReason = "no match found";
+        LastSuspensionTime = 0;
+        ExecutableSize_RAW = 6;
+        RecentBlockReadKbytes = 0;
+        TransferInputSizeMB = 12;
+        BlockReadKbytes = 0;
+        LocalSysCpu = 0.0;
+        WantGlidein = true;
+        Iwd = "/home/ssericksen/dude-14-xdock/ChtcRun/dude14-surf-out-esr1/fabp4-0002";
+        Cmd = "/home/ssericksen/dude-14-xdock/ChtcRun/chtcjobwrapper";
+        CommittedSuspensionTime = 0;
+        DiskUsage_RAW = 32543;
+        RecentStatsLifetimeStarter = 1200;
+        LeaveJobInQueue = false;
+        Owner = "ssericksen";
+        JobNotification = 0;
+        BufferSize = 524288;
+        RecentBlockWrites = 0;
+        CompletionDate = 1446133322;
+        WhenToTransferOutput = "ON_EXIT_OR_EVICT";
+        LastRemotePool = "";
+        TargetType = "Machine";
+        LastMatchTime = 1445561276;
+        LastJobLeaseRenewal = 1446133322;
+        DAGManNodesLog = "/home/ssericksen/dude-14-xdock/ChtcRun/dude14-surf-out-esr1/./mydag.dag.nodes.log";
+        ClusterId = 48968872;
+        JobUniverse = 5;
+        NumJobStarts = 6;
+        CoreSize = 0;
+        OnExitHold = false;
+        NumJobReconnects = 1;
+        CondorPlatform = "$CondorPlatform: X86_64-RedHat_6.6 $";
+        JobFinishedHookDone = 1446133322;
+        In = "/dev/null";
+        DiskUsage = 35000;
+        EncryptExecuteDirectory = false;
+        User = "";
+        Requirements = ( ( OpSysMajorVer is 6 ) ) && ( MY.JobUniverse == 12 || MY.JobUniverse == 7 || MY.WantFlocking || MY.WantGlidein || TARGET.PoolName == "CHTC" || TARGET.COLLECTOR_HOST_STRING == "" ) && ( TARGET.Arch == "X86_64" ) && ( TARGET.OpSys == "LINUX" ) && ( TARGET.Disk >= RequestDisk ) && ( TARGET.Memory >= RequestMemory ) && ( TARGET.HasFileTransfer );
+        MinHosts = 1;
+        MaxHosts = 1;
+        Args = "--type=Other --unique=fabp4-0002 --";
+        PeriodicHold = false;
+        ProcId = 0;
+        Environment = "";
+        DAGNodeName = "fabp4-0002+fabp4-0002";
+        TerminationPending = true;
+        NumRestarts = 0;
+        NumSystemHolds = 0;
+        CondorVersion = "$CondorVersion: 8.5.0 Sep 16 2015 BuildID: 341710 $";
+        UserLog = "/home/ssericksen/dude-14-xdock/ChtcRun/dude14-surf-out-esr1/fabp4-0002/process.log";
+        JobCurrentStartDate = 1445561276;
+        MATCH_EXP_JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "";
+        BufferBlockSize = 32768;
+        JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "$$([IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName), IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), \"\", TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName)])";
+        EnteredCurrentStatus = 1446133322;
+        JobLeaseDuration = 2400;
+        QDate = 1445354636;
+        BlockWriteKbytes = 0;
+        ExitBySignal = false;
+        DAGManJobId = 48940805;
+        MemoryUsage = ( ( ResidentSetSize + 1023 ) / 1024 );
+        is_resumable = true;
+        MachineAttrCpus0 = 1;
+        WantRemoteSyscalls = false;
+        CumulativeSuspensionTime = 0;
+        MyType = "Job";
+        Rank = 0.0;
+        StartdPrincipal = "execute-side@matchsession/";
+        WantFlocking = true;
+        Err = "process.err";
+        PeriodicRemove = false;
+        CommittedTime = 572046;
+        RecentBlockWriteKbytes = 0;
+        TransferIn = false;
+        ExitStatus = 0;
+        ShouldTransferFiles = "YES";
+        IsCHTCSubmit = true;
+        NumJobMatches = 6;
+        RootDir = "/";
+        JobStartDate = 1445362267;
+        JobPrio = 0;
+        CurrentHosts = 0;
+        GlobalJobId = "";
+        ScheddBday = 1445383086;
+        RemoteSysCpu = 0.0;
+        LastRejMatchTime = 1445375317;
+        TotalSuspensions = 0;
+        CommittedSlotTime = 5.720460000000000E+05;
+        WantCheckpoint = false;
+        BlockReads = 0;
+        LastRemoteHost = "";
+        TransferInput = "/home/ssericksen/dude-14-xdock/ChtcRun/dude14-surf-in/fabp4-0002/,/home/ssericksen/dude-14-xdock/ChtcRun/dude14-surf-in/shared/";
+        LocalUserCpu = 0.0;
+        PeriodicRelease = ( JobStatus == 5 ) && ( ( CurrentTime - EnteredCurrentStatus ) > 1800 ) && ( JobRunCount < 5 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 6 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 14 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 22 );
+        RequestDisk = 1000000;
+        ResidentSetSize_RAW = 100432;
+        OrigMaxHosts = 1;
+        LastPublicClaimId = "<>#1444067179#3317#...";
+        WantRHEL6 = true;
+        NumCkpts_RAW = 0;
+        Out = "process.out";
+        SubmitEventNotes = "DAG Node: fabp4-0002+fabp4-0002";
+        CumulativeSlotTime = 7.695110000000000E+05;
+        JobRunCount = 7;
+        RecentBlockReads = 0;
+        StreamErr = false;
+        NumCkpts = 0;
+        StatsLifetimeStarter = 572059;
         ImageSize = 750000
-        BlockWrites = 0; 
-        LastJobStatus = 2; 
-        JobCurrentStartExecutingDate = 1446110793; 
-        WantRemoteIO = true; 
-        RequestCpus = 1; 
-        NumShadowStarts = 1; 
-        RemoteUserCpu = 2.235700000000000E+04; 
-        NiceUser = false; 
-        RequestMemory = 1000; 
-        BytesRecvd = 2.850540000000000E+05; 
-        ResidentSetSize = 150000; 
-        StreamOut = false; 
-        SpooledOutputFiles = "CURLTIME_2233833,ChtcWrapper382.out,AuditLog.382,simu_3_382.txt,harvest.log,382.out"; 
-        OnExitRemove = true; 
-        ImageSize_RAW = 811948; 
-        RemoteWallClockTime = 2.252800000000000E+04; 
-        MachineAttrSlotWeight0 = 1; 
-        ExecutableSize = 7; 
-        JobStatus = 4; 
-        DAGParentNodeNames = ""; 
-        ExitCode = 0; 
-        DAGManNodesMask = "0,1,2,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,13,16,17,24,27"; 
-        BytesSent = 3.050600000000000E+04; 
-        LastSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        ExecutableSize_RAW = 6; 
-        RecentBlockReadKbytes = 0; 
-        TransferInputSizeMB = 0; 
-        Matlab = "R2011b"; 
-        BlockReadKbytes = 0; 
-        RecentStatsLifetimeStarter = 1200; 
-        LeaveJobInQueue = false; 
-        TargetType = "Machine"; 
-        WhenToTransferOutput = "ON_EXIT"; 
-        Owner = "xguo23"; 
-        JobNotification = 0; 
-        BufferSize = 524288; 
-        RecentBlockWrites = 0; 
-        CompletionDate = 1446133319; 
-        QDate = 1446105697; 
-        JobLeaseDuration = 2400; 
-        JobFinishedHookDone = 1446133319; 
-        LastMatchTime = 1446110791; 
-        LastJobLeaseRenewal = 1446133319; 
-        DAGManNodesLog = "/home/xguo23/finally_2/Simulation_condor/model_3/./mydag.dag.nodes.log"; 
-        ClusterId = 49582440; 
-        JobUniverse = 5; 
-        NumJobStarts = 1; 
-        CondorVersion = "$CondorVersion: 8.5.0 Sep 16 2015 BuildID: 341710 $"; 
-        CoreSize = 0; 
-        OnExitHold = false; 
-        CondorPlatform = "$CondorPlatform: X86_64-RedHat_6.6 $"; 
-        In = "/dev/null"; 
-        DiskUsage = 1250000; 
-        EncryptExecuteDirectory = false; 
-        CommittedSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        User = ""; 
-        UserLog = "/home/xguo23/finally_2/Simulation_condor/model_3/382/process.log"; 
-        JobCurrentStartDate = 1446110791; 
-        BufferBlockSize = 32768; 
-        MATCH_EXP_JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = ""; 
-        Requirements = ( ( OpSysMajorVer is 6 ) ) && ( MY.JobUniverse == 12 || MY.JobUniverse == 7 || MY.WantFlocking || MY.WantGlidein || TARGET.PoolName == "CHTC" || TARGET.COLLECTOR_HOST_STRING == "" ) && ( TARGET.Arch == "X86_64" ) && ( TARGET.OpSys == "LINUX" ) && ( TARGET.Disk >= RequestDisk ) && ( TARGET.Memory >= RequestMemory ) && ( TARGET.HasFileTransfer ); 
-        MinHosts = 1; 
-        MaxHosts = 1; 
-        Args = "--type=Matlab --version=R2011b --cmdtorun=simu_condor --unique=382 -- 3"; 
-        PeriodicHold = false; 
-        ProcId = 0; 
-        Environment = ""; 
-        DAGNodeName = "382+382"; 
-        MemoryUsage = ( ( ResidentSetSize + 1023 ) / 1024 ); 
-        TerminationPending = true; 
-        NumRestarts = 0; 
-        NumSystemHolds = 0; 
-        CommittedTime = 22528; 
-        MachineAttrCpus0 = 1; 
-        WantRemoteSyscalls = false; 
-        MyType = "Job"; 
-        CumulativeSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        Rank = 0.0; 
-        StartdPrincipal = "execute-side@matchsession/"; 
-        Err = "process.err"; 
-        PeriodicRemove = false; 
-        BlockWriteKbytes = 0; 
-        ExitBySignal = false; 
-        DAGManJobId = 49581933; 
-        EnteredCurrentStatus = 1446133319; 
-        JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "$$([IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName), IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), \"\", TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName)])"; 
-        RecentBlockWriteKbytes = 0; 
-        TransferIn = false; 
-        ExitStatus = 0; 
-        ShouldTransferFiles = "YES"; 
-        IsCHTCSubmit = true; 
-        NumJobMatches = 1; 
-        RootDir = "/"; 
-        JobStartDate = 1446110791; 
-        JobPrio = 0; 
-        CurrentHosts = 0; 
-        GlobalJobId = ""; 
-        RemoteSysCpu = 1.350000000000000E+02; 
-        TotalSuspensions = 0; 
-        CommittedSlotTime = 2.252800000000000E+04; 
-        WantCheckpoint = false; 
-        BlockReads = 0; 
-        LastRemoteHost = ""; 
-        TransferInput = "/home/xguo23/finally_2/Simulation_condor/data/382/,/home/xguo23/finally_2/Simulation_condor/data/shared/"; 
-        LocalUserCpu = 0.0; 
-        PeriodicRelease = ( JobStatus == 5 ) && ( ( CurrentTime - EnteredCurrentStatus ) > 1800 ) && ( JobRunCount < 5 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 6 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 14 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 22 ); 
-        RequestDisk = 1000000; 
-        ResidentSetSize_RAW = 125040; 
-        OrigMaxHosts = 1; 
-        LastPublicClaimId = "<>#1444759965#6770#..."; 
-        WantRHEL6 = true; 
-        NumCkpts_RAW = 0; 
-        Out = "process.out"; 
-        SubmitEventNotes = "DAG Node: 382+382"; 
-        CumulativeSlotTime = 2.252800000000000E+04; 
-        JobRunCount = 1; 
-        RecentBlockReads = 0; 
-        StreamErr = false; 
-        DiskUsage_RAW = 1216669; 
-        NumCkpts = 0; 
-        StatsLifetimeStarter = 22526; 
-        ImageSize = 1000000; 
-        Cmd = "/home/xguo23/finally_2/Simulation_condor/chtcjobwrapper"; 
-        LocalSysCpu = 0.0; 
+        BlockWrites = 0;
+        LastJobStatus = 2;
+        JobCurrentStartExecutingDate = 1446110793;
+        WantRemoteIO = true;
+        RequestCpus = 1;
+        NumShadowStarts = 1;
+        RemoteUserCpu = 2.235700000000000E+04;
+        NiceUser = false;
+        RequestMemory = 1000;
+        BytesRecvd = 2.850540000000000E+05;
+        ResidentSetSize = 150000;
+        StreamOut = false;
+        SpooledOutputFiles = "CURLTIME_2233833,ChtcWrapper382.out,AuditLog.382,simu_3_382.txt,harvest.log,382.out";
+        OnExitRemove = true;
+        ImageSize_RAW = 811948;
+        RemoteWallClockTime = 2.252800000000000E+04;
+        MachineAttrSlotWeight0 = 1;
+        ExecutableSize = 7;
+        JobStatus = 4;
+        DAGParentNodeNames = "";
+        ExitCode = 0;
+        DAGManNodesMask = "0,1,2,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,13,16,17,24,27";
+        BytesSent = 3.050600000000000E+04;
+        LastSuspensionTime = 0;
+        ExecutableSize_RAW = 6;
+        RecentBlockReadKbytes = 0;
+        TransferInputSizeMB = 0;
+        Matlab = "R2011b";
+        BlockReadKbytes = 0;
+        RecentStatsLifetimeStarter = 1200;
+        LeaveJobInQueue = false;
+        TargetType = "Machine";
+        WhenToTransferOutput = "ON_EXIT";
+        Owner = "xguo23";
+        JobNotification = 0;
+        BufferSize = 524288;
+        RecentBlockWrites = 0;
+        CompletionDate = 1446133319;
+        QDate = 1446105697;
+        JobLeaseDuration = 2400;
+        JobFinishedHookDone = 1446133319;
+        LastMatchTime = 1446110791;
+        LastJobLeaseRenewal = 1446133319;
+        DAGManNodesLog = "/home/xguo23/finally_2/Simulation_condor/model_3/./mydag.dag.nodes.log";
+        ClusterId = 49582440;
+        JobUniverse = 5;
+        NumJobStarts = 1;
+        CondorVersion = "$CondorVersion: 8.5.0 Sep 16 2015 BuildID: 341710 $";
+        CoreSize = 0;
+        OnExitHold = false;
+        CondorPlatform = "$CondorPlatform: X86_64-RedHat_6.6 $";
+        In = "/dev/null";
+        DiskUsage = 1250000;
+        EncryptExecuteDirectory = false;
+        CommittedSuspensionTime = 0;
+        User = "";
+        UserLog = "/home/xguo23/finally_2/Simulation_condor/model_3/382/process.log";
+        JobCurrentStartDate = 1446110791;
+        BufferBlockSize = 32768;
+        MATCH_EXP_JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "";
+        Requirements = ( ( OpSysMajorVer is 6 ) ) && ( MY.JobUniverse == 12 || MY.JobUniverse == 7 || MY.WantFlocking || MY.WantGlidein || TARGET.PoolName == "CHTC" || TARGET.COLLECTOR_HOST_STRING == "" ) && ( TARGET.Arch == "X86_64" ) && ( TARGET.OpSys == "LINUX" ) && ( TARGET.Disk >= RequestDisk ) && ( TARGET.Memory >= RequestMemory ) && ( TARGET.HasFileTransfer );
+        MinHosts = 1;
+        MaxHosts = 1;
+        Args = "--type=Matlab --version=R2011b --cmdtorun=simu_condor --unique=382 -- 3";
+        PeriodicHold = false;
+        ProcId = 0;
+        Environment = "";
+        DAGNodeName = "382+382";
+        MemoryUsage = ( ( ResidentSetSize + 1023 ) / 1024 );
+        TerminationPending = true;
+        NumRestarts = 0;
+        NumSystemHolds = 0;
+        CommittedTime = 22528;
+        MachineAttrCpus0 = 1;
+        WantRemoteSyscalls = false;
+        MyType = "Job";
+        CumulativeSuspensionTime = 0;
+        Rank = 0.0;
+        StartdPrincipal = "execute-side@matchsession/";
+        Err = "process.err";
+        PeriodicRemove = false;
+        BlockWriteKbytes = 0;
+        ExitBySignal = false;
+        DAGManJobId = 49581933;
+        EnteredCurrentStatus = 1446133319;
+        JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "$$([IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName), IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), \"\", TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName)])";
+        RecentBlockWriteKbytes = 0;
+        TransferIn = false;
+        ExitStatus = 0;
+        ShouldTransferFiles = "YES";
+        IsCHTCSubmit = true;
+        NumJobMatches = 1;
+        RootDir = "/";
+        JobStartDate = 1446110791;
+        JobPrio = 0;
+        CurrentHosts = 0;
+        GlobalJobId = "";
+        RemoteSysCpu = 1.350000000000000E+02;
+        TotalSuspensions = 0;
+        CommittedSlotTime = 2.252800000000000E+04;
+        WantCheckpoint = false;
+        BlockReads = 0;
+        LastRemoteHost = "";
+        TransferInput = "/home/xguo23/finally_2/Simulation_condor/data/382/,/home/xguo23/finally_2/Simulation_condor/data/shared/";
+        LocalUserCpu = 0.0;
+        PeriodicRelease = ( JobStatus == 5 ) && ( ( CurrentTime - EnteredCurrentStatus ) > 1800 ) && ( JobRunCount < 5 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 6 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 14 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 22 );
+        RequestDisk = 1000000;
+        ResidentSetSize_RAW = 125040;
+        OrigMaxHosts = 1;
+        LastPublicClaimId = "<>#1444759965#6770#...";
+        WantRHEL6 = true;
+        NumCkpts_RAW = 0;
+        Out = "process.out";
+        SubmitEventNotes = "DAG Node: 382+382";
+        CumulativeSlotTime = 2.252800000000000E+04;
+        JobRunCount = 1;
+        RecentBlockReads = 0;
+        StreamErr = false;
+        DiskUsage_RAW = 1216669;
+        NumCkpts = 0;
+        StatsLifetimeStarter = 22526;
+        ImageSize = 1000000;
+        Cmd = "/home/xguo23/finally_2/Simulation_condor/chtcjobwrapper";
+        LocalSysCpu = 0.0;
         Iwd = "/home/xguo23/finally_2/Simulation_condor/model_3/382"
-        BlockWrites = 0; 
-        LastJobStatus = 2; 
-        JobCurrentStartExecutingDate = 1446111074; 
-        WantRemoteIO = true; 
-        RequestCpus = 1; 
-        NumShadowStarts = 1; 
-        RemoteUserCpu = 2.211000000000000E+04; 
-        NiceUser = false; 
-        RequestMemory = 1000; 
-        BytesRecvd = 2.850540000000000E+05; 
-        ResidentSetSize = 150000; 
-        StreamOut = false; 
-        SpooledOutputFiles = "CURLTIME_626043,ChtcWrapper275.out,AuditLog.275,simu_3_275.txt,harvest.log,275.out"; 
-        OnExitRemove = true; 
-        ImageSize_RAW = 811948; 
-        RemoteWallClockTime = 2.220900000000000E+04; 
-        MachineAttrSlotWeight0 = 1; 
-        ExecutableSize = 7; 
-        JobStatus = 4; 
-        DAGParentNodeNames = ""; 
-        ExitCode = 0; 
-        DAGManNodesMask = "0,1,2,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,13,16,17,24,27"; 
-        BytesSent = 3.048500000000000E+04; 
-        LastSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        ExecutableSize_RAW = 6; 
-        RecentBlockReadKbytes = 0; 
-        TransferInputSizeMB = 0; 
-        Matlab = "R2011b"; 
-        BlockReadKbytes = 0; 
-        RecentStatsLifetimeStarter = 1200; 
-        LeaveJobInQueue = false; 
-        TargetType = "Machine"; 
-        WhenToTransferOutput = "ON_EXIT"; 
-        Owner = "xguo23"; 
-        JobNotification = 0; 
-        BufferSize = 524288; 
-        RecentBlockWrites = 0; 
-        CompletionDate = 1446133282; 
-        QDate = 1446105708; 
-        JobLeaseDuration = 2400; 
-        JobFinishedHookDone = 1446133282; 
-        LastMatchTime = 1446111073; 
-        LastJobLeaseRenewal = 1446133282; 
-        DAGManNodesLog = "/home/xguo23/finally_2/Simulation_condor/model_3/./mydag.dag.nodes.log"; 
-        ClusterId = 49582467; 
-        JobUniverse = 5; 
-        NumJobStarts = 1; 
-        CondorVersion = "$CondorVersion: 8.5.0 Sep 16 2015 BuildID: 341710 $"; 
-        CoreSize = 0; 
-        OnExitHold = false; 
-        CondorPlatform = "$CondorPlatform: X86_64-RedHat_6.6 $"; 
-        In = "/dev/null"; 
-        DiskUsage = 1250000; 
-        EncryptExecuteDirectory = false; 
-        CommittedSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        User = ""; 
-        UserLog = "/home/xguo23/finally_2/Simulation_condor/model_3/275/process.log"; 
-        JobCurrentStartDate = 1446111073; 
-        BufferBlockSize = 32768; 
-        MATCH_EXP_JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = ""; 
-        Requirements = ( ( OpSysMajorVer is 6 ) ) && ( MY.JobUniverse == 12 || MY.JobUniverse == 7 || MY.WantFlocking || MY.WantGlidein || TARGET.PoolName == "CHTC" || TARGET.COLLECTOR_HOST_STRING == "" ) && ( TARGET.Arch == "X86_64" ) && ( TARGET.OpSys == "LINUX" ) && ( TARGET.Disk >= RequestDisk ) && ( TARGET.Memory >= RequestMemory ) && ( TARGET.HasFileTransfer ); 
-        MinHosts = 1; 
-        MaxHosts = 1; 
-        Args = "--type=Matlab --version=R2011b --cmdtorun=simu_condor --unique=275 -- 3"; 
-        PeriodicHold = false; 
-        ProcId = 0; 
-        Environment = ""; 
-        DAGNodeName = "275+275"; 
-        MemoryUsage = ( ( ResidentSetSize + 1023 ) / 1024 ); 
-        TerminationPending = true; 
-        NumRestarts = 0; 
-        NumSystemHolds = 0; 
-        CommittedTime = 22209; 
-        MachineAttrCpus0 = 1; 
-        WantRemoteSyscalls = false; 
-        MyType = "Job"; 
-        CumulativeSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        Rank = 0.0; 
-        StartdPrincipal = "execute-side@matchsession/"; 
-        Err = "process.err"; 
-        PeriodicRemove = false; 
-        BlockWriteKbytes = 0; 
-        ExitBySignal = false; 
-        DAGManJobId = 49581933; 
-        EnteredCurrentStatus = 1446133282; 
-        JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "$$([IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName), IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), \"\", TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName)])"; 
-        RecentBlockWriteKbytes = 0; 
-        TransferIn = false; 
-        ExitStatus = 0; 
-        ShouldTransferFiles = "YES"; 
-        IsCHTCSubmit = true; 
-        NumJobMatches = 1; 
-        RootDir = "/"; 
-        JobStartDate = 1446111073; 
-        JobPrio = 0; 
-        CurrentHosts = 0; 
-        GlobalJobId = ""; 
-        RemoteSysCpu = 7.800000000000000E+01; 
-        TotalSuspensions = 0; 
-        CommittedSlotTime = 2.220900000000000E+04; 
-        WantCheckpoint = false; 
-        BlockReads = 0; 
-        LastRemoteHost = ""; 
-        TransferInput = "/home/xguo23/finally_2/Simulation_condor/data/275/,/home/xguo23/finally_2/Simulation_condor/data/shared/"; 
-        LocalUserCpu = 0.0; 
-        PeriodicRelease = ( JobStatus == 5 ) && ( ( CurrentTime - EnteredCurrentStatus ) > 1800 ) && ( JobRunCount < 5 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 6 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 14 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 22 ); 
-        RequestDisk = 1000000; 
-        ResidentSetSize_RAW = 126040; 
-        OrigMaxHosts = 1; 
-        LastPublicClaimId = "<>#1444759894#8469#..."; 
-        WantRHEL6 = true; 
-        NumCkpts_RAW = 0; 
-        Out = "process.out"; 
-        SubmitEventNotes = "DAG Node: 275+275"; 
-        CumulativeSlotTime = 2.220900000000000E+04; 
-        JobRunCount = 1; 
-        RecentBlockReads = 0; 
-        StreamErr = false; 
-        DiskUsage_RAW = 1216669; 
-        NumCkpts = 0; 
-        StatsLifetimeStarter = 22208; 
-        ImageSize = 1000000; 
-        Cmd = "/home/xguo23/finally_2/Simulation_condor/chtcjobwrapper"; 
-        LocalSysCpu = 0.0; 
+        BlockWrites = 0;
+        LastJobStatus = 2;
+        JobCurrentStartExecutingDate = 1446111074;
+        WantRemoteIO = true;
+        RequestCpus = 1;
+        NumShadowStarts = 1;
+        RemoteUserCpu = 2.211000000000000E+04;
+        NiceUser = false;
+        RequestMemory = 1000;
+        BytesRecvd = 2.850540000000000E+05;
+        ResidentSetSize = 150000;
+        StreamOut = false;
+        SpooledOutputFiles = "CURLTIME_626043,ChtcWrapper275.out,AuditLog.275,simu_3_275.txt,harvest.log,275.out";
+        OnExitRemove = true;
+        ImageSize_RAW = 811948;
+        RemoteWallClockTime = 2.220900000000000E+04;
+        MachineAttrSlotWeight0 = 1;
+        ExecutableSize = 7;
+        JobStatus = 4;
+        DAGParentNodeNames = "";
+        ExitCode = 0;
+        DAGManNodesMask = "0,1,2,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,13,16,17,24,27";
+        BytesSent = 3.048500000000000E+04;
+        LastSuspensionTime = 0;
+        ExecutableSize_RAW = 6;
+        RecentBlockReadKbytes = 0;
+        TransferInputSizeMB = 0;
+        Matlab = "R2011b";
+        BlockReadKbytes = 0;
+        RecentStatsLifetimeStarter = 1200;
+        LeaveJobInQueue = false;
+        TargetType = "Machine";
+        WhenToTransferOutput = "ON_EXIT";
+        Owner = "xguo23";
+        JobNotification = 0;
+        BufferSize = 524288;
+        RecentBlockWrites = 0;
+        CompletionDate = 1446133282;
+        QDate = 1446105708;
+        JobLeaseDuration = 2400;
+        JobFinishedHookDone = 1446133282;
+        LastMatchTime = 1446111073;
+        LastJobLeaseRenewal = 1446133282;
+        DAGManNodesLog = "/home/xguo23/finally_2/Simulation_condor/model_3/./mydag.dag.nodes.log";
+        ClusterId = 49582467;
+        JobUniverse = 5;
+        NumJobStarts = 1;
+        CondorVersion = "$CondorVersion: 8.5.0 Sep 16 2015 BuildID: 341710 $";
+        CoreSize = 0;
+        OnExitHold = false;
+        CondorPlatform = "$CondorPlatform: X86_64-RedHat_6.6 $";
+        In = "/dev/null";
+        DiskUsage = 1250000;
+        EncryptExecuteDirectory = false;
+        CommittedSuspensionTime = 0;
+        User = "";
+        UserLog = "/home/xguo23/finally_2/Simulation_condor/model_3/275/process.log";
+        JobCurrentStartDate = 1446111073;
+        BufferBlockSize = 32768;
+        MATCH_EXP_JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "";
+        Requirements = ( ( OpSysMajorVer is 6 ) ) && ( MY.JobUniverse == 12 || MY.JobUniverse == 7 || MY.WantFlocking || MY.WantGlidein || TARGET.PoolName == "CHTC" || TARGET.COLLECTOR_HOST_STRING == "" ) && ( TARGET.Arch == "X86_64" ) && ( TARGET.OpSys == "LINUX" ) && ( TARGET.Disk >= RequestDisk ) && ( TARGET.Memory >= RequestMemory ) && ( TARGET.HasFileTransfer );
+        MinHosts = 1;
+        MaxHosts = 1;
+        Args = "--type=Matlab --version=R2011b --cmdtorun=simu_condor --unique=275 -- 3";
+        PeriodicHold = false;
+        ProcId = 0;
+        Environment = "";
+        DAGNodeName = "275+275";
+        MemoryUsage = ( ( ResidentSetSize + 1023 ) / 1024 );
+        TerminationPending = true;
+        NumRestarts = 0;
+        NumSystemHolds = 0;
+        CommittedTime = 22209;
+        MachineAttrCpus0 = 1;
+        WantRemoteSyscalls = false;
+        MyType = "Job";
+        CumulativeSuspensionTime = 0;
+        Rank = 0.0;
+        StartdPrincipal = "execute-side@matchsession/";
+        Err = "process.err";
+        PeriodicRemove = false;
+        BlockWriteKbytes = 0;
+        ExitBySignal = false;
+        DAGManJobId = 49581933;
+        EnteredCurrentStatus = 1446133282;
+        JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "$$([IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName), IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), \"\", TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName)])";
+        RecentBlockWriteKbytes = 0;
+        TransferIn = false;
+        ExitStatus = 0;
+        ShouldTransferFiles = "YES";
+        IsCHTCSubmit = true;
+        NumJobMatches = 1;
+        RootDir = "/";
+        JobStartDate = 1446111073;
+        JobPrio = 0;
+        CurrentHosts = 0;
+        GlobalJobId = "";
+        RemoteSysCpu = 7.800000000000000E+01;
+        TotalSuspensions = 0;
+        CommittedSlotTime = 2.220900000000000E+04;
+        WantCheckpoint = false;
+        BlockReads = 0;
+        LastRemoteHost = "";
+        TransferInput = "/home/xguo23/finally_2/Simulation_condor/data/275/,/home/xguo23/finally_2/Simulation_condor/data/shared/";
+        LocalUserCpu = 0.0;
+        PeriodicRelease = ( JobStatus == 5 ) && ( ( CurrentTime - EnteredCurrentStatus ) > 1800 ) && ( JobRunCount < 5 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 6 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 14 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 22 );
+        RequestDisk = 1000000;
+        ResidentSetSize_RAW = 126040;
+        OrigMaxHosts = 1;
+        LastPublicClaimId = "<>#1444759894#8469#...";
+        WantRHEL6 = true;
+        NumCkpts_RAW = 0;
+        Out = "process.out";
+        SubmitEventNotes = "DAG Node: 275+275";
+        CumulativeSlotTime = 2.220900000000000E+04;
+        JobRunCount = 1;
+        RecentBlockReads = 0;
+        StreamErr = false;
+        DiskUsage_RAW = 1216669;
+        NumCkpts = 0;
+        StatsLifetimeStarter = 22208;
+        ImageSize = 1000000;
+        Cmd = "/home/xguo23/finally_2/Simulation_condor/chtcjobwrapper";
+        LocalSysCpu = 0.0;
         Iwd = "/home/xguo23/finally_2/Simulation_condor/model_3/275"
-        BlockWrites = 0; 
-        LastJobStatus = 2; 
-        JobCurrentStartExecutingDate = 1446110205; 
-        WantRemoteIO = true; 
-        RequestCpus = 1; 
-        NumShadowStarts = 1; 
-        RemoteUserCpu = 2.284500000000000E+04; 
-        NiceUser = false; 
-        RequestMemory = 1000; 
-        BytesRecvd = 2.846280000000000E+05; 
-        ResidentSetSize = 150000; 
-        StreamOut = false; 
-        SpooledOutputFiles = "CURLTIME_1162426,ChtcWrapper83.out,AuditLog.83,simu_3_83.txt,harvest.log,83.out"; 
-        OnExitRemove = true; 
-        ImageSize_RAW = 811948; 
-        RemoteWallClockTime = 2.304300000000000E+04; 
-        MachineAttrSlotWeight0 = 1; 
-        ExecutableSize = 7; 
-        JobStatus = 4; 
-        DAGParentNodeNames = ""; 
-        ExitCode = 0; 
-        DAGManNodesMask = "0,1,2,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,13,16,17,24,27"; 
-        BytesSent = 2.790800000000000E+04; 
-        LastSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        ExecutableSize_RAW = 6; 
-        RecentBlockReadKbytes = 0; 
-        TransferInputSizeMB = 0; 
-        Matlab = "R2011b"; 
-        BlockReadKbytes = 0; 
-        RecentStatsLifetimeStarter = 1200; 
-        LeaveJobInQueue = false; 
-        TargetType = "Machine"; 
-        WhenToTransferOutput = "ON_EXIT"; 
-        Owner = "xguo23"; 
-        JobNotification = 0; 
-        BufferSize = 524288; 
-        RecentBlockWrites = 0; 
-        CompletionDate = 1446133246; 
-        QDate = 1446105679; 
-        JobLeaseDuration = 2400; 
-        JobFinishedHookDone = 1446133246; 
-        LastMatchTime = 1446110203; 
-        LastJobLeaseRenewal = 1446133246; 
-        DAGManNodesLog = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/model_3/./mydag.dag.nodes.log"; 
-        ClusterId = 49582391; 
-        JobUniverse = 5; 
-        NumJobStarts = 1; 
-        CondorVersion = "$CondorVersion: 8.5.0 Sep 16 2015 BuildID: 341710 $"; 
-        CoreSize = 0; 
-        OnExitHold = false; 
-        CondorPlatform = "$CondorPlatform: X86_64-RedHat_6.6 $"; 
-        In = "/dev/null"; 
-        DiskUsage = 1250000; 
-        EncryptExecuteDirectory = false; 
-        CommittedSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        User = ""; 
-        UserLog = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/model_3/83/process.log"; 
-        JobCurrentStartDate = 1446110203; 
-        BufferBlockSize = 32768; 
-        MATCH_EXP_JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = ""; 
-        Requirements = ( ( OpSysMajorVer is 6 ) ) && ( MY.JobUniverse == 12 || MY.JobUniverse == 7 || MY.WantFlocking || MY.WantGlidein || TARGET.PoolName == "CHTC" || TARGET.COLLECTOR_HOST_STRING == "" ) && ( TARGET.Arch == "X86_64" ) && ( TARGET.OpSys == "LINUX" ) && ( TARGET.Disk >= RequestDisk ) && ( TARGET.Memory >= RequestMemory ) && ( TARGET.HasFileTransfer ); 
-        MinHosts = 1; 
-        MaxHosts = 1; 
-        Args = "--type=Matlab --version=R2011b --cmdtorun=simu_condor --unique=83 -- 3"; 
-        PeriodicHold = false; 
-        ProcId = 0; 
-        Environment = ""; 
-        DAGNodeName = "83+83"; 
-        MemoryUsage = ( ( ResidentSetSize + 1023 ) / 1024 ); 
-        TerminationPending = true; 
-        NumRestarts = 0; 
-        NumSystemHolds = 0; 
-        CommittedTime = 23043; 
-        MachineAttrCpus0 = 1; 
-        WantRemoteSyscalls = false; 
-        MyType = "Job"; 
-        CumulativeSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        Rank = 0.0; 
-        StartdPrincipal = "execute-side@matchsession/"; 
-        Err = "process.err"; 
-        PeriodicRemove = false; 
-        BlockWriteKbytes = 0; 
-        ExitBySignal = false; 
-        DAGManJobId = 49582200; 
-        EnteredCurrentStatus = 1446133246; 
-        JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "$$([IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName), IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), \"\", TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName)])"; 
-        RecentBlockWriteKbytes = 0; 
-        TransferIn = false; 
-        ExitStatus = 0; 
-        ShouldTransferFiles = "YES"; 
-        IsCHTCSubmit = true; 
-        NumJobMatches = 1; 
-        RootDir = "/"; 
-        JobStartDate = 1446110203; 
-        JobPrio = 0; 
-        CurrentHosts = 0; 
-        GlobalJobId = ""; 
-        RemoteSysCpu = 1.420000000000000E+02; 
-        TotalSuspensions = 0; 
-        CommittedSlotTime = 2.304300000000000E+04; 
-        WantCheckpoint = false; 
-        BlockReads = 0; 
-        LastRemoteHost = ""; 
-        TransferInput = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/data/83/,/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/data/shared/"; 
-        LocalUserCpu = 0.0; 
-        PeriodicRelease = ( JobStatus == 5 ) && ( ( CurrentTime - EnteredCurrentStatus ) > 1800 ) && ( JobRunCount < 5 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 6 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 14 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 22 ); 
-        RequestDisk = 1000000; 
-        ResidentSetSize_RAW = 127748; 
-        OrigMaxHosts = 1; 
-        LastPublicClaimId = "<>#1444685646#10673#..."; 
-        WantRHEL6 = true; 
-        NumCkpts_RAW = 0; 
-        Out = "process.out"; 
-        SubmitEventNotes = "DAG Node: 83+83"; 
-        CumulativeSlotTime = 2.304300000000000E+04; 
-        JobRunCount = 1; 
-        RecentBlockReads = 0; 
-        StreamErr = false; 
-        DiskUsage_RAW = 1216669; 
-        NumCkpts = 0; 
-        StatsLifetimeStarter = 23041; 
-        ImageSize = 1000000; 
-        Cmd = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/chtcjobwrapper"; 
-        LocalSysCpu = 0.0; 
+        BlockWrites = 0;
+        LastJobStatus = 2;
+        JobCurrentStartExecutingDate = 1446110205;
+        WantRemoteIO = true;
+        RequestCpus = 1;
+        NumShadowStarts = 1;
+        RemoteUserCpu = 2.284500000000000E+04;
+        NiceUser = false;
+        RequestMemory = 1000;
+        BytesRecvd = 2.846280000000000E+05;
+        ResidentSetSize = 150000;
+        StreamOut = false;
+        SpooledOutputFiles = "CURLTIME_1162426,ChtcWrapper83.out,AuditLog.83,simu_3_83.txt,harvest.log,83.out";
+        OnExitRemove = true;
+        ImageSize_RAW = 811948;
+        RemoteWallClockTime = 2.304300000000000E+04;
+        MachineAttrSlotWeight0 = 1;
+        ExecutableSize = 7;
+        JobStatus = 4;
+        DAGParentNodeNames = "";
+        ExitCode = 0;
+        DAGManNodesMask = "0,1,2,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,13,16,17,24,27";
+        BytesSent = 2.790800000000000E+04;
+        LastSuspensionTime = 0;
+        ExecutableSize_RAW = 6;
+        RecentBlockReadKbytes = 0;
+        TransferInputSizeMB = 0;
+        Matlab = "R2011b";
+        BlockReadKbytes = 0;
+        RecentStatsLifetimeStarter = 1200;
+        LeaveJobInQueue = false;
+        TargetType = "Machine";
+        WhenToTransferOutput = "ON_EXIT";
+        Owner = "xguo23";
+        JobNotification = 0;
+        BufferSize = 524288;
+        RecentBlockWrites = 0;
+        CompletionDate = 1446133246;
+        QDate = 1446105679;
+        JobLeaseDuration = 2400;
+        JobFinishedHookDone = 1446133246;
+        LastMatchTime = 1446110203;
+        LastJobLeaseRenewal = 1446133246;
+        DAGManNodesLog = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/model_3/./mydag.dag.nodes.log";
+        ClusterId = 49582391;
+        JobUniverse = 5;
+        NumJobStarts = 1;
+        CondorVersion = "$CondorVersion: 8.5.0 Sep 16 2015 BuildID: 341710 $";
+        CoreSize = 0;
+        OnExitHold = false;
+        CondorPlatform = "$CondorPlatform: X86_64-RedHat_6.6 $";
+        In = "/dev/null";
+        DiskUsage = 1250000;
+        EncryptExecuteDirectory = false;
+        CommittedSuspensionTime = 0;
+        User = "";
+        UserLog = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/model_3/83/process.log";
+        JobCurrentStartDate = 1446110203;
+        BufferBlockSize = 32768;
+        MATCH_EXP_JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "";
+        Requirements = ( ( OpSysMajorVer is 6 ) ) && ( MY.JobUniverse == 12 || MY.JobUniverse == 7 || MY.WantFlocking || MY.WantGlidein || TARGET.PoolName == "CHTC" || TARGET.COLLECTOR_HOST_STRING == "" ) && ( TARGET.Arch == "X86_64" ) && ( TARGET.OpSys == "LINUX" ) && ( TARGET.Disk >= RequestDisk ) && ( TARGET.Memory >= RequestMemory ) && ( TARGET.HasFileTransfer );
+        MinHosts = 1;
+        MaxHosts = 1;
+        Args = "--type=Matlab --version=R2011b --cmdtorun=simu_condor --unique=83 -- 3";
+        PeriodicHold = false;
+        ProcId = 0;
+        Environment = "";
+        DAGNodeName = "83+83";
+        MemoryUsage = ( ( ResidentSetSize + 1023 ) / 1024 );
+        TerminationPending = true;
+        NumRestarts = 0;
+        NumSystemHolds = 0;
+        CommittedTime = 23043;
+        MachineAttrCpus0 = 1;
+        WantRemoteSyscalls = false;
+        MyType = "Job";
+        CumulativeSuspensionTime = 0;
+        Rank = 0.0;
+        StartdPrincipal = "execute-side@matchsession/";
+        Err = "process.err";
+        PeriodicRemove = false;
+        BlockWriteKbytes = 0;
+        ExitBySignal = false;
+        DAGManJobId = 49582200;
+        EnteredCurrentStatus = 1446133246;
+        JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "$$([IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName), IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), \"\", TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName)])";
+        RecentBlockWriteKbytes = 0;
+        TransferIn = false;
+        ExitStatus = 0;
+        ShouldTransferFiles = "YES";
+        IsCHTCSubmit = true;
+        NumJobMatches = 1;
+        RootDir = "/";
+        JobStartDate = 1446110203;
+        JobPrio = 0;
+        CurrentHosts = 0;
+        GlobalJobId = "";
+        RemoteSysCpu = 1.420000000000000E+02;
+        TotalSuspensions = 0;
+        CommittedSlotTime = 2.304300000000000E+04;
+        WantCheckpoint = false;
+        BlockReads = 0;
+        LastRemoteHost = "";
+        TransferInput = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/data/83/,/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/data/shared/";
+        LocalUserCpu = 0.0;
+        PeriodicRelease = ( JobStatus == 5 ) && ( ( CurrentTime - EnteredCurrentStatus ) > 1800 ) && ( JobRunCount < 5 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 6 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 14 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 22 );
+        RequestDisk = 1000000;
+        ResidentSetSize_RAW = 127748;
+        OrigMaxHosts = 1;
+        LastPublicClaimId = "<>#1444685646#10673#...";
+        WantRHEL6 = true;
+        NumCkpts_RAW = 0;
+        Out = "process.out";
+        SubmitEventNotes = "DAG Node: 83+83";
+        CumulativeSlotTime = 2.304300000000000E+04;
+        JobRunCount = 1;
+        RecentBlockReads = 0;
+        StreamErr = false;
+        DiskUsage_RAW = 1216669;
+        NumCkpts = 0;
+        StatsLifetimeStarter = 23041;
+        ImageSize = 1000000;
+        Cmd = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/chtcjobwrapper";
+        LocalSysCpu = 0.0;
         Iwd = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/model_3/83"
-        BlockWrites = 0; 
-        LastJobStatus = 2; 
-        JobCurrentStartExecutingDate = 1446112547; 
-        WantRemoteIO = true; 
-        RequestCpus = 1; 
-        NumShadowStarts = 1; 
-        RemoteUserCpu = 2.056800000000000E+04; 
-        NiceUser = false; 
-        RequestMemory = 1000; 
-        BytesRecvd = 2.846290000000000E+05; 
-        ResidentSetSize = 150000; 
-        StreamOut = false; 
-        SpooledOutputFiles = "CURLTIME_363317,ChtcWrapper311.out,AuditLog.311,simu_3_311.txt,harvest.log,311.out"; 
-        OnExitRemove = true; 
-        ImageSize_RAW = 811948; 
-        RemoteWallClockTime = 2.069200000000000E+04; 
-        MachineAttrSlotWeight0 = 1; 
-        ExecutableSize = 7; 
-        JobStatus = 4; 
-        DAGParentNodeNames = ""; 
-        ExitCode = 0; 
-        DAGManNodesMask = "0,1,2,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,13,16,17,24,27"; 
-        BytesSent = 2.789400000000000E+04; 
-        LastSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        ExecutableSize_RAW = 6; 
-        RecentBlockReadKbytes = 0; 
-        TransferInputSizeMB = 0; 
-        Matlab = "R2011b"; 
-        BlockReadKbytes = 0; 
-        RecentStatsLifetimeStarter = 1200; 
-        LeaveJobInQueue = false; 
-        TargetType = "Machine"; 
-        WhenToTransferOutput = "ON_EXIT"; 
-        Owner = "xguo23"; 
-        JobNotification = 0; 
-        BufferSize = 524288; 
-        RecentBlockWrites = 0; 
-        CompletionDate = 1446133236; 
-        QDate = 1446105751; 
-        JobLeaseDuration = 2400; 
-        JobFinishedHookDone = 1446133236; 
-        LastMatchTime = 1446112544; 
-        LastJobLeaseRenewal = 1446133236; 
-        DAGManNodesLog = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/model_3/./mydag.dag.nodes.log"; 
-        ClusterId = 49582585; 
-        JobUniverse = 5; 
-        NumJobStarts = 1; 
-        CondorVersion = "$CondorVersion: 8.5.0 Sep 16 2015 BuildID: 341710 $"; 
-        CoreSize = 0; 
-        OnExitHold = false; 
-        CondorPlatform = "$CondorPlatform: X86_64-RedHat_6.6 $"; 
-        In = "/dev/null"; 
-        DiskUsage = 1250000; 
-        EncryptExecuteDirectory = false; 
-        CommittedSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        User = ""; 
-        UserLog = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/model_3/311/process.log"; 
-        JobCurrentStartDate = 1446112544; 
-        BufferBlockSize = 32768; 
-        MATCH_EXP_JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = ""; 
-        Requirements = ( ( OpSysMajorVer is 6 ) ) && ( MY.JobUniverse == 12 || MY.JobUniverse == 7 || MY.WantFlocking || MY.WantGlidein || TARGET.PoolName == "CHTC" || TARGET.COLLECTOR_HOST_STRING == "" ) && ( TARGET.Arch == "X86_64" ) && ( TARGET.OpSys == "LINUX" ) && ( TARGET.Disk >= RequestDisk ) && ( TARGET.Memory >= RequestMemory ) && ( TARGET.HasFileTransfer ); 
-        MinHosts = 1; 
-        MaxHosts = 1; 
-        Args = "--type=Matlab --version=R2011b --cmdtorun=simu_condor --unique=311 -- 3"; 
-        PeriodicHold = false; 
-        ProcId = 0; 
-        Environment = ""; 
-        DAGNodeName = "311+311"; 
-        MemoryUsage = ( ( ResidentSetSize + 1023 ) / 1024 ); 
-        TerminationPending = true; 
-        NumRestarts = 0; 
-        NumSystemHolds = 0; 
-        CommittedTime = 20692; 
-        MachineAttrCpus0 = 1; 
-        WantRemoteSyscalls = false; 
-        MyType = "Job"; 
-        CumulativeSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        Rank = 0.0; 
-        StartdPrincipal = "execute-side@matchsession/"; 
-        Err = "process.err"; 
-        PeriodicRemove = false; 
-        BlockWriteKbytes = 0; 
-        ExitBySignal = false; 
-        DAGManJobId = 49582200; 
-        EnteredCurrentStatus = 1446133236; 
-        JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "$$([IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName), IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), \"\", TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName)])"; 
-        RecentBlockWriteKbytes = 0; 
-        TransferIn = false; 
-        ExitStatus = 0; 
-        ShouldTransferFiles = "YES"; 
-        IsCHTCSubmit = true; 
-        NumJobMatches = 1; 
-        RootDir = "/"; 
-        JobStartDate = 1446112544; 
-        JobPrio = 0; 
-        CurrentHosts = 0; 
-        GlobalJobId = ""; 
-        RemoteSysCpu = 8.700000000000000E+01; 
-        TotalSuspensions = 0; 
-        CommittedSlotTime = 2.069200000000000E+04; 
-        WantCheckpoint = false; 
-        BlockReads = 0; 
-        LastRemoteHost = ""; 
-        TransferInput = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/data/311/,/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/data/shared/"; 
-        LocalUserCpu = 0.0; 
-        PeriodicRelease = ( JobStatus == 5 ) && ( ( CurrentTime - EnteredCurrentStatus ) > 1800 ) && ( JobRunCount < 5 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 6 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 14 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 22 ); 
-        RequestDisk = 1000000; 
-        ResidentSetSize_RAW = 126832; 
-        OrigMaxHosts = 1; 
-        LastPublicClaimId = "<>#1443991446#13076#..."; 
-        WantRHEL6 = true; 
-        NumCkpts_RAW = 0; 
-        Out = "process.out"; 
-        SubmitEventNotes = "DAG Node: 311+311"; 
-        CumulativeSlotTime = 2.069200000000000E+04; 
-        JobRunCount = 1; 
-        RecentBlockReads = 0; 
-        StreamErr = false; 
-        DiskUsage_RAW = 1216669; 
-        NumCkpts = 0; 
-        StatsLifetimeStarter = 20690; 
-        ImageSize = 1000000; 
-        Cmd = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/chtcjobwrapper"; 
-        LocalSysCpu = 0.0; 
+        BlockWrites = 0;
+        LastJobStatus = 2;
+        JobCurrentStartExecutingDate = 1446112547;
+        WantRemoteIO = true;
+        RequestCpus = 1;
+        NumShadowStarts = 1;
+        RemoteUserCpu = 2.056800000000000E+04;
+        NiceUser = false;
+        RequestMemory = 1000;
+        BytesRecvd = 2.846290000000000E+05;
+        ResidentSetSize = 150000;
+        StreamOut = false;
+        SpooledOutputFiles = "CURLTIME_363317,ChtcWrapper311.out,AuditLog.311,simu_3_311.txt,harvest.log,311.out";
+        OnExitRemove = true;
+        ImageSize_RAW = 811948;
+        RemoteWallClockTime = 2.069200000000000E+04;
+        MachineAttrSlotWeight0 = 1;
+        ExecutableSize = 7;
+        JobStatus = 4;
+        DAGParentNodeNames = "";
+        ExitCode = 0;
+        DAGManNodesMask = "0,1,2,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,13,16,17,24,27";
+        BytesSent = 2.789400000000000E+04;
+        LastSuspensionTime = 0;
+        ExecutableSize_RAW = 6;
+        RecentBlockReadKbytes = 0;
+        TransferInputSizeMB = 0;
+        Matlab = "R2011b";
+        BlockReadKbytes = 0;
+        RecentStatsLifetimeStarter = 1200;
+        LeaveJobInQueue = false;
+        TargetType = "Machine";
+        WhenToTransferOutput = "ON_EXIT";
+        Owner = "xguo23";
+        JobNotification = 0;
+        BufferSize = 524288;
+        RecentBlockWrites = 0;
+        CompletionDate = 1446133236;
+        QDate = 1446105751;
+        JobLeaseDuration = 2400;
+        JobFinishedHookDone = 1446133236;
+        LastMatchTime = 1446112544;
+        LastJobLeaseRenewal = 1446133236;
+        DAGManNodesLog = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/model_3/./mydag.dag.nodes.log";
+        ClusterId = 49582585;
+        JobUniverse = 5;
+        NumJobStarts = 1;
+        CondorVersion = "$CondorVersion: 8.5.0 Sep 16 2015 BuildID: 341710 $";
+        CoreSize = 0;
+        OnExitHold = false;
+        CondorPlatform = "$CondorPlatform: X86_64-RedHat_6.6 $";
+        In = "/dev/null";
+        DiskUsage = 1250000;
+        EncryptExecuteDirectory = false;
+        CommittedSuspensionTime = 0;
+        User = "";
+        UserLog = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/model_3/311/process.log";
+        JobCurrentStartDate = 1446112544;
+        BufferBlockSize = 32768;
+        MATCH_EXP_JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "";
+        Requirements = ( ( OpSysMajorVer is 6 ) ) && ( MY.JobUniverse == 12 || MY.JobUniverse == 7 || MY.WantFlocking || MY.WantGlidein || TARGET.PoolName == "CHTC" || TARGET.COLLECTOR_HOST_STRING == "" ) && ( TARGET.Arch == "X86_64" ) && ( TARGET.OpSys == "LINUX" ) && ( TARGET.Disk >= RequestDisk ) && ( TARGET.Memory >= RequestMemory ) && ( TARGET.HasFileTransfer );
+        MinHosts = 1;
+        MaxHosts = 1;
+        Args = "--type=Matlab --version=R2011b --cmdtorun=simu_condor --unique=311 -- 3";
+        PeriodicHold = false;
+        ProcId = 0;
+        Environment = "";
+        DAGNodeName = "311+311";
+        MemoryUsage = ( ( ResidentSetSize + 1023 ) / 1024 );
+        TerminationPending = true;
+        NumRestarts = 0;
+        NumSystemHolds = 0;
+        CommittedTime = 20692;
+        MachineAttrCpus0 = 1;
+        WantRemoteSyscalls = false;
+        MyType = "Job";
+        CumulativeSuspensionTime = 0;
+        Rank = 0.0;
+        StartdPrincipal = "execute-side@matchsession/";
+        Err = "process.err";
+        PeriodicRemove = false;
+        BlockWriteKbytes = 0;
+        ExitBySignal = false;
+        DAGManJobId = 49582200;
+        EnteredCurrentStatus = 1446133236;
+        JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "$$([IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName), IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), \"\", TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName)])";
+        RecentBlockWriteKbytes = 0;
+        TransferIn = false;
+        ExitStatus = 0;
+        ShouldTransferFiles = "YES";
+        IsCHTCSubmit = true;
+        NumJobMatches = 1;
+        RootDir = "/";
+        JobStartDate = 1446112544;
+        JobPrio = 0;
+        CurrentHosts = 0;
+        GlobalJobId = "";
+        RemoteSysCpu = 8.700000000000000E+01;
+        TotalSuspensions = 0;
+        CommittedSlotTime = 2.069200000000000E+04;
+        WantCheckpoint = false;
+        BlockReads = 0;
+        LastRemoteHost = "";
+        TransferInput = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/data/311/,/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/data/shared/";
+        LocalUserCpu = 0.0;
+        PeriodicRelease = ( JobStatus == 5 ) && ( ( CurrentTime - EnteredCurrentStatus ) > 1800 ) && ( JobRunCount < 5 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 6 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 14 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 22 );
+        RequestDisk = 1000000;
+        ResidentSetSize_RAW = 126832;
+        OrigMaxHosts = 1;
+        LastPublicClaimId = "<>#1443991446#13076#...";
+        WantRHEL6 = true;
+        NumCkpts_RAW = 0;
+        Out = "process.out";
+        SubmitEventNotes = "DAG Node: 311+311";
+        CumulativeSlotTime = 2.069200000000000E+04;
+        JobRunCount = 1;
+        RecentBlockReads = 0;
+        StreamErr = false;
+        DiskUsage_RAW = 1216669;
+        NumCkpts = 0;
+        StatsLifetimeStarter = 20690;
+        ImageSize = 1000000;
+        Cmd = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/chtcjobwrapper";
+        LocalSysCpu = 0.0;
         Iwd = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/model_3/311"
-        BlockWrites = 0; 
-        LastJobStatus = 2; 
-        JobCurrentStartExecutingDate = 1446116498; 
-        WantRemoteIO = true; 
-        RequestCpus = 1; 
-        NumShadowStarts = 1; 
-        RemoteUserCpu = 1.657600000000000E+04; 
-        NiceUser = false; 
-        RequestMemory = 1000; 
-        BytesRecvd = 2.847180000000000E+05; 
-        ResidentSetSize = 125000; 
-        StreamOut = false; 
-        SpooledOutputFiles = "CURLTIME_1045787,ChtcWrapper51.out,AuditLog.51,simu_3_51.txt,harvest.log,51.out"; 
-        OnExitRemove = true; 
-        ImageSize_RAW = 811948; 
-        RemoteWallClockTime = 1.671400000000000E+04; 
-        MachineAttrSlotWeight0 = 1; 
-        ExecutableSize = 7; 
-        JobStatus = 4; 
-        DAGParentNodeNames = ""; 
-        ExitCode = 0; 
-        DAGManNodesMask = "0,1,2,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,13,16,17,24,27"; 
-        BytesSent = 3.049900000000000E+04; 
-        LastSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        ExecutableSize_RAW = 6; 
-        RecentBlockReadKbytes = 0; 
-        TransferInputSizeMB = 0; 
-        Matlab = "R2011b"; 
-        BlockReadKbytes = 0; 
-        RecentStatsLifetimeStarter = 1200; 
-        LeaveJobInQueue = false; 
-        TargetType = "Machine"; 
-        WhenToTransferOutput = "ON_EXIT"; 
-        Owner = "xguo23"; 
-        JobNotification = 0; 
-        BufferSize = 524288; 
-        RecentBlockWrites = 0; 
-        CompletionDate = 1446133211; 
-        QDate = 1446105863; 
-        JobLeaseDuration = 2400; 
-        JobFinishedHookDone = 1446133211; 
-        LastMatchTime = 1446116497; 
-        LastJobLeaseRenewal = 1446133211; 
-        DAGManNodesLog = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.46/Simulation_condor/model_3/./mydag.dag.nodes.log"; 
-        ClusterId = 49582862; 
-        JobUniverse = 5; 
-        NumJobStarts = 1; 
-        CondorVersion = "$CondorVersion: 8.5.0 Sep 16 2015 BuildID: 341710 $"; 
-        CoreSize = 0; 
-        OnExitHold = false; 
-        CondorPlatform = "$CondorPlatform: X86_64-RedHat_6.6 $"; 
-        In = "/dev/null"; 
-        DiskUsage = 1250000; 
-        EncryptExecuteDirectory = false; 
-        CommittedSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        User = ""; 
-        UserLog = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.46/Simulation_condor/model_3/51/process.log"; 
-        JobCurrentStartDate = 1446116497; 
-        BufferBlockSize = 32768; 
-        MATCH_EXP_JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = ""; 
-        Requirements = ( ( OpSysMajorVer is 6 ) ) && ( MY.JobUniverse == 12 || MY.JobUniverse == 7 || MY.WantFlocking || MY.WantGlidein || TARGET.PoolName == "CHTC" || TARGET.COLLECTOR_HOST_STRING == "" ) && ( TARGET.Arch == "X86_64" ) && ( TARGET.OpSys == "LINUX" ) && ( TARGET.Disk >= RequestDisk ) && ( TARGET.Memory >= RequestMemory ) && ( TARGET.HasFileTransfer ); 
-        MinHosts = 1; 
-        MaxHosts = 1; 
-        Args = "--type=Matlab --version=R2011b --cmdtorun=simu_condor --unique=51 -- 3"; 
-        PeriodicHold = false; 
-        ProcId = 0; 
-        Environment = ""; 
-        DAGNodeName = "51+51"; 
-        MemoryUsage = ( ( ResidentSetSize + 1023 ) / 1024 ); 
-        TerminationPending = true; 
-        NumRestarts = 0; 
-        NumSystemHolds = 0; 
-        CommittedTime = 16714; 
-        MachineAttrCpus0 = 1; 
-        WantRemoteSyscalls = false; 
-        MyType = "Job"; 
-        CumulativeSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        Rank = 0.0; 
-        StartdPrincipal = "execute-side@matchsession/"; 
-        Err = "process.err"; 
-        PeriodicRemove = false; 
-        BlockWriteKbytes = 0; 
-        ExitBySignal = false; 
-        DAGManJobId = 49582778; 
-        EnteredCurrentStatus = 1446133211; 
-        JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "$$([IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName), IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), \"\", TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName)])"; 
-        RecentBlockWriteKbytes = 0; 
-        TransferIn = false; 
-        ExitStatus = 0; 
-        ShouldTransferFiles = "YES"; 
-        IsCHTCSubmit = true; 
-        NumJobMatches = 1; 
-        RootDir = "/"; 
-        JobStartDate = 1446116497; 
-        JobPrio = 0; 
-        CurrentHosts = 0; 
-        GlobalJobId = ""; 
-        RemoteSysCpu = 1.030000000000000E+02; 
-        TotalSuspensions = 0; 
-        CommittedSlotTime = 1.671400000000000E+04; 
-        WantCheckpoint = false; 
-        BlockReads = 0; 
-        LastRemoteHost = ""; 
-        TransferInput = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.46/Simulation_condor/data/51/,/home/xguo23/model_3_1.46/Simulation_condor/data/shared/"; 
-        LocalUserCpu = 0.0; 
-        PeriodicRelease = ( JobStatus == 5 ) && ( ( CurrentTime - EnteredCurrentStatus ) > 1800 ) && ( JobRunCount < 5 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 6 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 14 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 22 ); 
-        RequestDisk = 1000000; 
-        ResidentSetSize_RAW = 124628; 
-        OrigMaxHosts = 1; 
-        LastPublicClaimId = "<>#1445444483#5155#..."; 
-        WantRHEL6 = true; 
-        NumCkpts_RAW = 0; 
-        Out = "process.out"; 
-        SubmitEventNotes = "DAG Node: 51+51"; 
-        CumulativeSlotTime = 1.671400000000000E+04; 
-        JobRunCount = 1; 
-        RecentBlockReads = 0; 
-        StreamErr = false; 
-        DiskUsage_RAW = 1216669; 
-        NumCkpts = 0; 
-        StatsLifetimeStarter = 16713; 
-        ImageSize = 1000000; 
-        Cmd = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.46/Simulation_condor/chtcjobwrapper"; 
-        LocalSysCpu = 0.0; 
+        BlockWrites = 0;
+        LastJobStatus = 2;
+        JobCurrentStartExecutingDate = 1446116498;
+        WantRemoteIO = true;
+        RequestCpus = 1;
+        NumShadowStarts = 1;
+        RemoteUserCpu = 1.657600000000000E+04;
+        NiceUser = false;
+        RequestMemory = 1000;
+        BytesRecvd = 2.847180000000000E+05;
+        ResidentSetSize = 125000;
+        StreamOut = false;
+        SpooledOutputFiles = "CURLTIME_1045787,ChtcWrapper51.out,AuditLog.51,simu_3_51.txt,harvest.log,51.out";
+        OnExitRemove = true;
+        ImageSize_RAW = 811948;
+        RemoteWallClockTime = 1.671400000000000E+04;
+        MachineAttrSlotWeight0 = 1;
+        ExecutableSize = 7;
+        JobStatus = 4;
+        DAGParentNodeNames = "";
+        ExitCode = 0;
+        DAGManNodesMask = "0,1,2,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,13,16,17,24,27";
+        BytesSent = 3.049900000000000E+04;
+        LastSuspensionTime = 0;
+        ExecutableSize_RAW = 6;
+        RecentBlockReadKbytes = 0;
+        TransferInputSizeMB = 0;
+        Matlab = "R2011b";
+        BlockReadKbytes = 0;
+        RecentStatsLifetimeStarter = 1200;
+        LeaveJobInQueue = false;
+        TargetType = "Machine";
+        WhenToTransferOutput = "ON_EXIT";
+        Owner = "xguo23";
+        JobNotification = 0;
+        BufferSize = 524288;
+        RecentBlockWrites = 0;
+        CompletionDate = 1446133211;
+        QDate = 1446105863;
+        JobLeaseDuration = 2400;
+        JobFinishedHookDone = 1446133211;
+        LastMatchTime = 1446116497;
+        LastJobLeaseRenewal = 1446133211;
+        DAGManNodesLog = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.46/Simulation_condor/model_3/./mydag.dag.nodes.log";
+        ClusterId = 49582862;
+        JobUniverse = 5;
+        NumJobStarts = 1;
+        CondorVersion = "$CondorVersion: 8.5.0 Sep 16 2015 BuildID: 341710 $";
+        CoreSize = 0;
+        OnExitHold = false;
+        CondorPlatform = "$CondorPlatform: X86_64-RedHat_6.6 $";
+        In = "/dev/null";
+        DiskUsage = 1250000;
+        EncryptExecuteDirectory = false;
+        CommittedSuspensionTime = 0;
+        User = "";
+        UserLog = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.46/Simulation_condor/model_3/51/process.log";
+        JobCurrentStartDate = 1446116497;
+        BufferBlockSize = 32768;
+        MATCH_EXP_JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "";
+        Requirements = ( ( OpSysMajorVer is 6 ) ) && ( MY.JobUniverse == 12 || MY.JobUniverse == 7 || MY.WantFlocking || MY.WantGlidein || TARGET.PoolName == "CHTC" || TARGET.COLLECTOR_HOST_STRING == "" ) && ( TARGET.Arch == "X86_64" ) && ( TARGET.OpSys == "LINUX" ) && ( TARGET.Disk >= RequestDisk ) && ( TARGET.Memory >= RequestMemory ) && ( TARGET.HasFileTransfer );
+        MinHosts = 1;
+        MaxHosts = 1;
+        Args = "--type=Matlab --version=R2011b --cmdtorun=simu_condor --unique=51 -- 3";
+        PeriodicHold = false;
+        ProcId = 0;
+        Environment = "";
+        DAGNodeName = "51+51";
+        MemoryUsage = ( ( ResidentSetSize + 1023 ) / 1024 );
+        TerminationPending = true;
+        NumRestarts = 0;
+        NumSystemHolds = 0;
+        CommittedTime = 16714;
+        MachineAttrCpus0 = 1;
+        WantRemoteSyscalls = false;
+        MyType = "Job";
+        CumulativeSuspensionTime = 0;
+        Rank = 0.0;
+        StartdPrincipal = "execute-side@matchsession/";
+        Err = "process.err";
+        PeriodicRemove = false;
+        BlockWriteKbytes = 0;
+        ExitBySignal = false;
+        DAGManJobId = 49582778;
+        EnteredCurrentStatus = 1446133211;
+        JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "$$([IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName), IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), \"\", TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName)])";
+        RecentBlockWriteKbytes = 0;
+        TransferIn = false;
+        ExitStatus = 0;
+        ShouldTransferFiles = "YES";
+        IsCHTCSubmit = true;
+        NumJobMatches = 1;
+        RootDir = "/";
+        JobStartDate = 1446116497;
+        JobPrio = 0;
+        CurrentHosts = 0;
+        GlobalJobId = "";
+        RemoteSysCpu = 1.030000000000000E+02;
+        TotalSuspensions = 0;
+        CommittedSlotTime = 1.671400000000000E+04;
+        WantCheckpoint = false;
+        BlockReads = 0;
+        LastRemoteHost = "";
+        TransferInput = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.46/Simulation_condor/data/51/,/home/xguo23/model_3_1.46/Simulation_condor/data/shared/";
+        LocalUserCpu = 0.0;
+        PeriodicRelease = ( JobStatus == 5 ) && ( ( CurrentTime - EnteredCurrentStatus ) > 1800 ) && ( JobRunCount < 5 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 6 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 14 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 22 );
+        RequestDisk = 1000000;
+        ResidentSetSize_RAW = 124628;
+        OrigMaxHosts = 1;
+        LastPublicClaimId = "<>#1445444483#5155#...";
+        WantRHEL6 = true;
+        NumCkpts_RAW = 0;
+        Out = "process.out";
+        SubmitEventNotes = "DAG Node: 51+51";
+        CumulativeSlotTime = 1.671400000000000E+04;
+        JobRunCount = 1;
+        RecentBlockReads = 0;
+        StreamErr = false;
+        DiskUsage_RAW = 1216669;
+        NumCkpts = 0;
+        StatsLifetimeStarter = 16713;
+        ImageSize = 1000000;
+        Cmd = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.46/Simulation_condor/chtcjobwrapper";
+        LocalSysCpu = 0.0;
         Iwd = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.46/Simulation_condor/model_3/51"
-        BlockWrites = 0; 
-        LastJobStatus = 2; 
-        JobCurrentStartExecutingDate = 1446116751; 
-        WantRemoteIO = true; 
-        RequestCpus = 1; 
-        NumShadowStarts = 1; 
-        RemoteUserCpu = 1.631500000000000E+04; 
-        NiceUser = false; 
-        RequestMemory = 1000; 
-        BytesRecvd = 2.846290000000000E+05; 
-        ResidentSetSize = 150000; 
-        StreamOut = false; 
-        SpooledOutputFiles = "CURLTIME_3391975,ChtcWrapper136.out,AuditLog.136,simu_3_136.txt,harvest.log,136.out"; 
-        OnExitRemove = true; 
-        ImageSize_RAW = 811948; 
-        RemoteWallClockTime = 1.644600000000000E+04; 
-        MachineAttrSlotWeight0 = 1; 
-        ExecutableSize = 7; 
-        JobStatus = 4; 
-        DAGParentNodeNames = ""; 
-        ExitCode = 0; 
-        DAGManNodesMask = "0,1,2,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,13,16,17,24,27"; 
-        BytesSent = 3.050700000000000E+04; 
-        LastSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        ExecutableSize_RAW = 6; 
-        RecentBlockReadKbytes = 0; 
-        TransferInputSizeMB = 0; 
-        Matlab = "R2011b"; 
-        BlockReadKbytes = 0; 
-        RecentStatsLifetimeStarter = 1200; 
-        LeaveJobInQueue = false; 
-        TargetType = "Machine"; 
-        WhenToTransferOutput = "ON_EXIT"; 
-        Owner = "xguo23"; 
-        JobNotification = 0; 
-        BufferSize = 524288; 
-        RecentBlockWrites = 0; 
-        CompletionDate = 1446133196; 
-        QDate = 1446105875; 
-        JobLeaseDuration = 2400; 
-        JobFinishedHookDone = 1446133196; 
-        LastMatchTime = 1446116750; 
-        LastJobLeaseRenewal = 1446133196; 
-        DAGManNodesLog = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/model_3/./mydag.dag.nodes.log"; 
-        ClusterId = 49582902; 
-        JobUniverse = 5; 
-        NumJobStarts = 1; 
-        CondorVersion = "$CondorVersion: 8.5.0 Sep 16 2015 BuildID: 341710 $"; 
-        CoreSize = 0; 
-        OnExitHold = false; 
-        CondorPlatform = "$CondorPlatform: X86_64-RedHat_6.6 $"; 
-        In = "/dev/null"; 
-        DiskUsage = 1250000; 
-        EncryptExecuteDirectory = false; 
-        CommittedSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        User = ""; 
-        UserLog = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/model_3/136/process.log"; 
-        JobCurrentStartDate = 1446116750; 
-        BufferBlockSize = 32768; 
-        MATCH_EXP_JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = ""; 
-        Requirements = ( ( OpSysMajorVer is 6 ) ) && ( MY.JobUniverse == 12 || MY.JobUniverse == 7 || MY.WantFlocking || MY.WantGlidein || TARGET.PoolName == "CHTC" || TARGET.COLLECTOR_HOST_STRING == "" ) && ( TARGET.Arch == "X86_64" ) && ( TARGET.OpSys == "LINUX" ) && ( TARGET.Disk >= RequestDisk ) && ( TARGET.Memory >= RequestMemory ) && ( TARGET.HasFileTransfer ); 
-        MinHosts = 1; 
-        MaxHosts = 1; 
-        Args = "--type=Matlab --version=R2011b --cmdtorun=simu_condor --unique=136 -- 3"; 
-        PeriodicHold = false; 
-        ProcId = 0; 
-        Environment = ""; 
-        DAGNodeName = "136+136"; 
-        MemoryUsage = ( ( ResidentSetSize + 1023 ) / 1024 ); 
-        TerminationPending = true; 
-        NumRestarts = 0; 
-        NumSystemHolds = 0; 
-        CommittedTime = 16446; 
-        MachineAttrCpus0 = 1; 
-        WantRemoteSyscalls = false; 
-        MyType = "Job"; 
-        CumulativeSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        Rank = 0.0; 
-        StartdPrincipal = "execute-side@matchsession/"; 
-        Err = "process.err"; 
-        PeriodicRemove = false; 
-        BlockWriteKbytes = 0; 
-        ExitBySignal = false; 
-        DAGManJobId = 49582200; 
-        EnteredCurrentStatus = 1446133196; 
-        JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "$$([IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName), IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), \"\", TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName)])"; 
-        RecentBlockWriteKbytes = 0; 
-        TransferIn = false; 
-        ExitStatus = 0; 
-        ShouldTransferFiles = "YES"; 
-        IsCHTCSubmit = true; 
-        NumJobMatches = 1; 
-        RootDir = "/"; 
-        JobStartDate = 1446116750; 
-        JobPrio = 0; 
-        CurrentHosts = 0; 
-        GlobalJobId = ""; 
-        RemoteSysCpu = 1.060000000000000E+02; 
-        TotalSuspensions = 0; 
-        CommittedSlotTime = 1.644600000000000E+04; 
-        WantCheckpoint = false; 
-        BlockReads = 0; 
-        LastRemoteHost = ""; 
-        TransferInput = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/data/136/,/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/data/shared/"; 
-        LocalUserCpu = 0.0; 
-        PeriodicRelease = ( JobStatus == 5 ) && ( ( CurrentTime - EnteredCurrentStatus ) > 1800 ) && ( JobRunCount < 5 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 6 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 14 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 22 ); 
-        RequestDisk = 1000000; 
-        ResidentSetSize_RAW = 126576; 
-        OrigMaxHosts = 1; 
-        LastPublicClaimId = "<>#1443991432#16220#..."; 
-        WantRHEL6 = true; 
-        NumCkpts_RAW = 0; 
-        Out = "process.out"; 
-        SubmitEventNotes = "DAG Node: 136+136"; 
-        CumulativeSlotTime = 1.644600000000000E+04; 
-        JobRunCount = 1; 
-        RecentBlockReads = 0; 
-        StreamErr = false; 
-        DiskUsage_RAW = 1216669; 
-        NumCkpts = 0; 
-        StatsLifetimeStarter = 16445; 
-        ImageSize = 1000000; 
-        Cmd = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/chtcjobwrapper"; 
-        LocalSysCpu = 0.0; 
+        BlockWrites = 0;
+        LastJobStatus = 2;
+        JobCurrentStartExecutingDate = 1446116751;
+        WantRemoteIO = true;
+        RequestCpus = 1;
+        NumShadowStarts = 1;
+        RemoteUserCpu = 1.631500000000000E+04;
+        NiceUser = false;
+        RequestMemory = 1000;
+        BytesRecvd = 2.846290000000000E+05;
+        ResidentSetSize = 150000;
+        StreamOut = false;
+        SpooledOutputFiles = "CURLTIME_3391975,ChtcWrapper136.out,AuditLog.136,simu_3_136.txt,harvest.log,136.out";
+        OnExitRemove = true;
+        ImageSize_RAW = 811948;
+        RemoteWallClockTime = 1.644600000000000E+04;
+        MachineAttrSlotWeight0 = 1;
+        ExecutableSize = 7;
+        JobStatus = 4;
+        DAGParentNodeNames = "";
+        ExitCode = 0;
+        DAGManNodesMask = "0,1,2,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,13,16,17,24,27";
+        BytesSent = 3.050700000000000E+04;
+        LastSuspensionTime = 0;
+        ExecutableSize_RAW = 6;
+        RecentBlockReadKbytes = 0;
+        TransferInputSizeMB = 0;
+        Matlab = "R2011b";
+        BlockReadKbytes = 0;
+        RecentStatsLifetimeStarter = 1200;
+        LeaveJobInQueue = false;
+        TargetType = "Machine";
+        WhenToTransferOutput = "ON_EXIT";
+        Owner = "xguo23";
+        JobNotification = 0;
+        BufferSize = 524288;
+        RecentBlockWrites = 0;
+        CompletionDate = 1446133196;
+        QDate = 1446105875;
+        JobLeaseDuration = 2400;
+        JobFinishedHookDone = 1446133196;
+        LastMatchTime = 1446116750;
+        LastJobLeaseRenewal = 1446133196;
+        DAGManNodesLog = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/model_3/./mydag.dag.nodes.log";
+        ClusterId = 49582902;
+        JobUniverse = 5;
+        NumJobStarts = 1;
+        CondorVersion = "$CondorVersion: 8.5.0 Sep 16 2015 BuildID: 341710 $";
+        CoreSize = 0;
+        OnExitHold = false;
+        CondorPlatform = "$CondorPlatform: X86_64-RedHat_6.6 $";
+        In = "/dev/null";
+        DiskUsage = 1250000;
+        EncryptExecuteDirectory = false;
+        CommittedSuspensionTime = 0;
+        User = "";
+        UserLog = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/model_3/136/process.log";
+        JobCurrentStartDate = 1446116750;
+        BufferBlockSize = 32768;
+        MATCH_EXP_JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "";
+        Requirements = ( ( OpSysMajorVer is 6 ) ) && ( MY.JobUniverse == 12 || MY.JobUniverse == 7 || MY.WantFlocking || MY.WantGlidein || TARGET.PoolName == "CHTC" || TARGET.COLLECTOR_HOST_STRING == "" ) && ( TARGET.Arch == "X86_64" ) && ( TARGET.OpSys == "LINUX" ) && ( TARGET.Disk >= RequestDisk ) && ( TARGET.Memory >= RequestMemory ) && ( TARGET.HasFileTransfer );
+        MinHosts = 1;
+        MaxHosts = 1;
+        Args = "--type=Matlab --version=R2011b --cmdtorun=simu_condor --unique=136 -- 3";
+        PeriodicHold = false;
+        ProcId = 0;
+        Environment = "";
+        DAGNodeName = "136+136";
+        MemoryUsage = ( ( ResidentSetSize + 1023 ) / 1024 );
+        TerminationPending = true;
+        NumRestarts = 0;
+        NumSystemHolds = 0;
+        CommittedTime = 16446;
+        MachineAttrCpus0 = 1;
+        WantRemoteSyscalls = false;
+        MyType = "Job";
+        CumulativeSuspensionTime = 0;
+        Rank = 0.0;
+        StartdPrincipal = "execute-side@matchsession/";
+        Err = "process.err";
+        PeriodicRemove = false;
+        BlockWriteKbytes = 0;
+        ExitBySignal = false;
+        DAGManJobId = 49582200;
+        EnteredCurrentStatus = 1446133196;
+        JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "$$([IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName), IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), \"\", TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName)])";
+        RecentBlockWriteKbytes = 0;
+        TransferIn = false;
+        ExitStatus = 0;
+        ShouldTransferFiles = "YES";
+        IsCHTCSubmit = true;
+        NumJobMatches = 1;
+        RootDir = "/";
+        JobStartDate = 1446116750;
+        JobPrio = 0;
+        CurrentHosts = 0;
+        GlobalJobId = "";
+        RemoteSysCpu = 1.060000000000000E+02;
+        TotalSuspensions = 0;
+        CommittedSlotTime = 1.644600000000000E+04;
+        WantCheckpoint = false;
+        BlockReads = 0;
+        LastRemoteHost = "";
+        TransferInput = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/data/136/,/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/data/shared/";
+        LocalUserCpu = 0.0;
+        PeriodicRelease = ( JobStatus == 5 ) && ( ( CurrentTime - EnteredCurrentStatus ) > 1800 ) && ( JobRunCount < 5 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 6 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 14 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 22 );
+        RequestDisk = 1000000;
+        ResidentSetSize_RAW = 126576;
+        OrigMaxHosts = 1;
+        LastPublicClaimId = "<>#1443991432#16220#...";
+        WantRHEL6 = true;
+        NumCkpts_RAW = 0;
+        Out = "process.out";
+        SubmitEventNotes = "DAG Node: 136+136";
+        CumulativeSlotTime = 1.644600000000000E+04;
+        JobRunCount = 1;
+        RecentBlockReads = 0;
+        StreamErr = false;
+        DiskUsage_RAW = 1216669;
+        NumCkpts = 0;
+        StatsLifetimeStarter = 16445;
+        ImageSize = 1000000;
+        Cmd = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/chtcjobwrapper";
+        LocalSysCpu = 0.0;
         Iwd = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/model_3/136"
-        BlockWrites = 0; 
-        LastJobStatus = 2; 
-        JobCurrentStartExecutingDate = 1446115115; 
-        WantRemoteIO = true; 
-        RequestCpus = 1; 
-        NumShadowStarts = 1; 
-        RemoteUserCpu = 1.794100000000000E+04; 
-        NiceUser = false; 
-        RequestMemory = 1000; 
-        BytesRecvd = 2.850540000000000E+05; 
-        ResidentSetSize = 150000; 
-        StreamOut = false; 
-        SpooledOutputFiles = "CURLTIME_3362144,ChtcWrapper298.out,AuditLog.298,simu_3_298.txt,harvest.log,298.out"; 
-        OnExitRemove = true; 
-        ImageSize_RAW = 811948; 
-        RemoteWallClockTime = 1.806700000000000E+04; 
-        MachineAttrSlotWeight0 = 1; 
-        ExecutableSize = 7; 
-        JobStatus = 4; 
-        DAGParentNodeNames = ""; 
-        ExitCode = 0; 
-        DAGManNodesMask = "0,1,2,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,13,16,17,24,27"; 
-        BytesSent = 3.169300000000000E+04; 
-        LastSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        ExecutableSize_RAW = 6; 
-        RecentBlockReadKbytes = 0; 
-        TransferInputSizeMB = 0; 
-        Matlab = "R2011b"; 
-        BlockReadKbytes = 0; 
-        RecentStatsLifetimeStarter = 1200; 
-        LeaveJobInQueue = false; 
-        TargetType = "Machine"; 
-        WhenToTransferOutput = "ON_EXIT"; 
-        Owner = "xguo23"; 
-        JobNotification = 0; 
-        BufferSize = 524288; 
-        RecentBlockWrites = 0; 
-        CompletionDate = 1446133181; 
-        QDate = 1446105803; 
-        JobLeaseDuration = 2400; 
-        JobFinishedHookDone = 1446133181; 
-        LastMatchTime = 1446115114; 
-        LastJobLeaseRenewal = 1446133181; 
-        DAGManNodesLog = "/home/xguo23/finally_2/Simulation_condor/model_3/./mydag.dag.nodes.log"; 
-        ClusterId = 49582722; 
-        JobUniverse = 5; 
-        NumJobStarts = 1; 
-        CondorVersion = "$CondorVersion: 8.5.0 Sep 16 2015 BuildID: 341710 $"; 
-        CoreSize = 0; 
-        OnExitHold = false; 
-        CondorPlatform = "$CondorPlatform: X86_64-RedHat_6.6 $"; 
-        In = "/dev/null"; 
-        DiskUsage = 1250000; 
-        EncryptExecuteDirectory = false; 
-        CommittedSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        User = ""; 
-        UserLog = "/home/xguo23/finally_2/Simulation_condor/model_3/298/process.log"; 
-        JobCurrentStartDate = 1446115114; 
-        BufferBlockSize = 32768; 
-        MATCH_EXP_JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = ""; 
-        Requirements = ( ( OpSysMajorVer is 6 ) ) && ( MY.JobUniverse == 12 || MY.JobUniverse == 7 || MY.WantFlocking || MY.WantGlidein || TARGET.PoolName == "CHTC" || TARGET.COLLECTOR_HOST_STRING == "" ) && ( TARGET.Arch == "X86_64" ) && ( TARGET.OpSys == "LINUX" ) && ( TARGET.Disk >= RequestDisk ) && ( TARGET.Memory >= RequestMemory ) && ( TARGET.HasFileTransfer ); 
-        MinHosts = 1; 
-        MaxHosts = 1; 
-        Args = "--type=Matlab --version=R2011b --cmdtorun=simu_condor --unique=298 -- 3"; 
-        PeriodicHold = false; 
-        ProcId = 0; 
-        Environment = ""; 
-        DAGNodeName = "298+298"; 
-        MemoryUsage = ( ( ResidentSetSize + 1023 ) / 1024 ); 
-        TerminationPending = true; 
-        NumRestarts = 0; 
-        NumSystemHolds = 0; 
-        CommittedTime = 18067; 
-        MachineAttrCpus0 = 1; 
-        WantRemoteSyscalls = false; 
-        MyType = "Job"; 
-        CumulativeSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        Rank = 0.0; 
-        StartdPrincipal = "execute-side@matchsession/"; 
-        Err = "process.err"; 
-        PeriodicRemove = false; 
-        BlockWriteKbytes = 0; 
-        ExitBySignal = false; 
-        DAGManJobId = 49581933; 
-        EnteredCurrentStatus = 1446133181; 
-        JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "$$([IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName), IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), \"\", TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName)])"; 
-        RecentBlockWriteKbytes = 0; 
-        TransferIn = false; 
-        ExitStatus = 0; 
-        ShouldTransferFiles = "YES"; 
-        IsCHTCSubmit = true; 
-        NumJobMatches = 1; 
-        RootDir = "/"; 
-        JobStartDate = 1446115114; 
-        JobPrio = 0; 
-        CurrentHosts = 0; 
-        GlobalJobId = ""; 
-        RemoteSysCpu = 1.100000000000000E+02; 
-        TotalSuspensions = 0; 
-        CommittedSlotTime = 1.806700000000000E+04; 
-        WantCheckpoint = false; 
-        BlockReads = 0; 
-        LastRemoteHost = ""; 
-        TransferInput = "/home/xguo23/finally_2/Simulation_condor/data/298/,/home/xguo23/finally_2/Simulation_condor/data/shared/"; 
-        LocalUserCpu = 0.0; 
-        PeriodicRelease = ( JobStatus == 5 ) && ( ( CurrentTime - EnteredCurrentStatus ) > 1800 ) && ( JobRunCount < 5 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 6 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 14 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 22 ); 
-        RequestDisk = 1000000; 
-        ResidentSetSize_RAW = 127108; 
-        OrigMaxHosts = 1; 
-        LastPublicClaimId = "<>#1443991431#13812#..."; 
-        WantRHEL6 = true; 
-        NumCkpts_RAW = 0; 
-        Out = "process.out"; 
-        SubmitEventNotes = "DAG Node: 298+298"; 
-        CumulativeSlotTime = 1.806700000000000E+04; 
-        JobRunCount = 1; 
-        RecentBlockReads = 0; 
-        StreamErr = false; 
-        DiskUsage_RAW = 1216669; 
-        NumCkpts = 0; 
-        StatsLifetimeStarter = 18066; 
-        ImageSize = 1000000; 
-        Cmd = "/home/xguo23/finally_2/Simulation_condor/chtcjobwrapper"; 
-        LocalSysCpu = 0.0; 
+        BlockWrites = 0;
+        LastJobStatus = 2;
+        JobCurrentStartExecutingDate = 1446115115;
+        WantRemoteIO = true;
+        RequestCpus = 1;
+        NumShadowStarts = 1;
+        RemoteUserCpu = 1.794100000000000E+04;
+        NiceUser = false;
+        RequestMemory = 1000;
+        BytesRecvd = 2.850540000000000E+05;
+        ResidentSetSize = 150000;
+        StreamOut = false;
+        SpooledOutputFiles = "CURLTIME_3362144,ChtcWrapper298.out,AuditLog.298,simu_3_298.txt,harvest.log,298.out";
+        OnExitRemove = true;
+        ImageSize_RAW = 811948;
+        RemoteWallClockTime = 1.806700000000000E+04;
+        MachineAttrSlotWeight0 = 1;
+        ExecutableSize = 7;
+        JobStatus = 4;
+        DAGParentNodeNames = "";
+        ExitCode = 0;
+        DAGManNodesMask = "0,1,2,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,13,16,17,24,27";
+        BytesSent = 3.169300000000000E+04;
+        LastSuspensionTime = 0;
+        ExecutableSize_RAW = 6;
+        RecentBlockReadKbytes = 0;
+        TransferInputSizeMB = 0;
+        Matlab = "R2011b";
+        BlockReadKbytes = 0;
+        RecentStatsLifetimeStarter = 1200;
+        LeaveJobInQueue = false;
+        TargetType = "Machine";
+        WhenToTransferOutput = "ON_EXIT";
+        Owner = "xguo23";
+        JobNotification = 0;
+        BufferSize = 524288;
+        RecentBlockWrites = 0;
+        CompletionDate = 1446133181;
+        QDate = 1446105803;
+        JobLeaseDuration = 2400;
+        JobFinishedHookDone = 1446133181;
+        LastMatchTime = 1446115114;
+        LastJobLeaseRenewal = 1446133181;
+        DAGManNodesLog = "/home/xguo23/finally_2/Simulation_condor/model_3/./mydag.dag.nodes.log";
+        ClusterId = 49582722;
+        JobUniverse = 5;
+        NumJobStarts = 1;
+        CondorVersion = "$CondorVersion: 8.5.0 Sep 16 2015 BuildID: 341710 $";
+        CoreSize = 0;
+        OnExitHold = false;
+        CondorPlatform = "$CondorPlatform: X86_64-RedHat_6.6 $";
+        In = "/dev/null";
+        DiskUsage = 1250000;
+        EncryptExecuteDirectory = false;
+        CommittedSuspensionTime = 0;
+        User = "";
+        UserLog = "/home/xguo23/finally_2/Simulation_condor/model_3/298/process.log";
+        JobCurrentStartDate = 1446115114;
+        BufferBlockSize = 32768;
+        MATCH_EXP_JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "";
+        Requirements = ( ( OpSysMajorVer is 6 ) ) && ( MY.JobUniverse == 12 || MY.JobUniverse == 7 || MY.WantFlocking || MY.WantGlidein || TARGET.PoolName == "CHTC" || TARGET.COLLECTOR_HOST_STRING == "" ) && ( TARGET.Arch == "X86_64" ) && ( TARGET.OpSys == "LINUX" ) && ( TARGET.Disk >= RequestDisk ) && ( TARGET.Memory >= RequestMemory ) && ( TARGET.HasFileTransfer );
+        MinHosts = 1;
+        MaxHosts = 1;
+        Args = "--type=Matlab --version=R2011b --cmdtorun=simu_condor --unique=298 -- 3";
+        PeriodicHold = false;
+        ProcId = 0;
+        Environment = "";
+        DAGNodeName = "298+298";
+        MemoryUsage = ( ( ResidentSetSize + 1023 ) / 1024 );
+        TerminationPending = true;
+        NumRestarts = 0;
+        NumSystemHolds = 0;
+        CommittedTime = 18067;
+        MachineAttrCpus0 = 1;
+        WantRemoteSyscalls = false;
+        MyType = "Job";
+        CumulativeSuspensionTime = 0;
+        Rank = 0.0;
+        StartdPrincipal = "execute-side@matchsession/";
+        Err = "process.err";
+        PeriodicRemove = false;
+        BlockWriteKbytes = 0;
+        ExitBySignal = false;
+        DAGManJobId = 49581933;
+        EnteredCurrentStatus = 1446133181;
+        JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "$$([IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName), IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), \"\", TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName)])";
+        RecentBlockWriteKbytes = 0;
+        TransferIn = false;
+        ExitStatus = 0;
+        ShouldTransferFiles = "YES";
+        IsCHTCSubmit = true;
+        NumJobMatches = 1;
+        RootDir = "/";
+        JobStartDate = 1446115114;
+        JobPrio = 0;
+        CurrentHosts = 0;
+        GlobalJobId = "";
+        RemoteSysCpu = 1.100000000000000E+02;
+        TotalSuspensions = 0;
+        CommittedSlotTime = 1.806700000000000E+04;
+        WantCheckpoint = false;
+        BlockReads = 0;
+        LastRemoteHost = "";
+        TransferInput = "/home/xguo23/finally_2/Simulation_condor/data/298/,/home/xguo23/finally_2/Simulation_condor/data/shared/";
+        LocalUserCpu = 0.0;
+        PeriodicRelease = ( JobStatus == 5 ) && ( ( CurrentTime - EnteredCurrentStatus ) > 1800 ) && ( JobRunCount < 5 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 6 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 14 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 22 );
+        RequestDisk = 1000000;
+        ResidentSetSize_RAW = 127108;
+        OrigMaxHosts = 1;
+        LastPublicClaimId = "<>#1443991431#13812#...";
+        WantRHEL6 = true;
+        NumCkpts_RAW = 0;
+        Out = "process.out";
+        SubmitEventNotes = "DAG Node: 298+298";
+        CumulativeSlotTime = 1.806700000000000E+04;
+        JobRunCount = 1;
+        RecentBlockReads = 0;
+        StreamErr = false;
+        DiskUsage_RAW = 1216669;
+        NumCkpts = 0;
+        StatsLifetimeStarter = 18066;
+        ImageSize = 1000000;
+        Cmd = "/home/xguo23/finally_2/Simulation_condor/chtcjobwrapper";
+        LocalSysCpu = 0.0;
         Iwd = "/home/xguo23/finally_2/Simulation_condor/model_3/298"
-        BlockWrites = 0; 
-        LastJobStatus = 2; 
-        JobCurrentStartExecutingDate = 1446116498; 
-        WantRemoteIO = true; 
-        RequestCpus = 1; 
-        NumShadowStarts = 1; 
-        RemoteUserCpu = 1.644000000000000E+04; 
-        NiceUser = false; 
-        RequestMemory = 1000; 
-        BytesRecvd = 2.846290000000000E+05; 
-        ResidentSetSize = 150000; 
-        StreamOut = false; 
-        SpooledOutputFiles = "CURLTIME_3323529,ChtcWrapper423.out,AuditLog.423,simu_3_423.txt,harvest.log,423.out"; 
-        OnExitRemove = true; 
-        ImageSize_RAW = 811948; 
-        RemoteWallClockTime = 1.661000000000000E+04; 
-        MachineAttrSlotWeight0 = 1; 
-        ExecutableSize = 7; 
-        JobStatus = 4; 
-        DAGParentNodeNames = ""; 
-        ExitCode = 0; 
-        DAGManNodesMask = "0,1,2,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,13,16,17,24,27"; 
-        BytesSent = 2.823500000000000E+04; 
-        LastSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        ExecutableSize_RAW = 6; 
-        RecentBlockReadKbytes = 0; 
-        TransferInputSizeMB = 0; 
-        Matlab = "R2011b"; 
-        BlockReadKbytes = 0; 
-        RecentStatsLifetimeStarter = 1200; 
-        LeaveJobInQueue = false; 
-        TargetType = "Machine"; 
-        WhenToTransferOutput = "ON_EXIT"; 
-        Owner = "xguo23"; 
-        JobNotification = 0; 
-        BufferSize = 524288; 
-        RecentBlockWrites = 0; 
-        CompletionDate = 1446133107; 
-        QDate = 1446105863; 
-        JobLeaseDuration = 2400; 
-        JobFinishedHookDone = 1446133107; 
-        LastMatchTime = 1446116497; 
-        LastJobLeaseRenewal = 1446133107; 
-        DAGManNodesLog = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/model_3/./mydag.dag.nodes.log"; 
-        ClusterId = 49582867; 
-        JobUniverse = 5; 
-        NumJobStarts = 1; 
-        CondorVersion = "$CondorVersion: 8.5.0 Sep 16 2015 BuildID: 341710 $"; 
-        CoreSize = 0; 
-        OnExitHold = false; 
-        CondorPlatform = "$CondorPlatform: X86_64-RedHat_6.6 $"; 
-        In = "/dev/null"; 
-        DiskUsage = 1250000; 
-        EncryptExecuteDirectory = false; 
-        CommittedSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        User = ""; 
-        UserLog = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/model_3/423/process.log"; 
-        JobCurrentStartDate = 1446116497; 
-        BufferBlockSize = 32768; 
-        MATCH_EXP_JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = ""; 
-        Requirements = ( ( OpSysMajorVer is 6 ) ) && ( MY.JobUniverse == 12 || MY.JobUniverse == 7 || MY.WantFlocking || MY.WantGlidein || TARGET.PoolName == "CHTC" || TARGET.COLLECTOR_HOST_STRING == "" ) && ( TARGET.Arch == "X86_64" ) && ( TARGET.OpSys == "LINUX" ) && ( TARGET.Disk >= RequestDisk ) && ( TARGET.Memory >= RequestMemory ) && ( TARGET.HasFileTransfer ); 
-        MinHosts = 1; 
-        MaxHosts = 1; 
-        Args = "--type=Matlab --version=R2011b --cmdtorun=simu_condor --unique=423 -- 3"; 
-        PeriodicHold = false; 
-        ProcId = 0; 
-        Environment = ""; 
-        DAGNodeName = "423+423"; 
-        MemoryUsage = ( ( ResidentSetSize + 1023 ) / 1024 ); 
-        TerminationPending = true; 
-        NumRestarts = 0; 
-        NumSystemHolds = 0; 
-        CommittedTime = 16610; 
-        MachineAttrCpus0 = 1; 
-        WantRemoteSyscalls = false; 
-        MyType = "Job"; 
-        CumulativeSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        Rank = 0.0; 
-        StartdPrincipal = "execute-side@matchsession/"; 
-        Err = "process.err"; 
-        PeriodicRemove = false; 
-        BlockWriteKbytes = 0; 
-        ExitBySignal = false; 
-        DAGManJobId = 49582200; 
-        EnteredCurrentStatus = 1446133107; 
-        JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "$$([IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName), IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), \"\", TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName)])"; 
-        RecentBlockWriteKbytes = 0; 
-        TransferIn = false; 
-        ExitStatus = 0; 
-        ShouldTransferFiles = "YES"; 
-        IsCHTCSubmit = true; 
-        NumJobMatches = 1; 
-        RootDir = "/"; 
-        JobStartDate = 1446116497; 
-        JobPrio = 0; 
-        CurrentHosts = 0; 
-        GlobalJobId = ""; 
-        RemoteSysCpu = 1.390000000000000E+02; 
-        TotalSuspensions = 0; 
-        CommittedSlotTime = 1.661000000000000E+04; 
-        WantCheckpoint = false; 
-        BlockReads = 0; 
-        LastRemoteHost = ""; 
-        TransferInput = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/data/423/,/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/data/shared/"; 
-        LocalUserCpu = 0.0; 
-        PeriodicRelease = ( JobStatus == 5 ) && ( ( CurrentTime - EnteredCurrentStatus ) > 1800 ) && ( JobRunCount < 5 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 6 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 14 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 22 ); 
-        RequestDisk = 1000000; 
-        ResidentSetSize_RAW = 127232; 
-        OrigMaxHosts = 1; 
-        LastPublicClaimId = "<>#1444759846#8549#..."; 
-        WantRHEL6 = true; 
-        NumCkpts_RAW = 0; 
-        Out = "process.out"; 
-        SubmitEventNotes = "DAG Node: 423+423"; 
-        CumulativeSlotTime = 1.661000000000000E+04; 
-        JobRunCount = 1; 
-        RecentBlockReads = 0; 
-        StreamErr = false; 
-        DiskUsage_RAW = 1216669; 
-        NumCkpts = 0; 
-        StatsLifetimeStarter = 16609; 
-        ImageSize = 1000000; 
-        Cmd = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/chtcjobwrapper"; 
-        LocalSysCpu = 0.0; 
+        BlockWrites = 0;
+        LastJobStatus = 2;
+        JobCurrentStartExecutingDate = 1446116498;
+        WantRemoteIO = true;
+        RequestCpus = 1;
+        NumShadowStarts = 1;
+        RemoteUserCpu = 1.644000000000000E+04;
+        NiceUser = false;
+        RequestMemory = 1000;
+        BytesRecvd = 2.846290000000000E+05;
+        ResidentSetSize = 150000;
+        StreamOut = false;
+        SpooledOutputFiles = "CURLTIME_3323529,ChtcWrapper423.out,AuditLog.423,simu_3_423.txt,harvest.log,423.out";
+        OnExitRemove = true;
+        ImageSize_RAW = 811948;
+        RemoteWallClockTime = 1.661000000000000E+04;
+        MachineAttrSlotWeight0 = 1;
+        ExecutableSize = 7;
+        JobStatus = 4;
+        DAGParentNodeNames = "";
+        ExitCode = 0;
+        DAGManNodesMask = "0,1,2,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,13,16,17,24,27";
+        BytesSent = 2.823500000000000E+04;
+        LastSuspensionTime = 0;
+        ExecutableSize_RAW = 6;
+        RecentBlockReadKbytes = 0;
+        TransferInputSizeMB = 0;
+        Matlab = "R2011b";
+        BlockReadKbytes = 0;
+        RecentStatsLifetimeStarter = 1200;
+        LeaveJobInQueue = false;
+        TargetType = "Machine";
+        WhenToTransferOutput = "ON_EXIT";
+        Owner = "xguo23";
+        JobNotification = 0;
+        BufferSize = 524288;
+        RecentBlockWrites = 0;
+        CompletionDate = 1446133107;
+        QDate = 1446105863;
+        JobLeaseDuration = 2400;
+        JobFinishedHookDone = 1446133107;
+        LastMatchTime = 1446116497;
+        LastJobLeaseRenewal = 1446133107;
+        DAGManNodesLog = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/model_3/./mydag.dag.nodes.log";
+        ClusterId = 49582867;
+        JobUniverse = 5;
+        NumJobStarts = 1;
+        CondorVersion = "$CondorVersion: 8.5.0 Sep 16 2015 BuildID: 341710 $";
+        CoreSize = 0;
+        OnExitHold = false;
+        CondorPlatform = "$CondorPlatform: X86_64-RedHat_6.6 $";
+        In = "/dev/null";
+        DiskUsage = 1250000;
+        EncryptExecuteDirectory = false;
+        CommittedSuspensionTime = 0;
+        User = "";
+        UserLog = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/model_3/423/process.log";
+        JobCurrentStartDate = 1446116497;
+        BufferBlockSize = 32768;
+        MATCH_EXP_JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "";
+        Requirements = ( ( OpSysMajorVer is 6 ) ) && ( MY.JobUniverse == 12 || MY.JobUniverse == 7 || MY.WantFlocking || MY.WantGlidein || TARGET.PoolName == "CHTC" || TARGET.COLLECTOR_HOST_STRING == "" ) && ( TARGET.Arch == "X86_64" ) && ( TARGET.OpSys == "LINUX" ) && ( TARGET.Disk >= RequestDisk ) && ( TARGET.Memory >= RequestMemory ) && ( TARGET.HasFileTransfer );
+        MinHosts = 1;
+        MaxHosts = 1;
+        Args = "--type=Matlab --version=R2011b --cmdtorun=simu_condor --unique=423 -- 3";
+        PeriodicHold = false;
+        ProcId = 0;
+        Environment = "";
+        DAGNodeName = "423+423";
+        MemoryUsage = ( ( ResidentSetSize + 1023 ) / 1024 );
+        TerminationPending = true;
+        NumRestarts = 0;
+        NumSystemHolds = 0;
+        CommittedTime = 16610;
+        MachineAttrCpus0 = 1;
+        WantRemoteSyscalls = false;
+        MyType = "Job";
+        CumulativeSuspensionTime = 0;
+        Rank = 0.0;
+        StartdPrincipal = "execute-side@matchsession/";
+        Err = "process.err";
+        PeriodicRemove = false;
+        BlockWriteKbytes = 0;
+        ExitBySignal = false;
+        DAGManJobId = 49582200;
+        EnteredCurrentStatus = 1446133107;
+        JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "$$([IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName), IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), \"\", TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName)])";
+        RecentBlockWriteKbytes = 0;
+        TransferIn = false;
+        ExitStatus = 0;
+        ShouldTransferFiles = "YES";
+        IsCHTCSubmit = true;
+        NumJobMatches = 1;
+        RootDir = "/";
+        JobStartDate = 1446116497;
+        JobPrio = 0;
+        CurrentHosts = 0;
+        GlobalJobId = "";
+        RemoteSysCpu = 1.390000000000000E+02;
+        TotalSuspensions = 0;
+        CommittedSlotTime = 1.661000000000000E+04;
+        WantCheckpoint = false;
+        BlockReads = 0;
+        LastRemoteHost = "";
+        TransferInput = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/data/423/,/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/data/shared/";
+        LocalUserCpu = 0.0;
+        PeriodicRelease = ( JobStatus == 5 ) && ( ( CurrentTime - EnteredCurrentStatus ) > 1800 ) && ( JobRunCount < 5 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 6 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 14 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 22 );
+        RequestDisk = 1000000;
+        ResidentSetSize_RAW = 127232;
+        OrigMaxHosts = 1;
+        LastPublicClaimId = "<>#1444759846#8549#...";
+        WantRHEL6 = true;
+        NumCkpts_RAW = 0;
+        Out = "process.out";
+        SubmitEventNotes = "DAG Node: 423+423";
+        CumulativeSlotTime = 1.661000000000000E+04;
+        JobRunCount = 1;
+        RecentBlockReads = 0;
+        StreamErr = false;
+        DiskUsage_RAW = 1216669;
+        NumCkpts = 0;
+        StatsLifetimeStarter = 16609;
+        ImageSize = 1000000;
+        Cmd = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/chtcjobwrapper";
+        LocalSysCpu = 0.0;
         Iwd = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/model_3/423"
-        BlockWrites = 0; 
-        LastJobStatus = 2; 
-        JobCurrentStartExecutingDate = 1446116751; 
-        WantRemoteIO = true; 
-        RequestCpus = 1; 
-        NumShadowStarts = 1; 
-        RemoteUserCpu = 1.620100000000000E+04; 
-        NiceUser = false; 
-        RequestMemory = 1000; 
-        BytesRecvd = 2.846290000000000E+05; 
-        ResidentSetSize = 125000; 
-        StreamOut = false; 
-        SpooledOutputFiles = "CURLTIME_3306268,ChtcWrapper226.out,AuditLog.226,simu_3_226.txt,harvest.log,226.out"; 
-        OnExitRemove = true; 
-        ImageSize_RAW = 811948; 
-        RemoteWallClockTime = 1.634400000000000E+04; 
-        MachineAttrSlotWeight0 = 1; 
-        ExecutableSize = 7; 
-        JobStatus = 4; 
-        DAGParentNodeNames = ""; 
-        ExitCode = 0; 
-        DAGManNodesMask = "0,1,2,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,13,16,17,24,27"; 
-        BytesSent = 2.791500000000000E+04; 
-        LastSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        ExecutableSize_RAW = 6; 
-        RecentBlockReadKbytes = 0; 
-        TransferInputSizeMB = 0; 
-        Matlab = "R2011b"; 
-        BlockReadKbytes = 0; 
-        RecentStatsLifetimeStarter = 1200; 
-        LeaveJobInQueue = false; 
-        TargetType = "Machine"; 
-        WhenToTransferOutput = "ON_EXIT"; 
-        Owner = "xguo23"; 
-        JobNotification = 0; 
-        BufferSize = 524288; 
-        RecentBlockWrites = 0; 
-        CompletionDate = 1446133094; 
-        QDate = 1446105875; 
-        JobLeaseDuration = 2400; 
-        JobFinishedHookDone = 1446133094; 
-        LastMatchTime = 1446116750; 
-        LastJobLeaseRenewal = 1446133094; 
-        DAGManNodesLog = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/model_3/./mydag.dag.nodes.log"; 
-        ClusterId = 49582897; 
-        JobUniverse = 5; 
-        NumJobStarts = 1; 
-        CondorVersion = "$CondorVersion: 8.5.0 Sep 16 2015 BuildID: 341710 $"; 
-        CoreSize = 0; 
-        OnExitHold = false; 
-        CondorPlatform = "$CondorPlatform: X86_64-RedHat_6.6 $"; 
-        In = "/dev/null"; 
-        DiskUsage = 1250000; 
-        EncryptExecuteDirectory = false; 
-        CommittedSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        User = ""; 
-        UserLog = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/model_3/226/process.log"; 
-        JobCurrentStartDate = 1446116750; 
-        BufferBlockSize = 32768; 
-        MATCH_EXP_JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = ""; 
-        Requirements = ( ( OpSysMajorVer is 6 ) ) && ( MY.JobUniverse == 12 || MY.JobUniverse == 7 || MY.WantFlocking || MY.WantGlidein || TARGET.PoolName == "CHTC" || TARGET.COLLECTOR_HOST_STRING == "" ) && ( TARGET.Arch == "X86_64" ) && ( TARGET.OpSys == "LINUX" ) && ( TARGET.Disk >= RequestDisk ) && ( TARGET.Memory >= RequestMemory ) && ( TARGET.HasFileTransfer ); 
-        MinHosts = 1; 
-        MaxHosts = 1; 
-        Args = "--type=Matlab --version=R2011b --cmdtorun=simu_condor --unique=226 -- 3"; 
-        PeriodicHold = false; 
-        ProcId = 0; 
-        Environment = ""; 
-        DAGNodeName = "226+226"; 
-        MemoryUsage = ( ( ResidentSetSize + 1023 ) / 1024 ); 
-        TerminationPending = true; 
-        NumRestarts = 0; 
-        NumSystemHolds = 0; 
-        CommittedTime = 16344; 
-        MachineAttrCpus0 = 1; 
-        WantRemoteSyscalls = false; 
-        MyType = "Job"; 
-        CumulativeSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        Rank = 0.0; 
-        StartdPrincipal = "execute-side@matchsession/"; 
-        Err = "process.err"; 
-        PeriodicRemove = false; 
-        BlockWriteKbytes = 0; 
-        ExitBySignal = false; 
-        DAGManJobId = 49582200; 
-        EnteredCurrentStatus = 1446133094; 
-        JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "$$([IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName), IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), \"\", TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName)])"; 
-        RecentBlockWriteKbytes = 0; 
-        TransferIn = false; 
-        ExitStatus = 0; 
-        ShouldTransferFiles = "YES"; 
-        IsCHTCSubmit = true; 
-        NumJobMatches = 1; 
-        RootDir = "/"; 
-        JobStartDate = 1446116750; 
-        JobPrio = 0; 
-        CurrentHosts = 0; 
-        GlobalJobId = ""; 
-        RemoteSysCpu = 1.190000000000000E+02; 
-        TotalSuspensions = 0; 
-        CommittedSlotTime = 1.634400000000000E+04; 
-        WantCheckpoint = false; 
-        BlockReads = 0; 
-        LastRemoteHost = ""; 
-        TransferInput = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/data/226/,/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/data/shared/"; 
-        LocalUserCpu = 0.0; 
-        PeriodicRelease = ( JobStatus == 5 ) && ( ( CurrentTime - EnteredCurrentStatus ) > 1800 ) && ( JobRunCount < 5 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 6 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 14 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 22 ); 
-        RequestDisk = 1000000; 
-        ResidentSetSize_RAW = 124920; 
-        OrigMaxHosts = 1; 
-        LastPublicClaimId = "<>#1443991459#10913#..."; 
-        WantRHEL6 = true; 
-        NumCkpts_RAW = 0; 
-        Out = "process.out"; 
-        SubmitEventNotes = "DAG Node: 226+226"; 
-        CumulativeSlotTime = 1.634400000000000E+04; 
-        JobRunCount = 1; 
-        RecentBlockReads = 0; 
-        StreamErr = false; 
-        DiskUsage_RAW = 1216669; 
-        NumCkpts = 0; 
-        StatsLifetimeStarter = 16343; 
-        ImageSize = 1000000; 
-        Cmd = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/chtcjobwrapper"; 
-        LocalSysCpu = 0.0; 
+        BlockWrites = 0;
+        LastJobStatus = 2;
+        JobCurrentStartExecutingDate = 1446116751;
+        WantRemoteIO = true;
+        RequestCpus = 1;
+        NumShadowStarts = 1;
+        RemoteUserCpu = 1.620100000000000E+04;
+        NiceUser = false;
+        RequestMemory = 1000;
+        BytesRecvd = 2.846290000000000E+05;
+        ResidentSetSize = 125000;
+        StreamOut = false;
+        SpooledOutputFiles = "CURLTIME_3306268,ChtcWrapper226.out,AuditLog.226,simu_3_226.txt,harvest.log,226.out";
+        OnExitRemove = true;
+        ImageSize_RAW = 811948;
+        RemoteWallClockTime = 1.634400000000000E+04;
+        MachineAttrSlotWeight0 = 1;
+        ExecutableSize = 7;
+        JobStatus = 4;
+        DAGParentNodeNames = "";
+        ExitCode = 0;
+        DAGManNodesMask = "0,1,2,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,13,16,17,24,27";
+        BytesSent = 2.791500000000000E+04;
+        LastSuspensionTime = 0;
+        ExecutableSize_RAW = 6;
+        RecentBlockReadKbytes = 0;
+        TransferInputSizeMB = 0;
+        Matlab = "R2011b";
+        BlockReadKbytes = 0;
+        RecentStatsLifetimeStarter = 1200;
+        LeaveJobInQueue = false;
+        TargetType = "Machine";
+        WhenToTransferOutput = "ON_EXIT";
+        Owner = "xguo23";
+        JobNotification = 0;
+        BufferSize = 524288;
+        RecentBlockWrites = 0;
+        CompletionDate = 1446133094;
+        QDate = 1446105875;
+        JobLeaseDuration = 2400;
+        JobFinishedHookDone = 1446133094;
+        LastMatchTime = 1446116750;
+        LastJobLeaseRenewal = 1446133094;
+        DAGManNodesLog = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/model_3/./mydag.dag.nodes.log";
+        ClusterId = 49582897;
+        JobUniverse = 5;
+        NumJobStarts = 1;
+        CondorVersion = "$CondorVersion: 8.5.0 Sep 16 2015 BuildID: 341710 $";
+        CoreSize = 0;
+        OnExitHold = false;
+        CondorPlatform = "$CondorPlatform: X86_64-RedHat_6.6 $";
+        In = "/dev/null";
+        DiskUsage = 1250000;
+        EncryptExecuteDirectory = false;
+        CommittedSuspensionTime = 0;
+        User = "";
+        UserLog = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/model_3/226/process.log";
+        JobCurrentStartDate = 1446116750;
+        BufferBlockSize = 32768;
+        MATCH_EXP_JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "";
+        Requirements = ( ( OpSysMajorVer is 6 ) ) && ( MY.JobUniverse == 12 || MY.JobUniverse == 7 || MY.WantFlocking || MY.WantGlidein || TARGET.PoolName == "CHTC" || TARGET.COLLECTOR_HOST_STRING == "" ) && ( TARGET.Arch == "X86_64" ) && ( TARGET.OpSys == "LINUX" ) && ( TARGET.Disk >= RequestDisk ) && ( TARGET.Memory >= RequestMemory ) && ( TARGET.HasFileTransfer );
+        MinHosts = 1;
+        MaxHosts = 1;
+        Args = "--type=Matlab --version=R2011b --cmdtorun=simu_condor --unique=226 -- 3";
+        PeriodicHold = false;
+        ProcId = 0;
+        Environment = "";
+        DAGNodeName = "226+226";
+        MemoryUsage = ( ( ResidentSetSize + 1023 ) / 1024 );
+        TerminationPending = true;
+        NumRestarts = 0;
+        NumSystemHolds = 0;
+        CommittedTime = 16344;
+        MachineAttrCpus0 = 1;
+        WantRemoteSyscalls = false;
+        MyType = "Job";
+        CumulativeSuspensionTime = 0;
+        Rank = 0.0;
+        StartdPrincipal = "execute-side@matchsession/";
+        Err = "process.err";
+        PeriodicRemove = false;
+        BlockWriteKbytes = 0;
+        ExitBySignal = false;
+        DAGManJobId = 49582200;
+        EnteredCurrentStatus = 1446133094;
+        JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "$$([IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName), IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), \"\", TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName)])";
+        RecentBlockWriteKbytes = 0;
+        TransferIn = false;
+        ExitStatus = 0;
+        ShouldTransferFiles = "YES";
+        IsCHTCSubmit = true;
+        NumJobMatches = 1;
+        RootDir = "/";
+        JobStartDate = 1446116750;
+        JobPrio = 0;
+        CurrentHosts = 0;
+        GlobalJobId = "";
+        RemoteSysCpu = 1.190000000000000E+02;
+        TotalSuspensions = 0;
+        CommittedSlotTime = 1.634400000000000E+04;
+        WantCheckpoint = false;
+        BlockReads = 0;
+        LastRemoteHost = "";
+        TransferInput = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/data/226/,/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/data/shared/";
+        LocalUserCpu = 0.0;
+        PeriodicRelease = ( JobStatus == 5 ) && ( ( CurrentTime - EnteredCurrentStatus ) > 1800 ) && ( JobRunCount < 5 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 6 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 14 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 22 );
+        RequestDisk = 1000000;
+        ResidentSetSize_RAW = 124920;
+        OrigMaxHosts = 1;
+        LastPublicClaimId = "<>#1443991459#10913#...";
+        WantRHEL6 = true;
+        NumCkpts_RAW = 0;
+        Out = "process.out";
+        SubmitEventNotes = "DAG Node: 226+226";
+        CumulativeSlotTime = 1.634400000000000E+04;
+        JobRunCount = 1;
+        RecentBlockReads = 0;
+        StreamErr = false;
+        DiskUsage_RAW = 1216669;
+        NumCkpts = 0;
+        StatsLifetimeStarter = 16343;
+        ImageSize = 1000000;
+        Cmd = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/chtcjobwrapper";
+        LocalSysCpu = 0.0;
         Iwd = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/model_3/226"
-        BlockWrites = 0; 
-        LastJobStatus = 2; 
-        JobCurrentStartExecutingDate = 1446112696; 
-        WantRemoteIO = true; 
-        RequestCpus = 1; 
-        NumShadowStarts = 1; 
-        RemoteUserCpu = 2.022100000000000E+04; 
-        NiceUser = false; 
-        RequestMemory = 1000; 
-        BytesRecvd = 2.846130000000000E+05; 
-        ResidentSetSize = 150000; 
-        StreamOut = false; 
-        SpooledOutputFiles = "CURLTIME_173815,ChtcWrapper104.out,AuditLog.104,simu_3_104.txt,harvest.log,104.out"; 
-        OnExitRemove = true; 
-        ImageSize_RAW = 811948; 
-        RemoteWallClockTime = 2.036700000000000E+04; 
-        MachineAttrSlotWeight0 = 1; 
-        ExecutableSize = 7; 
-        JobStatus = 4; 
-        DAGParentNodeNames = ""; 
-        ExitCode = 0; 
-        DAGManNodesMask = "0,1,2,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,13,16,17,24,27"; 
-        BytesSent = 3.167400000000000E+04; 
-        LastSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        ExecutableSize_RAW = 6; 
-        RecentBlockReadKbytes = 0; 
-        TransferInputSizeMB = 0; 
-        Matlab = "R2011b"; 
-        BlockReadKbytes = 0; 
-        RecentStatsLifetimeStarter = 1200; 
-        LeaveJobInQueue = false; 
-        TargetType = "Machine"; 
-        WhenToTransferOutput = "ON_EXIT"; 
-        Owner = "xguo23"; 
-        JobNotification = 0; 
-        BufferSize = 524288; 
-        RecentBlockWrites = 0; 
-        CompletionDate = 1446133062; 
-        QDate = 1446105757; 
-        JobLeaseDuration = 2400; 
-        JobFinishedHookDone = 1446133062; 
-        LastMatchTime = 1446112695; 
-        LastJobLeaseRenewal = 1446133062; 
-        DAGManNodesLog = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.48/Simulation_condor/model_3/./mydag.dag.nodes.log"; 
-        ClusterId = 49582595; 
-        JobUniverse = 5; 
-        NumJobStarts = 1; 
-        CondorVersion = "$CondorVersion: 8.5.0 Sep 16 2015 BuildID: 341710 $"; 
-        CoreSize = 0; 
-        OnExitHold = false; 
-        CondorPlatform = "$CondorPlatform: X86_64-RedHat_6.6 $"; 
-        In = "/dev/null"; 
-        DiskUsage = 1250000; 
-        EncryptExecuteDirectory = false; 
-        CommittedSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        User = ""; 
-        UserLog = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.48/Simulation_condor/model_3/104/process.log"; 
-        JobCurrentStartDate = 1446112695; 
-        BufferBlockSize = 32768; 
-        MATCH_EXP_JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = ""; 
-        Requirements = ( ( OpSysMajorVer is 6 ) ) && ( MY.JobUniverse == 12 || MY.JobUniverse == 7 || MY.WantFlocking || MY.WantGlidein || TARGET.PoolName == "CHTC" || TARGET.COLLECTOR_HOST_STRING == "" ) && ( TARGET.Arch == "X86_64" ) && ( TARGET.OpSys == "LINUX" ) && ( TARGET.Disk >= RequestDisk ) && ( TARGET.Memory >= RequestMemory ) && ( TARGET.HasFileTransfer ); 
-        MinHosts = 1; 
-        MaxHosts = 1; 
-        Args = "--type=Matlab --version=R2011b --cmdtorun=simu_condor --unique=104 -- 3"; 
-        PeriodicHold = false; 
-        ProcId = 0; 
-        Environment = ""; 
-        DAGNodeName = "104+104"; 
-        MemoryUsage = ( ( ResidentSetSize + 1023 ) / 1024 ); 
-        TerminationPending = true; 
-        NumRestarts = 0; 
-        NumSystemHolds = 0; 
-        CommittedTime = 20367; 
-        MachineAttrCpus0 = 1; 
-        WantRemoteSyscalls = false; 
-        MyType = "Job"; 
-        CumulativeSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        Rank = 0.0; 
-        StartdPrincipal = "execute-side@matchsession/"; 
-        Err = "process.err"; 
-        PeriodicRemove = false; 
-        BlockWriteKbytes = 0; 
-        ExitBySignal = false; 
-        DAGManJobId = 49582206; 
-        EnteredCurrentStatus = 1446133062; 
-        JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "$$([IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName), IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), \"\", TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName)])"; 
-        RecentBlockWriteKbytes = 0; 
-        TransferIn = false; 
-        ExitStatus = 0; 
-        ShouldTransferFiles = "YES"; 
-        IsCHTCSubmit = true; 
-        NumJobMatches = 1; 
-        RootDir = "/"; 
-        JobStartDate = 1446112695; 
-        JobPrio = 0; 
-        CurrentHosts = 0; 
-        GlobalJobId = ""; 
-        RemoteSysCpu = 1.260000000000000E+02; 
-        TotalSuspensions = 0; 
-        CommittedSlotTime = 2.036700000000000E+04; 
-        WantCheckpoint = false; 
-        BlockReads = 0; 
-        LastRemoteHost = "slot1@e393.chtc.WISC.EDU"; 
-        TransferInput = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.48/Simulation_condor/data/104/,/home/xguo23/model_3_1.48/Simulation_condor/data/shared/"; 
-        LocalUserCpu = 0.0; 
-        PeriodicRelease = ( JobStatus == 5 ) && ( ( CurrentTime - EnteredCurrentStatus ) > 1800 ) && ( JobRunCount < 5 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 6 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 14 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 22 ); 
-        RequestDisk = 1000000; 
-        ResidentSetSize_RAW = 125640; 
-        OrigMaxHosts = 1; 
-        LastPublicClaimId = "<>#1443991433#12882#..."; 
-        WantRHEL6 = true; 
-        NumCkpts_RAW = 0; 
-        Out = "process.out"; 
-        SubmitEventNotes = "DAG Node: 104+104"; 
-        CumulativeSlotTime = 2.036700000000000E+04; 
-        JobRunCount = 1; 
-        RecentBlockReads = 0; 
-        StreamErr = false; 
-        DiskUsage_RAW = 1216669; 
-        NumCkpts = 0; 
-        StatsLifetimeStarter = 20366; 
-        ImageSize = 1000000; 
-        Cmd = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.48/Simulation_condor/chtcjobwrapper"; 
-        LocalSysCpu = 0.0; 
+        BlockWrites = 0;
+        LastJobStatus = 2;
+        JobCurrentStartExecutingDate = 1446112696;
+        WantRemoteIO = true;
+        RequestCpus = 1;
+        NumShadowStarts = 1;
+        RemoteUserCpu = 2.022100000000000E+04;
+        NiceUser = false;
+        RequestMemory = 1000;
+        BytesRecvd = 2.846130000000000E+05;
+        ResidentSetSize = 150000;
+        StreamOut = false;
+        SpooledOutputFiles = "CURLTIME_173815,ChtcWrapper104.out,AuditLog.104,simu_3_104.txt,harvest.log,104.out";
+        OnExitRemove = true;
+        ImageSize_RAW = 811948;
+        RemoteWallClockTime = 2.036700000000000E+04;
+        MachineAttrSlotWeight0 = 1;
+        ExecutableSize = 7;
+        JobStatus = 4;
+        DAGParentNodeNames = "";
+        ExitCode = 0;
+        DAGManNodesMask = "0,1,2,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,13,16,17,24,27";
+        BytesSent = 3.167400000000000E+04;
+        LastSuspensionTime = 0;
+        ExecutableSize_RAW = 6;
+        RecentBlockReadKbytes = 0;
+        TransferInputSizeMB = 0;
+        Matlab = "R2011b";
+        BlockReadKbytes = 0;
+        RecentStatsLifetimeStarter = 1200;
+        LeaveJobInQueue = false;
+        TargetType = "Machine";
+        WhenToTransferOutput = "ON_EXIT";
+        Owner = "xguo23";
+        JobNotification = 0;
+        BufferSize = 524288;
+        RecentBlockWrites = 0;
+        CompletionDate = 1446133062;
+        QDate = 1446105757;
+        JobLeaseDuration = 2400;
+        JobFinishedHookDone = 1446133062;
+        LastMatchTime = 1446112695;
+        LastJobLeaseRenewal = 1446133062;
+        DAGManNodesLog = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.48/Simulation_condor/model_3/./mydag.dag.nodes.log";
+        ClusterId = 49582595;
+        JobUniverse = 5;
+        NumJobStarts = 1;
+        CondorVersion = "$CondorVersion: 8.5.0 Sep 16 2015 BuildID: 341710 $";
+        CoreSize = 0;
+        OnExitHold = false;
+        CondorPlatform = "$CondorPlatform: X86_64-RedHat_6.6 $";
+        In = "/dev/null";
+        DiskUsage = 1250000;
+        EncryptExecuteDirectory = false;
+        CommittedSuspensionTime = 0;
+        User = "";
+        UserLog = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.48/Simulation_condor/model_3/104/process.log";
+        JobCurrentStartDate = 1446112695;
+        BufferBlockSize = 32768;
+        MATCH_EXP_JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "";
+        Requirements = ( ( OpSysMajorVer is 6 ) ) && ( MY.JobUniverse == 12 || MY.JobUniverse == 7 || MY.WantFlocking || MY.WantGlidein || TARGET.PoolName == "CHTC" || TARGET.COLLECTOR_HOST_STRING == "" ) && ( TARGET.Arch == "X86_64" ) && ( TARGET.OpSys == "LINUX" ) && ( TARGET.Disk >= RequestDisk ) && ( TARGET.Memory >= RequestMemory ) && ( TARGET.HasFileTransfer );
+        MinHosts = 1;
+        MaxHosts = 1;
+        Args = "--type=Matlab --version=R2011b --cmdtorun=simu_condor --unique=104 -- 3";
+        PeriodicHold = false;
+        ProcId = 0;
+        Environment = "";
+        DAGNodeName = "104+104";
+        MemoryUsage = ( ( ResidentSetSize + 1023 ) / 1024 );
+        TerminationPending = true;
+        NumRestarts = 0;
+        NumSystemHolds = 0;
+        CommittedTime = 20367;
+        MachineAttrCpus0 = 1;
+        WantRemoteSyscalls = false;
+        MyType = "Job";
+        CumulativeSuspensionTime = 0;
+        Rank = 0.0;
+        StartdPrincipal = "execute-side@matchsession/";
+        Err = "process.err";
+        PeriodicRemove = false;
+        BlockWriteKbytes = 0;
+        ExitBySignal = false;
+        DAGManJobId = 49582206;
+        EnteredCurrentStatus = 1446133062;
+        JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "$$([IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName), IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), \"\", TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName)])";
+        RecentBlockWriteKbytes = 0;
+        TransferIn = false;
+        ExitStatus = 0;
+        ShouldTransferFiles = "YES";
+        IsCHTCSubmit = true;
+        NumJobMatches = 1;
+        RootDir = "/";
+        JobStartDate = 1446112695;
+        JobPrio = 0;
+        CurrentHosts = 0;
+        GlobalJobId = "";
+        RemoteSysCpu = 1.260000000000000E+02;
+        TotalSuspensions = 0;
+        CommittedSlotTime = 2.036700000000000E+04;
+        WantCheckpoint = false;
+        BlockReads = 0;
+        LastRemoteHost = "slot1@e393.chtc.WISC.EDU";
+        TransferInput = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.48/Simulation_condor/data/104/,/home/xguo23/model_3_1.48/Simulation_condor/data/shared/";
+        LocalUserCpu = 0.0;
+        PeriodicRelease = ( JobStatus == 5 ) && ( ( CurrentTime - EnteredCurrentStatus ) > 1800 ) && ( JobRunCount < 5 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 6 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 14 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 22 );
+        RequestDisk = 1000000;
+        ResidentSetSize_RAW = 125640;
+        OrigMaxHosts = 1;
+        LastPublicClaimId = "<>#1443991433#12882#...";
+        WantRHEL6 = true;
+        NumCkpts_RAW = 0;
+        Out = "process.out";
+        SubmitEventNotes = "DAG Node: 104+104";
+        CumulativeSlotTime = 2.036700000000000E+04;
+        JobRunCount = 1;
+        RecentBlockReads = 0;
+        StreamErr = false;
+        DiskUsage_RAW = 1216669;
+        NumCkpts = 0;
+        StatsLifetimeStarter = 20366;
+        ImageSize = 1000000;
+        Cmd = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.48/Simulation_condor/chtcjobwrapper";
+        LocalSysCpu = 0.0;
         Iwd = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.48/Simulation_condor/model_3/104"
-        BlockWrites = 0; 
-        LastJobStatus = 2; 
-        JobCurrentStartExecutingDate = 1446110792; 
-        WantRemoteIO = true; 
-        RequestCpus = 1; 
-        NumShadowStarts = 1; 
-        RemoteUserCpu = 2.211100000000000E+04; 
-        NiceUser = false; 
-        RequestMemory = 1000; 
-        BytesRecvd = 2.846280000000000E+05; 
-        ResidentSetSize = 150000; 
-        StreamOut = false; 
-        SpooledOutputFiles = "CURLTIME_915422,ChtcWrapper39.out,AuditLog.39,simu_3_39.txt,harvest.log,39.out"; 
-        OnExitRemove = true; 
-        ImageSize_RAW = 811948; 
-        RemoteWallClockTime = 2.225000000000000E+04; 
-        MachineAttrSlotWeight0 = 1; 
-        ExecutableSize = 7; 
-        JobStatus = 4; 
-        DAGParentNodeNames = ""; 
-        ExitCode = 0; 
-        DAGManNodesMask = "0,1,2,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,13,16,17,24,27"; 
-        BytesSent = 2.794200000000000E+04; 
-        LastSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        ExecutableSize_RAW = 6; 
-        RecentBlockReadKbytes = 0; 
-        TransferInputSizeMB = 0; 
-        Matlab = "R2011b"; 
-        BlockReadKbytes = 0; 
-        RecentStatsLifetimeStarter = 1200; 
-        LeaveJobInQueue = false; 
-        TargetType = "Machine"; 
-        WhenToTransferOutput = "ON_EXIT"; 
-        Owner = "xguo23"; 
-        JobNotification = 0; 
-        BufferSize = 524288; 
-        RecentBlockWrites = 0; 
-        CompletionDate = 1446133041; 
-        QDate = 1446105695; 
-        JobLeaseDuration = 2400; 
-        JobFinishedHookDone = 1446133041; 
-        LastMatchTime = 1446110791; 
-        LastJobLeaseRenewal = 1446133041; 
-        DAGManNodesLog = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/model_3/./mydag.dag.nodes.log"; 
-        ClusterId = 49582432; 
-        JobUniverse = 5; 
-        NumJobStarts = 1; 
-        CondorVersion = "$CondorVersion: 8.5.0 Sep 16 2015 BuildID: 341710 $"; 
-        CoreSize = 0; 
-        OnExitHold = false; 
-        CondorPlatform = "$CondorPlatform: X86_64-RedHat_6.6 $"; 
-        In = "/dev/null"; 
-        DiskUsage = 1250000; 
-        EncryptExecuteDirectory = false; 
-        CommittedSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        User = ""; 
-        UserLog = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/model_3/39/process.log"; 
-        JobCurrentStartDate = 1446110791; 
-        BufferBlockSize = 32768; 
-        MATCH_EXP_JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = ""; 
-        Requirements = ( ( OpSysMajorVer is 6 ) ) && ( MY.JobUniverse == 12 || MY.JobUniverse == 7 || MY.WantFlocking || MY.WantGlidein || TARGET.PoolName == "CHTC" || TARGET.COLLECTOR_HOST_STRING == "" ) && ( TARGET.Arch == "X86_64" ) && ( TARGET.OpSys == "LINUX" ) && ( TARGET.Disk >= RequestDisk ) && ( TARGET.Memory >= RequestMemory ) && ( TARGET.HasFileTransfer ); 
-        MinHosts = 1; 
-        MaxHosts = 1; 
-        Args = "--type=Matlab --version=R2011b --cmdtorun=simu_condor --unique=39 -- 3"; 
-        PeriodicHold = false; 
-        ProcId = 0; 
-        Environment = ""; 
-        DAGNodeName = "39+39"; 
-        MemoryUsage = ( ( ResidentSetSize + 1023 ) / 1024 ); 
-        TerminationPending = true; 
-        NumRestarts = 0; 
-        NumSystemHolds = 0; 
-        CommittedTime = 22250; 
-        MachineAttrCpus0 = 1; 
-        WantRemoteSyscalls = false; 
-        MyType = "Job"; 
-        CumulativeSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        Rank = 0.0; 
-        StartdPrincipal = "execute-side@matchsession/"; 
-        Err = "process.err"; 
-        PeriodicRemove = false; 
-        BlockWriteKbytes = 0; 
-        ExitBySignal = false; 
-        DAGManJobId = 49582200; 
-        EnteredCurrentStatus = 1446133041; 
-        JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "$$([IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName), IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), \"\", TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName)])"; 
-        RecentBlockWriteKbytes = 0; 
-        TransferIn = false; 
-        ExitStatus = 0; 
-        ShouldTransferFiles = "YES"; 
-        IsCHTCSubmit = true; 
-        NumJobMatches = 1; 
-        RootDir = "/"; 
-        JobStartDate = 1446110791; 
-        JobPrio = 0; 
-        CurrentHosts = 0; 
-        GlobalJobId = ""; 
-        RemoteSysCpu = 1.190000000000000E+02; 
-        TotalSuspensions = 0; 
-        CommittedSlotTime = 2.225000000000000E+04; 
-        WantCheckpoint = false; 
-        BlockReads = 0; 
-        LastRemoteHost = ""; 
-        TransferInput = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/data/39/,/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/data/shared/"; 
-        LocalUserCpu = 0.0; 
-        PeriodicRelease = ( JobStatus == 5 ) && ( ( CurrentTime - EnteredCurrentStatus ) > 1800 ) && ( JobRunCount < 5 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 6 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 14 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 22 ); 
-        RequestDisk = 1000000; 
-        ResidentSetSize_RAW = 125680; 
-        OrigMaxHosts = 1; 
-        LastPublicClaimId = "<>#1444685638#5772#..."; 
-        WantRHEL6 = true; 
-        NumCkpts_RAW = 0; 
-        Out = "process.out"; 
-        SubmitEventNotes = "DAG Node: 39+39"; 
-        CumulativeSlotTime = 2.225000000000000E+04; 
-        JobRunCount = 1; 
-        RecentBlockReads = 0; 
-        StreamErr = false; 
-        DiskUsage_RAW = 1216669; 
-        NumCkpts = 0; 
-        StatsLifetimeStarter = 22249; 
-        ImageSize = 1000000; 
-        Cmd = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/chtcjobwrapper"; 
-        LocalSysCpu = 0.0; 
+        BlockWrites = 0;
+        LastJobStatus = 2;
+        JobCurrentStartExecutingDate = 1446110792;
+        WantRemoteIO = true;
+        RequestCpus = 1;
+        NumShadowStarts = 1;
+        RemoteUserCpu = 2.211100000000000E+04;
+        NiceUser = false;
+        RequestMemory = 1000;
+        BytesRecvd = 2.846280000000000E+05;
+        ResidentSetSize = 150000;
+        StreamOut = false;
+        SpooledOutputFiles = "CURLTIME_915422,ChtcWrapper39.out,AuditLog.39,simu_3_39.txt,harvest.log,39.out";
+        OnExitRemove = true;
+        ImageSize_RAW = 811948;
+        RemoteWallClockTime = 2.225000000000000E+04;
+        MachineAttrSlotWeight0 = 1;
+        ExecutableSize = 7;
+        JobStatus = 4;
+        DAGParentNodeNames = "";
+        ExitCode = 0;
+        DAGManNodesMask = "0,1,2,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,13,16,17,24,27";
+        BytesSent = 2.794200000000000E+04;
+        LastSuspensionTime = 0;
+        ExecutableSize_RAW = 6;
+        RecentBlockReadKbytes = 0;
+        TransferInputSizeMB = 0;
+        Matlab = "R2011b";
+        BlockReadKbytes = 0;
+        RecentStatsLifetimeStarter = 1200;
+        LeaveJobInQueue = false;
+        TargetType = "Machine";
+        WhenToTransferOutput = "ON_EXIT";
+        Owner = "xguo23";
+        JobNotification = 0;
+        BufferSize = 524288;
+        RecentBlockWrites = 0;
+        CompletionDate = 1446133041;
+        QDate = 1446105695;
+        JobLeaseDuration = 2400;
+        JobFinishedHookDone = 1446133041;
+        LastMatchTime = 1446110791;
+        LastJobLeaseRenewal = 1446133041;
+        DAGManNodesLog = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/model_3/./mydag.dag.nodes.log";
+        ClusterId = 49582432;
+        JobUniverse = 5;
+        NumJobStarts = 1;
+        CondorVersion = "$CondorVersion: 8.5.0 Sep 16 2015 BuildID: 341710 $";
+        CoreSize = 0;
+        OnExitHold = false;
+        CondorPlatform = "$CondorPlatform: X86_64-RedHat_6.6 $";
+        In = "/dev/null";
+        DiskUsage = 1250000;
+        EncryptExecuteDirectory = false;
+        CommittedSuspensionTime = 0;
+        User = "";
+        UserLog = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/model_3/39/process.log";
+        JobCurrentStartDate = 1446110791;
+        BufferBlockSize = 32768;
+        MATCH_EXP_JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "";
+        Requirements = ( ( OpSysMajorVer is 6 ) ) && ( MY.JobUniverse == 12 || MY.JobUniverse == 7 || MY.WantFlocking || MY.WantGlidein || TARGET.PoolName == "CHTC" || TARGET.COLLECTOR_HOST_STRING == "" ) && ( TARGET.Arch == "X86_64" ) && ( TARGET.OpSys == "LINUX" ) && ( TARGET.Disk >= RequestDisk ) && ( TARGET.Memory >= RequestMemory ) && ( TARGET.HasFileTransfer );
+        MinHosts = 1;
+        MaxHosts = 1;
+        Args = "--type=Matlab --version=R2011b --cmdtorun=simu_condor --unique=39 -- 3";
+        PeriodicHold = false;
+        ProcId = 0;
+        Environment = "";
+        DAGNodeName = "39+39";
+        MemoryUsage = ( ( ResidentSetSize + 1023 ) / 1024 );
+        TerminationPending = true;
+        NumRestarts = 0;
+        NumSystemHolds = 0;
+        CommittedTime = 22250;
+        MachineAttrCpus0 = 1;
+        WantRemoteSyscalls = false;
+        MyType = "Job";
+        CumulativeSuspensionTime = 0;
+        Rank = 0.0;
+        StartdPrincipal = "execute-side@matchsession/";
+        Err = "process.err";
+        PeriodicRemove = false;
+        BlockWriteKbytes = 0;
+        ExitBySignal = false;
+        DAGManJobId = 49582200;
+        EnteredCurrentStatus = 1446133041;
+        JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "$$([IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName), IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), \"\", TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName)])";
+        RecentBlockWriteKbytes = 0;
+        TransferIn = false;
+        ExitStatus = 0;
+        ShouldTransferFiles = "YES";
+        IsCHTCSubmit = true;
+        NumJobMatches = 1;
+        RootDir = "/";
+        JobStartDate = 1446110791;
+        JobPrio = 0;
+        CurrentHosts = 0;
+        GlobalJobId = "";
+        RemoteSysCpu = 1.190000000000000E+02;
+        TotalSuspensions = 0;
+        CommittedSlotTime = 2.225000000000000E+04;
+        WantCheckpoint = false;
+        BlockReads = 0;
+        LastRemoteHost = "";
+        TransferInput = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/data/39/,/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/data/shared/";
+        LocalUserCpu = 0.0;
+        PeriodicRelease = ( JobStatus == 5 ) && ( ( CurrentTime - EnteredCurrentStatus ) > 1800 ) && ( JobRunCount < 5 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 6 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 14 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 22 );
+        RequestDisk = 1000000;
+        ResidentSetSize_RAW = 125680;
+        OrigMaxHosts = 1;
+        LastPublicClaimId = "<>#1444685638#5772#...";
+        WantRHEL6 = true;
+        NumCkpts_RAW = 0;
+        Out = "process.out";
+        SubmitEventNotes = "DAG Node: 39+39";
+        CumulativeSlotTime = 2.225000000000000E+04;
+        JobRunCount = 1;
+        RecentBlockReads = 0;
+        StreamErr = false;
+        DiskUsage_RAW = 1216669;
+        NumCkpts = 0;
+        StatsLifetimeStarter = 22249;
+        ImageSize = 1000000;
+        Cmd = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/chtcjobwrapper";
+        LocalSysCpu = 0.0;
         Iwd = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/model_3/39"
-        BlockWrites = 0; 
-        LastJobStatus = 2; 
-        JobCurrentStartExecutingDate = 1446115780; 
-        WantRemoteIO = true; 
-        RequestCpus = 1; 
-        NumShadowStarts = 1; 
-        RemoteUserCpu = 1.715900000000000E+04; 
-        NiceUser = false; 
-        RequestMemory = 1000; 
-        BytesRecvd = 2.846290000000000E+05; 
-        ResidentSetSize = 150000; 
-        StreamOut = false; 
-        SpooledOutputFiles = "CURLTIME_2889473,ChtcWrapper243.out,AuditLog.243,simu_3_243.txt,harvest.log,243.out"; 
-        OnExitRemove = true; 
-        ImageSize_RAW = 811948; 
-        RemoteWallClockTime = 1.725300000000000E+04; 
-        MachineAttrSlotWeight0 = 1; 
-        ExecutableSize = 7; 
-        JobStatus = 4; 
-        DAGParentNodeNames = ""; 
-        ExitCode = 0; 
-        DAGManNodesMask = "0,1,2,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,13,16,17,24,27"; 
-        BytesSent = 2.791300000000000E+04; 
-        LastSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        ExecutableSize_RAW = 6; 
-        RecentBlockReadKbytes = 0; 
-        TransferInputSizeMB = 0; 
-        Matlab = "R2011b"; 
-        BlockReadKbytes = 0; 
-        RecentStatsLifetimeStarter = 1200; 
-        LeaveJobInQueue = false; 
-        TargetType = "Machine"; 
-        WhenToTransferOutput = "ON_EXIT"; 
-        Owner = "xguo23"; 
-        JobNotification = 0; 
-        BufferSize = 524288; 
-        RecentBlockWrites = 0; 
-        CompletionDate = 1446133031; 
-        QDate = 1446105836; 
-        JobLeaseDuration = 2400; 
-        JobFinishedHookDone = 1446133031; 
-        LastMatchTime = 1446115778; 
-        LastJobLeaseRenewal = 1446133031; 
-        DAGManNodesLog = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/model_3/./mydag.dag.nodes.log"; 
-        ClusterId = 49582796; 
-        JobUniverse = 5; 
-        NumJobStarts = 1; 
-        CondorVersion = "$CondorVersion: 8.5.0 Sep 16 2015 BuildID: 341710 $"; 
-        CoreSize = 0; 
-        OnExitHold = false; 
-        CondorPlatform = "$CondorPlatform: X86_64-RedHat_6.6 $"; 
-        In = "/dev/null"; 
-        DiskUsage = 1250000; 
-        EncryptExecuteDirectory = false; 
-        CommittedSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        User = ""; 
-        UserLog = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/model_3/243/process.log"; 
-        JobCurrentStartDate = 1446115778; 
-        BufferBlockSize = 32768; 
-        MATCH_EXP_JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = ""; 
-        Requirements = ( ( OpSysMajorVer is 6 ) ) && ( MY.JobUniverse == 12 || MY.JobUniverse == 7 || MY.WantFlocking || MY.WantGlidein || TARGET.PoolName == "CHTC" || TARGET.COLLECTOR_HOST_STRING == "" ) && ( TARGET.Arch == "X86_64" ) && ( TARGET.OpSys == "LINUX" ) && ( TARGET.Disk >= RequestDisk ) && ( TARGET.Memory >= RequestMemory ) && ( TARGET.HasFileTransfer ); 
-        MinHosts = 1; 
-        MaxHosts = 1; 
-        Args = "--type=Matlab --version=R2011b --cmdtorun=simu_condor --unique=243 -- 3"; 
-        PeriodicHold = false; 
-        ProcId = 0; 
-        Environment = ""; 
-        DAGNodeName = "243+243"; 
-        MemoryUsage = ( ( ResidentSetSize + 1023 ) / 1024 ); 
-        TerminationPending = true; 
-        NumRestarts = 0; 
-        NumSystemHolds = 0; 
-        CommittedTime = 17253; 
-        MachineAttrCpus0 = 1; 
-        WantRemoteSyscalls = false; 
-        MyType = "Job"; 
-        CumulativeSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        Rank = 0.0; 
-        StartdPrincipal = "execute-side@matchsession/"; 
-        Err = "process.err"; 
-        PeriodicRemove = false; 
-        BlockWriteKbytes = 0; 
-        ExitBySignal = false; 
-        DAGManJobId = 49582200; 
-        EnteredCurrentStatus = 1446133031; 
-        JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "$$([IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName), IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), \"\", TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName)])"; 
-        RecentBlockWriteKbytes = 0; 
-        TransferIn = false; 
-        ExitStatus = 0; 
-        ShouldTransferFiles = "YES"; 
-        IsCHTCSubmit = true; 
-        NumJobMatches = 1; 
-        RootDir = "/"; 
-        JobStartDate = 1446115778; 
-        JobPrio = 0; 
-        CurrentHosts = 0; 
-        GlobalJobId = ""; 
-        RemoteSysCpu = 6.200000000000000E+01; 
-        TotalSuspensions = 0; 
-        CommittedSlotTime = 1.725300000000000E+04; 
-        WantCheckpoint = false; 
-        BlockReads = 0; 
-        LastRemoteHost = ""; 
-        TransferInput = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/data/243/,/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/data/shared/"; 
-        LocalUserCpu = 0.0; 
-        PeriodicRelease = ( JobStatus == 5 ) && ( ( CurrentTime - EnteredCurrentStatus ) > 1800 ) && ( JobRunCount < 5 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 6 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 14 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 22 ); 
-        RequestDisk = 1000000; 
-        ResidentSetSize_RAW = 127320; 
-        OrigMaxHosts = 1; 
-        LastPublicClaimId = "<>#1444673418#9764#..."; 
-        WantRHEL6 = true; 
-        NumCkpts_RAW = 0; 
-        Out = "process.out"; 
-        SubmitEventNotes = "DAG Node: 243+243"; 
-        CumulativeSlotTime = 1.725300000000000E+04; 
-        JobRunCount = 1; 
-        RecentBlockReads = 0; 
-        StreamErr = false; 
-        DiskUsage_RAW = 1216669; 
-        NumCkpts = 0; 
-        StatsLifetimeStarter = 17251; 
-        ImageSize = 1000000; 
-        Cmd = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/chtcjobwrapper"; 
-        LocalSysCpu = 0.0; 
+        BlockWrites = 0;
+        LastJobStatus = 2;
+        JobCurrentStartExecutingDate = 1446115780;
+        WantRemoteIO = true;
+        RequestCpus = 1;
+        NumShadowStarts = 1;
+        RemoteUserCpu = 1.715900000000000E+04;
+        NiceUser = false;
+        RequestMemory = 1000;
+        BytesRecvd = 2.846290000000000E+05;
+        ResidentSetSize = 150000;
+        StreamOut = false;
+        SpooledOutputFiles = "CURLTIME_2889473,ChtcWrapper243.out,AuditLog.243,simu_3_243.txt,harvest.log,243.out";
+        OnExitRemove = true;
+        ImageSize_RAW = 811948;
+        RemoteWallClockTime = 1.725300000000000E+04;
+        MachineAttrSlotWeight0 = 1;
+        ExecutableSize = 7;
+        JobStatus = 4;
+        DAGParentNodeNames = "";
+        ExitCode = 0;
+        DAGManNodesMask = "0,1,2,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,13,16,17,24,27";
+        BytesSent = 2.791300000000000E+04;
+        LastSuspensionTime = 0;
+        ExecutableSize_RAW = 6;
+        RecentBlockReadKbytes = 0;
+        TransferInputSizeMB = 0;
+        Matlab = "R2011b";
+        BlockReadKbytes = 0;
+        RecentStatsLifetimeStarter = 1200;
+        LeaveJobInQueue = false;
+        TargetType = "Machine";
+        WhenToTransferOutput = "ON_EXIT";
+        Owner = "xguo23";
+        JobNotification = 0;
+        BufferSize = 524288;
+        RecentBlockWrites = 0;
+        CompletionDate = 1446133031;
+        QDate = 1446105836;
+        JobLeaseDuration = 2400;
+        JobFinishedHookDone = 1446133031;
+        LastMatchTime = 1446115778;
+        LastJobLeaseRenewal = 1446133031;
+        DAGManNodesLog = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/model_3/./mydag.dag.nodes.log";
+        ClusterId = 49582796;
+        JobUniverse = 5;
+        NumJobStarts = 1;
+        CondorVersion = "$CondorVersion: 8.5.0 Sep 16 2015 BuildID: 341710 $";
+        CoreSize = 0;
+        OnExitHold = false;
+        CondorPlatform = "$CondorPlatform: X86_64-RedHat_6.6 $";
+        In = "/dev/null";
+        DiskUsage = 1250000;
+        EncryptExecuteDirectory = false;
+        CommittedSuspensionTime = 0;
+        User = "";
+        UserLog = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/model_3/243/process.log";
+        JobCurrentStartDate = 1446115778;
+        BufferBlockSize = 32768;
+        MATCH_EXP_JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "";
+        Requirements = ( ( OpSysMajorVer is 6 ) ) && ( MY.JobUniverse == 12 || MY.JobUniverse == 7 || MY.WantFlocking || MY.WantGlidein || TARGET.PoolName == "CHTC" || TARGET.COLLECTOR_HOST_STRING == "" ) && ( TARGET.Arch == "X86_64" ) && ( TARGET.OpSys == "LINUX" ) && ( TARGET.Disk >= RequestDisk ) && ( TARGET.Memory >= RequestMemory ) && ( TARGET.HasFileTransfer );
+        MinHosts = 1;
+        MaxHosts = 1;
+        Args = "--type=Matlab --version=R2011b --cmdtorun=simu_condor --unique=243 -- 3";
+        PeriodicHold = false;
+        ProcId = 0;
+        Environment = "";
+        DAGNodeName = "243+243";
+        MemoryUsage = ( ( ResidentSetSize + 1023 ) / 1024 );
+        TerminationPending = true;
+        NumRestarts = 0;
+        NumSystemHolds = 0;
+        CommittedTime = 17253;
+        MachineAttrCpus0 = 1;
+        WantRemoteSyscalls = false;
+        MyType = "Job";
+        CumulativeSuspensionTime = 0;
+        Rank = 0.0;
+        StartdPrincipal = "execute-side@matchsession/";
+        Err = "process.err";
+        PeriodicRemove = false;
+        BlockWriteKbytes = 0;
+        ExitBySignal = false;
+        DAGManJobId = 49582200;
+        EnteredCurrentStatus = 1446133031;
+        JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "$$([IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName), IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), \"\", TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName)])";
+        RecentBlockWriteKbytes = 0;
+        TransferIn = false;
+        ExitStatus = 0;
+        ShouldTransferFiles = "YES";
+        IsCHTCSubmit = true;
+        NumJobMatches = 1;
+        RootDir = "/";
+        JobStartDate = 1446115778;
+        JobPrio = 0;
+        CurrentHosts = 0;
+        GlobalJobId = "";
+        RemoteSysCpu = 6.200000000000000E+01;
+        TotalSuspensions = 0;
+        CommittedSlotTime = 1.725300000000000E+04;
+        WantCheckpoint = false;
+        BlockReads = 0;
+        LastRemoteHost = "";
+        TransferInput = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/data/243/,/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/data/shared/";
+        LocalUserCpu = 0.0;
+        PeriodicRelease = ( JobStatus == 5 ) && ( ( CurrentTime - EnteredCurrentStatus ) > 1800 ) && ( JobRunCount < 5 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 6 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 14 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 22 );
+        RequestDisk = 1000000;
+        ResidentSetSize_RAW = 127320;
+        OrigMaxHosts = 1;
+        LastPublicClaimId = "<>#1444673418#9764#...";
+        WantRHEL6 = true;
+        NumCkpts_RAW = 0;
+        Out = "process.out";
+        SubmitEventNotes = "DAG Node: 243+243";
+        CumulativeSlotTime = 1.725300000000000E+04;
+        JobRunCount = 1;
+        RecentBlockReads = 0;
+        StreamErr = false;
+        DiskUsage_RAW = 1216669;
+        NumCkpts = 0;
+        StatsLifetimeStarter = 17251;
+        ImageSize = 1000000;
+        Cmd = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/chtcjobwrapper";
+        LocalSysCpu = 0.0;
         Iwd = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/model_3/243"
-        BlockWrites = 1; 
-        LastJobStatus = 2; 
-        JobCurrentStartExecutingDate = 1446110000; 
-        WantRemoteIO = true; 
-        RequestCpus = 1; 
-        NumShadowStarts = 1; 
-        RemoteUserCpu = 2.274000000000000E+04; 
-        NiceUser = false; 
-        RequestMemory = 1000; 
-        BytesRecvd = 2.846120000000000E+05; 
-        ResidentSetSize = 75000; 
-        StreamOut = false; 
-        SpooledOutputFiles = "CURLTIME_127008,ChtcWrapper61.out,AuditLog.61,simu_3_61.txt,harvest.log,61.out"; 
-        OnExitRemove = true; 
-        ImageSize_RAW = 119748; 
-        RemoteWallClockTime = 2.298300000000000E+04; 
-        MachineAttrSlotWeight0 = 1; 
-        ExecutableSize = 7; 
-        JobStatus = 4; 
-        DAGParentNodeNames = ""; 
-        ExitCode = 0; 
-        DAGManNodesMask = "0,1,2,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,13,16,17,24,27"; 
-        BytesSent = 3.053300000000000E+04; 
-        LastSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        ExecutableSize_RAW = 6; 
-        RecentBlockReadKbytes = 848; 
-        TransferInputSizeMB = 0; 
-        Matlab = "R2011b"; 
-        BlockReadKbytes = 37312; 
-        RecentStatsLifetimeStarter = 1200; 
-        LeaveJobInQueue = false; 
-        TargetType = "Machine"; 
-        WhenToTransferOutput = "ON_EXIT"; 
-        Owner = "xguo23"; 
-        JobNotification = 0; 
-        BufferSize = 524288; 
-        RecentBlockWrites = 1; 
-        CompletionDate = 1446132981; 
-        QDate = 1446105655; 
-        JobLeaseDuration = 2400; 
-        JobFinishedHookDone = 1446132981; 
-        LastMatchTime = 1446109998; 
-        LastJobLeaseRenewal = 1446132981; 
-        DAGManNodesLog = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.48/Simulation_condor/model_3/./mydag.dag.nodes.log"; 
-        ClusterId = 49582323; 
-        JobUniverse = 5; 
-        NumJobStarts = 1; 
-        CondorVersion = "$CondorVersion: 8.5.0 Sep 16 2015 BuildID: 341710 $"; 
-        CoreSize = 0; 
-        OnExitHold = false; 
-        CondorPlatform = "$CondorPlatform: X86_64-RedHat_6.6 $"; 
-        In = "/dev/null"; 
-        DiskUsage = 1250000; 
-        EncryptExecuteDirectory = false; 
-        CommittedSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        User = ""; 
-        UserLog = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.48/Simulation_condor/model_3/61/process.log"; 
-        JobCurrentStartDate = 1446109998; 
-        BufferBlockSize = 32768; 
-        MATCH_EXP_JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = ""; 
-        Requirements = ( ( OpSysMajorVer is 6 ) ) && ( MY.JobUniverse == 12 || MY.JobUniverse == 7 || MY.WantFlocking || MY.WantGlidein || TARGET.PoolName == "CHTC" || TARGET.COLLECTOR_HOST_STRING == "" ) && ( TARGET.Arch == "X86_64" ) && ( TARGET.OpSys == "LINUX" ) && ( TARGET.Disk >= RequestDisk ) && ( TARGET.Memory >= RequestMemory ) && ( TARGET.HasFileTransfer ); 
-        MinHosts = 1; 
-        MaxHosts = 1; 
-        Args = "--type=Matlab --version=R2011b --cmdtorun=simu_condor --unique=61 -- 3"; 
-        PeriodicHold = false; 
-        ProcId = 0; 
-        Environment = ""; 
-        DAGNodeName = "61+61"; 
-        MemoryUsage = ( ( ResidentSetSize + 1023 ) / 1024 ); 
-        TerminationPending = true; 
-        NumRestarts = 0; 
-        NumSystemHolds = 0; 
-        CommittedTime = 22983; 
-        MachineAttrCpus0 = 1; 
-        WantRemoteSyscalls = false; 
-        MyType = "Job"; 
-        CumulativeSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        Rank = 0.0; 
-        StartdPrincipal = "execute-side@matchsession/"; 
-        Err = "process.err"; 
-        PeriodicRemove = false; 
-        BlockWriteKbytes = 4; 
-        ExitBySignal = false; 
-        DAGManJobId = 49582206; 
-        EnteredCurrentStatus = 1446132981; 
-        JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "$$([IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName), IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), \"\", TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName)])"; 
-        RecentBlockWriteKbytes = 4; 
-        TransferIn = false; 
-        ExitStatus = 0; 
-        ShouldTransferFiles = "YES"; 
-        IsCHTCSubmit = true; 
-        NumJobMatches = 1; 
-        RootDir = "/"; 
-        JobStartDate = 1446109998; 
-        JobPrio = 0; 
-        CurrentHosts = 0; 
-        GlobalJobId = ""; 
-        RemoteSysCpu = 1.970000000000000E+02; 
-        TotalSuspensions = 0; 
-        CommittedSlotTime = 2.298300000000000E+04; 
-        WantCheckpoint = false; 
-        BlockReads = 808; 
-        LastRemoteHost = ""; 
-        TransferInput = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.48/Simulation_condor/data/61/,/home/xguo23/model_3_1.48/Simulation_condor/data/shared/"; 
-        LocalUserCpu = 0.0; 
-        PeriodicRelease = ( JobStatus == 5 ) && ( ( CurrentTime - EnteredCurrentStatus ) > 1800 ) && ( JobRunCount < 5 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 6 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 14 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 22 ); 
-        RequestDisk = 1000000; 
-        ResidentSetSize_RAW = 72244; 
-        OrigMaxHosts = 1; 
-        LastPublicClaimId = "<>#1445308581#1248#..."; 
-        WantRHEL6 = true; 
-        NumCkpts_RAW = 0; 
-        Out = "process.out"; 
-        SubmitEventNotes = "DAG Node: 61+61"; 
-        CumulativeSlotTime = 2.298300000000000E+04; 
-        JobRunCount = 1; 
-        RecentBlockReads = 71; 
-        StreamErr = false; 
-        DiskUsage_RAW = 1216669; 
-        NumCkpts = 0; 
-        StatsLifetimeStarter = 22981; 
-        ImageSize = 125000; 
-        Cmd = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.48/Simulation_condor/chtcjobwrapper"; 
-        LocalSysCpu = 0.0; 
+        BlockWrites = 1;
+        LastJobStatus = 2;
+        JobCurrentStartExecutingDate = 1446110000;
+        WantRemoteIO = true;
+        RequestCpus = 1;
+        NumShadowStarts = 1;
+        RemoteUserCpu = 2.274000000000000E+04;
+        NiceUser = false;
+        RequestMemory = 1000;
+        BytesRecvd = 2.846120000000000E+05;
+        ResidentSetSize = 75000;
+        StreamOut = false;
+        SpooledOutputFiles = "CURLTIME_127008,ChtcWrapper61.out,AuditLog.61,simu_3_61.txt,harvest.log,61.out";
+        OnExitRemove = true;
+        ImageSize_RAW = 119748;
+        RemoteWallClockTime = 2.298300000000000E+04;
+        MachineAttrSlotWeight0 = 1;
+        ExecutableSize = 7;
+        JobStatus = 4;
+        DAGParentNodeNames = "";
+        ExitCode = 0;
+        DAGManNodesMask = "0,1,2,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,13,16,17,24,27";
+        BytesSent = 3.053300000000000E+04;
+        LastSuspensionTime = 0;
+        ExecutableSize_RAW = 6;
+        RecentBlockReadKbytes = 848;
+        TransferInputSizeMB = 0;
+        Matlab = "R2011b";
+        BlockReadKbytes = 37312;
+        RecentStatsLifetimeStarter = 1200;
+        LeaveJobInQueue = false;
+        TargetType = "Machine";
+        WhenToTransferOutput = "ON_EXIT";
+        Owner = "xguo23";
+        JobNotification = 0;
+        BufferSize = 524288;
+        RecentBlockWrites = 1;
+        CompletionDate = 1446132981;
+        QDate = 1446105655;
+        JobLeaseDuration = 2400;
+        JobFinishedHookDone = 1446132981;
+        LastMatchTime = 1446109998;
+        LastJobLeaseRenewal = 1446132981;
+        DAGManNodesLog = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.48/Simulation_condor/model_3/./mydag.dag.nodes.log";
+        ClusterId = 49582323;
+        JobUniverse = 5;
+        NumJobStarts = 1;
+        CondorVersion = "$CondorVersion: 8.5.0 Sep 16 2015 BuildID: 341710 $";
+        CoreSize = 0;
+        OnExitHold = false;
+        CondorPlatform = "$CondorPlatform: X86_64-RedHat_6.6 $";
+        In = "/dev/null";
+        DiskUsage = 1250000;
+        EncryptExecuteDirectory = false;
+        CommittedSuspensionTime = 0;
+        User = "";
+        UserLog = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.48/Simulation_condor/model_3/61/process.log";
+        JobCurrentStartDate = 1446109998;
+        BufferBlockSize = 32768;
+        MATCH_EXP_JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "";
+        Requirements = ( ( OpSysMajorVer is 6 ) ) && ( MY.JobUniverse == 12 || MY.JobUniverse == 7 || MY.WantFlocking || MY.WantGlidein || TARGET.PoolName == "CHTC" || TARGET.COLLECTOR_HOST_STRING == "" ) && ( TARGET.Arch == "X86_64" ) && ( TARGET.OpSys == "LINUX" ) && ( TARGET.Disk >= RequestDisk ) && ( TARGET.Memory >= RequestMemory ) && ( TARGET.HasFileTransfer );
+        MinHosts = 1;
+        MaxHosts = 1;
+        Args = "--type=Matlab --version=R2011b --cmdtorun=simu_condor --unique=61 -- 3";
+        PeriodicHold = false;
+        ProcId = 0;
+        Environment = "";
+        DAGNodeName = "61+61";
+        MemoryUsage = ( ( ResidentSetSize + 1023 ) / 1024 );
+        TerminationPending = true;
+        NumRestarts = 0;
+        NumSystemHolds = 0;
+        CommittedTime = 22983;
+        MachineAttrCpus0 = 1;
+        WantRemoteSyscalls = false;
+        MyType = "Job";
+        CumulativeSuspensionTime = 0;
+        Rank = 0.0;
+        StartdPrincipal = "execute-side@matchsession/";
+        Err = "process.err";
+        PeriodicRemove = false;
+        BlockWriteKbytes = 4;
+        ExitBySignal = false;
+        DAGManJobId = 49582206;
+        EnteredCurrentStatus = 1446132981;
+        JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "$$([IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName), IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), \"\", TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName)])";
+        RecentBlockWriteKbytes = 4;
+        TransferIn = false;
+        ExitStatus = 0;
+        ShouldTransferFiles = "YES";
+        IsCHTCSubmit = true;
+        NumJobMatches = 1;
+        RootDir = "/";
+        JobStartDate = 1446109998;
+        JobPrio = 0;
+        CurrentHosts = 0;
+        GlobalJobId = "";
+        RemoteSysCpu = 1.970000000000000E+02;
+        TotalSuspensions = 0;
+        CommittedSlotTime = 2.298300000000000E+04;
+        WantCheckpoint = false;
+        BlockReads = 808;
+        LastRemoteHost = "";
+        TransferInput = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.48/Simulation_condor/data/61/,/home/xguo23/model_3_1.48/Simulation_condor/data/shared/";
+        LocalUserCpu = 0.0;
+        PeriodicRelease = ( JobStatus == 5 ) && ( ( CurrentTime - EnteredCurrentStatus ) > 1800 ) && ( JobRunCount < 5 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 6 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 14 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 22 );
+        RequestDisk = 1000000;
+        ResidentSetSize_RAW = 72244;
+        OrigMaxHosts = 1;
+        LastPublicClaimId = "<>#1445308581#1248#...";
+        WantRHEL6 = true;
+        NumCkpts_RAW = 0;
+        Out = "process.out";
+        SubmitEventNotes = "DAG Node: 61+61";
+        CumulativeSlotTime = 2.298300000000000E+04;
+        JobRunCount = 1;
+        RecentBlockReads = 71;
+        StreamErr = false;
+        DiskUsage_RAW = 1216669;
+        NumCkpts = 0;
+        StatsLifetimeStarter = 22981;
+        ImageSize = 125000;
+        Cmd = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.48/Simulation_condor/chtcjobwrapper";
+        LocalSysCpu = 0.0;
         Iwd = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.48/Simulation_condor/model_3/61"
-        BlockWrites = 0; 
-        LastJobStatus = 2; 
-        JobCurrentStartExecutingDate = 1446121056; 
-        WantRemoteIO = true; 
-        RequestCpus = 1; 
-        NumShadowStarts = 1; 
-        RemoteUserCpu = 1.162400000000000E+04; 
-        NiceUser = false; 
-        RequestMemory = 1000; 
-        BytesRecvd = 2.846290000000000E+05; 
-        ResidentSetSize = 125000; 
-        StreamOut = false; 
-        SpooledOutputFiles = "CURLTIME_3185196,ChtcWrapper284.out,AuditLog.284,simu_3_284.txt,harvest.log,284.out"; 
-        OnExitRemove = true; 
-        ImageSize_RAW = 811948; 
-        RemoteWallClockTime = 1.190800000000000E+04; 
-        MachineAttrSlotWeight0 = 1; 
-        ExecutableSize = 7; 
-        JobStatus = 4; 
-        DAGParentNodeNames = ""; 
-        ExitCode = 0; 
-        DAGManNodesMask = "0,1,2,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,13,16,17,24,27"; 
-        BytesSent = 2.791500000000000E+04; 
-        LastSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        ExecutableSize_RAW = 6; 
-        RecentBlockReadKbytes = 0; 
-        TransferInputSizeMB = 0; 
-        Matlab = "R2011b"; 
-        BlockReadKbytes = 0; 
-        RecentStatsLifetimeStarter = 1200; 
-        LeaveJobInQueue = false; 
-        TargetType = "Machine"; 
-        WhenToTransferOutput = "ON_EXIT"; 
-        Owner = "xguo23"; 
-        JobNotification = 0; 
-        BufferSize = 524288; 
-        RecentBlockWrites = 0; 
-        CompletionDate = 1446132962; 
-        QDate = 1446106020; 
-        JobLeaseDuration = 2400; 
-        JobFinishedHookDone = 1446132962; 
-        LastMatchTime = 1446121054; 
-        LastJobLeaseRenewal = 1446132962; 
-        DAGManNodesLog = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/model_3/./mydag.dag.nodes.log"; 
-        ClusterId = 49583286; 
-        JobUniverse = 5; 
-        NumJobStarts = 1; 
-        CondorVersion = "$CondorVersion: 8.5.0 Sep 16 2015 BuildID: 341710 $"; 
-        CoreSize = 0; 
-        OnExitHold = false; 
-        CondorPlatform = "$CondorPlatform: X86_64-RedHat_6.6 $"; 
-        In = "/dev/null"; 
-        DiskUsage = 1250000; 
-        EncryptExecuteDirectory = false; 
-        CommittedSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        User = ""; 
-        UserLog = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/model_3/284/process.log"; 
-        JobCurrentStartDate = 1446121054; 
-        BufferBlockSize = 32768; 
-        MATCH_EXP_JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = ""; 
-        Requirements = ( ( OpSysMajorVer is 6 ) ) && ( MY.JobUniverse == 12 || MY.JobUniverse == 7 || MY.WantFlocking || MY.WantGlidein || TARGET.PoolName == "CHTC" || TARGET.COLLECTOR_HOST_STRING == "" ) && ( TARGET.Arch == "X86_64" ) && ( TARGET.OpSys == "LINUX" ) && ( TARGET.Disk >= RequestDisk ) && ( TARGET.Memory >= RequestMemory ) && ( TARGET.HasFileTransfer ); 
-        MinHosts = 1; 
-        MaxHosts = 1; 
-        Args = "--type=Matlab --version=R2011b --cmdtorun=simu_condor --unique=284 -- 3"; 
-        PeriodicHold = false; 
-        ProcId = 0; 
-        Environment = ""; 
-        DAGNodeName = "284+284"; 
-        MemoryUsage = ( ( ResidentSetSize + 1023 ) / 1024 ); 
-        TerminationPending = true; 
-        NumRestarts = 0; 
-        NumSystemHolds = 0; 
-        CommittedTime = 11908; 
-        MachineAttrCpus0 = 1; 
-        WantRemoteSyscalls = false; 
-        MyType = "Job"; 
-        CumulativeSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        Rank = 0.0; 
-        StartdPrincipal = "execute-side@matchsession/"; 
-        Err = "process.err"; 
-        PeriodicRemove = false; 
-        BlockWriteKbytes = 0; 
-        ExitBySignal = false; 
-        DAGManJobId = 49582200; 
-        EnteredCurrentStatus = 1446132962; 
-        JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "$$([IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName), IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), \"\", TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName)])"; 
-        RecentBlockWriteKbytes = 0; 
-        TransferIn = false; 
-        ExitStatus = 0; 
-        ShouldTransferFiles = "YES"; 
-        IsCHTCSubmit = true; 
-        NumJobMatches = 1; 
-        RootDir = "/"; 
-        JobStartDate = 1446121054; 
-        JobPrio = 0; 
-        CurrentHosts = 0; 
-        GlobalJobId = ""; 
-        RemoteSysCpu = 7.300000000000000E+01; 
-        TotalSuspensions = 0; 
-        CommittedSlotTime = 1.190800000000000E+04; 
-        WantCheckpoint = false; 
-        BlockReads = 0; 
-        LastRemoteHost = ""; 
-        TransferInput = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/data/284/,/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/data/shared/"; 
-        LocalUserCpu = 0.0; 
-        PeriodicRelease = ( JobStatus == 5 ) && ( ( CurrentTime - EnteredCurrentStatus ) > 1800 ) && ( JobRunCount < 5 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 6 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 14 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 22 ); 
-        RequestDisk = 1000000; 
-        ResidentSetSize_RAW = 122612; 
-        OrigMaxHosts = 1; 
-        LastPublicClaimId = "<>#1444053387#12274#..."; 
-        WantRHEL6 = true; 
-        NumCkpts_RAW = 0; 
-        Out = "process.out"; 
-        SubmitEventNotes = "DAG Node: 284+284"; 
-        CumulativeSlotTime = 1.190800000000000E+04; 
-        JobRunCount = 1; 
-        RecentBlockReads = 0; 
-        StreamErr = false; 
-        DiskUsage_RAW = 1216669; 
-        NumCkpts = 0; 
-        StatsLifetimeStarter = 11906; 
-        ImageSize = 1000000; 
-        Cmd = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/chtcjobwrapper"; 
-        LocalSysCpu = 0.0; 
+        BlockWrites = 0;
+        LastJobStatus = 2;
+        JobCurrentStartExecutingDate = 1446121056;
+        WantRemoteIO = true;
+        RequestCpus = 1;
+        NumShadowStarts = 1;
+        RemoteUserCpu = 1.162400000000000E+04;
+        NiceUser = false;
+        RequestMemory = 1000;
+        BytesRecvd = 2.846290000000000E+05;
+        ResidentSetSize = 125000;
+        StreamOut = false;
+        SpooledOutputFiles = "CURLTIME_3185196,ChtcWrapper284.out,AuditLog.284,simu_3_284.txt,harvest.log,284.out";
+        OnExitRemove = true;
+        ImageSize_RAW = 811948;
+        RemoteWallClockTime = 1.190800000000000E+04;
+        MachineAttrSlotWeight0 = 1;
+        ExecutableSize = 7;
+        JobStatus = 4;
+        DAGParentNodeNames = "";
+        ExitCode = 0;
+        DAGManNodesMask = "0,1,2,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,13,16,17,24,27";
+        BytesSent = 2.791500000000000E+04;
+        LastSuspensionTime = 0;
+        ExecutableSize_RAW = 6;
+        RecentBlockReadKbytes = 0;
+        TransferInputSizeMB = 0;
+        Matlab = "R2011b";
+        BlockReadKbytes = 0;
+        RecentStatsLifetimeStarter = 1200;
+        LeaveJobInQueue = false;
+        TargetType = "Machine";
+        WhenToTransferOutput = "ON_EXIT";
+        Owner = "xguo23";
+        JobNotification = 0;
+        BufferSize = 524288;
+        RecentBlockWrites = 0;
+        CompletionDate = 1446132962;
+        QDate = 1446106020;
+        JobLeaseDuration = 2400;
+        JobFinishedHookDone = 1446132962;
+        LastMatchTime = 1446121054;
+        LastJobLeaseRenewal = 1446132962;
+        DAGManNodesLog = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/model_3/./mydag.dag.nodes.log";
+        ClusterId = 49583286;
+        JobUniverse = 5;
+        NumJobStarts = 1;
+        CondorVersion = "$CondorVersion: 8.5.0 Sep 16 2015 BuildID: 341710 $";
+        CoreSize = 0;
+        OnExitHold = false;
+        CondorPlatform = "$CondorPlatform: X86_64-RedHat_6.6 $";
+        In = "/dev/null";
+        DiskUsage = 1250000;
+        EncryptExecuteDirectory = false;
+        CommittedSuspensionTime = 0;
+        User = "";
+        UserLog = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/model_3/284/process.log";
+        JobCurrentStartDate = 1446121054;
+        BufferBlockSize = 32768;
+        MATCH_EXP_JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "";
+        Requirements = ( ( OpSysMajorVer is 6 ) ) && ( MY.JobUniverse == 12 || MY.JobUniverse == 7 || MY.WantFlocking || MY.WantGlidein || TARGET.PoolName == "CHTC" || TARGET.COLLECTOR_HOST_STRING == "" ) && ( TARGET.Arch == "X86_64" ) && ( TARGET.OpSys == "LINUX" ) && ( TARGET.Disk >= RequestDisk ) && ( TARGET.Memory >= RequestMemory ) && ( TARGET.HasFileTransfer );
+        MinHosts = 1;
+        MaxHosts = 1;
+        Args = "--type=Matlab --version=R2011b --cmdtorun=simu_condor --unique=284 -- 3";
+        PeriodicHold = false;
+        ProcId = 0;
+        Environment = "";
+        DAGNodeName = "284+284";
+        MemoryUsage = ( ( ResidentSetSize + 1023 ) / 1024 );
+        TerminationPending = true;
+        NumRestarts = 0;
+        NumSystemHolds = 0;
+        CommittedTime = 11908;
+        MachineAttrCpus0 = 1;
+        WantRemoteSyscalls = false;
+        MyType = "Job";
+        CumulativeSuspensionTime = 0;
+        Rank = 0.0;
+        StartdPrincipal = "execute-side@matchsession/";
+        Err = "process.err";
+        PeriodicRemove = false;
+        BlockWriteKbytes = 0;
+        ExitBySignal = false;
+        DAGManJobId = 49582200;
+        EnteredCurrentStatus = 1446132962;
+        JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "$$([IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName), IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), \"\", TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName)])";
+        RecentBlockWriteKbytes = 0;
+        TransferIn = false;
+        ExitStatus = 0;
+        ShouldTransferFiles = "YES";
+        IsCHTCSubmit = true;
+        NumJobMatches = 1;
+        RootDir = "/";
+        JobStartDate = 1446121054;
+        JobPrio = 0;
+        CurrentHosts = 0;
+        GlobalJobId = "";
+        RemoteSysCpu = 7.300000000000000E+01;
+        TotalSuspensions = 0;
+        CommittedSlotTime = 1.190800000000000E+04;
+        WantCheckpoint = false;
+        BlockReads = 0;
+        LastRemoteHost = "";
+        TransferInput = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/data/284/,/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/data/shared/";
+        LocalUserCpu = 0.0;
+        PeriodicRelease = ( JobStatus == 5 ) && ( ( CurrentTime - EnteredCurrentStatus ) > 1800 ) && ( JobRunCount < 5 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 6 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 14 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 22 );
+        RequestDisk = 1000000;
+        ResidentSetSize_RAW = 122612;
+        OrigMaxHosts = 1;
+        LastPublicClaimId = "<>#1444053387#12274#...";
+        WantRHEL6 = true;
+        NumCkpts_RAW = 0;
+        Out = "process.out";
+        SubmitEventNotes = "DAG Node: 284+284";
+        CumulativeSlotTime = 1.190800000000000E+04;
+        JobRunCount = 1;
+        RecentBlockReads = 0;
+        StreamErr = false;
+        DiskUsage_RAW = 1216669;
+        NumCkpts = 0;
+        StatsLifetimeStarter = 11906;
+        ImageSize = 1000000;
+        Cmd = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/chtcjobwrapper";
+        LocalSysCpu = 0.0;
         Iwd = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/model_3/284"
-        BlockWrites = 0; 
-        LastJobStatus = 2; 
-        JobCurrentStartExecutingDate = 1446108829; 
-        WantRemoteIO = true; 
-        RequestCpus = 1; 
-        NumShadowStarts = 1; 
-        RemoteUserCpu = 2.395300000000000E+04; 
-        NiceUser = false; 
-        RequestMemory = 1000; 
-        BytesRecvd = 2.850540000000000E+05; 
-        ResidentSetSize = 150000; 
-        StreamOut = false; 
-        SpooledOutputFiles = "CURLTIME_511744,ChtcWrapper182.out,AuditLog.182,simu_3_182.txt,harvest.log,182.out"; 
-        OnExitRemove = true; 
-        ImageSize_RAW = 811948; 
-        RemoteWallClockTime = 2.412400000000000E+04; 
-        MachineAttrSlotWeight0 = 1; 
-        ExecutableSize = 7; 
-        JobStatus = 4; 
-        DAGParentNodeNames = ""; 
-        ExitCode = 0; 
-        DAGManNodesMask = "0,1,2,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,13,16,17,24,27"; 
-        BytesSent = 3.048900000000000E+04; 
-        LastSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        ExecutableSize_RAW = 6; 
-        RecentBlockReadKbytes = 0; 
-        TransferInputSizeMB = 0; 
-        Matlab = "R2011b"; 
-        BlockReadKbytes = 0; 
-        RecentStatsLifetimeStarter = 1200; 
-        LeaveJobInQueue = false; 
-        TargetType = "Machine"; 
-        WhenToTransferOutput = "ON_EXIT"; 
-        Owner = "xguo23"; 
-        JobNotification = 0; 
-        BufferSize = 524288; 
-        RecentBlockWrites = 0; 
-        CompletionDate = 1446132951; 
-        QDate = 1446105620; 
-        JobLeaseDuration = 2400; 
-        JobFinishedHookDone = 1446132951; 
-        LastMatchTime = 1446108827; 
-        LastJobLeaseRenewal = 1446132951; 
-        DAGManNodesLog = "/home/xguo23/finally_2/Simulation_condor/model_3/./mydag.dag.nodes.log"; 
-        ClusterId = 49582230; 
-        JobUniverse = 5; 
-        NumJobStarts = 1; 
-        CondorVersion = "$CondorVersion: 8.5.0 Sep 16 2015 BuildID: 341710 $"; 
-        CoreSize = 0; 
-        OnExitHold = false; 
-        CondorPlatform = "$CondorPlatform: X86_64-RedHat_6.6 $"; 
-        In = "/dev/null"; 
-        DiskUsage = 1250000; 
-        EncryptExecuteDirectory = false; 
-        CommittedSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        User = ""; 
-        UserLog = "/home/xguo23/finally_2/Simulation_condor/model_3/182/process.log"; 
-        JobCurrentStartDate = 1446108827; 
-        BufferBlockSize = 32768; 
-        MATCH_EXP_JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = ""; 
-        Requirements = ( ( OpSysMajorVer is 6 ) ) && ( MY.JobUniverse == 12 || MY.JobUniverse == 7 || MY.WantFlocking || MY.WantGlidein || TARGET.PoolName == "CHTC" || TARGET.COLLECTOR_HOST_STRING == "" ) && ( TARGET.Arch == "X86_64" ) && ( TARGET.OpSys == "LINUX" ) && ( TARGET.Disk >= RequestDisk ) && ( TARGET.Memory >= RequestMemory ) && ( TARGET.HasFileTransfer ); 
-        MinHosts = 1; 
-        MaxHosts = 1; 
-        Args = "--type=Matlab --version=R2011b --cmdtorun=simu_condor --unique=182 -- 3"; 
-        PeriodicHold = false; 
-        ProcId = 0; 
-        Environment = ""; 
-        DAGNodeName = "182+182"; 
-        MemoryUsage = ( ( ResidentSetSize + 1023 ) / 1024 ); 
-        TerminationPending = true; 
-        NumRestarts = 0; 
-        NumSystemHolds = 0; 
-        CommittedTime = 24124; 
-        MachineAttrCpus0 = 1; 
-        WantRemoteSyscalls = false; 
-        MyType = "Job"; 
-        CumulativeSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        Rank = 0.0; 
-        StartdPrincipal = "execute-side@matchsession/"; 
-        Err = "process.err"; 
-        PeriodicRemove = false; 
-        BlockWriteKbytes = 0; 
-        ExitBySignal = false; 
-        DAGManJobId = 49581933; 
-        EnteredCurrentStatus = 1446132951; 
-        JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "$$([IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName), IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), \"\", TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName)])"; 
-        RecentBlockWriteKbytes = 0; 
-        TransferIn = false; 
-        ExitStatus = 0; 
-        ShouldTransferFiles = "YES"; 
-        IsCHTCSubmit = true; 
-        NumJobMatches = 1; 
-        RootDir = "/"; 
-        JobStartDate = 1446108827; 
-        JobPrio = 0; 
-        CurrentHosts = 0; 
-        GlobalJobId = ""; 
-        RemoteSysCpu = 1.260000000000000E+02; 
-        TotalSuspensions = 0; 
-        CommittedSlotTime = 2.412400000000000E+04; 
-        WantCheckpoint = false; 
-        BlockReads = 0; 
-        LastRemoteHost = ""; 
-        TransferInput = "/home/xguo23/finally_2/Simulation_condor/data/182/,/home/xguo23/finally_2/Simulation_condor/data/shared/"; 
-        LocalUserCpu = 0.0; 
-        PeriodicRelease = ( JobStatus == 5 ) && ( ( CurrentTime - EnteredCurrentStatus ) > 1800 ) && ( JobRunCount < 5 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 6 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 14 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 22 ); 
-        RequestDisk = 1000000; 
-        ResidentSetSize_RAW = 125656; 
-        OrigMaxHosts = 1; 
-        LastPublicClaimId = "<>#1444680938#10248#..."; 
-        WantRHEL6 = true; 
-        NumCkpts_RAW = 0; 
-        Out = "process.out"; 
-        SubmitEventNotes = "DAG Node: 182+182"; 
-        CumulativeSlotTime = 2.412400000000000E+04; 
-        JobRunCount = 1; 
-        RecentBlockReads = 0; 
-        StreamErr = false; 
-        DiskUsage_RAW = 1216669; 
-        NumCkpts = 0; 
-        StatsLifetimeStarter = 24122; 
-        ImageSize = 1000000; 
-        Cmd = "/home/xguo23/finally_2/Simulation_condor/chtcjobwrapper"; 
-        LocalSysCpu = 0.0; 
+        BlockWrites = 0;
+        LastJobStatus = 2;
+        JobCurrentStartExecutingDate = 1446108829;
+        WantRemoteIO = true;
+        RequestCpus = 1;
+        NumShadowStarts = 1;
+        RemoteUserCpu = 2.395300000000000E+04;
+        NiceUser = false;
+        RequestMemory = 1000;
+        BytesRecvd = 2.850540000000000E+05;
+        ResidentSetSize = 150000;
+        StreamOut = false;
+        SpooledOutputFiles = "CURLTIME_511744,ChtcWrapper182.out,AuditLog.182,simu_3_182.txt,harvest.log,182.out";
+        OnExitRemove = true;
+        ImageSize_RAW = 811948;
+        RemoteWallClockTime = 2.412400000000000E+04;
+        MachineAttrSlotWeight0 = 1;
+        ExecutableSize = 7;
+        JobStatus = 4;
+        DAGParentNodeNames = "";
+        ExitCode = 0;
+        DAGManNodesMask = "0,1,2,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,13,16,17,24,27";
+        BytesSent = 3.048900000000000E+04;
+        LastSuspensionTime = 0;
+        ExecutableSize_RAW = 6;
+        RecentBlockReadKbytes = 0;
+        TransferInputSizeMB = 0;
+        Matlab = "R2011b";
+        BlockReadKbytes = 0;
+        RecentStatsLifetimeStarter = 1200;
+        LeaveJobInQueue = false;
+        TargetType = "Machine";
+        WhenToTransferOutput = "ON_EXIT";
+        Owner = "xguo23";
+        JobNotification = 0;
+        BufferSize = 524288;
+        RecentBlockWrites = 0;
+        CompletionDate = 1446132951;
+        QDate = 1446105620;
+        JobLeaseDuration = 2400;
+        JobFinishedHookDone = 1446132951;
+        LastMatchTime = 1446108827;
+        LastJobLeaseRenewal = 1446132951;
+        DAGManNodesLog = "/home/xguo23/finally_2/Simulation_condor/model_3/./mydag.dag.nodes.log";
+        ClusterId = 49582230;
+        JobUniverse = 5;
+        NumJobStarts = 1;
+        CondorVersion = "$CondorVersion: 8.5.0 Sep 16 2015 BuildID: 341710 $";
+        CoreSize = 0;
+        OnExitHold = false;
+        CondorPlatform = "$CondorPlatform: X86_64-RedHat_6.6 $";
+        In = "/dev/null";
+        DiskUsage = 1250000;
+        EncryptExecuteDirectory = false;
+        CommittedSuspensionTime = 0;
+        User = "";
+        UserLog = "/home/xguo23/finally_2/Simulation_condor/model_3/182/process.log";
+        JobCurrentStartDate = 1446108827;
+        BufferBlockSize = 32768;
+        MATCH_EXP_JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "";
+        Requirements = ( ( OpSysMajorVer is 6 ) ) && ( MY.JobUniverse == 12 || MY.JobUniverse == 7 || MY.WantFlocking || MY.WantGlidein || TARGET.PoolName == "CHTC" || TARGET.COLLECTOR_HOST_STRING == "" ) && ( TARGET.Arch == "X86_64" ) && ( TARGET.OpSys == "LINUX" ) && ( TARGET.Disk >= RequestDisk ) && ( TARGET.Memory >= RequestMemory ) && ( TARGET.HasFileTransfer );
+        MinHosts = 1;
+        MaxHosts = 1;
+        Args = "--type=Matlab --version=R2011b --cmdtorun=simu_condor --unique=182 -- 3";
+        PeriodicHold = false;
+        ProcId = 0;
+        Environment = "";
+        DAGNodeName = "182+182";
+        MemoryUsage = ( ( ResidentSetSize + 1023 ) / 1024 );
+        TerminationPending = true;
+        NumRestarts = 0;
+        NumSystemHolds = 0;
+        CommittedTime = 24124;
+        MachineAttrCpus0 = 1;
+        WantRemoteSyscalls = false;
+        MyType = "Job";
+        CumulativeSuspensionTime = 0;
+        Rank = 0.0;
+        StartdPrincipal = "execute-side@matchsession/";
+        Err = "process.err";
+        PeriodicRemove = false;
+        BlockWriteKbytes = 0;
+        ExitBySignal = false;
+        DAGManJobId = 49581933;
+        EnteredCurrentStatus = 1446132951;
+        JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "$$([IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName), IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), \"\", TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName)])";
+        RecentBlockWriteKbytes = 0;
+        TransferIn = false;
+        ExitStatus = 0;
+        ShouldTransferFiles = "YES";
+        IsCHTCSubmit = true;
+        NumJobMatches = 1;
+        RootDir = "/";
+        JobStartDate = 1446108827;
+        JobPrio = 0;
+        CurrentHosts = 0;
+        GlobalJobId = "";
+        RemoteSysCpu = 1.260000000000000E+02;
+        TotalSuspensions = 0;
+        CommittedSlotTime = 2.412400000000000E+04;
+        WantCheckpoint = false;
+        BlockReads = 0;
+        LastRemoteHost = "";
+        TransferInput = "/home/xguo23/finally_2/Simulation_condor/data/182/,/home/xguo23/finally_2/Simulation_condor/data/shared/";
+        LocalUserCpu = 0.0;
+        PeriodicRelease = ( JobStatus == 5 ) && ( ( CurrentTime - EnteredCurrentStatus ) > 1800 ) && ( JobRunCount < 5 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 6 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 14 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 22 );
+        RequestDisk = 1000000;
+        ResidentSetSize_RAW = 125656;
+        OrigMaxHosts = 1;
+        LastPublicClaimId = "<>#1444680938#10248#...";
+        WantRHEL6 = true;
+        NumCkpts_RAW = 0;
+        Out = "process.out";
+        SubmitEventNotes = "DAG Node: 182+182";
+        CumulativeSlotTime = 2.412400000000000E+04;
+        JobRunCount = 1;
+        RecentBlockReads = 0;
+        StreamErr = false;
+        DiskUsage_RAW = 1216669;
+        NumCkpts = 0;
+        StatsLifetimeStarter = 24122;
+        ImageSize = 1000000;
+        Cmd = "/home/xguo23/finally_2/Simulation_condor/chtcjobwrapper";
+        LocalSysCpu = 0.0;
         Iwd = "/home/xguo23/finally_2/Simulation_condor/model_3/182"
-        BlockWrites = 0; 
-        LastJobStatus = 2; 
-        JobCurrentStartExecutingDate = 1446109354; 
-        WantRemoteIO = true; 
-        RequestCpus = 1; 
-        NumShadowStarts = 1; 
-        RemoteUserCpu = 2.340300000000000E+04; 
-        NiceUser = false; 
-        RequestMemory = 1000; 
-        BytesRecvd = 2.846120000000000E+05; 
-        ResidentSetSize = 150000; 
-        StreamOut = false; 
-        SpooledOutputFiles = "CURLTIME_2096182,ChtcWrapper24.out,AuditLog.24,simu_3_24.txt,harvest.log,24.out"; 
-        OnExitRemove = true; 
-        ImageSize_RAW = 811948; 
-        RemoteWallClockTime = 2.356000000000000E+04; 
-        MachineAttrSlotWeight0 = 1; 
-        ExecutableSize = 7; 
-        JobStatus = 4; 
-        DAGParentNodeNames = ""; 
-        ExitCode = 0; 
-        DAGManNodesMask = "0,1,2,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,13,16,17,24,27"; 
-        BytesSent = 2.790400000000000E+04; 
-        LastSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        ExecutableSize_RAW = 6; 
-        RecentBlockReadKbytes = 0; 
-        TransferInputSizeMB = 0; 
-        Matlab = "R2011b"; 
-        BlockReadKbytes = 0; 
-        RecentStatsLifetimeStarter = 1200; 
-        LeaveJobInQueue = false; 
-        TargetType = "Machine"; 
-        WhenToTransferOutput = "ON_EXIT"; 
-        Owner = "xguo23"; 
-        JobNotification = 0; 
-        BufferSize = 524288; 
-        RecentBlockWrites = 0; 
-        CompletionDate = 1446132913; 
-        QDate = 1446105639; 
-        JobLeaseDuration = 2400; 
-        JobFinishedHookDone = 1446132913; 
-        LastMatchTime = 1446109353; 
-        LastJobLeaseRenewal = 1446132913; 
-        DAGManNodesLog = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.48/Simulation_condor/model_3/./mydag.dag.nodes.log"; 
-        ClusterId = 49582281; 
-        JobUniverse = 5; 
-        NumJobStarts = 1; 
-        CondorVersion = "$CondorVersion: 8.5.0 Sep 16 2015 BuildID: 341710 $"; 
-        CoreSize = 0; 
-        OnExitHold = false; 
-        CondorPlatform = "$CondorPlatform: X86_64-RedHat_6.6 $"; 
-        In = "/dev/null"; 
-        DiskUsage = 1250000; 
-        EncryptExecuteDirectory = false; 
-        CommittedSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        User = ""; 
-        UserLog = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.48/Simulation_condor/model_3/24/process.log"; 
-        JobCurrentStartDate = 1446109353; 
-        BufferBlockSize = 32768; 
-        MATCH_EXP_JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = ""; 
-        Requirements = ( ( OpSysMajorVer is 6 ) ) && ( MY.JobUniverse == 12 || MY.JobUniverse == 7 || MY.WantFlocking || MY.WantGlidein || TARGET.PoolName == "CHTC" || TARGET.COLLECTOR_HOST_STRING == "" ) && ( TARGET.Arch == "X86_64" ) && ( TARGET.OpSys == "LINUX" ) && ( TARGET.Disk >= RequestDisk ) && ( TARGET.Memory >= RequestMemory ) && ( TARGET.HasFileTransfer ); 
-        MinHosts = 1; 
-        MaxHosts = 1; 
-        Args = "--type=Matlab --version=R2011b --cmdtorun=simu_condor --unique=24 -- 3"; 
-        PeriodicHold = false; 
-        ProcId = 0; 
-        Environment = ""; 
-        DAGNodeName = "24+24"; 
-        MemoryUsage = ( ( ResidentSetSize + 1023 ) / 1024 ); 
-        TerminationPending = true; 
-        NumRestarts = 0; 
-        NumSystemHolds = 0; 
-        CommittedTime = 23560; 
-        MachineAttrCpus0 = 1; 
-        WantRemoteSyscalls = false; 
-        MyType = "Job"; 
-        CumulativeSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        Rank = 0.0; 
-        StartdPrincipal = "execute-side@matchsession/"; 
-        Err = "process.err"; 
-        PeriodicRemove = false; 
-        BlockWriteKbytes = 0; 
-        ExitBySignal = false; 
-        DAGManJobId = 49582206; 
-        EnteredCurrentStatus = 1446132913; 
-        JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "$$([IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName), IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), \"\", TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName)])"; 
-        RecentBlockWriteKbytes = 0; 
-        TransferIn = false; 
-        ExitStatus = 0; 
-        ShouldTransferFiles = "YES"; 
-        IsCHTCSubmit = true; 
-        NumJobMatches = 1; 
-        RootDir = "/"; 
-        JobStartDate = 1446109353; 
-        JobPrio = 0; 
-        CurrentHosts = 0; 
-        GlobalJobId = ""; 
-        RemoteSysCpu = 1.180000000000000E+02; 
-        TotalSuspensions = 0; 
-        CommittedSlotTime = 2.356000000000000E+04; 
-        WantCheckpoint = false; 
-        BlockReads = 0; 
-        LastRemoteHost = "slot1@e349.chtc.WISC.EDU"; 
-        TransferInput = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.48/Simulation_condor/data/24/,/home/xguo23/model_3_1.48/Simulation_condor/data/shared/"; 
-        LocalUserCpu = 0.0; 
-        PeriodicRelease = ( JobStatus == 5 ) && ( ( CurrentTime - EnteredCurrentStatus ) > 1800 ) && ( JobRunCount < 5 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 6 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 14 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 22 ); 
-        RequestDisk = 1000000; 
-        ResidentSetSize_RAW = 127800; 
-        OrigMaxHosts = 1; 
-        LastPublicClaimId = "<>#1443991419#14390#..."; 
-        WantRHEL6 = true; 
-        NumCkpts_RAW = 0; 
-        Out = "process.out"; 
-        SubmitEventNotes = "DAG Node: 24+24"; 
-        CumulativeSlotTime = 2.356000000000000E+04; 
-        JobRunCount = 1; 
-        RecentBlockReads = 0; 
-        StreamErr = false; 
-        DiskUsage_RAW = 1216669; 
-        NumCkpts = 0; 
-        StatsLifetimeStarter = 23559; 
-        ImageSize = 1000000; 
-        Cmd = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.48/Simulation_condor/chtcjobwrapper"; 
-        LocalSysCpu = 0.0; 
+        BlockWrites = 0;
+        LastJobStatus = 2;
+        JobCurrentStartExecutingDate = 1446109354;
+        WantRemoteIO = true;
+        RequestCpus = 1;
+        NumShadowStarts = 1;
+        RemoteUserCpu = 2.340300000000000E+04;
+        NiceUser = false;
+        RequestMemory = 1000;
+        BytesRecvd = 2.846120000000000E+05;
+        ResidentSetSize = 150000;
+        StreamOut = false;
+        SpooledOutputFiles = "CURLTIME_2096182,ChtcWrapper24.out,AuditLog.24,simu_3_24.txt,harvest.log,24.out";
+        OnExitRemove = true;
+        ImageSize_RAW = 811948;
+        RemoteWallClockTime = 2.356000000000000E+04;
+        MachineAttrSlotWeight0 = 1;
+        ExecutableSize = 7;
+        JobStatus = 4;
+        DAGParentNodeNames = "";
+        ExitCode = 0;
+        DAGManNodesMask = "0,1,2,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,13,16,17,24,27";
+        BytesSent = 2.790400000000000E+04;
+        LastSuspensionTime = 0;
+        ExecutableSize_RAW = 6;
+        RecentBlockReadKbytes = 0;
+        TransferInputSizeMB = 0;
+        Matlab = "R2011b";
+        BlockReadKbytes = 0;
+        RecentStatsLifetimeStarter = 1200;
+        LeaveJobInQueue = false;
+        TargetType = "Machine";
+        WhenToTransferOutput = "ON_EXIT";
+        Owner = "xguo23";
+        JobNotification = 0;
+        BufferSize = 524288;
+        RecentBlockWrites = 0;
+        CompletionDate = 1446132913;
+        QDate = 1446105639;
+        JobLeaseDuration = 2400;
+        JobFinishedHookDone = 1446132913;
+        LastMatchTime = 1446109353;
+        LastJobLeaseRenewal = 1446132913;
+        DAGManNodesLog = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.48/Simulation_condor/model_3/./mydag.dag.nodes.log";
+        ClusterId = 49582281;
+        JobUniverse = 5;
+        NumJobStarts = 1;
+        CondorVersion = "$CondorVersion: 8.5.0 Sep 16 2015 BuildID: 341710 $";
+        CoreSize = 0;
+        OnExitHold = false;
+        CondorPlatform = "$CondorPlatform: X86_64-RedHat_6.6 $";
+        In = "/dev/null";
+        DiskUsage = 1250000;
+        EncryptExecuteDirectory = false;
+        CommittedSuspensionTime = 0;
+        User = "";
+        UserLog = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.48/Simulation_condor/model_3/24/process.log";
+        JobCurrentStartDate = 1446109353;
+        BufferBlockSize = 32768;
+        MATCH_EXP_JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "";
+        Requirements = ( ( OpSysMajorVer is 6 ) ) && ( MY.JobUniverse == 12 || MY.JobUniverse == 7 || MY.WantFlocking || MY.WantGlidein || TARGET.PoolName == "CHTC" || TARGET.COLLECTOR_HOST_STRING == "" ) && ( TARGET.Arch == "X86_64" ) && ( TARGET.OpSys == "LINUX" ) && ( TARGET.Disk >= RequestDisk ) && ( TARGET.Memory >= RequestMemory ) && ( TARGET.HasFileTransfer );
+        MinHosts = 1;
+        MaxHosts = 1;
+        Args = "--type=Matlab --version=R2011b --cmdtorun=simu_condor --unique=24 -- 3";
+        PeriodicHold = false;
+        ProcId = 0;
+        Environment = "";
+        DAGNodeName = "24+24";
+        MemoryUsage = ( ( ResidentSetSize + 1023 ) / 1024 );
+        TerminationPending = true;
+        NumRestarts = 0;
+        NumSystemHolds = 0;
+        CommittedTime = 23560;
+        MachineAttrCpus0 = 1;
+        WantRemoteSyscalls = false;
+        MyType = "Job";
+        CumulativeSuspensionTime = 0;
+        Rank = 0.0;
+        StartdPrincipal = "execute-side@matchsession/";
+        Err = "process.err";
+        PeriodicRemove = false;
+        BlockWriteKbytes = 0;
+        ExitBySignal = false;
+        DAGManJobId = 49582206;
+        EnteredCurrentStatus = 1446132913;
+        JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "$$([IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName), IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), \"\", TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName)])";
+        RecentBlockWriteKbytes = 0;
+        TransferIn = false;
+        ExitStatus = 0;
+        ShouldTransferFiles = "YES";
+        IsCHTCSubmit = true;
+        NumJobMatches = 1;
+        RootDir = "/";
+        JobStartDate = 1446109353;
+        JobPrio = 0;
+        CurrentHosts = 0;
+        GlobalJobId = "";
+        RemoteSysCpu = 1.180000000000000E+02;
+        TotalSuspensions = 0;
+        CommittedSlotTime = 2.356000000000000E+04;
+        WantCheckpoint = false;
+        BlockReads = 0;
+        LastRemoteHost = "slot1@e349.chtc.WISC.EDU";
+        TransferInput = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.48/Simulation_condor/data/24/,/home/xguo23/model_3_1.48/Simulation_condor/data/shared/";
+        LocalUserCpu = 0.0;
+        PeriodicRelease = ( JobStatus == 5 ) && ( ( CurrentTime - EnteredCurrentStatus ) > 1800 ) && ( JobRunCount < 5 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 6 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 14 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 22 );
+        RequestDisk = 1000000;
+        ResidentSetSize_RAW = 127800;
+        OrigMaxHosts = 1;
+        LastPublicClaimId = "<>#1443991419#14390#...";
+        WantRHEL6 = true;
+        NumCkpts_RAW = 0;
+        Out = "process.out";
+        SubmitEventNotes = "DAG Node: 24+24";
+        CumulativeSlotTime = 2.356000000000000E+04;
+        JobRunCount = 1;
+        RecentBlockReads = 0;
+        StreamErr = false;
+        DiskUsage_RAW = 1216669;
+        NumCkpts = 0;
+        StatsLifetimeStarter = 23559;
+        ImageSize = 1000000;
+        Cmd = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.48/Simulation_condor/chtcjobwrapper";
+        LocalSysCpu = 0.0;
         Iwd = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.48/Simulation_condor/model_3/24"
-        BlockWrites = 0; 
-        LastJobStatus = 2; 
-        JobCurrentStartExecutingDate = 1446109804; 
-        WantRemoteIO = true; 
-        RequestCpus = 1; 
-        NumShadowStarts = 1; 
-        RemoteUserCpu = 2.289100000000000E+04; 
-        NiceUser = false; 
-        RequestMemory = 1000; 
-        BytesRecvd = 2.846120000000000E+05; 
-        ResidentSetSize = 150000; 
-        StreamOut = false; 
-        SpooledOutputFiles = "CURLTIME_4129250,ChtcWrapper25.out,AuditLog.25,simu_3_25.txt,harvest.log,25.out"; 
-        OnExitRemove = true; 
-        ImageSize_RAW = 811948; 
-        RemoteWallClockTime = 2.304500000000000E+04; 
-        MachineAttrSlotWeight0 = 1; 
-        ExecutableSize = 7; 
-        JobStatus = 4; 
-        DAGParentNodeNames = ""; 
-        ExitCode = 0; 
-        DAGManNodesMask = "0,1,2,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,13,16,17,24,27"; 
-        BytesSent = 3.049700000000000E+04; 
-        LastSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        ExecutableSize_RAW = 6; 
-        RecentBlockReadKbytes = 0; 
-        TransferInputSizeMB = 0; 
-        Matlab = "R2011b"; 
-        BlockReadKbytes = 0; 
-        RecentStatsLifetimeStarter = 1200; 
-        LeaveJobInQueue = false; 
-        TargetType = "Machine"; 
-        WhenToTransferOutput = "ON_EXIT"; 
-        Owner = "xguo23"; 
-        JobNotification = 0; 
-        BufferSize = 524288; 
-        RecentBlockWrites = 0; 
-        CompletionDate = 1446132848; 
-        QDate = 1446105649; 
-        JobLeaseDuration = 2400; 
-        JobFinishedHookDone = 1446132848; 
-        LastMatchTime = 1446109803; 
-        LastJobLeaseRenewal = 1446132848; 
-        DAGManNodesLog = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.48/Simulation_condor/model_3/./mydag.dag.nodes.log"; 
-        ClusterId = 49582308; 
-        JobUniverse = 5; 
-        NumJobStarts = 1; 
-        CondorVersion = "$CondorVersion: 8.5.0 Sep 16 2015 BuildID: 341710 $"; 
-        CoreSize = 0; 
-        OnExitHold = false; 
-        CondorPlatform = "$CondorPlatform: X86_64-RedHat_6.6 $"; 
-        In = "/dev/null"; 
-        DiskUsage = 1250000; 
-        EncryptExecuteDirectory = false; 
-        CommittedSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        User = ""; 
-        UserLog = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.48/Simulation_condor/model_3/25/process.log"; 
-        JobCurrentStartDate = 1446109803; 
-        BufferBlockSize = 32768; 
-        MATCH_EXP_JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = ""; 
-        Requirements = ( ( OpSysMajorVer is 6 ) ) && ( MY.JobUniverse == 12 || MY.JobUniverse == 7 || MY.WantFlocking || MY.WantGlidein || TARGET.PoolName == "CHTC" || TARGET.COLLECTOR_HOST_STRING == "" ) && ( TARGET.Arch == "X86_64" ) && ( TARGET.OpSys == "LINUX" ) && ( TARGET.Disk >= RequestDisk ) && ( TARGET.Memory >= RequestMemory ) && ( TARGET.HasFileTransfer ); 
-        MinHosts = 1; 
-        MaxHosts = 1; 
-        Args = "--type=Matlab --version=R2011b --cmdtorun=simu_condor --unique=25 -- 3"; 
-        PeriodicHold = false; 
-        ProcId = 0; 
-        Environment = ""; 
-        DAGNodeName = "25+25"; 
-        MemoryUsage = ( ( ResidentSetSize + 1023 ) / 1024 ); 
-        TerminationPending = true; 
-        NumRestarts = 0; 
-        NumSystemHolds = 0; 
-        CommittedTime = 23045; 
-        MachineAttrCpus0 = 1; 
-        WantRemoteSyscalls = false; 
-        MyType = "Job"; 
-        CumulativeSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        Rank = 0.0; 
-        StartdPrincipal = "execute-side@matchsession/"; 
-        Err = "process.err"; 
-        PeriodicRemove = false; 
-        BlockWriteKbytes = 0; 
-        ExitBySignal = false; 
-        DAGManJobId = 49582206; 
-        EnteredCurrentStatus = 1446132848; 
-        JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "$$([IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName), IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), \"\", TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName)])"; 
-        RecentBlockWriteKbytes = 0; 
-        TransferIn = false; 
-        ExitStatus = 0; 
-        ShouldTransferFiles = "YES"; 
-        IsCHTCSubmit = true; 
-        NumJobMatches = 1; 
-        RootDir = "/"; 
-        JobStartDate = 1446109803; 
-        JobPrio = 0; 
-        CurrentHosts = 0; 
-        GlobalJobId = ""; 
-        RemoteSysCpu = 1.320000000000000E+02; 
-        TotalSuspensions = 0; 
-        CommittedSlotTime = 2.304500000000000E+04; 
-        WantCheckpoint = false; 
-        BlockReads = 0; 
-        LastRemoteHost = ""; 
-        TransferInput = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.48/Simulation_condor/data/25/,/home/xguo23/model_3_1.48/Simulation_condor/data/shared/"; 
-        LocalUserCpu = 0.0; 
-        PeriodicRelease = ( JobStatus == 5 ) && ( ( CurrentTime - EnteredCurrentStatus ) > 1800 ) && ( JobRunCount < 5 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 6 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 14 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 22 ); 
-        RequestDisk = 1000000; 
-        ResidentSetSize_RAW = 126180; 
-        OrigMaxHosts = 1; 
-        LastPublicClaimId = "<>#1443991430#14737#..."; 
-        WantRHEL6 = true; 
-        NumCkpts_RAW = 0; 
-        Out = "process.out"; 
-        SubmitEventNotes = "DAG Node: 25+25"; 
-        CumulativeSlotTime = 2.304500000000000E+04; 
-        JobRunCount = 1; 
-        RecentBlockReads = 0; 
-        StreamErr = false; 
-        DiskUsage_RAW = 1216669; 
-        NumCkpts = 0; 
-        StatsLifetimeStarter = 23044; 
-        ImageSize = 1000000; 
-        Cmd = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.48/Simulation_condor/chtcjobwrapper"; 
-        LocalSysCpu = 0.0; 
+        BlockWrites = 0;
+        LastJobStatus = 2;
+        JobCurrentStartExecutingDate = 1446109804;
+        WantRemoteIO = true;
+        RequestCpus = 1;
+        NumShadowStarts = 1;
+        RemoteUserCpu = 2.289100000000000E+04;
+        NiceUser = false;
+        RequestMemory = 1000;
+        BytesRecvd = 2.846120000000000E+05;
+        ResidentSetSize = 150000;
+        StreamOut = false;
+        SpooledOutputFiles = "CURLTIME_4129250,ChtcWrapper25.out,AuditLog.25,simu_3_25.txt,harvest.log,25.out";
+        OnExitRemove = true;
+        ImageSize_RAW = 811948;
+        RemoteWallClockTime = 2.304500000000000E+04;
+        MachineAttrSlotWeight0 = 1;
+        ExecutableSize = 7;
+        JobStatus = 4;
+        DAGParentNodeNames = "";
+        ExitCode = 0;
+        DAGManNodesMask = "0,1,2,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,13,16,17,24,27";
+        BytesSent = 3.049700000000000E+04;
+        LastSuspensionTime = 0;
+        ExecutableSize_RAW = 6;
+        RecentBlockReadKbytes = 0;
+        TransferInputSizeMB = 0;
+        Matlab = "R2011b";
+        BlockReadKbytes = 0;
+        RecentStatsLifetimeStarter = 1200;
+        LeaveJobInQueue = false;
+        TargetType = "Machine";
+        WhenToTransferOutput = "ON_EXIT";
+        Owner = "xguo23";
+        JobNotification = 0;
+        BufferSize = 524288;
+        RecentBlockWrites = 0;
+        CompletionDate = 1446132848;
+        QDate = 1446105649;
+        JobLeaseDuration = 2400;
+        JobFinishedHookDone = 1446132848;
+        LastMatchTime = 1446109803;
+        LastJobLeaseRenewal = 1446132848;
+        DAGManNodesLog = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.48/Simulation_condor/model_3/./mydag.dag.nodes.log";
+        ClusterId = 49582308;
+        JobUniverse = 5;
+        NumJobStarts = 1;
+        CondorVersion = "$CondorVersion: 8.5.0 Sep 16 2015 BuildID: 341710 $";
+        CoreSize = 0;
+        OnExitHold = false;
+        CondorPlatform = "$CondorPlatform: X86_64-RedHat_6.6 $";
+        In = "/dev/null";
+        DiskUsage = 1250000;
+        EncryptExecuteDirectory = false;
+        CommittedSuspensionTime = 0;
+        User = "";
+        UserLog = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.48/Simulation_condor/model_3/25/process.log";
+        JobCurrentStartDate = 1446109803;
+        BufferBlockSize = 32768;
+        MATCH_EXP_JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "";
+        Requirements = ( ( OpSysMajorVer is 6 ) ) && ( MY.JobUniverse == 12 || MY.JobUniverse == 7 || MY.WantFlocking || MY.WantGlidein || TARGET.PoolName == "CHTC" || TARGET.COLLECTOR_HOST_STRING == "" ) && ( TARGET.Arch == "X86_64" ) && ( TARGET.OpSys == "LINUX" ) && ( TARGET.Disk >= RequestDisk ) && ( TARGET.Memory >= RequestMemory ) && ( TARGET.HasFileTransfer );
+        MinHosts = 1;
+        MaxHosts = 1;
+        Args = "--type=Matlab --version=R2011b --cmdtorun=simu_condor --unique=25 -- 3";
+        PeriodicHold = false;
+        ProcId = 0;
+        Environment = "";
+        DAGNodeName = "25+25";
+        MemoryUsage = ( ( ResidentSetSize + 1023 ) / 1024 );
+        TerminationPending = true;
+        NumRestarts = 0;
+        NumSystemHolds = 0;
+        CommittedTime = 23045;
+        MachineAttrCpus0 = 1;
+        WantRemoteSyscalls = false;
+        MyType = "Job";
+        CumulativeSuspensionTime = 0;
+        Rank = 0.0;
+        StartdPrincipal = "execute-side@matchsession/";
+        Err = "process.err";
+        PeriodicRemove = false;
+        BlockWriteKbytes = 0;
+        ExitBySignal = false;
+        DAGManJobId = 49582206;
+        EnteredCurrentStatus = 1446132848;
+        JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "$$([IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName), IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), \"\", TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName)])";
+        RecentBlockWriteKbytes = 0;
+        TransferIn = false;
+        ExitStatus = 0;
+        ShouldTransferFiles = "YES";
+        IsCHTCSubmit = true;
+        NumJobMatches = 1;
+        RootDir = "/";
+        JobStartDate = 1446109803;
+        JobPrio = 0;
+        CurrentHosts = 0;
+        GlobalJobId = "";
+        RemoteSysCpu = 1.320000000000000E+02;
+        TotalSuspensions = 0;
+        CommittedSlotTime = 2.304500000000000E+04;
+        WantCheckpoint = false;
+        BlockReads = 0;
+        LastRemoteHost = "";
+        TransferInput = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.48/Simulation_condor/data/25/,/home/xguo23/model_3_1.48/Simulation_condor/data/shared/";
+        LocalUserCpu = 0.0;
+        PeriodicRelease = ( JobStatus == 5 ) && ( ( CurrentTime - EnteredCurrentStatus ) > 1800 ) && ( JobRunCount < 5 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 6 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 14 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 22 );
+        RequestDisk = 1000000;
+        ResidentSetSize_RAW = 126180;
+        OrigMaxHosts = 1;
+        LastPublicClaimId = "<>#1443991430#14737#...";
+        WantRHEL6 = true;
+        NumCkpts_RAW = 0;
+        Out = "process.out";
+        SubmitEventNotes = "DAG Node: 25+25";
+        CumulativeSlotTime = 2.304500000000000E+04;
+        JobRunCount = 1;
+        RecentBlockReads = 0;
+        StreamErr = false;
+        DiskUsage_RAW = 1216669;
+        NumCkpts = 0;
+        StatsLifetimeStarter = 23044;
+        ImageSize = 1000000;
+        Cmd = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.48/Simulation_condor/chtcjobwrapper";
+        LocalSysCpu = 0.0;
         Iwd = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.48/Simulation_condor/model_3/25"
-        BlockWrites = 0; 
-        LastJobStatus = 2; 
-        JobCurrentStartExecutingDate = 1446110001; 
-        WantRemoteIO = true; 
-        RequestCpus = 1; 
-        NumShadowStarts = 1; 
-        RemoteUserCpu = 2.261300000000000E+04; 
-        NiceUser = false; 
-        RequestMemory = 1000; 
-        BytesRecvd = 2.846120000000000E+05; 
-        ResidentSetSize = 150000; 
-        StreamOut = false; 
-        SpooledOutputFiles = "CURLTIME_3107604,ChtcWrapper35.out,AuditLog.35,simu_3_35.txt,harvest.log,35.out"; 
-        OnExitRemove = true; 
-        ImageSize_RAW = 811948; 
-        RemoteWallClockTime = 2.278700000000000E+04; 
-        MachineAttrSlotWeight0 = 1; 
-        ExecutableSize = 7; 
-        JobStatus = 4; 
-        DAGParentNodeNames = ""; 
-        ExitCode = 0; 
-        DAGManNodesMask = "0,1,2,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,13,16,17,24,27"; 
-        BytesSent = 3.055200000000000E+04; 
-        LastSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        ExecutableSize_RAW = 6; 
-        RecentBlockReadKbytes = 0; 
-        TransferInputSizeMB = 0; 
-        Matlab = "R2011b"; 
-        BlockReadKbytes = 0; 
-        RecentStatsLifetimeStarter = 1200; 
-        LeaveJobInQueue = false; 
-        TargetType = "Machine"; 
-        WhenToTransferOutput = "ON_EXIT"; 
-        Owner = "xguo23"; 
-        JobNotification = 0; 
-        BufferSize = 524288; 
-        RecentBlockWrites = 0; 
-        CompletionDate = 1446132786; 
-        QDate = 1446105660; 
-        JobLeaseDuration = 2400; 
-        JobFinishedHookDone = 1446132786; 
-        LastMatchTime = 1446109999; 
-        LastJobLeaseRenewal = 1446132786; 
-        DAGManNodesLog = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.48/Simulation_condor/model_3/./mydag.dag.nodes.log"; 
-        ClusterId = 49582339; 
-        JobUniverse = 5; 
-        NumJobStarts = 1; 
-        CondorVersion = "$CondorVersion: 8.5.0 Sep 16 2015 BuildID: 341710 $"; 
-        CoreSize = 0; 
-        OnExitHold = false; 
-        CondorPlatform = "$CondorPlatform: X86_64-RedHat_6.6 $"; 
-        In = "/dev/null"; 
-        DiskUsage = 1250000; 
-        EncryptExecuteDirectory = false; 
-        CommittedSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        User = ""; 
-        UserLog = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.48/Simulation_condor/model_3/35/process.log"; 
-        JobCurrentStartDate = 1446109999; 
-        BufferBlockSize = 32768; 
-        MATCH_EXP_JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = ""; 
-        Requirements = ( ( OpSysMajorVer is 6 ) ) && ( MY.JobUniverse == 12 || MY.JobUniverse == 7 || MY.WantFlocking || MY.WantGlidein || TARGET.PoolName == "CHTC" || TARGET.COLLECTOR_HOST_STRING == "" ) && ( TARGET.Arch == "X86_64" ) && ( TARGET.OpSys == "LINUX" ) && ( TARGET.Disk >= RequestDisk ) && ( TARGET.Memory >= RequestMemory ) && ( TARGET.HasFileTransfer ); 
-        MinHosts = 1; 
-        MaxHosts = 1; 
-        Args = "--type=Matlab --version=R2011b --cmdtorun=simu_condor --unique=35 -- 3"; 
-        PeriodicHold = false; 
-        ProcId = 0; 
-        Environment = ""; 
-        DAGNodeName = "35+35"; 
-        MemoryUsage = ( ( ResidentSetSize + 1023 ) / 1024 ); 
-        TerminationPending = true; 
-        NumRestarts = 0; 
-        NumSystemHolds = 0; 
-        CommittedTime = 22787; 
-        MachineAttrCpus0 = 1; 
-        WantRemoteSyscalls = false; 
-        MyType = "Job"; 
-        CumulativeSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        Rank = 0.0; 
-        StartdPrincipal = "execute-side@matchsession/"; 
-        Err = "process.err"; 
-        PeriodicRemove = false; 
-        BlockWriteKbytes = 0; 
-        ExitBySignal = false; 
-        DAGManJobId = 49582206; 
-        EnteredCurrentStatus = 1446132786; 
-        JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "$$([IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName), IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), \"\", TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName)])"; 
-        RecentBlockWriteKbytes = 0; 
-        TransferIn = false; 
-        ExitStatus = 0; 
-        ShouldTransferFiles = "YES"; 
-        IsCHTCSubmit = true; 
-        NumJobMatches = 1; 
-        RootDir = "/"; 
-        JobStartDate = 1446109999; 
-        JobPrio = 0; 
-        CurrentHosts = 0; 
-        GlobalJobId = ""; 
-        RemoteSysCpu = 1.300000000000000E+02; 
-        TotalSuspensions = 0; 
-        CommittedSlotTime = 2.278700000000000E+04; 
-        WantCheckpoint = false; 
-        BlockReads = 0; 
-        LastRemoteHost = "slot1@e377.chtc.WISC.EDU"; 
-        TransferInput = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.48/Simulation_condor/data/35/,/home/xguo23/model_3_1.48/Simulation_condor/data/shared/"; 
-        LocalUserCpu = 0.0; 
-        PeriodicRelease = ( JobStatus == 5 ) && ( ( CurrentTime - EnteredCurrentStatus ) > 1800 ) && ( JobRunCount < 5 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 6 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 14 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 22 ); 
-        RequestDisk = 1000000; 
-        ResidentSetSize_RAW = 125340; 
-        OrigMaxHosts = 1; 
-        LastPublicClaimId = "<>#1443991411#13647#..."; 
-        WantRHEL6 = true; 
-        NumCkpts_RAW = 0; 
-        Out = "process.out"; 
-        SubmitEventNotes = "DAG Node: 35+35"; 
-        CumulativeSlotTime = 2.278700000000000E+04; 
-        JobRunCount = 1; 
-        RecentBlockReads = 0; 
-        StreamErr = false; 
-        DiskUsage_RAW = 1216669; 
-        NumCkpts = 0; 
-        StatsLifetimeStarter = 22784; 
-        ImageSize = 1000000; 
-        Cmd = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.48/Simulation_condor/chtcjobwrapper"; 
-        LocalSysCpu = 0.0; 
+        BlockWrites = 0;
+        LastJobStatus = 2;
+        JobCurrentStartExecutingDate = 1446110001;
+        WantRemoteIO = true;
+        RequestCpus = 1;
+        NumShadowStarts = 1;
+        RemoteUserCpu = 2.261300000000000E+04;
+        NiceUser = false;
+        RequestMemory = 1000;
+        BytesRecvd = 2.846120000000000E+05;
+        ResidentSetSize = 150000;
+        StreamOut = false;
+        SpooledOutputFiles = "CURLTIME_3107604,ChtcWrapper35.out,AuditLog.35,simu_3_35.txt,harvest.log,35.out";
+        OnExitRemove = true;
+        ImageSize_RAW = 811948;
+        RemoteWallClockTime = 2.278700000000000E+04;
+        MachineAttrSlotWeight0 = 1;
+        ExecutableSize = 7;
+        JobStatus = 4;
+        DAGParentNodeNames = "";
+        ExitCode = 0;
+        DAGManNodesMask = "0,1,2,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,13,16,17,24,27";
+        BytesSent = 3.055200000000000E+04;
+        LastSuspensionTime = 0;
+        ExecutableSize_RAW = 6;
+        RecentBlockReadKbytes = 0;
+        TransferInputSizeMB = 0;
+        Matlab = "R2011b";
+        BlockReadKbytes = 0;
+        RecentStatsLifetimeStarter = 1200;
+        LeaveJobInQueue = false;
+        TargetType = "Machine";
+        WhenToTransferOutput = "ON_EXIT";
+        Owner = "xguo23";
+        JobNotification = 0;
+        BufferSize = 524288;
+        RecentBlockWrites = 0;
+        CompletionDate = 1446132786;
+        QDate = 1446105660;
+        JobLeaseDuration = 2400;
+        JobFinishedHookDone = 1446132786;
+        LastMatchTime = 1446109999;
+        LastJobLeaseRenewal = 1446132786;
+        DAGManNodesLog = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.48/Simulation_condor/model_3/./mydag.dag.nodes.log";
+        ClusterId = 49582339;
+        JobUniverse = 5;
+        NumJobStarts = 1;
+        CondorVersion = "$CondorVersion: 8.5.0 Sep 16 2015 BuildID: 341710 $";
+        CoreSize = 0;
+        OnExitHold = false;
+        CondorPlatform = "$CondorPlatform: X86_64-RedHat_6.6 $";
+        In = "/dev/null";
+        DiskUsage = 1250000;
+        EncryptExecuteDirectory = false;
+        CommittedSuspensionTime = 0;
+        User = "";
+        UserLog = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.48/Simulation_condor/model_3/35/process.log";
+        JobCurrentStartDate = 1446109999;
+        BufferBlockSize = 32768;
+        MATCH_EXP_JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "";
+        Requirements = ( ( OpSysMajorVer is 6 ) ) && ( MY.JobUniverse == 12 || MY.JobUniverse == 7 || MY.WantFlocking || MY.WantGlidein || TARGET.PoolName == "CHTC" || TARGET.COLLECTOR_HOST_STRING == "" ) && ( TARGET.Arch == "X86_64" ) && ( TARGET.OpSys == "LINUX" ) && ( TARGET.Disk >= RequestDisk ) && ( TARGET.Memory >= RequestMemory ) && ( TARGET.HasFileTransfer );
+        MinHosts = 1;
+        MaxHosts = 1;
+        Args = "--type=Matlab --version=R2011b --cmdtorun=simu_condor --unique=35 -- 3";
+        PeriodicHold = false;
+        ProcId = 0;
+        Environment = "";
+        DAGNodeName = "35+35";
+        MemoryUsage = ( ( ResidentSetSize + 1023 ) / 1024 );
+        TerminationPending = true;
+        NumRestarts = 0;
+        NumSystemHolds = 0;
+        CommittedTime = 22787;
+        MachineAttrCpus0 = 1;
+        WantRemoteSyscalls = false;
+        MyType = "Job";
+        CumulativeSuspensionTime = 0;
+        Rank = 0.0;
+        StartdPrincipal = "execute-side@matchsession/";
+        Err = "process.err";
+        PeriodicRemove = false;
+        BlockWriteKbytes = 0;
+        ExitBySignal = false;
+        DAGManJobId = 49582206;
+        EnteredCurrentStatus = 1446132786;
+        JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "$$([IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName), IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), \"\", TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName)])";
+        RecentBlockWriteKbytes = 0;
+        TransferIn = false;
+        ExitStatus = 0;
+        ShouldTransferFiles = "YES";
+        IsCHTCSubmit = true;
+        NumJobMatches = 1;
+        RootDir = "/";
+        JobStartDate = 1446109999;
+        JobPrio = 0;
+        CurrentHosts = 0;
+        GlobalJobId = "";
+        RemoteSysCpu = 1.300000000000000E+02;
+        TotalSuspensions = 0;
+        CommittedSlotTime = 2.278700000000000E+04;
+        WantCheckpoint = false;
+        BlockReads = 0;
+        LastRemoteHost = "slot1@e377.chtc.WISC.EDU";
+        TransferInput = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.48/Simulation_condor/data/35/,/home/xguo23/model_3_1.48/Simulation_condor/data/shared/";
+        LocalUserCpu = 0.0;
+        PeriodicRelease = ( JobStatus == 5 ) && ( ( CurrentTime - EnteredCurrentStatus ) > 1800 ) && ( JobRunCount < 5 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 6 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 14 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 22 );
+        RequestDisk = 1000000;
+        ResidentSetSize_RAW = 125340;
+        OrigMaxHosts = 1;
+        LastPublicClaimId = "<>#1443991411#13647#...";
+        WantRHEL6 = true;
+        NumCkpts_RAW = 0;
+        Out = "process.out";
+        SubmitEventNotes = "DAG Node: 35+35";
+        CumulativeSlotTime = 2.278700000000000E+04;
+        JobRunCount = 1;
+        RecentBlockReads = 0;
+        StreamErr = false;
+        DiskUsage_RAW = 1216669;
+        NumCkpts = 0;
+        StatsLifetimeStarter = 22784;
+        ImageSize = 1000000;
+        Cmd = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.48/Simulation_condor/chtcjobwrapper";
+        LocalSysCpu = 0.0;
         Iwd = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.48/Simulation_condor/model_3/35"
-        BlockWrites = 0; 
-        LastJobStatus = 2; 
-        JobCurrentStartExecutingDate = 1446106484; 
-        WantRemoteIO = true; 
-        RequestCpus = 1; 
-        NumShadowStarts = 1; 
-        RemoteUserCpu = 2.609700000000000E+04; 
-        NiceUser = false; 
-        RequestMemory = 1000; 
-        BytesRecvd = 2.850540000000000E+05; 
-        ResidentSetSize = 150000; 
-        StreamOut = false; 
-        SpooledOutputFiles = "CURLTIME_2601607,ChtcWrapper112.out,AuditLog.112,simu_3_112.txt,harvest.log,112.out"; 
-        OnExitRemove = true; 
-        ImageSize_RAW = 811948; 
-        RemoteWallClockTime = 2.629800000000000E+04; 
-        MachineAttrSlotWeight0 = 1; 
-        ExecutableSize = 7; 
-        JobStatus = 4; 
-        DAGParentNodeNames = ""; 
-        ExitCode = 0; 
-        DAGManNodesMask = "0,1,2,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,13,16,17,24,27"; 
-        BytesSent = 3.190400000000000E+04; 
-        LastSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        ExecutableSize_RAW = 6; 
-        RecentBlockReadKbytes = 0; 
-        TransferInputSizeMB = 0; 
-        Matlab = "R2011b"; 
-        BlockReadKbytes = 0; 
-        RecentStatsLifetimeStarter = 1200; 
-        LeaveJobInQueue = false; 
-        TargetType = "Machine"; 
-        WhenToTransferOutput = "ON_EXIT"; 
-        Owner = "xguo23"; 
-        JobNotification = 0; 
-        BufferSize = 524288; 
-        RecentBlockWrites = 0; 
-        CompletionDate = 1446132780; 
-        QDate = 1446105441; 
-        JobLeaseDuration = 2400; 
-        JobFinishedHookDone = 1446132780; 
-        LastMatchTime = 1446106482; 
-        LastJobLeaseRenewal = 1446132780; 
-        DAGManNodesLog = "/home/xguo23/finally_2/Simulation_condor/model_3/./mydag.dag.nodes.log"; 
-        ClusterId = 49582049; 
-        JobUniverse = 5; 
-        NumJobStarts = 1; 
-        CondorVersion = "$CondorVersion: 8.5.0 Sep 16 2015 BuildID: 341710 $"; 
-        CoreSize = 0; 
-        OnExitHold = false; 
-        CondorPlatform = "$CondorPlatform: X86_64-RedHat_6.6 $"; 
-        In = "/dev/null"; 
-        DiskUsage = 1250000; 
-        EncryptExecuteDirectory = false; 
-        CommittedSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        User = ""; 
-        UserLog = "/home/xguo23/finally_2/Simulation_condor/model_3/112/process.log"; 
-        JobCurrentStartDate = 1446106482; 
-        BufferBlockSize = 32768; 
-        MATCH_EXP_JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = ""; 
-        Requirements = ( ( OpSysMajorVer is 6 ) ) && ( MY.JobUniverse == 12 || MY.JobUniverse == 7 || MY.WantFlocking || MY.WantGlidein || TARGET.PoolName == "CHTC" || TARGET.COLLECTOR_HOST_STRING == "" ) && ( TARGET.Arch == "X86_64" ) && ( TARGET.OpSys == "LINUX" ) && ( TARGET.Disk >= RequestDisk ) && ( TARGET.Memory >= RequestMemory ) && ( TARGET.HasFileTransfer ); 
-        MinHosts = 1; 
-        MaxHosts = 1; 
-        Args = "--type=Matlab --version=R2011b --cmdtorun=simu_condor --unique=112 -- 3"; 
-        PeriodicHold = false; 
-        ProcId = 0; 
-        Environment = ""; 
-        DAGNodeName = "112+112"; 
-        MemoryUsage = ( ( ResidentSetSize + 1023 ) / 1024 ); 
-        TerminationPending = true; 
-        NumRestarts = 0; 
-        NumSystemHolds = 0; 
-        CommittedTime = 26298; 
-        MachineAttrCpus0 = 1; 
-        WantRemoteSyscalls = false; 
-        MyType = "Job"; 
-        CumulativeSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        Rank = 0.0; 
-        StartdPrincipal = "execute-side@matchsession/"; 
-        Err = "process.err"; 
-        PeriodicRemove = false; 
-        BlockWriteKbytes = 0; 
-        ExitBySignal = false; 
-        DAGManJobId = 49581933; 
-        EnteredCurrentStatus = 1446132780; 
-        JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "$$([IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName), IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), \"\", TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName)])"; 
-        RecentBlockWriteKbytes = 0; 
-        TransferIn = false; 
-        ExitStatus = 0; 
-        ShouldTransferFiles = "YES"; 
-        IsCHTCSubmit = true; 
-        NumJobMatches = 1; 
-        RootDir = "/"; 
-        JobStartDate = 1446106482; 
-        JobPrio = 0; 
-        CurrentHosts = 0; 
-        GlobalJobId = ""; 
-        RemoteSysCpu = 1.640000000000000E+02; 
-        TotalSuspensions = 0; 
-        CommittedSlotTime = 2.629800000000000E+04; 
-        WantCheckpoint = false; 
-        BlockReads = 0; 
-        LastRemoteHost = "slot1@e445.chtc.WISC.EDU"; 
-        TransferInput = "/home/xguo23/finally_2/Simulation_condor/data/112/,/home/xguo23/finally_2/Simulation_condor/data/shared/"; 
-        LocalUserCpu = 0.0; 
-        PeriodicRelease = ( JobStatus == 5 ) && ( ( CurrentTime - EnteredCurrentStatus ) > 1800 ) && ( JobRunCount < 5 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 6 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 14 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 22 ); 
-        RequestDisk = 1000000; 
-        ResidentSetSize_RAW = 126892; 
-        OrigMaxHosts = 1; 
-        LastPublicClaimId = "<>#1443991450#14631#..."; 
-        WantRHEL6 = true; 
-        NumCkpts_RAW = 0; 
-        Out = "process.out"; 
-        SubmitEventNotes = "DAG Node: 112+112"; 
-        CumulativeSlotTime = 2.629800000000000E+04; 
-        JobRunCount = 1; 
-        RecentBlockReads = 0; 
-        StreamErr = false; 
-        DiskUsage_RAW = 1216669; 
-        NumCkpts = 0; 
-        StatsLifetimeStarter = 26296; 
-        ImageSize = 1000000; 
-        Cmd = "/home/xguo23/finally_2/Simulation_condor/chtcjobwrapper"; 
-        LocalSysCpu = 0.0; 
+        BlockWrites = 0;
+        LastJobStatus = 2;
+        JobCurrentStartExecutingDate = 1446106484;
+        WantRemoteIO = true;
+        RequestCpus = 1;
+        NumShadowStarts = 1;
+        RemoteUserCpu = 2.609700000000000E+04;
+        NiceUser = false;
+        RequestMemory = 1000;
+        BytesRecvd = 2.850540000000000E+05;
+        ResidentSetSize = 150000;
+        StreamOut = false;
+        SpooledOutputFiles = "CURLTIME_2601607,ChtcWrapper112.out,AuditLog.112,simu_3_112.txt,harvest.log,112.out";
+        OnExitRemove = true;
+        ImageSize_RAW = 811948;
+        RemoteWallClockTime = 2.629800000000000E+04;
+        MachineAttrSlotWeight0 = 1;
+        ExecutableSize = 7;
+        JobStatus = 4;
+        DAGParentNodeNames = "";
+        ExitCode = 0;
+        DAGManNodesMask = "0,1,2,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,13,16,17,24,27";
+        BytesSent = 3.190400000000000E+04;
+        LastSuspensionTime = 0;
+        ExecutableSize_RAW = 6;
+        RecentBlockReadKbytes = 0;
+        TransferInputSizeMB = 0;
+        Matlab = "R2011b";
+        BlockReadKbytes = 0;
+        RecentStatsLifetimeStarter = 1200;
+        LeaveJobInQueue = false;
+        TargetType = "Machine";
+        WhenToTransferOutput = "ON_EXIT";
+        Owner = "xguo23";
+        JobNotification = 0;
+        BufferSize = 524288;
+        RecentBlockWrites = 0;
+        CompletionDate = 1446132780;
+        QDate = 1446105441;
+        JobLeaseDuration = 2400;
+        JobFinishedHookDone = 1446132780;
+        LastMatchTime = 1446106482;
+        LastJobLeaseRenewal = 1446132780;
+        DAGManNodesLog = "/home/xguo23/finally_2/Simulation_condor/model_3/./mydag.dag.nodes.log";
+        ClusterId = 49582049;
+        JobUniverse = 5;
+        NumJobStarts = 1;
+        CondorVersion = "$CondorVersion: 8.5.0 Sep 16 2015 BuildID: 341710 $";
+        CoreSize = 0;
+        OnExitHold = false;
+        CondorPlatform = "$CondorPlatform: X86_64-RedHat_6.6 $";
+        In = "/dev/null";
+        DiskUsage = 1250000;
+        EncryptExecuteDirectory = false;
+        CommittedSuspensionTime = 0;
+        User = "";
+        UserLog = "/home/xguo23/finally_2/Simulation_condor/model_3/112/process.log";
+        JobCurrentStartDate = 1446106482;
+        BufferBlockSize = 32768;
+        MATCH_EXP_JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "";
+        Requirements = ( ( OpSysMajorVer is 6 ) ) && ( MY.JobUniverse == 12 || MY.JobUniverse == 7 || MY.WantFlocking || MY.WantGlidein || TARGET.PoolName == "CHTC" || TARGET.COLLECTOR_HOST_STRING == "" ) && ( TARGET.Arch == "X86_64" ) && ( TARGET.OpSys == "LINUX" ) && ( TARGET.Disk >= RequestDisk ) && ( TARGET.Memory >= RequestMemory ) && ( TARGET.HasFileTransfer );
+        MinHosts = 1;
+        MaxHosts = 1;
+        Args = "--type=Matlab --version=R2011b --cmdtorun=simu_condor --unique=112 -- 3";
+        PeriodicHold = false;
+        ProcId = 0;
+        Environment = "";
+        DAGNodeName = "112+112";
+        MemoryUsage = ( ( ResidentSetSize + 1023 ) / 1024 );
+        TerminationPending = true;
+        NumRestarts = 0;
+        NumSystemHolds = 0;
+        CommittedTime = 26298;
+        MachineAttrCpus0 = 1;
+        WantRemoteSyscalls = false;
+        MyType = "Job";
+        CumulativeSuspensionTime = 0;
+        Rank = 0.0;
+        StartdPrincipal = "execute-side@matchsession/";
+        Err = "process.err";
+        PeriodicRemove = false;
+        BlockWriteKbytes = 0;
+        ExitBySignal = false;
+        DAGManJobId = 49581933;
+        EnteredCurrentStatus = 1446132780;
+        JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "$$([IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName), IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), \"\", TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName)])";
+        RecentBlockWriteKbytes = 0;
+        TransferIn = false;
+        ExitStatus = 0;
+        ShouldTransferFiles = "YES";
+        IsCHTCSubmit = true;
+        NumJobMatches = 1;
+        RootDir = "/";
+        JobStartDate = 1446106482;
+        JobPrio = 0;
+        CurrentHosts = 0;
+        GlobalJobId = "";
+        RemoteSysCpu = 1.640000000000000E+02;
+        TotalSuspensions = 0;
+        CommittedSlotTime = 2.629800000000000E+04;
+        WantCheckpoint = false;
+        BlockReads = 0;
+        LastRemoteHost = "slot1@e445.chtc.WISC.EDU";
+        TransferInput = "/home/xguo23/finally_2/Simulation_condor/data/112/,/home/xguo23/finally_2/Simulation_condor/data/shared/";
+        LocalUserCpu = 0.0;
+        PeriodicRelease = ( JobStatus == 5 ) && ( ( CurrentTime - EnteredCurrentStatus ) > 1800 ) && ( JobRunCount < 5 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 6 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 14 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 22 );
+        RequestDisk = 1000000;
+        ResidentSetSize_RAW = 126892;
+        OrigMaxHosts = 1;
+        LastPublicClaimId = "<>#1443991450#14631#...";
+        WantRHEL6 = true;
+        NumCkpts_RAW = 0;
+        Out = "process.out";
+        SubmitEventNotes = "DAG Node: 112+112";
+        CumulativeSlotTime = 2.629800000000000E+04;
+        JobRunCount = 1;
+        RecentBlockReads = 0;
+        StreamErr = false;
+        DiskUsage_RAW = 1216669;
+        NumCkpts = 0;
+        StatsLifetimeStarter = 26296;
+        ImageSize = 1000000;
+        Cmd = "/home/xguo23/finally_2/Simulation_condor/chtcjobwrapper";
+        LocalSysCpu = 0.0;
         Iwd = "/home/xguo23/finally_2/Simulation_condor/model_3/112"
-        BlockWrites = 2; 
-        LastJobStatus = 2; 
-        JobCurrentStartExecutingDate = 1446110587; 
-        WantRemoteIO = true; 
-        RequestCpus = 1; 
-        NumShadowStarts = 1; 
-        RemoteUserCpu = 2.193900000000000E+04; 
-        NiceUser = false; 
-        RequestMemory = 1000; 
-        BytesRecvd = 2.846280000000000E+05; 
-        ResidentSetSize = 75000; 
-        StreamOut = false; 
-        SpooledOutputFiles = "harvest.log,simu_3_29.txt,ChtcWrapper29.out,AuditLog.29,29.out,CURLTIME_3320245"; 
-        OnExitRemove = true; 
-        ImageSize_RAW = 118196; 
-        RemoteWallClockTime = 2.210900000000000E+04; 
-        MachineAttrSlotWeight0 = 1; 
-        ExecutableSize = 7; 
-        JobStatus = 4; 
-        DAGParentNodeNames = ""; 
-        ExitCode = 0; 
-        DAGManNodesMask = "0,1,2,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,13,16,17,24,27"; 
-        BytesSent = 2.801300000000000E+04; 
-        LastSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        ExecutableSize_RAW = 6; 
-        RecentBlockReadKbytes = 12; 
-        TransferInputSizeMB = 0; 
-        Matlab = "R2011b"; 
-        BlockReadKbytes = 39868; 
-        RecentStatsLifetimeStarter = 1200; 
-        LeaveJobInQueue = false; 
-        TargetType = "Machine"; 
-        WhenToTransferOutput = "ON_EXIT"; 
-        Owner = "xguo23"; 
-        JobNotification = 0; 
-        BufferSize = 524288; 
-        RecentBlockWrites = 0; 
-        CompletionDate = 1446132695; 
-        QDate = 1446105684; 
-        JobLeaseDuration = 2400; 
-        JobFinishedHookDone = 1446132695; 
-        LastMatchTime = 1446110586; 
-        LastJobLeaseRenewal = 1446132695; 
-        DAGManNodesLog = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/model_3/./mydag.dag.nodes.log"; 
-        ClusterId = 49582404; 
-        JobUniverse = 5; 
-        NumJobStarts = 1; 
-        CondorVersion = "$CondorVersion: 8.5.0 Sep 16 2015 BuildID: 341710 $"; 
-        CoreSize = 0; 
-        OnExitHold = false; 
-        CondorPlatform = "$CondorPlatform: X86_64-RedHat_6.6 $"; 
-        In = "/dev/null"; 
-        DiskUsage = 1250000; 
-        EncryptExecuteDirectory = false; 
-        CommittedSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        User = ""; 
-        UserLog = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/model_3/29/process.log"; 
-        JobCurrentStartDate = 1446110586; 
-        BufferBlockSize = 32768; 
-        MATCH_EXP_JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = ""; 
-        Requirements = ( ( OpSysMajorVer is 6 ) ) && ( MY.JobUniverse == 12 || MY.JobUniverse == 7 || MY.WantFlocking || MY.WantGlidein || TARGET.PoolName == "CHTC" || TARGET.COLLECTOR_HOST_STRING == "" ) && ( TARGET.Arch == "X86_64" ) && ( TARGET.OpSys == "LINUX" ) && ( TARGET.Disk >= RequestDisk ) && ( TARGET.Memory >= RequestMemory ) && ( TARGET.HasFileTransfer ); 
-        MinHosts = 1; 
-        MaxHosts = 1; 
-        Args = "--type=Matlab --version=R2011b --cmdtorun=simu_condor --unique=29 -- 3"; 
-        PeriodicHold = false; 
-        ProcId = 0; 
-        Environment = ""; 
-        DAGNodeName = "29+29"; 
-        MemoryUsage = ( ( ResidentSetSize + 1023 ) / 1024 ); 
-        TerminationPending = true; 
-        NumRestarts = 0; 
-        NumSystemHolds = 0; 
-        CommittedTime = 22109; 
-        MachineAttrCpus0 = 1; 
-        WantRemoteSyscalls = false; 
-        MyType = "Job"; 
-        CumulativeSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        Rank = 0.0; 
-        StartdPrincipal = "execute-side@matchsession/"; 
-        Err = "process.err"; 
-        PeriodicRemove = false; 
-        BlockWriteKbytes = 8; 
-        ExitBySignal = false; 
-        DAGManJobId = 49582200; 
-        EnteredCurrentStatus = 1446132695; 
-        JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "$$([IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName), IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), \"\", TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName)])"; 
-        RecentBlockWriteKbytes = 0; 
-        TransferIn = false; 
-        ExitStatus = 0; 
-        ShouldTransferFiles = "YES"; 
-        IsCHTCSubmit = true; 
-        NumJobMatches = 1; 
-        RootDir = "/"; 
-        JobStartDate = 1446110586; 
-        JobPrio = 0; 
-        CurrentHosts = 0; 
-        GlobalJobId = ""; 
-        RemoteSysCpu = 1.290000000000000E+02; 
-        TotalSuspensions = 0; 
-        CommittedSlotTime = 2.210900000000000E+04; 
-        WantCheckpoint = false; 
-        BlockReads = 811; 
-        LastRemoteHost = ""; 
-        TransferInput = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/data/29/,/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/data/shared/"; 
-        LocalUserCpu = 0.0; 
-        PeriodicRelease = ( JobStatus == 5 ) && ( ( CurrentTime - EnteredCurrentStatus ) > 1800 ) && ( JobRunCount < 5 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 6 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 14 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 22 ); 
-        RequestDisk = 1000000; 
-        ResidentSetSize_RAW = 70692; 
-        OrigMaxHosts = 1; 
-        LastPublicClaimId = "<>#1445289732#1640#..."; 
-        WantRHEL6 = true; 
-        NumCkpts_RAW = 0; 
-        Out = "process.out"; 
-        SubmitEventNotes = "DAG Node: 29+29"; 
-        CumulativeSlotTime = 2.210900000000000E+04; 
-        JobRunCount = 1; 
-        RecentBlockReads = 3; 
-        StreamErr = false; 
-        DiskUsage_RAW = 1216669; 
-        NumCkpts = 0; 
-        StatsLifetimeStarter = 22108; 
-        ImageSize = 125000; 
-        Cmd = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/chtcjobwrapper"; 
-        LocalSysCpu = 0.0; 
+        BlockWrites = 2;
+        LastJobStatus = 2;
+        JobCurrentStartExecutingDate = 1446110587;
+        WantRemoteIO = true;
+        RequestCpus = 1;
+        NumShadowStarts = 1;
+        RemoteUserCpu = 2.193900000000000E+04;
+        NiceUser = false;
+        RequestMemory = 1000;
+        BytesRecvd = 2.846280000000000E+05;
+        ResidentSetSize = 75000;
+        StreamOut = false;
+        SpooledOutputFiles = "harvest.log,simu_3_29.txt,ChtcWrapper29.out,AuditLog.29,29.out,CURLTIME_3320245";
+        OnExitRemove = true;
+        ImageSize_RAW = 118196;
+        RemoteWallClockTime = 2.210900000000000E+04;
+        MachineAttrSlotWeight0 = 1;
+        ExecutableSize = 7;
+        JobStatus = 4;
+        DAGParentNodeNames = "";
+        ExitCode = 0;
+        DAGManNodesMask = "0,1,2,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,13,16,17,24,27";
+        BytesSent = 2.801300000000000E+04;
+        LastSuspensionTime = 0;
+        ExecutableSize_RAW = 6;
+        RecentBlockReadKbytes = 12;
+        TransferInputSizeMB = 0;
+        Matlab = "R2011b";
+        BlockReadKbytes = 39868;
+        RecentStatsLifetimeStarter = 1200;
+        LeaveJobInQueue = false;
+        TargetType = "Machine";
+        WhenToTransferOutput = "ON_EXIT";
+        Owner = "xguo23";
+        JobNotification = 0;
+        BufferSize = 524288;
+        RecentBlockWrites = 0;
+        CompletionDate = 1446132695;
+        QDate = 1446105684;
+        JobLeaseDuration = 2400;
+        JobFinishedHookDone = 1446132695;
+        LastMatchTime = 1446110586;
+        LastJobLeaseRenewal = 1446132695;
+        DAGManNodesLog = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/model_3/./mydag.dag.nodes.log";
+        ClusterId = 49582404;
+        JobUniverse = 5;
+        NumJobStarts = 1;
+        CondorVersion = "$CondorVersion: 8.5.0 Sep 16 2015 BuildID: 341710 $";
+        CoreSize = 0;
+        OnExitHold = false;
+        CondorPlatform = "$CondorPlatform: X86_64-RedHat_6.6 $";
+        In = "/dev/null";
+        DiskUsage = 1250000;
+        EncryptExecuteDirectory = false;
+        CommittedSuspensionTime = 0;
+        User = "";
+        UserLog = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/model_3/29/process.log";
+        JobCurrentStartDate = 1446110586;
+        BufferBlockSize = 32768;
+        MATCH_EXP_JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "";
+        Requirements = ( ( OpSysMajorVer is 6 ) ) && ( MY.JobUniverse == 12 || MY.JobUniverse == 7 || MY.WantFlocking || MY.WantGlidein || TARGET.PoolName == "CHTC" || TARGET.COLLECTOR_HOST_STRING == "" ) && ( TARGET.Arch == "X86_64" ) && ( TARGET.OpSys == "LINUX" ) && ( TARGET.Disk >= RequestDisk ) && ( TARGET.Memory >= RequestMemory ) && ( TARGET.HasFileTransfer );
+        MinHosts = 1;
+        MaxHosts = 1;
+        Args = "--type=Matlab --version=R2011b --cmdtorun=simu_condor --unique=29 -- 3";
+        PeriodicHold = false;
+        ProcId = 0;
+        Environment = "";
+        DAGNodeName = "29+29";
+        MemoryUsage = ( ( ResidentSetSize + 1023 ) / 1024 );
+        TerminationPending = true;
+        NumRestarts = 0;
+        NumSystemHolds = 0;
+        CommittedTime = 22109;
+        MachineAttrCpus0 = 1;
+        WantRemoteSyscalls = false;
+        MyType = "Job";
+        CumulativeSuspensionTime = 0;
+        Rank = 0.0;
+        StartdPrincipal = "execute-side@matchsession/";
+        Err = "process.err";
+        PeriodicRemove = false;
+        BlockWriteKbytes = 8;
+        ExitBySignal = false;
+        DAGManJobId = 49582200;
+        EnteredCurrentStatus = 1446132695;
+        JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "$$([IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName), IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), \"\", TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName)])";
+        RecentBlockWriteKbytes = 0;
+        TransferIn = false;
+        ExitStatus = 0;
+        ShouldTransferFiles = "YES";
+        IsCHTCSubmit = true;
+        NumJobMatches = 1;
+        RootDir = "/";
+        JobStartDate = 1446110586;
+        JobPrio = 0;
+        CurrentHosts = 0;
+        GlobalJobId = "";
+        RemoteSysCpu = 1.290000000000000E+02;
+        TotalSuspensions = 0;
+        CommittedSlotTime = 2.210900000000000E+04;
+        WantCheckpoint = false;
+        BlockReads = 811;
+        LastRemoteHost = "";
+        TransferInput = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/data/29/,/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/data/shared/";
+        LocalUserCpu = 0.0;
+        PeriodicRelease = ( JobStatus == 5 ) && ( ( CurrentTime - EnteredCurrentStatus ) > 1800 ) && ( JobRunCount < 5 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 6 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 14 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 22 );
+        RequestDisk = 1000000;
+        ResidentSetSize_RAW = 70692;
+        OrigMaxHosts = 1;
+        LastPublicClaimId = "<>#1445289732#1640#...";
+        WantRHEL6 = true;
+        NumCkpts_RAW = 0;
+        Out = "process.out";
+        SubmitEventNotes = "DAG Node: 29+29";
+        CumulativeSlotTime = 2.210900000000000E+04;
+        JobRunCount = 1;
+        RecentBlockReads = 3;
+        StreamErr = false;
+        DiskUsage_RAW = 1216669;
+        NumCkpts = 0;
+        StatsLifetimeStarter = 22108;
+        ImageSize = 125000;
+        Cmd = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/chtcjobwrapper";
+        LocalSysCpu = 0.0;
         Iwd = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/model_3/29"
-        BlockWrites = 0; 
-        LastJobStatus = 2; 
-        JobCurrentStartExecutingDate = 1446110792; 
-        WantRemoteIO = true; 
-        RequestCpus = 1; 
-        NumShadowStarts = 1; 
-        RemoteUserCpu = 2.173900000000000E+04; 
-        NiceUser = false; 
-        RequestMemory = 1000; 
-        BytesRecvd = 2.846120000000000E+05; 
-        ResidentSetSize = 150000; 
-        StreamOut = false; 
-        SpooledOutputFiles = "CURLTIME_143217,ChtcWrapper47.out,AuditLog.47,simu_3_47.txt,harvest.log,47.out"; 
-        OnExitRemove = true; 
-        ImageSize_RAW = 811948; 
-        RemoteWallClockTime = 2.189400000000000E+04; 
-        MachineAttrSlotWeight0 = 1; 
-        ExecutableSize = 7; 
-        JobStatus = 4; 
-        DAGParentNodeNames = ""; 
-        ExitCode = 0; 
-        DAGManNodesMask = "0,1,2,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,13,16,17,24,27"; 
-        BytesSent = 2.907400000000000E+04; 
-        LastSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        ExecutableSize_RAW = 6; 
-        RecentBlockReadKbytes = 0; 
-        TransferInputSizeMB = 0; 
-        Matlab = "R2011b"; 
-        BlockReadKbytes = 0; 
-        RecentStatsLifetimeStarter = 1200; 
-        LeaveJobInQueue = false; 
-        TargetType = "Machine"; 
-        WhenToTransferOutput = "ON_EXIT"; 
-        Owner = "xguo23"; 
-        JobNotification = 0; 
-        BufferSize = 524288; 
-        RecentBlockWrites = 0; 
-        CompletionDate = 1446132684; 
-        QDate = 1446105688; 
-        JobLeaseDuration = 2400; 
-        JobFinishedHookDone = 1446132684; 
-        LastMatchTime = 1446110790; 
-        LastJobLeaseRenewal = 1446132684; 
-        DAGManNodesLog = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.48/Simulation_condor/model_3/./mydag.dag.nodes.log"; 
-        ClusterId = 49582416; 
-        JobUniverse = 5; 
-        NumJobStarts = 1; 
-        CondorVersion = "$CondorVersion: 8.5.0 Sep 16 2015 BuildID: 341710 $"; 
-        CoreSize = 0; 
-        OnExitHold = false; 
-        CondorPlatform = "$CondorPlatform: X86_64-RedHat_6.6 $"; 
-        In = "/dev/null"; 
-        DiskUsage = 1250000; 
-        EncryptExecuteDirectory = false; 
-        CommittedSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        User = ""; 
-        UserLog = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.48/Simulation_condor/model_3/47/process.log"; 
-        JobCurrentStartDate = 1446110790; 
-        BufferBlockSize = 32768; 
-        MATCH_EXP_JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = ""; 
-        Requirements = ( ( OpSysMajorVer is 6 ) ) && ( MY.JobUniverse == 12 || MY.JobUniverse == 7 || MY.WantFlocking || MY.WantGlidein || TARGET.PoolName == "CHTC" || TARGET.COLLECTOR_HOST_STRING == "" ) && ( TARGET.Arch == "X86_64" ) && ( TARGET.OpSys == "LINUX" ) && ( TARGET.Disk >= RequestDisk ) && ( TARGET.Memory >= RequestMemory ) && ( TARGET.HasFileTransfer ); 
-        MinHosts = 1; 
-        MaxHosts = 1; 
-        Args = "--type=Matlab --version=R2011b --cmdtorun=simu_condor --unique=47 -- 3"; 
-        PeriodicHold = false; 
-        ProcId = 0; 
-        Environment = ""; 
-        DAGNodeName = "47+47"; 
-        MemoryUsage = ( ( ResidentSetSize + 1023 ) / 1024 ); 
-        TerminationPending = true; 
-        NumRestarts = 0; 
-        NumSystemHolds = 0; 
-        CommittedTime = 21894; 
-        MachineAttrCpus0 = 1; 
-        WantRemoteSyscalls = false; 
-        MyType = "Job"; 
-        CumulativeSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        Rank = 0.0; 
-        StartdPrincipal = "execute-side@matchsession/"; 
-        Err = "process.err"; 
-        PeriodicRemove = false; 
-        BlockWriteKbytes = 0; 
-        ExitBySignal = false; 
-        DAGManJobId = 49582206; 
-        EnteredCurrentStatus = 1446132684; 
-        JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "$$([IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName), IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), \"\", TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName)])"; 
-        RecentBlockWriteKbytes = 0; 
-        TransferIn = false; 
-        ExitStatus = 0; 
-        ShouldTransferFiles = "YES"; 
-        IsCHTCSubmit = true; 
-        NumJobMatches = 1; 
-        RootDir = "/"; 
-        JobStartDate = 1446110790; 
-        JobPrio = 0; 
-        CurrentHosts = 0; 
-        GlobalJobId = ""; 
-        RemoteSysCpu = 1.210000000000000E+02; 
-        TotalSuspensions = 0; 
-        CommittedSlotTime = 2.189400000000000E+04; 
-        WantCheckpoint = false; 
-        BlockReads = 0; 
-        LastRemoteHost = ""; 
-        TransferInput = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.48/Simulation_condor/data/47/,/home/xguo23/model_3_1.48/Simulation_condor/data/shared/"; 
-        LocalUserCpu = 0.0; 
-        PeriodicRelease = ( JobStatus == 5 ) && ( ( CurrentTime - EnteredCurrentStatus ) > 1800 ) && ( JobRunCount < 5 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 6 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 14 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 22 ); 
-        RequestDisk = 1000000; 
-        ResidentSetSize_RAW = 126208; 
-        OrigMaxHosts = 1; 
-        LastPublicClaimId = "<>#1444759915#9064#..."; 
-        WantRHEL6 = true; 
-        NumCkpts_RAW = 0; 
-        Out = "process.out"; 
-        SubmitEventNotes = "DAG Node: 47+47"; 
-        CumulativeSlotTime = 2.189400000000000E+04; 
-        JobRunCount = 1; 
-        RecentBlockReads = 0; 
-        StreamErr = false; 
-        DiskUsage_RAW = 1216669; 
-        NumCkpts = 0; 
-        StatsLifetimeStarter = 21892; 
-        ImageSize = 1000000; 
-        Cmd = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.48/Simulation_condor/chtcjobwrapper"; 
-        LocalSysCpu = 0.0; 
+        BlockWrites = 0;
+        LastJobStatus = 2;
+        JobCurrentStartExecutingDate = 1446110792;
+        WantRemoteIO = true;
+        RequestCpus = 1;
+        NumShadowStarts = 1;
+        RemoteUserCpu = 2.173900000000000E+04;
+        NiceUser = false;
+        RequestMemory = 1000;
+        BytesRecvd = 2.846120000000000E+05;
+        ResidentSetSize = 150000;
+        StreamOut = false;
+        SpooledOutputFiles = "CURLTIME_143217,ChtcWrapper47.out,AuditLog.47,simu_3_47.txt,harvest.log,47.out";
+        OnExitRemove = true;
+        ImageSize_RAW = 811948;
+        RemoteWallClockTime = 2.189400000000000E+04;
+        MachineAttrSlotWeight0 = 1;
+        ExecutableSize = 7;
+        JobStatus = 4;
+        DAGParentNodeNames = "";
+        ExitCode = 0;
+        DAGManNodesMask = "0,1,2,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,13,16,17,24,27";
+        BytesSent = 2.907400000000000E+04;
+        LastSuspensionTime = 0;
+        ExecutableSize_RAW = 6;
+        RecentBlockReadKbytes = 0;
+        TransferInputSizeMB = 0;
+        Matlab = "R2011b";
+        BlockReadKbytes = 0;
+        RecentStatsLifetimeStarter = 1200;
+        LeaveJobInQueue = false;
+        TargetType = "Machine";
+        WhenToTransferOutput = "ON_EXIT";
+        Owner = "xguo23";
+        JobNotification = 0;
+        BufferSize = 524288;
+        RecentBlockWrites = 0;
+        CompletionDate = 1446132684;
+        QDate = 1446105688;
+        JobLeaseDuration = 2400;
+        JobFinishedHookDone = 1446132684;
+        LastMatchTime = 1446110790;
+        LastJobLeaseRenewal = 1446132684;
+        DAGManNodesLog = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.48/Simulation_condor/model_3/./mydag.dag.nodes.log";
+        ClusterId = 49582416;
+        JobUniverse = 5;
+        NumJobStarts = 1;
+        CondorVersion = "$CondorVersion: 8.5.0 Sep 16 2015 BuildID: 341710 $";
+        CoreSize = 0;
+        OnExitHold = false;
+        CondorPlatform = "$CondorPlatform: X86_64-RedHat_6.6 $";
+        In = "/dev/null";
+        DiskUsage = 1250000;
+        EncryptExecuteDirectory = false;
+        CommittedSuspensionTime = 0;
+        User = "";
+        UserLog = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.48/Simulation_condor/model_3/47/process.log";
+        JobCurrentStartDate = 1446110790;
+        BufferBlockSize = 32768;
+        MATCH_EXP_JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "";
+        Requirements = ( ( OpSysMajorVer is 6 ) ) && ( MY.JobUniverse == 12 || MY.JobUniverse == 7 || MY.WantFlocking || MY.WantGlidein || TARGET.PoolName == "CHTC" || TARGET.COLLECTOR_HOST_STRING == "" ) && ( TARGET.Arch == "X86_64" ) && ( TARGET.OpSys == "LINUX" ) && ( TARGET.Disk >= RequestDisk ) && ( TARGET.Memory >= RequestMemory ) && ( TARGET.HasFileTransfer );
+        MinHosts = 1;
+        MaxHosts = 1;
+        Args = "--type=Matlab --version=R2011b --cmdtorun=simu_condor --unique=47 -- 3";
+        PeriodicHold = false;
+        ProcId = 0;
+        Environment = "";
+        DAGNodeName = "47+47";
+        MemoryUsage = ( ( ResidentSetSize + 1023 ) / 1024 );
+        TerminationPending = true;
+        NumRestarts = 0;
+        NumSystemHolds = 0;
+        CommittedTime = 21894;
+        MachineAttrCpus0 = 1;
+        WantRemoteSyscalls = false;
+        MyType = "Job";
+        CumulativeSuspensionTime = 0;
+        Rank = 0.0;
+        StartdPrincipal = "execute-side@matchsession/";
+        Err = "process.err";
+        PeriodicRemove = false;
+        BlockWriteKbytes = 0;
+        ExitBySignal = false;
+        DAGManJobId = 49582206;
+        EnteredCurrentStatus = 1446132684;
+        JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "$$([IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName), IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), \"\", TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName)])";
+        RecentBlockWriteKbytes = 0;
+        TransferIn = false;
+        ExitStatus = 0;
+        ShouldTransferFiles = "YES";
+        IsCHTCSubmit = true;
+        NumJobMatches = 1;
+        RootDir = "/";
+        JobStartDate = 1446110790;
+        JobPrio = 0;
+        CurrentHosts = 0;
+        GlobalJobId = "";
+        RemoteSysCpu = 1.210000000000000E+02;
+        TotalSuspensions = 0;
+        CommittedSlotTime = 2.189400000000000E+04;
+        WantCheckpoint = false;
+        BlockReads = 0;
+        LastRemoteHost = "";
+        TransferInput = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.48/Simulation_condor/data/47/,/home/xguo23/model_3_1.48/Simulation_condor/data/shared/";
+        LocalUserCpu = 0.0;
+        PeriodicRelease = ( JobStatus == 5 ) && ( ( CurrentTime - EnteredCurrentStatus ) > 1800 ) && ( JobRunCount < 5 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 6 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 14 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 22 );
+        RequestDisk = 1000000;
+        ResidentSetSize_RAW = 126208;
+        OrigMaxHosts = 1;
+        LastPublicClaimId = "<>#1444759915#9064#...";
+        WantRHEL6 = true;
+        NumCkpts_RAW = 0;
+        Out = "process.out";
+        SubmitEventNotes = "DAG Node: 47+47";
+        CumulativeSlotTime = 2.189400000000000E+04;
+        JobRunCount = 1;
+        RecentBlockReads = 0;
+        StreamErr = false;
+        DiskUsage_RAW = 1216669;
+        NumCkpts = 0;
+        StatsLifetimeStarter = 21892;
+        ImageSize = 1000000;
+        Cmd = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.48/Simulation_condor/chtcjobwrapper";
+        LocalSysCpu = 0.0;
         Iwd = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.48/Simulation_condor/model_3/47"
-        BlockWrites = 0; 
-        LastJobStatus = 2; 
-        JobCurrentStartExecutingDate = 1446116624; 
-        WantRemoteIO = true; 
-        RequestCpus = 1; 
-        NumShadowStarts = 1; 
-        RemoteUserCpu = 1.593900000000000E+04; 
-        NiceUser = false; 
-        RequestMemory = 1000; 
-        BytesRecvd = 2.846130000000000E+05; 
-        ResidentSetSize = 150000; 
-        StreamOut = false; 
-        SpooledOutputFiles = "CURLTIME_2688575,ChtcWrapper450.out,AuditLog.450,simu_3_450.txt,harvest.log,450.out"; 
-        OnExitRemove = true; 
-        ImageSize_RAW = 811948; 
-        RemoteWallClockTime = 1.605300000000000E+04; 
-        MachineAttrSlotWeight0 = 1; 
-        ExecutableSize = 7; 
-        JobStatus = 4; 
-        DAGParentNodeNames = ""; 
-        ExitCode = 0; 
-        DAGManNodesMask = "0,1,2,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,13,16,17,24,27"; 
-        BytesSent = 3.050700000000000E+04; 
-        LastSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        ExecutableSize_RAW = 6; 
-        RecentBlockReadKbytes = 0; 
-        TransferInputSizeMB = 0; 
-        Matlab = "R2011b"; 
-        BlockReadKbytes = 0; 
-        RecentStatsLifetimeStarter = 1200; 
-        LeaveJobInQueue = false; 
-        TargetType = "Machine"; 
-        WhenToTransferOutput = "ON_EXIT"; 
-        Owner = "xguo23"; 
-        JobNotification = 0; 
-        BufferSize = 524288; 
-        RecentBlockWrites = 0; 
-        CompletionDate = 1446132676; 
-        QDate = 1446105869; 
-        JobLeaseDuration = 2400; 
-        JobFinishedHookDone = 1446132676; 
-        LastMatchTime = 1446116623; 
-        LastJobLeaseRenewal = 1446132676; 
-        DAGManNodesLog = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.48/Simulation_condor/model_3/./mydag.dag.nodes.log"; 
-        ClusterId = 49582883; 
-        JobUniverse = 5; 
-        NumJobStarts = 1; 
-        CondorVersion = "$CondorVersion: 8.5.0 Sep 16 2015 BuildID: 341710 $"; 
-        CoreSize = 0; 
-        OnExitHold = false; 
-        CondorPlatform = "$CondorPlatform: X86_64-RedHat_6.6 $"; 
-        In = "/dev/null"; 
-        DiskUsage = 1250000; 
-        EncryptExecuteDirectory = false; 
-        CommittedSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        User = ""; 
-        UserLog = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.48/Simulation_condor/model_3/450/process.log"; 
-        JobCurrentStartDate = 1446116623; 
-        BufferBlockSize = 32768; 
-        MATCH_EXP_JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = ""; 
-        Requirements = ( ( OpSysMajorVer is 6 ) ) && ( MY.JobUniverse == 12 || MY.JobUniverse == 7 || MY.WantFlocking || MY.WantGlidein || TARGET.PoolName == "CHTC" || TARGET.COLLECTOR_HOST_STRING == "" ) && ( TARGET.Arch == "X86_64" ) && ( TARGET.OpSys == "LINUX" ) && ( TARGET.Disk >= RequestDisk ) && ( TARGET.Memory >= RequestMemory ) && ( TARGET.HasFileTransfer ); 
-        MinHosts = 1; 
-        MaxHosts = 1; 
-        Args = "--type=Matlab --version=R2011b --cmdtorun=simu_condor --unique=450 -- 3"; 
-        PeriodicHold = false; 
-        ProcId = 0; 
-        Environment = ""; 
-        DAGNodeName = "450+450"; 
-        MemoryUsage = ( ( ResidentSetSize + 1023 ) / 1024 ); 
-        TerminationPending = true; 
-        NumRestarts = 0; 
-        NumSystemHolds = 0; 
-        CommittedTime = 16053; 
-        MachineAttrCpus0 = 1; 
-        WantRemoteSyscalls = false; 
-        MyType = "Job"; 
-        CumulativeSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        Rank = 0.0; 
-        StartdPrincipal = "execute-side@matchsession/"; 
-        Err = "process.err"; 
-        PeriodicRemove = false; 
-        BlockWriteKbytes = 0; 
-        ExitBySignal = false; 
-        DAGManJobId = 49582206; 
-        EnteredCurrentStatus = 1446132676; 
-        JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "$$([IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName), IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), \"\", TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName)])"; 
-        RecentBlockWriteKbytes = 0; 
-        TransferIn = false; 
-        ExitStatus = 0; 
-        ShouldTransferFiles = "YES"; 
-        IsCHTCSubmit = true; 
-        NumJobMatches = 1; 
-        RootDir = "/"; 
-        JobStartDate = 1446116623; 
-        JobPrio = 0; 
-        CurrentHosts = 0; 
-        GlobalJobId = ""; 
-        RemoteSysCpu = 8.600000000000000E+01; 
-        TotalSuspensions = 0; 
-        CommittedSlotTime = 1.605300000000000E+04; 
-        WantCheckpoint = false; 
-        BlockReads = 0; 
-        LastRemoteHost = ""; 
-        TransferInput = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.48/Simulation_condor/data/450/,/home/xguo23/model_3_1.48/Simulation_condor/data/shared/"; 
-        LocalUserCpu = 0.0; 
-        PeriodicRelease = ( JobStatus == 5 ) && ( ( CurrentTime - EnteredCurrentStatus ) > 1800 ) && ( JobRunCount < 5 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 6 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 14 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 22 ); 
-        RequestDisk = 1000000; 
-        ResidentSetSize_RAW = 125676; 
-        OrigMaxHosts = 1; 
-        LastPublicClaimId = "<>#1443991430#12995#..."; 
-        WantRHEL6 = true; 
-        NumCkpts_RAW = 0; 
-        Out = "process.out"; 
-        SubmitEventNotes = "DAG Node: 450+450"; 
-        CumulativeSlotTime = 1.605300000000000E+04; 
-        JobRunCount = 1; 
-        RecentBlockReads = 0; 
-        StreamErr = false; 
-        DiskUsage_RAW = 1216669; 
-        NumCkpts = 0; 
-        StatsLifetimeStarter = 16052; 
-        ImageSize = 1000000; 
-        Cmd = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.48/Simulation_condor/chtcjobwrapper"; 
-        LocalSysCpu = 0.0; 
+        BlockWrites = 0;
+        LastJobStatus = 2;
+        JobCurrentStartExecutingDate = 1446116624;
+        WantRemoteIO = true;
+        RequestCpus = 1;
+        NumShadowStarts = 1;
+        RemoteUserCpu = 1.593900000000000E+04;
+        NiceUser = false;
+        RequestMemory = 1000;
+        BytesRecvd = 2.846130000000000E+05;
+        ResidentSetSize = 150000;
+        StreamOut = false;
+        SpooledOutputFiles = "CURLTIME_2688575,ChtcWrapper450.out,AuditLog.450,simu_3_450.txt,harvest.log,450.out";
+        OnExitRemove = true;
+        ImageSize_RAW = 811948;
+        RemoteWallClockTime = 1.605300000000000E+04;
+        MachineAttrSlotWeight0 = 1;
+        ExecutableSize = 7;
+        JobStatus = 4;
+        DAGParentNodeNames = "";
+        ExitCode = 0;
+        DAGManNodesMask = "0,1,2,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,13,16,17,24,27";
+        BytesSent = 3.050700000000000E+04;
+        LastSuspensionTime = 0;
+        ExecutableSize_RAW = 6;
+        RecentBlockReadKbytes = 0;
+        TransferInputSizeMB = 0;
+        Matlab = "R2011b";
+        BlockReadKbytes = 0;
+        RecentStatsLifetimeStarter = 1200;
+        LeaveJobInQueue = false;
+        TargetType = "Machine";
+        WhenToTransferOutput = "ON_EXIT";
+        Owner = "xguo23";
+        JobNotification = 0;
+        BufferSize = 524288;
+        RecentBlockWrites = 0;
+        CompletionDate = 1446132676;
+        QDate = 1446105869;
+        JobLeaseDuration = 2400;
+        JobFinishedHookDone = 1446132676;
+        LastMatchTime = 1446116623;
+        LastJobLeaseRenewal = 1446132676;
+        DAGManNodesLog = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.48/Simulation_condor/model_3/./mydag.dag.nodes.log";
+        ClusterId = 49582883;
+        JobUniverse = 5;
+        NumJobStarts = 1;
+        CondorVersion = "$CondorVersion: 8.5.0 Sep 16 2015 BuildID: 341710 $";
+        CoreSize = 0;
+        OnExitHold = false;
+        CondorPlatform = "$CondorPlatform: X86_64-RedHat_6.6 $";
+        In = "/dev/null";
+        DiskUsage = 1250000;
+        EncryptExecuteDirectory = false;
+        CommittedSuspensionTime = 0;
+        User = "";
+        UserLog = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.48/Simulation_condor/model_3/450/process.log";
+        JobCurrentStartDate = 1446116623;
+        BufferBlockSize = 32768;
+        MATCH_EXP_JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "";
+        Requirements = ( ( OpSysMajorVer is 6 ) ) && ( MY.JobUniverse == 12 || MY.JobUniverse == 7 || MY.WantFlocking || MY.WantGlidein || TARGET.PoolName == "CHTC" || TARGET.COLLECTOR_HOST_STRING == "" ) && ( TARGET.Arch == "X86_64" ) && ( TARGET.OpSys == "LINUX" ) && ( TARGET.Disk >= RequestDisk ) && ( TARGET.Memory >= RequestMemory ) && ( TARGET.HasFileTransfer );
+        MinHosts = 1;
+        MaxHosts = 1;
+        Args = "--type=Matlab --version=R2011b --cmdtorun=simu_condor --unique=450 -- 3";
+        PeriodicHold = false;
+        ProcId = 0;
+        Environment = "";
+        DAGNodeName = "450+450";
+        MemoryUsage = ( ( ResidentSetSize + 1023 ) / 1024 );
+        TerminationPending = true;
+        NumRestarts = 0;
+        NumSystemHolds = 0;
+        CommittedTime = 16053;
+        MachineAttrCpus0 = 1;
+        WantRemoteSyscalls = false;
+        MyType = "Job";
+        CumulativeSuspensionTime = 0;
+        Rank = 0.0;
+        StartdPrincipal = "execute-side@matchsession/";
+        Err = "process.err";
+        PeriodicRemove = false;
+        BlockWriteKbytes = 0;
+        ExitBySignal = false;
+        DAGManJobId = 49582206;
+        EnteredCurrentStatus = 1446132676;
+        JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "$$([IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName), IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), \"\", TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName)])";
+        RecentBlockWriteKbytes = 0;
+        TransferIn = false;
+        ExitStatus = 0;
+        ShouldTransferFiles = "YES";
+        IsCHTCSubmit = true;
+        NumJobMatches = 1;
+        RootDir = "/";
+        JobStartDate = 1446116623;
+        JobPrio = 0;
+        CurrentHosts = 0;
+        GlobalJobId = "";
+        RemoteSysCpu = 8.600000000000000E+01;
+        TotalSuspensions = 0;
+        CommittedSlotTime = 1.605300000000000E+04;
+        WantCheckpoint = false;
+        BlockReads = 0;
+        LastRemoteHost = "";
+        TransferInput = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.48/Simulation_condor/data/450/,/home/xguo23/model_3_1.48/Simulation_condor/data/shared/";
+        LocalUserCpu = 0.0;
+        PeriodicRelease = ( JobStatus == 5 ) && ( ( CurrentTime - EnteredCurrentStatus ) > 1800 ) && ( JobRunCount < 5 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 6 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 14 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 22 );
+        RequestDisk = 1000000;
+        ResidentSetSize_RAW = 125676;
+        OrigMaxHosts = 1;
+        LastPublicClaimId = "<>#1443991430#12995#...";
+        WantRHEL6 = true;
+        NumCkpts_RAW = 0;
+        Out = "process.out";
+        SubmitEventNotes = "DAG Node: 450+450";
+        CumulativeSlotTime = 1.605300000000000E+04;
+        JobRunCount = 1;
+        RecentBlockReads = 0;
+        StreamErr = false;
+        DiskUsage_RAW = 1216669;
+        NumCkpts = 0;
+        StatsLifetimeStarter = 16052;
+        ImageSize = 1000000;
+        Cmd = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.48/Simulation_condor/chtcjobwrapper";
+        LocalSysCpu = 0.0;
         Iwd = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.48/Simulation_condor/model_3/450"
-        BlockWrites = 1; 
-        LastJobStatus = 2; 
-        JobCurrentStartExecutingDate = 1446107490; 
-        WantRemoteIO = true; 
-        RequestCpus = 1; 
-        NumShadowStarts = 1; 
-        RemoteUserCpu = 2.494900000000000E+04; 
-        NiceUser = false; 
-        RequestMemory = 1000; 
-        BytesRecvd = 2.850540000000000E+05; 
-        ResidentSetSize = 75000; 
-        StreamOut = false; 
-        SpooledOutputFiles = "CURLTIME_122139,ChtcWrapper106.out,AuditLog.106,simu_3_106.txt,harvest.log,106.out"; 
-        OnExitRemove = true; 
-        ImageSize_RAW = 119520; 
-        RemoteWallClockTime = 2.516900000000000E+04; 
-        MachineAttrSlotWeight0 = 1; 
-        ExecutableSize = 7; 
-        JobStatus = 4; 
-        DAGParentNodeNames = ""; 
-        ExitCode = 0; 
-        DAGManNodesMask = "0,1,2,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,13,16,17,24,27"; 
-        BytesSent = 3.048600000000000E+04; 
-        LastSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        ExecutableSize_RAW = 6; 
-        RecentBlockReadKbytes = 960; 
-        TransferInputSizeMB = 0; 
-        Matlab = "R2011b"; 
-        BlockReadKbytes = 26620; 
-        RecentStatsLifetimeStarter = 1200; 
-        LeaveJobInQueue = false; 
-        TargetType = "Machine"; 
-        WhenToTransferOutput = "ON_EXIT"; 
-        Owner = "xguo23"; 
-        JobNotification = 0; 
-        BufferSize = 524288; 
-        RecentBlockWrites = 1; 
-        CompletionDate = 1446132658; 
-        QDate = 1446105491; 
-        JobLeaseDuration = 2400; 
-        JobFinishedHookDone = 1446132658; 
-        LastMatchTime = 1446107489; 
-        LastJobLeaseRenewal = 1446132658; 
-        DAGManNodesLog = "/home/xguo23/finally_2/Simulation_condor/model_3/./mydag.dag.nodes.log"; 
-        ClusterId = 49582094; 
-        JobUniverse = 5; 
-        NumJobStarts = 1; 
-        CondorVersion = "$CondorVersion: 8.5.0 Sep 16 2015 BuildID: 341710 $"; 
-        CoreSize = 0; 
-        OnExitHold = false; 
-        CondorPlatform = "$CondorPlatform: X86_64-RedHat_6.6 $"; 
-        In = "/dev/null"; 
-        DiskUsage = 1250000; 
-        EncryptExecuteDirectory = false; 
-        CommittedSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        User = ""; 
-        UserLog = "/home/xguo23/finally_2/Simulation_condor/model_3/106/process.log"; 
-        JobCurrentStartDate = 1446107489; 
-        BufferBlockSize = 32768; 
-        MATCH_EXP_JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = ""; 
-        Requirements = ( ( OpSysMajorVer is 6 ) ) && ( MY.JobUniverse == 12 || MY.JobUniverse == 7 || MY.WantFlocking || MY.WantGlidein || TARGET.PoolName == "CHTC" || TARGET.COLLECTOR_HOST_STRING == "" ) && ( TARGET.Arch == "X86_64" ) && ( TARGET.OpSys == "LINUX" ) && ( TARGET.Disk >= RequestDisk ) && ( TARGET.Memory >= RequestMemory ) && ( TARGET.HasFileTransfer ); 
-        MinHosts = 1; 
-        MaxHosts = 1; 
-        Args = "--type=Matlab --version=R2011b --cmdtorun=simu_condor --unique=106 -- 3"; 
-        PeriodicHold = false; 
-        ProcId = 0; 
-        Environment = ""; 
-        DAGNodeName = "106+106"; 
-        MemoryUsage = ( ( ResidentSetSize + 1023 ) / 1024 ); 
-        TerminationPending = true; 
-        NumRestarts = 0; 
-        NumSystemHolds = 0; 
-        CommittedTime = 25169; 
-        MachineAttrCpus0 = 1; 
-        WantRemoteSyscalls = false; 
-        MyType = "Job"; 
-        CumulativeSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        Rank = 0.0; 
-        StartdPrincipal = "execute-side@matchsession/"; 
-        Err = "process.err"; 
-        PeriodicRemove = false; 
-        BlockWriteKbytes = 4; 
-        ExitBySignal = false; 
-        DAGManJobId = 49581933; 
-        EnteredCurrentStatus = 1446132658; 
-        JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "$$([IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName), IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), \"\", TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName)])"; 
-        RecentBlockWriteKbytes = 4; 
-        TransferIn = false; 
-        ExitStatus = 0; 
-        ShouldTransferFiles = "YES"; 
-        IsCHTCSubmit = true; 
-        NumJobMatches = 1; 
-        RootDir = "/"; 
-        JobStartDate = 1446107489; 
-        JobPrio = 0; 
-        CurrentHosts = 0; 
-        GlobalJobId = ""; 
-        RemoteSysCpu = 2.040000000000000E+02; 
-        TotalSuspensions = 0; 
-        CommittedSlotTime = 2.516900000000000E+04; 
-        WantCheckpoint = false; 
-        BlockReads = 665; 
-        LastRemoteHost = ""; 
-        TransferInput = "/home/xguo23/finally_2/Simulation_condor/data/106/,/home/xguo23/finally_2/Simulation_condor/data/shared/"; 
-        LocalUserCpu = 0.0; 
-        PeriodicRelease = ( JobStatus == 5 ) && ( ( CurrentTime - EnteredCurrentStatus ) > 1800 ) && ( JobRunCount < 5 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 6 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 14 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 22 ); 
-        RequestDisk = 1000000; 
-        ResidentSetSize_RAW = 72016; 
-        OrigMaxHosts = 1; 
-        LastPublicClaimId = "<>#1445308581#1240#..."; 
-        WantRHEL6 = true; 
-        NumCkpts_RAW = 0; 
-        Out = "process.out"; 
-        SubmitEventNotes = "DAG Node: 106+106"; 
-        CumulativeSlotTime = 2.516900000000000E+04; 
-        JobRunCount = 1; 
-        RecentBlockReads = 86; 
-        StreamErr = false; 
-        DiskUsage_RAW = 1216669; 
-        NumCkpts = 0; 
-        StatsLifetimeStarter = 25168; 
-        ImageSize = 125000; 
-        Cmd = "/home/xguo23/finally_2/Simulation_condor/chtcjobwrapper"; 
-        LocalSysCpu = 0.0; 
+        BlockWrites = 1;
+        LastJobStatus = 2;
+        JobCurrentStartExecutingDate = 1446107490;
+        WantRemoteIO = true;
+        RequestCpus = 1;
+        NumShadowStarts = 1;
+        RemoteUserCpu = 2.494900000000000E+04;
+        NiceUser = false;
+        RequestMemory = 1000;
+        BytesRecvd = 2.850540000000000E+05;
+        ResidentSetSize = 75000;
+        StreamOut = false;
+        SpooledOutputFiles = "CURLTIME_122139,ChtcWrapper106.out,AuditLog.106,simu_3_106.txt,harvest.log,106.out";
+        OnExitRemove = true;
+        ImageSize_RAW = 119520;
+        RemoteWallClockTime = 2.516900000000000E+04;
+        MachineAttrSlotWeight0 = 1;
+        ExecutableSize = 7;
+        JobStatus = 4;
+        DAGParentNodeNames = "";
+        ExitCode = 0;
+        DAGManNodesMask = "0,1,2,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,13,16,17,24,27";
+        BytesSent = 3.048600000000000E+04;
+        LastSuspensionTime = 0;
+        ExecutableSize_RAW = 6;
+        RecentBlockReadKbytes = 960;
+        TransferInputSizeMB = 0;
+        Matlab = "R2011b";
+        BlockReadKbytes = 26620;
+        RecentStatsLifetimeStarter = 1200;
+        LeaveJobInQueue = false;
+        TargetType = "Machine";
+        WhenToTransferOutput = "ON_EXIT";
+        Owner = "xguo23";
+        JobNotification = 0;
+        BufferSize = 524288;
+        RecentBlockWrites = 1;
+        CompletionDate = 1446132658;
+        QDate = 1446105491;
+        JobLeaseDuration = 2400;
+        JobFinishedHookDone = 1446132658;
+        LastMatchTime = 1446107489;
+        LastJobLeaseRenewal = 1446132658;
+        DAGManNodesLog = "/home/xguo23/finally_2/Simulation_condor/model_3/./mydag.dag.nodes.log";
+        ClusterId = 49582094;
+        JobUniverse = 5;
+        NumJobStarts = 1;
+        CondorVersion = "$CondorVersion: 8.5.0 Sep 16 2015 BuildID: 341710 $";
+        CoreSize = 0;
+        OnExitHold = false;
+        CondorPlatform = "$CondorPlatform: X86_64-RedHat_6.6 $";
+        In = "/dev/null";
+        DiskUsage = 1250000;
+        EncryptExecuteDirectory = false;
+        CommittedSuspensionTime = 0;
+        User = "";
+        UserLog = "/home/xguo23/finally_2/Simulation_condor/model_3/106/process.log";
+        JobCurrentStartDate = 1446107489;
+        BufferBlockSize = 32768;
+        MATCH_EXP_JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "";
+        Requirements = ( ( OpSysMajorVer is 6 ) ) && ( MY.JobUniverse == 12 || MY.JobUniverse == 7 || MY.WantFlocking || MY.WantGlidein || TARGET.PoolName == "CHTC" || TARGET.COLLECTOR_HOST_STRING == "" ) && ( TARGET.Arch == "X86_64" ) && ( TARGET.OpSys == "LINUX" ) && ( TARGET.Disk >= RequestDisk ) && ( TARGET.Memory >= RequestMemory ) && ( TARGET.HasFileTransfer );
+        MinHosts = 1;
+        MaxHosts = 1;
+        Args = "--type=Matlab --version=R2011b --cmdtorun=simu_condor --unique=106 -- 3";
+        PeriodicHold = false;
+        ProcId = 0;
+        Environment = "";
+        DAGNodeName = "106+106";
+        MemoryUsage = ( ( ResidentSetSize + 1023 ) / 1024 );
+        TerminationPending = true;
+        NumRestarts = 0;
+        NumSystemHolds = 0;
+        CommittedTime = 25169;
+        MachineAttrCpus0 = 1;
+        WantRemoteSyscalls = false;
+        MyType = "Job";
+        CumulativeSuspensionTime = 0;
+        Rank = 0.0;
+        StartdPrincipal = "execute-side@matchsession/";
+        Err = "process.err";
+        PeriodicRemove = false;
+        BlockWriteKbytes = 4;
+        ExitBySignal = false;
+        DAGManJobId = 49581933;
+        EnteredCurrentStatus = 1446132658;
+        JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "$$([IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName), IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), \"\", TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName)])";
+        RecentBlockWriteKbytes = 4;
+        TransferIn = false;
+        ExitStatus = 0;
+        ShouldTransferFiles = "YES";
+        IsCHTCSubmit = true;
+        NumJobMatches = 1;
+        RootDir = "/";
+        JobStartDate = 1446107489;
+        JobPrio = 0;
+        CurrentHosts = 0;
+        GlobalJobId = "";
+        RemoteSysCpu = 2.040000000000000E+02;
+        TotalSuspensions = 0;
+        CommittedSlotTime = 2.516900000000000E+04;
+        WantCheckpoint = false;
+        BlockReads = 665;
+        LastRemoteHost = "";
+        TransferInput = "/home/xguo23/finally_2/Simulation_condor/data/106/,/home/xguo23/finally_2/Simulation_condor/data/shared/";
+        LocalUserCpu = 0.0;
+        PeriodicRelease = ( JobStatus == 5 ) && ( ( CurrentTime - EnteredCurrentStatus ) > 1800 ) && ( JobRunCount < 5 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 6 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 14 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 22 );
+        RequestDisk = 1000000;
+        ResidentSetSize_RAW = 72016;
+        OrigMaxHosts = 1;
+        LastPublicClaimId = "<>#1445308581#1240#...";
+        WantRHEL6 = true;
+        NumCkpts_RAW = 0;
+        Out = "process.out";
+        SubmitEventNotes = "DAG Node: 106+106";
+        CumulativeSlotTime = 2.516900000000000E+04;
+        JobRunCount = 1;
+        RecentBlockReads = 86;
+        StreamErr = false;
+        DiskUsage_RAW = 1216669;
+        NumCkpts = 0;
+        StatsLifetimeStarter = 25168;
+        ImageSize = 125000;
+        Cmd = "/home/xguo23/finally_2/Simulation_condor/chtcjobwrapper";
+        LocalSysCpu = 0.0;
         Iwd = "/home/xguo23/finally_2/Simulation_condor/model_3/106"
-        BlockWrites = 0; 
-        LastJobStatus = 2; 
-        JobCurrentStartExecutingDate = 1446107043; 
-        WantRemoteIO = true; 
-        RequestCpus = 1; 
-        NumShadowStarts = 1; 
-        RemoteUserCpu = 2.547800000000000E+04; 
-        NiceUser = false; 
-        RequestMemory = 1000; 
-        BytesRecvd = 2.850540000000000E+05; 
-        ResidentSetSize = 150000; 
-        StreamOut = false; 
-        SpooledOutputFiles = "CURLTIME_1160521,ChtcWrapper401.out,AuditLog.401,simu_3_401.txt,harvest.log,401.out"; 
-        OnExitRemove = true; 
-        ImageSize_RAW = 811948; 
-        RemoteWallClockTime = 2.560700000000000E+04; 
-        MachineAttrSlotWeight0 = 1; 
-        ExecutableSize = 7; 
-        JobStatus = 4; 
-        DAGParentNodeNames = ""; 
-        ExitCode = 0; 
-        DAGManNodesMask = "0,1,2,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,13,16,17,24,27"; 
-        BytesSent = 3.066100000000000E+04; 
-        LastSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        ExecutableSize_RAW = 6; 
-        RecentBlockReadKbytes = 0; 
-        TransferInputSizeMB = 0; 
-        Matlab = "R2011b"; 
-        BlockReadKbytes = 0; 
-        LocalSysCpu = 0.0; 
-        Iwd = "/home/xguo23/finally_2/Simulation_condor/model_3/401"; 
-        RecentStatsLifetimeStarter = 1200; 
-        LeaveJobInQueue = false; 
-        TargetType = "Machine"; 
-        WhenToTransferOutput = "ON_EXIT"; 
-        Owner = "xguo23"; 
-        JobNotification = 0; 
-        BufferSize = 524288; 
-        RecentBlockWrites = 0; 
-        CompletionDate = 1446132649; 
-        LastMatchTime = 1446107042; 
-        LastJobLeaseRenewal = 1446132649; 
-        DAGManNodesLog = "/home/xguo23/finally_2/Simulation_condor/model_3/./mydag.dag.nodes.log"; 
-        ClusterId = 49582065; 
-        NumJobStarts = 1; 
-        JobUniverse = 5; 
-        AutoClusterAttrs = "JobUniverse,LastCheckpointPlatform,NumCkpts,ClientMachine,_condor_RequestCpus,_condor_RequestDisk,_condor_RequestGPUs,_condor_RequestMemory,RequestCpus,RequestDisk,RequestGPUs,RequestMemory,BIOCHEM,MachineLastMatchTime,ConcurrencyLimits,NiceUser,Rank,Requirements,ImageSize,MemoryRequirements,User,RemoteGroup,SubmitterGroup,SubmitterUserPrio,Group,WIDsTheme,InteractiveJob,Is_Resumable,WantFlocking,WantGlidein,Scheduler,Owner,JobStart,MemoryUsage,IsExpressQueueJob,DiskUsage,HEP_VO,IsDesktop,OSG_VO,x509userproxysubject,PassedTest,IsLocalCMSJob,IsLocalCMSSlot,IsSAMSlot,IsSAMJob,MaxDiskTempC,IsDedicated,estimated_run_hours,IsCHTCSubmit,RequiresCVMFS,DynamicSlot,PartitionableSlot,Slot1_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot1_JobStarts,Slot1_SelfMonitorAge,Slot2_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot2_JobStarts,Slot2_SelfMonitorAge,Slot3_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot3_JobStarts,Slot3_SelfMonitorAge,Slot4_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot4_JobStarts,Slot4_SelfMonitorAge,Slot5_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot5_JobStarts,Slot5_SelfMonitorAge,Slot6_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot6_JobStarts,Slot6_SelfMonitorAge,Slot7_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot7_JobStarts,Slot7_SelfMonitorAge,Slot8_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot8_JobStarts,Slot8_SelfMonitorAge,Slot1_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot1_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot2_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot2_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot3_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot3_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot4_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot4_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot5_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot5_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot6_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot6_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot7_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot7_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot8_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot8_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot10_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot10_JobStarts,Slot10_SelfMonitorAge,Slot11_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot11_JobStarts,Slot11_SelfMonitorAge,Slot12_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot12_JobStarts,Slot12_SelfMonitorAge,Slot9_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot9_JobStarts,Slot9_SelfMonitorAge,Slot12_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot10_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot10_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot11_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot11_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot12_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot9_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot9_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot13_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot13_JobStarts,Slot13_SelfMonitorAge,Slot14_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot14_JobStarts,Slot14_SelfMonitorAge,Slot15_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot15_JobStarts,Slot15_SelfMonitorAge,Slot16_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot16_JobStarts,Slot16_SelfMonitorAge,IsResumable,WHEN_TO_TRANSFER_OUTPUT,_condor_Requestadmin_mutex_1,_condor_Requestadmin_mutex_2,_condor_Requestadmin_mutex_3,_condor_Requestmachine_token,Requestadmin_mutex_1,Requestadmin_mutex_2,Requestadmin_mutex_3,Requestmachine_token,nyehle,IsBuildJob,IsMatlabBuildJob,TotalJobRunTime,NodeOnline,Slot13_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot13_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot14_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot14_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot15_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot15_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot16_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot16_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,TmpIsFull,trResumable,RequiresCMSFrontier,Slot17_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot17_JobStarts,Slot17_SelfMonitorAge,Slot17_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot17_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot18_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot18_JobStarts,Slot18_SelfMonitorAge,Slot18_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot18_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot19_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot19_JobStarts,Slot19_SelfMonitorAge,Slot19_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot19_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot20_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot20_JobStarts,Slot20_SelfMonitorAge,Slot20_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot20_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot21_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot21_JobStarts,Slot21_SelfMonitorAge,Slot21_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot21_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot22_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot22_JobStarts,Slot22_SelfMonitorAge,Slot22_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot22_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot23_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot23_JobStarts,Slot23_SelfMonitorAge,Slot23_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot23_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot24_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot24_JobStarts,Slot24_SelfMonitorAge,Slot24_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot24_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot25_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot25_JobStarts,Slot25_SelfMonitorAge,Slot25_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot25_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot26_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot26_JobStarts,Slot26_SelfMonitorAge,Slot26_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot26_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot27_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot27_JobStarts,Slot27_SelfMonitorAge,Slot27_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot27_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot28_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot28_JobStarts,Slot28_SelfMonitorAge,Slot28_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot28_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot29_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot29_JobStarts,Slot29_SelfMonitorAge,Slot29_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot29_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot30_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot30_JobStarts,Slot30_SelfMonitorAge,Slot30_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot30_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot31_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot31_JobStarts,Slot31_SelfMonitorAge,Slot31_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot31_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot32_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot32_JobStarts,Slot32_SelfMonitorAge,Slot32_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot32_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,ResidentSetSize"; 
-        MaxHosts = 1; 
-        Args = "--type=Matlab --version=R2011b --cmdtorun=simu_condor --unique=401 -- 3"; 
-        CondorVersion = "$CondorVersion: 8.5.0 Sep 16 2015 BuildID: 341710 $"; 
-        CoreSize = 0; 
-        OnExitHold = false; 
-        CondorPlatform = "$CondorPlatform: X86_64-RedHat_6.6 $"; 
-        JobFinishedHookDone = 1446132649; 
-        QDate = 1446105458; 
-        JobLeaseDuration = 2400; 
-        In = "/dev/null"; 
-        DiskUsage = 1250000; 
-        EncryptExecuteDirectory = false; 
-        CommittedSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        User = ""; 
-        UserLog = "/home/xguo23/finally_2/Simulation_condor/model_3/401/process.log"; 
-        JobCurrentStartDate = 1446107042; 
-        BufferBlockSize = 32768; 
-        MATCH_EXP_JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = ""; 
-        Requirements = ( ( OpSysMajorVer is 6 ) ) && ( MY.JobUniverse == 12 || MY.JobUniverse == 7 || MY.WantFlocking || MY.WantGlidein || TARGET.PoolName == "CHTC" || TARGET.COLLECTOR_HOST_STRING == "" ) && ( TARGET.Arch == "X86_64" ) && ( TARGET.OpSys == "LINUX" ) && ( TARGET.Disk >= RequestDisk ) && ( TARGET.Memory >= RequestMemory ) && ( TARGET.HasFileTransfer ); 
-        MinHosts = 1; 
-        PeriodicHold = false; 
-        ProcId = 0; 
-        Environment = ""; 
-        DAGNodeName = "401+401"; 
-        MemoryUsage = ( ( ResidentSetSize + 1023 ) / 1024 ); 
-        TerminationPending = true; 
-        NumRestarts = 0; 
-        NumSystemHolds = 0; 
-        CommittedTime = 25607; 
-        AutoClusterId = 24; 
-        ExitStatus = 0; 
-        ShouldTransferFiles = "YES"; 
-        MachineAttrCpus0 = 1; 
-        WantRemoteSyscalls = false; 
-        MyType = "Job"; 
-        CumulativeSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        Rank = 0.0; 
-        StartdPrincipal = "execute-side@matchsession/"; 
-        Err = "process.err"; 
-        PeriodicRemove = false; 
-        BlockWriteKbytes = 0; 
-        ExitBySignal = false; 
-        DAGManJobId = 49581933; 
-        EnteredCurrentStatus = 1446132649; 
-        JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "$$([IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName), IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), \"\", TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName)])"; 
-        RecentBlockWriteKbytes = 0; 
-        TransferIn = false; 
-        IsCHTCSubmit = true; 
-        NumJobMatches = 1; 
-        RootDir = "/"; 
-        JobStartDate = 1446107042; 
-        JobPrio = 0; 
-        CurrentHosts = 0; 
-        GlobalJobId = ""; 
-        RemoteSysCpu = 8.900000000000000E+01; 
-        TotalSuspensions = 0; 
-        CommittedSlotTime = 2.560700000000000E+04; 
-        WantCheckpoint = false; 
-        BlockReads = 0; 
-        LastRemoteHost = ""; 
-        TransferInput = "/home/xguo23/finally_2/Simulation_condor/data/401/,/home/xguo23/finally_2/Simulation_condor/data/shared/"; 
-        LocalUserCpu = 0.0; 
-        PeriodicRelease = ( JobStatus == 5 ) && ( ( CurrentTime - EnteredCurrentStatus ) > 1800 ) && ( JobRunCount < 5 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 6 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 14 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 22 ); 
-        RequestDisk = 1000000; 
-        ResidentSetSize_RAW = 126608; 
-        OrigMaxHosts = 1; 
-        LastPublicClaimId = "<>#1443991437#15826#..."; 
-        WantRHEL6 = true; 
-        NumCkpts_RAW = 0; 
-        Out = "process.out"; 
-        SubmitEventNotes = "DAG Node: 401+401"; 
-        CumulativeSlotTime = 2.560700000000000E+04; 
-        JobRunCount = 1; 
-        RecentBlockReads = 0; 
-        StreamErr = false; 
-        DiskUsage_RAW = 1216669; 
-        NumCkpts = 0; 
-        StatsLifetimeStarter = 25606; 
-        ImageSize = 1000000; 
+        BlockWrites = 0;
+        LastJobStatus = 2;
+        JobCurrentStartExecutingDate = 1446107043;
+        WantRemoteIO = true;
+        RequestCpus = 1;
+        NumShadowStarts = 1;
+        RemoteUserCpu = 2.547800000000000E+04;
+        NiceUser = false;
+        RequestMemory = 1000;
+        BytesRecvd = 2.850540000000000E+05;
+        ResidentSetSize = 150000;
+        StreamOut = false;
+        SpooledOutputFiles = "CURLTIME_1160521,ChtcWrapper401.out,AuditLog.401,simu_3_401.txt,harvest.log,401.out";
+        OnExitRemove = true;
+        ImageSize_RAW = 811948;
+        RemoteWallClockTime = 2.560700000000000E+04;
+        MachineAttrSlotWeight0 = 1;
+        ExecutableSize = 7;
+        JobStatus = 4;
+        DAGParentNodeNames = "";
+        ExitCode = 0;
+        DAGManNodesMask = "0,1,2,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,13,16,17,24,27";
+        BytesSent = 3.066100000000000E+04;
+        LastSuspensionTime = 0;
+        ExecutableSize_RAW = 6;
+        RecentBlockReadKbytes = 0;
+        TransferInputSizeMB = 0;
+        Matlab = "R2011b";
+        BlockReadKbytes = 0;
+        LocalSysCpu = 0.0;
+        Iwd = "/home/xguo23/finally_2/Simulation_condor/model_3/401";
+        RecentStatsLifetimeStarter = 1200;
+        LeaveJobInQueue = false;
+        TargetType = "Machine";
+        WhenToTransferOutput = "ON_EXIT";
+        Owner = "xguo23";
+        JobNotification = 0;
+        BufferSize = 524288;
+        RecentBlockWrites = 0;
+        CompletionDate = 1446132649;
+        LastMatchTime = 1446107042;
+        LastJobLeaseRenewal = 1446132649;
+        DAGManNodesLog = "/home/xguo23/finally_2/Simulation_condor/model_3/./mydag.dag.nodes.log";
+        ClusterId = 49582065;
+        NumJobStarts = 1;
+        JobUniverse = 5;
+        AutoClusterAttrs = "JobUniverse,LastCheckpointPlatform,NumCkpts,ClientMachine,_condor_RequestCpus,_condor_RequestDisk,_condor_RequestGPUs,_condor_RequestMemory,RequestCpus,RequestDisk,RequestGPUs,RequestMemory,BIOCHEM,MachineLastMatchTime,ConcurrencyLimits,NiceUser,Rank,Requirements,ImageSize,MemoryRequirements,User,RemoteGroup,SubmitterGroup,SubmitterUserPrio,Group,WIDsTheme,InteractiveJob,Is_Resumable,WantFlocking,WantGlidein,Scheduler,Owner,JobStart,MemoryUsage,IsExpressQueueJob,DiskUsage,HEP_VO,IsDesktop,OSG_VO,x509userproxysubject,PassedTest,IsLocalCMSJob,IsLocalCMSSlot,IsSAMSlot,IsSAMJob,MaxDiskTempC,IsDedicated,estimated_run_hours,IsCHTCSubmit,RequiresCVMFS,DynamicSlot,PartitionableSlot,Slot1_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot1_JobStarts,Slot1_SelfMonitorAge,Slot2_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot2_JobStarts,Slot2_SelfMonitorAge,Slot3_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot3_JobStarts,Slot3_SelfMonitorAge,Slot4_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot4_JobStarts,Slot4_SelfMonitorAge,Slot5_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot5_JobStarts,Slot5_SelfMonitorAge,Slot6_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot6_JobStarts,Slot6_SelfMonitorAge,Slot7_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot7_JobStarts,Slot7_SelfMonitorAge,Slot8_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot8_JobStarts,Slot8_SelfMonitorAge,Slot1_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot1_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot2_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot2_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot3_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot3_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot4_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot4_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot5_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot5_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot6_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot6_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot7_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot7_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot8_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot8_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot10_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot10_JobStarts,Slot10_SelfMonitorAge,Slot11_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot11_JobStarts,Slot11_SelfMonitorAge,Slot12_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot12_JobStarts,Slot12_SelfMonitorAge,Slot9_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot9_JobStarts,Slot9_SelfMonitorAge,Slot12_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot10_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot10_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot11_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot11_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot12_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot9_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot9_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot13_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot13_JobStarts,Slot13_SelfMonitorAge,Slot14_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot14_JobStarts,Slot14_SelfMonitorAge,Slot15_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot15_JobStarts,Slot15_SelfMonitorAge,Slot16_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot16_JobStarts,Slot16_SelfMonitorAge,IsResumable,WHEN_TO_TRANSFER_OUTPUT,_condor_Requestadmin_mutex_1,_condor_Requestadmin_mutex_2,_condor_Requestadmin_mutex_3,_condor_Requestmachine_token,Requestadmin_mutex_1,Requestadmin_mutex_2,Requestadmin_mutex_3,Requestmachine_token,nyehle,IsBuildJob,IsMatlabBuildJob,TotalJobRunTime,NodeOnline,Slot13_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot13_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot14_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot14_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot15_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot15_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot16_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot16_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,TmpIsFull,trResumable,RequiresCMSFrontier,Slot17_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot17_JobStarts,Slot17_SelfMonitorAge,Slot17_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot17_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot18_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot18_JobStarts,Slot18_SelfMonitorAge,Slot18_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot18_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot19_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot19_JobStarts,Slot19_SelfMonitorAge,Slot19_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot19_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot20_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot20_JobStarts,Slot20_SelfMonitorAge,Slot20_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot20_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot21_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot21_JobStarts,Slot21_SelfMonitorAge,Slot21_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot21_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot22_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot22_JobStarts,Slot22_SelfMonitorAge,Slot22_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot22_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot23_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot23_JobStarts,Slot23_SelfMonitorAge,Slot23_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot23_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot24_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot24_JobStarts,Slot24_SelfMonitorAge,Slot24_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot24_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot25_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot25_JobStarts,Slot25_SelfMonitorAge,Slot25_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot25_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot26_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot26_JobStarts,Slot26_SelfMonitorAge,Slot26_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot26_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot27_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot27_JobStarts,Slot27_SelfMonitorAge,Slot27_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot27_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot28_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot28_JobStarts,Slot28_SelfMonitorAge,Slot28_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot28_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot29_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot29_JobStarts,Slot29_SelfMonitorAge,Slot29_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot29_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot30_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot30_JobStarts,Slot30_SelfMonitorAge,Slot30_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot30_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot31_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot31_JobStarts,Slot31_SelfMonitorAge,Slot31_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot31_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot32_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot32_JobStarts,Slot32_SelfMonitorAge,Slot32_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot32_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,ResidentSetSize";
+        MaxHosts = 1;
+        Args = "--type=Matlab --version=R2011b --cmdtorun=simu_condor --unique=401 -- 3";
+        CondorVersion = "$CondorVersion: 8.5.0 Sep 16 2015 BuildID: 341710 $";
+        CoreSize = 0;
+        OnExitHold = false;
+        CondorPlatform = "$CondorPlatform: X86_64-RedHat_6.6 $";
+        JobFinishedHookDone = 1446132649;
+        QDate = 1446105458;
+        JobLeaseDuration = 2400;
+        In = "/dev/null";
+        DiskUsage = 1250000;
+        EncryptExecuteDirectory = false;
+        CommittedSuspensionTime = 0;
+        User = "";
+        UserLog = "/home/xguo23/finally_2/Simulation_condor/model_3/401/process.log";
+        JobCurrentStartDate = 1446107042;
+        BufferBlockSize = 32768;
+        MATCH_EXP_JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "";
+        Requirements = ( ( OpSysMajorVer is 6 ) ) && ( MY.JobUniverse == 12 || MY.JobUniverse == 7 || MY.WantFlocking || MY.WantGlidein || TARGET.PoolName == "CHTC" || TARGET.COLLECTOR_HOST_STRING == "" ) && ( TARGET.Arch == "X86_64" ) && ( TARGET.OpSys == "LINUX" ) && ( TARGET.Disk >= RequestDisk ) && ( TARGET.Memory >= RequestMemory ) && ( TARGET.HasFileTransfer );
+        MinHosts = 1;
+        PeriodicHold = false;
+        ProcId = 0;
+        Environment = "";
+        DAGNodeName = "401+401";
+        MemoryUsage = ( ( ResidentSetSize + 1023 ) / 1024 );
+        TerminationPending = true;
+        NumRestarts = 0;
+        NumSystemHolds = 0;
+        CommittedTime = 25607;
+        AutoClusterId = 24;
+        ExitStatus = 0;
+        ShouldTransferFiles = "YES";
+        MachineAttrCpus0 = 1;
+        WantRemoteSyscalls = false;
+        MyType = "Job";
+        CumulativeSuspensionTime = 0;
+        Rank = 0.0;
+        StartdPrincipal = "execute-side@matchsession/";
+        Err = "process.err";
+        PeriodicRemove = false;
+        BlockWriteKbytes = 0;
+        ExitBySignal = false;
+        DAGManJobId = 49581933;
+        EnteredCurrentStatus = 1446132649;
+        JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "$$([IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName), IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), \"\", TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName)])";
+        RecentBlockWriteKbytes = 0;
+        TransferIn = false;
+        IsCHTCSubmit = true;
+        NumJobMatches = 1;
+        RootDir = "/";
+        JobStartDate = 1446107042;
+        JobPrio = 0;
+        CurrentHosts = 0;
+        GlobalJobId = "";
+        RemoteSysCpu = 8.900000000000000E+01;
+        TotalSuspensions = 0;
+        CommittedSlotTime = 2.560700000000000E+04;
+        WantCheckpoint = false;
+        BlockReads = 0;
+        LastRemoteHost = "";
+        TransferInput = "/home/xguo23/finally_2/Simulation_condor/data/401/,/home/xguo23/finally_2/Simulation_condor/data/shared/";
+        LocalUserCpu = 0.0;
+        PeriodicRelease = ( JobStatus == 5 ) && ( ( CurrentTime - EnteredCurrentStatus ) > 1800 ) && ( JobRunCount < 5 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 6 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 14 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 22 );
+        RequestDisk = 1000000;
+        ResidentSetSize_RAW = 126608;
+        OrigMaxHosts = 1;
+        LastPublicClaimId = "<>#1443991437#15826#...";
+        WantRHEL6 = true;
+        NumCkpts_RAW = 0;
+        Out = "process.out";
+        SubmitEventNotes = "DAG Node: 401+401";
+        CumulativeSlotTime = 2.560700000000000E+04;
+        JobRunCount = 1;
+        RecentBlockReads = 0;
+        StreamErr = false;
+        DiskUsage_RAW = 1216669;
+        NumCkpts = 0;
+        StatsLifetimeStarter = 25606;
+        ImageSize = 1000000;
         Cmd = "/home/xguo23/finally_2/Simulation_condor/chtcjobwrapper"
-        BlockWrites = 0; 
-        LastJobStatus = 2; 
-        JobCurrentStartExecutingDate = 1446106291; 
-        WantRemoteIO = true; 
-        RequestCpus = 1; 
-        NumShadowStarts = 1; 
-        RemoteUserCpu = 2.623900000000000E+04; 
-        NiceUser = false; 
-        RequestMemory = 1000; 
-        BytesRecvd = 2.850530000000000E+05; 
-        ResidentSetSize = 150000; 
-        StreamOut = false; 
-        SpooledOutputFiles = "CURLTIME_1151700,ChtcWrapper36.out,AuditLog.36,simu_3_36.txt,harvest.log,36.out"; 
-        OnExitRemove = true; 
-        ImageSize_RAW = 811948; 
-        RemoteWallClockTime = 2.635700000000000E+04; 
-        MachineAttrSlotWeight0 = 1; 
-        ExecutableSize = 7; 
-        JobStatus = 4; 
-        DAGParentNodeNames = ""; 
-        ExitCode = 0; 
-        DAGManNodesMask = "0,1,2,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,13,16,17,24,27"; 
-        BytesSent = 3.189800000000000E+04; 
-        LastSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        ExecutableSize_RAW = 6; 
-        RecentBlockReadKbytes = 0; 
-        TransferInputSizeMB = 0; 
-        Matlab = "R2011b"; 
-        BlockReadKbytes = 0; 
-        RecentStatsLifetimeStarter = 1200; 
-        LeaveJobInQueue = false; 
-        TargetType = "Machine"; 
-        WhenToTransferOutput = "ON_EXIT"; 
-        Owner = "xguo23"; 
-        JobNotification = 0; 
-        BufferSize = 524288; 
-        RecentBlockWrites = 0; 
-        CompletionDate = 1446132646; 
-        QDate = 1446105368; 
-        JobLeaseDuration = 2400; 
-        JobFinishedHookDone = 1446132646; 
-        LastMatchTime = 1446106289; 
-        LastJobLeaseRenewal = 1446132646; 
-        DAGManNodesLog = "/home/xguo23/finally_2/Simulation_condor/model_3/./mydag.dag.nodes.log"; 
-        ClusterId = 49581985; 
-        JobUniverse = 5; 
-        NumJobStarts = 1; 
-        CondorVersion = "$CondorVersion: 8.5.0 Sep 16 2015 BuildID: 341710 $"; 
-        CoreSize = 0; 
-        OnExitHold = false; 
-        CondorPlatform = "$CondorPlatform: X86_64-RedHat_6.6 $"; 
-        In = "/dev/null"; 
-        DiskUsage = 1250000; 
-        EncryptExecuteDirectory = false; 
-        CommittedSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        User = ""; 
-        UserLog = "/home/xguo23/finally_2/Simulation_condor/model_3/36/process.log"; 
-        JobCurrentStartDate = 1446106289; 
-        BufferBlockSize = 32768; 
-        MATCH_EXP_JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = ""; 
-        Requirements = ( ( OpSysMajorVer is 6 ) ) && ( MY.JobUniverse == 12 || MY.JobUniverse == 7 || MY.WantFlocking || MY.WantGlidein || TARGET.PoolName == "CHTC" || TARGET.COLLECTOR_HOST_STRING == "" ) && ( TARGET.Arch == "X86_64" ) && ( TARGET.OpSys == "LINUX" ) && ( TARGET.Disk >= RequestDisk ) && ( TARGET.Memory >= RequestMemory ) && ( TARGET.HasFileTransfer ); 
-        MinHosts = 1; 
-        MaxHosts = 1; 
-        Args = "--type=Matlab --version=R2011b --cmdtorun=simu_condor --unique=36 -- 3"; 
-        PeriodicHold = false; 
-        ProcId = 0; 
-        Environment = ""; 
-        DAGNodeName = "36+36"; 
-        MemoryUsage = ( ( ResidentSetSize + 1023 ) / 1024 ); 
-        TerminationPending = true; 
-        NumRestarts = 0; 
-        NumSystemHolds = 0; 
-        CommittedTime = 26357; 
-        MachineAttrCpus0 = 1; 
-        WantRemoteSyscalls = false; 
-        MyType = "Job"; 
-        CumulativeSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        Rank = 0.0; 
-        StartdPrincipal = "execute-side@matchsession/"; 
-        Err = "process.err"; 
-        PeriodicRemove = false; 
-        BlockWriteKbytes = 0; 
-        ExitBySignal = false; 
-        DAGManJobId = 49581933; 
-        EnteredCurrentStatus = 1446132646; 
-        JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "$$([IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName), IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), \"\", TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName)])"; 
-        RecentBlockWriteKbytes = 0; 
-        TransferIn = false; 
-        ExitStatus = 0; 
-        ShouldTransferFiles = "YES"; 
-        IsCHTCSubmit = true; 
-        NumJobMatches = 1; 
-        RootDir = "/"; 
-        JobStartDate = 1446106289; 
-        JobPrio = 0; 
-        CurrentHosts = 0; 
-        GlobalJobId = ""; 
-        RemoteSysCpu = 9.600000000000000E+01; 
-        TotalSuspensions = 0; 
-        CommittedSlotTime = 2.635700000000000E+04; 
-        WantCheckpoint = false; 
-        BlockReads = 0; 
-        LastRemoteHost = ""; 
-        TransferInput = "/home/xguo23/finally_2/Simulation_condor/data/36/,/home/xguo23/finally_2/Simulation_condor/data/shared/"; 
-        LocalUserCpu = 0.0; 
-        PeriodicRelease = ( JobStatus == 5 ) && ( ( CurrentTime - EnteredCurrentStatus ) > 1800 ) && ( JobRunCount < 5 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 6 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 14 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 22 ); 
-        RequestDisk = 1000000; 
-        ResidentSetSize_RAW = 127452; 
-        OrigMaxHosts = 1; 
-        LastPublicClaimId = "<>#1444685646#10655#..."; 
-        WantRHEL6 = true; 
-        NumCkpts_RAW = 0; 
-        Out = "process.out"; 
-        SubmitEventNotes = "DAG Node: 36+36"; 
-        CumulativeSlotTime = 2.635700000000000E+04; 
-        JobRunCount = 1; 
-        RecentBlockReads = 0; 
-        StreamErr = false; 
-        DiskUsage_RAW = 1216669; 
-        NumCkpts = 0; 
-        StatsLifetimeStarter = 26354; 
-        ImageSize = 1000000; 
-        Cmd = "/home/xguo23/finally_2/Simulation_condor/chtcjobwrapper"; 
-        LocalSysCpu = 0.0; 
+        BlockWrites = 0;
+        LastJobStatus = 2;
+        JobCurrentStartExecutingDate = 1446106291;
+        WantRemoteIO = true;
+        RequestCpus = 1;
+        NumShadowStarts = 1;
+        RemoteUserCpu = 2.623900000000000E+04;
+        NiceUser = false;
+        RequestMemory = 1000;
+        BytesRecvd = 2.850530000000000E+05;
+        ResidentSetSize = 150000;
+        StreamOut = false;
+        SpooledOutputFiles = "CURLTIME_1151700,ChtcWrapper36.out,AuditLog.36,simu_3_36.txt,harvest.log,36.out";
+        OnExitRemove = true;
+        ImageSize_RAW = 811948;
+        RemoteWallClockTime = 2.635700000000000E+04;
+        MachineAttrSlotWeight0 = 1;
+        ExecutableSize = 7;
+        JobStatus = 4;
+        DAGParentNodeNames = "";
+        ExitCode = 0;
+        DAGManNodesMask = "0,1,2,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,13,16,17,24,27";
+        BytesSent = 3.189800000000000E+04;
+        LastSuspensionTime = 0;
+        ExecutableSize_RAW = 6;
+        RecentBlockReadKbytes = 0;
+        TransferInputSizeMB = 0;
+        Matlab = "R2011b";
+        BlockReadKbytes = 0;
+        RecentStatsLifetimeStarter = 1200;
+        LeaveJobInQueue = false;
+        TargetType = "Machine";
+        WhenToTransferOutput = "ON_EXIT";
+        Owner = "xguo23";
+        JobNotification = 0;
+        BufferSize = 524288;
+        RecentBlockWrites = 0;
+        CompletionDate = 1446132646;
+        QDate = 1446105368;
+        JobLeaseDuration = 2400;
+        JobFinishedHookDone = 1446132646;
+        LastMatchTime = 1446106289;
+        LastJobLeaseRenewal = 1446132646;
+        DAGManNodesLog = "/home/xguo23/finally_2/Simulation_condor/model_3/./mydag.dag.nodes.log";
+        ClusterId = 49581985;
+        JobUniverse = 5;
+        NumJobStarts = 1;
+        CondorVersion = "$CondorVersion: 8.5.0 Sep 16 2015 BuildID: 341710 $";
+        CoreSize = 0;
+        OnExitHold = false;
+        CondorPlatform = "$CondorPlatform: X86_64-RedHat_6.6 $";
+        In = "/dev/null";
+        DiskUsage = 1250000;
+        EncryptExecuteDirectory = false;
+        CommittedSuspensionTime = 0;
+        User = "";
+        UserLog = "/home/xguo23/finally_2/Simulation_condor/model_3/36/process.log";
+        JobCurrentStartDate = 1446106289;
+        BufferBlockSize = 32768;
+        MATCH_EXP_JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "";
+        Requirements = ( ( OpSysMajorVer is 6 ) ) && ( MY.JobUniverse == 12 || MY.JobUniverse == 7 || MY.WantFlocking || MY.WantGlidein || TARGET.PoolName == "CHTC" || TARGET.COLLECTOR_HOST_STRING == "" ) && ( TARGET.Arch == "X86_64" ) && ( TARGET.OpSys == "LINUX" ) && ( TARGET.Disk >= RequestDisk ) && ( TARGET.Memory >= RequestMemory ) && ( TARGET.HasFileTransfer );
+        MinHosts = 1;
+        MaxHosts = 1;
+        Args = "--type=Matlab --version=R2011b --cmdtorun=simu_condor --unique=36 -- 3";
+        PeriodicHold = false;
+        ProcId = 0;
+        Environment = "";
+        DAGNodeName = "36+36";
+        MemoryUsage = ( ( ResidentSetSize + 1023 ) / 1024 );
+        TerminationPending = true;
+        NumRestarts = 0;
+        NumSystemHolds = 0;
+        CommittedTime = 26357;
+        MachineAttrCpus0 = 1;
+        WantRemoteSyscalls = false;
+        MyType = "Job";
+        CumulativeSuspensionTime = 0;
+        Rank = 0.0;
+        StartdPrincipal = "execute-side@matchsession/";
+        Err = "process.err";
+        PeriodicRemove = false;
+        BlockWriteKbytes = 0;
+        ExitBySignal = false;
+        DAGManJobId = 49581933;
+        EnteredCurrentStatus = 1446132646;
+        JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "$$([IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName), IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), \"\", TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName)])";
+        RecentBlockWriteKbytes = 0;
+        TransferIn = false;
+        ExitStatus = 0;
+        ShouldTransferFiles = "YES";
+        IsCHTCSubmit = true;
+        NumJobMatches = 1;
+        RootDir = "/";
+        JobStartDate = 1446106289;
+        JobPrio = 0;
+        CurrentHosts = 0;
+        GlobalJobId = "";
+        RemoteSysCpu = 9.600000000000000E+01;
+        TotalSuspensions = 0;
+        CommittedSlotTime = 2.635700000000000E+04;
+        WantCheckpoint = false;
+        BlockReads = 0;
+        LastRemoteHost = "";
+        TransferInput = "/home/xguo23/finally_2/Simulation_condor/data/36/,/home/xguo23/finally_2/Simulation_condor/data/shared/";
+        LocalUserCpu = 0.0;
+        PeriodicRelease = ( JobStatus == 5 ) && ( ( CurrentTime - EnteredCurrentStatus ) > 1800 ) && ( JobRunCount < 5 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 6 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 14 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 22 );
+        RequestDisk = 1000000;
+        ResidentSetSize_RAW = 127452;
+        OrigMaxHosts = 1;
+        LastPublicClaimId = "<>#1444685646#10655#...";
+        WantRHEL6 = true;
+        NumCkpts_RAW = 0;
+        Out = "process.out";
+        SubmitEventNotes = "DAG Node: 36+36";
+        CumulativeSlotTime = 2.635700000000000E+04;
+        JobRunCount = 1;
+        RecentBlockReads = 0;
+        StreamErr = false;
+        DiskUsage_RAW = 1216669;
+        NumCkpts = 0;
+        StatsLifetimeStarter = 26354;
+        ImageSize = 1000000;
+        Cmd = "/home/xguo23/finally_2/Simulation_condor/chtcjobwrapper";
+        LocalSysCpu = 0.0;
         Iwd = "/home/xguo23/finally_2/Simulation_condor/model_3/36"
-        BlockWrites = 0; 
-        LastJobStatus = 2; 
-        JobCurrentStartExecutingDate = 1446110001; 
-        WantRemoteIO = true; 
-        RequestCpus = 1; 
-        NumShadowStarts = 1; 
-        RemoteUserCpu = 2.250600000000000E+04; 
-        NiceUser = false; 
-        RequestMemory = 1000; 
-        BytesRecvd = 2.846280000000000E+05; 
-        ResidentSetSize = 150000; 
-        StreamOut = false; 
-        SpooledOutputFiles = "CURLTIME_2816308,ChtcWrapper18.out,AuditLog.18,simu_3_18.txt,harvest.log,18.out"; 
-        OnExitRemove = true; 
-        ImageSize_RAW = 811948; 
-        RemoteWallClockTime = 2.263600000000000E+04; 
-        MachineAttrSlotWeight0 = 1; 
-        ExecutableSize = 7; 
-        JobStatus = 4; 
-        DAGParentNodeNames = ""; 
-        ExitCode = 0; 
-        DAGManNodesMask = "0,1,2,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,13,16,17,24,27"; 
-        BytesSent = 2.790400000000000E+04; 
-        LastSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        ExecutableSize_RAW = 6; 
-        RecentBlockReadKbytes = 0; 
-        TransferInputSizeMB = 0; 
-        Matlab = "R2011b"; 
-        BlockReadKbytes = 0; 
-        RecentStatsLifetimeStarter = 1200; 
-        LeaveJobInQueue = false; 
-        TargetType = "Machine"; 
-        WhenToTransferOutput = "ON_EXIT"; 
-        Owner = "xguo23"; 
-        JobNotification = 0; 
-        BufferSize = 524288; 
-        RecentBlockWrites = 0; 
-        CompletionDate = 1446132636; 
-        QDate = 1446105667; 
-        JobLeaseDuration = 2400; 
-        JobFinishedHookDone = 1446132636; 
-        LastMatchTime = 1446110000; 
-        LastJobLeaseRenewal = 1446132636; 
-        DAGManNodesLog = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/model_3/./mydag.dag.nodes.log"; 
-        ClusterId = 49582357; 
-        JobUniverse = 5; 
-        NumJobStarts = 1; 
-        CondorVersion = "$CondorVersion: 8.5.0 Sep 16 2015 BuildID: 341710 $"; 
-        CoreSize = 0; 
-        OnExitHold = false; 
-        CondorPlatform = "$CondorPlatform: X86_64-RedHat_6.6 $"; 
-        In = "/dev/null"; 
-        DiskUsage = 1250000; 
-        EncryptExecuteDirectory = false; 
-        CommittedSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        User = ""; 
-        UserLog = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/model_3/18/process.log"; 
-        JobCurrentStartDate = 1446110000; 
-        BufferBlockSize = 32768; 
-        MATCH_EXP_JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = ""; 
-        Requirements = ( ( OpSysMajorVer is 6 ) ) && ( MY.JobUniverse == 12 || MY.JobUniverse == 7 || MY.WantFlocking || MY.WantGlidein || TARGET.PoolName == "CHTC" || TARGET.COLLECTOR_HOST_STRING == "" ) && ( TARGET.Arch == "X86_64" ) && ( TARGET.OpSys == "LINUX" ) && ( TARGET.Disk >= RequestDisk ) && ( TARGET.Memory >= RequestMemory ) && ( TARGET.HasFileTransfer ); 
-        MinHosts = 1; 
-        MaxHosts = 1; 
-        Args = "--type=Matlab --version=R2011b --cmdtorun=simu_condor --unique=18 -- 3"; 
-        PeriodicHold = false; 
-        ProcId = 0; 
-        Environment = ""; 
-        DAGNodeName = "18+18"; 
-        MemoryUsage = ( ( ResidentSetSize + 1023 ) / 1024 ); 
-        TerminationPending = true; 
-        NumRestarts = 0; 
-        NumSystemHolds = 0; 
-        CommittedTime = 22636; 
-        MachineAttrCpus0 = 1; 
-        WantRemoteSyscalls = false; 
-        MyType = "Job"; 
-        CumulativeSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        Rank = 0.0; 
-        StartdPrincipal = "execute-side@matchsession/"; 
-        Err = "process.err"; 
-        PeriodicRemove = false; 
-        BlockWriteKbytes = 0; 
-        ExitBySignal = false; 
-        DAGManJobId = 49582200; 
-        EnteredCurrentStatus = 1446132636; 
-        JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "$$([IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName), IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), \"\", TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName)])"; 
-        RecentBlockWriteKbytes = 0; 
-        TransferIn = false; 
-        ExitStatus = 0; 
-        ShouldTransferFiles = "YES"; 
-        IsCHTCSubmit = true; 
-        NumJobMatches = 1; 
-        RootDir = "/"; 
-        JobStartDate = 1446110000; 
-        JobPrio = 0; 
-        CurrentHosts = 0; 
-        GlobalJobId = ""; 
-        RemoteSysCpu = 1.110000000000000E+02; 
-        TotalSuspensions = 0; 
-        CommittedSlotTime = 2.263600000000000E+04; 
-        WantCheckpoint = false; 
-        BlockReads = 0; 
-        LastRemoteHost = ""; 
-        TransferInput = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/data/18/,/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/data/shared/"; 
-        LocalUserCpu = 0.0; 
-        PeriodicRelease = ( JobStatus == 5 ) && ( ( CurrentTime - EnteredCurrentStatus ) > 1800 ) && ( JobRunCount < 5 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 6 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 14 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 22 ); 
-        RequestDisk = 1000000; 
-        ResidentSetSize_RAW = 127300; 
-        OrigMaxHosts = 1; 
-        LastPublicClaimId = "<>#1443991446#11545#..."; 
-        WantRHEL6 = true; 
-        NumCkpts_RAW = 0; 
-        Out = "process.out"; 
-        SubmitEventNotes = "DAG Node: 18+18"; 
-        CumulativeSlotTime = 2.263600000000000E+04; 
-        JobRunCount = 1; 
-        RecentBlockReads = 0; 
-        StreamErr = false; 
-        DiskUsage_RAW = 1216669; 
-        NumCkpts = 0; 
-        StatsLifetimeStarter = 22635; 
-        ImageSize = 1000000; 
-        Cmd = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/chtcjobwrapper"; 
-        LocalSysCpu = 0.0; 
+        BlockWrites = 0;
+        LastJobStatus = 2;
+        JobCurrentStartExecutingDate = 1446110001;
+        WantRemoteIO = true;
+        RequestCpus = 1;
+        NumShadowStarts = 1;
+        RemoteUserCpu = 2.250600000000000E+04;
+        NiceUser = false;
+        RequestMemory = 1000;
+        BytesRecvd = 2.846280000000000E+05;
+        ResidentSetSize = 150000;
+        StreamOut = false;
+        SpooledOutputFiles = "CURLTIME_2816308,ChtcWrapper18.out,AuditLog.18,simu_3_18.txt,harvest.log,18.out";
+        OnExitRemove = true;
+        ImageSize_RAW = 811948;
+        RemoteWallClockTime = 2.263600000000000E+04;
+        MachineAttrSlotWeight0 = 1;
+        ExecutableSize = 7;
+        JobStatus = 4;
+        DAGParentNodeNames = "";
+        ExitCode = 0;
+        DAGManNodesMask = "0,1,2,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,13,16,17,24,27";
+        BytesSent = 2.790400000000000E+04;
+        LastSuspensionTime = 0;
+        ExecutableSize_RAW = 6;
+        RecentBlockReadKbytes = 0;
+        TransferInputSizeMB = 0;
+        Matlab = "R2011b";
+        BlockReadKbytes = 0;
+        RecentStatsLifetimeStarter = 1200;
+        LeaveJobInQueue = false;
+        TargetType = "Machine";
+        WhenToTransferOutput = "ON_EXIT";
+        Owner = "xguo23";
+        JobNotification = 0;
+        BufferSize = 524288;
+        RecentBlockWrites = 0;
+        CompletionDate = 1446132636;
+        QDate = 1446105667;
+        JobLeaseDuration = 2400;
+        JobFinishedHookDone = 1446132636;
+        LastMatchTime = 1446110000;
+        LastJobLeaseRenewal = 1446132636;
+        DAGManNodesLog = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/model_3/./mydag.dag.nodes.log";
+        ClusterId = 49582357;
+        JobUniverse = 5;
+        NumJobStarts = 1;
+        CondorVersion = "$CondorVersion: 8.5.0 Sep 16 2015 BuildID: 341710 $";
+        CoreSize = 0;
+        OnExitHold = false;
+        CondorPlatform = "$CondorPlatform: X86_64-RedHat_6.6 $";
+        In = "/dev/null";
+        DiskUsage = 1250000;
+        EncryptExecuteDirectory = false;
+        CommittedSuspensionTime = 0;
+        User = "";
+        UserLog = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/model_3/18/process.log";
+        JobCurrentStartDate = 1446110000;
+        BufferBlockSize = 32768;
+        MATCH_EXP_JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "";
+        Requirements = ( ( OpSysMajorVer is 6 ) ) && ( MY.JobUniverse == 12 || MY.JobUniverse == 7 || MY.WantFlocking || MY.WantGlidein || TARGET.PoolName == "CHTC" || TARGET.COLLECTOR_HOST_STRING == "" ) && ( TARGET.Arch == "X86_64" ) && ( TARGET.OpSys == "LINUX" ) && ( TARGET.Disk >= RequestDisk ) && ( TARGET.Memory >= RequestMemory ) && ( TARGET.HasFileTransfer );
+        MinHosts = 1;
+        MaxHosts = 1;
+        Args = "--type=Matlab --version=R2011b --cmdtorun=simu_condor --unique=18 -- 3";
+        PeriodicHold = false;
+        ProcId = 0;
+        Environment = "";
+        DAGNodeName = "18+18";
+        MemoryUsage = ( ( ResidentSetSize + 1023 ) / 1024 );
+        TerminationPending = true;
+        NumRestarts = 0;
+        NumSystemHolds = 0;
+        CommittedTime = 22636;
+        MachineAttrCpus0 = 1;
+        WantRemoteSyscalls = false;
+        MyType = "Job";
+        CumulativeSuspensionTime = 0;
+        Rank = 0.0;
+        StartdPrincipal = "execute-side@matchsession/";
+        Err = "process.err";
+        PeriodicRemove = false;
+        BlockWriteKbytes = 0;
+        ExitBySignal = false;
+        DAGManJobId = 49582200;
+        EnteredCurrentStatus = 1446132636;
+        JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "$$([IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName), IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), \"\", TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName)])";
+        RecentBlockWriteKbytes = 0;
+        TransferIn = false;
+        ExitStatus = 0;
+        ShouldTransferFiles = "YES";
+        IsCHTCSubmit = true;
+        NumJobMatches = 1;
+        RootDir = "/";
+        JobStartDate = 1446110000;
+        JobPrio = 0;
+        CurrentHosts = 0;
+        GlobalJobId = "";
+        RemoteSysCpu = 1.110000000000000E+02;
+        TotalSuspensions = 0;
+        CommittedSlotTime = 2.263600000000000E+04;
+        WantCheckpoint = false;
+        BlockReads = 0;
+        LastRemoteHost = "";
+        TransferInput = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/data/18/,/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/data/shared/";
+        LocalUserCpu = 0.0;
+        PeriodicRelease = ( JobStatus == 5 ) && ( ( CurrentTime - EnteredCurrentStatus ) > 1800 ) && ( JobRunCount < 5 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 6 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 14 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 22 );
+        RequestDisk = 1000000;
+        ResidentSetSize_RAW = 127300;
+        OrigMaxHosts = 1;
+        LastPublicClaimId = "<>#1443991446#11545#...";
+        WantRHEL6 = true;
+        NumCkpts_RAW = 0;
+        Out = "process.out";
+        SubmitEventNotes = "DAG Node: 18+18";
+        CumulativeSlotTime = 2.263600000000000E+04;
+        JobRunCount = 1;
+        RecentBlockReads = 0;
+        StreamErr = false;
+        DiskUsage_RAW = 1216669;
+        NumCkpts = 0;
+        StatsLifetimeStarter = 22635;
+        ImageSize = 1000000;
+        Cmd = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/chtcjobwrapper";
+        LocalSysCpu = 0.0;
         Iwd = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/model_3/18"
-        BlockWrites = 0; 
-        LastJobStatus = 2; 
-        JobCurrentStartExecutingDate = 1446108668; 
-        WantRemoteIO = true; 
-        RequestCpus = 1; 
-        NumShadowStarts = 1; 
-        RemoteUserCpu = 2.380400000000000E+04; 
-        NiceUser = false; 
-        RequestMemory = 1000; 
-        BytesRecvd = 2.846270000000000E+05; 
-        ResidentSetSize = 150000; 
-        StreamOut = false; 
-        SpooledOutputFiles = "CURLTIME_1839815,ChtcWrapper5.out,AuditLog.5,simu_3_5.txt,harvest.log,5.out"; 
-        OnExitRemove = true; 
-        ImageSize_RAW = 811948; 
-        RemoteWallClockTime = 2.395800000000000E+04; 
-        MachineAttrSlotWeight0 = 1; 
-        ExecutableSize = 7; 
-        JobStatus = 4; 
-        DAGParentNodeNames = ""; 
-        ExitCode = 0; 
-        DAGManNodesMask = "0,1,2,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,13,16,17,24,27"; 
-        BytesSent = 3.054500000000000E+04; 
-        LastSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        ExecutableSize_RAW = 6; 
-        RecentBlockReadKbytes = 0; 
-        TransferInputSizeMB = 0; 
-        Matlab = "R2011b"; 
-        BlockReadKbytes = 0; 
-        RecentStatsLifetimeStarter = 1200; 
-        LeaveJobInQueue = false; 
-        TargetType = "Machine"; 
-        WhenToTransferOutput = "ON_EXIT"; 
-        Owner = "xguo23"; 
-        JobNotification = 0; 
-        BufferSize = 524288; 
-        RecentBlockWrites = 0; 
-        CompletionDate = 1446132625; 
-        QDate = 1446105612; 
-        JobLeaseDuration = 2400; 
-        JobFinishedHookDone = 1446132625; 
-        LastMatchTime = 1446108667; 
-        LastJobLeaseRenewal = 1446132625; 
-        DAGManNodesLog = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/model_3/./mydag.dag.nodes.log"; 
-        ClusterId = 49582211; 
-        JobUniverse = 5; 
-        NumJobStarts = 1; 
-        CondorVersion = "$CondorVersion: 8.5.0 Sep 16 2015 BuildID: 341710 $"; 
-        CoreSize = 0; 
-        OnExitHold = false; 
-        CondorPlatform = "$CondorPlatform: X86_64-RedHat_6.6 $"; 
-        In = "/dev/null"; 
-        DiskUsage = 1250000; 
-        EncryptExecuteDirectory = false; 
-        CommittedSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        User = ""; 
-        UserLog = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/model_3/5/process.log"; 
-        JobCurrentStartDate = 1446108667; 
-        BufferBlockSize = 32768; 
-        MATCH_EXP_JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = ""; 
-        Requirements = ( ( OpSysMajorVer is 6 ) ) && ( MY.JobUniverse == 12 || MY.JobUniverse == 7 || MY.WantFlocking || MY.WantGlidein || TARGET.PoolName == "CHTC" || TARGET.COLLECTOR_HOST_STRING == "" ) && ( TARGET.Arch == "X86_64" ) && ( TARGET.OpSys == "LINUX" ) && ( TARGET.Disk >= RequestDisk ) && ( TARGET.Memory >= RequestMemory ) && ( TARGET.HasFileTransfer ); 
-        MinHosts = 1; 
-        MaxHosts = 1; 
-        Args = "--type=Matlab --version=R2011b --cmdtorun=simu_condor --unique=5 -- 3"; 
-        PeriodicHold = false; 
-        ProcId = 0; 
-        Environment = ""; 
-        DAGNodeName = "5+5"; 
-        MemoryUsage = ( ( ResidentSetSize + 1023 ) / 1024 ); 
-        TerminationPending = true; 
-        NumRestarts = 0; 
-        NumSystemHolds = 0; 
-        CommittedTime = 23958; 
-        MachineAttrCpus0 = 1; 
-        WantRemoteSyscalls = false; 
-        MyType = "Job"; 
-        CumulativeSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        Rank = 0.0; 
-        StartdPrincipal = "execute-side@matchsession/"; 
-        Err = "process.err"; 
-        PeriodicRemove = false; 
-        BlockWriteKbytes = 0; 
-        ExitBySignal = false; 
-        DAGManJobId = 49582200; 
-        EnteredCurrentStatus = 1446132625; 
-        JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "$$([IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName), IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), \"\", TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName)])"; 
-        RecentBlockWriteKbytes = 0; 
-        TransferIn = false; 
-        ExitStatus = 0; 
-        ShouldTransferFiles = "YES"; 
-        IsCHTCSubmit = true; 
-        NumJobMatches = 1; 
-        RootDir = "/"; 
-        JobStartDate = 1446108667; 
-        JobPrio = 0; 
-        CurrentHosts = 0; 
-        GlobalJobId = ""; 
-        RemoteSysCpu = 1.200000000000000E+02; 
-        TotalSuspensions = 0; 
-        CommittedSlotTime = 2.395800000000000E+04; 
-        WantCheckpoint = false; 
-        BlockReads = 0; 
-        LastRemoteHost = ""; 
-        TransferInput = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/data/5/,/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/data/shared/"; 
-        LocalUserCpu = 0.0; 
-        PeriodicRelease = ( JobStatus == 5 ) && ( ( CurrentTime - EnteredCurrentStatus ) > 1800 ) && ( JobRunCount < 5 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 6 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 14 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 22 ); 
-        RequestDisk = 1000000; 
-        ResidentSetSize_RAW = 125804; 
-        OrigMaxHosts = 1; 
-        LastPublicClaimId = "<>#1445357425#5008#..."; 
-        WantRHEL6 = true; 
-        NumCkpts_RAW = 0; 
-        Out = "process.out"; 
-        SubmitEventNotes = "DAG Node: 5+5"; 
-        CumulativeSlotTime = 2.395800000000000E+04; 
-        JobRunCount = 1; 
-        RecentBlockReads = 0; 
-        StreamErr = false; 
-        DiskUsage_RAW = 1216669; 
-        NumCkpts = 0; 
-        StatsLifetimeStarter = 23957; 
-        ImageSize = 1000000; 
-        Cmd = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/chtcjobwrapper"; 
-        LocalSysCpu = 0.0; 
+        BlockWrites = 0;
+        LastJobStatus = 2;
+        JobCurrentStartExecutingDate = 1446108668;
+        WantRemoteIO = true;
+        RequestCpus = 1;
+        NumShadowStarts = 1;
+        RemoteUserCpu = 2.380400000000000E+04;
+        NiceUser = false;
+        RequestMemory = 1000;
+        BytesRecvd = 2.846270000000000E+05;
+        ResidentSetSize = 150000;
+        StreamOut = false;
+        SpooledOutputFiles = "CURLTIME_1839815,ChtcWrapper5.out,AuditLog.5,simu_3_5.txt,harvest.log,5.out";
+        OnExitRemove = true;
+        ImageSize_RAW = 811948;
+        RemoteWallClockTime = 2.395800000000000E+04;
+        MachineAttrSlotWeight0 = 1;
+        ExecutableSize = 7;
+        JobStatus = 4;
+        DAGParentNodeNames = "";
+        ExitCode = 0;
+        DAGManNodesMask = "0,1,2,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,13,16,17,24,27";
+        BytesSent = 3.054500000000000E+04;
+        LastSuspensionTime = 0;
+        ExecutableSize_RAW = 6;
+        RecentBlockReadKbytes = 0;
+        TransferInputSizeMB = 0;
+        Matlab = "R2011b";
+        BlockReadKbytes = 0;
+        RecentStatsLifetimeStarter = 1200;
+        LeaveJobInQueue = false;
+        TargetType = "Machine";
+        WhenToTransferOutput = "ON_EXIT";
+        Owner = "xguo23";
+        JobNotification = 0;
+        BufferSize = 524288;
+        RecentBlockWrites = 0;
+        CompletionDate = 1446132625;
+        QDate = 1446105612;
+        JobLeaseDuration = 2400;
+        JobFinishedHookDone = 1446132625;
+        LastMatchTime = 1446108667;
+        LastJobLeaseRenewal = 1446132625;
+        DAGManNodesLog = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/model_3/./mydag.dag.nodes.log";
+        ClusterId = 49582211;
+        JobUniverse = 5;
+        NumJobStarts = 1;
+        CondorVersion = "$CondorVersion: 8.5.0 Sep 16 2015 BuildID: 341710 $";
+        CoreSize = 0;
+        OnExitHold = false;
+        CondorPlatform = "$CondorPlatform: X86_64-RedHat_6.6 $";
+        In = "/dev/null";
+        DiskUsage = 1250000;
+        EncryptExecuteDirectory = false;
+        CommittedSuspensionTime = 0;
+        User = "";
+        UserLog = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/model_3/5/process.log";
+        JobCurrentStartDate = 1446108667;
+        BufferBlockSize = 32768;
+        MATCH_EXP_JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "";
+        Requirements = ( ( OpSysMajorVer is 6 ) ) && ( MY.JobUniverse == 12 || MY.JobUniverse == 7 || MY.WantFlocking || MY.WantGlidein || TARGET.PoolName == "CHTC" || TARGET.COLLECTOR_HOST_STRING == "" ) && ( TARGET.Arch == "X86_64" ) && ( TARGET.OpSys == "LINUX" ) && ( TARGET.Disk >= RequestDisk ) && ( TARGET.Memory >= RequestMemory ) && ( TARGET.HasFileTransfer );
+        MinHosts = 1;
+        MaxHosts = 1;
+        Args = "--type=Matlab --version=R2011b --cmdtorun=simu_condor --unique=5 -- 3";
+        PeriodicHold = false;
+        ProcId = 0;
+        Environment = "";
+        DAGNodeName = "5+5";
+        MemoryUsage = ( ( ResidentSetSize + 1023 ) / 1024 );
+        TerminationPending = true;
+        NumRestarts = 0;
+        NumSystemHolds = 0;
+        CommittedTime = 23958;
+        MachineAttrCpus0 = 1;
+        WantRemoteSyscalls = false;
+        MyType = "Job";
+        CumulativeSuspensionTime = 0;
+        Rank = 0.0;
+        StartdPrincipal = "execute-side@matchsession/";
+        Err = "process.err";
+        PeriodicRemove = false;
+        BlockWriteKbytes = 0;
+        ExitBySignal = false;
+        DAGManJobId = 49582200;
+        EnteredCurrentStatus = 1446132625;
+        JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "$$([IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName), IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), \"\", TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName)])";
+        RecentBlockWriteKbytes = 0;
+        TransferIn = false;
+        ExitStatus = 0;
+        ShouldTransferFiles = "YES";
+        IsCHTCSubmit = true;
+        NumJobMatches = 1;
+        RootDir = "/";
+        JobStartDate = 1446108667;
+        JobPrio = 0;
+        CurrentHosts = 0;
+        GlobalJobId = "";
+        RemoteSysCpu = 1.200000000000000E+02;
+        TotalSuspensions = 0;
+        CommittedSlotTime = 2.395800000000000E+04;
+        WantCheckpoint = false;
+        BlockReads = 0;
+        LastRemoteHost = "";
+        TransferInput = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/data/5/,/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/data/shared/";
+        LocalUserCpu = 0.0;
+        PeriodicRelease = ( JobStatus == 5 ) && ( ( CurrentTime - EnteredCurrentStatus ) > 1800 ) && ( JobRunCount < 5 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 6 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 14 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 22 );
+        RequestDisk = 1000000;
+        ResidentSetSize_RAW = 125804;
+        OrigMaxHosts = 1;
+        LastPublicClaimId = "<>#1445357425#5008#...";
+        WantRHEL6 = true;
+        NumCkpts_RAW = 0;
+        Out = "process.out";
+        SubmitEventNotes = "DAG Node: 5+5";
+        CumulativeSlotTime = 2.395800000000000E+04;
+        JobRunCount = 1;
+        RecentBlockReads = 0;
+        StreamErr = false;
+        DiskUsage_RAW = 1216669;
+        NumCkpts = 0;
+        StatsLifetimeStarter = 23957;
+        ImageSize = 1000000;
+        Cmd = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/chtcjobwrapper";
+        LocalSysCpu = 0.0;
         Iwd = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/model_3/5"
-        BlockWrites = 0; 
-        LastJobStatus = 2; 
-        JobCurrentStartExecutingDate = 1446110002; 
-        WantRemoteIO = true; 
-        RequestCpus = 1; 
-        NumShadowStarts = 1; 
-        RemoteUserCpu = 2.243100000000000E+04; 
-        NiceUser = false; 
-        RequestMemory = 1000; 
-        BytesRecvd = 2.846280000000000E+05; 
-        ResidentSetSize = 150000; 
-        StreamOut = false; 
-        SpooledOutputFiles = "CURLTIME_533867,ChtcWrapper36.out,AuditLog.36,simu_3_36.txt,harvest.log,36.out"; 
-        OnExitRemove = true; 
-        ImageSize_RAW = 811948; 
-        RemoteWallClockTime = 2.259000000000000E+04; 
-        MachineAttrSlotWeight0 = 1; 
-        ExecutableSize = 7; 
-        JobStatus = 4; 
-        DAGParentNodeNames = ""; 
-        ExitCode = 0; 
-        DAGManNodesMask = "0,1,2,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,13,16,17,24,27"; 
-        BytesSent = 3.058700000000000E+04; 
-        LastSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        ExecutableSize_RAW = 6; 
-        RecentBlockReadKbytes = 0; 
-        TransferInputSizeMB = 0; 
-        Matlab = "R2011b"; 
-        BlockReadKbytes = 0; 
-        RecentStatsLifetimeStarter = 1200; 
-        LeaveJobInQueue = false; 
-        TargetType = "Machine"; 
-        WhenToTransferOutput = "ON_EXIT"; 
-        Owner = "xguo23"; 
-        JobNotification = 0; 
-        BufferSize = 524288; 
-        RecentBlockWrites = 0; 
-        CompletionDate = 1446132590; 
-        QDate = 1446105667; 
-        JobLeaseDuration = 2400; 
-        JobFinishedHookDone = 1446132590; 
-        LastMatchTime = 1446110000; 
-        LastJobLeaseRenewal = 1446132590; 
-        DAGManNodesLog = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/model_3/./mydag.dag.nodes.log"; 
-        ClusterId = 49582358; 
-        JobUniverse = 5; 
-        NumJobStarts = 1; 
-        CondorVersion = "$CondorVersion: 8.5.0 Sep 16 2015 BuildID: 341710 $"; 
-        CoreSize = 0; 
-        OnExitHold = false; 
-        CondorPlatform = "$CondorPlatform: X86_64-RedHat_6.6 $"; 
-        In = "/dev/null"; 
-        DiskUsage = 1250000; 
-        EncryptExecuteDirectory = false; 
-        CommittedSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        User = ""; 
-        UserLog = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/model_3/36/process.log"; 
-        JobCurrentStartDate = 1446110000; 
-        BufferBlockSize = 32768; 
-        MATCH_EXP_JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = ""; 
-        Requirements = ( ( OpSysMajorVer is 6 ) ) && ( MY.JobUniverse == 12 || MY.JobUniverse == 7 || MY.WantFlocking || MY.WantGlidein || TARGET.PoolName == "CHTC" || TARGET.COLLECTOR_HOST_STRING == "" ) && ( TARGET.Arch == "X86_64" ) && ( TARGET.OpSys == "LINUX" ) && ( TARGET.Disk >= RequestDisk ) && ( TARGET.Memory >= RequestMemory ) && ( TARGET.HasFileTransfer ); 
-        MinHosts = 1; 
-        MaxHosts = 1; 
-        Args = "--type=Matlab --version=R2011b --cmdtorun=simu_condor --unique=36 -- 3"; 
-        PeriodicHold = false; 
-        ProcId = 0; 
-        Environment = ""; 
-        DAGNodeName = "36+36"; 
-        MemoryUsage = ( ( ResidentSetSize + 1023 ) / 1024 ); 
-        TerminationPending = true; 
-        NumRestarts = 0; 
-        NumSystemHolds = 0; 
-        CommittedTime = 22590; 
-        MachineAttrCpus0 = 1; 
-        WantRemoteSyscalls = false; 
-        MyType = "Job"; 
-        CumulativeSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        Rank = 0.0; 
-        StartdPrincipal = "execute-side@matchsession/"; 
-        Err = "process.err"; 
-        PeriodicRemove = false; 
-        BlockWriteKbytes = 0; 
-        ExitBySignal = false; 
-        DAGManJobId = 49582200; 
-        EnteredCurrentStatus = 1446132590; 
-        JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "$$([IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName), IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), \"\", TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName)])"; 
-        RecentBlockWriteKbytes = 0; 
-        TransferIn = false; 
-        ExitStatus = 0; 
-        ShouldTransferFiles = "YES"; 
-        IsCHTCSubmit = true; 
-        NumJobMatches = 1; 
-        RootDir = "/"; 
-        JobStartDate = 1446110000; 
-        JobPrio = 0; 
-        CurrentHosts = 0; 
-        GlobalJobId = ""; 
-        RemoteSysCpu = 1.300000000000000E+02; 
-        TotalSuspensions = 0; 
-        CommittedSlotTime = 2.259000000000000E+04; 
-        WantCheckpoint = false; 
-        BlockReads = 0; 
-        LastRemoteHost = "slot1@e426.chtc.WISC.EDU"; 
-        TransferInput = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/data/36/,/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/data/shared/"; 
-        LocalUserCpu = 0.0; 
-        PeriodicRelease = ( JobStatus == 5 ) && ( ( CurrentTime - EnteredCurrentStatus ) > 1800 ) && ( JobRunCount < 5 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 6 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 14 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 22 ); 
-        RequestDisk = 1000000; 
-        ResidentSetSize_RAW = 125920; 
-        OrigMaxHosts = 1; 
-        LastPublicClaimId = "<>#1443991456#11499#..."; 
-        WantRHEL6 = true; 
-        NumCkpts_RAW = 0; 
-        Out = "process.out"; 
-        SubmitEventNotes = "DAG Node: 36+36"; 
-        CumulativeSlotTime = 2.259000000000000E+04; 
-        JobRunCount = 1; 
-        RecentBlockReads = 0; 
-        StreamErr = false; 
-        DiskUsage_RAW = 1216669; 
-        NumCkpts = 0; 
-        StatsLifetimeStarter = 22588; 
-        ImageSize = 1000000; 
-        Cmd = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/chtcjobwrapper"; 
-        LocalSysCpu = 0.0; 
+        BlockWrites = 0;
+        LastJobStatus = 2;
+        JobCurrentStartExecutingDate = 1446110002;
+        WantRemoteIO = true;
+        RequestCpus = 1;
+        NumShadowStarts = 1;
+        RemoteUserCpu = 2.243100000000000E+04;
+        NiceUser = false;
+        RequestMemory = 1000;
+        BytesRecvd = 2.846280000000000E+05;
+        ResidentSetSize = 150000;
+        StreamOut = false;
+        SpooledOutputFiles = "CURLTIME_533867,ChtcWrapper36.out,AuditLog.36,simu_3_36.txt,harvest.log,36.out";
+        OnExitRemove = true;
+        ImageSize_RAW = 811948;
+        RemoteWallClockTime = 2.259000000000000E+04;
+        MachineAttrSlotWeight0 = 1;
+        ExecutableSize = 7;
+        JobStatus = 4;
+        DAGParentNodeNames = "";
+        ExitCode = 0;
+        DAGManNodesMask = "0,1,2,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,13,16,17,24,27";
+        BytesSent = 3.058700000000000E+04;
+        LastSuspensionTime = 0;
+        ExecutableSize_RAW = 6;
+        RecentBlockReadKbytes = 0;
+        TransferInputSizeMB = 0;
+        Matlab = "R2011b";
+        BlockReadKbytes = 0;
+        RecentStatsLifetimeStarter = 1200;
+        LeaveJobInQueue = false;
+        TargetType = "Machine";
+        WhenToTransferOutput = "ON_EXIT";
+        Owner = "xguo23";
+        JobNotification = 0;
+        BufferSize = 524288;
+        RecentBlockWrites = 0;
+        CompletionDate = 1446132590;
+        QDate = 1446105667;
+        JobLeaseDuration = 2400;
+        JobFinishedHookDone = 1446132590;
+        LastMatchTime = 1446110000;
+        LastJobLeaseRenewal = 1446132590;
+        DAGManNodesLog = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/model_3/./mydag.dag.nodes.log";
+        ClusterId = 49582358;
+        JobUniverse = 5;
+        NumJobStarts = 1;
+        CondorVersion = "$CondorVersion: 8.5.0 Sep 16 2015 BuildID: 341710 $";
+        CoreSize = 0;
+        OnExitHold = false;
+        CondorPlatform = "$CondorPlatform: X86_64-RedHat_6.6 $";
+        In = "/dev/null";
+        DiskUsage = 1250000;
+        EncryptExecuteDirectory = false;
+        CommittedSuspensionTime = 0;
+        User = "";
+        UserLog = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/model_3/36/process.log";
+        JobCurrentStartDate = 1446110000;
+        BufferBlockSize = 32768;
+        MATCH_EXP_JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "";
+        Requirements = ( ( OpSysMajorVer is 6 ) ) && ( MY.JobUniverse == 12 || MY.JobUniverse == 7 || MY.WantFlocking || MY.WantGlidein || TARGET.PoolName == "CHTC" || TARGET.COLLECTOR_HOST_STRING == "" ) && ( TARGET.Arch == "X86_64" ) && ( TARGET.OpSys == "LINUX" ) && ( TARGET.Disk >= RequestDisk ) && ( TARGET.Memory >= RequestMemory ) && ( TARGET.HasFileTransfer );
+        MinHosts = 1;
+        MaxHosts = 1;
+        Args = "--type=Matlab --version=R2011b --cmdtorun=simu_condor --unique=36 -- 3";
+        PeriodicHold = false;
+        ProcId = 0;
+        Environment = "";
+        DAGNodeName = "36+36";
+        MemoryUsage = ( ( ResidentSetSize + 1023 ) / 1024 );
+        TerminationPending = true;
+        NumRestarts = 0;
+        NumSystemHolds = 0;
+        CommittedTime = 22590;
+        MachineAttrCpus0 = 1;
+        WantRemoteSyscalls = false;
+        MyType = "Job";
+        CumulativeSuspensionTime = 0;
+        Rank = 0.0;
+        StartdPrincipal = "execute-side@matchsession/";
+        Err = "process.err";
+        PeriodicRemove = false;
+        BlockWriteKbytes = 0;
+        ExitBySignal = false;
+        DAGManJobId = 49582200;
+        EnteredCurrentStatus = 1446132590;
+        JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "$$([IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName), IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), \"\", TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName)])";
+        RecentBlockWriteKbytes = 0;
+        TransferIn = false;
+        ExitStatus = 0;
+        ShouldTransferFiles = "YES";
+        IsCHTCSubmit = true;
+        NumJobMatches = 1;
+        RootDir = "/";
+        JobStartDate = 1446110000;
+        JobPrio = 0;
+        CurrentHosts = 0;
+        GlobalJobId = "";
+        RemoteSysCpu = 1.300000000000000E+02;
+        TotalSuspensions = 0;
+        CommittedSlotTime = 2.259000000000000E+04;
+        WantCheckpoint = false;
+        BlockReads = 0;
+        LastRemoteHost = "slot1@e426.chtc.WISC.EDU";
+        TransferInput = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/data/36/,/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/data/shared/";
+        LocalUserCpu = 0.0;
+        PeriodicRelease = ( JobStatus == 5 ) && ( ( CurrentTime - EnteredCurrentStatus ) > 1800 ) && ( JobRunCount < 5 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 6 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 14 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 22 );
+        RequestDisk = 1000000;
+        ResidentSetSize_RAW = 125920;
+        OrigMaxHosts = 1;
+        LastPublicClaimId = "<>#1443991456#11499#...";
+        WantRHEL6 = true;
+        NumCkpts_RAW = 0;
+        Out = "process.out";
+        SubmitEventNotes = "DAG Node: 36+36";
+        CumulativeSlotTime = 2.259000000000000E+04;
+        JobRunCount = 1;
+        RecentBlockReads = 0;
+        StreamErr = false;
+        DiskUsage_RAW = 1216669;
+        NumCkpts = 0;
+        StatsLifetimeStarter = 22588;
+        ImageSize = 1000000;
+        Cmd = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/chtcjobwrapper";
+        LocalSysCpu = 0.0;
         Iwd = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/model_3/36"
-        BlockWrites = 0; 
-        LastJobStatus = 2; 
-        JobCurrentStartExecutingDate = 1446114162; 
-        WantRemoteIO = true; 
-        RequestCpus = 1; 
-        NumShadowStarts = 1; 
-        RemoteUserCpu = 1.827100000000000E+04; 
-        NiceUser = false; 
-        RequestMemory = 1000; 
-        BytesRecvd = 2.846130000000000E+05; 
-        ResidentSetSize = 125000; 
-        StreamOut = false; 
-        SpooledOutputFiles = "CURLTIME_1464388,ChtcWrapper105.out,AuditLog.105,simu_3_105.txt,harvest.log,105.out"; 
-        OnExitRemove = true; 
-        ImageSize_RAW = 811948; 
-        RemoteWallClockTime = 1.841000000000000E+04; 
-        MachineAttrSlotWeight0 = 1; 
-        ExecutableSize = 7; 
-        JobStatus = 4; 
-        DAGParentNodeNames = ""; 
-        ExitCode = 0; 
-        DAGManNodesMask = "0,1,2,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,13,16,17,24,27"; 
-        BytesSent = 2.824100000000000E+04; 
-        LastSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        ExecutableSize_RAW = 6; 
-        RecentBlockReadKbytes = 0; 
-        TransferInputSizeMB = 0; 
-        Matlab = "R2011b"; 
-        BlockReadKbytes = 0; 
-        RecentStatsLifetimeStarter = 1200; 
-        LeaveJobInQueue = false; 
-        TargetType = "Machine"; 
-        WhenToTransferOutput = "ON_EXIT"; 
-        Owner = "xguo23"; 
-        JobNotification = 0; 
-        BufferSize = 524288; 
-        RecentBlockWrites = 0; 
-        CompletionDate = 1446132570; 
-        QDate = 1446105773; 
-        JobLeaseDuration = 2400; 
-        JobFinishedHookDone = 1446132570; 
-        LastMatchTime = 1446114160; 
-        LastJobLeaseRenewal = 1446132570; 
-        DAGManNodesLog = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.48/Simulation_condor/model_3/./mydag.dag.nodes.log"; 
-        ClusterId = 49582641; 
-        JobUniverse = 5; 
-        NumJobStarts = 1; 
-        CondorVersion = "$CondorVersion: 8.5.0 Sep 16 2015 BuildID: 341710 $"; 
-        CoreSize = 0; 
-        OnExitHold = false; 
-        CondorPlatform = "$CondorPlatform: X86_64-RedHat_6.6 $"; 
-        In = "/dev/null"; 
-        DiskUsage = 1250000; 
-        EncryptExecuteDirectory = false; 
-        CommittedSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        User = ""; 
-        UserLog = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.48/Simulation_condor/model_3/105/process.log"; 
-        JobCurrentStartDate = 1446114160; 
-        BufferBlockSize = 32768; 
-        MATCH_EXP_JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = ""; 
-        Requirements = ( ( OpSysMajorVer is 6 ) ) && ( MY.JobUniverse == 12 || MY.JobUniverse == 7 || MY.WantFlocking || MY.WantGlidein || TARGET.PoolName == "CHTC" || TARGET.COLLECTOR_HOST_STRING == "" ) && ( TARGET.Arch == "X86_64" ) && ( TARGET.OpSys == "LINUX" ) && ( TARGET.Disk >= RequestDisk ) && ( TARGET.Memory >= RequestMemory ) && ( TARGET.HasFileTransfer ); 
-        MinHosts = 1; 
-        MaxHosts = 1; 
-        Args = "--type=Matlab --version=R2011b --cmdtorun=simu_condor --unique=105 -- 3"; 
-        PeriodicHold = false; 
-        ProcId = 0; 
-        Environment = ""; 
-        DAGNodeName = "105+105"; 
-        MemoryUsage = ( ( ResidentSetSize + 1023 ) / 1024 ); 
-        TerminationPending = true; 
-        NumRestarts = 0; 
-        NumSystemHolds = 0; 
-        CommittedTime = 18410; 
-        MachineAttrCpus0 = 1; 
-        WantRemoteSyscalls = false; 
-        MyType = "Job"; 
-        CumulativeSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        Rank = 0.0; 
-        StartdPrincipal = "execute-side@matchsession/"; 
-        Err = "process.err"; 
-        PeriodicRemove = false; 
-        BlockWriteKbytes = 0; 
-        ExitBySignal = false; 
-        DAGManJobId = 49582206; 
-        EnteredCurrentStatus = 1446132570; 
-        JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "$$([IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName), IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), \"\", TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName)])"; 
-        RecentBlockWriteKbytes = 0; 
-        TransferIn = false; 
-        ExitStatus = 0; 
-        ShouldTransferFiles = "YES"; 
-        IsCHTCSubmit = true; 
-        NumJobMatches = 1; 
-        RootDir = "/"; 
-        JobStartDate = 1446114160; 
-        JobPrio = 0; 
-        CurrentHosts = 0; 
-        GlobalJobId = ""; 
-        RemoteSysCpu = 1.180000000000000E+02; 
-        TotalSuspensions = 0; 
-        CommittedSlotTime = 1.841000000000000E+04; 
-        WantCheckpoint = false; 
-        BlockReads = 0; 
-        LastRemoteHost = ""; 
-        TransferInput = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.48/Simulation_condor/data/105/,/home/xguo23/model_3_1.48/Simulation_condor/data/shared/"; 
-        LocalUserCpu = 0.0; 
-        PeriodicRelease = ( JobStatus == 5 ) && ( ( CurrentTime - EnteredCurrentStatus ) > 1800 ) && ( JobRunCount < 5 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 6 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 14 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 22 ); 
-        RequestDisk = 1000000; 
-        ResidentSetSize_RAW = 124020; 
-        OrigMaxHosts = 1; 
-        LastPublicClaimId = "<>#1444831317#8851#..."; 
-        WantRHEL6 = true; 
-        NumCkpts_RAW = 0; 
-        Out = "process.out"; 
-        SubmitEventNotes = "DAG Node: 105+105"; 
-        CumulativeSlotTime = 1.841000000000000E+04; 
-        JobRunCount = 1; 
-        RecentBlockReads = 0; 
-        StreamErr = false; 
-        DiskUsage_RAW = 1216669; 
-        NumCkpts = 0; 
-        StatsLifetimeStarter = 18408; 
-        ImageSize = 1000000; 
-        Cmd = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.48/Simulation_condor/chtcjobwrapper"; 
-        LocalSysCpu = 0.0; 
+        BlockWrites = 0;
+        LastJobStatus = 2;
+        JobCurrentStartExecutingDate = 1446114162;
+        WantRemoteIO = true;
+        RequestCpus = 1;
+        NumShadowStarts = 1;
+        RemoteUserCpu = 1.827100000000000E+04;
+        NiceUser = false;
+        RequestMemory = 1000;
+        BytesRecvd = 2.846130000000000E+05;
+        ResidentSetSize = 125000;
+        StreamOut = false;
+        SpooledOutputFiles = "CURLTIME_1464388,ChtcWrapper105.out,AuditLog.105,simu_3_105.txt,harvest.log,105.out";
+        OnExitRemove = true;
+        ImageSize_RAW = 811948;
+        RemoteWallClockTime = 1.841000000000000E+04;
+        MachineAttrSlotWeight0 = 1;
+        ExecutableSize = 7;
+        JobStatus = 4;
+        DAGParentNodeNames = "";
+        ExitCode = 0;
+        DAGManNodesMask = "0,1,2,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,13,16,17,24,27";
+        BytesSent = 2.824100000000000E+04;
+        LastSuspensionTime = 0;
+        ExecutableSize_RAW = 6;
+        RecentBlockReadKbytes = 0;
+        TransferInputSizeMB = 0;
+        Matlab = "R2011b";
+        BlockReadKbytes = 0;
+        RecentStatsLifetimeStarter = 1200;
+        LeaveJobInQueue = false;
+        TargetType = "Machine";
+        WhenToTransferOutput = "ON_EXIT";
+        Owner = "xguo23";
+        JobNotification = 0;
+        BufferSize = 524288;
+        RecentBlockWrites = 0;
+        CompletionDate = 1446132570;
+        QDate = 1446105773;
+        JobLeaseDuration = 2400;
+        JobFinishedHookDone = 1446132570;
+        LastMatchTime = 1446114160;
+        LastJobLeaseRenewal = 1446132570;
+        DAGManNodesLog = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.48/Simulation_condor/model_3/./mydag.dag.nodes.log";
+        ClusterId = 49582641;
+        JobUniverse = 5;
+        NumJobStarts = 1;
+        CondorVersion = "$CondorVersion: 8.5.0 Sep 16 2015 BuildID: 341710 $";
+        CoreSize = 0;
+        OnExitHold = false;
+        CondorPlatform = "$CondorPlatform: X86_64-RedHat_6.6 $";
+        In = "/dev/null";
+        DiskUsage = 1250000;
+        EncryptExecuteDirectory = false;
+        CommittedSuspensionTime = 0;
+        User = "";
+        UserLog = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.48/Simulation_condor/model_3/105/process.log";
+        JobCurrentStartDate = 1446114160;
+        BufferBlockSize = 32768;
+        MATCH_EXP_JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "";
+        Requirements = ( ( OpSysMajorVer is 6 ) ) && ( MY.JobUniverse == 12 || MY.JobUniverse == 7 || MY.WantFlocking || MY.WantGlidein || TARGET.PoolName == "CHTC" || TARGET.COLLECTOR_HOST_STRING == "" ) && ( TARGET.Arch == "X86_64" ) && ( TARGET.OpSys == "LINUX" ) && ( TARGET.Disk >= RequestDisk ) && ( TARGET.Memory >= RequestMemory ) && ( TARGET.HasFileTransfer );
+        MinHosts = 1;
+        MaxHosts = 1;
+        Args = "--type=Matlab --version=R2011b --cmdtorun=simu_condor --unique=105 -- 3";
+        PeriodicHold = false;
+        ProcId = 0;
+        Environment = "";
+        DAGNodeName = "105+105";
+        MemoryUsage = ( ( ResidentSetSize + 1023 ) / 1024 );
+        TerminationPending = true;
+        NumRestarts = 0;
+        NumSystemHolds = 0;
+        CommittedTime = 18410;
+        MachineAttrCpus0 = 1;
+        WantRemoteSyscalls = false;
+        MyType = "Job";
+        CumulativeSuspensionTime = 0;
+        Rank = 0.0;
+        StartdPrincipal = "execute-side@matchsession/";
+        Err = "process.err";
+        PeriodicRemove = false;
+        BlockWriteKbytes = 0;
+        ExitBySignal = false;
+        DAGManJobId = 49582206;
+        EnteredCurrentStatus = 1446132570;
+        JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "$$([IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName), IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), \"\", TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName)])";
+        RecentBlockWriteKbytes = 0;
+        TransferIn = false;
+        ExitStatus = 0;
+        ShouldTransferFiles = "YES";
+        IsCHTCSubmit = true;
+        NumJobMatches = 1;
+        RootDir = "/";
+        JobStartDate = 1446114160;
+        JobPrio = 0;
+        CurrentHosts = 0;
+        GlobalJobId = "";
+        RemoteSysCpu = 1.180000000000000E+02;
+        TotalSuspensions = 0;
+        CommittedSlotTime = 1.841000000000000E+04;
+        WantCheckpoint = false;
+        BlockReads = 0;
+        LastRemoteHost = "";
+        TransferInput = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.48/Simulation_condor/data/105/,/home/xguo23/model_3_1.48/Simulation_condor/data/shared/";
+        LocalUserCpu = 0.0;
+        PeriodicRelease = ( JobStatus == 5 ) && ( ( CurrentTime - EnteredCurrentStatus ) > 1800 ) && ( JobRunCount < 5 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 6 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 14 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 22 );
+        RequestDisk = 1000000;
+        ResidentSetSize_RAW = 124020;
+        OrigMaxHosts = 1;
+        LastPublicClaimId = "<>#1444831317#8851#...";
+        WantRHEL6 = true;
+        NumCkpts_RAW = 0;
+        Out = "process.out";
+        SubmitEventNotes = "DAG Node: 105+105";
+        CumulativeSlotTime = 1.841000000000000E+04;
+        JobRunCount = 1;
+        RecentBlockReads = 0;
+        StreamErr = false;
+        DiskUsage_RAW = 1216669;
+        NumCkpts = 0;
+        StatsLifetimeStarter = 18408;
+        ImageSize = 1000000;
+        Cmd = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.48/Simulation_condor/chtcjobwrapper";
+        LocalSysCpu = 0.0;
         Iwd = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.48/Simulation_condor/model_3/105"
-        BlockWrites = 1; 
-        LastJobStatus = 2; 
-        JobCurrentStartExecutingDate = 1446111278; 
-        WantRemoteIO = true; 
-        RequestCpus = 1; 
-        NumShadowStarts = 1; 
-        RemoteUserCpu = 2.104600000000000E+04; 
-        NiceUser = false; 
-        RequestMemory = 1000; 
-        BytesRecvd = 2.846290000000000E+05; 
-        ResidentSetSize = 100000; 
-        StreamOut = false; 
-        SpooledOutputFiles = "CURLTIME_1268212,ChtcWrapper210.out,AuditLog.210,simu_3_210.txt,harvest.log,210.out"; 
-        OnExitRemove = true; 
-        ImageSize_RAW = 122840; 
-        RemoteWallClockTime = 2.125600000000000E+04; 
-        MachineAttrSlotWeight0 = 1; 
-        ExecutableSize = 7; 
-        JobStatus = 4; 
-        DAGParentNodeNames = ""; 
-        ExitCode = 0; 
-        DAGManNodesMask = "0,1,2,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,13,16,17,24,27"; 
-        BytesSent = 3.050300000000000E+04; 
-        LastSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        ExecutableSize_RAW = 6; 
-        RecentBlockReadKbytes = 8940; 
-        TransferInputSizeMB = 0; 
-        Matlab = "R2011b"; 
-        BlockReadKbytes = 51368; 
-        RecentStatsLifetimeStarter = 1200; 
-        LeaveJobInQueue = false; 
-        TargetType = "Machine"; 
-        WhenToTransferOutput = "ON_EXIT"; 
-        Owner = "xguo23"; 
-        JobNotification = 0; 
-        BufferSize = 524288; 
-        RecentBlockWrites = 1; 
-        CompletionDate = 1446132532; 
-        QDate = 1446105723; 
-        JobLeaseDuration = 2400; 
-        JobFinishedHookDone = 1446132532; 
-        LastMatchTime = 1446111276; 
-        LastJobLeaseRenewal = 1446132532; 
-        DAGManNodesLog = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/model_3/./mydag.dag.nodes.log"; 
-        ClusterId = 49582510; 
-        JobUniverse = 5; 
-        NumJobStarts = 1; 
-        CondorVersion = "$CondorVersion: 8.5.0 Sep 16 2015 BuildID: 341710 $"; 
-        CoreSize = 0; 
-        OnExitHold = false; 
-        CondorPlatform = "$CondorPlatform: X86_64-RedHat_6.6 $"; 
-        In = "/dev/null"; 
-        DiskUsage = 1250000; 
-        EncryptExecuteDirectory = false; 
-        CommittedSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        User = ""; 
-        UserLog = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/model_3/210/process.log"; 
-        JobCurrentStartDate = 1446111276; 
-        BufferBlockSize = 32768; 
-        MATCH_EXP_JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = ""; 
-        Requirements = ( ( OpSysMajorVer is 6 ) ) && ( MY.JobUniverse == 12 || MY.JobUniverse == 7 || MY.WantFlocking || MY.WantGlidein || TARGET.PoolName == "CHTC" || TARGET.COLLECTOR_HOST_STRING == "" ) && ( TARGET.Arch == "X86_64" ) && ( TARGET.OpSys == "LINUX" ) && ( TARGET.Disk >= RequestDisk ) && ( TARGET.Memory >= RequestMemory ) && ( TARGET.HasFileTransfer ); 
-        MinHosts = 1; 
-        MaxHosts = 1; 
-        Args = "--type=Matlab --version=R2011b --cmdtorun=simu_condor --unique=210 -- 3"; 
-        PeriodicHold = false; 
-        ProcId = 0; 
-        Environment = ""; 
-        DAGNodeName = "210+210"; 
-        MemoryUsage = ( ( ResidentSetSize + 1023 ) / 1024 ); 
-        TerminationPending = true; 
-        NumRestarts = 0; 
-        NumSystemHolds = 0; 
-        CommittedTime = 21256; 
-        MachineAttrCpus0 = 1; 
-        WantRemoteSyscalls = false; 
-        MyType = "Job"; 
-        CumulativeSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        Rank = 0.0; 
-        StartdPrincipal = "execute-side@matchsession/"; 
-        Err = "process.err"; 
-        PeriodicRemove = false; 
-        BlockWriteKbytes = 4; 
-        ExitBySignal = false; 
-        DAGManJobId = 49582200; 
-        EnteredCurrentStatus = 1446132532; 
-        JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "$$([IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName), IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), \"\", TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName)])"; 
-        RecentBlockWriteKbytes = 4; 
-        TransferIn = false; 
-        ExitStatus = 0; 
-        ShouldTransferFiles = "YES"; 
-        IsCHTCSubmit = true; 
-        NumJobMatches = 1; 
-        RootDir = "/"; 
-        JobStartDate = 1446111276; 
-        JobPrio = 0; 
-        CurrentHosts = 0; 
-        GlobalJobId = ""; 
-        RemoteSysCpu = 1.690000000000000E+02; 
-        TotalSuspensions = 0; 
-        CommittedSlotTime = 2.125600000000000E+04; 
-        WantCheckpoint = false; 
-        BlockReads = 1407; 
-        LastRemoteHost = ""; 
-        TransferInput = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/data/210/,/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/data/shared/"; 
-        LocalUserCpu = 0.0; 
-        PeriodicRelease = ( JobStatus == 5 ) && ( ( CurrentTime - EnteredCurrentStatus ) > 1800 ) && ( JobRunCount < 5 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 6 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 14 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 22 ); 
-        RequestDisk = 1000000; 
-        ResidentSetSize_RAW = 75336; 
-        OrigMaxHosts = 1; 
-        LastPublicClaimId = "<>#1445311857#1452#..."; 
-        WantRHEL6 = true; 
-        NumCkpts_RAW = 0; 
-        Out = "process.out"; 
-        SubmitEventNotes = "DAG Node: 210+210"; 
-        CumulativeSlotTime = 2.125600000000000E+04; 
-        JobRunCount = 1; 
-        RecentBlockReads = 540; 
-        StreamErr = false; 
-        DiskUsage_RAW = 1216669; 
-        NumCkpts = 0; 
-        StatsLifetimeStarter = 21254; 
-        ImageSize = 125000; 
-        Cmd = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/chtcjobwrapper"; 
-        LocalSysCpu = 0.0; 
+        BlockWrites = 1;
+        LastJobStatus = 2;
+        JobCurrentStartExecutingDate = 1446111278;
+        WantRemoteIO = true;
+        RequestCpus = 1;
+        NumShadowStarts = 1;
+        RemoteUserCpu = 2.104600000000000E+04;
+        NiceUser = false;
+        RequestMemory = 1000;
+        BytesRecvd = 2.846290000000000E+05;
+        ResidentSetSize = 100000;
+        StreamOut = false;
+        SpooledOutputFiles = "CURLTIME_1268212,ChtcWrapper210.out,AuditLog.210,simu_3_210.txt,harvest.log,210.out";
+        OnExitRemove = true;
+        ImageSize_RAW = 122840;
+        RemoteWallClockTime = 2.125600000000000E+04;
+        MachineAttrSlotWeight0 = 1;
+        ExecutableSize = 7;
+        JobStatus = 4;
+        DAGParentNodeNames = "";
+        ExitCode = 0;
+        DAGManNodesMask = "0,1,2,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,13,16,17,24,27";
+        BytesSent = 3.050300000000000E+04;
+        LastSuspensionTime = 0;
+        ExecutableSize_RAW = 6;
+        RecentBlockReadKbytes = 8940;
+        TransferInputSizeMB = 0;
+        Matlab = "R2011b";
+        BlockReadKbytes = 51368;
+        RecentStatsLifetimeStarter = 1200;
+        LeaveJobInQueue = false;
+        TargetType = "Machine";
+        WhenToTransferOutput = "ON_EXIT";
+        Owner = "xguo23";
+        JobNotification = 0;
+        BufferSize = 524288;
+        RecentBlockWrites = 1;
+        CompletionDate = 1446132532;
+        QDate = 1446105723;
+        JobLeaseDuration = 2400;
+        JobFinishedHookDone = 1446132532;
+        LastMatchTime = 1446111276;
+        LastJobLeaseRenewal = 1446132532;
+        DAGManNodesLog = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/model_3/./mydag.dag.nodes.log";
+        ClusterId = 49582510;
+        JobUniverse = 5;
+        NumJobStarts = 1;
+        CondorVersion = "$CondorVersion: 8.5.0 Sep 16 2015 BuildID: 341710 $";
+        CoreSize = 0;
+        OnExitHold = false;
+        CondorPlatform = "$CondorPlatform: X86_64-RedHat_6.6 $";
+        In = "/dev/null";
+        DiskUsage = 1250000;
+        EncryptExecuteDirectory = false;
+        CommittedSuspensionTime = 0;
+        User = "";
+        UserLog = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/model_3/210/process.log";
+        JobCurrentStartDate = 1446111276;
+        BufferBlockSize = 32768;
+        MATCH_EXP_JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "";
+        Requirements = ( ( OpSysMajorVer is 6 ) ) && ( MY.JobUniverse == 12 || MY.JobUniverse == 7 || MY.WantFlocking || MY.WantGlidein || TARGET.PoolName == "CHTC" || TARGET.COLLECTOR_HOST_STRING == "" ) && ( TARGET.Arch == "X86_64" ) && ( TARGET.OpSys == "LINUX" ) && ( TARGET.Disk >= RequestDisk ) && ( TARGET.Memory >= RequestMemory ) && ( TARGET.HasFileTransfer );
+        MinHosts = 1;
+        MaxHosts = 1;
+        Args = "--type=Matlab --version=R2011b --cmdtorun=simu_condor --unique=210 -- 3";
+        PeriodicHold = false;
+        ProcId = 0;
+        Environment = "";
+        DAGNodeName = "210+210";
+        MemoryUsage = ( ( ResidentSetSize + 1023 ) / 1024 );
+        TerminationPending = true;
+        NumRestarts = 0;
+        NumSystemHolds = 0;
+        CommittedTime = 21256;
+        MachineAttrCpus0 = 1;
+        WantRemoteSyscalls = false;
+        MyType = "Job";
+        CumulativeSuspensionTime = 0;
+        Rank = 0.0;
+        StartdPrincipal = "execute-side@matchsession/";
+        Err = "process.err";
+        PeriodicRemove = false;
+        BlockWriteKbytes = 4;
+        ExitBySignal = false;
+        DAGManJobId = 49582200;
+        EnteredCurrentStatus = 1446132532;
+        JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "$$([IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName), IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), \"\", TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName)])";
+        RecentBlockWriteKbytes = 4;
+        TransferIn = false;
+        ExitStatus = 0;
+        ShouldTransferFiles = "YES";
+        IsCHTCSubmit = true;
+        NumJobMatches = 1;
+        RootDir = "/";
+        JobStartDate = 1446111276;
+        JobPrio = 0;
+        CurrentHosts = 0;
+        GlobalJobId = "";
+        RemoteSysCpu = 1.690000000000000E+02;
+        TotalSuspensions = 0;
+        CommittedSlotTime = 2.125600000000000E+04;
+        WantCheckpoint = false;
+        BlockReads = 1407;
+        LastRemoteHost = "";
+        TransferInput = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/data/210/,/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/data/shared/";
+        LocalUserCpu = 0.0;
+        PeriodicRelease = ( JobStatus == 5 ) && ( ( CurrentTime - EnteredCurrentStatus ) > 1800 ) && ( JobRunCount < 5 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 6 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 14 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 22 );
+        RequestDisk = 1000000;
+        ResidentSetSize_RAW = 75336;
+        OrigMaxHosts = 1;
+        LastPublicClaimId = "<>#1445311857#1452#...";
+        WantRHEL6 = true;
+        NumCkpts_RAW = 0;
+        Out = "process.out";
+        SubmitEventNotes = "DAG Node: 210+210";
+        CumulativeSlotTime = 2.125600000000000E+04;
+        JobRunCount = 1;
+        RecentBlockReads = 540;
+        StreamErr = false;
+        DiskUsage_RAW = 1216669;
+        NumCkpts = 0;
+        StatsLifetimeStarter = 21254;
+        ImageSize = 125000;
+        Cmd = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/chtcjobwrapper";
+        LocalSysCpu = 0.0;
         Iwd = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/model_3/210"
-        BlockWrites = 0; 
-        LastJobStatus = 2; 
-        JobCurrentStartExecutingDate = 1446112696; 
-        WantRemoteIO = true; 
-        RequestCpus = 1; 
-        NumShadowStarts = 1; 
-        RemoteUserCpu = 1.969400000000000E+04; 
-        NiceUser = false; 
-        RequestMemory = 1000; 
-        BytesRecvd = 2.850540000000000E+05; 
-        ResidentSetSize = 150000; 
-        StreamOut = false; 
-        SpooledOutputFiles = "CURLTIME_1907890,ChtcWrapper438.out,AuditLog.438,simu_3_438.txt,harvest.log,438.out"; 
-        OnExitRemove = true; 
-        ImageSize_RAW = 811948; 
-        RemoteWallClockTime = 1.982500000000000E+04; 
-        MachineAttrSlotWeight0 = 1; 
-        ExecutableSize = 7; 
-        JobStatus = 4; 
-        DAGParentNodeNames = ""; 
-        ExitCode = 0; 
-        DAGManNodesMask = "0,1,2,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,13,16,17,24,27"; 
-        BytesSent = 2.942600000000000E+04; 
-        LastSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        ExecutableSize_RAW = 6; 
-        RecentBlockReadKbytes = 0; 
-        TransferInputSizeMB = 0; 
-        Matlab = "R2011b"; 
-        BlockReadKbytes = 0; 
-        RecentStatsLifetimeStarter = 1200; 
-        LeaveJobInQueue = false; 
-        TargetType = "Machine"; 
-        WhenToTransferOutput = "ON_EXIT"; 
-        Owner = "xguo23"; 
-        JobNotification = 0; 
-        BufferSize = 524288; 
-        RecentBlockWrites = 0; 
-        CompletionDate = 1446132520; 
-        QDate = 1446105753; 
-        JobLeaseDuration = 2400; 
-        JobFinishedHookDone = 1446132520; 
-        LastMatchTime = 1446112695; 
-        LastJobLeaseRenewal = 1446132520; 
-        DAGManNodesLog = "/home/xguo23/finally_2/Simulation_condor/model_3/./mydag.dag.nodes.log"; 
-        ClusterId = 49582591; 
-        JobUniverse = 5; 
-        NumJobStarts = 1; 
-        CondorVersion = "$CondorVersion: 8.5.0 Sep 16 2015 BuildID: 341710 $"; 
-        CoreSize = 0; 
-        OnExitHold = false; 
-        CondorPlatform = "$CondorPlatform: X86_64-RedHat_6.6 $"; 
-        In = "/dev/null"; 
-        DiskUsage = 1250000; 
-        EncryptExecuteDirectory = false; 
-        CommittedSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        User = ""; 
-        UserLog = "/home/xguo23/finally_2/Simulation_condor/model_3/438/process.log"; 
-        JobCurrentStartDate = 1446112695; 
-        BufferBlockSize = 32768; 
-        MATCH_EXP_JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = ""; 
-        Requirements = ( ( OpSysMajorVer is 6 ) ) && ( MY.JobUniverse == 12 || MY.JobUniverse == 7 || MY.WantFlocking || MY.WantGlidein || TARGET.PoolName == "CHTC" || TARGET.COLLECTOR_HOST_STRING == "" ) && ( TARGET.Arch == "X86_64" ) && ( TARGET.OpSys == "LINUX" ) && ( TARGET.Disk >= RequestDisk ) && ( TARGET.Memory >= RequestMemory ) && ( TARGET.HasFileTransfer ); 
-        MinHosts = 1; 
-        MaxHosts = 1; 
-        Args = "--type=Matlab --version=R2011b --cmdtorun=simu_condor --unique=438 -- 3"; 
-        PeriodicHold = false; 
-        ProcId = 0; 
-        Environment = ""; 
-        DAGNodeName = "438+438"; 
-        MemoryUsage = ( ( ResidentSetSize + 1023 ) / 1024 ); 
-        TerminationPending = true; 
-        NumRestarts = 0; 
-        NumSystemHolds = 0; 
-        CommittedTime = 19825; 
-        MachineAttrCpus0 = 1; 
-        WantRemoteSyscalls = false; 
-        MyType = "Job"; 
-        CumulativeSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        Rank = 0.0; 
-        StartdPrincipal = "execute-side@matchsession/"; 
-        Err = "process.err"; 
-        PeriodicRemove = false; 
-        BlockWriteKbytes = 0; 
-        ExitBySignal = false; 
-        DAGManJobId = 49581933; 
-        EnteredCurrentStatus = 1446132520; 
-        JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "$$([IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName), IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), \"\", TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName)])"; 
-        RecentBlockWriteKbytes = 0; 
-        TransferIn = false; 
-        ExitStatus = 0; 
-        ShouldTransferFiles = "YES"; 
-        IsCHTCSubmit = true; 
-        NumJobMatches = 1; 
-        RootDir = "/"; 
-        JobStartDate = 1446112695; 
-        JobPrio = 0; 
-        CurrentHosts = 0; 
-        GlobalJobId = ""; 
-        RemoteSysCpu = 1.070000000000000E+02; 
-        TotalSuspensions = 0; 
-        CommittedSlotTime = 1.982500000000000E+04; 
-        WantCheckpoint = false; 
-        BlockReads = 0; 
-        LastRemoteHost = ""; 
-        TransferInput = "/home/xguo23/finally_2/Simulation_condor/data/438/,/home/xguo23/finally_2/Simulation_condor/data/shared/"; 
-        LocalUserCpu = 0.0; 
-        PeriodicRelease = ( JobStatus == 5 ) && ( ( CurrentTime - EnteredCurrentStatus ) > 1800 ) && ( JobRunCount < 5 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 6 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 14 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 22 ); 
-        RequestDisk = 1000000; 
-        ResidentSetSize_RAW = 125924; 
-        OrigMaxHosts = 1; 
-        LastPublicClaimId = "<>#1443991444#12482#..."; 
-        WantRHEL6 = true; 
-        NumCkpts_RAW = 0; 
-        Out = "process.out"; 
-        SubmitEventNotes = "DAG Node: 438+438"; 
-        CumulativeSlotTime = 1.982500000000000E+04; 
-        JobRunCount = 1; 
-        RecentBlockReads = 0; 
-        StreamErr = false; 
-        DiskUsage_RAW = 1216669; 
-        NumCkpts = 0; 
-        StatsLifetimeStarter = 19824; 
-        ImageSize = 1000000; 
-        Cmd = "/home/xguo23/finally_2/Simulation_condor/chtcjobwrapper"; 
-        LocalSysCpu = 0.0; 
+        BlockWrites = 0;
+        LastJobStatus = 2;
+        JobCurrentStartExecutingDate = 1446112696;
+        WantRemoteIO = true;
+        RequestCpus = 1;
+        NumShadowStarts = 1;
+        RemoteUserCpu = 1.969400000000000E+04;
+        NiceUser = false;
+        RequestMemory = 1000;
+        BytesRecvd = 2.850540000000000E+05;
+        ResidentSetSize = 150000;
+        StreamOut = false;
+        SpooledOutputFiles = "CURLTIME_1907890,ChtcWrapper438.out,AuditLog.438,simu_3_438.txt,harvest.log,438.out";
+        OnExitRemove = true;
+        ImageSize_RAW = 811948;
+        RemoteWallClockTime = 1.982500000000000E+04;
+        MachineAttrSlotWeight0 = 1;
+        ExecutableSize = 7;
+        JobStatus = 4;
+        DAGParentNodeNames = "";
+        ExitCode = 0;
+        DAGManNodesMask = "0,1,2,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,13,16,17,24,27";
+        BytesSent = 2.942600000000000E+04;
+        LastSuspensionTime = 0;
+        ExecutableSize_RAW = 6;
+        RecentBlockReadKbytes = 0;
+        TransferInputSizeMB = 0;
+        Matlab = "R2011b";
+        BlockReadKbytes = 0;
+        RecentStatsLifetimeStarter = 1200;
+        LeaveJobInQueue = false;
+        TargetType = "Machine";
+        WhenToTransferOutput = "ON_EXIT";
+        Owner = "xguo23";
+        JobNotification = 0;
+        BufferSize = 524288;
+        RecentBlockWrites = 0;
+        CompletionDate = 1446132520;
+        QDate = 1446105753;
+        JobLeaseDuration = 2400;
+        JobFinishedHookDone = 1446132520;
+        LastMatchTime = 1446112695;
+        LastJobLeaseRenewal = 1446132520;
+        DAGManNodesLog = "/home/xguo23/finally_2/Simulation_condor/model_3/./mydag.dag.nodes.log";
+        ClusterId = 49582591;
+        JobUniverse = 5;
+        NumJobStarts = 1;
+        CondorVersion = "$CondorVersion: 8.5.0 Sep 16 2015 BuildID: 341710 $";
+        CoreSize = 0;
+        OnExitHold = false;
+        CondorPlatform = "$CondorPlatform: X86_64-RedHat_6.6 $";
+        In = "/dev/null";
+        DiskUsage = 1250000;
+        EncryptExecuteDirectory = false;
+        CommittedSuspensionTime = 0;
+        User = "";
+        UserLog = "/home/xguo23/finally_2/Simulation_condor/model_3/438/process.log";
+        JobCurrentStartDate = 1446112695;
+        BufferBlockSize = 32768;
+        MATCH_EXP_JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "";
+        Requirements = ( ( OpSysMajorVer is 6 ) ) && ( MY.JobUniverse == 12 || MY.JobUniverse == 7 || MY.WantFlocking || MY.WantGlidein || TARGET.PoolName == "CHTC" || TARGET.COLLECTOR_HOST_STRING == "" ) && ( TARGET.Arch == "X86_64" ) && ( TARGET.OpSys == "LINUX" ) && ( TARGET.Disk >= RequestDisk ) && ( TARGET.Memory >= RequestMemory ) && ( TARGET.HasFileTransfer );
+        MinHosts = 1;
+        MaxHosts = 1;
+        Args = "--type=Matlab --version=R2011b --cmdtorun=simu_condor --unique=438 -- 3";
+        PeriodicHold = false;
+        ProcId = 0;
+        Environment = "";
+        DAGNodeName = "438+438";
+        MemoryUsage = ( ( ResidentSetSize + 1023 ) / 1024 );
+        TerminationPending = true;
+        NumRestarts = 0;
+        NumSystemHolds = 0;
+        CommittedTime = 19825;
+        MachineAttrCpus0 = 1;
+        WantRemoteSyscalls = false;
+        MyType = "Job";
+        CumulativeSuspensionTime = 0;
+        Rank = 0.0;
+        StartdPrincipal = "execute-side@matchsession/";
+        Err = "process.err";
+        PeriodicRemove = false;
+        BlockWriteKbytes = 0;
+        ExitBySignal = false;
+        DAGManJobId = 49581933;
+        EnteredCurrentStatus = 1446132520;
+        JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "$$([IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName), IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), \"\", TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName)])";
+        RecentBlockWriteKbytes = 0;
+        TransferIn = false;
+        ExitStatus = 0;
+        ShouldTransferFiles = "YES";
+        IsCHTCSubmit = true;
+        NumJobMatches = 1;
+        RootDir = "/";
+        JobStartDate = 1446112695;
+        JobPrio = 0;
+        CurrentHosts = 0;
+        GlobalJobId = "";
+        RemoteSysCpu = 1.070000000000000E+02;
+        TotalSuspensions = 0;
+        CommittedSlotTime = 1.982500000000000E+04;
+        WantCheckpoint = false;
+        BlockReads = 0;
+        LastRemoteHost = "";
+        TransferInput = "/home/xguo23/finally_2/Simulation_condor/data/438/,/home/xguo23/finally_2/Simulation_condor/data/shared/";
+        LocalUserCpu = 0.0;
+        PeriodicRelease = ( JobStatus == 5 ) && ( ( CurrentTime - EnteredCurrentStatus ) > 1800 ) && ( JobRunCount < 5 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 6 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 14 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 22 );
+        RequestDisk = 1000000;
+        ResidentSetSize_RAW = 125924;
+        OrigMaxHosts = 1;
+        LastPublicClaimId = "<>#1443991444#12482#...";
+        WantRHEL6 = true;
+        NumCkpts_RAW = 0;
+        Out = "process.out";
+        SubmitEventNotes = "DAG Node: 438+438";
+        CumulativeSlotTime = 1.982500000000000E+04;
+        JobRunCount = 1;
+        RecentBlockReads = 0;
+        StreamErr = false;
+        DiskUsage_RAW = 1216669;
+        NumCkpts = 0;
+        StatsLifetimeStarter = 19824;
+        ImageSize = 1000000;
+        Cmd = "/home/xguo23/finally_2/Simulation_condor/chtcjobwrapper";
+        LocalSysCpu = 0.0;
         Iwd = "/home/xguo23/finally_2/Simulation_condor/model_3/438"
-        BlockWrites = 0; 
-        LastJobStatus = 2; 
-        JobCurrentStartExecutingDate = 1446115926; 
-        WantRemoteIO = true; 
-        RequestCpus = 1; 
-        NumShadowStarts = 1; 
-        RemoteUserCpu = 1.646200000000000E+04; 
-        NiceUser = false; 
-        RequestMemory = 1000; 
-        BytesRecvd = 2.846290000000000E+05; 
-        ResidentSetSize = 150000; 
-        StreamOut = false; 
-        SpooledOutputFiles = "CURLTIME_2195199,ChtcWrapper162.out,AuditLog.162,simu_3_162.txt,harvest.log,162.out"; 
-        OnExitRemove = true; 
-        ImageSize_RAW = 811948; 
-        RemoteWallClockTime = 1.658700000000000E+04; 
-        MachineAttrSlotWeight0 = 1; 
-        ExecutableSize = 7; 
-        JobStatus = 4; 
-        DAGParentNodeNames = ""; 
-        ExitCode = 0; 
-        DAGManNodesMask = "0,1,2,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,13,16,17,24,27"; 
-        BytesSent = 3.050600000000000E+04; 
-        LastSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        ExecutableSize_RAW = 6; 
-        RecentBlockReadKbytes = 0; 
-        TransferInputSizeMB = 0; 
-        Matlab = "R2011b"; 
-        BlockReadKbytes = 0; 
-        RecentStatsLifetimeStarter = 1200; 
-        LeaveJobInQueue = false; 
-        TargetType = "Machine"; 
-        WhenToTransferOutput = "ON_EXIT"; 
-        Owner = "xguo23"; 
-        JobNotification = 0; 
-        BufferSize = 524288; 
-        RecentBlockWrites = 0; 
-        CompletionDate = 1446132511; 
-        QDate = 1446105847; 
-        JobLeaseDuration = 2400; 
-        JobFinishedHookDone = 1446132511; 
-        LastMatchTime = 1446115924; 
-        LastJobLeaseRenewal = 1446132511; 
-        DAGManNodesLog = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/model_3/./mydag.dag.nodes.log"; 
-        ClusterId = 49582827; 
-        JobUniverse = 5; 
-        NumJobStarts = 1; 
-        CondorVersion = "$CondorVersion: 8.5.0 Sep 16 2015 BuildID: 341710 $"; 
-        CoreSize = 0; 
-        OnExitHold = false; 
-        CondorPlatform = "$CondorPlatform: X86_64-RedHat_6.6 $"; 
-        In = "/dev/null"; 
-        DiskUsage = 1250000; 
-        EncryptExecuteDirectory = false; 
-        CommittedSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        User = ""; 
-        UserLog = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/model_3/162/process.log"; 
-        JobCurrentStartDate = 1446115924; 
-        BufferBlockSize = 32768; 
-        MATCH_EXP_JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = ""; 
-        Requirements = ( ( OpSysMajorVer is 6 ) ) && ( MY.JobUniverse == 12 || MY.JobUniverse == 7 || MY.WantFlocking || MY.WantGlidein || TARGET.PoolName == "CHTC" || TARGET.COLLECTOR_HOST_STRING == "" ) && ( TARGET.Arch == "X86_64" ) && ( TARGET.OpSys == "LINUX" ) && ( TARGET.Disk >= RequestDisk ) && ( TARGET.Memory >= RequestMemory ) && ( TARGET.HasFileTransfer ); 
-        MinHosts = 1; 
-        MaxHosts = 1; 
-        Args = "--type=Matlab --version=R2011b --cmdtorun=simu_condor --unique=162 -- 3"; 
-        PeriodicHold = false; 
-        ProcId = 0; 
-        Environment = ""; 
-        DAGNodeName = "162+162"; 
-        MemoryUsage = ( ( ResidentSetSize + 1023 ) / 1024 ); 
-        TerminationPending = true; 
-        NumRestarts = 0; 
-        NumSystemHolds = 0; 
-        CommittedTime = 16587; 
-        MachineAttrCpus0 = 1; 
-        WantRemoteSyscalls = false; 
-        MyType = "Job"; 
-        CumulativeSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        Rank = 0.0; 
-        StartdPrincipal = "execute-side@matchsession/"; 
-        Err = "process.err"; 
-        PeriodicRemove = false; 
-        BlockWriteKbytes = 0; 
-        ExitBySignal = false; 
-        DAGManJobId = 49582200; 
-        EnteredCurrentStatus = 1446132511; 
-        JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "$$([IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName), IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), \"\", TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName)])"; 
-        RecentBlockWriteKbytes = 0; 
-        TransferIn = false; 
-        ExitStatus = 0; 
-        ShouldTransferFiles = "YES"; 
-        IsCHTCSubmit = true; 
-        NumJobMatches = 1; 
-        RootDir = "/"; 
-        JobStartDate = 1446115924; 
-        JobPrio = 0; 
-        CurrentHosts = 0; 
-        GlobalJobId = ""; 
-        RemoteSysCpu = 9.400000000000000E+01; 
-        TotalSuspensions = 0; 
-        CommittedSlotTime = 1.658700000000000E+04; 
-        WantCheckpoint = false; 
-        BlockReads = 0; 
-        LastRemoteHost = ""; 
-        TransferInput = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/data/162/,/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/data/shared/"; 
-        LocalUserCpu = 0.0; 
-        PeriodicRelease = ( JobStatus == 5 ) && ( ( CurrentTime - EnteredCurrentStatus ) > 1800 ) && ( JobRunCount < 5 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 6 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 14 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 22 ); 
-        RequestDisk = 1000000; 
-        ResidentSetSize_RAW = 126964; 
-        OrigMaxHosts = 1; 
-        LastPublicClaimId = "<>#1443991415#14144#..."; 
-        WantRHEL6 = true; 
-        NumCkpts_RAW = 0; 
-        Out = "process.out"; 
-        SubmitEventNotes = "DAG Node: 162+162"; 
-        CumulativeSlotTime = 1.658700000000000E+04; 
-        JobRunCount = 1; 
-        RecentBlockReads = 0; 
-        StreamErr = false; 
-        DiskUsage_RAW = 1216669; 
-        NumCkpts = 0; 
-        StatsLifetimeStarter = 16585; 
-        ImageSize = 1000000; 
-        Cmd = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/chtcjobwrapper"; 
-        LocalSysCpu = 0.0; 
+        BlockWrites = 0;
+        LastJobStatus = 2;
+        JobCurrentStartExecutingDate = 1446115926;
+        WantRemoteIO = true;
+        RequestCpus = 1;
+        NumShadowStarts = 1;
+        RemoteUserCpu = 1.646200000000000E+04;
+        NiceUser = false;
+        RequestMemory = 1000;
+        BytesRecvd = 2.846290000000000E+05;
+        ResidentSetSize = 150000;
+        StreamOut = false;
+        SpooledOutputFiles = "CURLTIME_2195199,ChtcWrapper162.out,AuditLog.162,simu_3_162.txt,harvest.log,162.out";
+        OnExitRemove = true;
+        ImageSize_RAW = 811948;
+        RemoteWallClockTime = 1.658700000000000E+04;
+        MachineAttrSlotWeight0 = 1;
+        ExecutableSize = 7;
+        JobStatus = 4;
+        DAGParentNodeNames = "";
+        ExitCode = 0;
+        DAGManNodesMask = "0,1,2,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,13,16,17,24,27";
+        BytesSent = 3.050600000000000E+04;
+        LastSuspensionTime = 0;
+        ExecutableSize_RAW = 6;
+        RecentBlockReadKbytes = 0;
+        TransferInputSizeMB = 0;
+        Matlab = "R2011b";
+        BlockReadKbytes = 0;
+        RecentStatsLifetimeStarter = 1200;
+        LeaveJobInQueue = false;
+        TargetType = "Machine";
+        WhenToTransferOutput = "ON_EXIT";
+        Owner = "xguo23";
+        JobNotification = 0;
+        BufferSize = 524288;
+        RecentBlockWrites = 0;
+        CompletionDate = 1446132511;
+        QDate = 1446105847;
+        JobLeaseDuration = 2400;
+        JobFinishedHookDone = 1446132511;
+        LastMatchTime = 1446115924;
+        LastJobLeaseRenewal = 1446132511;
+        DAGManNodesLog = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/model_3/./mydag.dag.nodes.log";
+        ClusterId = 49582827;
+        JobUniverse = 5;
+        NumJobStarts = 1;
+        CondorVersion = "$CondorVersion: 8.5.0 Sep 16 2015 BuildID: 341710 $";
+        CoreSize = 0;
+        OnExitHold = false;
+        CondorPlatform = "$CondorPlatform: X86_64-RedHat_6.6 $";
+        In = "/dev/null";
+        DiskUsage = 1250000;
+        EncryptExecuteDirectory = false;
+        CommittedSuspensionTime = 0;
+        User = "";
+        UserLog = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/model_3/162/process.log";
+        JobCurrentStartDate = 1446115924;
+        BufferBlockSize = 32768;
+        MATCH_EXP_JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "";
+        Requirements = ( ( OpSysMajorVer is 6 ) ) && ( MY.JobUniverse == 12 || MY.JobUniverse == 7 || MY.WantFlocking || MY.WantGlidein || TARGET.PoolName == "CHTC" || TARGET.COLLECTOR_HOST_STRING == "" ) && ( TARGET.Arch == "X86_64" ) && ( TARGET.OpSys == "LINUX" ) && ( TARGET.Disk >= RequestDisk ) && ( TARGET.Memory >= RequestMemory ) && ( TARGET.HasFileTransfer );
+        MinHosts = 1;
+        MaxHosts = 1;
+        Args = "--type=Matlab --version=R2011b --cmdtorun=simu_condor --unique=162 -- 3";
+        PeriodicHold = false;
+        ProcId = 0;
+        Environment = "";
+        DAGNodeName = "162+162";
+        MemoryUsage = ( ( ResidentSetSize + 1023 ) / 1024 );
+        TerminationPending = true;
+        NumRestarts = 0;
+        NumSystemHolds = 0;
+        CommittedTime = 16587;
+        MachineAttrCpus0 = 1;
+        WantRemoteSyscalls = false;
+        MyType = "Job";
+        CumulativeSuspensionTime = 0;
+        Rank = 0.0;
+        StartdPrincipal = "execute-side@matchsession/";
+        Err = "process.err";
+        PeriodicRemove = false;
+        BlockWriteKbytes = 0;
+        ExitBySignal = false;
+        DAGManJobId = 49582200;
+        EnteredCurrentStatus = 1446132511;
+        JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "$$([IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName), IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), \"\", TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName)])";
+        RecentBlockWriteKbytes = 0;
+        TransferIn = false;
+        ExitStatus = 0;
+        ShouldTransferFiles = "YES";
+        IsCHTCSubmit = true;
+        NumJobMatches = 1;
+        RootDir = "/";
+        JobStartDate = 1446115924;
+        JobPrio = 0;
+        CurrentHosts = 0;
+        GlobalJobId = "";
+        RemoteSysCpu = 9.400000000000000E+01;
+        TotalSuspensions = 0;
+        CommittedSlotTime = 1.658700000000000E+04;
+        WantCheckpoint = false;
+        BlockReads = 0;
+        LastRemoteHost = "";
+        TransferInput = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/data/162/,/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/data/shared/";
+        LocalUserCpu = 0.0;
+        PeriodicRelease = ( JobStatus == 5 ) && ( ( CurrentTime - EnteredCurrentStatus ) > 1800 ) && ( JobRunCount < 5 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 6 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 14 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 22 );
+        RequestDisk = 1000000;
+        ResidentSetSize_RAW = 126964;
+        OrigMaxHosts = 1;
+        LastPublicClaimId = "<>#1443991415#14144#...";
+        WantRHEL6 = true;
+        NumCkpts_RAW = 0;
+        Out = "process.out";
+        SubmitEventNotes = "DAG Node: 162+162";
+        CumulativeSlotTime = 1.658700000000000E+04;
+        JobRunCount = 1;
+        RecentBlockReads = 0;
+        StreamErr = false;
+        DiskUsage_RAW = 1216669;
+        NumCkpts = 0;
+        StatsLifetimeStarter = 16585;
+        ImageSize = 1000000;
+        Cmd = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/chtcjobwrapper";
+        LocalSysCpu = 0.0;
         Iwd = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/model_3/162"
-        BlockWrites = 0; 
-        LastJobStatus = 2; 
-        JobCurrentStartExecutingDate = 1446111077; 
-        WantRemoteIO = true; 
-        RequestCpus = 1; 
-        NumShadowStarts = 1; 
-        RemoteUserCpu = 2.126300000000000E+04; 
-        NiceUser = false; 
-        RequestMemory = 1000; 
-        BytesRecvd = 2.846280000000000E+05; 
-        ResidentSetSize = 150000; 
-        StreamOut = false; 
-        SpooledOutputFiles = "CURLTIME_1266453,ChtcWrapper89.out,AuditLog.89,simu_3_89.txt,harvest.log,89.out"; 
-        OnExitRemove = true; 
-        ImageSize_RAW = 811948; 
-        RemoteWallClockTime = 2.140300000000000E+04; 
-        MachineAttrSlotWeight0 = 1; 
-        ExecutableSize = 7; 
-        JobStatus = 4; 
-        DAGParentNodeNames = ""; 
-        ExitCode = 0; 
-        DAGManNodesMask = "0,1,2,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,13,16,17,24,27"; 
-        BytesSent = 3.050800000000000E+04; 
-        LastSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        ExecutableSize_RAW = 6; 
-        RecentBlockReadKbytes = 0; 
-        TransferInputSizeMB = 0; 
-        Matlab = "R2011b"; 
-        BlockReadKbytes = 0; 
-        RecentStatsLifetimeStarter = 1200; 
-        LeaveJobInQueue = false; 
-        TargetType = "Machine"; 
-        WhenToTransferOutput = "ON_EXIT"; 
-        Owner = "xguo23"; 
-        JobNotification = 0; 
-        BufferSize = 524288; 
-        RecentBlockWrites = 0; 
-        CompletionDate = 1446132478; 
-        QDate = 1446105717; 
-        JobLeaseDuration = 2400; 
-        JobFinishedHookDone = 1446132478; 
-        LastMatchTime = 1446111075; 
-        LastJobLeaseRenewal = 1446132478; 
-        DAGManNodesLog = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/model_3/./mydag.dag.nodes.log"; 
-        ClusterId = 49582494; 
-        JobUniverse = 5; 
-        NumJobStarts = 1; 
-        CondorVersion = "$CondorVersion: 8.5.0 Sep 16 2015 BuildID: 341710 $"; 
-        CoreSize = 0; 
-        OnExitHold = false; 
-        CondorPlatform = "$CondorPlatform: X86_64-RedHat_6.6 $"; 
-        In = "/dev/null"; 
-        DiskUsage = 1250000; 
-        EncryptExecuteDirectory = false; 
-        CommittedSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        User = ""; 
-        UserLog = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/model_3/89/process.log"; 
-        JobCurrentStartDate = 1446111075; 
-        BufferBlockSize = 32768; 
-        MATCH_EXP_JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = ""; 
-        Requirements = ( ( OpSysMajorVer is 6 ) ) && ( MY.JobUniverse == 12 || MY.JobUniverse == 7 || MY.WantFlocking || MY.WantGlidein || TARGET.PoolName == "CHTC" || TARGET.COLLECTOR_HOST_STRING == "" ) && ( TARGET.Arch == "X86_64" ) && ( TARGET.OpSys == "LINUX" ) && ( TARGET.Disk >= RequestDisk ) && ( TARGET.Memory >= RequestMemory ) && ( TARGET.HasFileTransfer ); 
-        MinHosts = 1; 
-        MaxHosts = 1; 
-        Args = "--type=Matlab --version=R2011b --cmdtorun=simu_condor --unique=89 -- 3"; 
-        PeriodicHold = false; 
-        ProcId = 0; 
-        Environment = ""; 
-        DAGNodeName = "89+89"; 
-        MemoryUsage = ( ( ResidentSetSize + 1023 ) / 1024 ); 
-        TerminationPending = true; 
-        NumRestarts = 0; 
-        NumSystemHolds = 0; 
-        CommittedTime = 21403; 
-        MachineAttrCpus0 = 1; 
-        WantRemoteSyscalls = false; 
-        MyType = "Job"; 
-        CumulativeSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        Rank = 0.0; 
-        StartdPrincipal = "execute-side@matchsession/"; 
-        Err = "process.err"; 
-        PeriodicRemove = false; 
-        BlockWriteKbytes = 0; 
-        ExitBySignal = false; 
-        DAGManJobId = 49582200; 
-        EnteredCurrentStatus = 1446132478; 
-        JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "$$([IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName), IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), \"\", TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName)])"; 
-        RecentBlockWriteKbytes = 0; 
-        TransferIn = false; 
-        ExitStatus = 0; 
-        ShouldTransferFiles = "YES"; 
-        IsCHTCSubmit = true; 
-        NumJobMatches = 1; 
-        RootDir = "/"; 
-        JobStartDate = 1446111075; 
-        JobPrio = 0; 
-        CurrentHosts = 0; 
-        GlobalJobId = ""; 
-        RemoteSysCpu = 1.140000000000000E+02; 
-        TotalSuspensions = 0; 
-        CommittedSlotTime = 2.140300000000000E+04; 
-        WantCheckpoint = false; 
-        BlockReads = 0; 
-        LastRemoteHost = ""; 
-        TransferInput = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/data/89/,/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/data/shared/"; 
-        LocalUserCpu = 0.0; 
-        PeriodicRelease = ( JobStatus == 5 ) && ( ( CurrentTime - EnteredCurrentStatus ) > 1800 ) && ( JobRunCount < 5 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 6 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 14 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 22 ); 
-        RequestDisk = 1000000; 
-        ResidentSetSize_RAW = 126072; 
-        OrigMaxHosts = 1; 
-        LastPublicClaimId = "<>#1444685419#10092#..."; 
-        WantRHEL6 = true; 
-        NumCkpts_RAW = 0; 
-        Out = "process.out"; 
-        SubmitEventNotes = "DAG Node: 89+89"; 
-        CumulativeSlotTime = 2.140300000000000E+04; 
-        JobRunCount = 1; 
-        RecentBlockReads = 0; 
-        StreamErr = false; 
-        DiskUsage_RAW = 1216669; 
-        NumCkpts = 0; 
-        StatsLifetimeStarter = 21401; 
-        ImageSize = 1000000; 
-        Cmd = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/chtcjobwrapper"; 
-        LocalSysCpu = 0.0; 
+        BlockWrites = 0;
+        LastJobStatus = 2;
+        JobCurrentStartExecutingDate = 1446111077;
+        WantRemoteIO = true;
+        RequestCpus = 1;
+        NumShadowStarts = 1;
+        RemoteUserCpu = 2.126300000000000E+04;
+        NiceUser = false;
+        RequestMemory = 1000;
+        BytesRecvd = 2.846280000000000E+05;
+        ResidentSetSize = 150000;
+        StreamOut = false;
+        SpooledOutputFiles = "CURLTIME_1266453,ChtcWrapper89.out,AuditLog.89,simu_3_89.txt,harvest.log,89.out";
+        OnExitRemove = true;
+        ImageSize_RAW = 811948;
+        RemoteWallClockTime = 2.140300000000000E+04;
+        MachineAttrSlotWeight0 = 1;
+        ExecutableSize = 7;
+        JobStatus = 4;
+        DAGParentNodeNames = "";
+        ExitCode = 0;
+        DAGManNodesMask = "0,1,2,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,13,16,17,24,27";
+        BytesSent = 3.050800000000000E+04;
+        LastSuspensionTime = 0;
+        ExecutableSize_RAW = 6;
+        RecentBlockReadKbytes = 0;
+        TransferInputSizeMB = 0;
+        Matlab = "R2011b";
+        BlockReadKbytes = 0;
+        RecentStatsLifetimeStarter = 1200;
+        LeaveJobInQueue = false;
+        TargetType = "Machine";
+        WhenToTransferOutput = "ON_EXIT";
+        Owner = "xguo23";
+        JobNotification = 0;
+        BufferSize = 524288;
+        RecentBlockWrites = 0;
+        CompletionDate = 1446132478;
+        QDate = 1446105717;
+        JobLeaseDuration = 2400;
+        JobFinishedHookDone = 1446132478;
+        LastMatchTime = 1446111075;
+        LastJobLeaseRenewal = 1446132478;
+        DAGManNodesLog = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/model_3/./mydag.dag.nodes.log";
+        ClusterId = 49582494;
+        JobUniverse = 5;
+        NumJobStarts = 1;
+        CondorVersion = "$CondorVersion: 8.5.0 Sep 16 2015 BuildID: 341710 $";
+        CoreSize = 0;
+        OnExitHold = false;
+        CondorPlatform = "$CondorPlatform: X86_64-RedHat_6.6 $";
+        In = "/dev/null";
+        DiskUsage = 1250000;
+        EncryptExecuteDirectory = false;
+        CommittedSuspensionTime = 0;
+        User = "";
+        UserLog = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/model_3/89/process.log";
+        JobCurrentStartDate = 1446111075;
+        BufferBlockSize = 32768;
+        MATCH_EXP_JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "";
+        Requirements = ( ( OpSysMajorVer is 6 ) ) && ( MY.JobUniverse == 12 || MY.JobUniverse == 7 || MY.WantFlocking || MY.WantGlidein || TARGET.PoolName == "CHTC" || TARGET.COLLECTOR_HOST_STRING == "" ) && ( TARGET.Arch == "X86_64" ) && ( TARGET.OpSys == "LINUX" ) && ( TARGET.Disk >= RequestDisk ) && ( TARGET.Memory >= RequestMemory ) && ( TARGET.HasFileTransfer );
+        MinHosts = 1;
+        MaxHosts = 1;
+        Args = "--type=Matlab --version=R2011b --cmdtorun=simu_condor --unique=89 -- 3";
+        PeriodicHold = false;
+        ProcId = 0;
+        Environment = "";
+        DAGNodeName = "89+89";
+        MemoryUsage = ( ( ResidentSetSize + 1023 ) / 1024 );
+        TerminationPending = true;
+        NumRestarts = 0;
+        NumSystemHolds = 0;
+        CommittedTime = 21403;
+        MachineAttrCpus0 = 1;
+        WantRemoteSyscalls = false;
+        MyType = "Job";
+        CumulativeSuspensionTime = 0;
+        Rank = 0.0;
+        StartdPrincipal = "execute-side@matchsession/";
+        Err = "process.err";
+        PeriodicRemove = false;
+        BlockWriteKbytes = 0;
+        ExitBySignal = false;
+        DAGManJobId = 49582200;
+        EnteredCurrentStatus = 1446132478;
+        JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "$$([IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName), IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), \"\", TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName)])";
+        RecentBlockWriteKbytes = 0;
+        TransferIn = false;
+        ExitStatus = 0;
+        ShouldTransferFiles = "YES";
+        IsCHTCSubmit = true;
+        NumJobMatches = 1;
+        RootDir = "/";
+        JobStartDate = 1446111075;
+        JobPrio = 0;
+        CurrentHosts = 0;
+        GlobalJobId = "";
+        RemoteSysCpu = 1.140000000000000E+02;
+        TotalSuspensions = 0;
+        CommittedSlotTime = 2.140300000000000E+04;
+        WantCheckpoint = false;
+        BlockReads = 0;
+        LastRemoteHost = "";
+        TransferInput = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/data/89/,/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/data/shared/";
+        LocalUserCpu = 0.0;
+        PeriodicRelease = ( JobStatus == 5 ) && ( ( CurrentTime - EnteredCurrentStatus ) > 1800 ) && ( JobRunCount < 5 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 6 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 14 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 22 );
+        RequestDisk = 1000000;
+        ResidentSetSize_RAW = 126072;
+        OrigMaxHosts = 1;
+        LastPublicClaimId = "<>#1444685419#10092#...";
+        WantRHEL6 = true;
+        NumCkpts_RAW = 0;
+        Out = "process.out";
+        SubmitEventNotes = "DAG Node: 89+89";
+        CumulativeSlotTime = 2.140300000000000E+04;
+        JobRunCount = 1;
+        RecentBlockReads = 0;
+        StreamErr = false;
+        DiskUsage_RAW = 1216669;
+        NumCkpts = 0;
+        StatsLifetimeStarter = 21401;
+        ImageSize = 1000000;
+        Cmd = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/chtcjobwrapper";
+        LocalSysCpu = 0.0;
         Iwd = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/model_3/89"
-        BlockWrites = 0; 
-        LastJobStatus = 2; 
-        JobCurrentStartExecutingDate = 1446111074; 
-        WantRemoteIO = true; 
-        RequestCpus = 1; 
-        NumShadowStarts = 1; 
-        RemoteUserCpu = 2.124300000000000E+04; 
-        NiceUser = false; 
-        RequestMemory = 1000; 
-        BytesRecvd = 2.846280000000000E+05; 
-        ResidentSetSize = 125000; 
-        StreamOut = false; 
-        SpooledOutputFiles = "CURLTIME_1137029,ChtcWrapper77.out,AuditLog.77,simu_3_77.txt,harvest.log,77.out"; 
-        OnExitRemove = true; 
-        ImageSize_RAW = 811948; 
-        RemoteWallClockTime = 2.140400000000000E+04; 
-        MachineAttrSlotWeight0 = 1; 
-        ExecutableSize = 7; 
-        JobStatus = 4; 
-        DAGParentNodeNames = ""; 
-        ExitCode = 0; 
-        DAGManNodesMask = "0,1,2,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,13,16,17,24,27"; 
-        BytesSent = 2.791200000000000E+04; 
-        LastSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        ExecutableSize_RAW = 6; 
-        RecentBlockReadKbytes = 0; 
-        TransferInputSizeMB = 0; 
-        Matlab = "R2011b"; 
-        BlockReadKbytes = 0; 
-        RecentStatsLifetimeStarter = 1200; 
-        LeaveJobInQueue = false; 
-        TargetType = "Machine"; 
-        WhenToTransferOutput = "ON_EXIT"; 
-        Owner = "xguo23"; 
-        JobNotification = 0; 
-        BufferSize = 524288; 
-        RecentBlockWrites = 0; 
-        CompletionDate = 1446132477; 
-        QDate = 1446105706; 
-        JobLeaseDuration = 2400; 
-        JobFinishedHookDone = 1446132477; 
-        LastMatchTime = 1446111073; 
-        LastJobLeaseRenewal = 1446132477; 
-        DAGManNodesLog = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/model_3/./mydag.dag.nodes.log"; 
-        ClusterId = 49582463; 
-        JobUniverse = 5; 
-        NumJobStarts = 1; 
-        CondorVersion = "$CondorVersion: 8.5.0 Sep 16 2015 BuildID: 341710 $"; 
-        CoreSize = 0; 
-        OnExitHold = false; 
-        CondorPlatform = "$CondorPlatform: X86_64-RedHat_6.6 $"; 
-        In = "/dev/null"; 
-        DiskUsage = 1250000; 
-        EncryptExecuteDirectory = false; 
-        CommittedSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        User = ""; 
-        UserLog = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/model_3/77/process.log"; 
-        JobCurrentStartDate = 1446111073; 
-        BufferBlockSize = 32768; 
-        MATCH_EXP_JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = ""; 
-        Requirements = ( ( OpSysMajorVer is 6 ) ) && ( MY.JobUniverse == 12 || MY.JobUniverse == 7 || MY.WantFlocking || MY.WantGlidein || TARGET.PoolName == "CHTC" || TARGET.COLLECTOR_HOST_STRING == "" ) && ( TARGET.Arch == "X86_64" ) && ( TARGET.OpSys == "LINUX" ) && ( TARGET.Disk >= RequestDisk ) && ( TARGET.Memory >= RequestMemory ) && ( TARGET.HasFileTransfer ); 
-        MinHosts = 1; 
-        MaxHosts = 1; 
-        Args = "--type=Matlab --version=R2011b --cmdtorun=simu_condor --unique=77 -- 3"; 
-        PeriodicHold = false; 
-        ProcId = 0; 
-        Environment = ""; 
-        DAGNodeName = "77+77"; 
-        MemoryUsage = ( ( ResidentSetSize + 1023 ) / 1024 ); 
-        TerminationPending = true; 
-        NumRestarts = 0; 
-        NumSystemHolds = 0; 
-        CommittedTime = 21404; 
-        MachineAttrCpus0 = 1; 
-        WantRemoteSyscalls = false; 
-        MyType = "Job"; 
-        CumulativeSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        Rank = 0.0; 
-        StartdPrincipal = "execute-side@matchsession/"; 
-        Err = "process.err"; 
-        PeriodicRemove = false; 
-        BlockWriteKbytes = 0; 
-        ExitBySignal = false; 
-        DAGManJobId = 49582200; 
-        EnteredCurrentStatus = 1446132477; 
-        JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "$$([IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName), IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), \"\", TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName)])"; 
-        RecentBlockWriteKbytes = 0; 
-        TransferIn = false; 
-        ExitStatus = 0; 
-        ShouldTransferFiles = "YES"; 
-        IsCHTCSubmit = true; 
-        NumJobMatches = 1; 
-        RootDir = "/"; 
-        JobStartDate = 1446111073; 
-        JobPrio = 0; 
-        CurrentHosts = 0; 
-        GlobalJobId = ""; 
-        RemoteSysCpu = 1.340000000000000E+02; 
-        TotalSuspensions = 0; 
-        CommittedSlotTime = 2.140400000000000E+04; 
-        WantCheckpoint = false; 
-        BlockReads = 0; 
-        LastRemoteHost = ""; 
-        TransferInput = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/data/77/,/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/data/shared/"; 
-        LocalUserCpu = 0.0; 
-        PeriodicRelease = ( JobStatus == 5 ) && ( ( CurrentTime - EnteredCurrentStatus ) > 1800 ) && ( JobRunCount < 5 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 6 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 14 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 22 ); 
-        RequestDisk = 1000000; 
-        ResidentSetSize_RAW = 124948; 
-        OrigMaxHosts = 1; 
-        LastPublicClaimId = "<>#1444819395#7764#..."; 
-        WantRHEL6 = true; 
-        NumCkpts_RAW = 0; 
-        Out = "process.out"; 
-        SubmitEventNotes = "DAG Node: 77+77"; 
-        CumulativeSlotTime = 2.140400000000000E+04; 
-        JobRunCount = 1; 
-        RecentBlockReads = 0; 
-        StreamErr = false; 
-        DiskUsage_RAW = 1216669; 
-        NumCkpts = 0; 
-        StatsLifetimeStarter = 21403; 
-        ImageSize = 1000000; 
-        Cmd = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/chtcjobwrapper"; 
-        LocalSysCpu = 0.0; 
+        BlockWrites = 0;
+        LastJobStatus = 2;
+        JobCurrentStartExecutingDate = 1446111074;
+        WantRemoteIO = true;
+        RequestCpus = 1;
+        NumShadowStarts = 1;
+        RemoteUserCpu = 2.124300000000000E+04;
+        NiceUser = false;
+        RequestMemory = 1000;
+        BytesRecvd = 2.846280000000000E+05;
+        ResidentSetSize = 125000;
+        StreamOut = false;
+        SpooledOutputFiles = "CURLTIME_1137029,ChtcWrapper77.out,AuditLog.77,simu_3_77.txt,harvest.log,77.out";
+        OnExitRemove = true;
+        ImageSize_RAW = 811948;
+        RemoteWallClockTime = 2.140400000000000E+04;
+        MachineAttrSlotWeight0 = 1;
+        ExecutableSize = 7;
+        JobStatus = 4;
+        DAGParentNodeNames = "";
+        ExitCode = 0;
+        DAGManNodesMask = "0,1,2,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,13,16,17,24,27";
+        BytesSent = 2.791200000000000E+04;
+        LastSuspensionTime = 0;
+        ExecutableSize_RAW = 6;
+        RecentBlockReadKbytes = 0;
+        TransferInputSizeMB = 0;
+        Matlab = "R2011b";
+        BlockReadKbytes = 0;
+        RecentStatsLifetimeStarter = 1200;
+        LeaveJobInQueue = false;
+        TargetType = "Machine";
+        WhenToTransferOutput = "ON_EXIT";
+        Owner = "xguo23";
+        JobNotification = 0;
+        BufferSize = 524288;
+        RecentBlockWrites = 0;
+        CompletionDate = 1446132477;
+        QDate = 1446105706;
+        JobLeaseDuration = 2400;
+        JobFinishedHookDone = 1446132477;
+        LastMatchTime = 1446111073;
+        LastJobLeaseRenewal = 1446132477;
+        DAGManNodesLog = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/model_3/./mydag.dag.nodes.log";
+        ClusterId = 49582463;
+        JobUniverse = 5;
+        NumJobStarts = 1;
+        CondorVersion = "$CondorVersion: 8.5.0 Sep 16 2015 BuildID: 341710 $";
+        CoreSize = 0;
+        OnExitHold = false;
+        CondorPlatform = "$CondorPlatform: X86_64-RedHat_6.6 $";
+        In = "/dev/null";
+        DiskUsage = 1250000;
+        EncryptExecuteDirectory = false;
+        CommittedSuspensionTime = 0;
+        User = "";
+        UserLog = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/model_3/77/process.log";
+        JobCurrentStartDate = 1446111073;
+        BufferBlockSize = 32768;
+        MATCH_EXP_JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "";
+        Requirements = ( ( OpSysMajorVer is 6 ) ) && ( MY.JobUniverse == 12 || MY.JobUniverse == 7 || MY.WantFlocking || MY.WantGlidein || TARGET.PoolName == "CHTC" || TARGET.COLLECTOR_HOST_STRING == "" ) && ( TARGET.Arch == "X86_64" ) && ( TARGET.OpSys == "LINUX" ) && ( TARGET.Disk >= RequestDisk ) && ( TARGET.Memory >= RequestMemory ) && ( TARGET.HasFileTransfer );
+        MinHosts = 1;
+        MaxHosts = 1;
+        Args = "--type=Matlab --version=R2011b --cmdtorun=simu_condor --unique=77 -- 3";
+        PeriodicHold = false;
+        ProcId = 0;
+        Environment = "";
+        DAGNodeName = "77+77";
+        MemoryUsage = ( ( ResidentSetSize + 1023 ) / 1024 );
+        TerminationPending = true;
+        NumRestarts = 0;
+        NumSystemHolds = 0;
+        CommittedTime = 21404;
+        MachineAttrCpus0 = 1;
+        WantRemoteSyscalls = false;
+        MyType = "Job";
+        CumulativeSuspensionTime = 0;
+        Rank = 0.0;
+        StartdPrincipal = "execute-side@matchsession/";
+        Err = "process.err";
+        PeriodicRemove = false;
+        BlockWriteKbytes = 0;
+        ExitBySignal = false;
+        DAGManJobId = 49582200;
+        EnteredCurrentStatus = 1446132477;
+        JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "$$([IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName), IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), \"\", TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName)])";
+        RecentBlockWriteKbytes = 0;
+        TransferIn = false;
+        ExitStatus = 0;
+        ShouldTransferFiles = "YES";
+        IsCHTCSubmit = true;
+        NumJobMatches = 1;
+        RootDir = "/";
+        JobStartDate = 1446111073;
+        JobPrio = 0;
+        CurrentHosts = 0;
+        GlobalJobId = "";
+        RemoteSysCpu = 1.340000000000000E+02;
+        TotalSuspensions = 0;
+        CommittedSlotTime = 2.140400000000000E+04;
+        WantCheckpoint = false;
+        BlockReads = 0;
+        LastRemoteHost = "";
+        TransferInput = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/data/77/,/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/data/shared/";
+        LocalUserCpu = 0.0;
+        PeriodicRelease = ( JobStatus == 5 ) && ( ( CurrentTime - EnteredCurrentStatus ) > 1800 ) && ( JobRunCount < 5 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 6 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 14 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 22 );
+        RequestDisk = 1000000;
+        ResidentSetSize_RAW = 124948;
+        OrigMaxHosts = 1;
+        LastPublicClaimId = "<>#1444819395#7764#...";
+        WantRHEL6 = true;
+        NumCkpts_RAW = 0;
+        Out = "process.out";
+        SubmitEventNotes = "DAG Node: 77+77";
+        CumulativeSlotTime = 2.140400000000000E+04;
+        JobRunCount = 1;
+        RecentBlockReads = 0;
+        StreamErr = false;
+        DiskUsage_RAW = 1216669;
+        NumCkpts = 0;
+        StatsLifetimeStarter = 21403;
+        ImageSize = 1000000;
+        Cmd = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/chtcjobwrapper";
+        LocalSysCpu = 0.0;
         Iwd = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/model_3/77"
-        BlockWrites = 0; 
-        LastJobStatus = 2; 
-        JobCurrentStartExecutingDate = 1446115400; 
-        WantRemoteIO = true; 
-        RequestCpus = 1; 
-        NumShadowStarts = 1; 
-        RemoteUserCpu = 1.693400000000000E+04; 
-        NiceUser = false; 
-        RequestMemory = 1000; 
-        BytesRecvd = 2.846290000000000E+05; 
-        ResidentSetSize = 150000; 
-        StreamOut = false; 
-        SpooledOutputFiles = "CURLTIME_3362491,ChtcWrapper350.out,AuditLog.350,simu_3_350.txt,harvest.log,350.out"; 
-        OnExitRemove = true; 
-        ImageSize_RAW = 811948; 
-        RemoteWallClockTime = 1.706600000000000E+04; 
-        MachineAttrSlotWeight0 = 1; 
-        ExecutableSize = 7; 
-        JobStatus = 4; 
-        DAGParentNodeNames = ""; 
-        ExitCode = 0; 
-        DAGManNodesMask = "0,1,2,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,13,16,17,24,27"; 
-        BytesSent = 2.791500000000000E+04; 
-        LastSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        ExecutableSize_RAW = 6; 
-        RecentBlockReadKbytes = 0; 
-        TransferInputSizeMB = 0; 
-        Matlab = "R2011b"; 
-        BlockReadKbytes = 0; 
-        RecentStatsLifetimeStarter = 1200; 
-        LeaveJobInQueue = false; 
-        TargetType = "Machine"; 
-        WhenToTransferOutput = "ON_EXIT"; 
-        Owner = "xguo23"; 
-        JobNotification = 0; 
-        BufferSize = 524288; 
-        RecentBlockWrites = 0; 
-        CompletionDate = 1446132465; 
-        QDate = 1446105825; 
-        JobLeaseDuration = 2400; 
-        JobFinishedHookDone = 1446132465; 
-        LastMatchTime = 1446115399; 
-        LastJobLeaseRenewal = 1446132465; 
-        DAGManNodesLog = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/model_3/./mydag.dag.nodes.log"; 
-        ClusterId = 49582771; 
-        JobUniverse = 5; 
-        NumJobStarts = 1; 
-        CondorVersion = "$CondorVersion: 8.5.0 Sep 16 2015 BuildID: 341710 $"; 
-        CoreSize = 0; 
-        OnExitHold = false; 
-        CondorPlatform = "$CondorPlatform: X86_64-RedHat_6.6 $"; 
-        In = "/dev/null"; 
-        DiskUsage = 1250000; 
-        EncryptExecuteDirectory = false; 
-        CommittedSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        User = ""; 
-        UserLog = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/model_3/350/process.log"; 
-        JobCurrentStartDate = 1446115399; 
-        BufferBlockSize = 32768; 
-        MATCH_EXP_JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = ""; 
-        Requirements = ( ( OpSysMajorVer is 6 ) ) && ( MY.JobUniverse == 12 || MY.JobUniverse == 7 || MY.WantFlocking || MY.WantGlidein || TARGET.PoolName == "CHTC" || TARGET.COLLECTOR_HOST_STRING == "" ) && ( TARGET.Arch == "X86_64" ) && ( TARGET.OpSys == "LINUX" ) && ( TARGET.Disk >= RequestDisk ) && ( TARGET.Memory >= RequestMemory ) && ( TARGET.HasFileTransfer ); 
-        MinHosts = 1; 
-        MaxHosts = 1; 
-        Args = "--type=Matlab --version=R2011b --cmdtorun=simu_condor --unique=350 -- 3"; 
-        PeriodicHold = false; 
-        ProcId = 0; 
-        Environment = ""; 
-        DAGNodeName = "350+350"; 
-        MemoryUsage = ( ( ResidentSetSize + 1023 ) / 1024 ); 
-        TerminationPending = true; 
-        NumRestarts = 0; 
-        NumSystemHolds = 0; 
-        CommittedTime = 17066; 
-        MachineAttrCpus0 = 1; 
-        WantRemoteSyscalls = false; 
-        MyType = "Job"; 
-        CumulativeSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        Rank = 0.0; 
-        StartdPrincipal = "execute-side@matchsession/"; 
-        Err = "process.err"; 
-        PeriodicRemove = false; 
-        BlockWriteKbytes = 0; 
-        ExitBySignal = false; 
-        DAGManJobId = 49582200; 
-        EnteredCurrentStatus = 1446132465; 
-        JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "$$([IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName), IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), \"\", TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName)])"; 
-        RecentBlockWriteKbytes = 0; 
-        TransferIn = false; 
-        ExitStatus = 0; 
-        ShouldTransferFiles = "YES"; 
-        IsCHTCSubmit = true; 
-        NumJobMatches = 1; 
-        RootDir = "/"; 
-        JobStartDate = 1446115399; 
-        JobPrio = 0; 
-        CurrentHosts = 0; 
-        GlobalJobId = ""; 
-        RemoteSysCpu = 1.030000000000000E+02; 
-        TotalSuspensions = 0; 
-        CommittedSlotTime = 1.706600000000000E+04; 
-        WantCheckpoint = false; 
-        BlockReads = 0; 
-        LastRemoteHost = ""; 
-        TransferInput = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/data/350/,/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/data/shared/"; 
-        LocalUserCpu = 0.0; 
-        PeriodicRelease = ( JobStatus == 5 ) && ( ( CurrentTime - EnteredCurrentStatus ) > 1800 ) && ( JobRunCount < 5 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 6 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 14 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 22 ); 
-        RequestDisk = 1000000; 
-        ResidentSetSize_RAW = 126136; 
-        OrigMaxHosts = 1; 
-        LastPublicClaimId = "<>#1443991431#13821#..."; 
-        WantRHEL6 = true; 
-        NumCkpts_RAW = 0; 
-        Out = "process.out"; 
-        SubmitEventNotes = "DAG Node: 350+350"; 
-        CumulativeSlotTime = 1.706600000000000E+04; 
-        JobRunCount = 1; 
-        RecentBlockReads = 0; 
-        StreamErr = false; 
-        DiskUsage_RAW = 1216669; 
-        NumCkpts = 0; 
-        StatsLifetimeStarter = 17065; 
-        ImageSize = 1000000; 
-        Cmd = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/chtcjobwrapper"; 
-        LocalSysCpu = 0.0; 
+        BlockWrites = 0;
+        LastJobStatus = 2;
+        JobCurrentStartExecutingDate = 1446115400;
+        WantRemoteIO = true;
+        RequestCpus = 1;
+        NumShadowStarts = 1;
+        RemoteUserCpu = 1.693400000000000E+04;
+        NiceUser = false;
+        RequestMemory = 1000;
+        BytesRecvd = 2.846290000000000E+05;
+        ResidentSetSize = 150000;
+        StreamOut = false;
+        SpooledOutputFiles = "CURLTIME_3362491,ChtcWrapper350.out,AuditLog.350,simu_3_350.txt,harvest.log,350.out";
+        OnExitRemove = true;
+        ImageSize_RAW = 811948;
+        RemoteWallClockTime = 1.706600000000000E+04;
+        MachineAttrSlotWeight0 = 1;
+        ExecutableSize = 7;
+        JobStatus = 4;
+        DAGParentNodeNames = "";
+        ExitCode = 0;
+        DAGManNodesMask = "0,1,2,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,13,16,17,24,27";
+        BytesSent = 2.791500000000000E+04;
+        LastSuspensionTime = 0;
+        ExecutableSize_RAW = 6;
+        RecentBlockReadKbytes = 0;
+        TransferInputSizeMB = 0;
+        Matlab = "R2011b";
+        BlockReadKbytes = 0;
+        RecentStatsLifetimeStarter = 1200;
+        LeaveJobInQueue = false;
+        TargetType = "Machine";
+        WhenToTransferOutput = "ON_EXIT";
+        Owner = "xguo23";
+        JobNotification = 0;
+        BufferSize = 524288;
+        RecentBlockWrites = 0;
+        CompletionDate = 1446132465;
+        QDate = 1446105825;
+        JobLeaseDuration = 2400;
+        JobFinishedHookDone = 1446132465;
+        LastMatchTime = 1446115399;
+        LastJobLeaseRenewal = 1446132465;
+        DAGManNodesLog = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/model_3/./mydag.dag.nodes.log";
+        ClusterId = 49582771;
+        JobUniverse = 5;
+        NumJobStarts = 1;
+        CondorVersion = "$CondorVersion: 8.5.0 Sep 16 2015 BuildID: 341710 $";
+        CoreSize = 0;
+        OnExitHold = false;
+        CondorPlatform = "$CondorPlatform: X86_64-RedHat_6.6 $";
+        In = "/dev/null";
+        DiskUsage = 1250000;
+        EncryptExecuteDirectory = false;
+        CommittedSuspensionTime = 0;
+        User = "";
+        UserLog = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/model_3/350/process.log";
+        JobCurrentStartDate = 1446115399;
+        BufferBlockSize = 32768;
+        MATCH_EXP_JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "";
+        Requirements = ( ( OpSysMajorVer is 6 ) ) && ( MY.JobUniverse == 12 || MY.JobUniverse == 7 || MY.WantFlocking || MY.WantGlidein || TARGET.PoolName == "CHTC" || TARGET.COLLECTOR_HOST_STRING == "" ) && ( TARGET.Arch == "X86_64" ) && ( TARGET.OpSys == "LINUX" ) && ( TARGET.Disk >= RequestDisk ) && ( TARGET.Memory >= RequestMemory ) && ( TARGET.HasFileTransfer );
+        MinHosts = 1;
+        MaxHosts = 1;
+        Args = "--type=Matlab --version=R2011b --cmdtorun=simu_condor --unique=350 -- 3";
+        PeriodicHold = false;
+        ProcId = 0;
+        Environment = "";
+        DAGNodeName = "350+350";
+        MemoryUsage = ( ( ResidentSetSize + 1023 ) / 1024 );
+        TerminationPending = true;
+        NumRestarts = 0;
+        NumSystemHolds = 0;
+        CommittedTime = 17066;
+        MachineAttrCpus0 = 1;
+        WantRemoteSyscalls = false;
+        MyType = "Job";
+        CumulativeSuspensionTime = 0;
+        Rank = 0.0;
+        StartdPrincipal = "execute-side@matchsession/";
+        Err = "process.err";
+        PeriodicRemove = false;
+        BlockWriteKbytes = 0;
+        ExitBySignal = false;
+        DAGManJobId = 49582200;
+        EnteredCurrentStatus = 1446132465;
+        JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "$$([IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName), IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), \"\", TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName)])";
+        RecentBlockWriteKbytes = 0;
+        TransferIn = false;
+        ExitStatus = 0;
+        ShouldTransferFiles = "YES";
+        IsCHTCSubmit = true;
+        NumJobMatches = 1;
+        RootDir = "/";
+        JobStartDate = 1446115399;
+        JobPrio = 0;
+        CurrentHosts = 0;
+        GlobalJobId = "";
+        RemoteSysCpu = 1.030000000000000E+02;
+        TotalSuspensions = 0;
+        CommittedSlotTime = 1.706600000000000E+04;
+        WantCheckpoint = false;
+        BlockReads = 0;
+        LastRemoteHost = "";
+        TransferInput = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/data/350/,/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/data/shared/";
+        LocalUserCpu = 0.0;
+        PeriodicRelease = ( JobStatus == 5 ) && ( ( CurrentTime - EnteredCurrentStatus ) > 1800 ) && ( JobRunCount < 5 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 6 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 14 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 22 );
+        RequestDisk = 1000000;
+        ResidentSetSize_RAW = 126136;
+        OrigMaxHosts = 1;
+        LastPublicClaimId = "<>#1443991431#13821#...";
+        WantRHEL6 = true;
+        NumCkpts_RAW = 0;
+        Out = "process.out";
+        SubmitEventNotes = "DAG Node: 350+350";
+        CumulativeSlotTime = 1.706600000000000E+04;
+        JobRunCount = 1;
+        RecentBlockReads = 0;
+        StreamErr = false;
+        DiskUsage_RAW = 1216669;
+        NumCkpts = 0;
+        StatsLifetimeStarter = 17065;
+        ImageSize = 1000000;
+        Cmd = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/chtcjobwrapper";
+        LocalSysCpu = 0.0;
         Iwd = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/model_3/350"
-        BlockWrites = 0; 
-        LastJobStatus = 2; 
-        JobCurrentStartExecutingDate = 1446121055; 
-        WantRemoteIO = true; 
-        RequestCpus = 1; 
-        NumShadowStarts = 1; 
-        RemoteUserCpu = 1.106000000000000E+04; 
-        NiceUser = false; 
-        RequestMemory = 1000; 
-        BytesRecvd = 2.846290000000000E+05; 
-        ResidentSetSize = 125000; 
-        StreamOut = false; 
-        SpooledOutputFiles = "CURLTIME_3185190,ChtcWrapper149.out,AuditLog.149,simu_3_149.txt,harvest.log,149.out"; 
-        OnExitRemove = true; 
-        ImageSize_RAW = 811948; 
-        RemoteWallClockTime = 1.140700000000000E+04; 
-        MachineAttrSlotWeight0 = 1; 
-        ExecutableSize = 7; 
-        JobStatus = 4; 
-        DAGParentNodeNames = ""; 
-        ExitCode = 0; 
-        DAGManNodesMask = "0,1,2,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,13,16,17,24,27"; 
-        BytesSent = 2.791500000000000E+04; 
-        LastSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        ExecutableSize_RAW = 6; 
-        RecentBlockReadKbytes = 0; 
-        TransferInputSizeMB = 0; 
-        Matlab = "R2011b"; 
-        BlockReadKbytes = 0; 
-        RecentStatsLifetimeStarter = 1200; 
-        LeaveJobInQueue = false; 
-        TargetType = "Machine"; 
-        WhenToTransferOutput = "ON_EXIT"; 
-        Owner = "xguo23"; 
-        JobNotification = 0; 
-        BufferSize = 524288; 
-        RecentBlockWrites = 0; 
-        CompletionDate = 1446132460; 
-        QDate = 1446106014; 
-        JobLeaseDuration = 2400; 
-        JobFinishedHookDone = 1446132460; 
-        LastMatchTime = 1446121053; 
-        LastJobLeaseRenewal = 1446132460; 
-        DAGManNodesLog = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/model_3/./mydag.dag.nodes.log"; 
-        ClusterId = 49583271; 
-        JobUniverse = 5; 
-        NumJobStarts = 1; 
-        CondorVersion = "$CondorVersion: 8.5.0 Sep 16 2015 BuildID: 341710 $"; 
-        CoreSize = 0; 
-        OnExitHold = false; 
-        CondorPlatform = "$CondorPlatform: X86_64-RedHat_6.6 $"; 
-        In = "/dev/null"; 
-        DiskUsage = 1250000; 
-        EncryptExecuteDirectory = false; 
-        CommittedSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        User = ""; 
-        UserLog = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/model_3/149/process.log"; 
-        JobCurrentStartDate = 1446121053; 
-        BufferBlockSize = 32768; 
-        MATCH_EXP_JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = ""; 
-        Requirements = ( ( OpSysMajorVer is 6 ) ) && ( MY.JobUniverse == 12 || MY.JobUniverse == 7 || MY.WantFlocking || MY.WantGlidein || TARGET.PoolName == "CHTC" || TARGET.COLLECTOR_HOST_STRING == "" ) && ( TARGET.Arch == "X86_64" ) && ( TARGET.OpSys == "LINUX" ) && ( TARGET.Disk >= RequestDisk ) && ( TARGET.Memory >= RequestMemory ) && ( TARGET.HasFileTransfer ); 
-        MinHosts = 1; 
-        MaxHosts = 1; 
-        Args = "--type=Matlab --version=R2011b --cmdtorun=simu_condor --unique=149 -- 3"; 
-        PeriodicHold = false; 
-        ProcId = 0; 
-        Environment = ""; 
-        DAGNodeName = "149+149"; 
-        MemoryUsage = ( ( ResidentSetSize + 1023 ) / 1024 ); 
-        TerminationPending = true; 
-        NumRestarts = 0; 
-        NumSystemHolds = 0; 
-        CommittedTime = 11407; 
-        MachineAttrCpus0 = 1; 
-        WantRemoteSyscalls = false; 
-        MyType = "Job"; 
-        CumulativeSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        Rank = 0.0; 
-        StartdPrincipal = "execute-side@matchsession/"; 
-        Err = "process.err"; 
-        PeriodicRemove = false; 
-        BlockWriteKbytes = 0; 
-        ExitBySignal = false; 
-        DAGManJobId = 49582200; 
-        EnteredCurrentStatus = 1446132460; 
-        JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "$$([IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName), IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), \"\", TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName)])"; 
-        RecentBlockWriteKbytes = 0; 
-        TransferIn = false; 
-        ExitStatus = 0; 
-        ShouldTransferFiles = "YES"; 
-        IsCHTCSubmit = true; 
-        NumJobMatches = 1; 
-        RootDir = "/"; 
-        JobStartDate = 1446121053; 
-        JobPrio = 0; 
-        CurrentHosts = 0; 
-        GlobalJobId = ""; 
-        RemoteSysCpu = 7.000000000000000E+01; 
-        TotalSuspensions = 0; 
-        CommittedSlotTime = 1.140700000000000E+04; 
-        WantCheckpoint = false; 
-        BlockReads = 0; 
-        LastRemoteHost = ""; 
-        TransferInput = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/data/149/,/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/data/shared/"; 
-        LocalUserCpu = 0.0; 
-        PeriodicRelease = ( JobStatus == 5 ) && ( ( CurrentTime - EnteredCurrentStatus ) > 1800 ) && ( JobRunCount < 5 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 6 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 14 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 22 ); 
-        RequestDisk = 1000000; 
-        ResidentSetSize_RAW = 124492; 
-        OrigMaxHosts = 1; 
-        LastPublicClaimId = "<>#1444053387#12271#..."; 
-        WantRHEL6 = true; 
-        NumCkpts_RAW = 0; 
-        Out = "process.out"; 
-        SubmitEventNotes = "DAG Node: 149+149"; 
-        CumulativeSlotTime = 1.140700000000000E+04; 
-        JobRunCount = 1; 
-        RecentBlockReads = 0; 
-        StreamErr = false; 
-        DiskUsage_RAW = 1216669; 
-        NumCkpts = 0; 
-        StatsLifetimeStarter = 11405; 
-        ImageSize = 1000000; 
-        Cmd = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/chtcjobwrapper"; 
-        LocalSysCpu = 0.0; 
+        BlockWrites = 0;
+        LastJobStatus = 2;
+        JobCurrentStartExecutingDate = 1446121055;
+        WantRemoteIO = true;
+        RequestCpus = 1;
+        NumShadowStarts = 1;
+        RemoteUserCpu = 1.106000000000000E+04;
+        NiceUser = false;
+        RequestMemory = 1000;
+        BytesRecvd = 2.846290000000000E+05;
+        ResidentSetSize = 125000;
+        StreamOut = false;
+        SpooledOutputFiles = "CURLTIME_3185190,ChtcWrapper149.out,AuditLog.149,simu_3_149.txt,harvest.log,149.out";
+        OnExitRemove = true;
+        ImageSize_RAW = 811948;
+        RemoteWallClockTime = 1.140700000000000E+04;
+        MachineAttrSlotWeight0 = 1;
+        ExecutableSize = 7;
+        JobStatus = 4;
+        DAGParentNodeNames = "";
+        ExitCode = 0;
+        DAGManNodesMask = "0,1,2,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,13,16,17,24,27";
+        BytesSent = 2.791500000000000E+04;
+        LastSuspensionTime = 0;
+        ExecutableSize_RAW = 6;
+        RecentBlockReadKbytes = 0;
+        TransferInputSizeMB = 0;
+        Matlab = "R2011b";
+        BlockReadKbytes = 0;
+        RecentStatsLifetimeStarter = 1200;
+        LeaveJobInQueue = false;
+        TargetType = "Machine";
+        WhenToTransferOutput = "ON_EXIT";
+        Owner = "xguo23";
+        JobNotification = 0;
+        BufferSize = 524288;
+        RecentBlockWrites = 0;
+        CompletionDate = 1446132460;
+        QDate = 1446106014;
+        JobLeaseDuration = 2400;
+        JobFinishedHookDone = 1446132460;
+        LastMatchTime = 1446121053;
+        LastJobLeaseRenewal = 1446132460;
+        DAGManNodesLog = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/model_3/./mydag.dag.nodes.log";
+        ClusterId = 49583271;
+        JobUniverse = 5;
+        NumJobStarts = 1;
+        CondorVersion = "$CondorVersion: 8.5.0 Sep 16 2015 BuildID: 341710 $";
+        CoreSize = 0;
+        OnExitHold = false;
+        CondorPlatform = "$CondorPlatform: X86_64-RedHat_6.6 $";
+        In = "/dev/null";
+        DiskUsage = 1250000;
+        EncryptExecuteDirectory = false;
+        CommittedSuspensionTime = 0;
+        User = "";
+        UserLog = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/model_3/149/process.log";
+        JobCurrentStartDate = 1446121053;
+        BufferBlockSize = 32768;
+        MATCH_EXP_JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "";
+        Requirements = ( ( OpSysMajorVer is 6 ) ) && ( MY.JobUniverse == 12 || MY.JobUniverse == 7 || MY.WantFlocking || MY.WantGlidein || TARGET.PoolName == "CHTC" || TARGET.COLLECTOR_HOST_STRING == "" ) && ( TARGET.Arch == "X86_64" ) && ( TARGET.OpSys == "LINUX" ) && ( TARGET.Disk >= RequestDisk ) && ( TARGET.Memory >= RequestMemory ) && ( TARGET.HasFileTransfer );
+        MinHosts = 1;
+        MaxHosts = 1;
+        Args = "--type=Matlab --version=R2011b --cmdtorun=simu_condor --unique=149 -- 3";
+        PeriodicHold = false;
+        ProcId = 0;
+        Environment = "";
+        DAGNodeName = "149+149";
+        MemoryUsage = ( ( ResidentSetSize + 1023 ) / 1024 );
+        TerminationPending = true;
+        NumRestarts = 0;
+        NumSystemHolds = 0;
+        CommittedTime = 11407;
+        MachineAttrCpus0 = 1;
+        WantRemoteSyscalls = false;
+        MyType = "Job";
+        CumulativeSuspensionTime = 0;
+        Rank = 0.0;
+        StartdPrincipal = "execute-side@matchsession/";
+        Err = "process.err";
+        PeriodicRemove = false;
+        BlockWriteKbytes = 0;
+        ExitBySignal = false;
+        DAGManJobId = 49582200;
+        EnteredCurrentStatus = 1446132460;
+        JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "$$([IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName), IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), \"\", TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName)])";
+        RecentBlockWriteKbytes = 0;
+        TransferIn = false;
+        ExitStatus = 0;
+        ShouldTransferFiles = "YES";
+        IsCHTCSubmit = true;
+        NumJobMatches = 1;
+        RootDir = "/";
+        JobStartDate = 1446121053;
+        JobPrio = 0;
+        CurrentHosts = 0;
+        GlobalJobId = "";
+        RemoteSysCpu = 7.000000000000000E+01;
+        TotalSuspensions = 0;
+        CommittedSlotTime = 1.140700000000000E+04;
+        WantCheckpoint = false;
+        BlockReads = 0;
+        LastRemoteHost = "";
+        TransferInput = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/data/149/,/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/data/shared/";
+        LocalUserCpu = 0.0;
+        PeriodicRelease = ( JobStatus == 5 ) && ( ( CurrentTime - EnteredCurrentStatus ) > 1800 ) && ( JobRunCount < 5 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 6 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 14 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 22 );
+        RequestDisk = 1000000;
+        ResidentSetSize_RAW = 124492;
+        OrigMaxHosts = 1;
+        LastPublicClaimId = "<>#1444053387#12271#...";
+        WantRHEL6 = true;
+        NumCkpts_RAW = 0;
+        Out = "process.out";
+        SubmitEventNotes = "DAG Node: 149+149";
+        CumulativeSlotTime = 1.140700000000000E+04;
+        JobRunCount = 1;
+        RecentBlockReads = 0;
+        StreamErr = false;
+        DiskUsage_RAW = 1216669;
+        NumCkpts = 0;
+        StatsLifetimeStarter = 11405;
+        ImageSize = 1000000;
+        Cmd = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/chtcjobwrapper";
+        LocalSysCpu = 0.0;
         Iwd = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/model_3/149"
-        BlockWrites = 1; 
-        LastJobStatus = 2; 
-        JobCurrentStartExecutingDate = 1446107686; 
-        WantRemoteIO = true; 
-        RequestCpus = 1; 
-        NumShadowStarts = 1; 
-        RemoteUserCpu = 2.114500000000000E+04; 
-        NiceUser = false; 
-        RequestMemory = 1000; 
-        BytesRecvd = 2.850540000000000E+05; 
-        ResidentSetSize = 75000; 
-        StreamOut = false; 
-        SpooledOutputFiles = "harvest.log,CURLTIME_3853266,ChtcWrapper323.out,AuditLog.323,simu_3_323.txt,323.out"; 
-        OnExitRemove = true; 
-        ImageSize_RAW = 118000; 
-        RemoteWallClockTime = 2.474800000000000E+04; 
-        MachineAttrSlotWeight0 = 1; 
-        ExecutableSize = 7; 
-        JobStatus = 4; 
-        DAGParentNodeNames = ""; 
-        ExitCode = 0; 
-        DAGManNodesMask = "0,1,2,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,13,16,17,24,27"; 
-        BytesSent = 3.056000000000000E+04; 
-        LastSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        ExecutableSize_RAW = 6; 
-        RecentBlockReadKbytes = 4224; 
-        TransferInputSizeMB = 0; 
-        Matlab = "R2011b"; 
-        BlockReadKbytes = 43788; 
-        LocalSysCpu = 0.0; 
-        Iwd = "/home/xguo23/finally_2/Simulation_condor/model_3/323"; 
-        RecentStatsLifetimeStarter = 1200; 
-        LeaveJobInQueue = false; 
-        TargetType = "Machine"; 
-        WhenToTransferOutput = "ON_EXIT"; 
-        Owner = "xguo23"; 
-        JobNotification = 0; 
-        BufferSize = 524288; 
-        RecentBlockWrites = 0; 
-        CompletionDate = 1446132433; 
-        LastMatchTime = 1446107685; 
-        LastJobLeaseRenewal = 1446132433; 
-        DAGManNodesLog = "/home/xguo23/finally_2/Simulation_condor/model_3/./mydag.dag.nodes.log"; 
-        ClusterId = 49582124; 
-        NumJobStarts = 1; 
-        JobUniverse = 5; 
-        AutoClusterAttrs = "JobUniverse,LastCheckpointPlatform,NumCkpts,ClientMachine,_condor_RequestCpus,_condor_RequestDisk,_condor_RequestGPUs,_condor_RequestMemory,RequestCpus,RequestDisk,RequestGPUs,RequestMemory,BIOCHEM,MachineLastMatchTime,ConcurrencyLimits,NiceUser,Rank,Requirements,ImageSize,MemoryRequirements,User,RemoteGroup,SubmitterGroup,SubmitterUserPrio,Group,WIDsTheme,InteractiveJob,Is_Resumable,WantFlocking,WantGlidein,Scheduler,Owner,JobStart,MemoryUsage,IsExpressQueueJob,DiskUsage,HEP_VO,IsDesktop,OSG_VO,x509userproxysubject,PassedTest,IsLocalCMSJob,IsLocalCMSSlot,IsSAMSlot,IsSAMJob,MaxDiskTempC,IsDedicated,estimated_run_hours,IsCHTCSubmit,RequiresCVMFS,DynamicSlot,PartitionableSlot,Slot1_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot1_JobStarts,Slot1_SelfMonitorAge,Slot2_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot2_JobStarts,Slot2_SelfMonitorAge,Slot3_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot3_JobStarts,Slot3_SelfMonitorAge,Slot4_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot4_JobStarts,Slot4_SelfMonitorAge,Slot5_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot5_JobStarts,Slot5_SelfMonitorAge,Slot6_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot6_JobStarts,Slot6_SelfMonitorAge,Slot7_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot7_JobStarts,Slot7_SelfMonitorAge,Slot8_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot8_JobStarts,Slot8_SelfMonitorAge,Slot1_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot1_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot2_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot2_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot3_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot3_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot4_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot4_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot5_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot5_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot6_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot6_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot7_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot7_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot8_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot8_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot10_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot10_JobStarts,Slot10_SelfMonitorAge,Slot11_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot11_JobStarts,Slot11_SelfMonitorAge,Slot12_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot12_JobStarts,Slot12_SelfMonitorAge,Slot9_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot9_JobStarts,Slot9_SelfMonitorAge,Slot12_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot10_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot10_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot11_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot11_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot12_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot9_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot9_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot13_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot13_JobStarts,Slot13_SelfMonitorAge,Slot14_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot14_JobStarts,Slot14_SelfMonitorAge,Slot15_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot15_JobStarts,Slot15_SelfMonitorAge,Slot16_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot16_JobStarts,Slot16_SelfMonitorAge,IsResumable,WHEN_TO_TRANSFER_OUTPUT,_condor_Requestadmin_mutex_1,_condor_Requestadmin_mutex_2,_condor_Requestadmin_mutex_3,_condor_Requestmachine_token,Requestadmin_mutex_1,Requestadmin_mutex_2,Requestadmin_mutex_3,Requestmachine_token,nyehle,IsBuildJob,IsMatlabBuildJob,TotalJobRunTime,NodeOnline,Slot13_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot13_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot14_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot14_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot15_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot15_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot16_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot16_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,TmpIsFull,trResumable,RequiresCMSFrontier,Slot17_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot17_JobStarts,Slot17_SelfMonitorAge,Slot17_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot17_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot18_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot18_JobStarts,Slot18_SelfMonitorAge,Slot18_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot18_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot19_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot19_JobStarts,Slot19_SelfMonitorAge,Slot19_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot19_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot20_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot20_JobStarts,Slot20_SelfMonitorAge,Slot20_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot20_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot21_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot21_JobStarts,Slot21_SelfMonitorAge,Slot21_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot21_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot22_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot22_JobStarts,Slot22_SelfMonitorAge,Slot22_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot22_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot23_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot23_JobStarts,Slot23_SelfMonitorAge,Slot23_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot23_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot24_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot24_JobStarts,Slot24_SelfMonitorAge,Slot24_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot24_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot25_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot25_JobStarts,Slot25_SelfMonitorAge,Slot25_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot25_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot26_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot26_JobStarts,Slot26_SelfMonitorAge,Slot26_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot26_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot27_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot27_JobStarts,Slot27_SelfMonitorAge,Slot27_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot27_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot28_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot28_JobStarts,Slot28_SelfMonitorAge,Slot28_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot28_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot29_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot29_JobStarts,Slot29_SelfMonitorAge,Slot29_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot29_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot30_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot30_JobStarts,Slot30_SelfMonitorAge,Slot30_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot30_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot31_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot31_JobStarts,Slot31_SelfMonitorAge,Slot31_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot31_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot32_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot32_JobStarts,Slot32_SelfMonitorAge,Slot32_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot32_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,ResidentSetSize"; 
-        MaxHosts = 1; 
-        Args = "--type=Matlab --version=R2011b --cmdtorun=simu_condor --unique=323 -- 3"; 
-        CondorVersion = "$CondorVersion: 8.5.0 Sep 16 2015 BuildID: 341710 $"; 
-        CoreSize = 0; 
-        OnExitHold = false; 
-        CondorPlatform = "$CondorPlatform: X86_64-RedHat_6.6 $"; 
-        JobFinishedHookDone = 1446132434; 
-        QDate = 1446105525; 
-        JobLeaseDuration = 2400; 
-        In = "/dev/null"; 
-        DiskUsage = 1250000; 
-        EncryptExecuteDirectory = false; 
-        CommittedSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        User = ""; 
-        UserLog = "/home/xguo23/finally_2/Simulation_condor/model_3/323/process.log"; 
-        JobCurrentStartDate = 1446107685; 
-        BufferBlockSize = 32768; 
-        MATCH_EXP_JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = ""; 
-        Requirements = ( ( OpSysMajorVer is 6 ) ) && ( MY.JobUniverse == 12 || MY.JobUniverse == 7 || MY.WantFlocking || MY.WantGlidein || TARGET.PoolName == "CHTC" || TARGET.COLLECTOR_HOST_STRING == "" ) && ( TARGET.Arch == "X86_64" ) && ( TARGET.OpSys == "LINUX" ) && ( TARGET.Disk >= RequestDisk ) && ( TARGET.Memory >= RequestMemory ) && ( TARGET.HasFileTransfer ); 
-        MinHosts = 1; 
-        PeriodicHold = false; 
-        ProcId = 0; 
-        Environment = ""; 
-        DAGNodeName = "323+323"; 
-        MemoryUsage = ( ( ResidentSetSize + 1023 ) / 1024 ); 
-        TerminationPending = true; 
-        NumRestarts = 0; 
-        NumSystemHolds = 0; 
-        CommittedTime = 24748; 
-        AutoClusterId = 13; 
-        ExitStatus = 0; 
-        ShouldTransferFiles = "YES"; 
-        MachineAttrCpus0 = 1; 
-        WantRemoteSyscalls = false; 
-        MyType = "Job"; 
-        CumulativeSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        Rank = 0.0; 
-        StartdPrincipal = "execute-side@matchsession/"; 
-        Err = "process.err"; 
-        PeriodicRemove = false; 
-        BlockWriteKbytes = 4; 
-        ExitBySignal = false; 
-        DAGManJobId = 49581933; 
-        EnteredCurrentStatus = 1446132433; 
-        JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "$$([IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName), IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), \"\", TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName)])"; 
-        RecentBlockWriteKbytes = 0; 
-        TransferIn = false; 
-        IsCHTCSubmit = true; 
-        NumJobMatches = 1; 
-        RootDir = "/"; 
-        JobStartDate = 1446107685; 
-        JobPrio = 0; 
-        CurrentHosts = 0; 
-        GlobalJobId = ""; 
-        RemoteSysCpu = 1.750000000000000E+02; 
-        TotalSuspensions = 0; 
-        CommittedSlotTime = 2.474800000000000E+04; 
-        WantCheckpoint = false; 
-        BlockReads = 1142; 
-        LastRemoteHost = ""; 
-        TransferInput = "/home/xguo23/finally_2/Simulation_condor/data/323/,/home/xguo23/finally_2/Simulation_condor/data/shared/"; 
-        LocalUserCpu = 0.0; 
-        PeriodicRelease = ( JobStatus == 5 ) && ( ( CurrentTime - EnteredCurrentStatus ) > 1800 ) && ( JobRunCount < 5 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 6 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 14 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 22 ); 
-        RequestDisk = 1000000; 
-        ResidentSetSize_RAW = 71248; 
-        OrigMaxHosts = 1; 
-        LastPublicClaimId = "<>#1445371750#1302#..."; 
-        WantRHEL6 = true; 
-        NumCkpts_RAW = 0; 
-        Out = "process.out"; 
-        SubmitEventNotes = "DAG Node: 323+323"; 
-        CumulativeSlotTime = 2.474800000000000E+04; 
-        JobRunCount = 1; 
-        RecentBlockReads = 314; 
-        StreamErr = false; 
-        DiskUsage_RAW = 1216669; 
-        NumCkpts = 0; 
-        StatsLifetimeStarter = 24745; 
-        ImageSize = 125000; 
+        BlockWrites = 1;
+        LastJobStatus = 2;
+        JobCurrentStartExecutingDate = 1446107686;
+        WantRemoteIO = true;
+        RequestCpus = 1;
+        NumShadowStarts = 1;
+        RemoteUserCpu = 2.114500000000000E+04;
+        NiceUser = false;
+        RequestMemory = 1000;
+        BytesRecvd = 2.850540000000000E+05;
+        ResidentSetSize = 75000;
+        StreamOut = false;
+        SpooledOutputFiles = "harvest.log,CURLTIME_3853266,ChtcWrapper323.out,AuditLog.323,simu_3_323.txt,323.out";
+        OnExitRemove = true;
+        ImageSize_RAW = 118000;
+        RemoteWallClockTime = 2.474800000000000E+04;
+        MachineAttrSlotWeight0 = 1;
+        ExecutableSize = 7;
+        JobStatus = 4;
+        DAGParentNodeNames = "";
+        ExitCode = 0;
+        DAGManNodesMask = "0,1,2,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,13,16,17,24,27";
+        BytesSent = 3.056000000000000E+04;
+        LastSuspensionTime = 0;
+        ExecutableSize_RAW = 6;
+        RecentBlockReadKbytes = 4224;
+        TransferInputSizeMB = 0;
+        Matlab = "R2011b";
+        BlockReadKbytes = 43788;
+        LocalSysCpu = 0.0;
+        Iwd = "/home/xguo23/finally_2/Simulation_condor/model_3/323";
+        RecentStatsLifetimeStarter = 1200;
+        LeaveJobInQueue = false;
+        TargetType = "Machine";
+        WhenToTransferOutput = "ON_EXIT";
+        Owner = "xguo23";
+        JobNotification = 0;
+        BufferSize = 524288;
+        RecentBlockWrites = 0;
+        CompletionDate = 1446132433;
+        LastMatchTime = 1446107685;
+        LastJobLeaseRenewal = 1446132433;
+        DAGManNodesLog = "/home/xguo23/finally_2/Simulation_condor/model_3/./mydag.dag.nodes.log";
+        ClusterId = 49582124;
+        NumJobStarts = 1;
+        JobUniverse = 5;
+        AutoClusterAttrs = "JobUniverse,LastCheckpointPlatform,NumCkpts,ClientMachine,_condor_RequestCpus,_condor_RequestDisk,_condor_RequestGPUs,_condor_RequestMemory,RequestCpus,RequestDisk,RequestGPUs,RequestMemory,BIOCHEM,MachineLastMatchTime,ConcurrencyLimits,NiceUser,Rank,Requirements,ImageSize,MemoryRequirements,User,RemoteGroup,SubmitterGroup,SubmitterUserPrio,Group,WIDsTheme,InteractiveJob,Is_Resumable,WantFlocking,WantGlidein,Scheduler,Owner,JobStart,MemoryUsage,IsExpressQueueJob,DiskUsage,HEP_VO,IsDesktop,OSG_VO,x509userproxysubject,PassedTest,IsLocalCMSJob,IsLocalCMSSlot,IsSAMSlot,IsSAMJob,MaxDiskTempC,IsDedicated,estimated_run_hours,IsCHTCSubmit,RequiresCVMFS,DynamicSlot,PartitionableSlot,Slot1_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot1_JobStarts,Slot1_SelfMonitorAge,Slot2_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot2_JobStarts,Slot2_SelfMonitorAge,Slot3_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot3_JobStarts,Slot3_SelfMonitorAge,Slot4_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot4_JobStarts,Slot4_SelfMonitorAge,Slot5_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot5_JobStarts,Slot5_SelfMonitorAge,Slot6_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot6_JobStarts,Slot6_SelfMonitorAge,Slot7_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot7_JobStarts,Slot7_SelfMonitorAge,Slot8_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot8_JobStarts,Slot8_SelfMonitorAge,Slot1_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot1_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot2_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot2_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot3_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot3_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot4_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot4_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot5_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot5_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot6_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot6_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot7_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot7_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot8_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot8_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot10_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot10_JobStarts,Slot10_SelfMonitorAge,Slot11_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot11_JobStarts,Slot11_SelfMonitorAge,Slot12_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot12_JobStarts,Slot12_SelfMonitorAge,Slot9_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot9_JobStarts,Slot9_SelfMonitorAge,Slot12_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot10_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot10_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot11_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot11_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot12_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot9_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot9_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot13_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot13_JobStarts,Slot13_SelfMonitorAge,Slot14_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot14_JobStarts,Slot14_SelfMonitorAge,Slot15_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot15_JobStarts,Slot15_SelfMonitorAge,Slot16_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot16_JobStarts,Slot16_SelfMonitorAge,IsResumable,WHEN_TO_TRANSFER_OUTPUT,_condor_Requestadmin_mutex_1,_condor_Requestadmin_mutex_2,_condor_Requestadmin_mutex_3,_condor_Requestmachine_token,Requestadmin_mutex_1,Requestadmin_mutex_2,Requestadmin_mutex_3,Requestmachine_token,nyehle,IsBuildJob,IsMatlabBuildJob,TotalJobRunTime,NodeOnline,Slot13_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot13_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot14_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot14_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot15_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot15_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot16_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot16_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,TmpIsFull,trResumable,RequiresCMSFrontier,Slot17_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot17_JobStarts,Slot17_SelfMonitorAge,Slot17_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot17_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot18_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot18_JobStarts,Slot18_SelfMonitorAge,Slot18_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot18_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot19_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot19_JobStarts,Slot19_SelfMonitorAge,Slot19_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot19_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot20_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot20_JobStarts,Slot20_SelfMonitorAge,Slot20_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot20_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot21_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot21_JobStarts,Slot21_SelfMonitorAge,Slot21_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot21_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot22_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot22_JobStarts,Slot22_SelfMonitorAge,Slot22_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot22_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot23_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot23_JobStarts,Slot23_SelfMonitorAge,Slot23_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot23_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot24_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot24_JobStarts,Slot24_SelfMonitorAge,Slot24_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot24_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot25_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot25_JobStarts,Slot25_SelfMonitorAge,Slot25_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot25_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot26_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot26_JobStarts,Slot26_SelfMonitorAge,Slot26_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot26_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot27_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot27_JobStarts,Slot27_SelfMonitorAge,Slot27_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot27_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot28_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot28_JobStarts,Slot28_SelfMonitorAge,Slot28_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot28_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot29_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot29_JobStarts,Slot29_SelfMonitorAge,Slot29_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot29_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot30_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot30_JobStarts,Slot30_SelfMonitorAge,Slot30_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot30_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot31_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot31_JobStarts,Slot31_SelfMonitorAge,Slot31_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot31_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,Slot32_ExpectedMachineGracefulDrainingCompletion,Slot32_JobStarts,Slot32_SelfMonitorAge,Slot32_TotalTimeClaimedBusy,Slot32_TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle,ResidentSetSize";
+        MaxHosts = 1;
+        Args = "--type=Matlab --version=R2011b --cmdtorun=simu_condor --unique=323 -- 3";
+        CondorVersion = "$CondorVersion: 8.5.0 Sep 16 2015 BuildID: 341710 $";
+        CoreSize = 0;
+        OnExitHold = false;
+        CondorPlatform = "$CondorPlatform: X86_64-RedHat_6.6 $";
+        JobFinishedHookDone = 1446132434;
+        QDate = 1446105525;
+        JobLeaseDuration = 2400;
+        In = "/dev/null";
+        DiskUsage = 1250000;
+        EncryptExecuteDirectory = false;
+        CommittedSuspensionTime = 0;
+        User = "";
+        UserLog = "/home/xguo23/finally_2/Simulation_condor/model_3/323/process.log";
+        JobCurrentStartDate = 1446107685;
+        BufferBlockSize = 32768;
+        MATCH_EXP_JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "";
+        Requirements = ( ( OpSysMajorVer is 6 ) ) && ( MY.JobUniverse == 12 || MY.JobUniverse == 7 || MY.WantFlocking || MY.WantGlidein || TARGET.PoolName == "CHTC" || TARGET.COLLECTOR_HOST_STRING == "" ) && ( TARGET.Arch == "X86_64" ) && ( TARGET.OpSys == "LINUX" ) && ( TARGET.Disk >= RequestDisk ) && ( TARGET.Memory >= RequestMemory ) && ( TARGET.HasFileTransfer );
+        MinHosts = 1;
+        PeriodicHold = false;
+        ProcId = 0;
+        Environment = "";
+        DAGNodeName = "323+323";
+        MemoryUsage = ( ( ResidentSetSize + 1023 ) / 1024 );
+        TerminationPending = true;
+        NumRestarts = 0;
+        NumSystemHolds = 0;
+        CommittedTime = 24748;
+        AutoClusterId = 13;
+        ExitStatus = 0;
+        ShouldTransferFiles = "YES";
+        MachineAttrCpus0 = 1;
+        WantRemoteSyscalls = false;
+        MyType = "Job";
+        CumulativeSuspensionTime = 0;
+        Rank = 0.0;
+        StartdPrincipal = "execute-side@matchsession/";
+        Err = "process.err";
+        PeriodicRemove = false;
+        BlockWriteKbytes = 4;
+        ExitBySignal = false;
+        DAGManJobId = 49581933;
+        EnteredCurrentStatus = 1446132433;
+        JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "$$([IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName), IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), \"\", TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName)])";
+        RecentBlockWriteKbytes = 0;
+        TransferIn = false;
+        IsCHTCSubmit = true;
+        NumJobMatches = 1;
+        RootDir = "/";
+        JobStartDate = 1446107685;
+        JobPrio = 0;
+        CurrentHosts = 0;
+        GlobalJobId = "";
+        RemoteSysCpu = 1.750000000000000E+02;
+        TotalSuspensions = 0;
+        CommittedSlotTime = 2.474800000000000E+04;
+        WantCheckpoint = false;
+        BlockReads = 1142;
+        LastRemoteHost = "";
+        TransferInput = "/home/xguo23/finally_2/Simulation_condor/data/323/,/home/xguo23/finally_2/Simulation_condor/data/shared/";
+        LocalUserCpu = 0.0;
+        PeriodicRelease = ( JobStatus == 5 ) && ( ( CurrentTime - EnteredCurrentStatus ) > 1800 ) && ( JobRunCount < 5 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 6 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 14 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 22 );
+        RequestDisk = 1000000;
+        ResidentSetSize_RAW = 71248;
+        OrigMaxHosts = 1;
+        LastPublicClaimId = "<>#1445371750#1302#...";
+        WantRHEL6 = true;
+        NumCkpts_RAW = 0;
+        Out = "process.out";
+        SubmitEventNotes = "DAG Node: 323+323";
+        CumulativeSlotTime = 2.474800000000000E+04;
+        JobRunCount = 1;
+        RecentBlockReads = 314;
+        StreamErr = false;
+        DiskUsage_RAW = 1216669;
+        NumCkpts = 0;
+        StatsLifetimeStarter = 24745;
+        ImageSize = 125000;
         Cmd = "/home/xguo23/finally_2/Simulation_condor/chtcjobwrapper"
-        BlockWrites = 0; 
-        LastJobStatus = 2; 
-        JobCurrentStartExecutingDate = 1446116498; 
-        WantRemoteIO = true; 
-        RequestCpus = 1; 
-        NumShadowStarts = 1; 
-        RemoteUserCpu = 1.580400000000000E+04; 
-        NiceUser = false; 
-        RequestMemory = 1000; 
-        BytesRecvd = 2.847180000000000E+05; 
-        ResidentSetSize = 150000; 
-        StreamOut = false; 
-        SpooledOutputFiles = "CURLTIME_3390859,ChtcWrapper70.out,AuditLog.70,simu_3_70.txt,harvest.log,70.out"; 
-        OnExitRemove = true; 
-        ImageSize_RAW = 811948; 
-        RemoteWallClockTime = 1.592900000000000E+04; 
-        MachineAttrSlotWeight0 = 1; 
-        ExecutableSize = 7; 
-        JobStatus = 4; 
-        DAGParentNodeNames = ""; 
-        ExitCode = 0; 
-        DAGManNodesMask = "0,1,2,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,13,16,17,24,27"; 
-        BytesSent = 2.790800000000000E+04; 
-        LastSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        ExecutableSize_RAW = 6; 
-        RecentBlockReadKbytes = 0; 
-        TransferInputSizeMB = 0; 
-        Matlab = "R2011b"; 
-        BlockReadKbytes = 0; 
-        RecentStatsLifetimeStarter = 1200; 
-        LeaveJobInQueue = false; 
-        TargetType = "Machine"; 
-        WhenToTransferOutput = "ON_EXIT"; 
-        Owner = "xguo23"; 
-        JobNotification = 0; 
-        BufferSize = 524288; 
-        RecentBlockWrites = 0; 
-        CompletionDate = 1446132426; 
-        QDate = 1446105868; 
-        JobLeaseDuration = 2400; 
-        JobFinishedHookDone = 1446132426; 
-        LastMatchTime = 1446116497; 
-        LastJobLeaseRenewal = 1446132426; 
-        DAGManNodesLog = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.46/Simulation_condor/model_3/./mydag.dag.nodes.log"; 
-        ClusterId = 49582874; 
-        JobUniverse = 5; 
-        NumJobStarts = 1; 
-        CondorVersion = "$CondorVersion: 8.5.0 Sep 16 2015 BuildID: 341710 $"; 
-        CoreSize = 0; 
-        OnExitHold = false; 
-        CondorPlatform = "$CondorPlatform: X86_64-RedHat_6.6 $"; 
-        In = "/dev/null"; 
-        DiskUsage = 1250000; 
-        EncryptExecuteDirectory = false; 
-        CommittedSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        User = ""; 
-        UserLog = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.46/Simulation_condor/model_3/70/process.log"; 
-        JobCurrentStartDate = 1446116497; 
-        BufferBlockSize = 32768; 
-        MATCH_EXP_JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = ""; 
-        Requirements = ( ( OpSysMajorVer is 6 ) ) && ( MY.JobUniverse == 12 || MY.JobUniverse == 7 || MY.WantFlocking || MY.WantGlidein || TARGET.PoolName == "CHTC" || TARGET.COLLECTOR_HOST_STRING == "" ) && ( TARGET.Arch == "X86_64" ) && ( TARGET.OpSys == "LINUX" ) && ( TARGET.Disk >= RequestDisk ) && ( TARGET.Memory >= RequestMemory ) && ( TARGET.HasFileTransfer ); 
-        MinHosts = 1; 
-        MaxHosts = 1; 
-        Args = "--type=Matlab --version=R2011b --cmdtorun=simu_condor --unique=70 -- 3"; 
-        PeriodicHold = false; 
-        ProcId = 0; 
-        Environment = ""; 
-        DAGNodeName = "70+70"; 
-        MemoryUsage = ( ( ResidentSetSize + 1023 ) / 1024 ); 
-        TerminationPending = true; 
-        NumRestarts = 0; 
-        NumSystemHolds = 0; 
-        CommittedTime = 15929; 
-        MachineAttrCpus0 = 1; 
-        WantRemoteSyscalls = false; 
-        MyType = "Job"; 
-        CumulativeSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        Rank = 0.0; 
-        StartdPrincipal = "execute-side@matchsession/"; 
-        Err = "process.err"; 
-        PeriodicRemove = false; 
-        BlockWriteKbytes = 0; 
-        ExitBySignal = false; 
-        DAGManJobId = 49582778; 
-        EnteredCurrentStatus = 1446132426; 
-        JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "$$([IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName), IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), \"\", TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName)])"; 
-        RecentBlockWriteKbytes = 0; 
-        TransferIn = false; 
-        ExitStatus = 0; 
-        ShouldTransferFiles = "YES"; 
-        IsCHTCSubmit = true; 
-        NumJobMatches = 1; 
-        RootDir = "/"; 
-        JobStartDate = 1446116497; 
-        JobPrio = 0; 
-        CurrentHosts = 0; 
-        GlobalJobId = ""; 
-        RemoteSysCpu = 1.000000000000000E+02; 
-        TotalSuspensions = 0; 
-        CommittedSlotTime = 1.592900000000000E+04; 
-        WantCheckpoint = false; 
-        BlockReads = 0; 
-        LastRemoteHost = ""; 
-        TransferInput = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.46/Simulation_condor/data/70/,/home/xguo23/model_3_1.46/Simulation_condor/data/shared/"; 
-        LocalUserCpu = 0.0; 
-        PeriodicRelease = ( JobStatus == 5 ) && ( ( CurrentTime - EnteredCurrentStatus ) > 1800 ) && ( JobRunCount < 5 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 6 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 14 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 22 ); 
-        RequestDisk = 1000000; 
-        ResidentSetSize_RAW = 126992; 
-        OrigMaxHosts = 1; 
-        LastPublicClaimId = "<>#1443991432#16216#..."; 
-        WantRHEL6 = true; 
-        NumCkpts_RAW = 0; 
-        Out = "process.out"; 
-        SubmitEventNotes = "DAG Node: 70+70"; 
-        CumulativeSlotTime = 1.592900000000000E+04; 
-        JobRunCount = 1; 
-        RecentBlockReads = 0; 
-        StreamErr = false; 
-        DiskUsage_RAW = 1216669; 
-        NumCkpts = 0; 
-        StatsLifetimeStarter = 15928; 
-        ImageSize = 1000000; 
-        Cmd = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.46/Simulation_condor/chtcjobwrapper"; 
-        LocalSysCpu = 0.0; 
+        BlockWrites = 0;
+        LastJobStatus = 2;
+        JobCurrentStartExecutingDate = 1446116498;
+        WantRemoteIO = true;
+        RequestCpus = 1;
+        NumShadowStarts = 1;
+        RemoteUserCpu = 1.580400000000000E+04;
+        NiceUser = false;
+        RequestMemory = 1000;
+        BytesRecvd = 2.847180000000000E+05;
+        ResidentSetSize = 150000;
+        StreamOut = false;
+        SpooledOutputFiles = "CURLTIME_3390859,ChtcWrapper70.out,AuditLog.70,simu_3_70.txt,harvest.log,70.out";
+        OnExitRemove = true;
+        ImageSize_RAW = 811948;
+        RemoteWallClockTime = 1.592900000000000E+04;
+        MachineAttrSlotWeight0 = 1;
+        ExecutableSize = 7;
+        JobStatus = 4;
+        DAGParentNodeNames = "";
+        ExitCode = 0;
+        DAGManNodesMask = "0,1,2,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,13,16,17,24,27";
+        BytesSent = 2.790800000000000E+04;
+        LastSuspensionTime = 0;
+        ExecutableSize_RAW = 6;
+        RecentBlockReadKbytes = 0;
+        TransferInputSizeMB = 0;
+        Matlab = "R2011b";
+        BlockReadKbytes = 0;
+        RecentStatsLifetimeStarter = 1200;
+        LeaveJobInQueue = false;
+        TargetType = "Machine";
+        WhenToTransferOutput = "ON_EXIT";
+        Owner = "xguo23";
+        JobNotification = 0;
+        BufferSize = 524288;
+        RecentBlockWrites = 0;
+        CompletionDate = 1446132426;
+        QDate = 1446105868;
+        JobLeaseDuration = 2400;
+        JobFinishedHookDone = 1446132426;
+        LastMatchTime = 1446116497;
+        LastJobLeaseRenewal = 1446132426;
+        DAGManNodesLog = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.46/Simulation_condor/model_3/./mydag.dag.nodes.log";
+        ClusterId = 49582874;
+        JobUniverse = 5;
+        NumJobStarts = 1;
+        CondorVersion = "$CondorVersion: 8.5.0 Sep 16 2015 BuildID: 341710 $";
+        CoreSize = 0;
+        OnExitHold = false;
+        CondorPlatform = "$CondorPlatform: X86_64-RedHat_6.6 $";
+        In = "/dev/null";
+        DiskUsage = 1250000;
+        EncryptExecuteDirectory = false;
+        CommittedSuspensionTime = 0;
+        User = "";
+        UserLog = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.46/Simulation_condor/model_3/70/process.log";
+        JobCurrentStartDate = 1446116497;
+        BufferBlockSize = 32768;
+        MATCH_EXP_JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "";
+        Requirements = ( ( OpSysMajorVer is 6 ) ) && ( MY.JobUniverse == 12 || MY.JobUniverse == 7 || MY.WantFlocking || MY.WantGlidein || TARGET.PoolName == "CHTC" || TARGET.COLLECTOR_HOST_STRING == "" ) && ( TARGET.Arch == "X86_64" ) && ( TARGET.OpSys == "LINUX" ) && ( TARGET.Disk >= RequestDisk ) && ( TARGET.Memory >= RequestMemory ) && ( TARGET.HasFileTransfer );
+        MinHosts = 1;
+        MaxHosts = 1;
+        Args = "--type=Matlab --version=R2011b --cmdtorun=simu_condor --unique=70 -- 3";
+        PeriodicHold = false;
+        ProcId = 0;
+        Environment = "";
+        DAGNodeName = "70+70";
+        MemoryUsage = ( ( ResidentSetSize + 1023 ) / 1024 );
+        TerminationPending = true;
+        NumRestarts = 0;
+        NumSystemHolds = 0;
+        CommittedTime = 15929;
+        MachineAttrCpus0 = 1;
+        WantRemoteSyscalls = false;
+        MyType = "Job";
+        CumulativeSuspensionTime = 0;
+        Rank = 0.0;
+        StartdPrincipal = "execute-side@matchsession/";
+        Err = "process.err";
+        PeriodicRemove = false;
+        BlockWriteKbytes = 0;
+        ExitBySignal = false;
+        DAGManJobId = 49582778;
+        EnteredCurrentStatus = 1446132426;
+        JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "$$([IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName), IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), \"\", TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName)])";
+        RecentBlockWriteKbytes = 0;
+        TransferIn = false;
+        ExitStatus = 0;
+        ShouldTransferFiles = "YES";
+        IsCHTCSubmit = true;
+        NumJobMatches = 1;
+        RootDir = "/";
+        JobStartDate = 1446116497;
+        JobPrio = 0;
+        CurrentHosts = 0;
+        GlobalJobId = "";
+        RemoteSysCpu = 1.000000000000000E+02;
+        TotalSuspensions = 0;
+        CommittedSlotTime = 1.592900000000000E+04;
+        WantCheckpoint = false;
+        BlockReads = 0;
+        LastRemoteHost = "";
+        TransferInput = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.46/Simulation_condor/data/70/,/home/xguo23/model_3_1.46/Simulation_condor/data/shared/";
+        LocalUserCpu = 0.0;
+        PeriodicRelease = ( JobStatus == 5 ) && ( ( CurrentTime - EnteredCurrentStatus ) > 1800 ) && ( JobRunCount < 5 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 6 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 14 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 22 );
+        RequestDisk = 1000000;
+        ResidentSetSize_RAW = 126992;
+        OrigMaxHosts = 1;
+        LastPublicClaimId = "<>#1443991432#16216#...";
+        WantRHEL6 = true;
+        NumCkpts_RAW = 0;
+        Out = "process.out";
+        SubmitEventNotes = "DAG Node: 70+70";
+        CumulativeSlotTime = 1.592900000000000E+04;
+        JobRunCount = 1;
+        RecentBlockReads = 0;
+        StreamErr = false;
+        DiskUsage_RAW = 1216669;
+        NumCkpts = 0;
+        StatsLifetimeStarter = 15928;
+        ImageSize = 1000000;
+        Cmd = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.46/Simulation_condor/chtcjobwrapper";
+        LocalSysCpu = 0.0;
         Iwd = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.46/Simulation_condor/model_3/70"
-        BlockWrites = 0; 
-        LastJobStatus = 2; 
-        JobCurrentStartExecutingDate = 1446107491; 
-        WantRemoteIO = true; 
-        RequestCpus = 1; 
-        NumShadowStarts = 1; 
-        RemoteUserCpu = 2.474200000000000E+04; 
-        NiceUser = false; 
-        RequestMemory = 1000; 
-        BytesRecvd = 2.850540000000000E+05; 
-        ResidentSetSize = 150000; 
-        StreamOut = false; 
-        SpooledOutputFiles = "CURLTIME_674,ChtcWrapper152.out,AuditLog.152,simu_3_152.txt,harvest.log,152.out"; 
-        OnExitRemove = true; 
-        ImageSize_RAW = 811948; 
-        RemoteWallClockTime = 2.493000000000000E+04; 
-        MachineAttrSlotWeight0 = 1; 
-        ExecutableSize = 7; 
-        JobStatus = 4; 
-        DAGParentNodeNames = ""; 
-        ExitCode = 0; 
-        DAGManNodesMask = "0,1,2,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,13,16,17,24,27"; 
-        BytesSent = 3.043100000000000E+04; 
-        LastSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        ExecutableSize_RAW = 6; 
-        RecentBlockReadKbytes = 0; 
-        TransferInputSizeMB = 0; 
-        Matlab = "R2011b"; 
-        BlockReadKbytes = 0; 
-        RecentStatsLifetimeStarter = 1200; 
-        LeaveJobInQueue = false; 
-        TargetType = "Machine"; 
-        WhenToTransferOutput = "ON_EXIT"; 
-        Owner = "xguo23"; 
-        JobNotification = 0; 
-        BufferSize = 524288; 
-        RecentBlockWrites = 0; 
-        CompletionDate = 1446132420; 
-        QDate = 1446105519; 
-        JobLeaseDuration = 2400; 
-        JobFinishedHookDone = 1446132420; 
-        LastMatchTime = 1446107490; 
-        LastJobLeaseRenewal = 1446132420; 
-        DAGManNodesLog = "/home/xguo23/finally_2/Simulation_condor/model_3/./mydag.dag.nodes.log"; 
-        ClusterId = 49582119; 
-        JobUniverse = 5; 
-        NumJobStarts = 1; 
-        CondorVersion = "$CondorVersion: 8.5.0 Sep 16 2015 BuildID: 341710 $"; 
-        CoreSize = 0; 
-        OnExitHold = false; 
-        CondorPlatform = "$CondorPlatform: X86_64-RedHat_6.6 $"; 
-        In = "/dev/null"; 
-        DiskUsage = 1250000; 
-        EncryptExecuteDirectory = false; 
-        CommittedSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        User = ""; 
-        UserLog = "/home/xguo23/finally_2/Simulation_condor/model_3/152/process.log"; 
-        JobCurrentStartDate = 1446107490; 
-        BufferBlockSize = 32768; 
-        MATCH_EXP_JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = ""; 
-        Requirements = ( ( OpSysMajorVer is 6 ) ) && ( MY.JobUniverse == 12 || MY.JobUniverse == 7 || MY.WantFlocking || MY.WantGlidein || TARGET.PoolName == "CHTC" || TARGET.COLLECTOR_HOST_STRING == "" ) && ( TARGET.Arch == "X86_64" ) && ( TARGET.OpSys == "LINUX" ) && ( TARGET.Disk >= RequestDisk ) && ( TARGET.Memory >= RequestMemory ) && ( TARGET.HasFileTransfer ); 
-        MinHosts = 1; 
-        MaxHosts = 1; 
-        Args = "--type=Matlab --version=R2011b --cmdtorun=simu_condor --unique=152 -- 3"; 
-        PeriodicHold = false; 
-        ProcId = 0; 
-        Environment = ""; 
-        DAGNodeName = "152+152"; 
-        MemoryUsage = ( ( ResidentSetSize + 1023 ) / 1024 ); 
-        TerminationPending = true; 
-        NumRestarts = 0; 
-        NumSystemHolds = 0; 
-        CommittedTime = 24930; 
-        MachineAttrCpus0 = 1; 
-        WantRemoteSyscalls = false; 
-        MyType = "Job"; 
-        CumulativeSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        Rank = 0.0; 
-        StartdPrincipal = "execute-side@matchsession/"; 
-        Err = "process.err"; 
-        PeriodicRemove = false; 
-        BlockWriteKbytes = 0; 
-        ExitBySignal = false; 
-        DAGManJobId = 49581933; 
-        EnteredCurrentStatus = 1446132420; 
-        JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "$$([IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName), IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), \"\", TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName)])"; 
-        RecentBlockWriteKbytes = 0; 
-        TransferIn = false; 
-        ExitStatus = 0; 
-        ShouldTransferFiles = "YES"; 
-        IsCHTCSubmit = true; 
-        NumJobMatches = 1; 
-        RootDir = "/"; 
-        JobStartDate = 1446107490; 
-        JobPrio = 0; 
-        CurrentHosts = 0; 
-        GlobalJobId = ""; 
-        RemoteSysCpu = 1.560000000000000E+02; 
-        TotalSuspensions = 0; 
-        CommittedSlotTime = 2.493000000000000E+04; 
-        WantCheckpoint = false; 
-        BlockReads = 0; 
-        LastRemoteHost = "slot1@e442.chtc.WISC.EDU"; 
-        TransferInput = "/home/xguo23/finally_2/Simulation_condor/data/152/,/home/xguo23/finally_2/Simulation_condor/data/shared/"; 
-        LocalUserCpu = 0.0; 
-        PeriodicRelease = ( JobStatus == 5 ) && ( ( CurrentTime - EnteredCurrentStatus ) > 1800 ) && ( JobRunCount < 5 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 6 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 14 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 22 ); 
-        RequestDisk = 1000000; 
-        ResidentSetSize_RAW = 128972; 
-        OrigMaxHosts = 1; 
-        LastPublicClaimId = "<>#1443991450#10374#..."; 
-        WantRHEL6 = true; 
-        NumCkpts_RAW = 0; 
-        Out = "process.out"; 
-        SubmitEventNotes = "DAG Node: 152+152"; 
-        CumulativeSlotTime = 2.493000000000000E+04; 
-        JobRunCount = 1; 
-        RecentBlockReads = 0; 
-        StreamErr = false; 
-        DiskUsage_RAW = 1216669; 
-        NumCkpts = 0; 
-        StatsLifetimeStarter = 24928; 
-        ImageSize = 1000000; 
-        Cmd = "/home/xguo23/finally_2/Simulation_condor/chtcjobwrapper"; 
-        LocalSysCpu = 0.0; 
+        BlockWrites = 0;
+        LastJobStatus = 2;
+        JobCurrentStartExecutingDate = 1446107491;
+        WantRemoteIO = true;
+        RequestCpus = 1;
+        NumShadowStarts = 1;
+        RemoteUserCpu = 2.474200000000000E+04;
+        NiceUser = false;
+        RequestMemory = 1000;
+        BytesRecvd = 2.850540000000000E+05;
+        ResidentSetSize = 150000;
+        StreamOut = false;
+        SpooledOutputFiles = "CURLTIME_674,ChtcWrapper152.out,AuditLog.152,simu_3_152.txt,harvest.log,152.out";
+        OnExitRemove = true;
+        ImageSize_RAW = 811948;
+        RemoteWallClockTime = 2.493000000000000E+04;
+        MachineAttrSlotWeight0 = 1;
+        ExecutableSize = 7;
+        JobStatus = 4;
+        DAGParentNodeNames = "";
+        ExitCode = 0;
+        DAGManNodesMask = "0,1,2,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,13,16,17,24,27";
+        BytesSent = 3.043100000000000E+04;
+        LastSuspensionTime = 0;
+        ExecutableSize_RAW = 6;
+        RecentBlockReadKbytes = 0;
+        TransferInputSizeMB = 0;
+        Matlab = "R2011b";
+        BlockReadKbytes = 0;
+        RecentStatsLifetimeStarter = 1200;
+        LeaveJobInQueue = false;
+        TargetType = "Machine";
+        WhenToTransferOutput = "ON_EXIT";
+        Owner = "xguo23";
+        JobNotification = 0;
+        BufferSize = 524288;
+        RecentBlockWrites = 0;
+        CompletionDate = 1446132420;
+        QDate = 1446105519;
+        JobLeaseDuration = 2400;
+        JobFinishedHookDone = 1446132420;
+        LastMatchTime = 1446107490;
+        LastJobLeaseRenewal = 1446132420;
+        DAGManNodesLog = "/home/xguo23/finally_2/Simulation_condor/model_3/./mydag.dag.nodes.log";
+        ClusterId = 49582119;
+        JobUniverse = 5;
+        NumJobStarts = 1;
+        CondorVersion = "$CondorVersion: 8.5.0 Sep 16 2015 BuildID: 341710 $";
+        CoreSize = 0;
+        OnExitHold = false;
+        CondorPlatform = "$CondorPlatform: X86_64-RedHat_6.6 $";
+        In = "/dev/null";
+        DiskUsage = 1250000;
+        EncryptExecuteDirectory = false;
+        CommittedSuspensionTime = 0;
+        User = "";
+        UserLog = "/home/xguo23/finally_2/Simulation_condor/model_3/152/process.log";
+        JobCurrentStartDate = 1446107490;
+        BufferBlockSize = 32768;
+        MATCH_EXP_JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "";
+        Requirements = ( ( OpSysMajorVer is 6 ) ) && ( MY.JobUniverse == 12 || MY.JobUniverse == 7 || MY.WantFlocking || MY.WantGlidein || TARGET.PoolName == "CHTC" || TARGET.COLLECTOR_HOST_STRING == "" ) && ( TARGET.Arch == "X86_64" ) && ( TARGET.OpSys == "LINUX" ) && ( TARGET.Disk >= RequestDisk ) && ( TARGET.Memory >= RequestMemory ) && ( TARGET.HasFileTransfer );
+        MinHosts = 1;
+        MaxHosts = 1;
+        Args = "--type=Matlab --version=R2011b --cmdtorun=simu_condor --unique=152 -- 3";
+        PeriodicHold = false;
+        ProcId = 0;
+        Environment = "";
+        DAGNodeName = "152+152";
+        MemoryUsage = ( ( ResidentSetSize + 1023 ) / 1024 );
+        TerminationPending = true;
+        NumRestarts = 0;
+        NumSystemHolds = 0;
+        CommittedTime = 24930;
+        MachineAttrCpus0 = 1;
+        WantRemoteSyscalls = false;
+        MyType = "Job";
+        CumulativeSuspensionTime = 0;
+        Rank = 0.0;
+        StartdPrincipal = "execute-side@matchsession/";
+        Err = "process.err";
+        PeriodicRemove = false;
+        BlockWriteKbytes = 0;
+        ExitBySignal = false;
+        DAGManJobId = 49581933;
+        EnteredCurrentStatus = 1446132420;
+        JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "$$([IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName), IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), \"\", TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName)])";
+        RecentBlockWriteKbytes = 0;
+        TransferIn = false;
+        ExitStatus = 0;
+        ShouldTransferFiles = "YES";
+        IsCHTCSubmit = true;
+        NumJobMatches = 1;
+        RootDir = "/";
+        JobStartDate = 1446107490;
+        JobPrio = 0;
+        CurrentHosts = 0;
+        GlobalJobId = "";
+        RemoteSysCpu = 1.560000000000000E+02;
+        TotalSuspensions = 0;
+        CommittedSlotTime = 2.493000000000000E+04;
+        WantCheckpoint = false;
+        BlockReads = 0;
+        LastRemoteHost = "slot1@e442.chtc.WISC.EDU";
+        TransferInput = "/home/xguo23/finally_2/Simulation_condor/data/152/,/home/xguo23/finally_2/Simulation_condor/data/shared/";
+        LocalUserCpu = 0.0;
+        PeriodicRelease = ( JobStatus == 5 ) && ( ( CurrentTime - EnteredCurrentStatus ) > 1800 ) && ( JobRunCount < 5 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 6 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 14 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 22 );
+        RequestDisk = 1000000;
+        ResidentSetSize_RAW = 128972;
+        OrigMaxHosts = 1;
+        LastPublicClaimId = "<>#1443991450#10374#...";
+        WantRHEL6 = true;
+        NumCkpts_RAW = 0;
+        Out = "process.out";
+        SubmitEventNotes = "DAG Node: 152+152";
+        CumulativeSlotTime = 2.493000000000000E+04;
+        JobRunCount = 1;
+        RecentBlockReads = 0;
+        StreamErr = false;
+        DiskUsage_RAW = 1216669;
+        NumCkpts = 0;
+        StatsLifetimeStarter = 24928;
+        ImageSize = 1000000;
+        Cmd = "/home/xguo23/finally_2/Simulation_condor/chtcjobwrapper";
+        LocalSysCpu = 0.0;
         Iwd = "/home/xguo23/finally_2/Simulation_condor/model_3/152"
-        BlockWrites = 0; 
-        LastJobStatus = 2; 
-        JobCurrentStartExecutingDate = 1446113039; 
-        WantRemoteIO = true; 
-        RequestCpus = 1; 
-        NumShadowStarts = 1; 
-        RemoteUserCpu = 1.922600000000000E+04; 
-        NiceUser = false; 
-        RequestMemory = 1000; 
-        BytesRecvd = 2.846290000000000E+05; 
-        ResidentSetSize = 150000; 
-        StreamOut = false; 
-        SpooledOutputFiles = "CURLTIME_3355874,ChtcWrapper231.out,AuditLog.231,simu_3_231.txt,harvest.log,231.out"; 
-        OnExitRemove = true; 
-        ImageSize_RAW = 811948; 
-        RemoteWallClockTime = 1.936000000000000E+04; 
-        MachineAttrSlotWeight0 = 1; 
-        ExecutableSize = 7; 
-        JobStatus = 4; 
-        DAGParentNodeNames = ""; 
-        ExitCode = 0; 
-        DAGManNodesMask = "0,1,2,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,13,16,17,24,27"; 
-        BytesSent = 3.050700000000000E+04; 
-        LastSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        ExecutableSize_RAW = 6; 
-        RecentBlockReadKbytes = 0; 
-        TransferInputSizeMB = 0; 
-        Matlab = "R2011b"; 
-        BlockReadKbytes = 0; 
-        RecentStatsLifetimeStarter = 1200; 
-        LeaveJobInQueue = false; 
-        TargetType = "Machine"; 
-        WhenToTransferOutput = "ON_EXIT"; 
-        Owner = "xguo23"; 
-        JobNotification = 0; 
-        BufferSize = 524288; 
-        RecentBlockWrites = 0; 
-        CompletionDate = 1446132398; 
-        QDate = 1446105757; 
-        JobLeaseDuration = 2400; 
-        JobFinishedHookDone = 1446132398; 
-        LastMatchTime = 1446113038; 
-        LastJobLeaseRenewal = 1446132398; 
-        DAGManNodesLog = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/model_3/./mydag.dag.nodes.log"; 
-        ClusterId = 49582601; 
-        JobUniverse = 5; 
-        NumJobStarts = 1; 
-        CondorVersion = "$CondorVersion: 8.5.0 Sep 16 2015 BuildID: 341710 $"; 
-        CoreSize = 0; 
-        OnExitHold = false; 
-        CondorPlatform = "$CondorPlatform: X86_64-RedHat_6.6 $"; 
-        In = "/dev/null"; 
-        DiskUsage = 1250000; 
-        EncryptExecuteDirectory = false; 
-        CommittedSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        User = ""; 
-        UserLog = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/model_3/231/process.log"; 
-        JobCurrentStartDate = 1446113038; 
-        BufferBlockSize = 32768; 
-        MATCH_EXP_JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = ""; 
-        Requirements = ( ( OpSysMajorVer is 6 ) ) && ( MY.JobUniverse == 12 || MY.JobUniverse == 7 || MY.WantFlocking || MY.WantGlidein || TARGET.PoolName == "CHTC" || TARGET.COLLECTOR_HOST_STRING == "" ) && ( TARGET.Arch == "X86_64" ) && ( TARGET.OpSys == "LINUX" ) && ( TARGET.Disk >= RequestDisk ) && ( TARGET.Memory >= RequestMemory ) && ( TARGET.HasFileTransfer ); 
-        MinHosts = 1; 
-        MaxHosts = 1; 
-        Args = "--type=Matlab --version=R2011b --cmdtorun=simu_condor --unique=231 -- 3"; 
-        PeriodicHold = false; 
-        ProcId = 0; 
-        Environment = ""; 
-        DAGNodeName = "231+231"; 
-        MemoryUsage = ( ( ResidentSetSize + 1023 ) / 1024 ); 
-        TerminationPending = true; 
-        NumRestarts = 0; 
-        NumSystemHolds = 0; 
-        CommittedTime = 19360; 
-        MachineAttrCpus0 = 1; 
-        WantRemoteSyscalls = false; 
-        MyType = "Job"; 
-        CumulativeSuspensionTime = 0; 
-        Rank = 0.0; 
-        StartdPrincipal = "execute-side@matchsession/"; 
-        Err = "process.err"; 
-        PeriodicRemove = false; 
-        BlockWriteKbytes = 0; 
-        ExitBySignal = false; 
-        DAGManJobId = 49582200; 
-        EnteredCurrentStatus = 1446132398; 
-        JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "$$([IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName), IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), \"\", TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName)])"; 
-        RecentBlockWriteKbytes = 0; 
-        TransferIn = false; 
-        ExitStatus = 0; 
-        ShouldTransferFiles = "YES"; 
-        IsCHTCSubmit = true; 
-        NumJobMatches = 1; 
-        RootDir = "/"; 
-        JobStartDate = 1446113038; 
-        JobPrio = 0; 
-        CurrentHosts = 0; 
-        GlobalJobId = ""; 
-        RemoteSysCpu = 1.110000000000000E+02; 
-        TotalSuspensions = 0; 
-        CommittedSlotTime = 1.936000000000000E+04; 
-        WantCheckpoint = false; 
-        BlockReads = 0; 
-        LastRemoteHost = ""; 
-        TransferInput = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/data/231/,/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/data/shared/"; 
-        LocalUserCpu = 0.0; 
-        PeriodicRelease = ( JobStatus == 5 ) && ( ( CurrentTime - EnteredCurrentStatus ) > 1800 ) && ( JobRunCount < 5 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 6 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 14 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 22 ); 
-        RequestDisk = 1000000; 
-        ResidentSetSize_RAW = 125720; 
-        OrigMaxHosts = 1; 
-        LastPublicClaimId = "<>#1443991431#13795#..."; 
-        WantRHEL6 = true; 
-        NumCkpts_RAW = 0; 
-        Out = "process.out"; 
-        SubmitEventNotes = "DAG Node: 231+231"; 
-        CumulativeSlotTime = 1.936000000000000E+04; 
-        JobRunCount = 1; 
-        RecentBlockReads = 0; 
-        StreamErr = false; 
-        DiskUsage_RAW = 1216669; 
-        NumCkpts = 0; 
-        StatsLifetimeStarter = 19359; 
-        ImageSize = 1000000; 
-        Cmd = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/chtcjobwrapper"; 
-        LocalSysCpu = 0.0; 
+        BlockWrites = 0;
+        LastJobStatus = 2;
+        JobCurrentStartExecutingDate = 1446113039;
+        WantRemoteIO = true;
+        RequestCpus = 1;
+        NumShadowStarts = 1;
+        RemoteUserCpu = 1.922600000000000E+04;
+        NiceUser = false;
+        RequestMemory = 1000;
+        BytesRecvd = 2.846290000000000E+05;
+        ResidentSetSize = 150000;
+        StreamOut = false;
+        SpooledOutputFiles = "CURLTIME_3355874,ChtcWrapper231.out,AuditLog.231,simu_3_231.txt,harvest.log,231.out";
+        OnExitRemove = true;
+        ImageSize_RAW = 811948;
+        RemoteWallClockTime = 1.936000000000000E+04;
+        MachineAttrSlotWeight0 = 1;
+        ExecutableSize = 7;
+        JobStatus = 4;
+        DAGParentNodeNames = "";
+        ExitCode = 0;
+        DAGManNodesMask = "0,1,2,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,13,16,17,24,27";
+        BytesSent = 3.050700000000000E+04;
+        LastSuspensionTime = 0;
+        ExecutableSize_RAW = 6;
+        RecentBlockReadKbytes = 0;
+        TransferInputSizeMB = 0;
+        Matlab = "R2011b";
+        BlockReadKbytes = 0;
+        RecentStatsLifetimeStarter = 1200;
+        LeaveJobInQueue = false;
+        TargetType = "Machine";
+        WhenToTransferOutput = "ON_EXIT";
+        Owner = "xguo23";
+        JobNotification = 0;
+        BufferSize = 524288;
+        RecentBlockWrites = 0;
+        CompletionDate = 1446132398;
+        QDate = 1446105757;
+        JobLeaseDuration = 2400;
+        JobFinishedHookDone = 1446132398;
+        LastMatchTime = 1446113038;
+        LastJobLeaseRenewal = 1446132398;
+        DAGManNodesLog = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/model_3/./mydag.dag.nodes.log";
+        ClusterId = 49582601;
+        JobUniverse = 5;
+        NumJobStarts = 1;
+        CondorVersion = "$CondorVersion: 8.5.0 Sep 16 2015 BuildID: 341710 $";
+        CoreSize = 0;
+        OnExitHold = false;
+        CondorPlatform = "$CondorPlatform: X86_64-RedHat_6.6 $";
+        In = "/dev/null";
+        DiskUsage = 1250000;
+        EncryptExecuteDirectory = false;
+        CommittedSuspensionTime = 0;
+        User = "";
+        UserLog = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/model_3/231/process.log";
+        JobCurrentStartDate = 1446113038;
+        BufferBlockSize = 32768;
+        MATCH_EXP_JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "";
+        Requirements = ( ( OpSysMajorVer is 6 ) ) && ( MY.JobUniverse == 12 || MY.JobUniverse == 7 || MY.WantFlocking || MY.WantGlidein || TARGET.PoolName == "CHTC" || TARGET.COLLECTOR_HOST_STRING == "" ) && ( TARGET.Arch == "X86_64" ) && ( TARGET.OpSys == "LINUX" ) && ( TARGET.Disk >= RequestDisk ) && ( TARGET.Memory >= RequestMemory ) && ( TARGET.HasFileTransfer );
+        MinHosts = 1;
+        MaxHosts = 1;
+        Args = "--type=Matlab --version=R2011b --cmdtorun=simu_condor --unique=231 -- 3";
+        PeriodicHold = false;
+        ProcId = 0;
+        Environment = "";
+        DAGNodeName = "231+231";
+        MemoryUsage = ( ( ResidentSetSize + 1023 ) / 1024 );
+        TerminationPending = true;
+        NumRestarts = 0;
+        NumSystemHolds = 0;
+        CommittedTime = 19360;
+        MachineAttrCpus0 = 1;
+        WantRemoteSyscalls = false;
+        MyType = "Job";
+        CumulativeSuspensionTime = 0;
+        Rank = 0.0;
+        StartdPrincipal = "execute-side@matchsession/";
+        Err = "process.err";
+        PeriodicRemove = false;
+        BlockWriteKbytes = 0;
+        ExitBySignal = false;
+        DAGManJobId = 49582200;
+        EnteredCurrentStatus = 1446132398;
+        JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "$$([IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName), IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), \"\", TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName)])";
+        RecentBlockWriteKbytes = 0;
+        TransferIn = false;
+        ExitStatus = 0;
+        ShouldTransferFiles = "YES";
+        IsCHTCSubmit = true;
+        NumJobMatches = 1;
+        RootDir = "/";
+        JobStartDate = 1446113038;
+        JobPrio = 0;
+        CurrentHosts = 0;
+        GlobalJobId = "";
+        RemoteSysCpu = 1.110000000000000E+02;
+        TotalSuspensions = 0;
+        CommittedSlotTime = 1.936000000000000E+04;
+        WantCheckpoint = false;
+        BlockReads = 0;
+        LastRemoteHost = "";
+        TransferInput = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/data/231/,/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/data/shared/";
+        LocalUserCpu = 0.0;
+        PeriodicRelease = ( JobStatus == 5 ) && ( ( CurrentTime - EnteredCurrentStatus ) > 1800 ) && ( JobRunCount < 5 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 6 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 14 ) && ( HoldReasonCode != 22 );
+        RequestDisk = 1000000;
+        ResidentSetSize_RAW = 125720;
+        OrigMaxHosts = 1;
+        LastPublicClaimId = "<>#1443991431#13795#...";
+        WantRHEL6 = true;
+        NumCkpts_RAW = 0;
+        Out = "process.out";
+        SubmitEventNotes = "DAG Node: 231+231";
+        CumulativeSlotTime = 1.936000000000000E+04;
+        JobRunCount = 1;
+        RecentBlockReads = 0;
+        StreamErr = false;
+        DiskUsage_RAW = 1216669;
+        NumCkpts = 0;
+        StatsLifetimeStarter = 19359;
+        ImageSize = 1000000;
+        Cmd = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/chtcjobwrapper";
+        LocalSysCpu = 0.0;
         Iwd = "/home/xguo23/model_3_1.47/Simulation_condor/model_3/231"
+        Schedd = "";
+        BlockWrites = 12030;
+        LastJobStatus = 2;
+        JobCurrentStartExecutingDate = 1462901413;
+        WantRemoteIO = true;
+        RequestCpus = 1;
+        NumShadowStarts = 1;
+        RemoteUserCpu = 5.602700000000000E+04;
+        NiceUser = false;
+        RequestMemory = 2000;
+        BytesRecvd = 3.287412000000000E+06;
+        StreamOut = true;
+        ResidentSetSize = 125000;
+        SpooledOutputFiles = "output_file_freq_2e-07_selstr_0.001_bneckstart_0.1_recovery_0.5_bneckstr_0.1_id_10.txt";
+        OnExitRemove = true;
+        ImageSize_RAW = 3141192;
+        RemoteWallClockTime = 5.512000000000000E+04;
+        MachineAttrSlotWeight0 = 1;
+        ExecutableSize = 15;
+        JobStatus = 4;
+        DAGParentNodeNames = "";
+        ExitCode = 0;
+        DAGManNodesMask = "0,1,2,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,13,16,17,24,27";
+        BytesSent = 1.096000000000000E+03;
+        LastSuspensionTime = 0;
+        ExecutableSize_RAW = 13;
+        RecentBlockReadKbytes = 0;
+        TransferInputSizeMB = 3;
+        BlockReadKbytes = 776;
+        LocalSysCpu = 0.0;
+        Iwd = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/outputs2";
+        Cmd = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/";
+        CommittedSuspensionTime = 0;
+        DiskUsage_RAW = 43533;
+        RecentStatsLifetimeStarter = 1200;
+        TargetType = "Machine";
+        WhenToTransferOutput = "ON_EXIT";
+        BufferSize = 524288;
+        JobCurrentStartTransferOutputDate = 1462956531;
+        RecentBlockWrites = 272;
+        CompletionDate = 1462956531;
+        LastMatchTime = 1462901411;
+        LastJobLeaseRenewal = 1462956531;
+        DAGManNodesLog = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/./CS776_project.dag.nodes.log";
+        ClusterId = 3724038;
+        JobUniverse = 5;
+        NumJobStarts = 1;
+        StartdPrincipal = "execute-side@matchsession/";
+        EnteredCurrentStatus = 1462956531;
+        JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "$$([IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName), IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), \"\", TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName)])";
+        ProcId = 0;
+        PeriodicHold = false;
+        CoreSize = 0;
+        OnExitHold = false;
+        CondorPlatform = "$CondorPlatform: x86_64_RedHat6 $";
+        JobFinishedHookDone = 1462956531;
+        QDate = 1462893042;
+        JobLeaseDuration = 3200;
+        In = "/dev/null";
+        DiskUsage = 45000;
+        EncryptExecuteDirectory = false;
+        User = "";
+        FileSystemDomain = "";
+        LeaveJobInQueue = false;
+        Requirements = ( OpSys == "LINUX" ) && ( MY.JobUniverse == 12 || MY.JobUniverse == 7 || ( ( MY.WantFlocking || MY.WantGlidein || TARGET.PoolName == "CHTC" ) && ( TARGET.OpSysMajorVer == MY.LinuxVer || TARGET.OpSysMajorVer == MY.LinuxVerAlt || TARGET.OpSysMajorVer == MY.WinVer ) ) ) && ( TARGET.Arch == "X86_64" ) && ( TARGET.Disk >= RequestDisk ) && ( TARGET.Memory >= RequestMemory ) && ( ( TARGET.HasFileTransfer ) || ( TARGET.FileSystemDomain == MY.FileSystemDomain ) );
+        MinHosts = 1;
+        MaxHosts = 1;
+        Args = "\342\200\234-1 0.1 0.1 0.5 2e-07 0.001 10 -1\342\200\235";
+        Environment = "";
+        LinuxVer = 6;
+        DAGNodeName = "690";
+        MemoryUsage = ( ( ResidentSetSize + 1023 ) / 1024 );
+        TerminationPending = true;
+        NumRestarts = 0;
+        NumSystemHolds = 0;
+        CondorVersion = "$CondorVersion: 8.5.5 May 03 2016 BuildID: 366162 $";
+        UserLog = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/outputs2/CS776_project_690.log";
+        JobCurrentStartDate = 1462901411;
+        MATCH_EXP_JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "";
+        BufferBlockSize = 32768;
+        BlockWriteKbytes = 6043666;
+        ExitBySignal = false;
+        DAGManJobId = 3723347;
+        MachineAttrCpus0 = 1;
+        WantRemoteSyscalls = false;
+        JobBatchName = "CS776_project.dag+3723347";
+        WantCheckpoint = false;
+        BlockReads = 24;
+        CumulativeSuspensionTime = 0;
+        MyType = "Job";
+        Rank = 0.0;
+        JobNotification = 0;
+        Owner = "jlange3";
+        LinuxVerAlt = 6;
+        Err = "CS776_project_690.err";
+        PeriodicRemove = false;
+        CommittedTime = 55120;
+        RecentBlockWriteKbytes = 134454;
+        TransferIn = false;
+        ExitStatus = 0;
+        ShouldTransferFiles = "IF_NEEDED";
+        IsCHTCSubmit = true;
+        NumJobMatches = 1;
+        RootDir = "/";
+        JobStartDate = 1462901411;
+        JobPrio = 1;
+        CurrentHosts = 0;
+        GlobalJobId = "";
+        RemoteSysCpu = 1.884000000000000E+03;
+        TotalSuspensions = 0;
+        CommittedSlotTime = 5.512000000000000E+04;
+        LastRemoteHost = "";
+        TransferInput = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/condor_tarred2.tgz";
+        LocalUserCpu = 0.0;
+        PeriodicRelease = false;
+        WinVer = 601;
+        LastPublicClaimId = "<>#1462121891#4892#...";
+        NumCkpts_RAW = 0;
+        Out = "CS776_project_690.out";
+        SubmitEventNotes = "DAG Node: 690";
+        CumulativeSlotTime = 5.512000000000000E+04;
+        JobRunCount = 1;
+        RecentBlockReads = 0;
+        StreamErr = false;
+        RequestDisk = 1000000;
+        ResidentSetSize_RAW = 121204;
+        OrigMaxHosts = 1;
+        NumCkpts = 0;
+        StatsLifetimeStarter = 55119;
+        ImageSize = 3250000
+    ]
+        Schedd = "";
+        BlockWrites = 13650;
+        LastJobStatus = 2;
+        JobCurrentStartExecutingDate = 1462901412;
+        WantRemoteIO = true;
+        RequestCpus = 1;
+        NumShadowStarts = 1;
+        RemoteUserCpu = 5.551200000000000E+04;
+        NiceUser = false;
+        RequestMemory = 2000;
+        BytesRecvd = 3.287412000000000E+06;
+        StreamOut = true;
+        ResidentSetSize = 125000;
+        SpooledOutputFiles = "output_file_freq_2e-07_selstr_0.001_bneckstart_0.1_recovery_0.5_bneckstr_0.1_id_14.txt";
+        OnExitRemove = true;
+        ImageSize_RAW = 3141192;
+        RemoteWallClockTime = 5.387800000000000E+04;
+        MachineAttrSlotWeight0 = 1;
+        ExecutableSize = 15;
+        JobStatus = 4;
+        DAGParentNodeNames = "";
+        ExitCode = 0;
+        DAGManNodesMask = "0,1,2,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,13,16,17,24,27";
+        BytesSent = 1.096000000000000E+03;
+        LastSuspensionTime = 0;
+        ExecutableSize_RAW = 13;
+        RecentBlockReadKbytes = 0;
+        TransferInputSizeMB = 3;
+        BlockReadKbytes = 0;
+        LocalSysCpu = 0.0;
+        Iwd = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/outputs2";
+        Cmd = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/";
+        CommittedSuspensionTime = 0;
+        DiskUsage_RAW = 42754;
+        RecentStatsLifetimeStarter = 1200;
+        TargetType = "Machine";
+        WhenToTransferOutput = "ON_EXIT";
+        BufferSize = 524288;
+        JobCurrentStartTransferOutputDate = 1462955288;
+        RecentBlockWrites = 283;
+        CompletionDate = 1462955289;
+        LastMatchTime = 1462901411;
+        LastJobLeaseRenewal = 1462955288;
+        DAGManNodesLog = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/./CS776_project.dag.nodes.log";
+        ClusterId = 3724042;
+        JobUniverse = 5;
+        NumJobStarts = 1;
+        StartdPrincipal = "execute-side@matchsession/";
+        EnteredCurrentStatus = 1462955289;
+        JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "$$([IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName), IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), \"\", TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName)])";
+        ProcId = 0;
+        PeriodicHold = false;
+        CoreSize = 0;
+        OnExitHold = false;
+        CondorPlatform = "$CondorPlatform: x86_64_RedHat6 $";
+        JobFinishedHookDone = 1462955289;
+        QDate = 1462893042;
+        JobLeaseDuration = 3200;
+        In = "/dev/null";
+        DiskUsage = 45000;
+        EncryptExecuteDirectory = false;
+        User = "";
+        FileSystemDomain = "";
+        LeaveJobInQueue = false;
+        Requirements = ( OpSys == "LINUX" ) && ( MY.JobUniverse == 12 || MY.JobUniverse == 7 || ( ( MY.WantFlocking || MY.WantGlidein || TARGET.PoolName == "CHTC" ) && ( TARGET.OpSysMajorVer == MY.LinuxVer || TARGET.OpSysMajorVer == MY.LinuxVerAlt || TARGET.OpSysMajorVer == MY.WinVer ) ) ) && ( TARGET.Arch == "X86_64" ) && ( TARGET.Disk >= RequestDisk ) && ( TARGET.Memory >= RequestMemory ) && ( ( TARGET.HasFileTransfer ) || ( TARGET.FileSystemDomain == MY.FileSystemDomain ) );
+        MinHosts = 1;
+        MaxHosts = 1;
+        Args = "\342\200\234-1 0.1 0.1 0.5 2e-07 0.001 14 -1\342\200\235";
+        Environment = "";
+        LinuxVer = 6;
+        DAGNodeName = "694";
+        MemoryUsage = ( ( ResidentSetSize + 1023 ) / 1024 );
+        TerminationPending = true;
+        NumRestarts = 0;
+        NumSystemHolds = 0;
+        CondorVersion = "$CondorVersion: 8.5.5 May 03 2016 BuildID: 366162 $";
+        UserLog = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/outputs2/CS776_project_694.log";
+        JobCurrentStartDate = 1462901411;
+        MATCH_EXP_JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "";
+        BufferBlockSize = 32768;
+        BlockWriteKbytes = 6863224;
+        ExitBySignal = false;
+        DAGManJobId = 3723347;
+        MachineAttrCpus0 = 1;
+        WantRemoteSyscalls = false;
+        JobBatchName = "CS776_project.dag+3723347";
+        WantCheckpoint = false;
+        BlockReads = 0;
+        CumulativeSuspensionTime = 0;
+        MyType = "Job";
+        Rank = 0.0;
+        JobNotification = 0;
+        Owner = "jlange3";
+        LinuxVerAlt = 6;
+        Err = "CS776_project_694.err";
+        PeriodicRemove = false;
+        CommittedTime = 53878;
+        RecentBlockWriteKbytes = 143388;
+        TransferIn = false;
+        ExitStatus = 0;
+        ShouldTransferFiles = "IF_NEEDED";
+        IsCHTCSubmit = true;
+        NumJobMatches = 1;
+        RootDir = "/";
+        JobStartDate = 1462901411;
+        JobPrio = 1;
+        CurrentHosts = 0;
+        GlobalJobId = "";
+        RemoteSysCpu = 2.870000000000000E+02;
+        TotalSuspensions = 0;
+        CommittedSlotTime = 5.387800000000000E+04;
+        LastRemoteHost = "";
+        TransferInput = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/condor_tarred2.tgz";
+        LocalUserCpu = 0.0;
+        PeriodicRelease = false;
+        WinVer = 601;
+        LastPublicClaimId = "<>#1460669364#11509#...";
+        NumCkpts_RAW = 0;
+        Out = "CS776_project_694.out";
+        SubmitEventNotes = "DAG Node: 694";
+        CumulativeSlotTime = 5.387800000000000E+04;
+        JobRunCount = 1;
+        RecentBlockReads = 0;
+        StreamErr = false;
+        RequestDisk = 1000000;
+        ResidentSetSize_RAW = 120172;
+        OrigMaxHosts = 1;
+        NumCkpts = 0;
+        StatsLifetimeStarter = 53876;
+        ImageSize = 3250000
+    ]
+        Schedd = "";
+        BlockWrites = 13331;
+        LastJobStatus = 2;
+        JobCurrentStartExecutingDate = 1462899214;
+        WantRemoteIO = true;
+        RequestCpus = 1;
+        NumShadowStarts = 1;
+        RemoteUserCpu = 5.631500000000000E+04;
+        NiceUser = false;
+        RequestMemory = 2000;
+        BytesRecvd = 3.287412000000000E+06;
+        StreamOut = true;
+        ResidentSetSize = 125000;
+        SpooledOutputFiles = "output_file_freq_2e-07_selstr_0.001_bneckstart_0.01_recovery_0.5_bneckstr_0.1_id_16.txt";
+        OnExitRemove = true;
+        ImageSize_RAW = 3141192;
+        RemoteWallClockTime = 5.542600000000000E+04;
+        MachineAttrSlotWeight0 = 1;
+        ExecutableSize = 15;
+        JobStatus = 4;
+        DAGParentNodeNames = "";
+        ExitCode = 0;
+        DAGManNodesMask = "0,1,2,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,13,16,17,24,27";
+        BytesSent = 1.024000000000000E+03;
+        LastSuspensionTime = 0;
+        ExecutableSize_RAW = 13;
+        RecentBlockReadKbytes = 0;
+        TransferInputSizeMB = 3;
+        BlockReadKbytes = 0;
+        LocalSysCpu = 0.0;
+        Iwd = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/outputs2";
+        Cmd = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/";
+        CommittedSuspensionTime = 0;
+        DiskUsage_RAW = 41736;
+        RecentStatsLifetimeStarter = 1200;
+        TargetType = "Machine";
+        WhenToTransferOutput = "ON_EXIT";
+        BufferSize = 524288;
+        JobCurrentStartTransferOutputDate = 1462954639;
+        RecentBlockWrites = 216;
+        CompletionDate = 1462954639;
+        LastMatchTime = 1462899213;
+        LastJobLeaseRenewal = 1462954639;
+        DAGManNodesLog = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/./CS776_project.dag.nodes.log";
+        ClusterId = 3723884;
+        JobUniverse = 5;
+        NumJobStarts = 1;
+        StartdPrincipal = "execute-side@matchsession/";
+        EnteredCurrentStatus = 1462954639;
+        JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "$$([IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName), IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), \"\", TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName)])";
+        ProcId = 0;
+        PeriodicHold = false;
+        CoreSize = 0;
+        OnExitHold = false;
+        CondorPlatform = "$CondorPlatform: x86_64_RedHat6 $";
+        JobFinishedHookDone = 1462954639;
+        QDate = 1462892873;
+        JobLeaseDuration = 3200;
+        In = "/dev/null";
+        DiskUsage = 42500;
+        EncryptExecuteDirectory = false;
+        User = "";
+        FileSystemDomain = "";
+        LeaveJobInQueue = false;
+        Requirements = ( OpSys == "LINUX" ) && ( MY.JobUniverse == 12 || MY.JobUniverse == 7 || ( ( MY.WantFlocking || MY.WantGlidein || TARGET.PoolName == "CHTC" ) && ( TARGET.OpSysMajorVer == MY.LinuxVer || TARGET.OpSysMajorVer == MY.LinuxVerAlt || TARGET.OpSysMajorVer == MY.WinVer ) ) ) && ( TARGET.Arch == "X86_64" ) && ( TARGET.Disk >= RequestDisk ) && ( TARGET.Memory >= RequestMemory ) && ( ( TARGET.HasFileTransfer ) || ( TARGET.FileSystemDomain == MY.FileSystemDomain ) );
+        MinHosts = 1;
+        MaxHosts = 1;
+        Args = "\342\200\234-1 0.1 0.01 0.5 2e-07 0.001 16 -1\342\200\235";
+        Environment = "";
+        LinuxVer = 6;
+        DAGNodeName = "536";
+        MemoryUsage = ( ( ResidentSetSize + 1023 ) / 1024 );
+        TerminationPending = true;
+        NumRestarts = 0;
+        NumSystemHolds = 0;
+        CondorVersion = "$CondorVersion: 8.5.5 May 03 2016 BuildID: 366162 $";
+        UserLog = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/outputs2/CS776_project_536.log";
+        JobCurrentStartDate = 1462899213;
+        MATCH_EXP_JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "";
+        BufferBlockSize = 32768;
+        BlockWriteKbytes = 6717584;
+        ExitBySignal = false;
+        DAGManJobId = 3723347;
+        MachineAttrCpus0 = 1;
+        WantRemoteSyscalls = false;
+        JobBatchName = "CS776_project.dag+3723347";
+        WantCheckpoint = false;
+        BlockReads = 0;
+        CumulativeSuspensionTime = 0;
+        MyType = "Job";
+        Rank = 0.0;
+        JobNotification = 0;
+        Owner = "jlange3";
+        LinuxVerAlt = 6;
+        Err = "CS776_project_536.err";
+        PeriodicRemove = false;
+        CommittedTime = 55426;
+        RecentBlockWriteKbytes = 110092;
+        TransferIn = false;
+        ExitStatus = 0;
+        ShouldTransferFiles = "IF_NEEDED";
+        IsCHTCSubmit = true;
+        NumJobMatches = 1;
+        RootDir = "/";
+        JobStartDate = 1462899213;
+        JobPrio = 1;
+        CurrentHosts = 0;
+        GlobalJobId = "";
+        RemoteSysCpu = 2.930000000000000E+02;
+        TotalSuspensions = 0;
+        CommittedSlotTime = 5.542600000000000E+04;
+        LastRemoteHost = "";
+        TransferInput = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/condor_tarred2.tgz";
+        LocalUserCpu = 0.0;
+        PeriodicRelease = false;
+        WinVer = 601;
+        LastPublicClaimId = "<>#1460606706#10630#...";
+        NumCkpts_RAW = 0;
+        Out = "CS776_project_536.out";
+        SubmitEventNotes = "DAG Node: 536";
+        CumulativeSlotTime = 5.542600000000000E+04;
+        JobRunCount = 1;
+        RecentBlockReads = 0;
+        StreamErr = false;
+        RequestDisk = 1000000;
+        ResidentSetSize_RAW = 120520;
+        OrigMaxHosts = 1;
+        NumCkpts = 0;
+        StatsLifetimeStarter = 55425;
+        ImageSize = 3250000
+    ]
+        Schedd = "";
+        BlockWrites = 9788;
+        LastJobStatus = 2;
+        JobCurrentStartExecutingDate = 1462901412;
+        WantRemoteIO = true;
+        RequestCpus = 1;
+        NumShadowStarts = 1;
+        RemoteUserCpu = 5.465600000000000E+04;
+        NiceUser = false;
+        RequestMemory = 2000;
+        BytesRecvd = 3.287412000000000E+06;
+        StreamOut = true;
+        ResidentSetSize = 125000;
+        SpooledOutputFiles = "output_file_freq_2e-07_selstr_0.001_bneckstart_0.1_recovery_0.5_bneckstr_0.1_id_12.txt";
+        OnExitRemove = true;
+        ImageSize_RAW = 3141192;
+        RemoteWallClockTime = 5.278500000000000E+04;
+        MachineAttrSlotWeight0 = 1;
+        ExecutableSize = 15;
+        JobStatus = 4;
+        DAGParentNodeNames = "";
+        ExitCode = 0;
+        DAGManNodesMask = "0,1,2,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,13,16,17,24,27";
+        BytesSent = 1.091000000000000E+03;
+        LastSuspensionTime = 0;
+        ExecutableSize_RAW = 13;
+        RecentBlockReadKbytes = 0;
+        TransferInputSizeMB = 3;
+        BlockReadKbytes = 52;
+        LocalSysCpu = 0.0;
+        Iwd = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/outputs2";
+        Cmd = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/";
+        CommittedSuspensionTime = 0;
+        DiskUsage_RAW = 43517;
+        RecentStatsLifetimeStarter = 1200;
+        TargetType = "Machine";
+        WhenToTransferOutput = "ON_EXIT";
+        BufferSize = 524288;
+        JobCurrentStartTransferOutputDate = 1462954196;
+        RecentBlockWrites = 273;
+        CompletionDate = 1462954196;
+        LastMatchTime = 1462901411;
+        LastJobLeaseRenewal = 1462954196;
+        DAGManNodesLog = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/./CS776_project.dag.nodes.log";
+        ClusterId = 3724040;
+        JobUniverse = 5;
+        NumJobStarts = 1;
+        StartdPrincipal = "execute-side@matchsession/";
+        EnteredCurrentStatus = 1462954196;
+        JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "$$([IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName), IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), \"\", TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName)])";
+        ProcId = 0;
+        PeriodicHold = false;
+        CoreSize = 0;
+        OnExitHold = false;
+        CondorPlatform = "$CondorPlatform: x86_64_RedHat6 $";
+        JobFinishedHookDone = 1462954196;
+        QDate = 1462893042;
+        JobLeaseDuration = 3200;
+        In = "/dev/null";
+        DiskUsage = 45000;
+        EncryptExecuteDirectory = false;
+        User = "";
+        FileSystemDomain = "";
+        LeaveJobInQueue = false;
+        Requirements = ( OpSys == "LINUX" ) && ( MY.JobUniverse == 12 || MY.JobUniverse == 7 || ( ( MY.WantFlocking || MY.WantGlidein || TARGET.PoolName == "CHTC" ) && ( TARGET.OpSysMajorVer == MY.LinuxVer || TARGET.OpSysMajorVer == MY.LinuxVerAlt || TARGET.OpSysMajorVer == MY.WinVer ) ) ) && ( TARGET.Arch == "X86_64" ) && ( TARGET.Disk >= RequestDisk ) && ( TARGET.Memory >= RequestMemory ) && ( ( TARGET.HasFileTransfer ) || ( TARGET.FileSystemDomain == MY.FileSystemDomain ) );
+        MinHosts = 1;
+        MaxHosts = 1;
+        Args = "\342\200\234-1 0.1 0.1 0.5 2e-07 0.001 12 -1\342\200\235";
+        Environment = "";
+        LinuxVer = 6;
+        DAGNodeName = "692";
+        MemoryUsage = ( ( ResidentSetSize + 1023 ) / 1024 );
+        TerminationPending = true;
+        NumRestarts = 0;
+        NumSystemHolds = 0;
+        CondorVersion = "$CondorVersion: 8.5.5 May 03 2016 BuildID: 366162 $";
+        UserLog = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/outputs2/CS776_project_692.log";
+        JobCurrentStartDate = 1462901411;
+        MATCH_EXP_JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "";
+        BufferBlockSize = 32768;
+        BlockWriteKbytes = 4927680;
+        ExitBySignal = false;
+        DAGManJobId = 3723347;
+        MachineAttrCpus0 = 1;
+        WantRemoteSyscalls = false;
+        JobBatchName = "CS776_project.dag+3723347";
+        WantCheckpoint = false;
+        BlockReads = 8;
+        CumulativeSuspensionTime = 0;
+        MyType = "Job";
+        Rank = 0.0;
+        JobNotification = 0;
+        Owner = "jlange3";
+        LinuxVerAlt = 6;
+        Err = "CS776_project_692.err";
+        PeriodicRemove = false;
+        CommittedTime = 52785;
+        RecentBlockWriteKbytes = 135272;
+        TransferIn = false;
+        ExitStatus = 0;
+        ShouldTransferFiles = "IF_NEEDED";
+        IsCHTCSubmit = true;
+        NumJobMatches = 1;
+        RootDir = "/";
+        JobStartDate = 1462901411;
+        JobPrio = 1;
+        CurrentHosts = 0;
+        GlobalJobId = "";
+        RemoteSysCpu = 4.280000000000000E+02;
+        TotalSuspensions = 0;
+        CommittedSlotTime = 5.278500000000000E+04;
+        LastRemoteHost = "";
+        TransferInput = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/condor_tarred2.tgz";
+        LocalUserCpu = 0.0;
+        PeriodicRelease = false;
+        WinVer = 601;
+        LastPublicClaimId = "<>#1460652935#12577#...";
+        NumCkpts_RAW = 0;
+        Out = "CS776_project_692.out";
+        SubmitEventNotes = "DAG Node: 692";
+        CumulativeSlotTime = 5.278500000000000E+04;
+        JobRunCount = 1;
+        RecentBlockReads = 0;
+        StreamErr = false;
+        RequestDisk = 1000000;
+        ResidentSetSize_RAW = 120376;
+        OrigMaxHosts = 1;
+        NumCkpts = 0;
+        StatsLifetimeStarter = 52783;
+        ImageSize = 3250000
+    ]
+        Schedd = "";
+        BlockWrites = 14467;
+        LastJobStatus = 2;
+        JobCurrentStartExecutingDate = 1462900081;
+        WantRemoteIO = true;
+        RequestCpus = 1;
+        NumShadowStarts = 1;
+        RemoteUserCpu = 5.504200000000000E+04;
+        NiceUser = false;
+        RequestMemory = 2000;
+        BytesRecvd = 3.287412000000000E+06;
+        StreamOut = true;
+        ResidentSetSize = 125000;
+        SpooledOutputFiles = "output_file_freq_2e-07_selstr_0.001_bneckstart_0.01_recovery_1_bneckstr_0.1_id_2.txt";
+        OnExitRemove = true;
+        ImageSize_RAW = 3141192;
+        RemoteWallClockTime = 5.350600000000000E+04;
+        MachineAttrSlotWeight0 = 1;
+        ExecutableSize = 15;
+        JobStatus = 4;
+        DAGParentNodeNames = "";
+        ExitCode = 0;
+        DAGManNodesMask = "0,1,2,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,13,16,17,24,27";
+        BytesSent = 1.086000000000000E+03;
+        LastSuspensionTime = 0;
+        ExecutableSize_RAW = 13;
+        RecentBlockReadKbytes = 0;
+        TransferInputSizeMB = 3;
+        BlockReadKbytes = 0;
+        LocalSysCpu = 0.0;
+        Iwd = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/outputs2";
+        Cmd = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/";
+        CommittedSuspensionTime = 0;
+        DiskUsage_RAW = 43457;
+        RecentStatsLifetimeStarter = 1200;
+        TargetType = "Machine";
+        WhenToTransferOutput = "ON_EXIT";
+        BufferSize = 524288;
+        JobCurrentStartTransferOutputDate = 1462953586;
+        RecentBlockWrites = 72;
+        CompletionDate = 1462953586;
+        LastMatchTime = 1462900080;
+        LastJobLeaseRenewal = 1462953586;
+        DAGManNodesLog = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/./CS776_project.dag.nodes.log";
+        ClusterId = 3723950;
+        JobUniverse = 5;
+        NumJobStarts = 1;
+        StartdPrincipal = "execute-side@matchsession/";
+        EnteredCurrentStatus = 1462953586;
+        JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "$$([IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName), IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), \"\", TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName)])";
+        ProcId = 0;
+        PeriodicHold = false;
+        CoreSize = 0;
+        OnExitHold = false;
+        CondorPlatform = "$CondorPlatform: x86_64_RedHat6 $";
+        JobFinishedHookDone = 1462953586;
+        QDate = 1462892944;
+        JobLeaseDuration = 3200;
+        In = "/dev/null";
+        DiskUsage = 45000;
+        EncryptExecuteDirectory = false;
+        User = "";
+        FileSystemDomain = "";
+        LeaveJobInQueue = false;
+        Requirements = ( OpSys == "LINUX" ) && ( MY.JobUniverse == 12 || MY.JobUniverse == 7 || ( ( MY.WantFlocking || MY.WantGlidein || TARGET.PoolName == "CHTC" ) && ( TARGET.OpSysMajorVer == MY.LinuxVer || TARGET.OpSysMajorVer == MY.LinuxVerAlt || TARGET.OpSysMajorVer == MY.WinVer ) ) ) && ( TARGET.Arch == "X86_64" ) && ( TARGET.Disk >= RequestDisk ) && ( TARGET.Memory >= RequestMemory ) && ( ( TARGET.HasFileTransfer ) || ( TARGET.FileSystemDomain == MY.FileSystemDomain ) );
+        MinHosts = 1;
+        MaxHosts = 1;
+        Args = "\342\200\234-1 0.1 0.01 1 2e-07 0.001 2 -1\342\200\235";
+        Environment = "";
+        LinuxVer = 6;
+        DAGNodeName = "602";
+        MemoryUsage = ( ( ResidentSetSize + 1023 ) / 1024 );
+        TerminationPending = true;
+        NumRestarts = 0;
+        NumSystemHolds = 0;
+        CondorVersion = "$CondorVersion: 8.5.5 May 03 2016 BuildID: 366162 $";
+        UserLog = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/outputs2/CS776_project_602.log";
+        JobCurrentStartDate = 1462900080;
+        MATCH_EXP_JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "";
+        BufferBlockSize = 32768;
+        BlockWriteKbytes = 7276124;
+        ExitBySignal = false;
+        DAGManJobId = 3723347;
+        MachineAttrCpus0 = 1;
+        WantRemoteSyscalls = false;
+        JobBatchName = "CS776_project.dag+3723347";
+        WantCheckpoint = false;
+        BlockReads = 0;
+        CumulativeSuspensionTime = 0;
+        MyType = "Job";
+        Rank = 0.0;
+        JobNotification = 0;
+        Owner = "jlange3";
+        LinuxVerAlt = 6;
+        Err = "CS776_project_602.err";
+        PeriodicRemove = false;
+        CommittedTime = 53506;
+        RecentBlockWriteKbytes = 36464;
+        TransferIn = false;
+        ExitStatus = 0;
+        ShouldTransferFiles = "IF_NEEDED";
+        IsCHTCSubmit = true;
+        NumJobMatches = 1;
+        RootDir = "/";
+        JobStartDate = 1462900080;
+        JobPrio = 1;
+        CurrentHosts = 0;
+        GlobalJobId = "";
+        RemoteSysCpu = 2.710000000000000E+02;
+        TotalSuspensions = 0;
+        CommittedSlotTime = 5.350600000000000E+04;
+        LastRemoteHost = "";
+        TransferInput = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/condor_tarred2.tgz";
+        LocalUserCpu = 0.0;
+        PeriodicRelease = false;
+        WinVer = 601;
+        LastPublicClaimId = "<>#1460593806#13355#...";
+        NumCkpts_RAW = 0;
+        Out = "CS776_project_602.out";
+        SubmitEventNotes = "DAG Node: 602";
+        CumulativeSlotTime = 5.350600000000000E+04;
+        JobRunCount = 1;
+        RecentBlockReads = 0;
+        StreamErr = false;
+        RequestDisk = 1000000;
+        ResidentSetSize_RAW = 122700;
+        OrigMaxHosts = 1;
+        NumCkpts = 0;
+        StatsLifetimeStarter = 53505;
+        ImageSize = 3250000
+    ]
+        Schedd = "";
+        BlockWrites = 14383;
+        LastJobStatus = 2;
+        JobCurrentStartExecutingDate = 1462895573;
+        WantRemoteIO = true;
+        RequestCpus = 1;
+        NumShadowStarts = 1;
+        RemoteUserCpu = 5.832900000000000E+04;
+        NiceUser = false;
+        RequestMemory = 2000;
+        BytesRecvd = 3.287412000000000E+06;
+        StreamOut = true;
+        ResidentSetSize = 150000;
+        SpooledOutputFiles = "output_file_freq_2e-07_selstr_0.001_bneckstart_0.01_recovery_1_bneckstr_0.01_id_4.txt";
+        OnExitRemove = true;
+        ImageSize_RAW = 3141192;
+        RemoteWallClockTime = 5.706900000000000E+04;
+        MachineAttrSlotWeight0 = 1;
+        ExecutableSize = 15;
+        JobStatus = 4;
+        DAGParentNodeNames = "";
+        ExitCode = 0;
+        DAGManNodesMask = "0,1,2,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,13,16,17,24,27";
+        BytesSent = 1.097000000000000E+03;
+        LastSuspensionTime = 0;
+        ExecutableSize_RAW = 13;
+        RecentBlockReadKbytes = 0;
+        TransferInputSizeMB = 3;
+        BlockReadKbytes = 0;
+        LocalSysCpu = 0.0;
+        Iwd = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/outputs2";
+        Cmd = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/";
+        CommittedSuspensionTime = 0;
+        DiskUsage_RAW = 43416;
+        RecentStatsLifetimeStarter = 1200;
+        TargetType = "Machine";
+        WhenToTransferOutput = "ON_EXIT";
+        BufferSize = 524288;
+        JobCurrentStartTransferOutputDate = 1462952640;
+        RecentBlockWrites = 347;
+        CompletionDate = 1462952640;
+        LastMatchTime = 1462895571;
+        LastJobLeaseRenewal = 1462952640;
+        DAGManNodesLog = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/./CS776_project.dag.nodes.log";
+        ClusterId = 3723632;
+        JobUniverse = 5;
+        NumJobStarts = 1;
+        StartdPrincipal = "execute-side@matchsession/";
+        EnteredCurrentStatus = 1462952640;
+        JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "$$([IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName), IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), \"\", TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName)])";
+        ProcId = 0;
+        PeriodicHold = false;
+        CoreSize = 0;
+        OnExitHold = false;
+        CondorPlatform = "$CondorPlatform: x86_64_RedHat6 $";
+        JobFinishedHookDone = 1462952640;
+        QDate = 1462892596;
+        JobLeaseDuration = 3200;
+        In = "/dev/null";
+        DiskUsage = 45000;
+        EncryptExecuteDirectory = false;
+        User = "";
+        FileSystemDomain = "";
+        LeaveJobInQueue = false;
+        Requirements = ( OpSys == "LINUX" ) && ( MY.JobUniverse == 12 || MY.JobUniverse == 7 || ( ( MY.WantFlocking || MY.WantGlidein || TARGET.PoolName == "CHTC" ) && ( TARGET.OpSysMajorVer == MY.LinuxVer || TARGET.OpSysMajorVer == MY.LinuxVerAlt || TARGET.OpSysMajorVer == MY.WinVer ) ) ) && ( TARGET.Arch == "X86_64" ) && ( TARGET.Disk >= RequestDisk ) && ( TARGET.Memory >= RequestMemory ) && ( ( TARGET.HasFileTransfer ) || ( TARGET.FileSystemDomain == MY.FileSystemDomain ) );
+        MinHosts = 1;
+        MaxHosts = 1;
+        Args = "\342\200\234-1 0.01 0.01 1 2e-07 0.001 4 -1\342\200\235";
+        Environment = "";
+        LinuxVer = 6;
+        DAGNodeName = "284";
+        MemoryUsage = ( ( ResidentSetSize + 1023 ) / 1024 );
+        TerminationPending = true;
+        NumRestarts = 0;
+        NumSystemHolds = 0;
+        CondorVersion = "$CondorVersion: 8.5.5 May 03 2016 BuildID: 366162 $";
+        UserLog = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/outputs2/CS776_project_284.log";
+        JobCurrentStartDate = 1462895571;
+        MATCH_EXP_JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "";
+        BufferBlockSize = 32768;
+        BlockWriteKbytes = 7228680;
+        ExitBySignal = false;
+        DAGManJobId = 3723347;
+        MachineAttrCpus0 = 1;
+        WantRemoteSyscalls = false;
+        JobBatchName = "CS776_project.dag+3723347";
+        WantCheckpoint = false;
+        BlockReads = 0;
+        CumulativeSuspensionTime = 0;
+        MyType = "Job";
+        Rank = 0.0;
+        JobNotification = 0;
+        Owner = "jlange3";
+        LinuxVerAlt = 6;
+        Err = "CS776_project_284.err";
+        PeriodicRemove = false;
+        CommittedTime = 57069;
+        RecentBlockWriteKbytes = 172416;
+        TransferIn = false;
+        ExitStatus = 0;
+        ShouldTransferFiles = "IF_NEEDED";
+        IsCHTCSubmit = true;
+        NumJobMatches = 1;
+        RootDir = "/";
+        JobStartDate = 1462895571;
+        JobPrio = 1;
+        CurrentHosts = 0;
+        GlobalJobId = "";
+        RemoteSysCpu = 2.890000000000000E+02;
+        TotalSuspensions = 0;
+        CommittedSlotTime = 5.706900000000000E+04;
+        LastRemoteHost = "";
+        TransferInput = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/condor_tarred2.tgz";
+        LocalUserCpu = 0.0;
+        PeriodicRelease = false;
+        WinVer = 601;
+        LastPublicClaimId = "<>#1460606706#10610#...";
+        NumCkpts_RAW = 0;
+        Out = "CS776_project_284.out";
+        SubmitEventNotes = "DAG Node: 284";
+        CumulativeSlotTime = 5.706900000000000E+04;
+        JobRunCount = 1;
+        RecentBlockReads = 0;
+        StreamErr = false;
+        RequestDisk = 1000000;
+        ResidentSetSize_RAW = 127312;
+        OrigMaxHosts = 1;
+        NumCkpts = 0;
+        StatsLifetimeStarter = 57068;
+        ImageSize = 3250000
+    ]
+        Schedd = "";
+        BlockWrites = 11473;
+        LastJobStatus = 2;
+        JobCurrentStartExecutingDate = 1462900970;
+        WantRemoteIO = true;
+        RequestCpus = 1;
+        NumShadowStarts = 1;
+        RemoteUserCpu = 5.383600000000000E+04;
+        NiceUser = false;
+        RequestMemory = 2000;
+        BytesRecvd = 3.287412000000000E+06;
+        StreamOut = true;
+        ResidentSetSize = 125000;
+        SpooledOutputFiles = "output_file_freq_2e-07_selstr_0.001_bneckstart_0.1_recovery_0.5_bneckstr_0.1_id_1.txt";
+        OnExitRemove = true;
+        ImageSize_RAW = 3141192;
+        RemoteWallClockTime = 5.152600000000000E+04;
+        MachineAttrSlotWeight0 = 1;
+        ExecutableSize = 15;
+        JobStatus = 4;
+        DAGParentNodeNames = "";
+        ExitCode = 0;
+        DAGManNodesMask = "0,1,2,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,13,16,17,24,27";
+        BytesSent = 1.090000000000000E+03;
+        LastSuspensionTime = 0;
+        ExecutableSize_RAW = 13;
+        RecentBlockReadKbytes = 0;
+        TransferInputSizeMB = 3;
+        BlockReadKbytes = 732;
+        LocalSysCpu = 0.0;
+        Iwd = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/outputs2";
+        Cmd = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/";
+        CommittedSuspensionTime = 0;
+        DiskUsage_RAW = 43558;
+        RecentStatsLifetimeStarter = 1200;
+        TargetType = "Machine";
+        WhenToTransferOutput = "ON_EXIT";
+        BufferSize = 524288;
+        JobCurrentStartTransferOutputDate = 1462952495;
+        RecentBlockWrites = 64;
+        CompletionDate = 1462952495;
+        LastMatchTime = 1462900969;
+        LastJobLeaseRenewal = 1462952495;
+        DAGManNodesLog = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/./CS776_project.dag.nodes.log";
+        ClusterId = 3724029;
+        JobUniverse = 5;
+        NumJobStarts = 1;
+        StartdPrincipal = "execute-side@matchsession/";
+        EnteredCurrentStatus = 1462952495;
+        JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "$$([IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName), IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), \"\", TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName)])";
+        ProcId = 0;
+        PeriodicHold = false;
+        CoreSize = 0;
+        OnExitHold = false;
+        CondorPlatform = "$CondorPlatform: x86_64_RedHat6 $";
+        JobFinishedHookDone = 1462952495;
+        QDate = 1462893031;
+        JobLeaseDuration = 3200;
+        In = "/dev/null";
+        DiskUsage = 45000;
+        EncryptExecuteDirectory = false;
+        User = "";
+        FileSystemDomain = "";
+        LeaveJobInQueue = false;
+        Requirements = ( OpSys == "LINUX" ) && ( MY.JobUniverse == 12 || MY.JobUniverse == 7 || ( ( MY.WantFlocking || MY.WantGlidein || TARGET.PoolName == "CHTC" ) && ( TARGET.OpSysMajorVer == MY.LinuxVer || TARGET.OpSysMajorVer == MY.LinuxVerAlt || TARGET.OpSysMajorVer == MY.WinVer ) ) ) && ( TARGET.Arch == "X86_64" ) && ( TARGET.Disk >= RequestDisk ) && ( TARGET.Memory >= RequestMemory ) && ( ( TARGET.HasFileTransfer ) || ( TARGET.FileSystemDomain == MY.FileSystemDomain ) );
+        MinHosts = 1;
+        MaxHosts = 1;
+        Args = "\342\200\234-1 0.1 0.1 0.5 2e-07 0.001 1 -1\342\200\235";
+        Environment = "";
+        LinuxVer = 6;
+        DAGNodeName = "681";
+        MemoryUsage = ( ( ResidentSetSize + 1023 ) / 1024 );
+        TerminationPending = true;
+        NumRestarts = 0;
+        NumSystemHolds = 0;
+        CondorVersion = "$CondorVersion: 8.5.5 May 03 2016 BuildID: 366162 $";
+        UserLog = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/outputs2/CS776_project_681.log";
+        JobCurrentStartDate = 1462900969;
+        MATCH_EXP_JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "";
+        BufferBlockSize = 32768;
+        BlockWriteKbytes = 5779712;
+        ExitBySignal = false;
+        DAGManJobId = 3723347;
+        MachineAttrCpus0 = 1;
+        WantRemoteSyscalls = false;
+        JobBatchName = "CS776_project.dag+3723347";
+        WantCheckpoint = false;
+        BlockReads = 82;
+        CumulativeSuspensionTime = 0;
+        MyType = "Job";
+        Rank = 0.0;
+        JobNotification = 0;
+        Owner = "jlange3";
+        LinuxVerAlt = 6;
+        Err = "CS776_project_681.err";
+        PeriodicRemove = false;
+        CommittedTime = 51526;
+        RecentBlockWriteKbytes = 32252;
+        TransferIn = false;
+        ExitStatus = 0;
+        ShouldTransferFiles = "IF_NEEDED";
+        IsCHTCSubmit = true;
+        NumJobMatches = 1;
+        RootDir = "/";
+        JobStartDate = 1462900969;
+        JobPrio = 1;
+        CurrentHosts = 0;
+        GlobalJobId = "";
+        RemoteSysCpu = 7.230000000000000E+02;
+        TotalSuspensions = 0;
+        CommittedSlotTime = 5.152600000000000E+04;
+        LastRemoteHost = "";
+        TransferInput = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/condor_tarred2.tgz";
+        LocalUserCpu = 0.0;
+        PeriodicRelease = false;
+        WinVer = 601;
+        LastPublicClaimId = "<>#1460608498#12246#...";
+        NumCkpts_RAW = 0;
+        Out = "CS776_project_681.out";
+        SubmitEventNotes = "DAG Node: 681";
+        CumulativeSlotTime = 5.152600000000000E+04;
+        JobRunCount = 1;
+        RecentBlockReads = 0;
+        StreamErr = false;
+        RequestDisk = 1000000;
+        ResidentSetSize_RAW = 121860;
+        OrigMaxHosts = 1;
+        NumCkpts = 0;
+        StatsLifetimeStarter = 51525;
+        ImageSize = 3250000
+    ]
+        Schedd = "";
+        BlockWrites = 13908;
+        LastJobStatus = 2;
+        JobCurrentStartExecutingDate = 1462894869;
+        WantRemoteIO = true;
+        RequestCpus = 1;
+        NumShadowStarts = 1;
+        RemoteUserCpu = 5.800500000000000E+04;
+        NiceUser = false;
+        RequestMemory = 2000;
+        BytesRecvd = 3.287412000000000E+06;
+        StreamOut = true;
+        ResidentSetSize = 125000;
+        SpooledOutputFiles = "output_file_freq_2e-07_selstr_0.001_bneckstart_0.01_recovery_0.5_bneckstr_0.01_id_7.txt";
+        OnExitRemove = true;
+        ImageSize_RAW = 3141192;
+        RemoteWallClockTime = 5.676400000000000E+04;
+        MachineAttrSlotWeight0 = 1;
+        ExecutableSize = 15;
+        JobStatus = 4;
+        DAGParentNodeNames = "";
+        ExitCode = 0;
+        DAGManNodesMask = "0,1,2,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,13,16,17,24,27";
+        BytesSent = 1.095000000000000E+03;
+        LastSuspensionTime = 0;
+        ExecutableSize_RAW = 13;
+        RecentBlockReadKbytes = 0;
+        TransferInputSizeMB = 3;
+        BlockReadKbytes = 0;
+        LocalSysCpu = 0.0;
+        Iwd = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/outputs2";
+        Cmd = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/";
+        CommittedSuspensionTime = 0;
+        DiskUsage_RAW = 42598;
+        RecentStatsLifetimeStarter = 1200;
+        TargetType = "Machine";
+        WhenToTransferOutput = "ON_EXIT";
+        BufferSize = 524288;
+        JobCurrentStartTransferOutputDate = 1462951632;
+        RecentBlockWrites = 343;
+        CompletionDate = 1462951632;
+        LastMatchTime = 1462894868;
+        LastJobLeaseRenewal = 1462951632;
+        DAGManNodesLog = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/./CS776_project.dag.nodes.log";
+        ClusterId = 3723555;
+        JobUniverse = 5;
+        NumJobStarts = 1;
+        StartdPrincipal = "execute-side@matchsession/";
+        EnteredCurrentStatus = 1462951632;
+        JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "$$([IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName), IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), \"\", TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName)])";
+        ProcId = 0;
+        PeriodicHold = false;
+        CoreSize = 0;
+        OnExitHold = false;
+        CondorPlatform = "$CondorPlatform: x86_64_RedHat6 $";
+        JobFinishedHookDone = 1462951632;
+        QDate = 1462892507;
+        JobLeaseDuration = 3200;
+        In = "/dev/null";
+        DiskUsage = 45000;
+        EncryptExecuteDirectory = false;
+        User = "";
+        FileSystemDomain = "";
+        LeaveJobInQueue = false;
+        Requirements = ( OpSys == "LINUX" ) && ( MY.JobUniverse == 12 || MY.JobUniverse == 7 || ( ( MY.WantFlocking || MY.WantGlidein || TARGET.PoolName == "CHTC" ) && ( TARGET.OpSysMajorVer == MY.LinuxVer || TARGET.OpSysMajorVer == MY.LinuxVerAlt || TARGET.OpSysMajorVer == MY.WinVer ) ) ) && ( TARGET.Arch == "X86_64" ) && ( TARGET.Disk >= RequestDisk ) && ( TARGET.Memory >= RequestMemory ) && ( ( TARGET.HasFileTransfer ) || ( TARGET.FileSystemDomain == MY.FileSystemDomain ) );
+        MinHosts = 1;
+        MaxHosts = 1;
+        Args = "\342\200\234-1 0.01 0.01 0.5 2e-07 0.001 7 -1\342\200\235";
+        Environment = "";
+        LinuxVer = 6;
+        DAGNodeName = "207";
+        MemoryUsage = ( ( ResidentSetSize + 1023 ) / 1024 );
+        TerminationPending = true;
+        NumRestarts = 0;
+        NumSystemHolds = 0;
+        CondorVersion = "$CondorVersion: 8.5.5 May 03 2016 BuildID: 366162 $";
+        UserLog = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/outputs2/CS776_project_207.log";
+        JobCurrentStartDate = 1462894868;
+        MATCH_EXP_JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "";
+        BufferBlockSize = 32768;
+        BlockWriteKbytes = 6995172;
+        ExitBySignal = false;
+        DAGManJobId = 3723347;
+        MachineAttrCpus0 = 1;
+        WantRemoteSyscalls = false;
+        JobBatchName = "CS776_project.dag+3723347";
+        WantCheckpoint = false;
+        BlockReads = 0;
+        CumulativeSuspensionTime = 0;
+        MyType = "Job";
+        Rank = 0.0;
+        JobNotification = 0;
+        Owner = "jlange3";
+        LinuxVerAlt = 6;
+        Err = "CS776_project_207.err";
+        PeriodicRemove = false;
+        CommittedTime = 56764;
+        RecentBlockWriteKbytes = 171716;
+        TransferIn = false;
+        ExitStatus = 0;
+        ShouldTransferFiles = "IF_NEEDED";
+        IsCHTCSubmit = true;
+        NumJobMatches = 1;
+        RootDir = "/";
+        JobStartDate = 1462894868;
+        JobPrio = 1;
+        CurrentHosts = 0;
+        GlobalJobId = "";
+        RemoteSysCpu = 3.030000000000000E+02;
+        TotalSuspensions = 0;
+        CommittedSlotTime = 5.676400000000000E+04;
+        LastRemoteHost = "";
+        TransferInput = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/condor_tarred2.tgz";
+        LocalUserCpu = 0.0;
+        PeriodicRelease = false;
+        WinVer = 601;
+        LastPublicClaimId = "<>#1460606706#10602#...";
+        NumCkpts_RAW = 0;
+        Out = "CS776_project_207.out";
+        SubmitEventNotes = "DAG Node: 207";
+        CumulativeSlotTime = 5.676400000000000E+04;
+        JobRunCount = 1;
+        RecentBlockReads = 0;
+        StreamErr = false;
+        RequestDisk = 1000000;
+        ResidentSetSize_RAW = 122368;
+        OrigMaxHosts = 1;
+        NumCkpts = 0;
+        StatsLifetimeStarter = 56763;
+        ImageSize = 3250000
+    ]
+        Schedd = "";
+        BlockWrites = 12488;
+        LastJobStatus = 2;
+        JobCurrentStartExecutingDate = 1462894956;
+        WantRemoteIO = true;
+        RequestCpus = 1;
+        NumShadowStarts = 1;
+        RemoteUserCpu = 5.687800000000000E+04;
+        NiceUser = false;
+        RequestMemory = 2000;
+        BytesRecvd = 3.287412000000000E+06;
+        StreamOut = true;
+        ResidentSetSize = 125000;
+        SpooledOutputFiles = "output_file_freq_2e-07_selstr_0.001_bneckstart_0.01_recovery_0.5_bneckstr_0.01_id_17.txt";
+        OnExitRemove = true;
+        ImageSize_RAW = 3141192;
+        RemoteWallClockTime = 5.630500000000000E+04;
+        MachineAttrSlotWeight0 = 1;
+        ExecutableSize = 15;
+        JobStatus = 4;
+        DAGParentNodeNames = "";
+        ExitCode = 0;
+        DAGManNodesMask = "0,1,2,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,13,16,17,24,27";
+        BytesSent = 1.093000000000000E+03;
+        LastRejMatchReason = "PREEMPTION_REQUIREMENTS == False ";
+        LastSuspensionTime = 0;
+        ExecutableSize_RAW = 13;
+        RecentBlockReadKbytes = 12;
+        TransferInputSizeMB = 3;
+        BlockReadKbytes = 244;
+        LocalSysCpu = 0.0;
+        Iwd = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/outputs2";
+        Cmd = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/";
+        CommittedSuspensionTime = 0;
+        DiskUsage_RAW = 43479;
+        RecentStatsLifetimeStarter = 1200;
+        TargetType = "Machine";
+        WhenToTransferOutput = "ON_EXIT";
+        BufferSize = 524288;
+        JobCurrentStartTransferOutputDate = 1462951259;
+        RecentBlockWrites = 296;
+        CompletionDate = 1462951259;
+        LastMatchTime = 1462894954;
+        LastJobLeaseRenewal = 1462951259;
+        DAGManNodesLog = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/./CS776_project.dag.nodes.log";
+        ClusterId = 3723565;
+        JobUniverse = 5;
+        NumJobStarts = 1;
+        StartdPrincipal = "execute-side@matchsession/";
+        EnteredCurrentStatus = 1462951259;
+        JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "$$([IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName), IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), \"\", TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName)])";
+        ProcId = 0;
+        PeriodicHold = false;
+        CoreSize = 0;
+        OnExitHold = false;
+        CondorPlatform = "$CondorPlatform: x86_64_RedHat6 $";
+        JobFinishedHookDone = 1462951259;
+        QDate = 1462892518;
+        JobLeaseDuration = 3200;
+        In = "/dev/null";
+        DiskUsage = 45000;
+        EncryptExecuteDirectory = false;
+        User = "";
+        FileSystemDomain = "";
+        LeaveJobInQueue = false;
+        Requirements = ( OpSys == "LINUX" ) && ( MY.JobUniverse == 12 || MY.JobUniverse == 7 || ( ( MY.WantFlocking || MY.WantGlidein || TARGET.PoolName == "CHTC" ) && ( TARGET.OpSysMajorVer == MY.LinuxVer || TARGET.OpSysMajorVer == MY.LinuxVerAlt || TARGET.OpSysMajorVer == MY.WinVer ) ) ) && ( TARGET.Arch == "X86_64" ) && ( TARGET.Disk >= RequestDisk ) && ( TARGET.Memory >= RequestMemory ) && ( ( TARGET.HasFileTransfer ) || ( TARGET.FileSystemDomain == MY.FileSystemDomain ) );
+        MinHosts = 1;
+        MaxHosts = 1;
+        Args = "\342\200\234-1 0.01 0.01 0.5 2e-07 0.001 17 -1\342\200\235";
+        Environment = "";
+        LinuxVer = 6;
+        DAGNodeName = "217";
+        MemoryUsage = ( ( ResidentSetSize + 1023 ) / 1024 );
+        TerminationPending = true;
+        NumRestarts = 0;
+        NumSystemHolds = 0;
+        CondorVersion = "$CondorVersion: 8.5.5 May 03 2016 BuildID: 366162 $";
+        UserLog = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/outputs2/CS776_project_217.log";
+        JobCurrentStartDate = 1462894954;
+        MATCH_EXP_JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "";
+        BufferBlockSize = 32768;
+        BlockWriteKbytes = 6284888;
+        ExitBySignal = false;
+        DAGManJobId = 3723347;
+        MachineAttrCpus0 = 1;
+        WantRemoteSyscalls = false;
+        JobBatchName = "CS776_project.dag+3723347";
+        WantCheckpoint = false;
+        BlockReads = 31;
+        CumulativeSuspensionTime = 0;
+        MyType = "Job";
+        Rank = 0.0;
+        JobNotification = 0;
+        Owner = "jlange3";
+        LinuxVerAlt = 6;
+        Err = "CS776_project_217.err";
+        PeriodicRemove = false;
+        CommittedTime = 56305;
+        RecentBlockWriteKbytes = 147820;
+        TransferIn = false;
+        ExitStatus = 0;
+        ShouldTransferFiles = "IF_NEEDED";
+        IsCHTCSubmit = true;
+        NumJobMatches = 1;
+        RootDir = "/";
+        JobStartDate = 1462894954;
+        JobPrio = 1;
+        CurrentHosts = 0;
+        GlobalJobId = "";
+        RemoteSysCpu = 7.400000000000000E+02;
+        LastRejMatchTime = 1462894954;
+        TotalSuspensions = 0;
+        CommittedSlotTime = 5.630500000000000E+04;
+        LastRemoteHost = "";
+        TransferInput = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/condor_tarred2.tgz";
+        LocalUserCpu = 0.0;
+        PeriodicRelease = false;
+        WinVer = 601;
+        LastPublicClaimId = "<>#1460679243#10504#...";
+        NumCkpts_RAW = 0;
+        Out = "CS776_project_217.out";
+        SubmitEventNotes = "DAG Node: 217";
+        CumulativeSlotTime = 5.630500000000000E+04;
+        JobRunCount = 1;
+        RecentBlockReads = 3;
+        StreamErr = false;
+        RequestDisk = 1000000;
+        ResidentSetSize_RAW = 120052;
+        OrigMaxHosts = 1;
+        NumCkpts = 0;
+        StatsLifetimeStarter = 56304;
+        ImageSize = 3250000
+    ]
+        Schedd = "";
+        BlockWrites = 11092;
+        LastJobStatus = 2;
+        JobCurrentStartExecutingDate = 1462902127;
+        WantRemoteIO = true;
+        RequestCpus = 1;
+        NumShadowStarts = 1;
+        RemoteUserCpu = 5.106900000000000E+04;
+        NiceUser = false;
+        RequestMemory = 2000;
+        BytesRecvd = 3.287412000000000E+06;
+        StreamOut = true;
+        ResidentSetSize = 125000;
+        SpooledOutputFiles = "output_file_freq_2e-07_selstr_0.001_bneckstart_0.1_recovery_1_bneckstr_0.1_id_17.txt";
+        OnExitRemove = true;
+        ImageSize_RAW = 3141192;
+        RemoteWallClockTime = 4.871200000000000E+04;
+        MachineAttrSlotWeight0 = 1;
+        ExecutableSize = 15;
+        JobStatus = 4;
+        DAGParentNodeNames = "";
+        ExitCode = 0;
+        DAGManNodesMask = "0,1,2,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,13,16,17,24,27";
+        BytesSent = 1.093000000000000E+03;
+        LastSuspensionTime = 0;
+        ExecutableSize_RAW = 13;
+        RecentBlockReadKbytes = 0;
+        TransferInputSizeMB = 3;
+        BlockReadKbytes = 96;
+        LocalSysCpu = 0.0;
+        Iwd = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/outputs2";
+        Cmd = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/";
+        CommittedSuspensionTime = 0;
+        DiskUsage_RAW = 43427;
+        RecentStatsLifetimeStarter = 1200;
+        TargetType = "Machine";
+        WhenToTransferOutput = "ON_EXIT";
+        BufferSize = 524288;
+        JobCurrentStartTransferOutputDate = 1462950837;
+        RecentBlockWrites = 278;
+        CompletionDate = 1462950838;
+        LastMatchTime = 1462902126;
+        LastJobLeaseRenewal = 1462950837;
+        DAGManNodesLog = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/./CS776_project.dag.nodes.log";
+        ClusterId = 3724125;
+        JobUniverse = 5;
+        NumJobStarts = 1;
+        StartdPrincipal = "execute-side@matchsession/";
+        EnteredCurrentStatus = 1462950838;
+        JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "$$([IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName), IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), \"\", TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName)])";
+        ProcId = 0;
+        PeriodicHold = false;
+        CoreSize = 0;
+        OnExitHold = false;
+        CondorPlatform = "$CondorPlatform: x86_64_RedHat6 $";
+        JobFinishedHookDone = 1462950838;
+        QDate = 1462893134;
+        JobLeaseDuration = 3200;
+        In = "/dev/null";
+        DiskUsage = 45000;
+        EncryptExecuteDirectory = false;
+        User = "";
+        FileSystemDomain = "";
+        LeaveJobInQueue = false;
+        Requirements = ( OpSys == "LINUX" ) && ( MY.JobUniverse == 12 || MY.JobUniverse == 7 || ( ( MY.WantFlocking || MY.WantGlidein || TARGET.PoolName == "CHTC" ) && ( TARGET.OpSysMajorVer == MY.LinuxVer || TARGET.OpSysMajorVer == MY.LinuxVerAlt || TARGET.OpSysMajorVer == MY.WinVer ) ) ) && ( TARGET.Arch == "X86_64" ) && ( TARGET.Disk >= RequestDisk ) && ( TARGET.Memory >= RequestMemory ) && ( ( TARGET.HasFileTransfer ) || ( TARGET.FileSystemDomain == MY.FileSystemDomain ) );
+        MinHosts = 1;
+        MaxHosts = 1;
+        Args = "\342\200\234-1 0.1 0.1 1 2e-07 0.001 17 -1\342\200\235";
+        Environment = "";
+        LinuxVer = 6;
+        DAGNodeName = "777";
+        MemoryUsage = ( ( ResidentSetSize + 1023 ) / 1024 );
+        TerminationPending = true;
+        NumRestarts = 0;
+        NumSystemHolds = 0;
+        CondorVersion = "$CondorVersion: 8.5.5 May 03 2016 BuildID: 366162 $";
+        UserLog = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/outputs2/CS776_project_777.log";
+        JobCurrentStartDate = 1462902126;
+        MATCH_EXP_JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "";
+        BufferBlockSize = 32768;
+        BlockWriteKbytes = 5576765;
+        ExitBySignal = false;
+        DAGManJobId = 3723347;
+        MachineAttrCpus0 = 1;
+        WantRemoteSyscalls = false;
+        JobBatchName = "CS776_project.dag+3723347";
+        WantCheckpoint = false;
+        BlockReads = 9;
+        CumulativeSuspensionTime = 0;
+        MyType = "Job";
+        Rank = 0.0;
+        JobNotification = 0;
+        Owner = "jlange3";
+        LinuxVerAlt = 6;
+        Err = "CS776_project_777.err";
+        PeriodicRemove = false;
+        CommittedTime = 48712;
+        RecentBlockWriteKbytes = 138732;
+        TransferIn = false;
+        ExitStatus = 0;
+        ShouldTransferFiles = "IF_NEEDED";
+        IsCHTCSubmit = true;
+        NumJobMatches = 1;
+        RootDir = "/";
+        JobStartDate = 1462902126;
+        JobPrio = 1;
+        CurrentHosts = 0;
+        GlobalJobId = "";
+        RemoteSysCpu = 9.030000000000000E+02;
+        TotalSuspensions = 0;
+        CommittedSlotTime = 4.871200000000000E+04;
+        LastRemoteHost = "";
+        TransferInput = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/condor_tarred2.tgz";
+        LocalUserCpu = 0.0;
+        PeriodicRelease = false;
+        WinVer = 601;
+        LastPublicClaimId = "<>#1460655506#11634#...";
+        NumCkpts_RAW = 0;
+        Out = "CS776_project_777.out";
+        SubmitEventNotes = "DAG Node: 777";
+        CumulativeSlotTime = 4.871200000000000E+04;
+        JobRunCount = 1;
+        RecentBlockReads = 0;
+        StreamErr = false;
+        RequestDisk = 1000000;
+        ResidentSetSize_RAW = 122692;
+        OrigMaxHosts = 1;
+        NumCkpts = 0;
+        StatsLifetimeStarter = 48710;
+        ImageSize = 3250000
+    ]
+        Schedd = "";
+        BlockWrites = 13498;
+        LastJobStatus = 2;
+        JobCurrentStartExecutingDate = 1462901949;
+        WantRemoteIO = true;
+        RequestCpus = 1;
+        NumShadowStarts = 1;
+        RemoteUserCpu = 4.977100000000000E+04;
+        NiceUser = false;
+        RequestMemory = 2000;
+        BytesRecvd = 3.287412000000000E+06;
+        StreamOut = true;
+        ResidentSetSize = 125000;
+        SpooledOutputFiles = "output_file_freq_2e-07_selstr_0.001_bneckstart_0.1_recovery_1_bneckstr_0.1_id_4.txt";
+        OnExitRemove = true;
+        ImageSize_RAW = 3141192;
+        RemoteWallClockTime = 4.766300000000000E+04;
+        MachineAttrSlotWeight0 = 1;
+        ExecutableSize = 15;
+        JobStatus = 4;
+        DAGParentNodeNames = "";
+        ExitCode = 0;
+        DAGManNodesMask = "0,1,2,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,13,16,17,24,27";
+        BytesSent = 1.096000000000000E+03;
+        LastSuspensionTime = 0;
+        ExecutableSize_RAW = 13;
+        RecentBlockReadKbytes = 0;
+        TransferInputSizeMB = 3;
+        BlockReadKbytes = 0;
+        LocalSysCpu = 0.0;
+        Iwd = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/outputs2";
+        Cmd = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/";
+        CommittedSuspensionTime = 0;
+        DiskUsage_RAW = 42930;
+        RecentStatsLifetimeStarter = 1200;
+        TargetType = "Machine";
+        WhenToTransferOutput = "ON_EXIT";
+        BufferSize = 524288;
+        JobCurrentStartTransferOutputDate = 1462949610;
+        RecentBlockWrites = 315;
+        CompletionDate = 1462949611;
+        LastMatchTime = 1462901948;
+        LastJobLeaseRenewal = 1462949610;
+        DAGManNodesLog = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/./CS776_project.dag.nodes.log";
+        ClusterId = 3724112;
+        JobUniverse = 5;
+        NumJobStarts = 1;
+        StartdPrincipal = "execute-side@matchsession/";
+        EnteredCurrentStatus = 1462949611;
+        JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "$$([IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName), IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), \"\", TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName)])";
+        ProcId = 0;
+        PeriodicHold = false;
+        CoreSize = 0;
+        OnExitHold = false;
+        CondorPlatform = "$CondorPlatform: x86_64_RedHat6 $";
+        JobFinishedHookDone = 1462949611;
+        QDate = 1462893118;
+        JobLeaseDuration = 3200;
+        In = "/dev/null";
+        DiskUsage = 45000;
+        EncryptExecuteDirectory = false;
+        User = "";
+        FileSystemDomain = "";
+        LeaveJobInQueue = false;
+        Requirements = ( OpSys == "LINUX" ) && ( MY.JobUniverse == 12 || MY.JobUniverse == 7 || ( ( MY.WantFlocking || MY.WantGlidein || TARGET.PoolName == "CHTC" ) && ( TARGET.OpSysMajorVer == MY.LinuxVer || TARGET.OpSysMajorVer == MY.LinuxVerAlt || TARGET.OpSysMajorVer == MY.WinVer ) ) ) && ( TARGET.Arch == "X86_64" ) && ( TARGET.Disk >= RequestDisk ) && ( TARGET.Memory >= RequestMemory ) && ( ( TARGET.HasFileTransfer ) || ( TARGET.FileSystemDomain == MY.FileSystemDomain ) );
+        MinHosts = 1;
+        MaxHosts = 1;
+        Args = "\342\200\234-1 0.1 0.1 1 2e-07 0.001 4 -1\342\200\235";
+        Environment = "";
+        LinuxVer = 6;
+        DAGNodeName = "764";
+        MemoryUsage = ( ( ResidentSetSize + 1023 ) / 1024 );
+        TerminationPending = true;
+        NumRestarts = 0;
+        NumSystemHolds = 0;
+        CondorVersion = "$CondorVersion: 8.5.5 May 03 2016 BuildID: 366162 $";
+        UserLog = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/outputs2/CS776_project_764.log";
+        JobCurrentStartDate = 1462901948;
+        MATCH_EXP_JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "";
+        BufferBlockSize = 32768;
+        BlockWriteKbytes = 6786216;
+        ExitBySignal = false;
+        DAGManJobId = 3723347;
+        MachineAttrCpus0 = 1;
+        WantRemoteSyscalls = false;
+        JobBatchName = "CS776_project.dag+3723347";
+        WantCheckpoint = false;
+        BlockReads = 0;
+        CumulativeSuspensionTime = 0;
+        MyType = "Job";
+        Rank = 0.0;
+        JobNotification = 0;
+        Owner = "jlange3";
+        LinuxVerAlt = 6;
+        Err = "CS776_project_764.err";
+        PeriodicRemove = false;
+        CommittedTime = 47663;
+        RecentBlockWriteKbytes = 155848;
+        TransferIn = false;
+        ExitStatus = 0;
+        ShouldTransferFiles = "IF_NEEDED";
+        IsCHTCSubmit = true;
+        NumJobMatches = 1;
+        RootDir = "/";
+        JobStartDate = 1462901948;
+        JobPrio = 1;
+        CurrentHosts = 0;
+        GlobalJobId = "";
+        RemoteSysCpu = 4.040000000000000E+02;
+        TotalSuspensions = 0;
+        CommittedSlotTime = 4.766300000000000E+04;
+        LastRemoteHost = "";
+        TransferInput = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/condor_tarred2.tgz";
+        LocalUserCpu = 0.0;
+        PeriodicRelease = false;
+        WinVer = 601;
+        LastPublicClaimId = "<>#1460621137#12872#...";
+        NumCkpts_RAW = 0;
+        Out = "CS776_project_764.out";
+        SubmitEventNotes = "DAG Node: 764";
+        CumulativeSlotTime = 4.766300000000000E+04;
+        JobRunCount = 1;
+        RecentBlockReads = 0;
+        StreamErr = false;
+        RequestDisk = 1000000;
+        ResidentSetSize_RAW = 124096;
+        OrigMaxHosts = 1;
+        NumCkpts = 0;
+        StatsLifetimeStarter = 47661;
+        ImageSize = 3250000
+    ]
+        Schedd = "";
+        BlockWrites = 20681;
+        LastJobStatus = 2;
+        JobCurrentStartExecutingDate = 1462901950;
+        WantRemoteIO = true;
+        RequestCpus = 1;
+        NumShadowStarts = 1;
+        RemoteUserCpu = 4.839200000000000E+04;
+        NiceUser = false;
+        RequestMemory = 2000;
+        BytesRecvd = 3.287412000000000E+06;
+        StreamOut = true;
+        ResidentSetSize = 125000;
+        SpooledOutputFiles = "output_file_freq_2e-07_selstr_0.001_bneckstart_0.1_recovery_1_bneckstr_0.1_id_7.txt";
+        OnExitRemove = true;
+        ImageSize_RAW = 2793228;
+        RemoteWallClockTime = 4.659000000000000E+04;
+        MachineAttrSlotWeight0 = 1;
+        ExecutableSize = 15;
+        JobStatus = 4;
+        DAGParentNodeNames = "";
+        ExitCode = 0;
+        DAGManNodesMask = "0,1,2,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,13,16,17,24,27";
+        BytesSent = 9.460000000000000E+02;
+        LastSuspensionTime = 0;
+        ExecutableSize_RAW = 13;
+        RecentBlockReadKbytes = 0;
+        TransferInputSizeMB = 3;
+        BlockReadKbytes = 1216;
+        LocalSysCpu = 0.0;
+        Iwd = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/outputs2";
+        Cmd = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/";
+        CommittedSuspensionTime = 0;
+        DiskUsage_RAW = 43100;
+        RecentStatsLifetimeStarter = 1200;
+        TargetType = "Machine";
+        WhenToTransferOutput = "ON_EXIT";
+        BufferSize = 524288;
+        JobCurrentStartTransferOutputDate = 1462948538;
+        RecentBlockWrites = 584;
+        CompletionDate = 1462948538;
+        LastMatchTime = 1462901948;
+        LastJobLeaseRenewal = 1462948538;
+        DAGManNodesLog = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/./CS776_project.dag.nodes.log";
+        ClusterId = 3724115;
+        JobUniverse = 5;
+        NumJobStarts = 1;
+        StartdPrincipal = "execute-side@matchsession/";
+        EnteredCurrentStatus = 1462948538;
+        JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "$$([IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName), IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), \"\", TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName)])";
+        ProcId = 0;
+        PeriodicHold = false;
+        CoreSize = 0;
+        OnExitHold = false;
+        CondorPlatform = "$CondorPlatform: x86_64_RedHat6 $";
+        JobFinishedHookDone = 1462948538;
+        QDate = 1462893123;
+        JobLeaseDuration = 3200;
+        In = "/dev/null";
+        DiskUsage = 45000;
+        EncryptExecuteDirectory = false;
+        User = "";
+        FileSystemDomain = "";
+        LeaveJobInQueue = false;
+        Requirements = ( OpSys == "LINUX" ) && ( MY.JobUniverse == 12 || MY.JobUniverse == 7 || ( ( MY.WantFlocking || MY.WantGlidein || TARGET.PoolName == "CHTC" ) && ( TARGET.OpSysMajorVer == MY.LinuxVer || TARGET.OpSysMajorVer == MY.LinuxVerAlt || TARGET.OpSysMajorVer == MY.WinVer ) ) ) && ( TARGET.Arch == "X86_64" ) && ( TARGET.Disk >= RequestDisk ) && ( TARGET.Memory >= RequestMemory ) && ( ( TARGET.HasFileTransfer ) || ( TARGET.FileSystemDomain == MY.FileSystemDomain ) );
+        MinHosts = 1;
+        MaxHosts = 1;
+        Args = "\342\200\234-1 0.1 0.1 1 2e-07 0.001 7 -1\342\200\235";
+        Environment = "";
+        LinuxVer = 6;
+        DAGNodeName = "767";
+        MemoryUsage = ( ( ResidentSetSize + 1023 ) / 1024 );
+        TerminationPending = true;
+        NumRestarts = 0;
+        NumSystemHolds = 0;
+        CondorVersion = "$CondorVersion: 8.5.5 May 03 2016 BuildID: 366162 $";
+        UserLog = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/outputs2/CS776_project_767.log";
+        JobCurrentStartDate = 1462901948;
+        MATCH_EXP_JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "";
+        BufferBlockSize = 32768;
+        BlockWriteKbytes = 5248408;
+        ExitBySignal = false;
+        DAGManJobId = 3723347;
+        MachineAttrCpus0 = 1;
+        WantRemoteSyscalls = false;
+        JobBatchName = "CS776_project.dag+3723347";
+        WantCheckpoint = false;
+        BlockReads = 25;
+        CumulativeSuspensionTime = 0;
+        MyType = "Job";
+        Rank = 0.0;
+        JobNotification = 0;
+        Owner = "jlange3";
+        LinuxVerAlt = 6;
+        Err = "CS776_project_767.err";
+        PeriodicRemove = false;
+        CommittedTime = 46590;
+        RecentBlockWriteKbytes = 147728;
+        TransferIn = false;
+        ExitStatus = 0;
+        ShouldTransferFiles = "IF_NEEDED";
+        IsCHTCSubmit = true;
+        NumJobMatches = 1;
+        RootDir = "/";
+        JobStartDate = 1462901948;
+        JobPrio = 1;
+        CurrentHosts = 0;
+        GlobalJobId = "";
+        RemoteSysCpu = 6.940000000000000E+02;
+        TotalSuspensions = 0;
+        CommittedSlotTime = 4.659000000000000E+04;
+        LastRemoteHost = "";
+        TransferInput = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/condor_tarred2.tgz";
+        LocalUserCpu = 0.0;
+        PeriodicRelease = false;
+        WinVer = 601;
+        LastPublicClaimId = "<>#1462829391#756#...";
+        NumCkpts_RAW = 0;
+        Out = "CS776_project_767.out";
+        SubmitEventNotes = "DAG Node: 767";
+        CumulativeSlotTime = 4.659000000000000E+04;
+        JobRunCount = 1;
+        RecentBlockReads = 0;
+        StreamErr = false;
+        RequestDisk = 1000000;
+        ResidentSetSize_RAW = 121552;
+        OrigMaxHosts = 1;
+        NumCkpts = 0;
+        StatsLifetimeStarter = 46589;
+        ImageSize = 3000000
+    ]
+        Schedd = "";
+        BlockWrites = 12576;
+        LastJobStatus = 2;
+        JobCurrentStartExecutingDate = 1462901412;
+        WantRemoteIO = true;
+        RequestCpus = 1;
+        NumShadowStarts = 1;
+        RemoteUserCpu = 4.855800000000000E+04;
+        NiceUser = false;
+        RequestMemory = 2000;
+        BytesRecvd = 3.287412000000000E+06;
+        StreamOut = true;
+        ResidentSetSize = 125000;
+        SpooledOutputFiles = "output_file_freq_2e-07_selstr_0.001_bneckstart_0.1_recovery_0.5_bneckstr_0.1_id_19.txt";
+        OnExitRemove = true;
+        ImageSize_RAW = 3141192;
+        RemoteWallClockTime = 4.665800000000000E+04;
+        MachineAttrSlotWeight0 = 1;
+        ExecutableSize = 15;
+        JobStatus = 4;
+        DAGParentNodeNames = "";
+        ExitCode = 0;
+        DAGManNodesMask = "0,1,2,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,13,16,17,24,27";
+        BytesSent = 9.540000000000000E+02;
+        LastSuspensionTime = 0;
+        ExecutableSize_RAW = 13;
+        RecentBlockReadKbytes = 0;
+        TransferInputSizeMB = 3;
+        BlockReadKbytes = 64;
+        LocalSysCpu = 0.0;
+        Iwd = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/outputs2";
+        Cmd = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/";
+        CommittedSuspensionTime = 0;
+        DiskUsage_RAW = 42923;
+        RecentStatsLifetimeStarter = 1200;
+        TargetType = "Machine";
+        WhenToTransferOutput = "ON_EXIT";
+        BufferSize = 524288;
+        JobCurrentStartTransferOutputDate = 1462948067;
+        RecentBlockWrites = 338;
+        CompletionDate = 1462948068;
+        LastMatchTime = 1462901410;
+        LastJobLeaseRenewal = 1462948067;
+        DAGManNodesLog = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/./CS776_project.dag.nodes.log";
+        ClusterId = 3724047;
+        JobUniverse = 5;
+        NumJobStarts = 1;
+        StartdPrincipal = "execute-side@matchsession/";
+        EnteredCurrentStatus = 1462948068;
+        JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "$$([IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName), IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), \"\", TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName)])";
+        ProcId = 0;
+        PeriodicHold = false;
+        CoreSize = 0;
+        OnExitHold = false;
+        CondorPlatform = "$CondorPlatform: x86_64_RedHat6 $";
+        JobFinishedHookDone = 1462948068;
+        QDate = 1462893047;
+        JobLeaseDuration = 3200;
+        In = "/dev/null";
+        DiskUsage = 45000;
+        EncryptExecuteDirectory = false;
+        User = "";
+        FileSystemDomain = "";
+        LeaveJobInQueue = false;
+        Requirements = ( OpSys == "LINUX" ) && ( MY.JobUniverse == 12 || MY.JobUniverse == 7 || ( ( MY.WantFlocking || MY.WantGlidein || TARGET.PoolName == "CHTC" ) && ( TARGET.OpSysMajorVer == MY.LinuxVer || TARGET.OpSysMajorVer == MY.LinuxVerAlt || TARGET.OpSysMajorVer == MY.WinVer ) ) ) && ( TARGET.Arch == "X86_64" ) && ( TARGET.Disk >= RequestDisk ) && ( TARGET.Memory >= RequestMemory ) && ( ( TARGET.HasFileTransfer ) || ( TARGET.FileSystemDomain == MY.FileSystemDomain ) );
+        MinHosts = 1;
+        MaxHosts = 1;
+        Args = "\342\200\234-1 0.1 0.1 0.5 2e-07 0.001 19 -1\342\200\235";
+        Environment = "";
+        LinuxVer = 6;
+        DAGNodeName = "699";
+        MemoryUsage = ( ( ResidentSetSize + 1023 ) / 1024 );
+        TerminationPending = true;
+        NumRestarts = 0;
+        NumSystemHolds = 0;
+        CondorVersion = "$CondorVersion: 8.5.5 May 03 2016 BuildID: 366162 $";
+        UserLog = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/outputs2/CS776_project_699.log";
+        JobCurrentStartDate = 1462901410;
+        MATCH_EXP_JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "";
+        BufferBlockSize = 32768;
+        BlockWriteKbytes = 6319480;
+        ExitBySignal = false;
+        DAGManJobId = 3723347;
+        MachineAttrCpus0 = 1;
+        WantRemoteSyscalls = false;
+        JobBatchName = "CS776_project.dag+3723347";
+        WantCheckpoint = false;
+        BlockReads = 11;
+        CumulativeSuspensionTime = 0;
+        MyType = "Job";
+        Rank = 0.0;
+        JobNotification = 0;
+        Owner = "jlange3";
+        LinuxVerAlt = 6;
+        Err = "CS776_project_699.err";
+        PeriodicRemove = false;
+        CommittedTime = 46658;
+        RecentBlockWriteKbytes = 166996;
+        TransferIn = false;
+        ExitStatus = 0;
+        ShouldTransferFiles = "IF_NEEDED";
+        IsCHTCSubmit = true;
+        NumJobMatches = 1;
+        RootDir = "/";
+        JobStartDate = 1462901410;
+        JobPrio = 1;
+        CurrentHosts = 0;
+        GlobalJobId = "";
+        RemoteSysCpu = 3.110000000000000E+02;
+        TotalSuspensions = 0;
+        CommittedSlotTime = 4.665800000000000E+04;
+        LastRemoteHost = "";
+        TransferInput = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/condor_tarred2.tgz";
+        LocalUserCpu = 0.0;
+        PeriodicRelease = false;
+        WinVer = 601;
+        LastPublicClaimId = "<>#1460636262#10042#...";
+        NumCkpts_RAW = 0;
+        Out = "CS776_project_699.out";
+        SubmitEventNotes = "DAG Node: 699";
+        CumulativeSlotTime = 4.665800000000000E+04;
+        JobRunCount = 1;
+        RecentBlockReads = 0;
+        StreamErr = false;
+        RequestDisk = 1000000;
+        ResidentSetSize_RAW = 122896;
+        OrigMaxHosts = 1;
+        NumCkpts = 0;
+        StatsLifetimeStarter = 46656;
+        ImageSize = 3250000
+    ]
+        Schedd = "";
+        BlockWrites = 0;
+        LastJobStatus = 2;
+        JobCurrentStartExecutingDate = 1462901214;
+        WantRemoteIO = true;
+        RequestCpus = 1;
+        NumShadowStarts = 1;
+        RemoteUserCpu = 4.268600000000000E+04;
+        NiceUser = false;
+        RequestMemory = 2000;
+        BytesRecvd = 3.287412000000000E+06;
+        StreamOut = true;
+        ResidentSetSize = 150000;
+        SpooledOutputFiles = "output_file_freq_2e-07_selstr_0.001_bneckstart_0.1_recovery_0.5_bneckstr_0.1_id_3.txt";
+        OnExitRemove = true;
+        ImageSize_RAW = 1889080;
+        RemoteWallClockTime = 4.652300000000000E+04;
+        MachineAttrSlotWeight0 = 1;
+        ExecutableSize = 15;
+        JobStatus = 4;
+        DAGParentNodeNames = "";
+        ExitCode = 0;
+        DAGManNodesMask = "0,1,2,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,13,16,17,24,27";
+        BytesSent = 1.092000000000000E+03;
+        LastRejMatchReason = "PREEMPTION_REQUIREMENTS == False ";
+        LastSuspensionTime = 0;
+        ExecutableSize_RAW = 13;
+        RecentBlockReadKbytes = 0;
+        TransferInputSizeMB = 3;
+        BlockReadKbytes = 0;
+        LocalSysCpu = 0.0;
+        Iwd = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/outputs2";
+        Cmd = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/";
+        CommittedSuspensionTime = 0;
+        DiskUsage_RAW = 43441;
+        RecentStatsLifetimeStarter = 1200;
+        TargetType = "Machine";
+        WhenToTransferOutput = "ON_EXIT";
+        BufferSize = 524288;
+        JobCurrentStartTransferOutputDate = 1462947735;
+        RecentBlockWrites = 0;
+        CompletionDate = 1462947736;
+        LastMatchTime = 1462901213;
+        LastJobLeaseRenewal = 1462947735;
+        DAGManNodesLog = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/./CS776_project.dag.nodes.log";
+        ClusterId = 3724031;
+        JobUniverse = 5;
+        NumJobStarts = 1;
+        StartdPrincipal = "execute-side@matchsession/";
+        EnteredCurrentStatus = 1462947736;
+        JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "$$([IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName), IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), \"\", TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName)])";
+        ProcId = 0;
+        PeriodicHold = false;
+        CoreSize = 0;
+        OnExitHold = false;
+        CondorPlatform = "$CondorPlatform: x86_64_RedHat6 $";
+        JobFinishedHookDone = 1462947736;
+        QDate = 1462893031;
+        JobLeaseDuration = 3200;
+        In = "/dev/null";
+        DiskUsage = 45000;
+        EncryptExecuteDirectory = false;
+        User = "";
+        FileSystemDomain = "";
+        LeaveJobInQueue = false;
+        Requirements = ( OpSys == "LINUX" ) && ( MY.JobUniverse == 12 || MY.JobUniverse == 7 || ( ( MY.WantFlocking || MY.WantGlidein || TARGET.PoolName == "CHTC" ) && ( TARGET.OpSysMajorVer == MY.LinuxVer || TARGET.OpSysMajorVer == MY.LinuxVerAlt || TARGET.OpSysMajorVer == MY.WinVer ) ) ) && ( TARGET.Arch == "X86_64" ) && ( TARGET.Disk >= RequestDisk ) && ( TARGET.Memory >= RequestMemory ) && ( ( TARGET.HasFileTransfer ) || ( TARGET.FileSystemDomain == MY.FileSystemDomain ) );
+        MinHosts = 1;
+        MaxHosts = 1;
+        Args = "\342\200\234-1 0.1 0.1 0.5 2e-07 0.001 3 -1\342\200\235";
+        Environment = "";
+        LinuxVer = 6;
+        DAGNodeName = "683";
+        MemoryUsage = ( ( ResidentSetSize + 1023 ) / 1024 );
+        TerminationPending = true;
+        NumRestarts = 0;
+        NumSystemHolds = 0;
+        CondorVersion = "$CondorVersion: 8.5.5 May 03 2016 BuildID: 366162 $";
+        UserLog = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/outputs2/CS776_project_683.log";
+        JobCurrentStartDate = 1462901213;
+        MATCH_EXP_JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "";
+        BufferBlockSize = 32768;
+        BlockWriteKbytes = 0;
+        ExitBySignal = false;
+        DAGManJobId = 3723347;
+        MachineAttrCpus0 = 1;
+        WantRemoteSyscalls = false;
+        JobBatchName = "CS776_project.dag+3723347";
+        WantCheckpoint = false;
+        BlockReads = 0;
+        CumulativeSuspensionTime = 0;
+        MyType = "Job";
+        Rank = 0.0;
+        JobNotification = 0;
+        Owner = "jlange3";
+        LinuxVerAlt = 6;
+        Err = "CS776_project_683.err";
+        PeriodicRemove = false;
+        CommittedTime = 46523;
+        RecentBlockWriteKbytes = 0;
+        TransferIn = false;
+        ExitStatus = 0;
+        ShouldTransferFiles = "IF_NEEDED";
+        IsCHTCSubmit = true;
+        NumJobMatches = 1;
+        RootDir = "/";
+        JobStartDate = 1462901213;
+        JobPrio = 1;
+        CurrentHosts = 0;
+        GlobalJobId = "";
+        RemoteSysCpu = 1.360000000000000E+02;
+        LastRejMatchTime = 1462901213;
+        TotalSuspensions = 0;
+        CommittedSlotTime = 4.652300000000000E+04;
+        LastRemoteHost = "";
+        TransferInput = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/condor_tarred2.tgz";
+        LocalUserCpu = 0.0;
+        PeriodicRelease = false;
+        WinVer = 601;
+        LastPublicClaimId = "<>#1461950664#1712#...";
+        NumCkpts_RAW = 0;
+        Out = "CS776_project_683.out";
+        SubmitEventNotes = "DAG Node: 683";
+        CumulativeSlotTime = 4.652300000000000E+04;
+        JobRunCount = 1;
+        RecentBlockReads = 0;
+        StreamErr = false;
+        RequestDisk = 1000000;
+        ResidentSetSize_RAW = 135776;
+        OrigMaxHosts = 1;
+        NumCkpts = 0;
+        StatsLifetimeStarter = 46521;
+        ImageSize = 2000000
+    ]
+        Schedd = "";
+        BlockWrites = 13976;
+        LastJobStatus = 2;
+        JobCurrentStartExecutingDate = 1462894869;
+        WantRemoteIO = true;
+        RequestCpus = 1;
+        NumShadowStarts = 1;
+        RemoteUserCpu = 5.422400000000000E+04;
+        NiceUser = false;
+        RequestMemory = 2000;
+        BytesRecvd = 3.287412000000000E+06;
+        StreamOut = true;
+        ResidentSetSize = 125000;
+        SpooledOutputFiles = "output_file_freq_2e-07_selstr_0.001_bneckstart_0.01_recovery_0.5_bneckstr_0.01_id_16.txt";
+        OnExitRemove = true;
+        ImageSize_RAW = 3141192;
+        RemoteWallClockTime = 5.232200000000000E+04;
+        MachineAttrSlotWeight0 = 1;
+        ExecutableSize = 15;
+        JobStatus = 4;
+        DAGParentNodeNames = "";
+        ExitCode = 0;
+        DAGManNodesMask = "0,1,2,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,13,16,17,24,27";
+        BytesSent = 1.097000000000000E+03;
+        LastSuspensionTime = 0;
+        ExecutableSize_RAW = 13;
+        RecentBlockReadKbytes = 0;
+        TransferInputSizeMB = 3;
+        BlockReadKbytes = 8;
+        LocalSysCpu = 0.0;
+        Iwd = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/outputs2";
+        Cmd = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/";
+        CommittedSuspensionTime = 0;
+        DiskUsage_RAW = 43534;
+        RecentStatsLifetimeStarter = 1200;
+        TargetType = "Machine";
+        WhenToTransferOutput = "ON_EXIT";
+        BufferSize = 524288;
+        JobCurrentStartTransferOutputDate = 1462947189;
+        RecentBlockWrites = 383;
+        CompletionDate = 1462947190;
+        LastMatchTime = 1462894868;
+        LastJobLeaseRenewal = 1462947189;
+        DAGManNodesLog = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/./CS776_project.dag.nodes.log";
+        ClusterId = 3723564;
+        JobUniverse = 5;
+        NumJobStarts = 1;
+        StartdPrincipal = "execute-side@matchsession/";
+        EnteredCurrentStatus = 1462947190;
+        JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "$$([IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName), IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), \"\", TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName)])";
+        ProcId = 0;
+        PeriodicHold = false;
+        CoreSize = 0;
+        OnExitHold = false;
+        CondorPlatform = "$CondorPlatform: x86_64_RedHat6 $";
+        JobFinishedHookDone = 1462947190;
+        QDate = 1462892518;
+        JobLeaseDuration = 3200;
+        In = "/dev/null";
+        DiskUsage = 45000;
+        EncryptExecuteDirectory = false;
+        User = "";
+        FileSystemDomain = "";
+        LeaveJobInQueue = false;
+        Requirements = ( OpSys == "LINUX" ) && ( MY.JobUniverse == 12 || MY.JobUniverse == 7 || ( ( MY.WantFlocking || MY.WantGlidein || TARGET.PoolName == "CHTC" ) && ( TARGET.OpSysMajorVer == MY.LinuxVer || TARGET.OpSysMajorVer == MY.LinuxVerAlt || TARGET.OpSysMajorVer == MY.WinVer ) ) ) && ( TARGET.Arch == "X86_64" ) && ( TARGET.Disk >= RequestDisk ) && ( TARGET.Memory >= RequestMemory ) && ( ( TARGET.HasFileTransfer ) || ( TARGET.FileSystemDomain == MY.FileSystemDomain ) );
+        MinHosts = 1;
+        MaxHosts = 1;
+        Args = "\342\200\234-1 0.01 0.01 0.5 2e-07 0.001 16 -1\342\200\235";
+        Environment = "";
+        LinuxVer = 6;
+        DAGNodeName = "216";
+        MemoryUsage = ( ( ResidentSetSize + 1023 ) / 1024 );
+        TerminationPending = true;
+        NumRestarts = 0;
+        NumSystemHolds = 0;
+        CondorVersion = "$CondorVersion: 8.5.5 May 03 2016 BuildID: 366162 $";
+        UserLog = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/outputs2/CS776_project_216.log";
+        JobCurrentStartDate = 1462894868;
+        MATCH_EXP_JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "";
+        BufferBlockSize = 32768;
+        BlockWriteKbytes = 7028612;
+        ExitBySignal = false;
+        DAGManJobId = 3723347;
+        MachineAttrCpus0 = 1;
+        WantRemoteSyscalls = false;
+        JobBatchName = "CS776_project.dag+3723347";
+        WantCheckpoint = false;
+        BlockReads = 2;
+        CumulativeSuspensionTime = 0;
+        MyType = "Job";
+        Rank = 0.0;
+        JobNotification = 0;
+        Owner = "jlange3";
+        LinuxVerAlt = 6;
+        Err = "CS776_project_216.err";
+        PeriodicRemove = false;
+        CommittedTime = 52322;
+        RecentBlockWriteKbytes = 190536;
+        TransferIn = false;
+        ExitStatus = 0;
+        ShouldTransferFiles = "IF_NEEDED";
+        IsCHTCSubmit = true;
+        NumJobMatches = 1;
+        RootDir = "/";
+        JobStartDate = 1462894868;
+        JobPrio = 1;
+        CurrentHosts = 0;
+        GlobalJobId = "";
+        RemoteSysCpu = 4.400000000000000E+02;
+        TotalSuspensions = 0;
+        CommittedSlotTime = 5.232200000000000E+04;
+        LastRemoteHost = "";
+        TransferInput = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/condor_tarred2.tgz";
+        LocalUserCpu = 0.0;
+        PeriodicRelease = false;
+        WinVer = 601;
+        LastPublicClaimId = "<>#1460668469#12246#...";
+        NumCkpts_RAW = 0;
+        Out = "CS776_project_216.out";
+        SubmitEventNotes = "DAG Node: 216";
+        CumulativeSlotTime = 5.232200000000000E+04;
+        JobRunCount = 1;
+        RecentBlockReads = 0;
+        StreamErr = false;
+        RequestDisk = 1000000;
+        ResidentSetSize_RAW = 122748;
+        OrigMaxHosts = 1;
+        NumCkpts = 0;
+        StatsLifetimeStarter = 52320;
+        ImageSize = 3250000
+    ]
+        Schedd = "";
+        BlockWrites = 15846;
+        LastJobStatus = 2;
+        JobCurrentStartExecutingDate = 1462900082;
+        WantRemoteIO = true;
+        RequestCpus = 1;
+        NumShadowStarts = 1;
+        RemoteUserCpu = 5.002700000000000E+04;
+        NiceUser = false;
+        RequestMemory = 2000;
+        BytesRecvd = 3.287412000000000E+06;
+        StreamOut = true;
+        ResidentSetSize = 125000;
+        SpooledOutputFiles = "output_file_freq_2e-07_selstr_0.001_bneckstart_0.01_recovery_1_bneckstr_0.1_id_1.txt";
+        OnExitRemove = true;
+        ImageSize_RAW = 3141192;
+        RemoteWallClockTime = 4.700700000000000E+04;
+        MachineAttrSlotWeight0 = 1;
+        ExecutableSize = 15;
+        JobStatus = 4;
+        DAGParentNodeNames = "";
+        ExitCode = 0;
+        DAGManNodesMask = "0,1,2,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,13,16,17,24,27";
+        BytesSent = 1.094000000000000E+03;
+        LastSuspensionTime = 0;
+        ExecutableSize_RAW = 13;
+        RecentBlockReadKbytes = 0;
+        TransferInputSizeMB = 3;
+        BlockReadKbytes = 64;
+        LocalSysCpu = 0.0;
+        Iwd = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/outputs2";
+        Cmd = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/";
+        CommittedSuspensionTime = 0;
+        DiskUsage_RAW = 43389;
+        RecentStatsLifetimeStarter = 1200;
+        TargetType = "Machine";
+        WhenToTransferOutput = "ON_EXIT";
+        BufferSize = 524288;
+        JobCurrentStartTransferOutputDate = 1462947086;
+        RecentBlockWrites = 409;
+        CompletionDate = 1462947087;
+        LastMatchTime = 1462900080;
+        LastJobLeaseRenewal = 1462947086;
+        DAGManNodesLog = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/./CS776_project.dag.nodes.log";
+        ClusterId = 3723949;
+        JobUniverse = 5;
+        NumJobStarts = 1;
+        StartdPrincipal = "execute-side@matchsession/";
+        EnteredCurrentStatus = 1462947087;
+        JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "$$([IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName), IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), \"\", TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName)])";
+        ProcId = 0;
+        PeriodicHold = false;
+        CoreSize = 0;
+        OnExitHold = false;
+        CondorPlatform = "$CondorPlatform: x86_64_RedHat6 $";
+        JobFinishedHookDone = 1462947087;
+        QDate = 1462892944;
+        JobLeaseDuration = 3200;
+        In = "/dev/null";
+        DiskUsage = 45000;
+        EncryptExecuteDirectory = false;
+        User = "";
+        FileSystemDomain = "";
+        LeaveJobInQueue = false;
+        Requirements = ( OpSys == "LINUX" ) && ( MY.JobUniverse == 12 || MY.JobUniverse == 7 || ( ( MY.WantFlocking || MY.WantGlidein || TARGET.PoolName == "CHTC" ) && ( TARGET.OpSysMajorVer == MY.LinuxVer || TARGET.OpSysMajorVer == MY.LinuxVerAlt || TARGET.OpSysMajorVer == MY.WinVer ) ) ) && ( TARGET.Arch == "X86_64" ) && ( TARGET.Disk >= RequestDisk ) && ( TARGET.Memory >= RequestMemory ) && ( ( TARGET.HasFileTransfer ) || ( TARGET.FileSystemDomain == MY.FileSystemDomain ) );
+        MinHosts = 1;
+        MaxHosts = 1;
+        Args = "\342\200\234-1 0.1 0.01 1 2e-07 0.001 1 -1\342\200\235";
+        Environment = "";
+        LinuxVer = 6;
+        DAGNodeName = "601";
+        MemoryUsage = ( ( ResidentSetSize + 1023 ) / 1024 );
+        TerminationPending = true;
+        NumRestarts = 0;
+        NumSystemHolds = 0;
+        CondorVersion = "$CondorVersion: 8.5.5 May 03 2016 BuildID: 366162 $";
+        UserLog = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/outputs2/CS776_project_601.log";
+        JobCurrentStartDate = 1462900080;
+        MATCH_EXP_JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "";
+        BufferBlockSize = 32768;
+        BlockWriteKbytes = 7968740;
+        ExitBySignal = false;
+        DAGManJobId = 3723347;
+        MachineAttrCpus0 = 1;
+        WantRemoteSyscalls = false;
+        JobBatchName = "CS776_project.dag+3723347";
+        WantCheckpoint = false;
+        BlockReads = 13;
+        CumulativeSuspensionTime = 0;
+        MyType = "Job";
+        Rank = 0.0;
+        JobNotification = 0;
+        Owner = "jlange3";
+        LinuxVerAlt = 6;
+        Err = "CS776_project_601.err";
+        PeriodicRemove = false;
+        CommittedTime = 47007;
+        RecentBlockWriteKbytes = 202604;
+        TransferIn = false;
+        ExitStatus = 0;
+        ShouldTransferFiles = "IF_NEEDED";
+        IsCHTCSubmit = true;
+        NumJobMatches = 1;
+        RootDir = "/";
+        JobStartDate = 1462900080;
+        JobPrio = 1;
+        CurrentHosts = 0;
+        GlobalJobId = "";
+        RemoteSysCpu = 6.440000000000000E+02;
+        TotalSuspensions = 0;
+        CommittedSlotTime = 4.700700000000000E+04;
+        LastRemoteHost = "";
+        TransferInput = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/condor_tarred2.tgz";
+        LocalUserCpu = 0.0;
+        PeriodicRelease = false;
+        WinVer = 601;
+        LastPublicClaimId = "<>#1460623658#10224#...";
+        NumCkpts_RAW = 0;
+        Out = "CS776_project_601.out";
+        SubmitEventNotes = "DAG Node: 601";
+        CumulativeSlotTime = 4.700700000000000E+04;
+        JobRunCount = 1;
+        RecentBlockReads = 0;
+        StreamErr = false;
+        RequestDisk = 1000000;
+        ResidentSetSize_RAW = 121404;
+        OrigMaxHosts = 1;
+        NumCkpts = 0;
+        StatsLifetimeStarter = 47005;
+        ImageSize = 3250000
+    ]
+        Schedd = "";
+        BlockWrites = 812;
+        LastJobStatus = 2;
+        JobCurrentStartExecutingDate = 1462901950;
+        WantRemoteIO = true;
+        RequestCpus = 1;
+        NumShadowStarts = 1;
+        RemoteUserCpu = 4.623900000000000E+04;
+        NiceUser = false;
+        RequestMemory = 2000;
+        BytesRecvd = 3.287412000000000E+06;
+        StreamOut = true;
+        ResidentSetSize = 125000;
+        SpooledOutputFiles = "output_file_freq_2e-07_selstr_0.001_bneckstart_0.1_recovery_1_bneckstr_0.1_id_13.txt";
+        OnExitRemove = true;
+        ImageSize_RAW = 3141192;
+        RemoteWallClockTime = 4.507700000000000E+04;
+        MachineAttrSlotWeight0 = 1;
+        ExecutableSize = 15;
+        JobStatus = 4;
+        DAGParentNodeNames = "";
+        ExitCode = 0;
+        DAGManNodesMask = "0,1,2,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,13,16,17,24,27";
+        BytesSent = 9.530000000000000E+02;
+        LastSuspensionTime = 0;
+        ExecutableSize_RAW = 13;
+        RecentBlockReadKbytes = 0;
+        TransferInputSizeMB = 3;
+        BlockReadKbytes = 684;
+        LocalSysCpu = 0.0;
+        Iwd = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/outputs2";
+        Cmd = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/";
+        CommittedSuspensionTime = 0;
+        DiskUsage_RAW = 42228;
+        RecentStatsLifetimeStarter = 1200;
+        TargetType = "Machine";
+        WhenToTransferOutput = "ON_EXIT";
+        BufferSize = 524288;
+        JobCurrentStartTransferOutputDate = 1462947024;
+        RecentBlockWrites = 0;
+        CompletionDate = 1462947025;
+        LastMatchTime = 1462901948;
+        LastJobLeaseRenewal = 1462947024;
+        DAGManNodesLog = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/./CS776_project.dag.nodes.log";
+        ClusterId = 3724121;
+        JobUniverse = 5;
+        NumJobStarts = 1;
+        StartdPrincipal = "execute-side@matchsession/";
+        EnteredCurrentStatus = 1462947025;
+        JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "$$([IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName), IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), \"\", TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName)])";
+        ProcId = 0;
+        PeriodicHold = false;
+        CoreSize = 0;
+        OnExitHold = false;
+        CondorPlatform = "$CondorPlatform: x86_64_RedHat6 $";
+        JobFinishedHookDone = 1462947025;
+        QDate = 1462893129;
+        JobLeaseDuration = 3200;
+        In = "/dev/null";
+        DiskUsage = 42500;
+        EncryptExecuteDirectory = false;
+        User = "";
+        FileSystemDomain = "";
+        LeaveJobInQueue = false;
+        Requirements = ( OpSys == "LINUX" ) && ( MY.JobUniverse == 12 || MY.JobUniverse == 7 || ( ( MY.WantFlocking || MY.WantGlidein || TARGET.PoolName == "CHTC" ) && ( TARGET.OpSysMajorVer == MY.LinuxVer || TARGET.OpSysMajorVer == MY.LinuxVerAlt || TARGET.OpSysMajorVer == MY.WinVer ) ) ) && ( TARGET.Arch == "X86_64" ) && ( TARGET.Disk >= RequestDisk ) && ( TARGET.Memory >= RequestMemory ) && ( ( TARGET.HasFileTransfer ) || ( TARGET.FileSystemDomain == MY.FileSystemDomain ) );
+        MinHosts = 1;
+        MaxHosts = 1;
+        Args = "\342\200\234-1 0.1 0.1 1 2e-07 0.001 13 -1\342\200\235";
+        Environment = "";
+        LinuxVer = 6;
+        DAGNodeName = "773";
+        MemoryUsage = ( ( ResidentSetSize + 1023 ) / 1024 );
+        TerminationPending = true;
+        NumRestarts = 0;
+        NumSystemHolds = 0;
+        CondorVersion = "$CondorVersion: 8.5.5 May 03 2016 BuildID: 366162 $";
+        UserLog = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/outputs2/CS776_project_773.log";
+        JobCurrentStartDate = 1462901948;
+        MATCH_EXP_JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "";
+        BufferBlockSize = 32768;
+        BlockWriteKbytes = 406567;
+        ExitBySignal = false;
+        DAGManJobId = 3723347;
+        MachineAttrCpus0 = 1;
+        WantRemoteSyscalls = false;
+        JobBatchName = "CS776_project.dag+3723347";
+        WantCheckpoint = false;
+        BlockReads = 100;
+        CumulativeSuspensionTime = 0;
+        MyType = "Job";
+        Rank = 0.0;
+        JobNotification = 0;
+        Owner = "jlange3";
+        LinuxVerAlt = 6;
+        Err = "CS776_project_773.err";
+        PeriodicRemove = false;
+        CommittedTime = 45077;
+        RecentBlockWriteKbytes = 0;
+        TransferIn = false;
+        ExitStatus = 0;
+        ShouldTransferFiles = "IF_NEEDED";
+        IsCHTCSubmit = true;
+        NumJobMatches = 1;
+        RootDir = "/";
+        JobStartDate = 1462901948;
+        JobPrio = 1;
+        CurrentHosts = 0;
+        GlobalJobId = "";
+        RemoteSysCpu = 1.204000000000000E+03;
+        TotalSuspensions = 0;
+        CommittedSlotTime = 4.507700000000000E+04;
+        LastRemoteHost = "";
+        TransferInput = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/condor_tarred2.tgz";
+        LocalUserCpu = 0.0;
+        PeriodicRelease = false;
+        WinVer = 601;
+        LastPublicClaimId = "<>#1460610771#13100#...";
+        NumCkpts_RAW = 0;
+        Out = "CS776_project_773.out";
+        SubmitEventNotes = "DAG Node: 773";
+        CumulativeSlotTime = 4.507700000000000E+04;
+        JobRunCount = 1;
+        RecentBlockReads = 0;
+        StreamErr = false;
+        RequestDisk = 1000000;
+        ResidentSetSize_RAW = 119340;
+        OrigMaxHosts = 1;
+        NumCkpts = 0;
+        StatsLifetimeStarter = 45074;
+        ImageSize = 3250000
+    ]
+        Schedd = "";
+        BlockWrites = 12452;
+        LastJobStatus = 2;
+        JobCurrentStartExecutingDate = 1462901412;
+        WantRemoteIO = true;
+        RequestCpus = 1;
+        NumShadowStarts = 1;
+        RemoteUserCpu = 4.758100000000000E+04;
+        NiceUser = false;
+        RequestMemory = 2000;
+        BytesRecvd = 3.287412000000000E+06;
+        StreamOut = true;
+        ResidentSetSize = 125000;
+        SpooledOutputFiles = "output_file_freq_2e-07_selstr_0.001_bneckstart_0.1_recovery_0.5_bneckstr_0.1_id_15.txt";
+        OnExitRemove = true;
+        ImageSize_RAW = 3141192;
+        RemoteWallClockTime = 4.492000000000000E+04;
+        MachineAttrSlotWeight0 = 1;
+        ExecutableSize = 15;
+        JobStatus = 4;
+        DAGParentNodeNames = "";
+        ExitCode = 0;
+        DAGManNodesMask = "0,1,2,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,13,16,17,24,27";
+        BytesSent = 1.092000000000000E+03;
+        LastSuspensionTime = 0;
+        ExecutableSize_RAW = 13;
+        RecentBlockReadKbytes = 0;
+        TransferInputSizeMB = 3;
+        BlockReadKbytes = 8;
+        LocalSysCpu = 0.0;
+        Iwd = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/outputs2";
+        Cmd = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/";
+        CommittedSuspensionTime = 0;
+        DiskUsage_RAW = 42826;
+        RecentStatsLifetimeStarter = 1200;
+        TargetType = "Machine";
+        WhenToTransferOutput = "ON_EXIT";
+        BufferSize = 524288;
+        JobCurrentStartTransferOutputDate = 1462946329;
+        RecentBlockWrites = 220;
+        CompletionDate = 1462946330;
+        LastMatchTime = 1462901410;
+        LastJobLeaseRenewal = 1462946329;
+        DAGManNodesLog = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/./CS776_project.dag.nodes.log";
+        ClusterId = 3724043;
+        JobUniverse = 5;
+        NumJobStarts = 1;
+        StartdPrincipal = "execute-side@matchsession/";
+        EnteredCurrentStatus = 1462946330;
+        JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "$$([IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName), IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), \"\", TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName)])";
+        ProcId = 0;
+        PeriodicHold = false;
+        CoreSize = 0;
+        OnExitHold = false;
+        CondorPlatform = "$CondorPlatform: x86_64_RedHat6 $";
+        JobFinishedHookDone = 1462946330;
+        QDate = 1462893047;
+        JobLeaseDuration = 3200;
+        In = "/dev/null";
+        DiskUsage = 45000;
+        EncryptExecuteDirectory = false;
+        User = "";
+        FileSystemDomain = "";
+        LeaveJobInQueue = false;
+        Requirements = ( OpSys == "LINUX" ) && ( MY.JobUniverse == 12 || MY.JobUniverse == 7 || ( ( MY.WantFlocking || MY.WantGlidein || TARGET.PoolName == "CHTC" ) && ( TARGET.OpSysMajorVer == MY.LinuxVer || TARGET.OpSysMajorVer == MY.LinuxVerAlt || TARGET.OpSysMajorVer == MY.WinVer ) ) ) && ( TARGET.Arch == "X86_64" ) && ( TARGET.Disk >= RequestDisk ) && ( TARGET.Memory >= RequestMemory ) && ( ( TARGET.HasFileTransfer ) || ( TARGET.FileSystemDomain == MY.FileSystemDomain ) );
+        MinHosts = 1;
+        MaxHosts = 1;
+        Args = "\342\200\234-1 0.1 0.1 0.5 2e-07 0.001 15 -1\342\200\235";
+        Environment = "";
+        LinuxVer = 6;
+        DAGNodeName = "695";
+        MemoryUsage = ( ( ResidentSetSize + 1023 ) / 1024 );
+        TerminationPending = true;
+        NumRestarts = 0;
+        NumSystemHolds = 0;
+        CondorVersion = "$CondorVersion: 8.5.5 May 03 2016 BuildID: 366162 $";
+        UserLog = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/outputs2/CS776_project_695.log";
+        JobCurrentStartDate = 1462901410;
+        MATCH_EXP_JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "";
+        BufferBlockSize = 32768;
+        BlockWriteKbytes = 6263968;
+        ExitBySignal = false;
+        DAGManJobId = 3723347;
+        MachineAttrCpus0 = 1;
+        WantRemoteSyscalls = false;
+        JobBatchName = "CS776_project.dag+3723347";
+        WantCheckpoint = false;
+        BlockReads = 1;
+        CumulativeSuspensionTime = 0;
+        MyType = "Job";
+        Rank = 0.0;
+        JobNotification = 0;
+        Owner = "jlange3";
+        LinuxVerAlt = 6;
+        Err = "CS776_project_695.err";
+        PeriodicRemove = false;
+        CommittedTime = 44920;
+        RecentBlockWriteKbytes = 108888;
+        TransferIn = false;
+        ExitStatus = 0;
+        ShouldTransferFiles = "IF_NEEDED";
+        IsCHTCSubmit = true;
+        NumJobMatches = 1;
+        RootDir = "/";
+        JobStartDate = 1462901410;
+        JobPrio = 1;
+        CurrentHosts = 0;
+        GlobalJobId = "";
+        RemoteSysCpu = 1.033000000000000E+03;
+        TotalSuspensions = 0;
+        CommittedSlotTime = 4.492000000000000E+04;
+        LastRemoteHost = "";
+        TransferInput = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/condor_tarred2.tgz";
+        LocalUserCpu = 0.0;
+        PeriodicRelease = false;
+        WinVer = 601;
+        LastPublicClaimId = "<>#1460629176#12370#...";
+        NumCkpts_RAW = 0;
+        Out = "CS776_project_695.out";
+        SubmitEventNotes = "DAG Node: 695";
+        CumulativeSlotTime = 4.492000000000000E+04;
+        JobRunCount = 1;
+        RecentBlockReads = 0;
+        StreamErr = false;
+        RequestDisk = 1000000;
+        ResidentSetSize_RAW = 120044;
+        OrigMaxHosts = 1;
+        NumCkpts = 0;
+        StatsLifetimeStarter = 44918;
+        ImageSize = 3250000
+    ]
+        Schedd = "";
+        BlockWrites = 14862;
+        LastJobStatus = 2;
+        JobCurrentStartExecutingDate = 1462900970;
+        WantRemoteIO = true;
+        RequestCpus = 1;
+        NumShadowStarts = 1;
+        RemoteUserCpu = 4.735700000000000E+04;
+        NiceUser = false;
+        RequestMemory = 2000;
+        BytesRecvd = 3.287412000000000E+06;
+        StreamOut = true;
+        ResidentSetSize = 125000;
+        SpooledOutputFiles = "output_file_freq_2e-07_selstr_0.001_bneckstart_0.1_recovery_0.5_bneckstr_0.1_id_2.txt";
+        OnExitRemove = true;
+        ImageSize_RAW = 3141192;
+        RemoteWallClockTime = 4.451200000000000E+04;
+        MachineAttrSlotWeight0 = 1;
+        ExecutableSize = 15;
+        JobStatus = 4;
+        DAGParentNodeNames = "";
+        ExitCode = 0;
+        DAGManNodesMask = "0,1,2,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,13,16,17,24,27";
+        BytesSent = 1.096000000000000E+03;
+        LastSuspensionTime = 0;
+        ExecutableSize_RAW = 13;
+        RecentBlockReadKbytes = 0;
+        TransferInputSizeMB = 3;
+        BlockReadKbytes = 920;
+        LocalSysCpu = 0.0;
+        Iwd = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/outputs2";
+        Cmd = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/";
+        CommittedSuspensionTime = 0;
+        DiskUsage_RAW = 42637;
+        RecentStatsLifetimeStarter = 1200;
+        TargetType = "Machine";
+        WhenToTransferOutput = "ON_EXIT";
+        BufferSize = 524288;
+        JobCurrentStartTransferOutputDate = 1462945480;
+        RecentBlockWrites = 419;
+        CompletionDate = 1462945481;
+        LastMatchTime = 1462900969;
+        LastJobLeaseRenewal = 1462945480;
+        DAGManNodesLog = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/./CS776_project.dag.nodes.log";
+        ClusterId = 3724030;
+        JobUniverse = 5;
+        NumJobStarts = 1;
+        StartdPrincipal = "execute-side@matchsession/";
+        EnteredCurrentStatus = 1462945481;
+        JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "$$([IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName), IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), \"\", TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName)])";
+        ProcId = 0;
+        PeriodicHold = false;
+        CoreSize = 0;
+        OnExitHold = false;
+        CondorPlatform = "$CondorPlatform: x86_64_RedHat6 $";
+        JobFinishedHookDone = 1462945481;
+        QDate = 1462893031;
+        JobLeaseDuration = 3200;
+        In = "/dev/null";
+        DiskUsage = 45000;
+        EncryptExecuteDirectory = false;
+        User = "";
+        FileSystemDomain = "";
+        LeaveJobInQueue = false;
+        Requirements = ( OpSys == "LINUX" ) && ( MY.JobUniverse == 12 || MY.JobUniverse == 7 || ( ( MY.WantFlocking || MY.WantGlidein || TARGET.PoolName == "CHTC" ) && ( TARGET.OpSysMajorVer == MY.LinuxVer || TARGET.OpSysMajorVer == MY.LinuxVerAlt || TARGET.OpSysMajorVer == MY.WinVer ) ) ) && ( TARGET.Arch == "X86_64" ) && ( TARGET.Disk >= RequestDisk ) && ( TARGET.Memory >= RequestMemory ) && ( ( TARGET.HasFileTransfer ) || ( TARGET.FileSystemDomain == MY.FileSystemDomain ) );
+        MinHosts = 1;
+        MaxHosts = 1;
+        Args = "\342\200\234-1 0.1 0.1 0.5 2e-07 0.001 2 -1\342\200\235";
+        Environment = "";
+        LinuxVer = 6;
+        DAGNodeName = "682";
+        MemoryUsage = ( ( ResidentSetSize + 1023 ) / 1024 );
+        TerminationPending = true;
+        NumRestarts = 0;
+        NumSystemHolds = 0;
+        CondorVersion = "$CondorVersion: 8.5.5 May 03 2016 BuildID: 366162 $";
+        UserLog = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/outputs2/CS776_project_682.log";
+        JobCurrentStartDate = 1462900969;
+        MATCH_EXP_JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "";
+        BufferBlockSize = 32768;
+        BlockWriteKbytes = 7468600;
+        ExitBySignal = false;
+        DAGManJobId = 3723347;
+        MachineAttrCpus0 = 1;
+        WantRemoteSyscalls = false;
+        JobBatchName = "CS776_project.dag+3723347";
+        WantCheckpoint = false;
+        BlockReads = 41;
+        CumulativeSuspensionTime = 0;
+        MyType = "Job";
+        Rank = 0.0;
+        JobNotification = 0;
+        Owner = "jlange3";
+        LinuxVerAlt = 6;
+        Err = "CS776_project_682.err";
+        PeriodicRemove = false;
+        CommittedTime = 44512;
+        RecentBlockWriteKbytes = 208616;
+        TransferIn = false;
+        ExitStatus = 0;
+        ShouldTransferFiles = "IF_NEEDED";
+        IsCHTCSubmit = true;
+        NumJobMatches = 1;
+        RootDir = "/";
+        JobStartDate = 1462900969;
+        JobPrio = 1;
+        CurrentHosts = 0;
+        GlobalJobId = "";
+        RemoteSysCpu = 5.980000000000000E+02;
+        TotalSuspensions = 0;
+        CommittedSlotTime = 4.451200000000000E+04;
+        LastRemoteHost = "";
+        TransferInput = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/condor_tarred2.tgz";
+        LocalUserCpu = 0.0;
+        PeriodicRelease = false;
+        WinVer = 601;
+        LastPublicClaimId = "<>#1460623658#10228#...";
+        NumCkpts_RAW = 0;
+        Out = "CS776_project_682.out";
+        SubmitEventNotes = "DAG Node: 682";
+        CumulativeSlotTime = 4.451200000000000E+04;
+        JobRunCount = 1;
+        RecentBlockReads = 0;
+        StreamErr = false;
+        RequestDisk = 1000000;
+        ResidentSetSize_RAW = 120960;
+        OrigMaxHosts = 1;
+        NumCkpts = 0;
+        StatsLifetimeStarter = 44510;
+        ImageSize = 3250000
+    ]
+        Schedd = "";
+        BlockWrites = 8928;
+        LastJobStatus = 2;
+        JobCurrentStartExecutingDate = 1462898120;
+        WantRemoteIO = true;
+        RequestCpus = 1;
+        NumShadowStarts = 1;
+        RemoteUserCpu = 4.856300000000000E+04;
+        NiceUser = false;
+        RequestMemory = 2000;
+        BytesRecvd = 3.287412000000000E+06;
+        StreamOut = true;
+        ResidentSetSize = 125000;
+        SpooledOutputFiles = "output_file_freq_2e-07_selstr_0.001_bneckstart_0.1_recovery_0.5_bneckstr_0.01_id_11.txt";
+        OnExitRemove = true;
+        ImageSize_RAW = 3141188;
+        RemoteWallClockTime = 4.680100000000000E+04;
+        MachineAttrSlotWeight0 = 1;
+        ExecutableSize = 15;
+        JobStatus = 4;
+        DAGParentNodeNames = "";
+        ExitCode = 0;
+        DAGManNodesMask = "0,1,2,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,13,16,17,24,27";
+        BytesSent = 9.480000000000000E+02;
+        LastSuspensionTime = 0;
+        ExecutableSize_RAW = 13;
+        RecentBlockReadKbytes = 0;
+        TransferInputSizeMB = 3;
+        BlockReadKbytes = 52;
+        LocalSysCpu = 0.0;
+        Iwd = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/outputs2";
+        Cmd = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/";
+        CommittedSuspensionTime = 0;
+        DiskUsage_RAW = 42410;
+        RecentStatsLifetimeStarter = 1200;
+        TargetType = "Machine";
+        WhenToTransferOutput = "ON_EXIT";
+        BufferSize = 524288;
+        JobCurrentStartTransferOutputDate = 1462944918;
+        RecentBlockWrites = 384;
+        CompletionDate = 1462944920;
+        LastMatchTime = 1462898119;
+        LastJobLeaseRenewal = 1462944918;
+        DAGManNodesLog = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/./CS776_project.dag.nodes.log";
+        ClusterId = 3723719;
+        JobUniverse = 5;
+        NumJobStarts = 1;
+        StartdPrincipal = "execute-side@matchsession/";
+        EnteredCurrentStatus = 1462944920;
+        JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "$$([IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName), IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), \"\", TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName)])";
+        ProcId = 0;
+        PeriodicHold = false;
+        CoreSize = 0;
+        OnExitHold = false;
+        CondorPlatform = "$CondorPlatform: x86_64_RedHat6 $";
+        JobFinishedHookDone = 1462944920;
+        QDate = 1462892694;
+        JobLeaseDuration = 3200;
+        In = "/dev/null";
+        DiskUsage = 42500;
+        EncryptExecuteDirectory = false;
+        User = "";
+        FileSystemDomain = "";
+        LeaveJobInQueue = false;
+        Requirements = ( OpSys == "LINUX" ) && ( MY.JobUniverse == 12 || MY.JobUniverse == 7 || ( ( MY.WantFlocking || MY.WantGlidein || TARGET.PoolName == "CHTC" ) && ( TARGET.OpSysMajorVer == MY.LinuxVer || TARGET.OpSysMajorVer == MY.LinuxVerAlt || TARGET.OpSysMajorVer == MY.WinVer ) ) ) && ( TARGET.Arch == "X86_64" ) && ( TARGET.Disk >= RequestDisk ) && ( TARGET.Memory >= RequestMemory ) && ( ( TARGET.HasFileTransfer ) || ( TARGET.FileSystemDomain == MY.FileSystemDomain ) );
+        MinHosts = 1;
+        MaxHosts = 1;
+        Args = "\342\200\234-1 0.01 0.1 0.5 2e-07 0.001 11 -1\342\200\235";
+        Environment = "";
+        LinuxVer = 6;
+        DAGNodeName = "371";
+        MemoryUsage = ( ( ResidentSetSize + 1023 ) / 1024 );
+        TerminationPending = true;
+        NumRestarts = 0;
+        NumSystemHolds = 0;
+        CondorVersion = "$CondorVersion: 8.5.5 May 03 2016 BuildID: 366162 $";
+        UserLog = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/outputs2/CS776_project_371.log";
+        JobCurrentStartDate = 1462898119;
+        MATCH_EXP_JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "";
+        BufferBlockSize = 32768;
+        BlockWriteKbytes = 4501252;
+        ExitBySignal = false;
+        DAGManJobId = 3723347;
+        MachineAttrCpus0 = 1;
+        WantRemoteSyscalls = false;
+        JobBatchName = "CS776_project.dag+3723347";
+        WantCheckpoint = false;
+        BlockReads = 8;
+        CumulativeSuspensionTime = 0;
+        MyType = "Job";
+        Rank = 0.0;
+        JobNotification = 0;
+        Owner = "jlange3";
+        LinuxVerAlt = 6;
+        Err = "CS776_project_371.err";
+        PeriodicRemove = false;
+        CommittedTime = 46801;
+        RecentBlockWriteKbytes = 193924;
+        TransferIn = false;
+        ExitStatus = 0;
+        ShouldTransferFiles = "IF_NEEDED";
+        IsCHTCSubmit = true;
+        NumJobMatches = 1;
+        RootDir = "/";
+        JobStartDate = 1462898119;
+        JobPrio = 1;
+        CurrentHosts = 0;
+        GlobalJobId = "";
+        RemoteSysCpu = 3.820000000000000E+02;
+        TotalSuspensions = 0;
+        CommittedSlotTime = 4.680100000000000E+04;
+        LastRemoteHost = "";
+        TransferInput = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/condor_tarred2.tgz";
+        LocalUserCpu = 0.0;
+        PeriodicRelease = false;
+        WinVer = 601;
+        LastPublicClaimId = "<>#1460623629#12564#...";
+        NumCkpts_RAW = 0;
+        Out = "CS776_project_371.out";
+        SubmitEventNotes = "DAG Node: 371";
+        CumulativeSlotTime = 4.680100000000000E+04;
+        JobRunCount = 1;
+        RecentBlockReads = 0;
+        StreamErr = false;
+        RequestDisk = 1000000;
+        ResidentSetSize_RAW = 120428;
+        OrigMaxHosts = 1;
+        NumCkpts = 0;
+        StatsLifetimeStarter = 46798;
+        ImageSize = 3250000
+    ]
+        Schedd = "";
+        BlockWrites = 0;
+        LastJobStatus = 2;
+        JobCurrentStartExecutingDate = 1462899147;
+        WantRemoteIO = true;
+        RequestCpus = 1;
+        NumShadowStarts = 1;
+        RemoteUserCpu = 4.009400000000000E+04;
+        NiceUser = false;
+        RequestMemory = 2000;
+        BytesRecvd = 3.287412000000000E+06;
+        StreamOut = true;
+        ResidentSetSize = 150000;
+        SpooledOutputFiles = "output_file_freq_2e-07_selstr_0.001_bneckstart_0.01_recovery_0.5_bneckstr_0.1_id_13.txt";
+        OnExitRemove = true;
+        ImageSize_RAW = 1889156;
+        RemoteWallClockTime = 4.544800000000000E+04;
+        MachineAttrSlotWeight0 = 1;
+        ExecutableSize = 15;
+        JobStatus = 4;
+        DAGParentNodeNames = "";
+        ExitCode = 0;
+        DAGManNodesMask = "0,1,2,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,13,16,17,24,27";
+        BytesSent = 1.020000000000000E+03;
+        LastSuspensionTime = 0;
+        ExecutableSize_RAW = 13;
+        RecentBlockReadKbytes = 0;
+        TransferInputSizeMB = 3;
+        BlockReadKbytes = 0;
+        LocalSysCpu = 0.0;
+        Iwd = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/outputs2";
+        Cmd = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/";
+        CommittedSuspensionTime = 0;
+        DiskUsage_RAW = 43112;
+        RecentStatsLifetimeStarter = 1200;
+        TargetType = "Machine";
+        WhenToTransferOutput = "ON_EXIT";
+        BufferSize = 524288;
+        JobCurrentStartTransferOutputDate = 1462944593;
+        RecentBlockWrites = 0;
+        CompletionDate = 1462944594;
+        LastMatchTime = 1462899146;
+        LastJobLeaseRenewal = 1462944593;
+        DAGManNodesLog = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/./CS776_project.dag.nodes.log";
+        ClusterId = 3723881;
+        JobUniverse = 5;
+        NumJobStarts = 1;
+        StartdPrincipal = "execute-side@matchsession/";
+        EnteredCurrentStatus = 1462944594;
+        JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "$$([IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName), IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), \"\", TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName)])";
+        ProcId = 0;
+        PeriodicHold = false;
+        CoreSize = 0;
+        OnExitHold = false;
+        CondorPlatform = "$CondorPlatform: x86_64_RedHat6 $";
+        JobFinishedHookDone = 1462944594;
+        QDate = 1462892868;
+        JobLeaseDuration = 3200;
+        In = "/dev/null";
+        DiskUsage = 45000;
+        EncryptExecuteDirectory = false;
+        User = "";
+        FileSystemDomain = "";
+        LeaveJobInQueue = false;
+        Requirements = ( OpSys == "LINUX" ) && ( MY.JobUniverse == 12 || MY.JobUniverse == 7 || ( ( MY.WantFlocking || MY.WantGlidein || TARGET.PoolName == "CHTC" ) && ( TARGET.OpSysMajorVer == MY.LinuxVer || TARGET.OpSysMajorVer == MY.LinuxVerAlt || TARGET.OpSysMajorVer == MY.WinVer ) ) ) && ( TARGET.Arch == "X86_64" ) && ( TARGET.Disk >= RequestDisk ) && ( TARGET.Memory >= RequestMemory ) && ( ( TARGET.HasFileTransfer ) || ( TARGET.FileSystemDomain == MY.FileSystemDomain ) );
+        MinHosts = 1;
+        MaxHosts = 1;
+        Args = "\342\200\234-1 0.1 0.01 0.5 2e-07 0.001 13 -1\342\200\235";
+        Environment = "";
+        LinuxVer = 6;
+        DAGNodeName = "533";
+        MemoryUsage = ( ( ResidentSetSize + 1023 ) / 1024 );
+        TerminationPending = true;
+        NumRestarts = 0;
+        NumSystemHolds = 0;
+        CondorVersion = "$CondorVersion: 8.5.5 May 03 2016 BuildID: 366162 $";
+        UserLog = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/outputs2/CS776_project_533.log";
+        JobCurrentStartDate = 1462899146;
+        MATCH_EXP_JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "";
+        BufferBlockSize = 32768;
+        BlockWriteKbytes = 0;
+        ExitBySignal = false;
+        DAGManJobId = 3723347;
+        MachineAttrCpus0 = 1;
+        WantRemoteSyscalls = false;
+        JobBatchName = "CS776_project.dag+3723347";
+        WantCheckpoint = false;
+        BlockReads = 0;
+        CumulativeSuspensionTime = 0;
+        MyType = "Job";
+        Rank = 0.0;
+        JobNotification = 0;
+        Owner = "jlange3";
+        LinuxVerAlt = 6;
+        Err = "CS776_project_533.err";
+        PeriodicRemove = false;
+        CommittedTime = 45448;
+        RecentBlockWriteKbytes = 0;
+        TransferIn = false;
+        ExitStatus = 0;
+        ShouldTransferFiles = "IF_NEEDED";
+        IsCHTCSubmit = true;
+        NumJobMatches = 1;
+        RootDir = "/";
+        JobStartDate = 1462899146;
+        JobPrio = 1;
+        CurrentHosts = 0;
+        GlobalJobId = "";
+        RemoteSysCpu = 4.800000000000000E+01;
+        TotalSuspensions = 0;
+        CommittedSlotTime = 4.544800000000000E+04;
+        LastRemoteHost = "";
+        TransferInput = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/condor_tarred2.tgz";
+        LocalUserCpu = 0.0;
+        PeriodicRelease = false;
+        WinVer = 601;
+        LastPublicClaimId = "<>#1461951048#1789#...";
+        NumCkpts_RAW = 0;
+        Out = "CS776_project_533.out";
+        SubmitEventNotes = "DAG Node: 533";
+        CumulativeSlotTime = 4.544800000000000E+04;
+        JobRunCount = 1;
+        RecentBlockReads = 0;
+        StreamErr = false;
+        RequestDisk = 1000000;
+        ResidentSetSize_RAW = 133988;
+        OrigMaxHosts = 1;
+        NumCkpts = 0;
+        StatsLifetimeStarter = 45445;
+        ImageSize = 2000000
+    ]
+        Schedd = "";
+        BlockWrites = 13030;
+        LastJobStatus = 2;
+        JobCurrentStartExecutingDate = 1462902127;
+        WantRemoteIO = true;
+        RequestCpus = 1;
+        NumShadowStarts = 1;
+        RemoteUserCpu = 4.388100000000000E+04;
+        NiceUser = false;
+        RequestMemory = 2000;
+        BytesRecvd = 3.287412000000000E+06;
+        StreamOut = true;
+        ResidentSetSize = 125000;
+        SpooledOutputFiles = "output_file_freq_2e-07_selstr_0.001_bneckstart_0.1_recovery_1_bneckstr_0.1_id_18.txt";
+        OnExitRemove = true;
+        ImageSize_RAW = 3141192;
+        RemoteWallClockTime = 4.152500000000000E+04;
+        MachineAttrSlotWeight0 = 1;
+        ExecutableSize = 15;
+        JobStatus = 4;
+        DAGParentNodeNames = "";
+        ExitCode = 0;
+        DAGManNodesMask = "0,1,2,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,13,16,17,24,27";
+        BytesSent = 9.500000000000000E+02;
+        LastSuspensionTime = 0;
+        ExecutableSize_RAW = 13;
+        RecentBlockReadKbytes = 0;
+        TransferInputSizeMB = 3;
+        BlockReadKbytes = 0;
+        LocalSysCpu = 0.0;
+        Iwd = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/outputs2";
+        Cmd = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/";
+        CommittedSuspensionTime = 0;
+        DiskUsage_RAW = 43279;
+        RecentStatsLifetimeStarter = 1200;
+        TargetType = "Machine";
+        WhenToTransferOutput = "ON_EXIT";
+        BufferSize = 524288;
+        JobCurrentStartTransferOutputDate = 1462943650;
+        RecentBlockWrites = 346;
+        CompletionDate = 1462943651;
+        LastMatchTime = 1462902126;
+        LastJobLeaseRenewal = 1462943650;
+        DAGManNodesLog = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/./CS776_project.dag.nodes.log";
+        ClusterId = 3724126;
+        JobUniverse = 5;
+        NumJobStarts = 1;
+        StartdPrincipal = "execute-side@matchsession/";
+        EnteredCurrentStatus = 1462943651;
+        JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "$$([IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName), IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), \"\", TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName)])";
+        ProcId = 0;
+        PeriodicHold = false;
+        CoreSize = 0;
+        OnExitHold = false;
+        CondorPlatform = "$CondorPlatform: x86_64_RedHat6 $";
+        JobFinishedHookDone = 1462943651;
+        QDate = 1462893135;
+        JobLeaseDuration = 3200;
+        In = "/dev/null";
+        DiskUsage = 45000;
+        EncryptExecuteDirectory = false;
+        User = "";
+        FileSystemDomain = "";
+        LeaveJobInQueue = false;
+        Requirements = ( OpSys == "LINUX" ) && ( MY.JobUniverse == 12 || MY.JobUniverse == 7 || ( ( MY.WantFlocking || MY.WantGlidein || TARGET.PoolName == "CHTC" ) && ( TARGET.OpSysMajorVer == MY.LinuxVer || TARGET.OpSysMajorVer == MY.LinuxVerAlt || TARGET.OpSysMajorVer == MY.WinVer ) ) ) && ( TARGET.Arch == "X86_64" ) && ( TARGET.Disk >= RequestDisk ) && ( TARGET.Memory >= RequestMemory ) && ( ( TARGET.HasFileTransfer ) || ( TARGET.FileSystemDomain == MY.FileSystemDomain ) );
+        MinHosts = 1;
+        MaxHosts = 1;
+        Args = "\342\200\234-1 0.1 0.1 1 2e-07 0.001 18 -1\342\200\235";
+        Environment = "";
+        LinuxVer = 6;
+        DAGNodeName = "778";
+        MemoryUsage = ( ( ResidentSetSize + 1023 ) / 1024 );
+        TerminationPending = true;
+        NumRestarts = 0;
+        NumSystemHolds = 0;
+        CondorVersion = "$CondorVersion: 8.5.5 May 03 2016 BuildID: 366162 $";
+        UserLog = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/outputs2/CS776_project_778.log";
+        JobCurrentStartDate = 1462902126;
+        MATCH_EXP_JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "";
+        BufferBlockSize = 32768;
+        BlockWriteKbytes = 6549920;
+        ExitBySignal = false;
+        DAGManJobId = 3723347;
+        MachineAttrCpus0 = 1;
+        WantRemoteSyscalls = false;
+        JobBatchName = "CS776_project.dag+3723347";
+        WantCheckpoint = false;
+        BlockReads = 0;
+        CumulativeSuspensionTime = 0;
+        MyType = "Job";
+        Rank = 0.0;
+        JobNotification = 0;
+        Owner = "jlange3";
+        LinuxVerAlt = 6;
+        Err = "CS776_project_778.err";
+        PeriodicRemove = false;
+        CommittedTime = 41525;
+        RecentBlockWriteKbytes = 173400;
+        TransferIn = false;
+        ExitStatus = 0;
+        ShouldTransferFiles = "IF_NEEDED";
+        IsCHTCSubmit = true;
+        NumJobMatches = 1;
+        RootDir = "/";
+        JobStartDate = 1462902126;
+        JobPrio = 1;
+        CurrentHosts = 0;
+        GlobalJobId = "";
+        RemoteSysCpu = 2.840000000000000E+02;
+        TotalSuspensions = 0;
+        CommittedSlotTime = 4.152500000000000E+04;
+        LastRemoteHost = "";
+        TransferInput = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/condor_tarred2.tgz";
+        LocalUserCpu = 0.0;
+        PeriodicRelease = false;
+        WinVer = 601;
+        LastPublicClaimId = "<>#1460662088#11089#...";
+        NumCkpts_RAW = 0;
+        Out = "CS776_project_778.out";
+        SubmitEventNotes = "DAG Node: 778";
+        CumulativeSlotTime = 4.152500000000000E+04;
+        JobRunCount = 1;
+        RecentBlockReads = 0;
+        StreamErr = false;
+        RequestDisk = 1000000;
+        ResidentSetSize_RAW = 120780;
+        OrigMaxHosts = 1;
+        NumCkpts = 0;
+        StatsLifetimeStarter = 41523;
+        ImageSize = 3250000
+    ]
+        Schedd = "";
+        BlockWrites = 9724;
+        LastJobStatus = 2;
+        JobCurrentStartExecutingDate = 1462898596;
+        WantRemoteIO = true;
+        RequestCpus = 1;
+        NumShadowStarts = 1;
+        RemoteUserCpu = 4.682500000000000E+04;
+        NiceUser = false;
+        RequestMemory = 2000;
+        BytesRecvd = 3.287412000000000E+06;
+        StreamOut = true;
+        ResidentSetSize = 125000;
+        SpooledOutputFiles = "output_file_freq_2e-07_selstr_0.001_bneckstart_0.1_recovery_1_bneckstr_0.01_id_9.txt";
+        OnExitRemove = true;
+        ImageSize_RAW = 3141192;
+        RemoteWallClockTime = 4.465700000000000E+04;
+        MachineAttrSlotWeight0 = 1;
+        ExecutableSize = 15;
+        JobStatus = 4;
+        DAGParentNodeNames = "";
+        ExitCode = 0;
+        DAGManNodesMask = "0,1,2,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,13,16,17,24,27";
+        BytesSent = 9.530000000000000E+02;
+        LastSuspensionTime = 0;
+        ExecutableSize_RAW = 13;
+        RecentBlockReadKbytes = 0;
+        TransferInputSizeMB = 3;
+        BlockReadKbytes = 0;
+        LocalSysCpu = 0.0;
+        Iwd = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/outputs2";
+        Cmd = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/";
+        CommittedSuspensionTime = 0;
+        DiskUsage_RAW = 42546;
+        RecentStatsLifetimeStarter = 1200;
+        TargetType = "Machine";
+        WhenToTransferOutput = "ON_EXIT";
+        BufferSize = 524288;
+        JobCurrentStartTransferOutputDate = 1462943250;
+        RecentBlockWrites = 45;
+        CompletionDate = 1462943251;
+        LastMatchTime = 1462898594;
+        LastJobLeaseRenewal = 1462943250;
+        DAGManNodesLog = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/./CS776_project.dag.nodes.log";
+        ClusterId = 3723797;
+        JobUniverse = 5;
+        NumJobStarts = 1;
+        StartdPrincipal = "execute-side@matchsession/";
+        EnteredCurrentStatus = 1462943251;
+        JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "$$([IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName), IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), \"\", TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName)])";
+        ProcId = 0;
+        PeriodicHold = false;
+        CoreSize = 0;
+        OnExitHold = false;
+        CondorPlatform = "$CondorPlatform: x86_64_RedHat6 $";
+        JobFinishedHookDone = 1462943251;
+        QDate = 1462892776;
+        JobLeaseDuration = 3200;
+        In = "/dev/null";
+        DiskUsage = 45000;
+        EncryptExecuteDirectory = false;
+        User = "";
+        FileSystemDomain = "";
+        LeaveJobInQueue = false;
+        Requirements = ( OpSys == "LINUX" ) && ( MY.JobUniverse == 12 || MY.JobUniverse == 7 || ( ( MY.WantFlocking || MY.WantGlidein || TARGET.PoolName == "CHTC" ) && ( TARGET.OpSysMajorVer == MY.LinuxVer || TARGET.OpSysMajorVer == MY.LinuxVerAlt || TARGET.OpSysMajorVer == MY.WinVer ) ) ) && ( TARGET.Arch == "X86_64" ) && ( TARGET.Disk >= RequestDisk ) && ( TARGET.Memory >= RequestMemory ) && ( ( TARGET.HasFileTransfer ) || ( TARGET.FileSystemDomain == MY.FileSystemDomain ) );
+        MinHosts = 1;
+        MaxHosts = 1;
+        Args = "\342\200\234-1 0.01 0.1 1 2e-07 0.001 9 -1\342\200\235";
+        Environment = "";
+        LinuxVer = 6;
+        DAGNodeName = "449";
+        MemoryUsage = ( ( ResidentSetSize + 1023 ) / 1024 );
+        TerminationPending = true;
+        NumRestarts = 0;
+        NumSystemHolds = 0;
+        CondorVersion = "$CondorVersion: 8.5.5 May 03 2016 BuildID: 366162 $";
+        UserLog = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/outputs2/CS776_project_449.log";
+        JobCurrentStartDate = 1462898594;
+        MATCH_EXP_JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "";
+        BufferBlockSize = 32768;
+        BlockWriteKbytes = 4896868;
+        ExitBySignal = false;
+        DAGManJobId = 3723347;
+        MachineAttrCpus0 = 1;
+        WantRemoteSyscalls = false;
+        JobBatchName = "CS776_project.dag+3723347";
+        WantCheckpoint = false;
+        BlockReads = 0;
+        CumulativeSuspensionTime = 0;
+        MyType = "Job";
+        Rank = 0.0;
+        JobNotification = 0;
+        Owner = "jlange3";
+        LinuxVerAlt = 6;
+        Err = "CS776_project_449.err";
+        PeriodicRemove = false;
+        CommittedTime = 44657;
+        RecentBlockWriteKbytes = 22152;
+        TransferIn = false;
+        ExitStatus = 0;
+        ShouldTransferFiles = "IF_NEEDED";
+        IsCHTCSubmit = true;
+        NumJobMatches = 1;
+        RootDir = "/";
+        JobStartDate = 1462898594;
+        JobPrio = 1;
+        CurrentHosts = 0;
+        GlobalJobId = "";
+        RemoteSysCpu = 3.510000000000000E+02;
+        TotalSuspensions = 0;
+        CommittedSlotTime = 4.465700000000000E+04;
+        LastRemoteHost = "";
+        TransferInput = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/condor_tarred2.tgz";
+        LocalUserCpu = 0.0;
+        PeriodicRelease = false;
+        WinVer = 601;
+        LastPublicClaimId = "<>#1460676925#12164#...";
+        NumCkpts_RAW = 0;
+        Out = "CS776_project_449.out";
+        SubmitEventNotes = "DAG Node: 449";
+        CumulativeSlotTime = 4.465700000000000E+04;
+        JobRunCount = 1;
+        RecentBlockReads = 0;
+        StreamErr = false;
+        RequestDisk = 1000000;
+        ResidentSetSize_RAW = 123148;
+        OrigMaxHosts = 1;
+        NumCkpts = 0;
+        StatsLifetimeStarter = 44655;
+        ImageSize = 3250000
+    ]
+        Schedd = "";
+        BlockWrites = 563;
+        LastJobStatus = 2;
+        JobCurrentStartExecutingDate = 1462898596;
+        WantRemoteIO = true;
+        RequestCpus = 1;
+        NumShadowStarts = 1;
+        RemoteUserCpu = 4.594600000000000E+04;
+        NiceUser = false;
+        RequestMemory = 2000;
+        BytesRecvd = 3.287412000000000E+06;
+        StreamOut = true;
+        ResidentSetSize = 125000;
+        SpooledOutputFiles = "output_file_freq_2e-07_selstr_0.001_bneckstart_0.1_recovery_1_bneckstr_0.01_id_8.txt";
+        OnExitRemove = true;
+        ImageSize_RAW = 3141192;
+        RemoteWallClockTime = 4.352700000000000E+04;
+        MachineAttrSlotWeight0 = 1;
+        ExecutableSize = 15;
+        JobStatus = 4;
+        DAGParentNodeNames = "";
+        ExitCode = 0;
+        DAGManNodesMask = "0,1,2,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,13,16,17,24,27";
+        BytesSent = 9.480000000000000E+02;
+        LastSuspensionTime = 0;
+        ExecutableSize_RAW = 13;
+        RecentBlockReadKbytes = 0;
+        TransferInputSizeMB = 3;
+        BlockReadKbytes = 0;
+        LocalSysCpu = 0.0;
+        Iwd = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/outputs2";
+        Cmd = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/";
+        CommittedSuspensionTime = 0;
+        DiskUsage_RAW = 41681;
+        RecentStatsLifetimeStarter = 1200;
+        TargetType = "Machine";
+        WhenToTransferOutput = "ON_EXIT";
+        BufferSize = 524288;
+        JobCurrentStartTransferOutputDate = 1462942120;
+        RecentBlockWrites = 0;
+        CompletionDate = 1462942121;
+        LastMatchTime = 1462898594;
+        LastJobLeaseRenewal = 1462942120;
+        DAGManNodesLog = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/./CS776_project.dag.nodes.log";
+        ClusterId = 3723796;
+        JobUniverse = 5;
+        NumJobStarts = 1;
+        StartdPrincipal = "execute-side@matchsession/";
+        EnteredCurrentStatus = 1462942121;
+        JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "$$([IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName), IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), \"\", TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName)])";
+        ProcId = 0;
+        PeriodicHold = false;
+        CoreSize = 0;
+        OnExitHold = false;
+        CondorPlatform = "$CondorPlatform: x86_64_RedHat6 $";
+        JobFinishedHookDone = 1462942121;
+        QDate = 1462892776;
+        JobLeaseDuration = 3200;
+        In = "/dev/null";
+        DiskUsage = 42500;
+        EncryptExecuteDirectory = false;
+        User = "";
+        FileSystemDomain = "";
+        LeaveJobInQueue = false;
+        Requirements = ( OpSys == "LINUX" ) && ( MY.JobUniverse == 12 || MY.JobUniverse == 7 || ( ( MY.WantFlocking || MY.WantGlidein || TARGET.PoolName == "CHTC" ) && ( TARGET.OpSysMajorVer == MY.LinuxVer || TARGET.OpSysMajorVer == MY.LinuxVerAlt || TARGET.OpSysMajorVer == MY.WinVer ) ) ) && ( TARGET.Arch == "X86_64" ) && ( TARGET.Disk >= RequestDisk ) && ( TARGET.Memory >= RequestMemory ) && ( ( TARGET.HasFileTransfer ) || ( TARGET.FileSystemDomain == MY.FileSystemDomain ) );
+        MinHosts = 1;
+        MaxHosts = 1;
+        Args = "\342\200\234-1 0.01 0.1 1 2e-07 0.001 8 -1\342\200\235";
+        Environment = "";
+        LinuxVer = 6;
+        DAGNodeName = "448";
+        MemoryUsage = ( ( ResidentSetSize + 1023 ) / 1024 );
+        TerminationPending = true;
+        NumRestarts = 0;
+        NumSystemHolds = 0;
+        CondorVersion = "$CondorVersion: 8.5.5 May 03 2016 BuildID: 366162 $";
+        UserLog = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/outputs2/CS776_project_448.log";
+        JobCurrentStartDate = 1462898594;
+        MATCH_EXP_JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "";
+        BufferBlockSize = 32768;
+        BlockWriteKbytes = 284156;
+        ExitBySignal = false;
+        DAGManJobId = 3723347;
+        MachineAttrCpus0 = 1;
+        WantRemoteSyscalls = false;
+        JobBatchName = "CS776_project.dag+3723347";
+        WantCheckpoint = false;
+        BlockReads = 0;
+        CumulativeSuspensionTime = 0;
+        MyType = "Job";
+        Rank = 0.0;
+        JobNotification = 0;
+        Owner = "jlange3";
+        LinuxVerAlt = 6;
+        Err = "CS776_project_448.err";
+        PeriodicRemove = false;
+        CommittedTime = 43527;
+        RecentBlockWriteKbytes = 0;
+        TransferIn = false;
+        ExitStatus = 0;
+        ShouldTransferFiles = "IF_NEEDED";
+        IsCHTCSubmit = true;
+        NumJobMatches = 1;
+        RootDir = "/";
+        JobStartDate = 1462898594;
+        JobPrio = 1;
+        CurrentHosts = 0;
+        GlobalJobId = "";
+        RemoteSysCpu = 2.720000000000000E+02;
+        TotalSuspensions = 0;
+        CommittedSlotTime = 4.352700000000000E+04;
+        LastRemoteHost = "";
+        TransferInput = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/condor_tarred2.tgz";
+        LocalUserCpu = 0.0;
+        PeriodicRelease = false;
+        WinVer = 601;
+        LastPublicClaimId = "<>#1460618073#10807#...";
+        NumCkpts_RAW = 0;
+        Out = "CS776_project_448.out";
+        SubmitEventNotes = "DAG Node: 448";
+        CumulativeSlotTime = 4.352700000000000E+04;
+        JobRunCount = 1;
+        RecentBlockReads = 0;
+        StreamErr = false;
+        RequestDisk = 1000000;
+        ResidentSetSize_RAW = 124320;
+        OrigMaxHosts = 1;
+        NumCkpts = 0;
+        StatsLifetimeStarter = 43525;
+        ImageSize = 3250000
+    ]
+        Schedd = "";
+        BlockWrites = 12229;
+        LastJobStatus = 2;
+        JobCurrentStartExecutingDate = 1462899072;
+        WantRemoteIO = true;
+        RequestCpus = 1;
+        NumShadowStarts = 1;
+        RemoteUserCpu = 4.432600000000000E+04;
+        NiceUser = false;
+        RequestMemory = 2000;
+        BytesRecvd = 3.287412000000000E+06;
+        StreamOut = true;
+        ResidentSetSize = 125000;
+        SpooledOutputFiles = "output_file_freq_2e-07_selstr_0.001_bneckstart_0.01_recovery_0.5_bneckstr_0.1_id_0.txt";
+        OnExitRemove = true;
+        ImageSize_RAW = 3141192;
+        RemoteWallClockTime = 4.248300000000000E+04;
+        MachineAttrSlotWeight0 = 1;
+        ExecutableSize = 15;
+        JobStatus = 4;
+        DAGParentNodeNames = "";
+        ExitCode = 0;
+        DAGManNodesMask = "0,1,2,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,13,16,17,24,27";
+        BytesSent = 8.760000000000000E+02;
+        LastSuspensionTime = 0;
+        ExecutableSize_RAW = 13;
+        RecentBlockReadKbytes = 0;
+        TransferInputSizeMB = 3;
+        BlockReadKbytes = 0;
+        LocalSysCpu = 0.0;
+        Iwd = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/outputs2";
+        Cmd = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/";
+        CommittedSuspensionTime = 0;
+        DiskUsage_RAW = 41702;
+        RecentStatsLifetimeStarter = 1200;
+        TargetType = "Machine";
+        WhenToTransferOutput = "ON_EXIT";
+        BufferSize = 524288;
+        JobCurrentStartTransferOutputDate = 1462941552;
+        RecentBlockWrites = 481;
+        CompletionDate = 1462941553;
+        LastMatchTime = 1462899070;
+        LastJobLeaseRenewal = 1462941552;
+        DAGManNodesLog = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/./CS776_project.dag.nodes.log";
+        ClusterId = 3723868;
+        JobUniverse = 5;
+        NumJobStarts = 1;
+        StartdPrincipal = "execute-side@matchsession/";
+        EnteredCurrentStatus = 1462941553;
+        JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "$$([IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName), IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), \"\", TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName)])";
+        ProcId = 0;
+        PeriodicHold = false;
+        CoreSize = 0;
+        OnExitHold = false;
+        CondorPlatform = "$CondorPlatform: x86_64_RedHat6 $";
+        JobFinishedHookDone = 1462941553;
+        QDate = 1462892857;
+        JobLeaseDuration = 3200;
+        In = "/dev/null";
+        DiskUsage = 42500;
+        EncryptExecuteDirectory = false;
+        User = "";
+        FileSystemDomain = "";
+        LeaveJobInQueue = false;
+        Requirements = ( OpSys == "LINUX" ) && ( MY.JobUniverse == 12 || MY.JobUniverse == 7 || ( ( MY.WantFlocking || MY.WantGlidein || TARGET.PoolName == "CHTC" ) && ( TARGET.OpSysMajorVer == MY.LinuxVer || TARGET.OpSysMajorVer == MY.LinuxVerAlt || TARGET.OpSysMajorVer == MY.WinVer ) ) ) && ( TARGET.Arch == "X86_64" ) && ( TARGET.Disk >= RequestDisk ) && ( TARGET.Memory >= RequestMemory ) && ( ( TARGET.HasFileTransfer ) || ( TARGET.FileSystemDomain == MY.FileSystemDomain ) );
+        MinHosts = 1;
+        MaxHosts = 1;
+        Args = "\342\200\234-1 0.1 0.01 0.5 2e-07 0.001 0 -1\342\200\235";
+        Environment = "";
+        LinuxVer = 6;
+        DAGNodeName = "520";
+        MemoryUsage = ( ( ResidentSetSize + 1023 ) / 1024 );
+        TerminationPending = true;
+        NumRestarts = 0;
+        NumSystemHolds = 0;
+        CondorVersion = "$CondorVersion: 8.5.5 May 03 2016 BuildID: 366162 $";
+        UserLog = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/outputs2/CS776_project_520.log";
+        JobCurrentStartDate = 1462899070;
+        MATCH_EXP_JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "";
+        BufferBlockSize = 32768;
+        BlockWriteKbytes = 6147316;
+        ExitBySignal = false;
+        DAGManJobId = 3723347;
+        MachineAttrCpus0 = 1;
+        WantRemoteSyscalls = false;
+        JobBatchName = "CS776_project.dag+3723347";
+        WantCheckpoint = false;
+        BlockReads = 0;
+        CumulativeSuspensionTime = 0;
+        MyType = "Job";
+        Rank = 0.0;
+        JobNotification = 0;
+        Owner = "jlange3";
+        LinuxVerAlt = 6;
+        Err = "CS776_project_520.err";
+        PeriodicRemove = false;
+        CommittedTime = 42483;
+        RecentBlockWriteKbytes = 238776;
+        TransferIn = false;
+        ExitStatus = 0;
+        ShouldTransferFiles = "IF_NEEDED";
+        IsCHTCSubmit = true;
+        NumJobMatches = 1;
+        RootDir = "/";
+        JobStartDate = 1462899070;
+        JobPrio = 1;
+        CurrentHosts = 0;
+        GlobalJobId = "";
+        RemoteSysCpu = 2.120000000000000E+02;
+        TotalSuspensions = 0;
+        CommittedSlotTime = 4.248300000000000E+04;
+        LastRemoteHost = "";
+        TransferInput = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/condor_tarred2.tgz";
+        LocalUserCpu = 0.0;
+        PeriodicRelease = false;
+        WinVer = 601;
+        LastPublicClaimId = "<>#1460674858#10693#...";
+        NumCkpts_RAW = 0;
+        Out = "CS776_project_520.out";
+        SubmitEventNotes = "DAG Node: 520";
+        CumulativeSlotTime = 4.248300000000000E+04;
+        JobRunCount = 1;
+        RecentBlockReads = 0;
+        StreamErr = false;
+        RequestDisk = 1000000;
+        ResidentSetSize_RAW = 120560;
+        OrigMaxHosts = 1;
+        NumCkpts = 0;
+        StatsLifetimeStarter = 42480;
+        ImageSize = 3250000
+    ]
+        Schedd = "";
+        BlockWrites = 10465;
+        LastJobStatus = 2;
+        JobCurrentStartExecutingDate = 1462899214;
+        WantRemoteIO = true;
+        RequestCpus = 1;
+        NumShadowStarts = 1;
+        RemoteUserCpu = 4.334200000000000E+04;
+        NiceUser = false;
+        RequestMemory = 2000;
+        BytesRecvd = 3.287412000000000E+06;
+        StreamOut = true;
+        ResidentSetSize = 125000;
+        SpooledOutputFiles = "output_file_freq_2e-07_selstr_0.001_bneckstart_0.01_recovery_0.5_bneckstr_0.1_id_19.txt";
+        OnExitRemove = true;
+        ImageSize_RAW = 3141192;
+        RemoteWallClockTime = 4.224600000000000E+04;
+        MachineAttrSlotWeight0 = 1;
+        ExecutableSize = 15;
+        JobStatus = 4;
+        DAGParentNodeNames = "";
+        ExitCode = 0;
+        DAGManNodesMask = "0,1,2,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,13,16,17,24,27";
+        BytesSent = 8.040000000000000E+02;
+        LastSuspensionTime = 0;
+        ExecutableSize_RAW = 13;
+        RecentBlockReadKbytes = 0;
+        TransferInputSizeMB = 3;
+        BlockReadKbytes = 88;
+        LocalSysCpu = 0.0;
+        Iwd = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/outputs2";
+        Cmd = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/";
+        CommittedSuspensionTime = 0;
+        DiskUsage_RAW = 42273;
+        RecentStatsLifetimeStarter = 1200;
+        TargetType = "Machine";
+        WhenToTransferOutput = "ON_EXIT";
+        BufferSize = 524288;
+        JobCurrentStartTransferOutputDate = 1462941458;
+        RecentBlockWrites = 291;
+        CompletionDate = 1462941459;
+        LastMatchTime = 1462899213;
+        LastJobLeaseRenewal = 1462941458;
+        DAGManNodesLog = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/./CS776_project.dag.nodes.log";
+        ClusterId = 3723887;
+        JobUniverse = 5;
+        NumJobStarts = 1;
+        StartdPrincipal = "execute-side@matchsession/";
+        EnteredCurrentStatus = 1462941459;
+        JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "$$([IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName), IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), \"\", TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName)])";
+        ProcId = 0;
+        PeriodicHold = false;
+        CoreSize = 0;
+        OnExitHold = false;
+        CondorPlatform = "$CondorPlatform: x86_64_RedHat6 $";
+        JobFinishedHookDone = 1462941459;
+        QDate = 1462892874;
+        JobLeaseDuration = 3200;
+        In = "/dev/null";
+        DiskUsage = 42500;
+        EncryptExecuteDirectory = false;
+        User = "";
+        FileSystemDomain = "";
+        LeaveJobInQueue = false;
+        Requirements = ( OpSys == "LINUX" ) && ( MY.JobUniverse == 12 || MY.JobUniverse == 7 || ( ( MY.WantFlocking || MY.WantGlidein || TARGET.PoolName == "CHTC" ) && ( TARGET.OpSysMajorVer == MY.LinuxVer || TARGET.OpSysMajorVer == MY.LinuxVerAlt || TARGET.OpSysMajorVer == MY.WinVer ) ) ) && ( TARGET.Arch == "X86_64" ) && ( TARGET.Disk >= RequestDisk ) && ( TARGET.Memory >= RequestMemory ) && ( ( TARGET.HasFileTransfer ) || ( TARGET.FileSystemDomain == MY.FileSystemDomain ) );
+        MinHosts = 1;
+        MaxHosts = 1;
+        Args = "\342\200\234-1 0.1 0.01 0.5 2e-07 0.001 19 -1\342\200\235";
+        Environment = "";
+        LinuxVer = 6;
+        DAGNodeName = "539";
+        MemoryUsage = ( ( ResidentSetSize + 1023 ) / 1024 );
+        TerminationPending = true;
+        NumRestarts = 0;
+        NumSystemHolds = 0;
+        CondorVersion = "$CondorVersion: 8.5.5 May 03 2016 BuildID: 366162 $";
+        UserLog = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/outputs2/CS776_project_539.log";
+        JobCurrentStartDate = 1462899213;
+        MATCH_EXP_JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "";
+        BufferBlockSize = 32768;
+        BlockWriteKbytes = 5271696;
+        ExitBySignal = false;
+        DAGManJobId = 3723347;
+        MachineAttrCpus0 = 1;
+        WantRemoteSyscalls = false;
+        JobBatchName = "CS776_project.dag+3723347";
+        WantCheckpoint = false;
+        BlockReads = 10;
+        CumulativeSuspensionTime = 0;
+        MyType = "Job";
+        Rank = 0.0;
+        JobNotification = 0;
+        Owner = "jlange3";
+        LinuxVerAlt = 6;
+        Err = "CS776_project_539.err";
+        PeriodicRemove = false;
+        CommittedTime = 42246;
+        RecentBlockWriteKbytes = 146344;
+        TransferIn = false;
+        ExitStatus = 0;
+        ShouldTransferFiles = "IF_NEEDED";
+        IsCHTCSubmit = true;
+        NumJobMatches = 1;
+        RootDir = "/";
+        JobStartDate = 1462899213;
+        JobPrio = 1;
+        CurrentHosts = 0;
+        GlobalJobId = "";
+        RemoteSysCpu = 5.380000000000000E+02;
+        TotalSuspensions = 0;
+        CommittedSlotTime = 4.224600000000000E+04;
+        LastRemoteHost = "";
+        TransferInput = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/condor_tarred2.tgz";
+        LocalUserCpu = 0.0;
+        PeriodicRelease = false;
+        WinVer = 601;
+        LastPublicClaimId = "<>#1460646340#10708#...";
+        NumCkpts_RAW = 0;
+        Out = "CS776_project_539.out";
+        SubmitEventNotes = "DAG Node: 539";
+        CumulativeSlotTime = 4.224600000000000E+04;
+        JobRunCount = 1;
+        RecentBlockReads = 0;
+        StreamErr = false;
+        RequestDisk = 1000000;
+        ResidentSetSize_RAW = 119040;
+        OrigMaxHosts = 1;
+        NumCkpts = 0;
+        StatsLifetimeStarter = 42244;
+        ImageSize = 3250000
+    ]
+        Schedd = "";
+        BlockWrites = 0;
+        LastJobStatus = 2;
+        JobCurrentStartExecutingDate = 1462895572;
+        WantRemoteIO = true;
+        RequestCpus = 1;
+        NumShadowStarts = 1;
+        RemoteUserCpu = 4.176000000000000E+04;
+        NiceUser = false;
+        RequestMemory = 2000;
+        BytesRecvd = 3.287412000000000E+06;
+        StreamOut = true;
+        ResidentSetSize = 150000;
+        SpooledOutputFiles = "output_file_freq_2e-07_selstr_0.001_bneckstart_0.01_recovery_1_bneckstr_0.01_id_1.txt";
+        OnExitRemove = true;
+        ImageSize_RAW = 1888928;
+        RemoteWallClockTime = 4.572400000000000E+04;
+        MachineAttrSlotWeight0 = 1;
+        ExecutableSize = 15;
+        JobStatus = 4;
+        DAGParentNodeNames = "";
+        ExitCode = 0;
+        DAGManNodesMask = "0,1,2,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,13,16,17,24,27";
+        BytesSent = 1.096000000000000E+03;
+        LastSuspensionTime = 0;
+        ExecutableSize_RAW = 13;
+        RecentBlockReadKbytes = 0;
+        TransferInputSizeMB = 3;
+        BlockReadKbytes = 0;
+        LocalSysCpu = 0.0;
+        Iwd = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/outputs2";
+        Cmd = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/";
+        CommittedSuspensionTime = 0;
+        DiskUsage_RAW = 43007;
+        RecentStatsLifetimeStarter = 1200;
+        TargetType = "Machine";
+        WhenToTransferOutput = "ON_EXIT";
+        BufferSize = 524288;
+        JobCurrentStartTransferOutputDate = 1462941294;
+        RecentBlockWrites = 0;
+        CompletionDate = 1462941295;
+        LastMatchTime = 1462895571;
+        LastJobLeaseRenewal = 1462941294;
+        DAGManNodesLog = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/./CS776_project.dag.nodes.log";
+        ClusterId = 3723629;
+        JobUniverse = 5;
+        NumJobStarts = 1;
+        StartdPrincipal = "execute-side@matchsession/";
+        EnteredCurrentStatus = 1462941295;
+        JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "$$([IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName), IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), \"\", TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName)])";
+        ProcId = 0;
+        PeriodicHold = false;
+        CoreSize = 0;
+        OnExitHold = false;
+        CondorPlatform = "$CondorPlatform: x86_64_RedHat6 $";
+        JobFinishedHookDone = 1462941295;
+        QDate = 1462892596;
+        JobLeaseDuration = 3200;
+        In = "/dev/null";
+        DiskUsage = 45000;
+        EncryptExecuteDirectory = false;
+        User = "";
+        FileSystemDomain = "";
+        LeaveJobInQueue = false;
+        Requirements = ( OpSys == "LINUX" ) && ( MY.JobUniverse == 12 || MY.JobUniverse == 7 || ( ( MY.WantFlocking || MY.WantGlidein || TARGET.PoolName == "CHTC" ) && ( TARGET.OpSysMajorVer == MY.LinuxVer || TARGET.OpSysMajorVer == MY.LinuxVerAlt || TARGET.OpSysMajorVer == MY.WinVer ) ) ) && ( TARGET.Arch == "X86_64" ) && ( TARGET.Disk >= RequestDisk ) && ( TARGET.Memory >= RequestMemory ) && ( ( TARGET.HasFileTransfer ) || ( TARGET.FileSystemDomain == MY.FileSystemDomain ) );
+        MinHosts = 1;
+        MaxHosts = 1;
+        Args = "\342\200\234-1 0.01 0.01 1 2e-07 0.001 1 -1\342\200\235";
+        Environment = "";
+        LinuxVer = 6;
+        DAGNodeName = "281";
+        MemoryUsage = ( ( ResidentSetSize + 1023 ) / 1024 );
+        TerminationPending = true;
+        NumRestarts = 0;
+        NumSystemHolds = 0;
+        CondorVersion = "$CondorVersion: 8.5.5 May 03 2016 BuildID: 366162 $";
+        UserLog = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/outputs2/CS776_project_281.log";
+        JobCurrentStartDate = 1462895571;
+        MATCH_EXP_JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "";
+        BufferBlockSize = 32768;
+        BlockWriteKbytes = 0;
+        ExitBySignal = false;
+        DAGManJobId = 3723347;
+        MachineAttrCpus0 = 1;
+        WantRemoteSyscalls = false;
+        JobBatchName = "CS776_project.dag+3723347";
+        WantCheckpoint = false;
+        BlockReads = 0;
+        CumulativeSuspensionTime = 0;
+        MyType = "Job";
+        Rank = 0.0;
+        JobNotification = 0;
+        Owner = "jlange3";
+        LinuxVerAlt = 6;
+        Err = "CS776_project_281.err";
+        PeriodicRemove = false;
+        CommittedTime = 45724;
+        RecentBlockWriteKbytes = 0;
+        TransferIn = false;
+        ExitStatus = 0;
+        ShouldTransferFiles = "IF_NEEDED";
+        IsCHTCSubmit = true;
+        NumJobMatches = 1;
+        RootDir = "/";
+        JobStartDate = 1462895571;
+        JobPrio = 1;
+        CurrentHosts = 0;
+        GlobalJobId = "";
+        RemoteSysCpu = 1.160000000000000E+02;
+        TotalSuspensions = 0;
+        CommittedSlotTime = 4.572400000000000E+04;
+        LastRemoteHost = "";
+        TransferInput = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/condor_tarred2.tgz";
+        LocalUserCpu = 0.0;
+        PeriodicRelease = false;
+        WinVer = 601;
+        LastPublicClaimId = "<>#1461876394#1832#...";
+        NumCkpts_RAW = 0;
+        Out = "CS776_project_281.out";
+        SubmitEventNotes = "DAG Node: 281";
+        CumulativeSlotTime = 4.572400000000000E+04;
+        JobRunCount = 1;
+        RecentBlockReads = 0;
+        StreamErr = false;
+        RequestDisk = 1000000;
+        ResidentSetSize_RAW = 138188;
+        OrigMaxHosts = 1;
+        NumCkpts = 0;
+        StatsLifetimeStarter = 45722;
+        ImageSize = 2000000
+    ]
+        Schedd = "";
+        BlockWrites = 10773;
+        LastJobStatus = 2;
+        JobCurrentStartExecutingDate = 1462901300;
+        WantRemoteIO = true;
+        RequestCpus = 1;
+        NumShadowStarts = 1;
+        RemoteUserCpu = 4.281800000000000E+04;
+        NiceUser = false;
+        RequestMemory = 2000;
+        BytesRecvd = 3.287412000000000E+06;
+        StreamOut = true;
+        ResidentSetSize = 125000;
+        SpooledOutputFiles = "output_file_freq_2e-07_selstr_0.001_bneckstart_0.1_recovery_0.5_bneckstr_0.1_id_6.txt";
+        OnExitRemove = true;
+        ImageSize_RAW = 3141192;
+        RemoteWallClockTime = 3.999300000000000E+04;
+        MachineAttrSlotWeight0 = 1;
+        ExecutableSize = 15;
+        JobStatus = 4;
+        DAGParentNodeNames = "";
+        ExitCode = 0;
+        DAGManNodesMask = "0,1,2,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,13,16,17,24,27";
+        BytesSent = 1.016000000000000E+03;
+        LastSuspensionTime = 0;
+        ExecutableSize_RAW = 13;
+        RecentBlockReadKbytes = 0;
+        TransferInputSizeMB = 3;
+        BlockReadKbytes = 288;
+        LocalSysCpu = 0.0;
+        Iwd = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/outputs2";
+        Cmd = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/";
+        CommittedSuspensionTime = 0;
+        DiskUsage_RAW = 43393;
+        RecentStatsLifetimeStarter = 1200;
+        TargetType = "Machine";
+        WhenToTransferOutput = "ON_EXIT";
+        BufferSize = 524288;
+        JobCurrentStartTransferOutputDate = 1462941291;
+        RecentBlockWrites = 249;
+        CompletionDate = 1462941292;
+        LastMatchTime = 1462901299;
+        LastJobLeaseRenewal = 1462941291;
+        DAGManNodesLog = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/./CS776_project.dag.nodes.log";
+        ClusterId = 3724034;
+        JobUniverse = 5;
+        NumJobStarts = 1;
+        StartdPrincipal = "execute-side@matchsession/";
+        EnteredCurrentStatus = 1462941292;
+        JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "$$([IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName), IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), \"\", TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName)])";
+        ProcId = 0;
+        PeriodicHold = false;
+        CoreSize = 0;
+        OnExitHold = false;
+        CondorPlatform = "$CondorPlatform: x86_64_RedHat6 $";
+        JobFinishedHookDone = 1462941292;
+        QDate = 1462893036;
+        JobLeaseDuration = 3200;
+        In = "/dev/null";
+        DiskUsage = 45000;
+        EncryptExecuteDirectory = false;
+        User = "";
+        FileSystemDomain = "";
+        LeaveJobInQueue = false;
+        Requirements = ( OpSys == "LINUX" ) && ( MY.JobUniverse == 12 || MY.JobUniverse == 7 || ( ( MY.WantFlocking || MY.WantGlidein || TARGET.PoolName == "CHTC" ) && ( TARGET.OpSysMajorVer == MY.LinuxVer || TARGET.OpSysMajorVer == MY.LinuxVerAlt || TARGET.OpSysMajorVer == MY.WinVer ) ) ) && ( TARGET.Arch == "X86_64" ) && ( TARGET.Disk >= RequestDisk ) && ( TARGET.Memory >= RequestMemory ) && ( ( TARGET.HasFileTransfer ) || ( TARGET.FileSystemDomain == MY.FileSystemDomain ) );
+        MinHosts = 1;
+        MaxHosts = 1;
+        Args = "\342\200\234-1 0.1 0.1 0.5 2e-07 0.001 6 -1\342\200\235";
+        Environment = "";
+        LinuxVer = 6;
+        DAGNodeName = "686";
+        MemoryUsage = ( ( ResidentSetSize + 1023 ) / 1024 );
+        TerminationPending = true;
+        NumRestarts = 0;
+        NumSystemHolds = 0;
+        CondorVersion = "$CondorVersion: 8.5.5 May 03 2016 BuildID: 366162 $";
+        UserLog = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/outputs2/CS776_project_686.log";
+        JobCurrentStartDate = 1462901299;
+        MATCH_EXP_JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "";
+        BufferBlockSize = 32768;
+        BlockWriteKbytes = 5421546;
+        ExitBySignal = false;
+        DAGManJobId = 3723347;
+        MachineAttrCpus0 = 1;
+        WantRemoteSyscalls = false;
+        JobBatchName = "CS776_project.dag+3723347";
+        WantCheckpoint = false;
+        BlockReads = 56;
+        CumulativeSuspensionTime = 0;
+        MyType = "Job";
+        Rank = 0.0;
+        JobNotification = 0;
+        Owner = "jlange3";
+        LinuxVerAlt = 6;
+        Err = "CS776_project_686.err";
+        PeriodicRemove = false;
+        CommittedTime = 39993;
+        RecentBlockWriteKbytes = 125280;
+        TransferIn = false;
+        ExitStatus = 0;
+        ShouldTransferFiles = "IF_NEEDED";
+        IsCHTCSubmit = true;
+        NumJobMatches = 1;
+        RootDir = "/";
+        JobStartDate = 1462901299;
+        JobPrio = 1;
+        CurrentHosts = 0;
+        GlobalJobId = "";
+        RemoteSysCpu = 5.530000000000000E+02;
+        TotalSuspensions = 0;
+        CommittedSlotTime = 3.999300000000000E+04;
+        LastRemoteHost = "";
+        TransferInput = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/condor_tarred2.tgz";
+        LocalUserCpu = 0.0;
+        PeriodicRelease = false;
+        WinVer = 601;
+        LastPublicClaimId = "<>#1460638066#12646#...";
+        NumCkpts_RAW = 0;
+        Out = "CS776_project_686.out";
+        SubmitEventNotes = "DAG Node: 686";
+        CumulativeSlotTime = 3.999300000000000E+04;
+        JobRunCount = 1;
+        RecentBlockReads = 0;
+        StreamErr = false;
+        RequestDisk = 1000000;
+        ResidentSetSize_RAW = 119232;
+        OrigMaxHosts = 1;
+        NumCkpts = 0;
+        StatsLifetimeStarter = 39990;
+        ImageSize = 3250000
+    ]
+        Schedd = "";
+        BlockWrites = 12047;
+        LastJobStatus = 2;
+        JobCurrentStartExecutingDate = 1462898596;
+        WantRemoteIO = true;
+        RequestCpus = 1;
+        NumShadowStarts = 1;
+        RemoteUserCpu = 4.445200000000000E+04;
+        NiceUser = false;
+        RequestMemory = 2000;
+        BytesRecvd = 3.287412000000000E+06;
+        StreamOut = true;
+        ResidentSetSize = 125000;
+        SpooledOutputFiles = "output_file_freq_2e-07_selstr_0.001_bneckstart_0.1_recovery_1_bneckstr_0.01_id_7.txt";
+        OnExitRemove = true;
+        ImageSize_RAW = 3141192;
+        RemoteWallClockTime = 4.240500000000000E+04;
+        MachineAttrSlotWeight0 = 1;
+        ExecutableSize = 15;
+        JobStatus = 4;
+        DAGParentNodeNames = "";
+        ExitCode = 0;
+        DAGManNodesMask = "0,1,2,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,13,16,17,24,27";
+        BytesSent = 8.760000000000000E+02;
+        LastSuspensionTime = 0;
+        ExecutableSize_RAW = 13;
+        RecentBlockReadKbytes = 0;
+        TransferInputSizeMB = 3;
+        BlockReadKbytes = 20;
+        LocalSysCpu = 0.0;
+        Iwd = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/outputs2";
+        Cmd = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/";
+        CommittedSuspensionTime = 0;
+        DiskUsage_RAW = 42988;
+        RecentStatsLifetimeStarter = 1200;
+        TargetType = "Machine";
+        WhenToTransferOutput = "ON_EXIT";
+        BufferSize = 524288;
+        JobCurrentStartTransferOutputDate = 1462940998;
+        RecentBlockWrites = 248;
+        CompletionDate = 1462940999;
+        LastMatchTime = 1462898594;
+        LastJobLeaseRenewal = 1462940998;
+        DAGManNodesLog = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/./CS776_project.dag.nodes.log";
+        ClusterId = 3723795;
+        JobUniverse = 5;
+        NumJobStarts = 1;
+        StartdPrincipal = "execute-side@matchsession/";
+        EnteredCurrentStatus = 1462940999;
+        JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "$$([IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName), IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), \"\", TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName)])";
+        ProcId = 0;
+        PeriodicHold = false;
+        CoreSize = 0;
+        OnExitHold = false;
+        CondorPlatform = "$CondorPlatform: x86_64_RedHat6 $";
+        JobFinishedHookDone = 1462940999;
+        QDate = 1462892775;
+        JobLeaseDuration = 3200;
+        In = "/dev/null";
+        DiskUsage = 45000;
+        EncryptExecuteDirectory = false;
+        User = "";
+        FileSystemDomain = "";
+        LeaveJobInQueue = false;
+        Requirements = ( OpSys == "LINUX" ) && ( MY.JobUniverse == 12 || MY.JobUniverse == 7 || ( ( MY.WantFlocking || MY.WantGlidein || TARGET.PoolName == "CHTC" ) && ( TARGET.OpSysMajorVer == MY.LinuxVer || TARGET.OpSysMajorVer == MY.LinuxVerAlt || TARGET.OpSysMajorVer == MY.WinVer ) ) ) && ( TARGET.Arch == "X86_64" ) && ( TARGET.Disk >= RequestDisk ) && ( TARGET.Memory >= RequestMemory ) && ( ( TARGET.HasFileTransfer ) || ( TARGET.FileSystemDomain == MY.FileSystemDomain ) );
+        MinHosts = 1;
+        MaxHosts = 1;
+        Args = "\342\200\234-1 0.01 0.1 1 2e-07 0.001 7 -1\342\200\235";
+        Environment = "";
+        LinuxVer = 6;
+        DAGNodeName = "447";
+        MemoryUsage = ( ( ResidentSetSize + 1023 ) / 1024 );
+        TerminationPending = true;
+        NumRestarts = 0;
+        NumSystemHolds = 0;
+        CondorVersion = "$CondorVersion: 8.5.5 May 03 2016 BuildID: 366162 $";
+        UserLog = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/outputs2/CS776_project_447.log";
+        JobCurrentStartDate = 1462898594;
+        MATCH_EXP_JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "";
+        BufferBlockSize = 32768;
+        BlockWriteKbytes = 6064524;
+        ExitBySignal = false;
+        DAGManJobId = 3723347;
+        MachineAttrCpus0 = 1;
+        WantRemoteSyscalls = false;
+        JobBatchName = "CS776_project.dag+3723347";
+        WantCheckpoint = false;
+        BlockReads = 4;
+        CumulativeSuspensionTime = 0;
+        MyType = "Job";
+        Rank = 0.0;
+        JobNotification = 0;
+        Owner = "jlange3";
+        LinuxVerAlt = 6;
+        Err = "CS776_project_447.err";
+        PeriodicRemove = false;
+        CommittedTime = 42405;
+        RecentBlockWriteKbytes = 125752;
+        TransferIn = false;
+        ExitStatus = 0;
+        ShouldTransferFiles = "IF_NEEDED";
+        IsCHTCSubmit = true;
+        NumJobMatches = 1;
+        RootDir = "/";
+        JobStartDate = 1462898594;
+        JobPrio = 1;
+        CurrentHosts = 0;
+        GlobalJobId = "";
+        RemoteSysCpu = 2.280000000000000E+02;
+        TotalSuspensions = 0;
+        CommittedSlotTime = 4.240500000000000E+04;
+        LastRemoteHost = "";
+        TransferInput = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/condor_tarred2.tgz";
+        LocalUserCpu = 0.0;
+        PeriodicRelease = false;
+        WinVer = 601;
+        LastPublicClaimId = "<>#1460667416#11307#...";
+        NumCkpts_RAW = 0;
+        Out = "CS776_project_447.out";
+        SubmitEventNotes = "DAG Node: 447";
+        CumulativeSlotTime = 4.240500000000000E+04;
+        JobRunCount = 1;
+        RecentBlockReads = 0;
+        StreamErr = false;
+        RequestDisk = 1000000;
+        ResidentSetSize_RAW = 119836;
+        OrigMaxHosts = 1;
+        NumCkpts = 0;
+        StatsLifetimeStarter = 42402;
+        ImageSize = 3250000
+    ]
+        Schedd = "";
+        BlockWrites = 14259;
+        LastJobStatus = 2;
+        JobCurrentStartExecutingDate = 1462895573;
+        WantRemoteIO = true;
+        RequestCpus = 1;
+        NumShadowStarts = 1;
+        RemoteUserCpu = 4.827000000000000E+04;
+        NiceUser = false;
+        RequestMemory = 2000;
+        BytesRecvd = 3.287412000000000E+06;
+        StreamOut = true;
+        ResidentSetSize = 125000;
+        SpooledOutputFiles = "output_file_freq_2e-07_selstr_0.001_bneckstart_0.01_recovery_1_bneckstr_0.01_id_14.txt";
+        OnExitRemove = true;
+        ImageSize_RAW = 3141192;
+        RemoteWallClockTime = 4.539800000000000E+04;
+        MachineAttrSlotWeight0 = 1;
+        ExecutableSize = 15;
+        JobStatus = 4;
+        DAGParentNodeNames = "";
+        ExitCode = 0;
+        DAGManNodesMask = "0,1,2,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,13,16,17,24,27";
+        BytesSent = 1.097000000000000E+03;
+        LastSuspensionTime = 0;
+        ExecutableSize_RAW = 13;
+        RecentBlockReadKbytes = 0;
+        TransferInputSizeMB = 3;
+        BlockReadKbytes = 0;
+        LocalSysCpu = 0.0;
+        Iwd = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/outputs2";
+        Cmd = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/";
+        CommittedSuspensionTime = 0;
+        DiskUsage_RAW = 43418;
+        RecentStatsLifetimeStarter = 1200;
+        TargetType = "Machine";
+        WhenToTransferOutput = "ON_EXIT";
+        BufferSize = 524288;
+        JobCurrentStartTransferOutputDate = 1462940969;
+        RecentBlockWrites = 174;
+        CompletionDate = 1462940970;
+        LastMatchTime = 1462895572;
+        LastJobLeaseRenewal = 1462940969;
+        DAGManNodesLog = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/./CS776_project.dag.nodes.log";
+        ClusterId = 3723642;
+        JobUniverse = 5;
+        NumJobStarts = 1;
+        StartdPrincipal = "execute-side@matchsession/";
+        EnteredCurrentStatus = 1462940970;
+        JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "$$([IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName), IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), \"\", TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName)])";
+        ProcId = 0;
+        PeriodicHold = false;
+        CoreSize = 0;
+        OnExitHold = false;
+        CondorPlatform = "$CondorPlatform: x86_64_RedHat6 $";
+        JobFinishedHookDone = 1462940970;
+        QDate = 1462892607;
+        JobLeaseDuration = 3200;
+        In = "/dev/null";
+        DiskUsage = 45000;
+        EncryptExecuteDirectory = false;
+        User = "";
+        FileSystemDomain = "";
+        LeaveJobInQueue = false;
+        Requirements = ( OpSys == "LINUX" ) && ( MY.JobUniverse == 12 || MY.JobUniverse == 7 || ( ( MY.WantFlocking || MY.WantGlidein || TARGET.PoolName == "CHTC" ) && ( TARGET.OpSysMajorVer == MY.LinuxVer || TARGET.OpSysMajorVer == MY.LinuxVerAlt || TARGET.OpSysMajorVer == MY.WinVer ) ) ) && ( TARGET.Arch == "X86_64" ) && ( TARGET.Disk >= RequestDisk ) && ( TARGET.Memory >= RequestMemory ) && ( ( TARGET.HasFileTransfer ) || ( TARGET.FileSystemDomain == MY.FileSystemDomain ) );
+        MinHosts = 1;
+        MaxHosts = 1;
+        Args = "\342\200\234-1 0.01 0.01 1 2e-07 0.001 14 -1\342\200\235";
+        Environment = "";
+        LinuxVer = 6;
+        DAGNodeName = "294";
+        MemoryUsage = ( ( ResidentSetSize + 1023 ) / 1024 );
+        TerminationPending = true;
+        NumRestarts = 0;
+        NumSystemHolds = 0;
+        CondorVersion = "$CondorVersion: 8.5.5 May 03 2016 BuildID: 366162 $";
+        UserLog = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/outputs2/CS776_project_294.log";
+        JobCurrentStartDate = 1462895572;
+        MATCH_EXP_JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "";
+        BufferBlockSize = 32768;
+        BlockWriteKbytes = 7168756;
+        ExitBySignal = false;
+        DAGManJobId = 3723347;
+        MachineAttrCpus0 = 1;
+        WantRemoteSyscalls = false;
+        JobBatchName = "CS776_project.dag+3723347";
+        WantCheckpoint = false;
+        BlockReads = 0;
+        CumulativeSuspensionTime = 0;
+        MyType = "Job";
+        Rank = 0.0;
+        JobNotification = 0;
+        Owner = "jlange3";
+        LinuxVerAlt = 6;
+        Err = "CS776_project_294.err";
+        PeriodicRemove = false;
+        CommittedTime = 45398;
+        RecentBlockWriteKbytes = 86080;
+        TransferIn = false;
+        ExitStatus = 0;
+        ShouldTransferFiles = "IF_NEEDED";
+        IsCHTCSubmit = true;
+        NumJobMatches = 1;
+        RootDir = "/";
+        JobStartDate = 1462895572;
+        JobPrio = 1;
+        CurrentHosts = 0;
+        GlobalJobId = "";
+        RemoteSysCpu = 2.860000000000000E+02;
+        TotalSuspensions = 0;
+        CommittedSlotTime = 4.539800000000000E+04;
+        LastRemoteHost = "";
+        TransferInput = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/condor_tarred2.tgz";
+        LocalUserCpu = 0.0;
+        PeriodicRelease = false;
+        WinVer = 601;
+        LastPublicClaimId = "<>#1460643745#12086#...";
+        NumCkpts_RAW = 0;
+        Out = "CS776_project_294.out";
+        SubmitEventNotes = "DAG Node: 294";
+        CumulativeSlotTime = 4.539800000000000E+04;
+        JobRunCount = 1;
+        RecentBlockReads = 0;
+        StreamErr = false;
+        RequestDisk = 1000000;
+        ResidentSetSize_RAW = 120736;
+        OrigMaxHosts = 1;
+        NumCkpts = 0;
+        StatsLifetimeStarter = 45395;
+        ImageSize = 3250000
+    ]
+        Schedd = "";
+        BlockWrites = 32817;
+        LastJobStatus = 2;
+        JobCurrentStartExecutingDate = 1462902127;
+        WantRemoteIO = true;
+        RequestCpus = 1;
+        NumShadowStarts = 1;
+        RemoteUserCpu = 3.878500000000000E+04;
+        NiceUser = false;
+        RequestMemory = 2000;
+        BytesRecvd = 3.287412000000000E+06;
+        StreamOut = true;
+        ResidentSetSize = 125000;
+        SpooledOutputFiles = "output_file_freq_2e-07_selstr_0.001_bneckstart_0.1_recovery_1_bneckstr_0.1_id_15.txt";
+        OnExitRemove = true;
+        ImageSize_RAW = 1748508;
+        RemoteWallClockTime = 3.818600000000000E+04;
+        MachineAttrSlotWeight0 = 1;
+        ExecutableSize = 15;
+        JobStatus = 4;
+        DAGParentNodeNames = "";
+        ExitCode = 0;
+        DAGManNodesMask = "0,1,2,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,13,16,17,24,27";
+        BytesSent = 1.092000000000000E+03;
+        LastSuspensionTime = 0;
+        ExecutableSize_RAW = 13;
+        RecentBlockReadKbytes = 0;
+        TransferInputSizeMB = 3;
+        BlockReadKbytes = 1388;
+        LocalSysCpu = 0.0;
+        Iwd = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/outputs2";
+        Cmd = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/";
+        CommittedSuspensionTime = 0;
+        DiskUsage_RAW = 43391;
+        RecentStatsLifetimeStarter = 1200;
+        TargetType = "Machine";
+        WhenToTransferOutput = "ON_EXIT";
+        BufferSize = 524288;
+        JobCurrentStartTransferOutputDate = 1462940310;
+        RecentBlockWrites = 955;
+        CompletionDate = 1462940311;
+        LastMatchTime = 1462902125;
+        LastJobLeaseRenewal = 1462940310;
+        DAGManNodesLog = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/./CS776_project.dag.nodes.log";
+        ClusterId = 3724123;
+        JobUniverse = 5;
+        NumJobStarts = 1;
+        StartdPrincipal = "execute-side@matchsession/";
+        EnteredCurrentStatus = 1462940311;
+        JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "$$([IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName), IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), \"\", TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName)])";
+        ProcId = 0;
+        PeriodicHold = false;
+        CoreSize = 0;
+        OnExitHold = false;
+        CondorPlatform = "$CondorPlatform: x86_64_RedHat6 $";
+        JobFinishedHookDone = 1462940311;
+        QDate = 1462893134;
+        JobLeaseDuration = 3200;
+        In = "/dev/null";
+        DiskUsage = 45000;
+        EncryptExecuteDirectory = false;
+        User = "";
+        FileSystemDomain = "";
+        LeaveJobInQueue = false;
+        Requirements = ( OpSys == "LINUX" ) && ( MY.JobUniverse == 12 || MY.JobUniverse == 7 || ( ( MY.WantFlocking || MY.WantGlidein || TARGET.PoolName == "CHTC" ) && ( TARGET.OpSysMajorVer == MY.LinuxVer || TARGET.OpSysMajorVer == MY.LinuxVerAlt || TARGET.OpSysMajorVer == MY.WinVer ) ) ) && ( TARGET.Arch == "X86_64" ) && ( TARGET.Disk >= RequestDisk ) && ( TARGET.Memory >= RequestMemory ) && ( ( TARGET.HasFileTransfer ) || ( TARGET.FileSystemDomain == MY.FileSystemDomain ) );
+        MinHosts = 1;
+        MaxHosts = 1;
+        Args = "\342\200\234-1 0.1 0.1 1 2e-07 0.001 15 -1\342\200\235";
+        Environment = "";
+        LinuxVer = 6;
+        DAGNodeName = "775";
+        MemoryUsage = ( ( ResidentSetSize + 1023 ) / 1024 );
+        TerminationPending = true;
+        NumRestarts = 0;
+        NumSystemHolds = 0;
+        CondorVersion = "$CondorVersion: 8.5.5 May 03 2016 BuildID: 366162 $";
+        UserLog = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/outputs2/CS776_project_775.log";
+        JobCurrentStartDate = 1462902125;
+        MATCH_EXP_JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "";
+        BufferBlockSize = 32768;
+        BlockWriteKbytes = 8330128;
+        ExitBySignal = false;
+        DAGManJobId = 3723347;
+        MachineAttrCpus0 = 1;
+        WantRemoteSyscalls = false;
+        JobBatchName = "CS776_project.dag+3723347";
+        WantCheckpoint = false;
+        BlockReads = 55;
+        CumulativeSuspensionTime = 0;
+        MyType = "Job";
+        Rank = 0.0;
+        JobNotification = 0;
+        Owner = "jlange3";
+        LinuxVerAlt = 6;
+        Err = "CS776_project_775.err";
+        PeriodicRemove = false;
+        CommittedTime = 38186;
+        RecentBlockWriteKbytes = 241784;
+        TransferIn = false;
+        ExitStatus = 0;
+        ShouldTransferFiles = "IF_NEEDED";
+        IsCHTCSubmit = true;
+        NumJobMatches = 1;
+        RootDir = "/";
+        JobStartDate = 1462902125;
+        JobPrio = 1;
+        CurrentHosts = 0;
+        GlobalJobId = "";
+        RemoteSysCpu = 2.860000000000000E+02;
+        TotalSuspensions = 0;
+        CommittedSlotTime = 3.818600000000000E+04;
+        LastRemoteHost = "";
+        TransferInput = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/condor_tarred2.tgz";
+        LocalUserCpu = 0.0;
+        PeriodicRelease = false;
+        WinVer = 601;
+        LastPublicClaimId = "<>#1460601420#3317#...";
+        NumCkpts_RAW = 0;
+        Out = "CS776_project_775.out";
+        SubmitEventNotes = "DAG Node: 775";
+        CumulativeSlotTime = 3.818600000000000E+04;
+        JobRunCount = 1;
+        RecentBlockReads = 0;
+        StreamErr = false;
+        RequestDisk = 1000000;
+        ResidentSetSize_RAW = 123232;
+        OrigMaxHosts = 1;
+        NumCkpts = 0;
+        StatsLifetimeStarter = 38184;
+        ImageSize = 1750000
+    ]
+        Schedd = "";
+        BlockWrites = 13088;
+        LastJobStatus = 2;
+        JobCurrentStartExecutingDate = 1462892911;
+        WantRemoteIO = true;
+        RequestCpus = 1;
+        NumShadowStarts = 1;
+        RemoteUserCpu = 4.857300000000000E+04;
+        NiceUser = false;
+        RequestMemory = 2000;
+        BytesRecvd = 3.287412000000000E+06;
+        StreamOut = true;
+        ResidentSetSize = 125000;
+        SpooledOutputFiles = "output_file_neutral_bneckstart_0.1_recovery_0.5_bneckstr_0.01_id_11.txt";
+        OnExitRemove = true;
+        ImageSize_RAW = 3141184;
+        RemoteWallClockTime = 4.734400000000000E+04;
+        MachineAttrSlotWeight0 = 1;
+        ExecutableSize = 15;
+        JobStatus = 4;
+        DAGParentNodeNames = "";
+        ExitCode = 0;
+        DAGManNodesMask = "0,1,2,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,13,16,17,24,27";
+        BytesSent = 1.072000000000000E+03;
+        LastSuspensionTime = 0;
+        ExecutableSize_RAW = 13;
+        RecentBlockReadKbytes = 0;
+        TransferInputSizeMB = 3;
+        BlockReadKbytes = 0;
+        LocalSysCpu = 0.0;
+        Iwd = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/outputs2";
+        Cmd = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/";
+        CommittedSuspensionTime = 0;
+        DiskUsage_RAW = 43437;
+        RecentStatsLifetimeStarter = 1200;
+        TargetType = "Machine";
+        WhenToTransferOutput = "ON_EXIT";
+        BufferSize = 524288;
+        JobCurrentStartTransferOutputDate = 1462940253;
+        RecentBlockWrites = 377;
+        CompletionDate = 1462940254;
+        LastMatchTime = 1462892910;
+        LastJobLeaseRenewal = 1462940253;
+        DAGManNodesLog = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/./CS776_project.dag.nodes.log";
+        ClusterId = 3723399;
+        JobUniverse = 5;
+        NumJobStarts = 1;
+        StartdPrincipal = "execute-side@matchsession/";
+        EnteredCurrentStatus = 1462940254;
+        JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "$$([IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName), IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), \"\", TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName)])";
+        ProcId = 0;
+        PeriodicHold = false;
+        CoreSize = 0;
+        OnExitHold = false;
+        CondorPlatform = "$CondorPlatform: x86_64_RedHat6 $";
+        JobFinishedHookDone = 1462940254;
+        QDate = 1462892339;
+        JobLeaseDuration = 3200;
+        In = "/dev/null";
+        DiskUsage = 45000;
+        EncryptExecuteDirectory = false;
+        User = "";
+        FileSystemDomain = "";
+        LeaveJobInQueue = false;
+        Requirements = ( OpSys == "LINUX" ) && ( MY.JobUniverse == 12 || MY.JobUniverse == 7 || ( ( MY.WantFlocking || MY.WantGlidein || TARGET.PoolName == "CHTC" ) && ( TARGET.OpSysMajorVer == MY.LinuxVer || TARGET.OpSysMajorVer == MY.LinuxVerAlt || TARGET.OpSysMajorVer == MY.WinVer ) ) ) && ( TARGET.Arch == "X86_64" ) && ( TARGET.Disk >= RequestDisk ) && ( TARGET.Memory >= RequestMemory ) && ( ( TARGET.HasFileTransfer ) || ( TARGET.FileSystemDomain == MY.FileSystemDomain ) );
+        MinHosts = 1;
+        MaxHosts = 1;
+        Args = "\342\200\234-1 0.01 0.1 0.5 11 -1\342\200\235";
+        Environment = "";
+        LinuxVer = 6;
+        DAGNodeName = "51";
+        MemoryUsage = ( ( ResidentSetSize + 1023 ) / 1024 );
+        TerminationPending = true;
+        NumRestarts = 0;
+        NumSystemHolds = 0;
+        CondorVersion = "$CondorVersion: 8.5.5 May 03 2016 BuildID: 366162 $";
+        UserLog = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/outputs2/CS776_project_51.log";
+        JobCurrentStartDate = 1462892910;
+        MATCH_EXP_JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "";
+        BufferBlockSize = 32768;
+        BlockWriteKbytes = 6585864;
+        ExitBySignal = false;
+        DAGManJobId = 3723347;
+        MachineAttrCpus0 = 1;
+        WantRemoteSyscalls = false;
+        JobBatchName = "CS776_project.dag+3723347";
+        WantCheckpoint = false;
+        BlockReads = 0;
+        CumulativeSuspensionTime = 0;
+        MyType = "Job";
+        Rank = 0.0;
+        JobNotification = 0;
+        Owner = "jlange3";
+        LinuxVerAlt = 6;
+        Err = "CS776_project_51.err";
+        PeriodicRemove = false;
+        CommittedTime = 47344;
+        RecentBlockWriteKbytes = 190716;
+        TransferIn = false;
+        ExitStatus = 0;
+        ShouldTransferFiles = "IF_NEEDED";
+        IsCHTCSubmit = true;
+        NumJobMatches = 1;
+        RootDir = "/";
+        JobStartDate = 1462892910;
+        JobPrio = 1;
+        CurrentHosts = 0;
+        GlobalJobId = "";
+        RemoteSysCpu = 5.300000000000000E+02;
+        TotalSuspensions = 0;
+        CommittedSlotTime = 4.734400000000000E+04;
+        LastRemoteHost = "";
+        TransferInput = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/condor_tarred2.tgz";
+        LocalUserCpu = 0.0;
+        PeriodicRelease = false;
+        WinVer = 601;
+        LastPublicClaimId = "<>#1460616310#8748#...";
+        NumCkpts_RAW = 0;
+        Out = "CS776_project_51.out";
+        SubmitEventNotes = "DAG Node: 51";
+        CumulativeSlotTime = 4.734400000000000E+04;
+        JobRunCount = 1;
+        RecentBlockReads = 0;
+        StreamErr = false;
+        RequestDisk = 1000000;
+        ResidentSetSize_RAW = 120384;
+        OrigMaxHosts = 1;
+        NumCkpts = 0;
+        StatsLifetimeStarter = 47342;
+        ImageSize = 3250000
+    ]
+        Schedd = "";
+        BlockWrites = 4;
+        LastJobStatus = 2;
+        JobCurrentStartExecutingDate = 1462899147;
+        WantRemoteIO = true;
+        RequestCpus = 1;
+        NumShadowStarts = 1;
+        RemoteUserCpu = 3.813500000000000E+04;
+        NiceUser = false;
+        RequestMemory = 2000;
+        BytesRecvd = 3.287412000000000E+06;
+        StreamOut = true;
+        ResidentSetSize = 125000;
+        SpooledOutputFiles = "output_file_freq_2e-07_selstr_0.001_bneckstart_0.01_recovery_0.5_bneckstr_0.1_id_12.txt";
+        OnExitRemove = true;
+        ImageSize_RAW = 2445028;
+        RemoteWallClockTime = 4.075800000000000E+04;
+        MachineAttrSlotWeight0 = 1;
+        ExecutableSize = 15;
+        JobStatus = 4;
+        DAGParentNodeNames = "";
+        ExitCode = 0;
+        DAGManNodesMask = "0,1,2,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,13,16,17,24,27";
+        BytesSent = 7.940000000000000E+02;
+        LastSuspensionTime = 0;
+        ExecutableSize_RAW = 13;
+        RecentBlockReadKbytes = 16;
+        TransferInputSizeMB = 3;
+        BlockReadKbytes = 540;
+        LocalSysCpu = 0.0;
+        Iwd = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/outputs2";
+        Cmd = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/";
+        CommittedSuspensionTime = 0;
+        DiskUsage_RAW = 43231;
+        RecentStatsLifetimeStarter = 1200;
+        TargetType = "Machine";
+        WhenToTransferOutput = "ON_EXIT";
+        BufferSize = 524288;
+        JobCurrentStartTransferOutputDate = 1462939903;
+        RecentBlockWrites = 0;
+        CompletionDate = 1462939904;
+        LastMatchTime = 1462899146;
+        LastJobLeaseRenewal = 1462939903;
+        DAGManNodesLog = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/./CS776_project.dag.nodes.log";
+        ClusterId = 3723880;
+        JobUniverse = 5;
+        NumJobStarts = 1;
+        StartdPrincipal = "execute-side@matchsession/";
+        EnteredCurrentStatus = 1462939904;
+        JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "$$([IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName), IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), \"\", TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName)])";
+        ProcId = 0;
+        PeriodicHold = false;
+        CoreSize = 0;
+        OnExitHold = false;
+        CondorPlatform = "$CondorPlatform: x86_64_RedHat6 $";
+        JobFinishedHookDone = 1462939904;
+        QDate = 1462892868;
+        JobLeaseDuration = 3200;
+        In = "/dev/null";
+        DiskUsage = 45000;
+        EncryptExecuteDirectory = false;
+        User = "";
+        FileSystemDomain = "";
+        LeaveJobInQueue = false;
+        Requirements = ( OpSys == "LINUX" ) && ( MY.JobUniverse == 12 || MY.JobUniverse == 7 || ( ( MY.WantFlocking || MY.WantGlidein || TARGET.PoolName == "CHTC" ) && ( TARGET.OpSysMajorVer == MY.LinuxVer || TARGET.OpSysMajorVer == MY.LinuxVerAlt || TARGET.OpSysMajorVer == MY.WinVer ) ) ) && ( TARGET.Arch == "X86_64" ) && ( TARGET.Disk >= RequestDisk ) && ( TARGET.Memory >= RequestMemory ) && ( ( TARGET.HasFileTransfer ) || ( TARGET.FileSystemDomain == MY.FileSystemDomain ) );
+        MinHosts = 1;
+        MaxHosts = 1;
+        Args = "\342\200\234-1 0.1 0.01 0.5 2e-07 0.001 12 -1\342\200\235";
+        Environment = "";
+        LinuxVer = 6;
+        DAGNodeName = "532";
+        MemoryUsage = ( ( ResidentSetSize + 1023 ) / 1024 );
+        TerminationPending = true;
+        NumRestarts = 0;
+        NumSystemHolds = 0;
+        CondorVersion = "$CondorVersion: 8.5.5 May 03 2016 BuildID: 366162 $";
+        UserLog = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/outputs2/CS776_project_532.log";
+        JobCurrentStartDate = 1462899146;
+        MATCH_EXP_JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "";
+        BufferBlockSize = 32768;
+        BlockWriteKbytes = 32;
+        ExitBySignal = false;
+        DAGManJobId = 3723347;
+        MachineAttrCpus0 = 1;
+        WantRemoteSyscalls = false;
+        JobBatchName = "CS776_project.dag+3723347";
+        WantCheckpoint = false;
+        BlockReads = 40;
+        CumulativeSuspensionTime = 0;
+        MyType = "Job";
+        Rank = 0.0;
+        JobNotification = 0;
+        Owner = "jlange3";
+        LinuxVerAlt = 6;
+        Err = "CS776_project_532.err";
+        PeriodicRemove = false;
+        CommittedTime = 40758;
+        RecentBlockWriteKbytes = 0;
+        TransferIn = false;
+        ExitStatus = 0;
+        ShouldTransferFiles = "IF_NEEDED";
+        IsCHTCSubmit = true;
+        NumJobMatches = 1;
+        RootDir = "/";
+        JobStartDate = 1462899146;
+        JobPrio = 1;
+        CurrentHosts = 0;
+        GlobalJobId = "";
+        RemoteSysCpu = 5.300000000000000E+01;
+        TotalSuspensions = 0;
+        CommittedSlotTime = 4.075800000000000E+04;
+        LastRemoteHost = "";
+        TransferInput = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/condor_tarred2.tgz";
+        LocalUserCpu = 0.0;
+        PeriodicRelease = false;
+        WinVer = 601;
+        LastPublicClaimId = "<>#1458759543#12102#...";
+        NumCkpts_RAW = 0;
+        Out = "CS776_project_532.out";
+        SubmitEventNotes = "DAG Node: 532";
+        CumulativeSlotTime = 4.075800000000000E+04;
+        JobRunCount = 1;
+        RecentBlockReads = 4;
+        StreamErr = false;
+        RequestDisk = 1000000;
+        ResidentSetSize_RAW = 118468;
+        OrigMaxHosts = 1;
+        NumCkpts = 0;
+        StatsLifetimeStarter = 40756;
+        ImageSize = 2500000
+    ]
+        Schedd = "";
+        BlockWrites = 11223;
+        LastJobStatus = 2;
+        JobCurrentStartExecutingDate = 1462900403;
+        WantRemoteIO = true;
+        RequestCpus = 1;
+        NumShadowStarts = 1;
+        RemoteUserCpu = 4.080300000000000E+04;
+        NiceUser = false;
+        RequestMemory = 2000;
+        BytesRecvd = 3.287412000000000E+06;
+        StreamOut = true;
+        ResidentSetSize = 125000;
+        SpooledOutputFiles = "output_file_freq_2e-07_selstr_0.001_bneckstart_0.01_recovery_1_bneckstr_0.1_id_12.txt";
+        OnExitRemove = true;
+        ImageSize_RAW = 3141192;
+        RemoteWallClockTime = 3.910600000000000E+04;
+        MachineAttrSlotWeight0 = 1;
+        ExecutableSize = 15;
+        JobStatus = 4;
+        DAGParentNodeNames = "";
+        ExitCode = 0;
+        DAGManNodesMask = "0,1,2,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,13,16,17,24,27";
+        BytesSent = 8.080000000000000E+02;
+        LastSuspensionTime = 0;
+        ExecutableSize_RAW = 13;
+        RecentBlockReadKbytes = 0;
+        TransferInputSizeMB = 3;
+        BlockReadKbytes = 0;
+        LocalSysCpu = 0.0;
+        Iwd = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/outputs2";
+        Cmd = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/";
+        CommittedSuspensionTime = 0;
+        DiskUsage_RAW = 43472;
+        RecentStatsLifetimeStarter = 1200;
+        TargetType = "Machine";
+        WhenToTransferOutput = "ON_EXIT";
+        BufferSize = 524288;
+        JobCurrentStartTransferOutputDate = 1462939507;
+        RecentBlockWrites = 203;
+        CompletionDate = 1462939508;
+        LastMatchTime = 1462900402;
+        LastJobLeaseRenewal = 1462939507;
+        DAGManNodesLog = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/./CS776_project.dag.nodes.log";
+        ClusterId = 3723960;
+        JobUniverse = 5;
+        NumJobStarts = 1;
+        StartdPrincipal = "execute-side@matchsession/";
+        EnteredCurrentStatus = 1462939508;
+        JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "$$([IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName), IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), \"\", TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName)])";
+        ProcId = 0;
+        PeriodicHold = false;
+        CoreSize = 0;
+        OnExitHold = false;
+        CondorPlatform = "$CondorPlatform: x86_64_RedHat6 $";
+        JobFinishedHookDone = 1462939508;
+        QDate = 1462892955;
+        JobLeaseDuration = 3200;
+        In = "/dev/null";
+        DiskUsage = 45000;
+        EncryptExecuteDirectory = false;
+        User = "";
+        FileSystemDomain = "";
+        LeaveJobInQueue = false;
+        Requirements = ( OpSys == "LINUX" ) && ( MY.JobUniverse == 12 || MY.JobUniverse == 7 || ( ( MY.WantFlocking || MY.WantGlidein || TARGET.PoolName == "CHTC" ) && ( TARGET.OpSysMajorVer == MY.LinuxVer || TARGET.OpSysMajorVer == MY.LinuxVerAlt || TARGET.OpSysMajorVer == MY.WinVer ) ) ) && ( TARGET.Arch == "X86_64" ) && ( TARGET.Disk >= RequestDisk ) && ( TARGET.Memory >= RequestMemory ) && ( ( TARGET.HasFileTransfer ) || ( TARGET.FileSystemDomain == MY.FileSystemDomain ) );
+        MinHosts = 1;
+        MaxHosts = 1;
+        Args = "\342\200\234-1 0.1 0.01 1 2e-07 0.001 12 -1\342\200\235";
+        Environment = "";
+        LinuxVer = 6;
+        DAGNodeName = "612";
+        MemoryUsage = ( ( ResidentSetSize + 1023 ) / 1024 );
+        TerminationPending = true;
+        NumRestarts = 0;
+        NumSystemHolds = 0;
+        CondorVersion = "$CondorVersion: 8.5.5 May 03 2016 BuildID: 366162 $";
+        UserLog = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/outputs2/CS776_project_612.log";
+        JobCurrentStartDate = 1462900402;
+        MATCH_EXP_JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "";
+        BufferBlockSize = 32768;
+        BlockWriteKbytes = 5640452;
+        ExitBySignal = false;
+        DAGManJobId = 3723347;
+        MachineAttrCpus0 = 1;
+        WantRemoteSyscalls = false;
+        JobBatchName = "CS776_project.dag+3723347";
+        WantCheckpoint = false;
+        BlockReads = 0;
+        CumulativeSuspensionTime = 0;
+        MyType = "Job";
+        Rank = 0.0;
+        JobNotification = 0;
+        Owner = "jlange3";
+        LinuxVerAlt = 6;
+        Err = "CS776_project_612.err";
+        PeriodicRemove = false;
+        CommittedTime = 39106;
+        RecentBlockWriteKbytes = 101056;
+        TransferIn = false;
+        ExitStatus = 0;
+        ShouldTransferFiles = "IF_NEEDED";
+        IsCHTCSubmit = true;
+        NumJobMatches = 1;
+        RootDir = "/";
+        JobStartDate = 1462900402;
+        JobPrio = 1;
+        CurrentHosts = 0;
+        GlobalJobId = "";
+        RemoteSysCpu = 1.970000000000000E+02;
+        TotalSuspensions = 0;
+        CommittedSlotTime = 3.910600000000000E+04;
+        LastRemoteHost = "";
+        TransferInput = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/condor_tarred2.tgz";
+        LocalUserCpu = 0.0;
+        PeriodicRelease = false;
+        WinVer = 601;
+        LastPublicClaimId = "<>#1460674858#10705#...";
+        NumCkpts_RAW = 0;
+        Out = "CS776_project_612.out";
+        SubmitEventNotes = "DAG Node: 612";
+        CumulativeSlotTime = 3.910600000000000E+04;
+        JobRunCount = 1;
+        RecentBlockReads = 0;
+        StreamErr = false;
+        RequestDisk = 1000000;
+        ResidentSetSize_RAW = 120020;
+        OrigMaxHosts = 1;
+        NumCkpts = 0;
+        StatsLifetimeStarter = 39103;
+        ImageSize = 3250000
+    ]
+        Schedd = "";
+        BlockWrites = 9545;
+        LastJobStatus = 2;
+        JobCurrentStartExecutingDate = 1462902127;
+        WantRemoteIO = true;
+        RequestCpus = 1;
+        NumShadowStarts = 1;
+        RemoteUserCpu = 3.931300000000000E+04;
+        NiceUser = false;
+        RequestMemory = 2000;
+        BytesRecvd = 3.287412000000000E+06;
+        StreamOut = true;
+        ResidentSetSize = 125000;
+        SpooledOutputFiles = "output_file_freq_2e-07_selstr_0.001_bneckstart_0.1_recovery_1_bneckstr_0.1_id_14.txt";
+        OnExitRemove = true;
+        ImageSize_RAW = 3141192;
+        RemoteWallClockTime = 3.717800000000000E+04;
+        MachineAttrSlotWeight0 = 1;
+        ExecutableSize = 15;
+        JobStatus = 4;
+        DAGParentNodeNames = "";
+        ExitCode = 0;
+        DAGManNodesMask = "0,1,2,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,13,16,17,24,27";
+        BytesSent = 8.000000000000000E+02;
+        LastRejMatchReason = "PREEMPTION_REQUIREMENTS == False ";
+        LastSuspensionTime = 0;
+        ExecutableSize_RAW = 13;
+        RecentBlockReadKbytes = 0;
+        TransferInputSizeMB = 3;
+        BlockReadKbytes = 0;
+        LocalSysCpu = 0.0;
+        Iwd = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/outputs2";
+        Cmd = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/";
+        CommittedSuspensionTime = 0;
+        DiskUsage_RAW = 42700;
+        RecentStatsLifetimeStarter = 1200;
+        TargetType = "Machine";
+        WhenToTransferOutput = "ON_EXIT";
+        BufferSize = 524288;
+        JobCurrentStartTransferOutputDate = 1462939303;
+        RecentBlockWrites = 151;
+        CompletionDate = 1462939304;
+        LastMatchTime = 1462902126;
+        LastJobLeaseRenewal = 1462939303;
+        DAGManNodesLog = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/./CS776_project.dag.nodes.log";
+        ClusterId = 3724122;
+        JobUniverse = 5;
+        NumJobStarts = 1;
+        StartdPrincipal = "execute-side@matchsession/";
+        EnteredCurrentStatus = 1462939304;
+        JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "$$([IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName), IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), \"\", TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName)])";
+        ProcId = 0;
+        PeriodicHold = false;
+        CoreSize = 0;
+        OnExitHold = false;
+        CondorPlatform = "$CondorPlatform: x86_64_RedHat6 $";
+        JobFinishedHookDone = 1462939304;
+        QDate = 1462893129;
+        JobLeaseDuration = 3200;
+        In = "/dev/null";
+        DiskUsage = 45000;
+        EncryptExecuteDirectory = false;
+        User = "";
+        FileSystemDomain = "";
+        LeaveJobInQueue = false;
+        Requirements = ( OpSys == "LINUX" ) && ( MY.JobUniverse == 12 || MY.JobUniverse == 7 || ( ( MY.WantFlocking || MY.WantGlidein || TARGET.PoolName == "CHTC" ) && ( TARGET.OpSysMajorVer == MY.LinuxVer || TARGET.OpSysMajorVer == MY.LinuxVerAlt || TARGET.OpSysMajorVer == MY.WinVer ) ) ) && ( TARGET.Arch == "X86_64" ) && ( TARGET.Disk >= RequestDisk ) && ( TARGET.Memory >= RequestMemory ) && ( ( TARGET.HasFileTransfer ) || ( TARGET.FileSystemDomain == MY.FileSystemDomain ) );
+        MinHosts = 1;
+        MaxHosts = 1;
+        Args = "\342\200\234-1 0.1 0.1 1 2e-07 0.001 14 -1\342\200\235";
+        Environment = "";
+        LinuxVer = 6;
+        DAGNodeName = "774";
+        MemoryUsage = ( ( ResidentSetSize + 1023 ) / 1024 );
+        TerminationPending = true;
+        NumRestarts = 0;
+        NumSystemHolds = 0;
+        CondorVersion = "$CondorVersion: 8.5.5 May 03 2016 BuildID: 366162 $";
+        UserLog = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/outputs2/CS776_project_774.log";
+        JobCurrentStartDate = 1462902126;
+        MATCH_EXP_JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "";
+        BufferBlockSize = 32768;
+        BlockWriteKbytes = 4794153;
+        ExitBySignal = false;
+        DAGManJobId = 3723347;
+        MachineAttrCpus0 = 1;
+        WantRemoteSyscalls = false;
+        JobBatchName = "CS776_project.dag+3723347";
+        WantCheckpoint = false;
+        BlockReads = 0;
+        CumulativeSuspensionTime = 0;
+        MyType = "Job";
+        Rank = 0.0;
+        JobNotification = 0;
+        Owner = "jlange3";
+        LinuxVerAlt = 6;
+        Err = "CS776_project_774.err";
+        PeriodicRemove = false;
+        CommittedTime = 37178;
+        RecentBlockWriteKbytes = 75168;
+        TransferIn = false;
+        ExitStatus = 0;
+        ShouldTransferFiles = "IF_NEEDED";
+        IsCHTCSubmit = true;
+        NumJobMatches = 1;
+        RootDir = "/";
+        JobStartDate = 1462902126;
+        JobPrio = 1;
+        CurrentHosts = 0;
+        GlobalJobId = "";
+        RemoteSysCpu = 2.150000000000000E+02;
+        LastRejMatchTime = 1462902125;
+        TotalSuspensions = 0;
+        CommittedSlotTime = 3.717800000000000E+04;
+        LastRemoteHost = "";
+        TransferInput = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/condor_tarred2.tgz";
+        LocalUserCpu = 0.0;
+        PeriodicRelease = false;
+        WinVer = 601;
+        LastPublicClaimId = "<>#1460669310#11915#...";
+        NumCkpts_RAW = 0;
+        Out = "CS776_project_774.out";
+        SubmitEventNotes = "DAG Node: 774";
+        CumulativeSlotTime = 3.717800000000000E+04;
+        JobRunCount = 1;
+        RecentBlockReads = 0;
+        StreamErr = false;
+        RequestDisk = 1000000;
+        ResidentSetSize_RAW = 120808;
+        OrigMaxHosts = 1;
+        NumCkpts = 0;
+        StatsLifetimeStarter = 37175;
+        ImageSize = 3250000
+    ]
+        Schedd = "";
+        BlockWrites = 12813;
+        LastJobStatus = 2;
+        JobCurrentStartExecutingDate = 1462892985;
+        WantRemoteIO = true;
+        RequestCpus = 1;
+        NumShadowStarts = 1;
+        RemoteUserCpu = 4.700100000000000E+04;
+        NiceUser = false;
+        RequestMemory = 2000;
+        BytesRecvd = 3.287412000000000E+06;
+        StreamOut = true;
+        ResidentSetSize = 125000;
+        SpooledOutputFiles = "output_file_neutral_bneckstart_0.1_recovery_0.5_bneckstr_0.01_id_18.txt";
+        OnExitRemove = true;
+        ImageSize_RAW = 3141184;
+        RemoteWallClockTime = 4.627500000000000E+04;
+        MachineAttrSlotWeight0 = 1;
+        ExecutableSize = 15;
+        JobStatus = 4;
+        DAGParentNodeNames = "";
+        ExitCode = 0;
+        DAGManNodesMask = "0,1,2,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,13,16,17,24,27";
+        BytesSent = 1.066000000000000E+03;
+        LastSuspensionTime = 0;
+        ExecutableSize_RAW = 13;
+        RecentBlockReadKbytes = 0;
+        TransferInputSizeMB = 3;
+        BlockReadKbytes = 76;
+        LocalSysCpu = 0.0;
+        Iwd = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/outputs2";
+        Cmd = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/";
+        CommittedSuspensionTime = 0;
+        DiskUsage_RAW = 43200;
+        RecentStatsLifetimeStarter = 1200;
+        TargetType = "Machine";
+        WhenToTransferOutput = "ON_EXIT";
+        BufferSize = 524288;
+        JobCurrentStartTransferOutputDate = 1462939258;
+        RecentBlockWrites = 485;
+        CompletionDate = 1462939259;
+        LastMatchTime = 1462892984;
+        LastJobLeaseRenewal = 1462939258;
+        DAGManNodesLog = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/./CS776_project.dag.nodes.log";
+        ClusterId = 3723406;
+        JobUniverse = 5;
+        NumJobStarts = 1;
+        StartdPrincipal = "execute-side@matchsession/";
+        EnteredCurrentStatus = 1462939259;
+        JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "$$([IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName), IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), \"\", TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName)])";
+        ProcId = 0;
+        PeriodicHold = false;
+        CoreSize = 0;
+        OnExitHold = false;
+        CondorPlatform = "$CondorPlatform: x86_64_RedHat6 $";
+        JobFinishedHookDone = 1462939259;
+        QDate = 1462892345;
+        JobLeaseDuration = 3200;
+        In = "/dev/null";
+        DiskUsage = 45000;
+        EncryptExecuteDirectory = false;
+        User = "";
+        FileSystemDomain = "";
+        LeaveJobInQueue = false;
+        Requirements = ( OpSys == "LINUX" ) && ( MY.JobUniverse == 12 || MY.JobUniverse == 7 || ( ( MY.WantFlocking || MY.WantGlidein || TARGET.PoolName == "CHTC" ) && ( TARGET.OpSysMajorVer == MY.LinuxVer || TARGET.OpSysMajorVer == MY.LinuxVerAlt || TARGET.OpSysMajorVer == MY.WinVer ) ) ) && ( TARGET.Arch == "X86_64" ) && ( TARGET.Disk >= RequestDisk ) && ( TARGET.Memory >= RequestMemory ) && ( ( TARGET.HasFileTransfer ) || ( TARGET.FileSystemDomain == MY.FileSystemDomain ) );
+        MinHosts = 1;
+        MaxHosts = 1;
+        Args = "\342\200\234-1 0.01 0.1 0.5 18 -1\342\200\235";
+        Environment = "";
+        LinuxVer = 6;
+        DAGNodeName = "58";
+        MemoryUsage = ( ( ResidentSetSize + 1023 ) / 1024 );
+        TerminationPending = true;
+        NumRestarts = 0;
+        NumSystemHolds = 0;
+        CondorVersion = "$CondorVersion: 8.5.5 May 03 2016 BuildID: 366162 $";
+        UserLog = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/outputs2/CS776_project_58.log";
+        JobCurrentStartDate = 1462892984;
+        MATCH_EXP_JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "";
+        BufferBlockSize = 32768;
+        BlockWriteKbytes = 6446210;
+        ExitBySignal = false;
+        DAGManJobId = 3723347;
+        MachineAttrCpus0 = 1;
+        WantRemoteSyscalls = false;
+        JobBatchName = "CS776_project.dag+3723347";
+        WantCheckpoint = false;
+        BlockReads = 14;
+        CumulativeSuspensionTime = 0;
+        MyType = "Job";
+        Rank = 0.0;
+        JobNotification = 0;
+        Owner = "jlange3";
+        LinuxVerAlt = 6;
+        Err = "CS776_project_58.err";
+        PeriodicRemove = false;
+        CommittedTime = 46275;
+        RecentBlockWriteKbytes = 244108;
+        TransferIn = false;
+        ExitStatus = 0;
+        ShouldTransferFiles = "IF_NEEDED";
+        IsCHTCSubmit = true;
+        NumJobMatches = 1;
+        RootDir = "/";
+        JobStartDate = 1462892984;
+        JobPrio = 1;
+        CurrentHosts = 0;
+        GlobalJobId = "";
+        RemoteSysCpu = 9.070000000000000E+02;
+        TotalSuspensions = 0;
+        CommittedSlotTime = 4.627500000000000E+04;
+        LastRemoteHost = "";
+        TransferInput = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/condor_tarred2.tgz";
+        LocalUserCpu = 0.0;
+        PeriodicRelease = false;
+        WinVer = 601;
+        LastPublicClaimId = "<>#1460627350#11196#...";
+        NumCkpts_RAW = 0;
+        Out = "CS776_project_58.out";
+        SubmitEventNotes = "DAG Node: 58";
+        CumulativeSlotTime = 4.627500000000000E+04;
+        JobRunCount = 1;
+        RecentBlockReads = 0;
+        StreamErr = false;
+        RequestDisk = 1000000;
+        ResidentSetSize_RAW = 121324;
+        OrigMaxHosts = 1;
+        NumCkpts = 0;
+        StatsLifetimeStarter = 46273;
+        ImageSize = 3250000
+    ]
+        Schedd = "";
+        BlockWrites = 10951;
+        LastJobStatus = 2;
+        JobCurrentStartExecutingDate = 1462900403;
+        WantRemoteIO = true;
+        RequestCpus = 1;
+        NumShadowStarts = 1;
+        RemoteUserCpu = 4.113300000000000E+04;
+        NiceUser = false;
+        RequestMemory = 2000;
+        BytesRecvd = 3.287412000000000E+06;
+        StreamOut = true;
+        ResidentSetSize = 125000;
+        SpooledOutputFiles = "output_file_freq_2e-07_selstr_0.001_bneckstart_0.01_recovery_1_bneckstr_0.1_id_17.txt";
+        OnExitRemove = true;
+        ImageSize_RAW = 3141192;
+        RemoteWallClockTime = 3.864100000000000E+04;
+        MachineAttrSlotWeight0 = 1;
+        ExecutableSize = 15;
+        JobStatus = 4;
+        DAGParentNodeNames = "";
+        ExitCode = 0;
+        DAGManNodesMask = "0,1,2,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,13,16,17,24,27";
+        BytesSent = 8.780000000000000E+02;
+        LastSuspensionTime = 0;
+        ExecutableSize_RAW = 13;
+        RecentBlockReadKbytes = 0;
+        TransferInputSizeMB = 3;
+        BlockReadKbytes = 112;
+        LocalSysCpu = 0.0;
+        Iwd = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/outputs2";
+        Cmd = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/";
+        CommittedSuspensionTime = 0;
+        DiskUsage_RAW = 42699;
+        RecentStatsLifetimeStarter = 1200;
+        TargetType = "Machine";
+        WhenToTransferOutput = "ON_EXIT";
+        BufferSize = 524288;
+        JobCurrentStartTransferOutputDate = 1462939042;
+        RecentBlockWrites = 90;
+        CompletionDate = 1462939043;
+        LastMatchTime = 1462900402;
+        LastJobLeaseRenewal = 1462939042;
+        DAGManNodesLog = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/./CS776_project.dag.nodes.log";
+        ClusterId = 3723965;
+        JobUniverse = 5;
+        NumJobStarts = 1;
+        StartdPrincipal = "execute-side@matchsession/";
+        EnteredCurrentStatus = 1462939043;
+        JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "$$([IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName), IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), \"\", TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName)])";
+        ProcId = 0;
+        PeriodicHold = false;
+        CoreSize = 0;
+        OnExitHold = false;
+        CondorPlatform = "$CondorPlatform: x86_64_RedHat6 $";
+        JobFinishedHookDone = 1462939043;
+        QDate = 1462892960;
+        JobLeaseDuration = 3200;
+        In = "/dev/null";
+        DiskUsage = 45000;
+        EncryptExecuteDirectory = false;
+        User = "";
+        FileSystemDomain = "";
+        LeaveJobInQueue = false;
+        Requirements = ( OpSys == "LINUX" ) && ( MY.JobUniverse == 12 || MY.JobUniverse == 7 || ( ( MY.WantFlocking || MY.WantGlidein || TARGET.PoolName == "CHTC" ) && ( TARGET.OpSysMajorVer == MY.LinuxVer || TARGET.OpSysMajorVer == MY.LinuxVerAlt || TARGET.OpSysMajorVer == MY.WinVer ) ) ) && ( TARGET.Arch == "X86_64" ) && ( TARGET.Disk >= RequestDisk ) && ( TARGET.Memory >= RequestMemory ) && ( ( TARGET.HasFileTransfer ) || ( TARGET.FileSystemDomain == MY.FileSystemDomain ) );
+        MinHosts = 1;
+        MaxHosts = 1;
+        Args = "\342\200\234-1 0.1 0.01 1 2e-07 0.001 17 -1\342\200\235";
+        Environment = "";
+        LinuxVer = 6;
+        DAGNodeName = "617";
+        MemoryUsage = ( ( ResidentSetSize + 1023 ) / 1024 );
+        TerminationPending = true;
+        NumRestarts = 0;
+        NumSystemHolds = 0;
+        CondorVersion = "$CondorVersion: 8.5.5 May 03 2016 BuildID: 366162 $";
+        UserLog = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/outputs2/CS776_project_617.log";
+        JobCurrentStartDate = 1462900402;
+        MATCH_EXP_JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "";
+        BufferBlockSize = 32768;
+        BlockWriteKbytes = 5503388;
+        ExitBySignal = false;
+        DAGManJobId = 3723347;
+        MachineAttrCpus0 = 1;
+        WantRemoteSyscalls = false;
+        JobBatchName = "CS776_project.dag+3723347";
+        WantCheckpoint = false;
+        BlockReads = 10;
+        CumulativeSuspensionTime = 0;
+        MyType = "Job";
+        Rank = 0.0;
+        JobNotification = 0;
+        Owner = "jlange3";
+        LinuxVerAlt = 6;
+        Err = "CS776_project_617.err";
+        PeriodicRemove = false;
+        CommittedTime = 38641;
+        RecentBlockWriteKbytes = 44540;
+        TransferIn = false;
+        ExitStatus = 0;
+        ShouldTransferFiles = "IF_NEEDED";
+        IsCHTCSubmit = true;
+        NumJobMatches = 1;
+        RootDir = "/";
+        JobStartDate = 1462900402;
+        JobPrio = 1;
+        CurrentHosts = 0;
+        GlobalJobId = "";
+        RemoteSysCpu = 1.069000000000000E+03;
+        TotalSuspensions = 0;
+        CommittedSlotTime = 3.864100000000000E+04;
+        LastRemoteHost = "";
+        TransferInput = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/condor_tarred2.tgz";
+        LocalUserCpu = 0.0;
+        PeriodicRelease = false;
+        WinVer = 601;
+        LastPublicClaimId = "<>#1460670320#10603#...";
+        NumCkpts_RAW = 0;
+        Out = "CS776_project_617.out";
+        SubmitEventNotes = "DAG Node: 617";
+        CumulativeSlotTime = 3.864100000000000E+04;
+        JobRunCount = 1;
+        RecentBlockReads = 0;
+        StreamErr = false;
+        RequestDisk = 1000000;
+        ResidentSetSize_RAW = 120908;
+        OrigMaxHosts = 1;
+        NumCkpts = 0;
+        StatsLifetimeStarter = 38639;
+        ImageSize = 3250000
+    ]
+        Schedd = "";
+        BlockWrites = 10285;
+        LastJobStatus = 2;
+        JobCurrentStartExecutingDate = 1462900322;
+        WantRemoteIO = true;
+        RequestCpus = 1;
+        NumShadowStarts = 1;
+        RemoteUserCpu = 4.089600000000000E+04;
+        NiceUser = false;
+        RequestMemory = 2000;
+        BytesRecvd = 3.287412000000000E+06;
+        StreamOut = true;
+        ResidentSetSize = 150000;
+        SpooledOutputFiles = "output_file_freq_2e-07_selstr_0.001_bneckstart_0.01_recovery_1_bneckstr_0.1_id_5.txt";
+        OnExitRemove = true;
+        ImageSize_RAW = 3141192;
+        RemoteWallClockTime = 3.863800000000000E+04;
+        MachineAttrSlotWeight0 = 1;
+        ExecutableSize = 15;
+        JobStatus = 4;
+        DAGParentNodeNames = "";
+        ExitCode = 0;
+        DAGManNodesMask = "0,1,2,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,13,16,17,24,27";
+        BytesSent = 8.790000000000000E+02;
+        LastSuspensionTime = 0;
+        ExecutableSize_RAW = 13;
+        RecentBlockReadKbytes = 0;
+        TransferInputSizeMB = 3;
+        BlockReadKbytes = 0;
+        LocalSysCpu = 0.0;
+        Iwd = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/outputs2";
+        Cmd = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/";
+        CommittedSuspensionTime = 0;
+        DiskUsage_RAW = 43510;
+        RecentStatsLifetimeStarter = 1200;
+        TargetType = "Machine";
+        WhenToTransferOutput = "ON_EXIT";
+        BufferSize = 524288;
+        JobCurrentStartTransferOutputDate = 1462938957;
+        RecentBlockWrites = 118;
+        CompletionDate = 1462938958;
+        LastMatchTime = 1462900320;
+        LastJobLeaseRenewal = 1462938957;
+        DAGManNodesLog = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/./CS776_project.dag.nodes.log";
+        ClusterId = 3723953;
+        JobUniverse = 5;
+        NumJobStarts = 1;
+        StartdPrincipal = "execute-side@matchsession/";
+        EnteredCurrentStatus = 1462938958;
+        JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "$$([IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName), IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), \"\", TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName)])";
+        ProcId = 0;
+        PeriodicHold = false;
+        CoreSize = 0;
+        OnExitHold = false;
+        CondorPlatform = "$CondorPlatform: x86_64_RedHat6 $";
+        JobFinishedHookDone = 1462938958;
+        QDate = 1462892949;
+        JobLeaseDuration = 3200;
+        In = "/dev/null";
+        DiskUsage = 45000;
+        EncryptExecuteDirectory = false;
+        User = "";
+        FileSystemDomain = "";
+        LeaveJobInQueue = false;
+        Requirements = ( OpSys == "LINUX" ) && ( MY.JobUniverse == 12 || MY.JobUniverse == 7 || ( ( MY.WantFlocking || MY.WantGlidein || TARGET.PoolName == "CHTC" ) && ( TARGET.OpSysMajorVer == MY.LinuxVer || TARGET.OpSysMajorVer == MY.LinuxVerAlt || TARGET.OpSysMajorVer == MY.WinVer ) ) ) && ( TARGET.Arch == "X86_64" ) && ( TARGET.Disk >= RequestDisk ) && ( TARGET.Memory >= RequestMemory ) && ( ( TARGET.HasFileTransfer ) || ( TARGET.FileSystemDomain == MY.FileSystemDomain ) );
+        MinHosts = 1;
+        MaxHosts = 1;
+        Args = "\342\200\234-1 0.1 0.01 1 2e-07 0.001 5 -1\342\200\235";
+        Environment = "";
+        LinuxVer = 6;
+        DAGNodeName = "605";
+        MemoryUsage = ( ( ResidentSetSize + 1023 ) / 1024 );
+        TerminationPending = true;
+        NumRestarts = 0;
+        NumSystemHolds = 0;
+        CondorVersion = "$CondorVersion: 8.5.5 May 03 2016 BuildID: 366162 $";
+        UserLog = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/outputs2/CS776_project_605.log";
+        JobCurrentStartDate = 1462900320;
+        MATCH_EXP_JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "";
+        BufferBlockSize = 32768;
+        BlockWriteKbytes = 5171616;
+        ExitBySignal = false;
+        DAGManJobId = 3723347;
+        MachineAttrCpus0 = 1;
+        WantRemoteSyscalls = false;
+        JobBatchName = "CS776_project.dag+3723347";
+        WantCheckpoint = false;
+        BlockReads = 0;
+        CumulativeSuspensionTime = 0;
+        MyType = "Job";
+        Rank = 0.0;
+        JobNotification = 0;
+        Owner = "jlange3";
+        LinuxVerAlt = 6;
+        Err = "CS776_project_605.err";
+        PeriodicRemove = false;
+        CommittedTime = 38638;
+        RecentBlockWriteKbytes = 58476;
+        TransferIn = false;
+        ExitStatus = 0;
+        ShouldTransferFiles = "IF_NEEDED";
+        IsCHTCSubmit = true;
+        NumJobMatches = 1;
+        RootDir = "/";
+        JobStartDate = 1462900320;
+        JobPrio = 1;
+        CurrentHosts = 0;
+        GlobalJobId = "";
+        RemoteSysCpu = 2.170000000000000E+02;
+        TotalSuspensions = 0;
+        CommittedSlotTime = 3.863800000000000E+04;
+        LastRemoteHost = "";
+        TransferInput = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/condor_tarred2.tgz";
+        LocalUserCpu = 0.0;
+        PeriodicRelease = false;
+        WinVer = 601;
+        LastPublicClaimId = "<>#1460669310#11907#...";
+        NumCkpts_RAW = 0;
+        Out = "CS776_project_605.out";
+        SubmitEventNotes = "DAG Node: 605";
+        CumulativeSlotTime = 3.863800000000000E+04;
+        JobRunCount = 1;
+        RecentBlockReads = 0;
+        StreamErr = false;
+        RequestDisk = 1000000;
+        ResidentSetSize_RAW = 129552;
+        OrigMaxHosts = 1;
+        NumCkpts = 0;
+        StatsLifetimeStarter = 38636;
+        ImageSize = 3250000
+    ]
+        Schedd = "";
+        BlockWrites = 0;
+        LastJobStatus = 2;
+        JobCurrentStartExecutingDate = 1462901412;
+        WantRemoteIO = true;
+        RequestCpus = 1;
+        NumShadowStarts = 1;
+        RemoteUserCpu = 3.448700000000000E+04;
+        NiceUser = false;
+        RequestMemory = 2000;
+        BytesRecvd = 3.287412000000000E+06;
+        StreamOut = true;
+        ResidentSetSize = 150000;
+        SpooledOutputFiles = "output_file_freq_2e-07_selstr_0.001_bneckstart_0.1_recovery_0.5_bneckstr_0.1_id_13.txt";
+        OnExitRemove = true;
+        ImageSize_RAW = 1889252;
+        RemoteWallClockTime = 3.708900000000000E+04;
+        MachineAttrSlotWeight0 = 1;
+        ExecutableSize = 15;
+        JobStatus = 4;
+        DAGParentNodeNames = "";
+        ExitCode = 0;
+        DAGManNodesMask = "0,1,2,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,13,16,17,24,27";
+        BytesSent = 8.740000000000000E+02;
+        LastSuspensionTime = 0;
+        ExecutableSize_RAW = 13;
+        RecentBlockReadKbytes = 0;
+        TransferInputSizeMB = 3;
+        BlockReadKbytes = 0;
+        LocalSysCpu = 0.0;
+        Iwd = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/outputs2";
+        Cmd = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/";
+        CommittedSuspensionTime = 0;
+        DiskUsage_RAW = 42486;
+        RecentStatsLifetimeStarter = 1200;
+        TargetType = "Machine";
+        WhenToTransferOutput = "ON_EXIT";
+        BufferSize = 524288;
+        JobCurrentStartTransferOutputDate = 1462938499;
+        RecentBlockWrites = 0;
+        CompletionDate = 1462938500;
+        LastMatchTime = 1462901411;
+        LastJobLeaseRenewal = 1462938499;
+        DAGManNodesLog = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/./CS776_project.dag.nodes.log";
+        ClusterId = 3724041;
+        JobUniverse = 5;
+        NumJobStarts = 1;
+        StartdPrincipal = "execute-side@matchsession/";
+        EnteredCurrentStatus = 1462938500;
+        JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "$$([IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName), IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), \"\", TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName)])";
+        ProcId = 0;
+        PeriodicHold = false;
+        CoreSize = 0;
+        OnExitHold = false;
+        CondorPlatform = "$CondorPlatform: x86_64_RedHat6 $";
+        JobFinishedHookDone = 1462938500;
+        QDate = 1462893042;
+        JobLeaseDuration = 3200;
+        In = "/dev/null";
+        DiskUsage = 42500;
+        EncryptExecuteDirectory = false;
+        User = "";
+        FileSystemDomain = "";
+        LeaveJobInQueue = false;
+        Requirements = ( OpSys == "LINUX" ) && ( MY.JobUniverse == 12 || MY.JobUniverse == 7 || ( ( MY.WantFlocking || MY.WantGlidein || TARGET.PoolName == "CHTC" ) && ( TARGET.OpSysMajorVer == MY.LinuxVer || TARGET.OpSysMajorVer == MY.LinuxVerAlt || TARGET.OpSysMajorVer == MY.WinVer ) ) ) && ( TARGET.Arch == "X86_64" ) && ( TARGET.Disk >= RequestDisk ) && ( TARGET.Memory >= RequestMemory ) && ( ( TARGET.HasFileTransfer ) || ( TARGET.FileSystemDomain == MY.FileSystemDomain ) );
+        MinHosts = 1;
+        MaxHosts = 1;
+        Args = "\342\200\234-1 0.1 0.1 0.5 2e-07 0.001 13 -1\342\200\235";
+        Environment = "";
+        LinuxVer = 6;
+        DAGNodeName = "693";
+        MemoryUsage = ( ( ResidentSetSize + 1023 ) / 1024 );
+        TerminationPending = true;
+        NumRestarts = 0;
+        NumSystemHolds = 0;
+        CondorVersion = "$CondorVersion: 8.5.5 May 03 2016 BuildID: 366162 $";
+        UserLog = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/outputs2/CS776_project_693.log";
+        JobCurrentStartDate = 1462901411;
+        MATCH_EXP_JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "";
+        BufferBlockSize = 32768;
+        BlockWriteKbytes = 0;
+        ExitBySignal = false;
+        DAGManJobId = 3723347;
+        MachineAttrCpus0 = 1;
+        WantRemoteSyscalls = false;
+        JobBatchName = "CS776_project.dag+3723347";
+        WantCheckpoint = false;
+        BlockReads = 0;
+        CumulativeSuspensionTime = 0;
+        MyType = "Job";
+        Rank = 0.0;
+        JobNotification = 0;
+        Owner = "jlange3";
+        LinuxVerAlt = 6;
+        Err = "CS776_project_693.err";
+        PeriodicRemove = false;
+        CommittedTime = 37089;
+        RecentBlockWriteKbytes = 0;
+        TransferIn = false;
+        ExitStatus = 0;
+        ShouldTransferFiles = "IF_NEEDED";
+        IsCHTCSubmit = true;
+        NumJobMatches = 1;
+        RootDir = "/";
+        JobStartDate = 1462901411;
+        JobPrio = 1;
+        CurrentHosts = 0;
+        GlobalJobId = "";
+        RemoteSysCpu = 9.000000000000000E+01;
+        TotalSuspensions = 0;
+        CommittedSlotTime = 3.708900000000000E+04;
+        LastRemoteHost = "";
+        TransferInput = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/condor_tarred2.tgz";
+        LocalUserCpu = 0.0;
+        PeriodicRelease = false;
+        WinVer = 601;
+        LastPublicClaimId = "<>#1461876087#1924#...";
+        NumCkpts_RAW = 0;
+        Out = "CS776_project_693.out";
+        SubmitEventNotes = "DAG Node: 693";
+        CumulativeSlotTime = 3.708900000000000E+04;
+        JobRunCount = 1;
+        RecentBlockReads = 0;
+        StreamErr = false;
+        RequestDisk = 1000000;
+        ResidentSetSize_RAW = 140348;
+        OrigMaxHosts = 1;
+        NumCkpts = 0;
+        StatsLifetimeStarter = 37087;
+        ImageSize = 2000000
+    ]
+        Schedd = "";
+        BlockWrites = 0;
+        LastJobStatus = 2;
+        JobCurrentStartExecutingDate = 1462894869;
+        WantRemoteIO = true;
+        RequestCpus = 1;
+        NumShadowStarts = 1;
+        RemoteUserCpu = 4.050800000000000E+04;
+        NiceUser = false;
+        RequestMemory = 2000;
+        BytesRecvd = 3.287412000000000E+06;
+        StreamOut = true;
+        ResidentSetSize = 150000;
+        SpooledOutputFiles = "output_file_freq_2e-07_selstr_0.001_bneckstart_0.01_recovery_0.5_bneckstr_0.01_id_4.txt";
+        OnExitRemove = true;
+        ImageSize_RAW = 1889104;
+        RemoteWallClockTime = 4.362000000000000E+04;
+        MachineAttrSlotWeight0 = 1;
+        ExecutableSize = 15;
+        JobStatus = 4;
+        DAGParentNodeNames = "";
+        ExitCode = 0;
+        DAGManNodesMask = "0,1,2,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,13,16,17,24,27";
+        BytesSent = 1.095000000000000E+03;
+        LastRejMatchReason = "PREEMPTION_REQUIREMENTS == False ";
+        LastSuspensionTime = 0;
+        ExecutableSize_RAW = 13;
+        RecentBlockReadKbytes = 0;
+        TransferInputSizeMB = 3;
+        BlockReadKbytes = 0;
+        LocalSysCpu = 0.0;
+        Iwd = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/outputs2";
+        Cmd = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/";
+        CommittedSuspensionTime = 0;
+        DiskUsage_RAW = 42447;
+        RecentStatsLifetimeStarter = 1200;
+        TargetType = "Machine";
+        WhenToTransferOutput = "ON_EXIT";
+        BufferSize = 524288;
+        JobCurrentStartTransferOutputDate = 1462938487;
+        RecentBlockWrites = 0;
+        CompletionDate = 1462938488;
+        LastMatchTime = 1462894868;
+        LastJobLeaseRenewal = 1462938487;
+        DAGManNodesLog = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/./CS776_project.dag.nodes.log";
+        ClusterId = 3723552;
+        JobUniverse = 5;
+        NumJobStarts = 1;
+        StartdPrincipal = "execute-side@matchsession/";
+        EnteredCurrentStatus = 1462938488;
+        JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "$$([IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName), IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), \"\", TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName)])";
+        ProcId = 0;
+        PeriodicHold = false;
+        CoreSize = 0;
+        OnExitHold = false;
+        CondorPlatform = "$CondorPlatform: x86_64_RedHat6 $";
+        JobFinishedHookDone = 1462938488;
+        QDate = 1462892502;
+        JobLeaseDuration = 3200;
+        In = "/dev/null";
+        DiskUsage = 42500;
+        EncryptExecuteDirectory = false;
+        User = "";
+        FileSystemDomain = "";
+        LeaveJobInQueue = false;
+        Requirements = ( OpSys == "LINUX" ) && ( MY.JobUniverse == 12 || MY.JobUniverse == 7 || ( ( MY.WantFlocking || MY.WantGlidein || TARGET.PoolName == "CHTC" ) && ( TARGET.OpSysMajorVer == MY.LinuxVer || TARGET.OpSysMajorVer == MY.LinuxVerAlt || TARGET.OpSysMajorVer == MY.WinVer ) ) ) && ( TARGET.Arch == "X86_64" ) && ( TARGET.Disk >= RequestDisk ) && ( TARGET.Memory >= RequestMemory ) && ( ( TARGET.HasFileTransfer ) || ( TARGET.FileSystemDomain == MY.FileSystemDomain ) );
+        MinHosts = 1;
+        MaxHosts = 1;
+        Args = "\342\200\234-1 0.01 0.01 0.5 2e-07 0.001 4 -1\342\200\235";
+        Environment = "";
+        LinuxVer = 6;
+        DAGNodeName = "204";
+        MemoryUsage = ( ( ResidentSetSize + 1023 ) / 1024 );
+        TerminationPending = true;
+        NumRestarts = 0;
+        NumSystemHolds = 0;
+        CondorVersion = "$CondorVersion: 8.5.5 May 03 2016 BuildID: 366162 $";
+        UserLog = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/outputs2/CS776_project_204.log";
+        JobCurrentStartDate = 1462894868;
+        MATCH_EXP_JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "";
+        BufferBlockSize = 32768;
+        BlockWriteKbytes = 0;
+        ExitBySignal = false;
+        DAGManJobId = 3723347;
+        MachineAttrCpus0 = 1;
+        WantRemoteSyscalls = false;
+        JobBatchName = "CS776_project.dag+3723347";
+        WantCheckpoint = false;
+        BlockReads = 0;
+        CumulativeSuspensionTime = 0;
+        MyType = "Job";
+        Rank = 0.0;
+        JobNotification = 0;
+        Owner = "jlange3";
+        LinuxVerAlt = 6;
+        Err = "CS776_project_204.err";
+        PeriodicRemove = false;
+        CommittedTime = 43620;
+        RecentBlockWriteKbytes = 0;
+        TransferIn = false;
+        ExitStatus = 0;
+        ShouldTransferFiles = "IF_NEEDED";
+        IsCHTCSubmit = true;
+        NumJobMatches = 1;
+        RootDir = "/";
+        JobStartDate = 1462894868;
+        JobPrio = 1;
+        CurrentHosts = 0;
+        GlobalJobId = "";
+        RemoteSysCpu = 8.400000000000000E+01;
+        LastRejMatchTime = 1462894868;
+        TotalSuspensions = 0;
+        CommittedSlotTime = 4.362000000000000E+04;
+        LastRemoteHost = "";
+        TransferInput = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/condor_tarred2.tgz";
+        LocalUserCpu = 0.0;
+        PeriodicRelease = false;
+        WinVer = 601;
+        LastPublicClaimId = "<>#1461950582#2280#...";
+        NumCkpts_RAW = 0;
+        Out = "CS776_project_204.out";
+        SubmitEventNotes = "DAG Node: 204";
+        CumulativeSlotTime = 4.362000000000000E+04;
+        JobRunCount = 1;
+        RecentBlockReads = 0;
+        StreamErr = false;
+        RequestDisk = 1000000;
+        ResidentSetSize_RAW = 135724;
+        OrigMaxHosts = 1;
+        NumCkpts = 0;
+        StatsLifetimeStarter = 43618;
+        ImageSize = 2000000
+    ]
+        Schedd = "";
+        BlockWrites = 12500;
+        LastJobStatus = 2;
+        JobCurrentStartExecutingDate = 1462898311;
+        WantRemoteIO = true;
+        RequestCpus = 1;
+        NumShadowStarts = 1;
+        RemoteUserCpu = 4.039400000000000E+04;
+        NiceUser = false;
+        RequestMemory = 2000;
+        BytesRecvd = 3.287412000000000E+06;
+        StreamOut = true;
+        ResidentSetSize = 125000;
+        SpooledOutputFiles = "output_file_freq_2e-07_selstr_0.0001_bneckstart_0.1_recovery_1_bneckstr_0.01_id_14.txt";
+        OnExitRemove = true;
+        ImageSize_RAW = 3141184;
+        RemoteWallClockTime = 3.966500000000000E+04;
+        MachineAttrSlotWeight0 = 1;
+        ExecutableSize = 15;
+        JobStatus = 4;
+        DAGParentNodeNames = "";
+        ExitCode = 0;
+        DAGManNodesMask = "0,1,2,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,13,16,17,24,27";
+        BytesSent = 1.062000000000000E+03;
+        LastSuspensionTime = 0;
+        ExecutableSize_RAW = 13;
+        RecentBlockReadKbytes = 0;
+        TransferInputSizeMB = 3;
+        BlockReadKbytes = 316;
+        LocalSysCpu = 0.0;
+        Iwd = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/outputs2";
+        Cmd = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/";
+        CommittedSuspensionTime = 0;
+        DiskUsage_RAW = 42723;
+        RecentStatsLifetimeStarter = 1200;
+        TargetType = "Machine";
+        WhenToTransferOutput = "ON_EXIT";
+        BufferSize = 524288;
+        JobCurrentStartTransferOutputDate = 1462937973;
+        RecentBlockWrites = 288;
+        CompletionDate = 1462937974;
+        LastMatchTime = 1462898309;
+        LastJobLeaseRenewal = 1462937973;
+        DAGManNodesLog = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/./CS776_project.dag.nodes.log";
+        ClusterId = 3723762;
+        JobUniverse = 5;
+        NumJobStarts = 1;
+        StartdPrincipal = "execute-side@matchsession/";
+        EnteredCurrentStatus = 1462937974;
+        JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "$$([IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName), IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), \"\", TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName)])";
+        ProcId = 0;
+        PeriodicHold = false;
+        CoreSize = 0;
+        OnExitHold = false;
+        CondorPlatform = "$CondorPlatform: x86_64_RedHat6 $";
+        JobFinishedHookDone = 1462937974;
+        QDate = 1462892738;
+        JobLeaseDuration = 3200;
+        In = "/dev/null";
+        DiskUsage = 45000;
+        EncryptExecuteDirectory = false;
+        User = "";
+        FileSystemDomain = "";
+        LeaveJobInQueue = false;
+        Requirements = ( OpSys == "LINUX" ) && ( MY.JobUniverse == 12 || MY.JobUniverse == 7 || ( ( MY.WantFlocking || MY.WantGlidein || TARGET.PoolName == "CHTC" ) && ( TARGET.OpSysMajorVer == MY.LinuxVer || TARGET.OpSysMajorVer == MY.LinuxVerAlt || TARGET.OpSysMajorVer == MY.WinVer ) ) ) && ( TARGET.Arch == "X86_64" ) && ( TARGET.Disk >= RequestDisk ) && ( TARGET.Memory >= RequestMemory ) && ( ( TARGET.HasFileTransfer ) || ( TARGET.FileSystemDomain == MY.FileSystemDomain ) );
+        MinHosts = 1;
+        MaxHosts = 1;
+        Args = "\342\200\234-1 0.01 0.1 1 2e-07 0.0001 14 -1\342\200\235";
+        Environment = "";
+        LinuxVer = 6;
+        DAGNodeName = "414";
+        MemoryUsage = ( ( ResidentSetSize + 1023 ) / 1024 );
+        TerminationPending = true;
+        NumRestarts = 0;
+        NumSystemHolds = 0;
+        CondorVersion = "$CondorVersion: 8.5.5 May 03 2016 BuildID: 366162 $";
+        UserLog = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/outputs2/CS776_project_414.log";
+        JobCurrentStartDate = 1462898309;
+        MATCH_EXP_JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "";
+        BufferBlockSize = 32768;
+        BlockWriteKbytes = 6318128;
+        ExitBySignal = false;
+        DAGManJobId = 3723347;
+        MachineAttrCpus0 = 1;
+        WantRemoteSyscalls = false;
+        JobBatchName = "CS776_project.dag+3723347";
+        WantCheckpoint = false;
+        BlockReads = 32;
+        CumulativeSuspensionTime = 0;
+        MyType = "Job";
+        Rank = 0.0;
+        JobNotification = 0;
+        Owner = "jlange3";
+        LinuxVerAlt = 6;
+        Err = "CS776_project_414.err";
+        PeriodicRemove = false;
+        CommittedTime = 39665;
+        RecentBlockWriteKbytes = 144996;
+        TransferIn = false;
+        ExitStatus = 0;
+        ShouldTransferFiles = "IF_NEEDED";
+        IsCHTCSubmit = true;
+        NumJobMatches = 1;
+        RootDir = "/";
+        JobStartDate = 1462898309;
+        JobPrio = 1;
+        CurrentHosts = 0;
+        GlobalJobId = "";
+        RemoteSysCpu = 1.501000000000000E+03;
+        TotalSuspensions = 0;
+        CommittedSlotTime = 3.966500000000000E+04;
+        LastRemoteHost = "";
+        TransferInput = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/condor_tarred2.tgz";
+        LocalUserCpu = 0.0;
+        PeriodicRelease = false;
+        WinVer = 601;
+        LastPublicClaimId = "<>#1460605027#11637#...";
+        NumCkpts_RAW = 0;
+        Out = "CS776_project_414.out";
+        SubmitEventNotes = "DAG Node: 414";
+        CumulativeSlotTime = 3.966500000000000E+04;
+        JobRunCount = 1;
+        RecentBlockReads = 0;
+        StreamErr = false;
+        RequestDisk = 1000000;
+        ResidentSetSize_RAW = 111372;
+        OrigMaxHosts = 1;
+        NumCkpts = 0;
+        StatsLifetimeStarter = 39663;
+        ImageSize = 3250000
+    ]
+        Schedd = "";
+        BlockWrites = 5054;
+        LastJobStatus = 2;
+        JobCurrentStartExecutingDate = 1462897450;
+        WantRemoteIO = true;
+        RequestCpus = 1;
+        NumShadowStarts = 1;
+        RemoteUserCpu = 4.098500000000000E+04;
+        NiceUser = false;
+        RequestMemory = 2000;
+        BytesRecvd = 3.287412000000000E+06;
+        StreamOut = true;
+        ResidentSetSize = 125000;
+        SpooledOutputFiles = "output_file_freq_2e-07_selstr_0.0001_bneckstart_0.1_recovery_0.5_bneckstr_0.01_id_5.txt";
+        OnExitRemove = true;
+        ImageSize_RAW = 3141184;
+        RemoteWallClockTime = 4.051400000000000E+04;
+        MachineAttrSlotWeight0 = 1;
+        ExecutableSize = 15;
+        JobStatus = 4;
+        DAGParentNodeNames = "";
+        ExitCode = 0;
+        DAGManNodesMask = "0,1,2,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,13,16,17,24,27";
+        BytesSent = 1.059000000000000E+03;
+        LastRejMatchReason = "PREEMPTION_REQUIREMENTS == False ";
+        LastSuspensionTime = 0;
+        ExecutableSize_RAW = 13;
+        RecentBlockReadKbytes = 0;
+        TransferInputSizeMB = 3;
+        BlockReadKbytes = 4;
+        LocalSysCpu = 0.0;
+        Iwd = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/outputs2";
+        Cmd = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/";
+        CommittedSuspensionTime = 0;
+        DiskUsage_RAW = 43244;
+        RecentStatsLifetimeStarter = 1200;
+        TargetType = "Machine";
+        WhenToTransferOutput = "ON_EXIT";
+        BufferSize = 524288;
+        JobCurrentStartTransferOutputDate = 1462937961;
+        RecentBlockWrites = 415;
+        CompletionDate = 1462937962;
+        LastMatchTime = 1462897448;
+        LastJobLeaseRenewal = 1462937961;
+        DAGManNodesLog = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/./CS776_project.dag.nodes.log";
+        ClusterId = 3723673;
+        JobUniverse = 5;
+        NumJobStarts = 1;
+        StartdPrincipal = "execute-side@matchsession/";
+        EnteredCurrentStatus = 1462937962;
+        JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "$$([IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName), IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), \"\", TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName)])";
+        ProcId = 0;
+        PeriodicHold = false;
+        CoreSize = 0;
+        OnExitHold = false;
+        CondorPlatform = "$CondorPlatform: x86_64_RedHat6 $";
+        JobFinishedHookDone = 1462937962;
+        QDate = 1462892645;
+        JobLeaseDuration = 3200;
+        In = "/dev/null";
+        DiskUsage = 45000;
+        EncryptExecuteDirectory = false;
+        User = "";
+        FileSystemDomain = "";
+        LeaveJobInQueue = false;
+        Requirements = ( OpSys == "LINUX" ) && ( MY.JobUniverse == 12 || MY.JobUniverse == 7 || ( ( MY.WantFlocking || MY.WantGlidein || TARGET.PoolName == "CHTC" ) && ( TARGET.OpSysMajorVer == MY.LinuxVer || TARGET.OpSysMajorVer == MY.LinuxVerAlt || TARGET.OpSysMajorVer == MY.WinVer ) ) ) && ( TARGET.Arch == "X86_64" ) && ( TARGET.Disk >= RequestDisk ) && ( TARGET.Memory >= RequestMemory ) && ( ( TARGET.HasFileTransfer ) || ( TARGET.FileSystemDomain == MY.FileSystemDomain ) );
+        MinHosts = 1;
+        MaxHosts = 1;
+        Args = "\342\200\234-1 0.01 0.1 0.5 2e-07 0.0001 5 -1\342\200\235";
+        Environment = "";
+        LinuxVer = 6;
+        DAGNodeName = "325";
+        MemoryUsage = ( ( ResidentSetSize + 1023 ) / 1024 );
+        TerminationPending = true;
+        NumRestarts = 0;
+        NumSystemHolds = 0;
+        CondorVersion = "$CondorVersion: 8.5.5 May 03 2016 BuildID: 366162 $";
+        UserLog = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/outputs2/CS776_project_325.log";
+        JobCurrentStartDate = 1462897448;
+        MATCH_EXP_JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "";
+        BufferBlockSize = 32768;
+        BlockWriteKbytes = 2553472;
+        ExitBySignal = false;
+        DAGManJobId = 3723347;
+        MachineAttrCpus0 = 1;
+        WantRemoteSyscalls = false;
+        JobBatchName = "CS776_project.dag+3723347";
+        WantCheckpoint = false;
+        BlockReads = 1;
+        CumulativeSuspensionTime = 0;
+        MyType = "Job";
+        Rank = 0.0;
+        JobNotification = 0;
+        Owner = "jlange3";
+        LinuxVerAlt = 6;
+        Err = "CS776_project_325.err";
+        PeriodicRemove = false;
+        CommittedTime = 40514;
+        RecentBlockWriteKbytes = 209936;
+        TransferIn = false;
+        ExitStatus = 0;
+        ShouldTransferFiles = "IF_NEEDED";
+        IsCHTCSubmit = true;
+        NumJobMatches = 1;
+        RootDir = "/";
+        JobStartDate = 1462897448;
+        JobPrio = 1;
+        CurrentHosts = 0;
+        GlobalJobId = "";
+        RemoteSysCpu = 6.110000000000000E+02;
+        LastRejMatchTime = 1462897448;
+        TotalSuspensions = 0;
+        CommittedSlotTime = 4.051400000000000E+04;
+        LastRemoteHost = "";
+        TransferInput = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/condor_tarred2.tgz";
+        LocalUserCpu = 0.0;
+        PeriodicRelease = false;
+        WinVer = 601;
+        LastPublicClaimId = "<>#1460629231#10997#...";
+        NumCkpts_RAW = 0;
+        Out = "CS776_project_325.out";
+        SubmitEventNotes = "DAG Node: 325";
+        CumulativeSlotTime = 4.051400000000000E+04;
+        JobRunCount = 1;
+        RecentBlockReads = 0;
+        StreamErr = false;
+        RequestDisk = 1000000;
+        ResidentSetSize_RAW = 119512;
+        OrigMaxHosts = 1;
+        NumCkpts = 0;
+        StatsLifetimeStarter = 40512;
+        ImageSize = 3250000
+    ]
+        Schedd = "";
+        BlockWrites = 13558;
+        LastJobStatus = 2;
+        JobCurrentStartExecutingDate = 1462892641;
+        WantRemoteIO = true;
+        RequestCpus = 1;
+        NumShadowStarts = 1;
+        RemoteUserCpu = 4.624300000000000E+04;
+        NiceUser = false;
+        RequestMemory = 2000;
+        BytesRecvd = 3.287412000000000E+06;
+        StreamOut = true;
+        ResidentSetSize = 150000;
+        SpooledOutputFiles = "output_file_neutral_bneckstart_0.1_recovery_0.5_bneckstr_0.01_id_1.txt";
+        OnExitRemove = true;
+        ImageSize_RAW = 3141184;
+        RemoteWallClockTime = 4.514700000000000E+04;
+        MachineAttrSlotWeight0 = 1;
+        ExecutableSize = 15;
+        JobStatus = 4;
+        DAGParentNodeNames = "";
+        ExitCode = 0;
+        DAGManNodesMask = "0,1,2,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,13,16,17,24,27";
+        BytesSent = 1.075000000000000E+03;
+        LastSuspensionTime = 0;
+        ExecutableSize_RAW = 13;
+        RecentBlockReadKbytes = 0;
+        TransferInputSizeMB = 3;
+        BlockReadKbytes = 372;
+        LocalSysCpu = 0.0;
+        Iwd = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/outputs2";
+        Cmd = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/";
+        CommittedSuspensionTime = 0;
+        DiskUsage_RAW = 43164;
+        RecentStatsLifetimeStarter = 1200;
+        TargetType = "Machine";
+        WhenToTransferOutput = "ON_EXIT";
+        BufferSize = 524288;
+        JobCurrentStartTransferOutputDate = 1462937785;
+        RecentBlockWrites = 345;
+        CompletionDate = 1462937786;
+        LastMatchTime = 1462892639;
+        LastJobLeaseRenewal = 1462937785;
+        DAGManNodesLog = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/./CS776_project.dag.nodes.log";
+        ClusterId = 3723389;
+        JobUniverse = 5;
+        NumJobStarts = 1;
+        StartdPrincipal = "execute-side@matchsession/";
+        EnteredCurrentStatus = 1462937786;
+        JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "$$([IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName), IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), \"\", TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName)])";
+        ProcId = 0;
+        PeriodicHold = false;
+        CoreSize = 0;
+        OnExitHold = false;
+        CondorPlatform = "$CondorPlatform: x86_64_RedHat6 $";
+        JobFinishedHookDone = 1462937786;
+        QDate = 1462892328;
+        JobLeaseDuration = 3200;
+        In = "/dev/null";
+        DiskUsage = 45000;
+        EncryptExecuteDirectory = false;
+        User = "";
+        FileSystemDomain = "";
+        LeaveJobInQueue = false;
+        Requirements = ( OpSys == "LINUX" ) && ( MY.JobUniverse == 12 || MY.JobUniverse == 7 || ( ( MY.WantFlocking || MY.WantGlidein || TARGET.PoolName == "CHTC" ) && ( TARGET.OpSysMajorVer == MY.LinuxVer || TARGET.OpSysMajorVer == MY.LinuxVerAlt || TARGET.OpSysMajorVer == MY.WinVer ) ) ) && ( TARGET.Arch == "X86_64" ) && ( TARGET.Disk >= RequestDisk ) && ( TARGET.Memory >= RequestMemory ) && ( ( TARGET.HasFileTransfer ) || ( TARGET.FileSystemDomain == MY.FileSystemDomain ) );
+        MinHosts = 1;
+        MaxHosts = 1;
+        Args = "\342\200\234-1 0.01 0.1 0.5 1 -1\342\200\235";
+        Environment = "";
+        LinuxVer = 6;
+        DAGNodeName = "41";
+        MemoryUsage = ( ( ResidentSetSize + 1023 ) / 1024 );
+        TerminationPending = true;
+        NumRestarts = 0;
+        NumSystemHolds = 0;
+        CondorVersion = "$CondorVersion: 8.5.5 May 03 2016 BuildID: 366162 $";
+        UserLog = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/outputs2/CS776_project_41.log";
+        JobCurrentStartDate = 1462892639;
+        MATCH_EXP_JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "";
+        BufferBlockSize = 32768;
+        BlockWriteKbytes = 6830733;
+        ExitBySignal = false;
+        DAGManJobId = 3723347;
+        MachineAttrCpus0 = 1;
+        WantRemoteSyscalls = false;
+        JobBatchName = "CS776_project.dag+3723347";
+        WantCheckpoint = false;
+        BlockReads = 48;
+        CumulativeSuspensionTime = 0;
+        MyType = "Job";
+        Rank = 0.0;
+        JobNotification = 0;
+        Owner = "jlange3";
+        LinuxVerAlt = 6;
+        Err = "CS776_project_41.err";
+        PeriodicRemove = false;
+        CommittedTime = 45147;
+        RecentBlockWriteKbytes = 172636;
+        TransferIn = false;
+        ExitStatus = 0;
+        ShouldTransferFiles = "IF_NEEDED";
+        IsCHTCSubmit = true;
+        NumJobMatches = 1;
+        RootDir = "/";
+        JobStartDate = 1462892639;
+        JobPrio = 1;
+        CurrentHosts = 0;
+        GlobalJobId = "";
+        RemoteSysCpu = 3.580000000000000E+02;
+        TotalSuspensions = 0;
+        CommittedSlotTime = 4.514700000000000E+04;
+        LastRemoteHost = "";
+        TransferInput = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/condor_tarred2.tgz";
+        LocalUserCpu = 0.0;
+        PeriodicRelease = false;
+        WinVer = 601;
+        LastPublicClaimId = "<>#1460646982#11833#...";
+        NumCkpts_RAW = 0;
+        Out = "CS776_project_41.out";
+        SubmitEventNotes = "DAG Node: 41";
+        CumulativeSlotTime = 4.514700000000000E+04;
+        JobRunCount = 1;
+        RecentBlockReads = 0;
+        StreamErr = false;
+        RequestDisk = 1000000;
+        ResidentSetSize_RAW = 127224;
+        OrigMaxHosts = 1;
+        NumCkpts = 0;
+        StatsLifetimeStarter = 45145;
+        ImageSize = 3250000
+    ]
+        Schedd = "";
+        BlockWrites = 0;
+        LastJobStatus = 2;
+        JobCurrentStartExecutingDate = 1462901412;
+        WantRemoteIO = true;
+        RequestCpus = 1;
+        NumShadowStarts = 1;
+        RemoteUserCpu = 3.366900000000000E+04;
+        NiceUser = false;
+        RequestMemory = 2000;
+        BytesRecvd = 3.287412000000000E+06;
+        StreamOut = true;
+        ResidentSetSize = 150000;
+        SpooledOutputFiles = "output_file_freq_2e-07_selstr_0.001_bneckstart_0.1_recovery_0.5_bneckstr_0.1_id_9.txt";
+        OnExitRemove = true;
+        ImageSize_RAW = 1887860;
+        RemoteWallClockTime = 3.629900000000000E+04;
+        MachineAttrSlotWeight0 = 1;
+        ExecutableSize = 15;
+        JobStatus = 4;
+        DAGParentNodeNames = "";
+        ExitCode = 0;
+        DAGManNodesMask = "0,1,2,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,13,16,17,24,27";
+        BytesSent = 8.730000000000000E+02;
+        LastSuspensionTime = 0;
+        ExecutableSize_RAW = 13;
+        RecentBlockReadKbytes = 0;
+        TransferInputSizeMB = 3;
+        BlockReadKbytes = 0;
+        LocalSysCpu = 0.0;
+        Iwd = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/outputs2";
+        Cmd = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/";
+        CommittedSuspensionTime = 0;
+        DiskUsage_RAW = 42655;
+        RecentStatsLifetimeStarter = 1200;
+        TargetType = "Machine";
+        WhenToTransferOutput = "ON_EXIT";
+        BufferSize = 524288;
+        JobCurrentStartTransferOutputDate = 1462937708;
+        RecentBlockWrites = 0;
+        CompletionDate = 1462937709;
+        LastMatchTime = 1462901410;
+        LastJobLeaseRenewal = 1462937708;
+        DAGManNodesLog = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/./CS776_project.dag.nodes.log";
+        ClusterId = 3724037;
+        JobUniverse = 5;
+        NumJobStarts = 1;
+        StartdPrincipal = "execute-side@matchsession/";
+        EnteredCurrentStatus = 1462937709;
+        JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "$$([IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName), IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), \"\", TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName)])";
+        ProcId = 0;
+        PeriodicHold = false;
+        CoreSize = 0;
+        OnExitHold = false;
+        CondorPlatform = "$CondorPlatform: x86_64_RedHat6 $";
+        JobFinishedHookDone = 1462937709;
+        QDate = 1462893037;
+        JobLeaseDuration = 3200;
+        In = "/dev/null";
+        DiskUsage = 45000;
+        EncryptExecuteDirectory = false;
+        User = "";
+        FileSystemDomain = "";
+        LeaveJobInQueue = false;
+        Requirements = ( OpSys == "LINUX" ) && ( MY.JobUniverse == 12 || MY.JobUniverse == 7 || ( ( MY.WantFlocking || MY.WantGlidein || TARGET.PoolName == "CHTC" ) && ( TARGET.OpSysMajorVer == MY.LinuxVer || TARGET.OpSysMajorVer == MY.LinuxVerAlt || TARGET.OpSysMajorVer == MY.WinVer ) ) ) && ( TARGET.Arch == "X86_64" ) && ( TARGET.Disk >= RequestDisk ) && ( TARGET.Memory >= RequestMemory ) && ( ( TARGET.HasFileTransfer ) || ( TARGET.FileSystemDomain == MY.FileSystemDomain ) );
+        MinHosts = 1;
+        MaxHosts = 1;
+        Args = "\342\200\234-1 0.1 0.1 0.5 2e-07 0.001 9 -1\342\200\235";
+        Environment = "";
+        LinuxVer = 6;
+        DAGNodeName = "689";
+        MemoryUsage = ( ( ResidentSetSize + 1023 ) / 1024 );
+        TerminationPending = true;
+        NumRestarts = 0;
+        NumSystemHolds = 0;
+        CondorVersion = "$CondorVersion: 8.5.5 May 03 2016 BuildID: 366162 $";
+        UserLog = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/outputs2/CS776_project_689.log";
+        JobCurrentStartDate = 1462901410;
+        MATCH_EXP_JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "";
+        BufferBlockSize = 32768;
+        BlockWriteKbytes = 0;
+        ExitBySignal = false;
+        DAGManJobId = 3723347;
+        MachineAttrCpus0 = 1;
+        WantRemoteSyscalls = false;
+        JobBatchName = "CS776_project.dag+3723347";
+        WantCheckpoint = false;
+        BlockReads = 0;
+        CumulativeSuspensionTime = 0;
+        MyType = "Job";
+        Rank = 0.0;
+        JobNotification = 0;
+        Owner = "jlange3";
+        LinuxVerAlt = 6;
+        Err = "CS776_project_689.err";
+        PeriodicRemove = false;
+        CommittedTime = 36299;
+        RecentBlockWriteKbytes = 0;
+        TransferIn = false;
+        ExitStatus = 0;
+        ShouldTransferFiles = "IF_NEEDED";
+        IsCHTCSubmit = true;
+        NumJobMatches = 1;
+        RootDir = "/";
+        JobStartDate = 1462901410;
+        JobPrio = 1;
+        CurrentHosts = 0;
+        GlobalJobId = "";
+        RemoteSysCpu = 8.000000000000000E+01;
+        TotalSuspensions = 0;
+        CommittedSlotTime = 3.629900000000000E+04;
+        LastRemoteHost = "";
+        TransferInput = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/condor_tarred2.tgz";
+        LocalUserCpu = 0.0;
+        PeriodicRelease = false;
+        WinVer = 601;
+        LastPublicClaimId = "<>#1462222245#1420#...";
+        NumCkpts_RAW = 0;
+        Out = "CS776_project_689.out";
+        SubmitEventNotes = "DAG Node: 689";
+        CumulativeSlotTime = 3.629900000000000E+04;
+        JobRunCount = 1;
+        RecentBlockReads = 0;
+        StreamErr = false;
+        RequestDisk = 1000000;
+        ResidentSetSize_RAW = 133528;
+        OrigMaxHosts = 1;
+        NumCkpts = 0;
+        StatsLifetimeStarter = 36297;
+        ImageSize = 2000000
+    ]
+        Schedd = "";
+        BlockWrites = 4900;
+        LastJobStatus = 2;
+        JobCurrentStartExecutingDate = 1462897786;
+        WantRemoteIO = true;
+        RequestCpus = 1;
+        NumShadowStarts = 1;
+        RemoteUserCpu = 4.033200000000000E+04;
+        NiceUser = false;
+        RequestMemory = 2000;
+        BytesRecvd = 3.287412000000000E+06;
+        StreamOut = true;
+        ResidentSetSize = 125000;
+        SpooledOutputFiles = "output_file_freq_2e-07_selstr_0.0001_bneckstart_0.1_recovery_0.5_bneckstr_0.01_id_6.txt";
+        OnExitRemove = true;
+        ImageSize_RAW = 3141184;
+        RemoteWallClockTime = 3.980700000000000E+04;
+        MachineAttrSlotWeight0 = 1;
+        ExecutableSize = 15;
+        JobStatus = 4;
+        DAGParentNodeNames = "";
+        ExitCode = 0;
+        DAGManNodesMask = "0,1,2,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,13,16,17,24,27";
+        BytesSent = 1.062000000000000E+03;
+        LastRejMatchReason = "PREEMPTION_REQUIREMENTS == False ";
+        LastSuspensionTime = 0;
+        ExecutableSize_RAW = 13;
+        RecentBlockReadKbytes = 0;
+        TransferInputSizeMB = 3;
+        BlockReadKbytes = 0;
+        LocalSysCpu = 0.0;
+        Iwd = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/outputs2";
+        Cmd = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/";
+        CommittedSuspensionTime = 0;
+        DiskUsage_RAW = 43203;
+        RecentStatsLifetimeStarter = 1200;
+        TargetType = "Machine";
+        WhenToTransferOutput = "ON_EXIT";
+        BufferSize = 524288;
+        JobCurrentStartTransferOutputDate = 1462937589;
+        RecentBlockWrites = 241;
+        CompletionDate = 1462937590;
+        LastMatchTime = 1462897783;
+        LastJobLeaseRenewal = 1462937589;
+        DAGManNodesLog = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/./CS776_project.dag.nodes.log";
+        ClusterId = 3723674;
+        JobUniverse = 5;
+        NumJobStarts = 1;
+        StartdPrincipal = "execute-side@matchsession/";
+        EnteredCurrentStatus = 1462937590;
+        JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "$$([IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName), IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), \"\", TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName)])";
+        ProcId = 0;
+        PeriodicHold = false;
+        CoreSize = 0;
+        OnExitHold = false;
+        CondorPlatform = "$CondorPlatform: x86_64_RedHat6 $";
+        JobFinishedHookDone = 1462937590;
+        QDate = 1462892645;
+        JobLeaseDuration = 3200;
+        In = "/dev/null";
+        DiskUsage = 45000;
+        EncryptExecuteDirectory = false;
+        User = "";
+        FileSystemDomain = "";
+        LeaveJobInQueue = false;
+        Requirements = ( OpSys == "LINUX" ) && ( MY.JobUniverse == 12 || MY.JobUniverse == 7 || ( ( MY.WantFlocking || MY.WantGlidein || TARGET.PoolName == "CHTC" ) && ( TARGET.OpSysMajorVer == MY.LinuxVer || TARGET.OpSysMajorVer == MY.LinuxVerAlt || TARGET.OpSysMajorVer == MY.WinVer ) ) ) && ( TARGET.Arch == "X86_64" ) && ( TARGET.Disk >= RequestDisk ) && ( TARGET.Memory >= RequestMemory ) && ( ( TARGET.HasFileTransfer ) || ( TARGET.FileSystemDomain == MY.FileSystemDomain ) );
+        MinHosts = 1;
+        MaxHosts = 1;
+        Args = "\342\200\234-1 0.01 0.1 0.5 2e-07 0.0001 6 -1\342\200\235";
+        Environment = "";
+        LinuxVer = 6;
+        DAGNodeName = "326";
+        MemoryUsage = ( ( ResidentSetSize + 1023 ) / 1024 );
+        TerminationPending = true;
+        NumRestarts = 0;
+        NumSystemHolds = 0;
+        CondorVersion = "$CondorVersion: 8.5.5 May 03 2016 BuildID: 366162 $";
+        UserLog = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/outputs2/CS776_project_326.log";
+        JobCurrentStartDate = 1462897783;
+        MATCH_EXP_JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "";
+        BufferBlockSize = 32768;
+        BlockWriteKbytes = 2476776;
+        ExitBySignal = false;
+        DAGManJobId = 3723347;
+        MachineAttrCpus0 = 1;
+        WantRemoteSyscalls = false;
+        JobBatchName = "CS776_project.dag+3723347";
+        WantCheckpoint = false;
+        BlockReads = 0;
+        CumulativeSuspensionTime = 0;
+        MyType = "Job";
+        Rank = 0.0;
+        JobNotification = 0;
+        Owner = "jlange3";
+        LinuxVerAlt = 6;
+        Err = "CS776_project_326.err";
+        PeriodicRemove = false;
+        CommittedTime = 39807;
+        RecentBlockWriteKbytes = 122692;
+        TransferIn = false;
+        ExitStatus = 0;
+        ShouldTransferFiles = "IF_NEEDED";
+        IsCHTCSubmit = true;
+        NumJobMatches = 1;
+        RootDir = "/";
+        JobStartDate = 1462897783;
+        JobPrio = 1;
+        CurrentHosts = 0;
+        GlobalJobId = "";
+        RemoteSysCpu = 7.390000000000000E+02;
+        LastRejMatchTime = 1462897783;
+        TotalSuspensions = 0;
+        CommittedSlotTime = 3.980700000000000E+04;
+        LastRemoteHost = "";
+        TransferInput = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/condor_tarred2.tgz";
+        LocalUserCpu = 0.0;
+        PeriodicRelease = false;
+        WinVer = 601;
+        LastPublicClaimId = "<>#1460629231#11006#...";
+        NumCkpts_RAW = 0;
+        Out = "CS776_project_326.out";
+        SubmitEventNotes = "DAG Node: 326";
+        CumulativeSlotTime = 3.980700000000000E+04;
+        JobRunCount = 1;
+        RecentBlockReads = 0;
+        StreamErr = false;
+        RequestDisk = 1000000;
+        ResidentSetSize_RAW = 119344;
+        OrigMaxHosts = 1;
+        NumCkpts = 0;
+        StatsLifetimeStarter = 39804;
+        ImageSize = 3250000
+    ]
+        Schedd = "";
+        BlockWrites = 9385;
+        LastJobStatus = 2;
+        JobCurrentStartExecutingDate = 1462901950;
+        WantRemoteIO = true;
+        RequestCpus = 1;
+        NumShadowStarts = 1;
+        RemoteUserCpu = 3.679300000000000E+04;
+        NiceUser = false;
+        RequestMemory = 2000;
+        BytesRecvd = 3.287412000000000E+06;
+        StreamOut = true;
+        ResidentSetSize = 125000;
+        SpooledOutputFiles = "output_file_freq_2e-07_selstr_0.001_bneckstart_0.1_recovery_1_bneckstr_0.1_id_8.txt";
+        OnExitRemove = true;
+        ImageSize_RAW = 3141192;
+        RemoteWallClockTime = 3.499500000000000E+04;
+        MachineAttrSlotWeight0 = 1;
+        ExecutableSize = 15;
+        JobStatus = 4;
+        DAGParentNodeNames = "";
+        ExitCode = 0;
+        DAGManNodesMask = "0,1,2,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,13,16,17,24,27";
+        BytesSent = 8.040000000000000E+02;
+        LastSuspensionTime = 0;
+        ExecutableSize_RAW = 13;
+        RecentBlockReadKbytes = 0;
+        TransferInputSizeMB = 3;
+        BlockReadKbytes = 0;
+        LocalSysCpu = 0.0;
+        Iwd = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/outputs2";
+        Cmd = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/";
+        CommittedSuspensionTime = 0;
+        DiskUsage_RAW = 43516;
+        RecentStatsLifetimeStarter = 1200;
+        TargetType = "Machine";
+        WhenToTransferOutput = "ON_EXIT";
+        BufferSize = 524288;
+        JobCurrentStartTransferOutputDate = 1462936942;
+        RecentBlockWrites = 251;
+        CompletionDate = 1462936943;
+        LastMatchTime = 1462901948;
+        LastJobLeaseRenewal = 1462936942;
+        DAGManNodesLog = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/./CS776_project.dag.nodes.log";
+        ClusterId = 3724116;
+        JobUniverse = 5;
+        NumJobStarts = 1;
+        StartdPrincipal = "execute-side@matchsession/";
+        EnteredCurrentStatus = 1462936943;
+        JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "$$([IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName), IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), \"\", TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName)])";
+        ProcId = 0;
+        PeriodicHold = false;
+        CoreSize = 0;
+        OnExitHold = false;
+        CondorPlatform = "$CondorPlatform: x86_64_RedHat6 $";
+        JobFinishedHookDone = 1462936943;
+        QDate = 1462893124;
+        JobLeaseDuration = 3200;
+        In = "/dev/null";
+        DiskUsage = 45000;
+        EncryptExecuteDirectory = false;
+        User = "";
+        FileSystemDomain = "";
+        LeaveJobInQueue = false;
+        Requirements = ( OpSys == "LINUX" ) && ( MY.JobUniverse == 12 || MY.JobUniverse == 7 || ( ( MY.WantFlocking || MY.WantGlidein || TARGET.PoolName == "CHTC" ) && ( TARGET.OpSysMajorVer == MY.LinuxVer || TARGET.OpSysMajorVer == MY.LinuxVerAlt || TARGET.OpSysMajorVer == MY.WinVer ) ) ) && ( TARGET.Arch == "X86_64" ) && ( TARGET.Disk >= RequestDisk ) && ( TARGET.Memory >= RequestMemory ) && ( ( TARGET.HasFileTransfer ) || ( TARGET.FileSystemDomain == MY.FileSystemDomain ) );
+        MinHosts = 1;
+        MaxHosts = 1;
+        Args = "\342\200\234-1 0.1 0.1 1 2e-07 0.001 8 -1\342\200\235";
+        Environment = "";
+        LinuxVer = 6;
+        DAGNodeName = "768";
+        MemoryUsage = ( ( ResidentSetSize + 1023 ) / 1024 );
+        TerminationPending = true;
+        NumRestarts = 0;
+        NumSystemHolds = 0;
+        CondorVersion = "$CondorVersion: 8.5.5 May 03 2016 BuildID: 366162 $";
+        UserLog = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/outputs2/CS776_project_768.log";
+        JobCurrentStartDate = 1462901948;
+        MATCH_EXP_JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "";
+        BufferBlockSize = 32768;
+        BlockWriteKbytes = 4722060;
+        ExitBySignal = false;
+        DAGManJobId = 3723347;
+        MachineAttrCpus0 = 1;
+        WantRemoteSyscalls = false;
+        JobBatchName = "CS776_project.dag+3723347";
+        WantCheckpoint = false;
+        BlockReads = 0;
+        CumulativeSuspensionTime = 0;
+        MyType = "Job";
+        Rank = 0.0;
+        JobNotification = 0;
+        Owner = "jlange3";
+        LinuxVerAlt = 6;
+        Err = "CS776_project_768.err";
+        PeriodicRemove = false;
+        CommittedTime = 34995;
+        RecentBlockWriteKbytes = 125180;
+        TransferIn = false;
+        ExitStatus = 0;
+        ShouldTransferFiles = "IF_NEEDED";
+        IsCHTCSubmit = true;
+        NumJobMatches = 1;
+        RootDir = "/";
+        JobStartDate = 1462901948;
+        JobPrio = 1;
+        CurrentHosts = 0;
+        GlobalJobId = "";
+        RemoteSysCpu = 1.920000000000000E+02;
+        TotalSuspensions = 0;
+        CommittedSlotTime = 3.499500000000000E+04;
+        LastRemoteHost = "";
+        TransferInput = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/condor_tarred2.tgz";
+        LocalUserCpu = 0.0;
+        PeriodicRelease = false;
+        WinVer = 601;
+        LastPublicClaimId = "<>#1460638234#11419#...";
+        NumCkpts_RAW = 0;
+        Out = "CS776_project_768.out";
+        SubmitEventNotes = "DAG Node: 768";
+        CumulativeSlotTime = 3.499500000000000E+04;
+        JobRunCount = 1;
+        RecentBlockReads = 0;
+        StreamErr = false;
+        RequestDisk = 1000000;
+        ResidentSetSize_RAW = 104772;
+        OrigMaxHosts = 1;
+        NumCkpts = 0;
+        StatsLifetimeStarter = 34993;
+        ImageSize = 3250000
+    ]
+        Schedd = "";
+        BlockWrites = 9783;
+        LastJobStatus = 2;
+        JobCurrentStartExecutingDate = 1462899072;
+        WantRemoteIO = true;
+        RequestCpus = 1;
+        NumShadowStarts = 1;
+        RemoteUserCpu = 4.002600000000000E+04;
+        NiceUser = false;
+        RequestMemory = 2000;
+        BytesRecvd = 3.287412000000000E+06;
+        StreamOut = true;
+        ResidentSetSize = 125000;
+        SpooledOutputFiles = "output_file_freq_2e-07_selstr_0.001_bneckstart_0.01_recovery_0.5_bneckstr_0.1_id_4.txt";
+        OnExitRemove = true;
+        ImageSize_RAW = 3141192;
+        RemoteWallClockTime = 3.780600000000000E+04;
+        MachineAttrSlotWeight0 = 1;
+        ExecutableSize = 15;
+        JobStatus = 4;
+        DAGParentNodeNames = "";
+        ExitCode = 0;
+        DAGManNodesMask = "0,1,2,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,13,16,17,24,27";
+        BytesSent = 8.750000000000000E+02;
+        LastSuspensionTime = 0;
+        ExecutableSize_RAW = 13;
+        RecentBlockReadKbytes = 0;
+        TransferInputSizeMB = 3;
+        BlockReadKbytes = 168;
+        LocalSysCpu = 0.0;
+        Iwd = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/outputs2";
+        Cmd = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/";
+        CommittedSuspensionTime = 0;
+        DiskUsage_RAW = 41941;
+        RecentStatsLifetimeStarter = 1200;
+        TargetType = "Machine";
+        WhenToTransferOutput = "ON_EXIT";
+        BufferSize = 524288;
+        JobCurrentStartTransferOutputDate = 1462936875;
+        RecentBlockWrites = 150;
+        CompletionDate = 1462936876;
+        LastMatchTime = 1462899070;
+        LastJobLeaseRenewal = 1462936875;
+        DAGManNodesLog = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/./CS776_project.dag.nodes.log";
+        ClusterId = 3723872;
+        JobUniverse = 5;
+        NumJobStarts = 1;
+        StartdPrincipal = "execute-side@matchsession/";
+        EnteredCurrentStatus = 1462936876;
+        JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "$$([IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName), IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), \"\", TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName)])";
+        ProcId = 0;
+        PeriodicHold = false;
+        CoreSize = 0;
+        OnExitHold = false;
+        CondorPlatform = "$CondorPlatform: x86_64_RedHat6 $";
+        JobFinishedHookDone = 1462936876;
+        QDate = 1462892857;
+        JobLeaseDuration = 3200;
+        In = "/dev/null";
+        DiskUsage = 42500;
+        EncryptExecuteDirectory = false;
+        User = "";
+        FileSystemDomain = "";
+        LeaveJobInQueue = false;
+        Requirements = ( OpSys == "LINUX" ) && ( MY.JobUniverse == 12 || MY.JobUniverse == 7 || ( ( MY.WantFlocking || MY.WantGlidein || TARGET.PoolName == "CHTC" ) && ( TARGET.OpSysMajorVer == MY.LinuxVer || TARGET.OpSysMajorVer == MY.LinuxVerAlt || TARGET.OpSysMajorVer == MY.WinVer ) ) ) && ( TARGET.Arch == "X86_64" ) && ( TARGET.Disk >= RequestDisk ) && ( TARGET.Memory >= RequestMemory ) && ( ( TARGET.HasFileTransfer ) || ( TARGET.FileSystemDomain == MY.FileSystemDomain ) );
+        MinHosts = 1;
+        MaxHosts = 1;
+        Args = "\342\200\234-1 0.1 0.01 0.5 2e-07 0.001 4 -1\342\200\235";
+        Environment = "";
+        LinuxVer = 6;
+        DAGNodeName = "524";
+        MemoryUsage = ( ( ResidentSetSize + 1023 ) / 1024 );
+        TerminationPending = true;
+        NumRestarts = 0;
+        NumSystemHolds = 0;
+        CondorVersion = "$CondorVersion: 8.5.5 May 03 2016 BuildID: 366162 $";
+        UserLog = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/outputs2/CS776_project_524.log";
+        JobCurrentStartDate = 1462899070;
+        MATCH_EXP_JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "";
+        BufferBlockSize = 32768;
+        BlockWriteKbytes = 4929736;
+        ExitBySignal = false;
+        DAGManJobId = 3723347;
+        MachineAttrCpus0 = 1;
+        WantRemoteSyscalls = false;
+        JobBatchName = "CS776_project.dag+3723347";
+        WantCheckpoint = false;
+        BlockReads = 24;
+        CumulativeSuspensionTime = 0;
+        MyType = "Job";
+        Rank = 0.0;
+        JobNotification = 0;
+        Owner = "jlange3";
+        LinuxVerAlt = 6;
+        Err = "CS776_project_524.err";
+        PeriodicRemove = false;
+        CommittedTime = 37806;
+        RecentBlockWriteKbytes = 75088;
+        TransferIn = false;
+        ExitStatus = 0;
+        ShouldTransferFiles = "IF_NEEDED";
+        IsCHTCSubmit = true;
+        NumJobMatches = 1;
+        RootDir = "/";
+        JobStartDate = 1462899070;
+        JobPrio = 1;
+        CurrentHosts = 0;
+        GlobalJobId = "";
+        RemoteSysCpu = 6.900000000000000E+02;
+        TotalSuspensions = 0;
+        CommittedSlotTime = 3.780600000000000E+04;
+        LastRemoteHost = "";
+        TransferInput = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/condor_tarred2.tgz";
+        LocalUserCpu = 0.0;
+        PeriodicRelease = false;
+        WinVer = 601;
+        LastPublicClaimId = "<>#1460617857#13138#...";
+        NumCkpts_RAW = 0;
+        Out = "CS776_project_524.out";
+        SubmitEventNotes = "DAG Node: 524";
+        CumulativeSlotTime = 3.780600000000000E+04;
+        JobRunCount = 1;
+        RecentBlockReads = 0;
+        StreamErr = false;
+        RequestDisk = 1000000;
+        ResidentSetSize_RAW = 119532;
+        OrigMaxHosts = 1;
+        NumCkpts = 0;
+        StatsLifetimeStarter = 37804;
+        ImageSize = 3250000
+    ]
+        Schedd = "";
+        BlockWrites = 12785;
+        LastJobStatus = 2;
+        JobCurrentStartExecutingDate = 1462898430;
+        WantRemoteIO = true;
+        RequestCpus = 1;
+        NumShadowStarts = 1;
+        RemoteUserCpu = 3.925000000000000E+04;
+        NiceUser = false;
+        RequestMemory = 2000;
+        BytesRecvd = 3.287412000000000E+06;
+        StreamOut = true;
+        ResidentSetSize = 125000;
+        SpooledOutputFiles = "output_file_freq_0.001_selstr_0.0001_bneckstart_0.1_recovery_1_bneckstr_0.01_id_12.txt";
+        OnExitRemove = true;
+        ImageSize_RAW = 3141184;
+        RemoteWallClockTime = 3.834300000000000E+04;
+        MachineAttrSlotWeight0 = 1;
+        ExecutableSize = 15;
+        JobStatus = 4;
+        DAGParentNodeNames = "";
+        ExitCode = 0;
+        DAGManNodesMask = "0,1,2,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,13,16,17,24,27";
+        BytesSent = 1.054000000000000E+03;
+        LastSuspensionTime = 0;
+        ExecutableSize_RAW = 13;
+        RecentBlockReadKbytes = 0;
+        TransferInputSizeMB = 3;
+        BlockReadKbytes = 12;
+        LocalSysCpu = 0.0;
+        Iwd = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/outputs2";
+        Cmd = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/";
+        CommittedSuspensionTime = 0;
+        DiskUsage_RAW = 43387;
+        RecentStatsLifetimeStarter = 1200;
+        TargetType = "Machine";
+        WhenToTransferOutput = "ON_EXIT";
+        BufferSize = 524288;
+        JobCurrentStartTransferOutputDate = 1462936770;
+        RecentBlockWrites = 357;
+        CompletionDate = 1462936771;
+        LastMatchTime = 1462898428;
+        LastJobLeaseRenewal = 1462936770;
+        DAGManNodesLog = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/./CS776_project.dag.nodes.log";
+        ClusterId = 3723780;
+        JobUniverse = 5;
+        NumJobStarts = 1;
+        StartdPrincipal = "execute-side@matchsession/";
+        EnteredCurrentStatus = 1462936771;
+        JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "$$([IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName), IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), \"\", TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName)])";
+        ProcId = 0;
+        PeriodicHold = false;
+        CoreSize = 0;
+        OnExitHold = false;
+        CondorPlatform = "$CondorPlatform: x86_64_RedHat6 $";
+        JobFinishedHookDone = 1462936771;
+        QDate = 1462892759;
+        JobLeaseDuration = 3200;
+        In = "/dev/null";
+        DiskUsage = 45000;
+        EncryptExecuteDirectory = false;
+        User = "";
+        FileSystemDomain = "";
+        LeaveJobInQueue = false;
+        Requirements = ( OpSys == "LINUX" ) && ( MY.JobUniverse == 12 || MY.JobUniverse == 7 || ( ( MY.WantFlocking || MY.WantGlidein || TARGET.PoolName == "CHTC" ) && ( TARGET.OpSysMajorVer == MY.LinuxVer || TARGET.OpSysMajorVer == MY.LinuxVerAlt || TARGET.OpSysMajorVer == MY.WinVer ) ) ) && ( TARGET.Arch == "X86_64" ) && ( TARGET.Disk >= RequestDisk ) && ( TARGET.Memory >= RequestMemory ) && ( ( TARGET.HasFileTransfer ) || ( TARGET.FileSystemDomain == MY.FileSystemDomain ) );
+        MinHosts = 1;
+        MaxHosts = 1;
+        Args = "\342\200\234-1 0.01 0.1 1 0.001 0.0001 12 -1\342\200\235";
+        Environment = "";
+        LinuxVer = 6;
+        DAGNodeName = "432";
+        MemoryUsage = ( ( ResidentSetSize + 1023 ) / 1024 );
+        TerminationPending = true;
+        NumRestarts = 0;
+        NumSystemHolds = 0;
+        CondorVersion = "$CondorVersion: 8.5.5 May 03 2016 BuildID: 366162 $";
+        UserLog = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/outputs2/CS776_project_432.log";
+        JobCurrentStartDate = 1462898428;
+        MATCH_EXP_JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "";
+        BufferBlockSize = 32768;
+        BlockWriteKbytes = 6462008;
+        ExitBySignal = false;
+        DAGManJobId = 3723347;
+        MachineAttrCpus0 = 1;
+        WantRemoteSyscalls = false;
+        JobBatchName = "CS776_project.dag+3723347";
+        WantCheckpoint = false;
+        BlockReads = 3;
+        CumulativeSuspensionTime = 0;
+        MyType = "Job";
+        Rank = 0.0;
+        JobNotification = 0;
+        Owner = "jlange3";
+        LinuxVerAlt = 6;
+        Err = "CS776_project_432.err";
+        PeriodicRemove = false;
+        CommittedTime = 38343;
+        RecentBlockWriteKbytes = 181280;
+        TransferIn = false;
+        ExitStatus = 0;
+        ShouldTransferFiles = "IF_NEEDED";
+        IsCHTCSubmit = true;
+        NumJobMatches = 1;
+        RootDir = "/";
+        JobStartDate = 1462898428;
+        JobPrio = 1;
+        CurrentHosts = 0;
+        GlobalJobId = "";
+        RemoteSysCpu = 2.880000000000000E+02;
+        TotalSuspensions = 0;
+        CommittedSlotTime = 3.834300000000000E+04;
+        LastRemoteHost = "";
+        TransferInput = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/condor_tarred2.tgz";
+        LocalUserCpu = 0.0;
+        PeriodicRelease = false;
+        WinVer = 601;
+        LastPublicClaimId = "<>#1460640178#12360#...";
+        NumCkpts_RAW = 0;
+        Out = "CS776_project_432.out";
+        SubmitEventNotes = "DAG Node: 432";
+        CumulativeSlotTime = 3.834300000000000E+04;
+        JobRunCount = 1;
+        RecentBlockReads = 0;
+        StreamErr = false;
+        RequestDisk = 1000000;
+        ResidentSetSize_RAW = 119652;
+        OrigMaxHosts = 1;
+        NumCkpts = 0;
+        StatsLifetimeStarter = 38341;
+        ImageSize = 3250000
+    ]
+        Schedd = "";
+        BlockWrites = 4808;
+        LastJobStatus = 2;
+        JobCurrentStartExecutingDate = 1462896450;
+        WantRemoteIO = true;
+        RequestCpus = 1;
+        NumShadowStarts = 1;
+        RemoteUserCpu = 4.064900000000000E+04;
+        NiceUser = false;
+        RequestMemory = 2000;
+        BytesRecvd = 3.287412000000000E+06;
+        StreamOut = true;
+        ResidentSetSize = 125000;
+        SpooledOutputFiles = "output_file_freq_2e-07_selstr_0.0001_bneckstart_0.1_recovery_0.5_bneckstr_0.01_id_3.txt";
+        OnExitRemove = true;
+        ImageSize_RAW = 3141184;
+        RemoteWallClockTime = 4.024800000000000E+04;
+        MachineAttrSlotWeight0 = 1;
+        ExecutableSize = 15;
+        JobStatus = 4;
+        DAGParentNodeNames = "";
+        ExitCode = 0;
+        DAGManNodesMask = "0,1,2,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,13,16,17,24,27";
+        BytesSent = 1.061000000000000E+03;
+        LastRejMatchReason = "PREEMPTION_REQUIREMENTS == False ";
+        LastSuspensionTime = 0;
+        ExecutableSize_RAW = 13;
+        RecentBlockReadKbytes = 0;
+        TransferInputSizeMB = 3;
+        BlockReadKbytes = 56;
+        LocalSysCpu = 0.0;
+        Iwd = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/outputs2";
+        Cmd = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/";
+        CommittedSuspensionTime = 0;
+        DiskUsage_RAW = 42328;
+        RecentStatsLifetimeStarter = 1200;
+        TargetType = "Machine";
+        WhenToTransferOutput = "ON_EXIT";
+        BufferSize = 524288;
+        JobCurrentStartTransferOutputDate = 1462936689;
+        RecentBlockWrites = 287;
+        CompletionDate = 1462936696;
+        LastMatchTime = 1462896448;
+        LastJobLeaseRenewal = 1462936695;
+        DAGManNodesLog = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/./CS776_project.dag.nodes.log";
+        ClusterId = 3723671;
+        JobUniverse = 5;
+        NumJobStarts = 1;
+        StartdPrincipal = "execute-side@matchsession/";
+        EnteredCurrentStatus = 1462936696;
+        JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "$$([IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName), IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), \"\", TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName)])";
+        ProcId = 0;
+        PeriodicHold = false;
+        CoreSize = 0;
+        OnExitHold = false;
+        CondorPlatform = "$CondorPlatform: x86_64_RedHat6 $";
+        JobFinishedHookDone = 1462936696;
+        QDate = 1462892639;
+        JobLeaseDuration = 3200;
+        In = "/dev/null";
+        DiskUsage = 42500;
+        EncryptExecuteDirectory = false;
+        User = "";
+        FileSystemDomain = "";
+        LeaveJobInQueue = false;
+        Requirements = ( OpSys == "LINUX" ) && ( MY.JobUniverse == 12 || MY.JobUniverse == 7 || ( ( MY.WantFlocking || MY.WantGlidein || TARGET.PoolName == "CHTC" ) && ( TARGET.OpSysMajorVer == MY.LinuxVer || TARGET.OpSysMajorVer == MY.LinuxVerAlt || TARGET.OpSysMajorVer == MY.WinVer ) ) ) && ( TARGET.Arch == "X86_64" ) && ( TARGET.Disk >= RequestDisk ) && ( TARGET.Memory >= RequestMemory ) && ( ( TARGET.HasFileTransfer ) || ( TARGET.FileSystemDomain == MY.FileSystemDomain ) );
+        MinHosts = 1;
+        MaxHosts = 1;
+        Args = "\342\200\234-1 0.01 0.1 0.5 2e-07 0.0001 3 -1\342\200\235";
+        Environment = "";
+        LinuxVer = 6;
+        DAGNodeName = "323";
+        MemoryUsage = ( ( ResidentSetSize + 1023 ) / 1024 );
+        TerminationPending = true;
+        NumRestarts = 0;
+        NumSystemHolds = 0;
+        CondorVersion = "$CondorVersion: 8.5.5 May 03 2016 BuildID: 366162 $";
+        UserLog = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/outputs2/CS776_project_323.log";
+        JobCurrentStartDate = 1462896448;
+        MATCH_EXP_JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "";
+        BufferBlockSize = 32768;
+        BlockWriteKbytes = 2427564;
+        ExitBySignal = false;
+        DAGManJobId = 3723347;
+        MachineAttrCpus0 = 1;
+        WantRemoteSyscalls = false;
+        JobBatchName = "CS776_project.dag+3723347";
+        WantCheckpoint = false;
+        BlockReads = 5;
+        CumulativeSuspensionTime = 0;
+        MyType = "Job";
+        Rank = 0.0;
+        JobNotification = 0;
+        Owner = "jlange3";
+        LinuxVerAlt = 6;
+        Err = "CS776_project_323.err";
+        PeriodicRemove = false;
+        CommittedTime = 40248;
+        RecentBlockWriteKbytes = 144964;
+        TransferIn = false;
+        ExitStatus = 0;
+        ShouldTransferFiles = "IF_NEEDED";
+        IsCHTCSubmit = true;
+        NumJobMatches = 1;
+        RootDir = "/";
+        JobStartDate = 1462896448;
+        JobPrio = 1;
+        CurrentHosts = 0;
+        GlobalJobId = "";
+        RemoteSysCpu = 6.430000000000000E+02;
+        LastRejMatchTime = 1462896448;
+        TotalSuspensions = 0;
+        CommittedSlotTime = 4.024800000000000E+04;
+        LastRemoteHost = "";
+        TransferInput = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/condor_tarred2.tgz";
+        LocalUserCpu = 0.0;
+        PeriodicRelease = false;
+        WinVer = 601;
+        LastPublicClaimId = "<>#1460629231#10990#...";
+        NumCkpts_RAW = 0;
+        Out = "CS776_project_323.out";
+        SubmitEventNotes = "DAG Node: 323";
+        CumulativeSlotTime = 4.024800000000000E+04;
+        JobRunCount = 1;
+        RecentBlockReads = 0;
+        StreamErr = false;
+        RequestDisk = 1000000;
+        ResidentSetSize_RAW = 119648;
+        OrigMaxHosts = 1;
+        NumCkpts = 0;
+        StatsLifetimeStarter = 40240;
+        ImageSize = 3250000
+    ]
+        Schedd = "";
+        BlockWrites = 27898;
+        LastJobStatus = 2;
+        JobCurrentStartExecutingDate = 1462892985;
+        WantRemoteIO = true;
+        RequestCpus = 1;
+        NumShadowStarts = 1;
+        RemoteUserCpu = 4.554300000000000E+04;
+        NiceUser = false;
+        RequestMemory = 2000;
+        BytesRecvd = 3.287412000000000E+06;
+        StreamOut = true;
+        ResidentSetSize = 125000;
+        SpooledOutputFiles = "output_file_neutral_bneckstart_0.1_recovery_1_bneckstr_0.01_id_9.txt";
+        OnExitRemove = true;
+        ImageSize_RAW = 2793220;
+        RemoteWallClockTime = 4.364500000000000E+04;
+        MachineAttrSlotWeight0 = 1;
+        ExecutableSize = 15;
+        JobStatus = 4;
+        DAGParentNodeNames = "";
+        ExitCode = 0;
+        DAGManNodesMask = "0,1,2,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,13,16,17,24,27";
+        BytesSent = 1.070000000000000E+03;
+        LastSuspensionTime = 0;
+        ExecutableSize_RAW = 13;
+        RecentBlockReadKbytes = 0;
+        TransferInputSizeMB = 3;
+        BlockReadKbytes = 52;
+        LocalSysCpu = 0.0;
+        Iwd = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/outputs2";
+        Cmd = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/";
+        CommittedSuspensionTime = 0;
+        DiskUsage_RAW = 43216;
+        RecentStatsLifetimeStarter = 1200;
+        TargetType = "Machine";
+        WhenToTransferOutput = "ON_EXIT";
+        BufferSize = 524288;
+        JobCurrentStartTransferOutputDate = 1462936628;
+        RecentBlockWrites = 825;
+        CompletionDate = 1462936629;
+        LastMatchTime = 1462892984;
+        LastJobLeaseRenewal = 1462936628;
+        DAGManNodesLog = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/./CS776_project.dag.nodes.log";
+        ClusterId = 3723417;
+        JobUniverse = 5;
+        NumJobStarts = 1;
+        StartdPrincipal = "execute-side@matchsession/";
+        EnteredCurrentStatus = 1462936629;
+        JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "$$([IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName), IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), \"\", TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName)])";
+        ProcId = 0;
+        PeriodicHold = false;
+        CoreSize = 0;
+        OnExitHold = false;
+        CondorPlatform = "$CondorPlatform: x86_64_RedHat6 $";
+        JobFinishedHookDone = 1462936629;
+        QDate = 1462892356;
+        JobLeaseDuration = 3200;
+        In = "/dev/null";
+        DiskUsage = 45000;
+        EncryptExecuteDirectory = false;
+        User = "";
+        FileSystemDomain = "";
+        LeaveJobInQueue = false;
+        Requirements = ( OpSys == "LINUX" ) && ( MY.JobUniverse == 12 || MY.JobUniverse == 7 || ( ( MY.WantFlocking || MY.WantGlidein || TARGET.PoolName == "CHTC" ) && ( TARGET.OpSysMajorVer == MY.LinuxVer || TARGET.OpSysMajorVer == MY.LinuxVerAlt || TARGET.OpSysMajorVer == MY.WinVer ) ) ) && ( TARGET.Arch == "X86_64" ) && ( TARGET.Disk >= RequestDisk ) && ( TARGET.Memory >= RequestMemory ) && ( ( TARGET.HasFileTransfer ) || ( TARGET.FileSystemDomain == MY.FileSystemDomain ) );
+        MinHosts = 1;
+        MaxHosts = 1;
+        Args = "\342\200\234-1 0.01 0.1 1 9 -1\342\200\235";
+        Environment = "";
+        LinuxVer = 6;
+        DAGNodeName = "69";
+        MemoryUsage = ( ( ResidentSetSize + 1023 ) / 1024 );
+        TerminationPending = true;
+        NumRestarts = 0;
+        NumSystemHolds = 0;
+        CondorVersion = "$CondorVersion: 8.5.5 May 03 2016 BuildID: 366162 $";
+        UserLog = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/outputs2/CS776_project_69.log";
+        JobCurrentStartDate = 1462892984;
+        MATCH_EXP_JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "";
+        BufferBlockSize = 32768;
+        BlockWriteKbytes = 7087256;
+        ExitBySignal = false;
+        DAGManJobId = 3723347;
+        MachineAttrCpus0 = 1;
+        WantRemoteSyscalls = false;
+        JobBatchName = "CS776_project.dag+3723347";
+        WantCheckpoint = false;
+        BlockReads = 4;
+        CumulativeSuspensionTime = 0;
+        MyType = "Job";
+        Rank = 0.0;
+        JobNotification = 0;
+        Owner = "jlange3";
+        LinuxVerAlt = 6;
+        Err = "CS776_project_69.err";
+        PeriodicRemove = false;
+        CommittedTime = 43645;
+        RecentBlockWriteKbytes = 209128;
+        TransferIn = false;
+        ExitStatus = 0;
+        ShouldTransferFiles = "IF_NEEDED";
+        IsCHTCSubmit = true;
+        NumJobMatches = 1;
+        RootDir = "/";
+        JobStartDate = 1462892984;
+        JobPrio = 1;
+        CurrentHosts = 0;
+        GlobalJobId = "";
+        RemoteSysCpu = 3.770000000000000E+02;
+        TotalSuspensions = 0;
+        CommittedSlotTime = 4.364500000000000E+04;
+        LastRemoteHost = "";
+        TransferInput = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/condor_tarred2.tgz";
+        LocalUserCpu = 0.0;
+        PeriodicRelease = false;
+        WinVer = 601;
+        LastPublicClaimId = "<>#1462851382#492#...";
+        NumCkpts_RAW = 0;
+        Out = "CS776_project_69.out";
+        SubmitEventNotes = "DAG Node: 69";
+        CumulativeSlotTime = 4.364500000000000E+04;
+        JobRunCount = 1;
+        RecentBlockReads = 0;
+        StreamErr = false;
+        RequestDisk = 1000000;
+        ResidentSetSize_RAW = 119932;
+        OrigMaxHosts = 1;
+        NumCkpts = 0;
+        StatsLifetimeStarter = 43643;
+        ImageSize = 3000000
+    ]
+        Schedd = "";
+        BlockWrites = 8530;
+        LastJobStatus = 2;
+        JobCurrentStartExecutingDate = 1462901412;
+        WantRemoteIO = true;
+        RequestCpus = 1;
+        NumShadowStarts = 1;
+        RemoteUserCpu = 3.582500000000000E+04;
+        NiceUser = false;
+        RequestMemory = 2000;
+        BytesRecvd = 3.287412000000000E+06;
+        StreamOut = true;
+        ResidentSetSize = 125000;
+        SpooledOutputFiles = "output_file_freq_2e-07_selstr_0.001_bneckstart_0.1_recovery_0.5_bneckstr_0.1_id_16.txt";
+        OnExitRemove = true;
+        ImageSize_RAW = 3141192;
+        RemoteWallClockTime = 3.516400000000000E+04;
+        MachineAttrSlotWeight0 = 1;
+        ExecutableSize = 15;
+        JobStatus = 4;
+        DAGParentNodeNames = "";
+        ExitCode = 0;
+        DAGManNodesMask = "0,1,2,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,13,16,17,24,27";
+        BytesSent = 6.540000000000000E+02;
+        LastSuspensionTime = 0;
+        ExecutableSize_RAW = 13;
+        RecentBlockReadKbytes = 0;
+        TransferInputSizeMB = 3;
+        BlockReadKbytes = 0;
+        LocalSysCpu = 0.0;
+        Iwd = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/outputs2";
+        Cmd = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/";
+        CommittedSuspensionTime = 0;
+        DiskUsage_RAW = 42359;
+        RecentStatsLifetimeStarter = 1200;
+        TargetType = "Machine";
+        WhenToTransferOutput = "ON_EXIT";
+        BufferSize = 524288;
+        JobCurrentStartTransferOutputDate = 1462936573;
+        RecentBlockWrites = 276;
+        CompletionDate = 1462936574;
+        LastMatchTime = 1462901410;
+        LastJobLeaseRenewal = 1462936573;
+        DAGManNodesLog = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/./CS776_project.dag.nodes.log";
+        ClusterId = 3724044;
+        JobUniverse = 5;
+        NumJobStarts = 1;
+        StartdPrincipal = "execute-side@matchsession/";
+        EnteredCurrentStatus = 1462936574;
+        JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "$$([IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName), IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), \"\", TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName)])";
+        ProcId = 0;
+        PeriodicHold = false;
+        CoreSize = 0;
+        OnExitHold = false;
+        CondorPlatform = "$CondorPlatform: x86_64_RedHat6 $";
+        JobFinishedHookDone = 1462936574;
+        QDate = 1462893047;
+        JobLeaseDuration = 3200;
+        In = "/dev/null";
+        DiskUsage = 42500;
+        EncryptExecuteDirectory = false;
+        User = "";
+        FileSystemDomain = "";
+        LeaveJobInQueue = false;
+        Requirements = ( OpSys == "LINUX" ) && ( MY.JobUniverse == 12 || MY.JobUniverse == 7 || ( ( MY.WantFlocking || MY.WantGlidein || TARGET.PoolName == "CHTC" ) && ( TARGET.OpSysMajorVer == MY.LinuxVer || TARGET.OpSysMajorVer == MY.LinuxVerAlt || TARGET.OpSysMajorVer == MY.WinVer ) ) ) && ( TARGET.Arch == "X86_64" ) && ( TARGET.Disk >= RequestDisk ) && ( TARGET.Memory >= RequestMemory ) && ( ( TARGET.HasFileTransfer ) || ( TARGET.FileSystemDomain == MY.FileSystemDomain ) );
+        MinHosts = 1;
+        MaxHosts = 1;
+        Args = "\342\200\234-1 0.1 0.1 0.5 2e-07 0.001 16 -1\342\200\235";
+        Environment = "";
+        LinuxVer = 6;
+        DAGNodeName = "696";
+        MemoryUsage = ( ( ResidentSetSize + 1023 ) / 1024 );
+        TerminationPending = true;
+        NumRestarts = 0;
+        NumSystemHolds = 0;
+        CondorVersion = "$CondorVersion: 8.5.5 May 03 2016 BuildID: 366162 $";
+        UserLog = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/outputs2/CS776_project_696.log";
+        JobCurrentStartDate = 1462901410;
+        MATCH_EXP_JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "";
+        BufferBlockSize = 32768;
+        BlockWriteKbytes = 4285828;
+        ExitBySignal = false;
+        DAGManJobId = 3723347;
+        MachineAttrCpus0 = 1;
+        WantRemoteSyscalls = false;
+        JobBatchName = "CS776_project.dag+3723347";
+        WantCheckpoint = false;
+        BlockReads = 0;
+        CumulativeSuspensionTime = 0;
+        MyType = "Job";
+        Rank = 0.0;
+        JobNotification = 0;
+        Owner = "jlange3";
+        LinuxVerAlt = 6;
+        Err = "CS776_project_696.err";
+        PeriodicRemove = false;
+        CommittedTime = 35164;
+        RecentBlockWriteKbytes = 137076;
+        TransferIn = false;
+        ExitStatus = 0;
+        ShouldTransferFiles = "IF_NEEDED";
+        IsCHTCSubmit = true;
+        NumJobMatches = 1;
+        RootDir = "/";
+        JobStartDate = 1462901410;
+        JobPrio = 1;
+        CurrentHosts = 0;
+        GlobalJobId = "";
+        RemoteSysCpu = 5.000000000000000E+02;
+        TotalSuspensions = 0;
+        CommittedSlotTime = 3.516400000000000E+04;
+        LastRemoteHost = "";
+        TransferInput = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/condor_tarred2.tgz";
+        LocalUserCpu = 0.0;
+        PeriodicRelease = false;
+        WinVer = 601;
+        LastPublicClaimId = "<>#1460651057#12799#...";
+        NumCkpts_RAW = 0;
+        Out = "CS776_project_696.out";
+        SubmitEventNotes = "DAG Node: 696";
+        CumulativeSlotTime = 3.516400000000000E+04;
+        JobRunCount = 1;
+        RecentBlockReads = 0;
+        StreamErr = false;
+        RequestDisk = 1000000;
+        ResidentSetSize_RAW = 123976;
+        OrigMaxHosts = 1;
+        NumCkpts = 0;
+        StatsLifetimeStarter = 35162;
+        ImageSize = 3250000
+    ]
+        Schedd = "";
+        BlockWrites = 11718;
+        LastJobStatus = 2;
+        JobCurrentStartExecutingDate = 1462898239;
+        WantRemoteIO = true;
+        RequestCpus = 1;
+        NumShadowStarts = 1;
+        RemoteUserCpu = 3.915100000000000E+04;
+        NiceUser = false;
+        RequestMemory = 2000;
+        BytesRecvd = 3.287412000000000E+06;
+        StreamOut = true;
+        ResidentSetSize = 125000;
+        SpooledOutputFiles = "output_file_freq_2e-07_selstr_0.0001_bneckstart_0.1_recovery_1_bneckstr_0.01_id_10.txt";
+        OnExitRemove = true;
+        ImageSize_RAW = 3141184;
+        RemoteWallClockTime = 3.828200000000000E+04;
+        MachineAttrSlotWeight0 = 1;
+        ExecutableSize = 15;
+        JobStatus = 4;
+        DAGParentNodeNames = "";
+        ExitCode = 0;
+        DAGManNodesMask = "0,1,2,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,13,16,17,24,27";
+        BytesSent = 1.060000000000000E+03;
+        LastSuspensionTime = 0;
+        ExecutableSize_RAW = 13;
+        RecentBlockReadKbytes = 0;
+        TransferInputSizeMB = 3;
+        BlockReadKbytes = 56;
+        LocalSysCpu = 0.0;
+        Iwd = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/outputs2";
+        Cmd = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/";
+        CommittedSuspensionTime = 0;
+        DiskUsage_RAW = 42992;
+        RecentStatsLifetimeStarter = 1200;
+        TargetType = "Machine";
+        WhenToTransferOutput = "ON_EXIT";
+        BufferSize = 524288;
+        JobCurrentStartTransferOutputDate = 1462936519;
+        RecentBlockWrites = 106;
+        CompletionDate = 1462936520;
+        LastMatchTime = 1462898238;
+        LastJobLeaseRenewal = 1462936519;
+        DAGManNodesLog = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/./CS776_project.dag.nodes.log";
+        ClusterId = 3723758;
+        JobUniverse = 5;
+        NumJobStarts = 1;
+        StartdPrincipal = "execute-side@matchsession/";
+        EnteredCurrentStatus = 1462936520;
+        JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "$$([IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName), IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), \"\", TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName)])";
+        ProcId = 0;
+        PeriodicHold = false;
+        CoreSize = 0;
+        OnExitHold = false;
+        CondorPlatform = "$CondorPlatform: x86_64_RedHat6 $";
+        JobFinishedHookDone = 1462936520;
+        QDate = 1462892737;
+        JobLeaseDuration = 3200;
+        In = "/dev/null";
+        DiskUsage = 45000;
+        EncryptExecuteDirectory = false;
+        User = "";
+        FileSystemDomain = "";
+        LeaveJobInQueue = false;
+        Requirements = ( OpSys == "LINUX" ) && ( MY.JobUniverse == 12 || MY.JobUniverse == 7 || ( ( MY.WantFlocking || MY.WantGlidein || TARGET.PoolName == "CHTC" ) && ( TARGET.OpSysMajorVer == MY.LinuxVer || TARGET.OpSysMajorVer == MY.LinuxVerAlt || TARGET.OpSysMajorVer == MY.WinVer ) ) ) && ( TARGET.Arch == "X86_64" ) && ( TARGET.Disk >= RequestDisk ) && ( TARGET.Memory >= RequestMemory ) && ( ( TARGET.HasFileTransfer ) || ( TARGET.FileSystemDomain == MY.FileSystemDomain ) );
+        MinHosts = 1;
+        MaxHosts = 1;
+        Args = "\342\200\234-1 0.01 0.1 1 2e-07 0.0001 10 -1\342\200\235";
+        Environment = "";
+        LinuxVer = 6;
+        DAGNodeName = "410";
+        MemoryUsage = ( ( ResidentSetSize + 1023 ) / 1024 );
+        TerminationPending = true;
+        NumRestarts = 0;
+        NumSystemHolds = 0;
+        CondorVersion = "$CondorVersion: 8.5.5 May 03 2016 BuildID: 366162 $";
+        UserLog = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/outputs2/CS776_project_410.log";
+        JobCurrentStartDate = 1462898238;
+        MATCH_EXP_JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "";
+        BufferBlockSize = 32768;
+        BlockWriteKbytes = 5922168;
+        ExitBySignal = false;
+        DAGManJobId = 3723347;
+        MachineAttrCpus0 = 1;
+        WantRemoteSyscalls = false;
+        JobBatchName = "CS776_project.dag+3723347";
+        WantCheckpoint = false;
+        BlockReads = 14;
+        CumulativeSuspensionTime = 0;
+        MyType = "Job";
+        Rank = 0.0;
+        JobNotification = 0;
+        Owner = "jlange3";
+        LinuxVerAlt = 6;
+        Err = "CS776_project_410.err";
+        PeriodicRemove = false;
+        CommittedTime = 38282;
+        RecentBlockWriteKbytes = 53572;
+        TransferIn = false;
+        ExitStatus = 0;
+        ShouldTransferFiles = "IF_NEEDED";
+        IsCHTCSubmit = true;
+        NumJobMatches = 1;
+        RootDir = "/";
+        JobStartDate = 1462898238;
+        JobPrio = 1;
+        CurrentHosts = 0;
+        GlobalJobId = "";
+        RemoteSysCpu = 4.940000000000000E+02;
+        TotalSuspensions = 0;
+        CommittedSlotTime = 3.828200000000000E+04;
+        LastRemoteHost = "";
+        TransferInput = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/condor_tarred2.tgz";
+        LocalUserCpu = 0.0;
+        PeriodicRelease = false;
+        WinVer = 601;
+        LastPublicClaimId = "<>#1460678446#12495#...";
+        NumCkpts_RAW = 0;
+        Out = "CS776_project_410.out";
+        SubmitEventNotes = "DAG Node: 410";
+        CumulativeSlotTime = 3.828200000000000E+04;
+        JobRunCount = 1;
+        RecentBlockReads = 0;
+        StreamErr = false;
+        RequestDisk = 1000000;
+        ResidentSetSize_RAW = 117364;
+        OrigMaxHosts = 1;
+        NumCkpts = 0;
+        StatsLifetimeStarter = 38280;
+        ImageSize = 3250000
+    ]
+        Schedd = "";
+        BlockWrites = 667;
+        LastJobStatus = 2;
+        JobCurrentStartExecutingDate = 1462901950;
+        WantRemoteIO = true;
+        RequestCpus = 1;
+        NumShadowStarts = 1;
+        RemoteUserCpu = 3.540400000000000E+04;
+        NiceUser = false;
+        RequestMemory = 2000;
+        BytesRecvd = 3.287412000000000E+06;
+        StreamOut = true;
+        ResidentSetSize = 125000;
+        SpooledOutputFiles = "output_file_freq_2e-07_selstr_0.001_bneckstart_0.1_recovery_1_bneckstr_0.1_id_11.txt";
+        OnExitRemove = true;
+        ImageSize_RAW = 3141192;
+        RemoteWallClockTime = 3.455900000000000E+04;
+        MachineAttrSlotWeight0 = 1;
+        ExecutableSize = 15;
+        JobStatus = 4;
+        DAGParentNodeNames = "";
+        ExitCode = 0;
+        DAGManNodesMask = "0,1,2,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,13,16,17,24,27";
+        BytesSent = 7.290000000000000E+02;
+        LastSuspensionTime = 0;
+        ExecutableSize_RAW = 13;
+        RecentBlockReadKbytes = 0;
+        TransferInputSizeMB = 3;
+        BlockReadKbytes = 0;
+        LocalSysCpu = 0.0;
+        Iwd = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/outputs2";
+        Cmd = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/";
+        CommittedSuspensionTime = 0;
+        DiskUsage_RAW = 43497;
+        RecentStatsLifetimeStarter = 1200;
+        TargetType = "Machine";
+        WhenToTransferOutput = "ON_EXIT";
+        BufferSize = 524288;
+        JobCurrentStartTransferOutputDate = 1462936506;
+        RecentBlockWrites = 22;
+        CompletionDate = 1462936507;
+        LastMatchTime = 1462901948;
+        LastJobLeaseRenewal = 1462936506;
+        DAGManNodesLog = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/./CS776_project.dag.nodes.log";
+        ClusterId = 3724119;
+        JobUniverse = 5;
+        NumJobStarts = 1;
+        StartdPrincipal = "execute-side@matchsession/";
+        EnteredCurrentStatus = 1462936507;
+        JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "$$([IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName), IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), \"\", TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName)])";
+        ProcId = 0;
+        PeriodicHold = false;
+        CoreSize = 0;
+        OnExitHold = false;
+        CondorPlatform = "$CondorPlatform: x86_64_RedHat6 $";
+        JobFinishedHookDone = 1462936507;
+        QDate = 1462893129;
+        JobLeaseDuration = 3200;
+        In = "/dev/null";
+        DiskUsage = 45000;
+        EncryptExecuteDirectory = false;
+        User = "";
+        FileSystemDomain = "";
+        LeaveJobInQueue = false;
+        Requirements = ( OpSys == "LINUX" ) && ( MY.JobUniverse == 12 || MY.JobUniverse == 7 || ( ( MY.WantFlocking || MY.WantGlidein || TARGET.PoolName == "CHTC" ) && ( TARGET.OpSysMajorVer == MY.LinuxVer || TARGET.OpSysMajorVer == MY.LinuxVerAlt || TARGET.OpSysMajorVer == MY.WinVer ) ) ) && ( TARGET.Arch == "X86_64" ) && ( TARGET.Disk >= RequestDisk ) && ( TARGET.Memory >= RequestMemory ) && ( ( TARGET.HasFileTransfer ) || ( TARGET.FileSystemDomain == MY.FileSystemDomain ) );
+        MinHosts = 1;
+        MaxHosts = 1;
+        Args = "\342\200\234-1 0.1 0.1 1 2e-07 0.001 11 -1\342\200\235";
+        Environment = "";
+        LinuxVer = 6;
+        DAGNodeName = "771";
+        MemoryUsage = ( ( ResidentSetSize + 1023 ) / 1024 );
+        TerminationPending = true;
+        NumRestarts = 0;
+        NumSystemHolds = 0;
+        CondorVersion = "$CondorVersion: 8.5.5 May 03 2016 BuildID: 366162 $";
+        UserLog = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/outputs2/CS776_project_771.log";
+        JobCurrentStartDate = 1462901948;
+        MATCH_EXP_JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "";
+        BufferBlockSize = 32768;
+        BlockWriteKbytes = 336940;
+        ExitBySignal = false;
+        DAGManJobId = 3723347;
+        MachineAttrCpus0 = 1;
+        WantRemoteSyscalls = false;
+        JobBatchName = "CS776_project.dag+3723347";
+        WantCheckpoint = false;
+        BlockReads = 0;
+        CumulativeSuspensionTime = 0;
+        MyType = "Job";
+        Rank = 0.0;
+        JobNotification = 0;
+        Owner = "jlange3";
+        LinuxVerAlt = 6;
+        Err = "CS776_project_771.err";
+        PeriodicRemove = false;
+        CommittedTime = 34559;
+        RecentBlockWriteKbytes = 10856;
+        TransferIn = false;
+        ExitStatus = 0;
+        ShouldTransferFiles = "IF_NEEDED";
+        IsCHTCSubmit = true;
+        NumJobMatches = 1;
+        RootDir = "/";
+        JobStartDate = 1462901948;
+        JobPrio = 1;
+        CurrentHosts = 0;
+        GlobalJobId = "";
+        RemoteSysCpu = 9.590000000000000E+02;
+        TotalSuspensions = 0;
+        CommittedSlotTime = 3.455900000000000E+04;
+        LastRemoteHost = "";
+        TransferInput = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/condor_tarred2.tgz";
+        LocalUserCpu = 0.0;
+        PeriodicRelease = false;
+        WinVer = 601;
+        LastPublicClaimId = "<>#1460610771#13097#...";
+        NumCkpts_RAW = 0;
+        Out = "CS776_project_771.out";
+        SubmitEventNotes = "DAG Node: 771";
+        CumulativeSlotTime = 3.455900000000000E+04;
+        JobRunCount = 1;
+        RecentBlockReads = 0;
+        StreamErr = false;
+        RequestDisk = 1000000;
+        ResidentSetSize_RAW = 120524;
+        OrigMaxHosts = 1;
+        NumCkpts = 0;
+        StatsLifetimeStarter = 34556;
+        ImageSize = 3250000
+    ]
+        Schedd = "";
+        BlockWrites = 4777;
+        LastJobStatus = 2;
+        JobCurrentStartExecutingDate = 1462896959;
+        WantRemoteIO = true;
+        RequestCpus = 1;
+        NumShadowStarts = 1;
+        RemoteUserCpu = 3.991700000000000E+04;
+        NiceUser = false;
+        RequestMemory = 2000;
+        BytesRecvd = 3.287412000000000E+06;
+        StreamOut = true;
+        ResidentSetSize = 125000;
+        SpooledOutputFiles = "output_file_freq_2e-07_selstr_0.0001_bneckstart_0.1_recovery_0.5_bneckstr_0.01_id_4.txt";
+        OnExitRemove = true;
+        ImageSize_RAW = 3141184;
+        RemoteWallClockTime = 3.945000000000000E+04;
+        MachineAttrSlotWeight0 = 1;
+        ExecutableSize = 15;
+        JobStatus = 4;
+        DAGParentNodeNames = "";
+        ExitCode = 0;
+        DAGManNodesMask = "0,1,2,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,13,16,17,24,27";
+        BytesSent = 1.054000000000000E+03;
+        LastRejMatchReason = "PREEMPTION_REQUIREMENTS == False ";
+        LastSuspensionTime = 0;
+        ExecutableSize_RAW = 13;
+        RecentBlockReadKbytes = 0;
+        TransferInputSizeMB = 3;
+        BlockReadKbytes = 0;
+        LocalSysCpu = 0.0;
+        Iwd = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/outputs2";
+        Cmd = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/";
+        CommittedSuspensionTime = 0;
+        DiskUsage_RAW = 43224;
+        RecentStatsLifetimeStarter = 1200;
+        TargetType = "Machine";
+        WhenToTransferOutput = "ON_EXIT";
+        BufferSize = 524288;
+        JobCurrentStartTransferOutputDate = 1462936407;
+        RecentBlockWrites = 201;
+        CompletionDate = 1462936408;
+        LastMatchTime = 1462896958;
+        LastJobLeaseRenewal = 1462936407;
+        DAGManNodesLog = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/./CS776_project.dag.nodes.log";
+        ClusterId = 3723672;
+        JobUniverse = 5;
+        NumJobStarts = 1;
+        StartdPrincipal = "execute-side@matchsession/";
+        EnteredCurrentStatus = 1462936408;
+        JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "$$([IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName), IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), \"\", TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName)])";
+        ProcId = 0;
+        PeriodicHold = false;
+        CoreSize = 0;
+        OnExitHold = false;
+        CondorPlatform = "$CondorPlatform: x86_64_RedHat6 $";
+        JobFinishedHookDone = 1462936408;
+        QDate = 1462892640;
+        JobLeaseDuration = 3200;
+        In = "/dev/null";
+        DiskUsage = 45000;
+        EncryptExecuteDirectory = false;
+        User = "";
+        FileSystemDomain = "";
+        LeaveJobInQueue = false;
+        Requirements = ( OpSys == "LINUX" ) && ( MY.JobUniverse == 12 || MY.JobUniverse == 7 || ( ( MY.WantFlocking || MY.WantGlidein || TARGET.PoolName == "CHTC" ) && ( TARGET.OpSysMajorVer == MY.LinuxVer || TARGET.OpSysMajorVer == MY.LinuxVerAlt || TARGET.OpSysMajorVer == MY.WinVer ) ) ) && ( TARGET.Arch == "X86_64" ) && ( TARGET.Disk >= RequestDisk ) && ( TARGET.Memory >= RequestMemory ) && ( ( TARGET.HasFileTransfer ) || ( TARGET.FileSystemDomain == MY.FileSystemDomain ) );
+        MinHosts = 1;
+        MaxHosts = 1;
+        Args = "\342\200\234-1 0.01 0.1 0.5 2e-07 0.0001 4 -1\342\200\235";
+        Environment = "";
+        LinuxVer = 6;
+        DAGNodeName = "324";
+        MemoryUsage = ( ( ResidentSetSize + 1023 ) / 1024 );
+        TerminationPending = true;
+        NumRestarts = 0;
+        NumSystemHolds = 0;
+        CondorVersion = "$CondorVersion: 8.5.5 May 03 2016 BuildID: 366162 $";
+        UserLog = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/outputs2/CS776_project_324.log";
+        JobCurrentStartDate = 1462896958;
+        MATCH_EXP_JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "";
+        BufferBlockSize = 32768;
+        BlockWriteKbytes = 2411028;
+        ExitBySignal = false;
+        DAGManJobId = 3723347;
+        MachineAttrCpus0 = 1;
+        WantRemoteSyscalls = false;
+        JobBatchName = "CS776_project.dag+3723347";
+        WantCheckpoint = false;
+        BlockReads = 0;
+        CumulativeSuspensionTime = 0;
+        MyType = "Job";
+        Rank = 0.0;
+        JobNotification = 0;
+        Owner = "jlange3";
+        LinuxVerAlt = 6;
+        Err = "CS776_project_324.err";
+        PeriodicRemove = false;
+        CommittedTime = 39450;
+        RecentBlockWriteKbytes = 101880;
+        TransferIn = false;
+        ExitStatus = 0;
+        ShouldTransferFiles = "IF_NEEDED";
+        IsCHTCSubmit = true;
+        NumJobMatches = 1;
+        RootDir = "/";
+        JobStartDate = 1462896958;
+        JobPrio = 1;
+        CurrentHosts = 0;
+        GlobalJobId = "";
+        RemoteSysCpu = 5.560000000000000E+02;
+        LastRejMatchTime = 1462896957;
+        TotalSuspensions = 0;
+        CommittedSlotTime = 3.945000000000000E+04;
+        LastRemoteHost = "";
+        TransferInput = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/condor_tarred2.tgz";
+        LocalUserCpu = 0.0;
+        PeriodicRelease = false;
+        WinVer = 601;
+        LastPublicClaimId = "<>#1460629231#10993#...";
+        NumCkpts_RAW = 0;
+        Out = "CS776_project_324.out";
+        SubmitEventNotes = "DAG Node: 324";
+        CumulativeSlotTime = 3.945000000000000E+04;
+        JobRunCount = 1;
+        RecentBlockReads = 0;
+        StreamErr = false;
+        RequestDisk = 1000000;
+        ResidentSetSize_RAW = 118308;
+        OrigMaxHosts = 1;
+        NumCkpts = 0;
+        StatsLifetimeStarter = 39448;
+        ImageSize = 3250000
+    ]
+        Schedd = "";
+        BlockWrites = 13571;
+        LastJobStatus = 2;
+        JobCurrentStartExecutingDate = 1462893089;
+        WantRemoteIO = true;
+        RequestCpus = 1;
+        NumShadowStarts = 1;
+        RemoteUserCpu = 4.528800000000000E+04;
+        NiceUser = false;
+        RequestMemory = 2000;
+        BytesRecvd = 3.287412000000000E+06;
+        StreamOut = true;
+        ResidentSetSize = 125000;
+        SpooledOutputFiles = "output_file_neutral_bneckstart_0.1_recovery_1_bneckstr_0.01_id_15.txt";
+        OnExitRemove = true;
+        ImageSize_RAW = 3141184;
+        RemoteWallClockTime = 4.329500000000000E+04;
+        MachineAttrSlotWeight0 = 1;
+        ExecutableSize = 15;
+        JobStatus = 4;
+        DAGParentNodeNames = "";
+        ExitCode = 0;
+        DAGManNodesMask = "0,1,2,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,13,16,17,24,27";
+        BytesSent = 1.076000000000000E+03;
+        LastSuspensionTime = 0;
+        ExecutableSize_RAW = 13;
+        RecentBlockReadKbytes = 0;
+        TransferInputSizeMB = 3;
+        BlockReadKbytes = 0;
+        LocalSysCpu = 0.0;
+        Iwd = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/outputs2";
+        Cmd = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/";
+        CommittedSuspensionTime = 0;
+        DiskUsage_RAW = 43146;
+        RecentStatsLifetimeStarter = 1200;
+        TargetType = "Machine";
+        WhenToTransferOutput = "ON_EXIT";
+        BufferSize = 524288;
+        JobCurrentStartTransferOutputDate = 1462936381;
+        RecentBlockWrites = 230;
+        CompletionDate = 1462936382;
+        LastMatchTime = 1462893087;
+        LastJobLeaseRenewal = 1462936381;
+        DAGManNodesLog = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/./CS776_project.dag.nodes.log";
+        ClusterId = 3723423;
+        JobUniverse = 5;
+        NumJobStarts = 1;
+        StartdPrincipal = "execute-side@matchsession/";
+        EnteredCurrentStatus = 1462936382;
+        JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "$$([IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName), IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), \"\", TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName)])";
+        ProcId = 0;
+        PeriodicHold = false;
+        CoreSize = 0;
+        OnExitHold = false;
+        CondorPlatform = "$CondorPlatform: x86_64_RedHat6 $";
+        JobFinishedHookDone = 1462936382;
+        QDate = 1462892366;
+        JobLeaseDuration = 3200;
+        In = "/dev/null";
+        DiskUsage = 45000;
+        EncryptExecuteDirectory = false;
+        User = "";
+        FileSystemDomain = "";
+        LeaveJobInQueue = false;
+        Requirements = ( OpSys == "LINUX" ) && ( MY.JobUniverse == 12 || MY.JobUniverse == 7 || ( ( MY.WantFlocking || MY.WantGlidein || TARGET.PoolName == "CHTC" ) && ( TARGET.OpSysMajorVer == MY.LinuxVer || TARGET.OpSysMajorVer == MY.LinuxVerAlt || TARGET.OpSysMajorVer == MY.WinVer ) ) ) && ( TARGET.Arch == "X86_64" ) && ( TARGET.Disk >= RequestDisk ) && ( TARGET.Memory >= RequestMemory ) && ( ( TARGET.HasFileTransfer ) || ( TARGET.FileSystemDomain == MY.FileSystemDomain ) );
+        MinHosts = 1;
+        MaxHosts = 1;
+        Args = "\342\200\234-1 0.01 0.1 1 15 -1\342\200\235";
+        Environment = "";
+        LinuxVer = 6;
+        DAGNodeName = "75";
+        MemoryUsage = ( ( ResidentSetSize + 1023 ) / 1024 );
+        TerminationPending = true;
+        NumRestarts = 0;
+        NumSystemHolds = 0;
+        CondorVersion = "$CondorVersion: 8.5.5 May 03 2016 BuildID: 366162 $";
+        UserLog = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/outputs2/CS776_project_75.log";
+        JobCurrentStartDate = 1462893087;
+        MATCH_EXP_JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "";
+        BufferBlockSize = 32768;
+        BlockWriteKbytes = 6846074;
+        ExitBySignal = false;
+        DAGManJobId = 3723347;
+        MachineAttrCpus0 = 1;
+        WantRemoteSyscalls = false;
+        JobBatchName = "CS776_project.dag+3723347";
+        WantCheckpoint = false;
+        BlockReads = 0;
+        CumulativeSuspensionTime = 0;
+        MyType = "Job";
+        Rank = 0.0;
+        JobNotification = 0;
+        Owner = "jlange3";
+        LinuxVerAlt = 6;
+        Err = "CS776_project_75.err";
+        PeriodicRemove = false;
+        CommittedTime = 43295;
+        RecentBlockWriteKbytes = 116176;
+        TransferIn = false;
+        ExitStatus = 0;
+        ShouldTransferFiles = "IF_NEEDED";
+        IsCHTCSubmit = true;
+        NumJobMatches = 1;
+        RootDir = "/";
+        JobStartDate = 1462893087;
+        JobPrio = 1;
+        CurrentHosts = 0;
+        GlobalJobId = "";
+        RemoteSysCpu = 2.440000000000000E+02;
+        TotalSuspensions = 0;
+        CommittedSlotTime = 4.329500000000000E+04;
+        LastRemoteHost = "";
+        TransferInput = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/condor_tarred2.tgz";
+        LocalUserCpu = 0.0;
+        PeriodicRelease = false;
+        WinVer = 601;
+        LastPublicClaimId = "<>#1460638234#11355#...";
+        NumCkpts_RAW = 0;
+        Out = "CS776_project_75.out";
+        SubmitEventNotes = "DAG Node: 75";
+        CumulativeSlotTime = 4.329500000000000E+04;
+        JobRunCount = 1;
+        RecentBlockReads = 0;
+        StreamErr = false;
+        RequestDisk = 1000000;
+        ResidentSetSize_RAW = 123168;
+        OrigMaxHosts = 1;
+        NumCkpts = 0;
+        StatsLifetimeStarter = 43293;
+        ImageSize = 3250000
+    ]
+        Schedd = "";
+        BlockWrites = 15015;
+        LastJobStatus = 2;
+        JobCurrentStartExecutingDate = 1462892911;
+        WantRemoteIO = true;
+        RequestCpus = 1;
+        NumShadowStarts = 1;
+        RemoteUserCpu = 4.468000000000000E+04;
+        NiceUser = false;
+        RequestMemory = 2000;
+        BytesRecvd = 3.287412000000000E+06;
+        StreamOut = true;
+        ResidentSetSize = 125000;
+        SpooledOutputFiles = "output_file_neutral_bneckstart_0.1_recovery_0.5_bneckstr_0.01_id_13.txt";
+        OnExitRemove = true;
+        ImageSize_RAW = 3141184;
+        RemoteWallClockTime = 4.321400000000000E+04;
+        MachineAttrSlotWeight0 = 1;
+        ExecutableSize = 15;
+        JobStatus = 4;
+        DAGParentNodeNames = "";
+        ExitCode = 0;
+        DAGManNodesMask = "0,1,2,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,13,16,17,24,27";
+        BytesSent = 1.075000000000000E+03;
+        LastSuspensionTime = 0;
+        ExecutableSize_RAW = 13;
+        RecentBlockReadKbytes = 0;
+        TransferInputSizeMB = 3;
+        BlockReadKbytes = 36;
+        LocalSysCpu = 0.0;
+        Iwd = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/outputs2";
+        Cmd = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/";
+        CommittedSuspensionTime = 0;
+        DiskUsage_RAW = 42760;
+        RecentStatsLifetimeStarter = 1200;
+        TargetType = "Machine";
+        WhenToTransferOutput = "ON_EXIT";
+        BufferSize = 524288;
+        JobCurrentStartTransferOutputDate = 1462936123;
+        RecentBlockWrites = 388;
+        CompletionDate = 1462936124;
+        LastMatchTime = 1462892910;
+        LastJobLeaseRenewal = 1462936123;
+        DAGManNodesLog = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/./CS776_project.dag.nodes.log";
+        ClusterId = 3723401;
+        JobUniverse = 5;
+        NumJobStarts = 1;
+        StartdPrincipal = "execute-side@matchsession/";
+        EnteredCurrentStatus = 1462936124;
+        JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "$$([IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName), IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), \"\", TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName)])";
+        ProcId = 0;
+        PeriodicHold = false;
+        CoreSize = 0;
+        OnExitHold = false;
+        CondorPlatform = "$CondorPlatform: x86_64_RedHat6 $";
+        JobFinishedHookDone = 1462936124;
+        QDate = 1462892339;
+        JobLeaseDuration = 3200;
+        In = "/dev/null";
+        DiskUsage = 45000;
+        EncryptExecuteDirectory = false;
+        User = "";
+        FileSystemDomain = "";
+        LeaveJobInQueue = false;
+        Requirements = ( OpSys == "LINUX" ) && ( MY.JobUniverse == 12 || MY.JobUniverse == 7 || ( ( MY.WantFlocking || MY.WantGlidein || TARGET.PoolName == "CHTC" ) && ( TARGET.OpSysMajorVer == MY.LinuxVer || TARGET.OpSysMajorVer == MY.LinuxVerAlt || TARGET.OpSysMajorVer == MY.WinVer ) ) ) && ( TARGET.Arch == "X86_64" ) && ( TARGET.Disk >= RequestDisk ) && ( TARGET.Memory >= RequestMemory ) && ( ( TARGET.HasFileTransfer ) || ( TARGET.FileSystemDomain == MY.FileSystemDomain ) );
+        MinHosts = 1;
+        MaxHosts = 1;
+        Args = "\342\200\234-1 0.01 0.1 0.5 13 -1\342\200\235";
+        Environment = "";
+        LinuxVer = 6;
+        DAGNodeName = "53";
+        MemoryUsage = ( ( ResidentSetSize + 1023 ) / 1024 );
+        TerminationPending = true;
+        NumRestarts = 0;
+        NumSystemHolds = 0;
+        CondorVersion = "$CondorVersion: 8.5.5 May 03 2016 BuildID: 366162 $";
+        UserLog = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/outputs2/CS776_project_53.log";
+        JobCurrentStartDate = 1462892910;
+        MATCH_EXP_JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "";
+        BufferBlockSize = 32768;
+        BlockWriteKbytes = 7570552;
+        ExitBySignal = false;
+        DAGManJobId = 3723347;
+        MachineAttrCpus0 = 1;
+        WantRemoteSyscalls = false;
+        JobBatchName = "CS776_project.dag+3723347";
+        WantCheckpoint = false;
+        BlockReads = 6;
+        CumulativeSuspensionTime = 0;
+        MyType = "Job";
+        Rank = 0.0;
+        JobNotification = 0;
+        Owner = "jlange3";
+        LinuxVerAlt = 6;
+        Err = "CS776_project_53.err";
+        PeriodicRemove = false;
+        CommittedTime = 43214;
+        RecentBlockWriteKbytes = 194440;
+        TransferIn = false;
+        ExitStatus = 0;
+        ShouldTransferFiles = "IF_NEEDED";
+        IsCHTCSubmit = true;
+        NumJobMatches = 1;
+        RootDir = "/";
+        JobStartDate = 1462892910;
+        JobPrio = 1;
+        CurrentHosts = 0;
+        GlobalJobId = "";
+        RemoteSysCpu = 8.500000000000000E+02;
+        TotalSuspensions = 0;
+        CommittedSlotTime = 4.321400000000000E+04;
+        LastRemoteHost = "";
+        TransferInput = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/condor_tarred2.tgz";
+        LocalUserCpu = 0.0;
+        PeriodicRelease = false;
+        WinVer = 601;
+        LastPublicClaimId = "<>#1460642996#11100#...";
+        NumCkpts_RAW = 0;
+        Out = "CS776_project_53.out";
+        SubmitEventNotes = "DAG Node: 53";
+        CumulativeSlotTime = 4.321400000000000E+04;
+        JobRunCount = 1;
+        RecentBlockReads = 0;
+        StreamErr = false;
+        RequestDisk = 1000000;
+        ResidentSetSize_RAW = 117396;
+        OrigMaxHosts = 1;
+        NumCkpts = 0;
+        StatsLifetimeStarter = 43212;
+        ImageSize = 3250000
+    ]
+        Schedd = "";
+        BlockWrites = 12474;
+        LastJobStatus = 2;
+        JobCurrentStartExecutingDate = 1462897854;
+        WantRemoteIO = true;
+        RequestCpus = 1;
+        NumShadowStarts = 1;
+        RemoteUserCpu = 3.938600000000000E+04;
+        NiceUser = false;
+        RequestMemory = 2000;
+        BytesRecvd = 3.287412000000000E+06;
+        StreamOut = true;
+        ResidentSetSize = 125000;
+        SpooledOutputFiles = "output_file_freq_2e-07_selstr_0.0001_bneckstart_0.1_recovery_0.5_bneckstr_0.01_id_10.txt";
+        OnExitRemove = true;
+        ImageSize_RAW = 3141184;
+        RemoteWallClockTime = 3.820600000000000E+04;
+        MachineAttrSlotWeight0 = 1;
+        ExecutableSize = 15;
+        JobStatus = 4;
+        DAGParentNodeNames = "";
+        ExitCode = 0;
+        DAGManNodesMask = "0,1,2,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,13,16,17,24,27";
+        BytesSent = 1.062000000000000E+03;
+        LastSuspensionTime = 0;
+        ExecutableSize_RAW = 13;
+        RecentBlockReadKbytes = 0;
+        TransferInputSizeMB = 3;
+        BlockReadKbytes = 0;
+        LocalSysCpu = 0.0;
+        Iwd = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/outputs2";
+        Cmd = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/";
+        CommittedSuspensionTime = 0;
+        DiskUsage_RAW = 43329;
+        RecentStatsLifetimeStarter = 1200;
+        TargetType = "Machine";
+        WhenToTransferOutput = "ON_EXIT";
+        BufferSize = 524288;
+        JobCurrentStartTransferOutputDate = 1462936058;
+        RecentBlockWrites = 347;
+        CompletionDate = 1462936059;
+        LastMatchTime = 1462897853;
+        LastJobLeaseRenewal = 1462936058;
+        DAGManNodesLog = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/./CS776_project.dag.nodes.log";
+        ClusterId = 3723678;
+        JobUniverse = 5;
+        NumJobStarts = 1;
+        StartdPrincipal = "execute-side@matchsession/";
+        EnteredCurrentStatus = 1462936059;
+        JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "$$([IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName), IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), \"\", TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName)])";
+        ProcId = 0;
+        PeriodicHold = false;
+        CoreSize = 0;
+        OnExitHold = false;
+        CondorPlatform = "$CondorPlatform: x86_64_RedHat6 $";
+        JobFinishedHookDone = 1462936059;
+        QDate = 1462892650;
+        JobLeaseDuration = 3200;
+        In = "/dev/null";
+        DiskUsage = 45000;
+        EncryptExecuteDirectory = false;
+        User = "";
+        FileSystemDomain = "";
+        LeaveJobInQueue = false;
+        Requirements = ( OpSys == "LINUX" ) && ( MY.JobUniverse == 12 || MY.JobUniverse == 7 || ( ( MY.WantFlocking || MY.WantGlidein || TARGET.PoolName == "CHTC" ) && ( TARGET.OpSysMajorVer == MY.LinuxVer || TARGET.OpSysMajorVer == MY.LinuxVerAlt || TARGET.OpSysMajorVer == MY.WinVer ) ) ) && ( TARGET.Arch == "X86_64" ) && ( TARGET.Disk >= RequestDisk ) && ( TARGET.Memory >= RequestMemory ) && ( ( TARGET.HasFileTransfer ) || ( TARGET.FileSystemDomain == MY.FileSystemDomain ) );
+        MinHosts = 1;
+        MaxHosts = 1;
+        Args = "\342\200\234-1 0.01 0.1 0.5 2e-07 0.0001 10 -1\342\200\235";
+        Environment = "";
+        LinuxVer = 6;
+        DAGNodeName = "330";
+        MemoryUsage = ( ( ResidentSetSize + 1023 ) / 1024 );
+        TerminationPending = true;
+        NumRestarts = 0;
+        NumSystemHolds = 0;
+        CondorVersion = "$CondorVersion: 8.5.5 May 03 2016 BuildID: 366162 $";
+        UserLog = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/outputs2/CS776_project_330.log";
+        JobCurrentStartDate = 1462897853;
+        MATCH_EXP_JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "";
+        BufferBlockSize = 32768;
+        BlockWriteKbytes = 6298804;
+        ExitBySignal = false;
+        DAGManJobId = 3723347;
+        MachineAttrCpus0 = 1;
+        WantRemoteSyscalls = false;
+        JobBatchName = "CS776_project.dag+3723347";
+        WantCheckpoint = false;
+        BlockReads = 0;
+        CumulativeSuspensionTime = 0;
+        MyType = "Job";
+        Rank = 0.0;
+        JobNotification = 0;
+        Owner = "jlange3";
+        LinuxVerAlt = 6;
+        Err = "CS776_project_330.err";
+        PeriodicRemove = false;
+        CommittedTime = 38206;
+        RecentBlockWriteKbytes = 174760;
+        TransferIn = false;
+        ExitStatus = 0;
+        ShouldTransferFiles = "IF_NEEDED";
+        IsCHTCSubmit = true;
+        NumJobMatches = 1;
+        RootDir = "/";
+        JobStartDate = 1462897853;
+        JobPrio = 1;
+        CurrentHosts = 0;
+        GlobalJobId = "";
+        RemoteSysCpu = 2.410000000000000E+02;
+        TotalSuspensions = 0;
+        CommittedSlotTime = 3.820600000000000E+04;
+        LastRemoteHost = "";
+        TransferInput = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/condor_tarred2.tgz";
+        LocalUserCpu = 0.0;
+        PeriodicRelease = false;
+        WinVer = 601;
+        LastPublicClaimId = "<>#1460667629#12198#...";
+        NumCkpts_RAW = 0;
+        Out = "CS776_project_330.out";
+        SubmitEventNotes = "DAG Node: 330";
+        CumulativeSlotTime = 3.820600000000000E+04;
+        JobRunCount = 1;
+        RecentBlockReads = 0;
+        StreamErr = false;
+        RequestDisk = 1000000;
+        ResidentSetSize_RAW = 120284;
+        OrigMaxHosts = 1;
+        NumCkpts = 0;
+        StatsLifetimeStarter = 38203;
+        ImageSize = 3250000
+    ]
+        Schedd = "";
+        BlockWrites = 14485;
+        LastJobStatus = 2;
+        JobCurrentStartExecutingDate = 1462898429;
+        WantRemoteIO = true;
+        RequestCpus = 1;
+        NumShadowStarts = 1;
+        RemoteUserCpu = 3.866800000000000E+04;
+        NiceUser = false;
+        RequestMemory = 2000;
+        BytesRecvd = 3.287412000000000E+06;
+        StreamOut = true;
+        ResidentSetSize = 125000;
+        SpooledOutputFiles = "output_file_freq_0.001_selstr_0.0001_bneckstart_0.1_recovery_1_bneckstr_0.01_id_10.txt";
+        OnExitRemove = true;
+        ImageSize_RAW = 3141184;
+        RemoteWallClockTime = 3.755700000000000E+04;
+        MachineAttrSlotWeight0 = 1;
+        ExecutableSize = 15;
+        JobStatus = 4;
+        DAGParentNodeNames = "";
+        ExitCode = 0;
+        DAGManNodesMask = "0,1,2,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,13,16,17,24,27";
+        BytesSent = 1.058000000000000E+03;
+        LastSuspensionTime = 0;
+        ExecutableSize_RAW = 13;
+        RecentBlockReadKbytes = 0;
+        TransferInputSizeMB = 3;
+        BlockReadKbytes = 92;
+        LocalSysCpu = 0.0;
+        Iwd = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/outputs2";
+        Cmd = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/";
+        CommittedSuspensionTime = 0;
+        DiskUsage_RAW = 43065;
+        RecentStatsLifetimeStarter = 1200;
+        TargetType = "Machine";
+        WhenToTransferOutput = "ON_EXIT";
+        BufferSize = 524288;
+        JobCurrentStartTransferOutputDate = 1462935984;
+        RecentBlockWrites = 294;
+        CompletionDate = 1462935985;
+        LastMatchTime = 1462898428;
+        LastJobLeaseRenewal = 1462935984;
+        DAGManNodesLog = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/./CS776_project.dag.nodes.log";
+        ClusterId = 3723778;
+        JobUniverse = 5;
+        NumJobStarts = 1;
+        StartdPrincipal = "execute-side@matchsession/";
+        EnteredCurrentStatus = 1462935985;
+        JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "$$([IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName), IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), \"\", TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName)])";
+        ProcId = 0;
+        PeriodicHold = false;
+        CoreSize = 0;
+        OnExitHold = false;
+        CondorPlatform = "$CondorPlatform: x86_64_RedHat6 $";
+        JobFinishedHookDone = 1462935985;
+        QDate = 1462892759;
+        JobLeaseDuration = 3200;
+        In = "/dev/null";
+        DiskUsage = 45000;
+        EncryptExecuteDirectory = false;
+        User = "";
+        FileSystemDomain = "";
+        LeaveJobInQueue = false;
+        Requirements = ( OpSys == "LINUX" ) && ( MY.JobUniverse == 12 || MY.JobUniverse == 7 || ( ( MY.WantFlocking || MY.WantGlidein || TARGET.PoolName == "CHTC" ) && ( TARGET.OpSysMajorVer == MY.LinuxVer || TARGET.OpSysMajorVer == MY.LinuxVerAlt || TARGET.OpSysMajorVer == MY.WinVer ) ) ) && ( TARGET.Arch == "X86_64" ) && ( TARGET.Disk >= RequestDisk ) && ( TARGET.Memory >= RequestMemory ) && ( ( TARGET.HasFileTransfer ) || ( TARGET.FileSystemDomain == MY.FileSystemDomain ) );
+        MinHosts = 1;
+        MaxHosts = 1;
+        Args = "\342\200\234-1 0.01 0.1 1 0.001 0.0001 10 -1\342\200\235";
+        Environment = "";
+        LinuxVer = 6;
+        DAGNodeName = "430";
+        MemoryUsage = ( ( ResidentSetSize + 1023 ) / 1024 );
+        TerminationPending = true;
+        NumRestarts = 0;
+        NumSystemHolds = 0;
+        CondorVersion = "$CondorVersion: 8.5.5 May 03 2016 BuildID: 366162 $";
+        UserLog = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/outputs2/CS776_project_430.log";
+        JobCurrentStartDate = 1462898428;
+        MATCH_EXP_JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "";
+        BufferBlockSize = 32768;
+        BlockWriteKbytes = 7312436;
+        ExitBySignal = false;
+        DAGManJobId = 3723347;
+        MachineAttrCpus0 = 1;
+        WantRemoteSyscalls = false;
+        JobBatchName = "CS776_project.dag+3723347";
+        WantCheckpoint = false;
+        BlockReads = 13;
+        CumulativeSuspensionTime = 0;
+        MyType = "Job";
+        Rank = 0.0;
+        JobNotification = 0;
+        Owner = "jlange3";
+        LinuxVerAlt = 6;
+        Err = "CS776_project_430.err";
+        PeriodicRemove = false;
+        CommittedTime = 37557;
+        RecentBlockWriteKbytes = 146980;
+        TransferIn = false;
+        ExitStatus = 0;
+        ShouldTransferFiles = "IF_NEEDED";
+        IsCHTCSubmit = true;
+        NumJobMatches = 1;
+        RootDir = "/";
+        JobStartDate = 1462898428;
+        JobPrio = 1;
+        CurrentHosts = 0;
+        GlobalJobId = "";
+        RemoteSysCpu = 2.240000000000000E+02;
+        TotalSuspensions = 0;
+        CommittedSlotTime = 3.755700000000000E+04;
+        LastRemoteHost = "";
+        TransferInput = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/condor_tarred2.tgz";
+        LocalUserCpu = 0.0;
+        PeriodicRelease = false;
+        WinVer = 601;
+        LastPublicClaimId = "<>#1460668469#12257#...";
+        NumCkpts_RAW = 0;
+        Out = "CS776_project_430.out";
+        SubmitEventNotes = "DAG Node: 430";
+        CumulativeSlotTime = 3.755700000000000E+04;
+        JobRunCount = 1;
+        RecentBlockReads = 0;
+        StreamErr = false;
+        RequestDisk = 1000000;
+        ResidentSetSize_RAW = 120536;
+        OrigMaxHosts = 1;
+        NumCkpts = 0;
+        StatsLifetimeStarter = 37555;
+        ImageSize = 3250000
+    ]
+        Schedd = "";
+        BlockWrites = 10838;
+        LastJobStatus = 2;
+        JobCurrentStartExecutingDate = 1462897854;
+        WantRemoteIO = true;
+        RequestCpus = 1;
+        NumShadowStarts = 1;
+        RemoteUserCpu = 3.919800000000000E+04;
+        NiceUser = false;
+        RequestMemory = 2000;
+        BytesRecvd = 3.287412000000000E+06;
+        StreamOut = true;
+        ResidentSetSize = 125000;
+        SpooledOutputFiles = "output_file_freq_2e-07_selstr_0.0001_bneckstart_0.1_recovery_0.5_bneckstr_0.01_id_11.txt";
+        OnExitRemove = true;
+        ImageSize_RAW = 3141184;
+        RemoteWallClockTime = 3.812000000000000E+04;
+        MachineAttrSlotWeight0 = 1;
+        ExecutableSize = 15;
+        JobStatus = 4;
+        DAGParentNodeNames = "";
+        ExitCode = 0;
+        DAGManNodesMask = "0,1,2,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,13,16,17,24,27";
+        BytesSent = 1.060000000000000E+03;
+        LastSuspensionTime = 0;
+        ExecutableSize_RAW = 13;
+        RecentBlockReadKbytes = 0;
+        TransferInputSizeMB = 3;
+        BlockReadKbytes = 0;
+        LocalSysCpu = 0.0;
+        Iwd = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/outputs2";
+        Cmd = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/";
+        CommittedSuspensionTime = 0;
+        DiskUsage_RAW = 43089;
+        RecentStatsLifetimeStarter = 1200;
+        TargetType = "Machine";
+        WhenToTransferOutput = "ON_EXIT";
+        BufferSize = 524288;
+        JobCurrentStartTransferOutputDate = 1462935972;
+        RecentBlockWrites = 37;
+        CompletionDate = 1462935973;
+        LastMatchTime = 1462897853;
+        LastJobLeaseRenewal = 1462935972;
+        DAGManNodesLog = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/./CS776_project.dag.nodes.log";
+        ClusterId = 3723679;
+        JobUniverse = 5;
+        NumJobStarts = 1;
+        StartdPrincipal = "execute-side@matchsession/";
+        EnteredCurrentStatus = 1462935973;
+        JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "$$([IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName), IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), \"\", TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName)])";
+        ProcId = 0;
+        PeriodicHold = false;
+        CoreSize = 0;
+        OnExitHold = false;
+        CondorPlatform = "$CondorPlatform: x86_64_RedHat6 $";
+        JobFinishedHookDone = 1462935973;
+        QDate = 1462892650;
+        JobLeaseDuration = 3200;
+        In = "/dev/null";
+        DiskUsage = 45000;
+        EncryptExecuteDirectory = false;
+        User = "";
+        FileSystemDomain = "";
+        LeaveJobInQueue = false;
+        Requirements = ( OpSys == "LINUX" ) && ( MY.JobUniverse == 12 || MY.JobUniverse == 7 || ( ( MY.WantFlocking || MY.WantGlidein || TARGET.PoolName == "CHTC" ) && ( TARGET.OpSysMajorVer == MY.LinuxVer || TARGET.OpSysMajorVer == MY.LinuxVerAlt || TARGET.OpSysMajorVer == MY.WinVer ) ) ) && ( TARGET.Arch == "X86_64" ) && ( TARGET.Disk >= RequestDisk ) && ( TARGET.Memory >= RequestMemory ) && ( ( TARGET.HasFileTransfer ) || ( TARGET.FileSystemDomain == MY.FileSystemDomain ) );
+        MinHosts = 1;
+        MaxHosts = 1;
+        Args = "\342\200\234-1 0.01 0.1 0.5 2e-07 0.0001 11 -1\342\200\235";
+        Environment = "";
+        LinuxVer = 6;
+        DAGNodeName = "331";
+        MemoryUsage = ( ( ResidentSetSize + 1023 ) / 1024 );
+        TerminationPending = true;
+        NumRestarts = 0;
+        NumSystemHolds = 0;
+        CondorVersion = "$CondorVersion: 8.5.5 May 03 2016 BuildID: 366162 $";
+        UserLog = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/outputs2/CS776_project_331.log";
+        JobCurrentStartDate = 1462897853;
+        MATCH_EXP_JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "";
+        BufferBlockSize = 32768;
+        BlockWriteKbytes = 5472951;
+        ExitBySignal = false;
+        DAGManJobId = 3723347;
+        MachineAttrCpus0 = 1;
+        WantRemoteSyscalls = false;
+        JobBatchName = "CS776_project.dag+3723347";
+        WantCheckpoint = false;
+        BlockReads = 0;
+        CumulativeSuspensionTime = 0;
+        MyType = "Job";
+        Rank = 0.0;
+        JobNotification = 0;
+        Owner = "jlange3";
+        LinuxVerAlt = 6;
+        Err = "CS776_project_331.err";
+        PeriodicRemove = false;
+        CommittedTime = 38120;
+        RecentBlockWriteKbytes = 18596;
+        TransferIn = false;
+        ExitStatus = 0;
+        ShouldTransferFiles = "IF_NEEDED";
+        IsCHTCSubmit = true;
+        NumJobMatches = 1;
+        RootDir = "/";
+        JobStartDate = 1462897853;
+        JobPrio = 1;
+        CurrentHosts = 0;
+        GlobalJobId = "";
+        RemoteSysCpu = 4.270000000000000E+02;
+        TotalSuspensions = 0;
+        CommittedSlotTime = 3.812000000000000E+04;
+        LastRemoteHost = "";
+        TransferInput = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/condor_tarred2.tgz";
+        LocalUserCpu = 0.0;
+        PeriodicRelease = false;
+        WinVer = 601;
+        LastPublicClaimId = "<>#1460612282#13320#...";
+        NumCkpts_RAW = 0;
+        Out = "CS776_project_331.out";
+        SubmitEventNotes = "DAG Node: 331";
+        CumulativeSlotTime = 3.812000000000000E+04;
+        JobRunCount = 1;
+        RecentBlockReads = 0;
+        StreamErr = false;
+        RequestDisk = 1000000;
+        ResidentSetSize_RAW = 121260;
+        OrigMaxHosts = 1;
+        NumCkpts = 0;
+        StatsLifetimeStarter = 38118;
+        ImageSize = 3250000
+    ]
+        Schedd = "";
+        BlockWrites = 15289;
+        LastJobStatus = 2;
+        JobCurrentStartExecutingDate = 1462892985;
+        WantRemoteIO = true;
+        RequestCpus = 1;
+        NumShadowStarts = 1;
+        RemoteUserCpu = 4.460000000000000E+04;
+        NiceUser = false;
+        RequestMemory = 2000;
+        BytesRecvd = 3.287412000000000E+06;
+        StreamOut = true;
+        ResidentSetSize = 125000;
+        SpooledOutputFiles = "output_file_neutral_bneckstart_0.1_recovery_1_bneckstr_0.01_id_4.txt";
+        OnExitRemove = true;
+        ImageSize_RAW = 3141184;
+        RemoteWallClockTime = 4.288400000000000E+04;
+        MachineAttrSlotWeight0 = 1;
+        ExecutableSize = 15;
+        JobStatus = 4;
+        DAGParentNodeNames = "";
+        ExitCode = 0;
+        DAGManNodesMask = "0,1,2,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,13,16,17,24,27";
+        BytesSent = 1.074000000000000E+03;
+        LastSuspensionTime = 0;
+        ExecutableSize_RAW = 13;
+        RecentBlockReadKbytes = 0;
+        TransferInputSizeMB = 3;
+        BlockReadKbytes = 0;
+        LocalSysCpu = 0.0;
+        Iwd = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/outputs2";
+        Cmd = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/";
+        CommittedSuspensionTime = 0;
+        DiskUsage_RAW = 43102;
+        RecentStatsLifetimeStarter = 1200;
+        TargetType = "Machine";
+        WhenToTransferOutput = "ON_EXIT";
+        BufferSize = 524288;
+        JobCurrentStartTransferOutputDate = 1462935867;
+        RecentBlockWrites = 406;
+        CompletionDate = 1462935868;
+        LastMatchTime = 1462892984;
+        LastJobLeaseRenewal = 1462935867;
+        DAGManNodesLog = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/./CS776_project.dag.nodes.log";
+        ClusterId = 3723412;
+        JobUniverse = 5;
+        NumJobStarts = 1;
+        StartdPrincipal = "execute-side@matchsession/";
+        EnteredCurrentStatus = 1462935868;
+        JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "$$([IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName), IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), \"\", TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName)])";
+        ProcId = 0;
+        PeriodicHold = false;
+        CoreSize = 0;
+        OnExitHold = false;
+        CondorPlatform = "$CondorPlatform: x86_64_RedHat6 $";
+        JobFinishedHookDone = 1462935868;
+        QDate = 1462892350;
+        JobLeaseDuration = 3200;
+        In = "/dev/null";
+        DiskUsage = 45000;
+        EncryptExecuteDirectory = false;
+        User = "";
+        FileSystemDomain = "";
+        LeaveJobInQueue = false;
+        Requirements = ( OpSys == "LINUX" ) && ( MY.JobUniverse == 12 || MY.JobUniverse == 7 || ( ( MY.WantFlocking || MY.WantGlidein || TARGET.PoolName == "CHTC" ) && ( TARGET.OpSysMajorVer == MY.LinuxVer || TARGET.OpSysMajorVer == MY.LinuxVerAlt || TARGET.OpSysMajorVer == MY.WinVer ) ) ) && ( TARGET.Arch == "X86_64" ) && ( TARGET.Disk >= RequestDisk ) && ( TARGET.Memory >= RequestMemory ) && ( ( TARGET.HasFileTransfer ) || ( TARGET.FileSystemDomain == MY.FileSystemDomain ) );
+        MinHosts = 1;
+        MaxHosts = 1;
+        Args = "\342\200\234-1 0.01 0.1 1 4 -1\342\200\235";
+        Environment = "";
+        LinuxVer = 6;
+        DAGNodeName = "64";
+        MemoryUsage = ( ( ResidentSetSize + 1023 ) / 1024 );
+        TerminationPending = true;
+        NumRestarts = 0;
+        NumSystemHolds = 0;
+        CondorVersion = "$CondorVersion: 8.5.5 May 03 2016 BuildID: 366162 $";
+        UserLog = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/outputs2/CS776_project_64.log";
+        JobCurrentStartDate = 1462892984;
+        MATCH_EXP_JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "";
+        BufferBlockSize = 32768;
+        BlockWriteKbytes = 7726657;
+        ExitBySignal = false;
+        DAGManJobId = 3723347;
+        MachineAttrCpus0 = 1;
+        WantRemoteSyscalls = false;
+        JobBatchName = "CS776_project.dag+3723347";
+        WantCheckpoint = false;
+        BlockReads = 0;
+        CumulativeSuspensionTime = 0;
+        MyType = "Job";
+        Rank = 0.0;
+        JobNotification = 0;
+        Owner = "jlange3";
+        LinuxVerAlt = 6;
+        Err = "CS776_project_64.err";
+        PeriodicRemove = false;
+        CommittedTime = 42884;
+        RecentBlockWriteKbytes = 204836;
+        TransferIn = false;
+        ExitStatus = 0;
+        ShouldTransferFiles = "IF_NEEDED";
+        IsCHTCSubmit = true;
+        NumJobMatches = 1;
+        RootDir = "/";
+        JobStartDate = 1462892984;
+        JobPrio = 1;
+        CurrentHosts = 0;
+        GlobalJobId = "";
+        RemoteSysCpu = 2.070000000000000E+02;
+        TotalSuspensions = 0;
+        CommittedSlotTime = 4.288400000000000E+04;
+        LastRemoteHost = "";
+        TransferInput = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/condor_tarred2.tgz";
+        LocalUserCpu = 0.0;
+        PeriodicRelease = false;
+        WinVer = 601;
+        LastPublicClaimId = "<>#1460674858#10650#...";
+        NumCkpts_RAW = 0;
+        Out = "CS776_project_64.out";
+        SubmitEventNotes = "DAG Node: 64";
+        CumulativeSlotTime = 4.288400000000000E+04;
+        JobRunCount = 1;
+        RecentBlockReads = 0;
+        StreamErr = false;
+        RequestDisk = 1000000;
+        ResidentSetSize_RAW = 119088;
+        OrigMaxHosts = 1;
+        NumCkpts = 0;
+        StatsLifetimeStarter = 42882;
+        ImageSize = 3250000
+    ]
+        Schedd = "";
+        BlockWrites = 15385;
+        LastJobStatus = 2;
+        JobCurrentStartExecutingDate = 1462892986;
+        WantRemoteIO = true;
+        RequestCpus = 1;
+        NumShadowStarts = 1;
+        RemoteUserCpu = 4.450300000000000E+04;
+        NiceUser = false;
+        RequestMemory = 2000;
+        BytesRecvd = 3.287412000000000E+06;
+        StreamOut = true;
+        ResidentSetSize = 125000;
+        SpooledOutputFiles = "output_file_neutral_bneckstart_0.1_recovery_1_bneckstr_0.01_id_12.txt";
+        OnExitRemove = true;
+        ImageSize_RAW = 3141184;
+        RemoteWallClockTime = 4.286800000000000E+04;
+        MachineAttrSlotWeight0 = 1;
+        ExecutableSize = 15;
+        JobStatus = 4;
+        DAGParentNodeNames = "";
+        ExitCode = 0;
+        DAGManNodesMask = "0,1,2,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,13,16,17,24,27";
+        BytesSent = 1.078000000000000E+03;
+        LastSuspensionTime = 0;
+        ExecutableSize_RAW = 13;
+        RecentBlockReadKbytes = 0;
+        TransferInputSizeMB = 3;
+        BlockReadKbytes = 0;
+        LocalSysCpu = 0.0;
+        Iwd = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/outputs2";
+        Cmd = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/";
+        CommittedSuspensionTime = 0;
+        DiskUsage_RAW = 42820;
+        RecentStatsLifetimeStarter = 1200;
+        TargetType = "Machine";
+        WhenToTransferOutput = "ON_EXIT";
+        BufferSize = 524288;
+        JobCurrentStartTransferOutputDate = 1462935851;
+        RecentBlockWrites = 350;
+        CompletionDate = 1462935852;
+        LastMatchTime = 1462892984;
+        LastJobLeaseRenewal = 1462935851;
+        DAGManNodesLog = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/./CS776_project.dag.nodes.log";
+        ClusterId = 3723420;
+        JobUniverse = 5;
+        NumJobStarts = 1;
+        StartdPrincipal = "execute-side@matchsession/";
+        EnteredCurrentStatus = 1462935852;
+        JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "$$([IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName), IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), \"\", TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName)])";
+        ProcId = 0;
+        PeriodicHold = false;
+        CoreSize = 0;
+        OnExitHold = false;
+        CondorPlatform = "$CondorPlatform: x86_64_RedHat6 $";
+        JobFinishedHookDone = 1462935852;
+        QDate = 1462892361;
+        JobLeaseDuration = 3200;
+        In = "/dev/null";
+        DiskUsage = 45000;
+        EncryptExecuteDirectory = false;
+        User = "";
+        FileSystemDomain = "";
+        LeaveJobInQueue = false;
+        Requirements = ( OpSys == "LINUX" ) && ( MY.JobUniverse == 12 || MY.JobUniverse == 7 || ( ( MY.WantFlocking || MY.WantGlidein || TARGET.PoolName == "CHTC" ) && ( TARGET.OpSysMajorVer == MY.LinuxVer || TARGET.OpSysMajorVer == MY.LinuxVerAlt || TARGET.OpSysMajorVer == MY.WinVer ) ) ) && ( TARGET.Arch == "X86_64" ) && ( TARGET.Disk >= RequestDisk ) && ( TARGET.Memory >= RequestMemory ) && ( ( TARGET.HasFileTransfer ) || ( TARGET.FileSystemDomain == MY.FileSystemDomain ) );
+        MinHosts = 1;
+        MaxHosts = 1;
+        Args = "\342\200\234-1 0.01 0.1 1 12 -1\342\200\235";
+        Environment = "";
+        LinuxVer = 6;
+        DAGNodeName = "72";
+        MemoryUsage = ( ( ResidentSetSize + 1023 ) / 1024 );
+        TerminationPending = true;
+        NumRestarts = 0;
+        NumSystemHolds = 0;
+        CondorVersion = "$CondorVersion: 8.5.5 May 03 2016 BuildID: 366162 $";
+        UserLog = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/outputs2/CS776_project_72.log";
+        JobCurrentStartDate = 1462892984;
+        MATCH_EXP_JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "";
+        BufferBlockSize = 32768;
+        BlockWriteKbytes = 7754588;
+        ExitBySignal = false;
+        DAGManJobId = 3723347;
+        MachineAttrCpus0 = 1;
+        WantRemoteSyscalls = false;
+        JobBatchName = "CS776_project.dag+3723347";
+        WantCheckpoint = false;
+        BlockReads = 0;
+        CumulativeSuspensionTime = 0;
+        MyType = "Job";
+        Rank = 0.0;
+        JobNotification = 0;
+        Owner = "jlange3";
+        LinuxVerAlt = 6;
+        Err = "CS776_project_72.err";
+        PeriodicRemove = false;
+        CommittedTime = 42868;
+        RecentBlockWriteKbytes = 176204;
+        TransferIn = false;
+        ExitStatus = 0;
+        ShouldTransferFiles = "IF_NEEDED";
+        IsCHTCSubmit = true;
+        NumJobMatches = 1;
+        RootDir = "/";
+        JobStartDate = 1462892984;
+        JobPrio = 1;
+        CurrentHosts = 0;
+        GlobalJobId = "";
+        RemoteSysCpu = 2.140000000000000E+02;
+        TotalSuspensions = 0;
+        CommittedSlotTime = 4.286800000000000E+04;
+        LastRemoteHost = "";
+        TransferInput = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/condor_tarred2.tgz";
+        LocalUserCpu = 0.0;
+        PeriodicRelease = false;
+        WinVer = 601;
+        LastPublicClaimId = "<>#1460674858#10658#...";
+        NumCkpts_RAW = 0;
+        Out = "CS776_project_72.out";
+        SubmitEventNotes = "DAG Node: 72";
+        CumulativeSlotTime = 4.286800000000000E+04;
+        JobRunCount = 1;
+        RecentBlockReads = 0;
+        StreamErr = false;
+        RequestDisk = 1000000;
+        ResidentSetSize_RAW = 115036;
+        OrigMaxHosts = 1;
+        NumCkpts = 0;
+        StatsLifetimeStarter = 42866;
+        ImageSize = 3250000
+    ]
+        Schedd = "";
+        BlockWrites = 27688;
+        LastJobStatus = 2;
+        JobCurrentStartExecutingDate = 1462892985;
+        WantRemoteIO = true;
+        RequestCpus = 1;
+        NumShadowStarts = 1;
+        RemoteUserCpu = 4.358400000000000E+04;
+        NiceUser = false;
+        RequestMemory = 2000;
+        BytesRecvd = 3.287412000000000E+06;
+        StreamOut = true;
+        ResidentSetSize = 125000;
+        SpooledOutputFiles = "output_file_neutral_bneckstart_0.1_recovery_0.5_bneckstr_0.01_id_16.txt";
+        OnExitRemove = true;
+        ImageSize_RAW = 2793220;
+        RemoteWallClockTime = 4.280000000000000E+04;
+        MachineAttrSlotWeight0 = 1;
+        ExecutableSize = 15;
+        JobStatus = 4;
+        DAGParentNodeNames = "";
+        ExitCode = 0;
+        DAGManNodesMask = "0,1,2,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,13,16,17,24,27";
+        BytesSent = 1.074000000000000E+03;
+        LastSuspensionTime = 0;
+        ExecutableSize_RAW = 13;
+        RecentBlockReadKbytes = 0;
+        TransferInputSizeMB = 3;
+        BlockReadKbytes = 276;
+        LocalSysCpu = 0.0;
+        Iwd = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/outputs2";
+        Cmd = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/";
+        CommittedSuspensionTime = 0;
+        DiskUsage_RAW = 42654;
+        RecentStatsLifetimeStarter = 1200;
+        TargetType = "Machine";
+        WhenToTransferOutput = "ON_EXIT";
+        BufferSize = 524288;
+        JobCurrentStartTransferOutputDate = 1462935783;
+        RecentBlockWrites = 673;
+        CompletionDate = 1462935784;
+        LastMatchTime = 1462892984;
+        LastJobLeaseRenewal = 1462935783;
+        DAGManNodesLog = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/./CS776_project.dag.nodes.log";
+        ClusterId = 3723404;
+        JobUniverse = 5;
+        NumJobStarts = 1;
+        StartdPrincipal = "execute-side@matchsession/";
+        EnteredCurrentStatus = 1462935784;
+        JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "$$([IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName), IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), \"\", TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName)])";
+        ProcId = 0;
+        PeriodicHold = false;
+        CoreSize = 0;
+        OnExitHold = false;
+        CondorPlatform = "$CondorPlatform: x86_64_RedHat6 $";
+        JobFinishedHookDone = 1462935784;
+        QDate = 1462892345;
+        JobLeaseDuration = 3200;
+        In = "/dev/null";
+        DiskUsage = 45000;
+        EncryptExecuteDirectory = false;
+        User = "";
+        FileSystemDomain = "";
+        LeaveJobInQueue = false;
+        Requirements = ( OpSys == "LINUX" ) && ( MY.JobUniverse == 12 || MY.JobUniverse == 7 || ( ( MY.WantFlocking || MY.WantGlidein || TARGET.PoolName == "CHTC" ) && ( TARGET.OpSysMajorVer == MY.LinuxVer || TARGET.OpSysMajorVer == MY.LinuxVerAlt || TARGET.OpSysMajorVer == MY.WinVer ) ) ) && ( TARGET.Arch == "X86_64" ) && ( TARGET.Disk >= RequestDisk ) && ( TARGET.Memory >= RequestMemory ) && ( ( TARGET.HasFileTransfer ) || ( TARGET.FileSystemDomain == MY.FileSystemDomain ) );
+        MinHosts = 1;
+        MaxHosts = 1;
+        Args = "\342\200\234-1 0.01 0.1 0.5 16 -1\342\200\235";
+        Environment = "";
+        LinuxVer = 6;
+        DAGNodeName = "56";
+        MemoryUsage = ( ( ResidentSetSize + 1023 ) / 1024 );
+        TerminationPending = true;
+        NumRestarts = 0;
+        NumSystemHolds = 0;
+        CondorVersion = "$CondorVersion: 8.5.5 May 03 2016 BuildID: 366162 $";
+        UserLog = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/outputs2/CS776_project_56.log";
+        JobCurrentStartDate = 1462892984;
+        MATCH_EXP_JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "";
+        BufferBlockSize = 32768;
+        BlockWriteKbytes = 7038236;
+        ExitBySignal = false;
+        DAGManJobId = 3723347;
+        MachineAttrCpus0 = 1;
+        WantRemoteSyscalls = false;
+        JobBatchName = "CS776_project.dag+3723347";
+        WantCheckpoint = false;
+        BlockReads = 9;
+        CumulativeSuspensionTime = 0;
+        MyType = "Job";
+        Rank = 0.0;
+        JobNotification = 0;
+        Owner = "jlange3";
+        LinuxVerAlt = 6;
+        Err = "CS776_project_56.err";
+        PeriodicRemove = false;
+        CommittedTime = 42800;
+        RecentBlockWriteKbytes = 171852;
+        TransferIn = false;
+        ExitStatus = 0;
+        ShouldTransferFiles = "IF_NEEDED";
+        IsCHTCSubmit = true;
+        NumJobMatches = 1;
+        RootDir = "/";
+        JobStartDate = 1462892984;
+        JobPrio = 1;
+        CurrentHosts = 0;
+        GlobalJobId = "";
+        RemoteSysCpu = 4.240000000000000E+02;
+        TotalSuspensions = 0;
+        CommittedSlotTime = 4.280000000000000E+04;
+        LastRemoteHost = "";
+        TransferInput = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/condor_tarred2.tgz";
+        LocalUserCpu = 0.0;
+        PeriodicRelease = false;
+        WinVer = 601;
+        LastPublicClaimId = "<>#1462849464#268#...";
+        NumCkpts_RAW = 0;
+        Out = "CS776_project_56.out";
+        SubmitEventNotes = "DAG Node: 56";
+        CumulativeSlotTime = 4.280000000000000E+04;
+        JobRunCount = 1;
+        RecentBlockReads = 0;
+        StreamErr = false;
+        RequestDisk = 1000000;
+        ResidentSetSize_RAW = 120272;
+        OrigMaxHosts = 1;
+        NumCkpts = 0;
+        StatsLifetimeStarter = 42798;
+        ImageSize = 3000000
+    ]
+        Schedd = "";
+        BlockWrites = 16227;
+        LastJobStatus = 2;
+        JobCurrentStartExecutingDate = 1462892985;
+        WantRemoteIO = true;
+        RequestCpus = 1;
+        NumShadowStarts = 1;
+        RemoteUserCpu = 4.446000000000000E+04;
+        NiceUser = false;
+        RequestMemory = 2000;
+        BytesRecvd = 3.287412000000000E+06;
+        StreamOut = true;
+        ResidentSetSize = 125000;
+        SpooledOutputFiles = "output_file_neutral_bneckstart_0.1_recovery_1_bneckstr_0.01_id_3.txt";
+        OnExitRemove = true;
+        ImageSize_RAW = 3141184;
+        RemoteWallClockTime = 4.278700000000000E+04;
+        MachineAttrSlotWeight0 = 1;
+        ExecutableSize = 15;
+        JobStatus = 4;
+        DAGParentNodeNames = "";
+        ExitCode = 0;
+        DAGManNodesMask = "0,1,2,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,13,16,17,24,27";
+        BytesSent = 1.073000000000000E+03;
+        LastSuspensionTime = 0;
+        ExecutableSize_RAW = 13;
+        RecentBlockReadKbytes = 0;
+        TransferInputSizeMB = 3;
+        BlockReadKbytes = 0;
+        LocalSysCpu = 0.0;
+        Iwd = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/outputs2";
+        Cmd = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/";
+        CommittedSuspensionTime = 0;
+        DiskUsage_RAW = 42834;
+        RecentStatsLifetimeStarter = 1200;
+        TargetType = "Machine";
+        WhenToTransferOutput = "ON_EXIT";
+        BufferSize = 524288;
+        JobCurrentStartTransferOutputDate = 1462935770;
+        RecentBlockWrites = 270;
+        CompletionDate = 1462935771;
+        LastMatchTime = 1462892984;
+        LastJobLeaseRenewal = 1462935770;
+        DAGManNodesLog = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/./CS776_project.dag.nodes.log";
+        ClusterId = 3723411;
+        JobUniverse = 5;
+        NumJobStarts = 1;
+        StartdPrincipal = "execute-side@matchsession/";
+        EnteredCurrentStatus = 1462935771;
+        JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "$$([IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName), IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), \"\", TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName)])";
+        ProcId = 0;
+        PeriodicHold = false;
+        CoreSize = 0;
+        OnExitHold = false;
+        CondorPlatform = "$CondorPlatform: x86_64_RedHat6 $";
+        JobFinishedHookDone = 1462935771;
+        QDate = 1462892350;
+        JobLeaseDuration = 3200;
+        In = "/dev/null";
+        DiskUsage = 45000;
+        EncryptExecuteDirectory = false;
+        User = "";
+        FileSystemDomain = "";
+        LeaveJobInQueue = false;
+        Requirements = ( OpSys == "LINUX" ) && ( MY.JobUniverse == 12 || MY.JobUniverse == 7 || ( ( MY.WantFlocking || MY.WantGlidein || TARGET.PoolName == "CHTC" ) && ( TARGET.OpSysMajorVer == MY.LinuxVer || TARGET.OpSysMajorVer == MY.LinuxVerAlt || TARGET.OpSysMajorVer == MY.WinVer ) ) ) && ( TARGET.Arch == "X86_64" ) && ( TARGET.Disk >= RequestDisk ) && ( TARGET.Memory >= RequestMemory ) && ( ( TARGET.HasFileTransfer ) || ( TARGET.FileSystemDomain == MY.FileSystemDomain ) );
+        MinHosts = 1;
+        MaxHosts = 1;
+        Args = "\342\200\234-1 0.01 0.1 1 3 -1\342\200\235";
+        Environment = "";
+        LinuxVer = 6;
+        DAGNodeName = "63";
+        MemoryUsage = ( ( ResidentSetSize + 1023 ) / 1024 );
+        TerminationPending = true;
+        NumRestarts = 0;
+        NumSystemHolds = 0;
+        CondorVersion = "$CondorVersion: 8.5.5 May 03 2016 BuildID: 366162 $";
+        UserLog = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/outputs2/CS776_project_63.log";
+        JobCurrentStartDate = 1462892984;
+        MATCH_EXP_JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "";
+        BufferBlockSize = 32768;
+        BlockWriteKbytes = 8194112;
+        ExitBySignal = false;
+        DAGManJobId = 3723347;
+        MachineAttrCpus0 = 1;
+        WantRemoteSyscalls = false;
+        JobBatchName = "CS776_project.dag+3723347";
+        WantCheckpoint = false;
+        BlockReads = 0;
+        CumulativeSuspensionTime = 0;
+        MyType = "Job";
+        Rank = 0.0;
+        JobNotification = 0;
+        Owner = "jlange3";
+        LinuxVerAlt = 6;
+        Err = "CS776_project_63.err";
+        PeriodicRemove = false;
+        CommittedTime = 42787;
+        RecentBlockWriteKbytes = 136988;
+        TransferIn = false;
+        ExitStatus = 0;
+        ShouldTransferFiles = "IF_NEEDED";
+        IsCHTCSubmit = true;
+        NumJobMatches = 1;
+        RootDir = "/";
+        JobStartDate = 1462892984;
+        JobPrio = 1;
+        CurrentHosts = 0;
+        GlobalJobId = "";
+        RemoteSysCpu = 2.300000000000000E+02;
+        TotalSuspensions = 0;
+        CommittedSlotTime = 4.278700000000000E+04;
+        LastRemoteHost = "";
+        TransferInput = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/condor_tarred2.tgz";
+        LocalUserCpu = 0.0;
+        PeriodicRelease = false;
+        WinVer = 601;
+        LastPublicClaimId = "<>#1460667416#11283#...";
+        NumCkpts_RAW = 0;
+        Out = "CS776_project_63.out";
+        SubmitEventNotes = "DAG Node: 63";
+        CumulativeSlotTime = 4.278700000000000E+04;
+        JobRunCount = 1;
+        RecentBlockReads = 0;
+        StreamErr = false;
+        RequestDisk = 1000000;
+        ResidentSetSize_RAW = 121064;
+        OrigMaxHosts = 1;
+        NumCkpts = 0;
+        StatsLifetimeStarter = 42785;
+        ImageSize = 3250000
+    ]
+        Schedd = "";
+        BlockWrites = 1570;
+        LastJobStatus = 2;
+        JobCurrentStartExecutingDate = 1462898595;
+        WantRemoteIO = true;
+        RequestCpus = 1;
+        NumShadowStarts = 1;
+        RemoteUserCpu = 3.862300000000000E+04;
+        NiceUser = false;
+        RequestMemory = 2000;
+        BytesRecvd = 3.287412000000000E+06;
+        StreamOut = true;
+        ResidentSetSize = 125000;
+        SpooledOutputFiles = "output_file_freq_2e-07_selstr_0.001_bneckstart_0.1_recovery_1_bneckstr_0.01_id_3.txt";
+        OnExitRemove = true;
+        ImageSize_RAW = 3141192;
+        RemoteWallClockTime = 3.703100000000000E+04;
+        MachineAttrSlotWeight0 = 1;
+        ExecutableSize = 15;
+        JobStatus = 4;
+        DAGParentNodeNames = "";
+        ExitCode = 0;
+        DAGManNodesMask = "0,1,2,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,13,16,17,24,27";
+        BytesSent = 8.040000000000000E+02;
+        LastSuspensionTime = 0;
+        ExecutableSize_RAW = 13;
+        RecentBlockReadKbytes = 0;
+        TransferInputSizeMB = 3;
+        BlockReadKbytes = 0;
+        LocalSysCpu = 0.0;
+        Iwd = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/outputs2";
+        Cmd = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/";
+        CommittedSuspensionTime = 0;
+        DiskUsage_RAW = 41518;
+        RecentStatsLifetimeStarter = 1200;
+        TargetType = "Machine";
+        WhenToTransferOutput = "ON_EXIT";
+        BufferSize = 524288;
+        JobCurrentStartTransferOutputDate = 1462935624;
+        RecentBlockWrites = 228;
+        CompletionDate = 1462935625;
+        LastMatchTime = 1462898594;
+        LastJobLeaseRenewal = 1462935624;
+        DAGManNodesLog = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/./CS776_project.dag.nodes.log";
+        ClusterId = 3723791;
+        JobUniverse = 5;
+        NumJobStarts = 1;
+        StartdPrincipal = "execute-side@matchsession/";
+        EnteredCurrentStatus = 1462935625;
+        JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "$$([IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName), IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), \"\", TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName)])";
+        ProcId = 0;
+        PeriodicHold = false;
+        CoreSize = 0;
+        OnExitHold = false;
+        CondorPlatform = "$CondorPlatform: x86_64_RedHat6 $";
+        JobFinishedHookDone = 1462935625;
+        QDate = 1462892770;
+        JobLeaseDuration = 3200;
+        In = "/dev/null";
+        DiskUsage = 42500;
+        EncryptExecuteDirectory = false;
+        User = "";
+        FileSystemDomain = "";
+        LeaveJobInQueue = false;
+        Requirements = ( OpSys == "LINUX" ) && ( MY.JobUniverse == 12 || MY.JobUniverse == 7 || ( ( MY.WantFlocking || MY.WantGlidein || TARGET.PoolName == "CHTC" ) && ( TARGET.OpSysMajorVer == MY.LinuxVer || TARGET.OpSysMajorVer == MY.LinuxVerAlt || TARGET.OpSysMajorVer == MY.WinVer ) ) ) && ( TARGET.Arch == "X86_64" ) && ( TARGET.Disk >= RequestDisk ) && ( TARGET.Memory >= RequestMemory ) && ( ( TARGET.HasFileTransfer ) || ( TARGET.FileSystemDomain == MY.FileSystemDomain ) );
+        MinHosts = 1;
+        MaxHosts = 1;
+        Args = "\342\200\234-1 0.01 0.1 1 2e-07 0.001 3 -1\342\200\235";
+        Environment = "";
+        LinuxVer = 6;
+        DAGNodeName = "443";
+        MemoryUsage = ( ( ResidentSetSize + 1023 ) / 1024 );
+        TerminationPending = true;
+        NumRestarts = 0;
+        NumSystemHolds = 0;
+        CondorVersion = "$CondorVersion: 8.5.5 May 03 2016 BuildID: 366162 $";
+        UserLog = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/outputs2/CS776_project_443.log";
+        JobCurrentStartDate = 1462898594;
+        MATCH_EXP_JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "";
+        BufferBlockSize = 32768;
+        BlockWriteKbytes = 792496;
+        ExitBySignal = false;
+        DAGManJobId = 3723347;
+        MachineAttrCpus0 = 1;
+        WantRemoteSyscalls = false;
+        JobBatchName = "CS776_project.dag+3723347";
+        WantCheckpoint = false;
+        BlockReads = 0;
+        CumulativeSuspensionTime = 0;
+        MyType = "Job";
+        Rank = 0.0;
+        JobNotification = 0;
+        Owner = "jlange3";
+        LinuxVerAlt = 6;
+        Err = "CS776_project_443.err";
+        PeriodicRemove = false;
+        CommittedTime = 37031;
+        RecentBlockWriteKbytes = 114776;
+        TransferIn = false;
+        ExitStatus = 0;
+        ShouldTransferFiles = "IF_NEEDED";
+        IsCHTCSubmit = true;
+        NumJobMatches = 1;
+        RootDir = "/";
+        JobStartDate = 1462898594;
+        JobPrio = 1;
+        CurrentHosts = 0;
+        GlobalJobId = "";
+        RemoteSysCpu = 2.660000000000000E+02;
+        TotalSuspensions = 0;
+        CommittedSlotTime = 3.703100000000000E+04;
+        LastRemoteHost = "";
+        TransferInput = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/condor_tarred2.tgz";
+        LocalUserCpu = 0.0;
+        PeriodicRelease = false;
+        WinVer = 601;
+        LastPublicClaimId = "<>#1460618126#13002#...";
+        NumCkpts_RAW = 0;
+        Out = "CS776_project_443.out";
+        SubmitEventNotes = "DAG Node: 443";
+        CumulativeSlotTime = 3.703100000000000E+04;
+        JobRunCount = 1;
+        RecentBlockReads = 0;
+        StreamErr = false;
+        RequestDisk = 1000000;
+        ResidentSetSize_RAW = 122228;
+        OrigMaxHosts = 1;
+        NumCkpts = 0;
+        StatsLifetimeStarter = 37028;
+        ImageSize = 3250000
+    ]
+        Schedd = "";
+        BlockWrites = 12192;
+        LastJobStatus = 2;
+        JobCurrentStartExecutingDate = 1462898429;
+        WantRemoteIO = true;
+        RequestCpus = 1;
+        NumShadowStarts = 1;
+        RemoteUserCpu = 3.859100000000000E+04;
+        NiceUser = false;
+        RequestMemory = 2000;
+        BytesRecvd = 3.287412000000000E+06;
+        StreamOut = true;
+        ResidentSetSize = 125000;
+        SpooledOutputFiles = "output_file_freq_0.001_selstr_0.0001_bneckstart_0.1_recovery_1_bneckstr_0.01_id_16.txt";
+        OnExitRemove = true;
+        ImageSize_RAW = 3141184;
+        RemoteWallClockTime = 3.706500000000000E+04;
+        MachineAttrSlotWeight0 = 1;
+        ExecutableSize = 15;
+        JobStatus = 4;
+        DAGParentNodeNames = "";
+        ExitCode = 0;
+        DAGManNodesMask = "0,1,2,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,13,16,17,24,27";
+        BytesSent = 1.058000000000000E+03;
+        LastSuspensionTime = 0;
+        ExecutableSize_RAW = 13;
+        RecentBlockReadKbytes = 0;
+        TransferInputSizeMB = 3;
+        BlockReadKbytes = 0;
+        LocalSysCpu = 0.0;
+        Iwd = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/outputs2";
+        Cmd = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/";
+        CommittedSuspensionTime = 0;
+        DiskUsage_RAW = 43365;
+        RecentStatsLifetimeStarter = 1200;
+        TargetType = "Machine";
+        WhenToTransferOutput = "ON_EXIT";
+        BufferSize = 524288;
+        JobCurrentStartTransferOutputDate = 1462935492;
+        RecentBlockWrites = 73;
+        CompletionDate = 1462935493;
+        LastMatchTime = 1462898428;
+        LastJobLeaseRenewal = 1462935492;
+        DAGManNodesLog = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/./CS776_project.dag.nodes.log";
+        ClusterId = 3723784;
+        JobUniverse = 5;
+        NumJobStarts = 1;
+        StartdPrincipal = "execute-side@matchsession/";
+        EnteredCurrentStatus = 1462935493;
+        JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "$$([IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName), IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), \"\", TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName)])";
+        ProcId = 0;
+        PeriodicHold = false;
+        CoreSize = 0;
+        OnExitHold = false;
+        CondorPlatform = "$CondorPlatform: x86_64_RedHat6 $";
+        JobFinishedHookDone = 1462935493;
+        QDate = 1462892765;
+        JobLeaseDuration = 3200;
+        In = "/dev/null";
+        DiskUsage = 45000;
+        EncryptExecuteDirectory = false;
+        User = "";
+        FileSystemDomain = "";
+        LeaveJobInQueue = false;
+        Requirements = ( OpSys == "LINUX" ) && ( MY.JobUniverse == 12 || MY.JobUniverse == 7 || ( ( MY.WantFlocking || MY.WantGlidein || TARGET.PoolName == "CHTC" ) && ( TARGET.OpSysMajorVer == MY.LinuxVer || TARGET.OpSysMajorVer == MY.LinuxVerAlt || TARGET.OpSysMajorVer == MY.WinVer ) ) ) && ( TARGET.Arch == "X86_64" ) && ( TARGET.Disk >= RequestDisk ) && ( TARGET.Memory >= RequestMemory ) && ( ( TARGET.HasFileTransfer ) || ( TARGET.FileSystemDomain == MY.FileSystemDomain ) );
+        MinHosts = 1;
+        MaxHosts = 1;
+        Args = "\342\200\234-1 0.01 0.1 1 0.001 0.0001 16 -1\342\200\235";
+        Environment = "";
+        LinuxVer = 6;
+        DAGNodeName = "436";
+        MemoryUsage = ( ( ResidentSetSize + 1023 ) / 1024 );
+        TerminationPending = true;
+        NumRestarts = 0;
+        NumSystemHolds = 0;
+        CondorVersion = "$CondorVersion: 8.5.5 May 03 2016 BuildID: 366162 $";
+        UserLog = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/outputs2/CS776_project_436.log";
+        JobCurrentStartDate = 1462898428;
+        MATCH_EXP_JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "";
+        BufferBlockSize = 32768;
+        BlockWriteKbytes = 6159360;
+        ExitBySignal = false;
+        DAGManJobId = 3723347;
+        MachineAttrCpus0 = 1;
+        WantRemoteSyscalls = false;
+        JobBatchName = "CS776_project.dag+3723347";
+        WantCheckpoint = false;
+        BlockReads = 0;
+        CumulativeSuspensionTime = 0;
+        MyType = "Job";
+        Rank = 0.0;
+        JobNotification = 0;
+        Owner = "jlange3";
+        LinuxVerAlt = 6;
+        Err = "CS776_project_436.err";
+        PeriodicRemove = false;
+        CommittedTime = 37065;
+        RecentBlockWriteKbytes = 36904;
+        TransferIn = false;
+        ExitStatus = 0;
+        ShouldTransferFiles = "IF_NEEDED";
+        IsCHTCSubmit = true;
+        NumJobMatches = 1;
+        RootDir = "/";
+        JobStartDate = 1462898428;
+        JobPrio = 1;
+        CurrentHosts = 0;
+        GlobalJobId = "";
+        RemoteSysCpu = 4.710000000000000E+02;
+        TotalSuspensions = 0;
+        CommittedSlotTime = 3.706500000000000E+04;
+        LastRemoteHost = "";
+        TransferInput = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/condor_tarred2.tgz";
+        LocalUserCpu = 0.0;
+        PeriodicRelease = false;
+        WinVer = 601;
+        LastPublicClaimId = "<>#1460601774#12071#...";
+        NumCkpts_RAW = 0;
+        Out = "CS776_project_436.out";
+        SubmitEventNotes = "DAG Node: 436";
+        CumulativeSlotTime = 3.706500000000000E+04;
+        JobRunCount = 1;
+        RecentBlockReads = 0;
+        StreamErr = false;
+        RequestDisk = 1000000;
+        ResidentSetSize_RAW = 119504;
+        OrigMaxHosts = 1;
+        NumCkpts = 0;
+        StatsLifetimeStarter = 37062;
+        ImageSize = 3250000
+    ]
+        Schedd = "";
+        BlockWrites = 15031;
+        LastJobStatus = 2;
+        JobCurrentStartExecutingDate = 1462892986;
+        WantRemoteIO = true;
+        RequestCpus = 1;
+        NumShadowStarts = 1;
+        RemoteUserCpu = 4.418300000000000E+04;
+        NiceUser = false;
+        RequestMemory = 2000;
+        BytesRecvd = 3.287412000000000E+06;
+        StreamOut = true;
+        ResidentSetSize = 150000;
+        SpooledOutputFiles = "output_file_neutral_bneckstart_0.1_recovery_1_bneckstr_0.01_id_11.txt";
+        OnExitRemove = true;
+        ImageSize_RAW = 3141184;
+        RemoteWallClockTime = 4.250000000000000E+04;
+        MachineAttrSlotWeight0 = 1;
+        ExecutableSize = 15;
+        JobStatus = 4;
+        DAGParentNodeNames = "";
+        ExitCode = 0;
+        DAGManNodesMask = "0,1,2,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,13,16,17,24,27";
+        BytesSent = 1.075000000000000E+03;
+        LastSuspensionTime = 0;
+        ExecutableSize_RAW = 13;
+        RecentBlockReadKbytes = 0;
+        TransferInputSizeMB = 3;
+        BlockReadKbytes = 0;
+        LocalSysCpu = 0.0;
+        Iwd = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/outputs2";
+        Cmd = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/";
+        CommittedSuspensionTime = 0;
+        DiskUsage_RAW = 43381;
+        RecentStatsLifetimeStarter = 1200;
+        TargetType = "Machine";
+        WhenToTransferOutput = "ON_EXIT";
+        BufferSize = 524288;
+        JobCurrentStartTransferOutputDate = 1462935482;
+        RecentBlockWrites = 370;
+        CompletionDate = 1462935484;
+        LastMatchTime = 1462892984;
+        LastJobLeaseRenewal = 1462935482;
+        DAGManNodesLog = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/./CS776_project.dag.nodes.log";
+        ClusterId = 3723419;
+        JobUniverse = 5;
+        NumJobStarts = 1;
+        StartdPrincipal = "execute-side@matchsession/";
+        EnteredCurrentStatus = 1462935484;
+        JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "$$([IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName), IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), \"\", TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName)])";
+        ProcId = 0;
+        PeriodicHold = false;
+        CoreSize = 0;
+        OnExitHold = false;
+        CondorPlatform = "$CondorPlatform: x86_64_RedHat6 $";
+        JobFinishedHookDone = 1462935484;
+        QDate = 1462892361;
+        JobLeaseDuration = 3200;
+        In = "/dev/null";
+        DiskUsage = 45000;
+        EncryptExecuteDirectory = false;
+        User = "";
+        FileSystemDomain = "";
+        LeaveJobInQueue = false;
+        Requirements = ( OpSys == "LINUX" ) && ( MY.JobUniverse == 12 || MY.JobUniverse == 7 || ( ( MY.WantFlocking || MY.WantGlidein || TARGET.PoolName == "CHTC" ) && ( TARGET.OpSysMajorVer == MY.LinuxVer || TARGET.OpSysMajorVer == MY.LinuxVerAlt || TARGET.OpSysMajorVer == MY.WinVer ) ) ) && ( TARGET.Arch == "X86_64" ) && ( TARGET.Disk >= RequestDisk ) && ( TARGET.Memory >= RequestMemory ) && ( ( TARGET.HasFileTransfer ) || ( TARGET.FileSystemDomain == MY.FileSystemDomain ) );
+        MinHosts = 1;
+        MaxHosts = 1;
+        Args = "\342\200\234-1 0.01 0.1 1 11 -1\342\200\235";
+        Environment = "";
+        LinuxVer = 6;
+        DAGNodeName = "71";
+        MemoryUsage = ( ( ResidentSetSize + 1023 ) / 1024 );
+        TerminationPending = true;
+        NumRestarts = 0;
+        NumSystemHolds = 0;
+        CondorVersion = "$CondorVersion: 8.5.5 May 03 2016 BuildID: 366162 $";
+        UserLog = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/outputs2/CS776_project_71.log";
+        JobCurrentStartDate = 1462892984;
+        MATCH_EXP_JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "";
+        BufferBlockSize = 32768;
+        BlockWriteKbytes = 7603336;
+        ExitBySignal = false;
+        DAGManJobId = 3723347;
+        MachineAttrCpus0 = 1;
+        WantRemoteSyscalls = false;
+        JobBatchName = "CS776_project.dag+3723347";
+        WantCheckpoint = false;
+        BlockReads = 0;
+        CumulativeSuspensionTime = 0;
+        MyType = "Job";
+        Rank = 0.0;
+        JobNotification = 0;
+        Owner = "jlange3";
+        LinuxVerAlt = 6;
+        Err = "CS776_project_71.err";
+        PeriodicRemove = false;
+        CommittedTime = 42500;
+        RecentBlockWriteKbytes = 186672;
+        TransferIn = false;
+        ExitStatus = 0;
+        ShouldTransferFiles = "IF_NEEDED";
+        IsCHTCSubmit = true;
+        NumJobMatches = 1;
+        RootDir = "/";
+        JobStartDate = 1462892984;
+        JobPrio = 1;
+        CurrentHosts = 0;
+        GlobalJobId = "";
+        RemoteSysCpu = 2.100000000000000E+02;
+        TotalSuspensions = 0;
+        CommittedSlotTime = 4.250000000000000E+04;
+        LastRemoteHost = "";
+        TransferInput = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/condor_tarred2.tgz";
+        LocalUserCpu = 0.0;
+        PeriodicRelease = false;
+        WinVer = 601;
+        LastPublicClaimId = "<>#1460674858#10655#...";
+        NumCkpts_RAW = 0;
+        Out = "CS776_project_71.out";
+        SubmitEventNotes = "DAG Node: 71";
+        CumulativeSlotTime = 4.250000000000000E+04;
+        JobRunCount = 1;
+        RecentBlockReads = 0;
+        StreamErr = false;
+        RequestDisk = 1000000;
+        ResidentSetSize_RAW = 125444;
+        OrigMaxHosts = 1;
+        NumCkpts = 0;
+        StatsLifetimeStarter = 42497;
+        ImageSize = 3250000
+    ]
+        Schedd = "";
+        BlockWrites = 7190;
+        LastJobStatus = 2;
+        JobCurrentStartExecutingDate = 1462892911;
+        WantRemoteIO = true;
+        RequestCpus = 1;
+        NumShadowStarts = 1;
+        RemoteUserCpu = 4.395400000000000E+04;
+        NiceUser = false;
+        RequestMemory = 2000;
+        BytesRecvd = 3.287412000000000E+06;
+        StreamOut = true;
+        ResidentSetSize = 125000;
+        SpooledOutputFiles = "output_file_neutral_bneckstart_0.1_recovery_0.5_bneckstr_0.01_id_9.txt";
+        OnExitRemove = true;
+        ImageSize_RAW = 3141184;
+        RemoteWallClockTime = 4.251100000000000E+04;
+        MachineAttrSlotWeight0 = 1;
+        ExecutableSize = 15;
+        JobStatus = 4;
+        DAGParentNodeNames = "";
+        ExitCode = 0;
+        DAGManNodesMask = "0,1,2,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,13,16,17,24,27";
+        BytesSent = 1.074000000000000E+03;
+        LastRejMatchReason = "PREEMPTION_REQUIREMENTS == False ";
+        LastSuspensionTime = 0;
+        ExecutableSize_RAW = 13;
+        RecentBlockReadKbytes = 0;
+        TransferInputSizeMB = 3;
+        BlockReadKbytes = 0;
+        LocalSysCpu = 0.0;
+        Iwd = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/outputs2";
+        Cmd = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/";
+        CommittedSuspensionTime = 0;
+        DiskUsage_RAW = 42632;
+        RecentStatsLifetimeStarter = 1200;
+        TargetType = "Machine";
+        WhenToTransferOutput = "ON_EXIT";
+        BufferSize = 524288;
+        JobCurrentStartTransferOutputDate = 1462935420;
+        RecentBlockWrites = 90;
+        CompletionDate = 1462935421;
+        LastMatchTime = 1462892910;
+        LastJobLeaseRenewal = 1462935420;
+        DAGManNodesLog = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/./CS776_project.dag.nodes.log";
+        ClusterId = 3723397;
+        JobUniverse = 5;
+        NumJobStarts = 1;
+        StartdPrincipal = "execute-side@matchsession/";
+        EnteredCurrentStatus = 1462935421;
+        JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "$$([IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName), IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), \"\", TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName)])";
+        ProcId = 0;
+        PeriodicHold = false;
+        CoreSize = 0;
+        OnExitHold = false;
+        CondorPlatform = "$CondorPlatform: x86_64_RedHat6 $";
+        JobFinishedHookDone = 1462935421;
+        QDate = 1462892334;
+        JobLeaseDuration = 3200;
+        In = "/dev/null";
+        DiskUsage = 45000;
+        EncryptExecuteDirectory = false;
+        User = "";
+        FileSystemDomain = "";
+        LeaveJobInQueue = false;
+        Requirements = ( OpSys == "LINUX" ) && ( MY.JobUniverse == 12 || MY.JobUniverse == 7 || ( ( MY.WantFlocking || MY.WantGlidein || TARGET.PoolName == "CHTC" ) && ( TARGET.OpSysMajorVer == MY.LinuxVer || TARGET.OpSysMajorVer == MY.LinuxVerAlt || TARGET.OpSysMajorVer == MY.WinVer ) ) ) && ( TARGET.Arch == "X86_64" ) && ( TARGET.Disk >= RequestDisk ) && ( TARGET.Memory >= RequestMemory ) && ( ( TARGET.HasFileTransfer ) || ( TARGET.FileSystemDomain == MY.FileSystemDomain ) );
+        MinHosts = 1;
+        MaxHosts = 1;
+        Args = "\342\200\234-1 0.01 0.1 0.5 9 -1\342\200\235";
+        Environment = "";
+        LinuxVer = 6;
+        DAGNodeName = "49";
+        MemoryUsage = ( ( ResidentSetSize + 1023 ) / 1024 );
+        TerminationPending = true;
+        NumRestarts = 0;
+        NumSystemHolds = 0;
+        CondorVersion = "$CondorVersion: 8.5.5 May 03 2016 BuildID: 366162 $";
+        UserLog = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/outputs2/CS776_project_49.log";
+        JobCurrentStartDate = 1462892910;
+        MATCH_EXP_JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "";
+        BufferBlockSize = 32768;
+        BlockWriteKbytes = 3617904;
+        ExitBySignal = false;
+        DAGManJobId = 3723347;
+        MachineAttrCpus0 = 1;
+        WantRemoteSyscalls = false;
+        JobBatchName = "CS776_project.dag+3723347";
+        WantCheckpoint = false;
+        BlockReads = 0;
+        CumulativeSuspensionTime = 0;
+        MyType = "Job";
+        Rank = 0.0;
+        JobNotification = 0;
+        Owner = "jlange3";
+        LinuxVerAlt = 6;
+        Err = "CS776_project_49.err";
+        PeriodicRemove = false;
+        CommittedTime = 42511;
+        RecentBlockWriteKbytes = 45448;
+        TransferIn = false;
+        ExitStatus = 0;
+        ShouldTransferFiles = "IF_NEEDED";
+        IsCHTCSubmit = true;
+        NumJobMatches = 1;
+        RootDir = "/";
+        JobStartDate = 1462892910;
+        JobPrio = 1;
+        CurrentHosts = 0;
+        GlobalJobId = "";
+        RemoteSysCpu = 6.570000000000000E+02;
+        LastRejMatchTime = 1462892909;
+        TotalSuspensions = 0;
+        CommittedSlotTime = 4.251100000000000E+04;
+        LastRemoteHost = "";
+        TransferInput = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/condor_tarred2.tgz";
+        LocalUserCpu = 0.0;
+        PeriodicRelease = false;
+        WinVer = 601;
+        LastPublicClaimId = "<>#1460645286#12665#...";
+        NumCkpts_RAW = 0;
+        Out = "CS776_project_49.out";
+        SubmitEventNotes = "DAG Node: 49";
+        CumulativeSlotTime = 4.251100000000000E+04;
+        JobRunCount = 1;
+        RecentBlockReads = 0;
+        StreamErr = false;
+        RequestDisk = 1000000;
+        ResidentSetSize_RAW = 118680;
+        OrigMaxHosts = 1;
+        NumCkpts = 0;
+        StatsLifetimeStarter = 42509;
+        ImageSize = 3250000
+    ]
+        Schedd = "";
+        BlockWrites = 12675;
+        LastJobStatus = 2;
+        JobCurrentStartExecutingDate = 1462897854;
+        WantRemoteIO = true;
+        RequestCpus = 1;
+        NumShadowStarts = 1;
+        RemoteUserCpu = 3.870600000000000E+04;
+        NiceUser = false;
+        RequestMemory = 2000;
+        BytesRecvd = 3.287412000000000E+06;
+        StreamOut = true;
+        ResidentSetSize = 125000;
+        SpooledOutputFiles = "output_file_freq_2e-07_selstr_0.0001_bneckstart_0.1_recovery_0.5_bneckstr_0.01_id_13.txt";
+        OnExitRemove = true;
+        ImageSize_RAW = 3141184;
+        RemoteWallClockTime = 3.752100000000000E+04;
+        MachineAttrSlotWeight0 = 1;
+        ExecutableSize = 15;
+        JobStatus = 4;
+        DAGParentNodeNames = "";
+        ExitCode = 0;
+        DAGManNodesMask = "0,1,2,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,13,16,17,24,27";
+        BytesSent = 1.056000000000000E+03;
+        LastSuspensionTime = 0;
+        ExecutableSize_RAW = 13;
+        RecentBlockReadKbytes = 0;
+        TransferInputSizeMB = 3;
+        BlockReadKbytes = 8;
+        LocalSysCpu = 0.0;
+        Iwd = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/outputs2";
+        Cmd = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/";
+        CommittedSuspensionTime = 0;
+        DiskUsage_RAW = 43273;
+        RecentStatsLifetimeStarter = 1200;
+        TargetType = "Machine";
+        WhenToTransferOutput = "ON_EXIT";
+        BufferSize = 524288;
+        JobCurrentStartTransferOutputDate = 1462935373;
+        RecentBlockWrites = 244;
+        CompletionDate = 1462935374;
+        LastMatchTime = 1462897853;
+        LastJobLeaseRenewal = 1462935373;
+        DAGManNodesLog = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/./CS776_project.dag.nodes.log";
+        ClusterId = 3723681;
+        JobUniverse = 5;
+        NumJobStarts = 1;
+        StartdPrincipal = "execute-side@matchsession/";
+        EnteredCurrentStatus = 1462935374;
+        JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "$$([IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName), IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), \"\", TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName)])";
+        ProcId = 0;
+        PeriodicHold = false;
+        CoreSize = 0;
+        OnExitHold = false;
+        CondorPlatform = "$CondorPlatform: x86_64_RedHat6 $";
+        JobFinishedHookDone = 1462935374;
+        QDate = 1462892650;
+        JobLeaseDuration = 3200;
+        In = "/dev/null";
+        DiskUsage = 45000;
+        EncryptExecuteDirectory = false;
+        User = "";
+        FileSystemDomain = "";
+        LeaveJobInQueue = false;
+        Requirements = ( OpSys == "LINUX" ) && ( MY.JobUniverse == 12 || MY.JobUniverse == 7 || ( ( MY.WantFlocking || MY.WantGlidein || TARGET.PoolName == "CHTC" ) && ( TARGET.OpSysMajorVer == MY.LinuxVer || TARGET.OpSysMajorVer == MY.LinuxVerAlt || TARGET.OpSysMajorVer == MY.WinVer ) ) ) && ( TARGET.Arch == "X86_64" ) && ( TARGET.Disk >= RequestDisk ) && ( TARGET.Memory >= RequestMemory ) && ( ( TARGET.HasFileTransfer ) || ( TARGET.FileSystemDomain == MY.FileSystemDomain ) );
+        MinHosts = 1;
+        MaxHosts = 1;
+        Args = "\342\200\234-1 0.01 0.1 0.5 2e-07 0.0001 13 -1\342\200\235";
+        Environment = "";
+        LinuxVer = 6;
+        DAGNodeName = "333";
+        MemoryUsage = ( ( ResidentSetSize + 1023 ) / 1024 );
+        TerminationPending = true;
+        NumRestarts = 0;
+        NumSystemHolds = 0;
+        CondorVersion = "$CondorVersion: 8.5.5 May 03 2016 BuildID: 366162 $";
+        UserLog = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/outputs2/CS776_project_333.log";
+        JobCurrentStartDate = 1462897853;
+        MATCH_EXP_JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "";
+        BufferBlockSize = 32768;
+        BlockWriteKbytes = 6410748;
+        ExitBySignal = false;
+        DAGManJobId = 3723347;
+        MachineAttrCpus0 = 1;
+        WantRemoteSyscalls = false;
+        JobBatchName = "CS776_project.dag+3723347";
+        WantCheckpoint = false;
+        BlockReads = 2;
+        CumulativeSuspensionTime = 0;
+        MyType = "Job";
+        Rank = 0.0;
+        JobNotification = 0;
+        Owner = "jlange3";
+        LinuxVerAlt = 6;
+        Err = "CS776_project_333.err";
+        PeriodicRemove = false;
+        CommittedTime = 37521;
+        RecentBlockWriteKbytes = 123704;
+        TransferIn = false;
+        ExitStatus = 0;
+        ShouldTransferFiles = "IF_NEEDED";
+        IsCHTCSubmit = true;
+        NumJobMatches = 1;
+        RootDir = "/";
+        JobStartDate = 1462897853;
+        JobPrio = 1;
+        CurrentHosts = 0;
+        GlobalJobId = "";
+        RemoteSysCpu = 2.120000000000000E+02;
+        TotalSuspensions = 0;
+        CommittedSlotTime = 3.752100000000000E+04;
+        LastRemoteHost = "";
+        TransferInput = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/condor_tarred2.tgz";
+        LocalUserCpu = 0.0;
+        PeriodicRelease = false;
+        WinVer = 601;
+        LastPublicClaimId = "<>#1460636262#10038#...";
+        NumCkpts_RAW = 0;
+        Out = "CS776_project_333.out";
+        SubmitEventNotes = "DAG Node: 333";
+        CumulativeSlotTime = 3.752100000000000E+04;
+        JobRunCount = 1;
+        RecentBlockReads = 0;
+        StreamErr = false;
+        RequestDisk = 1000000;
+        ResidentSetSize_RAW = 119840;
+        OrigMaxHosts = 1;
+        NumCkpts = 0;
+        StatsLifetimeStarter = 37518;
+        ImageSize = 3250000
+    ]
+        Schedd = "";
+        BlockWrites = 14894;
+        LastJobStatus = 2;
+        JobCurrentStartExecutingDate = 1462892719;
+        WantRemoteIO = true;
+        RequestCpus = 1;
+        NumShadowStarts = 1;
+        RemoteUserCpu = 4.232700000000000E+04;
+        NiceUser = false;
+        RequestMemory = 2000;
+        BytesRecvd = 3.287412000000000E+06;
+        StreamOut = true;
+        ResidentSetSize = 125000;
+        SpooledOutputFiles = "output_file_neutral_bneckstart_0.1_recovery_0.5_bneckstr_0.01_id_6.txt";
+        OnExitRemove = true;
+        ImageSize_RAW = 2444980;
+        RemoteWallClockTime = 4.260900000000000E+04;
+        MachineAttrSlotWeight0 = 1;
+        ExecutableSize = 15;
+        JobStatus = 4;
+        DAGParentNodeNames = "";
+        ExitCode = 0;
+        DAGManNodesMask = "0,1,2,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,13,16,17,24,27";
+        BytesSent = 1.071000000000000E+03;
+        LastSuspensionTime = 0;
+        ExecutableSize_RAW = 13;
+        RecentBlockReadKbytes = 0;
+        TransferInputSizeMB = 3;
+        BlockReadKbytes = 3004;
+        LocalSysCpu = 0.0;
+        Iwd = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/outputs2";
+        Cmd = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/";
+        CommittedSuspensionTime = 0;
+        DiskUsage_RAW = 43486;
+        RecentStatsLifetimeStarter = 1200;
+        TargetType = "Machine";
+        WhenToTransferOutput = "ON_EXIT";
+        BufferSize = 524288;
+        JobCurrentStartTransferOutputDate = 1462935326;
+        RecentBlockWrites = 234;
+        CompletionDate = 1462935327;
+        LastMatchTime = 1462892718;
+        LastJobLeaseRenewal = 1462935326;
+        DAGManNodesLog = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/./CS776_project.dag.nodes.log";
+        ClusterId = 3723394;
+        JobUniverse = 5;
+        NumJobStarts = 1;
+        StartdPrincipal = "execute-side@matchsession/";
+        EnteredCurrentStatus = 1462935327;
+        JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "$$([IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName), IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), \"\", TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName)])";
+        ProcId = 0;
+        PeriodicHold = false;
+        CoreSize = 0;
+        OnExitHold = false;
+        CondorPlatform = "$CondorPlatform: x86_64_RedHat6 $";
+        JobFinishedHookDone = 1462935327;
+        QDate = 1462892334;
+        JobLeaseDuration = 3200;
+        In = "/dev/null";
+        DiskUsage = 45000;
+        EncryptExecuteDirectory = false;
+        User = "";
+        FileSystemDomain = "";
+        LeaveJobInQueue = false;
+        Requirements = ( OpSys == "LINUX" ) && ( MY.JobUniverse == 12 || MY.JobUniverse == 7 || ( ( MY.WantFlocking || MY.WantGlidein || TARGET.PoolName == "CHTC" ) && ( TARGET.OpSysMajorVer == MY.LinuxVer || TARGET.OpSysMajorVer == MY.LinuxVerAlt || TARGET.OpSysMajorVer == MY.WinVer ) ) ) && ( TARGET.Arch == "X86_64" ) && ( TARGET.Disk >= RequestDisk ) && ( TARGET.Memory >= RequestMemory ) && ( ( TARGET.HasFileTransfer ) || ( TARGET.FileSystemDomain == MY.FileSystemDomain ) );
+        MinHosts = 1;
+        MaxHosts = 1;
+        Args = "\342\200\234-1 0.01 0.1 0.5 6 -1\342\200\235";
+        Environment = "";
+        LinuxVer = 6;
+        DAGNodeName = "46";
+        MemoryUsage = ( ( ResidentSetSize + 1023 ) / 1024 );
+        TerminationPending = true;
+        NumRestarts = 0;
+        NumSystemHolds = 0;
+        CondorVersion = "$CondorVersion: 8.5.5 May 03 2016 BuildID: 366162 $";
+        UserLog = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/outputs2/CS776_project_46.log";
+        JobCurrentStartDate = 1462892718;
+        MATCH_EXP_JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "";
+        BufferBlockSize = 32768;
+        BlockWriteKbytes = 7496956;
+        ExitBySignal = false;
+        DAGManJobId = 3723347;
+        MachineAttrCpus0 = 1;
+        WantRemoteSyscalls = false;
+        JobBatchName = "CS776_project.dag+3723347";
+        WantCheckpoint = false;
+        BlockReads = 111;
+        CumulativeSuspensionTime = 0;
+        MyType = "Job";
+        Rank = 0.0;
+        JobNotification = 0;
+        Owner = "jlange3";
+        LinuxVerAlt = 6;
+        Err = "CS776_project_46.err";
+        PeriodicRemove = false;
+        CommittedTime = 42609;
+        RecentBlockWriteKbytes = 116532;
+        TransferIn = false;
+        ExitStatus = 0;
+        ShouldTransferFiles = "IF_NEEDED";
+        IsCHTCSubmit = true;
+        NumJobMatches = 1;
+        RootDir = "/";
+        JobStartDate = 1462892718;
+        JobPrio = 1;
+        CurrentHosts = 0;
+        GlobalJobId = "";
+        RemoteSysCpu = 2.950000000000000E+02;
+        TotalSuspensions = 0;
+        CommittedSlotTime = 4.260900000000000E+04;
+        LastRemoteHost = "";
+        TransferInput = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/condor_tarred2.tgz";
+        LocalUserCpu = 0.0;
+        PeriodicRelease = false;
+        WinVer = 601;
+        LastPublicClaimId = "<>#1462382523#2272#...";
+        NumCkpts_RAW = 0;
+        Out = "CS776_project_46.out";
+        SubmitEventNotes = "DAG Node: 46";
+        CumulativeSlotTime = 4.260900000000000E+04;
+        JobRunCount = 1;
+        RecentBlockReads = 0;
+        StreamErr = false;
+        RequestDisk = 1000000;
+        ResidentSetSize_RAW = 117892;
+        OrigMaxHosts = 1;
+        NumCkpts = 0;
+        StatsLifetimeStarter = 42607;
+        ImageSize = 2500000
+    ]
+        Schedd = "";
+        BlockWrites = 12991;
+        LastJobStatus = 2;
+        JobCurrentStartExecutingDate = 1462897930;
+        WantRemoteIO = true;
+        RequestCpus = 1;
+        NumShadowStarts = 1;
+        RemoteUserCpu = 3.834300000000000E+04;
+        NiceUser = false;
+        RequestMemory = 2000;
+        BytesRecvd = 3.287412000000000E+06;
+        StreamOut = true;
+        ResidentSetSize = 125000;
+        SpooledOutputFiles = "output_file_freq_0.001_selstr_0.0001_bneckstart_0.1_recovery_0.5_bneckstr_0.01_id_11.txt";
+        OnExitRemove = true;
+        ImageSize_RAW = 3141184;
+        RemoteWallClockTime = 3.730500000000000E+04;
+        MachineAttrSlotWeight0 = 1;
+        ExecutableSize = 15;
+        JobStatus = 4;
+        DAGParentNodeNames = "";
+        ExitCode = 0;
+        DAGManNodesMask = "0,1,2,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,13,16,17,24,27";
+        BytesSent = 1.055000000000000E+03;
+        LastSuspensionTime = 0;
+        ExecutableSize_RAW = 13;
+        RecentBlockReadKbytes = 24;
+        TransferInputSizeMB = 3;
+        BlockReadKbytes = 68;
+        LocalSysCpu = 0.0;
+        Iwd = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/outputs2";
+        Cmd = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/";
+        CommittedSuspensionTime = 0;
+        DiskUsage_RAW = 42553;
+        RecentStatsLifetimeStarter = 1200;
+        TargetType = "Machine";
+        WhenToTransferOutput = "ON_EXIT";
+        BufferSize = 524288;
+        JobCurrentStartTransferOutputDate = 1462935233;
+        RecentBlockWrites = 139;
+        CompletionDate = 1462935234;
+        LastMatchTime = 1462897929;
+        LastJobLeaseRenewal = 1462935233;
+        DAGManNodesLog = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/./CS776_project.dag.nodes.log";
+        ClusterId = 3723699;
+        JobUniverse = 5;
+        NumJobStarts = 1;
+        StartdPrincipal = "execute-side@matchsession/";
+        EnteredCurrentStatus = 1462935234;
+        JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "$$([IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName), IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), \"\", TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName)])";
+        ProcId = 0;
+        PeriodicHold = false;
+        CoreSize = 0;
+        OnExitHold = false;
+        CondorPlatform = "$CondorPlatform: x86_64_RedHat6 $";
+        JobFinishedHookDone = 1462935234;
+        QDate = 1462892672;
+        JobLeaseDuration = 3200;
+        In = "/dev/null";
+        DiskUsage = 45000;
+        EncryptExecuteDirectory = false;
+        User = "";
+        FileSystemDomain = "";
+        LeaveJobInQueue = false;
+        Requirements = ( OpSys == "LINUX" ) && ( MY.JobUniverse == 12 || MY.JobUniverse == 7 || ( ( MY.WantFlocking || MY.WantGlidein || TARGET.PoolName == "CHTC" ) && ( TARGET.OpSysMajorVer == MY.LinuxVer || TARGET.OpSysMajorVer == MY.LinuxVerAlt || TARGET.OpSysMajorVer == MY.WinVer ) ) ) && ( TARGET.Arch == "X86_64" ) && ( TARGET.Disk >= RequestDisk ) && ( TARGET.Memory >= RequestMemory ) && ( ( TARGET.HasFileTransfer ) || ( TARGET.FileSystemDomain == MY.FileSystemDomain ) );
+        MinHosts = 1;
+        MaxHosts = 1;
+        Args = "\342\200\234-1 0.01 0.1 0.5 0.001 0.0001 11 -1\342\200\235";
+        Environment = "";
+        LinuxVer = 6;
+        DAGNodeName = "351";
+        MemoryUsage = ( ( ResidentSetSize + 1023 ) / 1024 );
+        TerminationPending = true;
+        NumRestarts = 0;
+        NumSystemHolds = 0;
+        CondorVersion = "$CondorVersion: 8.5.5 May 03 2016 BuildID: 366162 $";
+        UserLog = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/outputs2/CS776_project_351.log";
+        JobCurrentStartDate = 1462897929;
+        MATCH_EXP_JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "";
+        BufferBlockSize = 32768;
+        BlockWriteKbytes = 6561452;
+        ExitBySignal = false;
+        DAGManJobId = 3723347;
+        MachineAttrCpus0 = 1;
+        WantRemoteSyscalls = false;
+        JobBatchName = "CS776_project.dag+3723347";
+        WantCheckpoint = false;
+        BlockReads = 16;
+        CumulativeSuspensionTime = 0;
+        MyType = "Job";
+        Rank = 0.0;
+        JobNotification = 0;
+        Owner = "jlange3";
+        LinuxVerAlt = 6;
+        Err = "CS776_project_351.err";
+        PeriodicRemove = false;
+        CommittedTime = 37305;
+        RecentBlockWriteKbytes = 70424;
+        TransferIn = false;
+        ExitStatus = 0;
+        ShouldTransferFiles = "IF_NEEDED";
+        IsCHTCSubmit = true;
+        NumJobMatches = 1;
+        RootDir = "/";
+        JobStartDate = 1462897929;
+        JobPrio = 1;
+        CurrentHosts = 0;
+        GlobalJobId = "";
+        RemoteSysCpu = 5.620000000000000E+02;
+        TotalSuspensions = 0;
+        CommittedSlotTime = 3.730500000000000E+04;
+        LastRemoteHost = "";
+        TransferInput = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/condor_tarred2.tgz";
+        LocalUserCpu = 0.0;
+        PeriodicRelease = false;
+        WinVer = 601;
+        LastPublicClaimId = "<>#1460595805#12809#...";
+        NumCkpts_RAW = 0;
+        Out = "CS776_project_351.out";
+        SubmitEventNotes = "DAG Node: 351";
+        CumulativeSlotTime = 3.730500000000000E+04;
+        JobRunCount = 1;
+        RecentBlockReads = 5;
+        StreamErr = false;
+        RequestDisk = 1000000;
+        ResidentSetSize_RAW = 121048;
+        OrigMaxHosts = 1;
+        NumCkpts = 0;
+        StatsLifetimeStarter = 37303;
+        ImageSize = 3250000
+    ]
+        Schedd = "";
+        BlockWrites = 13037;
+        LastJobStatus = 2;
+        JobCurrentStartExecutingDate = 1462898431;
+        WantRemoteIO = true;
+        RequestCpus = 1;
+        NumShadowStarts = 1;
+        RemoteUserCpu = 3.783900000000000E+04;
+        NiceUser = false;
+        RequestMemory = 2000;
+        BytesRecvd = 3.287412000000000E+06;
+        StreamOut = true;
+        ResidentSetSize = 125000;
+        SpooledOutputFiles = "output_file_freq_0.001_selstr_0.0001_bneckstart_0.1_recovery_1_bneckstr_0.01_id_13.txt";
+        OnExitRemove = true;
+        ImageSize_RAW = 3141184;
+        RemoteWallClockTime = 3.673000000000000E+04;
+        MachineAttrSlotWeight0 = 1;
+        ExecutableSize = 15;
+        JobStatus = 4;
+        DAGParentNodeNames = "";
+        ExitCode = 0;
+        DAGManNodesMask = "0,1,2,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,13,16,17,24,27";
+        BytesSent = 1.050000000000000E+03;
+        LastSuspensionTime = 0;
+        ExecutableSize_RAW = 13;
+        RecentBlockReadKbytes = 0;
+        TransferInputSizeMB = 3;
+        BlockReadKbytes = 224;
+        LocalSysCpu = 0.0;
+        Iwd = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/outputs2";
+        Cmd = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/";
+        CommittedSuspensionTime = 0;
+        DiskUsage_RAW = 42076;
+        RecentStatsLifetimeStarter = 1200;
+        TargetType = "Machine";
+        WhenToTransferOutput = "ON_EXIT";
+        BufferSize = 524288;
+        JobCurrentStartTransferOutputDate = 1462935158;
+        RecentBlockWrites = 591;
+        CompletionDate = 1462935159;
+        LastMatchTime = 1462898429;
+        LastJobLeaseRenewal = 1462935158;
+        DAGManNodesLog = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/./CS776_project.dag.nodes.log";
+        ClusterId = 3723781;
+        JobUniverse = 5;
+        NumJobStarts = 1;
+        StartdPrincipal = "execute-side@matchsession/";
+        EnteredCurrentStatus = 1462935159;
+        JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "$$([IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName), IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), \"\", TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName)])";
+        ProcId = 0;
+        PeriodicHold = false;
+        CoreSize = 0;
+        OnExitHold = false;
+        CondorPlatform = "$CondorPlatform: x86_64_RedHat6 $";
+        JobFinishedHookDone = 1462935159;
+        QDate = 1462892759;
+        JobLeaseDuration = 3200;
+        In = "/dev/null";
+        DiskUsage = 42500;
+        EncryptExecuteDirectory = false;
+        User = "";
+        FileSystemDomain = "";
+        LeaveJobInQueue = false;
+        Requirements = ( OpSys == "LINUX" ) && ( MY.JobUniverse == 12 || MY.JobUniverse == 7 || ( ( MY.WantFlocking || MY.WantGlidein || TARGET.PoolName == "CHTC" ) && ( TARGET.OpSysMajorVer == MY.LinuxVer || TARGET.OpSysMajorVer == MY.LinuxVerAlt || TARGET.OpSysMajorVer == MY.WinVer ) ) ) && ( TARGET.Arch == "X86_64" ) && ( TARGET.Disk >= RequestDisk ) && ( TARGET.Memory >= RequestMemory ) && ( ( TARGET.HasFileTransfer ) || ( TARGET.FileSystemDomain == MY.FileSystemDomain ) );
+        MinHosts = 1;
+        MaxHosts = 1;
+        Args = "\342\200\234-1 0.01 0.1 1 0.001 0.0001 13 -1\342\200\235";
+        Environment = "";
+        LinuxVer = 6;
+        DAGNodeName = "433";
+        MemoryUsage = ( ( ResidentSetSize + 1023 ) / 1024 );
+        TerminationPending = true;
+        NumRestarts = 0;
+        NumSystemHolds = 0;
+        CondorVersion = "$CondorVersion: 8.5.5 May 03 2016 BuildID: 366162 $";
+        UserLog = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/outputs2/CS776_project_433.log";
+        JobCurrentStartDate = 1462898429;
+        MATCH_EXP_JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "";
+        BufferBlockSize = 32768;
+        BlockWriteKbytes = 6582864;
+        ExitBySignal = false;
+        DAGManJobId = 3723347;
+        MachineAttrCpus0 = 1;
+        WantRemoteSyscalls = false;
+        JobBatchName = "CS776_project.dag+3723347";
+        WantCheckpoint = false;
+        BlockReads = 34;
+        CumulativeSuspensionTime = 0;
+        MyType = "Job";
+        Rank = 0.0;
+        JobNotification = 0;
+        Owner = "jlange3";
+        LinuxVerAlt = 6;
+        Err = "CS776_project_433.err";
+        PeriodicRemove = false;
+        CommittedTime = 36730;
+        RecentBlockWriteKbytes = 297232;
+        TransferIn = false;
+        ExitStatus = 0;
+        ShouldTransferFiles = "IF_NEEDED";
+        IsCHTCSubmit = true;
+        NumJobMatches = 1;
+        RootDir = "/";
+        JobStartDate = 1462898429;
+        JobPrio = 1;
+        CurrentHosts = 0;
+        GlobalJobId = "";
+        RemoteSysCpu = 7.740000000000000E+02;
+        TotalSuspensions = 0;
+        CommittedSlotTime = 3.673000000000000E+04;
+        LastRemoteHost = "";
+        TransferInput = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/condor_tarred2.tgz";
+        LocalUserCpu = 0.0;
+        PeriodicRelease = false;
+        WinVer = 601;
+        LastPublicClaimId = "<>#1460642996#11150#...";
+        NumCkpts_RAW = 0;
+        Out = "CS776_project_433.out";
+        SubmitEventNotes = "DAG Node: 433";
+        CumulativeSlotTime = 3.673000000000000E+04;
+        JobRunCount = 1;
+        RecentBlockReads = 0;
+        StreamErr = false;
+        RequestDisk = 1000000;
+        ResidentSetSize_RAW = 119180;
+        OrigMaxHosts = 1;
+        NumCkpts = 0;
+        StatsLifetimeStarter = 36727;
+        ImageSize = 3250000
+    ]
+        Schedd = "";
+        BlockWrites = 12019;
+        LastJobStatus = 2;
+        JobCurrentStartExecutingDate = 1462898430;
+        WantRemoteIO = true;
+        RequestCpus = 1;
+        NumShadowStarts = 1;
+        RemoteUserCpu = 3.798400000000000E+04;
+        NiceUser = false;
+        RequestMemory = 2000;
+        BytesRecvd = 3.287412000000000E+06;
+        StreamOut = true;
+        ResidentSetSize = 125000;
+        SpooledOutputFiles = "output_file_freq_0.001_selstr_0.0001_bneckstart_0.1_recovery_1_bneckstr_0.01_id_8.txt";
+        OnExitRemove = true;
+        ImageSize_RAW = 3141184;
+        RemoteWallClockTime = 3.671000000000000E+04;
+        MachineAttrSlotWeight0 = 1;
+        ExecutableSize = 15;
+        JobStatus = 4;
+        DAGParentNodeNames = "";
+        ExitCode = 0;
+        DAGManNodesMask = "0,1,2,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,13,16,17,24,27";
+        BytesSent = 1.061000000000000E+03;
+        LastSuspensionTime = 0;
+        ExecutableSize_RAW = 13;
+        RecentBlockReadKbytes = 0;
+        TransferInputSizeMB = 3;
+        BlockReadKbytes = 0;
+        LocalSysCpu = 0.0;
+        Iwd = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/outputs2";
+        Cmd = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/";
+        CommittedSuspensionTime = 0;
+        DiskUsage_RAW = 42679;
+        RecentStatsLifetimeStarter = 1200;
+        TargetType = "Machine";
+        WhenToTransferOutput = "ON_EXIT";
+        BufferSize = 524288;
+        JobCurrentStartTransferOutputDate = 1462935137;
+        RecentBlockWrites = 464;
+        CompletionDate = 1462935138;
+        LastMatchTime = 1462898428;
+        LastJobLeaseRenewal = 1462935137;
+        DAGManNodesLog = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/./CS776_project.dag.nodes.log";
+        ClusterId = 3723776;
+        JobUniverse = 5;
+        NumJobStarts = 1;
+        StartdPrincipal = "execute-side@matchsession/";
+        EnteredCurrentStatus = 1462935138;
+        JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "$$([IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName), IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), \"\", TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName)])";
+        ProcId = 0;
+        PeriodicHold = false;
+        CoreSize = 0;
+        OnExitHold = false;
+        CondorPlatform = "$CondorPlatform: x86_64_RedHat6 $";
+        JobFinishedHookDone = 1462935138;
+        QDate = 1462892754;
+        JobLeaseDuration = 3200;
+        In = "/dev/null";
+        DiskUsage = 45000;
+        EncryptExecuteDirectory = false;
+        User = "";
+        FileSystemDomain = "";
+        LeaveJobInQueue = false;
+        Requirements = ( OpSys == "LINUX" ) && ( MY.JobUniverse == 12 || MY.JobUniverse == 7 || ( ( MY.WantFlocking || MY.WantGlidein || TARGET.PoolName == "CHTC" ) && ( TARGET.OpSysMajorVer == MY.LinuxVer || TARGET.OpSysMajorVer == MY.LinuxVerAlt || TARGET.OpSysMajorVer == MY.WinVer ) ) ) && ( TARGET.Arch == "X86_64" ) && ( TARGET.Disk >= RequestDisk ) && ( TARGET.Memory >= RequestMemory ) && ( ( TARGET.HasFileTransfer ) || ( TARGET.FileSystemDomain == MY.FileSystemDomain ) );
+        MinHosts = 1;
+        MaxHosts = 1;
+        Args = "\342\200\234-1 0.01 0.1 1 0.001 0.0001 8 -1\342\200\235";
+        Environment = "";
+        LinuxVer = 6;
+        DAGNodeName = "428";
+        MemoryUsage = ( ( ResidentSetSize + 1023 ) / 1024 );
+        TerminationPending = true;
+        NumRestarts = 0;
+        NumSystemHolds = 0;
+        CondorVersion = "$CondorVersion: 8.5.5 May 03 2016 BuildID: 366162 $";
+        UserLog = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/outputs2/CS776_project_428.log";
+        JobCurrentStartDate = 1462898428;
+        MATCH_EXP_JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "";
+        BufferBlockSize = 32768;
+        BlockWriteKbytes = 6072576;
+        ExitBySignal = false;
+        DAGManJobId = 3723347;
+        MachineAttrCpus0 = 1;
+        WantRemoteSyscalls = false;
+        JobBatchName = "CS776_project.dag+3723347";
+        WantCheckpoint = false;
+        BlockReads = 0;
+        CumulativeSuspensionTime = 0;
+        MyType = "Job";
+        Rank = 0.0;
+        JobNotification = 0;
+        Owner = "jlange3";
+        LinuxVerAlt = 6;
+        Err = "CS776_project_428.err";
+        PeriodicRemove = false;
+        CommittedTime = 36710;
+        RecentBlockWriteKbytes = 234940;
+        TransferIn = false;
+        ExitStatus = 0;
+        ShouldTransferFiles = "IF_NEEDED";
+        IsCHTCSubmit = true;
+        NumJobMatches = 1;
+        RootDir = "/";
+        JobStartDate = 1462898428;
+        JobPrio = 1;
+        CurrentHosts = 0;
+        GlobalJobId = "";
+        RemoteSysCpu = 4.460000000000000E+02;
+        TotalSuspensions = 0;
+        CommittedSlotTime = 3.671000000000000E+04;
+        LastRemoteHost = "";
+        TransferInput = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/condor_tarred2.tgz";
+        LocalUserCpu = 0.0;
+        PeriodicRelease = false;
+        WinVer = 601;
+        LastPublicClaimId = "<>#1460599293#12553#...";
+        NumCkpts_RAW = 0;
+        Out = "CS776_project_428.out";
+        SubmitEventNotes = "DAG Node: 428";
+        CumulativeSlotTime = 3.671000000000000E+04;
+        JobRunCount = 1;
+        RecentBlockReads = 0;
+        StreamErr = false;
+        RequestDisk = 1000000;
+        ResidentSetSize_RAW = 119684;
+        OrigMaxHosts = 1;
+        NumCkpts = 0;
+        StatsLifetimeStarter = 36707;
+        ImageSize = 3250000
+    ]
+        Schedd = "";
+        BlockWrites = 4;
+        LastJobStatus = 2;
+        JobCurrentStartExecutingDate = 1462893847;
+        WantRemoteIO = true;
+        RequestCpus = 1;
+        NumShadowStarts = 1;
+        RemoteUserCpu = 4.176500000000000E+04;
+        NiceUser = false;
+        RequestMemory = 2000;
+        BytesRecvd = 3.287412000000000E+06;
+        StreamOut = true;
+        ResidentSetSize = 150000;
+        SpooledOutputFiles = "output_file_neutral_bneckstart_0.1_recovery_0.5_bneckstr_0.1_id_5.txt";
+        OnExitRemove = true;
+        ImageSize_RAW = 2445020;
+        RemoteWallClockTime = 4.117200000000000E+04;
+        MachineAttrSlotWeight0 = 1;
+        ExecutableSize = 15;
+        JobStatus = 4;
+        DAGParentNodeNames = "";
+        ExitCode = 0;
+        DAGManNodesMask = "0,1,2,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,13,16,17,24,27";
+        BytesSent = 8.440000000000000E+02;
+        LastRejMatchReason = "PREEMPTION_REQUIREMENTS == False ";
+        LastSuspensionTime = 0;
+        ExecutableSize_RAW = 13;
+        RecentBlockReadKbytes = 16;
+        TransferInputSizeMB = 3;
+        BlockReadKbytes = 20;
+        LocalSysCpu = 0.0;
+        Iwd = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/outputs2";
+        Cmd = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/";
+        CommittedSuspensionTime = 0;
+        DiskUsage_RAW = 42806;
+        RecentStatsLifetimeStarter = 1200;
+        TargetType = "Machine";
+        WhenToTransferOutput = "ON_EXIT";
+        BufferSize = 524288;
+        JobCurrentStartTransferOutputDate = 1462935017;
+        RecentBlockWrites = 0;
+        CompletionDate = 1462935017;
+        LastMatchTime = 1462893845;
+        LastJobLeaseRenewal = 1462935017;
+        DAGManNodesLog = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/./CS776_project.dag.nodes.log";
+        ClusterId = 3723473;
+        JobUniverse = 5;
+        NumJobStarts = 1;
+        StartdPrincipal = "execute-side@matchsession/";
+        EnteredCurrentStatus = 1462935017;
+        JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "$$([IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName), IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), \"\", TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName)])";
+        ProcId = 0;
+        PeriodicHold = false;
+        CoreSize = 0;
+        OnExitHold = false;
+        CondorPlatform = "$CondorPlatform: x86_64_RedHat6 $";
+        JobFinishedHookDone = 1462935017;
+        QDate = 1462892420;
+        JobLeaseDuration = 3200;
+        In = "/dev/null";
+        DiskUsage = 45000;
+        EncryptExecuteDirectory = false;
+        User = "";
+        FileSystemDomain = "";
+        LeaveJobInQueue = false;
+        Requirements = ( OpSys == "LINUX" ) && ( MY.JobUniverse == 12 || MY.JobUniverse == 7 || ( ( MY.WantFlocking || MY.WantGlidein || TARGET.PoolName == "CHTC" ) && ( TARGET.OpSysMajorVer == MY.LinuxVer || TARGET.OpSysMajorVer == MY.LinuxVerAlt || TARGET.OpSysMajorVer == MY.WinVer ) ) ) && ( TARGET.Arch == "X86_64" ) && ( TARGET.Disk >= RequestDisk ) && ( TARGET.Memory >= RequestMemory ) && ( ( TARGET.HasFileTransfer ) || ( TARGET.FileSystemDomain == MY.FileSystemDomain ) );
+        MinHosts = 1;
+        MaxHosts = 1;
+        Args = "\342\200\234-1 0.1 0.1 0.5 5 -1\342\200\235";
+        Environment = "";
+        LinuxVer = 6;
+        DAGNodeName = "125";
+        MemoryUsage = ( ( ResidentSetSize + 1023 ) / 1024 );
+        TerminationPending = true;
+        NumRestarts = 0;
+        NumSystemHolds = 0;
+        CondorVersion = "$CondorVersion: 8.5.5 May 03 2016 BuildID: 366162 $";
+        UserLog = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/outputs2/CS776_project_125.log";
+        JobCurrentStartDate = 1462893845;
+        MATCH_EXP_JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "";
+        BufferBlockSize = 32768;
+        BlockWriteKbytes = 40;
+        ExitBySignal = false;
+        DAGManJobId = 3723347;
+        MachineAttrCpus0 = 1;
+        WantRemoteSyscalls = false;
+        JobBatchName = "CS776_project.dag+3723347";
+        WantCheckpoint = false;
+        BlockReads = 5;
+        CumulativeSuspensionTime = 0;
+        MyType = "Job";
+        Rank = 0.0;
+        JobNotification = 0;
+        Owner = "jlange3";
+        LinuxVerAlt = 6;
+        Err = "CS776_project_125.err";
+        PeriodicRemove = false;
+        CommittedTime = 41172;
+        RecentBlockWriteKbytes = 0;
+        TransferIn = false;
+        ExitStatus = 0;
+        ShouldTransferFiles = "IF_NEEDED";
+        IsCHTCSubmit = true;
+        NumJobMatches = 1;
+        RootDir = "/";
+        JobStartDate = 1462893845;
+        JobPrio = 1;
+        CurrentHosts = 0;
+        GlobalJobId = "";
+        RemoteSysCpu = 3.070000000000000E+02;
+        LastRejMatchTime = 1462893845;
+        TotalSuspensions = 0;
+        CommittedSlotTime = 4.117200000000000E+04;
+        LastRemoteHost = "";
+        TransferInput = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/condor_tarred2.tgz";
+        LocalUserCpu = 0.0;
+        PeriodicRelease = false;
+        WinVer = 601;
+        LastPublicClaimId = "<>#1462871778#227#...";
+        NumCkpts_RAW = 0;
+        Out = "CS776_project_125.out";
+        SubmitEventNotes = "DAG Node: 125";
+        CumulativeSlotTime = 4.117200000000000E+04;
+        JobRunCount = 1;
+        RecentBlockReads = 4;
+        StreamErr = false;
+        RequestDisk = 1000000;
+        ResidentSetSize_RAW = 126832;
+        OrigMaxHosts = 1;
+        NumCkpts = 0;
+        StatsLifetimeStarter = 41171;
+        ImageSize = 2500000
+    ]
+        Schedd = "";
+        BlockWrites = 8;
+        LastJobStatus = 2;
+        JobCurrentStartExecutingDate = 1462898595;
+        WantRemoteIO = true;
+        RequestCpus = 1;
+        NumShadowStarts = 1;
+        RemoteUserCpu = 3.776400000000000E+04;
+        NiceUser = false;
+        RequestMemory = 2000;
+        BytesRecvd = 3.287412000000000E+06;
+        StreamOut = true;
+        ResidentSetSize = 125000;
+        SpooledOutputFiles = "output_file_freq_2e-07_selstr_0.001_bneckstart_0.1_recovery_1_bneckstr_0.01_id_18.txt";
+        OnExitRemove = true;
+        ImageSize_RAW = 2445028;
+        RemoteWallClockTime = 3.637400000000000E+04;
+        MachineAttrSlotWeight0 = 1;
+        ExecutableSize = 15;
+        JobStatus = 4;
+        DAGParentNodeNames = "";
+        ExitCode = 0;
+        DAGManNodesMask = "0,1,2,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,13,16,17,24,27";
+        BytesSent = 1.096000000000000E+03;
+        LastSuspensionTime = 0;
+        ExecutableSize_RAW = 13;
+        RecentBlockReadKbytes = 0;
+        TransferInputSizeMB = 3;
+        BlockReadKbytes = 1304;
+        LocalSysCpu = 0.0;
+        Iwd = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/outputs2";
+        Cmd = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/";
+        CommittedSuspensionTime = 0;
+        DiskUsage_RAW = 43322;
+        RecentStatsLifetimeStarter = 1200;
+        TargetType = "Machine";
+        WhenToTransferOutput = "ON_EXIT";
+        BufferSize = 524288;
+        JobCurrentStartTransferOutputDate = 1462934967;
+        RecentBlockWrites = 0;
+        CompletionDate = 1462934968;
+        LastMatchTime = 1462898594;
+        LastJobLeaseRenewal = 1462934967;
+        DAGManNodesLog = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/./CS776_project.dag.nodes.log";
+        ClusterId = 3723806;
+        JobUniverse = 5;
+        NumJobStarts = 1;
+        StartdPrincipal = "execute-side@matchsession/";
+        EnteredCurrentStatus = 1462934968;
+        JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "$$([IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName), IfThenElse(IsUndefined(TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), \"\", TARGET.GLIDEIN_Site), TARGET.GLIDEIN_ResourceName)])";
+        ProcId = 0;
+        PeriodicHold = false;
+        CoreSize = 0;
+        OnExitHold = false;
+        CondorPlatform = "$CondorPlatform: x86_64_RedHat6 $";
+        JobFinishedHookDone = 1462934968;
+        QDate = 1462892786;
+        JobLeaseDuration = 3200;
+        In = "/dev/null";
+        DiskUsage = 45000;
+        EncryptExecuteDirectory = false;
+        User = "";
+        FileSystemDomain = "";
+        LeaveJobInQueue = false;
+        Requirements = ( OpSys == "LINUX" ) && ( MY.JobUniverse == 12 || MY.JobUniverse == 7 || ( ( MY.WantFlocking || MY.WantGlidein || TARGET.PoolName == "CHTC" ) && ( TARGET.OpSysMajorVer == MY.LinuxVer || TARGET.OpSysMajorVer == MY.LinuxVerAlt || TARGET.OpSysMajorVer == MY.WinVer ) ) ) && ( TARGET.Arch == "X86_64" ) && ( TARGET.Disk >= RequestDisk ) && ( TARGET.Memory >= RequestMemory ) && ( ( TARGET.HasFileTransfer ) || ( TARGET.FileSystemDomain == MY.FileSystemDomain ) );
+        MinHosts = 1;
+        MaxHosts = 1;
+        Args = "\342\200\234-1 0.01 0.1 1 2e-07 0.001 18 -1\342\200\235";
+        Environment = "";
+        LinuxVer = 6;
+        DAGNodeName = "458";
+        MemoryUsage = ( ( ResidentSetSize + 1023 ) / 1024 );
+        TerminationPending = true;
+        NumRestarts = 0;
+        NumSystemHolds = 0;
+        CondorVersion = "$CondorVersion: 8.5.5 May 03 2016 BuildID: 366162 $";
+        UserLog = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/outputs2/CS776_project_458.log";
+        JobCurrentStartDate = 1462898594;
+        MATCH_EXP_JOBGLIDEIN_ResourceName = "";
+        BufferBlockSize = 32768;
+        BlockWriteKbytes = 128;
+        ExitBySignal = false;
+        DAGManJobId = 3723347;
+        MachineAttrCpus0 = 1;
+        WantRemoteSyscalls = false;
+        JobBatchName = "CS776_project.dag+3723347";
+        WantCheckpoint = false;
+        BlockReads = 39;
+        CumulativeSuspensionTime = 0;
+        MyType = "Job";
+        Rank = 0.0;
+        JobNotification = 0;
+        Owner = "jlange3";
+        LinuxVerAlt = 6;
+        Err = "CS776_project_458.err";
+        PeriodicRemove = false;
+        CommittedTime = 36374;
+        RecentBlockWriteKbytes = 0;
+        TransferIn = false;
+        ExitStatus = 0;
+        ShouldTransferFiles = "IF_NEEDED";
+        IsCHTCSubmit = true;
+        NumJobMatches = 1;
+        RootDir = "/";
+        JobStartDate = 1462898594;
+        JobPrio = 1;
+        CurrentHosts = 0;
+        GlobalJobId = "";
+        RemoteSysCpu = 2.480000000000000E+02;
+        TotalSuspensions = 0;
+        CommittedSlotTime = 3.637400000000000E+04;
+        LastRemoteHost = "";
+        TransferInput = "/home/jlange3/CS776_project/condor_tarred2.tgz";
+        LocalUserCpu = 0.0;
+        PeriodicRelease = false;
+        WinVer = 601;
+        LastPublicClaimId = "<>#1460633756#5589#...";
+        NumCkpts_RAW = 0;
+        Out = "CS776_project_458.out";
+        SubmitEventNotes = "DAG Node: 458";
+        CumulativeSlotTime = 3.637400000000000E+04;
+        JobRunCount = 1;
+        RecentBlockReads = 0;
+        StreamErr = false;
+        RequestDisk = 1000000;
+        ResidentSetSize_RAW = 124180;
+        OrigMaxHosts = 1;
+        NumCkpts = 0;
+        StatsLifetimeStarter = 36372;
+        ImageSize = 2500000
+    ]