Address Don's comments on the SQL++ reference doc.

Change-Id: I667789c6fa88994c8be94117c2abb6e469eec744
Sonar-Qube: Jenkins <>
Tested-by: Jenkins <>
BAD: Jenkins <>
Integration-Tests: Jenkins <>
Reviewed-by: Till Westmann <>
diff --git a/asterixdb/asterix-doc/src/main/markdown/builtins/ b/asterixdb/asterix-doc/src/main/markdown/builtins/
index e7d0d5c..605fd8d 100644
--- a/asterixdb/asterix-doc/src/main/markdown/builtins/
+++ b/asterixdb/asterix-doc/src/main/markdown/builtins/
@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@
  * Note: an [n_gram index](similarity.html#UsingIndexesToSupportSimilarityQueries) can be utilized for this function.
  * Example:
-        { "v1": contains("I like iphone", "phone"), "v2": contains("one", "phone") };
+        { "v1": contains("I like x-phone", "phone"), "v2": contains("one", "phone") };
  * The expected result is:
@@ -90,7 +90,7 @@
  * Example:
-          "v1": ends_with(" love sprint its shortcut_menu is awesome:)", ":)"),
+          "v1": ends_with(" love product-b its shortcut_menu is awesome:)", ":)"),
           "v2": ends_with(" awsome:)", ":-)")
@@ -193,12 +193,12 @@
  * Example:
-        ltrim("me like iphone", "eml");
+        ltrim("me like x-phone", "eml");
  * The expected result is:
-        " like iphone"
+        " like x-phone"
 ### position ###
@@ -284,8 +284,8 @@
  * Example:
-          "v1": regexp_like(" can't stand at&t the network is horrible:(", ".*at&t.*"),
-          "v2": regexp_like("at&t", ".*att.*")
+          "v1": regexp_like(" can't stand acast the network is horrible:(", ".*acast.*"),
+          "v2": regexp_like("acast", ".*acst.*")
  * The expected result is:
@@ -347,12 +347,12 @@
  * Example:
-        regexp_replace(" like iphone the voicemail_service is awesome", " like iphone", "like android")
+        regexp_replace(" like x-phone the voicemail_service is awesome", " like x-phone", "like product-a")
  * The expected result is:
-        "like android the voicemail_service is awesome"
+        "like product-a the voicemail_service is awesome"
 ### repeat ###
@@ -402,8 +402,8 @@
  * Example:
-          "v1": rtrim("i like iphone", "iphone"),
-          "v2": rtrim("i like iphone", "oneiph")
+          "v1": rtrim("i like x-phone", "x-phone"),
+          "v2": rtrim("i like x-phone", "onexph")
  * The expected result is:
@@ -615,7 +615,7 @@
  * Example:
-        substring_before(" like iphone", "iphone");
+        substring_before(" like x-phone", "x-phone");
  * The expected result is:
@@ -641,7 +641,7 @@
  * Example:
-        substring_after(" like iphone", "iph");
+        substring_after(" like x-phone", "xph");
  * The expected result is:
@@ -668,7 +668,7 @@
  * Example:
-        trim("i like iphone", "iphoen");
+        trim("i like x-phone", "xphoen");
  * The expected result is:
diff --git a/asterixdb/asterix-doc/src/main/markdown/sqlpp/ b/asterixdb/asterix-doc/src/main/markdown/sqlpp/
index 41e8c97..281eb18 100644
--- a/asterixdb/asterix-doc/src/main/markdown/sqlpp/
+++ b/asterixdb/asterix-doc/src/main/markdown/sqlpp/
@@ -55,14 +55,14 @@
 | &#124;&#124;                                                                          |  String concatenation |
 | BETWEEN, NOT BETWEEN                                                        | Range comparison (inclusive on both sides) |
-| =, !=, <, >, <=, >=, LIKE, NOT LIKE, IN, NOT IN                             | Comparison  |
+| =, !=, <>, <, >, <=, >=, LIKE, NOT LIKE, IN, NOT IN                             | Comparison  |
 | NOT                                                                         | Logical negation |
 | AND                                                                         | Conjunction |
 | OR                                                                          | Disjunction |
 In general, if any operand evaluates to a `MISSING` value, the enclosing operator will return `MISSING`;
 if none of operands evaluates to a `MISSING` value but there is an operand evaluates to a `NULL` value,
-the encolosing operator will return `NULL`. However, there are a few exceptions listed in
+the enclosing operator will return `NULL`. However, there are a few exceptions listed in
 [comparison operators](#Comparison_operators) and [logical operators](#Logical_operators).
 ### <a id="Arithmetic_operators">Arithmetic Operators</a>
@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@
 | +, -         |  As unary operators, they denote a <br/>positive or negative expression | SELECT VALUE -1; |
 | +, -         |  As binary operators, they add or subtract                              | SELECT VALUE 1 + 2; |
-| *, /         |  Multiply, divide                                                       | SELECT VALUE 4 / 2.0; |
+| *, /, %      |  Multiply, divide, modulo                                               | SELECT VALUE 4 / 2.0; |
 | ^            |  Exponentiation                                                         | SELECT VALUE 2^3;       |
 | &#124;&#124; |  String concatenation                                                   | SELECT VALUE "ab"&#124;&#124;"c"&#124;&#124;"d";       |
@@ -87,7 +87,12 @@
 | NOT EXISTS |  Check whether a collection is empty         | SELECT * FROM ChirpMessages cm <br/>WHERE NOT EXISTS cm.referredTopics; |
 ### <a id="Comparison_operators">Comparison Operators</a>
-Comparison operators are used to compare values. The comparison operators fall into one of two sub-categories: missing value comparisons and regular value comparisons. SQL++ (and JSON) has two ways of representing missing information in a object - the presence of the field with a NULL for its value (as in SQL), and the absence of the field (which JSON permits). For example, the first of the following objects represents Jack, whose friend is Jill. In the other examples, Jake is friendless a la SQL, with a friend field that is NULL, while Joe is friendless in a more natural (for JSON) way, i.e., by not having a friend field.
+Comparison operators are used to compare values. The comparison operators fall into one of two sub-categories: missing
+value comparisons and regular value comparisons. SQL++ (and JSON) has two ways of representing missing information in
+a object - the presence of the field with a NULL for its value (as in SQL), and the absence of the field (which
+JSON permits). For example, the first of the following objects represents Jack, whose friend is Jill. In the other
+examples, Jake is friendless a la SQL, with a friend field that is NULL, while Joe is friendless in a more natural
+(for JSON) way, i.e., by not having a friend field.
 ##### Examples
 {"name": "Jack", "friend": "Jill"}
@@ -109,6 +114,7 @@
 | BETWEEN        |  Test if a value is between a start value and <br/>a end value. The comparison is inclusive <br/>to both start and end values. |  SELECT * FROM ChirpMessages cm <br/>WHERE cm.chirpId BETWEEN 10 AND 20;|
 | =              |  Equality test                                 | SELECT * FROM ChirpMessages cm <br/>WHERE cm.chirpId=10; |
 | !=             |  Inequality test                               | SELECT * FROM ChirpMessages cm <br/>WHERE cm.chirpId!=10;|
+| <>             |  Inequality test                               | SELECT * FROM ChirpMessages cm <br/>WHERE cm.chirpId<>10;|
 | <              |  Less than                                     | SELECT * FROM ChirpMessages cm <br/>WHERE cm.chirpId<10; |
 | >              |  Greater than                                  | SELECT * FROM ChirpMessages cm <br/>WHERE cm.chirpId>10; |
 | <=             |  Less than or equal to                         | SELECT * FROM ChirpMessages cm <br/>WHERE cm.chirpId<=10; |
@@ -365,20 +371,21 @@
 Arrays are like JSON arrays, while multisets have bag semantics.
 Objects are built from fields that are field-name/field-value pairs, again like JSON.
-The following examples illustrate how to construct a new array with 4 items, a new object with 2 fields,
-and a new multiset with 5 items, respectively. Array elements or multiset elements can be homogeneous (as in
-the first example),
-which is the common case, or they may be heterogeneous (as in the third example). The data values and field name values
+The following examples illustrate how to construct a new array with 4 items and a new object with 2 fields respectively.
+Array elements can be homogeneous (as in the first example),
+which is the common case, or they may be heterogeneous (as in the second example). The data values and field name values
 used to construct arrays, multisets, and objects in constructors are all simply SQL++ expressions. Thus, the collection
 elements, field names, and field values used in constructors can be simple literals or they can come from query variable
 references or even arbitrarily complex SQL++ expressions (subqueries).
-Type errors will be raised if the field names in a record must be strings, and
+Type errors will be raised if the field names in an object are not strings, and
 duplicate field errors will be raised if they are not distinct.
 ##### Examples
     [ 'a', 'b', 'c', 'c' ]
+    [ 42, "forty-two!", { "rank" : "Captain", "name": "America" }, 3.14159 ]
       'project name': 'Hyracks',
       'project members': [ 'vinayakb', 'dtabass', 'chenli', 'tsotras', 'tillw' ]
diff --git a/asterixdb/asterix-doc/src/main/markdown/sqlpp/ b/asterixdb/asterix-doc/src/main/markdown/sqlpp/
index 3156129..78620a4 100644
--- a/asterixdb/asterix-doc/src/main/markdown/sqlpp/
+++ b/asterixdb/asterix-doc/src/main/markdown/sqlpp/
@@ -124,65 +124,69 @@
-      "message":" dislike iphone its touch-screen is horrible"
+      "message":" dislike x-phone its touch-screen is horrible"
-      "message":" like samsung the plan is amazing"
+      "message":" like product-y the plan is amazing"
-      "message":" can't stand at&t the network is horrible:("
+      "message":" can't stand acast the network is horrible:("
-      "message":" like t-mobile its platform is mind-blowing"
+      "message":" like product-z its platform is mind-blowing"
-      "message":" like verizon the 3G is awesome:)"
+      "message":" like ccast the 3G is awesome:)"
-      "message":" can't stand motorola the touch-screen is terrible"
+      "message":" can't stand product-w the touch-screen is terrible"
-      "message":" can't stand at&t its plan is terrible"
+      "message":" can't stand acast its plan is terrible"
     } ]
 ## <a id="Select_clauses">SELECT Clause</a>
 The SQL++ `SELECT` clause always returns a collection value as its result (even if the result is empty or a singleton).
 ### <a id="Select_element">Select Element/Value/Raw</a>
-The `SELECT VALUE` clause in SQL++ returns a collection that contains the results of evaluating the `VALUE` expression, with one evaluation being performed per "binding tuple" (i.e., per `FROM` clause item) satisfying the statement's selection criteria.
-For historical reasons SQL++ also allows the keywords `ELEMENT` or `RAW` to be used in place of `VALUE` (not recommended).
+The `SELECT VALUE` clause in SQL++ returns an array or multiset that contains the results of evaluating the `VALUE`
+expression, with one evaluation being performed per "binding tuple" (i.e., per `FROM` clause item) satisfying
+the statement's selection criteria.
+For historical reasons SQL++ also allows the keywords `ELEMENT` or `RAW` to be used in place of `VALUE`
+(not recommended).
-The following example shows a standard-alone `SELECT VALUE`, which wraps a value into an array.
+If there is no FROM clause, the expression after `VALUE` is evaluated once with no binding tuples
+(except those inherited from an outer environment).
 ##### Example
-This query return:
+This query returns:
@@ -247,6 +251,8 @@
 Each field has as its field name the name of a binding variable generated by either the `FROM` clause or `GROUP BY`
 clause in the current enclosing `SELECT` statement, and its field value is the value of that binding variable.
+Note that the result of `SELECT *` is different from the result of query that selects all the fields of an object.
 ##### Example
     SELECT *
@@ -328,7 +334,7 @@
     WHERE m.authorId = and = 2;
 This query does an inner join that we will discuss in [multiple from terms](#Multiple_from_terms).
-Since both `u` and `m` are binding variable generated in the `FROM` clause, this query returns:
+Since both `u` and `m` are binding variables generated in the `FROM` clause, this query returns:
     [ {
         "u": {
@@ -356,7 +362,7 @@
             "inResponseTo": 1,
             "messageId": 6,
             "authorId": 2,
-            "message": " like t-mobile its platform is mind-blowing"
+            "message": " like product-z its platform is mind-blowing"
     }, {
         "u": {
@@ -384,7 +390,7 @@
             "inResponseTo": 4,
             "messageId": 3,
             "authorId": 2,
-            "message": " like samsung the plan is amazing"
+            "message": " like product-y the plan is amazing"
     } ]
@@ -514,25 +520,25 @@
     [ {
         "uname": "MargaritaStoddard",
-        "message": " can't stand at&t its plan is terrible"
+        "message": " can't stand acast its plan is terrible"
     }, {
         "uname": "MargaritaStoddard",
-        "message": " dislike iphone its touch-screen is horrible"
+        "message": " dislike x-phone its touch-screen is horrible"
     }, {
         "uname": "MargaritaStoddard",
-        "message": " can't stand at&t the network is horrible:("
+        "message": " can't stand acast the network is horrible:("
     }, {
         "uname": "MargaritaStoddard",
-        "message": " like verizon the 3G is awesome:)"
+        "message": " like ccast the 3G is awesome:)"
     }, {
         "uname": "MargaritaStoddard",
-        "message": " can't stand motorola the touch-screen is terrible"
+        "message": " can't stand product-w the touch-screen is terrible"
     }, {
         "uname": "IsbelDull",
-        "message": " like t-mobile its platform is mind-blowing"
+        "message": " like product-z its platform is mind-blowing"
     }, {
         "uname": "IsbelDull",
-        "message": " like samsung the plan is amazing"
+        "message": " like product-y the plan is amazing"
     } ]
 Similarly, the above query can also be expressed as the `UNNEST`ing of a correlated SQL++ subquery:
@@ -618,25 +624,25 @@
     [ {
         "name": "MargaritaStoddard",
-        "message": " like verizon the 3G is awesome:)"
+        "message": " like ccast the 3G is awesome:)"
     }, {
         "name": "MargaritaStoddard",
-        "message": " can't stand motorola the touch-screen is terrible"
+        "message": " can't stand product-w the touch-screen is terrible"
     }, {
         "name": "MargaritaStoddard",
-        "message": " can't stand at&t its plan is terrible"
+        "message": " can't stand acast its plan is terrible"
     }, {
         "name": "MargaritaStoddard",
-        "message": " dislike iphone its touch-screen is horrible"
+        "message": " dislike x-phone its touch-screen is horrible"
     }, {
         "name": "MargaritaStoddard",
-        "message": " can't stand at&t the network is horrible:("
+        "message": " can't stand acast the network is horrible:("
     }, {
         "name": "IsbelDull",
-        "message": " like samsung the plan is amazing"
+        "message": " like product-y the plan is amazing"
     }, {
         "name": "IsbelDull",
-        "message": " like t-mobile its platform is mind-blowing"
+        "message": " like product-z its platform is mind-blowing"
     } ]
 ##### Example
@@ -675,25 +681,25 @@
     [ {
         "uname": "MargaritaStoddard",
-        "message": " like verizon the 3G is awesome:)"
+        "message": " like ccast the 3G is awesome:)"
     }, {
         "uname": "MargaritaStoddard",
-        "message": " can't stand motorola the touch-screen is terrible"
+        "message": " can't stand product-w the touch-screen is terrible"
     }, {
         "uname": "MargaritaStoddard",
-        "message": " can't stand at&t its plan is terrible"
+        "message": " can't stand acast its plan is terrible"
     }, {
         "uname": "MargaritaStoddard",
-        "message": " dislike iphone its touch-screen is horrible"
+        "message": " dislike x-phone its touch-screen is horrible"
     }, {
         "uname": "MargaritaStoddard",
-        "message": " can't stand at&t the network is horrible:("
+        "message": " can't stand acast the network is horrible:("
     }, {
         "uname": "IsbelDull",
-        "message": " like samsung the plan is amazing"
+        "message": " like product-y the plan is amazing"
     }, {
         "uname": "IsbelDull",
-        "message": " like t-mobile its platform is mind-blowing"
+        "message": " like product-z its platform is mind-blowing"
     }, {
         "uname": "EmoryUnk"
     } ]
@@ -740,7 +746,7 @@
                     "inResponseTo": 1,
                     "messageId": 11,
                     "authorId": 1,
-                    "message": " can't stand at&t its plan is terrible"
+                    "message": " can't stand acast its plan is terrible"
@@ -752,7 +758,7 @@
                     "inResponseTo": 4,
                     "messageId": 2,
                     "authorId": 1,
-                    "message": " dislike iphone its touch-screen is horrible"
+                    "message": " dislike x-phone its touch-screen is horrible"
@@ -764,7 +770,7 @@
                     "inResponseTo": 2,
                     "messageId": 4,
                     "authorId": 1,
-                    "message": " can't stand at&t the network is horrible:("
+                    "message": " can't stand acast the network is horrible:("
@@ -776,7 +782,7 @@
                     "inResponseTo": 11,
                     "messageId": 8,
                     "authorId": 1,
-                    "message": " like verizon the 3G is awesome:)"
+                    "message": " like ccast the 3G is awesome:)"
@@ -788,7 +794,7 @@
                     "inResponseTo": 12,
                     "messageId": 10,
                     "authorId": 1,
-                    "message": " can't stand motorola the touch-screen is terrible"
+                    "message": " can't stand product-w the touch-screen is terrible"
@@ -804,7 +810,7 @@
                     "inResponseTo": 1,
                     "messageId": 6,
                     "authorId": 2,
-                    "message": " like t-mobile its platform is mind-blowing"
+                    "message": " like product-z its platform is mind-blowing"
@@ -816,7 +822,7 @@
                     "inResponseTo": 4,
                     "messageId": 3,
                     "authorId": 2,
-                    "message": " like samsung the plan is amazing"
+                    "message": " like product-y the plan is amazing"
@@ -854,7 +860,7 @@
                    "inResponseTo": 1,
                    "messageId": 11,
                    "authorId": 1,
-                   "message": " can't stand at&t its plan is terrible"
+                   "message": " can't stand acast its plan is terrible"
                    "senderLocation": [
@@ -864,7 +870,7 @@
                    "inResponseTo": 4,
                    "messageId": 2,
                    "authorId": 1,
-                   "message": " dislike iphone its touch-screen is horrible"
+                   "message": " dislike x-phone its touch-screen is horrible"
                    "senderLocation": [
@@ -874,7 +880,7 @@
                    "inResponseTo": 2,
                    "messageId": 4,
                    "authorId": 1,
-                   "message": " can't stand at&t the network is horrible:("
+                   "message": " can't stand acast the network is horrible:("
                    "senderLocation": [
@@ -884,7 +890,7 @@
                    "inResponseTo": 11,
                    "messageId": 8,
                    "authorId": 1,
-                   "message": " like verizon the 3G is awesome:)"
+                   "message": " like ccast the 3G is awesome:)"
                    "senderLocation": [
@@ -894,7 +900,7 @@
                    "inResponseTo": 12,
                    "messageId": 10,
                    "authorId": 1,
-                   "message": " can't stand motorola the touch-screen is terrible"
+                   "message": " can't stand product-w the touch-screen is terrible"
            "uid": 1
@@ -908,7 +914,7 @@
                    "inResponseTo": 1,
                    "messageId": 6,
                    "authorId": 2,
-                   "message": " like t-mobile its platform is mind-blowing"
+                   "message": " like product-z its platform is mind-blowing"
                    "senderLocation": [
@@ -918,7 +924,7 @@
                    "inResponseTo": 4,
                    "messageId": 3,
                    "authorId": 2,
-                   "message": " like samsung the plan is amazing"
+                   "message": " like product-y the plan is amazing"
            "uid": 2
@@ -964,7 +970,7 @@
                 "inResponseTo": 11,
                 "messageId": 8,
                 "authorId": 1,
-                "message": " like verizon the 3G is awesome:)"
+                "message": " like ccast the 3G is awesome:)"
         "uid": 1
@@ -978,7 +984,7 @@
                 "inResponseTo": 4,
                 "messageId": 3,
                 "authorId": 2,
-                "message": " like samsung the plan is amazing"
+                "message": " like product-y the plan is amazing"
                 "senderLocation": [
@@ -988,7 +994,7 @@
                 "inResponseTo": 1,
                 "messageId": 6,
                 "authorId": 2,
-                "message": " like t-mobile its platform is mind-blowing"
+                "message": " like product-z its platform is mind-blowing"
         "uid": 2
@@ -1029,7 +1035,7 @@
                 "inResponseTo": 11,
                 "messageId": 8,
                 "authorId": 1,
-                "message": " like verizon the 3G is awesome:)"
+                "message": " like ccast the 3G is awesome:)"
         "authorId": 1
@@ -1043,7 +1049,7 @@
                 "inResponseTo": 4,
                 "messageId": 3,
                 "authorId": 2,
-                "message": " like samsung the plan is amazing"
+                "message": " like product-y the plan is amazing"
                 "senderLocation": [
@@ -1053,7 +1059,7 @@
                 "inResponseTo": 1,
                 "messageId": 6,
                 "authorId": 2,
-                "message": " like t-mobile its platform is mind-blowing"
+                "message": " like product-z its platform is mind-blowing"
         "authorId": 2
@@ -1085,17 +1091,17 @@
     [ {
         "msgs": [
-                "message": " like verizon the 3G is awesome:)"
+                "message": " like ccast the 3G is awesome:)"
         "uid": 1
     }, {
         "msgs": [
-                "message": " like samsung the plan is amazing"
+                "message": " like product-y the plan is amazing"
-                "message": " like t-mobile its platform is mind-blowing"
+                "message": " like product-z its platform is mind-blowing"
         "uid": 2
@@ -1208,7 +1214,7 @@
 ##### Example
-    SELECT msg.authorId, COUNT(msg)
+    SELECT msg.authorId, COUNT(*)
     FROM GleambookMessages msg
     GROUP BY msg.authorId;
@@ -1237,7 +1243,7 @@
 ##### Example
-    SELECT msg.authorId AS aid, COUNT(msg)
+    SELECT msg.authorId AS aid, COUNT(*)
     FROM GleambookMessages msg
     GROUP BY aid;
@@ -1477,7 +1483,7 @@
                 "inResponseTo": 1,
                 "messageId": 11,
                 "authorId": 1,
-                "message": " can't stand at&t its plan is terrible"
+                "message": " can't stand acast its plan is terrible"
                 "senderLocation": [
@@ -1487,7 +1493,7 @@
                 "inResponseTo": 4,
                 "messageId": 2,
                 "authorId": 1,
-                "message": " dislike iphone its touch-screen is horrible"
+                "message": " dislike x-phone its touch-screen is horrible"
                 "senderLocation": [
@@ -1497,7 +1503,7 @@
                 "inResponseTo": 2,
                 "messageId": 4,
                 "authorId": 1,
-                "message": " can't stand at&t the network is horrible:("
+                "message": " can't stand acast the network is horrible:("
                 "senderLocation": [
@@ -1507,7 +1513,7 @@
                 "inResponseTo": 11,
                 "messageId": 8,
                 "authorId": 1,
-                "message": " like verizon the 3G is awesome:)"
+                "message": " like ccast the 3G is awesome:)"
                 "senderLocation": [
@@ -1517,7 +1523,7 @@
                 "inResponseTo": 12,
                 "messageId": 10,
                 "authorId": 1,
-                "message": " can't stand motorola the touch-screen is terrible"
+                "message": " can't stand product-w the touch-screen is terrible"
     }, {
@@ -1531,7 +1537,7 @@
                 "inResponseTo": 1,
                 "messageId": 6,
                 "authorId": 2,
-                "message": " like t-mobile its platform is mind-blowing"
+                "message": " like product-z its platform is mind-blowing"
                 "senderLocation": [
@@ -1541,7 +1547,7 @@
                 "inResponseTo": 4,
                 "messageId": 3,
                 "authorId": 2,
-                "message": " like samsung the plan is amazing"
+                "message": " like product-y the plan is amazing"
     } ]
@@ -1559,7 +1565,8 @@
 ## <a id="Union_all">UNION ALL</a>
-UNION ALL can be used to combine two input streams into one. As in SQL, there is no ordering guarantee on the contents of the output stream.
+UNION ALL can be used to combine two input arrays or multisets into one. As in SQL, there is no ordering guarantee
+on the contents of the output stream.
 However, unlike SQL, SQL++ does not constrain what the data looks like on the input streams; in particular,
 it allows heterogenity on the input and output streams.
 A type error will be raised if one of the inputs is not a collection.
@@ -1578,10 +1585,10 @@
 This query returns:
-      " like t-mobile its platform is mind-blowing"
+      " like product-z its platform is mind-blowing"
       , {
         "uname": "IsbelDull"
-    }, " like samsung the plan is amazing"
+    }, " like product-y the plan is amazing"
 ## <a id="Subqueries">Subqueries</a>
@@ -1615,7 +1622,7 @@
                 "inResponseTo": 4,
                 "messageId": 2,
                 "authorId": 1,
-                "message": " dislike iphone its touch-screen is horrible"
+                "message": " dislike x-phone its touch-screen is horrible"
         "uid": 1
diff --git a/asterixdb/asterix-doc/src/site/markdown/aql/ b/asterixdb/asterix-doc/src/site/markdown/aql/
index 32a316e..9425d21 100644
--- a/asterixdb/asterix-doc/src/site/markdown/aql/
+++ b/asterixdb/asterix-doc/src/site/markdown/aql/
@@ -131,21 +131,21 @@
 ###### Results
-	{ "uname": "MargaritaStoddard", "message": " dislike iphone its touch-screen is horrible" }
-	{ "uname": "MargaritaStoddard", "message": " like verizon the 3G is awesome:)" }
-	{ "uname": "MargaritaStoddard", "message": " can't stand motorola the touch-screen is terrible" }
-	{ "uname": "MargaritaStoddard", "message": " can't stand at&t the network is horrible:(" }
-	{ "uname": "MargaritaStoddard", "message": " can't stand at&t its plan is terrible" }
-	{ "uname": "IsbelDull", "message": " like samsung the plan is amazing" }
-	{ "uname": "IsbelDull", "message": " like t-mobile its platform is mind-blowing" }
-	{ "uname": "WoodrowNehling", "message": " love at&t its 3G is good:)" }
-	{ "uname": "BramHatch", "message": " dislike iphone the voice-command is bad:(" }
-	{ "uname": "BramHatch", "message": " can't stand t-mobile its voicemail-service is OMG:(" }
-	{ "uname": "EmoryUnk", "message": " love sprint its shortcut-menu is awesome:)" }
-	{ "uname": "EmoryUnk", "message": " love verizon its wireless is good" }
-	{ "uname": "WillisWynne", "message": " love sprint the customization is mind-blowing" }
-	{ "uname": "SuzannaTillson", "message": " like iphone the voicemail-service is awesome" }
-	{ "uname": "VonKemble", "message": " dislike sprint the speed is horrible" }
+	{ "uname": "MargaritaStoddard", "message": " dislike x-phone its touch-screen is horrible" }
+	{ "uname": "MargaritaStoddard", "message": " like ccast the 3G is awesome:)" }
+	{ "uname": "MargaritaStoddard", "message": " can't stand product-w the touch-screen is terrible" }
+	{ "uname": "MargaritaStoddard", "message": " can't stand acast the network is horrible:(" }
+	{ "uname": "MargaritaStoddard", "message": " can't stand acast its plan is terrible" }
+	{ "uname": "IsbelDull", "message": " like product-y the plan is amazing" }
+	{ "uname": "IsbelDull", "message": " like product-z its platform is mind-blowing" }
+	{ "uname": "WoodrowNehling", "message": " love acast its 3G is good:)" }
+	{ "uname": "BramHatch", "message": " dislike x-phone the voice-command is bad:(" }
+	{ "uname": "BramHatch", "message": " can't stand product-z its voicemail-service is OMG:(" }
+	{ "uname": "EmoryUnk", "message": " love product-b its shortcut-menu is awesome:)" }
+	{ "uname": "EmoryUnk", "message": " love ccast its wireless is good" }
+	{ "uname": "WillisWynne", "message": " love product-b the customization is mind-blowing" }
+	{ "uname": "SuzannaTillson", "message": " like x-phone the voicemail-service is awesome" }
+	{ "uname": "VonKemble", "message": " dislike product-b the speed is horrible" }
 ### Query 2-B - Index join ###
 ###### AQL
@@ -172,21 +172,21 @@
 ###### Results
-	{ "uname": "MargaritaStoddard", "message": " dislike iphone its touch-screen is horrible" }
-	{ "uname": "MargaritaStoddard", "message": " like verizon the 3G is awesome:)" }
-	{ "uname": "MargaritaStoddard", "message": " can't stand motorola the touch-screen is terrible" }
-	{ "uname": "MargaritaStoddard", "message": " can't stand at&t the network is horrible:(" }
-	{ "uname": "MargaritaStoddard", "message": " can't stand at&t its plan is terrible" }
-	{ "uname": "IsbelDull", "message": " like samsung the plan is amazing" }
-	{ "uname": "IsbelDull", "message": " like t-mobile its platform is mind-blowing" }
-	{ "uname": "WoodrowNehling", "message": " love at&t its 3G is good:)" }
-	{ "uname": "BramHatch", "message": " dislike iphone the voice-command is bad:(" }
-	{ "uname": "BramHatch", "message": " can't stand t-mobile its voicemail-service is OMG:(" }
-	{ "uname": "EmoryUnk", "message": " love sprint its shortcut-menu is awesome:)" }
-	{ "uname": "EmoryUnk", "message": " love verizon its wireless is good" }
-	{ "uname": "WillisWynne", "message": " love sprint the customization is mind-blowing" }
-	{ "uname": "SuzannaTillson", "message": " like iphone the voicemail-service is awesome" }
-	{ "uname": "VonKemble", "message": " dislike sprint the speed is horrible" }
+	{ "uname": "MargaritaStoddard", "message": " dislike x-phone its touch-screen is horrible" }
+	{ "uname": "MargaritaStoddard", "message": " like ccast the 3G is awesome:)" }
+	{ "uname": "MargaritaStoddard", "message": " can't stand product-w the touch-screen is terrible" }
+	{ "uname": "MargaritaStoddard", "message": " can't stand acast the network is horrible:(" }
+	{ "uname": "MargaritaStoddard", "message": " can't stand acast its plan is terrible" }
+	{ "uname": "IsbelDull", "message": " like product-y the plan is amazing" }
+	{ "uname": "IsbelDull", "message": " like product-z its platform is mind-blowing" }
+	{ "uname": "WoodrowNehling", "message": " love acast its 3G is good:)" }
+	{ "uname": "BramHatch", "message": " dislike x-phone the voice-command is bad:(" }
+	{ "uname": "BramHatch", "message": " can't stand product-z its voicemail-service is OMG:(" }
+	{ "uname": "EmoryUnk", "message": " love product-b its shortcut-menu is awesome:)" }
+	{ "uname": "EmoryUnk", "message": " love ccast its wireless is good" }
+	{ "uname": "WillisWynne", "message": " love product-b the customization is mind-blowing" }
+	{ "uname": "SuzannaTillson", "message": " like x-phone the voicemail-service is awesome" }
+	{ "uname": "VonKemble", "message": " dislike product-b the speed is horrible" }
 ### Query 3 - Nested Outer Join ###
 ###### AQL
@@ -216,16 +216,16 @@
 ###### Results
-	{ "uname": "MargaritaStoddard", "messages": { orderedlist: [" dislike iphone its touch-screen is horrible", " like verizon the 3G is awesome:)", " can't stand motorola the touch-screen is terrible", " can't stand at&t the network is horrible:(", " can't stand at&t its plan is terrible" ]} }
-	{ "uname": "IsbelDull", "messages": { orderedlist: [" like samsung the plan is amazing", " like t-mobile its platform is mind-blowing" ]} }
+	{ "uname": "MargaritaStoddard", "messages": { orderedlist: [" dislike x-phone its touch-screen is horrible", " like ccast the 3G is awesome:)", " can't stand product-w the touch-screen is terrible", " can't stand acast the network is horrible:(", " can't stand acast its plan is terrible" ]} }
+	{ "uname": "IsbelDull", "messages": { orderedlist: [" like product-y the plan is amazing", " like product-z its platform is mind-blowing" ]} }
 	{ "uname": "NilaMilliron", "messages": { orderedlist: [ ]} }
-	{ "uname": "WoodrowNehling", "messages": { orderedlist: [" love at&t its 3G is good:)" ]} }
-	{ "uname": "BramHatch", "messages": { orderedlist: [" dislike iphone the voice-command is bad:(", " can't stand t-mobile its voicemail-service is OMG:(" ]} }
-	{ "uname": "EmoryUnk", "messages": { orderedlist: [" love sprint its shortcut-menu is awesome:)", " love verizon its wireless is good" ]} }
-	{ "uname": "WillisWynne", "messages": { orderedlist: [" love sprint the customization is mind-blowing" ]} }
-	{ "uname": "SuzannaTillson", "messages": { orderedlist: [" like iphone the voicemail-service is awesome" ]} }
+	{ "uname": "WoodrowNehling", "messages": { orderedlist: [" love acast its 3G is good:)" ]} }
+	{ "uname": "BramHatch", "messages": { orderedlist: [" dislike x-phone the voice-command is bad:(", " can't stand product-z its voicemail-service is OMG:(" ]} }
+	{ "uname": "EmoryUnk", "messages": { orderedlist: [" love product-b its shortcut-menu is awesome:)", " love ccast its wireless is good" ]} }
+	{ "uname": "WillisWynne", "messages": { orderedlist: [" love product-b the customization is mind-blowing" ]} }
+	{ "uname": "SuzannaTillson", "messages": { orderedlist: [" like x-phone the voicemail-service is awesome" ]} }
 	{ "uname": "NicholasStroh", "messages": { orderedlist: [ ]} }
-	{ "uname": "VonKemble", "messages": { orderedlist: [" dislike sprint the speed is horrible" ]} }
+	{ "uname": "VonKemble", "messages": { orderedlist: [" dislike product-b the speed is horrible" ]} }
 ### Query 4 - Theta Join ###
 ###### AQL
@@ -255,18 +255,18 @@
 ###### Results
-	{ "message": " hate verizon its voice-clarity is OMG:(", "nearby-messages": { orderedlist: [{ "msgtxt": " hate verizon its voice-clarity is OMG:(" }, { "msgtxt": " like motorola the speed is good:)" } ]} }
-	{ "message": " like iphone the voice-clarity is good:)", "nearby-messages": { orderedlist: [{ "msgtxt": " like iphone the voice-clarity is good:)" } ]} }
-	{ "message": " like samsung the platform is good", "nearby-messages": { orderedlist: [{ "msgtxt": " like samsung the platform is good" } ]} }
-	{ "message": " love t-mobile its customization is good:)", "nearby-messages": { orderedlist: [{ "msgtxt": " love t-mobile its customization is good:)" } ]} }
-	{ "message": " like samsung the voice-command is amazing:)", "nearby-messages": { orderedlist: [{ "msgtxt": " like samsung the voice-command is amazing:)" } ]} }
-	{ "message": " like motorola the speed is good:)", "nearby-messages": { orderedlist: [{ "msgtxt": " hate verizon its voice-clarity is OMG:(" }, { "msgtxt": " like motorola the speed is good:)" } ]} }
-	{ "message": " love verizon its voicemail-service is awesome", "nearby-messages": { orderedlist: [{ "msgtxt": " love verizon its voicemail-service is awesome" } ]} }
-	{ "message": " can't stand motorola its speed is terrible:(", "nearby-messages": { orderedlist: [{ "msgtxt": " can't stand motorola its speed is terrible:(" } ]} }
-	{ "message": " like t-mobile the shortcut-menu is awesome:)", "nearby-messages": { orderedlist: [{ "msgtxt": " like t-mobile the shortcut-menu is awesome:)" } ]} }
-	{ "message": " can't stand iphone its platform is terrible", "nearby-messages": { orderedlist: [{ "msgtxt": " can't stand iphone its platform is terrible" } ]} }
-	{ "message": " like verizon its shortcut-menu is awesome:)", "nearby-messages": { orderedlist: [{ "msgtxt": " like verizon its shortcut-menu is awesome:)" } ]} }
-	{ "message": " like sprint the voice-command is mind-blowing:)", "nearby-messages": { orderedlist: [{ "msgtxt": " like sprint the voice-command is mind-blowing:)" } ]} }
+	{ "message": " hate ccast its voice-clarity is OMG:(", "nearby-messages": { orderedlist: [{ "msgtxt": " hate ccast its voice-clarity is OMG:(" }, { "msgtxt": " like product-w the speed is good:)" } ]} }
+	{ "message": " like x-phone the voice-clarity is good:)", "nearby-messages": { orderedlist: [{ "msgtxt": " like x-phone the voice-clarity is good:)" } ]} }
+	{ "message": " like product-y the platform is good", "nearby-messages": { orderedlist: [{ "msgtxt": " like product-y the platform is good" } ]} }
+	{ "message": " love product-z its customization is good:)", "nearby-messages": { orderedlist: [{ "msgtxt": " love product-z its customization is good:)" } ]} }
+	{ "message": " like product-y the voice-command is amazing:)", "nearby-messages": { orderedlist: [{ "msgtxt": " like product-y the voice-command is amazing:)" } ]} }
+	{ "message": " like product-w the speed is good:)", "nearby-messages": { orderedlist: [{ "msgtxt": " hate ccast its voice-clarity is OMG:(" }, { "msgtxt": " like product-w the speed is good:)" } ]} }
+	{ "message": " love ccast its voicemail-service is awesome", "nearby-messages": { orderedlist: [{ "msgtxt": " love ccast its voicemail-service is awesome" } ]} }
+	{ "message": " can't stand product-w its speed is terrible:(", "nearby-messages": { orderedlist: [{ "msgtxt": " can't stand product-w its speed is terrible:(" } ]} }
+	{ "message": " like product-z the shortcut-menu is awesome:)", "nearby-messages": { orderedlist: [{ "msgtxt": " like product-z the shortcut-menu is awesome:)" } ]} }
+	{ "message": " can't stand x-phone its platform is terrible", "nearby-messages": { orderedlist: [{ "msgtxt": " can't stand x-phone its platform is terrible" } ]} }
+	{ "message": " like ccast its shortcut-menu is awesome:)", "nearby-messages": { orderedlist: [{ "msgtxt": " like ccast its shortcut-menu is awesome:)" } ]} }
+	{ "message": " like product-b the voice-command is mind-blowing:)", "nearby-messages": { orderedlist: [{ "msgtxt": " like product-b the voice-command is mind-blowing:)" } ]} }
 ### Query 5 - Fuzzy Join ###
 ###### AQL
@@ -539,15 +539,15 @@
 ###### Results
-	{ "tweet": { "tweetid": "10", "user": { "screen-name": "ColineGeyer@63", "lang": "en", "friends_count": { int32: 121 } , "statuses_count": { int32: 362 } , "name": "Coline Geyer", "followers_count": { int32: 17159 } }, "sender-location": { point: [29.15, 76.53]}, "send-time": { datetime: 1201342200000}, "referred-topics": { unorderedlist: ["verizon", "voice-clarity" ]}, "message-text": " hate verizon its voice-clarity is OMG:(" }, "similar-tweets": { orderedlist: [{ unorderedlist: ["iphone", "voice-clarity" ]}, { unorderedlist: ["verizon", "shortcut-menu" ]}, { unorderedlist: ["verizon", "voicemail-service" ]} ]} }
-	{ "tweet": { "tweetid": "6", "user": { "screen-name": "ColineGeyer@63", "lang": "en", "friends_count": { int32: 121 } , "statuses_count": { int32: 362 } , "name": "Coline Geyer", "followers_count": { int32: 17159 } }, "sender-location": { point: [47.51, 83.99]}, "send-time": { datetime: 1273227000000}, "referred-topics": { unorderedlist: ["iphone", "voice-clarity" ]}, "message-text": " like iphone the voice-clarity is good:)" }, "similar-tweets": { orderedlist: [{ unorderedlist: ["verizon", "voice-clarity" ]}, { unorderedlist: ["iphone", "platform" ]} ]} }
-	{ "tweet": { "tweetid": "7", "user": { "screen-name": "ChangEwing_573", "lang": "en", "friends_count": { int32: 182 } , "statuses_count": { int32: 394 } , "name": "Chang Ewing", "followers_count": { int32: 32136 } }, "sender-location": { point: [36.21, 72.6]}, "send-time": { datetime: 1314267000000}, "referred-topics": { unorderedlist: ["samsung", "platform" ]}, "message-text": " like samsung the platform is good" }, "similar-tweets": { orderedlist: [{ unorderedlist: ["iphone", "platform" ]}, { unorderedlist: ["samsung", "voice-command" ]} ]} }
-	{ "tweet": { "tweetid": "1", "user": { "screen-name": "NathanGiesen@211", "lang": "en", "friends_count": { int32: 39339 } , "statuses_count": { int32: 473 } , "name": "Nathan Giesen", "followers_count": { int32: 49416 } }, "sender-location": { point: [47.44, 80.65]}, "send-time": { datetime: 1209204600000}, "referred-topics": { unorderedlist: ["t-mobile", "customization" ]}, "message-text": " love t-mobile its customization is good:)" }, "similar-tweets": { orderedlist: [{ unorderedlist: ["t-mobile", "shortcut-menu" ]} ]} }
-	{ "tweet": { "tweetid": "12", "user": { "screen-name": "OliJackson_512", "lang": "en", "friends_count": { int32: 445 } , "statuses_count": { int32: 164 } , "name": "Oli Jackson", "followers_count": { int32: 22649 } }, "sender-location": { point: [24.82, 94.63]}, "send-time": { datetime: 1266055800000}, "referred-topics": { unorderedlist: ["samsung", "voice-command" ]}, "message-text": " like samsung the voice-command is amazing:)" }, "similar-tweets": { orderedlist: [{ unorderedlist: ["samsung", "platform" ]}, { unorderedlist: ["sprint", "voice-command" ]} ]} }
-	{ "tweet": { "tweetid": "3", "user": { "screen-name": "NathanGiesen@211", "lang": "en", "friends_count": { int32: 39339 } , "statuses_count": { int32: 473 } , "name": "Nathan Giesen", "followers_count": { int32: 49416 } }, "sender-location": { point: [29.72, 75.8]}, "send-time": { datetime: 1162635000000}, "referred-topics": { unorderedlist: ["motorola", "speed" ]}, "message-text": " like motorola the speed is good:)" }, "similar-tweets": { orderedlist: [{ unorderedlist: ["motorola", "speed" ]} ]} }
-	{ "tweet": { "tweetid": "9", "user": { "screen-name": "NathanGiesen@211", "lang": "en", "friends_count": { int32: 39339 } , "statuses_count": { int32: 473 } , "name": "Nathan Giesen", "followers_count": { int32: 49416 } }, "sender-location": { point: [36.86, 74.62]}, "send-time": { datetime: 1342865400000}, "referred-topics": { unorderedlist: ["verizon", "voicemail-service" ]}, "message-text": " love verizon its voicemail-service is awesome" }, "similar-tweets": { orderedlist: [{ unorderedlist: ["verizon", "voice-clarity" ]}, { unorderedlist: ["verizon", "shortcut-menu" ]} ]} }
-	{ "tweet": { "tweetid": "5", "user": { "screen-name": "NathanGiesen@211", "lang": "en", "friends_count": { int32: 39339 } , "statuses_count": { int32: 473 } , "name": "Nathan Giesen", "followers_count": { int32: 49416 } }, "sender-location": { point: [40.09, 92.69]}, "send-time": { datetime: 1154686200000}, "referred-topics": { unorderedlist: ["motorola", "speed" ]}, "message-text": " can't stand motorola its speed is terrible:(" }, "similar-tweets": { orderedlist: [{ unorderedlist: ["motorola", "speed" ]} ]} }
-	{ "tweet": { "tweetid": "8", "user": { "screen-name": "NathanGiesen@211", "lang": "en", "friends_count": { int32: 39339 } , "statuses_count": { int32: 473 } , "name": "Nathan Giesen", "followers_count": { int32: 49416 } }, "sender-location": { point: [46.05, 93.34]}, "send-time": { datetime: 1129284600000}, "referred-topics": { unorderedlist: ["t-mobile", "shortcut-menu" ]}, "message-text": " like t-mobile the shortcut-menu is awesome:)" }, "similar-tweets": { orderedlist: [{ unorderedlist: ["verizon", "shortcut-menu" ]}, { unorderedlist: ["t-mobile", "customization" ]} ]} }
-	{ "tweet": { "tweetid": "11", "user": { "screen-name": "NilaMilliron_tw", "lang": "en", "friends_count": { int32: 445 } , "statuses_count": { int32: 164 } , "name": "Nila Milliron", "followers_count": { int32: 22649 } }, "sender-location": { point: [37.59, 68.42]}, "send-time": { datetime: 1205057400000}, "referred-topics": { unorderedlist: ["iphone", "platform" ]}, "message-text": " can't stand iphone its platform is terrible" }, "similar-tweets": { orderedlist: [{ unorderedlist: ["iphone", "voice-clarity" ]}, { unorderedlist: ["samsung", "platform" ]} ]} }
-	{ "tweet": { "tweetid": "2", "user": { "screen-name": "ColineGeyer@63", "lang": "en", "friends_count": { int32: 121 } , "statuses_count": { int32: 362 } , "name": "Coline Geyer", "followers_count": { int32: 17159 } }, "sender-location": { point: [32.84, 67.14]}, "send-time": { datetime: 1273745400000}, "referred-topics": { unorderedlist: ["verizon", "shortcut-menu" ]}, "message-text": " like verizon its shortcut-menu is awesome:)" }, "similar-tweets": { orderedlist: [{ unorderedlist: ["t-mobile", "shortcut-menu" ]}, { unorderedlist: ["verizon", "voice-clarity" ]}, { unorderedlist: ["verizon", "voicemail-service" ]} ]} }
-	{ "tweet": { "tweetid": "4", "user": { "screen-name": "NathanGiesen@211", "lang": "en", "friends_count": { int32: 39339 } , "statuses_count": { int32: 473 } , "name": "Nathan Giesen", "followers_count": { int32: 49416 } }, "sender-location": { point: [39.28, 70.48]}, "send-time": { datetime: 1324894200000}, "referred-topics": { unorderedlist: ["sprint", "voice-command" ]}, "message-text": " like sprint the voice-command is mind-blowing:)" }, "similar-tweets": { orderedlist: [{ unorderedlist: ["samsung", "voice-command" ]} ]} }
+	{ "tweet": { "tweetid": "10", "user": { "screen-name": "ColineGeyer@63", "lang": "en", "friends_count": { int32: 121 } , "statuses_count": { int32: 362 } , "name": "Coline Geyer", "followers_count": { int32: 17159 } }, "sender-location": { point: [29.15, 76.53]}, "send-time": { datetime: 1201342200000}, "referred-topics": { unorderedlist: ["ccast", "voice-clarity" ]}, "message-text": " hate ccast its voice-clarity is OMG:(" }, "similar-tweets": { orderedlist: [{ unorderedlist: ["x-phone", "voice-clarity" ]}, { unorderedlist: ["ccast", "shortcut-menu" ]}, { unorderedlist: ["ccast", "voicemail-service" ]} ]} }
+	{ "tweet": { "tweetid": "6", "user": { "screen-name": "ColineGeyer@63", "lang": "en", "friends_count": { int32: 121 } , "statuses_count": { int32: 362 } , "name": "Coline Geyer", "followers_count": { int32: 17159 } }, "sender-location": { point: [47.51, 83.99]}, "send-time": { datetime: 1273227000000}, "referred-topics": { unorderedlist: ["x-phone", "voice-clarity" ]}, "message-text": " like x-phone the voice-clarity is good:)" }, "similar-tweets": { orderedlist: [{ unorderedlist: ["ccast", "voice-clarity" ]}, { unorderedlist: ["x-phone", "platform" ]} ]} }
+	{ "tweet": { "tweetid": "7", "user": { "screen-name": "ChangEwing_573", "lang": "en", "friends_count": { int32: 182 } , "statuses_count": { int32: 394 } , "name": "Chang Ewing", "followers_count": { int32: 32136 } }, "sender-location": { point: [36.21, 72.6]}, "send-time": { datetime: 1314267000000}, "referred-topics": { unorderedlist: ["product-y", "platform" ]}, "message-text": " like product-y the platform is good" }, "similar-tweets": { orderedlist: [{ unorderedlist: ["x-phone", "platform" ]}, { unorderedlist: ["product-y", "voice-command" ]} ]} }
+	{ "tweet": { "tweetid": "1", "user": { "screen-name": "NathanGiesen@211", "lang": "en", "friends_count": { int32: 39339 } , "statuses_count": { int32: 473 } , "name": "Nathan Giesen", "followers_count": { int32: 49416 } }, "sender-location": { point: [47.44, 80.65]}, "send-time": { datetime: 1209204600000}, "referred-topics": { unorderedlist: ["product-z", "customization" ]}, "message-text": " love product-z its customization is good:)" }, "similar-tweets": { orderedlist: [{ unorderedlist: ["product-z", "shortcut-menu" ]} ]} }
+	{ "tweet": { "tweetid": "12", "user": { "screen-name": "OliJackson_512", "lang": "en", "friends_count": { int32: 445 } , "statuses_count": { int32: 164 } , "name": "Oli Jackson", "followers_count": { int32: 22649 } }, "sender-location": { point: [24.82, 94.63]}, "send-time": { datetime: 1266055800000}, "referred-topics": { unorderedlist: ["product-y", "voice-command" ]}, "message-text": " like product-y the voice-command is amazing:)" }, "similar-tweets": { orderedlist: [{ unorderedlist: ["product-y", "platform" ]}, { unorderedlist: ["product-b", "voice-command" ]} ]} }
+	{ "tweet": { "tweetid": "3", "user": { "screen-name": "NathanGiesen@211", "lang": "en", "friends_count": { int32: 39339 } , "statuses_count": { int32: 473 } , "name": "Nathan Giesen", "followers_count": { int32: 49416 } }, "sender-location": { point: [29.72, 75.8]}, "send-time": { datetime: 1162635000000}, "referred-topics": { unorderedlist: ["product-w", "speed" ]}, "message-text": " like product-w the speed is good:)" }, "similar-tweets": { orderedlist: [{ unorderedlist: ["product-w", "speed" ]} ]} }
+	{ "tweet": { "tweetid": "9", "user": { "screen-name": "NathanGiesen@211", "lang": "en", "friends_count": { int32: 39339 } , "statuses_count": { int32: 473 } , "name": "Nathan Giesen", "followers_count": { int32: 49416 } }, "sender-location": { point: [36.86, 74.62]}, "send-time": { datetime: 1342865400000}, "referred-topics": { unorderedlist: ["ccast", "voicemail-service" ]}, "message-text": " love ccast its voicemail-service is awesome" }, "similar-tweets": { orderedlist: [{ unorderedlist: ["ccast", "voice-clarity" ]}, { unorderedlist: ["ccast", "shortcut-menu" ]} ]} }
+	{ "tweet": { "tweetid": "5", "user": { "screen-name": "NathanGiesen@211", "lang": "en", "friends_count": { int32: 39339 } , "statuses_count": { int32: 473 } , "name": "Nathan Giesen", "followers_count": { int32: 49416 } }, "sender-location": { point: [40.09, 92.69]}, "send-time": { datetime: 1154686200000}, "referred-topics": { unorderedlist: ["product-w", "speed" ]}, "message-text": " can't stand product-w its speed is terrible:(" }, "similar-tweets": { orderedlist: [{ unorderedlist: ["product-w", "speed" ]} ]} }
+	{ "tweet": { "tweetid": "8", "user": { "screen-name": "NathanGiesen@211", "lang": "en", "friends_count": { int32: 39339 } , "statuses_count": { int32: 473 } , "name": "Nathan Giesen", "followers_count": { int32: 49416 } }, "sender-location": { point: [46.05, 93.34]}, "send-time": { datetime: 1129284600000}, "referred-topics": { unorderedlist: ["product-z", "shortcut-menu" ]}, "message-text": " like product-z the shortcut-menu is awesome:)" }, "similar-tweets": { orderedlist: [{ unorderedlist: ["ccast", "shortcut-menu" ]}, { unorderedlist: ["product-z", "customization" ]} ]} }
+	{ "tweet": { "tweetid": "11", "user": { "screen-name": "NilaMilliron_tw", "lang": "en", "friends_count": { int32: 445 } , "statuses_count": { int32: 164 } , "name": "Nila Milliron", "followers_count": { int32: 22649 } }, "sender-location": { point: [37.59, 68.42]}, "send-time": { datetime: 1205057400000}, "referred-topics": { unorderedlist: ["x-phone", "platform" ]}, "message-text": " can't stand x-phone its platform is terrible" }, "similar-tweets": { orderedlist: [{ unorderedlist: ["x-phone", "voice-clarity" ]}, { unorderedlist: ["product-y", "platform" ]} ]} }
+	{ "tweet": { "tweetid": "2", "user": { "screen-name": "ColineGeyer@63", "lang": "en", "friends_count": { int32: 121 } , "statuses_count": { int32: 362 } , "name": "Coline Geyer", "followers_count": { int32: 17159 } }, "sender-location": { point: [32.84, 67.14]}, "send-time": { datetime: 1273745400000}, "referred-topics": { unorderedlist: ["ccast", "shortcut-menu" ]}, "message-text": " like ccast its shortcut-menu is awesome:)" }, "similar-tweets": { orderedlist: [{ unorderedlist: ["product-z", "shortcut-menu" ]}, { unorderedlist: ["ccast", "voice-clarity" ]}, { unorderedlist: ["ccast", "voicemail-service" ]} ]} }
+	{ "tweet": { "tweetid": "4", "user": { "screen-name": "NathanGiesen@211", "lang": "en", "friends_count": { int32: 39339 } , "statuses_count": { int32: 473 } , "name": "Nathan Giesen", "followers_count": { int32: 49416 } }, "sender-location": { point: [39.28, 70.48]}, "send-time": { datetime: 1324894200000}, "referred-topics": { unorderedlist: ["product-b", "voice-command" ]}, "message-text": " like product-b the voice-command is mind-blowing:)" }, "similar-tweets": { orderedlist: [{ unorderedlist: ["product-y", "voice-command" ]} ]} }
diff --git a/asterixdb/asterix-doc/src/site/markdown/aql/ b/asterixdb/asterix-doc/src/site/markdown/aql/
index fc4c125..de187b0 100644
--- a/asterixdb/asterix-doc/src/site/markdown/aql/
+++ b/asterixdb/asterix-doc/src/site/markdown/aql/
@@ -271,18 +271,18 @@
         insert into dataset ChirpMessages
-        {"chirpId":"1","user":{"screenName":"NathanGiesen@211","lang":"en","friendsCount":39339,"statusesCount":473,"name":"Nathan Giesen","followersCount":49416},"senderLocation":point("47.44,80.65"),"sendTime":datetime("2008-04-26T10:10:00"),"referredTopics":{{"t-mobile","customization"}},"messageText":" love t-mobile its customization is good:)"},
-        {"chirpId":"2","user":{"screenName":"ColineGeyer@63","lang":"en","friendsCount":121,"statusesCount":362,"name":"Coline Geyer","followersCount":17159},"senderLocation":point("32.84,67.14"),"sendTime":datetime("2010-05-13T10:10:00"),"referredTopics":{{"verizon","shortcut-menu"}},"messageText":" like verizon its shortcut-menu is awesome:)"},
-        {"chirpId":"3","user":{"screenName":"NathanGiesen@211","lang":"en","friendsCount":39339,"statusesCount":473,"name":"Nathan Giesen","followersCount":49416},"senderLocation":point("29.72,75.8"),"sendTime":datetime("2006-11-04T10:10:00"),"referredTopics":{{"motorola","speed"}},"messageText":" like motorola the speed is good:)"},
-        {"chirpId":"4","user":{"screenName":"NathanGiesen@211","lang":"en","friendsCount":39339,"statusesCount":473,"name":"Nathan Giesen","followersCount":49416},"senderLocation":point("39.28,70.48"),"sendTime":datetime("2011-12-26T10:10:00"),"referredTopics":{{"sprint","voice-command"}},"messageText":" like sprint the voice-command is mind-blowing:)"},
-        {"chirpId":"5","user":{"screenName":"NathanGiesen@211","lang":"en","friendsCount":39339,"statusesCount":473,"name":"Nathan Giesen","followersCount":49416},"senderLocation":point("40.09,92.69"),"sendTime":datetime("2006-08-04T10:10:00"),"referredTopics":{{"motorola","speed"}},"messageText":" can't stand motorola its speed is terrible:("},
-        {"chirpId":"6","user":{"screenName":"ColineGeyer@63","lang":"en","friendsCount":121,"statusesCount":362,"name":"Coline Geyer","followersCount":17159},"senderLocation":point("47.51,83.99"),"sendTime":datetime("2010-05-07T10:10:00"),"referredTopics":{{"iphone","voice-clarity"}},"messageText":" like iphone the voice-clarity is good:)"},
-        {"chirpId":"7","user":{"screenName":"ChangEwing_573","lang":"en","friendsCount":182,"statusesCount":394,"name":"Chang Ewing","followersCount":32136},"senderLocation":point("36.21,72.6"),"sendTime":datetime("2011-08-25T10:10:00"),"referredTopics":{{"samsung","platform"}},"messageText":" like samsung the platform is good"},
-        {"chirpId":"8","user":{"screenName":"NathanGiesen@211","lang":"en","friendsCount":39339,"statusesCount":473,"name":"Nathan Giesen","followersCount":49416},"senderLocation":point("46.05,93.34"),"sendTime":datetime("2005-10-14T10:10:00"),"referredTopics":{{"t-mobile","shortcut-menu"}},"messageText":" like t-mobile the shortcut-menu is awesome:)"},
-        {"chirpId":"9","user":{"screenName":"NathanGiesen@211","lang":"en","friendsCount":39339,"statusesCount":473,"name":"Nathan Giesen","followersCount":49416},"senderLocation":point("36.86,74.62"),"sendTime":datetime("2012-07-21T10:10:00"),"referredTopics":{{"verizon","voicemail-service"}},"messageText":" love verizon its voicemail-service is awesome"},
-        {"chirpId":"10","user":{"screenName":"ColineGeyer@63","lang":"en","friendsCount":121,"statusesCount":362,"name":"Coline Geyer","followersCount":17159},"senderLocation":point("29.15,76.53"),"sendTime":datetime("2008-01-26T10:10:00"),"referredTopics":{{"verizon","voice-clarity"}},"messageText":" hate verizon its voice-clarity is OMG:("},
-        {"chirpId":"11","user":{"screenName":"NilaMilliron_tw","lang":"en","friendsCount":445,"statusesCount":164,"name":"Nila Milliron","followersCount":22649},"senderLocation":point("37.59,68.42"),"sendTime":datetime("2008-03-09T10:10:00"),"referredTopics":{{"iphone","platform"}},"messageText":" can't stand iphone its platform is terrible"},
-        {"chirpId":"12","user":{"screenName":"OliJackson_512","lang":"en","friendsCount":445,"statusesCount":164,"name":"Oli Jackson","followersCount":22649},"senderLocation":point("24.82,94.63"),"sendTime":datetime("2010-02-13T10:10:00"),"referredTopics":{{"samsung","voice-command"}},"messageText":" like samsung the voice-command is amazing:)"}
+        {"chirpId":"1","user":{"screenName":"NathanGiesen@211","lang":"en","friendsCount":39339,"statusesCount":473,"name":"Nathan Giesen","followersCount":49416},"senderLocation":point("47.44,80.65"),"sendTime":datetime("2008-04-26T10:10:00"),"referredTopics":{{"product-z","customization"}},"messageText":" love product-z its customization is good:)"},
+        {"chirpId":"2","user":{"screenName":"ColineGeyer@63","lang":"en","friendsCount":121,"statusesCount":362,"name":"Coline Geyer","followersCount":17159},"senderLocation":point("32.84,67.14"),"sendTime":datetime("2010-05-13T10:10:00"),"referredTopics":{{"ccast","shortcut-menu"}},"messageText":" like ccast its shortcut-menu is awesome:)"},
+        {"chirpId":"3","user":{"screenName":"NathanGiesen@211","lang":"en","friendsCount":39339,"statusesCount":473,"name":"Nathan Giesen","followersCount":49416},"senderLocation":point("29.72,75.8"),"sendTime":datetime("2006-11-04T10:10:00"),"referredTopics":{{"product-w","speed"}},"messageText":" like product-w the speed is good:)"},
+        {"chirpId":"4","user":{"screenName":"NathanGiesen@211","lang":"en","friendsCount":39339,"statusesCount":473,"name":"Nathan Giesen","followersCount":49416},"senderLocation":point("39.28,70.48"),"sendTime":datetime("2011-12-26T10:10:00"),"referredTopics":{{"product-b","voice-command"}},"messageText":" like product-b the voice-command is mind-blowing:)"},
+        {"chirpId":"5","user":{"screenName":"NathanGiesen@211","lang":"en","friendsCount":39339,"statusesCount":473,"name":"Nathan Giesen","followersCount":49416},"senderLocation":point("40.09,92.69"),"sendTime":datetime("2006-08-04T10:10:00"),"referredTopics":{{"product-w","speed"}},"messageText":" can't stand product-w its speed is terrible:("},
+        {"chirpId":"6","user":{"screenName":"ColineGeyer@63","lang":"en","friendsCount":121,"statusesCount":362,"name":"Coline Geyer","followersCount":17159},"senderLocation":point("47.51,83.99"),"sendTime":datetime("2010-05-07T10:10:00"),"referredTopics":{{"x-phone","voice-clarity"}},"messageText":" like x-phone the voice-clarity is good:)"},
+        {"chirpId":"7","user":{"screenName":"ChangEwing_573","lang":"en","friendsCount":182,"statusesCount":394,"name":"Chang Ewing","followersCount":32136},"senderLocation":point("36.21,72.6"),"sendTime":datetime("2011-08-25T10:10:00"),"referredTopics":{{"product-y","platform"}},"messageText":" like product-y the platform is good"},
+        {"chirpId":"8","user":{"screenName":"NathanGiesen@211","lang":"en","friendsCount":39339,"statusesCount":473,"name":"Nathan Giesen","followersCount":49416},"senderLocation":point("46.05,93.34"),"sendTime":datetime("2005-10-14T10:10:00"),"referredTopics":{{"product-z","shortcut-menu"}},"messageText":" like product-z the shortcut-menu is awesome:)"},
+        {"chirpId":"9","user":{"screenName":"NathanGiesen@211","lang":"en","friendsCount":39339,"statusesCount":473,"name":"Nathan Giesen","followersCount":49416},"senderLocation":point("36.86,74.62"),"sendTime":datetime("2012-07-21T10:10:00"),"referredTopics":{{"ccast","voicemail-service"}},"messageText":" love ccast its voicemail-service is awesome"},
+        {"chirpId":"10","user":{"screenName":"ColineGeyer@63","lang":"en","friendsCount":121,"statusesCount":362,"name":"Coline Geyer","followersCount":17159},"senderLocation":point("29.15,76.53"),"sendTime":datetime("2008-01-26T10:10:00"),"referredTopics":{{"ccast","voice-clarity"}},"messageText":" hate ccast its voice-clarity is OMG:("},
+        {"chirpId":"11","user":{"screenName":"NilaMilliron_tw","lang":"en","friendsCount":445,"statusesCount":164,"name":"Nila Milliron","followersCount":22649},"senderLocation":point("37.59,68.42"),"sendTime":datetime("2008-03-09T10:10:00"),"referredTopics":{{"x-phone","platform"}},"messageText":" can't stand x-phone its platform is terrible"},
+        {"chirpId":"12","user":{"screenName":"OliJackson_512","lang":"en","friendsCount":445,"statusesCount":164,"name":"Oli Jackson","followersCount":22649},"senderLocation":point("24.82,94.63"),"sendTime":datetime("2010-02-13T10:10:00"),"referredTopics":{{"product-y","voice-command"}},"messageText":" like product-y the voice-command is amazing:)"}
 [Gleambook Users](../data/gbu.adm)
@@ -309,21 +309,21 @@
         insert into dataset GleambookMessages
-        {"messageId":1,"authorId":3,"inResponseTo":2,"senderLocation":point("47.16,77.75"),"message":" love sprint its shortcut-menu is awesome:)"},
-        {"messageId":2,"authorId":1,"inResponseTo":4,"senderLocation":point("41.66,80.87"),"message":" dislike iphone its touch-screen is horrible"},
-        {"messageId":3,"authorId":2,"inResponseTo":4,"senderLocation":point("48.09,81.01"),"message":" like samsung the plan is amazing"},
-        {"messageId":4,"authorId":1,"inResponseTo":2,"senderLocation":point("37.73,97.04"),"message":" can't stand at&t the network is horrible:("},
-        {"messageId":5,"authorId":6,"inResponseTo":2,"senderLocation":point("34.7,90.76"),"message":" love sprint the customization is mind-blowing"},
-        {"messageId":6,"authorId":2,"inResponseTo":1,"senderLocation":point("31.5,75.56"),"message":" like t-mobile its platform is mind-blowing"},
-        {"messageId":7,"authorId":5,"inResponseTo":15,"senderLocation":point("32.91,85.05"),"message":" dislike sprint the speed is horrible"},
-        {"messageId":8,"authorId":1,"inResponseTo":11,"senderLocation":point("40.33,80.87"),"message":" like verizon the 3G is awesome:)"},
-        {"messageId":9,"authorId":3,"inResponseTo":12,"senderLocation":point("34.45,96.48"),"message":" love verizon its wireless is good"},
-        {"messageId":10,"authorId":1,"inResponseTo":12,"senderLocation":point("42.5,70.01"),"message":" can't stand motorola the touch-screen is terrible"},
-        {"messageId":11,"authorId":1,"inResponseTo":1,"senderLocation":point("38.97,77.49"),"message":" can't stand at&t its plan is terrible"},
-        {"messageId":12,"authorId":10,"inResponseTo":6,"senderLocation":point("42.26,77.76"),"message":" can't stand t-mobile its voicemail-service is OMG:("},
-        {"messageId":13,"authorId":10,"inResponseTo":4,"senderLocation":point("42.77,78.92"),"message":" dislike iphone the voice-command is bad:("},
-        {"messageId":14,"authorId":9,"inResponseTo":12,"senderLocation":point("41.33,85.28"),"message":" love at&t its 3G is good:)"},
-        {"messageId":15,"authorId":7,"inResponseTo":11,"senderLocation":point("44.47,67.11"),"message":" like iphone the voicemail-service is awesome"}
+        {"messageId":1,"authorId":3,"inResponseTo":2,"senderLocation":point("47.16,77.75"),"message":" love product-b its shortcut-menu is awesome:)"},
+        {"messageId":2,"authorId":1,"inResponseTo":4,"senderLocation":point("41.66,80.87"),"message":" dislike x-phone its touch-screen is horrible"},
+        {"messageId":3,"authorId":2,"inResponseTo":4,"senderLocation":point("48.09,81.01"),"message":" like product-y the plan is amazing"},
+        {"messageId":4,"authorId":1,"inResponseTo":2,"senderLocation":point("37.73,97.04"),"message":" can't stand acast the network is horrible:("},
+        {"messageId":5,"authorId":6,"inResponseTo":2,"senderLocation":point("34.7,90.76"),"message":" love product-b the customization is mind-blowing"},
+        {"messageId":6,"authorId":2,"inResponseTo":1,"senderLocation":point("31.5,75.56"),"message":" like product-z its platform is mind-blowing"},
+        {"messageId":7,"authorId":5,"inResponseTo":15,"senderLocation":point("32.91,85.05"),"message":" dislike product-b the speed is horrible"},
+        {"messageId":8,"authorId":1,"inResponseTo":11,"senderLocation":point("40.33,80.87"),"message":" like ccast the 3G is awesome:)"},
+        {"messageId":9,"authorId":3,"inResponseTo":12,"senderLocation":point("34.45,96.48"),"message":" love ccast its wireless is good"},
+        {"messageId":10,"authorId":1,"inResponseTo":12,"senderLocation":point("42.5,70.01"),"message":" can't stand product-w the touch-screen is terrible"},
+        {"messageId":11,"authorId":1,"inResponseTo":1,"senderLocation":point("38.97,77.49"),"message":" can't stand acast its plan is terrible"},
+        {"messageId":12,"authorId":10,"inResponseTo":6,"senderLocation":point("42.26,77.76"),"message":" can't stand product-z its voicemail-service is OMG:("},
+        {"messageId":13,"authorId":10,"inResponseTo":4,"senderLocation":point("42.77,78.92"),"message":" dislike x-phone the voice-command is bad:("},
+        {"messageId":14,"authorId":9,"inResponseTo":12,"senderLocation":point("41.33,85.28"),"message":" love acast its 3G is good:)"},
+        {"messageId":15,"authorId":7,"inResponseTo":11,"senderLocation":point("44.47,67.11"),"message":" like x-phone the voicemail-service is awesome"}
 ## AQL: Querying Your AsterixDB Data ##
@@ -469,21 +469,21 @@
 The expected result of this example AQL join query for our sample data set is:
-        { "uname": "WillisWynne", "message": " love sprint the customization is mind-blowing" }
-        { "uname": "MargaritaStoddard", "message": " can't stand at&t its plan is terrible" }
-        { "uname": "MargaritaStoddard", "message": " dislike iphone its touch-screen is horrible" }
-        { "uname": "MargaritaStoddard", "message": " can't stand at&t the network is horrible:(" }
-        { "uname": "MargaritaStoddard", "message": " like verizon the 3G is awesome:)" }
-        { "uname": "MargaritaStoddard", "message": " can't stand motorola the touch-screen is terrible" }
-        { "uname": "IsbelDull", "message": " like t-mobile its platform is mind-blowing" }
-        { "uname": "IsbelDull", "message": " like samsung the plan is amazing" }
-        { "uname": "WoodrowNehling", "message": " love at&t its 3G is good:)" }
-        { "uname": "BramHatch", "message": " can't stand t-mobile its voicemail-service is OMG:(" }
-        { "uname": "BramHatch", "message": " dislike iphone the voice-command is bad:(" }
-        { "uname": "EmoryUnk", "message": " love sprint its shortcut-menu is awesome:)" }
-        { "uname": "EmoryUnk", "message": " love verizon its wireless is good" }
-        { "uname": "VonKemble", "message": " dislike sprint the speed is horrible" }
-        { "uname": "SuzannaTillson", "message": " like iphone the voicemail-service is awesome" }
+        { "uname": "WillisWynne", "message": " love product-b the customization is mind-blowing" }
+        { "uname": "MargaritaStoddard", "message": " can't stand acast its plan is terrible" }
+        { "uname": "MargaritaStoddard", "message": " dislike x-phone its touch-screen is horrible" }
+        { "uname": "MargaritaStoddard", "message": " can't stand acast the network is horrible:(" }
+        { "uname": "MargaritaStoddard", "message": " like ccast the 3G is awesome:)" }
+        { "uname": "MargaritaStoddard", "message": " can't stand product-w the touch-screen is terrible" }
+        { "uname": "IsbelDull", "message": " like product-z its platform is mind-blowing" }
+        { "uname": "IsbelDull", "message": " like product-y the plan is amazing" }
+        { "uname": "WoodrowNehling", "message": " love acast its 3G is good:)" }
+        { "uname": "BramHatch", "message": " can't stand product-z its voicemail-service is OMG:(" }
+        { "uname": "BramHatch", "message": " dislike x-phone the voice-command is bad:(" }
+        { "uname": "EmoryUnk", "message": " love product-b its shortcut-menu is awesome:)" }
+        { "uname": "EmoryUnk", "message": " love ccast its wireless is good" }
+        { "uname": "VonKemble", "message": " dislike product-b the speed is horrible" }
+        { "uname": "SuzannaTillson", "message": " like x-phone the voicemail-service is awesome" }
 Again, as an aside, note that the same query expressed using AQL's SQL keyword synonyms would be:
@@ -527,21 +527,21 @@
 Result ordering is (intentionally) undefined in AQL in the absence of an _order by_ clause.
 The query result for our sample data in this case is:
-        { "uname": "IsbelDull", "message": " like t-mobile its platform is mind-blowing" }
-        { "uname": "MargaritaStoddard", "message": " can't stand at&t its plan is terrible" }
-        { "uname": "BramHatch", "message": " can't stand t-mobile its voicemail-service is OMG:(" }
-        { "uname": "WoodrowNehling", "message": " love at&t its 3G is good:)" }
-        { "uname": "EmoryUnk", "message": " love sprint its shortcut-menu is awesome:)" }
-        { "uname": "MargaritaStoddard", "message": " dislike iphone its touch-screen is horrible" }
-        { "uname": "MargaritaStoddard", "message": " can't stand at&t the network is horrible:(" }
-        { "uname": "BramHatch", "message": " dislike iphone the voice-command is bad:(" }
-        { "uname": "SuzannaTillson", "message": " like iphone the voicemail-service is awesome" }
-        { "uname": "MargaritaStoddard", "message": " like verizon the 3G is awesome:)" }
-        { "uname": "EmoryUnk", "message": " love verizon its wireless is good" }
-        { "uname": "MargaritaStoddard", "message": " can't stand motorola the touch-screen is terrible" }
-        { "uname": "IsbelDull", "message": " like samsung the plan is amazing" }
-        { "uname": "WillisWynne", "message": " love sprint the customization is mind-blowing" }
-        { "uname": "VonKemble", "message": " dislike sprint the speed is horrible" }
+        { "uname": "IsbelDull", "message": " like product-z its platform is mind-blowing" }
+        { "uname": "MargaritaStoddard", "message": " can't stand acast its plan is terrible" }
+        { "uname": "BramHatch", "message": " can't stand product-z its voicemail-service is OMG:(" }
+        { "uname": "WoodrowNehling", "message": " love acast its 3G is good:)" }
+        { "uname": "EmoryUnk", "message": " love product-b its shortcut-menu is awesome:)" }
+        { "uname": "MargaritaStoddard", "message": " dislike x-phone its touch-screen is horrible" }
+        { "uname": "MargaritaStoddard", "message": " can't stand acast the network is horrible:(" }
+        { "uname": "BramHatch", "message": " dislike x-phone the voice-command is bad:(" }
+        { "uname": "SuzannaTillson", "message": " like x-phone the voicemail-service is awesome" }
+        { "uname": "MargaritaStoddard", "message": " like ccast the 3G is awesome:)" }
+        { "uname": "EmoryUnk", "message": " love ccast its wireless is good" }
+        { "uname": "MargaritaStoddard", "message": " can't stand product-w the touch-screen is terrible" }
+        { "uname": "IsbelDull", "message": " like product-y the plan is amazing" }
+        { "uname": "WillisWynne", "message": " love product-b the customization is mind-blowing" }
+        { "uname": "VonKemble", "message": " dislike product-b the speed is horrible" }
 (It is worth knowing, with respect to influencing AsterixDB's query evaluation, that nested _for_
 clauses---a.k.a. joins--- are currently evaluated with the "outer" clause probing the data of the "inner"
@@ -582,16 +582,16 @@
 Here is this example query's expected output:
-        { "uname": "WillisWynne", "messages": [ " love sprint the customization is mind-blowing" ] }
-        { "uname": "MargaritaStoddard", "messages": [ " can't stand at&t its plan is terrible", " dislike iphone its touch-screen is horrible", " can't stand at&t the network is horrible:(", " like verizon the 3G is awesome:)", " can't stand motorola the touch-screen is terrible" ] }
-        { "uname": "IsbelDull", "messages": [ " like t-mobile its platform is mind-blowing", " like samsung the plan is amazing" ] }
+        { "uname": "WillisWynne", "messages": [ " love product-b the customization is mind-blowing" ] }
+        { "uname": "MargaritaStoddard", "messages": [ " can't stand acast its plan is terrible", " dislike x-phone its touch-screen is horrible", " can't stand acast the network is horrible:(", " like ccast the 3G is awesome:)", " can't stand product-w the touch-screen is terrible" ] }
+        { "uname": "IsbelDull", "messages": [ " like product-z its platform is mind-blowing", " like product-y the plan is amazing" ] }
         { "uname": "NicholasStroh", "messages": [  ] }
         { "uname": "NilaMilliron", "messages": [  ] }
-        { "uname": "WoodrowNehling", "messages": [ " love at&t its 3G is good:)" ] }
-        { "uname": "BramHatch", "messages": [ " can't stand t-mobile its voicemail-service is OMG:(", " dislike iphone the voice-command is bad:(" ] }
-        { "uname": "EmoryUnk", "messages": [ " love sprint its shortcut-menu is awesome:)", " love verizon its wireless is good" ] }
-        { "uname": "VonKemble", "messages": [ " dislike sprint the speed is horrible" ] }
-        { "uname": "SuzannaTillson", "messages": [ " like iphone the voicemail-service is awesome" ] }
+        { "uname": "WoodrowNehling", "messages": [ " love acast its 3G is good:)" ] }
+        { "uname": "BramHatch", "messages": [ " can't stand product-z its voicemail-service is OMG:(", " dislike x-phone the voice-command is bad:(" ] }
+        { "uname": "EmoryUnk", "messages": [ " love product-b its shortcut-menu is awesome:)", " love ccast its wireless is good" ] }
+        { "uname": "VonKemble", "messages": [ " dislike product-b the speed is horrible" ] }
+        { "uname": "SuzannaTillson", "messages": [ " like x-phone the voicemail-service is awesome" ] }
 ### Query 4 - Theta Join ###
 Not all joins are expressible as equijoins and computable using equijoin-oriented algorithms.
@@ -616,18 +616,18 @@
 Here is the expected result for this query:
-        { "message": " can't stand iphone its platform is terrible", "nearbyMessages": [ { "msgtxt": " can't stand iphone its platform is terrible" } ] }
-        { "message": " like verizon its shortcut-menu is awesome:)", "nearbyMessages": [ { "msgtxt": " like verizon its shortcut-menu is awesome:)" } ] }
-        { "message": " like sprint the voice-command is mind-blowing:)", "nearbyMessages": [ { "msgtxt": " like sprint the voice-command is mind-blowing:)" } ] }
-        { "message": " love verizon its voicemail-service is awesome", "nearbyMessages": [ { "msgtxt": " love verizon its voicemail-service is awesome" } ] }
-        { "message": " love t-mobile its customization is good:)", "nearbyMessages": [ { "msgtxt": " love t-mobile its customization is good:)" } ] }
-        { "message": " can't stand motorola its speed is terrible:(", "nearbyMessages": [ { "msgtxt": " can't stand motorola its speed is terrible:(" } ] }
-        { "message": " like motorola the speed is good:)", "nearbyMessages": [ { "msgtxt": " like motorola the speed is good:)" }, { "msgtxt": " hate verizon its voice-clarity is OMG:(" } ] }
-        { "message": " like iphone the voice-clarity is good:)", "nearbyMessages": [ { "msgtxt": " like iphone the voice-clarity is good:)" } ] }
-        { "message": " like samsung the platform is good", "nearbyMessages": [ { "msgtxt": " like samsung the platform is good" } ] }
-        { "message": " hate verizon its voice-clarity is OMG:(", "nearbyMessages": [ { "msgtxt": " like motorola the speed is good:)" }, { "msgtxt": " hate verizon its voice-clarity is OMG:(" } ] }
-        { "message": " like samsung the voice-command is amazing:)", "nearbyMessages": [ { "msgtxt": " like samsung the voice-command is amazing:)" } ] }
-        { "message": " like t-mobile the shortcut-menu is awesome:)", "nearbyMessages": [ { "msgtxt": " like t-mobile the shortcut-menu is awesome:)" } ] }
+        { "message": " can't stand x-phone its platform is terrible", "nearbyMessages": [ { "msgtxt": " can't stand x-phone its platform is terrible" } ] }
+        { "message": " like ccast its shortcut-menu is awesome:)", "nearbyMessages": [ { "msgtxt": " like ccast its shortcut-menu is awesome:)" } ] }
+        { "message": " like product-b the voice-command is mind-blowing:)", "nearbyMessages": [ { "msgtxt": " like product-b the voice-command is mind-blowing:)" } ] }
+        { "message": " love ccast its voicemail-service is awesome", "nearbyMessages": [ { "msgtxt": " love ccast its voicemail-service is awesome" } ] }
+        { "message": " love product-z its customization is good:)", "nearbyMessages": [ { "msgtxt": " love product-z its customization is good:)" } ] }
+        { "message": " can't stand product-w its speed is terrible:(", "nearbyMessages": [ { "msgtxt": " can't stand product-w its speed is terrible:(" } ] }
+        { "message": " like product-w the speed is good:)", "nearbyMessages": [ { "msgtxt": " like product-w the speed is good:)" }, { "msgtxt": " hate ccast its voice-clarity is OMG:(" } ] }
+        { "message": " like x-phone the voice-clarity is good:)", "nearbyMessages": [ { "msgtxt": " like x-phone the voice-clarity is good:)" } ] }
+        { "message": " like product-y the platform is good", "nearbyMessages": [ { "msgtxt": " like product-y the platform is good" } ] }
+        { "message": " hate ccast its voice-clarity is OMG:(", "nearbyMessages": [ { "msgtxt": " like product-w the speed is good:)" }, { "msgtxt": " hate ccast its voice-clarity is OMG:(" } ] }
+        { "message": " like product-y the voice-command is amazing:)", "nearbyMessages": [ { "msgtxt": " like product-y the voice-command is amazing:)" } ] }
+        { "message": " like product-z the shortcut-menu is awesome:)", "nearbyMessages": [ { "msgtxt": " like product-z the shortcut-menu is awesome:)" } ] }
 ### Query 5 - Fuzzy Join ###
@@ -834,18 +834,18 @@
 The expected result for this fuzzy join query is:
-        { "chirp": { "chirpId": "11", "user": { "screenName": "NilaMilliron_tw", "lang": "en", "friendsCount": 445, "statusesCount": 164, "name": "Nila Milliron", "followersCount": 22649 }, "senderLocation": point("37.59,68.42"), "sendTime": datetime("2008-03-09T10:10:00.000Z"), "referredTopics": {{ "iphone", "platform" }}, "messageText": " can't stand iphone its platform is terrible" }, "similarChirps": [ {{ "iphone", "voice-clarity" }}, {{ "samsung", "platform" }} ] }
-        { "chirp": { "chirpId": "2", "user": { "screenName": "ColineGeyer@63", "lang": "en", "friendsCount": 121, "statusesCount": 362, "name": "Coline Geyer", "followersCount": 17159 }, "senderLocation": point("32.84,67.14"), "sendTime": datetime("2010-05-13T10:10:00.000Z"), "referredTopics": {{ "verizon", "shortcut-menu" }}, "messageText": " like verizon its shortcut-menu is awesome:)" }, "similarChirps": [ {{ "verizon", "voicemail-service" }}, {{ "verizon", "voice-clarity" }}, {{ "t-mobile", "shortcut-menu" }} ] }
-        { "chirp": { "chirpId": "4", "user": { "screenName": "NathanGiesen@211", "lang": "en", "friendsCount": 39339, "statusesCount": 473, "name": "Nathan Giesen", "followersCount": 49416 }, "senderLocation": point("39.28,70.48"), "sendTime": datetime("2011-12-26T10:10:00.000Z"), "referredTopics": {{ "sprint", "voice-command" }}, "messageText": " like sprint the voice-command is mind-blowing:)" }, "similarChirps": [ {{ "samsung", "voice-command" }} ] }
-        { "chirp": { "chirpId": "9", "user": { "screenName": "NathanGiesen@211", "lang": "en", "friendsCount": 39339, "statusesCount": 473, "name": "Nathan Giesen", "followersCount": 49416 }, "senderLocation": point("36.86,74.62"), "sendTime": datetime("2012-07-21T10:10:00.000Z"), "referredTopics": {{ "verizon", "voicemail-service" }}, "messageText": " love verizon its voicemail-service is awesome" }, "similarChirps": [ {{ "verizon", "shortcut-menu" }}, {{ "verizon", "voice-clarity" }} ] }
-        { "chirp": { "chirpId": "1", "user": { "screenName": "NathanGiesen@211", "lang": "en", "friendsCount": 39339, "statusesCount": 473, "name": "Nathan Giesen", "followersCount": 49416 }, "senderLocation": point("47.44,80.65"), "sendTime": datetime("2008-04-26T10:10:00.000Z"), "referredTopics": {{ "t-mobile", "customization" }}, "messageText": " love t-mobile its customization is good:)" }, "similarChirps": [ {{ "t-mobile", "shortcut-menu" }} ] }
-        { "chirp": { "chirpId": "5", "user": { "screenName": "NathanGiesen@211", "lang": "en", "friendsCount": 39339, "statusesCount": 473, "name": "Nathan Giesen", "followersCount": 49416 }, "senderLocation": point("40.09,92.69"), "sendTime": datetime("2006-08-04T10:10:00.000Z"), "referredTopics": {{ "motorola", "speed" }}, "messageText": " can't stand motorola its speed is terrible:(" }, "similarChirps": [ {{ "motorola", "speed" }} ] }
-        { "chirp": { "chirpId": "3", "user": { "screenName": "NathanGiesen@211", "lang": "en", "friendsCount": 39339, "statusesCount": 473, "name": "Nathan Giesen", "followersCount": 49416 }, "senderLocation": point("29.72,75.8"), "sendTime": datetime("2006-11-04T10:10:00.000Z"), "referredTopics": {{ "motorola", "speed" }}, "messageText": " like motorola the speed is good:)" }, "similarChirps": [ {{ "motorola", "speed" }} ] }
-        { "chirp": { "chirpId": "6", "user": { "screenName": "ColineGeyer@63", "lang": "en", "friendsCount": 121, "statusesCount": 362, "name": "Coline Geyer", "followersCount": 17159 }, "senderLocation": point("47.51,83.99"), "sendTime": datetime("2010-05-07T10:10:00.000Z"), "referredTopics": {{ "iphone", "voice-clarity" }}, "messageText": " like iphone the voice-clarity is good:)" }, "similarChirps": [ {{ "iphone", "platform" }}, {{ "verizon", "voice-clarity" }} ] }
-        { "chirp": { "chirpId": "7", "user": { "screenName": "ChangEwing_573", "lang": "en", "friendsCount": 182, "statusesCount": 394, "name": "Chang Ewing", "followersCount": 32136 }, "senderLocation": point("36.21,72.6"), "sendTime": datetime("2011-08-25T10:10:00.000Z"), "referredTopics": {{ "samsung", "platform" }}, "messageText": " like samsung the platform is good" }, "similarChirps": [ {{ "iphone", "platform" }}, {{ "samsung", "voice-command" }} ] }
-        { "chirp": { "chirpId": "10", "user": { "screenName": "ColineGeyer@63", "lang": "en", "friendsCount": 121, "statusesCount": 362, "name": "Coline Geyer", "followersCount": 17159 }, "senderLocation": point("29.15,76.53"), "sendTime": datetime("2008-01-26T10:10:00.000Z"), "referredTopics": {{ "verizon", "voice-clarity" }}, "messageText": " hate verizon its voice-clarity is OMG:(" }, "similarChirps": [ {{ "verizon", "shortcut-menu" }}, {{ "verizon", "voicemail-service" }}, {{ "iphone", "voice-clarity" }} ] }
-        { "chirp": { "chirpId": "12", "user": { "screenName": "OliJackson_512", "lang": "en", "friendsCount": 445, "statusesCount": 164, "name": "Oli Jackson", "followersCount": 22649 }, "senderLocation": point("24.82,94.63"), "sendTime": datetime("2010-02-13T10:10:00.000Z"), "referredTopics": {{ "samsung", "voice-command" }}, "messageText": " like samsung the voice-command is amazing:)" }, "similarChirps": [ {{ "sprint", "voice-command" }}, {{ "samsung", "platform" }} ] }
-        { "chirp": { "chirpId": "8", "user": { "screenName": "NathanGiesen@211", "lang": "en", "friendsCount": 39339, "statusesCount": 473, "name": "Nathan Giesen", "followersCount": 49416 }, "senderLocation": point("46.05,93.34"), "sendTime": datetime("2005-10-14T10:10:00.000Z"), "referredTopics": {{ "t-mobile", "shortcut-menu" }}, "messageText": " like t-mobile the shortcut-menu is awesome:)" }, "similarChirps": [ {{ "verizon", "shortcut-menu" }}, {{ "t-mobile", "customization" }} ] }
+        { "chirp": { "chirpId": "11", "user": { "screenName": "NilaMilliron_tw", "lang": "en", "friendsCount": 445, "statusesCount": 164, "name": "Nila Milliron", "followersCount": 22649 }, "senderLocation": point("37.59,68.42"), "sendTime": datetime("2008-03-09T10:10:00.000Z"), "referredTopics": {{ "x-phone", "platform" }}, "messageText": " can't stand x-phone its platform is terrible" }, "similarChirps": [ {{ "x-phone", "voice-clarity" }}, {{ "product-y", "platform" }} ] }
+        { "chirp": { "chirpId": "2", "user": { "screenName": "ColineGeyer@63", "lang": "en", "friendsCount": 121, "statusesCount": 362, "name": "Coline Geyer", "followersCount": 17159 }, "senderLocation": point("32.84,67.14"), "sendTime": datetime("2010-05-13T10:10:00.000Z"), "referredTopics": {{ "ccast", "shortcut-menu" }}, "messageText": " like ccast its shortcut-menu is awesome:)" }, "similarChirps": [ {{ "ccast", "voicemail-service" }}, {{ "ccast", "voice-clarity" }}, {{ "product-z", "shortcut-menu" }} ] }
+        { "chirp": { "chirpId": "4", "user": { "screenName": "NathanGiesen@211", "lang": "en", "friendsCount": 39339, "statusesCount": 473, "name": "Nathan Giesen", "followersCount": 49416 }, "senderLocation": point("39.28,70.48"), "sendTime": datetime("2011-12-26T10:10:00.000Z"), "referredTopics": {{ "product-b", "voice-command" }}, "messageText": " like product-b the voice-command is mind-blowing:)" }, "similarChirps": [ {{ "product-y", "voice-command" }} ] }
+        { "chirp": { "chirpId": "9", "user": { "screenName": "NathanGiesen@211", "lang": "en", "friendsCount": 39339, "statusesCount": 473, "name": "Nathan Giesen", "followersCount": 49416 }, "senderLocation": point("36.86,74.62"), "sendTime": datetime("2012-07-21T10:10:00.000Z"), "referredTopics": {{ "ccast", "voicemail-service" }}, "messageText": " love ccast its voicemail-service is awesome" }, "similarChirps": [ {{ "ccast", "shortcut-menu" }}, {{ "ccast", "voice-clarity" }} ] }
+        { "chirp": { "chirpId": "1", "user": { "screenName": "NathanGiesen@211", "lang": "en", "friendsCount": 39339, "statusesCount": 473, "name": "Nathan Giesen", "followersCount": 49416 }, "senderLocation": point("47.44,80.65"), "sendTime": datetime("2008-04-26T10:10:00.000Z"), "referredTopics": {{ "product-z", "customization" }}, "messageText": " love product-z its customization is good:)" }, "similarChirps": [ {{ "product-z", "shortcut-menu" }} ] }
+        { "chirp": { "chirpId": "5", "user": { "screenName": "NathanGiesen@211", "lang": "en", "friendsCount": 39339, "statusesCount": 473, "name": "Nathan Giesen", "followersCount": 49416 }, "senderLocation": point("40.09,92.69"), "sendTime": datetime("2006-08-04T10:10:00.000Z"), "referredTopics": {{ "product-w", "speed" }}, "messageText": " can't stand product-w its speed is terrible:(" }, "similarChirps": [ {{ "product-w", "speed" }} ] }
+        { "chirp": { "chirpId": "3", "user": { "screenName": "NathanGiesen@211", "lang": "en", "friendsCount": 39339, "statusesCount": 473, "name": "Nathan Giesen", "followersCount": 49416 }, "senderLocation": point("29.72,75.8"), "sendTime": datetime("2006-11-04T10:10:00.000Z"), "referredTopics": {{ "product-w", "speed" }}, "messageText": " like product-w the speed is good:)" }, "similarChirps": [ {{ "product-w", "speed" }} ] }
+        { "chirp": { "chirpId": "6", "user": { "screenName": "ColineGeyer@63", "lang": "en", "friendsCount": 121, "statusesCount": 362, "name": "Coline Geyer", "followersCount": 17159 }, "senderLocation": point("47.51,83.99"), "sendTime": datetime("2010-05-07T10:10:00.000Z"), "referredTopics": {{ "x-phone", "voice-clarity" }}, "messageText": " like x-phone the voice-clarity is good:)" }, "similarChirps": [ {{ "x-phone", "platform" }}, {{ "ccast", "voice-clarity" }} ] }
+        { "chirp": { "chirpId": "7", "user": { "screenName": "ChangEwing_573", "lang": "en", "friendsCount": 182, "statusesCount": 394, "name": "Chang Ewing", "followersCount": 32136 }, "senderLocation": point("36.21,72.6"), "sendTime": datetime("2011-08-25T10:10:00.000Z"), "referredTopics": {{ "product-y", "platform" }}, "messageText": " like product-y the platform is good" }, "similarChirps": [ {{ "x-phone", "platform" }}, {{ "product-y", "voice-command" }} ] }
+        { "chirp": { "chirpId": "10", "user": { "screenName": "ColineGeyer@63", "lang": "en", "friendsCount": 121, "statusesCount": 362, "name": "Coline Geyer", "followersCount": 17159 }, "senderLocation": point("29.15,76.53"), "sendTime": datetime("2008-01-26T10:10:00.000Z"), "referredTopics": {{ "ccast", "voice-clarity" }}, "messageText": " hate ccast its voice-clarity is OMG:(" }, "similarChirps": [ {{ "ccast", "shortcut-menu" }}, {{ "ccast", "voicemail-service" }}, {{ "x-phone", "voice-clarity" }} ] }
+        { "chirp": { "chirpId": "12", "user": { "screenName": "OliJackson_512", "lang": "en", "friendsCount": 445, "statusesCount": 164, "name": "Oli Jackson", "followersCount": 22649 }, "senderLocation": point("24.82,94.63"), "sendTime": datetime("2010-02-13T10:10:00.000Z"), "referredTopics": {{ "product-y", "voice-command" }}, "messageText": " like product-y the voice-command is amazing:)" }, "similarChirps": [ {{ "product-b", "voice-command" }}, {{ "product-y", "platform" }} ] }
+        { "chirp": { "chirpId": "8", "user": { "screenName": "NathanGiesen@211", "lang": "en", "friendsCount": 39339, "statusesCount": 473, "name": "Nathan Giesen", "followersCount": 49416 }, "senderLocation": point("46.05,93.34"), "sendTime": datetime("2005-10-14T10:10:00.000Z"), "referredTopics": {{ "product-z", "shortcut-menu" }}, "messageText": " like product-z the shortcut-menu is awesome:)" }, "similarChirps": [ {{ "ccast", "shortcut-menu" }}, {{ "product-z", "customization" }} ] }
 ### Deleting Existing Data  ###
 In addition to inserting new data, AsterixDB supports deletion from datasets via the AQL _delete_ statement.
diff --git a/asterixdb/asterix-doc/src/site/markdown/aql/ b/asterixdb/asterix-doc/src/site/markdown/aql/
index 88ca8a5..0d949db 100644
--- a/asterixdb/asterix-doc/src/site/markdown/aql/
+++ b/asterixdb/asterix-doc/src/site/markdown/aql/
@@ -225,7 +225,7 @@
         create index fbMessageIdx on FacebookMessages(message) type keyword;
         for $o in dataset('FacebookMessages')
-        let $jacc := similarity-jaccard-check(word-tokens($o.message), word-tokens("love like verizon"), 0.2f)
+        let $jacc := similarity-jaccard-check(word-tokens($o.message), word-tokens("love like ccast"), 0.2f)
         where $jacc[0]
         return $o
diff --git a/asterixdb/asterix-doc/src/site/markdown/sqlpp/ b/asterixdb/asterix-doc/src/site/markdown/sqlpp/
index 7e5cc86..1c78cc4 100644
--- a/asterixdb/asterix-doc/src/site/markdown/sqlpp/
+++ b/asterixdb/asterix-doc/src/site/markdown/sqlpp/
@@ -276,18 +276,18 @@
         INSERT INTO ChirpMessages
-        {"chirpId":"1","user":{"screenName":"NathanGiesen@211","lang":"en","friendsCount":39339,"statusesCount":473,"name":"Nathan Giesen","followersCount":49416},"senderLocation":point("47.44,80.65"),"sendTime":datetime("2008-04-26T10:10:00"),"referredTopics":{{"t-mobile","customization"}},"messageText":" love t-mobile its customization is good:)"},
-        {"chirpId":"2","user":{"screenName":"ColineGeyer@63","lang":"en","friendsCount":121,"statusesCount":362,"name":"Coline Geyer","followersCount":17159},"senderLocation":point("32.84,67.14"),"sendTime":datetime("2010-05-13T10:10:00"),"referredTopics":{{"verizon","shortcut-menu"}},"messageText":" like verizon its shortcut-menu is awesome:)"},
-        {"chirpId":"3","user":{"screenName":"NathanGiesen@211","lang":"en","friendsCount":39339,"statusesCount":473,"name":"Nathan Giesen","followersCount":49416},"senderLocation":point("29.72,75.8"),"sendTime":datetime("2006-11-04T10:10:00"),"referredTopics":{{"motorola","speed"}},"messageText":" like motorola the speed is good:)"},
-        {"chirpId":"4","user":{"screenName":"NathanGiesen@211","lang":"en","friendsCount":39339,"statusesCount":473,"name":"Nathan Giesen","followersCount":49416},"senderLocation":point("39.28,70.48"),"sendTime":datetime("2011-12-26T10:10:00"),"referredTopics":{{"sprint","voice-command"}},"messageText":" like sprint the voice-command is mind-blowing:)"},
-        {"chirpId":"5","user":{"screenName":"NathanGiesen@211","lang":"en","friendsCount":39339,"statusesCount":473,"name":"Nathan Giesen","followersCount":49416},"senderLocation":point("40.09,92.69"),"sendTime":datetime("2006-08-04T10:10:00"),"referredTopics":{{"motorola","speed"}},"messageText":" can't stand motorola its speed is terrible:("},
-        {"chirpId":"6","user":{"screenName":"ColineGeyer@63","lang":"en","friendsCount":121,"statusesCount":362,"name":"Coline Geyer","followersCount":17159},"senderLocation":point("47.51,83.99"),"sendTime":datetime("2010-05-07T10:10:00"),"referredTopics":{{"iphone","voice-clarity"}},"messageText":" like iphone the voice-clarity is good:)"},
-        {"chirpId":"7","user":{"screenName":"ChangEwing_573","lang":"en","friendsCount":182,"statusesCount":394,"name":"Chang Ewing","followersCount":32136},"senderLocation":point("36.21,72.6"),"sendTime":datetime("2011-08-25T10:10:00"),"referredTopics":{{"samsung","platform"}},"messageText":" like samsung the platform is good"},
-        {"chirpId":"8","user":{"screenName":"NathanGiesen@211","lang":"en","friendsCount":39339,"statusesCount":473,"name":"Nathan Giesen","followersCount":49416},"senderLocation":point("46.05,93.34"),"sendTime":datetime("2005-10-14T10:10:00"),"referredTopics":{{"t-mobile","shortcut-menu"}},"messageText":" like t-mobile the shortcut-menu is awesome:)"},
-        {"chirpId":"9","user":{"screenName":"NathanGiesen@211","lang":"en","friendsCount":39339,"statusesCount":473,"name":"Nathan Giesen","followersCount":49416},"senderLocation":point("36.86,74.62"),"sendTime":datetime("2012-07-21T10:10:00"),"referredTopics":{{"verizon","voicemail-service"}},"messageText":" love verizon its voicemail-service is awesome"},
-        {"chirpId":"10","user":{"screenName":"ColineGeyer@63","lang":"en","friendsCount":121,"statusesCount":362,"name":"Coline Geyer","followersCount":17159},"senderLocation":point("29.15,76.53"),"sendTime":datetime("2008-01-26T10:10:00"),"referredTopics":{{"verizon","voice-clarity"}},"messageText":" hate verizon its voice-clarity is OMG:("},
-        {"chirpId":"11","user":{"screenName":"NilaMilliron_tw","lang":"en","friendsCount":445,"statusesCount":164,"name":"Nila Milliron","followersCount":22649},"senderLocation":point("37.59,68.42"),"sendTime":datetime("2008-03-09T10:10:00"),"referredTopics":{{"iphone","platform"}},"messageText":" can't stand iphone its platform is terrible"},
-        {"chirpId":"12","user":{"screenName":"OliJackson_512","lang":"en","friendsCount":445,"statusesCount":164,"name":"Oli Jackson","followersCount":22649},"senderLocation":point("24.82,94.63"),"sendTime":datetime("2010-02-13T10:10:00"),"referredTopics":{{"samsung","voice-command"}},"messageText":" like samsung the voice-command is amazing:)"}
+        {"chirpId":"1","user":{"screenName":"NathanGiesen@211","lang":"en","friendsCount":39339,"statusesCount":473,"name":"Nathan Giesen","followersCount":49416},"senderLocation":point("47.44,80.65"),"sendTime":datetime("2008-04-26T10:10:00"),"referredTopics":{{"product-z","customization"}},"messageText":" love product-z its customization is good:)"},
+        {"chirpId":"2","user":{"screenName":"ColineGeyer@63","lang":"en","friendsCount":121,"statusesCount":362,"name":"Coline Geyer","followersCount":17159},"senderLocation":point("32.84,67.14"),"sendTime":datetime("2010-05-13T10:10:00"),"referredTopics":{{"ccast","shortcut-menu"}},"messageText":" like ccast its shortcut-menu is awesome:)"},
+        {"chirpId":"3","user":{"screenName":"NathanGiesen@211","lang":"en","friendsCount":39339,"statusesCount":473,"name":"Nathan Giesen","followersCount":49416},"senderLocation":point("29.72,75.8"),"sendTime":datetime("2006-11-04T10:10:00"),"referredTopics":{{"product-w","speed"}},"messageText":" like product-w the speed is good:)"},
+        {"chirpId":"4","user":{"screenName":"NathanGiesen@211","lang":"en","friendsCount":39339,"statusesCount":473,"name":"Nathan Giesen","followersCount":49416},"senderLocation":point("39.28,70.48"),"sendTime":datetime("2011-12-26T10:10:00"),"referredTopics":{{"product-b","voice-command"}},"messageText":" like product-b the voice-command is mind-blowing:)"},
+        {"chirpId":"5","user":{"screenName":"NathanGiesen@211","lang":"en","friendsCount":39339,"statusesCount":473,"name":"Nathan Giesen","followersCount":49416},"senderLocation":point("40.09,92.69"),"sendTime":datetime("2006-08-04T10:10:00"),"referredTopics":{{"product-w","speed"}},"messageText":" can't stand product-w its speed is terrible:("},
+        {"chirpId":"6","user":{"screenName":"ColineGeyer@63","lang":"en","friendsCount":121,"statusesCount":362,"name":"Coline Geyer","followersCount":17159},"senderLocation":point("47.51,83.99"),"sendTime":datetime("2010-05-07T10:10:00"),"referredTopics":{{"x-phone","voice-clarity"}},"messageText":" like x-phone the voice-clarity is good:)"},
+        {"chirpId":"7","user":{"screenName":"ChangEwing_573","lang":"en","friendsCount":182,"statusesCount":394,"name":"Chang Ewing","followersCount":32136},"senderLocation":point("36.21,72.6"),"sendTime":datetime("2011-08-25T10:10:00"),"referredTopics":{{"product-y","platform"}},"messageText":" like product-y the platform is good"},
+        {"chirpId":"8","user":{"screenName":"NathanGiesen@211","lang":"en","friendsCount":39339,"statusesCount":473,"name":"Nathan Giesen","followersCount":49416},"senderLocation":point("46.05,93.34"),"sendTime":datetime("2005-10-14T10:10:00"),"referredTopics":{{"product-z","shortcut-menu"}},"messageText":" like product-z the shortcut-menu is awesome:)"},
+        {"chirpId":"9","user":{"screenName":"NathanGiesen@211","lang":"en","friendsCount":39339,"statusesCount":473,"name":"Nathan Giesen","followersCount":49416},"senderLocation":point("36.86,74.62"),"sendTime":datetime("2012-07-21T10:10:00"),"referredTopics":{{"ccast","voicemail-service"}},"messageText":" love ccast its voicemail-service is awesome"},
+        {"chirpId":"10","user":{"screenName":"ColineGeyer@63","lang":"en","friendsCount":121,"statusesCount":362,"name":"Coline Geyer","followersCount":17159},"senderLocation":point("29.15,76.53"),"sendTime":datetime("2008-01-26T10:10:00"),"referredTopics":{{"ccast","voice-clarity"}},"messageText":" hate ccast its voice-clarity is OMG:("},
+        {"chirpId":"11","user":{"screenName":"NilaMilliron_tw","lang":"en","friendsCount":445,"statusesCount":164,"name":"Nila Milliron","followersCount":22649},"senderLocation":point("37.59,68.42"),"sendTime":datetime("2008-03-09T10:10:00"),"referredTopics":{{"x-phone","platform"}},"messageText":" can't stand x-phone its platform is terrible"},
+        {"chirpId":"12","user":{"screenName":"OliJackson_512","lang":"en","friendsCount":445,"statusesCount":164,"name":"Oli Jackson","followersCount":22649},"senderLocation":point("24.82,94.63"),"sendTime":datetime("2010-02-13T10:10:00"),"referredTopics":{{"product-y","voice-command"}},"messageText":" like product-y the voice-command is amazing:)"}
 [Gleambook Users](../data/gbu.adm)
@@ -314,21 +314,21 @@
         INSERT INTO GleambookMessages
-        {"messageId":1,"authorId":3,"inResponseTo":2,"senderLocation":point("47.16,77.75"),"message":" love sprint its shortcut-menu is awesome:)"},
-        {"messageId":2,"authorId":1,"inResponseTo":4,"senderLocation":point("41.66,80.87"),"message":" dislike iphone its touch-screen is horrible"},
-        {"messageId":3,"authorId":2,"inResponseTo":4,"senderLocation":point("48.09,81.01"),"message":" like samsung the plan is amazing"},
-        {"messageId":4,"authorId":1,"inResponseTo":2,"senderLocation":point("37.73,97.04"),"message":" can't stand at&t the network is horrible:("},
-        {"messageId":5,"authorId":6,"inResponseTo":2,"senderLocation":point("34.7,90.76"),"message":" love sprint the customization is mind-blowing"},
-        {"messageId":6,"authorId":2,"inResponseTo":1,"senderLocation":point("31.5,75.56"),"message":" like t-mobile its platform is mind-blowing"},
-        {"messageId":7,"authorId":5,"inResponseTo":15,"senderLocation":point("32.91,85.05"),"message":" dislike sprint the speed is horrible"},
-        {"messageId":8,"authorId":1,"inResponseTo":11,"senderLocation":point("40.33,80.87"),"message":" like verizon the 3G is awesome:)"},
-        {"messageId":9,"authorId":3,"inResponseTo":12,"senderLocation":point("34.45,96.48"),"message":" love verizon its wireless is good"},
-        {"messageId":10,"authorId":1,"inResponseTo":12,"senderLocation":point("42.5,70.01"),"message":" can't stand motorola the touch-screen is terrible"},
-        {"messageId":11,"authorId":1,"inResponseTo":1,"senderLocation":point("38.97,77.49"),"message":" can't stand at&t its plan is terrible"},
-        {"messageId":12,"authorId":10,"inResponseTo":6,"senderLocation":point("42.26,77.76"),"message":" can't stand t-mobile its voicemail-service is OMG:("},
-        {"messageId":13,"authorId":10,"inResponseTo":4,"senderLocation":point("42.77,78.92"),"message":" dislike iphone the voice-command is bad:("},
-        {"messageId":14,"authorId":9,"inResponseTo":12,"senderLocation":point("41.33,85.28"),"message":" love at&t its 3G is good:)"},
-        {"messageId":15,"authorId":7,"inResponseTo":11,"senderLocation":point("44.47,67.11"),"message":" like iphone the voicemail-service is awesome"}
+        {"messageId":1,"authorId":3,"inResponseTo":2,"senderLocation":point("47.16,77.75"),"message":" love product-b its shortcut-menu is awesome:)"},
+        {"messageId":2,"authorId":1,"inResponseTo":4,"senderLocation":point("41.66,80.87"),"message":" dislike x-phone its touch-screen is horrible"},
+        {"messageId":3,"authorId":2,"inResponseTo":4,"senderLocation":point("48.09,81.01"),"message":" like product-y the plan is amazing"},
+        {"messageId":4,"authorId":1,"inResponseTo":2,"senderLocation":point("37.73,97.04"),"message":" can't stand acast the network is horrible:("},
+        {"messageId":5,"authorId":6,"inResponseTo":2,"senderLocation":point("34.7,90.76"),"message":" love product-b the customization is mind-blowing"},
+        {"messageId":6,"authorId":2,"inResponseTo":1,"senderLocation":point("31.5,75.56"),"message":" like product-z its platform is mind-blowing"},
+        {"messageId":7,"authorId":5,"inResponseTo":15,"senderLocation":point("32.91,85.05"),"message":" dislike product-b the speed is horrible"},
+        {"messageId":8,"authorId":1,"inResponseTo":11,"senderLocation":point("40.33,80.87"),"message":" like ccast the 3G is awesome:)"},
+        {"messageId":9,"authorId":3,"inResponseTo":12,"senderLocation":point("34.45,96.48"),"message":" love ccast its wireless is good"},
+        {"messageId":10,"authorId":1,"inResponseTo":12,"senderLocation":point("42.5,70.01"),"message":" can't stand product-w the touch-screen is terrible"},
+        {"messageId":11,"authorId":1,"inResponseTo":1,"senderLocation":point("38.97,77.49"),"message":" can't stand acast its plan is terrible"},
+        {"messageId":12,"authorId":10,"inResponseTo":6,"senderLocation":point("42.26,77.76"),"message":" can't stand product-z its voicemail-service is OMG:("},
+        {"messageId":13,"authorId":10,"inResponseTo":4,"senderLocation":point("42.77,78.92"),"message":" dislike x-phone the voice-command is bad:("},
+        {"messageId":14,"authorId":9,"inResponseTo":12,"senderLocation":point("41.33,85.28"),"message":" love acast its 3G is good:)"},
+        {"messageId":15,"authorId":7,"inResponseTo":11,"senderLocation":point("44.47,67.11"),"message":" like x-phone the voicemail-service is awesome"}
@@ -444,21 +444,21 @@
 The expected result of this example SQL++ join query for our sample data set is:
-        { "uname": "WillisWynne", "message": " love sprint the customization is mind-blowing" }
-        { "uname": "WoodrowNehling", "message": " love at&t its 3G is good:)" }
-        { "uname": "BramHatch", "message": " can't stand t-mobile its voicemail-service is OMG:(" }
-        { "uname": "BramHatch", "message": " dislike iphone the voice-command is bad:(" }
-        { "uname": "MargaritaStoddard", "message": " like verizon the 3G is awesome:)" }
-        { "uname": "MargaritaStoddard", "message": " can't stand motorola the touch-screen is terrible" }
-        { "uname": "MargaritaStoddard", "message": " can't stand at&t its plan is terrible" }
-        { "uname": "MargaritaStoddard", "message": " dislike iphone its touch-screen is horrible" }
-        { "uname": "MargaritaStoddard", "message": " can't stand at&t the network is horrible:(" }
-        { "uname": "IsbelDull", "message": " like t-mobile its platform is mind-blowing" }
-        { "uname": "IsbelDull", "message": " like samsung the plan is amazing" }
-        { "uname": "EmoryUnk", "message": " love verizon its wireless is good" }
-        { "uname": "EmoryUnk", "message": " love sprint its shortcut-menu is awesome:)" }
-        { "uname": "VonKemble", "message": " dislike sprint the speed is horrible" }
-        { "uname": "SuzannaTillson", "message": " like iphone the voicemail-service is awesome" }
+        { "uname": "WillisWynne", "message": " love product-b the customization is mind-blowing" }
+        { "uname": "WoodrowNehling", "message": " love acast its 3G is good:)" }
+        { "uname": "BramHatch", "message": " can't stand product-z its voicemail-service is OMG:(" }
+        { "uname": "BramHatch", "message": " dislike x-phone the voice-command is bad:(" }
+        { "uname": "MargaritaStoddard", "message": " like ccast the 3G is awesome:)" }
+        { "uname": "MargaritaStoddard", "message": " can't stand product-w the touch-screen is terrible" }
+        { "uname": "MargaritaStoddard", "message": " can't stand acast its plan is terrible" }
+        { "uname": "MargaritaStoddard", "message": " dislike x-phone its touch-screen is horrible" }
+        { "uname": "MargaritaStoddard", "message": " can't stand acast the network is horrible:(" }
+        { "uname": "IsbelDull", "message": " like product-z its platform is mind-blowing" }
+        { "uname": "IsbelDull", "message": " like product-y the plan is amazing" }
+        { "uname": "EmoryUnk", "message": " love ccast its wireless is good" }
+        { "uname": "EmoryUnk", "message": " love product-b its shortcut-menu is awesome:)" }
+        { "uname": "VonKemble", "message": " dislike product-b the speed is horrible" }
+        { "uname": "SuzannaTillson", "message": " like x-phone the voicemail-service is awesome" }
 If we were feeling lazy, we might use _SELECT *_ in SQL++ to return all of the matching user/message data:
@@ -476,21 +476,21 @@
 The expected result of this version of the SQL++ join query for our sample data set is:
-        { "user": { "id": 6, "alias": "Willis", "name": "WillisWynne", "userSince": datetime("2005-01-17T10:10:00.000Z"), "friendIds": {{ 1, 3, 7 }}, "employment": [ { "organizationName": "jaydax", "startDate": date("2009-05-15") } ] }, "msg": { "messageId": 5, "authorId": 6, "inResponseTo": 2, "senderLocation": point("34.7,90.76"), "message": " love sprint the customization is mind-blowing" } }
-        { "user": { "id": 9, "alias": "Woodrow", "name": "WoodrowNehling", "userSince": datetime("2005-09-20T10:10:00.000Z"), "friendIds": {{ 3, 10 }}, "employment": [ { "organizationName": "Zuncan", "startDate": date("2003-04-22"), "endDate": date("2009-12-13") } ], "nickname": "Woody" }, "msg": { "messageId": 14, "authorId": 9, "inResponseTo": 12, "senderLocation": point("41.33,85.28"), "message": " love at&t its 3G is good:)" } }
-        { "user": { "id": 10, "alias": "Bram", "name": "BramHatch", "userSince": datetime("2010-10-16T10:10:00.000Z"), "friendIds": {{ 1, 5, 9 }}, "employment": [ { "organizationName": "physcane", "startDate": date("2007-06-05"), "endDate": date("2011-11-05") } ] }, "msg": { "messageId": 12, "authorId": 10, "inResponseTo": 6, "senderLocation": point("42.26,77.76"), "message": " can't stand t-mobile its voicemail-service is OMG:(" } }
-        { "user": { "id": 10, "alias": "Bram", "name": "BramHatch", "userSince": datetime("2010-10-16T10:10:00.000Z"), "friendIds": {{ 1, 5, 9 }}, "employment": [ { "organizationName": "physcane", "startDate": date("2007-06-05"), "endDate": date("2011-11-05") } ] }, "msg": { "messageId": 13, "authorId": 10, "inResponseTo": 4, "senderLocation": point("42.77,78.92"), "message": " dislike iphone the voice-command is bad:(" } }
-        { "user": { "id": 1, "alias": "Margarita", "name": "MargaritaStoddard", "userSince": datetime("2012-08-20T10:10:00.000Z"), "friendIds": {{ 2, 3, 6, 10 }}, "employment": [ { "organizationName": "Codetechno", "startDate": date("2006-08-06") }, { "organizationName": "geomedia", "startDate": date("2010-06-17"), "endDate": date("2010-01-26") } ], "nickname": "Mags", "gender": "F" }, "msg": { "messageId": 8, "authorId": 1, "inResponseTo": 11, "senderLocation": point("40.33,80.87"), "message": " like verizon the 3G is awesome:)" } }
-        { "user": { "id": 1, "alias": "Margarita", "name": "MargaritaStoddard", "userSince": datetime("2012-08-20T10:10:00.000Z"), "friendIds": {{ 2, 3, 6, 10 }}, "employment": [ { "organizationName": "Codetechno", "startDate": date("2006-08-06") }, { "organizationName": "geomedia", "startDate": date("2010-06-17"), "endDate": date("2010-01-26") } ], "nickname": "Mags", "gender": "F" }, "msg": { "messageId": 10, "authorId": 1, "inResponseTo": 12, "senderLocation": point("42.5,70.01"), "message": " can't stand motorola the touch-screen is terrible" } }
-        { "user": { "id": 1, "alias": "Margarita", "name": "MargaritaStoddard", "userSince": datetime("2012-08-20T10:10:00.000Z"), "friendIds": {{ 2, 3, 6, 10 }}, "employment": [ { "organizationName": "Codetechno", "startDate": date("2006-08-06") }, { "organizationName": "geomedia", "startDate": date("2010-06-17"), "endDate": date("2010-01-26") } ], "nickname": "Mags", "gender": "F" }, "msg": { "messageId": 11, "authorId": 1, "inResponseTo": 1, "senderLocation": point("38.97,77.49"), "message": " can't stand at&t its plan is terrible" } }
-        { "user": { "id": 1, "alias": "Margarita", "name": "MargaritaStoddard", "userSince": datetime("2012-08-20T10:10:00.000Z"), "friendIds": {{ 2, 3, 6, 10 }}, "employment": [ { "organizationName": "Codetechno", "startDate": date("2006-08-06") }, { "organizationName": "geomedia", "startDate": date("2010-06-17"), "endDate": date("2010-01-26") } ], "nickname": "Mags", "gender": "F" }, "msg": { "messageId": 2, "authorId": 1, "inResponseTo": 4, "senderLocation": point("41.66,80.87"), "message": " dislike iphone its touch-screen is horrible" } }
-        { "user": { "id": 1, "alias": "Margarita", "name": "MargaritaStoddard", "userSince": datetime("2012-08-20T10:10:00.000Z"), "friendIds": {{ 2, 3, 6, 10 }}, "employment": [ { "organizationName": "Codetechno", "startDate": date("2006-08-06") }, { "organizationName": "geomedia", "startDate": date("2010-06-17"), "endDate": date("2010-01-26") } ], "nickname": "Mags", "gender": "F" }, "msg": { "messageId": 4, "authorId": 1, "inResponseTo": 2, "senderLocation": point("37.73,97.04"), "message": " can't stand at&t the network is horrible:(" } }
-        { "user": { "id": 2, "alias": "Isbel", "name": "IsbelDull", "userSince": datetime("2011-01-22T10:10:00.000Z"), "friendIds": {{ 1, 4 }}, "employment": [ { "organizationName": "Hexviafind", "startDate": date("2010-04-27") } ], "nickname": "Izzy" }, "msg": { "messageId": 6, "authorId": 2, "inResponseTo": 1, "senderLocation": point("31.5,75.56"), "message": " like t-mobile its platform is mind-blowing" } }
-        { "user": { "id": 2, "alias": "Isbel", "name": "IsbelDull", "userSince": datetime("2011-01-22T10:10:00.000Z"), "friendIds": {{ 1, 4 }}, "employment": [ { "organizationName": "Hexviafind", "startDate": date("2010-04-27") } ], "nickname": "Izzy" }, "msg": { "messageId": 3, "authorId": 2, "inResponseTo": 4, "senderLocation": point("48.09,81.01"), "message": " like samsung the plan is amazing" } }
-        { "user": { "id": 3, "alias": "Emory", "name": "EmoryUnk", "userSince": datetime("2012-07-10T10:10:00.000Z"), "friendIds": {{ 1, 5, 8, 9 }}, "employment": [ { "organizationName": "geomedia", "startDate": date("2010-06-17"), "endDate": date("2010-01-26") } ] }, "msg": { "messageId": 9, "authorId": 3, "inResponseTo": 12, "senderLocation": point("34.45,96.48"), "message": " love verizon its wireless is good" } }
-        { "user": { "id": 3, "alias": "Emory", "name": "EmoryUnk", "userSince": datetime("2012-07-10T10:10:00.000Z"), "friendIds": {{ 1, 5, 8, 9 }}, "employment": [ { "organizationName": "geomedia", "startDate": date("2010-06-17"), "endDate": date("2010-01-26") } ] }, "msg": { "messageId": 1, "authorId": 3, "inResponseTo": 2, "senderLocation": point("47.16,77.75"), "message": " love sprint its shortcut-menu is awesome:)" } }
-        { "user": { "id": 5, "alias": "Von", "name": "VonKemble", "userSince": datetime("2010-01-05T10:10:00.000Z"), "friendIds": {{ 3, 6, 10 }}, "employment": [ { "organizationName": "Kongreen", "startDate": date("2010-11-27") } ] }, "msg": { "messageId": 7, "authorId": 5, "inResponseTo": 15, "senderLocation": point("32.91,85.05"), "message": " dislike sprint the speed is horrible" } }
-        { "user": { "id": 7, "alias": "Suzanna", "name": "SuzannaTillson", "userSince": datetime("2012-08-07T10:10:00.000Z"), "friendIds": {{ 6 }}, "employment": [ { "organizationName": "Labzatron", "startDate": date("2011-04-19") } ] }, "msg": { "messageId": 15, "authorId": 7, "inResponseTo": 11, "senderLocation": point("44.47,67.11"), "message": " like iphone the voicemail-service is awesome" } }
+        { "user": { "id": 6, "alias": "Willis", "name": "WillisWynne", "userSince": datetime("2005-01-17T10:10:00.000Z"), "friendIds": {{ 1, 3, 7 }}, "employment": [ { "organizationName": "jaydax", "startDate": date("2009-05-15") } ] }, "msg": { "messageId": 5, "authorId": 6, "inResponseTo": 2, "senderLocation": point("34.7,90.76"), "message": " love product-b the customization is mind-blowing" } }
+        { "user": { "id": 9, "alias": "Woodrow", "name": "WoodrowNehling", "userSince": datetime("2005-09-20T10:10:00.000Z"), "friendIds": {{ 3, 10 }}, "employment": [ { "organizationName": "Zuncan", "startDate": date("2003-04-22"), "endDate": date("2009-12-13") } ], "nickname": "Woody" }, "msg": { "messageId": 14, "authorId": 9, "inResponseTo": 12, "senderLocation": point("41.33,85.28"), "message": " love acast its 3G is good:)" } }
+        { "user": { "id": 10, "alias": "Bram", "name": "BramHatch", "userSince": datetime("2010-10-16T10:10:00.000Z"), "friendIds": {{ 1, 5, 9 }}, "employment": [ { "organizationName": "physcane", "startDate": date("2007-06-05"), "endDate": date("2011-11-05") } ] }, "msg": { "messageId": 12, "authorId": 10, "inResponseTo": 6, "senderLocation": point("42.26,77.76"), "message": " can't stand product-z its voicemail-service is OMG:(" } }
+        { "user": { "id": 10, "alias": "Bram", "name": "BramHatch", "userSince": datetime("2010-10-16T10:10:00.000Z"), "friendIds": {{ 1, 5, 9 }}, "employment": [ { "organizationName": "physcane", "startDate": date("2007-06-05"), "endDate": date("2011-11-05") } ] }, "msg": { "messageId": 13, "authorId": 10, "inResponseTo": 4, "senderLocation": point("42.77,78.92"), "message": " dislike x-phone the voice-command is bad:(" } }
+        { "user": { "id": 1, "alias": "Margarita", "name": "MargaritaStoddard", "userSince": datetime("2012-08-20T10:10:00.000Z"), "friendIds": {{ 2, 3, 6, 10 }}, "employment": [ { "organizationName": "Codetechno", "startDate": date("2006-08-06") }, { "organizationName": "geomedia", "startDate": date("2010-06-17"), "endDate": date("2010-01-26") } ], "nickname": "Mags", "gender": "F" }, "msg": { "messageId": 8, "authorId": 1, "inResponseTo": 11, "senderLocation": point("40.33,80.87"), "message": " like ccast the 3G is awesome:)" } }
+        { "user": { "id": 1, "alias": "Margarita", "name": "MargaritaStoddard", "userSince": datetime("2012-08-20T10:10:00.000Z"), "friendIds": {{ 2, 3, 6, 10 }}, "employment": [ { "organizationName": "Codetechno", "startDate": date("2006-08-06") }, { "organizationName": "geomedia", "startDate": date("2010-06-17"), "endDate": date("2010-01-26") } ], "nickname": "Mags", "gender": "F" }, "msg": { "messageId": 10, "authorId": 1, "inResponseTo": 12, "senderLocation": point("42.5,70.01"), "message": " can't stand product-w the touch-screen is terrible" } }
+        { "user": { "id": 1, "alias": "Margarita", "name": "MargaritaStoddard", "userSince": datetime("2012-08-20T10:10:00.000Z"), "friendIds": {{ 2, 3, 6, 10 }}, "employment": [ { "organizationName": "Codetechno", "startDate": date("2006-08-06") }, { "organizationName": "geomedia", "startDate": date("2010-06-17"), "endDate": date("2010-01-26") } ], "nickname": "Mags", "gender": "F" }, "msg": { "messageId": 11, "authorId": 1, "inResponseTo": 1, "senderLocation": point("38.97,77.49"), "message": " can't stand acast its plan is terrible" } }
+        { "user": { "id": 1, "alias": "Margarita", "name": "MargaritaStoddard", "userSince": datetime("2012-08-20T10:10:00.000Z"), "friendIds": {{ 2, 3, 6, 10 }}, "employment": [ { "organizationName": "Codetechno", "startDate": date("2006-08-06") }, { "organizationName": "geomedia", "startDate": date("2010-06-17"), "endDate": date("2010-01-26") } ], "nickname": "Mags", "gender": "F" }, "msg": { "messageId": 2, "authorId": 1, "inResponseTo": 4, "senderLocation": point("41.66,80.87"), "message": " dislike x-phone its touch-screen is horrible" } }
+        { "user": { "id": 1, "alias": "Margarita", "name": "MargaritaStoddard", "userSince": datetime("2012-08-20T10:10:00.000Z"), "friendIds": {{ 2, 3, 6, 10 }}, "employment": [ { "organizationName": "Codetechno", "startDate": date("2006-08-06") }, { "organizationName": "geomedia", "startDate": date("2010-06-17"), "endDate": date("2010-01-26") } ], "nickname": "Mags", "gender": "F" }, "msg": { "messageId": 4, "authorId": 1, "inResponseTo": 2, "senderLocation": point("37.73,97.04"), "message": " can't stand acast the network is horrible:(" } }
+        { "user": { "id": 2, "alias": "Isbel", "name": "IsbelDull", "userSince": datetime("2011-01-22T10:10:00.000Z"), "friendIds": {{ 1, 4 }}, "employment": [ { "organizationName": "Hexviafind", "startDate": date("2010-04-27") } ], "nickname": "Izzy" }, "msg": { "messageId": 6, "authorId": 2, "inResponseTo": 1, "senderLocation": point("31.5,75.56"), "message": " like product-z its platform is mind-blowing" } }
+        { "user": { "id": 2, "alias": "Isbel", "name": "IsbelDull", "userSince": datetime("2011-01-22T10:10:00.000Z"), "friendIds": {{ 1, 4 }}, "employment": [ { "organizationName": "Hexviafind", "startDate": date("2010-04-27") } ], "nickname": "Izzy" }, "msg": { "messageId": 3, "authorId": 2, "inResponseTo": 4, "senderLocation": point("48.09,81.01"), "message": " like product-y the plan is amazing" } }
+        { "user": { "id": 3, "alias": "Emory", "name": "EmoryUnk", "userSince": datetime("2012-07-10T10:10:00.000Z"), "friendIds": {{ 1, 5, 8, 9 }}, "employment": [ { "organizationName": "geomedia", "startDate": date("2010-06-17"), "endDate": date("2010-01-26") } ] }, "msg": { "messageId": 9, "authorId": 3, "inResponseTo": 12, "senderLocation": point("34.45,96.48"), "message": " love ccast its wireless is good" } }
+        { "user": { "id": 3, "alias": "Emory", "name": "EmoryUnk", "userSince": datetime("2012-07-10T10:10:00.000Z"), "friendIds": {{ 1, 5, 8, 9 }}, "employment": [ { "organizationName": "geomedia", "startDate": date("2010-06-17"), "endDate": date("2010-01-26") } ] }, "msg": { "messageId": 1, "authorId": 3, "inResponseTo": 2, "senderLocation": point("47.16,77.75"), "message": " love product-b its shortcut-menu is awesome:)" } }
+        { "user": { "id": 5, "alias": "Von", "name": "VonKemble", "userSince": datetime("2010-01-05T10:10:00.000Z"), "friendIds": {{ 3, 6, 10 }}, "employment": [ { "organizationName": "Kongreen", "startDate": date("2010-11-27") } ] }, "msg": { "messageId": 7, "authorId": 5, "inResponseTo": 15, "senderLocation": point("32.91,85.05"), "message": " dislike product-b the speed is horrible" } }
+        { "user": { "id": 7, "alias": "Suzanna", "name": "SuzannaTillson", "userSince": datetime("2012-08-07T10:10:00.000Z"), "friendIds": {{ 6 }}, "employment": [ { "organizationName": "Labzatron", "startDate": date("2011-04-19") } ] }, "msg": { "messageId": 15, "authorId": 7, "inResponseTo": 11, "senderLocation": point("44.47,67.11"), "message": " like x-phone the voicemail-service is awesome" } }
 Finally (for now :-)), another less lazy and more explicit SQL++ way of achieving the result shown above is:
@@ -532,21 +532,21 @@
 Result ordering is (intentionally) undefined in SQL++ in the absence of an _ORDER BY_ clause.
 The query result for our sample data in this case is:
-        { "uname": "IsbelDull", "message": " like t-mobile its platform is mind-blowing" }
-        { "uname": "MargaritaStoddard", "message": " like verizon the 3G is awesome:)" }
-        { "uname": "EmoryUnk", "message": " love verizon its wireless is good" }
-        { "uname": "MargaritaStoddard", "message": " can't stand motorola the touch-screen is terrible" }
-        { "uname": "MargaritaStoddard", "message": " can't stand at&t its plan is terrible" }
-        { "uname": "BramHatch", "message": " can't stand t-mobile its voicemail-service is OMG:(" }
-        { "uname": "WoodrowNehling", "message": " love at&t its 3G is good:)" }
-        { "uname": "EmoryUnk", "message": " love sprint its shortcut-menu is awesome:)" }
-        { "uname": "MargaritaStoddard", "message": " dislike iphone its touch-screen is horrible" }
-        { "uname": "IsbelDull", "message": " like samsung the plan is amazing" }
-        { "uname": "MargaritaStoddard", "message": " can't stand at&t the network is horrible:(" }
-        { "uname": "WillisWynne", "message": " love sprint the customization is mind-blowing" }
-        { "uname": "VonKemble", "message": " dislike sprint the speed is horrible" }
-        { "uname": "BramHatch", "message": " dislike iphone the voice-command is bad:(" }
-        { "uname": "SuzannaTillson", "message": " like iphone the voicemail-service is awesome" }
+        { "uname": "IsbelDull", "message": " like product-z its platform is mind-blowing" }
+        { "uname": "MargaritaStoddard", "message": " like ccast the 3G is awesome:)" }
+        { "uname": "EmoryUnk", "message": " love ccast its wireless is good" }
+        { "uname": "MargaritaStoddard", "message": " can't stand product-w the touch-screen is terrible" }
+        { "uname": "MargaritaStoddard", "message": " can't stand acast its plan is terrible" }
+        { "uname": "BramHatch", "message": " can't stand product-z its voicemail-service is OMG:(" }
+        { "uname": "WoodrowNehling", "message": " love acast its 3G is good:)" }
+        { "uname": "EmoryUnk", "message": " love product-b its shortcut-menu is awesome:)" }
+        { "uname": "MargaritaStoddard", "message": " dislike x-phone its touch-screen is horrible" }
+        { "uname": "IsbelDull", "message": " like product-y the plan is amazing" }
+        { "uname": "MargaritaStoddard", "message": " can't stand acast the network is horrible:(" }
+        { "uname": "WillisWynne", "message": " love product-b the customization is mind-blowing" }
+        { "uname": "VonKemble", "message": " dislike product-b the speed is horrible" }
+        { "uname": "BramHatch", "message": " dislike x-phone the voice-command is bad:(" }
+        { "uname": "SuzannaTillson", "message": " like x-phone the voicemail-service is awesome" }
 (It is worth knowing, with respect to influencing AsterixDB's query evaluation,
 that _FROM_ clauses---*a.k.a.* joins--- are currently evaluated in order,
@@ -586,16 +586,16 @@
 Here is this example query's expected output:
-        { "uname": "WillisWynne", "messages": [ " love sprint the customization is mind-blowing" ] }
+        { "uname": "WillisWynne", "messages": [ " love product-b the customization is mind-blowing" ] }
         { "uname": "NilaMilliron", "messages": [  ] }
-        { "uname": "WoodrowNehling", "messages": [ " love at&t its 3G is good:)" ] }
-        { "uname": "BramHatch", "messages": [ " dislike iphone the voice-command is bad:(", " can't stand t-mobile its voicemail-service is OMG:(" ] }
-        { "uname": "MargaritaStoddard", "messages": [ " dislike iphone its touch-screen is horrible", " can't stand at&t the network is horrible:(", " like verizon the 3G is awesome:)", " can't stand motorola the touch-screen is terrible", " can't stand at&t its plan is terrible" ] }
-        { "uname": "IsbelDull", "messages": [ " like samsung the plan is amazing", " like t-mobile its platform is mind-blowing" ] }
-        { "uname": "EmoryUnk", "messages": [ " love sprint its shortcut-menu is awesome:)", " love verizon its wireless is good" ] }
+        { "uname": "WoodrowNehling", "messages": [ " love acast its 3G is good:)" ] }
+        { "uname": "BramHatch", "messages": [ " dislike x-phone the voice-command is bad:(", " can't stand product-z its voicemail-service is OMG:(" ] }
+        { "uname": "MargaritaStoddard", "messages": [ " dislike x-phone its touch-screen is horrible", " can't stand acast the network is horrible:(", " like ccast the 3G is awesome:)", " can't stand product-w the touch-screen is terrible", " can't stand acast its plan is terrible" ] }
+        { "uname": "IsbelDull", "messages": [ " like product-y the plan is amazing", " like product-z its platform is mind-blowing" ] }
+        { "uname": "EmoryUnk", "messages": [ " love product-b its shortcut-menu is awesome:)", " love ccast its wireless is good" ] }
         { "uname": "NicholasStroh", "messages": [  ] }
-        { "uname": "VonKemble", "messages": [ " dislike sprint the speed is horrible" ] }
-        { "uname": "SuzannaTillson", "messages": [ " like iphone the voicemail-service is awesome" ] }
+        { "uname": "VonKemble", "messages": [ " dislike product-b the speed is horrible" ] }
+        { "uname": "SuzannaTillson", "messages": [ " like x-phone the voicemail-service is awesome" ] }
 ### Query 4 - Theta Join ###
 Not all joins are expressible as equijoins and computable using equijoin-oriented algorithms.
@@ -619,18 +619,18 @@
 Here is the expected result for this query:
-        { "message": " can't stand iphone its platform is terrible", "nearbyMessages": [  ] }
-        { "message": " like verizon its shortcut-menu is awesome:)", "nearbyMessages": [  ] }
-        { "message": " like motorola the speed is good:)", "nearbyMessages": [ " hate verizon its voice-clarity is OMG:(" ] }
-        { "message": " like sprint the voice-command is mind-blowing:)", "nearbyMessages": [  ] }
-        { "message": " like iphone the voice-clarity is good:)", "nearbyMessages": [  ] }
-        { "message": " like samsung the platform is good", "nearbyMessages": [  ] }
-        { "message": " love verizon its voicemail-service is awesome", "nearbyMessages": [  ] }
-        { "message": " love t-mobile its customization is good:)", "nearbyMessages": [  ] }
-        { "message": " hate verizon its voice-clarity is OMG:(", "nearbyMessages": [  ] }
-        { "message": " like samsung the voice-command is amazing:)", "nearbyMessages": [  ] }
-        { "message": " can't stand motorola its speed is terrible:(", "nearbyMessages": [  ] }
-        { "message": " like t-mobile the shortcut-menu is awesome:)", "nearbyMessages": [  ] }
+        { "message": " can't stand x-phone its platform is terrible", "nearbyMessages": [  ] }
+        { "message": " like ccast its shortcut-menu is awesome:)", "nearbyMessages": [  ] }
+        { "message": " like product-w the speed is good:)", "nearbyMessages": [ " hate ccast its voice-clarity is OMG:(" ] }
+        { "message": " like product-b the voice-command is mind-blowing:)", "nearbyMessages": [  ] }
+        { "message": " like x-phone the voice-clarity is good:)", "nearbyMessages": [  ] }
+        { "message": " like product-y the platform is good", "nearbyMessages": [  ] }
+        { "message": " love ccast its voicemail-service is awesome", "nearbyMessages": [  ] }
+        { "message": " love product-z its customization is good:)", "nearbyMessages": [  ] }
+        { "message": " hate ccast its voice-clarity is OMG:(", "nearbyMessages": [  ] }
+        { "message": " like product-y the voice-command is amazing:)", "nearbyMessages": [  ] }
+        { "message": " can't stand product-w its speed is terrible:(", "nearbyMessages": [  ] }
+        { "message": " like product-z the shortcut-menu is awesome:)", "nearbyMessages": [  ] }
 ### Query 5 - Fuzzy Join ###
 As another example of a non-equijoin use case, we could ask AsterixDB to find, for each Gleambook user,
@@ -837,18 +837,18 @@
 The expected result for this fuzzy join query is:
-        { "chirp": { "chirpId": "11", "user": { "screenName": "NilaMilliron_tw", "lang": "en", "friendsCount": 445, "statusesCount": 164, "name": "Nila Milliron", "followersCount": 22649 }, "senderLocation": point("37.59,68.42"), "sendTime": datetime("2008-03-09T10:10:00.000Z"), "referredTopics": {{ "iphone", "platform" }}, "messageText": " can't stand iphone its platform is terrible" }, "similarChirps": [ "6", "7" ] }
-        { "chirp": { "chirpId": "2", "user": { "screenName": "ColineGeyer@63", "lang": "en", "friendsCount": 121, "statusesCount": 362, "name": "Coline Geyer", "followersCount": 17159 }, "senderLocation": point("32.84,67.14"), "sendTime": datetime("2010-05-13T10:10:00.000Z"), "referredTopics": {{ "verizon", "shortcut-menu" }}, "messageText": " like verizon its shortcut-menu is awesome:)" }, "similarChirps": [ "9", "8" ] }
-        { "chirp": { "chirpId": "3", "user": { "screenName": "NathanGiesen@211", "lang": "en", "friendsCount": 39339, "statusesCount": 473, "name": "Nathan Giesen", "followersCount": 49416 }, "senderLocation": point("29.72,75.8"), "sendTime": datetime("2006-11-04T10:10:00.000Z"), "referredTopics": {{ "motorola", "speed" }}, "messageText": " like motorola the speed is good:)" }, "similarChirps": [ "5" ] }
-        { "chirp": { "chirpId": "4", "user": { "screenName": "NathanGiesen@211", "lang": "en", "friendsCount": 39339, "statusesCount": 473, "name": "Nathan Giesen", "followersCount": 49416 }, "senderLocation": point("39.28,70.48"), "sendTime": datetime("2011-12-26T10:10:00.000Z"), "referredTopics": {{ "sprint", "voice-command" }}, "messageText": " like sprint the voice-command is mind-blowing:)" }, "similarChirps": [  ] }
-        { "chirp": { "chirpId": "6", "user": { "screenName": "ColineGeyer@63", "lang": "en", "friendsCount": 121, "statusesCount": 362, "name": "Coline Geyer", "followersCount": 17159 }, "senderLocation": point("47.51,83.99"), "sendTime": datetime("2010-05-07T10:10:00.000Z"), "referredTopics": {{ "iphone", "voice-clarity" }}, "messageText": " like iphone the voice-clarity is good:)" }, "similarChirps": [  ] }
-        { "chirp": { "chirpId": "7", "user": { "screenName": "ChangEwing_573", "lang": "en", "friendsCount": 182, "statusesCount": 394, "name": "Chang Ewing", "followersCount": 32136 }, "senderLocation": point("36.21,72.6"), "sendTime": datetime("2011-08-25T10:10:00.000Z"), "referredTopics": {{ "samsung", "platform" }}, "messageText": " like samsung the platform is good" }, "similarChirps": [  ] }
-        { "chirp": { "chirpId": "9", "user": { "screenName": "NathanGiesen@211", "lang": "en", "friendsCount": 39339, "statusesCount": 473, "name": "Nathan Giesen", "followersCount": 49416 }, "senderLocation": point("36.86,74.62"), "sendTime": datetime("2012-07-21T10:10:00.000Z"), "referredTopics": {{ "verizon", "voicemail-service" }}, "messageText": " love verizon its voicemail-service is awesome" }, "similarChirps": [  ] }
-        { "chirp": { "chirpId": "1", "user": { "screenName": "NathanGiesen@211", "lang": "en", "friendsCount": 39339, "statusesCount": 473, "name": "Nathan Giesen", "followersCount": 49416 }, "senderLocation": point("47.44,80.65"), "sendTime": datetime("2008-04-26T10:10:00.000Z"), "referredTopics": {{ "t-mobile", "customization" }}, "messageText": " love t-mobile its customization is good:)" }, "similarChirps": [ "8" ] }
-        { "chirp": { "chirpId": "10", "user": { "screenName": "ColineGeyer@63", "lang": "en", "friendsCount": 121, "statusesCount": 362, "name": "Coline Geyer", "followersCount": 17159 }, "senderLocation": point("29.15,76.53"), "sendTime": datetime("2008-01-26T10:10:00.000Z"), "referredTopics": {{ "verizon", "voice-clarity" }}, "messageText": " hate verizon its voice-clarity is OMG:(" }, "similarChirps": [ "2", "6", "9" ] }
-        { "chirp": { "chirpId": "12", "user": { "screenName": "OliJackson_512", "lang": "en", "friendsCount": 445, "statusesCount": 164, "name": "Oli Jackson", "followersCount": 22649 }, "senderLocation": point("24.82,94.63"), "sendTime": datetime("2010-02-13T10:10:00.000Z"), "referredTopics": {{ "samsung", "voice-command" }}, "messageText": " like samsung the voice-command is amazing:)" }, "similarChirps": [ "4", "7" ] }
-        { "chirp": { "chirpId": "5", "user": { "screenName": "NathanGiesen@211", "lang": "en", "friendsCount": 39339, "statusesCount": 473, "name": "Nathan Giesen", "followersCount": 49416 }, "senderLocation": point("40.09,92.69"), "sendTime": datetime("2006-08-04T10:10:00.000Z"), "referredTopics": {{ "motorola", "speed" }}, "messageText": " can't stand motorola its speed is terrible:(" }, "similarChirps": [  ] }
-        { "chirp": { "chirpId": "8", "user": { "screenName": "NathanGiesen@211", "lang": "en", "friendsCount": 39339, "statusesCount": 473, "name": "Nathan Giesen", "followersCount": 49416 }, "senderLocation": point("46.05,93.34"), "sendTime": datetime("2005-10-14T10:10:00.000Z"), "referredTopics": {{ "t-mobile", "shortcut-menu" }}, "messageText": " like t-mobile the shortcut-menu is awesome:)" }, "similarChirps": [  ] }
+        { "chirp": { "chirpId": "11", "user": { "screenName": "NilaMilliron_tw", "lang": "en", "friendsCount": 445, "statusesCount": 164, "name": "Nila Milliron", "followersCount": 22649 }, "senderLocation": point("37.59,68.42"), "sendTime": datetime("2008-03-09T10:10:00.000Z"), "referredTopics": {{ "x-phone", "platform" }}, "messageText": " can't stand x-phone its platform is terrible" }, "similarChirps": [ "6", "7" ] }
+        { "chirp": { "chirpId": "2", "user": { "screenName": "ColineGeyer@63", "lang": "en", "friendsCount": 121, "statusesCount": 362, "name": "Coline Geyer", "followersCount": 17159 }, "senderLocation": point("32.84,67.14"), "sendTime": datetime("2010-05-13T10:10:00.000Z"), "referredTopics": {{ "ccast", "shortcut-menu" }}, "messageText": " like ccast its shortcut-menu is awesome:)" }, "similarChirps": [ "9", "8" ] }
+        { "chirp": { "chirpId": "3", "user": { "screenName": "NathanGiesen@211", "lang": "en", "friendsCount": 39339, "statusesCount": 473, "name": "Nathan Giesen", "followersCount": 49416 }, "senderLocation": point("29.72,75.8"), "sendTime": datetime("2006-11-04T10:10:00.000Z"), "referredTopics": {{ "product-w", "speed" }}, "messageText": " like product-w the speed is good:)" }, "similarChirps": [ "5" ] }
+        { "chirp": { "chirpId": "4", "user": { "screenName": "NathanGiesen@211", "lang": "en", "friendsCount": 39339, "statusesCount": 473, "name": "Nathan Giesen", "followersCount": 49416 }, "senderLocation": point("39.28,70.48"), "sendTime": datetime("2011-12-26T10:10:00.000Z"), "referredTopics": {{ "product-b", "voice-command" }}, "messageText": " like product-b the voice-command is mind-blowing:)" }, "similarChirps": [  ] }
+        { "chirp": { "chirpId": "6", "user": { "screenName": "ColineGeyer@63", "lang": "en", "friendsCount": 121, "statusesCount": 362, "name": "Coline Geyer", "followersCount": 17159 }, "senderLocation": point("47.51,83.99"), "sendTime": datetime("2010-05-07T10:10:00.000Z"), "referredTopics": {{ "x-phone", "voice-clarity" }}, "messageText": " like x-phone the voice-clarity is good:)" }, "similarChirps": [  ] }
+        { "chirp": { "chirpId": "7", "user": { "screenName": "ChangEwing_573", "lang": "en", "friendsCount": 182, "statusesCount": 394, "name": "Chang Ewing", "followersCount": 32136 }, "senderLocation": point("36.21,72.6"), "sendTime": datetime("2011-08-25T10:10:00.000Z"), "referredTopics": {{ "product-y", "platform" }}, "messageText": " like product-y the platform is good" }, "similarChirps": [  ] }
+        { "chirp": { "chirpId": "9", "user": { "screenName": "NathanGiesen@211", "lang": "en", "friendsCount": 39339, "statusesCount": 473, "name": "Nathan Giesen", "followersCount": 49416 }, "senderLocation": point("36.86,74.62"), "sendTime": datetime("2012-07-21T10:10:00.000Z"), "referredTopics": {{ "ccast", "voicemail-service" }}, "messageText": " love ccast its voicemail-service is awesome" }, "similarChirps": [  ] }
+        { "chirp": { "chirpId": "1", "user": { "screenName": "NathanGiesen@211", "lang": "en", "friendsCount": 39339, "statusesCount": 473, "name": "Nathan Giesen", "followersCount": 49416 }, "senderLocation": point("47.44,80.65"), "sendTime": datetime("2008-04-26T10:10:00.000Z"), "referredTopics": {{ "product-z", "customization" }}, "messageText": " love product-z its customization is good:)" }, "similarChirps": [ "8" ] }
+        { "chirp": { "chirpId": "10", "user": { "screenName": "ColineGeyer@63", "lang": "en", "friendsCount": 121, "statusesCount": 362, "name": "Coline Geyer", "followersCount": 17159 }, "senderLocation": point("29.15,76.53"), "sendTime": datetime("2008-01-26T10:10:00.000Z"), "referredTopics": {{ "ccast", "voice-clarity" }}, "messageText": " hate ccast its voice-clarity is OMG:(" }, "similarChirps": [ "2", "6", "9" ] }
+        { "chirp": { "chirpId": "12", "user": { "screenName": "OliJackson_512", "lang": "en", "friendsCount": 445, "statusesCount": 164, "name": "Oli Jackson", "followersCount": 22649 }, "senderLocation": point("24.82,94.63"), "sendTime": datetime("2010-02-13T10:10:00.000Z"), "referredTopics": {{ "product-y", "voice-command" }}, "messageText": " like product-y the voice-command is amazing:)" }, "similarChirps": [ "4", "7" ] }
+        { "chirp": { "chirpId": "5", "user": { "screenName": "NathanGiesen@211", "lang": "en", "friendsCount": 39339, "statusesCount": 473, "name": "Nathan Giesen", "followersCount": 49416 }, "senderLocation": point("40.09,92.69"), "sendTime": datetime("2006-08-04T10:10:00.000Z"), "referredTopics": {{ "product-w", "speed" }}, "messageText": " can't stand product-w its speed is terrible:(" }, "similarChirps": [  ] }
+        { "chirp": { "chirpId": "8", "user": { "screenName": "NathanGiesen@211", "lang": "en", "friendsCount": 39339, "statusesCount": 473, "name": "Nathan Giesen", "followersCount": 49416 }, "senderLocation": point("46.05,93.34"), "sendTime": datetime("2005-10-14T10:10:00.000Z"), "referredTopics": {{ "product-z", "shortcut-menu" }}, "messageText": " like product-z the shortcut-menu is awesome:)" }, "similarChirps": [  ] }
 ### Deleting Existing Data  ###
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-{"chirpId":"3","user":{"screenName":"NathanGiesen@211","lang":"en","friendsCount":39339,"statusesCount":473,"name":"Nathan Giesen","followersCount":49416},"senderLocation":point("29.72,75.8"),"sendTime":datetime("2006-11-04T10:10:00"),"referredTopics":{{"motorola","speed"}},"messageText":" like motorola the speed is good:)"}
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-{"chirpId":"5","user":{"screenName":"NathanGiesen@211","lang":"en","friendsCount":39339,"statusesCount":473,"name":"Nathan Giesen","followersCount":49416},"senderLocation":point("40.09,92.69"),"sendTime":datetime("2006-08-04T10:10:00"),"referredTopics":{{"motorola","speed"}},"messageText":" can't stand motorola its speed is terrible:("}
-{"chirpId":"6","user":{"screenName":"ColineGeyer@63","lang":"en","friendsCount":121,"statusesCount":362,"name":"Coline Geyer","followersCount":17159},"senderLocation":point("47.51,83.99"),"sendTime":datetime("2010-05-07T10:10:00"),"referredTopics":{{"iphone","voice-clarity"}},"messageText":" like iphone the voice-clarity is good:)"}
-{"chirpId":"7","user":{"screenName":"ChangEwing_573","lang":"en","friendsCount":182,"statusesCount":394,"name":"Chang Ewing","followersCount":32136},"senderLocation":point("36.21,72.6"),"sendTime":datetime("2011-08-25T10:10:00"),"referredTopics":{{"samsung","platform"}},"messageText":" like samsung the platform is good"}
-{"chirpId":"8","user":{"screenName":"NathanGiesen@211","lang":"en","friendsCount":39339,"statusesCount":473,"name":"Nathan Giesen","followersCount":49416},"senderLocation":point("46.05,93.34"),"sendTime":datetime("2005-10-14T10:10:00"),"referredTopics":{{"t-mobile","shortcut-menu"}},"messageText":" like t-mobile the shortcut-menu is awesome:)"}
-{"chirpId":"9","user":{"screenName":"NathanGiesen@211","lang":"en","friendsCount":39339,"statusesCount":473,"name":"Nathan Giesen","followersCount":49416},"senderLocation":point("36.86,74.62"),"sendTime":datetime("2012-07-21T10:10:00"),"referredTopics":{{"verizon","voicemail-service"}},"messageText":" love verizon its voicemail-service is awesome"}
-{"chirpId":"10","user":{"screenName":"ColineGeyer@63","lang":"en","friendsCount":121,"statusesCount":362,"name":"Coline Geyer","followersCount":17159},"senderLocation":point("29.15,76.53"),"sendTime":datetime("2008-01-26T10:10:00"),"referredTopics":{{"verizon","voice-clarity"}},"messageText":" hate verizon its voice-clarity is OMG:("}
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-{"chirpId":"12","user":{"screenName":"OliJackson_512","lang":"en","friendsCount":445,"statusesCount":164,"name":"Oli Jackson","followersCount":22649},"senderLocation":point("24.82,94.63"),"sendTime":datetime("2010-02-13T10:10:00"),"referredTopics":{{"samsung","voice-command"}},"messageText":" like samsung the voice-command is amazing:)"}
+{"chirpId":"1","user":{"screenName":"NathanGiesen@211","lang":"en","friendsCount":39339,"statusesCount":473,"name":"Nathan Giesen","followersCount":49416},"senderLocation":point("47.44,80.65"),"sendTime":datetime("2008-04-26T10:10:00"),"referredTopics":{{"product-z","customization"}},"messageText":" love product-z its customization is good:)"}
+{"chirpId":"2","user":{"screenName":"ColineGeyer@63","lang":"en","friendsCount":121,"statusesCount":362,"name":"Coline Geyer","followersCount":17159},"senderLocation":point("32.84,67.14"),"sendTime":datetime("2010-05-13T10:10:00"),"referredTopics":{{"ccast","shortcut-menu"}},"messageText":" like ccast its shortcut-menu is awesome:)"}
+{"chirpId":"3","user":{"screenName":"NathanGiesen@211","lang":"en","friendsCount":39339,"statusesCount":473,"name":"Nathan Giesen","followersCount":49416},"senderLocation":point("29.72,75.8"),"sendTime":datetime("2006-11-04T10:10:00"),"referredTopics":{{"product-w","speed"}},"messageText":" like product-w the speed is good:)"}
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+{"chirpId":"5","user":{"screenName":"NathanGiesen@211","lang":"en","friendsCount":39339,"statusesCount":473,"name":"Nathan Giesen","followersCount":49416},"senderLocation":point("40.09,92.69"),"sendTime":datetime("2006-08-04T10:10:00"),"referredTopics":{{"product-w","speed"}},"messageText":" can't stand product-w its speed is terrible:("}
+{"chirpId":"6","user":{"screenName":"ColineGeyer@63","lang":"en","friendsCount":121,"statusesCount":362,"name":"Coline Geyer","followersCount":17159},"senderLocation":point("47.51,83.99"),"sendTime":datetime("2010-05-07T10:10:00"),"referredTopics":{{"x-phone","voice-clarity"}},"messageText":" like x-phone the voice-clarity is good:)"}
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@@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
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-{"message-id":2,"author-id":1,"in-response-to":4,"sender-location":point("41.66,80.87"),"message":" dislike iphone its touch-screen is horrible"}
-{"message-id":3,"author-id":2,"in-response-to":4,"sender-location":point("48.09,81.01"),"message":" like samsung the plan is amazing"}
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-{"message-id":5,"author-id":6,"in-response-to":2,"sender-location":point("34.7,90.76"),"message":" love sprint the customization is mind-blowing"}
-{"message-id":6,"author-id":2,"in-response-to":1,"sender-location":point("31.5,75.56"),"message":" like t-mobile its platform is mind-blowing"}
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-{"message-id":8,"author-id":1,"in-response-to":11,"sender-location":point("40.33,80.87"),"message":" like verizon the 3G is awesome:)"}
-{"message-id":9,"author-id":3,"in-response-to":12,"sender-location":point("34.45,96.48"),"message":" love verizon its wireless is good"}
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-{"message-id":12,"author-id":10,"in-response-to":6,"sender-location":point("42.26,77.76"),"message":" can't stand t-mobile its voicemail-service is OMG:("}
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-{"message-id":14,"author-id":9,"in-response-to":12,"sender-location":point("41.33,85.28"),"message":" love at&t its 3G is good:)"}
-{"message-id":15,"author-id":7,"in-response-to":11,"sender-location":point("44.47,67.11"),"message":" like iphone the voicemail-service is awesome"}
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+{"message-id":3,"author-id":2,"in-response-to":4,"sender-location":point("48.09,81.01"),"message":" like product-y the plan is amazing"}
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+{"message-id":5,"author-id":6,"in-response-to":2,"sender-location":point("34.7,90.76"),"message":" love product-b the customization is mind-blowing"}
+{"message-id":6,"author-id":2,"in-response-to":1,"sender-location":point("31.5,75.56"),"message":" like product-z its platform is mind-blowing"}
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+{"message-id":8,"author-id":1,"in-response-to":11,"sender-location":point("40.33,80.87"),"message":" like ccast the 3G is awesome:)"}
+{"message-id":9,"author-id":3,"in-response-to":12,"sender-location":point("34.45,96.48"),"message":" love ccast its wireless is good"}
+{"message-id":10,"author-id":1,"in-response-to":12,"sender-location":point("42.5,70.01"),"message":" can't stand product-w the touch-screen is terrible"}
+{"message-id":11,"author-id":1,"in-response-to":1,"sender-location":point("38.97,77.49"),"message":" can't stand acast its plan is terrible"}
+{"message-id":12,"author-id":10,"in-response-to":6,"sender-location":point("42.26,77.76"),"message":" can't stand product-z its voicemail-service is OMG:("}
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+{"message-id":14,"author-id":9,"in-response-to":12,"sender-location":point("41.33,85.28"),"message":" love acast its 3G is good:)"}
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-{"messageId":3,"authorId":2,"inResponseTo":4,"senderLocation":point("48.09,81.01"),"message":" like samsung the plan is amazing"}
-{"messageId":4,"authorId":1,"inResponseTo":2,"senderLocation":point("37.73,97.04"),"message":" can't stand at&t the network is horrible:("}
-{"messageId":5,"authorId":6,"inResponseTo":2,"senderLocation":point("34.7,90.76"),"message":" love sprint the customization is mind-blowing"}
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-{"messageId":8,"authorId":1,"inResponseTo":11,"senderLocation":point("40.33,80.87"),"message":" like verizon the 3G is awesome:)"}
-{"messageId":9,"authorId":3,"inResponseTo":12,"senderLocation":point("34.45,96.48"),"message":" love verizon its wireless is good"}
-{"messageId":10,"authorId":1,"inResponseTo":12,"senderLocation":point("42.5,70.01"),"message":" can't stand motorola the touch-screen is terrible"}
-{"messageId":11,"authorId":1,"inResponseTo":1,"senderLocation":point("38.97,77.49"),"message":" can't stand at&t its plan is terrible"}
-{"messageId":12,"authorId":10,"inResponseTo":6,"senderLocation":point("42.26,77.76"),"message":" can't stand t-mobile its voicemail-service is OMG:("}
-{"messageId":13,"authorId":10,"inResponseTo":4,"senderLocation":point("42.77,78.92"),"message":" dislike iphone the voice-command is bad:("}
-{"messageId":14,"authorId":9,"inResponseTo":12,"senderLocation":point("41.33,85.28"),"message":" love at&t its 3G is good:)"}
-{"messageId":15,"authorId":7,"inResponseTo":11,"senderLocation":point("44.47,67.11"),"message":" like iphone the voicemail-service is awesome"}
+{"messageId":1,"authorId":3,"inResponseTo":2,"senderLocation":point("47.16,77.75"),"message":" love product-b its shortcut-menu is awesome:)"}
+{"messageId":2,"authorId":1,"inResponseTo":4,"senderLocation":point("41.66,80.87"),"message":" dislike x-phone its touch-screen is horrible"}
+{"messageId":3,"authorId":2,"inResponseTo":4,"senderLocation":point("48.09,81.01"),"message":" like product-y the plan is amazing"}
+{"messageId":4,"authorId":1,"inResponseTo":2,"senderLocation":point("37.73,97.04"),"message":" can't stand acast the network is horrible:("}
+{"messageId":5,"authorId":6,"inResponseTo":2,"senderLocation":point("34.7,90.76"),"message":" love product-b the customization is mind-blowing"}
+{"messageId":6,"authorId":2,"inResponseTo":1,"senderLocation":point("31.5,75.56"),"message":" like product-z its platform is mind-blowing"}
+{"messageId":7,"authorId":5,"inResponseTo":15,"senderLocation":point("32.91,85.05"),"message":" dislike product-b the speed is horrible"}
+{"messageId":8,"authorId":1,"inResponseTo":11,"senderLocation":point("40.33,80.87"),"message":" like ccast the 3G is awesome:)"}
+{"messageId":9,"authorId":3,"inResponseTo":12,"senderLocation":point("34.45,96.48"),"message":" love ccast its wireless is good"}
+{"messageId":10,"authorId":1,"inResponseTo":12,"senderLocation":point("42.5,70.01"),"message":" can't stand product-w the touch-screen is terrible"}
+{"messageId":11,"authorId":1,"inResponseTo":1,"senderLocation":point("38.97,77.49"),"message":" can't stand acast its plan is terrible"}
+{"messageId":12,"authorId":10,"inResponseTo":6,"senderLocation":point("42.26,77.76"),"message":" can't stand product-z its voicemail-service is OMG:("}
+{"messageId":13,"authorId":10,"inResponseTo":4,"senderLocation":point("42.77,78.92"),"message":" dislike x-phone the voice-command is bad:("}
+{"messageId":14,"authorId":9,"inResponseTo":12,"senderLocation":point("41.33,85.28"),"message":" love acast its 3G is good:)"}
+{"messageId":15,"authorId":7,"inResponseTo":11,"senderLocation":point("44.47,67.11"),"message":" like x-phone the voicemail-service is awesome"}
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-{"tweetid":"3","user":{"screen-name":"NathanGiesen@211","lang":"en","friends_count":39339,"statuses_count":473,"name":"Nathan Giesen","followers_count":49416},"sender-location":point("29.72,75.8"),"send-time":datetime("2006-11-04T10:10:00"),"referred-topics":{{"motorola","speed"}},"message-text":" like motorola the speed is good:)"}
-{"tweetid":"4","user":{"screen-name":"NathanGiesen@211","lang":"en","friends_count":39339,"statuses_count":473,"name":"Nathan Giesen","followers_count":49416},"sender-location":point("39.28,70.48"),"send-time":datetime("2011-12-26T10:10:00"),"referred-topics":{{"sprint","voice-command"}},"message-text":" like sprint the voice-command is mind-blowing:)"}
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-{"tweetid":"6","user":{"screen-name":"ColineGeyer@63","lang":"en","friends_count":121,"statuses_count":362,"name":"Coline Geyer","followers_count":17159},"sender-location":point("47.51,83.99"),"send-time":datetime("2010-05-07T10:10:00"),"referred-topics":{{"iphone","voice-clarity"}},"message-text":" like iphone the voice-clarity is good:)"}
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-{"tweetid":"9","user":{"screen-name":"NathanGiesen@211","lang":"en","friends_count":39339,"statuses_count":473,"name":"Nathan Giesen","followers_count":49416},"sender-location":point("36.86,74.62"),"send-time":datetime("2012-07-21T10:10:00"),"referred-topics":{{"verizon","voicemail-service"}},"message-text":" love verizon its voicemail-service is awesome"}
-{"tweetid":"10","user":{"screen-name":"ColineGeyer@63","lang":"en","friends_count":121,"statuses_count":362,"name":"Coline Geyer","followers_count":17159},"sender-location":point("29.15,76.53"),"send-time":datetime("2008-01-26T10:10:00"),"referred-topics":{{"verizon","voice-clarity"}},"message-text":" hate verizon its voice-clarity is OMG:("}
-{"tweetid":"11","user":{"screen-name":"NilaMilliron_tw","lang":"en","friends_count":445,"statuses_count":164,"name":"Nila Milliron","followers_count":22649},"sender-location":point("37.59,68.42"),"send-time":datetime("2008-03-09T10:10:00"),"referred-topics":{{"iphone","platform"}},"message-text":" can't stand iphone its platform is terrible"}
-{"tweetid":"12","user":{"screen-name":"OliJackson_512","lang":"en","friends_count":445,"statuses_count":164,"name":"Oli Jackson","followers_count":22649},"sender-location":point("24.82,94.63"),"send-time":datetime("2010-02-13T10:10:00"),"referred-topics":{{"samsung","voice-command"}},"message-text":" like samsung the voice-command is amazing:)"}
+{"tweetid":"1","user":{"screen-name":"NathanGiesen@211","lang":"en","friends_count":39339,"statuses_count":473,"name":"Nathan Giesen","followers_count":49416},"sender-location":point("47.44,80.65"),"send-time":datetime("2008-04-26T10:10:00"),"referred-topics":{{"product-z","customization"}},"message-text":" love product-z its customization is good:)"}
+{"tweetid":"2","user":{"screen-name":"ColineGeyer@63","lang":"en","friends_count":121,"statuses_count":362,"name":"Coline Geyer","followers_count":17159},"sender-location":point("32.84,67.14"),"send-time":datetime("2010-05-13T10:10:00"),"referred-topics":{{"ccast","shortcut-menu"}},"message-text":" like ccast its shortcut-menu is awesome:)"}
+{"tweetid":"3","user":{"screen-name":"NathanGiesen@211","lang":"en","friends_count":39339,"statuses_count":473,"name":"Nathan Giesen","followers_count":49416},"sender-location":point("29.72,75.8"),"send-time":datetime("2006-11-04T10:10:00"),"referred-topics":{{"product-w","speed"}},"message-text":" like product-w the speed is good:)"}
+{"tweetid":"4","user":{"screen-name":"NathanGiesen@211","lang":"en","friends_count":39339,"statuses_count":473,"name":"Nathan Giesen","followers_count":49416},"sender-location":point("39.28,70.48"),"send-time":datetime("2011-12-26T10:10:00"),"referred-topics":{{"product-b","voice-command"}},"message-text":" like product-b the voice-command is mind-blowing:)"}
+{"tweetid":"5","user":{"screen-name":"NathanGiesen@211","lang":"en","friends_count":39339,"statuses_count":473,"name":"Nathan Giesen","followers_count":49416},"sender-location":point("40.09,92.69"),"send-time":datetime("2006-08-04T10:10:00"),"referred-topics":{{"product-w","speed"}},"message-text":" can't stand product-w its speed is terrible:("}
+{"tweetid":"6","user":{"screen-name":"ColineGeyer@63","lang":"en","friends_count":121,"statuses_count":362,"name":"Coline Geyer","followers_count":17159},"sender-location":point("47.51,83.99"),"send-time":datetime("2010-05-07T10:10:00"),"referred-topics":{{"x-phone","voice-clarity"}},"message-text":" like x-phone the voice-clarity is good:)"}
+{"tweetid":"7","user":{"screen-name":"ChangEwing_573","lang":"en","friends_count":182,"statuses_count":394,"name":"Chang Ewing","followers_count":32136},"sender-location":point("36.21,72.6"),"send-time":datetime("2011-08-25T10:10:00"),"referred-topics":{{"product-y","platform"}},"message-text":" like product-y the platform is good"}
+{"tweetid":"8","user":{"screen-name":"NathanGiesen@211","lang":"en","friends_count":39339,"statuses_count":473,"name":"Nathan Giesen","followers_count":49416},"sender-location":point("46.05,93.34"),"send-time":datetime("2005-10-14T10:10:00"),"referred-topics":{{"product-z","shortcut-menu"}},"message-text":" like product-z the shortcut-menu is awesome:)"}
+{"tweetid":"9","user":{"screen-name":"NathanGiesen@211","lang":"en","friends_count":39339,"statuses_count":473,"name":"Nathan Giesen","followers_count":49416},"sender-location":point("36.86,74.62"),"send-time":datetime("2012-07-21T10:10:00"),"referred-topics":{{"ccast","voicemail-service"}},"message-text":" love ccast its voicemail-service is awesome"}
+{"tweetid":"10","user":{"screen-name":"ColineGeyer@63","lang":"en","friends_count":121,"statuses_count":362,"name":"Coline Geyer","followers_count":17159},"sender-location":point("29.15,76.53"),"send-time":datetime("2008-01-26T10:10:00"),"referred-topics":{{"ccast","voice-clarity"}},"message-text":" hate ccast its voice-clarity is OMG:("}
+{"tweetid":"11","user":{"screen-name":"NilaMilliron_tw","lang":"en","friends_count":445,"statuses_count":164,"name":"Nila Milliron","followers_count":22649},"sender-location":point("37.59,68.42"),"send-time":datetime("2008-03-09T10:10:00"),"referred-topics":{{"x-phone","platform"}},"message-text":" can't stand x-phone its platform is terrible"}
+{"tweetid":"12","user":{"screen-name":"OliJackson_512","lang":"en","friends_count":445,"statuses_count":164,"name":"Oli Jackson","followers_count":22649},"sender-location":point("24.82,94.63"),"send-time":datetime("2010-02-13T10:10:00"),"referred-topics":{{"product-y","voice-command"}},"message-text":" like product-y the voice-command is amazing:)"}