- Fixed Type Casting issue
- Reorganized duplicated internal class in the DelimitedDataParser and DelimitedDataParserFactory
- Prevented a user from creating an inverted index on a dataset with a variable-length PK
- INT64 is now the default type
- Issue 852 fixed
Change-Id: I2d71e8a21da4f709c3259a3d3f678c640f9e1160
Reviewed-on: http://fulliautomatix.ics.uci.edu:8443/192
Tested-by: Jenkins <jenkins@fulliautomatix.ics.uci.edu>
Reviewed-by: Till Westmann <westmann@gmail.com>
diff --git a/asterix-algebra/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/optimizer/base/RuleCollections.java b/asterix-algebra/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/optimizer/base/RuleCollections.java
index eff40e3..74eca1f 100644
--- a/asterix-algebra/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/optimizer/base/RuleCollections.java
+++ b/asterix-algebra/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/optimizer/base/RuleCollections.java
@@ -3,9 +3,9 @@
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* you may obtain a copy of the License from
- *
+ *
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
+ *
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.optimizer.rules.IfElseToSwitchCaseFunctionRule;
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.optimizer.rules.InlineUnnestFunctionRule;
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.optimizer.rules.IntroduceAutogenerateIDRule;
+import edu.uci.ics.asterix.optimizer.rules.IntroduceDynamicTypeCastForExternalFunctionRule;
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.optimizer.rules.IntroduceDynamicTypeCastRule;
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.optimizer.rules.IntroduceEnforcedListTypeRule;
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.optimizer.rules.IntroduceInstantLockSearchCallbackRule;
@@ -145,6 +146,7 @@
// avoid unnecessary dynamic casting
normalization.add(new IntroduceStaticTypeCastForInsertRule());
normalization.add(new IntroduceDynamicTypeCastRule());
+ normalization.add(new IntroduceDynamicTypeCastForExternalFunctionRule());
normalization.add(new IntroduceEnforcedListTypeRule());
normalization.add(new ExtractCommonExpressionsRule());
normalization.add(new ConstantFoldingRule());
@@ -250,6 +252,7 @@
planCleanupRules.add(new PushSelectDownRule());
planCleanupRules.add(new SetClosedRecordConstructorsRule());
planCleanupRules.add(new IntroduceDynamicTypeCastRule());
+ planCleanupRules.add(new IntroduceDynamicTypeCastForExternalFunctionRule());
planCleanupRules.add(new RemoveUnusedAssignAndAggregateRule());
return planCleanupRules;
diff --git a/asterix-algebra/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/optimizer/rules/AsterixInlineVariablesRule.java b/asterix-algebra/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/optimizer/rules/AsterixInlineVariablesRule.java
index 8a4e9e2..296bbb2 100644
--- a/asterix-algebra/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/optimizer/rules/AsterixInlineVariablesRule.java
+++ b/asterix-algebra/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/optimizer/rules/AsterixInlineVariablesRule.java
@@ -3,9 +3,9 @@
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* you may obtain a copy of the License from
- *
+ *
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
+ *
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
@@ -22,11 +22,12 @@
public AsterixInlineVariablesRule() {
// Do not inline field accesses and spatial functions because doing so would interfere with our access method rewrites.
// TODO: For now we must also exclude record constructor functions to avoid breaking our type casting rules
- // IntroduceStaticTypeCastRule and IntroduceDynamicTypeCastRule.
+ // IntroduceStaticTypeCastRule and IntroduceDynamicTypeCastRule.
+ doNotInlineFuncs.add(AsterixBuiltinFunctions.CAST_RECORD);
diff --git a/asterix-algebra/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/optimizer/rules/IntroduceDynamicTypeCastForExternalFunctionRule.java b/asterix-algebra/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/optimizer/rules/IntroduceDynamicTypeCastForExternalFunctionRule.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1a9b5e1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/asterix-algebra/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/optimizer/rules/IntroduceDynamicTypeCastForExternalFunctionRule.java
@@ -0,0 +1,159 @@
+ * Copyright 2009-2013 by The Regents of the University of California
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * you may obtain a copy of the License from
+ *
+ * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+package edu.uci.ics.asterix.optimizer.rules;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+import java.util.List;
+import org.apache.commons.lang3.mutable.Mutable;
+import org.apache.commons.lang3.mutable.MutableObject;
+import edu.uci.ics.asterix.aql.util.FunctionUtils;
+import edu.uci.ics.asterix.common.functions.FunctionSignature;
+import edu.uci.ics.asterix.metadata.MetadataException;
+import edu.uci.ics.asterix.metadata.MetadataManager;
+import edu.uci.ics.asterix.metadata.declared.AqlDataSource;
+import edu.uci.ics.asterix.metadata.declared.AqlMetadataProvider;
+import edu.uci.ics.asterix.metadata.entities.Dataset;
+import edu.uci.ics.asterix.metadata.entities.Function;
+import edu.uci.ics.asterix.metadata.functions.AsterixExternalScalarFunctionInfo;
+import edu.uci.ics.asterix.metadata.functions.ExternalFunctionCompilerUtil;
+import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.functions.AsterixBuiltinFunctions;
+import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.typecomputer.base.TypeComputerUtilities;
+import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.types.ARecordType;
+import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.types.ATypeTag;
+import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.types.AUnionType;
+import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.types.IAType;
+import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.util.NonTaggedFormatUtil;
+import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.algebricks.common.exceptions.AlgebricksException;
+import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.algebricks.core.algebra.base.ILogicalExpression;
+import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.algebricks.core.algebra.base.ILogicalOperator;
+import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.algebricks.core.algebra.base.IOptimizationContext;
+import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.algebricks.core.algebra.base.LogicalExpressionTag;
+import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.algebricks.core.algebra.base.LogicalOperatorTag;
+import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.algebricks.core.algebra.base.LogicalVariable;
+import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.algebricks.core.algebra.expressions.AbstractFunctionCallExpression;
+import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.algebricks.core.algebra.expressions.IVariableTypeEnvironment;
+import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.algebricks.core.algebra.expressions.ScalarFunctionCallExpression;
+import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.algebricks.core.algebra.expressions.VariableReferenceExpression;
+import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.algebricks.core.algebra.functions.FunctionIdentifier;
+import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.algebricks.core.algebra.functions.IFunctionInfo;
+import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.algebricks.core.algebra.operators.logical.AbstractLogicalOperator;
+import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.algebricks.core.algebra.operators.logical.AssignOperator;
+import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.algebricks.core.algebra.operators.logical.InsertDeleteOperator;
+import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.algebricks.core.algebra.operators.logical.visitors.VariableUtilities;
+import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.algebricks.core.rewriter.base.IAlgebraicRewriteRule;
+ * This rule provides the same type-casting handling as the IntroduceDynamicTypeCastRule does.
+ * The only difference is that this rule is intended for external functions (User-Defined Functions).
+ * Refer to IntroduceDynamicTypeCastRule for the detail.
+ */
+public class IntroduceDynamicTypeCastForExternalFunctionRule implements IAlgebraicRewriteRule {
+ @Override
+ public boolean rewritePre(Mutable<ILogicalOperator> opRef, IOptimizationContext context) throws AlgebricksException {
+ return false;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public boolean rewritePost(Mutable<ILogicalOperator> opRef, IOptimizationContext context)
+ throws AlgebricksException {
+ /**
+ * pattern match: distribute_result - project - assign (external function call) - assign (open_record_constructor)
+ * resulting plan: distribute_result - project - assign (external function call) - assign (cast-record) - assign(open_record_constructor)
+ */
+ AbstractLogicalOperator op1 = (AbstractLogicalOperator) opRef.getValue();
+ if (op1.getOperatorTag() != LogicalOperatorTag.DISTRIBUTE_RESULT)
+ return false;
+ AbstractLogicalOperator op2 = (AbstractLogicalOperator) op1.getInputs().get(0).getValue();
+ if (op2.getOperatorTag() != LogicalOperatorTag.PROJECT)
+ return false;
+ AbstractLogicalOperator op3 = (AbstractLogicalOperator) op2.getInputs().get(0).getValue();
+ if (op3.getOperatorTag() != LogicalOperatorTag.ASSIGN)
+ return false;
+ AbstractLogicalOperator op4 = (AbstractLogicalOperator) op3.getInputs().get(0).getValue();
+ if (op4.getOperatorTag() != LogicalOperatorTag.ASSIGN)
+ return false;
+ // Op1 : assign (external function call), Op2 : assign (open_record_constructor)
+ AssignOperator assignOp1 = (AssignOperator) op3;
+ AssignOperator assignOp2 = (AssignOperator) op4;
+ // Checks whether open-record-constructor is called to create a record in the first assign operator - assignOp2
+ FunctionIdentifier fid = null;
+ ILogicalExpression assignExpr = assignOp2.getExpressions().get(0).getValue();
+ if (assignExpr.getExpressionTag() == LogicalExpressionTag.FUNCTION_CALL) {
+ ScalarFunctionCallExpression funcExpr = (ScalarFunctionCallExpression) assignOp2.getExpressions().get(0)
+ .getValue();
+ fid = funcExpr.getFunctionIdentifier();
+ if (fid != AsterixBuiltinFunctions.OPEN_RECORD_CONSTRUCTOR) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ } else {
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Checks whether an external function is called in the second assign operator - assignOp1
+ assignExpr = assignOp1.getExpressions().get(0).getValue();
+ ScalarFunctionCallExpression funcExpr = null;
+ if (assignExpr.getExpressionTag() == LogicalExpressionTag.FUNCTION_CALL) {
+ funcExpr = (ScalarFunctionCallExpression) assignOp1.getExpressions().get(0).getValue();
+ fid = funcExpr.getFunctionIdentifier();
+ // Checks whether this is an internal function call. Then, we return false.
+ if (AsterixBuiltinFunctions.getBuiltinFunctionIdentifier(fid) != null) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ } else {
+ return false;
+ }
+ AsterixExternalScalarFunctionInfo finfo = (AsterixExternalScalarFunctionInfo) funcExpr.getFunctionInfo();
+ ARecordType requiredRecordType = (ARecordType) finfo.getArgumenTypes().get(0);
+ List<LogicalVariable> recordVar = new ArrayList<LogicalVariable>();
+ recordVar.addAll(assignOp2.getVariables());
+ IVariableTypeEnvironment env = assignOp2.computeOutputTypeEnvironment(context);
+ IAType inputRecordType = (IAType) env.getVarType(recordVar.get(0));
+ /** the input record type can be an union type -- for the case when it comes from a subplan or left-outer join */
+ boolean checkNull = false;
+ while (IntroduceDynamicTypeCastRule.isOptional(inputRecordType)) {
+ /** while-loop for the case there is a nested multi-level union */
+ inputRecordType = ((AUnionType) inputRecordType).getUnionList().get(
+ checkNull = true;
+ }
+ /** see whether the input record type needs to be casted */
+ boolean cast = !IntroduceDynamicTypeCastRule.compatible(requiredRecordType, inputRecordType);
+ if (checkNull) {
+ recordVar.set(0, IntroduceDynamicTypeCastRule.addWrapperFunction(requiredRecordType, recordVar.get(0),
+ assignOp1, context, AsterixBuiltinFunctions.NOT_NULL));
+ }
+ if (cast) {
+ IntroduceDynamicTypeCastRule.addWrapperFunction(requiredRecordType, recordVar.get(0), assignOp1, context,
+ AsterixBuiltinFunctions.CAST_RECORD);
+ }
+ return cast || checkNull;
+ }
diff --git a/asterix-algebra/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/optimizer/rules/IntroduceDynamicTypeCastRule.java b/asterix-algebra/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/optimizer/rules/IntroduceDynamicTypeCastRule.java
index e7cf79a..f0c609f 100644
--- a/asterix-algebra/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/optimizer/rules/IntroduceDynamicTypeCastRule.java
+++ b/asterix-algebra/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/optimizer/rules/IntroduceDynamicTypeCastRule.java
@@ -3,9 +3,9 @@
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* you may obtain a copy of the License from
- *
+ *
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
+ *
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
@@ -179,7 +179,7 @@
* Inject a function to wrap a variable when necessary
- *
+ *
* @param requiredRecordType
* the required record type
* @param recordVar
@@ -193,7 +193,7 @@
* @return true if cast is injected; false otherwise.
* @throws AlgebricksException
- public LogicalVariable addWrapperFunction(ARecordType requiredRecordType, LogicalVariable recordVar,
+ public static LogicalVariable addWrapperFunction(ARecordType requiredRecordType, LogicalVariable recordVar,
ILogicalOperator parent, IOptimizationContext context, FunctionIdentifier fd) throws AlgebricksException {
List<Mutable<ILogicalOperator>> opRefs = parent.getInputs();
for (int index = 0; index < opRefs.size(); index++) {
@@ -239,13 +239,13 @@
* Check whether the required record type and the input type is compatible
- *
+ *
* @param reqType
* @param inputType
* @return true if compatible; false otherwise
* @throws AlgebricksException
- private boolean compatible(ARecordType reqType, IAType inputType) throws AlgebricksException {
+ public static boolean compatible(ARecordType reqType, IAType inputType) throws AlgebricksException {
if (inputType.getTypeTag() == ATypeTag.ANY) {
return false;
@@ -292,11 +292,11 @@
* Decide whether a type is an optional type
- *
+ *
* @param type
* @return true if it is optional; false otherwise
- private boolean isOptional(IAType type) {
+ public static boolean isOptional(IAType type) {
return type.getTypeTag() == ATypeTag.UNION && NonTaggedFormatUtil.isOptionalField((AUnionType) type);
diff --git a/asterix-algebra/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/optimizer/rules/SimilarityCheckRule.java b/asterix-algebra/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/optimizer/rules/SimilarityCheckRule.java
index c4f2575..2d03d69 100644
--- a/asterix-algebra/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/optimizer/rules/SimilarityCheckRule.java
+++ b/asterix-algebra/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/optimizer/rules/SimilarityCheckRule.java
@@ -21,12 +21,15 @@
import org.apache.commons.lang3.mutable.MutableObject;
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.aql.util.FunctionUtils;
+import edu.uci.ics.asterix.common.exceptions.AsterixException;
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.base.ADouble;
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.base.AFloat;
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.base.AInt32;
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.base.IAObject;
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.constants.AsterixConstantValue;
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.functions.AsterixBuiltinFunctions;
+import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.types.ATypeTag;
+import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.types.hierachy.ATypeHierarchy;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.algebricks.common.exceptions.AlgebricksException;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.algebricks.core.algebra.base.ILogicalExpression;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.algebricks.core.algebra.base.ILogicalOperator;
@@ -217,7 +220,7 @@
private boolean replaceWithFunctionCallArg(Mutable<ILogicalExpression> expRef, FunctionIdentifier normFuncIdent,
- AsterixConstantValue constVal, AbstractFunctionCallExpression funcExpr) {
+ AsterixConstantValue constVal, AbstractFunctionCallExpression funcExpr) throws AlgebricksException {
// Analyze func expr to see if it is an optimizable similarity function.
ScalarFunctionCallExpression simCheckFuncExpr = getSimilarityCheckExpr(normFuncIdent, constVal, funcExpr);
@@ -241,7 +244,7 @@
private ScalarFunctionCallExpression getSimilarityCheckExpr(FunctionIdentifier normFuncIdent,
- AsterixConstantValue constVal, AbstractFunctionCallExpression funcExpr) {
+ AsterixConstantValue constVal, AbstractFunctionCallExpression funcExpr) throws AlgebricksException {
// Remember args from original similarity function to add them to the similarity-check function later.
ArrayList<Mutable<ILogicalExpression>> similarityArgs = null;
ScalarFunctionCallExpression simCheckFuncExpr = null;
@@ -278,7 +281,13 @@
// Look for edit-distance function call, and LE or LT.
if (funcExpr.getFunctionIdentifier() == AsterixBuiltinFunctions.EDIT_DISTANCE) {
- AInt32 aInt = (AInt32) constVal.getObject();
+ AInt32 aInt = new AInt32(0);
+ try {
+ aInt = (AInt32) ATypeHierarchy.convertNumericTypeObject(constVal.getObject(), ATypeTag.INT32);
+ } catch (AsterixException e) {
+ throw new AlgebricksException(e);
+ }
AInt32 edThresh;
if (normFuncIdent == AlgebricksBuiltinFunctions.LE) {
edThresh = aInt;
diff --git a/asterix-algebra/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/optimizer/rules/am/AbstractIntroduceAccessMethodRule.java b/asterix-algebra/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/optimizer/rules/am/AbstractIntroduceAccessMethodRule.java
index 18f6f57..d27977a 100644
--- a/asterix-algebra/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/optimizer/rules/am/AbstractIntroduceAccessMethodRule.java
+++ b/asterix-algebra/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/optimizer/rules/am/AbstractIntroduceAccessMethodRule.java
@@ -3,9 +3,9 @@
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* you may obtain a copy of the License from
- *
+ *
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
+ *
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
@@ -98,7 +98,8 @@
- protected void pruneIndexCandidates(Map<IAccessMethod, AccessMethodAnalysisContext> analyzedAMs) {
+ protected void pruneIndexCandidates(Map<IAccessMethod, AccessMethodAnalysisContext> analyzedAMs)
+ throws AlgebricksException {
Iterator<Map.Entry<IAccessMethod, AccessMethodAnalysisContext>> amIt = analyzedAMs.entrySet().iterator();
// Check applicability of indexes by access method type.
while (amIt.hasNext()) {
@@ -160,8 +161,11 @@
* only require a match on a prefix of fields to be applicable. This methods
* removes all index candidates indexExprs that are definitely not
* applicable according to the expressions involved.
+ *
+ * @throws AlgebricksException
- public void pruneIndexCandidates(IAccessMethod accessMethod, AccessMethodAnalysisContext analysisCtx) {
+ public void pruneIndexCandidates(IAccessMethod accessMethod, AccessMethodAnalysisContext analysisCtx)
+ throws AlgebricksException {
Iterator<Map.Entry<Index, List<Integer>>> it = analysisCtx.indexExprs.entrySet().iterator();
// Used to keep track of matched expressions (added for prefix search)
int numMatchedKeys = 0;
@@ -307,7 +311,7 @@
* Finds secondary indexes whose keys include fieldName, and adds a mapping
* in analysisCtx.indexEsprs from that index to the a corresponding
* optimizable function expression.
- *
+ *
* @return true if a candidate index was added to foundIndexExprs, false
* otherwise
* @throws AlgebricksException
diff --git a/asterix-algebra/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/optimizer/rules/am/AccessMethodUtils.java b/asterix-algebra/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/optimizer/rules/am/AccessMethodUtils.java
index d385b82..a10a937 100644
--- a/asterix-algebra/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/optimizer/rules/am/AccessMethodUtils.java
+++ b/asterix-algebra/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/optimizer/rules/am/AccessMethodUtils.java
@@ -3,9 +3,9 @@
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* you may obtain a copy of the License from
- *
+ *
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
+ *
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
@@ -39,7 +39,9 @@
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.constants.AsterixConstantValue;
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.functions.AsterixBuiltinFunctions;
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.types.ARecordType;
+import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.types.ATypeTag;
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.types.IAType;
+import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.types.hierachy.ATypeHierarchy;
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.util.NonTaggedFormatUtil;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.algebricks.common.exceptions.AlgebricksException;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.algebricks.common.utils.Pair;
@@ -289,18 +291,67 @@
* Returns the search key expression which feeds a secondary-index search. If we are optimizing a selection query then this method returns
* the a ConstantExpression from the first constant value in the optimizable function expression.
* If we are optimizing a join, then this method returns the VariableReferenceExpression that should feed the secondary index probe.
+ *
+ * @throws AlgebricksException
- public static ILogicalExpression createSearchKeyExpr(IOptimizableFuncExpr optFuncExpr,
- OptimizableOperatorSubTree indexSubTree, OptimizableOperatorSubTree probeSubTree) {
+ public static Pair<ILogicalExpression, Boolean> createSearchKeyExpr(IOptimizableFuncExpr optFuncExpr,
+ OptimizableOperatorSubTree indexSubTree, OptimizableOperatorSubTree probeSubTree)
+ throws AlgebricksException {
if (probeSubTree == null) {
// We are optimizing a selection query. Search key is a constant.
- return new ConstantExpression(optFuncExpr.getConstantVal(0));
- } else {
- // We are optimizing a join query. Determine which variable feeds the secondary index.
- if (optFuncExpr.getOperatorSubTree(0) == null || optFuncExpr.getOperatorSubTree(0) == probeSubTree) {
- return new VariableReferenceExpression(optFuncExpr.getLogicalVar(0));
+ // Type Checking and type promotion is done here
+ ATypeTag fieldType = optFuncExpr.getTypeTag(0);
+ IAObject constantObj = ((AsterixConstantValue) optFuncExpr.getConstantVal(0)).getObject();
+ ATypeTag constantValueTag = constantObj.getType().getTypeTag();
+ // type casting applied?
+ boolean typeCastingApplied = false;
+ // type casting happened from real (FLOAT, DOUBLE) value -> INT value?
+ boolean realTypeConvertedToIntegerType = false;
+ AsterixConstantValue replacedConstantValue = null;
+ // if the constant type and target type does not match, we do a type conversion
+ if (constantValueTag != fieldType) {
+ replacedConstantValue = ATypeHierarchy.getAsterixConstantValueFromNumericTypeObject(constantObj,
+ fieldType);
+ if (replacedConstantValue != null) {
+ typeCastingApplied = true;
+ }
+ // To check whether the constant is REAL values, and target field is an INT type field.
+ // In this case, we need to change the search parameter. Refer to the caller section for the detail.
+ switch (constantValueTag) {
+ case DOUBLE:
+ case FLOAT:
+ switch (fieldType) {
+ case INT8:
+ case INT16:
+ case INT32:
+ case INT64:
+ realTypeConvertedToIntegerType = true;
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (typeCastingApplied) {
+ return new Pair<ILogicalExpression, Boolean>(new ConstantExpression(replacedConstantValue),
+ realTypeConvertedToIntegerType);
} else {
- return new VariableReferenceExpression(optFuncExpr.getLogicalVar(1));
+ return new Pair<ILogicalExpression, Boolean>(new ConstantExpression(optFuncExpr.getConstantVal(0)),
+ false);
+ }
+ } else {
+ // We are optimizing a join query. Determine which variable feeds the secondary index.
+ if (optFuncExpr.getOperatorSubTree(0) == null || optFuncExpr.getOperatorSubTree(0) == probeSubTree) {
+ return new Pair<ILogicalExpression, Boolean>(new VariableReferenceExpression(
+ optFuncExpr.getLogicalVar(0)), false);
+ } else {
+ return new Pair<ILogicalExpression, Boolean>(new VariableReferenceExpression(
+ optFuncExpr.getLogicalVar(1)), false);
@@ -320,7 +371,7 @@
// The job gen parameters are transferred to the actual job gen via the UnnestMapOperator's function arguments.
ArrayList<Mutable<ILogicalExpression>> secondaryIndexFuncArgs = new ArrayList<Mutable<ILogicalExpression>>();
- // Variables and types coming out of the secondary-index search.
+ // Variables and types coming out of the secondary-index search.
List<LogicalVariable> secondaryIndexUnnestVars = new ArrayList<LogicalVariable>();
List<Object> secondaryIndexOutputTypes = new ArrayList<Object>();
// Append output variables/types generated by the secondary-index search (not forwarded from input).
@@ -362,7 +413,7 @@
- // The job gen parameters are transferred to the actual job gen via the UnnestMapOperator's function arguments.
+ // The job gen parameters are transferred to the actual job gen via the UnnestMapOperator's function arguments.
List<Mutable<ILogicalExpression>> primaryIndexFuncArgs = new ArrayList<Mutable<ILogicalExpression>>();
BTreeJobGenParams jobGenParams = new BTreeJobGenParams(dataset.getDatasetName(), IndexType.BTREE,
dataset.getDataverseName(), dataset.getDatasetName(), retainInput, retainNull, requiresBroadcast);
@@ -404,7 +455,7 @@
public static ScalarFunctionCallExpression findLOJIsNullFuncInGroupBy(GroupByOperator lojGroupbyOp)
throws AlgebricksException {
- //find IS_NULL function of which argument has the nullPlaceholder variable in the nested plan of groupby.
+ //find IS_NULL function of which argument has the nullPlaceholder variable in the nested plan of groupby.
ALogicalPlanImpl subPlan = (ALogicalPlanImpl) lojGroupbyOp.getNestedPlans().get(0);
Mutable<ILogicalOperator> subPlanRootOpRef = subPlan.getRoots().get(0);
AbstractLogicalOperator subPlanRootOp = (AbstractLogicalOperator) subPlanRootOpRef.getValue();
diff --git a/asterix-algebra/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/optimizer/rules/am/BTreeAccessMethod.java b/asterix-algebra/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/optimizer/rules/am/BTreeAccessMethod.java
index 39ff6eb..b69e14a 100644
--- a/asterix-algebra/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/optimizer/rules/am/BTreeAccessMethod.java
+++ b/asterix-algebra/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/optimizer/rules/am/BTreeAccessMethod.java
@@ -3,9 +3,9 @@
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* you may obtain a copy of the License from
- *
+ *
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
+ *
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
@@ -35,6 +35,7 @@
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.metadata.entities.Index;
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.types.ARecordType;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.algebricks.common.exceptions.AlgebricksException;
+import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.algebricks.common.utils.Pair;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.algebricks.core.algebra.base.ILogicalExpression;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.algebricks.core.algebra.base.ILogicalOperator;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.algebricks.core.algebra.base.IOptimizationContext;
@@ -174,7 +175,7 @@
LogicalVariable newNullPlaceHolderVar = null;
if (isLeftOuterJoin) {
- //get a new null place holder variable that is the first field variable of the primary key
+ //get a new null place holder variable that is the first field variable of the primary key
//from the indexSubTree's datasourceScanOp
newNullPlaceHolderVar = indexSubTree.getDataSourceVariables().get(0);
@@ -237,8 +238,13 @@
// TODO: For now don't consider prefix searches.
BitSet setLowKeys = new BitSet(numSecondaryKeys);
BitSet setHighKeys = new BitSet(numSecondaryKeys);
- // Go through the func exprs listed as optimizable by the chosen index,
+ // Go through the func exprs listed as optimizable by the chosen index,
// and formulate a range predicate on the secondary-index keys.
+ // checks whether a type casting happened from a real (FLOAT, DOUBLE) value to an INT value
+ // since we have a round issues when dealing with LT(<) OR GT(>) operator.
+ boolean realTypeConvertedToIntegerType = false;
for (Integer exprIndex : exprList) {
// Position of the field of matchedFuncExprs.get(exprIndex) in the chosen index's indexed exprs.
IOptimizableFuncExpr optFuncExpr = matchedFuncExprs.get(exprIndex);
@@ -253,9 +259,37 @@
throw new AlgebricksException(
"Could not match optimizable function expression to any index field name.");
- ILogicalExpression searchKeyExpr = AccessMethodUtils.createSearchKeyExpr(optFuncExpr, indexSubTree,
- probeSubTree);
+ Pair<ILogicalExpression, Boolean> returnedSearchKeyExpr = AccessMethodUtils.createSearchKeyExpr(
+ optFuncExpr, indexSubTree, probeSubTree);
+ ILogicalExpression searchKeyExpr = returnedSearchKeyExpr.first;
+ realTypeConvertedToIntegerType = returnedSearchKeyExpr.second;
LimitType limit = getLimitType(optFuncExpr, probeSubTree);
+ // If a DOUBLE or FLOAT constant is converted to an INT type value,
+ // we need to check a corner case where two real values are located between an INT value.
+ // For example, for the following query,
+ //
+ // for $emp in dataset empDataset
+ // where $emp.age > double("2.3") and $emp.age < double("3.3")
+ // return $emp.id;
+ //
+ // It should generate a result if there is a tuple that satisfies the condition, which is 3,
+ // however, it does not generate the desired result since finding candidates
+ // fail after truncating the fraction part (there is no INT whose value is greater than 2 and less than 3.)
+ //
+ // Therefore, we convert LT(<) to LE(<=) and GT(>) to GE(>=) to find candidates.
+ // This does not change the result of an actual comparison since this conversion is only applied
+ // for finding candidates from an index.
+ //
+ if (realTypeConvertedToIntegerType) {
+ if (limit == LimitType.HIGH_EXCLUSIVE) {
+ limit = LimitType.HIGH_INCLUSIVE;
+ } else if (limit == LimitType.LOW_EXCLUSIVE) {
+ limit = LimitType.LOW_INCLUSIVE;
+ }
+ }
switch (limit) {
case EQUAL: {
if (lowKeyLimits[keyPos] == null && highKeyLimits[keyPos] == null) {
@@ -435,7 +469,7 @@
UnnestMapOperator secondaryIndexUnnestOp = AccessMethodUtils.createSecondaryIndexUnnestMap(dataset, recordType,
chosenIndex, inputOp, jobGenParams, context, false, retainInput);
- // Generate the rest of the upstream plan which feeds the search results into the primary index.
+ // Generate the rest of the upstream plan which feeds the search results into the primary index.
UnnestMapOperator primaryIndexUnnestOp = null;
boolean isPrimaryIndex = chosenIndex.isPrimaryIndex();
if (dataset.getDatasetType() == DatasetType.EXTERNAL) {
@@ -587,7 +621,7 @@
// We are optimizing a selection query. Search key is a constant. Return true if constant is on lhs.
return optFuncExpr.getFuncExpr().getArguments().get(0) == optFuncExpr.getConstantVal(0);
} else {
- // We are optimizing a join query. Determine whether the feeding variable is on the lhs.
+ // We are optimizing a join query. Determine whether the feeding variable is on the lhs.
return (optFuncExpr.getOperatorSubTree(0) == null || optFuncExpr.getOperatorSubTree(0) == probeSubTree);
diff --git a/asterix-algebra/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/optimizer/rules/am/IAccessMethod.java b/asterix-algebra/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/optimizer/rules/am/IAccessMethod.java
index 36b87e4..d03d1a0 100644
--- a/asterix-algebra/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/optimizer/rules/am/IAccessMethod.java
+++ b/asterix-algebra/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/optimizer/rules/am/IAccessMethod.java
@@ -3,9 +3,9 @@
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* you may obtain a copy of the License from
- *
+ *
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
+ *
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@
* optimizable by this access method based on its function identifier. If
* funcExpr has been found to be optimizable, this method adds an
* OptimizableFunction to analysisCtx.matchedFuncExprs for further analysis.
- *
+ *
* @return true if funcExpr is optimizable by this access method, false
* otherwise
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@
* Indicates whether all index expressions must be matched in order for this
* index to be applicable.
- *
+ *
* @return boolean
public boolean matchAllIndexExprs();
@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@
* Indicates whether this index is applicable if only a prefix of the index
* expressions are matched.
- *
+ *
* @return boolean
public boolean matchPrefixIndexExprs();
@@ -89,6 +89,8 @@
* Analyzes expr to see whether it is optimizable by the given concrete index.
+ *
+ * @throws AlgebricksException
- public boolean exprIsOptimizable(Index index, IOptimizableFuncExpr optFuncExpr);
+ public boolean exprIsOptimizable(Index index, IOptimizableFuncExpr optFuncExpr) throws AlgebricksException;
diff --git a/asterix-algebra/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/optimizer/rules/am/InvertedIndexAccessMethod.java b/asterix-algebra/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/optimizer/rules/am/InvertedIndexAccessMethod.java
index 7b3dc3c..090b9e2 100644
--- a/asterix-algebra/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/optimizer/rules/am/InvertedIndexAccessMethod.java
+++ b/asterix-algebra/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/optimizer/rules/am/InvertedIndexAccessMethod.java
@@ -3,9 +3,9 @@
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* you may obtain a copy of the License from
- *
+ *
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
+ *
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.aql.util.FunctionUtils;
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.common.annotations.SkipSecondaryIndexSearchExpressionAnnotation;
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.common.config.DatasetConfig.IndexType;
+import edu.uci.ics.asterix.common.exceptions.AsterixException;
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.formats.nontagged.AqlBinaryTokenizerFactoryProvider;
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.metadata.entities.Dataset;
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.metadata.entities.Index;
@@ -41,6 +42,7 @@
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.types.ARecordType;
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.types.ATypeTag;
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.types.IAType;
+import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.types.hierachy.ATypeHierarchy;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.algebricks.common.exceptions.AlgebricksException;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.algebricks.common.utils.Triple;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.algebricks.core.algebra.base.Counter;
@@ -97,11 +99,11 @@
static {
// For matching similarity-check functions. For example, similarity-jaccard-check returns a list of two items,
- // and the select condition will get the first list-item and check whether it evaluates to true.
+ // and the select condition will get the first list-item and check whether it evaluates to true.
- // These function identifiers are matched in this AM's analyzeFuncExprArgs(),
+ // These function identifiers are matched in this AM's analyzeFuncExprArgs(),
// and are not visible to the outside driver.
private static HashSet<FunctionIdentifier> secondLevelFuncIdents = new HashSet<FunctionIdentifier>();
static {
@@ -440,8 +442,8 @@
IOptimizableFuncExpr optFuncExpr = AccessMethodUtils.chooseFirstOptFuncExpr(chosenIndex, analysisCtx);
- // The arguments of edit-distance-contains() function are asymmetrical, we can only use index
- // if the dataset of index subtree and the dataset of first argument's subtree is the same
+ // The arguments of edit-distance-contains() function are asymmetrical, we can only use index
+ // if the dataset of index subtree and the dataset of first argument's subtree is the same
if (optFuncExpr.getFuncExpr().getFunctionIdentifier() == AsterixBuiltinFunctions.EDIT_DISTANCE_CONTAINS
&& optFuncExpr.getOperatorSubTree(0).dataset != null
&& !optFuncExpr.getOperatorSubTree(0).dataset.getDatasetName().equals(
@@ -452,7 +454,7 @@
//if LOJ, reset null place holder variable
LogicalVariable newNullPlaceHolderVar = null;
if (isLeftOuterJoin && hasGroupBy) {
- //get a new null place holder variable that is the first field variable of the primary key
+ //get a new null place holder variable that is the first field variable of the primary key
//from the indexSubTree's datasourceScanOp
newNullPlaceHolderVar = indexSubTree.getDataSourceVariables().get(0);
@@ -477,7 +479,7 @@
List<LogicalVariable> indexSubTreeLiveVars = new ArrayList<LogicalVariable>();
VariableUtilities.getLiveVariables(indexSubTree.root, indexSubTreeLiveVars);
- // Clone the original join condition because we may have to modify it (and we also need the original).
+ // Clone the original join condition because we may have to modify it (and we also need the original).
ILogicalExpression joinCond = join.getCondition().getValue().cloneExpression();
// Create "panic" (non indexed) nested-loop join path if necessary.
Mutable<ILogicalOperator> panicJoinRef = null;
@@ -558,7 +560,7 @@
// Create two copies of the original probe subtree.
// The first copy, which becomes the new probe subtree, will retain the primary-key and secondary-search key variables,
// but have all other variables replaced with new ones.
- // The second copy, which will become an input to the top-level equi-join to resolve the surrogates,
+ // The second copy, which will become an input to the top-level equi-join to resolve the surrogates,
// will have all primary-key and secondary-search keys replaced, but retains all other original variables.
// Variable replacement map for the first copy.
@@ -678,14 +680,14 @@
// Replace the inputs of the given join op, and replace variables in its
// condition since we deep-copied one of the scanner subtrees which
- // changed variables.
+ // changed variables.
AbstractBinaryJoinOperator joinOp = (AbstractBinaryJoinOperator) joinRef.getValue();
for (Map.Entry<LogicalVariable, LogicalVariable> entry : copyVarMap.entrySet()) {
joinOp.getCondition().getValue().substituteVar(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
joinOp.getInputs().add(new MutableObject<ILogicalOperator>(scanSubTree));
- // Make sure that the build input (which may be materialized causing blocking) comes from
+ // Make sure that the build input (which may be materialized causing blocking) comes from
// the split+select, otherwise the plan will have a deadlock.
@@ -820,7 +822,7 @@
- public boolean exprIsOptimizable(Index index, IOptimizableFuncExpr optFuncExpr) {
+ public boolean exprIsOptimizable(Index index, IOptimizableFuncExpr optFuncExpr) throws AlgebricksException {
if (optFuncExpr.getFuncExpr().getAnnotations()
.containsKey(SkipSecondaryIndexSearchExpressionAnnotation.INSTANCE)) {
return false;
@@ -842,7 +844,8 @@
return false;
- private boolean isEditDistanceFuncOptimizable(Index index, IOptimizableFuncExpr optFuncExpr) {
+ private boolean isEditDistanceFuncOptimizable(Index index, IOptimizableFuncExpr optFuncExpr)
+ throws AlgebricksException {
if (optFuncExpr.getNumConstantVals() == 1) {
return isEditDistanceFuncJoinOptimizable(index, optFuncExpr);
} else {
@@ -868,7 +871,8 @@
return false;
- private boolean isEditDistanceFuncSelectOptimizable(Index index, IOptimizableFuncExpr optFuncExpr) {
+ private boolean isEditDistanceFuncSelectOptimizable(Index index, IOptimizableFuncExpr optFuncExpr)
+ throws AlgebricksException {
// Check for panic in selection query.
// TODO: Panic also depends on prePost which is currently hardcoded to be true.
@@ -882,7 +886,14 @@
AsterixConstantValue intConstVal = (AsterixConstantValue) optFuncExpr.getConstantVal(1);
IAObject intObj = intConstVal.getObject();
- AInt32 edThresh = (AInt32) intObj;
+ AInt32 edThresh = null;
+ // Apply type casting based on numeric types of the input to INT32 type.
+ try {
+ edThresh = (AInt32) ATypeHierarchy.convertNumericTypeObject(intObj, ATypeTag.INT32);
+ } catch (AsterixException e) {
+ throw new AlgebricksException(e);
+ }
int mergeThreshold = 0;
if (typeTag == ATypeTag.STRING) {
@@ -1005,7 +1016,7 @@
&& (indexType == IndexType.SINGLE_PARTITION_WORD_INVIX || indexType == IndexType.LENGTH_PARTITIONED_WORD_INVIX)) {
return true;
- // We assume that the given list variable doesn't have ngram list in it since it is unrealistic.
+ // We assume that the given list variable doesn't have ngram list in it since it is unrealistic.
return false;
@@ -1083,7 +1094,14 @@
- int edThresh = ((AInt32) simThresh).getIntegerValue();
+ int edThresh = 0;
+ try {
+ edThresh = ((AInt32) ATypeHierarchy.convertNumericTypeObject(simThresh, ATypeTag.INT32))
+ .getIntegerValue();
+ } catch (AsterixException e) {
+ throw new AlgebricksException(e);
+ }
switch (index.getIndexType()) {
diff --git a/asterix-algebra/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/optimizer/rules/am/RTreeAccessMethod.java b/asterix-algebra/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/optimizer/rules/am/RTreeAccessMethod.java
index ac4bf70..582c273 100644
--- a/asterix-algebra/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/optimizer/rules/am/RTreeAccessMethod.java
+++ b/asterix-algebra/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/optimizer/rules/am/RTreeAccessMethod.java
@@ -3,9 +3,9 @@
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* you may obtain a copy of the License from
- *
+ *
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
+ *
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
@@ -131,7 +131,7 @@
LogicalVariable newNullPlaceHolderVar = null;
if (isLeftOuterJoin) {
- //get a new null place holder variable that is the first field variable of the primary key
+ //get a new null place holder variable that is the first field variable of the primary key
//from the indexSubTree's datasourceScanOp
newNullPlaceHolderVar = indexSubTree.getDataSourceVariables().get(0);
@@ -193,14 +193,16 @@
RTreeJobGenParams jobGenParams = new RTreeJobGenParams(chosenIndex.getIndexName(), IndexType.RTREE,
dataset.getDataverseName(), dataset.getDatasetName(), retainInput, retainNull, requiresBroadcast);
// A spatial object is serialized in the constant of the func expr we are optimizing.
- // The R-Tree expects as input an MBR represented with 1 field per dimension.
+ // The R-Tree expects as input an MBR represented with 1 field per dimension.
// Here we generate vars and funcs for extracting MBR fields from the constant into fields of a tuple (as the R-Tree expects them).
// List of variables for the assign.
ArrayList<LogicalVariable> keyVarList = new ArrayList<LogicalVariable>();
// List of expressions for the assign.
ArrayList<Mutable<ILogicalExpression>> keyExprList = new ArrayList<Mutable<ILogicalExpression>>();
- ILogicalExpression searchKeyExpr = AccessMethodUtils.createSearchKeyExpr(optFuncExpr, indexSubTree,
- probeSubTree);
+ Pair<ILogicalExpression, Boolean> returnedSearchKeyExpr = AccessMethodUtils.createSearchKeyExpr(optFuncExpr,
+ indexSubTree, probeSubTree);
+ ILogicalExpression searchKeyExpr = returnedSearchKeyExpr.first;
for (int i = 0; i < numSecondaryKeys; i++) {
// The create MBR function "extracts" one field of an MBR around the given spatial object.
AbstractFunctionCallExpression createMBR = new ScalarFunctionCallExpression(
diff --git a/asterix-algebra/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/translator/AqlExpressionToPlanTranslator.java b/asterix-algebra/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/translator/AqlExpressionToPlanTranslator.java
index 45db881..fd52b31 100644
--- a/asterix-algebra/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/translator/AqlExpressionToPlanTranslator.java
+++ b/asterix-algebra/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/translator/AqlExpressionToPlanTranslator.java
@@ -446,8 +446,9 @@
returnedOp = new UnnestOperator(v, new MutableObject<ILogicalExpression>(makeUnnestExpression(eo.first)));
} else {
LogicalVariable pVar = context.newVar(fc.getPosVarExpr());
+ // We set the positional variable type as INT64 type.
returnedOp = new UnnestOperator(v, new MutableObject<ILogicalExpression>(makeUnnestExpression(eo.first)),
- pVar, BuiltinType.AINT32, new AqlPositionWriter());
+ pVar, BuiltinType.AINT64, new AqlPositionWriter());
diff --git a/asterix-algebra/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/translator/AqlPositionWriter.java b/asterix-algebra/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/translator/AqlPositionWriter.java
index f8d964b..6fbac6d 100644
--- a/asterix-algebra/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/translator/AqlPositionWriter.java
+++ b/asterix-algebra/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/translator/AqlPositionWriter.java
@@ -11,9 +11,9 @@
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
- public void write(DataOutput dataOutput, int position) throws IOException {
- dataOutput.writeByte(BuiltinType.AINT32.getTypeTag().serialize());
- dataOutput.writeInt(position);
+ public void write(DataOutput dataOutput, long position) throws IOException {
+ dataOutput.writeByte(BuiltinType.AINT64.getTypeTag().serialize());
+ dataOutput.writeLong(position);
diff --git a/asterix-algebra/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/translator/TypeTranslator.java b/asterix-algebra/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/translator/TypeTranslator.java
index 33ae101..7554346 100644
--- a/asterix-algebra/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/translator/TypeTranslator.java
+++ b/asterix-algebra/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/translator/TypeTranslator.java
@@ -3,9 +3,9 @@
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* you may obtain a copy of the License from
- *
+ *
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
+ *
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
@@ -45,6 +45,7 @@
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.types.IAType;
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.types.TypeSignature;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.algebricks.common.exceptions.AlgebricksException;
+import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.api.exceptions.HyracksDataException;
public class TypeTranslator {
@@ -325,8 +326,13 @@
fldNames[i++] = s;
boolean isOpen = rtd.getRecordKind() == RecordKind.OPEN;
- ARecordType recType = new ARecordType(typeSignature == null ? null : typeSignature.getName(), fldNames,
- fldTypes, isOpen);
+ ARecordType recType;
+ try {
+ recType = new ARecordType(typeSignature == null ? null : typeSignature.getName(), fldNames, fldTypes,
+ isOpen);
+ } catch (HyracksDataException e) {
+ throw new AsterixException(e);
+ }
List<IRecordFieldDataGen> fieldDataGen = rtd.getFieldDataGen();
if (fieldDataGen.size() == n) {
diff --git a/asterix-algebra/src/main/javacc/AQLPlus.jj b/asterix-algebra/src/main/javacc/AQLPlus.jj
index 6489587..e9b871e 100644
--- a/asterix-algebra/src/main/javacc/AQLPlus.jj
+++ b/asterix-algebra/src/main/javacc/AQLPlus.jj
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
options {
STATIC = false;
@@ -31,6 +31,7 @@
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.aql.expression.*;
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.aql.expression.visitor.AQLPrintVisitor;
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.aql.expression.UnaryExpr.Sign;
+import edu.uci.ics.asterix.aql.expression.TypeExpression.TypeExprKind;
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.aql.base.Statement.Kind;
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.aql.context.Scope;
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.aql.context.RootScopeFactory;
@@ -49,42 +50,42 @@
private void printHints(Token t) {
- //System.err.println("token="+t.image+"\t special="+t.specialToken);
+ //System.err.println("token="+t.image+"\t special="+t.specialToken);
if (t.specialToken == null) return;
Token tmp_t = t.specialToken;
- while (tmp_t.specialToken != null) tmp_t = tmp_t.specialToken;
+ while (tmp_t.specialToken != null) tmp_t = tmp_t.specialToken;
while (tmp_t != null) {
tmp_t = tmp_t.next;
private static final String HASH_GROUP_BY_HINT = "hash";
private static final String BROADCAST_JOIN_HINT = "bcast";
private static final String INMEMORY_HINT = "inmem";
private static final String INDEXED_NESTED_LOOP_JOIN_HINT = "indexnl";
private static String getHint(Token t) {
if (t.specialToken == null) {
return null;
- }
+ }
String s = t.specialToken.image;
int n = s.length();
if (n < 2) {
return null;
- }
+ }
return s.substring(1).trim();
- public static void main(String args[]) throws ParseException, TokenMgrError, IOException, FileNotFoundException, AsterixException {
- File file = new File(args[0]);
- Reader fis = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(new FileInputStream(file), "UTF-8"));
- AQLPlusParser parser = new AQLPlusParser(fis);
- List<Statement> st = parser.Statement();
- }
+ public static void main(String args[]) throws ParseException, TokenMgrError, IOException, FileNotFoundException, AsterixException {
+ File file = new File(args[0]);
+ Reader fis = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(new FileInputStream(file), "UTF-8"));
+ AQLPlusParser parser = new AQLPlusParser(fis);
+ List<Statement> st = parser.Statement();
+ }
public void initScope() {
@@ -104,43 +105,43 @@
- (
+ (
- }
+ }
| "declare"
- ( "function" {
- decls.add(FunctionDeclaration());
- }
- | "type" {
- decls.add(TypeDeclaration());
+ ( "function" {
+ decls.add(FunctionDeclaration());
- )
+ | "type" {
+ decls.add(TypeDeclaration());
+ }
+ )
| "load" {
- }
+ }
| "write" {
- }
+ }
| "set" {
- |
+ |
decls.add(Query()) ;
} ";"
- return decls;
+ return decls;
@@ -150,7 +151,7 @@
Statement stmt = null;
- <IDENTIFIER> { pn = token.image; }
+ <IDENTIFIER> { pn = token.image; }
{ String pv = removeQuotesAndEscapes(token.image); }
@@ -168,11 +169,11 @@
Query query;
- ( "output" "to"
- <IDENTIFIER> { nodeName = new Identifier(token.image); }
+ ( "output" "to"
+ <IDENTIFIER> { nodeName = new Identifier(token.image); }
fileName = removeQuotesAndEscapes(token.image);
- stmt = new WriteStatement(nodeName, fileName, null);
+ stmt = new WriteStatement(nodeName, fileName, null);
) ";"
@@ -182,7 +183,7 @@
DataverseDecl DataverseDeclaration() throws ParseException:
- Identifier dvName = null;
+ Identifier dvName = null;
"dataverse" <IDENTIFIER> { defaultDataverse = token.image;}
@@ -197,14 +198,14 @@
Identifier datasetName = null;
boolean alreadySorted = false;
String adapter;
- Map<String,String> properties = new HashMap<String,String>();
+ Map<String,String> properties = new HashMap<String,String>();
String name;
String value;
<DATASET> <IDENTIFIER> { datasetName = new Identifier(token.image); }
- "using"
+ "using"
@@ -226,7 +227,7 @@
- properties.put(name, value);
+ properties.put(name, value);
@@ -243,21 +244,21 @@
- properties.put(name, value);
+ properties.put(name, value);
- ("pre-sorted"
+ ("pre-sorted"
{ alreadySorted = true; }
return new LoadStatement(null, datasetName, adapter, properties, alreadySorted);
- }
+ }
TypeDecl TypeDeclaration() throws ParseException:
@@ -286,8 +287,8 @@
typeExpr = RecordTypeDef()
| typeExpr = TypeReference()
| typeExpr = OrderedListTypeDef()
- | typeExpr = UnorderedListTypeDef()
- )
+ | typeExpr = UnorderedListTypeDef()
+ )
return typeExpr;
@@ -296,16 +297,16 @@
RecordTypeDefinition RecordTypeDef() throws ParseException:
RecordTypeDefinition recType = new RecordTypeDefinition();
- RecordTypeDefinition.RecordKind recordKind = null;
+ RecordTypeDefinition.RecordKind recordKind = null;
- ( "closed" { recordKind = RecordTypeDefinition.RecordKind.CLOSED; }
+ ( "closed" { recordKind = RecordTypeDefinition.RecordKind.CLOSED; }
| "open" { recordKind = RecordTypeDefinition.RecordKind.OPEN; } )?
- (
- RecordField(recType)
- ( "," RecordField(recType) )*
- )?
+ (
+ RecordField(recType)
+ ( "," RecordField(recType) )*
+ )?
if (recordKind == null) {
@@ -313,42 +314,48 @@
return recType;
- }
+ }
void RecordField(RecordTypeDefinition recType) throws ParseException:
String fieldName;
- TypeExpression type = null;
+ TypeExpression type = null;
boolean nullable = false;
- {
- Token t = getToken(0);
- fieldName = t.toString();
- }
- ":"
- ( type = TypeExpr() )
- ("?" { nullable = true; } )?
- {
- recType.addField(fieldName, type, nullable);
- }
+ {
+ Token t = getToken(0);
+ fieldName = t.toString();
+ }
+ ":"
+ ( type = TypeExpr() )
+ ("?" { nullable = true; } )?
+ {
+ recType.addField(fieldName, type, nullable);
+ }
TypeReferenceExpression TypeReference() throws ParseException:
- {
- Token t = getToken(0);
- Identifier id = new Identifier(t.toString());
- return new TypeReferenceExpression(id);
- }
+ {
+ Token t = getToken(0);
+ Identifier id;
+ if (t.toString().equalsIgnoreCase("int")) {
+ id = new Identifier("int64");
+ } else {
+ id = new Identifier(t.toString());
+ }
+ return new TypeReferenceExpression(id);
+ }
OrderedListTypeDefinition OrderedListTypeDef() throws ParseException:
TypeExpression type = null;
@@ -362,7 +369,7 @@
UnorderedListTypeDefinition UnorderedListTypeDef() throws ParseException:
TypeExpression type = null;
@@ -389,10 +396,13 @@
- {
- Token t = getToken(0);
- functionName = t.toString();
- }
+ {
+ Token t = getToken(0);
+ functionName = t.toString();
+ if (functionName.equalsIgnoreCase("int")) {
+ functionName = "int64";
+ }
+ }
var = new VarIdentifier();
@@ -441,7 +451,7 @@
//OperatorExpr | IfThenElse | FLWOGRExpression | QuantifiedExpression
expr = OperatorExpr()
| expr = IfThenElse()
@@ -450,9 +460,9 @@
- {
- return (exprP==null) ? expr : exprP;
- }
+ {
+ return (exprP==null) ? expr : exprP;
+ }
@@ -463,30 +473,30 @@
Expression operand = null;
- operand = AndExpr()
- (
- "or"
- {
- if (op == null) {
- op = new OperatorExpr();
- op.addOperand(operand);
- op.setCurrentop(true);
- }
- Token t = getToken(0);
+ operand = AndExpr()
+ (
+ "or"
+ {
+ if (op == null) {
+ op = new OperatorExpr();
+ op.addOperand(operand);
+ op.setCurrentop(true);
+ }
+ Token t = getToken(0);
- }
+ }
- operand = AndExpr()
- {
- op.addOperand(operand);
- }
+ operand = AndExpr()
+ {
+ op.addOperand(operand);
+ }
- )*
- {
- return op==null? operand: op;
- }
+ )*
+ {
+ return op==null? operand: op;
+ }
Expression AndExpr()throws ParseException:
@@ -495,30 +505,30 @@
Expression operand = null;
- operand = RelExpr()
- (
- "and"
- {
- if (op == null) {
- op = new OperatorExpr();
- op.addOperand(operand);
- op.setCurrentop(true);
- }
- Token t = getToken(0);
+ operand = RelExpr()
+ (
+ "and"
+ {
+ if (op == null) {
+ op = new OperatorExpr();
+ op.addOperand(operand);
+ op.setCurrentop(true);
+ }
+ Token t = getToken(0);
- }
+ }
- operand = RelExpr()
- {
- op.addOperand(operand);
- }
+ operand = RelExpr()
+ {
+ op.addOperand(operand);
+ }
- )*
- {
- return op==null? operand: op;
- }
+ )*
+ {
+ return op==null? operand: op;
+ }
@@ -535,70 +545,70 @@
if (operand instanceof VariableExpr) {
String hint = getHint(token);
if (hint != null && hint.equals(BROADCAST_JOIN_HINT)) {
- broadcast = true;
+ broadcast = true;
- }
+ }
LOOKAHEAD(2)( "<" | ">" | "<=" | ">=" | "=" | "!=" |"~=")
- {
- if (op == null) {
- op = new OperatorExpr();
- op.addOperand(operand, broadcast);
+ {
+ if (op == null) {
+ op = new OperatorExpr();
+ op.addOperand(operand, broadcast);
broadcast = false;
- }
- Token t = getToken(0);
+ }
+ Token t = getToken(0);
- }
- operand = AddExpr()
- {
+ }
+ operand = AddExpr()
+ {
broadcast = false;
- if (operand instanceof VariableExpr) {
+ if (operand instanceof VariableExpr) {
String hint = getHint(token);
if (hint != null && hint.equals(BROADCAST_JOIN_HINT)) {
broadcast = true;
- }
+ }
op.addOperand(operand, broadcast);
- }
+ }
- {
- return op==null? operand: op;
- }
+ {
+ return op==null? operand: op;
+ }
Expression AddExpr()throws ParseException:
OperatorExpr op = null;
- Expression operand = null;
+ Expression operand = null;
- operand = MultExpr()
+ operand = MultExpr()
- ( ("+" | "-")
- {
- if (op == null) {
- op = new OperatorExpr();
- op.addOperand(operand);
- op.setCurrentop(true);
- }
- Token t = getToken(0);
- ((OperatorExpr)op).addOperator(t.toString());
- }
+ ( ("+" | "-")
+ {
+ if (op == null) {
+ op = new OperatorExpr();
+ op.addOperand(operand);
+ op.setCurrentop(true);
+ }
+ Token t = getToken(0);
+ ((OperatorExpr)op).addOperator(t.toString());
+ }
- operand = MultExpr()
- {
- op.addOperand(operand);
- }
- )*
- {
- return op==null? operand: op;
- }
+ operand = MultExpr()
+ {
+ op.addOperand(operand);
+ }
+ )*
+ {
+ return op==null? operand: op;
+ }
Expression MultExpr()throws ParseException:
@@ -607,27 +617,27 @@
Expression operand = null;
- operand = UnionExpr()
+ operand = UnionExpr()
- (( "*" | "/" | "%" | <CARET> | "idiv")
- {
- if (op == null) {
- op = new OperatorExpr();
+ (( "*" | "/" | "%" | <CARET> | "idiv")
+ {
+ if (op == null) {
+ op = new OperatorExpr();
- op.setCurrentop(true);
- }
- Token t = getToken(0);
- op.addOperator(t.toString());
- }
- operand = UnionExpr()
- {
- op.addOperand(operand);
- }
- )*
- {
- return op==null?operand:op;
- }
+ op.setCurrentop(true);
+ }
+ Token t = getToken(0);
+ op.addOperator(t.toString());
+ }
+ operand = UnionExpr()
+ {
+ op.addOperand(operand);
+ }
+ )*
+ {
+ return op==null?operand:op;
+ }
Expression UnionExpr() throws ParseException:
@@ -637,14 +647,14 @@
Expression operand2 = null;
- operand1 = UnaryExpr()
- ("union"
+ operand1 = UnaryExpr()
+ ("union"
(operand2 = UnaryExpr()) {
if (union == null) {
union = new UnionExpr();
- union.addExpr(operand1);
+ union.addExpr(operand1);
- union.addExpr(operand2);
+ union.addExpr(operand2);
} )*
return (union == null)? operand1: union;
@@ -653,33 +663,33 @@
Expression UnaryExpr() throws ParseException:
- Expression uexpr = null;
- Expression expr = null;
+ Expression uexpr = null;
+ Expression expr = null;
- (( "+"|"-")
- {
- uexpr = new UnaryExpr();
- Token t = getToken(0);
- if("+".equals(t.toString()))
- ((UnaryExpr)uexpr).setSign(Sign.POSITIVE);
- else if("-".equals(t.toString()))
- ((UnaryExpr)uexpr).setSign(Sign.NEGATIVE);
- else
- throw new ParseException();
- }
- )?
- expr = ValueExpr()
- {
- if(uexpr!=null){
- ((UnaryExpr)uexpr).setExpr(expr);
- return uexpr;
- }
- else{
- return expr;
- }
- }
+ (( "+"|"-")
+ {
+ uexpr = new UnaryExpr();
+ Token t = getToken(0);
+ if("+".equals(t.toString()))
+ ((UnaryExpr)uexpr).setSign(Sign.POSITIVE);
+ else if("-".equals(t.toString()))
+ ((UnaryExpr)uexpr).setSign(Sign.NEGATIVE);
+ else
+ throw new ParseException();
+ }
+ )?
+ expr = ValueExpr()
+ {
+ if(uexpr!=null){
+ ((UnaryExpr)uexpr).setExpr(expr);
+ return uexpr;
+ }
+ else{
+ return expr;
+ }
+ }
Expression ValueExpr() throws ParseException:
@@ -703,36 +713,36 @@
- ( expr = PrimaryExpr()
+ ( expr = PrimaryExpr()
- )
+ )
- (
- (
- ident = Field()
- {
- if(fa == null)
- fa = new FieldAccessor(expr, ident);
- else
- fa = new FieldAccessor(fa, ident);
- }
- )
- | (
- indexExpr = Index()
- {
- if(fa == null)
- fa = new IndexAccessor(expr, indexExpr);
- else
- fa = new IndexAccessor(fa, indexExpr);
- }
- )
- )*
+ (
+ (
+ ident = Field()
+ {
+ if(fa == null)
+ fa = new FieldAccessor(expr, ident);
+ else
+ fa = new FieldAccessor(fa, ident);
+ }
+ )
+ | (
+ indexExpr = Index()
+ {
+ if(fa == null)
+ fa = new IndexAccessor(expr, indexExpr);
+ else
+ fa = new IndexAccessor(fa, indexExpr);
+ }
+ )
+ )*
- {
- return fa==null?expr:fa;
- }
+ {
+ return fa==null?expr:fa;
+ }
Identifier Field() throws ParseException:
@@ -742,40 +752,40 @@
- {
- ident = new Identifier();
- ident.setValue(getToken(0).toString());
+ {
- return ident;
- }
+ ident = new Identifier();
+ ident.setValue(getToken(0).toString());
+ return ident;
+ }
Expression Index() throws ParseException:
- Expression expr = null;
+ Expression expr = null;
"[" ( expr = Expression()
- {
- if(expr.getKind() == Expression.Kind.LITERAL_EXPRESSION)
- {
- Literal lit = ((LiteralExpr)expr).getValue();
- if(lit.getLiteralType() != Literal.Type.INTEGER &&
- lit.getLiteralType() != Literal.Type.LONG) {
- throw new ParseException("Index should be an INTEGER");
+ {
+ if(expr.getKind() == Expression.Kind.LITERAL_EXPRESSION)
+ {
+ Literal lit = ((LiteralExpr)expr).getValue();
+ if(lit.getLiteralType() != Literal.Type.INTEGER &&
+ lit.getLiteralType() != Literal.Type.LONG) {
+ throw new ParseException("Index should be an INTEGER");
- }
- }
+ }
+ }
- | "?" // ANY
- )
+ | "?" // ANY
+ )
- {
- return expr;
- }
+ {
+ return expr;
+ }
@@ -785,23 +795,23 @@
//Literal | VariableRef | ListConstructor | RecordConstructor | FunctionCallExpr | ParenthesizedExpression
- (
- expr =Literal()
- | expr = FunctionCallExpr()
- | expr =VariableRef()
+ (
+ expr =Literal()
+ | expr = FunctionCallExpr()
+ | expr =VariableRef()
if(((VariableExpr)expr).getIsNewVar() == true)
- throw new ParseException("can't find variable " + ((VariableExpr)expr).getVar());
+ throw new ParseException("can't find variable " + ((VariableExpr)expr).getVar());
- | expr = ListConstructor()
- | expr = RecordConstructor()
- | expr = ParenthesizedExpression()
- | expr = MetaVariableRef()
- )
- {
- return expr;
- }
+ | expr = ListConstructor()
+ | expr = RecordConstructor()
+ | expr = ParenthesizedExpression()
+ | expr = MetaVariableRef()
+ )
+ {
+ return expr;
+ }
Expression Literal() throws ParseException:
@@ -813,45 +823,45 @@
- {
- t= getToken(0);
- lit.setValue( new StringLiteral(removeQuotesAndEscapes(t.image)));
- }
t= getToken(0);
- try {
- lit.setValue(new IntegerLiteral(new Integer(t.image)));
- } catch(NumberFormatException ex) {
- lit.setValue(new LongIntegerLiteral(new Long(t.image)));
- }
- }
+ lit.setValue( new StringLiteral(removeQuotesAndEscapes(t.image)));
+ }
+ {
+ t= getToken(0);
+ try {
+ lit.setValue(new IntegerLiteral(new Integer(t.image)));
+ } catch(NumberFormatException ex) {
+ lit.setValue(new LongIntegerLiteral(new Long(t.image)));
+ }
+ }
t= getToken(0);
lit.setValue(new FloatLiteral(new Float(t.image)));
- }
+ }
t= getToken(0);
- lit.setValue(new DoubleLiteral(new Double(t.image)));
- }
- | <NULL>
- {
- t= getToken(0);
- lit.setValue(NullLiteral.INSTANCE);
- }
- | <TRUE>
- {
- t= getToken(0);
- lit.setValue(TrueLiteral.INSTANCE);
- }
- | <FALSE>
- {
- t= getToken(0);
- lit.setValue(FalseLiteral.INSTANCE);
- }
+ lit.setValue(new DoubleLiteral(new Double(t.image)));
+ }
+ | <NULL>
+ {
+ t= getToken(0);
+ lit.setValue(NullLiteral.INSTANCE);
+ }
+ | <TRUE>
+ {
+ t= getToken(0);
+ lit.setValue(TrueLiteral.INSTANCE);
+ }
+ | <FALSE>
+ {
+ t= getToken(0);
+ lit.setValue(FalseLiteral.INSTANCE);
+ }
return lit;
@@ -861,26 +871,26 @@
VariableExpr VariableRef() throws ParseException:
- VariableExpr varExp = new VariableExpr();
- VarIdentifier var = new VarIdentifier();
- Token t;
+ VariableExpr varExp = new VariableExpr();
+ VarIdentifier var = new VarIdentifier();
+ Token t;
t = getToken(0);//get current token
- String varName = t.toString();
+ String varName = t.toString();
Identifier ident = lookupSymbol(varName);
if (isInForbiddenScopes(varName)) {
throw new ParseException("Inside limit clauses, it is disallowed to reference a variable having the same name as any variable bound in the same scope as the limit clause.");
if(ident != null) { // exist such ident
- varExp.setVar((VarIdentifier)ident);
+ varExp.setVar((VarIdentifier)ident);
} else {
- varExp.setVar(var);
+ varExp.setVar(var);
- var.setValue(t.toString());
+ var.setValue(t.toString());
return varExp;
@@ -888,9 +898,9 @@
VariableExpr Variable() throws ParseException:
- VariableExpr varExp = new VariableExpr();
- VarIdentifier var = new VarIdentifier();
- Token t;
+ VariableExpr varExp = new VariableExpr();
+ VarIdentifier var = new VarIdentifier();
+ Token t;
@@ -899,9 +909,9 @@
Identifier ident = lookupSymbol(t.toString());
if(ident != null) { // exist such ident
- }
- varExp.setVar(var);
- var.setValue(t.toString());
+ }
+ varExp.setVar(var);
+ var.setValue(t.toString());
return varExp;
@@ -916,21 +926,21 @@
t = getToken(0);//get current token
- metaVarExp.setVar(var);
- var.setValue(t.toString());
+ metaVarExp.setVar(var);
+ var.setValue(t.toString());
return metaVarExp;
Expression ListConstructor() throws ParseException:
- Expression expr = null;
+ Expression expr = null;
- expr = OrderedListConstructor() | expr = UnorderedListConstructor()
+ expr = OrderedListConstructor() | expr = UnorderedListConstructor()
return expr;
@@ -939,55 +949,55 @@
ListConstructor OrderedListConstructor() throws ParseException:
- ListConstructor expr = new ListConstructor();
- Expression tmp = null;
- List<Expression> exprList = new ArrayList<Expression>();
- expr.setType(ListConstructor.Type.ORDERED_LIST_CONSTRUCTOR);
+ ListConstructor expr = new ListConstructor();
+ Expression tmp = null;
+ List<Expression> exprList = new ArrayList<Expression>();
+ expr.setType(ListConstructor.Type.ORDERED_LIST_CONSTRUCTOR);
- "["
- ( tmp = Expression()
- {
- exprList.add(tmp);
- }
- ("," tmp = Expression() { exprList.add(tmp); })*
- )?
+ "["
+ ( tmp = Expression()
+ {
+ exprList.add(tmp);
+ }
+ ("," tmp = Expression() { exprList.add(tmp); })*
+ )?
return expr;
- }
+ }
ListConstructor UnorderedListConstructor() throws ParseException:
- ListConstructor expr = new ListConstructor();
- Expression tmp = null;
- List<Expression> exprList = new ArrayList<Expression>();
- expr.setType(ListConstructor.Type.UNORDERED_LIST_CONSTRUCTOR);
+ ListConstructor expr = new ListConstructor();
+ Expression tmp = null;
+ List<Expression> exprList = new ArrayList<Expression>();
+ expr.setType(ListConstructor.Type.UNORDERED_LIST_CONSTRUCTOR);
"{{" ( tmp = Expression()
- {
- exprList.add(tmp);
- }
+ {
+ exprList.add(tmp);
+ }
("," tmp = Expression() { exprList.add(tmp); })*)? "}}"
return expr;
- }
+ }
RecordConstructor RecordConstructor() throws ParseException:
- RecordConstructor expr = new RecordConstructor();
- FieldBinding tmp = null;
- List<FieldBinding> fbList = new ArrayList<FieldBinding>();
+ RecordConstructor expr = new RecordConstructor();
+ FieldBinding tmp = null;
+ List<FieldBinding> fbList = new ArrayList<FieldBinding>();
"{" (tmp = FieldBinding()
@@ -998,13 +1008,13 @@
return expr;
- }
+ }
FieldBinding FieldBinding() throws ParseException:
- FieldBinding fb = new FieldBinding();
- Expression left, right;
+ FieldBinding fb = new FieldBinding();
+ Expression left, right;
left = Expression() ":" right = Expression()
@@ -1027,10 +1037,10 @@
String id1=null;
String id2=null;
- ( <IDENTIFIER> { dataverse = defaultDataverse; funcName = token.image;}
- ("." <IDENTIFIER> { dataverse = funcName; funcName = token.image;})?
- |
+ ( <IDENTIFIER> { dataverse = defaultDataverse; funcName = token.image;}
+ ("." <IDENTIFIER> { dataverse = funcName; funcName = token.image;})?
+ |
<DATASET> {dataverse = MetadataConstants.METADATA_DATAVERSE_NAME; funcName = getToken(0).toString();}
@@ -1088,11 +1098,11 @@
Expression FLWOGR() throws ParseException:
- FLWOGRExpression flworg = new FLWOGRExpression();
- List<Clause> clauseList = new ArrayList<Clause>();
- Expression returnExpr;
- Clause tmp;
- createNewScope();
+ FLWOGRExpression flworg = new FLWOGRExpression();
+ List<Clause> clauseList = new ArrayList<Clause>();
+ Expression returnExpr;
+ Clause tmp;
+ createNewScope();
(tmp = ForClause() {clauseList.add(tmp);} | tmp = LetClause() {clauseList.add(tmp);} | tmp = MetaVariableClause() {clauseList.add(tmp);})
@@ -1130,11 +1140,11 @@
- clause = ForClause()
- | clause = LetClause()
- | clause = WhereClause()
- | clause = OrderbyClause()
- | clause = GroupClause()
+ clause = ForClause()
+ | clause = LetClause()
+ | clause = WhereClause()
+ | clause = OrderbyClause()
+ | clause = GroupClause()
| clause = LimitClause()
| clause = DistinctClause()
| clause = MetaVariableClause()
@@ -1155,8 +1165,8 @@
t = getToken(0);
- mc.setVar(var);
- var.setValue(t.toString());
+ mc.setVar(var);
+ var.setValue(t.toString());
return mc;
@@ -1165,12 +1175,12 @@
Expression whereExpr;
List<Clause> leftClauses, rightClauses;
- JoinClause.JoinKind kind = JoinClause.JoinKind.INNER;
+ JoinClause.JoinKind kind = JoinClause.JoinKind.INNER;
- ("join" | "loj" { kind = JoinClause.JoinKind.LEFT_OUTER; } )
- <LEFTPAREN> <LEFTPAREN> leftClauses = Clauses() <RIGHTPAREN> ","
- <LEFTPAREN> rightClauses = Clauses() <RIGHTPAREN> ","
+ ("join" | "loj" { kind = JoinClause.JoinKind.LEFT_OUTER; } )
+ <LEFTPAREN> <LEFTPAREN> leftClauses = Clauses() <RIGHTPAREN> ","
+ <LEFTPAREN> rightClauses = Clauses() <RIGHTPAREN> ","
whereExpr = Expression() <RIGHTPAREN>
JoinClause jc = new JoinClause(kind);
@@ -1183,22 +1193,22 @@
Clause ForClause()throws ParseException :
- ForClause fc = new ForClause();
- VariableExpr varExp;
- VariableExpr varPos = null;
- Expression inExp;
- extendCurrentScope();
+ ForClause fc = new ForClause();
+ VariableExpr varExp;
+ VariableExpr varPos = null;
+ Expression inExp;
+ extendCurrentScope();
"for" varExp = Variable()
- getCurrentScope().addNewVarSymbolToScope(varExp.getVar());
- }
- ("at" varPos = Variable()
- {
- getCurrentScope().addNewVarSymbolToScope(varPos.getVar());
- }
- )?
+ getCurrentScope().addNewVarSymbolToScope(varExp.getVar());
+ }
+ ("at" varPos = Variable()
+ {
+ getCurrentScope().addNewVarSymbolToScope(varPos.getVar());
+ }
+ )?
"in" ( inExp = Expression() )
@@ -1212,10 +1222,10 @@
Clause LetClause() throws ParseException:
- LetClause lc = new LetClause();
- VariableExpr varExp;
- Expression beExp;
- extendCurrentScope();
+ LetClause lc = new LetClause();
+ VariableExpr varExp;
+ Expression beExp;
+ extendCurrentScope();
"let" varExp = Variable() ":=" beExp = Expression()
@@ -1250,28 +1260,28 @@
- "order"
+ "order"
String hint = getHint(token);
if (hint != null && hint.startsWith(INMEMORY_HINT)) {
- String splits[] = hint.split(" +");
+ String splits[] = hint.split(" +");
int numFrames = Integer.parseInt(splits[1]);
int numTuples = Integer.parseInt(splits[2]);
- oc.setNumTuples(numTuples);
- }
- }
+ oc.setNumTuples(numTuples);
+ }
+ }
"by" orderbyExpr = Expression()
- OrderbyClause.OrderModifier modif = OrderbyClause.OrderModifier.ASC;
+ OrderbyClause.OrderModifier modif = OrderbyClause.OrderModifier.ASC;
( ("asc" { modif = OrderbyClause.OrderModifier.ASC; })
| ("desc" { modif = OrderbyClause.OrderModifier.DESC; }))?
("," orderbyExpr = Expression()
@@ -1281,7 +1291,7 @@
| ("desc" { modif = OrderbyClause.OrderModifier.DESC; }))?
- }
+ }
@@ -1292,73 +1302,73 @@
Clause GroupClause()throws ParseException :
- GroupbyClause gbc = new GroupbyClause();
- // GbyVariableExpressionPair pair = new GbyVariableExpressionPair();
- List<GbyVariableExpressionPair> vePairList = new ArrayList<GbyVariableExpressionPair>();
+ GroupbyClause gbc = new GroupbyClause();
+ // GbyVariableExpressionPair pair = new GbyVariableExpressionPair();
+ List<GbyVariableExpressionPair> vePairList = new ArrayList<GbyVariableExpressionPair>();
List<GbyVariableExpressionPair> decorPairList = new ArrayList<GbyVariableExpressionPair>();
- List<VariableExpr> withVarList= new ArrayList<VariableExpr>();
- VariableExpr var = null;
- VariableExpr withVar = null;
- Expression expr = null;
- VariableExpr decorVar = null;
- Expression decorExpr = null;
+ List<VariableExpr> withVarList= new ArrayList<VariableExpr>();
+ VariableExpr var = null;
+ VariableExpr withVar = null;
+ Expression expr = null;
+ VariableExpr decorVar = null;
+ Expression decorExpr = null;
- {
- Scope newScope = extendCurrentScopeNoPush(true);
- // extendCurrentScope(true);
- }
+ {
+ Scope newScope = extendCurrentScopeNoPush(true);
+ // extendCurrentScope(true);
+ }
String hint = getHint(token);
if (hint != null && hint.equals(HASH_GROUP_BY_HINT)) {
- gbc.setHashGroupByHint(true);
- }
- }
+ gbc.setHashGroupByHint(true);
+ }
+ }
"by" (LOOKAHEAD(2) var = Variable()
} ":=")?
- expr = Expression()
+ expr = Expression()
- GbyVariableExpressionPair pair1 = new GbyVariableExpressionPair(var, expr);
+ GbyVariableExpressionPair pair1 = new GbyVariableExpressionPair(var, expr);
("," ( LOOKAHEAD(2) var = Variable()
} ":=")?
- expr = Expression()
- {
- GbyVariableExpressionPair pair2 = new GbyVariableExpressionPair(var, expr);
+ expr = Expression()
+ {
+ GbyVariableExpressionPair pair2 = new GbyVariableExpressionPair(var, expr);
- )*
+ )*
("decor" decorVar = Variable() ":=" decorExpr = Expression()
- {
- newScope.addNewVarSymbolToScope(decorVar.getVar());
+ {
+ newScope.addNewVarSymbolToScope(decorVar.getVar());
GbyVariableExpressionPair pair3 = new GbyVariableExpressionPair(decorVar, decorExpr);
("," "decor" decorVar = Variable() ":=" decorExpr = Expression()
- {
- newScope.addNewVarSymbolToScope(decorVar.getVar());
+ {
+ newScope.addNewVarSymbolToScope(decorVar.getVar());
GbyVariableExpressionPair pair4 = new GbyVariableExpressionPair(decorVar, decorExpr);
- decorPairList.add(pair4);
+ decorPairList.add(pair4);
- )*
- )?
+ )*
+ )?
"with" withVar = VariableRef()
- throw new ParseException("can't find variable " + withVar.getVar());
+ throw new ParseException("can't find variable " + withVar.getVar());
("," withVar = VariableRef()
- throw new ParseException("can't find variable " + withVar.getVar());
+ throw new ParseException("can't find variable " + withVar.getVar());
@@ -1374,16 +1384,16 @@
LimitClause LimitClause() throws ParseException:
- LimitClause lc = new LimitClause();
- Expression expr;
- pushForbiddenScope(getCurrentScope());
+ LimitClause lc = new LimitClause();
+ Expression expr;
+ pushForbiddenScope(getCurrentScope());
"limit" expr = Expression() { lc.setLimitExpr(expr); }
("offset" expr = Expression() { lc.setOffset(expr); })?
- popForbiddenScope();
+ popForbiddenScope();
return lc;
@@ -1394,17 +1404,17 @@
Expression expr;
- "distinct" "by" expr = Expression()
+ "distinct" "by" expr = Expression()
- ("," expr = Expression()
- {
- exprs.add(expr);
- }
+ ("," expr = Expression()
+ {
+ exprs.add(expr);
+ }
- return new DistinctClause(exprs);
+ return new DistinctClause(exprs);
@@ -1422,30 +1432,30 @@
( ("some" { qc.setQuantifier(QuantifiedExpression.Quantifier.SOME); })
- | ("every" { qc.setQuantifier(QuantifiedExpression.Quantifier.EVERY); }))
- var = Variable() "in" inExpr = Expression()
- {
- pair = new QuantifiedPair(var, inExpr);
- getCurrentScope().addNewVarSymbolToScope(var.getVar());
- quantifiedList.add(pair);
- }
- (
- "," var = Variable() "in" inExpr = Expression()
- {
+ | ("every" { qc.setQuantifier(QuantifiedExpression.Quantifier.EVERY); }))
+ var = Variable() "in" inExpr = Expression()
+ {
pair = new QuantifiedPair(var, inExpr);
- quantifiedList.add(pair);
- }
- )*
- "satisfies" satisfiesExpr = Expression()
- {
- qc.setSatisfiesExpr(satisfiesExpr);
- qc.setQuantifiedList(quantifiedList);
- removeCurrentScope();
- return qc;
- }
+ quantifiedList.add(pair);
+ }
+ (
+ "," var = Variable() "in" inExpr = Expression()
+ {
+ pair = new QuantifiedPair(var, inExpr);
+ getCurrentScope().addNewVarSymbolToScope(var.getVar());
+ quantifiedList.add(pair);
+ }
+ )*
+ "satisfies" satisfiesExpr = Expression()
+ {
+ qc.setSatisfiesExpr(satisfiesExpr);
+ qc.setQuantifiedList(quantifiedList);
+ removeCurrentScope();
+ return qc;
+ }
@@ -1481,32 +1491,32 @@
- <NULL : "null">
+ <NULL : "null">
- <TRUE : "true">
+ <TRUE : "true">
- <FALSE : "false">
+ <FALSE : "false">
- <#DIGIT : ["0" - "9"]>
+ <#DIGIT : ["0" - "9"]>
@@ -1528,35 +1538,35 @@
- <#LETTER : ["A" - "Z", "a" - "z"]>
+ <#LETTER : ["A" - "Z", "a" - "z"]>
- <SPECIALCHARS : ["$", "_", "-"] >
+ <SPECIALCHARS : ["$", "_", "-"] >
- <STRING_LITERAL : ("\"" (<EscapeQuot> | ~["\""])* "\"") | ("\'"(<EscapeApos> | ~["\'"])* "\'")>
- |
- < #EscapeQuot: "\\\"" >
- |
+ <STRING_LITERAL : ("\"" (<EscapeQuot> | ~["\""])* "\"") | ("\'"(<EscapeApos> | ~["\'"])* "\'")>
+ |
+ < #EscapeQuot: "\\\"" >
+ |
< #EscapeApos: "\\\'" >
@@ -1581,12 +1591,12 @@
- <"//" (~["\n"])* "\n">
+ <"//" (~["\n"])* "\n">
- <"//" (~["\n","\r"])* ("\n"|"\r"|"\r\n")?>
+ <"//" (~["\n","\r"])* ("\n"|"\r"|"\r\n")?>
diff --git a/asterix-app/data/types/deptDataset.adm b/asterix-app/data/types/deptDataset.adm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0ebaf93
--- /dev/null
+++ b/asterix-app/data/types/deptDataset.adm
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+{"did":1, "dname":"dept1", "floor":1, "dsince":2001, "bossid":int64("1"), "bossidint32":int32("1"), "dmgrid2":1}
+{"did":2, "dname":"dept2", "floor":2, "dsince":2002, "bossid":int64("1"), "bossidint32":int32("1"), "dmgrid":int64("1")}
+{"did":3, "dname":"dept3", "floor":3, "dsince":2003, "bossid":int64("1"), "bossidint32":int32("1"), "dmgrid":1}
+{"did":4, "dname":"dept4", "floor":4, "dsince":2004, "bossid":int64("1"), "bossidint32":int32("1"), "dmgrid":"1"}
+{"did":5, "dname":"dept5", "floor":5, "dsince":2005, "bossid":int64("1"), "bossidint32":int32("1"), "dmgrid":1.0}
+{"did":6, "dname":"dept6", "floor":6, "dsince":2006, "bossid":int64("1"), "bossidint32":int32("1"), "dmgrid2":2}
+{"did":7, "dname":"dept7", "floor":7, "dsince":2007, "bossid":int64("1"), "bossidint32":int32("1"), "dmgrid":int64("2")}
+{"did":8, "dname":"dept8", "floor":8, "dsince":2008, "bossid":int64("1"), "bossidint32":int32("1"), "dmgrid":2}
+{"did":9, "dname":"dept9", "floor":9, "dsince":2009, "bossid":int64("1"), "bossidint32":int32("1"), "dmgrid":"2"}
+{"did":10, "dname":"dept10", "floor":10, "dsince":2010, "bossid":int64("1"), "bossidint32":int32("1"), "dmgrid":2.0}
+{"did":11, "dname":"dept11", "floor":11, "dsince":2011, "bossid":int64("1"), "bossidint32":int32("1"), "dmgrid2":3}
+{"did":12, "dname":"dept12", "floor":12, "dsince":2012, "bossid":int64("1"), "bossidint32":int32("1"), "dmgrid":int64("3")}
+{"did":13, "dname":"dept13", "floor":13, "dsince":2013, "bossid":int64("1"), "bossidint32":int32("1"), "dmgrid":3}
+{"did":14, "dname":"dept14", "floor":14, "dsince":2014, "bossid":int64("1"), "bossidint32":int32("1"), "dmgrid":"3"}
+{"did":15, "dname":"dept15", "floor":15, "dsince":2015, "bossid":int64("1"), "bossidint32":int32("1"), "dmgrid":3.0}
+{"did":16, "dname":"dept16", "floor":16, "dsince":2016, "bossid":int64("1"), "bossidint32":int32("1"), "dmgrid2":4}
+{"did":17, "dname":"dept17", "floor":17, "dsince":2017, "bossid":int64("1"), "bossidint32":int32("1"), "dmgrid":int64("4")}
+{"did":18, "dname":"dept18", "floor":18, "dsince":2018, "bossid":int64("1"), "bossidint32":int32("1"), "dmgrid":4}
+{"did":19, "dname":"dept19", "floor":19, "dsince":2019, "bossid":int64("1"), "bossidint32":int32("1"), "dmgrid":"4"}
+{"did":20, "dname":"dept20", "floor":20, "dsince":2020, "bossid":int64("1"), "bossidint32":int32("1"), "dmgrid":4.0}
+{"did":21, "dname":"dept21", "floor":21, "dsince":2021, "bossid":int64("1"), "bossidint32":int32("1"), "dmgrid2":5}
+{"did":22, "dname":"dept22", "floor":22, "dsince":2022, "bossid":int64("1"), "bossidint32":int32("1"), "dmgrid":int64("5")}
+{"did":23, "dname":"dept23", "floor":23, "dsince":2023, "bossid":int64("1"), "bossidint32":int32("1"), "dmgrid":5}
+{"did":24, "dname":"dept24", "floor":24, "dsince":2024, "bossid":int64("1"), "bossidint32":int32("1"), "dmgrid":"5"}
+{"did":25, "dname":"dept25", "floor":25, "dsince":2025, "bossid":int64("1"), "bossidint32":int32("1"), "dmgrid":5.0}
+{"did":26, "dname":"dept26", "floor":26, "dsince":2026, "bossid":int64("1"), "bossidint32":int32("1"), "dmgrid2":6}
+{"did":27, "dname":"dept27", "floor":27, "dsince":2027, "bossid":int64("1"), "bossidint32":int32("1"), "dmgrid":int64("6")}
+{"did":28, "dname":"dept28", "floor":28, "dsince":2028, "bossid":int64("1"), "bossidint32":int32("1"), "dmgrid":6}
+{"did":29, "dname":"dept29", "floor":29, "dsince":2029, "bossid":int64("1"), "bossidint32":int32("1"), "dmgrid":"6"}
+{"did":30, "dname":"dept20", "floor":30, "dsince":2030, "bossid":int64("1"), "bossidint32":int32("1"), "dmgrid":6.0}
+{"did":31, "dname":"dept31", "floor":31, "dsince":2031, "bossid":int64("1"), "bossidint32":int32("1"), "dmgrid2":7}
+{"did":32, "dname":"dept32", "floor":32, "dsince":2032, "bossid":int64("1"), "bossidint32":int32("1"), "dmgrid":int64("7")}
+{"did":33, "dname":"dept33", "floor":33, "dsince":2033, "bossid":int64("1"), "bossidint32":int32("1"), "dmgrid":7}
+{"did":34, "dname":"dept34", "floor":34, "dsince":2034, "bossid":int64("1"), "bossidint32":int32("1"), "dmgrid":"7"}
+{"did":35, "dname":"dept35", "floor":35, "dsince":2035, "bossid":int64("1"), "bossidint32":int32("1"), "dmgrid":7.0}
+{"did":36, "dname":"dept36", "floor":36, "dsince":2036, "bossid":int64("1"), "bossidint32":int32("1"), "dmgrid2":8}
+{"did":37, "dname":"dept37", "floor":37, "dsince":2037, "bossid":int64("1"), "bossidint32":int32("1"), "dmgrid":int64("8")}
+{"did":38, "dname":"dept38", "floor":38, "dsince":2038, "bossid":int64("1"), "bossidint32":int32("1"), "dmgrid":8}
+{"did":39, "dname":"dept39", "floor":39, "dsince":2039, "bossid":int64("1"), "bossidint32":int32("1"), "dmgrid":"8"}
+{"did":40, "dname":"dept40", "floor":40, "dsince":2040, "bossid":int64("1"), "bossidint32":int32("1"), "dmgrid":8.0}
+{"did":41, "dname":"dept41", "floor":41, "dsince":2041, "bossid":int64("1"), "bossidint32":int32("1"), "dmgrid2":9}
+{"did":42, "dname":"dept42", "floor":42, "dsince":2042, "bossid":int64("1"), "bossidint32":int32("1"), "dmgrid":int64("9")}
+{"did":43, "dname":"dept43", "floor":43, "dsince":2043, "bossid":int64("1"), "bossidint32":int32("1"), "dmgrid":9}
+{"did":44, "dname":"dept44", "floor":44, "dsince":2044, "bossid":int64("1"), "bossidint32":int32("1"), "dmgrid":"9"}
+{"did":45, "dname":"dept45", "floor":45, "dsince":2045, "bossid":int64("1"), "bossidint32":int32("1"), "dmgrid":9.0}
+{"did":46, "dname":"dept46", "floor":46, "dsince":2046, "bossid":int64("1"), "bossidint32":int32("1"), "dmgrid2":10}
+{"did":47, "dname":"dept47", "floor":47, "dsince":2047, "bossid":int64("1"), "bossidint32":int32("1"), "dmgrid":int64("10")}
+{"did":48, "dname":"dept48", "floor":48, "dsince":2048, "bossid":int64("1"), "bossidint32":int32("1"), "dmgrid":10}
+{"did":49, "dname":"dept49", "floor":49, "dsince":2049, "bossid":int64("1"), "bossidint32":int32("1"), "dmgrid":"10"}
+{"did":50, "dname":"dept50", "floor":50, "dsince":2050, "bossid":int64("1"), "bossidint32":int32("1"), "dmgrid":10.0}
+{"did":51, "dname":"dept51", "floor":51, "dsince":2051, "bossid":int64("1"), "bossidint32":int32("1"), "dmgrid2":circle("10.1234,11.1e-1 +10.2E-2")}
+{"did":52, "dname":"dept52", "floor":52, "dsince":2052, "bossid":int64("1"), "bossidint32":int32("1"), "dmgrid":point("5.10E-10d, -10E5")}
+{"did":53, "dname":"dept53", "floor":53, "dsince":2053, "bossid":int64("1"), "bossidint32":int32("1"), "dmgrid":point("80.10d, -10E5")}
+{"did":54, "dname":"dept54", "floor":54, "dsince":2054, "bossid":int64("1"), "bossidint32":int32("1"), "dmgrid":point("80.10d, -10E5")}
+{"did":55, "dname":"dept55", "floor":55, "dsince":2055, "bossid":int64("1"), "bossidint32":int32("1"), "dmgrid":time("12:54:54.039Z")}
+{"did":56, "dname":"dept56", "floor":56, "dsince":2056, "bossid":int64("1"), "bossidint32":int32("1"), "dmgrid":duration("P100Y12MT12M")}
diff --git a/asterix-app/data/types/deptDataset_minus_data.adm b/asterix-app/data/types/deptDataset_minus_data.adm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..419761b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/asterix-app/data/types/deptDataset_minus_data.adm
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+{"did":1, "dno":int32("1"), "dname": "dept1"}
+{"did":-1, "dno":int32("-1"), "dname": "dept-1"}
+{"did":2, "dno":int32("2"), "dname": "dept2"}
+{"did":-2, "dno":int32("-2"), "dname": "dept-2"}
+{"did":3, "dno":int32("3"), "dname": "dept3"}
+{"did":-3, "dno":int32("-3"), "dname": "dept-3"}
+{"did":4, "dno":int32("4"), "dname": "dept4"}
+{"did":-4, "dno":int32("-4"), "dname": "dept-4"}
+{"did":5, "dno":int32("5"), "dname": "dept5"}
+{"did":-5, "dno":int32("-5"), "dname": "dept-5"}
+{"did":6, "dno":int32("6"), "dname": "dept6"}
+{"did":-6, "dno":int32("-6"), "dname": "dept-6"}
+{"did":7, "dno":int32("7"), "dname": "dept7"}
+{"did":-7, "dno":int32("-7"), "dname": "dept-7"}
+{"did":8, "dno":int32("8"), "dname": "dept8"}
+{"did":-8, "dno":int32("-8"), "dname": "dept-8"}
+{"did":9, "dno":int32("9"), "dname": "dept9"}
+{"did":-9, "dno":int32("-9"), "dname": "dept-9"}
+{"did":10, "dno":int32("10"), "dname": "dept10"}
+{"did":-10, "dno":int32("-10"), "dname": "dept-10"}
diff --git a/asterix-app/data/types/empDataset.adm b/asterix-app/data/types/empDataset.adm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0c5eac6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/asterix-app/data/types/empDataset.adm
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+{"id":1, "empno":int64("1"), "name": "emp1", "height":1.1f, "age":1, "worksince":2001}
+{"id":2, "empno":int64("2"), "name": "emp2", "height":2.2f, "age":2, "worksince":2002, "supvrid":int64("1")}
+{"id":3, "empno":int64("3"), "name": "emp3", "height":3.3f, "age":3, "worksince":2003, "supvrid":1}
+{"id":4, "empno":int64("4"), "name": "emp4", "height":4.4f, "age":4, "worksince":2004, "supvrid":"1"}
+{"id":5, "empno":int64("5"), "name": "emp5", "height":5.5f, "age":5, "worksince":2005, "supvrid":1.0}
+{"id":6, "empno":int64("6"), "name": "emp6", "height":6.6f, "age":6, "worksince":2006}
+{"id":7, "empno":int64("7"), "name": "emp7", "height":7.7f, "age":7, "worksince":2007, "supvrid":int64("2")}
+{"id":8, "empno":int64("8"), "name": "emp8", "height":8.8f, "age":8, "worksince":2008, "supvrid":2}
+{"id":9, "empno":int64("9"), "name": "emp9", "height":9.9f, "age":9, "worksince":2009, "supvrid":"2"}
+{"id":10, "empno":int64("10"), "name": "emp10", "height":0.0f, "age":10, "worksince":2010, "supvrid":2.0}
+{"id":11, "empno":int64("11"), "name": "emp11", "height":1.1f, "age":11, "worksince":2011}
+{"id":12, "empno":int64("12"), "name": "emp12", "height":2.2f, "age":12, "worksince":2012, "supvrid":int64("3")}
+{"id":13, "empno":int64("13"), "name": "emp13", "height":3.3f, "age":13, "worksince":2013, "supvrid":3}
+{"id":14, "empno":int64("14"), "name": "emp14", "height":4.4f, "age":14, "worksince":2014, "supvrid":"3"}
+{"id":15, "empno":int64("15"), "name": "emp15", "height":5.5f, "age":15, "worksince":2015, "supvrid":3.0}
+{"id":16, "empno":int64("16"), "name": "emp16", "height":6.6f, "age":16, "worksince":2016}
+{"id":17, "empno":int64("17"), "name": "emp17", "height":7.7f, "age":17, "worksince":2017, "supvrid":int64("4")}
+{"id":18, "empno":int64("18"), "name": "emp18", "height":8.8f, "age":18, "worksince":2018, "supvrid":4}
+{"id":19, "empno":int64("19"), "name": "emp19", "height":9.9f, "age":19, "worksince":2019, "supvrid":"4"}
+{"id":20, "empno":int64("20"), "name": "emp20", "height":0.0f, "age":20, "worksince":2020, "supvrid":4.0}
+{"id":21, "empno":int64("21"), "name": "emp21", "height":1.1f, "age":21, "worksince":2021}
+{"id":22, "empno":int64("22"), "name": "emp22", "height":2.2f, "age":22, "worksince":2022, "supvrid":int64("5")}
+{"id":23, "empno":int64("23"), "name": "emp23", "height":3.3f, "age":23, "worksince":2023, "supvrid":5}
+{"id":24, "empno":int64("24"), "name": "emp24", "height":4.4f, "age":24, "worksince":2024, "supvrid":"5"}
+{"id":25, "empno":int64("25"), "name": "emp25", "height":5.5f, "age":25, "worksince":2025, "supvrid":5.0}
+{"id":26, "empno":int64("26"), "name": "emp26", "height":6.6f, "age":26, "worksince":2026}
+{"id":27, "empno":int64("27"), "name": "emp27", "height":7.7f, "age":27, "worksince":2027, "supvrid":int64("6")}
+{"id":28, "empno":int64("28"), "name": "emp28", "height":8.8f, "age":28, "worksince":2028, "supvrid":6}
+{"id":29, "empno":int64("29"), "name": "emp29", "height":9.9f, "age":29, "worksince":2029, "supvrid":"6"}
+{"id":30, "empno":int64("30"), "name": "emp30", "height":0.0f, "age":30, "worksince":2030, "supvrid":6.0}
+{"id":31, "empno":int64("31"), "name": "emp31", "height":1.1f, "age":31, "worksince":2031}
+{"id":32, "empno":int64("32"), "name": "emp32", "height":2.2f, "age":32, "worksince":2032, "supvrid":int64("7")}
+{"id":33, "empno":int64("33"), "name": "emp33", "height":3.3f, "age":33, "worksince":2033, "supvrid":7}
+{"id":34, "empno":int64("34"), "name": "emp34", "height":4.4f, "age":34, "worksince":2034, "supvrid":"7"}
+{"id":35, "empno":int64("35"), "name": "emp35", "height":5.5f, "age":35, "worksince":2035, "supvrid":7.0}
+{"id":36, "empno":int64("36"), "name": "emp36", "height":6.6f, "age":36, "worksince":2036}
+{"id":37, "empno":int64("37"), "name": "emp37", "height":7.7f, "age":37, "worksince":2037, "supvrid":int64("8")}
+{"id":38, "empno":int64("38"), "name": "emp38", "height":8.8f, "age":38, "worksince":2038, "supvrid":8}
+{"id":39, "empno":int64("39"), "name": "emp39", "height":9.9f, "age":39, "worksince":2039, "supvrid":"8"}
+{"id":40, "empno":int64("40"), "name": "emp40", "height":0.0f, "age":40, "worksince":2040, "supvrid":8.0}
+{"id":41, "empno":int64("41"), "name": "emp41", "height":1.1f, "age":41, "worksince":2041}
+{"id":42, "empno":int64("42"), "name": "emp42", "height":2.2f, "age":42, "worksince":2042, "supvrid":int64("9")}
+{"id":43, "empno":int64("43"), "name": "emp43", "height":3.3f, "age":43, "worksince":2043, "supvrid":9}
+{"id":44, "empno":int64("44"), "name": "emp44", "height":4.4f, "age":44, "worksince":2044, "supvrid":"9"}
+{"id":45, "empno":int64("45"), "name": "emp45", "height":5.5f, "age":45, "worksince":2045, "supvrid":9.0}
+{"id":46, "empno":int64("46"), "name": "emp46", "height":6.6f, "age":46, "worksince":2046}
+{"id":47, "empno":int64("47"), "name": "emp47", "height":7.7f, "age":47, "worksince":2047, "supvrid":int64("10")}
+{"id":48, "empno":int64("48"), "name": "emp48", "height":8.8f, "age":48, "worksince":2048, "supvrid":10}
+{"id":49, "empno":int64("49"), "name": "emp49", "height":9.9f, "age":49, "worksince":2049, "supvrid":"10"}
+{"id":50, "empno":int64("50"), "name": "emp50", "height":0.0f, "age":50, "worksince":2050, "supvrid":10.0}
+{"id":51, "empno":int64("51"), "name": "emp51", "height":1.1f, "age":51, "worksince":2051, "supvrid":point("80.10d, -10E5")}
+{"id":52, "empno":int64("52"), "name": "emp52", "height":2.2f, "age":52, "worksince":2052, "supvrid":point("5.10E-10d, -10E5")}
+{"id":53, "empno":int64("53"), "name": "emp53", "height":3.3f, "age":53, "worksince":2053, "supvrid":circle("10.1234,11.1e-1 +10.2E-2")}
+{"id":54, "empno":int64("54"), "name": "emp54", "height":4.4f, "age":54, "worksince":2054, "supvrid":time("12:54:54.039Z")}
+{"id":55, "empno":int64("55"), "name": "emp55", "height":5.5f, "age":55, "worksince":2055, "supvrid":duration("P100Y12MT12M")}
diff --git a/asterix-app/data/types/empDataset_minus_data.adm b/asterix-app/data/types/empDataset_minus_data.adm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ff1851a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/asterix-app/data/types/empDataset_minus_data.adm
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+{"id":1, "empno":int64("1"), "name": "emp1"}
+{"id":-1, "empno":int64("-1"), "name": "emp-1"}
+{"id":2, "empno":int64("2"), "name": "emp2"}
+{"id":-2, "empno":int64("-2"), "name": "emp-2"}
+{"id":3, "empno":int64("3"), "name": "emp3"}
+{"id":-3, "empno":int64("-3"), "name": "emp-3"}
+{"id":4, "empno":int64("4"), "name": "emp4"}
+{"id":-4, "empno":int64("-4"), "name": "emp-4"}
+{"id":5, "empno":int64("5"), "name": "emp5"}
+{"id":-5, "empno":int64("-5"), "name": "emp-5"}
+{"id":6, "empno":int64("6"), "name": "emp6"}
+{"id":-6, "empno":int64("-6"), "name": "emp-6"}
+{"id":7, "empno":int64("7"), "name": "emp7"}
+{"id":-7, "empno":int64("-7"), "name": "emp-7"}
+{"id":8, "empno":int64("8"), "name": "emp8"}
+{"id":-8, "empno":int64("-8"), "name": "emp-8"}
+{"id":9, "empno":int64("9"), "name": "emp9"}
+{"id":-9, "empno":int64("-9"), "name": "emp-9"}
+{"id":10, "empno":int64("10"), "name": "emp10"}
+{"id":-10, "empno":int64("-10"), "name": "emp-10"}
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/aql/translator/AqlTranslator.java b/asterix-app/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/aql/translator/AqlTranslator.java
index 5fac0f6..9884486 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/aql/translator/AqlTranslator.java
+++ b/asterix-app/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/aql/translator/AqlTranslator.java
@@ -89,6 +89,7 @@
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.file.ExternalIndexingOperations;
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.file.FeedOperations;
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.file.IndexOperations;
+import edu.uci.ics.asterix.formats.nontagged.AqlTypeTraitProvider;
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.metadata.IDatasetDetails;
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.metadata.MetadataException;
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.metadata.MetadataManager;
@@ -113,6 +114,7 @@
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.metadata.entities.NodeGroup;
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.metadata.feeds.BuiltinFeedPolicies;
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.metadata.feeds.FeedUtil;
+import edu.uci.ics.asterix.metadata.utils.DatasetUtils;
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.metadata.utils.ExternalDatasetsRegistry;
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.metadata.utils.MetadataLockManager;
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.types.ARecordType;
@@ -150,6 +152,7 @@
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.algebricks.runtime.serializer.ResultSerializerFactoryProvider;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.algebricks.runtime.writers.PrinterBasedWriterFactory;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.api.client.IHyracksClientConnection;
+import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.api.dataflow.value.ITypeTraits;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.api.dataflow.value.ISerializerDeserializer;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.api.dataflow.value.RecordDescriptor;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.api.dataset.IHyracksDataset;
@@ -211,7 +214,7 @@
* Compiles and submits for execution a list of AQL statements.
- *
+ *
* @param hcc
* A Hyracks client connection that is used to submit a jobspec to Hyracks.
* @param hdc
@@ -718,6 +721,7 @@
String datasetName = stmtCreateIndex.getDatasetName().getValue();
MetadataTransactionContext mdTxnCtx = MetadataManager.INSTANCE.beginTransaction();
boolean bActiveTxn = true;
@@ -761,6 +765,27 @@
+ // Checks whether a user is trying to create an inverted secondary index on a dataset with a variable-length primary key.
+ // Currently, we do not support this. Therefore, as a temporary solution, we print an error message and stop.
+ if (stmtCreateIndex.getIndexType() == IndexType.SINGLE_PARTITION_WORD_INVIX
+ || stmtCreateIndex.getIndexType() == IndexType.SINGLE_PARTITION_NGRAM_INVIX
+ || stmtCreateIndex.getIndexType() == IndexType.LENGTH_PARTITIONED_WORD_INVIX
+ || stmtCreateIndex.getIndexType() == IndexType.LENGTH_PARTITIONED_NGRAM_INVIX) {
+ List<String> partitioningKeys = DatasetUtils.getPartitioningKeys(ds);
+ for (String partitioningKey : partitioningKeys) {
+ IAType keyType = aRecordType.getFieldType(partitioningKey);
+ ITypeTraits typeTrait = AqlTypeTraitProvider.INSTANCE.getTypeTrait(keyType);
+ // If it is not a fixed length
+ if (typeTrait.getFixedLength() < 0) {
+ throw new AlgebricksException("The keyword or ngram index -" + indexName
+ + " cannot be created on the dataset -" + datasetName
+ + " due to its variable-length primary key field - " + partitioningKey);
+ }
+ }
+ }
if (ds.getDatasetType() == DatasetType.INTERNAL) {
List<FeedActivity> feedActivities = MetadataManager.INSTANCE.getActiveFeeds(mdTxnCtx, dataverseName,
@@ -2370,7 +2395,7 @@
MetadataLockManager.INSTANCE.refreshDatasetEnd(dataverseName, dataverseName + "." + datasetName);
private void handleRunStatement(AqlMetadataProvider metadataProvider, Statement stmt,
IHyracksClientConnection hcc) throws AsterixException, Exception {
RunStatement runStmt = (RunStatement) stmt;
@@ -2382,7 +2407,7 @@
throw new AlgebricksException("The system \""+runStmt.getSystem()+"\" specified in your run statement is not supported.");
private void handlePregelixStatement(AqlMetadataProvider metadataProvider, Statement stmt,
@@ -2395,7 +2420,7 @@
String dataverseNameTo = getActiveDataverseName(pregelixStmt.getDataverseNameTo());
String datasetNameFrom = pregelixStmt.getDatasetNameFrom().getValue();
String datasetNameTo = pregelixStmt.getDatasetNameTo().getValue();
if(dataverseNameFrom != dataverseNameTo) {
throw new AlgebricksException("Pregelix statements across different dataverses are not supported.");
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/metadata/results/basic/meta10/meta10.1.adm b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/metadata/results/basic/meta10/meta10.1.adm
index 96ec850..80d09a4 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/metadata/results/basic/meta10/meta10.1.adm
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/metadata/results/basic/meta10/meta10.1.adm
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-[ 0i64
+[ 0
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/metadata/results/basic/meta11/meta11.1.adm b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/metadata/results/basic/meta11/meta11.1.adm
index 96ec850..80d09a4 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/metadata/results/basic/meta11/meta11.1.adm
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/metadata/results/basic/meta11/meta11.1.adm
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-[ 0i64
+[ 0
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/metadata/results/basic/meta13/meta13.1.adm b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/metadata/results/basic/meta13/meta13.1.adm
index 96ec850..80d09a4 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/metadata/results/basic/meta13/meta13.1.adm
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/metadata/results/basic/meta13/meta13.1.adm
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-[ 0i64
+[ 0
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/metadata/results/basic/meta14/meta14.1.adm b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/metadata/results/basic/meta14/meta14.1.adm
index 96ec850..80d09a4 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/metadata/results/basic/meta14/meta14.1.adm
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/metadata/results/basic/meta14/meta14.1.adm
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-[ 0i64
+[ 0
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/metadata/results/basic/meta17/meta17.1.adm b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/metadata/results/basic/meta17/meta17.1.adm
index fd958b0..69a1be7 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/metadata/results/basic/meta17/meta17.1.adm
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/metadata/results/basic/meta17/meta17.1.adm
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@
, { "DataverseName": "Metadata", "DatatypeName": "IndexRecordType", "Derived": { "Tag": "RECORD", "IsAnonymous": false, "EnumValues": null, "Record": { "IsOpen": true, "Fields": [ { "FieldName": "DataverseName", "FieldType": "string" }, { "FieldName": "DatasetName", "FieldType": "string" }, { "FieldName": "IndexName", "FieldType": "string" }, { "FieldName": "IndexStructure", "FieldType": "string" }, { "FieldName": "SearchKey", "FieldType": "Field_SearchKey_in_IndexRecordType" }, { "FieldName": "IsPrimary", "FieldType": "boolean" }, { "FieldName": "Timestamp", "FieldType": "string" }, { "FieldName": "PendingOp", "FieldType": "int32" } ] }, "Union": null, "UnorderedList": null, "OrderedList": null }, "Timestamp": "Wed Aug 20 14:03:26 PDT 2014" }
, { "DataverseName": "Metadata", "DatatypeName": "LibraryRecordType", "Derived": { "Tag": "RECORD", "IsAnonymous": false, "EnumValues": null, "Record": { "IsOpen": true, "Fields": [ { "FieldName": "DataverseName", "FieldType": "string" }, { "FieldName": "Name", "FieldType": "string" }, { "FieldName": "Timestamp", "FieldType": "string" } ] }, "Union": null, "UnorderedList": null, "OrderedList": null }, "Timestamp": "Wed Aug 20 14:03:26 PDT 2014" }
, { "DataverseName": "Metadata", "DatatypeName": "NodeGroupRecordType", "Derived": { "Tag": "RECORD", "IsAnonymous": false, "EnumValues": null, "Record": { "IsOpen": true, "Fields": [ { "FieldName": "GroupName", "FieldType": "string" }, { "FieldName": "NodeNames", "FieldType": "Field_NodeNames_in_NodeGroupRecordType" }, { "FieldName": "Timestamp", "FieldType": "string" } ] }, "Union": null, "UnorderedList": null, "OrderedList": null }, "Timestamp": "Wed Aug 20 14:03:26 PDT 2014" }
-, { "DataverseName": "Metadata", "DatatypeName": "NodeRecordType", "Derived": { "Tag": "RECORD", "IsAnonymous": false, "EnumValues": null, "Record": { "IsOpen": true, "Fields": [ { "FieldName": "NodeName", "FieldType": "string" }, { "FieldName": "NumberOfCores", "FieldType": "int32" }, { "FieldName": "WorkingMemorySize", "FieldType": "int32" } ] }, "Union": null, "UnorderedList": null, "OrderedList": null }, "Timestamp": "Wed Aug 20 14:03:26 PDT 2014" }
+, { "DataverseName": "Metadata", "DatatypeName": "NodeRecordType", "Derived": { "Tag": "RECORD", "IsAnonymous": false, "EnumValues": null, "Record": { "IsOpen": true, "Fields": [ { "FieldName": "NodeName", "FieldType": "string" }, { "FieldName": "NumberOfCores", "FieldType": "int64" }, { "FieldName": "WorkingMemorySize", "FieldType": "int64" } ] }, "Union": null, "UnorderedList": null, "OrderedList": null }, "Timestamp": "Wed Aug 20 14:03:26 PDT 2014" }
, { "DataverseName": "Metadata", "DatatypeName": "Type_#1_UnionType_Field_Derived_in_DatatypeRecordType", "Derived": { "Tag": "RECORD", "IsAnonymous": true, "EnumValues": null, "Record": { "IsOpen": true, "Fields": [ { "FieldName": "Tag", "FieldType": "string" }, { "FieldName": "IsAnonymous", "FieldType": "boolean" }, { "FieldName": "EnumValues", "FieldType": "Field_EnumValues_in_Type_#1_UnionType_Field_Derived_in_DatatypeRecordType" }, { "FieldName": "Record", "FieldType": "Field_Record_in_Type_#1_UnionType_Field_Derived_in_DatatypeRecordType" }, { "FieldName": "Union", "FieldType": "Field_Union_in_Type_#1_UnionType_Field_Derived_in_DatatypeRecordType" }, { "FieldName": "UnorderedList", "FieldType": "Field_UnorderedList_in_Type_#1_UnionType_Field_Derived_in_DatatypeRecordType" }, { "FieldName": "OrderedList", "FieldType": "Field_OrderedList_in_Type_#1_UnionType_Field_Derived_in_DatatypeRecordType" } ] }, "Union": null, "UnorderedList": null, "OrderedList": null }, "Timestamp": "Wed Aug 20 14:03:26 PDT 2014" }
, { "DataverseName": "Metadata", "DatatypeName": "Type_#1_UnionType_Field_EnumValues_in_Type_#1_UnionType_Field_Derived_in_DatatypeRecordType", "Derived": { "Tag": "ORDEREDLIST", "IsAnonymous": true, "EnumValues": null, "Record": null, "Union": null, "UnorderedList": null, "OrderedList": "string" }, "Timestamp": "Wed Aug 20 14:03:26 PDT 2014" }
, { "DataverseName": "Metadata", "DatatypeName": "Type_#1_UnionType_Field_ExternalDetails_in_DatasetRecordType", "Derived": { "Tag": "RECORD", "IsAnonymous": true, "EnumValues": null, "Record": { "IsOpen": true, "Fields": [ { "FieldName": "DatasourceAdapter", "FieldType": "string" }, { "FieldName": "Properties", "FieldType": "Field_Properties_in_Type_#1_UnionType_Field_ExternalDetails_in_DatasetRecordType" }, { "FieldName": "GroupName", "FieldType": "string" }, { "FieldName": "LastRefreshTime", "FieldType": "datetime" }, { "FieldName": "TransactionState", "FieldType": "int32" }, { "FieldName": "CompactionPolicy", "FieldType": "string" }, { "FieldName": "CompactionPolicyProperties", "FieldType": "Field_CompactionPolicyProperties_in_Type_#1_UnionType_Field_ExternalDetails_in_DatasetRecordType" } ] }, "Union": null, "UnorderedList": null, "OrderedList": null }, "Timestamp": "Wed Aug 20 14:03:26 PDT 2014" }
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/metadata/results/basic/metadata_datatype/metadata_datatype.1.adm b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/metadata/results/basic/metadata_datatype/metadata_datatype.1.adm
index fd958b0..69a1be7 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/metadata/results/basic/metadata_datatype/metadata_datatype.1.adm
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/metadata/results/basic/metadata_datatype/metadata_datatype.1.adm
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@
, { "DataverseName": "Metadata", "DatatypeName": "IndexRecordType", "Derived": { "Tag": "RECORD", "IsAnonymous": false, "EnumValues": null, "Record": { "IsOpen": true, "Fields": [ { "FieldName": "DataverseName", "FieldType": "string" }, { "FieldName": "DatasetName", "FieldType": "string" }, { "FieldName": "IndexName", "FieldType": "string" }, { "FieldName": "IndexStructure", "FieldType": "string" }, { "FieldName": "SearchKey", "FieldType": "Field_SearchKey_in_IndexRecordType" }, { "FieldName": "IsPrimary", "FieldType": "boolean" }, { "FieldName": "Timestamp", "FieldType": "string" }, { "FieldName": "PendingOp", "FieldType": "int32" } ] }, "Union": null, "UnorderedList": null, "OrderedList": null }, "Timestamp": "Wed Aug 20 14:03:26 PDT 2014" }
, { "DataverseName": "Metadata", "DatatypeName": "LibraryRecordType", "Derived": { "Tag": "RECORD", "IsAnonymous": false, "EnumValues": null, "Record": { "IsOpen": true, "Fields": [ { "FieldName": "DataverseName", "FieldType": "string" }, { "FieldName": "Name", "FieldType": "string" }, { "FieldName": "Timestamp", "FieldType": "string" } ] }, "Union": null, "UnorderedList": null, "OrderedList": null }, "Timestamp": "Wed Aug 20 14:03:26 PDT 2014" }
, { "DataverseName": "Metadata", "DatatypeName": "NodeGroupRecordType", "Derived": { "Tag": "RECORD", "IsAnonymous": false, "EnumValues": null, "Record": { "IsOpen": true, "Fields": [ { "FieldName": "GroupName", "FieldType": "string" }, { "FieldName": "NodeNames", "FieldType": "Field_NodeNames_in_NodeGroupRecordType" }, { "FieldName": "Timestamp", "FieldType": "string" } ] }, "Union": null, "UnorderedList": null, "OrderedList": null }, "Timestamp": "Wed Aug 20 14:03:26 PDT 2014" }
-, { "DataverseName": "Metadata", "DatatypeName": "NodeRecordType", "Derived": { "Tag": "RECORD", "IsAnonymous": false, "EnumValues": null, "Record": { "IsOpen": true, "Fields": [ { "FieldName": "NodeName", "FieldType": "string" }, { "FieldName": "NumberOfCores", "FieldType": "int32" }, { "FieldName": "WorkingMemorySize", "FieldType": "int32" } ] }, "Union": null, "UnorderedList": null, "OrderedList": null }, "Timestamp": "Wed Aug 20 14:03:26 PDT 2014" }
+, { "DataverseName": "Metadata", "DatatypeName": "NodeRecordType", "Derived": { "Tag": "RECORD", "IsAnonymous": false, "EnumValues": null, "Record": { "IsOpen": true, "Fields": [ { "FieldName": "NodeName", "FieldType": "string" }, { "FieldName": "NumberOfCores", "FieldType": "int64" }, { "FieldName": "WorkingMemorySize", "FieldType": "int64" } ] }, "Union": null, "UnorderedList": null, "OrderedList": null }, "Timestamp": "Wed Aug 20 14:03:26 PDT 2014" }
, { "DataverseName": "Metadata", "DatatypeName": "Type_#1_UnionType_Field_Derived_in_DatatypeRecordType", "Derived": { "Tag": "RECORD", "IsAnonymous": true, "EnumValues": null, "Record": { "IsOpen": true, "Fields": [ { "FieldName": "Tag", "FieldType": "string" }, { "FieldName": "IsAnonymous", "FieldType": "boolean" }, { "FieldName": "EnumValues", "FieldType": "Field_EnumValues_in_Type_#1_UnionType_Field_Derived_in_DatatypeRecordType" }, { "FieldName": "Record", "FieldType": "Field_Record_in_Type_#1_UnionType_Field_Derived_in_DatatypeRecordType" }, { "FieldName": "Union", "FieldType": "Field_Union_in_Type_#1_UnionType_Field_Derived_in_DatatypeRecordType" }, { "FieldName": "UnorderedList", "FieldType": "Field_UnorderedList_in_Type_#1_UnionType_Field_Derived_in_DatatypeRecordType" }, { "FieldName": "OrderedList", "FieldType": "Field_OrderedList_in_Type_#1_UnionType_Field_Derived_in_DatatypeRecordType" } ] }, "Union": null, "UnorderedList": null, "OrderedList": null }, "Timestamp": "Wed Aug 20 14:03:26 PDT 2014" }
, { "DataverseName": "Metadata", "DatatypeName": "Type_#1_UnionType_Field_EnumValues_in_Type_#1_UnionType_Field_Derived_in_DatatypeRecordType", "Derived": { "Tag": "ORDEREDLIST", "IsAnonymous": true, "EnumValues": null, "Record": null, "Union": null, "UnorderedList": null, "OrderedList": "string" }, "Timestamp": "Wed Aug 20 14:03:26 PDT 2014" }
, { "DataverseName": "Metadata", "DatatypeName": "Type_#1_UnionType_Field_ExternalDetails_in_DatasetRecordType", "Derived": { "Tag": "RECORD", "IsAnonymous": true, "EnumValues": null, "Record": { "IsOpen": true, "Fields": [ { "FieldName": "DatasourceAdapter", "FieldType": "string" }, { "FieldName": "Properties", "FieldType": "Field_Properties_in_Type_#1_UnionType_Field_ExternalDetails_in_DatasetRecordType" }, { "FieldName": "GroupName", "FieldType": "string" }, { "FieldName": "LastRefreshTime", "FieldType": "datetime" }, { "FieldName": "TransactionState", "FieldType": "int32" }, { "FieldName": "CompactionPolicy", "FieldType": "string" }, { "FieldName": "CompactionPolicyProperties", "FieldType": "Field_CompactionPolicyProperties_in_Type_#1_UnionType_Field_ExternalDetails_in_DatasetRecordType" } ] }, "Union": null, "UnorderedList": null, "OrderedList": null }, "Timestamp": "Wed Aug 20 14:03:26 PDT 2014" }
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/aggregate-sql/agg_null_rec/agg_null_rec.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/aggregate-sql/agg_null_rec/agg_null_rec.1.ddl.aql
index ba8cedd..b6006cb 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/aggregate-sql/agg_null_rec/agg_null_rec.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/aggregate-sql/agg_null_rec/agg_null_rec.1.ddl.aql
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
use dataverse test;
create type TestType as open {
- id: int32,
+ id: int64,
val: double
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/aggregate-sql/agg_null_rec_1/agg_null_rec_1.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/aggregate-sql/agg_null_rec_1/agg_null_rec_1.1.ddl.aql
index ba8cedd..b6006cb 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/aggregate-sql/agg_null_rec_1/agg_null_rec_1.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/aggregate-sql/agg_null_rec_1/agg_null_rec_1.1.ddl.aql
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
use dataverse test;
create type TestType as open {
- id: int32,
+ id: int64,
val: double
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/aggregate-sql/agg_number_rec/agg_number_rec.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/aggregate-sql/agg_number_rec/agg_number_rec.1.ddl.aql
index 4e988a7..c1ae9b7 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/aggregate-sql/agg_number_rec/agg_number_rec.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/aggregate-sql/agg_number_rec/agg_number_rec.1.ddl.aql
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
use dataverse test;
create type TestType as open {
- id: int32,
+ id: int64,
val: double
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/aggregate-sql/avg_empty_02/avg_empty_02.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/aggregate-sql/avg_empty_02/avg_empty_02.1.ddl.aql
index 1c7ee1c..4773b3f 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/aggregate-sql/avg_empty_02/avg_empty_02.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/aggregate-sql/avg_empty_02/avg_empty_02.1.ddl.aql
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
use dataverse test;
create type TestType as closed {
- id: int32,
+ id: int64,
val: double
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/aggregate-sql/avg_float_null/avg_float_nu.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/aggregate-sql/avg_float_null/avg_float_nu.1.ddl.aql
index 7cdcbea..e7ccee7 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/aggregate-sql/avg_float_null/avg_float_nu.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/aggregate-sql/avg_float_null/avg_float_nu.1.ddl.aql
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
use dataverse test;
create type NumericType as open {
- id: int32,
+ id: int64,
int8Field: int8?,
int16Field: int16?,
int32Field: int32?,
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/aggregate-sql/avg_int16_null/avg_int16_null.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/aggregate-sql/avg_int16_null/avg_int16_null.1.ddl.aql
index 7cdcbea..e7ccee7 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/aggregate-sql/avg_int16_null/avg_int16_null.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/aggregate-sql/avg_int16_null/avg_int16_null.1.ddl.aql
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
use dataverse test;
create type NumericType as open {
- id: int32,
+ id: int64,
int8Field: int8?,
int16Field: int16?,
int32Field: int32?,
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/aggregate-sql/avg_int32/avg_int32.3.query.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/aggregate-sql/avg_int32/avg_int32.3.query.aql
index 52d5e9b..fca3c6f 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/aggregate-sql/avg_int32/avg_int32.3.query.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/aggregate-sql/avg_int32/avg_int32.3.query.aql
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
use dataverse test;
- for $x in [1, 2, 3]
+ for $x in [int32("1"), int32("2"), int32("3")]
return $x
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/aggregate-sql/avg_int32_null/avg_int32_null.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/aggregate-sql/avg_int32_null/avg_int32_null.1.ddl.aql
index 7cdcbea..e7ccee7 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/aggregate-sql/avg_int32_null/avg_int32_null.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/aggregate-sql/avg_int32_null/avg_int32_null.1.ddl.aql
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
use dataverse test;
create type NumericType as open {
- id: int32,
+ id: int64,
int8Field: int8?,
int16Field: int16?,
int32Field: int32?,
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/aggregate-sql/avg_int64_null/avg_int64_null.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/aggregate-sql/avg_int64_null/avg_int64_null.1.ddl.aql
index 7cdcbea..e7ccee7 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/aggregate-sql/avg_int64_null/avg_int64_null.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/aggregate-sql/avg_int64_null/avg_int64_null.1.ddl.aql
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
use dataverse test;
create type NumericType as open {
- id: int32,
+ id: int64,
int8Field: int8?,
int16Field: int16?,
int32Field: int32?,
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/aggregate-sql/avg_int8_null/avg_int8_null.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/aggregate-sql/avg_int8_null/avg_int8_null.1.ddl.aql
index 5cf8ddf..5e6ff10 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/aggregate-sql/avg_int8_null/avg_int8_null.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/aggregate-sql/avg_int8_null/avg_int8_null.1.ddl.aql
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
use dataverse test;
create type NumericType as open {
- id: int32,
+ id: int64,
int8Field: int8?,
int16Field: int16?,
int32Field: int32?,
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/aggregate-sql/count_empty_02/count_empty_02.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/aggregate-sql/count_empty_02/count_empty_02.1.ddl.aql
index 0770bfb..af41284 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/aggregate-sql/count_empty_02/count_empty_02.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/aggregate-sql/count_empty_02/count_empty_02.1.ddl.aql
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
use dataverse test;
create type TestType as closed {
- id: int32,
+ id: int64,
val: double
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/aggregate-sql/count_null/count_null.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/aggregate-sql/count_null/count_null.1.ddl.aql
index 7cdcbea..e7ccee7 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/aggregate-sql/count_null/count_null.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/aggregate-sql/count_null/count_null.1.ddl.aql
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
use dataverse test;
create type NumericType as open {
- id: int32,
+ id: int64,
int8Field: int8?,
int16Field: int16?,
int32Field: int32?,
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/aggregate-sql/issue395/issue395.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/aggregate-sql/issue395/issue395.1.ddl.aql
index 7c6368c..986d6b9 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/aggregate-sql/issue395/issue395.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/aggregate-sql/issue395/issue395.1.ddl.aql
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
use dataverse test;
create type Emp as open {
name:string ?
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/aggregate-sql/issue531_string_min_max/issue531_string_min_max.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/aggregate-sql/issue531_string_min_max/issue531_string_min_max.1.ddl.aql
index 5f9957f..a6e8ef1 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/aggregate-sql/issue531_string_min_max/issue531_string_min_max.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/aggregate-sql/issue531_string_min_max/issue531_string_min_max.1.ddl.aql
@@ -1,17 +1,17 @@
* issue531_string_sql-min_sql-max
- *
+ *
* Purpose: test the support of string values for sql-min and sql-max aggregation function
* Result: success
- *
+ *
drop dataverse test if exists;
create dataverse test;
use dataverse test;
create type TestType as open{
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/aggregate-sql/max_empty_02/max_empty_02.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/aggregate-sql/max_empty_02/max_empty_02.1.ddl.aql
index 6f6b50a..5473f47 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/aggregate-sql/max_empty_02/max_empty_02.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/aggregate-sql/max_empty_02/max_empty_02.1.ddl.aql
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
use dataverse test;
create type TestType as closed {
- id: int32,
+ id: int64,
val: double
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/aggregate-sql/min_empty_02/min_empty_02.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/aggregate-sql/min_empty_02/min_empty_02.1.ddl.aql
index 4888947..2c2e7ed 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/aggregate-sql/min_empty_02/min_empty_02.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/aggregate-sql/min_empty_02/min_empty_02.1.ddl.aql
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
use dataverse test;
create type TestType as closed {
- id: int32,
+ id: int64,
val: double
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/aggregate-sql/sum_double_null/sum_double_null.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/aggregate-sql/sum_double_null/sum_double_null.1.ddl.aql
index 7cdcbea..e7ccee7 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/aggregate-sql/sum_double_null/sum_double_null.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/aggregate-sql/sum_double_null/sum_double_null.1.ddl.aql
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
use dataverse test;
create type NumericType as open {
- id: int32,
+ id: int64,
int8Field: int8?,
int16Field: int16?,
int32Field: int32?,
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/aggregate-sql/sum_empty_02/sum_empty_02.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/aggregate-sql/sum_empty_02/sum_empty_02.1.ddl.aql
index d43610e..91ab361 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/aggregate-sql/sum_empty_02/sum_empty_02.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/aggregate-sql/sum_empty_02/sum_empty_02.1.ddl.aql
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
use dataverse test;
create type TestType as closed {
- id: int32,
+ id: int64,
val: double
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/aggregate-sql/sum_float_null/sum_float_null.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/aggregate-sql/sum_float_null/sum_float_null.1.ddl.aql
index 7cdcbea..e7ccee7 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/aggregate-sql/sum_float_null/sum_float_null.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/aggregate-sql/sum_float_null/sum_float_null.1.ddl.aql
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
use dataverse test;
create type NumericType as open {
- id: int32,
+ id: int64,
int8Field: int8?,
int16Field: int16?,
int32Field: int32?,
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/aggregate-sql/sum_int16_null/sum_int16_null.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/aggregate-sql/sum_int16_null/sum_int16_null.1.ddl.aql
index 7cdcbea..e7ccee7 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/aggregate-sql/sum_int16_null/sum_int16_null.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/aggregate-sql/sum_int16_null/sum_int16_null.1.ddl.aql
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
use dataverse test;
create type NumericType as open {
- id: int32,
+ id: int64,
int8Field: int8?,
int16Field: int16?,
int32Field: int32?,
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/aggregate-sql/sum_int32/sum_int32.3.query.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/aggregate-sql/sum_int32/sum_int32.3.query.aql
index e5f47cb..530c7dc 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/aggregate-sql/sum_int32/sum_int32.3.query.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/aggregate-sql/sum_int32/sum_int32.3.query.aql
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
use dataverse test;
- for $x in [1, 2, int32("3")]
+ for $x in [int32("1"), int32("2"), int32("3")]
return $x
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/aggregate-sql/sum_int32_null/sum_int32_null.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/aggregate-sql/sum_int32_null/sum_int32_null.1.ddl.aql
index 7cdcbea..e7ccee7 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/aggregate-sql/sum_int32_null/sum_int32_null.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/aggregate-sql/sum_int32_null/sum_int32_null.1.ddl.aql
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
use dataverse test;
create type NumericType as open {
- id: int32,
+ id: int64,
int8Field: int8?,
int16Field: int16?,
int32Field: int32?,
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/aggregate-sql/sum_int64_null/sum_int64_null.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/aggregate-sql/sum_int64_null/sum_int64_null.1.ddl.aql
index 7cdcbea..e7ccee7 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/aggregate-sql/sum_int64_null/sum_int64_null.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/aggregate-sql/sum_int64_null/sum_int64_null.1.ddl.aql
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
use dataverse test;
create type NumericType as open {
- id: int32,
+ id: int64,
int8Field: int8?,
int16Field: int16?,
int32Field: int32?,
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/aggregate-sql/sum_int8_null/sum_int8_null.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/aggregate-sql/sum_int8_null/sum_int8_null.1.ddl.aql
index 7cdcbea..e7ccee7 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/aggregate-sql/sum_int8_null/sum_int8_null.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/aggregate-sql/sum_int8_null/sum_int8_null.1.ddl.aql
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
use dataverse test;
create type NumericType as open {
- id: int32,
+ id: int64,
int8Field: int8?,
int16Field: int16?,
int32Field: int32?,
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/aggregate-sql/sum_null-with-pred/sum_null-with-pred.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/aggregate-sql/sum_null-with-pred/sum_null-with-pred.1.ddl.aql
index 02237c9..ae2be37 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/aggregate-sql/sum_null-with-pred/sum_null-with-pred.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/aggregate-sql/sum_null-with-pred/sum_null-with-pred.1.ddl.aql
@@ -11,8 +11,8 @@
use dataverse test;
create type TestType as open {
create dataset tdst(TestType) primary key id;
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/aggregate-sql/sum_numeric_null/sum_numeric_null.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/aggregate-sql/sum_numeric_null/sum_numeric_null.1.ddl.aql
index b54f6ab..71ce155 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/aggregate-sql/sum_numeric_null/sum_numeric_null.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/aggregate-sql/sum_numeric_null/sum_numeric_null.1.ddl.aql
@@ -10,8 +10,8 @@
use dataverse test;
create type TestType as open {
create dataset tdst(TestType) primary key id;
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/aggregate/sum_int32/sum_int32.3.query.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/aggregate/sum_int32/sum_int32.3.query.aql
index b137895..fc11db0 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/aggregate/sum_int32/sum_int32.3.query.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/aggregate/sum_int32/sum_int32.3.query.aql
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
use dataverse test;
- for $x in [1, 2, int32("3")]
+ for $x in [int32("1"), int32("2"), int32("3")]
return $x
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/aggregate/sum_null-with-pred/sum_null-with-pred.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/aggregate/sum_null-with-pred/sum_null-with-pred.1.ddl.aql
index 63a57f0..64bc393 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/aggregate/sum_null-with-pred/sum_null-with-pred.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/aggregate/sum_null-with-pred/sum_null-with-pred.1.ddl.aql
@@ -11,8 +11,8 @@
use dataverse test;
create type TestType as open {
create dataset tdst(TestType) primary key id;
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/binary/equal_join/equal_join.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/binary/equal_join/equal_join.1.ddl.aql
index a87ad2f..d7f971b 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/binary/equal_join/equal_join.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/binary/equal_join/equal_join.1.ddl.aql
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
use dataverse test;
create type UserType as closed {
- id: int32,
+ id: int64,
name: string,
md5: binary
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/binary/index_join/index_join.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/binary/index_join/index_join.1.ddl.aql
index 921f8f5..9c06730 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/binary/index_join/index_join.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/binary/index_join/index_join.1.ddl.aql
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
use dataverse test;
create type UserType as closed {
- id: int32,
+ id: int64,
name: string,
md5: binary
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/binary/insert/insert.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/binary/insert/insert.1.ddl.aql
index c92ed7e..3400f86 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/binary/insert/insert.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/binary/insert/insert.1.ddl.aql
@@ -4,12 +4,12 @@
use dataverse test;
create type UserTypeOpen as open{
- id: int32
+ id: int64
create type UserTypeClose as closed {
- id: int32,
+ id: int64,
name: string,
md5: binary
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/comparison/datetime_range/datetime_range.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/comparison/datetime_range/datetime_range.1.ddl.aql
index 9d55e6a..d1f5ba0 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/comparison/datetime_range/datetime_range.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/comparison/datetime_range/datetime_range.1.ddl.aql
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
use dataverse test;
create type Tweet as closed {
- id: int32,
+ id: int64,
tweetid: int64,
loc: point,
time: datetime,
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/cross-dataverse/cross-dv01/cross-dv01.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/cross-dataverse/cross-dv01/cross-dv01.1.ddl.aql
index df976b2..208813b 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/cross-dataverse/cross-dv01/cross-dv01.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/cross-dataverse/cross-dv01/cross-dv01.1.ddl.aql
@@ -16,17 +16,17 @@
use dataverse teacher;
create type student.stdType as open {
-id : int32,
+id : int64,
name : string,
-age : int32,
+age : int64,
sex : string,
dept : string
create type teacher.tchrType as open {
-id : int32,
+id : int64,
name : string,
-age : int32,
+age : int64,
sex : string,
dept : string
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/cross-dataverse/cross-dv03/cross-dv03.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/cross-dataverse/cross-dv03/cross-dv03.1.ddl.aql
index a601ac5..09c9850 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/cross-dataverse/cross-dv03/cross-dv03.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/cross-dataverse/cross-dv03/cross-dv03.1.ddl.aql
@@ -18,17 +18,17 @@
use dataverse teacher;
create type student.stdType as open {
-id : int32,
+id : int64,
name : string,
-age : int32,
+age : int64,
sex : string,
dept : string
create type teacher.tchrType as open {
-id : int32,
+id : int64,
name : string,
-age : int32,
+age : int64,
sex : string,
dept : string
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/cross-dataverse/cross-dv07/cross-dv07.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/cross-dataverse/cross-dv07/cross-dv07.1.ddl.aql
index 910e370..2be1692 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/cross-dataverse/cross-dv07/cross-dv07.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/cross-dataverse/cross-dv07/cross-dv07.1.ddl.aql
@@ -9,10 +9,10 @@
create dataverse test;
create type test.Emp as closed {
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/cross-dataverse/cross-dv20/cross-dv20.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/cross-dataverse/cross-dv20/cross-dv20.1.ddl.aql
index 02cf244..3b788a4 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/cross-dataverse/cross-dv20/cross-dv20.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/cross-dataverse/cross-dv20/cross-dv20.1.ddl.aql
@@ -13,17 +13,17 @@
create dataverse teacher;
create type student.stdType as open {
-id : int32,
+id : int64,
name : string,
-age : int32,
+age : int64,
sex : string,
dept : string
create type teacher.tchrType as open {
-id : int32,
+id : int64,
name : string,
-age : int32,
+age : int64,
sex : string,
dept : string
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/cross-dataverse/insert_across_dataverses/insert_across_dataverses.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/cross-dataverse/insert_across_dataverses/insert_across_dataverses.1.ddl.aql
index baf7f67..f9e30a1 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/cross-dataverse/insert_across_dataverses/insert_across_dataverses.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/cross-dataverse/insert_across_dataverses/insert_across_dataverses.1.ddl.aql
@@ -6,37 +6,37 @@
create dataverse test2;
create type test1.AddressType as open {
- number: int32,
+ number: int64,
street: string,
city: string
create type test1.CustomerType as closed {
- cid: int32,
+ cid: int64,
name: string,
- cashBack: int32,
- age: int32?,
+ cashBack: int64,
+ age: int64?,
address: AddressType?,
lastorder: {
- oid: int32,
+ oid: int64,
total: float
create type test2.AddressType as open {
- number: int32,
+ number: int64,
street: string,
city: string
create type test2.CustomerType as closed {
- cid: int32,
+ cid: int64,
name: string,
- cashBack: int32,
- age: int32?,
+ cashBack: int64,
+ age: int64?,
address: AddressType?,
lastorder: {
- oid: int32,
+ oid: int64,
total: float
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/cross-dataverse/join_across_dataverses/join_across_dataverses.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/cross-dataverse/join_across_dataverses/join_across_dataverses.1.ddl.aql
index afba395..5f5fd1d 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/cross-dataverse/join_across_dataverses/join_across_dataverses.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/cross-dataverse/join_across_dataverses/join_across_dataverses.1.ddl.aql
@@ -7,19 +7,19 @@
create dataverse test2;
create type test1.AddressType as open {
- number: int32,
+ number: int64,
street: string,
city: string
create type test1.CustomerType as closed {
- cid: int32,
+ cid: int64,
name: string,
- cashBack: int32,
- age: int32?,
+ cashBack: int64,
+ age: int64?,
address: AddressType?,
lastorder: {
- oid: int32,
+ oid: int64,
total: float
@@ -29,13 +29,13 @@
create type test2.OrderType as open {
- oid: int32,
- cid: int32,
+ oid: int64,
+ cid: int64,
orderstatus: string,
orderpriority: string,
clerk: string,
total: float,
- items: [int32]
+ items: [int64]
create dataset test2.Orders(OrderType)
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/csv/basic-types/basic-types.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/csv/basic-types/basic-types.1.ddl.aql
index fafef26..811cdf9 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/csv/basic-types/basic-types.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/csv/basic-types/basic-types.1.ddl.aql
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
use dataverse test;
create type "foo" as {
- "id": int32,
+ "id": int64,
"name": string,
"money": float
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/custord/customer_q_01/customer_q_01.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/custord/customer_q_01/customer_q_01.1.ddl.aql
index d40a52b..21e3154 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/custord/customer_q_01/customer_q_01.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/custord/customer_q_01/customer_q_01.1.ddl.aql
@@ -5,19 +5,19 @@
use dataverse test;
create type AddressType as open {
- number: int32,
+ number: int64,
street: string,
city: string
create type CustomerType as closed {
- cid: int32,
+ cid: int64,
name: string,
- cashBack: int32,
- age: int32?,
+ cashBack: int64,
+ age: int64?,
address: AddressType?,
lastorder: {
- oid: int32,
+ oid: int64,
total: float
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/custord/customer_q_02/customer_q_02.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/custord/customer_q_02/customer_q_02.1.ddl.aql
index d40a52b..aeab3d0 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/custord/customer_q_02/customer_q_02.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/custord/customer_q_02/customer_q_02.1.ddl.aql
@@ -5,19 +5,19 @@
use dataverse test;
create type AddressType as open {
- number: int32,
+ number: int32,
street: string,
city: string
create type CustomerType as closed {
- cid: int32,
+ cid: int64,
name: string,
- cashBack: int32,
- age: int32?,
+ cashBack: int64,
+ age: int64?,
address: AddressType?,
lastorder: {
- oid: int32,
+ oid: int64,
total: float
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/custord/customer_q_03/customer_q_03.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/custord/customer_q_03/customer_q_03.1.ddl.aql
index d40a52b..aeab3d0 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/custord/customer_q_03/customer_q_03.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/custord/customer_q_03/customer_q_03.1.ddl.aql
@@ -5,19 +5,19 @@
use dataverse test;
create type AddressType as open {
- number: int32,
+ number: int32,
street: string,
city: string
create type CustomerType as closed {
- cid: int32,
+ cid: int64,
name: string,
- cashBack: int32,
- age: int32?,
+ cashBack: int64,
+ age: int64?,
address: AddressType?,
lastorder: {
- oid: int32,
+ oid: int64,
total: float
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/custord/customer_q_04/customer_q_04.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/custord/customer_q_04/customer_q_04.1.ddl.aql
index d40a52b..aeab3d0 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/custord/customer_q_04/customer_q_04.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/custord/customer_q_04/customer_q_04.1.ddl.aql
@@ -5,19 +5,19 @@
use dataverse test;
create type AddressType as open {
- number: int32,
+ number: int32,
street: string,
city: string
create type CustomerType as closed {
- cid: int32,
+ cid: int64,
name: string,
- cashBack: int32,
- age: int32?,
+ cashBack: int64,
+ age: int64?,
address: AddressType?,
lastorder: {
- oid: int32,
+ oid: int64,
total: float
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/custord/customer_q_05/customer_q_05.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/custord/customer_q_05/customer_q_05.1.ddl.aql
index d40a52b..aeab3d0 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/custord/customer_q_05/customer_q_05.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/custord/customer_q_05/customer_q_05.1.ddl.aql
@@ -5,19 +5,19 @@
use dataverse test;
create type AddressType as open {
- number: int32,
+ number: int32,
street: string,
city: string
create type CustomerType as closed {
- cid: int32,
+ cid: int64,
name: string,
- cashBack: int32,
- age: int32?,
+ cashBack: int64,
+ age: int64?,
address: AddressType?,
lastorder: {
- oid: int32,
+ oid: int64,
total: float
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/custord/customer_q_06/customer_q_06.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/custord/customer_q_06/customer_q_06.1.ddl.aql
index d40a52b..21e3154 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/custord/customer_q_06/customer_q_06.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/custord/customer_q_06/customer_q_06.1.ddl.aql
@@ -5,19 +5,19 @@
use dataverse test;
create type AddressType as open {
- number: int32,
+ number: int64,
street: string,
city: string
create type CustomerType as closed {
- cid: int32,
+ cid: int64,
name: string,
- cashBack: int32,
- age: int32?,
+ cashBack: int64,
+ age: int64?,
address: AddressType?,
lastorder: {
- oid: int32,
+ oid: int64,
total: float
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/custord/customer_q_07/customer_q_07.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/custord/customer_q_07/customer_q_07.1.ddl.aql
index cae4772..aa621cf 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/custord/customer_q_07/customer_q_07.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/custord/customer_q_07/customer_q_07.1.ddl.aql
@@ -5,20 +5,20 @@
use dataverse test;
create type AddressType as open {
- number: int32,
+ number: int64,
street: string,
city: string
create type CustomerType as closed {
- cid: int32,
+ cid: int64,
name: string,
- cashBack: int32,
- age: int32?,
+ cashBack: int64,
+ age: int64?,
address: AddressType?,
lastorder: {
- oid: int32,
+ oid: int64,
total: float
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/custord/customer_q_08/customer_q_08.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/custord/customer_q_08/customer_q_08.1.ddl.aql
index d40a52b..21e3154 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/custord/customer_q_08/customer_q_08.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/custord/customer_q_08/customer_q_08.1.ddl.aql
@@ -5,19 +5,19 @@
use dataverse test;
create type AddressType as open {
- number: int32,
+ number: int64,
street: string,
city: string
create type CustomerType as closed {
- cid: int32,
+ cid: int64,
name: string,
- cashBack: int32,
- age: int32?,
+ cashBack: int64,
+ age: int64?,
address: AddressType?,
lastorder: {
- oid: int32,
+ oid: int64,
total: float
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/custord/denorm-cust-order_01/denorm-cust-order_01.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/custord/denorm-cust-order_01/denorm-cust-order_01.1.ddl.aql
index 197b7f1..013be8b 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/custord/denorm-cust-order_01/denorm-cust-order_01.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/custord/denorm-cust-order_01/denorm-cust-order_01.1.ddl.aql
@@ -5,25 +5,25 @@
use dataverse test;
create type AddressType as open {
- number: int32,
+ number: int64,
street: string,
city: string
create type CustomerType as open {
- cid: int32,
+ cid: int64,
name: string,
- age: int32?,
+ age: int64?,
address: AddressType?,
lastorder: {
- oid: int32,
+ oid: int64,
total: float
create type OrderType as open {
- oid: int32,
- cid: int32,
+ oid: int64,
+ cid: int64,
orderstatus: string,
orderpriority: string,
clerk: string,
@@ -31,12 +31,12 @@
create type CustomerOrdersType as open {
- cid: int32,
+ cid: int64,
cust: CustomerType,
orders: [OrderType]
-create dataset Customers1(CustomerType)
+create dataset Customers1(CustomerType)
primary key cid;
create dataset Orders1(OrderType)
primary key oid;
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/custord/denorm-cust-order_02/denorm-cust-order_02.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/custord/denorm-cust-order_02/denorm-cust-order_02.1.ddl.aql
index eae0d26..fdd4246 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/custord/denorm-cust-order_02/denorm-cust-order_02.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/custord/denorm-cust-order_02/denorm-cust-order_02.1.ddl.aql
@@ -5,25 +5,25 @@
use dataverse test;
create type AddressType as open {
- number: int32,
+ number: int64,
street: string,
city: string
create type CustomerType as open {
- cid: int32,
+ cid: int64,
name: string,
- age: int32?,
+ age: int64?,
address: AddressType?,
lastorder: {
- oid: int32,
+ oid: int64,
total: float
create type OrderType as open {
- oid: int32,
- cid: int32,
+ oid: int64,
+ cid: int64,
orderstatus: string,
orderpriority: string,
clerk: string,
@@ -31,12 +31,12 @@
create type CustomerOrdersType as open {
- cid: int32,
+ cid: int64,
cust: CustomerType,
orders: [OrderType]
-create dataset Customers2(CustomerType)
+create dataset Customers2(CustomerType)
primary key cid;
create dataset Orders2(OrderType)
primary key oid;
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/custord/denorm-cust-order_03/denorm-cust-order_03.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/custord/denorm-cust-order_03/denorm-cust-order_03.1.ddl.aql
index 4530250..73520ce 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/custord/denorm-cust-order_03/denorm-cust-order_03.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/custord/denorm-cust-order_03/denorm-cust-order_03.1.ddl.aql
@@ -5,25 +5,25 @@
use dataverse test;
create type AddressType as open {
- number: int32,
+ number: int64,
street: string,
city: string
create type CustomerType as open {
- cid: int32,
+ cid: int64,
name: string,
- age: int32?,
+ age: int64?,
address: AddressType?,
lastorder: {
- oid: int32,
+ oid: int64,
total: float
create type OrderType as open {
- oid: int32,
- cid: int32,
+ oid: int64,
+ cid: int64,
orderstatus: string,
orderpriority: string,
clerk: string,
@@ -31,12 +31,12 @@
create type CustomerOrdersType as open {
- cid: int32,
+ cid: int64,
cust: CustomerType,
orders: [OrderType]
-create dataset Customers3(CustomerType)
+create dataset Customers3(CustomerType)
primary key cid;
create dataset Orders3(OrderType)
primary key oid;
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/custord/join_q_01/join_q_01.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/custord/join_q_01/join_q_01.1.ddl.aql
index a7a7b77..6c5be2e 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/custord/join_q_01/join_q_01.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/custord/join_q_01/join_q_01.1.ddl.aql
@@ -5,37 +5,37 @@
use dataverse test;
create type AddressType as open {
- number: int32,
+ number: int64,
street: string,
city: string
create type CustomerType as closed {
- cid: int32,
+ cid: int64,
name: string,
- cashBack: int32,
- age: int32?,
+ cashBack: int64,
+ age: int64?,
address: AddressType?,
lastorder: {
- oid: int32,
+ oid: int64,
total: float
create type OrderType as open {
- oid: int32,
- cid: int32,
+ oid: int64,
+ cid: int64,
orderstatus: string,
orderpriority: string,
clerk: string,
total: float,
- items: [int32]
+ items: [int64]
create external dataset Customers(CustomerType)
using "edu.uci.ics.asterix.external.dataset.adapter.NCFileSystemAdapter"
create external dataset Orders(OrderType)
using "edu.uci.ics.asterix.external.dataset.adapter.NCFileSystemAdapter"
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/custord/join_q_02/join_q_02.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/custord/join_q_02/join_q_02.1.ddl.aql
index a7a7b77..6c5be2e 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/custord/join_q_02/join_q_02.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/custord/join_q_02/join_q_02.1.ddl.aql
@@ -5,37 +5,37 @@
use dataverse test;
create type AddressType as open {
- number: int32,
+ number: int64,
street: string,
city: string
create type CustomerType as closed {
- cid: int32,
+ cid: int64,
name: string,
- cashBack: int32,
- age: int32?,
+ cashBack: int64,
+ age: int64?,
address: AddressType?,
lastorder: {
- oid: int32,
+ oid: int64,
total: float
create type OrderType as open {
- oid: int32,
- cid: int32,
+ oid: int64,
+ cid: int64,
orderstatus: string,
orderpriority: string,
clerk: string,
total: float,
- items: [int32]
+ items: [int64]
create external dataset Customers(CustomerType)
using "edu.uci.ics.asterix.external.dataset.adapter.NCFileSystemAdapter"
create external dataset Orders(OrderType)
using "edu.uci.ics.asterix.external.dataset.adapter.NCFileSystemAdapter"
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/custord/join_q_03/join_q_03.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/custord/join_q_03/join_q_03.1.ddl.aql
index 40f94fa..feb7e49 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/custord/join_q_03/join_q_03.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/custord/join_q_03/join_q_03.1.ddl.aql
@@ -5,38 +5,38 @@
use dataverse test;
create type AddressType as open {
- number: int32,
+ number: int64,
street: string,
city: string
create type CustomerType as closed {
- cid: int32,
+ cid: int64,
name: string,
- cashBack: int32,
- age: int32?,
+ cashBack: int64,
+ age: int64?,
address: AddressType?,
lastorder: {
- oid: int32,
+ oid: int64,
total: float
create type OrderType as open {
- oid: int32,
- cid: int32,
+ oid: int64,
+ cid: int64,
orderstatus: string,
orderpriority: string,
clerk: string,
total: float,
- items: [int32]
+ items: [int64]
create external dataset Customers(CustomerType)
using "edu.uci.ics.asterix.external.dataset.adapter.NCFileSystemAdapter"
create external dataset Orders(OrderType)
using "edu.uci.ics.asterix.external.dataset.adapter.NCFileSystemAdapter"
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/custord/join_q_04/join_q_04.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/custord/join_q_04/join_q_04.1.ddl.aql
index 882fecb..01db1a2 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/custord/join_q_04/join_q_04.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/custord/join_q_04/join_q_04.1.ddl.aql
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
* Description : This test case is to verify the fix for issue51
- : https://code.google.com/p/asterixdb/issues/detail?id=51
+ : https://code.google.com/p/asterixdb/issues/detail?id=51
* Expected Res : SUCCESS
* Date : 14th May 2013
@@ -12,38 +12,38 @@
use dataverse test;
create type AddressType as open {
- number: int32,
+ number: int64,
street: string,
city: string
create type CustomerType as closed {
- cid: int32,
+ cid: int64,
name: string,
- cashBack: int32,
- age: int32?,
+ cashBack: int64,
+ age: int64?,
address: AddressType?,
lastorder: {
- oid: int32,
+ oid: int64,
total: float
create type OrderType as open {
- oid: int32,
- cid: int32,
+ oid: int64,
+ cid: int64,
orderstatus: string,
orderpriority: string,
clerk: string,
total: float,
- items: [int32]
+ items: [int64]
create external dataset Customers(CustomerType)
using "edu.uci.ics.asterix.external.dataset.adapter.NCFileSystemAdapter"
create external dataset Orders(OrderType)
using "edu.uci.ics.asterix.external.dataset.adapter.NCFileSystemAdapter"
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/custord/load-test/load-test.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/custord/load-test/load-test.1.ddl.aql
index c0f97c9..28c303a 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/custord/load-test/load-test.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/custord/load-test/load-test.1.ddl.aql
@@ -1,28 +1,28 @@
drop dataverse test if exists;
create dataverse test;
use dataverse test;
create type AddressType as open {
- number: int32,
+ number: int64,
street: string,
city: string
create type CustomerType as open {
- cid: int32,
+ cid: int64,
name: string,
- age: int32?,
+ age: int64?,
address: AddressType?,
lastorder: {
- oid: int32,
+ oid: int64,
total: float
-create dataset c1(CustomerType)
+create dataset c1(CustomerType)
primary key cid;
-create dataset c2(CustomerType)
- primary key cid;
+create dataset c2(CustomerType)
+ primary key cid;
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/custord/order_q_01/order_q_01.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/custord/order_q_01/order_q_01.1.ddl.aql
index d67207e..579036b 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/custord/order_q_01/order_q_01.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/custord/order_q_01/order_q_01.1.ddl.aql
@@ -5,13 +5,13 @@
use dataverse test;
create type OrderType as open {
- oid: int32,
- cid: int32,
+ oid: int64,
+ cid: int64,
orderstatus: string,
orderpriority: string,
clerk: string,
total: float,
- items: [int32]
+ items: [int64]
create external dataset Orders(OrderType)
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/custord/order_q_02/order_q_02.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/custord/order_q_02/order_q_02.1.ddl.aql
index d67207e..579036b 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/custord/order_q_02/order_q_02.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/custord/order_q_02/order_q_02.1.ddl.aql
@@ -5,13 +5,13 @@
use dataverse test;
create type OrderType as open {
- oid: int32,
- cid: int32,
+ oid: int64,
+ cid: int64,
orderstatus: string,
orderpriority: string,
clerk: string,
total: float,
- items: [int32]
+ items: [int64]
create external dataset Orders(OrderType)
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/custord/order_q_03/order_q_03.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/custord/order_q_03/order_q_03.1.ddl.aql
index d67207e..579036b 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/custord/order_q_03/order_q_03.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/custord/order_q_03/order_q_03.1.ddl.aql
@@ -5,13 +5,13 @@
use dataverse test;
create type OrderType as open {
- oid: int32,
- cid: int32,
+ oid: int64,
+ cid: int64,
orderstatus: string,
orderpriority: string,
clerk: string,
total: float,
- items: [int32]
+ items: [int64]
create external dataset Orders(OrderType)
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/custord/order_q_04/order_q_04.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/custord/order_q_04/order_q_04.1.ddl.aql
index d67207e..579036b 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/custord/order_q_04/order_q_04.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/custord/order_q_04/order_q_04.1.ddl.aql
@@ -5,13 +5,13 @@
use dataverse test;
create type OrderType as open {
- oid: int32,
- cid: int32,
+ oid: int64,
+ cid: int64,
orderstatus: string,
orderpriority: string,
clerk: string,
total: float,
- items: [int32]
+ items: [int64]
create external dataset Orders(OrderType)
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/custord/order_q_05/order_q_05.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/custord/order_q_05/order_q_05.1.ddl.aql
index d67207e..579036b 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/custord/order_q_05/order_q_05.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/custord/order_q_05/order_q_05.1.ddl.aql
@@ -5,13 +5,13 @@
use dataverse test;
create type OrderType as open {
- oid: int32,
- cid: int32,
+ oid: int64,
+ cid: int64,
orderstatus: string,
orderpriority: string,
clerk: string,
total: float,
- items: [int32]
+ items: [int64]
create external dataset Orders(OrderType)
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/custord/order_q_06/order_q_06.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/custord/order_q_06/order_q_06.1.ddl.aql
index d67207e..579036b 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/custord/order_q_06/order_q_06.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/custord/order_q_06/order_q_06.1.ddl.aql
@@ -5,13 +5,13 @@
use dataverse test;
create type OrderType as open {
- oid: int32,
- cid: int32,
+ oid: int64,
+ cid: int64,
orderstatus: string,
orderpriority: string,
clerk: string,
total: float,
- items: [int32]
+ items: [int64]
create external dataset Orders(OrderType)
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/dapd/q1/q1.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/dapd/q1/q1.1.ddl.aql
index 574c795..ef1788f 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/dapd/q1/q1.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/dapd/q1/q1.1.ddl.aql
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
drop dataverse test if exists;
create dataverse test;
use dataverse test;
@@ -17,14 +17,14 @@
address: AddressType,
member_of: {{
- sig_id: int32,
+ sig_id: int64,
chapter_name: string,
member_since: date
-create external dataset User(UserType)
+create external dataset User(UserType)
using "edu.uci.ics.asterix.external.dataset.adapter.NCFileSystemAdapter"
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/dapd/q2/q2.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/dapd/q2/q2.1.ddl.aql
index 719161c..a25b6d0 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/dapd/q2/q2.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/dapd/q2/q2.1.ddl.aql
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
drop dataverse test if exists;
create dataverse test;
use dataverse test;
@@ -11,17 +11,17 @@
create type EventType as closed {
- event_id: int32,
+ event_id: int64,
name: string,
location: AddressType ?,
- organizers: {{
+ organizers: {{
name: string
sponsoring_sigs: [
- sig_id: int32,
+ sig_id: int64,
chapter_name: string
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
end_time: datetime
-create external dataset Event(EventType)
+create external dataset Event(EventType)
using "edu.uci.ics.asterix.external.dataset.adapter.NCFileSystemAdapter"
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/dapd/q3/q3.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/dapd/q3/q3.1.ddl.aql
index 9af9a0d..65858cf 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/dapd/q3/q3.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/dapd/q3/q3.1.ddl.aql
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
address: AddressType,
member_of: {{
- sig_id: int32,
+ sig_id: int64,
chapter_name: string,
member_since: date
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/dml/compact-dataset-and-its-indexes/compact-dataset-and-its-indexes.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/dml/compact-dataset-and-its-indexes/compact-dataset-and-its-indexes.1.ddl.aql
index 2f54c58..064ba63 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/dml/compact-dataset-and-its-indexes/compact-dataset-and-its-indexes.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/dml/compact-dataset-and-its-indexes/compact-dataset-and-its-indexes.1.ddl.aql
@@ -1,32 +1,32 @@
* Test case Name : compact-dataset-and-its-indexes.aql
* Description : This test is intended to test the compact statement which merge the disk components of a dataset and
* all of its indexes.
* Expected Result : Success
* Date : Sep 19 2013
drop dataverse test if exists;
create dataverse test;
use dataverse test;
create type LineItemType as closed {
- l_orderkey: int32,
- l_partkey: int32,
- l_suppkey: int32,
- l_linenumber: int32,
- l_quantity: int32,
+ l_orderkey: int64,
+ l_partkey: int64,
+ l_suppkey: int64,
+ l_linenumber: int64,
+ l_quantity: int64,
l_extendedprice: double,
- l_discount: double,
+ l_discount: double,
l_tax: double,
- l_returnflag: string,
- l_linestatus: string,
+ l_returnflag: string,
+ l_linestatus: string,
l_shipdate: string,
- l_commitdate: string,
- l_receiptdate: string,
- l_shipinstruct: string,
- l_shipmode: string,
+ l_commitdate: string,
+ l_receiptdate: string,
+ l_shipinstruct: string,
+ l_shipmode: string,
l_comment: string
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/dml/delete-from-loaded-dataset-with-index/delete-from-loaded-dataset-with-index.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/dml/delete-from-loaded-dataset-with-index/delete-from-loaded-dataset-with-index.1.ddl.aql
index dcf3081..be5a8a3 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/dml/delete-from-loaded-dataset-with-index/delete-from-loaded-dataset-with-index.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/dml/delete-from-loaded-dataset-with-index/delete-from-loaded-dataset-with-index.1.ddl.aql
@@ -4,21 +4,21 @@
use dataverse test;
create type LineItemType as closed {
- l_orderkey: int32,
- l_partkey: int32,
- l_suppkey: int32,
- l_linenumber: int32,
- l_quantity: int32,
+ l_orderkey: int64,
+ l_partkey: int64,
+ l_suppkey: int64,
+ l_linenumber: int64,
+ l_quantity: int64,
l_extendedprice: double,
- l_discount: double,
+ l_discount: double,
l_tax: double,
- l_returnflag: string,
- l_linestatus: string,
+ l_returnflag: string,
+ l_linestatus: string,
l_shipdate: string,
- l_commitdate: string,
- l_receiptdate: string,
- l_shipinstruct: string,
- l_shipmode: string,
+ l_commitdate: string,
+ l_receiptdate: string,
+ l_shipinstruct: string,
+ l_shipmode: string,
l_comment: string
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/dml/delete-from-loaded-dataset/delete-from-loaded-dataset.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/dml/delete-from-loaded-dataset/delete-from-loaded-dataset.1.ddl.aql
index dcf3081..be5a8a3 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/dml/delete-from-loaded-dataset/delete-from-loaded-dataset.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/dml/delete-from-loaded-dataset/delete-from-loaded-dataset.1.ddl.aql
@@ -4,21 +4,21 @@
use dataverse test;
create type LineItemType as closed {
- l_orderkey: int32,
- l_partkey: int32,
- l_suppkey: int32,
- l_linenumber: int32,
- l_quantity: int32,
+ l_orderkey: int64,
+ l_partkey: int64,
+ l_suppkey: int64,
+ l_linenumber: int64,
+ l_quantity: int64,
l_extendedprice: double,
- l_discount: double,
+ l_discount: double,
l_tax: double,
- l_returnflag: string,
- l_linestatus: string,
+ l_returnflag: string,
+ l_linestatus: string,
l_shipdate: string,
- l_commitdate: string,
- l_receiptdate: string,
- l_shipinstruct: string,
- l_shipmode: string,
+ l_commitdate: string,
+ l_receiptdate: string,
+ l_shipinstruct: string,
+ l_shipmode: string,
l_comment: string
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/dml/delete-syntax-change/delete-syntax-change.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/dml/delete-syntax-change/delete-syntax-change.1.ddl.aql
index dec4e8d..602edd0 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/dml/delete-syntax-change/delete-syntax-change.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/dml/delete-syntax-change/delete-syntax-change.1.ddl.aql
@@ -10,21 +10,21 @@
use dataverse test;
create type LineItemType as closed {
- l_orderkey: int32,
- l_partkey: int32,
- l_suppkey: int32,
- l_linenumber: int32,
- l_quantity: int32,
+ l_orderkey: int64,
+ l_partkey: int64,
+ l_suppkey: int64,
+ l_linenumber: int64,
+ l_quantity: int64,
l_extendedprice: double,
- l_discount: double,
+ l_discount: double,
l_tax: double,
- l_returnflag: string,
- l_linestatus: string,
+ l_returnflag: string,
+ l_linestatus: string,
l_shipdate: string,
- l_commitdate: string,
- l_receiptdate: string,
- l_shipinstruct: string,
- l_shipmode: string,
+ l_commitdate: string,
+ l_receiptdate: string,
+ l_shipinstruct: string,
+ l_shipmode: string,
l_comment: string
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/dml/drop-index/drop-index.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/dml/drop-index/drop-index.1.ddl.aql
index dfbc033..1e990a7 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/dml/drop-index/drop-index.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/dml/drop-index/drop-index.1.ddl.aql
@@ -11,19 +11,19 @@
use dataverse test;
create type Schema as closed {
-unique1: int32,
-unique2: int32,
-two: int32,
-four: int32,
-ten: int32,
-twenty: int32,
-onePercent: int32,
-tenPercent: int32,
-twentyPercent: int32,
-fiftyPercent: int32,
-unique3: int32,
-evenOnePercent: int32,
-oddOnePercent: int32,
+unique1: int64,
+unique2: int64,
+two: int64,
+four: int64,
+ten: int64,
+twenty: int64,
+onePercent: int64,
+tenPercent: int64,
+twentyPercent: int64,
+fiftyPercent: int64,
+unique3: int64,
+evenOnePercent: int64,
+oddOnePercent: int64,
stringu1: string,
stringu2: string,
string4: string
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/dml/empty-load-with-index/empty-load-with-index.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/dml/empty-load-with-index/empty-load-with-index.1.ddl.aql
index 177d74f..63d09ca 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/dml/empty-load-with-index/empty-load-with-index.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/dml/empty-load-with-index/empty-load-with-index.1.ddl.aql
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
* Test case Name : empty-load-with-index.aql
* Description : Check that an empty load doesn't preclude a future non-empty load on primary and secondary indexes
* Expected Result : Success
@@ -11,21 +11,21 @@
use dataverse test;
create type LineItemType as closed {
- l_orderkey: int32,
- l_partkey: int32,
- l_suppkey: int32,
- l_linenumber: int32,
- l_quantity: double,
+ l_orderkey: int64,
+ l_partkey: int64,
+ l_suppkey: int64,
+ l_linenumber: int64,
+ l_quantity: double,
l_extendedprice: double,
- l_discount: double,
+ l_discount: double,
l_tax: double,
- l_returnflag: string,
- l_linestatus: string,
+ l_returnflag: string,
+ l_linestatus: string,
l_shipdate: string,
- l_commitdate: string,
- l_receiptdate: string,
- l_shipinstruct: string,
- l_shipmode: string,
+ l_commitdate: string,
+ l_receiptdate: string,
+ l_shipinstruct: string,
+ l_shipmode: string,
l_comment: string
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/dml/insert-and-scan-dataset-with-index/insert-and-scan-dataset-with-index.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/dml/insert-and-scan-dataset-with-index/insert-and-scan-dataset-with-index.1.ddl.aql
index 6ded7a7..b9753eb 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/dml/insert-and-scan-dataset-with-index/insert-and-scan-dataset-with-index.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/dml/insert-and-scan-dataset-with-index/insert-and-scan-dataset-with-index.1.ddl.aql
@@ -1,20 +1,20 @@
* Test case Name : insert-and-scan-dataset-with-index.aql
* Description : This test is intended to test inserting into a dataset that has a secondary index and scan
* the data at the same time where we insert a materializing to prevent the possibility of deadlatch.
* Expected Result : Success
* Date : July 11 2013
drop dataverse test if exists;
create dataverse test;
create type test.Emp as closed {
+id: int64,
+fname: string,
+lname: string,
+age: int64,
+dept: string
create dataset test.employee(Emp) primary key id;
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/dml/insert-and-scan-dataset/insert-and-scan-dataset.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/dml/insert-and-scan-dataset/insert-and-scan-dataset.1.ddl.aql
index fc04212..897e5e2 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/dml/insert-and-scan-dataset/insert-and-scan-dataset.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/dml/insert-and-scan-dataset/insert-and-scan-dataset.1.ddl.aql
@@ -1,18 +1,18 @@
* Test case Name : insert-and-scan-dataset.aql
* Description : This test is intended to test inserting into a dataset and scan it at the same time
* where we insert a materializing to prevent the possibility of deadlatch.
* Expected Result : Success
* Date : July 11 2013
drop dataverse test if exists;
create dataverse test;
use dataverse test;
create type myDataType as open {
- id: int32
+ id: int64
create dataset myData(myDataType)
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/dml/insert-and-scan-joined-datasets/insert-and-scan-joined-datasets.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/dml/insert-and-scan-joined-datasets/insert-and-scan-joined-datasets.1.ddl.aql
index adf6239..c317821 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/dml/insert-and-scan-joined-datasets/insert-and-scan-joined-datasets.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/dml/insert-and-scan-joined-datasets/insert-and-scan-joined-datasets.1.ddl.aql
@@ -1,23 +1,23 @@
* Test case Name : insert-and-scan-joined-datasets.aql
* Description : This test is intended to test inserting into a dataset where the incoming stream
- is involve a join operation that has the same dataset. We insert a materializing to prevent the
+ is involve a join operation that has the same dataset. We insert a materializing to prevent the
possibility of deadlatch.
* Expected Result : Success
* Date : July 11 2013
drop dataverse test if exists;
create dataverse test;
use dataverse test;
create type myDataType as open {
- id: int32
+ id: int64
create dataset myData(myDataType)
primary key id;
create dataset myData2(myDataType)
primary key id;
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/dml/insert-into-empty-dataset-with-index/insert-into-empty-dataset-with-index.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/dml/insert-into-empty-dataset-with-index/insert-into-empty-dataset-with-index.1.ddl.aql
index 0042cdf..63a160e 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/dml/insert-into-empty-dataset-with-index/insert-into-empty-dataset-with-index.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/dml/insert-into-empty-dataset-with-index/insert-into-empty-dataset-with-index.1.ddl.aql
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
* Test case Name : insert-into-empty-dataset-with-index.aql
- * Description : Check that we can insert into an empty dataset and its empty secondary indexes
+ * Description : Check that we can insert into an empty dataset and its empty secondary indexes
* Expected Result : Success
* Date : May 2 2012
@@ -11,9 +11,9 @@
use dataverse test;
create type LineIDType as closed {
- l_orderkey: int32,
- l_linenumber: int32,
- l_suppkey: int32
+ l_orderkey: int64,
+ l_linenumber: int64,
+ l_suppkey: int64
create dataset LineID(LineIDType)
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/dml/insert-into-empty-dataset/insert-into-empty-dataset.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/dml/insert-into-empty-dataset/insert-into-empty-dataset.1.ddl.aql
index 3241b68..f99f26b 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/dml/insert-into-empty-dataset/insert-into-empty-dataset.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/dml/insert-into-empty-dataset/insert-into-empty-dataset.1.ddl.aql
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
* Test case Name : insert-into-empty-dataset.aql
- * Description : Check that we can insert into an empty dataset
+ * Description : Check that we can insert into an empty dataset
* Expected Result : Success
* Date : May 2 2012
@@ -11,9 +11,9 @@
use dataverse test;
create type LineIDType as closed {
- l_orderkey: int32,
- l_linenumber: int32,
- l_suppkey: int32
+ l_orderkey: int64,
+ l_linenumber: int64,
+ l_suppkey: int64
create dataset LineID(LineIDType)
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/dml/insert-into-loaded-dataset-with-index_01/insert-into-loaded-dataset-with-index_01.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/dml/insert-into-loaded-dataset-with-index_01/insert-into-loaded-dataset-with-index_01.1.ddl.aql
index c8d1ee5..478c5fc 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/dml/insert-into-loaded-dataset-with-index_01/insert-into-loaded-dataset-with-index_01.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/dml/insert-into-loaded-dataset-with-index_01/insert-into-loaded-dataset-with-index_01.1.ddl.aql
@@ -4,9 +4,9 @@
use dataverse test;
create type LineIDType as closed {
- l_orderkey: int32,
- l_linenumber: int32,
- l_suppkey: int32
+ l_orderkey: int64,
+ l_linenumber: int64,
+ l_suppkey: int64
create dataset LineID(LineIDType)
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/dml/insert-into-loaded-dataset-with-index_02/insert-into-loaded-dataset-with-index_02.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/dml/insert-into-loaded-dataset-with-index_02/insert-into-loaded-dataset-with-index_02.1.ddl.aql
index 5f645cc..eaffc89 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/dml/insert-into-loaded-dataset-with-index_02/insert-into-loaded-dataset-with-index_02.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/dml/insert-into-loaded-dataset-with-index_02/insert-into-loaded-dataset-with-index_02.1.ddl.aql
@@ -4,28 +4,28 @@
use dataverse test;
create type LineItemType as closed {
- l_orderkey: int32,
- l_partkey: int32,
- l_suppkey: int32,
- l_linenumber: int32,
- l_quantity: double,
+ l_orderkey: int64,
+ l_partkey: int64,
+ l_suppkey: int64,
+ l_linenumber: int64,
+ l_quantity: double,
l_extendedprice: double,
- l_discount: double,
+ l_discount: double,
l_tax: double,
- l_returnflag: string,
- l_linestatus: string,
+ l_returnflag: string,
+ l_linestatus: string,
l_shipdate: string,
- l_commitdate: string,
- l_receiptdate: string,
- l_shipinstruct: string,
- l_shipmode: string,
+ l_commitdate: string,
+ l_receiptdate: string,
+ l_shipinstruct: string,
+ l_shipmode: string,
l_comment: string
create type LineIDType as closed {
- l_orderkey: int32,
- l_linenumber: int32,
- l_suppkey: int32
+ l_orderkey: int64,
+ l_linenumber: int64,
+ l_suppkey: int64
create dataset LineItem(LineItemType)
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/dml/insert-into-loaded-dataset_01/insert-into-loaded-dataset_01.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/dml/insert-into-loaded-dataset_01/insert-into-loaded-dataset_01.1.ddl.aql
index c8d1ee5..478c5fc 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/dml/insert-into-loaded-dataset_01/insert-into-loaded-dataset_01.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/dml/insert-into-loaded-dataset_01/insert-into-loaded-dataset_01.1.ddl.aql
@@ -4,9 +4,9 @@
use dataverse test;
create type LineIDType as closed {
- l_orderkey: int32,
- l_linenumber: int32,
- l_suppkey: int32
+ l_orderkey: int64,
+ l_linenumber: int64,
+ l_suppkey: int64
create dataset LineID(LineIDType)
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/dml/insert-into-loaded-dataset_02/insert-into-loaded-dataset_02.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/dml/insert-into-loaded-dataset_02/insert-into-loaded-dataset_02.1.ddl.aql
index 5bc8cf2..c1352fc 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/dml/insert-into-loaded-dataset_02/insert-into-loaded-dataset_02.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/dml/insert-into-loaded-dataset_02/insert-into-loaded-dataset_02.1.ddl.aql
@@ -4,19 +4,19 @@
use dataverse test;
create type Schema as closed {
-unique1: int32,
-unique2: int32,
-two: int32,
-four: int32,
-ten: int32,
-twenty: int32,
-onePercent: int32,
-tenPercent: int32,
-twentyPercent: int32,
-fiftyPercent: int32,
-unique3: int32,
-evenOnePercent: int32,
-oddOnePercent: int32,
+unique1: int64,
+unique2: int64,
+two: int64,
+four: int64,
+ten: int64,
+twenty: int64,
+onePercent: int64,
+tenPercent: int64,
+twentyPercent: int64,
+fiftyPercent: int64,
+unique3: int64,
+evenOnePercent: int64,
+oddOnePercent: int64,
stringu1: string,
stringu2: string,
string4: string
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/dml/insert-syntax/insert-syntax.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/dml/insert-syntax/insert-syntax.1.ddl.aql
index b82fb18..831b834 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/dml/insert-syntax/insert-syntax.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/dml/insert-syntax/insert-syntax.1.ddl.aql
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
* Test case Name : insert-syntax-change.aql
* Description : verify various AQL syntax for insert
* Expected Result : Success
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
use dataverse testdv2;
create type testtype as open {
- id: int32,
+ id: int64,
name: string
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/dml/insert/insert.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/dml/insert/insert.1.ddl.aql
index 5f645cc..eaffc89 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/dml/insert/insert.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/dml/insert/insert.1.ddl.aql
@@ -4,28 +4,28 @@
use dataverse test;
create type LineItemType as closed {
- l_orderkey: int32,
- l_partkey: int32,
- l_suppkey: int32,
- l_linenumber: int32,
- l_quantity: double,
+ l_orderkey: int64,
+ l_partkey: int64,
+ l_suppkey: int64,
+ l_linenumber: int64,
+ l_quantity: double,
l_extendedprice: double,
- l_discount: double,
+ l_discount: double,
l_tax: double,
- l_returnflag: string,
- l_linestatus: string,
+ l_returnflag: string,
+ l_linestatus: string,
l_shipdate: string,
- l_commitdate: string,
- l_receiptdate: string,
- l_shipinstruct: string,
- l_shipmode: string,
+ l_commitdate: string,
+ l_receiptdate: string,
+ l_shipinstruct: string,
+ l_shipmode: string,
l_comment: string
create type LineIDType as closed {
- l_orderkey: int32,
- l_linenumber: int32,
- l_suppkey: int32
+ l_orderkey: int64,
+ l_linenumber: int64,
+ l_suppkey: int64
create dataset LineItem(LineItemType)
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/dml/insert_less_nc/insert_less_nc.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/dml/insert_less_nc/insert_less_nc.1.ddl.aql
index 5f645cc..eaffc89 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/dml/insert_less_nc/insert_less_nc.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/dml/insert_less_nc/insert_less_nc.1.ddl.aql
@@ -4,28 +4,28 @@
use dataverse test;
create type LineItemType as closed {
- l_orderkey: int32,
- l_partkey: int32,
- l_suppkey: int32,
- l_linenumber: int32,
- l_quantity: double,
+ l_orderkey: int64,
+ l_partkey: int64,
+ l_suppkey: int64,
+ l_linenumber: int64,
+ l_quantity: double,
l_extendedprice: double,
- l_discount: double,
+ l_discount: double,
l_tax: double,
- l_returnflag: string,
- l_linestatus: string,
+ l_returnflag: string,
+ l_linestatus: string,
l_shipdate: string,
- l_commitdate: string,
- l_receiptdate: string,
- l_shipinstruct: string,
- l_shipmode: string,
+ l_commitdate: string,
+ l_receiptdate: string,
+ l_shipinstruct: string,
+ l_shipmode: string,
l_comment: string
create type LineIDType as closed {
- l_orderkey: int32,
- l_linenumber: int32,
- l_suppkey: int32
+ l_orderkey: int64,
+ l_linenumber: int64,
+ l_suppkey: int64
create dataset LineItem(LineItemType)
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/dml/load-with-index/load-with-index.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/dml/load-with-index/load-with-index.1.ddl.aql
index e2cd108..a720d9a 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/dml/load-with-index/load-with-index.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/dml/load-with-index/load-with-index.1.ddl.aql
@@ -4,21 +4,21 @@
use dataverse test;
create type LineItemType as closed {
- l_orderkey: int32,
- l_partkey: int32,
- l_suppkey: int32,
- l_linenumber: int32,
- l_quantity: double,
+ l_orderkey: int64,
+ l_partkey: int64,
+ l_suppkey: int64,
+ l_linenumber: int64,
+ l_quantity: double,
l_extendedprice: double,
- l_discount: double,
+ l_discount: double,
l_tax: double,
- l_returnflag: string,
- l_linestatus: string,
+ l_returnflag: string,
+ l_linestatus: string,
l_shipdate: string,
- l_commitdate: string,
- l_receiptdate: string,
- l_shipinstruct: string,
- l_shipmode: string,
+ l_commitdate: string,
+ l_receiptdate: string,
+ l_shipinstruct: string,
+ l_shipmode: string,
l_comment: string
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/dml/load-with-ngram-index/load-with-ngram-index.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/dml/load-with-ngram-index/load-with-ngram-index.1.ddl.aql
index 9dfefe0..c44bf82 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/dml/load-with-ngram-index/load-with-ngram-index.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/dml/load-with-ngram-index/load-with-ngram-index.1.ddl.aql
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
use dataverse test;
create type DBLPType as closed {
- id: int32,
+ id: int64,
dblpid: string,
title: string,
authors: string,
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/dml/load-with-rtree-index/load-with-rtree-index.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/dml/load-with-rtree-index/load-with-rtree-index.1.ddl.aql
index 6a21ae8..c7e481a 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/dml/load-with-rtree-index/load-with-rtree-index.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/dml/load-with-rtree-index/load-with-rtree-index.1.ddl.aql
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
use dataverse test;
create type MyRecord as closed {
- id: int32,
+ id: int64,
point: point,
kwds: string,
line1: line,
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/dml/load-with-word-index/load-with-word-index.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/dml/load-with-word-index/load-with-word-index.1.ddl.aql
index db60934..0ce34c5 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/dml/load-with-word-index/load-with-word-index.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/dml/load-with-word-index/load-with-word-index.1.ddl.aql
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
use dataverse test;
create type DBLPType as closed {
- id: int32,
+ id: int64,
dblpid: string,
title: string,
authors: string,
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/dml/opentype-c2o-recursive/opentype-c2o-recursive.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/dml/opentype-c2o-recursive/opentype-c2o-recursive.1.ddl.aql
index 2abca81..4d50456 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/dml/opentype-c2o-recursive/opentype-c2o-recursive.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/dml/opentype-c2o-recursive/opentype-c2o-recursive.1.ddl.aql
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
* Test case Name : opentype-o2c-recursive.aql
- * Description : verify the static casting of nest record constants
+ * Description : verify the static casting of nest record constants
* Expected Result : Success
@@ -14,8 +14,8 @@
city: string
create type Dept as open{
- name: string,
- id: int32
+ name: string,
+ id: int64
create type testtype as closed {
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/dml/opentype-insert2/opentype-insert2.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/dml/opentype-insert2/opentype-insert2.1.ddl.aql
index aa70a99..243bcb9 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/dml/opentype-insert2/opentype-insert2.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/dml/opentype-insert2/opentype-insert2.1.ddl.aql
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
* Test case Name : opentype-insert2.aql
* Description : verify that the case where SetClosedRecordRule should not rewrite
* the plan to use closed-record-descriptor
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
use dataverse test;
create type TestType as open {
- id:int32
+ id: int64
create dataset testds(TestType) primary key id;
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/dml/opentype-o2c-recursive/opentype-o2c-recursive.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/dml/opentype-o2c-recursive/opentype-o2c-recursive.1.ddl.aql
index 0ca863f..970f6da 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/dml/opentype-o2c-recursive/opentype-o2c-recursive.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/dml/opentype-o2c-recursive/opentype-o2c-recursive.1.ddl.aql
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
* Test case Name : opentype-o2c-recursive.aql
- * Description : verify the static casting of nest record constants
+ * Description : verify the static casting of nest record constants
* Expected Result : Success
@@ -15,8 +15,8 @@
create type Dept as closed{
- name: string,
- id: int32
+ name: string,
+ id: int64
create type testtype as open {
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/dml/query-issue205/query-issue205.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/dml/query-issue205/query-issue205.1.ddl.aql
index dfb68c4..7dab214 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/dml/query-issue205/query-issue205.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/dml/query-issue205/query-issue205.1.ddl.aql
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
* Description : This test case is to verify the fix for issue205
- : https://code.google.com/p/asterixdb/issues/detail?id=205
+ : https://code.google.com/p/asterixdb/issues/detail?id=205
* Expected Res : Success
* Date : 26th November 2012
@@ -11,14 +11,14 @@
use dataverse test;
create type EmployeeStat as open {
- age: int32,
- salary:int32
+ age: int64,
+ salary: int64
create type EmployeeType as closed {
- id:string,
- stat:EmployeeStat,
- deptCode:int32
+ id: string,
+ stat: EmployeeStat,
+ deptCode: int64
create dataset Employees(EmployeeType)
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/dml/query-issue288/query-issue288.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/dml/query-issue288/query-issue288.1.ddl.aql
index 0f548a1..ce37dfe 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/dml/query-issue288/query-issue288.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/dml/query-issue288/query-issue288.1.ddl.aql
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
* Description : This test case is to verify the fix for issue288
- : https://code.google.com/p/asterixdb/issues/detail?id=288
+ : https://code.google.com/p/asterixdb/issues/detail?id=288
* Expected Res : Success
* Date : 3th April 2013
@@ -11,9 +11,9 @@
use dataverse test;
create type LineIDType as closed {
- l_orderkey: int32,
- l_linenumber: int32,
- l_suppkey: int32
+ l_orderkey: int64,
+ l_linenumber: int64,
+ l_suppkey: int64
create dataset LineID(LineIDType)
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/dml/query-issue382/query-issue382.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/dml/query-issue382/query-issue382.1.ddl.aql
index d09e16d..d8d58ca 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/dml/query-issue382/query-issue382.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/dml/query-issue382/query-issue382.1.ddl.aql
@@ -9,13 +9,13 @@
create type FacebookUserType as closed {
-id: int32,
-id-copy: int32,
+id: int64,
+id-copy: int64,
alias: string,
name: string,
user-since: datetime,
user-since-copy: datetime,
-friend-ids: {{ int32 }},
+friend-ids: {{ int64 }},
employment: [EmploymentType]
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/dml/query-issue433/query-issue433.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/dml/query-issue433/query-issue433.1.ddl.aql
index e7ab9e8..727168e 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/dml/query-issue433/query-issue433.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/dml/query-issue433/query-issue433.1.ddl.aql
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
* Description : This test case is to verify the fix for issue433
- : https://code.google.com/p/asterixdb/issues/detail?id=433
+ : https://code.google.com/p/asterixdb/issues/detail?id=433
* Expected Res : Success
* Date : 3th April 2013
@@ -10,11 +10,11 @@
create type subElem as closed {
n: string,
-e: int32?
+e: int64?
create type elem as closed {
-id: int32,
+id: int64,
name: string,
sub: [subElem]
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/dml/scan-delete-btree-secondary-index-nullable/scan-delete-btree-secondary-index-nullable.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/dml/scan-delete-btree-secondary-index-nullable/scan-delete-btree-secondary-index-nullable.1.ddl.aql
index cc50d0d..fc24bd1 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/dml/scan-delete-btree-secondary-index-nullable/scan-delete-btree-secondary-index-nullable.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/dml/scan-delete-btree-secondary-index-nullable/scan-delete-btree-secondary-index-nullable.1.ddl.aql
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
* Test case Name : scan-delete-btree-secondary-index-nullable.aql
- * Description : This test is intended to test deletion from secondary btree indexes that are built on nullable fields
+ * Description : This test is intended to test deletion from secondary btree indexes that are built on nullable fields
* Expected Result : Success
* Date : May 12 2012
@@ -11,18 +11,18 @@
use dataverse test;
create type AddressType as closed {
- number: int32,
+ number: int64,
street: string,
city: string
create type CustomerType as closed {
- cid: int32,
+ cid: int64,
name: string,
- age: int32?,
+ age: int64?,
address: AddressType?,
interests: {{string}},
- children: [ { name: string, age: int32? } ]
+ children: [ { name: string, age: int64? } ]
create dataset Customers(CustomerType) primary key cid;
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/dml/scan-delete-inverted-index-ngram-secondary-index-nullable/scan-delete-inverted-index-ngram-secondary-index-nullable.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/dml/scan-delete-inverted-index-ngram-secondary-index-nullable/scan-delete-inverted-index-ngram-secondary-index-nullable.1.ddl.aql
index 370ac1c..e8c5c0b 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/dml/scan-delete-inverted-index-ngram-secondary-index-nullable/scan-delete-inverted-index-ngram-secondary-index-nullable.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/dml/scan-delete-inverted-index-ngram-secondary-index-nullable/scan-delete-inverted-index-ngram-secondary-index-nullable.1.ddl.aql
@@ -1,17 +1,17 @@
* Test case Name : scan-delete-inverted-index-ngram-secondary-index-nullable.aql
- * Description : This test is intended to test deletion from secondary ngram inverted index that are built on nullable fields.
+ * Description : This test is intended to test deletion from secondary ngram inverted index that are built on nullable fields.
* Expected Result : Success
* Date : March 31 2013
drop dataverse test if exists;
create dataverse test;
use dataverse test;
create type DBLPType as closed {
- id: int32,
+ id: int64,
dblpid: string,
title: string?,
authors: string,
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/dml/scan-delete-inverted-index-ngram-secondary-index/scan-delete-inverted-index-ngram-secondary-index.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/dml/scan-delete-inverted-index-ngram-secondary-index/scan-delete-inverted-index-ngram-secondary-index.1.ddl.aql
index e6f184c..dc6f5dd 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/dml/scan-delete-inverted-index-ngram-secondary-index/scan-delete-inverted-index-ngram-secondary-index.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/dml/scan-delete-inverted-index-ngram-secondary-index/scan-delete-inverted-index-ngram-secondary-index.1.ddl.aql
@@ -1,17 +1,17 @@
* Test case Name : scan-delete-inverted-index-ngram-secondary-index.aql
* Description : This test is intended to test deletion from secondary ngram inverted index.
* Expected Result : Success
* Date : March 31 2013
drop dataverse test if exists;
create dataverse test;
use dataverse test;
create type DBLPType as closed {
- id: int32,
+ id: int64,
dblpid: string,
title: string,
authors: string,
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/dml/scan-delete-inverted-index-word-secondary-index-nullable/scan-delete-inverted-index-word-secondary-index-nullable.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/dml/scan-delete-inverted-index-word-secondary-index-nullable/scan-delete-inverted-index-word-secondary-index-nullable.1.ddl.aql
index 36b3d31..7c194f2 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/dml/scan-delete-inverted-index-word-secondary-index-nullable/scan-delete-inverted-index-word-secondary-index-nullable.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/dml/scan-delete-inverted-index-word-secondary-index-nullable/scan-delete-inverted-index-word-secondary-index-nullable.1.ddl.aql
@@ -1,17 +1,17 @@
* Test case Name : scan-delete-inverted-index-word-secondary-index-nullable.aql
- * Description : This test is intended to test deletion from secondary keyword inverted index that are built on nullable fields.
+ * Description : This test is intended to test deletion from secondary keyword inverted index that are built on nullable fields.
* Expected Result : Success
* Date : March 31 2013
drop dataverse test if exists;
create dataverse test;
use dataverse test;
create type DBLPType as closed {
- id: int32,
+ id: int64,
dblpid: string,
title: string?,
authors: string,
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/dml/scan-delete-inverted-index-word-secondary-index/scan-delete-inverted-index-word-secondary-index.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/dml/scan-delete-inverted-index-word-secondary-index/scan-delete-inverted-index-word-secondary-index.1.ddl.aql
index 5332316..3037266 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/dml/scan-delete-inverted-index-word-secondary-index/scan-delete-inverted-index-word-secondary-index.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/dml/scan-delete-inverted-index-word-secondary-index/scan-delete-inverted-index-word-secondary-index.1.ddl.aql
@@ -1,17 +1,17 @@
* Test case Name : scan-delete-inverted-index-word-secondary-index.aql
* Description : This test is intended to test deletion from secondary keyword inverted index.
* Expected Result : Success
* Date : March 31 2013
drop dataverse test if exists;
create dataverse test;
use dataverse test;
create type DBLPType as closed {
- id: int32,
+ id: int64,
dblpid: string,
title: string,
authors: string,
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/dml/scan-delete-rtree-secondary-index-nullable/scan-delete-rtree-secondary-index-nullable.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/dml/scan-delete-rtree-secondary-index-nullable/scan-delete-rtree-secondary-index-nullable.1.ddl.aql
index b3124f7..4e13f62 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/dml/scan-delete-rtree-secondary-index-nullable/scan-delete-rtree-secondary-index-nullable.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/dml/scan-delete-rtree-secondary-index-nullable/scan-delete-rtree-secondary-index-nullable.1.ddl.aql
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
* Test case Name : scan-delete-rtree-secondary-index-nullable.aql
- * Description : This test is intended to test deletion from secondary rtree indexes that are built on nullable fields
+ * Description : This test is intended to test deletion from secondary rtree indexes that are built on nullable fields
* Expected Result : Success
* Date : May 12 2012
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
use dataverse test;
create type MyRecord as closed {
- id: int32,
+ id: int64,
point: point?,
kwds: string,
line1: line,
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/dml/scan-delete-rtree-secondary-index/scan-delete-rtree-secondary-index.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/dml/scan-delete-rtree-secondary-index/scan-delete-rtree-secondary-index.1.ddl.aql
index 4cd746b..572fcf9 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/dml/scan-delete-rtree-secondary-index/scan-delete-rtree-secondary-index.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/dml/scan-delete-rtree-secondary-index/scan-delete-rtree-secondary-index.1.ddl.aql
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
use dataverse test;
create type MyRecord as closed {
- id: int32,
+ id: int64,
point: point,
kwds: string,
line1: line,
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/dml/scan-insert-btree-secondary-index-nullable/scan-insert-btree-secondary-index-nullable.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/dml/scan-insert-btree-secondary-index-nullable/scan-insert-btree-secondary-index-nullable.1.ddl.aql
index 0114f45..8acbb26 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/dml/scan-insert-btree-secondary-index-nullable/scan-insert-btree-secondary-index-nullable.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/dml/scan-insert-btree-secondary-index-nullable/scan-insert-btree-secondary-index-nullable.1.ddl.aql
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
* Test case Name : scan-delete-btree-secondary-index-nullable.aql
- * Description : This test is intended to test insertion into secondary btree indexes that are built on nullable fields
+ * Description : This test is intended to test insertion into secondary btree indexes that are built on nullable fields
* Expected Result : Success
* Date : May 12 2012
@@ -11,18 +11,18 @@
use dataverse test;
create type AddressType as closed {
- number: int32,
+ number: int64,
street: string,
city: string
create type CustomerType as closed {
- cid: int32,
+ cid: int64,
name: string,
- age: int32?,
+ age: int64?,
address: AddressType?,
interests: {{string}},
- children: [ { name: string, age: int32? } ]
+ children: [ { name: string, age: int64? } ]
create dataset Customers(CustomerType) primary key cid;
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/dml/scan-insert-inverted-index-ngram-secondary-index-nullable/scan-insert-inverted-index-ngram-secondary-index-nullable.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/dml/scan-insert-inverted-index-ngram-secondary-index-nullable/scan-insert-inverted-index-ngram-secondary-index-nullable.1.ddl.aql
index 5f82843..87e9548 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/dml/scan-insert-inverted-index-ngram-secondary-index-nullable/scan-insert-inverted-index-ngram-secondary-index-nullable.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/dml/scan-insert-inverted-index-ngram-secondary-index-nullable/scan-insert-inverted-index-ngram-secondary-index-nullable.1.ddl.aql
@@ -1,17 +1,17 @@
* Test case Name : scan-insert-inverted-index-ngram-secondary-index-nullable.aql
- * Description : This test is intended to test insertion from secondary ngram inverted index that are built on nullable fields.
+ * Description : This test is intended to test insertion from secondary ngram inverted index that are built on nullable fields.
* Expected Result : Success
* Date : March 31 2013
drop dataverse test if exists;
create dataverse test;
use dataverse test;
create type DBLPType as closed {
- id: int32,
+ id: int64,
dblpid: string,
title: string?,
authors: string,
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/dml/scan-insert-inverted-index-ngram-secondary-index/scan-insert-inverted-index-ngram-secondary-index.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/dml/scan-insert-inverted-index-ngram-secondary-index/scan-insert-inverted-index-ngram-secondary-index.1.ddl.aql
index eee618b..3744665 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/dml/scan-insert-inverted-index-ngram-secondary-index/scan-insert-inverted-index-ngram-secondary-index.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/dml/scan-insert-inverted-index-ngram-secondary-index/scan-insert-inverted-index-ngram-secondary-index.1.ddl.aql
@@ -1,17 +1,17 @@
* Test case Name : scan-insert-inverted-index-ngram-secondary-index.aql
- * Description : This test is intended to test insertion from secondary ngram inverted index.
+ * Description : This test is intended to test insertion from secondary ngram inverted index.
* Expected Result : Success
* Date : March 31 2013
drop dataverse test if exists;
create dataverse test;
use dataverse test;
create type DBLPType as closed {
- id: int32,
+ id: int64,
dblpid: string,
title: string,
authors: string,
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/dml/scan-insert-inverted-index-word-secondary-index-nullable/scan-insert-inverted-index-word-secondary-index-nullable.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/dml/scan-insert-inverted-index-word-secondary-index-nullable/scan-insert-inverted-index-word-secondary-index-nullable.1.ddl.aql
index bafad5b..809b8b0 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/dml/scan-insert-inverted-index-word-secondary-index-nullable/scan-insert-inverted-index-word-secondary-index-nullable.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/dml/scan-insert-inverted-index-word-secondary-index-nullable/scan-insert-inverted-index-word-secondary-index-nullable.1.ddl.aql
@@ -1,17 +1,17 @@
* Test case Name : scan-insert-inverted-index-word-secondary-index-nullable.aql
- * Description : This test is intended to test insertion from secondary keyword inverted index that are built on nullable fields.
+ * Description : This test is intended to test insertion from secondary keyword inverted index that are built on nullable fields.
* Expected Result : Success
* Date : March 31 2013
drop dataverse test if exists;
create dataverse test;
use dataverse test;
create type DBLPType as closed {
- id: int32,
+ id: int64,
dblpid: string,
title: string?,
authors: string,
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/dml/scan-insert-inverted-index-word-secondary-index/scan-insert-inverted-index-word-secondary-index.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/dml/scan-insert-inverted-index-word-secondary-index/scan-insert-inverted-index-word-secondary-index.1.ddl.aql
index 642a0c8..4138f5c 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/dml/scan-insert-inverted-index-word-secondary-index/scan-insert-inverted-index-word-secondary-index.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/dml/scan-insert-inverted-index-word-secondary-index/scan-insert-inverted-index-word-secondary-index.1.ddl.aql
@@ -1,17 +1,17 @@
* Test case Name : scan-insert-inverted-index-word-secondary-index.aql
- * Description : This test is intended to test insertion from secondary keyword inverted index.
+ * Description : This test is intended to test insertion from secondary keyword inverted index.
* Expected Result : Success
* Date : March 31 2013
drop dataverse test if exists;
create dataverse test;
use dataverse test;
create type DBLPType as closed {
- id: int32,
+ id: int64,
dblpid: string,
title: string,
authors: string,
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/dml/scan-insert-rtree-secondary-index-nullable/scan-insert-rtree-secondary-index-nullable.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/dml/scan-insert-rtree-secondary-index-nullable/scan-insert-rtree-secondary-index-nullable.1.ddl.aql
index 6057269..906f6fd 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/dml/scan-insert-rtree-secondary-index-nullable/scan-insert-rtree-secondary-index-nullable.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/dml/scan-insert-rtree-secondary-index-nullable/scan-insert-rtree-secondary-index-nullable.1.ddl.aql
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
* Test case Name : scan-insert-rtree-secondary-index-nullable.aql
- * Description : This test is intended to test insertion into secondary rtree indexes that are built on nullable fields
+ * Description : This test is intended to test insertion into secondary rtree indexes that are built on nullable fields
* Expected Result : Success
* Date : May 12 2012
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
use dataverse test;
create type MyRecord as closed {
- id: int32,
+ id: int64,
point: point?,
kwds: string,
line1: line,
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
create type MyMiniRecord as closed {
- id: int32,
+ id: int64,
point: point?
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/dml/scan-insert-rtree-secondary-index/scan-insert-rtree-secondary-index.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/dml/scan-insert-rtree-secondary-index/scan-insert-rtree-secondary-index.1.ddl.aql
index 58765cd..45381fd 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/dml/scan-insert-rtree-secondary-index/scan-insert-rtree-secondary-index.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/dml/scan-insert-rtree-secondary-index/scan-insert-rtree-secondary-index.1.ddl.aql
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
use dataverse test;
create type MyRecord as closed {
- id: int32,
+ id: int64,
point: point,
kwds: string,
line1: line,
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
create type MyMiniRecord as closed {
- id: int32,
+ id: int64,
point: point
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/dml/using-constant-merge-policy/using-constant-merge-policy.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/dml/using-constant-merge-policy/using-constant-merge-policy.1.ddl.aql
index 5942aa2..25bf939 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/dml/using-constant-merge-policy/using-constant-merge-policy.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/dml/using-constant-merge-policy/using-constant-merge-policy.1.ddl.aql
@@ -1,32 +1,32 @@
* Test case Name : using-constant-merge-policy.aql
* Description : This test is intended to test the compact statement which merge the disk components of a dataset and
* all of its indexes using the constant merge policy.
* Expected Result : Success
* Date : Sep 19 2013
drop dataverse test if exists;
create dataverse test;
use dataverse test;
create type LineItemType as closed {
- l_orderkey: int32,
- l_partkey: int32,
- l_suppkey: int32,
- l_linenumber: int32,
- l_quantity: int32,
+ l_orderkey: int64,
+ l_partkey: int64,
+ l_suppkey: int64,
+ l_linenumber: int64,
+ l_quantity: int64,
l_extendedprice: double,
- l_discount: double,
+ l_discount: double,
l_tax: double,
- l_returnflag: string,
- l_linestatus: string,
+ l_returnflag: string,
+ l_linestatus: string,
l_shipdate: string,
- l_commitdate: string,
- l_receiptdate: string,
- l_shipinstruct: string,
- l_shipmode: string,
+ l_commitdate: string,
+ l_receiptdate: string,
+ l_shipinstruct: string,
+ l_shipmode: string,
l_comment: string
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/dml/using-correlated-prefix-merge-policy/using-correlated-prefix-merge-policy.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/dml/using-correlated-prefix-merge-policy/using-correlated-prefix-merge-policy.1.ddl.aql
index 99ef49a..637a5fd 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/dml/using-correlated-prefix-merge-policy/using-correlated-prefix-merge-policy.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/dml/using-correlated-prefix-merge-policy/using-correlated-prefix-merge-policy.1.ddl.aql
@@ -1,32 +1,32 @@
* Test case Name : using-correlated-prefix-merge-policy.aql
* Description : This test is intended to test the compact statement which merge the disk components of a dataset and
* all of its indexes using the correlated-prefix merge policy.
* Expected Result : Success
* Date : Sep 19 2013
drop dataverse test if exists;
create dataverse test;
use dataverse test;
create type LineItemType as closed {
- l_orderkey: int32,
- l_partkey: int32,
- l_suppkey: int32,
- l_linenumber: int32,
- l_quantity: int32,
+ l_orderkey: int64,
+ l_partkey: int64,
+ l_suppkey: int64,
+ l_linenumber: int64,
+ l_quantity: int64,
l_extendedprice: double,
- l_discount: double,
+ l_discount: double,
l_tax: double,
- l_returnflag: string,
- l_linestatus: string,
+ l_returnflag: string,
+ l_linestatus: string,
l_shipdate: string,
- l_commitdate: string,
- l_receiptdate: string,
- l_shipinstruct: string,
- l_shipmode: string,
+ l_commitdate: string,
+ l_receiptdate: string,
+ l_shipinstruct: string,
+ l_shipmode: string,
l_comment: string
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/dml/using-no-merge-policy/using-no-merge-policy.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/dml/using-no-merge-policy/using-no-merge-policy.1.ddl.aql
index f3e4d29..d805a20 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/dml/using-no-merge-policy/using-no-merge-policy.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/dml/using-no-merge-policy/using-no-merge-policy.1.ddl.aql
@@ -1,32 +1,32 @@
* Test case Name : cusing-no-merge-policy.aql
* Description : This test is intended to test the compact statement which merge the disk components of a dataset and
* all of its indexes using the no merge policy.
* Expected Result : Success
* Date : Sep 19 2013
drop dataverse test if exists;
create dataverse test;
use dataverse test;
create type LineItemType as closed {
- l_orderkey: int32,
- l_partkey: int32,
- l_suppkey: int32,
- l_linenumber: int32,
- l_quantity: int32,
+ l_orderkey: int64,
+ l_partkey: int64,
+ l_suppkey: int64,
+ l_linenumber: int64,
+ l_quantity: int64,
l_extendedprice: double,
- l_discount: double,
+ l_discount: double,
l_tax: double,
- l_returnflag: string,
- l_linestatus: string,
+ l_returnflag: string,
+ l_linestatus: string,
l_shipdate: string,
- l_commitdate: string,
- l_receiptdate: string,
- l_shipinstruct: string,
- l_shipmode: string,
+ l_commitdate: string,
+ l_receiptdate: string,
+ l_shipinstruct: string,
+ l_shipmode: string,
l_comment: string
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/dml/using-prefix-merge-policy/using-prefix-merge-policy.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/dml/using-prefix-merge-policy/using-prefix-merge-policy.1.ddl.aql
index b814d32..b34b7e5 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/dml/using-prefix-merge-policy/using-prefix-merge-policy.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/dml/using-prefix-merge-policy/using-prefix-merge-policy.1.ddl.aql
@@ -1,32 +1,32 @@
* Test case Name : cusing-prefix-merge-policy.aql
* Description : This test is intended to test the compact statement which merge the disk components of a dataset and
* all of its indexes using the prefix merge policy.
* Expected Result : Success
* Date : Sep 19 2013
drop dataverse test if exists;
create dataverse test;
use dataverse test;
create type LineItemType as closed {
- l_orderkey: int32,
- l_partkey: int32,
- l_suppkey: int32,
- l_linenumber: int32,
- l_quantity: int32,
+ l_orderkey: int64,
+ l_partkey: int64,
+ l_suppkey: int64,
+ l_linenumber: int64,
+ l_quantity: int64,
l_extendedprice: double,
- l_discount: double,
+ l_discount: double,
l_tax: double,
- l_returnflag: string,
- l_linestatus: string,
+ l_returnflag: string,
+ l_linestatus: string,
l_shipdate: string,
- l_commitdate: string,
- l_receiptdate: string,
- l_shipinstruct: string,
- l_shipmode: string,
+ l_commitdate: string,
+ l_receiptdate: string,
+ l_shipinstruct: string,
+ l_shipmode: string,
l_comment: string
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/employee/q_01/q_01.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/employee/q_01/q_01.1.ddl.aql
index c7c784f..75a4020 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/employee/q_01/q_01.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/employee/q_01/q_01.1.ddl.aql
@@ -5,19 +5,19 @@
use dataverse test;
create type EmpType as open {
- id: int32,
+ id: int64,
name: string,
address: {
- number: int32,
+ number: int64,
street: string,
city: string
- age: int32?,
+ age: int64?,
interests: {{string}}?,
children: [string]?
-create external dataset Emp(EmpType)
+create external dataset Emp(EmpType)
using "edu.uci.ics.asterix.external.dataset.adapter.NCFileSystemAdapter"
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/employee/q_02/q_02.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/employee/q_02/q_02.1.ddl.aql
index 5066a4f..52ec08c 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/employee/q_02/q_02.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/employee/q_02/q_02.1.ddl.aql
@@ -5,18 +5,18 @@
use dataverse test;
create type EmpType as open {
- id: int32,
+ id: int64,
name: string,
address: {
- number: int32,
+ number: int64,
street: string,
city: string
- age: int32?,
+ age: int64?,
interests: {{string}}?,
children: [string]?
-create external dataset Emp(EmpType)
+create external dataset Emp(EmpType)
using "edu.uci.ics.asterix.external.dataset.adapter.NCFileSystemAdapter"
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/external-indexing/leftouterjoin-rtree/leftouterjoin-rtree.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/external-indexing/leftouterjoin-rtree/leftouterjoin-rtree.1.ddl.aql
index 55bda77f..a7bfab3 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/external-indexing/leftouterjoin-rtree/leftouterjoin-rtree.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/external-indexing/leftouterjoin-rtree/leftouterjoin-rtree.1.ddl.aql
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
* Description : Test that left-outer-join may use two available indexes, one for primary index in prob subtree and another for secondary rtree index in index subtree.
- * Issue : 730, 741
+ * Issue : 730, 741
* Expected Res : Success
* Date : 8th May 2014
@@ -10,23 +10,23 @@
use dataverse test;
create type TwitterUserType as closed {
- screen-name: string,
- lang: string,
- friends-count: int32,
- statuses-count: int32,
- name: string,
- followers-count: int32
+ screen-name: string,
+ lang: string,
+ friends-count: int64,
+ statuses-count: int64,
+ name: string,
+ followers-count: int64
create type TweetMessageType as closed {
- tweetid: int64,
+ tweetid: int64,
user: TwitterUserType,
sender-location: point,
- send-time: datetime,
+ send-time: datetime,
referred-topics: {{ string }},
- message-text: string,
- countA: int32,
- countB: int32
+ message-text: string,
+ countA: int64,
+ countB: int64
create external dataset TweetMessages(TweetMessageType) using hdfs(("hdfs"="hdfs://"),("path"="/asterix/tw_for_indexleftouterjoin.adm"),("input-format"="text-input-format"),("format"="adm"));
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/external-indexing/leftouterjoin/leftouterjoin.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/external-indexing/leftouterjoin/leftouterjoin.1.ddl.aql
index ed033eb..db0a038 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/external-indexing/leftouterjoin/leftouterjoin.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/external-indexing/leftouterjoin/leftouterjoin.1.ddl.aql
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
* Description : Test that left-outer-join may use two available indexes, one for primary index in prob subtree and another for secondary btree index in index subtree.
- * Issue : 730, 741
+ * Issue : 730, 741
* Expected Res : Success
* Date : 8th May 2014
@@ -10,23 +10,23 @@
use dataverse test;
create type TwitterUserType as closed {
- screen-name: string,
- lang: string,
- friends-count: int32,
- statuses-count: int32,
- name: string,
- followers-count: int32
+ screen-name: string,
+ lang: string,
+ friends-count: int64,
+ statuses-count: int64,
+ name: string,
+ followers-count: int64
create type TweetMessageType as closed {
- tweetid: int64,
+ tweetid: int64,
user: TwitterUserType,
sender-location: point,
- send-time: datetime,
+ send-time: datetime,
referred-topics: {{ string }},
- message-text: string,
- countA: int32,
- countB: int32
+ message-text: string,
+ countA: int64,
+ countB: int64
create external dataset TweetMessages(TweetMessageType) using hdfs(("hdfs"="hdfs://"),("path"="/asterix/tw_for_indexleftouterjoin.adm"),("input-format"="text-input-format"),("format"="adm"));
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/external-indexing/rc-format/rc-format.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/external-indexing/rc-format/rc-format.1.ddl.aql
index 4f95913..2e009fe 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/external-indexing/rc-format/rc-format.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/external-indexing/rc-format/rc-format.1.ddl.aql
@@ -11,9 +11,9 @@
use dataverse test;
create type EmployeeType as closed {
- id: int32,
+ id: int64,
name: string,
- age: int32
+ age: int64
create external dataset EmployeeDataset(EmployeeType)
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/external-indexing/rtree-index/rtree-index.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/external-indexing/rtree-index/rtree-index.1.ddl.aql
index 8bd00c5..dec23a9 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/external-indexing/rtree-index/rtree-index.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/external-indexing/rtree-index/rtree-index.1.ddl.aql
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
use dataverse test;
create type MyRecord as closed {
- id: int32,
+ id: int64,
point: point,
kwds: string,
line1: line,
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/external-indexing/sequence-format/sequence-format.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/external-indexing/sequence-format/sequence-format.1.ddl.aql
index f149f35..eff7a48 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/external-indexing/sequence-format/sequence-format.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/external-indexing/sequence-format/sequence-format.1.ddl.aql
@@ -11,9 +11,9 @@
use dataverse test;
create type EmployeeType as closed {
- id: int32,
+ id: int64,
name: string,
- age: int32
+ age: int64
create external dataset EmployeeDataset(EmployeeType)
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/external-indexing/text-format/text-format.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/external-indexing/text-format/text-format.1.ddl.aql
index 8109531..b5d1c00 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/external-indexing/text-format/text-format.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/external-indexing/text-format/text-format.1.ddl.aql
@@ -11,9 +11,9 @@
use dataverse test;
create type EmployeeType as closed {
- id: int32,
+ id: int64,
name: string,
- age: int32
+ age: int64
create external dataset EmployeeDataset(EmployeeType)
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/filters/equality-predicate/equality-predicate.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/filters/equality-predicate/equality-predicate.1.ddl.aql
index e3bc95d..eb11e32 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/filters/equality-predicate/equality-predicate.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/filters/equality-predicate/equality-predicate.1.ddl.aql
@@ -3,16 +3,16 @@
* Expected Res : Success
* Date : 25th Jun 2014
drop dataverse test if exists;
create dataverse test;
use dataverse test;
create type FacebookMessageType as closed {
- message-id: int32,
- author-id: int32,
- in-response-to: int32?,
+ message-id: int64,
+ author-id: int64,
+ in-response-to: int64?,
sender-location: point?,
message: string,
send-time: datetime
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/filters/insert-with-secondary-btree/insert-with-secondary-btree.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/filters/insert-with-secondary-btree/insert-with-secondary-btree.1.ddl.aql
index 1d4cb8d..929a4a3 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/filters/insert-with-secondary-btree/insert-with-secondary-btree.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/filters/insert-with-secondary-btree/insert-with-secondary-btree.1.ddl.aql
@@ -8,9 +8,9 @@
use dataverse test;
create type FacebookMessageType as closed {
- message-id: int32,
- author-id: int32,
- in-response-to: int32?,
+ message-id: int64,
+ author-id: int64,
+ in-response-to: int64?,
sender-location: point?,
message: string,
send-time: datetime
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/filters/insert-with-secondary-inverted-ngram/insert-with-secondary-inverted-ngram.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/filters/insert-with-secondary-inverted-ngram/insert-with-secondary-inverted-ngram.1.ddl.aql
index 223c35b..b16feec 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/filters/insert-with-secondary-inverted-ngram/insert-with-secondary-inverted-ngram.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/filters/insert-with-secondary-inverted-ngram/insert-with-secondary-inverted-ngram.1.ddl.aql
@@ -3,15 +3,15 @@
* Expected Res : Success
* Date : 25th Jun 2014
drop dataverse test if exists;
create dataverse test;
use dataverse test;
create type FacebookMessageType as closed {
- message-id: int32,
- author-id: int32,
- in-response-to: int32?,
+ message-id: int64,
+ author-id: int64,
+ in-response-to: int64?,
sender-location: point?,
message: string,
send-time: datetime
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/filters/insert-with-secondary-inverted-word/insert-with-secondary-inverted-word.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/filters/insert-with-secondary-inverted-word/insert-with-secondary-inverted-word.1.ddl.aql
index 2d918e0..4f9412e 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/filters/insert-with-secondary-inverted-word/insert-with-secondary-inverted-word.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/filters/insert-with-secondary-inverted-word/insert-with-secondary-inverted-word.1.ddl.aql
@@ -2,15 +2,15 @@
* Description : Test filters with insert pipeline in the existence of a secondary word index
* Expected Res : Success
* Date : 25th Jun 2014
- */
+ */
drop dataverse test if exists;
create dataverse test;
use dataverse test;
create type FacebookMessageType as closed {
- message-id: int32,
- author-id: int32,
- in-response-to: int32?,
+ message-id: int64,
+ author-id: int64,
+ in-response-to: int64?,
sender-location: point?,
message: string,
send-time: datetime
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/filters/insert-with-secondary-rtree/insert-with-secondary-rtree.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/filters/insert-with-secondary-rtree/insert-with-secondary-rtree.1.ddl.aql
index 60f8490..8aa9b17 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/filters/insert-with-secondary-rtree/insert-with-secondary-rtree.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/filters/insert-with-secondary-rtree/insert-with-secondary-rtree.1.ddl.aql
@@ -2,15 +2,15 @@
* Description : Test filters with insert pipeline in the existence of a secondary r-tree
* Expected Res : Success
* Date : 25th Jun 2014
- */
+ */
drop dataverse test if exists;
create dataverse test;
use dataverse test;
create type FacebookMessageType as closed {
- message-id: int32,
- author-id: int32,
- in-response-to: int32?,
+ message-id: int64,
+ author-id: int64,
+ in-response-to: int64?,
sender-location: point?,
message: string,
send-time: datetime
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/filters/insert/insert.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/filters/insert/insert.1.ddl.aql
index 60e8c6a..1597d06 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/filters/insert/insert.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/filters/insert/insert.1.ddl.aql
@@ -3,16 +3,16 @@
* Expected Res : Success
* Date : 25th Jun 2014
drop dataverse test if exists;
create dataverse test;
use dataverse test;
create type FacebookMessageType as closed {
- message-id: int32,
- author-id: int32,
- in-response-to: int32?,
+ message-id: int64,
+ author-id: int64,
+ in-response-to: int64?,
sender-location: point?,
message: string,
send-time: datetime
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/filters/load-with-secondary-btree/load-with-secondary-btree.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/filters/load-with-secondary-btree/load-with-secondary-btree.1.ddl.aql
index fde599e..01eb576 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/filters/load-with-secondary-btree/load-with-secondary-btree.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/filters/load-with-secondary-btree/load-with-secondary-btree.1.ddl.aql
@@ -2,15 +2,15 @@
* Description : Test filters with loading and in the existence of a secondary b-tree
* Expected Res : Success
* Date : 25th Jun 2014
- */
+ */
drop dataverse test if exists;
create dataverse test;
use dataverse test;
create type FacebookMessageType as closed {
- message-id: int32,
- author-id: int32,
- in-response-to: int32?,
+ message-id: int64,
+ author-id: int64,
+ in-response-to: int64?,
sender-location: point?,
message: string,
send-time: datetime
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/filters/load-with-secondary-inverted-ngram/load-with-secondary-inverted-ngram.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/filters/load-with-secondary-inverted-ngram/load-with-secondary-inverted-ngram.1.ddl.aql
index 964ff36..2867921 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/filters/load-with-secondary-inverted-ngram/load-with-secondary-inverted-ngram.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/filters/load-with-secondary-inverted-ngram/load-with-secondary-inverted-ngram.1.ddl.aql
@@ -2,16 +2,16 @@
* Description : Test filters with loading and in the existence of a secondary ngram index
* Expected Res : Success
* Date : 25th Jun 2014
- */
+ */
drop dataverse test if exists;
create dataverse test;
use dataverse test;
create type FacebookMessageType as closed {
- message-id: int32,
- author-id: int32,
- in-response-to: int32?,
+ message-id: int64,
+ author-id: int64,
+ in-response-to: int64?,
sender-location: point?,
message: string,
send-time: datetime
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/filters/load-with-secondary-inverted-word/load-with-secondary-inverted-word.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/filters/load-with-secondary-inverted-word/load-with-secondary-inverted-word.1.ddl.aql
index f5a962b..393a671 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/filters/load-with-secondary-inverted-word/load-with-secondary-inverted-word.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/filters/load-with-secondary-inverted-word/load-with-secondary-inverted-word.1.ddl.aql
@@ -2,16 +2,16 @@
* Description : Test filters with loading and in the existence of a secondary word index
* Expected Res : Success
* Date : 25th Jun 2014
- */
+ */
drop dataverse test if exists;
create dataverse test;
use dataverse test;
create type FacebookMessageType as closed {
- message-id: int32,
- author-id: int32,
- in-response-to: int32?,
+ message-id: int64,
+ author-id: int64,
+ in-response-to: int64?,
sender-location: point?,
message: string,
send-time: datetime
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/filters/load-with-secondary-rtree/load-with-secondary-rtree.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/filters/load-with-secondary-rtree/load-with-secondary-rtree.1.ddl.aql
index 979048b..ab00a27 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/filters/load-with-secondary-rtree/load-with-secondary-rtree.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/filters/load-with-secondary-rtree/load-with-secondary-rtree.1.ddl.aql
@@ -2,16 +2,16 @@
* Description : Test filters with loading and in the existence of a secondary r-tree
* Expected Res : Success
* Date : 25th Jun 2014
- */
+ */
drop dataverse test if exists;
create dataverse test;
use dataverse test;
create type FacebookMessageType as closed {
- message-id: int32,
- author-id: int32,
- in-response-to: int32?,
+ message-id: int64,
+ author-id: int64,
+ in-response-to: int64?,
sender-location: point?,
message: string,
send-time: datetime
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/filters/load/load.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/filters/load/load.1.ddl.aql
index 35abfa3..141f673 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/filters/load/load.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/filters/load/load.1.ddl.aql
@@ -2,16 +2,16 @@
* Description : Test filters with loading
* Expected Res : Success
* Date : 25th Jun 2014
- */
+ */
drop dataverse test if exists;
create dataverse test;
use dataverse test;
create type FacebookMessageType as closed {
- message-id: int32,
- author-id: int32,
- in-response-to: int32?,
+ message-id: int64,
+ author-id: int64,
+ in-response-to: int64?,
sender-location: point?,
message: string,
send-time: datetime
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/flwor/at00/at00.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/flwor/at00/at00.1.ddl.aql
index f60cfc7..2830eeb 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/flwor/at00/at00.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/flwor/at00/at00.1.ddl.aql
@@ -10,21 +10,21 @@
use dataverse test;
create type LineItemType as closed {
- l_orderkey: int32,
- l_partkey: int32,
- l_suppkey: int32,
- l_linenumber: int32,
- l_quantity: double,
+ l_orderkey: int64,
+ l_partkey: int64,
+ l_suppkey: int64,
+ l_linenumber: int64,
+ l_quantity: double,
l_extendedprice: double,
- l_discount: double,
+ l_discount: double,
l_tax: double,
- l_returnflag: string,
- l_linestatus: string,
+ l_returnflag: string,
+ l_linestatus: string,
l_shipdate: string,
- l_commitdate: string,
- l_receiptdate: string,
- l_shipinstruct: string,
- l_shipmode: string,
+ l_commitdate: string,
+ l_receiptdate: string,
+ l_shipinstruct: string,
+ l_shipmode: string,
l_comment: string
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/flwor/at00/at00.3.query.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/flwor/at00/at00.3.query.aql
index f51c7f7..b3646e5 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/flwor/at00/at00.3.query.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/flwor/at00/at00.3.query.aql
@@ -11,4 +11,4 @@
group by $partkey := $i.l_partkey with $i
for $j at $p in $i
where $p < 4
-return { "partkey": $partkey, "pid": $p, "shipdate": $j.l_shipdate }
\ No newline at end of file
+return { "partkey": $partkey, "pid": $p, "shipdate": $j.l_shipdate }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/flwor/at01/at01.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/flwor/at01/at01.1.ddl.aql
index 367fb8f..2fc5b54 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/flwor/at01/at01.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/flwor/at01/at01.1.ddl.aql
@@ -10,17 +10,17 @@
use dataverse test;
create type EmploymentType as open {
- organization-name: string,
+ organization-name: string,
start-date: date,
end-date: date?
create type FacebookUserType as closed {
- id: int32,
+ id: int64,
alias: string,
name: string,
user-since: datetime,
- friend-ids: {{ int32 }},
+ friend-ids: {{ int64 }},
employment: [EmploymentType]
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/flwor/at02/at02.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/flwor/at02/at02.1.ddl.aql
index d8f7cd5..b605806 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/flwor/at02/at02.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/flwor/at02/at02.1.ddl.aql
@@ -10,30 +10,30 @@
use dataverse test;
create type EmploymentType as open {
- organization-name: string,
+ organization-name: string,
start-date: date,
end-date: date?
create type FacebookUserType as closed {
- id: int32,
+ id: int64,
alias: string,
name: string,
user-since: datetime,
- friend-ids: {{ int32 }},
+ friend-ids: {{ int64 }},
employment: [EmploymentType]
create type FacebookMessageType as closed {
- message-id: int32,
- author-id: int32,
- in-response-to: int32?,
+ message-id: int64,
+ author-id: int64,
+ in-response-to: int64?,
sender-location: point?,
message: string
create dataset FacebookUsers(FacebookUserType)
primary key id;
create dataset FacebookMessages(FacebookMessageType)
primary key message-id;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/flwor/at03/at03.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/flwor/at03/at03.1.ddl.aql
index 9e1015c..893cd2d 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/flwor/at03/at03.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/flwor/at03/at03.1.ddl.aql
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
use dataverse test;
create type EmploymentType as open {
- organization-name: string,
+ organization-name: string,
start-date: date,
end-date: date?
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
alias: string,
name: string,
user-since: datetime,
- friend-ids: {{ int32 }},
+ friend-ids: {{ int64 }},
employment: [EmploymentType]
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/flwor/at04/at04.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/flwor/at04/at04.1.ddl.aql
index 336cb49..fb1205a 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/flwor/at04/at04.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/flwor/at04/at04.1.ddl.aql
@@ -10,14 +10,14 @@
use dataverse test;
create type OrderType as closed {
- o_orderkey: int32,
- o_custkey: int32,
- o_orderstatus: string,
- o_totalprice: double,
- o_orderdate: string,
+ o_orderkey: int64,
+ o_custkey: int64,
+ o_orderstatus: string,
+ o_totalprice: double,
+ o_orderdate: string,
o_orderpriority: string,
- o_clerk: string,
- o_shippriority: int32,
+ o_clerk: string,
+ o_shippriority: int64,
o_comment: string
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/flwor/at04/at04.3.query.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/flwor/at04/at04.3.query.aql
index 64d6a3d..3fd0901 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/flwor/at04/at04.3.query.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/flwor/at04/at04.3.query.aql
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
limit 3
return {
"o_custkey": $ckey,
- "users":
+ "users":
( for $f at $ip in (for $i1 in $i order by $i1.o_orderkey return $i1)
return {
"num": $ip,
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/flwor/at05/at05.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/flwor/at05/at05.1.ddl.aql
index 336cb49..fb1205a 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/flwor/at05/at05.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/flwor/at05/at05.1.ddl.aql
@@ -10,14 +10,14 @@
use dataverse test;
create type OrderType as closed {
- o_orderkey: int32,
- o_custkey: int32,
- o_orderstatus: string,
- o_totalprice: double,
- o_orderdate: string,
+ o_orderkey: int64,
+ o_custkey: int64,
+ o_orderstatus: string,
+ o_totalprice: double,
+ o_orderdate: string,
o_orderpriority: string,
- o_clerk: string,
- o_shippriority: int32,
+ o_clerk: string,
+ o_shippriority: int64,
o_comment: string
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/flwor/at06/at06.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/flwor/at06/at06.1.ddl.aql
index f60cfc7..2830eeb 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/flwor/at06/at06.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/flwor/at06/at06.1.ddl.aql
@@ -10,21 +10,21 @@
use dataverse test;
create type LineItemType as closed {
- l_orderkey: int32,
- l_partkey: int32,
- l_suppkey: int32,
- l_linenumber: int32,
- l_quantity: double,
+ l_orderkey: int64,
+ l_partkey: int64,
+ l_suppkey: int64,
+ l_linenumber: int64,
+ l_quantity: double,
l_extendedprice: double,
- l_discount: double,
+ l_discount: double,
l_tax: double,
- l_returnflag: string,
- l_linestatus: string,
+ l_returnflag: string,
+ l_linestatus: string,
l_shipdate: string,
- l_commitdate: string,
- l_receiptdate: string,
- l_shipinstruct: string,
- l_shipmode: string,
+ l_commitdate: string,
+ l_receiptdate: string,
+ l_shipinstruct: string,
+ l_shipmode: string,
l_comment: string
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/flwor/query-issue550/query-issue550.3.query.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/flwor/query-issue550/query-issue550.3.query.aql
index ebe8512..104716d 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/flwor/query-issue550/query-issue550.3.query.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/flwor/query-issue550/query-issue550.3.query.aql
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
let $sample :=
{"r": 1, "uid": "1a2b", "t": datetime("2000-01-01T01:00:00"), "event": "e1"},
{"r": 2, "uid": "1a2b", "t": datetime("2000-01-01T01:01:00"), "event": "e2"},
{"r": 3, "uid": "3c4d", "t": datetime("2000-01-01T01:02:00"), "event": "e1"},
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/fuzzyjoin/dblp-1_1/dblp-1_1.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/fuzzyjoin/dblp-1_1/dblp-1_1.1.ddl.aql
index c0c9897..d31b61e 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/fuzzyjoin/dblp-1_1/dblp-1_1.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/fuzzyjoin/dblp-1_1/dblp-1_1.1.ddl.aql
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
use dataverse fuzzyjoin;
create type DBLPType as open {
- id: int32,
+ id: int64,
dblpid: string,
title: string,
authors: string,
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/fuzzyjoin/dblp-2.1_5.3.1/dblp-2.1_5.3.1.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/fuzzyjoin/dblp-2.1_5.3.1/dblp-2.1_5.3.1.1.ddl.aql
index ee455cb..4b95057 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/fuzzyjoin/dblp-2.1_5.3.1/dblp-2.1_5.3.1.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/fuzzyjoin/dblp-2.1_5.3.1/dblp-2.1_5.3.1.1.ddl.aql
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
use dataverse fuzzyjoin;
create type DBLPType as closed {
- id: int32,
+ id: int64,
dblpid: string,
title: string,
authors: string,
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/fuzzyjoin/dblp-2.2/dblp-2.2.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/fuzzyjoin/dblp-2.2/dblp-2.2.1.ddl.aql
index 3d9b507..f8f2c5e 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/fuzzyjoin/dblp-2.2/dblp-2.2.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/fuzzyjoin/dblp-2.2/dblp-2.2.1.ddl.aql
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
use dataverse fuzzyjoin;
create type DBLPType as closed {
- id: int32,
+ id: int64,
dblpid: string,
title: string,
authors: string,
@@ -13,8 +13,8 @@
create type TOKENSRANKEDADMType as closed {
- token: int32,
- rank: int32
+ token: int64,
+ rank: int64
create dataset DBLP(DBLPType) primary key id;
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/fuzzyjoin/dblp-2.2/dblp-2.2.3.query.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/fuzzyjoin/dblp-2.2/dblp-2.2.3.query.aql
index b7a71e9..fd17c0e 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/fuzzyjoin/dblp-2.2/dblp-2.2.3.query.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/fuzzyjoin/dblp-2.2/dblp-2.2.3.query.aql
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
order by $tokenRanked.rank
return $tokenRanked.rank
for $prefixTokenDBLP in subset-collection(
- $tokensDBLP,
+ $tokensDBLP,
prefix-len-jaccard(len($tokensDBLP), .5f))
order by $idDBLP, $prefixTokenDBLP
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/fuzzyjoin/dblp-2_1/dblp-2_1.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/fuzzyjoin/dblp-2_1/dblp-2_1.1.ddl.aql
index c0c9897..d31b61e 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/fuzzyjoin/dblp-2_1/dblp-2_1.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/fuzzyjoin/dblp-2_1/dblp-2_1.1.ddl.aql
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
use dataverse fuzzyjoin;
create type DBLPType as open {
- id: int32,
+ id: int64,
dblpid: string,
title: string,
authors: string,
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/fuzzyjoin/dblp-2_2/dblp-2_2.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/fuzzyjoin/dblp-2_2/dblp-2_2.1.ddl.aql
index c0c9897..d31b61e 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/fuzzyjoin/dblp-2_2/dblp-2_2.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/fuzzyjoin/dblp-2_2/dblp-2_2.1.ddl.aql
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
use dataverse fuzzyjoin;
create type DBLPType as open {
- id: int32,
+ id: int64,
dblpid: string,
title: string,
authors: string,
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/fuzzyjoin/dblp-2_3/dblp-2_3.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/fuzzyjoin/dblp-2_3/dblp-2_3.1.ddl.aql
index c0c9897..d31b61e 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/fuzzyjoin/dblp-2_3/dblp-2_3.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/fuzzyjoin/dblp-2_3/dblp-2_3.1.ddl.aql
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
use dataverse fuzzyjoin;
create type DBLPType as open {
- id: int32,
+ id: int64,
dblpid: string,
title: string,
authors: string,
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/fuzzyjoin/dblp-2_4/dblp-2_4.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/fuzzyjoin/dblp-2_4/dblp-2_4.1.ddl.aql
index c0c9897..d31b61e 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/fuzzyjoin/dblp-2_4/dblp-2_4.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/fuzzyjoin/dblp-2_4/dblp-2_4.1.ddl.aql
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
use dataverse fuzzyjoin;
create type DBLPType as open {
- id: int32,
+ id: int64,
dblpid: string,
title: string,
authors: string,
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/fuzzyjoin/dblp-2_5.1/dblp-2_5.1.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/fuzzyjoin/dblp-2_5.1/dblp-2_5.1.1.ddl.aql
index c0c9897..d31b61e 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/fuzzyjoin/dblp-2_5.1/dblp-2_5.1.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/fuzzyjoin/dblp-2_5.1/dblp-2_5.1.1.ddl.aql
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
use dataverse fuzzyjoin;
create type DBLPType as open {
- id: int32,
+ id: int64,
dblpid: string,
title: string,
authors: string,
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/fuzzyjoin/dblp-2_5.2/dblp-2_5.2.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/fuzzyjoin/dblp-2_5.2/dblp-2_5.2.1.ddl.aql
index c0c9897..d31b61e 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/fuzzyjoin/dblp-2_5.2/dblp-2_5.2.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/fuzzyjoin/dblp-2_5.2/dblp-2_5.2.1.ddl.aql
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
use dataverse fuzzyjoin;
create type DBLPType as open {
- id: int32,
+ id: int64,
dblpid: string,
title: string,
authors: string,
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/fuzzyjoin/dblp-2_5.3.1/dblp-2_5.3.1.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/fuzzyjoin/dblp-2_5.3.1/dblp-2_5.3.1.1.ddl.aql
index ee455cb..4b95057 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/fuzzyjoin/dblp-2_5.3.1/dblp-2_5.3.1.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/fuzzyjoin/dblp-2_5.3.1/dblp-2_5.3.1.1.ddl.aql
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
use dataverse fuzzyjoin;
create type DBLPType as closed {
- id: int32,
+ id: int64,
dblpid: string,
title: string,
authors: string,
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/fuzzyjoin/dblp-2_5.3/dblp-2_5.3.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/fuzzyjoin/dblp-2_5.3/dblp-2_5.3.1.ddl.aql
index c0c9897..d31b61e 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/fuzzyjoin/dblp-2_5.3/dblp-2_5.3.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/fuzzyjoin/dblp-2_5.3/dblp-2_5.3.1.ddl.aql
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
use dataverse fuzzyjoin;
create type DBLPType as open {
- id: int32,
+ id: int64,
dblpid: string,
title: string,
authors: string,
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/fuzzyjoin/dblp-2_5/dblp-2_5.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/fuzzyjoin/dblp-2_5/dblp-2_5.1.ddl.aql
index c0c9897..d31b61e 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/fuzzyjoin/dblp-2_5/dblp-2_5.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/fuzzyjoin/dblp-2_5/dblp-2_5.1.ddl.aql
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
use dataverse fuzzyjoin;
create type DBLPType as open {
- id: int32,
+ id: int64,
dblpid: string,
title: string,
authors: string,
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/fuzzyjoin/dblp-3_1.1/dblp-3_1.1.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/fuzzyjoin/dblp-3_1.1/dblp-3_1.1.1.ddl.aql
index 5af25b2..9432934 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/fuzzyjoin/dblp-3_1.1/dblp-3_1.1.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/fuzzyjoin/dblp-3_1.1/dblp-3_1.1.1.ddl.aql
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
use dataverse fuzzyjoin;
create type DBLPType as open {
- id: int32,
+ id: int64,
dblpid: string,
title: string,
authors: string,
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/fuzzyjoin/dblp-3_1.2/dblp-3_1.2.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/fuzzyjoin/dblp-3_1.2/dblp-3_1.2.1.ddl.aql
index fc70544..69795dd 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/fuzzyjoin/dblp-3_1.2/dblp-3_1.2.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/fuzzyjoin/dblp-3_1.2/dblp-3_1.2.1.ddl.aql
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
use dataverse fuzzyjoin;
create type DBLPType as open {
- id: int32,
+ id: int64,
dblpid: string,
title: string,
authors: string,
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/fuzzyjoin/dblp-3_1/dblp-3_1.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/fuzzyjoin/dblp-3_1/dblp-3_1.1.ddl.aql
index c0c9897..d31b61e 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/fuzzyjoin/dblp-3_1/dblp-3_1.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/fuzzyjoin/dblp-3_1/dblp-3_1.1.ddl.aql
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
use dataverse fuzzyjoin;
create type DBLPType as open {
- id: int32,
+ id: int64,
dblpid: string,
title: string,
authors: string,
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/fuzzyjoin/dblp-aqlplus_1/dblp-aqlplus_1.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/fuzzyjoin/dblp-aqlplus_1/dblp-aqlplus_1.1.ddl.aql
index ee455cb..4b95057 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/fuzzyjoin/dblp-aqlplus_1/dblp-aqlplus_1.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/fuzzyjoin/dblp-aqlplus_1/dblp-aqlplus_1.1.ddl.aql
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
use dataverse fuzzyjoin;
create type DBLPType as closed {
- id: int32,
+ id: int64,
dblpid: string,
title: string,
authors: string,
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/fuzzyjoin/dblp-aqlplus_2/dblp-aqlplus_2.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/fuzzyjoin/dblp-aqlplus_2/dblp-aqlplus_2.1.ddl.aql
index a62b5a3..e79196b 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/fuzzyjoin/dblp-aqlplus_2/dblp-aqlplus_2.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/fuzzyjoin/dblp-aqlplus_2/dblp-aqlplus_2.1.ddl.aql
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
use dataverse fuzzyjoin;
create type DBLPType as open {
- id: int32
+ id: int64
create dataset DBLP(DBLPType) primary key id;
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/fuzzyjoin/dblp-csx-2_1/dblp-csx-2_1.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/fuzzyjoin/dblp-csx-2_1/dblp-csx-2_1.1.ddl.aql
index e690c64..0927e2d 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/fuzzyjoin/dblp-csx-2_1/dblp-csx-2_1.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/fuzzyjoin/dblp-csx-2_1/dblp-csx-2_1.1.ddl.aql
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
use dataverse fuzzyjoin;
create type DBLPType as open {
- id: int32,
+ id: int64,
dblpid: string,
title: string,
authors: string,
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
create type CSXType as open {
- id: int32,
+ id: int64,
csxid: string,
title: string,
authors: string,
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/fuzzyjoin/dblp-csx-2_2/dblp-csx-2_2.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/fuzzyjoin/dblp-csx-2_2/dblp-csx-2_2.1.ddl.aql
index e690c64..0927e2d 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/fuzzyjoin/dblp-csx-2_2/dblp-csx-2_2.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/fuzzyjoin/dblp-csx-2_2/dblp-csx-2_2.1.ddl.aql
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
use dataverse fuzzyjoin;
create type DBLPType as open {
- id: int32,
+ id: int64,
dblpid: string,
title: string,
authors: string,
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
create type CSXType as open {
- id: int32,
+ id: int64,
csxid: string,
title: string,
authors: string,
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/fuzzyjoin/dblp-csx-2_3/dblp-csx-2_3.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/fuzzyjoin/dblp-csx-2_3/dblp-csx-2_3.1.ddl.aql
index e690c64..0927e2d 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/fuzzyjoin/dblp-csx-2_3/dblp-csx-2_3.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/fuzzyjoin/dblp-csx-2_3/dblp-csx-2_3.1.ddl.aql
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
use dataverse fuzzyjoin;
create type DBLPType as open {
- id: int32,
+ id: int64,
dblpid: string,
title: string,
authors: string,
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
create type CSXType as open {
- id: int32,
+ id: int64,
csxid: string,
title: string,
authors: string,
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/fuzzyjoin/dblp-csx-2_4/dblp-csx-2_4.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/fuzzyjoin/dblp-csx-2_4/dblp-csx-2_4.1.ddl.aql
index e690c64..0927e2d 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/fuzzyjoin/dblp-csx-2_4/dblp-csx-2_4.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/fuzzyjoin/dblp-csx-2_4/dblp-csx-2_4.1.ddl.aql
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
use dataverse fuzzyjoin;
create type DBLPType as open {
- id: int32,
+ id: int64,
dblpid: string,
title: string,
authors: string,
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
create type CSXType as open {
- id: int32,
+ id: int64,
csxid: string,
title: string,
authors: string,
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/fuzzyjoin/dblp-csx-2_5.1/dblp-csx-2_5.1.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/fuzzyjoin/dblp-csx-2_5.1/dblp-csx-2_5.1.1.ddl.aql
index e690c64..0927e2d 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/fuzzyjoin/dblp-csx-2_5.1/dblp-csx-2_5.1.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/fuzzyjoin/dblp-csx-2_5.1/dblp-csx-2_5.1.1.ddl.aql
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
use dataverse fuzzyjoin;
create type DBLPType as open {
- id: int32,
+ id: int64,
dblpid: string,
title: string,
authors: string,
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
create type CSXType as open {
- id: int32,
+ id: int64,
csxid: string,
title: string,
authors: string,
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/fuzzyjoin/dblp-csx-2_5.2/dblp-csx-2_5.2.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/fuzzyjoin/dblp-csx-2_5.2/dblp-csx-2_5.2.1.ddl.aql
index e690c64..0927e2d 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/fuzzyjoin/dblp-csx-2_5.2/dblp-csx-2_5.2.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/fuzzyjoin/dblp-csx-2_5.2/dblp-csx-2_5.2.1.ddl.aql
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
use dataverse fuzzyjoin;
create type DBLPType as open {
- id: int32,
+ id: int64,
dblpid: string,
title: string,
authors: string,
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
create type CSXType as open {
- id: int32,
+ id: int64,
csxid: string,
title: string,
authors: string,
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/fuzzyjoin/dblp-csx-2_5.3.1/dblp-csx-2_5.3.1.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/fuzzyjoin/dblp-csx-2_5.3.1/dblp-csx-2_5.3.1.1.ddl.aql
index 7dc7297..2631c81 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/fuzzyjoin/dblp-csx-2_5.3.1/dblp-csx-2_5.3.1.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/fuzzyjoin/dblp-csx-2_5.3.1/dblp-csx-2_5.3.1.1.ddl.aql
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
use dataverse fuzzyjoin;
create type DBLPType as closed {
- id: int32,
+ id: int64,
dblpid: string,
title: string,
authors: string,
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
create type CSXType as closed {
- id: int32,
+ id: int64,
csxid: string,
title: string,
authors: string,
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/fuzzyjoin/dblp-csx-2_5.3/dblp-csx-2_5.3.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/fuzzyjoin/dblp-csx-2_5.3/dblp-csx-2_5.3.1.ddl.aql
index a96dd30..bd81d80 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/fuzzyjoin/dblp-csx-2_5.3/dblp-csx-2_5.3.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/fuzzyjoin/dblp-csx-2_5.3/dblp-csx-2_5.3.1.ddl.aql
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
use dataverse fuzzyjoin;
create type DBLPType as open {
- id: int32,
+ id: int64,
dblpid: string,
title: string,
authors: string,
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
create type CSXType as open {
- id: int32,
+ id: int64,
csxid: string,
title: string,
authors: string,
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/fuzzyjoin/dblp-csx-2_5/dblp-csx-2_5.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/fuzzyjoin/dblp-csx-2_5/dblp-csx-2_5.1.ddl.aql
index e690c64..0927e2d 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/fuzzyjoin/dblp-csx-2_5/dblp-csx-2_5.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/fuzzyjoin/dblp-csx-2_5/dblp-csx-2_5.1.ddl.aql
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
use dataverse fuzzyjoin;
create type DBLPType as open {
- id: int32,
+ id: int64,
dblpid: string,
title: string,
authors: string,
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
create type CSXType as open {
- id: int32,
+ id: int64,
csxid: string,
title: string,
authors: string,
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/fuzzyjoin/dblp-csx-3_1/dblp-csx-3_1.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/fuzzyjoin/dblp-csx-3_1/dblp-csx-3_1.1.ddl.aql
index a96dd30..bd81d80 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/fuzzyjoin/dblp-csx-3_1/dblp-csx-3_1.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/fuzzyjoin/dblp-csx-3_1/dblp-csx-3_1.1.ddl.aql
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
use dataverse fuzzyjoin;
create type DBLPType as open {
- id: int32,
+ id: int64,
dblpid: string,
title: string,
authors: string,
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
create type CSXType as open {
- id: int32,
+ id: int64,
csxid: string,
title: string,
authors: string,
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/fuzzyjoin/dblp-csx-3_2/dblp-csx-3_2.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/fuzzyjoin/dblp-csx-3_2/dblp-csx-3_2.1.ddl.aql
index e690c64..0927e2d 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/fuzzyjoin/dblp-csx-3_2/dblp-csx-3_2.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/fuzzyjoin/dblp-csx-3_2/dblp-csx-3_2.1.ddl.aql
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
use dataverse fuzzyjoin;
create type DBLPType as open {
- id: int32,
+ id: int64,
dblpid: string,
title: string,
authors: string,
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
create type CSXType as open {
- id: int32,
+ id: int64,
csxid: string,
title: string,
authors: string,
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/fuzzyjoin/dblp-csx-3_3/dblp-csx-3_3.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/fuzzyjoin/dblp-csx-3_3/dblp-csx-3_3.1.ddl.aql
index e690c64..0927e2d 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/fuzzyjoin/dblp-csx-3_3/dblp-csx-3_3.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/fuzzyjoin/dblp-csx-3_3/dblp-csx-3_3.1.ddl.aql
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
use dataverse fuzzyjoin;
create type DBLPType as open {
- id: int32,
+ id: int64,
dblpid: string,
title: string,
authors: string,
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
create type CSXType as open {
- id: int32,
+ id: int64,
csxid: string,
title: string,
authors: string,
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/fuzzyjoin/dblp-csx-3_4/dblp-csx-3_4.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/fuzzyjoin/dblp-csx-3_4/dblp-csx-3_4.1.ddl.aql
index e690c64..0927e2d 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/fuzzyjoin/dblp-csx-3_4/dblp-csx-3_4.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/fuzzyjoin/dblp-csx-3_4/dblp-csx-3_4.1.ddl.aql
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
use dataverse fuzzyjoin;
create type DBLPType as open {
- id: int32,
+ id: int64,
dblpid: string,
title: string,
authors: string,
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
create type CSXType as open {
- id: int32,
+ id: int64,
csxid: string,
title: string,
authors: string,
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/fuzzyjoin/dblp-csx-3_5.1/dblp-csx-3_5.1.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/fuzzyjoin/dblp-csx-3_5.1/dblp-csx-3_5.1.1.ddl.aql
index e690c64..0927e2d 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/fuzzyjoin/dblp-csx-3_5.1/dblp-csx-3_5.1.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/fuzzyjoin/dblp-csx-3_5.1/dblp-csx-3_5.1.1.ddl.aql
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
use dataverse fuzzyjoin;
create type DBLPType as open {
- id: int32,
+ id: int64,
dblpid: string,
title: string,
authors: string,
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
create type CSXType as open {
- id: int32,
+ id: int64,
csxid: string,
title: string,
authors: string,
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/fuzzyjoin/dblp-csx-3_5.2/dblp-csx-3_5.2.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/fuzzyjoin/dblp-csx-3_5.2/dblp-csx-3_5.2.1.ddl.aql
index e690c64..0927e2d 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/fuzzyjoin/dblp-csx-3_5.2/dblp-csx-3_5.2.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/fuzzyjoin/dblp-csx-3_5.2/dblp-csx-3_5.2.1.ddl.aql
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
use dataverse fuzzyjoin;
create type DBLPType as open {
- id: int32,
+ id: int64,
dblpid: string,
title: string,
authors: string,
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
create type CSXType as open {
- id: int32,
+ id: int64,
csxid: string,
title: string,
authors: string,
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/fuzzyjoin/dblp-csx-3_5.3.1/dblp-csx-3_5.3.1.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/fuzzyjoin/dblp-csx-3_5.3.1/dblp-csx-3_5.3.1.1.ddl.aql
index e690c64..0927e2d 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/fuzzyjoin/dblp-csx-3_5.3.1/dblp-csx-3_5.3.1.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/fuzzyjoin/dblp-csx-3_5.3.1/dblp-csx-3_5.3.1.1.ddl.aql
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
use dataverse fuzzyjoin;
create type DBLPType as open {
- id: int32,
+ id: int64,
dblpid: string,
title: string,
authors: string,
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
create type CSXType as open {
- id: int32,
+ id: int64,
csxid: string,
title: string,
authors: string,
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/fuzzyjoin/dblp-csx-3_5.3/dblp-csx-3_5.3.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/fuzzyjoin/dblp-csx-3_5.3/dblp-csx-3_5.3.1.ddl.aql
index e690c64..0927e2d 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/fuzzyjoin/dblp-csx-3_5.3/dblp-csx-3_5.3.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/fuzzyjoin/dblp-csx-3_5.3/dblp-csx-3_5.3.1.ddl.aql
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
use dataverse fuzzyjoin;
create type DBLPType as open {
- id: int32,
+ id: int64,
dblpid: string,
title: string,
authors: string,
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
create type CSXType as open {
- id: int32,
+ id: int64,
csxid: string,
title: string,
authors: string,
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/fuzzyjoin/dblp-csx-3_5.4.1/dblp-csx-3_5.4.1.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/fuzzyjoin/dblp-csx-3_5.4.1/dblp-csx-3_5.4.1.1.ddl.aql
index e690c64..0927e2d 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/fuzzyjoin/dblp-csx-3_5.4.1/dblp-csx-3_5.4.1.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/fuzzyjoin/dblp-csx-3_5.4.1/dblp-csx-3_5.4.1.1.ddl.aql
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
use dataverse fuzzyjoin;
create type DBLPType as open {
- id: int32,
+ id: int64,
dblpid: string,
title: string,
authors: string,
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
create type CSXType as open {
- id: int32,
+ id: int64,
csxid: string,
title: string,
authors: string,
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/fuzzyjoin/dblp-csx-3_5.4/dblp-csx-3_5.4.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/fuzzyjoin/dblp-csx-3_5.4/dblp-csx-3_5.4.1.ddl.aql
index e690c64..0927e2d 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/fuzzyjoin/dblp-csx-3_5.4/dblp-csx-3_5.4.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/fuzzyjoin/dblp-csx-3_5.4/dblp-csx-3_5.4.1.ddl.aql
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
use dataverse fuzzyjoin;
create type DBLPType as open {
- id: int32,
+ id: int64,
dblpid: string,
title: string,
authors: string,
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
create type CSXType as open {
- id: int32,
+ id: int64,
csxid: string,
title: string,
authors: string,
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/fuzzyjoin/dblp-csx-3_5/dblp-csx-3_5.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/fuzzyjoin/dblp-csx-3_5/dblp-csx-3_5.1.ddl.aql
index e690c64..0927e2d 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/fuzzyjoin/dblp-csx-3_5/dblp-csx-3_5.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/fuzzyjoin/dblp-csx-3_5/dblp-csx-3_5.1.ddl.aql
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
use dataverse fuzzyjoin;
create type DBLPType as open {
- id: int32,
+ id: int64,
dblpid: string,
title: string,
authors: string,
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
create type CSXType as open {
- id: int32,
+ id: int64,
csxid: string,
title: string,
authors: string,
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/fuzzyjoin/dblp-csx-aqlplus_1/dblp-csx-aqlplus_1.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/fuzzyjoin/dblp-csx-aqlplus_1/dblp-csx-aqlplus_1.1.ddl.aql
index e690c64..0927e2d 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/fuzzyjoin/dblp-csx-aqlplus_1/dblp-csx-aqlplus_1.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/fuzzyjoin/dblp-csx-aqlplus_1/dblp-csx-aqlplus_1.1.ddl.aql
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
use dataverse fuzzyjoin;
create type DBLPType as open {
- id: int32,
+ id: int64,
dblpid: string,
title: string,
authors: string,
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
create type CSXType as open {
- id: int32,
+ id: int64,
csxid: string,
title: string,
authors: string,
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/fuzzyjoin/dblp-csx-aqlplus_2/dblp-csx-aqlplus_2.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/fuzzyjoin/dblp-csx-aqlplus_2/dblp-csx-aqlplus_2.1.ddl.aql
index e690c64..0927e2d 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/fuzzyjoin/dblp-csx-aqlplus_2/dblp-csx-aqlplus_2.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/fuzzyjoin/dblp-csx-aqlplus_2/dblp-csx-aqlplus_2.1.ddl.aql
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
use dataverse fuzzyjoin;
create type DBLPType as open {
- id: int32,
+ id: int64,
dblpid: string,
title: string,
authors: string,
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
create type CSXType as open {
- id: int32,
+ id: int64,
csxid: string,
title: string,
authors: string,
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/fuzzyjoin/dblp-csx-aqlplus_3/dblp-csx-aqlplus_3.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/fuzzyjoin/dblp-csx-aqlplus_3/dblp-csx-aqlplus_3.1.ddl.aql
index e690c64..0927e2d 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/fuzzyjoin/dblp-csx-aqlplus_3/dblp-csx-aqlplus_3.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/fuzzyjoin/dblp-csx-aqlplus_3/dblp-csx-aqlplus_3.1.ddl.aql
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
use dataverse fuzzyjoin;
create type DBLPType as open {
- id: int32,
+ id: int64,
dblpid: string,
title: string,
authors: string,
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
create type CSXType as open {
- id: int32,
+ id: int64,
csxid: string,
title: string,
authors: string,
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/fuzzyjoin/dblp-csx-dblp-aqlplus_1/dblp-csx-dblp-aqlplus_1.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/fuzzyjoin/dblp-csx-dblp-aqlplus_1/dblp-csx-dblp-aqlplus_1.1.ddl.aql
index e690c64..0927e2d 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/fuzzyjoin/dblp-csx-dblp-aqlplus_1/dblp-csx-dblp-aqlplus_1.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/fuzzyjoin/dblp-csx-dblp-aqlplus_1/dblp-csx-dblp-aqlplus_1.1.ddl.aql
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
use dataverse fuzzyjoin;
create type DBLPType as open {
- id: int32,
+ id: int64,
dblpid: string,
title: string,
authors: string,
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
create type CSXType as open {
- id: int32,
+ id: int64,
csxid: string,
title: string,
authors: string,
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/fuzzyjoin/dblp-lookup_1/dblp-lookup_1.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/fuzzyjoin/dblp-lookup_1/dblp-lookup_1.1.ddl.aql
index 239399f..88a9bb7 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/fuzzyjoin/dblp-lookup_1/dblp-lookup_1.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/fuzzyjoin/dblp-lookup_1/dblp-lookup_1.1.ddl.aql
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
use dataverse fuzzyjoin;
create type DBLPType as open {
- id: int32,
+ id: int64,
dblpid: string,
title: string,
authors: string,
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/fuzzyjoin/dblp-splits-3_1/dblp-splits-3_1.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/fuzzyjoin/dblp-splits-3_1/dblp-splits-3_1.1.ddl.aql
index d925752..0ffe45c 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/fuzzyjoin/dblp-splits-3_1/dblp-splits-3_1.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/fuzzyjoin/dblp-splits-3_1/dblp-splits-3_1.1.ddl.aql
@@ -5,14 +5,14 @@
use dataverse fuzzyjoin;
create type DBLPType as open {
- id: int32,
+ id: int64,
dblpid: string,
title: string,
authors: string,
misc: string
-create external dataset DBLP(DBLPType)
+create external dataset DBLP(DBLPType)
using "edu.uci.ics.asterix.external.dataset.adapter.NCFileSystemAdapter"
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/fuzzyjoin/events-users-aqlplus_1/events-users-aqlplus_1.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/fuzzyjoin/events-users-aqlplus_1/events-users-aqlplus_1.1.ddl.aql
index 89d2e94..b945187 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/fuzzyjoin/events-users-aqlplus_1/events-users-aqlplus_1.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/fuzzyjoin/events-users-aqlplus_1/events-users-aqlplus_1.1.ddl.aql
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
address: AddressType,
member_of: {{
- sig_id: int32,
+ sig_id: int64,
chapter_name: string,
member_since: date
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/fuzzyjoin/user-int-aqlplus_1/user-int-aqlplus_1.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/fuzzyjoin/user-int-aqlplus_1/user-int-aqlplus_1.1.ddl.aql
index 3930bdd..a48ce95 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/fuzzyjoin/user-int-aqlplus_1/user-int-aqlplus_1.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/fuzzyjoin/user-int-aqlplus_1/user-int-aqlplus_1.1.ddl.aql
@@ -3,9 +3,9 @@
use dataverse fuzzyjoin;
create type UserType as open {
- uid: int32,
+ uid: int64,
name: string,
- lottery_numbers: [int32],
+ lottery_numbers: [int64],
interests: {{string}}
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/fuzzyjoin/user-int-aqlplus_2/user-int-aqlplus_2.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/fuzzyjoin/user-int-aqlplus_2/user-int-aqlplus_2.1.ddl.aql
index 3930bdd..a48ce95 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/fuzzyjoin/user-int-aqlplus_2/user-int-aqlplus_2.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/fuzzyjoin/user-int-aqlplus_2/user-int-aqlplus_2.1.ddl.aql
@@ -3,9 +3,9 @@
use dataverse fuzzyjoin;
create type UserType as open {
- uid: int32,
+ uid: int64,
name: string,
- lottery_numbers: [int32],
+ lottery_numbers: [int64],
interests: {{string}}
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/fuzzyjoin/user-int-aqlplus_3/user-int-aqlplus_3.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/fuzzyjoin/user-int-aqlplus_3/user-int-aqlplus_3.1.ddl.aql
index 3930bdd..a48ce95 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/fuzzyjoin/user-int-aqlplus_3/user-int-aqlplus_3.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/fuzzyjoin/user-int-aqlplus_3/user-int-aqlplus_3.1.ddl.aql
@@ -3,9 +3,9 @@
use dataverse fuzzyjoin;
create type UserType as open {
- uid: int32,
+ uid: int64,
name: string,
- lottery_numbers: [int32],
+ lottery_numbers: [int64],
interests: {{string}}
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/fuzzyjoin/user-lot-aqlplus_1.1/user-lot-aqlplus_1.1.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/fuzzyjoin/user-lot-aqlplus_1.1/user-lot-aqlplus_1.1.1.ddl.aql
index 3930bdd..a48ce95 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/fuzzyjoin/user-lot-aqlplus_1.1/user-lot-aqlplus_1.1.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/fuzzyjoin/user-lot-aqlplus_1.1/user-lot-aqlplus_1.1.1.ddl.aql
@@ -3,9 +3,9 @@
use dataverse fuzzyjoin;
create type UserType as open {
- uid: int32,
+ uid: int64,
name: string,
- lottery_numbers: [int32],
+ lottery_numbers: [int64],
interests: {{string}}
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/fuzzyjoin/user-lot-aqlplus_1/user-lot-aqlplus_1.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/fuzzyjoin/user-lot-aqlplus_1/user-lot-aqlplus_1.1.ddl.aql
index 3930bdd..a48ce95 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/fuzzyjoin/user-lot-aqlplus_1/user-lot-aqlplus_1.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/fuzzyjoin/user-lot-aqlplus_1/user-lot-aqlplus_1.1.ddl.aql
@@ -3,9 +3,9 @@
use dataverse fuzzyjoin;
create type UserType as open {
- uid: int32,
+ uid: int64,
name: string,
- lottery_numbers: [int32],
+ lottery_numbers: [int64],
interests: {{string}}
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/fuzzyjoin/user-lot-aqlplus_2/user-lot-aqlplus_2.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/fuzzyjoin/user-lot-aqlplus_2/user-lot-aqlplus_2.1.ddl.aql
index 3930bdd..a48ce95 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/fuzzyjoin/user-lot-aqlplus_2/user-lot-aqlplus_2.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/fuzzyjoin/user-lot-aqlplus_2/user-lot-aqlplus_2.1.ddl.aql
@@ -3,9 +3,9 @@
use dataverse fuzzyjoin;
create type UserType as open {
- uid: int32,
+ uid: int64,
name: string,
- lottery_numbers: [int32],
+ lottery_numbers: [int64],
interests: {{string}}
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/fuzzyjoin/user-lot-aqlplus_3/user-lot-aqlplus_3.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/fuzzyjoin/user-lot-aqlplus_3/user-lot-aqlplus_3.1.ddl.aql
index 3930bdd..a48ce95 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/fuzzyjoin/user-lot-aqlplus_3/user-lot-aqlplus_3.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/fuzzyjoin/user-lot-aqlplus_3/user-lot-aqlplus_3.1.ddl.aql
@@ -3,9 +3,9 @@
use dataverse fuzzyjoin;
create type UserType as open {
- uid: int32,
+ uid: int64,
name: string,
- lottery_numbers: [int32],
+ lottery_numbers: [int64],
interests: {{string}}
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/fuzzyjoin/user-vis-int-3_1/user-vis-int-3_1.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/fuzzyjoin/user-vis-int-3_1/user-vis-int-3_1.1.ddl.aql
index beb47a2..035e7f5 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/fuzzyjoin/user-vis-int-3_1/user-vis-int-3_1.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/fuzzyjoin/user-vis-int-3_1/user-vis-int-3_1.1.ddl.aql
@@ -5,16 +5,16 @@
use dataverse fuzzyjoin;
create type UserType as open {
- uid: int32,
+ uid: int64,
name: string,
- lottery_numbers: [int32],
+ lottery_numbers: [int64],
interests: {{string}}
create type VisitorType as open {
- vid: int32,
+ vid: int64,
name: string,
- lottery_numbers: [int32],
+ lottery_numbers: [int64],
interests: {{string}}
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/fuzzyjoin/user-vis-int-aqlplus_1/user-vis-int-aqlplus_1.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/fuzzyjoin/user-vis-int-aqlplus_1/user-vis-int-aqlplus_1.1.ddl.aql
index beb47a2..035e7f5 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/fuzzyjoin/user-vis-int-aqlplus_1/user-vis-int-aqlplus_1.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/fuzzyjoin/user-vis-int-aqlplus_1/user-vis-int-aqlplus_1.1.ddl.aql
@@ -5,16 +5,16 @@
use dataverse fuzzyjoin;
create type UserType as open {
- uid: int32,
+ uid: int64,
name: string,
- lottery_numbers: [int32],
+ lottery_numbers: [int64],
interests: {{string}}
create type VisitorType as open {
- vid: int32,
+ vid: int64,
name: string,
- lottery_numbers: [int32],
+ lottery_numbers: [int64],
interests: {{string}}
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/fuzzyjoin/user-vis-int-aqlplus_2/user-vis-int-aqlplus_2.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/fuzzyjoin/user-vis-int-aqlplus_2/user-vis-int-aqlplus_2.1.ddl.aql
index beb47a2..035e7f5 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/fuzzyjoin/user-vis-int-aqlplus_2/user-vis-int-aqlplus_2.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/fuzzyjoin/user-vis-int-aqlplus_2/user-vis-int-aqlplus_2.1.ddl.aql
@@ -5,16 +5,16 @@
use dataverse fuzzyjoin;
create type UserType as open {
- uid: int32,
+ uid: int64,
name: string,
- lottery_numbers: [int32],
+ lottery_numbers: [int64],
interests: {{string}}
create type VisitorType as open {
- vid: int32,
+ vid: int64,
name: string,
- lottery_numbers: [int32],
+ lottery_numbers: [int64],
interests: {{string}}
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/fuzzyjoin/user-vis-int-aqlplus_3/user-vis-int-aqlplus_3.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/fuzzyjoin/user-vis-int-aqlplus_3/user-vis-int-aqlplus_3.1.ddl.aql
index beb47a2..035e7f5 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/fuzzyjoin/user-vis-int-aqlplus_3/user-vis-int-aqlplus_3.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/fuzzyjoin/user-vis-int-aqlplus_3/user-vis-int-aqlplus_3.1.ddl.aql
@@ -5,16 +5,16 @@
use dataverse fuzzyjoin;
create type UserType as open {
- uid: int32,
+ uid: int64,
name: string,
- lottery_numbers: [int32],
+ lottery_numbers: [int64],
interests: {{string}}
create type VisitorType as open {
- vid: int32,
+ vid: int64,
name: string,
- lottery_numbers: [int32],
+ lottery_numbers: [int64],
interests: {{string}}
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/fuzzyjoin/user-vis-int-vis-user-lot-aqlplus_1/user-vis-int-vis-user-lot-aqlplus_1.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/fuzzyjoin/user-vis-int-vis-user-lot-aqlplus_1/user-vis-int-vis-user-lot-aqlplus_1.1.ddl.aql
index beb47a2..035e7f5 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/fuzzyjoin/user-vis-int-vis-user-lot-aqlplus_1/user-vis-int-vis-user-lot-aqlplus_1.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/fuzzyjoin/user-vis-int-vis-user-lot-aqlplus_1/user-vis-int-vis-user-lot-aqlplus_1.1.ddl.aql
@@ -5,16 +5,16 @@
use dataverse fuzzyjoin;
create type UserType as open {
- uid: int32,
+ uid: int64,
name: string,
- lottery_numbers: [int32],
+ lottery_numbers: [int64],
interests: {{string}}
create type VisitorType as open {
- vid: int32,
+ vid: int64,
name: string,
- lottery_numbers: [int32],
+ lottery_numbers: [int64],
interests: {{string}}
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/fuzzyjoin/user-vis-lot-3_1/user-vis-lot-3_1.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/fuzzyjoin/user-vis-lot-3_1/user-vis-lot-3_1.1.ddl.aql
index beb47a2..035e7f5 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/fuzzyjoin/user-vis-lot-3_1/user-vis-lot-3_1.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/fuzzyjoin/user-vis-lot-3_1/user-vis-lot-3_1.1.ddl.aql
@@ -5,16 +5,16 @@
use dataverse fuzzyjoin;
create type UserType as open {
- uid: int32,
+ uid: int64,
name: string,
- lottery_numbers: [int32],
+ lottery_numbers: [int64],
interests: {{string}}
create type VisitorType as open {
- vid: int32,
+ vid: int64,
name: string,
- lottery_numbers: [int32],
+ lottery_numbers: [int64],
interests: {{string}}
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/fuzzyjoin/user-vis-lot-aqlplus_1/user-vis-lot-aqlplus_1.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/fuzzyjoin/user-vis-lot-aqlplus_1/user-vis-lot-aqlplus_1.1.ddl.aql
index beb47a2..035e7f5 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/fuzzyjoin/user-vis-lot-aqlplus_1/user-vis-lot-aqlplus_1.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/fuzzyjoin/user-vis-lot-aqlplus_1/user-vis-lot-aqlplus_1.1.ddl.aql
@@ -5,16 +5,16 @@
use dataverse fuzzyjoin;
create type UserType as open {
- uid: int32,
+ uid: int64,
name: string,
- lottery_numbers: [int32],
+ lottery_numbers: [int64],
interests: {{string}}
create type VisitorType as open {
- vid: int32,
+ vid: int64,
name: string,
- lottery_numbers: [int32],
+ lottery_numbers: [int64],
interests: {{string}}
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/fuzzyjoin/user-vis-lot-aqlplus_2/user-vis-lot-aqlplus_2.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/fuzzyjoin/user-vis-lot-aqlplus_2/user-vis-lot-aqlplus_2.1.ddl.aql
index beb47a2..035e7f5 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/fuzzyjoin/user-vis-lot-aqlplus_2/user-vis-lot-aqlplus_2.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/fuzzyjoin/user-vis-lot-aqlplus_2/user-vis-lot-aqlplus_2.1.ddl.aql
@@ -5,16 +5,16 @@
use dataverse fuzzyjoin;
create type UserType as open {
- uid: int32,
+ uid: int64,
name: string,
- lottery_numbers: [int32],
+ lottery_numbers: [int64],
interests: {{string}}
create type VisitorType as open {
- vid: int32,
+ vid: int64,
name: string,
- lottery_numbers: [int32],
+ lottery_numbers: [int64],
interests: {{string}}
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/fuzzyjoin/user-vis-lot-aqlplus_3/user-vis-lot-aqlplus_3.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/fuzzyjoin/user-vis-lot-aqlplus_3/user-vis-lot-aqlplus_3.1.ddl.aql
index beb47a2..035e7f5 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/fuzzyjoin/user-vis-lot-aqlplus_3/user-vis-lot-aqlplus_3.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/fuzzyjoin/user-vis-lot-aqlplus_3/user-vis-lot-aqlplus_3.1.ddl.aql
@@ -5,16 +5,16 @@
use dataverse fuzzyjoin;
create type UserType as open {
- uid: int32,
+ uid: int64,
name: string,
- lottery_numbers: [int32],
+ lottery_numbers: [int64],
interests: {{string}}
create type VisitorType as open {
- vid: int32,
+ vid: int64,
name: string,
- lottery_numbers: [int32],
+ lottery_numbers: [int64],
interests: {{string}}
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/fuzzyjoin/user-vis-lot-aqlplus_4/user-vis-lot-aqlplus_4.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/fuzzyjoin/user-vis-lot-aqlplus_4/user-vis-lot-aqlplus_4.1.ddl.aql
index beb47a2..035e7f5 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/fuzzyjoin/user-vis-lot-aqlplus_4/user-vis-lot-aqlplus_4.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/fuzzyjoin/user-vis-lot-aqlplus_4/user-vis-lot-aqlplus_4.1.ddl.aql
@@ -5,16 +5,16 @@
use dataverse fuzzyjoin;
create type UserType as open {
- uid: int32,
+ uid: int64,
name: string,
- lottery_numbers: [int32],
+ lottery_numbers: [int64],
interests: {{string}}
create type VisitorType as open {
- vid: int32,
+ vid: int64,
name: string,
- lottery_numbers: [int32],
+ lottery_numbers: [int64],
interests: {{string}}
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/fuzzyjoin/user-vis-lot-aqlplus_5/user-vis-lot-aqlplus_5.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/fuzzyjoin/user-vis-lot-aqlplus_5/user-vis-lot-aqlplus_5.1.ddl.aql
index beb47a2..035e7f5 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/fuzzyjoin/user-vis-lot-aqlplus_5/user-vis-lot-aqlplus_5.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/fuzzyjoin/user-vis-lot-aqlplus_5/user-vis-lot-aqlplus_5.1.ddl.aql
@@ -5,16 +5,16 @@
use dataverse fuzzyjoin;
create type UserType as open {
- uid: int32,
+ uid: int64,
name: string,
- lottery_numbers: [int32],
+ lottery_numbers: [int64],
interests: {{string}}
create type VisitorType as open {
- vid: int32,
+ vid: int64,
name: string,
- lottery_numbers: [int32],
+ lottery_numbers: [int64],
interests: {{string}}
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/fuzzyjoin/user-vis-lot-int-aqlplus_1/user-vis-lot-int-aqlplus_1.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/fuzzyjoin/user-vis-lot-int-aqlplus_1/user-vis-lot-int-aqlplus_1.1.ddl.aql
index beb47a2..035e7f5 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/fuzzyjoin/user-vis-lot-int-aqlplus_1/user-vis-lot-int-aqlplus_1.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/fuzzyjoin/user-vis-lot-int-aqlplus_1/user-vis-lot-int-aqlplus_1.1.ddl.aql
@@ -5,16 +5,16 @@
use dataverse fuzzyjoin;
create type UserType as open {
- uid: int32,
+ uid: int64,
name: string,
- lottery_numbers: [int32],
+ lottery_numbers: [int64],
interests: {{string}}
create type VisitorType as open {
- vid: int32,
+ vid: int64,
name: string,
- lottery_numbers: [int32],
+ lottery_numbers: [int64],
interests: {{string}}
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/fuzzyjoin/user-vis-lot-int-aqlplus_2/user-vis-lot-int-aqlplus_2.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/fuzzyjoin/user-vis-lot-int-aqlplus_2/user-vis-lot-int-aqlplus_2.1.ddl.aql
index beb47a2..035e7f5 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/fuzzyjoin/user-vis-lot-int-aqlplus_2/user-vis-lot-int-aqlplus_2.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/fuzzyjoin/user-vis-lot-int-aqlplus_2/user-vis-lot-int-aqlplus_2.1.ddl.aql
@@ -5,16 +5,16 @@
use dataverse fuzzyjoin;
create type UserType as open {
- uid: int32,
+ uid: int64,
name: string,
- lottery_numbers: [int32],
+ lottery_numbers: [int64],
interests: {{string}}
create type VisitorType as open {
- vid: int32,
+ vid: int64,
name: string,
- lottery_numbers: [int32],
+ lottery_numbers: [int64],
interests: {{string}}
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/hints/issue_251_dataset_hint_5/issue_251_dataset_hint_5.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/hints/issue_251_dataset_hint_5/issue_251_dataset_hint_5.1.ddl.aql
index e961f0a..1570b1e 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/hints/issue_251_dataset_hint_5/issue_251_dataset_hint_5.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/hints/issue_251_dataset_hint_5/issue_251_dataset_hint_5.1.ddl.aql
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-* Description : Create an dataset and load it from two file splits
+* Description : Create an dataset and load it from two file splits
Use hint (cardinality) for the created dataset.
* Expected Res : Success
* Date : 30th Jan 2013
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
use dataverse test;
create type DBLPType as closed {
- id: int32,
+ id: int64,
dblpid: string,
title: string,
authors: string,
@@ -21,5 +21,5 @@
create dataset DBLPadm(DBLPType)
primary key id
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/index-join/btree-primary-equi-join/btree-primary-equi-join.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/index-join/btree-primary-equi-join/btree-primary-equi-join.1.ddl.aql
index 1b990be..41ce327 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/index-join/btree-primary-equi-join/btree-primary-equi-join.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/index-join/btree-primary-equi-join/btree-primary-equi-join.1.ddl.aql
@@ -11,31 +11,31 @@
use dataverse test;
create type AddressType as open {
- number: int32,
+ number: int64,
street: string,
city: string
create type CustomerType as closed {
- cid: int32,
+ cid: int64,
name: string,
- cashBack: int32,
- age: int32?,
+ cashBack: int64,
+ age: int64?,
address: AddressType?,
lastorder: {
- oid: int32,
+ oid: int64,
total: float
create type OrderType as open {
- oid: int32,
- cid: int32,
+ oid: int64,
+ cid: int64,
orderstatus: string,
orderpriority: string,
clerk: string,
total: float,
- items: [int32]
+ items: [int64]
create dataset Customers(CustomerType) primary key cid;
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/index-join/btree-secondary-equi-join/btree-secondary-equi-join.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/index-join/btree-secondary-equi-join/btree-secondary-equi-join.1.ddl.aql
index 442a8df..cf11939 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/index-join/btree-secondary-equi-join/btree-secondary-equi-join.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/index-join/btree-secondary-equi-join/btree-secondary-equi-join.1.ddl.aql
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
* Description : Equi joins two datasets, DBLP and CSX, based on their title.
- * DBLP has a secondary btree index on title, and given the 'indexnl' hint
+ * DBLP has a secondary btree index on title, and given the 'indexnl' hint
* we expect the join to be transformed into an indexed nested-loop join.
* Success : Yes
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
use dataverse test;
create type DBLPType as closed {
- id: int32,
+ id: int64,
dblpid: string,
title: string,
authors: string,
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
create type CSXType as closed {
- id: int32,
+ id: int64,
csxid: string,
title: string,
authors: string,
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/index-join/rtree-spatial-intersect-point/rtree-spatial-intersect-point.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/index-join/rtree-spatial-intersect-point/rtree-spatial-intersect-point.1.ddl.aql
index e24c6d7..593479a 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/index-join/rtree-spatial-intersect-point/rtree-spatial-intersect-point.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/index-join/rtree-spatial-intersect-point/rtree-spatial-intersect-point.1.ddl.aql
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
* Description : Joins two datasets on the intersection of their point attributes.
- * The dataset 'MyData1' has an RTree index, and we expect the
+ * The dataset 'MyData1' has an RTree index, and we expect the
* join to be transformed into an indexed nested-loop join.
* Success : Yes
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
use dataverse test;
create type MyRecord as closed {
- id: int32,
+ id: int64,
point: point,
kwds: string,
line1: line,
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/index-leftouterjoin/probe-pidx-with-join-btree-sidx1/probe-pidx-with-join-btree-sidx1.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/index-leftouterjoin/probe-pidx-with-join-btree-sidx1/probe-pidx-with-join-btree-sidx1.1.ddl.aql
index 8aa7b64..e906b4e 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/index-leftouterjoin/probe-pidx-with-join-btree-sidx1/probe-pidx-with-join-btree-sidx1.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/index-leftouterjoin/probe-pidx-with-join-btree-sidx1/probe-pidx-with-join-btree-sidx1.1.ddl.aql
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
* Description : Test that left-outer-join may use two available indexes, one for primary index in prob subtree and another for secondary btree index in index subtree.
- * Issue : 730, 741
+ * Issue : 730, 741
* Expected Res : Success
* Date : 8th May 2014
@@ -10,23 +10,23 @@
use dataverse test;
create type TwitterUserType as closed {
- screen-name: string,
- lang: string,
- friends-count: int32,
- statuses-count: int32,
- name: string,
- followers-count: int32
+ screen-name: string,
+ lang: string,
+ friends-count: int64,
+ statuses-count: int64,
+ name: string,
+ followers-count: int64
create type TweetMessageType as closed {
- tweetid: int64,
+ tweetid: int64,
user: TwitterUserType,
sender-location: point,
- send-time: datetime,
+ send-time: datetime,
referred-topics: {{ string }},
- message-text: string,
- countA: int32,
- countB: int32
+ message-text: string,
+ countA: int64,
+ countB: int64
create dataset TweetMessages(TweetMessageType)
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/index-leftouterjoin/probe-pidx-with-join-btree-sidx2/probe-pidx-with-join-btree-sidx2.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/index-leftouterjoin/probe-pidx-with-join-btree-sidx2/probe-pidx-with-join-btree-sidx2.1.ddl.aql
index 8aa7b64..e906b4e 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/index-leftouterjoin/probe-pidx-with-join-btree-sidx2/probe-pidx-with-join-btree-sidx2.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/index-leftouterjoin/probe-pidx-with-join-btree-sidx2/probe-pidx-with-join-btree-sidx2.1.ddl.aql
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
* Description : Test that left-outer-join may use two available indexes, one for primary index in prob subtree and another for secondary btree index in index subtree.
- * Issue : 730, 741
+ * Issue : 730, 741
* Expected Res : Success
* Date : 8th May 2014
@@ -10,23 +10,23 @@
use dataverse test;
create type TwitterUserType as closed {
- screen-name: string,
- lang: string,
- friends-count: int32,
- statuses-count: int32,
- name: string,
- followers-count: int32
+ screen-name: string,
+ lang: string,
+ friends-count: int64,
+ statuses-count: int64,
+ name: string,
+ followers-count: int64
create type TweetMessageType as closed {
- tweetid: int64,
+ tweetid: int64,
user: TwitterUserType,
sender-location: point,
- send-time: datetime,
+ send-time: datetime,
referred-topics: {{ string }},
- message-text: string,
- countA: int32,
- countB: int32
+ message-text: string,
+ countA: int64,
+ countB: int64
create dataset TweetMessages(TweetMessageType)
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/index-leftouterjoin/probe-pidx-with-join-invidx-sidx1/probe-pidx-with-join-invidx-sidx1.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/index-leftouterjoin/probe-pidx-with-join-invidx-sidx1/probe-pidx-with-join-invidx-sidx1.1.ddl.aql
index 4d83362..8dad0e5 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/index-leftouterjoin/probe-pidx-with-join-invidx-sidx1/probe-pidx-with-join-invidx-sidx1.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/index-leftouterjoin/probe-pidx-with-join-invidx-sidx1/probe-pidx-with-join-invidx-sidx1.1.ddl.aql
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
* Description : Test that left-outer-join may use two available indexes, one for primary index in prob subtree and another for secondary btree index in index subtree.
- * Issue : 730, 741
+ * Issue : 730, 741
* Expected Res : Success
* Date : 8th May 2014
@@ -10,23 +10,23 @@
use dataverse test;
create type TwitterUserType as closed {
- screen-name: string,
- lang: string,
- friends-count: int32,
- statuses-count: int32,
- name: string,
- followers-count: int32
+ screen-name: string,
+ lang: string,
+ friends-count: int64,
+ statuses-count: int64,
+ name: string,
+ followers-count: int64
create type TweetMessageType as closed {
- tweetid: int64,
+ tweetid: int64,
user: TwitterUserType,
sender-location: point,
- send-time: datetime,
+ send-time: datetime,
referred-topics: {{ string }},
- message-text: string,
- countA: int32,
- countB: int32
+ message-text: string,
+ countA: int64,
+ countB: int64
create dataset TweetMessages(TweetMessageType)
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/index-leftouterjoin/probe-pidx-with-join-invidx-sidx2/probe-pidx-with-join-invidx-sidx2.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/index-leftouterjoin/probe-pidx-with-join-invidx-sidx2/probe-pidx-with-join-invidx-sidx2.1.ddl.aql
index 4d83362..8dad0e5 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/index-leftouterjoin/probe-pidx-with-join-invidx-sidx2/probe-pidx-with-join-invidx-sidx2.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/index-leftouterjoin/probe-pidx-with-join-invidx-sidx2/probe-pidx-with-join-invidx-sidx2.1.ddl.aql
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
* Description : Test that left-outer-join may use two available indexes, one for primary index in prob subtree and another for secondary btree index in index subtree.
- * Issue : 730, 741
+ * Issue : 730, 741
* Expected Res : Success
* Date : 8th May 2014
@@ -10,23 +10,23 @@
use dataverse test;
create type TwitterUserType as closed {
- screen-name: string,
- lang: string,
- friends-count: int32,
- statuses-count: int32,
- name: string,
- followers-count: int32
+ screen-name: string,
+ lang: string,
+ friends-count: int64,
+ statuses-count: int64,
+ name: string,
+ followers-count: int64
create type TweetMessageType as closed {
- tweetid: int64,
+ tweetid: int64,
user: TwitterUserType,
sender-location: point,
- send-time: datetime,
+ send-time: datetime,
referred-topics: {{ string }},
- message-text: string,
- countA: int32,
- countB: int32
+ message-text: string,
+ countA: int64,
+ countB: int64
create dataset TweetMessages(TweetMessageType)
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/index-leftouterjoin/probe-pidx-with-join-rtree-sidx1/probe-pidx-with-join-rtree-sidx1.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/index-leftouterjoin/probe-pidx-with-join-rtree-sidx1/probe-pidx-with-join-rtree-sidx1.1.ddl.aql
index a353da2..0f56b79 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/index-leftouterjoin/probe-pidx-with-join-rtree-sidx1/probe-pidx-with-join-rtree-sidx1.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/index-leftouterjoin/probe-pidx-with-join-rtree-sidx1/probe-pidx-with-join-rtree-sidx1.1.ddl.aql
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
* Description : Test that left-outer-join may use two available indexes, one for primary index in prob subtree and another for secondary rtree index in index subtree.
- * Issue : 730, 741
+ * Issue : 730, 741
* Expected Res : Success
* Date : 8th May 2014
@@ -10,23 +10,23 @@
use dataverse test;
create type TwitterUserType as closed {
- screen-name: string,
- lang: string,
- friends-count: int32,
- statuses-count: int32,
- name: string,
- followers-count: int32
+ screen-name: string,
+ lang: string,
+ friends-count: int64,
+ statuses-count: int64,
+ name: string,
+ followers-count: int64
create type TweetMessageType as closed {
- tweetid: int64,
+ tweetid: int64,
user: TwitterUserType,
sender-location: point,
- send-time: datetime,
+ send-time: datetime,
referred-topics: {{ string }},
- message-text: string,
- countA: int32,
- countB: int32
+ message-text: string,
+ countA: int64,
+ countB: int64
create dataset TweetMessages(TweetMessageType)
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/index-leftouterjoin/probe-pidx-with-join-rtree-sidx2/probe-pidx-with-join-rtree-sidx2.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/index-leftouterjoin/probe-pidx-with-join-rtree-sidx2/probe-pidx-with-join-rtree-sidx2.1.ddl.aql
index a353da2..0f56b79 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/index-leftouterjoin/probe-pidx-with-join-rtree-sidx2/probe-pidx-with-join-rtree-sidx2.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/index-leftouterjoin/probe-pidx-with-join-rtree-sidx2/probe-pidx-with-join-rtree-sidx2.1.ddl.aql
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
* Description : Test that left-outer-join may use two available indexes, one for primary index in prob subtree and another for secondary rtree index in index subtree.
- * Issue : 730, 741
+ * Issue : 730, 741
* Expected Res : Success
* Date : 8th May 2014
@@ -10,23 +10,23 @@
use dataverse test;
create type TwitterUserType as closed {
- screen-name: string,
- lang: string,
- friends-count: int32,
- statuses-count: int32,
- name: string,
- followers-count: int32
+ screen-name: string,
+ lang: string,
+ friends-count: int64,
+ statuses-count: int64,
+ name: string,
+ followers-count: int64
create type TweetMessageType as closed {
- tweetid: int64,
+ tweetid: int64,
user: TwitterUserType,
sender-location: point,
- send-time: datetime,
+ send-time: datetime,
referred-topics: {{ string }},
- message-text: string,
- countA: int32,
- countB: int32
+ message-text: string,
+ countA: int64,
+ countB: int64
create dataset TweetMessages(TweetMessageType)
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/index-selection/btree-index-composite-key-mixed-intervals/btree-index-composite-key-mixed-intervals.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/index-selection/btree-index-composite-key-mixed-intervals/btree-index-composite-key-mixed-intervals.1.ddl.aql
index 754a23c..1943807 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/index-selection/btree-index-composite-key-mixed-intervals/btree-index-composite-key-mixed-intervals.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/index-selection/btree-index-composite-key-mixed-intervals/btree-index-composite-key-mixed-intervals.1.ddl.aql
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
* Description : Test that BTree index is used in query plan
* : define the BTree index on a composite key (fname,lanme)
* : predicate => where $l.fname > "Julio" and $l.lname > "Mattocks" and
- * $l.fname <= "Micco" and $l.lname < "Vangieson"
+ * $l.fname <= "Micco" and $l.lname < "Vangieson"
* Expected Result : Success
* Issue : Issue 174
* Date : 5th Feb, 2013
@@ -13,11 +13,11 @@
use dataverse test;
create type Emp as closed {
+id: int64,
+fname: string,
+lname: string,
+age: int64,
+dept: string
create dataset employee(Emp) primary key id;
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/index-selection/btree-index-composite-key/btree-index-composite-key.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/index-selection/btree-index-composite-key/btree-index-composite-key.1.ddl.aql
index 5103c09..98e2438 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/index-selection/btree-index-composite-key/btree-index-composite-key.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/index-selection/btree-index-composite-key/btree-index-composite-key.1.ddl.aql
@@ -12,11 +12,11 @@
use dataverse test;
create type Emp as closed {
+id: int64,
+fname: string,
+lname: string,
+age: int64,
+dept: string
create dataset employee(Emp) primary key id;
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/index-selection/btree-index-rewrite-multiple/btree-index-rewrite-multiple.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/index-selection/btree-index-rewrite-multiple/btree-index-rewrite-multiple.1.ddl.aql
index 4ed0993..2776036 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/index-selection/btree-index-rewrite-multiple/btree-index-rewrite-multiple.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/index-selection/btree-index-rewrite-multiple/btree-index-rewrite-multiple.1.ddl.aql
@@ -5,20 +5,20 @@
* Expected Result : Success
* Issue : Issue 204
drop dataverse tpch if exists;
create dataverse tpch;
use dataverse tpch;
create type OrderType as open {
- o_orderkey: int32,
- o_custkey: int32,
- o_orderstatus: string,
- o_totalprice: double,
- o_orderdate: string,
+ o_orderkey: int64,
+ o_custkey: int64,
+ o_orderstatus: string,
+ o_totalprice: double,
+ o_orderdate: string,
o_orderpriority: string,
- o_clerk: string,
- o_shippriority: int32,
+ o_clerk: string,
+ o_shippriority: int64,
o_comment: string
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/index-selection/cust-index-age-nullable/cust-index-age-nullable.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/index-selection/cust-index-age-nullable/cust-index-age-nullable.1.ddl.aql
index 80e9b17..49c14b6 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/index-selection/cust-index-age-nullable/cust-index-age-nullable.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/index-selection/cust-index-age-nullable/cust-index-age-nullable.1.ddl.aql
@@ -3,18 +3,18 @@
use dataverse test;
create type AddressType as open {
- number: int32,
+ number: int64,
street: string,
city: string
create type CustomerType as open {
- cid: int32,
+ cid: int64,
name: string,
- age: int32?,
+ age: int64?,
address: AddressType?,
interests: {{string}},
- children: [ { name: string, age: int32? } ]
+ children: [ { name: string, age: int64? } ]
create dataset Customers(CustomerType) primary key cid;
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/index-selection/inverted-index-ngram-contains/inverted-index-ngram-contains.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/index-selection/inverted-index-ngram-contains/inverted-index-ngram-contains.1.ddl.aql
index 49c6b3b..832fb38 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/index-selection/inverted-index-ngram-contains/inverted-index-ngram-contains.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/index-selection/inverted-index-ngram-contains/inverted-index-ngram-contains.1.ddl.aql
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
use dataverse test;
create type DBLPType as closed {
- id: int32,
+ id: int64,
dblpid: string,
title: string,
authors: string,
@@ -12,6 +12,6 @@
create nodegroup group1 if not exists on nc1, nc2;
-create dataset DBLP(DBLPType)
+create dataset DBLP(DBLPType)
primary key id on group1;
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/index-selection/inverted-index-ngram-edit-distance-contains/inverted-index-ngram-edit-distance-contains.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/index-selection/inverted-index-ngram-edit-distance-contains/inverted-index-ngram-edit-distance-contains.1.ddl.aql
index 36d37d8..832fb38 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/index-selection/inverted-index-ngram-edit-distance-contains/inverted-index-ngram-edit-distance-contains.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/index-selection/inverted-index-ngram-edit-distance-contains/inverted-index-ngram-edit-distance-contains.1.ddl.aql
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
use dataverse test;
create type DBLPType as closed {
- id: int32,
+ id: int64,
dblpid: string,
title: string,
authors: string,
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/index-selection/inverted-index-ngram-edit-distance-panic/inverted-index-ngram-edit-distance-panic.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/index-selection/inverted-index-ngram-edit-distance-panic/inverted-index-ngram-edit-distance-panic.1.ddl.aql
index 49c6b3b..832fb38 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/index-selection/inverted-index-ngram-edit-distance-panic/inverted-index-ngram-edit-distance-panic.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/index-selection/inverted-index-ngram-edit-distance-panic/inverted-index-ngram-edit-distance-panic.1.ddl.aql
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
use dataverse test;
create type DBLPType as closed {
- id: int32,
+ id: int64,
dblpid: string,
title: string,
authors: string,
@@ -12,6 +12,6 @@
create nodegroup group1 if not exists on nc1, nc2;
-create dataset DBLP(DBLPType)
+create dataset DBLP(DBLPType)
primary key id on group1;
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/index-selection/inverted-index-ngram-edit-distance-word-tokens/inverted-index-ngram-edit-distance-word-tokens.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/index-selection/inverted-index-ngram-edit-distance-word-tokens/inverted-index-ngram-edit-distance-word-tokens.1.ddl.aql
index 49c6b3b..832fb38 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/index-selection/inverted-index-ngram-edit-distance-word-tokens/inverted-index-ngram-edit-distance-word-tokens.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/index-selection/inverted-index-ngram-edit-distance-word-tokens/inverted-index-ngram-edit-distance-word-tokens.1.ddl.aql
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
use dataverse test;
create type DBLPType as closed {
- id: int32,
+ id: int64,
dblpid: string,
title: string,
authors: string,
@@ -12,6 +12,6 @@
create nodegroup group1 if not exists on nc1, nc2;
-create dataset DBLP(DBLPType)
+create dataset DBLP(DBLPType)
primary key id on group1;
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/index-selection/inverted-index-ngram-edit-distance/inverted-index-ngram-edit-distance.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/index-selection/inverted-index-ngram-edit-distance/inverted-index-ngram-edit-distance.1.ddl.aql
index 49c6b3b..832fb38 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/index-selection/inverted-index-ngram-edit-distance/inverted-index-ngram-edit-distance.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/index-selection/inverted-index-ngram-edit-distance/inverted-index-ngram-edit-distance.1.ddl.aql
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
use dataverse test;
create type DBLPType as closed {
- id: int32,
+ id: int64,
dblpid: string,
title: string,
authors: string,
@@ -12,6 +12,6 @@
create nodegroup group1 if not exists on nc1, nc2;
-create dataset DBLP(DBLPType)
+create dataset DBLP(DBLPType)
primary key id on group1;
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/index-selection/inverted-index-ngram-jaccard/inverted-index-ngram-jaccard.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/index-selection/inverted-index-ngram-jaccard/inverted-index-ngram-jaccard.1.ddl.aql
index 49c6b3b..832fb38 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/index-selection/inverted-index-ngram-jaccard/inverted-index-ngram-jaccard.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/index-selection/inverted-index-ngram-jaccard/inverted-index-ngram-jaccard.1.ddl.aql
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
use dataverse test;
create type DBLPType as closed {
- id: int32,
+ id: int64,
dblpid: string,
title: string,
authors: string,
@@ -12,6 +12,6 @@
create nodegroup group1 if not exists on nc1, nc2;
-create dataset DBLP(DBLPType)
+create dataset DBLP(DBLPType)
primary key id on group1;
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/index-selection/inverted-index-olist-edit-distance-panic/inverted-index-olist-edit-distance-panic.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/index-selection/inverted-index-olist-edit-distance-panic/inverted-index-olist-edit-distance-panic.1.ddl.aql
index dfc0f4e..64599a1 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/index-selection/inverted-index-olist-edit-distance-panic/inverted-index-olist-edit-distance-panic.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/index-selection/inverted-index-olist-edit-distance-panic/inverted-index-olist-edit-distance-panic.1.ddl.aql
@@ -3,22 +3,22 @@
use dataverse test;
create type AddressType as closed {
- number: int32,
+ number: int64,
street: string,
city: string
create type CustomerType as closed {
- cid: int32,
+ cid: int64,
name: string,
- age: int32?,
+ age: int64?,
address: AddressType?,
interests: [string],
- children: [ { name: string, age: int32? } ]
+ children: [ { name: string, age: int64? } ]
create nodegroup group1 if not exists on nc1;
-create dataset Customers(CustomerType)
+create dataset Customers(CustomerType)
primary key cid on group1;
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/index-selection/inverted-index-olist-edit-distance/inverted-index-olist-edit-distance.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/index-selection/inverted-index-olist-edit-distance/inverted-index-olist-edit-distance.1.ddl.aql
index dfc0f4e..64599a1 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/index-selection/inverted-index-olist-edit-distance/inverted-index-olist-edit-distance.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/index-selection/inverted-index-olist-edit-distance/inverted-index-olist-edit-distance.1.ddl.aql
@@ -3,22 +3,22 @@
use dataverse test;
create type AddressType as closed {
- number: int32,
+ number: int64,
street: string,
city: string
create type CustomerType as closed {
- cid: int32,
+ cid: int64,
name: string,
- age: int32?,
+ age: int64?,
address: AddressType?,
interests: [string],
- children: [ { name: string, age: int32? } ]
+ children: [ { name: string, age: int64? } ]
create nodegroup group1 if not exists on nc1;
-create dataset Customers(CustomerType)
+create dataset Customers(CustomerType)
primary key cid on group1;
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/index-selection/inverted-index-olist-jaccard/inverted-index-olist-jaccard.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/index-selection/inverted-index-olist-jaccard/inverted-index-olist-jaccard.1.ddl.aql
index dfc0f4e..64599a1 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/index-selection/inverted-index-olist-jaccard/inverted-index-olist-jaccard.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/index-selection/inverted-index-olist-jaccard/inverted-index-olist-jaccard.1.ddl.aql
@@ -3,22 +3,22 @@
use dataverse test;
create type AddressType as closed {
- number: int32,
+ number: int64,
street: string,
city: string
create type CustomerType as closed {
- cid: int32,
+ cid: int64,
name: string,
- age: int32?,
+ age: int64?,
address: AddressType?,
interests: [string],
- children: [ { name: string, age: int32? } ]
+ children: [ { name: string, age: int64? } ]
create nodegroup group1 if not exists on nc1;
-create dataset Customers(CustomerType)
+create dataset Customers(CustomerType)
primary key cid on group1;
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/index-selection/inverted-index-ulist-jaccard/inverted-index-ulist-jaccard.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/index-selection/inverted-index-ulist-jaccard/inverted-index-ulist-jaccard.1.ddl.aql
index a350a46..19efa02 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/index-selection/inverted-index-ulist-jaccard/inverted-index-ulist-jaccard.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/index-selection/inverted-index-ulist-jaccard/inverted-index-ulist-jaccard.1.ddl.aql
@@ -3,22 +3,22 @@
use dataverse test;
create type AddressType as closed {
- number: int32,
+ number: int64,
street: string,
city: string
create type CustomerType as closed {
- cid: int32,
+ cid: int64,
name: string,
- age: int32?,
+ age: int64?,
address: AddressType?,
interests: {{string}},
- children: [ { name: string, age: int32? } ]
+ children: [ { name: string, age: int64? } ]
create nodegroup group1 if not exists on nc1;
-create dataset Customers(CustomerType)
+create dataset Customers(CustomerType)
primary key cid on group1;
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/index-selection/inverted-index-word-contains/inverted-index-word-contains.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/index-selection/inverted-index-word-contains/inverted-index-word-contains.1.ddl.aql
index 49c6b3b..832fb38 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/index-selection/inverted-index-word-contains/inverted-index-word-contains.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/index-selection/inverted-index-word-contains/inverted-index-word-contains.1.ddl.aql
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
use dataverse test;
create type DBLPType as closed {
- id: int32,
+ id: int64,
dblpid: string,
title: string,
authors: string,
@@ -12,6 +12,6 @@
create nodegroup group1 if not exists on nc1, nc2;
-create dataset DBLP(DBLPType)
+create dataset DBLP(DBLPType)
primary key id on group1;
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/index-selection/inverted-index-word-jaccard/inverted-index-word-jaccard.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/index-selection/inverted-index-word-jaccard/inverted-index-word-jaccard.1.ddl.aql
index 49c6b3b..832fb38 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/index-selection/inverted-index-word-jaccard/inverted-index-word-jaccard.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/index-selection/inverted-index-word-jaccard/inverted-index-word-jaccard.1.ddl.aql
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
use dataverse test;
create type DBLPType as closed {
- id: int32,
+ id: int64,
dblpid: string,
title: string,
authors: string,
@@ -12,6 +12,6 @@
create nodegroup group1 if not exists on nc1, nc2;
-create dataset DBLP(DBLPType)
+create dataset DBLP(DBLPType)
primary key id on group1;
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/index-selection/orders-index-custkey-conjunctive-open/orders-index-custkey-conjunctive-open.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/index-selection/orders-index-custkey-conjunctive-open/orders-index-custkey-conjunctive-open.1.ddl.aql
index 2cfb39a..aa9273d 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/index-selection/orders-index-custkey-conjunctive-open/orders-index-custkey-conjunctive-open.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/index-selection/orders-index-custkey-conjunctive-open/orders-index-custkey-conjunctive-open.1.ddl.aql
@@ -3,14 +3,14 @@
use dataverse tpch;
create type OrderType as closed {
- o_orderkey: int32,
- o_custkey: int32,
- o_orderstatus: string,
- o_totalprice: double,
- o_orderdate: string,
+ o_orderkey: int64,
+ o_custkey: int64,
+ o_orderstatus: string,
+ o_totalprice: double,
+ o_orderdate: string,
o_orderpriority: string,
- o_clerk: string,
- o_shippriority: int32,
+ o_clerk: string,
+ o_shippriority: int64,
o_comment: string
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/index-selection/orders-index-custkey-conjunctive/orders-index-custkey-conjunctive.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/index-selection/orders-index-custkey-conjunctive/orders-index-custkey-conjunctive.1.ddl.aql
index 2cfb39a..aa9273d 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/index-selection/orders-index-custkey-conjunctive/orders-index-custkey-conjunctive.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/index-selection/orders-index-custkey-conjunctive/orders-index-custkey-conjunctive.1.ddl.aql
@@ -3,14 +3,14 @@
use dataverse tpch;
create type OrderType as closed {
- o_orderkey: int32,
- o_custkey: int32,
- o_orderstatus: string,
- o_totalprice: double,
- o_orderdate: string,
+ o_orderkey: int64,
+ o_custkey: int64,
+ o_orderstatus: string,
+ o_totalprice: double,
+ o_orderdate: string,
o_orderpriority: string,
- o_clerk: string,
- o_shippriority: int32,
+ o_clerk: string,
+ o_shippriority: int64,
o_comment: string
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/index-selection/orders-index-custkey-open/orders-index-custkey-open.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/index-selection/orders-index-custkey-open/orders-index-custkey-open.1.ddl.aql
index b541c58..ebb1b75 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/index-selection/orders-index-custkey-open/orders-index-custkey-open.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/index-selection/orders-index-custkey-open/orders-index-custkey-open.1.ddl.aql
@@ -3,14 +3,14 @@
use dataverse tpch;
create type OrderType as open {
- o_orderkey: int32,
- o_custkey: int32,
- o_orderstatus: string,
- o_totalprice: double,
- o_orderdate: string,
+ o_orderkey: int64,
+ o_custkey: int64,
+ o_orderstatus: string,
+ o_totalprice: double,
+ o_orderdate: string,
o_orderpriority: string,
- o_clerk: string,
- o_shippriority: int32,
+ o_clerk: string,
+ o_shippriority: int64,
o_comment: string
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/index-selection/orders-index-custkey/orders-index-custkey.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/index-selection/orders-index-custkey/orders-index-custkey.1.ddl.aql
index 2cfb39a..aa9273d 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/index-selection/orders-index-custkey/orders-index-custkey.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/index-selection/orders-index-custkey/orders-index-custkey.1.ddl.aql
@@ -3,14 +3,14 @@
use dataverse tpch;
create type OrderType as closed {
- o_orderkey: int32,
- o_custkey: int32,
- o_orderstatus: string,
- o_totalprice: double,
- o_orderdate: string,
+ o_orderkey: int64,
+ o_custkey: int64,
+ o_orderstatus: string,
+ o_totalprice: double,
+ o_orderdate: string,
o_orderpriority: string,
- o_clerk: string,
- o_shippriority: int32,
+ o_clerk: string,
+ o_shippriority: int64,
o_comment: string
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/index-selection/range-search-open/range-search-open.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/index-selection/range-search-open/range-search-open.1.ddl.aql
index 530d7a9..952f44f 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/index-selection/range-search-open/range-search-open.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/index-selection/range-search-open/range-search-open.1.ddl.aql
@@ -1,24 +1,24 @@
drop dataverse test if exists;
create dataverse test;
use dataverse test;
create type LineItemType as open {
- l_orderkey: int32,
- l_partkey: int32,
- l_suppkey: int32,
- l_linenumber: int32,
- l_quantity: double,
+ l_orderkey: int64,
+ l_partkey: int64,
+ l_suppkey: int64,
+ l_linenumber: int64,
+ l_quantity: double,
l_extendedprice: double,
- l_discount: double,
+ l_discount: double,
l_tax: double,
- l_returnflag: string,
- l_linestatus: string,
+ l_returnflag: string,
+ l_linestatus: string,
l_shipdate: string,
- l_commitdate: string,
- l_receiptdate: string,
- l_shipinstruct: string,
- l_shipmode: string,
+ l_commitdate: string,
+ l_receiptdate: string,
+ l_shipinstruct: string,
+ l_shipmode: string,
l_comment: string
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/index-selection/range-search/range-search.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/index-selection/range-search/range-search.1.ddl.aql
index 5281e04..26149ad 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/index-selection/range-search/range-search.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/index-selection/range-search/range-search.1.ddl.aql
@@ -1,24 +1,24 @@
drop dataverse test if exists;
create dataverse test;
use dataverse test;
create type LineItemType as closed {
- l_orderkey: int32,
- l_partkey: int32,
- l_suppkey: int32,
- l_linenumber: int32,
- l_quantity: double,
+ l_orderkey: int64,
+ l_partkey: int64,
+ l_suppkey: int64,
+ l_linenumber: int64,
+ l_quantity: double,
l_extendedprice: double,
- l_discount: double,
+ l_discount: double,
l_tax: double,
- l_returnflag: string,
- l_linestatus: string,
+ l_returnflag: string,
+ l_linestatus: string,
l_shipdate: string,
- l_commitdate: string,
- l_receiptdate: string,
- l_shipinstruct: string,
- l_shipmode: string,
+ l_commitdate: string,
+ l_receiptdate: string,
+ l_shipinstruct: string,
+ l_shipmode: string,
l_comment: string
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/index-selection/rtree-secondary-index-circular-query/rtree-secondary-index-circular-query.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/index-selection/rtree-secondary-index-circular-query/rtree-secondary-index-circular-query.1.ddl.aql
index 52fa76f..d4aba6d 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/index-selection/rtree-secondary-index-circular-query/rtree-secondary-index-circular-query.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/index-selection/rtree-secondary-index-circular-query/rtree-secondary-index-circular-query.1.ddl.aql
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
use dataverse test;
create type MyRecord as closed {
- id: int32,
+ id: int64,
point: point,
kwds: string,
line1: line,
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/index-selection/rtree-secondary-index-nullable/rtree-secondary-index-nullable.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/index-selection/rtree-secondary-index-nullable/rtree-secondary-index-nullable.1.ddl.aql
index 77b9ef2..14abcdb 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/index-selection/rtree-secondary-index-nullable/rtree-secondary-index-nullable.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/index-selection/rtree-secondary-index-nullable/rtree-secondary-index-nullable.1.ddl.aql
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
use dataverse test;
create type MyRecord as closed {
- id: int32,
+ id: int64,
point: point?,
kwds: string,
line1: line,
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/index-selection/rtree-secondary-index-open/rtree-secondary-index-open.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/index-selection/rtree-secondary-index-open/rtree-secondary-index-open.1.ddl.aql
index 9de9b5e..3660b36 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/index-selection/rtree-secondary-index-open/rtree-secondary-index-open.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/index-selection/rtree-secondary-index-open/rtree-secondary-index-open.1.ddl.aql
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
use dataverse test;
create type MyRecord as open {
- id: int32,
+ id: int64,
point: point,
kwds: string,
line1: line,
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/index-selection/rtree-secondary-index/rtree-secondary-index.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/index-selection/rtree-secondary-index/rtree-secondary-index.1.ddl.aql
index 52fa76f..d4aba6d 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/index-selection/rtree-secondary-index/rtree-secondary-index.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/index-selection/rtree-secondary-index/rtree-secondary-index.1.ddl.aql
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
use dataverse test;
create type MyRecord as closed {
- id: int32,
+ id: int64,
point: point,
kwds: string,
line1: line,
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/inverted-index-join/ngram-edit-distance-inline/ngram-edit-distance-inline.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/inverted-index-join/ngram-edit-distance-inline/ngram-edit-distance-inline.1.ddl.aql
index 8937d31..5edffbc 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/inverted-index-join/ngram-edit-distance-inline/ngram-edit-distance-inline.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/inverted-index-join/ngram-edit-distance-inline/ngram-edit-distance-inline.1.ddl.aql
@@ -10,18 +10,18 @@
use dataverse test;
create type AddressType as open {
- number: int32,
+ number: int64,
street: string,
city: string
create type CustomerType as open {
- cid: int32,
+ cid: int64,
name: string,
- age: int32?,
+ age: int64?,
address: AddressType?,
interests: [string],
- children: [ { name: string, age: int32? } ]
+ children: [ { name: string, age: int64? } ]
create dataset Customers(CustomerType) primary key cid;
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/inverted-index-join/ngram-edit-distance/ngram-edit-distance.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/inverted-index-join/ngram-edit-distance/ngram-edit-distance.1.ddl.aql
index 85ffd04..d6d8540 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/inverted-index-join/ngram-edit-distance/ngram-edit-distance.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/inverted-index-join/ngram-edit-distance/ngram-edit-distance.1.ddl.aql
@@ -9,18 +9,18 @@
use dataverse test;
create type AddressType as open {
- number: int32,
+ number: int64,
street: string,
city: string
create type CustomerType as open {
- cid: int32,
+ cid: int64,
name: string,
- age: int32?,
+ age: int64?,
address: AddressType?,
interests: [string],
- children: [ { name: string, age: int32? } ]
+ children: [ { name: string, age: int64? } ]
create dataset Customers(CustomerType) primary key cid;
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/inverted-index-join/ngram-jaccard-inline/ngram-jaccard-inline.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/inverted-index-join/ngram-jaccard-inline/ngram-jaccard-inline.1.ddl.aql
index 3a23b8b..9f6a279 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/inverted-index-join/ngram-jaccard-inline/ngram-jaccard-inline.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/inverted-index-join/ngram-jaccard-inline/ngram-jaccard-inline.1.ddl.aql
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
use dataverse test;
create type DBLPType as closed {
- id: int32,
+ id: int64,
dblpid: string,
title: string,
authors: string,
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
create type CSXType as closed {
- id: int32,
+ id: int64,
csxid: string,
title: string,
authors: string,
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/inverted-index-join/ngram-jaccard/ngram-jaccard.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/inverted-index-join/ngram-jaccard/ngram-jaccard.1.ddl.aql
index ca6ba44..466c1e6 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/inverted-index-join/ngram-jaccard/ngram-jaccard.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/inverted-index-join/ngram-jaccard/ngram-jaccard.1.ddl.aql
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
use dataverse test;
create type DBLPType as closed {
- id: int32,
+ id: int64,
dblpid: string,
title: string,
authors: string,
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
create type CSXType as closed {
- id: int32,
+ id: int64,
csxid: string,
title: string,
authors: string,
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/inverted-index-join/olist-edit-distance-inline/olist-edit-distance-inline.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/inverted-index-join/olist-edit-distance-inline/olist-edit-distance-inline.1.ddl.aql
index 4888062..de5d98b 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/inverted-index-join/olist-edit-distance-inline/olist-edit-distance-inline.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/inverted-index-join/olist-edit-distance-inline/olist-edit-distance-inline.1.ddl.aql
@@ -10,18 +10,18 @@
use dataverse test;
create type AddressType as open {
- number: int32,
+ number: int64,
street: string,
city: string
create type CustomerType as open {
- cid: int32,
+ cid: int64,
name: string,
- age: int32?,
+ age: int64?,
address: AddressType?,
interests: [string],
- children: [ { name: string, age: int32? } ]
+ children: [ { name: string, age: int64? } ]
create dataset Customers(CustomerType) primary key cid;
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/inverted-index-join/olist-edit-distance/olist-edit-distance.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/inverted-index-join/olist-edit-distance/olist-edit-distance.1.ddl.aql
index ee77aef..f0e5b51 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/inverted-index-join/olist-edit-distance/olist-edit-distance.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/inverted-index-join/olist-edit-distance/olist-edit-distance.1.ddl.aql
@@ -9,18 +9,18 @@
use dataverse test;
create type AddressType as open {
- number: int32,
+ number: int64,
street: string,
city: string
create type CustomerType as open {
- cid: int32,
+ cid: int64,
name: string,
- age: int32?,
+ age: int64?,
address: AddressType?,
interests: [string],
- children: [ { name: string, age: int32? } ]
+ children: [ { name: string, age: int64? } ]
create dataset Customers(CustomerType) primary key cid;
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/inverted-index-join/olist-jaccard-inline/olist-jaccard-inline.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/inverted-index-join/olist-jaccard-inline/olist-jaccard-inline.1.ddl.aql
index d920ee7..d7aa24a 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/inverted-index-join/olist-jaccard-inline/olist-jaccard-inline.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/inverted-index-join/olist-jaccard-inline/olist-jaccard-inline.1.ddl.aql
@@ -10,21 +10,21 @@
use dataverse test;
create type AddressType as closed {
- number: int32,
+ number: int64,
street: string,
city: string
create type CustomerType as closed {
- cid: int32,
+ cid: int64,
name: string,
- age: int32?,
+ age: int64?,
address: AddressType?,
interests: [string],
- children: [ { name: string, age: int32? } ]
+ children: [ { name: string, age: int64? } ]
create dataset Customers(CustomerType) primary key cid;
create dataset Customers2(CustomerType) primary key cid;
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/inverted-index-join/olist-jaccard/olist-jaccard.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/inverted-index-join/olist-jaccard/olist-jaccard.1.ddl.aql
index a40bfc8..1c070ef 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/inverted-index-join/olist-jaccard/olist-jaccard.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/inverted-index-join/olist-jaccard/olist-jaccard.1.ddl.aql
@@ -9,21 +9,21 @@
use dataverse test;
create type AddressType as closed {
- number: int32,
+ number: int64,
street: string,
city: string
create type CustomerType as closed {
- cid: int32,
+ cid: int64,
name: string,
- age: int32?,
+ age: int64?,
address: AddressType?,
interests: [string],
- children: [ { name: string, age: int32? } ]
+ children: [ { name: string, age: int64? } ]
create dataset Customers(CustomerType) primary key cid;
create dataset Customers2(CustomerType) primary key cid;
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/inverted-index-join/ulist-jaccard-inline/ulist-jaccard-inline.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/inverted-index-join/ulist-jaccard-inline/ulist-jaccard-inline.1.ddl.aql
index 97c776b..cac916b 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/inverted-index-join/ulist-jaccard-inline/ulist-jaccard-inline.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/inverted-index-join/ulist-jaccard-inline/ulist-jaccard-inline.1.ddl.aql
@@ -10,21 +10,21 @@
use dataverse test;
create type AddressType as closed {
- number: int32,
+ number: int64,
street: string,
city: string
create type CustomerType as closed {
- cid: int32,
+ cid: int64,
name: string,
- age: int32?,
+ age: int64?,
address: AddressType?,
interests: {{string}},
- children: [ { name: string, age: int32? } ]
+ children: [ { name: string, age: int64? } ]
create dataset Customers(CustomerType) primary key cid;
create dataset Customers2(CustomerType) primary key cid;
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/inverted-index-join/ulist-jaccard/ulist-jaccard.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/inverted-index-join/ulist-jaccard/ulist-jaccard.1.ddl.aql
index dc3c320..9233a3e 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/inverted-index-join/ulist-jaccard/ulist-jaccard.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/inverted-index-join/ulist-jaccard/ulist-jaccard.1.ddl.aql
@@ -9,21 +9,21 @@
use dataverse test;
create type AddressType as closed {
- number: int32,
+ number: int64,
street: string,
city: string
create type CustomerType as closed {
- cid: int32,
+ cid: int64,
name: string,
- age: int32?,
+ age: int64?,
address: AddressType?,
interests: {{string}},
- children: [ { name: string, age: int32? } ]
+ children: [ { name: string, age: int64? } ]
create dataset Customers(CustomerType) primary key cid;
create dataset Customers2(CustomerType) primary key cid;
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/inverted-index-join/word-jaccard-inline/word-jaccard-inline.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/inverted-index-join/word-jaccard-inline/word-jaccard-inline.1.ddl.aql
index 719949b..53d0c19 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/inverted-index-join/word-jaccard-inline/word-jaccard-inline.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/inverted-index-join/word-jaccard-inline/word-jaccard-inline.1.ddl.aql
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
use dataverse test;
create type DBLPType as closed {
- id: int32,
+ id: int64,
dblpid: string,
title: string,
authors: string,
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
create type CSXType as closed {
- id: int32,
+ id: int64,
csxid: string,
title: string,
authors: string,
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/inverted-index-join/word-jaccard/word-jaccard.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/inverted-index-join/word-jaccard/word-jaccard.1.ddl.aql
index c134018..9a16f1b 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/inverted-index-join/word-jaccard/word-jaccard.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/inverted-index-join/word-jaccard/word-jaccard.1.ddl.aql
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
use dataverse test;
create type DBLPType as closed {
- id: int32,
+ id: int64,
dblpid: string,
title: string,
authors: string,
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
create type CSXType as closed {
- id: int32,
+ id: int64,
csxid: string,
title: string,
authors: string,
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/leftouterjoin/query_issue285-2/query_issue285-2.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/leftouterjoin/query_issue285-2/query_issue285-2.1.ddl.aql
index 230315e..1b5aff5 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/leftouterjoin/query_issue285-2/query_issue285-2.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/leftouterjoin/query_issue285-2/query_issue285-2.1.ddl.aql
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
* Description : Left-outer joins two datasets, DBLP and CSX, based on their title.
- * DBLP has a secondary btree index on title, and given the 'indexnl' hint
+ * DBLP has a secondary btree index on title, and given the 'indexnl' hint
* we expect the join to be transformed into an indexed nested-loop join.
* Success : Yes
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
use dataverse test;
create type DBLPType as closed {
- id: int32,
+ id: int64,
dblpid: string,
title: string,
authors: string,
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
create type CSXType as closed {
- id: int32,
+ id: int64,
csxid: string,
title: string,
authors: string,
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/leftouterjoin/query_issue285/query_issue285.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/leftouterjoin/query_issue285/query_issue285.1.ddl.aql
index a04adc8..6225b7a 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/leftouterjoin/query_issue285/query_issue285.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/leftouterjoin/query_issue285/query_issue285.1.ddl.aql
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
* Description : Left-outer joins two datasets, DBLP and CSX, based on their title.
* DBLP has a secondary btree index on title.
- *
- * TODO(@Sattam): given the 'indexnl' hint
+ *
+ * TODO(@Sattam): given the 'indexnl' hint
* we expect the join to be transformed into an indexed nested-loop join.
- *
- * regression test for issue 285
+ *
+ * regression test for issue 285
* Success : Yes
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
use dataverse test;
create type DBLPType as closed {
- id: int32,
+ id: int64,
dblpid: string,
title: string,
authors: string,
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
create type CSXType as closed {
- id: int32,
+ id: int64,
csxid: string,
title: string,
authors: string,
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/leftouterjoin/query_issue658/query_issue658.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/leftouterjoin/query_issue658/query_issue658.1.ddl.aql
index b1910fb..efc5c6f 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/leftouterjoin/query_issue658/query_issue658.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/leftouterjoin/query_issue658/query_issue658.1.ddl.aql
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
use dataverse test;
create type DBLPType as closed {
- id: int32,
+ id: int64,
dblpid: string,
title: string,
authors: string,
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
create type CSXType as closed {
- id: int32,
+ id: int64,
csxid: string,
title: string,
authors: string,
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/leftouterjoin/query_issue849-2/query_issue849-2.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/leftouterjoin/query_issue849-2/query_issue849-2.1.ddl.aql
index 3dfda04..ab96f29 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/leftouterjoin/query_issue849-2/query_issue849-2.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/leftouterjoin/query_issue849-2/query_issue849-2.1.ddl.aql
@@ -10,5 +10,5 @@
use dataverse test;
-create type sType as closed{b : int32};
+create type sType as closed{b : int64};
create dataset s(sType) primary key b;
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/leftouterjoin/query_issue849/query_issue849.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/leftouterjoin/query_issue849/query_issue849.1.ddl.aql
index 3dfda04..ab96f29 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/leftouterjoin/query_issue849/query_issue849.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/leftouterjoin/query_issue849/query_issue849.1.ddl.aql
@@ -10,5 +10,5 @@
use dataverse test;
-create type sType as closed{b : int32};
+create type sType as closed{b : int64};
create dataset s(sType) primary key b;
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/load/csv_01/csv_01.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/load/csv_01/csv_01.1.ddl.aql
index e890942..2e441b2 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/load/csv_01/csv_01.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/load/csv_01/csv_01.1.ddl.aql
@@ -4,13 +4,13 @@
* Expected result: success
drop dataverse temp if exists;
create dataverse temp
use dataverse temp;
create type test as closed {
- id: int32,
+ id: int64,
float: float?,
double: double?,
date: string?,
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/load/csv_02/csv_02.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/load/csv_02/csv_02.1.ddl.aql
index b6884a8..78eaebb 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/load/csv_02/csv_02.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/load/csv_02/csv_02.1.ddl.aql
@@ -4,13 +4,13 @@
* Expected result: success
drop dataverse temp if exists;
create dataverse temp
use dataverse temp;
create type test as closed {
- id: int32,
+ id: int64,
float: float?,
double: double?,
date: string,
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/load/csv_03/csv_03.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/load/csv_03/csv_03.1.ddl.aql
index 0b7c16f..8958254 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/load/csv_03/csv_03.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/load/csv_03/csv_03.1.ddl.aql
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
use dataverse temp;
create type test as closed {
- id: int32,
+ id: int64,
float: float,
floatq: float?,
double: double,
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/load/csv_04/csv_04.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/load/csv_04/csv_04.1.ddl.aql
index b51d617..0af83e7 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/load/csv_04/csv_04.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/load/csv_04/csv_04.1.ddl.aql
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
use dataverse temp;
create type test as closed {
- id: int32,
+ id: int64,
float: float,
stringa: string,
stringb: string?
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/load/csv_08/csv_08.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/load/csv_08/csv_08.1.ddl.aql
index e890942..2e441b2 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/load/csv_08/csv_08.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/load/csv_08/csv_08.1.ddl.aql
@@ -4,13 +4,13 @@
* Expected result: success
drop dataverse temp if exists;
create dataverse temp
use dataverse temp;
create type test as closed {
- id: int32,
+ id: int64,
float: float?,
double: double?,
date: string?,
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/load/issue289_query/issue289_query.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/load/issue289_query/issue289_query.1.ddl.aql
index b9683dd..ed96c57 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/load/issue289_query/issue289_query.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/load/issue289_query/issue289_query.1.ddl.aql
@@ -3,27 +3,27 @@
* Expected Res : Success
* Date : 01 Apr 2013
drop dataverse test if exists;
create dataverse test;
use dataverse test;
create type AddressType as open {
- number: int32,
+ number: int64,
street: string,
city: string
create type CustomerType as closed {
- cid: int32,
+ cid: int64,
name: string,
- age: int32?,
+ age: int64?,
address: AddressType?,
lastorder: {
- oid: int32,
+ oid: int64,
total: float
-create dataset Customers(CustomerType)
+create dataset Customers(CustomerType)
primary key cid;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/materialization/assign-reuse/assign-reuse.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/materialization/assign-reuse/assign-reuse.1.ddl.aql
index ad913c6..443dde5 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/materialization/assign-reuse/assign-reuse.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/materialization/assign-reuse/assign-reuse.1.ddl.aql
@@ -4,17 +4,17 @@
create type EmploymentType as open {
- organization-name: string,
+ organization-name: string,
start-date: date,
end-date: date?
create type FacebookUserType as closed {
- id: int32,
+ id: int64,
alias: string,
name: string,
user-since: datetime,
- friend-ids: {{ int32 }},
+ friend-ids: {{ int64 }},
employment: [EmploymentType]
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/misc/flushtest/flushtest.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/misc/flushtest/flushtest.1.ddl.aql
index 305a2fc..29ecd67 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/misc/flushtest/flushtest.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/misc/flushtest/flushtest.1.ddl.aql
@@ -9,13 +9,13 @@
create type FacebookUserType as closed {
-id: int32,
-id-copy: int32,
+id: int64,
+id-copy: int64,
alias: string,
name: string,
user-since: datetime,
user-since-copy: datetime,
-friend-ids: {{ int32 }},
+friend-ids: {{ int64 }},
employment: [EmploymentType]
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/misc/groupby-orderby-count/groupby-orderby-count.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/misc/groupby-orderby-count/groupby-orderby-count.1.ddl.aql
index 4a5848c..46a2aac 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/misc/groupby-orderby-count/groupby-orderby-count.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/misc/groupby-orderby-count/groupby-orderby-count.1.ddl.aql
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
use dataverse twitter;
create type Tweet as open {
- id: int32,
+ id: int64,
tweetid: int64,
loc: point,
time: datetime,
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/misc/nested-loop-join_01/nested-loop-join_01.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/misc/nested-loop-join_01/nested-loop-join_01.1.ddl.aql
index 67ad586..f204ef6 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/misc/nested-loop-join_01/nested-loop-join_01.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/misc/nested-loop-join_01/nested-loop-join_01.1.ddl.aql
@@ -4,16 +4,16 @@
use dataverse test;
create type UserType as open {
- uid: int32,
+ uid: int64,
name: string,
- lottery_numbers: [int32],
+ lottery_numbers: [int64],
interests: {{string}}
create type VisitorType as open {
- vid: int32,
+ vid: int64,
name: string,
- lottery_numbers: [int32],
+ lottery_numbers: [int64],
interests: {{string}}
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/misc/prefix-search/prefix-search.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/misc/prefix-search/prefix-search.1.ddl.aql
index 997807b..9b4dfd5 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/misc/prefix-search/prefix-search.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/misc/prefix-search/prefix-search.1.ddl.aql
@@ -11,10 +11,10 @@
use dataverse tpch;
create type LineItemType as closed {
- l_orderkey: int32,
- l_partkey: int32,
- l_suppkey: int32,
- l_linenumber: int32,
+ l_orderkey: int64,
+ l_partkey: int64,
+ l_suppkey: int64,
+ l_linenumber: int64,
l_quantity: double,
l_extendedprice: double,
l_discount: double,
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/misc/stable_sort/stable_sort.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/misc/stable_sort/stable_sort.1.ddl.aql
index 25ab152..d6babb6 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/misc/stable_sort/stable_sort.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/misc/stable_sort/stable_sort.1.ddl.aql
@@ -10,21 +10,21 @@
use dataverse test;
create type LineItemType as closed {
- l_orderkey: int32,
- l_partkey: int32,
- l_suppkey: int32,
- l_linenumber: int32,
- l_quantity: double,
+ l_orderkey: int64,
+ l_partkey: int64,
+ l_suppkey: int64,
+ l_linenumber: int64,
+ l_quantity: double,
l_extendedprice: double,
- l_discount: double,
+ l_discount: double,
l_tax: double,
- l_returnflag: string,
- l_linestatus: string,
+ l_returnflag: string,
+ l_linestatus: string,
l_shipdate: string,
- l_commitdate: string,
- l_receiptdate: string,
- l_shipinstruct: string,
- l_shipmode: string,
+ l_commitdate: string,
+ l_receiptdate: string,
+ l_shipinstruct: string,
+ l_shipmode: string,
l_comment: string
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/misc/string_eq_01/string_eq_01.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/misc/string_eq_01/string_eq_01.1.ddl.aql
index 94d53f9..4f2a574 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/misc/string_eq_01/string_eq_01.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/misc/string_eq_01/string_eq_01.1.ddl.aql
@@ -3,17 +3,17 @@
use dataverse TinySocial;
create type EmploymentType as open {
- organization-name: string,
+ organization-name: string,
start-date: date,
end-date: date?
create type FacebookUserType as closed {
- id: int32,
+ id: int64,
alias: string,
name: string,
user-since: datetime,
- friend-ids: {{ int32 }},
+ friend-ids: {{ int64 }},
employment: [EmploymentType]
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/open-closed/heterog-list-ordered01/heterog-list-ordered01.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/open-closed/heterog-list-ordered01/heterog-list-ordered01.1.ddl.aql
index c37d5e1..b83a432 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/open-closed/heterog-list-ordered01/heterog-list-ordered01.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/open-closed/heterog-list-ordered01/heterog-list-ordered01.1.ddl.aql
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
* Test case Name : heterog-list01.aql
- * Description : To test insertion of an array of objects into internal dataset.
+ * Description : To test insertion of an array of objects into internal dataset.
* : Heterogenous list construction.
* Success : Yes
* Date : 14th April 2012
@@ -11,15 +11,15 @@
use dataverse test;
create type BatterType as {
+id: int64,
+descrpt: string
create type TestType as closed {
+id: int64,
+description: string,
+name: string,
+batters: [[BatterType]]
create dataset T1(TestType) primary key id;
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/open-closed/heterog-list01/heterog-list01.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/open-closed/heterog-list01/heterog-list01.1.ddl.aql
index dbc67fa..78d0c00 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/open-closed/heterog-list01/heterog-list01.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/open-closed/heterog-list01/heterog-list01.1.ddl.aql
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
* Test case Name : heterog-list01.aql
- * Description : To test insertion of an array of objects into internal dataset.
+ * Description : To test insertion of an array of objects into internal dataset.
* : Heterogenous list construction.
* Success : Yes
* Date : 14th April 2012
@@ -11,15 +11,15 @@
use dataverse test;
create type BatterType as {
+id: int64,
+descrpt: string
create type TestType as closed {
+id: int64,
+description: string,
+name: string,
+batters: {{BatterType}}
create dataset T1(TestType) primary key id;
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/open-closed/open-closed-01/open-closed-01.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/open-closed/open-closed-01/open-closed-01.1.ddl.aql
index 4a4565b..447621a 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/open-closed/open-closed-01/open-closed-01.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/open-closed/open-closed-01/open-closed-01.1.ddl.aql
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
* Test case Name : open-closed-01.aql
- * Description : This test is intended to test insertion of additional data into an open type
+ * Description : This test is intended to test insertion of additional data into an open type
* Expected Result : Success
* Date : April 2 2012
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
use dataverse test;
create type testType as{
-id : int32,
+id : int64,
name : string
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/open-closed/open-closed-24/open-closed-24.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/open-closed/open-closed-24/open-closed-24.1.ddl.aql
index 5156204..9004a7a 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/open-closed/open-closed-24/open-closed-24.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/open-closed/open-closed-24/open-closed-24.1.ddl.aql
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
* Testcase Name : open-closed-24.aql
- * Description : Test use of additional data(open) field in create type statement
+ * Description : Test use of additional data(open) field in create type statement
* Success : Yes
* Date : 29th May 2012
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
use dataverse test;
create type testType as open {
-id : int32,
+id : int64,
name : string,
opt_tag : {{ string }}
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/open-closed/open-closed-25/open-closed-25.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/open-closed/open-closed-25/open-closed-25.1.ddl.aql
index 08656e2..2b753d7 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/open-closed/open-closed-25/open-closed-25.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/open-closed/open-closed-25/open-closed-25.1.ddl.aql
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
* Testcase Name : open-closed-25.aql
- * Description : Test use of additional data(open) optional field in create type statement
+ * Description : Test use of additional data(open) optional field in create type statement
* Success : Yes
* Date : 29th May 2012
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
use dataverse test;
create type testType as open {
-id : int32,
+id : int64,
name : string,
opt_tag : {{ string }}?
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/open-closed/open-closed-26/open-closed-26.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/open-closed/open-closed-26/open-closed-26.1.ddl.aql
index ecceb56..9679535 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/open-closed/open-closed-26/open-closed-26.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/open-closed/open-closed-26/open-closed-26.1.ddl.aql
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
* Testcase Name : open-closed-26.aql
- * Description : Test use of additional data(open) optional field in create type statement
+ * Description : Test use of additional data(open) optional field in create type statement
* : No additional data is inserted (as it is declared as optional) from the insert statement.
* Success : Yes
* Date : 29th May 2012
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
use dataverse test;
create type testType as open {
-id : int32,
+id : int64,
name : string,
opt_tag : {{ string }}?
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/open-closed/query-issue196/query-issue196.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/open-closed/query-issue196/query-issue196.1.ddl.aql
index 59e814a..370a7ca 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/open-closed/query-issue196/query-issue196.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/open-closed/query-issue196/query-issue196.1.ddl.aql
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
* Description : This test case is to verify the fix for issue196
- : https://code.google.com/p/asterixdb/issues/detail?id=196
+ : https://code.google.com/p/asterixdb/issues/detail?id=196
* Expected Res : Success
* Date : 5th May 2013
@@ -10,11 +10,11 @@
use dataverse test;
create type testtype1 as open {
-id : int32
+id : int64
create type testtype2 as open {
-id : int32
+id : int64
create dataset t1(testtype1) primary key id;
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/open-closed/query-issue208/query-issue208.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/open-closed/query-issue208/query-issue208.1.ddl.aql
index 8e33f17..303da13 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/open-closed/query-issue208/query-issue208.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/open-closed/query-issue208/query-issue208.1.ddl.aql
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
* Description : This test case is to verify the fix for issue208
- : https://code.google.com/p/asterixdb/issues/detail?id=208
+ : https://code.google.com/p/asterixdb/issues/detail?id=208
* Expected Res : Success
* Date : 26th November 2012
@@ -13,10 +13,10 @@
create type TwitterUserType as open {
screen-name: string,
lang: string,
-friends_count: int32,
-statuses_count: int32,
+friends_count: int64,
+statuses_count: int64,
name: string,
-followers_count: int32
+followers_count: int64
create type TweetMessageType as open {
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/open-closed/query-issue236/query-issue236.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/open-closed/query-issue236/query-issue236.1.ddl.aql
index 39a1510..b6d97d6 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/open-closed/query-issue236/query-issue236.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/open-closed/query-issue236/query-issue236.1.ddl.aql
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
* Description : This test case is to verify the fix for issue236
- : https://code.google.com/p/asterixdb/issues/detail?id=236
+ : https://code.google.com/p/asterixdb/issues/detail?id=236
* Expected Res : Success
* Date : 20 Dec. 2012
@@ -13,10 +13,10 @@
create type TwitterUserType as open {
screen-name: string,
lang: string,
-friends_count: int32,
-statuses_count: int32,
+friends_count: int64,
+statuses_count: int64,
name: string,
-followers_count: int32
+followers_count: int64
create type TweetMessageType as closed {
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/open-closed/query-issue258/query-issue258.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/open-closed/query-issue258/query-issue258.1.ddl.aql
index 5b219b5..339a10a 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/open-closed/query-issue258/query-issue258.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/open-closed/query-issue258/query-issue258.1.ddl.aql
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
* Description : This test case is to verify the fix for issue258
- : https://code.google.com/p/asterixdb/issues/detail?id=258
+ : https://code.google.com/p/asterixdb/issues/detail?id=258
* Expected Res : Success
* Date : 21 May 2013
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
use dataverse test;
create type t1 as closed {
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/open-closed/query-issue343-2/query-issue343-2.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/open-closed/query-issue343-2/query-issue343-2.1.ddl.aql
index a49658e..ac58894 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/open-closed/query-issue343-2/query-issue343-2.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/open-closed/query-issue343-2/query-issue343-2.1.ddl.aql
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
* Description : This test case is to verify the fix for issue343. It is a more general case.
- : https://code.google.com/p/asterixdb/issues/detail?id=343
+ : https://code.google.com/p/asterixdb/issues/detail?id=343
* Expected Res : Success
* Date : 30th April 2013
@@ -10,13 +10,13 @@
use dataverse test;
create type AddressType as open {
- number: int32,
+ number: int64,
street: string,
city: string
create type AllType as open {
- id: int32,
+ id: int64,
name: string,
age: float,
salary: double,
@@ -36,12 +36,12 @@
create type MyListType as open{
- id: int32,
- mylist: [string]
+ id: int64,
+ mylist: [string]
create dataset All(AllType)
primary key id;
create dataset MyList(MyListType)
primary key id;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/open-closed/query-issue343/query-issue343.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/open-closed/query-issue343/query-issue343.1.ddl.aql
index bd2ab1a..bd1cbb8 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/open-closed/query-issue343/query-issue343.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/open-closed/query-issue343/query-issue343.1.ddl.aql
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
* Description : This test case is to verify the fix for issue343
- : https://code.google.com/p/asterixdb/issues/detail?id=343
+ : https://code.google.com/p/asterixdb/issues/detail?id=343
* Expected Res : Success
* Date : 30th April 2013
@@ -10,13 +10,13 @@
use dataverse test;
create type AddressType as open {
- number: int32,
+ number: int64,
street: string,
city: string
create type AllType as open {
- id: int32,
+ id: int64,
name: string,
age: float,
salary: double,
@@ -37,5 +37,4 @@
create dataset All(AllType)
primary key id;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/open-closed/query-issue377/query-issue377.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/open-closed/query-issue377/query-issue377.1.ddl.aql
index 4722e4f..b2bf502 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/open-closed/query-issue377/query-issue377.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/open-closed/query-issue377/query-issue377.1.ddl.aql
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
* Description : This test case is to verify the fix for issue377
- : https://code.google.com/p/asterixdb/issues/detail?id=377
+ : https://code.google.com/p/asterixdb/issues/detail?id=377
* Expected Res : Success
* Date : 11th May 2013
@@ -18,11 +18,11 @@
create type FacebookUserType as open {
- id: int32
+ id: int64
create type FacebookMessageType as open {
- message-id: int32
+ message-id: int64
create dataset FacebookUsers(FacebookUserType)
@@ -36,4 +36,4 @@
create dataset TweetMessages(TweetMessageType)
primary key tweetid
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/open-closed/query-issue453-2/query-issue453-2.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/open-closed/query-issue453-2/query-issue453-2.1.ddl.aql
index 6fcce66..993ee3b 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/open-closed/query-issue453-2/query-issue453-2.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/open-closed/query-issue453-2/query-issue453-2.1.ddl.aql
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
* Description : This test case is to verify the fix for issue453
- : https://code.google.com/p/asterixdb/issues/detail?id=453
+ : https://code.google.com/p/asterixdb/issues/detail?id=453
* Expected Res : SUCCESS
* Date : 18th May 2013
@@ -10,9 +10,9 @@
use dataverse test;
create type TypeOpen as open {
- id : int32,
- int_m : int32,
- int_o : int32?,
+ id : int64,
+ int_m : int64,
+ int_o : int64?,
string_m : string,
string_o : string?
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/open-closed/query-issue453/query-issue453.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/open-closed/query-issue453/query-issue453.1.ddl.aql
index 6fcce66..993ee3b 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/open-closed/query-issue453/query-issue453.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/open-closed/query-issue453/query-issue453.1.ddl.aql
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
* Description : This test case is to verify the fix for issue453
- : https://code.google.com/p/asterixdb/issues/detail?id=453
+ : https://code.google.com/p/asterixdb/issues/detail?id=453
* Expected Res : SUCCESS
* Date : 18th May 2013
@@ -10,9 +10,9 @@
use dataverse test;
create type TypeOpen as open {
- id : int32,
- int_m : int32,
- int_o : int32?,
+ id : int64,
+ int_m : int64,
+ int_o : int64?,
string_m : string,
string_o : string?
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/open-closed/query-issue456/query-issue456.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/open-closed/query-issue456/query-issue456.1.ddl.aql
index edd97cd..4384cc0 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/open-closed/query-issue456/query-issue456.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/open-closed/query-issue456/query-issue456.1.ddl.aql
@@ -1,18 +1,18 @@
- * Description : This test case is to verify the fix for issue456:
+ * Description : This test case is to verify the fix for issue456:
* https://code.google.com/p/asterixdb/issues/detail?id=456
* Expected Res : SUCCESS
* Date : 3rd June 2013
drop dataverse test if exists;
create dataverse test;
use dataverse test;
create type TypeOpen as open {
- id : int32,
- int_m : int32,
- int_o : int32?,
+ id : int64,
+ int_m : int64,
+ int_o : int64?,
string_m : string,
string_o : string?
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/open-closed/query-issue592/query-issue592.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/open-closed/query-issue592/query-issue592.1.ddl.aql
index a0231f4..eb01561 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/open-closed/query-issue592/query-issue592.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/open-closed/query-issue592/query-issue592.1.ddl.aql
@@ -10,12 +10,12 @@
use dataverse fooverse;
create type bartype as open {
- "baz": int32
+ "baz": int64
create type footype as open {
- "id": int32,
- "bars": [ bartype ]?
+ "id": int64,
+ "bars": [ bartype ]?
create dataset fooset(footype) primary key id;
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/open-closed/query-issue625/query-issue625.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/open-closed/query-issue625/query-issue625.1.ddl.aql
index 44d9d32..67a162b 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/open-closed/query-issue625/query-issue625.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/open-closed/query-issue625/query-issue625.1.ddl.aql
@@ -10,8 +10,8 @@
use dataverse fooverse;
create type FooType as open {
- id: int32,
- numbers: [int32]
+ id: int64,
+ numbers: [int64]
create dataset Foo(FooType) primary key id;
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/open-closed/query-proposal/query-proposal.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/open-closed/query-proposal/query-proposal.1.ddl.aql
index 81160d1..4108a65 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/open-closed/query-proposal/query-proposal.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/open-closed/query-proposal/query-proposal.1.ddl.aql
@@ -15,10 +15,10 @@
user : {
screen-name: string,
lang: string,
- friends_count: int32,
- statuses_count: int32,
+ friends_count: int64,
+ statuses_count: int64,
name: string,
- followers_count: int32
+ followers_count: int64
}, sender-location: point?,
send-time: datetime,
referred-topics: {{ string }},
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/open-closed/query-proposal02/query-proposal02.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/open-closed/query-proposal02/query-proposal02.1.ddl.aql
index 1dcceb8..5bb053d 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/open-closed/query-proposal02/query-proposal02.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/open-closed/query-proposal02/query-proposal02.1.ddl.aql
@@ -16,10 +16,10 @@
user : {
screen-name: string,
lang: string,
- friends_count: int32,
- statuses_count: int32,
+ friends_count: int64,
+ statuses_count: int64,
name: string,
- followers_count: int32
+ followers_count: int64
}, sender-location: point?,
send-time: datetime,
referred-topics: {{ string }},
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/quantifiers/somesat_02/somesat_02.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/quantifiers/somesat_02/somesat_02.1.ddl.aql
index 1b75b6c..b88e23c 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/quantifiers/somesat_02/somesat_02.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/quantifiers/somesat_02/somesat_02.1.ddl.aql
@@ -4,25 +4,25 @@
use dataverse test;
create type AddressType as open {
- number: int32,
+ number: int64,
street: string,
city: string
create type CustomerType as open {
- cid: int32,
+ cid: int64,
name: string,
- age: int32?,
+ age: int64?,
address: AddressType?,
lastorder: {
- oid: int32,
+ oid: int64,
total: float
create type OrderType as open {
- oid: int32,
- cid: int32,
+ oid: int64,
+ cid: int64,
orderstatus: string,
orderpriority: string,
clerk: string,
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/records/field-access-by-index_01/field-access-by-index_01.3.query.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/records/field-access-by-index_01/field-access-by-index_01.3.query.aql
index b5ff5ed..ff3eebe 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/records/field-access-by-index_01/field-access-by-index_01.3.query.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/records/field-access-by-index_01/field-access-by-index_01.3.query.aql
@@ -2,4 +2,4 @@
set import-private-functions 'true';
let $x := { "foo1": 10, "bar1": 20, "foo2": 30, "bar2": 40 }
-return field-access-by-index($x,2)
+return field-access-by-index($x,int32("2"))
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/scan/10/10.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/scan/10/10.1.ddl.aql
index aad13a5..ddb375f 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/scan/10/10.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/scan/10/10.1.ddl.aql
@@ -5,13 +5,13 @@
use dataverse test;
create type DBLPType as open {
- id: int32,
+ id: int64,
dblpid: string,
title: string,
authors: string,
misc: string
-create dataset DBLP1(DBLPType)
+create dataset DBLP1(DBLPType)
primary key id;
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/scan/20/20.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/scan/20/20.1.ddl.aql
index 0e65639..f3ee686 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/scan/20/20.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/scan/20/20.1.ddl.aql
@@ -6,13 +6,13 @@
use dataverse test;
create type DBLPType as closed {
- id: int32,
+ id: int64,
dblpid: string,
title: string,
authors: string,
misc: string
-create dataset DBLPadm(DBLPType)
+create dataset DBLPadm(DBLPType)
primary key id;
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/scan/30/30.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/scan/30/30.1.ddl.aql
index d94e08c..f17707f 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/scan/30/30.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/scan/30/30.1.ddl.aql
@@ -5,13 +5,13 @@
use dataverse test;
create type DBLPType as closed {
- id: int32,
+ id: int64,
dblpid: string,
title: string,
authors: string,
misc: string
-create external dataset DBLPsplits(DBLPType)
+create external dataset DBLPsplits(DBLPType)
using "edu.uci.ics.asterix.external.dataset.adapter.NCFileSystemAdapter"
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/scan/alltypes_01/alltypes_01.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/scan/alltypes_01/alltypes_01.1.ddl.aql
index 7fc3f51..d3f7c27 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/scan/alltypes_01/alltypes_01.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/scan/alltypes_01/alltypes_01.1.ddl.aql
@@ -4,13 +4,13 @@
use dataverse test;
create type AddressType as open {
- number: int32,
+ number: int64,
street: string,
city: string
create type AllType as open {
- id: int32,
+ id: int64,
name: string,
age: float,
salary: double,
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/scan/alltypes_02/alltypes_02.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/scan/alltypes_02/alltypes_02.1.ddl.aql
index 984b0d2..826bfaa 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/scan/alltypes_02/alltypes_02.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/scan/alltypes_02/alltypes_02.1.ddl.aql
@@ -11,13 +11,13 @@
use dataverse test;
create type AddressType as open {
- number: int32,
+ number: int64,
street: string,
city: string
create type AllType as open {
- id: int32,
+ id: int64,
name: string,
age: float,
salary: double,
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/scan/issue238_query_1/issue238_query_1.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/scan/issue238_query_1/issue238_query_1.1.ddl.aql
index 7ebf213..a8669df 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/scan/issue238_query_1/issue238_query_1.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/scan/issue238_query_1/issue238_query_1.1.ddl.aql
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-* Description : Create an dataset and load it from two file splits
+* Description : Create an dataset and load it from two file splits
Include whitespace between the elements in the comma-separated list of file paths.
* Expected Res : Success
* Issue : 238
@@ -14,13 +14,13 @@
use dataverse test;
create type DBLPType as closed {
- id: int32,
+ id: int64,
dblpid: string,
title: string,
authors: string,
misc: string
-create dataset DBLPadm(DBLPType)
+create dataset DBLPadm(DBLPType)
primary key id;
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/scan/issue238_query_2/issue238_query_2.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/scan/issue238_query_2/issue238_query_2.1.ddl.aql
index ef20dab..853831e 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/scan/issue238_query_2/issue238_query_2.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/scan/issue238_query_2/issue238_query_2.1.ddl.aql
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-* Description : Create an dataset and load it from two file splits
+* Description : Create an dataset and load it from two file splits
Include newline between the elements in the comma-separated list of file paths.
* Expected Res : Success
* Issue : 238
@@ -14,13 +14,13 @@
use dataverse test;
create type DBLPType as closed {
- id: int32,
+ id: int64,
dblpid: string,
title: string,
authors: string,
misc: string
-create dataset DBLPadm(DBLPType)
+create dataset DBLPadm(DBLPType)
primary key id;
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/scan/numeric_types_01/numeric_types_01.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/scan/numeric_types_01/numeric_types_01.1.ddl.aql
index 658bf5b..b828cba 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/scan/numeric_types_01/numeric_types_01.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/scan/numeric_types_01/numeric_types_01.1.ddl.aql
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
use dataverse test;
create type NumericType as open {
- id: int32,
+ id: int64,
int8Field: int8?,
int16Field: int16?,
int32Field: int32?,
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/scan/spatial_types_01/spatial_types_01.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/scan/spatial_types_01/spatial_types_01.1.ddl.aql
index 73a4517..6df32a0 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/scan/spatial_types_01/spatial_types_01.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/scan/spatial_types_01/spatial_types_01.1.ddl.aql
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
use dataverse test;
create type SpatialType as open {
- id: int32,
+ id: int64,
point: point,
point3d: point3d,
line: line,
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/scan/temp_types_01/temp_types_01.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/scan/temp_types_01/temp_types_01.1.ddl.aql
index f73c49a..4933492 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/scan/temp_types_01/temp_types_01.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/scan/temp_types_01/temp_types_01.1.ddl.aql
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
use dataverse test;
create type TempType as open {
- id: int32,
+ id: int64,
date: date,
time: time,
datetime: datetime,
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/semistructured/count-nullable/count-nullable.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/semistructured/count-nullable/count-nullable.1.ddl.aql
index f05a169..52c72f5 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/semistructured/count-nullable/count-nullable.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/semistructured/count-nullable/count-nullable.1.ddl.aql
@@ -3,21 +3,21 @@
use dataverse test;
create type AddressType as open {
- number: int32,
+ number: int64,
street: string,
city: string
create type CustomerType as open {
- cid: int32,
+ cid: int64,
name: string,
- age: int32?,
+ age: int64?,
address: AddressType?,
interests: {{string}},
- children: [ { name: string, age: int32? } ]
+ children: [ { name: string, age: int64? } ]
-create external dataset Customers(CustomerType)
+create external dataset Customers(CustomerType)
using "edu.uci.ics.asterix.external.dataset.adapter.NCFileSystemAdapter"
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/semistructured/cust-filter/cust-filter.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/semistructured/cust-filter/cust-filter.1.ddl.aql
index 344c27f..c190f8a 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/semistructured/cust-filter/cust-filter.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/semistructured/cust-filter/cust-filter.1.ddl.aql
@@ -3,20 +3,20 @@
use dataverse test;
create type AddressType as open {
- number: int32,
+ number: int64,
street: string,
city: string
create type CustomerType as open {
- cid: int32,
+ cid: int64,
name: string,
- age: int32?,
+ age: int64?,
address: AddressType?,
interests: {{string}},
- children: [ { name: string, age: int32? } ]
+ children: [ { name: string, age: int64? } ]
-create external dataset Customers(CustomerType)
+create external dataset Customers(CustomerType)
using "edu.uci.ics.asterix.external.dataset.adapter.NCFileSystemAdapter"
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/semistructured/has-param1/has-param1.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/semistructured/has-param1/has-param1.1.ddl.aql
index 477989e..64403f5 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/semistructured/has-param1/has-param1.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/semistructured/has-param1/has-param1.1.ddl.aql
@@ -3,8 +3,8 @@
use dataverse test;
create type OrderType as open {
- oid: int32,
- cid: int32,
+ oid: int64,
+ cid: int64,
orderstatus: string,
orderpriority: string,
clerk: string,
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/similarity/fuzzyeq-edit-distance/fuzzyeq-edit-distance.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/similarity/fuzzyeq-edit-distance/fuzzyeq-edit-distance.1.ddl.aql
index cad2811..4530604 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/similarity/fuzzyeq-edit-distance/fuzzyeq-edit-distance.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/similarity/fuzzyeq-edit-distance/fuzzyeq-edit-distance.1.ddl.aql
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
use dataverse test;
create type DBLPType as closed {
- id: int32,
+ id: int64,
dblpid: string,
title: string,
authors: string,
@@ -13,6 +13,6 @@
create nodegroup group1 if not exists on nc1, nc2;
-create dataset DBLP(DBLPType)
+create dataset DBLP(DBLPType)
primary key id on group1;
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/similarity/fuzzyeq-similarity-jaccard/fuzzyeq-similarity-jaccard.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/similarity/fuzzyeq-similarity-jaccard/fuzzyeq-similarity-jaccard.1.ddl.aql
index cad2811..4530604 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/similarity/fuzzyeq-similarity-jaccard/fuzzyeq-similarity-jaccard.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/similarity/fuzzyeq-similarity-jaccard/fuzzyeq-similarity-jaccard.1.ddl.aql
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
use dataverse test;
create type DBLPType as closed {
- id: int32,
+ id: int64,
dblpid: string,
title: string,
authors: string,
@@ -13,6 +13,6 @@
create nodegroup group1 if not exists on nc1, nc2;
-create dataset DBLP(DBLPType)
+create dataset DBLP(DBLPType)
primary key id on group1;
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/similarity/similarity-jaccard-check_query/similarity-jaccard-check_query.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/similarity/similarity-jaccard-check_query/similarity-jaccard-check_query.1.ddl.aql
index cad2811..4530604 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/similarity/similarity-jaccard-check_query/similarity-jaccard-check_query.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/similarity/similarity-jaccard-check_query/similarity-jaccard-check_query.1.ddl.aql
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
use dataverse test;
create type DBLPType as closed {
- id: int32,
+ id: int64,
dblpid: string,
title: string,
authors: string,
@@ -13,6 +13,6 @@
create nodegroup group1 if not exists on nc1, nc2;
-create dataset DBLP(DBLPType)
+create dataset DBLP(DBLPType)
primary key id on group1;
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/similarity/similarity-jaccard-sorted-check_query/similarity-jaccard-sorted-check_query.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/similarity/similarity-jaccard-sorted-check_query/similarity-jaccard-sorted-check_query.1.ddl.aql
index 2598fe4..5bb5551 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/similarity/similarity-jaccard-sorted-check_query/similarity-jaccard-sorted-check_query.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/similarity/similarity-jaccard-sorted-check_query/similarity-jaccard-sorted-check_query.1.ddl.aql
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
use dataverse test;
create type DBLPType as closed {
- id: int32,
+ id: int64,
dblpid: string,
title: string,
authors: string,
@@ -10,6 +10,6 @@
create nodegroup group1 if not exists on nc1, nc2;
-create dataset DBLP(DBLPType)
+create dataset DBLP(DBLPType)
primary key id on group1;
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/similarity/similarity-jaccard-sorted_query/similarity-jaccard-sorted_query.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/similarity/similarity-jaccard-sorted_query/similarity-jaccard-sorted_query.1.ddl.aql
index cad2811..4530604 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/similarity/similarity-jaccard-sorted_query/similarity-jaccard-sorted_query.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/similarity/similarity-jaccard-sorted_query/similarity-jaccard-sorted_query.1.ddl.aql
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
use dataverse test;
create type DBLPType as closed {
- id: int32,
+ id: int64,
dblpid: string,
title: string,
authors: string,
@@ -13,6 +13,6 @@
create nodegroup group1 if not exists on nc1, nc2;
-create dataset DBLP(DBLPType)
+create dataset DBLP(DBLPType)
primary key id on group1;
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/similarity/similarity-jaccard_query/similarity-jaccard_query.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/similarity/similarity-jaccard_query/similarity-jaccard_query.1.ddl.aql
index cad2811..4530604 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/similarity/similarity-jaccard_query/similarity-jaccard_query.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/similarity/similarity-jaccard_query/similarity-jaccard_query.1.ddl.aql
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
use dataverse test;
create type DBLPType as closed {
- id: int32,
+ id: int64,
dblpid: string,
title: string,
authors: string,
@@ -13,6 +13,6 @@
create nodegroup group1 if not exists on nc1, nc2;
-create dataset DBLP(DBLPType)
+create dataset DBLP(DBLPType)
primary key id on group1;
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/spatial/cell-aggregation-with-filtering/cell-aggregation-with-filtering.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/spatial/cell-aggregation-with-filtering/cell-aggregation-with-filtering.1.ddl.aql
index 11258d6..77ba631 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/spatial/cell-aggregation-with-filtering/cell-aggregation-with-filtering.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/spatial/cell-aggregation-with-filtering/cell-aggregation-with-filtering.1.ddl.aql
@@ -3,11 +3,11 @@
use dataverse test;
create type Tweet as closed {
- id: int32,
- tweetid: int64,
- loc: point,
- time: datetime,
- text: string
+ id: int64,
+ tweetid: int64,
+ loc: point,
+ time: datetime,
+ text: string
create nodegroup group1 if not exists on nc1, nc2;
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/spatial/cell-aggregation/cell-aggregation.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/spatial/cell-aggregation/cell-aggregation.1.ddl.aql
index ef981bb..81fb008 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/spatial/cell-aggregation/cell-aggregation.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/spatial/cell-aggregation/cell-aggregation.1.ddl.aql
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
use dataverse test;
create type MyRecord as open {
- id: int32,
+ id: int64,
loc: point
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/spatial/circle-intersect-circle/circle-intersect-circle.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/spatial/circle-intersect-circle/circle-intersect-circle.1.ddl.aql
index e123144..a9a71e3 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/spatial/circle-intersect-circle/circle-intersect-circle.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/spatial/circle-intersect-circle/circle-intersect-circle.1.ddl.aql
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
use dataverse test;
create type MyRecord as open {
- id: int32,
+ id: int64,
point: point,
kwds: string
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/spatial/create-rtree-index/create-rtree-index.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/spatial/create-rtree-index/create-rtree-index.1.ddl.aql
index cc8c544..21f6f00 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/spatial/create-rtree-index/create-rtree-index.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/spatial/create-rtree-index/create-rtree-index.1.ddl.aql
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
use dataverse test;
create type SpatialType as open {
- id: int32,
+ id: int64,
point: point,
line1: line,
poly1: polygon,
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/spatial/distance-between-points/distance-between-points.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/spatial/distance-between-points/distance-between-points.1.ddl.aql
index e123144..a9a71e3 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/spatial/distance-between-points/distance-between-points.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/spatial/distance-between-points/distance-between-points.1.ddl.aql
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
use dataverse test;
create type MyRecord as open {
- id: int32,
+ id: int64,
point: point,
kwds: string
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/spatial/line-intersect-circle/line-intersect-circle.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/spatial/line-intersect-circle/line-intersect-circle.1.ddl.aql
index e123144..a9a71e3 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/spatial/line-intersect-circle/line-intersect-circle.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/spatial/line-intersect-circle/line-intersect-circle.1.ddl.aql
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
use dataverse test;
create type MyRecord as open {
- id: int32,
+ id: int64,
point: point,
kwds: string
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/spatial/line-intersect-line/line-intersect-line.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/spatial/line-intersect-line/line-intersect-line.1.ddl.aql
index e123144..a9a71e3 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/spatial/line-intersect-line/line-intersect-line.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/spatial/line-intersect-line/line-intersect-line.1.ddl.aql
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
use dataverse test;
create type MyRecord as open {
- id: int32,
+ id: int64,
point: point,
kwds: string
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/spatial/line-intersect-polygon/line-intersect-polygon.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/spatial/line-intersect-polygon/line-intersect-polygon.1.ddl.aql
index 1914a96..50753e2 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/spatial/line-intersect-polygon/line-intersect-polygon.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/spatial/line-intersect-polygon/line-intersect-polygon.1.ddl.aql
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
use dataverse test;
create type MyRecord as open {
- id: int32,
+ id: int64,
point: point,
kwds: string
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/spatial/line-intersect-rectangle/line-intersect-rectangle.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/spatial/line-intersect-rectangle/line-intersect-rectangle.1.ddl.aql
index a920acd..fbf95e9 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/spatial/line-intersect-rectangle/line-intersect-rectangle.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/spatial/line-intersect-rectangle/line-intersect-rectangle.1.ddl.aql
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
use dataverse test;
create type MyRecord as open {
- id: int32,
+ id: int64,
point: point,
kwds: string
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/spatial/point-equals-point/point-equals-point.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/spatial/point-equals-point/point-equals-point.1.ddl.aql
index 1914a96..50753e2 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/spatial/point-equals-point/point-equals-point.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/spatial/point-equals-point/point-equals-point.1.ddl.aql
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
use dataverse test;
create type MyRecord as open {
- id: int32,
+ id: int64,
point: point,
kwds: string
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/spatial/point-in-circle/point-in-circle.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/spatial/point-in-circle/point-in-circle.1.ddl.aql
index 7e614c8..50753e2 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/spatial/point-in-circle/point-in-circle.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/spatial/point-in-circle/point-in-circle.1.ddl.aql
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
use dataverse test;
create type MyRecord as open {
- id: int32,
+ id: int64,
point: point,
kwds: string
@@ -11,4 +11,4 @@
create external dataset MyData(MyRecord)
using "edu.uci.ics.asterix.external.dataset.adapter.NCFileSystemAdapter"
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/spatial/point-in-polygon/point-in-polygon.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/spatial/point-in-polygon/point-in-polygon.1.ddl.aql
index 7e614c8..50753e2 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/spatial/point-in-polygon/point-in-polygon.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/spatial/point-in-polygon/point-in-polygon.1.ddl.aql
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
use dataverse test;
create type MyRecord as open {
- id: int32,
+ id: int64,
point: point,
kwds: string
@@ -11,4 +11,4 @@
create external dataset MyData(MyRecord)
using "edu.uci.ics.asterix.external.dataset.adapter.NCFileSystemAdapter"
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/spatial/point-in-rectangle/point-in-rectangle.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/spatial/point-in-rectangle/point-in-rectangle.1.ddl.aql
index 1914a96..50753e2 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/spatial/point-in-rectangle/point-in-rectangle.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/spatial/point-in-rectangle/point-in-rectangle.1.ddl.aql
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
use dataverse test;
create type MyRecord as open {
- id: int32,
+ id: int64,
point: point,
kwds: string
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/spatial/point-on-line/point-on-line.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/spatial/point-on-line/point-on-line.1.ddl.aql
index e123144..a9a71e3 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/spatial/point-on-line/point-on-line.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/spatial/point-on-line/point-on-line.1.ddl.aql
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
use dataverse test;
create type MyRecord as open {
- id: int32,
+ id: int64,
point: point,
kwds: string
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/spatial/polygon-intersect-circle/polygon-intersect-circle.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/spatial/polygon-intersect-circle/polygon-intersect-circle.1.ddl.aql
index 1914a96..50753e2 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/spatial/polygon-intersect-circle/polygon-intersect-circle.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/spatial/polygon-intersect-circle/polygon-intersect-circle.1.ddl.aql
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
use dataverse test;
create type MyRecord as open {
- id: int32,
+ id: int64,
point: point,
kwds: string
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/spatial/polygon-intersect-polygon/polygon-intersect-polygon.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/spatial/polygon-intersect-polygon/polygon-intersect-polygon.1.ddl.aql
index e123144..a9a71e3 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/spatial/polygon-intersect-polygon/polygon-intersect-polygon.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/spatial/polygon-intersect-polygon/polygon-intersect-polygon.1.ddl.aql
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
use dataverse test;
create type MyRecord as open {
- id: int32,
+ id: int64,
point: point,
kwds: string
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/spatial/polygon-intersect-rectangle/polygon-intersect-rectangle.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/spatial/polygon-intersect-rectangle/polygon-intersect-rectangle.1.ddl.aql
index 1914a96..50753e2 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/spatial/polygon-intersect-rectangle/polygon-intersect-rectangle.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/spatial/polygon-intersect-rectangle/polygon-intersect-rectangle.1.ddl.aql
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
use dataverse test;
create type MyRecord as open {
- id: int32,
+ id: int64,
point: point,
kwds: string
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/spatial/rectangle-intersect-circle/rectangle-intersect-circle.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/spatial/rectangle-intersect-circle/rectangle-intersect-circle.1.ddl.aql
index 1914a96..50753e2 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/spatial/rectangle-intersect-circle/rectangle-intersect-circle.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/spatial/rectangle-intersect-circle/rectangle-intersect-circle.1.ddl.aql
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
use dataverse test;
create type MyRecord as open {
- id: int32,
+ id: int64,
point: point,
kwds: string
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/spatial/rectangle-intersect-rectangle/rectangle-intersect-rectangle.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/spatial/rectangle-intersect-rectangle/rectangle-intersect-rectangle.1.ddl.aql
index 1914a96..50753e2 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/spatial/rectangle-intersect-rectangle/rectangle-intersect-rectangle.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/spatial/rectangle-intersect-rectangle/rectangle-intersect-rectangle.1.ddl.aql
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
use dataverse test;
create type MyRecord as open {
- id: int32,
+ id: int64,
point: point,
kwds: string
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/string/constructor/constructor.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/string/constructor/constructor.1.ddl.aql
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..754ea81
--- /dev/null
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/string/constructor/constructor.1.ddl.aql
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+drop dataverse test if exists;
+create dataverse test;
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/string/constructor/constructor.2.update.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/string/constructor/constructor.2.update.aql
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/string/constructor/constructor.2.update.aql
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/string/constructor/constructor.3.query.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/string/constructor/constructor.3.query.aql
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3001a02
--- /dev/null
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/string/constructor/constructor.3.query.aql
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+use dataverse test;
+let $a:=1
+let $b:=2
+let $c:="c"
+let $d:=[$a,$b,$c]
+for $x in $d return string($x)
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/string/matches05/matches05.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/string/matches05/matches05.1.ddl.aql
index 6665f77..7735e2c 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/string/matches05/matches05.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/string/matches05/matches05.1.ddl.aql
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
create type TestType1 as{
create dataset testds1(TestType1) primary key id;
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/temporal/interval_bin_gby_0/interval_bin_gby_0.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/temporal/interval_bin_gby_0/interval_bin_gby_0.1.ddl.aql
index 841d8da..d57667b 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/temporal/interval_bin_gby_0/interval_bin_gby_0.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/temporal/interval_bin_gby_0/interval_bin_gby_0.1.ddl.aql
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
use dataverse test;
create type Schema as closed{
-id: int32,
+id: int64,
timestamp: datetime
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/temporal/interval_bin_gby_1/interval_bin_gby_1.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/temporal/interval_bin_gby_1/interval_bin_gby_1.1.ddl.aql
index 841d8da..d57667b 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/temporal/interval_bin_gby_1/interval_bin_gby_1.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/temporal/interval_bin_gby_1/interval_bin_gby_1.1.ddl.aql
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
use dataverse test;
create type Schema as closed{
-id: int32,
+id: int64,
timestamp: datetime
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/tinysocial/tinysocial-suite/tinysocial-suite.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/tinysocial/tinysocial-suite/tinysocial-suite.1.ddl.aql
index a6af75e..851870b 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/tinysocial/tinysocial-suite/tinysocial-suite.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/tinysocial/tinysocial-suite/tinysocial-suite.1.ddl.aql
@@ -5,10 +5,10 @@
create type TwitterUserType as open {
screen-name: string,
lang: string,
- friends_count: int32,
- statuses_count: int32,
+ friends_count: int64,
+ statuses_count: int64,
name: string,
- followers_count: int32
+ followers_count: int64
create type TweetMessageType as closed {
@@ -21,24 +21,24 @@
create type EmploymentType as open {
- organization-name: string,
+ organization-name: string,
start-date: date,
end-date: date?
create type FacebookUserType as closed {
- id: int32,
+ id: int64,
alias: string,
name: string,
user-since: datetime,
- friend-ids: {{ int32 }},
+ friend-ids: {{ int64 }},
employment: [EmploymentType]
create type FacebookMessageType as closed {
- message-id: int32,
- author-id: int32,
- in-response-to: int32?,
+ message-id: int64,
+ author-id: int64,
+ in-response-to: int64?,
sender-location: point?,
message: string
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/tpch-sql-like/q01_pricing_summary_report_nt/q01_pricing_summary_report_nt.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/tpch-sql-like/q01_pricing_summary_report_nt/q01_pricing_summary_report_nt.1.ddl.aql
index 64b1554..69ec859 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/tpch-sql-like/q01_pricing_summary_report_nt/q01_pricing_summary_report_nt.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/tpch-sql-like/q01_pricing_summary_report_nt/q01_pricing_summary_report_nt.1.ddl.aql
@@ -4,10 +4,10 @@
use dataverse tpch;
create type LineItemType as closed {
- l_orderkey: int32,
- l_partkey: int32,
- l_suppkey: int32,
- l_linenumber: int32,
+ l_orderkey: int64,
+ l_partkey: int64,
+ l_suppkey: int64,
+ l_linenumber: int64,
l_quantity: double,
l_extendedprice: double,
l_discount: double,
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/tpch-sql-like/q02_minimum_cost_supplier/q02_minimum_cost_supplier.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/tpch-sql-like/q02_minimum_cost_supplier/q02_minimum_cost_supplier.1.ddl.aql
index 3c4adc3..54da16a 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/tpch-sql-like/q02_minimum_cost_supplier/q02_minimum_cost_supplier.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/tpch-sql-like/q02_minimum_cost_supplier/q02_minimum_cost_supplier.1.ddl.aql
@@ -4,11 +4,11 @@
use dataverse tpch;
create type LineItemType as closed {
- l_orderkey: int32,
- l_partkey: int32,
- l_suppkey: int32,
- l_linenumber: int32,
- l_quantity: int32,
+ l_orderkey: int64,
+ l_partkey: int64,
+ l_suppkey: int64,
+ l_linenumber: int64,
+ l_quantity: int64,
l_extendedprice: double,
l_discount: double,
l_tax: double,
@@ -23,22 +23,22 @@
create type OrderType as closed {
- o_orderkey: int32,
- o_custkey: int32,
+ o_orderkey: int64,
+ o_custkey: int64,
o_orderstatus: string,
o_totalprice: double,
o_orderdate: string,
o_orderpriority: string,
o_clerk: string,
- o_shippriority: int32,
+ o_shippriority: int64,
o_comment: string
create type CustomerType as closed {
- c_custkey: int32,
+ c_custkey: int64,
c_name: string,
c_address: string,
- c_nationkey: int32,
+ c_nationkey: int64,
c_phone: string,
c_acctbal: double,
c_mktsegment: string,
@@ -46,44 +46,44 @@
create type SupplierType as closed {
- s_suppkey: int32,
+ s_suppkey: int64,
s_name: string,
s_address: string,
- s_nationkey: int32,
+ s_nationkey: int64,
s_phone: string,
s_acctbal: double,
s_comment: string
create type NationType as closed {
- n_nationkey: int32,
+ n_nationkey: int64,
n_name: string,
- n_regionkey: int32,
+ n_regionkey: int64,
n_comment: string
create type RegionType as closed {
- r_regionkey: int32,
+ r_regionkey: int64,
r_name: string,
r_comment: string
create type PartType as closed {
- p_partkey: int32,
+ p_partkey: int64,
p_name: string,
p_mfgr: string,
p_brand: string,
p_type: string,
- p_size: int32,
+ p_size: int64,
p_container: string,
p_retailprice: double,
p_comment: string
create type PartSuppType as closed {
- ps_partkey: int32,
- ps_suppkey: int32,
- ps_availqty: int32,
+ ps_partkey: int64,
+ ps_suppkey: int64,
+ ps_availqty: int64,
ps_supplycost: double,
ps_comment: string
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/tpch-sql-like/q03_shipping_priority_nt/q03_shipping_priority_nt.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/tpch-sql-like/q03_shipping_priority_nt/q03_shipping_priority_nt.1.ddl.aql
index 3c4adc3..54da16a 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/tpch-sql-like/q03_shipping_priority_nt/q03_shipping_priority_nt.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/tpch-sql-like/q03_shipping_priority_nt/q03_shipping_priority_nt.1.ddl.aql
@@ -4,11 +4,11 @@
use dataverse tpch;
create type LineItemType as closed {
- l_orderkey: int32,
- l_partkey: int32,
- l_suppkey: int32,
- l_linenumber: int32,
- l_quantity: int32,
+ l_orderkey: int64,
+ l_partkey: int64,
+ l_suppkey: int64,
+ l_linenumber: int64,
+ l_quantity: int64,
l_extendedprice: double,
l_discount: double,
l_tax: double,
@@ -23,22 +23,22 @@
create type OrderType as closed {
- o_orderkey: int32,
- o_custkey: int32,
+ o_orderkey: int64,
+ o_custkey: int64,
o_orderstatus: string,
o_totalprice: double,
o_orderdate: string,
o_orderpriority: string,
o_clerk: string,
- o_shippriority: int32,
+ o_shippriority: int64,
o_comment: string
create type CustomerType as closed {
- c_custkey: int32,
+ c_custkey: int64,
c_name: string,
c_address: string,
- c_nationkey: int32,
+ c_nationkey: int64,
c_phone: string,
c_acctbal: double,
c_mktsegment: string,
@@ -46,44 +46,44 @@
create type SupplierType as closed {
- s_suppkey: int32,
+ s_suppkey: int64,
s_name: string,
s_address: string,
- s_nationkey: int32,
+ s_nationkey: int64,
s_phone: string,
s_acctbal: double,
s_comment: string
create type NationType as closed {
- n_nationkey: int32,
+ n_nationkey: int64,
n_name: string,
- n_regionkey: int32,
+ n_regionkey: int64,
n_comment: string
create type RegionType as closed {
- r_regionkey: int32,
+ r_regionkey: int64,
r_name: string,
r_comment: string
create type PartType as closed {
- p_partkey: int32,
+ p_partkey: int64,
p_name: string,
p_mfgr: string,
p_brand: string,
p_type: string,
- p_size: int32,
+ p_size: int64,
p_container: string,
p_retailprice: double,
p_comment: string
create type PartSuppType as closed {
- ps_partkey: int32,
- ps_suppkey: int32,
- ps_availqty: int32,
+ ps_partkey: int64,
+ ps_suppkey: int64,
+ ps_availqty: int64,
ps_supplycost: double,
ps_comment: string
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/tpch-sql-like/q04_order_priority/q04_order_priority.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/tpch-sql-like/q04_order_priority/q04_order_priority.1.ddl.aql
index 3c4adc3..54da16a 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/tpch-sql-like/q04_order_priority/q04_order_priority.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/tpch-sql-like/q04_order_priority/q04_order_priority.1.ddl.aql
@@ -4,11 +4,11 @@
use dataverse tpch;
create type LineItemType as closed {
- l_orderkey: int32,
- l_partkey: int32,
- l_suppkey: int32,
- l_linenumber: int32,
- l_quantity: int32,
+ l_orderkey: int64,
+ l_partkey: int64,
+ l_suppkey: int64,
+ l_linenumber: int64,
+ l_quantity: int64,
l_extendedprice: double,
l_discount: double,
l_tax: double,
@@ -23,22 +23,22 @@
create type OrderType as closed {
- o_orderkey: int32,
- o_custkey: int32,
+ o_orderkey: int64,
+ o_custkey: int64,
o_orderstatus: string,
o_totalprice: double,
o_orderdate: string,
o_orderpriority: string,
o_clerk: string,
- o_shippriority: int32,
+ o_shippriority: int64,
o_comment: string
create type CustomerType as closed {
- c_custkey: int32,
+ c_custkey: int64,
c_name: string,
c_address: string,
- c_nationkey: int32,
+ c_nationkey: int64,
c_phone: string,
c_acctbal: double,
c_mktsegment: string,
@@ -46,44 +46,44 @@
create type SupplierType as closed {
- s_suppkey: int32,
+ s_suppkey: int64,
s_name: string,
s_address: string,
- s_nationkey: int32,
+ s_nationkey: int64,
s_phone: string,
s_acctbal: double,
s_comment: string
create type NationType as closed {
- n_nationkey: int32,
+ n_nationkey: int64,
n_name: string,
- n_regionkey: int32,
+ n_regionkey: int64,
n_comment: string
create type RegionType as closed {
- r_regionkey: int32,
+ r_regionkey: int64,
r_name: string,
r_comment: string
create type PartType as closed {
- p_partkey: int32,
+ p_partkey: int64,
p_name: string,
p_mfgr: string,
p_brand: string,
p_type: string,
- p_size: int32,
+ p_size: int64,
p_container: string,
p_retailprice: double,
p_comment: string
create type PartSuppType as closed {
- ps_partkey: int32,
- ps_suppkey: int32,
- ps_availqty: int32,
+ ps_partkey: int64,
+ ps_suppkey: int64,
+ ps_availqty: int64,
ps_supplycost: double,
ps_comment: string
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/tpch-sql-like/q05_local_supplier_volume/q05_local_supplier_volume.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/tpch-sql-like/q05_local_supplier_volume/q05_local_supplier_volume.1.ddl.aql
index 3c4adc3..54da16a 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/tpch-sql-like/q05_local_supplier_volume/q05_local_supplier_volume.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/tpch-sql-like/q05_local_supplier_volume/q05_local_supplier_volume.1.ddl.aql
@@ -4,11 +4,11 @@
use dataverse tpch;
create type LineItemType as closed {
- l_orderkey: int32,
- l_partkey: int32,
- l_suppkey: int32,
- l_linenumber: int32,
- l_quantity: int32,
+ l_orderkey: int64,
+ l_partkey: int64,
+ l_suppkey: int64,
+ l_linenumber: int64,
+ l_quantity: int64,
l_extendedprice: double,
l_discount: double,
l_tax: double,
@@ -23,22 +23,22 @@
create type OrderType as closed {
- o_orderkey: int32,
- o_custkey: int32,
+ o_orderkey: int64,
+ o_custkey: int64,
o_orderstatus: string,
o_totalprice: double,
o_orderdate: string,
o_orderpriority: string,
o_clerk: string,
- o_shippriority: int32,
+ o_shippriority: int64,
o_comment: string
create type CustomerType as closed {
- c_custkey: int32,
+ c_custkey: int64,
c_name: string,
c_address: string,
- c_nationkey: int32,
+ c_nationkey: int64,
c_phone: string,
c_acctbal: double,
c_mktsegment: string,
@@ -46,44 +46,44 @@
create type SupplierType as closed {
- s_suppkey: int32,
+ s_suppkey: int64,
s_name: string,
s_address: string,
- s_nationkey: int32,
+ s_nationkey: int64,
s_phone: string,
s_acctbal: double,
s_comment: string
create type NationType as closed {
- n_nationkey: int32,
+ n_nationkey: int64,
n_name: string,
- n_regionkey: int32,
+ n_regionkey: int64,
n_comment: string
create type RegionType as closed {
- r_regionkey: int32,
+ r_regionkey: int64,
r_name: string,
r_comment: string
create type PartType as closed {
- p_partkey: int32,
+ p_partkey: int64,
p_name: string,
p_mfgr: string,
p_brand: string,
p_type: string,
- p_size: int32,
+ p_size: int64,
p_container: string,
p_retailprice: double,
p_comment: string
create type PartSuppType as closed {
- ps_partkey: int32,
- ps_suppkey: int32,
- ps_availqty: int32,
+ ps_partkey: int64,
+ ps_suppkey: int64,
+ ps_availqty: int64,
ps_supplycost: double,
ps_comment: string
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/tpch-sql-like/q06_forecast_revenue_change/q06_forecast_revenue_change.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/tpch-sql-like/q06_forecast_revenue_change/q06_forecast_revenue_change.1.ddl.aql
index 3c4adc3..54da16a 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/tpch-sql-like/q06_forecast_revenue_change/q06_forecast_revenue_change.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/tpch-sql-like/q06_forecast_revenue_change/q06_forecast_revenue_change.1.ddl.aql
@@ -4,11 +4,11 @@
use dataverse tpch;
create type LineItemType as closed {
- l_orderkey: int32,
- l_partkey: int32,
- l_suppkey: int32,
- l_linenumber: int32,
- l_quantity: int32,
+ l_orderkey: int64,
+ l_partkey: int64,
+ l_suppkey: int64,
+ l_linenumber: int64,
+ l_quantity: int64,
l_extendedprice: double,
l_discount: double,
l_tax: double,
@@ -23,22 +23,22 @@
create type OrderType as closed {
- o_orderkey: int32,
- o_custkey: int32,
+ o_orderkey: int64,
+ o_custkey: int64,
o_orderstatus: string,
o_totalprice: double,
o_orderdate: string,
o_orderpriority: string,
o_clerk: string,
- o_shippriority: int32,
+ o_shippriority: int64,
o_comment: string
create type CustomerType as closed {
- c_custkey: int32,
+ c_custkey: int64,
c_name: string,
c_address: string,
- c_nationkey: int32,
+ c_nationkey: int64,
c_phone: string,
c_acctbal: double,
c_mktsegment: string,
@@ -46,44 +46,44 @@
create type SupplierType as closed {
- s_suppkey: int32,
+ s_suppkey: int64,
s_name: string,
s_address: string,
- s_nationkey: int32,
+ s_nationkey: int64,
s_phone: string,
s_acctbal: double,
s_comment: string
create type NationType as closed {
- n_nationkey: int32,
+ n_nationkey: int64,
n_name: string,
- n_regionkey: int32,
+ n_regionkey: int64,
n_comment: string
create type RegionType as closed {
- r_regionkey: int32,
+ r_regionkey: int64,
r_name: string,
r_comment: string
create type PartType as closed {
- p_partkey: int32,
+ p_partkey: int64,
p_name: string,
p_mfgr: string,
p_brand: string,
p_type: string,
- p_size: int32,
+ p_size: int64,
p_container: string,
p_retailprice: double,
p_comment: string
create type PartSuppType as closed {
- ps_partkey: int32,
- ps_suppkey: int32,
- ps_availqty: int32,
+ ps_partkey: int64,
+ ps_suppkey: int64,
+ ps_availqty: int64,
ps_supplycost: double,
ps_comment: string
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/tpch-sql-like/q07_volume_shipping/q07_volume_shipping.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/tpch-sql-like/q07_volume_shipping/q07_volume_shipping.1.ddl.aql
index 3c4adc3..54da16a 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/tpch-sql-like/q07_volume_shipping/q07_volume_shipping.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/tpch-sql-like/q07_volume_shipping/q07_volume_shipping.1.ddl.aql
@@ -4,11 +4,11 @@
use dataverse tpch;
create type LineItemType as closed {
- l_orderkey: int32,
- l_partkey: int32,
- l_suppkey: int32,
- l_linenumber: int32,
- l_quantity: int32,
+ l_orderkey: int64,
+ l_partkey: int64,
+ l_suppkey: int64,
+ l_linenumber: int64,
+ l_quantity: int64,
l_extendedprice: double,
l_discount: double,
l_tax: double,
@@ -23,22 +23,22 @@
create type OrderType as closed {
- o_orderkey: int32,
- o_custkey: int32,
+ o_orderkey: int64,
+ o_custkey: int64,
o_orderstatus: string,
o_totalprice: double,
o_orderdate: string,
o_orderpriority: string,
o_clerk: string,
- o_shippriority: int32,
+ o_shippriority: int64,
o_comment: string
create type CustomerType as closed {
- c_custkey: int32,
+ c_custkey: int64,
c_name: string,
c_address: string,
- c_nationkey: int32,
+ c_nationkey: int64,
c_phone: string,
c_acctbal: double,
c_mktsegment: string,
@@ -46,44 +46,44 @@
create type SupplierType as closed {
- s_suppkey: int32,
+ s_suppkey: int64,
s_name: string,
s_address: string,
- s_nationkey: int32,
+ s_nationkey: int64,
s_phone: string,
s_acctbal: double,
s_comment: string
create type NationType as closed {
- n_nationkey: int32,
+ n_nationkey: int64,
n_name: string,
- n_regionkey: int32,
+ n_regionkey: int64,
n_comment: string
create type RegionType as closed {
- r_regionkey: int32,
+ r_regionkey: int64,
r_name: string,
r_comment: string
create type PartType as closed {
- p_partkey: int32,
+ p_partkey: int64,
p_name: string,
p_mfgr: string,
p_brand: string,
p_type: string,
- p_size: int32,
+ p_size: int64,
p_container: string,
p_retailprice: double,
p_comment: string
create type PartSuppType as closed {
- ps_partkey: int32,
- ps_suppkey: int32,
- ps_availqty: int32,
+ ps_partkey: int64,
+ ps_suppkey: int64,
+ ps_availqty: int64,
ps_supplycost: double,
ps_comment: string
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/tpch-sql-like/q08_national_market_share/q08_national_market_share.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/tpch-sql-like/q08_national_market_share/q08_national_market_share.1.ddl.aql
index 3c4adc3..54da16a 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/tpch-sql-like/q08_national_market_share/q08_national_market_share.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/tpch-sql-like/q08_national_market_share/q08_national_market_share.1.ddl.aql
@@ -4,11 +4,11 @@
use dataverse tpch;
create type LineItemType as closed {
- l_orderkey: int32,
- l_partkey: int32,
- l_suppkey: int32,
- l_linenumber: int32,
- l_quantity: int32,
+ l_orderkey: int64,
+ l_partkey: int64,
+ l_suppkey: int64,
+ l_linenumber: int64,
+ l_quantity: int64,
l_extendedprice: double,
l_discount: double,
l_tax: double,
@@ -23,22 +23,22 @@
create type OrderType as closed {
- o_orderkey: int32,
- o_custkey: int32,
+ o_orderkey: int64,
+ o_custkey: int64,
o_orderstatus: string,
o_totalprice: double,
o_orderdate: string,
o_orderpriority: string,
o_clerk: string,
- o_shippriority: int32,
+ o_shippriority: int64,
o_comment: string
create type CustomerType as closed {
- c_custkey: int32,
+ c_custkey: int64,
c_name: string,
c_address: string,
- c_nationkey: int32,
+ c_nationkey: int64,
c_phone: string,
c_acctbal: double,
c_mktsegment: string,
@@ -46,44 +46,44 @@
create type SupplierType as closed {
- s_suppkey: int32,
+ s_suppkey: int64,
s_name: string,
s_address: string,
- s_nationkey: int32,
+ s_nationkey: int64,
s_phone: string,
s_acctbal: double,
s_comment: string
create type NationType as closed {
- n_nationkey: int32,
+ n_nationkey: int64,
n_name: string,
- n_regionkey: int32,
+ n_regionkey: int64,
n_comment: string
create type RegionType as closed {
- r_regionkey: int32,
+ r_regionkey: int64,
r_name: string,
r_comment: string
create type PartType as closed {
- p_partkey: int32,
+ p_partkey: int64,
p_name: string,
p_mfgr: string,
p_brand: string,
p_type: string,
- p_size: int32,
+ p_size: int64,
p_container: string,
p_retailprice: double,
p_comment: string
create type PartSuppType as closed {
- ps_partkey: int32,
- ps_suppkey: int32,
- ps_availqty: int32,
+ ps_partkey: int64,
+ ps_suppkey: int64,
+ ps_availqty: int64,
ps_supplycost: double,
ps_comment: string
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/tpch-sql-like/q09_product_type_profit_nt/q09_product_type_profit_nt.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/tpch-sql-like/q09_product_type_profit_nt/q09_product_type_profit_nt.1.ddl.aql
index 3c4adc3..54da16a 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/tpch-sql-like/q09_product_type_profit_nt/q09_product_type_profit_nt.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/tpch-sql-like/q09_product_type_profit_nt/q09_product_type_profit_nt.1.ddl.aql
@@ -4,11 +4,11 @@
use dataverse tpch;
create type LineItemType as closed {
- l_orderkey: int32,
- l_partkey: int32,
- l_suppkey: int32,
- l_linenumber: int32,
- l_quantity: int32,
+ l_orderkey: int64,
+ l_partkey: int64,
+ l_suppkey: int64,
+ l_linenumber: int64,
+ l_quantity: int64,
l_extendedprice: double,
l_discount: double,
l_tax: double,
@@ -23,22 +23,22 @@
create type OrderType as closed {
- o_orderkey: int32,
- o_custkey: int32,
+ o_orderkey: int64,
+ o_custkey: int64,
o_orderstatus: string,
o_totalprice: double,
o_orderdate: string,
o_orderpriority: string,
o_clerk: string,
- o_shippriority: int32,
+ o_shippriority: int64,
o_comment: string
create type CustomerType as closed {
- c_custkey: int32,
+ c_custkey: int64,
c_name: string,
c_address: string,
- c_nationkey: int32,
+ c_nationkey: int64,
c_phone: string,
c_acctbal: double,
c_mktsegment: string,
@@ -46,44 +46,44 @@
create type SupplierType as closed {
- s_suppkey: int32,
+ s_suppkey: int64,
s_name: string,
s_address: string,
- s_nationkey: int32,
+ s_nationkey: int64,
s_phone: string,
s_acctbal: double,
s_comment: string
create type NationType as closed {
- n_nationkey: int32,
+ n_nationkey: int64,
n_name: string,
- n_regionkey: int32,
+ n_regionkey: int64,
n_comment: string
create type RegionType as closed {
- r_regionkey: int32,
+ r_regionkey: int64,
r_name: string,
r_comment: string
create type PartType as closed {
- p_partkey: int32,
+ p_partkey: int64,
p_name: string,
p_mfgr: string,
p_brand: string,
p_type: string,
- p_size: int32,
+ p_size: int64,
p_container: string,
p_retailprice: double,
p_comment: string
create type PartSuppType as closed {
- ps_partkey: int32,
- ps_suppkey: int32,
- ps_availqty: int32,
+ ps_partkey: int64,
+ ps_suppkey: int64,
+ ps_availqty: int64,
ps_supplycost: double,
ps_comment: string
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/tpch-sql-like/q11_important_stock/q11_important_stock.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/tpch-sql-like/q11_important_stock/q11_important_stock.1.ddl.aql
index 3c4adc3..54da16a 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/tpch-sql-like/q11_important_stock/q11_important_stock.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/tpch-sql-like/q11_important_stock/q11_important_stock.1.ddl.aql
@@ -4,11 +4,11 @@
use dataverse tpch;
create type LineItemType as closed {
- l_orderkey: int32,
- l_partkey: int32,
- l_suppkey: int32,
- l_linenumber: int32,
- l_quantity: int32,
+ l_orderkey: int64,
+ l_partkey: int64,
+ l_suppkey: int64,
+ l_linenumber: int64,
+ l_quantity: int64,
l_extendedprice: double,
l_discount: double,
l_tax: double,
@@ -23,22 +23,22 @@
create type OrderType as closed {
- o_orderkey: int32,
- o_custkey: int32,
+ o_orderkey: int64,
+ o_custkey: int64,
o_orderstatus: string,
o_totalprice: double,
o_orderdate: string,
o_orderpriority: string,
o_clerk: string,
- o_shippriority: int32,
+ o_shippriority: int64,
o_comment: string
create type CustomerType as closed {
- c_custkey: int32,
+ c_custkey: int64,
c_name: string,
c_address: string,
- c_nationkey: int32,
+ c_nationkey: int64,
c_phone: string,
c_acctbal: double,
c_mktsegment: string,
@@ -46,44 +46,44 @@
create type SupplierType as closed {
- s_suppkey: int32,
+ s_suppkey: int64,
s_name: string,
s_address: string,
- s_nationkey: int32,
+ s_nationkey: int64,
s_phone: string,
s_acctbal: double,
s_comment: string
create type NationType as closed {
- n_nationkey: int32,
+ n_nationkey: int64,
n_name: string,
- n_regionkey: int32,
+ n_regionkey: int64,
n_comment: string
create type RegionType as closed {
- r_regionkey: int32,
+ r_regionkey: int64,
r_name: string,
r_comment: string
create type PartType as closed {
- p_partkey: int32,
+ p_partkey: int64,
p_name: string,
p_mfgr: string,
p_brand: string,
p_type: string,
- p_size: int32,
+ p_size: int64,
p_container: string,
p_retailprice: double,
p_comment: string
create type PartSuppType as closed {
- ps_partkey: int32,
- ps_suppkey: int32,
- ps_availqty: int32,
+ ps_partkey: int64,
+ ps_suppkey: int64,
+ ps_availqty: int64,
ps_supplycost: double,
ps_comment: string
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/tpch-sql-like/q12_shipping/q12_shipping.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/tpch-sql-like/q12_shipping/q12_shipping.1.ddl.aql
index 3c4adc3..54da16a 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/tpch-sql-like/q12_shipping/q12_shipping.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/tpch-sql-like/q12_shipping/q12_shipping.1.ddl.aql
@@ -4,11 +4,11 @@
use dataverse tpch;
create type LineItemType as closed {
- l_orderkey: int32,
- l_partkey: int32,
- l_suppkey: int32,
- l_linenumber: int32,
- l_quantity: int32,
+ l_orderkey: int64,
+ l_partkey: int64,
+ l_suppkey: int64,
+ l_linenumber: int64,
+ l_quantity: int64,
l_extendedprice: double,
l_discount: double,
l_tax: double,
@@ -23,22 +23,22 @@
create type OrderType as closed {
- o_orderkey: int32,
- o_custkey: int32,
+ o_orderkey: int64,
+ o_custkey: int64,
o_orderstatus: string,
o_totalprice: double,
o_orderdate: string,
o_orderpriority: string,
o_clerk: string,
- o_shippriority: int32,
+ o_shippriority: int64,
o_comment: string
create type CustomerType as closed {
- c_custkey: int32,
+ c_custkey: int64,
c_name: string,
c_address: string,
- c_nationkey: int32,
+ c_nationkey: int64,
c_phone: string,
c_acctbal: double,
c_mktsegment: string,
@@ -46,44 +46,44 @@
create type SupplierType as closed {
- s_suppkey: int32,
+ s_suppkey: int64,
s_name: string,
s_address: string,
- s_nationkey: int32,
+ s_nationkey: int64,
s_phone: string,
s_acctbal: double,
s_comment: string
create type NationType as closed {
- n_nationkey: int32,
+ n_nationkey: int64,
n_name: string,
- n_regionkey: int32,
+ n_regionkey: int64,
n_comment: string
create type RegionType as closed {
- r_regionkey: int32,
+ r_regionkey: int64,
r_name: string,
r_comment: string
create type PartType as closed {
- p_partkey: int32,
+ p_partkey: int64,
p_name: string,
p_mfgr: string,
p_brand: string,
p_type: string,
- p_size: int32,
+ p_size: int64,
p_container: string,
p_retailprice: double,
p_comment: string
create type PartSuppType as closed {
- ps_partkey: int32,
- ps_suppkey: int32,
- ps_availqty: int32,
+ ps_partkey: int64,
+ ps_suppkey: int64,
+ ps_availqty: int64,
ps_supplycost: double,
ps_comment: string
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/tpch-sql-like/q13_customer_distribution/q13_customer_distribution.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/tpch-sql-like/q13_customer_distribution/q13_customer_distribution.1.ddl.aql
index 3c4adc3..54da16a 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/tpch-sql-like/q13_customer_distribution/q13_customer_distribution.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/tpch-sql-like/q13_customer_distribution/q13_customer_distribution.1.ddl.aql
@@ -4,11 +4,11 @@
use dataverse tpch;
create type LineItemType as closed {
- l_orderkey: int32,
- l_partkey: int32,
- l_suppkey: int32,
- l_linenumber: int32,
- l_quantity: int32,
+ l_orderkey: int64,
+ l_partkey: int64,
+ l_suppkey: int64,
+ l_linenumber: int64,
+ l_quantity: int64,
l_extendedprice: double,
l_discount: double,
l_tax: double,
@@ -23,22 +23,22 @@
create type OrderType as closed {
- o_orderkey: int32,
- o_custkey: int32,
+ o_orderkey: int64,
+ o_custkey: int64,
o_orderstatus: string,
o_totalprice: double,
o_orderdate: string,
o_orderpriority: string,
o_clerk: string,
- o_shippriority: int32,
+ o_shippriority: int64,
o_comment: string
create type CustomerType as closed {
- c_custkey: int32,
+ c_custkey: int64,
c_name: string,
c_address: string,
- c_nationkey: int32,
+ c_nationkey: int64,
c_phone: string,
c_acctbal: double,
c_mktsegment: string,
@@ -46,44 +46,44 @@
create type SupplierType as closed {
- s_suppkey: int32,
+ s_suppkey: int64,
s_name: string,
s_address: string,
- s_nationkey: int32,
+ s_nationkey: int64,
s_phone: string,
s_acctbal: double,
s_comment: string
create type NationType as closed {
- n_nationkey: int32,
+ n_nationkey: int64,
n_name: string,
- n_regionkey: int32,
+ n_regionkey: int64,
n_comment: string
create type RegionType as closed {
- r_regionkey: int32,
+ r_regionkey: int64,
r_name: string,
r_comment: string
create type PartType as closed {
- p_partkey: int32,
+ p_partkey: int64,
p_name: string,
p_mfgr: string,
p_brand: string,
p_type: string,
- p_size: int32,
+ p_size: int64,
p_container: string,
p_retailprice: double,
p_comment: string
create type PartSuppType as closed {
- ps_partkey: int32,
- ps_suppkey: int32,
- ps_availqty: int32,
+ ps_partkey: int64,
+ ps_suppkey: int64,
+ ps_availqty: int64,
ps_supplycost: double,
ps_comment: string
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/tpch-sql-like/q14_promotion_effect/q14_promotion_effect.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/tpch-sql-like/q14_promotion_effect/q14_promotion_effect.1.ddl.aql
index 3c4adc3..54da16a 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/tpch-sql-like/q14_promotion_effect/q14_promotion_effect.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/tpch-sql-like/q14_promotion_effect/q14_promotion_effect.1.ddl.aql
@@ -4,11 +4,11 @@
use dataverse tpch;
create type LineItemType as closed {
- l_orderkey: int32,
- l_partkey: int32,
- l_suppkey: int32,
- l_linenumber: int32,
- l_quantity: int32,
+ l_orderkey: int64,
+ l_partkey: int64,
+ l_suppkey: int64,
+ l_linenumber: int64,
+ l_quantity: int64,
l_extendedprice: double,
l_discount: double,
l_tax: double,
@@ -23,22 +23,22 @@
create type OrderType as closed {
- o_orderkey: int32,
- o_custkey: int32,
+ o_orderkey: int64,
+ o_custkey: int64,
o_orderstatus: string,
o_totalprice: double,
o_orderdate: string,
o_orderpriority: string,
o_clerk: string,
- o_shippriority: int32,
+ o_shippriority: int64,
o_comment: string
create type CustomerType as closed {
- c_custkey: int32,
+ c_custkey: int64,
c_name: string,
c_address: string,
- c_nationkey: int32,
+ c_nationkey: int64,
c_phone: string,
c_acctbal: double,
c_mktsegment: string,
@@ -46,44 +46,44 @@
create type SupplierType as closed {
- s_suppkey: int32,
+ s_suppkey: int64,
s_name: string,
s_address: string,
- s_nationkey: int32,
+ s_nationkey: int64,
s_phone: string,
s_acctbal: double,
s_comment: string
create type NationType as closed {
- n_nationkey: int32,
+ n_nationkey: int64,
n_name: string,
- n_regionkey: int32,
+ n_regionkey: int64,
n_comment: string
create type RegionType as closed {
- r_regionkey: int32,
+ r_regionkey: int64,
r_name: string,
r_comment: string
create type PartType as closed {
- p_partkey: int32,
+ p_partkey: int64,
p_name: string,
p_mfgr: string,
p_brand: string,
p_type: string,
- p_size: int32,
+ p_size: int64,
p_container: string,
p_retailprice: double,
p_comment: string
create type PartSuppType as closed {
- ps_partkey: int32,
- ps_suppkey: int32,
- ps_availqty: int32,
+ ps_partkey: int64,
+ ps_suppkey: int64,
+ ps_availqty: int64,
ps_supplycost: double,
ps_comment: string
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/tpch-sql-like/q15_top_supplier/q15_top_supplier.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/tpch-sql-like/q15_top_supplier/q15_top_supplier.1.ddl.aql
index 3c4adc3..54da16a 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/tpch-sql-like/q15_top_supplier/q15_top_supplier.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/tpch-sql-like/q15_top_supplier/q15_top_supplier.1.ddl.aql
@@ -4,11 +4,11 @@
use dataverse tpch;
create type LineItemType as closed {
- l_orderkey: int32,
- l_partkey: int32,
- l_suppkey: int32,
- l_linenumber: int32,
- l_quantity: int32,
+ l_orderkey: int64,
+ l_partkey: int64,
+ l_suppkey: int64,
+ l_linenumber: int64,
+ l_quantity: int64,
l_extendedprice: double,
l_discount: double,
l_tax: double,
@@ -23,22 +23,22 @@
create type OrderType as closed {
- o_orderkey: int32,
- o_custkey: int32,
+ o_orderkey: int64,
+ o_custkey: int64,
o_orderstatus: string,
o_totalprice: double,
o_orderdate: string,
o_orderpriority: string,
o_clerk: string,
- o_shippriority: int32,
+ o_shippriority: int64,
o_comment: string
create type CustomerType as closed {
- c_custkey: int32,
+ c_custkey: int64,
c_name: string,
c_address: string,
- c_nationkey: int32,
+ c_nationkey: int64,
c_phone: string,
c_acctbal: double,
c_mktsegment: string,
@@ -46,44 +46,44 @@
create type SupplierType as closed {
- s_suppkey: int32,
+ s_suppkey: int64,
s_name: string,
s_address: string,
- s_nationkey: int32,
+ s_nationkey: int64,
s_phone: string,
s_acctbal: double,
s_comment: string
create type NationType as closed {
- n_nationkey: int32,
+ n_nationkey: int64,
n_name: string,
- n_regionkey: int32,
+ n_regionkey: int64,
n_comment: string
create type RegionType as closed {
- r_regionkey: int32,
+ r_regionkey: int64,
r_name: string,
r_comment: string
create type PartType as closed {
- p_partkey: int32,
+ p_partkey: int64,
p_name: string,
p_mfgr: string,
p_brand: string,
p_type: string,
- p_size: int32,
+ p_size: int64,
p_container: string,
p_retailprice: double,
p_comment: string
create type PartSuppType as closed {
- ps_partkey: int32,
- ps_suppkey: int32,
- ps_availqty: int32,
+ ps_partkey: int64,
+ ps_suppkey: int64,
+ ps_availqty: int64,
ps_supplycost: double,
ps_comment: string
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/tpch-sql-like/q16_parts_supplier_relationship/q16_parts_supplier_relationship.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/tpch-sql-like/q16_parts_supplier_relationship/q16_parts_supplier_relationship.1.ddl.aql
index 3c4adc3..54da16a 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/tpch-sql-like/q16_parts_supplier_relationship/q16_parts_supplier_relationship.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/tpch-sql-like/q16_parts_supplier_relationship/q16_parts_supplier_relationship.1.ddl.aql
@@ -4,11 +4,11 @@
use dataverse tpch;
create type LineItemType as closed {
- l_orderkey: int32,
- l_partkey: int32,
- l_suppkey: int32,
- l_linenumber: int32,
- l_quantity: int32,
+ l_orderkey: int64,
+ l_partkey: int64,
+ l_suppkey: int64,
+ l_linenumber: int64,
+ l_quantity: int64,
l_extendedprice: double,
l_discount: double,
l_tax: double,
@@ -23,22 +23,22 @@
create type OrderType as closed {
- o_orderkey: int32,
- o_custkey: int32,
+ o_orderkey: int64,
+ o_custkey: int64,
o_orderstatus: string,
o_totalprice: double,
o_orderdate: string,
o_orderpriority: string,
o_clerk: string,
- o_shippriority: int32,
+ o_shippriority: int64,
o_comment: string
create type CustomerType as closed {
- c_custkey: int32,
+ c_custkey: int64,
c_name: string,
c_address: string,
- c_nationkey: int32,
+ c_nationkey: int64,
c_phone: string,
c_acctbal: double,
c_mktsegment: string,
@@ -46,44 +46,44 @@
create type SupplierType as closed {
- s_suppkey: int32,
+ s_suppkey: int64,
s_name: string,
s_address: string,
- s_nationkey: int32,
+ s_nationkey: int64,
s_phone: string,
s_acctbal: double,
s_comment: string
create type NationType as closed {
- n_nationkey: int32,
+ n_nationkey: int64,
n_name: string,
- n_regionkey: int32,
+ n_regionkey: int64,
n_comment: string
create type RegionType as closed {
- r_regionkey: int32,
+ r_regionkey: int64,
r_name: string,
r_comment: string
create type PartType as closed {
- p_partkey: int32,
+ p_partkey: int64,
p_name: string,
p_mfgr: string,
p_brand: string,
p_type: string,
- p_size: int32,
+ p_size: int64,
p_container: string,
p_retailprice: double,
p_comment: string
create type PartSuppType as closed {
- ps_partkey: int32,
- ps_suppkey: int32,
- ps_availqty: int32,
+ ps_partkey: int64,
+ ps_suppkey: int64,
+ ps_availqty: int64,
ps_supplycost: double,
ps_comment: string
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/tpch-sql-like/q17_large_gby_variant/q17_large_gby_variant.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/tpch-sql-like/q17_large_gby_variant/q17_large_gby_variant.1.ddl.aql
index 3c4adc3..54da16a 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/tpch-sql-like/q17_large_gby_variant/q17_large_gby_variant.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/tpch-sql-like/q17_large_gby_variant/q17_large_gby_variant.1.ddl.aql
@@ -4,11 +4,11 @@
use dataverse tpch;
create type LineItemType as closed {
- l_orderkey: int32,
- l_partkey: int32,
- l_suppkey: int32,
- l_linenumber: int32,
- l_quantity: int32,
+ l_orderkey: int64,
+ l_partkey: int64,
+ l_suppkey: int64,
+ l_linenumber: int64,
+ l_quantity: int64,
l_extendedprice: double,
l_discount: double,
l_tax: double,
@@ -23,22 +23,22 @@
create type OrderType as closed {
- o_orderkey: int32,
- o_custkey: int32,
+ o_orderkey: int64,
+ o_custkey: int64,
o_orderstatus: string,
o_totalprice: double,
o_orderdate: string,
o_orderpriority: string,
o_clerk: string,
- o_shippriority: int32,
+ o_shippriority: int64,
o_comment: string
create type CustomerType as closed {
- c_custkey: int32,
+ c_custkey: int64,
c_name: string,
c_address: string,
- c_nationkey: int32,
+ c_nationkey: int64,
c_phone: string,
c_acctbal: double,
c_mktsegment: string,
@@ -46,44 +46,44 @@
create type SupplierType as closed {
- s_suppkey: int32,
+ s_suppkey: int64,
s_name: string,
s_address: string,
- s_nationkey: int32,
+ s_nationkey: int64,
s_phone: string,
s_acctbal: double,
s_comment: string
create type NationType as closed {
- n_nationkey: int32,
+ n_nationkey: int64,
n_name: string,
- n_regionkey: int32,
+ n_regionkey: int64,
n_comment: string
create type RegionType as closed {
- r_regionkey: int32,
+ r_regionkey: int64,
r_name: string,
r_comment: string
create type PartType as closed {
- p_partkey: int32,
+ p_partkey: int64,
p_name: string,
p_mfgr: string,
p_brand: string,
p_type: string,
- p_size: int32,
+ p_size: int64,
p_container: string,
p_retailprice: double,
p_comment: string
create type PartSuppType as closed {
- ps_partkey: int32,
- ps_suppkey: int32,
- ps_availqty: int32,
+ ps_partkey: int64,
+ ps_suppkey: int64,
+ ps_availqty: int64,
ps_supplycost: double,
ps_comment: string
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/tpch-sql-like/q17_small_quantity_order_revenue/q17_small_quantity_order_revenue.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/tpch-sql-like/q17_small_quantity_order_revenue/q17_small_quantity_order_revenue.1.ddl.aql
index 3c4adc3..54da16a 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/tpch-sql-like/q17_small_quantity_order_revenue/q17_small_quantity_order_revenue.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/tpch-sql-like/q17_small_quantity_order_revenue/q17_small_quantity_order_revenue.1.ddl.aql
@@ -4,11 +4,11 @@
use dataverse tpch;
create type LineItemType as closed {
- l_orderkey: int32,
- l_partkey: int32,
- l_suppkey: int32,
- l_linenumber: int32,
- l_quantity: int32,
+ l_orderkey: int64,
+ l_partkey: int64,
+ l_suppkey: int64,
+ l_linenumber: int64,
+ l_quantity: int64,
l_extendedprice: double,
l_discount: double,
l_tax: double,
@@ -23,22 +23,22 @@
create type OrderType as closed {
- o_orderkey: int32,
- o_custkey: int32,
+ o_orderkey: int64,
+ o_custkey: int64,
o_orderstatus: string,
o_totalprice: double,
o_orderdate: string,
o_orderpriority: string,
o_clerk: string,
- o_shippriority: int32,
+ o_shippriority: int64,
o_comment: string
create type CustomerType as closed {
- c_custkey: int32,
+ c_custkey: int64,
c_name: string,
c_address: string,
- c_nationkey: int32,
+ c_nationkey: int64,
c_phone: string,
c_acctbal: double,
c_mktsegment: string,
@@ -46,44 +46,44 @@
create type SupplierType as closed {
- s_suppkey: int32,
+ s_suppkey: int64,
s_name: string,
s_address: string,
- s_nationkey: int32,
+ s_nationkey: int64,
s_phone: string,
s_acctbal: double,
s_comment: string
create type NationType as closed {
- n_nationkey: int32,
+ n_nationkey: int64,
n_name: string,
- n_regionkey: int32,
+ n_regionkey: int64,
n_comment: string
create type RegionType as closed {
- r_regionkey: int32,
+ r_regionkey: int64,
r_name: string,
r_comment: string
create type PartType as closed {
- p_partkey: int32,
+ p_partkey: int64,
p_name: string,
p_mfgr: string,
p_brand: string,
p_type: string,
- p_size: int32,
+ p_size: int64,
p_container: string,
p_retailprice: double,
p_comment: string
create type PartSuppType as closed {
- ps_partkey: int32,
- ps_suppkey: int32,
- ps_availqty: int32,
+ ps_partkey: int64,
+ ps_suppkey: int64,
+ ps_availqty: int64,
ps_supplycost: double,
ps_comment: string
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/tpch-sql-like/q18_large_volume_customer/q18_large_volume_customer.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/tpch-sql-like/q18_large_volume_customer/q18_large_volume_customer.1.ddl.aql
index 3c4adc3..54da16a 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/tpch-sql-like/q18_large_volume_customer/q18_large_volume_customer.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/tpch-sql-like/q18_large_volume_customer/q18_large_volume_customer.1.ddl.aql
@@ -4,11 +4,11 @@
use dataverse tpch;
create type LineItemType as closed {
- l_orderkey: int32,
- l_partkey: int32,
- l_suppkey: int32,
- l_linenumber: int32,
- l_quantity: int32,
+ l_orderkey: int64,
+ l_partkey: int64,
+ l_suppkey: int64,
+ l_linenumber: int64,
+ l_quantity: int64,
l_extendedprice: double,
l_discount: double,
l_tax: double,
@@ -23,22 +23,22 @@
create type OrderType as closed {
- o_orderkey: int32,
- o_custkey: int32,
+ o_orderkey: int64,
+ o_custkey: int64,
o_orderstatus: string,
o_totalprice: double,
o_orderdate: string,
o_orderpriority: string,
o_clerk: string,
- o_shippriority: int32,
+ o_shippriority: int64,
o_comment: string
create type CustomerType as closed {
- c_custkey: int32,
+ c_custkey: int64,
c_name: string,
c_address: string,
- c_nationkey: int32,
+ c_nationkey: int64,
c_phone: string,
c_acctbal: double,
c_mktsegment: string,
@@ -46,44 +46,44 @@
create type SupplierType as closed {
- s_suppkey: int32,
+ s_suppkey: int64,
s_name: string,
s_address: string,
- s_nationkey: int32,
+ s_nationkey: int64,
s_phone: string,
s_acctbal: double,
s_comment: string
create type NationType as closed {
- n_nationkey: int32,
+ n_nationkey: int64,
n_name: string,
- n_regionkey: int32,
+ n_regionkey: int64,
n_comment: string
create type RegionType as closed {
- r_regionkey: int32,
+ r_regionkey: int64,
r_name: string,
r_comment: string
create type PartType as closed {
- p_partkey: int32,
+ p_partkey: int64,
p_name: string,
p_mfgr: string,
p_brand: string,
p_type: string,
- p_size: int32,
+ p_size: int64,
p_container: string,
p_retailprice: double,
p_comment: string
create type PartSuppType as closed {
- ps_partkey: int32,
- ps_suppkey: int32,
- ps_availqty: int32,
+ ps_partkey: int64,
+ ps_suppkey: int64,
+ ps_availqty: int64,
ps_supplycost: double,
ps_comment: string
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/tpch-sql-like/q19_discounted_revenue/q19_discounted_revenue.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/tpch-sql-like/q19_discounted_revenue/q19_discounted_revenue.1.ddl.aql
index 3c4adc3..54da16a 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/tpch-sql-like/q19_discounted_revenue/q19_discounted_revenue.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/tpch-sql-like/q19_discounted_revenue/q19_discounted_revenue.1.ddl.aql
@@ -4,11 +4,11 @@
use dataverse tpch;
create type LineItemType as closed {
- l_orderkey: int32,
- l_partkey: int32,
- l_suppkey: int32,
- l_linenumber: int32,
- l_quantity: int32,
+ l_orderkey: int64,
+ l_partkey: int64,
+ l_suppkey: int64,
+ l_linenumber: int64,
+ l_quantity: int64,
l_extendedprice: double,
l_discount: double,
l_tax: double,
@@ -23,22 +23,22 @@
create type OrderType as closed {
- o_orderkey: int32,
- o_custkey: int32,
+ o_orderkey: int64,
+ o_custkey: int64,
o_orderstatus: string,
o_totalprice: double,
o_orderdate: string,
o_orderpriority: string,
o_clerk: string,
- o_shippriority: int32,
+ o_shippriority: int64,
o_comment: string
create type CustomerType as closed {
- c_custkey: int32,
+ c_custkey: int64,
c_name: string,
c_address: string,
- c_nationkey: int32,
+ c_nationkey: int64,
c_phone: string,
c_acctbal: double,
c_mktsegment: string,
@@ -46,44 +46,44 @@
create type SupplierType as closed {
- s_suppkey: int32,
+ s_suppkey: int64,
s_name: string,
s_address: string,
- s_nationkey: int32,
+ s_nationkey: int64,
s_phone: string,
s_acctbal: double,
s_comment: string
create type NationType as closed {
- n_nationkey: int32,
+ n_nationkey: int64,
n_name: string,
- n_regionkey: int32,
+ n_regionkey: int64,
n_comment: string
create type RegionType as closed {
- r_regionkey: int32,
+ r_regionkey: int64,
r_name: string,
r_comment: string
create type PartType as closed {
- p_partkey: int32,
+ p_partkey: int64,
p_name: string,
p_mfgr: string,
p_brand: string,
p_type: string,
- p_size: int32,
+ p_size: int64,
p_container: string,
p_retailprice: double,
p_comment: string
create type PartSuppType as closed {
- ps_partkey: int32,
- ps_suppkey: int32,
- ps_availqty: int32,
+ ps_partkey: int64,
+ ps_suppkey: int64,
+ ps_availqty: int64,
ps_supplycost: double,
ps_comment: string
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/tpch-sql-like/q20_potential_part_promotion/q20_potential_part_promotion.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/tpch-sql-like/q20_potential_part_promotion/q20_potential_part_promotion.1.ddl.aql
index 3c4adc3..54da16a 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/tpch-sql-like/q20_potential_part_promotion/q20_potential_part_promotion.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/tpch-sql-like/q20_potential_part_promotion/q20_potential_part_promotion.1.ddl.aql
@@ -4,11 +4,11 @@
use dataverse tpch;
create type LineItemType as closed {
- l_orderkey: int32,
- l_partkey: int32,
- l_suppkey: int32,
- l_linenumber: int32,
- l_quantity: int32,
+ l_orderkey: int64,
+ l_partkey: int64,
+ l_suppkey: int64,
+ l_linenumber: int64,
+ l_quantity: int64,
l_extendedprice: double,
l_discount: double,
l_tax: double,
@@ -23,22 +23,22 @@
create type OrderType as closed {
- o_orderkey: int32,
- o_custkey: int32,
+ o_orderkey: int64,
+ o_custkey: int64,
o_orderstatus: string,
o_totalprice: double,
o_orderdate: string,
o_orderpriority: string,
o_clerk: string,
- o_shippriority: int32,
+ o_shippriority: int64,
o_comment: string
create type CustomerType as closed {
- c_custkey: int32,
+ c_custkey: int64,
c_name: string,
c_address: string,
- c_nationkey: int32,
+ c_nationkey: int64,
c_phone: string,
c_acctbal: double,
c_mktsegment: string,
@@ -46,44 +46,44 @@
create type SupplierType as closed {
- s_suppkey: int32,
+ s_suppkey: int64,
s_name: string,
s_address: string,
- s_nationkey: int32,
+ s_nationkey: int64,
s_phone: string,
s_acctbal: double,
s_comment: string
create type NationType as closed {
- n_nationkey: int32,
+ n_nationkey: int64,
n_name: string,
- n_regionkey: int32,
+ n_regionkey: int64,
n_comment: string
create type RegionType as closed {
- r_regionkey: int32,
+ r_regionkey: int64,
r_name: string,
r_comment: string
create type PartType as closed {
- p_partkey: int32,
+ p_partkey: int64,
p_name: string,
p_mfgr: string,
p_brand: string,
p_type: string,
- p_size: int32,
+ p_size: int64,
p_container: string,
p_retailprice: double,
p_comment: string
create type PartSuppType as closed {
- ps_partkey: int32,
- ps_suppkey: int32,
- ps_availqty: int32,
+ ps_partkey: int64,
+ ps_suppkey: int64,
+ ps_availqty: int64,
ps_supplycost: double,
ps_comment: string
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/tpch-sql-like/q21_suppliers_who_kept_orders_waiting/q21_suppliers_who_kept_orders_waiting.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/tpch-sql-like/q21_suppliers_who_kept_orders_waiting/q21_suppliers_who_kept_orders_waiting.1.ddl.aql
index 3c4adc3..54da16a 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/tpch-sql-like/q21_suppliers_who_kept_orders_waiting/q21_suppliers_who_kept_orders_waiting.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/tpch-sql-like/q21_suppliers_who_kept_orders_waiting/q21_suppliers_who_kept_orders_waiting.1.ddl.aql
@@ -4,11 +4,11 @@
use dataverse tpch;
create type LineItemType as closed {
- l_orderkey: int32,
- l_partkey: int32,
- l_suppkey: int32,
- l_linenumber: int32,
- l_quantity: int32,
+ l_orderkey: int64,
+ l_partkey: int64,
+ l_suppkey: int64,
+ l_linenumber: int64,
+ l_quantity: int64,
l_extendedprice: double,
l_discount: double,
l_tax: double,
@@ -23,22 +23,22 @@
create type OrderType as closed {
- o_orderkey: int32,
- o_custkey: int32,
+ o_orderkey: int64,
+ o_custkey: int64,
o_orderstatus: string,
o_totalprice: double,
o_orderdate: string,
o_orderpriority: string,
o_clerk: string,
- o_shippriority: int32,
+ o_shippriority: int64,
o_comment: string
create type CustomerType as closed {
- c_custkey: int32,
+ c_custkey: int64,
c_name: string,
c_address: string,
- c_nationkey: int32,
+ c_nationkey: int64,
c_phone: string,
c_acctbal: double,
c_mktsegment: string,
@@ -46,44 +46,44 @@
create type SupplierType as closed {
- s_suppkey: int32,
+ s_suppkey: int64,
s_name: string,
s_address: string,
- s_nationkey: int32,
+ s_nationkey: int64,
s_phone: string,
s_acctbal: double,
s_comment: string
create type NationType as closed {
- n_nationkey: int32,
+ n_nationkey: int64,
n_name: string,
- n_regionkey: int32,
+ n_regionkey: int64,
n_comment: string
create type RegionType as closed {
- r_regionkey: int32,
+ r_regionkey: int64,
r_name: string,
r_comment: string
create type PartType as closed {
- p_partkey: int32,
+ p_partkey: int64,
p_name: string,
p_mfgr: string,
p_brand: string,
p_type: string,
- p_size: int32,
+ p_size: int64,
p_container: string,
p_retailprice: double,
p_comment: string
create type PartSuppType as closed {
- ps_partkey: int32,
- ps_suppkey: int32,
- ps_availqty: int32,
+ ps_partkey: int64,
+ ps_suppkey: int64,
+ ps_availqty: int64,
ps_supplycost: double,
ps_comment: string
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/tpch-sql-like/q22_global_sales_opportunity/q22_global_sales_opportunity.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/tpch-sql-like/q22_global_sales_opportunity/q22_global_sales_opportunity.1.ddl.aql
index 3c4adc3..54da16a 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/tpch-sql-like/q22_global_sales_opportunity/q22_global_sales_opportunity.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/tpch-sql-like/q22_global_sales_opportunity/q22_global_sales_opportunity.1.ddl.aql
@@ -4,11 +4,11 @@
use dataverse tpch;
create type LineItemType as closed {
- l_orderkey: int32,
- l_partkey: int32,
- l_suppkey: int32,
- l_linenumber: int32,
- l_quantity: int32,
+ l_orderkey: int64,
+ l_partkey: int64,
+ l_suppkey: int64,
+ l_linenumber: int64,
+ l_quantity: int64,
l_extendedprice: double,
l_discount: double,
l_tax: double,
@@ -23,22 +23,22 @@
create type OrderType as closed {
- o_orderkey: int32,
- o_custkey: int32,
+ o_orderkey: int64,
+ o_custkey: int64,
o_orderstatus: string,
o_totalprice: double,
o_orderdate: string,
o_orderpriority: string,
o_clerk: string,
- o_shippriority: int32,
+ o_shippriority: int64,
o_comment: string
create type CustomerType as closed {
- c_custkey: int32,
+ c_custkey: int64,
c_name: string,
c_address: string,
- c_nationkey: int32,
+ c_nationkey: int64,
c_phone: string,
c_acctbal: double,
c_mktsegment: string,
@@ -46,44 +46,44 @@
create type SupplierType as closed {
- s_suppkey: int32,
+ s_suppkey: int64,
s_name: string,
s_address: string,
- s_nationkey: int32,
+ s_nationkey: int64,
s_phone: string,
s_acctbal: double,
s_comment: string
create type NationType as closed {
- n_nationkey: int32,
+ n_nationkey: int64,
n_name: string,
- n_regionkey: int32,
+ n_regionkey: int64,
n_comment: string
create type RegionType as closed {
- r_regionkey: int32,
+ r_regionkey: int64,
r_name: string,
r_comment: string
create type PartType as closed {
- p_partkey: int32,
+ p_partkey: int64,
p_name: string,
p_mfgr: string,
p_brand: string,
p_type: string,
- p_size: int32,
+ p_size: int64,
p_container: string,
p_retailprice: double,
p_comment: string
create type PartSuppType as closed {
- ps_partkey: int32,
- ps_suppkey: int32,
- ps_availqty: int32,
+ ps_partkey: int64,
+ ps_suppkey: int64,
+ ps_availqty: int64,
ps_supplycost: double,
ps_comment: string
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/tpch-sql-like/query-issue601/query-issue601.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/tpch-sql-like/query-issue601/query-issue601.1.ddl.aql
index 8ec1b76..c2e8f82 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/tpch-sql-like/query-issue601/query-issue601.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/tpch-sql-like/query-issue601/query-issue601.1.ddl.aql
@@ -11,10 +11,10 @@
use dataverse tpch;
create type LineItemType as closed {
- l_orderkey: int32,
- l_partkey: int32,
- l_suppkey: int32,
- l_linenumber: int32,
+ l_orderkey: int64,
+ l_partkey: int64,
+ l_suppkey: int64,
+ l_linenumber: int64,
l_quantity: double,
l_extendedprice: double,
l_discount: double,
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/tpch-sql-like/query-issue638/query-issue638.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/tpch-sql-like/query-issue638/query-issue638.1.ddl.aql
index a2457f9..3747921 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/tpch-sql-like/query-issue638/query-issue638.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/tpch-sql-like/query-issue638/query-issue638.1.ddl.aql
@@ -11,11 +11,11 @@
use dataverse tpch;
create type LineItemType as closed {
- l_orderkey: int32,
- l_partkey: int32,
- l_suppkey: int32,
- l_linenumber: int32,
- l_quantity: int32,
+ l_orderkey: int64,
+ l_partkey: int64,
+ l_suppkey: int64,
+ l_linenumber: int64,
+ l_quantity: int64,
l_extendedprice: double,
l_discount: double,
l_tax: double,
@@ -30,22 +30,22 @@
create type OrderType as closed {
- o_orderkey: int32,
- o_custkey: int32,
+ o_orderkey: int64,
+ o_custkey: int64,
o_orderstatus: string,
o_totalprice: double,
o_orderdate: string,
o_orderpriority: string,
o_clerk: string,
- o_shippriority: int32,
+ o_shippriority: int64,
o_comment: string
create type CustomerType as closed {
- c_custkey: int32,
+ c_custkey: int64,
c_name: string,
c_address: string,
- c_nationkey: int32,
+ c_nationkey: int64,
c_phone: string,
c_acctbal: double,
c_mktsegment: string,
@@ -53,44 +53,44 @@
create type SupplierType as closed {
- s_suppkey: int32,
+ s_suppkey: int64,
s_name: string,
s_address: string,
- s_nationkey: int32,
+ s_nationkey: int64,
s_phone: string,
s_acctbal: double,
s_comment: string
create type NationType as closed {
- n_nationkey: int32,
+ n_nationkey: int64,
n_name: string,
- n_regionkey: int32,
+ n_regionkey: int64,
n_comment: string
create type RegionType as closed {
- r_regionkey: int32,
+ r_regionkey: int64,
r_name: string,
r_comment: string
create type PartType as closed {
- p_partkey: int32,
+ p_partkey: int64,
p_name: string,
p_mfgr: string,
p_brand: string,
p_type: string,
- p_size: int32,
+ p_size: int64,
p_container: string,
p_retailprice: double,
p_comment: string
create type PartSuppType as closed {
- ps_partkey: int32,
- ps_suppkey: int32,
- ps_availqty: int32,
+ ps_partkey: int64,
+ ps_suppkey: int64,
+ ps_availqty: int64,
ps_supplycost: double,
ps_comment: string
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/tpch-sql-like/query-issue785-2/query-issue785-2.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/tpch-sql-like/query-issue785-2/query-issue785-2.1.ddl.aql
index f538c06..fc452ab 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/tpch-sql-like/query-issue785-2/query-issue785-2.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/tpch-sql-like/query-issue785-2/query-issue785-2.1.ddl.aql
@@ -11,22 +11,22 @@
use dataverse tpch;
create type OrderType as closed {
- o_orderkey: int32,
- o_custkey: int32,
+ o_orderkey: int64,
+ o_custkey: int64,
o_orderstatus: string,
o_totalprice: double,
o_orderdate: string,
o_orderpriority: string,
o_clerk: string,
- o_shippriority: int32,
+ o_shippriority: int64,
o_comment: string
create type CustomerType as closed {
- c_custkey: int32,
+ c_custkey: int64,
c_name: string,
c_address: string,
- c_nationkey: int32,
+ c_nationkey: int64,
c_phone: string,
c_acctbal: double,
c_mktsegment: string,
@@ -34,24 +34,24 @@
create type SupplierType as closed {
- s_suppkey: int32,
+ s_suppkey: int64,
s_name: string,
s_address: string,
- s_nationkey: int32,
+ s_nationkey: int64,
s_phone: string,
s_acctbal: double,
s_comment: string
create type NationType as closed {
- n_nationkey: int32,
+ n_nationkey: int64,
n_name: string,
- n_regionkey: int32,
+ n_regionkey: int64,
n_comment: string
create type RegionType as closed {
- r_regionkey: int32,
+ r_regionkey: int64,
r_name: string,
r_comment: string
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/tpch-sql-like/query-issue785/query-issue785.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/tpch-sql-like/query-issue785/query-issue785.1.ddl.aql
index f538c06..fc452ab 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/tpch-sql-like/query-issue785/query-issue785.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/tpch-sql-like/query-issue785/query-issue785.1.ddl.aql
@@ -11,22 +11,22 @@
use dataverse tpch;
create type OrderType as closed {
- o_orderkey: int32,
- o_custkey: int32,
+ o_orderkey: int64,
+ o_custkey: int64,
o_orderstatus: string,
o_totalprice: double,
o_orderdate: string,
o_orderpriority: string,
o_clerk: string,
- o_shippriority: int32,
+ o_shippriority: int64,
o_comment: string
create type CustomerType as closed {
- c_custkey: int32,
+ c_custkey: int64,
c_name: string,
c_address: string,
- c_nationkey: int32,
+ c_nationkey: int64,
c_phone: string,
c_acctbal: double,
c_mktsegment: string,
@@ -34,24 +34,24 @@
create type SupplierType as closed {
- s_suppkey: int32,
+ s_suppkey: int64,
s_name: string,
s_address: string,
- s_nationkey: int32,
+ s_nationkey: int64,
s_phone: string,
s_acctbal: double,
s_comment: string
create type NationType as closed {
- n_nationkey: int32,
+ n_nationkey: int64,
n_name: string,
- n_regionkey: int32,
+ n_regionkey: int64,
n_comment: string
create type RegionType as closed {
- r_regionkey: int32,
+ r_regionkey: int64,
r_name: string,
r_comment: string
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/tpch/nest_aggregate/nest_aggregate.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/tpch/nest_aggregate/nest_aggregate.1.ddl.aql
index 72bca42..44fe36e 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/tpch/nest_aggregate/nest_aggregate.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/tpch/nest_aggregate/nest_aggregate.1.ddl.aql
@@ -11,22 +11,22 @@
use dataverse tpch;
create type OrderType as closed {
- o_orderkey: int32,
- o_custkey: int32,
+ o_orderkey: int64,
+ o_custkey: int64,
o_orderstatus: string,
o_totalprice: double,
o_orderdate: string,
o_orderpriority: string,
o_clerk: string,
- o_shippriority: int32,
+ o_shippriority: int64,
o_comment: string
create type CustomerType as closed {
- c_custkey: int32,
+ c_custkey: int64,
c_name: string,
c_address: string,
- c_nationkey: int32,
+ c_nationkey: int64,
c_phone: string,
c_acctbal: double,
c_mktsegment: string,
@@ -34,24 +34,24 @@
create type SupplierType as closed {
- s_suppkey: int32,
+ s_suppkey: int64,
s_name: string,
s_address: string,
- s_nationkey: int32,
+ s_nationkey: int64,
s_phone: string,
s_acctbal: double,
s_comment: string
create type NationType as closed {
- n_nationkey: int32,
+ n_nationkey: int64,
n_name: string,
- n_regionkey: int32,
+ n_regionkey: int64,
n_comment: string
create type RegionType as closed {
- r_regionkey: int32,
+ r_regionkey: int64,
r_name: string,
r_comment: string
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/tpch/q01_pricing_summary_report_nt/q01_pricing_summary_report_nt.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/tpch/q01_pricing_summary_report_nt/q01_pricing_summary_report_nt.1.ddl.aql
index acd6728..69ec859 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/tpch/q01_pricing_summary_report_nt/q01_pricing_summary_report_nt.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/tpch/q01_pricing_summary_report_nt/q01_pricing_summary_report_nt.1.ddl.aql
@@ -4,21 +4,21 @@
use dataverse tpch;
create type LineItemType as closed {
- l_orderkey: int32,
- l_partkey: int32,
- l_suppkey: int32,
- l_linenumber: int32,
- l_quantity: double,
+ l_orderkey: int64,
+ l_partkey: int64,
+ l_suppkey: int64,
+ l_linenumber: int64,
+ l_quantity: double,
l_extendedprice: double,
- l_discount: double,
+ l_discount: double,
l_tax: double,
- l_returnflag: string,
- l_linestatus: string,
+ l_returnflag: string,
+ l_linestatus: string,
l_shipdate: string,
- l_commitdate: string,
- l_receiptdate: string,
- l_shipinstruct: string,
- l_shipmode: string,
+ l_commitdate: string,
+ l_receiptdate: string,
+ l_shipinstruct: string,
+ l_shipmode: string,
l_comment: string
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/tpch/q02_minimum_cost_supplier/q02_minimum_cost_supplier.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/tpch/q02_minimum_cost_supplier/q02_minimum_cost_supplier.1.ddl.aql
index 8af3065..46ea9f7 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/tpch/q02_minimum_cost_supplier/q02_minimum_cost_supplier.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/tpch/q02_minimum_cost_supplier/q02_minimum_cost_supplier.1.ddl.aql
@@ -4,88 +4,88 @@
use dataverse tpch;
create type LineItemType as closed {
- l_orderkey: int32,
- l_partkey: int32,
- l_suppkey: int32,
- l_linenumber: int32,
- l_quantity: int32,
+ l_orderkey: int64,
+ l_partkey: int64,
+ l_suppkey: int64,
+ l_linenumber: int64,
+ l_quantity: int64,
l_extendedprice: double,
- l_discount: double,
+ l_discount: double,
l_tax: double,
- l_returnflag: string,
- l_linestatus: string,
+ l_returnflag: string,
+ l_linestatus: string,
l_shipdate: string,
- l_commitdate: string,
- l_receiptdate: string,
- l_shipinstruct: string,
- l_shipmode: string,
+ l_commitdate: string,
+ l_receiptdate: string,
+ l_shipinstruct: string,
+ l_shipmode: string,
l_comment: string
create type OrderType as closed {
- o_orderkey: int32,
- o_custkey: int32,
- o_orderstatus: string,
- o_totalprice: double,
- o_orderdate: string,
+ o_orderkey: int64,
+ o_custkey: int64,
+ o_orderstatus: string,
+ o_totalprice: double,
+ o_orderdate: string,
o_orderpriority: string,
- o_clerk: string,
- o_shippriority: int32,
+ o_clerk: string,
+ o_shippriority: int64,
o_comment: string
create type CustomerType as closed {
- c_custkey: int32,
- c_name: string,
- c_address: string,
- c_nationkey: int32,
- c_phone: string,
- c_acctbal: double,
+ c_custkey: int64,
+ c_name: string,
+ c_address: string,
+ c_nationkey: int64,
+ c_phone: string,
+ c_acctbal: double,
c_mktsegment: string,
c_comment: string
create type SupplierType as closed {
- s_suppkey: int32,
+ s_suppkey: int64,
s_name: string,
s_address: string,
- s_nationkey: int32,
+ s_nationkey: int64,
s_phone: string,
s_acctbal: double,
s_comment: string
create type NationType as closed {
- n_nationkey: int32,
+ n_nationkey: int64,
n_name: string,
- n_regionkey: int32,
+ n_regionkey: int64,
n_comment: string
create type RegionType as closed {
- r_regionkey: int32,
- r_name: string,
- r_comment: string
+ r_regionkey: int64,
+ r_name: string,
+ r_comment: string
create type PartType as closed {
- p_partkey: int32,
- p_name: string,
+ p_partkey: int64,
+ p_name: string,
p_mfgr: string,
p_brand: string,
p_type: string,
- p_size: int32,
+ p_size: int64,
p_container: string,
p_retailprice: double,
p_comment: string
create type PartSuppType as closed {
- ps_partkey: int32,
- ps_suppkey: int32,
- ps_availqty: int32,
+ ps_partkey: int64,
+ ps_suppkey: int64,
+ ps_availqty: int64,
ps_supplycost: double,
- ps_comment: string
+ ps_comment: string
create dataset LineItem(LineItemType)
@@ -94,14 +94,14 @@
primary key o_orderkey;
create dataset Supplier(SupplierType)
primary key s_suppkey;
-create dataset Region(RegionType)
+create dataset Region(RegionType)
primary key r_regionkey;
-create dataset Nation(NationType)
+create dataset Nation(NationType)
primary key n_nationkey;
create dataset Part(PartType)
primary key p_partkey;
create dataset Partsupp(PartSuppType)
- primary key ps_partkey, ps_suppkey;
-create dataset Customer(CustomerType)
+ primary key ps_partkey, ps_suppkey;
+create dataset Customer(CustomerType)
primary key c_custkey;
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/tpch/q03_shipping_priority_nt/q03_shipping_priority_nt.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/tpch/q03_shipping_priority_nt/q03_shipping_priority_nt.1.ddl.aql
index 8af3065..46ea9f7 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/tpch/q03_shipping_priority_nt/q03_shipping_priority_nt.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/tpch/q03_shipping_priority_nt/q03_shipping_priority_nt.1.ddl.aql
@@ -4,88 +4,88 @@
use dataverse tpch;
create type LineItemType as closed {
- l_orderkey: int32,
- l_partkey: int32,
- l_suppkey: int32,
- l_linenumber: int32,
- l_quantity: int32,
+ l_orderkey: int64,
+ l_partkey: int64,
+ l_suppkey: int64,
+ l_linenumber: int64,
+ l_quantity: int64,
l_extendedprice: double,
- l_discount: double,
+ l_discount: double,
l_tax: double,
- l_returnflag: string,
- l_linestatus: string,
+ l_returnflag: string,
+ l_linestatus: string,
l_shipdate: string,
- l_commitdate: string,
- l_receiptdate: string,
- l_shipinstruct: string,
- l_shipmode: string,
+ l_commitdate: string,
+ l_receiptdate: string,
+ l_shipinstruct: string,
+ l_shipmode: string,
l_comment: string
create type OrderType as closed {
- o_orderkey: int32,
- o_custkey: int32,
- o_orderstatus: string,
- o_totalprice: double,
- o_orderdate: string,
+ o_orderkey: int64,
+ o_custkey: int64,
+ o_orderstatus: string,
+ o_totalprice: double,
+ o_orderdate: string,
o_orderpriority: string,
- o_clerk: string,
- o_shippriority: int32,
+ o_clerk: string,
+ o_shippriority: int64,
o_comment: string
create type CustomerType as closed {
- c_custkey: int32,
- c_name: string,
- c_address: string,
- c_nationkey: int32,
- c_phone: string,
- c_acctbal: double,
+ c_custkey: int64,
+ c_name: string,
+ c_address: string,
+ c_nationkey: int64,
+ c_phone: string,
+ c_acctbal: double,
c_mktsegment: string,
c_comment: string
create type SupplierType as closed {
- s_suppkey: int32,
+ s_suppkey: int64,
s_name: string,
s_address: string,
- s_nationkey: int32,
+ s_nationkey: int64,
s_phone: string,
s_acctbal: double,
s_comment: string
create type NationType as closed {
- n_nationkey: int32,
+ n_nationkey: int64,
n_name: string,
- n_regionkey: int32,
+ n_regionkey: int64,
n_comment: string
create type RegionType as closed {
- r_regionkey: int32,
- r_name: string,
- r_comment: string
+ r_regionkey: int64,
+ r_name: string,
+ r_comment: string
create type PartType as closed {
- p_partkey: int32,
- p_name: string,
+ p_partkey: int64,
+ p_name: string,
p_mfgr: string,
p_brand: string,
p_type: string,
- p_size: int32,
+ p_size: int64,
p_container: string,
p_retailprice: double,
p_comment: string
create type PartSuppType as closed {
- ps_partkey: int32,
- ps_suppkey: int32,
- ps_availqty: int32,
+ ps_partkey: int64,
+ ps_suppkey: int64,
+ ps_availqty: int64,
ps_supplycost: double,
- ps_comment: string
+ ps_comment: string
create dataset LineItem(LineItemType)
@@ -94,14 +94,14 @@
primary key o_orderkey;
create dataset Supplier(SupplierType)
primary key s_suppkey;
-create dataset Region(RegionType)
+create dataset Region(RegionType)
primary key r_regionkey;
-create dataset Nation(NationType)
+create dataset Nation(NationType)
primary key n_nationkey;
create dataset Part(PartType)
primary key p_partkey;
create dataset Partsupp(PartSuppType)
- primary key ps_partkey, ps_suppkey;
-create dataset Customer(CustomerType)
+ primary key ps_partkey, ps_suppkey;
+create dataset Customer(CustomerType)
primary key c_custkey;
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/tpch/q04_order_priority/q04_order_priority.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/tpch/q04_order_priority/q04_order_priority.1.ddl.aql
index 8af3065..46ea9f7 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/tpch/q04_order_priority/q04_order_priority.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/tpch/q04_order_priority/q04_order_priority.1.ddl.aql
@@ -4,88 +4,88 @@
use dataverse tpch;
create type LineItemType as closed {
- l_orderkey: int32,
- l_partkey: int32,
- l_suppkey: int32,
- l_linenumber: int32,
- l_quantity: int32,
+ l_orderkey: int64,
+ l_partkey: int64,
+ l_suppkey: int64,
+ l_linenumber: int64,
+ l_quantity: int64,
l_extendedprice: double,
- l_discount: double,
+ l_discount: double,
l_tax: double,
- l_returnflag: string,
- l_linestatus: string,
+ l_returnflag: string,
+ l_linestatus: string,
l_shipdate: string,
- l_commitdate: string,
- l_receiptdate: string,
- l_shipinstruct: string,
- l_shipmode: string,
+ l_commitdate: string,
+ l_receiptdate: string,
+ l_shipinstruct: string,
+ l_shipmode: string,
l_comment: string
create type OrderType as closed {
- o_orderkey: int32,
- o_custkey: int32,
- o_orderstatus: string,
- o_totalprice: double,
- o_orderdate: string,
+ o_orderkey: int64,
+ o_custkey: int64,
+ o_orderstatus: string,
+ o_totalprice: double,
+ o_orderdate: string,
o_orderpriority: string,
- o_clerk: string,
- o_shippriority: int32,
+ o_clerk: string,
+ o_shippriority: int64,
o_comment: string
create type CustomerType as closed {
- c_custkey: int32,
- c_name: string,
- c_address: string,
- c_nationkey: int32,
- c_phone: string,
- c_acctbal: double,
+ c_custkey: int64,
+ c_name: string,
+ c_address: string,
+ c_nationkey: int64,
+ c_phone: string,
+ c_acctbal: double,
c_mktsegment: string,
c_comment: string
create type SupplierType as closed {
- s_suppkey: int32,
+ s_suppkey: int64,
s_name: string,
s_address: string,
- s_nationkey: int32,
+ s_nationkey: int64,
s_phone: string,
s_acctbal: double,
s_comment: string
create type NationType as closed {
- n_nationkey: int32,
+ n_nationkey: int64,
n_name: string,
- n_regionkey: int32,
+ n_regionkey: int64,
n_comment: string
create type RegionType as closed {
- r_regionkey: int32,
- r_name: string,
- r_comment: string
+ r_regionkey: int64,
+ r_name: string,
+ r_comment: string
create type PartType as closed {
- p_partkey: int32,
- p_name: string,
+ p_partkey: int64,
+ p_name: string,
p_mfgr: string,
p_brand: string,
p_type: string,
- p_size: int32,
+ p_size: int64,
p_container: string,
p_retailprice: double,
p_comment: string
create type PartSuppType as closed {
- ps_partkey: int32,
- ps_suppkey: int32,
- ps_availqty: int32,
+ ps_partkey: int64,
+ ps_suppkey: int64,
+ ps_availqty: int64,
ps_supplycost: double,
- ps_comment: string
+ ps_comment: string
create dataset LineItem(LineItemType)
@@ -94,14 +94,14 @@
primary key o_orderkey;
create dataset Supplier(SupplierType)
primary key s_suppkey;
-create dataset Region(RegionType)
+create dataset Region(RegionType)
primary key r_regionkey;
-create dataset Nation(NationType)
+create dataset Nation(NationType)
primary key n_nationkey;
create dataset Part(PartType)
primary key p_partkey;
create dataset Partsupp(PartSuppType)
- primary key ps_partkey, ps_suppkey;
-create dataset Customer(CustomerType)
+ primary key ps_partkey, ps_suppkey;
+create dataset Customer(CustomerType)
primary key c_custkey;
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/tpch/q11_important_stock/q11_important_stock.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/tpch/q11_important_stock/q11_important_stock.1.ddl.aql
index 8af3065..46ea9f7 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/tpch/q11_important_stock/q11_important_stock.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/tpch/q11_important_stock/q11_important_stock.1.ddl.aql
@@ -4,88 +4,88 @@
use dataverse tpch;
create type LineItemType as closed {
- l_orderkey: int32,
- l_partkey: int32,
- l_suppkey: int32,
- l_linenumber: int32,
- l_quantity: int32,
+ l_orderkey: int64,
+ l_partkey: int64,
+ l_suppkey: int64,
+ l_linenumber: int64,
+ l_quantity: int64,
l_extendedprice: double,
- l_discount: double,
+ l_discount: double,
l_tax: double,
- l_returnflag: string,
- l_linestatus: string,
+ l_returnflag: string,
+ l_linestatus: string,
l_shipdate: string,
- l_commitdate: string,
- l_receiptdate: string,
- l_shipinstruct: string,
- l_shipmode: string,
+ l_commitdate: string,
+ l_receiptdate: string,
+ l_shipinstruct: string,
+ l_shipmode: string,
l_comment: string
create type OrderType as closed {
- o_orderkey: int32,
- o_custkey: int32,
- o_orderstatus: string,
- o_totalprice: double,
- o_orderdate: string,
+ o_orderkey: int64,
+ o_custkey: int64,
+ o_orderstatus: string,
+ o_totalprice: double,
+ o_orderdate: string,
o_orderpriority: string,
- o_clerk: string,
- o_shippriority: int32,
+ o_clerk: string,
+ o_shippriority: int64,
o_comment: string
create type CustomerType as closed {
- c_custkey: int32,
- c_name: string,
- c_address: string,
- c_nationkey: int32,
- c_phone: string,
- c_acctbal: double,
+ c_custkey: int64,
+ c_name: string,
+ c_address: string,
+ c_nationkey: int64,
+ c_phone: string,
+ c_acctbal: double,
c_mktsegment: string,
c_comment: string
create type SupplierType as closed {
- s_suppkey: int32,
+ s_suppkey: int64,
s_name: string,
s_address: string,
- s_nationkey: int32,
+ s_nationkey: int64,
s_phone: string,
s_acctbal: double,
s_comment: string
create type NationType as closed {
- n_nationkey: int32,
+ n_nationkey: int64,
n_name: string,
- n_regionkey: int32,
+ n_regionkey: int64,
n_comment: string
create type RegionType as closed {
- r_regionkey: int32,
- r_name: string,
- r_comment: string
+ r_regionkey: int64,
+ r_name: string,
+ r_comment: string
create type PartType as closed {
- p_partkey: int32,
- p_name: string,
+ p_partkey: int64,
+ p_name: string,
p_mfgr: string,
p_brand: string,
p_type: string,
- p_size: int32,
+ p_size: int64,
p_container: string,
p_retailprice: double,
p_comment: string
create type PartSuppType as closed {
- ps_partkey: int32,
- ps_suppkey: int32,
- ps_availqty: int32,
+ ps_partkey: int64,
+ ps_suppkey: int64,
+ ps_availqty: int64,
ps_supplycost: double,
- ps_comment: string
+ ps_comment: string
create dataset LineItem(LineItemType)
@@ -94,14 +94,14 @@
primary key o_orderkey;
create dataset Supplier(SupplierType)
primary key s_suppkey;
-create dataset Region(RegionType)
+create dataset Region(RegionType)
primary key r_regionkey;
-create dataset Nation(NationType)
+create dataset Nation(NationType)
primary key n_nationkey;
create dataset Part(PartType)
primary key p_partkey;
create dataset Partsupp(PartSuppType)
- primary key ps_partkey, ps_suppkey;
-create dataset Customer(CustomerType)
+ primary key ps_partkey, ps_suppkey;
+create dataset Customer(CustomerType)
primary key c_custkey;
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/tpch/q13_customer_distribution/q13_customer_distribution.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/tpch/q13_customer_distribution/q13_customer_distribution.1.ddl.aql
index 8af3065..46ea9f7 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/tpch/q13_customer_distribution/q13_customer_distribution.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/tpch/q13_customer_distribution/q13_customer_distribution.1.ddl.aql
@@ -4,88 +4,88 @@
use dataverse tpch;
create type LineItemType as closed {
- l_orderkey: int32,
- l_partkey: int32,
- l_suppkey: int32,
- l_linenumber: int32,
- l_quantity: int32,
+ l_orderkey: int64,
+ l_partkey: int64,
+ l_suppkey: int64,
+ l_linenumber: int64,
+ l_quantity: int64,
l_extendedprice: double,
- l_discount: double,
+ l_discount: double,
l_tax: double,
- l_returnflag: string,
- l_linestatus: string,
+ l_returnflag: string,
+ l_linestatus: string,
l_shipdate: string,
- l_commitdate: string,
- l_receiptdate: string,
- l_shipinstruct: string,
- l_shipmode: string,
+ l_commitdate: string,
+ l_receiptdate: string,
+ l_shipinstruct: string,
+ l_shipmode: string,
l_comment: string
create type OrderType as closed {
- o_orderkey: int32,
- o_custkey: int32,
- o_orderstatus: string,
- o_totalprice: double,
- o_orderdate: string,
+ o_orderkey: int64,
+ o_custkey: int64,
+ o_orderstatus: string,
+ o_totalprice: double,
+ o_orderdate: string,
o_orderpriority: string,
- o_clerk: string,
- o_shippriority: int32,
+ o_clerk: string,
+ o_shippriority: int64,
o_comment: string
create type CustomerType as closed {
- c_custkey: int32,
- c_name: string,
- c_address: string,
- c_nationkey: int32,
- c_phone: string,
- c_acctbal: double,
+ c_custkey: int64,
+ c_name: string,
+ c_address: string,
+ c_nationkey: int64,
+ c_phone: string,
+ c_acctbal: double,
c_mktsegment: string,
c_comment: string
create type SupplierType as closed {
- s_suppkey: int32,
+ s_suppkey: int64,
s_name: string,
s_address: string,
- s_nationkey: int32,
+ s_nationkey: int64,
s_phone: string,
s_acctbal: double,
s_comment: string
create type NationType as closed {
- n_nationkey: int32,
+ n_nationkey: int64,
n_name: string,
- n_regionkey: int32,
+ n_regionkey: int64,
n_comment: string
create type RegionType as closed {
- r_regionkey: int32,
- r_name: string,
- r_comment: string
+ r_regionkey: int64,
+ r_name: string,
+ r_comment: string
create type PartType as closed {
- p_partkey: int32,
- p_name: string,
+ p_partkey: int64,
+ p_name: string,
p_mfgr: string,
p_brand: string,
p_type: string,
- p_size: int32,
+ p_size: int64,
p_container: string,
p_retailprice: double,
p_comment: string
create type PartSuppType as closed {
- ps_partkey: int32,
- ps_suppkey: int32,
- ps_availqty: int32,
+ ps_partkey: int64,
+ ps_suppkey: int64,
+ ps_availqty: int64,
ps_supplycost: double,
- ps_comment: string
+ ps_comment: string
create dataset LineItem(LineItemType)
@@ -94,14 +94,14 @@
primary key o_orderkey;
create dataset Supplier(SupplierType)
primary key s_suppkey;
-create dataset Region(RegionType)
+create dataset Region(RegionType)
primary key r_regionkey;
-create dataset Nation(NationType)
+create dataset Nation(NationType)
primary key n_nationkey;
create dataset Part(PartType)
primary key p_partkey;
create dataset Partsupp(PartSuppType)
- primary key ps_partkey, ps_suppkey;
-create dataset Customer(CustomerType)
+ primary key ps_partkey, ps_suppkey;
+create dataset Customer(CustomerType)
primary key c_custkey;
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/tpch/q15_top_supplier/q15_top_supplier.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/tpch/q15_top_supplier/q15_top_supplier.1.ddl.aql
index 8af3065..46ea9f7 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/tpch/q15_top_supplier/q15_top_supplier.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/tpch/q15_top_supplier/q15_top_supplier.1.ddl.aql
@@ -4,88 +4,88 @@
use dataverse tpch;
create type LineItemType as closed {
- l_orderkey: int32,
- l_partkey: int32,
- l_suppkey: int32,
- l_linenumber: int32,
- l_quantity: int32,
+ l_orderkey: int64,
+ l_partkey: int64,
+ l_suppkey: int64,
+ l_linenumber: int64,
+ l_quantity: int64,
l_extendedprice: double,
- l_discount: double,
+ l_discount: double,
l_tax: double,
- l_returnflag: string,
- l_linestatus: string,
+ l_returnflag: string,
+ l_linestatus: string,
l_shipdate: string,
- l_commitdate: string,
- l_receiptdate: string,
- l_shipinstruct: string,
- l_shipmode: string,
+ l_commitdate: string,
+ l_receiptdate: string,
+ l_shipinstruct: string,
+ l_shipmode: string,
l_comment: string
create type OrderType as closed {
- o_orderkey: int32,
- o_custkey: int32,
- o_orderstatus: string,
- o_totalprice: double,
- o_orderdate: string,
+ o_orderkey: int64,
+ o_custkey: int64,
+ o_orderstatus: string,
+ o_totalprice: double,
+ o_orderdate: string,
o_orderpriority: string,
- o_clerk: string,
- o_shippriority: int32,
+ o_clerk: string,
+ o_shippriority: int64,
o_comment: string
create type CustomerType as closed {
- c_custkey: int32,
- c_name: string,
- c_address: string,
- c_nationkey: int32,
- c_phone: string,
- c_acctbal: double,
+ c_custkey: int64,
+ c_name: string,
+ c_address: string,
+ c_nationkey: int64,
+ c_phone: string,
+ c_acctbal: double,
c_mktsegment: string,
c_comment: string
create type SupplierType as closed {
- s_suppkey: int32,
+ s_suppkey: int64,
s_name: string,
s_address: string,
- s_nationkey: int32,
+ s_nationkey: int64,
s_phone: string,
s_acctbal: double,
s_comment: string
create type NationType as closed {
- n_nationkey: int32,
+ n_nationkey: int64,
n_name: string,
- n_regionkey: int32,
+ n_regionkey: int64,
n_comment: string
create type RegionType as closed {
- r_regionkey: int32,
- r_name: string,
- r_comment: string
+ r_regionkey: int64,
+ r_name: string,
+ r_comment: string
create type PartType as closed {
- p_partkey: int32,
- p_name: string,
+ p_partkey: int64,
+ p_name: string,
p_mfgr: string,
p_brand: string,
p_type: string,
- p_size: int32,
+ p_size: int64,
p_container: string,
p_retailprice: double,
p_comment: string
create type PartSuppType as closed {
- ps_partkey: int32,
- ps_suppkey: int32,
- ps_availqty: int32,
+ ps_partkey: int64,
+ ps_suppkey: int64,
+ ps_availqty: int64,
ps_supplycost: double,
- ps_comment: string
+ ps_comment: string
create dataset LineItem(LineItemType)
@@ -94,14 +94,14 @@
primary key o_orderkey;
create dataset Supplier(SupplierType)
primary key s_suppkey;
-create dataset Region(RegionType)
+create dataset Region(RegionType)
primary key r_regionkey;
-create dataset Nation(NationType)
+create dataset Nation(NationType)
primary key n_nationkey;
create dataset Part(PartType)
primary key p_partkey;
create dataset Partsupp(PartSuppType)
- primary key ps_partkey, ps_suppkey;
-create dataset Customer(CustomerType)
+ primary key ps_partkey, ps_suppkey;
+create dataset Customer(CustomerType)
primary key c_custkey;
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/tpch/q16_parts_supplier_relationship/q16_parts_supplier_relationship.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/tpch/q16_parts_supplier_relationship/q16_parts_supplier_relationship.1.ddl.aql
index 8af3065..46ea9f7 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/tpch/q16_parts_supplier_relationship/q16_parts_supplier_relationship.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/tpch/q16_parts_supplier_relationship/q16_parts_supplier_relationship.1.ddl.aql
@@ -4,88 +4,88 @@
use dataverse tpch;
create type LineItemType as closed {
- l_orderkey: int32,
- l_partkey: int32,
- l_suppkey: int32,
- l_linenumber: int32,
- l_quantity: int32,
+ l_orderkey: int64,
+ l_partkey: int64,
+ l_suppkey: int64,
+ l_linenumber: int64,
+ l_quantity: int64,
l_extendedprice: double,
- l_discount: double,
+ l_discount: double,
l_tax: double,
- l_returnflag: string,
- l_linestatus: string,
+ l_returnflag: string,
+ l_linestatus: string,
l_shipdate: string,
- l_commitdate: string,
- l_receiptdate: string,
- l_shipinstruct: string,
- l_shipmode: string,
+ l_commitdate: string,
+ l_receiptdate: string,
+ l_shipinstruct: string,
+ l_shipmode: string,
l_comment: string
create type OrderType as closed {
- o_orderkey: int32,
- o_custkey: int32,
- o_orderstatus: string,
- o_totalprice: double,
- o_orderdate: string,
+ o_orderkey: int64,
+ o_custkey: int64,
+ o_orderstatus: string,
+ o_totalprice: double,
+ o_orderdate: string,
o_orderpriority: string,
- o_clerk: string,
- o_shippriority: int32,
+ o_clerk: string,
+ o_shippriority: int64,
o_comment: string
create type CustomerType as closed {
- c_custkey: int32,
- c_name: string,
- c_address: string,
- c_nationkey: int32,
- c_phone: string,
- c_acctbal: double,
+ c_custkey: int64,
+ c_name: string,
+ c_address: string,
+ c_nationkey: int64,
+ c_phone: string,
+ c_acctbal: double,
c_mktsegment: string,
c_comment: string
create type SupplierType as closed {
- s_suppkey: int32,
+ s_suppkey: int64,
s_name: string,
s_address: string,
- s_nationkey: int32,
+ s_nationkey: int64,
s_phone: string,
s_acctbal: double,
s_comment: string
create type NationType as closed {
- n_nationkey: int32,
+ n_nationkey: int64,
n_name: string,
- n_regionkey: int32,
+ n_regionkey: int64,
n_comment: string
create type RegionType as closed {
- r_regionkey: int32,
- r_name: string,
- r_comment: string
+ r_regionkey: int64,
+ r_name: string,
+ r_comment: string
create type PartType as closed {
- p_partkey: int32,
- p_name: string,
+ p_partkey: int64,
+ p_name: string,
p_mfgr: string,
p_brand: string,
p_type: string,
- p_size: int32,
+ p_size: int64,
p_container: string,
p_retailprice: double,
p_comment: string
create type PartSuppType as closed {
- ps_partkey: int32,
- ps_suppkey: int32,
- ps_availqty: int32,
+ ps_partkey: int64,
+ ps_suppkey: int64,
+ ps_availqty: int64,
ps_supplycost: double,
- ps_comment: string
+ ps_comment: string
create dataset LineItem(LineItemType)
@@ -94,14 +94,14 @@
primary key o_orderkey;
create dataset Supplier(SupplierType)
primary key s_suppkey;
-create dataset Region(RegionType)
+create dataset Region(RegionType)
primary key r_regionkey;
-create dataset Nation(NationType)
+create dataset Nation(NationType)
primary key n_nationkey;
create dataset Part(PartType)
primary key p_partkey;
create dataset Partsupp(PartSuppType)
- primary key ps_partkey, ps_suppkey;
-create dataset Customer(CustomerType)
+ primary key ps_partkey, ps_suppkey;
+create dataset Customer(CustomerType)
primary key c_custkey;
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/tpch/q17_large_gby_variant/q17_large_gby_variant.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/tpch/q17_large_gby_variant/q17_large_gby_variant.1.ddl.aql
index 8af3065..46ea9f7 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/tpch/q17_large_gby_variant/q17_large_gby_variant.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/tpch/q17_large_gby_variant/q17_large_gby_variant.1.ddl.aql
@@ -4,88 +4,88 @@
use dataverse tpch;
create type LineItemType as closed {
- l_orderkey: int32,
- l_partkey: int32,
- l_suppkey: int32,
- l_linenumber: int32,
- l_quantity: int32,
+ l_orderkey: int64,
+ l_partkey: int64,
+ l_suppkey: int64,
+ l_linenumber: int64,
+ l_quantity: int64,
l_extendedprice: double,
- l_discount: double,
+ l_discount: double,
l_tax: double,
- l_returnflag: string,
- l_linestatus: string,
+ l_returnflag: string,
+ l_linestatus: string,
l_shipdate: string,
- l_commitdate: string,
- l_receiptdate: string,
- l_shipinstruct: string,
- l_shipmode: string,
+ l_commitdate: string,
+ l_receiptdate: string,
+ l_shipinstruct: string,
+ l_shipmode: string,
l_comment: string
create type OrderType as closed {
- o_orderkey: int32,
- o_custkey: int32,
- o_orderstatus: string,
- o_totalprice: double,
- o_orderdate: string,
+ o_orderkey: int64,
+ o_custkey: int64,
+ o_orderstatus: string,
+ o_totalprice: double,
+ o_orderdate: string,
o_orderpriority: string,
- o_clerk: string,
- o_shippriority: int32,
+ o_clerk: string,
+ o_shippriority: int64,
o_comment: string
create type CustomerType as closed {
- c_custkey: int32,
- c_name: string,
- c_address: string,
- c_nationkey: int32,
- c_phone: string,
- c_acctbal: double,
+ c_custkey: int64,
+ c_name: string,
+ c_address: string,
+ c_nationkey: int64,
+ c_phone: string,
+ c_acctbal: double,
c_mktsegment: string,
c_comment: string
create type SupplierType as closed {
- s_suppkey: int32,
+ s_suppkey: int64,
s_name: string,
s_address: string,
- s_nationkey: int32,
+ s_nationkey: int64,
s_phone: string,
s_acctbal: double,
s_comment: string
create type NationType as closed {
- n_nationkey: int32,
+ n_nationkey: int64,
n_name: string,
- n_regionkey: int32,
+ n_regionkey: int64,
n_comment: string
create type RegionType as closed {
- r_regionkey: int32,
- r_name: string,
- r_comment: string
+ r_regionkey: int64,
+ r_name: string,
+ r_comment: string
create type PartType as closed {
- p_partkey: int32,
- p_name: string,
+ p_partkey: int64,
+ p_name: string,
p_mfgr: string,
p_brand: string,
p_type: string,
- p_size: int32,
+ p_size: int64,
p_container: string,
p_retailprice: double,
p_comment: string
create type PartSuppType as closed {
- ps_partkey: int32,
- ps_suppkey: int32,
- ps_availqty: int32,
+ ps_partkey: int64,
+ ps_suppkey: int64,
+ ps_availqty: int64,
ps_supplycost: double,
- ps_comment: string
+ ps_comment: string
create dataset LineItem(LineItemType)
@@ -94,14 +94,14 @@
primary key o_orderkey;
create dataset Supplier(SupplierType)
primary key s_suppkey;
-create dataset Region(RegionType)
+create dataset Region(RegionType)
primary key r_regionkey;
-create dataset Nation(NationType)
+create dataset Nation(NationType)
primary key n_nationkey;
create dataset Part(PartType)
primary key p_partkey;
create dataset Partsupp(PartSuppType)
- primary key ps_partkey, ps_suppkey;
-create dataset Customer(CustomerType)
+ primary key ps_partkey, ps_suppkey;
+create dataset Customer(CustomerType)
primary key c_custkey;
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/tpch/q18_large_volume_customer/q18_large_volume_customer.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/tpch/q18_large_volume_customer/q18_large_volume_customer.1.ddl.aql
index 8af3065..46ea9f7 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/tpch/q18_large_volume_customer/q18_large_volume_customer.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/tpch/q18_large_volume_customer/q18_large_volume_customer.1.ddl.aql
@@ -4,88 +4,88 @@
use dataverse tpch;
create type LineItemType as closed {
- l_orderkey: int32,
- l_partkey: int32,
- l_suppkey: int32,
- l_linenumber: int32,
- l_quantity: int32,
+ l_orderkey: int64,
+ l_partkey: int64,
+ l_suppkey: int64,
+ l_linenumber: int64,
+ l_quantity: int64,
l_extendedprice: double,
- l_discount: double,
+ l_discount: double,
l_tax: double,
- l_returnflag: string,
- l_linestatus: string,
+ l_returnflag: string,
+ l_linestatus: string,
l_shipdate: string,
- l_commitdate: string,
- l_receiptdate: string,
- l_shipinstruct: string,
- l_shipmode: string,
+ l_commitdate: string,
+ l_receiptdate: string,
+ l_shipinstruct: string,
+ l_shipmode: string,
l_comment: string
create type OrderType as closed {
- o_orderkey: int32,
- o_custkey: int32,
- o_orderstatus: string,
- o_totalprice: double,
- o_orderdate: string,
+ o_orderkey: int64,
+ o_custkey: int64,
+ o_orderstatus: string,
+ o_totalprice: double,
+ o_orderdate: string,
o_orderpriority: string,
- o_clerk: string,
- o_shippriority: int32,
+ o_clerk: string,
+ o_shippriority: int64,
o_comment: string
create type CustomerType as closed {
- c_custkey: int32,
- c_name: string,
- c_address: string,
- c_nationkey: int32,
- c_phone: string,
- c_acctbal: double,
+ c_custkey: int64,
+ c_name: string,
+ c_address: string,
+ c_nationkey: int64,
+ c_phone: string,
+ c_acctbal: double,
c_mktsegment: string,
c_comment: string
create type SupplierType as closed {
- s_suppkey: int32,
+ s_suppkey: int64,
s_name: string,
s_address: string,
- s_nationkey: int32,
+ s_nationkey: int64,
s_phone: string,
s_acctbal: double,
s_comment: string
create type NationType as closed {
- n_nationkey: int32,
+ n_nationkey: int64,
n_name: string,
- n_regionkey: int32,
+ n_regionkey: int64,
n_comment: string
create type RegionType as closed {
- r_regionkey: int32,
- r_name: string,
- r_comment: string
+ r_regionkey: int64,
+ r_name: string,
+ r_comment: string
create type PartType as closed {
- p_partkey: int32,
- p_name: string,
+ p_partkey: int64,
+ p_name: string,
p_mfgr: string,
p_brand: string,
p_type: string,
- p_size: int32,
+ p_size: int64,
p_container: string,
p_retailprice: double,
p_comment: string
create type PartSuppType as closed {
- ps_partkey: int32,
- ps_suppkey: int32,
- ps_availqty: int32,
+ ps_partkey: int64,
+ ps_suppkey: int64,
+ ps_availqty: int64,
ps_supplycost: double,
- ps_comment: string
+ ps_comment: string
create dataset LineItem(LineItemType)
@@ -94,14 +94,14 @@
primary key o_orderkey;
create dataset Supplier(SupplierType)
primary key s_suppkey;
-create dataset Region(RegionType)
+create dataset Region(RegionType)
primary key r_regionkey;
-create dataset Nation(NationType)
+create dataset Nation(NationType)
primary key n_nationkey;
create dataset Part(PartType)
primary key p_partkey;
create dataset Partsupp(PartSuppType)
- primary key ps_partkey, ps_suppkey;
-create dataset Customer(CustomerType)
+ primary key ps_partkey, ps_suppkey;
+create dataset Customer(CustomerType)
primary key c_custkey;
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/tpch/q21_suppliers_who_kept_orders_waiting/q21_suppliers_who_kept_orders_waiting.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/tpch/q21_suppliers_who_kept_orders_waiting/q21_suppliers_who_kept_orders_waiting.1.ddl.aql
index 8af3065..46ea9f7 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/tpch/q21_suppliers_who_kept_orders_waiting/q21_suppliers_who_kept_orders_waiting.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/tpch/q21_suppliers_who_kept_orders_waiting/q21_suppliers_who_kept_orders_waiting.1.ddl.aql
@@ -4,88 +4,88 @@
use dataverse tpch;
create type LineItemType as closed {
- l_orderkey: int32,
- l_partkey: int32,
- l_suppkey: int32,
- l_linenumber: int32,
- l_quantity: int32,
+ l_orderkey: int64,
+ l_partkey: int64,
+ l_suppkey: int64,
+ l_linenumber: int64,
+ l_quantity: int64,
l_extendedprice: double,
- l_discount: double,
+ l_discount: double,
l_tax: double,
- l_returnflag: string,
- l_linestatus: string,
+ l_returnflag: string,
+ l_linestatus: string,
l_shipdate: string,
- l_commitdate: string,
- l_receiptdate: string,
- l_shipinstruct: string,
- l_shipmode: string,
+ l_commitdate: string,
+ l_receiptdate: string,
+ l_shipinstruct: string,
+ l_shipmode: string,
l_comment: string
create type OrderType as closed {
- o_orderkey: int32,
- o_custkey: int32,
- o_orderstatus: string,
- o_totalprice: double,
- o_orderdate: string,
+ o_orderkey: int64,
+ o_custkey: int64,
+ o_orderstatus: string,
+ o_totalprice: double,
+ o_orderdate: string,
o_orderpriority: string,
- o_clerk: string,
- o_shippriority: int32,
+ o_clerk: string,
+ o_shippriority: int64,
o_comment: string
create type CustomerType as closed {
- c_custkey: int32,
- c_name: string,
- c_address: string,
- c_nationkey: int32,
- c_phone: string,
- c_acctbal: double,
+ c_custkey: int64,
+ c_name: string,
+ c_address: string,
+ c_nationkey: int64,
+ c_phone: string,
+ c_acctbal: double,
c_mktsegment: string,
c_comment: string
create type SupplierType as closed {
- s_suppkey: int32,
+ s_suppkey: int64,
s_name: string,
s_address: string,
- s_nationkey: int32,
+ s_nationkey: int64,
s_phone: string,
s_acctbal: double,
s_comment: string
create type NationType as closed {
- n_nationkey: int32,
+ n_nationkey: int64,
n_name: string,
- n_regionkey: int32,
+ n_regionkey: int64,
n_comment: string
create type RegionType as closed {
- r_regionkey: int32,
- r_name: string,
- r_comment: string
+ r_regionkey: int64,
+ r_name: string,
+ r_comment: string
create type PartType as closed {
- p_partkey: int32,
- p_name: string,
+ p_partkey: int64,
+ p_name: string,
p_mfgr: string,
p_brand: string,
p_type: string,
- p_size: int32,
+ p_size: int64,
p_container: string,
p_retailprice: double,
p_comment: string
create type PartSuppType as closed {
- ps_partkey: int32,
- ps_suppkey: int32,
- ps_availqty: int32,
+ ps_partkey: int64,
+ ps_suppkey: int64,
+ ps_availqty: int64,
ps_supplycost: double,
- ps_comment: string
+ ps_comment: string
create dataset LineItem(LineItemType)
@@ -94,14 +94,14 @@
primary key o_orderkey;
create dataset Supplier(SupplierType)
primary key s_suppkey;
-create dataset Region(RegionType)
+create dataset Region(RegionType)
primary key r_regionkey;
-create dataset Nation(NationType)
+create dataset Nation(NationType)
primary key n_nationkey;
create dataset Part(PartType)
primary key p_partkey;
create dataset Partsupp(PartSuppType)
- primary key ps_partkey, ps_suppkey;
-create dataset Customer(CustomerType)
+ primary key ps_partkey, ps_suppkey;
+create dataset Customer(CustomerType)
primary key c_custkey;
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/tpch/query-issue601/query-issue601.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/tpch/query-issue601/query-issue601.1.ddl.aql
index f37c63b..63f5b21 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/tpch/query-issue601/query-issue601.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/tpch/query-issue601/query-issue601.1.ddl.aql
@@ -11,15 +11,15 @@
use dataverse tpch;
create type LineItemType as closed {
- l_orderkey: int32,
- l_partkey: int32,
- l_suppkey: int32,
- l_linenumber: int32,
+ l_orderkey: int64,
+ l_partkey: int64,
+ l_suppkey: int64,
+ l_linenumber: int64,
l_quantity: double,
l_extendedprice: double,
l_discount: double,
l_tax: double,
- l_returnflag: string,
+ l_returnflag: string,
l_linestatus: string,
l_shipdate: string,
l_commitdate: string,
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/tpch/query-issue785-2/query-issue785-2.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/tpch/query-issue785-2/query-issue785-2.1.ddl.aql
index 42a0b79..03ce3f1 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/tpch/query-issue785-2/query-issue785-2.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/tpch/query-issue785-2/query-issue785-2.1.ddl.aql
@@ -11,22 +11,22 @@
use dataverse tpch;
create type OrderType as closed {
- o_orderkey: int32,
- o_custkey: int32,
+ o_orderkey: int64,
+ o_custkey: int64,
o_orderstatus: string,
o_totalprice: double,
o_orderdate: string,
o_orderpriority: string,
o_clerk: string,
- o_shippriority: int32,
+ o_shippriority: int64,
o_comment: string
create type CustomerType as closed {
- c_custkey: int32,
+ c_custkey: int64,
c_name: string,
c_address: string,
- c_nationkey: int32,
+ c_nationkey: int64,
c_phone: string,
c_acctbal: double,
c_mktsegment: string,
@@ -34,24 +34,24 @@
create type SupplierType as closed {
- s_suppkey: int32,
+ s_suppkey: int64,
s_name: string,
s_address: string,
- s_nationkey: int32,
+ s_nationkey: int64,
s_phone: string,
s_acctbal: double,
s_comment: string
create type NationType as closed {
- n_nationkey: int32,
+ n_nationkey: int64,
n_name: string,
- n_regionkey: int32,
+ n_regionkey: int64,
n_comment: string
create type RegionType as closed {
- r_regionkey: int32,
+ r_regionkey: int64,
r_name: string,
r_comment: string
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/tpch/query-issue785/query-issue785.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/tpch/query-issue785/query-issue785.1.ddl.aql
index 42a0b79..03ce3f1 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/tpch/query-issue785/query-issue785.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/tpch/query-issue785/query-issue785.1.ddl.aql
@@ -11,22 +11,22 @@
use dataverse tpch;
create type OrderType as closed {
- o_orderkey: int32,
- o_custkey: int32,
+ o_orderkey: int64,
+ o_custkey: int64,
o_orderstatus: string,
o_totalprice: double,
o_orderdate: string,
o_orderpriority: string,
o_clerk: string,
- o_shippriority: int32,
+ o_shippriority: int64,
o_comment: string
create type CustomerType as closed {
- c_custkey: int32,
+ c_custkey: int64,
c_name: string,
c_address: string,
- c_nationkey: int32,
+ c_nationkey: int64,
c_phone: string,
c_acctbal: double,
c_mktsegment: string,
@@ -34,24 +34,24 @@
create type SupplierType as closed {
- s_suppkey: int32,
+ s_suppkey: int64,
s_name: string,
s_address: string,
- s_nationkey: int32,
+ s_nationkey: int64,
s_phone: string,
s_acctbal: double,
s_comment: string
create type NationType as closed {
- n_nationkey: int32,
+ n_nationkey: int64,
n_name: string,
- n_regionkey: int32,
+ n_regionkey: int64,
n_comment: string
create type RegionType as closed {
- r_regionkey: int32,
+ r_regionkey: int64,
r_name: string,
r_comment: string
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/types/opentype_orderby_01/opentype_orderby_01.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/types/opentype_orderby_01/opentype_orderby_01.1.ddl.aql
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..29fab92
--- /dev/null
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/types/opentype_orderby_01/opentype_orderby_01.1.ddl.aql
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+* Type Promotion Test
+* - Order by an open-type field
+* - Expected Result: Success
+drop dataverse test if exists;
+create dataverse test;
+use dataverse test;
+create type empInfoType as open {
+empno:int64, // same as "id". to check non-indexed functionality
+age:int64, // same as "id". to check indexed functionality
+create type deptInfoType as open {
+floor:int64, // indexed field.
+create dataset empDataset(empInfoType) primary key id;
+create dataset deptDataset(deptInfoType) primary key did;
+create index empAgeIdx on empDataset(age);
+create index deptFloorIdx on deptDataset(floor);
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/types/opentype_orderby_01/opentype_orderby_01.2.update.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/types/opentype_orderby_01/opentype_orderby_01.2.update.aql
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..92fdba6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/types/opentype_orderby_01/opentype_orderby_01.2.update.aql
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+* Type Promotion Test
+use dataverse test;
+load dataset empDataset using localfs
+load dataset deptDataset using localfs
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/types/opentype_orderby_01/opentype_orderby_01.3.query.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/types/opentype_orderby_01/opentype_orderby_01.3.query.aql
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5bade50
--- /dev/null
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/types/opentype_orderby_01/opentype_orderby_01.3.query.aql
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+* Type Promotion Test
+use dataverse test;
+// supvrid: open type field
+for $emp in dataset empDataset
+order by $emp.supvrid, $emp.id
+return {"emp.id":$emp.id, "emp.supvrid":$emp.supvrid};
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/types/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_closedtype_field_01/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_closedtype_field_01.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/types/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_closedtype_field_01/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_closedtype_field_01.1.ddl.aql
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4a8c80c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/types/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_closedtype_field_01/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_closedtype_field_01.1.ddl.aql
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+* Type Promotion Test
+* - Comparison between a closed-type field (INT64) and a closed-type field (INT64)
+* - Expected Result: Success
+drop dataverse test if exists;
+create dataverse test;
+use dataverse test;
+create type empInfoType as open {
+empno:int64, // same as "id". to check non-indexed functionality
+age:int64, // same as "id". to check indexed functionality
+create type deptInfoType as open {
+floor:int64, // indexed field.
+create dataset empDataset(empInfoType) primary key id;
+create dataset deptDataset(deptInfoType) primary key did;
+create index empAgeIdx on empDataset(age);
+create index deptFloorIdx on deptDataset(floor);
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/types/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_closedtype_field_01/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_closedtype_field_01.2.update.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/types/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_closedtype_field_01/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_closedtype_field_01.2.update.aql
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..92fdba6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/types/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_closedtype_field_01/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_closedtype_field_01.2.update.aql
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+* Type Promotion Test
+use dataverse test;
+load dataset empDataset using localfs
+load dataset deptDataset using localfs
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/types/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_closedtype_field_01/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_closedtype_field_01.3.query.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/types/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_closedtype_field_01/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_closedtype_field_01.3.query.aql
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d7ac81f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/types/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_closedtype_field_01/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_closedtype_field_01.3.query.aql
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+* Type Promotion Test
+use dataverse test;
+// worksince: a non-indexed type (INT64), dsince: a non-indexed type (INT64)
+for $emp in dataset empDataset
+for $dept in dataset deptDataset
+where $emp.worksince = $dept.dsince
+order by $emp.id, $dept.did, $emp.worksince, $dept.dsince
+return {"emp.id":$emp.id, "dept.did": $dept.did, "emp.worksince":$emp.worksince, "dept.dsince":$dept.dsince}
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/types/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_closedtype_field_02/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_closedtype_field_02.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/types/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_closedtype_field_02/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_closedtype_field_02.1.ddl.aql
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..47f0788
--- /dev/null
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/types/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_closedtype_field_02/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_closedtype_field_02.1.ddl.aql
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+* Type Promotion Test
+* - Comparison between a closed-type field (INT64) and a closed-type field (INT32): comparing different types
+* - Expected Result: Success
+drop dataverse test if exists;
+create dataverse test;
+use dataverse test;
+create type empInfoType as open {
+empno:int64, // same as "id". to check non-indexed functionality
+age:int64, // same as "id". to check indexed functionality
+create type deptInfoType as open {
+floor:int64, // indexed field.
+create dataset empDataset(empInfoType) primary key id;
+create dataset deptDataset(deptInfoType) primary key did;
+create index empAgeIdx on empDataset(age);
+create index deptFloorIdx on deptDataset(floor);
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/types/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_closedtype_field_02/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_closedtype_field_02.2.update.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/types/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_closedtype_field_02/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_closedtype_field_02.2.update.aql
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..92fdba6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/types/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_closedtype_field_02/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_closedtype_field_02.2.update.aql
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+* Type Promotion Test
+use dataverse test;
+load dataset empDataset using localfs
+load dataset deptDataset using localfs
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/types/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_closedtype_field_02/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_closedtype_field_02.3.query.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/types/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_closedtype_field_02/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_closedtype_field_02.3.query.aql
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e247d0d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/types/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_closedtype_field_02/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_closedtype_field_02.3.query.aql
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+* Type Promotion Test
+use dataverse test;
+// worksince: a non-indexed closed-type field (INT64), dsince: a non-indexed closed-type field (INT32)
+for $emp in dataset empDataset
+for $dept in dataset deptDataset
+where $emp.worksince = ($dept.bossidint32 + 2000)
+order by $emp.id, $emp.worksince, $dept.bossidint32, $dept.did
+return {"emp.id":$emp.id, "dept.did": $dept.did, "emp.worksince":$emp.worksince, "dept.bossidint32 + 2000":($dept.bossidint32+2000)}
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/types/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_closedtype_field_03/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_closedtype_field_03.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/types/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_closedtype_field_03/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_closedtype_field_03.1.ddl.aql
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e05d96d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/types/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_closedtype_field_03/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_closedtype_field_03.1.ddl.aql
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+* Type Promotion Test
+* - Comparison between an indexed closed-type field and a non-indexed closed-type field: same type
+* - Expected Result: Success
+drop dataverse test if exists;
+create dataverse test;
+use dataverse test;
+create type empInfoType as open {
+empno:int64, // same as "id". to check non-indexed functionality
+age:int64, // same as "id". to check indexed functionality
+create type deptInfoType as open {
+floor:int64, // indexed field.
+create dataset empDataset(empInfoType) primary key id;
+create dataset deptDataset(deptInfoType) primary key did;
+create index empAgeIdx on empDataset(age);
+create index deptFloorIdx on deptDataset(floor);
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/types/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_closedtype_field_03/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_closedtype_field_03.2.update.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/types/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_closedtype_field_03/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_closedtype_field_03.2.update.aql
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..92fdba6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/types/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_closedtype_field_03/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_closedtype_field_03.2.update.aql
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+* Type Promotion Test
+use dataverse test;
+load dataset empDataset using localfs
+load dataset deptDataset using localfs
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/types/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_closedtype_field_03/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_closedtype_field_03.3.query.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/types/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_closedtype_field_03/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_closedtype_field_03.3.query.aql
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e956234
--- /dev/null
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/types/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_closedtype_field_03/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_closedtype_field_03.3.query.aql
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+* Type Promotion Test
+use dataverse test;
+//age: an indexed closed-type field (INT64), bossid: a non-indexed closed-type field (INT64)
+for $emp in dataset empDataset
+for $dept in dataset deptDataset
+where $emp.age = $dept.bossid
+order by $emp.id, $dept.did, $emp.age, $dept.bossid
+return {"emp.id":$emp.id, "dept.did": $dept.did, "emp.age":$emp.age, "dept.bossid":$dept.bossid}
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/types/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_closedtype_field_04/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_closedtype_field_04.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/types/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_closedtype_field_04/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_closedtype_field_04.1.ddl.aql
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f1918d9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/types/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_closedtype_field_04/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_closedtype_field_04.1.ddl.aql
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+* Type Promotion Test
+* - Comparison between an indexed closed-type field and a non-indexed closed-type field: different types
+* - Expected Result: Success
+drop dataverse test if exists;
+create dataverse test;
+use dataverse test;
+create type empInfoType as open {
+empno:int64, // same as "id". to check non-indexed functionality
+age:int64, // same as "id". to check indexed functionality
+create type deptInfoType as open {
+floor:int64, // indexed field.
+create dataset empDataset(empInfoType) primary key id;
+create dataset deptDataset(deptInfoType) primary key did;
+create index empAgeIdx on empDataset(age);
+create index deptFloorIdx on deptDataset(floor);
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/types/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_closedtype_field_04/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_closedtype_field_04.2.update.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/types/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_closedtype_field_04/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_closedtype_field_04.2.update.aql
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..92fdba6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/types/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_closedtype_field_04/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_closedtype_field_04.2.update.aql
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+* Type Promotion Test
+use dataverse test;
+load dataset empDataset using localfs
+load dataset deptDataset using localfs
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/types/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_closedtype_field_04/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_closedtype_field_04.3.query.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/types/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_closedtype_field_04/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_closedtype_field_04.3.query.aql
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e6776c2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/types/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_closedtype_field_04/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_closedtype_field_04.3.query.aql
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+* Type Promotion Test
+use dataverse test;
+//age: an indexed closed-type field (INT64), bossidint32: a non-indexed closed-type field (INT32)
+for $emp in dataset empDataset
+for $dept in dataset deptDataset
+where $emp.age = $dept.bossidint32
+order by $emp.id, $dept.did, $emp.age, $dept.bossidint32
+return {"emp.id":$emp.id, "dept.did": $dept.did, "emp.age":$emp.age, "dept.bossidint32":$dept.bossidint32}
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/types/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_closedtype_field_05/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_closedtype_field_05.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/types/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_closedtype_field_05/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_closedtype_field_05.1.ddl.aql
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..398d4e3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/types/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_closedtype_field_05/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_closedtype_field_05.1.ddl.aql
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+* Type Promotion Test
+* - Comparison between an indexed closed-type field and a non-indexed closed-type field: different types
+* - Expected Result: Success
+drop dataverse test if exists;
+create dataverse test;
+use dataverse test;
+create type empInfoType as open {
+empno:int64, // same as "id". to check non-indexed functionality
+create type deptInfoType as open {
+dno:int32, // same as "did". to check non-indexed functionality
+create dataset empDataset(empInfoType) primary key id;
+create dataset deptDataset(deptInfoType) primary key did;
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/types/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_closedtype_field_05/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_closedtype_field_05.2.update.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/types/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_closedtype_field_05/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_closedtype_field_05.2.update.aql
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2cd2e1c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/types/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_closedtype_field_05/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_closedtype_field_05.2.update.aql
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+* Type Promotion Test
+use dataverse test;
+load dataset empDataset using localfs
+load dataset deptDataset using localfs
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/types/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_closedtype_field_05/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_closedtype_field_05.3.query.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/types/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_closedtype_field_05/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_closedtype_field_05.3.query.aql
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..aae1544
--- /dev/null
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/types/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_closedtype_field_05/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_closedtype_field_05.3.query.aql
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+* Type Promotion Test
+use dataverse test;
+for $emp in dataset empDataset
+for $dept in dataset deptDataset
+where $emp.empno = $dept.dno
+order by $emp.id, $dept.did, $emp.empno, $dept.dno
+return {"emp.id":$emp.id, "dept.did": $dept.did, "emp.empno":$emp.empno, "dept.dno":$dept.dno}
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/types/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_constant_01/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_constant_01.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/types/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_constant_01/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_constant_01.1.ddl.aql
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..853e267
--- /dev/null
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/types/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_constant_01/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_constant_01.1.ddl.aql
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+* Type Promotion Test
+* - an indexed closed-type field (INT64) lookup by using an INT8 constant
+* - Expected Result: Success
+drop dataverse test if exists;
+create dataverse test;
+use dataverse test;
+create type empInfoType as open {
+empno:int64, // same as "id". to check non-indexed functionality
+age:int64, // same as "id". to check indexed functionality
+create type deptInfoType as open {
+floor:int64, // indexed field.
+create dataset empDataset(empInfoType) primary key id;
+create dataset deptDataset(deptInfoType) primary key did;
+create index empAgeIdx on empDataset(age);
+create index deptFloorIdx on deptDataset(floor);
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/types/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_constant_01/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_constant_01.2.update.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/types/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_constant_01/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_constant_01.2.update.aql
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..92fdba6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/types/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_constant_01/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_constant_01.2.update.aql
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+* Type Promotion Test
+use dataverse test;
+load dataset empDataset using localfs
+load dataset deptDataset using localfs
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/types/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_constant_01/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_constant_01.3.query.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/types/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_constant_01/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_constant_01.3.query.aql
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a7b643f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/types/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_constant_01/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_constant_01.3.query.aql
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+* Type Promotion Test
+use dataverse test;
+// age: a closed field with an index
+for $emp in dataset empDataset
+where $emp.age = int8("1")
+order by $emp.id, $emp.age
+return {"emp.id":$emp.id, "emp.age":$emp.age}
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/types/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_constant_02/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_constant_02.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/types/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_constant_02/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_constant_02.1.ddl.aql
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..01a6535
--- /dev/null
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/types/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_constant_02/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_constant_02.1.ddl.aql
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+* Type Promotion Test
+* - an indexed closed-type field (INT64) lookup by using an INT16 constant
+* - Expected Result: Success
+drop dataverse test if exists;
+create dataverse test;
+use dataverse test;
+create type empInfoType as open {
+empno:int64, // same as "id". to check non-indexed functionality
+age:int64, // same as "id". to check indexed functionality
+create type deptInfoType as open {
+floor:int64, // indexed field.
+create dataset empDataset(empInfoType) primary key id;
+create dataset deptDataset(deptInfoType) primary key did;
+create index empAgeIdx on empDataset(age);
+create index deptFloorIdx on deptDataset(floor);
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/types/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_constant_02/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_constant_02.2.update.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/types/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_constant_02/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_constant_02.2.update.aql
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..92fdba6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/types/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_constant_02/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_constant_02.2.update.aql
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+* Type Promotion Test
+use dataverse test;
+load dataset empDataset using localfs
+load dataset deptDataset using localfs
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/types/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_constant_02/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_constant_02.3.query.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/types/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_constant_02/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_constant_02.3.query.aql
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a34fcae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/types/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_constant_02/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_constant_02.3.query.aql
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+* Type Promotion Test
+use dataverse test;
+// age: a closed field with an index
+for $emp in dataset empDataset
+where $emp.age = int16("1")
+order by $emp.id, $emp.age
+return {"emp.id":$emp.id, "emp.age":$emp.age}
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/types/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_constant_03/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_constant_03.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/types/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_constant_03/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_constant_03.1.ddl.aql
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ab58c67
--- /dev/null
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/types/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_constant_03/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_constant_03.1.ddl.aql
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+* Type Promotion Test
+* - an indexed closed-type field (INT64) lookup by using an INT32 constant
+* - Expected Result: Success
+drop dataverse test if exists;
+create dataverse test;
+use dataverse test;
+create type empInfoType as open {
+empno:int64, // same as "id". to check non-indexed functionality
+age:int64, // same as "id". to check indexed functionality
+create type deptInfoType as open {
+floor:int64, // indexed field.
+create dataset empDataset(empInfoType) primary key id;
+create dataset deptDataset(deptInfoType) primary key did;
+create index empAgeIdx on empDataset(age);
+create index deptFloorIdx on deptDataset(floor);
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/types/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_constant_03/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_constant_03.2.update.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/types/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_constant_03/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_constant_03.2.update.aql
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..92fdba6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/types/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_constant_03/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_constant_03.2.update.aql
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+* Type Promotion Test
+use dataverse test;
+load dataset empDataset using localfs
+load dataset deptDataset using localfs
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/types/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_constant_03/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_constant_03.3.query.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/types/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_constant_03/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_constant_03.3.query.aql
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5e18f73
--- /dev/null
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/types/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_constant_03/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_constant_03.3.query.aql
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+* Type Promotion Test
+use dataverse test;
+// age: a closed field with an index
+for $emp in dataset empDataset
+where $emp.age = int32("1")
+order by $emp.id, $emp.age
+return {"emp.id":$emp.id, "emp.age":$emp.age}
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/types/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_constant_04/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_constant_04.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/types/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_constant_04/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_constant_04.1.ddl.aql
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9b6e67d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/types/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_constant_04/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_constant_04.1.ddl.aql
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+* Type Promotion Test
+* - an indexed closed-type field (INT64) lookup by using an INT64 constant
+* - Expected Result: Success
+drop dataverse test if exists;
+create dataverse test;
+use dataverse test;
+create type empInfoType as open {
+empno:int64, // same as "id". to check non-indexed functionality
+age:int64, // same as "id". to check indexed functionality
+create type deptInfoType as open {
+floor:int64, // indexed field.
+create dataset empDataset(empInfoType) primary key id;
+create dataset deptDataset(deptInfoType) primary key did;
+create index empAgeIdx on empDataset(age);
+create index deptFloorIdx on deptDataset(floor);
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/types/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_constant_04/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_constant_04.2.update.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/types/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_constant_04/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_constant_04.2.update.aql
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..92fdba6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/types/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_constant_04/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_constant_04.2.update.aql
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+* Type Promotion Test
+use dataverse test;
+load dataset empDataset using localfs
+load dataset deptDataset using localfs
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/types/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_constant_04/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_constant_04.3.query.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/types/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_constant_04/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_constant_04.3.query.aql
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..698b246
--- /dev/null
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/types/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_constant_04/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_constant_04.3.query.aql
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+* Type Promotion Test
+use dataverse test;
+// age: a closed field with an index
+for $emp in dataset empDataset
+where $emp.age = int64("1")
+order by $emp.id, $emp.age
+return {"emp.id":$emp.id, "emp.age":$emp.age}
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/types/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_constant_05/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_constant_05.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/types/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_constant_05/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_constant_05.1.ddl.aql
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ba75311
--- /dev/null
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/types/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_constant_05/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_constant_05.1.ddl.aql
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+* Type Promotion Test
+* - an indexed closed-type field (INT64) lookup by using a FLOAT constant
+* - Expected Result: Success
+drop dataverse test if exists;
+create dataverse test;
+use dataverse test;
+create type empInfoType as open {
+empno:int64, // same as "id". to check non-indexed functionality
+age:int64, // same as "id". to check indexed functionality
+create type deptInfoType as open {
+floor:int64, // indexed field.
+create dataset empDataset(empInfoType) primary key id;
+create dataset deptDataset(deptInfoType) primary key did;
+create index empAgeIdx on empDataset(age);
+create index deptFloorIdx on deptDataset(floor);
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/types/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_constant_05/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_constant_05.2.update.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/types/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_constant_05/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_constant_05.2.update.aql
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..92fdba6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/types/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_constant_05/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_constant_05.2.update.aql
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+* Type Promotion Test
+use dataverse test;
+load dataset empDataset using localfs
+load dataset deptDataset using localfs
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/types/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_constant_05/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_constant_05.3.query.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/types/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_constant_05/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_constant_05.3.query.aql
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..aa4a824
--- /dev/null
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/types/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_constant_05/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_constant_05.3.query.aql
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+* Type Promotion Test
+use dataverse test;
+// age: a closed field with an index
+for $emp in dataset empDataset
+where $emp.age = float("1")
+order by $emp.id, $emp.age
+return {"emp.id":$emp.id, "emp.age":$emp.age}
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/types/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_constant_06/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_constant_06.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/types/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_constant_06/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_constant_06.1.ddl.aql
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..43f60c9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/types/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_constant_06/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_constant_06.1.ddl.aql
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+* Type Promotion Test
+* - an indexed closed-type field (INT64) lookup by using a DOUBLE constant
+* - Expected Result: Success
+drop dataverse test if exists;
+create dataverse test;
+use dataverse test;
+create type empInfoType as open {
+empno:int64, // same as "id". to check non-indexed functionality
+age:int64, // same as "id". to check indexed functionality
+create type deptInfoType as open {
+floor:int64, // indexed field.
+create dataset empDataset(empInfoType) primary key id;
+create dataset deptDataset(deptInfoType) primary key did;
+create index empAgeIdx on empDataset(age);
+create index deptFloorIdx on deptDataset(floor);
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/types/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_constant_06/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_constant_06.2.update.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/types/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_constant_06/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_constant_06.2.update.aql
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..92fdba6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/types/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_constant_06/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_constant_06.2.update.aql
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+* Type Promotion Test
+use dataverse test;
+load dataset empDataset using localfs
+load dataset deptDataset using localfs
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/types/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_constant_06/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_constant_06.3.query.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/types/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_constant_06/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_constant_06.3.query.aql
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..698b246
--- /dev/null
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/types/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_constant_06/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_constant_06.3.query.aql
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+* Type Promotion Test
+use dataverse test;
+// age: a closed field with an index
+for $emp in dataset empDataset
+where $emp.age = int64("1")
+order by $emp.id, $emp.age
+return {"emp.id":$emp.id, "emp.age":$emp.age}
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/types/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_constant_07/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_constant_07.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/types/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_constant_07/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_constant_07.1.ddl.aql
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a72e455
--- /dev/null
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/types/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_constant_07/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_constant_07.1.ddl.aql
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+* Type Promotion Test
+* - an non-indexed closed-type field (INT64) lookup by using an INT16 constant
+* - Expected Result: Success
+drop dataverse test if exists;
+create dataverse test;
+use dataverse test;
+create type empInfoType as open {
+empno:int64, // same as "id". to check non-indexed functionality
+age:int64, // same as "id". to check indexed functionality
+create type deptInfoType as open {
+floor:int64, // indexed field.
+create dataset empDataset(empInfoType) primary key id;
+create dataset deptDataset(deptInfoType) primary key did;
+create index empAgeIdx on empDataset(age);
+create index deptFloorIdx on deptDataset(floor);
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/types/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_constant_07/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_constant_07.2.update.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/types/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_constant_07/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_constant_07.2.update.aql
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..92fdba6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/types/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_constant_07/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_constant_07.2.update.aql
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+* Type Promotion Test
+use dataverse test;
+load dataset empDataset using localfs
+load dataset deptDataset using localfs
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/types/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_constant_07/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_constant_07.3.query.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/types/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_constant_07/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_constant_07.3.query.aql
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7546d34
--- /dev/null
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/types/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_constant_07/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_constant_07.3.query.aql
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+* Type Promotion Test
+use dataverse test;
+// worksince: a closed field without any index
+for $emp in dataset empDataset
+where $emp.worksince = int16("2001")
+order by $emp.id, $emp.worksince
+return {"emp.id":$emp.id, "emp.worksince":$emp.worksince}
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/types/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_constant_08/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_constant_08.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/types/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_constant_08/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_constant_08.1.ddl.aql
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4f053c3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/types/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_constant_08/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_constant_08.1.ddl.aql
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+* Type Promotion Test
+* - an non-indexed closed-type field (INT64) lookup by using an INT32 constant
+* - Expected Result: Success
+drop dataverse test if exists;
+create dataverse test;
+use dataverse test;
+create type empInfoType as open {
+empno:int64, // same as "id". to check non-indexed functionality
+age:int64, // same as "id". to check indexed functionality
+create type deptInfoType as open {
+floor:int64, // indexed field.
+create dataset empDataset(empInfoType) primary key id;
+create dataset deptDataset(deptInfoType) primary key did;
+create index empAgeIdx on empDataset(age);
+create index deptFloorIdx on deptDataset(floor);
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/types/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_constant_08/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_constant_08.2.update.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/types/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_constant_08/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_constant_08.2.update.aql
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..92fdba6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/types/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_constant_08/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_constant_08.2.update.aql
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+* Type Promotion Test
+use dataverse test;
+load dataset empDataset using localfs
+load dataset deptDataset using localfs
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/types/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_constant_08/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_constant_08.3.query.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/types/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_constant_08/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_constant_08.3.query.aql
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..af10b03
--- /dev/null
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/types/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_constant_08/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_constant_08.3.query.aql
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+* Type Promotion Test
+use dataverse test;
+// worksince: a closed field without any index
+for $emp in dataset empDataset
+where $emp.worksince = int32("2001")
+order by $emp.id, $emp.worksince
+return {"emp.id":$emp.id, "emp.worksince":$emp.worksince}
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/types/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_constant_09/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_constant_09.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/types/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_constant_09/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_constant_09.1.ddl.aql
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a581124
--- /dev/null
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/types/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_constant_09/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_constant_09.1.ddl.aql
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+* Type Promotion Test
+* - an non-indexed closed-type field (INT64) lookup by using an INT64 constant
+* - Expected Result: Success
+drop dataverse test if exists;
+create dataverse test;
+use dataverse test;
+create type empInfoType as open {
+empno:int64, // same as "id". to check non-indexed functionality
+age:int64, // same as "id". to check indexed functionality
+create type deptInfoType as open {
+floor:int64, // indexed field.
+create dataset empDataset(empInfoType) primary key id;
+create dataset deptDataset(deptInfoType) primary key did;
+create index empAgeIdx on empDataset(age);
+create index deptFloorIdx on deptDataset(floor);
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/types/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_constant_09/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_constant_09.2.update.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/types/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_constant_09/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_constant_09.2.update.aql
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..92fdba6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/types/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_constant_09/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_constant_09.2.update.aql
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+* Type Promotion Test
+use dataverse test;
+load dataset empDataset using localfs
+load dataset deptDataset using localfs
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/types/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_constant_09/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_constant_09.3.query.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/types/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_constant_09/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_constant_09.3.query.aql
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1b4088c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/types/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_constant_09/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_constant_09.3.query.aql
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+* Type Promotion Test
+use dataverse test;
+// worksince: a closed field without any index
+for $emp in dataset empDataset
+where $emp.worksince = int64("2001")
+order by $emp.id, $emp.worksince
+return {"emp.id":$emp.id, "emp.worksince":$emp.worksince}
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/types/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_constant_10/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_constant_10.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/types/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_constant_10/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_constant_10.1.ddl.aql
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4a11b06
--- /dev/null
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/types/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_constant_10/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_constant_10.1.ddl.aql
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+* Type Promotion Test
+* - an non-indexed closed-type field (INT64) lookup by using a FLOAT constant
+* - Expected Result: Success
+drop dataverse test if exists;
+create dataverse test;
+use dataverse test;
+create type empInfoType as open {
+empno:int64, // same as "id". to check non-indexed functionality
+age:int64, // same as "id". to check indexed functionality
+create type deptInfoType as open {
+floor:int64, // indexed field.
+create dataset empDataset(empInfoType) primary key id;
+create dataset deptDataset(deptInfoType) primary key did;
+create index empAgeIdx on empDataset(age);
+create index deptFloorIdx on deptDataset(floor);
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/types/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_constant_10/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_constant_10.2.update.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/types/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_constant_10/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_constant_10.2.update.aql
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..92fdba6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/types/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_constant_10/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_constant_10.2.update.aql
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+* Type Promotion Test
+use dataverse test;
+load dataset empDataset using localfs
+load dataset deptDataset using localfs
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/types/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_constant_10/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_constant_10.3.query.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/types/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_constant_10/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_constant_10.3.query.aql
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..484fd25
--- /dev/null
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/types/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_constant_10/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_constant_10.3.query.aql
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+* Type Promotion Test
+use dataverse test;
+// worksince: a closed field without any index
+for $emp in dataset empDataset
+where $emp.worksince = float("2001")
+order by $emp.id, $emp.worksince
+return {"emp.id":$emp.id, "emp.worksince":$emp.worksince}
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/types/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_constant_11/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_constant_11.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/types/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_constant_11/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_constant_11.1.ddl.aql
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..860502c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/types/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_constant_11/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_constant_11.1.ddl.aql
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+* Type Promotion Test
+* - an non-indexed closed-type field (INT64) lookup by using a DOUBLE constant
+* - Expected Result: Success
+drop dataverse test if exists;
+create dataverse test;
+use dataverse test;
+create type empInfoType as open {
+empno:int64, // same as "id". to check non-indexed functionality
+age:int64, // same as "id". to check indexed functionality
+create type deptInfoType as open {
+floor:int64, // indexed field.
+create dataset empDataset(empInfoType) primary key id;
+create dataset deptDataset(deptInfoType) primary key did;
+create index empAgeIdx on empDataset(age);
+create index deptFloorIdx on deptDataset(floor);
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/types/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_constant_11/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_constant_11.2.update.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/types/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_constant_11/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_constant_11.2.update.aql
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..92fdba6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/types/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_constant_11/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_constant_11.2.update.aql
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+* Type Promotion Test
+use dataverse test;
+load dataset empDataset using localfs
+load dataset deptDataset using localfs
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/types/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_constant_11/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_constant_11.3.query.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/types/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_constant_11/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_constant_11.3.query.aql
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..578dad2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/types/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_constant_11/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_constant_11.3.query.aql
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+* Type Promotion Test
+use dataverse test;
+// worksince: a closed field without any index
+for $emp in dataset empDataset
+where $emp.worksince = double("2001")
+order by $emp.id, $emp.worksince
+return {"emp.id":$emp.id, "emp.worksince":$emp.worksince}
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/types/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_opentype_field_01/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_opentype_field_01.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/types/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_opentype_field_01/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_opentype_field_01.1.ddl.aql
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8ea6d47
--- /dev/null
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/types/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_opentype_field_01/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_opentype_field_01.1.ddl.aql
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+* Type Promotion Test
+* - Comparison between an open-type field and a non-indexed closed-type field
+* - Expected Result: Success
+drop dataverse test if exists;
+create dataverse test;
+use dataverse test;
+create type empInfoType as open {
+empno:int64, // same as "id". to check non-indexed functionality
+age:int64, // same as "id". to check indexed functionality
+create type deptInfoType as open {
+floor:int64, // indexed field.
+create dataset empDataset(empInfoType) primary key id;
+create dataset deptDataset(deptInfoType) primary key did;
+create index empAgeIdx on empDataset(age);
+create index deptFloorIdx on deptDataset(floor);
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/types/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_opentype_field_01/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_opentype_field_01.2.update.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/types/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_opentype_field_01/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_opentype_field_01.2.update.aql
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..92fdba6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/types/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_opentype_field_01/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_opentype_field_01.2.update.aql
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+* Type Promotion Test
+use dataverse test;
+load dataset empDataset using localfs
+load dataset deptDataset using localfs
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/types/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_opentype_field_01/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_opentype_field_01.3.query.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/types/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_opentype_field_01/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_opentype_field_01.3.query.aql
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6cb03ea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/types/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_opentype_field_01/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_opentype_field_01.3.query.aql
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+* Type Promotion Test
+use dataverse test;
+// supvrid: an open type field, bossid: a closed non-indexed type field
+for $emp in dataset empDataset
+for $dept in dataset deptDataset
+where $emp.supvrid = $dept.bossid
+order by $emp.id, $emp.supvrid, $dept.did
+return {"emp.id":$emp.id, "dept.did": $dept.did, "dept.bossid":$dept.bossid, "emp.suprvrid":$emp.supvrid}
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/types/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_opentype_field_02/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_opentype_field_02.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/types/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_opentype_field_02/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_opentype_field_02.1.ddl.aql
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f0e54d9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/types/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_opentype_field_02/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_opentype_field_02.1.ddl.aql
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+* Type Promotion Test
+* - Comparison between an open-type field and an indexed closed-type field
+* - Same as the comparison_1 except the fact that the left and the right side has been changed
+* - Expected Result: Success
+drop dataverse test if exists;
+create dataverse test;
+use dataverse test;
+create type empInfoType as open {
+empno:int64, // same as "id". to check non-indexed functionality
+age:int64, // same as "id". to check indexed functionality
+create type deptInfoType as open {
+floor:int64, // indexed field.
+create dataset empDataset(empInfoType) primary key id;
+create dataset deptDataset(deptInfoType) primary key did;
+create index empAgeIdx on empDataset(age);
+create index deptFloorIdx on deptDataset(floor);
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/types/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_opentype_field_02/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_opentype_field_02.2.update.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/types/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_opentype_field_02/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_opentype_field_02.2.update.aql
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..92fdba6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/types/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_opentype_field_02/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_opentype_field_02.2.update.aql
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+* Type Promotion Test
+use dataverse test;
+load dataset empDataset using localfs
+load dataset deptDataset using localfs
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/types/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_opentype_field_02/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_opentype_field_02.3.query.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/types/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_opentype_field_02/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_opentype_field_02.3.query.aql
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d74d202
--- /dev/null
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/types/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_opentype_field_02/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_opentype_field_02.3.query.aql
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+* Type Promotion Test
+use dataverse test;
+// supvrid: an open type field, floor: an indexed closed-type field
+for $emp in dataset empDataset
+for $dept in dataset deptDataset
+where $emp.supvrid = $dept.floor
+order by $emp.id, $emp.supvrid, $dept.floor, $dept.did
+return {"emp.id":$emp.id, "dept.did": $dept.did, "emp.supvrid":$emp.supvrid, "dept.floor":$dept.floor}
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/types/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_opentype_field_03/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_opentype_field_03.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/types/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_opentype_field_03/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_opentype_field_03.1.ddl.aql
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..948497d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/types/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_opentype_field_03/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_opentype_field_03.1.ddl.aql
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+* Type Promotion Test
+* - Comparison between a non-indexed closed-type field and an open-type field
+* - Expected Result: Success
+drop dataverse test if exists;
+create dataverse test;
+use dataverse test;
+create type empInfoType as open {
+empno:int64, // same as "id". to check non-indexed functionality
+age:int64, // same as "id". to check indexed functionality
+create type deptInfoType as open {
+floor:int64, // indexed field.
+create dataset empDataset(empInfoType) primary key id;
+create dataset deptDataset(deptInfoType) primary key did;
+create index empAgeIdx on empDataset(age);
+create index deptFloorIdx on deptDataset(floor);
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/types/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_opentype_field_03/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_opentype_field_03.2.update.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/types/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_opentype_field_03/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_opentype_field_03.2.update.aql
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..92fdba6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/types/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_opentype_field_03/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_opentype_field_03.2.update.aql
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+* Type Promotion Test
+use dataverse test;
+load dataset empDataset using localfs
+load dataset deptDataset using localfs
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/types/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_opentype_field_03/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_opentype_field_03.3.query.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/types/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_opentype_field_03/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_opentype_field_03.3.query.aql
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..92d44a7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/types/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_opentype_field_03/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_opentype_field_03.3.query.aql
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+* Type Promotion Test
+use dataverse test;
+// empno: a closed non-indexed type field, dmgrid: an open type field,
+for $emp in dataset empDataset
+for $dept in dataset deptDataset
+where $emp.empno = $dept.dmgrid
+order by $emp.id, $emp.empno, $dept.dmgrid, $dept.did
+return {"emp.id":$emp.id, "dept.did": $dept.did, "emp.empno":$emp.empno, "dept.dmgrid":$dept.dmgrid}
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/types/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_opentype_field_04/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_opentype_field_04.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/types/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_opentype_field_04/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_opentype_field_04.1.ddl.aql
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2276426
--- /dev/null
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/types/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_opentype_field_04/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_opentype_field_04.1.ddl.aql
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+* Type Promotion Test
+* - Comparison between an indexed closed-type field and an open-type field
+* - Expected Result: Success
+drop dataverse test if exists;
+create dataverse test;
+use dataverse test;
+create type empInfoType as open {
+empno:int64, // same as "id". to check non-indexed functionality
+age:int64, // same as "id". to check indexed functionality
+create type deptInfoType as open {
+floor:int64, // indexed field.
+create dataset empDataset(empInfoType) primary key id;
+create dataset deptDataset(deptInfoType) primary key did;
+create index empAgeIdx on empDataset(age);
+create index deptFloorIdx on deptDataset(floor);
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/types/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_opentype_field_04/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_opentype_field_04.2.update.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/types/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_opentype_field_04/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_opentype_field_04.2.update.aql
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..92fdba6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/types/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_opentype_field_04/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_opentype_field_04.2.update.aql
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+* Type Promotion Test
+use dataverse test;
+load dataset empDataset using localfs
+load dataset deptDataset using localfs
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/types/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_opentype_field_04/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_opentype_field_04.3.query.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/types/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_opentype_field_04/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_opentype_field_04.3.query.aql
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7c65635
--- /dev/null
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/types/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_opentype_field_04/promotion_closedtype_field_vs_opentype_field_04.3.query.aql
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+* Type Promotion Test
+use dataverse test;
+// id: an indexed closed-type field, dmgrid: an open type field,
+for $emp in dataset empDataset
+for $dept in dataset deptDataset
+where $emp.id = $dept.dmgrid
+order by $emp.id, $dept.did, $dept.dmgrid, $dept.did
+return {"emp.id":$emp.id, "dept.did": $dept.did, "dept.dmgrid":$dept.dmgrid}
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/types/promotion_opentype_field_vs_constant_01/promotion_opentype_field_vs_constant_01.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/types/promotion_opentype_field_vs_constant_01/promotion_opentype_field_vs_constant_01.1.ddl.aql
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..90714bd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/types/promotion_opentype_field_vs_constant_01/promotion_opentype_field_vs_constant_01.1.ddl.aql
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+* Type Promotion Test
+* - Comparison between an open-type field and an INT8 constant
+* - Expected Result: Success
+drop dataverse test if exists;
+create dataverse test;
+use dataverse test;
+create type empInfoType as open {
+empno:int64, // same as "id". to check non-indexed functionality
+age:int64, // same as "id". to check indexed functionality
+create type deptInfoType as open {
+floor:int64, // indexed field.
+create dataset empDataset(empInfoType) primary key id;
+create dataset deptDataset(deptInfoType) primary key did;
+create index empAgeIdx on empDataset(age);
+create index deptFloorIdx on deptDataset(floor);
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/types/promotion_opentype_field_vs_constant_01/promotion_opentype_field_vs_constant_01.2.update.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/types/promotion_opentype_field_vs_constant_01/promotion_opentype_field_vs_constant_01.2.update.aql
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..92fdba6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/types/promotion_opentype_field_vs_constant_01/promotion_opentype_field_vs_constant_01.2.update.aql
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+* Type Promotion Test
+use dataverse test;
+load dataset empDataset using localfs
+load dataset deptDataset using localfs
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/types/promotion_opentype_field_vs_constant_01/promotion_opentype_field_vs_constant_01.3.query.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/types/promotion_opentype_field_vs_constant_01/promotion_opentype_field_vs_constant_01.3.query.aql
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..37e71e6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/types/promotion_opentype_field_vs_constant_01/promotion_opentype_field_vs_constant_01.3.query.aql
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+* Type Promotion Test
+use dataverse test;
+// supvrid: an open field
+for $emp in dataset empDataset
+where $emp.supvrid = int8("1")
+order by $emp.id, $emp.supvrid
+return {"emp.id":$emp.id, "emp.supvrid":$emp.supvrid}
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/types/promotion_opentype_field_vs_constant_02/promotion_opentype_field_vs_constant_02.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/types/promotion_opentype_field_vs_constant_02/promotion_opentype_field_vs_constant_02.1.ddl.aql
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8ffbc46
--- /dev/null
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/types/promotion_opentype_field_vs_constant_02/promotion_opentype_field_vs_constant_02.1.ddl.aql
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+* Type Promotion Test
+* - Comparison between an open-type field and an INT16 constant
+* - Expected Result: Success
+drop dataverse test if exists;
+create dataverse test;
+use dataverse test;
+create type empInfoType as open {
+empno:int64, // same as "id". to check non-indexed functionality
+age:int64, // same as "id". to check indexed functionality
+create type deptInfoType as open {
+floor:int64, // indexed field.
+create dataset empDataset(empInfoType) primary key id;
+create dataset deptDataset(deptInfoType) primary key did;
+create index empAgeIdx on empDataset(age);
+create index deptFloorIdx on deptDataset(floor);
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/types/promotion_opentype_field_vs_constant_02/promotion_opentype_field_vs_constant_02.2.update.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/types/promotion_opentype_field_vs_constant_02/promotion_opentype_field_vs_constant_02.2.update.aql
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..92fdba6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/types/promotion_opentype_field_vs_constant_02/promotion_opentype_field_vs_constant_02.2.update.aql
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+* Type Promotion Test
+use dataverse test;
+load dataset empDataset using localfs
+load dataset deptDataset using localfs
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/types/promotion_opentype_field_vs_constant_02/promotion_opentype_field_vs_constant_02.3.query.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/types/promotion_opentype_field_vs_constant_02/promotion_opentype_field_vs_constant_02.3.query.aql
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b0eeac7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/types/promotion_opentype_field_vs_constant_02/promotion_opentype_field_vs_constant_02.3.query.aql
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+* Type Promotion Test
+use dataverse test;
+// supvrid: an open field
+for $emp in dataset empDataset
+where $emp.supvrid = int16("1")
+order by $emp.id, $emp.supvrid
+return {"emp.id":$emp.id, "emp.supvrid":$emp.supvrid}
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/types/promotion_opentype_field_vs_constant_03/promotion_opentype_field_vs_constant_03.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/types/promotion_opentype_field_vs_constant_03/promotion_opentype_field_vs_constant_03.1.ddl.aql
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..46df288
--- /dev/null
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/types/promotion_opentype_field_vs_constant_03/promotion_opentype_field_vs_constant_03.1.ddl.aql
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+* Type Promotion Test
+* - Comparison between an open-type field and an INT32 constant
+* - Expected Result: Success
+drop dataverse test if exists;
+create dataverse test;
+use dataverse test;
+create type empInfoType as open {
+empno:int64, // same as "id". to check non-indexed functionality
+age:int64, // same as "id". to check indexed functionality
+create type deptInfoType as open {
+floor:int64, // indexed field.
+create dataset empDataset(empInfoType) primary key id;
+create dataset deptDataset(deptInfoType) primary key did;
+create index empAgeIdx on empDataset(age);
+create index deptFloorIdx on deptDataset(floor);
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/types/promotion_opentype_field_vs_constant_03/promotion_opentype_field_vs_constant_03.2.update.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/types/promotion_opentype_field_vs_constant_03/promotion_opentype_field_vs_constant_03.2.update.aql
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..92fdba6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/types/promotion_opentype_field_vs_constant_03/promotion_opentype_field_vs_constant_03.2.update.aql
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+* Type Promotion Test
+use dataverse test;
+load dataset empDataset using localfs
+load dataset deptDataset using localfs
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/types/promotion_opentype_field_vs_constant_03/promotion_opentype_field_vs_constant_03.3.query.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/types/promotion_opentype_field_vs_constant_03/promotion_opentype_field_vs_constant_03.3.query.aql
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2b511d0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/types/promotion_opentype_field_vs_constant_03/promotion_opentype_field_vs_constant_03.3.query.aql
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+* Type Promotion Test
+use dataverse test;
+// supvrid: an open field
+for $emp in dataset empDataset
+where $emp.supvrid = int32("1")
+order by $emp.id, $emp.supvrid
+return {"emp.id":$emp.id, "emp.supvrid":$emp.supvrid}
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/types/promotion_opentype_field_vs_constant_04/promotion_opentype_field_vs_constant_04.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/types/promotion_opentype_field_vs_constant_04/promotion_opentype_field_vs_constant_04.1.ddl.aql
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f805288
--- /dev/null
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/types/promotion_opentype_field_vs_constant_04/promotion_opentype_field_vs_constant_04.1.ddl.aql
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+* Type Promotion Test
+* - Comparison between an open-type field and an INT64 constant
+* - Expected Result: Success
+drop dataverse test if exists;
+create dataverse test;
+use dataverse test;
+create type empInfoType as open {
+empno:int64, // same as "id". to check non-indexed functionality
+age:int64, // same as "id". to check indexed functionality
+create type deptInfoType as open {
+floor:int64, // indexed field.
+create dataset empDataset(empInfoType) primary key id;
+create dataset deptDataset(deptInfoType) primary key did;
+create index empAgeIdx on empDataset(age);
+create index deptFloorIdx on deptDataset(floor);
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/types/promotion_opentype_field_vs_constant_04/promotion_opentype_field_vs_constant_04.2.update.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/types/promotion_opentype_field_vs_constant_04/promotion_opentype_field_vs_constant_04.2.update.aql
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..92fdba6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/types/promotion_opentype_field_vs_constant_04/promotion_opentype_field_vs_constant_04.2.update.aql
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+* Type Promotion Test
+use dataverse test;
+load dataset empDataset using localfs
+load dataset deptDataset using localfs
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/types/promotion_opentype_field_vs_constant_04/promotion_opentype_field_vs_constant_04.3.query.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/types/promotion_opentype_field_vs_constant_04/promotion_opentype_field_vs_constant_04.3.query.aql
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8a08d73
--- /dev/null
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/types/promotion_opentype_field_vs_constant_04/promotion_opentype_field_vs_constant_04.3.query.aql
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+* Type Promotion Test
+use dataverse test;
+// supvrid: an open field
+for $emp in dataset empDataset
+where $emp.supvrid = int64("1")
+order by $emp.id, $emp.supvrid
+return {"emp.id":$emp.id, "emp.supvrid":$emp.supvrid}
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/types/promotion_opentype_field_vs_constant_05/promotion_opentype_field_vs_constant_05.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/types/promotion_opentype_field_vs_constant_05/promotion_opentype_field_vs_constant_05.1.ddl.aql
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cc4b3a5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/types/promotion_opentype_field_vs_constant_05/promotion_opentype_field_vs_constant_05.1.ddl.aql
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+* Type Promotion Test
+* - Comparison between an open-type field and a FLOAT constant
+* - Expected Result: Success
+drop dataverse test if exists;
+create dataverse test;
+use dataverse test;
+create type empInfoType as open {
+empno:int64, // same as "id". to check non-indexed functionality
+age:int64, // same as "id". to check indexed functionality
+create type deptInfoType as open {
+floor:int64, // indexed field.
+create dataset empDataset(empInfoType) primary key id;
+create dataset deptDataset(deptInfoType) primary key did;
+create index empAgeIdx on empDataset(age);
+create index deptFloorIdx on deptDataset(floor);
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/types/promotion_opentype_field_vs_constant_05/promotion_opentype_field_vs_constant_05.2.update.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/types/promotion_opentype_field_vs_constant_05/promotion_opentype_field_vs_constant_05.2.update.aql
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..92fdba6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/types/promotion_opentype_field_vs_constant_05/promotion_opentype_field_vs_constant_05.2.update.aql
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+* Type Promotion Test
+use dataverse test;
+load dataset empDataset using localfs
+load dataset deptDataset using localfs
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/types/promotion_opentype_field_vs_constant_05/promotion_opentype_field_vs_constant_05.3.query.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/types/promotion_opentype_field_vs_constant_05/promotion_opentype_field_vs_constant_05.3.query.aql
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..81593da
--- /dev/null
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/types/promotion_opentype_field_vs_constant_05/promotion_opentype_field_vs_constant_05.3.query.aql
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+* Type Promotion Test
+use dataverse test;
+// supvrid: an open field
+for $emp in dataset empDataset
+where $emp.supvrid = float("1.0")
+order by $emp.id, $emp.supvrid
+return {"emp.id":$emp.id, "emp.supvrid":$emp.supvrid}
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/types/promotion_opentype_field_vs_constant_06/promotion_opentype_field_vs_constant_06.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/types/promotion_opentype_field_vs_constant_06/promotion_opentype_field_vs_constant_06.1.ddl.aql
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d24b289
--- /dev/null
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/types/promotion_opentype_field_vs_constant_06/promotion_opentype_field_vs_constant_06.1.ddl.aql
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+* Type Promotion Test
+* - Comparison between an open-type field and a DOUBLE constant
+* - Expected Result: Success
+drop dataverse test if exists;
+create dataverse test;
+use dataverse test;
+create type empInfoType as open {
+empno:int64, // same as "id". to check non-indexed functionality
+age:int64, // same as "id". to check indexed functionality
+create type deptInfoType as open {
+floor:int64, // indexed field.
+create dataset empDataset(empInfoType) primary key id;
+create dataset deptDataset(deptInfoType) primary key did;
+create index empAgeIdx on empDataset(age);
+create index deptFloorIdx on deptDataset(floor);
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/types/promotion_opentype_field_vs_constant_06/promotion_opentype_field_vs_constant_06.2.update.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/types/promotion_opentype_field_vs_constant_06/promotion_opentype_field_vs_constant_06.2.update.aql
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..92fdba6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/types/promotion_opentype_field_vs_constant_06/promotion_opentype_field_vs_constant_06.2.update.aql
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+* Type Promotion Test
+use dataverse test;
+load dataset empDataset using localfs
+load dataset deptDataset using localfs
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/types/promotion_opentype_field_vs_constant_06/promotion_opentype_field_vs_constant_06.3.query.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/types/promotion_opentype_field_vs_constant_06/promotion_opentype_field_vs_constant_06.3.query.aql
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2a648e7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/types/promotion_opentype_field_vs_constant_06/promotion_opentype_field_vs_constant_06.3.query.aql
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+* Type Promotion Test
+use dataverse test;
+// supvrid: an open field
+for $emp in dataset empDataset
+where $emp.supvrid = double("1.0")
+order by $emp.id, $emp.supvrid
+return {"emp.id":$emp.id, "emp.supvrid":$emp.supvrid}
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/types/promotion_opentype_field_vs_constant_07/promotion_opentype_field_vs_constant_07.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/types/promotion_opentype_field_vs_constant_07/promotion_opentype_field_vs_constant_07.1.ddl.aql
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..07462c7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/types/promotion_opentype_field_vs_constant_07/promotion_opentype_field_vs_constant_07.1.ddl.aql
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+* Type Promotion Test
+* - Comparison between an open-type field and a STRING constant
+* - Expected Result: Success
+drop dataverse test if exists;
+create dataverse test;
+use dataverse test;
+create type empInfoType as open {
+empno:int64, // same as "id". to check non-indexed functionality
+age:int64, // same as "id". to check indexed functionality
+create type deptInfoType as open {
+floor:int64, // indexed field.
+create dataset empDataset(empInfoType) primary key id;
+create dataset deptDataset(deptInfoType) primary key did;
+create index empAgeIdx on empDataset(age);
+create index deptFloorIdx on deptDataset(floor);
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/types/promotion_opentype_field_vs_constant_07/promotion_opentype_field_vs_constant_07.2.update.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/types/promotion_opentype_field_vs_constant_07/promotion_opentype_field_vs_constant_07.2.update.aql
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..92fdba6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/types/promotion_opentype_field_vs_constant_07/promotion_opentype_field_vs_constant_07.2.update.aql
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+* Type Promotion Test
+use dataverse test;
+load dataset empDataset using localfs
+load dataset deptDataset using localfs
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/types/promotion_opentype_field_vs_constant_07/promotion_opentype_field_vs_constant_07.3.query.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/types/promotion_opentype_field_vs_constant_07/promotion_opentype_field_vs_constant_07.3.query.aql
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..abcc50a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/types/promotion_opentype_field_vs_constant_07/promotion_opentype_field_vs_constant_07.3.query.aql
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+* Type Promotion Test
+use dataverse test;
+// supvrid: an open field
+for $emp in dataset empDataset
+where $emp.supvrid = "1"
+order by $emp.id, $emp.supvrid
+return {"emp.id":$emp.id, "emp.supvrid":$emp.supvrid}
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/types/promotion_opentype_field_vs_constant_08/promotion_opentype_field_vs_constant_08.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/types/promotion_opentype_field_vs_constant_08/promotion_opentype_field_vs_constant_08.1.ddl.aql
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a2d8ebc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/types/promotion_opentype_field_vs_constant_08/promotion_opentype_field_vs_constant_08.1.ddl.aql
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+* Type Promotion Test
+* - Comparison between an open-type field and a POINT constant
+* - Expected Result: Success
+drop dataverse test if exists;
+create dataverse test;
+use dataverse test;
+create type empInfoType as open {
+empno:int64, // same as "id". to check non-indexed functionality
+age:int64, // same as "id". to check indexed functionality
+create type deptInfoType as open {
+floor:int64, // indexed field.
+create dataset empDataset(empInfoType) primary key id;
+create dataset deptDataset(deptInfoType) primary key did;
+create index empAgeIdx on empDataset(age);
+create index deptFloorIdx on deptDataset(floor);
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/types/promotion_opentype_field_vs_constant_08/promotion_opentype_field_vs_constant_08.2.update.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/types/promotion_opentype_field_vs_constant_08/promotion_opentype_field_vs_constant_08.2.update.aql
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..92fdba6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/types/promotion_opentype_field_vs_constant_08/promotion_opentype_field_vs_constant_08.2.update.aql
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+* Type Promotion Test
+use dataverse test;
+load dataset empDataset using localfs
+load dataset deptDataset using localfs
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/types/promotion_opentype_field_vs_constant_08/promotion_opentype_field_vs_constant_08.3.query.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/types/promotion_opentype_field_vs_constant_08/promotion_opentype_field_vs_constant_08.3.query.aql
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..624704e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/types/promotion_opentype_field_vs_constant_08/promotion_opentype_field_vs_constant_08.3.query.aql
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+* Type Promotion Test
+use dataverse test;
+// supvrid: an open field
+for $emp in dataset empDataset
+where $emp.supvrid = point("80.10d, -10E5")
+order by $emp.id, $emp.supvrid
+return {"emp.id":$emp.id, "emp.supvrid":$emp.supvrid}
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/types/promotion_opentype_field_vs_opentype_field_01/promotion_opentype_field_vs_opentype_field_01.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/types/promotion_opentype_field_vs_opentype_field_01/promotion_opentype_field_vs_opentype_field_01.1.ddl.aql
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ce9a445
--- /dev/null
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/types/promotion_opentype_field_vs_opentype_field_01/promotion_opentype_field_vs_opentype_field_01.1.ddl.aql
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+* Type Promotion Test
+* - Comparison between an open-type field and an open-type field
+* - Expected Result: Success
+drop dataverse test if exists;
+create dataverse test;
+use dataverse test;
+create type empInfoType as open {
+empno:int64, // same as "id". to check non-indexed functionality
+age:int64, // same as "id". to check indexed functionality
+create type deptInfoType as open {
+floor:int64, // indexed field.
+create dataset empDataset(empInfoType) primary key id;
+create dataset deptDataset(deptInfoType) primary key did;
+create index empAgeIdx on empDataset(age);
+create index deptFloorIdx on deptDataset(floor);
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/types/promotion_opentype_field_vs_opentype_field_01/promotion_opentype_field_vs_opentype_field_01.2.update.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/types/promotion_opentype_field_vs_opentype_field_01/promotion_opentype_field_vs_opentype_field_01.2.update.aql
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..92fdba6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/types/promotion_opentype_field_vs_opentype_field_01/promotion_opentype_field_vs_opentype_field_01.2.update.aql
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+* Type Promotion Test
+use dataverse test;
+load dataset empDataset using localfs
+load dataset deptDataset using localfs
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/types/promotion_opentype_field_vs_opentype_field_01/promotion_opentype_field_vs_opentype_field_01.3.query.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/types/promotion_opentype_field_vs_opentype_field_01/promotion_opentype_field_vs_opentype_field_01.3.query.aql
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b0f8b2e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/types/promotion_opentype_field_vs_opentype_field_01/promotion_opentype_field_vs_opentype_field_01.3.query.aql
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+* Type Promotion Test
+use dataverse test;
+// supvrid:open-type field, dmgrid2:open-type field
+for $emp in dataset empDataset
+for $dept in dataset deptDataset
+where $emp.supvrid = $dept.dmgrid2
+order by $emp.id
+return {"emp.id":$emp.id, "emp.suprvrid":$emp.supvrid, "dept.dmgrid2":$dept.dmgrid2};
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/types/promotion_opentype_field_vs_opentype_field_02/promotion_opentype_field_vs_opentype_field_02.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/types/promotion_opentype_field_vs_opentype_field_02/promotion_opentype_field_vs_opentype_field_02.1.ddl.aql
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b89f1e6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/types/promotion_opentype_field_vs_opentype_field_02/promotion_opentype_field_vs_opentype_field_02.1.ddl.aql
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+* Type Promotion Test
+* - Comparison between an open-type field and an open-type field
+* - Same as the comparison_1 except the fact that the left and the right side has been changed
+* - Expected Result: Success
+drop dataverse test if exists;
+create dataverse test;
+use dataverse test;
+create type empInfoType as open {
+empno:int64, // same as "id". to check non-indexed functionality
+age:int64, // same as "id". to check indexed functionality
+create type deptInfoType as open {
+floor:int64, // indexed field.
+create dataset empDataset(empInfoType) primary key id;
+create dataset deptDataset(deptInfoType) primary key did;
+create index empAgeIdx on empDataset(age);
+create index deptFloorIdx on deptDataset(floor);
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/types/promotion_opentype_field_vs_opentype_field_02/promotion_opentype_field_vs_opentype_field_02.2.update.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/types/promotion_opentype_field_vs_opentype_field_02/promotion_opentype_field_vs_opentype_field_02.2.update.aql
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..92fdba6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/types/promotion_opentype_field_vs_opentype_field_02/promotion_opentype_field_vs_opentype_field_02.2.update.aql
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+* Type Promotion Test
+use dataverse test;
+load dataset empDataset using localfs
+load dataset deptDataset using localfs
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/types/promotion_opentype_field_vs_opentype_field_02/promotion_opentype_field_vs_opentype_field_02.3.query.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/types/promotion_opentype_field_vs_opentype_field_02/promotion_opentype_field_vs_opentype_field_02.3.query.aql
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3514461
--- /dev/null
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/types/promotion_opentype_field_vs_opentype_field_02/promotion_opentype_field_vs_opentype_field_02.3.query.aql
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+* Type Promotion Test
+use dataverse test;
+// supvrid:open-type field, dmgrid2:open-type field
+for $emp in dataset empDataset
+for $dept in dataset deptDataset
+where $dept.dmgrid2 = $emp.supvrid
+order by $emp.id
+return {"emp.id":$emp.id, "emp.suprvrid":$emp.supvrid, "dept.dmgrid2":$dept.dmgrid2};
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/user-defined-functions/query-issue244/query-issue244.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/user-defined-functions/query-issue244/query-issue244.1.ddl.aql
index 6f7b5e0..0a108dd 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/user-defined-functions/query-issue244/query-issue244.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/user-defined-functions/query-issue244/query-issue244.1.ddl.aql
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
* Description : This test case is to verify the fix for issue244
- : https://code.google.com/p/asterixdb/issues/detail?id=244
+ : https://code.google.com/p/asterixdb/issues/detail?id=244
* Expected Res : Success
* Date : 4th June 2013
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
use dataverse test;
create type TypeA as open {
- id : int32,
+ id : int64,
name : string
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/user-defined-functions/udf09/udf09.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/user-defined-functions/udf09/udf09.1.ddl.aql
index b485a1c..74c9e20 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/user-defined-functions/udf09/udf09.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/user-defined-functions/udf09/udf09.1.ddl.aql
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- * Description : Create UDF to read from internal dataset
+ * Description : Create UDF to read from internal dataset
* Expected Res : Success
* Date : Sep 4th 2012
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
use dataverse test;
create type test.TestType as open {
-id : int32
+id : int64
create dataset test.t1(TestType) primary key id;
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/aggregate-sql/agg_null/agg_null.1.adm b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/aggregate-sql/agg_null/agg_null.1.adm
index bd9c37a..45a08a8 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/aggregate-sql/agg_null/agg_null.1.adm
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/aggregate-sql/agg_null/agg_null.1.adm
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-[ { "sql-count1": 0i64, "average1": null, "sql-sum1": null, "sql-min1": null, "sql-max1": null, "sql-count2": 0i64, "average2": null, "sql-sum2": null, "sql-min2": null, "sql-max2": null }
+[ { "sql-count1": 0, "average1": null, "sql-sum1": null, "sql-min1": null, "sql-max1": null, "sql-count2": 0, "average2": null, "sql-sum2": null, "sql-min2": null, "sql-max2": null }
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/aggregate-sql/agg_null_rec/agg_null_rec.1.adm b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/aggregate-sql/agg_null_rec/agg_null_rec.1.adm
index 73ede16..0757f90 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/aggregate-sql/agg_null_rec/agg_null_rec.1.adm
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/aggregate-sql/agg_null_rec/agg_null_rec.1.adm
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-[ { "sql-count": 2i64, "average": 26.0d, "sql-sum": 52, "sql-min": 21, "sql-max": 31 }
+[ { "sql-count": 2, "average": 26.0d, "sql-sum": 52, "sql-min": 21, "sql-max": 31 }
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/aggregate-sql/agg_null_rec_1/agg_null_rec.1.adm b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/aggregate-sql/agg_null_rec_1/agg_null_rec.1.adm
index 0100210..04b8da1 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/aggregate-sql/agg_null_rec_1/agg_null_rec.1.adm
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/aggregate-sql/agg_null_rec_1/agg_null_rec.1.adm
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-[ { "sql-count": 3i64, "average": 5.32d, "sql-sum": 15.96d, "sql-min": 473847i64, "sql-max": 38473827484738239i64 }
+[ { "sql-count": 3, "average": 5.32d, "sql-sum": 15.96d, "sql-min": 473847, "sql-max": 38473827484738239 }
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/aggregate-sql/agg_number/agg_number.1.adm b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/aggregate-sql/agg_number/agg_number.1.adm
index 011af19..4263ec1 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/aggregate-sql/agg_number/agg_number.1.adm
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/aggregate-sql/agg_number/agg_number.1.adm
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-[ { "sql-count1": 4i64, "sql-count2": 4i64, "average1": 2.3461845695961844E16d, "sql-sum1": 9.3847382783847376E16, "sql-min1": 1.0d, "sql-max1": 9.3847382783847376E16, "average2": 2.3461845695961844E16d, "sql-sum2": 9.3847382783847376E16, "sql-min2": 1.0d, "sql-max2": 9.3847382783847376E16 }
+[ { "sql-count1": 4, "sql-count2": 4, "average1": 2.3461845695961844E16d, "sql-sum1": 9.3847382783847376E16d, "sql-min1": 1.0d, "sql-max1": 9.3847382783847376E16d, "average2": 2.3461845695961844E16d, "sql-sum2": 9.3847382783847376E16d, "sql-min2": 1.0d, "sql-max2": 9.3847382783847376E16d }
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/aggregate-sql/agg_number_rec/agg_number_rec.1.adm b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/aggregate-sql/agg_number_rec/agg_number_rec.1.adm
index 9c55ccc..b2147dc 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/aggregate-sql/agg_number_rec/agg_number_rec.1.adm
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/aggregate-sql/agg_number_rec/agg_number_rec.1.adm
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-[ { "sql-count": 3i64, "average": 1.2824609161579424E16d, "sql-sum": 3.8473827484738272E16d, "sql-min": 2.0d, "sql-max": 3.847382748473824E16d }
+[ { "sql-count": 3, "average": 1.2824609161579424E16d, "sql-sum": 3.8473827484738272E16d, "sql-min": 2.0d, "sql-max": 3.847382748473824E16d }
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/aggregate-sql/count_01/count_01.1.adm b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/aggregate-sql/count_01/count_01.1.adm
index 117466a..f2868b6 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/aggregate-sql/count_01/count_01.1.adm
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/aggregate-sql/count_01/count_01.1.adm
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-[ 3i64
+[ 3
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/aggregate-sql/count_empty_01/count_empty_01.1.adm b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/aggregate-sql/count_empty_01/count_empty_01.1.adm
index 96ec850..80d09a4 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/aggregate-sql/count_empty_01/count_empty_01.1.adm
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/aggregate-sql/count_empty_01/count_empty_01.1.adm
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-[ 0i64
+[ 0
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/aggregate-sql/count_empty_02/count_empty_02.1.adm b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/aggregate-sql/count_empty_02/count_empty_02.1.adm
index 96ec850..80d09a4 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/aggregate-sql/count_empty_02/count_empty_02.1.adm
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/aggregate-sql/count_empty_02/count_empty_02.1.adm
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-[ 0i64
+[ 0
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/aggregate-sql/count_null/count_null.1.adm b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/aggregate-sql/count_null/count_null.1.adm
index b25a542..e1f7bf7 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/aggregate-sql/count_null/count_null.1.adm
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/aggregate-sql/count_null/count_null.1.adm
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-[ { "sql-count": 1i64 }
+[ { "sql-count": 1 }
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/aggregate-sql/issue395/issue395.1.adm b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/aggregate-sql/issue395/issue395.1.adm
index fd3f2931..c799c76 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/aggregate-sql/issue395/issue395.1.adm
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/aggregate-sql/issue395/issue395.1.adm
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-[ 2i64
+[ 2
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/aggregate-sql/issue412_0/issue412_0.1.adm b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/aggregate-sql/issue412_0/issue412_0.1.adm
index fd3f2931..c799c76 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/aggregate-sql/issue412_0/issue412_0.1.adm
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/aggregate-sql/issue412_0/issue412_0.1.adm
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-[ 2i64
+[ 2
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/aggregate-sql/issue412_1/issue412_1.1.adm b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/aggregate-sql/issue412_1/issue412_1.1.adm
index 83da0c3..65a7eb7 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/aggregate-sql/issue412_1/issue412_1.1.adm
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/aggregate-sql/issue412_1/issue412_1.1.adm
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-[ { "sql-count": 2i64, "average": 30.5d, "sql-sum": 61, "sql-min": 1, "sql-max": 60 }
+[ { "sql-count": 2, "average": 30.5d, "sql-sum": 61, "sql-min": 1, "sql-max": 60 }
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/aggregate-sql/issue425_min_hetero_list/issue425_min_hetero_list.1.adm b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/aggregate-sql/issue425_min_hetero_list/issue425_min_hetero_list.1.adm
index cbf670d..4c6db23 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/aggregate-sql/issue425_min_hetero_list/issue425_min_hetero_list.1.adm
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/aggregate-sql/issue425_min_hetero_list/issue425_min_hetero_list.1.adm
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-[ 23i64
+[ 23
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/aggregate-sql/issue425_sum_hetero_list/issue425_sum_hetero_list.1.adm b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/aggregate-sql/issue425_sum_hetero_list/issue425_sum_hetero_list.1.adm
index e769df2..fc56326 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/aggregate-sql/issue425_sum_hetero_list/issue425_sum_hetero_list.1.adm
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/aggregate-sql/issue425_sum_hetero_list/issue425_sum_hetero_list.1.adm
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-[ 748374857506i64
+[ 748374857506
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/aggregate-sql/query-issue400/query-issue400.1.adm b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/aggregate-sql/query-issue400/query-issue400.1.adm
index fd3f2931..c799c76 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/aggregate-sql/query-issue400/query-issue400.1.adm
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/aggregate-sql/query-issue400/query-issue400.1.adm
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-[ 2i64
+[ 2
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/aggregate-sql/scalar_count/scalar_count.1.adm b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/aggregate-sql/scalar_count/scalar_count.1.adm
index a07c026..033e5ab 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/aggregate-sql/scalar_count/scalar_count.1.adm
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/aggregate-sql/scalar_count/scalar_count.1.adm
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
-[ 3i64
-, 3i64
-, 3i64
-, 3i64
-, 3i64
-, 3i64
-, 3i64
+[ 3
+, 3
+, 3
+, 3
+, 3
+, 3
+, 3
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/aggregate-sql/scalar_count_empty/scalar_count_empty.1.adm b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/aggregate-sql/scalar_count_empty/scalar_count_empty.1.adm
index 96ec850..80d09a4 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/aggregate-sql/scalar_count_empty/scalar_count_empty.1.adm
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/aggregate-sql/scalar_count_empty/scalar_count_empty.1.adm
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-[ 0i64
+[ 0
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/aggregate-sql/scalar_count_null/scalar_count_null.1.adm b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/aggregate-sql/scalar_count_null/scalar_count_null.1.adm
index a07c026..033e5ab 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/aggregate-sql/scalar_count_null/scalar_count_null.1.adm
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/aggregate-sql/scalar_count_null/scalar_count_null.1.adm
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
-[ 3i64
-, 3i64
-, 3i64
-, 3i64
-, 3i64
-, 3i64
-, 3i64
+[ 3
+, 3
+, 3
+, 3
+, 3
+, 3
+, 3
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/aggregate-sql/scalar_max/scalar_max.1.adm b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/aggregate-sql/scalar_max/scalar_max.1.adm
index 44b4454..cbf48a5 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/aggregate-sql/scalar_max/scalar_max.1.adm
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/aggregate-sql/scalar_max/scalar_max.1.adm
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
[ 3i8
, 3i16
+, 3i32
, 3
-, 3i64
, 3.0f
, 3.0d
, "world"
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/aggregate-sql/scalar_max_null/scalar_max_null.1.adm b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/aggregate-sql/scalar_max_null/scalar_max_null.1.adm
index 44b4454..cbf48a5 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/aggregate-sql/scalar_max_null/scalar_max_null.1.adm
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/aggregate-sql/scalar_max_null/scalar_max_null.1.adm
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
[ 3i8
, 3i16
+, 3i32
, 3
-, 3i64
, 3.0f
, 3.0d
, "world"
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/aggregate-sql/scalar_min/scalar_min.1.adm b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/aggregate-sql/scalar_min/scalar_min.1.adm
index 371c178..56f422f 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/aggregate-sql/scalar_min/scalar_min.1.adm
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/aggregate-sql/scalar_min/scalar_min.1.adm
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
[ 1i8
, 1i16
+, 1i32
, 1
-, 1i64
, 1.0f
, 1.0d
, "bar"
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/aggregate-sql/scalar_min_null/scalar_min_null.1.adm b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/aggregate-sql/scalar_min_null/scalar_min_null.1.adm
index 371c178..56f422f 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/aggregate-sql/scalar_min_null/scalar_min_null.1.adm
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/aggregate-sql/scalar_min_null/scalar_min_null.1.adm
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
[ 1i8
, 1i16
+, 1i32
, 1
-, 1i64
, 1.0f
, 1.0d
, "bar"
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/aggregate-sql/scalar_sum/scalar_sum.1.adm b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/aggregate-sql/scalar_sum/scalar_sum.1.adm
index 4d8c839..08f48e1 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/aggregate-sql/scalar_sum/scalar_sum.1.adm
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/aggregate-sql/scalar_sum/scalar_sum.1.adm
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
[ 6i8
, 6i16
+, 6i32
, 6
-, 6i64
, 6.0f
, 6.0d
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/aggregate-sql/scalar_sum_null/scalar_sum_null.1.adm b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/aggregate-sql/scalar_sum_null/scalar_sum_null.1.adm
index 4d8c839..08f48e1 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/aggregate-sql/scalar_sum_null/scalar_sum_null.1.adm
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/aggregate-sql/scalar_sum_null/scalar_sum_null.1.adm
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
[ 6i8
, 6i16
+, 6i32
, 6
-, 6i64
, 6.0f
, 6.0d
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/aggregate-sql/sum_int32/sum_int32.1.adm b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/aggregate-sql/sum_int32/sum_int32.1.adm
index c3f0216..eca3e44 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/aggregate-sql/sum_int32/sum_int32.1.adm
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/aggregate-sql/sum_int32/sum_int32.1.adm
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-[ 6
+[ 6i32
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/aggregate-sql/sum_int32_null/sum_int32_null.1.adm b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/aggregate-sql/sum_int32_null/sum_int32_null.1.adm
index d3a7591..1c54408 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/aggregate-sql/sum_int32_null/sum_int32_null.1.adm
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/aggregate-sql/sum_int32_null/sum_int32_null.1.adm
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-[ -32
+[ -32i32
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/aggregate-sql/sum_int64/sum_int64.1.adm b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/aggregate-sql/sum_int64/sum_int64.1.adm
index 5414c8f..c3f0216 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/aggregate-sql/sum_int64/sum_int64.1.adm
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/aggregate-sql/sum_int64/sum_int64.1.adm
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-[ 6i64
+[ 6
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/aggregate-sql/sum_int64_null/sum_int64_null.1.adm b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/aggregate-sql/sum_int64_null/sum_int64_null.1.adm
index 4ad4c0e..d2e59c5 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/aggregate-sql/sum_int64_null/sum_int64_null.1.adm
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/aggregate-sql/sum_int64_null/sum_int64_null.1.adm
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-[ -64i64
+[ -64
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/aggregate/agg_null/agg_null.1.adm b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/aggregate/agg_null/agg_null.1.adm
index 63f8939..3cbcda9 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/aggregate/agg_null/agg_null.1.adm
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/aggregate/agg_null/agg_null.1.adm
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-[ { "count1": 1i64, "average1": null, "sum1": null, "min1": null, "max1": null, "count2": 2i64, "average2": null, "sum2": null, "min2": null, "max2": null }
+[ { "count1": 1, "average1": null, "sum1": null, "min1": null, "max1": null, "count2": 2, "average2": null, "sum2": null, "min2": null, "max2": null }
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/aggregate/agg_null_rec/agg_null_rec.1.adm b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/aggregate/agg_null_rec/agg_null_rec.1.adm
index 279b608..4ce277f 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/aggregate/agg_null_rec/agg_null_rec.1.adm
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/aggregate/agg_null_rec/agg_null_rec.1.adm
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-[ { "count": 3i64, "average": null, "sum": null, "min": null, "max": null }
+[ { "count": 3, "average": null, "sum": null, "min": null, "max": null }
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/aggregate/agg_null_rec_1/agg_null_rec.1.adm b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/aggregate/agg_null_rec_1/agg_null_rec.1.adm
index de61a81..6917bbf 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/aggregate/agg_null_rec_1/agg_null_rec.1.adm
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/aggregate/agg_null_rec_1/agg_null_rec.1.adm
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-[ { "count": 3i64, "average": 5.32d, "sum": 15.96d, "min": null, "max": null }
+[ { "count": 3, "average": 5.32d, "sum": 15.96d, "min": null, "max": null }
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/aggregate/agg_number/agg_number.1.adm b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/aggregate/agg_number/agg_number.1.adm
index d546540..5d2a5ae 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/aggregate/agg_number/agg_number.1.adm
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/aggregate/agg_number/agg_number.1.adm
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-[ { "count1": 4i64, "count2": 4i64, "average1": 2.3461845695961844E16d, "sum1": 9.3847382783847376E16, "min1": 1.0d, "max1": 9.3847382783847376E16, "average2": 2.3461845695961844E16d, "sum2": 9.3847382783847376E16, "min2": 1.0d, "max2": 9.3847382783847376E16 }
+[ { "count1": 4, "count2": 4, "average1": 2.3461845695961844E16d, "sum1": 9.3847382783847376E16d, "min1": 1.0d, "max1": 9.3847382783847376E16d, "average2": 2.3461845695961844E16d, "sum2": 9.3847382783847376E16d, "min2": 1.0d, "max2": 9.3847382783847376E16d }
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/aggregate/agg_number_rec/agg_number_rec.1.adm b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/aggregate/agg_number_rec/agg_number_rec.1.adm
index a2bedb4..eab3226 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/aggregate/agg_number_rec/agg_number_rec.1.adm
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/aggregate/agg_number_rec/agg_number_rec.1.adm
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-[ { "count": 3i64, "average": 1.2824609161579424E16d, "sum": 3.8473827484738272E16d, "min": 2.0d, "max": 3.847382748473824E16d }
+[ { "count": 3, "average": 1.2824609161579424E16d, "sum": 3.8473827484738272E16d, "min": 2.0d, "max": 3.847382748473824E16d }
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/aggregate/count_01/count_01.1.adm b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/aggregate/count_01/count_01.1.adm
index 117466a..f2868b6 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/aggregate/count_01/count_01.1.adm
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/aggregate/count_01/count_01.1.adm
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-[ 3i64
+[ 3
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/aggregate/count_empty_01/count_empty_01.1.adm b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/aggregate/count_empty_01/count_empty_01.1.adm
index 96ec850..80d09a4 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/aggregate/count_empty_01/count_empty_01.1.adm
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/aggregate/count_empty_01/count_empty_01.1.adm
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-[ 0i64
+[ 0
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/aggregate/count_empty_02/count_empty_02.1.adm b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/aggregate/count_empty_02/count_empty_02.1.adm
index 96ec850..80d09a4 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/aggregate/count_empty_02/count_empty_02.1.adm
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/aggregate/count_empty_02/count_empty_02.1.adm
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-[ 0i64
+[ 0
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/aggregate/count_null/count_null.1.adm b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/aggregate/count_null/count_null.1.adm
index 82e8482..faa2b5f 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/aggregate/count_null/count_null.1.adm
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/aggregate/count_null/count_null.1.adm
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-[ { "count": 2i64 }
+[ { "count": 2 }
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/aggregate/issue395/issue395.1.adm b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/aggregate/issue395/issue395.1.adm
index 49eed62..f18c21e 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/aggregate/issue395/issue395.1.adm
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/aggregate/issue395/issue395.1.adm
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-[ 4i64
+[ 4
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/aggregate/issue412_0/issue412_0.1.adm b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/aggregate/issue412_0/issue412_0.1.adm
index 117466a..f2868b6 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/aggregate/issue412_0/issue412_0.1.adm
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/aggregate/issue412_0/issue412_0.1.adm
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-[ 3i64
+[ 3
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/aggregate/issue412_1/issue412_1.1.adm b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/aggregate/issue412_1/issue412_1.1.adm
index 279b608..4ce277f 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/aggregate/issue412_1/issue412_1.1.adm
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/aggregate/issue412_1/issue412_1.1.adm
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-[ { "count": 3i64, "average": null, "sum": null, "min": null, "max": null }
+[ { "count": 3, "average": null, "sum": null, "min": null, "max": null }
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/aggregate/issue425_min_hetero_list/issue425_min_hetero_list.1.adm b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/aggregate/issue425_min_hetero_list/issue425_min_hetero_list.1.adm
index cbf670d..4c6db23 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/aggregate/issue425_min_hetero_list/issue425_min_hetero_list.1.adm
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/aggregate/issue425_min_hetero_list/issue425_min_hetero_list.1.adm
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-[ 23i64
+[ 23
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/aggregate/issue425_sum_hetero_list/issue425_sum_hetero_list.1.adm b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/aggregate/issue425_sum_hetero_list/issue425_sum_hetero_list.1.adm
index e769df2..fc56326 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/aggregate/issue425_sum_hetero_list/issue425_sum_hetero_list.1.adm
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/aggregate/issue425_sum_hetero_list/issue425_sum_hetero_list.1.adm
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-[ 748374857506i64
+[ 748374857506
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/aggregate/query-issue400/query-issue400.1.adm b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/aggregate/query-issue400/query-issue400.1.adm
index fd3f2931..c799c76 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/aggregate/query-issue400/query-issue400.1.adm
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/aggregate/query-issue400/query-issue400.1.adm
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-[ 2i64
+[ 2
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index a07c026..033e5ab 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/aggregate/scalar_count/scalar_count.1.adm
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/aggregate/scalar_count/scalar_count.1.adm
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
-[ 3i64
-, 3i64
-, 3i64
-, 3i64
-, 3i64
-, 3i64
-, 3i64
+[ 3
+, 3
+, 3
+, 3
+, 3
+, 3
+, 3
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index 96ec850..80d09a4 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/aggregate/scalar_count_empty/scalar_count_empty.1.adm
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/aggregate/scalar_count_empty/scalar_count_empty.1.adm
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-[ 0i64
+[ 0
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/aggregate/scalar_count_null/scalar_count_null.1.adm b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/aggregate/scalar_count_null/scalar_count_null.1.adm
index 8c5f0d9..9856b8e 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/aggregate/scalar_count_null/scalar_count_null.1.adm
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/aggregate/scalar_count_null/scalar_count_null.1.adm
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
-[ 4i64
-, 4i64
-, 4i64
-, 4i64
-, 4i64
-, 4i64
-, 4i64
+[ 4
+, 4
+, 4
+, 4
+, 4
+, 4
+, 4
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index 44b4454..cbf48a5 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/aggregate/scalar_max/scalar_max.1.adm
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/aggregate/scalar_max/scalar_max.1.adm
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
[ 3i8
, 3i16
+, 3i32
, 3
-, 3i64
, 3.0f
, 3.0d
, "world"
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index 371c178..56f422f 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/aggregate/scalar_min/scalar_min.1.adm
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/aggregate/scalar_min/scalar_min.1.adm
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
[ 1i8
, 1i16
+, 1i32
, 1
-, 1i64
, 1.0f
, 1.0d
, "bar"
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index 4d8c839..08f48e1 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/aggregate/scalar_sum/scalar_sum.1.adm
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@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
[ 6i8
, 6i16
+, 6i32
, 6
-, 6i64
, 6.0f
, 6.0d
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index c3f0216..eca3e44 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/aggregate/sum_int32/sum_int32.1.adm
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/aggregate/sum_int32/sum_int32.1.adm
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-[ 6
+[ 6i32
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index 5414c8f..c3f0216 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/aggregate/sum_int64/sum_int64.1.adm
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@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-[ 6i64
+[ 6
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--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/constructor/int_01/int_01.1.adm
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@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
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+[ { "int8": 80i8, "int16": 160i16, "int32": 320i32, "int64": 640, "int8_2": -80i8, "int16_2": -160i16, "int32_2": -320i32, "int64_2": -640, "int64_min": -9223372036854775808 }
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--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/constructor/primitive-03/primitive-03.1.adm
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/constructor/primitive-03/primitive-03.1.adm
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
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@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
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-[ 0i64
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--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/dapd/q2/q2.1.adm
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@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
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@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-[ 10i64
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@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
-[ { "message-id": 9, "author-id": 3, "in-response-to": 12, "sender-location": point("34.45,96.48"), "message": " love verizon its wireless is good", "send-time": datetime("2012-09-20T10:10:00.000Z") }
-, { "message-id": 10, "author-id": 1, "in-response-to": 12, "sender-location": point("42.5,70.01"), "message": " can't stand motorola the touch-screen is terrible", "send-time": datetime("2012-10-20T10:10:00.000Z") }
-, { "message-id": 13, "author-id": 10, "in-response-to": 4, "sender-location": point("42.77,78.92"), "message": " dislike iphone the voice-command is bad:(", "send-time": datetime("2013-08-20T10:10:00.000Z") }
+[ { "message-id": 11, "author-id": 1, "in-response-to": 1, "sender-location": point("38.97,77.49"), "message": " can't stand at&t its plan is terrible", "send-time": datetime("2012-11-20T10:10:00.000Z") }
, { "message-id": 12, "author-id": 10, "in-response-to": 6, "sender-location": point("42.26,77.76"), "message": " can't stand t-mobile its voicemail-service is OMG:(", "send-time": datetime("2012-12-20T10:10:00.000Z") }
-, { "message-id": 11, "author-id": 1, "in-response-to": 1, "sender-location": point("38.97,77.49"), "message": " can't stand at&t its plan is terrible", "send-time": datetime("2012-11-20T10:10:00.000Z") }
, { "message-id": 14, "author-id": 9, "in-response-to": 12, "sender-location": point("41.33,85.28"), "message": " love at&t its 3G is good:)", "send-time": datetime("2013-09-20T10:10:00.000Z") }
+, { "message-id": 13, "author-id": 10, "in-response-to": 4, "sender-location": point("42.77,78.92"), "message": " dislike iphone the voice-command is bad:(", "send-time": datetime("2013-08-20T10:10:00.000Z") }
, { "message-id": 15, "author-id": 7, "in-response-to": 11, "sender-location": point("44.47,67.11"), "message": " like iphone the voicemail-service is awesome", "send-time": datetime("2014-01-20T10:10:00.000Z") }
+, { "message-id": 9, "author-id": 3, "in-response-to": 12, "sender-location": point("34.45,96.48"), "message": " love verizon its wireless is good", "send-time": datetime("2012-09-20T10:10:00.000Z") }
+, { "message-id": 10, "author-id": 1, "in-response-to": 12, "sender-location": point("42.5,70.01"), "message": " can't stand motorola the touch-screen is terrible", "send-time": datetime("2012-10-20T10:10:00.000Z") }
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/filters/load/load.1.adm b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/filters/load/load.1.adm
index 38b0c15..06553c8 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/filters/load/load.1.adm
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@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
-[ { "message-id": 9, "author-id": 3, "in-response-to": 12, "sender-location": point("34.45,96.48"), "message": " love verizon its wireless is good", "send-time": datetime("2012-09-20T10:10:00.000Z") }
-, { "message-id": 10, "author-id": 1, "in-response-to": 12, "sender-location": point("42.5,70.01"), "message": " can't stand motorola the touch-screen is terrible", "send-time": datetime("2012-10-20T10:10:00.000Z") }
-, { "message-id": 13, "author-id": 10, "in-response-to": 4, "sender-location": point("42.77,78.92"), "message": " dislike iphone the voice-command is bad:(", "send-time": datetime("2013-08-20T10:10:00.000Z") }
+[ { "message-id": 11, "author-id": 1, "in-response-to": 1, "sender-location": point("38.97,77.49"), "message": " can't stand at&t its plan is terrible", "send-time": datetime("2012-11-20T10:10:00.000Z") }
, { "message-id": 12, "author-id": 10, "in-response-to": 6, "sender-location": point("42.26,77.76"), "message": " can't stand t-mobile its voicemail-service is OMG:(", "send-time": datetime("2012-12-20T10:10:00.000Z") }
-, { "message-id": 11, "author-id": 1, "in-response-to": 1, "sender-location": point("38.97,77.49"), "message": " can't stand at&t its plan is terrible", "send-time": datetime("2012-11-20T10:10:00.000Z") }
, { "message-id": 14, "author-id": 9, "in-response-to": 12, "sender-location": point("41.33,85.28"), "message": " love at&t its 3G is good:)", "send-time": datetime("2013-09-20T10:10:00.000Z") }
+, { "message-id": 13, "author-id": 10, "in-response-to": 4, "sender-location": point("42.77,78.92"), "message": " dislike iphone the voice-command is bad:(", "send-time": datetime("2013-08-20T10:10:00.000Z") }
, { "message-id": 15, "author-id": 7, "in-response-to": 11, "sender-location": point("44.47,67.11"), "message": " like iphone the voicemail-service is awesome", "send-time": datetime("2014-01-20T10:10:00.000Z") }
+, { "message-id": 9, "author-id": 3, "in-response-to": 12, "sender-location": point("34.45,96.48"), "message": " love verizon its wireless is good", "send-time": datetime("2012-09-20T10:10:00.000Z") }
+, { "message-id": 10, "author-id": 1, "in-response-to": 12, "sender-location": point("42.5,70.01"), "message": " can't stand motorola the touch-screen is terrible", "send-time": datetime("2012-10-20T10:10:00.000Z") }
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/flwor/at00/at00.1.adm b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/flwor/at00/at00.1.adm
index 364f0e6..40eafec 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/flwor/at00/at00.1.adm
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/flwor/at00/at00.1.adm
@@ -1,450 +1,111 @@
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+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/flwor/at00/at00.2.adm
@@ -1,450 +1,111 @@
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+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/flwor/at00/at00.3.adm
@@ -1,450 +1,111 @@
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+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/flwor/at06/at06.1.adm
@@ -1,450 +1,111 @@
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+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/fuzzyjoin/dblp-1_1/dblp-1_1.1.adm
@@ -1,303 +1,303 @@
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+[ -2100346009i32
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+, -1884722688i32
+, -1843785300i32
+, -1830483328i32
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+, -1823572306i32
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+, -1729705254i32
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+, -1044558419i32
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+, -448767586i32
+, -434432019i32
+, -423176309i32
+, -368783024i32
+, -364546240i32
+, -359166347i32
+, -348047278i32
+, -312742449i32
+, -297504936i32
+, -246704257i32
+, -241549963i32
+, -205768560i32
+, -186625582i32
+, -180072229i32
+, -166827474i32
+, -161256337i32
+, -159726822i32
+, -159089000i32
+, -157616828i32
+, -132223855i32
+, -130046697i32
+, -104490550i32
+, -30501291i32
+, -25268558i32
+, -15352091i32
+, -4365677i32
+, 22917776i32
+, 94735359i32
+, 99986803i32
+, 114154416i32
+, 118521833i32
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+, 213361009i32
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+, 238725193i32
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+, 329859751i32
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+, 1267820964i32
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+, 1393904549i32
+, 1408073343i32
+, 1475217659i32
+, 1487581554i32
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+, 1593768276i32
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+, 1695382779i32
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+, 2064356955i32
+, 2077568601i32
+, 2142119869i32
+, -2129148808i32
+, -2123306067i32
+, -1866357545i32
+, -1830272775i32
+, -1698686135i32
+, -1675097392i32
+, -1424260364i32
+, -1101893819i32
+, -1101893818i32
+, -983571329i32
+, -928358681i32
+, -886125391i32
+, -868634819i32
+, -820263423i32
+, -813973322i32
+, -811126360i32
+, -672919447i32
+, -644628342i32
+, -643839153i32
+, -401000005i32
+, -375562743i32
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+, 12130764i32
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+, 1146919620i32
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+, 1927183812i32
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+, 2076153833i32
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+, -2099517735i32
+, -1825030603i32
+, -1549741716i32
+, -619166906i32
+, -190493968i32
+, 332254781i32
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+, -1810119301i32
+, -876602626i32
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+, -313185812i32
+, 362121710i32
+, 466317817i32
+, 508859332i32
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+, -726869081i32
+, 1051418749i32
+, 1865529547i32
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+, -940745510i32
+, 1319630510i32
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+, 1438773293i32
+, -811126361i32
+, 346507643i32
+, 1843309408i32
+, 941231896i32
+, 336582727i32
+, 202777881i32
+, 1184281537i32
+, -366175320i32
+, 364775211i32
+, 1807750876i32
+, 1876621117i32
+, -1059628593i32
+, 1841942721i32
+, 980458901i32
+, 1743340179i32
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/fuzzyjoin/dblp-1_2.1.1/dblp-1_2.1.1.1.adm b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/fuzzyjoin/dblp-1_2.1.1/dblp-1_2.1.1.1.adm
index dade5b11..ca0e005 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/fuzzyjoin/dblp-1_2.1.1/dblp-1_2.1.1.1.adm
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/fuzzyjoin/dblp-1_2.1.1/dblp-1_2.1.1.1.adm
@@ -1,303 +1,303 @@
-[ -2100346009
-, -2099271744
-, -2095729781
-, -2092234318
-, -2064380931
-, -2044228573
-, -2041394379
-, -1995931552
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-, -1930672765
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-, -1884722688
-, -1843785300
-, -1830483328
-, -1827399817
-, -1823572306
-, -1800928259
-, -1768694843
-, -1768045679
-, -1743779108
-, -1742028699
-, -1740509970
-, -1732505408
-, -1729705254
-, -1655516304
-, -1626188505
-, -1609006415
-, -1598505188
-, -1594487989
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-, -1442878015
-, -1419814343
-, -1396219568
-, -1349551945
-, -1311409178
-, -1296587453
-, -1240806000
-, -1225430010
-, -1064858130
-, -1063109284
-, -1045566799
-, -1044558419
-, -1022590190
-, -1016071050
-, -1006350002
-, -982216652
-, -975530700
-, -959052990
-, -956760709
-, -915533807
-, -883971423
-, -835336873
-, -822173589
-, -794144920
-, -780204151
-, -777420573
-, -760580623
-, -755156292
-, -743268693
-, -684781892
-, -606045019
-, -570170013
-, -565948000
-, -534825744
-, -523516656
-, -509449562
-, -498627020
-, -466739899
-, -452599430
-, -448767586
-, -434432019
-, -423176309
-, -368783024
-, -364546240
-, -359166347
-, -348047278
-, -312742449
-, -297504936
-, -246704257
-, -241549963
-, -205768560
-, -186625582
-, -180072229
-, -166827474
-, -161256337
-, -159726822
-, -159089000
-, -157616828
-, -132223855
-, -130046697
-, -104490550
-, -30501291
-, -25268558
-, -15352091
-, -4365677
-, 22917776
-, 94735359
-, 99986803
-, 114154416
-, 118521833
-, 202777882
-, 204805762
-, 213361009
-, 235005948
-, 238725193
-, 260903781
-, 277037318
-, 285049676
-, 307007687
-, 329122349
-, 329859751
-, 352835028
-, 364775212
-, 372271254
-, 380248390
-, 382366039
-, 427003385
-, 469812361
-, 481345800
-, 500833678
-, 540752742
-, 544185827
-, 593160419
-, 606318607
-, 610756166
-, 667333696
-, 675209541
-, 690242600
-, 699979219
-, 731670499
-, 797735848
-, 812584443
-, 827265626
-, 860604615
-, 913801175
-, 914572729
-, 980458902
-, 997867566
-, 1020946265
-, 1021364621
-, 1029604200
-, 1061886827
-, 1080617081
-, 1081527870
-, 1092992558
-, 1101732966
-, 1122042649
-, 1184281538
-, 1194310461
-, 1202560340
-, 1213966713
-, 1216682124
-, 1234142640
-, 1250804875
-, 1267820964
-, 1301392510
-, 1311122045
-, 1328804107
-, 1345028738
-, 1393258922
-, 1393904549
-, 1408073343
-, 1475217659
-, 1487581554
-, 1576421485
-, 1591147181
-, 1593768276
-, 1630132998
-, 1663722522
-, 1669137324
-, 1692834009
-, 1695382779
-, 1725807273
-, 1741263740
-, 1743340180
-, 1748224791
-, 1769943268
-, 1843219182
-, 1843309411
-, 1899428720
-, 1961904540
-, 1992104541
-, 1996585684
-, 2016705058
-, 2023897578
-, 2031126056
-, 2061814519
-, 2064356955
-, 2077568601
-, 2142119869
-, -2129148808
-, -2123306067
-, -1866357545
-, -1830272775
-, -1698686135
-, -1675097392
-, -1424260364
-, -1101893819
-, -1101893818
-, -983571329
-, -928358681
-, -886125391
-, -868634819
-, -820263423
-, -813973322
-, -811126360
-, -672919447
-, -644628342
-, -643839153
-, -401000005
-, -375562743
-, -338880820
-, -335020509
-, -220639152
-, -29956167
-, 12130764
-, 37535173
-, 54851252
-, 82403349
-, 208615425
-, 217434353
-, 336582728
-, 376601142
-, 436477023
-, 489151559
-, 516580575
-, 547697212
-, 624542582
-, 726934078
-, 795207835
-, 998974724
-, 1134674792
-, 1146919620
-, 1338812533
-, 1392089070
-, 1553972975
-, 1564809320
-, 1595727001
-, 1601597792
-, 1622623239
-, 1703633350
-, 1735604032
-, 1845974523
-, 1866805381
-, 1889439807
-, 1927183812
-, 1952427746
-, 1991226384
-, 2076153833
-, 2124258978
-, -2099517735
-, -1825030603
-, -1549741716
-, -619166906
-, -190493968
-, 332254781
-, 1216682123
-, -2070099532
-, -1810119301
-, -876602626
-, -684781893
-, -412714157
-, 638005138
-, 811970555
-, 1253625085
-, 1292623463
-, 1319630511
-, 1843309410
-, -353765158
-, -313185812
-, 362121710
-, 466317817
-, 508859332
-, 944931209
-, -778424400
-, -726869081
-, 1051418749
-, 1865529547
-, 1969653876
-, 1982125377
-, 1831309708
-, -940745510
-, 1319630510
-, 1843309409
-, 1438773293
-, -811126361
-, 346507643
-, 1843309408
-, 941231896
-, 336582727
-, 202777881
-, 1184281537
-, -366175320
-, 364775211
-, 1807750876
-, 1876621117
-, -1059628593
-, 1841942721
-, 980458901
-, 1743340179
+[ -2100346009i32
+, -2099271744i32
+, -2095729781i32
+, -2092234318i32
+, -2064380931i32
+, -2044228573i32
+, -2041394379i32
+, -1995931552i32
+, -1961708102i32
+, -1930672765i32
+, -1925061768i32
+, -1884800058i32
+, -1884722688i32
+, -1843785300i32
+, -1830483328i32
+, -1827399817i32
+, -1823572306i32
+, -1800928259i32
+, -1768694843i32
+, -1768045679i32
+, -1743779108i32
+, -1742028699i32
+, -1740509970i32
+, -1732505408i32
+, -1729705254i32
+, -1655516304i32
+, -1626188505i32
+, -1609006415i32
+, -1598505188i32
+, -1594487989i32
+, -1553380510i32
+, -1535341846i32
+, -1442878015i32
+, -1419814343i32
+, -1396219568i32
+, -1349551945i32
+, -1311409178i32
+, -1296587453i32
+, -1240806000i32
+, -1225430010i32
+, -1064858130i32
+, -1063109284i32
+, -1045566799i32
+, -1044558419i32
+, -1022590190i32
+, -1016071050i32
+, -1006350002i32
+, -982216652i32
+, -975530700i32
+, -959052990i32
+, -956760709i32
+, -915533807i32
+, -883971423i32
+, -835336873i32
+, -822173589i32
+, -794144920i32
+, -780204151i32
+, -777420573i32
+, -760580623i32
+, -755156292i32
+, -743268693i32
+, -684781892i32
+, -606045019i32
+, -570170013i32
+, -565948000i32
+, -534825744i32
+, -523516656i32
+, -509449562i32
+, -498627020i32
+, -466739899i32
+, -452599430i32
+, -448767586i32
+, -434432019i32
+, -423176309i32
+, -368783024i32
+, -364546240i32
+, -359166347i32
+, -348047278i32
+, -312742449i32
+, -297504936i32
+, -246704257i32
+, -241549963i32
+, -205768560i32
+, -186625582i32
+, -180072229i32
+, -166827474i32
+, -161256337i32
+, -159726822i32
+, -159089000i32
+, -157616828i32
+, -132223855i32
+, -130046697i32
+, -104490550i32
+, -30501291i32
+, -25268558i32
+, -15352091i32
+, -4365677i32
+, 22917776i32
+, 94735359i32
+, 99986803i32
+, 114154416i32
+, 118521833i32
+, 202777882i32
+, 204805762i32
+, 213361009i32
+, 235005948i32
+, 238725193i32
+, 260903781i32
+, 277037318i32
+, 285049676i32
+, 307007687i32
+, 329122349i32
+, 329859751i32
+, 352835028i32
+, 364775212i32
+, 372271254i32
+, 380248390i32
+, 382366039i32
+, 427003385i32
+, 469812361i32
+, 481345800i32
+, 500833678i32
+, 540752742i32
+, 544185827i32
+, 593160419i32
+, 606318607i32
+, 610756166i32
+, 667333696i32
+, 675209541i32
+, 690242600i32
+, 699979219i32
+, 731670499i32
+, 797735848i32
+, 812584443i32
+, 827265626i32
+, 860604615i32
+, 913801175i32
+, 914572729i32
+, 980458902i32
+, 997867566i32
+, 1020946265i32
+, 1021364621i32
+, 1029604200i32
+, 1061886827i32
+, 1080617081i32
+, 1081527870i32
+, 1092992558i32
+, 1101732966i32
+, 1122042649i32
+, 1184281538i32
+, 1194310461i32
+, 1202560340i32
+, 1213966713i32
+, 1216682124i32
+, 1234142640i32
+, 1250804875i32
+, 1267820964i32
+, 1301392510i32
+, 1311122045i32
+, 1328804107i32
+, 1345028738i32
+, 1393258922i32
+, 1393904549i32
+, 1408073343i32
+, 1475217659i32
+, 1487581554i32
+, 1576421485i32
+, 1591147181i32
+, 1593768276i32
+, 1630132998i32
+, 1663722522i32
+, 1669137324i32
+, 1692834009i32
+, 1695382779i32
+, 1725807273i32
+, 1741263740i32
+, 1743340180i32
+, 1748224791i32
+, 1769943268i32
+, 1843219182i32
+, 1843309411i32
+, 1899428720i32
+, 1961904540i32
+, 1992104541i32
+, 1996585684i32
+, 2016705058i32
+, 2023897578i32
+, 2031126056i32
+, 2061814519i32
+, 2064356955i32
+, 2077568601i32
+, 2142119869i32
+, -2129148808i32
+, -2123306067i32
+, -1866357545i32
+, -1830272775i32
+, -1698686135i32
+, -1675097392i32
+, -1424260364i32
+, -1101893819i32
+, -1101893818i32
+, -983571329i32
+, -928358681i32
+, -886125391i32
+, -868634819i32
+, -820263423i32
+, -813973322i32
+, -811126360i32
+, -672919447i32
+, -644628342i32
+, -643839153i32
+, -401000005i32
+, -375562743i32
+, -338880820i32
+, -335020509i32
+, -220639152i32
+, -29956167i32
+, 12130764i32
+, 37535173i32
+, 54851252i32
+, 82403349i32
+, 208615425i32
+, 217434353i32
+, 336582728i32
+, 376601142i32
+, 436477023i32
+, 489151559i32
+, 516580575i32
+, 547697212i32
+, 624542582i32
+, 726934078i32
+, 795207835i32
+, 998974724i32
+, 1134674792i32
+, 1146919620i32
+, 1338812533i32
+, 1392089070i32
+, 1553972975i32
+, 1564809320i32
+, 1595727001i32
+, 1601597792i32
+, 1622623239i32
+, 1703633350i32
+, 1735604032i32
+, 1845974523i32
+, 1866805381i32
+, 1889439807i32
+, 1927183812i32
+, 1952427746i32
+, 1991226384i32
+, 2076153833i32
+, 2124258978i32
+, -2099517735i32
+, -1825030603i32
+, -1549741716i32
+, -619166906i32
+, -190493968i32
+, 332254781i32
+, 1216682123i32
+, -2070099532i32
+, -1810119301i32
+, -876602626i32
+, -684781893i32
+, -412714157i32
+, 638005138i32
+, 811970555i32
+, 1253625085i32
+, 1292623463i32
+, 1319630511i32
+, 1843309410i32
+, -353765158i32
+, -313185812i32
+, 362121710i32
+, 466317817i32
+, 508859332i32
+, 944931209i32
+, -778424400i32
+, -726869081i32
+, 1051418749i32
+, 1865529547i32
+, 1969653876i32
+, 1982125377i32
+, 1831309708i32
+, -940745510i32
+, 1319630510i32
+, 1843309409i32
+, 1438773293i32
+, -811126361i32
+, 346507643i32
+, 1843309408i32
+, 941231896i32
+, 336582727i32
+, 202777881i32
+, 1184281537i32
+, -366175320i32
+, 364775211i32
+, 1807750876i32
+, 1876621117i32
+, -1059628593i32
+, 1841942721i32
+, 980458901i32
+, 1743340179i32
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/fuzzyjoin/dblp-1_2.1/dblp-1_2.1.1.adm b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/fuzzyjoin/dblp-1_2.1/dblp-1_2.1.1.adm
index dade5b11..ca0e005 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/fuzzyjoin/dblp-1_2.1/dblp-1_2.1.1.adm
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/fuzzyjoin/dblp-1_2.1/dblp-1_2.1.1.adm
@@ -1,303 +1,303 @@
-[ -2100346009
-, -2099271744
-, -2095729781
-, -2092234318
-, -2064380931
-, -2044228573
-, -2041394379
-, -1995931552
-, -1961708102
-, -1930672765
-, -1925061768
-, -1884800058
-, -1884722688
-, -1843785300
-, -1830483328
-, -1827399817
-, -1823572306
-, -1800928259
-, -1768694843
-, -1768045679
-, -1743779108
-, -1742028699
-, -1740509970
-, -1732505408
-, -1729705254
-, -1655516304
-, -1626188505
-, -1609006415
-, -1598505188
-, -1594487989
-, -1553380510
-, -1535341846
-, -1442878015
-, -1419814343
-, -1396219568
-, -1349551945
-, -1311409178
-, -1296587453
-, -1240806000
-, -1225430010
-, -1064858130
-, -1063109284
-, -1045566799
-, -1044558419
-, -1022590190
-, -1016071050
-, -1006350002
-, -982216652
-, -975530700
-, -959052990
-, -956760709
-, -915533807
-, -883971423
-, -835336873
-, -822173589
-, -794144920
-, -780204151
-, -777420573
-, -760580623
-, -755156292
-, -743268693
-, -684781892
-, -606045019
-, -570170013
-, -565948000
-, -534825744
-, -523516656
-, -509449562
-, -498627020
-, -466739899
-, -452599430
-, -448767586
-, -434432019
-, -423176309
-, -368783024
-, -364546240
-, -359166347
-, -348047278
-, -312742449
-, -297504936
-, -246704257
-, -241549963
-, -205768560
-, -186625582
-, -180072229
-, -166827474
-, -161256337
-, -159726822
-, -159089000
-, -157616828
-, -132223855
-, -130046697
-, -104490550
-, -30501291
-, -25268558
-, -15352091
-, -4365677
-, 22917776
-, 94735359
-, 99986803
-, 114154416
-, 118521833
-, 202777882
-, 204805762
-, 213361009
-, 235005948
-, 238725193
-, 260903781
-, 277037318
-, 285049676
-, 307007687
-, 329122349
-, 329859751
-, 352835028
-, 364775212
-, 372271254
-, 380248390
-, 382366039
-, 427003385
-, 469812361
-, 481345800
-, 500833678
-, 540752742
-, 544185827
-, 593160419
-, 606318607
-, 610756166
-, 667333696
-, 675209541
-, 690242600
-, 699979219
-, 731670499
-, 797735848
-, 812584443
-, 827265626
-, 860604615
-, 913801175
-, 914572729
-, 980458902
-, 997867566
-, 1020946265
-, 1021364621
-, 1029604200
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-, 1080617081
-, 1081527870
-, 1092992558
-, 1101732966
-, 1122042649
-, 1184281538
-, 1194310461
-, 1202560340
-, 1213966713
-, 1216682124
-, 1234142640
-, 1250804875
-, 1267820964
-, 1301392510
-, 1311122045
-, 1328804107
-, 1345028738
-, 1393258922
-, 1393904549
-, 1408073343
-, 1475217659
-, 1487581554
-, 1576421485
-, 1591147181
-, 1593768276
-, 1630132998
-, 1663722522
-, 1669137324
-, 1692834009
-, 1695382779
-, 1725807273
-, 1741263740
-, 1743340180
-, 1748224791
-, 1769943268
-, 1843219182
-, 1843309411
-, 1899428720
-, 1961904540
-, 1992104541
-, 1996585684
-, 2016705058
-, 2023897578
-, 2031126056
-, 2061814519
-, 2064356955
-, 2077568601
-, 2142119869
-, -2129148808
-, -2123306067
-, -1866357545
-, -1830272775
-, -1698686135
-, -1675097392
-, -1424260364
-, -1101893819
-, -1101893818
-, -983571329
-, -928358681
-, -886125391
-, -868634819
-, -820263423
-, -813973322
-, -811126360
-, -672919447
-, -644628342
-, -643839153
-, -401000005
-, -375562743
-, -338880820
-, -335020509
-, -220639152
-, -29956167
-, 12130764
-, 37535173
-, 54851252
-, 82403349
-, 208615425
-, 217434353
-, 336582728
-, 376601142
-, 436477023
-, 489151559
-, 516580575
-, 547697212
-, 624542582
-, 726934078
-, 795207835
-, 998974724
-, 1134674792
-, 1146919620
-, 1338812533
-, 1392089070
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-, 1601597792
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-, 2124258978
-, -2099517735
-, -1825030603
-, -1549741716
-, -619166906
-, -190493968
-, 332254781
-, 1216682123
-, -2070099532
-, -1810119301
-, -876602626
-, -684781893
-, -412714157
-, 638005138
-, 811970555
-, 1253625085
-, 1292623463
-, 1319630511
-, 1843309410
-, -353765158
-, -313185812
-, 362121710
-, 466317817
-, 508859332
-, 944931209
-, -778424400
-, -726869081
-, 1051418749
-, 1865529547
-, 1969653876
-, 1982125377
-, 1831309708
-, -940745510
-, 1319630510
-, 1843309409
-, 1438773293
-, -811126361
-, 346507643
-, 1843309408
-, 941231896
-, 336582727
-, 202777881
-, 1184281537
-, -366175320
-, 364775211
-, 1807750876
-, 1876621117
-, -1059628593
-, 1841942721
-, 980458901
-, 1743340179
+[ -2100346009i32
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+, -1995931552i32
+, -1961708102i32
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+, -1884722688i32
+, -1843785300i32
+, -1830483328i32
+, -1827399817i32
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+, -1800928259i32
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+, -1743779108i32
+, -1742028699i32
+, -1740509970i32
+, -1732505408i32
+, -1729705254i32
+, -1655516304i32
+, -1626188505i32
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+, -1044558419i32
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+, -959052990i32
+, -956760709i32
+, -915533807i32
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+, -780204151i32
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+, -755156292i32
+, -743268693i32
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+, -570170013i32
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+, -534825744i32
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+, -498627020i32
+, -466739899i32
+, -452599430i32
+, -448767586i32
+, -434432019i32
+, -423176309i32
+, -368783024i32
+, -364546240i32
+, -359166347i32
+, -348047278i32
+, -312742449i32
+, -297504936i32
+, -246704257i32
+, -241549963i32
+, -205768560i32
+, -186625582i32
+, -180072229i32
+, -166827474i32
+, -161256337i32
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+, -157616828i32
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+, -130046697i32
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+, -30501291i32
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+, -15352091i32
+, -4365677i32
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+, 202777882i32
+, 204805762i32
+, 213361009i32
+, 235005948i32
+, 238725193i32
+, 260903781i32
+, 277037318i32
+, 285049676i32
+, 307007687i32
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+, 329859751i32
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+, 372271254i32
+, 380248390i32
+, 382366039i32
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+, 544185827i32
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+, 610756166i32
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+, 675209541i32
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+, 731670499i32
+, 797735848i32
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+, 914572729i32
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+, 1029604200i32
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+, 1080617081i32
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+, 1092992558i32
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+, 1194310461i32
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+, 1213966713i32
+, 1216682124i32
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+, 1393904549i32
+, 1408073343i32
+, 1475217659i32
+, 1487581554i32
+, 1576421485i32
+, 1591147181i32
+, 1593768276i32
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+, 1663722522i32
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+, 1743340180i32
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+, 1992104541i32
+, 1996585684i32
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+, 2077568601i32
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+, -2129148808i32
+, -2123306067i32
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+, -1830272775i32
+, -1698686135i32
+, -1675097392i32
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+, -1101893818i32
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+, -643839153i32
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+, -375562743i32
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+, -335020509i32
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+, -29956167i32
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+, 1735604032i32
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+, 1889439807i32
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+, 1952427746i32
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+, -2099517735i32
+, -1825030603i32
+, -1549741716i32
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+, -313185812i32
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+, 508859332i32
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+, -778424400i32
+, -726869081i32
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+, 1969653876i32
+, 1982125377i32
+, 1831309708i32
+, -940745510i32
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+, -811126361i32
+, 346507643i32
+, 1843309408i32
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+, 1807750876i32
+, 1876621117i32
+, -1059628593i32
+, 1841942721i32
+, 980458901i32
+, 1743340179i32
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/fuzzyjoin/dblp-1_2/dblp-1_2.1.adm b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/fuzzyjoin/dblp-1_2/dblp-1_2.1.adm
index dade5b11..ca0e005 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/fuzzyjoin/dblp-1_2/dblp-1_2.1.adm
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/fuzzyjoin/dblp-1_2/dblp-1_2.1.adm
@@ -1,303 +1,303 @@
-[ -2100346009
-, -2099271744
-, -2095729781
-, -2092234318
-, -2064380931
-, -2044228573
-, -2041394379
-, -1995931552
-, -1961708102
-, -1930672765
-, -1925061768
-, -1884800058
-, -1884722688
-, -1843785300
-, -1830483328
-, -1827399817
-, -1823572306
-, -1800928259
-, -1768694843
-, -1768045679
-, -1743779108
-, -1742028699
-, -1740509970
-, -1732505408
-, -1729705254
-, -1655516304
-, -1626188505
-, -1609006415
-, -1598505188
-, -1594487989
-, -1553380510
-, -1535341846
-, -1442878015
-, -1419814343
-, -1396219568
-, -1349551945
-, -1311409178
-, -1296587453
-, -1240806000
-, -1225430010
-, -1064858130
-, -1063109284
-, -1045566799
-, -1044558419
-, -1022590190
-, -1016071050
-, -1006350002
-, -982216652
-, -975530700
-, -959052990
-, -956760709
-, -915533807
-, -883971423
-, -835336873
-, -822173589
-, -794144920
-, -780204151
-, -777420573
-, -760580623
-, -755156292
-, -743268693
-, -684781892
-, -606045019
-, -570170013
-, -565948000
-, -534825744
-, -523516656
-, -509449562
-, -498627020
-, -466739899
-, -452599430
-, -448767586
-, -434432019
-, -423176309
-, -368783024
-, -364546240
-, -359166347
-, -348047278
-, -312742449
-, -297504936
-, -246704257
-, -241549963
-, -205768560
-, -186625582
-, -180072229
-, -166827474
-, -161256337
-, -159726822
-, -159089000
-, -157616828
-, -132223855
-, -130046697
-, -104490550
-, -30501291
-, -25268558
-, -15352091
-, -4365677
-, 22917776
-, 94735359
-, 99986803
-, 114154416
-, 118521833
-, 202777882
-, 204805762
-, 213361009
-, 235005948
-, 238725193
-, 260903781
-, 277037318
-, 285049676
-, 307007687
-, 329122349
-, 329859751
-, 352835028
-, 364775212
-, 372271254
-, 380248390
-, 382366039
-, 427003385
-, 469812361
-, 481345800
-, 500833678
-, 540752742
-, 544185827
-, 593160419
-, 606318607
-, 610756166
-, 667333696
-, 675209541
-, 690242600
-, 699979219
-, 731670499
-, 797735848
-, 812584443
-, 827265626
-, 860604615
-, 913801175
-, 914572729
-, 980458902
-, 997867566
-, 1020946265
-, 1021364621
-, 1029604200
-, 1061886827
-, 1080617081
-, 1081527870
-, 1092992558
-, 1101732966
-, 1122042649
-, 1184281538
-, 1194310461
-, 1202560340
-, 1213966713
-, 1216682124
-, 1234142640
-, 1250804875
-, 1267820964
-, 1301392510
-, 1311122045
-, 1328804107
-, 1345028738
-, 1393258922
-, 1393904549
-, 1408073343
-, 1475217659
-, 1487581554
-, 1576421485
-, 1591147181
-, 1593768276
-, 1630132998
-, 1663722522
-, 1669137324
-, 1692834009
-, 1695382779
-, 1725807273
-, 1741263740
-, 1743340180
-, 1748224791
-, 1769943268
-, 1843219182
-, 1843309411
-, 1899428720
-, 1961904540
-, 1992104541
-, 1996585684
-, 2016705058
-, 2023897578
-, 2031126056
-, 2061814519
-, 2064356955
-, 2077568601
-, 2142119869
-, -2129148808
-, -2123306067
-, -1866357545
-, -1830272775
-, -1698686135
-, -1675097392
-, -1424260364
-, -1101893819
-, -1101893818
-, -983571329
-, -928358681
-, -886125391
-, -868634819
-, -820263423
-, -813973322
-, -811126360
-, -672919447
-, -644628342
-, -643839153
-, -401000005
-, -375562743
-, -338880820
-, -335020509
-, -220639152
-, -29956167
-, 12130764
-, 37535173
-, 54851252
-, 82403349
-, 208615425
-, 217434353
-, 336582728
-, 376601142
-, 436477023
-, 489151559
-, 516580575
-, 547697212
-, 624542582
-, 726934078
-, 795207835
-, 998974724
-, 1134674792
-, 1146919620
-, 1338812533
-, 1392089070
-, 1553972975
-, 1564809320
-, 1595727001
-, 1601597792
-, 1622623239
-, 1703633350
-, 1735604032
-, 1845974523
-, 1866805381
-, 1889439807
-, 1927183812
-, 1952427746
-, 1991226384
-, 2076153833
-, 2124258978
-, -2099517735
-, -1825030603
-, -1549741716
-, -619166906
-, -190493968
-, 332254781
-, 1216682123
-, -2070099532
-, -1810119301
-, -876602626
-, -684781893
-, -412714157
-, 638005138
-, 811970555
-, 1253625085
-, 1292623463
-, 1319630511
-, 1843309410
-, -353765158
-, -313185812
-, 362121710
-, 466317817
-, 508859332
-, 944931209
-, -778424400
-, -726869081
-, 1051418749
-, 1865529547
-, 1969653876
-, 1982125377
-, 1831309708
-, -940745510
-, 1319630510
-, 1843309409
-, 1438773293
-, -811126361
-, 346507643
-, 1843309408
-, 941231896
-, 336582727
-, 202777881
-, 1184281537
-, -366175320
-, 364775211
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-, 1876621117
-, -1059628593
-, 1841942721
-, 980458901
-, 1743340179
+[ -2100346009i32
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+, -1884722688i32
+, -1843785300i32
+, -1830483328i32
+, -1827399817i32
+, -1823572306i32
+, -1800928259i32
+, -1768694843i32
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+, -1743779108i32
+, -1742028699i32
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+, -1732505408i32
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+, -1594487989i32
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+, -1396219568i32
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+, -1296587453i32
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+, -1225430010i32
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+, -1022590190i32
+, -1016071050i32
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+, -959052990i32
+, -956760709i32
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+, -534825744i32
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+, -509449562i32
+, -498627020i32
+, -466739899i32
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+, -448767586i32
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+, -423176309i32
+, -368783024i32
+, -364546240i32
+, -359166347i32
+, -348047278i32
+, -312742449i32
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+, -157616828i32
+, -132223855i32
+, -130046697i32
+, -104490550i32
+, -30501291i32
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-, { "tweet": { "id": 245i64, "topics": " hate sprint its touch-screen is bad:(" }, "similar-tweets": [ { "id": 60i64, "topics": " hate sprint its touch-screen is OMG:(" }, { "id": 196i64, "topics": " hate sprint the touch-screen is OMG:(" } ] }
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-, { "tweet": { "id": 249i64, "topics": " dislike verizon its plan is bad:(" }, "similar-tweets": [ ] }
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+, { "l_linenumber": 6, "l_l_orderkey": 71 }
+, { "l_linenumber": 6, "l_l_orderkey": 69 }
+, { "l_linenumber": 6, "l_l_orderkey": 7 }
, { "l_linenumber": 6, "l_l_orderkey": 32 }
, { "l_linenumber": 6, "l_l_orderkey": 39 }
-, { "l_linenumber": 6, "l_l_orderkey": 68 }
-, { "l_linenumber": 6, "l_l_orderkey": 69 }
-, { "l_linenumber": 6, "l_l_orderkey": 35 }
-, { "l_linenumber": 6, "l_l_orderkey": 71 }
-, { "l_linenumber": 7, "l_l_orderkey": 7 }
+, { "l_linenumber": 6, "l_l_orderkey": 70 }
, { "l_linenumber": 7, "l_l_orderkey": 68 }
+, { "l_linenumber": 7, "l_l_orderkey": 7 }
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/misc/stable_sort/stable_sort.3.adm b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/misc/stable_sort/stable_sort.3.adm
index abf1429..b84967a 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/misc/stable_sort/stable_sort.3.adm
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/misc/stable_sort/stable_sort.3.adm
@@ -1,6006 +1,6006 @@
[ { "l_orderkey": 1121, "l_partkey": 200, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 50.0d, "l_extendedprice": 55010.0d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-04-21", "l_commitdate": "1997-02-16", "l_receiptdate": "1997-04-25", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "odolites. slyly even accounts" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3686, "l_partkey": 200, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 38.0d, "l_extendedprice": 41807.6d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-09-04", "l_commitdate": "1998-08-11", "l_receiptdate": "1998-09-19", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "y silent foxes! carefully ruthless cour" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3878, "l_partkey": 200, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 6.0d, "l_extendedprice": 6601.2d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-06-21", "l_commitdate": "1997-05-22", "l_receiptdate": "1997-07-01", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "s. regular instru" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5764, "l_partkey": 200, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 20.0d, "l_extendedprice": 22004.0d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-10-17", "l_commitdate": "1993-12-24", "l_receiptdate": "1993-10-18", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ng to the fluffily qu" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5895, "l_partkey": 200, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 20.0d, "l_extendedprice": 22004.0d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-04-30", "l_commitdate": "1997-02-07", "l_receiptdate": "1997-05-08", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "gular deposits wake blithely carefully fin" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1254, "l_partkey": 200, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 47.0d, "l_extendedprice": 51709.4d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-03-07", "l_commitdate": "1996-02-20", "l_receiptdate": "1996-04-05", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": " platelets cajol" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1411, "l_partkey": 200, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 20.0d, "l_extendedprice": 22004.0d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-04-06", "l_commitdate": "1995-03-16", "l_receiptdate": "1995-04-17", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "s against the" }
, { "l_orderkey": 1447, "l_partkey": 200, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 41.0d, "l_extendedprice": 45108.2d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-01-06", "l_commitdate": "1993-01-05", "l_receiptdate": "1993-01-13", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "rts boost s" }
, { "l_orderkey": 2819, "l_partkey": 200, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 6.0d, "l_extendedprice": 6601.2d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-07-22", "l_commitdate": "1994-08-02", "l_receiptdate": "1994-07-29", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "eas after the carefully express pack" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3008, "l_partkey": 200, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 31.0d, "l_extendedprice": 34106.2d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-12-14", "l_commitdate": "1995-12-11", "l_receiptdate": "1995-12-31", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": " bold packages. quic" }
, { "l_orderkey": 3264, "l_partkey": 200, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 39.0d, "l_extendedprice": 42907.8d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-11-07", "l_commitdate": "1996-12-12", "l_receiptdate": "1996-11-20", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "sleep carefully after the slyly final" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5952, "l_partkey": 200, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 49.0d, "l_extendedprice": 53909.8d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-06-30", "l_commitdate": "1997-07-10", "l_receiptdate": "1997-07-02", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "e furiously regular" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4064, "l_partkey": 200, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 9.0d, "l_extendedprice": 9901.8d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-12-17", "l_commitdate": "1996-12-13", "l_receiptdate": "1997-01-12", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "furiously f" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1411, "l_partkey": 200, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 20.0d, "l_extendedprice": 22004.0d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-04-06", "l_commitdate": "1995-03-16", "l_receiptdate": "1995-04-17", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "s against the" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2086, "l_partkey": 200, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 20.0d, "l_extendedprice": 22004.0d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-11-30", "l_commitdate": "1994-12-28", "l_receiptdate": "1994-12-07", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "lithely ironic acc" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3363, "l_partkey": 200, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 4.0d, "l_extendedprice": 4400.8d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-10-30", "l_commitdate": "1995-11-17", "l_receiptdate": "1995-11-22", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": " ironic dependencie" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3686, "l_partkey": 200, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 38.0d, "l_extendedprice": 41807.6d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-09-04", "l_commitdate": "1998-08-11", "l_receiptdate": "1998-09-19", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "y silent foxes! carefully ruthless cour" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3878, "l_partkey": 200, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 6.0d, "l_extendedprice": 6601.2d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-06-21", "l_commitdate": "1997-05-22", "l_receiptdate": "1997-07-01", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "s. regular instru" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4931, "l_partkey": 200, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 50.0d, "l_extendedprice": 55010.0d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-12-15", "l_commitdate": "1994-12-18", "l_receiptdate": "1994-12-23", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "s haggle al" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5827, "l_partkey": 200, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 26.0d, "l_extendedprice": 28605.2d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-07-29", "l_commitdate": "1998-09-24", "l_receiptdate": "1998-07-30", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "arefully special packages wake thin" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5895, "l_partkey": 200, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 20.0d, "l_extendedprice": 22004.0d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-04-30", "l_commitdate": "1997-02-07", "l_receiptdate": "1997-05-08", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "gular deposits wake blithely carefully fin" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1254, "l_partkey": 200, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 47.0d, "l_extendedprice": 51709.4d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-03-07", "l_commitdate": "1996-02-20", "l_receiptdate": "1996-04-05", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": " platelets cajol" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3008, "l_partkey": 200, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 31.0d, "l_extendedprice": 34106.2d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-12-14", "l_commitdate": "1995-12-11", "l_receiptdate": "1995-12-31", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": " bold packages. quic" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4098, "l_partkey": 200, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 46.0d, "l_extendedprice": 50609.2d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-01-26", "l_commitdate": "1997-01-27", "l_receiptdate": "1997-02-13", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "e slyly blithely silent deposits. fluff" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4227, "l_partkey": 200, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 2.0d, "l_extendedprice": 2200.4d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-04-24", "l_commitdate": "1995-05-09", "l_receiptdate": "1995-05-21", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ep. specia" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 324, "l_partkey": 200, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 26.0d, "l_extendedprice": 28605.2d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-04-19", "l_commitdate": "1992-05-28", "l_receiptdate": "1992-05-12", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ross the slyly regular s" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1827, "l_partkey": 200, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 37.0d, "l_extendedprice": 40707.4d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-07-20", "l_commitdate": "1996-08-18", "l_receiptdate": "1996-08-08", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ously ironic theodolites serve quickly af" }
, { "l_orderkey": 2304, "l_partkey": 200, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 42.0d, "l_extendedprice": 46208.4d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-01-20", "l_commitdate": "1994-03-04", "l_receiptdate": "1994-02-05", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "quests are blithely alongside of" }
, { "l_orderkey": 3169, "l_partkey": 200, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 17.0d, "l_extendedprice": 18703.4d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-03-02", "l_commitdate": "1994-01-21", "l_receiptdate": "1994-03-03", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "usly regular packages. ironi" }
, { "l_orderkey": 5730, "l_partkey": 200, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 9.0d, "l_extendedprice": 9901.8d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-03-05", "l_commitdate": "1998-02-02", "l_receiptdate": "1998-03-28", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "s lose blithely. specia" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5827, "l_partkey": 200, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 26.0d, "l_extendedprice": 28605.2d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-07-29", "l_commitdate": "1998-09-24", "l_receiptdate": "1998-07-30", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "arefully special packages wake thin" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 324, "l_partkey": 200, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 26.0d, "l_extendedprice": 28605.2d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-04-19", "l_commitdate": "1992-05-28", "l_receiptdate": "1992-05-12", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ross the slyly regular s" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1827, "l_partkey": 200, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 37.0d, "l_extendedprice": 40707.4d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-07-20", "l_commitdate": "1996-08-18", "l_receiptdate": "1996-08-08", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ously ironic theodolites serve quickly af" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2086, "l_partkey": 200, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 20.0d, "l_extendedprice": 22004.0d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-11-30", "l_commitdate": "1994-12-28", "l_receiptdate": "1994-12-07", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "lithely ironic acc" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3363, "l_partkey": 200, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 4.0d, "l_extendedprice": 4400.8d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-10-30", "l_commitdate": "1995-11-17", "l_receiptdate": "1995-11-22", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": " ironic dependencie" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4064, "l_partkey": 200, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 9.0d, "l_extendedprice": 9901.8d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-12-17", "l_commitdate": "1996-12-13", "l_receiptdate": "1997-01-12", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "furiously f" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4098, "l_partkey": 200, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 46.0d, "l_extendedprice": 50609.2d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-01-26", "l_commitdate": "1997-01-27", "l_receiptdate": "1997-02-13", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "e slyly blithely silent deposits. fluff" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4227, "l_partkey": 200, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 2.0d, "l_extendedprice": 2200.4d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-04-24", "l_commitdate": "1995-05-09", "l_receiptdate": "1995-05-21", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ep. specia" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4931, "l_partkey": 200, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 50.0d, "l_extendedprice": 55010.0d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-12-15", "l_commitdate": "1994-12-18", "l_receiptdate": "1994-12-23", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "s haggle al" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 964, "l_partkey": 199, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 39.0d, "l_extendedprice": 42868.41d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-06-21", "l_commitdate": "1995-07-24", "l_receiptdate": "1995-06-24", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "se furiously regular instructions. blith" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 999, "l_partkey": 199, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 41.0d, "l_extendedprice": 45066.79d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-10-16", "l_commitdate": "1993-12-04", "l_receiptdate": "1993-11-03", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "us depths. carefully ironic instruc" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1728, "l_partkey": 199, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 31.0d, "l_extendedprice": 34074.89d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-07-26", "l_commitdate": "1996-06-28", "l_receiptdate": "1996-08-14", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "kly sly theodolites." }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1792, "l_partkey": 199, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 35.0d, "l_extendedprice": 38471.65d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-01-31", "l_commitdate": "1994-01-20", "l_receiptdate": "1994-02-17", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "e against the quic" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2752, "l_partkey": 199, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 38.0d, "l_extendedprice": 41769.22d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-02-23", "l_commitdate": "1993-12-23", "l_receiptdate": "1994-03-24", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "es boost. slyly silent ideas" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2850, "l_partkey": 199, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 4.0d, "l_extendedprice": 4396.76d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-10-28", "l_commitdate": "1996-12-26", "l_receiptdate": "1996-11-07", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "al deposits cajole carefully quickly " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4224, "l_partkey": 199, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 27.0d, "l_extendedprice": 29678.13d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-09-05", "l_commitdate": "1997-08-19", "l_receiptdate": "1997-09-30", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ly special deposits sleep qui" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4293, "l_partkey": 199, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 47.0d, "l_extendedprice": 51661.93d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-09-07", "l_commitdate": "1996-10-24", "l_receiptdate": "1996-09-15", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ithely pending deposits af" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5028, "l_partkey": 199, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 15.0d, "l_extendedprice": 16487.85d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-08-02", "l_commitdate": "1992-07-09", "l_receiptdate": "1992-08-30", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "gular, bold pinto bea" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5286, "l_partkey": 199, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 1.0d, "l_extendedprice": 1099.19d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-11-25", "l_commitdate": "1997-11-07", "l_receiptdate": "1997-12-17", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ly! furiously final pack" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5764, "l_partkey": 200, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 20.0d, "l_extendedprice": 22004.0d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-10-17", "l_commitdate": "1993-12-24", "l_receiptdate": "1993-10-18", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ng to the fluffily qu" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5952, "l_partkey": 200, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 49.0d, "l_extendedprice": 53909.8d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-06-30", "l_commitdate": "1997-07-10", "l_receiptdate": "1997-07-02", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "e furiously regular" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 225, "l_partkey": 199, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 45.0d, "l_extendedprice": 49463.55d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-08-17", "l_commitdate": "1995-08-20", "l_receiptdate": "1995-08-30", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "the slyly even platelets use aro" }
, { "l_orderkey": 678, "l_partkey": 199, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 48.0d, "l_extendedprice": 52761.12d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-02-28", "l_commitdate": "1993-04-04", "l_receiptdate": "1993-03-24", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ithely. slyly express foxes" }
, { "l_orderkey": 740, "l_partkey": 199, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 29.0d, "l_extendedprice": 31876.51d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-10-26", "l_commitdate": "1995-09-17", "l_receiptdate": "1995-10-29", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ntly bold pinto beans sleep quickl" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1954, "l_partkey": 199, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 11.0d, "l_extendedprice": 12091.09d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-08-07", "l_commitdate": "1997-07-23", "l_receiptdate": "1997-08-25", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "y carefully ironi" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2115, "l_partkey": 199, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 13.0d, "l_extendedprice": 14289.47d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-08-07", "l_commitdate": "1998-08-06", "l_receiptdate": "1998-08-13", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "into beans. even accounts abou" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4064, "l_partkey": 199, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 3.0d, "l_extendedprice": 3297.57d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-01-04", "l_commitdate": "1997-01-01", "l_receiptdate": "1997-01-23", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "its! quickly sp" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4230, "l_partkey": 199, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 43.0d, "l_extendedprice": 47265.17d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-03-14", "l_commitdate": "1992-05-13", "l_receiptdate": "1992-03-28", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ses lose blithely slyly final e" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 225, "l_partkey": 199, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 45.0d, "l_extendedprice": 49463.55d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-08-17", "l_commitdate": "1995-08-20", "l_receiptdate": "1995-08-30", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "the slyly even platelets use aro" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 231, "l_partkey": 199, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 50.0d, "l_extendedprice": 54959.5d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-12-11", "l_commitdate": "1994-12-14", "l_receiptdate": "1994-12-13", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "onic packages haggle fluffily a" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 900, "l_partkey": 199, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 44.0d, "l_extendedprice": 48364.36d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-12-15", "l_commitdate": "1994-12-03", "l_receiptdate": "1994-12-27", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": " detect quick" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1985, "l_partkey": 199, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 30.0d, "l_extendedprice": 32975.7d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-09-06", "l_commitdate": "1994-10-10", "l_receiptdate": "1994-09-26", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "uickly. instr" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1988, "l_partkey": 199, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 19.0d, "l_extendedprice": 20884.61d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-02-03", "l_commitdate": "1995-12-10", "l_receiptdate": "1996-02-14", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "lly about the slyly thin instructions. f" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 999, "l_partkey": 199, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 41.0d, "l_extendedprice": 45066.79d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-10-16", "l_commitdate": "1993-12-04", "l_receiptdate": "1993-11-03", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "us depths. carefully ironic instruc" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1024, "l_partkey": 199, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 49.0d, "l_extendedprice": 53860.31d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-03-06", "l_commitdate": "1998-01-26", "l_receiptdate": "1998-03-29", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ts. asymptotes nag fur" }
, { "l_orderkey": 2535, "l_partkey": 199, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 5.0d, "l_extendedprice": 5495.95d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-09-07", "l_commitdate": "1993-07-25", "l_receiptdate": "1993-09-29", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": ", unusual reque" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2818, "l_partkey": 199, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 22.0d, "l_extendedprice": 24182.18d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-02-28", "l_commitdate": "1995-03-10", "l_receiptdate": "1995-03-06", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "egrate toward the carefully iron" }
, { "l_orderkey": 3495, "l_partkey": 199, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 16.0d, "l_extendedprice": 17587.04d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-03-30", "l_commitdate": "1996-04-02", "l_receiptdate": "1996-04-12", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "y bold dependencies; blithely idle sautern" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3749, "l_partkey": 199, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 31.0d, "l_extendedprice": 34074.89d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-06-11", "l_commitdate": "1995-05-20", "l_receiptdate": "1995-06-27", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "s. foxes sleep slyly unusual grouc" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4002, "l_partkey": 199, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 6.0d, "l_extendedprice": 6595.14d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-07-01", "l_commitdate": "1997-05-15", "l_receiptdate": "1997-07-31", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "he slyly iro" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4230, "l_partkey": 199, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 43.0d, "l_extendedprice": 47265.17d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-03-14", "l_commitdate": "1992-05-13", "l_receiptdate": "1992-03-28", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ses lose blithely slyly final e" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4293, "l_partkey": 199, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 47.0d, "l_extendedprice": 51661.93d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-09-07", "l_commitdate": "1996-10-24", "l_receiptdate": "1996-09-15", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ithely pending deposits af" }
, { "l_orderkey": 5379, "l_partkey": 199, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 40.0d, "l_extendedprice": 43967.6d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-10-01", "l_commitdate": "1995-10-19", "l_receiptdate": "1995-10-30", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "carefully final accounts haggle blithely. " }
, { "l_orderkey": 135, "l_partkey": 199, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 21.0d, "l_extendedprice": 23082.99d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-02-11", "l_commitdate": "1996-01-12", "l_receiptdate": "1996-02-13", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": " deposits believe. furiously regular p" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 804, "l_partkey": 199, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 2.0d, "l_extendedprice": 2198.38d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-06-23", "l_commitdate": "1993-04-30", "l_receiptdate": "1993-06-25", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "slyly silent " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1024, "l_partkey": 199, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 49.0d, "l_extendedprice": 53860.31d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-03-06", "l_commitdate": "1998-01-26", "l_receiptdate": "1998-03-29", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ts. asymptotes nag fur" }
, { "l_orderkey": 1348, "l_partkey": 199, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 40.0d, "l_extendedprice": 43967.6d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-08-14", "l_commitdate": "1998-07-10", "l_receiptdate": "1998-08-27", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "fter the regu" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1954, "l_partkey": 199, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 11.0d, "l_extendedprice": 12091.09d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-08-07", "l_commitdate": "1997-07-23", "l_receiptdate": "1997-08-25", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "y carefully ironi" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1985, "l_partkey": 199, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 30.0d, "l_extendedprice": 32975.7d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-09-06", "l_commitdate": "1994-10-10", "l_receiptdate": "1994-09-26", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "uickly. instr" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3749, "l_partkey": 199, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 31.0d, "l_extendedprice": 34074.89d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-06-11", "l_commitdate": "1995-05-20", "l_receiptdate": "1995-06-27", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "s. foxes sleep slyly unusual grouc" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4002, "l_partkey": 199, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 6.0d, "l_extendedprice": 6595.14d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-07-01", "l_commitdate": "1997-05-15", "l_receiptdate": "1997-07-31", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "he slyly iro" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4064, "l_partkey": 199, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 3.0d, "l_extendedprice": 3297.57d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-01-04", "l_commitdate": "1997-01-01", "l_receiptdate": "1997-01-23", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "its! quickly sp" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 804, "l_partkey": 199, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 2.0d, "l_extendedprice": 2198.38d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-06-23", "l_commitdate": "1993-04-30", "l_receiptdate": "1993-06-25", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "slyly silent " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 900, "l_partkey": 199, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 44.0d, "l_extendedprice": 48364.36d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-12-15", "l_commitdate": "1994-12-03", "l_receiptdate": "1994-12-27", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": " detect quick" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1988, "l_partkey": 199, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 19.0d, "l_extendedprice": 20884.61d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-02-03", "l_commitdate": "1995-12-10", "l_receiptdate": "1996-02-14", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "lly about the slyly thin instructions. f" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2752, "l_partkey": 199, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 38.0d, "l_extendedprice": 41769.22d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-02-23", "l_commitdate": "1993-12-23", "l_receiptdate": "1994-03-24", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "es boost. slyly silent ideas" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2818, "l_partkey": 199, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 22.0d, "l_extendedprice": 24182.18d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-02-28", "l_commitdate": "1995-03-10", "l_receiptdate": "1995-03-06", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "egrate toward the carefully iron" }
, { "l_orderkey": 3333, "l_partkey": 199, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 36.0d, "l_extendedprice": 39570.84d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-11-20", "l_commitdate": "1992-11-06", "l_receiptdate": "1992-12-16", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "foxes sleep neve" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 709, "l_partkey": 198, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 15.0d, "l_extendedprice": 16472.85d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-07-10", "l_commitdate": "1998-06-26", "l_receiptdate": "1998-08-09", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ily regular deposits. sauternes was accor" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2407, "l_partkey": 198, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 14.0d, "l_extendedprice": 15374.66d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-09-24", "l_commitdate": "1998-08-18", "l_receiptdate": "1998-10-06", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "tructions wake stealt" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3200, "l_partkey": 198, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 16.0d, "l_extendedprice": 17571.04d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-02-28", "l_commitdate": "1996-03-13", "l_receiptdate": "1996-03-11", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ly against the quiet packages. blith" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3428, "l_partkey": 198, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 4.0d, "l_extendedprice": 4392.76d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-05-09", "l_commitdate": "1996-06-13", "l_receiptdate": "1996-06-02", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "sly pending requests int" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3943, "l_partkey": 198, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 15.0d, "l_extendedprice": 16472.85d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-01-13", "l_commitdate": "1996-12-17", "l_receiptdate": "1997-02-02", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": " grow fluffily according to the " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5761, "l_partkey": 198, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 49.0d, "l_extendedprice": 53811.31d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-07-14", "l_commitdate": "1998-08-20", "l_receiptdate": "1998-07-25", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ly bold accounts wake above the" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4224, "l_partkey": 199, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 27.0d, "l_extendedprice": 29678.13d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-09-05", "l_commitdate": "1997-08-19", "l_receiptdate": "1997-09-30", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ly special deposits sleep qui" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5028, "l_partkey": 199, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 15.0d, "l_extendedprice": 16487.85d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-08-02", "l_commitdate": "1992-07-09", "l_receiptdate": "1992-08-30", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "gular, bold pinto bea" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5286, "l_partkey": 199, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 1.0d, "l_extendedprice": 1099.19d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-11-25", "l_commitdate": "1997-11-07", "l_receiptdate": "1997-12-17", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ly! furiously final pack" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 231, "l_partkey": 199, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 50.0d, "l_extendedprice": 54959.5d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-12-11", "l_commitdate": "1994-12-14", "l_receiptdate": "1994-12-13", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "onic packages haggle fluffily a" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 964, "l_partkey": 199, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 39.0d, "l_extendedprice": 42868.41d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-06-21", "l_commitdate": "1995-07-24", "l_receiptdate": "1995-06-24", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "se furiously regular instructions. blith" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1728, "l_partkey": 199, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 31.0d, "l_extendedprice": 34074.89d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-07-26", "l_commitdate": "1996-06-28", "l_receiptdate": "1996-08-14", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "kly sly theodolites." }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1792, "l_partkey": 199, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 35.0d, "l_extendedprice": 38471.65d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-01-31", "l_commitdate": "1994-01-20", "l_receiptdate": "1994-02-17", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "e against the quic" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2115, "l_partkey": 199, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 13.0d, "l_extendedprice": 14289.47d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-08-07", "l_commitdate": "1998-08-06", "l_receiptdate": "1998-08-13", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "into beans. even accounts abou" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2850, "l_partkey": 199, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 4.0d, "l_extendedprice": 4396.76d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-10-28", "l_commitdate": "1996-12-26", "l_receiptdate": "1996-11-07", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "al deposits cajole carefully quickly " }
, { "l_orderkey": 32, "l_partkey": 198, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 32.0d, "l_extendedprice": 35142.08d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-08-14", "l_commitdate": "1995-10-07", "l_receiptdate": "1995-08-27", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "lithely regular deposits. fluffily " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1345, "l_partkey": 198, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 49.0d, "l_extendedprice": 53811.31d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-12-27", "l_commitdate": "1993-01-23", "l_receiptdate": "1993-01-06", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "sly. furiously final accounts are blithely " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2277, "l_partkey": 198, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 4.0d, "l_extendedprice": 4392.76d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-04-27", "l_commitdate": "1995-03-16", "l_receiptdate": "1995-04-29", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": ". quickly unusual deposi" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4263, "l_partkey": 198, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 14.0d, "l_extendedprice": 15374.66d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-05-06", "l_commitdate": "1998-04-17", "l_receiptdate": "1998-05-11", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "d accounts. daringly regular accounts hagg" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 709, "l_partkey": 198, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 15.0d, "l_extendedprice": 16472.85d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-07-10", "l_commitdate": "1998-06-26", "l_receiptdate": "1998-08-09", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ily regular deposits. sauternes was accor" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2533, "l_partkey": 198, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 5.0d, "l_extendedprice": 5490.95d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-05-26", "l_commitdate": "1997-06-02", "l_receiptdate": "1997-06-24", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ccounts. ironic, special accounts boo" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3428, "l_partkey": 198, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 4.0d, "l_extendedprice": 4392.76d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-05-09", "l_commitdate": "1996-06-13", "l_receiptdate": "1996-06-02", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "sly pending requests int" }
, { "l_orderkey": 4551, "l_partkey": 198, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 27.0d, "l_extendedprice": 29651.13d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-04-28", "l_commitdate": "1996-03-22", "l_receiptdate": "1996-05-22", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "y along the slyly even " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5061, "l_partkey": 198, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 8.0d, "l_extendedprice": 8785.52d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-09-07", "l_commitdate": "1993-10-31", "l_receiptdate": "1993-10-04", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "regular foxes. ir" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5186, "l_partkey": 198, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 44.0d, "l_extendedprice": 48320.36d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-09-23", "l_commitdate": "1996-10-14", "l_receiptdate": "1996-10-01", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "old, final accounts cajole sl" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 453, "l_partkey": 198, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 45.0d, "l_extendedprice": 49418.55d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-06-30", "l_commitdate": "1997-08-20", "l_receiptdate": "1997-07-19", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ifts wake carefully." }
, { "l_orderkey": 865, "l_partkey": 198, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 16.0d, "l_extendedprice": 17571.04d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-08-24", "l_commitdate": "1993-06-26", "l_receiptdate": "1993-08-28", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "y even accounts. quickly bold decoys" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 896, "l_partkey": 198, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 10.0d, "l_extendedprice": 10981.9d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-07-07", "l_commitdate": "1993-06-03", "l_receiptdate": "1993-07-24", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": " quickly even theodolites. carefully regu" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1314, "l_partkey": 198, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 5.0d, "l_extendedprice": 5490.95d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-05-26", "l_commitdate": "1994-08-06", "l_receiptdate": "1994-05-31", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "equests nag across the furious" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1316, "l_partkey": 198, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 33.0d, "l_extendedprice": 36240.27d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-03-31", "l_commitdate": "1994-01-23", "l_receiptdate": "1994-04-20", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "manently; blithely special deposits" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1124, "l_partkey": 198, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 1.0d, "l_extendedprice": 1098.19d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-10-06", "l_commitdate": "1998-10-02", "l_receiptdate": "1998-10-30", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": " instructions cajole qu" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1345, "l_partkey": 198, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 49.0d, "l_extendedprice": 53811.31d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-12-27", "l_commitdate": "1993-01-23", "l_receiptdate": "1993-01-06", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "sly. furiously final accounts are blithely " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2407, "l_partkey": 198, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 14.0d, "l_extendedprice": 15374.66d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-09-24", "l_commitdate": "1998-08-18", "l_receiptdate": "1998-10-06", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "tructions wake stealt" }
, { "l_orderkey": 3011, "l_partkey": 198, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 5.0d, "l_extendedprice": 5490.95d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-04-21", "l_commitdate": "1992-02-23", "l_receiptdate": "1992-05-15", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "nusual sentiments. carefully bold idea" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3494, "l_partkey": 198, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 40.0d, "l_extendedprice": 43927.6d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-05-30", "l_commitdate": "1993-07-02", "l_receiptdate": "1993-06-20", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "uests cajole blithely" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3200, "l_partkey": 198, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 16.0d, "l_extendedprice": 17571.04d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-02-28", "l_commitdate": "1996-03-13", "l_receiptdate": "1996-03-11", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ly against the quiet packages. blith" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4263, "l_partkey": 198, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 14.0d, "l_extendedprice": 15374.66d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-05-06", "l_commitdate": "1998-04-17", "l_receiptdate": "1998-05-11", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "d accounts. daringly regular accounts hagg" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 453, "l_partkey": 198, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 45.0d, "l_extendedprice": 49418.55d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-06-30", "l_commitdate": "1997-08-20", "l_receiptdate": "1997-07-19", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ifts wake carefully." }
+, { "l_orderkey": 805, "l_partkey": 198, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 25.0d, "l_extendedprice": 27454.75d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-08-05", "l_commitdate": "1995-09-30", "l_receiptdate": "1995-08-06", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ide of the pending, sly requests. quickly f" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1891, "l_partkey": 198, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 15.0d, "l_extendedprice": 16472.85d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-03-11", "l_commitdate": "1995-03-05", "l_receiptdate": "1995-03-18", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": " accounts are furiou" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2277, "l_partkey": 198, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 4.0d, "l_extendedprice": 4392.76d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-04-27", "l_commitdate": "1995-03-16", "l_receiptdate": "1995-04-29", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": ". quickly unusual deposi" }
, { "l_orderkey": 4002, "l_partkey": 198, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 20.0d, "l_extendedprice": 21963.8d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-06-15", "l_commitdate": "1997-05-20", "l_receiptdate": "1997-07-11", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "lly even ins" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5159, "l_partkey": 198, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 36.0d, "l_extendedprice": 39534.84d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-01-24", "l_commitdate": "1996-11-07", "l_receiptdate": "1997-02-08", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "packages wake." }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5061, "l_partkey": 198, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 8.0d, "l_extendedprice": 8785.52d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-09-07", "l_commitdate": "1993-10-31", "l_receiptdate": "1993-10-04", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "regular foxes. ir" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5761, "l_partkey": 198, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 49.0d, "l_extendedprice": 53811.31d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-07-14", "l_commitdate": "1998-08-20", "l_receiptdate": "1998-07-25", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ly bold accounts wake above the" }
, { "l_orderkey": 295, "l_partkey": 198, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 29.0d, "l_extendedprice": 31847.51d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-11-09", "l_commitdate": "1994-12-08", "l_receiptdate": "1994-12-07", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "inst the carefully ironic pinto beans. blit" }
, { "l_orderkey": 608, "l_partkey": 198, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 40.0d, "l_extendedprice": 43927.6d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-05-21", "l_commitdate": "1996-04-11", "l_receiptdate": "1996-06-02", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": " alongside of the regular tithes. sly" }
, { "l_orderkey": 738, "l_partkey": 198, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 34.0d, "l_extendedprice": 37338.46d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-06-09", "l_commitdate": "1993-04-15", "l_receiptdate": "1993-07-09", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "s against the ironic exc" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 805, "l_partkey": 198, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 25.0d, "l_extendedprice": 27454.75d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-08-05", "l_commitdate": "1995-09-30", "l_receiptdate": "1995-08-06", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ide of the pending, sly requests. quickly f" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1124, "l_partkey": 198, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 1.0d, "l_extendedprice": 1098.19d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-10-06", "l_commitdate": "1998-10-02", "l_receiptdate": "1998-10-30", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": " instructions cajole qu" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1891, "l_partkey": 198, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 15.0d, "l_extendedprice": 16472.85d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-03-11", "l_commitdate": "1995-03-05", "l_receiptdate": "1995-03-18", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": " accounts are furiou" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2533, "l_partkey": 198, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 5.0d, "l_extendedprice": 5490.95d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-05-26", "l_commitdate": "1997-06-02", "l_receiptdate": "1997-06-24", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ccounts. ironic, special accounts boo" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 896, "l_partkey": 198, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 10.0d, "l_extendedprice": 10981.9d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-07-07", "l_commitdate": "1993-06-03", "l_receiptdate": "1993-07-24", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": " quickly even theodolites. carefully regu" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1314, "l_partkey": 198, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 5.0d, "l_extendedprice": 5490.95d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-05-26", "l_commitdate": "1994-08-06", "l_receiptdate": "1994-05-31", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "equests nag across the furious" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1316, "l_partkey": 198, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 33.0d, "l_extendedprice": 36240.27d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-03-31", "l_commitdate": "1994-01-23", "l_receiptdate": "1994-04-20", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "manently; blithely special deposits" }
, { "l_orderkey": 3396, "l_partkey": 198, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 31.0d, "l_extendedprice": 34043.89d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-06-07", "l_commitdate": "1994-06-23", "l_receiptdate": "1994-06-19", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "l, express pinto beans. quic" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3494, "l_partkey": 198, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 40.0d, "l_extendedprice": 43927.6d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-05-30", "l_commitdate": "1993-07-02", "l_receiptdate": "1993-06-20", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "uests cajole blithely" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3943, "l_partkey": 198, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 15.0d, "l_extendedprice": 16472.85d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-01-13", "l_commitdate": "1996-12-17", "l_receiptdate": "1997-02-02", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": " grow fluffily according to the " }
, { "l_orderkey": 4294, "l_partkey": 198, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 30.0d, "l_extendedprice": 32945.7d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-09-12", "l_commitdate": "1992-11-06", "l_receiptdate": "1992-09-25", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "olites. bold foxes affix ironic theodolite" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 70, "l_partkey": 197, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 13.0d, "l_extendedprice": 14263.47d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-03-03", "l_commitdate": "1994-02-13", "l_receiptdate": "1994-03-26", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "lyly special packag" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5159, "l_partkey": 198, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 36.0d, "l_extendedprice": 39534.84d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-01-24", "l_commitdate": "1996-11-07", "l_receiptdate": "1997-02-08", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "packages wake." }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5186, "l_partkey": 198, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 44.0d, "l_extendedprice": 48320.36d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-09-23", "l_commitdate": "1996-10-14", "l_receiptdate": "1996-10-01", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "old, final accounts cajole sl" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 192, "l_partkey": 197, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 2.0d, "l_extendedprice": 2194.38d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-03-06", "l_commitdate": "1998-02-03", "l_receiptdate": "1998-03-24", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "s. dependencies nag furiously alongside" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 518, "l_partkey": 197, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 39.0d, "l_extendedprice": 42790.41d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-02-26", "l_commitdate": "1998-03-17", "l_receiptdate": "1998-03-21", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": " the bold, special deposits are carefully " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1671, "l_partkey": 197, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 46.0d, "l_extendedprice": 50470.74d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-09-13", "l_commitdate": "1996-10-14", "l_receiptdate": "1996-09-28", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": ". slyly bold instructions boost. furiousl" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2789, "l_partkey": 197, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 23.0d, "l_extendedprice": 25235.37d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-03-25", "l_commitdate": "1998-05-10", "l_receiptdate": "1998-04-24", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "cording to the careful de" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2820, "l_partkey": 197, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 40.0d, "l_extendedprice": 43887.6d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-08-08", "l_commitdate": "1994-07-30", "l_receiptdate": "1994-08-21", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "g multipliers. final c" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3138, "l_partkey": 197, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 32.0d, "l_extendedprice": 35110.08d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-02-24", "l_commitdate": "1994-05-07", "l_receiptdate": "1994-02-28", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "inal foxes affix slyly. fluffily regul" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3616, "l_partkey": 197, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 30.0d, "l_extendedprice": 32915.7d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-05-05", "l_commitdate": "1994-04-24", "l_receiptdate": "1994-05-12", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ly ironic accounts unwind b" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3748, "l_partkey": 197, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 19.0d, "l_extendedprice": 20846.61d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-04-23", "l_commitdate": "1998-05-17", "l_receiptdate": "1998-05-23", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "pinto beans run carefully quic" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5056, "l_partkey": 197, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 19.0d, "l_extendedprice": 20846.61d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-03-24", "l_commitdate": "1997-05-05", "l_receiptdate": "1997-04-23", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "c theodolites. ironic a" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5536, "l_partkey": 197, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 35.0d, "l_extendedprice": 38401.65d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-05-19", "l_commitdate": "1998-06-08", "l_receiptdate": "1998-06-05", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "c, final theo" }
, { "l_orderkey": 1283, "l_partkey": 197, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 21.0d, "l_extendedprice": 23040.99d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-09-12", "l_commitdate": "1996-10-02", "l_receiptdate": "1996-10-12", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "fully regular " }
, { "l_orderkey": 1378, "l_partkey": 197, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 34.0d, "l_extendedprice": 37304.46d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-07-08", "l_commitdate": "1996-04-23", "l_receiptdate": "1996-07-09", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "le furiously slyly final accounts. careful" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3552, "l_partkey": 197, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 18.0d, "l_extendedprice": 19749.42d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-08-11", "l_commitdate": "1997-07-14", "l_receiptdate": "1997-08-15", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "s deposits against the blithely unusual pin" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3748, "l_partkey": 197, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 19.0d, "l_extendedprice": 20846.61d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-04-23", "l_commitdate": "1998-05-17", "l_receiptdate": "1998-05-23", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "pinto beans run carefully quic" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4064, "l_partkey": 197, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 32.0d, "l_extendedprice": 35110.08d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-01-14", "l_commitdate": "1997-01-01", "l_receiptdate": "1997-01-21", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "es boost. careful" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4773, "l_partkey": 197, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 36.0d, "l_extendedprice": 39498.84d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-04-08", "l_commitdate": "1996-03-03", "l_receiptdate": "1996-05-01", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": " dependencies. quickly" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5509, "l_partkey": 197, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 3.0d, "l_extendedprice": 3291.57d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-06-14", "l_commitdate": "1994-05-11", "l_receiptdate": "1994-06-17", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": " quickly fin" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2180, "l_partkey": 197, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 24.0d, "l_extendedprice": 26332.56d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-01-03", "l_commitdate": "1996-10-24", "l_receiptdate": "1997-01-19", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "uriously f" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3587, "l_partkey": 197, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 5.0d, "l_extendedprice": 5485.95d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-09-03", "l_commitdate": "1996-07-05", "l_receiptdate": "1996-09-11", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ithely regular decoys above the " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3616, "l_partkey": 197, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 30.0d, "l_extendedprice": 32915.7d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-05-05", "l_commitdate": "1994-04-24", "l_receiptdate": "1994-05-12", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ly ironic accounts unwind b" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5056, "l_partkey": 197, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 19.0d, "l_extendedprice": 20846.61d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-03-24", "l_commitdate": "1997-05-05", "l_receiptdate": "1997-04-23", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "c theodolites. ironic a" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 518, "l_partkey": 197, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 39.0d, "l_extendedprice": 42790.41d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-02-26", "l_commitdate": "1998-03-17", "l_receiptdate": "1998-03-21", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": " the bold, special deposits are carefully " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 548, "l_partkey": 197, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 2.0d, "l_extendedprice": 2194.38d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-11-26", "l_commitdate": "1994-11-06", "l_receiptdate": "1994-12-06", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ests haggle quickly eve" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 706, "l_partkey": 197, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 23.0d, "l_extendedprice": 25235.37d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-12-06", "l_commitdate": "1995-12-02", "l_receiptdate": "1995-12-16", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ckey players. requests above the" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 961, "l_partkey": 197, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 30.0d, "l_extendedprice": 32915.7d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-07-06", "l_commitdate": "1995-07-20", "l_receiptdate": "1995-07-26", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "warhorses slee" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1671, "l_partkey": 197, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 46.0d, "l_extendedprice": 50470.74d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-09-13", "l_commitdate": "1996-10-14", "l_receiptdate": "1996-09-28", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": ". slyly bold instructions boost. furiousl" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2820, "l_partkey": 197, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 40.0d, "l_extendedprice": 43887.6d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-08-08", "l_commitdate": "1994-07-30", "l_receiptdate": "1994-08-21", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "g multipliers. final c" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2882, "l_partkey": 197, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 29.0d, "l_extendedprice": 31818.51d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-09-10", "l_commitdate": "1995-11-01", "l_receiptdate": "1995-10-02", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "kages. furiously ironic" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3138, "l_partkey": 197, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 32.0d, "l_extendedprice": 35110.08d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-02-24", "l_commitdate": "1994-05-07", "l_receiptdate": "1994-02-28", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "inal foxes affix slyly. fluffily regul" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3296, "l_partkey": 197, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 40.0d, "l_extendedprice": 43887.6d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-12-28", "l_commitdate": "1994-12-08", "l_receiptdate": "1995-01-13", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ronic ideas across the" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 192, "l_partkey": 197, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 2.0d, "l_extendedprice": 2194.38d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-03-06", "l_commitdate": "1998-02-03", "l_receiptdate": "1998-03-24", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "s. dependencies nag furiously alongside" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 258, "l_partkey": 197, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 40.0d, "l_extendedprice": 43887.6d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-03-13", "l_commitdate": "1994-02-23", "l_receiptdate": "1994-04-05", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "silent frets nod daringly busy, bold" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1892, "l_partkey": 197, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 14.0d, "l_extendedprice": 15360.66d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-04-08", "l_commitdate": "1994-06-12", "l_receiptdate": "1994-04-27", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "furiously about the furiously" }
, { "l_orderkey": 2080, "l_partkey": 197, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 39.0d, "l_extendedprice": 42790.41d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-08-22", "l_commitdate": "1993-09-09", "l_receiptdate": "1993-08-23", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ic deposits haggle slyly carefully eve" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2789, "l_partkey": 197, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 23.0d, "l_extendedprice": 25235.37d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-03-25", "l_commitdate": "1998-05-10", "l_receiptdate": "1998-04-24", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "cording to the careful de" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2882, "l_partkey": 197, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 29.0d, "l_extendedprice": 31818.51d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-09-10", "l_commitdate": "1995-11-01", "l_receiptdate": "1995-10-02", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "kages. furiously ironic" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5313, "l_partkey": 197, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 16.0d, "l_extendedprice": 17555.04d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-10-04", "l_commitdate": "1997-08-02", "l_receiptdate": "1997-10-25", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ckages wake carefully aga" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5509, "l_partkey": 197, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 3.0d, "l_extendedprice": 3291.57d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-06-14", "l_commitdate": "1994-05-11", "l_receiptdate": "1994-06-17", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": " quickly fin" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 70, "l_partkey": 197, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 13.0d, "l_extendedprice": 14263.47d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-03-03", "l_commitdate": "1994-02-13", "l_receiptdate": "1994-03-26", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "lyly special packag" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 258, "l_partkey": 197, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 40.0d, "l_extendedprice": 43887.6d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-03-13", "l_commitdate": "1994-02-23", "l_receiptdate": "1994-04-05", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "silent frets nod daringly busy, bold" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 706, "l_partkey": 197, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 23.0d, "l_extendedprice": 25235.37d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-12-06", "l_commitdate": "1995-12-02", "l_receiptdate": "1995-12-16", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ckey players. requests above the" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2180, "l_partkey": 197, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 24.0d, "l_extendedprice": 26332.56d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-01-03", "l_commitdate": "1996-10-24", "l_receiptdate": "1997-01-19", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "uriously f" }
, { "l_orderkey": 2790, "l_partkey": 197, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 24.0d, "l_extendedprice": 26332.56d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-12-04", "l_commitdate": "1994-10-10", "l_receiptdate": "1994-12-25", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ments. slyly f" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3552, "l_partkey": 197, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 18.0d, "l_extendedprice": 19749.42d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-08-11", "l_commitdate": "1997-07-14", "l_receiptdate": "1997-08-15", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "s deposits against the blithely unusual pin" }
, { "l_orderkey": 3969, "l_partkey": 197, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 26.0d, "l_extendedprice": 28526.94d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-07-08", "l_commitdate": "1997-07-30", "l_receiptdate": "1997-07-10", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "fluffily; braids detect." }
, { "l_orderkey": 4194, "l_partkey": 197, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 43.0d, "l_extendedprice": 47179.17d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-11-06", "l_commitdate": "1994-12-09", "l_receiptdate": "1994-11-16", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "olites are after the exp" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4773, "l_partkey": 197, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 36.0d, "l_extendedprice": 39498.84d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-04-08", "l_commitdate": "1996-03-03", "l_receiptdate": "1996-05-01", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": " dependencies. quickly" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 548, "l_partkey": 197, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 2.0d, "l_extendedprice": 2194.38d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-11-26", "l_commitdate": "1994-11-06", "l_receiptdate": "1994-12-06", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ests haggle quickly eve" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 961, "l_partkey": 197, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 30.0d, "l_extendedprice": 32915.7d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-07-06", "l_commitdate": "1995-07-20", "l_receiptdate": "1995-07-26", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "warhorses slee" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1892, "l_partkey": 197, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 14.0d, "l_extendedprice": 15360.66d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-04-08", "l_commitdate": "1994-06-12", "l_receiptdate": "1994-04-27", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "furiously about the furiously" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3296, "l_partkey": 197, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 40.0d, "l_extendedprice": 43887.6d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-12-28", "l_commitdate": "1994-12-08", "l_receiptdate": "1995-01-13", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ronic ideas across the" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3587, "l_partkey": 197, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 5.0d, "l_extendedprice": 5485.95d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-09-03", "l_commitdate": "1996-07-05", "l_receiptdate": "1996-09-11", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ithely regular decoys above the " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4064, "l_partkey": 197, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 32.0d, "l_extendedprice": 35110.08d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-01-14", "l_commitdate": "1997-01-01", "l_receiptdate": "1997-01-21", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "es boost. careful" }
, { "l_orderkey": 5185, "l_partkey": 197, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 37.0d, "l_extendedprice": 40596.03d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-08-08", "l_commitdate": "1997-09-08", "l_receiptdate": "1997-08-14", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "gainst the courts dazzle care" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5313, "l_partkey": 197, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 16.0d, "l_extendedprice": 17555.04d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-10-04", "l_commitdate": "1997-08-02", "l_receiptdate": "1997-10-25", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ckages wake carefully aga" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5536, "l_partkey": 197, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 35.0d, "l_extendedprice": 38401.65d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-05-19", "l_commitdate": "1998-06-08", "l_receiptdate": "1998-06-05", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "c, final theo" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1731, "l_partkey": 196, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 23.0d, "l_extendedprice": 25212.37d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-04-22", "l_commitdate": "1996-02-25", "l_receiptdate": "1996-05-16", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "rays? bold, express pac" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4000, "l_partkey": 196, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 41.0d, "l_extendedprice": 44943.79d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-03-02", "l_commitdate": "1992-03-14", "l_receiptdate": "1992-03-27", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ve the even, fi" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4038, "l_partkey": 196, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 40.0d, "l_extendedprice": 43847.6d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-01-15", "l_commitdate": "1996-03-13", "l_receiptdate": "1996-01-25", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "t. slyly silent pinto beans amo" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4289, "l_partkey": 196, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 19.0d, "l_extendedprice": 20827.61d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-12-31", "l_commitdate": "1993-11-06", "l_receiptdate": "1994-01-23", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "e carefully regular ideas. sl" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4583, "l_partkey": 196, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 28.0d, "l_extendedprice": 30693.32d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-10-29", "l_commitdate": "1994-11-21", "l_receiptdate": "1994-11-28", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "to beans haggle sly" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4803, "l_partkey": 196, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 42.0d, "l_extendedprice": 46039.98d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-04-27", "l_commitdate": "1996-05-05", "l_receiptdate": "1996-05-17", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": " accounts affix quickly ar" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 71, "l_partkey": 196, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 34.0d, "l_extendedprice": 37270.46d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-03-05", "l_commitdate": "1998-04-22", "l_receiptdate": "1998-03-30", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "s cajole. " }
, { "l_orderkey": 1060, "l_partkey": 196, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 8.0d, "l_extendedprice": 8769.52d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-05-21", "l_commitdate": "1993-05-06", "l_receiptdate": "1993-06-10", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "iously. furiously regular in" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1154, "l_partkey": 196, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 50.0d, "l_extendedprice": 54809.5d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-03-04", "l_commitdate": "1992-04-01", "l_receiptdate": "1992-04-01", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": " even, special " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1539, "l_partkey": 196, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 21.0d, "l_extendedprice": 23019.99d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-04-19", "l_commitdate": "1995-05-10", "l_receiptdate": "1995-04-27", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ounts haggle. busy" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2214, "l_partkey": 196, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 22.0d, "l_extendedprice": 24116.18d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-05-30", "l_commitdate": "1998-07-02", "l_receiptdate": "1998-06-09", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "t the blithely" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2306, "l_partkey": 196, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 50.0d, "l_extendedprice": 54809.5d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-07-27", "l_commitdate": "1995-09-26", "l_receiptdate": "1995-08-06", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "y quickly " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3106, "l_partkey": 196, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 6.0d, "l_extendedprice": 6577.14d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-02-02", "l_commitdate": "1997-04-11", "l_receiptdate": "1997-02-27", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "symptotes. slyly bold platelets cajol" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4613, "l_partkey": 196, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 47.0d, "l_extendedprice": 51520.93d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-07-03", "l_commitdate": "1998-05-26", "l_receiptdate": "1998-07-09", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "uriously special requests wak" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5922, "l_partkey": 196, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 9.0d, "l_extendedprice": 9865.71d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-12-04", "l_commitdate": "1997-01-20", "l_receiptdate": "1996-12-08", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "haggle slyly even packages. packages" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5959, "l_partkey": 196, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 13.0d, "l_extendedprice": 14250.47d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-07-29", "l_commitdate": "1992-07-13", "l_receiptdate": "1992-08-20", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ar forges. deposits det" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5986, "l_partkey": 196, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 25.0d, "l_extendedprice": 27404.75d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-06-16", "l_commitdate": "1992-07-17", "l_receiptdate": "1992-06-29", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": " instructions. slyly regular de" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 259, "l_partkey": 196, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 3.0d, "l_extendedprice": 3288.57d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-10-04", "l_commitdate": "1993-11-07", "l_receiptdate": "1993-10-14", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ng slyly at the accounts." }
+, { "l_orderkey": 482, "l_partkey": 196, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 8.0d, "l_extendedprice": 8769.52d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-04-19", "l_commitdate": "1996-05-05", "l_receiptdate": "1996-04-21", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "tructions near the final, regular ideas de" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 549, "l_partkey": 196, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 18.0d, "l_extendedprice": 19731.42d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-10-19", "l_commitdate": "1992-08-12", "l_receiptdate": "1992-11-13", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "furiously according to the ironic, regular " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 614, "l_partkey": 196, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 30.0d, "l_extendedprice": 32885.7d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-01-16", "l_commitdate": "1993-02-08", "l_receiptdate": "1993-02-12", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "tructions are f" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1828, "l_partkey": 196, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 11.0d, "l_extendedprice": 12058.09d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-07-21", "l_commitdate": "1994-05-28", "l_receiptdate": "1994-08-13", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": " wake blithely " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2115, "l_partkey": 196, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 27.0d, "l_extendedprice": 29597.13d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-09-01", "l_commitdate": "1998-07-29", "l_receiptdate": "1998-09-04", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "de of the carefully bold accounts " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3717, "l_partkey": 196, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 45.0d, "l_extendedprice": 49328.55d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-09-19", "l_commitdate": "1998-07-22", "l_receiptdate": "1998-09-28", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "s the blithely unu" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3845, "l_partkey": 196, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 27.0d, "l_extendedprice": 29597.13d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-08-20", "l_commitdate": "1992-07-17", "l_receiptdate": "1992-09-02", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "kages. care" }
, { "l_orderkey": 4034, "l_partkey": 196, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 7.0d, "l_extendedprice": 7673.33d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-03-04", "l_commitdate": "1994-01-22", "l_receiptdate": "1994-04-01", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "y even theodolites. slyly regular instru" }
, { "l_orderkey": 4128, "l_partkey": 196, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 5.0d, "l_extendedprice": 5480.95d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-10-18", "l_commitdate": "1995-11-28", "l_receiptdate": "1995-10-28", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ake permanently " }
, { "l_orderkey": 4230, "l_partkey": 196, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 10.0d, "l_extendedprice": 10961.9d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-06-11", "l_commitdate": "1992-04-11", "l_receiptdate": "1992-07-02", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ar packages are " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4613, "l_partkey": 196, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 47.0d, "l_extendedprice": 51520.93d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-07-03", "l_commitdate": "1998-05-26", "l_receiptdate": "1998-07-09", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "uriously special requests wak" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 259, "l_partkey": 196, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 3.0d, "l_extendedprice": 3288.57d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-10-04", "l_commitdate": "1993-11-07", "l_receiptdate": "1993-10-14", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ng slyly at the accounts." }
-, { "l_orderkey": 482, "l_partkey": 196, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 8.0d, "l_extendedprice": 8769.52d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-04-19", "l_commitdate": "1996-05-05", "l_receiptdate": "1996-04-21", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "tructions near the final, regular ideas de" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 614, "l_partkey": 196, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 30.0d, "l_extendedprice": 32885.7d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-01-16", "l_commitdate": "1993-02-08", "l_receiptdate": "1993-02-12", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "tructions are f" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 768, "l_partkey": 196, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 39.0d, "l_extendedprice": 42751.41d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-09-25", "l_commitdate": "1996-10-27", "l_receiptdate": "1996-10-20", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "out the ironic" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1155, "l_partkey": 196, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 39.0d, "l_extendedprice": 42751.41d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-01-29", "l_commitdate": "1998-01-03", "l_receiptdate": "1998-02-01", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ckly final pinto beans was." }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1539, "l_partkey": 196, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 21.0d, "l_extendedprice": 23019.99d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-04-19", "l_commitdate": "1995-05-10", "l_receiptdate": "1995-04-27", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ounts haggle. busy" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2306, "l_partkey": 196, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 50.0d, "l_extendedprice": 54809.5d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-07-27", "l_commitdate": "1995-09-26", "l_receiptdate": "1995-08-06", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "y quickly " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3717, "l_partkey": 196, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 45.0d, "l_extendedprice": 49328.55d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-09-19", "l_commitdate": "1998-07-22", "l_receiptdate": "1998-09-28", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "s the blithely unu" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3845, "l_partkey": 196, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 27.0d, "l_extendedprice": 29597.13d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-08-20", "l_commitdate": "1992-07-17", "l_receiptdate": "1992-09-02", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "kages. care" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4038, "l_partkey": 196, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 40.0d, "l_extendedprice": 43847.6d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-01-15", "l_commitdate": "1996-03-13", "l_receiptdate": "1996-01-25", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "t. slyly silent pinto beans amo" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4289, "l_partkey": 196, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 19.0d, "l_extendedprice": 20827.61d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-12-31", "l_commitdate": "1993-11-06", "l_receiptdate": "1994-01-23", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "e carefully regular ideas. sl" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 549, "l_partkey": 196, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 18.0d, "l_extendedprice": 19731.42d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-10-19", "l_commitdate": "1992-08-12", "l_receiptdate": "1992-11-13", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "furiously according to the ironic, regular " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4000, "l_partkey": 196, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 41.0d, "l_extendedprice": 44943.79d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-03-02", "l_commitdate": "1992-03-14", "l_receiptdate": "1992-03-27", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ve the even, fi" }
, { "l_orderkey": 4390, "l_partkey": 196, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 28.0d, "l_extendedprice": 30693.32d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-09-07", "l_commitdate": "1995-06-22", "l_receiptdate": "1995-10-05", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ld braids haggle atop the for" }
, { "l_orderkey": 4736, "l_partkey": 196, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 26.0d, "l_extendedprice": 28500.94d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-02-02", "l_commitdate": "1996-01-18", "l_receiptdate": "1996-02-09", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "efully speci" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4803, "l_partkey": 196, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 42.0d, "l_extendedprice": 46039.98d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-04-27", "l_commitdate": "1996-05-05", "l_receiptdate": "1996-05-17", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": " accounts affix quickly ar" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4902, "l_partkey": 196, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 22.0d, "l_extendedprice": 24116.18d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-10-17", "l_commitdate": "1998-08-10", "l_receiptdate": "1998-10-21", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "r the furiously final fox" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 768, "l_partkey": 196, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 39.0d, "l_extendedprice": 42751.41d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-09-25", "l_commitdate": "1996-10-27", "l_receiptdate": "1996-10-20", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "out the ironic" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1154, "l_partkey": 196, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 50.0d, "l_extendedprice": 54809.5d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-03-04", "l_commitdate": "1992-04-01", "l_receiptdate": "1992-04-01", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": " even, special " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1155, "l_partkey": 196, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 39.0d, "l_extendedprice": 42751.41d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-01-29", "l_commitdate": "1998-01-03", "l_receiptdate": "1998-02-01", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ckly final pinto beans was." }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4263, "l_partkey": 196, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 28.0d, "l_extendedprice": 30693.32d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-06-24", "l_commitdate": "1998-06-08", "l_receiptdate": "1998-07-14", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ideas for the carefully re" }
, { "l_orderkey": 5185, "l_partkey": 196, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 41.0d, "l_extendedprice": 44943.79d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-10-15", "l_commitdate": "1997-10-11", "l_receiptdate": "1997-11-02", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ly blithe deposits. furi" }
, { "l_orderkey": 5637, "l_partkey": 196, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 10.0d, "l_extendedprice": 10961.9d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-08-25", "l_commitdate": "1996-08-11", "l_receiptdate": "1996-09-23", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ickly ironic gifts. blithely even cour" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5959, "l_partkey": 196, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 13.0d, "l_extendedprice": 14250.47d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-07-29", "l_commitdate": "1992-07-13", "l_receiptdate": "1992-08-20", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ar forges. deposits det" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5986, "l_partkey": 196, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 25.0d, "l_extendedprice": 27404.75d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-06-16", "l_commitdate": "1992-07-17", "l_receiptdate": "1992-06-29", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": " instructions. slyly regular de" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 71, "l_partkey": 196, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 34.0d, "l_extendedprice": 37270.46d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-03-05", "l_commitdate": "1998-04-22", "l_receiptdate": "1998-03-30", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "s cajole. " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1731, "l_partkey": 196, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 23.0d, "l_extendedprice": 25212.37d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-04-22", "l_commitdate": "1996-02-25", "l_receiptdate": "1996-05-16", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "rays? bold, express pac" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1828, "l_partkey": 196, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 11.0d, "l_extendedprice": 12058.09d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-07-21", "l_commitdate": "1994-05-28", "l_receiptdate": "1994-08-13", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": " wake blithely " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2115, "l_partkey": 196, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 27.0d, "l_extendedprice": 29597.13d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-09-01", "l_commitdate": "1998-07-29", "l_receiptdate": "1998-09-04", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "de of the carefully bold accounts " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2214, "l_partkey": 196, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 22.0d, "l_extendedprice": 24116.18d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-05-30", "l_commitdate": "1998-07-02", "l_receiptdate": "1998-06-09", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "t the blithely" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3106, "l_partkey": 196, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 6.0d, "l_extendedprice": 6577.14d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-02-02", "l_commitdate": "1997-04-11", "l_receiptdate": "1997-02-27", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "symptotes. slyly bold platelets cajol" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4263, "l_partkey": 196, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 28.0d, "l_extendedprice": 30693.32d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-06-24", "l_commitdate": "1998-06-08", "l_receiptdate": "1998-07-14", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ideas for the carefully re" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4583, "l_partkey": 196, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 28.0d, "l_extendedprice": 30693.32d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-10-29", "l_commitdate": "1994-11-21", "l_receiptdate": "1994-11-28", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "to beans haggle sly" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4902, "l_partkey": 196, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 22.0d, "l_extendedprice": 24116.18d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-10-17", "l_commitdate": "1998-08-10", "l_receiptdate": "1998-10-21", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "r the furiously final fox" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5922, "l_partkey": 196, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 9.0d, "l_extendedprice": 9865.71d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-12-04", "l_commitdate": "1997-01-20", "l_receiptdate": "1996-12-08", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "haggle slyly even packages. packages" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 614, "l_partkey": 195, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 21.0d, "l_extendedprice": 22998.99d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-03-29", "l_commitdate": "1993-01-06", "l_receiptdate": "1993-04-16", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "arefully. slyly express packag" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1156, "l_partkey": 195, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 42.0d, "l_extendedprice": 45997.98d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-01-27", "l_commitdate": "1997-01-09", "l_receiptdate": "1997-01-28", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "even requests boost ironic deposits. pe" }
, { "l_orderkey": 1667, "l_partkey": 195, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 2.0d, "l_extendedprice": 2190.38d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-12-17", "l_commitdate": "1997-11-22", "l_receiptdate": "1998-01-16", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "pecial requests hag" }
, { "l_orderkey": 1702, "l_partkey": 195, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 46.0d, "l_extendedprice": 50378.74d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-07-14", "l_commitdate": "1995-06-30", "l_receiptdate": "1995-07-20", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "y even foxes. carefully final dependencies " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2018, "l_partkey": 195, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 2.0d, "l_extendedprice": 2190.38d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-06-25", "l_commitdate": "1995-06-20", "l_receiptdate": "1995-07-04", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ly ironic accounts against the slyly sly" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2690, "l_partkey": 195, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 12.0d, "l_extendedprice": 13142.28d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-07-18", "l_commitdate": "1996-06-03", "l_receiptdate": "1996-07-25", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "nal, regular atta" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3239, "l_partkey": 195, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 26.0d, "l_extendedprice": 28474.94d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-01-21", "l_commitdate": "1998-03-21", "l_receiptdate": "1998-02-08", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ngly pending platelets are fluff" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4355, "l_partkey": 195, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 32.0d, "l_extendedprice": 35046.08d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-12-29", "l_commitdate": "1997-02-08", "l_receiptdate": "1997-01-24", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "y silent deposits. b" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5857, "l_partkey": 195, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 50.0d, "l_extendedprice": 54759.5d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-12-04", "l_commitdate": "1997-12-16", "l_receiptdate": "1997-12-20", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "y regular d" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 103, "l_partkey": 195, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 6.0d, "l_extendedprice": 6571.14d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-10-11", "l_commitdate": "1996-07-25", "l_receiptdate": "1996-10-28", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "cajole. carefully ex" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2439, "l_partkey": 195, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 33.0d, "l_extendedprice": 36141.27d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-06-01", "l_commitdate": "1997-05-15", "l_receiptdate": "1997-06-07", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "asymptotes wake packages-- furiously" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2848, "l_partkey": 195, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 18.0d, "l_extendedprice": 19713.42d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-04-10", "l_commitdate": "1992-06-01", "l_receiptdate": "1992-05-05", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "osits haggle. stealthily ironic packa" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3744, "l_partkey": 195, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 30.0d, "l_extendedprice": 32855.7d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-05-07", "l_commitdate": "1992-02-12", "l_receiptdate": "1992-05-17", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "nts among " }
, { "l_orderkey": 230, "l_partkey": 195, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 6.0d, "l_extendedprice": 6571.14d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-01-26", "l_commitdate": "1994-01-25", "l_receiptdate": "1994-02-13", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": " sleep furiously about the p" }
, { "l_orderkey": 612, "l_partkey": 195, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 28.0d, "l_extendedprice": 30665.32d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-01-02", "l_commitdate": "1992-12-11", "l_receiptdate": "1993-01-30", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "regular instructions affix bl" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3173, "l_partkey": 195, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 35.0d, "l_extendedprice": 38331.65d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-09-09", "l_commitdate": "1996-10-15", "l_receiptdate": "1996-10-04", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": " across the slyly even requests." }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3397, "l_partkey": 195, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 8.0d, "l_extendedprice": 8761.52d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-08-05", "l_commitdate": "1994-08-11", "l_receiptdate": "1994-08-08", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "y final foxes" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1506, "l_partkey": 195, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 15.0d, "l_extendedprice": 16427.85d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-09-24", "l_commitdate": "1992-11-11", "l_receiptdate": "1992-10-05", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": " carefully fluffy packages-- caref" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2309, "l_partkey": 195, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 21.0d, "l_extendedprice": 22998.99d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-11-05", "l_commitdate": "1995-11-07", "l_receiptdate": "1995-11-22", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "unts around the dolphins ar" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2468, "l_partkey": 195, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 44.0d, "l_extendedprice": 48188.36d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-10-01", "l_commitdate": "1997-08-02", "l_receiptdate": "1997-10-09", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "egular, silent sheave" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2848, "l_partkey": 195, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 18.0d, "l_extendedprice": 19713.42d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-04-10", "l_commitdate": "1992-06-01", "l_receiptdate": "1992-05-05", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "osits haggle. stealthily ironic packa" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2883, "l_partkey": 195, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 36.0d, "l_extendedprice": 39426.84d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-05-02", "l_commitdate": "1995-03-14", "l_receiptdate": "1995-05-30", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ests detect slyly special packages" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 614, "l_partkey": 195, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 21.0d, "l_extendedprice": 22998.99d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-03-29", "l_commitdate": "1993-01-06", "l_receiptdate": "1993-04-16", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "arefully. slyly express packag" }
, { "l_orderkey": 3012, "l_partkey": 195, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 49.0d, "l_extendedprice": 53664.31d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-08-07", "l_commitdate": "1993-07-01", "l_receiptdate": "1993-08-08", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": " quickly furious packages. silently unusua" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3648, "l_partkey": 195, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 49.0d, "l_extendedprice": 53664.31d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-06-27", "l_commitdate": "1993-07-27", "l_receiptdate": "1993-07-24", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "egular instructions. slyly regular pinto" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3744, "l_partkey": 195, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 30.0d, "l_extendedprice": 32855.7d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-05-07", "l_commitdate": "1992-02-12", "l_receiptdate": "1992-05-17", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "nts among " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5252, "l_partkey": 195, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 9.0d, "l_extendedprice": 9856.71d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-05-30", "l_commitdate": "1996-05-03", "l_receiptdate": "1996-06-26", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "x. slyly special depos" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1156, "l_partkey": 195, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 42.0d, "l_extendedprice": 45997.98d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-01-27", "l_commitdate": "1997-01-09", "l_receiptdate": "1997-01-28", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "even requests boost ironic deposits. pe" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3173, "l_partkey": 195, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 35.0d, "l_extendedprice": 38331.65d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-09-09", "l_commitdate": "1996-10-15", "l_receiptdate": "1996-10-04", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": " across the slyly even requests." }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5731, "l_partkey": 195, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 19.0d, "l_extendedprice": 20808.61d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-06-29", "l_commitdate": "1997-06-27", "l_receiptdate": "1997-07-15", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ly unusual ideas above the " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 103, "l_partkey": 195, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 6.0d, "l_extendedprice": 6571.14d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-10-11", "l_commitdate": "1996-07-25", "l_receiptdate": "1996-10-28", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "cajole. carefully ex" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1506, "l_partkey": 195, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 15.0d, "l_extendedprice": 16427.85d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-09-24", "l_commitdate": "1992-11-11", "l_receiptdate": "1992-10-05", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": " carefully fluffy packages-- caref" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2018, "l_partkey": 195, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 2.0d, "l_extendedprice": 2190.38d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-06-25", "l_commitdate": "1995-06-20", "l_receiptdate": "1995-07-04", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ly ironic accounts against the slyly sly" }
, { "l_orderkey": 2241, "l_partkey": 195, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 38.0d, "l_extendedprice": 41617.22d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-08-04", "l_commitdate": "1993-07-31", "l_receiptdate": "1993-08-06", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": " silent, unusual d" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2341, "l_partkey": 195, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 8.0d, "l_extendedprice": 8761.52d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-06-08", "l_commitdate": "1993-07-09", "l_receiptdate": "1993-06-10", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ns affix above the iron" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2439, "l_partkey": 195, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 33.0d, "l_extendedprice": 36141.27d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-06-01", "l_commitdate": "1997-05-15", "l_receiptdate": "1997-06-07", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "asymptotes wake packages-- furiously" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2690, "l_partkey": 195, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 12.0d, "l_extendedprice": 13142.28d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-07-18", "l_commitdate": "1996-06-03", "l_receiptdate": "1996-07-25", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "nal, regular atta" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2883, "l_partkey": 195, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 36.0d, "l_extendedprice": 39426.84d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-05-02", "l_commitdate": "1995-03-14", "l_receiptdate": "1995-05-30", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ests detect slyly special packages" }
, { "l_orderkey": 3205, "l_partkey": 195, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 19.0d, "l_extendedprice": 20808.61d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-05-28", "l_commitdate": "1992-05-30", "l_receiptdate": "1992-06-05", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "yly pending packages snooz" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3397, "l_partkey": 195, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 8.0d, "l_extendedprice": 8761.52d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-08-05", "l_commitdate": "1994-08-11", "l_receiptdate": "1994-08-08", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "y final foxes" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3648, "l_partkey": 195, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 49.0d, "l_extendedprice": 53664.31d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-06-27", "l_commitdate": "1993-07-27", "l_receiptdate": "1993-07-24", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "egular instructions. slyly regular pinto" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5252, "l_partkey": 195, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 9.0d, "l_extendedprice": 9856.71d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-05-30", "l_commitdate": "1996-05-03", "l_receiptdate": "1996-06-26", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "x. slyly special depos" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5857, "l_partkey": 195, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 50.0d, "l_extendedprice": 54759.5d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-12-04", "l_commitdate": "1997-12-16", "l_receiptdate": "1997-12-20", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "y regular d" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2309, "l_partkey": 195, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 21.0d, "l_extendedprice": 22998.99d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-11-05", "l_commitdate": "1995-11-07", "l_receiptdate": "1995-11-22", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "unts around the dolphins ar" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2341, "l_partkey": 195, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 8.0d, "l_extendedprice": 8761.52d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-06-08", "l_commitdate": "1993-07-09", "l_receiptdate": "1993-06-10", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ns affix above the iron" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2468, "l_partkey": 195, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 44.0d, "l_extendedprice": 48188.36d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-10-01", "l_commitdate": "1997-08-02", "l_receiptdate": "1997-10-09", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "egular, silent sheave" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3239, "l_partkey": 195, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 26.0d, "l_extendedprice": 28474.94d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-01-21", "l_commitdate": "1998-03-21", "l_receiptdate": "1998-02-08", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ngly pending platelets are fluff" }
, { "l_orderkey": 3362, "l_partkey": 195, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 41.0d, "l_extendedprice": 44902.79d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-10-31", "l_commitdate": "1995-09-04", "l_receiptdate": "1995-11-17", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ake alongside of the " }
, { "l_orderkey": 4135, "l_partkey": 195, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 13.0d, "l_extendedprice": 14237.47d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-03-16", "l_commitdate": "1997-05-19", "l_receiptdate": "1997-04-03", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "efully special account" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5731, "l_partkey": 195, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 19.0d, "l_extendedprice": 20808.61d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-06-29", "l_commitdate": "1997-06-27", "l_receiptdate": "1997-07-15", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ly unusual ideas above the " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1255, "l_partkey": 194, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 46.0d, "l_extendedprice": 50332.74d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-07-06", "l_commitdate": "1994-07-14", "l_receiptdate": "1994-08-05", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ons nag qui" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1536, "l_partkey": 194, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 5.0d, "l_extendedprice": 5470.95d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-02-08", "l_commitdate": "1997-03-11", "l_receiptdate": "1997-03-02", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "requests sleep pe" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1573, "l_partkey": 194, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 11.0d, "l_extendedprice": 12036.09d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-03-23", "l_commitdate": "1993-03-24", "l_receiptdate": "1993-04-12", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "nently pending" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3586, "l_partkey": 194, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 2.0d, "l_extendedprice": 2188.38d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-02-10", "l_commitdate": "1994-01-07", "l_receiptdate": "1994-03-03", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "he even, unusual decoy" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4355, "l_partkey": 195, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 32.0d, "l_extendedprice": 35046.08d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-12-29", "l_commitdate": "1997-02-08", "l_receiptdate": "1997-01-24", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "y silent deposits. b" }
, { "l_orderkey": 3590, "l_partkey": 194, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 44.0d, "l_extendedprice": 48144.36d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-06-07", "l_commitdate": "1995-06-15", "l_receiptdate": "1995-06-27", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "s sleep after the regular platelets. blit" }
, { "l_orderkey": 3716, "l_partkey": 194, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 39.0d, "l_extendedprice": 42673.41d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-11-27", "l_commitdate": "1997-10-23", "l_receiptdate": "1997-12-24", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "even deposits." }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4356, "l_partkey": 194, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 35.0d, "l_extendedprice": 38296.65d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-05-30", "l_commitdate": "1994-06-14", "l_receiptdate": "1994-06-08", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "arefully ironic " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5409, "l_partkey": 194, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 27.0d, "l_extendedprice": 29543.13d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-02-14", "l_commitdate": "1992-03-18", "l_receiptdate": "1992-02-23", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "eodolites " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 354, "l_partkey": 194, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 24.0d, "l_extendedprice": 26260.56d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-05-08", "l_commitdate": "1996-05-17", "l_receiptdate": "1996-06-07", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "y silent requests. regular, even accounts" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 963, "l_partkey": 194, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 7.0d, "l_extendedprice": 7659.33d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-09-12", "l_commitdate": "1994-07-18", "l_receiptdate": "1994-09-17", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "s. slyly regular depe" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2657, "l_partkey": 194, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 31.0d, "l_extendedprice": 33919.89d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-11-10", "l_commitdate": "1995-11-27", "l_receiptdate": "1995-12-06", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "re blithely " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4642, "l_partkey": 194, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 11.0d, "l_extendedprice": 12036.09d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-05-23", "l_commitdate": "1995-04-26", "l_receiptdate": "1995-06-04", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "lithely express asympt" }
, { "l_orderkey": 5062, "l_partkey": 194, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 25.0d, "l_extendedprice": 27354.75d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-12-15", "l_commitdate": "1992-11-17", "l_receiptdate": "1993-01-01", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "uthless excuses ag" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1536, "l_partkey": 194, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 5.0d, "l_extendedprice": 5470.95d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-02-08", "l_commitdate": "1997-03-11", "l_receiptdate": "1997-03-02", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "requests sleep pe" }
, { "l_orderkey": 1954, "l_partkey": 194, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 49.0d, "l_extendedprice": 53615.31d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-06-04", "l_commitdate": "1997-08-29", "l_receiptdate": "1997-06-14", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "eans. final pinto beans sleep furiousl" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2084, "l_partkey": 194, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 34.0d, "l_extendedprice": 37202.46d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-06-20", "l_commitdate": "1993-05-28", "l_receiptdate": "1993-06-25", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": " carefully ironic requests. fluffil" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3073, "l_partkey": 194, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 16.0d, "l_extendedprice": 17507.04d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-03-02", "l_commitdate": "1994-03-23", "l_receiptdate": "1994-03-31", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "n requests. ironi" }
, { "l_orderkey": 3174, "l_partkey": 194, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 4.0d, "l_extendedprice": 4376.76d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-11-17", "l_commitdate": "1996-01-08", "l_receiptdate": "1995-11-27", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "deas sleep thi" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3842, "l_partkey": 194, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 28.0d, "l_extendedprice": 30637.32d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-06-20", "l_commitdate": "1992-05-22", "l_receiptdate": "1992-07-13", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "lly alongside of the" }
, { "l_orderkey": 3942, "l_partkey": 194, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 5.0d, "l_extendedprice": 5470.95d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-09-27", "l_commitdate": "1993-09-24", "l_receiptdate": "1993-10-07", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": ". fluffily pending deposits above the flu" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4355, "l_partkey": 194, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 14.0d, "l_extendedprice": 15318.66d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-03-08", "l_commitdate": "1997-01-22", "l_receiptdate": "1997-03-26", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "he furiously ironic accounts. quickly iro" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4356, "l_partkey": 194, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 35.0d, "l_extendedprice": 38296.65d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-05-30", "l_commitdate": "1994-06-14", "l_receiptdate": "1994-06-08", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "arefully ironic " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4642, "l_partkey": 194, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 11.0d, "l_extendedprice": 12036.09d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-05-23", "l_commitdate": "1995-04-26", "l_receiptdate": "1995-06-04", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "lithely express asympt" }
, { "l_orderkey": 4803, "l_partkey": 194, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 19.0d, "l_extendedprice": 20789.61d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-04-20", "l_commitdate": "1996-03-25", "l_receiptdate": "1996-04-27", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "sts. enticing, even" }
, { "l_orderkey": 4931, "l_partkey": 194, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 1.0d, "l_extendedprice": 1094.19d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-01-24", "l_commitdate": "1994-12-19", "l_receiptdate": "1995-02-07", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": " furiously " }
, { "l_orderkey": 4966, "l_partkey": 194, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 6.0d, "l_extendedprice": 6565.14d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-12-09", "l_commitdate": "1996-11-29", "l_receiptdate": "1996-12-30", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "d deposits are sly excuses. slyly iro" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5188, "l_partkey": 194, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 36.0d, "l_extendedprice": 39390.84d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-03-09", "l_commitdate": "1995-05-16", "l_receiptdate": "1995-03-19", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "packages? blithely s" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5409, "l_partkey": 194, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 27.0d, "l_extendedprice": 29543.13d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-02-14", "l_commitdate": "1992-03-18", "l_receiptdate": "1992-02-23", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "eodolites " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1255, "l_partkey": 194, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 46.0d, "l_extendedprice": 50332.74d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-07-06", "l_commitdate": "1994-07-14", "l_receiptdate": "1994-08-05", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ons nag qui" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1573, "l_partkey": 194, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 11.0d, "l_extendedprice": 12036.09d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-03-23", "l_commitdate": "1993-03-24", "l_receiptdate": "1993-04-12", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "nently pending" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2657, "l_partkey": 194, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 31.0d, "l_extendedprice": 33919.89d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-11-10", "l_commitdate": "1995-11-27", "l_receiptdate": "1995-12-06", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "re blithely " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 354, "l_partkey": 194, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 24.0d, "l_extendedprice": 26260.56d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-05-08", "l_commitdate": "1996-05-17", "l_receiptdate": "1996-06-07", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "y silent requests. regular, even accounts" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 963, "l_partkey": 194, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 7.0d, "l_extendedprice": 7659.33d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-09-12", "l_commitdate": "1994-07-18", "l_receiptdate": "1994-09-17", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "s. slyly regular depe" }
, { "l_orderkey": 1378, "l_partkey": 194, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 29.0d, "l_extendedprice": 31731.51d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-04-15", "l_commitdate": "1996-04-23", "l_receiptdate": "1996-05-14", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ual packages are furiously blith" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2084, "l_partkey": 194, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 34.0d, "l_extendedprice": 37202.46d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-06-20", "l_commitdate": "1993-05-28", "l_receiptdate": "1993-06-25", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": " carefully ironic requests. fluffil" }
, { "l_orderkey": 2214, "l_partkey": 194, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 50.0d, "l_extendedprice": 54709.5d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-07-06", "l_commitdate": "1998-06-16", "l_receiptdate": "1998-07-16", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "accounts. blith" }
, { "l_orderkey": 2917, "l_partkey": 194, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 7.0d, "l_extendedprice": 7659.33d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-03-21", "l_commitdate": "1998-03-03", "l_receiptdate": "1998-03-25", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ly about the regular accounts. carefully pe" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3073, "l_partkey": 194, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 16.0d, "l_extendedprice": 17507.04d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-03-02", "l_commitdate": "1994-03-23", "l_receiptdate": "1994-03-31", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "n requests. ironi" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3586, "l_partkey": 194, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 2.0d, "l_extendedprice": 2188.38d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-02-10", "l_commitdate": "1994-01-07", "l_receiptdate": "1994-03-03", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "he even, unusual decoy" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3842, "l_partkey": 194, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 28.0d, "l_extendedprice": 30637.32d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-06-20", "l_commitdate": "1992-05-22", "l_receiptdate": "1992-07-13", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "lly alongside of the" }
, { "l_orderkey": 4195, "l_partkey": 194, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 19.0d, "l_extendedprice": 20789.61d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-09-06", "l_commitdate": "1993-08-13", "l_receiptdate": "1993-09-15", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "telets sleep even requests. final, even i" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2180, "l_partkey": 193, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 39.0d, "l_extendedprice": 42634.41d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-01-03", "l_commitdate": "1996-10-29", "l_receiptdate": "1997-01-25", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ep furiously furiously final request" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2244, "l_partkey": 193, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 16.0d, "l_extendedprice": 17491.04d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-02-12", "l_commitdate": "1993-03-09", "l_receiptdate": "1993-02-28", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "rate around the reques" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2336, "l_partkey": 193, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 20.0d, "l_extendedprice": 21863.8d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-03-12", "l_commitdate": "1996-02-25", "l_receiptdate": "1996-03-18", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "across the fi" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2340, "l_partkey": 193, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 21.0d, "l_extendedprice": 22956.99d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-01-17", "l_commitdate": "1996-03-04", "l_receiptdate": "1996-01-29", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": " asymptotes. unusual theo" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4295, "l_partkey": 193, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 3.0d, "l_extendedprice": 3279.57d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-06-04", "l_commitdate": "1996-04-24", "l_receiptdate": "1996-06-24", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "telets cajole bravely" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4355, "l_partkey": 194, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 14.0d, "l_extendedprice": 15318.66d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-03-08", "l_commitdate": "1997-01-22", "l_receiptdate": "1997-03-26", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "he furiously ironic accounts. quickly iro" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5188, "l_partkey": 194, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 36.0d, "l_extendedprice": 39390.84d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-03-09", "l_commitdate": "1995-05-16", "l_receiptdate": "1995-03-19", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "packages? blithely s" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 163, "l_partkey": 193, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 5.0d, "l_extendedprice": 5465.95d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-11-17", "l_commitdate": "1997-10-09", "l_receiptdate": "1997-12-05", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": " must belie" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 259, "l_partkey": 193, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 6.0d, "l_extendedprice": 6559.14d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-12-05", "l_commitdate": "1993-12-22", "l_receiptdate": "1993-12-21", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": " requests sleep" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 898, "l_partkey": 193, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 36.0d, "l_extendedprice": 39354.84d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-08-04", "l_commitdate": "1993-07-25", "l_receiptdate": "1993-08-23", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": " after the carefully " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1440, "l_partkey": 193, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 3.0d, "l_extendedprice": 3279.57d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-10-30", "l_commitdate": "1995-10-17", "l_receiptdate": "1995-11-08", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "instructions boost. fluffily regul" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1923, "l_partkey": 193, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 49.0d, "l_extendedprice": 53566.31d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-07-21", "l_commitdate": "1997-08-08", "l_receiptdate": "1997-07-26", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "de of the carefully expre" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4359, "l_partkey": 193, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 32.0d, "l_extendedprice": 34982.08d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-06-18", "l_commitdate": "1993-04-04", "l_receiptdate": "1993-07-18", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "olites nag quietly caref" }
, { "l_orderkey": 4837, "l_partkey": 193, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 16.0d, "l_extendedprice": 17491.04d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-08-19", "l_commitdate": "1998-06-18", "l_receiptdate": "1998-08-26", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "counts cajole slyly furiou" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1254, "l_partkey": 193, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 6.0d, "l_extendedprice": 6559.14d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-02-02", "l_commitdate": "1996-03-21", "l_receiptdate": "1996-02-29", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "lithely even deposits eat!" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1383, "l_partkey": 193, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 14.0d, "l_extendedprice": 15304.66d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-08-25", "l_commitdate": "1993-07-09", "l_receiptdate": "1993-09-12", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ole carefully silent requests. car" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2340, "l_partkey": 193, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 21.0d, "l_extendedprice": 22956.99d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-01-17", "l_commitdate": "1996-03-04", "l_receiptdate": "1996-01-29", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": " asymptotes. unusual theo" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2403, "l_partkey": 193, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 27.0d, "l_extendedprice": 29516.13d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-07-27", "l_commitdate": "1998-07-08", "l_receiptdate": "1998-08-03", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "deposits sleep slyly special theodolit" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5058, "l_partkey": 193, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 16.0d, "l_extendedprice": 17491.04d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-07-12", "l_commitdate": "1998-06-09", "l_receiptdate": "1998-07-15", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": " the special foxes " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5285, "l_partkey": 193, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 31.0d, "l_extendedprice": 33888.89d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-04-17", "l_commitdate": "1994-04-05", "l_receiptdate": "1994-05-09", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ubt. quickly blithe " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 320, "l_partkey": 193, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 13.0d, "l_extendedprice": 14211.47d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-12-16", "l_commitdate": "1997-12-26", "l_receiptdate": "1997-12-17", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "he furiously regular pinto beans. car" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1057, "l_partkey": 193, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 29.0d, "l_extendedprice": 31702.51d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-05-05", "l_commitdate": "1992-05-05", "l_receiptdate": "1992-06-03", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "es wake according to the q" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2244, "l_partkey": 193, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 16.0d, "l_extendedprice": 17491.04d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-02-12", "l_commitdate": "1993-03-09", "l_receiptdate": "1993-02-28", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "rate around the reques" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4295, "l_partkey": 193, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 3.0d, "l_extendedprice": 3279.57d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-06-04", "l_commitdate": "1996-04-24", "l_receiptdate": "1996-06-24", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "telets cajole bravely" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5666, "l_partkey": 193, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 39.0d, "l_extendedprice": 42634.41d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-05-13", "l_commitdate": "1994-04-02", "l_receiptdate": "1994-06-12", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "the even, final foxes. quickly iron" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 710, "l_partkey": 193, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 38.0d, "l_extendedprice": 41541.22d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-04-18", "l_commitdate": "1993-03-12", "l_receiptdate": "1993-05-15", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "sts boost fluffily aft" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1696, "l_partkey": 193, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 21.0d, "l_extendedprice": 22956.99d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-05-04", "l_commitdate": "1998-02-18", "l_receiptdate": "1998-05-07", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "y players sleep along the final, pending " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2180, "l_partkey": 193, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 39.0d, "l_extendedprice": 42634.41d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-01-03", "l_commitdate": "1996-10-29", "l_receiptdate": "1997-01-25", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ep furiously furiously final request" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2336, "l_partkey": 193, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 20.0d, "l_extendedprice": 21863.8d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-03-12", "l_commitdate": "1996-02-25", "l_receiptdate": "1996-03-18", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "across the fi" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3937, "l_partkey": 193, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 6.0d, "l_extendedprice": 6559.14d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-01-24", "l_commitdate": "1998-02-13", "l_receiptdate": "1998-01-27", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "into beans. slyly silent orbits alongside o" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4964, "l_partkey": 193, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 22.0d, "l_extendedprice": 24050.18d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-09-11", "l_commitdate": "1997-10-06", "l_receiptdate": "1997-09-29", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "equests doubt quickly. caref" }
, { "l_orderkey": 5477, "l_partkey": 193, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 16.0d, "l_extendedprice": 17491.04d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-03-07", "l_commitdate": "1998-03-12", "l_receiptdate": "1998-04-06", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "regular, s" }
, { "l_orderkey": 5795, "l_partkey": 193, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 34.0d, "l_extendedprice": 37168.46d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-08-21", "l_commitdate": "1992-07-30", "l_receiptdate": "1992-08-27", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "al instructions must affix along the ironic" }
, { "l_orderkey": 5954, "l_partkey": 193, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 39.0d, "l_extendedprice": 42634.41d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-02-27", "l_commitdate": "1993-02-25", "l_receiptdate": "1993-03-29", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": " always regular dolphins. furiously p" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1254, "l_partkey": 193, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 6.0d, "l_extendedprice": 6559.14d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-02-02", "l_commitdate": "1996-03-21", "l_receiptdate": "1996-02-29", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "lithely even deposits eat!" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1383, "l_partkey": 193, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 14.0d, "l_extendedprice": 15304.66d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-08-25", "l_commitdate": "1993-07-09", "l_receiptdate": "1993-09-12", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ole carefully silent requests. car" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1696, "l_partkey": 193, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 21.0d, "l_extendedprice": 22956.99d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-05-04", "l_commitdate": "1998-02-18", "l_receiptdate": "1998-05-07", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "y players sleep along the final, pending " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5285, "l_partkey": 193, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 31.0d, "l_extendedprice": 33888.89d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-04-17", "l_commitdate": "1994-04-05", "l_receiptdate": "1994-05-09", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ubt. quickly blithe " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 163, "l_partkey": 193, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 5.0d, "l_extendedprice": 5465.95d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-11-17", "l_commitdate": "1997-10-09", "l_receiptdate": "1997-12-05", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": " must belie" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 320, "l_partkey": 193, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 13.0d, "l_extendedprice": 14211.47d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-12-16", "l_commitdate": "1997-12-26", "l_receiptdate": "1997-12-17", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "he furiously regular pinto beans. car" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 710, "l_partkey": 193, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 38.0d, "l_extendedprice": 41541.22d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-04-18", "l_commitdate": "1993-03-12", "l_receiptdate": "1993-05-15", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "sts boost fluffily aft" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1057, "l_partkey": 193, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 29.0d, "l_extendedprice": 31702.51d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-05-05", "l_commitdate": "1992-05-05", "l_receiptdate": "1992-06-03", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "es wake according to the q" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1440, "l_partkey": 193, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 3.0d, "l_extendedprice": 3279.57d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-10-30", "l_commitdate": "1995-10-17", "l_receiptdate": "1995-11-08", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "instructions boost. fluffily regul" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1923, "l_partkey": 193, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 49.0d, "l_extendedprice": 53566.31d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-07-21", "l_commitdate": "1997-08-08", "l_receiptdate": "1997-07-26", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "de of the carefully expre" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2403, "l_partkey": 193, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 27.0d, "l_extendedprice": 29516.13d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-07-27", "l_commitdate": "1998-07-08", "l_receiptdate": "1998-08-03", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "deposits sleep slyly special theodolit" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4359, "l_partkey": 193, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 32.0d, "l_extendedprice": 34982.08d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-06-18", "l_commitdate": "1993-04-04", "l_receiptdate": "1993-07-18", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "olites nag quietly caref" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4964, "l_partkey": 193, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 22.0d, "l_extendedprice": 24050.18d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-09-11", "l_commitdate": "1997-10-06", "l_receiptdate": "1997-09-29", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "equests doubt quickly. caref" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5058, "l_partkey": 193, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 16.0d, "l_extendedprice": 17491.04d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-07-12", "l_commitdate": "1998-06-09", "l_receiptdate": "1998-07-15", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": " the special foxes " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5666, "l_partkey": 193, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 39.0d, "l_extendedprice": 42634.41d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-05-13", "l_commitdate": "1994-04-02", "l_receiptdate": "1994-06-12", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "the even, final foxes. quickly iron" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 259, "l_partkey": 193, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 6.0d, "l_extendedprice": 6559.14d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-12-05", "l_commitdate": "1993-12-22", "l_receiptdate": "1993-12-21", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": " requests sleep" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 898, "l_partkey": 193, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 36.0d, "l_extendedprice": 39354.84d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-08-04", "l_commitdate": "1993-07-25", "l_receiptdate": "1993-08-23", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": " after the carefully " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3937, "l_partkey": 193, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 6.0d, "l_extendedprice": 6559.14d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-01-24", "l_commitdate": "1998-02-13", "l_receiptdate": "1998-01-27", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "into beans. slyly silent orbits alongside o" }
, { "l_orderkey": 742, "l_partkey": 192, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 16.0d, "l_extendedprice": 17475.04d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-01-15", "l_commitdate": "1995-02-25", "l_receiptdate": "1995-01-24", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "eodolites haggle carefully regul" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 743, "l_partkey": 192, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 21.0d, "l_extendedprice": 22935.99d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-10-26", "l_commitdate": "1996-11-05", "l_receiptdate": "1996-11-11", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "d requests. packages afte" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1255, "l_partkey": 192, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 12.0d, "l_extendedprice": 13106.28d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-08-17", "l_commitdate": "1994-06-29", "l_receiptdate": "1994-09-04", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": " regular, express accounts are " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1538, "l_partkey": 192, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 27.0d, "l_extendedprice": 29489.13d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-09-19", "l_commitdate": "1995-08-03", "l_receiptdate": "1995-09-24", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ngly even packag" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2500, "l_partkey": 192, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 40.0d, "l_extendedprice": 43687.6d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-09-02", "l_commitdate": "1992-09-30", "l_receiptdate": "1992-09-06", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "efully unusual dolphins s" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4291, "l_partkey": 192, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 3.0d, "l_extendedprice": 3276.57d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-03-17", "l_commitdate": "1994-02-21", "l_receiptdate": "1994-03-27", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "tes sleep slyly above the quickly sl" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1283, "l_partkey": 192, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 40.0d, "l_extendedprice": 43687.6d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-11-09", "l_commitdate": "1996-11-23", "l_receiptdate": "1996-11-28", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "riously. even, ironic instructions after" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2339, "l_partkey": 192, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 22.0d, "l_extendedprice": 24028.18d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-01-06", "l_commitdate": "1994-03-06", "l_receiptdate": "1994-01-10", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": " furiously above " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2593, "l_partkey": 192, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 11.0d, "l_extendedprice": 12014.09d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-11-01", "l_commitdate": "1993-11-19", "l_receiptdate": "1993-11-28", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "express packages sleep bold re" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3554, "l_partkey": 192, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 41.0d, "l_extendedprice": 44779.79d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-07-13", "l_commitdate": "1995-08-28", "l_receiptdate": "1995-07-27", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ent dependencies. sly" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4582, "l_partkey": 192, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 17.0d, "l_extendedprice": 18567.23d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-08-17", "l_commitdate": "1996-08-26", "l_receiptdate": "1996-08-20", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ng packages. depo" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5346, "l_partkey": 192, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 13.0d, "l_extendedprice": 14198.47d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-02-03", "l_commitdate": "1994-02-05", "l_receiptdate": "1994-02-09", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "y. fluffily bold accounts grow. furio" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5731, "l_partkey": 192, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 13.0d, "l_extendedprice": 14198.47d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-07-30", "l_commitdate": "1997-06-23", "l_receiptdate": "1997-08-13", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ngside of the quickly regular depos" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 262, "l_partkey": 192, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 39.0d, "l_extendedprice": 42595.41d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-01-15", "l_commitdate": "1996-02-18", "l_receiptdate": "1996-01-28", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "usual, regular requests" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1153, "l_partkey": 192, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 5.0d, "l_extendedprice": 5460.95d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-05-03", "l_commitdate": "1996-06-12", "l_receiptdate": "1996-05-28", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "special excuses promi" }
, { "l_orderkey": 3169, "l_partkey": 192, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 12.0d, "l_extendedprice": 13106.28d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-01-05", "l_commitdate": "1994-03-18", "l_receiptdate": "1994-01-21", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": " regular d" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3174, "l_partkey": 192, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 13.0d, "l_extendedprice": 14198.47d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-01-11", "l_commitdate": "1996-01-26", "l_receiptdate": "1996-02-01", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "leep quickly? slyly special platelets" }
, { "l_orderkey": 3523, "l_partkey": 192, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 36.0d, "l_extendedprice": 39318.84d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-05-26", "l_commitdate": "1998-06-04", "l_receiptdate": "1998-06-25", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "accounts. fluffily regu" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3685, "l_partkey": 192, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 39.0d, "l_extendedprice": 42595.41d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-02-19", "l_commitdate": "1992-04-06", "l_receiptdate": "1992-03-02", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ic courts nag carefully after the " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4454, "l_partkey": 192, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 45.0d, "l_extendedprice": 49148.55d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-03-29", "l_commitdate": "1994-03-26", "l_receiptdate": "1994-04-04", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ests promise. packages print fur" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5250, "l_partkey": 192, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 27.0d, "l_extendedprice": 29489.13d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-10-24", "l_commitdate": "1995-09-03", "l_receiptdate": "1995-11-18", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "l forges are. furiously unusual pin" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5345, "l_partkey": 192, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 46.0d, "l_extendedprice": 50240.74d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-10-06", "l_commitdate": "1997-09-27", "l_receiptdate": "1997-10-18", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "slyly special deposits. fin" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5381, "l_partkey": 192, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 13.0d, "l_extendedprice": 14198.47d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-05-09", "l_commitdate": "1993-04-26", "l_receiptdate": "1993-05-25", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "s after the f" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4291, "l_partkey": 192, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 3.0d, "l_extendedprice": 3276.57d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-03-17", "l_commitdate": "1994-02-21", "l_receiptdate": "1994-03-27", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "tes sleep slyly above the quickly sl" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4582, "l_partkey": 192, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 17.0d, "l_extendedprice": 18567.23d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-08-17", "l_commitdate": "1996-08-26", "l_receiptdate": "1996-08-20", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ng packages. depo" }
, { "l_orderkey": 5857, "l_partkey": 192, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 14.0d, "l_extendedprice": 15290.66d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-12-10", "l_commitdate": "1998-01-06", "l_receiptdate": "1998-01-04", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ffily pendin" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 262, "l_partkey": 192, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 39.0d, "l_extendedprice": 42595.41d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-01-15", "l_commitdate": "1996-02-18", "l_receiptdate": "1996-01-28", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "usual, regular requests" }
, { "l_orderkey": 679, "l_partkey": 192, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 9.0d, "l_extendedprice": 9829.71d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-12-20", "l_commitdate": "1996-01-27", "l_receiptdate": "1996-01-07", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "leep slyly. entici" }
, { "l_orderkey": 742, "l_partkey": 192, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 49.0d, "l_extendedprice": 53517.31d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-01-13", "l_commitdate": "1995-02-13", "l_receiptdate": "1995-01-26", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": " carefully bold foxes sle" }
, { "l_orderkey": 1445, "l_partkey": 192, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 7.0d, "l_extendedprice": 7645.33d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-04-25", "l_commitdate": "1995-02-25", "l_receiptdate": "1995-05-10", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "structions: slyly regular re" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4513, "l_partkey": 192, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 13.0d, "l_extendedprice": 14198.47d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-04-12", "l_commitdate": "1996-05-19", "l_receiptdate": "1996-04-25", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "l, final excuses detect furi" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2339, "l_partkey": 192, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 22.0d, "l_extendedprice": 24028.18d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-01-06", "l_commitdate": "1994-03-06", "l_receiptdate": "1994-01-10", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": " furiously above " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3685, "l_partkey": 192, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 39.0d, "l_extendedprice": 42595.41d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-02-19", "l_commitdate": "1992-04-06", "l_receiptdate": "1992-03-02", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ic courts nag carefully after the " }
, { "l_orderkey": 5254, "l_partkey": 192, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 32.0d, "l_extendedprice": 34950.08d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-08-10", "l_commitdate": "1992-09-21", "l_receiptdate": "1992-08-16", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ts impress closely furi" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 550, "l_partkey": 191, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 31.0d, "l_extendedprice": 33826.89d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-10-24", "l_commitdate": "1995-09-27", "l_receiptdate": "1995-11-04", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "thely silent packages. unusual" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1574, "l_partkey": 191, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 6.0d, "l_extendedprice": 6547.14d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-02-24", "l_commitdate": "1997-02-03", "l_receiptdate": "1997-03-01", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "e silent, final packages. speci" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5345, "l_partkey": 192, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 46.0d, "l_extendedprice": 50240.74d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-10-06", "l_commitdate": "1997-09-27", "l_receiptdate": "1997-10-18", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "slyly special deposits. fin" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5346, "l_partkey": 192, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 13.0d, "l_extendedprice": 14198.47d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-02-03", "l_commitdate": "1994-02-05", "l_receiptdate": "1994-02-09", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "y. fluffily bold accounts grow. furio" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1283, "l_partkey": 192, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 40.0d, "l_extendedprice": 43687.6d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-11-09", "l_commitdate": "1996-11-23", "l_receiptdate": "1996-11-28", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "riously. even, ironic instructions after" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3174, "l_partkey": 192, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 13.0d, "l_extendedprice": 14198.47d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-01-11", "l_commitdate": "1996-01-26", "l_receiptdate": "1996-02-01", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "leep quickly? slyly special platelets" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4454, "l_partkey": 192, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 45.0d, "l_extendedprice": 49148.55d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-03-29", "l_commitdate": "1994-03-26", "l_receiptdate": "1994-04-04", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ests promise. packages print fur" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4513, "l_partkey": 192, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 13.0d, "l_extendedprice": 14198.47d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-04-12", "l_commitdate": "1996-05-19", "l_receiptdate": "1996-04-25", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "l, final excuses detect furi" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5250, "l_partkey": 192, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 27.0d, "l_extendedprice": 29489.13d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-10-24", "l_commitdate": "1995-09-03", "l_receiptdate": "1995-11-18", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "l forges are. furiously unusual pin" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5381, "l_partkey": 192, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 13.0d, "l_extendedprice": 14198.47d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-05-09", "l_commitdate": "1993-04-26", "l_receiptdate": "1993-05-25", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "s after the f" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5731, "l_partkey": 192, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 13.0d, "l_extendedprice": 14198.47d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-07-30", "l_commitdate": "1997-06-23", "l_receiptdate": "1997-08-13", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ngside of the quickly regular depos" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 743, "l_partkey": 192, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 21.0d, "l_extendedprice": 22935.99d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-10-26", "l_commitdate": "1996-11-05", "l_receiptdate": "1996-11-11", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "d requests. packages afte" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1153, "l_partkey": 192, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 5.0d, "l_extendedprice": 5460.95d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-05-03", "l_commitdate": "1996-06-12", "l_receiptdate": "1996-05-28", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "special excuses promi" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1255, "l_partkey": 192, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 12.0d, "l_extendedprice": 13106.28d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-08-17", "l_commitdate": "1994-06-29", "l_receiptdate": "1994-09-04", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": " regular, express accounts are " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1538, "l_partkey": 192, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 27.0d, "l_extendedprice": 29489.13d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-09-19", "l_commitdate": "1995-08-03", "l_receiptdate": "1995-09-24", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ngly even packag" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2500, "l_partkey": 192, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 40.0d, "l_extendedprice": 43687.6d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-09-02", "l_commitdate": "1992-09-30", "l_receiptdate": "1992-09-06", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "efully unusual dolphins s" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2593, "l_partkey": 192, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 11.0d, "l_extendedprice": 12014.09d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-11-01", "l_commitdate": "1993-11-19", "l_receiptdate": "1993-11-28", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "express packages sleep bold re" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3554, "l_partkey": 192, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 41.0d, "l_extendedprice": 44779.79d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-07-13", "l_commitdate": "1995-08-28", "l_receiptdate": "1995-07-27", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ent dependencies. sly" }
, { "l_orderkey": 1668, "l_partkey": 191, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 9.0d, "l_extendedprice": 9820.71d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-10-17", "l_commitdate": "1997-09-05", "l_receiptdate": "1997-11-01", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "wake furiously even instructions. sil" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3265, "l_partkey": 191, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 28.0d, "l_extendedprice": 30553.32d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-10-22", "l_commitdate": "1992-08-23", "l_receiptdate": "1992-10-25", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "n requests. quickly final dinos" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3298, "l_partkey": 191, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 1.0d, "l_extendedprice": 1091.19d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-07-31", "l_commitdate": "1996-05-23", "l_receiptdate": "1996-08-24", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "refully regular requ" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3590, "l_partkey": 191, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 37.0d, "l_extendedprice": 40374.03d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-09-01", "l_commitdate": "1995-06-29", "l_receiptdate": "1995-09-10", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ccounts above the silent waters thrash f" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2373, "l_partkey": 191, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 17.0d, "l_extendedprice": 18550.23d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-03-29", "l_commitdate": "1994-05-19", "l_receiptdate": "1994-04-20", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "auternes. blithely even pinto bea" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2531, "l_partkey": 191, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 36.0d, "l_extendedprice": 39282.84d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-06-11", "l_commitdate": "1996-07-26", "l_receiptdate": "1996-06-27", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "y ironic, bold packages. blithely e" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3809, "l_partkey": 191, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 17.0d, "l_extendedprice": 18550.23d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-08-14", "l_commitdate": "1996-07-05", "l_receiptdate": "1996-09-04", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "es detect furiously sil" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3909, "l_partkey": 191, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 46.0d, "l_extendedprice": 50194.74d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-10-08", "l_commitdate": "1998-10-15", "l_receiptdate": "1998-10-24", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "the blithely unusual ideas" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4485, "l_partkey": 191, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 1.0d, "l_extendedprice": 1091.19d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-12-04", "l_commitdate": "1995-02-07", "l_receiptdate": "1994-12-09", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "play according to the ironic, ironic" }
, { "l_orderkey": 4737, "l_partkey": 191, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 37.0d, "l_extendedprice": 40374.03d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-05-17", "l_commitdate": "1993-04-10", "l_receiptdate": "1993-05-30", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "s. fluffily regular " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5699, "l_partkey": 191, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 30.0d, "l_extendedprice": 32735.7d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-11-13", "l_commitdate": "1992-10-01", "l_receiptdate": "1992-12-11", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": " the carefully final " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5767, "l_partkey": 191, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 42.0d, "l_extendedprice": 45829.98d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-07-31", "l_commitdate": "1992-06-09", "l_receiptdate": "1992-08-09", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": " blithe deposi" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4868, "l_partkey": 191, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 49.0d, "l_extendedprice": 53468.31d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-04-23", "l_commitdate": "1997-05-07", "l_receiptdate": "1997-04-26", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ys engage. th" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5952, "l_partkey": 191, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 11.0d, "l_extendedprice": 12003.09d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-05-13", "l_commitdate": "1997-06-04", "l_receiptdate": "1997-05-27", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "y nag blithely aga" }
, { "l_orderkey": 163, "l_partkey": 191, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 20.0d, "l_extendedprice": 21823.8d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-09-27", "l_commitdate": "1997-11-15", "l_receiptdate": "1997-10-07", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "tructions integrate b" }
, { "l_orderkey": 358, "l_partkey": 191, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 41.0d, "l_extendedprice": 44738.79d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-11-18", "l_commitdate": "1993-11-14", "l_receiptdate": "1993-11-28", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ely frets. furious deposits sleep " }
, { "l_orderkey": 993, "l_partkey": 191, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 40.0d, "l_extendedprice": 43647.6d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-11-16", "l_commitdate": "1995-11-01", "l_receiptdate": "1995-12-05", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "gle above the furiously " }
, { "l_orderkey": 1506, "l_partkey": 191, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 28.0d, "l_extendedprice": 30553.32d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-09-22", "l_commitdate": "1992-11-19", "l_receiptdate": "1992-10-09", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": " unwind carefully: theodolit" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2373, "l_partkey": 191, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 17.0d, "l_extendedprice": 18550.23d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-03-29", "l_commitdate": "1994-05-19", "l_receiptdate": "1994-04-20", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "auternes. blithely even pinto bea" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3809, "l_partkey": 191, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 17.0d, "l_extendedprice": 18550.23d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-08-14", "l_commitdate": "1996-07-05", "l_receiptdate": "1996-09-04", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "es detect furiously sil" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3909, "l_partkey": 191, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 46.0d, "l_extendedprice": 50194.74d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-10-08", "l_commitdate": "1998-10-15", "l_receiptdate": "1998-10-24", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "the blithely unusual ideas" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3971, "l_partkey": 191, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 2.0d, "l_extendedprice": 2182.38d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-07-15", "l_commitdate": "1996-08-12", "l_receiptdate": "1996-07-26", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "haggle abou" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4646, "l_partkey": 191, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 24.0d, "l_extendedprice": 26188.56d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-09-18", "l_commitdate": "1996-08-09", "l_receiptdate": "1996-09-21", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ic platelets lose carefully. blithely unu" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1574, "l_partkey": 191, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 6.0d, "l_extendedprice": 6547.14d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-02-24", "l_commitdate": "1997-02-03", "l_receiptdate": "1997-03-01", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "e silent, final packages. speci" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3361, "l_partkey": 191, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 31.0d, "l_extendedprice": 33826.89d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-08-29", "l_commitdate": "1992-10-13", "l_receiptdate": "1992-09-08", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ts. pending, regular accounts sleep fur" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4421, "l_partkey": 191, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 32.0d, "l_extendedprice": 34918.08d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-07-09", "l_commitdate": "1997-06-03", "l_receiptdate": "1997-07-25", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ar ideas eat among the furiousl" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4708, "l_partkey": 191, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 18.0d, "l_extendedprice": 19641.42d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-11-11", "l_commitdate": "1994-11-15", "l_receiptdate": "1994-11-26", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "special, eve" }
, { "l_orderkey": 5350, "l_partkey": 191, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 44.0d, "l_extendedprice": 48012.36d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-10-30", "l_commitdate": "1993-11-23", "l_receiptdate": "1993-11-25", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "p above the ironic, pending dep" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5669, "l_partkey": 191, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 7.0d, "l_extendedprice": 7638.33d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-06-19", "l_commitdate": "1996-07-07", "l_receiptdate": "1996-07-11", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "yly regular requests lose blithely. careful" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5699, "l_partkey": 191, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 30.0d, "l_extendedprice": 32735.7d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-11-13", "l_commitdate": "1992-10-01", "l_receiptdate": "1992-12-11", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": " the carefully final " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5767, "l_partkey": 191, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 42.0d, "l_extendedprice": 45829.98d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-07-31", "l_commitdate": "1992-06-09", "l_receiptdate": "1992-08-09", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": " blithe deposi" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5831, "l_partkey": 191, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 2.0d, "l_extendedprice": 2182.38d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-02-09", "l_commitdate": "1997-01-20", "l_receiptdate": "1997-03-07", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "quickly silent req" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5859, "l_partkey": 191, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 27.0d, "l_extendedprice": 29462.13d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-07-30", "l_commitdate": "1997-07-08", "l_receiptdate": "1997-08-08", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": " across th" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5861, "l_partkey": 191, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 32.0d, "l_extendedprice": 34918.08d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-05-27", "l_commitdate": "1997-05-29", "l_receiptdate": "1997-05-28", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "nt asymptotes. carefully express request" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 550, "l_partkey": 191, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 31.0d, "l_extendedprice": 33826.89d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-10-24", "l_commitdate": "1995-09-27", "l_receiptdate": "1995-11-04", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "thely silent packages. unusual" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1574, "l_partkey": 191, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 50.0d, "l_extendedprice": 54559.5d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-12-14", "l_commitdate": "1997-02-14", "l_receiptdate": "1996-12-16", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "le regular, regular foxes. blithely e" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1632, "l_partkey": 191, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 47.0d, "l_extendedprice": 51285.93d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-01-25", "l_commitdate": "1997-02-09", "l_receiptdate": "1997-02-19", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "g to the closely special no" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1792, "l_partkey": 191, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 45.0d, "l_extendedprice": 49103.55d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-02-27", "l_commitdate": "1993-12-24", "l_receiptdate": "1994-03-07", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ests are. ironic, regular asy" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3265, "l_partkey": 191, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 28.0d, "l_extendedprice": 30553.32d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-10-22", "l_commitdate": "1992-08-23", "l_receiptdate": "1992-10-25", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "n requests. quickly final dinos" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3298, "l_partkey": 191, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 1.0d, "l_extendedprice": 1091.19d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-07-31", "l_commitdate": "1996-05-23", "l_receiptdate": "1996-08-24", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "refully regular requ" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3971, "l_partkey": 191, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 2.0d, "l_extendedprice": 2182.38d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-07-15", "l_commitdate": "1996-08-12", "l_receiptdate": "1996-07-26", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "haggle abou" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1031, "l_partkey": 191, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 44.0d, "l_extendedprice": 48012.36d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-11-20", "l_commitdate": "1994-11-24", "l_receiptdate": "1994-12-11", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "re slyly above the furio" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1859, "l_partkey": 191, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 21.0d, "l_extendedprice": 22914.99d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-08-06", "l_commitdate": "1997-05-29", "l_receiptdate": "1997-08-26", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "lar packages wake quickly exp" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2176, "l_partkey": 191, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 38.0d, "l_extendedprice": 41465.22d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-11-29", "l_commitdate": "1993-01-14", "l_receiptdate": "1992-12-22", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "lithely ironic pinto beans. furious" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3363, "l_partkey": 191, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 21.0d, "l_extendedprice": 22914.99d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-12-10", "l_commitdate": "1995-10-28", "l_receiptdate": "1995-12-28", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "he regular, brave deposits. f" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3590, "l_partkey": 191, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 37.0d, "l_extendedprice": 40374.03d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-09-01", "l_commitdate": "1995-06-29", "l_receiptdate": "1995-09-10", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ccounts above the silent waters thrash f" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4519, "l_partkey": 191, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 37.0d, "l_extendedprice": 40374.03d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-07-22", "l_commitdate": "1993-06-16", "l_receiptdate": "1993-08-19", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ly slyly furious depth" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4646, "l_partkey": 191, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 24.0d, "l_extendedprice": 26188.56d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-09-18", "l_commitdate": "1996-08-09", "l_receiptdate": "1996-09-21", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ic platelets lose carefully. blithely unu" }
, { "l_orderkey": 5443, "l_partkey": 191, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 6.0d, "l_extendedprice": 6547.14d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-11-17", "l_commitdate": "1996-12-03", "l_receiptdate": "1996-11-30", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "p fluffily foxe" }
, { "l_orderkey": 5829, "l_partkey": 191, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 49.0d, "l_extendedprice": 53468.31d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-01-31", "l_commitdate": "1997-03-13", "l_receiptdate": "1997-02-18", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": " ironic excuses use fluf" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5859, "l_partkey": 191, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 27.0d, "l_extendedprice": 29462.13d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-07-30", "l_commitdate": "1997-07-08", "l_receiptdate": "1997-08-08", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": " across th" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1031, "l_partkey": 191, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 44.0d, "l_extendedprice": 48012.36d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-11-20", "l_commitdate": "1994-11-24", "l_receiptdate": "1994-12-11", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "re slyly above the furio" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1574, "l_partkey": 191, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 50.0d, "l_extendedprice": 54559.5d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-12-14", "l_commitdate": "1997-02-14", "l_receiptdate": "1996-12-16", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "le regular, regular foxes. blithely e" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1792, "l_partkey": 191, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 45.0d, "l_extendedprice": 49103.55d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-02-27", "l_commitdate": "1993-12-24", "l_receiptdate": "1994-03-07", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ests are. ironic, regular asy" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2176, "l_partkey": 191, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 38.0d, "l_extendedprice": 41465.22d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-11-29", "l_commitdate": "1993-01-14", "l_receiptdate": "1992-12-22", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "lithely ironic pinto beans. furious" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2531, "l_partkey": 191, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 36.0d, "l_extendedprice": 39282.84d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-06-11", "l_commitdate": "1996-07-26", "l_receiptdate": "1996-06-27", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "y ironic, bold packages. blithely e" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3363, "l_partkey": 191, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 21.0d, "l_extendedprice": 22914.99d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-12-10", "l_commitdate": "1995-10-28", "l_receiptdate": "1995-12-28", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "he regular, brave deposits. f" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4421, "l_partkey": 191, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 32.0d, "l_extendedprice": 34918.08d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-07-09", "l_commitdate": "1997-06-03", "l_receiptdate": "1997-07-25", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ar ideas eat among the furiousl" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4485, "l_partkey": 191, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 1.0d, "l_extendedprice": 1091.19d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-12-04", "l_commitdate": "1995-02-07", "l_receiptdate": "1994-12-09", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "play according to the ironic, ironic" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5831, "l_partkey": 191, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 2.0d, "l_extendedprice": 2182.38d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-02-09", "l_commitdate": "1997-01-20", "l_receiptdate": "1997-03-07", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "quickly silent req" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5861, "l_partkey": 191, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 32.0d, "l_extendedprice": 34918.08d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-05-27", "l_commitdate": "1997-05-29", "l_receiptdate": "1997-05-28", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "nt asymptotes. carefully express request" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5952, "l_partkey": 191, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 11.0d, "l_extendedprice": 12003.09d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-05-13", "l_commitdate": "1997-06-04", "l_receiptdate": "1997-05-27", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "y nag blithely aga" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1632, "l_partkey": 191, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 47.0d, "l_extendedprice": 51285.93d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-01-25", "l_commitdate": "1997-02-09", "l_receiptdate": "1997-02-19", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "g to the closely special no" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1859, "l_partkey": 191, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 21.0d, "l_extendedprice": 22914.99d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-08-06", "l_commitdate": "1997-05-29", "l_receiptdate": "1997-08-26", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "lar packages wake quickly exp" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3361, "l_partkey": 191, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 31.0d, "l_extendedprice": 33826.89d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-08-29", "l_commitdate": "1992-10-13", "l_receiptdate": "1992-09-08", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ts. pending, regular accounts sleep fur" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4519, "l_partkey": 191, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 37.0d, "l_extendedprice": 40374.03d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-07-22", "l_commitdate": "1993-06-16", "l_receiptdate": "1993-08-19", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ly slyly furious depth" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4708, "l_partkey": 191, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 18.0d, "l_extendedprice": 19641.42d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-11-11", "l_commitdate": "1994-11-15", "l_receiptdate": "1994-11-26", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "special, eve" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4868, "l_partkey": 191, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 49.0d, "l_extendedprice": 53468.31d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-04-23", "l_commitdate": "1997-05-07", "l_receiptdate": "1997-04-26", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ys engage. th" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5669, "l_partkey": 191, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 7.0d, "l_extendedprice": 7638.33d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-06-19", "l_commitdate": "1996-07-07", "l_receiptdate": "1996-07-11", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "yly regular requests lose blithely. careful" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 131, "l_partkey": 190, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 4.0d, "l_extendedprice": 4360.76d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-09-20", "l_commitdate": "1994-08-30", "l_receiptdate": "1994-09-23", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": " are carefully slyly i" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 389, "l_partkey": 190, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 2.0d, "l_extendedprice": 2180.38d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-04-13", "l_commitdate": "1994-04-10", "l_receiptdate": "1994-04-25", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "fts. courts eat blithely even dependenc" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1059, "l_partkey": 190, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 50.0d, "l_extendedprice": 54509.5d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-06-15", "l_commitdate": "1994-05-11", "l_receiptdate": "1994-06-29", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "s impress furiously about" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1344, "l_partkey": 190, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 29.0d, "l_extendedprice": 31615.51d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-07-17", "l_commitdate": "1992-06-07", "l_receiptdate": "1992-07-21", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ffily quiet foxes wake blithely. slyly " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2437, "l_partkey": 190, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 26.0d, "l_extendedprice": 28344.94d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-06-25", "l_commitdate": "1993-05-22", "l_receiptdate": "1993-07-07", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "lyly regular accounts." }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3334, "l_partkey": 190, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 7.0d, "l_extendedprice": 7631.33d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-04-28", "l_commitdate": "1996-04-08", "l_receiptdate": "1996-05-25", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "nts sublate slyly express pack" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3780, "l_partkey": 190, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 40.0d, "l_extendedprice": 43607.6d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-06-06", "l_commitdate": "1996-05-29", "l_receiptdate": "1996-07-01", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "gular deposits-- furiously regular " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4679, "l_partkey": 190, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 7.0d, "l_extendedprice": 7631.33d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-05-11", "l_commitdate": "1993-04-11", "l_receiptdate": "1993-05-16", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "kages. bold, regular packa" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4773, "l_partkey": 190, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 11.0d, "l_extendedprice": 11992.09d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-01-02", "l_commitdate": "1996-01-29", "l_receiptdate": "1996-01-24", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "en accounts. slyly b" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5763, "l_partkey": 190, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 9.0d, "l_extendedprice": 9811.71d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-09-24", "l_commitdate": "1998-09-01", "l_receiptdate": "1998-10-02", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": " deposits. instru" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 224, "l_partkey": 190, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 41.0d, "l_extendedprice": 44697.79d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-09-01", "l_commitdate": "1994-09-15", "l_receiptdate": "1994-09-02", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "after the furiou" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 358, "l_partkey": 190, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 32.0d, "l_extendedprice": 34886.08d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-10-18", "l_commitdate": "1993-12-12", "l_receiptdate": "1993-10-31", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "y final foxes sleep blithely sl" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 610, "l_partkey": 190, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 27.0d, "l_extendedprice": 29435.13d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-09-02", "l_commitdate": "1995-09-19", "l_receiptdate": "1995-09-15", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": " ironic pinto beans haggle. blithe" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 871, "l_partkey": 190, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 29.0d, "l_extendedprice": 31615.51d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-11-16", "l_commitdate": "1996-01-27", "l_receiptdate": "1995-12-16", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ests are carefu" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1185, "l_partkey": 190, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 12.0d, "l_extendedprice": 13082.28d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-10-12", "l_commitdate": "1992-09-26", "l_receiptdate": "1992-11-11", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "instructions. daringly pend" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1510, "l_partkey": 190, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 36.0d, "l_extendedprice": 39246.84d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-10-02", "l_commitdate": "1996-11-23", "l_receiptdate": "1996-10-05", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "old deposits along the carefully" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2182, "l_partkey": 190, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 3.0d, "l_extendedprice": 3270.57d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-04-20", "l_commitdate": "1994-07-04", "l_receiptdate": "1994-04-24", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "y bold theodolites wi" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2885, "l_partkey": 190, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 5.0d, "l_extendedprice": 5450.95d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-01-06", "l_commitdate": "1992-11-13", "l_receiptdate": "1993-02-05", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "s. slyly express th" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3622, "l_partkey": 190, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 46.0d, "l_extendedprice": 50148.74d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-12-18", "l_commitdate": "1996-01-23", "l_receiptdate": "1996-01-12", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "sits wake. blithe" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4327, "l_partkey": 190, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 39.0d, "l_extendedprice": 42517.41d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-06-23", "l_commitdate": "1995-04-18", "l_receiptdate": "1995-07-13", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "kages against the blit" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5926, "l_partkey": 190, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 23.0d, "l_extendedprice": 25074.37d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-07-23", "l_commitdate": "1994-08-10", "l_receiptdate": "1994-07-27", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ickly special packages among " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 162, "l_partkey": 190, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 2.0d, "l_extendedprice": 2180.38d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-09-02", "l_commitdate": "1995-06-17", "l_receiptdate": "1995-09-08", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "es! final somas integrate" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 643, "l_partkey": 190, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 47.0d, "l_extendedprice": 51238.93d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-04-05", "l_commitdate": "1995-06-14", "l_receiptdate": "1995-04-26", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "y against " }
, { "l_orderkey": 672, "l_partkey": 190, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 9.0d, "l_extendedprice": 9811.71d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-06-25", "l_commitdate": "1994-06-06", "l_receiptdate": "1994-07-19", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "haggle carefully carefully reg" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 871, "l_partkey": 190, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 29.0d, "l_extendedprice": 31615.51d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-11-16", "l_commitdate": "1996-01-27", "l_receiptdate": "1995-12-16", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ests are carefu" }
, { "l_orderkey": 1856, "l_partkey": 190, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 14.0d, "l_extendedprice": 15262.66d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-04-14", "l_commitdate": "1992-05-02", "l_receiptdate": "1992-05-11", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ans are even requests. deposits caj" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3780, "l_partkey": 190, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 40.0d, "l_extendedprice": 43607.6d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-06-06", "l_commitdate": "1996-05-29", "l_receiptdate": "1996-07-01", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "gular deposits-- furiously regular " }
, { "l_orderkey": 4034, "l_partkey": 190, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 48.0d, "l_extendedprice": 52329.12d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-03-01", "l_commitdate": "1994-01-16", "l_receiptdate": "1994-03-16", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": " blithely regular requests play carefull" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4327, "l_partkey": 190, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 39.0d, "l_extendedprice": 42517.41d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-06-23", "l_commitdate": "1995-04-18", "l_receiptdate": "1995-07-13", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "kages against the blit" }
, { "l_orderkey": 4421, "l_partkey": 190, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 32.0d, "l_extendedprice": 34886.08d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-07-28", "l_commitdate": "1997-06-14", "l_receiptdate": "1997-08-13", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "uickly final pinto beans impress. bold " }
, { "l_orderkey": 4487, "l_partkey": 190, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 1.0d, "l_extendedprice": 1090.19d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-05-11", "l_commitdate": "1993-05-23", "l_receiptdate": "1993-05-17", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ithely final asym" }
, { "l_orderkey": 4641, "l_partkey": 190, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 45.0d, "l_extendedprice": 49058.55d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-05-11", "l_commitdate": "1993-04-19", "l_receiptdate": "1993-05-21", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": " about the close " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4930, "l_partkey": 190, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 38.0d, "l_extendedprice": 41427.22d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-06-06", "l_commitdate": "1994-06-18", "l_receiptdate": "1994-07-03", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "bold requests sleep never" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5154, "l_partkey": 190, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 11.0d, "l_extendedprice": 11992.09d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-08-06", "l_commitdate": "1997-06-30", "l_receiptdate": "1997-09-04", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "luffily bold foxes. final" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5984, "l_partkey": 190, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 35.0d, "l_extendedprice": 38156.65d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-08-25", "l_commitdate": "1994-08-05", "l_receiptdate": "1994-08-31", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "le fluffily regula" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 162, "l_partkey": 190, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 2.0d, "l_extendedprice": 2180.38d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-09-02", "l_commitdate": "1995-06-17", "l_receiptdate": "1995-09-08", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "es! final somas integrate" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 643, "l_partkey": 190, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 47.0d, "l_extendedprice": 51238.93d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-04-05", "l_commitdate": "1995-06-14", "l_receiptdate": "1995-04-26", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "y against " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 358, "l_partkey": 190, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 32.0d, "l_extendedprice": 34886.08d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-10-18", "l_commitdate": "1993-12-12", "l_receiptdate": "1993-10-31", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "y final foxes sleep blithely sl" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 389, "l_partkey": 190, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 2.0d, "l_extendedprice": 2180.38d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-04-13", "l_commitdate": "1994-04-10", "l_receiptdate": "1994-04-25", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "fts. courts eat blithely even dependenc" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 610, "l_partkey": 190, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 27.0d, "l_extendedprice": 29435.13d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-09-02", "l_commitdate": "1995-09-19", "l_receiptdate": "1995-09-15", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": " ironic pinto beans haggle. blithe" }
, { "l_orderkey": 704, "l_partkey": 190, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 40.0d, "l_extendedprice": 43607.6d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-01-30", "l_commitdate": "1997-01-10", "l_receiptdate": "1997-02-20", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ggle quickly. r" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1607, "l_partkey": 190, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 2.0d, "l_extendedprice": 2180.38d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-01-11", "l_commitdate": "1996-02-15", "l_receiptdate": "1996-01-19", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "packages haggle. regular requests boost s" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1344, "l_partkey": 190, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 29.0d, "l_extendedprice": 31615.51d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-07-17", "l_commitdate": "1992-06-07", "l_receiptdate": "1992-07-21", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ffily quiet foxes wake blithely. slyly " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1510, "l_partkey": 190, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 36.0d, "l_extendedprice": 39246.84d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-10-02", "l_commitdate": "1996-11-23", "l_receiptdate": "1996-10-05", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "old deposits along the carefully" }
, { "l_orderkey": 4481, "l_partkey": 190, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 27.0d, "l_extendedprice": 29435.13d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-04-06", "l_commitdate": "1996-05-17", "l_receiptdate": "1996-04-12", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ackages haggle even, " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4484, "l_partkey": 190, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 38.0d, "l_extendedprice": 41427.22d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-03-07", "l_commitdate": "1997-01-31", "l_receiptdate": "1997-04-01", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": ". even requests un" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4773, "l_partkey": 190, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 11.0d, "l_extendedprice": 11992.09d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-01-02", "l_commitdate": "1996-01-29", "l_receiptdate": "1996-01-24", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "en accounts. slyly b" }
, { "l_orderkey": 4807, "l_partkey": 190, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 32.0d, "l_extendedprice": 34886.08d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-04-04", "l_commitdate": "1997-03-21", "l_receiptdate": "1997-04-16", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "efully even dolphins slee" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5926, "l_partkey": 190, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 23.0d, "l_extendedprice": 25074.37d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-07-23", "l_commitdate": "1994-08-10", "l_receiptdate": "1994-07-27", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ickly special packages among " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5984, "l_partkey": 190, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 35.0d, "l_extendedprice": 38156.65d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-08-25", "l_commitdate": "1994-08-05", "l_receiptdate": "1994-08-31", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "le fluffily regula" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1059, "l_partkey": 190, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 50.0d, "l_extendedprice": 54509.5d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-06-15", "l_commitdate": "1994-05-11", "l_receiptdate": "1994-06-29", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "s impress furiously about" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1185, "l_partkey": 190, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 12.0d, "l_extendedprice": 13082.28d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-10-12", "l_commitdate": "1992-09-26", "l_receiptdate": "1992-11-11", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "instructions. daringly pend" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2885, "l_partkey": 190, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 5.0d, "l_extendedprice": 5450.95d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-01-06", "l_commitdate": "1992-11-13", "l_receiptdate": "1993-02-05", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "s. slyly express th" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3622, "l_partkey": 190, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 46.0d, "l_extendedprice": 50148.74d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-12-18", "l_commitdate": "1996-01-23", "l_receiptdate": "1996-01-12", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "sits wake. blithe" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5154, "l_partkey": 190, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 11.0d, "l_extendedprice": 11992.09d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-08-06", "l_commitdate": "1997-06-30", "l_receiptdate": "1997-09-04", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "luffily bold foxes. final" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 131, "l_partkey": 190, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 4.0d, "l_extendedprice": 4360.76d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-09-20", "l_commitdate": "1994-08-30", "l_receiptdate": "1994-09-23", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": " are carefully slyly i" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 224, "l_partkey": 190, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 41.0d, "l_extendedprice": 44697.79d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-09-01", "l_commitdate": "1994-09-15", "l_receiptdate": "1994-09-02", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "after the furiou" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1607, "l_partkey": 190, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 2.0d, "l_extendedprice": 2180.38d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-01-11", "l_commitdate": "1996-02-15", "l_receiptdate": "1996-01-19", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "packages haggle. regular requests boost s" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2182, "l_partkey": 190, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 3.0d, "l_extendedprice": 3270.57d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-04-20", "l_commitdate": "1994-07-04", "l_receiptdate": "1994-04-24", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "y bold theodolites wi" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2437, "l_partkey": 190, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 26.0d, "l_extendedprice": 28344.94d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-06-25", "l_commitdate": "1993-05-22", "l_receiptdate": "1993-07-07", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "lyly regular accounts." }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3334, "l_partkey": 190, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 7.0d, "l_extendedprice": 7631.33d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-04-28", "l_commitdate": "1996-04-08", "l_receiptdate": "1996-05-25", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "nts sublate slyly express pack" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4484, "l_partkey": 190, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 38.0d, "l_extendedprice": 41427.22d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-03-07", "l_commitdate": "1997-01-31", "l_receiptdate": "1997-04-01", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": ". even requests un" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4679, "l_partkey": 190, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 7.0d, "l_extendedprice": 7631.33d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-05-11", "l_commitdate": "1993-04-11", "l_receiptdate": "1993-05-16", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "kages. bold, regular packa" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4930, "l_partkey": 190, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 38.0d, "l_extendedprice": 41427.22d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-06-06", "l_commitdate": "1994-06-18", "l_receiptdate": "1994-07-03", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "bold requests sleep never" }
, { "l_orderkey": 5413, "l_partkey": 190, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 32.0d, "l_extendedprice": 34886.08d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-10-28", "l_commitdate": "1998-01-03", "l_receiptdate": "1997-11-10", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "refully special package" }
, { "l_orderkey": 5446, "l_partkey": 190, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 27.0d, "l_extendedprice": 29435.13d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-07-21", "l_commitdate": "1994-08-25", "l_receiptdate": "1994-08-17", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ously across the quic" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5763, "l_partkey": 190, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 9.0d, "l_extendedprice": 9811.71d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-09-24", "l_commitdate": "1998-09-01", "l_receiptdate": "1998-10-02", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": " deposits. instru" }
, { "l_orderkey": 512, "l_partkey": 189, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 19.0d, "l_extendedprice": 20694.42d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-07-12", "l_commitdate": "1995-07-11", "l_receiptdate": "1995-08-04", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": " sleep. requests alongside of the fluff" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1543, "l_partkey": 189, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 42.0d, "l_extendedprice": 45745.56d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-04-11", "l_commitdate": "1997-04-11", "l_receiptdate": "1997-04-23", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "xpress instructions. regular acc" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2565, "l_partkey": 189, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 26.0d, "l_extendedprice": 28318.68d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-05-07", "l_commitdate": "1998-04-09", "l_receiptdate": "1998-05-15", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": " pinto beans about the slyly regula" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2690, "l_partkey": 189, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 3.0d, "l_extendedprice": 3267.54d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-07-04", "l_commitdate": "1996-05-28", "l_receiptdate": "1996-07-06", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": ". final reques" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3270, "l_partkey": 189, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 29.0d, "l_extendedprice": 31586.22d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-07-01", "l_commitdate": "1997-07-23", "l_receiptdate": "1997-07-10", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "sly regular asymptotes. slyly dog" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3427, "l_partkey": 189, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 24.0d, "l_extendedprice": 26140.32d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-07-01", "l_commitdate": "1997-07-28", "l_receiptdate": "1997-07-30", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "y bold, sly deposits. pendi" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 839, "l_partkey": 189, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 47.0d, "l_extendedprice": 51191.46d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-10-17", "l_commitdate": "1995-11-06", "l_receiptdate": "1995-11-10", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "refully final excuses about " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2725, "l_partkey": 189, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 15.0d, "l_extendedprice": 16337.7d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-08-06", "l_commitdate": "1994-08-09", "l_receiptdate": "1994-08-15", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "? furiously regular a" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3847, "l_partkey": 189, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 7.0d, "l_extendedprice": 7624.26d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-05-06", "l_commitdate": "1993-06-06", "l_receiptdate": "1993-05-22", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": " about the blithely daring Tiresias. fl" }
, { "l_orderkey": 4448, "l_partkey": 189, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 13.0d, "l_extendedprice": 14159.34d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-07-26", "l_commitdate": "1998-07-03", "l_receiptdate": "1998-08-14", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "fluffily express accounts integrate furiou" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4514, "l_partkey": 189, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 38.0d, "l_extendedprice": 41388.84d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-07-28", "l_commitdate": "1994-07-06", "l_receiptdate": "1994-08-25", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ending excuses. sl" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5413, "l_partkey": 189, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 5.0d, "l_extendedprice": 5445.9d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-11-28", "l_commitdate": "1997-11-24", "l_receiptdate": "1997-12-05", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "tes are al" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4674, "l_partkey": 189, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 35.0d, "l_extendedprice": 38121.3d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-08-02", "l_commitdate": "1994-06-04", "l_receiptdate": "1994-08-21", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "le quickly after the express sent" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4803, "l_partkey": 189, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 21.0d, "l_extendedprice": 22872.78d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-05-25", "l_commitdate": "1996-03-15", "l_receiptdate": "1996-06-09", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": " silent packages use. b" }
, { "l_orderkey": 134, "l_partkey": 189, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 26.0d, "l_extendedprice": 28318.68d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-06-20", "l_commitdate": "1992-07-12", "l_receiptdate": "1992-07-16", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": " among the pending depos" }
, { "l_orderkey": 583, "l_partkey": 189, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 13.0d, "l_extendedprice": 14159.34d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-06-23", "l_commitdate": "1997-05-29", "l_receiptdate": "1997-07-08", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "y sly theodolites. ironi" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 705, "l_partkey": 189, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 46.0d, "l_extendedprice": 50102.28d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-04-18", "l_commitdate": "1997-05-06", "l_receiptdate": "1997-05-05", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ss deposits. ironic packa" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 839, "l_partkey": 189, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 47.0d, "l_extendedprice": 51191.46d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-10-17", "l_commitdate": "1995-11-06", "l_receiptdate": "1995-11-10", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "refully final excuses about " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2245, "l_partkey": 189, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 14.0d, "l_extendedprice": 15248.52d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-05-06", "l_commitdate": "1993-07-21", "l_receiptdate": "1993-05-19", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "nts. always unusual dep" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2624, "l_partkey": 189, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 12.0d, "l_extendedprice": 13070.16d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-02-24", "l_commitdate": "1997-02-22", "l_receiptdate": "1997-02-27", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "er the quickly unu" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2883, "l_partkey": 189, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 47.0d, "l_extendedprice": 51191.46d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-01-29", "l_commitdate": "1995-04-19", "l_receiptdate": "1995-02-05", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ep carefully ironic" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3847, "l_partkey": 189, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 7.0d, "l_extendedprice": 7624.26d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-05-06", "l_commitdate": "1993-06-06", "l_receiptdate": "1993-05-22", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": " about the blithely daring Tiresias. fl" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4580, "l_partkey": 189, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 39.0d, "l_extendedprice": 42478.02d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-12-28", "l_commitdate": "1993-12-26", "l_receiptdate": "1994-01-23", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": ". fluffily final dolphins use furiously al" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4803, "l_partkey": 189, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 21.0d, "l_extendedprice": 22872.78d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-05-25", "l_commitdate": "1996-03-15", "l_receiptdate": "1996-06-09", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": " silent packages use. b" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 549, "l_partkey": 189, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 38.0d, "l_extendedprice": 41388.84d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-08-17", "l_commitdate": "1992-08-28", "l_receiptdate": "1992-09-05", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "the regular, furious excuses. carefu" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 612, "l_partkey": 189, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 33.0d, "l_extendedprice": 35942.94d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-11-30", "l_commitdate": "1992-12-01", "l_receiptdate": "1992-12-12", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "bove the blithely even ideas. careful" }
, { "l_orderkey": 1280, "l_partkey": 189, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 6.0d, "l_extendedprice": 6535.08d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-03-30", "l_commitdate": "1993-02-16", "l_receiptdate": "1993-04-18", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "gular deposits " }
, { "l_orderkey": 1285, "l_partkey": 189, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 4.0d, "l_extendedprice": 4356.72d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-07-20", "l_commitdate": "1992-08-17", "l_receiptdate": "1992-07-26", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "l packages sleep slyly quiet i" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2049, "l_partkey": 189, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 25.0d, "l_extendedprice": 27229.5d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-03-31", "l_commitdate": "1996-02-29", "l_receiptdate": "1996-04-15", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": " excuses above the " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2372, "l_partkey": 189, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 11.0d, "l_extendedprice": 11980.98d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-02-14", "l_commitdate": "1998-01-18", "l_receiptdate": "1998-03-10", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": " silent, pending de" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2496, "l_partkey": 189, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 36.0d, "l_extendedprice": 39210.48d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-03-27", "l_commitdate": "1994-03-15", "l_receiptdate": "1994-04-17", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ully ironic f" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2725, "l_partkey": 189, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 15.0d, "l_extendedprice": 16337.7d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-08-06", "l_commitdate": "1994-08-09", "l_receiptdate": "1994-08-15", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "? furiously regular a" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3459, "l_partkey": 189, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 10.0d, "l_extendedprice": 10891.8d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-08-01", "l_commitdate": "1994-10-17", "l_receiptdate": "1994-08-11", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": ". blithely ironic pinto beans above" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4674, "l_partkey": 189, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 35.0d, "l_extendedprice": 38121.3d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-08-02", "l_commitdate": "1994-06-04", "l_receiptdate": "1994-08-21", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "le quickly after the express sent" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5542, "l_partkey": 189, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 6.0d, "l_extendedprice": 6535.08d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-06-14", "l_commitdate": "1996-05-28", "l_receiptdate": "1996-07-11", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": " foxes doubt. theodolites ca" }
, { "l_orderkey": 1286, "l_partkey": 189, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 11.0d, "l_extendedprice": 11980.98d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-08-08", "l_commitdate": "1993-07-30", "l_receiptdate": "1993-09-05", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": " slyly even packages. requ" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1543, "l_partkey": 189, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 42.0d, "l_extendedprice": 45745.56d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-04-11", "l_commitdate": "1997-04-11", "l_receiptdate": "1997-04-23", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "xpress instructions. regular acc" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2372, "l_partkey": 189, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 11.0d, "l_extendedprice": 11980.98d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-02-14", "l_commitdate": "1998-01-18", "l_receiptdate": "1998-03-10", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": " silent, pending de" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2624, "l_partkey": 189, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 12.0d, "l_extendedprice": 13070.16d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-02-24", "l_commitdate": "1997-02-22", "l_receiptdate": "1997-02-27", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "er the quickly unu" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3427, "l_partkey": 189, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 24.0d, "l_extendedprice": 26140.32d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-07-01", "l_commitdate": "1997-07-28", "l_receiptdate": "1997-07-30", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "y bold, sly deposits. pendi" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4514, "l_partkey": 189, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 38.0d, "l_extendedprice": 41388.84d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-07-28", "l_commitdate": "1994-07-06", "l_receiptdate": "1994-08-25", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ending excuses. sl" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5542, "l_partkey": 189, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 6.0d, "l_extendedprice": 6535.08d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-06-14", "l_commitdate": "1996-05-28", "l_receiptdate": "1996-07-11", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": " foxes doubt. theodolites ca" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 612, "l_partkey": 189, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 33.0d, "l_extendedprice": 35942.94d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-11-30", "l_commitdate": "1992-12-01", "l_receiptdate": "1992-12-12", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "bove the blithely even ideas. careful" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 705, "l_partkey": 189, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 46.0d, "l_extendedprice": 50102.28d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-04-18", "l_commitdate": "1997-05-06", "l_receiptdate": "1997-05-05", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ss deposits. ironic packa" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2245, "l_partkey": 189, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 14.0d, "l_extendedprice": 15248.52d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-05-06", "l_commitdate": "1993-07-21", "l_receiptdate": "1993-05-19", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "nts. always unusual dep" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2565, "l_partkey": 189, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 26.0d, "l_extendedprice": 28318.68d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-05-07", "l_commitdate": "1998-04-09", "l_receiptdate": "1998-05-15", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": " pinto beans about the slyly regula" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2883, "l_partkey": 189, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 47.0d, "l_extendedprice": 51191.46d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-01-29", "l_commitdate": "1995-04-19", "l_receiptdate": "1995-02-05", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ep carefully ironic" }
, { "l_orderkey": 3430, "l_partkey": 189, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 2.0d, "l_extendedprice": 2178.36d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-03-07", "l_commitdate": "1995-01-28", "l_receiptdate": "1995-03-30", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "sh furiously according to the evenly e" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3459, "l_partkey": 189, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 10.0d, "l_extendedprice": 10891.8d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-08-01", "l_commitdate": "1994-10-17", "l_receiptdate": "1994-08-11", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": ". blithely ironic pinto beans above" }
, { "l_orderkey": 4805, "l_partkey": 189, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 45.0d, "l_extendedprice": 49013.1d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-06-16", "l_commitdate": "1992-06-08", "l_receiptdate": "1992-07-03", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "the furiously sly t" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5413, "l_partkey": 189, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 5.0d, "l_extendedprice": 5445.9d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-11-28", "l_commitdate": "1997-11-24", "l_receiptdate": "1997-12-05", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "tes are al" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 549, "l_partkey": 189, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 38.0d, "l_extendedprice": 41388.84d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-08-17", "l_commitdate": "1992-08-28", "l_receiptdate": "1992-09-05", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "the regular, furious excuses. carefu" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2049, "l_partkey": 189, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 25.0d, "l_extendedprice": 27229.5d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-03-31", "l_commitdate": "1996-02-29", "l_receiptdate": "1996-04-15", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": " excuses above the " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2496, "l_partkey": 189, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 36.0d, "l_extendedprice": 39210.48d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-03-27", "l_commitdate": "1994-03-15", "l_receiptdate": "1994-04-17", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ully ironic f" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2690, "l_partkey": 189, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 3.0d, "l_extendedprice": 3267.54d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-07-04", "l_commitdate": "1996-05-28", "l_receiptdate": "1996-07-06", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": ". final reques" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3270, "l_partkey": 189, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 29.0d, "l_extendedprice": 31586.22d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-07-01", "l_commitdate": "1997-07-23", "l_receiptdate": "1997-07-10", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "sly regular asymptotes. slyly dog" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4580, "l_partkey": 189, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 39.0d, "l_extendedprice": 42478.02d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-12-28", "l_commitdate": "1993-12-26", "l_receiptdate": "1994-01-23", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": ". fluffily final dolphins use furiously al" }
, { "l_orderkey": 578, "l_partkey": 188, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 23.0d, "l_extendedprice": 25028.14d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-03-06", "l_commitdate": "1997-03-03", "l_receiptdate": "1997-03-20", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "nstructions. ironic deposits" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 896, "l_partkey": 188, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 34.0d, "l_extendedprice": 36998.12d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-05-21", "l_commitdate": "1993-06-01", "l_receiptdate": "1993-05-23", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ular, close requests cajo" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1251, "l_partkey": 188, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 1.0d, "l_extendedprice": 1088.18d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-12-08", "l_commitdate": "1998-01-06", "l_receiptdate": "1998-01-01", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": " use quickly final packages. iron" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2979, "l_partkey": 188, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 35.0d, "l_extendedprice": 38086.3d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-05-25", "l_commitdate": "1996-06-11", "l_receiptdate": "1996-06-24", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "old ideas beneath the blit" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3203, "l_partkey": 188, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 22.0d, "l_extendedprice": 23939.96d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-02-12", "l_commitdate": "1998-01-01", "l_receiptdate": "1998-02-18", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "e the blithely regular accounts boost f" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3746, "l_partkey": 188, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 3.0d, "l_extendedprice": 3264.54d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-11-03", "l_commitdate": "1994-12-10", "l_receiptdate": "1994-11-12", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": " the silent ideas cajole carefully " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5698, "l_partkey": 188, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 1.0d, "l_extendedprice": 1088.18d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-05-31", "l_commitdate": "1994-07-10", "l_receiptdate": "1994-06-03", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "nts. slyly quiet pinto beans nag carefu" }
, { "l_orderkey": 739, "l_partkey": 188, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 30.0d, "l_extendedprice": 32645.4d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-06-19", "l_commitdate": "1998-08-26", "l_receiptdate": "1998-07-02", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "above the even deposits. ironic requests" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1285, "l_partkey": 188, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 39.0d, "l_extendedprice": 42439.02d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-09-15", "l_commitdate": "1992-08-05", "l_receiptdate": "1992-10-05", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "uctions. car" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3362, "l_partkey": 188, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 46.0d, "l_extendedprice": 50056.28d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-08-02", "l_commitdate": "1995-10-12", "l_receiptdate": "1995-08-28", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ly bold packages. regular deposits cajol" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3653, "l_partkey": 188, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 41.0d, "l_extendedprice": 44615.38d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-06-18", "l_commitdate": "1994-05-18", "l_receiptdate": "1994-06-20", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "onic packages affix sly" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3781, "l_partkey": 188, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 39.0d, "l_extendedprice": 42439.02d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-08-20", "l_commitdate": "1996-08-16", "l_receiptdate": "1996-09-01", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "unts are carefully. ir" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4226, "l_partkey": 188, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 27.0d, "l_extendedprice": 29380.86d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-05-03", "l_commitdate": "1993-04-12", "l_receiptdate": "1993-05-16", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "sly alongside of the slyly ironic pac" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5764, "l_partkey": 188, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 4.0d, "l_extendedprice": 4352.72d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-10-25", "l_commitdate": "1993-12-23", "l_receiptdate": "1993-11-06", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ily regular courts haggle" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 836, "l_partkey": 188, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 6.0d, "l_extendedprice": 6529.08d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-12-09", "l_commitdate": "1997-01-31", "l_receiptdate": "1996-12-29", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "fully bold theodolites are daringly across" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1410, "l_partkey": 188, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 22.0d, "l_extendedprice": 23939.96d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-07-31", "l_commitdate": "1997-05-17", "l_receiptdate": "1997-08-19", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "gular account" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2945, "l_partkey": 188, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 34.0d, "l_extendedprice": 36998.12d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-02-03", "l_commitdate": "1996-03-17", "l_receiptdate": "1996-02-29", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "at the unusual theodolite" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4547, "l_partkey": 188, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 15.0d, "l_extendedprice": 16322.7d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-12-08", "l_commitdate": "1993-11-15", "l_receiptdate": "1993-12-22", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ets haggle. regular dinos affix fu" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4742, "l_partkey": 188, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 31.0d, "l_extendedprice": 33733.58d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-06-13", "l_commitdate": "1995-05-08", "l_receiptdate": "1995-06-24", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ke slyly among the furiousl" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5511, "l_partkey": 188, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 5.0d, "l_extendedprice": 5440.9d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-12-29", "l_commitdate": "1995-01-16", "l_receiptdate": "1995-01-24", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "al theodolites. blithely final de" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 738, "l_partkey": 188, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 4.0d, "l_extendedprice": 4352.72d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-06-20", "l_commitdate": "1993-04-08", "l_receiptdate": "1993-07-09", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ar packages. fluffily bo" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 962, "l_partkey": 188, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 5.0d, "l_extendedprice": 5440.9d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-08-29", "l_commitdate": "1994-07-15", "l_receiptdate": "1994-09-19", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "efully bold packages run slyly caref" }
, { "l_orderkey": 1859, "l_partkey": 188, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 36.0d, "l_extendedprice": 39174.48d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-05-05", "l_commitdate": "1997-07-08", "l_receiptdate": "1997-05-25", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "regular requests. carefully unusual theo" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3203, "l_partkey": 188, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 22.0d, "l_extendedprice": 23939.96d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-02-12", "l_commitdate": "1998-01-01", "l_receiptdate": "1998-02-18", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "e the blithely regular accounts boost f" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4320, "l_partkey": 188, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 33.0d, "l_extendedprice": 35909.94d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-12-11", "l_commitdate": "1997-02-27", "l_receiptdate": "1997-01-08", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ess asymptotes so" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5381, "l_partkey": 188, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 37.0d, "l_extendedprice": 40262.66d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-04-08", "l_commitdate": "1993-04-07", "l_receiptdate": "1993-04-12", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ly final deposits print carefully. unusua" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5511, "l_partkey": 188, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 5.0d, "l_extendedprice": 5440.9d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-12-29", "l_commitdate": "1995-01-16", "l_receiptdate": "1995-01-24", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "al theodolites. blithely final de" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 836, "l_partkey": 188, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 6.0d, "l_extendedprice": 6529.08d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-12-09", "l_commitdate": "1997-01-31", "l_receiptdate": "1996-12-29", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "fully bold theodolites are daringly across" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 896, "l_partkey": 188, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 34.0d, "l_extendedprice": 36998.12d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-05-21", "l_commitdate": "1993-06-01", "l_receiptdate": "1993-05-23", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ular, close requests cajo" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 962, "l_partkey": 188, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 5.0d, "l_extendedprice": 5440.9d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-08-29", "l_commitdate": "1994-07-15", "l_receiptdate": "1994-09-19", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "efully bold packages run slyly caref" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1285, "l_partkey": 188, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 39.0d, "l_extendedprice": 42439.02d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-09-15", "l_commitdate": "1992-08-05", "l_receiptdate": "1992-10-05", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "uctions. car" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2979, "l_partkey": 188, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 35.0d, "l_extendedprice": 38086.3d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-05-25", "l_commitdate": "1996-06-11", "l_receiptdate": "1996-06-24", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "old ideas beneath the blit" }
, { "l_orderkey": 3079, "l_partkey": 188, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 2.0d, "l_extendedprice": 2176.36d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-12-27", "l_commitdate": "1997-10-25", "l_receiptdate": "1998-01-08", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "y regular asymptotes doz" }
, { "l_orderkey": 3169, "l_partkey": 188, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 12.0d, "l_extendedprice": 13058.16d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-04-18", "l_commitdate": "1994-03-12", "l_receiptdate": "1994-05-08", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "atelets. pac" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3936, "l_partkey": 188, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 24.0d, "l_extendedprice": 26116.32d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-11-22", "l_commitdate": "1997-01-01", "l_receiptdate": "1996-12-08", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ns. accounts mold fl" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4320, "l_partkey": 188, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 33.0d, "l_extendedprice": 35909.94d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-12-11", "l_commitdate": "1997-02-27", "l_receiptdate": "1997-01-08", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ess asymptotes so" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3746, "l_partkey": 188, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 3.0d, "l_extendedprice": 3264.54d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-11-03", "l_commitdate": "1994-12-10", "l_receiptdate": "1994-11-12", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": " the silent ideas cajole carefully " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4547, "l_partkey": 188, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 15.0d, "l_extendedprice": 16322.7d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-12-08", "l_commitdate": "1993-11-15", "l_receiptdate": "1993-12-22", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ets haggle. regular dinos affix fu" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4742, "l_partkey": 188, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 31.0d, "l_extendedprice": 33733.58d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-06-13", "l_commitdate": "1995-05-08", "l_receiptdate": "1995-06-24", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ke slyly among the furiousl" }
, { "l_orderkey": 4935, "l_partkey": 188, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 36.0d, "l_extendedprice": 39174.48d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-07-11", "l_commitdate": "1993-07-04", "l_receiptdate": "1993-08-01", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "requests across the quick" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5155, "l_partkey": 188, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 5.0d, "l_extendedprice": 5440.9d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-06-30", "l_commitdate": "1994-08-13", "l_receiptdate": "1994-07-15", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ole blithely slyly ironic " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5381, "l_partkey": 188, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 37.0d, "l_extendedprice": 40262.66d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-04-08", "l_commitdate": "1993-04-07", "l_receiptdate": "1993-04-12", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ly final deposits print carefully. unusua" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5764, "l_partkey": 188, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 4.0d, "l_extendedprice": 4352.72d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-10-25", "l_commitdate": "1993-12-23", "l_receiptdate": "1993-11-06", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ily regular courts haggle" }
, { "l_orderkey": 5766, "l_partkey": 188, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 1.0d, "l_extendedprice": 1088.18d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-01-16", "l_commitdate": "1993-11-16", "l_receiptdate": "1994-01-23", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "blithely regular the" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 738, "l_partkey": 188, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 4.0d, "l_extendedprice": 4352.72d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-06-20", "l_commitdate": "1993-04-08", "l_receiptdate": "1993-07-09", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ar packages. fluffily bo" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1251, "l_partkey": 188, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 1.0d, "l_extendedprice": 1088.18d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-12-08", "l_commitdate": "1998-01-06", "l_receiptdate": "1998-01-01", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": " use quickly final packages. iron" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3362, "l_partkey": 188, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 46.0d, "l_extendedprice": 50056.28d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-08-02", "l_commitdate": "1995-10-12", "l_receiptdate": "1995-08-28", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ly bold packages. regular deposits cajol" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4226, "l_partkey": 188, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 27.0d, "l_extendedprice": 29380.86d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-05-03", "l_commitdate": "1993-04-12", "l_receiptdate": "1993-05-16", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "sly alongside of the slyly ironic pac" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1410, "l_partkey": 188, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 22.0d, "l_extendedprice": 23939.96d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-07-31", "l_commitdate": "1997-05-17", "l_receiptdate": "1997-08-19", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "gular account" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2945, "l_partkey": 188, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 34.0d, "l_extendedprice": 36998.12d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-02-03", "l_commitdate": "1996-03-17", "l_receiptdate": "1996-02-29", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "at the unusual theodolite" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3653, "l_partkey": 188, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 41.0d, "l_extendedprice": 44615.38d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-06-18", "l_commitdate": "1994-05-18", "l_receiptdate": "1994-06-20", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "onic packages affix sly" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3781, "l_partkey": 188, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 39.0d, "l_extendedprice": 42439.02d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-08-20", "l_commitdate": "1996-08-16", "l_receiptdate": "1996-09-01", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "unts are carefully. ir" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3936, "l_partkey": 188, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 24.0d, "l_extendedprice": 26116.32d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-11-22", "l_commitdate": "1997-01-01", "l_receiptdate": "1996-12-08", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ns. accounts mold fl" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5155, "l_partkey": 188, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 5.0d, "l_extendedprice": 5440.9d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-06-30", "l_commitdate": "1994-08-13", "l_receiptdate": "1994-07-15", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ole blithely slyly ironic " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5698, "l_partkey": 188, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 1.0d, "l_extendedprice": 1088.18d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-05-31", "l_commitdate": "1994-07-10", "l_receiptdate": "1994-06-03", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "nts. slyly quiet pinto beans nag carefu" }
, { "l_orderkey": 39, "l_partkey": 187, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 26.0d, "l_extendedprice": 28266.68d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-11-04", "l_commitdate": "1996-10-20", "l_receiptdate": "1996-11-20", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ckages across the slyly silent" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1509, "l_partkey": 187, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 31.0d, "l_extendedprice": 33702.58d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-07-14", "l_commitdate": "1993-08-21", "l_receiptdate": "1993-08-06", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ic deposits cajole carefully. quickly bold " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2950, "l_partkey": 187, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 45.0d, "l_extendedprice": 48923.1d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-09-05", "l_commitdate": "1997-09-23", "l_receiptdate": "1997-09-11", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ides the b" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4930, "l_partkey": 187, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 35.0d, "l_extendedprice": 38051.3d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-07-09", "l_commitdate": "1994-07-30", "l_receiptdate": "1994-07-15", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "lose slyly regular dependencies. fur" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5600, "l_partkey": 187, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 34.0d, "l_extendedprice": 36964.12d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-03-22", "l_commitdate": "1997-04-05", "l_receiptdate": "1997-04-09", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ly above the stealthy ideas. permane" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 293, "l_partkey": 187, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 11.0d, "l_extendedprice": 11958.98d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-12-24", "l_commitdate": "1992-12-01", "l_receiptdate": "1993-01-12", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": " affix carefully quickly special idea" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1031, "l_partkey": 187, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 27.0d, "l_extendedprice": 29353.86d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-09-20", "l_commitdate": "1994-10-18", "l_receiptdate": "1994-10-10", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "gular deposits cajole. blithely unus" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2406, "l_partkey": 187, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 25.0d, "l_extendedprice": 27179.5d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-12-03", "l_commitdate": "1996-12-14", "l_receiptdate": "1996-12-26", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "al, regular in" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3558, "l_partkey": 187, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 3.0d, "l_extendedprice": 3261.54d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-05-19", "l_commitdate": "1996-04-28", "l_receiptdate": "1996-05-26", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "l, final deposits haggle. fina" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3650, "l_partkey": 187, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 19.0d, "l_extendedprice": 20656.42d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-08-29", "l_commitdate": "1992-08-09", "l_receiptdate": "1992-09-21", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "y even forges. fluffily furious accounts" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3748, "l_partkey": 187, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 5.0d, "l_extendedprice": 5435.9d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-06-29", "l_commitdate": "1998-05-06", "l_receiptdate": "1998-07-12", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": " regular accounts sleep quickly-- furious" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3840, "l_partkey": 187, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 45.0d, "l_extendedprice": 48923.1d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-10-31", "l_commitdate": "1998-09-19", "l_receiptdate": "1998-11-30", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "o beans are. carefully final courts x" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4583, "l_partkey": 187, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 43.0d, "l_extendedprice": 46748.74d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-10-30", "l_commitdate": "1994-12-17", "l_receiptdate": "1994-11-16", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "fully after the speci" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4738, "l_partkey": 187, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 9.0d, "l_extendedprice": 9784.62d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-06-01", "l_commitdate": "1992-06-26", "l_receiptdate": "1992-06-02", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "posits serve slyly. unusual pint" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 741, "l_partkey": 187, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 25.0d, "l_extendedprice": 27179.5d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-07-15", "l_commitdate": "1998-08-27", "l_receiptdate": "1998-08-12", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "accounts. blithely bold pa" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1346, "l_partkey": 187, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 30.0d, "l_extendedprice": 32615.4d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-10-01", "l_commitdate": "1992-07-22", "l_receiptdate": "1992-10-24", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": " nag blithely. unusual, ru" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2211, "l_partkey": 187, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 18.0d, "l_extendedprice": 19569.24d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-08-31", "l_commitdate": "1994-09-07", "l_receiptdate": "1994-09-22", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "c grouches. slyly express pinto " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2849, "l_partkey": 187, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 39.0d, "l_extendedprice": 42400.02d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-05-22", "l_commitdate": "1996-07-18", "l_receiptdate": "1996-06-05", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "s sleep furiously silently regul" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2951, "l_partkey": 187, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 40.0d, "l_extendedprice": 43487.2d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-05-03", "l_commitdate": "1996-04-20", "l_receiptdate": "1996-05-22", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ial deposits wake fluffily about th" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4647, "l_partkey": 187, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 2.0d, "l_extendedprice": 2174.36d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-05-27", "l_commitdate": "1994-08-05", "l_receiptdate": "1994-06-10", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": " pinto beans believe furiously slyly silent" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5827, "l_partkey": 187, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 30.0d, "l_extendedprice": 32615.4d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-11-11", "l_commitdate": "1998-09-27", "l_receiptdate": "1998-11-30", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ounts may c" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5920, "l_partkey": 187, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 50.0d, "l_extendedprice": 54359.0d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-03-13", "l_commitdate": "1995-01-03", "l_receiptdate": "1995-03-31", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "across the carefully pending platelets" }
, { "l_orderkey": 614, "l_partkey": 187, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 48.0d, "l_extendedprice": 52184.64d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-03-09", "l_commitdate": "1993-01-19", "l_receiptdate": "1993-03-19", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "riously special excuses haggle along the" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1475, "l_partkey": 187, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 50.0d, "l_extendedprice": 54359.0d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-12-14", "l_commitdate": "1997-12-13", "l_receiptdate": "1997-12-21", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": ". slyly bold re" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1639, "l_partkey": 187, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 24.0d, "l_extendedprice": 26092.32d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-08-24", "l_commitdate": "1995-10-06", "l_receiptdate": "1995-08-31", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": " the regular packages. courts dou" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1031, "l_partkey": 187, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 27.0d, "l_extendedprice": 29353.86d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-09-20", "l_commitdate": "1994-10-18", "l_receiptdate": "1994-10-10", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "gular deposits cajole. blithely unus" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1346, "l_partkey": 187, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 30.0d, "l_extendedprice": 32615.4d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-10-01", "l_commitdate": "1992-07-22", "l_receiptdate": "1992-10-24", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": " nag blithely. unusual, ru" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1509, "l_partkey": 187, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 31.0d, "l_extendedprice": 33702.58d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-07-14", "l_commitdate": "1993-08-21", "l_receiptdate": "1993-08-06", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ic deposits cajole carefully. quickly bold " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2211, "l_partkey": 187, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 18.0d, "l_extendedprice": 19569.24d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-08-31", "l_commitdate": "1994-09-07", "l_receiptdate": "1994-09-22", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "c grouches. slyly express pinto " }
, { "l_orderkey": 2980, "l_partkey": 187, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 24.0d, "l_extendedprice": 26092.32d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-01-12", "l_commitdate": "1996-10-27", "l_receiptdate": "1997-01-14", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "elets. fluffily regular in" }
, { "l_orderkey": 3334, "l_partkey": 187, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 20.0d, "l_extendedprice": 21743.6d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-05-21", "l_commitdate": "1996-04-08", "l_receiptdate": "1996-05-26", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "uses nag furiously. instructions are ca" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4391, "l_partkey": 187, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 45.0d, "l_extendedprice": 48923.1d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-04-01", "l_commitdate": "1992-05-01", "l_receiptdate": "1992-04-13", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ep quickly after " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3650, "l_partkey": 187, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 19.0d, "l_extendedprice": 20656.42d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-08-29", "l_commitdate": "1992-08-09", "l_receiptdate": "1992-09-21", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "y even forges. fluffily furious accounts" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4738, "l_partkey": 187, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 9.0d, "l_extendedprice": 9784.62d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-06-01", "l_commitdate": "1992-06-26", "l_receiptdate": "1992-06-02", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "posits serve slyly. unusual pint" }
, { "l_orderkey": 4738, "l_partkey": 187, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 13.0d, "l_extendedprice": 14133.34d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-05-30", "l_commitdate": "1992-06-11", "l_receiptdate": "1992-06-26", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": " wake. unusual platelets for the" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 325, "l_partkey": 186, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 5.0d, "l_extendedprice": 5430.9d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-01-02", "l_commitdate": "1994-01-05", "l_receiptdate": "1994-01-04", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": " theodolites. " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 357, "l_partkey": 186, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 36.0d, "l_extendedprice": 39102.48d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-12-28", "l_commitdate": "1996-11-13", "l_receiptdate": "1997-01-24", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "d the carefully even requests. " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 518, "l_partkey": 186, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 48.0d, "l_extendedprice": 52136.64d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-03-06", "l_commitdate": "1998-04-22", "l_receiptdate": "1998-03-14", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": " slyly final platelets; quickly even deposi" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 710, "l_partkey": 186, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 12.0d, "l_extendedprice": 13034.16d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-02-18", "l_commitdate": "1993-02-27", "l_receiptdate": "1993-03-07", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ions. slyly express theodolites al" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1573, "l_partkey": 186, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 5.0d, "l_extendedprice": 5430.9d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-04-24", "l_commitdate": "1993-03-13", "l_receiptdate": "1993-05-17", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ymptotes could u" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1670, "l_partkey": 186, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 41.0d, "l_extendedprice": 44533.38d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-07-19", "l_commitdate": "1997-08-05", "l_receiptdate": "1997-07-26", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "al gifts. speci" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2466, "l_partkey": 186, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 16.0d, "l_extendedprice": 17378.88d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-04-20", "l_commitdate": "1994-04-20", "l_receiptdate": "1994-05-09", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "to beans sl" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2823, "l_partkey": 186, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 11.0d, "l_extendedprice": 11947.98d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-12-10", "l_commitdate": "1995-11-24", "l_receiptdate": "1995-12-21", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "bold requests nag blithely s" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2947, "l_partkey": 186, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 10.0d, "l_extendedprice": 10861.8d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-06-07", "l_commitdate": "1995-06-26", "l_receiptdate": "1995-06-08", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "lly special " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3489, "l_partkey": 186, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 19.0d, "l_extendedprice": 20637.42d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-07-31", "l_commitdate": "1993-10-26", "l_receiptdate": "1993-08-15", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "c deposits alongside of the pending, fu" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4069, "l_partkey": 186, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 3.0d, "l_extendedprice": 3258.54d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-07-26", "l_commitdate": "1992-07-07", "l_receiptdate": "1992-08-04", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "l packages. even, " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 230, "l_partkey": 186, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 46.0d, "l_extendedprice": 49964.28d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-02-03", "l_commitdate": "1994-01-15", "l_receiptdate": "1994-02-23", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "old packages ha" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3623, "l_partkey": 186, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 7.0d, "l_extendedprice": 7603.26d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-01-05", "l_commitdate": "1997-03-26", "l_receiptdate": "1997-01-26", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "aves. slyly special packages cajole. fu" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3653, "l_partkey": 186, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 9.0d, "l_extendedprice": 9775.62d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-04-03", "l_commitdate": "1994-05-19", "l_receiptdate": "1994-04-10", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "slyly silent account" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5444, "l_partkey": 186, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 21.0d, "l_extendedprice": 22809.78d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-04-11", "l_commitdate": "1995-04-25", "l_receiptdate": "1995-04-21", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ar packages haggle above th" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5670, "l_partkey": 186, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 43.0d, "l_extendedprice": 46705.74d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-07-09", "l_commitdate": "1993-06-03", "l_receiptdate": "1993-07-14", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ests in place of the carefully sly depos" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5600, "l_partkey": 187, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 34.0d, "l_extendedprice": 36964.12d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-03-22", "l_commitdate": "1997-04-05", "l_receiptdate": "1997-04-09", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ly above the stealthy ideas. permane" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5920, "l_partkey": 187, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 50.0d, "l_extendedprice": 54359.0d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-03-13", "l_commitdate": "1995-01-03", "l_receiptdate": "1995-03-31", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "across the carefully pending platelets" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 293, "l_partkey": 187, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 11.0d, "l_extendedprice": 11958.98d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-12-24", "l_commitdate": "1992-12-01", "l_receiptdate": "1993-01-12", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": " affix carefully quickly special idea" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2406, "l_partkey": 187, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 25.0d, "l_extendedprice": 27179.5d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-12-03", "l_commitdate": "1996-12-14", "l_receiptdate": "1996-12-26", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "al, regular in" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2849, "l_partkey": 187, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 39.0d, "l_extendedprice": 42400.02d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-05-22", "l_commitdate": "1996-07-18", "l_receiptdate": "1996-06-05", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "s sleep furiously silently regul" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2951, "l_partkey": 187, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 40.0d, "l_extendedprice": 43487.2d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-05-03", "l_commitdate": "1996-04-20", "l_receiptdate": "1996-05-22", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ial deposits wake fluffily about th" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3558, "l_partkey": 187, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 3.0d, "l_extendedprice": 3261.54d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-05-19", "l_commitdate": "1996-04-28", "l_receiptdate": "1996-05-26", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "l, final deposits haggle. fina" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4583, "l_partkey": 187, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 43.0d, "l_extendedprice": 46748.74d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-10-30", "l_commitdate": "1994-12-17", "l_receiptdate": "1994-11-16", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "fully after the speci" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5827, "l_partkey": 187, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 30.0d, "l_extendedprice": 32615.4d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-11-11", "l_commitdate": "1998-09-27", "l_receiptdate": "1998-11-30", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ounts may c" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1475, "l_partkey": 187, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 50.0d, "l_extendedprice": 54359.0d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-12-14", "l_commitdate": "1997-12-13", "l_receiptdate": "1997-12-21", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": ". slyly bold re" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1639, "l_partkey": 187, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 24.0d, "l_extendedprice": 26092.32d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-08-24", "l_commitdate": "1995-10-06", "l_receiptdate": "1995-08-31", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": " the regular packages. courts dou" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2950, "l_partkey": 187, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 45.0d, "l_extendedprice": 48923.1d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-09-05", "l_commitdate": "1997-09-23", "l_receiptdate": "1997-09-11", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ides the b" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3748, "l_partkey": 187, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 5.0d, "l_extendedprice": 5435.9d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-06-29", "l_commitdate": "1998-05-06", "l_receiptdate": "1998-07-12", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": " regular accounts sleep quickly-- furious" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4391, "l_partkey": 187, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 45.0d, "l_extendedprice": 48923.1d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-04-01", "l_commitdate": "1992-05-01", "l_receiptdate": "1992-04-13", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ep quickly after " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4930, "l_partkey": 187, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 35.0d, "l_extendedprice": 38051.3d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-07-09", "l_commitdate": "1994-07-30", "l_receiptdate": "1994-07-15", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "lose slyly regular dependencies. fur" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 741, "l_partkey": 187, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 25.0d, "l_extendedprice": 27179.5d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-07-15", "l_commitdate": "1998-08-27", "l_receiptdate": "1998-08-12", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "accounts. blithely bold pa" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3840, "l_partkey": 187, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 45.0d, "l_extendedprice": 48923.1d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-10-31", "l_commitdate": "1998-09-19", "l_receiptdate": "1998-11-30", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "o beans are. carefully final courts x" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4647, "l_partkey": 187, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 2.0d, "l_extendedprice": 2174.36d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-05-27", "l_commitdate": "1994-08-05", "l_receiptdate": "1994-06-10", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": " pinto beans believe furiously slyly silent" }
, { "l_orderkey": 870, "l_partkey": 186, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 5.0d, "l_extendedprice": 5430.9d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-08-13", "l_commitdate": "1993-09-11", "l_receiptdate": "1993-08-24", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "e slyly excuses. ironi" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1670, "l_partkey": 186, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 41.0d, "l_extendedprice": 44533.38d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-07-19", "l_commitdate": "1997-08-05", "l_receiptdate": "1997-07-26", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "al gifts. speci" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3206, "l_partkey": 186, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 24.0d, "l_extendedprice": 26068.32d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-08-25", "l_commitdate": "1996-10-01", "l_receiptdate": "1996-09-04", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "encies sleep deposits--" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3489, "l_partkey": 186, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 19.0d, "l_extendedprice": 20637.42d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-07-31", "l_commitdate": "1993-10-26", "l_receiptdate": "1993-08-15", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "c deposits alongside of the pending, fu" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5286, "l_partkey": 186, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 38.0d, "l_extendedprice": 41274.84d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-11-29", "l_commitdate": "1997-11-26", "l_receiptdate": "1997-12-15", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "fluffily. special, ironic deposit" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5670, "l_partkey": 186, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 43.0d, "l_extendedprice": 46705.74d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-07-09", "l_commitdate": "1993-06-03", "l_receiptdate": "1993-07-14", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ests in place of the carefully sly depos" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 129, "l_partkey": 186, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 36.0d, "l_extendedprice": 39102.48d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-11-25", "l_commitdate": "1992-12-25", "l_receiptdate": "1992-12-09", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "packages are care" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 357, "l_partkey": 186, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 36.0d, "l_extendedprice": 39102.48d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-12-28", "l_commitdate": "1996-11-13", "l_receiptdate": "1997-01-24", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "d the carefully even requests. " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 481, "l_partkey": 186, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 42.0d, "l_extendedprice": 45619.56d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-11-27", "l_commitdate": "1992-11-11", "l_receiptdate": "1992-12-08", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "mptotes are furiously among the iron" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 518, "l_partkey": 186, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 48.0d, "l_extendedprice": 52136.64d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-03-06", "l_commitdate": "1998-04-22", "l_receiptdate": "1998-03-14", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": " slyly final platelets; quickly even deposi" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 613, "l_partkey": 186, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 3.0d, "l_extendedprice": 3258.54d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-09-27", "l_commitdate": "1995-09-11", "l_receiptdate": "1995-10-05", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ccounts cajole. " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 710, "l_partkey": 186, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 12.0d, "l_extendedprice": 13034.16d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-02-18", "l_commitdate": "1993-02-27", "l_receiptdate": "1993-03-07", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ions. slyly express theodolites al" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2114, "l_partkey": 186, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 26.0d, "l_extendedprice": 28240.68d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-04-30", "l_commitdate": "1995-04-16", "l_receiptdate": "1995-05-28", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ar asymptotes sleep " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2466, "l_partkey": 186, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 16.0d, "l_extendedprice": 17378.88d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-04-20", "l_commitdate": "1994-04-20", "l_receiptdate": "1994-05-09", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "to beans sl" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2947, "l_partkey": 186, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 10.0d, "l_extendedprice": 10861.8d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-06-07", "l_commitdate": "1995-06-26", "l_receiptdate": "1995-06-08", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "lly special " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4069, "l_partkey": 186, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 3.0d, "l_extendedprice": 3258.54d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-07-26", "l_commitdate": "1992-07-07", "l_receiptdate": "1992-08-04", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "l packages. even, " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5283, "l_partkey": 186, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 1.0d, "l_extendedprice": 1086.18d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-06-20", "l_commitdate": "1994-08-03", "l_receiptdate": "1994-07-01", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "deposits within the furio" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 230, "l_partkey": 186, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 46.0d, "l_extendedprice": 49964.28d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-02-03", "l_commitdate": "1994-01-15", "l_receiptdate": "1994-02-23", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "old packages ha" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 610, "l_partkey": 186, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 17.0d, "l_extendedprice": 18465.06d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-11-01", "l_commitdate": "1995-10-30", "l_receiptdate": "1995-11-04", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "p quickly instead of the slyly pending foxe" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1573, "l_partkey": 186, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 5.0d, "l_extendedprice": 5430.9d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-04-24", "l_commitdate": "1993-03-13", "l_receiptdate": "1993-05-17", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ymptotes could u" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2823, "l_partkey": 186, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 11.0d, "l_extendedprice": 11947.98d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-12-10", "l_commitdate": "1995-11-24", "l_receiptdate": "1995-12-21", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "bold requests nag blithely s" }
, { "l_orderkey": 3174, "l_partkey": 186, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 6.0d, "l_extendedprice": 6517.08d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-03-13", "l_commitdate": "1996-02-09", "l_receiptdate": "1996-03-22", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": " furiously ironic" }
, { "l_orderkey": 3298, "l_partkey": 186, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 27.0d, "l_extendedprice": 29326.86d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-07-10", "l_commitdate": "1996-05-21", "l_receiptdate": "1996-07-15", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "lar packages. regular deposit" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4321, "l_partkey": 186, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 23.0d, "l_extendedprice": 24982.14d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-11-03", "l_commitdate": "1994-10-08", "l_receiptdate": "1994-11-06", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ly even orbits slee" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5283, "l_partkey": 186, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 1.0d, "l_extendedprice": 1086.18d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-06-20", "l_commitdate": "1994-08-03", "l_receiptdate": "1994-07-01", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "deposits within the furio" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5286, "l_partkey": 186, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 38.0d, "l_extendedprice": 41274.84d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-11-29", "l_commitdate": "1997-11-26", "l_receiptdate": "1997-12-15", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "fluffily. special, ironic deposit" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 129, "l_partkey": 186, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 36.0d, "l_extendedprice": 39102.48d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-11-25", "l_commitdate": "1992-12-25", "l_receiptdate": "1992-12-09", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "packages are care" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 481, "l_partkey": 186, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 42.0d, "l_extendedprice": 45619.56d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-11-27", "l_commitdate": "1992-11-11", "l_receiptdate": "1992-12-08", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "mptotes are furiously among the iron" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 610, "l_partkey": 186, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 17.0d, "l_extendedprice": 18465.06d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-11-01", "l_commitdate": "1995-10-30", "l_receiptdate": "1995-11-04", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "p quickly instead of the slyly pending foxe" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 613, "l_partkey": 186, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 3.0d, "l_extendedprice": 3258.54d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-09-27", "l_commitdate": "1995-09-11", "l_receiptdate": "1995-10-05", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ccounts cajole. " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2114, "l_partkey": 186, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 26.0d, "l_extendedprice": 28240.68d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-04-30", "l_commitdate": "1995-04-16", "l_receiptdate": "1995-05-28", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ar asymptotes sleep " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3206, "l_partkey": 186, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 24.0d, "l_extendedprice": 26068.32d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-08-25", "l_commitdate": "1996-10-01", "l_receiptdate": "1996-09-04", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "encies sleep deposits--" }
, { "l_orderkey": 5092, "l_partkey": 186, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 42.0d, "l_extendedprice": 45619.56d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-11-06", "l_commitdate": "1996-01-01", "l_receiptdate": "1995-12-06", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "s use along t" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5444, "l_partkey": 186, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 21.0d, "l_extendedprice": 22809.78d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-04-11", "l_commitdate": "1995-04-25", "l_receiptdate": "1995-04-21", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ar packages haggle above th" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 325, "l_partkey": 186, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 5.0d, "l_extendedprice": 5430.9d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-01-02", "l_commitdate": "1994-01-05", "l_receiptdate": "1994-01-04", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": " theodolites. " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3623, "l_partkey": 186, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 7.0d, "l_extendedprice": 7603.26d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-01-05", "l_commitdate": "1997-03-26", "l_receiptdate": "1997-01-26", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "aves. slyly special packages cajole. fu" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3653, "l_partkey": 186, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 9.0d, "l_extendedprice": 9775.62d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-04-03", "l_commitdate": "1994-05-19", "l_receiptdate": "1994-04-10", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "slyly silent account" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4321, "l_partkey": 186, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 23.0d, "l_extendedprice": 24982.14d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-11-03", "l_commitdate": "1994-10-08", "l_receiptdate": "1994-11-06", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ly even orbits slee" }
, { "l_orderkey": 5891, "l_partkey": 186, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 9.0d, "l_extendedprice": 9775.62d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-01-20", "l_commitdate": "1993-02-27", "l_receiptdate": "1993-02-10", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "cajole carefully " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 580, "l_partkey": 185, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 19.0d, "l_extendedprice": 20618.42d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-07-23", "l_commitdate": "1997-09-21", "l_receiptdate": "1997-08-15", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "mong the special packag" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3173, "l_partkey": 185, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 2.0d, "l_extendedprice": 2170.36d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-08-18", "l_commitdate": "1996-09-21", "l_receiptdate": "1996-09-07", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "fluffily above t" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4643, "l_partkey": 185, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 50.0d, "l_extendedprice": 54259.0d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-09-11", "l_commitdate": "1995-08-13", "l_receiptdate": "1995-09-30", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": ". ironic deposits cajo" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 612, "l_partkey": 185, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 5.0d, "l_extendedprice": 5425.9d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-11-08", "l_commitdate": "1992-11-20", "l_receiptdate": "1992-12-03", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "structions. q" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2023, "l_partkey": 185, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 9.0d, "l_extendedprice": 9766.62d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-07-23", "l_commitdate": "1992-07-04", "l_receiptdate": "1992-08-20", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "nts maintain blithely alongside of the" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2790, "l_partkey": 185, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 27.0d, "l_extendedprice": 29299.86d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-09-04", "l_commitdate": "1994-09-27", "l_receiptdate": "1994-09-16", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ilent packages cajole. quickly ironic requ" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3009, "l_partkey": 185, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 38.0d, "l_extendedprice": 41236.84d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-05-01", "l_commitdate": "1997-04-10", "l_receiptdate": "1997-05-17", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "nal packages should haggle slyly. quickl" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3296, "l_partkey": 185, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 29.0d, "l_extendedprice": 31470.22d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-01-12", "l_commitdate": "1994-11-26", "l_receiptdate": "1995-02-06", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ss ideas are reg" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4389, "l_partkey": 185, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 4.0d, "l_extendedprice": 4340.72d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-06-14", "l_commitdate": "1994-06-30", "l_receiptdate": "1994-07-06", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": " blithely even d" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4609, "l_partkey": 185, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 3.0d, "l_extendedprice": 3255.54d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-12-28", "l_commitdate": "1997-02-06", "l_receiptdate": "1997-01-20", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "nstructions. furious instructions " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4612, "l_partkey": 185, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 10.0d, "l_extendedprice": 10851.8d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-11-11", "l_commitdate": "1993-11-19", "l_receiptdate": "1993-11-13", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "unusual theodol" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5574, "l_partkey": 185, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 46.0d, "l_extendedprice": 49918.28d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-06-20", "l_commitdate": "1992-04-19", "l_receiptdate": "1992-07-11", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "arefully express requests wake furiousl" }
, { "l_orderkey": 835, "l_partkey": 185, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 28.0d, "l_extendedprice": 30385.04d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-12-27", "l_commitdate": "1995-12-11", "l_receiptdate": "1996-01-21", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": " fluffily furious pinto beans" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1666, "l_partkey": 185, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 30.0d, "l_extendedprice": 32555.4d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-10-28", "l_commitdate": "1995-11-30", "l_receiptdate": "1995-11-18", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": " breach evenly final accounts. r" }
, { "l_orderkey": 1796, "l_partkey": 185, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 8.0d, "l_extendedprice": 8681.44d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-01-07", "l_commitdate": "1993-01-04", "l_receiptdate": "1993-01-10", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "slyly bold accounts are furiously agains" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3296, "l_partkey": 185, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 29.0d, "l_extendedprice": 31470.22d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-01-12", "l_commitdate": "1994-11-26", "l_receiptdate": "1995-02-06", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ss ideas are reg" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5634, "l_partkey": 185, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 26.0d, "l_extendedprice": 28214.68d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-10-29", "l_commitdate": "1996-09-15", "l_receiptdate": "1996-11-24", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ptotes mold qu" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2790, "l_partkey": 185, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 27.0d, "l_extendedprice": 29299.86d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-09-04", "l_commitdate": "1994-09-27", "l_receiptdate": "1994-09-16", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ilent packages cajole. quickly ironic requ" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3173, "l_partkey": 185, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 2.0d, "l_extendedprice": 2170.36d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-08-18", "l_commitdate": "1996-09-21", "l_receiptdate": "1996-09-07", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "fluffily above t" }
, { "l_orderkey": 3267, "l_partkey": 185, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 33.0d, "l_extendedprice": 35810.94d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-03-30", "l_commitdate": "1997-03-25", "l_receiptdate": "1997-04-23", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "es boost. " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3712, "l_partkey": 185, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 13.0d, "l_extendedprice": 14107.34d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-04-30", "l_commitdate": "1992-02-11", "l_receiptdate": "1992-05-30", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "s around the furiously ironic account" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4609, "l_partkey": 185, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 3.0d, "l_extendedprice": 3255.54d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-12-28", "l_commitdate": "1997-02-06", "l_receiptdate": "1997-01-20", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "nstructions. furious instructions " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4643, "l_partkey": 185, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 50.0d, "l_extendedprice": 54259.0d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-09-11", "l_commitdate": "1995-08-13", "l_receiptdate": "1995-09-30", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": ". ironic deposits cajo" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 580, "l_partkey": 185, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 19.0d, "l_extendedprice": 20618.42d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-07-23", "l_commitdate": "1997-09-21", "l_receiptdate": "1997-08-15", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "mong the special packag" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1666, "l_partkey": 185, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 30.0d, "l_extendedprice": 32555.4d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-10-28", "l_commitdate": "1995-11-30", "l_receiptdate": "1995-11-18", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": " breach evenly final accounts. r" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4612, "l_partkey": 185, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 10.0d, "l_extendedprice": 10851.8d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-11-11", "l_commitdate": "1993-11-19", "l_receiptdate": "1993-11-13", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "unusual theodol" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 612, "l_partkey": 185, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 5.0d, "l_extendedprice": 5425.9d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-11-08", "l_commitdate": "1992-11-20", "l_receiptdate": "1992-12-03", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "structions. q" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1347, "l_partkey": 185, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 23.0d, "l_extendedprice": 24959.14d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-07-31", "l_commitdate": "1997-08-25", "l_receiptdate": "1997-08-21", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ronic pinto beans. express reques" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2023, "l_partkey": 185, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 9.0d, "l_extendedprice": 9766.62d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-07-23", "l_commitdate": "1992-07-04", "l_receiptdate": "1992-08-20", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "nts maintain blithely alongside of the" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3009, "l_partkey": 185, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 38.0d, "l_extendedprice": 41236.84d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-05-01", "l_commitdate": "1997-04-10", "l_receiptdate": "1997-05-17", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "nal packages should haggle slyly. quickl" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4389, "l_partkey": 185, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 4.0d, "l_extendedprice": 4340.72d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-06-14", "l_commitdate": "1994-06-30", "l_receiptdate": "1994-07-06", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": " blithely even d" }
, { "l_orderkey": 4577, "l_partkey": 185, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 43.0d, "l_extendedprice": 46662.74d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-06-16", "l_commitdate": "1998-07-09", "l_receiptdate": "1998-06-17", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "packages. " }
, { "l_orderkey": 4739, "l_partkey": 185, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 31.0d, "l_extendedprice": 33640.58d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-06-20", "l_commitdate": "1993-05-18", "l_receiptdate": "1993-06-26", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "blithely special pin" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5634, "l_partkey": 185, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 26.0d, "l_extendedprice": 28214.68d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-10-29", "l_commitdate": "1996-09-15", "l_receiptdate": "1996-11-24", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ptotes mold qu" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1347, "l_partkey": 185, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 23.0d, "l_extendedprice": 24959.14d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-07-31", "l_commitdate": "1997-08-25", "l_receiptdate": "1997-08-21", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ronic pinto beans. express reques" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3712, "l_partkey": 185, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 13.0d, "l_extendedprice": 14107.34d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-04-30", "l_commitdate": "1992-02-11", "l_receiptdate": "1992-05-30", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "s around the furiously ironic account" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3, "l_partkey": 184, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 28.0d, "l_extendedprice": 30357.04d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-12-14", "l_commitdate": "1994-01-10", "l_receiptdate": "1994-01-01", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ages nag slyly pending" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2116, "l_partkey": 184, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 11.0d, "l_extendedprice": 11925.98d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-09-15", "l_commitdate": "1994-10-21", "l_receiptdate": "1994-09-21", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": " pinto beans. final, final sauternes play " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2273, "l_partkey": 184, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 34.0d, "l_extendedprice": 36862.12d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-01-08", "l_commitdate": "1997-02-02", "l_receiptdate": "1997-01-23", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": " furiously carefully bold de" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2790, "l_partkey": 184, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 19.0d, "l_extendedprice": 20599.42d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-10-23", "l_commitdate": "1994-10-03", "l_receiptdate": "1994-10-26", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "uffily even excuses. furiously thin" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3397, "l_partkey": 184, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 1.0d, "l_extendedprice": 1084.18d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-08-03", "l_commitdate": "1994-07-30", "l_receiptdate": "1994-08-28", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": " regular packag" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5574, "l_partkey": 185, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 46.0d, "l_extendedprice": 49918.28d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-06-20", "l_commitdate": "1992-04-19", "l_receiptdate": "1992-07-11", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "arefully express requests wake furiousl" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 390, "l_partkey": 184, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 46.0d, "l_extendedprice": 49872.28d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-06-06", "l_commitdate": "1998-05-20", "l_receiptdate": "1998-06-14", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "cial excuses. bold, pending packages" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 897, "l_partkey": 184, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 26.0d, "l_extendedprice": 28188.68d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-07-01", "l_commitdate": "1995-06-10", "l_receiptdate": "1995-07-14", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "tions sleep according to the special" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1731, "l_partkey": 184, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 36.0d, "l_extendedprice": 39030.48d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-04-18", "l_commitdate": "1996-04-03", "l_receiptdate": "1996-04-29", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ngside of the even instruct" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1763, "l_partkey": 184, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 2.0d, "l_extendedprice": 2168.36d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-02-27", "l_commitdate": "1996-12-04", "l_receiptdate": "1997-03-27", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "even pinto beans snooze fluffi" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1925, "l_partkey": 184, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 50.0d, "l_extendedprice": 54209.0d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-04-12", "l_commitdate": "1992-04-23", "l_receiptdate": "1992-05-08", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "usual pinto" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3303, "l_partkey": 184, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 25.0d, "l_extendedprice": 27104.5d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-03-25", "l_commitdate": "1998-01-31", "l_receiptdate": "1998-04-12", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "lly regular pi" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4064, "l_partkey": 184, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 46.0d, "l_extendedprice": 49872.28d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-10-13", "l_commitdate": "1997-01-05", "l_receiptdate": "1996-11-06", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "alongside of the f" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4583, "l_partkey": 184, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 36.0d, "l_extendedprice": 39030.48d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-01-06", "l_commitdate": "1994-11-25", "l_receiptdate": "1995-01-29", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ar requests haggle after the furiously " }
, { "l_orderkey": 4705, "l_partkey": 184, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 23.0d, "l_extendedprice": 24936.14d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-06-22", "l_commitdate": "1992-06-11", "l_receiptdate": "1992-07-18", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": " above the furiously ev" }
, { "l_orderkey": 5121, "l_partkey": 184, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 23.0d, "l_extendedprice": 24936.14d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-05-18", "l_commitdate": "1992-06-20", "l_receiptdate": "1992-06-02", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "even courts are blithely ironically " }
, { "l_orderkey": 5380, "l_partkey": 184, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 40.0d, "l_extendedprice": 43367.2d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-12-30", "l_commitdate": "1997-11-27", "l_receiptdate": "1998-01-09", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ar asymptotes. blithely r" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5543, "l_partkey": 184, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 1.0d, "l_extendedprice": 1084.18d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-10-29", "l_commitdate": "1993-11-11", "l_receiptdate": "1993-11-23", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "uriously. slyly" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 322, "l_partkey": 184, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 10.0d, "l_extendedprice": 10841.8d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-04-12", "l_commitdate": "1992-05-13", "l_receiptdate": "1992-04-14", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": " deposits grow slyly according to th" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5472, "l_partkey": 184, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 37.0d, "l_extendedprice": 40114.66d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-06-15", "l_commitdate": "1993-07-03", "l_receiptdate": "1993-07-09", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "egrate carefully dependencies. " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 194, "l_partkey": 184, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 1.0d, "l_extendedprice": 1084.18d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-04-30", "l_commitdate": "1992-05-18", "l_receiptdate": "1992-05-23", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": " regular theodolites. regular, iron" }
, { "l_orderkey": 484, "l_partkey": 184, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 50.0d, "l_extendedprice": 54209.0d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-01-24", "l_commitdate": "1997-03-27", "l_receiptdate": "1997-02-22", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "uctions wake. final, silent requests haggle" }
, { "l_orderkey": 1092, "l_partkey": 184, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 48.0d, "l_extendedprice": 52040.64d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-06-25", "l_commitdate": "1995-04-06", "l_receiptdate": "1995-07-18", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "unusual accounts. fluffi" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2118, "l_partkey": 184, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 4.0d, "l_extendedprice": 4336.72d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-10-25", "l_commitdate": "1996-11-10", "l_receiptdate": "1996-11-22", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "theodolites affix according " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2533, "l_partkey": 184, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 20.0d, "l_extendedprice": 21683.6d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-07-04", "l_commitdate": "1997-04-30", "l_receiptdate": "1997-07-05", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "thless excuses are b" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2695, "l_partkey": 184, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 21.0d, "l_extendedprice": 22767.78d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-10-04", "l_commitdate": "1996-11-02", "l_receiptdate": "1996-10-21", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "y regular pinto beans. evenly regular packa" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2886, "l_partkey": 184, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 38.0d, "l_extendedprice": 41198.84d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-01-21", "l_commitdate": "1995-01-08", "l_receiptdate": "1995-01-30", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "old requests along the fur" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3655, "l_partkey": 184, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 5.0d, "l_extendedprice": 5420.9d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-01-17", "l_commitdate": "1992-12-31", "l_receiptdate": "1993-01-23", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "riously bold pinto be" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3810, "l_partkey": 184, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 49.0d, "l_extendedprice": 53124.82d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-11-27", "l_commitdate": "1992-10-30", "l_receiptdate": "1992-12-16", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "cajole. fur" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4801, "l_partkey": 184, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 37.0d, "l_extendedprice": 40114.66d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-03-09", "l_commitdate": "1996-02-29", "l_receiptdate": "1996-03-25", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "uests hinder blithely against the instr" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4992, "l_partkey": 184, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 42.0d, "l_extendedprice": 45535.56d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-07-19", "l_commitdate": "1992-06-16", "l_receiptdate": "1992-08-17", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "foxes about the quickly final platele" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5474, "l_partkey": 184, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 38.0d, "l_extendedprice": 41198.84d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-07-15", "l_commitdate": "1992-07-16", "l_receiptdate": "1992-07-20", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": " slyly beneath " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 326, "l_partkey": 184, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 25.0d, "l_extendedprice": 27104.5d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-08-03", "l_commitdate": "1995-07-27", "l_receiptdate": "1995-08-16", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ily furiously unusual accounts. " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 897, "l_partkey": 184, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 26.0d, "l_extendedprice": 28188.68d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-07-01", "l_commitdate": "1995-06-10", "l_receiptdate": "1995-07-14", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "tions sleep according to the special" }
, { "l_orderkey": 1286, "l_partkey": 184, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 37.0d, "l_extendedprice": 40114.66d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-05-27", "l_commitdate": "1993-07-11", "l_receiptdate": "1993-06-01", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "lyly ironic pinto beans cajole furiously s" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1763, "l_partkey": 184, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 2.0d, "l_extendedprice": 2168.36d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-02-27", "l_commitdate": "1996-12-04", "l_receiptdate": "1997-03-27", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "even pinto beans snooze fluffi" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1891, "l_partkey": 184, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 18.0d, "l_extendedprice": 19515.24d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-01-24", "l_commitdate": "1995-01-29", "l_receiptdate": "1995-02-14", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": " foxes above the carefu" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1923, "l_partkey": 184, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 25.0d, "l_extendedprice": 27104.5d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-08-18", "l_commitdate": "1997-08-20", "l_receiptdate": "1997-09-12", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "the ideas: slyly pendin" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1925, "l_partkey": 184, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 50.0d, "l_extendedprice": 54209.0d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-04-12", "l_commitdate": "1992-04-23", "l_receiptdate": "1992-05-08", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "usual pinto" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3105, "l_partkey": 184, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 11.0d, "l_extendedprice": 11925.98d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-02-07", "l_commitdate": "1997-02-09", "l_receiptdate": "1997-03-01", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "kly bold depths caj" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3303, "l_partkey": 184, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 25.0d, "l_extendedprice": 27104.5d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-03-25", "l_commitdate": "1998-01-31", "l_receiptdate": "1998-04-12", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "lly regular pi" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3904, "l_partkey": 184, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 19.0d, "l_extendedprice": 20599.42d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-02-10", "l_commitdate": "1998-02-13", "l_receiptdate": "1998-02-20", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": " excuses sleep slyly according to th" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 194, "l_partkey": 184, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 1.0d, "l_extendedprice": 1084.18d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-04-30", "l_commitdate": "1992-05-18", "l_receiptdate": "1992-05-23", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": " regular theodolites. regular, iron" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 390, "l_partkey": 184, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 46.0d, "l_extendedprice": 49872.28d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-06-06", "l_commitdate": "1998-05-20", "l_receiptdate": "1998-06-14", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "cial excuses. bold, pending packages" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1024, "l_partkey": 184, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 13.0d, "l_extendedprice": 14094.34d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-04-11", "l_commitdate": "1998-02-26", "l_receiptdate": "1998-04-18", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "e slyly around the slyly special instructi" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1731, "l_partkey": 184, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 36.0d, "l_extendedprice": 39030.48d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-04-18", "l_commitdate": "1996-04-03", "l_receiptdate": "1996-04-29", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ngside of the even instruct" }
, { "l_orderkey": 2115, "l_partkey": 184, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 43.0d, "l_extendedprice": 46619.74d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-07-14", "l_commitdate": "1998-07-25", "l_receiptdate": "1998-07-24", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": " carefully pending requests alongs" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2116, "l_partkey": 184, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 11.0d, "l_extendedprice": 11925.98d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-09-15", "l_commitdate": "1994-10-21", "l_receiptdate": "1994-09-21", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": " pinto beans. final, final sauternes play " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2533, "l_partkey": 184, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 20.0d, "l_extendedprice": 21683.6d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-07-04", "l_commitdate": "1997-04-30", "l_receiptdate": "1997-07-05", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "thless excuses are b" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3105, "l_partkey": 184, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 11.0d, "l_extendedprice": 11925.98d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-02-07", "l_commitdate": "1997-02-09", "l_receiptdate": "1997-03-01", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "kly bold depths caj" }
, { "l_orderkey": 3394, "l_partkey": 184, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 14.0d, "l_extendedprice": 15178.52d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-06-18", "l_commitdate": "1996-06-24", "l_receiptdate": "1996-07-17", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "arefully regular do" }
, { "l_orderkey": 3525, "l_partkey": 184, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 28.0d, "l_extendedprice": 30357.04d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-01-22", "l_commitdate": "1996-02-08", "l_receiptdate": "1996-01-27", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": " nag according " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4064, "l_partkey": 184, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 46.0d, "l_extendedprice": 49872.28d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-10-13", "l_commitdate": "1997-01-05", "l_receiptdate": "1996-11-06", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "alongside of the f" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 322, "l_partkey": 184, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 10.0d, "l_extendedprice": 10841.8d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-04-12", "l_commitdate": "1992-05-13", "l_receiptdate": "1992-04-14", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": " deposits grow slyly according to th" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1923, "l_partkey": 184, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 25.0d, "l_extendedprice": 27104.5d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-08-18", "l_commitdate": "1997-08-20", "l_receiptdate": "1997-09-12", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "the ideas: slyly pendin" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2695, "l_partkey": 184, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 21.0d, "l_extendedprice": 22767.78d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-10-04", "l_commitdate": "1996-11-02", "l_receiptdate": "1996-10-21", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "y regular pinto beans. evenly regular packa" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2790, "l_partkey": 184, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 19.0d, "l_extendedprice": 20599.42d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-10-23", "l_commitdate": "1994-10-03", "l_receiptdate": "1994-10-26", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "uffily even excuses. furiously thin" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2886, "l_partkey": 184, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 38.0d, "l_extendedprice": 41198.84d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-01-21", "l_commitdate": "1995-01-08", "l_receiptdate": "1995-01-30", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "old requests along the fur" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3397, "l_partkey": 184, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 1.0d, "l_extendedprice": 1084.18d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-08-03", "l_commitdate": "1994-07-30", "l_receiptdate": "1994-08-28", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": " regular packag" }
, { "l_orderkey": 4069, "l_partkey": 184, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 50.0d, "l_extendedprice": 54209.0d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-09-03", "l_commitdate": "1992-06-14", "l_receiptdate": "1992-10-01", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ages. carefully regular " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4583, "l_partkey": 184, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 36.0d, "l_extendedprice": 39030.48d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-01-06", "l_commitdate": "1994-11-25", "l_receiptdate": "1995-01-29", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ar requests haggle after the furiously " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5472, "l_partkey": 184, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 37.0d, "l_extendedprice": 40114.66d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-06-15", "l_commitdate": "1993-07-03", "l_receiptdate": "1993-07-09", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "egrate carefully dependencies. " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 102, "l_partkey": 183, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 25.0d, "l_extendedprice": 27079.5d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-07-31", "l_commitdate": "1997-07-24", "l_receiptdate": "1997-08-17", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "bits. ironic accoun" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1571, "l_partkey": 183, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 6.0d, "l_extendedprice": 6499.08d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-01-08", "l_commitdate": "1993-02-13", "l_receiptdate": "1993-02-07", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": " special, ironic depo" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1602, "l_partkey": 183, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 4.0d, "l_extendedprice": 4332.72d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-10-31", "l_commitdate": "1993-09-05", "l_receiptdate": "1993-11-21", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "y. even excuses" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1605, "l_partkey": 183, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 25.0d, "l_extendedprice": 27079.5d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-05-26", "l_commitdate": "1998-06-14", "l_receiptdate": "1998-06-05", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ole carefully car" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2150, "l_partkey": 183, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 35.0d, "l_extendedprice": 37911.3d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-09-27", "l_commitdate": "1994-08-17", "l_receiptdate": "1994-10-13", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "refully pending dependen" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2721, "l_partkey": 183, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 49.0d, "l_extendedprice": 53075.82d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-02-14", "l_commitdate": "1996-04-26", "l_receiptdate": "1996-03-02", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ounts poach carefu" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3143, "l_partkey": 183, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 40.0d, "l_extendedprice": 43327.2d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-05-07", "l_commitdate": "1993-03-29", "l_receiptdate": "1993-05-17", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "sly unusual theodolites. slyly ev" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3202, "l_partkey": 183, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 30.0d, "l_extendedprice": 32495.4d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-03-18", "l_commitdate": "1993-03-10", "l_receiptdate": "1993-03-23", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ven platelets. furiously final" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4998, "l_partkey": 183, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 15.0d, "l_extendedprice": 16247.7d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-04-24", "l_commitdate": "1992-03-21", "l_receiptdate": "1992-05-02", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "heodolites sleep quickly." }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5792, "l_partkey": 183, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 32.0d, "l_extendedprice": 34661.76d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-06-26", "l_commitdate": "1993-05-23", "l_receiptdate": "1993-07-07", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "s are slyly against the ev" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 7, "l_partkey": 183, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 12.0d, "l_extendedprice": 12998.16d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-05-07", "l_commitdate": "1996-03-13", "l_receiptdate": "1996-06-03", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ss pinto beans wake against th" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 260, "l_partkey": 183, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 26.0d, "l_extendedprice": 28162.68d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-12-12", "l_commitdate": "1997-02-06", "l_receiptdate": "1996-12-15", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ld theodolites boost fl" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1570, "l_partkey": 183, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 25.0d, "l_extendedprice": 27079.5d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-05-03", "l_commitdate": "1998-06-02", "l_receiptdate": "1998-06-02", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "its. slyly regular sentiments" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3749, "l_partkey": 183, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 14.0d, "l_extendedprice": 15164.52d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-06-11", "l_commitdate": "1995-05-19", "l_receiptdate": "1995-07-11", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "press instruc" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5122, "l_partkey": 183, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 28.0d, "l_extendedprice": 30329.04d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-04-20", "l_commitdate": "1996-03-29", "l_receiptdate": "1996-04-29", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "g the busily ironic accounts boos" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5475, "l_partkey": 183, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 10.0d, "l_extendedprice": 10831.8d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-07-19", "l_commitdate": "1996-08-22", "l_receiptdate": "1996-07-23", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ding to the deposits wake fina" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5734, "l_partkey": 183, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 29.0d, "l_extendedprice": 31412.22d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-12-01", "l_commitdate": "1997-12-08", "l_receiptdate": "1997-12-23", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "structions cajole final, express " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 774, "l_partkey": 183, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 49.0d, "l_extendedprice": 53075.82d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-12-06", "l_commitdate": "1996-01-07", "l_receiptdate": "1995-12-14", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ess accounts are carefully " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2533, "l_partkey": 183, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 37.0d, "l_extendedprice": 40077.66d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-05-10", "l_commitdate": "1997-04-26", "l_receiptdate": "1997-05-28", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": " haggle carefully " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3143, "l_partkey": 183, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 22.0d, "l_extendedprice": 23829.96d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-03-18", "l_commitdate": "1993-05-09", "l_receiptdate": "1993-04-14", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "beans. fluf" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3942, "l_partkey": 183, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 6.0d, "l_extendedprice": 6499.08d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-07-01", "l_commitdate": "1993-09-14", "l_receiptdate": "1993-07-23", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ep ruthlessly carefully final accounts: s" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4994, "l_partkey": 183, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 29.0d, "l_extendedprice": 31412.22d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-08-26", "l_commitdate": "1996-09-27", "l_receiptdate": "1996-09-25", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ptotes boost carefully" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5408, "l_partkey": 183, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 8.0d, "l_extendedprice": 8665.44d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-10-24", "l_commitdate": "1992-09-06", "l_receiptdate": "1992-11-03", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "thely regular hocke" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 359, "l_partkey": 183, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 23.0d, "l_extendedprice": 24913.14d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-01-31", "l_commitdate": "1995-03-11", "l_receiptdate": "1995-02-16", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ic courts snooze quickly furiously final fo" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4992, "l_partkey": 184, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 42.0d, "l_extendedprice": 45535.56d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-07-19", "l_commitdate": "1992-06-16", "l_receiptdate": "1992-08-17", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "foxes about the quickly final platele" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5474, "l_partkey": 184, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 38.0d, "l_extendedprice": 41198.84d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-07-15", "l_commitdate": "1992-07-16", "l_receiptdate": "1992-07-20", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": " slyly beneath " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5543, "l_partkey": 184, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 1.0d, "l_extendedprice": 1084.18d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-10-29", "l_commitdate": "1993-11-11", "l_receiptdate": "1993-11-23", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "uriously. slyly" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3, "l_partkey": 184, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 28.0d, "l_extendedprice": 30357.04d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-12-14", "l_commitdate": "1994-01-10", "l_receiptdate": "1994-01-01", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ages nag slyly pending" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 326, "l_partkey": 184, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 25.0d, "l_extendedprice": 27104.5d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-08-03", "l_commitdate": "1995-07-27", "l_receiptdate": "1995-08-16", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ily furiously unusual accounts. " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1024, "l_partkey": 184, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 13.0d, "l_extendedprice": 14094.34d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-04-11", "l_commitdate": "1998-02-26", "l_receiptdate": "1998-04-18", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "e slyly around the slyly special instructi" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1891, "l_partkey": 184, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 18.0d, "l_extendedprice": 19515.24d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-01-24", "l_commitdate": "1995-01-29", "l_receiptdate": "1995-02-14", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": " foxes above the carefu" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2118, "l_partkey": 184, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 4.0d, "l_extendedprice": 4336.72d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-10-25", "l_commitdate": "1996-11-10", "l_receiptdate": "1996-11-22", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "theodolites affix according " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2273, "l_partkey": 184, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 34.0d, "l_extendedprice": 36862.12d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-01-08", "l_commitdate": "1997-02-02", "l_receiptdate": "1997-01-23", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": " furiously carefully bold de" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3655, "l_partkey": 184, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 5.0d, "l_extendedprice": 5420.9d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-01-17", "l_commitdate": "1992-12-31", "l_receiptdate": "1993-01-23", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "riously bold pinto be" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3810, "l_partkey": 184, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 49.0d, "l_extendedprice": 53124.82d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-11-27", "l_commitdate": "1992-10-30", "l_receiptdate": "1992-12-16", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "cajole. fur" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3904, "l_partkey": 184, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 19.0d, "l_extendedprice": 20599.42d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-02-10", "l_commitdate": "1998-02-13", "l_receiptdate": "1998-02-20", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": " excuses sleep slyly according to th" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4801, "l_partkey": 184, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 37.0d, "l_extendedprice": 40114.66d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-03-09", "l_commitdate": "1996-02-29", "l_receiptdate": "1996-03-25", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "uests hinder blithely against the instr" }
, { "l_orderkey": 515, "l_partkey": 183, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 11.0d, "l_extendedprice": 11914.98d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-09-04", "l_commitdate": "1993-10-02", "l_receiptdate": "1993-09-05", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ly pending accounts haggle blithel" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1570, "l_partkey": 183, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 25.0d, "l_extendedprice": 27079.5d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-05-03", "l_commitdate": "1998-06-02", "l_receiptdate": "1998-06-02", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "its. slyly regular sentiments" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1605, "l_partkey": 183, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 25.0d, "l_extendedprice": 27079.5d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-05-26", "l_commitdate": "1998-06-14", "l_receiptdate": "1998-06-05", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ole carefully car" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3143, "l_partkey": 183, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 40.0d, "l_extendedprice": 43327.2d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-05-07", "l_commitdate": "1993-03-29", "l_receiptdate": "1993-05-17", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "sly unusual theodolites. slyly ev" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3942, "l_partkey": 183, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 6.0d, "l_extendedprice": 6499.08d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-07-01", "l_commitdate": "1993-09-14", "l_receiptdate": "1993-07-23", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ep ruthlessly carefully final accounts: s" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5408, "l_partkey": 183, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 8.0d, "l_extendedprice": 8665.44d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-10-24", "l_commitdate": "1992-09-06", "l_receiptdate": "1992-11-03", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "thely regular hocke" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5792, "l_partkey": 183, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 32.0d, "l_extendedprice": 34661.76d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-06-26", "l_commitdate": "1993-05-23", "l_receiptdate": "1993-07-07", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "s are slyly against the ev" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 774, "l_partkey": 183, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 49.0d, "l_extendedprice": 53075.82d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-12-06", "l_commitdate": "1996-01-07", "l_receiptdate": "1995-12-14", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ess accounts are carefully " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1571, "l_partkey": 183, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 6.0d, "l_extendedprice": 6499.08d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-01-08", "l_commitdate": "1993-02-13", "l_receiptdate": "1993-02-07", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": " special, ironic depo" }
, { "l_orderkey": 2438, "l_partkey": 183, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 46.0d, "l_extendedprice": 49826.28d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-10-27", "l_commitdate": "1993-08-30", "l_receiptdate": "1993-11-14", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": " ironic requests cajole f" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3299, "l_partkey": 183, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 40.0d, "l_extendedprice": 43327.2d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-03-21", "l_commitdate": "1994-03-23", "l_receiptdate": "1994-04-12", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "lyly even request" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2533, "l_partkey": 183, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 37.0d, "l_extendedprice": 40077.66d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-05-10", "l_commitdate": "1997-04-26", "l_receiptdate": "1997-05-28", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": " haggle carefully " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2721, "l_partkey": 183, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 49.0d, "l_extendedprice": 53075.82d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-02-14", "l_commitdate": "1996-04-26", "l_receiptdate": "1996-03-02", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ounts poach carefu" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3143, "l_partkey": 183, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 22.0d, "l_extendedprice": 23829.96d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-03-18", "l_commitdate": "1993-05-09", "l_receiptdate": "1993-04-14", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "beans. fluf" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3749, "l_partkey": 183, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 14.0d, "l_extendedprice": 15164.52d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-06-11", "l_commitdate": "1995-05-19", "l_receiptdate": "1995-07-11", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "press instruc" }
, { "l_orderkey": 4070, "l_partkey": 183, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 2.0d, "l_extendedprice": 2166.36d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-08-03", "l_commitdate": "1995-09-10", "l_receiptdate": "1995-08-17", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ptotes affix" }
, { "l_orderkey": 4710, "l_partkey": 183, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 40.0d, "l_extendedprice": 43327.2d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-03-09", "l_commitdate": "1995-02-25", "l_receiptdate": "1995-03-29", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "cross the blithely bold packages. silen" }
, { "l_orderkey": 4834, "l_partkey": 183, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 27.0d, "l_extendedprice": 29245.86d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-01-09", "l_commitdate": "1996-10-27", "l_receiptdate": "1997-01-27", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "es nag blithe" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4994, "l_partkey": 183, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 29.0d, "l_extendedprice": 31412.22d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-08-26", "l_commitdate": "1996-09-27", "l_receiptdate": "1996-09-25", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ptotes boost carefully" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4998, "l_partkey": 183, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 15.0d, "l_extendedprice": 16247.7d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-04-24", "l_commitdate": "1992-03-21", "l_receiptdate": "1992-05-02", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "heodolites sleep quickly." }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5122, "l_partkey": 183, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 28.0d, "l_extendedprice": 30329.04d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-04-20", "l_commitdate": "1996-03-29", "l_receiptdate": "1996-04-29", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "g the busily ironic accounts boos" }
, { "l_orderkey": 5191, "l_partkey": 183, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 7.0d, "l_extendedprice": 7582.26d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-03-24", "l_commitdate": "1995-01-30", "l_receiptdate": "1995-03-30", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "eposits. express" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 7, "l_partkey": 183, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 12.0d, "l_extendedprice": 12998.16d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-05-07", "l_commitdate": "1996-03-13", "l_receiptdate": "1996-06-03", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ss pinto beans wake against th" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 260, "l_partkey": 183, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 26.0d, "l_extendedprice": 28162.68d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-12-12", "l_commitdate": "1997-02-06", "l_receiptdate": "1996-12-15", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ld theodolites boost fl" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 359, "l_partkey": 183, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 23.0d, "l_extendedprice": 24913.14d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-01-31", "l_commitdate": "1995-03-11", "l_receiptdate": "1995-02-16", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ic courts snooze quickly furiously final fo" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1602, "l_partkey": 183, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 4.0d, "l_extendedprice": 4332.72d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-10-31", "l_commitdate": "1993-09-05", "l_receiptdate": "1993-11-21", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "y. even excuses" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5475, "l_partkey": 183, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 10.0d, "l_extendedprice": 10831.8d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-07-19", "l_commitdate": "1996-08-22", "l_receiptdate": "1996-07-23", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ding to the deposits wake fina" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5734, "l_partkey": 183, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 29.0d, "l_extendedprice": 31412.22d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-12-01", "l_commitdate": "1997-12-08", "l_receiptdate": "1997-12-23", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "structions cajole final, express " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 102, "l_partkey": 183, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 25.0d, "l_extendedprice": 27079.5d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-07-31", "l_commitdate": "1997-07-24", "l_receiptdate": "1997-08-17", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "bits. ironic accoun" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2150, "l_partkey": 183, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 35.0d, "l_extendedprice": 37911.3d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-09-27", "l_commitdate": "1994-08-17", "l_receiptdate": "1994-10-13", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "refully pending dependen" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3202, "l_partkey": 183, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 30.0d, "l_extendedprice": 32495.4d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-03-18", "l_commitdate": "1993-03-10", "l_receiptdate": "1993-03-23", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ven platelets. furiously final" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3299, "l_partkey": 183, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 40.0d, "l_extendedprice": 43327.2d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-03-21", "l_commitdate": "1994-03-23", "l_receiptdate": "1994-04-12", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "lyly even request" }
, { "l_orderkey": 384, "l_partkey": 182, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 11.0d, "l_extendedprice": 11903.98d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-04-02", "l_commitdate": "1992-04-21", "l_receiptdate": "1992-04-15", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ash carefully" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 547, "l_partkey": 182, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 3.0d, "l_extendedprice": 3246.54d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-09-04", "l_commitdate": "1996-08-01", "l_receiptdate": "1996-09-21", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "pinto beans. ironi" }
, { "l_orderkey": 1122, "l_partkey": 182, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 29.0d, "l_extendedprice": 31383.22d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-05-07", "l_commitdate": "1997-04-07", "l_receiptdate": "1997-05-15", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ptotes. quickl" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5634, "l_partkey": 182, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 29.0d, "l_extendedprice": 31383.22d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-08-10", "l_commitdate": "1996-10-29", "l_receiptdate": "1996-08-11", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ely final ideas. deposits sleep. reg" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 737, "l_partkey": 182, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 12.0d, "l_extendedprice": 12986.16d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-04-28", "l_commitdate": "1992-06-30", "l_receiptdate": "1992-05-08", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "posits after the slyly bold du" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3811, "l_partkey": 182, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 23.0d, "l_extendedprice": 24890.14d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-08-13", "l_commitdate": "1998-07-09", "l_receiptdate": "1998-08-29", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "nstructions sleep quickly. slyly final " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4035, "l_partkey": 182, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 13.0d, "l_extendedprice": 14068.34d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-06-10", "l_commitdate": "1992-05-16", "l_receiptdate": "1992-07-10", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "s. furiously even courts wake slyly" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4706, "l_partkey": 182, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 37.0d, "l_extendedprice": 40040.66d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-02-20", "l_commitdate": "1993-03-05", "l_receiptdate": "1993-03-03", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "kly final deposits c" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5505, "l_partkey": 182, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 33.0d, "l_extendedprice": 35711.94d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-01-11", "l_commitdate": "1997-11-11", "l_receiptdate": "1998-01-30", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ithely unusual excuses integrat" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5664, "l_partkey": 182, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 9.0d, "l_extendedprice": 9739.62d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-11-04", "l_commitdate": "1998-10-15", "l_receiptdate": "1998-11-20", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "yly. express ideas agai" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1057, "l_partkey": 182, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 20.0d, "l_extendedprice": 21643.6d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-03-02", "l_commitdate": "1992-05-19", "l_receiptdate": "1992-03-13", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "s wake bol" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2022, "l_partkey": 182, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 16.0d, "l_extendedprice": 17314.88d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-06-23", "l_commitdate": "1992-05-22", "l_receiptdate": "1992-07-07", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ages wake slyly care" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2084, "l_partkey": 182, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 42.0d, "l_extendedprice": 45451.56d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-03-29", "l_commitdate": "1993-05-05", "l_receiptdate": "1993-04-22", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "y fluffily even foxes. " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3457, "l_partkey": 182, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 29.0d, "l_extendedprice": 31383.22d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-05-12", "l_commitdate": "1995-07-13", "l_receiptdate": "1995-06-05", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "refully final excuses wake" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3716, "l_partkey": 182, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 25.0d, "l_extendedprice": 27054.5d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-11-23", "l_commitdate": "1997-10-24", "l_receiptdate": "1997-11-24", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "fully unusual accounts. carefu" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5380, "l_partkey": 182, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 14.0d, "l_extendedprice": 15150.52d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-12-18", "l_commitdate": "1997-12-03", "l_receiptdate": "1998-01-06", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "final platelets." }
, { "l_orderkey": 1510, "l_partkey": 182, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 8.0d, "l_extendedprice": 8657.44d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-10-26", "l_commitdate": "1996-11-07", "l_receiptdate": "1996-10-30", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "blithely express" }
, { "l_orderkey": 1954, "l_partkey": 182, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 1.0d, "l_extendedprice": 1082.18d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-09-16", "l_commitdate": "1997-07-08", "l_receiptdate": "1997-10-07", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "te. furiously final deposits hag" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2084, "l_partkey": 182, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 42.0d, "l_extendedprice": 45451.56d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-03-29", "l_commitdate": "1993-05-05", "l_receiptdate": "1993-04-22", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "y fluffily even foxes. " }
, { "l_orderkey": 2401, "l_partkey": 182, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 39.0d, "l_extendedprice": 42205.02d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-09-29", "l_commitdate": "1997-10-21", "l_receiptdate": "1997-10-17", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ould affix " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3719, "l_partkey": 182, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 12.0d, "l_extendedprice": 12986.16d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-06-10", "l_commitdate": "1997-05-04", "l_receiptdate": "1997-07-09", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "grate according to the " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3811, "l_partkey": 182, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 23.0d, "l_extendedprice": 24890.14d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-08-13", "l_commitdate": "1998-07-09", "l_receiptdate": "1998-08-29", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "nstructions sleep quickly. slyly final " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4706, "l_partkey": 182, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 37.0d, "l_extendedprice": 40040.66d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-02-20", "l_commitdate": "1993-03-05", "l_receiptdate": "1993-03-03", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "kly final deposits c" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5634, "l_partkey": 182, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 29.0d, "l_extendedprice": 31383.22d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-08-10", "l_commitdate": "1996-10-29", "l_receiptdate": "1996-08-11", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ely final ideas. deposits sleep. reg" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2022, "l_partkey": 182, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 16.0d, "l_extendedprice": 17314.88d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-06-23", "l_commitdate": "1992-05-22", "l_receiptdate": "1992-07-07", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ages wake slyly care" }
, { "l_orderkey": 3713, "l_partkey": 182, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 29.0d, "l_extendedprice": 31383.22d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-08-04", "l_commitdate": "1998-06-13", "l_receiptdate": "1998-08-21", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "the regular dugouts wake furiously sil" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3719, "l_partkey": 182, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 12.0d, "l_extendedprice": 12986.16d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-06-10", "l_commitdate": "1997-05-04", "l_receiptdate": "1997-07-09", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "grate according to the " }
, { "l_orderkey": 3810, "l_partkey": 182, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 11.0d, "l_extendedprice": 11903.98d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-12-18", "l_commitdate": "1992-12-11", "l_receiptdate": "1993-01-15", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": " the pending pinto beans. expr" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4035, "l_partkey": 182, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 13.0d, "l_extendedprice": 14068.34d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-06-10", "l_commitdate": "1992-05-16", "l_receiptdate": "1992-07-10", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "s. furiously even courts wake slyly" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5380, "l_partkey": 182, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 14.0d, "l_extendedprice": 15150.52d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-12-18", "l_commitdate": "1997-12-03", "l_receiptdate": "1998-01-06", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "final platelets." }
, { "l_orderkey": 5824, "l_partkey": 182, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 42.0d, "l_extendedprice": 45451.56d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-02-01", "l_commitdate": "1997-02-20", "l_receiptdate": "1997-02-07", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ts sleep. carefully regular accounts h" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 547, "l_partkey": 182, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 3.0d, "l_extendedprice": 3246.54d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-09-04", "l_commitdate": "1996-08-01", "l_receiptdate": "1996-09-21", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "pinto beans. ironi" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 737, "l_partkey": 182, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 12.0d, "l_extendedprice": 12986.16d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-04-28", "l_commitdate": "1992-06-30", "l_receiptdate": "1992-05-08", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "posits after the slyly bold du" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1057, "l_partkey": 182, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 20.0d, "l_extendedprice": 21643.6d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-03-02", "l_commitdate": "1992-05-19", "l_receiptdate": "1992-03-13", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "s wake bol" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3716, "l_partkey": 182, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 25.0d, "l_extendedprice": 27054.5d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-11-23", "l_commitdate": "1997-10-24", "l_receiptdate": "1997-11-24", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "fully unusual accounts. carefu" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5505, "l_partkey": 182, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 33.0d, "l_extendedprice": 35711.94d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-01-11", "l_commitdate": "1997-11-11", "l_receiptdate": "1998-01-30", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ithely unusual excuses integrat" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3457, "l_partkey": 182, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 29.0d, "l_extendedprice": 31383.22d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-05-12", "l_commitdate": "1995-07-13", "l_receiptdate": "1995-06-05", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "refully final excuses wake" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5664, "l_partkey": 182, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 9.0d, "l_extendedprice": 9739.62d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-11-04", "l_commitdate": "1998-10-15", "l_receiptdate": "1998-11-20", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "yly. express ideas agai" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 998, "l_partkey": 181, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 7.0d, "l_extendedprice": 7568.26d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-03-24", "l_commitdate": "1995-01-18", "l_receiptdate": "1995-04-03", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "nic deposits. even asym" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1088, "l_partkey": 181, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 5.0d, "l_extendedprice": 5405.9d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-07-01", "l_commitdate": "1992-07-25", "l_receiptdate": "1992-07-02", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "refully ironic packages. r" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2209, "l_partkey": 181, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 39.0d, "l_extendedprice": 42166.02d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-11-04", "l_commitdate": "1992-09-02", "l_receiptdate": "1992-11-11", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ly around the final packages. deposits ca" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2821, "l_partkey": 181, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 4.0d, "l_extendedprice": 4324.72d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-09-15", "l_commitdate": "1993-10-02", "l_receiptdate": "1993-09-17", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "nding foxes." }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3041, "l_partkey": 181, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 5.0d, "l_extendedprice": 5405.9d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-07-20", "l_commitdate": "1997-07-15", "l_receiptdate": "1997-08-17", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "posits dazzle special p" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3424, "l_partkey": 181, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 39.0d, "l_extendedprice": 42166.02d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-11-03", "l_commitdate": "1996-11-08", "l_receiptdate": "1996-11-23", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "bits boost closely slyly p" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4675, "l_partkey": 181, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 5.0d, "l_extendedprice": 5405.9d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-01-16", "l_commitdate": "1994-01-05", "l_receiptdate": "1994-01-18", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "lent pinto beans" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 807, "l_partkey": 181, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 48.0d, "l_extendedprice": 51896.64d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-01-08", "l_commitdate": "1994-02-02", "l_receiptdate": "1994-01-15", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "kly across the f" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1382, "l_partkey": 181, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 11.0d, "l_extendedprice": 11892.98d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-09-17", "l_commitdate": "1993-09-29", "l_receiptdate": "1993-09-21", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "furiously unusual packages play quickly " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2656, "l_partkey": 181, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 10.0d, "l_extendedprice": 10811.8d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-06-28", "l_commitdate": "1993-07-04", "l_receiptdate": "1993-07-12", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "s nag regularly about the deposits. slyly" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2854, "l_partkey": 181, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 46.0d, "l_extendedprice": 49734.28d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-09-22", "l_commitdate": "1994-08-02", "l_receiptdate": "1994-09-30", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": ". furiously regular deposits across th" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3232, "l_partkey": 181, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 3.0d, "l_extendedprice": 3243.54d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-12-14", "l_commitdate": "1992-12-11", "l_receiptdate": "1992-12-29", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ily blithely ironic acco" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4417, "l_partkey": 181, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 1.0d, "l_extendedprice": 1081.18d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-10-23", "l_commitdate": "1998-08-22", "l_receiptdate": "1998-10-24", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "press deposits promise stealthily amo" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5540, "l_partkey": 181, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 42.0d, "l_extendedprice": 45409.56d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-11-12", "l_commitdate": "1996-12-18", "l_receiptdate": "1996-12-05", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ss dolphins haggle " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1095, "l_partkey": 181, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 37.0d, "l_extendedprice": 40003.66d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-10-04", "l_commitdate": "1995-11-13", "l_receiptdate": "1995-10-12", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": ". quickly even dolphins sle" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1349, "l_partkey": 181, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 1.0d, "l_extendedprice": 1081.18d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-01-07", "l_commitdate": "1998-01-14", "l_receiptdate": "1998-02-03", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": " express inst" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2566, "l_partkey": 181, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 42.0d, "l_extendedprice": 45409.56d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-12-20", "l_commitdate": "1992-12-22", "l_receiptdate": "1992-12-29", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ously ironic accounts" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3653, "l_partkey": 181, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 17.0d, "l_extendedprice": 18380.06d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-06-24", "l_commitdate": "1994-06-02", "l_receiptdate": "1994-07-17", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "gle slyly regular" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3872, "l_partkey": 181, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 28.0d, "l_extendedprice": 30273.04d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-11-05", "l_commitdate": "1996-11-10", "l_receiptdate": "1996-11-24", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "t after the carefully ironic excuses. f" }
, { "l_orderkey": 770, "l_partkey": 181, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 39.0d, "l_extendedprice": 42166.02d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-07-19", "l_commitdate": "1998-08-09", "l_receiptdate": "1998-08-04", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "osits. foxes cajole " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2566, "l_partkey": 181, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 42.0d, "l_extendedprice": 45409.56d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-12-20", "l_commitdate": "1992-12-22", "l_receiptdate": "1992-12-29", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ously ironic accounts" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3013, "l_partkey": 181, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 17.0d, "l_extendedprice": 18380.06d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-02-26", "l_commitdate": "1997-05-02", "l_receiptdate": "1997-03-27", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "fully unusual account" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4293, "l_partkey": 181, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 1.0d, "l_extendedprice": 1081.18d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-11-15", "l_commitdate": "1996-10-09", "l_receiptdate": "1996-11-26", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "eposits should boost along the " }
, { "l_orderkey": 999, "l_partkey": 181, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 37.0d, "l_extendedprice": 40003.66d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-01-03", "l_commitdate": "1993-10-28", "l_receiptdate": "1994-01-12", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ckly slyly unusual packages: packages hagg" }
, { "l_orderkey": 1382, "l_partkey": 181, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 29.0d, "l_extendedprice": 31354.22d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-10-08", "l_commitdate": "1993-11-11", "l_receiptdate": "1993-10-10", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": " haggle: closely even asymptot" }
, { "l_orderkey": 1890, "l_partkey": 181, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 16.0d, "l_extendedprice": 17298.88d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-02-13", "l_commitdate": "1997-02-18", "l_receiptdate": "1997-03-12", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ged pinto beans. regular, regular id" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3013, "l_partkey": 181, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 17.0d, "l_extendedprice": 18380.06d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-02-26", "l_commitdate": "1997-05-02", "l_receiptdate": "1997-03-27", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "fully unusual account" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4293, "l_partkey": 181, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 1.0d, "l_extendedprice": 1081.18d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-11-15", "l_commitdate": "1996-10-09", "l_receiptdate": "1996-11-26", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "eposits should boost along the " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2209, "l_partkey": 181, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 39.0d, "l_extendedprice": 42166.02d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-11-04", "l_commitdate": "1992-09-02", "l_receiptdate": "1992-11-11", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ly around the final packages. deposits ca" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2656, "l_partkey": 181, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 10.0d, "l_extendedprice": 10811.8d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-06-28", "l_commitdate": "1993-07-04", "l_receiptdate": "1993-07-12", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "s nag regularly about the deposits. slyly" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3041, "l_partkey": 181, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 5.0d, "l_extendedprice": 5405.9d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-07-20", "l_commitdate": "1997-07-15", "l_receiptdate": "1997-08-17", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "posits dazzle special p" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3424, "l_partkey": 181, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 39.0d, "l_extendedprice": 42166.02d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-11-03", "l_commitdate": "1996-11-08", "l_receiptdate": "1996-11-23", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "bits boost closely slyly p" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3872, "l_partkey": 181, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 28.0d, "l_extendedprice": 30273.04d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-11-05", "l_commitdate": "1996-11-10", "l_receiptdate": "1996-11-24", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "t after the carefully ironic excuses. f" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 807, "l_partkey": 181, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 48.0d, "l_extendedprice": 51896.64d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-01-08", "l_commitdate": "1994-02-02", "l_receiptdate": "1994-01-15", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "kly across the f" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 998, "l_partkey": 181, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 7.0d, "l_extendedprice": 7568.26d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-03-24", "l_commitdate": "1995-01-18", "l_receiptdate": "1995-04-03", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "nic deposits. even asym" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1382, "l_partkey": 181, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 11.0d, "l_extendedprice": 11892.98d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-09-17", "l_commitdate": "1993-09-29", "l_receiptdate": "1993-09-21", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "furiously unusual packages play quickly " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2821, "l_partkey": 181, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 4.0d, "l_extendedprice": 4324.72d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-09-15", "l_commitdate": "1993-10-02", "l_receiptdate": "1993-09-17", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "nding foxes." }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5540, "l_partkey": 181, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 42.0d, "l_extendedprice": 45409.56d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-11-12", "l_commitdate": "1996-12-18", "l_receiptdate": "1996-12-05", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ss dolphins haggle " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1088, "l_partkey": 181, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 5.0d, "l_extendedprice": 5405.9d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-07-01", "l_commitdate": "1992-07-25", "l_receiptdate": "1992-07-02", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "refully ironic packages. r" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1095, "l_partkey": 181, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 37.0d, "l_extendedprice": 40003.66d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-10-04", "l_commitdate": "1995-11-13", "l_receiptdate": "1995-10-12", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": ". quickly even dolphins sle" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1349, "l_partkey": 181, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 1.0d, "l_extendedprice": 1081.18d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-01-07", "l_commitdate": "1998-01-14", "l_receiptdate": "1998-02-03", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": " express inst" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2854, "l_partkey": 181, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 46.0d, "l_extendedprice": 49734.28d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-09-22", "l_commitdate": "1994-08-02", "l_receiptdate": "1994-09-30", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": ". furiously regular deposits across th" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3232, "l_partkey": 181, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 3.0d, "l_extendedprice": 3243.54d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-12-14", "l_commitdate": "1992-12-11", "l_receiptdate": "1992-12-29", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ily blithely ironic acco" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3653, "l_partkey": 181, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 17.0d, "l_extendedprice": 18380.06d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-06-24", "l_commitdate": "1994-06-02", "l_receiptdate": "1994-07-17", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "gle slyly regular" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4417, "l_partkey": 181, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 1.0d, "l_extendedprice": 1081.18d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-10-23", "l_commitdate": "1998-08-22", "l_receiptdate": "1998-10-24", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "press deposits promise stealthily amo" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4675, "l_partkey": 181, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 5.0d, "l_extendedprice": 5405.9d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-01-16", "l_commitdate": "1994-01-05", "l_receiptdate": "1994-01-18", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "lent pinto beans" }
, { "l_orderkey": 5031, "l_partkey": 181, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 31.0d, "l_extendedprice": 33516.58d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-01-15", "l_commitdate": "1995-01-08", "l_receiptdate": "1995-02-09", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ts across the even requests doze furiously" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1826, "l_partkey": 180, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 6.0d, "l_extendedprice": 6481.08d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-06-30", "l_commitdate": "1992-05-17", "l_receiptdate": "1992-07-30", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "kages. blithely silent" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2084, "l_partkey": 180, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 23.0d, "l_extendedprice": 24844.14d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-06-05", "l_commitdate": "1993-05-26", "l_receiptdate": "1993-06-06", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "es against " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3431, "l_partkey": 180, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 41.0d, "l_extendedprice": 44287.38d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-09-26", "l_commitdate": "1993-10-13", "l_receiptdate": "1993-10-22", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": " sleep carefully ironically special" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4067, "l_partkey": 180, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 18.0d, "l_extendedprice": 19443.24d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-01-24", "l_commitdate": "1992-12-23", "l_receiptdate": "1993-02-20", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "e the slyly final packages d" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5092, "l_partkey": 180, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 14.0d, "l_extendedprice": 15122.52d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-02-20", "l_commitdate": "1995-11-30", "l_receiptdate": "1996-03-20", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": " deposits cajole furiously against the sly" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5382, "l_partkey": 180, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 6.0d, "l_extendedprice": 6481.08d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-03-07", "l_commitdate": "1992-04-02", "l_receiptdate": "1992-03-18", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "y final foxes by the sl" }
, { "l_orderkey": 70, "l_partkey": 180, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 1.0d, "l_extendedprice": 1080.18d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-01-26", "l_commitdate": "1994-03-05", "l_receiptdate": "1994-01-28", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "quickly. fluffily unusual theodolites c" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 512, "l_partkey": 180, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 40.0d, "l_extendedprice": 43207.2d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-07-06", "l_commitdate": "1995-07-08", "l_receiptdate": "1995-07-08", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "quests are da" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1253, "l_partkey": 180, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 14.0d, "l_extendedprice": 15122.52d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-04-03", "l_commitdate": "1993-04-16", "l_receiptdate": "1993-04-27", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "lar foxes sleep furiously final, final pack" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2881, "l_partkey": 180, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 16.0d, "l_extendedprice": 17282.88d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-06-21", "l_commitdate": "1992-06-27", "l_receiptdate": "1992-07-03", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "usly bold " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3652, "l_partkey": 180, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 24.0d, "l_extendedprice": 25924.32d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-06-07", "l_commitdate": "1997-04-07", "l_receiptdate": "1997-06-12", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "the final p" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3713, "l_partkey": 180, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 19.0d, "l_extendedprice": 20523.42d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-05-19", "l_commitdate": "1998-07-06", "l_receiptdate": "1998-06-09", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "quests cajole careful" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4515, "l_partkey": 180, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 23.0d, "l_extendedprice": 24844.14d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-05-23", "l_commitdate": "1992-06-15", "l_receiptdate": "1992-06-20", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ns. bold r" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4964, "l_partkey": 180, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 12.0d, "l_extendedprice": 12962.16d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-09-03", "l_commitdate": "1997-10-25", "l_receiptdate": "1997-09-15", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ully silent instructions ca" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 640, "l_partkey": 180, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 22.0d, "l_extendedprice": 23763.96d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-05-07", "l_commitdate": "1993-04-14", "l_receiptdate": "1993-05-21", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "osits across the slyly regular theodo" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 772, "l_partkey": 180, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 10.0d, "l_extendedprice": 10801.8d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-05-17", "l_commitdate": "1993-06-09", "l_receiptdate": "1993-05-29", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "o the furiously final deposits. furi" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1605, "l_partkey": 180, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 18.0d, "l_extendedprice": 19443.24d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-05-13", "l_commitdate": "1998-06-17", "l_receiptdate": "1998-06-03", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ly regular foxes wake carefully. bol" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1923, "l_partkey": 180, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 11.0d, "l_extendedprice": 11881.98d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-07-12", "l_commitdate": "1997-09-04", "l_receiptdate": "1997-08-01", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ages wake slyly about the furiously regular" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4642, "l_partkey": 180, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 34.0d, "l_extendedprice": 36726.12d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-04-01", "l_commitdate": "1995-05-11", "l_receiptdate": "1995-04-23", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "theodolites detect among the ironically sp" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4868, "l_partkey": 180, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 8.0d, "l_extendedprice": 8641.44d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-03-26", "l_commitdate": "1997-05-09", "l_receiptdate": "1997-04-16", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ly special th" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5221, "l_partkey": 180, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 16.0d, "l_extendedprice": 17282.88d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-08-29", "l_commitdate": "1995-09-06", "l_receiptdate": "1995-09-12", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ending request" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5318, "l_partkey": 180, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 26.0d, "l_extendedprice": 28084.68d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-07-07", "l_commitdate": "1993-05-23", "l_receiptdate": "1993-07-28", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "al, express foxes. bold requests sleep alwa" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 326, "l_partkey": 180, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 41.0d, "l_extendedprice": 44287.38d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-08-30", "l_commitdate": "1995-07-09", "l_receiptdate": "1995-09-12", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ily quickly bold ideas." }
, { "l_orderkey": 708, "l_partkey": 180, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 19.0d, "l_extendedprice": 20523.42d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-10-28", "l_commitdate": "1998-09-23", "l_receiptdate": "1998-11-25", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": " requests. even, thin ideas" }
, { "l_orderkey": 899, "l_partkey": 180, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 14.0d, "l_extendedprice": 15122.52d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-05-21", "l_commitdate": "1998-05-28", "l_receiptdate": "1998-06-03", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ades impress carefully" }
, { "l_orderkey": 966, "l_partkey": 180, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 19.0d, "l_extendedprice": 20523.42d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-05-26", "l_commitdate": "1998-07-15", "l_receiptdate": "1998-05-29", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "efully final pinto beans. quickly " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1826, "l_partkey": 180, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 6.0d, "l_extendedprice": 6481.08d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-06-30", "l_commitdate": "1992-05-17", "l_receiptdate": "1992-07-30", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "kages. blithely silent" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2881, "l_partkey": 180, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 16.0d, "l_extendedprice": 17282.88d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-06-21", "l_commitdate": "1992-06-27", "l_receiptdate": "1992-07-03", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "usly bold " }
, { "l_orderkey": 2949, "l_partkey": 180, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 38.0d, "l_extendedprice": 41046.84d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-05-22", "l_commitdate": "1994-05-25", "l_receiptdate": "1994-05-27", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "se slyly requests. carefull" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3906, "l_partkey": 180, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 15.0d, "l_extendedprice": 16202.7d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-07-30", "l_commitdate": "1992-08-26", "l_receiptdate": "1992-08-02", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "dependencies at the " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3652, "l_partkey": 180, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 24.0d, "l_extendedprice": 25924.32d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-06-07", "l_commitdate": "1997-04-07", "l_receiptdate": "1997-06-12", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "the final p" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3713, "l_partkey": 180, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 19.0d, "l_extendedprice": 20523.42d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-05-19", "l_commitdate": "1998-07-06", "l_receiptdate": "1998-06-09", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "quests cajole careful" }
, { "l_orderkey": 4099, "l_partkey": 180, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 46.0d, "l_extendedprice": 49688.28d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-10-29", "l_commitdate": "1992-11-03", "l_receiptdate": "1992-11-10", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ages nag requests." }
-, { "l_orderkey": 67, "l_partkey": 179, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 29.0d, "l_extendedprice": 31295.93d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-01-25", "l_commitdate": "1997-01-27", "l_receiptdate": "1997-01-27", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ultipliers " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2343, "l_partkey": 179, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 21.0d, "l_extendedprice": 22662.57d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-09-07", "l_commitdate": "1995-10-26", "l_receiptdate": "1995-10-07", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "osits. unusual theodolites boost furio" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3459, "l_partkey": 179, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 31.0d, "l_extendedprice": 33454.27d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-09-05", "l_commitdate": "1994-10-20", "l_receiptdate": "1994-10-03", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "y regular pain" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4741, "l_partkey": 179, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 40.0d, "l_extendedprice": 43166.8d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-09-20", "l_commitdate": "1992-09-23", "l_receiptdate": "1992-10-09", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": " fluffily slow deposits. fluffily regu" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5315, "l_partkey": 179, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 39.0d, "l_extendedprice": 42087.63d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-11-09", "l_commitdate": "1992-12-29", "l_receiptdate": "1992-12-07", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ly alongside of the ca" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 384, "l_partkey": 179, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 38.0d, "l_extendedprice": 41008.46d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-06-02", "l_commitdate": "1992-04-18", "l_receiptdate": "1992-06-10", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "totes cajole blithely against the even" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1188, "l_partkey": 179, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 41.0d, "l_extendedprice": 44245.97d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-06-29", "l_commitdate": "1996-05-21", "l_receiptdate": "1996-07-21", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "althy packages. fluffily unusual ideas h" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4193, "l_partkey": 179, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 10.0d, "l_extendedprice": 10791.7d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-02-10", "l_commitdate": "1994-03-22", "l_receiptdate": "1994-03-09", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "uffily spe" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5922, "l_partkey": 179, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 10.0d, "l_extendedprice": 10791.7d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-02-23", "l_commitdate": "1996-12-26", "l_receiptdate": "1997-03-04", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "sly regular deposits haggle quickly ins" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1287, "l_partkey": 179, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 21.0d, "l_extendedprice": 22662.57d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-10-06", "l_commitdate": "1994-09-25", "l_receiptdate": "1994-10-16", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "y quickly bold theodoli" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5318, "l_partkey": 180, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 26.0d, "l_extendedprice": 28084.68d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-07-07", "l_commitdate": "1993-05-23", "l_receiptdate": "1993-07-28", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "al, express foxes. bold requests sleep alwa" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5382, "l_partkey": 180, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 6.0d, "l_extendedprice": 6481.08d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-03-07", "l_commitdate": "1992-04-02", "l_receiptdate": "1992-03-18", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "y final foxes by the sl" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 326, "l_partkey": 180, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 41.0d, "l_extendedprice": 44287.38d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-08-30", "l_commitdate": "1995-07-09", "l_receiptdate": "1995-09-12", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ily quickly bold ideas." }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1605, "l_partkey": 180, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 18.0d, "l_extendedprice": 19443.24d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-05-13", "l_commitdate": "1998-06-17", "l_receiptdate": "1998-06-03", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ly regular foxes wake carefully. bol" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2084, "l_partkey": 180, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 23.0d, "l_extendedprice": 24844.14d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-06-05", "l_commitdate": "1993-05-26", "l_receiptdate": "1993-06-06", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "es against " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3906, "l_partkey": 180, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 15.0d, "l_extendedprice": 16202.7d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-07-30", "l_commitdate": "1992-08-26", "l_receiptdate": "1992-08-02", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "dependencies at the " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4515, "l_partkey": 180, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 23.0d, "l_extendedprice": 24844.14d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-05-23", "l_commitdate": "1992-06-15", "l_receiptdate": "1992-06-20", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ns. bold r" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4868, "l_partkey": 180, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 8.0d, "l_extendedprice": 8641.44d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-03-26", "l_commitdate": "1997-05-09", "l_receiptdate": "1997-04-16", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ly special th" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5221, "l_partkey": 180, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 16.0d, "l_extendedprice": 17282.88d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-08-29", "l_commitdate": "1995-09-06", "l_receiptdate": "1995-09-12", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ending request" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 512, "l_partkey": 180, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 40.0d, "l_extendedprice": 43207.2d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-07-06", "l_commitdate": "1995-07-08", "l_receiptdate": "1995-07-08", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "quests are da" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 772, "l_partkey": 180, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 10.0d, "l_extendedprice": 10801.8d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-05-17", "l_commitdate": "1993-06-09", "l_receiptdate": "1993-05-29", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "o the furiously final deposits. furi" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1923, "l_partkey": 180, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 11.0d, "l_extendedprice": 11881.98d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-07-12", "l_commitdate": "1997-09-04", "l_receiptdate": "1997-08-01", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ages wake slyly about the furiously regular" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4067, "l_partkey": 180, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 18.0d, "l_extendedprice": 19443.24d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-01-24", "l_commitdate": "1992-12-23", "l_receiptdate": "1993-02-20", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "e the slyly final packages d" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4642, "l_partkey": 180, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 34.0d, "l_extendedprice": 36726.12d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-04-01", "l_commitdate": "1995-05-11", "l_receiptdate": "1995-04-23", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "theodolites detect among the ironically sp" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4964, "l_partkey": 180, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 12.0d, "l_extendedprice": 12962.16d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-09-03", "l_commitdate": "1997-10-25", "l_receiptdate": "1997-09-15", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ully silent instructions ca" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5092, "l_partkey": 180, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 14.0d, "l_extendedprice": 15122.52d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-02-20", "l_commitdate": "1995-11-30", "l_receiptdate": "1996-03-20", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": " deposits cajole furiously against the sly" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 640, "l_partkey": 180, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 22.0d, "l_extendedprice": 23763.96d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-05-07", "l_commitdate": "1993-04-14", "l_receiptdate": "1993-05-21", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "osits across the slyly regular theodo" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1253, "l_partkey": 180, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 14.0d, "l_extendedprice": 15122.52d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-04-03", "l_commitdate": "1993-04-16", "l_receiptdate": "1993-04-27", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "lar foxes sleep furiously final, final pack" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3431, "l_partkey": 180, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 41.0d, "l_extendedprice": 44287.38d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-09-26", "l_commitdate": "1993-10-13", "l_receiptdate": "1993-10-22", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": " sleep carefully ironically special" }
, { "l_orderkey": 1410, "l_partkey": 179, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 18.0d, "l_extendedprice": 19425.06d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-06-03", "l_commitdate": "1997-05-17", "l_receiptdate": "1997-06-07", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "gle furiously fluffily regular requests" }
, { "l_orderkey": 1537, "l_partkey": 179, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 50.0d, "l_extendedprice": 53958.5d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-05-30", "l_commitdate": "1992-05-14", "l_receiptdate": "1992-06-23", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "special packages haggle slyly at the silent" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2343, "l_partkey": 179, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 21.0d, "l_extendedprice": 22662.57d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-09-07", "l_commitdate": "1995-10-26", "l_receiptdate": "1995-10-07", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "osits. unusual theodolites boost furio" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4193, "l_partkey": 179, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 10.0d, "l_extendedprice": 10791.7d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-02-10", "l_commitdate": "1994-03-22", "l_receiptdate": "1994-03-09", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "uffily spe" }
, { "l_orderkey": 4551, "l_partkey": 179, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 26.0d, "l_extendedprice": 28058.42d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-04-14", "l_commitdate": "1996-04-26", "l_receiptdate": "1996-04-17", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "le. carefully dogged accounts use furiousl" }
, { "l_orderkey": 4578, "l_partkey": 179, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 15.0d, "l_extendedprice": 16187.55d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-10-23", "l_commitdate": "1992-11-22", "l_receiptdate": "1992-11-09", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "gular theodo" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5922, "l_partkey": 179, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 10.0d, "l_extendedprice": 10791.7d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-02-23", "l_commitdate": "1996-12-26", "l_receiptdate": "1997-03-04", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "sly regular deposits haggle quickly ins" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 67, "l_partkey": 179, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 29.0d, "l_extendedprice": 31295.93d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-01-25", "l_commitdate": "1997-01-27", "l_receiptdate": "1997-01-27", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ultipliers " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 384, "l_partkey": 179, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 38.0d, "l_extendedprice": 41008.46d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-06-02", "l_commitdate": "1992-04-18", "l_receiptdate": "1992-06-10", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "totes cajole blithely against the even" }
, { "l_orderkey": 898, "l_partkey": 179, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 37.0d, "l_extendedprice": 39929.29d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-08-17", "l_commitdate": "1993-08-04", "l_receiptdate": "1993-09-01", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "packages sleep furiously" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4835, "l_partkey": 179, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 18.0d, "l_extendedprice": 19425.06d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-02-17", "l_commitdate": "1994-12-14", "l_receiptdate": "1995-03-17", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "eat furiously against the slyly " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5315, "l_partkey": 179, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 39.0d, "l_extendedprice": 42087.63d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-11-09", "l_commitdate": "1992-12-29", "l_receiptdate": "1992-12-07", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ly alongside of the ca" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1188, "l_partkey": 179, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 41.0d, "l_extendedprice": 44245.97d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-06-29", "l_commitdate": "1996-05-21", "l_receiptdate": "1996-07-21", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "althy packages. fluffily unusual ideas h" }
, { "l_orderkey": 2182, "l_partkey": 179, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 37.0d, "l_extendedprice": 39929.29d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-04-08", "l_commitdate": "1994-06-29", "l_receiptdate": "1994-04-18", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ges. blithely ironic" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3459, "l_partkey": 179, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 31.0d, "l_extendedprice": 33454.27d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-09-05", "l_commitdate": "1994-10-20", "l_receiptdate": "1994-10-03", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "y regular pain" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4741, "l_partkey": 179, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 40.0d, "l_extendedprice": 43166.8d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-09-20", "l_commitdate": "1992-09-23", "l_receiptdate": "1992-10-09", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": " fluffily slow deposits. fluffily regu" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1287, "l_partkey": 179, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 21.0d, "l_extendedprice": 22662.57d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-10-06", "l_commitdate": "1994-09-25", "l_receiptdate": "1994-10-16", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "y quickly bold theodoli" }
, { "l_orderkey": 4066, "l_partkey": 179, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 49.0d, "l_extendedprice": 52879.33d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-02-17", "l_commitdate": "1997-03-24", "l_receiptdate": "1997-02-19", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ial braids. furiously final deposits sl" }
, { "l_orderkey": 4642, "l_partkey": 179, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 41.0d, "l_extendedprice": 44245.97d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-04-08", "l_commitdate": "1995-04-13", "l_receiptdate": "1995-05-01", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "s are blithely. requests wake above the fur" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4835, "l_partkey": 179, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 18.0d, "l_extendedprice": 19425.06d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-02-17", "l_commitdate": "1994-12-14", "l_receiptdate": "1995-03-17", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "eat furiously against the slyly " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 197, "l_partkey": 178, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 8.0d, "l_extendedprice": 8625.36d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-04-17", "l_commitdate": "1995-07-01", "l_receiptdate": "1995-04-27", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "y blithely even deposits. blithely fina" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1120, "l_partkey": 178, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 10.0d, "l_extendedprice": 10781.7d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-12-17", "l_commitdate": "1998-01-21", "l_receiptdate": "1997-12-23", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "dependencies. blithel" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1413, "l_partkey": 178, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 18.0d, "l_extendedprice": 19407.06d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-10-11", "l_commitdate": "1997-08-17", "l_receiptdate": "1997-10-25", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "yly bold packages haggle quickly acr" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1633, "l_partkey": 178, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 35.0d, "l_extendedprice": 37735.95d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-01-09", "l_commitdate": "1995-12-02", "l_receiptdate": "1996-01-21", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ly against the dolph" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1923, "l_partkey": 178, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 23.0d, "l_extendedprice": 24797.91d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-09-08", "l_commitdate": "1997-08-11", "l_receiptdate": "1997-09-14", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "aggle carefully. furiously permanent" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2209, "l_partkey": 178, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 7.0d, "l_extendedprice": 7547.19d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-08-18", "l_commitdate": "1992-09-09", "l_receiptdate": "1992-09-12", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": " quickly regular pack" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2306, "l_partkey": 178, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 35.0d, "l_extendedprice": 37735.95d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-08-18", "l_commitdate": "1995-08-30", "l_receiptdate": "1995-08-20", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "raids along the furiously unusual asympto" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1284, "l_partkey": 178, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 49.0d, "l_extendedprice": 52830.33d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-04-11", "l_commitdate": "1996-03-04", "l_receiptdate": "1996-04-16", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "lar packages. special packages ac" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1607, "l_partkey": 178, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 48.0d, "l_extendedprice": 51752.16d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-02-22", "l_commitdate": "1996-02-13", "l_receiptdate": "1996-03-09", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ular forges. deposits a" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1926, "l_partkey": 178, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 10.0d, "l_extendedprice": 10781.7d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-05-23", "l_commitdate": "1996-03-02", "l_receiptdate": "1996-06-04", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "usly bold accounts. express accounts" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3393, "l_partkey": 178, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 37.0d, "l_extendedprice": 39892.29d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-10-16", "l_commitdate": "1995-08-19", "l_receiptdate": "1995-10-19", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ss the slyly ironic pinto beans. ironic," }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3809, "l_partkey": 178, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 43.0d, "l_extendedprice": 46361.31d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-05-06", "l_commitdate": "1996-06-22", "l_receiptdate": "1996-06-05", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "yly ironic decoys; regular, iron" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3909, "l_partkey": 178, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 30.0d, "l_extendedprice": 32345.1d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-10-17", "l_commitdate": "1998-10-14", "l_receiptdate": "1998-10-28", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ly even deposits across the ironic notorni" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3940, "l_partkey": 178, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 33.0d, "l_extendedprice": 35579.61d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-05-19", "l_commitdate": "1996-04-19", "l_receiptdate": "1996-05-23", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ly ironic packages about the pending accou" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4130, "l_partkey": 178, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 44.0d, "l_extendedprice": 47439.48d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-05-14", "l_commitdate": "1996-04-15", "l_receiptdate": "1996-05-15", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "eaves haggle qui" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4580, "l_partkey": 178, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 5.0d, "l_extendedprice": 5390.85d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-01-28", "l_commitdate": "1993-12-17", "l_receiptdate": "1994-02-22", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "o beans. f" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4678, "l_partkey": 178, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 40.0d, "l_extendedprice": 43126.8d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-11-11", "l_commitdate": "1998-10-27", "l_receiptdate": "1998-11-24", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": ". final, unusual requests sleep thinl" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5095, "l_partkey": 178, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 42.0d, "l_extendedprice": 45283.14d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-05-23", "l_commitdate": "1992-06-01", "l_receiptdate": "1992-06-18", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ccounts. packages could have t" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5792, "l_partkey": 178, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 34.0d, "l_extendedprice": 36657.78d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-05-23", "l_commitdate": "1993-06-25", "l_receiptdate": "1993-06-12", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "requests are against t" }
, { "l_orderkey": 1187, "l_partkey": 178, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 29.0d, "l_extendedprice": 31266.93d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-12-10", "l_commitdate": "1993-02-09", "l_receiptdate": "1992-12-29", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "riously express ac" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1286, "l_partkey": 178, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 49.0d, "l_extendedprice": 52830.33d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-06-24", "l_commitdate": "1993-08-12", "l_receiptdate": "1993-06-26", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "gged accoun" }
, { "l_orderkey": 1382, "l_partkey": 178, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 43.0d, "l_extendedprice": 46361.31d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-09-02", "l_commitdate": "1993-10-06", "l_receiptdate": "1993-09-15", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ress deposits. slyly ironic foxes are blit" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1413, "l_partkey": 178, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 18.0d, "l_extendedprice": 19407.06d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-10-11", "l_commitdate": "1997-08-17", "l_receiptdate": "1997-10-25", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "yly bold packages haggle quickly acr" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1607, "l_partkey": 178, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 48.0d, "l_extendedprice": 51752.16d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-02-22", "l_commitdate": "1996-02-13", "l_receiptdate": "1996-03-09", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ular forges. deposits a" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1633, "l_partkey": 178, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 35.0d, "l_extendedprice": 37735.95d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-01-09", "l_commitdate": "1995-12-02", "l_receiptdate": "1996-01-21", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ly against the dolph" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1926, "l_partkey": 178, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 10.0d, "l_extendedprice": 10781.7d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-05-23", "l_commitdate": "1996-03-02", "l_receiptdate": "1996-06-04", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "usly bold accounts. express accounts" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2209, "l_partkey": 178, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 7.0d, "l_extendedprice": 7547.19d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-08-18", "l_commitdate": "1992-09-09", "l_receiptdate": "1992-09-12", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": " quickly regular pack" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2661, "l_partkey": 178, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 31.0d, "l_extendedprice": 33423.27d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-04-07", "l_commitdate": "1997-03-10", "l_receiptdate": "1997-04-23", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "e ironicall" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3393, "l_partkey": 178, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 37.0d, "l_extendedprice": 39892.29d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-10-16", "l_commitdate": "1995-08-19", "l_receiptdate": "1995-10-19", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ss the slyly ironic pinto beans. ironic," }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3521, "l_partkey": 178, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 38.0d, "l_extendedprice": 40970.46d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-02-15", "l_commitdate": "1992-12-10", "l_receiptdate": "1993-03-10", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ges hang q" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3809, "l_partkey": 178, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 43.0d, "l_extendedprice": 46361.31d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-05-06", "l_commitdate": "1996-06-22", "l_receiptdate": "1996-06-05", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "yly ironic decoys; regular, iron" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4646, "l_partkey": 178, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 26.0d, "l_extendedprice": 28032.42d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-10-02", "l_commitdate": "1996-08-25", "l_receiptdate": "1996-10-27", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ix according to the slyly spe" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4678, "l_partkey": 178, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 40.0d, "l_extendedprice": 43126.8d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-11-11", "l_commitdate": "1998-10-27", "l_receiptdate": "1998-11-24", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": ". final, unusual requests sleep thinl" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5472, "l_partkey": 178, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 45.0d, "l_extendedprice": 48517.65d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-06-05", "l_commitdate": "1993-05-14", "l_receiptdate": "1993-06-10", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": " idle packages. furi" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5792, "l_partkey": 178, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 34.0d, "l_extendedprice": 36657.78d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-05-23", "l_commitdate": "1993-06-25", "l_receiptdate": "1993-06-12", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "requests are against t" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1123, "l_partkey": 178, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 39.0d, "l_extendedprice": 42048.63d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-08-25", "l_commitdate": "1996-10-21", "l_receiptdate": "1996-09-04", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "rding to the furiously ironic requests: r" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1286, "l_partkey": 178, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 49.0d, "l_extendedprice": 52830.33d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-06-24", "l_commitdate": "1993-08-12", "l_receiptdate": "1993-06-26", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "gged accoun" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2306, "l_partkey": 178, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 35.0d, "l_extendedprice": 37735.95d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-08-18", "l_commitdate": "1995-08-30", "l_receiptdate": "1995-08-20", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "raids along the furiously unusual asympto" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4196, "l_partkey": 178, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 46.0d, "l_extendedprice": 49595.82d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-09-05", "l_commitdate": "1998-06-28", "l_receiptdate": "1998-09-10", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "according to t" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4580, "l_partkey": 178, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 5.0d, "l_extendedprice": 5390.85d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-01-28", "l_commitdate": "1993-12-17", "l_receiptdate": "1994-02-22", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "o beans. f" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5095, "l_partkey": 178, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 42.0d, "l_extendedprice": 45283.14d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-05-23", "l_commitdate": "1992-06-01", "l_receiptdate": "1992-06-18", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ccounts. packages could have t" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1120, "l_partkey": 178, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 10.0d, "l_extendedprice": 10781.7d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-12-17", "l_commitdate": "1998-01-21", "l_receiptdate": "1997-12-23", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "dependencies. blithel" }
, { "l_orderkey": 1538, "l_partkey": 178, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 13.0d, "l_extendedprice": 14016.21d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-06-26", "l_commitdate": "1995-07-30", "l_receiptdate": "1995-07-25", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ly. packages sleep f" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1575, "l_partkey": 178, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 14.0d, "l_extendedprice": 15094.38d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-10-31", "l_commitdate": "1995-12-06", "l_receiptdate": "1995-11-30", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "beans breach among the furiously specia" }
, { "l_orderkey": 1671, "l_partkey": 178, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 5.0d, "l_extendedprice": 5390.85d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-11-14", "l_commitdate": "1996-10-20", "l_receiptdate": "1996-11-25", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "luffily regular deposits" }
, { "l_orderkey": 1825, "l_partkey": 178, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 33.0d, "l_extendedprice": 35579.61d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-12-07", "l_commitdate": "1994-03-01", "l_receiptdate": "1993-12-16", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "about the ne" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3173, "l_partkey": 178, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 5.0d, "l_extendedprice": 5390.85d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-12-06", "l_commitdate": "1996-09-17", "l_receiptdate": "1996-12-07", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "express depo" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4196, "l_partkey": 178, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 46.0d, "l_extendedprice": 49595.82d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-09-05", "l_commitdate": "1998-06-28", "l_receiptdate": "1998-09-10", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "according to t" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4579, "l_partkey": 178, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 34.0d, "l_extendedprice": 36657.78d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-02-26", "l_commitdate": "1996-02-22", "l_receiptdate": "1996-03-16", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "hely. carefully blithe dependen" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4646, "l_partkey": 178, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 26.0d, "l_extendedprice": 28032.42d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-10-02", "l_commitdate": "1996-08-25", "l_receiptdate": "1996-10-27", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ix according to the slyly spe" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5443, "l_partkey": 178, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 14.0d, "l_extendedprice": 15094.38d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-10-27", "l_commitdate": "1996-11-11", "l_receiptdate": "1996-11-21", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "s after the regular, regular deposits hag" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5472, "l_partkey": 178, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 45.0d, "l_extendedprice": 48517.65d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-06-05", "l_commitdate": "1993-05-14", "l_receiptdate": "1993-06-10", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": " idle packages. furi" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1059, "l_partkey": 178, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 16.0d, "l_extendedprice": 17250.72d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-04-24", "l_commitdate": "1994-03-31", "l_receiptdate": "1994-04-28", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "y ironic pinto " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1123, "l_partkey": 178, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 39.0d, "l_extendedprice": 42048.63d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-08-25", "l_commitdate": "1996-10-21", "l_receiptdate": "1996-09-04", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "rding to the furiously ironic requests: r" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1504, "l_partkey": 178, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 9.0d, "l_extendedprice": 9703.53d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-11-02", "l_commitdate": "1992-10-12", "l_receiptdate": "1992-11-15", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "y slyly regular courts." }
, { "l_orderkey": 2181, "l_partkey": 178, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 4.0d, "l_extendedprice": 4312.68d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-09-25", "l_commitdate": "1995-11-12", "l_receiptdate": "1995-09-28", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "tes. slyly silent packages use along th" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2661, "l_partkey": 178, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 31.0d, "l_extendedprice": 33423.27d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-04-07", "l_commitdate": "1997-03-10", "l_receiptdate": "1997-04-23", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "e ironicall" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3235, "l_partkey": 178, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 23.0d, "l_extendedprice": 24797.91d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-02-16", "l_commitdate": "1996-01-05", "l_receiptdate": "1996-03-07", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ldly ironic pinto beans" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3521, "l_partkey": 178, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 38.0d, "l_extendedprice": 40970.46d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-02-15", "l_commitdate": "1992-12-10", "l_receiptdate": "1993-03-10", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ges hang q" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3909, "l_partkey": 178, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 30.0d, "l_extendedprice": 32345.1d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-10-17", "l_commitdate": "1998-10-14", "l_receiptdate": "1998-10-28", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ly even deposits across the ironic notorni" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3940, "l_partkey": 178, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 33.0d, "l_extendedprice": 35579.61d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-05-19", "l_commitdate": "1996-04-19", "l_receiptdate": "1996-05-23", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ly ironic packages about the pending accou" }
, { "l_orderkey": 4131, "l_partkey": 178, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 32.0d, "l_extendedprice": 34501.44d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-03-02", "l_commitdate": "1998-03-21", "l_receiptdate": "1998-03-07", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": " furiously regular asymptotes nod sly" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 197, "l_partkey": 178, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 8.0d, "l_extendedprice": 8625.36d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-04-17", "l_commitdate": "1995-07-01", "l_receiptdate": "1995-04-27", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "y blithely even deposits. blithely fina" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1059, "l_partkey": 178, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 16.0d, "l_extendedprice": 17250.72d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-04-24", "l_commitdate": "1994-03-31", "l_receiptdate": "1994-04-28", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "y ironic pinto " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1284, "l_partkey": 178, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 49.0d, "l_extendedprice": 52830.33d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-04-11", "l_commitdate": "1996-03-04", "l_receiptdate": "1996-04-16", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "lar packages. special packages ac" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1504, "l_partkey": 178, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 9.0d, "l_extendedprice": 9703.53d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-11-02", "l_commitdate": "1992-10-12", "l_receiptdate": "1992-11-15", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "y slyly regular courts." }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1575, "l_partkey": 178, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 14.0d, "l_extendedprice": 15094.38d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-10-31", "l_commitdate": "1995-12-06", "l_receiptdate": "1995-11-30", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "beans breach among the furiously specia" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1923, "l_partkey": 178, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 23.0d, "l_extendedprice": 24797.91d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-09-08", "l_commitdate": "1997-08-11", "l_receiptdate": "1997-09-14", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "aggle carefully. furiously permanent" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3173, "l_partkey": 178, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 5.0d, "l_extendedprice": 5390.85d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-12-06", "l_commitdate": "1996-09-17", "l_receiptdate": "1996-12-07", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "express depo" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3235, "l_partkey": 178, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 23.0d, "l_extendedprice": 24797.91d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-02-16", "l_commitdate": "1996-01-05", "l_receiptdate": "1996-03-07", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ldly ironic pinto beans" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4130, "l_partkey": 178, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 44.0d, "l_extendedprice": 47439.48d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-05-14", "l_commitdate": "1996-04-15", "l_receiptdate": "1996-05-15", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "eaves haggle qui" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4579, "l_partkey": 178, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 34.0d, "l_extendedprice": 36657.78d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-02-26", "l_commitdate": "1996-02-22", "l_receiptdate": "1996-03-16", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "hely. carefully blithe dependen" }
, { "l_orderkey": 5092, "l_partkey": 178, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 11.0d, "l_extendedprice": 11859.87d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-12-02", "l_commitdate": "1995-12-27", "l_receiptdate": "1995-12-11", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ly against the slyly silen" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 133, "l_partkey": 177, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 12.0d, "l_extendedprice": 12926.04d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-12-02", "l_commitdate": "1998-01-15", "l_receiptdate": "1997-12-29", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ts cajole fluffily quickly i" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 774, "l_partkey": 177, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 44.0d, "l_extendedprice": 47395.48d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-02-29", "l_commitdate": "1996-01-16", "l_receiptdate": "1996-03-06", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "s according to the deposits unwind ca" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5443, "l_partkey": 178, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 14.0d, "l_extendedprice": 15094.38d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-10-27", "l_commitdate": "1996-11-11", "l_receiptdate": "1996-11-21", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "s after the regular, regular deposits hag" }
, { "l_orderkey": 1093, "l_partkey": 177, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 37.0d, "l_extendedprice": 39855.29d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-11-06", "l_commitdate": "1997-10-08", "l_receiptdate": "1997-11-22", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "le furiously across the carefully sp" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1956, "l_partkey": 177, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 8.0d, "l_extendedprice": 8617.36d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-12-25", "l_commitdate": "1992-11-24", "l_receiptdate": "1993-01-12", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "efully about the ironic, ironic de" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3141, "l_partkey": 177, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 32.0d, "l_extendedprice": 34469.44d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-11-21", "l_commitdate": "1995-12-18", "l_receiptdate": "1995-11-26", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "oxes are quickly about t" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3169, "l_partkey": 177, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 46.0d, "l_extendedprice": 49549.82d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-02-01", "l_commitdate": "1994-01-22", "l_receiptdate": "1994-02-24", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "thely bold theodolites are fl" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3713, "l_partkey": 177, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 19.0d, "l_extendedprice": 20466.23d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-06-25", "l_commitdate": "1998-07-24", "l_receiptdate": "1998-07-08", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "tructions serve blithely around the furi" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4387, "l_partkey": 177, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 48.0d, "l_extendedprice": 51704.16d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-10-29", "l_commitdate": "1995-12-11", "l_receiptdate": "1995-11-01", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "sleep slyly. blithely sl" }
, { "l_orderkey": 1441, "l_partkey": 177, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 5.0d, "l_extendedprice": 5385.85d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-04-25", "l_commitdate": "1997-04-16", "l_receiptdate": "1997-05-23", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "he quickly enticing pac" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3680, "l_partkey": 177, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 48.0d, "l_extendedprice": 51704.16d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-01-16", "l_commitdate": "1993-01-23", "l_receiptdate": "1993-01-19", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "packages. quickly fluff" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4709, "l_partkey": 177, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 25.0d, "l_extendedprice": 26929.25d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-01-22", "l_commitdate": "1996-03-03", "l_receiptdate": "1996-02-21", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "inst the ironic, regul" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5504, "l_partkey": 177, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 7.0d, "l_extendedprice": 7540.19d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-04-25", "l_commitdate": "1993-03-15", "l_receiptdate": "1993-05-06", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "packages detect furiously express reques" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1954, "l_partkey": 177, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 13.0d, "l_extendedprice": 14003.21d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-06-15", "l_commitdate": "1997-08-22", "l_receiptdate": "1997-06-20", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "y ironic instructions cajole" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2852, "l_partkey": 177, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 6.0d, "l_extendedprice": 6463.02d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-03-02", "l_commitdate": "1993-04-11", "l_receiptdate": "1993-03-11", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": " accounts above the furiously un" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3296, "l_partkey": 177, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 16.0d, "l_extendedprice": 17234.72d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-01-11", "l_commitdate": "1994-12-27", "l_receiptdate": "1995-01-12", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "kages cajole carefully " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3622, "l_partkey": 177, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 9.0d, "l_extendedprice": 9694.53d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-12-12", "l_commitdate": "1996-02-09", "l_receiptdate": "1995-12-13", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "arefully. furiously regular ideas n" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4577, "l_partkey": 177, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 43.0d, "l_extendedprice": 46318.31d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-08-24", "l_commitdate": "1998-06-02", "l_receiptdate": "1998-09-14", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ly accounts. carefully " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4644, "l_partkey": 177, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 4.0d, "l_extendedprice": 4308.68d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-05-06", "l_commitdate": "1998-03-19", "l_receiptdate": "1998-05-28", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "gular requests? pendi" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 774, "l_partkey": 177, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 44.0d, "l_extendedprice": 47395.48d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-02-29", "l_commitdate": "1996-01-16", "l_receiptdate": "1996-03-06", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "s according to the deposits unwind ca" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2405, "l_partkey": 177, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 23.0d, "l_extendedprice": 24774.91d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-12-28", "l_commitdate": "1997-01-29", "l_receiptdate": "1997-01-07", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "t wake blithely blithely regular idea" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4387, "l_partkey": 177, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 48.0d, "l_extendedprice": 51704.16d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-10-29", "l_commitdate": "1995-12-11", "l_receiptdate": "1995-11-01", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "sleep slyly. blithely sl" }
, { "l_orderkey": 5923, "l_partkey": 177, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 27.0d, "l_extendedprice": 29083.59d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-08-16", "l_commitdate": "1997-06-27", "l_receiptdate": "1997-08-29", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "arefully i" }
, { "l_orderkey": 896, "l_partkey": 177, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 44.0d, "l_extendedprice": 47395.48d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-05-19", "l_commitdate": "1993-04-14", "l_receiptdate": "1993-06-02", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "lar, pending packages. deposits are q" }
, { "l_orderkey": 1632, "l_partkey": 177, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 47.0d, "l_extendedprice": 50626.99d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-01-29", "l_commitdate": "1997-03-03", "l_receiptdate": "1997-02-21", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "sts. blithely regular " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1954, "l_partkey": 177, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 13.0d, "l_extendedprice": 14003.21d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-06-15", "l_commitdate": "1997-08-22", "l_receiptdate": "1997-06-20", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "y ironic instructions cajole" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3141, "l_partkey": 177, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 32.0d, "l_extendedprice": 34469.44d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-11-21", "l_commitdate": "1995-12-18", "l_receiptdate": "1995-11-26", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "oxes are quickly about t" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3169, "l_partkey": 177, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 46.0d, "l_extendedprice": 49549.82d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-02-01", "l_commitdate": "1994-01-22", "l_receiptdate": "1994-02-24", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "thely bold theodolites are fl" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3680, "l_partkey": 177, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 48.0d, "l_extendedprice": 51704.16d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-01-16", "l_commitdate": "1993-01-23", "l_receiptdate": "1993-01-19", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "packages. quickly fluff" }
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+, { "l_orderkey": 4871, "l_partkey": 177, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 14.0d, "l_extendedprice": 15080.38d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-09-30", "l_commitdate": "1995-07-29", "l_receiptdate": "1995-10-18", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "inst the never ironic " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 133, "l_partkey": 177, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 12.0d, "l_extendedprice": 12926.04d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-12-02", "l_commitdate": "1998-01-15", "l_receiptdate": "1997-12-29", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ts cajole fluffily quickly i" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 229, "l_partkey": 177, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 3.0d, "l_extendedprice": 3231.51d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-03-22", "l_commitdate": "1994-03-24", "l_receiptdate": "1994-04-04", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "posits. furiously regular theodol" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1956, "l_partkey": 177, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 8.0d, "l_extendedprice": 8617.36d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-12-25", "l_commitdate": "1992-11-24", "l_receiptdate": "1993-01-12", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "efully about the ironic, ironic de" }
, { "l_orderkey": 2754, "l_partkey": 177, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 19.0d, "l_extendedprice": 20466.23d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-06-27", "l_commitdate": "1994-05-06", "l_receiptdate": "1994-06-28", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "latelets hag" }
, { "l_orderkey": 2788, "l_partkey": 177, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 16.0d, "l_extendedprice": 17234.72d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-10-04", "l_commitdate": "1994-11-25", "l_receiptdate": "1994-10-18", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": " requests wake carefully. carefully si" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3296, "l_partkey": 177, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 16.0d, "l_extendedprice": 17234.72d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-01-11", "l_commitdate": "1994-12-27", "l_receiptdate": "1995-01-12", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "kages cajole carefully " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3622, "l_partkey": 177, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 9.0d, "l_extendedprice": 9694.53d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-12-12", "l_commitdate": "1996-02-09", "l_receiptdate": "1995-12-13", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "arefully. furiously regular ideas n" }
, { "l_orderkey": 4514, "l_partkey": 177, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 27.0d, "l_extendedprice": 29083.59d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-06-24", "l_commitdate": "1994-07-14", "l_receiptdate": "1994-06-30", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": ". slyly sile" }
, { "l_orderkey": 4548, "l_partkey": 177, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 22.0d, "l_extendedprice": 23697.74d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-07-06", "l_commitdate": "1996-08-23", "l_receiptdate": "1996-07-15", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "s. furiously ironic theodolites c" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4577, "l_partkey": 177, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 43.0d, "l_extendedprice": 46318.31d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-08-24", "l_commitdate": "1998-06-02", "l_receiptdate": "1998-09-14", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ly accounts. carefully " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4644, "l_partkey": 177, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 4.0d, "l_extendedprice": 4308.68d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-05-06", "l_commitdate": "1998-03-19", "l_receiptdate": "1998-05-28", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "gular requests? pendi" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4871, "l_partkey": 177, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 14.0d, "l_extendedprice": 15080.38d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-09-30", "l_commitdate": "1995-07-29", "l_receiptdate": "1995-10-18", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "inst the never ironic " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 229, "l_partkey": 177, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 3.0d, "l_extendedprice": 3231.51d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-03-22", "l_commitdate": "1994-03-24", "l_receiptdate": "1994-04-04", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "posits. furiously regular theodol" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2405, "l_partkey": 177, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 23.0d, "l_extendedprice": 24774.91d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-12-28", "l_commitdate": "1997-01-29", "l_receiptdate": "1997-01-07", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "t wake blithely blithely regular idea" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2852, "l_partkey": 177, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 6.0d, "l_extendedprice": 6463.02d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-03-02", "l_commitdate": "1993-04-11", "l_receiptdate": "1993-03-11", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": " accounts above the furiously un" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4709, "l_partkey": 177, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 25.0d, "l_extendedprice": 26929.25d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-01-22", "l_commitdate": "1996-03-03", "l_receiptdate": "1996-02-21", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "inst the ironic, regul" }
, { "l_orderkey": 5382, "l_partkey": 177, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 14.0d, "l_extendedprice": 15080.38d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-04-05", "l_commitdate": "1992-04-05", "l_receiptdate": "1992-05-04", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": " brave platelets. ev" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 68, "l_partkey": 176, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 46.0d, "l_extendedprice": 49503.82d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-06-26", "l_commitdate": "1998-06-07", "l_receiptdate": "1998-07-05", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": " requests are unusual, regular pinto " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 675, "l_partkey": 176, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 34.0d, "l_extendedprice": 36589.78d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-11-17", "l_commitdate": "1997-10-07", "l_receiptdate": "1997-11-27", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "y final accounts unwind around the " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2789, "l_partkey": 176, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 33.0d, "l_extendedprice": 35513.61d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-04-21", "l_commitdate": "1998-05-02", "l_receiptdate": "1998-04-30", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "deposits. ironic " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3841, "l_partkey": 176, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 3.0d, "l_extendedprice": 3228.51d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-10-24", "l_commitdate": "1994-12-07", "l_receiptdate": "1994-11-09", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "foxes integrate " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5280, "l_partkey": 176, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 46.0d, "l_extendedprice": 49503.82d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-01-04", "l_commitdate": "1998-01-21", "l_receiptdate": "1998-02-03", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "efully carefully pen" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 38, "l_partkey": 176, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 44.0d, "l_extendedprice": 47351.48d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-09-29", "l_commitdate": "1996-11-17", "l_receiptdate": "1996-09-30", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "s. blithely unusual theodolites am" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 422, "l_partkey": 176, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 46.0d, "l_extendedprice": 49503.82d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-06-21", "l_commitdate": "1997-07-14", "l_receiptdate": "1997-06-27", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": " ideas. qu" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1253, "l_partkey": 176, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 23.0d, "l_extendedprice": 24751.91d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-04-18", "l_commitdate": "1993-04-18", "l_receiptdate": "1993-05-07", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": " the slyly silent re" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3206, "l_partkey": 176, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 1.0d, "l_extendedprice": 1076.17d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-11-22", "l_commitdate": "1996-10-16", "l_receiptdate": "1996-12-07", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "y unusual foxes cajole ab" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4800, "l_partkey": 176, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 38.0d, "l_extendedprice": 40894.46d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-02-01", "l_commitdate": "1992-02-28", "l_receiptdate": "1992-02-21", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "s sleep fluffily. furiou" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 453, "l_partkey": 176, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 38.0d, "l_extendedprice": 40894.46d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-06-30", "l_commitdate": "1997-07-08", "l_receiptdate": "1997-07-16", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": " furiously f" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 800, "l_partkey": 176, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 26.0d, "l_extendedprice": 27980.42d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-07-23", "l_commitdate": "1998-10-08", "l_receiptdate": "1998-07-25", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "bove the pending requests." }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2020, "l_partkey": 176, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 40.0d, "l_extendedprice": 43046.8d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-10-17", "l_commitdate": "1993-09-14", "l_receiptdate": "1993-10-29", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ently across the" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3590, "l_partkey": 176, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 10.0d, "l_extendedprice": 10761.7d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-07-17", "l_commitdate": "1995-06-26", "l_receiptdate": "1995-08-12", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "t the quickly ironic" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5184, "l_partkey": 176, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 26.0d, "l_extendedprice": 27980.42d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-11-11", "l_commitdate": "1998-08-26", "l_receiptdate": "1998-12-01", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": " packages are" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5602, "l_partkey": 176, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 9.0d, "l_extendedprice": 9685.53d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-10-14", "l_commitdate": "1997-09-14", "l_receiptdate": "1997-11-11", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "lar foxes; quickly ironic ac" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5987, "l_partkey": 176, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 20.0d, "l_extendedprice": 21523.4d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-11-28", "l_commitdate": "1996-09-17", "l_receiptdate": "1996-12-05", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ing excuses nag quickly always bold" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5504, "l_partkey": 177, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 7.0d, "l_extendedprice": 7540.19d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-04-25", "l_commitdate": "1993-03-15", "l_receiptdate": "1993-05-06", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "packages detect furiously express reques" }
, { "l_orderkey": 769, "l_partkey": 176, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 36.0d, "l_extendedprice": 38742.12d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-10-01", "l_commitdate": "1993-08-07", "l_receiptdate": "1993-10-15", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "es. furiously iro" }
, { "l_orderkey": 1826, "l_partkey": 176, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 14.0d, "l_extendedprice": 15066.38d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-04-28", "l_commitdate": "1992-05-31", "l_receiptdate": "1992-05-25", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "uriously bold pinto beans are carefully ag" }
, { "l_orderkey": 1958, "l_partkey": 176, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 29.0d, "l_extendedprice": 31208.93d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-01-19", "l_commitdate": "1995-12-05", "l_receiptdate": "1996-02-14", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "d pinto beans" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2306, "l_partkey": 176, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 19.0d, "l_extendedprice": 20447.23d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-11-17", "l_commitdate": "1995-09-06", "l_receiptdate": "1995-11-30", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "tainments nag furiously carefull" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2789, "l_partkey": 176, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 33.0d, "l_extendedprice": 35513.61d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-04-21", "l_commitdate": "1998-05-02", "l_receiptdate": "1998-04-30", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "deposits. ironic " }
, { "l_orderkey": 2981, "l_partkey": 176, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 8.0d, "l_extendedprice": 8609.36d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-08-21", "l_commitdate": "1998-09-28", "l_receiptdate": "1998-09-05", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ng to the f" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3109, "l_partkey": 176, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 43.0d, "l_extendedprice": 46275.31d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-09-29", "l_commitdate": "1993-09-06", "l_receiptdate": "1993-10-13", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ding to the foxes. " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3365, "l_partkey": 176, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 49.0d, "l_extendedprice": 52732.33d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-01-03", "l_commitdate": "1995-01-01", "l_receiptdate": "1995-01-18", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "lyly unusual asymptotes. final" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3813, "l_partkey": 176, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 37.0d, "l_extendedprice": 39818.29d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-10-13", "l_commitdate": "1998-09-19", "l_receiptdate": "1998-10-28", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ravely special packages haggle p" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3206, "l_partkey": 176, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 1.0d, "l_extendedprice": 1076.17d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-11-22", "l_commitdate": "1996-10-16", "l_receiptdate": "1996-12-07", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "y unusual foxes cajole ab" }
, { "l_orderkey": 3907, "l_partkey": 176, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 48.0d, "l_extendedprice": 51656.16d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-09-24", "l_commitdate": "1992-10-16", "l_receiptdate": "1992-10-06", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "nt asymptotes lose across th" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5184, "l_partkey": 176, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 26.0d, "l_extendedprice": 27980.42d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-11-11", "l_commitdate": "1998-08-26", "l_receiptdate": "1998-12-01", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": " packages are" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5602, "l_partkey": 176, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 9.0d, "l_extendedprice": 9685.53d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-10-14", "l_commitdate": "1997-09-14", "l_receiptdate": "1997-11-11", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "lar foxes; quickly ironic ac" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 38, "l_partkey": 176, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 44.0d, "l_extendedprice": 47351.48d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-09-29", "l_commitdate": "1996-11-17", "l_receiptdate": "1996-09-30", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "s. blithely unusual theodolites am" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 422, "l_partkey": 176, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 46.0d, "l_extendedprice": 49503.82d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-06-21", "l_commitdate": "1997-07-14", "l_receiptdate": "1997-06-27", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": " ideas. qu" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 453, "l_partkey": 176, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 38.0d, "l_extendedprice": 40894.46d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-06-30", "l_commitdate": "1997-07-08", "l_receiptdate": "1997-07-16", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": " furiously f" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2020, "l_partkey": 176, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 40.0d, "l_extendedprice": 43046.8d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-10-17", "l_commitdate": "1993-09-14", "l_receiptdate": "1993-10-29", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ently across the" }
, { "l_orderkey": 4803, "l_partkey": 176, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 47.0d, "l_extendedprice": 50579.99d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-03-14", "l_commitdate": "1996-03-30", "l_receiptdate": "1996-03-15", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ly final excuses. slyly express requ" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 675, "l_partkey": 176, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 34.0d, "l_extendedprice": 36589.78d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-11-17", "l_commitdate": "1997-10-07", "l_receiptdate": "1997-11-27", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "y final accounts unwind around the " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 800, "l_partkey": 176, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 26.0d, "l_extendedprice": 27980.42d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-07-23", "l_commitdate": "1998-10-08", "l_receiptdate": "1998-07-25", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "bove the pending requests." }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2306, "l_partkey": 176, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 19.0d, "l_extendedprice": 20447.23d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-11-17", "l_commitdate": "1995-09-06", "l_receiptdate": "1995-11-30", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "tainments nag furiously carefull" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3109, "l_partkey": 176, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 43.0d, "l_extendedprice": 46275.31d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-09-29", "l_commitdate": "1993-09-06", "l_receiptdate": "1993-10-13", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ding to the foxes. " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3841, "l_partkey": 176, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 3.0d, "l_extendedprice": 3228.51d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-10-24", "l_commitdate": "1994-12-07", "l_receiptdate": "1994-11-09", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "foxes integrate " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4800, "l_partkey": 176, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 38.0d, "l_extendedprice": 40894.46d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-02-01", "l_commitdate": "1992-02-28", "l_receiptdate": "1992-02-21", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "s sleep fluffily. furiou" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5280, "l_partkey": 176, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 46.0d, "l_extendedprice": 49503.82d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-01-04", "l_commitdate": "1998-01-21", "l_receiptdate": "1998-02-03", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "efully carefully pen" }
, { "l_orderkey": 5924, "l_partkey": 176, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 38.0d, "l_extendedprice": 40894.46d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-12-17", "l_commitdate": "1995-12-11", "l_receiptdate": "1996-01-06", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ions cajole carefully along the " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 68, "l_partkey": 176, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 46.0d, "l_extendedprice": 49503.82d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-06-26", "l_commitdate": "1998-06-07", "l_receiptdate": "1998-07-05", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": " requests are unusual, regular pinto " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1253, "l_partkey": 176, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 23.0d, "l_extendedprice": 24751.91d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-04-18", "l_commitdate": "1993-04-18", "l_receiptdate": "1993-05-07", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": " the slyly silent re" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3365, "l_partkey": 176, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 49.0d, "l_extendedprice": 52732.33d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-01-03", "l_commitdate": "1995-01-01", "l_receiptdate": "1995-01-18", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "lyly unusual asymptotes. final" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3590, "l_partkey": 176, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 10.0d, "l_extendedprice": 10761.7d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-07-17", "l_commitdate": "1995-06-26", "l_receiptdate": "1995-08-12", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "t the quickly ironic" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3813, "l_partkey": 176, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 37.0d, "l_extendedprice": 39818.29d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-10-13", "l_commitdate": "1998-09-19", "l_receiptdate": "1998-10-28", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ravely special packages haggle p" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5987, "l_partkey": 176, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 20.0d, "l_extendedprice": 21523.4d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-11-28", "l_commitdate": "1996-09-17", "l_receiptdate": "1996-12-05", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ing excuses nag quickly always bold" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 227, "l_partkey": 175, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 24.0d, "l_extendedprice": 25804.08d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-02-03", "l_commitdate": "1995-12-24", "l_receiptdate": "1996-02-12", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "uses across the blithe dependencies cajol" }
, { "l_orderkey": 416, "l_partkey": 175, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 25.0d, "l_extendedprice": 26879.25d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-10-16", "l_commitdate": "1993-12-03", "l_receiptdate": "1993-10-29", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ses boost after the bold requests." }
-, { "l_orderkey": 993, "l_partkey": 175, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 33.0d, "l_extendedprice": 35480.61d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-01-03", "l_commitdate": "1995-11-28", "l_receiptdate": "1996-01-23", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": " the deposits affix agains" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2497, "l_partkey": 175, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 28.0d, "l_extendedprice": 30104.76d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-11-10", "l_commitdate": "1992-09-30", "l_receiptdate": "1992-11-18", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "hely bold ideas. unusual instructions ac" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3554, "l_partkey": 175, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 32.0d, "l_extendedprice": 34405.44d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-09-28", "l_commitdate": "1995-09-01", "l_receiptdate": "1995-10-07", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": ". blithely ironic t" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3622, "l_partkey": 175, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 47.0d, "l_extendedprice": 50532.99d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-02-24", "l_commitdate": "1996-02-22", "l_receiptdate": "1996-03-12", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "are careful" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4261, "l_partkey": 175, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 3.0d, "l_extendedprice": 3225.51d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-11-10", "l_commitdate": "1992-12-14", "l_receiptdate": "1992-11-17", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ly even deposits eat blithely alo" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4294, "l_partkey": 175, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 47.0d, "l_extendedprice": 50532.99d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-11-09", "l_commitdate": "1992-11-03", "l_receiptdate": "1992-12-05", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "es. blithely r" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5859, "l_partkey": 175, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 50.0d, "l_extendedprice": 53758.5d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-07-08", "l_commitdate": "1997-06-20", "l_receiptdate": "1997-07-27", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ly regular deposits use. ironic" }
, { "l_orderkey": 738, "l_partkey": 175, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 30.0d, "l_extendedprice": 32255.1d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-06-12", "l_commitdate": "1993-05-29", "l_receiptdate": "1993-06-25", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ecial instructions haggle blithely regula" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1601, "l_partkey": 175, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 50.0d, "l_extendedprice": 53758.5d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-12-24", "l_commitdate": "1994-10-23", "l_receiptdate": "1995-01-11", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ideas doubt" }
, { "l_orderkey": 1604, "l_partkey": 175, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 15.0d, "l_extendedprice": 16127.55d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-09-10", "l_commitdate": "1993-08-31", "l_receiptdate": "1993-09-30", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ending realms along the special, p" }
, { "l_orderkey": 2528, "l_partkey": 175, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 35.0d, "l_extendedprice": 37630.95d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-12-19", "l_commitdate": "1995-02-04", "l_receiptdate": "1995-01-15", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": ", even excuses. even," }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2626, "l_partkey": 175, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 2.0d, "l_extendedprice": 2150.34d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-10-19", "l_commitdate": "1995-11-09", "l_receiptdate": "1995-10-24", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "uffy accounts haggle furiously above" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3200, "l_partkey": 175, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 25.0d, "l_extendedprice": 26879.25d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-02-08", "l_commitdate": "1996-04-11", "l_receiptdate": "1996-03-06", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": " slyly regular hockey players! pinto beans " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3557, "l_partkey": 175, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 41.0d, "l_extendedprice": 44081.97d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-01-30", "l_commitdate": "1992-12-31", "l_receiptdate": "1993-02-18", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ideas breach c" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4610, "l_partkey": 175, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 14.0d, "l_extendedprice": 15052.38d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-07-28", "l_commitdate": "1993-07-25", "l_receiptdate": "1993-07-31", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": " ironic frays. dependencies detect blithel" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 227, "l_partkey": 175, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 24.0d, "l_extendedprice": 25804.08d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-02-03", "l_commitdate": "1995-12-24", "l_receiptdate": "1996-02-12", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "uses across the blithe dependencies cajol" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 960, "l_partkey": 175, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 32.0d, "l_extendedprice": 34405.44d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-01-19", "l_commitdate": "1994-12-17", "l_receiptdate": "1995-02-04", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "around the blithe, even pl" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1280, "l_partkey": 175, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 5.0d, "l_extendedprice": 5375.85d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-02-03", "l_commitdate": "1993-02-11", "l_receiptdate": "1993-02-23", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "beans haggle. quickly bold instructions h" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2784, "l_partkey": 175, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 40.0d, "l_extendedprice": 43006.8d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-04-28", "l_commitdate": "1998-03-19", "l_receiptdate": "1998-05-03", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "deas nag furiously never unusual " }
, { "l_orderkey": 2885, "l_partkey": 175, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 43.0d, "l_extendedprice": 46232.31d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-11-17", "l_commitdate": "1992-10-30", "l_receiptdate": "1992-12-04", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "cial deposits use bold" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2915, "l_partkey": 175, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 28.0d, "l_extendedprice": 30104.76d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-04-17", "l_commitdate": "1994-06-09", "l_receiptdate": "1994-05-10", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "yly special " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5634, "l_partkey": 175, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 22.0d, "l_extendedprice": 23653.74d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-09-01", "l_commitdate": "1996-08-31", "l_receiptdate": "1996-09-05", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "silently unusual foxes above the blithely" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 929, "l_partkey": 175, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 44.0d, "l_extendedprice": 47307.48d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-10-09", "l_commitdate": "1992-11-20", "l_receiptdate": "1992-10-22", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "s. excuses cajole. carefully regu" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1127, "l_partkey": 175, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 7.0d, "l_extendedprice": 7526.19d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-11-05", "l_commitdate": "1995-11-02", "l_receiptdate": "1995-11-11", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": " idly pending pains " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2593, "l_partkey": 175, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 1.0d, "l_extendedprice": 1075.17d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-11-23", "l_commitdate": "1993-10-25", "l_receiptdate": "1993-12-04", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": " accounts wake slyly " }
, { "l_orderkey": 3175, "l_partkey": 175, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 44.0d, "l_extendedprice": 47307.48d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-09-26", "l_commitdate": "1994-08-30", "l_receiptdate": "1994-10-24", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "are carefully furiously ironic accounts. e" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4485, "l_partkey": 175, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 43.0d, "l_extendedprice": 46232.31d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-01-17", "l_commitdate": "1995-02-11", "l_receiptdate": "1995-02-07", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "al accounts according to the slyly r" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3200, "l_partkey": 175, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 25.0d, "l_extendedprice": 26879.25d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-02-08", "l_commitdate": "1996-04-11", "l_receiptdate": "1996-03-06", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": " slyly regular hockey players! pinto beans " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3622, "l_partkey": 175, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 47.0d, "l_extendedprice": 50532.99d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-02-24", "l_commitdate": "1996-02-22", "l_receiptdate": "1996-03-12", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "are careful" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4261, "l_partkey": 175, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 3.0d, "l_extendedprice": 3225.51d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-11-10", "l_commitdate": "1992-12-14", "l_receiptdate": "1992-11-17", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ly even deposits eat blithely alo" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5859, "l_partkey": 175, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 50.0d, "l_extendedprice": 53758.5d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-07-08", "l_commitdate": "1997-06-20", "l_receiptdate": "1997-07-27", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ly regular deposits use. ironic" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 929, "l_partkey": 175, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 44.0d, "l_extendedprice": 47307.48d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-10-09", "l_commitdate": "1992-11-20", "l_receiptdate": "1992-10-22", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "s. excuses cajole. carefully regu" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 993, "l_partkey": 175, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 33.0d, "l_extendedprice": 35480.61d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-01-03", "l_commitdate": "1995-11-28", "l_receiptdate": "1996-01-23", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": " the deposits affix agains" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1280, "l_partkey": 175, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 5.0d, "l_extendedprice": 5375.85d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-02-03", "l_commitdate": "1993-02-11", "l_receiptdate": "1993-02-23", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "beans haggle. quickly bold instructions h" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1601, "l_partkey": 175, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 50.0d, "l_extendedprice": 53758.5d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-12-24", "l_commitdate": "1994-10-23", "l_receiptdate": "1995-01-11", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ideas doubt" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2497, "l_partkey": 175, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 28.0d, "l_extendedprice": 30104.76d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-11-10", "l_commitdate": "1992-09-30", "l_receiptdate": "1992-11-18", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "hely bold ideas. unusual instructions ac" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2593, "l_partkey": 175, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 1.0d, "l_extendedprice": 1075.17d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-11-23", "l_commitdate": "1993-10-25", "l_receiptdate": "1993-12-04", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": " accounts wake slyly " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2784, "l_partkey": 175, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 40.0d, "l_extendedprice": 43006.8d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-04-28", "l_commitdate": "1998-03-19", "l_receiptdate": "1998-05-03", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "deas nag furiously never unusual " }
, { "l_orderkey": 4579, "l_partkey": 175, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 14.0d, "l_extendedprice": 15052.38d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-02-01", "l_commitdate": "1996-01-08", "l_receiptdate": "1996-02-08", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "nding theodolites. fluffil" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5762, "l_partkey": 175, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 6.0d, "l_extendedprice": 6451.02d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-04-07", "l_commitdate": "1997-03-25", "l_receiptdate": "1997-05-02", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ironic dependencies doze carefu" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5634, "l_partkey": 175, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 22.0d, "l_extendedprice": 23653.74d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-09-01", "l_commitdate": "1996-08-31", "l_receiptdate": "1996-09-05", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "silently unusual foxes above the blithely" }
, { "l_orderkey": 5956, "l_partkey": 175, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 47.0d, "l_extendedprice": 50532.99d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-09-06", "l_commitdate": "1998-06-29", "l_receiptdate": "1998-09-18", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "lyly express theodol" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 775, "l_partkey": 174, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 21.0d, "l_extendedprice": 22557.57d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-05-01", "l_commitdate": "1995-06-02", "l_receiptdate": "1995-05-13", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": " quickly sile" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1287, "l_partkey": 174, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 35.0d, "l_extendedprice": 37595.95d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-09-07", "l_commitdate": "1994-09-12", "l_receiptdate": "1994-09-30", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "s wake unusual grou" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2535, "l_partkey": 174, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 25.0d, "l_extendedprice": 26854.25d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-07-19", "l_commitdate": "1993-08-07", "l_receiptdate": "1993-07-27", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ions believe ab" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3010, "l_partkey": 174, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 22.0d, "l_extendedprice": 23631.74d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-03-06", "l_commitdate": "1996-04-06", "l_receiptdate": "1996-03-18", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": " final deposit" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4450, "l_partkey": 174, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 44.0d, "l_extendedprice": 47263.48d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-10-12", "l_commitdate": "1997-10-13", "l_receiptdate": "1997-10-29", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": " the slyly eve" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 66, "l_partkey": 174, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 41.0d, "l_extendedprice": 44040.97d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-02-21", "l_commitdate": "1994-03-01", "l_receiptdate": "1994-03-18", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": " regular de" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 67, "l_partkey": 174, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 5.0d, "l_extendedprice": 5370.85d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-02-20", "l_commitdate": "1997-02-12", "l_receiptdate": "1997-02-21", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "y unusual packages thrash pinto " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 289, "l_partkey": 174, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 25.0d, "l_extendedprice": 26854.25d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-03-18", "l_commitdate": "1997-05-05", "l_receiptdate": "1997-04-15", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "out the quickly bold theodol" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 580, "l_partkey": 174, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 31.0d, "l_extendedprice": 33299.27d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-10-04", "l_commitdate": "1997-09-08", "l_receiptdate": "1997-10-15", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ose alongside of the sl" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1767, "l_partkey": 174, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 24.0d, "l_extendedprice": 25780.08d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-03-16", "l_commitdate": "1995-04-29", "l_receiptdate": "1995-04-11", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "luffy theodolites need to detect furi" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1991, "l_partkey": 174, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 6.0d, "l_extendedprice": 6445.02d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-11-02", "l_commitdate": "1992-10-08", "l_receiptdate": "1992-11-14", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "hes nag slyly" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3719, "l_partkey": 174, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 2.0d, "l_extendedprice": 2148.34d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-02-17", "l_commitdate": "1997-04-25", "l_receiptdate": "1997-03-03", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ccounts boost carefu" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4097, "l_partkey": 174, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 42.0d, "l_extendedprice": 45115.14d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-08-11", "l_commitdate": "1996-07-30", "l_receiptdate": "1996-08-15", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "carefully silent foxes are against the " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4261, "l_partkey": 174, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 36.0d, "l_extendedprice": 38670.12d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-12-02", "l_commitdate": "1992-12-18", "l_receiptdate": "1992-12-25", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": " slyly pendi" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5606, "l_partkey": 174, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 47.0d, "l_extendedprice": 50485.99d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-12-23", "l_commitdate": "1997-01-31", "l_receiptdate": "1997-01-20", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "carefully final foxes. pending, final" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5765, "l_partkey": 174, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 48.0d, "l_extendedprice": 51560.16d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-03-30", "l_commitdate": "1995-01-14", "l_receiptdate": "1995-04-09", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "theodolites integrate furiously" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 261, "l_partkey": 174, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 28.0d, "l_extendedprice": 30076.76d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-07-24", "l_commitdate": "1993-08-20", "l_receiptdate": "1993-08-05", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ironic packages nag slyly. carefully fin" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 871, "l_partkey": 174, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 4.0d, "l_extendedprice": 4296.68d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-03-09", "l_commitdate": "1996-01-20", "l_receiptdate": "1996-03-26", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "l, regular dependencies w" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2054, "l_partkey": 174, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 14.0d, "l_extendedprice": 15038.38d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-06-25", "l_commitdate": "1992-09-05", "l_receiptdate": "1992-07-14", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "uickly final" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2213, "l_partkey": 174, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 39.0d, "l_extendedprice": 41892.63d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-05-12", "l_commitdate": "1993-04-07", "l_receiptdate": "1993-05-23", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "the blithely " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2820, "l_partkey": 174, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 23.0d, "l_extendedprice": 24705.91d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-07-10", "l_commitdate": "1994-08-08", "l_receiptdate": "1994-07-21", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": " was furiously. deposits among the ironic" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3687, "l_partkey": 174, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 10.0d, "l_extendedprice": 10741.7d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-02-11", "l_commitdate": "1993-03-22", "l_receiptdate": "1993-03-09", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ing pinto beans" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5063, "l_partkey": 174, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 43.0d, "l_extendedprice": 46189.31d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-09-14", "l_commitdate": "1997-07-05", "l_receiptdate": "1997-10-05", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "latelets might nod blithely regular requ" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5923, "l_partkey": 174, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 46.0d, "l_extendedprice": 49411.82d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-07-29", "l_commitdate": "1997-07-23", "l_receiptdate": "1997-08-23", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "nto beans cajole blithe" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1606, "l_partkey": 174, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 35.0d, "l_extendedprice": 37595.95d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-06-20", "l_commitdate": "1997-06-19", "l_receiptdate": "1997-06-22", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "carefully sil" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1857, "l_partkey": 174, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 15.0d, "l_extendedprice": 16112.55d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-04-05", "l_commitdate": "1993-02-28", "l_receiptdate": "1993-04-13", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "egular, regular inst" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 960, "l_partkey": 175, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 32.0d, "l_extendedprice": 34405.44d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-01-19", "l_commitdate": "1994-12-17", "l_receiptdate": "1995-02-04", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "around the blithe, even pl" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1127, "l_partkey": 175, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 7.0d, "l_extendedprice": 7526.19d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-11-05", "l_commitdate": "1995-11-02", "l_receiptdate": "1995-11-11", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": " idly pending pains " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2915, "l_partkey": 175, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 28.0d, "l_extendedprice": 30104.76d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-04-17", "l_commitdate": "1994-06-09", "l_receiptdate": "1994-05-10", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "yly special " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4485, "l_partkey": 175, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 43.0d, "l_extendedprice": 46232.31d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-01-17", "l_commitdate": "1995-02-11", "l_receiptdate": "1995-02-07", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "al accounts according to the slyly r" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5762, "l_partkey": 175, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 6.0d, "l_extendedprice": 6451.02d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-04-07", "l_commitdate": "1997-03-25", "l_receiptdate": "1997-05-02", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ironic dependencies doze carefu" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2626, "l_partkey": 175, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 2.0d, "l_extendedprice": 2150.34d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-10-19", "l_commitdate": "1995-11-09", "l_receiptdate": "1995-10-24", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "uffy accounts haggle furiously above" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3554, "l_partkey": 175, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 32.0d, "l_extendedprice": 34405.44d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-09-28", "l_commitdate": "1995-09-01", "l_receiptdate": "1995-10-07", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": ". blithely ironic t" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3557, "l_partkey": 175, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 41.0d, "l_extendedprice": 44081.97d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-01-30", "l_commitdate": "1992-12-31", "l_receiptdate": "1993-02-18", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ideas breach c" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4294, "l_partkey": 175, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 47.0d, "l_extendedprice": 50532.99d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-11-09", "l_commitdate": "1992-11-03", "l_receiptdate": "1992-12-05", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "es. blithely r" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4610, "l_partkey": 175, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 14.0d, "l_extendedprice": 15052.38d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-07-28", "l_commitdate": "1993-07-25", "l_receiptdate": "1993-07-31", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": " ironic frays. dependencies detect blithel" }
, { "l_orderkey": 2305, "l_partkey": 174, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 3.0d, "l_extendedprice": 3222.51d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-03-24", "l_commitdate": "1993-04-05", "l_receiptdate": "1993-03-29", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "kages haggle quickly across the blithely " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2950, "l_partkey": 174, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 27.0d, "l_extendedprice": 29002.59d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-10-01", "l_commitdate": "1997-09-13", "l_receiptdate": "1997-10-08", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "are alongside of the carefully silent " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3360, "l_partkey": 174, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 31.0d, "l_extendedprice": 33299.27d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-04-24", "l_commitdate": "1998-04-12", "l_receiptdate": "1998-05-23", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "quests. carefully even deposits wake acros" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2535, "l_partkey": 174, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 25.0d, "l_extendedprice": 26854.25d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-07-19", "l_commitdate": "1993-08-07", "l_receiptdate": "1993-07-27", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ions believe ab" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2820, "l_partkey": 174, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 23.0d, "l_extendedprice": 24705.91d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-07-10", "l_commitdate": "1994-08-08", "l_receiptdate": "1994-07-21", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": " was furiously. deposits among the ironic" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4261, "l_partkey": 174, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 36.0d, "l_extendedprice": 38670.12d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-12-02", "l_commitdate": "1992-12-18", "l_receiptdate": "1992-12-25", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": " slyly pendi" }
, { "l_orderkey": 4359, "l_partkey": 174, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 41.0d, "l_extendedprice": 44040.97d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-04-06", "l_commitdate": "1993-05-06", "l_receiptdate": "1993-04-14", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "s affix sly" }
, { "l_orderkey": 4613, "l_partkey": 174, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 15.0d, "l_extendedprice": 16112.55d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-05-31", "l_commitdate": "1998-04-16", "l_receiptdate": "1998-06-25", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "against the quickly r" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1312, "l_partkey": 173, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 18.0d, "l_extendedprice": 19317.06d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-09-13", "l_commitdate": "1994-07-08", "l_receiptdate": "1994-09-22", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": ". slyly ironic" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2534, "l_partkey": 173, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 17.0d, "l_extendedprice": 18243.89d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-07-22", "l_commitdate": "1996-09-15", "l_receiptdate": "1996-08-03", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "riously regular " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2853, "l_partkey": 173, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 40.0d, "l_extendedprice": 42926.8d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-08-06", "l_commitdate": "1994-06-24", "l_receiptdate": "1994-08-29", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "lyly. pearls cajole. final accounts ca" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2945, "l_partkey": 173, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 10.0d, "l_extendedprice": 10731.7d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-03-13", "l_commitdate": "1996-03-10", "l_receiptdate": "1996-04-06", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "thely. final courts could hang qu" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3812, "l_partkey": 173, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 33.0d, "l_extendedprice": 35414.61d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-10-05", "l_commitdate": "1996-10-13", "l_receiptdate": "1996-10-22", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "inal excuses d" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4774, "l_partkey": 173, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 47.0d, "l_extendedprice": 50438.99d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-06-13", "l_commitdate": "1993-07-04", "l_receiptdate": "1993-07-09", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "regular dolphins above the furi" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4869, "l_partkey": 173, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 42.0d, "l_extendedprice": 45073.14d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-10-16", "l_commitdate": "1994-12-10", "l_receiptdate": "1994-11-07", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": " slyly even instructions. " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 995, "l_partkey": 173, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 15.0d, "l_extendedprice": 16097.55d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-06-30", "l_commitdate": "1995-08-04", "l_receiptdate": "1995-07-27", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "uses. fluffily fina" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1408, "l_partkey": 173, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 7.0d, "l_extendedprice": 7512.19d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-01-14", "l_commitdate": "1998-03-21", "l_receiptdate": "1998-01-29", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "fully final instructions. theodolites ca" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3654, "l_partkey": 173, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 45.0d, "l_extendedprice": 48292.65d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-09-15", "l_commitdate": "1992-07-04", "l_receiptdate": "1992-09-20", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "sly ironic notornis nag slyly" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5606, "l_partkey": 174, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 47.0d, "l_extendedprice": 50485.99d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-12-23", "l_commitdate": "1997-01-31", "l_receiptdate": "1997-01-20", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "carefully final foxes. pending, final" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 66, "l_partkey": 174, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 41.0d, "l_extendedprice": 44040.97d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-02-21", "l_commitdate": "1994-03-01", "l_receiptdate": "1994-03-18", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": " regular de" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1287, "l_partkey": 174, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 35.0d, "l_extendedprice": 37595.95d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-09-07", "l_commitdate": "1994-09-12", "l_receiptdate": "1994-09-30", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "s wake unusual grou" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1991, "l_partkey": 174, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 6.0d, "l_extendedprice": 6445.02d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-11-02", "l_commitdate": "1992-10-08", "l_receiptdate": "1992-11-14", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "hes nag slyly" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2054, "l_partkey": 174, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 14.0d, "l_extendedprice": 15038.38d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-06-25", "l_commitdate": "1992-09-05", "l_receiptdate": "1992-07-14", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "uickly final" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3687, "l_partkey": 174, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 10.0d, "l_extendedprice": 10741.7d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-02-11", "l_commitdate": "1993-03-22", "l_receiptdate": "1993-03-09", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ing pinto beans" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3719, "l_partkey": 174, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 2.0d, "l_extendedprice": 2148.34d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-02-17", "l_commitdate": "1997-04-25", "l_receiptdate": "1997-03-03", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ccounts boost carefu" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5923, "l_partkey": 174, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 46.0d, "l_extendedprice": 49411.82d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-07-29", "l_commitdate": "1997-07-23", "l_receiptdate": "1997-08-23", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "nto beans cajole blithe" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 67, "l_partkey": 174, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 5.0d, "l_extendedprice": 5370.85d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-02-20", "l_commitdate": "1997-02-12", "l_receiptdate": "1997-02-21", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "y unusual packages thrash pinto " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 261, "l_partkey": 174, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 28.0d, "l_extendedprice": 30076.76d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-07-24", "l_commitdate": "1993-08-20", "l_receiptdate": "1993-08-05", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ironic packages nag slyly. carefully fin" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 775, "l_partkey": 174, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 21.0d, "l_extendedprice": 22557.57d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-05-01", "l_commitdate": "1995-06-02", "l_receiptdate": "1995-05-13", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": " quickly sile" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1606, "l_partkey": 174, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 35.0d, "l_extendedprice": 37595.95d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-06-20", "l_commitdate": "1997-06-19", "l_receiptdate": "1997-06-22", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "carefully sil" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1767, "l_partkey": 174, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 24.0d, "l_extendedprice": 25780.08d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-03-16", "l_commitdate": "1995-04-29", "l_receiptdate": "1995-04-11", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "luffy theodolites need to detect furi" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2213, "l_partkey": 174, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 39.0d, "l_extendedprice": 41892.63d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-05-12", "l_commitdate": "1993-04-07", "l_receiptdate": "1993-05-23", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "the blithely " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3360, "l_partkey": 174, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 31.0d, "l_extendedprice": 33299.27d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-04-24", "l_commitdate": "1998-04-12", "l_receiptdate": "1998-05-23", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "quests. carefully even deposits wake acros" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4097, "l_partkey": 174, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 42.0d, "l_extendedprice": 45115.14d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-08-11", "l_commitdate": "1996-07-30", "l_receiptdate": "1996-08-15", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "carefully silent foxes are against the " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5063, "l_partkey": 174, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 43.0d, "l_extendedprice": 46189.31d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-09-14", "l_commitdate": "1997-07-05", "l_receiptdate": "1997-10-05", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "latelets might nod blithely regular requ" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5765, "l_partkey": 174, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 48.0d, "l_extendedprice": 51560.16d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-03-30", "l_commitdate": "1995-01-14", "l_receiptdate": "1995-04-09", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "theodolites integrate furiously" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 289, "l_partkey": 174, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 25.0d, "l_extendedprice": 26854.25d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-03-18", "l_commitdate": "1997-05-05", "l_receiptdate": "1997-04-15", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "out the quickly bold theodol" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 580, "l_partkey": 174, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 31.0d, "l_extendedprice": 33299.27d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-10-04", "l_commitdate": "1997-09-08", "l_receiptdate": "1997-10-15", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ose alongside of the sl" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 871, "l_partkey": 174, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 4.0d, "l_extendedprice": 4296.68d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-03-09", "l_commitdate": "1996-01-20", "l_receiptdate": "1996-03-26", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "l, regular dependencies w" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1857, "l_partkey": 174, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 15.0d, "l_extendedprice": 16112.55d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-04-05", "l_commitdate": "1993-02-28", "l_receiptdate": "1993-04-13", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "egular, regular inst" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2950, "l_partkey": 174, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 27.0d, "l_extendedprice": 29002.59d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-10-01", "l_commitdate": "1997-09-13", "l_receiptdate": "1997-10-08", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "are alongside of the carefully silent " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3010, "l_partkey": 174, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 22.0d, "l_extendedprice": 23631.74d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-03-06", "l_commitdate": "1996-04-06", "l_receiptdate": "1996-03-18", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": " final deposit" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4450, "l_partkey": 174, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 44.0d, "l_extendedprice": 47263.48d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-10-12", "l_commitdate": "1997-10-13", "l_receiptdate": "1997-10-29", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": " the slyly eve" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2466, "l_partkey": 173, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 19.0d, "l_extendedprice": 20390.23d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-06-12", "l_commitdate": "1994-04-18", "l_receiptdate": "1994-07-12", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ccounts cajole a" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3238, "l_partkey": 173, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 26.0d, "l_extendedprice": 27902.42d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-02-25", "l_commitdate": "1993-04-04", "l_receiptdate": "1993-03-20", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "g accounts sleep furiously ironic attai" }
, { "l_orderkey": 4545, "l_partkey": 173, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 38.0d, "l_extendedprice": 40780.46d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-01-27", "l_commitdate": "1993-03-01", "l_receiptdate": "1993-02-04", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "nts serve according to th" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4583, "l_partkey": 173, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 27.0d, "l_extendedprice": 28975.59d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-01-11", "l_commitdate": "1994-12-24", "l_receiptdate": "1995-02-10", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": " detect silent requests. furiously speci" }
, { "l_orderkey": 4608, "l_partkey": 173, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 30.0d, "l_extendedprice": 32195.1d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-10-08", "l_commitdate": "1994-07-18", "l_receiptdate": "1994-10-25", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "s cajole. slyly " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5377, "l_partkey": 173, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 27.0d, "l_extendedprice": 28975.59d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-07-11", "l_commitdate": "1997-06-12", "l_receiptdate": "1997-08-08", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "press theodolites. e" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 448, "l_partkey": 173, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 46.0d, "l_extendedprice": 49365.82d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-08-31", "l_commitdate": "1995-09-30", "l_receiptdate": "1995-09-09", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": " to the fluffily ironic packages." }
+, { "l_orderkey": 672, "l_partkey": 173, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 41.0d, "l_extendedprice": 43999.97d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-06-20", "l_commitdate": "1994-07-03", "l_receiptdate": "1994-06-22", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": " dependencies in" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1408, "l_partkey": 173, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 7.0d, "l_extendedprice": 7512.19d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-01-14", "l_commitdate": "1998-03-21", "l_receiptdate": "1998-01-29", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "fully final instructions. theodolites ca" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1540, "l_partkey": 173, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 38.0d, "l_extendedprice": 40780.46d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-09-30", "l_commitdate": "1992-10-27", "l_receiptdate": "1992-10-12", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": " final grouches bo" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2630, "l_partkey": 173, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 45.0d, "l_extendedprice": 48292.65d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-01-04", "l_commitdate": "1993-01-11", "l_receiptdate": "1993-01-09", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "edly express ideas. carefully final " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2945, "l_partkey": 173, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 10.0d, "l_extendedprice": 10731.7d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-03-13", "l_commitdate": "1996-03-10", "l_receiptdate": "1996-04-06", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "thely. final courts could hang qu" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3495, "l_partkey": 173, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 24.0d, "l_extendedprice": 25756.08d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-03-22", "l_commitdate": "1996-04-10", "l_receiptdate": "1996-04-07", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ic, final pains along the even request" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3812, "l_partkey": 173, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 33.0d, "l_extendedprice": 35414.61d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-10-05", "l_commitdate": "1996-10-13", "l_receiptdate": "1996-10-22", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "inal excuses d" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3814, "l_partkey": 173, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 14.0d, "l_extendedprice": 15024.38d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-03-17", "l_commitdate": "1995-05-10", "l_receiptdate": "1995-04-16", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "sits along the final, ironic deposit" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3840, "l_partkey": 173, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 7.0d, "l_extendedprice": 7512.19d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-09-17", "l_commitdate": "1998-09-20", "l_receiptdate": "1998-10-14", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": ". furiously final gifts sleep carefully pin" }
, { "l_orderkey": 4738, "l_partkey": 173, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 16.0d, "l_extendedprice": 17170.72d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-06-17", "l_commitdate": "1992-06-20", "l_receiptdate": "1992-06-21", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "nic deposits are slyly! carefu" }
, { "l_orderkey": 5153, "l_partkey": 173, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 32.0d, "l_extendedprice": 34341.44d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-12-05", "l_commitdate": "1995-09-25", "l_receiptdate": "1996-01-03", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "egular deposits. ironi" }
, { "l_orderkey": 5284, "l_partkey": 173, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 16.0d, "l_extendedprice": 17170.72d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-08-17", "l_commitdate": "1995-08-23", "l_receiptdate": "1995-08-26", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "unts detect furiously even d" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 448, "l_partkey": 173, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 46.0d, "l_extendedprice": 49365.82d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-08-31", "l_commitdate": "1995-09-30", "l_receiptdate": "1995-09-09", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": " to the fluffily ironic packages." }
-, { "l_orderkey": 672, "l_partkey": 173, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 41.0d, "l_extendedprice": 43999.97d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-06-20", "l_commitdate": "1994-07-03", "l_receiptdate": "1994-06-22", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": " dependencies in" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1540, "l_partkey": 173, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 38.0d, "l_extendedprice": 40780.46d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-09-30", "l_commitdate": "1992-10-27", "l_receiptdate": "1992-10-12", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": " final grouches bo" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2630, "l_partkey": 173, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 45.0d, "l_extendedprice": 48292.65d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-01-04", "l_commitdate": "1993-01-11", "l_receiptdate": "1993-01-09", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "edly express ideas. carefully final " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3238, "l_partkey": 173, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 26.0d, "l_extendedprice": 27902.42d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-02-25", "l_commitdate": "1993-04-04", "l_receiptdate": "1993-03-20", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "g accounts sleep furiously ironic attai" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3398, "l_partkey": 173, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 1.0d, "l_extendedprice": 1073.17d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-11-22", "l_commitdate": "1996-11-16", "l_receiptdate": "1996-12-09", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": " blithely final deposits." }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4964, "l_partkey": 173, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 28.0d, "l_extendedprice": 30048.76d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-08-30", "l_commitdate": "1997-09-15", "l_receiptdate": "1997-09-18", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "among the carefully regula" }
, { "l_orderkey": 5605, "l_partkey": 173, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 3.0d, "l_extendedprice": 3219.51d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-09-01", "l_commitdate": "1996-10-02", "l_receiptdate": "1996-09-20", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "posits. accounts boost. t" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5664, "l_partkey": 173, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 9.0d, "l_extendedprice": 9658.53d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-07-31", "l_commitdate": "1998-08-26", "l_receiptdate": "1998-08-12", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": " ironic deposits haggle furiously. re" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 995, "l_partkey": 173, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 15.0d, "l_extendedprice": 16097.55d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-06-30", "l_commitdate": "1995-08-04", "l_receiptdate": "1995-07-27", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "uses. fluffily fina" }
, { "l_orderkey": 996, "l_partkey": 173, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 43.0d, "l_extendedprice": 46146.31d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-03-27", "l_commitdate": "1998-03-25", "l_receiptdate": "1998-04-06", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": " the blithely ironic foxes. slyly silent d" }
, { "l_orderkey": 1664, "l_partkey": 173, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 30.0d, "l_extendedprice": 32195.1d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-04-04", "l_commitdate": "1996-05-04", "l_receiptdate": "1996-05-03", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ess multip" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2466, "l_partkey": 173, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 19.0d, "l_extendedprice": 20390.23d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-06-12", "l_commitdate": "1994-04-18", "l_receiptdate": "1994-07-12", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ccounts cajole a" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2853, "l_partkey": 173, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 40.0d, "l_extendedprice": 42926.8d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-08-06", "l_commitdate": "1994-06-24", "l_receiptdate": "1994-08-29", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "lyly. pearls cajole. final accounts ca" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4583, "l_partkey": 173, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 27.0d, "l_extendedprice": 28975.59d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-01-11", "l_commitdate": "1994-12-24", "l_receiptdate": "1995-02-10", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": " detect silent requests. furiously speci" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4869, "l_partkey": 173, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 42.0d, "l_extendedprice": 45073.14d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-10-16", "l_commitdate": "1994-12-10", "l_receiptdate": "1994-11-07", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": " slyly even instructions. " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4964, "l_partkey": 173, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 28.0d, "l_extendedprice": 30048.76d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-08-30", "l_commitdate": "1997-09-15", "l_receiptdate": "1997-09-18", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "among the carefully regula" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1312, "l_partkey": 173, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 18.0d, "l_extendedprice": 19317.06d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-09-13", "l_commitdate": "1994-07-08", "l_receiptdate": "1994-09-22", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": ". slyly ironic" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2534, "l_partkey": 173, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 17.0d, "l_extendedprice": 18243.89d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-07-22", "l_commitdate": "1996-09-15", "l_receiptdate": "1996-08-03", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "riously regular " }
, { "l_orderkey": 2561, "l_partkey": 173, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 47.0d, "l_extendedprice": 50438.99d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-11-19", "l_commitdate": "1998-01-21", "l_receiptdate": "1997-12-03", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "larly pending t" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3495, "l_partkey": 173, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 24.0d, "l_extendedprice": 25756.08d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-03-22", "l_commitdate": "1996-04-10", "l_receiptdate": "1996-04-07", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ic, final pains along the even request" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3398, "l_partkey": 173, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 1.0d, "l_extendedprice": 1073.17d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-11-22", "l_commitdate": "1996-11-16", "l_receiptdate": "1996-12-09", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": " blithely final deposits." }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3654, "l_partkey": 173, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 45.0d, "l_extendedprice": 48292.65d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-09-15", "l_commitdate": "1992-07-04", "l_receiptdate": "1992-09-20", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "sly ironic notornis nag slyly" }
, { "l_orderkey": 3749, "l_partkey": 173, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 11.0d, "l_extendedprice": 11804.87d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-06-25", "l_commitdate": "1995-05-23", "l_receiptdate": "1995-07-10", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "egular requests along the " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3814, "l_partkey": 173, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 14.0d, "l_extendedprice": 15024.38d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-03-17", "l_commitdate": "1995-05-10", "l_receiptdate": "1995-04-16", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "sits along the final, ironic deposit" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3840, "l_partkey": 173, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 7.0d, "l_extendedprice": 7512.19d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-09-17", "l_commitdate": "1998-09-20", "l_receiptdate": "1998-10-14", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": ". furiously final gifts sleep carefully pin" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5377, "l_partkey": 173, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 27.0d, "l_extendedprice": 28975.59d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-07-11", "l_commitdate": "1997-06-12", "l_receiptdate": "1997-08-08", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "press theodolites. e" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 225, "l_partkey": 172, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 4.0d, "l_extendedprice": 4288.68d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-08-05", "l_commitdate": "1995-08-19", "l_receiptdate": "1995-09-03", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ng the ironic packages. asymptotes among " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1156, "l_partkey": 172, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 42.0d, "l_extendedprice": 45031.14d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-01-18", "l_commitdate": "1997-01-12", "l_receiptdate": "1997-02-13", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "s. quickly bold pains are" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1634, "l_partkey": 172, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 44.0d, "l_extendedprice": 47175.48d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-09-17", "l_commitdate": "1996-11-09", "l_receiptdate": "1996-10-03", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "requests affix slyly. quickly even pack" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4774, "l_partkey": 173, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 47.0d, "l_extendedprice": 50438.99d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-06-13", "l_commitdate": "1993-07-04", "l_receiptdate": "1993-07-09", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "regular dolphins above the furi" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5664, "l_partkey": 173, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 9.0d, "l_extendedprice": 9658.53d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-07-31", "l_commitdate": "1998-08-26", "l_receiptdate": "1998-08-12", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": " ironic deposits haggle furiously. re" }
, { "l_orderkey": 2247, "l_partkey": 172, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 12.0d, "l_extendedprice": 12866.04d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-09-06", "l_commitdate": "1992-09-18", "l_receiptdate": "1992-09-26", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "final accounts. requests across the furiou" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4544, "l_partkey": 172, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 19.0d, "l_extendedprice": 20371.23d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-08-14", "l_commitdate": "1997-09-08", "l_receiptdate": "1997-08-25", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "regular ideas are furiously about" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5255, "l_partkey": 172, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 30.0d, "l_extendedprice": 32165.1d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-09-20", "l_commitdate": "1996-08-18", "l_receiptdate": "1996-10-09", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": " to the silent requests cajole b" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5637, "l_partkey": 172, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 35.0d, "l_extendedprice": 37525.95d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-08-01", "l_commitdate": "1996-08-04", "l_receiptdate": "1996-08-20", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "s sleep blithely alongside of the ironic" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 167, "l_partkey": 172, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 27.0d, "l_extendedprice": 28948.59d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-05-01", "l_commitdate": "1993-03-31", "l_receiptdate": "1993-05-31", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "eans affix furiously-- packages" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1600, "l_partkey": 172, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 20.0d, "l_extendedprice": 21443.4d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-06-16", "l_commitdate": "1993-04-23", "l_receiptdate": "1993-07-02", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "pths sleep blithely about the" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2817, "l_partkey": 172, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 35.0d, "l_extendedprice": 37525.95d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-05-20", "l_commitdate": "1994-06-03", "l_receiptdate": "1994-05-22", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "gular foxes" }
, { "l_orderkey": 3138, "l_partkey": 172, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 38.0d, "l_extendedprice": 40742.46d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-02-21", "l_commitdate": "1994-03-21", "l_receiptdate": "1994-03-13", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "lithely fluffily un" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4321, "l_partkey": 172, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 10.0d, "l_extendedprice": 10721.7d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-09-07", "l_commitdate": "1994-08-23", "l_receiptdate": "1994-09-17", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "wake carefully alongside of " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1889, "l_partkey": 172, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 13.0d, "l_extendedprice": 13938.21d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-06-12", "l_commitdate": "1997-04-28", "l_receiptdate": "1997-06-23", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "to the regular accounts. carefully express" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5572, "l_partkey": 172, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 27.0d, "l_extendedprice": 28948.59d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-08-29", "l_commitdate": "1994-09-10", "l_receiptdate": "1994-08-30", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": " accounts. carefully final accoun" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1156, "l_partkey": 172, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 42.0d, "l_extendedprice": 45031.14d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-01-18", "l_commitdate": "1997-01-12", "l_receiptdate": "1997-02-13", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "s. quickly bold pains are" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2817, "l_partkey": 172, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 35.0d, "l_extendedprice": 37525.95d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-05-20", "l_commitdate": "1994-06-03", "l_receiptdate": "1994-05-22", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "gular foxes" }
, { "l_orderkey": 3751, "l_partkey": 172, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 37.0d, "l_extendedprice": 39670.29d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-04-30", "l_commitdate": "1994-05-30", "l_receiptdate": "1994-05-30", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ly express courts " }
, { "l_orderkey": 4448, "l_partkey": 172, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 12.0d, "l_extendedprice": 12866.04d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-08-21", "l_commitdate": "1998-06-30", "l_receiptdate": "1998-09-09", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "sits about the ironic, bu" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5572, "l_partkey": 172, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 27.0d, "l_extendedprice": 28948.59d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-08-29", "l_commitdate": "1994-09-10", "l_receiptdate": "1994-08-30", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": " accounts. carefully final accoun" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5637, "l_partkey": 172, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 35.0d, "l_extendedprice": 37525.95d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-08-01", "l_commitdate": "1996-08-04", "l_receiptdate": "1996-08-20", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "s sleep blithely alongside of the ironic" }
, { "l_orderkey": 5671, "l_partkey": 172, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 13.0d, "l_extendedprice": 13938.21d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-03-02", "l_commitdate": "1998-04-03", "l_receiptdate": "1998-03-08", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "bold theodolites about" }
, { "l_orderkey": 5988, "l_partkey": 172, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 41.0d, "l_extendedprice": 43958.97d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-01-20", "l_commitdate": "1994-02-06", "l_receiptdate": "1994-02-10", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "the pending, express reque" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 167, "l_partkey": 172, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 27.0d, "l_extendedprice": 28948.59d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-05-01", "l_commitdate": "1993-03-31", "l_receiptdate": "1993-05-31", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "eans affix furiously-- packages" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 225, "l_partkey": 172, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 4.0d, "l_extendedprice": 4288.68d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-08-05", "l_commitdate": "1995-08-19", "l_receiptdate": "1995-09-03", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ng the ironic packages. asymptotes among " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1634, "l_partkey": 172, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 44.0d, "l_extendedprice": 47175.48d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-09-17", "l_commitdate": "1996-11-09", "l_receiptdate": "1996-10-03", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "requests affix slyly. quickly even pack" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1889, "l_partkey": 172, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 13.0d, "l_extendedprice": 13938.21d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-06-12", "l_commitdate": "1997-04-28", "l_receiptdate": "1997-06-23", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "to the regular accounts. carefully express" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1600, "l_partkey": 172, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 20.0d, "l_extendedprice": 21443.4d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-06-16", "l_commitdate": "1993-04-23", "l_receiptdate": "1993-07-02", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "pths sleep blithely about the" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4321, "l_partkey": 172, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 10.0d, "l_extendedprice": 10721.7d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-09-07", "l_commitdate": "1994-08-23", "l_receiptdate": "1994-09-17", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "wake carefully alongside of " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4544, "l_partkey": 172, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 19.0d, "l_extendedprice": 20371.23d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-08-14", "l_commitdate": "1997-09-08", "l_receiptdate": "1997-08-25", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "regular ideas are furiously about" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5255, "l_partkey": 172, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 30.0d, "l_extendedprice": 32165.1d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-09-20", "l_commitdate": "1996-08-18", "l_receiptdate": "1996-10-09", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": " to the silent requests cajole b" }
, { "l_orderkey": 422, "l_partkey": 171, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 10.0d, "l_extendedprice": 10711.7d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-06-15", "l_commitdate": "1997-08-04", "l_receiptdate": "1997-07-08", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "he furiously ironic theodolite" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 455, "l_partkey": 171, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 11.0d, "l_extendedprice": 11782.87d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-03-15", "l_commitdate": "1997-02-14", "l_receiptdate": "1997-03-26", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "g deposits against the slyly idle foxes u" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1378, "l_partkey": 171, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 12.0d, "l_extendedprice": 12854.04d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-06-16", "l_commitdate": "1996-05-23", "l_receiptdate": "1996-07-09", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "notornis. b" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3811, "l_partkey": 171, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 50.0d, "l_extendedprice": 53558.5d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-07-28", "l_commitdate": "1998-07-06", "l_receiptdate": "1998-08-16", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ts are slyly fluffy ideas. furiou" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3846, "l_partkey": 171, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 30.0d, "l_extendedprice": 32135.1d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-05-01", "l_commitdate": "1998-03-12", "l_receiptdate": "1998-05-20", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "deposits according to the fur" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4546, "l_partkey": 171, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 15.0d, "l_extendedprice": 16067.55d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-07-31", "l_commitdate": "1995-10-17", "l_receiptdate": "1995-08-06", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ught to cajole furiously. qu" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3392, "l_partkey": 171, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 40.0d, "l_extendedprice": 42846.8d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-02-18", "l_commitdate": "1995-12-16", "l_receiptdate": "1996-02-26", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ress instructions affix carefully. fur" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3430, "l_partkey": 171, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 15.0d, "l_extendedprice": 16067.55d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-02-01", "l_commitdate": "1995-03-12", "l_receiptdate": "1995-02-04", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "cajole around the accounts. qui" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4066, "l_partkey": 171, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 43.0d, "l_extendedprice": 46060.31d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-02-16", "l_commitdate": "1997-04-14", "l_receiptdate": "1997-02-18", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "r instructions. slyly special " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4675, "l_partkey": 171, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 6.0d, "l_extendedprice": 6427.02d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-01-22", "l_commitdate": "1994-01-06", "l_receiptdate": "1994-02-12", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": " unusual ideas thrash bl" }
, { "l_orderkey": 545, "l_partkey": 171, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 18.0d, "l_extendedprice": 19281.06d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-02-21", "l_commitdate": "1996-01-17", "l_receiptdate": "1996-02-26", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "al, final packages affix. even a" }
, { "l_orderkey": 1639, "l_partkey": 171, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 41.0d, "l_extendedprice": 43917.97d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-12-19", "l_commitdate": "1995-11-11", "l_receiptdate": "1996-01-12", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "structions w" }
, { "l_orderkey": 2276, "l_partkey": 171, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 27.0d, "l_extendedprice": 28921.59d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-07-30", "l_commitdate": "1996-06-10", "l_receiptdate": "1996-07-31", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "the carefully unusual accoun" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2310, "l_partkey": 171, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 6.0d, "l_extendedprice": 6427.02d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-11-08", "l_commitdate": "1996-12-09", "l_receiptdate": "1996-12-07", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "e slyly about the quickly ironic theodo" }
, { "l_orderkey": 3361, "l_partkey": 171, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 33.0d, "l_extendedprice": 35348.61d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-11-09", "l_commitdate": "1992-10-15", "l_receiptdate": "1992-11-11", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "uriously ironic accounts. ironic, ir" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5317, "l_partkey": 171, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 18.0d, "l_extendedprice": 19281.06d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-01-02", "l_commitdate": "1994-10-29", "l_receiptdate": "1995-01-16", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "g to the blithely p" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3392, "l_partkey": 171, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 40.0d, "l_extendedprice": 42846.8d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-02-18", "l_commitdate": "1995-12-16", "l_receiptdate": "1996-02-26", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ress instructions affix carefully. fur" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3811, "l_partkey": 171, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 50.0d, "l_extendedprice": 53558.5d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-07-28", "l_commitdate": "1998-07-06", "l_receiptdate": "1998-08-16", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ts are slyly fluffy ideas. furiou" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3846, "l_partkey": 171, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 30.0d, "l_extendedprice": 32135.1d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-05-01", "l_commitdate": "1998-03-12", "l_receiptdate": "1998-05-20", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "deposits according to the fur" }
, { "l_orderkey": 4134, "l_partkey": 171, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 12.0d, "l_extendedprice": 12854.04d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-03-19", "l_commitdate": "1995-03-27", "l_receiptdate": "1995-04-14", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "kly above the quickly regular " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 455, "l_partkey": 171, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 11.0d, "l_extendedprice": 11782.87d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-03-15", "l_commitdate": "1997-02-14", "l_receiptdate": "1997-03-26", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "g deposits against the slyly idle foxes u" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1378, "l_partkey": 171, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 12.0d, "l_extendedprice": 12854.04d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-06-16", "l_commitdate": "1996-05-23", "l_receiptdate": "1996-07-09", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "notornis. b" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4066, "l_partkey": 171, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 43.0d, "l_extendedprice": 46060.31d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-02-16", "l_commitdate": "1997-04-14", "l_receiptdate": "1997-02-18", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "r instructions. slyly special " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4546, "l_partkey": 171, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 15.0d, "l_extendedprice": 16067.55d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-07-31", "l_commitdate": "1995-10-17", "l_receiptdate": "1995-08-06", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ught to cajole furiously. qu" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5317, "l_partkey": 171, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 18.0d, "l_extendedprice": 19281.06d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-01-02", "l_commitdate": "1994-10-29", "l_receiptdate": "1995-01-16", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "g to the blithely p" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2310, "l_partkey": 171, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 6.0d, "l_extendedprice": 6427.02d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-11-08", "l_commitdate": "1996-12-09", "l_receiptdate": "1996-12-07", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "e slyly about the quickly ironic theodo" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3430, "l_partkey": 171, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 15.0d, "l_extendedprice": 16067.55d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-02-01", "l_commitdate": "1995-03-12", "l_receiptdate": "1995-02-04", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "cajole around the accounts. qui" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4675, "l_partkey": 171, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 6.0d, "l_extendedprice": 6427.02d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-01-22", "l_commitdate": "1994-01-06", "l_receiptdate": "1994-02-12", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": " unusual ideas thrash bl" }
, { "l_orderkey": 5444, "l_partkey": 171, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 21.0d, "l_extendedprice": 22494.57d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-05-05", "l_commitdate": "1995-05-25", "l_receiptdate": "1995-05-29", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "aves serve sly" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1634, "l_partkey": 170, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 11.0d, "l_extendedprice": 11771.87d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-10-04", "l_commitdate": "1996-12-06", "l_receiptdate": "1996-10-14", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "final requests " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2309, "l_partkey": 170, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 14.0d, "l_extendedprice": 14982.38d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-01-01", "l_commitdate": "1995-10-22", "l_receiptdate": "1996-01-23", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "asymptotes. furiously pending acco" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2342, "l_partkey": 170, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 50.0d, "l_extendedprice": 53508.5d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-08-28", "l_commitdate": "1996-07-18", "l_receiptdate": "1996-09-22", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "cial asymptotes pr" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 448, "l_partkey": 170, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 8.0d, "l_extendedprice": 8561.36d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-11-02", "l_commitdate": "1995-10-16", "l_receiptdate": "1995-11-15", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ounts wake blithely. furiously pending" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 645, "l_partkey": 170, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 47.0d, "l_extendedprice": 50297.99d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-02-16", "l_commitdate": "1995-02-15", "l_receiptdate": "1995-02-25", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "hely regular instructions alon" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2406, "l_partkey": 170, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 18.0d, "l_extendedprice": 19263.06d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-02-17", "l_commitdate": "1996-12-25", "l_receiptdate": "1997-02-19", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "azzle furiously careful" }
, { "l_orderkey": 2752, "l_partkey": 170, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 21.0d, "l_extendedprice": 22473.57d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-01-01", "l_commitdate": "1994-01-24", "l_receiptdate": "1994-01-24", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": " along the quickly " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2854, "l_partkey": 170, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 34.0d, "l_extendedprice": 36385.78d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-09-06", "l_commitdate": "1994-08-07", "l_receiptdate": "1994-09-22", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "age carefully" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3107, "l_partkey": 170, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 23.0d, "l_extendedprice": 24613.91d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-12-10", "l_commitdate": "1997-11-11", "l_receiptdate": "1997-12-14", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "atelets must ha" }
, { "l_orderkey": 3747, "l_partkey": 170, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 33.0d, "l_extendedprice": 35315.61d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-10-14", "l_commitdate": "1996-11-12", "l_receiptdate": "1996-11-11", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": " regular p" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3874, "l_partkey": 170, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 21.0d, "l_extendedprice": 22473.57d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-06-19", "l_commitdate": "1993-07-20", "l_receiptdate": "1993-07-08", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": " requests cajole fluff" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3905, "l_partkey": 170, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 6.0d, "l_extendedprice": 6421.02d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-04-07", "l_commitdate": "1994-03-07", "l_receiptdate": "1994-04-21", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ow furiously. deposits wake ironic " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4192, "l_partkey": 170, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 27.0d, "l_extendedprice": 28894.59d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-07-03", "l_commitdate": "1998-06-26", "l_receiptdate": "1998-07-13", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": " carefully even escapades. care" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5793, "l_partkey": 170, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 41.0d, "l_extendedprice": 43876.97d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-08-04", "l_commitdate": "1997-10-10", "l_receiptdate": "1997-08-12", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "snooze quick" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1221, "l_partkey": 170, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 12.0d, "l_extendedprice": 12842.04d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-08-07", "l_commitdate": "1992-06-24", "l_receiptdate": "1992-08-13", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "yly ironic " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1444, "l_partkey": 170, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 42.0d, "l_extendedprice": 44947.14d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-12-22", "l_commitdate": "1995-03-03", "l_receiptdate": "1994-12-31", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ly bold packages boost regular ideas. spe" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1634, "l_partkey": 170, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 11.0d, "l_extendedprice": 11771.87d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-10-04", "l_commitdate": "1996-12-06", "l_receiptdate": "1996-10-14", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "final requests " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1954, "l_partkey": 170, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 29.0d, "l_extendedprice": 31034.93d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-08-25", "l_commitdate": "1997-07-15", "l_receiptdate": "1997-09-02", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "use thinly furiously regular asy" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2309, "l_partkey": 170, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 14.0d, "l_extendedprice": 14982.38d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-01-01", "l_commitdate": "1995-10-22", "l_receiptdate": "1996-01-23", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "asymptotes. furiously pending acco" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4516, "l_partkey": 170, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 34.0d, "l_extendedprice": 36385.78d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-05-16", "l_commitdate": "1994-06-23", "l_receiptdate": "1994-06-12", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "even pinto beans wake qui" }
, { "l_orderkey": 34, "l_partkey": 170, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 6.0d, "l_extendedprice": 6421.02d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-10-30", "l_commitdate": "1998-09-20", "l_receiptdate": "1998-11-05", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ar foxes sleep " }
, { "l_orderkey": 102, "l_partkey": 170, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 34.0d, "l_extendedprice": 36385.78d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-08-09", "l_commitdate": "1997-07-28", "l_receiptdate": "1997-08-26", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "eposits cajole across" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2596, "l_partkey": 170, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 6.0d, "l_extendedprice": 6421.02d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-12-15", "l_commitdate": "1996-11-02", "l_receiptdate": "1996-12-29", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ily special re" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2854, "l_partkey": 170, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 34.0d, "l_extendedprice": 36385.78d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-09-06", "l_commitdate": "1994-08-07", "l_receiptdate": "1994-09-22", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "age carefully" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4192, "l_partkey": 170, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 27.0d, "l_extendedprice": 28894.59d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-07-03", "l_commitdate": "1998-06-26", "l_receiptdate": "1998-07-13", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": " carefully even escapades. care" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4513, "l_partkey": 170, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 29.0d, "l_extendedprice": 31034.93d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-05-18", "l_commitdate": "1996-05-23", "l_receiptdate": "1996-06-08", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "cajole. regular packages boost. s" }
, { "l_orderkey": 545, "l_partkey": 170, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 4.0d, "l_extendedprice": 4280.68d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-02-23", "l_commitdate": "1995-12-16", "l_receiptdate": "1996-03-21", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": ", ironic grouches cajole over" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 645, "l_partkey": 170, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 47.0d, "l_extendedprice": 50297.99d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-02-16", "l_commitdate": "1995-02-15", "l_receiptdate": "1995-02-25", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "hely regular instructions alon" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 738, "l_partkey": 170, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 23.0d, "l_extendedprice": 24613.91d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-03-17", "l_commitdate": "1993-04-02", "l_receiptdate": "1993-04-05", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "nic, final excuses promise quickly regula" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1954, "l_partkey": 170, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 29.0d, "l_extendedprice": 31034.93d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-08-25", "l_commitdate": "1997-07-15", "l_receiptdate": "1997-09-02", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "use thinly furiously regular asy" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2596, "l_partkey": 170, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 6.0d, "l_extendedprice": 6421.02d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-12-15", "l_commitdate": "1996-11-02", "l_receiptdate": "1996-12-29", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ily special re" }
, { "l_orderkey": 2944, "l_partkey": 170, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 2.0d, "l_extendedprice": 2140.34d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-12-13", "l_commitdate": "1997-12-01", "l_receiptdate": "1998-01-08", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "luffily expr" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3107, "l_partkey": 170, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 23.0d, "l_extendedprice": 24613.91d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-12-10", "l_commitdate": "1997-11-11", "l_receiptdate": "1997-12-14", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "atelets must ha" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3905, "l_partkey": 170, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 6.0d, "l_extendedprice": 6421.02d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-04-07", "l_commitdate": "1994-03-07", "l_receiptdate": "1994-04-21", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ow furiously. deposits wake ironic " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 448, "l_partkey": 170, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 8.0d, "l_extendedprice": 8561.36d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-11-02", "l_commitdate": "1995-10-16", "l_receiptdate": "1995-11-15", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ounts wake blithely. furiously pending" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1221, "l_partkey": 170, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 12.0d, "l_extendedprice": 12842.04d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-08-07", "l_commitdate": "1992-06-24", "l_receiptdate": "1992-08-13", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "yly ironic " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1408, "l_partkey": 170, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 41.0d, "l_extendedprice": 43876.97d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-02-25", "l_commitdate": "1998-02-03", "l_receiptdate": "1998-03-13", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ep along the fina" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1444, "l_partkey": 170, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 42.0d, "l_extendedprice": 44947.14d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-12-22", "l_commitdate": "1995-03-03", "l_receiptdate": "1994-12-31", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ly bold packages boost regular ideas. spe" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2406, "l_partkey": 170, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 18.0d, "l_extendedprice": 19263.06d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-02-17", "l_commitdate": "1996-12-25", "l_receiptdate": "1997-02-19", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "azzle furiously careful" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4516, "l_partkey": 170, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 34.0d, "l_extendedprice": 36385.78d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-05-16", "l_commitdate": "1994-06-23", "l_receiptdate": "1994-06-12", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "even pinto beans wake qui" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4513, "l_partkey": 170, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 29.0d, "l_extendedprice": 31034.93d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-05-18", "l_commitdate": "1996-05-23", "l_receiptdate": "1996-06-08", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "cajole. regular packages boost. s" }
, { "l_orderkey": 4960, "l_partkey": 170, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 42.0d, "l_extendedprice": 44947.14d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-04-19", "l_commitdate": "1995-04-11", "l_receiptdate": "1995-05-08", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "s requests cajole. " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5793, "l_partkey": 170, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 41.0d, "l_extendedprice": 43876.97d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-08-04", "l_commitdate": "1997-10-10", "l_receiptdate": "1997-08-12", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "snooze quick" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 358, "l_partkey": 169, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 40.0d, "l_extendedprice": 42766.4d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-12-05", "l_commitdate": "1993-11-04", "l_receiptdate": "1994-01-01", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ng the ironic theo" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 865, "l_partkey": 169, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 34.0d, "l_extendedprice": 36351.44d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-05-09", "l_commitdate": "1993-07-28", "l_receiptdate": "1993-05-18", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "furiously fluffily unusual account" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1636, "l_partkey": 169, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 45.0d, "l_extendedprice": 48112.2d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-07-14", "l_commitdate": "1997-08-08", "l_receiptdate": "1997-07-27", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ely express reque" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 738, "l_partkey": 170, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 23.0d, "l_extendedprice": 24613.91d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-03-17", "l_commitdate": "1993-04-02", "l_receiptdate": "1993-04-05", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "nic, final excuses promise quickly regula" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1408, "l_partkey": 170, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 41.0d, "l_extendedprice": 43876.97d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-02-25", "l_commitdate": "1998-02-03", "l_receiptdate": "1998-03-13", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ep along the fina" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2342, "l_partkey": 170, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 50.0d, "l_extendedprice": 53508.5d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-08-28", "l_commitdate": "1996-07-18", "l_receiptdate": "1996-09-22", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "cial asymptotes pr" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3874, "l_partkey": 170, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 21.0d, "l_extendedprice": 22473.57d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-06-19", "l_commitdate": "1993-07-20", "l_receiptdate": "1993-07-08", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": " requests cajole fluff" }
, { "l_orderkey": 2279, "l_partkey": 169, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 9.0d, "l_extendedprice": 9622.44d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-05-21", "l_commitdate": "1993-03-29", "l_receiptdate": "1993-06-17", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ns cajole after the final platelets. s" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2369, "l_partkey": 169, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 47.0d, "l_extendedprice": 50250.52d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-01-02", "l_commitdate": "1997-02-18", "l_receiptdate": "1997-01-13", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": " to the regular dep" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3648, "l_partkey": 169, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 14.0d, "l_extendedprice": 14968.24d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-10-02", "l_commitdate": "1993-08-26", "l_receiptdate": "1993-10-09", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "sly pending excuses. carefully i" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3715, "l_partkey": 169, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 16.0d, "l_extendedprice": 17106.56d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-06-28", "l_commitdate": "1996-04-22", "l_receiptdate": "1996-06-30", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "usly regular pearls haggle final packages" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 709, "l_partkey": 169, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 10.0d, "l_extendedprice": 10691.6d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-06-04", "l_commitdate": "1998-06-30", "l_receiptdate": "1998-06-11", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ts cajole boldly " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 928, "l_partkey": 169, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 29.0d, "l_extendedprice": 31005.64d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-05-17", "l_commitdate": "1995-05-12", "l_receiptdate": "1995-05-21", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ly alongside of the s" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1220, "l_partkey": 169, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 25.0d, "l_extendedprice": 26729.0d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-10-15", "l_commitdate": "1996-11-07", "l_receiptdate": "1996-11-06", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": " regular orbi" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1506, "l_partkey": 169, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 4.0d, "l_extendedprice": 4276.64d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-01-03", "l_commitdate": "1992-12-06", "l_receiptdate": "1993-01-05", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "posits. furiou" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2022, "l_partkey": 169, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 38.0d, "l_extendedprice": 40628.08d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-07-05", "l_commitdate": "1992-04-20", "l_receiptdate": "1992-07-13", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": " against the express accounts wake ca" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3810, "l_partkey": 169, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 18.0d, "l_extendedprice": 19244.88d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-11-28", "l_commitdate": "1992-11-15", "l_receiptdate": "1992-12-27", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "s. furiously careful deposi" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5095, "l_partkey": 169, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 40.0d, "l_extendedprice": 42766.4d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-07-11", "l_commitdate": "1992-06-07", "l_receiptdate": "1992-07-26", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "carefully unusual plat" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 129, "l_partkey": 169, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 1.0d, "l_extendedprice": 1069.16d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-01-26", "l_commitdate": "1993-01-08", "l_receiptdate": "1993-02-24", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "e carefully blithely bold dolp" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1057, "l_partkey": 169, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 11.0d, "l_extendedprice": 11760.76d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-03-31", "l_commitdate": "1992-04-18", "l_receiptdate": "1992-04-18", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "yly final theodolites. furi" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1376, "l_partkey": 169, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 22.0d, "l_extendedprice": 23521.52d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-08-05", "l_commitdate": "1997-07-08", "l_receiptdate": "1997-09-03", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "inst the final, pending " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1666, "l_partkey": 169, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 41.0d, "l_extendedprice": 43835.56d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-11-29", "l_commitdate": "1996-01-04", "l_receiptdate": "1995-12-24", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ly regular excuses; regular ac" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1732, "l_partkey": 169, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 25.0d, "l_extendedprice": 26729.0d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-02-15", "l_commitdate": "1994-01-07", "l_receiptdate": "1994-02-21", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "nag slyly. even, special de" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1894, "l_partkey": 169, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 40.0d, "l_extendedprice": 42766.4d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-06-07", "l_commitdate": "1992-05-11", "l_receiptdate": "1992-07-01", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ily furiously bold packages. flu" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2560, "l_partkey": 169, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 41.0d, "l_extendedprice": 43835.56d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-10-23", "l_commitdate": "1992-11-11", "l_receiptdate": "1992-11-22", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": " after the accounts. regular foxes are be" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3713, "l_partkey": 169, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 45.0d, "l_extendedprice": 48112.2d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-06-15", "l_commitdate": "1998-07-30", "l_receiptdate": "1998-07-14", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "al pinto beans affix after the slyly " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5635, "l_partkey": 169, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 38.0d, "l_extendedprice": 40628.08d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-10-09", "l_commitdate": "1992-09-25", "l_receiptdate": "1992-10-18", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ckly pendin" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 736, "l_partkey": 169, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 32.0d, "l_extendedprice": 34213.12d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-07-30", "l_commitdate": "1998-08-22", "l_receiptdate": "1998-08-12", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "iously final accoun" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1153, "l_partkey": 169, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 50.0d, "l_extendedprice": 53458.0d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-06-27", "l_commitdate": "1996-07-13", "l_receiptdate": "1996-07-05", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ronic asymptotes nag slyly. " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1959, "l_partkey": 169, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 46.0d, "l_extendedprice": 49181.36d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-05-05", "l_commitdate": "1997-03-03", "l_receiptdate": "1997-05-24", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": " furiously ex" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2146, "l_partkey": 169, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 28.0d, "l_extendedprice": 29936.48d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-01-03", "l_commitdate": "1992-10-17", "l_receiptdate": "1993-01-08", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "r accounts sleep furio" }
, { "l_orderkey": 2309, "l_partkey": 169, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 1.0d, "l_extendedprice": 1069.16d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-12-08", "l_commitdate": "1995-11-03", "l_receiptdate": "1995-12-31", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "eposits alongside of the final re" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3715, "l_partkey": 169, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 16.0d, "l_extendedprice": 17106.56d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-06-28", "l_commitdate": "1996-04-22", "l_receiptdate": "1996-06-30", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "usly regular pearls haggle final packages" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5317, "l_partkey": 169, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 30.0d, "l_extendedprice": 32074.8d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-10-13", "l_commitdate": "1994-10-31", "l_receiptdate": "1994-10-28", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "cross the attainments. slyly " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 709, "l_partkey": 169, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 10.0d, "l_extendedprice": 10691.6d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-06-04", "l_commitdate": "1998-06-30", "l_receiptdate": "1998-06-11", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ts cajole boldly " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 865, "l_partkey": 169, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 34.0d, "l_extendedprice": 36351.44d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-05-09", "l_commitdate": "1993-07-28", "l_receiptdate": "1993-05-18", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "furiously fluffily unusual account" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 928, "l_partkey": 169, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 29.0d, "l_extendedprice": 31005.64d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-05-17", "l_commitdate": "1995-05-12", "l_receiptdate": "1995-05-21", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ly alongside of the s" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1057, "l_partkey": 169, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 11.0d, "l_extendedprice": 11760.76d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-03-31", "l_commitdate": "1992-04-18", "l_receiptdate": "1992-04-18", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "yly final theodolites. furi" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1153, "l_partkey": 169, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 50.0d, "l_extendedprice": 53458.0d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-06-27", "l_commitdate": "1996-07-13", "l_receiptdate": "1996-07-05", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ronic asymptotes nag slyly. " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1894, "l_partkey": 169, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 40.0d, "l_extendedprice": 42766.4d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-06-07", "l_commitdate": "1992-05-11", "l_receiptdate": "1992-07-01", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ily furiously bold packages. flu" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2146, "l_partkey": 169, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 28.0d, "l_extendedprice": 29936.48d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-01-03", "l_commitdate": "1992-10-17", "l_receiptdate": "1993-01-08", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "r accounts sleep furio" }
, { "l_orderkey": 3301, "l_partkey": 169, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 45.0d, "l_extendedprice": 48112.2d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-11-19", "l_commitdate": "1994-10-27", "l_receiptdate": "1994-11-24", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "nusual, final excuses after the entici" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3778, "l_partkey": 169, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 28.0d, "l_extendedprice": 29936.48d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-08-18", "l_commitdate": "1993-07-10", "l_receiptdate": "1993-09-06", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "y silent orbits print carefully against " }
, { "l_orderkey": 3872, "l_partkey": 169, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 18.0d, "l_extendedprice": 19244.88d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-12-25", "l_commitdate": "1996-10-24", "l_receiptdate": "1997-01-08", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "s. regular, brave accounts sleep blith" }
, { "l_orderkey": 4578, "l_partkey": 169, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 42.0d, "l_extendedprice": 44904.72d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-01-05", "l_commitdate": "1992-11-06", "l_receiptdate": "1993-01-13", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "s are caref" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5317, "l_partkey": 169, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 30.0d, "l_extendedprice": 32074.8d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-10-13", "l_commitdate": "1994-10-31", "l_receiptdate": "1994-10-28", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "cross the attainments. slyly " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1506, "l_partkey": 169, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 4.0d, "l_extendedprice": 4276.64d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-01-03", "l_commitdate": "1992-12-06", "l_receiptdate": "1993-01-05", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "posits. furiou" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1636, "l_partkey": 169, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 45.0d, "l_extendedprice": 48112.2d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-07-14", "l_commitdate": "1997-08-08", "l_receiptdate": "1997-07-27", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ely express reque" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1666, "l_partkey": 169, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 41.0d, "l_extendedprice": 43835.56d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-11-29", "l_commitdate": "1996-01-04", "l_receiptdate": "1995-12-24", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ly regular excuses; regular ac" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1732, "l_partkey": 169, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 25.0d, "l_extendedprice": 26729.0d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-02-15", "l_commitdate": "1994-01-07", "l_receiptdate": "1994-02-21", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "nag slyly. even, special de" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2022, "l_partkey": 169, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 38.0d, "l_extendedprice": 40628.08d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-07-05", "l_commitdate": "1992-04-20", "l_receiptdate": "1992-07-13", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": " against the express accounts wake ca" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2369, "l_partkey": 169, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 47.0d, "l_extendedprice": 50250.52d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-01-02", "l_commitdate": "1997-02-18", "l_receiptdate": "1997-01-13", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": " to the regular dep" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2560, "l_partkey": 169, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 41.0d, "l_extendedprice": 43835.56d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-10-23", "l_commitdate": "1992-11-11", "l_receiptdate": "1992-11-22", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": " after the accounts. regular foxes are be" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3713, "l_partkey": 169, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 45.0d, "l_extendedprice": 48112.2d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-06-15", "l_commitdate": "1998-07-30", "l_receiptdate": "1998-07-14", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "al pinto beans affix after the slyly " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3778, "l_partkey": 169, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 28.0d, "l_extendedprice": 29936.48d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-08-18", "l_commitdate": "1993-07-10", "l_receiptdate": "1993-09-06", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "y silent orbits print carefully against " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3810, "l_partkey": 169, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 18.0d, "l_extendedprice": 19244.88d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-11-28", "l_commitdate": "1992-11-15", "l_receiptdate": "1992-12-27", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "s. furiously careful deposi" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5095, "l_partkey": 169, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 40.0d, "l_extendedprice": 42766.4d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-07-11", "l_commitdate": "1992-06-07", "l_receiptdate": "1992-07-26", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "carefully unusual plat" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5635, "l_partkey": 169, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 38.0d, "l_extendedprice": 40628.08d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-10-09", "l_commitdate": "1992-09-25", "l_receiptdate": "1992-10-18", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ckly pendin" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 129, "l_partkey": 169, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 1.0d, "l_extendedprice": 1069.16d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-01-26", "l_commitdate": "1993-01-08", "l_receiptdate": "1993-02-24", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "e carefully blithely bold dolp" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 358, "l_partkey": 169, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 40.0d, "l_extendedprice": 42766.4d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-12-05", "l_commitdate": "1993-11-04", "l_receiptdate": "1994-01-01", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ng the ironic theo" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 736, "l_partkey": 169, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 32.0d, "l_extendedprice": 34213.12d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-07-30", "l_commitdate": "1998-08-22", "l_receiptdate": "1998-08-12", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "iously final accoun" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1220, "l_partkey": 169, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 25.0d, "l_extendedprice": 26729.0d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-10-15", "l_commitdate": "1996-11-07", "l_receiptdate": "1996-11-06", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": " regular orbi" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1376, "l_partkey": 169, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 22.0d, "l_extendedprice": 23521.52d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-08-05", "l_commitdate": "1997-07-08", "l_receiptdate": "1997-09-03", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "inst the final, pending " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1959, "l_partkey": 169, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 46.0d, "l_extendedprice": 49181.36d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-05-05", "l_commitdate": "1997-03-03", "l_receiptdate": "1997-05-24", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": " furiously ex" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3648, "l_partkey": 169, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 14.0d, "l_extendedprice": 14968.24d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-10-02", "l_commitdate": "1993-08-26", "l_receiptdate": "1993-10-09", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "sly pending excuses. carefully i" }
, { "l_orderkey": 5573, "l_partkey": 169, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 43.0d, "l_extendedprice": 45973.88d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-10-22", "l_commitdate": "1996-11-03", "l_receiptdate": "1996-11-02", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": " furiously pending packages against " }
, { "l_orderkey": 5953, "l_partkey": 169, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 23.0d, "l_extendedprice": 24590.68d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-06-05", "l_commitdate": "1992-06-03", "l_receiptdate": "1992-06-29", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "he silent ideas. silent foxes po" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 163, "l_partkey": 168, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 43.0d, "l_extendedprice": 45930.88d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-09-19", "l_commitdate": "1997-11-19", "l_receiptdate": "1997-10-03", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "al, bold dependencies wake. iron" }
, { "l_orderkey": 677, "l_partkey": 168, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 39.0d, "l_extendedprice": 41658.24d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-12-19", "l_commitdate": "1994-02-11", "l_receiptdate": "1994-01-05", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ges. furiously regular packages use " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1794, "l_partkey": 168, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 36.0d, "l_extendedprice": 38453.76d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-11-07", "l_commitdate": "1997-11-01", "l_receiptdate": "1997-11-18", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ely fluffily ironi" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1315, "l_partkey": 168, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 25.0d, "l_extendedprice": 26704.0d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-06-26", "l_commitdate": "1998-06-10", "l_receiptdate": "1998-07-06", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "lites. unusual foxes affi" }
, { "l_orderkey": 2087, "l_partkey": 168, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 46.0d, "l_extendedprice": 49135.36d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-02-24", "l_commitdate": "1998-04-02", "l_receiptdate": "1998-03-04", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ter the dolphins." }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2114, "l_partkey": 168, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 50.0d, "l_extendedprice": 53408.0d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-02-05", "l_commitdate": "1995-03-18", "l_receiptdate": "1995-02-13", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "pecial pinto bean" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4930, "l_partkey": 168, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 28.0d, "l_extendedprice": 29908.48d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-08-27", "l_commitdate": "1994-06-27", "l_receiptdate": "1994-09-18", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "e ironic, unusual courts. regula" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5381, "l_partkey": 168, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 17.0d, "l_extendedprice": 18158.72d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-05-25", "l_commitdate": "1993-04-14", "l_receiptdate": "1993-06-17", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ckly final requests haggle qui" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5638, "l_partkey": 168, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 12.0d, "l_extendedprice": 12817.92d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-02-05", "l_commitdate": "1994-04-01", "l_receiptdate": "1994-02-25", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "n, even requests. furiously ironic not" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 582, "l_partkey": 168, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 36.0d, "l_extendedprice": 38453.76d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-12-09", "l_commitdate": "1997-11-27", "l_receiptdate": "1997-12-26", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "lar requests. quickly " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 868, "l_partkey": 168, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 8.0d, "l_extendedprice": 8545.28d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-10-07", "l_commitdate": "1992-08-01", "l_receiptdate": "1992-10-16", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "l deposits. blithely regular pint" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 903, "l_partkey": 168, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 13.0d, "l_extendedprice": 13886.08d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-09-11", "l_commitdate": "1995-10-04", "l_receiptdate": "1995-10-03", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "sleep along the final" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1795, "l_partkey": 168, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 25.0d, "l_extendedprice": 26704.0d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-05-18", "l_commitdate": "1994-05-22", "l_receiptdate": "1994-05-20", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "he always express accounts ca" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1889, "l_partkey": 168, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 5.0d, "l_extendedprice": 5340.8d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-06-26", "l_commitdate": "1997-06-09", "l_receiptdate": "1997-07-21", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ording to the blithely silent r" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5349, "l_partkey": 168, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 14.0d, "l_extendedprice": 14954.24d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-11-07", "l_commitdate": "1996-11-17", "l_receiptdate": "1996-11-20", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "fully regular " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1121, "l_partkey": 168, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 42.0d, "l_extendedprice": 44862.72d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-03-05", "l_commitdate": "1997-03-18", "l_receiptdate": "1997-03-14", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "nts are slyly special packages. f" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1445, "l_partkey": 168, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 39.0d, "l_extendedprice": 41658.24d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-02-05", "l_commitdate": "1995-02-20", "l_receiptdate": "1995-02-06", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ully unusual reques" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1475, "l_partkey": 168, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 15.0d, "l_extendedprice": 16022.4d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-02-12", "l_commitdate": "1997-12-17", "l_receiptdate": "1998-03-02", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "xpress requests haggle after the final, fi" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2375, "l_partkey": 168, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 3.0d, "l_extendedprice": 3204.48d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-02-14", "l_commitdate": "1996-12-25", "l_receiptdate": "1997-02-22", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "slyly across the furiously e" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2913, "l_partkey": 168, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 35.0d, "l_extendedprice": 37385.6d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-08-30", "l_commitdate": "1997-08-21", "l_receiptdate": "1997-09-03", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "es. quickly even braids against" }
, { "l_orderkey": 2978, "l_partkey": 168, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 4.0d, "l_extendedprice": 4272.64d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-07-06", "l_commitdate": "1995-07-31", "l_receiptdate": "1995-07-19", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ffily unusual " }
, { "l_orderkey": 3044, "l_partkey": 168, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 3.0d, "l_extendedprice": 3204.48d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-07-27", "l_commitdate": "1996-05-26", "l_receiptdate": "1996-08-15", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ecoys haggle furiously pending requests." }
, { "l_orderkey": 3654, "l_partkey": 168, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 11.0d, "l_extendedprice": 11749.76d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-07-20", "l_commitdate": "1992-07-30", "l_receiptdate": "1992-07-23", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "quickly along the express, ironic req" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3808, "l_partkey": 168, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 44.0d, "l_extendedprice": 46999.04d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-06-07", "l_commitdate": "1994-06-04", "l_receiptdate": "1994-06-25", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "the blithely regular foxes. even, final " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4739, "l_partkey": 168, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 8.0d, "l_extendedprice": 8545.28d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-06-22", "l_commitdate": "1993-05-10", "l_receiptdate": "1993-07-11", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "cording to the " }
, { "l_orderkey": 4963, "l_partkey": 168, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 38.0d, "l_extendedprice": 40590.08d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-12-25", "l_commitdate": "1996-12-12", "l_receiptdate": "1997-01-02", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "tegrate daringly accou" }
, { "l_orderkey": 5093, "l_partkey": 168, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 40.0d, "l_extendedprice": 42726.4d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-09-16", "l_commitdate": "1993-11-04", "l_receiptdate": "1993-10-05", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ing pinto beans. quickly bold dependenci" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 131, "l_partkey": 168, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 45.0d, "l_extendedprice": 48067.2d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-09-14", "l_commitdate": "1994-09-02", "l_receiptdate": "1994-10-04", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ironic, bold accounts. careful" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 359, "l_partkey": 168, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 11.0d, "l_extendedprice": 11749.76d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-02-15", "l_commitdate": "1995-01-27", "l_receiptdate": "1995-02-18", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "rets wake blithely. slyly final dep" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 582, "l_partkey": 168, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 36.0d, "l_extendedprice": 38453.76d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-12-09", "l_commitdate": "1997-11-27", "l_receiptdate": "1997-12-26", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "lar requests. quickly " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 903, "l_partkey": 168, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 13.0d, "l_extendedprice": 13886.08d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-09-11", "l_commitdate": "1995-10-04", "l_receiptdate": "1995-10-03", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "sleep along the final" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1315, "l_partkey": 168, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 25.0d, "l_extendedprice": 26704.0d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-06-26", "l_commitdate": "1998-06-10", "l_receiptdate": "1998-07-06", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "lites. unusual foxes affi" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1795, "l_partkey": 168, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 25.0d, "l_extendedprice": 26704.0d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-05-18", "l_commitdate": "1994-05-22", "l_receiptdate": "1994-05-20", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "he always express accounts ca" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2913, "l_partkey": 168, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 35.0d, "l_extendedprice": 37385.6d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-08-30", "l_commitdate": "1997-08-21", "l_receiptdate": "1997-09-03", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "es. quickly even braids against" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4930, "l_partkey": 168, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 28.0d, "l_extendedprice": 29908.48d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-08-27", "l_commitdate": "1994-06-27", "l_receiptdate": "1994-09-18", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "e ironic, unusual courts. regula" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5191, "l_partkey": 168, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 40.0d, "l_extendedprice": 42726.4d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-03-31", "l_commitdate": "1995-02-21", "l_receiptdate": "1995-04-02", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "nes haggle sometimes. requests eng" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5700, "l_partkey": 168, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 24.0d, "l_extendedprice": 25635.84d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-12-26", "l_commitdate": "1998-01-28", "l_receiptdate": "1998-01-18", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ix carefully " }
, { "l_orderkey": 98, "l_partkey": 168, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 10.0d, "l_extendedprice": 10681.6d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-10-23", "l_commitdate": "1994-11-08", "l_receiptdate": "1994-11-09", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": " carefully. quickly ironic ideas" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 163, "l_partkey": 168, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 43.0d, "l_extendedprice": 45930.88d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-09-19", "l_commitdate": "1997-11-19", "l_receiptdate": "1997-10-03", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "al, bold dependencies wake. iron" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 131, "l_partkey": 168, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 45.0d, "l_extendedprice": 48067.2d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-09-14", "l_commitdate": "1994-09-02", "l_receiptdate": "1994-10-04", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ironic, bold accounts. careful" }
, { "l_orderkey": 194, "l_partkey": 168, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 21.0d, "l_extendedprice": 22431.36d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-05-06", "l_commitdate": "1992-05-20", "l_receiptdate": "1992-05-07", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "accounts detect quickly dogged " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 868, "l_partkey": 168, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 8.0d, "l_extendedprice": 8545.28d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-10-07", "l_commitdate": "1992-08-01", "l_receiptdate": "1992-10-16", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "l deposits. blithely regular pint" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1445, "l_partkey": 168, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 39.0d, "l_extendedprice": 41658.24d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-02-05", "l_commitdate": "1995-02-20", "l_receiptdate": "1995-02-06", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ully unusual reques" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1475, "l_partkey": 168, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 15.0d, "l_extendedprice": 16022.4d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-02-12", "l_commitdate": "1997-12-17", "l_receiptdate": "1998-03-02", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "xpress requests haggle after the final, fi" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1889, "l_partkey": 168, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 5.0d, "l_extendedprice": 5340.8d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-06-26", "l_commitdate": "1997-06-09", "l_receiptdate": "1997-07-21", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ording to the blithely silent r" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 359, "l_partkey": 168, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 11.0d, "l_extendedprice": 11749.76d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-02-15", "l_commitdate": "1995-01-27", "l_receiptdate": "1995-02-18", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "rets wake blithely. slyly final dep" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1794, "l_partkey": 168, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 36.0d, "l_extendedprice": 38453.76d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-11-07", "l_commitdate": "1997-11-01", "l_receiptdate": "1997-11-18", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ely fluffily ironi" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2050, "l_partkey": 168, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 16.0d, "l_extendedprice": 17090.56d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-08-17", "l_commitdate": "1994-07-28", "l_receiptdate": "1994-09-05", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "al accounts. closely even " }
, { "l_orderkey": 2434, "l_partkey": 168, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 49.0d, "l_extendedprice": 52339.84d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-08-08", "l_commitdate": "1997-07-23", "l_receiptdate": "1997-08-27", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": " after the requests haggle bold, fina" }
, { "l_orderkey": 3814, "l_partkey": 168, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 36.0d, "l_extendedprice": 38453.76d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-06-19", "l_commitdate": "1995-04-18", "l_receiptdate": "1995-06-28", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "beans cajole quickly sl" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4739, "l_partkey": 168, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 8.0d, "l_extendedprice": 8545.28d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-06-22", "l_commitdate": "1993-05-10", "l_receiptdate": "1993-07-11", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "cording to the " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5638, "l_partkey": 168, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 12.0d, "l_extendedprice": 12817.92d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-02-05", "l_commitdate": "1994-04-01", "l_receiptdate": "1994-02-25", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "n, even requests. furiously ironic not" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5700, "l_partkey": 168, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 24.0d, "l_extendedprice": 25635.84d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-12-26", "l_commitdate": "1998-01-28", "l_receiptdate": "1998-01-18", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ix carefully " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1121, "l_partkey": 168, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 42.0d, "l_extendedprice": 44862.72d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-03-05", "l_commitdate": "1997-03-18", "l_receiptdate": "1997-03-14", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "nts are slyly special packages. f" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2050, "l_partkey": 168, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 16.0d, "l_extendedprice": 17090.56d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-08-17", "l_commitdate": "1994-07-28", "l_receiptdate": "1994-09-05", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "al accounts. closely even " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2114, "l_partkey": 168, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 50.0d, "l_extendedprice": 53408.0d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-02-05", "l_commitdate": "1995-03-18", "l_receiptdate": "1995-02-13", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "pecial pinto bean" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2375, "l_partkey": 168, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 3.0d, "l_extendedprice": 3204.48d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-02-14", "l_commitdate": "1996-12-25", "l_receiptdate": "1997-02-22", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "slyly across the furiously e" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3808, "l_partkey": 168, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 44.0d, "l_extendedprice": 46999.04d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-06-07", "l_commitdate": "1994-06-04", "l_receiptdate": "1994-06-25", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "the blithely regular foxes. even, final " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5349, "l_partkey": 168, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 14.0d, "l_extendedprice": 14954.24d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-11-07", "l_commitdate": "1996-11-17", "l_receiptdate": "1996-11-20", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "fully regular " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5381, "l_partkey": 168, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 17.0d, "l_extendedprice": 18158.72d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-05-25", "l_commitdate": "1993-04-14", "l_receiptdate": "1993-06-17", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ckly final requests haggle qui" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5191, "l_partkey": 168, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 40.0d, "l_extendedprice": 42726.4d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-03-31", "l_commitdate": "1995-02-21", "l_receiptdate": "1995-04-02", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "nes haggle sometimes. requests eng" }
, { "l_orderkey": 166, "l_partkey": 167, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 13.0d, "l_extendedprice": 13873.08d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-11-09", "l_commitdate": "1995-11-18", "l_receiptdate": "1995-11-14", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "fully above the blithely fina" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 224, "l_partkey": 167, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 12.0d, "l_extendedprice": 12805.92d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-10-12", "l_commitdate": "1994-08-29", "l_receiptdate": "1994-10-20", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "uriously regular packages. slyly fina" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1412, "l_partkey": 167, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 11.0d, "l_extendedprice": 11738.76d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-05-27", "l_commitdate": "1993-05-30", "l_receiptdate": "1993-06-07", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "en packages. regular packages dete" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5472, "l_partkey": 167, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 39.0d, "l_extendedprice": 41619.24d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-04-18", "l_commitdate": "1993-07-10", "l_receiptdate": "1993-05-12", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "uriously carefully " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5696, "l_partkey": 167, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 42.0d, "l_extendedprice": 44820.72d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-06-06", "l_commitdate": "1995-06-11", "l_receiptdate": "1995-06-19", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "te furious" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 385, "l_partkey": 167, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 7.0d, "l_extendedprice": 7470.12d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-05-23", "l_commitdate": "1996-05-09", "l_receiptdate": "1996-06-06", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": " special asymptote" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 614, "l_partkey": 167, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 43.0d, "l_extendedprice": 45887.88d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-03-07", "l_commitdate": "1993-02-22", "l_receiptdate": "1993-03-18", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": " express accounts wake. slyly ironic ins" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 930, "l_partkey": 167, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 30.0d, "l_extendedprice": 32014.8d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-01-20", "l_commitdate": "1995-02-28", "l_receiptdate": "1995-02-04", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "g accounts sleep along the platelets." }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1447, "l_partkey": 167, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 19.0d, "l_extendedprice": 20276.04d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-01-31", "l_commitdate": "1992-12-07", "l_receiptdate": "1993-02-04", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": ". quickly ironic " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1601, "l_partkey": 167, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 6.0d, "l_extendedprice": 6402.96d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-10-19", "l_commitdate": "1994-09-28", "l_receiptdate": "1994-10-23", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": " bold sheaves. furiously per" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1888, "l_partkey": 167, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 50.0d, "l_extendedprice": 53358.0d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-12-22", "l_commitdate": "1994-01-10", "l_receiptdate": "1994-01-06", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ependencies affix blithely regular warhors" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 579, "l_partkey": 167, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 5.0d, "l_extendedprice": 5335.8d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-05-02", "l_commitdate": "1998-04-25", "l_receiptdate": "1998-05-05", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "refully silent ideas cajole furious" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2151, "l_partkey": 167, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 23.0d, "l_extendedprice": 24544.68d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-11-20", "l_commitdate": "1996-12-17", "l_receiptdate": "1996-11-30", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": " silent dependencies about the slyl" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2241, "l_partkey": 167, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 19.0d, "l_extendedprice": 20276.04d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-06-01", "l_commitdate": "1993-08-05", "l_receiptdate": "1993-06-07", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": " are furiously quickl" }
, { "l_orderkey": 3365, "l_partkey": 167, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 37.0d, "l_extendedprice": 39484.92d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-11-24", "l_commitdate": "1995-01-09", "l_receiptdate": "1994-11-27", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "oze blithely. furiously ironic theodolit" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3461, "l_partkey": 167, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 24.0d, "l_extendedprice": 25611.84d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-06-01", "l_commitdate": "1993-03-12", "l_receiptdate": "1993-06-20", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "thely. carefully re" }
, { "l_orderkey": 3520, "l_partkey": 167, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 38.0d, "l_extendedprice": 40552.08d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-08-14", "l_commitdate": "1997-10-26", "l_receiptdate": "1997-09-09", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "yly final packages according to the quickl" }
, { "l_orderkey": 3783, "l_partkey": 167, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 36.0d, "l_extendedprice": 38417.76d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-12-17", "l_commitdate": "1994-02-26", "l_receiptdate": "1994-01-03", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ites haggle among the carefully unusu" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 224, "l_partkey": 167, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 12.0d, "l_extendedprice": 12805.92d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-10-12", "l_commitdate": "1994-08-29", "l_receiptdate": "1994-10-20", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "uriously regular packages. slyly fina" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 614, "l_partkey": 167, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 43.0d, "l_extendedprice": 45887.88d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-03-07", "l_commitdate": "1993-02-22", "l_receiptdate": "1993-03-18", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": " express accounts wake. slyly ironic ins" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2208, "l_partkey": 167, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 18.0d, "l_extendedprice": 19208.88d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-06-06", "l_commitdate": "1995-06-10", "l_receiptdate": "1995-06-11", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "packages are quickly bold de" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2917, "l_partkey": 167, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 5.0d, "l_extendedprice": 5335.8d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-12-16", "l_commitdate": "1998-01-26", "l_receiptdate": "1998-01-07", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "bove the furiously silent packages. pend" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3620, "l_partkey": 167, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 16.0d, "l_extendedprice": 17074.56d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-05-17", "l_commitdate": "1997-05-08", "l_receiptdate": "1997-06-03", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "s. even, pending in" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5472, "l_partkey": 167, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 39.0d, "l_extendedprice": 41619.24d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-04-18", "l_commitdate": "1993-07-10", "l_receiptdate": "1993-05-12", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "uriously carefully " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5767, "l_partkey": 167, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 11.0d, "l_extendedprice": 11738.76d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-06-02", "l_commitdate": "1992-05-30", "l_receiptdate": "1992-06-08", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "instructions. carefully final accou" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 930, "l_partkey": 167, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 30.0d, "l_extendedprice": 32014.8d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-01-20", "l_commitdate": "1995-02-28", "l_receiptdate": "1995-02-04", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "g accounts sleep along the platelets." }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1412, "l_partkey": 167, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 11.0d, "l_extendedprice": 11738.76d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-05-27", "l_commitdate": "1993-05-30", "l_receiptdate": "1993-06-07", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "en packages. regular packages dete" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1447, "l_partkey": 167, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 19.0d, "l_extendedprice": 20276.04d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-01-31", "l_commitdate": "1992-12-07", "l_receiptdate": "1993-02-04", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": ". quickly ironic " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1888, "l_partkey": 167, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 50.0d, "l_extendedprice": 53358.0d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-12-22", "l_commitdate": "1994-01-10", "l_receiptdate": "1994-01-06", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ependencies affix blithely regular warhors" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2563, "l_partkey": 167, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 28.0d, "l_extendedprice": 29880.48d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-03-17", "l_commitdate": "1994-02-04", "l_receiptdate": "1994-04-13", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "hely regular depe" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3457, "l_partkey": 167, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 9.0d, "l_extendedprice": 9604.44d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-05-29", "l_commitdate": "1995-06-30", "l_receiptdate": "1995-06-12", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "quests. foxes sleep quickly" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3461, "l_partkey": 167, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 24.0d, "l_extendedprice": 25611.84d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-06-01", "l_commitdate": "1993-03-12", "l_receiptdate": "1993-06-20", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "thely. carefully re" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 385, "l_partkey": 167, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 7.0d, "l_extendedprice": 7470.12d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-05-23", "l_commitdate": "1996-05-09", "l_receiptdate": "1996-06-06", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": " special asymptote" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1601, "l_partkey": 167, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 6.0d, "l_extendedprice": 6402.96d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-10-19", "l_commitdate": "1994-09-28", "l_receiptdate": "1994-10-23", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": " bold sheaves. furiously per" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1857, "l_partkey": 167, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 40.0d, "l_extendedprice": 42686.4d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-02-15", "l_commitdate": "1993-03-08", "l_receiptdate": "1993-02-21", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "slyly close d" }
, { "l_orderkey": 4326, "l_partkey": 167, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 27.0d, "l_extendedprice": 28813.32d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-11-29", "l_commitdate": "1997-01-20", "l_receiptdate": "1996-12-23", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "inal packages. final asymptotes about t" }
, { "l_orderkey": 4421, "l_partkey": 167, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 46.0d, "l_extendedprice": 49089.36d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-05-25", "l_commitdate": "1997-05-21", "l_receiptdate": "1997-06-23", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "g dependenci" }
, { "l_orderkey": 4773, "l_partkey": 167, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 49.0d, "l_extendedprice": 52290.84d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-01-26", "l_commitdate": "1996-02-29", "l_receiptdate": "1996-01-27", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "y final reque" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5157, "l_partkey": 167, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 15.0d, "l_extendedprice": 16007.4d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-07-27", "l_commitdate": "1997-08-30", "l_receiptdate": "1997-08-08", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "cajole. spec" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5767, "l_partkey": 167, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 11.0d, "l_extendedprice": 11738.76d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-06-02", "l_commitdate": "1992-05-30", "l_receiptdate": "1992-06-08", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "instructions. carefully final accou" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 579, "l_partkey": 167, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 5.0d, "l_extendedprice": 5335.8d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-05-02", "l_commitdate": "1998-04-25", "l_receiptdate": "1998-05-05", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "refully silent ideas cajole furious" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2151, "l_partkey": 167, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 23.0d, "l_extendedprice": 24544.68d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-11-20", "l_commitdate": "1996-12-17", "l_receiptdate": "1996-11-30", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": " silent dependencies about the slyl" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3457, "l_partkey": 167, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 9.0d, "l_extendedprice": 9604.44d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-05-29", "l_commitdate": "1995-06-30", "l_receiptdate": "1995-06-12", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "quests. foxes sleep quickly" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3620, "l_partkey": 167, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 16.0d, "l_extendedprice": 17074.56d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-05-17", "l_commitdate": "1997-05-08", "l_receiptdate": "1997-06-03", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "s. even, pending in" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5927, "l_partkey": 167, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 32.0d, "l_extendedprice": 34149.12d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-12-26", "l_commitdate": "1997-10-27", "l_receiptdate": "1997-12-31", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "telets. carefully bold accounts was" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1857, "l_partkey": 167, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 40.0d, "l_extendedprice": 42686.4d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-02-15", "l_commitdate": "1993-03-08", "l_receiptdate": "1993-02-21", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "slyly close d" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2208, "l_partkey": 167, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 18.0d, "l_extendedprice": 19208.88d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-06-06", "l_commitdate": "1995-06-10", "l_receiptdate": "1995-06-11", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "packages are quickly bold de" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2241, "l_partkey": 167, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 19.0d, "l_extendedprice": 20276.04d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-06-01", "l_commitdate": "1993-08-05", "l_receiptdate": "1993-06-07", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": " are furiously quickl" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2563, "l_partkey": 167, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 28.0d, "l_extendedprice": 29880.48d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-03-17", "l_commitdate": "1994-02-04", "l_receiptdate": "1994-04-13", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "hely regular depe" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2917, "l_partkey": 167, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 5.0d, "l_extendedprice": 5335.8d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-12-16", "l_commitdate": "1998-01-26", "l_receiptdate": "1998-01-07", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "bove the furiously silent packages. pend" }
, { "l_orderkey": 5063, "l_partkey": 167, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 2.0d, "l_extendedprice": 2134.32d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-06-17", "l_commitdate": "1997-07-27", "l_receiptdate": "1997-06-24", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "kly regular i" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 995, "l_partkey": 166, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 45.0d, "l_extendedprice": 47977.2d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-08-02", "l_commitdate": "1995-07-21", "l_receiptdate": "1995-08-03", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "lar packages detect blithely above t" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2021, "l_partkey": 166, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 19.0d, "l_extendedprice": 20257.04d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-08-14", "l_commitdate": "1995-09-05", "l_receiptdate": "1995-08-23", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": " above the slyly fl" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2438, "l_partkey": 166, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 28.0d, "l_extendedprice": 29852.48d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-11-05", "l_commitdate": "1993-08-22", "l_receiptdate": "1993-11-22", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ctions. bli" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5605, "l_partkey": 166, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 29.0d, "l_extendedprice": 30918.64d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-09-19", "l_commitdate": "1996-10-22", "l_receiptdate": "1996-10-06", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": " quickly. quickly pending sen" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5760, "l_partkey": 166, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 6.0d, "l_extendedprice": 6396.96d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-06-09", "l_commitdate": "1994-07-06", "l_receiptdate": "1994-06-16", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": " shall have to cajole along the " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2691, "l_partkey": 166, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 1.0d, "l_extendedprice": 1066.16d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-08-11", "l_commitdate": "1992-06-07", "l_receiptdate": "1992-08-16", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "egular instructions b" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3555, "l_partkey": 166, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 11.0d, "l_extendedprice": 11727.76d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-09-25", "l_commitdate": "1996-10-01", "l_receiptdate": "1996-10-03", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "oost caref" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4993, "l_partkey": 166, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 42.0d, "l_extendedprice": 44778.72d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-08-27", "l_commitdate": "1994-09-24", "l_receiptdate": "1994-09-05", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": " final packages at the q" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5095, "l_partkey": 166, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 9.0d, "l_extendedprice": 9595.44d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-08-14", "l_commitdate": "1992-06-23", "l_receiptdate": "1992-08-16", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "bold theodolites wake about the expr" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 227, "l_partkey": 166, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 19.0d, "l_extendedprice": 20257.04d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-12-10", "l_commitdate": "1996-01-30", "l_receiptdate": "1995-12-26", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "s cajole furiously a" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 676, "l_partkey": 166, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 31.0d, "l_extendedprice": 33050.96d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-02-06", "l_commitdate": "1997-02-28", "l_receiptdate": "1997-03-08", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ial deposits cajo" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5157, "l_partkey": 167, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 15.0d, "l_extendedprice": 16007.4d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-07-27", "l_commitdate": "1997-08-30", "l_receiptdate": "1997-08-08", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "cajole. spec" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5696, "l_partkey": 167, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 42.0d, "l_extendedprice": 44820.72d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-06-06", "l_commitdate": "1995-06-11", "l_receiptdate": "1995-06-19", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "te furious" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5927, "l_partkey": 167, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 32.0d, "l_extendedprice": 34149.12d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-12-26", "l_commitdate": "1997-10-27", "l_receiptdate": "1997-12-31", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "telets. carefully bold accounts was" }
, { "l_orderkey": 1703, "l_partkey": 166, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 36.0d, "l_extendedprice": 38381.76d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-04-22", "l_commitdate": "1993-03-05", "l_receiptdate": "1993-04-24", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "riously express " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1862, "l_partkey": 166, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 37.0d, "l_extendedprice": 39447.92d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-04-15", "l_commitdate": "1998-05-15", "l_receiptdate": "1998-05-14", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "l deposits. carefully even dep" }
, { "l_orderkey": 2407, "l_partkey": 166, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 9.0d, "l_extendedprice": 9595.44d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-08-06", "l_commitdate": "1998-08-11", "l_receiptdate": "1998-08-20", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ts. special deposits are closely." }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2469, "l_partkey": 166, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 11.0d, "l_extendedprice": 11727.76d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-02-09", "l_commitdate": "1997-01-26", "l_receiptdate": "1997-02-16", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ies wake carefully b" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2913, "l_partkey": 166, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 17.0d, "l_extendedprice": 18124.72d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-10-21", "l_commitdate": "1997-09-25", "l_receiptdate": "1997-11-20", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "requests doze quickly. furious" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2691, "l_partkey": 166, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 1.0d, "l_extendedprice": 1066.16d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-08-11", "l_commitdate": "1992-06-07", "l_receiptdate": "1992-08-16", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "egular instructions b" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3079, "l_partkey": 166, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 46.0d, "l_extendedprice": 49043.36d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-11-19", "l_commitdate": "1997-11-04", "l_receiptdate": "1997-11-25", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "es. final, regula" }
, { "l_orderkey": 3200, "l_partkey": 166, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 27.0d, "l_extendedprice": 28786.32d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-05-07", "l_commitdate": "1996-05-01", "l_receiptdate": "1996-05-09", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "as haggle furiously against the fluff" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4993, "l_partkey": 166, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 42.0d, "l_extendedprice": 44778.72d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-08-27", "l_commitdate": "1994-09-24", "l_receiptdate": "1994-09-05", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": " final packages at the q" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5024, "l_partkey": 166, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 17.0d, "l_extendedprice": 18124.72d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-11-24", "l_commitdate": "1997-01-10", "l_receiptdate": "1996-12-04", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": " to the expre" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5760, "l_partkey": 166, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 6.0d, "l_extendedprice": 6396.96d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-06-09", "l_commitdate": "1994-07-06", "l_receiptdate": "1994-06-16", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": " shall have to cajole along the " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 227, "l_partkey": 166, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 19.0d, "l_extendedprice": 20257.04d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-12-10", "l_commitdate": "1996-01-30", "l_receiptdate": "1995-12-26", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "s cajole furiously a" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 995, "l_partkey": 166, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 45.0d, "l_extendedprice": 47977.2d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-08-02", "l_commitdate": "1995-07-21", "l_receiptdate": "1995-08-03", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "lar packages detect blithely above t" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1829, "l_partkey": 166, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 6.0d, "l_extendedprice": 6396.96d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-08-09", "l_commitdate": "1994-08-05", "l_receiptdate": "1994-09-05", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "s haggle! slyl" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1862, "l_partkey": 166, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 37.0d, "l_extendedprice": 39447.92d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-04-15", "l_commitdate": "1998-05-15", "l_receiptdate": "1998-05-14", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "l deposits. carefully even dep" }
, { "l_orderkey": 3750, "l_partkey": 166, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 33.0d, "l_extendedprice": 35183.28d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-06-15", "l_commitdate": "1995-06-04", "l_receiptdate": "1995-06-29", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ep blithely according to the flu" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5253, "l_partkey": 166, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 25.0d, "l_extendedprice": 26654.0d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-05-21", "l_commitdate": "1995-06-13", "l_receiptdate": "1995-06-09", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "urts. even theodoli" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5605, "l_partkey": 166, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 29.0d, "l_extendedprice": 30918.64d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-09-19", "l_commitdate": "1996-10-22", "l_receiptdate": "1996-10-06", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": " quickly. quickly pending sen" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 676, "l_partkey": 166, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 31.0d, "l_extendedprice": 33050.96d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-02-06", "l_commitdate": "1997-02-28", "l_receiptdate": "1997-03-08", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ial deposits cajo" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1121, "l_partkey": 166, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 29.0d, "l_extendedprice": 30918.64d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-03-07", "l_commitdate": "1997-04-02", "l_receiptdate": "1997-04-01", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": " use furiously. quickly silent package" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1730, "l_partkey": 166, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 41.0d, "l_extendedprice": 43712.56d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-08-11", "l_commitdate": "1998-08-29", "l_receiptdate": "1998-09-02", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": " instructions. unusual, even Tiresi" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2438, "l_partkey": 166, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 28.0d, "l_extendedprice": 29852.48d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-11-05", "l_commitdate": "1993-08-22", "l_receiptdate": "1993-11-22", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ctions. bli" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2913, "l_partkey": 166, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 17.0d, "l_extendedprice": 18124.72d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-10-21", "l_commitdate": "1997-09-25", "l_receiptdate": "1997-11-20", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "requests doze quickly. furious" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4930, "l_partkey": 166, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 42.0d, "l_extendedprice": 44778.72d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-06-18", "l_commitdate": "1994-06-22", "l_receiptdate": "1994-07-10", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ions haggle. furiously regular ideas use " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5095, "l_partkey": 166, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 9.0d, "l_extendedprice": 9595.44d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-08-14", "l_commitdate": "1992-06-23", "l_receiptdate": "1992-08-16", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "bold theodolites wake about the expr" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5568, "l_partkey": 166, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 50.0d, "l_extendedprice": 53308.0d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-07-14", "l_commitdate": "1995-09-04", "l_receiptdate": "1995-08-03", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "furious ide" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 359, "l_partkey": 166, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 30.0d, "l_extendedprice": 31984.8d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-01-06", "l_commitdate": "1995-02-20", "l_receiptdate": "1995-01-20", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "uses detect spec" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1698, "l_partkey": 166, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 15.0d, "l_extendedprice": 15992.4d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-07-20", "l_commitdate": "1997-06-07", "l_receiptdate": "1997-07-21", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "final ideas. even, ironic " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2021, "l_partkey": 166, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 19.0d, "l_extendedprice": 20257.04d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-08-14", "l_commitdate": "1995-09-05", "l_receiptdate": "1995-08-23", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": " above the slyly fl" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2469, "l_partkey": 166, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 11.0d, "l_extendedprice": 11727.76d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-02-09", "l_commitdate": "1997-01-26", "l_receiptdate": "1997-02-16", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ies wake carefully b" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3108, "l_partkey": 166, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 26.0d, "l_extendedprice": 27720.16d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-11-12", "l_commitdate": "1993-10-05", "l_receiptdate": "1993-12-09", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": " slyly slow foxes wake furious" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3555, "l_partkey": 166, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 11.0d, "l_extendedprice": 11727.76d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-09-25", "l_commitdate": "1996-10-01", "l_receiptdate": "1996-10-03", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "oost caref" }
, { "l_orderkey": 3777, "l_partkey": 166, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 18.0d, "l_extendedprice": 19190.88d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-05-04", "l_commitdate": "1994-05-23", "l_receiptdate": "1994-05-22", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "eful packages use slyly: even deposits " }
, { "l_orderkey": 3811, "l_partkey": 166, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 2.0d, "l_extendedprice": 2132.32d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-06-16", "l_commitdate": "1998-06-16", "l_receiptdate": "1998-06-23", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "slyly fluff" }
, { "l_orderkey": 4231, "l_partkey": 166, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 4.0d, "l_extendedprice": 4264.64d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-11-28", "l_commitdate": "1998-01-26", "l_receiptdate": "1997-12-12", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "lithely even packages. " }
, { "l_orderkey": 4258, "l_partkey": 166, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 36.0d, "l_extendedprice": 38381.76d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-02-23", "l_commitdate": "1997-01-25", "l_receiptdate": "1997-02-27", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ns use alongs" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4930, "l_partkey": 166, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 42.0d, "l_extendedprice": 44778.72d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-06-18", "l_commitdate": "1994-06-22", "l_receiptdate": "1994-07-10", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ions haggle. furiously regular ideas use " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5253, "l_partkey": 166, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 25.0d, "l_extendedprice": 26654.0d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-05-21", "l_commitdate": "1995-06-13", "l_receiptdate": "1995-06-09", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "urts. even theodoli" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 359, "l_partkey": 166, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 30.0d, "l_extendedprice": 31984.8d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-01-06", "l_commitdate": "1995-02-20", "l_receiptdate": "1995-01-20", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "uses detect spec" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1121, "l_partkey": 166, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 29.0d, "l_extendedprice": 30918.64d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-03-07", "l_commitdate": "1997-04-02", "l_receiptdate": "1997-04-01", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": " use furiously. quickly silent package" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1698, "l_partkey": 166, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 15.0d, "l_extendedprice": 15992.4d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-07-20", "l_commitdate": "1997-06-07", "l_receiptdate": "1997-07-21", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "final ideas. even, ironic " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1730, "l_partkey": 166, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 41.0d, "l_extendedprice": 43712.56d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-08-11", "l_commitdate": "1998-08-29", "l_receiptdate": "1998-09-02", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": " instructions. unusual, even Tiresi" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1829, "l_partkey": 166, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 6.0d, "l_extendedprice": 6396.96d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-08-09", "l_commitdate": "1994-08-05", "l_receiptdate": "1994-09-05", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "s haggle! slyl" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3079, "l_partkey": 166, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 46.0d, "l_extendedprice": 49043.36d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-11-19", "l_commitdate": "1997-11-04", "l_receiptdate": "1997-11-25", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "es. final, regula" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3108, "l_partkey": 166, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 26.0d, "l_extendedprice": 27720.16d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-11-12", "l_commitdate": "1993-10-05", "l_receiptdate": "1993-12-09", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": " slyly slow foxes wake furious" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5024, "l_partkey": 166, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 17.0d, "l_extendedprice": 18124.72d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-11-24", "l_commitdate": "1997-01-10", "l_receiptdate": "1996-12-04", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": " to the expre" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5568, "l_partkey": 166, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 50.0d, "l_extendedprice": 53308.0d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-07-14", "l_commitdate": "1995-09-04", "l_receiptdate": "1995-08-03", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "furious ide" }
, { "l_orderkey": 134, "l_partkey": 165, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 35.0d, "l_extendedprice": 37280.6d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-08-23", "l_commitdate": "1992-06-01", "l_receiptdate": "1992-08-24", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ajole furiously. instructio" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 357, "l_partkey": 165, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 32.0d, "l_extendedprice": 34085.12d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-01-28", "l_commitdate": "1996-12-29", "l_receiptdate": "1997-02-14", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "y above the carefully final accounts" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 902, "l_partkey": 165, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 24.0d, "l_extendedprice": 25563.84d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-11-08", "l_commitdate": "1994-10-12", "l_receiptdate": "1994-11-26", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": ". blithely even accounts poach furiously i" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2151, "l_partkey": 165, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 49.0d, "l_extendedprice": 52192.84d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-01-20", "l_commitdate": "1997-02-09", "l_receiptdate": "1997-02-18", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": " packages. f" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2307, "l_partkey": 165, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 19.0d, "l_extendedprice": 20238.04d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-10-23", "l_commitdate": "1993-09-09", "l_receiptdate": "1993-11-09", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "olites haggle furiously around the " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2438, "l_partkey": 165, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 45.0d, "l_extendedprice": 47932.2d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-10-27", "l_commitdate": "1993-09-24", "l_receiptdate": "1993-11-02", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "en theodolites w" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2657, "l_partkey": 165, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 15.0d, "l_extendedprice": 15977.4d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-12-09", "l_commitdate": "1995-12-16", "l_receiptdate": "1995-12-18", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ole carefully above the ironic ideas. b" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3716, "l_partkey": 165, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 19.0d, "l_extendedprice": 20238.04d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-09-25", "l_commitdate": "1997-10-18", "l_receiptdate": "1997-10-12", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "arefully unusual accounts. flu" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4581, "l_partkey": 165, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 37.0d, "l_extendedprice": 39410.92d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-10-17", "l_commitdate": "1992-11-05", "l_receiptdate": "1992-11-04", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "e the blithely bold pearls ha" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4676, "l_partkey": 165, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 47.0d, "l_extendedprice": 50062.52d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-12-20", "l_commitdate": "1995-10-04", "l_receiptdate": "1996-01-09", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "lithely about the carefully special requ" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4966, "l_partkey": 165, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 7.0d, "l_extendedprice": 7456.12d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-12-08", "l_commitdate": "1996-10-09", "l_receiptdate": "1997-01-06", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ckly ironic tithe" }
, { "l_orderkey": 484, "l_partkey": 165, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 22.0d, "l_extendedprice": 23433.52d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-04-29", "l_commitdate": "1997-03-26", "l_receiptdate": "1997-05-17", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "es are pending instructions. furiously unu" }
, { "l_orderkey": 1031, "l_partkey": 165, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 28.0d, "l_extendedprice": 29824.48d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-12-10", "l_commitdate": "1994-10-29", "l_receiptdate": "1994-12-18", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ly ironic accounts across the q" }
, { "l_orderkey": 1286, "l_partkey": 165, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 14.0d, "l_extendedprice": 14912.24d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-05-23", "l_commitdate": "1993-08-09", "l_receiptdate": "1993-06-01", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "blithely bo" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1413, "l_partkey": 165, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 49.0d, "l_extendedprice": 52192.84d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-08-28", "l_commitdate": "1997-08-23", "l_receiptdate": "1997-09-12", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "nstructions br" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2117, "l_partkey": 165, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 36.0d, "l_extendedprice": 38345.76d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-08-06", "l_commitdate": "1997-07-15", "l_receiptdate": "1997-08-07", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ronic accounts wake" }
, { "l_orderkey": 2371, "l_partkey": 165, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 22.0d, "l_extendedprice": 23433.52d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-03-26", "l_commitdate": "1998-03-19", "l_receiptdate": "1998-04-16", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "y daring accounts. regular ins" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2534, "l_partkey": 165, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 14.0d, "l_extendedprice": 14912.24d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-08-12", "l_commitdate": "1996-09-26", "l_receiptdate": "1996-08-28", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "eposits doze quickly final" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2657, "l_partkey": 165, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 15.0d, "l_extendedprice": 15977.4d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-12-09", "l_commitdate": "1995-12-16", "l_receiptdate": "1995-12-18", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ole carefully above the ironic ideas. b" }
, { "l_orderkey": 2848, "l_partkey": 165, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 8.0d, "l_extendedprice": 8521.28d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-03-21", "l_commitdate": "1992-05-18", "l_receiptdate": "1992-04-07", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": ". silent, final ideas sublate packages. ir" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2979, "l_partkey": 165, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 28.0d, "l_extendedprice": 29824.48d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-06-04", "l_commitdate": "1996-04-23", "l_receiptdate": "1996-06-24", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ing, regular pinto beans. blithel" }
, { "l_orderkey": 3168, "l_partkey": 165, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 11.0d, "l_extendedprice": 11716.76d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-04-12", "l_commitdate": "1992-03-17", "l_receiptdate": "1992-05-12", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ously furious dependenc" }
, { "l_orderkey": 3429, "l_partkey": 165, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 45.0d, "l_extendedprice": 47932.2d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-04-21", "l_commitdate": "1997-03-08", "l_receiptdate": "1997-05-05", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ites poach a" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3716, "l_partkey": 165, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 19.0d, "l_extendedprice": 20238.04d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-09-25", "l_commitdate": "1997-10-18", "l_receiptdate": "1997-10-12", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "arefully unusual accounts. flu" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3846, "l_partkey": 165, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 33.0d, "l_extendedprice": 35150.28d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-05-12", "l_commitdate": "1998-03-14", "l_receiptdate": "1998-05-14", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "s instructions are. fu" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4581, "l_partkey": 165, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 37.0d, "l_extendedprice": 39410.92d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-10-17", "l_commitdate": "1992-11-05", "l_receiptdate": "1992-11-04", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "e the blithely bold pearls ha" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4676, "l_partkey": 165, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 47.0d, "l_extendedprice": 50062.52d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-12-20", "l_commitdate": "1995-10-04", "l_receiptdate": "1996-01-09", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "lithely about the carefully special requ" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2979, "l_partkey": 165, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 28.0d, "l_extendedprice": 29824.48d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-06-04", "l_commitdate": "1996-04-23", "l_receiptdate": "1996-06-24", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ing, regular pinto beans. blithel" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3746, "l_partkey": 165, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 37.0d, "l_extendedprice": 39410.92d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-12-29", "l_commitdate": "1994-10-25", "l_receiptdate": "1995-01-03", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "e of the careful" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3748, "l_partkey": 165, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 24.0d, "l_extendedprice": 25563.84d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-06-07", "l_commitdate": "1998-05-02", "l_receiptdate": "1998-06-21", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "al deposits. blithely" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5511, "l_partkey": 165, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 31.0d, "l_extendedprice": 33019.96d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-02-23", "l_commitdate": "1995-01-21", "l_receiptdate": "1995-03-02", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "gular excuses. fluffily even pinto beans c" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 518, "l_partkey": 165, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 30.0d, "l_extendedprice": 31954.8d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-02-18", "l_commitdate": "1998-03-27", "l_receiptdate": "1998-03-16", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "slyly by the packages. carefull" }
, { "l_orderkey": 3015, "l_partkey": 165, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 42.0d, "l_extendedprice": 44736.72d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-01-21", "l_commitdate": "1992-11-07", "l_receiptdate": "1993-02-11", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "encies haggle furious" }
, { "l_orderkey": 3234, "l_partkey": 165, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 14.0d, "l_extendedprice": 14912.24d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-04-06", "l_commitdate": "1996-05-30", "l_receiptdate": "1996-04-13", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "lithely regular f" }
, { "l_orderkey": 3623, "l_partkey": 165, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 42.0d, "l_extendedprice": 44736.72d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-01-11", "l_commitdate": "1997-03-24", "l_receiptdate": "1997-01-21", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "g to the slyly regular packa" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3746, "l_partkey": 165, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 37.0d, "l_extendedprice": 39410.92d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-12-29", "l_commitdate": "1994-10-25", "l_receiptdate": "1995-01-03", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "e of the careful" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3748, "l_partkey": 165, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 24.0d, "l_extendedprice": 25563.84d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-06-07", "l_commitdate": "1998-05-02", "l_receiptdate": "1998-06-21", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "al deposits. blithely" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5061, "l_partkey": 165, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 18.0d, "l_extendedprice": 19172.88d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-10-20", "l_commitdate": "1993-10-05", "l_receiptdate": "1993-10-28", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "atelets among the ca" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5511, "l_partkey": 165, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 16.0d, "l_extendedprice": 17042.56d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-02-02", "l_commitdate": "1995-01-06", "l_receiptdate": "1995-02-19", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "thely bold theodolites " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5511, "l_partkey": 165, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 31.0d, "l_extendedprice": 33019.96d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-02-23", "l_commitdate": "1995-01-21", "l_receiptdate": "1995-03-02", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "gular excuses. fluffily even pinto beans c" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 357, "l_partkey": 165, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 32.0d, "l_extendedprice": 34085.12d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-01-28", "l_commitdate": "1996-12-29", "l_receiptdate": "1997-02-14", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "y above the carefully final accounts" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 518, "l_partkey": 165, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 30.0d, "l_extendedprice": 31954.8d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-02-18", "l_commitdate": "1998-03-27", "l_receiptdate": "1998-03-16", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "slyly by the packages. carefull" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2307, "l_partkey": 165, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 19.0d, "l_extendedprice": 20238.04d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-10-23", "l_commitdate": "1993-09-09", "l_receiptdate": "1993-11-09", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "olites haggle furiously around the " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2438, "l_partkey": 165, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 45.0d, "l_extendedprice": 47932.2d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-10-27", "l_commitdate": "1993-09-24", "l_receiptdate": "1993-11-02", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "en theodolites w" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 902, "l_partkey": 165, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 24.0d, "l_extendedprice": 25563.84d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-11-08", "l_commitdate": "1994-10-12", "l_receiptdate": "1994-11-26", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": ". blithely even accounts poach furiously i" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1728, "l_partkey": 165, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 44.0d, "l_extendedprice": 46867.04d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-07-31", "l_commitdate": "1996-06-22", "l_receiptdate": "1996-08-06", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ide of the slyly blithe" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2117, "l_partkey": 165, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 36.0d, "l_extendedprice": 38345.76d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-08-06", "l_commitdate": "1997-07-15", "l_receiptdate": "1997-08-07", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ronic accounts wake" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2151, "l_partkey": 165, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 49.0d, "l_extendedprice": 52192.84d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-01-20", "l_commitdate": "1997-02-09", "l_receiptdate": "1997-02-18", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": " packages. f" }
, { "l_orderkey": 3654, "l_partkey": 165, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 46.0d, "l_extendedprice": 48997.36d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-06-05", "l_commitdate": "1992-08-19", "l_receiptdate": "1992-06-06", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "usly regular foxes. furio" }
, { "l_orderkey": 4901, "l_partkey": 165, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 12.0d, "l_extendedprice": 12781.92d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-01-12", "l_commitdate": "1998-02-06", "l_receiptdate": "1998-02-03", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "y unusual deposits prom" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5511, "l_partkey": 165, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 16.0d, "l_extendedprice": 17042.56d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-02-02", "l_commitdate": "1995-01-06", "l_receiptdate": "1995-02-19", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "thely bold theodolites " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1413, "l_partkey": 165, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 49.0d, "l_extendedprice": 52192.84d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-08-28", "l_commitdate": "1997-08-23", "l_receiptdate": "1997-09-12", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "nstructions br" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1728, "l_partkey": 165, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 44.0d, "l_extendedprice": 46867.04d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-07-31", "l_commitdate": "1996-06-22", "l_receiptdate": "1996-08-06", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ide of the slyly blithe" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2534, "l_partkey": 165, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 14.0d, "l_extendedprice": 14912.24d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-08-12", "l_commitdate": "1996-09-26", "l_receiptdate": "1996-08-28", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "eposits doze quickly final" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3846, "l_partkey": 165, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 33.0d, "l_extendedprice": 35150.28d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-05-12", "l_commitdate": "1998-03-14", "l_receiptdate": "1998-05-14", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "s instructions are. fu" }
, { "l_orderkey": 4903, "l_partkey": 165, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 6.0d, "l_extendedprice": 6390.96d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-04-01", "l_commitdate": "1992-05-16", "l_receiptdate": "1992-04-11", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "azzle quickly along the blithely final pla" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4966, "l_partkey": 165, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 7.0d, "l_extendedprice": 7456.12d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-12-08", "l_commitdate": "1996-10-09", "l_receiptdate": "1997-01-06", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ckly ironic tithe" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 101, "l_partkey": 164, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 36.0d, "l_extendedprice": 38309.76d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-05-19", "l_commitdate": "1996-05-01", "l_receiptdate": "1996-06-04", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "tes. blithely pending dolphins x-ray f" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1248, "l_partkey": 164, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 45.0d, "l_extendedprice": 47887.2d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-04-17", "l_commitdate": "1992-03-31", "l_receiptdate": "1992-05-13", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ter the pending pl" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5061, "l_partkey": 165, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 18.0d, "l_extendedprice": 19172.88d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-10-20", "l_commitdate": "1993-10-05", "l_receiptdate": "1993-10-28", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "atelets among the ca" }
, { "l_orderkey": 2372, "l_partkey": 164, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 12.0d, "l_extendedprice": 12769.92d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-03-21", "l_commitdate": "1997-12-21", "l_receiptdate": "1998-04-12", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "lyly according to" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2436, "l_partkey": 164, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 6.0d, "l_extendedprice": 6384.96d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-10-25", "l_commitdate": "1995-11-30", "l_receiptdate": "1995-11-24", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "odolites. ep" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2852, "l_partkey": 164, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 29.0d, "l_extendedprice": 30860.64d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-04-21", "l_commitdate": "1993-03-22", "l_receiptdate": "1993-05-02", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "lyly ironi" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3621, "l_partkey": 164, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 45.0d, "l_extendedprice": 47887.2d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-08-09", "l_commitdate": "1993-06-18", "l_receiptdate": "1993-09-05", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": " doubt about the bold deposits. carefully" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3811, "l_partkey": 164, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 24.0d, "l_extendedprice": 25539.84d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-07-13", "l_commitdate": "1998-05-16", "l_receiptdate": "1998-08-12", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "deposits. slyly regular accounts cajo" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3937, "l_partkey": 164, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 1.0d, "l_extendedprice": 1064.16d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-03-29", "l_commitdate": "1998-01-08", "l_receiptdate": "1998-04-27", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "refully agains" }
, { "l_orderkey": 4514, "l_partkey": 164, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 27.0d, "l_extendedprice": 28732.32d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-07-01", "l_commitdate": "1994-07-13", "l_receiptdate": "1994-07-26", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": " even, silent foxes be" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5858, "l_partkey": 164, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 46.0d, "l_extendedprice": 48951.36d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-09-07", "l_commitdate": "1992-10-06", "l_receiptdate": "1992-10-06", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "posits withi" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 323, "l_partkey": 164, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 50.0d, "l_extendedprice": 53208.0d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-04-20", "l_commitdate": "1994-04-25", "l_receiptdate": "1994-05-12", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "cial requests " }
, { "l_orderkey": 930, "l_partkey": 164, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 50.0d, "l_extendedprice": 53208.0d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-04-03", "l_commitdate": "1995-01-29", "l_receiptdate": "1995-04-22", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": " excuses among the furiously express ideas " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1060, "l_partkey": 164, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 11.0d, "l_extendedprice": 11705.76d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-05-13", "l_commitdate": "1993-05-08", "l_receiptdate": "1993-05-17", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "e regular deposits: re" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2439, "l_partkey": 164, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 2.0d, "l_extendedprice": 2128.32d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-04-14", "l_commitdate": "1997-06-11", "l_receiptdate": "1997-05-09", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "courts boos" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4451, "l_partkey": 164, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 40.0d, "l_extendedprice": 42566.4d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-11-18", "l_commitdate": "1994-12-25", "l_receiptdate": "1994-11-26", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "y. slyly special deposits are sly" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5441, "l_partkey": 164, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 3.0d, "l_extendedprice": 3192.48d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-08-12", "l_commitdate": "1994-10-14", "l_receiptdate": "1994-09-01", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "are. unusual, " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5858, "l_partkey": 164, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 46.0d, "l_extendedprice": 48951.36d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-09-07", "l_commitdate": "1992-10-06", "l_receiptdate": "1992-10-06", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "posits withi" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 7, "l_partkey": 164, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 28.0d, "l_extendedprice": 29796.48d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-03-21", "l_commitdate": "1996-04-08", "l_receiptdate": "1996-04-20", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": ". slyly special requests haggl" }
, { "l_orderkey": 1184, "l_partkey": 164, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 7.0d, "l_extendedprice": 7449.12d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-02-14", "l_commitdate": "1998-01-06", "l_receiptdate": "1998-03-11", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ckly warthogs. blithely bold foxes hag" }
, { "l_orderkey": 2240, "l_partkey": 164, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 6.0d, "l_extendedprice": 6384.96d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-06-23", "l_commitdate": "1992-05-17", "l_receiptdate": "1992-07-20", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ymptotes boost. furiously bold p" }
, { "l_orderkey": 2821, "l_partkey": 164, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 27.0d, "l_extendedprice": 28732.32d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-11-27", "l_commitdate": "1993-10-11", "l_receiptdate": "1993-12-08", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "requests. blit" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2852, "l_partkey": 164, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 29.0d, "l_extendedprice": 30860.64d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-04-21", "l_commitdate": "1993-03-22", "l_receiptdate": "1993-05-02", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "lyly ironi" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3937, "l_partkey": 164, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 1.0d, "l_extendedprice": 1064.16d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-03-29", "l_commitdate": "1998-01-08", "l_receiptdate": "1998-04-27", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "refully agains" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5092, "l_partkey": 164, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 30.0d, "l_extendedprice": 31924.8d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-12-27", "l_commitdate": "1995-12-08", "l_receiptdate": "1996-01-09", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ss, ironic deposits. furiously stea" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 323, "l_partkey": 164, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 50.0d, "l_extendedprice": 53208.0d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-04-20", "l_commitdate": "1994-04-25", "l_receiptdate": "1994-05-12", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "cial requests " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 801, "l_partkey": 164, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 12.0d, "l_extendedprice": 12769.92d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-06-06", "l_commitdate": "1992-04-14", "l_receiptdate": "1992-06-12", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "s. ironic pinto b" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2436, "l_partkey": 164, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 6.0d, "l_extendedprice": 6384.96d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-10-25", "l_commitdate": "1995-11-30", "l_receiptdate": "1995-11-24", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "odolites. ep" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2439, "l_partkey": 164, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 2.0d, "l_extendedprice": 2128.32d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-04-14", "l_commitdate": "1997-06-11", "l_receiptdate": "1997-05-09", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "courts boos" }
, { "l_orderkey": 3591, "l_partkey": 164, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 4.0d, "l_extendedprice": 4256.64d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-04-04", "l_commitdate": "1994-02-19", "l_receiptdate": "1994-05-02", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "he final packages. deposits serve quick" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3621, "l_partkey": 164, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 45.0d, "l_extendedprice": 47887.2d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-08-09", "l_commitdate": "1993-06-18", "l_receiptdate": "1993-09-05", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": " doubt about the bold deposits. carefully" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3811, "l_partkey": 164, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 24.0d, "l_extendedprice": 25539.84d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-07-13", "l_commitdate": "1998-05-16", "l_receiptdate": "1998-08-12", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "deposits. slyly regular accounts cajo" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4451, "l_partkey": 164, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 40.0d, "l_extendedprice": 42566.4d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-11-18", "l_commitdate": "1994-12-25", "l_receiptdate": "1994-11-26", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "y. slyly special deposits are sly" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5441, "l_partkey": 164, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 3.0d, "l_extendedprice": 3192.48d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-08-12", "l_commitdate": "1994-10-14", "l_receiptdate": "1994-09-01", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "are. unusual, " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5633, "l_partkey": 164, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 50.0d, "l_extendedprice": 53208.0d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-07-23", "l_commitdate": "1998-07-09", "l_receiptdate": "1998-08-21", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ts. slyly regular " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 7, "l_partkey": 164, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 28.0d, "l_extendedprice": 29796.48d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-03-21", "l_commitdate": "1996-04-08", "l_receiptdate": "1996-04-20", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": ". slyly special requests haggl" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5092, "l_partkey": 164, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 30.0d, "l_extendedprice": 31924.8d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-12-27", "l_commitdate": "1995-12-08", "l_receiptdate": "1996-01-09", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ss, ironic deposits. furiously stea" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 101, "l_partkey": 164, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 36.0d, "l_extendedprice": 38309.76d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-05-19", "l_commitdate": "1996-05-01", "l_receiptdate": "1996-06-04", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "tes. blithely pending dolphins x-ray f" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 801, "l_partkey": 164, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 12.0d, "l_extendedprice": 12769.92d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-06-06", "l_commitdate": "1992-04-14", "l_receiptdate": "1992-06-12", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "s. ironic pinto b" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1060, "l_partkey": 164, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 11.0d, "l_extendedprice": 11705.76d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-05-13", "l_commitdate": "1993-05-08", "l_receiptdate": "1993-05-17", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "e regular deposits: re" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1248, "l_partkey": 164, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 45.0d, "l_extendedprice": 47887.2d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-04-17", "l_commitdate": "1992-03-31", "l_receiptdate": "1992-05-13", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ter the pending pl" }
, { "l_orderkey": 5601, "l_partkey": 164, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 45.0d, "l_extendedprice": 47887.2d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-03-25", "l_commitdate": "1992-04-03", "l_receiptdate": "1992-04-04", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ts-- blithely final accounts cajole. carefu" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5633, "l_partkey": 164, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 50.0d, "l_extendedprice": 53208.0d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-07-23", "l_commitdate": "1998-07-09", "l_receiptdate": "1998-08-21", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ts. slyly regular " }
, { "l_orderkey": 5827, "l_partkey": 164, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 3.0d, "l_extendedprice": 3192.48d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-10-17", "l_commitdate": "1998-09-29", "l_receiptdate": "1998-10-28", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "uses eat along the furiously" }
, { "l_orderkey": 643, "l_partkey": 163, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 23.0d, "l_extendedprice": 24452.68d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-07-09", "l_commitdate": "1995-05-18", "l_receiptdate": "1995-07-31", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "sits are carefully according to the e" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2246, "l_partkey": 163, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 13.0d, "l_extendedprice": 13821.08d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-09-15", "l_commitdate": "1996-07-21", "l_receiptdate": "1996-10-08", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "equests. fluffily special epitaphs use" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2983, "l_partkey": 163, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 44.0d, "l_extendedprice": 46779.04d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-02-09", "l_commitdate": "1992-03-07", "l_receiptdate": "1992-03-09", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ly regular instruct" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3652, "l_partkey": 163, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 39.0d, "l_extendedprice": 41463.24d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-03-10", "l_commitdate": "1997-04-03", "l_receiptdate": "1997-03-21", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "y express instructions. un" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2502, "l_partkey": 163, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 33.0d, "l_extendedprice": 35084.28d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-08-12", "l_commitdate": "1993-07-22", "l_receiptdate": "1993-09-04", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "have to print" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2789, "l_partkey": 163, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 16.0d, "l_extendedprice": 17010.56d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-04-18", "l_commitdate": "1998-05-25", "l_receiptdate": "1998-05-12", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "o beans use carefully" }
, { "l_orderkey": 4099, "l_partkey": 163, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 48.0d, "l_extendedprice": 51031.68d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-10-18", "l_commitdate": "1992-10-14", "l_receiptdate": "1992-11-01", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ts haggle according to the slyly f" }
, { "l_orderkey": 4258, "l_partkey": 163, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 9.0d, "l_extendedprice": 9568.44d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-12-04", "l_commitdate": "1996-12-08", "l_receiptdate": "1996-12-20", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "counts wake permanently after the bravely" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4672, "l_partkey": 163, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 24.0d, "l_extendedprice": 25515.84d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-11-11", "l_commitdate": "1995-12-28", "l_receiptdate": "1995-12-04", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "y fluffily stealt" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5698, "l_partkey": 163, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 25.0d, "l_extendedprice": 26579.0d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-08-06", "l_commitdate": "1994-06-21", "l_receiptdate": "1994-08-25", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": " asymptotes sleep slyly above the" }
, { "l_orderkey": 676, "l_partkey": 163, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 35.0d, "l_extendedprice": 37210.6d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-12-30", "l_commitdate": "1997-01-13", "l_receiptdate": "1997-01-19", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "into beans. blithe" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1316, "l_partkey": 163, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 8.0d, "l_extendedprice": 8505.28d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-03-26", "l_commitdate": "1994-02-08", "l_receiptdate": "1994-04-19", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "packages against the express requests wa" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2502, "l_partkey": 163, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 33.0d, "l_extendedprice": 35084.28d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-08-12", "l_commitdate": "1993-07-22", "l_receiptdate": "1993-09-04", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "have to print" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3684, "l_partkey": 163, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 19.0d, "l_extendedprice": 20200.04d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-10-19", "l_commitdate": "1993-08-25", "l_receiptdate": "1993-11-02", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "e slyly carefully pending foxes. d" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4326, "l_partkey": 163, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 11.0d, "l_extendedprice": 11694.76d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-02-02", "l_commitdate": "1996-12-10", "l_receiptdate": "1997-02-20", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "press reque" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4578, "l_partkey": 163, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 20.0d, "l_extendedprice": 21263.2d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-01-11", "l_commitdate": "1992-11-09", "l_receiptdate": "1993-01-23", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "iously pending theodolites--" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 710, "l_partkey": 163, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 47.0d, "l_extendedprice": 49968.52d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-01-18", "l_commitdate": "1993-03-24", "l_receiptdate": "1993-01-24", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "usual ideas into th" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1795, "l_partkey": 163, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 11.0d, "l_extendedprice": 11694.76d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-06-19", "l_commitdate": "1994-04-24", "l_receiptdate": "1994-07-02", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "slyly. special pa" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2789, "l_partkey": 163, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 16.0d, "l_extendedprice": 17010.56d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-04-18", "l_commitdate": "1998-05-25", "l_receiptdate": "1998-05-12", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "o beans use carefully" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3841, "l_partkey": 163, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 48.0d, "l_extendedprice": 51031.68d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-11-23", "l_commitdate": "1994-11-22", "l_receiptdate": "1994-12-01", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": " according to the regular, " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4292, "l_partkey": 163, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 40.0d, "l_extendedprice": 42526.4d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-04-27", "l_commitdate": "1992-03-07", "l_receiptdate": "1992-05-04", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ounts according to the furiously " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5254, "l_partkey": 163, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 45.0d, "l_extendedprice": 47842.2d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-11-11", "l_commitdate": "1992-09-01", "l_receiptdate": "1992-12-07", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": " wake. blithely silent excuse" }
, { "l_orderkey": 997, "l_partkey": 163, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 11.0d, "l_extendedprice": 11694.76d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-06-16", "l_commitdate": "1997-07-21", "l_receiptdate": "1997-07-14", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "p furiously according to t" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2914, "l_partkey": 163, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 25.0d, "l_extendedprice": 26579.0d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-05-14", "l_commitdate": "1993-04-04", "l_receiptdate": "1993-05-22", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "cross the carefully even accounts." }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3014, "l_partkey": 163, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 36.0d, "l_extendedprice": 38273.76d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-11-16", "l_commitdate": "1993-01-20", "l_receiptdate": "1992-11-28", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ding accounts boost fu" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3520, "l_partkey": 163, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 35.0d, "l_extendedprice": 37210.6d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-09-16", "l_commitdate": "1997-09-03", "l_receiptdate": "1997-09-24", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "s nag carefully. sometimes unusual account" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1795, "l_partkey": 163, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 11.0d, "l_extendedprice": 11694.76d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-06-19", "l_commitdate": "1994-04-24", "l_receiptdate": "1994-07-02", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "slyly. special pa" }
, { "l_orderkey": 3718, "l_partkey": 163, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 16.0d, "l_extendedprice": 17010.56d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-11-11", "l_commitdate": "1996-12-25", "l_receiptdate": "1996-11-12", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "slyly even accounts. blithely special acco" }
, { "l_orderkey": 4064, "l_partkey": 163, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 24.0d, "l_extendedprice": 25515.84d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-01-01", "l_commitdate": "1996-12-31", "l_receiptdate": "1997-01-23", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ly regular ideas." }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4292, "l_partkey": 163, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 40.0d, "l_extendedprice": 42526.4d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-04-27", "l_commitdate": "1992-03-07", "l_receiptdate": "1992-05-04", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ounts according to the furiously " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4326, "l_partkey": 163, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 11.0d, "l_extendedprice": 11694.76d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-02-02", "l_commitdate": "1996-12-10", "l_receiptdate": "1997-02-20", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "press reque" }
, { "l_orderkey": 4705, "l_partkey": 163, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 28.0d, "l_extendedprice": 29768.48d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-06-03", "l_commitdate": "1992-06-07", "l_receiptdate": "1992-06-22", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "tes wake according to the unusual plate" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 710, "l_partkey": 163, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 47.0d, "l_extendedprice": 49968.52d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-01-18", "l_commitdate": "1993-03-24", "l_receiptdate": "1993-01-24", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "usual ideas into th" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2246, "l_partkey": 163, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 13.0d, "l_extendedprice": 13821.08d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-09-15", "l_commitdate": "1996-07-21", "l_receiptdate": "1996-10-08", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "equests. fluffily special epitaphs use" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2983, "l_partkey": 163, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 44.0d, "l_extendedprice": 46779.04d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-02-09", "l_commitdate": "1992-03-07", "l_receiptdate": "1992-03-09", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ly regular instruct" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3520, "l_partkey": 163, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 35.0d, "l_extendedprice": 37210.6d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-09-16", "l_commitdate": "1997-09-03", "l_receiptdate": "1997-09-24", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "s nag carefully. sometimes unusual account" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3652, "l_partkey": 163, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 39.0d, "l_extendedprice": 41463.24d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-03-10", "l_commitdate": "1997-04-03", "l_receiptdate": "1997-03-21", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "y express instructions. un" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4672, "l_partkey": 163, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 24.0d, "l_extendedprice": 25515.84d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-11-11", "l_commitdate": "1995-12-28", "l_receiptdate": "1995-12-04", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "y fluffily stealt" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5254, "l_partkey": 163, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 45.0d, "l_extendedprice": 47842.2d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-11-11", "l_commitdate": "1992-09-01", "l_receiptdate": "1992-12-07", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": " wake. blithely silent excuse" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1316, "l_partkey": 163, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 8.0d, "l_extendedprice": 8505.28d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-03-26", "l_commitdate": "1994-02-08", "l_receiptdate": "1994-04-19", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "packages against the express requests wa" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2914, "l_partkey": 163, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 25.0d, "l_extendedprice": 26579.0d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-05-14", "l_commitdate": "1993-04-04", "l_receiptdate": "1993-05-22", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "cross the carefully even accounts." }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3014, "l_partkey": 163, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 36.0d, "l_extendedprice": 38273.76d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-11-16", "l_commitdate": "1993-01-20", "l_receiptdate": "1992-11-28", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ding accounts boost fu" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3684, "l_partkey": 163, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 19.0d, "l_extendedprice": 20200.04d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-10-19", "l_commitdate": "1993-08-25", "l_receiptdate": "1993-11-02", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "e slyly carefully pending foxes. d" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3841, "l_partkey": 163, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 48.0d, "l_extendedprice": 51031.68d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-11-23", "l_commitdate": "1994-11-22", "l_receiptdate": "1994-12-01", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": " according to the regular, " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4578, "l_partkey": 163, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 20.0d, "l_extendedprice": 21263.2d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-01-11", "l_commitdate": "1992-11-09", "l_receiptdate": "1993-01-23", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "iously pending theodolites--" }
, { "l_orderkey": 4992, "l_partkey": 163, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 44.0d, "l_extendedprice": 46779.04d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-06-01", "l_commitdate": "1992-07-22", "l_receiptdate": "1992-06-03", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "rmanent, sly packages print slyly. regula" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5698, "l_partkey": 163, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 25.0d, "l_extendedprice": 26579.0d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-08-06", "l_commitdate": "1994-06-21", "l_receiptdate": "1994-08-25", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": " asymptotes sleep slyly above the" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 35, "l_partkey": 162, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 34.0d, "l_extendedprice": 36113.44d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-01-22", "l_commitdate": "1996-01-06", "l_receiptdate": "1996-01-27", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "s are carefully against the f" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 420, "l_partkey": 162, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 22.0d, "l_extendedprice": 23367.52d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-01-25", "l_commitdate": "1995-12-16", "l_receiptdate": "1996-02-03", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ly against the blithely re" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 450, "l_partkey": 162, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 42.0d, "l_extendedprice": 44610.72d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-06-07", "l_commitdate": "1995-05-29", "l_receiptdate": "1995-06-23", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "y asymptotes. regular depen" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2470, "l_partkey": 162, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 30.0d, "l_extendedprice": 31864.8d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-08-04", "l_commitdate": "1997-07-13", "l_receiptdate": "1997-08-14", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "s across the furiously fina" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2691, "l_partkey": 162, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 16.0d, "l_extendedprice": 16994.56d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-06-11", "l_commitdate": "1992-07-29", "l_receiptdate": "1992-06-29", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "bove the even foxes. unusual theodoli" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2723, "l_partkey": 162, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 2.0d, "l_extendedprice": 2124.32d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-11-09", "l_commitdate": "1995-11-10", "l_receiptdate": "1995-11-14", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": " courts boost quickly about th" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3687, "l_partkey": 162, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 19.0d, "l_extendedprice": 20181.04d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-05-14", "l_commitdate": "1993-04-24", "l_receiptdate": "1993-06-01", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ly final asymptotes according to t" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4961, "l_partkey": 162, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 41.0d, "l_extendedprice": 43548.56d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-07-15", "l_commitdate": "1998-06-15", "l_receiptdate": "1998-08-05", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ily against the n" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5089, "l_partkey": 162, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 20.0d, "l_extendedprice": 21243.2d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-10-10", "l_commitdate": "1992-10-07", "l_receiptdate": "1992-11-06", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": " ironic accounts" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5505, "l_partkey": 162, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 46.0d, "l_extendedprice": 48859.36d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-01-06", "l_commitdate": "1997-11-04", "l_receiptdate": "1998-02-04", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "usly ironic dependencies haggle across " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5635, "l_partkey": 162, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 23.0d, "l_extendedprice": 24429.68d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-08-24", "l_commitdate": "1992-11-10", "l_receiptdate": "1992-09-21", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ily pending packages. bold," }
, { "l_orderkey": 165, "l_partkey": 162, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 43.0d, "l_extendedprice": 45672.88d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-02-27", "l_commitdate": "1993-04-19", "l_receiptdate": "1993-03-03", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "jole slyly according " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 192, "l_partkey": 162, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 20.0d, "l_extendedprice": 21243.2d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-03-13", "l_commitdate": "1998-02-02", "l_receiptdate": "1998-03-31", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "tes. carefu" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 259, "l_partkey": 162, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 14.0d, "l_extendedprice": 14870.24d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-11-10", "l_commitdate": "1993-11-20", "l_receiptdate": "1993-11-17", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ully even, regul" }
, { "l_orderkey": 358, "l_partkey": 162, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 32.0d, "l_extendedprice": 33989.12d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-12-21", "l_commitdate": "1993-11-06", "l_receiptdate": "1994-01-17", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "lyly express deposits " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 833, "l_partkey": 162, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 9.0d, "l_extendedprice": 9559.44d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-02-28", "l_commitdate": "1994-04-26", "l_receiptdate": "1994-03-20", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ecial, even requests. even, bold instructi" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1122, "l_partkey": 162, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 24.0d, "l_extendedprice": 25491.84d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-03-08", "l_commitdate": "1997-02-20", "l_receiptdate": "1997-04-05", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "blithely requests. slyly pending r" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2432, "l_partkey": 162, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 8.0d, "l_extendedprice": 8497.28d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-10-16", "l_commitdate": "1996-10-01", "l_receiptdate": "1996-11-13", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "s about the bold, close deposit" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2630, "l_partkey": 162, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 29.0d, "l_extendedprice": 30802.64d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-12-03", "l_commitdate": "1993-01-04", "l_receiptdate": "1992-12-12", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "efully unusual dependencies. even i" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4836, "l_partkey": 162, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 22.0d, "l_extendedprice": 23367.52d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-03-03", "l_commitdate": "1997-02-23", "l_receiptdate": "1997-03-04", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "al pinto beans. care" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4865, "l_partkey": 162, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 16.0d, "l_extendedprice": 16994.56d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-10-02", "l_commitdate": "1997-08-20", "l_receiptdate": "1997-10-04", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "osits haggle. fur" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5346, "l_partkey": 162, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 35.0d, "l_extendedprice": 37175.6d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-02-09", "l_commitdate": "1994-03-01", "l_receiptdate": "1994-02-14", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "nic excuses cajole entic" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5953, "l_partkey": 162, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 5.0d, "l_extendedprice": 5310.8d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-04-10", "l_commitdate": "1992-04-27", "l_receiptdate": "1992-04-14", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "s. blithely " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 258, "l_partkey": 162, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 45.0d, "l_extendedprice": 47797.2d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-03-04", "l_commitdate": "1994-02-13", "l_receiptdate": "1994-03-30", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "regular excuses-- fluffily ruthl" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 450, "l_partkey": 162, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 42.0d, "l_extendedprice": 44610.72d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-06-07", "l_commitdate": "1995-05-29", "l_receiptdate": "1995-06-23", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "y asymptotes. regular depen" }
, { "l_orderkey": 551, "l_partkey": 162, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 16.0d, "l_extendedprice": 16994.56d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-07-29", "l_commitdate": "1995-08-19", "l_receiptdate": "1995-08-10", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "y along the carefully ex" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1730, "l_partkey": 162, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 9.0d, "l_extendedprice": 9559.44d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-09-18", "l_commitdate": "1998-09-15", "l_receiptdate": "1998-09-21", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "gular dependencies wake. blithely final e" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 833, "l_partkey": 162, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 9.0d, "l_extendedprice": 9559.44d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-02-28", "l_commitdate": "1994-04-26", "l_receiptdate": "1994-03-20", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ecial, even requests. even, bold instructi" }
, { "l_orderkey": 2114, "l_partkey": 162, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 25.0d, "l_extendedprice": 26554.0d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-02-15", "l_commitdate": "1995-03-13", "l_receiptdate": "1995-02-22", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "unts. regular, express accounts wake. b" }
, { "l_orderkey": 2273, "l_partkey": 162, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 18.0d, "l_extendedprice": 19118.88d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-12-16", "l_commitdate": "1997-01-21", "l_receiptdate": "1997-01-03", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": " beans. doggedly final packages wake" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2470, "l_partkey": 162, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 30.0d, "l_extendedprice": 31864.8d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-08-04", "l_commitdate": "1997-07-13", "l_receiptdate": "1997-08-14", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "s across the furiously fina" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5089, "l_partkey": 162, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 20.0d, "l_extendedprice": 21243.2d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-10-10", "l_commitdate": "1992-10-07", "l_receiptdate": "1992-11-06", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": " ironic accounts" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5505, "l_partkey": 162, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 46.0d, "l_extendedprice": 48859.36d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-01-06", "l_commitdate": "1997-11-04", "l_receiptdate": "1998-02-04", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "usly ironic dependencies haggle across " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 35, "l_partkey": 162, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 34.0d, "l_extendedprice": 36113.44d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-01-22", "l_commitdate": "1996-01-06", "l_receiptdate": "1996-01-27", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "s are carefully against the f" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 192, "l_partkey": 162, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 20.0d, "l_extendedprice": 21243.2d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-03-13", "l_commitdate": "1998-02-02", "l_receiptdate": "1998-03-31", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "tes. carefu" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 259, "l_partkey": 162, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 14.0d, "l_extendedprice": 14870.24d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-11-10", "l_commitdate": "1993-11-20", "l_receiptdate": "1993-11-17", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ully even, regul" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2723, "l_partkey": 162, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 2.0d, "l_extendedprice": 2124.32d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-11-09", "l_commitdate": "1995-11-10", "l_receiptdate": "1995-11-14", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": " courts boost quickly about th" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3527, "l_partkey": 162, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 50.0d, "l_extendedprice": 53108.0d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-07-17", "l_commitdate": "1997-08-03", "l_receiptdate": "1997-07-29", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "e even accounts was about th" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3687, "l_partkey": 162, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 19.0d, "l_extendedprice": 20181.04d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-05-14", "l_commitdate": "1993-04-24", "l_receiptdate": "1993-06-01", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ly final asymptotes according to t" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3842, "l_partkey": 162, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 28.0d, "l_extendedprice": 29740.48d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-06-17", "l_commitdate": "1992-06-03", "l_receiptdate": "1992-06-24", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "s excuses thrash carefully." }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4865, "l_partkey": 162, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 16.0d, "l_extendedprice": 16994.56d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-10-02", "l_commitdate": "1997-08-20", "l_receiptdate": "1997-10-04", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "osits haggle. fur" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5543, "l_partkey": 162, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 22.0d, "l_extendedprice": 23367.52d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-11-06", "l_commitdate": "1993-11-02", "l_receiptdate": "1993-12-02", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "instructions. deposits use quickly. ir" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5638, "l_partkey": 162, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 21.0d, "l_extendedprice": 22305.36d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-03-13", "l_commitdate": "1994-03-27", "l_receiptdate": "1994-03-17", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "press courts use f" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5953, "l_partkey": 162, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 5.0d, "l_extendedprice": 5310.8d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-04-10", "l_commitdate": "1992-04-27", "l_receiptdate": "1992-04-14", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "s. blithely " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 288, "l_partkey": 162, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 31.0d, "l_extendedprice": 32926.96d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-05-29", "l_commitdate": "1997-04-24", "l_receiptdate": "1997-06-20", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ns. fluffily" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 420, "l_partkey": 162, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 22.0d, "l_extendedprice": 23367.52d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-01-25", "l_commitdate": "1995-12-16", "l_receiptdate": "1996-02-03", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ly against the blithely re" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1382, "l_partkey": 162, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 18.0d, "l_extendedprice": 19118.88d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-08-30", "l_commitdate": "1993-10-19", "l_receiptdate": "1993-09-03", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "hely regular deposits. fluffy s" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1730, "l_partkey": 162, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 9.0d, "l_extendedprice": 9559.44d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-09-18", "l_commitdate": "1998-09-15", "l_receiptdate": "1998-09-21", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "gular dependencies wake. blithely final e" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2691, "l_partkey": 162, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 16.0d, "l_extendedprice": 16994.56d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-06-11", "l_commitdate": "1992-07-29", "l_receiptdate": "1992-06-29", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "bove the even foxes. unusual theodoli" }
, { "l_orderkey": 2786, "l_partkey": 162, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 21.0d, "l_extendedprice": 22305.36d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-05-03", "l_commitdate": "1992-05-01", "l_receiptdate": "1992-05-14", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "slow instructi" }
, { "l_orderkey": 4258, "l_partkey": 162, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 19.0d, "l_extendedprice": 20181.04d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-01-14", "l_commitdate": "1996-12-12", "l_receiptdate": "1997-01-20", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ly busily ironic foxes. f" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4836, "l_partkey": 162, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 22.0d, "l_extendedprice": 23367.52d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-03-03", "l_commitdate": "1997-02-23", "l_receiptdate": "1997-03-04", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "al pinto beans. care" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4961, "l_partkey": 162, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 41.0d, "l_extendedprice": 43548.56d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-07-15", "l_commitdate": "1998-06-15", "l_receiptdate": "1998-08-05", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ily against the n" }
, { "l_orderkey": 5510, "l_partkey": 162, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 47.0d, "l_extendedprice": 49921.52d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-01-20", "l_commitdate": "1993-03-25", "l_receiptdate": "1993-02-15", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "riously even requests. slyly bold accou" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5543, "l_partkey": 162, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 22.0d, "l_extendedprice": 23367.52d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-11-06", "l_commitdate": "1993-11-02", "l_receiptdate": "1993-12-02", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "instructions. deposits use quickly. ir" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 288, "l_partkey": 162, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 31.0d, "l_extendedprice": 32926.96d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-05-29", "l_commitdate": "1997-04-24", "l_receiptdate": "1997-06-20", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ns. fluffily" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 258, "l_partkey": 162, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 45.0d, "l_extendedprice": 47797.2d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-03-04", "l_commitdate": "1994-02-13", "l_receiptdate": "1994-03-30", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "regular excuses-- fluffily ruthl" }
, { "l_orderkey": 422, "l_partkey": 162, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 25.0d, "l_extendedprice": 26554.0d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-08-24", "l_commitdate": "1997-07-09", "l_receiptdate": "1997-09-22", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ep along the furiousl" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1382, "l_partkey": 162, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 18.0d, "l_extendedprice": 19118.88d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-08-30", "l_commitdate": "1993-10-19", "l_receiptdate": "1993-09-03", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "hely regular deposits. fluffy s" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1122, "l_partkey": 162, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 24.0d, "l_extendedprice": 25491.84d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-03-08", "l_commitdate": "1997-02-20", "l_receiptdate": "1997-04-05", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "blithely requests. slyly pending r" }
, { "l_orderkey": 1730, "l_partkey": 162, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 15.0d, "l_extendedprice": 15932.4d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-09-07", "l_commitdate": "1998-09-12", "l_receiptdate": "1998-09-30", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "pinto beans cajole. bravely bold" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3527, "l_partkey": 162, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 50.0d, "l_extendedprice": 53108.0d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-07-17", "l_commitdate": "1997-08-03", "l_receiptdate": "1997-07-29", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "e even accounts was about th" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3842, "l_partkey": 162, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 28.0d, "l_extendedprice": 29740.48d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-06-17", "l_commitdate": "1992-06-03", "l_receiptdate": "1992-06-24", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "s excuses thrash carefully." }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2432, "l_partkey": 162, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 8.0d, "l_extendedprice": 8497.28d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-10-16", "l_commitdate": "1996-10-01", "l_receiptdate": "1996-11-13", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "s about the bold, close deposit" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2630, "l_partkey": 162, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 29.0d, "l_extendedprice": 30802.64d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-12-03", "l_commitdate": "1993-01-04", "l_receiptdate": "1992-12-12", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "efully unusual dependencies. even i" }
, { "l_orderkey": 4262, "l_partkey": 162, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 5.0d, "l_extendedprice": 5310.8d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-10-02", "l_commitdate": "1996-10-16", "l_receiptdate": "1996-10-05", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ironic accounts are unusu" }
, { "l_orderkey": 4512, "l_partkey": 162, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 30.0d, "l_extendedprice": 31864.8d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-01-28", "l_commitdate": "1995-12-22", "l_receiptdate": "1996-02-22", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ly unusual package" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5638, "l_partkey": 162, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 21.0d, "l_extendedprice": 22305.36d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-03-13", "l_commitdate": "1994-03-27", "l_receiptdate": "1994-03-17", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "press courts use f" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5346, "l_partkey": 162, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 35.0d, "l_extendedprice": 37175.6d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-02-09", "l_commitdate": "1994-03-01", "l_receiptdate": "1994-02-14", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "nic excuses cajole entic" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5635, "l_partkey": 162, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 23.0d, "l_extendedprice": 24429.68d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-08-24", "l_commitdate": "1992-11-10", "l_receiptdate": "1992-09-21", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ily pending packages. bold," }
, { "l_orderkey": 5765, "l_partkey": 162, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 31.0d, "l_extendedprice": 32926.96d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-01-11", "l_commitdate": "1995-02-13", "l_receiptdate": "1995-01-23", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "r foxes. ev" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 898, "l_partkey": 161, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 9.0d, "l_extendedprice": 9550.44d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-07-04", "l_commitdate": "1993-07-09", "l_receiptdate": "1993-07-25", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "e slyly across the blithe" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 967, "l_partkey": 161, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 18.0d, "l_extendedprice": 19100.88d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-10-06", "l_commitdate": "1992-08-05", "l_receiptdate": "1992-10-15", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ngage blith" }
, { "l_orderkey": 1315, "l_partkey": 161, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 19.0d, "l_extendedprice": 20162.04d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-07-05", "l_commitdate": "1998-05-23", "l_receiptdate": "1998-08-04", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "nal, regular warhorses about the fu" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1383, "l_partkey": 161, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 19.0d, "l_extendedprice": 20162.04d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-05-24", "l_commitdate": "1993-07-07", "l_receiptdate": "1993-06-14", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "lyly unusual accounts sle" }
, { "l_orderkey": 1895, "l_partkey": 161, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 43.0d, "l_extendedprice": 45629.88d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-07-26", "l_commitdate": "1994-07-19", "l_receiptdate": "1994-08-11", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": " carefully eve" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2273, "l_partkey": 161, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 20.0d, "l_extendedprice": 21223.2d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-03-05", "l_commitdate": "1997-02-25", "l_receiptdate": "1997-04-01", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "cuses. quickly enticing requests wake " }
, { "l_orderkey": 2438, "l_partkey": 161, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 27.0d, "l_extendedprice": 28651.32d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-07-27", "l_commitdate": "1993-10-01", "l_receiptdate": "1993-08-06", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "inal accounts. slyly final reques" }
, { "l_orderkey": 2593, "l_partkey": 161, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 44.0d, "l_extendedprice": 46691.04d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-09-05", "l_commitdate": "1993-10-23", "l_receiptdate": "1993-09-29", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ents impress furiously; unusual theodoli" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4004, "l_partkey": 161, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 44.0d, "l_extendedprice": 46691.04d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-07-25", "l_commitdate": "1993-07-23", "l_receiptdate": "1993-08-16", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ut the sauternes. bold, ironi" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5062, "l_partkey": 161, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 18.0d, "l_extendedprice": 19100.88d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-11-04", "l_commitdate": "1992-12-25", "l_receiptdate": "1992-11-05", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "furiously pending requests are ruthles" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5063, "l_partkey": 161, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 1.0d, "l_extendedprice": 1061.16d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-09-03", "l_commitdate": "1997-06-26", "l_receiptdate": "1997-10-03", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ously special " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1383, "l_partkey": 161, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 19.0d, "l_extendedprice": 20162.04d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-05-24", "l_commitdate": "1993-07-07", "l_receiptdate": "1993-06-14", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "lyly unusual accounts sle" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1732, "l_partkey": 161, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 41.0d, "l_extendedprice": 43507.56d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-02-20", "l_commitdate": "1994-01-07", "l_receiptdate": "1994-02-27", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "quests sublate against the silent " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3012, "l_partkey": 161, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 37.0d, "l_extendedprice": 39262.92d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-08-16", "l_commitdate": "1993-06-07", "l_receiptdate": "1993-08-24", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "uickly permanent packages sleep caref" }
, { "l_orderkey": 3269, "l_partkey": 161, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 40.0d, "l_extendedprice": 42446.4d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-06-11", "l_commitdate": "1996-05-06", "l_receiptdate": "1996-06-15", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "es. pending d" }
, { "l_orderkey": 3552, "l_partkey": 161, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 36.0d, "l_extendedprice": 38201.76d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-06-29", "l_commitdate": "1997-06-24", "l_receiptdate": "1997-07-21", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ly regular theodolites. fin" }
, { "l_orderkey": 3618, "l_partkey": 161, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 26.0d, "l_extendedprice": 27590.16d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-03-23", "l_commitdate": "1998-01-24", "l_receiptdate": "1998-04-15", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "iously regular deposits cajole ruthless" }
, { "l_orderkey": 4935, "l_partkey": 161, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 13.0d, "l_extendedprice": 13795.08d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-06-20", "l_commitdate": "1993-08-13", "l_receiptdate": "1993-06-27", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ly requests. final deposits might " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5570, "l_partkey": 161, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 37.0d, "l_extendedprice": 39262.92d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-08-29", "l_commitdate": "1996-10-23", "l_receiptdate": "1996-09-11", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "y ironic pin" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5863, "l_partkey": 161, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 45.0d, "l_extendedprice": 47752.2d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-12-19", "l_commitdate": "1994-01-25", "l_receiptdate": "1994-01-05", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": " deposits are ab" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1765, "l_partkey": 161, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 36.0d, "l_extendedprice": 38201.76d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-03-02", "l_commitdate": "1996-02-17", "l_receiptdate": "1996-03-14", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "he blithely pending accou" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2817, "l_partkey": 161, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 4.0d, "l_extendedprice": 4244.64d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-06-04", "l_commitdate": "1994-06-11", "l_receiptdate": "1994-06-10", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "n accounts wake across the fluf" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3012, "l_partkey": 161, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 37.0d, "l_extendedprice": 39262.92d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-08-16", "l_commitdate": "1993-06-07", "l_receiptdate": "1993-08-24", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "uickly permanent packages sleep caref" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4871, "l_partkey": 161, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 17.0d, "l_extendedprice": 18039.72d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-09-09", "l_commitdate": "1995-09-01", "l_receiptdate": "1995-10-02", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "es. carefully ev" }
, { "l_orderkey": 5060, "l_partkey": 161, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 15.0d, "l_extendedprice": 15917.4d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-08-28", "l_commitdate": "1992-08-20", "l_receiptdate": "1992-09-01", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ular deposits sl" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5415, "l_partkey": 161, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 11.0d, "l_extendedprice": 11672.76d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-11-22", "l_commitdate": "1992-10-19", "l_receiptdate": "1992-12-10", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "gle among t" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5858, "l_partkey": 161, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 18.0d, "l_extendedprice": 19100.88d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-11-05", "l_commitdate": "1992-10-08", "l_receiptdate": "1992-12-03", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "al excuses. bold" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 771, "l_partkey": 161, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 38.0d, "l_extendedprice": 40324.08d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-07-22", "l_commitdate": "1995-09-10", "l_receiptdate": "1995-07-29", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": " quickly final requests are final packages." }
-, { "l_orderkey": 898, "l_partkey": 161, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 9.0d, "l_extendedprice": 9550.44d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-07-04", "l_commitdate": "1993-07-09", "l_receiptdate": "1993-07-25", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "e slyly across the blithe" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 967, "l_partkey": 161, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 18.0d, "l_extendedprice": 19100.88d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-10-06", "l_commitdate": "1992-08-05", "l_receiptdate": "1992-10-15", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ngage blith" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1092, "l_partkey": 161, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 28.0d, "l_extendedprice": 29712.48d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-04-08", "l_commitdate": "1995-05-01", "l_receiptdate": "1995-05-02", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "affix carefully. u" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5062, "l_partkey": 161, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 18.0d, "l_extendedprice": 19100.88d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-11-04", "l_commitdate": "1992-12-25", "l_receiptdate": "1992-11-05", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "furiously pending requests are ruthles" }
, { "l_orderkey": 1121, "l_partkey": 161, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 27.0d, "l_extendedprice": 28651.32d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-05-08", "l_commitdate": "1997-03-28", "l_receiptdate": "1997-05-14", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ly ironic accounts cajole slyly abou" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2240, "l_partkey": 161, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 29.0d, "l_extendedprice": 30773.64d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-03-29", "l_commitdate": "1992-05-08", "l_receiptdate": "1992-04-09", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "lyly even ideas w" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2817, "l_partkey": 161, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 4.0d, "l_extendedprice": 4244.64d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-06-04", "l_commitdate": "1994-06-11", "l_receiptdate": "1994-06-10", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "n accounts wake across the fluf" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4645, "l_partkey": 161, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 35.0d, "l_extendedprice": 37140.6d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-12-08", "l_commitdate": "1994-11-25", "l_receiptdate": "1994-12-09", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "sias believe bl" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 771, "l_partkey": 161, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 38.0d, "l_extendedprice": 40324.08d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-07-22", "l_commitdate": "1995-09-10", "l_receiptdate": "1995-07-29", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": " quickly final requests are final packages." }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1732, "l_partkey": 161, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 41.0d, "l_extendedprice": 43507.56d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-02-20", "l_commitdate": "1994-01-07", "l_receiptdate": "1994-02-27", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "quests sublate against the silent " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1765, "l_partkey": 161, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 36.0d, "l_extendedprice": 38201.76d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-03-02", "l_commitdate": "1996-02-17", "l_receiptdate": "1996-03-14", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "he blithely pending accou" }
, { "l_orderkey": 2407, "l_partkey": 161, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 7.0d, "l_extendedprice": 7428.12d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-09-11", "l_commitdate": "1998-08-15", "l_receiptdate": "1998-09-30", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "totes are carefully accordin" }
, { "l_orderkey": 4391, "l_partkey": 161, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 1.0d, "l_extendedprice": 1061.16d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-06-18", "l_commitdate": "1992-04-27", "l_receiptdate": "1992-06-20", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ong the silent deposits" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4645, "l_partkey": 161, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 35.0d, "l_extendedprice": 37140.6d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-12-08", "l_commitdate": "1994-11-25", "l_receiptdate": "1994-12-09", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "sias believe bl" }
, { "l_orderkey": 5031, "l_partkey": 161, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 40.0d, "l_extendedprice": 42446.4d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-12-04", "l_commitdate": "1995-01-27", "l_receiptdate": "1995-01-01", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ns hang blithely across th" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 710, "l_partkey": 160, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 46.0d, "l_extendedprice": 48767.36d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-04-16", "l_commitdate": "1993-03-27", "l_receiptdate": "1993-05-05", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ges use; blithely pending excuses inte" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 769, "l_partkey": 160, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 4.0d, "l_extendedprice": 4240.64d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-06-25", "l_commitdate": "1993-08-12", "l_receiptdate": "1993-07-15", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": " ideas. even" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1157, "l_partkey": 160, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 14.0d, "l_extendedprice": 14842.24d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-04-17", "l_commitdate": "1998-03-03", "l_receiptdate": "1998-05-01", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "theodolites. fluffily re" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1346, "l_partkey": 160, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 29.0d, "l_extendedprice": 30744.64d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-08-18", "l_commitdate": "1992-09-15", "l_receiptdate": "1992-09-17", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "the pinto " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2535, "l_partkey": 160, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 19.0d, "l_extendedprice": 20143.04d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-06-01", "l_commitdate": "1993-08-01", "l_receiptdate": "1993-06-19", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ructions. final requests" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2854, "l_partkey": 160, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 20.0d, "l_extendedprice": 21203.2d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-09-18", "l_commitdate": "1994-08-03", "l_receiptdate": "1994-10-12", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "rs impress after the deposits. " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3939, "l_partkey": 160, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 8.0d, "l_extendedprice": 8481.28d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-01-29", "l_commitdate": "1996-04-05", "l_receiptdate": "1996-02-26", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "e packages. express, pen" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4135, "l_partkey": 160, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 33.0d, "l_extendedprice": 34985.28d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-05-01", "l_commitdate": "1997-05-23", "l_receiptdate": "1997-05-23", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "he fluffil" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4389, "l_partkey": 160, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 5.0d, "l_extendedprice": 5300.8d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-09-03", "l_commitdate": "1994-06-23", "l_receiptdate": "1994-09-16", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": " ironic request" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4807, "l_partkey": 160, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 22.0d, "l_extendedprice": 23323.52d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-03-13", "l_commitdate": "1997-02-23", "l_receiptdate": "1997-04-01", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "es use final excuses. furiously final" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5504, "l_partkey": 160, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 29.0d, "l_extendedprice": 30744.64d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-01-28", "l_commitdate": "1993-02-13", "l_receiptdate": "1993-02-27", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ajole carefully. care" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5925, "l_partkey": 160, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 41.0d, "l_extendedprice": 43466.56d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-02-03", "l_commitdate": "1995-12-24", "l_receiptdate": "1996-02-20", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": " across the pending deposits nag caref" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 806, "l_partkey": 160, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 22.0d, "l_extendedprice": 23323.52d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-10-03", "l_commitdate": "1996-08-11", "l_receiptdate": "1996-10-20", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "fily pending " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5415, "l_partkey": 161, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 11.0d, "l_extendedprice": 11672.76d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-11-22", "l_commitdate": "1992-10-19", "l_receiptdate": "1992-12-10", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "gle among t" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5570, "l_partkey": 161, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 37.0d, "l_extendedprice": 39262.92d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-08-29", "l_commitdate": "1996-10-23", "l_receiptdate": "1996-09-11", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "y ironic pin" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5863, "l_partkey": 161, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 45.0d, "l_extendedprice": 47752.2d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-12-19", "l_commitdate": "1994-01-25", "l_receiptdate": "1994-01-05", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": " deposits are ab" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1092, "l_partkey": 161, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 28.0d, "l_extendedprice": 29712.48d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-04-08", "l_commitdate": "1995-05-01", "l_receiptdate": "1995-05-02", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "affix carefully. u" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2240, "l_partkey": 161, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 29.0d, "l_extendedprice": 30773.64d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-03-29", "l_commitdate": "1992-05-08", "l_receiptdate": "1992-04-09", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "lyly even ideas w" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2273, "l_partkey": 161, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 20.0d, "l_extendedprice": 21223.2d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-03-05", "l_commitdate": "1997-02-25", "l_receiptdate": "1997-04-01", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "cuses. quickly enticing requests wake " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4004, "l_partkey": 161, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 44.0d, "l_extendedprice": 46691.04d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-07-25", "l_commitdate": "1993-07-23", "l_receiptdate": "1993-08-16", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ut the sauternes. bold, ironi" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4871, "l_partkey": 161, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 17.0d, "l_extendedprice": 18039.72d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-09-09", "l_commitdate": "1995-09-01", "l_receiptdate": "1995-10-02", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "es. carefully ev" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5063, "l_partkey": 161, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 1.0d, "l_extendedprice": 1061.16d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-09-03", "l_commitdate": "1997-06-26", "l_receiptdate": "1997-10-03", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ously special " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5858, "l_partkey": 161, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 18.0d, "l_extendedprice": 19100.88d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-11-05", "l_commitdate": "1992-10-08", "l_receiptdate": "1992-12-03", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "al excuses. bold" }
, { "l_orderkey": 1220, "l_partkey": 160, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 36.0d, "l_extendedprice": 38165.76d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-12-10", "l_commitdate": "1996-11-14", "l_receiptdate": "1997-01-07", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ar packages. blithely final acc" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1441, "l_partkey": 160, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 37.0d, "l_extendedprice": 39225.92d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-04-26", "l_commitdate": "1997-04-27", "l_receiptdate": "1997-04-29", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "accounts. slyly special dolphins b" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2823, "l_partkey": 160, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 18.0d, "l_extendedprice": 19082.88d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-11-11", "l_commitdate": "1995-10-30", "l_receiptdate": "1995-12-08", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": " final deposits. furiously regular foxes u" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4224, "l_partkey": 160, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 50.0d, "l_extendedprice": 53008.0d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-07-30", "l_commitdate": "1997-09-10", "l_receiptdate": "1997-08-19", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "side of the carefully silent dep" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4454, "l_partkey": 160, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 20.0d, "l_extendedprice": 21203.2d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-04-08", "l_commitdate": "1994-03-06", "l_receiptdate": "1994-04-26", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "quickly regular requests. furiously" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5863, "l_partkey": 160, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 21.0d, "l_extendedprice": 22263.36d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-01-13", "l_commitdate": "1994-01-09", "l_receiptdate": "1994-01-28", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "atelets nag blithely furi" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 645, "l_partkey": 160, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 33.0d, "l_extendedprice": 34985.28d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-12-09", "l_commitdate": "1995-02-21", "l_receiptdate": "1995-01-03", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "heodolites b" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1282, "l_partkey": 160, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 19.0d, "l_extendedprice": 20143.04d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-05-07", "l_commitdate": "1992-04-07", "l_receiptdate": "1992-05-13", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ts x-ray across the furi" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1888, "l_partkey": 160, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 4.0d, "l_extendedprice": 4240.64d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-12-28", "l_commitdate": "1993-12-19", "l_receiptdate": "1994-01-11", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "lphins. ironically special theodolit" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2118, "l_partkey": 160, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 24.0d, "l_extendedprice": 25443.84d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-01-06", "l_commitdate": "1996-12-14", "l_receiptdate": "1997-01-14", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "about the slyly bold depende" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2211, "l_partkey": 160, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 25.0d, "l_extendedprice": 26504.0d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-08-13", "l_commitdate": "1994-08-17", "l_receiptdate": "1994-08-16", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ly regular, express" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2374, "l_partkey": 160, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 24.0d, "l_extendedprice": 25443.84d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-02-02", "l_commitdate": "1994-01-12", "l_receiptdate": "1994-02-04", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": ". requests are above t" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2532, "l_partkey": 160, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 33.0d, "l_extendedprice": 34985.28d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-11-23", "l_commitdate": "1996-01-04", "l_receiptdate": "1995-12-16", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "rve carefully slyly ironic accounts! fluf" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3364, "l_partkey": 160, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 7.0d, "l_extendedprice": 7421.12d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-07-09", "l_commitdate": "1997-08-01", "l_receiptdate": "1997-07-16", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "furiously regular ideas haggle furiously b" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2535, "l_partkey": 160, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 19.0d, "l_extendedprice": 20143.04d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-06-01", "l_commitdate": "1993-08-01", "l_receiptdate": "1993-06-19", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ructions. final requests" }
, { "l_orderkey": 3488, "l_partkey": 160, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 1.0d, "l_extendedprice": 1060.16d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-03-06", "l_commitdate": "1995-02-16", "l_receiptdate": "1995-03-23", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": " final excuses. carefully even waters hagg" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5506, "l_partkey": 160, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 6.0d, "l_extendedprice": 6360.96d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-02-21", "l_commitdate": "1994-01-30", "l_receiptdate": "1994-02-27", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "hely according to the furiously unusua" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5830, "l_partkey": 160, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 29.0d, "l_extendedprice": 30744.64d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-06-19", "l_commitdate": "1993-05-10", "l_receiptdate": "1993-07-13", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "y bold excuses" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1317, "l_partkey": 160, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 7.0d, "l_extendedprice": 7421.12d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-06-08", "l_commitdate": "1995-08-03", "l_receiptdate": "1995-06-16", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": " pinto beans according to the final, pend" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1409, "l_partkey": 160, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 17.0d, "l_extendedprice": 18022.72d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-04-15", "l_commitdate": "1993-03-01", "l_receiptdate": "1993-04-29", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "pending accounts poach. care" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2176, "l_partkey": 160, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 25.0d, "l_extendedprice": 26504.0d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-02-23", "l_commitdate": "1993-01-05", "l_receiptdate": "1993-03-07", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": " ruthless deposits according to the ent" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2562, "l_partkey": 160, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 29.0d, "l_extendedprice": 30744.64d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-11-01", "l_commitdate": "1992-09-29", "l_receiptdate": "1992-11-13", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "eep against the furiously r" }
, { "l_orderkey": 3488, "l_partkey": 160, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 11.0d, "l_extendedprice": 11661.76d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-03-25", "l_commitdate": "1995-02-08", "l_receiptdate": "1995-04-16", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "unusual re" }
, { "l_orderkey": 3584, "l_partkey": 160, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 23.0d, "l_extendedprice": 24383.68d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-09-10", "l_commitdate": "1997-10-15", "l_receiptdate": "1997-09-30", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "l platelets until the asymptotes " }
, { "l_orderkey": 4262, "l_partkey": 160, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 41.0d, "l_extendedprice": 43466.56d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-08-28", "l_commitdate": "1996-09-14", "l_receiptdate": "1996-09-20", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "cuses unwind ac" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4325, "l_partkey": 160, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 18.0d, "l_extendedprice": 19082.88d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-10-07", "l_commitdate": "1996-09-28", "l_receiptdate": "1996-10-31", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": ". blithely" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4389, "l_partkey": 160, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 5.0d, "l_extendedprice": 5300.8d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-09-03", "l_commitdate": "1994-06-23", "l_receiptdate": "1994-09-16", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": " ironic request" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4807, "l_partkey": 160, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 22.0d, "l_extendedprice": 23323.52d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-03-13", "l_commitdate": "1997-02-23", "l_receiptdate": "1997-04-01", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "es use final excuses. furiously final" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5506, "l_partkey": 160, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 6.0d, "l_extendedprice": 6360.96d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-02-21", "l_commitdate": "1994-01-30", "l_receiptdate": "1994-02-27", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "hely according to the furiously unusua" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 645, "l_partkey": 160, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 33.0d, "l_extendedprice": 34985.28d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-12-09", "l_commitdate": "1995-02-21", "l_receiptdate": "1995-01-03", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "heodolites b" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 710, "l_partkey": 160, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 46.0d, "l_extendedprice": 48767.36d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-04-16", "l_commitdate": "1993-03-27", "l_receiptdate": "1993-05-05", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ges use; blithely pending excuses inte" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 769, "l_partkey": 160, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 4.0d, "l_extendedprice": 4240.64d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-06-25", "l_commitdate": "1993-08-12", "l_receiptdate": "1993-07-15", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": " ideas. even" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1282, "l_partkey": 160, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 19.0d, "l_extendedprice": 20143.04d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-05-07", "l_commitdate": "1992-04-07", "l_receiptdate": "1992-05-13", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ts x-ray across the furi" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1409, "l_partkey": 160, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 17.0d, "l_extendedprice": 18022.72d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-04-15", "l_commitdate": "1993-03-01", "l_receiptdate": "1993-04-29", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "pending accounts poach. care" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1441, "l_partkey": 160, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 37.0d, "l_extendedprice": 39225.92d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-04-26", "l_commitdate": "1997-04-27", "l_receiptdate": "1997-04-29", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "accounts. slyly special dolphins b" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1888, "l_partkey": 160, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 4.0d, "l_extendedprice": 4240.64d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-12-28", "l_commitdate": "1993-12-19", "l_receiptdate": "1994-01-11", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "lphins. ironically special theodolit" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2176, "l_partkey": 160, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 25.0d, "l_extendedprice": 26504.0d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-02-23", "l_commitdate": "1993-01-05", "l_receiptdate": "1993-03-07", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": " ruthless deposits according to the ent" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2211, "l_partkey": 160, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 25.0d, "l_extendedprice": 26504.0d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-08-13", "l_commitdate": "1994-08-17", "l_receiptdate": "1994-08-16", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ly regular, express" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2374, "l_partkey": 160, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 24.0d, "l_extendedprice": 25443.84d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-02-02", "l_commitdate": "1994-01-12", "l_receiptdate": "1994-02-04", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": ". requests are above t" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2562, "l_partkey": 160, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 29.0d, "l_extendedprice": 30744.64d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-11-01", "l_commitdate": "1992-09-29", "l_receiptdate": "1992-11-13", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "eep against the furiously r" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3939, "l_partkey": 160, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 8.0d, "l_extendedprice": 8481.28d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-01-29", "l_commitdate": "1996-04-05", "l_receiptdate": "1996-02-26", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "e packages. express, pen" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5863, "l_partkey": 160, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 21.0d, "l_extendedprice": 22263.36d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-01-13", "l_commitdate": "1994-01-09", "l_receiptdate": "1994-01-28", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "atelets nag blithely furi" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 806, "l_partkey": 160, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 22.0d, "l_extendedprice": 23323.52d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-10-03", "l_commitdate": "1996-08-11", "l_receiptdate": "1996-10-20", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "fily pending " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1346, "l_partkey": 160, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 29.0d, "l_extendedprice": 30744.64d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-08-18", "l_commitdate": "1992-09-15", "l_receiptdate": "1992-09-17", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "the pinto " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2118, "l_partkey": 160, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 24.0d, "l_extendedprice": 25443.84d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-01-06", "l_commitdate": "1996-12-14", "l_receiptdate": "1997-01-14", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "about the slyly bold depende" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2532, "l_partkey": 160, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 33.0d, "l_extendedprice": 34985.28d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-11-23", "l_commitdate": "1996-01-04", "l_receiptdate": "1995-12-16", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "rve carefully slyly ironic accounts! fluf" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3364, "l_partkey": 160, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 7.0d, "l_extendedprice": 7421.12d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-07-09", "l_commitdate": "1997-08-01", "l_receiptdate": "1997-07-16", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "furiously regular ideas haggle furiously b" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4224, "l_partkey": 160, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 50.0d, "l_extendedprice": 53008.0d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-07-30", "l_commitdate": "1997-09-10", "l_receiptdate": "1997-08-19", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "side of the carefully silent dep" }
, { "l_orderkey": 4867, "l_partkey": 160, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 3.0d, "l_extendedprice": 3180.48d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-07-04", "l_commitdate": "1992-07-15", "l_receiptdate": "1992-07-21", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "yly silent deposits" }
, { "l_orderkey": 5125, "l_partkey": 160, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 5.0d, "l_extendedprice": 5300.8d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-04-07", "l_commitdate": "1998-04-14", "l_receiptdate": "1998-04-29", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": " thinly even pack" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5504, "l_partkey": 160, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 29.0d, "l_extendedprice": 30744.64d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-01-28", "l_commitdate": "1993-02-13", "l_receiptdate": "1993-02-27", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ajole carefully. care" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1157, "l_partkey": 160, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 14.0d, "l_extendedprice": 14842.24d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-04-17", "l_commitdate": "1998-03-03", "l_receiptdate": "1998-05-01", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "theodolites. fluffily re" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1317, "l_partkey": 160, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 7.0d, "l_extendedprice": 7421.12d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-06-08", "l_commitdate": "1995-08-03", "l_receiptdate": "1995-06-16", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": " pinto beans according to the final, pend" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2823, "l_partkey": 160, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 18.0d, "l_extendedprice": 19082.88d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-11-11", "l_commitdate": "1995-10-30", "l_receiptdate": "1995-12-08", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": " final deposits. furiously regular foxes u" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2854, "l_partkey": 160, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 20.0d, "l_extendedprice": 21203.2d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-09-18", "l_commitdate": "1994-08-03", "l_receiptdate": "1994-10-12", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "rs impress after the deposits. " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4135, "l_partkey": 160, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 33.0d, "l_extendedprice": 34985.28d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-05-01", "l_commitdate": "1997-05-23", "l_receiptdate": "1997-05-23", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "he fluffil" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4325, "l_partkey": 160, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 18.0d, "l_extendedprice": 19082.88d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-10-07", "l_commitdate": "1996-09-28", "l_receiptdate": "1996-10-31", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": ". blithely" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4454, "l_partkey": 160, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 20.0d, "l_extendedprice": 21203.2d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-04-08", "l_commitdate": "1994-03-06", "l_receiptdate": "1994-04-26", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "quickly regular requests. furiously" }
, { "l_orderkey": 5443, "l_partkey": 160, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 25.0d, "l_extendedprice": 26504.0d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-12-07", "l_commitdate": "1997-01-08", "l_receiptdate": "1997-01-05", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "use carefully above the pinto bea" }
, { "l_orderkey": 5633, "l_partkey": 160, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 28.0d, "l_extendedprice": 29684.48d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-08-14", "l_commitdate": "1998-07-24", "l_receiptdate": "1998-08-26", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "as boost quickly. unusual pinto " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 325, "l_partkey": 159, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 34.0d, "l_extendedprice": 36011.1d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-10-28", "l_commitdate": "1993-12-13", "l_receiptdate": "1993-11-17", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ly bold deposits. always iron" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5830, "l_partkey": 160, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 29.0d, "l_extendedprice": 30744.64d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-06-19", "l_commitdate": "1993-05-10", "l_receiptdate": "1993-07-13", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "y bold excuses" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5925, "l_partkey": 160, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 41.0d, "l_extendedprice": 43466.56d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-02-03", "l_commitdate": "1995-12-24", "l_receiptdate": "1996-02-20", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": " across the pending deposits nag caref" }
, { "l_orderkey": 519, "l_partkey": 159, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 1.0d, "l_extendedprice": 1059.15d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-12-01", "l_commitdate": "1998-01-26", "l_receiptdate": "1997-12-23", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "bold requests believe furiou" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1955, "l_partkey": 159, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 11.0d, "l_extendedprice": 11650.65d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-06-03", "l_commitdate": "1992-07-04", "l_receiptdate": "1992-06-07", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ously quickly pendi" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3363, "l_partkey": 159, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 2.0d, "l_extendedprice": 2118.3d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-01-22", "l_commitdate": "1995-12-01", "l_receiptdate": "1996-02-18", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "uickly bold ide" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4549, "l_partkey": 159, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 44.0d, "l_extendedprice": 46602.6d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-03-13", "l_commitdate": "1998-04-15", "l_receiptdate": "1998-03-27", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ding to the regular, silent requests" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4610, "l_partkey": 159, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 44.0d, "l_extendedprice": 46602.6d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-08-05", "l_commitdate": "1993-07-20", "l_receiptdate": "1993-08-19", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": " final theodolites " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5957, "l_partkey": 159, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 32.0d, "l_extendedprice": 33892.8d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-03-05", "l_commitdate": "1994-02-20", "l_receiptdate": "1994-03-09", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": " boost carefully across the " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 613, "l_partkey": 159, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 7.0d, "l_extendedprice": 7414.05d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-09-07", "l_commitdate": "1995-08-02", "l_receiptdate": "1995-09-16", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ously blithely final pinto beans. regula" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1222, "l_partkey": 159, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 12.0d, "l_extendedprice": 12709.8d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-05-05", "l_commitdate": "1993-03-27", "l_receiptdate": "1993-05-18", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": " furiously bold instructions" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1954, "l_partkey": 159, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 12.0d, "l_extendedprice": 12709.8d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-07-19", "l_commitdate": "1997-07-04", "l_receiptdate": "1997-08-06", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ongside of the slyly unusual requests. reg" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2468, "l_partkey": 159, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 18.0d, "l_extendedprice": 19064.7d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-07-25", "l_commitdate": "1997-08-26", "l_receiptdate": "1997-08-14", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "cies. fluffily r" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2595, "l_partkey": 159, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 29.0d, "l_extendedprice": 30715.35d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-01-01", "l_commitdate": "1996-02-13", "l_receiptdate": "1996-01-18", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ronic accounts haggle carefully fin" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3714, "l_partkey": 159, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 16.0d, "l_extendedprice": 16946.4d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-05-25", "l_commitdate": "1998-07-07", "l_receiptdate": "1998-06-17", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ccounts cajole fu" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4006, "l_partkey": 159, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 18.0d, "l_extendedprice": 19064.7d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-01-29", "l_commitdate": "1995-03-08", "l_receiptdate": "1995-02-02", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "gouts! slyly iron" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4743, "l_partkey": 159, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 3.0d, "l_extendedprice": 3177.45d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-04-14", "l_commitdate": "1993-06-08", "l_receiptdate": "1993-05-09", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "al requests. express idea" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4807, "l_partkey": 159, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 2.0d, "l_extendedprice": 2118.3d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-05-09", "l_commitdate": "1997-04-03", "l_receiptdate": "1997-06-05", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "deas wake bli" }
, { "l_orderkey": 1315, "l_partkey": 159, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 32.0d, "l_extendedprice": 33892.8d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-03-30", "l_commitdate": "1998-06-12", "l_receiptdate": "1998-04-25", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "neath the final p" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2371, "l_partkey": 159, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 37.0d, "l_extendedprice": 39188.55d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-02-11", "l_commitdate": "1998-03-24", "l_receiptdate": "1998-02-27", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "s boost fluffil" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4738, "l_partkey": 159, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 10.0d, "l_extendedprice": 10591.5d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-07-10", "l_commitdate": "1992-06-16", "l_receiptdate": "1992-07-25", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "hins above the" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5062, "l_partkey": 159, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 50.0d, "l_extendedprice": 52957.5d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-12-25", "l_commitdate": "1992-12-13", "l_receiptdate": "1992-12-29", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": " the regular, unusual pains. specia" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5409, "l_partkey": 159, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 37.0d, "l_extendedprice": 39188.55d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-05-07", "l_commitdate": "1992-02-10", "l_receiptdate": "1992-05-20", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ously regular packages. packages" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5728, "l_partkey": 159, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 40.0d, "l_extendedprice": 42366.0d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-03-28", "l_commitdate": "1995-01-17", "l_receiptdate": "1995-04-14", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "final deposits. theodolite" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 231, "l_partkey": 159, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 16.0d, "l_extendedprice": 16946.4d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-11-20", "l_commitdate": "1994-10-29", "l_receiptdate": "1994-12-17", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "e furiously ironic pinto beans." }
-, { "l_orderkey": 551, "l_partkey": 159, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 20.0d, "l_extendedprice": 21183.0d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-09-18", "l_commitdate": "1995-08-25", "l_receiptdate": "1995-10-11", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "r ideas. final, even ideas hinder alongside" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2277, "l_partkey": 159, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 31.0d, "l_extendedprice": 32833.65d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-03-07", "l_commitdate": "1995-03-19", "l_receiptdate": "1995-03-26", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ic instructions detect ru" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1955, "l_partkey": 159, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 11.0d, "l_extendedprice": 11650.65d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-06-03", "l_commitdate": "1992-07-04", "l_receiptdate": "1992-06-07", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ously quickly pendi" }
, { "l_orderkey": 2499, "l_partkey": 159, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 39.0d, "l_extendedprice": 41306.85d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-10-26", "l_commitdate": "1995-10-27", "l_receiptdate": "1995-11-07", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "otes sublat" }
, { "l_orderkey": 3588, "l_partkey": 159, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 45.0d, "l_extendedprice": 47661.75d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-05-07", "l_commitdate": "1995-05-04", "l_receiptdate": "1995-05-28", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ecial pains integrate blithely. reques" }
, { "l_orderkey": 3776, "l_partkey": 159, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 14.0d, "l_extendedprice": 14828.1d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-12-30", "l_commitdate": "1993-02-12", "l_receiptdate": "1993-01-27", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "y special ideas. express packages pr" }
, { "l_orderkey": 3938, "l_partkey": 159, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 46.0d, "l_extendedprice": 48720.9d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-05-20", "l_commitdate": "1993-05-04", "l_receiptdate": "1993-06-12", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ly even foxes are slyly fu" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4451, "l_partkey": 159, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 19.0d, "l_extendedprice": 20123.85d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-10-09", "l_commitdate": "1994-11-26", "l_receiptdate": "1994-10-23", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ly after the fluffi" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5092, "l_partkey": 159, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 50.0d, "l_extendedprice": 52957.5d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-11-30", "l_commitdate": "1996-01-14", "l_receiptdate": "1995-12-19", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "r platelets maintain car" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4006, "l_partkey": 159, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 18.0d, "l_extendedprice": 19064.7d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-01-29", "l_commitdate": "1995-03-08", "l_receiptdate": "1995-02-02", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "gouts! slyly iron" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5062, "l_partkey": 159, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 50.0d, "l_extendedprice": 52957.5d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-12-25", "l_commitdate": "1992-12-13", "l_receiptdate": "1992-12-29", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": " the regular, unusual pains. specia" }
, { "l_orderkey": 5825, "l_partkey": 159, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 23.0d, "l_extendedprice": 24360.45d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-05-10", "l_commitdate": "1995-04-28", "l_receiptdate": "1995-05-13", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": " special pinto beans. dependencies haggl" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 7, "l_partkey": 158, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 5.0d, "l_extendedprice": 5290.75d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-02-10", "l_commitdate": "1996-03-26", "l_receiptdate": "1996-02-13", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ithely regula" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 449, "l_partkey": 158, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 22.0d, "l_extendedprice": 23279.3d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-08-17", "l_commitdate": "1995-09-04", "l_receiptdate": "1995-09-10", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "furiously final theodolites eat careful" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2144, "l_partkey": 158, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 10.0d, "l_extendedprice": 10581.5d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-06-16", "l_commitdate": "1994-05-03", "l_receiptdate": "1994-07-05", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": " furiously unusual ideas. carefull" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3522, "l_partkey": 158, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 18.0d, "l_extendedprice": 19046.7d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-11-16", "l_commitdate": "1994-10-29", "l_receiptdate": "1994-11-29", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "sits wake carefully pen" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5089, "l_partkey": 158, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 4.0d, "l_extendedprice": 4232.6d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-09-18", "l_commitdate": "1992-09-28", "l_receiptdate": "1992-10-13", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "nts sleep blithely " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5442, "l_partkey": 158, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 21.0d, "l_extendedprice": 22221.15d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-03-13", "l_commitdate": "1998-02-19", "l_receiptdate": "1998-04-06", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ffily furiously ironic theodolites. furio" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5952, "l_partkey": 158, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 23.0d, "l_extendedprice": 24337.45d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-05-13", "l_commitdate": "1997-06-27", "l_receiptdate": "1997-05-20", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "e blithely packages. eve" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 736, "l_partkey": 158, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 46.0d, "l_extendedprice": 48674.9d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-07-16", "l_commitdate": "1998-09-01", "l_receiptdate": "1998-08-09", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "uctions cajole" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2567, "l_partkey": 158, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 50.0d, "l_extendedprice": 52907.5d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-03-27", "l_commitdate": "1998-05-25", "l_receiptdate": "1998-04-23", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "pinto beans? r" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4993, "l_partkey": 158, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 31.0d, "l_extendedprice": 32802.65d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-10-02", "l_commitdate": "1994-10-29", "l_receiptdate": "1994-10-15", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "nwind thinly platelets. a" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5254, "l_partkey": 158, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 34.0d, "l_extendedprice": 35977.1d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-08-29", "l_commitdate": "1992-10-16", "l_receiptdate": "1992-09-20", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": " furiously above the furiously " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5665, "l_partkey": 158, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 41.0d, "l_extendedprice": 43384.15d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-08-23", "l_commitdate": "1993-09-22", "l_receiptdate": "1993-09-11", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": " idle ideas across " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5828, "l_partkey": 158, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 37.0d, "l_extendedprice": 39151.55d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-06-07", "l_commitdate": "1994-05-30", "l_receiptdate": "1994-06-17", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "e carefully spec" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5957, "l_partkey": 159, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 32.0d, "l_extendedprice": 33892.8d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-03-05", "l_commitdate": "1994-02-20", "l_receiptdate": "1994-03-09", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": " boost carefully across the " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 231, "l_partkey": 159, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 16.0d, "l_extendedprice": 16946.4d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-11-20", "l_commitdate": "1994-10-29", "l_receiptdate": "1994-12-17", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "e furiously ironic pinto beans." }
+, { "l_orderkey": 551, "l_partkey": 159, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 20.0d, "l_extendedprice": 21183.0d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-09-18", "l_commitdate": "1995-08-25", "l_receiptdate": "1995-10-11", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "r ideas. final, even ideas hinder alongside" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1954, "l_partkey": 159, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 12.0d, "l_extendedprice": 12709.8d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-07-19", "l_commitdate": "1997-07-04", "l_receiptdate": "1997-08-06", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ongside of the slyly unusual requests. reg" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2371, "l_partkey": 159, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 37.0d, "l_extendedprice": 39188.55d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-02-11", "l_commitdate": "1998-03-24", "l_receiptdate": "1998-02-27", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "s boost fluffil" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4451, "l_partkey": 159, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 19.0d, "l_extendedprice": 20123.85d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-10-09", "l_commitdate": "1994-11-26", "l_receiptdate": "1994-10-23", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ly after the fluffi" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4738, "l_partkey": 159, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 10.0d, "l_extendedprice": 10591.5d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-07-10", "l_commitdate": "1992-06-16", "l_receiptdate": "1992-07-25", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "hins above the" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5092, "l_partkey": 159, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 50.0d, "l_extendedprice": 52957.5d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-11-30", "l_commitdate": "1996-01-14", "l_receiptdate": "1995-12-19", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "r platelets maintain car" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5409, "l_partkey": 159, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 37.0d, "l_extendedprice": 39188.55d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-05-07", "l_commitdate": "1992-02-10", "l_receiptdate": "1992-05-20", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ously regular packages. packages" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5728, "l_partkey": 159, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 40.0d, "l_extendedprice": 42366.0d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-03-28", "l_commitdate": "1995-01-17", "l_receiptdate": "1995-04-14", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "final deposits. theodolite" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 325, "l_partkey": 159, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 34.0d, "l_extendedprice": 36011.1d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-10-28", "l_commitdate": "1993-12-13", "l_receiptdate": "1993-11-17", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ly bold deposits. always iron" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2277, "l_partkey": 159, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 31.0d, "l_extendedprice": 32833.65d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-03-07", "l_commitdate": "1995-03-19", "l_receiptdate": "1995-03-26", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ic instructions detect ru" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2595, "l_partkey": 159, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 29.0d, "l_extendedprice": 30715.35d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-01-01", "l_commitdate": "1996-02-13", "l_receiptdate": "1996-01-18", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ronic accounts haggle carefully fin" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3363, "l_partkey": 159, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 2.0d, "l_extendedprice": 2118.3d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-01-22", "l_commitdate": "1995-12-01", "l_receiptdate": "1996-02-18", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "uickly bold ide" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4549, "l_partkey": 159, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 44.0d, "l_extendedprice": 46602.6d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-03-13", "l_commitdate": "1998-04-15", "l_receiptdate": "1998-03-27", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ding to the regular, silent requests" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4610, "l_partkey": 159, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 44.0d, "l_extendedprice": 46602.6d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-08-05", "l_commitdate": "1993-07-20", "l_receiptdate": "1993-08-19", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": " final theodolites " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 613, "l_partkey": 159, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 7.0d, "l_extendedprice": 7414.05d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-09-07", "l_commitdate": "1995-08-02", "l_receiptdate": "1995-09-16", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ously blithely final pinto beans. regula" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1222, "l_partkey": 159, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 12.0d, "l_extendedprice": 12709.8d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-05-05", "l_commitdate": "1993-03-27", "l_receiptdate": "1993-05-18", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": " furiously bold instructions" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2468, "l_partkey": 159, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 18.0d, "l_extendedprice": 19064.7d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-07-25", "l_commitdate": "1997-08-26", "l_receiptdate": "1997-08-14", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "cies. fluffily r" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3714, "l_partkey": 159, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 16.0d, "l_extendedprice": 16946.4d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-05-25", "l_commitdate": "1998-07-07", "l_receiptdate": "1998-06-17", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ccounts cajole fu" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4743, "l_partkey": 159, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 3.0d, "l_extendedprice": 3177.45d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-04-14", "l_commitdate": "1993-06-08", "l_receiptdate": "1993-05-09", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "al requests. express idea" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4807, "l_partkey": 159, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 2.0d, "l_extendedprice": 2118.3d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-05-09", "l_commitdate": "1997-04-03", "l_receiptdate": "1997-06-05", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "deas wake bli" }
, { "l_orderkey": 135, "l_partkey": 158, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 33.0d, "l_extendedprice": 34918.95d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-01-03", "l_commitdate": "1995-11-21", "l_receiptdate": "1996-02-01", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ptotes boost slowly care" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 839, "l_partkey": 158, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 23.0d, "l_extendedprice": 24337.45d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-10-17", "l_commitdate": "1995-11-03", "l_receiptdate": "1995-11-04", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ng ideas haggle accord" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1317, "l_partkey": 158, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 26.0d, "l_extendedprice": 27511.9d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-07-13", "l_commitdate": "1995-06-26", "l_receiptdate": "1995-08-06", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "leep along th" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1859, "l_partkey": 158, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 5.0d, "l_extendedprice": 5290.75d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-06-20", "l_commitdate": "1997-05-20", "l_receiptdate": "1997-07-19", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "across the p" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4773, "l_partkey": 158, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 6.0d, "l_extendedprice": 6348.9d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-03-09", "l_commitdate": "1996-03-18", "l_receiptdate": "1996-03-27", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "latelets haggle s" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5669, "l_partkey": 158, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 40.0d, "l_extendedprice": 42326.0d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-08-30", "l_commitdate": "1996-06-15", "l_receiptdate": "1996-09-07", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ar accounts alongside of the final, p" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5794, "l_partkey": 158, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 42.0d, "l_extendedprice": 44442.3d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-06-29", "l_commitdate": "1993-05-30", "l_receiptdate": "1993-07-28", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "he careful" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1412, "l_partkey": 158, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 11.0d, "l_extendedprice": 11639.65d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-03-30", "l_commitdate": "1993-05-25", "l_receiptdate": "1993-04-21", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "se slyly. special, unusual accounts nag bl" }
, { "l_orderkey": 1955, "l_partkey": 158, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 41.0d, "l_extendedprice": 43384.15d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-08-01", "l_commitdate": "1992-06-04", "l_receiptdate": "1992-08-07", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": " carefully against the furiously reg" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2567, "l_partkey": 158, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 50.0d, "l_extendedprice": 52907.5d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-03-27", "l_commitdate": "1998-05-25", "l_receiptdate": "1998-04-23", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "pinto beans? r" }
, { "l_orderkey": 3136, "l_partkey": 158, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 43.0d, "l_extendedprice": 45500.45d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-09-05", "l_commitdate": "1994-09-25", "l_receiptdate": "1994-09-11", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": ". special theodolites ha" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4227, "l_partkey": 158, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 19.0d, "l_extendedprice": 20104.85d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-05-05", "l_commitdate": "1995-05-03", "l_receiptdate": "1995-05-22", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ns sleep along the blithely even theodolit" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3522, "l_partkey": 158, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 18.0d, "l_extendedprice": 19046.7d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-11-16", "l_commitdate": "1994-10-29", "l_receiptdate": "1994-11-29", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "sits wake carefully pen" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4773, "l_partkey": 158, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 6.0d, "l_extendedprice": 6348.9d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-03-09", "l_commitdate": "1996-03-18", "l_receiptdate": "1996-03-27", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "latelets haggle s" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 839, "l_partkey": 158, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 23.0d, "l_extendedprice": 24337.45d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-10-17", "l_commitdate": "1995-11-03", "l_receiptdate": "1995-11-04", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ng ideas haggle accord" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1859, "l_partkey": 158, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 5.0d, "l_extendedprice": 5290.75d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-06-20", "l_commitdate": "1997-05-20", "l_receiptdate": "1997-07-19", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "across the p" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2144, "l_partkey": 158, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 10.0d, "l_extendedprice": 10581.5d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-06-16", "l_commitdate": "1994-05-03", "l_receiptdate": "1994-07-05", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": " furiously unusual ideas. carefull" }
, { "l_orderkey": 5249, "l_partkey": 158, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 12.0d, "l_extendedprice": 12697.8d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-12-28", "l_commitdate": "1994-11-07", "l_receiptdate": "1995-01-15", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "press depths could have to sleep carefu" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1761, "l_partkey": 157, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 37.0d, "l_extendedprice": 39114.55d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-04-24", "l_commitdate": "1994-03-14", "l_receiptdate": "1994-04-29", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "express requests print blithely around the" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2433, "l_partkey": 157, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 38.0d, "l_extendedprice": 40171.7d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-10-15", "l_commitdate": "1994-10-23", "l_receiptdate": "1994-11-06", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": ". slyly regular requests sle" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2531, "l_partkey": 157, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 3.0d, "l_extendedprice": 3171.45d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-07-20", "l_commitdate": "1996-06-20", "l_receiptdate": "1996-08-10", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "he quickly ev" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2694, "l_partkey": 157, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 35.0d, "l_extendedprice": 37000.25d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-05-24", "l_commitdate": "1996-06-01", "l_receiptdate": "1996-05-25", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "atelets past the furiously final deposits " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5665, "l_partkey": 158, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 41.0d, "l_extendedprice": 43384.15d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-08-23", "l_commitdate": "1993-09-22", "l_receiptdate": "1993-09-11", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": " idle ideas across " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5794, "l_partkey": 158, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 42.0d, "l_extendedprice": 44442.3d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-06-29", "l_commitdate": "1993-05-30", "l_receiptdate": "1993-07-28", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "he careful" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 449, "l_partkey": 158, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 22.0d, "l_extendedprice": 23279.3d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-08-17", "l_commitdate": "1995-09-04", "l_receiptdate": "1995-09-10", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "furiously final theodolites eat careful" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 736, "l_partkey": 158, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 46.0d, "l_extendedprice": 48674.9d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-07-16", "l_commitdate": "1998-09-01", "l_receiptdate": "1998-08-09", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "uctions cajole" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1317, "l_partkey": 158, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 26.0d, "l_extendedprice": 27511.9d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-07-13", "l_commitdate": "1995-06-26", "l_receiptdate": "1995-08-06", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "leep along th" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1412, "l_partkey": 158, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 11.0d, "l_extendedprice": 11639.65d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-03-30", "l_commitdate": "1993-05-25", "l_receiptdate": "1993-04-21", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "se slyly. special, unusual accounts nag bl" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4227, "l_partkey": 158, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 19.0d, "l_extendedprice": 20104.85d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-05-05", "l_commitdate": "1995-05-03", "l_receiptdate": "1995-05-22", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ns sleep along the blithely even theodolit" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4993, "l_partkey": 158, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 31.0d, "l_extendedprice": 32802.65d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-10-02", "l_commitdate": "1994-10-29", "l_receiptdate": "1994-10-15", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "nwind thinly platelets. a" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5828, "l_partkey": 158, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 37.0d, "l_extendedprice": 39151.55d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-06-07", "l_commitdate": "1994-05-30", "l_receiptdate": "1994-06-17", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "e carefully spec" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 7, "l_partkey": 158, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 5.0d, "l_extendedprice": 5290.75d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-02-10", "l_commitdate": "1996-03-26", "l_receiptdate": "1996-02-13", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ithely regula" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5089, "l_partkey": 158, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 4.0d, "l_extendedprice": 4232.6d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-09-18", "l_commitdate": "1992-09-28", "l_receiptdate": "1992-10-13", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "nts sleep blithely " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5254, "l_partkey": 158, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 34.0d, "l_extendedprice": 35977.1d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-08-29", "l_commitdate": "1992-10-16", "l_receiptdate": "1992-09-20", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": " furiously above the furiously " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5442, "l_partkey": 158, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 21.0d, "l_extendedprice": 22221.15d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-03-13", "l_commitdate": "1998-02-19", "l_receiptdate": "1998-04-06", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ffily furiously ironic theodolites. furio" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5669, "l_partkey": 158, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 40.0d, "l_extendedprice": 42326.0d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-08-30", "l_commitdate": "1996-06-15", "l_receiptdate": "1996-09-07", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ar accounts alongside of the final, p" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5952, "l_partkey": 158, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 23.0d, "l_extendedprice": 24337.45d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-05-13", "l_commitdate": "1997-06-27", "l_receiptdate": "1997-05-20", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "e blithely packages. eve" }
, { "l_orderkey": 675, "l_partkey": 157, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 1.0d, "l_extendedprice": 1057.15d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-11-27", "l_commitdate": "1997-09-30", "l_receiptdate": "1997-12-12", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ide of the slyly regular packages. unus" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1121, "l_partkey": 157, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 10.0d, "l_extendedprice": 10571.5d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-04-17", "l_commitdate": "1997-03-18", "l_receiptdate": "1997-05-02", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "dencies. quickly regular theodolites n" }
, { "l_orderkey": 1382, "l_partkey": 157, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 31.0d, "l_extendedprice": 32771.65d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-10-26", "l_commitdate": "1993-10-15", "l_receiptdate": "1993-11-09", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "hely regular dependencies. f" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1509, "l_partkey": 157, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 27.0d, "l_extendedprice": 28543.05d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-09-29", "l_commitdate": "1993-09-08", "l_receiptdate": "1993-10-04", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "lithely after the " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2146, "l_partkey": 157, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 6.0d, "l_extendedprice": 6342.9d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-01-03", "l_commitdate": "1992-10-24", "l_receiptdate": "1993-01-24", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ing to the requests. dependencies boost " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1729, "l_partkey": 157, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 12.0d, "l_extendedprice": 12685.8d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-08-11", "l_commitdate": "1992-07-24", "l_receiptdate": "1992-08-16", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "y pending packages detect. carefully re" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1863, "l_partkey": 157, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 48.0d, "l_extendedprice": 50743.2d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-11-08", "l_commitdate": "1993-11-05", "l_receiptdate": "1993-12-08", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "onic theodolites alongside of the pending a" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2531, "l_partkey": 157, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 3.0d, "l_extendedprice": 3171.45d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-07-20", "l_commitdate": "1996-06-20", "l_receiptdate": "1996-08-10", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "he quickly ev" }
, { "l_orderkey": 3458, "l_partkey": 157, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 2.0d, "l_extendedprice": 2114.3d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-02-05", "l_commitdate": "1995-02-01", "l_receiptdate": "1995-03-07", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ironic packages haggle past the furiously " }
, { "l_orderkey": 3522, "l_partkey": 157, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 46.0d, "l_extendedprice": 48628.9d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-11-12", "l_commitdate": "1994-11-30", "l_receiptdate": "1994-11-20", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "d the express, silent foxes. blit" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4770, "l_partkey": 157, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 30.0d, "l_extendedprice": 31714.5d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-08-25", "l_commitdate": "1995-08-27", "l_receiptdate": "1995-09-07", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ffily carefully ironic ideas. ironic d" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5792, "l_partkey": 157, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 47.0d, "l_extendedprice": 49686.05d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-06-08", "l_commitdate": "1993-05-10", "l_receiptdate": "1993-06-26", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "regular, ironic excuses n" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 326, "l_partkey": 157, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 41.0d, "l_extendedprice": 43343.15d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-07-05", "l_commitdate": "1995-07-23", "l_receiptdate": "1995-07-20", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "to beans wake before the furiously re" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 455, "l_partkey": 157, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 42.0d, "l_extendedprice": 44400.3d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-01-26", "l_commitdate": "1997-01-10", "l_receiptdate": "1997-02-22", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "around the quickly blit" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 802, "l_partkey": 157, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 18.0d, "l_extendedprice": 19028.7d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-03-06", "l_commitdate": "1995-02-07", "l_receiptdate": "1995-03-19", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "y regular requests engage furiously final d" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1121, "l_partkey": 157, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 10.0d, "l_extendedprice": 10571.5d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-04-17", "l_commitdate": "1997-03-18", "l_receiptdate": "1997-05-02", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "dencies. quickly regular theodolites n" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1863, "l_partkey": 157, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 48.0d, "l_extendedprice": 50743.2d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-11-08", "l_commitdate": "1993-11-05", "l_receiptdate": "1993-12-08", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "onic theodolites alongside of the pending a" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3841, "l_partkey": 157, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 1.0d, "l_extendedprice": 1057.15d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-10-10", "l_commitdate": "1994-11-12", "l_receiptdate": "1994-10-21", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": " boost even re" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4741, "l_partkey": 157, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 34.0d, "l_extendedprice": 35943.1d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-08-25", "l_commitdate": "1992-08-18", "l_receiptdate": "1992-09-20", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "sly special packages after the furiously" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1158, "l_partkey": 157, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 23.0d, "l_extendedprice": 24314.45d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-10-21", "l_commitdate": "1996-08-19", "l_receiptdate": "1996-10-31", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ularly ironic requests use care" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1729, "l_partkey": 157, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 12.0d, "l_extendedprice": 12685.8d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-08-11", "l_commitdate": "1992-07-24", "l_receiptdate": "1992-08-16", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "y pending packages detect. carefully re" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1763, "l_partkey": 157, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 43.0d, "l_extendedprice": 45457.45d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-11-04", "l_commitdate": "1996-12-09", "l_receiptdate": "1996-11-28", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "r deposits integrate blithely pending, quic" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2178, "l_partkey": 157, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 15.0d, "l_extendedprice": 15857.25d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-03-27", "l_commitdate": "1997-03-10", "l_receiptdate": "1997-04-18", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "l accounts. quickly expr" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3553, "l_partkey": 157, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 36.0d, "l_extendedprice": 38057.4d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-08-12", "l_commitdate": "1994-06-25", "l_receiptdate": "1994-09-06", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": " realms. pending, bold theodolites " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4069, "l_partkey": 157, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 50.0d, "l_extendedprice": 52857.5d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-07-26", "l_commitdate": "1992-06-30", "l_receiptdate": "1992-08-01", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "even foxes among the express wate" }
, { "l_orderkey": 4389, "l_partkey": 157, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 20.0d, "l_extendedprice": 21143.0d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-06-06", "l_commitdate": "1994-06-17", "l_receiptdate": "1994-06-17", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ng the carefully express d" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4770, "l_partkey": 157, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 30.0d, "l_extendedprice": 31714.5d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-08-25", "l_commitdate": "1995-08-27", "l_receiptdate": "1995-09-07", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ffily carefully ironic ideas. ironic d" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 455, "l_partkey": 157, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 42.0d, "l_extendedprice": 44400.3d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-01-26", "l_commitdate": "1997-01-10", "l_receiptdate": "1997-02-22", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "around the quickly blit" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1509, "l_partkey": 157, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 27.0d, "l_extendedprice": 28543.05d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-09-29", "l_commitdate": "1993-09-08", "l_receiptdate": "1993-10-04", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "lithely after the " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1761, "l_partkey": 157, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 37.0d, "l_extendedprice": 39114.55d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-04-24", "l_commitdate": "1994-03-14", "l_receiptdate": "1994-04-29", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "express requests print blithely around the" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2178, "l_partkey": 157, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 15.0d, "l_extendedprice": 15857.25d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-03-27", "l_commitdate": "1997-03-10", "l_receiptdate": "1997-04-18", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "l accounts. quickly expr" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3841, "l_partkey": 157, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 1.0d, "l_extendedprice": 1057.15d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-10-10", "l_commitdate": "1994-11-12", "l_receiptdate": "1994-10-21", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": " boost even re" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4069, "l_partkey": 157, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 50.0d, "l_extendedprice": 52857.5d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-07-26", "l_commitdate": "1992-06-30", "l_receiptdate": "1992-08-01", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "even foxes among the express wate" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5792, "l_partkey": 157, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 47.0d, "l_extendedprice": 49686.05d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-06-08", "l_commitdate": "1993-05-10", "l_receiptdate": "1993-06-26", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "regular, ironic excuses n" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1158, "l_partkey": 157, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 23.0d, "l_extendedprice": 24314.45d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-10-21", "l_commitdate": "1996-08-19", "l_receiptdate": "1996-10-31", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ularly ironic requests use care" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1763, "l_partkey": 157, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 43.0d, "l_extendedprice": 45457.45d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-11-04", "l_commitdate": "1996-12-09", "l_receiptdate": "1996-11-28", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "r deposits integrate blithely pending, quic" }
, { "l_orderkey": 4869, "l_partkey": 157, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 25.0d, "l_extendedprice": 26428.75d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-11-25", "l_commitdate": "1994-11-14", "l_receiptdate": "1994-12-19", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "e according t" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 326, "l_partkey": 157, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 41.0d, "l_extendedprice": 43343.15d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-07-05", "l_commitdate": "1995-07-23", "l_receiptdate": "1995-07-20", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "to beans wake before the furiously re" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 802, "l_partkey": 157, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 18.0d, "l_extendedprice": 19028.7d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-03-06", "l_commitdate": "1995-02-07", "l_receiptdate": "1995-03-19", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "y regular requests engage furiously final d" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2146, "l_partkey": 157, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 6.0d, "l_extendedprice": 6342.9d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-01-03", "l_commitdate": "1992-10-24", "l_receiptdate": "1993-01-24", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ing to the requests. dependencies boost " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2433, "l_partkey": 157, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 38.0d, "l_extendedprice": 40171.7d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-10-15", "l_commitdate": "1994-10-23", "l_receiptdate": "1994-11-06", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": ". slyly regular requests sle" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2694, "l_partkey": 157, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 35.0d, "l_extendedprice": 37000.25d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-05-24", "l_commitdate": "1996-06-01", "l_receiptdate": "1996-05-25", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "atelets past the furiously final deposits " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3553, "l_partkey": 157, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 36.0d, "l_extendedprice": 38057.4d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-08-12", "l_commitdate": "1994-06-25", "l_receiptdate": "1994-09-06", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": " realms. pending, bold theodolites " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4741, "l_partkey": 157, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 34.0d, "l_extendedprice": 35943.1d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-08-25", "l_commitdate": "1992-08-18", "l_receiptdate": "1992-09-20", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "sly special packages after the furiously" }
, { "l_orderkey": 5922, "l_partkey": 157, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 37.0d, "l_extendedprice": 39114.55d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-12-19", "l_commitdate": "1996-12-16", "l_receiptdate": "1997-01-15", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "s wake slyly. requests cajole furiously asy" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 578, "l_partkey": 156, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 40.0d, "l_extendedprice": 42246.0d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-02-10", "l_commitdate": "1997-03-18", "l_receiptdate": "1997-02-11", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "usly even platel" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1825, "l_partkey": 156, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 43.0d, "l_extendedprice": 45414.45d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-02-18", "l_commitdate": "1994-02-19", "l_receiptdate": "1994-03-02", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": " accounts breach fluffily spe" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2435, "l_partkey": 156, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 22.0d, "l_extendedprice": 23235.3d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-05-23", "l_commitdate": "1993-04-14", "l_receiptdate": "1993-06-04", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "e final, final deposits. carefully regular" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2786, "l_partkey": 156, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 41.0d, "l_extendedprice": 43302.15d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-07-01", "l_commitdate": "1992-06-04", "l_receiptdate": "1992-07-13", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ix requests. bold requests a" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3364, "l_partkey": 156, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 10.0d, "l_extendedprice": 10561.5d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-08-10", "l_commitdate": "1997-08-24", "l_receiptdate": "1997-08-15", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "g the accounts. final, busy accounts wi" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3488, "l_partkey": 156, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 18.0d, "l_extendedprice": 19010.7d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-03-18", "l_commitdate": "1995-03-19", "l_receiptdate": "1995-03-29", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "s the carefully r" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4742, "l_partkey": 156, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 32.0d, "l_extendedprice": 33796.8d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-04-04", "l_commitdate": "1995-06-12", "l_receiptdate": "1995-04-19", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "eposits boost blithely. carefully regular a" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 197, "l_partkey": 156, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 17.0d, "l_extendedprice": 17954.55d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-08-02", "l_commitdate": "1995-06-23", "l_receiptdate": "1995-08-03", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ts. careful" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 260, "l_partkey": 156, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 50.0d, "l_extendedprice": 52807.5d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-03-24", "l_commitdate": "1997-02-09", "l_receiptdate": "1997-04-20", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "c deposits " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 517, "l_partkey": 156, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 15.0d, "l_extendedprice": 15842.25d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-04-09", "l_commitdate": "1997-06-26", "l_receiptdate": "1997-05-01", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": " slyly. express requests ar" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1027, "l_partkey": 156, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 43.0d, "l_extendedprice": 45414.45d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-06-17", "l_commitdate": "1992-08-28", "l_receiptdate": "1992-07-10", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "oxes. carefully regular deposits" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1412, "l_partkey": 156, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 20.0d, "l_extendedprice": 21123.0d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-07-04", "l_commitdate": "1993-05-18", "l_receiptdate": "1993-07-22", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "odolites sleep ironically" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2086, "l_partkey": 156, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 7.0d, "l_extendedprice": 7393.05d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-12-27", "l_commitdate": "1994-12-10", "l_receiptdate": "1995-01-05", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": " beans haggle car" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2368, "l_partkey": 156, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 17.0d, "l_extendedprice": 17954.55d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-10-03", "l_commitdate": "1993-09-27", "l_receiptdate": "1993-10-05", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "fily. slyly final ideas alongside o" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2791, "l_partkey": 156, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 24.0d, "l_extendedprice": 25347.6d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-01-30", "l_commitdate": "1994-11-20", "l_receiptdate": "1995-02-08", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ilent forges. quickly special pinto beans " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3492, "l_partkey": 156, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 3.0d, "l_extendedprice": 3168.45d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-11-26", "l_commitdate": "1994-12-28", "l_receiptdate": "1994-12-19", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "the deposits. carefully " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3968, "l_partkey": 156, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 43.0d, "l_extendedprice": 45414.45d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-04-30", "l_commitdate": "1997-05-14", "l_receiptdate": "1997-05-18", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ly regular accounts" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4996, "l_partkey": 156, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 39.0d, "l_extendedprice": 41189.85d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-09-19", "l_commitdate": "1992-10-19", "l_receiptdate": "1992-10-06", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "equests are carefully final" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1095, "l_partkey": 156, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 13.0d, "l_extendedprice": 13729.95d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-08-24", "l_commitdate": "1995-10-19", "l_receiptdate": "1995-09-02", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ously even accounts. slyly bold a" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1248, "l_partkey": 156, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 49.0d, "l_extendedprice": 51751.35d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-04-24", "l_commitdate": "1992-02-18", "l_receiptdate": "1992-05-03", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "beans run quickly according to the carefu" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1, "l_partkey": 156, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 17.0d, "l_extendedprice": 17954.55d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-03-13", "l_commitdate": "1996-02-12", "l_receiptdate": "1996-03-22", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "egular courts above the" }
, { "l_orderkey": 1378, "l_partkey": 156, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 9.0d, "l_extendedprice": 9505.35d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-04-20", "l_commitdate": "1996-04-13", "l_receiptdate": "1996-05-09", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "e carefully. carefully iron" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1700, "l_partkey": 156, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 49.0d, "l_extendedprice": 51751.35d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-09-26", "l_commitdate": "1996-07-28", "l_receiptdate": "1996-10-16", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "kly even dependencies haggle fluffi" }
, { "l_orderkey": 1735, "l_partkey": 156, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 43.0d, "l_extendedprice": 45414.45d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-01-14", "l_commitdate": "1993-03-25", "l_receiptdate": "1993-02-02", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "iously after the " }
, { "l_orderkey": 2086, "l_partkey": 156, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 33.0d, "l_extendedprice": 34852.95d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-02-06", "l_commitdate": "1994-11-25", "l_receiptdate": "1995-02-15", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": " slyly regular foxes. un" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3942, "l_partkey": 156, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 25.0d, "l_extendedprice": 26403.75d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-09-13", "l_commitdate": "1993-08-01", "l_receiptdate": "1993-09-29", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "d the quick packages" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3968, "l_partkey": 156, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 43.0d, "l_extendedprice": 45414.45d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-04-30", "l_commitdate": "1997-05-14", "l_receiptdate": "1997-05-18", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ly regular accounts" }
, { "l_orderkey": 4640, "l_partkey": 156, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 15.0d, "l_extendedprice": 15842.25d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-03-19", "l_commitdate": "1996-02-09", "l_receiptdate": "1996-04-11", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "y regular instructions doze furiously. reg" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5348, "l_partkey": 156, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 31.0d, "l_extendedprice": 32740.65d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-01-04", "l_commitdate": "1997-12-09", "l_receiptdate": "1998-01-17", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "are finally" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5509, "l_partkey": 156, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 35.0d, "l_extendedprice": 36965.25d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-04-17", "l_commitdate": "1994-06-29", "l_receiptdate": "1994-04-24", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "c accounts. ca" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1, "l_partkey": 156, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 17.0d, "l_extendedprice": 17954.55d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-03-13", "l_commitdate": "1996-02-12", "l_receiptdate": "1996-03-22", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "egular courts above the" }
, { "l_orderkey": 165, "l_partkey": 156, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 27.0d, "l_extendedprice": 28516.05d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-04-27", "l_commitdate": "1993-03-04", "l_receiptdate": "1993-05-13", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "around the ironic, even orb" }
, { "l_orderkey": 229, "l_partkey": 156, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 33.0d, "l_extendedprice": 34852.95d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-03-25", "l_commitdate": "1994-02-11", "l_receiptdate": "1994-04-13", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": " deposits; bold, ruthless theodolites" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3015, "l_partkey": 156, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 7.0d, "l_extendedprice": 7393.05d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-12-07", "l_commitdate": "1992-12-17", "l_receiptdate": "1992-12-30", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": " after the evenly special packages ca" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3942, "l_partkey": 156, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 25.0d, "l_extendedprice": 26403.75d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-09-13", "l_commitdate": "1993-08-01", "l_receiptdate": "1993-09-29", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "d the quick packages" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 260, "l_partkey": 156, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 50.0d, "l_extendedprice": 52807.5d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-03-24", "l_commitdate": "1997-02-09", "l_receiptdate": "1997-04-20", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "c deposits " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 578, "l_partkey": 156, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 40.0d, "l_extendedprice": 42246.0d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-02-10", "l_commitdate": "1997-03-18", "l_receiptdate": "1997-02-11", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "usly even platel" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1027, "l_partkey": 156, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 43.0d, "l_extendedprice": 45414.45d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-06-17", "l_commitdate": "1992-08-28", "l_receiptdate": "1992-07-10", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "oxes. carefully regular deposits" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2791, "l_partkey": 156, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 24.0d, "l_extendedprice": 25347.6d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-01-30", "l_commitdate": "1994-11-20", "l_receiptdate": "1995-02-08", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ilent forges. quickly special pinto beans " }
, { "l_orderkey": 4196, "l_partkey": 156, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 30.0d, "l_extendedprice": 31684.5d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-08-09", "l_commitdate": "1998-06-30", "l_receiptdate": "1998-09-05", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "egular foxes us" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4741, "l_partkey": 156, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 24.0d, "l_extendedprice": 25347.6d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-11-04", "l_commitdate": "1992-08-14", "l_receiptdate": "1992-11-06", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "even requests." }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4742, "l_partkey": 156, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 32.0d, "l_extendedprice": 33796.8d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-04-04", "l_commitdate": "1995-06-12", "l_receiptdate": "1995-04-19", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "eposits boost blithely. carefully regular a" }
, { "l_orderkey": 4994, "l_partkey": 156, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 36.0d, "l_extendedprice": 38021.4d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-09-29", "l_commitdate": "1996-07-30", "l_receiptdate": "1996-10-03", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ess ideas. blithely silent brai" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4996, "l_partkey": 156, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 39.0d, "l_extendedprice": 41189.85d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-09-19", "l_commitdate": "1992-10-19", "l_receiptdate": "1992-10-06", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "equests are carefully final" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 197, "l_partkey": 156, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 17.0d, "l_extendedprice": 17954.55d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-08-02", "l_commitdate": "1995-06-23", "l_receiptdate": "1995-08-03", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ts. careful" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2368, "l_partkey": 156, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 17.0d, "l_extendedprice": 17954.55d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-10-03", "l_commitdate": "1993-09-27", "l_receiptdate": "1993-10-05", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "fily. slyly final ideas alongside o" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2786, "l_partkey": 156, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 41.0d, "l_extendedprice": 43302.15d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-07-01", "l_commitdate": "1992-06-04", "l_receiptdate": "1992-07-13", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ix requests. bold requests a" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3015, "l_partkey": 156, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 7.0d, "l_extendedprice": 7393.05d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-12-07", "l_commitdate": "1992-12-17", "l_receiptdate": "1992-12-30", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": " after the evenly special packages ca" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3364, "l_partkey": 156, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 10.0d, "l_extendedprice": 10561.5d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-08-10", "l_commitdate": "1997-08-24", "l_receiptdate": "1997-08-15", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "g the accounts. final, busy accounts wi" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4741, "l_partkey": 156, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 24.0d, "l_extendedprice": 25347.6d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-11-04", "l_commitdate": "1992-08-14", "l_receiptdate": "1992-11-06", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "even requests." }
, { "l_orderkey": 4995, "l_partkey": 156, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 22.0d, "l_extendedprice": 23235.3d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-03-17", "l_commitdate": "1996-03-12", "l_receiptdate": "1996-04-01", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "s wake furious, express dependencies." }
, { "l_orderkey": 5093, "l_partkey": 156, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 37.0d, "l_extendedprice": 39077.55d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-10-26", "l_commitdate": "1993-12-02", "l_receiptdate": "1993-10-27", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "courts. qui" }
, { "l_orderkey": 5349, "l_partkey": 156, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 19.0d, "l_extendedprice": 20066.85d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-09-11", "l_commitdate": "1996-11-18", "l_receiptdate": "1996-09-22", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "endencies use whithout the special " }
, { "l_orderkey": 5669, "l_partkey": 156, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 2.0d, "l_extendedprice": 2112.3d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-08-04", "l_commitdate": "1996-06-15", "l_receiptdate": "1996-08-20", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": " blithely excuses. slyly" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 517, "l_partkey": 156, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 15.0d, "l_extendedprice": 15842.25d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-04-09", "l_commitdate": "1997-06-26", "l_receiptdate": "1997-05-01", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": " slyly. express requests ar" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1095, "l_partkey": 156, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 13.0d, "l_extendedprice": 13729.95d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-08-24", "l_commitdate": "1995-10-19", "l_receiptdate": "1995-09-02", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ously even accounts. slyly bold a" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1248, "l_partkey": 156, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 49.0d, "l_extendedprice": 51751.35d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-04-24", "l_commitdate": "1992-02-18", "l_receiptdate": "1992-05-03", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "beans run quickly according to the carefu" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1412, "l_partkey": 156, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 20.0d, "l_extendedprice": 21123.0d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-07-04", "l_commitdate": "1993-05-18", "l_receiptdate": "1993-07-22", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "odolites sleep ironically" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1700, "l_partkey": 156, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 49.0d, "l_extendedprice": 51751.35d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-09-26", "l_commitdate": "1996-07-28", "l_receiptdate": "1996-10-16", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "kly even dependencies haggle fluffi" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1825, "l_partkey": 156, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 43.0d, "l_extendedprice": 45414.45d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-02-18", "l_commitdate": "1994-02-19", "l_receiptdate": "1994-03-02", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": " accounts breach fluffily spe" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2086, "l_partkey": 156, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 7.0d, "l_extendedprice": 7393.05d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-12-27", "l_commitdate": "1994-12-10", "l_receiptdate": "1995-01-05", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": " beans haggle car" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2435, "l_partkey": 156, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 22.0d, "l_extendedprice": 23235.3d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-05-23", "l_commitdate": "1993-04-14", "l_receiptdate": "1993-06-04", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "e final, final deposits. carefully regular" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3488, "l_partkey": 156, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 18.0d, "l_extendedprice": 19010.7d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-03-18", "l_commitdate": "1995-03-19", "l_receiptdate": "1995-03-29", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "s the carefully r" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3492, "l_partkey": 156, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 3.0d, "l_extendedprice": 3168.45d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-11-26", "l_commitdate": "1994-12-28", "l_receiptdate": "1994-12-19", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "the deposits. carefully " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5348, "l_partkey": 156, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 31.0d, "l_extendedprice": 32740.65d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-01-04", "l_commitdate": "1997-12-09", "l_receiptdate": "1998-01-17", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "are finally" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5509, "l_partkey": 156, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 35.0d, "l_extendedprice": 36965.25d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-04-17", "l_commitdate": "1994-06-29", "l_receiptdate": "1994-04-24", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "c accounts. ca" }
, { "l_orderkey": 807, "l_partkey": 155, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 49.0d, "l_extendedprice": 51702.35d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-01-17", "l_commitdate": "1994-01-24", "l_receiptdate": "1994-01-22", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "y regular requests haggle." }
, { "l_orderkey": 1734, "l_partkey": 155, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 38.0d, "l_extendedprice": 40095.7d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-08-09", "l_commitdate": "1994-09-07", "l_receiptdate": "1994-08-12", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ts doubt b" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3808, "l_partkey": 155, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 29.0d, "l_extendedprice": 30599.35d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-06-22", "l_commitdate": "1994-05-26", "l_receiptdate": "1994-07-06", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": " deposits across the pac" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4004, "l_partkey": 155, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 9.0d, "l_extendedprice": 9496.35d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-08-25", "l_commitdate": "1993-06-10", "l_receiptdate": "1993-09-24", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ly ironic requests. quickly pending ide" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4742, "l_partkey": 155, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 29.0d, "l_extendedprice": 30599.35d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-06-15", "l_commitdate": "1995-05-05", "l_receiptdate": "1995-06-24", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "integrate closely among t" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1664, "l_partkey": 155, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 35.0d, "l_extendedprice": 36930.25d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-03-06", "l_commitdate": "1996-05-16", "l_receiptdate": "1996-03-09", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "y regular ide" }
, { "l_orderkey": 2305, "l_partkey": 155, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 26.0d, "l_extendedprice": 27433.9d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-05-14", "l_commitdate": "1993-02-28", "l_receiptdate": "1993-06-04", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "arefully final theodo" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2466, "l_partkey": 155, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 35.0d, "l_extendedprice": 36930.25d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-06-01", "l_commitdate": "1994-05-27", "l_receiptdate": "1994-06-21", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": " packages detect carefully: ironically sl" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5350, "l_partkey": 155, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 7.0d, "l_extendedprice": 7386.05d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-10-19", "l_commitdate": "1993-12-28", "l_receiptdate": "1993-11-04", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "alongside of th" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 707, "l_partkey": 155, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 34.0d, "l_extendedprice": 35875.1d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-12-08", "l_commitdate": "1995-01-15", "l_receiptdate": "1995-01-02", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": " dependencies" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1444, "l_partkey": 155, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 34.0d, "l_extendedprice": 35875.1d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-12-17", "l_commitdate": "1995-01-12", "l_receiptdate": "1995-01-03", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ular accounts " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1638, "l_partkey": 155, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 46.0d, "l_extendedprice": 48536.9d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-08-20", "l_commitdate": "1997-10-10", "l_receiptdate": "1997-09-09", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ckages are carefully even instru" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1956, "l_partkey": 155, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 16.0d, "l_extendedprice": 16882.4d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-09-28", "l_commitdate": "1992-10-21", "l_receiptdate": "1992-09-30", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": " wake after the " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5698, "l_partkey": 155, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 45.0d, "l_extendedprice": 47481.75d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-06-23", "l_commitdate": "1994-08-13", "l_receiptdate": "1994-07-02", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ng excuses. slyly express asymptotes" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5956, "l_partkey": 155, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 10.0d, "l_extendedprice": 10551.5d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-07-27", "l_commitdate": "1998-07-04", "l_receiptdate": "1998-08-21", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ic packages am" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1542, "l_partkey": 155, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 46.0d, "l_extendedprice": 48536.9d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-09-28", "l_commitdate": "1993-11-03", "l_receiptdate": "1993-10-15", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ial instructions. ironically" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2273, "l_partkey": 155, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 16.0d, "l_extendedprice": 16882.4d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-01-10", "l_commitdate": "1997-02-03", "l_receiptdate": "1997-02-01", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "furiously above the ironic requests. " }
, { "l_orderkey": 2436, "l_partkey": 155, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 48.0d, "l_extendedprice": 50647.2d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-10-22", "l_commitdate": "1995-10-22", "l_receiptdate": "1995-11-16", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "he furiously " }
, { "l_orderkey": 3394, "l_partkey": 155, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 33.0d, "l_extendedprice": 34819.95d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-08-07", "l_commitdate": "1996-07-17", "l_receiptdate": "1996-09-02", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ideas alongside of th" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3651, "l_partkey": 155, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 24.0d, "l_extendedprice": 25323.6d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-06-22", "l_commitdate": "1998-07-17", "l_receiptdate": "1998-07-10", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "excuses haggle according to th" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4004, "l_partkey": 155, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 9.0d, "l_extendedprice": 9496.35d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-08-25", "l_commitdate": "1993-06-10", "l_receiptdate": "1993-09-24", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ly ironic requests. quickly pending ide" }
, { "l_orderkey": 4070, "l_partkey": 155, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 40.0d, "l_extendedprice": 42206.0d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-07-13", "l_commitdate": "1995-07-23", "l_receiptdate": "1995-08-06", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "about the sentiments. quick" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5378, "l_partkey": 155, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 39.0d, "l_extendedprice": 41150.85d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-11-25", "l_commitdate": "1992-12-22", "l_receiptdate": "1992-12-02", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ts are quickly around the" }
, { "l_orderkey": 5505, "l_partkey": 155, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 10.0d, "l_extendedprice": 10551.5d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-10-28", "l_commitdate": "1997-11-27", "l_receiptdate": "1997-10-29", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": " furiously special asym" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1638, "l_partkey": 155, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 46.0d, "l_extendedprice": 48536.9d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-08-20", "l_commitdate": "1997-10-10", "l_receiptdate": "1997-09-09", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ckages are carefully even instru" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2273, "l_partkey": 155, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 16.0d, "l_extendedprice": 16882.4d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-01-10", "l_commitdate": "1997-02-03", "l_receiptdate": "1997-02-01", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "furiously above the ironic requests. " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3651, "l_partkey": 155, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 24.0d, "l_extendedprice": 25323.6d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-06-22", "l_commitdate": "1998-07-17", "l_receiptdate": "1998-07-10", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "excuses haggle according to th" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3808, "l_partkey": 155, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 29.0d, "l_extendedprice": 30599.35d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-06-22", "l_commitdate": "1994-05-26", "l_receiptdate": "1994-07-06", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": " deposits across the pac" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4742, "l_partkey": 155, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 29.0d, "l_extendedprice": 30599.35d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-06-15", "l_commitdate": "1995-05-05", "l_receiptdate": "1995-06-24", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "integrate closely among t" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 707, "l_partkey": 155, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 34.0d, "l_extendedprice": 35875.1d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-12-08", "l_commitdate": "1995-01-15", "l_receiptdate": "1995-01-02", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": " dependencies" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1542, "l_partkey": 155, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 46.0d, "l_extendedprice": 48536.9d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-09-28", "l_commitdate": "1993-11-03", "l_receiptdate": "1993-10-15", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ial instructions. ironically" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5698, "l_partkey": 155, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 45.0d, "l_extendedprice": 47481.75d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-06-23", "l_commitdate": "1994-08-13", "l_receiptdate": "1994-07-02", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ng excuses. slyly express asymptotes" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1444, "l_partkey": 155, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 34.0d, "l_extendedprice": 35875.1d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-12-17", "l_commitdate": "1995-01-12", "l_receiptdate": "1995-01-03", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ular accounts " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1664, "l_partkey": 155, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 35.0d, "l_extendedprice": 36930.25d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-03-06", "l_commitdate": "1996-05-16", "l_receiptdate": "1996-03-09", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "y regular ide" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1956, "l_partkey": 155, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 16.0d, "l_extendedprice": 16882.4d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-09-28", "l_commitdate": "1992-10-21", "l_receiptdate": "1992-09-30", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": " wake after the " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2466, "l_partkey": 155, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 35.0d, "l_extendedprice": 36930.25d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-06-01", "l_commitdate": "1994-05-27", "l_receiptdate": "1994-06-21", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": " packages detect carefully: ironically sl" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5350, "l_partkey": 155, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 7.0d, "l_extendedprice": 7386.05d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-10-19", "l_commitdate": "1993-12-28", "l_receiptdate": "1993-11-04", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "alongside of th" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5378, "l_partkey": 155, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 39.0d, "l_extendedprice": 41150.85d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-11-25", "l_commitdate": "1992-12-22", "l_receiptdate": "1992-12-02", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ts are quickly around the" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5956, "l_partkey": 155, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 10.0d, "l_extendedprice": 10551.5d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-07-27", "l_commitdate": "1998-07-04", "l_receiptdate": "1998-08-21", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ic packages am" }
, { "l_orderkey": 608, "l_partkey": 154, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 19.0d, "l_extendedprice": 20028.85d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-04-19", "l_commitdate": "1996-05-02", "l_receiptdate": "1996-05-03", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ideas. the" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1377, "l_partkey": 154, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 5.0d, "l_extendedprice": 5270.75d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-05-06", "l_commitdate": "1998-07-08", "l_receiptdate": "1998-06-01", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": " final, final grouches. accoun" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1377, "l_partkey": 154, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 17.0d, "l_extendedprice": 17920.55d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-06-19", "l_commitdate": "1998-07-20", "l_receiptdate": "1998-07-14", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "s must have to mold b" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1573, "l_partkey": 154, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 30.0d, "l_extendedprice": 31624.5d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-12-29", "l_commitdate": "1993-03-06", "l_receiptdate": "1993-01-02", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": ". blithely even theodolites boos" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2145, "l_partkey": 154, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 6.0d, "l_extendedprice": 6324.9d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-10-10", "l_commitdate": "1992-11-29", "l_receiptdate": "1992-10-14", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "s. fluffily express accounts sleep. slyl" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2626, "l_partkey": 154, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 40.0d, "l_extendedprice": 42166.0d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-09-28", "l_commitdate": "1995-12-03", "l_receiptdate": "1995-10-10", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "eans. ironic deposits haggle. depo" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3168, "l_partkey": 154, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 1.0d, "l_extendedprice": 1054.15d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-05-27", "l_commitdate": "1992-03-12", "l_receiptdate": "1992-06-09", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "pinto beans. slyly regular courts haggle " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3233, "l_partkey": 154, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 6.0d, "l_extendedprice": 6324.9d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-12-06", "l_commitdate": "1994-12-05", "l_receiptdate": "1994-12-07", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "requests are quickly above the slyly p" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3491, "l_partkey": 154, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 28.0d, "l_extendedprice": 29516.2d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-09-29", "l_commitdate": "1998-09-08", "l_receiptdate": "1998-10-23", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ccounts. sly" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3747, "l_partkey": 154, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 14.0d, "l_extendedprice": 14758.1d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-11-03", "l_commitdate": "1996-10-29", "l_receiptdate": "1996-11-06", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "packages cajole carefu" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3937, "l_partkey": 154, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 50.0d, "l_extendedprice": 52707.5d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-01-15", "l_commitdate": "1998-01-09", "l_receiptdate": "1998-02-04", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ong the carefully exp" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4644, "l_partkey": 154, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 45.0d, "l_extendedprice": 47436.75d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-02-02", "l_commitdate": "1998-04-08", "l_receiptdate": "1998-02-15", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": " carefully a" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5571, "l_partkey": 154, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 32.0d, "l_extendedprice": 33732.8d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-12-25", "l_commitdate": "1993-03-01", "l_receiptdate": "1993-01-23", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": " the blithely even packages nag q" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4998, "l_partkey": 154, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 12.0d, "l_extendedprice": 12649.8d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-02-20", "l_commitdate": "1992-03-06", "l_receiptdate": "1992-03-01", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": " sleep slyly furiously final accounts. ins" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5858, "l_partkey": 154, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 7.0d, "l_extendedprice": 7379.05d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-09-14", "l_commitdate": "1992-10-01", "l_receiptdate": "1992-10-01", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "dly pending ac" }
, { "l_orderkey": 292, "l_partkey": 154, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 8.0d, "l_extendedprice": 8433.2d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-02-18", "l_commitdate": "1992-03-30", "l_receiptdate": "1992-03-18", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "sily bold deposits alongside of the ex" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1281, "l_partkey": 154, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 38.0d, "l_extendedprice": 40057.7d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-03-28", "l_commitdate": "1995-01-11", "l_receiptdate": "1995-04-14", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": " ideas-- blithely regular" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2626, "l_partkey": 154, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 40.0d, "l_extendedprice": 42166.0d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-09-28", "l_commitdate": "1995-12-03", "l_receiptdate": "1995-10-10", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "eans. ironic deposits haggle. depo" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3233, "l_partkey": 154, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 6.0d, "l_extendedprice": 6324.9d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-12-06", "l_commitdate": "1994-12-05", "l_receiptdate": "1994-12-07", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "requests are quickly above the slyly p" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3970, "l_partkey": 154, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 10.0d, "l_extendedprice": 10541.5d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-07-01", "l_commitdate": "1992-05-31", "l_receiptdate": "1992-07-02", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": " special packages wake after the final br" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4032, "l_partkey": 154, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 23.0d, "l_extendedprice": 24245.45d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-06-12", "l_commitdate": "1998-05-11", "l_receiptdate": "1998-06-24", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ording to the " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4515, "l_partkey": 154, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 27.0d, "l_extendedprice": 28462.05d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-06-06", "l_commitdate": "1992-06-08", "l_receiptdate": "1992-06-07", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": " against the even re" }
, { "l_orderkey": 5029, "l_partkey": 154, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 17.0d, "l_extendedprice": 17920.55d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-03-12", "l_commitdate": "1992-12-18", "l_receiptdate": "1993-04-02", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "! packages boost blithely. furious" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5538, "l_partkey": 154, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 42.0d, "l_extendedprice": 44274.3d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-04-08", "l_commitdate": "1994-03-17", "l_receiptdate": "1994-05-05", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "vely ironic accounts. furiously unusual acc" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5606, "l_partkey": 154, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 3.0d, "l_extendedprice": 3162.45d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-01-11", "l_commitdate": "1997-01-04", "l_receiptdate": "1997-02-08", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": " sauternes. asympto" }
, { "l_orderkey": 193, "l_partkey": 154, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 15.0d, "l_extendedprice": 15812.25d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-11-22", "l_commitdate": "1993-10-09", "l_receiptdate": "1993-12-05", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ffily. regular packages d" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1377, "l_partkey": 154, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 17.0d, "l_extendedprice": 17920.55d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-06-19", "l_commitdate": "1998-07-20", "l_receiptdate": "1998-07-14", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "s must have to mold b" }
, { "l_orderkey": 1827, "l_partkey": 154, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 48.0d, "l_extendedprice": 50599.2d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-08-28", "l_commitdate": "1996-09-15", "l_receiptdate": "1996-09-01", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "oxes. special, final asymptote" }
, { "l_orderkey": 2849, "l_partkey": 154, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 16.0d, "l_extendedprice": 16866.4d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-05-20", "l_commitdate": "1996-07-23", "l_receiptdate": "1996-06-18", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": ". furiously regular requ" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2852, "l_partkey": 154, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 28.0d, "l_extendedprice": 29516.2d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-02-08", "l_commitdate": "1993-03-30", "l_receiptdate": "1993-02-11", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "e accounts. caref" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3970, "l_partkey": 154, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 10.0d, "l_extendedprice": 10541.5d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-07-01", "l_commitdate": "1992-05-31", "l_receiptdate": "1992-07-02", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": " special packages wake after the final br" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3491, "l_partkey": 154, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 28.0d, "l_extendedprice": 29516.2d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-09-29", "l_commitdate": "1998-09-08", "l_receiptdate": "1998-10-23", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ccounts. sly" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3937, "l_partkey": 154, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 50.0d, "l_extendedprice": 52707.5d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-01-15", "l_commitdate": "1998-01-09", "l_receiptdate": "1998-02-04", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ong the carefully exp" }
, { "l_orderkey": 4324, "l_partkey": 154, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 46.0d, "l_extendedprice": 48490.9d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-11-03", "l_commitdate": "1995-09-28", "l_receiptdate": "1995-11-22", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ular, final theodo" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4515, "l_partkey": 154, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 27.0d, "l_extendedprice": 28462.05d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-06-06", "l_commitdate": "1992-06-08", "l_receiptdate": "1992-06-07", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": " against the even re" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5571, "l_partkey": 154, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 32.0d, "l_extendedprice": 33732.8d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-12-25", "l_commitdate": "1993-03-01", "l_receiptdate": "1993-01-23", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": " the blithely even packages nag q" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1281, "l_partkey": 154, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 38.0d, "l_extendedprice": 40057.7d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-03-28", "l_commitdate": "1995-01-11", "l_receiptdate": "1995-04-14", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": " ideas-- blithely regular" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1377, "l_partkey": 154, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 5.0d, "l_extendedprice": 5270.75d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-05-06", "l_commitdate": "1998-07-08", "l_receiptdate": "1998-06-01", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": " final, final grouches. accoun" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1573, "l_partkey": 154, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 30.0d, "l_extendedprice": 31624.5d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-12-29", "l_commitdate": "1993-03-06", "l_receiptdate": "1993-01-02", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": ". blithely even theodolites boos" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2145, "l_partkey": 154, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 6.0d, "l_extendedprice": 6324.9d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-10-10", "l_commitdate": "1992-11-29", "l_receiptdate": "1992-10-14", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "s. fluffily express accounts sleep. slyl" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2852, "l_partkey": 154, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 28.0d, "l_extendedprice": 29516.2d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-02-08", "l_commitdate": "1993-03-30", "l_receiptdate": "1993-02-11", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "e accounts. caref" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3168, "l_partkey": 154, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 1.0d, "l_extendedprice": 1054.15d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-05-27", "l_commitdate": "1992-03-12", "l_receiptdate": "1992-06-09", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "pinto beans. slyly regular courts haggle " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3747, "l_partkey": 154, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 14.0d, "l_extendedprice": 14758.1d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-11-03", "l_commitdate": "1996-10-29", "l_receiptdate": "1996-11-06", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "packages cajole carefu" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4644, "l_partkey": 154, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 45.0d, "l_extendedprice": 47436.75d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-02-02", "l_commitdate": "1998-04-08", "l_receiptdate": "1998-02-15", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": " carefully a" }
, { "l_orderkey": 4805, "l_partkey": 154, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 44.0d, "l_extendedprice": 46382.6d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-05-14", "l_commitdate": "1992-06-23", "l_receiptdate": "1992-05-25", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "eposits sleep furiously qui" }
, { "l_orderkey": 5031, "l_partkey": 154, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 4.0d, "l_extendedprice": 4216.6d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-12-26", "l_commitdate": "1995-02-24", "l_receiptdate": "1995-01-11", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "after the even frays: ironic, unusual th" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4032, "l_partkey": 154, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 23.0d, "l_extendedprice": 24245.45d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-06-12", "l_commitdate": "1998-05-11", "l_receiptdate": "1998-06-24", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ording to the " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4998, "l_partkey": 154, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 12.0d, "l_extendedprice": 12649.8d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-02-20", "l_commitdate": "1992-03-06", "l_receiptdate": "1992-03-01", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": " sleep slyly furiously final accounts. ins" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5606, "l_partkey": 154, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 3.0d, "l_extendedprice": 3162.45d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-01-11", "l_commitdate": "1997-01-04", "l_receiptdate": "1997-02-08", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": " sauternes. asympto" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5858, "l_partkey": 154, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 7.0d, "l_extendedprice": 7379.05d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-09-14", "l_commitdate": "1992-10-01", "l_receiptdate": "1992-10-01", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "dly pending ac" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 387, "l_partkey": 153, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 42.0d, "l_extendedprice": 44232.3d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-05-25", "l_commitdate": "1997-02-25", "l_receiptdate": "1997-05-29", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "lithely final theodolites." }
-, { "l_orderkey": 450, "l_partkey": 153, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 33.0d, "l_extendedprice": 34753.95d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-05-18", "l_commitdate": "1995-05-22", "l_receiptdate": "1995-05-23", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ily carefully final depo" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5538, "l_partkey": 154, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 42.0d, "l_extendedprice": 44274.3d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-04-08", "l_commitdate": "1994-03-17", "l_receiptdate": "1994-05-05", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "vely ironic accounts. furiously unusual acc" }
, { "l_orderkey": 2694, "l_partkey": 153, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 30.0d, "l_extendedprice": 31594.5d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-06-20", "l_commitdate": "1996-06-01", "l_receiptdate": "1996-07-15", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "oxes. never iro" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3717, "l_partkey": 153, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 45.0d, "l_extendedprice": 47391.75d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-08-09", "l_commitdate": "1998-08-18", "l_receiptdate": "1998-08-14", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ests wake whithout the blithely final pl" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4389, "l_partkey": 153, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 13.0d, "l_extendedprice": 13690.95d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-08-18", "l_commitdate": "1994-06-06", "l_receiptdate": "1994-08-20", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "nal, regula" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 548, "l_partkey": 153, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 32.0d, "l_extendedprice": 33700.8d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-12-16", "l_commitdate": "1994-11-20", "l_receiptdate": "1994-12-29", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "c instruction" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 647, "l_partkey": 153, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 15.0d, "l_extendedprice": 15797.25d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-09-23", "l_commitdate": "1997-10-09", "l_receiptdate": "1997-10-21", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ve the even, bold foxes sleep " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1347, "l_partkey": 153, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 21.0d, "l_extendedprice": 22116.15d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-10-10", "l_commitdate": "1997-08-16", "l_receiptdate": "1997-11-02", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "g pinto beans affix car" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1636, "l_partkey": 153, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 43.0d, "l_extendedprice": 45285.45d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-08-23", "l_commitdate": "1997-08-10", "l_receiptdate": "1997-09-17", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "blithely special r" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2276, "l_partkey": 153, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 50.0d, "l_extendedprice": 52657.5d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-07-13", "l_commitdate": "1996-06-25", "l_receiptdate": "1996-07-22", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": " accounts dete" }
, { "l_orderkey": 2819, "l_partkey": 153, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 5.0d, "l_extendedprice": 5265.75d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-05-29", "l_commitdate": "1994-06-12", "l_receiptdate": "1994-06-28", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": " fluffily unusual foxes sleep caref" }
, { "l_orderkey": 3591, "l_partkey": 153, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 49.0d, "l_extendedprice": 51604.35d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-03-21", "l_commitdate": "1994-01-26", "l_receiptdate": "1994-03-28", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": " mold slyly. bl" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3717, "l_partkey": 153, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 45.0d, "l_extendedprice": 47391.75d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-08-09", "l_commitdate": "1998-08-18", "l_receiptdate": "1998-08-14", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ests wake whithout the blithely final pl" }
, { "l_orderkey": 3906, "l_partkey": 153, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 42.0d, "l_extendedprice": 44232.3d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-09-03", "l_commitdate": "1992-07-22", "l_receiptdate": "1992-09-04", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "jole blithely after the furiously regular " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3910, "l_partkey": 153, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 1.0d, "l_extendedprice": 1053.15d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-09-12", "l_commitdate": "1996-10-21", "l_receiptdate": "1996-09-19", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "s sleep neve" }
, { "l_orderkey": 4999, "l_partkey": 153, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 30.0d, "l_extendedprice": 31594.5d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-08-20", "l_commitdate": "1993-08-15", "l_receiptdate": "1993-08-30", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ades cajole carefully unusual ide" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5415, "l_partkey": 153, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 11.0d, "l_extendedprice": 11584.65d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-08-21", "l_commitdate": "1992-09-04", "l_receiptdate": "1992-08-23", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "unts maintain carefully unusual" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5767, "l_partkey": 153, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 34.0d, "l_extendedprice": 35807.1d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-06-02", "l_commitdate": "1992-06-23", "l_receiptdate": "1992-06-17", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "sits among the" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 386, "l_partkey": 153, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 39.0d, "l_extendedprice": 41072.85d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-05-10", "l_commitdate": "1995-02-28", "l_receiptdate": "1995-05-25", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "hely. carefully regular accounts hag" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5184, "l_partkey": 153, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 33.0d, "l_extendedprice": 34753.95d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-08-17", "l_commitdate": "1998-10-16", "l_receiptdate": "1998-08-24", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "posits. carefully express asympto" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 387, "l_partkey": 153, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 42.0d, "l_extendedprice": 44232.3d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-05-25", "l_commitdate": "1997-02-25", "l_receiptdate": "1997-05-29", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "lithely final theodolites." }
, { "l_orderkey": 419, "l_partkey": 153, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 33.0d, "l_extendedprice": 34753.95d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-11-06", "l_commitdate": "1996-12-25", "l_receiptdate": "1996-11-20", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "y above the bli" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 450, "l_partkey": 153, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 33.0d, "l_extendedprice": 34753.95d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-05-18", "l_commitdate": "1995-05-22", "l_receiptdate": "1995-05-23", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ily carefully final depo" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 548, "l_partkey": 153, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 32.0d, "l_extendedprice": 33700.8d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-12-16", "l_commitdate": "1994-11-20", "l_receiptdate": "1994-12-29", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "c instruction" }
, { "l_orderkey": 1092, "l_partkey": 153, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 1.0d, "l_extendedprice": 1053.15d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-03-10", "l_commitdate": "1995-04-21", "l_receiptdate": "1995-04-06", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "lent, pending requests-- requests nag accor" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1636, "l_partkey": 153, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 43.0d, "l_extendedprice": 45285.45d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-08-23", "l_commitdate": "1997-08-10", "l_receiptdate": "1997-09-17", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "blithely special r" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4359, "l_partkey": 153, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 8.0d, "l_extendedprice": 8425.2d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-06-27", "l_commitdate": "1993-05-16", "l_receiptdate": "1993-07-04", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "packages affix. fluffily regular f" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4389, "l_partkey": 153, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 13.0d, "l_extendedprice": 13690.95d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-08-18", "l_commitdate": "1994-06-06", "l_receiptdate": "1994-08-20", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "nal, regula" }
, { "l_orderkey": 4422, "l_partkey": 153, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 4.0d, "l_extendedprice": 4212.6d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-09-18", "l_commitdate": "1995-08-12", "l_receiptdate": "1995-10-18", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "cies along the bo" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4455, "l_partkey": 153, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 47.0d, "l_extendedprice": 49498.05d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-01-01", "l_commitdate": "1993-12-25", "l_receiptdate": "1994-01-05", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": " requests. even, even accou" }
, { "l_orderkey": 4775, "l_partkey": 153, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 37.0d, "l_extendedprice": 38966.55d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-09-06", "l_commitdate": "1995-09-28", "l_receiptdate": "1995-09-28", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ts. pinto beans use according to th" }
, { "l_orderkey": 5382, "l_partkey": 153, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 34.0d, "l_extendedprice": 35807.1d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-02-22", "l_commitdate": "1992-02-18", "l_receiptdate": "1992-03-02", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "gular accounts. even accounts integrate" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5767, "l_partkey": 153, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 34.0d, "l_extendedprice": 35807.1d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-06-02", "l_commitdate": "1992-06-23", "l_receiptdate": "1992-06-17", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "sits among the" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 322, "l_partkey": 153, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 12.0d, "l_extendedprice": 12637.8d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-06-29", "l_commitdate": "1992-05-30", "l_receiptdate": "1992-07-11", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ular theodolites promise qu" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 386, "l_partkey": 153, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 39.0d, "l_extendedprice": 41072.85d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-05-10", "l_commitdate": "1995-02-28", "l_receiptdate": "1995-05-25", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "hely. carefully regular accounts hag" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3782, "l_partkey": 153, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 10.0d, "l_extendedprice": 10531.5d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-09-07", "l_commitdate": "1996-11-19", "l_receiptdate": "1996-10-04", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ven pinto b" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4354, "l_partkey": 153, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 23.0d, "l_extendedprice": 24222.45d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-11-20", "l_commitdate": "1994-12-23", "l_receiptdate": "1994-11-27", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "kly along the ironic, ent" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4740, "l_partkey": 153, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 24.0d, "l_extendedprice": 25275.6d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-09-10", "l_commitdate": "1996-09-27", "l_receiptdate": "1996-10-07", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "hely regular deposits" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5415, "l_partkey": 153, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 11.0d, "l_extendedprice": 11584.65d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-08-21", "l_commitdate": "1992-09-04", "l_receiptdate": "1992-08-23", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "unts maintain carefully unusual" }
, { "l_orderkey": 5856, "l_partkey": 153, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 39.0d, "l_extendedprice": 41072.85d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-01-18", "l_commitdate": "1995-01-11", "l_receiptdate": "1995-01-19", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "uickly quickly fluffy in" }
, { "l_orderkey": 5859, "l_partkey": 153, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 35.0d, "l_extendedprice": 36860.25d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-05-28", "l_commitdate": "1997-07-14", "l_receiptdate": "1997-06-15", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "egular acco" }
, { "l_orderkey": 5958, "l_partkey": 153, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 42.0d, "l_extendedprice": 44232.3d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-12-12", "l_commitdate": "1995-10-19", "l_receiptdate": "1996-01-09", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "n accounts. final, ironic packages " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 322, "l_partkey": 153, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 12.0d, "l_extendedprice": 12637.8d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-06-29", "l_commitdate": "1992-05-30", "l_receiptdate": "1992-07-11", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ular theodolites promise qu" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 647, "l_partkey": 153, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 15.0d, "l_extendedprice": 15797.25d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-09-23", "l_commitdate": "1997-10-09", "l_receiptdate": "1997-10-21", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ve the even, bold foxes sleep " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1347, "l_partkey": 153, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 21.0d, "l_extendedprice": 22116.15d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-10-10", "l_commitdate": "1997-08-16", "l_receiptdate": "1997-11-02", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "g pinto beans affix car" }
, { "l_orderkey": 1829, "l_partkey": 153, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 14.0d, "l_extendedprice": 14744.1d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-08-15", "l_commitdate": "1994-06-08", "l_receiptdate": "1994-08-30", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "regular deposits alongside of the flu" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3782, "l_partkey": 153, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 10.0d, "l_extendedprice": 10531.5d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-09-07", "l_commitdate": "1996-11-19", "l_receiptdate": "1996-10-04", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ven pinto b" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4354, "l_partkey": 153, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 23.0d, "l_extendedprice": 24222.45d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-11-20", "l_commitdate": "1994-12-23", "l_receiptdate": "1994-11-27", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "kly along the ironic, ent" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4359, "l_partkey": 153, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 8.0d, "l_extendedprice": 8425.2d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-06-27", "l_commitdate": "1993-05-16", "l_receiptdate": "1993-07-04", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "packages affix. fluffily regular f" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4740, "l_partkey": 153, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 24.0d, "l_extendedprice": 25275.6d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-09-10", "l_commitdate": "1996-09-27", "l_receiptdate": "1996-10-07", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "hely regular deposits" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2276, "l_partkey": 153, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 50.0d, "l_extendedprice": 52657.5d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-07-13", "l_commitdate": "1996-06-25", "l_receiptdate": "1996-07-22", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": " accounts dete" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3910, "l_partkey": 153, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 1.0d, "l_extendedprice": 1053.15d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-09-12", "l_commitdate": "1996-10-21", "l_receiptdate": "1996-09-19", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "s sleep neve" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4455, "l_partkey": 153, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 47.0d, "l_extendedprice": 49498.05d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-01-01", "l_commitdate": "1993-12-25", "l_receiptdate": "1994-01-05", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": " requests. even, even accou" }
, { "l_orderkey": 4775, "l_partkey": 153, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 34.0d, "l_extendedprice": 35807.1d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-09-14", "l_commitdate": "1995-10-15", "l_receiptdate": "1995-09-21", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "onic epitaphs. f" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5184, "l_partkey": 153, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 33.0d, "l_extendedprice": 34753.95d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-08-17", "l_commitdate": "1998-10-16", "l_receiptdate": "1998-08-24", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "posits. carefully express asympto" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 422, "l_partkey": 152, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 25.0d, "l_extendedprice": 26303.75d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-07-01", "l_commitdate": "1997-08-17", "l_receiptdate": "1997-07-09", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "carefully bold theodolit" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 928, "l_partkey": 152, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 46.0d, "l_extendedprice": 48398.9d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-05-09", "l_commitdate": "1995-04-09", "l_receiptdate": "1995-06-01", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": " beans sleep against the carefully ir" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1954, "l_partkey": 152, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 31.0d, "l_extendedprice": 32616.65d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-08-18", "l_commitdate": "1997-07-07", "l_receiptdate": "1997-09-03", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "against the packages. bold, ironic e" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3619, "l_partkey": 152, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 43.0d, "l_extendedprice": 45242.45d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-01-25", "l_commitdate": "1997-01-06", "l_receiptdate": "1997-02-07", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": " bold, even" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3878, "l_partkey": 152, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 20.0d, "l_extendedprice": 21043.0d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-07-13", "l_commitdate": "1997-05-22", "l_receiptdate": "1997-07-20", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "about the carefully ironic pa" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4230, "l_partkey": 152, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 18.0d, "l_extendedprice": 18938.7d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-06-23", "l_commitdate": "1992-05-10", "l_receiptdate": "1992-07-04", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": " the final acco" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 7, "l_partkey": 152, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 38.0d, "l_extendedprice": 39981.7d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-02-11", "l_commitdate": "1996-02-24", "l_receiptdate": "1996-02-18", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ns haggle carefully ironic deposits. bl" }
, { "l_orderkey": 4454, "l_partkey": 152, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 22.0d, "l_extendedprice": 23147.3d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-02-06", "l_commitdate": "1994-04-11", "l_receiptdate": "1994-03-06", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ully. carefully final accounts accordi" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4871, "l_partkey": 152, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 10.0d, "l_extendedprice": 10521.5d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-09-12", "l_commitdate": "1995-09-02", "l_receiptdate": "1995-10-05", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "s integrate after the a" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5159, "l_partkey": 152, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 22.0d, "l_extendedprice": 23147.3d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-11-06", "l_commitdate": "1996-11-04", "l_receiptdate": "1996-11-15", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "he furiously sile" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 928, "l_partkey": 152, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 46.0d, "l_extendedprice": 48398.9d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-05-09", "l_commitdate": "1995-04-09", "l_receiptdate": "1995-06-01", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": " beans sleep against the carefully ir" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1281, "l_partkey": 152, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 13.0d, "l_extendedprice": 13677.95d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-02-06", "l_commitdate": "1995-02-13", "l_receiptdate": "1995-02-18", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "fully final platelets wa" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1889, "l_partkey": 152, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 41.0d, "l_extendedprice": 43138.15d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-06-15", "l_commitdate": "1997-05-10", "l_receiptdate": "1997-07-08", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "s! furiously pending r" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1954, "l_partkey": 152, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 31.0d, "l_extendedprice": 32616.65d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-08-18", "l_commitdate": "1997-07-07", "l_receiptdate": "1997-09-03", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "against the packages. bold, ironic e" }
, { "l_orderkey": 2050, "l_partkey": 152, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 48.0d, "l_extendedprice": 50503.2d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-09-30", "l_commitdate": "1994-08-23", "l_receiptdate": "1994-10-29", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": " final packages. pinto" }
, { "l_orderkey": 2402, "l_partkey": 152, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 24.0d, "l_extendedprice": 25251.6d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-11-21", "l_commitdate": "1996-10-19", "l_receiptdate": "1996-11-29", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "as; blithely ironic requ" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3207, "l_partkey": 152, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 17.0d, "l_extendedprice": 17886.55d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-03-27", "l_commitdate": "1998-04-06", "l_receiptdate": "1998-03-28", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "eep against the instructions. gifts hag" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3619, "l_partkey": 152, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 43.0d, "l_extendedprice": 45242.45d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-01-25", "l_commitdate": "1997-01-06", "l_receiptdate": "1997-02-07", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": " bold, even" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3841, "l_partkey": 152, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 40.0d, "l_extendedprice": 42086.0d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-02-02", "l_commitdate": "1994-11-30", "l_receiptdate": "1995-02-14", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "its. quickly regular ideas nag carefully" }
, { "l_orderkey": 4327, "l_partkey": 152, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 10.0d, "l_extendedprice": 10521.5d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-04-28", "l_commitdate": "1995-06-11", "l_receiptdate": "1995-05-07", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "arefully sile" }
, { "l_orderkey": 4390, "l_partkey": 152, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 35.0d, "l_extendedprice": 36825.25d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-05-30", "l_commitdate": "1995-07-02", "l_receiptdate": "1995-06-15", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ongside of the slyly regular ideas" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5159, "l_partkey": 152, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 22.0d, "l_extendedprice": 23147.3d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-11-06", "l_commitdate": "1996-11-04", "l_receiptdate": "1996-11-15", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "he furiously sile" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 449, "l_partkey": 152, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 12.0d, "l_extendedprice": 12625.8d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-11-06", "l_commitdate": "1995-08-25", "l_receiptdate": "1995-11-18", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ly. blithely ironic " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 896, "l_partkey": 152, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 11.0d, "l_extendedprice": 11573.65d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-05-19", "l_commitdate": "1993-05-22", "l_receiptdate": "1993-06-08", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "the multipliers sleep" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 962, "l_partkey": 152, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 12.0d, "l_extendedprice": 12625.8d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-06-09", "l_commitdate": "1994-06-07", "l_receiptdate": "1994-06-11", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "across the furiously regular escapades daz" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1889, "l_partkey": 152, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 41.0d, "l_extendedprice": 43138.15d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-06-15", "l_commitdate": "1997-05-10", "l_receiptdate": "1997-07-08", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "s! furiously pending r" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2368, "l_partkey": 152, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 16.0d, "l_extendedprice": 16834.4d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-10-31", "l_commitdate": "1993-10-22", "l_receiptdate": "1993-11-06", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "telets wake carefully iro" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3750, "l_partkey": 152, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 33.0d, "l_extendedprice": 34720.95d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-06-27", "l_commitdate": "1995-06-20", "l_receiptdate": "1995-07-03", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "theodolites haggle. slyly pendin" }
, { "l_orderkey": 4832, "l_partkey": 152, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 10.0d, "l_extendedprice": 10521.5d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-01-08", "l_commitdate": "1998-02-01", "l_receiptdate": "1998-01-11", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ly. blithely bold pinto beans should have" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 7, "l_partkey": 152, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 38.0d, "l_extendedprice": 39981.7d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-02-11", "l_commitdate": "1996-02-24", "l_receiptdate": "1996-02-18", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ns haggle carefully ironic deposits. bl" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1281, "l_partkey": 152, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 13.0d, "l_extendedprice": 13677.95d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-02-06", "l_commitdate": "1995-02-13", "l_receiptdate": "1995-02-18", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "fully final platelets wa" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 449, "l_partkey": 152, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 12.0d, "l_extendedprice": 12625.8d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-11-06", "l_commitdate": "1995-08-25", "l_receiptdate": "1995-11-18", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ly. blithely ironic " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 962, "l_partkey": 152, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 12.0d, "l_extendedprice": 12625.8d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-06-09", "l_commitdate": "1994-06-07", "l_receiptdate": "1994-06-11", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "across the furiously regular escapades daz" }
, { "l_orderkey": 1732, "l_partkey": 152, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 9.0d, "l_extendedprice": 9469.35d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-02-25", "l_commitdate": "1994-01-29", "l_receiptdate": "1994-03-16", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ular platelets. deposits wak" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2368, "l_partkey": 152, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 16.0d, "l_extendedprice": 16834.4d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-10-31", "l_commitdate": "1993-10-22", "l_receiptdate": "1993-11-06", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "telets wake carefully iro" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3207, "l_partkey": 152, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 17.0d, "l_extendedprice": 17886.55d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-03-27", "l_commitdate": "1998-04-06", "l_receiptdate": "1998-03-28", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "eep against the instructions. gifts hag" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3750, "l_partkey": 152, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 33.0d, "l_extendedprice": 34720.95d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-06-27", "l_commitdate": "1995-06-20", "l_receiptdate": "1995-07-03", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "theodolites haggle. slyly pendin" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3878, "l_partkey": 152, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 20.0d, "l_extendedprice": 21043.0d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-07-13", "l_commitdate": "1997-05-22", "l_receiptdate": "1997-07-20", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "about the carefully ironic pa" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4230, "l_partkey": 152, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 18.0d, "l_extendedprice": 18938.7d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-06-23", "l_commitdate": "1992-05-10", "l_receiptdate": "1992-07-04", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": " the final acco" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4871, "l_partkey": 152, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 10.0d, "l_extendedprice": 10521.5d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-09-12", "l_commitdate": "1995-09-02", "l_receiptdate": "1995-10-05", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "s integrate after the a" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 422, "l_partkey": 152, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 25.0d, "l_extendedprice": 26303.75d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-07-01", "l_commitdate": "1997-08-17", "l_receiptdate": "1997-07-09", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "carefully bold theodolit" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 896, "l_partkey": 152, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 11.0d, "l_extendedprice": 11573.65d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-05-19", "l_commitdate": "1993-05-22", "l_receiptdate": "1993-06-08", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "the multipliers sleep" }
, { "l_orderkey": 2403, "l_partkey": 152, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 19.0d, "l_extendedprice": 19990.85d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-04-20", "l_commitdate": "1998-07-02", "l_receiptdate": "1998-05-13", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "sits. ironic in" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3841, "l_partkey": 152, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 40.0d, "l_extendedprice": 42086.0d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-02-02", "l_commitdate": "1994-11-30", "l_receiptdate": "1995-02-14", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "its. quickly regular ideas nag carefully" }
, { "l_orderkey": 5765, "l_partkey": 152, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 46.0d, "l_extendedprice": 48398.9d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-03-13", "l_commitdate": "1995-02-12", "l_receiptdate": "1995-03-20", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ccounts sleep about th" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5605, "l_partkey": 151, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 7.0d, "l_extendedprice": 7358.05d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-12-13", "l_commitdate": "1996-10-13", "l_receiptdate": "1996-12-15", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "lowly special courts nag among the furi" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5730, "l_partkey": 151, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 2.0d, "l_extendedprice": 2102.3d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-02-24", "l_commitdate": "1998-03-15", "l_receiptdate": "1998-03-11", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ely ironic foxes. carefu" }
, { "l_orderkey": 224, "l_partkey": 151, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 16.0d, "l_extendedprice": 16818.4d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-08-01", "l_commitdate": "1994-07-30", "l_receiptdate": "1994-08-27", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "y unusual foxes " }
, { "l_orderkey": 519, "l_partkey": 151, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 3.0d, "l_extendedprice": 3153.45d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-02-01", "l_commitdate": "1998-01-25", "l_receiptdate": "1998-02-27", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "erve blithely blithely ironic asymp" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1248, "l_partkey": 151, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 37.0d, "l_extendedprice": 38892.55d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-01-26", "l_commitdate": "1992-02-05", "l_receiptdate": "1992-02-13", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": ". final requests integrate quickly. blit" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2727, "l_partkey": 151, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 3.0d, "l_extendedprice": 3153.45d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-06-18", "l_commitdate": "1998-06-06", "l_receiptdate": "1998-06-23", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": " the carefully regular foxes u" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2822, "l_partkey": 151, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 39.0d, "l_extendedprice": 40994.85d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-09-11", "l_commitdate": "1993-08-29", "l_receiptdate": "1993-09-18", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "kly about the sly" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3587, "l_partkey": 151, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 36.0d, "l_extendedprice": 37841.4d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-07-26", "l_commitdate": "1996-06-16", "l_receiptdate": "1996-08-23", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ully regular excuse" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 773, "l_partkey": 151, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 39.0d, "l_extendedprice": 40994.85d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-01-04", "l_commitdate": "1993-12-23", "l_receiptdate": "1994-01-26", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "quickly eve" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3365, "l_partkey": 151, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 37.0d, "l_extendedprice": 38892.55d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-12-22", "l_commitdate": "1995-02-07", "l_receiptdate": "1995-01-20", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "requests. quickly pending instructions a" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3969, "l_partkey": 151, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 21.0d, "l_extendedprice": 22074.15d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-08-31", "l_commitdate": "1997-07-16", "l_receiptdate": "1997-09-02", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "unts doze quickly final reque" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4256, "l_partkey": 151, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 22.0d, "l_extendedprice": 23125.3d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-07-30", "l_commitdate": "1992-05-14", "l_receiptdate": "1992-08-14", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": ", final platelets are slyly final pint" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4931, "l_partkey": 151, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 8.0d, "l_extendedprice": 8409.2d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-12-15", "l_commitdate": "1995-01-14", "l_receiptdate": "1995-01-06", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ts boost. packages wake sly" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5222, "l_partkey": 151, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 1.0d, "l_extendedprice": 1051.15d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-08-19", "l_commitdate": "1994-07-16", "l_receiptdate": "1994-09-08", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "idle requests. carefully pending pinto bean" }
, { "l_orderkey": 579, "l_partkey": 151, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 9.0d, "l_extendedprice": 9460.35d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-06-20", "l_commitdate": "1998-04-28", "l_receiptdate": "1998-07-19", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "e ironic, express deposits are furiously" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1089, "l_partkey": 151, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 47.0d, "l_extendedprice": 49404.05d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-06-26", "l_commitdate": "1996-06-25", "l_receiptdate": "1996-07-11", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "aggle furiously among the bravely eve" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1122, "l_partkey": 151, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 15.0d, "l_extendedprice": 15767.25d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-04-15", "l_commitdate": "1997-03-15", "l_receiptdate": "1997-05-07", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "olve blithely regular, " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1664, "l_partkey": 151, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 10.0d, "l_extendedprice": 10511.5d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-04-10", "l_commitdate": "1996-05-13", "l_receiptdate": "1996-05-07", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "instructions up the acc" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3014, "l_partkey": 151, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 48.0d, "l_extendedprice": 50455.2d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-12-19", "l_commitdate": "1993-01-08", "l_receiptdate": "1992-12-25", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "y pending theodolites wake. reg" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3462, "l_partkey": 151, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 4.0d, "l_extendedprice": 4204.6d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-06-12", "l_commitdate": "1997-07-31", "l_receiptdate": "1997-06-16", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ackages. fu" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5093, "l_partkey": 151, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 31.0d, "l_extendedprice": 32585.65d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-09-22", "l_commitdate": "1993-11-14", "l_receiptdate": "1993-09-26", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": " against the" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5730, "l_partkey": 151, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 2.0d, "l_extendedprice": 2102.3d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-02-24", "l_commitdate": "1998-03-15", "l_receiptdate": "1998-03-11", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ely ironic foxes. carefu" }
, { "l_orderkey": 1061, "l_partkey": 151, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 7.0d, "l_extendedprice": 7358.05d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-08-09", "l_commitdate": "1998-08-12", "l_receiptdate": "1998-08-16", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "es are slyly expr" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3014, "l_partkey": 151, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 48.0d, "l_extendedprice": 50455.2d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-12-19", "l_commitdate": "1993-01-08", "l_receiptdate": "1992-12-25", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "y pending theodolites wake. reg" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3969, "l_partkey": 151, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 21.0d, "l_extendedprice": 22074.15d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-08-31", "l_commitdate": "1997-07-16", "l_receiptdate": "1997-09-02", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "unts doze quickly final reque" }
, { "l_orderkey": 4454, "l_partkey": 151, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 20.0d, "l_extendedprice": 21023.0d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-05-06", "l_commitdate": "1994-03-17", "l_receiptdate": "1994-05-20", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "lar theodolites. even instructio" }
, { "l_orderkey": 5537, "l_partkey": 151, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 39.0d, "l_extendedprice": 40994.85d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-12-17", "l_commitdate": "1996-11-08", "l_receiptdate": "1997-01-15", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": " slyly bold packages are. qu" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5605, "l_partkey": 151, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 7.0d, "l_extendedprice": 7358.05d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-12-13", "l_commitdate": "1996-10-13", "l_receiptdate": "1996-12-15", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "lowly special courts nag among the furi" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1025, "l_partkey": 150, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 36.0d, "l_extendedprice": 37805.4d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-05-15", "l_commitdate": "1995-07-05", "l_receiptdate": "1995-06-10", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "e unusual, regular instr" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 773, "l_partkey": 151, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 39.0d, "l_extendedprice": 40994.85d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-01-04", "l_commitdate": "1993-12-23", "l_receiptdate": "1994-01-26", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "quickly eve" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1122, "l_partkey": 151, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 15.0d, "l_extendedprice": 15767.25d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-04-15", "l_commitdate": "1997-03-15", "l_receiptdate": "1997-05-07", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "olve blithely regular, " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4931, "l_partkey": 151, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 8.0d, "l_extendedprice": 8409.2d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-12-15", "l_commitdate": "1995-01-14", "l_receiptdate": "1995-01-06", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ts boost. packages wake sly" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5093, "l_partkey": 151, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 31.0d, "l_extendedprice": 32585.65d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-09-22", "l_commitdate": "1993-11-14", "l_receiptdate": "1993-09-26", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": " against the" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5222, "l_partkey": 151, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 1.0d, "l_extendedprice": 1051.15d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-08-19", "l_commitdate": "1994-07-16", "l_receiptdate": "1994-09-08", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "idle requests. carefully pending pinto bean" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1089, "l_partkey": 151, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 47.0d, "l_extendedprice": 49404.05d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-06-26", "l_commitdate": "1996-06-25", "l_receiptdate": "1996-07-11", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "aggle furiously among the bravely eve" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1248, "l_partkey": 151, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 37.0d, "l_extendedprice": 38892.55d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-01-26", "l_commitdate": "1992-02-05", "l_receiptdate": "1992-02-13", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": ". final requests integrate quickly. blit" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1664, "l_partkey": 151, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 10.0d, "l_extendedprice": 10511.5d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-04-10", "l_commitdate": "1996-05-13", "l_receiptdate": "1996-05-07", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "instructions up the acc" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2727, "l_partkey": 151, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 3.0d, "l_extendedprice": 3153.45d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-06-18", "l_commitdate": "1998-06-06", "l_receiptdate": "1998-06-23", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": " the carefully regular foxes u" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2822, "l_partkey": 151, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 39.0d, "l_extendedprice": 40994.85d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-09-11", "l_commitdate": "1993-08-29", "l_receiptdate": "1993-09-18", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "kly about the sly" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3365, "l_partkey": 151, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 37.0d, "l_extendedprice": 38892.55d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-12-22", "l_commitdate": "1995-02-07", "l_receiptdate": "1995-01-20", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "requests. quickly pending instructions a" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3462, "l_partkey": 151, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 4.0d, "l_extendedprice": 4204.6d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-06-12", "l_commitdate": "1997-07-31", "l_receiptdate": "1997-06-16", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ackages. fu" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3587, "l_partkey": 151, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 36.0d, "l_extendedprice": 37841.4d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-07-26", "l_commitdate": "1996-06-16", "l_receiptdate": "1996-08-23", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ully regular excuse" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4256, "l_partkey": 151, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 22.0d, "l_extendedprice": 23125.3d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-07-30", "l_commitdate": "1992-05-14", "l_receiptdate": "1992-08-14", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": ", final platelets are slyly final pint" }
, { "l_orderkey": 2499, "l_partkey": 150, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 15.0d, "l_extendedprice": 15752.25d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-12-21", "l_commitdate": "1995-12-06", "l_receiptdate": "1996-01-19", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": " slyly across the slyly" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2561, "l_partkey": 150, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 2.0d, "l_extendedprice": 2100.3d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-03-14", "l_commitdate": "1998-01-21", "l_receiptdate": "1998-03-27", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "s are. silently silent foxes sleep about" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4550, "l_partkey": 150, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 9.0d, "l_extendedprice": 9451.35d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-04-19", "l_commitdate": "1995-02-07", "l_receiptdate": "1995-04-24", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "l dependencies boost slyly after th" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4711, "l_partkey": 150, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 22.0d, "l_extendedprice": 23103.3d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-06-21", "l_commitdate": "1998-06-18", "l_receiptdate": "1998-07-19", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "along the quickly careful packages. bli" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4805, "l_partkey": 150, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 7.0d, "l_extendedprice": 7351.05d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-05-01", "l_commitdate": "1992-07-09", "l_receiptdate": "1992-05-09", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": " requests. regular deposit" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4931, "l_partkey": 150, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 25.0d, "l_extendedprice": 26253.75d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-12-19", "l_commitdate": "1995-01-05", "l_receiptdate": "1994-12-21", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "aggle bravely according to the quic" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4773, "l_partkey": 150, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 20.0d, "l_extendedprice": 21003.0d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-12-28", "l_commitdate": "1996-02-17", "l_receiptdate": "1996-01-15", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": " blithely final deposits nag after t" }
, { "l_orderkey": 5157, "l_partkey": 150, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 26.0d, "l_extendedprice": 27303.9d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-07-28", "l_commitdate": "1997-08-22", "l_receiptdate": "1997-08-22", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "nto beans cajole car" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5253, "l_partkey": 150, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 38.0d, "l_extendedprice": 39905.7d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-08-03", "l_commitdate": "1995-06-14", "l_receiptdate": "1995-08-27", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "onic dependencies are furiou" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5444, "l_partkey": 150, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 40.0d, "l_extendedprice": 42006.0d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-04-06", "l_commitdate": "1995-05-08", "l_receiptdate": "1995-05-06", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": " even packages." }
, { "l_orderkey": 5892, "l_partkey": 150, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 37.0d, "l_extendedprice": 38855.55d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-08-12", "l_commitdate": "1995-06-11", "l_receiptdate": "1995-09-05", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "maintain. bold, expre" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1251, "l_partkey": 150, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 7.0d, "l_extendedprice": 7351.05d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-01-08", "l_commitdate": "1997-12-27", "l_receiptdate": "1998-01-18", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "riously pe" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1317, "l_partkey": 150, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 36.0d, "l_extendedprice": 37805.4d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-09-03", "l_commitdate": "1995-07-06", "l_receiptdate": "1995-09-04", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": " deposits. quic" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4038, "l_partkey": 150, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 29.0d, "l_extendedprice": 30454.35d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-01-07", "l_commitdate": "1996-03-08", "l_receiptdate": "1996-01-13", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ffix. quietly ironic packages a" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4423, "l_partkey": 150, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 3.0d, "l_extendedprice": 3150.45d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-03-22", "l_commitdate": "1995-04-06", "l_receiptdate": "1995-04-19", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": " final theodolites nag after the bli" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4674, "l_partkey": 150, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 50.0d, "l_extendedprice": 52507.5d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-05-13", "l_commitdate": "1994-06-15", "l_receiptdate": "1994-06-05", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "haggle about the blithel" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5319, "l_partkey": 150, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 31.0d, "l_extendedprice": 32554.65d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-03-26", "l_commitdate": "1996-03-07", "l_receiptdate": "1996-04-24", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "d carefully about the courts. fluffily spe" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5734, "l_partkey": 150, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 6.0d, "l_extendedprice": 6300.9d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-10-27", "l_commitdate": "1997-12-19", "l_receiptdate": "1997-11-02", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "s. regular platelets cajole furiously. regu" }
, { "l_orderkey": 485, "l_partkey": 150, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 50.0d, "l_extendedprice": 52507.5d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-03-28", "l_commitdate": "1997-05-26", "l_receiptdate": "1997-04-18", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "iously quick excuses. carefully final f" }
, { "l_orderkey": 677, "l_partkey": 150, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 25.0d, "l_extendedprice": 26253.75d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-03-12", "l_commitdate": "1994-02-02", "l_receiptdate": "1994-03-28", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": " packages integrate blithely" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2532, "l_partkey": 150, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 20.0d, "l_extendedprice": 21003.0d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-12-02", "l_commitdate": "1995-11-26", "l_receiptdate": "1995-12-08", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "er the slyly pending" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4805, "l_partkey": 150, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 7.0d, "l_extendedprice": 7351.05d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-05-01", "l_commitdate": "1992-07-09", "l_receiptdate": "1992-05-09", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": " requests. regular deposit" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4864, "l_partkey": 150, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 28.0d, "l_extendedprice": 29404.2d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-02-06", "l_commitdate": "1992-12-15", "l_receiptdate": "1993-02-10", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "thely around the bli" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1025, "l_partkey": 150, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 36.0d, "l_extendedprice": 37805.4d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-05-15", "l_commitdate": "1995-07-05", "l_receiptdate": "1995-06-10", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "e unusual, regular instr" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1251, "l_partkey": 150, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 7.0d, "l_extendedprice": 7351.05d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-01-08", "l_commitdate": "1997-12-27", "l_receiptdate": "1998-01-18", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "riously pe" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1317, "l_partkey": 150, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 36.0d, "l_extendedprice": 37805.4d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-09-03", "l_commitdate": "1995-07-06", "l_receiptdate": "1995-09-04", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": " deposits. quic" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1701, "l_partkey": 150, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 47.0d, "l_extendedprice": 49357.05d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-05-25", "l_commitdate": "1992-06-29", "l_receiptdate": "1992-06-15", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "slyly final requests cajole requests. f" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3333, "l_partkey": 150, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 27.0d, "l_extendedprice": 28354.05d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-12-06", "l_commitdate": "1992-10-26", "l_receiptdate": "1992-12-07", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "s dazzle fluffil" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4550, "l_partkey": 150, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 9.0d, "l_extendedprice": 9451.35d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-04-19", "l_commitdate": "1995-02-07", "l_receiptdate": "1995-04-24", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "l dependencies boost slyly after th" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5319, "l_partkey": 150, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 31.0d, "l_extendedprice": 32554.65d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-03-26", "l_commitdate": "1996-03-07", "l_receiptdate": "1996-04-24", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "d carefully about the courts. fluffily spe" }
, { "l_orderkey": 1829, "l_partkey": 150, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 12.0d, "l_extendedprice": 12601.8d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-08-23", "l_commitdate": "1994-07-13", "l_receiptdate": "1994-09-04", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ges wake furiously express pinto" }
, { "l_orderkey": 1856, "l_partkey": 150, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 22.0d, "l_extendedprice": 23103.3d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-05-02", "l_commitdate": "1992-05-26", "l_receiptdate": "1992-05-20", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "platelets detect slyly regular packages. ca" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4773, "l_partkey": 150, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 20.0d, "l_extendedprice": 21003.0d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-12-28", "l_commitdate": "1996-02-17", "l_receiptdate": "1996-01-15", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": " blithely final deposits nag after t" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5537, "l_partkey": 150, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 15.0d, "l_extendedprice": 15752.25d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-01-13", "l_commitdate": "1996-12-25", "l_receiptdate": "1997-01-27", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "eposits. permanently pending packag" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1701, "l_partkey": 150, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 47.0d, "l_extendedprice": 49357.05d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-05-25", "l_commitdate": "1992-06-29", "l_receiptdate": "1992-06-15", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "slyly final requests cajole requests. f" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2532, "l_partkey": 150, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 20.0d, "l_extendedprice": 21003.0d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-12-02", "l_commitdate": "1995-11-26", "l_receiptdate": "1995-12-08", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "er the slyly pending" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3333, "l_partkey": 150, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 27.0d, "l_extendedprice": 28354.05d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-12-06", "l_commitdate": "1992-10-26", "l_receiptdate": "1992-12-07", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "s dazzle fluffil" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2561, "l_partkey": 150, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 2.0d, "l_extendedprice": 2100.3d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-03-14", "l_commitdate": "1998-01-21", "l_receiptdate": "1998-03-27", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "s are. silently silent foxes sleep about" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4038, "l_partkey": 150, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 29.0d, "l_extendedprice": 30454.35d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-01-07", "l_commitdate": "1996-03-08", "l_receiptdate": "1996-01-13", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ffix. quietly ironic packages a" }
, { "l_orderkey": 4192, "l_partkey": 150, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 44.0d, "l_extendedprice": 46206.6d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-08-06", "l_commitdate": "1998-07-09", "l_receiptdate": "1998-08-20", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "structions mai" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4864, "l_partkey": 150, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 28.0d, "l_extendedprice": 29404.2d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-02-06", "l_commitdate": "1992-12-15", "l_receiptdate": "1993-02-10", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "thely around the bli" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 194, "l_partkey": 149, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 16.0d, "l_extendedprice": 16786.24d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-05-14", "l_commitdate": "1992-06-14", "l_receiptdate": "1992-05-21", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "y regular requests. furious" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 198, "l_partkey": 149, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 15.0d, "l_extendedprice": 15737.1d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-04-12", "l_commitdate": "1998-02-26", "l_receiptdate": "1998-04-15", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "es. quickly pending deposits s" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 419, "l_partkey": 149, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 17.0d, "l_extendedprice": 17835.38d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-01-13", "l_commitdate": "1996-12-20", "l_receiptdate": "1997-02-01", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "lar dependencies: carefully regu" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1380, "l_partkey": 149, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 6.0d, "l_extendedprice": 6294.84d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-08-06", "l_commitdate": "1996-10-01", "l_receiptdate": "1996-08-14", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "e foxes. slyly specia" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1479, "l_partkey": 149, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 33.0d, "l_extendedprice": 34621.62d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-03-12", "l_commitdate": "1996-02-28", "l_receiptdate": "1996-03-31", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": " carefully special courts affix. fluff" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1671, "l_partkey": 149, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 21.0d, "l_extendedprice": 22031.94d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-07-28", "l_commitdate": "1996-09-28", "l_receiptdate": "1996-08-08", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "s accounts slee" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2368, "l_partkey": 149, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 39.0d, "l_extendedprice": 40916.46d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-09-03", "l_commitdate": "1993-09-20", "l_receiptdate": "1993-09-28", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ng the doggedly ironic requests are blithe" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3296, "l_partkey": 149, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 31.0d, "l_extendedprice": 32523.34d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-01-26", "l_commitdate": "1994-12-25", "l_receiptdate": "1995-02-16", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ainst the furi" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4546, "l_partkey": 149, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 10.0d, "l_extendedprice": 10491.4d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-09-02", "l_commitdate": "1995-09-16", "l_receiptdate": "1995-09-10", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "above the enticingly ironic dependencies" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5382, "l_partkey": 149, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 3.0d, "l_extendedprice": 3147.42d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-03-22", "l_commitdate": "1992-03-06", "l_receiptdate": "1992-04-19", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "efully unusua" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4423, "l_partkey": 150, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 3.0d, "l_extendedprice": 3150.45d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-03-22", "l_commitdate": "1995-04-06", "l_receiptdate": "1995-04-19", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": " final theodolites nag after the bli" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4674, "l_partkey": 150, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 50.0d, "l_extendedprice": 52507.5d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-05-13", "l_commitdate": "1994-06-15", "l_receiptdate": "1994-06-05", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "haggle about the blithel" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4711, "l_partkey": 150, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 22.0d, "l_extendedprice": 23103.3d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-06-21", "l_commitdate": "1998-06-18", "l_receiptdate": "1998-07-19", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "along the quickly careful packages. bli" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4931, "l_partkey": 150, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 25.0d, "l_extendedprice": 26253.75d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-12-19", "l_commitdate": "1995-01-05", "l_receiptdate": "1994-12-21", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "aggle bravely according to the quic" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5253, "l_partkey": 150, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 38.0d, "l_extendedprice": 39905.7d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-08-03", "l_commitdate": "1995-06-14", "l_receiptdate": "1995-08-27", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "onic dependencies are furiou" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5444, "l_partkey": 150, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 40.0d, "l_extendedprice": 42006.0d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-04-06", "l_commitdate": "1995-05-08", "l_receiptdate": "1995-05-06", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": " even packages." }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5537, "l_partkey": 150, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 15.0d, "l_extendedprice": 15752.25d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-01-13", "l_commitdate": "1996-12-25", "l_receiptdate": "1997-01-27", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "eposits. permanently pending packag" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5734, "l_partkey": 150, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 6.0d, "l_extendedprice": 6300.9d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-10-27", "l_commitdate": "1997-12-19", "l_receiptdate": "1997-11-02", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "s. regular platelets cajole furiously. regu" }
, { "l_orderkey": 387, "l_partkey": 149, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 32.0d, "l_extendedprice": 33572.48d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-05-02", "l_commitdate": "1997-04-11", "l_receiptdate": "1997-05-11", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "gle. silent, fur" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1415, "l_partkey": 149, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 25.0d, "l_extendedprice": 26228.5d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-09-03", "l_commitdate": "1994-07-12", "l_receiptdate": "1994-09-13", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ect never fluff" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2081, "l_partkey": 149, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 13.0d, "l_extendedprice": 13638.82d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-08-23", "l_commitdate": "1997-08-22", "l_receiptdate": "1997-09-09", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "fter the even deposi" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1380, "l_partkey": 149, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 6.0d, "l_extendedprice": 6294.84d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-08-06", "l_commitdate": "1996-10-01", "l_receiptdate": "1996-08-14", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "e foxes. slyly specia" }
, { "l_orderkey": 2306, "l_partkey": 149, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 39.0d, "l_extendedprice": 40916.46d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-09-07", "l_commitdate": "1995-09-13", "l_receiptdate": "1995-10-03", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "f the slyly unusual accounts. furiousl" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2754, "l_partkey": 149, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 4.0d, "l_extendedprice": 4196.56d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-07-13", "l_commitdate": "1994-05-15", "l_receiptdate": "1994-08-02", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "blithely silent requests. regular depo" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3300, "l_partkey": 149, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 23.0d, "l_extendedprice": 24130.22d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-08-17", "l_commitdate": "1995-09-03", "l_receiptdate": "1995-09-04", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "he fluffily final a" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4928, "l_partkey": 149, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 34.0d, "l_extendedprice": 35670.76d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-10-12", "l_commitdate": "1993-12-31", "l_receiptdate": "1993-10-14", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": ", regular depos" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4514, "l_partkey": 149, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 12.0d, "l_extendedprice": 12589.68d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-08-20", "l_commitdate": "1994-06-09", "l_receiptdate": "1994-09-15", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": " carefully ironic foxes nag caref" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4832, "l_partkey": 149, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 4.0d, "l_extendedprice": 4196.56d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-01-16", "l_commitdate": "1998-02-12", "l_receiptdate": "1998-02-08", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ages. slyly express deposits cajole car" }
, { "l_orderkey": 5346, "l_partkey": 149, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 21.0d, "l_extendedprice": 22031.94d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-03-11", "l_commitdate": "1994-03-07", "l_receiptdate": "1994-04-04", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "integrate blithely a" }
, { "l_orderkey": 5798, "l_partkey": 149, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 7.0d, "l_extendedprice": 7343.98d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-06-06", "l_commitdate": "1998-05-10", "l_receiptdate": "1998-06-07", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ts against the blithely final p" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 194, "l_partkey": 149, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 16.0d, "l_extendedprice": 16786.24d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-05-14", "l_commitdate": "1992-06-14", "l_receiptdate": "1992-05-21", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "y regular requests. furious" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 419, "l_partkey": 149, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 17.0d, "l_extendedprice": 17835.38d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-01-13", "l_commitdate": "1996-12-20", "l_receiptdate": "1997-02-01", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "lar dependencies: carefully regu" }
, { "l_orderkey": 1638, "l_partkey": 149, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 30.0d, "l_extendedprice": 31474.2d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-12-05", "l_commitdate": "1997-09-17", "l_receiptdate": "1997-12-06", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "s cajole boldly bold requests. closely " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2438, "l_partkey": 149, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 23.0d, "l_extendedprice": 24130.22d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-10-06", "l_commitdate": "1993-08-17", "l_receiptdate": "1993-10-16", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ely; blithely special pinto beans breach" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3298, "l_partkey": 149, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 9.0d, "l_extendedprice": 9442.26d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-08-15", "l_commitdate": "1996-05-24", "l_receiptdate": "1996-09-12", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ly final accou" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4960, "l_partkey": 149, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 9.0d, "l_extendedprice": 9442.26d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-03-20", "l_commitdate": "1995-05-05", "l_receiptdate": "1995-04-17", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "e blithely carefully fina" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1415, "l_partkey": 149, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 25.0d, "l_extendedprice": 26228.5d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-09-03", "l_commitdate": "1994-07-12", "l_receiptdate": "1994-09-13", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ect never fluff" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1671, "l_partkey": 149, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 21.0d, "l_extendedprice": 22031.94d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-07-28", "l_commitdate": "1996-09-28", "l_receiptdate": "1996-08-08", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "s accounts slee" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2081, "l_partkey": 149, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 13.0d, "l_extendedprice": 13638.82d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-08-23", "l_commitdate": "1997-08-22", "l_receiptdate": "1997-09-09", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "fter the even deposi" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2368, "l_partkey": 149, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 39.0d, "l_extendedprice": 40916.46d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-09-03", "l_commitdate": "1993-09-20", "l_receiptdate": "1993-09-28", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ng the doggedly ironic requests are blithe" }
, { "l_orderkey": 2688, "l_partkey": 149, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 42.0d, "l_extendedprice": 44063.88d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-04-29", "l_commitdate": "1992-04-04", "l_receiptdate": "1992-05-17", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "lly even account" }
, { "l_orderkey": 2724, "l_partkey": 149, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 29.0d, "l_extendedprice": 30425.06d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-01-10", "l_commitdate": "1994-11-17", "l_receiptdate": "1995-02-04", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "l requests hagg" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3298, "l_partkey": 149, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 9.0d, "l_extendedprice": 9442.26d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-08-15", "l_commitdate": "1996-05-24", "l_receiptdate": "1996-09-12", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ly final accou" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4514, "l_partkey": 149, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 12.0d, "l_extendedprice": 12589.68d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-08-20", "l_commitdate": "1994-06-09", "l_receiptdate": "1994-09-15", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": " carefully ironic foxes nag caref" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4871, "l_partkey": 149, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 35.0d, "l_extendedprice": 36719.9d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-08-11", "l_commitdate": "1995-07-18", "l_receiptdate": "1995-08-29", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ackages sle" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5157, "l_partkey": 149, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 40.0d, "l_extendedprice": 41965.6d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-08-11", "l_commitdate": "1997-08-28", "l_receiptdate": "1997-09-01", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ial packages according to " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2438, "l_partkey": 149, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 23.0d, "l_extendedprice": 24130.22d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-10-06", "l_commitdate": "1993-08-17", "l_receiptdate": "1993-10-16", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ely; blithely special pinto beans breach" }
, { "l_orderkey": 3107, "l_partkey": 149, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 16.0d, "l_extendedprice": 16786.24d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-08-30", "l_commitdate": "1997-10-20", "l_receiptdate": "1997-09-20", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "regular pinto beans. ironic ideas haggle" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4832, "l_partkey": 149, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 4.0d, "l_extendedprice": 4196.56d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-01-16", "l_commitdate": "1998-02-12", "l_receiptdate": "1998-02-08", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ages. slyly express deposits cajole car" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4960, "l_partkey": 149, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 9.0d, "l_extendedprice": 9442.26d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-03-20", "l_commitdate": "1995-05-05", "l_receiptdate": "1995-04-17", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "e blithely carefully fina" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3296, "l_partkey": 149, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 31.0d, "l_extendedprice": 32523.34d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-01-26", "l_commitdate": "1994-12-25", "l_receiptdate": "1995-02-16", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ainst the furi" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4871, "l_partkey": 149, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 35.0d, "l_extendedprice": 36719.9d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-08-11", "l_commitdate": "1995-07-18", "l_receiptdate": "1995-08-29", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ackages sle" }
, { "l_orderkey": 5445, "l_partkey": 149, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 10.0d, "l_extendedprice": 10491.4d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-09-16", "l_commitdate": "1993-10-05", "l_receiptdate": "1993-10-01", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ncies abou" }
, { "l_orderkey": 5766, "l_partkey": 149, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 39.0d, "l_extendedprice": 40916.46d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-10-24", "l_commitdate": "1993-12-07", "l_receiptdate": "1993-11-08", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": " furiously unusual courts. slyly final pear" }
, { "l_orderkey": 5958, "l_partkey": 149, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 33.0d, "l_extendedprice": 34621.62d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-09-24", "l_commitdate": "1995-12-12", "l_receiptdate": "1995-10-05", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "lar, regular accounts wake furi" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 164, "l_partkey": 148, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 43.0d, "l_extendedprice": 45070.02d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-11-26", "l_commitdate": "1993-01-03", "l_receiptdate": "1992-12-08", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "y carefully regular dep" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 967, "l_partkey": 148, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 49.0d, "l_extendedprice": 51358.86d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-09-28", "l_commitdate": "1992-09-15", "l_receiptdate": "1992-10-14", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "the slyly even ideas. carefully even" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1154, "l_partkey": 148, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 50.0d, "l_extendedprice": 52407.0d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-04-22", "l_commitdate": "1992-04-21", "l_receiptdate": "1992-05-01", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ove the furiously bold Tires" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1408, "l_partkey": 148, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 20.0d, "l_extendedprice": 20962.8d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-04-21", "l_commitdate": "1998-01-25", "l_receiptdate": "1998-05-12", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": " blithely fluffi" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1825, "l_partkey": 148, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 39.0d, "l_extendedprice": 40877.46d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-04-01", "l_commitdate": "1994-01-12", "l_receiptdate": "1994-04-21", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ual, bold ideas haggle above the quickly ir" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1893, "l_partkey": 148, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 49.0d, "l_extendedprice": 51358.86d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-01-19", "l_commitdate": "1998-01-28", "l_receiptdate": "1998-02-02", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "y final foxes bo" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2531, "l_partkey": 148, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 9.0d, "l_extendedprice": 9433.26d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-07-27", "l_commitdate": "1996-07-03", "l_receiptdate": "1996-08-01", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "t the dogged, un" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3172, "l_partkey": 148, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 43.0d, "l_extendedprice": 45070.02d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-08-22", "l_commitdate": "1992-07-07", "l_receiptdate": "1992-08-26", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": " final packages. " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4547, "l_partkey": 148, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 15.0d, "l_extendedprice": 15722.1d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-11-29", "l_commitdate": "1993-10-12", "l_receiptdate": "1993-12-29", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ironic gifts integrate " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4995, "l_partkey": 148, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 48.0d, "l_extendedprice": 50310.72d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-03-22", "l_commitdate": "1996-04-01", "l_receiptdate": "1996-04-07", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "t blithely. requests affix blithely. " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5892, "l_partkey": 148, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 7.0d, "l_extendedprice": 7336.98d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-06-26", "l_commitdate": "1995-07-18", "l_receiptdate": "1995-07-25", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "e furiously. quickly even deposits da" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 353, "l_partkey": 148, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 29.0d, "l_extendedprice": 30396.06d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-01-11", "l_commitdate": "1994-03-19", "l_receiptdate": "1994-02-09", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ctions impr" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 198, "l_partkey": 149, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 15.0d, "l_extendedprice": 15737.1d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-04-12", "l_commitdate": "1998-02-26", "l_receiptdate": "1998-04-15", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "es. quickly pending deposits s" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1479, "l_partkey": 149, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 33.0d, "l_extendedprice": 34621.62d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-03-12", "l_commitdate": "1996-02-28", "l_receiptdate": "1996-03-31", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": " carefully special courts affix. fluff" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2754, "l_partkey": 149, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 4.0d, "l_extendedprice": 4196.56d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-07-13", "l_commitdate": "1994-05-15", "l_receiptdate": "1994-08-02", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "blithely silent requests. regular depo" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3300, "l_partkey": 149, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 23.0d, "l_extendedprice": 24130.22d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-08-17", "l_commitdate": "1995-09-03", "l_receiptdate": "1995-09-04", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "he fluffily final a" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4546, "l_partkey": 149, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 10.0d, "l_extendedprice": 10491.4d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-09-02", "l_commitdate": "1995-09-16", "l_receiptdate": "1995-09-10", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "above the enticingly ironic dependencies" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4928, "l_partkey": 149, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 34.0d, "l_extendedprice": 35670.76d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-10-12", "l_commitdate": "1993-12-31", "l_receiptdate": "1993-10-14", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": ", regular depos" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5157, "l_partkey": 149, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 40.0d, "l_extendedprice": 41965.6d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-08-11", "l_commitdate": "1997-08-28", "l_receiptdate": "1997-09-01", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ial packages according to " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5382, "l_partkey": 149, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 3.0d, "l_extendedprice": 3147.42d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-03-22", "l_commitdate": "1992-03-06", "l_receiptdate": "1992-04-19", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "efully unusua" }
, { "l_orderkey": 1408, "l_partkey": 148, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 29.0d, "l_extendedprice": 30396.06d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-03-12", "l_commitdate": "1998-02-14", "l_receiptdate": "1998-03-17", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "en accounts grow furiousl" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2465, "l_partkey": 148, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 45.0d, "l_extendedprice": 47166.3d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-09-27", "l_commitdate": "1995-08-25", "l_receiptdate": "1995-10-06", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "y silent foxes. final pinto beans above " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1408, "l_partkey": 148, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 20.0d, "l_extendedprice": 20962.8d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-04-21", "l_commitdate": "1998-01-25", "l_receiptdate": "1998-05-12", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": " blithely fluffi" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1508, "l_partkey": 148, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 1.0d, "l_extendedprice": 1048.14d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-07-13", "l_commitdate": "1998-06-03", "l_receiptdate": "1998-07-17", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "s the blithely bold instruction" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1825, "l_partkey": 148, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 39.0d, "l_extendedprice": 40877.46d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-04-01", "l_commitdate": "1994-01-12", "l_receiptdate": "1994-04-21", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ual, bold ideas haggle above the quickly ir" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2531, "l_partkey": 148, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 9.0d, "l_extendedprice": 9433.26d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-07-27", "l_commitdate": "1996-07-03", "l_receiptdate": "1996-08-01", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "t the dogged, un" }
, { "l_orderkey": 2562, "l_partkey": 148, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 1.0d, "l_extendedprice": 1048.14d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-10-16", "l_commitdate": "1992-09-18", "l_receiptdate": "1992-10-17", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": " slyly final ideas haggle car" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2851, "l_partkey": 148, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 8.0d, "l_extendedprice": 8385.12d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-11-12", "l_commitdate": "1997-11-22", "l_receiptdate": "1997-12-11", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "y special theodolites. carefully" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3172, "l_partkey": 148, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 43.0d, "l_extendedprice": 45070.02d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-08-22", "l_commitdate": "1992-07-07", "l_receiptdate": "1992-08-26", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": " final packages. " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4934, "l_partkey": 148, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 9.0d, "l_extendedprice": 9433.26d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-06-10", "l_commitdate": "1997-04-09", "l_receiptdate": "1997-06-12", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": " haggle alongside of the" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4964, "l_partkey": 148, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 46.0d, "l_extendedprice": 48214.44d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-10-05", "l_commitdate": "1997-09-12", "l_receiptdate": "1997-10-11", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "althy deposits" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 164, "l_partkey": 148, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 43.0d, "l_extendedprice": 45070.02d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-11-26", "l_commitdate": "1993-01-03", "l_receiptdate": "1992-12-08", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "y carefully regular dep" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 677, "l_partkey": 148, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 1.0d, "l_extendedprice": 1048.14d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-12-01", "l_commitdate": "1994-01-14", "l_receiptdate": "1993-12-26", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ly. regular " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 774, "l_partkey": 148, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 34.0d, "l_extendedprice": 35636.76d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-03-16", "l_commitdate": "1996-01-03", "l_receiptdate": "1996-03-22", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "lar excuses are furiously final instr" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1154, "l_partkey": 148, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 50.0d, "l_extendedprice": 52407.0d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-04-22", "l_commitdate": "1992-04-21", "l_receiptdate": "1992-05-01", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ove the furiously bold Tires" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2465, "l_partkey": 148, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 45.0d, "l_extendedprice": 47166.3d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-09-27", "l_commitdate": "1995-08-25", "l_receiptdate": "1995-10-06", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "y silent foxes. final pinto beans above " }
, { "l_orderkey": 2562, "l_partkey": 148, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 37.0d, "l_extendedprice": 38781.18d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-10-29", "l_commitdate": "1992-10-06", "l_receiptdate": "1992-11-09", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": ". slyly regular ideas according to the fl" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3877, "l_partkey": 148, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 36.0d, "l_extendedprice": 37733.04d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-07-27", "l_commitdate": "1993-07-13", "l_receiptdate": "1993-08-11", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "lithely about the dogged ideas. ac" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3908, "l_partkey": 148, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 8.0d, "l_extendedprice": 8385.12d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-03-12", "l_commitdate": "1993-04-13", "l_receiptdate": "1993-03-22", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "r instructions was requests. ironically " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4995, "l_partkey": 148, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 48.0d, "l_extendedprice": 50310.72d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-03-22", "l_commitdate": "1996-04-01", "l_receiptdate": "1996-04-07", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "t blithely. requests affix blithely. " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5156, "l_partkey": 148, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 36.0d, "l_extendedprice": 37733.04d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-02-12", "l_commitdate": "1996-12-10", "l_receiptdate": "1997-03-13", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": " slyly even orbi" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 515, "l_partkey": 148, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 38.0d, "l_extendedprice": 39829.32d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-09-19", "l_commitdate": "1993-11-12", "l_receiptdate": "1993-10-03", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ays. furiously express requests haggle furi" }
, { "l_orderkey": 2598, "l_partkey": 148, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 40.0d, "l_extendedprice": 41925.6d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-05-11", "l_commitdate": "1996-05-19", "l_receiptdate": "1996-06-08", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "the enticing" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2753, "l_partkey": 148, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 20.0d, "l_extendedprice": 20962.8d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-02-24", "l_commitdate": "1994-02-04", "l_receiptdate": "1994-03-23", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": " express pack" }
, { "l_orderkey": 2757, "l_partkey": 148, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 26.0d, "l_extendedprice": 27251.64d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-08-19", "l_commitdate": "1995-10-02", "l_receiptdate": "1995-09-06", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "around the blithely" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2790, "l_partkey": 148, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 11.0d, "l_extendedprice": 11529.54d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-09-28", "l_commitdate": "1994-11-14", "l_receiptdate": "1994-10-04", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "lar requests poach slyly foxes" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3111, "l_partkey": 148, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 41.0d, "l_extendedprice": 42973.74d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-11-22", "l_commitdate": "1995-11-01", "l_receiptdate": "1995-12-01", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "fily slow ideas. " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4547, "l_partkey": 148, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 15.0d, "l_extendedprice": 15722.1d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-11-29", "l_commitdate": "1993-10-12", "l_receiptdate": "1993-12-29", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ironic gifts integrate " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5188, "l_partkey": 148, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 9.0d, "l_extendedprice": 9433.26d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-05-09", "l_commitdate": "1995-05-22", "l_receiptdate": "1995-05-19", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "r attainments are across the " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5601, "l_partkey": 148, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 12.0d, "l_extendedprice": 12577.68d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-02-27", "l_commitdate": "1992-03-16", "l_receiptdate": "1992-03-27", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ep carefully a" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5793, "l_partkey": 148, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 48.0d, "l_extendedprice": 50310.72d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-09-27", "l_commitdate": "1997-08-23", "l_receiptdate": "1997-10-27", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "quickly enticing excuses use slyly abov" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 353, "l_partkey": 148, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 29.0d, "l_extendedprice": 30396.06d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-01-11", "l_commitdate": "1994-03-19", "l_receiptdate": "1994-02-09", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ctions impr" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 967, "l_partkey": 148, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 49.0d, "l_extendedprice": 51358.86d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-09-28", "l_commitdate": "1992-09-15", "l_receiptdate": "1992-10-14", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "the slyly even ideas. carefully even" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1632, "l_partkey": 148, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 14.0d, "l_extendedprice": 14673.96d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-01-15", "l_commitdate": "1997-02-25", "l_receiptdate": "1997-01-28", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "oxes. deposits nag slyly along the slyly " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1893, "l_partkey": 148, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 49.0d, "l_extendedprice": 51358.86d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-01-19", "l_commitdate": "1998-01-28", "l_receiptdate": "1998-02-02", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "y final foxes bo" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2566, "l_partkey": 148, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 19.0d, "l_extendedprice": 19914.66d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-12-21", "l_commitdate": "1992-11-24", "l_receiptdate": "1992-12-22", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ests. silent" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2753, "l_partkey": 148, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 20.0d, "l_extendedprice": 20962.8d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-02-24", "l_commitdate": "1994-02-04", "l_receiptdate": "1994-03-23", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": " express pack" }
, { "l_orderkey": 3425, "l_partkey": 148, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 24.0d, "l_extendedprice": 25155.36d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-04-22", "l_commitdate": "1996-06-24", "l_receiptdate": "1996-04-25", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ajole blithely sl" }
, { "l_orderkey": 3712, "l_partkey": 148, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 38.0d, "l_extendedprice": 39829.32d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-01-15", "l_commitdate": "1992-03-24", "l_receiptdate": "1992-01-27", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "s nag carefully-- even, reg" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3877, "l_partkey": 148, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 36.0d, "l_extendedprice": 37733.04d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-07-27", "l_commitdate": "1993-07-13", "l_receiptdate": "1993-08-11", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "lithely about the dogged ideas. ac" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4161, "l_partkey": 148, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 19.0d, "l_extendedprice": 19914.66d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-08-22", "l_commitdate": "1993-11-11", "l_receiptdate": "1993-09-01", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "beans breach s" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5601, "l_partkey": 148, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 12.0d, "l_extendedprice": 12577.68d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-02-27", "l_commitdate": "1992-03-16", "l_receiptdate": "1992-03-27", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ep carefully a" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5858, "l_partkey": 148, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 7.0d, "l_extendedprice": 7336.98d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-10-07", "l_commitdate": "1992-08-16", "l_receiptdate": "1992-10-15", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": ". doggedly regular packages use pendin" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 515, "l_partkey": 148, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 38.0d, "l_extendedprice": 39829.32d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-09-19", "l_commitdate": "1993-11-12", "l_receiptdate": "1993-10-03", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ays. furiously express requests haggle furi" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 677, "l_partkey": 148, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 1.0d, "l_extendedprice": 1048.14d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-12-01", "l_commitdate": "1994-01-14", "l_receiptdate": "1993-12-26", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ly. regular " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2566, "l_partkey": 148, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 19.0d, "l_extendedprice": 19914.66d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-12-21", "l_commitdate": "1992-11-24", "l_receiptdate": "1992-12-22", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ests. silent" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3908, "l_partkey": 148, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 8.0d, "l_extendedprice": 8385.12d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-03-12", "l_commitdate": "1993-04-13", "l_receiptdate": "1993-03-22", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "r instructions was requests. ironically " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4838, "l_partkey": 148, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 2.0d, "l_extendedprice": 2096.28d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-08-11", "l_commitdate": "1992-09-16", "l_receiptdate": "1992-08-26", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "hely final notornis are furiously blithe" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4934, "l_partkey": 148, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 9.0d, "l_extendedprice": 9433.26d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-06-10", "l_commitdate": "1997-04-09", "l_receiptdate": "1997-06-12", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": " haggle alongside of the" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 774, "l_partkey": 148, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 34.0d, "l_extendedprice": 35636.76d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-03-16", "l_commitdate": "1996-01-03", "l_receiptdate": "1996-03-22", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "lar excuses are furiously final instr" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1508, "l_partkey": 148, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 1.0d, "l_extendedprice": 1048.14d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-07-13", "l_commitdate": "1998-06-03", "l_receiptdate": "1998-07-17", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "s the blithely bold instruction" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1632, "l_partkey": 148, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 14.0d, "l_extendedprice": 14673.96d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-01-15", "l_commitdate": "1997-02-25", "l_receiptdate": "1997-01-28", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "oxes. deposits nag slyly along the slyly " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2790, "l_partkey": 148, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 11.0d, "l_extendedprice": 11529.54d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-09-28", "l_commitdate": "1994-11-14", "l_receiptdate": "1994-10-04", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "lar requests poach slyly foxes" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2851, "l_partkey": 148, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 8.0d, "l_extendedprice": 8385.12d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-11-12", "l_commitdate": "1997-11-22", "l_receiptdate": "1997-12-11", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "y special theodolites. carefully" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3111, "l_partkey": 148, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 41.0d, "l_extendedprice": 42973.74d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-11-22", "l_commitdate": "1995-11-01", "l_receiptdate": "1995-12-01", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "fily slow ideas. " }
, { "l_orderkey": 3840, "l_partkey": 148, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 41.0d, "l_extendedprice": 42973.74d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-07-21", "l_commitdate": "1998-10-08", "l_receiptdate": "1998-08-01", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": " nag slyly? slyly pending accounts " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4964, "l_partkey": 148, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 46.0d, "l_extendedprice": 48214.44d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-10-05", "l_commitdate": "1997-09-12", "l_receiptdate": "1997-10-11", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "althy deposits" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5156, "l_partkey": 148, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 36.0d, "l_extendedprice": 37733.04d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-02-12", "l_commitdate": "1996-12-10", "l_receiptdate": "1997-03-13", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": " slyly even orbi" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5188, "l_partkey": 148, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 9.0d, "l_extendedprice": 9433.26d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-05-09", "l_commitdate": "1995-05-22", "l_receiptdate": "1995-05-19", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "r attainments are across the " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4161, "l_partkey": 148, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 19.0d, "l_extendedprice": 19914.66d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-08-22", "l_commitdate": "1993-11-11", "l_receiptdate": "1993-09-01", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "beans breach s" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4838, "l_partkey": 148, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 2.0d, "l_extendedprice": 2096.28d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-08-11", "l_commitdate": "1992-09-16", "l_receiptdate": "1992-08-26", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "hely final notornis are furiously blithe" }
, { "l_orderkey": 5760, "l_partkey": 148, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 8.0d, "l_extendedprice": 8385.12d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-09-06", "l_commitdate": "1994-08-03", "l_receiptdate": "1994-10-06", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "l accounts among the carefully even de" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5793, "l_partkey": 148, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 48.0d, "l_extendedprice": 50310.72d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-09-27", "l_commitdate": "1997-08-23", "l_receiptdate": "1997-10-27", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "quickly enticing excuses use slyly abov" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1184, "l_partkey": 147, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 4.0d, "l_extendedprice": 4188.56d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-12-25", "l_commitdate": "1998-01-24", "l_receiptdate": "1998-01-18", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": " express packages. slyly expres" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2724, "l_partkey": 147, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 21.0d, "l_extendedprice": 21989.94d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-11-25", "l_commitdate": "1994-10-15", "l_receiptdate": "1994-12-07", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "as. carefully regular dependencies wak" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3073, "l_partkey": 147, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 39.0d, "l_extendedprice": 40838.46d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-05-01", "l_commitdate": "1994-02-16", "l_receiptdate": "1994-05-12", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "lar excuses across the furiously even " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5543, "l_partkey": 147, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 8.0d, "l_extendedprice": 8377.12d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-10-28", "l_commitdate": "1993-11-18", "l_receiptdate": "1993-11-07", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "totes? iron" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5954, "l_partkey": 147, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 8.0d, "l_extendedprice": 8377.12d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-03-27", "l_commitdate": "1993-01-22", "l_receiptdate": "1993-04-04", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "unusual th" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 258, "l_partkey": 147, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 36.0d, "l_extendedprice": 37697.04d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-01-11", "l_commitdate": "1994-03-04", "l_receiptdate": "1994-01-18", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "nic asymptotes. slyly silent r" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1122, "l_partkey": 147, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 25.0d, "l_extendedprice": 26178.5d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-03-21", "l_commitdate": "1997-03-03", "l_receiptdate": "1997-04-07", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "d furiously. pinto " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1763, "l_partkey": 147, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 13.0d, "l_extendedprice": 13612.82d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-11-23", "l_commitdate": "1997-01-24", "l_receiptdate": "1996-12-05", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "s sleep carefully. fluffily unusua" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5858, "l_partkey": 148, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 7.0d, "l_extendedprice": 7336.98d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-10-07", "l_commitdate": "1992-08-16", "l_receiptdate": "1992-10-15", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": ". doggedly regular packages use pendin" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5892, "l_partkey": 148, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 7.0d, "l_extendedprice": 7336.98d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-06-26", "l_commitdate": "1995-07-18", "l_receiptdate": "1995-07-25", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "e furiously. quickly even deposits da" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2016, "l_partkey": 147, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 2.0d, "l_extendedprice": 2094.28d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-10-12", "l_commitdate": "1996-11-09", "l_receiptdate": "1996-10-31", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "carefully according to the " }
, { "l_orderkey": 2117, "l_partkey": 147, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 3.0d, "l_extendedprice": 3141.42d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-05-05", "l_commitdate": "1997-07-20", "l_receiptdate": "1997-05-26", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "tes cajole" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3492, "l_partkey": 147, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 30.0d, "l_extendedprice": 31414.2d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-01-29", "l_commitdate": "1995-01-02", "l_receiptdate": "1995-02-13", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": " detect furiously permanent, unusual accou" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4227, "l_partkey": 147, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 49.0d, "l_extendedprice": 51309.86d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-05-19", "l_commitdate": "1995-04-12", "l_receiptdate": "1995-06-12", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ts sleep blithely carefully unusual ideas." }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5380, "l_partkey": 147, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 10.0d, "l_extendedprice": 10471.4d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-11-24", "l_commitdate": "1998-01-10", "l_receiptdate": "1997-12-21", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "refully pending deposits. special, even t" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1126, "l_partkey": 147, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 14.0d, "l_extendedprice": 14659.96d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-04-17", "l_commitdate": "1998-04-15", "l_receiptdate": "1998-05-12", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "nstructions. blithe" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2658, "l_partkey": 147, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 27.0d, "l_extendedprice": 28272.78d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-09-26", "l_commitdate": "1995-12-08", "l_receiptdate": "1995-09-30", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ecial packages use abov" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2724, "l_partkey": 147, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 21.0d, "l_extendedprice": 21989.94d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-11-25", "l_commitdate": "1994-10-15", "l_receiptdate": "1994-12-07", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "as. carefully regular dependencies wak" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 614, "l_partkey": 147, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 14.0d, "l_extendedprice": 14659.96d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-12-03", "l_commitdate": "1993-02-14", "l_receiptdate": "1992-12-27", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ular packages haggle about the pack" }
, { "l_orderkey": 2279, "l_partkey": 147, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 12.0d, "l_extendedprice": 12565.68d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-05-04", "l_commitdate": "1993-04-26", "l_receiptdate": "1993-05-28", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ccounts. slyl" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4647, "l_partkey": 147, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 27.0d, "l_extendedprice": 28272.78d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-05-20", "l_commitdate": "1994-06-26", "l_receiptdate": "1994-05-30", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ully even ti" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4227, "l_partkey": 147, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 49.0d, "l_extendedprice": 51309.86d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-05-19", "l_commitdate": "1995-04-12", "l_receiptdate": "1995-06-12", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ts sleep blithely carefully unusual ideas." }
, { "l_orderkey": 4992, "l_partkey": 147, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 47.0d, "l_extendedprice": 49215.58d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-09-04", "l_commitdate": "1992-08-05", "l_receiptdate": "1992-09-21", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "atterns use fluffily." }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5380, "l_partkey": 147, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 10.0d, "l_extendedprice": 10471.4d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-11-24", "l_commitdate": "1998-01-10", "l_receiptdate": "1997-12-21", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "refully pending deposits. special, even t" }
, { "l_orderkey": 5569, "l_partkey": 147, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 19.0d, "l_extendedprice": 19895.66d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-07-30", "l_commitdate": "1993-06-21", "l_receiptdate": "1993-08-13", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": " detect ca" }
, { "l_orderkey": 5959, "l_partkey": 147, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 17.0d, "l_extendedprice": 17801.38d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-06-10", "l_commitdate": "1992-07-06", "l_receiptdate": "1992-06-23", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ackages. blithely ex" }
, { "l_orderkey": 225, "l_partkey": 147, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 24.0d, "l_extendedprice": 25131.36d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-09-23", "l_commitdate": "1995-08-05", "l_receiptdate": "1995-10-16", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ironic accounts are final account" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 257, "l_partkey": 147, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 7.0d, "l_extendedprice": 7329.98d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-06-18", "l_commitdate": "1998-05-15", "l_receiptdate": "1998-06-27", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ackages sleep bold realms. f" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 614, "l_partkey": 147, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 14.0d, "l_extendedprice": 14659.96d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-12-03", "l_commitdate": "1993-02-14", "l_receiptdate": "1992-12-27", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ular packages haggle about the pack" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 258, "l_partkey": 147, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 36.0d, "l_extendedprice": 37697.04d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-01-11", "l_commitdate": "1994-03-04", "l_receiptdate": "1994-01-18", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "nic asymptotes. slyly silent r" }
, { "l_orderkey": 931, "l_partkey": 147, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 48.0d, "l_extendedprice": 50262.72d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-02-03", "l_commitdate": "1993-03-02", "l_receiptdate": "1993-02-09", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ep alongside of the fluffy " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1122, "l_partkey": 147, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 25.0d, "l_extendedprice": 26178.5d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-03-21", "l_commitdate": "1997-03-03", "l_receiptdate": "1997-04-07", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "d furiously. pinto " }
, { "l_orderkey": 1155, "l_partkey": 147, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 23.0d, "l_extendedprice": 24084.22d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-11-24", "l_commitdate": "1997-11-28", "l_receiptdate": "1997-12-06", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ly unusual packages. iro" }
, { "l_orderkey": 1600, "l_partkey": 147, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 30.0d, "l_extendedprice": 31414.2d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-06-03", "l_commitdate": "1993-05-03", "l_receiptdate": "1993-06-07", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "al escapades alongside of the depo" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2016, "l_partkey": 147, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 2.0d, "l_extendedprice": 2094.28d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-10-12", "l_commitdate": "1996-11-09", "l_receiptdate": "1996-10-31", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "carefully according to the " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3073, "l_partkey": 147, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 39.0d, "l_extendedprice": 40838.46d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-05-01", "l_commitdate": "1994-02-16", "l_receiptdate": "1994-05-12", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "lar excuses across the furiously even " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4610, "l_partkey": 147, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 29.0d, "l_extendedprice": 30367.06d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-08-09", "l_commitdate": "1993-07-27", "l_receiptdate": "1993-08-16", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": " foxes. special, express package" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5954, "l_partkey": 147, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 8.0d, "l_extendedprice": 8377.12d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-03-27", "l_commitdate": "1993-01-22", "l_receiptdate": "1993-04-04", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "unusual th" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 257, "l_partkey": 147, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 7.0d, "l_extendedprice": 7329.98d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-06-18", "l_commitdate": "1998-05-15", "l_receiptdate": "1998-06-27", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ackages sleep bold realms. f" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1126, "l_partkey": 147, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 14.0d, "l_extendedprice": 14659.96d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-04-17", "l_commitdate": "1998-04-15", "l_receiptdate": "1998-05-12", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "nstructions. blithe" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1184, "l_partkey": 147, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 4.0d, "l_extendedprice": 4188.56d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-12-25", "l_commitdate": "1998-01-24", "l_receiptdate": "1998-01-18", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": " express packages. slyly expres" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1763, "l_partkey": 147, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 13.0d, "l_extendedprice": 13612.82d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-11-23", "l_commitdate": "1997-01-24", "l_receiptdate": "1996-12-05", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "s sleep carefully. fluffily unusua" }
, { "l_orderkey": 2404, "l_partkey": 147, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 36.0d, "l_extendedprice": 37697.04d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-03-27", "l_commitdate": "1997-05-16", "l_receiptdate": "1997-04-06", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "s nag furi" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2658, "l_partkey": 147, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 27.0d, "l_extendedprice": 28272.78d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-09-26", "l_commitdate": "1995-12-08", "l_receiptdate": "1995-09-30", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ecial packages use abov" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3492, "l_partkey": 147, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 30.0d, "l_extendedprice": 31414.2d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-01-29", "l_commitdate": "1995-01-02", "l_receiptdate": "1995-02-13", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": " detect furiously permanent, unusual accou" }
, { "l_orderkey": 3748, "l_partkey": 147, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 21.0d, "l_extendedprice": 21989.94d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-03-30", "l_commitdate": "1998-04-07", "l_receiptdate": "1998-04-05", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "fix carefully furiously express ideas. furi" }
, { "l_orderkey": 4321, "l_partkey": 147, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 33.0d, "l_extendedprice": 34555.62d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-09-01", "l_commitdate": "1994-08-17", "l_receiptdate": "1994-09-05", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "yly special excuses. fluffily " }
, { "l_orderkey": 4453, "l_partkey": 147, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 41.0d, "l_extendedprice": 42932.74d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-07-17", "l_commitdate": "1997-05-15", "l_receiptdate": "1997-07-31", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "anent theodolites are slyly except t" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4610, "l_partkey": 147, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 29.0d, "l_extendedprice": 30367.06d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-08-09", "l_commitdate": "1993-07-27", "l_receiptdate": "1993-08-16", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": " foxes. special, express package" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3041, "l_partkey": 146, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 9.0d, "l_extendedprice": 9415.26d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-06-29", "l_commitdate": "1997-08-14", "l_receiptdate": "1997-07-19", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "iously across the silent pinto beans. furi" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3714, "l_partkey": 146, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 14.0d, "l_extendedprice": 14645.96d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-05-30", "l_commitdate": "1998-06-30", "l_receiptdate": "1998-05-31", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ending ideas. thinly unusual theodo" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5798, "l_partkey": 146, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 40.0d, "l_extendedprice": 41845.6d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-07-09", "l_commitdate": "1998-06-24", "l_receiptdate": "1998-07-16", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": " integrate carefu" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5895, "l_partkey": 146, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 31.0d, "l_extendedprice": 32430.34d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-03-03", "l_commitdate": "1997-03-30", "l_receiptdate": "1997-03-08", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": " final deposits nod slyly careful" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 7, "l_partkey": 146, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 9.0d, "l_extendedprice": 9415.26d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-02-01", "l_commitdate": "1996-03-02", "l_receiptdate": "1996-02-19", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "es. instructions" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 610, "l_partkey": 146, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 39.0d, "l_extendedprice": 40799.46d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-10-30", "l_commitdate": "1995-10-21", "l_receiptdate": "1995-11-11", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "counts. ironic warhorses are " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 678, "l_partkey": 146, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 20.0d, "l_extendedprice": 20922.8d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-06-21", "l_commitdate": "1993-04-07", "l_receiptdate": "1993-07-10", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "furiously express excuses. foxes eat fu" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 711, "l_partkey": 146, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 2.0d, "l_extendedprice": 2092.28d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-12-01", "l_commitdate": "1993-12-09", "l_receiptdate": "1993-12-16", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ely across t" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 993, "l_partkey": 146, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 33.0d, "l_extendedprice": 34522.62d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-09-28", "l_commitdate": "1995-10-24", "l_receiptdate": "1995-10-03", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "fluffily. quiet excuses sleep furiously sly" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1733, "l_partkey": 146, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 13.0d, "l_extendedprice": 13599.82d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-08-03", "l_commitdate": "1996-08-02", "l_receiptdate": "1996-08-18", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "olites sleep furious" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2215, "l_partkey": 146, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 20.0d, "l_extendedprice": 20922.8d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-09-09", "l_commitdate": "1996-08-10", "l_receiptdate": "1996-09-19", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": " unusual deposits haggle carefully. ide" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3584, "l_partkey": 146, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 11.0d, "l_extendedprice": 11507.54d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-11-27", "l_commitdate": "1997-10-15", "l_receiptdate": "1997-12-08", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "lithely slyly " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4676, "l_partkey": 146, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 4.0d, "l_extendedprice": 4184.56d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-12-12", "l_commitdate": "1995-10-22", "l_receiptdate": "1995-12-13", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "detect above the ironic platelets. fluffily" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5921, "l_partkey": 146, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 25.0d, "l_extendedprice": 26153.5d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-05-19", "l_commitdate": "1994-06-15", "l_receiptdate": "1994-06-17", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "nd the slyly regular deposits. quick" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1286, "l_partkey": 146, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 41.0d, "l_extendedprice": 42891.74d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-08-02", "l_commitdate": "1993-08-06", "l_receiptdate": "1993-08-07", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": " the furiously expre" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2884, "l_partkey": 146, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 25.0d, "l_extendedprice": 26153.5d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-01-18", "l_commitdate": "1997-12-06", "l_receiptdate": "1998-02-16", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "onic theodolites with the instructi" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4772, "l_partkey": 146, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 16.0d, "l_extendedprice": 16738.24d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-10-27", "l_commitdate": "1994-12-07", "l_receiptdate": "1994-10-29", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "egular accounts wake s" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5185, "l_partkey": 146, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 50.0d, "l_extendedprice": 52307.0d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-10-15", "l_commitdate": "1997-10-19", "l_receiptdate": "1997-11-06", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "final platelets. ideas sleep careful" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5249, "l_partkey": 146, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 29.0d, "l_extendedprice": 30338.06d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-09-16", "l_commitdate": "1994-11-03", "l_receiptdate": "1994-10-06", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": " players. f" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4647, "l_partkey": 147, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 27.0d, "l_extendedprice": 28272.78d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-05-20", "l_commitdate": "1994-06-26", "l_receiptdate": "1994-05-30", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ully even ti" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5543, "l_partkey": 147, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 8.0d, "l_extendedprice": 8377.12d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-10-28", "l_commitdate": "1993-11-18", "l_receiptdate": "1993-11-07", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "totes? iron" }
, { "l_orderkey": 194, "l_partkey": 146, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 36.0d, "l_extendedprice": 37661.04d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-05-21", "l_commitdate": "1992-05-18", "l_receiptdate": "1992-05-27", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "pecial packages wake after the slyly r" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 678, "l_partkey": 146, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 20.0d, "l_extendedprice": 20922.8d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-06-21", "l_commitdate": "1993-04-07", "l_receiptdate": "1993-07-10", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "furiously express excuses. foxes eat fu" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 993, "l_partkey": 146, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 33.0d, "l_extendedprice": 34522.62d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-09-28", "l_commitdate": "1995-10-24", "l_receiptdate": "1995-10-03", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "fluffily. quiet excuses sleep furiously sly" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1286, "l_partkey": 146, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 41.0d, "l_extendedprice": 42891.74d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-08-02", "l_commitdate": "1993-08-06", "l_receiptdate": "1993-08-07", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": " the furiously expre" }
, { "l_orderkey": 2406, "l_partkey": 146, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 34.0d, "l_extendedprice": 35568.76d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-12-01", "l_commitdate": "1996-12-07", "l_receiptdate": "1996-12-16", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "hinly even accounts are slyly q" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3041, "l_partkey": 146, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 9.0d, "l_extendedprice": 9415.26d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-06-29", "l_commitdate": "1997-08-14", "l_receiptdate": "1997-07-19", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "iously across the silent pinto beans. furi" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5285, "l_partkey": 146, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 1.0d, "l_extendedprice": 1046.14d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-02-08", "l_commitdate": "1994-04-02", "l_receiptdate": "1994-02-17", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ing deposits integra" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5798, "l_partkey": 146, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 40.0d, "l_extendedprice": 41845.6d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-07-09", "l_commitdate": "1998-06-24", "l_receiptdate": "1998-07-16", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": " integrate carefu" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 7, "l_partkey": 146, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 9.0d, "l_extendedprice": 9415.26d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-02-01", "l_commitdate": "1996-03-02", "l_receiptdate": "1996-02-19", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "es. instructions" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2215, "l_partkey": 146, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 20.0d, "l_extendedprice": 20922.8d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-09-09", "l_commitdate": "1996-08-10", "l_receiptdate": "1996-09-19", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": " unusual deposits haggle carefully. ide" }
, { "l_orderkey": 2722, "l_partkey": 146, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 15.0d, "l_extendedprice": 15692.1d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-07-02", "l_commitdate": "1994-06-01", "l_receiptdate": "1994-07-13", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "refully final asympt" }
, { "l_orderkey": 3394, "l_partkey": 146, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 43.0d, "l_extendedprice": 44984.02d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-08-23", "l_commitdate": "1996-07-20", "l_receiptdate": "1996-08-25", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "hockey players. slyly regular requests afte" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4198, "l_partkey": 146, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 48.0d, "l_extendedprice": 50214.72d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-09-03", "l_commitdate": "1997-07-18", "l_receiptdate": "1997-09-11", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "cajole carefully final, ironic ide" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3584, "l_partkey": 146, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 11.0d, "l_extendedprice": 11507.54d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-11-27", "l_commitdate": "1997-10-15", "l_receiptdate": "1997-12-08", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "lithely slyly " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4772, "l_partkey": 146, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 16.0d, "l_extendedprice": 16738.24d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-10-27", "l_commitdate": "1994-12-07", "l_receiptdate": "1994-10-29", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "egular accounts wake s" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5895, "l_partkey": 146, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 31.0d, "l_extendedprice": 32430.34d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-03-03", "l_commitdate": "1997-03-30", "l_receiptdate": "1997-03-08", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": " final deposits nod slyly careful" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 610, "l_partkey": 146, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 39.0d, "l_extendedprice": 40799.46d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-10-30", "l_commitdate": "1995-10-21", "l_receiptdate": "1995-11-11", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "counts. ironic warhorses are " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1733, "l_partkey": 146, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 13.0d, "l_extendedprice": 13599.82d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-08-03", "l_commitdate": "1996-08-02", "l_receiptdate": "1996-08-18", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "olites sleep furious" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3714, "l_partkey": 146, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 14.0d, "l_extendedprice": 14645.96d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-05-30", "l_commitdate": "1998-06-30", "l_receiptdate": "1998-05-31", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ending ideas. thinly unusual theodo" }
, { "l_orderkey": 4960, "l_partkey": 146, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 37.0d, "l_extendedprice": 38707.18d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-05-23", "l_commitdate": "1995-04-12", "l_receiptdate": "1995-06-01", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ending theodolites w" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5285, "l_partkey": 146, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 1.0d, "l_extendedprice": 1046.14d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-02-08", "l_commitdate": "1994-04-02", "l_receiptdate": "1994-02-17", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ing deposits integra" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5185, "l_partkey": 146, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 50.0d, "l_extendedprice": 52307.0d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-10-15", "l_commitdate": "1997-10-19", "l_receiptdate": "1997-11-06", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "final platelets. ideas sleep careful" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5249, "l_partkey": 146, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 29.0d, "l_extendedprice": 30338.06d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-09-16", "l_commitdate": "1994-11-03", "l_receiptdate": "1994-10-06", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": " players. f" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 711, "l_partkey": 146, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 2.0d, "l_extendedprice": 2092.28d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-12-01", "l_commitdate": "1993-12-09", "l_receiptdate": "1993-12-16", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ely across t" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2884, "l_partkey": 146, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 25.0d, "l_extendedprice": 26153.5d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-01-18", "l_commitdate": "1997-12-06", "l_receiptdate": "1998-02-16", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "onic theodolites with the instructi" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4198, "l_partkey": 146, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 48.0d, "l_extendedprice": 50214.72d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-09-03", "l_commitdate": "1997-07-18", "l_receiptdate": "1997-09-11", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "cajole carefully final, ironic ide" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4676, "l_partkey": 146, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 4.0d, "l_extendedprice": 4184.56d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-12-12", "l_commitdate": "1995-10-22", "l_receiptdate": "1995-12-13", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "detect above the ironic platelets. fluffily" }
, { "l_orderkey": 5345, "l_partkey": 146, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 2.0d, "l_extendedprice": 2092.28d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-11-18", "l_commitdate": "1997-10-12", "l_receiptdate": "1997-12-08", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ut the slyly specia" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 583, "l_partkey": 145, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 1.0d, "l_extendedprice": 1045.14d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-06-17", "l_commitdate": "1997-04-29", "l_receiptdate": "1997-06-28", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": " regular, regular ideas. even, bra" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1797, "l_partkey": 145, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 16.0d, "l_extendedprice": 16722.24d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-06-03", "l_commitdate": "1996-07-21", "l_receiptdate": "1996-06-07", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "o beans wake regular accounts. blit" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3554, "l_partkey": 145, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 18.0d, "l_extendedprice": 18812.52d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-09-11", "l_commitdate": "1995-08-12", "l_receiptdate": "1995-10-04", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": " haggle. furiously fluffy requests ac" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5921, "l_partkey": 146, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 25.0d, "l_extendedprice": 26153.5d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-05-19", "l_commitdate": "1994-06-15", "l_receiptdate": "1994-06-17", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "nd the slyly regular deposits. quick" }
, { "l_orderkey": 3812, "l_partkey": 145, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 33.0d, "l_extendedprice": 34489.62d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-10-10", "l_commitdate": "1996-10-05", "l_receiptdate": "1996-10-15", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "posits engage. ironic, regular p" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 930, "l_partkey": 145, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 10.0d, "l_extendedprice": 10451.4d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-02-09", "l_commitdate": "1995-02-17", "l_receiptdate": "1995-02-16", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "blithely bold i" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1762, "l_partkey": 145, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 24.0d, "l_extendedprice": 25083.36d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-11-30", "l_commitdate": "1994-11-02", "l_receiptdate": "1994-12-20", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "accounts solve alongside of the fluffily " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4327, "l_partkey": 145, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 11.0d, "l_extendedprice": 11496.54d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-04-24", "l_commitdate": "1995-05-27", "l_receiptdate": "1995-05-24", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": " ironic dolphins" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4998, "l_partkey": 145, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 24.0d, "l_extendedprice": 25083.36d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-01-25", "l_commitdate": "1992-03-16", "l_receiptdate": "1992-01-27", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": " unwind about" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1797, "l_partkey": 145, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 16.0d, "l_extendedprice": 16722.24d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-06-03", "l_commitdate": "1996-07-21", "l_receiptdate": "1996-06-07", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "o beans wake regular accounts. blit" }
, { "l_orderkey": 2531, "l_partkey": 145, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 46.0d, "l_extendedprice": 48076.44d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-07-03", "l_commitdate": "1996-06-27", "l_receiptdate": "1996-07-12", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "e final, bold pains. ir" }
, { "l_orderkey": 3873, "l_partkey": 145, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 44.0d, "l_extendedprice": 45986.16d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-07-23", "l_commitdate": "1998-05-22", "l_receiptdate": "1998-08-14", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "yly even platelets wake. " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3877, "l_partkey": 145, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 47.0d, "l_extendedprice": 49121.58d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-08-01", "l_commitdate": "1993-08-16", "l_receiptdate": "1993-08-04", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "furiously quick requests nag along the theo" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4198, "l_partkey": 145, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 13.0d, "l_extendedprice": 13586.82d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-07-18", "l_commitdate": "1997-07-24", "l_receiptdate": "1997-08-10", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": " furious excuses. bli" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 930, "l_partkey": 145, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 10.0d, "l_extendedprice": 10451.4d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-02-09", "l_commitdate": "1995-02-17", "l_receiptdate": "1995-02-16", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "blithely bold i" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2118, "l_partkey": 145, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 11.0d, "l_extendedprice": 11496.54d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-12-23", "l_commitdate": "1996-12-20", "l_receiptdate": "1997-01-01", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "y ironic accounts sleep upon the packages. " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3554, "l_partkey": 145, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 18.0d, "l_extendedprice": 18812.52d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-09-11", "l_commitdate": "1995-08-12", "l_receiptdate": "1995-10-04", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": " haggle. furiously fluffy requests ac" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3687, "l_partkey": 145, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 32.0d, "l_extendedprice": 33444.48d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-05-07", "l_commitdate": "1993-04-05", "l_receiptdate": "1993-05-25", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "deas cajole fo" }
, { "l_orderkey": 3907, "l_partkey": 145, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 41.0d, "l_extendedprice": 42850.74d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-10-25", "l_commitdate": "1992-10-17", "l_receiptdate": "1992-11-01", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "s above the unusual ideas sleep furiousl" }
, { "l_orderkey": 4711, "l_partkey": 145, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 15.0d, "l_extendedprice": 15677.1d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-06-09", "l_commitdate": "1998-07-30", "l_receiptdate": "1998-06-18", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": " beans wake. deposits could bo" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4998, "l_partkey": 145, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 24.0d, "l_extendedprice": 25083.36d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-01-25", "l_commitdate": "1992-03-16", "l_receiptdate": "1992-01-27", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": " unwind about" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5954, "l_partkey": 145, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 20.0d, "l_extendedprice": 20902.8d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-02-27", "l_commitdate": "1993-01-04", "l_receiptdate": "1993-03-08", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ke furiously blithely special packa" }
, { "l_orderkey": 134, "l_partkey": 145, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 47.0d, "l_extendedprice": 49121.58d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-08-16", "l_commitdate": "1992-07-06", "l_receiptdate": "1992-08-28", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "s! carefully unusual requests boost careful" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 583, "l_partkey": 145, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 1.0d, "l_extendedprice": 1045.14d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-06-17", "l_commitdate": "1997-04-29", "l_receiptdate": "1997-06-28", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": " regular, regular ideas. even, bra" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 834, "l_partkey": 145, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 36.0d, "l_extendedprice": 37625.04d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-06-28", "l_commitdate": "1994-07-25", "l_receiptdate": "1994-07-07", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ccounts haggle after the furiously " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1762, "l_partkey": 145, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 24.0d, "l_extendedprice": 25083.36d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-11-30", "l_commitdate": "1994-11-02", "l_receiptdate": "1994-12-20", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "accounts solve alongside of the fluffily " }
, { "l_orderkey": 3109, "l_partkey": 145, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 49.0d, "l_extendedprice": 51211.86d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-10-24", "l_commitdate": "1993-09-30", "l_receiptdate": "1993-11-21", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": " even pearls. furiously pending " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4198, "l_partkey": 145, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 13.0d, "l_extendedprice": 13586.82d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-07-18", "l_commitdate": "1997-07-24", "l_receiptdate": "1997-08-10", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": " furious excuses. bli" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4327, "l_partkey": 145, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 11.0d, "l_extendedprice": 11496.54d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-04-24", "l_commitdate": "1995-05-27", "l_receiptdate": "1995-05-24", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": " ironic dolphins" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3653, "l_partkey": 145, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 38.0d, "l_extendedprice": 39715.32d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-06-26", "l_commitdate": "1994-05-13", "l_receiptdate": "1994-07-13", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ainst the " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3877, "l_partkey": 145, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 47.0d, "l_extendedprice": 49121.58d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-08-01", "l_commitdate": "1993-08-16", "l_receiptdate": "1993-08-04", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "furiously quick requests nag along the theo" }
, { "l_orderkey": 4512, "l_partkey": 145, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 21.0d, "l_extendedprice": 21947.94d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-10-31", "l_commitdate": "1995-12-30", "l_receiptdate": "1995-11-15", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "lly unusual pinto b" }
, { "l_orderkey": 4807, "l_partkey": 145, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 34.0d, "l_extendedprice": 35534.76d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-01-31", "l_commitdate": "1997-03-13", "l_receiptdate": "1997-02-01", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ecial ideas. deposits according to the fin" }
, { "l_orderkey": 5667, "l_partkey": 145, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 37.0d, "l_extendedprice": 38670.18d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-09-24", "l_commitdate": "1995-09-17", "l_receiptdate": "1995-10-03", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "s cajole blit" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 834, "l_partkey": 145, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 36.0d, "l_extendedprice": 37625.04d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-06-28", "l_commitdate": "1994-07-25", "l_receiptdate": "1994-07-07", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ccounts haggle after the furiously " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2118, "l_partkey": 145, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 11.0d, "l_extendedprice": 11496.54d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-12-23", "l_commitdate": "1996-12-20", "l_receiptdate": "1997-01-01", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "y ironic accounts sleep upon the packages. " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3653, "l_partkey": 145, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 38.0d, "l_extendedprice": 39715.32d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-06-26", "l_commitdate": "1994-05-13", "l_receiptdate": "1994-07-13", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ainst the " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3687, "l_partkey": 145, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 32.0d, "l_extendedprice": 33444.48d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-05-07", "l_commitdate": "1993-04-05", "l_receiptdate": "1993-05-25", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "deas cajole fo" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5954, "l_partkey": 145, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 20.0d, "l_extendedprice": 20902.8d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-02-27", "l_commitdate": "1993-01-04", "l_receiptdate": "1993-03-08", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ke furiously blithely special packa" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2695, "l_partkey": 144, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 21.0d, "l_extendedprice": 21926.94d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-09-13", "l_commitdate": "1996-09-25", "l_receiptdate": "1996-10-13", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "s. furiously ironic platelets ar" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2789, "l_partkey": 144, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 16.0d, "l_extendedprice": 16706.24d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-05-11", "l_commitdate": "1998-05-08", "l_receiptdate": "1998-05-24", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "d the carefully iron" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4065, "l_partkey": 144, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 11.0d, "l_extendedprice": 11485.54d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-07-25", "l_commitdate": "1994-08-02", "l_receiptdate": "1994-07-30", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "hang silently about " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4773, "l_partkey": 144, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 23.0d, "l_extendedprice": 24015.22d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-01-01", "l_commitdate": "1996-03-19", "l_receiptdate": "1996-01-04", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ly express grouches wak" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4966, "l_partkey": 144, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 12.0d, "l_extendedprice": 12529.68d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-12-07", "l_commitdate": "1996-11-23", "l_receiptdate": "1996-12-20", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "eodolites. ironic requests across the exp" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4992, "l_partkey": 144, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 17.0d, "l_extendedprice": 17750.38d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-07-05", "l_commitdate": "1992-07-19", "l_receiptdate": "1992-07-30", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "s along the perma" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 327, "l_partkey": 144, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 16.0d, "l_extendedprice": 16706.24d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-07-05", "l_commitdate": "1995-06-07", "l_receiptdate": "1995-07-09", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "cial ideas sleep af" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1475, "l_partkey": 144, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 30.0d, "l_extendedprice": 31324.2d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-03-11", "l_commitdate": "1997-12-30", "l_receiptdate": "1998-03-15", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": " regular theodolites mold across th" }
, { "l_orderkey": 2594, "l_partkey": 144, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 46.0d, "l_extendedprice": 48030.44d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-04-17", "l_commitdate": "1993-03-06", "l_receiptdate": "1993-04-21", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "beans. instructions across t" }
, { "l_orderkey": 3746, "l_partkey": 144, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 28.0d, "l_extendedprice": 29235.92d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-09-20", "l_commitdate": "1994-10-21", "l_receiptdate": "1994-09-27", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "s after the even, special requests" }
, { "l_orderkey": 4485, "l_partkey": 144, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 43.0d, "l_extendedprice": 44898.02d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-01-28", "l_commitdate": "1995-01-26", "l_receiptdate": "1995-02-07", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": ". blithely" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4518, "l_partkey": 144, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 9.0d, "l_extendedprice": 9397.26d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-06-26", "l_commitdate": "1997-07-07", "l_receiptdate": "1997-07-10", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": " pending deposits. slyly re" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4675, "l_partkey": 144, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 12.0d, "l_extendedprice": 12529.68d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-12-22", "l_commitdate": "1994-01-12", "l_receiptdate": "1993-12-23", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "posits affix carefully" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5415, "l_partkey": 144, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 46.0d, "l_extendedprice": 48030.44d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-08-25", "l_commitdate": "1992-09-10", "l_receiptdate": "1992-09-22", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ve the fluffily " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5826, "l_partkey": 144, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 4.0d, "l_extendedprice": 4176.56d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-07-31", "l_commitdate": "1998-09-10", "l_receiptdate": "1998-08-27", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": " packages across the fluffily spec" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 327, "l_partkey": 144, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 16.0d, "l_extendedprice": 16706.24d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-07-05", "l_commitdate": "1995-06-07", "l_receiptdate": "1995-07-09", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "cial ideas sleep af" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4992, "l_partkey": 144, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 17.0d, "l_extendedprice": 17750.38d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-07-05", "l_commitdate": "1992-07-19", "l_receiptdate": "1992-07-30", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "s along the perma" }
, { "l_orderkey": 1441, "l_partkey": 144, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 5.0d, "l_extendedprice": 5220.7d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-05-17", "l_commitdate": "1997-05-11", "l_receiptdate": "1997-05-30", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "egular courts. fluffily even grouches " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2439, "l_partkey": 144, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 5.0d, "l_extendedprice": 5220.7d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-04-23", "l_commitdate": "1997-04-26", "l_receiptdate": "1997-04-28", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ites. furiously" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2565, "l_partkey": 144, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 42.0d, "l_extendedprice": 43853.88d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-04-07", "l_commitdate": "1998-04-02", "l_receiptdate": "1998-05-04", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ngly silent " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2789, "l_partkey": 144, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 16.0d, "l_extendedprice": 16706.24d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-05-11", "l_commitdate": "1998-05-08", "l_receiptdate": "1998-05-24", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "d the carefully iron" }
, { "l_orderkey": 3361, "l_partkey": 144, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 6.0d, "l_extendedprice": 6264.84d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-10-02", "l_commitdate": "1992-10-25", "l_receiptdate": "1992-10-05", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": " packages sleep. furiously unus" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3521, "l_partkey": 144, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 26.0d, "l_extendedprice": 27147.64d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-01-04", "l_commitdate": "1993-01-20", "l_receiptdate": "1993-01-17", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "onic dependencies haggle. fur" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3648, "l_partkey": 144, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 16.0d, "l_extendedprice": 16706.24d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-08-14", "l_commitdate": "1993-08-14", "l_receiptdate": "1993-08-15", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "s nag packages." }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4518, "l_partkey": 144, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 9.0d, "l_extendedprice": 9397.26d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-06-26", "l_commitdate": "1997-07-07", "l_receiptdate": "1997-07-10", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": " pending deposits. slyly re" }
, { "l_orderkey": 5154, "l_partkey": 144, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 15.0d, "l_extendedprice": 15662.1d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-06-23", "l_commitdate": "1997-07-11", "l_receiptdate": "1997-07-11", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "even packages. packages use" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5441, "l_partkey": 144, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 33.0d, "l_extendedprice": 34456.62d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-10-09", "l_commitdate": "1994-10-06", "l_receiptdate": "1994-10-30", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ges. final instruction" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5826, "l_partkey": 144, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 4.0d, "l_extendedprice": 4176.56d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-07-31", "l_commitdate": "1998-09-10", "l_receiptdate": "1998-08-27", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": " packages across the fluffily spec" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2439, "l_partkey": 144, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 5.0d, "l_extendedprice": 5220.7d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-04-23", "l_commitdate": "1997-04-26", "l_receiptdate": "1997-04-28", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ites. furiously" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2497, "l_partkey": 144, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 48.0d, "l_extendedprice": 50118.72d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-09-29", "l_commitdate": "1992-11-13", "l_receiptdate": "1992-10-19", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": " even, regular requests across " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2695, "l_partkey": 144, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 21.0d, "l_extendedprice": 21926.94d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-09-13", "l_commitdate": "1996-09-25", "l_receiptdate": "1996-10-13", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "s. furiously ironic platelets ar" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3521, "l_partkey": 144, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 26.0d, "l_extendedprice": 27147.64d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-01-04", "l_commitdate": "1993-01-20", "l_receiptdate": "1993-01-17", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "onic dependencies haggle. fur" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4065, "l_partkey": 144, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 11.0d, "l_extendedprice": 11485.54d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-07-25", "l_commitdate": "1994-08-02", "l_receiptdate": "1994-07-30", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "hang silently about " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4675, "l_partkey": 144, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 12.0d, "l_extendedprice": 12529.68d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-12-22", "l_commitdate": "1994-01-12", "l_receiptdate": "1993-12-23", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "posits affix carefully" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4996, "l_partkey": 144, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 13.0d, "l_extendedprice": 13573.82d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-09-17", "l_commitdate": "1992-12-02", "l_receiptdate": "1992-10-07", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "o beans use about the furious" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5442, "l_partkey": 144, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 26.0d, "l_extendedprice": 27147.64d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-03-21", "l_commitdate": "1998-03-21", "l_receiptdate": "1998-03-25", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "have to sleep furiously bold ideas. blith" }
, { "l_orderkey": 1061, "l_partkey": 144, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 35.0d, "l_extendedprice": 36544.9d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-07-05", "l_commitdate": "1998-07-07", "l_receiptdate": "1998-07-30", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ending requests nag careful" }
, { "l_orderkey": 1381, "l_partkey": 144, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 47.0d, "l_extendedprice": 49074.58d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-09-22", "l_commitdate": "1998-08-12", "l_receiptdate": "1998-10-12", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ly ironic deposits" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1475, "l_partkey": 144, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 30.0d, "l_extendedprice": 31324.2d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-03-11", "l_commitdate": "1997-12-30", "l_receiptdate": "1998-03-15", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": " regular theodolites mold across th" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2497, "l_partkey": 144, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 48.0d, "l_extendedprice": 50118.72d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-09-29", "l_commitdate": "1992-11-13", "l_receiptdate": "1992-10-19", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": " even, regular requests across " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2565, "l_partkey": 144, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 42.0d, "l_extendedprice": 43853.88d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-04-07", "l_commitdate": "1998-04-02", "l_receiptdate": "1998-05-04", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ngly silent " }
, { "l_orderkey": 3203, "l_partkey": 144, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 23.0d, "l_extendedprice": 24015.22d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-01-04", "l_commitdate": "1998-01-12", "l_receiptdate": "1998-01-24", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "uses. fluffily ironic pinto bea" }
, { "l_orderkey": 3457, "l_partkey": 144, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 45.0d, "l_extendedprice": 46986.3d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-08-12", "l_commitdate": "1995-07-18", "l_receiptdate": "1995-08-23", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": " packages. care" }
, { "l_orderkey": 3618, "l_partkey": 144, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 48.0d, "l_extendedprice": 50118.72d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-03-12", "l_commitdate": "1998-02-13", "l_receiptdate": "1998-03-29", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "tructions atop the ironi" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3648, "l_partkey": 144, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 16.0d, "l_extendedprice": 16706.24d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-08-14", "l_commitdate": "1993-08-14", "l_receiptdate": "1993-08-15", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "s nag packages." }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4773, "l_partkey": 144, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 23.0d, "l_extendedprice": 24015.22d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-01-01", "l_commitdate": "1996-03-19", "l_receiptdate": "1996-01-04", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ly express grouches wak" }
, { "l_orderkey": 4931, "l_partkey": 144, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 20.0d, "l_extendedprice": 20882.8d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-01-25", "l_commitdate": "1994-12-21", "l_receiptdate": "1995-02-06", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "the furious" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4996, "l_partkey": 144, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 13.0d, "l_extendedprice": 13573.82d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-09-17", "l_commitdate": "1992-12-02", "l_receiptdate": "1992-10-07", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "o beans use about the furious" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5441, "l_partkey": 144, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 33.0d, "l_extendedprice": 34456.62d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-10-09", "l_commitdate": "1994-10-06", "l_receiptdate": "1994-10-30", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ges. final instruction" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5442, "l_partkey": 144, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 26.0d, "l_extendedprice": 27147.64d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-03-21", "l_commitdate": "1998-03-21", "l_receiptdate": "1998-03-25", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "have to sleep furiously bold ideas. blith" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 678, "l_partkey": 143, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 16.0d, "l_extendedprice": 16690.24d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-03-20", "l_commitdate": "1993-04-13", "l_receiptdate": "1993-04-16", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "equests cajole around the carefully regular" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1154, "l_partkey": 143, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 31.0d, "l_extendedprice": 32337.34d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-04-17", "l_commitdate": "1992-04-26", "l_receiptdate": "1992-05-17", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ithely. final, blithe " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1638, "l_partkey": 143, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 25.0d, "l_extendedprice": 26078.5d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-10-06", "l_commitdate": "1997-09-30", "l_receiptdate": "1997-11-02", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "gle final, ironic pinto beans. " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3109, "l_partkey": 143, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 50.0d, "l_extendedprice": 52157.0d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-09-17", "l_commitdate": "1993-10-16", "l_receiptdate": "1993-10-11", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": " regular packages boost blithely even, re" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5511, "l_partkey": 143, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 23.0d, "l_extendedprice": 23992.22d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-02-03", "l_commitdate": "1995-01-05", "l_receiptdate": "1995-02-18", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ully deposits. warthogs hagg" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 263, "l_partkey": 143, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 50.0d, "l_extendedprice": 52157.0d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-08-18", "l_commitdate": "1994-07-31", "l_receiptdate": "1994-08-22", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "re the packages. special" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4966, "l_partkey": 144, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 12.0d, "l_extendedprice": 12529.68d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-12-07", "l_commitdate": "1996-11-23", "l_receiptdate": "1996-12-20", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "eodolites. ironic requests across the exp" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5415, "l_partkey": 144, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 46.0d, "l_extendedprice": 48030.44d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-08-25", "l_commitdate": "1992-09-10", "l_receiptdate": "1992-09-22", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ve the fluffily " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 323, "l_partkey": 143, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 9.0d, "l_extendedprice": 9388.26d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-06-26", "l_commitdate": "1994-06-10", "l_receiptdate": "1994-07-13", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "nic accounts. regular, regular pack" }
, { "l_orderkey": 450, "l_partkey": 143, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 32.0d, "l_extendedprice": 33380.48d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-07-02", "l_commitdate": "1995-04-25", "l_receiptdate": "1995-07-30", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": " accounts nod fluffily even, pending" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 676, "l_partkey": 143, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 11.0d, "l_extendedprice": 11474.54d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-03-09", "l_commitdate": "1997-03-06", "l_receiptdate": "1997-03-31", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "he final acco" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 708, "l_partkey": 143, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 36.0d, "l_extendedprice": 37553.04d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-07-16", "l_commitdate": "1998-09-04", "l_receiptdate": "1998-08-11", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ests. even, regular hockey p" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 802, "l_partkey": 143, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 40.0d, "l_extendedprice": 41725.6d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-01-07", "l_commitdate": "1995-04-03", "l_receiptdate": "1995-01-23", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "y bold accou" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1285, "l_partkey": 143, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 45.0d, "l_extendedprice": 46941.3d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-09-05", "l_commitdate": "1992-08-08", "l_receiptdate": "1992-10-02", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": " special requests haggle blithely." }
, { "l_orderkey": 1542, "l_partkey": 143, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 21.0d, "l_extendedprice": 21905.94d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-10-13", "l_commitdate": "1993-12-13", "l_receiptdate": "1993-11-12", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "y pending foxes nag blithely " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2176, "l_partkey": 143, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 2.0d, "l_extendedprice": 2086.28d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-02-26", "l_commitdate": "1993-01-08", "l_receiptdate": "1993-03-23", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "s pinto beans" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1638, "l_partkey": 143, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 25.0d, "l_extendedprice": 26078.5d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-10-06", "l_commitdate": "1997-09-30", "l_receiptdate": "1997-11-02", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "gle final, ironic pinto beans. " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1763, "l_partkey": 143, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 3.0d, "l_extendedprice": 3129.42d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-12-10", "l_commitdate": "1996-12-06", "l_receiptdate": "1997-01-04", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ut the slyly pending deposi" }
, { "l_orderkey": 2913, "l_partkey": 143, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 5.0d, "l_extendedprice": 5215.7d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-10-07", "l_commitdate": "1997-08-25", "l_receiptdate": "1997-10-09", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "haggle. even, bold instructi" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3458, "l_partkey": 143, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 36.0d, "l_extendedprice": 37553.04d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-04-20", "l_commitdate": "1995-02-14", "l_receiptdate": "1995-05-09", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "s lose. blithely ironic requests boost" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4198, "l_partkey": 143, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 46.0d, "l_extendedprice": 47984.44d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-08-17", "l_commitdate": "1997-09-08", "l_receiptdate": "1997-09-11", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "posits among th" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2498, "l_partkey": 143, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 48.0d, "l_extendedprice": 50070.72d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-11-25", "l_commitdate": "1994-01-09", "l_receiptdate": "1993-12-24", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "onic requests wake" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3553, "l_partkey": 143, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 4.0d, "l_extendedprice": 4172.56d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-06-13", "l_commitdate": "1994-07-10", "l_receiptdate": "1994-07-03", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "olites boost bli" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4834, "l_partkey": 143, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 38.0d, "l_extendedprice": 39639.32d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-01-10", "l_commitdate": "1996-12-06", "l_receiptdate": "1997-01-22", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "alongside of the carefully even plate" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5348, "l_partkey": 143, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 14.0d, "l_extendedprice": 14603.96d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-12-16", "l_commitdate": "1998-01-12", "l_receiptdate": "1997-12-24", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "en pinto beans. somas cajo" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5729, "l_partkey": 143, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 5.0d, "l_extendedprice": 5215.7d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-11-27", "l_commitdate": "1994-11-11", "l_receiptdate": "1994-12-23", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "s. even sheaves nag courts. " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5921, "l_partkey": 143, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 41.0d, "l_extendedprice": 42768.74d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-04-13", "l_commitdate": "1994-05-31", "l_receiptdate": "1994-04-26", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "nusual, regular theodol" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 672, "l_partkey": 143, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 35.0d, "l_extendedprice": 36509.9d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-07-13", "l_commitdate": "1994-06-04", "l_receiptdate": "1994-07-14", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": " dependencies haggle quickly. theo" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 676, "l_partkey": 143, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 11.0d, "l_extendedprice": 11474.54d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-03-09", "l_commitdate": "1997-03-06", "l_receiptdate": "1997-03-31", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "he final acco" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 678, "l_partkey": 143, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 16.0d, "l_extendedprice": 16690.24d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-03-20", "l_commitdate": "1993-04-13", "l_receiptdate": "1993-04-16", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "equests cajole around the carefully regular" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 708, "l_partkey": 143, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 36.0d, "l_extendedprice": 37553.04d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-07-16", "l_commitdate": "1998-09-04", "l_receiptdate": "1998-08-11", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ests. even, regular hockey p" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 807, "l_partkey": 143, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 30.0d, "l_extendedprice": 31294.2d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-01-19", "l_commitdate": "1994-01-09", "l_receiptdate": "1994-01-27", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "cial accoun" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 871, "l_partkey": 143, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 26.0d, "l_extendedprice": 27121.64d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-02-07", "l_commitdate": "1996-01-05", "l_receiptdate": "1996-02-25", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "symptotes use quickly near the " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1154, "l_partkey": 143, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 31.0d, "l_extendedprice": 32337.34d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-04-17", "l_commitdate": "1992-04-26", "l_receiptdate": "1992-05-17", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ithely. final, blithe " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1347, "l_partkey": 143, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 34.0d, "l_extendedprice": 35466.76d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-06-25", "l_commitdate": "1997-09-08", "l_receiptdate": "1997-07-24", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "r packages. f" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2180, "l_partkey": 143, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 23.0d, "l_extendedprice": 23992.22d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-11-08", "l_commitdate": "1996-10-25", "l_receiptdate": "1996-11-28", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ggle alongside of the fluffily speci" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2307, "l_partkey": 143, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 7.0d, "l_extendedprice": 7301.98d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-09-01", "l_commitdate": "1993-08-08", "l_receiptdate": "1993-09-29", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": " packages cajo" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3109, "l_partkey": 143, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 50.0d, "l_extendedprice": 52157.0d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-09-17", "l_commitdate": "1993-10-16", "l_receiptdate": "1993-10-11", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": " regular packages boost blithely even, re" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4964, "l_partkey": 143, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 18.0d, "l_extendedprice": 18776.52d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-10-13", "l_commitdate": "1997-09-01", "l_receiptdate": "1997-11-10", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": " platelets. furio" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5027, "l_partkey": 143, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 3.0d, "l_extendedprice": 3129.42d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-09-30", "l_commitdate": "1997-11-26", "l_receiptdate": "1997-10-05", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "t the even mu" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 263, "l_partkey": 143, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 50.0d, "l_extendedprice": 52157.0d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-08-18", "l_commitdate": "1994-07-31", "l_receiptdate": "1994-08-22", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "re the packages. special" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 802, "l_partkey": 143, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 40.0d, "l_extendedprice": 41725.6d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-01-07", "l_commitdate": "1995-04-03", "l_receiptdate": "1995-01-23", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "y bold accou" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2176, "l_partkey": 143, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 2.0d, "l_extendedprice": 2086.28d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-02-26", "l_commitdate": "1993-01-08", "l_receiptdate": "1993-03-23", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "s pinto beans" }
, { "l_orderkey": 3524, "l_partkey": 143, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 17.0d, "l_extendedprice": 17733.38d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-09-01", "l_commitdate": "1992-07-17", "l_receiptdate": "1992-09-05", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "g, final epitaphs about the pinto " }
, { "l_orderkey": 4897, "l_partkey": 143, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 34.0d, "l_extendedprice": 35466.76d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-12-31", "l_commitdate": "1992-11-11", "l_receiptdate": "1993-01-30", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ts. special dependencies use fluffily " }
, { "l_orderkey": 5094, "l_partkey": 143, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 19.0d, "l_extendedprice": 19819.66d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-03-31", "l_commitdate": "1993-06-12", "l_receiptdate": "1993-04-04", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ronic foxes. furi" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 807, "l_partkey": 143, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 30.0d, "l_extendedprice": 31294.2d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-01-19", "l_commitdate": "1994-01-09", "l_receiptdate": "1994-01-27", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "cial accoun" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 871, "l_partkey": 143, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 26.0d, "l_extendedprice": 27121.64d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-02-07", "l_commitdate": "1996-01-05", "l_receiptdate": "1996-02-25", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "symptotes use quickly near the " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1347, "l_partkey": 143, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 34.0d, "l_extendedprice": 35466.76d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-06-25", "l_commitdate": "1997-09-08", "l_receiptdate": "1997-07-24", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "r packages. f" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1763, "l_partkey": 143, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 3.0d, "l_extendedprice": 3129.42d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-12-10", "l_commitdate": "1996-12-06", "l_receiptdate": "1997-01-04", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ut the slyly pending deposi" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2180, "l_partkey": 143, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 23.0d, "l_extendedprice": 23992.22d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-11-08", "l_commitdate": "1996-10-25", "l_receiptdate": "1996-11-28", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ggle alongside of the fluffily speci" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2307, "l_partkey": 143, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 7.0d, "l_extendedprice": 7301.98d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-09-01", "l_commitdate": "1993-08-08", "l_receiptdate": "1993-09-29", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": " packages cajo" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3458, "l_partkey": 143, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 36.0d, "l_extendedprice": 37553.04d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-04-20", "l_commitdate": "1995-02-14", "l_receiptdate": "1995-05-09", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "s lose. blithely ironic requests boost" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3553, "l_partkey": 143, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 4.0d, "l_extendedprice": 4172.56d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-06-13", "l_commitdate": "1994-07-10", "l_receiptdate": "1994-07-03", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "olites boost bli" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4964, "l_partkey": 143, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 18.0d, "l_extendedprice": 18776.52d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-10-13", "l_commitdate": "1997-09-01", "l_receiptdate": "1997-11-10", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": " platelets. furio" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5027, "l_partkey": 143, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 3.0d, "l_extendedprice": 3129.42d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-09-30", "l_commitdate": "1997-11-26", "l_receiptdate": "1997-10-05", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "t the even mu" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5511, "l_partkey": 143, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 23.0d, "l_extendedprice": 23992.22d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-02-03", "l_commitdate": "1995-01-05", "l_receiptdate": "1995-02-18", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ully deposits. warthogs hagg" }
, { "l_orderkey": 5543, "l_partkey": 143, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 14.0d, "l_extendedprice": 14603.96d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-10-09", "l_commitdate": "1993-12-09", "l_receiptdate": "1993-10-21", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ecial reque" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5729, "l_partkey": 143, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 5.0d, "l_extendedprice": 5215.7d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-11-27", "l_commitdate": "1994-11-11", "l_receiptdate": "1994-12-23", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "s. even sheaves nag courts. " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 323, "l_partkey": 143, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 9.0d, "l_extendedprice": 9388.26d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-06-26", "l_commitdate": "1994-06-10", "l_receiptdate": "1994-07-13", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "nic accounts. regular, regular pack" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 672, "l_partkey": 143, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 35.0d, "l_extendedprice": 36509.9d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-07-13", "l_commitdate": "1994-06-04", "l_receiptdate": "1994-07-14", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": " dependencies haggle quickly. theo" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1285, "l_partkey": 143, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 45.0d, "l_extendedprice": 46941.3d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-09-05", "l_commitdate": "1992-08-08", "l_receiptdate": "1992-10-02", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": " special requests haggle blithely." }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2498, "l_partkey": 143, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 48.0d, "l_extendedprice": 50070.72d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-11-25", "l_commitdate": "1994-01-09", "l_receiptdate": "1993-12-24", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "onic requests wake" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4198, "l_partkey": 143, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 46.0d, "l_extendedprice": 47984.44d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-08-17", "l_commitdate": "1997-09-08", "l_receiptdate": "1997-09-11", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "posits among th" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4834, "l_partkey": 143, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 38.0d, "l_extendedprice": 39639.32d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-01-10", "l_commitdate": "1996-12-06", "l_receiptdate": "1997-01-22", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "alongside of the carefully even plate" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5348, "l_partkey": 143, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 14.0d, "l_extendedprice": 14603.96d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-12-16", "l_commitdate": "1998-01-12", "l_receiptdate": "1997-12-24", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "en pinto beans. somas cajo" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5921, "l_partkey": 143, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 41.0d, "l_extendedprice": 42768.74d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-04-13", "l_commitdate": "1994-05-31", "l_receiptdate": "1994-04-26", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "nusual, regular theodol" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2081, "l_partkey": 142, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 31.0d, "l_extendedprice": 32306.34d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-09-19", "l_commitdate": "1997-09-13", "l_receiptdate": "1997-09-27", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": " silent, spe" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2307, "l_partkey": 142, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 24.0d, "l_extendedprice": 25011.36d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-10-07", "l_commitdate": "1993-08-05", "l_receiptdate": "1993-10-20", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "stealthily special packages nag a" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 998, "l_partkey": 142, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 30.0d, "l_extendedprice": 31264.2d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-12-02", "l_commitdate": "1995-01-23", "l_receiptdate": "1994-12-23", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "lyly idle Tir" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1153, "l_partkey": 142, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 45.0d, "l_extendedprice": 46896.3d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-06-18", "l_commitdate": "1996-06-20", "l_receiptdate": "1996-07-03", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "oss the ex" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1605, "l_partkey": 142, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 47.0d, "l_extendedprice": 48980.58d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-04-29", "l_commitdate": "1998-06-12", "l_receiptdate": "1998-05-20", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": ". carefully r" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1632, "l_partkey": 142, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 43.0d, "l_extendedprice": 44812.02d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-02-24", "l_commitdate": "1997-02-19", "l_receiptdate": "1997-03-25", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ts. blithe, bold ideas cajo" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1952, "l_partkey": 142, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 6.0d, "l_extendedprice": 6252.84d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-05-09", "l_commitdate": "1994-05-21", "l_receiptdate": "1994-05-26", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "packages haggle. " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2241, "l_partkey": 142, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 9.0d, "l_extendedprice": 9379.26d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-05-14", "l_commitdate": "1993-07-12", "l_receiptdate": "1993-05-29", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "lyly final " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3458, "l_partkey": 142, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 6.0d, "l_extendedprice": 6252.84d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-03-10", "l_commitdate": "1995-02-02", "l_receiptdate": "1995-03-23", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "dolites; regular theodolites cajole " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3719, "l_partkey": 142, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 43.0d, "l_extendedprice": 44812.02d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-05-08", "l_commitdate": "1997-04-15", "l_receiptdate": "1997-06-06", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "the furiously special pinto bean" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4036, "l_partkey": 142, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 6.0d, "l_extendedprice": 6252.84d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-06-19", "l_commitdate": "1997-06-16", "l_receiptdate": "1997-07-01", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "equests wake about the bold id" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5318, "l_partkey": 142, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 31.0d, "l_extendedprice": 32306.34d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-07-28", "l_commitdate": "1993-05-06", "l_receiptdate": "1993-08-06", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "requests must sleep slyly quickly" }
, { "l_orderkey": 225, "l_partkey": 142, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 44.0d, "l_extendedprice": 45854.16d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-09-22", "l_commitdate": "1995-08-16", "l_receiptdate": "1995-10-22", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "leep slyly " }
, { "l_orderkey": 390, "l_partkey": 142, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 42.0d, "l_extendedprice": 43769.88d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-06-06", "l_commitdate": "1998-06-22", "l_receiptdate": "1998-07-05", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "counts nag across the sly, sil" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2816, "l_partkey": 142, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 4.0d, "l_extendedprice": 4168.56d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-12-11", "l_commitdate": "1994-12-07", "l_receiptdate": "1995-01-03", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": ". blithely pending id" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1605, "l_partkey": 142, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 47.0d, "l_extendedprice": 48980.58d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-04-29", "l_commitdate": "1998-06-12", "l_receiptdate": "1998-05-20", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": ". carefully r" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2081, "l_partkey": 142, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 31.0d, "l_extendedprice": 32306.34d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-09-19", "l_commitdate": "1997-09-13", "l_receiptdate": "1997-09-27", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": " silent, spe" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2241, "l_partkey": 142, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 9.0d, "l_extendedprice": 9379.26d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-05-14", "l_commitdate": "1993-07-12", "l_receiptdate": "1993-05-29", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "lyly final " }
, { "l_orderkey": 3136, "l_partkey": 142, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 30.0d, "l_extendedprice": 31264.2d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-08-13", "l_commitdate": "1994-10-02", "l_receiptdate": "1994-09-02", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "leep blithel" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3395, "l_partkey": 142, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 21.0d, "l_extendedprice": 21884.94d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-12-19", "l_commitdate": "1995-01-13", "l_receiptdate": "1994-12-25", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": " careful dep" }
, { "l_orderkey": 3556, "l_partkey": 142, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 45.0d, "l_extendedprice": 46896.3d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-10-14", "l_commitdate": "1992-12-21", "l_receiptdate": "1992-10-16", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ckages boost quickl" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3719, "l_partkey": 142, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 43.0d, "l_extendedprice": 44812.02d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-05-08", "l_commitdate": "1997-04-15", "l_receiptdate": "1997-06-06", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "the furiously special pinto bean" }
, { "l_orderkey": 4231, "l_partkey": 142, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 47.0d, "l_extendedprice": 48980.58d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-11-27", "l_commitdate": "1998-01-26", "l_receiptdate": "1997-12-17", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "hely along the silent at" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5158, "l_partkey": 142, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 41.0d, "l_extendedprice": 42727.74d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-02-25", "l_commitdate": "1997-03-19", "l_receiptdate": "1997-03-03", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "deposits. quickly special " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5318, "l_partkey": 142, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 31.0d, "l_extendedprice": 32306.34d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-07-28", "l_commitdate": "1993-05-06", "l_receiptdate": "1993-08-06", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "requests must sleep slyly quickly" }
, { "l_orderkey": 5413, "l_partkey": 142, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 37.0d, "l_extendedprice": 38559.18d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-12-08", "l_commitdate": "1998-01-01", "l_receiptdate": "1997-12-13", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "usly bold instructions affix idly unusual, " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 192, "l_partkey": 142, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 45.0d, "l_extendedprice": 46896.3d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-03-11", "l_commitdate": "1998-01-09", "l_receiptdate": "1998-04-03", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "equests. ideas sleep idea" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 583, "l_partkey": 142, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 33.0d, "l_extendedprice": 34390.62d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-05-28", "l_commitdate": "1997-04-25", "l_receiptdate": "1997-06-24", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "kages cajole slyly across the" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2306, "l_partkey": 142, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 42.0d, "l_extendedprice": 43769.88d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-09-05", "l_commitdate": "1995-08-25", "l_receiptdate": "1995-09-28", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "furiously final acco" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3107, "l_partkey": 142, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 35.0d, "l_extendedprice": 36474.9d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-08-27", "l_commitdate": "1997-11-19", "l_receiptdate": "1997-09-14", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ets doubt furiously final ideas. final" }
, { "l_orderkey": 5670, "l_partkey": 142, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 11.0d, "l_extendedprice": 11463.54d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-07-11", "l_commitdate": "1993-06-26", "l_receiptdate": "1993-07-24", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "etect furiously among the even pin" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 132, "l_partkey": 141, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 18.0d, "l_extendedprice": 18740.52d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-07-10", "l_commitdate": "1993-08-05", "l_receiptdate": "1993-07-13", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ges. platelets wake furio" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 321, "l_partkey": 141, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 41.0d, "l_extendedprice": 42686.74d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-06-21", "l_commitdate": "1993-06-07", "l_receiptdate": "1993-07-09", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "special packages shall have to doze blit" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 582, "l_partkey": 141, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 42.0d, "l_extendedprice": 43727.88d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-11-15", "l_commitdate": "1997-12-21", "l_receiptdate": "1997-12-03", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "iously beside the silent de" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 192, "l_partkey": 142, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 45.0d, "l_extendedprice": 46896.3d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-03-11", "l_commitdate": "1998-01-09", "l_receiptdate": "1998-04-03", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "equests. ideas sleep idea" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2306, "l_partkey": 142, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 42.0d, "l_extendedprice": 43769.88d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-09-05", "l_commitdate": "1995-08-25", "l_receiptdate": "1995-09-28", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "furiously final acco" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2816, "l_partkey": 142, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 4.0d, "l_extendedprice": 4168.56d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-12-11", "l_commitdate": "1994-12-07", "l_receiptdate": "1995-01-03", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": ". blithely pending id" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3107, "l_partkey": 142, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 35.0d, "l_extendedprice": 36474.9d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-08-27", "l_commitdate": "1997-11-19", "l_receiptdate": "1997-09-14", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ets doubt furiously final ideas. final" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1632, "l_partkey": 142, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 43.0d, "l_extendedprice": 44812.02d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-02-24", "l_commitdate": "1997-02-19", "l_receiptdate": "1997-03-25", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ts. blithe, bold ideas cajo" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1952, "l_partkey": 142, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 6.0d, "l_extendedprice": 6252.84d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-05-09", "l_commitdate": "1994-05-21", "l_receiptdate": "1994-05-26", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "packages haggle. " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3395, "l_partkey": 142, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 21.0d, "l_extendedprice": 21884.94d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-12-19", "l_commitdate": "1995-01-13", "l_receiptdate": "1994-12-25", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": " careful dep" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4036, "l_partkey": 142, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 6.0d, "l_extendedprice": 6252.84d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-06-19", "l_commitdate": "1997-06-16", "l_receiptdate": "1997-07-01", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "equests wake about the bold id" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 583, "l_partkey": 142, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 33.0d, "l_extendedprice": 34390.62d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-05-28", "l_commitdate": "1997-04-25", "l_receiptdate": "1997-06-24", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "kages cajole slyly across the" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 998, "l_partkey": 142, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 30.0d, "l_extendedprice": 31264.2d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-12-02", "l_commitdate": "1995-01-23", "l_receiptdate": "1994-12-23", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "lyly idle Tir" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1153, "l_partkey": 142, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 45.0d, "l_extendedprice": 46896.3d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-06-18", "l_commitdate": "1996-06-20", "l_receiptdate": "1996-07-03", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "oss the ex" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2307, "l_partkey": 142, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 24.0d, "l_extendedprice": 25011.36d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-10-07", "l_commitdate": "1993-08-05", "l_receiptdate": "1993-10-20", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "stealthily special packages nag a" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3458, "l_partkey": 142, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 6.0d, "l_extendedprice": 6252.84d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-03-10", "l_commitdate": "1995-02-02", "l_receiptdate": "1995-03-23", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "dolites; regular theodolites cajole " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5158, "l_partkey": 142, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 41.0d, "l_extendedprice": 42727.74d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-02-25", "l_commitdate": "1997-03-19", "l_receiptdate": "1997-03-03", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "deposits. quickly special " }
, { "l_orderkey": 1344, "l_partkey": 141, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 15.0d, "l_extendedprice": 15617.1d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-06-22", "l_commitdate": "1992-06-24", "l_receiptdate": "1992-06-23", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "rding to the blithely ironic theodolite" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1380, "l_partkey": 141, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 40.0d, "l_extendedprice": 41645.6d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-10-01", "l_commitdate": "1996-08-14", "l_receiptdate": "1996-10-20", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ly final frets. ironic," }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2086, "l_partkey": 141, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 32.0d, "l_extendedprice": 33316.48d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-11-15", "l_commitdate": "1995-01-05", "l_receiptdate": "1994-12-09", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "e carefully along th" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3747, "l_partkey": 141, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 42.0d, "l_extendedprice": 43727.88d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-11-10", "l_commitdate": "1996-10-19", "l_receiptdate": "1996-11-19", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "y. blithely fina" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3876, "l_partkey": 141, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 12.0d, "l_extendedprice": 12493.68d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-09-16", "l_commitdate": "1996-10-23", "l_receiptdate": "1996-10-05", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "y above the pending tithes. blithely ironi" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4448, "l_partkey": 141, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 3.0d, "l_extendedprice": 3123.42d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-07-20", "l_commitdate": "1998-07-10", "l_receiptdate": "1998-08-07", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ronic theod" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4449, "l_partkey": 141, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 10.0d, "l_extendedprice": 10411.4d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-05-09", "l_commitdate": "1998-05-04", "l_receiptdate": "1998-05-15", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ccounts alongside of the platelets integr" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4512, "l_partkey": 141, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 32.0d, "l_extendedprice": 33316.48d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-11-25", "l_commitdate": "1995-12-28", "l_receiptdate": "1995-12-06", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "counts are against the quickly regular " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5536, "l_partkey": 141, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 11.0d, "l_extendedprice": 11452.54d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-03-18", "l_commitdate": "1998-05-12", "l_receiptdate": "1998-03-28", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": " snooze furio" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1089, "l_partkey": 141, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 1.0d, "l_extendedprice": 1041.14d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-07-08", "l_commitdate": "1996-07-07", "l_receiptdate": "1996-07-17", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "n courts among the caref" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1604, "l_partkey": 141, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 37.0d, "l_extendedprice": 38522.18d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-08-22", "l_commitdate": "1993-09-21", "l_receiptdate": "1993-09-10", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "requests. blithely ironic somas s" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1730, "l_partkey": 141, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 43.0d, "l_extendedprice": 44769.02d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-10-26", "l_commitdate": "1998-10-22", "l_receiptdate": "1998-11-02", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ng deposits cajo" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2565, "l_partkey": 141, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 48.0d, "l_extendedprice": 49974.72d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-06-18", "l_commitdate": "1998-05-06", "l_receiptdate": "1998-07-13", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "r instructions sleep qui" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3264, "l_partkey": 141, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 43.0d, "l_extendedprice": 44769.02d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-01-17", "l_commitdate": "1997-01-24", "l_receiptdate": "1997-02-01", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "leep at the blithely bold" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4067, "l_partkey": 141, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 17.0d, "l_extendedprice": 17699.38d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-01-26", "l_commitdate": "1992-11-23", "l_receiptdate": "1993-01-27", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ts haggle slyly unusual, final" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4166, "l_partkey": 141, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 8.0d, "l_extendedprice": 8329.12d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-06-05", "l_commitdate": "1993-04-10", "l_receiptdate": "1993-07-05", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "uickly. blithely pending de" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5409, "l_partkey": 141, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 17.0d, "l_extendedprice": 17699.38d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-01-13", "l_commitdate": "1992-04-05", "l_receiptdate": "1992-01-20", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "cross the sil" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 738, "l_partkey": 141, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 12.0d, "l_extendedprice": 12493.68d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-06-16", "l_commitdate": "1993-05-05", "l_receiptdate": "1993-06-22", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ove the slyly regular p" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1664, "l_partkey": 141, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 40.0d, "l_extendedprice": 41645.6d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-04-02", "l_commitdate": "1996-04-22", "l_receiptdate": "1996-04-17", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "se blithely unusual pains. carefully" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2311, "l_partkey": 141, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 18.0d, "l_extendedprice": 18740.52d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-06-11", "l_commitdate": "1995-06-18", "l_receiptdate": "1995-07-02", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": " fluffily even patterns haggle blithely. re" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3367, "l_partkey": 141, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 34.0d, "l_extendedprice": 35398.76d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-03-30", "l_commitdate": "1993-02-23", "l_receiptdate": "1993-04-11", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": " accounts wake slyly " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3776, "l_partkey": 141, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 49.0d, "l_extendedprice": 51015.86d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-12-03", "l_commitdate": "1993-02-16", "l_receiptdate": "1992-12-28", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "equests. final, thin grouches " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4485, "l_partkey": 141, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 46.0d, "l_extendedprice": 47892.44d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-03-09", "l_commitdate": "1994-12-14", "l_receiptdate": "1995-03-23", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": ". ironic foxes haggle. regular war" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4583, "l_partkey": 141, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 17.0d, "l_extendedprice": 17699.38d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-11-08", "l_commitdate": "1994-11-03", "l_receiptdate": "1994-11-29", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "romise. reques" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 836, "l_partkey": 141, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 46.0d, "l_extendedprice": 47892.44d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-03-21", "l_commitdate": "1997-02-06", "l_receiptdate": "1997-04-05", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "boldly final pinto beans haggle furiously" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1890, "l_partkey": 141, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 26.0d, "l_extendedprice": 27069.64d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-04-02", "l_commitdate": "1997-03-13", "l_receiptdate": "1997-04-22", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ngage. slyly ironic " }
, { "l_orderkey": 2373, "l_partkey": 141, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 29.0d, "l_extendedprice": 30193.06d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-06-01", "l_commitdate": "1994-05-14", "l_receiptdate": "1994-06-17", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "yly silent ideas affix furiousl" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2496, "l_partkey": 141, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 38.0d, "l_extendedprice": 39563.32d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-03-26", "l_commitdate": "1994-04-06", "l_receiptdate": "1994-04-23", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": " bold accounts. furi" }
, { "l_orderkey": 2820, "l_partkey": 141, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 38.0d, "l_extendedprice": 39563.32d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-09-10", "l_commitdate": "1994-08-07", "l_receiptdate": "1994-10-07", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ests despite the carefully unusual a" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3367, "l_partkey": 141, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 34.0d, "l_extendedprice": 35398.76d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-03-30", "l_commitdate": "1993-02-23", "l_receiptdate": "1993-04-11", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": " accounts wake slyly " }
, { "l_orderkey": 3712, "l_partkey": 141, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 27.0d, "l_extendedprice": 28110.78d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-02-01", "l_commitdate": "1992-02-26", "l_receiptdate": "1992-03-02", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ctions. even accounts haggle alongside " }
, { "l_orderkey": 3751, "l_partkey": 141, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 32.0d, "l_extendedprice": 33316.48d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-05-05", "l_commitdate": "1994-07-02", "l_receiptdate": "1994-06-02", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "rthogs could have to slee" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4067, "l_partkey": 141, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 17.0d, "l_extendedprice": 17699.38d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-01-26", "l_commitdate": "1992-11-23", "l_receiptdate": "1993-01-27", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ts haggle slyly unusual, final" }
, { "l_orderkey": 4228, "l_partkey": 141, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 20.0d, "l_extendedprice": 20822.8d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-04-24", "l_commitdate": "1997-05-29", "l_receiptdate": "1997-05-17", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "f the slyly fluffy pinto beans are" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4672, "l_partkey": 141, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 20.0d, "l_extendedprice": 20822.8d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-12-08", "l_commitdate": "1996-01-25", "l_receiptdate": "1995-12-19", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "s boost at the ca" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4901, "l_partkey": 141, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 37.0d, "l_extendedprice": 38522.18d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-01-26", "l_commitdate": "1998-02-20", "l_receiptdate": "1998-01-31", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": " furiously ev" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4448, "l_partkey": 141, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 3.0d, "l_extendedprice": 3123.42d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-07-20", "l_commitdate": "1998-07-10", "l_receiptdate": "1998-08-07", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ronic theod" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4485, "l_partkey": 141, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 46.0d, "l_extendedprice": 47892.44d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-03-09", "l_commitdate": "1994-12-14", "l_receiptdate": "1995-03-23", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": ". ironic foxes haggle. regular war" }
, { "l_orderkey": 5252, "l_partkey": 141, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 13.0d, "l_extendedprice": 13534.82d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-03-02", "l_commitdate": "1996-05-10", "l_receiptdate": "1996-03-11", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "boost fluffily across " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 6, "l_partkey": 140, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 37.0d, "l_extendedprice": 38485.18d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-04-27", "l_commitdate": "1992-05-15", "l_receiptdate": "1992-05-02", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "p furiously special foxes" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5536, "l_partkey": 141, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 11.0d, "l_extendedprice": 11452.54d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-03-18", "l_commitdate": "1998-05-12", "l_receiptdate": "1998-03-28", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": " snooze furio" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 321, "l_partkey": 141, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 41.0d, "l_extendedprice": 42686.74d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-06-21", "l_commitdate": "1993-06-07", "l_receiptdate": "1993-07-09", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "special packages shall have to doze blit" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 582, "l_partkey": 141, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 42.0d, "l_extendedprice": 43727.88d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-11-15", "l_commitdate": "1997-12-21", "l_receiptdate": "1997-12-03", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "iously beside the silent de" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 836, "l_partkey": 141, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 46.0d, "l_extendedprice": 47892.44d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-03-21", "l_commitdate": "1997-02-06", "l_receiptdate": "1997-04-05", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "boldly final pinto beans haggle furiously" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1604, "l_partkey": 141, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 37.0d, "l_extendedprice": 38522.18d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-08-22", "l_commitdate": "1993-09-21", "l_receiptdate": "1993-09-10", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "requests. blithely ironic somas s" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2086, "l_partkey": 141, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 32.0d, "l_extendedprice": 33316.48d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-11-15", "l_commitdate": "1995-01-05", "l_receiptdate": "1994-12-09", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "e carefully along th" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3264, "l_partkey": 141, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 43.0d, "l_extendedprice": 44769.02d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-01-17", "l_commitdate": "1997-01-24", "l_receiptdate": "1997-02-01", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "leep at the blithely bold" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3747, "l_partkey": 141, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 42.0d, "l_extendedprice": 43727.88d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-11-10", "l_commitdate": "1996-10-19", "l_receiptdate": "1996-11-19", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "y. blithely fina" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3776, "l_partkey": 141, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 49.0d, "l_extendedprice": 51015.86d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-12-03", "l_commitdate": "1993-02-16", "l_receiptdate": "1992-12-28", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "equests. final, thin grouches " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4672, "l_partkey": 141, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 20.0d, "l_extendedprice": 20822.8d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-12-08", "l_commitdate": "1996-01-25", "l_receiptdate": "1995-12-19", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "s boost at the ca" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5409, "l_partkey": 141, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 17.0d, "l_extendedprice": 17699.38d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-01-13", "l_commitdate": "1992-04-05", "l_receiptdate": "1992-01-20", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "cross the sil" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1664, "l_partkey": 141, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 40.0d, "l_extendedprice": 41645.6d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-04-02", "l_commitdate": "1996-04-22", "l_receiptdate": "1996-04-17", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "se blithely unusual pains. carefully" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1730, "l_partkey": 141, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 43.0d, "l_extendedprice": 44769.02d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-10-26", "l_commitdate": "1998-10-22", "l_receiptdate": "1998-11-02", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ng deposits cajo" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2311, "l_partkey": 141, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 18.0d, "l_extendedprice": 18740.52d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-06-11", "l_commitdate": "1995-06-18", "l_receiptdate": "1995-07-02", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": " fluffily even patterns haggle blithely. re" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3876, "l_partkey": 141, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 12.0d, "l_extendedprice": 12493.68d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-09-16", "l_commitdate": "1996-10-23", "l_receiptdate": "1996-10-05", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "y above the pending tithes. blithely ironi" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4449, "l_partkey": 141, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 10.0d, "l_extendedprice": 10411.4d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-05-09", "l_commitdate": "1998-05-04", "l_receiptdate": "1998-05-15", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ccounts alongside of the platelets integr" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4583, "l_partkey": 141, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 17.0d, "l_extendedprice": 17699.38d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-11-08", "l_commitdate": "1994-11-03", "l_receiptdate": "1994-11-29", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "romise. reques" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 132, "l_partkey": 141, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 18.0d, "l_extendedprice": 18740.52d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-07-10", "l_commitdate": "1993-08-05", "l_receiptdate": "1993-07-13", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ges. platelets wake furio" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 738, "l_partkey": 141, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 12.0d, "l_extendedprice": 12493.68d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-06-16", "l_commitdate": "1993-05-05", "l_receiptdate": "1993-06-22", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ove the slyly regular p" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1089, "l_partkey": 141, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 1.0d, "l_extendedprice": 1041.14d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-07-08", "l_commitdate": "1996-07-07", "l_receiptdate": "1996-07-17", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "n courts among the caref" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1380, "l_partkey": 141, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 40.0d, "l_extendedprice": 41645.6d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-10-01", "l_commitdate": "1996-08-14", "l_receiptdate": "1996-10-20", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ly final frets. ironic," }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1890, "l_partkey": 141, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 26.0d, "l_extendedprice": 27069.64d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-04-02", "l_commitdate": "1997-03-13", "l_receiptdate": "1997-04-22", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ngage. slyly ironic " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2496, "l_partkey": 141, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 38.0d, "l_extendedprice": 39563.32d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-03-26", "l_commitdate": "1994-04-06", "l_receiptdate": "1994-04-23", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": " bold accounts. furi" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2565, "l_partkey": 141, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 48.0d, "l_extendedprice": 49974.72d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-06-18", "l_commitdate": "1998-05-06", "l_receiptdate": "1998-07-13", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "r instructions sleep qui" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4166, "l_partkey": 141, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 8.0d, "l_extendedprice": 8329.12d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-06-05", "l_commitdate": "1993-04-10", "l_receiptdate": "1993-07-05", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "uickly. blithely pending de" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4512, "l_partkey": 141, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 32.0d, "l_extendedprice": 33316.48d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-11-25", "l_commitdate": "1995-12-28", "l_receiptdate": "1995-12-06", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "counts are against the quickly regular " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4901, "l_partkey": 141, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 37.0d, "l_extendedprice": 38522.18d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-01-26", "l_commitdate": "1998-02-20", "l_receiptdate": "1998-01-31", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": " furiously ev" }
, { "l_orderkey": 1058, "l_partkey": 140, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 24.0d, "l_extendedprice": 24963.36d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-07-09", "l_commitdate": "1993-05-28", "l_receiptdate": "1993-07-22", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "fully ironic accounts. express accou" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1218, "l_partkey": 140, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 16.0d, "l_extendedprice": 16642.24d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-06-26", "l_commitdate": "1994-08-07", "l_receiptdate": "1994-06-30", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ven realms be" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1537, "l_partkey": 140, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 3.0d, "l_extendedprice": 3120.42d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-03-20", "l_commitdate": "1992-04-14", "l_receiptdate": "1992-03-21", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "s, final ideas detect sl" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2307, "l_partkey": 140, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 2.0d, "l_extendedprice": 2080.28d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-09-21", "l_commitdate": "1993-08-22", "l_receiptdate": "1993-10-03", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ously. furiously furious requ" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2690, "l_partkey": 140, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 44.0d, "l_extendedprice": 45766.16d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-05-30", "l_commitdate": "1996-05-19", "l_receiptdate": "1996-06-26", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ly alongside of th" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2757, "l_partkey": 140, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 25.0d, "l_extendedprice": 26003.5d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-11-09", "l_commitdate": "1995-09-12", "l_receiptdate": "1995-11-23", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "uickly regular " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3872, "l_partkey": 140, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 40.0d, "l_extendedprice": 41605.6d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-01-02", "l_commitdate": "1996-10-29", "l_receiptdate": "1997-01-14", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "nts? regularly ironic ex" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4322, "l_partkey": 140, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 9.0d, "l_extendedprice": 9361.26d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-05-18", "l_commitdate": "1998-04-27", "l_receiptdate": "1998-05-28", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ual instructio" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4896, "l_partkey": 140, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 44.0d, "l_extendedprice": 45766.16d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-11-24", "l_commitdate": "1992-11-15", "l_receiptdate": "1992-12-18", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "e after the slowly f" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5092, "l_partkey": 140, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 13.0d, "l_extendedprice": 13521.82d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-11-21", "l_commitdate": "1996-01-05", "l_receiptdate": "1995-12-19", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "es detect sly" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5955, "l_partkey": 140, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 14.0d, "l_extendedprice": 14561.96d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-06-22", "l_commitdate": "1995-05-23", "l_receiptdate": "1995-06-24", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": " unusual, bold theodolit" }
, { "l_orderkey": 1155, "l_partkey": 140, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 12.0d, "l_extendedprice": 12481.68d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-11-01", "l_commitdate": "1998-01-03", "l_receiptdate": "1997-11-19", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "packages do" }
, { "l_orderkey": 2116, "l_partkey": 140, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 47.0d, "l_extendedprice": 48886.58d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-09-01", "l_commitdate": "1994-11-18", "l_receiptdate": "1994-09-25", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "iously ironic dependencies around the iro" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3110, "l_partkey": 140, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 39.0d, "l_extendedprice": 40565.46d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-02-09", "l_commitdate": "1995-01-21", "l_receiptdate": "1995-02-21", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "side of the blithely unusual courts. slyly " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3296, "l_partkey": 140, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 47.0d, "l_extendedprice": 48886.58d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-11-08", "l_commitdate": "1994-12-20", "l_receiptdate": "1994-11-30", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "egular deposits. quic" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3335, "l_partkey": 140, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 16.0d, "l_extendedprice": 16642.24d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-10-18", "l_commitdate": "1995-12-08", "l_receiptdate": "1995-11-03", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "g packages. carefully regular reque" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5669, "l_partkey": 140, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 30.0d, "l_extendedprice": 31204.2d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-07-14", "l_commitdate": "1996-07-28", "l_receiptdate": "1996-08-10", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "l accounts. care" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5698, "l_partkey": 140, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 37.0d, "l_extendedprice": 38485.18d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-06-30", "l_commitdate": "1994-06-23", "l_receiptdate": "1994-07-22", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ts. even, ironic " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 68, "l_partkey": 140, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 41.0d, "l_extendedprice": 42645.74d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-06-24", "l_commitdate": "1998-06-27", "l_receiptdate": "1998-07-06", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "eposits nag special ideas. furiousl" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1700, "l_partkey": 140, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 38.0d, "l_extendedprice": 39525.32d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-10-03", "l_commitdate": "1996-07-27", "l_receiptdate": "1996-10-22", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ular dependencies engage slyly " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4102, "l_partkey": 140, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 39.0d, "l_extendedprice": 40565.46d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-06-15", "l_commitdate": "1996-06-06", "l_receiptdate": "1996-06-30", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "y among the furiously special" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4320, "l_partkey": 140, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 6.0d, "l_extendedprice": 6240.84d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-01-11", "l_commitdate": "1997-01-26", "l_receiptdate": "1997-01-22", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "against the carefully careful asym" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4386, "l_partkey": 140, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 4.0d, "l_extendedprice": 4160.56d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-04-07", "l_commitdate": "1998-03-25", "l_receiptdate": "1998-04-19", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ns wake carefully carefully iron" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5506, "l_partkey": 140, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 2.0d, "l_extendedprice": 2080.28d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-02-04", "l_commitdate": "1994-01-13", "l_receiptdate": "1994-02-17", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "onic theodolites are fluffil" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 165, "l_partkey": 140, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 49.0d, "l_extendedprice": 50966.86d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-02-20", "l_commitdate": "1993-04-02", "l_receiptdate": "1993-03-10", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "uses sleep slyly ruthlessly regular a" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1921, "l_partkey": 140, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 21.0d, "l_extendedprice": 21842.94d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-02-08", "l_commitdate": "1994-03-28", "l_receiptdate": "1994-02-15", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ckly regula" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2211, "l_partkey": 140, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 40.0d, "l_extendedprice": 41605.6d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-09-30", "l_commitdate": "1994-09-10", "l_receiptdate": "1994-10-26", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "posits among the express dolphins" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2307, "l_partkey": 140, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 2.0d, "l_extendedprice": 2080.28d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-09-21", "l_commitdate": "1993-08-22", "l_receiptdate": "1993-10-03", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ously. furiously furious requ" }
, { "l_orderkey": 2881, "l_partkey": 140, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 7.0d, "l_extendedprice": 7280.98d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-08-03", "l_commitdate": "1992-07-10", "l_receiptdate": "1992-08-27", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ironic packages are carefully final ac" }
, { "l_orderkey": 3618, "l_partkey": 140, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 38.0d, "l_extendedprice": 39525.32d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-12-22", "l_commitdate": "1998-02-23", "l_receiptdate": "1998-01-03", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "nts haggle fluffily above the regular " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3623, "l_partkey": 140, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 13.0d, "l_extendedprice": 13521.82d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-01-02", "l_commitdate": "1997-02-26", "l_receiptdate": "1997-01-26", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "deas. furiously expres" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3873, "l_partkey": 140, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 29.0d, "l_extendedprice": 30164.06d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-06-22", "l_commitdate": "1998-05-20", "l_receiptdate": "1998-07-05", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "olphins af" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3876, "l_partkey": 140, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 37.0d, "l_extendedprice": 38485.18d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-11-30", "l_commitdate": "1996-10-18", "l_receiptdate": "1996-12-18", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "t dependencies. blithely final packages u" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4322, "l_partkey": 140, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 9.0d, "l_extendedprice": 9361.26d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-05-18", "l_commitdate": "1998-04-27", "l_receiptdate": "1998-05-28", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ual instructio" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4386, "l_partkey": 140, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 4.0d, "l_extendedprice": 4160.56d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-04-07", "l_commitdate": "1998-03-25", "l_receiptdate": "1998-04-19", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ns wake carefully carefully iron" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4896, "l_partkey": 140, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 44.0d, "l_extendedprice": 45766.16d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-11-24", "l_commitdate": "1992-11-15", "l_receiptdate": "1992-12-18", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "e after the slowly f" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 6, "l_partkey": 140, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 37.0d, "l_extendedprice": 38485.18d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-04-27", "l_commitdate": "1992-05-15", "l_receiptdate": "1992-05-02", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "p furiously special foxes" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 68, "l_partkey": 140, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 41.0d, "l_extendedprice": 42645.74d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-06-24", "l_commitdate": "1998-06-27", "l_receiptdate": "1998-07-06", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "eposits nag special ideas. furiousl" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2690, "l_partkey": 140, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 44.0d, "l_extendedprice": 45766.16d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-05-30", "l_commitdate": "1996-05-19", "l_receiptdate": "1996-06-26", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ly alongside of th" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3110, "l_partkey": 140, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 39.0d, "l_extendedprice": 40565.46d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-02-09", "l_commitdate": "1995-01-21", "l_receiptdate": "1995-02-21", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "side of the blithely unusual courts. slyly " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4320, "l_partkey": 140, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 6.0d, "l_extendedprice": 6240.84d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-01-11", "l_commitdate": "1997-01-26", "l_receiptdate": "1997-01-22", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "against the carefully careful asym" }
, { "l_orderkey": 4871, "l_partkey": 140, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 10.0d, "l_extendedprice": 10401.4d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-07-13", "l_commitdate": "1995-08-19", "l_receiptdate": "1995-07-29", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "p ironic theodolites. slyly even platel" }
, { "l_orderkey": 4934, "l_partkey": 140, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 8.0d, "l_extendedprice": 8321.12d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-05-20", "l_commitdate": "1997-04-30", "l_receiptdate": "1997-05-27", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "arefully express pains cajo" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3074, "l_partkey": 139, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 39.0d, "l_extendedprice": 40526.07d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-12-08", "l_commitdate": "1993-01-28", "l_receiptdate": "1992-12-09", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "iously throu" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4066, "l_partkey": 139, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 9.0d, "l_extendedprice": 9352.17d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-05-06", "l_commitdate": "1997-03-25", "l_receiptdate": "1997-05-27", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "nal, ironic accounts. blithel" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4099, "l_partkey": 139, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 7.0d, "l_extendedprice": 7273.91d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-09-12", "l_commitdate": "1992-11-13", "l_receiptdate": "1992-09-14", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "onic foxes. quickly final fox" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5251, "l_partkey": 139, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 36.0d, "l_extendedprice": 37408.68d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-07-16", "l_commitdate": "1995-07-05", "l_receiptdate": "1995-07-28", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "slowly! bli" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 101, "l_partkey": 139, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 12.0d, "l_extendedprice": 12469.56d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-03-29", "l_commitdate": "1996-04-20", "l_receiptdate": "1996-04-12", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": ". quickly regular" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1059, "l_partkey": 139, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 37.0d, "l_extendedprice": 38447.81d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-03-31", "l_commitdate": "1994-05-08", "l_receiptdate": "1994-04-06", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": " packages lose in place of the slyly unusu" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5506, "l_partkey": 140, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 2.0d, "l_extendedprice": 2080.28d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-02-04", "l_commitdate": "1994-01-13", "l_receiptdate": "1994-02-17", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "onic theodolites are fluffil" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2757, "l_partkey": 140, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 25.0d, "l_extendedprice": 26003.5d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-11-09", "l_commitdate": "1995-09-12", "l_receiptdate": "1995-11-23", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "uickly regular " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3296, "l_partkey": 140, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 47.0d, "l_extendedprice": 48886.58d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-11-08", "l_commitdate": "1994-12-20", "l_receiptdate": "1994-11-30", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "egular deposits. quic" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4102, "l_partkey": 140, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 39.0d, "l_extendedprice": 40565.46d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-06-15", "l_commitdate": "1996-06-06", "l_receiptdate": "1996-06-30", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "y among the furiously special" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5092, "l_partkey": 140, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 13.0d, "l_extendedprice": 13521.82d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-11-21", "l_commitdate": "1996-01-05", "l_receiptdate": "1995-12-19", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "es detect sly" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5698, "l_partkey": 140, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 37.0d, "l_extendedprice": 38485.18d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-06-30", "l_commitdate": "1994-06-23", "l_receiptdate": "1994-07-22", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ts. even, ironic " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5955, "l_partkey": 140, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 14.0d, "l_extendedprice": 14561.96d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-06-22", "l_commitdate": "1995-05-23", "l_receiptdate": "1995-06-24", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": " unusual, bold theodolit" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 165, "l_partkey": 140, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 49.0d, "l_extendedprice": 50966.86d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-02-20", "l_commitdate": "1993-04-02", "l_receiptdate": "1993-03-10", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "uses sleep slyly ruthlessly regular a" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1218, "l_partkey": 140, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 16.0d, "l_extendedprice": 16642.24d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-06-26", "l_commitdate": "1994-08-07", "l_receiptdate": "1994-06-30", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ven realms be" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1537, "l_partkey": 140, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 3.0d, "l_extendedprice": 3120.42d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-03-20", "l_commitdate": "1992-04-14", "l_receiptdate": "1992-03-21", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "s, final ideas detect sl" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1700, "l_partkey": 140, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 38.0d, "l_extendedprice": 39525.32d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-10-03", "l_commitdate": "1996-07-27", "l_receiptdate": "1996-10-22", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ular dependencies engage slyly " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1921, "l_partkey": 140, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 21.0d, "l_extendedprice": 21842.94d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-02-08", "l_commitdate": "1994-03-28", "l_receiptdate": "1994-02-15", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ckly regula" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2211, "l_partkey": 140, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 40.0d, "l_extendedprice": 41605.6d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-09-30", "l_commitdate": "1994-09-10", "l_receiptdate": "1994-10-26", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "posits among the express dolphins" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3335, "l_partkey": 140, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 16.0d, "l_extendedprice": 16642.24d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-10-18", "l_commitdate": "1995-12-08", "l_receiptdate": "1995-11-03", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "g packages. carefully regular reque" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3623, "l_partkey": 140, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 13.0d, "l_extendedprice": 13521.82d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-01-02", "l_commitdate": "1997-02-26", "l_receiptdate": "1997-01-26", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "deas. furiously expres" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3872, "l_partkey": 140, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 40.0d, "l_extendedprice": 41605.6d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-01-02", "l_commitdate": "1996-10-29", "l_receiptdate": "1997-01-14", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "nts? regularly ironic ex" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3873, "l_partkey": 140, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 29.0d, "l_extendedprice": 30164.06d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-06-22", "l_commitdate": "1998-05-20", "l_receiptdate": "1998-07-05", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "olphins af" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3876, "l_partkey": 140, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 37.0d, "l_extendedprice": 38485.18d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-11-30", "l_commitdate": "1996-10-18", "l_receiptdate": "1996-12-18", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "t dependencies. blithely final packages u" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5669, "l_partkey": 140, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 30.0d, "l_extendedprice": 31204.2d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-07-14", "l_commitdate": "1996-07-28", "l_receiptdate": "1996-08-10", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "l accounts. care" }
, { "l_orderkey": 1696, "l_partkey": 139, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 13.0d, "l_extendedprice": 13508.69d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-03-01", "l_commitdate": "1998-03-25", "l_receiptdate": "1998-03-24", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "tructions play slyly q" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1956, "l_partkey": 139, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 39.0d, "l_extendedprice": 40526.07d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-09-24", "l_commitdate": "1992-11-26", "l_receiptdate": "1992-10-15", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "r theodolites sleep above the b" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2177, "l_partkey": 139, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 27.0d, "l_extendedprice": 28056.51d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-01-29", "l_commitdate": "1997-03-20", "l_receiptdate": "1997-02-04", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "even, regula" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2309, "l_partkey": 139, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 46.0d, "l_extendedprice": 47799.98d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-10-02", "l_commitdate": "1995-10-30", "l_receiptdate": "1995-10-30", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "sly according to the carefully " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2596, "l_partkey": 139, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 43.0d, "l_extendedprice": 44682.59d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-09-03", "l_commitdate": "1996-10-26", "l_receiptdate": "1996-09-15", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ial packages haggl" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3013, "l_partkey": 139, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 30.0d, "l_extendedprice": 31173.9d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-05-02", "l_commitdate": "1997-03-09", "l_receiptdate": "1997-05-12", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ronic packages. slyly even" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3328, "l_partkey": 139, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 44.0d, "l_extendedprice": 45721.72d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-12-03", "l_commitdate": "1992-12-19", "l_receiptdate": "1992-12-09", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "dly quickly final foxes? re" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3427, "l_partkey": 139, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 40.0d, "l_extendedprice": 41565.2d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-06-12", "l_commitdate": "1997-08-19", "l_receiptdate": "1997-06-23", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "patterns cajole ca" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3747, "l_partkey": 139, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 30.0d, "l_extendedprice": 31173.9d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-12-16", "l_commitdate": "1996-11-15", "l_receiptdate": "1996-12-17", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "! furiously f" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4354, "l_partkey": 139, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 18.0d, "l_extendedprice": 18704.34d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-12-07", "l_commitdate": "1994-12-11", "l_receiptdate": "1994-12-11", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ross the furiously " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4578, "l_partkey": 139, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 7.0d, "l_extendedprice": 7273.91d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-12-07", "l_commitdate": "1992-11-27", "l_receiptdate": "1993-01-05", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "odolites. carefully unusual ideas accor" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5732, "l_partkey": 139, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 26.0d, "l_extendedprice": 27017.38d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-08-18", "l_commitdate": "1997-10-25", "l_receiptdate": "1997-09-12", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "totes cajole according to the theodolites." }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1735, "l_partkey": 139, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 49.0d, "l_extendedprice": 50917.37d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-12-31", "l_commitdate": "1993-02-03", "l_receiptdate": "1993-01-25", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "y express accounts above the exp" }
, { "l_orderkey": 2179, "l_partkey": 139, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 20.0d, "l_extendedprice": 20782.6d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-09-30", "l_commitdate": "1996-11-10", "l_receiptdate": "1996-10-30", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ncies. fin" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2534, "l_partkey": 139, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 29.0d, "l_extendedprice": 30134.77d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-08-09", "l_commitdate": "1996-09-29", "l_receiptdate": "1996-08-11", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ugouts haggle slyly. final" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2853, "l_partkey": 139, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 14.0d, "l_extendedprice": 14547.82d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-05-16", "l_commitdate": "1994-07-01", "l_receiptdate": "1994-05-27", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "oach slyly along t" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2823, "l_partkey": 139, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 48.0d, "l_extendedprice": 49878.24d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-11-21", "l_commitdate": "1995-10-30", "l_receiptdate": "1995-11-27", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ously busily slow excus" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3328, "l_partkey": 139, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 44.0d, "l_extendedprice": 45721.72d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-12-03", "l_commitdate": "1992-12-19", "l_receiptdate": "1992-12-09", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "dly quickly final foxes? re" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4992, "l_partkey": 139, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 23.0d, "l_extendedprice": 23899.99d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-06-28", "l_commitdate": "1992-07-15", "l_receiptdate": "1992-07-12", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "uickly regul" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5252, "l_partkey": 139, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 39.0d, "l_extendedprice": 40526.07d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-05-17", "l_commitdate": "1996-04-23", "l_receiptdate": "1996-05-23", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "gular requests." }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1059, "l_partkey": 139, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 37.0d, "l_extendedprice": 38447.81d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-03-31", "l_commitdate": "1994-05-08", "l_receiptdate": "1994-04-06", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": " packages lose in place of the slyly unusu" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1735, "l_partkey": 139, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 49.0d, "l_extendedprice": 50917.37d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-12-31", "l_commitdate": "1993-02-03", "l_receiptdate": "1993-01-25", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "y express accounts above the exp" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2177, "l_partkey": 139, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 27.0d, "l_extendedprice": 28056.51d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-01-29", "l_commitdate": "1997-03-20", "l_receiptdate": "1997-02-04", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "even, regula" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3074, "l_partkey": 139, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 39.0d, "l_extendedprice": 40526.07d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-12-08", "l_commitdate": "1993-01-28", "l_receiptdate": "1992-12-09", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "iously throu" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3747, "l_partkey": 139, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 30.0d, "l_extendedprice": 31173.9d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-12-16", "l_commitdate": "1996-11-15", "l_receiptdate": "1996-12-17", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "! furiously f" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4099, "l_partkey": 139, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 7.0d, "l_extendedprice": 7273.91d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-09-12", "l_commitdate": "1992-11-13", "l_receiptdate": "1992-09-14", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "onic foxes. quickly final fox" }
, { "l_orderkey": 4647, "l_partkey": 139, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 2.0d, "l_extendedprice": 2078.26d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-07-03", "l_commitdate": "1994-07-22", "l_receiptdate": "1994-07-22", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "dolites wake furiously special pinto be" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5732, "l_partkey": 139, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 26.0d, "l_extendedprice": 27017.38d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-08-18", "l_commitdate": "1997-10-25", "l_receiptdate": "1997-09-12", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "totes cajole according to the theodolites." }
, { "l_orderkey": 5765, "l_partkey": 139, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 31.0d, "l_extendedprice": 32213.03d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-03-01", "l_commitdate": "1995-01-23", "l_receiptdate": "1995-03-31", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "the furiou" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 101, "l_partkey": 139, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 12.0d, "l_extendedprice": 12469.56d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-03-29", "l_commitdate": "1996-04-20", "l_receiptdate": "1996-04-12", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": ". quickly regular" }
, { "l_orderkey": 544, "l_partkey": 139, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 47.0d, "l_extendedprice": 48839.11d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-03-14", "l_commitdate": "1993-03-27", "l_receiptdate": "1993-03-27", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ecial pains. deposits grow foxes. " }
, { "l_orderkey": 710, "l_partkey": 139, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 7.0d, "l_extendedprice": 7273.91d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-01-20", "l_commitdate": "1993-03-28", "l_receiptdate": "1993-02-15", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "xpress, special ideas. bl" }
, { "l_orderkey": 867, "l_partkey": 139, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 7.0d, "l_extendedprice": 7273.91d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-02-19", "l_commitdate": "1993-12-25", "l_receiptdate": "1994-02-25", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "pendencies-- slyly unusual packages hagg" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2309, "l_partkey": 139, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 46.0d, "l_extendedprice": 47799.98d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-10-02", "l_commitdate": "1995-10-30", "l_receiptdate": "1995-10-30", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "sly according to the carefully " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2853, "l_partkey": 139, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 14.0d, "l_extendedprice": 14547.82d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-05-16", "l_commitdate": "1994-07-01", "l_receiptdate": "1994-05-27", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "oach slyly along t" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4578, "l_partkey": 139, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 7.0d, "l_extendedprice": 7273.91d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-12-07", "l_commitdate": "1992-11-27", "l_receiptdate": "1993-01-05", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "odolites. carefully unusual ideas accor" }
, { "l_orderkey": 1731, "l_partkey": 139, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 7.0d, "l_extendedprice": 7273.91d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-04-11", "l_commitdate": "1996-02-13", "l_receiptdate": "1996-04-30", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "fily quick asymptotes" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2823, "l_partkey": 139, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 48.0d, "l_extendedprice": 49878.24d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-11-21", "l_commitdate": "1995-10-30", "l_receiptdate": "1995-11-27", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ously busily slow excus" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1956, "l_partkey": 139, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 39.0d, "l_extendedprice": 40526.07d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-09-24", "l_commitdate": "1992-11-26", "l_receiptdate": "1992-10-15", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "r theodolites sleep above the b" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2534, "l_partkey": 139, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 29.0d, "l_extendedprice": 30134.77d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-08-09", "l_commitdate": "1996-09-29", "l_receiptdate": "1996-08-11", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ugouts haggle slyly. final" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2596, "l_partkey": 139, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 43.0d, "l_extendedprice": 44682.59d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-09-03", "l_commitdate": "1996-10-26", "l_receiptdate": "1996-09-15", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ial packages haggl" }
, { "l_orderkey": 2880, "l_partkey": 139, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 26.0d, "l_extendedprice": 27017.38d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-04-12", "l_commitdate": "1992-04-15", "l_receiptdate": "1992-04-28", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ully among the regular warthogs" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3013, "l_partkey": 139, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 30.0d, "l_extendedprice": 31173.9d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-05-02", "l_commitdate": "1997-03-09", "l_receiptdate": "1997-05-12", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ronic packages. slyly even" }
, { "l_orderkey": 3171, "l_partkey": 139, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 50.0d, "l_extendedprice": 51956.5d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-07-19", "l_commitdate": "1993-05-15", "l_receiptdate": "1993-07-31", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "riously final foxes about the ca" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3427, "l_partkey": 139, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 40.0d, "l_extendedprice": 41565.2d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-06-12", "l_commitdate": "1997-08-19", "l_receiptdate": "1997-06-23", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "patterns cajole ca" }
, { "l_orderkey": 3910, "l_partkey": 139, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 10.0d, "l_extendedprice": 10391.3d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-10-18", "l_commitdate": "1996-10-31", "l_receiptdate": "1996-11-14", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "tions boost furiously unusual e" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4992, "l_partkey": 139, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 23.0d, "l_extendedprice": 23899.99d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-06-28", "l_commitdate": "1992-07-15", "l_receiptdate": "1992-07-12", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "uickly regul" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5252, "l_partkey": 139, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 39.0d, "l_extendedprice": 40526.07d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-05-17", "l_commitdate": "1996-04-23", "l_receiptdate": "1996-05-23", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "gular requests." }
-, { "l_orderkey": 291, "l_partkey": 138, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 19.0d, "l_extendedprice": 19724.47d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-06-14", "l_commitdate": "1994-04-25", "l_receiptdate": "1994-06-19", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "e. ruthlessly final accounts after the" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4066, "l_partkey": 139, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 9.0d, "l_extendedprice": 9352.17d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-05-06", "l_commitdate": "1997-03-25", "l_receiptdate": "1997-05-27", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "nal, ironic accounts. blithel" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4354, "l_partkey": 139, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 18.0d, "l_extendedprice": 18704.34d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-12-07", "l_commitdate": "1994-12-11", "l_receiptdate": "1994-12-11", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ross the furiously " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5251, "l_partkey": 139, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 36.0d, "l_extendedprice": 37408.68d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-07-16", "l_commitdate": "1995-07-05", "l_receiptdate": "1995-07-28", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "slowly! bli" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 33, "l_partkey": 138, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 5.0d, "l_extendedprice": 5190.65d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-12-09", "l_commitdate": "1993-12-25", "l_receiptdate": "1993-12-23", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": ". stealthily bold exc" }
, { "l_orderkey": 448, "l_partkey": 138, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 23.0d, "l_extendedprice": 23876.99d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-09-26", "l_commitdate": "1995-11-02", "l_receiptdate": "1995-10-17", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ious, final gifts" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 576, "l_partkey": 138, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 5.0d, "l_extendedprice": 5190.65d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-06-11", "l_commitdate": "1997-06-17", "l_receiptdate": "1997-07-05", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "l foxes boost slyly. accounts af" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1991, "l_partkey": 138, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 6.0d, "l_extendedprice": 6228.78d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-11-21", "l_commitdate": "1992-11-03", "l_receiptdate": "1992-11-27", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "uickly blithely final de" }
, { "l_orderkey": 2340, "l_partkey": 138, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 9.0d, "l_extendedprice": 9343.17d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-05-01", "l_commitdate": "1996-02-24", "l_receiptdate": "1996-05-16", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": ". carefully ironic" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3010, "l_partkey": 138, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 23.0d, "l_extendedprice": 23876.99d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-03-08", "l_commitdate": "1996-02-29", "l_receiptdate": "1996-03-27", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ounts. pendin" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2848, "l_partkey": 138, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 8.0d, "l_extendedprice": 8305.04d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-06-20", "l_commitdate": "1992-04-12", "l_receiptdate": "1992-07-09", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "sly regular foxes. " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3329, "l_partkey": 138, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 36.0d, "l_extendedprice": 37372.68d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-08-06", "l_commitdate": "1995-08-03", "l_receiptdate": "1995-08-14", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ts at the re" }
, { "l_orderkey": 3396, "l_partkey": 138, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 9.0d, "l_extendedprice": 9343.17d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-07-01", "l_commitdate": "1994-08-18", "l_receiptdate": "1994-07-21", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "usly special foxes. accounts wake careful" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4513, "l_partkey": 138, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 34.0d, "l_extendedprice": 35296.42d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-03-27", "l_commitdate": "1996-06-12", "l_receiptdate": "1996-04-06", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "sits. quickly even instructions " }
, { "l_orderkey": 4832, "l_partkey": 138, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 43.0d, "l_extendedprice": 44639.59d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-12-31", "l_commitdate": "1998-02-20", "l_receiptdate": "1998-01-26", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "oze according to the accou" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 69, "l_partkey": 138, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 17.0d, "l_extendedprice": 17648.21d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-07-02", "l_commitdate": "1994-07-07", "l_receiptdate": "1994-07-03", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "final, pending instr" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 291, "l_partkey": 138, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 19.0d, "l_extendedprice": 19724.47d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-06-14", "l_commitdate": "1994-04-25", "l_receiptdate": "1994-06-19", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "e. ruthlessly final accounts after the" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1991, "l_partkey": 138, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 6.0d, "l_extendedprice": 6228.78d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-11-21", "l_commitdate": "1992-11-03", "l_receiptdate": "1992-11-27", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "uickly blithely final de" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2272, "l_partkey": 138, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 30.0d, "l_extendedprice": 31143.9d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-07-27", "l_commitdate": "1993-05-15", "l_receiptdate": "1993-08-13", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "quests at the foxes haggle evenly pack" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3362, "l_partkey": 138, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 36.0d, "l_extendedprice": 37372.68d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-10-05", "l_commitdate": "1995-08-28", "l_receiptdate": "1995-11-03", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "es against the quickly permanent pint" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4007, "l_partkey": 138, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 15.0d, "l_extendedprice": 15571.95d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-09-01", "l_commitdate": "1993-07-19", "l_receiptdate": "1993-09-03", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "le furiously quickly " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5248, "l_partkey": 138, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 45.0d, "l_extendedprice": 46715.85d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-05-09", "l_commitdate": "1995-07-12", "l_receiptdate": "1995-05-27", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": ". bold, pending foxes h" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5507, "l_partkey": 138, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 48.0d, "l_extendedprice": 49830.24d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-08-03", "l_commitdate": "1998-08-10", "l_receiptdate": "1998-08-24", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "yly idle deposits. final, final fox" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5573, "l_partkey": 138, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 43.0d, "l_extendedprice": 44639.59d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-09-09", "l_commitdate": "1996-09-24", "l_receiptdate": "1996-09-28", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": " bold package" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5638, "l_partkey": 138, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 45.0d, "l_extendedprice": 46715.85d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-05-17", "l_commitdate": "1994-03-09", "l_receiptdate": "1994-06-15", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ar foxes. fluffily pending accounts " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5664, "l_partkey": 138, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 33.0d, "l_extendedprice": 34258.29d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-08-29", "l_commitdate": "1998-09-17", "l_receiptdate": "1998-09-25", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "d the final " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 482, "l_partkey": 138, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 32.0d, "l_extendedprice": 33220.16d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-05-22", "l_commitdate": "1996-05-14", "l_receiptdate": "1996-05-29", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "usual deposits affix against " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1125, "l_partkey": 138, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 24.0d, "l_extendedprice": 24915.12d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-01-31", "l_commitdate": "1994-12-02", "l_receiptdate": "1995-02-20", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "es about the slyly s" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1283, "l_partkey": 138, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 18.0d, "l_extendedprice": 18686.34d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-10-14", "l_commitdate": "1996-11-07", "l_receiptdate": "1996-10-22", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "equests use along the fluff" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2309, "l_partkey": 138, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 48.0d, "l_extendedprice": 49830.24d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-10-21", "l_commitdate": "1995-11-21", "l_receiptdate": "1995-11-09", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ccounts. id" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2951, "l_partkey": 138, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 18.0d, "l_extendedprice": 18686.34d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-04-04", "l_commitdate": "1996-04-27", "l_receiptdate": "1996-04-06", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ep about the final, even package" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4132, "l_partkey": 138, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 28.0d, "l_extendedprice": 29067.64d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-08-16", "l_commitdate": "1995-08-01", "l_receiptdate": "1995-08-29", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "pths wake against the stealthily special pi" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4487, "l_partkey": 138, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 37.0d, "l_extendedprice": 38410.81d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-02-28", "l_commitdate": "1993-04-18", "l_receiptdate": "1993-03-17", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "bove the fu" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4513, "l_partkey": 138, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 34.0d, "l_extendedprice": 35296.42d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-03-27", "l_commitdate": "1996-06-12", "l_receiptdate": "1996-04-06", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "sits. quickly even instructions " }
, { "l_orderkey": 4934, "l_partkey": 138, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 29.0d, "l_extendedprice": 30105.77d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-04-10", "l_commitdate": "1997-05-05", "l_receiptdate": "1997-05-04", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "aggle furiously among the busily final re" }
, { "l_orderkey": 4965, "l_partkey": 138, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 33.0d, "l_extendedprice": 34258.29d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-12-31", "l_commitdate": "1993-11-29", "l_receiptdate": "1994-01-27", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "iously slyly" }
, { "l_orderkey": 5157, "l_partkey": 138, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 18.0d, "l_extendedprice": 18686.34d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-09-06", "l_commitdate": "1997-10-03", "l_receiptdate": "1997-09-19", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "y bold deposits nag blithely. final reque" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5286, "l_partkey": 138, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 24.0d, "l_extendedprice": 24915.12d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-09-27", "l_commitdate": "1997-12-21", "l_receiptdate": "1997-09-30", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "s. express foxes of the" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5507, "l_partkey": 138, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 48.0d, "l_extendedprice": 49830.24d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-08-03", "l_commitdate": "1998-08-10", "l_receiptdate": "1998-08-24", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "yly idle deposits. final, final fox" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5664, "l_partkey": 138, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 33.0d, "l_extendedprice": 34258.29d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-08-29", "l_commitdate": "1998-09-17", "l_receiptdate": "1998-09-25", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "d the final " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 33, "l_partkey": 138, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 5.0d, "l_extendedprice": 5190.65d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-12-09", "l_commitdate": "1993-12-25", "l_receiptdate": "1993-12-23", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": ". stealthily bold exc" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 226, "l_partkey": 138, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 46.0d, "l_extendedprice": 47753.98d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-07-06", "l_commitdate": "1993-04-24", "l_receiptdate": "1993-07-13", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "s. carefully bold accounts cajol" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1281, "l_partkey": 138, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 33.0d, "l_extendedprice": 34258.29d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-02-01", "l_commitdate": "1995-01-18", "l_receiptdate": "1995-03-03", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "dencies. thinly final pinto beans wake" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2272, "l_partkey": 138, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 30.0d, "l_extendedprice": 31143.9d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-07-27", "l_commitdate": "1993-05-15", "l_receiptdate": "1993-08-13", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "quests at the foxes haggle evenly pack" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2848, "l_partkey": 138, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 8.0d, "l_extendedprice": 8305.04d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-06-20", "l_commitdate": "1992-04-12", "l_receiptdate": "1992-07-09", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "sly regular foxes. " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3362, "l_partkey": 138, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 36.0d, "l_extendedprice": 37372.68d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-10-05", "l_commitdate": "1995-08-28", "l_receiptdate": "1995-11-03", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "es against the quickly permanent pint" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3616, "l_partkey": 138, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 28.0d, "l_extendedprice": 29067.64d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-02-20", "l_commitdate": "1994-04-18", "l_receiptdate": "1994-03-05", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ironic packages. furiously ev" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4065, "l_partkey": 138, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 14.0d, "l_extendedprice": 14533.82d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-08-22", "l_commitdate": "1994-07-29", "l_receiptdate": "1994-09-19", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "e furiously outside " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5248, "l_partkey": 138, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 45.0d, "l_extendedprice": 46715.85d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-05-09", "l_commitdate": "1995-07-12", "l_receiptdate": "1995-05-27", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": ". bold, pending foxes h" }
, { "l_orderkey": 5479, "l_partkey": 138, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 50.0d, "l_extendedprice": 51906.5d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-12-24", "l_commitdate": "1994-02-14", "l_receiptdate": "1994-01-18", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ironic gifts. even dependencies sno" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 482, "l_partkey": 138, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 32.0d, "l_extendedprice": 33220.16d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-05-22", "l_commitdate": "1996-05-14", "l_receiptdate": "1996-05-29", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "usual deposits affix against " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1125, "l_partkey": 138, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 24.0d, "l_extendedprice": 24915.12d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-01-31", "l_commitdate": "1994-12-02", "l_receiptdate": "1995-02-20", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "es about the slyly s" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2309, "l_partkey": 138, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 48.0d, "l_extendedprice": 49830.24d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-10-21", "l_commitdate": "1995-11-21", "l_receiptdate": "1995-11-09", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ccounts. id" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2951, "l_partkey": 138, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 18.0d, "l_extendedprice": 18686.34d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-04-04", "l_commitdate": "1996-04-27", "l_receiptdate": "1996-04-06", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ep about the final, even package" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3329, "l_partkey": 138, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 36.0d, "l_extendedprice": 37372.68d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-08-06", "l_commitdate": "1995-08-03", "l_receiptdate": "1995-08-14", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ts at the re" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4161, "l_partkey": 138, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 42.0d, "l_extendedprice": 43601.46d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-11-12", "l_commitdate": "1993-10-04", "l_receiptdate": "1993-11-27", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "thely across the even attainments. express" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5189, "l_partkey": 138, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 44.0d, "l_extendedprice": 45677.72d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-01-13", "l_commitdate": "1994-02-07", "l_receiptdate": "1994-01-21", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "y finally pendin" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5638, "l_partkey": 138, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 45.0d, "l_extendedprice": 46715.85d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-05-17", "l_commitdate": "1994-03-09", "l_receiptdate": "1994-06-15", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ar foxes. fluffily pending accounts " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 69, "l_partkey": 138, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 17.0d, "l_extendedprice": 17648.21d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-07-02", "l_commitdate": "1994-07-07", "l_receiptdate": "1994-07-03", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "final, pending instr" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1283, "l_partkey": 138, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 18.0d, "l_extendedprice": 18686.34d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-10-14", "l_commitdate": "1996-11-07", "l_receiptdate": "1996-10-22", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "equests use along the fluff" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 226, "l_partkey": 138, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 46.0d, "l_extendedprice": 47753.98d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-07-06", "l_commitdate": "1993-04-24", "l_receiptdate": "1993-07-13", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "s. carefully bold accounts cajol" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 576, "l_partkey": 138, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 5.0d, "l_extendedprice": 5190.65d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-06-11", "l_commitdate": "1997-06-17", "l_receiptdate": "1997-07-05", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "l foxes boost slyly. accounts af" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1281, "l_partkey": 138, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 33.0d, "l_extendedprice": 34258.29d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-02-01", "l_commitdate": "1995-01-18", "l_receiptdate": "1995-03-03", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "dencies. thinly final pinto beans wake" }
, { "l_orderkey": 1889, "l_partkey": 138, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 36.0d, "l_extendedprice": 37372.68d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-05-19", "l_commitdate": "1997-06-14", "l_receiptdate": "1997-05-23", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "l pinto beans kindle " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3010, "l_partkey": 138, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 23.0d, "l_extendedprice": 23876.99d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-03-08", "l_commitdate": "1996-02-29", "l_receiptdate": "1996-03-27", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ounts. pendin" }
, { "l_orderkey": 3235, "l_partkey": 138, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 29.0d, "l_extendedprice": 30105.77d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-01-28", "l_commitdate": "1995-12-26", "l_receiptdate": "1996-02-12", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "e fluffy pinto bea" }
, { "l_orderkey": 3525, "l_partkey": 138, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 27.0d, "l_extendedprice": 28029.51d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-12-30", "l_commitdate": "1996-01-23", "l_receiptdate": "1996-01-02", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "y slyly special asymptotes" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4007, "l_partkey": 138, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 15.0d, "l_extendedprice": 15571.95d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-09-01", "l_commitdate": "1993-07-19", "l_receiptdate": "1993-09-03", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "le furiously quickly " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4132, "l_partkey": 138, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 28.0d, "l_extendedprice": 29067.64d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-08-16", "l_commitdate": "1995-08-01", "l_receiptdate": "1995-08-29", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "pths wake against the stealthily special pi" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4487, "l_partkey": 138, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 37.0d, "l_extendedprice": 38410.81d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-02-28", "l_commitdate": "1993-04-18", "l_receiptdate": "1993-03-17", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "bove the fu" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5573, "l_partkey": 138, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 43.0d, "l_extendedprice": 44639.59d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-09-09", "l_commitdate": "1996-09-24", "l_receiptdate": "1996-09-28", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": " bold package" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 614, "l_partkey": 137, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 48.0d, "l_extendedprice": 49782.24d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-12-14", "l_commitdate": "1993-01-22", "l_receiptdate": "1993-01-11", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": " regular platelets cajole quickly eve" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1029, "l_partkey": 137, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 45.0d, "l_extendedprice": 46670.85d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-07-21", "l_commitdate": "1994-08-30", "l_receiptdate": "1994-07-29", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "sits boost blithely" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3616, "l_partkey": 138, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 28.0d, "l_extendedprice": 29067.64d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-02-20", "l_commitdate": "1994-04-18", "l_receiptdate": "1994-03-05", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ironic packages. furiously ev" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4065, "l_partkey": 138, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 14.0d, "l_extendedprice": 14533.82d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-08-22", "l_commitdate": "1994-07-29", "l_receiptdate": "1994-09-19", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "e furiously outside " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4161, "l_partkey": 138, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 42.0d, "l_extendedprice": 43601.46d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-11-12", "l_commitdate": "1993-10-04", "l_receiptdate": "1993-11-27", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "thely across the even attainments. express" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5189, "l_partkey": 138, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 44.0d, "l_extendedprice": 45677.72d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-01-13", "l_commitdate": "1994-02-07", "l_receiptdate": "1994-01-21", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "y finally pendin" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5286, "l_partkey": 138, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 24.0d, "l_extendedprice": 24915.12d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-09-27", "l_commitdate": "1997-12-21", "l_receiptdate": "1997-09-30", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "s. express foxes of the" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 135, "l_partkey": 137, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 20.0d, "l_extendedprice": 20742.6d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-01-25", "l_commitdate": "1995-11-20", "l_receiptdate": "1996-02-09", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "theodolites. quickly p" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1760, "l_partkey": 137, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 44.0d, "l_extendedprice": 45633.72d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-06-11", "l_commitdate": "1996-06-16", "l_receiptdate": "1996-07-02", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "instructions poach slyly ironic theodolites" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4865, "l_partkey": 137, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 4.0d, "l_extendedprice": 4148.52d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-07-24", "l_commitdate": "1997-07-25", "l_receiptdate": "1997-08-07", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "sts. blithely special instruction" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1095, "l_partkey": 137, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 33.0d, "l_extendedprice": 34225.29d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-10-03", "l_commitdate": "1995-09-22", "l_receiptdate": "1995-10-13", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "slyly around the iron" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1703, "l_partkey": 137, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 35.0d, "l_extendedprice": 36299.55d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-04-14", "l_commitdate": "1993-03-31", "l_receiptdate": "1993-04-27", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "he carefully" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1795, "l_partkey": 137, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 44.0d, "l_extendedprice": 45633.72d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-04-28", "l_commitdate": "1994-05-24", "l_receiptdate": "1994-05-27", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ites sleep carefully slyly p" }
, { "l_orderkey": 2277, "l_partkey": 137, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 38.0d, "l_extendedprice": 39410.94d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-04-23", "l_commitdate": "1995-03-25", "l_receiptdate": "1995-05-20", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "fully bold" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3810, "l_partkey": 137, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 41.0d, "l_extendedprice": 42522.33d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-10-26", "l_commitdate": "1992-10-27", "l_receiptdate": "1992-11-05", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "l requests boost slyly along the slyl" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3111, "l_partkey": 137, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 22.0d, "l_extendedprice": 22816.86d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-09-21", "l_commitdate": "1995-11-09", "l_receiptdate": "1995-10-17", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "quests. regular dolphins against the " }
, { "l_orderkey": 3940, "l_partkey": 137, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 11.0d, "l_extendedprice": 11408.43d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-03-09", "l_commitdate": "1996-05-13", "l_receiptdate": "1996-03-17", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "e of the special packages. furiously" }
, { "l_orderkey": 4290, "l_partkey": 137, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 23.0d, "l_extendedprice": 23853.99d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-04-04", "l_commitdate": "1995-02-16", "l_receiptdate": "1995-04-07", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "uests cajole carefully." }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4612, "l_partkey": 137, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 40.0d, "l_extendedprice": 41485.2d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-10-08", "l_commitdate": "1993-11-23", "l_receiptdate": "1993-10-24", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "special platelets." }
-, { "l_orderkey": 135, "l_partkey": 137, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 20.0d, "l_extendedprice": 20742.6d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-01-25", "l_commitdate": "1995-11-20", "l_receiptdate": "1996-02-09", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "theodolites. quickly p" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 675, "l_partkey": 137, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 35.0d, "l_extendedprice": 36299.55d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-08-19", "l_commitdate": "1997-10-16", "l_receiptdate": "1997-09-17", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "s. furiously expre" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1703, "l_partkey": 137, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 35.0d, "l_extendedprice": 36299.55d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-04-14", "l_commitdate": "1993-03-31", "l_receiptdate": "1993-04-27", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "he carefully" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1955, "l_partkey": 137, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 32.0d, "l_extendedprice": 33188.16d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-07-05", "l_commitdate": "1992-06-29", "l_receiptdate": "1992-08-03", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "g to the carefully sile" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2309, "l_partkey": 137, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 9.0d, "l_extendedprice": 9334.17d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-12-21", "l_commitdate": "1995-10-10", "l_receiptdate": "1996-01-20", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ding, unusual instructions. dep" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2656, "l_partkey": 137, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 38.0d, "l_extendedprice": 39410.94d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-06-25", "l_commitdate": "1993-06-04", "l_receiptdate": "1993-07-24", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "structions wake along the furio" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2753, "l_partkey": 137, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 36.0d, "l_extendedprice": 37336.68d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-03-15", "l_commitdate": "1994-01-03", "l_receiptdate": "1994-04-03", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "gle slyly final c" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3111, "l_partkey": 137, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 22.0d, "l_extendedprice": 22816.86d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-09-21", "l_commitdate": "1995-11-09", "l_receiptdate": "1995-10-17", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "quests. regular dolphins against the " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3524, "l_partkey": 137, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 5.0d, "l_extendedprice": 5185.65d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-05-23", "l_commitdate": "1992-07-25", "l_receiptdate": "1992-06-19", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ts whithout the bold depende" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3617, "l_partkey": 137, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 11.0d, "l_extendedprice": 11408.43d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-07-16", "l_commitdate": "1996-04-23", "l_receiptdate": "1996-07-28", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ly quickly even requests. final" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3652, "l_partkey": 137, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 37.0d, "l_extendedprice": 38373.81d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-05-11", "l_commitdate": "1997-04-06", "l_receiptdate": "1997-06-05", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "osits haggle carefu" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4102, "l_partkey": 137, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 7.0d, "l_extendedprice": 7259.91d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-06-19", "l_commitdate": "1996-05-21", "l_receiptdate": "1996-07-15", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "bove the carefully pending the" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4865, "l_partkey": 137, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 4.0d, "l_extendedprice": 4148.52d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-07-24", "l_commitdate": "1997-07-25", "l_receiptdate": "1997-08-07", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "sts. blithely special instruction" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 993, "l_partkey": 137, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 35.0d, "l_extendedprice": 36299.55d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-10-26", "l_commitdate": "1995-10-20", "l_receiptdate": "1995-11-05", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "es. ironic, ironic requests" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1573, "l_partkey": 137, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 7.0d, "l_extendedprice": 7259.91d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-01-30", "l_commitdate": "1993-03-14", "l_receiptdate": "1993-02-27", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "eodolites sleep slyly. slyly f" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2661, "l_partkey": 137, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 41.0d, "l_extendedprice": 42522.33d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-03-06", "l_commitdate": "1997-03-27", "l_receiptdate": "1997-03-15", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "iously ironically ironic requests. " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3429, "l_partkey": 137, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 48.0d, "l_extendedprice": 49782.24d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-04-08", "l_commitdate": "1997-03-09", "l_receiptdate": "1997-04-25", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": " haggle furiously ir" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3745, "l_partkey": 137, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 18.0d, "l_extendedprice": 18668.34d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-10-17", "l_commitdate": "1993-11-16", "l_receiptdate": "1993-11-13", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": " slyly bold pinto beans according to " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4099, "l_partkey": 137, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 3.0d, "l_extendedprice": 3111.39d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-09-12", "l_commitdate": "1992-10-18", "l_receiptdate": "1992-10-01", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": ". special packages sleep" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4484, "l_partkey": 137, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 39.0d, "l_extendedprice": 40448.07d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-04-01", "l_commitdate": "1997-01-26", "l_receiptdate": "1997-04-21", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "onic accounts wake blithel" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5635, "l_partkey": 137, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 32.0d, "l_extendedprice": 33188.16d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-11-24", "l_commitdate": "1992-09-20", "l_receiptdate": "1992-12-17", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "slyly even" }
, { "l_orderkey": 5696, "l_partkey": 137, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 28.0d, "l_extendedprice": 29039.64d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-07-03", "l_commitdate": "1995-06-14", "l_receiptdate": "1995-07-27", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": " the fluffily brave pearls " }
, { "l_orderkey": 5794, "l_partkey": 137, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 47.0d, "l_extendedprice": 48745.11d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-07-16", "l_commitdate": "1993-06-21", "l_receiptdate": "1993-08-05", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "quests. blithely final excu" }
, { "l_orderkey": 387, "l_partkey": 137, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 1.0d, "l_extendedprice": 1037.13d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-05-06", "l_commitdate": "1997-04-23", "l_receiptdate": "1997-05-10", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": " pinto beans wake furiously carefu" }
, { "l_orderkey": 485, "l_partkey": 137, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 22.0d, "l_extendedprice": 22816.86d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-04-06", "l_commitdate": "1997-04-27", "l_receiptdate": "1997-05-01", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "refully final notornis haggle according " }
, { "l_orderkey": 547, "l_partkey": 137, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 48.0d, "l_extendedprice": 49782.24d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-10-21", "l_commitdate": "1996-08-04", "l_receiptdate": "1996-11-20", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "thely specia" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1029, "l_partkey": 137, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 45.0d, "l_extendedprice": 46670.85d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-07-21", "l_commitdate": "1994-08-30", "l_receiptdate": "1994-07-29", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "sits boost blithely" }
, { "l_orderkey": 1062, "l_partkey": 137, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 38.0d, "l_extendedprice": 39410.94d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-01-27", "l_commitdate": "1997-03-07", "l_receiptdate": "1997-02-16", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "deas. pending acc" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1095, "l_partkey": 137, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 33.0d, "l_extendedprice": 34225.29d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-10-03", "l_commitdate": "1995-09-22", "l_receiptdate": "1995-10-13", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "slyly around the iron" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1760, "l_partkey": 137, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 44.0d, "l_extendedprice": 45633.72d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-06-11", "l_commitdate": "1996-06-16", "l_receiptdate": "1996-07-02", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "instructions poach slyly ironic theodolites" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1795, "l_partkey": 137, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 44.0d, "l_extendedprice": 45633.72d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-04-28", "l_commitdate": "1994-05-24", "l_receiptdate": "1994-05-27", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ites sleep carefully slyly p" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1573, "l_partkey": 137, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 7.0d, "l_extendedprice": 7259.91d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-01-30", "l_commitdate": "1993-03-14", "l_receiptdate": "1993-02-27", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "eodolites sleep slyly. slyly f" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1955, "l_partkey": 137, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 32.0d, "l_extendedprice": 33188.16d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-07-05", "l_commitdate": "1992-06-29", "l_receiptdate": "1992-08-03", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "g to the carefully sile" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2309, "l_partkey": 137, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 9.0d, "l_extendedprice": 9334.17d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-12-21", "l_commitdate": "1995-10-10", "l_receiptdate": "1996-01-20", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ding, unusual instructions. dep" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2656, "l_partkey": 137, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 38.0d, "l_extendedprice": 39410.94d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-06-25", "l_commitdate": "1993-06-04", "l_receiptdate": "1993-07-24", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "structions wake along the furio" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3429, "l_partkey": 137, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 48.0d, "l_extendedprice": 49782.24d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-04-08", "l_commitdate": "1997-03-09", "l_receiptdate": "1997-04-25", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": " haggle furiously ir" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3524, "l_partkey": 137, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 5.0d, "l_extendedprice": 5185.65d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-05-23", "l_commitdate": "1992-07-25", "l_receiptdate": "1992-06-19", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ts whithout the bold depende" }
, { "l_orderkey": 3936, "l_partkey": 137, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 25.0d, "l_extendedprice": 25928.25d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-12-03", "l_commitdate": "1996-12-27", "l_receiptdate": "1997-01-01", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "gular requests nag quic" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 196, "l_partkey": 136, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 19.0d, "l_extendedprice": 19686.47d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-04-17", "l_commitdate": "1993-05-27", "l_receiptdate": "1993-04-30", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "sts maintain foxes. furiously regular p" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1061, "l_partkey": 136, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 41.0d, "l_extendedprice": 42481.33d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-06-29", "l_commitdate": "1998-07-02", "l_receiptdate": "1998-07-27", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "s are. ironic theodolites cajole. dep" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1831, "l_partkey": 136, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 9.0d, "l_extendedprice": 9325.17d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-12-17", "l_commitdate": "1994-01-27", "l_receiptdate": "1993-12-26", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "mptotes. furiously regular dolphins al" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4707, "l_partkey": 136, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 49.0d, "l_extendedprice": 50770.37d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-06-17", "l_commitdate": "1995-05-16", "l_receiptdate": "1995-06-25", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": " alongside of the slyly ironic instructio" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5604, "l_partkey": 136, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 44.0d, "l_extendedprice": 45589.72d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-08-06", "l_commitdate": "1998-07-08", "l_receiptdate": "1998-09-04", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "efully ironi" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5763, "l_partkey": 136, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 23.0d, "l_extendedprice": 23830.99d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-07-25", "l_commitdate": "1998-09-21", "l_receiptdate": "1998-08-15", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "re after the blithel" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5986, "l_partkey": 136, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 6.0d, "l_extendedprice": 6216.78d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-07-16", "l_commitdate": "1992-06-10", "l_receiptdate": "1992-07-29", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "al foxes within the slyly speci" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 96, "l_partkey": 136, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 30.0d, "l_extendedprice": 31083.9d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-06-03", "l_commitdate": "1994-05-29", "l_receiptdate": "1994-06-22", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "e quickly even ideas. furiou" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4099, "l_partkey": 137, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 3.0d, "l_extendedprice": 3111.39d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-09-12", "l_commitdate": "1992-10-18", "l_receiptdate": "1992-10-01", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": ". special packages sleep" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4484, "l_partkey": 137, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 39.0d, "l_extendedprice": 40448.07d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-04-01", "l_commitdate": "1997-01-26", "l_receiptdate": "1997-04-21", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "onic accounts wake blithel" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4612, "l_partkey": 137, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 40.0d, "l_extendedprice": 41485.2d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-10-08", "l_commitdate": "1993-11-23", "l_receiptdate": "1993-10-24", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "special platelets." }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5635, "l_partkey": 137, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 32.0d, "l_extendedprice": 33188.16d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-11-24", "l_commitdate": "1992-09-20", "l_receiptdate": "1992-12-17", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "slyly even" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 614, "l_partkey": 137, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 48.0d, "l_extendedprice": 49782.24d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-12-14", "l_commitdate": "1993-01-22", "l_receiptdate": "1993-01-11", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": " regular platelets cajole quickly eve" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 675, "l_partkey": 137, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 35.0d, "l_extendedprice": 36299.55d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-08-19", "l_commitdate": "1997-10-16", "l_receiptdate": "1997-09-17", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "s. furiously expre" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 993, "l_partkey": 137, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 35.0d, "l_extendedprice": 36299.55d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-10-26", "l_commitdate": "1995-10-20", "l_receiptdate": "1995-11-05", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "es. ironic, ironic requests" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2661, "l_partkey": 137, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 41.0d, "l_extendedprice": 42522.33d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-03-06", "l_commitdate": "1997-03-27", "l_receiptdate": "1997-03-15", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "iously ironically ironic requests. " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2753, "l_partkey": 137, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 36.0d, "l_extendedprice": 37336.68d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-03-15", "l_commitdate": "1994-01-03", "l_receiptdate": "1994-04-03", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "gle slyly final c" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3617, "l_partkey": 137, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 11.0d, "l_extendedprice": 11408.43d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-07-16", "l_commitdate": "1996-04-23", "l_receiptdate": "1996-07-28", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ly quickly even requests. final" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3652, "l_partkey": 137, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 37.0d, "l_extendedprice": 38373.81d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-05-11", "l_commitdate": "1997-04-06", "l_receiptdate": "1997-06-05", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "osits haggle carefu" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3745, "l_partkey": 137, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 18.0d, "l_extendedprice": 18668.34d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-10-17", "l_commitdate": "1993-11-16", "l_receiptdate": "1993-11-13", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": " slyly bold pinto beans according to " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3810, "l_partkey": 137, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 41.0d, "l_extendedprice": 42522.33d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-10-26", "l_commitdate": "1992-10-27", "l_receiptdate": "1992-11-05", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "l requests boost slyly along the slyl" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4102, "l_partkey": 137, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 7.0d, "l_extendedprice": 7259.91d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-06-19", "l_commitdate": "1996-05-21", "l_receiptdate": "1996-07-15", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "bove the carefully pending the" }
, { "l_orderkey": 129, "l_partkey": 136, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 34.0d, "l_extendedprice": 35228.42d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-01-29", "l_commitdate": "1993-02-14", "l_receiptdate": "1993-02-10", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "quests. express ideas" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 486, "l_partkey": 136, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 26.0d, "l_extendedprice": 26939.38d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-03-16", "l_commitdate": "1996-05-25", "l_receiptdate": "1996-03-31", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "forges along the " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1312, "l_partkey": 136, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 28.0d, "l_extendedprice": 29011.64d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-09-09", "l_commitdate": "1994-08-01", "l_receiptdate": "1994-10-02", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "uriously final frays should use quick" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 196, "l_partkey": 136, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 19.0d, "l_extendedprice": 19686.47d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-04-17", "l_commitdate": "1993-05-27", "l_receiptdate": "1993-04-30", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "sts maintain foxes. furiously regular p" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1574, "l_partkey": 136, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 14.0d, "l_extendedprice": 14505.82d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-12-30", "l_commitdate": "1997-01-19", "l_receiptdate": "1997-01-20", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ily bold a" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1733, "l_partkey": 136, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 38.0d, "l_extendedprice": 39372.94d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-08-26", "l_commitdate": "1996-07-23", "l_receiptdate": "1996-08-28", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": " deposits " }
, { "l_orderkey": 2084, "l_partkey": 136, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 37.0d, "l_extendedprice": 38336.81d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-07-16", "l_commitdate": "1993-04-20", "l_receiptdate": "1993-08-06", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "y careful courts." }
, { "l_orderkey": 2786, "l_partkey": 136, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 15.0d, "l_extendedprice": 15541.95d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-05-19", "l_commitdate": "1992-05-08", "l_receiptdate": "1992-05-28", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "low deposits are ironic" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3366, "l_partkey": 136, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 9.0d, "l_extendedprice": 9325.17d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-06-02", "l_commitdate": "1997-07-05", "l_receiptdate": "1997-06-26", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ackages sleep carefully across the bli" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3428, "l_partkey": 136, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 47.0d, "l_extendedprice": 48698.11d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-04-16", "l_commitdate": "1996-06-08", "l_receiptdate": "1996-05-05", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "y final pinto " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4035, "l_partkey": 136, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 4.0d, "l_extendedprice": 4144.52d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-05-21", "l_commitdate": "1992-04-24", "l_receiptdate": "1992-05-24", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "en instructions sleep blith" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5153, "l_partkey": 136, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 42.0d, "l_extendedprice": 43517.46d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-10-19", "l_commitdate": "1995-11-23", "l_receiptdate": "1995-11-06", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ickly even deposi" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 866, "l_partkey": 136, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 5.0d, "l_extendedprice": 5180.65d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-01-22", "l_commitdate": "1993-01-14", "l_receiptdate": "1993-02-07", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "tegrate fluffily. carefully f" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1153, "l_partkey": 136, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 26.0d, "l_extendedprice": 26939.38d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-08-16", "l_commitdate": "1996-07-12", "l_receiptdate": "1996-09-08", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "kages haggle carefully. f" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1733, "l_partkey": 136, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 38.0d, "l_extendedprice": 39372.94d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-08-26", "l_commitdate": "1996-07-23", "l_receiptdate": "1996-08-28", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": " deposits " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2373, "l_partkey": 136, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 3.0d, "l_extendedprice": 3108.39d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-05-15", "l_commitdate": "1994-06-10", "l_receiptdate": "1994-06-04", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "dependencies wake ironical" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3782, "l_partkey": 136, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 30.0d, "l_extendedprice": 31083.9d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-12-19", "l_commitdate": "1996-10-31", "l_receiptdate": "1997-01-14", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "slyly even pinto beans hag" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4384, "l_partkey": 136, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 5.0d, "l_extendedprice": 5180.65d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-08-22", "l_commitdate": "1992-08-24", "l_receiptdate": "1992-09-20", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "instructions sleep. blithely express pa" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4805, "l_partkey": 136, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 18.0d, "l_extendedprice": 18650.34d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-06-07", "l_commitdate": "1992-07-10", "l_receiptdate": "1992-06-12", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "o use pending, unusu" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4871, "l_partkey": 136, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 36.0d, "l_extendedprice": 37300.68d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-09-18", "l_commitdate": "1995-08-29", "l_receiptdate": "1995-10-05", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ely according" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1027, "l_partkey": 136, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 22.0d, "l_extendedprice": 22794.86d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-09-03", "l_commitdate": "1992-08-14", "l_receiptdate": "1992-10-01", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "the furiously express ex" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1095, "l_partkey": 136, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 24.0d, "l_extendedprice": 24867.12d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-08-24", "l_commitdate": "1995-10-20", "l_receiptdate": "1995-09-09", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "packages nod furiously above the carefully " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1574, "l_partkey": 136, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 14.0d, "l_extendedprice": 14505.82d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-12-30", "l_commitdate": "1997-01-19", "l_receiptdate": "1997-01-20", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ily bold a" }
, { "l_orderkey": 2915, "l_partkey": 136, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 15.0d, "l_extendedprice": 15541.95d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-05-01", "l_commitdate": "1994-06-12", "l_receiptdate": "1994-05-15", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "al requests haggle furiousl" }
, { "l_orderkey": 2951, "l_partkey": 136, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 24.0d, "l_extendedprice": 24867.12d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-03-24", "l_commitdate": "1996-04-16", "l_receiptdate": "1996-04-08", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": " ironic multipliers. express, regular" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3106, "l_partkey": 136, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 49.0d, "l_extendedprice": 50770.37d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-02-27", "l_commitdate": "1997-03-11", "l_receiptdate": "1997-03-12", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "lets. quietly regular courts " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3332, "l_partkey": 136, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 21.0d, "l_extendedprice": 21758.73d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-02-04", "l_commitdate": "1995-01-08", "l_receiptdate": "1995-02-06", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": " quick packages sle" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3366, "l_partkey": 136, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 9.0d, "l_extendedprice": 9325.17d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-06-02", "l_commitdate": "1997-07-05", "l_receiptdate": "1997-06-26", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ackages sleep carefully across the bli" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3428, "l_partkey": 136, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 47.0d, "l_extendedprice": 48698.11d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-04-16", "l_commitdate": "1996-06-08", "l_receiptdate": "1996-05-05", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "y final pinto " }
, { "l_orderkey": 3650, "l_partkey": 136, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 30.0d, "l_extendedprice": 31083.9d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-08-26", "l_commitdate": "1992-07-05", "l_receiptdate": "1992-09-01", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ckly special platelets. furiously sil" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4035, "l_partkey": 136, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 4.0d, "l_extendedprice": 4144.52d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-05-21", "l_commitdate": "1992-04-24", "l_receiptdate": "1992-05-24", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "en instructions sleep blith" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4805, "l_partkey": 136, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 18.0d, "l_extendedprice": 18650.34d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-06-07", "l_commitdate": "1992-07-10", "l_receiptdate": "1992-06-12", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "o use pending, unusu" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5153, "l_partkey": 136, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 42.0d, "l_extendedprice": 43517.46d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-10-19", "l_commitdate": "1995-11-23", "l_receiptdate": "1995-11-06", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ickly even deposi" }
, { "l_orderkey": 5316, "l_partkey": 136, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 31.0d, "l_extendedprice": 32120.03d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-04-01", "l_commitdate": "1994-04-21", "l_receiptdate": "1994-04-12", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "s. deposits cajole around t" }
, { "l_orderkey": 5604, "l_partkey": 136, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 49.0d, "l_extendedprice": 50770.37d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-05-02", "l_commitdate": "1998-07-07", "l_receiptdate": "1998-05-20", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ove the regula" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 353, "l_partkey": 135, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 12.0d, "l_extendedprice": 12421.56d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-01-02", "l_commitdate": "1994-03-26", "l_receiptdate": "1994-01-19", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "g deposits cajole " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1254, "l_partkey": 135, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 35.0d, "l_extendedprice": 36229.55d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-04-08", "l_commitdate": "1996-02-29", "l_receiptdate": "1996-04-18", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ckages boost. furious warhorses cajole" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1826, "l_partkey": 135, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 46.0d, "l_extendedprice": 47615.98d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-05-02", "l_commitdate": "1992-06-25", "l_receiptdate": "1992-05-26", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ously? quickly pe" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3232, "l_partkey": 135, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 34.0d, "l_extendedprice": 35194.42d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-01-09", "l_commitdate": "1992-11-14", "l_receiptdate": "1993-02-03", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "old packages integrate quickly " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3684, "l_partkey": 135, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 13.0d, "l_extendedprice": 13456.69d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-07-23", "l_commitdate": "1993-09-16", "l_receiptdate": "1993-08-06", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ing, unusual pinto beans! thinly p" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4422, "l_partkey": 135, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 5.0d, "l_extendedprice": 5175.65d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-07-17", "l_commitdate": "1995-08-13", "l_receiptdate": "1995-07-25", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "e furiously about t" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5572, "l_partkey": 135, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 46.0d, "l_extendedprice": 47615.98d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-09-08", "l_commitdate": "1994-10-14", "l_receiptdate": "1994-10-01", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ully regular platelet" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 935, "l_partkey": 135, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 36.0d, "l_extendedprice": 37264.68d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-11-05", "l_commitdate": "1997-12-05", "l_receiptdate": "1997-11-25", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "leep about the exp" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1095, "l_partkey": 135, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 28.0d, "l_extendedprice": 28983.64d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-09-20", "l_commitdate": "1995-11-18", "l_receiptdate": "1995-10-02", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": " regular pac" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5986, "l_partkey": 136, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 6.0d, "l_extendedprice": 6216.78d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-07-16", "l_commitdate": "1992-06-10", "l_receiptdate": "1992-07-29", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "al foxes within the slyly speci" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1061, "l_partkey": 136, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 41.0d, "l_extendedprice": 42481.33d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-06-29", "l_commitdate": "1998-07-02", "l_receiptdate": "1998-07-27", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "s are. ironic theodolites cajole. dep" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1831, "l_partkey": 136, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 9.0d, "l_extendedprice": 9325.17d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-12-17", "l_commitdate": "1994-01-27", "l_receiptdate": "1993-12-26", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "mptotes. furiously regular dolphins al" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2373, "l_partkey": 136, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 3.0d, "l_extendedprice": 3108.39d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-05-15", "l_commitdate": "1994-06-10", "l_receiptdate": "1994-06-04", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "dependencies wake ironical" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3106, "l_partkey": 136, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 49.0d, "l_extendedprice": 50770.37d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-02-27", "l_commitdate": "1997-03-11", "l_receiptdate": "1997-03-12", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "lets. quietly regular courts " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5604, "l_partkey": 136, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 44.0d, "l_extendedprice": 45589.72d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-08-06", "l_commitdate": "1998-07-08", "l_receiptdate": "1998-09-04", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "efully ironi" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 96, "l_partkey": 136, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 30.0d, "l_extendedprice": 31083.9d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-06-03", "l_commitdate": "1994-05-29", "l_receiptdate": "1994-06-22", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "e quickly even ideas. furiou" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 486, "l_partkey": 136, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 26.0d, "l_extendedprice": 26939.38d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-03-16", "l_commitdate": "1996-05-25", "l_receiptdate": "1996-03-31", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "forges along the " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1027, "l_partkey": 136, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 22.0d, "l_extendedprice": 22794.86d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-09-03", "l_commitdate": "1992-08-14", "l_receiptdate": "1992-10-01", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "the furiously express ex" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1095, "l_partkey": 136, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 24.0d, "l_extendedprice": 24867.12d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-08-24", "l_commitdate": "1995-10-20", "l_receiptdate": "1995-09-09", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "packages nod furiously above the carefully " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1153, "l_partkey": 136, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 26.0d, "l_extendedprice": 26939.38d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-08-16", "l_commitdate": "1996-07-12", "l_receiptdate": "1996-09-08", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "kages haggle carefully. f" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1312, "l_partkey": 136, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 28.0d, "l_extendedprice": 29011.64d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-09-09", "l_commitdate": "1994-08-01", "l_receiptdate": "1994-10-02", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "uriously final frays should use quick" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4384, "l_partkey": 136, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 5.0d, "l_extendedprice": 5180.65d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-08-22", "l_commitdate": "1992-08-24", "l_receiptdate": "1992-09-20", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "instructions sleep. blithely express pa" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5763, "l_partkey": 136, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 23.0d, "l_extendedprice": 23830.99d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-07-25", "l_commitdate": "1998-09-21", "l_receiptdate": "1998-08-15", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "re after the blithel" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 866, "l_partkey": 136, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 5.0d, "l_extendedprice": 5180.65d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-01-22", "l_commitdate": "1993-01-14", "l_receiptdate": "1993-02-07", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "tegrate fluffily. carefully f" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3332, "l_partkey": 136, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 21.0d, "l_extendedprice": 21758.73d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-02-04", "l_commitdate": "1995-01-08", "l_receiptdate": "1995-02-06", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": " quick packages sle" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3782, "l_partkey": 136, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 30.0d, "l_extendedprice": 31083.9d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-12-19", "l_commitdate": "1996-10-31", "l_receiptdate": "1997-01-14", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "slyly even pinto beans hag" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4707, "l_partkey": 136, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 49.0d, "l_extendedprice": 50770.37d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-06-17", "l_commitdate": "1995-05-16", "l_receiptdate": "1995-06-25", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": " alongside of the slyly ironic instructio" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4871, "l_partkey": 136, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 36.0d, "l_extendedprice": 37300.68d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-09-18", "l_commitdate": "1995-08-29", "l_receiptdate": "1995-10-05", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ely according" }
, { "l_orderkey": 1508, "l_partkey": 135, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 29.0d, "l_extendedprice": 30018.77d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-08-03", "l_commitdate": "1998-07-08", "l_receiptdate": "1998-08-22", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "r instructions. carefully" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1826, "l_partkey": 135, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 46.0d, "l_extendedprice": 47615.98d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-05-02", "l_commitdate": "1992-06-25", "l_receiptdate": "1992-05-26", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ously? quickly pe" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2052, "l_partkey": 135, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 35.0d, "l_extendedprice": 36229.55d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-05-29", "l_commitdate": "1992-05-24", "l_receiptdate": "1992-06-11", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ts according t" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3172, "l_partkey": 135, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 28.0d, "l_extendedprice": 28983.64d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-07-09", "l_commitdate": "1992-07-14", "l_receiptdate": "1992-07-16", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "regular ideas. packages are furi" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3844, "l_partkey": 135, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 2.0d, "l_extendedprice": 2070.26d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-02-24", "l_commitdate": "1995-02-03", "l_receiptdate": "1995-03-18", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "es haggle final acco" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5219, "l_partkey": 135, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 2.0d, "l_extendedprice": 2070.26d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-06-26", "l_commitdate": "1997-04-29", "l_receiptdate": "1997-07-08", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": " blithely according to the stea" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5254, "l_partkey": 135, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 10.0d, "l_extendedprice": 10351.3d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-11-19", "l_commitdate": "1992-10-20", "l_receiptdate": "1992-12-15", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": " accounts. silent deposit" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 353, "l_partkey": 135, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 12.0d, "l_extendedprice": 12421.56d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-01-02", "l_commitdate": "1994-03-26", "l_receiptdate": "1994-01-19", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "g deposits cajole " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1095, "l_partkey": 135, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 28.0d, "l_extendedprice": 28983.64d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-09-20", "l_commitdate": "1995-11-18", "l_receiptdate": "1995-10-02", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": " regular pac" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1445, "l_partkey": 135, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 24.0d, "l_extendedprice": 24843.12d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-04-23", "l_commitdate": "1995-02-16", "l_receiptdate": "1995-05-18", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "rate after the carefully reg" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1699, "l_partkey": 135, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 17.0d, "l_extendedprice": 17597.21d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-01-12", "l_commitdate": "1994-03-12", "l_receiptdate": "1994-02-08", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "haggle blithely slyly" }
, { "l_orderkey": 1925, "l_partkey": 135, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 35.0d, "l_extendedprice": 36229.55d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-05-11", "l_commitdate": "1992-04-10", "l_receiptdate": "1992-05-14", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "counts. carefully ironic packages boost ab" }
, { "l_orderkey": 2211, "l_partkey": 135, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 3.0d, "l_extendedprice": 3105.39d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-08-28", "l_commitdate": "1994-09-10", "l_receiptdate": "1994-09-06", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "pendencies after the regular f" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2567, "l_partkey": 135, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 43.0d, "l_extendedprice": 44510.59d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-05-11", "l_commitdate": "1998-04-15", "l_receiptdate": "1998-05-29", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "requests. final courts cajole " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3844, "l_partkey": 135, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 2.0d, "l_extendedprice": 2070.26d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-02-24", "l_commitdate": "1995-02-03", "l_receiptdate": "1995-03-18", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "es haggle final acco" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4192, "l_partkey": 135, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 7.0d, "l_extendedprice": 7245.91d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-05-19", "l_commitdate": "1998-07-08", "l_receiptdate": "1998-05-31", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "y; excuses use. ironic, close instru" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4486, "l_partkey": 135, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 46.0d, "l_extendedprice": 47615.98d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-05-02", "l_commitdate": "1998-04-05", "l_receiptdate": "1998-05-08", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ackages. specia" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5219, "l_partkey": 135, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 2.0d, "l_extendedprice": 2070.26d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-06-26", "l_commitdate": "1997-04-29", "l_receiptdate": "1997-07-08", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": " blithely according to the stea" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5959, "l_partkey": 135, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 49.0d, "l_extendedprice": 50721.37d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-07-16", "l_commitdate": "1992-08-09", "l_receiptdate": "1992-08-14", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "usual packages haggle slyly pi" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1699, "l_partkey": 135, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 17.0d, "l_extendedprice": 17597.21d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-01-12", "l_commitdate": "1994-03-12", "l_receiptdate": "1994-02-08", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "haggle blithely slyly" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3172, "l_partkey": 135, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 28.0d, "l_extendedprice": 28983.64d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-07-09", "l_commitdate": "1992-07-14", "l_receiptdate": "1992-07-16", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "regular ideas. packages are furi" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5063, "l_partkey": 135, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 18.0d, "l_extendedprice": 18632.34d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-06-02", "l_commitdate": "1997-06-18", "l_receiptdate": "1997-06-06", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "refully quiet reques" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5254, "l_partkey": 135, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 10.0d, "l_extendedprice": 10351.3d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-11-19", "l_commitdate": "1992-10-20", "l_receiptdate": "1992-12-15", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": " accounts. silent deposit" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 99, "l_partkey": 135, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 42.0d, "l_extendedprice": 43475.46d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-04-19", "l_commitdate": "1994-05-18", "l_receiptdate": "1994-04-20", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "kages are fluffily furiously ir" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1445, "l_partkey": 135, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 24.0d, "l_extendedprice": 24843.12d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-04-23", "l_commitdate": "1995-02-16", "l_receiptdate": "1995-05-18", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "rate after the carefully reg" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2052, "l_partkey": 135, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 35.0d, "l_extendedprice": 36229.55d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-05-29", "l_commitdate": "1992-05-24", "l_receiptdate": "1992-06-11", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ts according t" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2055, "l_partkey": 135, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 12.0d, "l_extendedprice": 12421.56d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-10-26", "l_commitdate": "1993-11-23", "l_receiptdate": "1993-11-22", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "al pains. acco" }
, { "l_orderkey": 2276, "l_partkey": 135, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 13.0d, "l_extendedprice": 13456.69d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-07-24", "l_commitdate": "1996-06-18", "l_receiptdate": "1996-08-16", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "arefully ironic foxes cajole q" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2567, "l_partkey": 135, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 43.0d, "l_extendedprice": 44510.59d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-05-11", "l_commitdate": "1998-04-15", "l_receiptdate": "1998-05-29", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "requests. final courts cajole " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4422, "l_partkey": 135, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 5.0d, "l_extendedprice": 5175.65d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-07-17", "l_commitdate": "1995-08-13", "l_receiptdate": "1995-07-25", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "e furiously about t" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4486, "l_partkey": 135, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 46.0d, "l_extendedprice": 47615.98d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-05-02", "l_commitdate": "1998-04-05", "l_receiptdate": "1998-05-08", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ackages. specia" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5959, "l_partkey": 135, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 49.0d, "l_extendedprice": 50721.37d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-07-16", "l_commitdate": "1992-08-09", "l_receiptdate": "1992-08-14", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "usual packages haggle slyly pi" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 935, "l_partkey": 135, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 36.0d, "l_extendedprice": 37264.68d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-11-05", "l_commitdate": "1997-12-05", "l_receiptdate": "1997-11-25", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "leep about the exp" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2055, "l_partkey": 135, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 12.0d, "l_extendedprice": 12421.56d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-10-26", "l_commitdate": "1993-11-23", "l_receiptdate": "1993-11-22", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "al pains. acco" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3232, "l_partkey": 135, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 34.0d, "l_extendedprice": 35194.42d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-01-09", "l_commitdate": "1992-11-14", "l_receiptdate": "1993-02-03", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "old packages integrate quickly " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3684, "l_partkey": 135, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 13.0d, "l_extendedprice": 13456.69d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-07-23", "l_commitdate": "1993-09-16", "l_receiptdate": "1993-08-06", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ing, unusual pinto beans! thinly p" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5572, "l_partkey": 135, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 46.0d, "l_extendedprice": 47615.98d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-09-08", "l_commitdate": "1994-10-14", "l_receiptdate": "1994-10-01", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ully regular platelet" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 99, "l_partkey": 135, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 42.0d, "l_extendedprice": 43475.46d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-04-19", "l_commitdate": "1994-05-18", "l_receiptdate": "1994-04-20", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "kages are fluffily furiously ir" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1254, "l_partkey": 135, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 35.0d, "l_extendedprice": 36229.55d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-04-08", "l_commitdate": "1996-02-29", "l_receiptdate": "1996-04-18", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ckages boost. furious warhorses cajole" }
, { "l_orderkey": 2532, "l_partkey": 135, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 1.0d, "l_extendedprice": 1035.13d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-01-27", "l_commitdate": "1995-11-23", "l_receiptdate": "1996-01-29", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ely final ideas cajole despite the ca" }
, { "l_orderkey": 2659, "l_partkey": 135, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 24.0d, "l_extendedprice": 24843.12d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-03-28", "l_commitdate": "1994-02-20", "l_receiptdate": "1994-04-05", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": " haggle carefully " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4192, "l_partkey": 135, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 7.0d, "l_extendedprice": 7245.91d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-05-19", "l_commitdate": "1998-07-08", "l_receiptdate": "1998-05-31", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "y; excuses use. ironic, close instru" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5063, "l_partkey": 135, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 18.0d, "l_extendedprice": 18632.34d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-06-02", "l_commitdate": "1997-06-18", "l_receiptdate": "1997-06-06", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "refully quiet reques" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1317, "l_partkey": 134, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 34.0d, "l_extendedprice": 35160.42d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-08-13", "l_commitdate": "1995-08-08", "l_receiptdate": "1995-09-10", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "deposits boost thinly blithely final id" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2023, "l_partkey": 134, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 50.0d, "l_extendedprice": 51706.5d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-06-20", "l_commitdate": "1992-07-04", "l_receiptdate": "1992-06-23", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "its! carefully ex" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2055, "l_partkey": 134, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 16.0d, "l_extendedprice": 16546.08d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-11-16", "l_commitdate": "1993-11-12", "l_receiptdate": "1993-11-28", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "arefully daringly regular accounts." }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3523, "l_partkey": 134, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 48.0d, "l_extendedprice": 49638.24d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-07-22", "l_commitdate": "1998-06-25", "l_receiptdate": "1998-08-19", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": " regular requests" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5798, "l_partkey": 134, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 22.0d, "l_extendedprice": 22750.86d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-06-24", "l_commitdate": "1998-06-06", "l_receiptdate": "1998-07-20", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "sits poach carefully" }
, { "l_orderkey": 421, "l_partkey": 134, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 1.0d, "l_extendedprice": 1034.13d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-05-29", "l_commitdate": "1992-04-27", "l_receiptdate": "1992-06-09", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "oldly busy deposit" }
, { "l_orderkey": 838, "l_partkey": 134, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 20.0d, "l_extendedprice": 20682.6d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-04-11", "l_commitdate": "1998-03-25", "l_receiptdate": "1998-04-19", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": " furiously final ideas. slow, bold " }
, { "l_orderkey": 1892, "l_partkey": 134, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 37.0d, "l_extendedprice": 38262.81d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-04-11", "l_commitdate": "1994-06-04", "l_receiptdate": "1994-04-24", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "nts. slyly regular asymptot" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2023, "l_partkey": 134, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 50.0d, "l_extendedprice": 51706.5d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-06-20", "l_commitdate": "1992-07-04", "l_receiptdate": "1992-06-23", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "its! carefully ex" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2055, "l_partkey": 134, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 16.0d, "l_extendedprice": 16546.08d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-11-16", "l_commitdate": "1993-11-12", "l_receiptdate": "1993-11-28", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "arefully daringly regular accounts." }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3207, "l_partkey": 134, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 32.0d, "l_extendedprice": 33092.16d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-04-19", "l_commitdate": "1998-05-01", "l_receiptdate": "1998-05-08", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "l deposits wake beyond the carefully" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3523, "l_partkey": 134, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 48.0d, "l_extendedprice": 49638.24d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-07-22", "l_commitdate": "1998-06-25", "l_receiptdate": "1998-08-19", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": " regular requests" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 134, "l_partkey": 134, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 12.0d, "l_extendedprice": 12409.56d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-08-08", "l_commitdate": "1992-07-07", "l_receiptdate": "1992-08-20", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "lyly regular pac" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1985, "l_partkey": 134, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 20.0d, "l_extendedprice": 20682.6d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-10-29", "l_commitdate": "1994-11-12", "l_receiptdate": "1994-11-27", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "regular requests. furiously express" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2433, "l_partkey": 134, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 20.0d, "l_extendedprice": 20682.6d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-12-09", "l_commitdate": "1994-10-20", "l_receiptdate": "1994-12-15", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "lithely blithely final ide" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2853, "l_partkey": 134, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 26.0d, "l_extendedprice": 26887.38d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-06-26", "l_commitdate": "1994-06-05", "l_receiptdate": "1994-07-02", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "dolphins wake slyly. blith" }
, { "l_orderkey": 2882, "l_partkey": 134, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 32.0d, "l_extendedprice": 33092.16d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-10-21", "l_commitdate": "1995-11-10", "l_receiptdate": "1995-11-01", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "sts. quickly regular e" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3297, "l_partkey": 134, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 10.0d, "l_extendedprice": 10341.3d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-12-14", "l_commitdate": "1993-01-21", "l_receiptdate": "1992-12-26", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ironic idea" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3685, "l_partkey": 134, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 38.0d, "l_extendedprice": 39296.94d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-05-17", "l_commitdate": "1992-03-16", "l_receiptdate": "1992-06-06", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "thely unusual pack" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5477, "l_partkey": 134, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 31.0d, "l_extendedprice": 32058.03d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-01-11", "l_commitdate": "1998-01-30", "l_receiptdate": "1998-02-04", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": " special Tiresias cajole furiously. pending" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 199, "l_partkey": 134, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 30.0d, "l_extendedprice": 31023.9d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-03-27", "l_commitdate": "1996-05-29", "l_receiptdate": "1996-04-14", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ilent packages doze quickly. thinly " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 773, "l_partkey": 134, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 9.0d, "l_extendedprice": 9307.17d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-10-09", "l_commitdate": "1993-12-25", "l_receiptdate": "1993-11-04", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ent orbits haggle fluffily after the " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2054, "l_partkey": 134, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 17.0d, "l_extendedprice": 17580.21d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-06-09", "l_commitdate": "1992-08-28", "l_receiptdate": "1992-06-16", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ges nag acc" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3332, "l_partkey": 134, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 27.0d, "l_extendedprice": 27921.51d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-12-10", "l_commitdate": "1995-01-14", "l_receiptdate": "1994-12-11", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ording to the slyly regula" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3750, "l_partkey": 134, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 37.0d, "l_extendedprice": 38262.81d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-07-08", "l_commitdate": "1995-07-28", "l_receiptdate": "1995-07-28", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "usly busy account" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5798, "l_partkey": 134, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 22.0d, "l_extendedprice": 22750.86d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-06-24", "l_commitdate": "1998-06-06", "l_receiptdate": "1998-07-20", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "sits poach carefully" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 518, "l_partkey": 134, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 12.0d, "l_extendedprice": 12409.56d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-03-08", "l_commitdate": "1998-03-31", "l_receiptdate": "1998-04-06", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": " packages thrash slyly" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 644, "l_partkey": 134, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 46.0d, "l_extendedprice": 47569.98d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-05-20", "l_commitdate": "1992-06-14", "l_receiptdate": "1992-06-14", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": " special requests was sometimes expre" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1317, "l_partkey": 134, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 34.0d, "l_extendedprice": 35160.42d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-08-13", "l_commitdate": "1995-08-08", "l_receiptdate": "1995-09-10", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "deposits boost thinly blithely final id" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1408, "l_partkey": 134, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 42.0d, "l_extendedprice": 43433.46d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-01-30", "l_commitdate": "1998-02-07", "l_receiptdate": "1998-02-18", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "even packages. even accounts cajole" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1666, "l_partkey": 134, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 31.0d, "l_extendedprice": 32058.03d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-02-11", "l_commitdate": "1996-01-11", "l_receiptdate": "1996-02-28", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ding to the express, bold accounts. fu" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2976, "l_partkey": 134, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 13.0d, "l_extendedprice": 13443.69d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-02-06", "l_commitdate": "1994-02-02", "l_receiptdate": "1994-02-19", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": " furiously final courts boost " }
, { "l_orderkey": 3399, "l_partkey": 134, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 28.0d, "l_extendedprice": 28955.64d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-06-29", "l_commitdate": "1995-05-19", "l_receiptdate": "1995-07-12", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "oggedly final theodolites grow. fi" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4039, "l_partkey": 134, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 43.0d, "l_extendedprice": 44467.59d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-01-20", "l_commitdate": "1998-01-11", "l_receiptdate": "1998-02-05", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "sts along the regular in" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5152, "l_partkey": 134, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 50.0d, "l_extendedprice": 51706.5d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-03-10", "l_commitdate": "1997-02-04", "l_receiptdate": "1997-03-15", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": " the final deposits. slyly ironic warth" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3685, "l_partkey": 134, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 38.0d, "l_extendedprice": 39296.94d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-05-17", "l_commitdate": "1992-03-16", "l_receiptdate": "1992-06-06", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "thely unusual pack" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3750, "l_partkey": 134, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 37.0d, "l_extendedprice": 38262.81d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-07-08", "l_commitdate": "1995-07-28", "l_receiptdate": "1995-07-28", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "usly busy account" }
, { "l_orderkey": 5636, "l_partkey": 134, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 24.0d, "l_extendedprice": 24819.12d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-04-12", "l_commitdate": "1995-03-27", "l_receiptdate": "1995-04-16", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "counts sleep furiously b" }
, { "l_orderkey": 5893, "l_partkey": 134, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 43.0d, "l_extendedprice": 44467.59d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-11-02", "l_commitdate": "1992-09-27", "l_receiptdate": "1992-11-21", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "s. regular courts above the carefully silen" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1284, "l_partkey": 133, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 39.0d, "l_extendedprice": 40292.07d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-01-11", "l_commitdate": "1996-02-07", "l_receiptdate": "1996-02-05", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "even accoun" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2789, "l_partkey": 133, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 42.0d, "l_extendedprice": 43391.46d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-04-28", "l_commitdate": "1998-05-17", "l_receiptdate": "1998-05-24", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ending packages shoul" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2791, "l_partkey": 133, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 44.0d, "l_extendedprice": 45457.72d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-11-17", "l_commitdate": "1994-11-12", "l_receiptdate": "1994-12-14", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "heodolites use furio" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2980, "l_partkey": 133, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 27.0d, "l_extendedprice": 27894.51d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-12-08", "l_commitdate": "1996-12-03", "l_receiptdate": "1996-12-14", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": " theodolites cajole blithely sl" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3040, "l_partkey": 133, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 9.0d, "l_extendedprice": 9298.17d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-06-12", "l_commitdate": "1993-05-16", "l_receiptdate": "1993-06-14", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ges. pending packages wake. requests" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4546, "l_partkey": 133, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 10.0d, "l_extendedprice": 10331.3d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-09-23", "l_commitdate": "1995-10-10", "l_receiptdate": "1995-10-23", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "osits alongside of the" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4964, "l_partkey": 133, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 29.0d, "l_extendedprice": 29960.77d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-10-18", "l_commitdate": "1997-08-30", "l_receiptdate": "1997-11-01", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "k accounts nag carefully-- ironic, fin" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 258, "l_partkey": 133, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 31.0d, "l_extendedprice": 32027.03d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-04-20", "l_commitdate": "1994-03-20", "l_receiptdate": "1994-04-28", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": " slyly blithely special mul" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 134, "l_partkey": 134, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 12.0d, "l_extendedprice": 12409.56d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-08-08", "l_commitdate": "1992-07-07", "l_receiptdate": "1992-08-20", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "lyly regular pac" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 199, "l_partkey": 134, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 30.0d, "l_extendedprice": 31023.9d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-03-27", "l_commitdate": "1996-05-29", "l_receiptdate": "1996-04-14", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ilent packages doze quickly. thinly " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 518, "l_partkey": 134, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 12.0d, "l_extendedprice": 12409.56d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-03-08", "l_commitdate": "1998-03-31", "l_receiptdate": "1998-04-06", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": " packages thrash slyly" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 773, "l_partkey": 134, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 9.0d, "l_extendedprice": 9307.17d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-10-09", "l_commitdate": "1993-12-25", "l_receiptdate": "1993-11-04", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ent orbits haggle fluffily after the " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1408, "l_partkey": 134, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 42.0d, "l_extendedprice": 43433.46d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-01-30", "l_commitdate": "1998-02-07", "l_receiptdate": "1998-02-18", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "even packages. even accounts cajole" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1666, "l_partkey": 134, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 31.0d, "l_extendedprice": 32058.03d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-02-11", "l_commitdate": "1996-01-11", "l_receiptdate": "1996-02-28", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ding to the express, bold accounts. fu" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2433, "l_partkey": 134, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 20.0d, "l_extendedprice": 20682.6d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-12-09", "l_commitdate": "1994-10-20", "l_receiptdate": "1994-12-15", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "lithely blithely final ide" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3332, "l_partkey": 134, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 27.0d, "l_extendedprice": 27921.51d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-12-10", "l_commitdate": "1995-01-14", "l_receiptdate": "1994-12-11", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ording to the slyly regula" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5152, "l_partkey": 134, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 50.0d, "l_extendedprice": 51706.5d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-03-10", "l_commitdate": "1997-02-04", "l_receiptdate": "1997-03-15", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": " the final deposits. slyly ironic warth" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 644, "l_partkey": 134, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 46.0d, "l_extendedprice": 47569.98d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-05-20", "l_commitdate": "1992-06-14", "l_receiptdate": "1992-06-14", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": " special requests was sometimes expre" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1985, "l_partkey": 134, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 20.0d, "l_extendedprice": 20682.6d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-10-29", "l_commitdate": "1994-11-12", "l_receiptdate": "1994-11-27", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "regular requests. furiously express" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2054, "l_partkey": 134, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 17.0d, "l_extendedprice": 17580.21d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-06-09", "l_commitdate": "1992-08-28", "l_receiptdate": "1992-06-16", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ges nag acc" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2853, "l_partkey": 134, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 26.0d, "l_extendedprice": 26887.38d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-06-26", "l_commitdate": "1994-06-05", "l_receiptdate": "1994-07-02", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "dolphins wake slyly. blith" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2976, "l_partkey": 134, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 13.0d, "l_extendedprice": 13443.69d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-02-06", "l_commitdate": "1994-02-02", "l_receiptdate": "1994-02-19", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": " furiously final courts boost " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3207, "l_partkey": 134, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 32.0d, "l_extendedprice": 33092.16d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-04-19", "l_commitdate": "1998-05-01", "l_receiptdate": "1998-05-08", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "l deposits wake beyond the carefully" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3297, "l_partkey": 134, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 10.0d, "l_extendedprice": 10341.3d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-12-14", "l_commitdate": "1993-01-21", "l_receiptdate": "1992-12-26", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ironic idea" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4039, "l_partkey": 134, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 43.0d, "l_extendedprice": 44467.59d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-01-20", "l_commitdate": "1998-01-11", "l_receiptdate": "1998-02-05", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "sts along the regular in" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5477, "l_partkey": 134, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 31.0d, "l_extendedprice": 32058.03d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-01-11", "l_commitdate": "1998-01-30", "l_receiptdate": "1998-02-04", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": " special Tiresias cajole furiously. pending" }
, { "l_orderkey": 517, "l_partkey": 133, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 11.0d, "l_extendedprice": 11364.43d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-06-20", "l_commitdate": "1997-06-01", "l_receiptdate": "1997-06-27", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ly throughout the fu" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1472, "l_partkey": 133, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 26.0d, "l_extendedprice": 26861.38d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-11-08", "l_commitdate": "1996-11-13", "l_receiptdate": "1996-12-02", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ic packages w" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2467, "l_partkey": 133, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 7.0d, "l_extendedprice": 7231.91d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-07-28", "l_commitdate": "1995-10-04", "l_receiptdate": "1995-08-27", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "gular packages cajole " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2499, "l_partkey": 133, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 31.0d, "l_extendedprice": 32027.03d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-12-09", "l_commitdate": "1995-10-28", "l_receiptdate": "1996-01-05", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "to beans across the carefully ironic theodo" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3809, "l_partkey": 133, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 32.0d, "l_extendedprice": 33060.16d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-07-03", "l_commitdate": "1996-06-01", "l_receiptdate": "1996-07-25", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "xcuses would boost against the fluffily eve" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4512, "l_partkey": 133, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 43.0d, "l_extendedprice": 44424.59d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-12-20", "l_commitdate": "1995-11-28", "l_receiptdate": "1996-01-14", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "are carefully. theodolites wake" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4711, "l_partkey": 133, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 7.0d, "l_extendedprice": 7231.91d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-05-12", "l_commitdate": "1998-06-24", "l_receiptdate": "1998-05-24", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ly. bold accounts use fluff" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5414, "l_partkey": 133, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 15.0d, "l_extendedprice": 15496.95d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-05-18", "l_commitdate": "1993-06-09", "l_receiptdate": "1993-05-27", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "e slyly about the carefully regula" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5762, "l_partkey": 133, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 47.0d, "l_extendedprice": 48557.11d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-03-02", "l_commitdate": "1997-03-23", "l_receiptdate": "1997-03-19", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "equests sleep after the furiously ironic pa" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 199, "l_partkey": 133, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 50.0d, "l_extendedprice": 51656.5d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-06-12", "l_commitdate": "1996-06-03", "l_receiptdate": "1996-07-04", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "essly regular ideas boost sly" }
, { "l_orderkey": 802, "l_partkey": 133, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 34.0d, "l_extendedprice": 35126.42d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-03-01", "l_commitdate": "1995-03-15", "l_receiptdate": "1995-03-12", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "instructions cajole carefully. quietl" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1125, "l_partkey": 133, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 4.0d, "l_extendedprice": 4132.52d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-12-10", "l_commitdate": "1994-12-28", "l_receiptdate": "1994-12-30", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": " quickly express packages a" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2789, "l_partkey": 133, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 42.0d, "l_extendedprice": 43391.46d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-04-28", "l_commitdate": "1998-05-17", "l_receiptdate": "1998-05-24", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ending packages shoul" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2980, "l_partkey": 133, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 27.0d, "l_extendedprice": 27894.51d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-12-08", "l_commitdate": "1996-12-03", "l_receiptdate": "1996-12-14", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": " theodolites cajole blithely sl" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3809, "l_partkey": 133, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 32.0d, "l_extendedprice": 33060.16d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-07-03", "l_commitdate": "1996-06-01", "l_receiptdate": "1996-07-25", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "xcuses would boost against the fluffily eve" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4546, "l_partkey": 133, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 10.0d, "l_extendedprice": 10331.3d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-09-23", "l_commitdate": "1995-10-10", "l_receiptdate": "1995-10-23", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "osits alongside of the" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5120, "l_partkey": 133, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 28.0d, "l_extendedprice": 28927.64d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-07-20", "l_commitdate": "1996-08-31", "l_receiptdate": "1996-08-06", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": " across the silent requests. caref" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5414, "l_partkey": 133, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 15.0d, "l_extendedprice": 15496.95d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-05-18", "l_commitdate": "1993-06-09", "l_receiptdate": "1993-05-27", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "e slyly about the carefully regula" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 199, "l_partkey": 133, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 50.0d, "l_extendedprice": 51656.5d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-06-12", "l_commitdate": "1996-06-03", "l_receiptdate": "1996-07-04", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "essly regular ideas boost sly" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1284, "l_partkey": 133, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 39.0d, "l_extendedprice": 40292.07d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-01-11", "l_commitdate": "1996-02-07", "l_receiptdate": "1996-02-05", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "even accoun" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1506, "l_partkey": 133, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 46.0d, "l_extendedprice": 47523.98d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-01-18", "l_commitdate": "1992-11-11", "l_receiptdate": "1993-02-09", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "sits whithout the blithely ironic packages" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2791, "l_partkey": 133, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 44.0d, "l_extendedprice": 45457.72d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-11-17", "l_commitdate": "1994-11-12", "l_receiptdate": "1994-12-14", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "heodolites use furio" }
, { "l_orderkey": 3523, "l_partkey": 133, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 4.0d, "l_extendedprice": 4132.52d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-05-08", "l_commitdate": "1998-05-18", "l_receiptdate": "1998-05-25", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ts. final accounts detect furiously along " }
, { "l_orderkey": 4544, "l_partkey": 133, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 31.0d, "l_extendedprice": 32027.03d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-08-09", "l_commitdate": "1997-09-29", "l_receiptdate": "1997-08-17", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "dolites detect quickly reg" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4711, "l_partkey": 133, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 7.0d, "l_extendedprice": 7231.91d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-05-12", "l_commitdate": "1998-06-24", "l_receiptdate": "1998-05-24", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ly. bold accounts use fluff" }
, { "l_orderkey": 4864, "l_partkey": 133, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 45.0d, "l_extendedprice": 46490.85d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-11-17", "l_commitdate": "1993-01-02", "l_receiptdate": "1992-11-26", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "round the furiously careful pa" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5120, "l_partkey": 133, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 28.0d, "l_extendedprice": 28927.64d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-07-20", "l_commitdate": "1996-08-31", "l_receiptdate": "1996-08-06", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": " across the silent requests. caref" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1506, "l_partkey": 133, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 46.0d, "l_extendedprice": 47523.98d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-01-18", "l_commitdate": "1992-11-11", "l_receiptdate": "1993-02-09", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "sits whithout the blithely ironic packages" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2467, "l_partkey": 133, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 7.0d, "l_extendedprice": 7231.91d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-07-28", "l_commitdate": "1995-10-04", "l_receiptdate": "1995-08-27", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "gular packages cajole " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2499, "l_partkey": 133, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 31.0d, "l_extendedprice": 32027.03d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-12-09", "l_commitdate": "1995-10-28", "l_receiptdate": "1996-01-05", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "to beans across the carefully ironic theodo" }
, { "l_orderkey": 3140, "l_partkey": 133, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 28.0d, "l_extendedprice": 28927.64d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-06-08", "l_commitdate": "1992-07-07", "l_receiptdate": "1992-07-08", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "lar ideas. slyly ironic d" }
, { "l_orderkey": 3458, "l_partkey": 133, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 48.0d, "l_extendedprice": 49590.24d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-03-17", "l_commitdate": "1995-01-25", "l_receiptdate": "1995-03-28", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "iously pending dep" }
, { "l_orderkey": 4453, "l_partkey": 133, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 16.0d, "l_extendedprice": 16530.08d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-07-22", "l_commitdate": "1997-05-05", "l_receiptdate": "1997-08-03", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ar excuses nag quickly even accounts. b" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 225, "l_partkey": 132, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 12.0d, "l_extendedprice": 12385.56d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-06-04", "l_commitdate": "1995-07-15", "l_receiptdate": "1995-06-08", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": " unusual requests. bus" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5190, "l_partkey": 132, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 6.0d, "l_extendedprice": 6192.78d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-08-08", "l_commitdate": "1992-07-14", "l_receiptdate": "1992-08-22", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "furiously regular pinto beans. furiously i" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5381, "l_partkey": 132, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 33.0d, "l_extendedprice": 34060.29d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-04-09", "l_commitdate": "1993-04-03", "l_receiptdate": "1993-04-22", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ly special deposits " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5607, "l_partkey": 132, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 23.0d, "l_extendedprice": 23738.99d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-04-17", "l_commitdate": "1992-02-12", "l_receiptdate": "1992-04-30", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "the special, final patterns " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5696, "l_partkey": 132, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 37.0d, "l_extendedprice": 38188.81d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-07-21", "l_commitdate": "1995-06-23", "l_receiptdate": "1995-08-19", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": " carefully expres" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 417, "l_partkey": 132, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 2.0d, "l_extendedprice": 2064.26d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-02-13", "l_commitdate": "1994-04-19", "l_receiptdate": "1994-03-15", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "uriously bol" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 423, "l_partkey": 132, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 27.0d, "l_extendedprice": 27867.51d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-08-20", "l_commitdate": "1996-08-01", "l_receiptdate": "1996-08-23", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ccounts. blithely regular pack" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2182, "l_partkey": 132, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 27.0d, "l_extendedprice": 27867.51d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-05-10", "l_commitdate": "1994-07-04", "l_receiptdate": "1994-06-04", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "en platele" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2853, "l_partkey": 132, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 20.0d, "l_extendedprice": 20642.6d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-08-30", "l_commitdate": "1994-06-16", "l_receiptdate": "1994-09-06", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "e slyly silent foxes. express deposits sno" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3008, "l_partkey": 132, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 8.0d, "l_extendedprice": 8257.04d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-12-06", "l_commitdate": "1996-01-12", "l_receiptdate": "1995-12-22", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "yly ironic foxes. regular requests h" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3111, "l_partkey": 132, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 31.0d, "l_extendedprice": 31996.03d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-10-26", "l_commitdate": "1995-09-26", "l_receiptdate": "1995-11-02", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "kages detect express attainments" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3172, "l_partkey": 132, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 13.0d, "l_extendedprice": 13417.69d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-07-06", "l_commitdate": "1992-08-06", "l_receiptdate": "1992-08-05", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "inal deposits haggle along the" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3493, "l_partkey": 132, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 10.0d, "l_extendedprice": 10321.3d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-08-27", "l_commitdate": "1993-10-07", "l_receiptdate": "1993-09-23", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "hall have to integ" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3587, "l_partkey": 132, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 48.0d, "l_extendedprice": 49542.24d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-08-02", "l_commitdate": "1996-07-02", "l_receiptdate": "1996-08-05", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "beans. blithely final depe" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4419, "l_partkey": 132, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 6.0d, "l_extendedprice": 6192.78d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-06-25", "l_commitdate": "1996-09-04", "l_receiptdate": "1996-07-20", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ts wake slyly final dugou" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5958, "l_partkey": 132, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 32.0d, "l_extendedprice": 33028.16d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-09-20", "l_commitdate": "1995-12-10", "l_receiptdate": "1995-10-14", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "e carefully special theodolites. carefully " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 359, "l_partkey": 132, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 17.0d, "l_extendedprice": 17546.21d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-01-31", "l_commitdate": "1995-03-18", "l_receiptdate": "1995-02-10", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "sts according to the blithely" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1219, "l_partkey": 132, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 6.0d, "l_extendedprice": 6192.78d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-11-13", "l_commitdate": "1995-12-24", "l_receiptdate": "1995-11-18", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "pecial, ironic requ" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3078, "l_partkey": 132, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 25.0d, "l_extendedprice": 25803.25d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-04-22", "l_commitdate": "1993-05-01", "l_receiptdate": "1993-04-28", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "express dinos. carefully ironic" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3814, "l_partkey": 132, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 12.0d, "l_extendedprice": 12385.56d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-03-18", "l_commitdate": "1995-04-16", "l_receiptdate": "1995-03-20", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ages cajole. packages haggle. final" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5507, "l_partkey": 132, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 48.0d, "l_extendedprice": 49542.24d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-07-21", "l_commitdate": "1998-07-15", "l_receiptdate": "1998-07-31", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "uriously regular acc" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4964, "l_partkey": 133, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 29.0d, "l_extendedprice": 29960.77d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-10-18", "l_commitdate": "1997-08-30", "l_receiptdate": "1997-11-01", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "k accounts nag carefully-- ironic, fin" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5762, "l_partkey": 133, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 47.0d, "l_extendedprice": 48557.11d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-03-02", "l_commitdate": "1997-03-23", "l_receiptdate": "1997-03-19", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "equests sleep after the furiously ironic pa" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 258, "l_partkey": 133, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 31.0d, "l_extendedprice": 32027.03d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-04-20", "l_commitdate": "1994-03-20", "l_receiptdate": "1994-04-28", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": " slyly blithely special mul" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1125, "l_partkey": 133, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 4.0d, "l_extendedprice": 4132.52d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-12-10", "l_commitdate": "1994-12-28", "l_receiptdate": "1994-12-30", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": " quickly express packages a" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1472, "l_partkey": 133, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 26.0d, "l_extendedprice": 26861.38d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-11-08", "l_commitdate": "1996-11-13", "l_receiptdate": "1996-12-02", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ic packages w" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3040, "l_partkey": 133, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 9.0d, "l_extendedprice": 9298.17d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-06-12", "l_commitdate": "1993-05-16", "l_receiptdate": "1993-06-14", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ges. pending packages wake. requests" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4512, "l_partkey": 133, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 43.0d, "l_extendedprice": 44424.59d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-12-20", "l_commitdate": "1995-11-28", "l_receiptdate": "1996-01-14", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "are carefully. theodolites wake" }
, { "l_orderkey": 384, "l_partkey": 132, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 14.0d, "l_extendedprice": 14449.82d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-06-14", "l_commitdate": "1992-05-29", "l_receiptdate": "1992-07-05", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ckages are slyly after the slyly specia" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 802, "l_partkey": 132, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 19.0d, "l_extendedprice": 19610.47d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-04-01", "l_commitdate": "1995-02-20", "l_receiptdate": "1995-04-23", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "old, furious" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 967, "l_partkey": 132, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 10.0d, "l_extendedprice": 10321.3d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-09-18", "l_commitdate": "1992-08-06", "l_receiptdate": "1992-09-19", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "old pinto beans alongside of the exp" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1219, "l_partkey": 132, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 6.0d, "l_extendedprice": 6192.78d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-11-13", "l_commitdate": "1995-12-24", "l_receiptdate": "1995-11-18", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "pecial, ironic requ" }
, { "l_orderkey": 1668, "l_partkey": 132, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 8.0d, "l_extendedprice": 8257.04d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-07-23", "l_commitdate": "1997-10-09", "l_receiptdate": "1997-08-06", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "arefully regular tithes! slyl" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2375, "l_partkey": 132, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 9.0d, "l_extendedprice": 9289.17d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-02-17", "l_commitdate": "1996-12-27", "l_receiptdate": "1997-02-27", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ly against the packages. bold pinto bean" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2658, "l_partkey": 132, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 41.0d, "l_extendedprice": 42317.33d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-11-07", "l_commitdate": "1995-11-04", "l_receiptdate": "1995-12-04", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "eposits. furiously final theodolite" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3397, "l_partkey": 132, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 28.0d, "l_extendedprice": 28899.64d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-07-13", "l_commitdate": "1994-08-26", "l_receiptdate": "1994-07-17", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "counts around the final reques" }
, { "l_orderkey": 4803, "l_partkey": 132, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 2.0d, "l_extendedprice": 2064.26d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-04-16", "l_commitdate": "1996-03-20", "l_receiptdate": "1996-05-15", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "gular reque" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5190, "l_partkey": 132, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 6.0d, "l_extendedprice": 6192.78d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-08-08", "l_commitdate": "1992-07-14", "l_receiptdate": "1992-08-22", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "furiously regular pinto beans. furiously i" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5696, "l_partkey": 132, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 37.0d, "l_extendedprice": 38188.81d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-07-21", "l_commitdate": "1995-06-23", "l_receiptdate": "1995-08-19", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": " carefully expres" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 423, "l_partkey": 132, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 27.0d, "l_extendedprice": 27867.51d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-08-20", "l_commitdate": "1996-08-01", "l_receiptdate": "1996-08-23", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ccounts. blithely regular pack" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 802, "l_partkey": 132, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 19.0d, "l_extendedprice": 19610.47d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-04-01", "l_commitdate": "1995-02-20", "l_receiptdate": "1995-04-23", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "old, furious" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3111, "l_partkey": 132, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 31.0d, "l_extendedprice": 31996.03d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-10-26", "l_commitdate": "1995-09-26", "l_receiptdate": "1995-11-02", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "kages detect express attainments" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3493, "l_partkey": 132, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 10.0d, "l_extendedprice": 10321.3d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-08-27", "l_commitdate": "1993-10-07", "l_receiptdate": "1993-09-23", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "hall have to integ" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5607, "l_partkey": 132, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 23.0d, "l_extendedprice": 23738.99d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-04-17", "l_commitdate": "1992-02-12", "l_receiptdate": "1992-04-30", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "the special, final patterns " }
, { "l_orderkey": 5957, "l_partkey": 132, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 29.0d, "l_extendedprice": 29931.77d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-02-24", "l_commitdate": "1994-03-04", "l_receiptdate": "1994-03-08", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "sits. final, even asymptotes cajole quickly" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 417, "l_partkey": 132, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 2.0d, "l_extendedprice": 2064.26d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-02-13", "l_commitdate": "1994-04-19", "l_receiptdate": "1994-03-15", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "uriously bol" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2182, "l_partkey": 132, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 27.0d, "l_extendedprice": 27867.51d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-05-10", "l_commitdate": "1994-07-04", "l_receiptdate": "1994-06-04", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "en platele" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2658, "l_partkey": 132, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 41.0d, "l_extendedprice": 42317.33d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-11-07", "l_commitdate": "1995-11-04", "l_receiptdate": "1995-12-04", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "eposits. furiously final theodolite" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2853, "l_partkey": 132, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 20.0d, "l_extendedprice": 20642.6d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-08-30", "l_commitdate": "1994-06-16", "l_receiptdate": "1994-09-06", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "e slyly silent foxes. express deposits sno" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3078, "l_partkey": 132, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 25.0d, "l_extendedprice": 25803.25d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-04-22", "l_commitdate": "1993-05-01", "l_receiptdate": "1993-04-28", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "express dinos. carefully ironic" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3172, "l_partkey": 132, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 13.0d, "l_extendedprice": 13417.69d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-07-06", "l_commitdate": "1992-08-06", "l_receiptdate": "1992-08-05", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "inal deposits haggle along the" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3397, "l_partkey": 132, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 28.0d, "l_extendedprice": 28899.64d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-07-13", "l_commitdate": "1994-08-26", "l_receiptdate": "1994-07-17", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "counts around the final reques" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3587, "l_partkey": 132, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 48.0d, "l_extendedprice": 49542.24d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-08-02", "l_commitdate": "1996-07-02", "l_receiptdate": "1996-08-05", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "beans. blithely final depe" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5381, "l_partkey": 132, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 33.0d, "l_extendedprice": 34060.29d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-04-09", "l_commitdate": "1993-04-03", "l_receiptdate": "1993-04-22", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ly special deposits " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5958, "l_partkey": 132, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 32.0d, "l_extendedprice": 33028.16d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-09-20", "l_commitdate": "1995-12-10", "l_receiptdate": "1995-10-14", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "e carefully special theodolites. carefully " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 225, "l_partkey": 132, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 12.0d, "l_extendedprice": 12385.56d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-06-04", "l_commitdate": "1995-07-15", "l_receiptdate": "1995-06-08", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": " unusual requests. bus" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 359, "l_partkey": 132, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 17.0d, "l_extendedprice": 17546.21d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-01-31", "l_commitdate": "1995-03-18", "l_receiptdate": "1995-02-10", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "sts according to the blithely" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 967, "l_partkey": 132, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 10.0d, "l_extendedprice": 10321.3d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-09-18", "l_commitdate": "1992-08-06", "l_receiptdate": "1992-09-19", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "old pinto beans alongside of the exp" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2375, "l_partkey": 132, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 9.0d, "l_extendedprice": 9289.17d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-02-17", "l_commitdate": "1996-12-27", "l_receiptdate": "1997-02-27", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ly against the packages. bold pinto bean" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3008, "l_partkey": 132, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 8.0d, "l_extendedprice": 8257.04d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-12-06", "l_commitdate": "1996-01-12", "l_receiptdate": "1995-12-22", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "yly ironic foxes. regular requests h" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3814, "l_partkey": 132, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 12.0d, "l_extendedprice": 12385.56d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-03-18", "l_commitdate": "1995-04-16", "l_receiptdate": "1995-03-20", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ages cajole. packages haggle. final" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4419, "l_partkey": 132, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 6.0d, "l_extendedprice": 6192.78d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-06-25", "l_commitdate": "1996-09-04", "l_receiptdate": "1996-07-20", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ts wake slyly final dugou" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5507, "l_partkey": 132, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 48.0d, "l_extendedprice": 49542.24d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-07-21", "l_commitdate": "1998-07-15", "l_receiptdate": "1998-07-31", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "uriously regular acc" }
, { "l_orderkey": 515, "l_partkey": 131, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 32.0d, "l_extendedprice": 32996.16d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-10-10", "l_commitdate": "1993-10-08", "l_receiptdate": "1993-11-02", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "r sauternes boost. final theodolites wake a" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 802, "l_partkey": 131, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 44.0d, "l_extendedprice": 45369.72d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-01-09", "l_commitdate": "1995-02-04", "l_receiptdate": "1995-01-18", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "rmanently idly special requ" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 994, "l_partkey": 131, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 25.0d, "l_extendedprice": 25778.25d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-06-03", "l_commitdate": "1994-06-02", "l_receiptdate": "1994-06-06", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "usual pinto beans." }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1793, "l_partkey": 131, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 6.0d, "l_extendedprice": 6186.78d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-09-21", "l_commitdate": "1992-09-05", "l_receiptdate": "1992-10-01", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "uctions; depo" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3200, "l_partkey": 131, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 36.0d, "l_extendedprice": 37120.68d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-03-22", "l_commitdate": "1996-03-19", "l_receiptdate": "1996-03-30", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "f the carefu" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3814, "l_partkey": 131, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 7.0d, "l_extendedprice": 7217.91d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-05-01", "l_commitdate": "1995-05-09", "l_receiptdate": "1995-05-28", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "es sleep furiou" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4292, "l_partkey": 131, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 6.0d, "l_extendedprice": 6186.78d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-03-03", "l_commitdate": "1992-02-24", "l_receiptdate": "1992-03-25", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "bove the silently regula" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4544, "l_partkey": 131, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 40.0d, "l_extendedprice": 41245.2d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-08-15", "l_commitdate": "1997-10-16", "l_receiptdate": "1997-08-20", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": " detect slyly. evenly pending instru" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4965, "l_partkey": 131, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 28.0d, "l_extendedprice": 28871.64d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-01-02", "l_commitdate": "1993-11-20", "l_receiptdate": "1994-01-04", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": " deposits. requests sublate quickly " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5763, "l_partkey": 131, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 32.0d, "l_extendedprice": 32996.16d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-07-16", "l_commitdate": "1998-09-13", "l_receiptdate": "1998-08-02", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ding instruct" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1061, "l_partkey": 131, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 50.0d, "l_extendedprice": 51556.5d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-05-25", "l_commitdate": "1998-07-22", "l_receiptdate": "1998-06-22", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "nding excuses are around the e" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2116, "l_partkey": 131, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 2.0d, "l_extendedprice": 2062.26d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-10-16", "l_commitdate": "1994-11-24", "l_receiptdate": "1994-11-09", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "r theodolites use blithely about the ir" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2627, "l_partkey": 131, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 28.0d, "l_extendedprice": 28871.64d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-05-14", "l_commitdate": "1992-05-09", "l_receiptdate": "1992-05-31", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ggedly final excuses nag packages. f" }
, { "l_orderkey": 3264, "l_partkey": 131, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 34.0d, "l_extendedprice": 35058.42d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-01-03", "l_commitdate": "1997-01-06", "l_receiptdate": "1997-01-29", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "rns haggle carefully. blit" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3269, "l_partkey": 131, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 16.0d, "l_extendedprice": 16498.08d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-03-03", "l_commitdate": "1996-04-06", "l_receiptdate": "1996-03-06", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "s cajole. silent deposits are f" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3749, "l_partkey": 131, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 7.0d, "l_extendedprice": 7217.91d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-03-31", "l_commitdate": "1995-04-05", "l_receiptdate": "1995-04-11", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "he slyly ironic packages" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5347, "l_partkey": 131, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 21.0d, "l_extendedprice": 21653.73d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-04-01", "l_commitdate": "1995-04-16", "l_receiptdate": "1995-04-23", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "sly slyly final requests. careful" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5445, "l_partkey": 131, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 12.0d, "l_extendedprice": 12373.56d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-11-02", "l_commitdate": "1993-09-05", "l_receiptdate": "1993-11-26", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": " slyly pending pinto beans was slyly al" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5702, "l_partkey": 131, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 44.0d, "l_extendedprice": 45369.72d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-11-28", "l_commitdate": "1993-12-02", "l_receiptdate": "1993-12-22", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ake according to th" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1187, "l_partkey": 131, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 15.0d, "l_extendedprice": 15466.95d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-12-22", "l_commitdate": "1993-01-13", "l_receiptdate": "1993-01-01", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ests. foxes wake. carefu" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2529, "l_partkey": 131, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 4.0d, "l_extendedprice": 4124.52d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-10-19", "l_commitdate": "1996-11-18", "l_receiptdate": "1996-10-24", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "al dependencies haggle slyly alongsi" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3328, "l_partkey": 131, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 25.0d, "l_extendedprice": 25778.25d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-01-28", "l_commitdate": "1993-01-04", "l_receiptdate": "1993-01-31", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "e unusual, r" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3521, "l_partkey": 131, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 2.0d, "l_extendedprice": 2062.26d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-01-29", "l_commitdate": "1992-12-20", "l_receiptdate": "1993-02-23", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "refully duri" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4193, "l_partkey": 131, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 37.0d, "l_extendedprice": 38151.81d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-04-25", "l_commitdate": "1994-02-24", "l_receiptdate": "1994-05-08", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "er the quickly regular dependencies wake" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4544, "l_partkey": 131, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 40.0d, "l_extendedprice": 41245.2d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-08-15", "l_commitdate": "1997-10-16", "l_receiptdate": "1997-08-20", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": " detect slyly. evenly pending instru" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4866, "l_partkey": 131, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 17.0d, "l_extendedprice": 17529.21d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-11-26", "l_commitdate": "1997-10-11", "l_receiptdate": "1997-12-12", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ess packages doubt. even somas wake f" }
, { "l_orderkey": 5441, "l_partkey": 131, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 49.0d, "l_extendedprice": 50525.37d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-09-23", "l_commitdate": "1994-09-22", "l_receiptdate": "1994-10-22", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ording to the furio" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5666, "l_partkey": 131, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 24.0d, "l_extendedprice": 24747.12d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-02-14", "l_commitdate": "1994-03-09", "l_receiptdate": "1994-03-06", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "on the carefully pending asympto" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 802, "l_partkey": 131, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 44.0d, "l_extendedprice": 45369.72d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-01-09", "l_commitdate": "1995-02-04", "l_receiptdate": "1995-01-18", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "rmanently idly special requ" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2407, "l_partkey": 131, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 39.0d, "l_extendedprice": 40214.07d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-08-20", "l_commitdate": "1998-09-12", "l_receiptdate": "1998-08-22", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "iously final deposits solv" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2529, "l_partkey": 131, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 4.0d, "l_extendedprice": 4124.52d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-10-19", "l_commitdate": "1996-11-18", "l_receiptdate": "1996-10-24", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "al dependencies haggle slyly alongsi" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2627, "l_partkey": 131, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 28.0d, "l_extendedprice": 28871.64d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-05-14", "l_commitdate": "1992-05-09", "l_receiptdate": "1992-05-31", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ggedly final excuses nag packages. f" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3200, "l_partkey": 131, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 36.0d, "l_extendedprice": 37120.68d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-03-22", "l_commitdate": "1996-03-19", "l_receiptdate": "1996-03-30", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "f the carefu" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3521, "l_partkey": 131, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 2.0d, "l_extendedprice": 2062.26d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-01-29", "l_commitdate": "1992-12-20", "l_receiptdate": "1993-02-23", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "refully duri" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4292, "l_partkey": 131, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 6.0d, "l_extendedprice": 6186.78d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-03-03", "l_commitdate": "1992-02-24", "l_receiptdate": "1992-03-25", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "bove the silently regula" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5158, "l_partkey": 131, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 49.0d, "l_extendedprice": 50525.37d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-04-10", "l_commitdate": "1997-03-21", "l_receiptdate": "1997-04-30", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "r requests sleep q" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5763, "l_partkey": 131, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 32.0d, "l_extendedprice": 32996.16d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-07-16", "l_commitdate": "1998-09-13", "l_receiptdate": "1998-08-02", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ding instruct" }
, { "l_orderkey": 225, "l_partkey": 131, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 3.0d, "l_extendedprice": 3093.39d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-07-25", "l_commitdate": "1995-07-08", "l_receiptdate": "1995-08-17", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": " fluffily about the carefully bold a" }
, { "l_orderkey": 386, "l_partkey": 131, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 37.0d, "l_extendedprice": 38151.81d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-05-23", "l_commitdate": "1995-03-01", "l_receiptdate": "1995-05-25", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ending pearls breach fluffily. slyly pen" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2407, "l_partkey": 131, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 39.0d, "l_extendedprice": 40214.07d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-08-20", "l_commitdate": "1998-09-12", "l_receiptdate": "1998-08-22", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "iously final deposits solv" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1793, "l_partkey": 131, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 6.0d, "l_extendedprice": 6186.78d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-09-21", "l_commitdate": "1992-09-05", "l_receiptdate": "1992-10-01", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "uctions; depo" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3269, "l_partkey": 131, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 16.0d, "l_extendedprice": 16498.08d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-03-03", "l_commitdate": "1996-04-06", "l_receiptdate": "1996-03-06", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "s cajole. silent deposits are f" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4965, "l_partkey": 131, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 28.0d, "l_extendedprice": 28871.64d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-01-02", "l_commitdate": "1993-11-20", "l_receiptdate": "1994-01-04", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": " deposits. requests sublate quickly " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5347, "l_partkey": 131, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 21.0d, "l_extendedprice": 21653.73d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-04-01", "l_commitdate": "1995-04-16", "l_receiptdate": "1995-04-23", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "sly slyly final requests. careful" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 994, "l_partkey": 131, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 25.0d, "l_extendedprice": 25778.25d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-06-03", "l_commitdate": "1994-06-02", "l_receiptdate": "1994-06-06", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "usual pinto beans." }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1061, "l_partkey": 131, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 50.0d, "l_extendedprice": 51556.5d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-05-25", "l_commitdate": "1998-07-22", "l_receiptdate": "1998-06-22", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "nding excuses are around the e" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1187, "l_partkey": 131, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 15.0d, "l_extendedprice": 15466.95d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-12-22", "l_commitdate": "1993-01-13", "l_receiptdate": "1993-01-01", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ests. foxes wake. carefu" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2116, "l_partkey": 131, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 2.0d, "l_extendedprice": 2062.26d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-10-16", "l_commitdate": "1994-11-24", "l_receiptdate": "1994-11-09", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "r theodolites use blithely about the ir" }
, { "l_orderkey": 2755, "l_partkey": 131, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 5.0d, "l_extendedprice": 5155.65d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-02-27", "l_commitdate": "1992-04-07", "l_receiptdate": "1992-03-09", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "e the furi" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4193, "l_partkey": 131, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 37.0d, "l_extendedprice": 38151.81d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-04-25", "l_commitdate": "1994-02-24", "l_receiptdate": "1994-05-08", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "er the quickly regular dependencies wake" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4866, "l_partkey": 131, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 17.0d, "l_extendedprice": 17529.21d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-11-26", "l_commitdate": "1997-10-11", "l_receiptdate": "1997-12-12", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ess packages doubt. even somas wake f" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5158, "l_partkey": 131, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 49.0d, "l_extendedprice": 50525.37d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-04-10", "l_commitdate": "1997-03-21", "l_receiptdate": "1997-04-30", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "r requests sleep q" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3328, "l_partkey": 131, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 25.0d, "l_extendedprice": 25778.25d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-01-28", "l_commitdate": "1993-01-04", "l_receiptdate": "1993-01-31", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "e unusual, r" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3749, "l_partkey": 131, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 7.0d, "l_extendedprice": 7217.91d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-03-31", "l_commitdate": "1995-04-05", "l_receiptdate": "1995-04-11", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "he slyly ironic packages" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3814, "l_partkey": 131, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 7.0d, "l_extendedprice": 7217.91d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-05-01", "l_commitdate": "1995-05-09", "l_receiptdate": "1995-05-28", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "es sleep furiou" }
, { "l_orderkey": 5255, "l_partkey": 131, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 2.0d, "l_extendedprice": 2062.26d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-09-27", "l_commitdate": "1996-10-04", "l_receiptdate": "1996-10-04", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ajole blithely fluf" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5666, "l_partkey": 131, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 24.0d, "l_extendedprice": 24747.12d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-02-14", "l_commitdate": "1994-03-09", "l_receiptdate": "1994-03-06", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "on the carefully pending asympto" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 256, "l_partkey": 130, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 45.0d, "l_extendedprice": 46355.85d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-01-14", "l_commitdate": "1994-01-17", "l_receiptdate": "1994-02-10", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": " grouches. ideas wake quickly ar" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5445, "l_partkey": 131, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 12.0d, "l_extendedprice": 12373.56d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-11-02", "l_commitdate": "1993-09-05", "l_receiptdate": "1993-11-26", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": " slyly pending pinto beans was slyly al" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5702, "l_partkey": 131, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 44.0d, "l_extendedprice": 45369.72d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-11-28", "l_commitdate": "1993-12-02", "l_receiptdate": "1993-12-22", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ake according to th" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 451, "l_partkey": 130, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 36.0d, "l_extendedprice": 37084.68d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-06-18", "l_commitdate": "1998-08-14", "l_receiptdate": "1998-06-20", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "rges can haggle carefully ironic, dogged " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 644, "l_partkey": 130, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 11.0d, "l_extendedprice": 11331.43d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-08-20", "l_commitdate": "1992-07-21", "l_receiptdate": "1992-09-11", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ealthy pinto beans use carefu" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1856, "l_partkey": 130, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 42.0d, "l_extendedprice": 43265.46d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-05-23", "l_commitdate": "1992-06-06", "l_receiptdate": "1992-06-19", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "usly final deposits" }
, { "l_orderkey": 2051, "l_partkey": 130, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 48.0d, "l_extendedprice": 49446.24d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-05-04", "l_commitdate": "1996-06-14", "l_receiptdate": "1996-05-19", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "unts. pending platelets believe about" }
, { "l_orderkey": 2434, "l_partkey": 130, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 28.0d, "l_extendedprice": 28843.64d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-06-28", "l_commitdate": "1997-06-26", "l_receiptdate": "1997-07-15", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ven theodolites around the slyly" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3009, "l_partkey": 130, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 26.0d, "l_extendedprice": 26783.38d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-05-15", "l_commitdate": "1997-05-10", "l_receiptdate": "1997-06-13", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "uriously specia" }
, { "l_orderkey": 3459, "l_partkey": 130, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 30.0d, "l_extendedprice": 30903.9d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-11-22", "l_commitdate": "1994-09-12", "l_receiptdate": "1994-12-11", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "nic theodolites; evenly i" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3522, "l_partkey": 130, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 7.0d, "l_extendedprice": 7210.91d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-10-31", "l_commitdate": "1994-11-19", "l_receiptdate": "1994-11-28", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "e stealthil" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5223, "l_partkey": 130, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 40.0d, "l_extendedprice": 41205.2d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-10-01", "l_commitdate": "1994-09-18", "l_receiptdate": "1994-10-28", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "kly pending " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 451, "l_partkey": 130, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 36.0d, "l_extendedprice": 37084.68d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-06-18", "l_commitdate": "1998-08-14", "l_receiptdate": "1998-06-20", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "rges can haggle carefully ironic, dogged " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 583, "l_partkey": 130, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 34.0d, "l_extendedprice": 35024.42d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-05-11", "l_commitdate": "1997-04-24", "l_receiptdate": "1997-06-03", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "express req" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1538, "l_partkey": 130, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 36.0d, "l_extendedprice": 37084.68d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-07-11", "l_commitdate": "1995-09-10", "l_receiptdate": "1995-07-26", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "al deposits mo" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1856, "l_partkey": 130, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 42.0d, "l_extendedprice": 43265.46d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-05-23", "l_commitdate": "1992-06-06", "l_receiptdate": "1992-06-19", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "usly final deposits" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2499, "l_partkey": 130, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 6.0d, "l_extendedprice": 6180.78d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-11-19", "l_commitdate": "1995-12-14", "l_receiptdate": "1995-12-08", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "cording to the" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2886, "l_partkey": 130, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 46.0d, "l_extendedprice": 47385.98d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-02-02", "l_commitdate": "1995-01-26", "l_receiptdate": "1995-02-15", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ously final packages sleep blithely regular" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2950, "l_partkey": 130, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 32.0d, "l_extendedprice": 32964.16d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-09-21", "l_commitdate": "1997-08-25", "l_receiptdate": "1997-10-08", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "its wake carefully slyly final ideas." }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3460, "l_partkey": 130, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 47.0d, "l_extendedprice": 48416.11d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-12-09", "l_commitdate": "1995-11-12", "l_receiptdate": "1995-12-22", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "es haggle slyly regular accounts. fi" }
, { "l_orderkey": 3713, "l_partkey": 130, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 14.0d, "l_extendedprice": 14421.82d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-07-19", "l_commitdate": "1998-07-02", "l_receiptdate": "1998-07-28", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "eposits impress according" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3782, "l_partkey": 130, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 40.0d, "l_extendedprice": 41205.2d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-12-16", "l_commitdate": "1996-11-22", "l_receiptdate": "1997-01-01", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "s instructions. regular accou" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4386, "l_partkey": 130, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 39.0d, "l_extendedprice": 40175.07d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-03-05", "l_commitdate": "1998-03-15", "l_receiptdate": "1998-03-16", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "structions cajole quickly express" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4994, "l_partkey": 130, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 31.0d, "l_extendedprice": 31934.03d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-10-14", "l_commitdate": "1996-09-23", "l_receiptdate": "1996-11-08", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "lar decoys cajole fluffil" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5255, "l_partkey": 130, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 41.0d, "l_extendedprice": 42235.33d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-08-21", "l_commitdate": "1996-09-24", "l_receiptdate": "1996-09-05", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "tect blithely against t" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2179, "l_partkey": 130, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 22.0d, "l_extendedprice": 22662.86d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-11-16", "l_commitdate": "1996-11-03", "l_receiptdate": "1996-11-25", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "lphins cajole acr" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4774, "l_partkey": 130, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 30.0d, "l_extendedprice": 30903.9d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-08-18", "l_commitdate": "1993-06-08", "l_receiptdate": "1993-08-21", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "tions against the blithely final theodolit" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 644, "l_partkey": 130, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 11.0d, "l_extendedprice": 11331.43d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-08-20", "l_commitdate": "1992-07-21", "l_receiptdate": "1992-09-11", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ealthy pinto beans use carefu" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 864, "l_partkey": 130, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 34.0d, "l_extendedprice": 35024.42d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-12-16", "l_commitdate": "1997-10-23", "l_receiptdate": "1998-01-12", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "gside of the furiously special" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1447, "l_partkey": 130, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 23.0d, "l_extendedprice": 23692.99d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-12-07", "l_commitdate": "1992-12-25", "l_receiptdate": "1993-01-06", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": " dazzle quickly deposits. f" }
, { "l_orderkey": 3815, "l_partkey": 130, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 11.0d, "l_extendedprice": 11331.43d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-11-01", "l_commitdate": "1997-11-05", "l_receiptdate": "1997-11-27", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "sleep blithe" }
, { "l_orderkey": 4386, "l_partkey": 130, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 10.0d, "l_extendedprice": 10301.3d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-06-03", "l_commitdate": "1998-04-16", "l_receiptdate": "1998-06-28", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "gainst the quickly expre" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4386, "l_partkey": 130, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 39.0d, "l_extendedprice": 40175.07d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-03-05", "l_commitdate": "1998-03-15", "l_receiptdate": "1998-03-16", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "structions cajole quickly express" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 256, "l_partkey": 130, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 45.0d, "l_extendedprice": 46355.85d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-01-14", "l_commitdate": "1994-01-17", "l_receiptdate": "1994-02-10", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": " grouches. ideas wake quickly ar" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 583, "l_partkey": 130, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 34.0d, "l_extendedprice": 35024.42d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-05-11", "l_commitdate": "1997-04-24", "l_receiptdate": "1997-06-03", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "express req" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1447, "l_partkey": 130, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 23.0d, "l_extendedprice": 23692.99d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-12-07", "l_commitdate": "1992-12-25", "l_receiptdate": "1993-01-06", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": " dazzle quickly deposits. f" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2499, "l_partkey": 130, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 6.0d, "l_extendedprice": 6180.78d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-11-19", "l_commitdate": "1995-12-14", "l_receiptdate": "1995-12-08", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "cording to the" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2950, "l_partkey": 130, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 32.0d, "l_extendedprice": 32964.16d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-09-21", "l_commitdate": "1997-08-25", "l_receiptdate": "1997-10-08", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "its wake carefully slyly final ideas." }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3009, "l_partkey": 130, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 26.0d, "l_extendedprice": 26783.38d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-05-15", "l_commitdate": "1997-05-10", "l_receiptdate": "1997-06-13", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "uriously specia" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4774, "l_partkey": 130, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 30.0d, "l_extendedprice": 30903.9d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-08-18", "l_commitdate": "1993-06-08", "l_receiptdate": "1993-08-21", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "tions against the blithely final theodolit" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5255, "l_partkey": 130, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 41.0d, "l_extendedprice": 42235.33d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-08-21", "l_commitdate": "1996-09-24", "l_receiptdate": "1996-09-05", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "tect blithely against t" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 864, "l_partkey": 130, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 34.0d, "l_extendedprice": 35024.42d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-12-16", "l_commitdate": "1997-10-23", "l_receiptdate": "1998-01-12", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "gside of the furiously special" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1538, "l_partkey": 130, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 36.0d, "l_extendedprice": 37084.68d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-07-11", "l_commitdate": "1995-09-10", "l_receiptdate": "1995-07-26", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "al deposits mo" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2179, "l_partkey": 130, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 22.0d, "l_extendedprice": 22662.86d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-11-16", "l_commitdate": "1996-11-03", "l_receiptdate": "1996-11-25", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "lphins cajole acr" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3460, "l_partkey": 130, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 47.0d, "l_extendedprice": 48416.11d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-12-09", "l_commitdate": "1995-11-12", "l_receiptdate": "1995-12-22", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "es haggle slyly regular accounts. fi" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3522, "l_partkey": 130, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 7.0d, "l_extendedprice": 7210.91d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-10-31", "l_commitdate": "1994-11-19", "l_receiptdate": "1994-11-28", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "e stealthil" }
, { "l_orderkey": 4705, "l_partkey": 130, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 31.0d, "l_extendedprice": 31934.03d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-04-03", "l_commitdate": "1992-05-30", "l_receiptdate": "1992-04-05", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "furiously final accou" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2018, "l_partkey": 129, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 23.0d, "l_extendedprice": 23669.76d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-05-05", "l_commitdate": "1995-05-12", "l_receiptdate": "1995-05-22", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ingly even theodolites s" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2149, "l_partkey": 129, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 18.0d, "l_extendedprice": 18524.16d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-04-05", "l_commitdate": "1993-05-11", "l_receiptdate": "1993-04-23", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "uriously final pac" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4647, "l_partkey": 129, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 34.0d, "l_extendedprice": 34990.08d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-05-20", "l_commitdate": "1994-06-20", "l_receiptdate": "1994-05-29", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ly sly accounts" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5543, "l_partkey": 129, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 39.0d, "l_extendedprice": 40135.68d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-10-07", "l_commitdate": "1993-11-15", "l_receiptdate": "1993-10-28", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "l excuses are furiously. slyly unusual requ" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5671, "l_partkey": 129, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 13.0d, "l_extendedprice": 13378.56d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-04-24", "l_commitdate": "1998-03-26", "l_receiptdate": "1998-04-27", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ers according to the ironic, unusual excu" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5953, "l_partkey": 129, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 36.0d, "l_extendedprice": 37048.32d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-05-28", "l_commitdate": "1992-06-24", "l_receiptdate": "1992-05-29", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": " cajole furio" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 229, "l_partkey": 129, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 29.0d, "l_extendedprice": 29844.48d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-03-15", "l_commitdate": "1994-03-02", "l_receiptdate": "1994-03-26", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "s, final request" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 290, "l_partkey": 129, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 2.0d, "l_extendedprice": 2058.24d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-01-30", "l_commitdate": "1994-02-13", "l_receiptdate": "1994-02-21", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": ". permanently furious reques" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 995, "l_partkey": 129, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 28.0d, "l_extendedprice": 28815.36d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-06-12", "l_commitdate": "1995-07-20", "l_receiptdate": "1995-06-19", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "pades. quick, final frays use flu" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2022, "l_partkey": 129, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 20.0d, "l_extendedprice": 20582.4d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-03-31", "l_commitdate": "1992-04-17", "l_receiptdate": "1992-04-02", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "r deposits kindle " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2177, "l_partkey": 129, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 45.0d, "l_extendedprice": 46310.4d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-02-11", "l_commitdate": "1997-02-27", "l_receiptdate": "1997-02-17", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": ". theodolites haggle carefu" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4994, "l_partkey": 130, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 31.0d, "l_extendedprice": 31934.03d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-10-14", "l_commitdate": "1996-09-23", "l_receiptdate": "1996-11-08", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "lar decoys cajole fluffil" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2886, "l_partkey": 130, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 46.0d, "l_extendedprice": 47385.98d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-02-02", "l_commitdate": "1995-01-26", "l_receiptdate": "1995-02-15", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ously final packages sleep blithely regular" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3782, "l_partkey": 130, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 40.0d, "l_extendedprice": 41205.2d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-12-16", "l_commitdate": "1996-11-22", "l_receiptdate": "1997-01-01", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "s instructions. regular accou" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5223, "l_partkey": 130, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 40.0d, "l_extendedprice": 41205.2d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-10-01", "l_commitdate": "1994-09-18", "l_receiptdate": "1994-10-28", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "kly pending " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3, "l_partkey": 129, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 27.0d, "l_extendedprice": 27786.24d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-01-16", "l_commitdate": "1993-11-22", "l_receiptdate": "1994-01-23", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "nal foxes wake. " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1318, "l_partkey": 129, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 31.0d, "l_extendedprice": 31902.72d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-08-25", "l_commitdate": "1998-07-31", "l_receiptdate": "1998-08-31", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ve the carefully expr" }
, { "l_orderkey": 2274, "l_partkey": 129, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 18.0d, "l_extendedprice": 18524.16d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-09-28", "l_commitdate": "1993-11-22", "l_receiptdate": "1993-10-12", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": " express packages. even accounts hagg" }
, { "l_orderkey": 3300, "l_partkey": 129, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 3.0d, "l_extendedprice": 3087.36d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-11-01", "l_commitdate": "1995-10-02", "l_receiptdate": "1995-11-20", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "g according to the dugouts. caref" }
, { "l_orderkey": 3557, "l_partkey": 129, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 37.0d, "l_extendedprice": 38077.44d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-02-16", "l_commitdate": "1993-01-05", "l_receiptdate": "1993-03-15", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "gside of the ca" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4069, "l_partkey": 129, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 39.0d, "l_extendedprice": 40135.68d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-09-06", "l_commitdate": "1992-07-22", "l_receiptdate": "1992-09-25", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ven theodolites nag quickly. fluffi" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1219, "l_partkey": 129, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 4.0d, "l_extendedprice": 4116.48d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-11-24", "l_commitdate": "1995-11-22", "l_receiptdate": "1995-12-07", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "lly quick requests. blithely even h" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1280, "l_partkey": 129, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 17.0d, "l_extendedprice": 17495.04d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-02-04", "l_commitdate": "1993-04-10", "l_receiptdate": "1993-02-07", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ructions integrate across the th" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1318, "l_partkey": 129, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 31.0d, "l_extendedprice": 31902.72d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-08-25", "l_commitdate": "1998-07-31", "l_receiptdate": "1998-08-31", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ve the carefully expr" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3749, "l_partkey": 129, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 9.0d, "l_extendedprice": 9262.08d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-04-23", "l_commitdate": "1995-04-18", "l_receiptdate": "1995-04-26", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "uses cajole blithely pla" }
, { "l_orderkey": 4197, "l_partkey": 129, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 50.0d, "l_extendedprice": 51456.0d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-11-15", "l_commitdate": "1996-11-01", "l_receiptdate": "1996-11-20", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": ". carefully bold asymptotes nag blithe" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5063, "l_partkey": 129, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 31.0d, "l_extendedprice": 31902.72d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-06-02", "l_commitdate": "1997-06-20", "l_receiptdate": "1997-06-27", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "kages. ironic, ironic courts wake. carefu" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5637, "l_partkey": 129, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 27.0d, "l_extendedprice": 27786.24d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-06-27", "l_commitdate": "1996-08-09", "l_receiptdate": "1996-07-27", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "oss the carefully express warhorses" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5699, "l_partkey": 129, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 45.0d, "l_extendedprice": 46310.4d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-09-23", "l_commitdate": "1992-10-22", "l_receiptdate": "1992-10-04", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "rmanent packages sleep across the f" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 929, "l_partkey": 129, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 45.0d, "l_extendedprice": 46310.4d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-01-24", "l_commitdate": "1992-12-06", "l_receiptdate": "1993-02-16", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ges haggle careful" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1280, "l_partkey": 129, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 17.0d, "l_extendedprice": 17495.04d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-02-04", "l_commitdate": "1993-04-10", "l_receiptdate": "1993-02-07", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ructions integrate across the th" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2723, "l_partkey": 129, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 40.0d, "l_extendedprice": 41164.8d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-11-17", "l_commitdate": "1995-11-22", "l_receiptdate": "1995-11-18", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "unwind fluffily carefully regular realms." }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4069, "l_partkey": 129, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 39.0d, "l_extendedprice": 40135.68d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-09-06", "l_commitdate": "1992-07-22", "l_receiptdate": "1992-09-25", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ven theodolites nag quickly. fluffi" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4993, "l_partkey": 129, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 39.0d, "l_extendedprice": 40135.68d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-09-10", "l_commitdate": "1994-09-04", "l_receiptdate": "1994-09-26", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "pending, regular requests solve caref" }
, { "l_orderkey": 5090, "l_partkey": 129, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 46.0d, "l_extendedprice": 47339.52d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-04-05", "l_commitdate": "1997-04-14", "l_receiptdate": "1997-05-01", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "lose theodolites sleep blit" }
, { "l_orderkey": 5411, "l_partkey": 129, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 15.0d, "l_extendedprice": 15436.8d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-07-01", "l_commitdate": "1997-07-15", "l_receiptdate": "1997-07-07", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "attainments sleep slyly ironic" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5637, "l_partkey": 129, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 27.0d, "l_extendedprice": 27786.24d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-06-27", "l_commitdate": "1996-08-09", "l_receiptdate": "1996-07-27", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "oss the carefully express warhorses" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5671, "l_partkey": 129, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 46.0d, "l_extendedprice": 47339.52d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-03-28", "l_commitdate": "1998-04-22", "l_receiptdate": "1998-04-19", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "lar pinto beans detect care" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5699, "l_partkey": 129, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 45.0d, "l_extendedprice": 46310.4d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-09-23", "l_commitdate": "1992-10-22", "l_receiptdate": "1992-10-04", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "rmanent packages sleep across the f" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5829, "l_partkey": 129, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 6.0d, "l_extendedprice": 6174.72d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-01-22", "l_commitdate": "1997-03-12", "l_receiptdate": "1997-02-02", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "sts. slyly special fo" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3, "l_partkey": 129, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 27.0d, "l_extendedprice": 27786.24d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-01-16", "l_commitdate": "1993-11-22", "l_receiptdate": "1994-01-23", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "nal foxes wake. " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5671, "l_partkey": 129, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 13.0d, "l_extendedprice": 13378.56d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-04-24", "l_commitdate": "1998-03-26", "l_receiptdate": "1998-04-27", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ers according to the ironic, unusual excu" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2149, "l_partkey": 129, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 18.0d, "l_extendedprice": 18524.16d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-04-05", "l_commitdate": "1993-05-11", "l_receiptdate": "1993-04-23", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "uriously final pac" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2177, "l_partkey": 129, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 45.0d, "l_extendedprice": 46310.4d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-02-11", "l_commitdate": "1997-02-27", "l_receiptdate": "1997-02-17", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": ". theodolites haggle carefu" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4647, "l_partkey": 129, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 34.0d, "l_extendedprice": 34990.08d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-05-20", "l_commitdate": "1994-06-20", "l_receiptdate": "1994-05-29", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ly sly accounts" }
, { "l_orderkey": 130, "l_partkey": 129, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 14.0d, "l_extendedprice": 14407.68d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-08-15", "l_commitdate": "1992-07-25", "l_receiptdate": "1992-09-13", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": " requests. final instruction" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 929, "l_partkey": 129, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 45.0d, "l_extendedprice": 46310.4d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-01-24", "l_commitdate": "1992-12-06", "l_receiptdate": "1993-02-16", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ges haggle careful" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2723, "l_partkey": 129, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 40.0d, "l_extendedprice": 41164.8d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-11-17", "l_commitdate": "1995-11-22", "l_receiptdate": "1995-11-18", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "unwind fluffily carefully regular realms." }
+, { "l_orderkey": 229, "l_partkey": 129, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 29.0d, "l_extendedprice": 29844.48d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-03-15", "l_commitdate": "1994-03-02", "l_receiptdate": "1994-03-26", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "s, final request" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 290, "l_partkey": 129, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 2.0d, "l_extendedprice": 2058.24d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-01-30", "l_commitdate": "1994-02-13", "l_receiptdate": "1994-02-21", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": ". permanently furious reques" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 995, "l_partkey": 129, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 28.0d, "l_extendedprice": 28815.36d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-06-12", "l_commitdate": "1995-07-20", "l_receiptdate": "1995-06-19", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "pades. quick, final frays use flu" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1219, "l_partkey": 129, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 4.0d, "l_extendedprice": 4116.48d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-11-24", "l_commitdate": "1995-11-22", "l_receiptdate": "1995-12-07", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "lly quick requests. blithely even h" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2018, "l_partkey": 129, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 23.0d, "l_extendedprice": 23669.76d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-05-05", "l_commitdate": "1995-05-12", "l_receiptdate": "1995-05-22", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ingly even theodolites s" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2022, "l_partkey": 129, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 20.0d, "l_extendedprice": 20582.4d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-03-31", "l_commitdate": "1992-04-17", "l_receiptdate": "1992-04-02", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "r deposits kindle " }
, { "l_orderkey": 3175, "l_partkey": 129, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 12.0d, "l_extendedprice": 12349.44d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-10-16", "l_commitdate": "1994-09-15", "l_receiptdate": "1994-10-18", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ter the pending deposits. slyly e" }
, { "l_orderkey": 3462, "l_partkey": 129, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 6.0d, "l_extendedprice": 6174.72d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-06-02", "l_commitdate": "1997-08-09", "l_receiptdate": "1997-06-30", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "iously regular fo" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3749, "l_partkey": 129, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 9.0d, "l_extendedprice": 9262.08d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-04-23", "l_commitdate": "1995-04-18", "l_receiptdate": "1995-04-26", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "uses cajole blithely pla" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4993, "l_partkey": 129, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 39.0d, "l_extendedprice": 40135.68d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-09-10", "l_commitdate": "1994-09-04", "l_receiptdate": "1994-09-26", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "pending, regular requests solve caref" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5063, "l_partkey": 129, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 31.0d, "l_extendedprice": 31902.72d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-06-02", "l_commitdate": "1997-06-20", "l_receiptdate": "1997-06-27", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "kages. ironic, ironic courts wake. carefu" }
, { "l_orderkey": 5350, "l_partkey": 129, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 27.0d, "l_extendedprice": 27786.24d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-11-25", "l_commitdate": "1993-12-27", "l_receiptdate": "1993-12-08", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "es. blithe theodolites haggl" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 390, "l_partkey": 128, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 13.0d, "l_extendedprice": 13365.56d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-07-08", "l_commitdate": "1998-05-10", "l_receiptdate": "1998-07-18", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "sleep carefully idle packages. blithely " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 711, "l_partkey": 128, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 46.0d, "l_extendedprice": 47293.52d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-12-26", "l_commitdate": "1993-11-19", "l_receiptdate": "1994-01-21", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "deposits. permanen" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2629, "l_partkey": 128, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 29.0d, "l_extendedprice": 29815.48d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-07-09", "l_commitdate": "1998-06-17", "l_receiptdate": "1998-07-12", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "eposits serve unusual, express i" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4257, "l_partkey": 128, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 33.0d, "l_extendedprice": 33927.96d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-05-23", "l_commitdate": "1995-05-03", "l_receiptdate": "1995-05-31", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "uffily regular accounts ar" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4996, "l_partkey": 128, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 12.0d, "l_extendedprice": 12337.44d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-01-09", "l_commitdate": "1992-11-22", "l_receiptdate": "1993-02-04", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "usly bold requests sleep dogge" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5511, "l_partkey": 128, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 49.0d, "l_extendedprice": 50377.88d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-12-21", "l_commitdate": "1995-01-27", "l_receiptdate": "1994-12-26", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "bout the requests. theodolites " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5543, "l_partkey": 129, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 39.0d, "l_extendedprice": 40135.68d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-10-07", "l_commitdate": "1993-11-15", "l_receiptdate": "1993-10-28", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "l excuses are furiously. slyly unusual requ" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5671, "l_partkey": 129, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 46.0d, "l_extendedprice": 47339.52d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-03-28", "l_commitdate": "1998-04-22", "l_receiptdate": "1998-04-19", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "lar pinto beans detect care" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5829, "l_partkey": 129, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 6.0d, "l_extendedprice": 6174.72d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-01-22", "l_commitdate": "1997-03-12", "l_receiptdate": "1997-02-02", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "sts. slyly special fo" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5953, "l_partkey": 129, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 36.0d, "l_extendedprice": 37048.32d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-05-28", "l_commitdate": "1992-06-24", "l_receiptdate": "1992-05-29", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": " cajole furio" }
, { "l_orderkey": 871, "l_partkey": 128, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 8.0d, "l_extendedprice": 8224.96d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-11-25", "l_commitdate": "1996-01-12", "l_receiptdate": "1995-12-12", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "lar ideas-- slyly even accou" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1668, "l_partkey": 128, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 25.0d, "l_extendedprice": 25703.0d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-10-08", "l_commitdate": "1997-09-20", "l_receiptdate": "1997-10-11", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "even platelets across the silent " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2566, "l_partkey": 128, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 1.0d, "l_extendedprice": 1028.12d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-10-28", "l_commitdate": "1992-11-20", "l_receiptdate": "1992-11-22", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "theodolites wake pending" }
, { "l_orderkey": 2593, "l_partkey": 128, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 6.0d, "l_extendedprice": 6168.72d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-11-28", "l_commitdate": "1993-10-04", "l_receiptdate": "1993-12-28", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ular packages. re" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2662, "l_partkey": 128, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 8.0d, "l_extendedprice": 8224.96d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-09-10", "l_commitdate": "1996-10-09", "l_receiptdate": "1996-09-21", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ajole carefully. sp" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3168, "l_partkey": 128, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 13.0d, "l_extendedprice": 13365.56d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-03-05", "l_commitdate": "1992-04-29", "l_receiptdate": "1992-03-15", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ironic somas haggle quick" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3396, "l_partkey": 128, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 34.0d, "l_extendedprice": 34956.08d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-05-30", "l_commitdate": "1994-08-16", "l_receiptdate": "1994-06-11", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": ". slyly unusual packages wak" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4614, "l_partkey": 128, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 41.0d, "l_extendedprice": 42152.92d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-07-31", "l_commitdate": "1996-07-12", "l_receiptdate": "1996-08-16", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ackages haggle carefully about the even, b" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5185, "l_partkey": 128, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 8.0d, "l_extendedprice": 8224.96d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-08-30", "l_commitdate": "1997-09-02", "l_receiptdate": "1997-09-22", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "sts around the slyly perma" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 388, "l_partkey": 128, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 46.0d, "l_extendedprice": 47293.52d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-03-22", "l_commitdate": "1993-01-26", "l_receiptdate": "1993-03-24", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "to beans nag about the careful reque" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 711, "l_partkey": 128, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 20.0d, "l_extendedprice": 20562.4d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-01-17", "l_commitdate": "1993-11-10", "l_receiptdate": "1994-01-31", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "kly regular acco" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1538, "l_partkey": 128, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 42.0d, "l_extendedprice": 43181.04d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-10-10", "l_commitdate": "1995-09-12", "l_receiptdate": "1995-11-08", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "equests cajole blithely " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4996, "l_partkey": 128, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 12.0d, "l_extendedprice": 12337.44d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-01-09", "l_commitdate": "1992-11-22", "l_receiptdate": "1993-02-04", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "usly bold requests sleep dogge" }
, { "l_orderkey": 1953, "l_partkey": 128, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 25.0d, "l_extendedprice": 25703.0d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-01-07", "l_commitdate": "1994-01-28", "l_receiptdate": "1994-01-29", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ular, regular i" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4677, "l_partkey": 128, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 25.0d, "l_extendedprice": 25703.0d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-04-11", "l_commitdate": "1998-05-11", "l_receiptdate": "1998-04-18", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "unts doubt furiousl" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1028, "l_partkey": 128, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 2.0d, "l_extendedprice": 2056.24d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-01-10", "l_commitdate": "1994-03-22", "l_receiptdate": "1994-01-26", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "s alongside of the regular asymptotes sleep" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2503, "l_partkey": 128, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 39.0d, "l_extendedprice": 40096.68d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-10-11", "l_commitdate": "1993-09-09", "l_receiptdate": "1993-10-16", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "d carefully fluffily" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2566, "l_partkey": 128, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 1.0d, "l_extendedprice": 1028.12d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-10-28", "l_commitdate": "1992-11-20", "l_receiptdate": "1992-11-22", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "theodolites wake pending" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2629, "l_partkey": 128, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 29.0d, "l_extendedprice": 29815.48d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-07-09", "l_commitdate": "1998-06-17", "l_receiptdate": "1998-07-12", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "eposits serve unusual, express i" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3168, "l_partkey": 128, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 13.0d, "l_extendedprice": 13365.56d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-03-05", "l_commitdate": "1992-04-29", "l_receiptdate": "1992-03-15", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ironic somas haggle quick" }
, { "l_orderkey": 3527, "l_partkey": 128, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 17.0d, "l_extendedprice": 17478.04d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-07-30", "l_commitdate": "1997-09-01", "l_receiptdate": "1997-08-17", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ular instruction" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4804, "l_partkey": 128, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 44.0d, "l_extendedprice": 45237.28d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-05-02", "l_commitdate": "1992-03-24", "l_receiptdate": "1992-05-28", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "aggle quickly among the slyly fi" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1028, "l_partkey": 128, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 2.0d, "l_extendedprice": 2056.24d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-01-10", "l_commitdate": "1994-03-22", "l_receiptdate": "1994-01-26", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "s alongside of the regular asymptotes sleep" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1668, "l_partkey": 128, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 25.0d, "l_extendedprice": 25703.0d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-10-08", "l_commitdate": "1997-09-20", "l_receiptdate": "1997-10-11", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "even platelets across the silent " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2503, "l_partkey": 128, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 39.0d, "l_extendedprice": 40096.68d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-10-11", "l_commitdate": "1993-09-09", "l_receiptdate": "1993-10-16", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "d carefully fluffily" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2662, "l_partkey": 128, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 8.0d, "l_extendedprice": 8224.96d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-09-10", "l_commitdate": "1996-10-09", "l_receiptdate": "1996-09-21", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ajole carefully. sp" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3396, "l_partkey": 128, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 34.0d, "l_extendedprice": 34956.08d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-05-30", "l_commitdate": "1994-08-16", "l_receiptdate": "1994-06-11", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": ". slyly unusual packages wak" }
, { "l_orderkey": 3650, "l_partkey": 128, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 43.0d, "l_extendedprice": 44209.16d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-09-07", "l_commitdate": "1992-08-12", "l_receiptdate": "1992-09-10", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "gside of the quick" }
, { "l_orderkey": 4096, "l_partkey": 128, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 20.0d, "l_extendedprice": 20562.4d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-08-24", "l_commitdate": "1992-09-13", "l_receiptdate": "1992-08-28", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "sual requests. furiously bold packages wake" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4257, "l_partkey": 128, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 33.0d, "l_extendedprice": 33927.96d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-05-23", "l_commitdate": "1995-05-03", "l_receiptdate": "1995-05-31", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "uffily regular accounts ar" }
, { "l_orderkey": 4710, "l_partkey": 128, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 47.0d, "l_extendedprice": 48321.64d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-02-22", "l_commitdate": "1995-01-12", "l_receiptdate": "1995-02-28", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "blithely express packages. even, ironic re" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4804, "l_partkey": 128, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 44.0d, "l_extendedprice": 45237.28d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-05-02", "l_commitdate": "1992-03-24", "l_receiptdate": "1992-05-28", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "aggle quickly among the slyly fi" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 163, "l_partkey": 127, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 12.0d, "l_extendedprice": 12325.44d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-12-18", "l_commitdate": "1997-10-26", "l_receiptdate": "1997-12-22", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ly blithe accounts cajole " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 646, "l_partkey": 127, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 1.0d, "l_extendedprice": 1027.12d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-12-05", "l_commitdate": "1995-01-07", "l_receiptdate": "1994-12-31", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "t blithely regular deposits. quic" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1827, "l_partkey": 127, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 4.0d, "l_extendedprice": 4108.48d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-07-22", "l_commitdate": "1996-09-10", "l_receiptdate": "1996-08-11", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "special requests. blithely" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2087, "l_partkey": 127, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 1.0d, "l_extendedprice": 1027.12d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-03-27", "l_commitdate": "1998-03-24", "l_receiptdate": "1998-04-18", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "the quickly idle acco" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2469, "l_partkey": 127, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 8.0d, "l_extendedprice": 8216.96d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-03-15", "l_commitdate": "1997-01-20", "l_receiptdate": "1997-04-13", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "s. regular" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3392, "l_partkey": 127, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 34.0d, "l_extendedprice": 34922.08d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-01-20", "l_commitdate": "1996-01-21", "l_receiptdate": "1996-01-24", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "e carefully even braids. " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3780, "l_partkey": 127, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 25.0d, "l_extendedprice": 25678.0d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-06-27", "l_commitdate": "1996-07-02", "l_receiptdate": "1996-07-22", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "l, unusual " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5606, "l_partkey": 127, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 46.0d, "l_extendedprice": 47247.52d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-03-11", "l_commitdate": "1997-01-13", "l_receiptdate": "1997-03-23", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ter the ironic accounts. even, ironic depos" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 37, "l_partkey": 127, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 39.0d, "l_extendedprice": 40057.68d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-07-02", "l_commitdate": "1992-08-18", "l_receiptdate": "1992-07-28", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "the final requests. ca" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2023, "l_partkey": 127, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 9.0d, "l_extendedprice": 9244.08d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-06-04", "l_commitdate": "1992-06-30", "l_receiptdate": "1992-06-10", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ly regular pinto beans poa" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2434, "l_partkey": 127, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 39.0d, "l_extendedprice": 40057.68d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-06-10", "l_commitdate": "1997-06-08", "l_receiptdate": "1997-07-03", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "r deposits sleep furiou" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3394, "l_partkey": 127, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 30.0d, "l_extendedprice": 30813.6d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-05-12", "l_commitdate": "1996-07-24", "l_receiptdate": "1996-05-19", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "t ideas according to the fluffily iro" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 388, "l_partkey": 128, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 46.0d, "l_extendedprice": 47293.52d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-03-22", "l_commitdate": "1993-01-26", "l_receiptdate": "1993-03-24", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "to beans nag about the careful reque" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 390, "l_partkey": 128, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 13.0d, "l_extendedprice": 13365.56d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-07-08", "l_commitdate": "1998-05-10", "l_receiptdate": "1998-07-18", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "sleep carefully idle packages. blithely " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 711, "l_partkey": 128, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 46.0d, "l_extendedprice": 47293.52d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-12-26", "l_commitdate": "1993-11-19", "l_receiptdate": "1994-01-21", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "deposits. permanen" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 711, "l_partkey": 128, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 20.0d, "l_extendedprice": 20562.4d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-01-17", "l_commitdate": "1993-11-10", "l_receiptdate": "1994-01-31", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "kly regular acco" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1538, "l_partkey": 128, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 42.0d, "l_extendedprice": 43181.04d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-10-10", "l_commitdate": "1995-09-12", "l_receiptdate": "1995-11-08", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "equests cajole blithely " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4614, "l_partkey": 128, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 41.0d, "l_extendedprice": 42152.92d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-07-31", "l_commitdate": "1996-07-12", "l_receiptdate": "1996-08-16", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ackages haggle carefully about the even, b" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4677, "l_partkey": 128, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 25.0d, "l_extendedprice": 25703.0d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-04-11", "l_commitdate": "1998-05-11", "l_receiptdate": "1998-04-18", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "unts doubt furiousl" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5185, "l_partkey": 128, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 8.0d, "l_extendedprice": 8224.96d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-08-30", "l_commitdate": "1997-09-02", "l_receiptdate": "1997-09-22", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "sts around the slyly perma" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5511, "l_partkey": 128, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 49.0d, "l_extendedprice": 50377.88d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-12-21", "l_commitdate": "1995-01-27", "l_receiptdate": "1994-12-26", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "bout the requests. theodolites " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1316, "l_partkey": 127, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 46.0d, "l_extendedprice": 47247.52d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-01-13", "l_commitdate": "1994-01-24", "l_receiptdate": "1994-02-03", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ges haggle of the" }
, { "l_orderkey": 1671, "l_partkey": 127, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 12.0d, "l_extendedprice": 12325.44d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-11-17", "l_commitdate": "1996-09-02", "l_receiptdate": "1996-12-17", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "special, ironic" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2978, "l_partkey": 127, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 42.0d, "l_extendedprice": 43139.04d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-08-19", "l_commitdate": "1995-07-18", "l_receiptdate": "1995-09-07", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ial requests nag blithely alongside of th" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3588, "l_partkey": 127, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 22.0d, "l_extendedprice": 22596.64d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-04-08", "l_commitdate": "1995-05-06", "l_receiptdate": "1995-04-27", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "inal accounts. pending, bo" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3394, "l_partkey": 127, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 30.0d, "l_extendedprice": 30813.6d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-05-12", "l_commitdate": "1996-07-24", "l_receiptdate": "1996-05-19", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "t ideas according to the fluffily iro" }
, { "l_orderkey": 3808, "l_partkey": 127, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 47.0d, "l_extendedprice": 48274.64d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-06-12", "l_commitdate": "1994-06-03", "l_receiptdate": "1994-07-02", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "fully for the quickly final deposits: flu" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3876, "l_partkey": 127, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 41.0d, "l_extendedprice": 42111.92d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-10-15", "l_commitdate": "1996-10-17", "l_receiptdate": "1996-10-19", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": " quickly blit" }
, { "l_orderkey": 4036, "l_partkey": 127, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 20.0d, "l_extendedprice": 20542.4d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-08-11", "l_commitdate": "1997-07-11", "l_receiptdate": "1997-09-03", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "slyly bold deposits cajole pending, blithe" }
, { "l_orderkey": 4870, "l_partkey": 127, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 6.0d, "l_extendedprice": 6162.72d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-09-09", "l_commitdate": "1994-10-16", "l_receiptdate": "1994-09-21", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ress requests. bold, silent pinto bea" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1316, "l_partkey": 127, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 46.0d, "l_extendedprice": 47247.52d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-01-13", "l_commitdate": "1994-01-24", "l_receiptdate": "1994-02-03", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ges haggle of the" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2243, "l_partkey": 127, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 10.0d, "l_extendedprice": 10271.2d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-07-26", "l_commitdate": "1995-07-18", "l_receiptdate": "1995-08-03", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "express, daring foxes affix fur" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2945, "l_partkey": 127, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 28.0d, "l_extendedprice": 28759.36d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-03-17", "l_commitdate": "1996-03-13", "l_receiptdate": "1996-04-15", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "le slyly along the eve" }
, { "l_orderkey": 5281, "l_partkey": 127, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 23.0d, "l_extendedprice": 23623.76d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-12-30", "l_commitdate": "1996-01-26", "l_receiptdate": "1996-01-23", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": ". final theodolites cajole. ironic p" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5606, "l_partkey": 127, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 46.0d, "l_extendedprice": 47247.52d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-03-11", "l_commitdate": "1997-01-13", "l_receiptdate": "1997-03-23", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ter the ironic accounts. even, ironic depos" }
, { "l_orderkey": 5798, "l_partkey": 127, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 2.0d, "l_extendedprice": 2054.24d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-05-25", "l_commitdate": "1998-06-22", "l_receiptdate": "1998-06-09", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "e furiously across " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2087, "l_partkey": 127, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 1.0d, "l_extendedprice": 1027.12d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-03-27", "l_commitdate": "1998-03-24", "l_receiptdate": "1998-04-18", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "the quickly idle acco" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2434, "l_partkey": 127, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 39.0d, "l_extendedprice": 40057.68d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-06-10", "l_commitdate": "1997-06-08", "l_receiptdate": "1997-07-03", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "r deposits sleep furiou" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2945, "l_partkey": 127, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 28.0d, "l_extendedprice": 28759.36d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-03-17", "l_commitdate": "1996-03-13", "l_receiptdate": "1996-04-15", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "le slyly along the eve" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 163, "l_partkey": 127, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 12.0d, "l_extendedprice": 12325.44d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-12-18", "l_commitdate": "1997-10-26", "l_receiptdate": "1997-12-22", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ly blithe accounts cajole " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 646, "l_partkey": 127, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 1.0d, "l_extendedprice": 1027.12d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-12-05", "l_commitdate": "1995-01-07", "l_receiptdate": "1994-12-31", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "t blithely regular deposits. quic" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2243, "l_partkey": 127, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 10.0d, "l_extendedprice": 10271.2d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-07-26", "l_commitdate": "1995-07-18", "l_receiptdate": "1995-08-03", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "express, daring foxes affix fur" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2469, "l_partkey": 127, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 8.0d, "l_extendedprice": 8216.96d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-03-15", "l_commitdate": "1997-01-20", "l_receiptdate": "1997-04-13", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "s. regular" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2978, "l_partkey": 127, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 42.0d, "l_extendedprice": 43139.04d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-08-19", "l_commitdate": "1995-07-18", "l_receiptdate": "1995-09-07", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ial requests nag blithely alongside of th" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3392, "l_partkey": 127, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 34.0d, "l_extendedprice": 34922.08d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-01-20", "l_commitdate": "1996-01-21", "l_receiptdate": "1996-01-24", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "e carefully even braids. " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3588, "l_partkey": 127, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 22.0d, "l_extendedprice": 22596.64d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-04-08", "l_commitdate": "1995-05-06", "l_receiptdate": "1995-04-27", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "inal accounts. pending, bo" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3780, "l_partkey": 127, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 25.0d, "l_extendedprice": 25678.0d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-06-27", "l_commitdate": "1996-07-02", "l_receiptdate": "1996-07-22", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "l, unusual " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3876, "l_partkey": 127, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 41.0d, "l_extendedprice": 42111.92d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-10-15", "l_commitdate": "1996-10-17", "l_receiptdate": "1996-10-19", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": " quickly blit" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 37, "l_partkey": 127, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 39.0d, "l_extendedprice": 40057.68d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-07-02", "l_commitdate": "1992-08-18", "l_receiptdate": "1992-07-28", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "the final requests. ca" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1827, "l_partkey": 127, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 4.0d, "l_extendedprice": 4108.48d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-07-22", "l_commitdate": "1996-09-10", "l_receiptdate": "1996-08-11", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "special requests. blithely" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2023, "l_partkey": 127, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 9.0d, "l_extendedprice": 9244.08d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-06-04", "l_commitdate": "1992-06-30", "l_receiptdate": "1992-06-10", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ly regular pinto beans poa" }
, { "l_orderkey": 5926, "l_partkey": 127, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 46.0d, "l_extendedprice": 47247.52d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-09-05", "l_commitdate": "1994-08-12", "l_receiptdate": "1994-09-11", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ts integrate. courts haggl" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1027, "l_partkey": 126, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 2.0d, "l_extendedprice": 2052.24d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-08-28", "l_commitdate": "1992-07-09", "l_receiptdate": "1992-09-10", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "s. quickly unusual waters inside " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2049, "l_partkey": 126, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 30.0d, "l_extendedprice": 30783.6d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-12-16", "l_commitdate": "1996-02-04", "l_receiptdate": "1995-12-22", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ial accounts are among the furiously perma" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2375, "l_partkey": 126, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 20.0d, "l_extendedprice": 20522.4d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-12-01", "l_commitdate": "1996-12-26", "l_receiptdate": "1996-12-19", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ckages! blithely enticing deposi" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3365, "l_partkey": 126, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 24.0d, "l_extendedprice": 24626.88d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-02-27", "l_commitdate": "1995-01-09", "l_receiptdate": "1995-03-27", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "into beans? carefully regula" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3684, "l_partkey": 126, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 48.0d, "l_extendedprice": 49253.76d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-08-20", "l_commitdate": "1993-09-02", "l_receiptdate": "1993-09-10", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "its boost alongside" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4004, "l_partkey": 126, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 20.0d, "l_extendedprice": 20522.4d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-06-19", "l_commitdate": "1993-06-14", "l_receiptdate": "1993-07-04", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": ". ironic deposits cajole blithely?" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1793, "l_partkey": 126, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 4.0d, "l_extendedprice": 4104.48d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-07-28", "l_commitdate": "1992-08-26", "l_receiptdate": "1992-08-21", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "nic foxes along the even" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2533, "l_partkey": 126, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 38.0d, "l_extendedprice": 38992.56d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-05-10", "l_commitdate": "1997-06-02", "l_receiptdate": "1997-05-28", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "of the regular accounts. even packages caj" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3040, "l_partkey": 126, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 30.0d, "l_extendedprice": 30783.6d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-08-06", "l_commitdate": "1993-05-18", "l_receiptdate": "1993-08-19", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "x furiously bold packages. expres" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3492, "l_partkey": 126, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 7.0d, "l_extendedprice": 7182.84d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-03-10", "l_commitdate": "1995-01-03", "l_receiptdate": "1995-03-16", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "thely regular dolphi" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4614, "l_partkey": 126, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 6.0d, "l_extendedprice": 6156.72d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-06-11", "l_commitdate": "1996-05-30", "l_receiptdate": "1996-07-03", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ake quickly quickly regular epitap" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5027, "l_partkey": 126, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 32.0d, "l_extendedprice": 32835.84d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-11-13", "l_commitdate": "1997-10-29", "l_receiptdate": "1997-11-18", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "cording to" }
, { "l_orderkey": 448, "l_partkey": 126, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 4.0d, "l_extendedprice": 4104.48d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-11-25", "l_commitdate": "1995-10-20", "l_receiptdate": "1995-11-26", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "nts thrash quickly among the b" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1184, "l_partkey": 126, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 3.0d, "l_extendedprice": 3078.36d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-01-15", "l_commitdate": "1997-12-19", "l_receiptdate": "1998-02-02", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ar packages. final packages cajol" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1728, "l_partkey": 126, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 1.0d, "l_extendedprice": 1026.12d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-09-16", "l_commitdate": "1996-08-19", "l_receiptdate": "1996-09-18", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "lly. carefully ex" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2820, "l_partkey": 126, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 33.0d, "l_extendedprice": 33861.96d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-07-07", "l_commitdate": "1994-08-17", "l_receiptdate": "1994-08-02", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "carefully even pinto beans. " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3747, "l_partkey": 126, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 32.0d, "l_extendedprice": 32835.84d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-09-10", "l_commitdate": "1996-11-04", "l_receiptdate": "1996-10-10", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "quests shall h" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3879, "l_partkey": 126, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 45.0d, "l_extendedprice": 46175.4d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-03-18", "l_commitdate": "1996-01-03", "l_receiptdate": "1996-04-03", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ly according to the expr" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4358, "l_partkey": 126, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 47.0d, "l_extendedprice": 48227.64d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-10-15", "l_commitdate": "1997-10-14", "l_receiptdate": "1997-11-04", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "refully busy dep" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5413, "l_partkey": 126, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 48.0d, "l_extendedprice": 49253.76d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-01-25", "l_commitdate": "1997-11-20", "l_receiptdate": "1998-02-22", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": " theodolites. furiously ironic instr" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 164, "l_partkey": 126, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 38.0d, "l_extendedprice": 38992.56d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-12-04", "l_commitdate": "1992-11-23", "l_receiptdate": "1993-01-02", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "counts cajole fluffily regular packages. b" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 641, "l_partkey": 126, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 18.0d, "l_extendedprice": 18470.16d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-10-17", "l_commitdate": "1993-10-11", "l_receiptdate": "1993-10-29", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "p blithely bold packages. quick" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 804, "l_partkey": 126, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 30.0d, "l_extendedprice": 30783.6d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-03-29", "l_commitdate": "1993-05-07", "l_receiptdate": "1993-04-14", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ehind the quietly regular pac" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 897, "l_partkey": 126, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 13.0d, "l_extendedprice": 13339.56d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-03-30", "l_commitdate": "1995-05-17", "l_receiptdate": "1995-04-21", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "bold accounts mold carefully! braids" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1024, "l_partkey": 126, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 34.0d, "l_extendedprice": 34888.08d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-01-06", "l_commitdate": "1998-02-05", "l_receiptdate": "1998-01-26", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "des the slyly even" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2594, "l_partkey": 126, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 24.0d, "l_extendedprice": 24626.88d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-01-31", "l_commitdate": "1993-03-10", "l_receiptdate": "1993-02-04", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "lar accounts sleep fur" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2752, "l_partkey": 126, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 22.0d, "l_extendedprice": 22574.64d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-03-20", "l_commitdate": "1994-02-08", "l_receiptdate": "1994-04-01", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "equests nag. regular dependencies are furio" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1793, "l_partkey": 126, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 4.0d, "l_extendedprice": 4104.48d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-07-28", "l_commitdate": "1992-08-26", "l_receiptdate": "1992-08-21", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "nic foxes along the even" }
, { "l_orderkey": 3396, "l_partkey": 126, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 27.0d, "l_extendedprice": 27705.24d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-09-14", "l_commitdate": "1994-07-26", "l_receiptdate": "1994-09-28", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": " theodolites " }
, { "l_orderkey": 3555, "l_partkey": 126, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 9.0d, "l_extendedprice": 9235.08d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-10-13", "l_commitdate": "1996-10-02", "l_receiptdate": "1996-10-22", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "are. slyly final foxes acro" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3879, "l_partkey": 126, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 45.0d, "l_extendedprice": 46175.4d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-03-18", "l_commitdate": "1996-01-03", "l_receiptdate": "1996-04-03", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ly according to the expr" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 164, "l_partkey": 126, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 38.0d, "l_extendedprice": 38992.56d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-12-04", "l_commitdate": "1992-11-23", "l_receiptdate": "1993-01-02", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "counts cajole fluffily regular packages. b" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 804, "l_partkey": 126, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 30.0d, "l_extendedprice": 30783.6d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-03-29", "l_commitdate": "1993-05-07", "l_receiptdate": "1993-04-14", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ehind the quietly regular pac" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 897, "l_partkey": 126, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 13.0d, "l_extendedprice": 13339.56d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-03-30", "l_commitdate": "1995-05-17", "l_receiptdate": "1995-04-21", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "bold accounts mold carefully! braids" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1027, "l_partkey": 126, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 2.0d, "l_extendedprice": 2052.24d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-08-28", "l_commitdate": "1992-07-09", "l_receiptdate": "1992-09-10", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "s. quickly unusual waters inside " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2752, "l_partkey": 126, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 22.0d, "l_extendedprice": 22574.64d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-03-20", "l_commitdate": "1994-02-08", "l_receiptdate": "1994-04-01", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "equests nag. regular dependencies are furio" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2820, "l_partkey": 126, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 33.0d, "l_extendedprice": 33861.96d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-07-07", "l_commitdate": "1994-08-17", "l_receiptdate": "1994-08-02", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "carefully even pinto beans. " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3365, "l_partkey": 126, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 24.0d, "l_extendedprice": 24626.88d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-02-27", "l_commitdate": "1995-01-09", "l_receiptdate": "1995-03-27", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "into beans? carefully regula" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3684, "l_partkey": 126, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 48.0d, "l_extendedprice": 49253.76d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-08-20", "l_commitdate": "1993-09-02", "l_receiptdate": "1993-09-10", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "its boost alongside" }
, { "l_orderkey": 3907, "l_partkey": 126, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 34.0d, "l_extendedprice": 34888.08d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-09-06", "l_commitdate": "1992-10-08", "l_receiptdate": "1992-09-12", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": " requests according to the slyly pending " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5413, "l_partkey": 126, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 48.0d, "l_extendedprice": 49253.76d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-01-25", "l_commitdate": "1997-11-20", "l_receiptdate": "1998-02-22", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": " theodolites. furiously ironic instr" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 641, "l_partkey": 126, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 18.0d, "l_extendedprice": 18470.16d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-10-17", "l_commitdate": "1993-10-11", "l_receiptdate": "1993-10-29", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "p blithely bold packages. quick" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1184, "l_partkey": 126, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 3.0d, "l_extendedprice": 3078.36d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-01-15", "l_commitdate": "1997-12-19", "l_receiptdate": "1998-02-02", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ar packages. final packages cajol" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2049, "l_partkey": 126, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 30.0d, "l_extendedprice": 30783.6d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-12-16", "l_commitdate": "1996-02-04", "l_receiptdate": "1995-12-22", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ial accounts are among the furiously perma" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2533, "l_partkey": 126, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 38.0d, "l_extendedprice": 38992.56d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-05-10", "l_commitdate": "1997-06-02", "l_receiptdate": "1997-05-28", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "of the regular accounts. even packages caj" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2594, "l_partkey": 126, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 24.0d, "l_extendedprice": 24626.88d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-01-31", "l_commitdate": "1993-03-10", "l_receiptdate": "1993-02-04", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "lar accounts sleep fur" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3040, "l_partkey": 126, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 30.0d, "l_extendedprice": 30783.6d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-08-06", "l_commitdate": "1993-05-18", "l_receiptdate": "1993-08-19", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "x furiously bold packages. expres" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3492, "l_partkey": 126, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 7.0d, "l_extendedprice": 7182.84d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-03-10", "l_commitdate": "1995-01-03", "l_receiptdate": "1995-03-16", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "thely regular dolphi" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3747, "l_partkey": 126, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 32.0d, "l_extendedprice": 32835.84d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-09-10", "l_commitdate": "1996-11-04", "l_receiptdate": "1996-10-10", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "quests shall h" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5027, "l_partkey": 126, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 32.0d, "l_extendedprice": 32835.84d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-11-13", "l_commitdate": "1997-10-29", "l_receiptdate": "1997-11-18", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "cording to" }
, { "l_orderkey": 5700, "l_partkey": 126, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 23.0d, "l_extendedprice": 23600.76d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-01-30", "l_commitdate": "1998-01-31", "l_receiptdate": "1998-01-31", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": " wake quickly carefully fluffy hockey" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 868, "l_partkey": 125, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 19.0d, "l_extendedprice": 19477.28d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-09-20", "l_commitdate": "1992-07-18", "l_receiptdate": "1992-10-04", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ely even deposits lose blithe" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1024, "l_partkey": 126, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 34.0d, "l_extendedprice": 34888.08d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-01-06", "l_commitdate": "1998-02-05", "l_receiptdate": "1998-01-26", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "des the slyly even" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1728, "l_partkey": 126, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 1.0d, "l_extendedprice": 1026.12d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-09-16", "l_commitdate": "1996-08-19", "l_receiptdate": "1996-09-18", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "lly. carefully ex" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2375, "l_partkey": 126, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 20.0d, "l_extendedprice": 20522.4d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-12-01", "l_commitdate": "1996-12-26", "l_receiptdate": "1996-12-19", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ckages! blithely enticing deposi" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4004, "l_partkey": 126, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 20.0d, "l_extendedprice": 20522.4d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-06-19", "l_commitdate": "1993-06-14", "l_receiptdate": "1993-07-04", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": ". ironic deposits cajole blithely?" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4358, "l_partkey": 126, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 47.0d, "l_extendedprice": 48227.64d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-10-15", "l_commitdate": "1997-10-14", "l_receiptdate": "1997-11-04", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "refully busy dep" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4614, "l_partkey": 126, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 6.0d, "l_extendedprice": 6156.72d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-06-11", "l_commitdate": "1996-05-30", "l_receiptdate": "1996-07-03", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ake quickly quickly regular epitap" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 356, "l_partkey": 125, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 37.0d, "l_extendedprice": 37929.44d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-07-15", "l_commitdate": "1994-08-24", "l_receiptdate": "1994-08-09", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ndencies are since the packag" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2848, "l_partkey": 125, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 34.0d, "l_extendedprice": 34854.08d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-03-15", "l_commitdate": "1992-04-24", "l_receiptdate": "1992-04-12", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ts along the blithely regu" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4069, "l_partkey": 125, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 3.0d, "l_extendedprice": 3075.36d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-05-24", "l_commitdate": "1992-06-18", "l_receiptdate": "1992-06-12", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "y final deposits wake furiously! slyl" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5124, "l_partkey": 125, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 44.0d, "l_extendedprice": 45105.28d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-07-13", "l_commitdate": "1997-06-26", "l_receiptdate": "1997-08-01", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "equests. carefully unusual d" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5314, "l_partkey": 125, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 16.0d, "l_extendedprice": 16401.92d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-09-25", "l_commitdate": "1995-07-08", "l_receiptdate": "1995-10-17", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "hely unusual packages acc" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1795, "l_partkey": 125, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 32.0d, "l_extendedprice": 32803.84d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-05-10", "l_commitdate": "1994-04-21", "l_receiptdate": "1994-05-17", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": " asymptotes across the bold," }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4288, "l_partkey": 125, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 7.0d, "l_extendedprice": 7175.84d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-01-15", "l_commitdate": "1993-02-05", "l_receiptdate": "1993-01-26", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ngside of the special platelet" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 390, "l_partkey": 125, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 11.0d, "l_extendedprice": 11276.32d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-05-05", "l_commitdate": "1998-05-15", "l_receiptdate": "1998-06-01", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "according to the foxes are furiously " }
, { "l_orderkey": 1346, "l_partkey": 125, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 48.0d, "l_extendedprice": 49205.76d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-09-28", "l_commitdate": "1992-07-22", "l_receiptdate": "1992-10-13", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": " along the carefully spec" }
, { "l_orderkey": 1477, "l_partkey": 125, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 42.0d, "l_extendedprice": 43055.04d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-11-02", "l_commitdate": "1997-11-02", "l_receiptdate": "1997-11-20", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "lithely after the ir" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1795, "l_partkey": 125, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 32.0d, "l_extendedprice": 32803.84d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-05-10", "l_commitdate": "1994-04-21", "l_receiptdate": "1994-05-17", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": " asymptotes across the bold," }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2848, "l_partkey": 125, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 34.0d, "l_extendedprice": 34854.08d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-03-15", "l_commitdate": "1992-04-24", "l_receiptdate": "1992-04-12", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ts along the blithely regu" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2883, "l_partkey": 125, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 27.0d, "l_extendedprice": 27678.24d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-03-12", "l_commitdate": "1995-03-10", "l_receiptdate": "1995-04-04", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "s. brave pinto beans nag furiously" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3264, "l_partkey": 125, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 11.0d, "l_extendedprice": 11276.32d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-12-11", "l_commitdate": "1996-12-19", "l_receiptdate": "1996-12-15", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "regular packages" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4288, "l_partkey": 125, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 7.0d, "l_extendedprice": 7175.84d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-01-15", "l_commitdate": "1993-02-05", "l_receiptdate": "1993-01-26", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ngside of the special platelet" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4291, "l_partkey": 125, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 43.0d, "l_extendedprice": 44080.16d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-02-01", "l_commitdate": "1994-02-27", "l_receiptdate": "1994-02-06", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "s. quietly regular " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 356, "l_partkey": 125, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 37.0d, "l_extendedprice": 37929.44d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-07-15", "l_commitdate": "1994-08-24", "l_receiptdate": "1994-08-09", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ndencies are since the packag" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 390, "l_partkey": 125, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 11.0d, "l_extendedprice": 11276.32d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-05-05", "l_commitdate": "1998-05-15", "l_receiptdate": "1998-06-01", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "according to the foxes are furiously " }
, { "l_orderkey": 2690, "l_partkey": 125, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 45.0d, "l_extendedprice": 46130.4d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-05-23", "l_commitdate": "1996-06-02", "l_receiptdate": "1996-05-29", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ounts. slyly regular dependencies wa" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4131, "l_partkey": 125, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 30.0d, "l_extendedprice": 30753.6d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-04-01", "l_commitdate": "1998-04-13", "l_receiptdate": "1998-04-08", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "he fluffily express depen" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5124, "l_partkey": 125, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 44.0d, "l_extendedprice": 45105.28d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-07-13", "l_commitdate": "1997-06-26", "l_receiptdate": "1997-08-01", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "equests. carefully unusual d" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5218, "l_partkey": 125, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 33.0d, "l_extendedprice": 33828.96d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-09-16", "l_commitdate": "1992-09-30", "l_receiptdate": "1992-09-27", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ronic instructi" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5925, "l_partkey": 125, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 31.0d, "l_extendedprice": 31778.72d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-01-02", "l_commitdate": "1995-12-14", "l_receiptdate": "1996-01-07", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "e slyly. furiously regular deposi" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3264, "l_partkey": 125, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 11.0d, "l_extendedprice": 11276.32d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-12-11", "l_commitdate": "1996-12-19", "l_receiptdate": "1996-12-15", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "regular packages" }
, { "l_orderkey": 3393, "l_partkey": 125, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 44.0d, "l_extendedprice": 45105.28d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-10-16", "l_commitdate": "1995-08-05", "l_receiptdate": "1995-11-01", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ld requests hag" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4069, "l_partkey": 125, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 3.0d, "l_extendedprice": 3075.36d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-05-24", "l_commitdate": "1992-06-18", "l_receiptdate": "1992-06-12", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "y final deposits wake furiously! slyl" }
, { "l_orderkey": 4230, "l_partkey": 125, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 50.0d, "l_extendedprice": 51256.0d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-03-29", "l_commitdate": "1992-05-19", "l_receiptdate": "1992-04-20", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ts. final instructions in" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5314, "l_partkey": 125, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 16.0d, "l_extendedprice": 16401.92d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-09-25", "l_commitdate": "1995-07-08", "l_receiptdate": "1995-10-17", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "hely unusual packages acc" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 420, "l_partkey": 124, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 40.0d, "l_extendedprice": 40964.8d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-11-26", "l_commitdate": "1995-12-26", "l_receiptdate": "1995-12-20", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": " after the special" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1378, "l_partkey": 124, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 18.0d, "l_extendedprice": 18434.16d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-06-19", "l_commitdate": "1996-05-16", "l_receiptdate": "1996-06-21", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": " theodolites. i" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1731, "l_partkey": 124, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 41.0d, "l_extendedprice": 41988.92d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-04-05", "l_commitdate": "1996-02-28", "l_receiptdate": "1996-05-01", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "haggle across the blithely ironi" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2209, "l_partkey": 124, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 24.0d, "l_extendedprice": 24578.88d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-08-09", "l_commitdate": "1992-08-18", "l_receiptdate": "1992-08-25", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": " along the bol" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2722, "l_partkey": 124, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 21.0d, "l_extendedprice": 21506.52d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-07-29", "l_commitdate": "1994-06-26", "l_receiptdate": "1994-08-09", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "e carefully around the furiously ironic pac" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3587, "l_partkey": 124, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 31.0d, "l_extendedprice": 31747.72d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-07-21", "l_commitdate": "1996-07-01", "l_receiptdate": "1996-07-23", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "press fluffily regul" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5159, "l_partkey": 124, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 39.0d, "l_extendedprice": 39940.68d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-12-17", "l_commitdate": "1996-12-08", "l_receiptdate": "1997-01-10", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "re furiously after the pending dolphin" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5, "l_partkey": 124, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 26.0d, "l_extendedprice": 26627.12d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-10-16", "l_commitdate": "1994-09-25", "l_receiptdate": "1994-10-19", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "sts use slyly quickly special instruc" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 96, "l_partkey": 124, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 23.0d, "l_extendedprice": 23554.76d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-07-19", "l_commitdate": "1994-06-29", "l_receiptdate": "1994-07-25", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ep-- carefully reg" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5925, "l_partkey": 125, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 31.0d, "l_extendedprice": 31778.72d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-01-02", "l_commitdate": "1995-12-14", "l_receiptdate": "1996-01-07", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "e slyly. furiously regular deposi" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 868, "l_partkey": 125, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 19.0d, "l_extendedprice": 19477.28d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-09-20", "l_commitdate": "1992-07-18", "l_receiptdate": "1992-10-04", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ely even deposits lose blithe" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2883, "l_partkey": 125, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 27.0d, "l_extendedprice": 27678.24d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-03-12", "l_commitdate": "1995-03-10", "l_receiptdate": "1995-04-04", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "s. brave pinto beans nag furiously" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4131, "l_partkey": 125, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 30.0d, "l_extendedprice": 30753.6d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-04-01", "l_commitdate": "1998-04-13", "l_receiptdate": "1998-04-08", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "he fluffily express depen" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4291, "l_partkey": 125, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 43.0d, "l_extendedprice": 44080.16d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-02-01", "l_commitdate": "1994-02-27", "l_receiptdate": "1994-02-06", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "s. quietly regular " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5218, "l_partkey": 125, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 33.0d, "l_extendedprice": 33828.96d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-09-16", "l_commitdate": "1992-09-30", "l_receiptdate": "1992-09-27", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ronic instructi" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 290, "l_partkey": 124, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 23.0d, "l_extendedprice": 23554.76d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-03-14", "l_commitdate": "1994-02-21", "l_receiptdate": "1994-04-09", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "refully unusual packages. " }
, { "l_orderkey": 1671, "l_partkey": 124, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 11.0d, "l_extendedprice": 11265.32d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-09-16", "l_commitdate": "1996-10-21", "l_receiptdate": "1996-09-18", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "tes sleep blithely" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1697, "l_partkey": 124, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 27.0d, "l_extendedprice": 27651.24d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-01-20", "l_commitdate": "1996-12-02", "l_receiptdate": "1997-02-05", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ly regular packages across the silent, b" }
, { "l_orderkey": 2306, "l_partkey": 124, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 29.0d, "l_extendedprice": 29699.48d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-11-01", "l_commitdate": "1995-09-01", "l_receiptdate": "1995-11-22", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "uld have to mold. s" }
, { "l_orderkey": 2465, "l_partkey": 124, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 20.0d, "l_extendedprice": 20482.4d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-08-16", "l_commitdate": "1995-08-13", "l_receiptdate": "1995-09-02", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "uriously? furiously ironic excu" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5765, "l_partkey": 124, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 29.0d, "l_extendedprice": 29699.48d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-12-29", "l_commitdate": "1995-02-01", "l_receiptdate": "1995-01-26", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "nic requests. deposits wake quickly among " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 390, "l_partkey": 124, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 17.0d, "l_extendedprice": 17410.04d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-06-07", "l_commitdate": "1998-06-14", "l_receiptdate": "1998-07-07", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ending, pending pinto beans wake slyl" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 420, "l_partkey": 124, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 40.0d, "l_extendedprice": 40964.8d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-11-26", "l_commitdate": "1995-12-26", "l_receiptdate": "1995-12-20", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": " after the special" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 708, "l_partkey": 124, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 3.0d, "l_extendedprice": 3072.36d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-10-09", "l_commitdate": "1998-09-22", "l_receiptdate": "1998-11-07", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "e slyly pending foxes. " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1088, "l_partkey": 124, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 3.0d, "l_extendedprice": 3072.36d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-06-15", "l_commitdate": "1992-08-02", "l_receiptdate": "1992-06-18", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "pecial theodolites " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5089, "l_partkey": 124, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 46.0d, "l_extendedprice": 47109.52d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-11-09", "l_commitdate": "1992-10-13", "l_receiptdate": "1992-11-10", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "above the express accounts. exc" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5798, "l_partkey": 124, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 14.0d, "l_extendedprice": 14337.68d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-04-01", "l_commitdate": "1998-06-14", "l_receiptdate": "1998-04-27", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "he special, bold packages. carefully iron" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5, "l_partkey": 124, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 26.0d, "l_extendedprice": 26627.12d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-10-16", "l_commitdate": "1994-09-25", "l_receiptdate": "1994-10-19", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "sts use slyly quickly special instruc" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 99, "l_partkey": 124, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 5.0d, "l_extendedprice": 5120.6d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-05-06", "l_commitdate": "1994-05-28", "l_receiptdate": "1994-05-20", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ests cajole fluffily waters. blithe" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1283, "l_partkey": 124, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 43.0d, "l_extendedprice": 44037.16d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-09-29", "l_commitdate": "1996-11-19", "l_receiptdate": "1996-10-26", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "requests sleep slyly about the " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1346, "l_partkey": 124, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 6.0d, "l_extendedprice": 6144.72d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-09-13", "l_commitdate": "1992-07-21", "l_receiptdate": "1992-09-27", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "inst the furiously final theodolites. caref" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1378, "l_partkey": 124, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 18.0d, "l_extendedprice": 18434.16d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-06-19", "l_commitdate": "1996-05-16", "l_receiptdate": "1996-06-21", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": " theodolites. i" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1697, "l_partkey": 124, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 27.0d, "l_extendedprice": 27651.24d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-01-20", "l_commitdate": "1996-12-02", "l_receiptdate": "1997-02-05", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ly regular packages across the silent, b" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1731, "l_partkey": 124, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 41.0d, "l_extendedprice": 41988.92d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-04-05", "l_commitdate": "1996-02-28", "l_receiptdate": "1996-05-01", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "haggle across the blithely ironi" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2722, "l_partkey": 124, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 21.0d, "l_extendedprice": 21506.52d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-07-29", "l_commitdate": "1994-06-26", "l_receiptdate": "1994-08-09", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "e carefully around the furiously ironic pac" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5159, "l_partkey": 124, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 39.0d, "l_extendedprice": 39940.68d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-12-17", "l_commitdate": "1996-12-08", "l_receiptdate": "1997-01-10", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "re furiously after the pending dolphin" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5223, "l_partkey": 124, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 25.0d, "l_extendedprice": 25603.0d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-07-12", "l_commitdate": "1994-08-13", "l_receiptdate": "1994-08-01", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "y express ideas impress" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 96, "l_partkey": 124, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 23.0d, "l_extendedprice": 23554.76d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-07-19", "l_commitdate": "1994-06-29", "l_receiptdate": "1994-07-25", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ep-- carefully reg" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1703, "l_partkey": 124, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 48.0d, "l_extendedprice": 49157.76d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-02-07", "l_commitdate": "1993-04-20", "l_receiptdate": "1993-02-24", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ggle slyly furiously regular theodol" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1985, "l_partkey": 124, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 42.0d, "l_extendedprice": 43013.04d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-10-25", "l_commitdate": "1994-11-03", "l_receiptdate": "1994-11-19", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": " patterns? final requests after the sp" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2209, "l_partkey": 124, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 24.0d, "l_extendedprice": 24578.88d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-08-09", "l_commitdate": "1992-08-18", "l_receiptdate": "1992-08-25", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": " along the bol" }
, { "l_orderkey": 2594, "l_partkey": 124, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 13.0d, "l_extendedprice": 13313.56d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-02-06", "l_commitdate": "1993-03-01", "l_receiptdate": "1993-02-23", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "fully special accounts use courts" }
, { "l_orderkey": 2629, "l_partkey": 124, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 31.0d, "l_extendedprice": 31747.72d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-05-24", "l_commitdate": "1998-05-26", "l_receiptdate": "1998-06-10", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ate blithely bold, regular deposits. bold" }
, { "l_orderkey": 3392, "l_partkey": 124, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 7.0d, "l_extendedprice": 7168.84d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-12-07", "l_commitdate": "1996-01-09", "l_receiptdate": "1995-12-29", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "as. express, final accounts dou" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5089, "l_partkey": 124, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 46.0d, "l_extendedprice": 47109.52d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-11-09", "l_commitdate": "1992-10-13", "l_receiptdate": "1992-11-10", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "above the express accounts. exc" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3587, "l_partkey": 124, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 31.0d, "l_extendedprice": 31747.72d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-07-21", "l_commitdate": "1996-07-01", "l_receiptdate": "1996-07-23", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "press fluffily regul" }
, { "l_orderkey": 5184, "l_partkey": 124, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 19.0d, "l_extendedprice": 19458.28d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-11-15", "l_commitdate": "1998-10-12", "l_receiptdate": "1998-11-21", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "refully express platelets sleep carefull" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 99, "l_partkey": 124, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 5.0d, "l_extendedprice": 5120.6d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-05-06", "l_commitdate": "1994-05-28", "l_receiptdate": "1994-05-20", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ests cajole fluffily waters. blithe" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 390, "l_partkey": 124, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 17.0d, "l_extendedprice": 17410.04d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-06-07", "l_commitdate": "1998-06-14", "l_receiptdate": "1998-07-07", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ending, pending pinto beans wake slyl" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1346, "l_partkey": 124, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 6.0d, "l_extendedprice": 6144.72d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-09-13", "l_commitdate": "1992-07-21", "l_receiptdate": "1992-09-27", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "inst the furiously final theodolites. caref" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1985, "l_partkey": 124, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 42.0d, "l_extendedprice": 43013.04d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-10-25", "l_commitdate": "1994-11-03", "l_receiptdate": "1994-11-19", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": " patterns? final requests after the sp" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5223, "l_partkey": 124, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 25.0d, "l_extendedprice": 25603.0d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-07-12", "l_commitdate": "1994-08-13", "l_receiptdate": "1994-08-01", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "y express ideas impress" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 290, "l_partkey": 124, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 23.0d, "l_extendedprice": 23554.76d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-03-14", "l_commitdate": "1994-02-21", "l_receiptdate": "1994-04-09", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "refully unusual packages. " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 708, "l_partkey": 124, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 3.0d, "l_extendedprice": 3072.36d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-10-09", "l_commitdate": "1998-09-22", "l_receiptdate": "1998-11-07", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "e slyly pending foxes. " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1088, "l_partkey": 124, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 3.0d, "l_extendedprice": 3072.36d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-06-15", "l_commitdate": "1992-08-02", "l_receiptdate": "1992-06-18", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "pecial theodolites " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1283, "l_partkey": 124, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 43.0d, "l_extendedprice": 44037.16d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-09-29", "l_commitdate": "1996-11-19", "l_receiptdate": "1996-10-26", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "requests sleep slyly about the " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1703, "l_partkey": 124, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 48.0d, "l_extendedprice": 49157.76d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-02-07", "l_commitdate": "1993-04-20", "l_receiptdate": "1993-02-24", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ggle slyly furiously regular theodol" }
, { "l_orderkey": 5347, "l_partkey": 124, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 47.0d, "l_extendedprice": 48133.64d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-06-05", "l_commitdate": "1995-03-29", "l_receiptdate": "1995-06-28", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "across the slyly bol" }
, { "l_orderkey": 5696, "l_partkey": 124, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 19.0d, "l_extendedprice": 19458.28d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-08-31", "l_commitdate": "1995-06-13", "l_receiptdate": "1995-09-10", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "unusual requests sleep furiously ru" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5765, "l_partkey": 124, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 29.0d, "l_extendedprice": 29699.48d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-12-29", "l_commitdate": "1995-02-01", "l_receiptdate": "1995-01-26", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "nic requests. deposits wake quickly among " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5798, "l_partkey": 124, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 14.0d, "l_extendedprice": 14337.68d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-04-01", "l_commitdate": "1998-06-14", "l_receiptdate": "1998-04-27", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "he special, bold packages. carefully iron" }
, { "l_orderkey": 291, "l_partkey": 123, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 21.0d, "l_extendedprice": 21485.52d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-05-26", "l_commitdate": "1994-05-10", "l_receiptdate": "1994-06-23", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "y quickly regular theodolites. final t" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1474, "l_partkey": 123, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 30.0d, "l_extendedprice": 30693.6d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-03-23", "l_commitdate": "1995-02-11", "l_receiptdate": "1995-04-17", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "usly. evenly express " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2823, "l_partkey": 123, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 20.0d, "l_extendedprice": 20462.4d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-11-13", "l_commitdate": "1995-12-06", "l_receiptdate": "1995-12-07", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "its sleep between the unusual, ironic pac" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4967, "l_partkey": 123, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 1.0d, "l_extendedprice": 1023.12d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-06-04", "l_commitdate": "1997-03-29", "l_receiptdate": "1997-06-23", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "osits. unusual frets thrash furiously" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5189, "l_partkey": 123, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 14.0d, "l_extendedprice": 14323.68d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-01-23", "l_commitdate": "1994-01-05", "l_receiptdate": "1994-02-12", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "unusual packag" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5760, "l_partkey": 123, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 19.0d, "l_extendedprice": 19439.28d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-08-02", "l_commitdate": "1994-08-02", "l_receiptdate": "1994-08-15", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "sits nag. even, regular ideas cajole b" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2113, "l_partkey": 123, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 40.0d, "l_extendedprice": 40924.8d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-01-16", "l_commitdate": "1997-12-11", "l_receiptdate": "1998-02-06", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "bout the quickly ironic t" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3392, "l_partkey": 123, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 13.0d, "l_extendedprice": 13300.56d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-11-26", "l_commitdate": "1996-01-17", "l_receiptdate": "1995-12-01", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "across the fluffily bold deposits." }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3941, "l_partkey": 123, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 19.0d, "l_extendedprice": 19439.28d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-11-10", "l_commitdate": "1996-10-26", "l_receiptdate": "1996-12-05", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "eposits haggle furiously even" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5059, "l_partkey": 123, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 19.0d, "l_extendedprice": 19439.28d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-03-02", "l_commitdate": "1993-12-26", "l_receiptdate": "1994-03-14", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": " special ideas poach blithely qu" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5414, "l_partkey": 123, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 48.0d, "l_extendedprice": 49109.76d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-06-08", "l_commitdate": "1993-05-14", "l_receiptdate": "1993-07-06", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": " silent dolphins; fluffily regular tithe" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1059, "l_partkey": 123, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 13.0d, "l_extendedprice": 13300.56d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-06-12", "l_commitdate": "1994-05-11", "l_receiptdate": "1994-07-02", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "usly regular theodo" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1505, "l_partkey": 123, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 50.0d, "l_extendedprice": 51156.0d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-11-22", "l_commitdate": "1992-09-24", "l_receiptdate": "1992-11-26", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "lyly special platelets. requests ar" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1607, "l_partkey": 123, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 39.0d, "l_extendedprice": 39901.68d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-02-01", "l_commitdate": "1996-02-12", "l_receiptdate": "1996-02-16", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "uches cajole. accounts ar" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3011, "l_partkey": 123, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 42.0d, "l_extendedprice": 42971.04d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-02-01", "l_commitdate": "1992-03-18", "l_receiptdate": "1992-02-29", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "osits haggle quickly pending, " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3586, "l_partkey": 123, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 33.0d, "l_extendedprice": 33762.96d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-02-11", "l_commitdate": "1994-01-15", "l_receiptdate": "1994-03-03", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "iously regular pinto beans integrate" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3877, "l_partkey": 123, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 7.0d, "l_extendedprice": 7161.84d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-06-14", "l_commitdate": "1993-07-09", "l_receiptdate": "1993-06-28", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "lar dolphins cajole silently " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4673, "l_partkey": 123, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 9.0d, "l_extendedprice": 9208.08d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-10-15", "l_commitdate": "1996-09-30", "l_receiptdate": "1996-10-30", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ages nag across " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5095, "l_partkey": 123, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 28.0d, "l_extendedprice": 28647.36d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-06-20", "l_commitdate": "1992-06-27", "l_receiptdate": "1992-06-22", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": " into the final courts. ca" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5700, "l_partkey": 123, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 30.0d, "l_extendedprice": 30693.6d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-04-19", "l_commitdate": "1998-03-13", "l_receiptdate": "1998-04-27", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ly blithely final instructions. fl" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5763, "l_partkey": 123, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 8.0d, "l_extendedprice": 8184.96d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-09-23", "l_commitdate": "1998-09-15", "l_receiptdate": "1998-09-27", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "foxes wake slyly. car" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2242, "l_partkey": 123, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 15.0d, "l_extendedprice": 15346.8d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-08-04", "l_commitdate": "1997-09-21", "l_receiptdate": "1997-08-11", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "its. carefully express packages cajole. bli" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2503, "l_partkey": 123, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 33.0d, "l_extendedprice": 33762.96d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-07-06", "l_commitdate": "1993-08-14", "l_receiptdate": "1993-08-02", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "nal courts integrate according to the" }
, { "l_orderkey": 2913, "l_partkey": 123, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 39.0d, "l_extendedprice": 39901.68d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-08-28", "l_commitdate": "1997-09-27", "l_receiptdate": "1997-09-02", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": ". final packages a" }
, { "l_orderkey": 3329, "l_partkey": 123, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 1.0d, "l_extendedprice": 1023.12d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-08-22", "l_commitdate": "1995-09-28", "l_receiptdate": "1995-09-09", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "regular packages are carefull" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3586, "l_partkey": 123, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 33.0d, "l_extendedprice": 33762.96d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-02-11", "l_commitdate": "1994-01-15", "l_receiptdate": "1994-03-03", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "iously regular pinto beans integrate" }
, { "l_orderkey": 3813, "l_partkey": 123, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 39.0d, "l_extendedprice": 39901.68d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-08-30", "l_commitdate": "1998-08-12", "l_receiptdate": "1998-09-29", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "y ideas. final ideas about the sp" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3877, "l_partkey": 123, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 7.0d, "l_extendedprice": 7161.84d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-06-14", "l_commitdate": "1993-07-09", "l_receiptdate": "1993-06-28", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "lar dolphins cajole silently " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4967, "l_partkey": 123, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 1.0d, "l_extendedprice": 1023.12d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-06-04", "l_commitdate": "1997-03-29", "l_receiptdate": "1997-06-23", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "osits. unusual frets thrash furiously" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5763, "l_partkey": 123, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 8.0d, "l_extendedprice": 8184.96d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-09-23", "l_commitdate": "1998-09-15", "l_receiptdate": "1998-09-27", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "foxes wake slyly. car" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1474, "l_partkey": 123, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 30.0d, "l_extendedprice": 30693.6d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-03-23", "l_commitdate": "1995-02-11", "l_receiptdate": "1995-04-17", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "usly. evenly express " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2113, "l_partkey": 123, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 40.0d, "l_extendedprice": 40924.8d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-01-16", "l_commitdate": "1997-12-11", "l_receiptdate": "1998-02-06", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "bout the quickly ironic t" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2242, "l_partkey": 123, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 15.0d, "l_extendedprice": 15346.8d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-08-04", "l_commitdate": "1997-09-21", "l_receiptdate": "1997-08-11", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "its. carefully express packages cajole. bli" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2823, "l_partkey": 123, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 20.0d, "l_extendedprice": 20462.4d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-11-13", "l_commitdate": "1995-12-06", "l_receiptdate": "1995-12-07", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "its sleep between the unusual, ironic pac" }
, { "l_orderkey": 4065, "l_partkey": 123, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 29.0d, "l_extendedprice": 29670.48d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-06-29", "l_commitdate": "1994-08-19", "l_receiptdate": "1994-07-17", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "equests. packages sleep slyl" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4455, "l_partkey": 123, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 34.0d, "l_extendedprice": 34786.08d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-10-24", "l_commitdate": "1993-11-27", "l_receiptdate": "1993-11-04", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": " slyly ironic requests. quickly even d" }
, { "l_orderkey": 4548, "l_partkey": 123, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 47.0d, "l_extendedprice": 48086.64d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-07-24", "l_commitdate": "1996-09-12", "l_receiptdate": "1996-08-08", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ts. excuses use slyly spec" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4673, "l_partkey": 123, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 9.0d, "l_extendedprice": 9208.08d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-10-15", "l_commitdate": "1996-09-30", "l_receiptdate": "1996-10-30", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ages nag across " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5095, "l_partkey": 123, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 28.0d, "l_extendedprice": 28647.36d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-06-20", "l_commitdate": "1992-06-27", "l_receiptdate": "1992-06-22", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": " into the final courts. ca" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5414, "l_partkey": 123, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 48.0d, "l_extendedprice": 49109.76d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-06-08", "l_commitdate": "1993-05-14", "l_receiptdate": "1993-07-06", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": " silent dolphins; fluffily regular tithe" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5760, "l_partkey": 123, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 19.0d, "l_extendedprice": 19439.28d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-08-02", "l_commitdate": "1994-08-02", "l_receiptdate": "1994-08-15", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "sits nag. even, regular ideas cajole b" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1059, "l_partkey": 123, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 13.0d, "l_extendedprice": 13300.56d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-06-12", "l_commitdate": "1994-05-11", "l_receiptdate": "1994-07-02", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "usly regular theodo" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1505, "l_partkey": 123, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 50.0d, "l_extendedprice": 51156.0d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-11-22", "l_commitdate": "1992-09-24", "l_receiptdate": "1992-11-26", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "lyly special platelets. requests ar" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3011, "l_partkey": 123, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 42.0d, "l_extendedprice": 42971.04d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-02-01", "l_commitdate": "1992-03-18", "l_receiptdate": "1992-02-29", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "osits haggle quickly pending, " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3941, "l_partkey": 123, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 19.0d, "l_extendedprice": 19439.28d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-11-10", "l_commitdate": "1996-10-26", "l_receiptdate": "1996-12-05", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "eposits haggle furiously even" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4455, "l_partkey": 123, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 34.0d, "l_extendedprice": 34786.08d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-10-24", "l_commitdate": "1993-11-27", "l_receiptdate": "1993-11-04", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": " slyly ironic requests. quickly even d" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1607, "l_partkey": 123, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 39.0d, "l_extendedprice": 39901.68d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-02-01", "l_commitdate": "1996-02-12", "l_receiptdate": "1996-02-16", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "uches cajole. accounts ar" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2503, "l_partkey": 123, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 33.0d, "l_extendedprice": 33762.96d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-07-06", "l_commitdate": "1993-08-14", "l_receiptdate": "1993-08-02", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "nal courts integrate according to the" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3392, "l_partkey": 123, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 13.0d, "l_extendedprice": 13300.56d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-11-26", "l_commitdate": "1996-01-17", "l_receiptdate": "1995-12-01", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "across the fluffily bold deposits." }
, { "l_orderkey": 5024, "l_partkey": 123, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 42.0d, "l_extendedprice": 42971.04d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-12-02", "l_commitdate": "1996-12-08", "l_receiptdate": "1996-12-04", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "tegrate. busily spec" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 868, "l_partkey": 122, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 43.0d, "l_extendedprice": 43951.16d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-07-02", "l_commitdate": "1992-07-22", "l_receiptdate": "1992-07-21", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "kly silent deposits wake dar" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3395, "l_partkey": 122, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 39.0d, "l_extendedprice": 39862.68d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-12-03", "l_commitdate": "1995-01-17", "l_receiptdate": "1994-12-10", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "riously unusual theodolites. fur" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3686, "l_partkey": 122, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 7.0d, "l_extendedprice": 7154.84d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-07-15", "l_commitdate": "1998-08-22", "l_receiptdate": "1998-07-30", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": " furiously unusual accou" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4387, "l_partkey": 122, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 3.0d, "l_extendedprice": 3066.36d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-01-17", "l_commitdate": "1996-01-14", "l_receiptdate": "1996-01-28", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": " boost slyly ironic instructions. furiou" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4484, "l_partkey": 122, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 41.0d, "l_extendedprice": 41906.92d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-01-25", "l_commitdate": "1997-02-15", "l_receiptdate": "1997-01-29", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ress accounts. ironic deposits unwind fur" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4706, "l_partkey": 122, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 23.0d, "l_extendedprice": 23508.76d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-04-01", "l_commitdate": "1993-03-13", "l_receiptdate": "1993-05-01", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "deas across t" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4868, "l_partkey": 122, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 22.0d, "l_extendedprice": 22486.64d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-04-26", "l_commitdate": "1997-05-16", "l_receiptdate": "1997-05-01", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "osits. final foxes boost regular," }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1670, "l_partkey": 122, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 10.0d, "l_extendedprice": 10221.2d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-09-14", "l_commitdate": "1997-08-16", "l_receiptdate": "1997-09-23", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "fily special ideas " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5059, "l_partkey": 123, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 19.0d, "l_extendedprice": 19439.28d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-03-02", "l_commitdate": "1993-12-26", "l_receiptdate": "1994-03-14", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": " special ideas poach blithely qu" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5189, "l_partkey": 123, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 14.0d, "l_extendedprice": 14323.68d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-01-23", "l_commitdate": "1994-01-05", "l_receiptdate": "1994-02-12", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "unusual packag" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5700, "l_partkey": 123, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 30.0d, "l_extendedprice": 30693.6d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-04-19", "l_commitdate": "1998-03-13", "l_receiptdate": "1998-04-27", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ly blithely final instructions. fl" }
, { "l_orderkey": 1890, "l_partkey": 122, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 45.0d, "l_extendedprice": 45995.4d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-04-15", "l_commitdate": "1997-03-16", "l_receiptdate": "1997-04-19", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "he carefully regular sauternes. ironic fret" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2372, "l_partkey": 122, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 4.0d, "l_extendedprice": 4088.48d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-12-14", "l_commitdate": "1997-12-28", "l_receiptdate": "1997-12-16", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "e carefully blithely even epitaphs. r" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2631, "l_partkey": 122, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 42.0d, "l_extendedprice": 42929.04d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-01-04", "l_commitdate": "1993-12-01", "l_receiptdate": "1994-01-16", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ect carefully at the furiously final the" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3234, "l_partkey": 122, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 50.0d, "l_extendedprice": 51106.0d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-06-11", "l_commitdate": "1996-05-19", "l_receiptdate": "1996-06-18", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ly regular ideas according to the regula" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3585, "l_partkey": 122, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 21.0d, "l_extendedprice": 21464.52d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-12-04", "l_commitdate": "1994-12-25", "l_receiptdate": "1995-01-01", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ounts use. express, final platelets us" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4039, "l_partkey": 122, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 17.0d, "l_extendedprice": 17376.04d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-01-15", "l_commitdate": "1998-01-20", "l_receiptdate": "1998-01-28", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": " regular foxes haggle carefully bo" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4160, "l_partkey": 122, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 12.0d, "l_extendedprice": 12265.44d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-11-22", "l_commitdate": "1996-09-25", "l_receiptdate": "1996-12-10", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "y bold package" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5350, "l_partkey": 122, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 19.0d, "l_extendedprice": 19420.28d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-10-20", "l_commitdate": "1993-11-15", "l_receiptdate": "1993-11-17", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "romise slyly alongsi" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5511, "l_partkey": 122, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 4.0d, "l_extendedprice": 4088.48d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-12-28", "l_commitdate": "1995-01-16", "l_receiptdate": "1995-01-24", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "lphins. carefully blithe de" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5664, "l_partkey": 122, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 25.0d, "l_extendedprice": 25553.0d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-10-29", "l_commitdate": "1998-09-23", "l_receiptdate": "1998-11-25", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "eposits: furiously ironic grouch" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 482, "l_partkey": 122, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 1.0d, "l_extendedprice": 1022.12d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-05-29", "l_commitdate": "1996-05-20", "l_receiptdate": "1996-05-31", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "es. quickly ironic escapades sleep furious" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 518, "l_partkey": 122, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 46.0d, "l_extendedprice": 47017.52d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-04-07", "l_commitdate": "1998-04-17", "l_receiptdate": "1998-04-29", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": ". blithely even ideas cajole furiously. b" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 708, "l_partkey": 122, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 33.0d, "l_extendedprice": 33729.96d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-09-10", "l_commitdate": "1998-09-20", "l_receiptdate": "1998-09-22", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "s boost carefully ruthless theodolites. f" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 801, "l_partkey": 122, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 10.0d, "l_extendedprice": 10221.2d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-06-05", "l_commitdate": "1992-05-15", "l_receiptdate": "1992-06-21", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "al accounts. carefully regular foxes wake" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1248, "l_partkey": 122, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 20.0d, "l_extendedprice": 20442.4d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-03-12", "l_commitdate": "1992-03-23", "l_receiptdate": "1992-04-07", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "nal foxes cajole carefully slyl" }
, { "l_orderkey": 2016, "l_partkey": 122, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 8.0d, "l_extendedprice": 8176.96d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-09-19", "l_commitdate": "1996-10-21", "l_receiptdate": "1996-10-13", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "mptotes haggle ideas. packages wake flu" }
, { "l_orderkey": 2177, "l_partkey": 122, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 11.0d, "l_extendedprice": 11243.32d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-03-20", "l_commitdate": "1997-03-07", "l_receiptdate": "1997-04-09", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "gainst the ca" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2372, "l_partkey": 122, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 4.0d, "l_extendedprice": 4088.48d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-12-14", "l_commitdate": "1997-12-28", "l_receiptdate": "1997-12-16", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "e carefully blithely even epitaphs. r" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3491, "l_partkey": 122, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 22.0d, "l_extendedprice": 22486.64d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-08-19", "l_commitdate": "1998-08-22", "l_receiptdate": "1998-09-03", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": " grow against the boldly pending pinto bea" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4160, "l_partkey": 122, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 12.0d, "l_extendedprice": 12265.44d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-11-22", "l_commitdate": "1996-09-25", "l_receiptdate": "1996-12-10", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "y bold package" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4706, "l_partkey": 122, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 23.0d, "l_extendedprice": 23508.76d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-04-01", "l_commitdate": "1993-03-13", "l_receiptdate": "1993-05-01", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "deas across t" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4838, "l_partkey": 122, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 35.0d, "l_extendedprice": 35774.2d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-10-30", "l_commitdate": "1992-10-23", "l_receiptdate": "1992-11-21", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ly blithely unusual foxes. even package" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4868, "l_partkey": 122, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 22.0d, "l_extendedprice": 22486.64d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-04-26", "l_commitdate": "1997-05-16", "l_receiptdate": "1997-05-01", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "osits. final foxes boost regular," }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5666, "l_partkey": 122, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 7.0d, "l_extendedprice": 7154.84d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-05-10", "l_commitdate": "1994-04-06", "l_receiptdate": "1994-05-21", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": " ideas. regular packag" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5895, "l_partkey": 122, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 47.0d, "l_extendedprice": 48039.64d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-04-27", "l_commitdate": "1997-03-17", "l_receiptdate": "1997-05-07", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "r packages wake carefull" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 513, "l_partkey": 122, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 44.0d, "l_extendedprice": 44973.28d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-07-14", "l_commitdate": "1995-07-14", "l_receiptdate": "1995-08-12", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "kages sleep boldly ironic theodolites. acco" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 708, "l_partkey": 122, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 33.0d, "l_extendedprice": 33729.96d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-09-10", "l_commitdate": "1998-09-20", "l_receiptdate": "1998-09-22", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "s boost carefully ruthless theodolites. f" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 868, "l_partkey": 122, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 43.0d, "l_extendedprice": 43951.16d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-07-02", "l_commitdate": "1992-07-22", "l_receiptdate": "1992-07-21", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "kly silent deposits wake dar" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1248, "l_partkey": 122, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 20.0d, "l_extendedprice": 20442.4d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-03-12", "l_commitdate": "1992-03-23", "l_receiptdate": "1992-04-07", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "nal foxes cajole carefully slyl" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1670, "l_partkey": 122, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 10.0d, "l_extendedprice": 10221.2d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-09-14", "l_commitdate": "1997-08-16", "l_receiptdate": "1997-09-23", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "fily special ideas " }
, { "l_orderkey": 2311, "l_partkey": 122, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 49.0d, "l_extendedprice": 50083.88d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-05-14", "l_commitdate": "1995-07-11", "l_receiptdate": "1995-05-20", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ideas sleep" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2912, "l_partkey": 122, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 8.0d, "l_extendedprice": 8176.96d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-04-09", "l_commitdate": "1992-04-19", "l_receiptdate": "1992-04-26", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "hs cajole over the slyl" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3395, "l_partkey": 122, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 39.0d, "l_extendedprice": 39862.68d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-12-03", "l_commitdate": "1995-01-17", "l_receiptdate": "1994-12-10", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "riously unusual theodolites. fur" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3585, "l_partkey": 122, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 21.0d, "l_extendedprice": 21464.52d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-12-04", "l_commitdate": "1994-12-25", "l_receiptdate": "1995-01-01", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ounts use. express, final platelets us" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3649, "l_partkey": 122, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 3.0d, "l_extendedprice": 3066.36d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-07-17", "l_commitdate": "1994-08-10", "l_receiptdate": "1994-08-03", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "lly bold requests nag; " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3686, "l_partkey": 122, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 7.0d, "l_extendedprice": 7154.84d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-07-15", "l_commitdate": "1998-08-22", "l_receiptdate": "1998-07-30", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": " furiously unusual accou" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4039, "l_partkey": 122, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 17.0d, "l_extendedprice": 17376.04d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-01-15", "l_commitdate": "1998-01-20", "l_receiptdate": "1998-01-28", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": " regular foxes haggle carefully bo" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4161, "l_partkey": 122, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 12.0d, "l_extendedprice": 12265.44d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-08-25", "l_commitdate": "1993-10-04", "l_receiptdate": "1993-09-22", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "onic dolphins. in" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5511, "l_partkey": 122, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 4.0d, "l_extendedprice": 4088.48d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-12-28", "l_commitdate": "1995-01-16", "l_receiptdate": "1995-01-24", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "lphins. carefully blithe de" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5664, "l_partkey": 122, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 25.0d, "l_extendedprice": 25553.0d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-10-29", "l_commitdate": "1998-09-23", "l_receiptdate": "1998-11-25", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "eposits: furiously ironic grouch" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 518, "l_partkey": 122, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 46.0d, "l_extendedprice": 47017.52d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-04-07", "l_commitdate": "1998-04-17", "l_receiptdate": "1998-04-29", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": ". blithely even ideas cajole furiously. b" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 801, "l_partkey": 122, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 10.0d, "l_extendedprice": 10221.2d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-06-05", "l_commitdate": "1992-05-15", "l_receiptdate": "1992-06-21", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "al accounts. carefully regular foxes wake" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2631, "l_partkey": 122, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 42.0d, "l_extendedprice": 42929.04d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-01-04", "l_commitdate": "1993-12-01", "l_receiptdate": "1994-01-16", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ect carefully at the furiously final the" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3842, "l_partkey": 122, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 21.0d, "l_extendedprice": 21464.52d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-07-15", "l_commitdate": "1992-06-02", "l_receiptdate": "1992-07-21", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "r pinto be" }
, { "l_orderkey": 4355, "l_partkey": 122, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 35.0d, "l_extendedprice": 35774.2d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-01-28", "l_commitdate": "1997-01-28", "l_receiptdate": "1997-02-20", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ess accounts affix ironic" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4387, "l_partkey": 122, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 3.0d, "l_extendedprice": 3066.36d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-01-17", "l_commitdate": "1996-01-14", "l_receiptdate": "1996-01-28", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": " boost slyly ironic instructions. furiou" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4807, "l_partkey": 122, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 9.0d, "l_extendedprice": 9199.08d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-04-23", "l_commitdate": "1997-03-01", "l_receiptdate": "1997-05-15", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "may are blithely. carefully even pinto b" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 391, "l_partkey": 122, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 14.0d, "l_extendedprice": 14309.68d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-02-11", "l_commitdate": "1995-02-03", "l_receiptdate": "1995-02-13", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": " escapades sleep furiously about " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 482, "l_partkey": 122, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 1.0d, "l_extendedprice": 1022.12d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-05-29", "l_commitdate": "1996-05-20", "l_receiptdate": "1996-05-31", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "es. quickly ironic escapades sleep furious" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1125, "l_partkey": 122, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 26.0d, "l_extendedprice": 26575.12d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-02-24", "l_commitdate": "1995-01-18", "l_receiptdate": "1995-03-05", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "l instruction" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2912, "l_partkey": 122, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 8.0d, "l_extendedprice": 8176.96d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-04-09", "l_commitdate": "1992-04-19", "l_receiptdate": "1992-04-26", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "hs cajole over the slyl" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3234, "l_partkey": 122, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 50.0d, "l_extendedprice": 51106.0d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-06-11", "l_commitdate": "1996-05-19", "l_receiptdate": "1996-06-18", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ly regular ideas according to the regula" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3236, "l_partkey": 122, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 21.0d, "l_extendedprice": 21464.52d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-12-23", "l_commitdate": "1996-12-12", "l_receiptdate": "1997-01-21", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": " final pinto " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3492, "l_partkey": 122, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 47.0d, "l_extendedprice": 48039.64d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-03-24", "l_commitdate": "1994-12-28", "l_receiptdate": "1995-03-29", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "deposits. quickly express " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4484, "l_partkey": 122, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 41.0d, "l_extendedprice": 41906.92d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-01-25", "l_commitdate": "1997-02-15", "l_receiptdate": "1997-01-29", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ress accounts. ironic deposits unwind fur" }
, { "l_orderkey": 4583, "l_partkey": 122, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 14.0d, "l_extendedprice": 14309.68d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-11-17", "l_commitdate": "1994-11-08", "l_receiptdate": "1994-11-21", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "detect. doggedly regular pi" }
, { "l_orderkey": 4676, "l_partkey": 122, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 29.0d, "l_extendedprice": 29641.48d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-12-29", "l_commitdate": "1995-11-12", "l_receiptdate": "1996-01-06", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ly regular theodolites sleep." }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4838, "l_partkey": 122, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 35.0d, "l_extendedprice": 35774.2d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-10-30", "l_commitdate": "1992-10-23", "l_receiptdate": "1992-11-21", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ly blithely unusual foxes. even package" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5895, "l_partkey": 122, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 47.0d, "l_extendedprice": 48039.64d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-04-27", "l_commitdate": "1997-03-17", "l_receiptdate": "1997-05-07", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "r packages wake carefull" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 391, "l_partkey": 122, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 14.0d, "l_extendedprice": 14309.68d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-02-11", "l_commitdate": "1995-02-03", "l_receiptdate": "1995-02-13", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": " escapades sleep furiously about " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 513, "l_partkey": 122, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 44.0d, "l_extendedprice": 44973.28d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-07-14", "l_commitdate": "1995-07-14", "l_receiptdate": "1995-08-12", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "kages sleep boldly ironic theodolites. acco" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1125, "l_partkey": 122, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 26.0d, "l_extendedprice": 26575.12d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-02-24", "l_commitdate": "1995-01-18", "l_receiptdate": "1995-03-05", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "l instruction" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3236, "l_partkey": 122, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 21.0d, "l_extendedprice": 21464.52d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-12-23", "l_commitdate": "1996-12-12", "l_receiptdate": "1997-01-21", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": " final pinto " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3491, "l_partkey": 122, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 22.0d, "l_extendedprice": 22486.64d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-08-19", "l_commitdate": "1998-08-22", "l_receiptdate": "1998-09-03", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": " grow against the boldly pending pinto bea" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3492, "l_partkey": 122, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 47.0d, "l_extendedprice": 48039.64d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-03-24", "l_commitdate": "1994-12-28", "l_receiptdate": "1995-03-29", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "deposits. quickly express " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3649, "l_partkey": 122, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 3.0d, "l_extendedprice": 3066.36d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-07-17", "l_commitdate": "1994-08-10", "l_receiptdate": "1994-08-03", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "lly bold requests nag; " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3842, "l_partkey": 122, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 21.0d, "l_extendedprice": 21464.52d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-07-15", "l_commitdate": "1992-06-02", "l_receiptdate": "1992-07-21", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "r pinto be" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4161, "l_partkey": 122, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 12.0d, "l_extendedprice": 12265.44d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-08-25", "l_commitdate": "1993-10-04", "l_receiptdate": "1993-09-22", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "onic dolphins. in" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4807, "l_partkey": 122, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 9.0d, "l_extendedprice": 9199.08d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-04-23", "l_commitdate": "1997-03-01", "l_receiptdate": "1997-05-15", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "may are blithely. carefully even pinto b" }
, { "l_orderkey": 4869, "l_partkey": 122, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 30.0d, "l_extendedprice": 30663.6d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-01-09", "l_commitdate": "1994-11-20", "l_receiptdate": "1995-02-02", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "gedly even requests. s" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5666, "l_partkey": 122, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 7.0d, "l_extendedprice": 7154.84d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-05-10", "l_commitdate": "1994-04-06", "l_receiptdate": "1994-05-21", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": " ideas. regular packag" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1377, "l_partkey": 121, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 39.0d, "l_extendedprice": 39823.68d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-07-27", "l_commitdate": "1998-07-18", "l_receiptdate": "1998-08-13", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "e ironic, regular requests. carefully " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1764, "l_partkey": 121, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 20.0d, "l_extendedprice": 20422.4d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-06-09", "l_commitdate": "1992-05-22", "l_receiptdate": "1992-07-06", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "y quickly regular packages. car" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4192, "l_partkey": 121, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 15.0d, "l_extendedprice": 15316.8d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-06-26", "l_commitdate": "1998-05-26", "l_receiptdate": "1998-07-16", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "e slyly special grouches. express pinto b" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4197, "l_partkey": 121, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 37.0d, "l_extendedprice": 37781.44d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-10-20", "l_commitdate": "1996-10-10", "l_receiptdate": "1996-11-10", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "carefully enticing decoys boo" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5093, "l_partkey": 121, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 31.0d, "l_extendedprice": 31654.72d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-12-17", "l_commitdate": "1993-11-14", "l_receiptdate": "1994-01-02", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "he final foxes. fluffily ironic " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5477, "l_partkey": 121, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 19.0d, "l_extendedprice": 19401.28d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-02-03", "l_commitdate": "1998-01-30", "l_receiptdate": "1998-03-04", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ost carefully packages." }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5858, "l_partkey": 121, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 20.0d, "l_extendedprice": 20422.4d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-07-23", "l_commitdate": "1992-08-26", "l_receiptdate": "1992-07-24", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "uffily unusual pinto beans sleep" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5350, "l_partkey": 122, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 19.0d, "l_extendedprice": 19420.28d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-10-20", "l_commitdate": "1993-11-15", "l_receiptdate": "1993-11-17", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "romise slyly alongsi" }
, { "l_orderkey": 35, "l_partkey": 121, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 7.0d, "l_extendedprice": 7147.84d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-01-19", "l_commitdate": "1995-12-22", "l_receiptdate": "1996-01-29", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": " the carefully regular " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1060, "l_partkey": 121, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 36.0d, "l_extendedprice": 36760.32d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-03-14", "l_commitdate": "1993-03-24", "l_receiptdate": "1993-04-02", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "r the quickly" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2053, "l_partkey": 121, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 31.0d, "l_extendedprice": 31654.72d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-03-23", "l_commitdate": "1995-03-13", "l_receiptdate": "1995-04-16", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ts. fluffily final mul" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2054, "l_partkey": 121, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 32.0d, "l_extendedprice": 32675.84d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-06-23", "l_commitdate": "1992-07-08", "l_receiptdate": "1992-07-22", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": " packages thrash. carefully final" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2433, "l_partkey": 121, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 43.0d, "l_extendedprice": 43908.16d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-10-16", "l_commitdate": "1994-10-23", "l_receiptdate": "1994-11-08", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ular requests. slyly even pa" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2914, "l_partkey": 121, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 9.0d, "l_extendedprice": 9190.08d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-06-17", "l_commitdate": "1993-05-26", "l_receiptdate": "1993-06-19", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "s. carefully final foxes ar" }
, { "l_orderkey": 163, "l_partkey": 121, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 13.0d, "l_extendedprice": 13274.56d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-11-11", "l_commitdate": "1997-10-18", "l_receiptdate": "1997-12-07", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "inal requests. even pinto beans hag" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1410, "l_partkey": 121, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 15.0d, "l_extendedprice": 15316.8d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-05-25", "l_commitdate": "1997-07-08", "l_receiptdate": "1997-06-15", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": " bold packages are fluf" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1825, "l_partkey": 121, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 23.0d, "l_extendedprice": 23485.76d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-01-08", "l_commitdate": "1994-02-08", "l_receiptdate": "1994-01-19", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": " wake express, even r" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1060, "l_partkey": 121, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 36.0d, "l_extendedprice": 36760.32d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-03-14", "l_commitdate": "1993-03-24", "l_receiptdate": "1993-04-02", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "r the quickly" }
, { "l_orderkey": 1890, "l_partkey": 121, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 10.0d, "l_extendedprice": 10211.2d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-12-24", "l_commitdate": "1997-02-19", "l_receiptdate": "1997-01-01", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": ". even, unusual inst" }
, { "l_orderkey": 2720, "l_partkey": 121, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 27.0d, "l_extendedprice": 27570.24d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-06-29", "l_commitdate": "1993-08-06", "l_receiptdate": "1993-07-28", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "eas. carefully regular " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2818, "l_partkey": 121, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 12.0d, "l_extendedprice": 12253.44d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-02-01", "l_commitdate": "1995-03-10", "l_receiptdate": "1995-02-16", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "lms. quickly bold asymp" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4004, "l_partkey": 121, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 23.0d, "l_extendedprice": 23485.76d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-08-12", "l_commitdate": "1993-07-13", "l_receiptdate": "1993-08-16", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": " bold theodolites? special packages accordi" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4134, "l_partkey": 121, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 34.0d, "l_extendedprice": 34718.08d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-04-29", "l_commitdate": "1995-03-13", "l_receiptdate": "1995-05-11", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "e furiously regular sheaves sleep" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5538, "l_partkey": 121, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 4.0d, "l_extendedprice": 4084.48d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-03-21", "l_commitdate": "1994-02-17", "l_receiptdate": "1994-04-11", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ithely along the c" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1056, "l_partkey": 121, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 37.0d, "l_extendedprice": 37781.44d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-02-18", "l_commitdate": "1995-04-01", "l_receiptdate": "1995-03-20", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": " special packages. qui" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2435, "l_partkey": 121, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 8.0d, "l_extendedprice": 8168.96d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-05-03", "l_commitdate": "1993-04-02", "l_receiptdate": "1993-05-17", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ng the fluffily special foxes nag " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2469, "l_partkey": 121, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 30.0d, "l_extendedprice": 30633.6d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-12-21", "l_commitdate": "1997-01-29", "l_receiptdate": "1997-01-02", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": " accounts. regular theodolites affix fu" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2563, "l_partkey": 121, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 5.0d, "l_extendedprice": 5105.6d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-12-27", "l_commitdate": "1993-12-19", "l_receiptdate": "1994-01-02", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": " the quickly final theodolite" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2758, "l_partkey": 121, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 20.0d, "l_extendedprice": 20422.4d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-07-27", "l_commitdate": "1998-09-10", "l_receiptdate": "1998-08-21", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ptotes sleep furiously" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2816, "l_partkey": 121, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 4.0d, "l_extendedprice": 4084.48d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-12-12", "l_commitdate": "1994-12-05", "l_receiptdate": "1994-12-30", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": " requests print above the final deposits" }
, { "l_orderkey": 2919, "l_partkey": 121, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 49.0d, "l_extendedprice": 50034.88d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-12-16", "l_commitdate": "1994-02-28", "l_receiptdate": "1993-12-19", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "hely final inst" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4231, "l_partkey": 121, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 31.0d, "l_extendedprice": 31654.72d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-02-14", "l_commitdate": "1997-12-27", "l_receiptdate": "1998-03-01", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ublate. theodoli" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4134, "l_partkey": 121, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 34.0d, "l_extendedprice": 34718.08d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-04-29", "l_commitdate": "1995-03-13", "l_receiptdate": "1995-05-11", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "e furiously regular sheaves sleep" }
, { "l_orderkey": 4386, "l_partkey": 121, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 21.0d, "l_extendedprice": 21443.52d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-05-05", "l_commitdate": "1998-03-19", "l_receiptdate": "1998-05-13", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "e pending, sp" }
, { "l_orderkey": 4903, "l_partkey": 121, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 1.0d, "l_extendedprice": 1021.12d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-04-23", "l_commitdate": "1992-06-13", "l_receiptdate": "1992-05-03", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "nusual requests" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5346, "l_partkey": 121, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 25.0d, "l_extendedprice": 25528.0d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-12-28", "l_commitdate": "1994-03-19", "l_receiptdate": "1994-01-09", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "he ironic ideas are boldly slyly ironi" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2433, "l_partkey": 121, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 43.0d, "l_extendedprice": 43908.16d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-10-16", "l_commitdate": "1994-10-23", "l_receiptdate": "1994-11-08", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ular requests. slyly even pa" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2435, "l_partkey": 121, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 8.0d, "l_extendedprice": 8168.96d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-05-03", "l_commitdate": "1993-04-02", "l_receiptdate": "1993-05-17", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ng the fluffily special foxes nag " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2563, "l_partkey": 121, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 5.0d, "l_extendedprice": 5105.6d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-12-27", "l_commitdate": "1993-12-19", "l_receiptdate": "1994-01-02", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": " the quickly final theodolite" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2758, "l_partkey": 121, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 20.0d, "l_extendedprice": 20422.4d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-07-27", "l_commitdate": "1998-09-10", "l_receiptdate": "1998-08-21", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ptotes sleep furiously" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2914, "l_partkey": 121, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 9.0d, "l_extendedprice": 9190.08d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-06-17", "l_commitdate": "1993-05-26", "l_receiptdate": "1993-06-19", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "s. carefully final foxes ar" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1764, "l_partkey": 121, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 20.0d, "l_extendedprice": 20422.4d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-06-09", "l_commitdate": "1992-05-22", "l_receiptdate": "1992-07-06", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "y quickly regular packages. car" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2469, "l_partkey": 121, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 30.0d, "l_extendedprice": 30633.6d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-12-21", "l_commitdate": "1997-01-29", "l_receiptdate": "1997-01-02", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": " accounts. regular theodolites affix fu" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4004, "l_partkey": 121, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 23.0d, "l_extendedprice": 23485.76d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-08-12", "l_commitdate": "1993-07-13", "l_receiptdate": "1993-08-16", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": " bold theodolites? special packages accordi" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4192, "l_partkey": 121, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 15.0d, "l_extendedprice": 15316.8d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-06-26", "l_commitdate": "1998-05-26", "l_receiptdate": "1998-07-16", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "e slyly special grouches. express pinto b" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4197, "l_partkey": 121, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 37.0d, "l_extendedprice": 37781.44d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-10-20", "l_commitdate": "1996-10-10", "l_receiptdate": "1996-11-10", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "carefully enticing decoys boo" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4231, "l_partkey": 121, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 31.0d, "l_extendedprice": 31654.72d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-02-14", "l_commitdate": "1997-12-27", "l_receiptdate": "1998-03-01", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ublate. theodoli" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5477, "l_partkey": 121, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 19.0d, "l_extendedprice": 19401.28d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-02-03", "l_commitdate": "1998-01-30", "l_receiptdate": "1998-03-04", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ost carefully packages." }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5538, "l_partkey": 121, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 4.0d, "l_extendedprice": 4084.48d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-03-21", "l_commitdate": "1994-02-17", "l_receiptdate": "1994-04-11", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ithely along the c" }
, { "l_orderkey": 5763, "l_partkey": 121, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 47.0d, "l_extendedprice": 47992.64d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-08-22", "l_commitdate": "1998-09-22", "l_receiptdate": "1998-09-04", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "gle slyly. slyly final re" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 774, "l_partkey": 120, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 2.0d, "l_extendedprice": 2040.24d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-12-11", "l_commitdate": "1996-02-10", "l_receiptdate": "1995-12-14", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "accounts; slyly regular" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1477, "l_partkey": 120, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 33.0d, "l_extendedprice": 33663.96d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-11-12", "l_commitdate": "1997-11-06", "l_receiptdate": "1997-11-24", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "yly regular p" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2054, "l_partkey": 120, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 31.0d, "l_extendedprice": 31623.72d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-08-18", "l_commitdate": "1992-09-04", "l_receiptdate": "1992-08-24", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "se bold, regular accounts. unusual depos" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3013, "l_partkey": 120, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 35.0d, "l_extendedprice": 35704.2d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-04-02", "l_commitdate": "1997-05-04", "l_receiptdate": "1997-04-16", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ely accord" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3619, "l_partkey": 120, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 38.0d, "l_extendedprice": 38764.56d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-12-08", "l_commitdate": "1997-02-03", "l_receiptdate": "1997-01-07", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "theodolites detect abo" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4960, "l_partkey": 120, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 14.0d, "l_extendedprice": 14281.68d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-04-03", "l_commitdate": "1995-04-17", "l_receiptdate": "1995-04-07", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "accounts. warhorses are. grouches " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 36, "l_partkey": 120, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 42.0d, "l_extendedprice": 42845.04d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-02-03", "l_commitdate": "1996-01-21", "l_receiptdate": "1996-02-23", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": " careful courts. special " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 353, "l_partkey": 120, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 41.0d, "l_extendedprice": 41824.92d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-03-25", "l_commitdate": "1994-03-31", "l_receiptdate": "1994-03-30", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "refully final theodoli" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 611, "l_partkey": 120, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 39.0d, "l_extendedprice": 39784.68d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-03-10", "l_commitdate": "1993-03-10", "l_receiptdate": "1993-03-17", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "the evenly bold requests. furious" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1830, "l_partkey": 120, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 38.0d, "l_extendedprice": 38764.56d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-04-20", "l_commitdate": "1995-05-22", "l_receiptdate": "1995-04-24", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ely even a" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2720, "l_partkey": 120, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 50.0d, "l_extendedprice": 51006.0d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-08-10", "l_commitdate": "1993-07-29", "l_receiptdate": "1993-09-06", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "l requests. deposits nag furiously" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3425, "l_partkey": 120, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 11.0d, "l_extendedprice": 11221.32d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-04-24", "l_commitdate": "1996-05-29", "l_receiptdate": "1996-05-23", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ckly final deposits use quickly?" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4135, "l_partkey": 120, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 32.0d, "l_extendedprice": 32643.84d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-03-14", "l_commitdate": "1997-04-23", "l_receiptdate": "1997-04-12", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": " ideas. requests use. furiously" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5858, "l_partkey": 121, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 20.0d, "l_extendedprice": 20422.4d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-07-23", "l_commitdate": "1992-08-26", "l_receiptdate": "1992-07-24", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "uffily unusual pinto beans sleep" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1056, "l_partkey": 121, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 37.0d, "l_extendedprice": 37781.44d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-02-18", "l_commitdate": "1995-04-01", "l_receiptdate": "1995-03-20", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": " special packages. qui" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1377, "l_partkey": 121, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 39.0d, "l_extendedprice": 39823.68d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-07-27", "l_commitdate": "1998-07-18", "l_receiptdate": "1998-08-13", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "e ironic, regular requests. carefully " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1410, "l_partkey": 121, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 15.0d, "l_extendedprice": 15316.8d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-05-25", "l_commitdate": "1997-07-08", "l_receiptdate": "1997-06-15", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": " bold packages are fluf" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1825, "l_partkey": 121, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 23.0d, "l_extendedprice": 23485.76d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-01-08", "l_commitdate": "1994-02-08", "l_receiptdate": "1994-01-19", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": " wake express, even r" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2053, "l_partkey": 121, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 31.0d, "l_extendedprice": 31654.72d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-03-23", "l_commitdate": "1995-03-13", "l_receiptdate": "1995-04-16", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ts. fluffily final mul" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2054, "l_partkey": 121, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 32.0d, "l_extendedprice": 32675.84d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-06-23", "l_commitdate": "1992-07-08", "l_receiptdate": "1992-07-22", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": " packages thrash. carefully final" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2816, "l_partkey": 121, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 4.0d, "l_extendedprice": 4084.48d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-12-12", "l_commitdate": "1994-12-05", "l_receiptdate": "1994-12-30", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": " requests print above the final deposits" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2818, "l_partkey": 121, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 12.0d, "l_extendedprice": 12253.44d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-02-01", "l_commitdate": "1995-03-10", "l_receiptdate": "1995-02-16", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "lms. quickly bold asymp" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5093, "l_partkey": 121, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 31.0d, "l_extendedprice": 31654.72d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-12-17", "l_commitdate": "1993-11-14", "l_receiptdate": "1994-01-02", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "he final foxes. fluffily ironic " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5346, "l_partkey": 121, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 25.0d, "l_extendedprice": 25528.0d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-12-28", "l_commitdate": "1994-03-19", "l_receiptdate": "1994-01-09", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "he ironic ideas are boldly slyly ironi" }
, { "l_orderkey": 35, "l_partkey": 120, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 34.0d, "l_extendedprice": 34684.08d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-11-08", "l_commitdate": "1996-01-15", "l_receiptdate": "1995-11-26", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": ". silent, unusual deposits boost" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1505, "l_partkey": 120, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 4.0d, "l_extendedprice": 4080.48d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-12-14", "l_commitdate": "1992-11-11", "l_receiptdate": "1993-01-02", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "side of the s" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1733, "l_partkey": 120, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 29.0d, "l_extendedprice": 29583.48d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-07-16", "l_commitdate": "1996-08-08", "l_receiptdate": "1996-07-28", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ns detect among the special accounts. qu" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1824, "l_partkey": 120, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 45.0d, "l_extendedprice": 45905.4d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-08-21", "l_commitdate": "1994-06-21", "l_receiptdate": "1994-09-19", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ent Tiresias. quickly express " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3142, "l_partkey": 120, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 15.0d, "l_extendedprice": 15301.8d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-08-15", "l_commitdate": "1992-08-18", "l_receiptdate": "1992-08-22", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "instructions are. ironic packages doz" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3174, "l_partkey": 120, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 8.0d, "l_extendedprice": 8160.96d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-12-07", "l_commitdate": "1996-01-08", "l_receiptdate": "1995-12-29", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "nic deposits among t" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3175, "l_partkey": 120, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 28.0d, "l_extendedprice": 28563.36d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-09-27", "l_commitdate": "1994-10-05", "l_receiptdate": "1994-10-04", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ore the even, silent foxes. b" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4901, "l_partkey": 120, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 16.0d, "l_extendedprice": 16321.92d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-04-19", "l_commitdate": "1998-03-18", "l_receiptdate": "1998-04-21", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "deposits. blithely fin" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4903, "l_partkey": 120, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 27.0d, "l_extendedprice": 27543.24d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-06-29", "l_commitdate": "1992-06-09", "l_receiptdate": "1992-07-08", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "pinto beans are; " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5671, "l_partkey": 120, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 25.0d, "l_extendedprice": 25503.0d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-04-17", "l_commitdate": "1998-03-28", "l_receiptdate": "1998-05-06", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "cording to the quickly final requests-- " }
, { "l_orderkey": 97, "l_partkey": 120, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 13.0d, "l_extendedprice": 13261.56d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-04-01", "l_commitdate": "1993-04-04", "l_receiptdate": "1993-04-08", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ayers cajole against the furiously" }
, { "l_orderkey": 132, "l_partkey": 120, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 43.0d, "l_extendedprice": 43865.16d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-09-01", "l_commitdate": "1993-08-16", "l_receiptdate": "1993-09-22", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "y pending theodolites" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 583, "l_partkey": 120, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 47.0d, "l_extendedprice": 47945.64d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-07-14", "l_commitdate": "1997-05-12", "l_receiptdate": "1997-08-11", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "nts are fluffily. furiously even re" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 899, "l_partkey": 120, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 47.0d, "l_extendedprice": 47945.64d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-04-14", "l_commitdate": "1998-05-30", "l_receiptdate": "1998-05-13", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "furiously final foxes after the s" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1221, "l_partkey": 120, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 41.0d, "l_extendedprice": 41824.92d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-04-28", "l_commitdate": "1992-07-02", "l_receiptdate": "1992-05-19", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ns. bold deposit" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1959, "l_partkey": 120, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 15.0d, "l_extendedprice": 15301.8d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-01-20", "l_commitdate": "1997-02-18", "l_receiptdate": "1997-02-08", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": " quickly sp" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 353, "l_partkey": 120, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 41.0d, "l_extendedprice": 41824.92d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-03-25", "l_commitdate": "1994-03-31", "l_receiptdate": "1994-03-30", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "refully final theodoli" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 611, "l_partkey": 120, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 39.0d, "l_extendedprice": 39784.68d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-03-10", "l_commitdate": "1993-03-10", "l_receiptdate": "1993-03-17", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "the evenly bold requests. furious" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 774, "l_partkey": 120, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 2.0d, "l_extendedprice": 2040.24d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-12-11", "l_commitdate": "1996-02-10", "l_receiptdate": "1995-12-14", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "accounts; slyly regular" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2720, "l_partkey": 120, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 50.0d, "l_extendedprice": 51006.0d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-08-10", "l_commitdate": "1993-07-29", "l_receiptdate": "1993-09-06", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "l requests. deposits nag furiously" }
, { "l_orderkey": 2944, "l_partkey": 120, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 44.0d, "l_extendedprice": 44885.28d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-12-25", "l_commitdate": "1997-10-28", "l_receiptdate": "1998-01-21", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ickly special theodolit" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3142, "l_partkey": 120, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 15.0d, "l_extendedprice": 15301.8d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-08-15", "l_commitdate": "1992-08-18", "l_receiptdate": "1992-08-22", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "instructions are. ironic packages doz" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3174, "l_partkey": 120, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 8.0d, "l_extendedprice": 8160.96d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-12-07", "l_commitdate": "1996-01-08", "l_receiptdate": "1995-12-29", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "nic deposits among t" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3619, "l_partkey": 120, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 38.0d, "l_extendedprice": 38764.56d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-12-08", "l_commitdate": "1997-02-03", "l_receiptdate": "1997-01-07", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "theodolites detect abo" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5313, "l_partkey": 120, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 21.0d, "l_extendedprice": 21422.52d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-09-26", "l_commitdate": "1997-09-02", "l_receiptdate": "1997-10-18", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "he blithely regular packages. quickly" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 36, "l_partkey": 120, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 42.0d, "l_extendedprice": 42845.04d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-02-03", "l_commitdate": "1996-01-21", "l_receiptdate": "1996-02-23", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": " careful courts. special " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 899, "l_partkey": 120, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 47.0d, "l_extendedprice": 47945.64d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-04-14", "l_commitdate": "1998-05-30", "l_receiptdate": "1998-05-13", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "furiously final foxes after the s" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1477, "l_partkey": 120, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 33.0d, "l_extendedprice": 33663.96d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-11-12", "l_commitdate": "1997-11-06", "l_receiptdate": "1997-11-24", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "yly regular p" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1505, "l_partkey": 120, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 4.0d, "l_extendedprice": 4080.48d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-12-14", "l_commitdate": "1992-11-11", "l_receiptdate": "1993-01-02", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "side of the s" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1824, "l_partkey": 120, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 45.0d, "l_extendedprice": 45905.4d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-08-21", "l_commitdate": "1994-06-21", "l_receiptdate": "1994-09-19", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ent Tiresias. quickly express " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3175, "l_partkey": 120, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 28.0d, "l_extendedprice": 28563.36d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-09-27", "l_commitdate": "1994-10-05", "l_receiptdate": "1994-10-04", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ore the even, silent foxes. b" }
, { "l_orderkey": 3367, "l_partkey": 120, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 38.0d, "l_extendedprice": 38764.56d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-03-13", "l_commitdate": "1993-02-12", "l_receiptdate": "1993-03-31", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "even packages sleep blithely slyly expr" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4164, "l_partkey": 120, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 9.0d, "l_extendedprice": 9181.08d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-08-25", "l_commitdate": "1998-08-13", "l_receiptdate": "1998-09-19", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "re fluffily slyly bold requests. " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3425, "l_partkey": 120, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 11.0d, "l_extendedprice": 11221.32d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-04-24", "l_commitdate": "1996-05-29", "l_receiptdate": "1996-05-23", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ckly final deposits use quickly?" }
, { "l_orderkey": 4292, "l_partkey": 120, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 35.0d, "l_extendedprice": 35704.2d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-03-23", "l_commitdate": "1992-04-04", "l_receiptdate": "1992-04-02", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "dugouts use. furiously bold packag" }
, { "l_orderkey": 4579, "l_partkey": 120, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 8.0d, "l_extendedprice": 8160.96d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-12-16", "l_commitdate": "1996-01-15", "l_receiptdate": "1995-12-18", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "posits. carefully perman" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5313, "l_partkey": 120, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 21.0d, "l_extendedprice": 21422.52d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-09-26", "l_commitdate": "1997-09-02", "l_receiptdate": "1997-10-18", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "he blithely regular packages. quickly" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1221, "l_partkey": 120, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 41.0d, "l_extendedprice": 41824.92d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-04-28", "l_commitdate": "1992-07-02", "l_receiptdate": "1992-05-19", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ns. bold deposit" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1733, "l_partkey": 120, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 29.0d, "l_extendedprice": 29583.48d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-07-16", "l_commitdate": "1996-08-08", "l_receiptdate": "1996-07-28", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ns detect among the special accounts. qu" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1830, "l_partkey": 120, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 38.0d, "l_extendedprice": 38764.56d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-04-20", "l_commitdate": "1995-05-22", "l_receiptdate": "1995-04-24", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ely even a" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1959, "l_partkey": 120, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 15.0d, "l_extendedprice": 15301.8d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-01-20", "l_commitdate": "1997-02-18", "l_receiptdate": "1997-02-08", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": " quickly sp" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2054, "l_partkey": 120, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 31.0d, "l_extendedprice": 31623.72d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-08-18", "l_commitdate": "1992-09-04", "l_receiptdate": "1992-08-24", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "se bold, regular accounts. unusual depos" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3013, "l_partkey": 120, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 35.0d, "l_extendedprice": 35704.2d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-04-02", "l_commitdate": "1997-05-04", "l_receiptdate": "1997-04-16", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ely accord" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4135, "l_partkey": 120, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 32.0d, "l_extendedprice": 32643.84d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-03-14", "l_commitdate": "1997-04-23", "l_receiptdate": "1997-04-12", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": " ideas. requests use. furiously" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4164, "l_partkey": 120, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 9.0d, "l_extendedprice": 9181.08d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-08-25", "l_commitdate": "1998-08-13", "l_receiptdate": "1998-09-19", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "re fluffily slyly bold requests. " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4903, "l_partkey": 120, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 27.0d, "l_extendedprice": 27543.24d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-06-29", "l_commitdate": "1992-06-09", "l_receiptdate": "1992-07-08", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "pinto beans are; " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 583, "l_partkey": 120, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 47.0d, "l_extendedprice": 47945.64d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-07-14", "l_commitdate": "1997-05-12", "l_receiptdate": "1997-08-11", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "nts are fluffily. furiously even re" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4901, "l_partkey": 120, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 16.0d, "l_extendedprice": 16321.92d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-04-19", "l_commitdate": "1998-03-18", "l_receiptdate": "1998-04-21", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "deposits. blithely fin" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4960, "l_partkey": 120, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 14.0d, "l_extendedprice": 14281.68d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-04-03", "l_commitdate": "1995-04-17", "l_receiptdate": "1995-04-07", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "accounts. warhorses are. grouches " }
, { "l_orderkey": 5317, "l_partkey": 120, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 37.0d, "l_extendedprice": 37744.44d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-09-15", "l_commitdate": "1994-10-24", "l_receiptdate": "1994-09-23", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "totes nag theodolites. pend" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 101, "l_partkey": 119, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 49.0d, "l_extendedprice": 49936.39d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-06-21", "l_commitdate": "1996-05-27", "l_receiptdate": "1996-06-29", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ts-- final packages sleep furiousl" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5671, "l_partkey": 120, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 25.0d, "l_extendedprice": 25503.0d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-04-17", "l_commitdate": "1998-03-28", "l_receiptdate": "1998-05-06", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "cording to the quickly final requests-- " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 261, "l_partkey": 119, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 49.0d, "l_extendedprice": 49936.39d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-09-12", "l_commitdate": "1993-08-31", "l_receiptdate": "1993-10-07", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ions. bold accounts " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1957, "l_partkey": 119, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 31.0d, "l_extendedprice": 31592.41d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-08-13", "l_commitdate": "1998-08-31", "l_receiptdate": "1998-08-16", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "express packages maintain fluffi" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2276, "l_partkey": 119, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 5.0d, "l_extendedprice": 5095.55d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-05-09", "l_commitdate": "1996-06-18", "l_receiptdate": "1996-05-13", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ias instea" }
, { "l_orderkey": 2279, "l_partkey": 119, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 32.0d, "l_extendedprice": 32611.52d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-04-20", "l_commitdate": "1993-05-22", "l_receiptdate": "1993-05-18", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "re quickly. furiously ironic ide" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3201, "l_partkey": 119, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 50.0d, "l_extendedprice": 50955.5d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-10-27", "l_commitdate": "1993-09-30", "l_receiptdate": "1993-11-16", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": " deposits. express, ir" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5959, "l_partkey": 119, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 35.0d, "l_extendedprice": 35668.85d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-05-27", "l_commitdate": "1992-06-19", "l_receiptdate": "1992-06-23", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ely silent deposits. " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1444, "l_partkey": 119, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 6.0d, "l_extendedprice": 6114.66d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-01-07", "l_commitdate": "1995-03-05", "l_receiptdate": "1995-01-17", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "al accounts. br" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1857, "l_partkey": 119, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 8.0d, "l_extendedprice": 8152.88d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-01-27", "l_commitdate": "1993-04-04", "l_receiptdate": "1993-02-20", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "slyly about the fluffily silent req" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2306, "l_partkey": 119, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 21.0d, "l_extendedprice": 21401.31d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-10-07", "l_commitdate": "1995-09-18", "l_receiptdate": "1995-10-17", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": " ironic pinto " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3687, "l_partkey": 119, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 31.0d, "l_extendedprice": 31592.41d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-05-28", "l_commitdate": "1993-03-20", "l_receiptdate": "1993-06-05", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "foxes cajole quickly about the furiously f" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5574, "l_partkey": 119, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 27.0d, "l_extendedprice": 27515.97d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-05-08", "l_commitdate": "1992-05-19", "l_receiptdate": "1992-06-05", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ecial realms. furiously entici" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 101, "l_partkey": 119, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 49.0d, "l_extendedprice": 49936.39d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-06-21", "l_commitdate": "1996-05-27", "l_receiptdate": "1996-06-29", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ts-- final packages sleep furiousl" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1061, "l_partkey": 119, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 2.0d, "l_extendedprice": 2038.22d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-08-15", "l_commitdate": "1998-08-05", "l_receiptdate": "1998-08-24", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": ". regular accounts impre" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1607, "l_partkey": 119, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 37.0d, "l_extendedprice": 37707.07d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-02-27", "l_commitdate": "1996-02-18", "l_receiptdate": "1996-03-16", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "alongside " }
, { "l_orderkey": 2499, "l_partkey": 119, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 12.0d, "l_extendedprice": 12229.32d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-11-18", "l_commitdate": "1995-12-13", "l_receiptdate": "1995-11-23", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "le furiously along the r" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3590, "l_partkey": 119, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 31.0d, "l_extendedprice": 31592.41d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-06-24", "l_commitdate": "1995-07-12", "l_receiptdate": "1995-06-25", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ve furiously final instructions. slyly regu" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4675, "l_partkey": 119, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 1.0d, "l_extendedprice": 1019.11d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-03-18", "l_commitdate": "1994-02-14", "l_receiptdate": "1994-04-17", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "unts. caref" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5923, "l_partkey": 119, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 42.0d, "l_extendedprice": 42802.62d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-09-16", "l_commitdate": "1997-07-23", "l_receiptdate": "1997-09-27", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "y regular theodolites w" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 256, "l_partkey": 119, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 40.0d, "l_extendedprice": 40764.4d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-11-30", "l_commitdate": "1993-12-13", "l_receiptdate": "1993-12-02", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "nal theodolites. deposits cajole s" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 356, "l_partkey": 119, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 35.0d, "l_extendedprice": 35668.85d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-10-14", "l_commitdate": "1994-07-31", "l_receiptdate": "1994-10-23", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "s. unusual, final" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2563, "l_partkey": 119, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 39.0d, "l_extendedprice": 39745.29d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-02-10", "l_commitdate": "1993-12-31", "l_receiptdate": "1994-02-19", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "lent requests should integrate; carefully e" }
, { "l_orderkey": 2659, "l_partkey": 119, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 2.0d, "l_extendedprice": 2038.22d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-02-19", "l_commitdate": "1994-03-12", "l_receiptdate": "1994-02-21", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "sts above the fluffily express fo" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3427, "l_partkey": 119, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 31.0d, "l_extendedprice": 31592.41d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-08-12", "l_commitdate": "1997-07-26", "l_receiptdate": "1997-08-25", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "s are carefull" }
, { "l_orderkey": 3911, "l_partkey": 119, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 14.0d, "l_extendedprice": 14267.54d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-04-28", "l_commitdate": "1995-05-03", "l_receiptdate": "1995-05-22", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "e blithely brave depo" }
, { "l_orderkey": 4294, "l_partkey": 119, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 37.0d, "l_extendedprice": 37707.07d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-09-07", "l_commitdate": "1992-10-13", "l_receiptdate": "1992-09-08", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "cial packages nag f" }
, { "l_orderkey": 4613, "l_partkey": 119, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 39.0d, "l_extendedprice": 39745.29d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-06-12", "l_commitdate": "1998-06-01", "l_receiptdate": "1998-07-06", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ously express" }
, { "l_orderkey": 4775, "l_partkey": 119, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 39.0d, "l_extendedprice": 39745.29d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-08-30", "l_commitdate": "1995-10-12", "l_receiptdate": "1995-09-20", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "eep never with the slyly regular acc" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5574, "l_partkey": 119, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 27.0d, "l_extendedprice": 27515.97d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-05-08", "l_commitdate": "1992-05-19", "l_receiptdate": "1992-06-05", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ecial realms. furiously entici" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 256, "l_partkey": 119, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 40.0d, "l_extendedprice": 40764.4d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-11-30", "l_commitdate": "1993-12-13", "l_receiptdate": "1993-12-02", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "nal theodolites. deposits cajole s" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 261, "l_partkey": 119, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 49.0d, "l_extendedprice": 49936.39d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-09-12", "l_commitdate": "1993-08-31", "l_receiptdate": "1993-10-07", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ions. bold accounts " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 356, "l_partkey": 119, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 35.0d, "l_extendedprice": 35668.85d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-10-14", "l_commitdate": "1994-07-31", "l_receiptdate": "1994-10-23", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "s. unusual, final" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2306, "l_partkey": 119, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 21.0d, "l_extendedprice": 21401.31d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-10-07", "l_commitdate": "1995-09-18", "l_receiptdate": "1995-10-17", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": " ironic pinto " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3687, "l_partkey": 119, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 31.0d, "l_extendedprice": 31592.41d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-05-28", "l_commitdate": "1993-03-20", "l_receiptdate": "1993-06-05", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "foxes cajole quickly about the furiously f" }
, { "l_orderkey": 5158, "l_partkey": 119, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 20.0d, "l_extendedprice": 20382.2d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-02-03", "l_commitdate": "1997-02-20", "l_receiptdate": "1997-02-08", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "latelets use accordin" }
, { "l_orderkey": 5219, "l_partkey": 119, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 20.0d, "l_extendedprice": 20382.2d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-04-20", "l_commitdate": "1997-05-26", "l_receiptdate": "1997-05-13", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "e along the ironic," }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5959, "l_partkey": 119, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 35.0d, "l_extendedprice": 35668.85d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-05-27", "l_commitdate": "1992-06-19", "l_receiptdate": "1992-06-23", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ely silent deposits. " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1857, "l_partkey": 119, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 8.0d, "l_extendedprice": 8152.88d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-01-27", "l_commitdate": "1993-04-04", "l_receiptdate": "1993-02-20", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "slyly about the fluffily silent req" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1957, "l_partkey": 119, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 31.0d, "l_extendedprice": 31592.41d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-08-13", "l_commitdate": "1998-08-31", "l_receiptdate": "1998-08-16", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "express packages maintain fluffi" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2563, "l_partkey": 119, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 39.0d, "l_extendedprice": 39745.29d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-02-10", "l_commitdate": "1993-12-31", "l_receiptdate": "1994-02-19", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "lent requests should integrate; carefully e" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3427, "l_partkey": 119, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 31.0d, "l_extendedprice": 31592.41d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-08-12", "l_commitdate": "1997-07-26", "l_receiptdate": "1997-08-25", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "s are carefull" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3590, "l_partkey": 119, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 31.0d, "l_extendedprice": 31592.41d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-06-24", "l_commitdate": "1995-07-12", "l_receiptdate": "1995-06-25", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ve furiously final instructions. slyly regu" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4675, "l_partkey": 119, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 1.0d, "l_extendedprice": 1019.11d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-03-18", "l_commitdate": "1994-02-14", "l_receiptdate": "1994-04-17", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "unts. caref" }
, { "l_orderkey": 5478, "l_partkey": 119, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 25.0d, "l_extendedprice": 25477.75d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-06-08", "l_commitdate": "1996-07-12", "l_receiptdate": "1996-07-07", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "unusual, pending requests haggle accoun" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5923, "l_partkey": 119, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 42.0d, "l_extendedprice": 42802.62d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-09-16", "l_commitdate": "1997-07-23", "l_receiptdate": "1997-09-27", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "y regular theodolites w" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1061, "l_partkey": 119, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 2.0d, "l_extendedprice": 2038.22d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-08-15", "l_commitdate": "1998-08-05", "l_receiptdate": "1998-08-24", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": ". regular accounts impre" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1444, "l_partkey": 119, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 6.0d, "l_extendedprice": 6114.66d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-01-07", "l_commitdate": "1995-03-05", "l_receiptdate": "1995-01-17", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "al accounts. br" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1607, "l_partkey": 119, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 37.0d, "l_extendedprice": 37707.07d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-02-27", "l_commitdate": "1996-02-18", "l_receiptdate": "1996-03-16", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "alongside " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2276, "l_partkey": 119, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 5.0d, "l_extendedprice": 5095.55d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-05-09", "l_commitdate": "1996-06-18", "l_receiptdate": "1996-05-13", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ias instea" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3201, "l_partkey": 119, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 50.0d, "l_extendedprice": 50955.5d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-10-27", "l_commitdate": "1993-09-30", "l_receiptdate": "1993-11-16", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": " deposits. express, ir" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 226, "l_partkey": 118, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 14.0d, "l_extendedprice": 14253.54d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-05-20", "l_commitdate": "1993-06-05", "l_receiptdate": "1993-05-27", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ep carefully regular accounts. ironic" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 293, "l_partkey": 118, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 13.0d, "l_extendedprice": 13235.43d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-12-17", "l_commitdate": "1992-12-26", "l_receiptdate": "1992-12-22", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": " wake after the quickly even deposits. bli" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 454, "l_partkey": 118, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 24.0d, "l_extendedprice": 24434.64d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-04-26", "l_commitdate": "1996-03-23", "l_receiptdate": "1996-05-20", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "le. deposits after the ideas nag unusual pa" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1441, "l_partkey": 118, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 14.0d, "l_extendedprice": 14253.54d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-06-30", "l_commitdate": "1997-04-29", "l_receiptdate": "1997-07-24", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "special requests ha" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1734, "l_partkey": 118, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 4.0d, "l_extendedprice": 4072.44d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-08-20", "l_commitdate": "1994-07-17", "l_receiptdate": "1994-08-25", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "final warhorses." }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2213, "l_partkey": 118, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 20.0d, "l_extendedprice": 20362.2d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-01-21", "l_commitdate": "1993-04-14", "l_receiptdate": "1993-01-29", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "iously express accounts; " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2308, "l_partkey": 118, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 24.0d, "l_extendedprice": 24434.64d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-02-23", "l_commitdate": "1992-12-24", "l_receiptdate": "1993-03-10", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ts sleep. busy excuses along the s" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2631, "l_partkey": 118, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 15.0d, "l_extendedprice": 15271.65d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-09-30", "l_commitdate": "1993-11-06", "l_receiptdate": "1993-10-13", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "y. furiously even pinto be" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2725, "l_partkey": 118, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 23.0d, "l_extendedprice": 23416.53d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-08-25", "l_commitdate": "1994-06-22", "l_receiptdate": "1994-08-28", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "y regular deposits. brave foxes " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3428, "l_partkey": 118, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 35.0d, "l_extendedprice": 35633.85d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-05-01", "l_commitdate": "1996-06-07", "l_receiptdate": "1996-05-20", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ly regular pinto beans sleep" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4035, "l_partkey": 118, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 1.0d, "l_extendedprice": 1018.11d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-06-18", "l_commitdate": "1992-05-19", "l_receiptdate": "1992-07-02", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": " requests. quickly " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5314, "l_partkey": 118, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 10.0d, "l_extendedprice": 10181.1d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-09-26", "l_commitdate": "1995-07-24", "l_receiptdate": "1995-10-19", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "latelets haggle final" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5408, "l_partkey": 118, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 35.0d, "l_extendedprice": 35633.85d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-10-02", "l_commitdate": "1992-10-17", "l_receiptdate": "1992-10-13", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "thely ironic requests alongside of the sl" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 133, "l_partkey": 118, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 29.0d, "l_extendedprice": 29525.19d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-02-28", "l_commitdate": "1998-01-30", "l_receiptdate": "1998-03-09", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": " the carefully regular theodoli" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 514, "l_partkey": 118, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 34.0d, "l_extendedprice": 34615.74d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-04-14", "l_commitdate": "1996-06-03", "l_receiptdate": "1996-04-23", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ily even patterns. bold, silent instruc" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 934, "l_partkey": 118, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 18.0d, "l_extendedprice": 18325.98d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-09-10", "l_commitdate": "1996-09-20", "l_receiptdate": "1996-09-25", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "y unusual requests dazzle above t" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 999, "l_partkey": 118, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 15.0d, "l_extendedprice": 15271.65d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-12-12", "l_commitdate": "1993-10-18", "l_receiptdate": "1994-01-08", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "y ironic requests. carefully regu" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1475, "l_partkey": 118, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 18.0d, "l_extendedprice": 18325.98d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-03-08", "l_commitdate": "1998-01-18", "l_receiptdate": "1998-03-10", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "al deposits use. ironic packages along the " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1793, "l_partkey": 118, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 4.0d, "l_extendedprice": 4072.44d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-09-27", "l_commitdate": "1992-09-21", "l_receiptdate": "1992-10-07", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "equests nod ac" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2374, "l_partkey": 118, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 41.0d, "l_extendedprice": 41742.51d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-01-27", "l_commitdate": "1993-12-11", "l_receiptdate": "1994-02-12", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "heodolites. requests" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2629, "l_partkey": 118, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 6.0d, "l_extendedprice": 6108.66d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-06-10", "l_commitdate": "1998-05-29", "l_receiptdate": "1998-06-13", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "dolites hinder bli" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2948, "l_partkey": 118, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 48.0d, "l_extendedprice": 48869.28d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-08-29", "l_commitdate": "1994-10-23", "l_receiptdate": "1994-09-23", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "unusual excuses use about the " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3236, "l_partkey": 118, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 7.0d, "l_extendedprice": 7126.77d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-12-27", "l_commitdate": "1996-12-18", "l_receiptdate": "1997-01-24", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "dolites. slyly unus" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5282, "l_partkey": 118, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 36.0d, "l_extendedprice": 36651.96d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-05-20", "l_commitdate": "1998-04-10", "l_receiptdate": "1998-06-14", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "re slyly accor" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 610, "l_partkey": 118, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 26.0d, "l_extendedprice": 26470.86d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-11-22", "l_commitdate": "1995-09-09", "l_receiptdate": "1995-12-04", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "cross the furiously even theodolites sl" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 902, "l_partkey": 118, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 8.0d, "l_extendedprice": 8144.88d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-10-25", "l_commitdate": "1994-09-20", "l_receiptdate": "1994-11-07", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": " orbits al" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 961, "l_partkey": 118, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 7.0d, "l_extendedprice": 7126.77d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-07-23", "l_commitdate": "1995-07-20", "l_receiptdate": "1995-08-11", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "usual dolphins. ironic pearls sleep blit" }
, { "l_orderkey": 1349, "l_partkey": 118, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 45.0d, "l_extendedprice": 45814.95d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-12-24", "l_commitdate": "1998-01-17", "l_receiptdate": "1997-12-28", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": " ironic, unusual deposits wake carefu" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1379, "l_partkey": 118, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 50.0d, "l_extendedprice": 50905.5d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-08-31", "l_commitdate": "1998-07-13", "l_receiptdate": "1998-09-02", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "olphins. ca" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3201, "l_partkey": 118, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 27.0d, "l_extendedprice": 27488.97d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-08-31", "l_commitdate": "1993-08-24", "l_receiptdate": "1993-09-08", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "deposits are slyly along" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3747, "l_partkey": 118, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 23.0d, "l_extendedprice": 23416.53d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-11-08", "l_commitdate": "1996-11-10", "l_receiptdate": "1996-12-03", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "kages are ironic" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1793, "l_partkey": 118, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 4.0d, "l_extendedprice": 4072.44d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-09-27", "l_commitdate": "1992-09-21", "l_receiptdate": "1992-10-07", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "equests nod ac" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2308, "l_partkey": 118, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 24.0d, "l_extendedprice": 24434.64d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-02-23", "l_commitdate": "1992-12-24", "l_receiptdate": "1993-03-10", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ts sleep. busy excuses along the s" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2725, "l_partkey": 118, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 23.0d, "l_extendedprice": 23416.53d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-08-25", "l_commitdate": "1994-06-22", "l_receiptdate": "1994-08-28", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "y regular deposits. brave foxes " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2948, "l_partkey": 118, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 48.0d, "l_extendedprice": 48869.28d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-08-29", "l_commitdate": "1994-10-23", "l_receiptdate": "1994-09-23", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "unusual excuses use about the " }
, { "l_orderkey": 5188, "l_partkey": 118, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 18.0d, "l_extendedprice": 18325.98d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-06-19", "l_commitdate": "1995-05-19", "l_receiptdate": "1995-06-25", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "p according to the sometimes regu" }
, { "l_orderkey": 5766, "l_partkey": 118, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 4.0d, "l_extendedprice": 4072.44d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-11-10", "l_commitdate": "1993-10-30", "l_receiptdate": "1993-12-01", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ly even requests. furiou" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 226, "l_partkey": 118, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 14.0d, "l_extendedprice": 14253.54d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-05-20", "l_commitdate": "1993-06-05", "l_receiptdate": "1993-05-27", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ep carefully regular accounts. ironic" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 902, "l_partkey": 118, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 8.0d, "l_extendedprice": 8144.88d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-10-25", "l_commitdate": "1994-09-20", "l_receiptdate": "1994-11-07", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": " orbits al" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 934, "l_partkey": 118, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 18.0d, "l_extendedprice": 18325.98d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-09-10", "l_commitdate": "1996-09-20", "l_receiptdate": "1996-09-25", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "y unusual requests dazzle above t" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1441, "l_partkey": 118, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 14.0d, "l_extendedprice": 14253.54d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-06-30", "l_commitdate": "1997-04-29", "l_receiptdate": "1997-07-24", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "special requests ha" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1475, "l_partkey": 118, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 18.0d, "l_extendedprice": 18325.98d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-03-08", "l_commitdate": "1998-01-18", "l_receiptdate": "1998-03-10", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "al deposits use. ironic packages along the " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1734, "l_partkey": 118, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 4.0d, "l_extendedprice": 4072.44d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-08-20", "l_commitdate": "1994-07-17", "l_receiptdate": "1994-08-25", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "final warhorses." }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2629, "l_partkey": 118, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 6.0d, "l_extendedprice": 6108.66d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-06-10", "l_commitdate": "1998-05-29", "l_receiptdate": "1998-06-13", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "dolites hinder bli" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3201, "l_partkey": 118, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 27.0d, "l_extendedprice": 27488.97d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-08-31", "l_commitdate": "1993-08-24", "l_receiptdate": "1993-09-08", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "deposits are slyly along" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4035, "l_partkey": 118, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 1.0d, "l_extendedprice": 1018.11d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-06-18", "l_commitdate": "1992-05-19", "l_receiptdate": "1992-07-02", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": " requests. quickly " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4386, "l_partkey": 118, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 28.0d, "l_extendedprice": 28507.08d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-03-19", "l_commitdate": "1998-05-01", "l_receiptdate": "1998-03-27", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": ". quick packages play slyly " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5314, "l_partkey": 118, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 10.0d, "l_extendedprice": 10181.1d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-09-26", "l_commitdate": "1995-07-24", "l_receiptdate": "1995-10-19", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "latelets haggle final" }
, { "l_orderkey": 5857, "l_partkey": 118, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 12.0d, "l_extendedprice": 12217.32d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-01-24", "l_commitdate": "1997-12-27", "l_receiptdate": "1998-02-10", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "counts. express, final" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 133, "l_partkey": 118, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 29.0d, "l_extendedprice": 29525.19d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-02-28", "l_commitdate": "1998-01-30", "l_receiptdate": "1998-03-09", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": " the carefully regular theodoli" }
, { "l_orderkey": 226, "l_partkey": 118, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 2.0d, "l_extendedprice": 2036.22d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-03-26", "l_commitdate": "1993-04-13", "l_receiptdate": "1993-04-20", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "al platelets. express somas " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 454, "l_partkey": 118, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 24.0d, "l_extendedprice": 24434.64d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-04-26", "l_commitdate": "1996-03-23", "l_receiptdate": "1996-05-20", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "le. deposits after the ideas nag unusual pa" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 610, "l_partkey": 118, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 26.0d, "l_extendedprice": 26470.86d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-11-22", "l_commitdate": "1995-09-09", "l_receiptdate": "1995-12-04", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "cross the furiously even theodolites sl" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 961, "l_partkey": 118, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 7.0d, "l_extendedprice": 7126.77d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-07-23", "l_commitdate": "1995-07-20", "l_receiptdate": "1995-08-11", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "usual dolphins. ironic pearls sleep blit" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 999, "l_partkey": 118, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 15.0d, "l_extendedprice": 15271.65d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-12-12", "l_commitdate": "1993-10-18", "l_receiptdate": "1994-01-08", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "y ironic requests. carefully regu" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2213, "l_partkey": 118, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 20.0d, "l_extendedprice": 20362.2d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-01-21", "l_commitdate": "1993-04-14", "l_receiptdate": "1993-01-29", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "iously express accounts; " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2374, "l_partkey": 118, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 41.0d, "l_extendedprice": 41742.51d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-01-27", "l_commitdate": "1993-12-11", "l_receiptdate": "1994-02-12", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "heodolites. requests" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2631, "l_partkey": 118, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 15.0d, "l_extendedprice": 15271.65d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-09-30", "l_commitdate": "1993-11-06", "l_receiptdate": "1993-10-13", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "y. furiously even pinto be" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3236, "l_partkey": 118, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 7.0d, "l_extendedprice": 7126.77d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-12-27", "l_commitdate": "1996-12-18", "l_receiptdate": "1997-01-24", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "dolites. slyly unus" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3428, "l_partkey": 118, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 35.0d, "l_extendedprice": 35633.85d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-05-01", "l_commitdate": "1996-06-07", "l_receiptdate": "1996-05-20", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ly regular pinto beans sleep" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3747, "l_partkey": 118, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 23.0d, "l_extendedprice": 23416.53d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-11-08", "l_commitdate": "1996-11-10", "l_receiptdate": "1996-12-03", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "kages are ironic" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5282, "l_partkey": 118, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 36.0d, "l_extendedprice": 36651.96d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-05-20", "l_commitdate": "1998-04-10", "l_receiptdate": "1998-06-14", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "re slyly accor" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5408, "l_partkey": 118, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 35.0d, "l_extendedprice": 35633.85d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-10-02", "l_commitdate": "1992-10-17", "l_receiptdate": "1992-10-13", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "thely ironic requests alongside of the sl" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 293, "l_partkey": 118, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 13.0d, "l_extendedprice": 13235.43d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-12-17", "l_commitdate": "1992-12-26", "l_receiptdate": "1992-12-22", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": " wake after the quickly even deposits. bli" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 514, "l_partkey": 118, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 34.0d, "l_extendedprice": 34615.74d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-04-14", "l_commitdate": "1996-06-03", "l_receiptdate": "1996-04-23", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ily even patterns. bold, silent instruc" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1379, "l_partkey": 118, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 50.0d, "l_extendedprice": 50905.5d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-08-31", "l_commitdate": "1998-07-13", "l_receiptdate": "1998-09-02", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "olphins. ca" }
, { "l_orderkey": 1664, "l_partkey": 118, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 48.0d, "l_extendedprice": 48869.28d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-06-21", "l_commitdate": "1996-05-01", "l_receiptdate": "1996-07-19", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": " use. ironic deposits integrate. slyly unu" }
, { "l_orderkey": 2756, "l_partkey": 118, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 35.0d, "l_extendedprice": 35633.85d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-06-08", "l_commitdate": "1994-06-01", "l_receiptdate": "1994-06-21", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": " deposits grow bold sheaves; iro" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4386, "l_partkey": 118, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 28.0d, "l_extendedprice": 28507.08d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-03-19", "l_commitdate": "1998-05-01", "l_receiptdate": "1998-03-27", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": ". quick packages play slyly " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 807, "l_partkey": 117, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 49.0d, "l_extendedprice": 49838.39d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-12-05", "l_commitdate": "1994-01-13", "l_receiptdate": "1993-12-25", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": " furiously according to the un" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2339, "l_partkey": 117, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 13.0d, "l_extendedprice": 13222.43d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-03-10", "l_commitdate": "1994-02-18", "l_receiptdate": "1994-03-20", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ges. blithely special depend" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3236, "l_partkey": 117, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 10.0d, "l_extendedprice": 10171.1d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-11-15", "l_commitdate": "1996-12-14", "l_receiptdate": "1996-11-29", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "arefully. fluffily reg" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3393, "l_partkey": 117, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 16.0d, "l_extendedprice": 16273.76d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-07-17", "l_commitdate": "1995-08-19", "l_receiptdate": "1995-08-04", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "uses. instructions after the blithely " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3686, "l_partkey": 117, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 7.0d, "l_extendedprice": 7119.77d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-07-16", "l_commitdate": "1998-09-02", "l_receiptdate": "1998-07-22", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ake carefully carefully q" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4193, "l_partkey": 117, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 3.0d, "l_extendedprice": 3051.33d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-04-29", "l_commitdate": "1994-03-20", "l_receiptdate": "1994-05-29", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "osits above the depo" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5410, "l_partkey": 117, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 48.0d, "l_extendedprice": 48821.28d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-09-27", "l_commitdate": "1998-09-11", "l_receiptdate": "1998-10-01", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": " about the slyly even courts. quickly regul" }
, { "l_orderkey": 288, "l_partkey": 117, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 49.0d, "l_extendedprice": 49838.39d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-04-19", "l_commitdate": "1997-05-19", "l_receiptdate": "1997-05-18", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ic excuses sleep always spe" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1794, "l_partkey": 117, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 47.0d, "l_extendedprice": 47804.17d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-01-15", "l_commitdate": "1997-11-30", "l_receiptdate": "1998-02-14", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": " haggle slyly. furiously express orbit" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2342, "l_partkey": 117, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 24.0d, "l_extendedprice": 24410.64d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-09-30", "l_commitdate": "1996-07-22", "l_receiptdate": "1996-10-28", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "nstructions c" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2790, "l_partkey": 117, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 50.0d, "l_extendedprice": 50855.5d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-12-08", "l_commitdate": "1994-11-17", "l_receiptdate": "1994-12-19", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "fter the regular ideas. f" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3079, "l_partkey": 117, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 38.0d, "l_extendedprice": 38650.18d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-11-07", "l_commitdate": "1997-11-25", "l_receiptdate": "1997-12-06", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "e carefully regular realms" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3360, "l_partkey": 117, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 29.0d, "l_extendedprice": 29496.19d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-05-19", "l_commitdate": "1998-03-03", "l_receiptdate": "1998-06-09", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "hely gifts. spe" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3623, "l_partkey": 117, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 33.0d, "l_extendedprice": 33564.63d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-03-17", "l_commitdate": "1997-02-13", "l_receiptdate": "1997-04-02", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "odolites. blithely spe" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3648, "l_partkey": 117, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 25.0d, "l_extendedprice": 25427.75d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-08-15", "l_commitdate": "1993-08-25", "l_receiptdate": "1993-09-09", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "s requests. silent asymp" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 705, "l_partkey": 117, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 35.0d, "l_extendedprice": 35598.85d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-03-25", "l_commitdate": "1997-03-20", "l_receiptdate": "1997-04-23", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "carefully ironic accounts" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 807, "l_partkey": 117, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 49.0d, "l_extendedprice": 49838.39d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-12-05", "l_commitdate": "1994-01-13", "l_receiptdate": "1993-12-25", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": " furiously according to the un" }
, { "l_orderkey": 1508, "l_partkey": 117, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 38.0d, "l_extendedprice": 38650.18d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-04-30", "l_commitdate": "1998-06-23", "l_receiptdate": "1998-05-18", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "tes wake furiously regular w" }
, { "l_orderkey": 1575, "l_partkey": 117, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 48.0d, "l_extendedprice": 48821.28d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-11-19", "l_commitdate": "1995-10-25", "l_receiptdate": "1995-12-07", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "cies. regu" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1794, "l_partkey": 117, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 23.0d, "l_extendedprice": 23393.53d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-10-13", "l_commitdate": "1997-11-30", "l_receiptdate": "1997-10-28", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "usly unusual theodolites doze about " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1856, "l_partkey": 117, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 20.0d, "l_extendedprice": 20342.2d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-05-04", "l_commitdate": "1992-05-06", "l_receiptdate": "1992-05-11", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ost carefully. slyly bold accounts" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3526, "l_partkey": 117, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 23.0d, "l_extendedprice": 23393.53d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-05-01", "l_commitdate": "1995-05-31", "l_receiptdate": "1995-05-25", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "special, regular packages cajole. " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2790, "l_partkey": 117, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 50.0d, "l_extendedprice": 50855.5d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-12-08", "l_commitdate": "1994-11-17", "l_receiptdate": "1994-12-19", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "fter the regular ideas. f" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3079, "l_partkey": 117, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 38.0d, "l_extendedprice": 38650.18d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-11-07", "l_commitdate": "1997-11-25", "l_receiptdate": "1997-12-06", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "e carefully regular realms" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3270, "l_partkey": 117, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 9.0d, "l_extendedprice": 9153.99d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-08-14", "l_commitdate": "1997-08-11", "l_receiptdate": "1997-09-09", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ual packages" }
, { "l_orderkey": 4833, "l_partkey": 117, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 11.0d, "l_extendedprice": 11188.21d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-08-24", "l_commitdate": "1996-07-26", "l_receiptdate": "1996-09-19", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "s nag above the busily sile" }
, { "l_orderkey": 353, "l_partkey": 117, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 9.0d, "l_extendedprice": 9153.99d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-03-15", "l_commitdate": "1994-03-20", "l_receiptdate": "1994-03-18", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ual accounts! carefu" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 960, "l_partkey": 117, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 25.0d, "l_extendedprice": 25427.75d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-12-01", "l_commitdate": "1994-10-29", "l_receiptdate": "1994-12-27", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ts. fluffily regular requests " }
, { "l_orderkey": 966, "l_partkey": 117, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 42.0d, "l_extendedprice": 42718.62d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-06-28", "l_commitdate": "1998-06-20", "l_receiptdate": "1998-07-05", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "tions boost furiously car" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1794, "l_partkey": 117, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 23.0d, "l_extendedprice": 23393.53d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-10-13", "l_commitdate": "1997-11-30", "l_receiptdate": "1997-10-28", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "usly unusual theodolites doze about " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1794, "l_partkey": 117, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 47.0d, "l_extendedprice": 47804.17d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-01-15", "l_commitdate": "1997-11-30", "l_receiptdate": "1998-02-14", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": " haggle slyly. furiously express orbit" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2339, "l_partkey": 117, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 13.0d, "l_extendedprice": 13222.43d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-03-10", "l_commitdate": "1994-02-18", "l_receiptdate": "1994-03-20", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ges. blithely special depend" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2342, "l_partkey": 117, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 24.0d, "l_extendedprice": 24410.64d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-09-30", "l_commitdate": "1996-07-22", "l_receiptdate": "1996-10-28", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "nstructions c" }
, { "l_orderkey": 2436, "l_partkey": 117, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 18.0d, "l_extendedprice": 18307.98d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-10-14", "l_commitdate": "1995-11-21", "l_receiptdate": "1995-11-12", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "y ironic accounts. furiously even packa" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3270, "l_partkey": 117, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 9.0d, "l_extendedprice": 9153.99d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-08-14", "l_commitdate": "1997-08-11", "l_receiptdate": "1997-09-09", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ual packages" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3393, "l_partkey": 117, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 16.0d, "l_extendedprice": 16273.76d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-07-17", "l_commitdate": "1995-08-19", "l_receiptdate": "1995-08-04", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "uses. instructions after the blithely " }
, { "l_orderkey": 3494, "l_partkey": 117, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 40.0d, "l_extendedprice": 40684.4d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-07-10", "l_commitdate": "1993-06-01", "l_receiptdate": "1993-07-25", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "lites haggle furiously about the fin" }
, { "l_orderkey": 3617, "l_partkey": 117, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 46.0d, "l_extendedprice": 46787.06d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-05-19", "l_commitdate": "1996-05-14", "l_receiptdate": "1996-06-11", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ar theodolites. regu" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3623, "l_partkey": 117, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 33.0d, "l_extendedprice": 33564.63d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-03-17", "l_commitdate": "1997-02-13", "l_receiptdate": "1997-04-02", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "odolites. blithely spe" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3686, "l_partkey": 117, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 7.0d, "l_extendedprice": 7119.77d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-07-16", "l_commitdate": "1998-09-02", "l_receiptdate": "1998-07-22", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ake carefully carefully q" }
, { "l_orderkey": 3782, "l_partkey": 117, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 34.0d, "l_extendedprice": 34581.74d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-11-07", "l_commitdate": "1996-10-22", "l_receiptdate": "1996-11-19", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "gage after the even" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4545, "l_partkey": 117, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 27.0d, "l_extendedprice": 27461.97d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-03-18", "l_commitdate": "1993-02-22", "l_receiptdate": "1993-03-23", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ccounts haggle carefully. deposits " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4193, "l_partkey": 117, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 3.0d, "l_extendedprice": 3051.33d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-04-29", "l_commitdate": "1994-03-20", "l_receiptdate": "1994-05-29", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "osits above the depo" }
, { "l_orderkey": 4678, "l_partkey": 117, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 18.0d, "l_extendedprice": 18307.98d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-10-30", "l_commitdate": "1998-09-22", "l_receiptdate": "1998-11-25", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "usly ironic " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 705, "l_partkey": 117, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 35.0d, "l_extendedprice": 35598.85d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-03-25", "l_commitdate": "1997-03-20", "l_receiptdate": "1997-04-23", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "carefully ironic accounts" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3236, "l_partkey": 117, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 10.0d, "l_extendedprice": 10171.1d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-11-15", "l_commitdate": "1996-12-14", "l_receiptdate": "1996-11-29", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "arefully. fluffily reg" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3360, "l_partkey": 117, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 29.0d, "l_extendedprice": 29496.19d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-05-19", "l_commitdate": "1998-03-03", "l_receiptdate": "1998-06-09", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "hely gifts. spe" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3526, "l_partkey": 117, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 23.0d, "l_extendedprice": 23393.53d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-05-01", "l_commitdate": "1995-05-31", "l_receiptdate": "1995-05-25", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "special, regular packages cajole. " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3648, "l_partkey": 117, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 25.0d, "l_extendedprice": 25427.75d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-08-15", "l_commitdate": "1993-08-25", "l_receiptdate": "1993-09-09", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "s requests. silent asymp" }
, { "l_orderkey": 5156, "l_partkey": 117, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 21.0d, "l_extendedprice": 21359.31d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-01-01", "l_commitdate": "1997-01-30", "l_receiptdate": "1997-01-11", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ts detect against the furiously reg" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5508, "l_partkey": 117, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 4.0d, "l_extendedprice": 4068.44d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-09-01", "l_commitdate": "1996-08-02", "l_receiptdate": "1996-09-17", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "fluffily about the even " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5410, "l_partkey": 117, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 48.0d, "l_extendedprice": 48821.28d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-09-27", "l_commitdate": "1998-09-11", "l_receiptdate": "1998-10-01", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": " about the slyly even courts. quickly regul" }
, { "l_orderkey": 5920, "l_partkey": 117, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 2.0d, "l_extendedprice": 2034.22d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-02-18", "l_commitdate": "1995-01-13", "l_receiptdate": "1995-03-04", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": " evenly spe" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 100, "l_partkey": 116, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 22.0d, "l_extendedprice": 22354.42d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-06-24", "l_commitdate": "1998-04-12", "l_receiptdate": "1998-06-29", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "nto beans alongside of the fi" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2148, "l_partkey": 116, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 21.0d, "l_extendedprice": 21338.31d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-05-28", "l_commitdate": "1995-05-26", "l_receiptdate": "1995-06-15", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "deposits ag" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2437, "l_partkey": 116, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 12.0d, "l_extendedprice": 12193.32d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-04-27", "l_commitdate": "1993-07-01", "l_receiptdate": "1993-05-18", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "thely regular deposits. ironic fray" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2534, "l_partkey": 116, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 12.0d, "l_extendedprice": 12193.32d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-07-29", "l_commitdate": "1996-10-12", "l_receiptdate": "1996-08-14", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "sual depos" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3136, "l_partkey": 116, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 26.0d, "l_extendedprice": 26418.86d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-10-13", "l_commitdate": "1994-11-07", "l_receiptdate": "1994-11-05", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "eep fluffily. daringly silent attainments d" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3200, "l_partkey": 116, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 17.0d, "l_extendedprice": 17273.87d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-06-06", "l_commitdate": "1996-04-21", "l_receiptdate": "1996-06-14", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "side of the furiously pendin" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3682, "l_partkey": 116, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 18.0d, "l_extendedprice": 18289.98d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-04-30", "l_commitdate": "1997-03-21", "l_receiptdate": "1997-05-10", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "regular dependencies" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4007, "l_partkey": 116, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 41.0d, "l_extendedprice": 41660.51d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-10-11", "l_commitdate": "1993-08-30", "l_receiptdate": "1993-11-04", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "eposits. regular epitaphs boost blithely." }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4421, "l_partkey": 116, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 18.0d, "l_extendedprice": 18289.98d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-06-07", "l_commitdate": "1997-05-13", "l_receiptdate": "1997-06-10", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": ". regular, s" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4901, "l_partkey": 116, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 40.0d, "l_extendedprice": 40644.4d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-01-08", "l_commitdate": "1998-01-30", "l_receiptdate": "1998-01-15", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ect across the furiou" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 960, "l_partkey": 117, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 25.0d, "l_extendedprice": 25427.75d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-12-01", "l_commitdate": "1994-10-29", "l_receiptdate": "1994-12-27", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ts. fluffily regular requests " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1856, "l_partkey": 117, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 20.0d, "l_extendedprice": 20342.2d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-05-04", "l_commitdate": "1992-05-06", "l_receiptdate": "1992-05-11", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ost carefully. slyly bold accounts" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4545, "l_partkey": 117, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 27.0d, "l_extendedprice": 27461.97d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-03-18", "l_commitdate": "1993-02-22", "l_receiptdate": "1993-03-23", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ccounts haggle carefully. deposits " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5508, "l_partkey": 117, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 4.0d, "l_extendedprice": 4068.44d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-09-01", "l_commitdate": "1996-08-02", "l_receiptdate": "1996-09-17", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "fluffily about the even " }
, { "l_orderkey": 66, "l_partkey": 116, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 31.0d, "l_extendedprice": 31499.41d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-02-19", "l_commitdate": "1994-03-11", "l_receiptdate": "1994-02-20", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ut the unusual accounts sleep at the bo" }
, { "l_orderkey": 69, "l_partkey": 116, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 48.0d, "l_extendedprice": 48773.28d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-08-17", "l_commitdate": "1994-08-11", "l_receiptdate": "1994-09-08", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "regular epitaphs. carefully even ideas hag" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 130, "l_partkey": 116, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 13.0d, "l_extendedprice": 13209.43d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-06-26", "l_commitdate": "1992-07-29", "l_receiptdate": "1992-07-05", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": " pending dolphins sleep furious" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1861, "l_partkey": 116, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 38.0d, "l_extendedprice": 38612.18d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-02-26", "l_commitdate": "1994-02-05", "l_receiptdate": "1994-03-01", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "pending deposits cajole quic" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3619, "l_partkey": 116, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 27.0d, "l_extendedprice": 27434.97d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-12-12", "l_commitdate": "1997-01-18", "l_receiptdate": "1996-12-18", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "pecial accounts haggle care" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4547, "l_partkey": 116, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 7.0d, "l_extendedprice": 7112.77d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-09-04", "l_commitdate": "1993-09-29", "l_receiptdate": "1993-09-20", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "slyly express a" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4706, "l_partkey": 116, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 5.0d, "l_extendedprice": 5080.55d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-02-14", "l_commitdate": "1993-01-31", "l_receiptdate": "1993-02-26", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ptotes haggle ca" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5603, "l_partkey": 116, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 49.0d, "l_extendedprice": 49789.39d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-06-24", "l_commitdate": "1992-07-28", "l_receiptdate": "1992-07-01", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "fully silent requests. carefully fin" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 514, "l_partkey": 116, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 43.0d, "l_extendedprice": 43692.73d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-06-07", "l_commitdate": "1996-05-14", "l_receiptdate": "1996-07-01", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "thely regular " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 100, "l_partkey": 116, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 22.0d, "l_extendedprice": 22354.42d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-06-24", "l_commitdate": "1998-04-12", "l_receiptdate": "1998-06-29", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "nto beans alongside of the fi" }
, { "l_orderkey": 1925, "l_partkey": 116, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 40.0d, "l_extendedprice": 40644.4d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-05-17", "l_commitdate": "1992-05-20", "l_receiptdate": "1992-06-08", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "e carefully regul" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2241, "l_partkey": 116, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 22.0d, "l_extendedprice": 22354.42d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-08-13", "l_commitdate": "1993-06-15", "l_receiptdate": "1993-08-16", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": ", ironic depen" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2755, "l_partkey": 116, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 48.0d, "l_extendedprice": 48773.28d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-03-22", "l_commitdate": "1992-03-10", "l_receiptdate": "1992-04-14", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "yly even epitaphs for the " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3905, "l_partkey": 116, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 7.0d, "l_extendedprice": 7112.77d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-03-01", "l_commitdate": "1994-02-19", "l_receiptdate": "1994-03-11", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ully furiously furious packag" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3136, "l_partkey": 116, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 26.0d, "l_extendedprice": 26418.86d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-10-13", "l_commitdate": "1994-11-07", "l_receiptdate": "1994-11-05", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "eep fluffily. daringly silent attainments d" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4007, "l_partkey": 116, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 41.0d, "l_extendedprice": 41660.51d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-10-11", "l_commitdate": "1993-08-30", "l_receiptdate": "1993-11-04", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "eposits. regular epitaphs boost blithely." }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4421, "l_partkey": 116, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 18.0d, "l_extendedprice": 18289.98d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-06-07", "l_commitdate": "1997-05-13", "l_receiptdate": "1997-06-10", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": ". regular, s" }
, { "l_orderkey": 4711, "l_partkey": 116, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 45.0d, "l_extendedprice": 45724.95d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-05-19", "l_commitdate": "1998-07-14", "l_receiptdate": "1998-05-21", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": " ironic theodolites " }
, { "l_orderkey": 4900, "l_partkey": 116, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 40.0d, "l_extendedprice": 40644.4d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-09-02", "l_commitdate": "1992-09-25", "l_receiptdate": "1992-09-21", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "heodolites. request" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1094, "l_partkey": 115, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 9.0d, "l_extendedprice": 9135.99d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-12-28", "l_commitdate": "1998-03-16", "l_receiptdate": "1998-01-18", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "as. slyly pe" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 514, "l_partkey": 116, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 43.0d, "l_extendedprice": 43692.73d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-06-07", "l_commitdate": "1996-05-14", "l_receiptdate": "1996-07-01", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "thely regular " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2241, "l_partkey": 116, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 22.0d, "l_extendedprice": 22354.42d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-08-13", "l_commitdate": "1993-06-15", "l_receiptdate": "1993-08-16", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": ", ironic depen" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3200, "l_partkey": 116, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 17.0d, "l_extendedprice": 17273.87d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-06-06", "l_commitdate": "1996-04-21", "l_receiptdate": "1996-06-14", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "side of the furiously pendin" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3682, "l_partkey": 116, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 18.0d, "l_extendedprice": 18289.98d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-04-30", "l_commitdate": "1997-03-21", "l_receiptdate": "1997-05-10", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "regular dependencies" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4706, "l_partkey": 116, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 5.0d, "l_extendedprice": 5080.55d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-02-14", "l_commitdate": "1993-01-31", "l_receiptdate": "1993-02-26", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ptotes haggle ca" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5603, "l_partkey": 116, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 49.0d, "l_extendedprice": 49789.39d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-06-24", "l_commitdate": "1992-07-28", "l_receiptdate": "1992-07-01", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "fully silent requests. carefully fin" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2148, "l_partkey": 116, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 21.0d, "l_extendedprice": 21338.31d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-05-28", "l_commitdate": "1995-05-26", "l_receiptdate": "1995-06-15", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "deposits ag" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2534, "l_partkey": 116, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 12.0d, "l_extendedprice": 12193.32d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-07-29", "l_commitdate": "1996-10-12", "l_receiptdate": "1996-08-14", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "sual depos" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3619, "l_partkey": 116, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 27.0d, "l_extendedprice": 27434.97d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-12-12", "l_commitdate": "1997-01-18", "l_receiptdate": "1996-12-18", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "pecial accounts haggle care" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3905, "l_partkey": 116, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 7.0d, "l_extendedprice": 7112.77d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-03-01", "l_commitdate": "1994-02-19", "l_receiptdate": "1994-03-11", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ully furiously furious packag" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4547, "l_partkey": 116, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 7.0d, "l_extendedprice": 7112.77d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-09-04", "l_commitdate": "1993-09-29", "l_receiptdate": "1993-09-20", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "slyly express a" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 130, "l_partkey": 116, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 13.0d, "l_extendedprice": 13209.43d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-06-26", "l_commitdate": "1992-07-29", "l_receiptdate": "1992-07-05", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": " pending dolphins sleep furious" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1861, "l_partkey": 116, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 38.0d, "l_extendedprice": 38612.18d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-02-26", "l_commitdate": "1994-02-05", "l_receiptdate": "1994-03-01", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "pending deposits cajole quic" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2437, "l_partkey": 116, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 12.0d, "l_extendedprice": 12193.32d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-04-27", "l_commitdate": "1993-07-01", "l_receiptdate": "1993-05-18", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "thely regular deposits. ironic fray" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2755, "l_partkey": 116, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 48.0d, "l_extendedprice": 48773.28d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-03-22", "l_commitdate": "1992-03-10", "l_receiptdate": "1992-04-14", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "yly even epitaphs for the " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4901, "l_partkey": 116, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 40.0d, "l_extendedprice": 40644.4d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-01-08", "l_commitdate": "1998-01-30", "l_receiptdate": "1998-01-15", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ect across the furiou" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 646, "l_partkey": 115, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 40.0d, "l_extendedprice": 40604.4d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-01-01", "l_commitdate": "1995-01-13", "l_receiptdate": "1995-01-11", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ronic packages sleep across th" }
, { "l_orderkey": 1188, "l_partkey": 115, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 2.0d, "l_extendedprice": 2030.22d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-05-22", "l_commitdate": "1996-05-23", "l_receiptdate": "1996-06-06", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "its breach blit" }
, { "l_orderkey": 1543, "l_partkey": 115, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 6.0d, "l_extendedprice": 6090.66d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-04-16", "l_commitdate": "1997-05-20", "l_receiptdate": "1997-05-16", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": " among the carefully bold or" }
, { "l_orderkey": 1606, "l_partkey": 115, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 21.0d, "l_extendedprice": 21317.31d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-06-02", "l_commitdate": "1997-07-02", "l_receiptdate": "1997-06-27", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": " pending theodolites prom" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1829, "l_partkey": 115, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 36.0d, "l_extendedprice": 36543.96d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-06-10", "l_commitdate": "1994-06-23", "l_receiptdate": "1994-06-22", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ackages-- express requests sleep; pen" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3365, "l_partkey": 115, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 13.0d, "l_extendedprice": 13196.43d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-02-25", "l_commitdate": "1995-01-31", "l_receiptdate": "1995-03-16", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "pths wake r" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4101, "l_partkey": 115, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 22.0d, "l_extendedprice": 22332.42d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-02-02", "l_commitdate": "1994-02-19", "l_receiptdate": "1994-02-12", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ly express instructions. careful" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4930, "l_partkey": 115, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 20.0d, "l_extendedprice": 20302.2d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-08-21", "l_commitdate": "1994-06-17", "l_receiptdate": "1994-08-24", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "he carefully" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 135, "l_partkey": 115, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 13.0d, "l_extendedprice": 13196.43d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-11-12", "l_commitdate": "1995-12-22", "l_receiptdate": "1995-11-17", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "nal ideas. final instr" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 452, "l_partkey": 115, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 2.0d, "l_extendedprice": 2030.22d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-12-26", "l_commitdate": "1998-01-03", "l_receiptdate": "1998-01-12", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "y express instru" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 646, "l_partkey": 115, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 40.0d, "l_extendedprice": 40604.4d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-01-01", "l_commitdate": "1995-01-13", "l_receiptdate": "1995-01-11", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ronic packages sleep across th" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1831, "l_partkey": 115, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 17.0d, "l_extendedprice": 17256.87d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-01-18", "l_commitdate": "1994-02-12", "l_receiptdate": "1994-01-30", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "s boost ironic foxe" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2565, "l_partkey": 115, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 34.0d, "l_extendedprice": 34513.74d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-03-19", "l_commitdate": "1998-04-12", "l_receiptdate": "1998-04-17", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "nstructions was carefu" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3973, "l_partkey": 115, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 37.0d, "l_extendedprice": 37559.07d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-05-29", "l_commitdate": "1992-05-04", "l_receiptdate": "1992-06-23", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "inos wake fluffily. pending requests nag " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5093, "l_partkey": 115, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 30.0d, "l_extendedprice": 30453.3d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-11-22", "l_commitdate": "1993-11-27", "l_receiptdate": "1993-12-14", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ithely ironic sheaves use fluff" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5191, "l_partkey": 115, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 41.0d, "l_extendedprice": 41619.51d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-02-05", "l_commitdate": "1995-02-27", "l_receiptdate": "1995-02-15", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "uests! ironic theodolites cajole care" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5798, "l_partkey": 115, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 32.0d, "l_extendedprice": 32483.52d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-04-27", "l_commitdate": "1998-05-03", "l_receiptdate": "1998-05-08", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ubt blithely above the " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 132, "l_partkey": 115, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 32.0d, "l_extendedprice": 32483.52d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-07-12", "l_commitdate": "1993-08-05", "l_receiptdate": "1993-08-05", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "d instructions hagg" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 900, "l_partkey": 115, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 48.0d, "l_extendedprice": 48725.28d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-12-22", "l_commitdate": "1994-11-08", "l_receiptdate": "1995-01-19", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "cial pinto beans nag " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1504, "l_partkey": 115, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 10.0d, "l_extendedprice": 10151.1d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-09-22", "l_commitdate": "1992-10-22", "l_receiptdate": "1992-10-13", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "final theodolites. furiously e" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2084, "l_partkey": 115, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 15.0d, "l_extendedprice": 15226.65d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-06-23", "l_commitdate": "1993-04-25", "l_receiptdate": "1993-07-23", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "tithes. bravely pendi" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2880, "l_partkey": 115, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 42.0d, "l_extendedprice": 42634.62d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-06-17", "l_commitdate": "1992-05-29", "l_receiptdate": "1992-07-11", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ions. carefully final accounts are unusual," }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2912, "l_partkey": 115, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 18.0d, "l_extendedprice": 18271.98d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-03-13", "l_commitdate": "1992-04-19", "l_receiptdate": "1992-03-30", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "unts cajole reg" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3362, "l_partkey": 115, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 40.0d, "l_extendedprice": 40604.4d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-08-19", "l_commitdate": "1995-10-17", "l_receiptdate": "1995-09-05", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "packages haggle furi" }
, { "l_orderkey": 3937, "l_partkey": 115, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 27.0d, "l_extendedprice": 27407.97d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-02-06", "l_commitdate": "1998-01-12", "l_receiptdate": "1998-02-20", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ven ideas. slyly expr" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5317, "l_partkey": 115, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 48.0d, "l_extendedprice": 48725.28d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-09-19", "l_commitdate": "1994-11-25", "l_receiptdate": "1994-10-03", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ts about the packages cajole furio" }
, { "l_orderkey": 5440, "l_partkey": 115, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 3.0d, "l_extendedprice": 3045.33d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-02-18", "l_commitdate": "1997-02-28", "l_receiptdate": "1997-03-15", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "y. accounts haggle along the blit" }
, { "l_orderkey": 5794, "l_partkey": 115, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 14.0d, "l_extendedprice": 14211.54d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-04-19", "l_commitdate": "1993-07-02", "l_receiptdate": "1993-05-18", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "uriously carefully ironic reque" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1477, "l_partkey": 115, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 41.0d, "l_extendedprice": 41619.51d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-12-16", "l_commitdate": "1997-10-31", "l_receiptdate": "1998-01-12", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "y. final pearls kindle. accounts " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2657, "l_partkey": 115, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 22.0d, "l_extendedprice": 22332.42d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-12-08", "l_commitdate": "1995-12-28", "l_receiptdate": "1995-12-21", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "r ideas. furiously special dolphins" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3077, "l_partkey": 115, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 23.0d, "l_extendedprice": 23347.53d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-11-05", "l_commitdate": "1997-09-16", "l_receiptdate": "1997-11-20", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "lly. fluffily pending dinos across" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4644, "l_partkey": 115, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 10.0d, "l_extendedprice": 10151.1d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-02-21", "l_commitdate": "1998-02-28", "l_receiptdate": "1998-03-19", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "osits according to the" }
, { "l_orderkey": 5921, "l_partkey": 115, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 5.0d, "l_extendedprice": 5075.55d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-06-01", "l_commitdate": "1994-05-07", "l_receiptdate": "1994-06-10", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "eas cajole across the final, fi" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 132, "l_partkey": 115, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 32.0d, "l_extendedprice": 32483.52d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-07-12", "l_commitdate": "1993-08-05", "l_receiptdate": "1993-08-05", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "d instructions hagg" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 900, "l_partkey": 115, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 48.0d, "l_extendedprice": 48725.28d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-12-22", "l_commitdate": "1994-11-08", "l_receiptdate": "1995-01-19", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "cial pinto beans nag " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1094, "l_partkey": 115, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 9.0d, "l_extendedprice": 9135.99d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-12-28", "l_commitdate": "1998-03-16", "l_receiptdate": "1998-01-18", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "as. slyly pe" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1504, "l_partkey": 115, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 10.0d, "l_extendedprice": 10151.1d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-09-22", "l_commitdate": "1992-10-22", "l_receiptdate": "1992-10-13", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "final theodolites. furiously e" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2880, "l_partkey": 115, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 42.0d, "l_extendedprice": 42634.62d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-06-17", "l_commitdate": "1992-05-29", "l_receiptdate": "1992-07-11", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ions. carefully final accounts are unusual," }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3365, "l_partkey": 115, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 13.0d, "l_extendedprice": 13196.43d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-02-25", "l_commitdate": "1995-01-31", "l_receiptdate": "1995-03-16", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "pths wake r" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3973, "l_partkey": 115, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 37.0d, "l_extendedprice": 37559.07d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-05-29", "l_commitdate": "1992-05-04", "l_receiptdate": "1992-06-23", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "inos wake fluffily. pending requests nag " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4101, "l_partkey": 115, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 22.0d, "l_extendedprice": 22332.42d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-02-02", "l_commitdate": "1994-02-19", "l_receiptdate": "1994-02-12", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ly express instructions. careful" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4644, "l_partkey": 115, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 10.0d, "l_extendedprice": 10151.1d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-02-21", "l_commitdate": "1998-02-28", "l_receiptdate": "1998-03-19", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "osits according to the" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4930, "l_partkey": 115, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 20.0d, "l_extendedprice": 20302.2d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-08-21", "l_commitdate": "1994-06-17", "l_receiptdate": "1994-08-24", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "he carefully" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5191, "l_partkey": 115, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 41.0d, "l_extendedprice": 41619.51d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-02-05", "l_commitdate": "1995-02-27", "l_receiptdate": "1995-02-15", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "uests! ironic theodolites cajole care" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5317, "l_partkey": 115, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 48.0d, "l_extendedprice": 48725.28d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-09-19", "l_commitdate": "1994-11-25", "l_receiptdate": "1994-10-03", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ts about the packages cajole furio" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1477, "l_partkey": 115, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 41.0d, "l_extendedprice": 41619.51d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-12-16", "l_commitdate": "1997-10-31", "l_receiptdate": "1998-01-12", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "y. final pearls kindle. accounts " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1829, "l_partkey": 115, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 36.0d, "l_extendedprice": 36543.96d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-06-10", "l_commitdate": "1994-06-23", "l_receiptdate": "1994-06-22", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ackages-- express requests sleep; pen" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2912, "l_partkey": 115, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 18.0d, "l_extendedprice": 18271.98d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-03-13", "l_commitdate": "1992-04-19", "l_receiptdate": "1992-03-30", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "unts cajole reg" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3077, "l_partkey": 115, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 23.0d, "l_extendedprice": 23347.53d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-11-05", "l_commitdate": "1997-09-16", "l_receiptdate": "1997-11-20", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "lly. fluffily pending dinos across" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3362, "l_partkey": 115, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 40.0d, "l_extendedprice": 40604.4d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-08-19", "l_commitdate": "1995-10-17", "l_receiptdate": "1995-09-05", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "packages haggle furi" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5093, "l_partkey": 115, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 30.0d, "l_extendedprice": 30453.3d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-11-22", "l_commitdate": "1993-11-27", "l_receiptdate": "1993-12-14", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ithely ironic sheaves use fluff" }
, { "l_orderkey": 5927, "l_partkey": 115, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 8.0d, "l_extendedprice": 8120.88d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-09-24", "l_commitdate": "1997-11-15", "l_receiptdate": "1997-10-22", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ilent dependencies nod c" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 135, "l_partkey": 115, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 13.0d, "l_extendedprice": 13196.43d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-11-12", "l_commitdate": "1995-12-22", "l_receiptdate": "1995-11-17", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "nal ideas. final instr" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 452, "l_partkey": 115, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 2.0d, "l_extendedprice": 2030.22d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-12-26", "l_commitdate": "1998-01-03", "l_receiptdate": "1998-01-12", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "y express instru" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1831, "l_partkey": 115, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 17.0d, "l_extendedprice": 17256.87d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-01-18", "l_commitdate": "1994-02-12", "l_receiptdate": "1994-01-30", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "s boost ironic foxe" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2084, "l_partkey": 115, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 15.0d, "l_extendedprice": 15226.65d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-06-23", "l_commitdate": "1993-04-25", "l_receiptdate": "1993-07-23", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "tithes. bravely pendi" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2565, "l_partkey": 115, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 34.0d, "l_extendedprice": 34513.74d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-03-19", "l_commitdate": "1998-04-12", "l_receiptdate": "1998-04-17", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "nstructions was carefu" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2657, "l_partkey": 115, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 22.0d, "l_extendedprice": 22332.42d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-12-08", "l_commitdate": "1995-12-28", "l_receiptdate": "1995-12-21", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "r ideas. furiously special dolphins" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5798, "l_partkey": 115, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 32.0d, "l_extendedprice": 32483.52d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-04-27", "l_commitdate": "1998-05-03", "l_receiptdate": "1998-05-08", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ubt blithely above the " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 357, "l_partkey": 114, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 26.0d, "l_extendedprice": 26366.86d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-12-28", "l_commitdate": "1996-11-26", "l_receiptdate": "1997-01-13", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": " carefully pending accounts use a" }
, { "l_orderkey": 710, "l_partkey": 114, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 21.0d, "l_extendedprice": 21296.31d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-03-22", "l_commitdate": "1993-03-05", "l_receiptdate": "1993-03-27", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "es. furiously p" }
, { "l_orderkey": 1506, "l_partkey": 114, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 30.0d, "l_extendedprice": 30423.3d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-11-22", "l_commitdate": "1992-10-25", "l_receiptdate": "1992-12-04", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "deposits cajole " }
, { "l_orderkey": 1604, "l_partkey": 114, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 19.0d, "l_extendedprice": 19268.09d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-10-15", "l_commitdate": "1993-10-04", "l_receiptdate": "1993-11-09", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": " ideas. bol" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1636, "l_partkey": 114, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 7.0d, "l_extendedprice": 7098.77d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-07-28", "l_commitdate": "1997-09-10", "l_receiptdate": "1997-07-31", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ronic instructions. final" }
, { "l_orderkey": 1795, "l_partkey": 114, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 34.0d, "l_extendedprice": 34479.74d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-04-24", "l_commitdate": "1994-06-01", "l_receiptdate": "1994-05-08", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "closely regular instructions wake. " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2532, "l_partkey": 114, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 9.0d, "l_extendedprice": 9126.99d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-11-30", "l_commitdate": "1995-11-23", "l_receiptdate": "1995-12-12", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "cial ideas haggle slyly pending request" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2692, "l_partkey": 114, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 21.0d, "l_extendedprice": 21296.31d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-03-11", "l_commitdate": "1998-02-11", "l_receiptdate": "1998-03-19", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "posits. final, express requests nag furi" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5671, "l_partkey": 114, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 30.0d, "l_extendedprice": 30423.3d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-06-06", "l_commitdate": "1998-04-15", "l_receiptdate": "1998-07-01", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "fily ironi" }
, { "l_orderkey": 2469, "l_partkey": 114, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 16.0d, "l_extendedprice": 16225.76d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-02-19", "l_commitdate": "1997-02-04", "l_receiptdate": "1997-03-18", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ing asymptotes " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5345, "l_partkey": 114, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 37.0d, "l_extendedprice": 37522.07d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-11-01", "l_commitdate": "1997-10-09", "l_receiptdate": "1997-11-26", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": " along the ironically fina" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2532, "l_partkey": 114, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 9.0d, "l_extendedprice": 9126.99d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-11-30", "l_commitdate": "1995-11-23", "l_receiptdate": "1995-12-12", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "cial ideas haggle slyly pending request" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4004, "l_partkey": 114, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 39.0d, "l_extendedprice": 39550.29d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-07-12", "l_commitdate": "1993-07-27", "l_receiptdate": "1993-07-18", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ccounts sleep furious" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5090, "l_partkey": 114, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 2.0d, "l_extendedprice": 2028.22d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-04-07", "l_commitdate": "1997-04-23", "l_receiptdate": "1997-05-01", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "tes. slowly iro" }
, { "l_orderkey": 355, "l_partkey": 114, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 31.0d, "l_extendedprice": 31437.41d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-07-13", "l_commitdate": "1994-08-18", "l_receiptdate": "1994-07-18", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "y unusual, ironic" }
, { "l_orderkey": 1440, "l_partkey": 114, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 46.0d, "l_extendedprice": 46649.06d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-09-21", "l_commitdate": "1995-10-19", "l_receiptdate": "1995-10-19", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "blithely even instructions. " }
, { "l_orderkey": 1635, "l_partkey": 114, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 20.0d, "l_extendedprice": 20282.2d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-05-19", "l_commitdate": "1997-04-01", "l_receiptdate": "1997-06-17", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "oost according to the carefully even accou" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1636, "l_partkey": 114, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 7.0d, "l_extendedprice": 7098.77d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-07-28", "l_commitdate": "1997-09-10", "l_receiptdate": "1997-07-31", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ronic instructions. final" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5090, "l_partkey": 114, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 2.0d, "l_extendedprice": 2028.22d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-04-07", "l_commitdate": "1997-04-23", "l_receiptdate": "1997-05-01", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "tes. slowly iro" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5281, "l_partkey": 114, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 37.0d, "l_extendedprice": 37522.07d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-11-10", "l_commitdate": "1996-01-31", "l_receiptdate": "1995-11-22", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ronic dependencies. fluffily final p" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 357, "l_partkey": 114, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 26.0d, "l_extendedprice": 26366.86d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-12-28", "l_commitdate": "1996-11-26", "l_receiptdate": "1997-01-13", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": " carefully pending accounts use a" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2663, "l_partkey": 114, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 35.0d, "l_extendedprice": 35493.85d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-12-11", "l_commitdate": "1995-10-16", "l_receiptdate": "1996-01-07", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "tect. slyly fina" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2692, "l_partkey": 114, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 21.0d, "l_extendedprice": 21296.31d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-03-11", "l_commitdate": "1998-02-11", "l_receiptdate": "1998-03-19", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "posits. final, express requests nag furi" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4196, "l_partkey": 114, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 42.0d, "l_extendedprice": 42592.62d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-08-13", "l_commitdate": "1998-07-18", "l_receiptdate": "1998-09-07", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": " instructions. courts cajole slyly ev" }
, { "l_orderkey": 1253, "l_partkey": 114, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 19.0d, "l_extendedprice": 19268.09d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-04-01", "l_commitdate": "1993-04-22", "l_receiptdate": "1993-04-14", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "al pinto bea" }
, { "l_orderkey": 1318, "l_partkey": 114, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 24.0d, "l_extendedprice": 24338.64d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-09-27", "l_commitdate": "1998-09-15", "l_receiptdate": "1998-10-12", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ual, unusual packages. fluffy, iro" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2663, "l_partkey": 114, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 35.0d, "l_extendedprice": 35493.85d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-12-11", "l_commitdate": "1995-10-16", "l_receiptdate": "1996-01-07", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "tect. slyly fina" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3014, "l_partkey": 114, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 14.0d, "l_extendedprice": 14197.54d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-11-19", "l_commitdate": "1993-01-01", "l_receiptdate": "1992-12-17", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": ". slyly brave platelets nag. careful," }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4004, "l_partkey": 114, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 39.0d, "l_extendedprice": 39550.29d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-07-12", "l_commitdate": "1993-07-27", "l_receiptdate": "1993-07-18", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ccounts sleep furious" }
, { "l_orderkey": 4006, "l_partkey": 114, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 25.0d, "l_extendedprice": 25352.75d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-02-23", "l_commitdate": "1995-02-09", "l_receiptdate": "1995-02-24", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": " requests use depos" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4196, "l_partkey": 114, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 42.0d, "l_extendedprice": 42592.62d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-08-13", "l_commitdate": "1998-07-18", "l_receiptdate": "1998-09-07", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": " instructions. courts cajole slyly ev" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5281, "l_partkey": 114, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 37.0d, "l_extendedprice": 37522.07d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-11-10", "l_commitdate": "1996-01-31", "l_receiptdate": "1995-11-22", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ronic dependencies. fluffily final p" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5671, "l_partkey": 114, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 30.0d, "l_extendedprice": 30423.3d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-06-06", "l_commitdate": "1998-04-15", "l_receiptdate": "1998-07-01", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "fily ironi" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3014, "l_partkey": 114, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 14.0d, "l_extendedprice": 14197.54d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-11-19", "l_commitdate": "1993-01-01", "l_receiptdate": "1992-12-17", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": ". slyly brave platelets nag. careful," }
, { "l_orderkey": 4452, "l_partkey": 114, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 21.0d, "l_extendedprice": 21296.31d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-10-06", "l_commitdate": "1994-08-23", "l_receiptdate": "1994-10-15", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "multipliers x-ray carefully in place of " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 647, "l_partkey": 113, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 5.0d, "l_extendedprice": 5065.55d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-09-25", "l_commitdate": "1997-09-22", "l_receiptdate": "1997-10-25", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ly express packages haggle caref" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5345, "l_partkey": 114, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 37.0d, "l_extendedprice": 37522.07d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-11-01", "l_commitdate": "1997-10-09", "l_receiptdate": "1997-11-26", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": " along the ironically fina" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1027, "l_partkey": 113, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 20.0d, "l_extendedprice": 20262.2d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-06-08", "l_commitdate": "1992-08-29", "l_receiptdate": "1992-06-14", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ar excuses eat f" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1090, "l_partkey": 113, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 28.0d, "l_extendedprice": 28367.08d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-02-20", "l_commitdate": "1998-01-03", "l_receiptdate": "1998-03-19", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "s cajole above the regular" }
, { "l_orderkey": 1188, "l_partkey": 113, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 9.0d, "l_extendedprice": 9117.99d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-08-04", "l_commitdate": "1996-06-04", "l_receiptdate": "1996-08-19", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ow carefully ironic d" }
, { "l_orderkey": 2050, "l_partkey": 113, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 41.0d, "l_extendedprice": 41537.51d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-06-08", "l_commitdate": "1994-08-27", "l_receiptdate": "1994-06-23", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": " final theodolites. depende" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2054, "l_partkey": 113, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 11.0d, "l_extendedprice": 11144.21d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-08-13", "l_commitdate": "1992-08-26", "l_receiptdate": "1992-08-22", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ular accou" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3207, "l_partkey": 113, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 2.0d, "l_extendedprice": 2026.22d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-06-15", "l_commitdate": "1998-04-20", "l_receiptdate": "1998-06-21", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "among the ironic, even packages " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3328, "l_partkey": 113, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 6.0d, "l_extendedprice": 6078.66d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-03-07", "l_commitdate": "1993-01-25", "l_receiptdate": "1993-03-29", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ffily even instructions detect b" }
, { "l_orderkey": 3363, "l_partkey": 113, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 20.0d, "l_extendedprice": 20262.2d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-12-11", "l_commitdate": "1995-11-15", "l_receiptdate": "1995-12-21", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "carefully quiet excuses wake. sl" }
, { "l_orderkey": 3875, "l_partkey": 113, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 49.0d, "l_extendedprice": 49642.39d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-10-18", "l_commitdate": "1997-10-13", "l_receiptdate": "1997-10-19", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "sleep furiously about the deposits. quickl" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3911, "l_partkey": 113, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 10.0d, "l_extendedprice": 10131.1d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-06-22", "l_commitdate": "1995-05-30", "l_receiptdate": "1995-06-28", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ss theodolites are blithely along t" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5890, "l_partkey": 113, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 38.0d, "l_extendedprice": 38498.18d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-02-14", "l_commitdate": "1992-12-09", "l_receiptdate": "1993-02-27", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": " accounts. carefully final asymptotes" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1027, "l_partkey": 113, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 20.0d, "l_extendedprice": 20262.2d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-06-08", "l_commitdate": "1992-08-29", "l_receiptdate": "1992-06-14", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ar excuses eat f" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1860, "l_partkey": 113, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 9.0d, "l_extendedprice": 9117.99d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-08-03", "l_commitdate": "1996-05-31", "l_receiptdate": "1996-08-04", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "c realms print carefully car" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1892, "l_partkey": 113, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 48.0d, "l_extendedprice": 48629.28d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-06-16", "l_commitdate": "1994-06-16", "l_receiptdate": "1994-06-28", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "tornis detect regul" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4741, "l_partkey": 113, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 16.0d, "l_extendedprice": 16209.76d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-08-25", "l_commitdate": "1992-08-10", "l_receiptdate": "1992-08-29", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "final foxes haggle r" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5411, "l_partkey": 113, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 10.0d, "l_extendedprice": 10131.1d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-07-19", "l_commitdate": "1997-08-04", "l_receiptdate": "1997-07-26", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "nding, special foxes unw" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 647, "l_partkey": 113, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 5.0d, "l_extendedprice": 5065.55d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-09-25", "l_commitdate": "1997-09-22", "l_receiptdate": "1997-10-25", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ly express packages haggle caref" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 964, "l_partkey": 113, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 1.0d, "l_extendedprice": 1013.11d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-08-20", "l_commitdate": "1995-07-29", "l_receiptdate": "1995-09-10", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "unts. quickly even platelets s" }
, { "l_orderkey": 1347, "l_partkey": 113, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 28.0d, "l_extendedprice": 28367.08d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-07-30", "l_commitdate": "1997-07-22", "l_receiptdate": "1997-08-18", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "foxes after the blithely special i" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2054, "l_partkey": 113, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 11.0d, "l_extendedprice": 11144.21d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-08-13", "l_commitdate": "1992-08-26", "l_receiptdate": "1992-08-22", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ular accou" }
, { "l_orderkey": 2214, "l_partkey": 113, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 42.0d, "l_extendedprice": 42550.62d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-05-26", "l_commitdate": "1998-07-13", "l_receiptdate": "1998-06-22", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ons. deposi" }
, { "l_orderkey": 2759, "l_partkey": 113, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 37.0d, "l_extendedprice": 37485.07d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-03-05", "l_commitdate": "1994-02-22", "l_receiptdate": "1994-03-18", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "lar Tiresias affix ironically carefully sp" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4487, "l_partkey": 113, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 49.0d, "l_extendedprice": 49642.39d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-06-13", "l_commitdate": "1993-05-08", "l_receiptdate": "1993-07-10", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "sual packages should ha" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5862, "l_partkey": 113, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 4.0d, "l_extendedprice": 4052.44d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-06-04", "l_commitdate": "1997-04-26", "l_receiptdate": "1997-06-19", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "yly silent deposit" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5890, "l_partkey": 113, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 38.0d, "l_extendedprice": 38498.18d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-02-14", "l_commitdate": "1992-12-09", "l_receiptdate": "1993-02-27", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": " accounts. carefully final asymptotes" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3207, "l_partkey": 113, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 2.0d, "l_extendedprice": 2026.22d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-06-15", "l_commitdate": "1998-04-20", "l_receiptdate": "1998-06-21", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "among the ironic, even packages " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3333, "l_partkey": 113, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 49.0d, "l_extendedprice": 49642.39d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-10-02", "l_commitdate": "1992-11-30", "l_receiptdate": "1992-10-12", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "riously ironic r" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3911, "l_partkey": 113, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 10.0d, "l_extendedprice": 10131.1d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-06-22", "l_commitdate": "1995-05-30", "l_receiptdate": "1995-06-28", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ss theodolites are blithely along t" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4263, "l_partkey": 113, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 47.0d, "l_extendedprice": 47616.17d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-06-28", "l_commitdate": "1998-05-09", "l_receiptdate": "1998-07-02", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "y. theodolites wake idly ironic do" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1860, "l_partkey": 113, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 9.0d, "l_extendedprice": 9117.99d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-08-03", "l_commitdate": "1996-05-31", "l_receiptdate": "1996-08-04", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "c realms print carefully car" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1892, "l_partkey": 113, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 48.0d, "l_extendedprice": 48629.28d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-06-16", "l_commitdate": "1994-06-16", "l_receiptdate": "1994-06-28", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "tornis detect regul" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2081, "l_partkey": 113, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 19.0d, "l_extendedprice": 19249.09d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-10-01", "l_commitdate": "1997-08-12", "l_receiptdate": "1997-10-18", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "s affix sometimes express requests. quickly" }
, { "l_orderkey": 3651, "l_partkey": 113, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 41.0d, "l_extendedprice": 41537.51d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-05-10", "l_commitdate": "1998-07-09", "l_receiptdate": "1998-05-13", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "blithely. furiously " }
, { "l_orderkey": 3750, "l_partkey": 113, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 47.0d, "l_extendedprice": 47616.17d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-05-11", "l_commitdate": "1995-06-13", "l_receiptdate": "1995-06-02", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "slowly regular accounts. blithely ev" }
, { "l_orderkey": 4160, "l_partkey": 113, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 25.0d, "l_extendedprice": 25327.75d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-09-22", "l_commitdate": "1996-10-17", "l_receiptdate": "1996-09-24", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ar accounts sleep blithe" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4263, "l_partkey": 113, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 47.0d, "l_extendedprice": 47616.17d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-06-28", "l_commitdate": "1998-05-09", "l_receiptdate": "1998-07-02", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "y. theodolites wake idly ironic do" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4741, "l_partkey": 113, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 16.0d, "l_extendedprice": 16209.76d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-08-25", "l_commitdate": "1992-08-10", "l_receiptdate": "1992-08-29", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "final foxes haggle r" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 964, "l_partkey": 113, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 1.0d, "l_extendedprice": 1013.11d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-08-20", "l_commitdate": "1995-07-29", "l_receiptdate": "1995-09-10", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "unts. quickly even platelets s" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1090, "l_partkey": 113, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 28.0d, "l_extendedprice": 28367.08d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-02-20", "l_commitdate": "1998-01-03", "l_receiptdate": "1998-03-19", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "s cajole above the regular" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2081, "l_partkey": 113, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 19.0d, "l_extendedprice": 19249.09d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-10-01", "l_commitdate": "1997-08-12", "l_receiptdate": "1997-10-18", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "s affix sometimes express requests. quickly" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3328, "l_partkey": 113, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 6.0d, "l_extendedprice": 6078.66d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-03-07", "l_commitdate": "1993-01-25", "l_receiptdate": "1993-03-29", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ffily even instructions detect b" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3333, "l_partkey": 113, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 49.0d, "l_extendedprice": 49642.39d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-10-02", "l_commitdate": "1992-11-30", "l_receiptdate": "1992-10-12", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "riously ironic r" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4487, "l_partkey": 113, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 49.0d, "l_extendedprice": 49642.39d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-06-13", "l_commitdate": "1993-05-08", "l_receiptdate": "1993-07-10", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "sual packages should ha" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5411, "l_partkey": 113, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 10.0d, "l_extendedprice": 10131.1d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-07-19", "l_commitdate": "1997-08-04", "l_receiptdate": "1997-07-26", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "nding, special foxes unw" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5862, "l_partkey": 113, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 4.0d, "l_extendedprice": 4052.44d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-06-04", "l_commitdate": "1997-04-26", "l_receiptdate": "1997-06-19", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "yly silent deposit" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 481, "l_partkey": 112, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 31.0d, "l_extendedprice": 31375.41d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-01-15", "l_commitdate": "1992-12-31", "l_receiptdate": "1993-01-21", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "usly final packages believe. quick" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 833, "l_partkey": 112, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 38.0d, "l_extendedprice": 38460.18d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-04-05", "l_commitdate": "1994-04-21", "l_receiptdate": "1994-05-01", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": " platelets promise furiously. " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1475, "l_partkey": 112, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 23.0d, "l_extendedprice": 23278.53d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-02-13", "l_commitdate": "1998-02-05", "l_receiptdate": "1998-03-08", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "hely regular hocke" }
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-, { "l_orderkey": 2885, "l_partkey": 112, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 4.0d, "l_extendedprice": 4048.44d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-10-09", "l_commitdate": "1992-12-17", "l_receiptdate": "1992-11-04", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": " pending packages wake. " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2887, "l_partkey": 112, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 17.0d, "l_extendedprice": 17205.87d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-08-31", "l_commitdate": "1997-07-04", "l_receiptdate": "1997-09-17", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "fily final packages. regula" }
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-, { "l_orderkey": 4769, "l_partkey": 112, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 15.0d, "l_extendedprice": 15181.65d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-06-12", "l_commitdate": "1995-07-07", "l_receiptdate": "1995-07-04", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "egular platelets can cajole across the " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5313, "l_partkey": 112, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 47.0d, "l_extendedprice": 47569.17d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-08-12", "l_commitdate": "1997-08-18", "l_receiptdate": "1997-08-13", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "pinto beans across the " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5664, "l_partkey": 112, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 44.0d, "l_extendedprice": 44532.84d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-09-24", "l_commitdate": "1998-09-26", "l_receiptdate": "1998-10-23", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ang thinly bold pa" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5827, "l_partkey": 112, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 38.0d, "l_extendedprice": 38460.18d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-10-18", "l_commitdate": "1998-08-27", "l_receiptdate": "1998-10-23", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ly ruthless accounts" }
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-, { "l_orderkey": 3907, "l_partkey": 112, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 41.0d, "l_extendedprice": 41496.51d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-09-13", "l_commitdate": "1992-10-23", "l_receiptdate": "1992-09-29", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ackages wake along the carefully regul" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4071, "l_partkey": 112, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 22.0d, "l_extendedprice": 22266.42d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-10-31", "l_commitdate": "1996-12-14", "l_receiptdate": "1996-11-05", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "sits cajole carefully final instructio" }
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, { "l_orderkey": 2564, "l_partkey": 112, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 4.0d, "l_extendedprice": 4048.44d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-11-12", "l_commitdate": "1994-10-29", "l_receiptdate": "1994-12-04", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "y express requests sleep furi" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5024, "l_partkey": 112, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 18.0d, "l_extendedprice": 18217.98d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-12-02", "l_commitdate": "1997-01-16", "l_receiptdate": "1996-12-05", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "zle carefully sauternes. quickly" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1028, "l_partkey": 112, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 39.0d, "l_extendedprice": 39472.29d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-02-18", "l_commitdate": "1994-03-22", "l_receiptdate": "1994-03-06", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": " final dependencies affix a" }
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+, { "l_orderkey": 2887, "l_partkey": 112, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 17.0d, "l_extendedprice": 17205.87d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-08-31", "l_commitdate": "1997-07-04", "l_receiptdate": "1997-09-17", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "fily final packages. regula" }
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+, { "l_orderkey": 5664, "l_partkey": 112, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 44.0d, "l_extendedprice": 44532.84d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-09-24", "l_commitdate": "1998-09-26", "l_receiptdate": "1998-10-23", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ang thinly bold pa" }
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+, { "l_orderkey": 1698, "l_partkey": 112, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 19.0d, "l_extendedprice": 19230.09d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-07-04", "l_commitdate": "1997-06-21", "l_receiptdate": "1997-08-01", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": " fluffily e" }
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+, { "l_orderkey": 4071, "l_partkey": 112, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 22.0d, "l_extendedprice": 22266.42d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-10-31", "l_commitdate": "1996-12-14", "l_receiptdate": "1996-11-05", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "sits cajole carefully final instructio" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5955, "l_partkey": 112, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 40.0d, "l_extendedprice": 40484.4d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-04-01", "l_commitdate": "1995-06-11", "l_receiptdate": "1995-04-27", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "oss the fluffily regular" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1475, "l_partkey": 112, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 23.0d, "l_extendedprice": 23278.53d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-02-13", "l_commitdate": "1998-02-05", "l_receiptdate": "1998-03-08", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "hely regular hocke" }
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, { "l_orderkey": 2759, "l_partkey": 112, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 11.0d, "l_extendedprice": 11133.21d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-01-24", "l_commitdate": "1994-01-16", "l_receiptdate": "1994-02-21", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "hely regular " }
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+, { "l_orderkey": 3907, "l_partkey": 112, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 41.0d, "l_extendedprice": 41496.51d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-09-13", "l_commitdate": "1992-10-23", "l_receiptdate": "1992-09-29", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ackages wake along the carefully regul" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5024, "l_partkey": 112, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 18.0d, "l_extendedprice": 18217.98d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-12-02", "l_commitdate": "1997-01-16", "l_receiptdate": "1996-12-05", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "zle carefully sauternes. quickly" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5153, "l_partkey": 112, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 36.0d, "l_extendedprice": 36435.96d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-12-15", "l_commitdate": "1995-11-08", "l_receiptdate": "1995-12-30", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": " ironic instru" }
, { "l_orderkey": 192, "l_partkey": 111, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 15.0d, "l_extendedprice": 15166.65d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-01-30", "l_commitdate": "1998-02-10", "l_receiptdate": "1998-02-23", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "he ironic requests haggle about" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2274, "l_partkey": 111, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 23.0d, "l_extendedprice": 23255.53d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-10-28", "l_commitdate": "1993-11-03", "l_receiptdate": "1993-11-05", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "kly special warhorse" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4385, "l_partkey": 111, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 38.0d, "l_extendedprice": 38422.18d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-11-22", "l_commitdate": "1996-10-30", "l_receiptdate": "1996-12-21", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "inal frays. final, bold exc" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4613, "l_partkey": 111, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 35.0d, "l_extendedprice": 35388.85d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-06-04", "l_commitdate": "1998-04-17", "l_receiptdate": "1998-06-20", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "e blithely against the even, bold pi" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5671, "l_partkey": 111, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 42.0d, "l_extendedprice": 42466.62d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-02-17", "l_commitdate": "1998-04-24", "l_receiptdate": "1998-03-17", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "carefully slyly special deposit" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5731, "l_partkey": 111, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 6.0d, "l_extendedprice": 6066.66d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-07-02", "l_commitdate": "1997-07-01", "l_receiptdate": "1997-07-08", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "sits integrate slyly close platelets. quick" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 416, "l_partkey": 111, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 22.0d, "l_extendedprice": 22244.42d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-12-27", "l_commitdate": "1993-12-17", "l_receiptdate": "1994-01-09", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "rint blithely above the pending sentim" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2180, "l_partkey": 111, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 47.0d, "l_extendedprice": 47522.17d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-09-23", "l_commitdate": "1996-12-08", "l_receiptdate": "1996-10-12", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "pending, regular ideas. iron" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3364, "l_partkey": 111, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 38.0d, "l_extendedprice": 38422.18d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-08-30", "l_commitdate": "1997-09-12", "l_receiptdate": "1997-09-27", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": " slyly express" }
, { "l_orderkey": 902, "l_partkey": 111, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 3.0d, "l_extendedprice": 3033.33d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-10-01", "l_commitdate": "1994-10-25", "l_receiptdate": "1994-10-28", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "into beans thrash blithely about the flu" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1061, "l_partkey": 111, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 26.0d, "l_extendedprice": 26288.86d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-06-18", "l_commitdate": "1998-07-25", "l_receiptdate": "1998-06-24", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ave to slee" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1575, "l_partkey": 111, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 39.0d, "l_extendedprice": 39433.29d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-09-23", "l_commitdate": "1995-11-05", "l_receiptdate": "1995-09-25", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": " after the unusual asym" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3206, "l_partkey": 111, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 37.0d, "l_extendedprice": 37411.07d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-09-06", "l_commitdate": "1996-10-31", "l_receiptdate": "1996-09-25", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": " quick theodolites hagg" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1252, "l_partkey": 111, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 27.0d, "l_extendedprice": 27299.97d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-10-22", "l_commitdate": "1997-10-10", "l_receiptdate": "1997-11-10", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "packages hag" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2180, "l_partkey": 111, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 47.0d, "l_extendedprice": 47522.17d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-09-23", "l_commitdate": "1996-12-08", "l_receiptdate": "1996-10-12", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "pending, regular ideas. iron" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3456, "l_partkey": 111, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 34.0d, "l_extendedprice": 34377.74d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-08-29", "l_commitdate": "1993-08-26", "l_receiptdate": "1993-09-07", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "usy pinto beans b" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4613, "l_partkey": 111, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 35.0d, "l_extendedprice": 35388.85d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-06-04", "l_commitdate": "1998-04-17", "l_receiptdate": "1998-06-20", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "e blithely against the even, bold pi" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 416, "l_partkey": 111, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 22.0d, "l_extendedprice": 22244.42d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-12-27", "l_commitdate": "1993-12-17", "l_receiptdate": "1994-01-09", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "rint blithely above the pending sentim" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2274, "l_partkey": 111, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 23.0d, "l_extendedprice": 23255.53d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-10-28", "l_commitdate": "1993-11-03", "l_receiptdate": "1993-11-05", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "kly special warhorse" }
, { "l_orderkey": 4002, "l_partkey": 111, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 35.0d, "l_extendedprice": 35388.85d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-05-16", "l_commitdate": "1997-06-15", "l_receiptdate": "1997-06-02", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "eep. quickly" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4705, "l_partkey": 111, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 22.0d, "l_extendedprice": 22244.42d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-07-05", "l_commitdate": "1992-05-11", "l_receiptdate": "1992-07-29", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": " fluffily pending accounts ca" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4385, "l_partkey": 111, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 38.0d, "l_extendedprice": 38422.18d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-11-22", "l_commitdate": "1996-10-30", "l_receiptdate": "1996-12-21", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "inal frays. final, bold exc" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4674, "l_partkey": 111, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 3.0d, "l_extendedprice": 3033.33d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-07-19", "l_commitdate": "1994-05-28", "l_receiptdate": "1994-07-23", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": " regular requests na" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5121, "l_partkey": 111, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 45.0d, "l_extendedprice": 45499.95d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-08-13", "l_commitdate": "1992-07-27", "l_receiptdate": "1992-09-12", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "pecial accounts cajole ca" }
, { "l_orderkey": 5254, "l_partkey": 111, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 35.0d, "l_extendedprice": 35388.85d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-07-28", "l_commitdate": "1992-09-05", "l_receiptdate": "1992-08-07", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ntegrate carefully among the pending" }
, { "l_orderkey": 610, "l_partkey": 111, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 49.0d, "l_extendedprice": 49544.39d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-08-29", "l_commitdate": "1995-10-26", "l_receiptdate": "1995-09-12", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ular instruc" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1252, "l_partkey": 111, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 27.0d, "l_extendedprice": 27299.97d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-10-22", "l_commitdate": "1997-10-10", "l_receiptdate": "1997-11-10", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "packages hag" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1575, "l_partkey": 111, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 39.0d, "l_extendedprice": 39433.29d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-09-23", "l_commitdate": "1995-11-05", "l_receiptdate": "1995-09-25", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": " after the unusual asym" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3206, "l_partkey": 111, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 37.0d, "l_extendedprice": 37411.07d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-09-06", "l_commitdate": "1996-10-31", "l_receiptdate": "1996-09-25", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": " quick theodolites hagg" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4705, "l_partkey": 111, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 22.0d, "l_extendedprice": 22244.42d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-07-05", "l_commitdate": "1992-05-11", "l_receiptdate": "1992-07-29", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": " fluffily pending accounts ca" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5413, "l_partkey": 111, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 36.0d, "l_extendedprice": 36399.96d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-12-12", "l_commitdate": "1997-11-28", "l_receiptdate": "1997-12-25", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ular, regular ideas mold! final requests" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5731, "l_partkey": 111, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 6.0d, "l_extendedprice": 6066.66d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-07-02", "l_commitdate": "1997-07-01", "l_receiptdate": "1997-07-08", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "sits integrate slyly close platelets. quick" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1061, "l_partkey": 111, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 26.0d, "l_extendedprice": 26288.86d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-06-18", "l_commitdate": "1998-07-25", "l_receiptdate": "1998-06-24", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ave to slee" }
, { "l_orderkey": 1733, "l_partkey": 111, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 41.0d, "l_extendedprice": 41455.51d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-06-13", "l_commitdate": "1996-07-08", "l_receiptdate": "1996-07-07", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ess notornis. fur" }
, { "l_orderkey": 1766, "l_partkey": 111, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 1.0d, "l_extendedprice": 1011.11d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-01-21", "l_commitdate": "1997-01-07", "l_receiptdate": "1997-02-19", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ly blithely pending accounts. reg" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3456, "l_partkey": 111, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 34.0d, "l_extendedprice": 34377.74d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-08-29", "l_commitdate": "1993-08-26", "l_receiptdate": "1993-09-07", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "usy pinto beans b" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4674, "l_partkey": 111, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 3.0d, "l_extendedprice": 3033.33d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-07-19", "l_commitdate": "1994-05-28", "l_receiptdate": "1994-07-23", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": " regular requests na" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3364, "l_partkey": 111, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 38.0d, "l_extendedprice": 38422.18d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-08-30", "l_commitdate": "1997-09-12", "l_receiptdate": "1997-09-27", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": " slyly express" }
, { "l_orderkey": 4676, "l_partkey": 111, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 50.0d, "l_extendedprice": 50555.5d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-09-20", "l_commitdate": "1995-11-20", "l_receiptdate": "1995-10-18", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "r deposits boost boldly quickly quick asymp" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5121, "l_partkey": 111, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 45.0d, "l_extendedprice": 45499.95d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-08-13", "l_commitdate": "1992-07-27", "l_receiptdate": "1992-09-12", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "pecial accounts cajole ca" }
, { "l_orderkey": 5381, "l_partkey": 111, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 48.0d, "l_extendedprice": 48533.28d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-04-22", "l_commitdate": "1993-04-17", "l_receiptdate": "1993-05-14", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "luffily spec" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5413, "l_partkey": 111, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 36.0d, "l_extendedprice": 36399.96d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-12-12", "l_commitdate": "1997-11-28", "l_receiptdate": "1997-12-25", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ular, regular ideas mold! final requests" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 98, "l_partkey": 110, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 1.0d, "l_extendedprice": 1010.11d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-12-01", "l_commitdate": "1994-12-12", "l_receiptdate": "1994-12-15", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": ". unusual instructions against" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1991, "l_partkey": 110, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 39.0d, "l_extendedprice": 39394.29d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-01-01", "l_commitdate": "1992-11-29", "l_receiptdate": "1993-01-10", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ckages? carefully bold depos" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2470, "l_partkey": 110, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 12.0d, "l_extendedprice": 12121.32d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-07-12", "l_commitdate": "1997-05-24", "l_receiptdate": "1997-07-17", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "l accounts. deposits nag daringly. express," }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2785, "l_partkey": 110, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 37.0d, "l_extendedprice": 37374.07d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-07-25", "l_commitdate": "1995-09-12", "l_receiptdate": "1995-08-06", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "tructions. furiously " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4065, "l_partkey": 110, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 16.0d, "l_extendedprice": 16161.76d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-08-25", "l_commitdate": "1994-08-06", "l_receiptdate": "1994-09-09", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ncies use furiously. quickly un" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4801, "l_partkey": 110, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 4.0d, "l_extendedprice": 4040.44d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-03-23", "l_commitdate": "1996-04-04", "l_receiptdate": "1996-03-25", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "pitaphs. regular, reg" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5413, "l_partkey": 110, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 22.0d, "l_extendedprice": 22222.42d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-11-10", "l_commitdate": "1997-11-24", "l_receiptdate": "1997-11-22", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "posits. quick" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1477, "l_partkey": 110, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 8.0d, "l_extendedprice": 8080.88d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-10-25", "l_commitdate": "1997-10-18", "l_receiptdate": "1997-11-16", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ironic realms wake unusual, even ac" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2343, "l_partkey": 110, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 27.0d, "l_extendedprice": 27272.97d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-11-10", "l_commitdate": "1995-11-17", "l_receiptdate": "1995-12-10", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "old theodolites." }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3170, "l_partkey": 110, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 43.0d, "l_extendedprice": 43434.73d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-01-05", "l_commitdate": "1998-01-04", "l_receiptdate": "1998-01-14", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": ". express dolphins use sly" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3426, "l_partkey": 110, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 20.0d, "l_extendedprice": 20202.2d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-11-10", "l_commitdate": "1996-12-24", "l_receiptdate": "1996-12-01", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "sits cajole blit" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3588, "l_partkey": 110, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 37.0d, "l_extendedprice": 37374.07d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-06-17", "l_commitdate": "1995-05-25", "l_receiptdate": "1995-06-24", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "xcuses sleep quickly along th" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3941, "l_partkey": 110, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 29.0d, "l_extendedprice": 29293.19d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-09-14", "l_commitdate": "1996-10-04", "l_receiptdate": "1996-09-19", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "g the blithely" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4033, "l_partkey": 110, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 27.0d, "l_extendedprice": 27272.97d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-08-08", "l_commitdate": "1993-08-14", "l_receiptdate": "1993-08-09", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "pinto beans" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4261, "l_partkey": 110, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 12.0d, "l_extendedprice": 12121.32d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-11-01", "l_commitdate": "1993-01-01", "l_receiptdate": "1992-11-12", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "into beans " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4995, "l_partkey": 110, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 48.0d, "l_extendedprice": 48485.28d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-04-14", "l_commitdate": "1996-04-04", "l_receiptdate": "1996-05-07", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "nstructions. carefully final depos" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5575, "l_partkey": 110, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 7.0d, "l_extendedprice": 7070.77d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-10-15", "l_commitdate": "1995-09-14", "l_receiptdate": "1995-10-18", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "special requests. final, final " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1060, "l_partkey": 110, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 16.0d, "l_extendedprice": 16161.76d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-06-15", "l_commitdate": "1993-04-18", "l_receiptdate": "1993-07-05", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ccounts. foxes maintain care" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5671, "l_partkey": 111, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 42.0d, "l_extendedprice": 42466.62d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-02-17", "l_commitdate": "1998-04-24", "l_receiptdate": "1998-03-17", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "carefully slyly special deposit" }
, { "l_orderkey": 1314, "l_partkey": 110, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 39.0d, "l_extendedprice": 39394.29d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-08-09", "l_commitdate": "1994-06-14", "l_receiptdate": "1994-08-31", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": " unusual accounts slee" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2850, "l_partkey": 110, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 30.0d, "l_extendedprice": 30303.3d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-12-14", "l_commitdate": "1996-11-29", "l_receiptdate": "1997-01-03", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "even ideas. busy pinto beans sleep above t" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2343, "l_partkey": 110, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 27.0d, "l_extendedprice": 27272.97d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-11-10", "l_commitdate": "1995-11-17", "l_receiptdate": "1995-12-10", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "old theodolites." }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2470, "l_partkey": 110, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 12.0d, "l_extendedprice": 12121.32d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-07-12", "l_commitdate": "1997-05-24", "l_receiptdate": "1997-07-17", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "l accounts. deposits nag daringly. express," }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3170, "l_partkey": 110, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 43.0d, "l_extendedprice": 43434.73d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-01-05", "l_commitdate": "1998-01-04", "l_receiptdate": "1998-01-14", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": ". express dolphins use sly" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3588, "l_partkey": 110, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 37.0d, "l_extendedprice": 37374.07d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-06-17", "l_commitdate": "1995-05-25", "l_receiptdate": "1995-06-24", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "xcuses sleep quickly along th" }
, { "l_orderkey": 3779, "l_partkey": 110, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 5.0d, "l_extendedprice": 5050.55d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-01-07", "l_commitdate": "1997-03-26", "l_receiptdate": "1997-02-05", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "heodolites. slyly regular a" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3907, "l_partkey": 110, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 8.0d, "l_extendedprice": 8080.88d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-09-18", "l_commitdate": "1992-10-29", "l_receiptdate": "1992-09-27", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "furiously final packages." }
, { "l_orderkey": 4068, "l_partkey": 110, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 43.0d, "l_extendedprice": 43434.73d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-11-28", "l_commitdate": "1996-11-16", "l_receiptdate": "1996-12-22", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ructions. regular, special packag" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4261, "l_partkey": 110, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 12.0d, "l_extendedprice": 12121.32d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-11-01", "l_commitdate": "1993-01-01", "l_receiptdate": "1992-11-12", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "into beans " }
, { "l_orderkey": 4934, "l_partkey": 110, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 41.0d, "l_extendedprice": 41414.51d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-06-04", "l_commitdate": "1997-04-11", "l_receiptdate": "1997-06-25", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "wake final, ironic f" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1060, "l_partkey": 110, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 16.0d, "l_extendedprice": 16161.76d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-06-15", "l_commitdate": "1993-04-18", "l_receiptdate": "1993-07-05", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ccounts. foxes maintain care" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1991, "l_partkey": 110, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 39.0d, "l_extendedprice": 39394.29d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-01-01", "l_commitdate": "1992-11-29", "l_receiptdate": "1993-01-10", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ckages? carefully bold depos" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2656, "l_partkey": 110, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 40.0d, "l_extendedprice": 40404.4d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-06-09", "l_commitdate": "1993-07-24", "l_receiptdate": "1993-06-21", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "refully final pearls. final ideas wake. qu" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3426, "l_partkey": 110, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 20.0d, "l_extendedprice": 20202.2d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-11-10", "l_commitdate": "1996-12-24", "l_receiptdate": "1996-12-01", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "sits cajole blit" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3941, "l_partkey": 110, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 29.0d, "l_extendedprice": 29293.19d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-09-14", "l_commitdate": "1996-10-04", "l_receiptdate": "1996-09-19", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "g the blithely" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5575, "l_partkey": 110, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 7.0d, "l_extendedprice": 7070.77d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-10-15", "l_commitdate": "1995-09-14", "l_receiptdate": "1995-10-18", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "special requests. final, final " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2850, "l_partkey": 110, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 30.0d, "l_extendedprice": 30303.3d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-12-14", "l_commitdate": "1996-11-29", "l_receiptdate": "1997-01-03", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "even ideas. busy pinto beans sleep above t" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4033, "l_partkey": 110, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 27.0d, "l_extendedprice": 27272.97d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-08-08", "l_commitdate": "1993-08-14", "l_receiptdate": "1993-08-09", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "pinto beans" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4065, "l_partkey": 110, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 16.0d, "l_extendedprice": 16161.76d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-08-25", "l_commitdate": "1994-08-06", "l_receiptdate": "1994-09-09", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ncies use furiously. quickly un" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4995, "l_partkey": 110, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 48.0d, "l_extendedprice": 48485.28d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-04-14", "l_commitdate": "1996-04-04", "l_receiptdate": "1996-05-07", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "nstructions. carefully final depos" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5413, "l_partkey": 110, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 22.0d, "l_extendedprice": 22222.42d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-11-10", "l_commitdate": "1997-11-24", "l_receiptdate": "1997-11-22", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "posits. quick" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 98, "l_partkey": 110, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 1.0d, "l_extendedprice": 1010.11d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-12-01", "l_commitdate": "1994-12-12", "l_receiptdate": "1994-12-15", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": ". unusual instructions against" }
, { "l_orderkey": 1059, "l_partkey": 110, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 26.0d, "l_extendedprice": 26262.86d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-03-17", "l_commitdate": "1994-04-18", "l_receiptdate": "1994-03-26", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ar pinto beans at the furiously " }
, { "l_orderkey": 1127, "l_partkey": 110, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 38.0d, "l_extendedprice": 38384.18d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-11-07", "l_commitdate": "1995-11-11", "l_receiptdate": "1995-11-26", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": ". never final packages boost acro" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2656, "l_partkey": 110, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 40.0d, "l_extendedprice": 40404.4d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-06-09", "l_commitdate": "1993-07-24", "l_receiptdate": "1993-06-21", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "refully final pearls. final ideas wake. qu" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1477, "l_partkey": 110, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 8.0d, "l_extendedprice": 8080.88d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-10-25", "l_commitdate": "1997-10-18", "l_receiptdate": "1997-11-16", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ironic realms wake unusual, even ac" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2785, "l_partkey": 110, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 37.0d, "l_extendedprice": 37374.07d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-07-25", "l_commitdate": "1995-09-12", "l_receiptdate": "1995-08-06", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "tructions. furiously " }
, { "l_orderkey": 3651, "l_partkey": 110, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 27.0d, "l_extendedprice": 27272.97d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-05-03", "l_commitdate": "1998-06-30", "l_receiptdate": "1998-05-05", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": " sleep blithely furiously do" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3907, "l_partkey": 110, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 8.0d, "l_extendedprice": 8080.88d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-09-18", "l_commitdate": "1992-10-29", "l_receiptdate": "1992-09-27", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "furiously final packages." }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4801, "l_partkey": 110, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 4.0d, "l_extendedprice": 4040.44d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-03-23", "l_commitdate": "1996-04-04", "l_receiptdate": "1996-03-25", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "pitaphs. regular, reg" }
, { "l_orderkey": 5189, "l_partkey": 110, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 4.0d, "l_extendedprice": 4040.44d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-12-21", "l_commitdate": "1994-02-23", "l_receiptdate": "1994-01-09", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": ". blithely exp" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 99, "l_partkey": 109, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 36.0d, "l_extendedprice": 36327.6d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-07-04", "l_commitdate": "1994-04-17", "l_receiptdate": "1994-07-30", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "slyly. slyly e" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 224, "l_partkey": 109, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 34.0d, "l_extendedprice": 34309.4d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-07-13", "l_commitdate": "1994-08-25", "l_receiptdate": "1994-07-31", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": " carefully. final platelets " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 515, "l_partkey": 109, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 34.0d, "l_extendedprice": 34309.4d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-10-03", "l_commitdate": "1993-10-26", "l_receiptdate": "1993-10-15", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ic dependencie" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 515, "l_partkey": 109, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 25.0d, "l_extendedprice": 25227.5d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-11-14", "l_commitdate": "1993-11-07", "l_receiptdate": "1993-12-03", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "e packages engag" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 646, "l_partkey": 109, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 31.0d, "l_extendedprice": 31282.1d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-12-17", "l_commitdate": "1995-02-16", "l_receiptdate": "1995-01-04", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ag furiousl" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1159, "l_partkey": 109, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 39.0d, "l_extendedprice": 39354.9d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-11-20", "l_commitdate": "1992-10-28", "l_receiptdate": "1992-12-18", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": " blithely express reques" }
, { "l_orderkey": 1574, "l_partkey": 109, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 6.0d, "l_extendedprice": 6054.6d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-02-09", "l_commitdate": "1997-03-02", "l_receiptdate": "1997-02-14", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "nic, final ideas snooze. " }
, { "l_orderkey": 1637, "l_partkey": 109, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 38.0d, "l_extendedprice": 38345.8d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-03-20", "l_commitdate": "1995-05-05", "l_receiptdate": "1995-04-14", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "even, pending foxes nod regular" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2432, "l_partkey": 109, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 13.0d, "l_extendedprice": 13118.3d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-09-03", "l_commitdate": "1996-10-10", "l_receiptdate": "1996-10-03", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "arefully about the caref" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3492, "l_partkey": 109, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 34.0d, "l_extendedprice": 34309.4d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-12-07", "l_commitdate": "1994-12-29", "l_receiptdate": "1994-12-24", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": " unusual requests. ir" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3970, "l_partkey": 109, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 18.0d, "l_extendedprice": 18163.8d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-06-06", "l_commitdate": "1992-06-18", "l_receiptdate": "1992-07-05", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": " maintain slyly. ir" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4066, "l_partkey": 109, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 44.0d, "l_extendedprice": 44400.4d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-03-01", "l_commitdate": "1997-04-27", "l_receiptdate": "1997-03-29", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "express accounts nag bli" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4545, "l_partkey": 109, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 8.0d, "l_extendedprice": 8072.8d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-05-01", "l_commitdate": "1993-03-12", "l_receiptdate": "1993-05-15", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": " boost slyly. slyly" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4929, "l_partkey": 109, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 26.0d, "l_extendedprice": 26236.6d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-06-10", "l_commitdate": "1996-05-29", "l_receiptdate": "1996-06-26", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": " slyly. fl" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5346, "l_partkey": 109, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 7.0d, "l_extendedprice": 7063.7d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-01-30", "l_commitdate": "1994-03-26", "l_receiptdate": "1994-01-31", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "equests use carefully care" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5, "l_partkey": 109, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 15.0d, "l_extendedprice": 15136.5d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-10-31", "l_commitdate": "1994-08-31", "l_receiptdate": "1994-11-20", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ts wake furiously " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1798, "l_partkey": 109, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 43.0d, "l_extendedprice": 43391.3d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-08-27", "l_commitdate": "1997-10-23", "l_receiptdate": "1997-09-09", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ld packages sleep furiously. depend" }
, { "l_orderkey": 2276, "l_partkey": 109, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 38.0d, "l_extendedprice": 38345.8d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-07-07", "l_commitdate": "1996-06-28", "l_receiptdate": "1996-07-17", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ans. pinto beans boost c" }
, { "l_orderkey": 2720, "l_partkey": 109, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 49.0d, "l_extendedprice": 49445.9d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-07-09", "l_commitdate": "1993-07-14", "l_receiptdate": "1993-07-13", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": " accounts. fluffily bold pack" }
, { "l_orderkey": 3264, "l_partkey": 109, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 24.0d, "l_extendedprice": 24218.4d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-01-07", "l_commitdate": "1996-12-13", "l_receiptdate": "1997-01-11", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ctions. quick" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3457, "l_partkey": 109, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 42.0d, "l_extendedprice": 42382.2d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-06-12", "l_commitdate": "1995-06-14", "l_receiptdate": "1995-06-14", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "riously final instruc" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5666, "l_partkey": 109, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 36.0d, "l_extendedprice": 36327.6d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-03-15", "l_commitdate": "1994-03-16", "l_receiptdate": "1994-03-18", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "accounts. furiousl" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 449, "l_partkey": 109, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 4.0d, "l_extendedprice": 4036.4d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-10-27", "l_commitdate": "1995-09-14", "l_receiptdate": "1995-11-21", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "are fluffily. requests are furiously" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1159, "l_partkey": 109, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 39.0d, "l_extendedprice": 39354.9d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-11-20", "l_commitdate": "1992-10-28", "l_receiptdate": "1992-12-18", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": " blithely express reques" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3235, "l_partkey": 109, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 9.0d, "l_extendedprice": 9081.9d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-11-17", "l_commitdate": "1995-12-24", "l_receiptdate": "1995-11-30", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "l courts sleep quickly slyly " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3457, "l_partkey": 109, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 7.0d, "l_extendedprice": 7063.7d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-08-14", "l_commitdate": "1995-07-06", "l_receiptdate": "1995-08-18", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": " pending accounts along the" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5088, "l_partkey": 109, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 10.0d, "l_extendedprice": 10091.0d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-04-07", "l_commitdate": "1993-02-06", "l_receiptdate": "1993-04-26", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "beans. special requests af" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3970, "l_partkey": 109, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 18.0d, "l_extendedprice": 18163.8d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-06-06", "l_commitdate": "1992-06-18", "l_receiptdate": "1992-07-05", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": " maintain slyly. ir" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5346, "l_partkey": 109, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 7.0d, "l_extendedprice": 7063.7d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-01-30", "l_commitdate": "1994-03-26", "l_receiptdate": "1994-01-31", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "equests use carefully care" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5634, "l_partkey": 109, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 16.0d, "l_extendedprice": 16145.6d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-11-15", "l_commitdate": "1996-09-14", "l_receiptdate": "1996-12-04", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ess ideas are carefully pending, even re" }
, { "l_orderkey": 5636, "l_partkey": 109, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 15.0d, "l_extendedprice": 15136.5d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-04-21", "l_commitdate": "1995-04-30", "l_receiptdate": "1995-05-05", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "efully special" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 135, "l_partkey": 109, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 47.0d, "l_extendedprice": 47427.7d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-02-18", "l_commitdate": "1996-01-01", "l_receiptdate": "1996-02-25", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ctions wake slyly abo" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 164, "l_partkey": 109, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 27.0d, "l_extendedprice": 27245.7d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-12-23", "l_commitdate": "1993-01-16", "l_receiptdate": "1993-01-10", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ayers wake carefully a" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5, "l_partkey": 109, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 15.0d, "l_extendedprice": 15136.5d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-10-31", "l_commitdate": "1994-08-31", "l_receiptdate": "1994-11-20", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ts wake furiously " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 224, "l_partkey": 109, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 34.0d, "l_extendedprice": 34309.4d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-07-13", "l_commitdate": "1994-08-25", "l_receiptdate": "1994-07-31", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": " carefully. final platelets " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 646, "l_partkey": 109, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 31.0d, "l_extendedprice": 31282.1d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-12-17", "l_commitdate": "1995-02-16", "l_receiptdate": "1995-01-04", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ag furiousl" }
, { "l_orderkey": 896, "l_partkey": 109, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 11.0d, "l_extendedprice": 11100.1d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-05-01", "l_commitdate": "1993-04-09", "l_receiptdate": "1993-05-06", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "rding to the pinto beans wa" }
, { "l_orderkey": 1410, "l_partkey": 109, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 37.0d, "l_extendedprice": 37336.7d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-04-17", "l_commitdate": "1997-06-18", "l_receiptdate": "1997-04-19", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "to beans b" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2976, "l_partkey": 109, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 30.0d, "l_extendedprice": 30273.0d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-03-27", "l_commitdate": "1994-02-01", "l_receiptdate": "1994-04-26", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "c ideas! unusual" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1798, "l_partkey": 109, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 43.0d, "l_extendedprice": 43391.3d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-08-27", "l_commitdate": "1997-10-23", "l_receiptdate": "1997-09-09", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ld packages sleep furiously. depend" }
, { "l_orderkey": 2980, "l_partkey": 109, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 43.0d, "l_extendedprice": 43391.3d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-12-07", "l_commitdate": "1996-11-10", "l_receiptdate": "1997-01-02", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "sts. slyly regu" }
, { "l_orderkey": 3108, "l_partkey": 109, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 37.0d, "l_extendedprice": 37336.7d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-10-16", "l_commitdate": "1993-10-01", "l_receiptdate": "1993-11-09", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": " final requests. " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5634, "l_partkey": 109, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 16.0d, "l_extendedprice": 16145.6d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-11-15", "l_commitdate": "1996-09-14", "l_receiptdate": "1996-12-04", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ess ideas are carefully pending, even re" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2179, "l_partkey": 108, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 7.0d, "l_extendedprice": 7056.7d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-10-24", "l_commitdate": "1996-11-14", "l_receiptdate": "1996-11-21", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "gular dependencies. ironic packages haggle" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 135, "l_partkey": 109, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 47.0d, "l_extendedprice": 47427.7d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-02-18", "l_commitdate": "1996-01-01", "l_receiptdate": "1996-02-25", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ctions wake slyly abo" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 164, "l_partkey": 109, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 27.0d, "l_extendedprice": 27245.7d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-12-23", "l_commitdate": "1993-01-16", "l_receiptdate": "1993-01-10", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ayers wake carefully a" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 515, "l_partkey": 109, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 34.0d, "l_extendedprice": 34309.4d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-10-03", "l_commitdate": "1993-10-26", "l_receiptdate": "1993-10-15", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ic dependencie" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2432, "l_partkey": 109, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 13.0d, "l_extendedprice": 13118.3d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-09-03", "l_commitdate": "1996-10-10", "l_receiptdate": "1996-10-03", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "arefully about the caref" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2976, "l_partkey": 109, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 30.0d, "l_extendedprice": 30273.0d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-03-27", "l_commitdate": "1994-02-01", "l_receiptdate": "1994-04-26", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "c ideas! unusual" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3457, "l_partkey": 109, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 7.0d, "l_extendedprice": 7063.7d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-08-14", "l_commitdate": "1995-07-06", "l_receiptdate": "1995-08-18", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": " pending accounts along the" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3457, "l_partkey": 109, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 42.0d, "l_extendedprice": 42382.2d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-06-12", "l_commitdate": "1995-06-14", "l_receiptdate": "1995-06-14", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "riously final instruc" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4066, "l_partkey": 109, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 44.0d, "l_extendedprice": 44400.4d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-03-01", "l_commitdate": "1997-04-27", "l_receiptdate": "1997-03-29", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "express accounts nag bli" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4545, "l_partkey": 109, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 8.0d, "l_extendedprice": 8072.8d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-05-01", "l_commitdate": "1993-03-12", "l_receiptdate": "1993-05-15", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": " boost slyly. slyly" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5666, "l_partkey": 109, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 36.0d, "l_extendedprice": 36327.6d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-03-15", "l_commitdate": "1994-03-16", "l_receiptdate": "1994-03-18", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "accounts. furiousl" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 99, "l_partkey": 109, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 36.0d, "l_extendedprice": 36327.6d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-07-04", "l_commitdate": "1994-04-17", "l_receiptdate": "1994-07-30", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "slyly. slyly e" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 449, "l_partkey": 109, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 4.0d, "l_extendedprice": 4036.4d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-10-27", "l_commitdate": "1995-09-14", "l_receiptdate": "1995-11-21", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "are fluffily. requests are furiously" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 515, "l_partkey": 109, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 25.0d, "l_extendedprice": 25227.5d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-11-14", "l_commitdate": "1993-11-07", "l_receiptdate": "1993-12-03", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "e packages engag" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3235, "l_partkey": 109, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 9.0d, "l_extendedprice": 9081.9d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-11-17", "l_commitdate": "1995-12-24", "l_receiptdate": "1995-11-30", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "l courts sleep quickly slyly " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3492, "l_partkey": 109, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 34.0d, "l_extendedprice": 34309.4d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-12-07", "l_commitdate": "1994-12-29", "l_receiptdate": "1994-12-24", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": " unusual requests. ir" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4929, "l_partkey": 109, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 26.0d, "l_extendedprice": 26236.6d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-06-10", "l_commitdate": "1996-05-29", "l_receiptdate": "1996-06-26", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": " slyly. fl" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5088, "l_partkey": 109, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 10.0d, "l_extendedprice": 10091.0d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-04-07", "l_commitdate": "1993-02-06", "l_receiptdate": "1993-04-26", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "beans. special requests af" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 871, "l_partkey": 108, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 13.0d, "l_extendedprice": 13105.3d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-01-25", "l_commitdate": "1996-01-24", "l_receiptdate": "1996-02-03", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": " haggle furiou" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2530, "l_partkey": 108, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 8.0d, "l_extendedprice": 8064.8d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-05-02", "l_commitdate": "1994-05-08", "l_receiptdate": "1994-05-24", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ial asymptotes snooze slyly regular " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3333, "l_partkey": 108, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 38.0d, "l_extendedprice": 38307.8d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-10-30", "l_commitdate": "1992-11-03", "l_receiptdate": "1992-11-04", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ccounts promise bl" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3586, "l_partkey": 108, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 8.0d, "l_extendedprice": 8064.8d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-03-29", "l_commitdate": "1994-02-26", "l_receiptdate": "1994-04-02", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "theodolites hagg" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5094, "l_partkey": 108, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 23.0d, "l_extendedprice": 23186.3d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-06-13", "l_commitdate": "1993-05-19", "l_receiptdate": "1993-07-06", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "st furiously above the fluffily care" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5761, "l_partkey": 108, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 36.0d, "l_extendedprice": 36291.6d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-09-07", "l_commitdate": "1998-09-21", "l_receiptdate": "1998-09-11", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": " pinto beans thrash alongside of the pendi" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 965, "l_partkey": 108, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 20.0d, "l_extendedprice": 20162.0d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-06-16", "l_commitdate": "1995-07-20", "l_receiptdate": "1995-07-06", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "kly. carefully pending requ" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1826, "l_partkey": 108, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 43.0d, "l_extendedprice": 43348.3d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-07-28", "l_commitdate": "1992-06-14", "l_receiptdate": "1992-08-03", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ss tithes use even ideas. fluffily final t" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2561, "l_partkey": 108, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 39.0d, "l_extendedprice": 39315.9d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-01-20", "l_commitdate": "1997-12-16", "l_receiptdate": "1998-02-05", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "equests are furiously against the" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2694, "l_partkey": 108, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 10.0d, "l_extendedprice": 10081.0d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-06-23", "l_commitdate": "1996-05-28", "l_receiptdate": "1996-06-27", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "fluffily fluffy accounts. even packages hi" }
, { "l_orderkey": 3072, "l_partkey": 108, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 36.0d, "l_extendedprice": 36291.6d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-04-14", "l_commitdate": "1994-04-22", "l_receiptdate": "1994-05-06", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": " theodolites. blithely e" }
, { "l_orderkey": 3169, "l_partkey": 108, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 6.0d, "l_extendedprice": 6048.6d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-03-24", "l_commitdate": "1994-02-22", "l_receiptdate": "1994-04-04", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ular instructions. ca" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4354, "l_partkey": 108, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 36.0d, "l_extendedprice": 36291.6d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-12-03", "l_commitdate": "1994-12-05", "l_receiptdate": "1995-01-02", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "efully special packages use fluffily" }
, { "l_orderkey": 4357, "l_partkey": 108, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 17.0d, "l_extendedprice": 17137.7d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-02-01", "l_commitdate": "1997-12-08", "l_receiptdate": "1998-02-09", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "e carefully furiou" }
, { "l_orderkey": 4419, "l_partkey": 108, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 45.0d, "l_extendedprice": 45364.5d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-07-20", "l_commitdate": "1996-09-07", "l_receiptdate": "1996-08-18", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "s doze sometimes fluffily regular a" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5923, "l_partkey": 108, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 2.0d, "l_extendedprice": 2016.2d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-06-19", "l_commitdate": "1997-07-31", "l_receiptdate": "1997-06-28", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "express patterns. even deposits" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4480, "l_partkey": 108, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 30.0d, "l_extendedprice": 30243.0d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-07-29", "l_commitdate": "1994-06-22", "l_receiptdate": "1994-08-01", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ven braids us" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4613, "l_partkey": 108, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 25.0d, "l_extendedprice": 25202.5d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-05-22", "l_commitdate": "1998-04-11", "l_receiptdate": "1998-05-27", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "y pending platelets x-ray ironically! pend" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 356, "l_partkey": 108, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 48.0d, "l_extendedprice": 48388.8d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-08-12", "l_commitdate": "1994-07-31", "l_receiptdate": "1994-08-26", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "unusual packages. furiously " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2179, "l_partkey": 108, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 7.0d, "l_extendedprice": 7056.7d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-10-24", "l_commitdate": "1996-11-14", "l_receiptdate": "1996-11-21", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "gular dependencies. ironic packages haggle" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 709, "l_partkey": 108, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 40.0d, "l_extendedprice": 40324.0d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-08-12", "l_commitdate": "1998-06-20", "l_receiptdate": "1998-08-20", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ggle fluffily carefully ironic" }
, { "l_orderkey": 775, "l_partkey": 108, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 20.0d, "l_extendedprice": 20162.0d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-06-17", "l_commitdate": "1995-05-22", "l_receiptdate": "1995-07-13", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "en dependencies nag slowly " }
, { "l_orderkey": 1221, "l_partkey": 108, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 13.0d, "l_extendedprice": 13105.3d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-08-01", "l_commitdate": "1992-06-29", "l_receiptdate": "1992-08-27", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ajole furiously. blithely expres" }
, { "l_orderkey": 1351, "l_partkey": 108, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 25.0d, "l_extendedprice": 25202.5d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-06-02", "l_commitdate": "1998-05-25", "l_receiptdate": "1998-06-22", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "iously regul" }
, { "l_orderkey": 1636, "l_partkey": 108, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 24.0d, "l_extendedprice": 24194.4d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-10-07", "l_commitdate": "1997-08-12", "l_receiptdate": "1997-11-04", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "e carefully unusual ideas are f" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4354, "l_partkey": 108, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 36.0d, "l_extendedprice": 36291.6d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-12-03", "l_commitdate": "1994-12-05", "l_receiptdate": "1995-01-02", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "efully special packages use fluffily" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5761, "l_partkey": 108, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 36.0d, "l_extendedprice": 36291.6d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-09-07", "l_commitdate": "1998-09-21", "l_receiptdate": "1998-09-11", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": " pinto beans thrash alongside of the pendi" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 871, "l_partkey": 108, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 13.0d, "l_extendedprice": 13105.3d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-01-25", "l_commitdate": "1996-01-24", "l_receiptdate": "1996-02-03", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": " haggle furiou" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 965, "l_partkey": 108, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 20.0d, "l_extendedprice": 20162.0d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-06-16", "l_commitdate": "1995-07-20", "l_receiptdate": "1995-07-06", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "kly. carefully pending requ" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2561, "l_partkey": 108, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 39.0d, "l_extendedprice": 39315.9d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-01-20", "l_commitdate": "1997-12-16", "l_receiptdate": "1998-02-05", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "equests are furiously against the" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2694, "l_partkey": 108, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 10.0d, "l_extendedprice": 10081.0d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-06-23", "l_commitdate": "1996-05-28", "l_receiptdate": "1996-06-27", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "fluffily fluffy accounts. even packages hi" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3333, "l_partkey": 108, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 38.0d, "l_extendedprice": 38307.8d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-10-30", "l_commitdate": "1992-11-03", "l_receiptdate": "1992-11-04", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ccounts promise bl" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3586, "l_partkey": 108, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 8.0d, "l_extendedprice": 8064.8d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-03-29", "l_commitdate": "1994-02-26", "l_receiptdate": "1994-04-02", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "theodolites hagg" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4613, "l_partkey": 108, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 25.0d, "l_extendedprice": 25202.5d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-05-22", "l_commitdate": "1998-04-11", "l_receiptdate": "1998-05-27", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "y pending platelets x-ray ironically! pend" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5094, "l_partkey": 108, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 23.0d, "l_extendedprice": 23186.3d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-06-13", "l_commitdate": "1993-05-19", "l_receiptdate": "1993-07-06", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "st furiously above the fluffily care" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 356, "l_partkey": 108, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 48.0d, "l_extendedprice": 48388.8d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-08-12", "l_commitdate": "1994-07-31", "l_receiptdate": "1994-08-26", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "unusual packages. furiously " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 709, "l_partkey": 108, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 40.0d, "l_extendedprice": 40324.0d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-08-12", "l_commitdate": "1998-06-20", "l_receiptdate": "1998-08-20", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ggle fluffily carefully ironic" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1826, "l_partkey": 108, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 43.0d, "l_extendedprice": 43348.3d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-07-28", "l_commitdate": "1992-06-14", "l_receiptdate": "1992-08-03", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ss tithes use even ideas. fluffily final t" }
, { "l_orderkey": 2433, "l_partkey": 108, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 3.0d, "l_extendedprice": 3024.3d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-11-08", "l_commitdate": "1994-09-24", "l_receiptdate": "1994-11-17", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "usly pending depos" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2530, "l_partkey": 108, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 8.0d, "l_extendedprice": 8064.8d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-05-02", "l_commitdate": "1994-05-08", "l_receiptdate": "1994-05-24", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ial asymptotes snooze slyly regular " }
, { "l_orderkey": 2560, "l_partkey": 108, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 13.0d, "l_extendedprice": 13105.3d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-09-07", "l_commitdate": "1992-10-21", "l_receiptdate": "1992-09-24", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "slyly final accoun" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4480, "l_partkey": 108, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 30.0d, "l_extendedprice": 30243.0d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-07-29", "l_commitdate": "1994-06-22", "l_receiptdate": "1994-08-01", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ven braids us" }
, { "l_orderkey": 5316, "l_partkey": 108, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 29.0d, "l_extendedprice": 29234.9d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-03-28", "l_commitdate": "1994-04-29", "l_receiptdate": "1994-04-09", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ckly unusual foxes bo" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5923, "l_partkey": 108, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 2.0d, "l_extendedprice": 2016.2d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-06-19", "l_commitdate": "1997-07-31", "l_receiptdate": "1997-06-28", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "express patterns. even deposits" }
, { "l_orderkey": 2, "l_partkey": 107, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 38.0d, "l_extendedprice": 38269.8d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-01-28", "l_commitdate": "1997-01-14", "l_receiptdate": "1997-02-02", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ven requests. deposits breach a" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 450, "l_partkey": 107, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 5.0d, "l_extendedprice": 5035.5d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-04-02", "l_commitdate": "1995-05-06", "l_receiptdate": "1995-04-13", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "the pinto bea" }
, { "l_orderkey": 128, "l_partkey": 107, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 38.0d, "l_extendedprice": 38269.8d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-09-01", "l_commitdate": "1992-08-27", "l_receiptdate": "1992-10-01", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": " cajole careful" }
, { "l_orderkey": 390, "l_partkey": 107, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 10.0d, "l_extendedprice": 10071.0d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-05-26", "l_commitdate": "1998-07-06", "l_receiptdate": "1998-06-23", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": " requests. final accounts x-ray beside the" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 835, "l_partkey": 107, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 33.0d, "l_extendedprice": 33234.3d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-11-01", "l_commitdate": "1995-12-02", "l_receiptdate": "1995-11-24", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "onic instructions among the carefully iro" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 960, "l_partkey": 107, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 1.0d, "l_extendedprice": 1007.1d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-12-24", "l_commitdate": "1994-10-26", "l_receiptdate": "1995-01-20", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "y ironic packages. quickly even " }
, { "l_orderkey": 1411, "l_partkey": 107, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 26.0d, "l_extendedprice": 26184.6d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-04-12", "l_commitdate": "1995-01-24", "l_receiptdate": "1995-05-03", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "c packages. " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1414, "l_partkey": 107, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 4.0d, "l_extendedprice": 4028.4d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-09-16", "l_commitdate": "1995-11-01", "l_receiptdate": "1995-10-02", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": " haggle quickly" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3654, "l_partkey": 107, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 20.0d, "l_extendedprice": 20142.0d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-07-30", "l_commitdate": "1992-07-05", "l_receiptdate": "1992-08-05", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "s sleep about the slyly " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3842, "l_partkey": 107, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 24.0d, "l_extendedprice": 24170.4d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-08-05", "l_commitdate": "1992-06-29", "l_receiptdate": "1992-08-16", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "phins are quickly" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 354, "l_partkey": 107, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 7.0d, "l_extendedprice": 7049.7d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-05-07", "l_commitdate": "1996-04-18", "l_receiptdate": "1996-05-24", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ously idly ironic accounts-- quickl" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 450, "l_partkey": 107, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 5.0d, "l_extendedprice": 5035.5d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-04-02", "l_commitdate": "1995-05-06", "l_receiptdate": "1995-04-13", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "the pinto bea" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 835, "l_partkey": 107, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 33.0d, "l_extendedprice": 33234.3d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-11-01", "l_commitdate": "1995-12-02", "l_receiptdate": "1995-11-24", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "onic instructions among the carefully iro" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3587, "l_partkey": 107, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 16.0d, "l_extendedprice": 16113.6d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-05-11", "l_commitdate": "1996-06-19", "l_receiptdate": "1996-06-04", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "y ruthless dolphins to " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5824, "l_partkey": 107, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 44.0d, "l_extendedprice": 44312.4d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-01-24", "l_commitdate": "1997-01-31", "l_receiptdate": "1997-02-11", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "fily fluffily bold" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5829, "l_partkey": 107, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 40.0d, "l_extendedprice": 40284.0d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-04-21", "l_commitdate": "1997-02-12", "l_receiptdate": "1997-05-04", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": " the carefully ironic accounts. a" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1088, "l_partkey": 107, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 30.0d, "l_extendedprice": 30213.0d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-05-22", "l_commitdate": "1992-06-25", "l_receiptdate": "1992-06-11", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "long the packages snooze careful" }
, { "l_orderkey": 1477, "l_partkey": 107, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 32.0d, "l_extendedprice": 32227.2d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-09-12", "l_commitdate": "1997-10-26", "l_receiptdate": "1997-10-12", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "; quickly regula" }
, { "l_orderkey": 1509, "l_partkey": 107, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 17.0d, "l_extendedprice": 17120.7d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-07-25", "l_commitdate": "1993-08-28", "l_receiptdate": "1993-08-19", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": " furiously. blithely regular ideas haggle c" }
, { "l_orderkey": 3716, "l_partkey": 107, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 42.0d, "l_extendedprice": 42298.2d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-12-03", "l_commitdate": "1997-10-12", "l_receiptdate": "1997-12-15", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": " of the pend" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3814, "l_partkey": 107, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 15.0d, "l_extendedprice": 15106.5d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-06-23", "l_commitdate": "1995-03-25", "l_receiptdate": "1995-07-09", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": " carefully final deposits haggle slyly" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3842, "l_partkey": 107, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 24.0d, "l_extendedprice": 24170.4d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-08-05", "l_commitdate": "1992-06-29", "l_receiptdate": "1992-08-16", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "phins are quickly" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5633, "l_partkey": 107, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 1.0d, "l_extendedprice": 1007.1d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-09-29", "l_commitdate": "1998-08-28", "l_receiptdate": "1998-10-19", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "thely notornis: " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1088, "l_partkey": 107, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 30.0d, "l_extendedprice": 30213.0d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-05-22", "l_commitdate": "1992-06-25", "l_receiptdate": "1992-06-11", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "long the packages snooze careful" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1414, "l_partkey": 107, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 4.0d, "l_extendedprice": 4028.4d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-09-16", "l_commitdate": "1995-11-01", "l_receiptdate": "1995-10-02", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": " haggle quickly" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3840, "l_partkey": 107, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 33.0d, "l_extendedprice": 33234.3d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-07-29", "l_commitdate": "1998-10-06", "l_receiptdate": "1998-08-04", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "hely silent deposits w" }
, { "l_orderkey": 4833, "l_partkey": 107, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 31.0d, "l_extendedprice": 31220.1d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-06-24", "l_commitdate": "1996-07-15", "l_receiptdate": "1996-07-02", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ven instructions cajole against the caref" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5633, "l_partkey": 107, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 1.0d, "l_extendedprice": 1007.1d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-09-29", "l_commitdate": "1998-08-28", "l_receiptdate": "1998-10-19", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "thely notornis: " }
, { "l_orderkey": 5729, "l_partkey": 107, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 39.0d, "l_extendedprice": 39276.9d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-01-22", "l_commitdate": "1994-11-21", "l_receiptdate": "1995-02-13", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": ". special pl" }
, { "l_orderkey": 258, "l_partkey": 107, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 8.0d, "l_extendedprice": 8056.8d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-01-20", "l_commitdate": "1994-03-21", "l_receiptdate": "1994-02-09", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ully about the fluffily silent dependencies" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 354, "l_partkey": 107, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 7.0d, "l_extendedprice": 7049.7d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-05-07", "l_commitdate": "1996-04-18", "l_receiptdate": "1996-05-24", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ously idly ironic accounts-- quickl" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 960, "l_partkey": 107, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 1.0d, "l_extendedprice": 1007.1d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-12-24", "l_commitdate": "1994-10-26", "l_receiptdate": "1995-01-20", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "y ironic packages. quickly even " }
, { "l_orderkey": 2150, "l_partkey": 107, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 29.0d, "l_extendedprice": 29205.9d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-06-10", "l_commitdate": "1994-07-31", "l_receiptdate": "1994-06-26", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "arefully final att" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3587, "l_partkey": 107, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 16.0d, "l_extendedprice": 16113.6d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-05-11", "l_commitdate": "1996-06-19", "l_receiptdate": "1996-06-04", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "y ruthless dolphins to " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3654, "l_partkey": 107, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 20.0d, "l_extendedprice": 20142.0d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-07-30", "l_commitdate": "1992-07-05", "l_receiptdate": "1992-08-05", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "s sleep about the slyly " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3840, "l_partkey": 107, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 33.0d, "l_extendedprice": 33234.3d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-07-29", "l_commitdate": "1998-10-06", "l_receiptdate": "1998-08-04", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "hely silent deposits w" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3814, "l_partkey": 107, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 15.0d, "l_extendedprice": 15106.5d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-06-23", "l_commitdate": "1995-03-25", "l_receiptdate": "1995-07-09", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": " carefully final deposits haggle slyly" }
, { "l_orderkey": 4065, "l_partkey": 107, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 8.0d, "l_extendedprice": 8056.8d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-10-04", "l_commitdate": "1994-08-05", "l_receiptdate": "1994-10-25", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ages haggle carefully" }
, { "l_orderkey": 5380, "l_partkey": 107, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 48.0d, "l_extendedprice": 48340.8d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-12-01", "l_commitdate": "1997-12-28", "l_receiptdate": "1997-12-05", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "encies haggle car" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5824, "l_partkey": 107, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 44.0d, "l_extendedprice": 44312.4d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-01-24", "l_commitdate": "1997-01-31", "l_receiptdate": "1997-02-11", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "fily fluffily bold" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5829, "l_partkey": 107, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 40.0d, "l_extendedprice": 40284.0d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-04-21", "l_commitdate": "1997-02-12", "l_receiptdate": "1997-05-04", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": " the carefully ironic accounts. a" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 229, "l_partkey": 106, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 29.0d, "l_extendedprice": 29176.9d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-01-14", "l_commitdate": "1994-02-16", "l_receiptdate": "1994-01-22", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "uriously pending " }
, { "l_orderkey": 1317, "l_partkey": 106, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 35.0d, "l_extendedprice": 35213.5d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-07-16", "l_commitdate": "1995-07-07", "l_receiptdate": "1995-07-22", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "r packages impress blithely car" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3076, "l_partkey": 106, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 22.0d, "l_extendedprice": 22134.2d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-09-05", "l_commitdate": "1993-09-10", "l_receiptdate": "1993-09-27", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "packages wake furiou" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3520, "l_partkey": 106, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 5.0d, "l_extendedprice": 5030.5d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-11-13", "l_commitdate": "1997-09-22", "l_receiptdate": "1997-12-09", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ly even ideas haggle " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3681, "l_partkey": 106, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 35.0d, "l_extendedprice": 35213.5d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-07-31", "l_commitdate": "1992-05-18", "l_receiptdate": "1992-08-07", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "lyly special pinto " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 197, "l_partkey": 106, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 1.0d, "l_extendedprice": 1006.1d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-07-15", "l_commitdate": "1995-06-21", "l_receiptdate": "1995-08-11", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": " even, thin dependencies sno" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 519, "l_partkey": 106, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 19.0d, "l_extendedprice": 19115.9d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-01-09", "l_commitdate": "1998-01-03", "l_receiptdate": "1998-02-06", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "asymptotes. p" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1283, "l_partkey": 106, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 1.0d, "l_extendedprice": 1006.1d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-10-07", "l_commitdate": "1996-10-12", "l_receiptdate": "1996-10-08", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "d the sauternes. slyly ev" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4001, "l_partkey": 106, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 26.0d, "l_extendedprice": 26158.6d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-07-26", "l_commitdate": "1997-06-18", "l_receiptdate": "1997-08-08", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "tegrate blithely" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5351, "l_partkey": 106, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 2.0d, "l_extendedprice": 2012.2d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-05-12", "l_commitdate": "1998-07-15", "l_receiptdate": "1998-05-24", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "g accounts wake furiously slyly even dolph" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1122, "l_partkey": 106, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 40.0d, "l_extendedprice": 40244.0d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-02-07", "l_commitdate": "1997-03-25", "l_receiptdate": "1997-02-25", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "packages sleep after the asym" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1186, "l_partkey": 106, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 27.0d, "l_extendedprice": 27164.7d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-10-08", "l_commitdate": "1996-11-06", "l_receiptdate": "1996-10-09", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "accounts. express, e" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2628, "l_partkey": 106, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 44.0d, "l_extendedprice": 44268.4d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-01-11", "l_commitdate": "1994-01-14", "l_receiptdate": "1994-01-13", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "lyly final, pending ide" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2628, "l_partkey": 106, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 14.0d, "l_extendedprice": 14085.4d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-01-28", "l_commitdate": "1993-11-30", "l_receiptdate": "1994-02-20", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "g the furiously unusual pi" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3717, "l_partkey": 106, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 28.0d, "l_extendedprice": 28170.8d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-07-25", "l_commitdate": "1998-08-12", "l_receiptdate": "1998-08-16", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ts sleep q" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4352, "l_partkey": 106, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 18.0d, "l_extendedprice": 18109.8d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-02-27", "l_commitdate": "1998-02-02", "l_receiptdate": "1998-03-01", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ding to th" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5155, "l_partkey": 106, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 28.0d, "l_extendedprice": 28170.8d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-07-01", "l_commitdate": "1994-07-19", "l_receiptdate": "1994-07-18", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "s cajole. accounts wake. thinly quiet pla" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5632, "l_partkey": 106, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 21.0d, "l_extendedprice": 21128.1d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-03-22", "l_commitdate": "1996-03-10", "l_receiptdate": "1996-04-10", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "refully regular pinto beans. ironic reques" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 967, "l_partkey": 106, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 17.0d, "l_extendedprice": 17103.7d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-10-02", "l_commitdate": "1992-08-19", "l_receiptdate": "1992-10-25", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "y ironic foxes caj" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1926, "l_partkey": 106, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 29.0d, "l_extendedprice": 29176.9d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-02-26", "l_commitdate": "1996-03-14", "l_receiptdate": "1996-03-14", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "es. dependencies according to the fl" }
, { "l_orderkey": 2501, "l_partkey": 106, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 33.0d, "l_extendedprice": 33201.3d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-07-14", "l_commitdate": "1997-08-09", "l_receiptdate": "1997-07-26", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "leep furiously packages. even sauternes " }
, { "l_orderkey": 2598, "l_partkey": 106, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 12.0d, "l_extendedprice": 12073.2d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-04-14", "l_commitdate": "1996-04-24", "l_receiptdate": "1996-04-21", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "eposits cajol" }
, { "l_orderkey": 3014, "l_partkey": 106, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 36.0d, "l_extendedprice": 36219.6d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-12-28", "l_commitdate": "1992-12-29", "l_receiptdate": "1993-01-24", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "iously ironic r" }
, { "l_orderkey": 3457, "l_partkey": 106, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 22.0d, "l_extendedprice": 22134.2d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-06-23", "l_commitdate": "1995-06-16", "l_receiptdate": "1995-06-29", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "packages nag furiously against" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4327, "l_partkey": 106, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 40.0d, "l_extendedprice": 40244.0d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-05-26", "l_commitdate": "1995-04-17", "l_receiptdate": "1995-06-18", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "quests. packages are after th" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4836, "l_partkey": 106, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 15.0d, "l_extendedprice": 15091.5d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-03-08", "l_commitdate": "1997-03-14", "l_receiptdate": "1997-03-30", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "eep slyly. even requests cajole" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4352, "l_partkey": 106, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 18.0d, "l_extendedprice": 18109.8d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-02-27", "l_commitdate": "1998-02-02", "l_receiptdate": "1998-03-01", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ding to th" }
, { "l_orderkey": 5095, "l_partkey": 106, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 2.0d, "l_extendedprice": 2012.2d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-07-09", "l_commitdate": "1992-05-25", "l_receiptdate": "1992-07-21", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "detect car" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1859, "l_partkey": 105, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 12.0d, "l_extendedprice": 12061.2d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-05-22", "l_commitdate": "1997-06-08", "l_receiptdate": "1997-06-07", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "es. unusual, silent request" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 967, "l_partkey": 106, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 17.0d, "l_extendedprice": 17103.7d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-10-02", "l_commitdate": "1992-08-19", "l_receiptdate": "1992-10-25", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "y ironic foxes caj" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3076, "l_partkey": 106, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 22.0d, "l_extendedprice": 22134.2d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-09-05", "l_commitdate": "1993-09-10", "l_receiptdate": "1993-09-27", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "packages wake furiou" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3717, "l_partkey": 106, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 28.0d, "l_extendedprice": 28170.8d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-07-25", "l_commitdate": "1998-08-12", "l_receiptdate": "1998-08-16", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ts sleep q" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4327, "l_partkey": 106, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 40.0d, "l_extendedprice": 40244.0d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-05-26", "l_commitdate": "1995-04-17", "l_receiptdate": "1995-06-18", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "quests. packages are after th" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 197, "l_partkey": 106, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 1.0d, "l_extendedprice": 1006.1d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-07-15", "l_commitdate": "1995-06-21", "l_receiptdate": "1995-08-11", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": " even, thin dependencies sno" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 229, "l_partkey": 106, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 29.0d, "l_extendedprice": 29176.9d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-01-14", "l_commitdate": "1994-02-16", "l_receiptdate": "1994-01-22", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "uriously pending " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 519, "l_partkey": 106, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 19.0d, "l_extendedprice": 19115.9d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-01-09", "l_commitdate": "1998-01-03", "l_receiptdate": "1998-02-06", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "asymptotes. p" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1122, "l_partkey": 106, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 40.0d, "l_extendedprice": 40244.0d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-02-07", "l_commitdate": "1997-03-25", "l_receiptdate": "1997-02-25", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "packages sleep after the asym" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1186, "l_partkey": 106, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 27.0d, "l_extendedprice": 27164.7d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-10-08", "l_commitdate": "1996-11-06", "l_receiptdate": "1996-10-09", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "accounts. express, e" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1926, "l_partkey": 106, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 29.0d, "l_extendedprice": 29176.9d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-02-26", "l_commitdate": "1996-03-14", "l_receiptdate": "1996-03-14", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "es. dependencies according to the fl" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2628, "l_partkey": 106, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 14.0d, "l_extendedprice": 14085.4d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-01-28", "l_commitdate": "1993-11-30", "l_receiptdate": "1994-02-20", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "g the furiously unusual pi" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3520, "l_partkey": 106, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 5.0d, "l_extendedprice": 5030.5d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-11-13", "l_commitdate": "1997-09-22", "l_receiptdate": "1997-12-09", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ly even ideas haggle " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4836, "l_partkey": 106, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 15.0d, "l_extendedprice": 15091.5d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-03-08", "l_commitdate": "1997-03-14", "l_receiptdate": "1997-03-30", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "eep slyly. even requests cajole" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5155, "l_partkey": 106, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 28.0d, "l_extendedprice": 28170.8d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-07-01", "l_commitdate": "1994-07-19", "l_receiptdate": "1994-07-18", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "s cajole. accounts wake. thinly quiet pla" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5351, "l_partkey": 106, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 2.0d, "l_extendedprice": 2012.2d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-05-12", "l_commitdate": "1998-07-15", "l_receiptdate": "1998-05-24", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "g accounts wake furiously slyly even dolph" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5632, "l_partkey": 106, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 21.0d, "l_extendedprice": 21128.1d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-03-22", "l_commitdate": "1996-03-10", "l_receiptdate": "1996-04-10", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "refully regular pinto beans. ironic reques" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1283, "l_partkey": 106, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 1.0d, "l_extendedprice": 1006.1d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-10-07", "l_commitdate": "1996-10-12", "l_receiptdate": "1996-10-08", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "d the sauternes. slyly ev" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2628, "l_partkey": 106, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 44.0d, "l_extendedprice": 44268.4d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-01-11", "l_commitdate": "1994-01-14", "l_receiptdate": "1994-01-13", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "lyly final, pending ide" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3681, "l_partkey": 106, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 35.0d, "l_extendedprice": 35213.5d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-07-31", "l_commitdate": "1992-05-18", "l_receiptdate": "1992-08-07", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "lyly special pinto " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4001, "l_partkey": 106, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 26.0d, "l_extendedprice": 26158.6d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-07-26", "l_commitdate": "1997-06-18", "l_receiptdate": "1997-08-08", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "tegrate blithely" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1986, "l_partkey": 105, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 10.0d, "l_extendedprice": 10051.0d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-05-14", "l_commitdate": "1994-06-21", "l_receiptdate": "1994-06-02", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "yly into the carefully even " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2082, "l_partkey": 105, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 12.0d, "l_extendedprice": 12061.2d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-01-27", "l_commitdate": "1995-02-11", "l_receiptdate": "1995-02-07", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": " ironic instructions. carefull" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2086, "l_partkey": 105, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 44.0d, "l_extendedprice": 44224.4d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-12-04", "l_commitdate": "1994-11-30", "l_receiptdate": "1994-12-21", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "latelets s" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2593, "l_partkey": 105, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 37.0d, "l_extendedprice": 37188.7d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-12-14", "l_commitdate": "1993-10-08", "l_receiptdate": "1994-01-04", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "s wake bravel" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3648, "l_partkey": 105, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 30.0d, "l_extendedprice": 30153.0d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-08-31", "l_commitdate": "1993-09-06", "l_receiptdate": "1993-09-06", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": " above the somas boost furious" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4288, "l_partkey": 105, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 39.0d, "l_extendedprice": 39198.9d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-03-25", "l_commitdate": "1993-02-06", "l_receiptdate": "1993-03-28", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "uffy theodolites run" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5382, "l_partkey": 105, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 48.0d, "l_extendedprice": 48244.8d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-02-14", "l_commitdate": "1992-03-19", "l_receiptdate": "1992-02-25", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "nts integrate quickly ca" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 615, "l_partkey": 105, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 36.0d, "l_extendedprice": 36183.6d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-06-01", "l_commitdate": "1992-07-14", "l_receiptdate": "1992-06-27", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": " packages. carefully final pinto bea" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1189, "l_partkey": 105, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 32.0d, "l_extendedprice": 32163.2d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-05-06", "l_commitdate": "1994-07-03", "l_receiptdate": "1994-05-15", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "e regular deposits. quickly quiet deposi" }
, { "l_orderkey": 2466, "l_partkey": 105, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 10.0d, "l_extendedprice": 10051.0d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-05-08", "l_commitdate": "1994-04-06", "l_receiptdate": "1994-06-05", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "sly regular deposits. regular, regula" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4294, "l_partkey": 105, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 34.0d, "l_extendedprice": 34173.4d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-09-09", "l_commitdate": "1992-11-06", "l_receiptdate": "1992-10-04", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "pendencies!" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5281, "l_partkey": 105, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 38.0d, "l_extendedprice": 38193.8d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-02-17", "l_commitdate": "1995-12-19", "l_receiptdate": "1996-02-29", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "n asymptotes could wake about th" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 515, "l_partkey": 105, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 10.0d, "l_extendedprice": 10051.0d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-10-04", "l_commitdate": "1993-11-03", "l_receiptdate": "1993-10-08", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ar deposits th" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 992, "l_partkey": 105, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 30.0d, "l_extendedprice": 30153.0d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-12-15", "l_commitdate": "1998-02-02", "l_receiptdate": "1998-01-12", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "nic instructions n" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1728, "l_partkey": 105, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 23.0d, "l_extendedprice": 23117.3d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-09-08", "l_commitdate": "1996-07-24", "l_receiptdate": "1996-09-20", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ns. pending, final ac" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1859, "l_partkey": 105, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 12.0d, "l_extendedprice": 12061.2d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-05-22", "l_commitdate": "1997-06-08", "l_receiptdate": "1997-06-07", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "es. unusual, silent request" }
, { "l_orderkey": 2596, "l_partkey": 105, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 10.0d, "l_extendedprice": 10051.0d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-08-25", "l_commitdate": "1996-11-05", "l_receiptdate": "1996-09-13", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": " instructions shall have" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3169, "l_partkey": 105, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 26.0d, "l_extendedprice": 26132.6d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-04-08", "l_commitdate": "1994-03-21", "l_receiptdate": "1994-04-29", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ter the regular ideas. slyly iro" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3335, "l_partkey": 105, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 13.0d, "l_extendedprice": 13066.3d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-01-20", "l_commitdate": "1995-12-20", "l_receiptdate": "1996-02-09", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "out the special asymptotes" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2791, "l_partkey": 105, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 8.0d, "l_extendedprice": 8040.8d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-01-30", "l_commitdate": "1994-11-24", "l_receiptdate": "1995-02-13", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "se. close ideas alongs" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3042, "l_partkey": 105, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 30.0d, "l_extendedprice": 30153.0d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-01-12", "l_commitdate": "1995-02-15", "l_receiptdate": "1995-01-24", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "the requests detect fu" }
, { "l_orderkey": 3778, "l_partkey": 105, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 49.0d, "l_extendedprice": 49249.9d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-06-13", "l_commitdate": "1993-08-08", "l_receiptdate": "1993-07-04", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ans. furiously " }
, { "l_orderkey": 3809, "l_partkey": 105, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 46.0d, "l_extendedprice": 46234.6d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-08-20", "l_commitdate": "1996-06-01", "l_receiptdate": "1996-08-24", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "l asymptotes. special " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5382, "l_partkey": 105, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 48.0d, "l_extendedprice": 48244.8d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-02-14", "l_commitdate": "1992-03-19", "l_receiptdate": "1992-02-25", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "nts integrate quickly ca" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5410, "l_partkey": 105, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 41.0d, "l_extendedprice": 41209.1d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-08-25", "l_commitdate": "1998-10-20", "l_receiptdate": "1998-09-01", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "sly. slyly ironic theodolites" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 806, "l_partkey": 105, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 1.0d, "l_extendedprice": 1005.1d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-07-14", "l_commitdate": "1996-09-12", "l_receiptdate": "1996-07-25", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ar accounts? pending, pending foxes a" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 992, "l_partkey": 105, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 30.0d, "l_extendedprice": 30153.0d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-12-15", "l_commitdate": "1998-02-02", "l_receiptdate": "1998-01-12", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "nic instructions n" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1986, "l_partkey": 105, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 10.0d, "l_extendedprice": 10051.0d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-05-14", "l_commitdate": "1994-06-21", "l_receiptdate": "1994-06-02", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "yly into the carefully even " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2086, "l_partkey": 105, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 44.0d, "l_extendedprice": 44224.4d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-12-04", "l_commitdate": "1994-11-30", "l_receiptdate": "1994-12-21", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "latelets s" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2756, "l_partkey": 105, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 31.0d, "l_extendedprice": 31158.1d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-07-27", "l_commitdate": "1994-07-06", "l_receiptdate": "1994-08-22", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "en instructions use quickly." }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3042, "l_partkey": 105, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 30.0d, "l_extendedprice": 30153.0d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-01-12", "l_commitdate": "1995-02-15", "l_receiptdate": "1995-01-24", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "the requests detect fu" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3969, "l_partkey": 105, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 4.0d, "l_extendedprice": 4020.4d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-06-04", "l_commitdate": "1997-07-31", "l_receiptdate": "1997-06-13", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "dencies wake blithely? quickly even theodo" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4288, "l_partkey": 105, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 39.0d, "l_extendedprice": 39198.9d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-03-25", "l_commitdate": "1993-02-06", "l_receiptdate": "1993-03-28", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "uffy theodolites run" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4294, "l_partkey": 105, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 34.0d, "l_extendedprice": 34173.4d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-09-09", "l_commitdate": "1992-11-06", "l_receiptdate": "1992-10-04", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "pendencies!" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5731, "l_partkey": 105, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 11.0d, "l_extendedprice": 11056.1d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-06-06", "l_commitdate": "1997-07-08", "l_receiptdate": "1997-06-25", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": " furiously final accounts wake. d" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 69, "l_partkey": 105, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 32.0d, "l_extendedprice": 32163.2d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-08-24", "l_commitdate": "1994-08-17", "l_receiptdate": "1994-08-31", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "s sleep carefully bold, " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 515, "l_partkey": 105, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 10.0d, "l_extendedprice": 10051.0d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-10-04", "l_commitdate": "1993-11-03", "l_receiptdate": "1993-10-08", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ar deposits th" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1728, "l_partkey": 105, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 23.0d, "l_extendedprice": 23117.3d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-09-08", "l_commitdate": "1996-07-24", "l_receiptdate": "1996-09-20", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ns. pending, final ac" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3845, "l_partkey": 105, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 30.0d, "l_extendedprice": 30153.0d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-08-21", "l_commitdate": "1992-07-07", "l_receiptdate": "1992-08-25", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "counts do wake blithely. ironic requests " }
, { "l_orderkey": 4294, "l_partkey": 105, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 19.0d, "l_extendedprice": 19096.9d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-10-16", "l_commitdate": "1992-11-13", "l_receiptdate": "1992-10-26", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "nt dependencies. furiously regular ideas d" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4900, "l_partkey": 105, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 40.0d, "l_extendedprice": 40204.0d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-07-14", "l_commitdate": "1992-09-05", "l_receiptdate": "1992-07-20", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "luffily final dol" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5281, "l_partkey": 105, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 38.0d, "l_extendedprice": 38193.8d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-02-17", "l_commitdate": "1995-12-19", "l_receiptdate": "1996-02-29", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "n asymptotes could wake about th" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 615, "l_partkey": 105, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 36.0d, "l_extendedprice": 36183.6d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-06-01", "l_commitdate": "1992-07-14", "l_receiptdate": "1992-06-27", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": " packages. carefully final pinto bea" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 69, "l_partkey": 105, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 32.0d, "l_extendedprice": 32163.2d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-08-24", "l_commitdate": "1994-08-17", "l_receiptdate": "1994-08-31", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "s sleep carefully bold, " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 806, "l_partkey": 105, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 1.0d, "l_extendedprice": 1005.1d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-07-14", "l_commitdate": "1996-09-12", "l_receiptdate": "1996-07-25", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ar accounts? pending, pending foxes a" }
, { "l_orderkey": 1027, "l_partkey": 105, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 10.0d, "l_extendedprice": 10051.0d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-08-28", "l_commitdate": "1992-08-06", "l_receiptdate": "1992-09-03", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ilent, express foxes near the blithely sp" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1189, "l_partkey": 105, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 32.0d, "l_extendedprice": 32163.2d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-05-06", "l_commitdate": "1994-07-03", "l_receiptdate": "1994-05-15", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "e regular deposits. quickly quiet deposi" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2082, "l_partkey": 105, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 12.0d, "l_extendedprice": 12061.2d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-01-27", "l_commitdate": "1995-02-11", "l_receiptdate": "1995-02-07", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": " ironic instructions. carefull" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2593, "l_partkey": 105, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 37.0d, "l_extendedprice": 37188.7d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-12-14", "l_commitdate": "1993-10-08", "l_receiptdate": "1994-01-04", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "s wake bravel" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2791, "l_partkey": 105, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 8.0d, "l_extendedprice": 8040.8d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-01-30", "l_commitdate": "1994-11-24", "l_receiptdate": "1995-02-13", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "se. close ideas alongs" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2756, "l_partkey": 105, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 31.0d, "l_extendedprice": 31158.1d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-07-27", "l_commitdate": "1994-07-06", "l_receiptdate": "1994-08-22", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "en instructions use quickly." }
, { "l_orderkey": 2850, "l_partkey": 105, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 49.0d, "l_extendedprice": 49249.9d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-10-07", "l_commitdate": "1996-12-12", "l_receiptdate": "1996-10-12", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": " slyly unusual req" }
, { "l_orderkey": 3008, "l_partkey": 105, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 31.0d, "l_extendedprice": 31158.1d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-12-01", "l_commitdate": "1996-01-20", "l_receiptdate": "1995-12-28", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "nts use thinly around the carefully iro" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3648, "l_partkey": 105, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 30.0d, "l_extendedprice": 30153.0d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-08-31", "l_commitdate": "1993-09-06", "l_receiptdate": "1993-09-06", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": " above the somas boost furious" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3169, "l_partkey": 105, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 26.0d, "l_extendedprice": 26132.6d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-04-08", "l_commitdate": "1994-03-21", "l_receiptdate": "1994-04-29", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ter the regular ideas. slyly iro" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3335, "l_partkey": 105, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 13.0d, "l_extendedprice": 13066.3d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-01-20", "l_commitdate": "1995-12-20", "l_receiptdate": "1996-02-09", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "out the special asymptotes" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3845, "l_partkey": 105, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 30.0d, "l_extendedprice": 30153.0d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-08-21", "l_commitdate": "1992-07-07", "l_receiptdate": "1992-08-25", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "counts do wake blithely. ironic requests " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3969, "l_partkey": 105, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 4.0d, "l_extendedprice": 4020.4d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-06-04", "l_commitdate": "1997-07-31", "l_receiptdate": "1997-06-13", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "dencies wake blithely? quickly even theodo" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4900, "l_partkey": 105, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 40.0d, "l_extendedprice": 40204.0d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-07-14", "l_commitdate": "1992-09-05", "l_receiptdate": "1992-07-20", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "luffily final dol" }
, { "l_orderkey": 5152, "l_partkey": 105, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 9.0d, "l_extendedprice": 9045.9d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-04-11", "l_commitdate": "1997-02-11", "l_receiptdate": "1997-04-18", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": " cajole furiously alongside of the bo" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5410, "l_partkey": 105, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 41.0d, "l_extendedprice": 41209.1d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-08-25", "l_commitdate": "1998-10-20", "l_receiptdate": "1998-09-01", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "sly. slyly ironic theodolites" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5731, "l_partkey": 105, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 11.0d, "l_extendedprice": 11056.1d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-06-06", "l_commitdate": "1997-07-08", "l_receiptdate": "1997-06-25", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": " furiously final accounts wake. d" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 71, "l_partkey": 104, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 39.0d, "l_extendedprice": 39159.9d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-01-29", "l_commitdate": "1998-04-07", "l_receiptdate": "1998-02-18", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "l accounts sleep across the pack" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 133, "l_partkey": 104, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 27.0d, "l_extendedprice": 27110.7d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-12-21", "l_commitdate": "1998-02-23", "l_receiptdate": "1997-12-27", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "yly even gifts after the sl" }
, { "l_orderkey": 1697, "l_partkey": 104, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 24.0d, "l_extendedprice": 24098.4d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-12-29", "l_commitdate": "1996-12-19", "l_receiptdate": "1997-01-10", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ts cajole carefully above the carefully" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1862, "l_partkey": 104, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 26.0d, "l_extendedprice": 26106.6d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-03-25", "l_commitdate": "1998-05-17", "l_receiptdate": "1998-04-17", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "g carefully: thinly ironic deposits af" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2598, "l_partkey": 104, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 4.0d, "l_extendedprice": 4016.4d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-05-23", "l_commitdate": "1996-05-13", "l_receiptdate": "1996-05-25", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": " across the furiously fi" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4897, "l_partkey": 104, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 19.0d, "l_extendedprice": 19077.9d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-11-08", "l_commitdate": "1992-12-14", "l_receiptdate": "1992-12-03", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "! ironic, pending dependencies doze furiou" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5377, "l_partkey": 104, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 12.0d, "l_extendedprice": 12049.2d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-05-08", "l_commitdate": "1997-06-15", "l_receiptdate": "1997-05-15", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": " ironic, final" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5409, "l_partkey": 104, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 38.0d, "l_extendedprice": 38155.8d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-03-17", "l_commitdate": "1992-03-29", "l_receiptdate": "1992-04-13", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "onic, regular accounts! blithely even" }
, { "l_orderkey": 1829, "l_partkey": 104, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 49.0d, "l_extendedprice": 49200.9d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-08-26", "l_commitdate": "1994-08-01", "l_receiptdate": "1994-09-16", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ound the quickly " }
, { "l_orderkey": 2246, "l_partkey": 104, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 43.0d, "l_extendedprice": 43176.3d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-08-25", "l_commitdate": "1996-08-23", "l_receiptdate": "1996-09-19", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ainst the ironic theodolites haggle fi" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2598, "l_partkey": 104, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 4.0d, "l_extendedprice": 4016.4d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-05-23", "l_commitdate": "1996-05-13", "l_receiptdate": "1996-05-25", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": " across the furiously fi" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3047, "l_partkey": 104, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 17.0d, "l_extendedprice": 17069.7d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-06-14", "l_commitdate": "1997-04-20", "l_receiptdate": "1997-06-23", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "onic instruction" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5221, "l_partkey": 104, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 24.0d, "l_extendedprice": 24098.4d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-10-04", "l_commitdate": "1995-08-11", "l_receiptdate": "1995-10-30", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "s pinto beans sleep. sly" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5409, "l_partkey": 104, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 38.0d, "l_extendedprice": 38155.8d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-03-17", "l_commitdate": "1992-03-29", "l_receiptdate": "1992-04-13", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "onic, regular accounts! blithely even" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 71, "l_partkey": 104, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 39.0d, "l_extendedprice": 39159.9d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-01-29", "l_commitdate": "1998-04-07", "l_receiptdate": "1998-02-18", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "l accounts sleep across the pack" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1538, "l_partkey": 104, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 28.0d, "l_extendedprice": 28114.8d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-09-19", "l_commitdate": "1995-08-27", "l_receiptdate": "1995-10-10", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "bout the fluffily unusual" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3748, "l_partkey": 104, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 12.0d, "l_extendedprice": 12049.2d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-04-17", "l_commitdate": "1998-04-15", "l_receiptdate": "1998-05-12", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "old reques" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5479, "l_partkey": 104, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 19.0d, "l_extendedprice": 19077.9d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-01-22", "l_commitdate": "1994-03-07", "l_receiptdate": "1994-02-11", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "arefully bo" }
, { "l_orderkey": 2469, "l_partkey": 104, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 49.0d, "l_extendedprice": 49200.9d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-03-03", "l_commitdate": "1996-12-26", "l_receiptdate": "1997-03-13", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": " requests are car" }
, { "l_orderkey": 3010, "l_partkey": 104, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 9.0d, "l_extendedprice": 9036.9d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-04-28", "l_commitdate": "1996-03-17", "l_receiptdate": "1996-05-18", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "inal packages. quickly even pinto" }
, { "l_orderkey": 3488, "l_partkey": 104, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 48.0d, "l_extendedprice": 48196.8d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-03-29", "l_commitdate": "1995-03-26", "l_receiptdate": "1995-04-28", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "sly? final requests " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 133, "l_partkey": 104, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 27.0d, "l_extendedprice": 27110.7d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-12-21", "l_commitdate": "1998-02-23", "l_receiptdate": "1997-12-27", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "yly even gifts after the sl" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1862, "l_partkey": 104, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 26.0d, "l_extendedprice": 26106.6d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-03-25", "l_commitdate": "1998-05-17", "l_receiptdate": "1998-04-17", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "g carefully: thinly ironic deposits af" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1538, "l_partkey": 104, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 28.0d, "l_extendedprice": 28114.8d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-09-19", "l_commitdate": "1995-08-27", "l_receiptdate": "1995-10-10", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "bout the fluffily unusual" }
, { "l_orderkey": 2179, "l_partkey": 104, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 5.0d, "l_extendedprice": 5020.5d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-11-09", "l_commitdate": "1996-10-08", "l_receiptdate": "1996-11-11", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ts haggle blithely. ironic, careful theodol" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4897, "l_partkey": 104, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 19.0d, "l_extendedprice": 19077.9d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-11-08", "l_commitdate": "1992-12-14", "l_receiptdate": "1992-12-03", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "! ironic, pending dependencies doze furiou" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5377, "l_partkey": 104, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 12.0d, "l_extendedprice": 12049.2d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-05-08", "l_commitdate": "1997-06-15", "l_receiptdate": "1997-05-15", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": " ironic, final" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1956, "l_partkey": 103, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 16.0d, "l_extendedprice": 16049.6d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-11-11", "l_commitdate": "1992-11-11", "l_receiptdate": "1992-11-30", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "es cajole blithely. pen" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2017, "l_partkey": 103, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 49.0d, "l_extendedprice": 49151.9d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-05-26", "l_commitdate": "1998-07-01", "l_receiptdate": "1998-06-06", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": " after the unusual instructions. sly" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2661, "l_partkey": 103, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 22.0d, "l_extendedprice": 22068.2d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-03-14", "l_commitdate": "1997-03-17", "l_receiptdate": "1997-04-08", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": " foxes affix quickly ironic request" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4515, "l_partkey": 103, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 50.0d, "l_extendedprice": 50155.0d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-03-28", "l_commitdate": "1992-05-16", "l_receiptdate": "1992-04-20", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ding instructions again" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4869, "l_partkey": 103, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 24.0d, "l_extendedprice": 24074.4d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-11-23", "l_commitdate": "1994-11-18", "l_receiptdate": "1994-12-11", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "se deposits above the sly, q" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4931, "l_partkey": 103, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 8.0d, "l_extendedprice": 8024.8d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-02-16", "l_commitdate": "1994-12-30", "l_receiptdate": "1995-03-15", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "dependencies are slyly" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5445, "l_partkey": 103, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 46.0d, "l_extendedprice": 46142.6d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-10-06", "l_commitdate": "1993-09-15", "l_receiptdate": "1993-10-28", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "old depend" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 353, "l_partkey": 103, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 39.0d, "l_extendedprice": 39120.9d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-01-15", "l_commitdate": "1994-03-30", "l_receiptdate": "1994-02-01", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "losely quickly even accounts. c" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 711, "l_partkey": 103, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 27.0d, "l_extendedprice": 27083.7d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-10-02", "l_commitdate": "1993-10-26", "l_receiptdate": "1993-10-08", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "slyly. ironic asy" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2400, "l_partkey": 103, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 48.0d, "l_extendedprice": 48148.8d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-10-07", "l_commitdate": "1998-08-30", "l_receiptdate": "1998-11-03", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "fore the car" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3936, "l_partkey": 103, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 26.0d, "l_extendedprice": 26080.6d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-02-27", "l_commitdate": "1997-01-16", "l_receiptdate": "1997-03-22", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "quickly pen" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4422, "l_partkey": 103, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 39.0d, "l_extendedprice": 39120.9d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-09-02", "l_commitdate": "1995-06-24", "l_receiptdate": "1995-09-14", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "en hockey players engage" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4900, "l_partkey": 103, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 48.0d, "l_extendedprice": 48148.8d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-09-18", "l_commitdate": "1992-08-14", "l_receiptdate": "1992-09-28", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "uickly ironic ideas kindle s" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4900, "l_partkey": 103, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 46.0d, "l_extendedprice": 46142.6d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-07-11", "l_commitdate": "1992-09-19", "l_receiptdate": "1992-07-16", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ly final acco" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 68, "l_partkey": 103, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 30.0d, "l_extendedprice": 30093.0d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-08-11", "l_commitdate": "1998-07-11", "l_receiptdate": "1998-08-14", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "oxes are slyly blithely fin" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3748, "l_partkey": 104, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 12.0d, "l_extendedprice": 12049.2d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-04-17", "l_commitdate": "1998-04-15", "l_receiptdate": "1998-05-12", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "old reques" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3047, "l_partkey": 104, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 17.0d, "l_extendedprice": 17069.7d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-06-14", "l_commitdate": "1997-04-20", "l_receiptdate": "1997-06-23", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "onic instruction" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5221, "l_partkey": 104, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 24.0d, "l_extendedprice": 24098.4d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-10-04", "l_commitdate": "1995-08-11", "l_receiptdate": "1995-10-30", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "s pinto beans sleep. sly" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5479, "l_partkey": 104, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 19.0d, "l_extendedprice": 19077.9d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-01-22", "l_commitdate": "1994-03-07", "l_receiptdate": "1994-02-11", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "arefully bo" }
, { "l_orderkey": 161, "l_partkey": 103, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 19.0d, "l_extendedprice": 19058.9d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-12-13", "l_commitdate": "1994-11-19", "l_receiptdate": "1994-12-26", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": ", regular sheaves sleep along" }
, { "l_orderkey": 832, "l_partkey": 103, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 45.0d, "l_extendedprice": 45139.5d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-05-08", "l_commitdate": "1992-06-06", "l_receiptdate": "1992-06-04", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "foxes engage slyly alon" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1504, "l_partkey": 103, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 22.0d, "l_extendedprice": 22068.2d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-09-09", "l_commitdate": "1992-10-29", "l_receiptdate": "1992-09-10", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": " accounts sleep. furiou" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2209, "l_partkey": 103, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 10.0d, "l_extendedprice": 10031.0d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-09-02", "l_commitdate": "1992-09-24", "l_receiptdate": "1992-09-21", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "players. carefully reg" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3136, "l_partkey": 103, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 7.0d, "l_extendedprice": 7021.7d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-10-08", "l_commitdate": "1994-09-14", "l_receiptdate": "1994-10-11", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ic pinto beans are slyly. f" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3205, "l_partkey": 103, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 38.0d, "l_extendedprice": 38117.8d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-07-31", "l_commitdate": "1992-06-03", "l_receiptdate": "1992-08-20", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "usly quiet accounts. slyly pending pinto " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5827, "l_partkey": 103, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 23.0d, "l_extendedprice": 23071.3d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-11-16", "l_commitdate": "1998-09-14", "l_receiptdate": "1998-11-17", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ans. furiously special instruct" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2017, "l_partkey": 103, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 49.0d, "l_extendedprice": 49151.9d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-05-26", "l_commitdate": "1998-07-01", "l_receiptdate": "1998-06-06", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": " after the unusual instructions. sly" }
, { "l_orderkey": 4484, "l_partkey": 103, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 50.0d, "l_extendedprice": 50155.0d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-03-17", "l_commitdate": "1997-03-16", "l_receiptdate": "1997-03-21", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "the ironic, final theodo" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4932, "l_partkey": 103, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 15.0d, "l_extendedprice": 15046.5d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-11-15", "l_commitdate": "1993-10-25", "l_receiptdate": "1993-11-29", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "yly. unusu" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4515, "l_partkey": 103, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 50.0d, "l_extendedprice": 50155.0d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-03-28", "l_commitdate": "1992-05-16", "l_receiptdate": "1992-04-20", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ding instructions again" }
, { "l_orderkey": 5377, "l_partkey": 103, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 23.0d, "l_extendedprice": 23071.3d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-06-26", "l_commitdate": "1997-07-13", "l_receiptdate": "1997-07-08", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": " silent wa" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 897, "l_partkey": 102, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 2.0d, "l_extendedprice": 2004.2d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-05-22", "l_commitdate": "1995-05-07", "l_receiptdate": "1995-06-16", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "into beans. slyly special fox" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1538, "l_partkey": 102, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 32.0d, "l_extendedprice": 32067.2d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-07-08", "l_commitdate": "1995-07-29", "l_receiptdate": "1995-08-01", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "uses maintain blithely. fluffily" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4007, "l_partkey": 102, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 5.0d, "l_extendedprice": 5010.5d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-09-17", "l_commitdate": "1993-08-29", "l_receiptdate": "1993-10-12", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "y unusual packa" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5217, "l_partkey": 102, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 23.0d, "l_extendedprice": 23048.3d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-11-15", "l_commitdate": "1995-12-17", "l_receiptdate": "1995-11-27", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "pending packages cajole ne" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 68, "l_partkey": 103, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 30.0d, "l_extendedprice": 30093.0d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-08-11", "l_commitdate": "1998-07-11", "l_receiptdate": "1998-08-14", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "oxes are slyly blithely fin" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1504, "l_partkey": 103, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 22.0d, "l_extendedprice": 22068.2d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-09-09", "l_commitdate": "1992-10-29", "l_receiptdate": "1992-09-10", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": " accounts sleep. furiou" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2661, "l_partkey": 103, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 22.0d, "l_extendedprice": 22068.2d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-03-14", "l_commitdate": "1997-03-17", "l_receiptdate": "1997-04-08", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": " foxes affix quickly ironic request" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3136, "l_partkey": 103, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 7.0d, "l_extendedprice": 7021.7d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-10-08", "l_commitdate": "1994-09-14", "l_receiptdate": "1994-10-11", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ic pinto beans are slyly. f" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4422, "l_partkey": 103, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 39.0d, "l_extendedprice": 39120.9d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-09-02", "l_commitdate": "1995-06-24", "l_receiptdate": "1995-09-14", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "en hockey players engage" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4932, "l_partkey": 103, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 15.0d, "l_extendedprice": 15046.5d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-11-15", "l_commitdate": "1993-10-25", "l_receiptdate": "1993-11-29", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "yly. unusu" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 353, "l_partkey": 103, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 39.0d, "l_extendedprice": 39120.9d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-01-15", "l_commitdate": "1994-03-30", "l_receiptdate": "1994-02-01", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "losely quickly even accounts. c" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 711, "l_partkey": 103, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 27.0d, "l_extendedprice": 27083.7d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-10-02", "l_commitdate": "1993-10-26", "l_receiptdate": "1993-10-08", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "slyly. ironic asy" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1956, "l_partkey": 103, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 16.0d, "l_extendedprice": 16049.6d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-11-11", "l_commitdate": "1992-11-11", "l_receiptdate": "1992-11-30", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "es cajole blithely. pen" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2209, "l_partkey": 103, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 10.0d, "l_extendedprice": 10031.0d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-09-02", "l_commitdate": "1992-09-24", "l_receiptdate": "1992-09-21", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "players. carefully reg" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4869, "l_partkey": 103, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 24.0d, "l_extendedprice": 24074.4d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-11-23", "l_commitdate": "1994-11-18", "l_receiptdate": "1994-12-11", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "se deposits above the sly, q" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4900, "l_partkey": 103, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 46.0d, "l_extendedprice": 46142.6d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-07-11", "l_commitdate": "1992-09-19", "l_receiptdate": "1992-07-16", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ly final acco" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5445, "l_partkey": 103, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 46.0d, "l_extendedprice": 46142.6d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-10-06", "l_commitdate": "1993-09-15", "l_receiptdate": "1993-10-28", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "old depend" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5827, "l_partkey": 103, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 23.0d, "l_extendedprice": 23071.3d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-11-16", "l_commitdate": "1998-09-14", "l_receiptdate": "1998-11-17", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ans. furiously special instruct" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2400, "l_partkey": 103, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 48.0d, "l_extendedprice": 48148.8d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-10-07", "l_commitdate": "1998-08-30", "l_receiptdate": "1998-11-03", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "fore the car" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3205, "l_partkey": 103, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 38.0d, "l_extendedprice": 38117.8d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-07-31", "l_commitdate": "1992-06-03", "l_receiptdate": "1992-08-20", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "usly quiet accounts. slyly pending pinto " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3936, "l_partkey": 103, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 26.0d, "l_extendedprice": 26080.6d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-02-27", "l_commitdate": "1997-01-16", "l_receiptdate": "1997-03-22", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "quickly pen" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4900, "l_partkey": 103, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 48.0d, "l_extendedprice": 48148.8d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-09-18", "l_commitdate": "1992-08-14", "l_receiptdate": "1992-09-28", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "uickly ironic ideas kindle s" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4931, "l_partkey": 103, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 8.0d, "l_extendedprice": 8024.8d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-02-16", "l_commitdate": "1994-12-30", "l_receiptdate": "1995-03-15", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "dependencies are slyly" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 742, "l_partkey": 102, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 46.0d, "l_extendedprice": 46096.6d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-03-12", "l_commitdate": "1995-03-20", "l_receiptdate": "1995-03-16", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "e slyly bold deposits cajole according to" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2305, "l_partkey": 102, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 32.0d, "l_extendedprice": 32067.2d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-04-02", "l_commitdate": "1993-03-18", "l_receiptdate": "1993-04-03", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": " haggle caref" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2854, "l_partkey": 102, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 7.0d, "l_extendedprice": 7014.7d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-09-23", "l_commitdate": "1994-08-14", "l_receiptdate": "1994-10-10", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": " the pending" }
, { "l_orderkey": 5408, "l_partkey": 102, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 2.0d, "l_extendedprice": 2004.2d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-08-21", "l_commitdate": "1992-10-03", "l_receiptdate": "1992-08-28", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "cross the dolphins h" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5415, "l_partkey": 102, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 44.0d, "l_extendedprice": 44092.4d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-08-19", "l_commitdate": "1992-10-26", "l_receiptdate": "1992-09-17", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": " requests. unusual theodolites sleep agains" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5633, "l_partkey": 102, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 10.0d, "l_extendedprice": 10021.0d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-07-15", "l_commitdate": "1998-08-03", "l_receiptdate": "1998-08-03", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "its cajole fluffily fluffily special pinto" }
, { "l_orderkey": 5696, "l_partkey": 102, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 6.0d, "l_extendedprice": 6012.6d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-08-03", "l_commitdate": "1995-07-15", "l_receiptdate": "1995-09-01", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "n patterns lose slyly fina" }
, { "l_orderkey": 674, "l_partkey": 102, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 23.0d, "l_extendedprice": 23048.3d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-10-25", "l_commitdate": "1992-10-15", "l_receiptdate": "1992-11-03", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ve the quickly even deposits. blithe" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 742, "l_partkey": 102, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 46.0d, "l_extendedprice": 46096.6d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-03-12", "l_commitdate": "1995-03-20", "l_receiptdate": "1995-03-16", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "e slyly bold deposits cajole according to" }
, { "l_orderkey": 929, "l_partkey": 102, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 7.0d, "l_extendedprice": 7014.7d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-12-24", "l_commitdate": "1992-12-19", "l_receiptdate": "1993-01-08", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ithely. slyly c" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2119, "l_partkey": 102, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 36.0d, "l_extendedprice": 36075.6d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-11-10", "l_commitdate": "1996-10-25", "l_receiptdate": "1996-12-03", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ly bold foxes. ironic accoun" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2919, "l_partkey": 102, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 44.0d, "l_extendedprice": 44092.4d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-02-04", "l_commitdate": "1994-02-03", "l_receiptdate": "1994-03-02", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "es doze around the furiously " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3042, "l_partkey": 102, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 28.0d, "l_extendedprice": 28058.8d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-11-24", "l_commitdate": "1995-01-02", "l_receiptdate": "1994-12-06", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ng the furiously r" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3844, "l_partkey": 102, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 5.0d, "l_extendedprice": 5010.5d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-04-29", "l_commitdate": "1995-02-24", "l_receiptdate": "1995-05-05", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": " unwind quickly about the pending, i" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4166, "l_partkey": 102, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 6.0d, "l_extendedprice": 6012.6d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-04-30", "l_commitdate": "1993-04-17", "l_receiptdate": "1993-05-08", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ily ironic deposits print furiously. iron" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4453, "l_partkey": 102, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 26.0d, "l_extendedprice": 26054.6d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-05-07", "l_commitdate": "1997-06-07", "l_receiptdate": "1997-05-22", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "express packages are" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4866, "l_partkey": 102, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 1.0d, "l_extendedprice": 1002.1d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-10-15", "l_commitdate": "1997-10-01", "l_receiptdate": "1997-11-14", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "latelets nag. q" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5415, "l_partkey": 102, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 6.0d, "l_extendedprice": 6012.6d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-10-28", "l_commitdate": "1992-09-09", "l_receiptdate": "1992-11-20", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ges around the fur" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5540, "l_partkey": 102, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 2.0d, "l_extendedprice": 2004.2d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-12-12", "l_commitdate": "1997-01-09", "l_receiptdate": "1996-12-25", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "nic asymptotes could hav" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 167, "l_partkey": 102, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 28.0d, "l_extendedprice": 28058.8d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-02-19", "l_commitdate": "1993-02-16", "l_receiptdate": "1993-03-03", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "sly during the u" }
, { "l_orderkey": 1958, "l_partkey": 102, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 4.0d, "l_extendedprice": 4008.4d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-10-24", "l_commitdate": "1995-12-09", "l_receiptdate": "1995-10-28", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "he slyly even dependencies " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2305, "l_partkey": 102, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 32.0d, "l_extendedprice": 32067.2d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-04-02", "l_commitdate": "1993-03-18", "l_receiptdate": "1993-04-03", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": " haggle caref" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2119, "l_partkey": 102, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 36.0d, "l_extendedprice": 36075.6d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-11-10", "l_commitdate": "1996-10-25", "l_receiptdate": "1996-12-03", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ly bold foxes. ironic accoun" }
, { "l_orderkey": 2662, "l_partkey": 102, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 43.0d, "l_extendedprice": 43090.3d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-11-24", "l_commitdate": "1996-11-04", "l_receiptdate": "1996-12-08", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": ". slyly specia" }
, { "l_orderkey": 2693, "l_partkey": 102, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 43.0d, "l_extendedprice": 43090.3d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-10-24", "l_commitdate": "1996-10-24", "l_receiptdate": "1996-11-03", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "as are according to th" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2919, "l_partkey": 102, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 2.0d, "l_extendedprice": 2004.2d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-12-28", "l_commitdate": "1994-02-23", "l_receiptdate": "1994-01-18", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "re slyly. regular ideas detect furiousl" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2919, "l_partkey": 102, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 44.0d, "l_extendedprice": 44092.4d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-02-04", "l_commitdate": "1994-02-03", "l_receiptdate": "1994-03-02", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "es doze around the furiously " }
, { "l_orderkey": 3527, "l_partkey": 102, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 47.0d, "l_extendedprice": 47098.7d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-07-14", "l_commitdate": "1997-07-29", "l_receiptdate": "1997-07-21", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "unts. express re" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4032, "l_partkey": 102, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 8.0d, "l_extendedprice": 8016.8d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-06-04", "l_commitdate": "1998-05-17", "l_receiptdate": "1998-07-03", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ometimes even cou" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4007, "l_partkey": 102, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 5.0d, "l_extendedprice": 5010.5d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-09-17", "l_commitdate": "1993-08-29", "l_receiptdate": "1993-10-12", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "y unusual packa" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4166, "l_partkey": 102, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 6.0d, "l_extendedprice": 6012.6d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-04-30", "l_commitdate": "1993-04-17", "l_receiptdate": "1993-05-08", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ily ironic deposits print furiously. iron" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4835, "l_partkey": 102, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 23.0d, "l_extendedprice": 23048.3d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-02-05", "l_commitdate": "1995-01-04", "l_receiptdate": "1995-02-28", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "e carefully regular foxes. deposits are sly" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4866, "l_partkey": 102, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 1.0d, "l_extendedprice": 1002.1d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-10-15", "l_commitdate": "1997-10-01", "l_receiptdate": "1997-11-14", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "latelets nag. q" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5415, "l_partkey": 102, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 44.0d, "l_extendedprice": 44092.4d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-08-19", "l_commitdate": "1992-10-26", "l_receiptdate": "1992-09-17", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": " requests. unusual theodolites sleep agains" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5415, "l_partkey": 102, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 6.0d, "l_extendedprice": 6012.6d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-10-28", "l_commitdate": "1992-09-09", "l_receiptdate": "1992-11-20", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ges around the fur" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5540, "l_partkey": 102, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 2.0d, "l_extendedprice": 2004.2d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-12-12", "l_commitdate": "1997-01-09", "l_receiptdate": "1996-12-25", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "nic asymptotes could hav" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5762, "l_partkey": 102, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 27.0d, "l_extendedprice": 27056.7d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-02-21", "l_commitdate": "1997-05-08", "l_receiptdate": "1997-03-23", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "across the bold ideas. carefully sp" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 742, "l_partkey": 102, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 24.0d, "l_extendedprice": 24050.4d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-02-12", "l_commitdate": "1995-03-12", "l_receiptdate": "1995-02-14", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "affix slyly. furiously i" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1538, "l_partkey": 102, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 32.0d, "l_extendedprice": 32067.2d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-07-08", "l_commitdate": "1995-07-29", "l_receiptdate": "1995-08-01", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "uses maintain blithely. fluffily" }
, { "l_orderkey": 4131, "l_partkey": 102, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 47.0d, "l_extendedprice": 47098.7d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-03-09", "l_commitdate": "1998-04-05", "l_receiptdate": "1998-03-13", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ges. ironic pinto be" }
, { "l_orderkey": 4322, "l_partkey": 102, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 10.0d, "l_extendedprice": 10021.0d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-05-31", "l_commitdate": "1998-04-27", "l_receiptdate": "1998-06-25", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": " regular ideas engage carefully quick" }
, { "l_orderkey": 5030, "l_partkey": 102, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 22.0d, "l_extendedprice": 22046.2d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-09-01", "l_commitdate": "1998-08-15", "l_receiptdate": "1998-09-30", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": ". quickly regular foxes believe" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5217, "l_partkey": 102, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 23.0d, "l_extendedprice": 23048.3d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-11-15", "l_commitdate": "1995-12-17", "l_receiptdate": "1995-11-27", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "pending packages cajole ne" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 167, "l_partkey": 102, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 28.0d, "l_extendedprice": 28058.8d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-02-19", "l_commitdate": "1993-02-16", "l_receiptdate": "1993-03-03", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "sly during the u" }
, { "l_orderkey": 198, "l_partkey": 102, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 33.0d, "l_extendedprice": 33069.3d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-03-22", "l_commitdate": "1998-03-12", "l_receiptdate": "1998-04-14", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ending foxes acr" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 742, "l_partkey": 102, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 24.0d, "l_extendedprice": 24050.4d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-02-12", "l_commitdate": "1995-03-12", "l_receiptdate": "1995-02-14", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "affix slyly. furiously i" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2854, "l_partkey": 102, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 7.0d, "l_extendedprice": 7014.7d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-09-23", "l_commitdate": "1994-08-14", "l_receiptdate": "1994-10-10", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": " the pending" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2919, "l_partkey": 102, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 2.0d, "l_extendedprice": 2004.2d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-12-28", "l_commitdate": "1994-02-23", "l_receiptdate": "1994-01-18", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "re slyly. regular ideas detect furiousl" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4835, "l_partkey": 102, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 23.0d, "l_extendedprice": 23048.3d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-02-05", "l_commitdate": "1995-01-04", "l_receiptdate": "1995-02-28", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "e carefully regular foxes. deposits are sly" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5762, "l_partkey": 102, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 27.0d, "l_extendedprice": 27056.7d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-02-21", "l_commitdate": "1997-05-08", "l_receiptdate": "1997-03-23", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "across the bold ideas. carefully sp" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 897, "l_partkey": 102, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 2.0d, "l_extendedprice": 2004.2d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-05-22", "l_commitdate": "1995-05-07", "l_receiptdate": "1995-06-16", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "into beans. slyly special fox" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3042, "l_partkey": 102, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 28.0d, "l_extendedprice": 28058.8d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-11-24", "l_commitdate": "1995-01-02", "l_receiptdate": "1994-12-06", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ng the furiously r" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3844, "l_partkey": 102, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 5.0d, "l_extendedprice": 5010.5d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-04-29", "l_commitdate": "1995-02-24", "l_receiptdate": "1995-05-05", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": " unwind quickly about the pending, i" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4032, "l_partkey": 102, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 8.0d, "l_extendedprice": 8016.8d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-06-04", "l_commitdate": "1998-05-17", "l_receiptdate": "1998-07-03", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ometimes even cou" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4453, "l_partkey": 102, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 26.0d, "l_extendedprice": 26054.6d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-05-07", "l_commitdate": "1997-06-07", "l_receiptdate": "1997-05-22", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "express packages are" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5633, "l_partkey": 102, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 10.0d, "l_extendedprice": 10021.0d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-07-15", "l_commitdate": "1998-08-03", "l_receiptdate": "1998-08-03", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "its cajole fluffily fluffily special pinto" }
, { "l_orderkey": 5792, "l_partkey": 102, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 31.0d, "l_extendedprice": 31065.1d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-06-17", "l_commitdate": "1993-05-05", "l_receiptdate": "1993-07-01", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "s? furiously even instructions " }
, { "l_orderkey": 5984, "l_partkey": 102, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 25.0d, "l_extendedprice": 25052.5d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-10-06", "l_commitdate": "1994-07-21", "l_receiptdate": "1994-10-28", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "gular accounts. even packages nag slyly" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 420, "l_partkey": 101, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 5.0d, "l_extendedprice": 5005.5d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-11-04", "l_commitdate": "1996-01-02", "l_receiptdate": "1995-11-30", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "cajole blit" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 742, "l_partkey": 101, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 48.0d, "l_extendedprice": 48052.8d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-03-24", "l_commitdate": "1995-01-23", "l_receiptdate": "1995-04-08", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": " platelets " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1123, "l_partkey": 101, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 38.0d, "l_extendedprice": 38041.8d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-09-23", "l_commitdate": "1996-10-04", "l_receiptdate": "1996-09-27", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": " blithely carefully unusual reques" }
, { "l_orderkey": 1571, "l_partkey": 101, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 48.0d, "l_extendedprice": 48052.8d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-12-28", "l_commitdate": "1993-01-04", "l_receiptdate": "1993-01-04", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "slyly pending p" }
, { "l_orderkey": 1893, "l_partkey": 101, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 18.0d, "l_extendedprice": 18019.8d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-01-24", "l_commitdate": "1998-01-12", "l_receiptdate": "1998-02-13", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "g packages. fluffily final reques" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1990, "l_partkey": 101, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 46.0d, "l_extendedprice": 46050.6d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-12-29", "l_commitdate": "1995-03-14", "l_receiptdate": "1995-01-13", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ar sentiments." }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2053, "l_partkey": 101, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 20.0d, "l_extendedprice": 20022.0d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-04-25", "l_commitdate": "1995-04-12", "l_receiptdate": "1995-05-13", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ly ironic foxes haggle slyly speci" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2048, "l_partkey": 101, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 12.0d, "l_extendedprice": 12013.2d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-01-28", "l_commitdate": "1994-01-19", "l_receiptdate": "1994-02-08", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": " even theodoli" }
, { "l_orderkey": 2599, "l_partkey": 101, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 11.0d, "l_extendedprice": 11012.1d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-02-01", "l_commitdate": "1996-12-14", "l_receiptdate": "1997-02-27", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": " express accoun" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4673, "l_partkey": 101, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 44.0d, "l_extendedprice": 44048.4d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-12-11", "l_commitdate": "1996-10-31", "l_receiptdate": "1997-01-08", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": " gifts cajole dari" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5062, "l_partkey": 101, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 9.0d, "l_extendedprice": 9009.9d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-01-02", "l_commitdate": "1992-12-01", "l_receiptdate": "1993-01-20", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": " silent theodolites wake. c" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5572, "l_partkey": 101, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 14.0d, "l_extendedprice": 14015.4d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-11-02", "l_commitdate": "1994-09-20", "l_receiptdate": "1994-11-03", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "he fluffily express packages. fluffily fina" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5764, "l_partkey": 101, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 28.0d, "l_extendedprice": 28030.8d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-12-07", "l_commitdate": "1993-12-20", "l_receiptdate": "1993-12-26", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "sleep furi" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 644, "l_partkey": 101, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 44.0d, "l_extendedprice": 44048.4d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-08-17", "l_commitdate": "1992-07-26", "l_receiptdate": "1992-08-20", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "iously ironic pinto beans. bold packa" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1958, "l_partkey": 101, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 31.0d, "l_extendedprice": 31034.1d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-10-31", "l_commitdate": "1995-11-12", "l_receiptdate": "1995-11-07", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "r deposits c" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2371, "l_partkey": 101, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 11.0d, "l_extendedprice": 11012.1d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-02-25", "l_commitdate": "1998-04-06", "l_receiptdate": "1998-03-23", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "requests. regular pinto beans wake. car" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4355, "l_partkey": 101, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 47.0d, "l_extendedprice": 47051.7d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-12-28", "l_commitdate": "1996-12-29", "l_receiptdate": "1997-01-09", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "e. realms integrate " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5126, "l_partkey": 101, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 43.0d, "l_extendedprice": 43047.3d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-01-07", "l_commitdate": "1992-12-19", "l_receiptdate": "1993-01-16", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "e silently. ironic, unusual accounts" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 581, "l_partkey": 101, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 49.0d, "l_extendedprice": 49053.9d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-02-27", "l_commitdate": "1997-04-24", "l_receiptdate": "1997-03-10", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": ". slyly regular pinto beans acr" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 742, "l_partkey": 101, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 48.0d, "l_extendedprice": 48052.8d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-03-24", "l_commitdate": "1995-01-23", "l_receiptdate": "1995-04-08", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": " platelets " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1186, "l_partkey": 101, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 20.0d, "l_extendedprice": 20022.0d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-08-20", "l_commitdate": "1996-10-23", "l_receiptdate": "1996-09-05", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ely alongside of the blithel" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1990, "l_partkey": 101, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 46.0d, "l_extendedprice": 46050.6d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-12-29", "l_commitdate": "1995-03-14", "l_receiptdate": "1995-01-13", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ar sentiments." }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3905, "l_partkey": 101, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 43.0d, "l_extendedprice": 43047.3d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-03-30", "l_commitdate": "1994-02-18", "l_receiptdate": "1994-04-09", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "uses are care" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4965, "l_partkey": 101, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 27.0d, "l_extendedprice": 27029.7d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-11-06", "l_commitdate": "1993-12-24", "l_receiptdate": "1993-11-30", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "efully final foxes" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 420, "l_partkey": 101, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 5.0d, "l_extendedprice": 5005.5d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-11-04", "l_commitdate": "1996-01-02", "l_receiptdate": "1995-11-30", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "cajole blit" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2053, "l_partkey": 101, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 20.0d, "l_extendedprice": 20022.0d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-04-25", "l_commitdate": "1995-04-12", "l_receiptdate": "1995-05-13", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ly ironic foxes haggle slyly speci" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2147, "l_partkey": 101, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 4.0d, "l_extendedprice": 4004.4d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-09-27", "l_commitdate": "1992-11-15", "l_receiptdate": "1992-10-22", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "mong the blithely special" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2464, "l_partkey": 101, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 20.0d, "l_extendedprice": 20022.0d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-12-26", "l_commitdate": "1998-01-02", "l_receiptdate": "1998-01-24", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "sts. slyly close ideas shall h" }
, { "l_orderkey": 3044, "l_partkey": 101, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 10.0d, "l_extendedprice": 10011.0d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-07-13", "l_commitdate": "1996-05-06", "l_receiptdate": "1996-07-21", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": " slyly ironic requests. s" }
, { "l_orderkey": 3683, "l_partkey": 101, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 35.0d, "l_extendedprice": 35038.5d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-05-31", "l_commitdate": "1993-04-17", "l_receiptdate": "1993-06-14", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": " the furiously expr" }
, { "l_orderkey": 4390, "l_partkey": 101, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 42.0d, "l_extendedprice": 42046.2d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-06-12", "l_commitdate": "1995-07-16", "l_receiptdate": "1995-06-17", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "arefully even accoun" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4673, "l_partkey": 101, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 44.0d, "l_extendedprice": 44048.4d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-12-11", "l_commitdate": "1996-10-31", "l_receiptdate": "1997-01-08", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": " gifts cajole dari" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5126, "l_partkey": 101, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 43.0d, "l_extendedprice": 43047.3d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-01-07", "l_commitdate": "1992-12-19", "l_receiptdate": "1993-01-16", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "e silently. ironic, unusual accounts" }
, { "l_orderkey": 5665, "l_partkey": 101, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 32.0d, "l_extendedprice": 32035.2d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-08-11", "l_commitdate": "1993-08-01", "l_receiptdate": "1993-09-07", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "f the slyly even requests! regular request" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5764, "l_partkey": 101, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 28.0d, "l_extendedprice": 28030.8d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-12-07", "l_commitdate": "1993-12-20", "l_receiptdate": "1993-12-26", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "sleep furi" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 581, "l_partkey": 101, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 49.0d, "l_extendedprice": 49053.9d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-02-27", "l_commitdate": "1997-04-24", "l_receiptdate": "1997-03-10", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": ". slyly regular pinto beans acr" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1186, "l_partkey": 101, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 20.0d, "l_extendedprice": 20022.0d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-08-20", "l_commitdate": "1996-10-23", "l_receiptdate": "1996-09-05", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ely alongside of the blithel" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1958, "l_partkey": 101, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 31.0d, "l_extendedprice": 31034.1d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-10-31", "l_commitdate": "1995-11-12", "l_receiptdate": "1995-11-07", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "r deposits c" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2147, "l_partkey": 101, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 4.0d, "l_extendedprice": 4004.4d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-09-27", "l_commitdate": "1992-11-15", "l_receiptdate": "1992-10-22", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "mong the blithely special" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2464, "l_partkey": 101, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 20.0d, "l_extendedprice": 20022.0d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-12-26", "l_commitdate": "1998-01-02", "l_receiptdate": "1998-01-24", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "sts. slyly close ideas shall h" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4965, "l_partkey": 101, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 27.0d, "l_extendedprice": 27029.7d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-11-06", "l_commitdate": "1993-12-24", "l_receiptdate": "1993-11-30", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "efully final foxes" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 644, "l_partkey": 101, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 44.0d, "l_extendedprice": 44048.4d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-08-17", "l_commitdate": "1992-07-26", "l_receiptdate": "1992-08-20", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "iously ironic pinto beans. bold packa" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1123, "l_partkey": 101, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 38.0d, "l_extendedprice": 38041.8d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-09-23", "l_commitdate": "1996-10-04", "l_receiptdate": "1996-09-27", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": " blithely carefully unusual reques" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2048, "l_partkey": 101, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 12.0d, "l_extendedprice": 12013.2d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-01-28", "l_commitdate": "1994-01-19", "l_receiptdate": "1994-02-08", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": " even theodoli" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4355, "l_partkey": 101, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 47.0d, "l_extendedprice": 47051.7d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-12-28", "l_commitdate": "1996-12-29", "l_receiptdate": "1997-01-09", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "e. realms integrate " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2371, "l_partkey": 101, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 11.0d, "l_extendedprice": 11012.1d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-02-25", "l_commitdate": "1998-04-06", "l_receiptdate": "1998-03-23", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "requests. regular pinto beans wake. car" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3905, "l_partkey": 101, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 43.0d, "l_extendedprice": 43047.3d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-03-30", "l_commitdate": "1994-02-18", "l_receiptdate": "1994-04-09", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "uses are care" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5062, "l_partkey": 101, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 9.0d, "l_extendedprice": 9009.9d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-01-02", "l_commitdate": "1992-12-01", "l_receiptdate": "1993-01-20", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": " silent theodolites wake. c" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5572, "l_partkey": 101, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 14.0d, "l_extendedprice": 14015.4d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-11-02", "l_commitdate": "1994-09-20", "l_receiptdate": "1994-11-03", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "he fluffily express packages. fluffily fina" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 773, "l_partkey": 100, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 5.0d, "l_extendedprice": 5000.5d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-11-21", "l_commitdate": "1993-12-19", "l_receiptdate": "1993-12-21", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ar requests. regular, thin packages u" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1152, "l_partkey": 100, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 25.0d, "l_extendedprice": 25002.5d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-10-20", "l_commitdate": "1994-09-18", "l_receiptdate": "1994-10-28", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "efully ironic accounts. sly instructions wa" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2470, "l_partkey": 100, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 50.0d, "l_extendedprice": 50005.0d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-06-02", "l_commitdate": "1997-06-01", "l_receiptdate": "1997-06-09", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": " packages " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2785, "l_partkey": 100, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 34.0d, "l_extendedprice": 34003.4d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-08-07", "l_commitdate": "1995-09-09", "l_receiptdate": "1995-09-05", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ly final packages haggl" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3649, "l_partkey": 100, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 24.0d, "l_extendedprice": 24002.4d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-07-07", "l_commitdate": "1994-08-20", "l_receiptdate": "1994-07-27", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "c accounts. quickly final theodo" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3808, "l_partkey": 100, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 34.0d, "l_extendedprice": 34003.4d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-08-13", "l_commitdate": "1994-07-22", "l_receiptdate": "1994-08-31", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": " pearls will have to " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4134, "l_partkey": 100, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 45.0d, "l_extendedprice": 45004.5d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-04-11", "l_commitdate": "1995-03-27", "l_receiptdate": "1995-04-17", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ironic pin" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4262, "l_partkey": 100, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 28.0d, "l_extendedprice": 28002.8d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-10-22", "l_commitdate": "1996-09-06", "l_receiptdate": "1996-11-13", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ironic, regular depend" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4738, "l_partkey": 100, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 50.0d, "l_extendedprice": 50005.0d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-06-18", "l_commitdate": "1992-07-04", "l_receiptdate": "1992-07-07", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "the blithely ironic braids sleep slyly" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4928, "l_partkey": 100, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 4.0d, "l_extendedprice": 4000.4d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-10-25", "l_commitdate": "1993-12-24", "l_receiptdate": "1993-11-16", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "bout the slyly final accounts. carefull" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5799, "l_partkey": 100, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 30.0d, "l_extendedprice": 30003.0d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-09-12", "l_commitdate": "1995-09-13", "l_receiptdate": "1995-09-19", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": " furiously s" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 166, "l_partkey": 100, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 41.0d, "l_extendedprice": 41004.1d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-11-13", "l_commitdate": "1995-11-07", "l_receiptdate": "1995-12-08", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "hily along the blithely pending fo" }
, { "l_orderkey": 292, "l_partkey": 100, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 24.0d, "l_extendedprice": 24002.4d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-03-24", "l_commitdate": "1992-03-06", "l_receiptdate": "1992-04-20", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": " bold, pending theodolites u" }
, { "l_orderkey": 675, "l_partkey": 100, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 15.0d, "l_extendedprice": 15001.5d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-10-18", "l_commitdate": "1997-09-28", "l_receiptdate": "1997-11-13", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "posits after the furio" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 930, "l_partkey": 100, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 21.0d, "l_extendedprice": 21002.1d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-02-16", "l_commitdate": "1995-03-03", "l_receiptdate": "1995-03-13", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "foxes. regular deposits integrate carefu" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1828, "l_partkey": 100, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 33.0d, "l_extendedprice": 33003.3d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-06-27", "l_commitdate": "1994-06-10", "l_receiptdate": "1994-07-24", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "s boost carefully. pending d" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2567, "l_partkey": 100, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 32.0d, "l_extendedprice": 32003.2d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-05-24", "l_commitdate": "1998-04-30", "l_receiptdate": "1998-06-14", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": " the even, iro" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3170, "l_partkey": 100, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 21.0d, "l_extendedprice": 21002.1d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-12-09", "l_commitdate": "1998-01-31", "l_receiptdate": "1997-12-21", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "o beans. carefully final requests dou" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3233, "l_partkey": 100, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 2.0d, "l_extendedprice": 2000.2d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-01-03", "l_commitdate": "1995-01-02", "l_receiptdate": "1995-01-21", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": " across the bold packages" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3683, "l_partkey": 100, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 23.0d, "l_extendedprice": 23002.3d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-07-02", "l_commitdate": "1993-05-16", "l_receiptdate": "1993-07-30", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "xpress accounts sleep slyly re" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1028, "l_partkey": 100, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 8.0d, "l_extendedprice": 8000.8d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-02-14", "l_commitdate": "1994-03-28", "l_receiptdate": "1994-02-22", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "e carefully final packages. furiously fi" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1445, "l_partkey": 100, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 24.0d, "l_extendedprice": 24002.4d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-02-21", "l_commitdate": "1995-02-22", "l_receiptdate": "1995-03-18", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "al accounts use furiously a" }
, { "l_orderkey": 1606, "l_partkey": 100, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 23.0d, "l_extendedprice": 23002.3d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-04-19", "l_commitdate": "1997-06-26", "l_receiptdate": "1997-04-30", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ously final requests. slowly ironic ex" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2852, "l_partkey": 100, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 12.0d, "l_extendedprice": 12001.2d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-02-25", "l_commitdate": "1993-03-24", "l_receiptdate": "1993-03-07", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "le. request" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4742, "l_partkey": 100, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 45.0d, "l_extendedprice": 45004.5d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-05-12", "l_commitdate": "1995-05-14", "l_receiptdate": "1995-06-07", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ke carefully. do" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5509, "l_partkey": 100, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 45.0d, "l_extendedprice": 45004.5d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-07-24", "l_commitdate": "1994-05-28", "l_receiptdate": "1994-08-20", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "counts sleep. f" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5633, "l_partkey": 100, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 48.0d, "l_extendedprice": 48004.8d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-06-24", "l_commitdate": "1998-07-22", "l_receiptdate": "1998-07-18", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "even courts haggle slyly at the requ" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5954, "l_partkey": 100, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 35.0d, "l_extendedprice": 35003.5d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-03-17", "l_commitdate": "1993-02-06", "l_receiptdate": "1993-04-10", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "tions maintain slyly. furious" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 641, "l_partkey": 100, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 1.0d, "l_extendedprice": 1000.1d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-12-03", "l_commitdate": "1993-10-28", "l_receiptdate": "1993-12-26", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": " nag across the regular foxes." }
-, { "l_orderkey": 933, "l_partkey": 100, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 26.0d, "l_extendedprice": 26002.6d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-11-09", "l_commitdate": "1992-11-03", "l_receiptdate": "1992-11-16", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": " the deposits affix slyly after t" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1027, "l_partkey": 100, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 13.0d, "l_extendedprice": 13001.3d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-08-22", "l_commitdate": "1992-07-10", "l_receiptdate": "1992-09-12", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ily ironic ideas use" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1223, "l_partkey": 100, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 28.0d, "l_extendedprice": 28002.8d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-08-07", "l_commitdate": "1996-07-24", "l_receiptdate": "1996-08-13", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": " quickly ironic requests. furious" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1857, "l_partkey": 100, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 41.0d, "l_extendedprice": 41004.1d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-04-16", "l_commitdate": "1993-02-16", "l_receiptdate": "1993-04-18", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": " the slyly" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1890, "l_partkey": 100, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 43.0d, "l_extendedprice": 43004.3d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-12-30", "l_commitdate": "1997-01-31", "l_receiptdate": "1997-01-19", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "p ironic, express accounts. fu" }
, { "l_orderkey": 2022, "l_partkey": 100, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 36.0d, "l_extendedprice": 36003.6d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-03-24", "l_commitdate": "1992-05-07", "l_receiptdate": "1992-04-13", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ly after the foxes. regular, final inst" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3461, "l_partkey": 100, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 49.0d, "l_extendedprice": 49004.9d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-03-09", "l_commitdate": "1993-04-16", "l_receiptdate": "1993-03-13", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ual request" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3777, "l_partkey": 100, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 11.0d, "l_extendedprice": 11001.1d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-04-09", "l_commitdate": "1994-06-05", "l_receiptdate": "1994-04-14", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ld ideas. even theodolites" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4739, "l_partkey": 100, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 30.0d, "l_extendedprice": 30003.0d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-05-29", "l_commitdate": "1993-04-12", "l_receiptdate": "1993-06-18", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ly even packages use across th" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2785, "l_partkey": 100, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 34.0d, "l_extendedprice": 34003.4d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-08-07", "l_commitdate": "1995-09-09", "l_receiptdate": "1995-09-05", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ly final packages haggl" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2852, "l_partkey": 100, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 12.0d, "l_extendedprice": 12001.2d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-02-25", "l_commitdate": "1993-03-24", "l_receiptdate": "1993-03-07", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "le. request" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3649, "l_partkey": 100, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 24.0d, "l_extendedprice": 24002.4d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-07-07", "l_commitdate": "1994-08-20", "l_receiptdate": "1994-07-27", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "c accounts. quickly final theodo" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4134, "l_partkey": 100, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 45.0d, "l_extendedprice": 45004.5d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-04-11", "l_commitdate": "1995-03-27", "l_receiptdate": "1995-04-17", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ironic pin" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4738, "l_partkey": 100, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 50.0d, "l_extendedprice": 50005.0d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-06-18", "l_commitdate": "1992-07-04", "l_receiptdate": "1992-07-07", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "the blithely ironic braids sleep slyly" }
, { "l_orderkey": 4839, "l_partkey": 100, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 19.0d, "l_extendedprice": 19001.9d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-05-20", "l_commitdate": "1994-07-14", "l_receiptdate": "1994-05-30", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": " deposits sublate furiously ir" }
, { "l_orderkey": 4961, "l_partkey": 100, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 10.0d, "l_extendedprice": 10001.0d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-04-15", "l_commitdate": "1998-07-03", "l_receiptdate": "1998-04-18", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "quests. regular, ironic ideas at the ironi" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5799, "l_partkey": 100, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 30.0d, "l_extendedprice": 30003.0d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-09-12", "l_commitdate": "1995-09-13", "l_receiptdate": "1995-09-19", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": " furiously s" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1027, "l_partkey": 100, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 13.0d, "l_extendedprice": 13001.3d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-08-22", "l_commitdate": "1992-07-10", "l_receiptdate": "1992-09-12", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ily ironic ideas use" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1223, "l_partkey": 100, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 28.0d, "l_extendedprice": 28002.8d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-08-07", "l_commitdate": "1996-07-24", "l_receiptdate": "1996-08-13", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": " quickly ironic requests. furious" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2470, "l_partkey": 100, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 50.0d, "l_extendedprice": 50005.0d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-06-02", "l_commitdate": "1997-06-01", "l_receiptdate": "1997-06-09", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": " packages " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3683, "l_partkey": 100, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 23.0d, "l_extendedprice": 23002.3d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-07-02", "l_commitdate": "1993-05-16", "l_receiptdate": "1993-07-30", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "xpress accounts sleep slyly re" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4739, "l_partkey": 100, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 30.0d, "l_extendedprice": 30003.0d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-05-29", "l_commitdate": "1993-04-12", "l_receiptdate": "1993-06-18", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ly even packages use across th" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4928, "l_partkey": 100, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 4.0d, "l_extendedprice": 4000.4d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-10-25", "l_commitdate": "1993-12-24", "l_receiptdate": "1993-11-16", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "bout the slyly final accounts. carefull" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5509, "l_partkey": 100, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 45.0d, "l_extendedprice": 45004.5d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-07-24", "l_commitdate": "1994-05-28", "l_receiptdate": "1994-08-20", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "counts sleep. f" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5633, "l_partkey": 100, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 48.0d, "l_extendedprice": 48004.8d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-06-24", "l_commitdate": "1998-07-22", "l_receiptdate": "1998-07-18", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "even courts haggle slyly at the requ" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 166, "l_partkey": 100, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 41.0d, "l_extendedprice": 41004.1d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-11-13", "l_commitdate": "1995-11-07", "l_receiptdate": "1995-12-08", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "hily along the blithely pending fo" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 773, "l_partkey": 100, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 5.0d, "l_extendedprice": 5000.5d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-11-21", "l_commitdate": "1993-12-19", "l_receiptdate": "1993-12-21", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ar requests. regular, thin packages u" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 933, "l_partkey": 100, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 26.0d, "l_extendedprice": 26002.6d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-11-09", "l_commitdate": "1992-11-03", "l_receiptdate": "1992-11-16", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": " the deposits affix slyly after t" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1028, "l_partkey": 100, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 8.0d, "l_extendedprice": 8000.8d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-02-14", "l_commitdate": "1994-03-28", "l_receiptdate": "1994-02-22", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "e carefully final packages. furiously fi" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1152, "l_partkey": 100, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 25.0d, "l_extendedprice": 25002.5d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-10-20", "l_commitdate": "1994-09-18", "l_receiptdate": "1994-10-28", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "efully ironic accounts. sly instructions wa" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1828, "l_partkey": 100, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 33.0d, "l_extendedprice": 33003.3d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-06-27", "l_commitdate": "1994-06-10", "l_receiptdate": "1994-07-24", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "s boost carefully. pending d" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1890, "l_partkey": 100, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 43.0d, "l_extendedprice": 43004.3d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-12-30", "l_commitdate": "1997-01-31", "l_receiptdate": "1997-01-19", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "p ironic, express accounts. fu" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2567, "l_partkey": 100, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 32.0d, "l_extendedprice": 32003.2d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-05-24", "l_commitdate": "1998-04-30", "l_receiptdate": "1998-06-14", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": " the even, iro" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3777, "l_partkey": 100, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 11.0d, "l_extendedprice": 11001.1d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-04-09", "l_commitdate": "1994-06-05", "l_receiptdate": "1994-04-14", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ld ideas. even theodolites" }
, { "l_orderkey": 5920, "l_partkey": 100, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 42.0d, "l_extendedprice": 42004.2d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-12-18", "l_commitdate": "1995-01-07", "l_receiptdate": "1995-01-14", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "lar, ironic dependencies sno" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5954, "l_partkey": 100, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 35.0d, "l_extendedprice": 35003.5d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-03-17", "l_commitdate": "1993-02-06", "l_receiptdate": "1993-04-10", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "tions maintain slyly. furious" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 641, "l_partkey": 100, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 1.0d, "l_extendedprice": 1000.1d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-12-03", "l_commitdate": "1993-10-28", "l_receiptdate": "1993-12-26", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": " nag across the regular foxes." }
+, { "l_orderkey": 930, "l_partkey": 100, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 21.0d, "l_extendedprice": 21002.1d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-02-16", "l_commitdate": "1995-03-03", "l_receiptdate": "1995-03-13", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "foxes. regular deposits integrate carefu" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1445, "l_partkey": 100, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 24.0d, "l_extendedprice": 24002.4d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-02-21", "l_commitdate": "1995-02-22", "l_receiptdate": "1995-03-18", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "al accounts use furiously a" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1857, "l_partkey": 100, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 41.0d, "l_extendedprice": 41004.1d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-04-16", "l_commitdate": "1993-02-16", "l_receiptdate": "1993-04-18", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": " the slyly" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3170, "l_partkey": 100, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 21.0d, "l_extendedprice": 21002.1d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-12-09", "l_commitdate": "1998-01-31", "l_receiptdate": "1997-12-21", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "o beans. carefully final requests dou" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3233, "l_partkey": 100, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 2.0d, "l_extendedprice": 2000.2d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-01-03", "l_commitdate": "1995-01-02", "l_receiptdate": "1995-01-21", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": " across the bold packages" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3461, "l_partkey": 100, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 49.0d, "l_extendedprice": 49004.9d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-03-09", "l_commitdate": "1993-04-16", "l_receiptdate": "1993-03-13", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ual request" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3808, "l_partkey": 100, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 34.0d, "l_extendedprice": 34003.4d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-08-13", "l_commitdate": "1994-07-22", "l_receiptdate": "1994-08-31", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": " pearls will have to " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4262, "l_partkey": 100, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 28.0d, "l_extendedprice": 28002.8d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-10-22", "l_commitdate": "1996-09-06", "l_receiptdate": "1996-11-13", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ironic, regular depend" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4742, "l_partkey": 100, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 45.0d, "l_extendedprice": 45004.5d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-05-12", "l_commitdate": "1995-05-14", "l_receiptdate": "1995-06-07", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ke carefully. do" }
, { "l_orderkey": 197, "l_partkey": 99, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 39.0d, "l_extendedprice": 38964.51d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-07-21", "l_commitdate": "1995-07-01", "l_receiptdate": "1995-08-14", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "press accounts. daringly sp" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1409, "l_partkey": 99, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 23.0d, "l_extendedprice": 22979.07d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-04-18", "l_commitdate": "1993-02-25", "l_receiptdate": "1993-05-06", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ions. slyly ironic packages wake quick" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1893, "l_partkey": 99, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 43.0d, "l_extendedprice": 42960.87d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-01-25", "l_commitdate": "1998-01-06", "l_receiptdate": "1998-02-14", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "he carefully regular " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2599, "l_partkey": 99, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 29.0d, "l_extendedprice": 28973.61d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-01-10", "l_commitdate": "1996-12-10", "l_receiptdate": "1997-02-02", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ly express dolphins. special, " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2982, "l_partkey": 99, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 13.0d, "l_extendedprice": 12988.17d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-03-31", "l_commitdate": "1995-05-07", "l_receiptdate": "1995-04-18", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "regular deposits unwind alongside " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4290, "l_partkey": 99, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 3.0d, "l_extendedprice": 2997.27d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-03-25", "l_commitdate": "1995-03-07", "l_receiptdate": "1995-04-11", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "lar platelets cajole" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5447, "l_partkey": 99, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 31.0d, "l_extendedprice": 30971.79d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-07-14", "l_commitdate": "1996-05-07", "l_receiptdate": "1996-07-17", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": " foxes sleep. blithely unusual accounts det" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 646, "l_partkey": 99, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 34.0d, "l_extendedprice": 33969.06d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-12-28", "l_commitdate": "1994-12-27", "l_receiptdate": "1994-12-31", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "slow accounts. fluffily idle instructions" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3586, "l_partkey": 99, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 8.0d, "l_extendedprice": 7992.72d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-03-18", "l_commitdate": "1994-01-17", "l_receiptdate": "1994-04-06", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": " ironic pinto beans cajole carefully theo" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4998, "l_partkey": 99, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 8.0d, "l_extendedprice": 7992.72d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-05-01", "l_commitdate": "1992-03-03", "l_receiptdate": "1992-05-24", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ions nag quickly according to the theodolit" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5509, "l_partkey": 99, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 17.0d, "l_extendedprice": 16984.53d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-07-01", "l_commitdate": "1994-06-30", "l_receiptdate": "1994-07-31", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ccounts wake ar" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5921, "l_partkey": 99, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 44.0d, "l_extendedprice": 43959.96d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-07-14", "l_commitdate": "1994-06-30", "l_receiptdate": "1994-07-15", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ain about the special" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 259, "l_partkey": 99, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 14.0d, "l_extendedprice": 13987.26d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-12-17", "l_commitdate": "1993-12-09", "l_receiptdate": "1993-12-31", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ons against the express acco" }
, { "l_orderkey": 288, "l_partkey": 99, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 36.0d, "l_extendedprice": 35967.24d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-02-22", "l_commitdate": "1997-05-07", "l_receiptdate": "1997-03-07", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "yly pending excu" }
, { "l_orderkey": 803, "l_partkey": 99, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 21.0d, "l_extendedprice": 20980.89d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-08-25", "l_commitdate": "1997-06-30", "l_receiptdate": "1997-09-10", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ironic packages cajole slyly. un" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1251, "l_partkey": 99, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 37.0d, "l_extendedprice": 36966.33d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-01-11", "l_commitdate": "1997-12-01", "l_receiptdate": "1998-01-23", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "finally bold requests" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2823, "l_partkey": 99, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 18.0d, "l_extendedprice": 17983.62d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-11-09", "l_commitdate": "1995-10-30", "l_receiptdate": "1995-11-19", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "eas. decoys cajole deposi" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3303, "l_partkey": 99, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 37.0d, "l_extendedprice": 36966.33d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-02-16", "l_commitdate": "1998-03-07", "l_receiptdate": "1998-02-18", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": " carefully ironic asympt" }
, { "l_orderkey": 1732, "l_partkey": 99, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 36.0d, "l_extendedprice": 35967.24d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-03-15", "l_commitdate": "1994-02-09", "l_receiptdate": "1994-04-02", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ve the accounts. slowly ironic multip" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3586, "l_partkey": 99, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 8.0d, "l_extendedprice": 7992.72d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-03-18", "l_commitdate": "1994-01-17", "l_receiptdate": "1994-04-06", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": " ironic pinto beans cajole carefully theo" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4002, "l_partkey": 99, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 4.0d, "l_extendedprice": 3996.36d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-05-06", "l_commitdate": "1997-06-15", "l_receiptdate": "1997-05-24", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ccording to the careful" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4290, "l_partkey": 99, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 3.0d, "l_extendedprice": 2997.27d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-03-25", "l_commitdate": "1995-03-07", "l_receiptdate": "1995-04-11", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "lar platelets cajole" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5509, "l_partkey": 99, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 17.0d, "l_extendedprice": 16984.53d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-07-01", "l_commitdate": "1994-06-30", "l_receiptdate": "1994-07-31", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ccounts wake ar" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 259, "l_partkey": 99, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 14.0d, "l_extendedprice": 13987.26d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-12-17", "l_commitdate": "1993-12-09", "l_receiptdate": "1993-12-31", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ons against the express acco" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2599, "l_partkey": 99, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 29.0d, "l_extendedprice": 28973.61d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-01-10", "l_commitdate": "1996-12-10", "l_receiptdate": "1997-02-02", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ly express dolphins. special, " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5447, "l_partkey": 99, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 31.0d, "l_extendedprice": 30971.79d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-07-14", "l_commitdate": "1996-05-07", "l_receiptdate": "1996-07-17", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": " foxes sleep. blithely unusual accounts det" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5921, "l_partkey": 99, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 44.0d, "l_extendedprice": 43959.96d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-07-14", "l_commitdate": "1994-06-30", "l_receiptdate": "1994-07-15", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ain about the special" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 646, "l_partkey": 99, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 34.0d, "l_extendedprice": 33969.06d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-12-28", "l_commitdate": "1994-12-27", "l_receiptdate": "1994-12-31", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "slow accounts. fluffily idle instructions" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1409, "l_partkey": 99, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 23.0d, "l_extendedprice": 22979.07d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-04-18", "l_commitdate": "1993-02-25", "l_receiptdate": "1993-05-06", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ions. slyly ironic packages wake quick" }
, { "l_orderkey": 2149, "l_partkey": 99, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 10.0d, "l_extendedprice": 9990.9d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-06-09", "l_commitdate": "1993-04-17", "l_receiptdate": "1993-06-16", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "eposits sleep above" }
, { "l_orderkey": 3462, "l_partkey": 99, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 2.0d, "l_extendedprice": 1998.18d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-09-10", "l_commitdate": "1997-08-08", "l_receiptdate": "1997-09-19", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "nic packages. even accounts alongside " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1251, "l_partkey": 99, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 37.0d, "l_extendedprice": 36966.33d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-01-11", "l_commitdate": "1997-12-01", "l_receiptdate": "1998-01-23", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "finally bold requests" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1893, "l_partkey": 99, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 43.0d, "l_extendedprice": 42960.87d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-01-25", "l_commitdate": "1998-01-06", "l_receiptdate": "1998-02-14", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "he carefully regular " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2823, "l_partkey": 99, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 18.0d, "l_extendedprice": 17983.62d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-11-09", "l_commitdate": "1995-10-30", "l_receiptdate": "1995-11-19", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "eas. decoys cajole deposi" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2982, "l_partkey": 99, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 13.0d, "l_extendedprice": 12988.17d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-03-31", "l_commitdate": "1995-05-07", "l_receiptdate": "1995-04-18", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "regular deposits unwind alongside " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3303, "l_partkey": 99, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 37.0d, "l_extendedprice": 36966.33d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-02-16", "l_commitdate": "1998-03-07", "l_receiptdate": "1998-02-18", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": " carefully ironic asympt" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4998, "l_partkey": 99, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 8.0d, "l_extendedprice": 7992.72d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-05-01", "l_commitdate": "1992-03-03", "l_receiptdate": "1992-05-24", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ions nag quickly according to the theodolit" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 736, "l_partkey": 98, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 14.0d, "l_extendedprice": 13973.26d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-10-04", "l_commitdate": "1998-08-14", "l_receiptdate": "1998-10-16", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "nstructions." }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1125, "l_partkey": 98, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 29.0d, "l_extendedprice": 28944.61d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-11-29", "l_commitdate": "1994-12-20", "l_receiptdate": "1994-12-10", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": " platelets wake against the carefully i" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1510, "l_partkey": 98, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 11.0d, "l_extendedprice": 10978.99d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-09-23", "l_commitdate": "1996-12-03", "l_receiptdate": "1996-10-01", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "e of the unusual accounts. stealthy deposit" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1511, "l_partkey": 98, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 29.0d, "l_extendedprice": 28944.61d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-03-17", "l_commitdate": "1997-02-11", "l_receiptdate": "1997-03-27", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "s cajole furiously against " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1888, "l_partkey": 98, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 27.0d, "l_extendedprice": 26948.43d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-02-13", "l_commitdate": "1994-01-16", "l_receiptdate": "1994-02-25", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": ". carefully special dolphins sle" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2883, "l_partkey": 98, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 23.0d, "l_extendedprice": 22956.07d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-02-03", "l_commitdate": "1995-03-17", "l_receiptdate": "1995-02-19", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": " even requests cajole. special, regular " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4390, "l_partkey": 98, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 32.0d, "l_extendedprice": 31938.88d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-09-15", "l_commitdate": "1995-08-12", "l_receiptdate": "1995-10-05", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ctions across" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4417, "l_partkey": 98, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 35.0d, "l_extendedprice": 34933.15d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-08-08", "l_commitdate": "1998-09-23", "l_receiptdate": "1998-09-02", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "slyly regular, silent courts. even packag" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4960, "l_partkey": 98, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 8.0d, "l_extendedprice": 7984.72d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-03-14", "l_commitdate": "1995-04-18", "l_receiptdate": "1995-04-09", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "as. busily regular packages nag. " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5027, "l_partkey": 98, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 6.0d, "l_extendedprice": 5988.54d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-09-28", "l_commitdate": "1997-11-24", "l_receiptdate": "1997-10-25", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ar, ironic deposi" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4002, "l_partkey": 99, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 4.0d, "l_extendedprice": 3996.36d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-05-06", "l_commitdate": "1997-06-15", "l_receiptdate": "1997-05-24", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ccording to the careful" }
, { "l_orderkey": 192, "l_partkey": 98, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 23.0d, "l_extendedprice": 22956.07d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-02-05", "l_commitdate": "1998-02-06", "l_receiptdate": "1998-03-07", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ly pending theodolites haggle quickly fluf" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 963, "l_partkey": 98, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 48.0d, "l_extendedprice": 47908.32d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-08-25", "l_commitdate": "1994-08-12", "l_receiptdate": "1994-09-21", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ages. quickly express deposits cajole pe" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1348, "l_partkey": 98, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 2.0d, "l_extendedprice": 1996.18d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-05-30", "l_commitdate": "1998-06-20", "l_receiptdate": "1998-06-05", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "lly final packages use fluffily express ac" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1159, "l_partkey": 98, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 11.0d, "l_extendedprice": 10978.99d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-12-09", "l_commitdate": "1992-12-07", "l_receiptdate": "1992-12-18", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "h furiousl" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2883, "l_partkey": 98, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 23.0d, "l_extendedprice": 22956.07d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-02-03", "l_commitdate": "1995-03-17", "l_receiptdate": "1995-02-19", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": " even requests cajole. special, regular " }
, { "l_orderkey": 4932, "l_partkey": 98, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 11.0d, "l_extendedprice": 10978.99d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-09-21", "l_commitdate": "1993-09-30", "l_receiptdate": "1993-09-23", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "as. special depende" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5414, "l_partkey": 98, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 28.0d, "l_extendedprice": 27946.52d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-03-27", "l_commitdate": "1993-06-04", "l_receiptdate": "1993-04-07", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ts sleep sl" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2561, "l_partkey": 98, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 5.0d, "l_extendedprice": 4990.45d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-12-27", "l_commitdate": "1998-01-23", "l_receiptdate": "1998-01-13", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "p ironic, regular pinto beans." }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3526, "l_partkey": 98, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 11.0d, "l_extendedprice": 10978.99d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-05-23", "l_commitdate": "1995-05-28", "l_receiptdate": "1995-05-24", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ges. furiously regular d" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3617, "l_partkey": 98, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 32.0d, "l_extendedprice": 31938.88d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-04-20", "l_commitdate": "1996-06-07", "l_receiptdate": "1996-05-19", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "uriously against the express accounts. ex" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3777, "l_partkey": 98, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 14.0d, "l_extendedprice": 13973.26d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-05-06", "l_commitdate": "1994-06-24", "l_receiptdate": "1994-05-31", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ording to the iro" }
, { "l_orderkey": 5603, "l_partkey": 98, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 50.0d, "l_extendedprice": 49904.5d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-10-06", "l_commitdate": "1992-08-20", "l_receiptdate": "1992-10-08", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "final theodolites accor" }
, { "l_orderkey": 678, "l_partkey": 98, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 16.0d, "l_extendedprice": 15969.44d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-03-09", "l_commitdate": "1993-04-18", "l_receiptdate": "1993-04-07", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": " about the " }
, { "l_orderkey": 864, "l_partkey": 98, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 7.0d, "l_extendedprice": 6986.63d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-11-13", "l_commitdate": "1997-10-07", "l_receiptdate": "1997-12-13", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ven requests should sleep along " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1159, "l_partkey": 98, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 11.0d, "l_extendedprice": 10978.99d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-12-09", "l_commitdate": "1992-12-07", "l_receiptdate": "1992-12-18", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "h furiousl" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1348, "l_partkey": 98, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 2.0d, "l_extendedprice": 1996.18d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-05-30", "l_commitdate": "1998-06-20", "l_receiptdate": "1998-06-05", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "lly final packages use fluffily express ac" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1511, "l_partkey": 98, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 29.0d, "l_extendedprice": 28944.61d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-03-17", "l_commitdate": "1997-02-11", "l_receiptdate": "1997-03-27", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "s cajole furiously against " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4390, "l_partkey": 98, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 32.0d, "l_extendedprice": 31938.88d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-09-15", "l_commitdate": "1995-08-12", "l_receiptdate": "1995-10-05", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ctions across" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4421, "l_partkey": 98, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 37.0d, "l_extendedprice": 36929.33d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-07-22", "l_commitdate": "1997-06-27", "l_receiptdate": "1997-07-25", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "l accounts. ironic request" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4960, "l_partkey": 98, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 8.0d, "l_extendedprice": 7984.72d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-03-14", "l_commitdate": "1995-04-18", "l_receiptdate": "1995-04-09", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "as. busily regular packages nag. " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5696, "l_partkey": 98, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 20.0d, "l_extendedprice": 19961.8d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-06-25", "l_commitdate": "1995-07-18", "l_receiptdate": "1995-07-16", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "silent, pending ideas sleep fluffil" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 736, "l_partkey": 98, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 14.0d, "l_extendedprice": 13973.26d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-10-04", "l_commitdate": "1998-08-14", "l_receiptdate": "1998-10-16", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "nstructions." }
+, { "l_orderkey": 963, "l_partkey": 98, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 48.0d, "l_extendedprice": 47908.32d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-08-25", "l_commitdate": "1994-08-12", "l_receiptdate": "1994-09-21", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ages. quickly express deposits cajole pe" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2561, "l_partkey": 98, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 5.0d, "l_extendedprice": 4990.45d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-12-27", "l_commitdate": "1998-01-23", "l_receiptdate": "1998-01-13", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "p ironic, regular pinto beans." }
, { "l_orderkey": 3463, "l_partkey": 98, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 43.0d, "l_extendedprice": 42917.87d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-10-28", "l_commitdate": "1993-09-24", "l_receiptdate": "1993-11-03", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": " across the " }
, { "l_orderkey": 3617, "l_partkey": 98, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 16.0d, "l_extendedprice": 15969.44d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-05-08", "l_commitdate": "1996-06-03", "l_receiptdate": "1996-05-19", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": " slyly on th" }
, { "l_orderkey": 3778, "l_partkey": 98, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 28.0d, "l_extendedprice": 27946.52d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-09-02", "l_commitdate": "1993-08-08", "l_receiptdate": "1993-10-02", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "r deposits. theodol" }
, { "l_orderkey": 4225, "l_partkey": 98, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 28.0d, "l_extendedprice": 27946.52d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-07-11", "l_commitdate": "1997-09-01", "l_receiptdate": "1997-08-03", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ts are requests. even, bold depos" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4421, "l_partkey": 98, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 37.0d, "l_extendedprice": 36929.33d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-07-22", "l_commitdate": "1997-06-27", "l_receiptdate": "1997-07-25", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "l accounts. ironic request" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5696, "l_partkey": 98, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 20.0d, "l_extendedprice": 19961.8d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-06-25", "l_commitdate": "1995-07-18", "l_receiptdate": "1995-07-16", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "silent, pending ideas sleep fluffil" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4417, "l_partkey": 98, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 35.0d, "l_extendedprice": 34933.15d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-08-08", "l_commitdate": "1998-09-23", "l_receiptdate": "1998-09-02", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "slyly regular, silent courts. even packag" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5027, "l_partkey": 98, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 6.0d, "l_extendedprice": 5988.54d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-09-28", "l_commitdate": "1997-11-24", "l_receiptdate": "1997-10-25", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ar, ironic deposi" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5414, "l_partkey": 98, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 28.0d, "l_extendedprice": 27946.52d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-03-27", "l_commitdate": "1993-06-04", "l_receiptdate": "1993-04-07", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ts sleep sl" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1125, "l_partkey": 98, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 29.0d, "l_extendedprice": 28944.61d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-11-29", "l_commitdate": "1994-12-20", "l_receiptdate": "1994-12-10", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": " platelets wake against the carefully i" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1510, "l_partkey": 98, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 11.0d, "l_extendedprice": 10978.99d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-09-23", "l_commitdate": "1996-12-03", "l_receiptdate": "1996-10-01", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "e of the unusual accounts. stealthy deposit" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1888, "l_partkey": 98, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 27.0d, "l_extendedprice": 26948.43d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-02-13", "l_commitdate": "1994-01-16", "l_receiptdate": "1994-02-25", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": ". carefully special dolphins sle" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3526, "l_partkey": 98, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 11.0d, "l_extendedprice": 10978.99d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-05-23", "l_commitdate": "1995-05-28", "l_receiptdate": "1995-05-24", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ges. furiously regular d" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3617, "l_partkey": 98, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 32.0d, "l_extendedprice": 31938.88d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-04-20", "l_commitdate": "1996-06-07", "l_receiptdate": "1996-05-19", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "uriously against the express accounts. ex" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3777, "l_partkey": 98, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 14.0d, "l_extendedprice": 13973.26d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-05-06", "l_commitdate": "1994-06-24", "l_receiptdate": "1994-05-31", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ording to the iro" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 71, "l_partkey": 97, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 33.0d, "l_extendedprice": 32903.97d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-04-12", "l_commitdate": "1998-03-20", "l_receiptdate": "1998-04-15", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": " serve quickly fluffily bold deposi" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 226, "l_partkey": 97, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 4.0d, "l_extendedprice": 3988.36d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-03-31", "l_commitdate": "1993-04-30", "l_receiptdate": "1993-04-10", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "c foxes integrate carefully against th" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 387, "l_partkey": 97, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 40.0d, "l_extendedprice": 39883.6d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-03-08", "l_commitdate": "1997-04-18", "l_receiptdate": "1997-03-31", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": " quickly ironic platelets are slyly. fluff" }
, { "l_orderkey": 871, "l_partkey": 97, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 48.0d, "l_extendedprice": 47860.32d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-02-25", "l_commitdate": "1996-02-09", "l_receiptdate": "1996-03-18", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "coys dazzle slyly slow notornis. f" }
, { "l_orderkey": 1057, "l_partkey": 97, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 7.0d, "l_extendedprice": 6979.63d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-06-05", "l_commitdate": "1992-04-30", "l_receiptdate": "1992-06-20", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "y slyly express theodolites. slyly bo" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1698, "l_partkey": 97, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 44.0d, "l_extendedprice": 43871.96d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-05-16", "l_commitdate": "1997-07-05", "l_receiptdate": "1997-05-27", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ts wake slyly after t" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1856, "l_partkey": 97, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 47.0d, "l_extendedprice": 46863.23d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-03-22", "l_commitdate": "1992-06-09", "l_receiptdate": "1992-04-17", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ingly blithe theodolites. slyly pending " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3715, "l_partkey": 97, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 13.0d, "l_extendedprice": 12962.17d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-05-11", "l_commitdate": "1996-04-25", "l_receiptdate": "1996-06-09", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "e quickly ironic" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4065, "l_partkey": 97, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 33.0d, "l_extendedprice": 32903.97d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-09-03", "l_commitdate": "1994-08-16", "l_receiptdate": "1994-09-13", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ain blithely " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4800, "l_partkey": 97, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 11.0d, "l_extendedprice": 10967.99d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-01-27", "l_commitdate": "1992-03-16", "l_receiptdate": "1992-02-19", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ic dependenc" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5280, "l_partkey": 97, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 16.0d, "l_extendedprice": 15953.44d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-03-29", "l_commitdate": "1998-01-28", "l_receiptdate": "1998-04-03", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": " foxes are furiously. theodoli" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5286, "l_partkey": 97, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 7.0d, "l_extendedprice": 6979.63d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-10-23", "l_commitdate": "1997-12-10", "l_receiptdate": "1997-11-20", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "y express instructions sleep carefull" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5412, "l_partkey": 97, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 26.0d, "l_extendedprice": 25924.34d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-01-22", "l_commitdate": "1998-04-19", "l_receiptdate": "1998-02-17", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": " the blithel" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 261, "l_partkey": 97, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 20.0d, "l_extendedprice": 19941.8d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-10-15", "l_commitdate": "1993-09-05", "l_receiptdate": "1993-11-07", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ing to the special, ironic deposi" }
, { "l_orderkey": 1154, "l_partkey": 97, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 5.0d, "l_extendedprice": 4985.45d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-06-07", "l_commitdate": "1992-05-07", "l_receiptdate": "1992-07-05", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "the furiously " }
, { "l_orderkey": 1606, "l_partkey": 97, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 20.0d, "l_extendedprice": 19941.8d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-05-01", "l_commitdate": "1997-05-26", "l_receiptdate": "1997-05-28", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "fily carefu" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2278, "l_partkey": 97, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 22.0d, "l_extendedprice": 21935.98d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-05-15", "l_commitdate": "1998-07-14", "l_receiptdate": "1998-06-04", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ep regular accounts. blithely even" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2945, "l_partkey": 97, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 45.0d, "l_extendedprice": 44869.05d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-03-01", "l_commitdate": "1996-03-25", "l_receiptdate": "1996-03-08", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ainst the final packages" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3072, "l_partkey": 97, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 7.0d, "l_extendedprice": 6979.63d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-05-09", "l_commitdate": "1994-03-31", "l_receiptdate": "1994-05-19", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "uests. ironic, ironic depos" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3655, "l_partkey": 97, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 1.0d, "l_extendedprice": 997.09d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-10-24", "l_commitdate": "1992-12-18", "l_receiptdate": "1992-11-07", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "arefully slow pinto beans are" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4035, "l_partkey": 97, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 4.0d, "l_extendedprice": 3988.36d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-04-21", "l_commitdate": "1992-04-23", "l_receiptdate": "1992-04-25", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ilent, even pear" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5029, "l_partkey": 97, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 2.0d, "l_extendedprice": 1994.18d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-11-25", "l_commitdate": "1993-01-04", "l_receiptdate": "1992-12-20", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "packages. furiously ironi" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5095, "l_partkey": 97, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 15.0d, "l_extendedprice": 14956.35d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-07-11", "l_commitdate": "1992-07-12", "l_receiptdate": "1992-08-09", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": " to the packages wake sly" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 226, "l_partkey": 97, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 4.0d, "l_extendedprice": 3988.36d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-03-31", "l_commitdate": "1993-04-30", "l_receiptdate": "1993-04-10", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "c foxes integrate carefully against th" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 355, "l_partkey": 97, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 41.0d, "l_extendedprice": 40880.69d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-08-15", "l_commitdate": "1994-07-19", "l_receiptdate": "1994-09-06", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": " deposits. carefully r" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 358, "l_partkey": 97, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 15.0d, "l_extendedprice": 14956.35d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-10-04", "l_commitdate": "1993-12-17", "l_receiptdate": "1993-10-23", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "out the blithely ironic deposits slee" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 387, "l_partkey": 97, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 40.0d, "l_extendedprice": 39883.6d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-03-08", "l_commitdate": "1997-04-18", "l_receiptdate": "1997-03-31", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": " quickly ironic platelets are slyly. fluff" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1216, "l_partkey": 97, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 8.0d, "l_extendedprice": 7976.72d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-02-01", "l_commitdate": "1993-03-06", "l_receiptdate": "1993-02-08", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": " of the carefully express" }
, { "l_orderkey": 2208, "l_partkey": 97, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 11.0d, "l_extendedprice": 10967.99d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-05-06", "l_commitdate": "1995-07-19", "l_receiptdate": "1995-05-22", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ding waters lose. furiously regu" }
, { "l_orderkey": 2241, "l_partkey": 97, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 48.0d, "l_extendedprice": 47860.32d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-05-14", "l_commitdate": "1993-07-30", "l_receiptdate": "1993-05-26", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ss accounts engage furiously. slyly even re" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2850, "l_partkey": 97, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 43.0d, "l_extendedprice": 42874.87d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-01-11", "l_commitdate": "1996-11-03", "l_receiptdate": "1997-02-01", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "unusual accounts" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3072, "l_partkey": 97, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 7.0d, "l_extendedprice": 6979.63d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-05-09", "l_commitdate": "1994-03-31", "l_receiptdate": "1994-05-19", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "uests. ironic, ironic depos" }
, { "l_orderkey": 3393, "l_partkey": 97, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 25.0d, "l_extendedprice": 24927.25d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-10-17", "l_commitdate": "1995-08-12", "l_receiptdate": "1995-11-11", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ng excuses" }
, { "l_orderkey": 3430, "l_partkey": 97, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 41.0d, "l_extendedprice": 40880.69d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-02-18", "l_commitdate": "1995-02-21", "l_receiptdate": "1995-03-11", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "cuses. silent excuses h" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5029, "l_partkey": 97, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 2.0d, "l_extendedprice": 1994.18d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-11-25", "l_commitdate": "1993-01-04", "l_receiptdate": "1992-12-20", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "packages. furiously ironi" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5121, "l_partkey": 97, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 27.0d, "l_extendedprice": 26921.43d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-06-17", "l_commitdate": "1992-06-11", "l_receiptdate": "1992-06-19", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ly silent theodolit" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 261, "l_partkey": 97, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 20.0d, "l_extendedprice": 19941.8d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-10-15", "l_commitdate": "1993-09-05", "l_receiptdate": "1993-11-07", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ing to the special, ironic deposi" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 358, "l_partkey": 97, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 15.0d, "l_extendedprice": 14956.35d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-10-04", "l_commitdate": "1993-12-17", "l_receiptdate": "1993-10-23", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "out the blithely ironic deposits slee" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1698, "l_partkey": 97, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 44.0d, "l_extendedprice": 43871.96d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-05-16", "l_commitdate": "1997-07-05", "l_receiptdate": "1997-05-27", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ts wake slyly after t" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2278, "l_partkey": 97, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 22.0d, "l_extendedprice": 21935.98d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-05-15", "l_commitdate": "1998-07-14", "l_receiptdate": "1998-06-04", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ep regular accounts. blithely even" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2945, "l_partkey": 97, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 45.0d, "l_extendedprice": 44869.05d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-03-01", "l_commitdate": "1996-03-25", "l_receiptdate": "1996-03-08", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ainst the final packages" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3715, "l_partkey": 97, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 13.0d, "l_extendedprice": 12962.17d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-05-11", "l_commitdate": "1996-04-25", "l_receiptdate": "1996-06-09", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "e quickly ironic" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4035, "l_partkey": 97, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 4.0d, "l_extendedprice": 3988.36d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-04-21", "l_commitdate": "1992-04-23", "l_receiptdate": "1992-04-25", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ilent, even pear" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4065, "l_partkey": 97, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 33.0d, "l_extendedprice": 32903.97d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-09-03", "l_commitdate": "1994-08-16", "l_receiptdate": "1994-09-13", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ain blithely " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5987, "l_partkey": 97, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 37.0d, "l_extendedprice": 36892.33d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-10-15", "l_commitdate": "1996-10-27", "l_receiptdate": "1996-11-09", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "le furiously carefully special " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 355, "l_partkey": 97, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 41.0d, "l_extendedprice": 40880.69d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-08-15", "l_commitdate": "1994-07-19", "l_receiptdate": "1994-09-06", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": " deposits. carefully r" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 961, "l_partkey": 97, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 42.0d, "l_extendedprice": 41877.78d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-08-24", "l_commitdate": "1995-08-21", "l_receiptdate": "1995-09-10", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ests do cajole blithely. furiously bo" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1856, "l_partkey": 97, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 47.0d, "l_extendedprice": 46863.23d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-03-22", "l_commitdate": "1992-06-09", "l_receiptdate": "1992-04-17", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ingly blithe theodolites. slyly pending " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2048, "l_partkey": 97, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 11.0d, "l_extendedprice": 10967.99d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-12-20", "l_commitdate": "1994-01-19", "l_receiptdate": "1994-01-04", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "totes. idly ironic packages nag" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3655, "l_partkey": 97, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 1.0d, "l_extendedprice": 997.09d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-10-24", "l_commitdate": "1992-12-18", "l_receiptdate": "1992-11-07", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "arefully slow pinto beans are" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4800, "l_partkey": 97, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 11.0d, "l_extendedprice": 10967.99d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-01-27", "l_commitdate": "1992-03-16", "l_receiptdate": "1992-02-19", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ic dependenc" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5286, "l_partkey": 97, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 7.0d, "l_extendedprice": 6979.63d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-10-23", "l_commitdate": "1997-12-10", "l_receiptdate": "1997-11-20", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "y express instructions sleep carefull" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 484, "l_partkey": 97, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 10.0d, "l_extendedprice": 9970.9d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-04-06", "l_commitdate": "1997-02-14", "l_receiptdate": "1997-04-16", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "x fluffily carefully regular" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1216, "l_partkey": 97, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 8.0d, "l_extendedprice": 7976.72d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-02-01", "l_commitdate": "1993-03-06", "l_receiptdate": "1993-02-08", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": " of the carefully express" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2850, "l_partkey": 97, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 43.0d, "l_extendedprice": 42874.87d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-01-11", "l_commitdate": "1996-11-03", "l_receiptdate": "1997-02-01", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "unusual accounts" }
, { "l_orderkey": 4644, "l_partkey": 97, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 16.0d, "l_extendedprice": 15953.44d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-03-13", "l_commitdate": "1998-02-21", "l_receiptdate": "1998-04-03", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "lar excuses across the " }
, { "l_orderkey": 4934, "l_partkey": 97, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 48.0d, "l_extendedprice": 47860.32d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-05-20", "l_commitdate": "1997-04-22", "l_receiptdate": "1997-06-02", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": " ideas cajol" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5121, "l_partkey": 97, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 27.0d, "l_extendedprice": 26921.43d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-06-17", "l_commitdate": "1992-06-11", "l_receiptdate": "1992-06-19", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ly silent theodolit" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5095, "l_partkey": 97, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 15.0d, "l_extendedprice": 14956.35d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-07-11", "l_commitdate": "1992-07-12", "l_receiptdate": "1992-08-09", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": " to the packages wake sly" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5280, "l_partkey": 97, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 16.0d, "l_extendedprice": 15953.44d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-03-29", "l_commitdate": "1998-01-28", "l_receiptdate": "1998-04-03", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": " foxes are furiously. theodoli" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5412, "l_partkey": 97, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 26.0d, "l_extendedprice": 25924.34d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-01-22", "l_commitdate": "1998-04-19", "l_receiptdate": "1998-02-17", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": " the blithel" }
, { "l_orderkey": 5537, "l_partkey": 97, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 38.0d, "l_extendedprice": 37889.42d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-11-06", "l_commitdate": "1996-11-23", "l_receiptdate": "1996-11-12", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "s above the carefully ironic deposits " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5987, "l_partkey": 97, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 37.0d, "l_extendedprice": 36892.33d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-10-15", "l_commitdate": "1996-10-27", "l_receiptdate": "1996-11-09", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "le furiously carefully special " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 71, "l_partkey": 97, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 33.0d, "l_extendedprice": 32903.97d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-04-12", "l_commitdate": "1998-03-20", "l_receiptdate": "1998-04-15", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": " serve quickly fluffily bold deposi" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 484, "l_partkey": 97, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 10.0d, "l_extendedprice": 9970.9d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-04-06", "l_commitdate": "1997-02-14", "l_receiptdate": "1997-04-16", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "x fluffily carefully regular" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 961, "l_partkey": 97, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 42.0d, "l_extendedprice": 41877.78d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-08-24", "l_commitdate": "1995-08-21", "l_receiptdate": "1995-09-10", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ests do cajole blithely. furiously bo" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2048, "l_partkey": 97, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 11.0d, "l_extendedprice": 10967.99d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-12-20", "l_commitdate": "1994-01-19", "l_receiptdate": "1994-01-04", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "totes. idly ironic packages nag" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 645, "l_partkey": 96, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 49.0d, "l_extendedprice": 48808.41d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-01-24", "l_commitdate": "1995-01-06", "l_receiptdate": "1995-02-17", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "y. slyly iron" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1315, "l_partkey": 96, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 27.0d, "l_extendedprice": 26894.43d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-07-04", "l_commitdate": "1998-06-13", "l_receiptdate": "1998-07-28", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "latelets. fluffily ironic account" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1441, "l_partkey": 96, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 50.0d, "l_extendedprice": 49804.5d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-06-07", "l_commitdate": "1997-05-12", "l_receiptdate": "1997-06-08", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": " requests. blithely e" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1671, "l_partkey": 96, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 4.0d, "l_extendedprice": 3984.36d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-08-30", "l_commitdate": "1996-09-19", "l_receiptdate": "1996-09-23", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "lyly regular ac" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1920, "l_partkey": 96, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 24.0d, "l_extendedprice": 23906.16d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-09-27", "l_commitdate": "1998-08-23", "l_receiptdate": "1998-10-15", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "thely. bold, pend" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3943, "l_partkey": 96, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 9.0d, "l_extendedprice": 8964.81d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-11-27", "l_commitdate": "1997-01-03", "l_receiptdate": "1996-12-17", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "refully ironic " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4067, "l_partkey": 96, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 14.0d, "l_extendedprice": 13945.26d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-02-03", "l_commitdate": "1992-12-02", "l_receiptdate": "1993-02-07", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ructions. quickly ironic accounts detect " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4197, "l_partkey": 96, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 23.0d, "l_extendedprice": 22910.07d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-09-10", "l_commitdate": "1996-10-10", "l_receiptdate": "1996-09-25", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "l instructions print slyly past the reg" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4486, "l_partkey": 96, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 47.0d, "l_extendedprice": 46816.23d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-04-09", "l_commitdate": "1998-05-24", "l_receiptdate": "1998-05-07", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ts around the quiet packages ar" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1760, "l_partkey": 96, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 38.0d, "l_extendedprice": 37851.42d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-06-15", "l_commitdate": "1996-06-29", "l_receiptdate": "1996-07-11", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "tions. blithely regular orbits against the " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2181, "l_partkey": 96, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 9.0d, "l_extendedprice": 8964.81d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-01-05", "l_commitdate": "1995-12-05", "l_receiptdate": "1996-01-08", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ward the quietly even requests. ir" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3971, "l_partkey": 96, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 47.0d, "l_extendedprice": 46816.23d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-07-07", "l_commitdate": "1996-08-08", "l_receiptdate": "1996-08-01", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "e slyly final dependencies x-ray " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4450, "l_partkey": 96, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 45.0d, "l_extendedprice": 44824.05d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-09-01", "l_commitdate": "1997-10-06", "l_receiptdate": "1997-09-19", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "express ideas are furiously regular" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4482, "l_partkey": 96, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 32.0d, "l_extendedprice": 31874.88d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-08-16", "l_commitdate": "1995-06-26", "l_receiptdate": "1995-09-10", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "eans wake according " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5185, "l_partkey": 96, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 30.0d, "l_extendedprice": 29882.7d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-10-17", "l_commitdate": "1997-09-16", "l_receiptdate": "1997-10-23", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ress packages are furiously" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5637, "l_partkey": 96, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 22.0d, "l_extendedprice": 21913.98d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-08-28", "l_commitdate": "1996-07-30", "l_receiptdate": "1996-09-17", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "nding requests are ca" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 323, "l_partkey": 96, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 18.0d, "l_extendedprice": 17929.62d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-04-13", "l_commitdate": "1994-06-02", "l_receiptdate": "1994-05-10", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "posits cajole furiously pinto beans. " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 453, "l_partkey": 96, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 45.0d, "l_extendedprice": 44824.05d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-09-18", "l_commitdate": "1997-06-29", "l_receiptdate": "1997-10-14", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ironic foxes. slyly pending depos" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 742, "l_partkey": 96, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 15.0d, "l_extendedprice": 14941.35d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-02-26", "l_commitdate": "1995-03-20", "l_receiptdate": "1995-03-03", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "blithely unusual pinto" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1063, "l_partkey": 96, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 42.0d, "l_extendedprice": 41835.78d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-07-10", "l_commitdate": "1994-05-25", "l_receiptdate": "1994-07-26", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "tructions about the blithely ex" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1159, "l_partkey": 96, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 7.0d, "l_extendedprice": 6972.63d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-11-25", "l_commitdate": "1992-10-27", "l_receiptdate": "1992-12-20", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "olve somet" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3619, "l_partkey": 96, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 49.0d, "l_extendedprice": 48808.41d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-01-22", "l_commitdate": "1996-12-21", "l_receiptdate": "1997-02-17", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": " waters. furiously even deposits " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4134, "l_partkey": 96, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 34.0d, "l_extendedprice": 33867.06d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-05-06", "l_commitdate": "1995-03-28", "l_receiptdate": "1995-05-13", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ual asymptotes wake carefully alo" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4225, "l_partkey": 96, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 23.0d, "l_extendedprice": 22910.07d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-09-18", "l_commitdate": "1997-08-31", "l_receiptdate": "1997-10-11", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": ". quickly b" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4262, "l_partkey": 96, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 5.0d, "l_extendedprice": 4980.45d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-09-27", "l_commitdate": "1996-09-05", "l_receiptdate": "1996-10-25", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "blithely final asymptotes integrate" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4678, "l_partkey": 96, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 13.0d, "l_extendedprice": 12949.17d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-11-03", "l_commitdate": "1998-10-17", "l_receiptdate": "1998-11-06", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "its. carefully final fr" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5477, "l_partkey": 96, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 23.0d, "l_extendedprice": 22910.07d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-01-04", "l_commitdate": "1998-02-23", "l_receiptdate": "1998-01-24", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "telets wake blithely ab" }
, { "l_orderkey": 260, "l_partkey": 96, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 44.0d, "l_extendedprice": 43827.96d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-03-26", "l_commitdate": "1997-02-03", "l_receiptdate": "1997-04-19", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "above the blithely ironic instr" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1315, "l_partkey": 96, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 27.0d, "l_extendedprice": 26894.43d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-07-04", "l_commitdate": "1998-06-13", "l_receiptdate": "1998-07-28", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "latelets. fluffily ironic account" }
, { "l_orderkey": 2052, "l_partkey": 96, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 47.0d, "l_extendedprice": 46816.23d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-06-18", "l_commitdate": "1992-05-16", "l_receiptdate": "1992-07-02", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "final requests. stealt" }
, { "l_orderkey": 3172, "l_partkey": 96, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 4.0d, "l_extendedprice": 3984.36d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-09-26", "l_commitdate": "1992-08-15", "l_receiptdate": "1992-10-20", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "s are slyly thin package" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3619, "l_partkey": 96, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 49.0d, "l_extendedprice": 48808.41d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-01-22", "l_commitdate": "1996-12-21", "l_receiptdate": "1997-02-17", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": " waters. furiously even deposits " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4197, "l_partkey": 96, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 23.0d, "l_extendedprice": 22910.07d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-09-10", "l_commitdate": "1996-10-10", "l_receiptdate": "1996-09-25", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "l instructions print slyly past the reg" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4225, "l_partkey": 96, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 23.0d, "l_extendedprice": 22910.07d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-09-18", "l_commitdate": "1997-08-31", "l_receiptdate": "1997-10-11", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": ". quickly b" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4482, "l_partkey": 96, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 32.0d, "l_extendedprice": 31874.88d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-08-16", "l_commitdate": "1995-06-26", "l_receiptdate": "1995-09-10", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "eans wake according " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4678, "l_partkey": 96, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 13.0d, "l_extendedprice": 12949.17d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-11-03", "l_commitdate": "1998-10-17", "l_receiptdate": "1998-11-06", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "its. carefully final fr" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 645, "l_partkey": 96, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 49.0d, "l_extendedprice": 48808.41d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-01-24", "l_commitdate": "1995-01-06", "l_receiptdate": "1995-02-17", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "y. slyly iron" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1159, "l_partkey": 96, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 7.0d, "l_extendedprice": 6972.63d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-11-25", "l_commitdate": "1992-10-27", "l_receiptdate": "1992-12-20", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "olve somet" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1671, "l_partkey": 96, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 4.0d, "l_extendedprice": 3984.36d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-08-30", "l_commitdate": "1996-09-19", "l_receiptdate": "1996-09-23", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "lyly regular ac" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3971, "l_partkey": 96, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 47.0d, "l_extendedprice": 46816.23d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-07-07", "l_commitdate": "1996-08-08", "l_receiptdate": "1996-08-01", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "e slyly final dependencies x-ray " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4067, "l_partkey": 96, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 14.0d, "l_extendedprice": 13945.26d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-02-03", "l_commitdate": "1992-12-02", "l_receiptdate": "1993-02-07", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ructions. quickly ironic accounts detect " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4134, "l_partkey": 96, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 34.0d, "l_extendedprice": 33867.06d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-05-06", "l_commitdate": "1995-03-28", "l_receiptdate": "1995-05-13", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ual asymptotes wake carefully alo" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4229, "l_partkey": 96, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 44.0d, "l_extendedprice": 43827.96d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-05-29", "l_commitdate": "1998-05-12", "l_receiptdate": "1998-06-16", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "s. carefully e" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5383, "l_partkey": 96, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 12.0d, "l_extendedprice": 11953.08d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-07-02", "l_commitdate": "1995-08-16", "l_receiptdate": "1995-08-01", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "y regular instructi" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5411, "l_partkey": 96, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 17.0d, "l_extendedprice": 16933.53d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-07-22", "l_commitdate": "1997-07-14", "l_receiptdate": "1997-07-30", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": " slyly slyly even deposits. carefully b" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 323, "l_partkey": 96, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 18.0d, "l_extendedprice": 17929.62d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-04-13", "l_commitdate": "1994-06-02", "l_receiptdate": "1994-05-10", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "posits cajole furiously pinto beans. " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 453, "l_partkey": 96, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 45.0d, "l_extendedprice": 44824.05d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-09-18", "l_commitdate": "1997-06-29", "l_receiptdate": "1997-10-14", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ironic foxes. slyly pending depos" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1441, "l_partkey": 96, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 50.0d, "l_extendedprice": 49804.5d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-06-07", "l_commitdate": "1997-05-12", "l_receiptdate": "1997-06-08", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": " requests. blithely e" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1760, "l_partkey": 96, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 38.0d, "l_extendedprice": 37851.42d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-06-15", "l_commitdate": "1996-06-29", "l_receiptdate": "1996-07-11", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "tions. blithely regular orbits against the " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1920, "l_partkey": 96, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 24.0d, "l_extendedprice": 23906.16d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-09-27", "l_commitdate": "1998-08-23", "l_receiptdate": "1998-10-15", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "thely. bold, pend" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2181, "l_partkey": 96, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 9.0d, "l_extendedprice": 8964.81d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-01-05", "l_commitdate": "1995-12-05", "l_receiptdate": "1996-01-08", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ward the quietly even requests. ir" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3943, "l_partkey": 96, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 9.0d, "l_extendedprice": 8964.81d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-11-27", "l_commitdate": "1997-01-03", "l_receiptdate": "1996-12-17", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "refully ironic " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4262, "l_partkey": 96, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 5.0d, "l_extendedprice": 4980.45d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-09-27", "l_commitdate": "1996-09-05", "l_receiptdate": "1996-10-25", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "blithely final asymptotes integrate" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 742, "l_partkey": 96, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 15.0d, "l_extendedprice": 14941.35d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-02-26", "l_commitdate": "1995-03-20", "l_receiptdate": "1995-03-03", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "blithely unusual pinto" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1063, "l_partkey": 96, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 42.0d, "l_extendedprice": 41835.78d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-07-10", "l_commitdate": "1994-05-25", "l_receiptdate": "1994-07-26", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "tructions about the blithely ex" }
, { "l_orderkey": 3268, "l_partkey": 96, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 1.0d, "l_extendedprice": 996.09d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-09-12", "l_commitdate": "1994-08-31", "l_receiptdate": "1994-09-16", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": ". ironic, bold requests use carefull" }
, { "l_orderkey": 3590, "l_partkey": 96, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 43.0d, "l_extendedprice": 42831.87d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-07-12", "l_commitdate": "1995-07-25", "l_receiptdate": "1995-07-16", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "s could have to use" }
, { "l_orderkey": 4067, "l_partkey": 96, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 12.0d, "l_extendedprice": 11953.08d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-12-12", "l_commitdate": "1992-11-28", "l_receiptdate": "1992-12-15", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "lly slyly even theodol" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4229, "l_partkey": 96, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 44.0d, "l_extendedprice": 43827.96d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-05-29", "l_commitdate": "1998-05-12", "l_receiptdate": "1998-06-16", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "s. carefully e" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4450, "l_partkey": 96, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 45.0d, "l_extendedprice": 44824.05d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-09-01", "l_commitdate": "1997-10-06", "l_receiptdate": "1997-09-19", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "express ideas are furiously regular" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4486, "l_partkey": 96, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 47.0d, "l_extendedprice": 46816.23d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-04-09", "l_commitdate": "1998-05-24", "l_receiptdate": "1998-05-07", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ts around the quiet packages ar" }
, { "l_orderkey": 5026, "l_partkey": 96, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 13.0d, "l_extendedprice": 12949.17d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-12-23", "l_commitdate": "1997-11-02", "l_receiptdate": "1998-01-03", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "endencies sleep carefully alongs" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5383, "l_partkey": 96, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 12.0d, "l_extendedprice": 11953.08d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-07-02", "l_commitdate": "1995-08-16", "l_receiptdate": "1995-08-01", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "y regular instructi" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5411, "l_partkey": 96, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 17.0d, "l_extendedprice": 16933.53d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-07-22", "l_commitdate": "1997-07-14", "l_receiptdate": "1997-07-30", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": " slyly slyly even deposits. carefully b" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5185, "l_partkey": 96, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 30.0d, "l_extendedprice": 29882.7d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-10-17", "l_commitdate": "1997-09-16", "l_receiptdate": "1997-10-23", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ress packages are furiously" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5477, "l_partkey": 96, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 23.0d, "l_extendedprice": 22910.07d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-01-04", "l_commitdate": "1998-02-23", "l_receiptdate": "1998-01-24", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "telets wake blithely ab" }
, { "l_orderkey": 5541, "l_partkey": 96, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 39.0d, "l_extendedprice": 38847.51d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-11-17", "l_commitdate": "1997-12-27", "l_receiptdate": "1997-12-11", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ding theodolites haggle against the slyly " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5637, "l_partkey": 96, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 22.0d, "l_extendedprice": 21913.98d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-08-28", "l_commitdate": "1996-07-30", "l_receiptdate": "1996-09-17", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "nding requests are ca" }
, { "l_orderkey": 7, "l_partkey": 95, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 46.0d, "l_extendedprice": 45774.14d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-01-15", "l_commitdate": "1996-03-27", "l_receiptdate": "1996-02-03", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": " unusual reques" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1287, "l_partkey": 95, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 10.0d, "l_extendedprice": 9950.9d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-07-08", "l_commitdate": "1994-08-28", "l_receiptdate": "1994-07-10", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "thely alongside of the unusual, ironic pa" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2628, "l_partkey": 95, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 23.0d, "l_extendedprice": 22887.07d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-10-27", "l_commitdate": "1994-01-08", "l_receiptdate": "1993-11-12", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "usual packages sleep about the fina" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3271, "l_partkey": 95, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 14.0d, "l_extendedprice": 13931.26d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-02-24", "l_commitdate": "1992-02-14", "l_receiptdate": "1992-03-23", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ending, even packa" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5317, "l_partkey": 95, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 19.0d, "l_extendedprice": 18906.71d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-12-15", "l_commitdate": "1994-10-18", "l_receiptdate": "1994-12-27", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "onic requests boost bli" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 838, "l_partkey": 95, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 23.0d, "l_extendedprice": 22887.07d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-03-26", "l_commitdate": "1998-04-17", "l_receiptdate": "1998-04-02", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ets haggle furiously furiously regular r" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1124, "l_partkey": 95, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 1.0d, "l_extendedprice": 995.09d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-10-07", "l_commitdate": "1998-08-31", "l_receiptdate": "1998-10-12", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ly bold accou" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1831, "l_partkey": 95, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 23.0d, "l_extendedprice": 22887.07d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-12-21", "l_commitdate": "1994-02-08", "l_receiptdate": "1994-01-04", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ests. express pinto beans abou" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2273, "l_partkey": 95, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 8.0d, "l_extendedprice": 7960.72d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-12-15", "l_commitdate": "1997-02-27", "l_receiptdate": "1997-01-10", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "dependencies. slyly ir" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2434, "l_partkey": 95, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 1.0d, "l_extendedprice": 995.09d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-08-02", "l_commitdate": "1997-05-28", "l_receiptdate": "1997-08-19", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": " furiously express packages. ironic, pend" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3235, "l_partkey": 95, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 43.0d, "l_extendedprice": 42788.87d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-12-25", "l_commitdate": "1996-01-23", "l_receiptdate": "1996-01-09", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ckly final instru" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3430, "l_partkey": 95, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 5.0d, "l_extendedprice": 4975.45d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-04-02", "l_commitdate": "1995-02-12", "l_receiptdate": "1995-04-08", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "even accounts haggle slyly bol" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3461, "l_partkey": 95, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 41.0d, "l_extendedprice": 40798.69d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-02-19", "l_commitdate": "1993-04-20", "l_receiptdate": "1993-02-21", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "heodolites. blithely ironi" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 39, "l_partkey": 95, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 40.0d, "l_extendedprice": 39803.6d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-12-08", "l_commitdate": "1996-10-22", "l_receiptdate": "1997-01-01", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "quickly ironic fox" }
, { "l_orderkey": 68, "l_partkey": 95, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 20.0d, "l_extendedprice": 19901.8d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-06-27", "l_commitdate": "1998-05-23", "l_receiptdate": "1998-07-02", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": " excuses integrate fluffily " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 453, "l_partkey": 95, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 28.0d, "l_extendedprice": 27862.52d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-08-16", "l_commitdate": "1997-08-12", "l_receiptdate": "1997-08-27", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "final dependencies. slyly special pl" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 641, "l_partkey": 95, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 40.0d, "l_extendedprice": 39803.6d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-11-22", "l_commitdate": "1993-10-20", "l_receiptdate": "1993-12-11", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "lets. furiously regular requests cajo" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 801, "l_partkey": 95, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 21.0d, "l_extendedprice": 20896.89d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-03-14", "l_commitdate": "1992-04-01", "l_receiptdate": "1992-04-05", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "wake silently furiously idle deposits. " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1348, "l_partkey": 95, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 13.0d, "l_extendedprice": 12936.17d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-04-28", "l_commitdate": "1998-06-05", "l_receiptdate": "1998-05-12", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": " blithely r" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2176, "l_partkey": 95, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 14.0d, "l_extendedprice": 13931.26d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-11-17", "l_commitdate": "1993-01-07", "l_receiptdate": "1992-12-03", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ely ironic platelets " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3328, "l_partkey": 95, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 42.0d, "l_extendedprice": 41793.78d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-11-24", "l_commitdate": "1992-12-20", "l_receiptdate": "1992-12-06", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ronic requests" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3460, "l_partkey": 95, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 50.0d, "l_extendedprice": 49754.5d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-01-30", "l_commitdate": "1995-12-10", "l_receiptdate": "1996-02-06", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "e slyly about the sly" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3590, "l_partkey": 95, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 19.0d, "l_extendedprice": 18906.71d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-08-02", "l_commitdate": "1995-06-20", "l_receiptdate": "1995-08-08", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "special pinto beans. blithely reg" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4484, "l_partkey": 95, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 4.0d, "l_extendedprice": 3980.36d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-04-09", "l_commitdate": "1997-02-11", "l_receiptdate": "1997-04-12", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "packages de" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4641, "l_partkey": 95, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 39.0d, "l_extendedprice": 38808.51d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-02-10", "l_commitdate": "1993-03-06", "l_receiptdate": "1993-02-15", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": " the bold reque" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 610, "l_partkey": 95, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 5.0d, "l_extendedprice": 4975.45d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-08-11", "l_commitdate": "1995-10-22", "l_receiptdate": "1995-08-26", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "n pinto beans. iro" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1667, "l_partkey": 95, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 48.0d, "l_extendedprice": 47764.32d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-01-27", "l_commitdate": "1998-01-06", "l_receiptdate": "1998-02-09", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "tes sleep furiously. carefully eve" }
, { "l_orderkey": 1794, "l_partkey": 95, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 3.0d, "l_extendedprice": 2985.27d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-11-15", "l_commitdate": "1997-12-16", "l_receiptdate": "1997-11-20", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": " sentiments according to the q" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2176, "l_partkey": 95, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 14.0d, "l_extendedprice": 13931.26d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-11-17", "l_commitdate": "1993-01-07", "l_receiptdate": "1992-12-03", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ely ironic platelets " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2434, "l_partkey": 95, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 1.0d, "l_extendedprice": 995.09d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-08-02", "l_commitdate": "1997-05-28", "l_receiptdate": "1997-08-19", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": " furiously express packages. ironic, pend" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3328, "l_partkey": 95, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 42.0d, "l_extendedprice": 41793.78d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-11-24", "l_commitdate": "1992-12-20", "l_receiptdate": "1992-12-06", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ronic requests" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3430, "l_partkey": 95, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 5.0d, "l_extendedprice": 4975.45d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-04-02", "l_commitdate": "1995-02-12", "l_receiptdate": "1995-04-08", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "even accounts haggle slyly bol" }
, { "l_orderkey": 4327, "l_partkey": 95, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 18.0d, "l_extendedprice": 17911.62d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-06-16", "l_commitdate": "1995-04-20", "l_receiptdate": "1995-07-12", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "y final excuses. ironic, special requests a" }
, { "l_orderkey": 4772, "l_partkey": 95, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 31.0d, "l_extendedprice": 30847.79d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-10-02", "l_commitdate": "1994-10-21", "l_receiptdate": "1994-10-13", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ests are thinly. furiously unusua" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1348, "l_partkey": 95, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 13.0d, "l_extendedprice": 12936.17d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-04-28", "l_commitdate": "1998-06-05", "l_receiptdate": "1998-05-12", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": " blithely r" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1831, "l_partkey": 95, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 23.0d, "l_extendedprice": 22887.07d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-12-21", "l_commitdate": "1994-02-08", "l_receiptdate": "1994-01-04", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ests. express pinto beans abou" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3590, "l_partkey": 95, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 19.0d, "l_extendedprice": 18906.71d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-08-02", "l_commitdate": "1995-06-20", "l_receiptdate": "1995-08-08", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "special pinto beans. blithely reg" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4641, "l_partkey": 95, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 39.0d, "l_extendedprice": 38808.51d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-02-10", "l_commitdate": "1993-03-06", "l_receiptdate": "1993-02-15", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": " the bold reque" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 641, "l_partkey": 95, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 40.0d, "l_extendedprice": 39803.6d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-11-22", "l_commitdate": "1993-10-20", "l_receiptdate": "1993-12-11", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "lets. furiously regular requests cajo" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1124, "l_partkey": 95, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 1.0d, "l_extendedprice": 995.09d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-10-07", "l_commitdate": "1998-08-31", "l_receiptdate": "1998-10-12", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ly bold accou" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1287, "l_partkey": 95, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 10.0d, "l_extendedprice": 9950.9d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-07-08", "l_commitdate": "1994-08-28", "l_receiptdate": "1994-07-10", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "thely alongside of the unusual, ironic pa" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3235, "l_partkey": 95, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 43.0d, "l_extendedprice": 42788.87d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-12-25", "l_commitdate": "1996-01-23", "l_receiptdate": "1996-01-09", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ckly final instru" }
, { "l_orderkey": 5799, "l_partkey": 95, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 41.0d, "l_extendedprice": 40798.69d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-11-13", "l_commitdate": "1995-10-31", "l_receiptdate": "1995-11-16", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "al accounts sleep ruthlessl" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 39, "l_partkey": 95, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 40.0d, "l_extendedprice": 39803.6d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-12-08", "l_commitdate": "1996-10-22", "l_receiptdate": "1997-01-01", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "quickly ironic fox" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 453, "l_partkey": 95, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 28.0d, "l_extendedprice": 27862.52d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-08-16", "l_commitdate": "1997-08-12", "l_receiptdate": "1997-08-27", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "final dependencies. slyly special pl" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 610, "l_partkey": 95, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 5.0d, "l_extendedprice": 4975.45d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-08-11", "l_commitdate": "1995-10-22", "l_receiptdate": "1995-08-26", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "n pinto beans. iro" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 801, "l_partkey": 95, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 21.0d, "l_extendedprice": 20896.89d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-03-14", "l_commitdate": "1992-04-01", "l_receiptdate": "1992-04-05", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "wake silently furiously idle deposits. " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 838, "l_partkey": 95, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 23.0d, "l_extendedprice": 22887.07d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-03-26", "l_commitdate": "1998-04-17", "l_receiptdate": "1998-04-02", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ets haggle furiously furiously regular r" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1667, "l_partkey": 95, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 48.0d, "l_extendedprice": 47764.32d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-01-27", "l_commitdate": "1998-01-06", "l_receiptdate": "1998-02-09", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "tes sleep furiously. carefully eve" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2273, "l_partkey": 95, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 8.0d, "l_extendedprice": 7960.72d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-12-15", "l_commitdate": "1997-02-27", "l_receiptdate": "1997-01-10", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "dependencies. slyly ir" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2628, "l_partkey": 95, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 23.0d, "l_extendedprice": 22887.07d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-10-27", "l_commitdate": "1994-01-08", "l_receiptdate": "1993-11-12", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "usual packages sleep about the fina" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3271, "l_partkey": 95, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 14.0d, "l_extendedprice": 13931.26d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-02-24", "l_commitdate": "1992-02-14", "l_receiptdate": "1992-03-23", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ending, even packa" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3460, "l_partkey": 95, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 50.0d, "l_extendedprice": 49754.5d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-01-30", "l_commitdate": "1995-12-10", "l_receiptdate": "1996-02-06", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "e slyly about the sly" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3461, "l_partkey": 95, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 41.0d, "l_extendedprice": 40798.69d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-02-19", "l_commitdate": "1993-04-20", "l_receiptdate": "1993-02-21", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "heodolites. blithely ironi" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4484, "l_partkey": 95, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 4.0d, "l_extendedprice": 3980.36d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-04-09", "l_commitdate": "1997-02-11", "l_receiptdate": "1997-04-12", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "packages de" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5317, "l_partkey": 95, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 19.0d, "l_extendedprice": 18906.71d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-12-15", "l_commitdate": "1994-10-18", "l_receiptdate": "1994-12-27", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "onic requests boost bli" }
, { "l_orderkey": 195, "l_partkey": 94, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 41.0d, "l_extendedprice": 40757.69d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-02-24", "l_commitdate": "1994-02-11", "l_receiptdate": "1994-03-20", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "rts detect in place of t" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1218, "l_partkey": 94, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 41.0d, "l_extendedprice": 40757.69d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-08-04", "l_commitdate": "1994-08-05", "l_receiptdate": "1994-08-11", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "dolphins. theodolites beyond th" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1281, "l_partkey": 94, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 2.0d, "l_extendedprice": 1988.18d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-12-27", "l_commitdate": "1995-01-26", "l_receiptdate": "1995-01-21", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ly unusual requests. final reques" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1697, "l_partkey": 94, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 49.0d, "l_extendedprice": 48710.41d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-12-07", "l_commitdate": "1997-01-02", "l_receiptdate": "1996-12-31", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "lar foxes. fluffily furious ideas doubt qu" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2182, "l_partkey": 94, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 34.0d, "l_extendedprice": 33799.06d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-05-28", "l_commitdate": "1994-06-02", "l_receiptdate": "1994-06-10", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": " slow tithes. ironi" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2437, "l_partkey": 94, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 46.0d, "l_extendedprice": 45728.14d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-08-12", "l_commitdate": "1993-06-16", "l_receiptdate": "1993-08-29", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "e of the bold, dogged requests" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3173, "l_partkey": 94, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 2.0d, "l_extendedprice": 1988.18d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-10-15", "l_commitdate": "1996-11-06", "l_receiptdate": "1996-10-18", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ular pearls" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3778, "l_partkey": 94, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 41.0d, "l_extendedprice": 40757.69d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-06-21", "l_commitdate": "1993-07-27", "l_receiptdate": "1993-07-15", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "e the furiously ironi" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5571, "l_partkey": 94, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 31.0d, "l_extendedprice": 30816.79d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-01-05", "l_commitdate": "1993-01-18", "l_receiptdate": "1993-02-04", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "uffily even accounts. quickly re" }
, { "l_orderkey": 416, "l_partkey": 94, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 25.0d, "l_extendedprice": 24852.25d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-10-11", "l_commitdate": "1993-11-26", "l_receiptdate": "1993-10-21", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "y final theodolites about" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1762, "l_partkey": 94, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 35.0d, "l_extendedprice": 34793.15d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-11-25", "l_commitdate": "1994-10-21", "l_receiptdate": "1994-11-28", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ind quickly. accounts ca" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2533, "l_partkey": 94, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 14.0d, "l_extendedprice": 13917.26d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-07-06", "l_commitdate": "1997-05-08", "l_receiptdate": "1997-08-03", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ut the pending, special depos" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1697, "l_partkey": 94, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 49.0d, "l_extendedprice": 48710.41d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-12-07", "l_commitdate": "1997-01-02", "l_receiptdate": "1996-12-31", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "lar foxes. fluffily furious ideas doubt qu" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2468, "l_partkey": 94, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 46.0d, "l_extendedprice": 45728.14d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-07-16", "l_commitdate": "1997-08-09", "l_receiptdate": "1997-08-07", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "unusual theodolites su" }
, { "l_orderkey": 3013, "l_partkey": 94, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 31.0d, "l_extendedprice": 30816.79d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-05-03", "l_commitdate": "1997-04-05", "l_receiptdate": "1997-05-25", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "y furious depen" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3585, "l_partkey": 94, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 7.0d, "l_extendedprice": 6958.63d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-12-13", "l_commitdate": "1995-01-20", "l_receiptdate": "1995-01-05", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "dependencies sleep un" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3654, "l_partkey": 94, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 34.0d, "l_extendedprice": 33799.06d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-07-26", "l_commitdate": "1992-08-26", "l_receiptdate": "1992-08-12", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": " the quick" }
, { "l_orderkey": 4039, "l_partkey": 94, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 38.0d, "l_extendedprice": 37775.42d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-03-09", "l_commitdate": "1997-12-31", "l_receiptdate": "1998-03-21", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "sual asymptotes. ironic deposits nag aft" }
, { "l_orderkey": 4416, "l_partkey": 94, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 37.0d, "l_extendedprice": 36781.33d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-10-23", "l_commitdate": "1992-08-23", "l_receiptdate": "1992-11-16", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "fluffily ironic " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5474, "l_partkey": 94, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 10.0d, "l_extendedprice": 9940.9d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-08-08", "l_commitdate": "1992-08-10", "l_receiptdate": "1992-08-24", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "pinto bean" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5954, "l_partkey": 94, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 20.0d, "l_extendedprice": 19881.8d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-12-25", "l_commitdate": "1993-02-05", "l_receiptdate": "1992-12-31", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": " accounts wake carefu" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 224, "l_partkey": 94, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 45.0d, "l_extendedprice": 44734.05d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-08-14", "l_commitdate": "1994-09-02", "l_receiptdate": "1994-08-27", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "leep furiously regular requests. furiousl" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2084, "l_partkey": 94, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 9.0d, "l_extendedprice": 8946.81d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-03-18", "l_commitdate": "1993-06-08", "l_receiptdate": "1993-03-30", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "heaves boost slyly after the pla" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2915, "l_partkey": 94, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 12.0d, "l_extendedprice": 11929.08d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-07-18", "l_commitdate": "1994-06-11", "l_receiptdate": "1994-07-27", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "accounts. slyly final" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3650, "l_partkey": 94, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 27.0d, "l_extendedprice": 26840.43d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-07-03", "l_commitdate": "1992-07-23", "l_receiptdate": "1992-07-13", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ular requests snooze fluffily regular pi" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4642, "l_partkey": 94, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 18.0d, "l_extendedprice": 17893.62d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-06-16", "l_commitdate": "1995-04-16", "l_receiptdate": "1995-06-21", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ily pending accounts hag" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5189, "l_partkey": 94, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 49.0d, "l_extendedprice": 48710.41d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-01-22", "l_commitdate": "1994-01-19", "l_receiptdate": "1994-02-04", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": " requests " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 193, "l_partkey": 94, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 23.0d, "l_extendedprice": 22864.07d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-08-21", "l_commitdate": "1993-10-11", "l_receiptdate": "1993-09-02", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ly even accounts wake blithely bold" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1281, "l_partkey": 94, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 2.0d, "l_extendedprice": 1988.18d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-12-27", "l_commitdate": "1995-01-26", "l_receiptdate": "1995-01-21", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ly unusual requests. final reques" }
, { "l_orderkey": 1696, "l_partkey": 94, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 43.0d, "l_extendedprice": 42745.87d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-02-14", "l_commitdate": "1998-03-29", "l_receiptdate": "1998-02-20", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "arefully regular dep" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2468, "l_partkey": 94, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 46.0d, "l_extendedprice": 45728.14d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-07-16", "l_commitdate": "1997-08-09", "l_receiptdate": "1997-08-07", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "unusual theodolites su" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2946, "l_partkey": 94, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 48.0d, "l_extendedprice": 47716.32d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-06-02", "l_commitdate": "1996-03-31", "l_receiptdate": "1996-06-16", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "oss the platelets. furi" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3173, "l_partkey": 94, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 2.0d, "l_extendedprice": 1988.18d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-10-15", "l_commitdate": "1996-11-06", "l_receiptdate": "1996-10-18", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ular pearls" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3650, "l_partkey": 94, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 27.0d, "l_extendedprice": 26840.43d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-07-03", "l_commitdate": "1992-07-23", "l_receiptdate": "1992-07-13", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ular requests snooze fluffily regular pi" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3778, "l_partkey": 94, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 41.0d, "l_extendedprice": 40757.69d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-06-21", "l_commitdate": "1993-07-27", "l_receiptdate": "1993-07-15", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "e the furiously ironi" }
, { "l_orderkey": 4001, "l_partkey": 94, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 18.0d, "l_extendedprice": 17893.62d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-06-04", "l_commitdate": "1997-06-22", "l_receiptdate": "1997-06-13", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "lithely ironic d" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4642, "l_partkey": 94, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 18.0d, "l_extendedprice": 17893.62d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-06-16", "l_commitdate": "1995-04-16", "l_receiptdate": "1995-06-21", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ily pending accounts hag" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1762, "l_partkey": 94, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 35.0d, "l_extendedprice": 34793.15d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-11-25", "l_commitdate": "1994-10-21", "l_receiptdate": "1994-11-28", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ind quickly. accounts ca" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2084, "l_partkey": 94, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 9.0d, "l_extendedprice": 8946.81d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-03-18", "l_commitdate": "1993-06-08", "l_receiptdate": "1993-03-30", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "heaves boost slyly after the pla" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2182, "l_partkey": 94, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 34.0d, "l_extendedprice": 33799.06d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-05-28", "l_commitdate": "1994-06-02", "l_receiptdate": "1994-06-10", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": " slow tithes. ironi" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2533, "l_partkey": 94, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 14.0d, "l_extendedprice": 13917.26d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-07-06", "l_commitdate": "1997-05-08", "l_receiptdate": "1997-08-03", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ut the pending, special depos" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2915, "l_partkey": 94, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 12.0d, "l_extendedprice": 11929.08d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-07-18", "l_commitdate": "1994-06-11", "l_receiptdate": "1994-07-27", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "accounts. slyly final" }
, { "l_orderkey": 4353, "l_partkey": 94, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 22.0d, "l_extendedprice": 21869.98d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-01-19", "l_commitdate": "1998-01-23", "l_receiptdate": "1998-02-10", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ent packages. accounts are slyly. " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5954, "l_partkey": 94, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 20.0d, "l_extendedprice": 19881.8d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-12-25", "l_commitdate": "1993-02-05", "l_receiptdate": "1992-12-31", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": " accounts wake carefu" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 193, "l_partkey": 94, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 23.0d, "l_extendedprice": 22864.07d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-08-21", "l_commitdate": "1993-10-11", "l_receiptdate": "1993-09-02", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ly even accounts wake blithely bold" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 224, "l_partkey": 94, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 45.0d, "l_extendedprice": 44734.05d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-08-14", "l_commitdate": "1994-09-02", "l_receiptdate": "1994-08-27", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "leep furiously regular requests. furiousl" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1218, "l_partkey": 94, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 41.0d, "l_extendedprice": 40757.69d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-08-04", "l_commitdate": "1994-08-05", "l_receiptdate": "1994-08-11", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "dolphins. theodolites beyond th" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2437, "l_partkey": 94, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 46.0d, "l_extendedprice": 45728.14d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-08-12", "l_commitdate": "1993-06-16", "l_receiptdate": "1993-08-29", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "e of the bold, dogged requests" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2946, "l_partkey": 94, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 48.0d, "l_extendedprice": 47716.32d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-06-02", "l_commitdate": "1996-03-31", "l_receiptdate": "1996-06-16", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "oss the platelets. furi" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3585, "l_partkey": 94, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 7.0d, "l_extendedprice": 6958.63d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-12-13", "l_commitdate": "1995-01-20", "l_receiptdate": "1995-01-05", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "dependencies sleep un" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3654, "l_partkey": 94, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 34.0d, "l_extendedprice": 33799.06d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-07-26", "l_commitdate": "1992-08-26", "l_receiptdate": "1992-08-12", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": " the quick" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5189, "l_partkey": 94, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 49.0d, "l_extendedprice": 48710.41d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-01-22", "l_commitdate": "1994-01-19", "l_receiptdate": "1994-02-04", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": " requests " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5474, "l_partkey": 94, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 10.0d, "l_extendedprice": 9940.9d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-08-08", "l_commitdate": "1992-08-10", "l_receiptdate": "1992-08-24", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "pinto bean" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5571, "l_partkey": 94, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 31.0d, "l_extendedprice": 30816.79d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-01-05", "l_commitdate": "1993-01-18", "l_receiptdate": "1993-02-04", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "uffily even accounts. quickly re" }
, { "l_orderkey": 5574, "l_partkey": 94, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 14.0d, "l_extendedprice": 13917.26d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-05-20", "l_commitdate": "1992-04-09", "l_receiptdate": "1992-05-23", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": " use slyly carefully special requests? slyl" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 69, "l_partkey": 93, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 42.0d, "l_extendedprice": 41709.78d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-07-31", "l_commitdate": "1994-07-26", "l_receiptdate": "1994-08-28", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "tect regular, speci" }
, { "l_orderkey": 548, "l_partkey": 93, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 19.0d, "l_extendedprice": 18868.71d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-09-24", "l_commitdate": "1994-11-24", "l_receiptdate": "1994-10-01", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "courts boost care" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 581, "l_partkey": 93, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 14.0d, "l_extendedprice": 13903.26d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-05-17", "l_commitdate": "1997-04-14", "l_receiptdate": "1997-06-08", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": ". deposits s" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1698, "l_partkey": 93, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 6.0d, "l_extendedprice": 5958.54d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-08-21", "l_commitdate": "1997-06-08", "l_receiptdate": "1997-09-03", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": " pending packages affix ne" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2881, "l_partkey": 93, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 21.0d, "l_extendedprice": 20854.89d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-05-28", "l_commitdate": "1992-07-03", "l_receiptdate": "1992-06-02", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "hely express Tiresias. final dependencies " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3619, "l_partkey": 93, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 18.0d, "l_extendedprice": 17875.62d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-03-18", "l_commitdate": "1996-12-24", "l_receiptdate": "1997-03-21", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "eodolites " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3621, "l_partkey": 93, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 13.0d, "l_extendedprice": 12910.17d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-08-30", "l_commitdate": "1993-06-30", "l_receiptdate": "1993-09-01", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "r the unusual packages. brave theodoli" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4928, "l_partkey": 93, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 20.0d, "l_extendedprice": 19861.8d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-01-19", "l_commitdate": "1993-11-29", "l_receiptdate": "1994-02-13", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "quiet theodolites ca" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5859, "l_partkey": 93, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 40.0d, "l_extendedprice": 39723.6d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-08-05", "l_commitdate": "1997-06-17", "l_receiptdate": "1997-08-20", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "l dependenci" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1124, "l_partkey": 93, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 35.0d, "l_extendedprice": 34758.15d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-11-25", "l_commitdate": "1998-10-08", "l_receiptdate": "1998-12-25", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ut the slyly bold pinto beans; fi" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1572, "l_partkey": 93, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 10.0d, "l_extendedprice": 9930.9d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-05-17", "l_commitdate": "1996-03-26", "l_receiptdate": "1996-05-19", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": " accounts affix slyly. " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2917, "l_partkey": 93, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 36.0d, "l_extendedprice": 35751.24d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-04-07", "l_commitdate": "1998-02-23", "l_receiptdate": "1998-05-01", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "usly ironic d" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3490, "l_partkey": 93, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 8.0d, "l_extendedprice": 7944.72d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-08-11", "l_commitdate": "1997-07-25", "l_receiptdate": "1997-08-28", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "inal deposits use furiousl" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3493, "l_partkey": 93, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 31.0d, "l_extendedprice": 30785.79d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-10-22", "l_commitdate": "1993-10-12", "l_receiptdate": "1993-11-07", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ructions. slyly regular accounts across the" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5509, "l_partkey": 93, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 30.0d, "l_extendedprice": 29792.7d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-07-23", "l_commitdate": "1994-06-01", "l_receiptdate": "1994-08-08", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "counts haggle pinto beans. furiously " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5857, "l_partkey": 93, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 49.0d, "l_extendedprice": 48661.41d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-01-23", "l_commitdate": "1997-12-12", "l_receiptdate": "1998-01-28", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "egular pinto beans" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 193, "l_partkey": 93, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 9.0d, "l_extendedprice": 8937.81d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-09-17", "l_commitdate": "1993-10-08", "l_receiptdate": "1993-09-30", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "against the fluffily regular d" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1283, "l_partkey": 93, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 47.0d, "l_extendedprice": 46675.23d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-10-21", "l_commitdate": "1996-10-29", "l_receiptdate": "1996-11-12", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "even instructions boost slyly blithely " }
, { "l_orderkey": 1508, "l_partkey": 93, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 43.0d, "l_extendedprice": 42702.87d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-06-01", "l_commitdate": "1998-06-24", "l_receiptdate": "1998-06-03", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ndencies h" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2530, "l_partkey": 93, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 42.0d, "l_extendedprice": 41709.78d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-03-27", "l_commitdate": "1994-05-20", "l_receiptdate": "1994-03-29", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ng platelets wake s" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4166, "l_partkey": 93, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 8.0d, "l_extendedprice": 7944.72d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-06-07", "l_commitdate": "1993-04-17", "l_receiptdate": "1993-06-16", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "es along the furiously regular acc" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 384, "l_partkey": 93, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 11.0d, "l_extendedprice": 10923.99d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-06-24", "l_commitdate": "1992-05-29", "l_receiptdate": "1992-07-22", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "nic excuses are furiously above the blith" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 640, "l_partkey": 93, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 49.0d, "l_extendedprice": 48661.41d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-03-27", "l_commitdate": "1993-04-17", "l_receiptdate": "1993-04-15", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "s haggle slyly" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1637, "l_partkey": 93, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 42.0d, "l_extendedprice": 41709.78d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-03-18", "l_commitdate": "1995-04-24", "l_receiptdate": "1995-03-31", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "blithely a" }
, { "l_orderkey": 1702, "l_partkey": 93, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 28.0d, "l_extendedprice": 27806.52d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-06-10", "l_commitdate": "1995-07-26", "l_receiptdate": "1995-06-16", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "nts haggle along the packa" }
, { "l_orderkey": 3138, "l_partkey": 93, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 7.0d, "l_extendedprice": 6951.63d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-03-04", "l_commitdate": "1994-03-14", "l_receiptdate": "1994-03-20", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "lithely quickly even packages. packages" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3269, "l_partkey": 93, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 42.0d, "l_extendedprice": 41709.78d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-03-19", "l_commitdate": "1996-04-24", "l_receiptdate": "1996-04-18", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": " the special packages. " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3654, "l_partkey": 93, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 29.0d, "l_extendedprice": 28799.61d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-09-11", "l_commitdate": "1992-07-20", "l_receiptdate": "1992-10-04", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "odolites detect. quickly r" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3493, "l_partkey": 93, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 31.0d, "l_extendedprice": 30785.79d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-10-22", "l_commitdate": "1993-10-12", "l_receiptdate": "1993-11-07", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ructions. slyly regular accounts across the" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3619, "l_partkey": 93, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 18.0d, "l_extendedprice": 17875.62d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-03-18", "l_commitdate": "1996-12-24", "l_receiptdate": "1997-03-21", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "eodolites " }
, { "l_orderkey": 4066, "l_partkey": 93, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 19.0d, "l_extendedprice": 18868.71d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-05-13", "l_commitdate": "1997-04-17", "l_receiptdate": "1997-06-08", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "quests. slyly regu" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4487, "l_partkey": 93, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 25.0d, "l_extendedprice": 24827.25d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-03-09", "l_commitdate": "1993-04-27", "l_receiptdate": "1993-03-30", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "g the final instructions. slyly c" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4166, "l_partkey": 93, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 8.0d, "l_extendedprice": 7944.72d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-06-07", "l_commitdate": "1993-04-17", "l_receiptdate": "1993-06-16", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "es along the furiously regular acc" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5859, "l_partkey": 93, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 40.0d, "l_extendedprice": 39723.6d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-08-05", "l_commitdate": "1997-06-17", "l_receiptdate": "1997-08-20", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "l dependenci" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 69, "l_partkey": 93, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 42.0d, "l_extendedprice": 41709.78d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-07-31", "l_commitdate": "1994-07-26", "l_receiptdate": "1994-08-28", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "tect regular, speci" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 193, "l_partkey": 93, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 9.0d, "l_extendedprice": 8937.81d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-09-17", "l_commitdate": "1993-10-08", "l_receiptdate": "1993-09-30", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "against the fluffily regular d" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1124, "l_partkey": 93, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 35.0d, "l_extendedprice": 34758.15d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-11-25", "l_commitdate": "1998-10-08", "l_receiptdate": "1998-12-25", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ut the slyly bold pinto beans; fi" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1637, "l_partkey": 93, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 42.0d, "l_extendedprice": 41709.78d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-03-18", "l_commitdate": "1995-04-24", "l_receiptdate": "1995-03-31", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "blithely a" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2530, "l_partkey": 93, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 42.0d, "l_extendedprice": 41709.78d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-03-27", "l_commitdate": "1994-05-20", "l_receiptdate": "1994-03-29", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ng platelets wake s" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2917, "l_partkey": 93, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 36.0d, "l_extendedprice": 35751.24d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-04-07", "l_commitdate": "1998-02-23", "l_receiptdate": "1998-05-01", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "usly ironic d" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3269, "l_partkey": 93, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 42.0d, "l_extendedprice": 41709.78d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-03-19", "l_commitdate": "1996-04-24", "l_receiptdate": "1996-04-18", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": " the special packages. " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3490, "l_partkey": 93, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 8.0d, "l_extendedprice": 7944.72d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-08-11", "l_commitdate": "1997-07-25", "l_receiptdate": "1997-08-28", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "inal deposits use furiousl" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3621, "l_partkey": 93, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 13.0d, "l_extendedprice": 12910.17d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-08-30", "l_commitdate": "1993-06-30", "l_receiptdate": "1993-09-01", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "r the unusual packages. brave theodoli" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3654, "l_partkey": 93, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 29.0d, "l_extendedprice": 28799.61d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-09-11", "l_commitdate": "1992-07-20", "l_receiptdate": "1992-10-04", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "odolites detect. quickly r" }
, { "l_orderkey": 4647, "l_partkey": 93, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 16.0d, "l_extendedprice": 15889.44d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-09-07", "l_commitdate": "1994-07-15", "l_receiptdate": "1994-10-06", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "o beans about the fluffily special the" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4928, "l_partkey": 93, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 20.0d, "l_extendedprice": 19861.8d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-01-19", "l_commitdate": "1993-11-29", "l_receiptdate": "1994-02-13", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "quiet theodolites ca" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 384, "l_partkey": 93, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 11.0d, "l_extendedprice": 10923.99d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-06-24", "l_commitdate": "1992-05-29", "l_receiptdate": "1992-07-22", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "nic excuses are furiously above the blith" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1283, "l_partkey": 93, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 47.0d, "l_extendedprice": 46675.23d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-10-21", "l_commitdate": "1996-10-29", "l_receiptdate": "1996-11-12", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "even instructions boost slyly blithely " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1572, "l_partkey": 93, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 10.0d, "l_extendedprice": 9930.9d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-05-17", "l_commitdate": "1996-03-26", "l_receiptdate": "1996-05-19", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": " accounts affix slyly. " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1698, "l_partkey": 93, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 6.0d, "l_extendedprice": 5958.54d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-08-21", "l_commitdate": "1997-06-08", "l_receiptdate": "1997-09-03", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": " pending packages affix ne" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2881, "l_partkey": 93, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 21.0d, "l_extendedprice": 20854.89d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-05-28", "l_commitdate": "1992-07-03", "l_receiptdate": "1992-06-02", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "hely express Tiresias. final dependencies " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4487, "l_partkey": 93, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 25.0d, "l_extendedprice": 24827.25d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-03-09", "l_commitdate": "1993-04-27", "l_receiptdate": "1993-03-30", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "g the final instructions. slyly c" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 581, "l_partkey": 93, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 14.0d, "l_extendedprice": 13903.26d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-05-17", "l_commitdate": "1997-04-14", "l_receiptdate": "1997-06-08", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": ". deposits s" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 640, "l_partkey": 93, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 49.0d, "l_extendedprice": 48661.41d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-03-27", "l_commitdate": "1993-04-17", "l_receiptdate": "1993-04-15", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "s haggle slyly" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5509, "l_partkey": 93, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 30.0d, "l_extendedprice": 29792.7d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-07-23", "l_commitdate": "1994-06-01", "l_receiptdate": "1994-08-08", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "counts haggle pinto beans. furiously " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5857, "l_partkey": 93, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 49.0d, "l_extendedprice": 48661.41d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-01-23", "l_commitdate": "1997-12-12", "l_receiptdate": "1998-01-28", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "egular pinto beans" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 295, "l_partkey": 92, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 26.0d, "l_extendedprice": 25794.34d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-12-13", "l_commitdate": "1994-11-30", "l_receiptdate": "1995-01-06", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ts above the slyly regular requests x-ray q" }
, { "l_orderkey": 1186, "l_partkey": 92, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 11.0d, "l_extendedprice": 10912.99d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-10-03", "l_commitdate": "1996-10-21", "l_receiptdate": "1996-10-17", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "s haggle furiously; slyl" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1280, "l_partkey": 92, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 19.0d, "l_extendedprice": 18849.71d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-02-07", "l_commitdate": "1993-02-28", "l_receiptdate": "1993-02-12", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "lyly along the furiously regular " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1474, "l_partkey": 92, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 18.0d, "l_extendedprice": 17857.62d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-01-23", "l_commitdate": "1995-03-28", "l_receiptdate": "1995-02-03", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "after the special" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3174, "l_partkey": 92, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 21.0d, "l_extendedprice": 20833.89d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-02-20", "l_commitdate": "1995-12-28", "l_receiptdate": "1996-03-17", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "iously. idly bold theodolites a" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3908, "l_partkey": 92, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 50.0d, "l_extendedprice": 49604.5d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-06-19", "l_commitdate": "1993-04-27", "l_receiptdate": "1993-07-05", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": " even accounts wake " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5824, "l_partkey": 92, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 32.0d, "l_extendedprice": 31746.88d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-02-16", "l_commitdate": "1997-01-24", "l_receiptdate": "1997-02-20", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ven requests. " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1122, "l_partkey": 92, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 8.0d, "l_extendedprice": 7936.72d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-02-02", "l_commitdate": "1997-04-03", "l_receiptdate": "1997-02-22", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "c foxes are along the slyly r" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1252, "l_partkey": 92, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 11.0d, "l_extendedprice": 10912.99d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-10-16", "l_commitdate": "1997-09-22", "l_receiptdate": "1997-10-28", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "s are. slyly final requests among the" }
, { "l_orderkey": 2144, "l_partkey": 92, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 33.0d, "l_extendedprice": 32738.97d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-04-04", "l_commitdate": "1994-06-20", "l_receiptdate": "1994-04-23", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": " ironic excuses haggle final dependencies. " }
, { "l_orderkey": 2724, "l_partkey": 92, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 47.0d, "l_extendedprice": 46628.23d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-11-23", "l_commitdate": "1994-11-13", "l_receiptdate": "1994-12-03", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "unusual patterns nag. special p" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3490, "l_partkey": 92, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 43.0d, "l_extendedprice": 42659.87d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-08-04", "l_commitdate": "1997-08-06", "l_receiptdate": "1997-08-14", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": ". even requests cajol" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5987, "l_partkey": 92, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 43.0d, "l_extendedprice": 42659.87d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-10-30", "l_commitdate": "1996-10-13", "l_receiptdate": "1996-11-12", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "theodolites wake above the furiously b" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1153, "l_partkey": 92, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 43.0d, "l_extendedprice": 42659.87d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-06-09", "l_commitdate": "1996-06-01", "l_receiptdate": "1996-07-04", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "special instructions are. unusual, final du" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1252, "l_partkey": 92, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 11.0d, "l_extendedprice": 10912.99d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-10-16", "l_commitdate": "1997-09-22", "l_receiptdate": "1997-10-28", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "s are. slyly final requests among the" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1474, "l_partkey": 92, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 18.0d, "l_extendedprice": 17857.62d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-01-23", "l_commitdate": "1995-03-28", "l_receiptdate": "1995-02-03", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "after the special" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1986, "l_partkey": 92, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 12.0d, "l_extendedprice": 11905.08d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-08-17", "l_commitdate": "1994-06-28", "l_receiptdate": "1994-09-02", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "sleep furiously fluffily final" }
, { "l_orderkey": 2948, "l_partkey": 92, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 49.0d, "l_extendedprice": 48612.41d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-12-16", "l_commitdate": "1994-11-08", "l_receiptdate": "1995-01-07", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ress requests. furiously blithe foxes " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3776, "l_partkey": 92, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 49.0d, "l_extendedprice": 48612.41d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-02-11", "l_commitdate": "1993-01-06", "l_receiptdate": "1993-02-27", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "es: careful warthogs haggle fluffi" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3911, "l_partkey": 92, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 12.0d, "l_extendedprice": 11905.08d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-04-04", "l_commitdate": "1995-04-16", "l_receiptdate": "1995-04-10", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "uctions. blithely regula" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4615, "l_partkey": 92, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 10.0d, "l_extendedprice": 9920.9d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-11-20", "l_commitdate": "1993-10-05", "l_receiptdate": "1993-12-08", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "sits. slyly express deposits are" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4801, "l_partkey": 92, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 39.0d, "l_extendedprice": 38691.51d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-03-19", "l_commitdate": "1996-03-21", "l_receiptdate": "1996-04-17", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "warhorses wake never for the care" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5571, "l_partkey": 92, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 18.0d, "l_extendedprice": 17857.62d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-03-11", "l_commitdate": "1993-02-28", "l_receiptdate": "1993-04-03", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "uests haggle furiously pending d" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5606, "l_partkey": 92, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 34.0d, "l_extendedprice": 33731.06d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-02-23", "l_commitdate": "1997-02-08", "l_receiptdate": "1997-03-09", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "uses. slyly final " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5824, "l_partkey": 92, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 32.0d, "l_extendedprice": 31746.88d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-02-16", "l_commitdate": "1997-01-24", "l_receiptdate": "1997-02-20", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ven requests. " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 164, "l_partkey": 92, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 26.0d, "l_extendedprice": 25794.34d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-01-04", "l_commitdate": "1992-11-21", "l_receiptdate": "1993-01-07", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "s. blithely special courts are blithel" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 992, "l_partkey": 92, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 7.0d, "l_extendedprice": 6944.63d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-11-30", "l_commitdate": "1997-12-24", "l_receiptdate": "1997-12-16", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ideas haggle. special theodolit" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2755, "l_partkey": 92, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 19.0d, "l_extendedprice": 18849.71d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-02-11", "l_commitdate": "1992-03-15", "l_receiptdate": "1992-02-14", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "furiously special deposits" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3908, "l_partkey": 92, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 50.0d, "l_extendedprice": 49604.5d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-06-19", "l_commitdate": "1993-04-27", "l_receiptdate": "1993-07-05", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": " even accounts wake " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 295, "l_partkey": 92, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 26.0d, "l_extendedprice": 25794.34d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-12-13", "l_commitdate": "1994-11-30", "l_receiptdate": "1995-01-06", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ts above the slyly regular requests x-ray q" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 487, "l_partkey": 92, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 47.0d, "l_extendedprice": 46628.23d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-09-30", "l_commitdate": "1992-10-08", "l_receiptdate": "1992-10-24", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "tions. blithely reg" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1122, "l_partkey": 92, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 8.0d, "l_extendedprice": 7936.72d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-02-02", "l_commitdate": "1997-04-03", "l_receiptdate": "1997-02-22", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "c foxes are along the slyly r" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2658, "l_partkey": 92, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 22.0d, "l_extendedprice": 21825.98d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-12-02", "l_commitdate": "1995-11-03", "l_receiptdate": "1995-12-26", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": " dependencies. blithely pending foxes abou" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3010, "l_partkey": 92, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 38.0d, "l_extendedprice": 37699.42d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-04-15", "l_commitdate": "1996-03-16", "l_receiptdate": "1996-04-21", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "accounts ar" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3174, "l_partkey": 92, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 21.0d, "l_extendedprice": 20833.89d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-02-20", "l_commitdate": "1995-12-28", "l_receiptdate": "1996-03-17", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "iously. idly bold theodolites a" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3490, "l_partkey": 92, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 43.0d, "l_extendedprice": 42659.87d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-08-04", "l_commitdate": "1997-08-06", "l_receiptdate": "1997-08-14", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": ". even requests cajol" }
, { "l_orderkey": 4580, "l_partkey": 92, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 22.0d, "l_extendedprice": 21825.98d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-01-16", "l_commitdate": "1994-01-26", "l_receiptdate": "1994-02-05", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "nticingly final packag" }
, { "l_orderkey": 5094, "l_partkey": 92, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 11.0d, "l_extendedprice": 10912.99d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-06-25", "l_commitdate": "1993-06-24", "l_receiptdate": "1993-07-18", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "s cajole quickly against the furiously ex" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 806, "l_partkey": 91, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 4.0d, "l_extendedprice": 3964.36d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-08-09", "l_commitdate": "1996-09-18", "l_receiptdate": "1996-08-13", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "eans. quickly ironic ideas " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2275, "l_partkey": 91, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 11.0d, "l_extendedprice": 10901.99d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-01-16", "l_commitdate": "1992-12-10", "l_receiptdate": "1993-01-25", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ost across the never express instruction" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5606, "l_partkey": 92, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 34.0d, "l_extendedprice": 33731.06d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-02-23", "l_commitdate": "1997-02-08", "l_receiptdate": "1997-03-09", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "uses. slyly final " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5987, "l_partkey": 92, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 43.0d, "l_extendedprice": 42659.87d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-10-30", "l_commitdate": "1996-10-13", "l_receiptdate": "1996-11-12", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "theodolites wake above the furiously b" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 992, "l_partkey": 92, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 7.0d, "l_extendedprice": 6944.63d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-11-30", "l_commitdate": "1997-12-24", "l_receiptdate": "1997-12-16", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ideas haggle. special theodolit" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1986, "l_partkey": 92, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 12.0d, "l_extendedprice": 11905.08d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-08-17", "l_commitdate": "1994-06-28", "l_receiptdate": "1994-09-02", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "sleep furiously fluffily final" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2658, "l_partkey": 92, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 22.0d, "l_extendedprice": 21825.98d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-12-02", "l_commitdate": "1995-11-03", "l_receiptdate": "1995-12-26", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": " dependencies. blithely pending foxes abou" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3010, "l_partkey": 92, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 38.0d, "l_extendedprice": 37699.42d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-04-15", "l_commitdate": "1996-03-16", "l_receiptdate": "1996-04-21", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "accounts ar" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3911, "l_partkey": 92, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 12.0d, "l_extendedprice": 11905.08d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-04-04", "l_commitdate": "1995-04-16", "l_receiptdate": "1995-04-10", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "uctions. blithely regula" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4615, "l_partkey": 92, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 10.0d, "l_extendedprice": 9920.9d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-11-20", "l_commitdate": "1993-10-05", "l_receiptdate": "1993-12-08", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "sits. slyly express deposits are" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5571, "l_partkey": 92, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 18.0d, "l_extendedprice": 17857.62d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-03-11", "l_commitdate": "1993-02-28", "l_receiptdate": "1993-04-03", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "uests haggle furiously pending d" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 164, "l_partkey": 92, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 26.0d, "l_extendedprice": 25794.34d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-01-04", "l_commitdate": "1992-11-21", "l_receiptdate": "1993-01-07", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "s. blithely special courts are blithel" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 487, "l_partkey": 92, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 47.0d, "l_extendedprice": 46628.23d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-09-30", "l_commitdate": "1992-10-08", "l_receiptdate": "1992-10-24", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "tions. blithely reg" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1153, "l_partkey": 92, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 43.0d, "l_extendedprice": 42659.87d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-06-09", "l_commitdate": "1996-06-01", "l_receiptdate": "1996-07-04", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "special instructions are. unusual, final du" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1280, "l_partkey": 92, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 19.0d, "l_extendedprice": 18849.71d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-02-07", "l_commitdate": "1993-02-28", "l_receiptdate": "1993-02-12", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "lyly along the furiously regular " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2755, "l_partkey": 92, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 19.0d, "l_extendedprice": 18849.71d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-02-11", "l_commitdate": "1992-03-15", "l_receiptdate": "1992-02-14", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "furiously special deposits" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3776, "l_partkey": 92, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 49.0d, "l_extendedprice": 48612.41d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-02-11", "l_commitdate": "1993-01-06", "l_receiptdate": "1993-02-27", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "es: careful warthogs haggle fluffi" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4801, "l_partkey": 92, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 39.0d, "l_extendedprice": 38691.51d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-03-19", "l_commitdate": "1996-03-21", "l_receiptdate": "1996-04-17", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "warhorses wake never for the care" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 613, "l_partkey": 91, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 17.0d, "l_extendedprice": 16848.53d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-09-23", "l_commitdate": "1995-08-04", "l_receiptdate": "1995-10-15", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ar dependencie" }
, { "l_orderkey": 2373, "l_partkey": 91, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 5.0d, "l_extendedprice": 4955.45d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-06-02", "l_commitdate": "1994-05-03", "l_receiptdate": "1994-06-21", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "uffily blithely ironic requests" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2407, "l_partkey": 91, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 10.0d, "l_extendedprice": 9910.9d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-08-14", "l_commitdate": "1998-09-10", "l_receiptdate": "1998-08-29", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": " pending instructions. theodolites x-" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2503, "l_partkey": 91, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 27.0d, "l_extendedprice": 26759.43d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-07-12", "l_commitdate": "1993-07-24", "l_receiptdate": "1993-07-22", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "lly even p" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3558, "l_partkey": 91, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 22.0d, "l_extendedprice": 21803.98d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-04-27", "l_commitdate": "1996-04-19", "l_receiptdate": "1996-04-30", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "refully ironic theodolites are fu" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4321, "l_partkey": 91, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 4.0d, "l_extendedprice": 3964.36d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-09-10", "l_commitdate": "1994-10-06", "l_receiptdate": "1994-09-11", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ironic deposi" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 741, "l_partkey": 91, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 22.0d, "l_extendedprice": 21803.98d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-09-07", "l_commitdate": "1998-09-28", "l_receiptdate": "1998-09-12", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ven deposits about the regular, ironi" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2117, "l_partkey": 91, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 24.0d, "l_extendedprice": 23786.16d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-06-15", "l_commitdate": "1997-05-27", "l_receiptdate": "1997-06-18", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "thely slyly pending platelets. ironic, " }
, { "l_orderkey": 2691, "l_partkey": 91, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 11.0d, "l_extendedprice": 10901.99d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-06-21", "l_commitdate": "1992-06-08", "l_receiptdate": "1992-07-09", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "leep alongside of the accounts. slyly ironi" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4835, "l_partkey": 91, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 3.0d, "l_extendedprice": 2973.27d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-01-24", "l_commitdate": "1995-01-12", "l_receiptdate": "1995-02-16", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "etimes final pac" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5158, "l_partkey": 91, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 38.0d, "l_extendedprice": 37661.42d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-05-09", "l_commitdate": "1997-03-03", "l_receiptdate": "1997-06-04", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "uffily regular ac" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2275, "l_partkey": 91, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 11.0d, "l_extendedprice": 10901.99d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-01-16", "l_commitdate": "1992-12-10", "l_receiptdate": "1993-01-25", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ost across the never express instruction" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2407, "l_partkey": 91, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 10.0d, "l_extendedprice": 9910.9d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-08-14", "l_commitdate": "1998-09-10", "l_receiptdate": "1998-08-29", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": " pending instructions. theodolites x-" }
, { "l_orderkey": 2818, "l_partkey": 91, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 7.0d, "l_extendedprice": 6937.63d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-03-24", "l_commitdate": "1995-03-09", "l_receiptdate": "1995-04-06", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ly according to the r" }
, { "l_orderkey": 3105, "l_partkey": 91, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 23.0d, "l_extendedprice": 22795.07d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-03-08", "l_commitdate": "1996-12-14", "l_receiptdate": "1997-03-18", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": " detect slyly. blithely unusual requests ar" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4448, "l_partkey": 91, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 41.0d, "l_extendedprice": 40634.69d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-07-30", "l_commitdate": "1998-08-09", "l_receiptdate": "1998-08-03", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "pon the permanently even excuses nag " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 613, "l_partkey": 91, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 17.0d, "l_extendedprice": 16848.53d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-09-23", "l_commitdate": "1995-08-04", "l_receiptdate": "1995-10-15", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ar dependencie" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 897, "l_partkey": 91, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 15.0d, "l_extendedprice": 14866.35d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-05-25", "l_commitdate": "1995-05-09", "l_receiptdate": "1995-06-07", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "r ideas. slyly spec" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 961, "l_partkey": 91, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 18.0d, "l_extendedprice": 17839.62d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-07-01", "l_commitdate": "1995-08-14", "l_receiptdate": "1995-07-04", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "rmanent foxes haggle speci" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3360, "l_partkey": 91, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 29.0d, "l_extendedprice": 28741.61d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-04-15", "l_commitdate": "1998-02-25", "l_receiptdate": "1998-05-13", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "press asymptotes. furiously final " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3558, "l_partkey": 91, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 22.0d, "l_extendedprice": 21803.98d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-04-27", "l_commitdate": "1996-04-19", "l_receiptdate": "1996-04-30", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "refully ironic theodolites are fu" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5186, "l_partkey": 91, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 31.0d, "l_extendedprice": 30723.79d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-10-19", "l_commitdate": "1996-09-26", "l_receiptdate": "1996-10-25", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": " accounts use furiously slyly spe" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 741, "l_partkey": 91, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 22.0d, "l_extendedprice": 21803.98d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-09-07", "l_commitdate": "1998-09-28", "l_receiptdate": "1998-09-12", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ven deposits about the regular, ironi" }
, { "l_orderkey": 1794, "l_partkey": 91, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 37.0d, "l_extendedprice": 36670.33d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-01-12", "l_commitdate": "1997-12-21", "l_receiptdate": "1998-01-17", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ackages. pinto" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2117, "l_partkey": 91, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 24.0d, "l_extendedprice": 23786.16d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-06-15", "l_commitdate": "1997-05-27", "l_receiptdate": "1997-06-18", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "thely slyly pending platelets. ironic, " }
, { "l_orderkey": 2181, "l_partkey": 91, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 15.0d, "l_extendedprice": 14866.35d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-10-05", "l_commitdate": "1995-10-27", "l_receiptdate": "1995-11-03", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "e above the fluffily regul" }
, { "l_orderkey": 3015, "l_partkey": 91, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 23.0d, "l_extendedprice": 22795.07d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-12-03", "l_commitdate": "1992-11-19", "l_receiptdate": "1992-12-23", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "s are slyly carefully special pinto bea" }
, { "l_orderkey": 3588, "l_partkey": 91, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 28.0d, "l_extendedprice": 27750.52d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-05-03", "l_commitdate": "1995-05-03", "l_receiptdate": "1995-05-14", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "special pinto beans cajole slyly. slyly " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4448, "l_partkey": 91, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 41.0d, "l_extendedprice": 40634.69d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-07-30", "l_commitdate": "1998-08-09", "l_receiptdate": "1998-08-03", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "pon the permanently even excuses nag " }
, { "l_orderkey": 4486, "l_partkey": 91, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 28.0d, "l_extendedprice": 27750.52d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-04-21", "l_commitdate": "1998-04-19", "l_receiptdate": "1998-04-26", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "to the furious, regular foxes play abov" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5158, "l_partkey": 91, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 38.0d, "l_extendedprice": 37661.42d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-05-09", "l_commitdate": "1997-03-03", "l_receiptdate": "1997-06-04", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "uffily regular ac" }
, { "l_orderkey": 5376, "l_partkey": 91, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 44.0d, "l_extendedprice": 43607.96d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-08-30", "l_commitdate": "1994-08-05", "l_receiptdate": "1994-09-07", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ithe packages detect final theodolites. f" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 806, "l_partkey": 91, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 4.0d, "l_extendedprice": 3964.36d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-08-09", "l_commitdate": "1996-09-18", "l_receiptdate": "1996-08-13", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "eans. quickly ironic ideas " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 897, "l_partkey": 91, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 15.0d, "l_extendedprice": 14866.35d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-05-25", "l_commitdate": "1995-05-09", "l_receiptdate": "1995-06-07", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "r ideas. slyly spec" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 961, "l_partkey": 91, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 18.0d, "l_extendedprice": 17839.62d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-07-01", "l_commitdate": "1995-08-14", "l_receiptdate": "1995-07-04", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "rmanent foxes haggle speci" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2503, "l_partkey": 91, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 27.0d, "l_extendedprice": 26759.43d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-07-12", "l_commitdate": "1993-07-24", "l_receiptdate": "1993-07-22", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "lly even p" }
, { "l_orderkey": 3043, "l_partkey": 91, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 5.0d, "l_extendedprice": 4955.45d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-05-22", "l_commitdate": "1992-07-02", "l_receiptdate": "1992-06-20", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ake blithely re" }
, { "l_orderkey": 3077, "l_partkey": 91, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 40.0d, "l_extendedprice": 39643.6d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-10-22", "l_commitdate": "1997-09-19", "l_receiptdate": "1997-11-19", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "to the enticing packag" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3360, "l_partkey": 91, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 29.0d, "l_extendedprice": 28741.61d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-04-15", "l_commitdate": "1998-02-25", "l_receiptdate": "1998-05-13", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "press asymptotes. furiously final " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4835, "l_partkey": 91, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 3.0d, "l_extendedprice": 2973.27d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-01-24", "l_commitdate": "1995-01-12", "l_receiptdate": "1995-02-16", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "etimes final pac" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5186, "l_partkey": 91, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 31.0d, "l_extendedprice": 30723.79d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-10-19", "l_commitdate": "1996-09-26", "l_receiptdate": "1996-10-25", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": " accounts use furiously slyly spe" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4321, "l_partkey": 91, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 4.0d, "l_extendedprice": 3964.36d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-09-10", "l_commitdate": "1994-10-06", "l_receiptdate": "1994-09-11", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ironic deposi" }
, { "l_orderkey": 34, "l_partkey": 90, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 22.0d, "l_extendedprice": 21781.98d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-10-09", "l_commitdate": "1998-10-16", "l_receiptdate": "1998-10-12", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "thely slyly p" }
, { "l_orderkey": 133, "l_partkey": 90, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 11.0d, "l_extendedprice": 10890.99d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-03-21", "l_commitdate": "1998-01-15", "l_receiptdate": "1998-04-04", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "e quickly across the dolphins" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 710, "l_partkey": 90, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 25.0d, "l_extendedprice": 24752.25d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-03-31", "l_commitdate": "1993-02-05", "l_receiptdate": "1993-04-22", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "eas detect do" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1601, "l_partkey": 90, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 14.0d, "l_extendedprice": 13861.26d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-09-17", "l_commitdate": "1994-11-22", "l_receiptdate": "1994-10-03", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "he special, fin" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2593, "l_partkey": 90, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 28.0d, "l_extendedprice": 27722.52d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-10-30", "l_commitdate": "1993-10-18", "l_receiptdate": "1993-11-06", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "y even escapades shall" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2628, "l_partkey": 90, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 50.0d, "l_extendedprice": 49504.5d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-01-13", "l_commitdate": "1993-12-11", "l_receiptdate": "1994-01-14", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "posits serve carefully toward " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2917, "l_partkey": 90, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 4.0d, "l_extendedprice": 3960.36d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-01-10", "l_commitdate": "1998-01-18", "l_receiptdate": "1998-02-08", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "s. unusual instruct" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3552, "l_partkey": 90, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 44.0d, "l_extendedprice": 43563.96d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-08-08", "l_commitdate": "1997-06-15", "l_receiptdate": "1997-08-29", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ns after the blithely reg" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4067, "l_partkey": 90, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 40.0d, "l_extendedprice": 39603.6d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-01-09", "l_commitdate": "1992-11-21", "l_receiptdate": "1993-01-16", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "lar theodolites nag blithely above the" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4386, "l_partkey": 90, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 18.0d, "l_extendedprice": 17821.62d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-04-12", "l_commitdate": "1998-04-09", "l_receiptdate": "1998-05-12", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": " deposits use according to the pending, " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5056, "l_partkey": 90, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 23.0d, "l_extendedprice": 22772.07d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-05-12", "l_commitdate": "1997-04-28", "l_receiptdate": "1997-05-25", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ickly regular requests cajole. depos" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5829, "l_partkey": 90, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 42.0d, "l_extendedprice": 41583.78d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-03-26", "l_commitdate": "1997-04-01", "l_receiptdate": "1997-03-30", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "pearls. slyly bold deposits solve final" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1058, "l_partkey": 90, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 44.0d, "l_extendedprice": 43563.96d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-06-26", "l_commitdate": "1993-06-21", "l_receiptdate": "1993-07-20", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "uriously f" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1568, "l_partkey": 90, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 36.0d, "l_extendedprice": 35643.24d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-05-31", "l_commitdate": "1997-04-22", "l_receiptdate": "1997-06-21", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "platelets-- furiously sly excu" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2311, "l_partkey": 90, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 42.0d, "l_extendedprice": 41583.78d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-06-03", "l_commitdate": "1995-06-27", "l_receiptdate": "1995-06-11", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "gle furiously. bold " }
, { "l_orderkey": 2400, "l_partkey": 90, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 1.0d, "l_extendedprice": 990.09d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-08-18", "l_commitdate": "1998-09-12", "l_receiptdate": "1998-09-11", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "silent deposits serve furious" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2944, "l_partkey": 90, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 7.0d, "l_extendedprice": 6930.63d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-10-30", "l_commitdate": "1997-11-03", "l_receiptdate": "1997-11-03", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "fluffily blithely express pea" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3364, "l_partkey": 90, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 49.0d, "l_extendedprice": 48514.41d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-09-17", "l_commitdate": "1997-08-23", "l_receiptdate": "1997-10-06", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "d accounts? caref" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3461, "l_partkey": 90, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 16.0d, "l_extendedprice": 15841.44d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-05-09", "l_commitdate": "1993-04-29", "l_receiptdate": "1993-05-26", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": " pending deposi" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3719, "l_partkey": 90, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 13.0d, "l_extendedprice": 12871.17d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-05-03", "l_commitdate": "1997-04-16", "l_receiptdate": "1997-05-27", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "iously. regular dep" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4162, "l_partkey": 90, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 29.0d, "l_extendedprice": 28712.61d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-02-25", "l_commitdate": "1992-04-25", "l_receiptdate": "1992-03-17", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "nding pinto beans haggle blithe" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3559, "l_partkey": 90, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 29.0d, "l_extendedprice": 28712.61d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-12-10", "l_commitdate": "1992-12-03", "l_receiptdate": "1992-12-20", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "l, regular accounts wake flu" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3713, "l_partkey": 90, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 46.0d, "l_extendedprice": 45544.14d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-08-22", "l_commitdate": "1998-06-27", "l_receiptdate": "1998-08-31", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "totes. carefully special theodolites s" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4576, "l_partkey": 90, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 5.0d, "l_extendedprice": 4950.45d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-08-23", "l_commitdate": "1996-11-08", "l_receiptdate": "1996-09-20", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ly express, special asymptote" }
, { "l_orderkey": 5186, "l_partkey": 90, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 8.0d, "l_extendedprice": 7920.72d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-09-23", "l_commitdate": "1996-09-29", "l_receiptdate": "1996-09-30", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "y regular notornis k" }
, { "l_orderkey": 5670, "l_partkey": 90, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 27.0d, "l_extendedprice": 26732.43d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-05-09", "l_commitdate": "1993-05-30", "l_receiptdate": "1993-06-06", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": " ideas promise bli" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 646, "l_partkey": 90, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 17.0d, "l_extendedprice": 16831.53d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-12-31", "l_commitdate": "1994-12-26", "l_receiptdate": "1995-01-01", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "inal packages haggle carefully " }
, { "l_orderkey": 1509, "l_partkey": 90, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 37.0d, "l_extendedprice": 36633.33d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-08-31", "l_commitdate": "1993-09-10", "l_receiptdate": "1993-09-24", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "he slyly even deposits wake a" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1827, "l_partkey": 90, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 47.0d, "l_extendedprice": 46534.23d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-08-01", "l_commitdate": "1996-08-07", "l_receiptdate": "1996-08-23", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": ". pending courts about the even e" }
, { "l_orderkey": 2272, "l_partkey": 90, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 18.0d, "l_extendedprice": 17821.62d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-08-01", "l_commitdate": "1993-07-06", "l_receiptdate": "1993-08-25", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ons along the blithely e" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2978, "l_partkey": 90, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 29.0d, "l_extendedprice": 28712.61d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-06-03", "l_commitdate": "1995-07-25", "l_receiptdate": "1995-06-06", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ecial ideas promise slyly" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3335, "l_partkey": 90, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 47.0d, "l_extendedprice": 46534.23d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-12-02", "l_commitdate": "1995-11-19", "l_receiptdate": "1995-12-27", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": " quickly special ideas." }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3713, "l_partkey": 90, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 46.0d, "l_extendedprice": 45544.14d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-08-22", "l_commitdate": "1998-06-27", "l_receiptdate": "1998-08-31", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "totes. carefully special theodolites s" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5445, "l_partkey": 90, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 33.0d, "l_extendedprice": 32672.97d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-10-21", "l_commitdate": "1993-10-14", "l_receiptdate": "1993-10-28", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ests. final instructions" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5536, "l_partkey": 90, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 14.0d, "l_extendedprice": 13861.26d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-05-18", "l_commitdate": "1998-05-08", "l_receiptdate": "1998-06-05", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "instructions sleep " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5922, "l_partkey": 90, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 35.0d, "l_extendedprice": 34653.15d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-12-12", "l_commitdate": "1997-01-21", "l_receiptdate": "1997-01-01", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "accounts. regu" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5926, "l_partkey": 90, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 8.0d, "l_extendedprice": 7920.72d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-07-17", "l_commitdate": "1994-07-20", "l_receiptdate": "1994-08-11", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "gle furiously express foxes. bo" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5986, "l_partkey": 90, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 31.0d, "l_extendedprice": 30692.79d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-08-21", "l_commitdate": "1992-06-29", "l_receiptdate": "1992-09-14", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "structions! furiously pending instructi" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 359, "l_partkey": 90, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 38.0d, "l_extendedprice": 37623.42d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-03-30", "l_commitdate": "1995-01-20", "l_receiptdate": "1995-04-25", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "g furiously. regular, sile" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1635, "l_partkey": 90, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 8.0d, "l_extendedprice": 7920.72d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-04-30", "l_commitdate": "1997-04-21", "l_receiptdate": "1997-05-09", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ravely carefully express " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2563, "l_partkey": 90, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 50.0d, "l_extendedprice": 49504.5d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-01-26", "l_commitdate": "1994-01-03", "l_receiptdate": "1994-02-09", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ly regular, regular excuses. bold plate" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2592, "l_partkey": 90, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 7.0d, "l_extendedprice": 6930.63d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-03-13", "l_commitdate": "1993-04-25", "l_receiptdate": "1993-04-01", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": " carefully special theodolites integrate " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2311, "l_partkey": 90, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 42.0d, "l_extendedprice": 41583.78d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-06-03", "l_commitdate": "1995-06-27", "l_receiptdate": "1995-06-11", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "gle furiously. bold " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2593, "l_partkey": 90, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 28.0d, "l_extendedprice": 27722.52d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-10-30", "l_commitdate": "1993-10-18", "l_receiptdate": "1993-11-06", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "y even escapades shall" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2917, "l_partkey": 90, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 4.0d, "l_extendedprice": 3960.36d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-01-10", "l_commitdate": "1998-01-18", "l_receiptdate": "1998-02-08", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "s. unusual instruct" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2944, "l_partkey": 90, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 7.0d, "l_extendedprice": 6930.63d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-10-30", "l_commitdate": "1997-11-03", "l_receiptdate": "1997-11-03", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "fluffily blithely express pea" }
, { "l_orderkey": 3105, "l_partkey": 90, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 8.0d, "l_extendedprice": 7920.72d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-12-28", "l_commitdate": "1996-12-28", "l_receiptdate": "1997-01-25", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "s. blithely unusual ideas was after" }
, { "l_orderkey": 3143, "l_partkey": 90, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 22.0d, "l_extendedprice": 21781.98d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-05-11", "l_commitdate": "1993-03-26", "l_receiptdate": "1993-05-20", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "l, special instructions nag " }
, { "l_orderkey": 3170, "l_partkey": 90, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 32.0d, "l_extendedprice": 31682.88d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-11-24", "l_commitdate": "1997-12-12", "l_receiptdate": "1997-12-15", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ggle about the furiously r" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3559, "l_partkey": 90, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 29.0d, "l_extendedprice": 28712.61d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-12-10", "l_commitdate": "1992-12-03", "l_receiptdate": "1992-12-20", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "l, regular accounts wake flu" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4576, "l_partkey": 90, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 5.0d, "l_extendedprice": 4950.45d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-08-23", "l_commitdate": "1996-11-08", "l_receiptdate": "1996-09-20", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ly express, special asymptote" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3552, "l_partkey": 90, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 44.0d, "l_extendedprice": 43563.96d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-08-08", "l_commitdate": "1997-06-15", "l_receiptdate": "1997-08-29", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ns after the blithely reg" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3719, "l_partkey": 90, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 13.0d, "l_extendedprice": 12871.17d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-05-03", "l_commitdate": "1997-04-16", "l_receiptdate": "1997-05-27", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "iously. regular dep" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4386, "l_partkey": 90, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 18.0d, "l_extendedprice": 17821.62d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-04-12", "l_commitdate": "1998-04-09", "l_receiptdate": "1998-05-12", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": " deposits use according to the pending, " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5056, "l_partkey": 90, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 23.0d, "l_extendedprice": 22772.07d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-05-12", "l_commitdate": "1997-04-28", "l_receiptdate": "1997-05-25", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ickly regular requests cajole. depos" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5536, "l_partkey": 90, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 14.0d, "l_extendedprice": 13861.26d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-05-18", "l_commitdate": "1998-05-08", "l_receiptdate": "1998-06-05", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "instructions sleep " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5669, "l_partkey": 90, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 31.0d, "l_extendedprice": 30692.79d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-08-05", "l_commitdate": "1996-06-10", "l_receiptdate": "1996-08-29", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "to beans against the regular depo" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5922, "l_partkey": 90, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 35.0d, "l_extendedprice": 34653.15d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-12-12", "l_commitdate": "1997-01-21", "l_receiptdate": "1997-01-01", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "accounts. regu" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5926, "l_partkey": 90, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 8.0d, "l_extendedprice": 7920.72d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-07-17", "l_commitdate": "1994-07-20", "l_receiptdate": "1994-08-11", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "gle furiously express foxes. bo" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 710, "l_partkey": 90, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 25.0d, "l_extendedprice": 24752.25d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-03-31", "l_commitdate": "1993-02-05", "l_receiptdate": "1993-04-22", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "eas detect do" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1058, "l_partkey": 90, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 44.0d, "l_extendedprice": 43563.96d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-06-26", "l_commitdate": "1993-06-21", "l_receiptdate": "1993-07-20", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "uriously f" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2592, "l_partkey": 90, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 7.0d, "l_extendedprice": 6930.63d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-03-13", "l_commitdate": "1993-04-25", "l_receiptdate": "1993-04-01", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": " carefully special theodolites integrate " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3364, "l_partkey": 90, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 49.0d, "l_extendedprice": 48514.41d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-09-17", "l_commitdate": "1997-08-23", "l_receiptdate": "1997-10-06", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "d accounts? caref" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4067, "l_partkey": 90, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 40.0d, "l_extendedprice": 39603.6d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-01-09", "l_commitdate": "1992-11-21", "l_receiptdate": "1993-01-16", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "lar theodolites nag blithely above the" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5445, "l_partkey": 90, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 33.0d, "l_extendedprice": 32672.97d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-10-21", "l_commitdate": "1993-10-14", "l_receiptdate": "1993-10-28", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ests. final instructions" }
, { "l_orderkey": 5474, "l_partkey": 90, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 46.0d, "l_extendedprice": 45544.14d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-06-07", "l_commitdate": "1992-07-11", "l_receiptdate": "1992-06-22", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "nstructions. furio" }
, { "l_orderkey": 5636, "l_partkey": 90, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 21.0d, "l_extendedprice": 20791.89d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-03-13", "l_commitdate": "1995-05-11", "l_receiptdate": "1995-03-24", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": " are furiously unusual " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5669, "l_partkey": 90, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 31.0d, "l_extendedprice": 30692.79d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-08-05", "l_commitdate": "1996-06-10", "l_receiptdate": "1996-08-29", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "to beans against the regular depo" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5986, "l_partkey": 90, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 31.0d, "l_extendedprice": 30692.79d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-08-21", "l_commitdate": "1992-06-29", "l_receiptdate": "1992-09-14", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "structions! furiously pending instructi" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 359, "l_partkey": 90, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 38.0d, "l_extendedprice": 37623.42d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-03-30", "l_commitdate": "1995-01-20", "l_receiptdate": "1995-04-25", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "g furiously. regular, sile" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 646, "l_partkey": 90, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 17.0d, "l_extendedprice": 16831.53d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-12-31", "l_commitdate": "1994-12-26", "l_receiptdate": "1995-01-01", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "inal packages haggle carefully " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1568, "l_partkey": 90, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 36.0d, "l_extendedprice": 35643.24d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-05-31", "l_commitdate": "1997-04-22", "l_receiptdate": "1997-06-21", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "platelets-- furiously sly excu" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1601, "l_partkey": 90, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 14.0d, "l_extendedprice": 13861.26d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-09-17", "l_commitdate": "1994-11-22", "l_receiptdate": "1994-10-03", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "he special, fin" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1635, "l_partkey": 90, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 8.0d, "l_extendedprice": 7920.72d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-04-30", "l_commitdate": "1997-04-21", "l_receiptdate": "1997-05-09", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ravely carefully express " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1827, "l_partkey": 90, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 47.0d, "l_extendedprice": 46534.23d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-08-01", "l_commitdate": "1996-08-07", "l_receiptdate": "1996-08-23", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": ". pending courts about the even e" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2563, "l_partkey": 90, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 50.0d, "l_extendedprice": 49504.5d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-01-26", "l_commitdate": "1994-01-03", "l_receiptdate": "1994-02-09", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ly regular, regular excuses. bold plate" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2628, "l_partkey": 90, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 50.0d, "l_extendedprice": 49504.5d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-01-13", "l_commitdate": "1993-12-11", "l_receiptdate": "1994-01-14", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "posits serve carefully toward " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2978, "l_partkey": 90, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 29.0d, "l_extendedprice": 28712.61d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-06-03", "l_commitdate": "1995-07-25", "l_receiptdate": "1995-06-06", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ecial ideas promise slyly" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3335, "l_partkey": 90, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 47.0d, "l_extendedprice": 46534.23d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-12-02", "l_commitdate": "1995-11-19", "l_receiptdate": "1995-12-27", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": " quickly special ideas." }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3461, "l_partkey": 90, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 16.0d, "l_extendedprice": 15841.44d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-05-09", "l_commitdate": "1993-04-29", "l_receiptdate": "1993-05-26", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": " pending deposi" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4162, "l_partkey": 90, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 29.0d, "l_extendedprice": 28712.61d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-02-25", "l_commitdate": "1992-04-25", "l_receiptdate": "1992-03-17", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "nding pinto beans haggle blithe" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5829, "l_partkey": 90, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 42.0d, "l_extendedprice": 41583.78d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-03-26", "l_commitdate": "1997-04-01", "l_receiptdate": "1997-03-30", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "pearls. slyly bold deposits solve final" }
, { "l_orderkey": 5927, "l_partkey": 90, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 44.0d, "l_extendedprice": 43563.96d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-11-29", "l_commitdate": "1997-11-21", "l_receiptdate": "1997-12-13", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "rding to the special, final decoy" }
, { "l_orderkey": 4, "l_partkey": 89, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 30.0d, "l_extendedprice": 29672.4d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-01-10", "l_commitdate": "1995-12-14", "l_receiptdate": "1996-01-18", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "- quickly regular packages sleep. idly" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 34, "l_partkey": 89, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 13.0d, "l_extendedprice": 12858.04d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-10-23", "l_commitdate": "1998-09-14", "l_receiptdate": "1998-11-06", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "nic accounts. deposits are alon" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1058, "l_partkey": 89, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 5.0d, "l_extendedprice": 4945.4d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-05-11", "l_commitdate": "1993-05-29", "l_receiptdate": "1993-05-27", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "refully even requests boost along" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3110, "l_partkey": 89, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 1.0d, "l_extendedprice": 989.08d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-01-15", "l_commitdate": "1995-01-20", "l_receiptdate": "1995-01-30", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "c theodolites a" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3170, "l_partkey": 89, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 27.0d, "l_extendedprice": 26705.16d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-02-25", "l_commitdate": "1998-01-29", "l_receiptdate": "1998-02-27", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "efully bold foxes. regular, ev" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3622, "l_partkey": 89, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 4.0d, "l_extendedprice": 3956.32d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-02-03", "l_commitdate": "1996-02-19", "l_receiptdate": "1996-02-16", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "lithely brave foxes. furi" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1702, "l_partkey": 89, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 34.0d, "l_extendedprice": 33628.72d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-07-04", "l_commitdate": "1995-06-08", "l_receiptdate": "1995-07-28", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "y careful packages; dogged acco" }
, { "l_orderkey": 4384, "l_partkey": 89, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 11.0d, "l_extendedprice": 10879.88d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-08-31", "l_commitdate": "1992-10-04", "l_receiptdate": "1992-09-28", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "deposits promise carefully even, regular e" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4549, "l_partkey": 89, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 1.0d, "l_extendedprice": 989.08d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-05-04", "l_commitdate": "1998-04-11", "l_receiptdate": "1998-05-14", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": " requests wake. furiously even " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4705, "l_partkey": 89, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 40.0d, "l_extendedprice": 39563.2d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-04-19", "l_commitdate": "1992-04-28", "l_receiptdate": "1992-05-07", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "blithely. sly" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 102, "l_partkey": 89, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 37.0d, "l_extendedprice": 36595.96d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-07-24", "l_commitdate": "1997-08-02", "l_receiptdate": "1997-08-07", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ully across the ideas. final deposit" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 256, "l_partkey": 89, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 22.0d, "l_extendedprice": 21759.76d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-01-12", "l_commitdate": "1993-12-28", "l_receiptdate": "1994-01-26", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ke quickly ironic, ironic deposits. reg" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2405, "l_partkey": 89, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 18.0d, "l_extendedprice": 17803.44d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-01-23", "l_commitdate": "1997-03-10", "l_receiptdate": "1997-02-03", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "carefully ironic accounts. slyly " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4384, "l_partkey": 89, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 38.0d, "l_extendedprice": 37585.04d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-10-18", "l_commitdate": "1992-09-24", "l_receiptdate": "1992-11-04", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ly final requests. regu" }
, { "l_orderkey": 5121, "l_partkey": 89, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 46.0d, "l_extendedprice": 45497.68d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-05-27", "l_commitdate": "1992-07-19", "l_receiptdate": "1992-05-28", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "use express foxes. slyly " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5190, "l_partkey": 89, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 45.0d, "l_extendedprice": 44508.6d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-07-23", "l_commitdate": "1992-06-16", "l_receiptdate": "1992-08-04", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "y carefully final ideas. f" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2081, "l_partkey": 89, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 26.0d, "l_extendedprice": 25716.08d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-10-21", "l_commitdate": "1997-10-03", "l_receiptdate": "1997-11-10", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "among the slyly express accounts. silen" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2688, "l_partkey": 89, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 30.0d, "l_extendedprice": 29672.4d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-04-18", "l_commitdate": "1992-03-18", "l_receiptdate": "1992-05-18", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ithely final " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2753, "l_partkey": 89, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 30.0d, "l_extendedprice": 29672.4d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-01-26", "l_commitdate": "1994-01-29", "l_receiptdate": "1994-02-02", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ans wake fluffily blithely iro" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3140, "l_partkey": 89, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 10.0d, "l_extendedprice": 9890.8d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-05-30", "l_commitdate": "1992-05-09", "l_receiptdate": "1992-06-09", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "accounts. expres" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3429, "l_partkey": 89, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 28.0d, "l_extendedprice": 27694.24d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-01-30", "l_commitdate": "1997-03-18", "l_receiptdate": "1997-02-17", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "nstructions boost. thin" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3649, "l_partkey": 89, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 23.0d, "l_extendedprice": 22748.84d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-09-26", "l_commitdate": "1994-10-01", "l_receiptdate": "1994-09-28", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "rs promise blithe" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4416, "l_partkey": 89, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 3.0d, "l_extendedprice": 2967.24d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-10-22", "l_commitdate": "1992-08-06", "l_receiptdate": "1992-11-13", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": " requests sleep along the " }
, { "l_orderkey": 5186, "l_partkey": 89, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 26.0d, "l_extendedprice": 25716.08d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-08-08", "l_commitdate": "1996-10-05", "l_receiptdate": "1996-08-21", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "capades. accounts sublate. pinto" }
, { "l_orderkey": 5568, "l_partkey": 89, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 35.0d, "l_extendedprice": 34617.8d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-09-17", "l_commitdate": "1995-09-04", "l_receiptdate": "1995-10-14", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "lyly. blit" }
, { "l_orderkey": 5762, "l_partkey": 89, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 40.0d, "l_extendedprice": 39563.2d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-04-30", "l_commitdate": "1997-05-09", "l_receiptdate": "1997-05-08", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "al instructions. furiousl" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1702, "l_partkey": 89, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 34.0d, "l_extendedprice": 33628.72d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-07-04", "l_commitdate": "1995-06-08", "l_receiptdate": "1995-07-28", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "y careful packages; dogged acco" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2081, "l_partkey": 89, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 26.0d, "l_extendedprice": 25716.08d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-10-21", "l_commitdate": "1997-10-03", "l_receiptdate": "1997-11-10", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "among the slyly express accounts. silen" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2405, "l_partkey": 89, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 18.0d, "l_extendedprice": 17803.44d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-01-23", "l_commitdate": "1997-03-10", "l_receiptdate": "1997-02-03", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "carefully ironic accounts. slyly " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4384, "l_partkey": 89, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 38.0d, "l_extendedprice": 37585.04d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-10-18", "l_commitdate": "1992-09-24", "l_receiptdate": "1992-11-04", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ly final requests. regu" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4705, "l_partkey": 89, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 40.0d, "l_extendedprice": 39563.2d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-04-19", "l_commitdate": "1992-04-28", "l_receiptdate": "1992-05-07", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "blithely. sly" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5190, "l_partkey": 89, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 45.0d, "l_extendedprice": 44508.6d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-07-23", "l_commitdate": "1992-06-16", "l_receiptdate": "1992-08-04", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "y carefully final ideas. f" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 256, "l_partkey": 89, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 22.0d, "l_extendedprice": 21759.76d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-01-12", "l_commitdate": "1993-12-28", "l_receiptdate": "1994-01-26", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ke quickly ironic, ironic deposits. reg" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2688, "l_partkey": 89, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 30.0d, "l_extendedprice": 29672.4d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-04-18", "l_commitdate": "1992-03-18", "l_receiptdate": "1992-05-18", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ithely final " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3110, "l_partkey": 89, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 1.0d, "l_extendedprice": 989.08d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-01-15", "l_commitdate": "1995-01-20", "l_receiptdate": "1995-01-30", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "c theodolites a" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3170, "l_partkey": 89, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 27.0d, "l_extendedprice": 26705.16d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-02-25", "l_commitdate": "1998-01-29", "l_receiptdate": "1998-02-27", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "efully bold foxes. regular, ev" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3429, "l_partkey": 89, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 28.0d, "l_extendedprice": 27694.24d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-01-30", "l_commitdate": "1997-03-18", "l_receiptdate": "1997-02-17", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "nstructions boost. thin" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3649, "l_partkey": 89, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 23.0d, "l_extendedprice": 22748.84d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-09-26", "l_commitdate": "1994-10-01", "l_receiptdate": "1994-09-28", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "rs promise blithe" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4549, "l_partkey": 89, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 1.0d, "l_extendedprice": 989.08d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-05-04", "l_commitdate": "1998-04-11", "l_receiptdate": "1998-05-14", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": " requests wake. furiously even " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 34, "l_partkey": 89, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 13.0d, "l_extendedprice": 12858.04d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-10-23", "l_commitdate": "1998-09-14", "l_receiptdate": "1998-11-06", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "nic accounts. deposits are alon" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 102, "l_partkey": 89, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 37.0d, "l_extendedprice": 36595.96d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-07-24", "l_commitdate": "1997-08-02", "l_receiptdate": "1997-08-07", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ully across the ideas. final deposit" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1058, "l_partkey": 89, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 5.0d, "l_extendedprice": 4945.4d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-05-11", "l_commitdate": "1993-05-29", "l_receiptdate": "1993-05-27", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "refully even requests boost along" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2753, "l_partkey": 89, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 30.0d, "l_extendedprice": 29672.4d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-01-26", "l_commitdate": "1994-01-29", "l_receiptdate": "1994-02-02", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ans wake fluffily blithely iro" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3140, "l_partkey": 89, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 10.0d, "l_extendedprice": 9890.8d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-05-30", "l_commitdate": "1992-05-09", "l_receiptdate": "1992-06-09", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "accounts. expres" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3622, "l_partkey": 89, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 4.0d, "l_extendedprice": 3956.32d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-02-03", "l_commitdate": "1996-02-19", "l_receiptdate": "1996-02-16", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "lithely brave foxes. furi" }
, { "l_orderkey": 3940, "l_partkey": 89, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 8.0d, "l_extendedprice": 7912.64d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-04-04", "l_commitdate": "1996-04-12", "l_receiptdate": "1996-04-18", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ions cajole furiously regular pinto beans. " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4416, "l_partkey": 89, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 3.0d, "l_extendedprice": 2967.24d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-10-22", "l_commitdate": "1992-08-06", "l_receiptdate": "1992-11-13", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": " requests sleep along the " }
, { "l_orderkey": 5925, "l_partkey": 89, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 50.0d, "l_extendedprice": 49454.0d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-02-14", "l_commitdate": "1996-01-10", "l_receiptdate": "1996-02-15", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "es. stealthily express pains print bli" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 483, "l_partkey": 88, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 9.0d, "l_extendedprice": 8892.72d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-09-10", "l_commitdate": "1995-09-02", "l_receiptdate": "1995-09-13", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": " carefully express ins" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1031, "l_partkey": 88, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 7.0d, "l_extendedprice": 6916.56d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-12-07", "l_commitdate": "1994-11-11", "l_receiptdate": "1994-12-30", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "r instructions. car" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2181, "l_partkey": 88, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 46.0d, "l_extendedprice": 45451.68d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-11-28", "l_commitdate": "1995-10-17", "l_receiptdate": "1995-12-26", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "osits. final packages sleep" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3045, "l_partkey": 88, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 41.0d, "l_extendedprice": 40511.28d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-09-30", "l_commitdate": "1995-11-24", "l_receiptdate": "1995-10-03", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ely final foxes. carefully ironic pinto b" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3878, "l_partkey": 88, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 13.0d, "l_extendedprice": 12845.04d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-06-08", "l_commitdate": "1997-06-03", "l_receiptdate": "1997-06-25", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "leep ruthlessly about the carefu" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4640, "l_partkey": 88, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 5.0d, "l_extendedprice": 4940.4d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-02-05", "l_commitdate": "1996-02-14", "l_receiptdate": "1996-02-15", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": " warthogs against the regular" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4640, "l_partkey": 88, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 9.0d, "l_extendedprice": 8892.72d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-02-12", "l_commitdate": "1996-02-14", "l_receiptdate": "1996-02-29", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": " accounts. unu" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5158, "l_partkey": 88, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 39.0d, "l_extendedprice": 38535.12d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-05-15", "l_commitdate": "1997-04-04", "l_receiptdate": "1997-06-02", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "lithely fina" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2375, "l_partkey": 88, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 42.0d, "l_extendedprice": 41499.36d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-01-24", "l_commitdate": "1997-02-15", "l_receiptdate": "1997-02-07", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "apades. idea" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2469, "l_partkey": 88, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 35.0d, "l_extendedprice": 34582.8d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-02-04", "l_commitdate": "1997-02-02", "l_receiptdate": "1997-02-17", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ld packages haggle regular frets. fluffily " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2595, "l_partkey": 88, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 30.0d, "l_extendedprice": 29642.4d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-03-05", "l_commitdate": "1996-02-23", "l_receiptdate": "1996-03-19", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ctions. regula" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2854, "l_partkey": 88, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 29.0d, "l_extendedprice": 28654.32d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-07-06", "l_commitdate": "1994-08-26", "l_receiptdate": "1994-07-09", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "y slyly ironic accounts. foxes haggle slyl" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3842, "l_partkey": 88, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 15.0d, "l_extendedprice": 14821.2d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-06-26", "l_commitdate": "1992-06-23", "l_receiptdate": "1992-07-09", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ave packages are slyl" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 99, "l_partkey": 88, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 10.0d, "l_extendedprice": 9880.8d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-05-18", "l_commitdate": "1994-06-03", "l_receiptdate": "1994-05-23", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "kages. requ" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 837, "l_partkey": 88, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 24.0d, "l_extendedprice": 23713.92d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-06-27", "l_commitdate": "1994-09-02", "l_receiptdate": "1994-07-27", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "p carefully. theodolites use. bold courts a" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1059, "l_partkey": 88, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 45.0d, "l_extendedprice": 44463.6d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-06-10", "l_commitdate": "1994-05-08", "l_receiptdate": "1994-06-21", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "riously even theodolites. slyly regula" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1792, "l_partkey": 88, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 9.0d, "l_extendedprice": 8892.72d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-02-28", "l_commitdate": "1993-12-11", "l_receiptdate": "1994-03-12", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "final packages s" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3072, "l_partkey": 88, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 1.0d, "l_extendedprice": 988.08d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-02-26", "l_commitdate": "1994-03-14", "l_receiptdate": "1994-03-19", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": " slyly ironic attainments. car" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3394, "l_partkey": 88, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 26.0d, "l_extendedprice": 25690.08d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-08-08", "l_commitdate": "1996-06-12", "l_receiptdate": "1996-09-05", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "its use furiously. even, even account" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3588, "l_partkey": 88, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 6.0d, "l_extendedprice": 5928.48d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-04-09", "l_commitdate": "1995-05-30", "l_receiptdate": "1995-04-10", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "s. fluffily fluf" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5184, "l_partkey": 88, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 39.0d, "l_extendedprice": 38535.12d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-10-27", "l_commitdate": "1998-10-17", "l_receiptdate": "1998-11-19", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "es above the care" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5442, "l_partkey": 88, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 45.0d, "l_extendedprice": 44463.6d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-03-30", "l_commitdate": "1998-02-24", "l_receiptdate": "1998-04-18", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "old slyly after " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5703, "l_partkey": 88, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 2.0d, "l_extendedprice": 1976.16d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-05-29", "l_commitdate": "1993-07-26", "l_receiptdate": "1993-06-05", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "nts against the blithely sile" }
, { "l_orderkey": 67, "l_partkey": 88, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 44.0d, "l_extendedprice": 43475.52d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-03-18", "l_commitdate": "1997-01-29", "l_receiptdate": "1997-04-13", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "se quickly above the even, express reques" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 612, "l_partkey": 88, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 1.0d, "l_extendedprice": 988.08d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-12-18", "l_commitdate": "1992-12-13", "l_receiptdate": "1992-12-20", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": " requests." }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2181, "l_partkey": 88, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 46.0d, "l_extendedprice": 45451.68d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-11-28", "l_commitdate": "1995-10-17", "l_receiptdate": "1995-12-26", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "osits. final packages sleep" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3394, "l_partkey": 88, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 26.0d, "l_extendedprice": 25690.08d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-08-08", "l_commitdate": "1996-06-12", "l_receiptdate": "1996-09-05", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "its use furiously. even, even account" }
, { "l_orderkey": 3623, "l_partkey": 88, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 30.0d, "l_extendedprice": 29642.4d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-04-04", "l_commitdate": "1997-03-03", "l_receiptdate": "1997-05-01", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": " ironic somas sleep fluffily" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3970, "l_partkey": 88, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 2.0d, "l_extendedprice": 1976.16d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-04-24", "l_commitdate": "1992-06-03", "l_receiptdate": "1992-05-16", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "carefully pending foxes wake blithely " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5158, "l_partkey": 88, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 39.0d, "l_extendedprice": 38535.12d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-05-15", "l_commitdate": "1997-04-04", "l_receiptdate": "1997-06-02", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "lithely fina" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5184, "l_partkey": 88, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 39.0d, "l_extendedprice": 38535.12d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-10-27", "l_commitdate": "1998-10-17", "l_receiptdate": "1998-11-19", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "es above the care" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 483, "l_partkey": 88, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 9.0d, "l_extendedprice": 8892.72d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-09-10", "l_commitdate": "1995-09-02", "l_receiptdate": "1995-09-13", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": " carefully express ins" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1059, "l_partkey": 88, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 45.0d, "l_extendedprice": 44463.6d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-06-10", "l_commitdate": "1994-05-08", "l_receiptdate": "1994-06-21", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "riously even theodolites. slyly regula" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2595, "l_partkey": 88, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 30.0d, "l_extendedprice": 29642.4d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-03-05", "l_commitdate": "1996-02-23", "l_receiptdate": "1996-03-19", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ctions. regula" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3045, "l_partkey": 88, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 41.0d, "l_extendedprice": 40511.28d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-09-30", "l_commitdate": "1995-11-24", "l_receiptdate": "1995-10-03", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ely final foxes. carefully ironic pinto b" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3588, "l_partkey": 88, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 6.0d, "l_extendedprice": 5928.48d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-04-09", "l_commitdate": "1995-05-30", "l_receiptdate": "1995-04-10", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "s. fluffily fluf" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3842, "l_partkey": 88, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 15.0d, "l_extendedprice": 14821.2d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-06-26", "l_commitdate": "1992-06-23", "l_receiptdate": "1992-07-09", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ave packages are slyl" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 837, "l_partkey": 88, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 24.0d, "l_extendedprice": 23713.92d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-06-27", "l_commitdate": "1994-09-02", "l_receiptdate": "1994-07-27", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "p carefully. theodolites use. bold courts a" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1031, "l_partkey": 88, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 7.0d, "l_extendedprice": 6916.56d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-12-07", "l_commitdate": "1994-11-11", "l_receiptdate": "1994-12-30", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "r instructions. car" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1792, "l_partkey": 88, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 9.0d, "l_extendedprice": 8892.72d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-02-28", "l_commitdate": "1993-12-11", "l_receiptdate": "1994-03-12", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "final packages s" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2375, "l_partkey": 88, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 42.0d, "l_extendedprice": 41499.36d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-01-24", "l_commitdate": "1997-02-15", "l_receiptdate": "1997-02-07", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "apades. idea" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2854, "l_partkey": 88, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 29.0d, "l_extendedprice": 28654.32d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-07-06", "l_commitdate": "1994-08-26", "l_receiptdate": "1994-07-09", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "y slyly ironic accounts. foxes haggle slyl" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3878, "l_partkey": 88, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 13.0d, "l_extendedprice": 12845.04d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-06-08", "l_commitdate": "1997-06-03", "l_receiptdate": "1997-06-25", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "leep ruthlessly about the carefu" }
, { "l_orderkey": 4293, "l_partkey": 88, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 25.0d, "l_extendedprice": 24702.0d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-09-11", "l_commitdate": "1996-11-14", "l_receiptdate": "1996-09-22", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "inal asympt" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4640, "l_partkey": 88, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 9.0d, "l_extendedprice": 8892.72d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-02-12", "l_commitdate": "1996-02-14", "l_receiptdate": "1996-02-29", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": " accounts. unu" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5703, "l_partkey": 88, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 2.0d, "l_extendedprice": 1976.16d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-05-29", "l_commitdate": "1993-07-26", "l_receiptdate": "1993-06-05", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "nts against the blithely sile" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 99, "l_partkey": 88, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 10.0d, "l_extendedprice": 9880.8d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-05-18", "l_commitdate": "1994-06-03", "l_receiptdate": "1994-05-23", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "kages. requ" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 612, "l_partkey": 88, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 1.0d, "l_extendedprice": 988.08d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-12-18", "l_commitdate": "1992-12-13", "l_receiptdate": "1992-12-20", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": " requests." }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2469, "l_partkey": 88, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 35.0d, "l_extendedprice": 34582.8d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-02-04", "l_commitdate": "1997-02-02", "l_receiptdate": "1997-02-17", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ld packages haggle regular frets. fluffily " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3072, "l_partkey": 88, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 1.0d, "l_extendedprice": 988.08d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-02-26", "l_commitdate": "1994-03-14", "l_receiptdate": "1994-03-19", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": " slyly ironic attainments. car" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3970, "l_partkey": 88, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 2.0d, "l_extendedprice": 1976.16d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-04-24", "l_commitdate": "1992-06-03", "l_receiptdate": "1992-05-16", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "carefully pending foxes wake blithely " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4640, "l_partkey": 88, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 5.0d, "l_extendedprice": 4940.4d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-02-05", "l_commitdate": "1996-02-14", "l_receiptdate": "1996-02-15", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": " warthogs against the regular" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5442, "l_partkey": 88, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 45.0d, "l_extendedprice": 44463.6d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-03-30", "l_commitdate": "1998-02-24", "l_receiptdate": "1998-04-18", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "old slyly after " }
, { "l_orderkey": 5957, "l_partkey": 88, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 40.0d, "l_extendedprice": 39523.2d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-01-07", "l_commitdate": "1994-02-05", "l_receiptdate": "1994-01-26", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ironic asymptotes sleep blithely again" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 451, "l_partkey": 87, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 1.0d, "l_extendedprice": 987.08d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-07-13", "l_commitdate": "1998-07-03", "l_receiptdate": "1998-08-04", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": " carefully ironic packages solve furiously " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 709, "l_partkey": 87, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 7.0d, "l_extendedprice": 6909.56d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-06-14", "l_commitdate": "1998-06-08", "l_receiptdate": "1998-06-18", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": " special orbits cajole " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1093, "l_partkey": 87, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 7.0d, "l_extendedprice": 6909.56d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-11-24", "l_commitdate": "1997-09-23", "l_receiptdate": "1997-11-25", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "bold deposits. blithely ironic depos" }
, { "l_orderkey": 1540, "l_partkey": 87, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 27.0d, "l_extendedprice": 26651.16d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-12-02", "l_commitdate": "1992-10-18", "l_receiptdate": "1992-12-31", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "carefully final packages; b" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3522, "l_partkey": 87, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 48.0d, "l_extendedprice": 47379.84d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-12-05", "l_commitdate": "1994-10-30", "l_receiptdate": "1994-12-26", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ve the quickly special packages" }
, { "l_orderkey": 3556, "l_partkey": 87, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 28.0d, "l_extendedprice": 27638.24d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-01-06", "l_commitdate": "1992-11-27", "l_receiptdate": "1993-01-16", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "refully final instructions? ironic packa" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3558, "l_partkey": 87, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 8.0d, "l_extendedprice": 7896.64d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-05-31", "l_commitdate": "1996-05-26", "l_receiptdate": "1996-06-25", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "? even requests sle" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4545, "l_partkey": 87, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 9.0d, "l_extendedprice": 8883.72d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-03-20", "l_commitdate": "1993-02-23", "l_receiptdate": "1993-04-11", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "xpress accounts" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4583, "l_partkey": 87, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 32.0d, "l_extendedprice": 31586.56d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-01-13", "l_commitdate": "1994-10-29", "l_receiptdate": "1995-02-08", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "across the pinto beans-- quickly" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4644, "l_partkey": 87, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 10.0d, "l_extendedprice": 9870.8d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-03-12", "l_commitdate": "1998-03-11", "l_receiptdate": "1998-03-19", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": " the slow, final fo" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5027, "l_partkey": 87, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 25.0d, "l_extendedprice": 24677.0d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-09-16", "l_commitdate": "1997-11-25", "l_receiptdate": "1997-10-08", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ic ideas. requests sleep fluffily am" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5281, "l_partkey": 87, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 48.0d, "l_extendedprice": 47379.84d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-01-31", "l_commitdate": "1995-12-23", "l_receiptdate": "1996-02-08", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ss the furiously " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5572, "l_partkey": 87, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 19.0d, "l_extendedprice": 18754.52d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-08-12", "l_commitdate": "1994-10-07", "l_receiptdate": "1994-09-01", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "es. final, final requests wake blithely ag" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1156, "l_partkey": 87, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 15.0d, "l_extendedprice": 14806.2d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-12-21", "l_commitdate": "1997-01-03", "l_receiptdate": "1997-01-10", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "the furiously pen" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2433, "l_partkey": 87, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 39.0d, "l_extendedprice": 38496.12d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-11-20", "l_commitdate": "1994-09-23", "l_receiptdate": "1994-12-10", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ly final asy" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4196, "l_partkey": 87, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 43.0d, "l_extendedprice": 42444.44d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-08-12", "l_commitdate": "1998-07-12", "l_receiptdate": "1998-08-22", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "es. slyly even " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4294, "l_partkey": 87, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 42.0d, "l_extendedprice": 41457.36d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-09-30", "l_commitdate": "1992-11-13", "l_receiptdate": "1992-10-15", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": " carefully; furiously ex" }
, { "l_orderkey": 4610, "l_partkey": 87, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 21.0d, "l_extendedprice": 20728.68d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-08-10", "l_commitdate": "1993-08-05", "l_receiptdate": "1993-08-27", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ly special theodolites. even," }
, { "l_orderkey": 4772, "l_partkey": 87, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 1.0d, "l_extendedprice": 987.08d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-11-13", "l_commitdate": "1994-10-25", "l_receiptdate": "1994-11-15", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ans. slyly even acc" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5925, "l_partkey": 87, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 42.0d, "l_extendedprice": 41457.36d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-03-05", "l_commitdate": "1996-01-13", "l_receiptdate": "1996-03-10", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "to the furiously" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4932, "l_partkey": 87, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 5.0d, "l_extendedprice": 4935.4d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-10-01", "l_commitdate": "1993-09-13", "l_receiptdate": "1993-10-04", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": " haggle furiously. slyly ironic packages sl" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5252, "l_partkey": 87, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 48.0d, "l_extendedprice": 47379.84d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-04-17", "l_commitdate": "1996-03-19", "l_receiptdate": "1996-05-03", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "bold requests. furious" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5572, "l_partkey": 87, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 19.0d, "l_extendedprice": 18754.52d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-08-12", "l_commitdate": "1994-10-07", "l_receiptdate": "1994-09-01", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "es. final, final requests wake blithely ag" }
, { "l_orderkey": 160, "l_partkey": 87, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 22.0d, "l_extendedprice": 21715.76d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-02-18", "l_commitdate": "1997-03-05", "l_receiptdate": "1997-03-05", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ncies about the request" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1766, "l_partkey": 87, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 32.0d, "l_extendedprice": 31586.56d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-01-08", "l_commitdate": "1996-11-11", "l_receiptdate": "1997-01-31", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ess accounts. stealthily ironic accou" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1156, "l_partkey": 87, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 15.0d, "l_extendedprice": 14806.2d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-12-21", "l_commitdate": "1997-01-03", "l_receiptdate": "1997-01-10", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "the furiously pen" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1252, "l_partkey": 87, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 13.0d, "l_extendedprice": 12832.04d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-09-07", "l_commitdate": "1997-09-12", "l_receiptdate": "1997-10-01", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "sts dazzle" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2433, "l_partkey": 87, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 39.0d, "l_extendedprice": 38496.12d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-11-20", "l_commitdate": "1994-09-23", "l_receiptdate": "1994-12-10", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ly final asy" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3522, "l_partkey": 87, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 48.0d, "l_extendedprice": 47379.84d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-12-05", "l_commitdate": "1994-10-30", "l_receiptdate": "1994-12-26", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ve the quickly special packages" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3558, "l_partkey": 87, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 8.0d, "l_extendedprice": 7896.64d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-05-31", "l_commitdate": "1996-05-26", "l_receiptdate": "1996-06-25", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "? even requests sle" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4644, "l_partkey": 87, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 10.0d, "l_extendedprice": 9870.8d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-03-12", "l_commitdate": "1998-03-11", "l_receiptdate": "1998-03-19", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": " the slow, final fo" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5925, "l_partkey": 87, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 42.0d, "l_extendedprice": 41457.36d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-03-05", "l_commitdate": "1996-01-13", "l_receiptdate": "1996-03-10", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "to the furiously" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 451, "l_partkey": 87, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 1.0d, "l_extendedprice": 987.08d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-07-13", "l_commitdate": "1998-07-03", "l_receiptdate": "1998-08-04", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": " carefully ironic packages solve furiously " }
, { "l_orderkey": 2882, "l_partkey": 87, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 47.0d, "l_extendedprice": 46392.76d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-09-13", "l_commitdate": "1995-09-21", "l_receiptdate": "1995-09-14", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "l, special" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3107, "l_partkey": 87, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 27.0d, "l_extendedprice": 26651.16d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-11-15", "l_commitdate": "1997-10-31", "l_receiptdate": "1997-11-28", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "furiously final " }
, { "l_orderkey": 4132, "l_partkey": 87, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 18.0d, "l_extendedprice": 17767.44d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-06-01", "l_commitdate": "1995-08-01", "l_receiptdate": "1995-06-02", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "y final de" }
, { "l_orderkey": 4167, "l_partkey": 87, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 17.0d, "l_extendedprice": 16780.36d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-09-18", "l_commitdate": "1998-09-06", "l_receiptdate": "1998-10-07", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ly around the even instr" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4294, "l_partkey": 87, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 42.0d, "l_extendedprice": 41457.36d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-09-30", "l_commitdate": "1992-11-13", "l_receiptdate": "1992-10-15", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": " carefully; furiously ex" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4932, "l_partkey": 87, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 5.0d, "l_extendedprice": 4935.4d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-10-01", "l_commitdate": "1993-09-13", "l_receiptdate": "1993-10-04", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": " haggle furiously. slyly ironic packages sl" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5281, "l_partkey": 87, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 48.0d, "l_extendedprice": 47379.84d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-01-31", "l_commitdate": "1995-12-23", "l_receiptdate": "1996-02-08", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ss the furiously " }
, { "l_orderkey": 576, "l_partkey": 87, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 2.0d, "l_extendedprice": 1974.16d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-05-15", "l_commitdate": "1997-06-30", "l_receiptdate": "1997-05-28", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ccounts along the ac" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 709, "l_partkey": 87, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 7.0d, "l_extendedprice": 6909.56d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-06-14", "l_commitdate": "1998-06-08", "l_receiptdate": "1998-06-18", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": " special orbits cajole " }
, { "l_orderkey": 865, "l_partkey": 87, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 15.0d, "l_extendedprice": 14806.2d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-07-05", "l_commitdate": "1993-06-25", "l_receiptdate": "1993-07-26", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": " deposits sleep quickl" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1252, "l_partkey": 87, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 13.0d, "l_extendedprice": 12832.04d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-09-07", "l_commitdate": "1997-09-12", "l_receiptdate": "1997-10-01", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "sts dazzle" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1093, "l_partkey": 87, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 7.0d, "l_extendedprice": 6909.56d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-11-24", "l_commitdate": "1997-09-23", "l_receiptdate": "1997-11-25", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "bold deposits. blithely ironic depos" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1766, "l_partkey": 87, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 32.0d, "l_extendedprice": 31586.56d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-01-08", "l_commitdate": "1996-11-11", "l_receiptdate": "1997-01-31", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ess accounts. stealthily ironic accou" }
, { "l_orderkey": 3073, "l_partkey": 87, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 10.0d, "l_extendedprice": 9870.8d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-02-11", "l_commitdate": "1994-03-24", "l_receiptdate": "1994-02-26", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": " furiously caref" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3107, "l_partkey": 87, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 27.0d, "l_extendedprice": 26651.16d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-11-15", "l_commitdate": "1997-10-31", "l_receiptdate": "1997-11-28", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "furiously final " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4196, "l_partkey": 87, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 43.0d, "l_extendedprice": 42444.44d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-08-12", "l_commitdate": "1998-07-12", "l_receiptdate": "1998-08-22", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "es. slyly even " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4545, "l_partkey": 87, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 9.0d, "l_extendedprice": 8883.72d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-03-20", "l_commitdate": "1993-02-23", "l_receiptdate": "1993-04-11", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "xpress accounts" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4583, "l_partkey": 87, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 32.0d, "l_extendedprice": 31586.56d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-01-13", "l_commitdate": "1994-10-29", "l_receiptdate": "1995-02-08", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "across the pinto beans-- quickly" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5027, "l_partkey": 87, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 25.0d, "l_extendedprice": 24677.0d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-09-16", "l_commitdate": "1997-11-25", "l_receiptdate": "1997-10-08", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ic ideas. requests sleep fluffily am" }
, { "l_orderkey": 5056, "l_partkey": 87, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 14.0d, "l_extendedprice": 13819.12d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-06-09", "l_commitdate": "1997-04-13", "l_receiptdate": "1997-07-06", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "sts haggle carefully along the slyl" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5252, "l_partkey": 87, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 48.0d, "l_extendedprice": 47379.84d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-04-17", "l_commitdate": "1996-03-19", "l_receiptdate": "1996-05-03", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "bold requests. furious" }
, { "l_orderkey": 5605, "l_partkey": 87, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 50.0d, "l_extendedprice": 49354.0d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-08-26", "l_commitdate": "1996-10-15", "l_receiptdate": "1996-09-04", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "instructions sleep carefully ironic req" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 32, "l_partkey": 86, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 44.0d, "l_extendedprice": 43387.52d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-08-28", "l_commitdate": "1995-08-20", "l_receiptdate": "1995-09-14", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "symptotes nag according to the ironic depo" }
, { "l_orderkey": 35, "l_partkey": 86, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 25.0d, "l_extendedprice": 24652.0d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-11-26", "l_commitdate": "1995-12-25", "l_receiptdate": "1995-12-21", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": " quickly unti" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1092, "l_partkey": 86, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 2.0d, "l_extendedprice": 1972.16d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-04-09", "l_commitdate": "1995-05-12", "l_receiptdate": "1995-05-03", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ans. slyly eve" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1153, "l_partkey": 86, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 15.0d, "l_extendedprice": 14791.2d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-04-24", "l_commitdate": "1996-07-17", "l_receiptdate": "1996-04-29", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "uctions boost fluffily according to" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1637, "l_partkey": 86, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 49.0d, "l_extendedprice": 48317.92d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-06-08", "l_commitdate": "1995-04-19", "l_receiptdate": "1995-07-01", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": ". blithely i" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2371, "l_partkey": 86, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 39.0d, "l_extendedprice": 38457.12d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-04-01", "l_commitdate": "1998-03-13", "l_receiptdate": "1998-04-27", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "tructions. regular, stealthy packages wak" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2823, "l_partkey": 86, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 12.0d, "l_extendedprice": 11832.96d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-12-22", "l_commitdate": "1995-11-20", "l_receiptdate": "1996-01-13", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "the slyly ironic dolphins; fin" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4999, "l_partkey": 86, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 30.0d, "l_extendedprice": 29582.4d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-07-21", "l_commitdate": "1993-08-11", "l_receiptdate": "1993-08-20", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "s cajole among the blithel" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5702, "l_partkey": 86, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 37.0d, "l_extendedprice": 36484.96d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-12-14", "l_commitdate": "1993-10-21", "l_receiptdate": "1994-01-08", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ix slyly. regular instructions slee" }
, { "l_orderkey": 64, "l_partkey": 86, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 21.0d, "l_extendedprice": 20707.68d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-09-30", "l_commitdate": "1994-09-18", "l_receiptdate": "1994-10-26", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ch slyly final, thin platelets." }
-, { "l_orderkey": 195, "l_partkey": 86, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 34.0d, "l_extendedprice": 33526.72d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-01-31", "l_commitdate": "1994-02-11", "l_receiptdate": "1994-02-12", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": " cajole furiously bold i" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 772, "l_partkey": 86, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 35.0d, "l_extendedprice": 34512.8d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-04-18", "l_commitdate": "1993-06-13", "l_receiptdate": "1993-05-01", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ng ideas. special packages haggle alon" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1507, "l_partkey": 86, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 39.0d, "l_extendedprice": 38457.12d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-11-04", "l_commitdate": "1993-12-16", "l_receiptdate": "1993-12-03", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ly even instructions." }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2240, "l_partkey": 86, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 10.0d, "l_extendedprice": 9860.8d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-05-25", "l_commitdate": "1992-04-14", "l_receiptdate": "1992-06-23", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "are across the ironic packages." }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2531, "l_partkey": 86, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 20.0d, "l_extendedprice": 19721.6d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-07-18", "l_commitdate": "1996-06-25", "l_receiptdate": "1996-07-29", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "into beans. furious" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1153, "l_partkey": 86, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 15.0d, "l_extendedprice": 14791.2d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-04-24", "l_commitdate": "1996-07-17", "l_receiptdate": "1996-04-29", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "uctions boost fluffily according to" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1570, "l_partkey": 86, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 7.0d, "l_extendedprice": 6902.56d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-07-10", "l_commitdate": "1998-06-01", "l_receiptdate": "1998-07-23", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "requests boost quickly re" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2371, "l_partkey": 86, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 39.0d, "l_extendedprice": 38457.12d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-04-01", "l_commitdate": "1998-03-13", "l_receiptdate": "1998-04-27", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "tructions. regular, stealthy packages wak" }
, { "l_orderkey": 2823, "l_partkey": 86, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 45.0d, "l_extendedprice": 44373.6d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-12-28", "l_commitdate": "1995-11-27", "l_receiptdate": "1996-01-02", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "furiously special idea" }
, { "l_orderkey": 3111, "l_partkey": 86, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 5.0d, "l_extendedprice": 4930.4d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-08-30", "l_commitdate": "1995-10-16", "l_receiptdate": "1995-09-04", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": ". carefully even ideas" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3397, "l_partkey": 86, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 33.0d, "l_extendedprice": 32540.64d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-09-04", "l_commitdate": "1994-08-06", "l_receiptdate": "1994-09-22", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "gular accounts. blithely re" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3490, "l_partkey": 86, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 50.0d, "l_extendedprice": 49304.0d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-06-27", "l_commitdate": "1997-08-15", "l_receiptdate": "1997-06-28", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": " haggle carefu" }
, { "l_orderkey": 4354, "l_partkey": 86, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 36.0d, "l_extendedprice": 35498.88d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-11-20", "l_commitdate": "1994-12-06", "l_receiptdate": "1994-12-06", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": " wake slyly eve" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4999, "l_partkey": 86, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 30.0d, "l_extendedprice": 29582.4d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-07-21", "l_commitdate": "1993-08-11", "l_receiptdate": "1993-08-20", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "s cajole among the blithel" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5985, "l_partkey": 86, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 4.0d, "l_extendedprice": 3944.32d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-05-04", "l_commitdate": "1995-04-01", "l_receiptdate": "1995-05-17", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ole along the quickly slow d" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 195, "l_partkey": 86, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 34.0d, "l_extendedprice": 33526.72d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-01-31", "l_commitdate": "1994-02-11", "l_receiptdate": "1994-02-12", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": " cajole furiously bold i" }
, { "l_orderkey": 195, "l_partkey": 86, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 41.0d, "l_extendedprice": 40429.28d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-03-14", "l_commitdate": "1994-03-13", "l_receiptdate": "1994-04-09", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ggle fluffily foxes. fluffily ironic ex" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1092, "l_partkey": 86, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 2.0d, "l_extendedprice": 1972.16d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-04-09", "l_commitdate": "1995-05-12", "l_receiptdate": "1995-05-03", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ans. slyly eve" }
, { "l_orderkey": 1539, "l_partkey": 86, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 11.0d, "l_extendedprice": 10846.88d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-05-27", "l_commitdate": "1995-04-13", "l_receiptdate": "1995-06-10", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ly express requests. furiously " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1570, "l_partkey": 86, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 7.0d, "l_extendedprice": 6902.56d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-07-10", "l_commitdate": "1998-06-01", "l_receiptdate": "1998-07-23", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "requests boost quickly re" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1637, "l_partkey": 86, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 49.0d, "l_extendedprice": 48317.92d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-06-08", "l_commitdate": "1995-04-19", "l_receiptdate": "1995-07-01", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": ". blithely i" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2823, "l_partkey": 86, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 12.0d, "l_extendedprice": 11832.96d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-12-22", "l_commitdate": "1995-11-20", "l_receiptdate": "1996-01-13", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "the slyly ironic dolphins; fin" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4835, "l_partkey": 86, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 27.0d, "l_extendedprice": 26624.16d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-12-10", "l_commitdate": "1994-12-13", "l_receiptdate": "1995-01-02", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": " accounts after the car" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 32, "l_partkey": 86, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 44.0d, "l_extendedprice": 43387.52d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-08-28", "l_commitdate": "1995-08-20", "l_receiptdate": "1995-09-14", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "symptotes nag according to the ironic depo" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 772, "l_partkey": 86, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 35.0d, "l_extendedprice": 34512.8d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-04-18", "l_commitdate": "1993-06-13", "l_receiptdate": "1993-05-01", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ng ideas. special packages haggle alon" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1507, "l_partkey": 86, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 39.0d, "l_extendedprice": 38457.12d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-11-04", "l_commitdate": "1993-12-16", "l_receiptdate": "1993-12-03", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ly even instructions." }
, { "l_orderkey": 1988, "l_partkey": 86, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 9.0d, "l_extendedprice": 8874.72d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-12-26", "l_commitdate": "1996-01-02", "l_receiptdate": "1996-01-25", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "lar platelets. slyly ironic packa" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2240, "l_partkey": 86, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 10.0d, "l_extendedprice": 9860.8d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-05-25", "l_commitdate": "1992-04-14", "l_receiptdate": "1992-06-23", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "are across the ironic packages." }
, { "l_orderkey": 2245, "l_partkey": 86, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 33.0d, "l_extendedprice": 32540.64d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-06-26", "l_commitdate": "1993-06-11", "l_receiptdate": "1993-07-17", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ing to the carefully ruthless accounts" }
, { "l_orderkey": 2402, "l_partkey": 86, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 43.0d, "l_extendedprice": 42401.44d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-09-17", "l_commitdate": "1996-11-20", "l_receiptdate": "1996-09-22", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "slyly slyly blithe sheaves" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2531, "l_partkey": 86, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 20.0d, "l_extendedprice": 19721.6d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-07-18", "l_commitdate": "1996-06-25", "l_receiptdate": "1996-07-29", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "into beans. furious" }
, { "l_orderkey": 2690, "l_partkey": 86, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 30.0d, "l_extendedprice": 29582.4d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-05-20", "l_commitdate": "1996-06-01", "l_receiptdate": "1996-06-04", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "d accounts above the express req" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4166, "l_partkey": 86, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 36.0d, "l_extendedprice": 35498.88d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-03-01", "l_commitdate": "1993-05-25", "l_receiptdate": "1993-03-05", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "unts. furiously express accounts w" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4835, "l_partkey": 86, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 27.0d, "l_extendedprice": 26624.16d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-12-10", "l_commitdate": "1994-12-13", "l_receiptdate": "1995-01-02", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": " accounts after the car" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4896, "l_partkey": 86, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 21.0d, "l_extendedprice": 20707.68d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-11-18", "l_commitdate": "1992-11-18", "l_receiptdate": "1992-11-29", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ly express deposits. carefully pending depo" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5088, "l_partkey": 86, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 36.0d, "l_extendedprice": 35498.88d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-04-16", "l_commitdate": "1993-04-03", "l_receiptdate": "1993-05-14", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "the furiously final deposits. furiously re" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5861, "l_partkey": 86, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 6.0d, "l_extendedprice": 5916.48d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-07-28", "l_commitdate": "1997-05-18", "l_receiptdate": "1997-08-24", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "olites. slyly" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2595, "l_partkey": 86, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 30.0d, "l_extendedprice": 29582.4d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-03-16", "l_commitdate": "1996-01-31", "l_receiptdate": "1996-04-05", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": ". final orbits cajole " }
, { "l_orderkey": 2695, "l_partkey": 86, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 40.0d, "l_extendedprice": 39443.2d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-11-02", "l_commitdate": "1996-10-26", "l_receiptdate": "1996-11-14", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ructions. pending" }
, { "l_orderkey": 3106, "l_partkey": 86, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 22.0d, "l_extendedprice": 21693.76d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-02-28", "l_commitdate": "1997-02-12", "l_receiptdate": "1997-03-03", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "structions atop the blithely" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3490, "l_partkey": 86, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 50.0d, "l_extendedprice": 49304.0d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-06-27", "l_commitdate": "1997-08-15", "l_receiptdate": "1997-06-28", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": " haggle carefu" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5985, "l_partkey": 86, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 4.0d, "l_extendedprice": 3944.32d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-05-04", "l_commitdate": "1995-04-01", "l_receiptdate": "1995-05-17", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ole along the quickly slow d" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 195, "l_partkey": 85, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 6.0d, "l_extendedprice": 5910.48d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-01-09", "l_commitdate": "1994-03-27", "l_receiptdate": "1994-01-28", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "y, even deposits haggle carefully. bli" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 263, "l_partkey": 85, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 9.0d, "l_extendedprice": 8865.72d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-07-21", "l_commitdate": "1994-07-16", "l_receiptdate": "1994-08-08", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "lms wake bl" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3397, "l_partkey": 86, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 33.0d, "l_extendedprice": 32540.64d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-09-04", "l_commitdate": "1994-08-06", "l_receiptdate": "1994-09-22", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "gular accounts. blithely re" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4896, "l_partkey": 86, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 21.0d, "l_extendedprice": 20707.68d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-11-18", "l_commitdate": "1992-11-18", "l_receiptdate": "1992-11-29", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ly express deposits. carefully pending depo" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5702, "l_partkey": 86, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 37.0d, "l_extendedprice": 36484.96d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-12-14", "l_commitdate": "1993-10-21", "l_receiptdate": "1994-01-08", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ix slyly. regular instructions slee" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5861, "l_partkey": 86, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 6.0d, "l_extendedprice": 5916.48d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-07-28", "l_commitdate": "1997-05-18", "l_receiptdate": "1997-08-24", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "olites. slyly" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2595, "l_partkey": 86, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 30.0d, "l_extendedprice": 29582.4d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-03-16", "l_commitdate": "1996-01-31", "l_receiptdate": "1996-04-05", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": ". final orbits cajole " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4166, "l_partkey": 86, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 36.0d, "l_extendedprice": 35498.88d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-03-01", "l_commitdate": "1993-05-25", "l_receiptdate": "1993-03-05", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "unts. furiously express accounts w" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5088, "l_partkey": 86, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 36.0d, "l_extendedprice": 35498.88d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-04-16", "l_commitdate": "1993-04-03", "l_receiptdate": "1993-05-14", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "the furiously final deposits. furiously re" }
, { "l_orderkey": 739, "l_partkey": 85, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 28.0d, "l_extendedprice": 27582.24d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-06-03", "l_commitdate": "1998-08-04", "l_receiptdate": "1998-06-29", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "elets about the pe" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1221, "l_partkey": 85, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 7.0d, "l_extendedprice": 6895.56d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-06-27", "l_commitdate": "1992-06-16", "l_receiptdate": "1992-07-23", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "xpress accounts " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1636, "l_partkey": 85, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 2.0d, "l_extendedprice": 1970.16d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-09-26", "l_commitdate": "1997-08-22", "l_receiptdate": "1997-10-05", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "nal foxes cajole above the blithely reg" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2021, "l_partkey": 85, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 7.0d, "l_extendedprice": 6895.56d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-10-17", "l_commitdate": "1995-09-29", "l_receiptdate": "1995-10-20", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": " accounts boost blithely. blithely reg" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2273, "l_partkey": 85, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 35.0d, "l_extendedprice": 34477.8d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-01-02", "l_commitdate": "1997-01-19", "l_receiptdate": "1997-01-14", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "arefully f" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3076, "l_partkey": 85, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 44.0d, "l_extendedprice": 43343.52d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-09-14", "l_commitdate": "1993-10-04", "l_receiptdate": "1993-09-17", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": " instructions h" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3175, "l_partkey": 85, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 14.0d, "l_extendedprice": 13791.12d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-10-21", "l_commitdate": "1994-09-05", "l_receiptdate": "1994-11-15", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "nt dependencies are quietly even " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4032, "l_partkey": 85, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 10.0d, "l_extendedprice": 9850.8d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-03-31", "l_commitdate": "1998-04-22", "l_receiptdate": "1998-04-07", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": " carefully bol" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 326, "l_partkey": 85, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 5.0d, "l_extendedprice": 4925.4d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-07-29", "l_commitdate": "1995-07-13", "l_receiptdate": "1995-08-12", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "deas sleep according to the sometimes spe" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 580, "l_partkey": 85, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 33.0d, "l_extendedprice": 32507.64d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-10-11", "l_commitdate": "1997-09-19", "l_receiptdate": "1997-10-16", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "y express theodolites cajole carefully " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 644, "l_partkey": 85, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 33.0d, "l_extendedprice": 32507.64d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-08-26", "l_commitdate": "1992-07-27", "l_receiptdate": "1992-08-28", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ages sleep. bold, bo" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1794, "l_partkey": 85, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 34.0d, "l_extendedprice": 33492.72d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-09-29", "l_commitdate": "1997-11-13", "l_receiptdate": "1997-10-07", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "rs above the accoun" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2211, "l_partkey": 85, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 23.0d, "l_extendedprice": 22656.84d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-10-05", "l_commitdate": "1994-09-13", "l_receiptdate": "1994-10-17", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ependencies " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 546, "l_partkey": 85, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 16.0d, "l_extendedprice": 15761.28d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-02-04", "l_commitdate": "1996-12-30", "l_receiptdate": "1997-02-25", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "de of the orbits. sometimes regula" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 899, "l_partkey": 85, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 4.0d, "l_extendedprice": 3940.32d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-06-02", "l_commitdate": "1998-06-28", "l_receiptdate": "1998-06-14", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ter the carefully regular deposits are agai" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 967, "l_partkey": 85, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 4.0d, "l_extendedprice": 3940.32d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-07-15", "l_commitdate": "1992-07-27", "l_receiptdate": "1992-07-18", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "platelets hang carefully along " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4067, "l_partkey": 85, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 17.0d, "l_extendedprice": 16746.36d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-01-20", "l_commitdate": "1992-12-29", "l_receiptdate": "1993-02-03", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "r accounts. slyly special pa" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4224, "l_partkey": 85, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 48.0d, "l_extendedprice": 47283.84d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-10-03", "l_commitdate": "1997-08-31", "l_receiptdate": "1997-10-10", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": " final, regular asymptotes use alway" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 390, "l_partkey": 85, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 24.0d, "l_extendedprice": 23641.92d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-04-18", "l_commitdate": "1998-05-19", "l_receiptdate": "1998-04-28", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "y. enticingly final depos" }
, { "l_orderkey": 800, "l_partkey": 85, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 21.0d, "l_extendedprice": 20686.68d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-07-23", "l_commitdate": "1998-10-01", "l_receiptdate": "1998-08-20", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ckly even requests after the carefully r" }
, { "l_orderkey": 1057, "l_partkey": 85, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 21.0d, "l_extendedprice": 20686.68d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-02-28", "l_commitdate": "1992-05-01", "l_receiptdate": "1992-03-10", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ar orbits boost bli" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2081, "l_partkey": 85, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 23.0d, "l_extendedprice": 22656.84d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-07-06", "l_commitdate": "1997-09-11", "l_receiptdate": "1997-07-21", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ual requests wake blithely above the" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1221, "l_partkey": 85, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 7.0d, "l_extendedprice": 6895.56d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-06-27", "l_commitdate": "1992-06-16", "l_receiptdate": "1992-07-23", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "xpress accounts " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2021, "l_partkey": 85, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 7.0d, "l_extendedprice": 6895.56d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-10-17", "l_commitdate": "1995-09-29", "l_receiptdate": "1995-10-20", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": " accounts boost blithely. blithely reg" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3076, "l_partkey": 85, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 44.0d, "l_extendedprice": 43343.52d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-09-14", "l_commitdate": "1993-10-04", "l_receiptdate": "1993-09-17", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": " instructions h" }
, { "l_orderkey": 3783, "l_partkey": 85, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 50.0d, "l_extendedprice": 49254.0d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-03-14", "l_commitdate": "1994-01-09", "l_receiptdate": "1994-04-10", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "he furiously regular deposits. " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5158, "l_partkey": 85, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 18.0d, "l_extendedprice": 17731.44d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-04-30", "l_commitdate": "1997-03-28", "l_receiptdate": "1997-05-12", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "hely regular pa" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4067, "l_partkey": 85, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 17.0d, "l_extendedprice": 16746.36d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-01-20", "l_commitdate": "1992-12-29", "l_receiptdate": "1993-02-03", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "r accounts. slyly special pa" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 195, "l_partkey": 85, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 6.0d, "l_extendedprice": 5910.48d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-01-09", "l_commitdate": "1994-03-27", "l_receiptdate": "1994-01-28", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "y, even deposits haggle carefully. bli" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 326, "l_partkey": 85, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 5.0d, "l_extendedprice": 4925.4d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-07-29", "l_commitdate": "1995-07-13", "l_receiptdate": "1995-08-12", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "deas sleep according to the sometimes spe" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 546, "l_partkey": 85, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 16.0d, "l_extendedprice": 15761.28d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-02-04", "l_commitdate": "1996-12-30", "l_receiptdate": "1997-02-25", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "de of the orbits. sometimes regula" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1636, "l_partkey": 85, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 2.0d, "l_extendedprice": 1970.16d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-09-26", "l_commitdate": "1997-08-22", "l_receiptdate": "1997-10-05", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "nal foxes cajole above the blithely reg" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2081, "l_partkey": 85, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 23.0d, "l_extendedprice": 22656.84d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-07-06", "l_commitdate": "1997-09-11", "l_receiptdate": "1997-07-21", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ual requests wake blithely above the" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2211, "l_partkey": 85, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 23.0d, "l_extendedprice": 22656.84d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-10-05", "l_commitdate": "1994-09-13", "l_receiptdate": "1994-10-17", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ependencies " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3175, "l_partkey": 85, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 14.0d, "l_extendedprice": 13791.12d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-10-21", "l_commitdate": "1994-09-05", "l_receiptdate": "1994-11-15", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "nt dependencies are quietly even " }
, { "l_orderkey": 5574, "l_partkey": 85, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 19.0d, "l_extendedprice": 18716.52d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-05-28", "l_commitdate": "1992-04-24", "l_receiptdate": "1992-06-11", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "old deposits int" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 263, "l_partkey": 85, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 9.0d, "l_extendedprice": 8865.72d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-07-21", "l_commitdate": "1994-07-16", "l_receiptdate": "1994-08-08", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "lms wake bl" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 580, "l_partkey": 85, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 33.0d, "l_extendedprice": 32507.64d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-10-11", "l_commitdate": "1997-09-19", "l_receiptdate": "1997-10-16", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "y express theodolites cajole carefully " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 644, "l_partkey": 85, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 33.0d, "l_extendedprice": 32507.64d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-08-26", "l_commitdate": "1992-07-27", "l_receiptdate": "1992-08-28", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ages sleep. bold, bo" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 899, "l_partkey": 85, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 4.0d, "l_extendedprice": 3940.32d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-06-02", "l_commitdate": "1998-06-28", "l_receiptdate": "1998-06-14", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ter the carefully regular deposits are agai" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 967, "l_partkey": 85, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 4.0d, "l_extendedprice": 3940.32d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-07-15", "l_commitdate": "1992-07-27", "l_receiptdate": "1992-07-18", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "platelets hang carefully along " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2273, "l_partkey": 85, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 35.0d, "l_extendedprice": 34477.8d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-01-02", "l_commitdate": "1997-01-19", "l_receiptdate": "1997-01-14", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "arefully f" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4224, "l_partkey": 85, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 48.0d, "l_extendedprice": 47283.84d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-10-03", "l_commitdate": "1997-08-31", "l_receiptdate": "1997-10-10", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": " final, regular asymptotes use alway" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5158, "l_partkey": 85, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 18.0d, "l_extendedprice": 17731.44d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-04-30", "l_commitdate": "1997-03-28", "l_receiptdate": "1997-05-12", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "hely regular pa" }
, { "l_orderkey": 5891, "l_partkey": 85, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 22.0d, "l_extendedprice": 21671.76d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-01-01", "l_commitdate": "1993-02-18", "l_receiptdate": "1993-01-14", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "iresias cajole deposits. special, ir" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 231, "l_partkey": 84, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 46.0d, "l_extendedprice": 45267.68d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-12-13", "l_commitdate": "1994-12-02", "l_receiptdate": "1994-12-14", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "affix blithely. bold requests among the f" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 390, "l_partkey": 85, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 24.0d, "l_extendedprice": 23641.92d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-04-18", "l_commitdate": "1998-05-19", "l_receiptdate": "1998-04-28", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "y. enticingly final depos" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1794, "l_partkey": 85, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 34.0d, "l_extendedprice": 33492.72d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-09-29", "l_commitdate": "1997-11-13", "l_receiptdate": "1997-10-07", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "rs above the accoun" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4032, "l_partkey": 85, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 10.0d, "l_extendedprice": 9850.8d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-03-31", "l_commitdate": "1998-04-22", "l_receiptdate": "1998-04-07", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": " carefully bol" }
, { "l_orderkey": 772, "l_partkey": 84, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 10.0d, "l_extendedprice": 9840.8d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-05-20", "l_commitdate": "1993-05-19", "l_receiptdate": "1993-06-15", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": " deposits cajole carefully instructions. t" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 836, "l_partkey": 84, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 18.0d, "l_extendedprice": 17713.44d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-02-27", "l_commitdate": "1997-02-11", "l_receiptdate": "1997-03-22", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "y pending packages use alon" }
, { "l_orderkey": 1510, "l_partkey": 84, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 24.0d, "l_extendedprice": 23617.92d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-10-07", "l_commitdate": "1996-10-22", "l_receiptdate": "1996-11-03", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "yly brave theod" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1920, "l_partkey": 84, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 50.0d, "l_extendedprice": 49204.0d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-10-03", "l_commitdate": "1998-08-04", "l_receiptdate": "1998-10-29", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "e blithely unusual foxes. brave packages" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2049, "l_partkey": 84, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 17.0d, "l_extendedprice": 16729.36d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-02-04", "l_commitdate": "1996-03-01", "l_receiptdate": "1996-02-24", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "al, regular foxes. pending, " }
, { "l_orderkey": 2086, "l_partkey": 84, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 27.0d, "l_extendedprice": 26570.16d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-11-04", "l_commitdate": "1995-01-14", "l_receiptdate": "1994-11-25", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "theodolites haggle blithely blithe p" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3296, "l_partkey": 84, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 12.0d, "l_extendedprice": 11808.96d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-12-08", "l_commitdate": "1994-12-14", "l_receiptdate": "1994-12-24", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "y about the slyly bold pinto bea" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2471, "l_partkey": 84, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 37.0d, "l_extendedprice": 36410.96d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-05-28", "l_commitdate": "1998-04-17", "l_receiptdate": "1998-06-08", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ounts mold blithely carefully express depo" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3234, "l_partkey": 84, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 23.0d, "l_extendedprice": 22633.84d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-05-29", "l_commitdate": "1996-05-15", "l_receiptdate": "1996-06-17", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "d-- fluffily special packag" }
, { "l_orderkey": 3332, "l_partkey": 84, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 28.0d, "l_extendedprice": 27554.24d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-12-30", "l_commitdate": "1995-01-16", "l_receiptdate": "1995-01-16", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "s against the carefully special multipl" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3586, "l_partkey": 84, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 29.0d, "l_extendedprice": 28538.32d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-03-06", "l_commitdate": "1994-03-02", "l_receiptdate": "1994-03-13", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": " slyly unusual i" }
, { "l_orderkey": 3586, "l_partkey": 84, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 33.0d, "l_extendedprice": 32474.64d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-01-24", "l_commitdate": "1994-02-09", "l_receiptdate": "1994-02-07", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "refully across the fur" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 229, "l_partkey": 84, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 20.0d, "l_extendedprice": 19681.6d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-01-11", "l_commitdate": "1994-01-31", "l_receiptdate": "1994-01-26", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "le. instructions use across the quickly fin" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4357, "l_partkey": 84, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 50.0d, "l_extendedprice": 49204.0d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-11-25", "l_commitdate": "1997-12-03", "l_receiptdate": "1997-12-17", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "s. final, e" }
, { "l_orderkey": 1285, "l_partkey": 84, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 33.0d, "l_extendedprice": 32474.64d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-09-08", "l_commitdate": "1992-08-25", "l_receiptdate": "1992-09-16", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ites affix" }
, { "l_orderkey": 1377, "l_partkey": 84, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 26.0d, "l_extendedprice": 25586.08d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-05-28", "l_commitdate": "1998-06-11", "l_receiptdate": "1998-06-25", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "egular deposits. quickly regular acco" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2017, "l_partkey": 84, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 11.0d, "l_extendedprice": 10824.88d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-05-22", "l_commitdate": "1998-07-13", "l_receiptdate": "1998-05-26", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "gside of the slyly dogged dolp" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2597, "l_partkey": 84, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 24.0d, "l_extendedprice": 23617.92d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-05-15", "l_commitdate": "1993-03-06", "l_receiptdate": "1993-05-25", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "pending packages. enticingly fi" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3936, "l_partkey": 84, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 35.0d, "l_extendedprice": 34442.8d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-12-04", "l_commitdate": "1997-01-06", "l_receiptdate": "1996-12-22", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "lly ironic requ" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4324, "l_partkey": 84, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 22.0d, "l_extendedprice": 21649.76d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-09-13", "l_commitdate": "1995-10-04", "l_receiptdate": "1995-09-23", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ke express, special ideas." }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4774, "l_partkey": 84, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 45.0d, "l_extendedprice": 44283.6d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-07-07", "l_commitdate": "1993-06-08", "l_receiptdate": "1993-07-31", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": " haggle busily afte" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 518, "l_partkey": 84, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 23.0d, "l_extendedprice": 22633.84d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-02-20", "l_commitdate": "1998-05-05", "l_receiptdate": "1998-03-11", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": " special requests. fluffily ironic re" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 836, "l_partkey": 84, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 18.0d, "l_extendedprice": 17713.44d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-02-27", "l_commitdate": "1997-02-11", "l_receiptdate": "1997-03-22", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "y pending packages use alon" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1190, "l_partkey": 84, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 32.0d, "l_extendedprice": 31490.56d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-05-08", "l_commitdate": "1997-04-17", "l_receiptdate": "1997-06-01", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "y final packages? slyly even" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2471, "l_partkey": 84, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 37.0d, "l_extendedprice": 36410.96d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-05-28", "l_commitdate": "1998-04-17", "l_receiptdate": "1998-06-08", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ounts mold blithely carefully express depo" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2049, "l_partkey": 84, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 17.0d, "l_extendedprice": 16729.36d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-02-04", "l_commitdate": "1996-03-01", "l_receiptdate": "1996-02-24", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "al, regular foxes. pending, " }
, { "l_orderkey": 2501, "l_partkey": 84, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 4.0d, "l_extendedprice": 3936.32d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-07-17", "l_commitdate": "1997-07-27", "l_receiptdate": "1997-07-22", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "quests. furiously final" }
, { "l_orderkey": 3170, "l_partkey": 84, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 26.0d, "l_extendedprice": 25586.08d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-02-12", "l_commitdate": "1997-12-22", "l_receiptdate": "1998-02-28", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "s engage furiously. " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3234, "l_partkey": 84, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 23.0d, "l_extendedprice": 22633.84d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-05-29", "l_commitdate": "1996-05-15", "l_receiptdate": "1996-06-17", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "d-- fluffily special packag" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4357, "l_partkey": 84, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 50.0d, "l_extendedprice": 49204.0d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-11-25", "l_commitdate": "1997-12-03", "l_receiptdate": "1997-12-17", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "s. final, e" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4324, "l_partkey": 84, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 22.0d, "l_extendedprice": 21649.76d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-09-13", "l_commitdate": "1995-10-04", "l_receiptdate": "1995-09-23", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ke express, special ideas." }
, { "l_orderkey": 4388, "l_partkey": 84, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 28.0d, "l_extendedprice": 27554.24d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-05-08", "l_commitdate": "1996-06-20", "l_receiptdate": "1996-05-12", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ove the ide" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4774, "l_partkey": 84, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 45.0d, "l_extendedprice": 44283.6d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-07-07", "l_commitdate": "1993-06-08", "l_receiptdate": "1993-07-31", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": " haggle busily afte" }
, { "l_orderkey": 5895, "l_partkey": 84, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 49.0d, "l_extendedprice": 48219.92d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-03-15", "l_commitdate": "1997-02-17", "l_receiptdate": "1997-04-04", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "permanent foxes. packages" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 231, "l_partkey": 84, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 46.0d, "l_extendedprice": 45267.68d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-12-13", "l_commitdate": "1994-12-02", "l_receiptdate": "1994-12-14", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "affix blithely. bold requests among the f" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1190, "l_partkey": 84, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 32.0d, "l_extendedprice": 31490.56d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-05-08", "l_commitdate": "1997-04-17", "l_receiptdate": "1997-06-01", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "y final packages? slyly even" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1920, "l_partkey": 84, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 50.0d, "l_extendedprice": 49204.0d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-10-03", "l_commitdate": "1998-08-04", "l_receiptdate": "1998-10-29", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "e blithely unusual foxes. brave packages" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2017, "l_partkey": 84, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 11.0d, "l_extendedprice": 10824.88d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-05-22", "l_commitdate": "1998-07-13", "l_receiptdate": "1998-05-26", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "gside of the slyly dogged dolp" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2597, "l_partkey": 84, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 24.0d, "l_extendedprice": 23617.92d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-05-15", "l_commitdate": "1993-03-06", "l_receiptdate": "1993-05-25", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "pending packages. enticingly fi" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3296, "l_partkey": 84, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 12.0d, "l_extendedprice": 11808.96d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-12-08", "l_commitdate": "1994-12-14", "l_receiptdate": "1994-12-24", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "y about the slyly bold pinto bea" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3586, "l_partkey": 84, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 29.0d, "l_extendedprice": 28538.32d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-03-06", "l_commitdate": "1994-03-02", "l_receiptdate": "1994-03-13", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": " slyly unusual i" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3936, "l_partkey": 84, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 35.0d, "l_extendedprice": 34442.8d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-12-04", "l_commitdate": "1997-01-06", "l_receiptdate": "1996-12-22", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "lly ironic requ" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 229, "l_partkey": 84, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 20.0d, "l_extendedprice": 19681.6d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-01-11", "l_commitdate": "1994-01-31", "l_receiptdate": "1994-01-26", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "le. instructions use across the quickly fin" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 518, "l_partkey": 84, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 23.0d, "l_extendedprice": 22633.84d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-02-20", "l_commitdate": "1998-05-05", "l_receiptdate": "1998-03-11", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": " special requests. fluffily ironic re" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 192, "l_partkey": 83, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 25.0d, "l_extendedprice": 24577.0d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-02-15", "l_commitdate": "1998-01-11", "l_receiptdate": "1998-03-17", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": ". carefully regular" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 358, "l_partkey": 83, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 45.0d, "l_extendedprice": 44238.6d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-12-08", "l_commitdate": "1993-10-29", "l_receiptdate": "1993-12-30", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "to beans. regular, unusual deposits sl" }
, { "l_orderkey": 512, "l_partkey": 83, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 10.0d, "l_extendedprice": 9830.8d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-09-16", "l_commitdate": "1995-07-29", "l_receiptdate": "1995-10-07", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "xes. pinto beans cajole carefully; " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1575, "l_partkey": 83, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 10.0d, "l_extendedprice": 9830.8d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-01-10", "l_commitdate": "1995-11-20", "l_receiptdate": "1996-01-13", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "k excuses. pinto beans wake a" }
, { "l_orderkey": 2916, "l_partkey": 83, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 21.0d, "l_extendedprice": 20644.68d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-03-11", "l_commitdate": "1996-02-21", "l_receiptdate": "1996-03-30", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "uickly express ideas over the slyly even " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3750, "l_partkey": 83, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 1.0d, "l_extendedprice": 983.08d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-07-24", "l_commitdate": "1995-06-25", "l_receiptdate": "1995-08-21", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "l dolphins against the slyly" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4738, "l_partkey": 83, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 28.0d, "l_extendedprice": 27526.24d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-06-09", "l_commitdate": "1992-07-05", "l_receiptdate": "1992-06-25", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "e furiously ironic excuses. care" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3072, "l_partkey": 83, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 39.0d, "l_extendedprice": 38340.12d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-05-27", "l_commitdate": "1994-04-20", "l_receiptdate": "1994-06-14", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "es; slyly spe" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5187, "l_partkey": 83, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 1.0d, "l_extendedprice": 983.08d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-08-08", "l_commitdate": "1997-08-24", "l_receiptdate": "1997-08-22", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "aggle never bold " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5345, "l_partkey": 83, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 3.0d, "l_extendedprice": 2949.24d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-12-10", "l_commitdate": "1997-10-03", "l_receiptdate": "1998-01-05", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ites wake carefully unusual " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2403, "l_partkey": 83, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 34.0d, "l_extendedprice": 33424.72d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-05-30", "l_commitdate": "1998-06-19", "l_receiptdate": "1998-06-05", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": " slyly bold re" }
, { "l_orderkey": 5220, "l_partkey": 83, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 27.0d, "l_extendedprice": 26543.16d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-09-21", "l_commitdate": "1992-08-29", "l_receiptdate": "1992-10-16", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "s cajole blithely furiously iron" }
, { "l_orderkey": 5635, "l_partkey": 83, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 43.0d, "l_extendedprice": 42272.44d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-10-12", "l_commitdate": "1992-09-29", "l_receiptdate": "1992-11-01", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "cross the d" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1573, "l_partkey": 83, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 16.0d, "l_extendedprice": 15729.28d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-03-15", "l_commitdate": "1993-03-16", "l_receiptdate": "1993-03-31", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ely. furiously final requests wake slyl" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1958, "l_partkey": 83, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 38.0d, "l_extendedprice": 37357.04d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-10-09", "l_commitdate": "1995-11-26", "l_receiptdate": "1995-11-05", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "yly. slyly regular courts use silentl" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3269, "l_partkey": 83, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 37.0d, "l_extendedprice": 36373.96d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-06-14", "l_commitdate": "1996-04-27", "l_receiptdate": "1996-07-07", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "egular requests. carefully un" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4067, "l_partkey": 83, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 17.0d, "l_extendedprice": 16712.36d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-12-12", "l_commitdate": "1992-12-23", "l_receiptdate": "1992-12-30", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ts affix. regular, regular requests s" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5765, "l_partkey": 83, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 41.0d, "l_extendedprice": 40306.28d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-12-31", "l_commitdate": "1995-02-11", "l_receiptdate": "1995-01-17", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": " furiously. slyly sile" }
, { "l_orderkey": 32, "l_partkey": 83, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 28.0d, "l_extendedprice": 27526.24d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-10-23", "l_commitdate": "1995-08-27", "l_receiptdate": "1995-10-26", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "sleep quickly. req" }
, { "l_orderkey": 68, "l_partkey": 83, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 27.0d, "l_extendedprice": 26543.16d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-06-19", "l_commitdate": "1998-06-25", "l_receiptdate": "1998-06-29", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ccounts. deposits use. furiously" }
, { "l_orderkey": 226, "l_partkey": 83, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 48.0d, "l_extendedprice": 47187.84d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-06-11", "l_commitdate": "1993-05-15", "l_receiptdate": "1993-06-19", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "efully silent packages. final deposit" }
, { "l_orderkey": 1120, "l_partkey": 83, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 10.0d, "l_extendedprice": 9830.8d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-11-10", "l_commitdate": "1998-02-01", "l_receiptdate": "1997-11-28", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ages haggle furiously " }
, { "l_orderkey": 1157, "l_partkey": 83, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 4.0d, "l_extendedprice": 3932.32d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-02-24", "l_commitdate": "1998-03-30", "l_receiptdate": "1998-03-24", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ounts. ironic deposits" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1575, "l_partkey": 83, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 10.0d, "l_extendedprice": 9830.8d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-01-10", "l_commitdate": "1995-11-20", "l_receiptdate": "1996-01-13", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "k excuses. pinto beans wake a" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1411, "l_partkey": 83, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 46.0d, "l_extendedprice": 45221.68d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-04-03", "l_commitdate": "1995-01-20", "l_receiptdate": "1995-04-05", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ly daring instructions" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1573, "l_partkey": 83, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 16.0d, "l_extendedprice": 15729.28d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-03-15", "l_commitdate": "1993-03-16", "l_receiptdate": "1993-03-31", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ely. furiously final requests wake slyl" }
, { "l_orderkey": 3040, "l_partkey": 83, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 14.0d, "l_extendedprice": 13763.12d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-05-13", "l_commitdate": "1993-05-18", "l_receiptdate": "1993-05-19", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": " haggle carefully. express hocke" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3072, "l_partkey": 83, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 39.0d, "l_extendedprice": 38340.12d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-05-27", "l_commitdate": "1994-04-20", "l_receiptdate": "1994-06-14", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "es; slyly spe" }
, { "l_orderkey": 3207, "l_partkey": 83, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 8.0d, "l_extendedprice": 7864.64d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-06-13", "l_commitdate": "1998-04-26", "l_receiptdate": "1998-07-11", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "y. final pint" }
, { "l_orderkey": 3814, "l_partkey": 83, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 47.0d, "l_extendedprice": 46204.76d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-04-16", "l_commitdate": "1995-04-03", "l_receiptdate": "1995-05-14", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "nusual requests. bli" }
, { "l_orderkey": 3936, "l_partkey": 83, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 42.0d, "l_extendedprice": 41289.36d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-01-03", "l_commitdate": "1997-01-29", "l_receiptdate": "1997-01-14", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "elets wake amo" }
, { "l_orderkey": 5218, "l_partkey": 83, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 43.0d, "l_extendedprice": 42272.44d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-08-04", "l_commitdate": "1992-09-12", "l_receiptdate": "1992-08-17", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "k theodolites. express, even id" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 192, "l_partkey": 83, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 25.0d, "l_extendedprice": 24577.0d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-02-15", "l_commitdate": "1998-01-11", "l_receiptdate": "1998-03-17", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": ". carefully regular" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 358, "l_partkey": 83, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 45.0d, "l_extendedprice": 44238.6d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-12-08", "l_commitdate": "1993-10-29", "l_receiptdate": "1993-12-30", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "to beans. regular, unusual deposits sl" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 487, "l_partkey": 83, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 2.0d, "l_extendedprice": 1966.16d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-10-19", "l_commitdate": "1992-11-04", "l_receiptdate": "1992-11-11", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "oss the unusual pinto beans. reg" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1411, "l_partkey": 83, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 46.0d, "l_extendedprice": 45221.68d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-04-03", "l_commitdate": "1995-01-20", "l_receiptdate": "1995-04-05", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ly daring instructions" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2403, "l_partkey": 83, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 34.0d, "l_extendedprice": 33424.72d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-05-30", "l_commitdate": "1998-06-19", "l_receiptdate": "1998-06-05", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": " slyly bold re" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4902, "l_partkey": 83, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 1.0d, "l_extendedprice": 983.08d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-10-12", "l_commitdate": "1998-08-20", "l_receiptdate": "1998-11-08", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "daring foxes? even, bold requests wake f" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5187, "l_partkey": 83, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 1.0d, "l_extendedprice": 983.08d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-08-08", "l_commitdate": "1997-08-24", "l_receiptdate": "1997-08-22", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "aggle never bold " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5345, "l_partkey": 83, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 3.0d, "l_extendedprice": 2949.24d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-12-10", "l_commitdate": "1997-10-03", "l_receiptdate": "1998-01-05", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ites wake carefully unusual " }
, { "l_orderkey": 5347, "l_partkey": 83, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 48.0d, "l_extendedprice": 47187.84d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-02-25", "l_commitdate": "1995-04-26", "l_receiptdate": "1995-03-26", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "equests are slyly. blithely regu" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 487, "l_partkey": 83, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 2.0d, "l_extendedprice": 1966.16d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-10-19", "l_commitdate": "1992-11-04", "l_receiptdate": "1992-11-11", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "oss the unusual pinto beans. reg" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1958, "l_partkey": 83, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 38.0d, "l_extendedprice": 37357.04d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-10-09", "l_commitdate": "1995-11-26", "l_receiptdate": "1995-11-05", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "yly. slyly regular courts use silentl" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3269, "l_partkey": 83, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 37.0d, "l_extendedprice": 36373.96d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-06-14", "l_commitdate": "1996-04-27", "l_receiptdate": "1996-07-07", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "egular requests. carefully un" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3750, "l_partkey": 83, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 1.0d, "l_extendedprice": 983.08d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-07-24", "l_commitdate": "1995-06-25", "l_receiptdate": "1995-08-21", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "l dolphins against the slyly" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4067, "l_partkey": 83, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 17.0d, "l_extendedprice": 16712.36d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-12-12", "l_commitdate": "1992-12-23", "l_receiptdate": "1992-12-30", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ts affix. regular, regular requests s" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4738, "l_partkey": 83, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 28.0d, "l_extendedprice": 27526.24d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-06-09", "l_commitdate": "1992-07-05", "l_receiptdate": "1992-06-25", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "e furiously ironic excuses. care" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4902, "l_partkey": 83, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 1.0d, "l_extendedprice": 983.08d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-10-12", "l_commitdate": "1998-08-20", "l_receiptdate": "1998-11-08", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "daring foxes? even, bold requests wake f" }
, { "l_orderkey": 5443, "l_partkey": 83, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 40.0d, "l_extendedprice": 39323.2d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-01-28", "l_commitdate": "1996-12-10", "l_receiptdate": "1997-02-13", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "n courts. special re" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5765, "l_partkey": 83, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 41.0d, "l_extendedprice": 40306.28d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-12-31", "l_commitdate": "1995-02-11", "l_receiptdate": "1995-01-17", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": " furiously. slyly sile" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 771, "l_partkey": 82, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 23.0d, "l_extendedprice": 22587.84d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-06-19", "l_commitdate": "1995-09-07", "l_receiptdate": "1995-07-09", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "cajole besides the quickly ironic pin" }
, { "l_orderkey": 931, "l_partkey": 82, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 38.0d, "l_extendedprice": 37319.04d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-03-06", "l_commitdate": "1993-02-24", "l_receiptdate": "1993-03-27", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "usly final packages integrate carefully" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1444, "l_partkey": 82, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 12.0d, "l_extendedprice": 11784.96d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-12-23", "l_commitdate": "1995-01-15", "l_receiptdate": "1995-01-13", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ly among the bol" }
, { "l_orderkey": 2241, "l_partkey": 82, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 2.0d, "l_extendedprice": 1964.16d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-08-16", "l_commitdate": "1993-08-02", "l_receiptdate": "1993-08-24", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": ", express deposits. pear" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2468, "l_partkey": 82, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 5.0d, "l_extendedprice": 4910.4d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-06-28", "l_commitdate": "1997-08-02", "l_receiptdate": "1997-07-22", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": " sleep fluffily acc" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2595, "l_partkey": 82, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 31.0d, "l_extendedprice": 30444.48d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-02-07", "l_commitdate": "1996-02-10", "l_receiptdate": "1996-03-05", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "tipliers w" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2976, "l_partkey": 82, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 22.0d, "l_extendedprice": 21605.76d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-02-08", "l_commitdate": "1994-03-03", "l_receiptdate": "1994-02-12", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ncies kindle furiously. carefull" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3360, "l_partkey": 82, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 39.0d, "l_extendedprice": 38301.12d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-04-09", "l_commitdate": "1998-04-20", "l_receiptdate": "1998-05-05", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "s. blithely express pinto bean" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4387, "l_partkey": 82, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 3.0d, "l_extendedprice": 2946.24d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-11-17", "l_commitdate": "1995-12-28", "l_receiptdate": "1995-11-25", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": " pinto beans " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5606, "l_partkey": 82, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 30.0d, "l_extendedprice": 29462.4d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-02-06", "l_commitdate": "1997-01-26", "l_receiptdate": "1997-02-16", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": " nag always. blithely express packages " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 481, "l_partkey": 82, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 11.0d, "l_extendedprice": 10802.88d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-01-12", "l_commitdate": "1992-11-17", "l_receiptdate": "1993-02-05", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "eful attai" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 771, "l_partkey": 82, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 23.0d, "l_extendedprice": 22587.84d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-06-19", "l_commitdate": "1995-09-07", "l_receiptdate": "1995-07-09", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "cajole besides the quickly ironic pin" }
, { "l_orderkey": 2723, "l_partkey": 82, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 12.0d, "l_extendedprice": 11784.96d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-12-24", "l_commitdate": "1995-11-15", "l_receiptdate": "1996-01-17", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "bold foxes are bold packages. regular, fin" }
, { "l_orderkey": 4261, "l_partkey": 82, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 4.0d, "l_extendedprice": 3928.32d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-12-11", "l_commitdate": "1992-12-18", "l_receiptdate": "1992-12-24", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ackages unwind furiously fluff" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4324, "l_partkey": 82, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 14.0d, "l_extendedprice": 13749.12d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-11-12", "l_commitdate": "1995-08-26", "l_receiptdate": "1995-11-21", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": " packages nag express excuses. qui" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4933, "l_partkey": 82, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 2.0d, "l_extendedprice": 1964.16d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-10-01", "l_commitdate": "1995-09-29", "l_receiptdate": "1995-10-19", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ctions nag final instructions. accou" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5831, "l_partkey": 82, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 6.0d, "l_extendedprice": 5892.48d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-01-29", "l_commitdate": "1997-01-14", "l_receiptdate": "1997-02-09", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ly ironic accounts nag pendin" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1504, "l_partkey": 82, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 42.0d, "l_extendedprice": 41247.36d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-10-18", "l_commitdate": "1992-10-14", "l_receiptdate": "1992-11-10", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ep. carefully ironic excuses haggle quickl" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1830, "l_partkey": 82, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 36.0d, "l_extendedprice": 35354.88d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-04-21", "l_commitdate": "1995-04-14", "l_receiptdate": "1995-05-10", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": " slowly unusual orbits. carefull" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4867, "l_partkey": 82, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 7.0d, "l_extendedprice": 6874.56d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-07-17", "l_commitdate": "1992-08-17", "l_receiptdate": "1992-07-22", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "e carefully even packages. slyly ironic i" }
, { "l_orderkey": 5122, "l_partkey": 82, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 43.0d, "l_extendedprice": 42229.44d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-05-31", "l_commitdate": "1996-04-12", "l_receiptdate": "1996-06-13", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ut the carefully special foxes. idle," }
, { "l_orderkey": 5186, "l_partkey": 82, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 35.0d, "l_extendedprice": 34372.8d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-10-20", "l_commitdate": "1996-10-12", "l_receiptdate": "1996-11-12", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "sly silent pack" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 481, "l_partkey": 82, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 11.0d, "l_extendedprice": 10802.88d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-01-12", "l_commitdate": "1992-11-17", "l_receiptdate": "1993-02-05", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "eful attai" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1444, "l_partkey": 82, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 12.0d, "l_extendedprice": 11784.96d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-12-23", "l_commitdate": "1995-01-15", "l_receiptdate": "1995-01-13", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ly among the bol" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1504, "l_partkey": 82, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 42.0d, "l_extendedprice": 41247.36d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-10-18", "l_commitdate": "1992-10-14", "l_receiptdate": "1992-11-10", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ep. carefully ironic excuses haggle quickl" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2595, "l_partkey": 82, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 31.0d, "l_extendedprice": 30444.48d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-02-07", "l_commitdate": "1996-02-10", "l_receiptdate": "1996-03-05", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "tipliers w" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3360, "l_partkey": 82, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 39.0d, "l_extendedprice": 38301.12d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-04-09", "l_commitdate": "1998-04-20", "l_receiptdate": "1998-05-05", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "s. blithely express pinto bean" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4324, "l_partkey": 82, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 14.0d, "l_extendedprice": 13749.12d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-11-12", "l_commitdate": "1995-08-26", "l_receiptdate": "1995-11-21", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": " packages nag express excuses. qui" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4387, "l_partkey": 82, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 3.0d, "l_extendedprice": 2946.24d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-11-17", "l_commitdate": "1995-12-28", "l_receiptdate": "1995-11-25", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": " pinto beans " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5317, "l_partkey": 82, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 29.0d, "l_extendedprice": 28480.32d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-11-28", "l_commitdate": "1994-11-27", "l_receiptdate": "1994-12-16", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "oss the carefull" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1830, "l_partkey": 82, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 36.0d, "l_extendedprice": 35354.88d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-04-21", "l_commitdate": "1995-04-14", "l_receiptdate": "1995-05-10", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": " slowly unusual orbits. carefull" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2976, "l_partkey": 82, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 22.0d, "l_extendedprice": 21605.76d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-02-08", "l_commitdate": "1994-03-03", "l_receiptdate": "1994-02-12", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ncies kindle furiously. carefull" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2468, "l_partkey": 82, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 5.0d, "l_extendedprice": 4910.4d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-06-28", "l_commitdate": "1997-08-02", "l_receiptdate": "1997-07-22", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": " sleep fluffily acc" }
, { "l_orderkey": 4611, "l_partkey": 82, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 50.0d, "l_extendedprice": 49104.0d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-01-22", "l_commitdate": "1993-03-30", "l_receiptdate": "1993-02-16", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "l platelets. " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4867, "l_partkey": 82, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 7.0d, "l_extendedprice": 6874.56d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-07-17", "l_commitdate": "1992-08-17", "l_receiptdate": "1992-07-22", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "e carefully even packages. slyly ironic i" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4933, "l_partkey": 82, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 2.0d, "l_extendedprice": 1964.16d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-10-01", "l_commitdate": "1995-09-29", "l_receiptdate": "1995-10-19", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ctions nag final instructions. accou" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5606, "l_partkey": 82, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 30.0d, "l_extendedprice": 29462.4d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-02-06", "l_commitdate": "1997-01-26", "l_receiptdate": "1997-02-16", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": " nag always. blithely express packages " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5831, "l_partkey": 82, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 6.0d, "l_extendedprice": 5892.48d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-01-29", "l_commitdate": "1997-01-14", "l_receiptdate": "1997-02-09", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ly ironic accounts nag pendin" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 611, "l_partkey": 81, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 1.0d, "l_extendedprice": 981.08d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-05-17", "l_commitdate": "1993-02-26", "l_receiptdate": "1993-06-15", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ts. pending platelets aff" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1221, "l_partkey": 81, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 43.0d, "l_extendedprice": 42186.44d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-06-22", "l_commitdate": "1992-07-15", "l_receiptdate": "1992-07-20", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "y slyly above the slyly unusual ideas" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2177, "l_partkey": 81, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 23.0d, "l_extendedprice": 22564.84d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-01-28", "l_commitdate": "1997-03-02", "l_receiptdate": "1997-02-13", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "he silent foxes. iro" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2915, "l_partkey": 81, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 43.0d, "l_extendedprice": 42186.44d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-06-02", "l_commitdate": "1994-05-24", "l_receiptdate": "1994-06-06", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "into beans dazzle alongside of" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3875, "l_partkey": 81, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 24.0d, "l_extendedprice": 23545.92d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-10-15", "l_commitdate": "1997-11-27", "l_receiptdate": "1997-11-09", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ecial packages. " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5954, "l_partkey": 81, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 40.0d, "l_extendedprice": 39243.2d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-12-30", "l_commitdate": "1993-01-16", "l_receiptdate": "1993-01-09", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "iously ironic deposits after" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1312, "l_partkey": 81, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 9.0d, "l_extendedprice": 8829.72d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-07-19", "l_commitdate": "1994-06-29", "l_receiptdate": "1994-07-24", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": ". furiously " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2567, "l_partkey": 81, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 46.0d, "l_extendedprice": 45129.68d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-06-02", "l_commitdate": "1998-04-30", "l_receiptdate": "1998-06-13", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "efully pending epitaphs. carefully reg" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5217, "l_partkey": 81, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 47.0d, "l_extendedprice": 46110.76d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-11-24", "l_commitdate": "1995-12-25", "l_receiptdate": "1995-11-25", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ronic packages i" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1347, "l_partkey": 81, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 45.0d, "l_extendedprice": 44148.6d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-08-24", "l_commitdate": "1997-09-03", "l_receiptdate": "1997-09-08", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ages wake around t" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5317, "l_partkey": 82, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 29.0d, "l_extendedprice": 28480.32d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-11-28", "l_commitdate": "1994-11-27", "l_receiptdate": "1994-12-16", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "oss the carefull" }
, { "l_orderkey": 2240, "l_partkey": 81, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 32.0d, "l_extendedprice": 31394.56d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-04-11", "l_commitdate": "1992-04-18", "l_receiptdate": "1992-04-22", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ss thinly deposits. blithely bold package" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4995, "l_partkey": 81, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 43.0d, "l_extendedprice": 42186.44d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-02-24", "l_commitdate": "1996-02-20", "l_receiptdate": "1996-03-07", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ts. blithely silent ideas after t" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5027, "l_partkey": 81, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 50.0d, "l_extendedprice": 49054.0d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-09-18", "l_commitdate": "1997-11-07", "l_receiptdate": "1997-10-05", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": " beans dazzle according to the fluffi" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3394, "l_partkey": 81, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 14.0d, "l_extendedprice": 13735.12d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-06-02", "l_commitdate": "1996-07-02", "l_receiptdate": "1996-06-19", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "e furiously final theodolites. furio" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4514, "l_partkey": 81, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 9.0d, "l_extendedprice": 8829.72d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-08-04", "l_commitdate": "1994-07-01", "l_receiptdate": "1994-09-01", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "wly. quick" }
, { "l_orderkey": 5248, "l_partkey": 81, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 39.0d, "l_extendedprice": 38262.12d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-08-10", "l_commitdate": "1995-07-04", "l_receiptdate": "1995-09-09", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "yly even accounts. spe" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 611, "l_partkey": 81, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 1.0d, "l_extendedprice": 981.08d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-05-17", "l_commitdate": "1993-02-26", "l_receiptdate": "1993-06-15", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ts. pending platelets aff" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1312, "l_partkey": 81, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 9.0d, "l_extendedprice": 8829.72d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-07-19", "l_commitdate": "1994-06-29", "l_receiptdate": "1994-07-24", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": ". furiously " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1347, "l_partkey": 81, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 45.0d, "l_extendedprice": 44148.6d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-08-24", "l_commitdate": "1997-09-03", "l_receiptdate": "1997-09-08", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ages wake around t" }
, { "l_orderkey": 3238, "l_partkey": 81, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 1.0d, "l_extendedprice": 981.08d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-05-17", "l_commitdate": "1993-04-18", "l_receiptdate": "1993-05-27", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "wake alongs" }
, { "l_orderkey": 3364, "l_partkey": 81, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 3.0d, "l_extendedprice": 2943.24d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-10-19", "l_commitdate": "1997-08-15", "l_receiptdate": "1997-10-28", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "c theodolites. blithely ir" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3394, "l_partkey": 81, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 14.0d, "l_extendedprice": 13735.12d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-06-02", "l_commitdate": "1996-07-02", "l_receiptdate": "1996-06-19", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "e furiously final theodolites. furio" }
, { "l_orderkey": 3430, "l_partkey": 81, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 32.0d, "l_extendedprice": 31394.56d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-01-17", "l_commitdate": "1995-01-28", "l_receiptdate": "1995-02-06", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "egular instruction" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3875, "l_partkey": 81, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 24.0d, "l_extendedprice": 23545.92d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-10-15", "l_commitdate": "1997-11-27", "l_receiptdate": "1997-11-09", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ecial packages. " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1221, "l_partkey": 81, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 43.0d, "l_extendedprice": 42186.44d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-06-22", "l_commitdate": "1992-07-15", "l_receiptdate": "1992-07-20", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "y slyly above the slyly unusual ideas" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2567, "l_partkey": 81, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 46.0d, "l_extendedprice": 45129.68d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-06-02", "l_commitdate": "1998-04-30", "l_receiptdate": "1998-06-13", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "efully pending epitaphs. carefully reg" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2915, "l_partkey": 81, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 43.0d, "l_extendedprice": 42186.44d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-06-02", "l_commitdate": "1994-05-24", "l_receiptdate": "1994-06-06", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "into beans dazzle alongside of" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5027, "l_partkey": 81, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 50.0d, "l_extendedprice": 49054.0d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-09-18", "l_commitdate": "1997-11-07", "l_receiptdate": "1997-10-05", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": " beans dazzle according to the fluffi" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5217, "l_partkey": 81, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 47.0d, "l_extendedprice": 46110.76d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-11-24", "l_commitdate": "1995-12-25", "l_receiptdate": "1995-11-25", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ronic packages i" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2177, "l_partkey": 81, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 23.0d, "l_extendedprice": 22564.84d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-01-28", "l_commitdate": "1997-03-02", "l_receiptdate": "1997-02-13", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "he silent foxes. iro" }
, { "l_orderkey": 3687, "l_partkey": 81, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 2.0d, "l_extendedprice": 1962.16d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-02-23", "l_commitdate": "1993-03-25", "l_receiptdate": "1993-03-11", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": " express requests. slyly regular depend" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4514, "l_partkey": 81, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 9.0d, "l_extendedprice": 8829.72d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-08-04", "l_commitdate": "1994-07-01", "l_receiptdate": "1994-09-01", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "wly. quick" }
, { "l_orderkey": 4675, "l_partkey": 81, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 18.0d, "l_extendedprice": 17659.44d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-02-23", "l_commitdate": "1994-01-18", "l_receiptdate": "1994-03-05", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "cajole unusual dep" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 7, "l_partkey": 80, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 35.0d, "l_extendedprice": 34302.8d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-01-16", "l_commitdate": "1996-02-23", "l_receiptdate": "1996-01-22", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "jole. excuses wake carefully alongside of " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1827, "l_partkey": 80, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 24.0d, "l_extendedprice": 23521.92d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-08-07", "l_commitdate": "1996-09-01", "l_receiptdate": "1996-09-04", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "al gifts! re" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2756, "l_partkey": 80, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 47.0d, "l_extendedprice": 46063.76d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-05-10", "l_commitdate": "1994-05-25", "l_receiptdate": "1994-05-13", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "e final, f" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3136, "l_partkey": 80, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 29.0d, "l_extendedprice": 28422.32d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-11-16", "l_commitdate": "1994-10-03", "l_receiptdate": "1994-12-14", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "latelets. final " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3877, "l_partkey": 80, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 44.0d, "l_extendedprice": 43123.52d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-06-07", "l_commitdate": "1993-07-15", "l_receiptdate": "1993-07-06", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "elets. quickly regular accounts caj" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4295, "l_partkey": 80, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 30.0d, "l_extendedprice": 29402.4d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-03-22", "l_commitdate": "1996-04-23", "l_receiptdate": "1996-04-20", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "yly ironic frets. pending foxes after " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5477, "l_partkey": 80, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 20.0d, "l_extendedprice": 19601.6d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-03-21", "l_commitdate": "1998-02-09", "l_receiptdate": "1998-04-07", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "platelets about the ironic" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5543, "l_partkey": 80, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 32.0d, "l_extendedprice": 31362.56d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-10-04", "l_commitdate": "1993-11-14", "l_receiptdate": "1993-11-03", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ully around the " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4995, "l_partkey": 81, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 43.0d, "l_extendedprice": 42186.44d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-02-24", "l_commitdate": "1996-02-20", "l_receiptdate": "1996-03-07", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ts. blithely silent ideas after t" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5954, "l_partkey": 81, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 40.0d, "l_extendedprice": 39243.2d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-12-30", "l_commitdate": "1993-01-16", "l_receiptdate": "1993-01-09", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "iously ironic deposits after" }
, { "l_orderkey": 483, "l_partkey": 80, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 23.0d, "l_extendedprice": 22541.84d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-07-20", "l_commitdate": "1995-08-11", "l_receiptdate": "1995-08-04", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "requests was quickly against th" }
, { "l_orderkey": 807, "l_partkey": 80, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 10.0d, "l_extendedprice": 9800.8d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-01-19", "l_commitdate": "1994-02-12", "l_receiptdate": "1994-01-28", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "furiously final depths sleep a" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1827, "l_partkey": 80, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 24.0d, "l_extendedprice": 23521.92d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-08-07", "l_commitdate": "1996-09-01", "l_receiptdate": "1996-09-04", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "al gifts! re" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3652, "l_partkey": 80, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 1.0d, "l_extendedprice": 980.08d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-04-20", "l_commitdate": "1997-05-03", "l_receiptdate": "1997-05-18", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": " bold dependencies sublate. r" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 736, "l_partkey": 80, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 23.0d, "l_extendedprice": 22541.84d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-10-08", "l_commitdate": "1998-08-27", "l_receiptdate": "1998-10-19", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "k accounts are carefully" }
, { "l_orderkey": 962, "l_partkey": 80, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 3.0d, "l_extendedprice": 2940.24d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-05-08", "l_commitdate": "1994-07-06", "l_receiptdate": "1994-06-02", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ag furiously. even pa" }
, { "l_orderkey": 1888, "l_partkey": 80, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 49.0d, "l_extendedprice": 48023.92d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-02-27", "l_commitdate": "1994-01-14", "l_receiptdate": "1994-03-28", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "lar accounts haggle carefu" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3136, "l_partkey": 80, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 29.0d, "l_extendedprice": 28422.32d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-11-16", "l_commitdate": "1994-10-03", "l_receiptdate": "1994-12-14", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "latelets. final " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3877, "l_partkey": 80, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 44.0d, "l_extendedprice": 43123.52d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-06-07", "l_commitdate": "1993-07-15", "l_receiptdate": "1993-07-06", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "elets. quickly regular accounts caj" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4422, "l_partkey": 80, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 20.0d, "l_extendedprice": 19601.6d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-08-17", "l_commitdate": "1995-07-16", "l_receiptdate": "1995-09-13", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ructions wake slyly al" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5030, "l_partkey": 80, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 50.0d, "l_extendedprice": 49004.0d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-08-22", "l_commitdate": "1998-07-25", "l_receiptdate": "1998-09-18", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ss excuses serve bli" }
, { "l_orderkey": 2245, "l_partkey": 80, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 33.0d, "l_extendedprice": 32342.64d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-06-16", "l_commitdate": "1993-06-05", "l_receiptdate": "1993-07-07", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": " across the express reques" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2500, "l_partkey": 80, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 41.0d, "l_extendedprice": 40183.28d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-09-02", "l_commitdate": "1992-11-11", "l_receiptdate": "1992-09-06", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "s could have to integrate after the " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2756, "l_partkey": 80, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 47.0d, "l_extendedprice": 46063.76d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-05-10", "l_commitdate": "1994-05-25", "l_receiptdate": "1994-05-13", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "e final, f" }
, { "l_orderkey": 3623, "l_partkey": 80, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 32.0d, "l_extendedprice": 31362.56d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-04-18", "l_commitdate": "1997-03-15", "l_receiptdate": "1997-05-09", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": " courts. furiously regular ideas b" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3652, "l_partkey": 80, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 1.0d, "l_extendedprice": 980.08d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-04-20", "l_commitdate": "1997-05-03", "l_receiptdate": "1997-05-18", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": " bold dependencies sublate. r" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4295, "l_partkey": 80, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 30.0d, "l_extendedprice": 29402.4d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-03-22", "l_commitdate": "1996-04-23", "l_receiptdate": "1996-04-20", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "yly ironic frets. pending foxes after " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4868, "l_partkey": 80, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 34.0d, "l_extendedprice": 33322.72d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-05-19", "l_commitdate": "1997-04-27", "l_receiptdate": "1997-06-15", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "en instructions about th" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5090, "l_partkey": 80, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 30.0d, "l_extendedprice": 29402.4d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-05-04", "l_commitdate": "1997-04-14", "l_receiptdate": "1997-05-30", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "osits nag slyly. fluffily ex" }
, { "l_orderkey": 5184, "l_partkey": 80, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 49.0d, "l_extendedprice": 48023.92d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-09-18", "l_commitdate": "1998-08-28", "l_receiptdate": "1998-10-14", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "thlessly closely even reque" }
, { "l_orderkey": 5217, "l_partkey": 80, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 50.0d, "l_extendedprice": 49004.0d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-12-26", "l_commitdate": "1995-11-21", "l_receiptdate": "1996-01-24", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "s. express, express accounts c" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 7, "l_partkey": 80, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 35.0d, "l_extendedprice": 34302.8d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-01-16", "l_commitdate": "1996-02-23", "l_receiptdate": "1996-01-22", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "jole. excuses wake carefully alongside of " }
, { "l_orderkey": 644, "l_partkey": 80, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 7.0d, "l_extendedprice": 6860.56d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-05-18", "l_commitdate": "1992-07-01", "l_receiptdate": "1992-06-07", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": " regular requests are blithely. slyly" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 736, "l_partkey": 80, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 23.0d, "l_extendedprice": 22541.84d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-10-08", "l_commitdate": "1998-08-27", "l_receiptdate": "1998-10-19", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "k accounts are carefully" }
, { "l_orderkey": 864, "l_partkey": 80, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 34.0d, "l_extendedprice": 33322.72d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-09-14", "l_commitdate": "1997-11-04", "l_receiptdate": "1997-09-21", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "to the furiously ironic platelets! " }
, { "l_orderkey": 1121, "l_partkey": 80, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 37.0d, "l_extendedprice": 36262.96d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-02-27", "l_commitdate": "1997-03-04", "l_receiptdate": "1997-03-02", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "special packages. fluffily final requests s" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4422, "l_partkey": 80, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 20.0d, "l_extendedprice": 19601.6d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-08-17", "l_commitdate": "1995-07-16", "l_receiptdate": "1995-09-13", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ructions wake slyly al" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4868, "l_partkey": 80, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 34.0d, "l_extendedprice": 33322.72d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-05-19", "l_commitdate": "1997-04-27", "l_receiptdate": "1997-06-15", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "en instructions about th" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5030, "l_partkey": 80, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 50.0d, "l_extendedprice": 49004.0d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-08-22", "l_commitdate": "1998-07-25", "l_receiptdate": "1998-09-18", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ss excuses serve bli" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5090, "l_partkey": 80, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 30.0d, "l_extendedprice": 29402.4d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-05-04", "l_commitdate": "1997-04-14", "l_receiptdate": "1997-05-30", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "osits nag slyly. fluffily ex" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2500, "l_partkey": 80, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 41.0d, "l_extendedprice": 40183.28d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-09-02", "l_commitdate": "1992-11-11", "l_receiptdate": "1992-09-06", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "s could have to integrate after the " }
, { "l_orderkey": 3750, "l_partkey": 80, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 20.0d, "l_extendedprice": 19601.6d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-06-17", "l_commitdate": "1995-06-06", "l_receiptdate": "1995-06-28", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ss, ironic requests! fur" }
, { "l_orderkey": 4994, "l_partkey": 80, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 47.0d, "l_extendedprice": 46063.76d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-09-20", "l_commitdate": "1996-08-04", "l_receiptdate": "1996-10-15", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "sts. blithely close ideas sleep quic" }
, { "l_orderkey": 5346, "l_partkey": 80, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 41.0d, "l_extendedprice": 40183.28d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-01-10", "l_commitdate": "1994-02-15", "l_receiptdate": "1994-01-26", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "fully close instructi" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 229, "l_partkey": 79, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 28.0d, "l_extendedprice": 27413.96d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-02-10", "l_commitdate": "1994-02-02", "l_receiptdate": "1994-03-10", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": " final, regular requests. platel" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1316, "l_partkey": 79, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 15.0d, "l_extendedprice": 14686.05d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-03-12", "l_commitdate": "1994-03-02", "l_receiptdate": "1994-03-14", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "se. furiously final depo" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1669, "l_partkey": 79, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 24.0d, "l_extendedprice": 23497.68d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-09-04", "l_commitdate": "1997-07-30", "l_receiptdate": "1997-09-20", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": " regular, final deposits use quick" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1828, "l_partkey": 79, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 14.0d, "l_extendedprice": 13706.98d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-05-20", "l_commitdate": "1994-06-02", "l_receiptdate": "1994-05-25", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": ". final packages along the carefully bold" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1988, "l_partkey": 79, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 26.0d, "l_extendedprice": 25455.82d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-01-25", "l_commitdate": "1995-12-15", "l_receiptdate": "1996-01-26", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": " ironic dolphins haggl" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3109, "l_partkey": 79, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 26.0d, "l_extendedprice": 25455.82d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-11-16", "l_commitdate": "1993-10-18", "l_receiptdate": "1993-12-06", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": " sleep slyly according to t" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3425, "l_partkey": 79, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 48.0d, "l_extendedprice": 46995.36d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-04-14", "l_commitdate": "1996-05-25", "l_receiptdate": "1996-04-23", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "uctions wake fluffily. care" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4293, "l_partkey": 79, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 45.0d, "l_extendedprice": 44058.15d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-11-04", "l_commitdate": "1996-11-06", "l_receiptdate": "1996-11-23", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "lar ideas use carefully" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4608, "l_partkey": 79, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 50.0d, "l_extendedprice": 48953.5d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-08-04", "l_commitdate": "1994-09-10", "l_receiptdate": "1994-08-13", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": " wake closely. even decoys haggle above" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4929, "l_partkey": 79, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 40.0d, "l_extendedprice": 39162.8d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-05-30", "l_commitdate": "1996-04-13", "l_receiptdate": "1996-06-22", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "unts against " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5894, "l_partkey": 79, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 48.0d, "l_extendedprice": 46995.36d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-09-04", "l_commitdate": "1994-11-03", "l_receiptdate": "1994-09-17", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": " asymptotes among the blithely silent " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5477, "l_partkey": 80, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 20.0d, "l_extendedprice": 19601.6d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-03-21", "l_commitdate": "1998-02-09", "l_receiptdate": "1998-04-07", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "platelets about the ironic" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5543, "l_partkey": 80, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 32.0d, "l_extendedprice": 31362.56d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-10-04", "l_commitdate": "1993-11-14", "l_receiptdate": "1993-11-03", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ully around the " }
, { "l_orderkey": 288, "l_partkey": 79, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 19.0d, "l_extendedprice": 18602.33d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-03-14", "l_commitdate": "1997-04-04", "l_receiptdate": "1997-03-26", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "deposits. blithely quick courts ar" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 514, "l_partkey": 79, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 21.0d, "l_extendedprice": 20560.47d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-06-09", "l_commitdate": "1996-05-15", "l_receiptdate": "1996-07-07", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "s sleep quickly blithely" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 613, "l_partkey": 79, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 6.0d, "l_extendedprice": 5874.42d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-08-05", "l_commitdate": "1995-08-09", "l_receiptdate": "1995-08-08", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "y ironic deposits eat " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1252, "l_partkey": 79, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 26.0d, "l_extendedprice": 25455.82d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-08-05", "l_commitdate": "1997-10-24", "l_receiptdate": "1997-08-07", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "onic pinto beans haggle furiously " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2657, "l_partkey": 79, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 25.0d, "l_extendedprice": 24476.75d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-10-21", "l_commitdate": "1995-12-12", "l_receiptdate": "1995-11-09", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "lly pinto beans. final " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3141, "l_partkey": 79, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 9.0d, "l_extendedprice": 8811.63d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-11-11", "l_commitdate": "1995-12-10", "l_receiptdate": "1995-12-02", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "uickly ironic, pendi" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3555, "l_partkey": 79, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 15.0d, "l_extendedprice": 14686.05d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-07-13", "l_commitdate": "1996-09-01", "l_receiptdate": "1996-08-02", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "y across the pending a" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4389, "l_partkey": 79, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 39.0d, "l_extendedprice": 38183.73d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-06-08", "l_commitdate": "1994-06-04", "l_receiptdate": "1994-06-10", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": " unusual, final excuses cajole carefully " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4418, "l_partkey": 79, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 3.0d, "l_extendedprice": 2937.21d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-04-08", "l_commitdate": "1993-06-04", "l_receiptdate": "1993-05-02", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "luffily across the unusual ideas. reque" }
, { "l_orderkey": 450, "l_partkey": 79, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 2.0d, "l_extendedprice": 1958.14d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-03-11", "l_commitdate": "1995-05-21", "l_receiptdate": "1995-03-16", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "y even pinto beans; qui" }
, { "l_orderkey": 482, "l_partkey": 79, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 19.0d, "l_extendedprice": 18602.33d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-03-27", "l_commitdate": "1996-04-25", "l_receiptdate": "1996-04-15", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ts hinder carefully silent requests" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1957, "l_partkey": 79, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 50.0d, "l_extendedprice": 48953.5d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-08-08", "l_commitdate": "1998-09-28", "l_receiptdate": "1998-08-27", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "gainst the re" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2211, "l_partkey": 79, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 3.0d, "l_extendedprice": 2937.21d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-09-21", "l_commitdate": "1994-08-10", "l_receiptdate": "1994-10-19", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "y slyly final" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2466, "l_partkey": 79, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 30.0d, "l_extendedprice": 29372.1d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-04-11", "l_commitdate": "1994-05-02", "l_receiptdate": "1994-05-02", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": ". fluffily even pinto beans are idly. f" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2690, "l_partkey": 79, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 35.0d, "l_extendedprice": 34267.45d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-07-25", "l_commitdate": "1996-05-14", "l_receiptdate": "1996-08-03", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "y silent pinto be" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3425, "l_partkey": 79, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 37.0d, "l_extendedprice": 36225.59d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-06-04", "l_commitdate": "1996-05-09", "l_receiptdate": "1996-06-12", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "as sleep carefully into the caref" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3969, "l_partkey": 79, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 46.0d, "l_extendedprice": 45037.22d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-05-29", "l_commitdate": "1997-06-15", "l_receiptdate": "1997-06-10", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "fully final requests sleep stealthily. care" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5094, "l_partkey": 79, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 21.0d, "l_extendedprice": 20560.47d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-07-26", "l_commitdate": "1993-05-03", "l_receiptdate": "1993-08-16", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": " blithely furiously final re" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5344, "l_partkey": 79, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 37.0d, "l_extendedprice": 36225.59d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-10-09", "l_commitdate": "1998-07-26", "l_receiptdate": "1998-11-08", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "thely express packages" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5377, "l_partkey": 79, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 40.0d, "l_extendedprice": 39162.8d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-05-21", "l_commitdate": "1997-06-15", "l_receiptdate": "1997-05-26", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "lithely ironic theodolites are care" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5986, "l_partkey": 79, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 26.0d, "l_extendedprice": 25455.82d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-08-10", "l_commitdate": "1992-05-23", "l_receiptdate": "1992-08-24", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "e fluffily ironic ideas. silent " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3234, "l_partkey": 79, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 45.0d, "l_extendedprice": 44058.15d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-05-15", "l_commitdate": "1996-05-09", "l_receiptdate": "1996-06-02", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": " express packages are carefully. f" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4038, "l_partkey": 79, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 24.0d, "l_extendedprice": 23497.68d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-04-01", "l_commitdate": "1996-04-05", "l_receiptdate": "1996-04-28", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ake quickly after the final, ironic ac" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4069, "l_partkey": 79, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 22.0d, "l_extendedprice": 21539.54d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-08-05", "l_commitdate": "1992-08-04", "l_receiptdate": "1992-08-25", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ts. slyly special instruction" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3109, "l_partkey": 79, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 26.0d, "l_extendedprice": 25455.82d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-11-16", "l_commitdate": "1993-10-18", "l_receiptdate": "1993-12-06", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": " sleep slyly according to t" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3425, "l_partkey": 79, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 48.0d, "l_extendedprice": 46995.36d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-04-14", "l_commitdate": "1996-05-25", "l_receiptdate": "1996-04-23", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "uctions wake fluffily. care" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4389, "l_partkey": 79, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 39.0d, "l_extendedprice": 38183.73d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-06-08", "l_commitdate": "1994-06-04", "l_receiptdate": "1994-06-10", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": " unusual, final excuses cajole carefully " }
, { "l_orderkey": 4997, "l_partkey": 79, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 44.0d, "l_extendedprice": 43079.08d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-06-09", "l_commitdate": "1998-06-12", "l_receiptdate": "1998-07-07", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "r escapades ca" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5377, "l_partkey": 79, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 40.0d, "l_extendedprice": 39162.8d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-05-21", "l_commitdate": "1997-06-15", "l_receiptdate": "1997-05-26", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "lithely ironic theodolites are care" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 229, "l_partkey": 79, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 28.0d, "l_extendedprice": 27413.96d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-02-10", "l_commitdate": "1994-02-02", "l_receiptdate": "1994-03-10", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": " final, regular requests. platel" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 514, "l_partkey": 79, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 21.0d, "l_extendedprice": 20560.47d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-06-09", "l_commitdate": "1996-05-15", "l_receiptdate": "1996-07-07", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "s sleep quickly blithely" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1252, "l_partkey": 79, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 26.0d, "l_extendedprice": 25455.82d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-08-05", "l_commitdate": "1997-10-24", "l_receiptdate": "1997-08-07", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "onic pinto beans haggle furiously " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1316, "l_partkey": 79, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 15.0d, "l_extendedprice": 14686.05d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-03-12", "l_commitdate": "1994-03-02", "l_receiptdate": "1994-03-14", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "se. furiously final depo" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2211, "l_partkey": 79, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 3.0d, "l_extendedprice": 2937.21d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-09-21", "l_commitdate": "1994-08-10", "l_receiptdate": "1994-10-19", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "y slyly final" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2657, "l_partkey": 79, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 25.0d, "l_extendedprice": 24476.75d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-10-21", "l_commitdate": "1995-12-12", "l_receiptdate": "1995-11-09", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "lly pinto beans. final " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4069, "l_partkey": 79, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 22.0d, "l_extendedprice": 21539.54d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-08-05", "l_commitdate": "1992-08-04", "l_receiptdate": "1992-08-25", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ts. slyly special instruction" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4418, "l_partkey": 79, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 3.0d, "l_extendedprice": 2937.21d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-04-08", "l_commitdate": "1993-06-04", "l_receiptdate": "1993-05-02", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "luffily across the unusual ideas. reque" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4929, "l_partkey": 79, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 40.0d, "l_extendedprice": 39162.8d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-05-30", "l_commitdate": "1996-04-13", "l_receiptdate": "1996-06-22", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "unts against " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5344, "l_partkey": 79, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 37.0d, "l_extendedprice": 36225.59d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-10-09", "l_commitdate": "1998-07-26", "l_receiptdate": "1998-11-08", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "thely express packages" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5894, "l_partkey": 79, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 48.0d, "l_extendedprice": 46995.36d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-09-04", "l_commitdate": "1994-11-03", "l_receiptdate": "1994-09-17", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": " asymptotes among the blithely silent " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1828, "l_partkey": 79, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 14.0d, "l_extendedprice": 13706.98d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-05-20", "l_commitdate": "1994-06-02", "l_receiptdate": "1994-05-25", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": ". final packages along the carefully bold" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2690, "l_partkey": 79, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 35.0d, "l_extendedprice": 34267.45d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-07-25", "l_commitdate": "1996-05-14", "l_receiptdate": "1996-08-03", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "y silent pinto be" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3141, "l_partkey": 79, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 9.0d, "l_extendedprice": 8811.63d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-11-11", "l_commitdate": "1995-12-10", "l_receiptdate": "1995-12-02", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "uickly ironic, pendi" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3425, "l_partkey": 79, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 37.0d, "l_extendedprice": 36225.59d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-06-04", "l_commitdate": "1996-05-09", "l_receiptdate": "1996-06-12", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "as sleep carefully into the caref" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3555, "l_partkey": 79, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 15.0d, "l_extendedprice": 14686.05d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-07-13", "l_commitdate": "1996-09-01", "l_receiptdate": "1996-08-02", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "y across the pending a" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4608, "l_partkey": 79, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 50.0d, "l_extendedprice": 48953.5d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-08-04", "l_commitdate": "1994-09-10", "l_receiptdate": "1994-08-13", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": " wake closely. even decoys haggle above" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5986, "l_partkey": 79, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 26.0d, "l_extendedprice": 25455.82d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-08-10", "l_commitdate": "1992-05-23", "l_receiptdate": "1992-08-24", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "e fluffily ironic ideas. silent " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 613, "l_partkey": 79, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 6.0d, "l_extendedprice": 5874.42d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-08-05", "l_commitdate": "1995-08-09", "l_receiptdate": "1995-08-08", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "y ironic deposits eat " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1669, "l_partkey": 79, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 24.0d, "l_extendedprice": 23497.68d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-09-04", "l_commitdate": "1997-07-30", "l_receiptdate": "1997-09-20", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": " regular, final deposits use quick" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1957, "l_partkey": 79, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 50.0d, "l_extendedprice": 48953.5d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-08-08", "l_commitdate": "1998-09-28", "l_receiptdate": "1998-08-27", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "gainst the re" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1988, "l_partkey": 79, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 26.0d, "l_extendedprice": 25455.82d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-01-25", "l_commitdate": "1995-12-15", "l_receiptdate": "1996-01-26", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": " ironic dolphins haggl" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2466, "l_partkey": 79, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 30.0d, "l_extendedprice": 29372.1d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-04-11", "l_commitdate": "1994-05-02", "l_receiptdate": "1994-05-02", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": ". fluffily even pinto beans are idly. f" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3234, "l_partkey": 79, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 45.0d, "l_extendedprice": 44058.15d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-05-15", "l_commitdate": "1996-05-09", "l_receiptdate": "1996-06-02", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": " express packages are carefully. f" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3969, "l_partkey": 79, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 46.0d, "l_extendedprice": 45037.22d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-05-29", "l_commitdate": "1997-06-15", "l_receiptdate": "1997-06-10", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "fully final requests sleep stealthily. care" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4038, "l_partkey": 79, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 24.0d, "l_extendedprice": 23497.68d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-04-01", "l_commitdate": "1996-04-05", "l_receiptdate": "1996-04-28", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ake quickly after the final, ironic ac" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4293, "l_partkey": 79, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 45.0d, "l_extendedprice": 44058.15d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-11-04", "l_commitdate": "1996-11-06", "l_receiptdate": "1996-11-23", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "lar ideas use carefully" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5094, "l_partkey": 79, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 21.0d, "l_extendedprice": 20560.47d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-07-26", "l_commitdate": "1993-05-03", "l_receiptdate": "1993-08-16", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": " blithely furiously final re" }
, { "l_orderkey": 5155, "l_partkey": 79, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 39.0d, "l_extendedprice": 38183.73d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-08-25", "l_commitdate": "1994-09-01", "l_receiptdate": "1994-09-18", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "l dolphins nag caref" }
, { "l_orderkey": 676, "l_partkey": 78, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 20.0d, "l_extendedprice": 19561.4d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-02-02", "l_commitdate": "1997-02-01", "l_receiptdate": "1997-02-11", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "riously around the blithely " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1281, "l_partkey": 78, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 43.0d, "l_extendedprice": 42057.01d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-01-28", "l_commitdate": "1995-02-08", "l_receiptdate": "1995-02-10", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "final accounts. final packages slee" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1665, "l_partkey": 78, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 1.0d, "l_extendedprice": 978.07d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-05-22", "l_commitdate": "1994-07-06", "l_receiptdate": "1994-05-24", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "sly final p" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2145, "l_partkey": 78, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 13.0d, "l_extendedprice": 12714.91d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-11-12", "l_commitdate": "1992-12-13", "l_receiptdate": "1992-12-07", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "alongside of the slyly final" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2210, "l_partkey": 78, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 36.0d, "l_extendedprice": 35210.52d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-03-04", "l_commitdate": "1992-03-24", "l_receiptdate": "1992-03-21", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": " requests wake enticingly final" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2240, "l_partkey": 78, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 24.0d, "l_extendedprice": 23473.68d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-05-13", "l_commitdate": "1992-04-09", "l_receiptdate": "1992-05-14", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ng the silent accounts. slyly ironic t" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2532, "l_partkey": 78, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 50.0d, "l_extendedprice": 48903.5d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-11-13", "l_commitdate": "1996-01-01", "l_receiptdate": "1995-11-26", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "yly after the fluffily regul" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5025, "l_partkey": 78, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 10.0d, "l_extendedprice": 9780.7d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-06-04", "l_commitdate": "1997-04-29", "l_receiptdate": "1997-06-28", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "lly silent deposits boost busily again" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5895, "l_partkey": 78, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 15.0d, "l_extendedprice": 14671.05d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-04-19", "l_commitdate": "1997-03-09", "l_receiptdate": "1997-05-13", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "silent package" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 353, "l_partkey": 78, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 46.0d, "l_extendedprice": 44991.22d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-04-14", "l_commitdate": "1994-01-31", "l_receiptdate": "1994-05-05", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": " ironic dolphins " }
, { "l_orderkey": 771, "l_partkey": 78, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 13.0d, "l_extendedprice": 12714.91d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-08-10", "l_commitdate": "1995-08-21", "l_receiptdate": "1995-08-30", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "packages affix slyly about the quickly " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1251, "l_partkey": 78, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 36.0d, "l_extendedprice": 35210.52d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-11-29", "l_commitdate": "1998-01-07", "l_receiptdate": "1997-12-03", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "y ironic Tiresias are slyly furio" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1380, "l_partkey": 78, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 15.0d, "l_extendedprice": 14671.05d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-07-14", "l_commitdate": "1996-08-12", "l_receiptdate": "1996-08-03", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "riously ironic foxes aff" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1665, "l_partkey": 78, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 1.0d, "l_extendedprice": 978.07d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-05-22", "l_commitdate": "1994-07-06", "l_receiptdate": "1994-05-24", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "sly final p" }
, { "l_orderkey": 1764, "l_partkey": 78, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 27.0d, "l_extendedprice": 26407.89d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-05-06", "l_commitdate": "1992-05-11", "l_receiptdate": "1992-05-23", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ly final foxes wake blithely even requests" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2882, "l_partkey": 78, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 27.0d, "l_extendedprice": 26407.89d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-09-04", "l_commitdate": "1995-11-11", "l_receiptdate": "1995-09-12", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "rding to the regu" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2918, "l_partkey": 78, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 24.0d, "l_extendedprice": 23473.68d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-12-20", "l_commitdate": "1996-10-28", "l_receiptdate": "1996-12-26", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": " quickly. express requests haggle careful" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2145, "l_partkey": 78, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 13.0d, "l_extendedprice": 12714.91d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-11-12", "l_commitdate": "1992-12-13", "l_receiptdate": "1992-12-07", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "alongside of the slyly final" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4359, "l_partkey": 78, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 1.0d, "l_extendedprice": 978.07d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-04-27", "l_commitdate": "1993-05-09", "l_receiptdate": "1993-05-08", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": " fluffily ironic, bold pac" }
, { "l_orderkey": 4514, "l_partkey": 78, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 10.0d, "l_extendedprice": 9780.7d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-06-19", "l_commitdate": "1994-06-25", "l_receiptdate": "1994-07-01", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ake furiously. carefully regular requests" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4704, "l_partkey": 78, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 14.0d, "l_extendedprice": 13692.98d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-10-27", "l_commitdate": "1996-11-02", "l_receiptdate": "1996-11-07", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": " above the slyly final requests. quickly " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5025, "l_partkey": 78, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 10.0d, "l_extendedprice": 9780.7d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-06-04", "l_commitdate": "1997-04-29", "l_receiptdate": "1997-06-28", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "lly silent deposits boost busily again" }
, { "l_orderkey": 5091, "l_partkey": 78, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 50.0d, "l_extendedprice": 48903.5d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-07-21", "l_commitdate": "1998-06-22", "l_receiptdate": "1998-07-26", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "al dependencies. r" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5126, "l_partkey": 78, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 23.0d, "l_extendedprice": 22495.61d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-01-02", "l_commitdate": "1993-01-02", "l_receiptdate": "1993-01-05", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "egular, blithe packages." }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5829, "l_partkey": 78, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 27.0d, "l_extendedprice": 26407.89d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-02-25", "l_commitdate": "1997-03-31", "l_receiptdate": "1997-03-03", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ns about the excuses are c" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2178, "l_partkey": 78, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 3.0d, "l_extendedprice": 2934.21d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-04-07", "l_commitdate": "1997-01-23", "l_receiptdate": "1997-04-18", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": " permanentl" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2657, "l_partkey": 78, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 42.0d, "l_extendedprice": 41078.94d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-01-23", "l_commitdate": "1995-11-22", "l_receiptdate": "1996-01-25", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ckly slyly even accounts. platelets x-ray" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5604, "l_partkey": 78, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 10.0d, "l_extendedprice": 9780.7d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-08-03", "l_commitdate": "1998-06-23", "l_receiptdate": "1998-08-04", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ly final realms wake blit" }
, { "l_orderkey": 97, "l_partkey": 78, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 19.0d, "l_extendedprice": 18583.33d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-05-14", "l_commitdate": "1993-03-05", "l_receiptdate": "1993-05-25", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "gifts. furiously ironic packages cajole. " }
, { "l_orderkey": 129, "l_partkey": 78, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 22.0d, "l_extendedprice": 21517.54d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-02-15", "l_commitdate": "1993-01-31", "l_receiptdate": "1993-02-24", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "e. fluffily regular " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2150, "l_partkey": 78, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 26.0d, "l_extendedprice": 25429.82d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-06-21", "l_commitdate": "1994-08-05", "l_receiptdate": "1994-06-23", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": ". always unusual packages" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2657, "l_partkey": 78, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 42.0d, "l_extendedprice": 41078.94d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-01-23", "l_commitdate": "1995-11-22", "l_receiptdate": "1996-01-25", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ckly slyly even accounts. platelets x-ray" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1187, "l_partkey": 78, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 40.0d, "l_extendedprice": 39122.8d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-03-05", "l_commitdate": "1992-12-31", "l_receiptdate": "1993-03-12", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ar, brave deposits nag blithe" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1281, "l_partkey": 78, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 43.0d, "l_extendedprice": 42057.01d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-01-28", "l_commitdate": "1995-02-08", "l_receiptdate": "1995-02-10", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "final accounts. final packages slee" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1380, "l_partkey": 78, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 15.0d, "l_extendedprice": 14671.05d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-07-14", "l_commitdate": "1996-08-12", "l_receiptdate": "1996-08-03", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "riously ironic foxes aff" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2210, "l_partkey": 78, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 36.0d, "l_extendedprice": 35210.52d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-03-04", "l_commitdate": "1992-03-24", "l_receiptdate": "1992-03-21", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": " requests wake enticingly final" }
, { "l_orderkey": 3077, "l_partkey": 78, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 13.0d, "l_extendedprice": 12714.91d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-09-09", "l_commitdate": "1997-10-15", "l_receiptdate": "1997-09-19", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "luffily close depende" }
, { "l_orderkey": 3078, "l_partkey": 78, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 21.0d, "l_extendedprice": 20539.47d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-03-20", "l_commitdate": "1993-03-21", "l_receiptdate": "1993-04-01", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "e fluffily. " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5538, "l_partkey": 78, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 9.0d, "l_extendedprice": 8802.63d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-12-26", "l_commitdate": "1994-01-31", "l_receiptdate": "1994-01-03", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "encies across the blithely fina" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5604, "l_partkey": 78, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 10.0d, "l_extendedprice": 9780.7d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-08-03", "l_commitdate": "1998-06-23", "l_receiptdate": "1998-08-04", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ly final realms wake blit" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1187, "l_partkey": 78, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 40.0d, "l_extendedprice": 39122.8d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-03-05", "l_commitdate": "1992-12-31", "l_receiptdate": "1993-03-12", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ar, brave deposits nag blithe" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 353, "l_partkey": 78, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 46.0d, "l_extendedprice": 44991.22d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-04-14", "l_commitdate": "1994-01-31", "l_receiptdate": "1994-05-05", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": " ironic dolphins " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1251, "l_partkey": 78, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 36.0d, "l_extendedprice": 35210.52d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-11-29", "l_commitdate": "1998-01-07", "l_receiptdate": "1997-12-03", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "y ironic Tiresias are slyly furio" }
, { "l_orderkey": 2022, "l_partkey": 78, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 13.0d, "l_extendedprice": 12714.91d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-04-04", "l_commitdate": "1992-05-30", "l_receiptdate": "1992-04-21", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": " orbits haggle fluffily fl" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2178, "l_partkey": 78, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 3.0d, "l_extendedprice": 2934.21d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-04-07", "l_commitdate": "1997-01-23", "l_receiptdate": "1997-04-18", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": " permanentl" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2150, "l_partkey": 78, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 26.0d, "l_extendedprice": 25429.82d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-06-21", "l_commitdate": "1994-08-05", "l_receiptdate": "1994-06-23", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": ". always unusual packages" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2240, "l_partkey": 78, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 24.0d, "l_extendedprice": 23473.68d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-05-13", "l_commitdate": "1992-04-09", "l_receiptdate": "1992-05-14", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ng the silent accounts. slyly ironic t" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2532, "l_partkey": 78, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 50.0d, "l_extendedprice": 48903.5d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-11-13", "l_commitdate": "1996-01-01", "l_receiptdate": "1995-11-26", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "yly after the fluffily regul" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2882, "l_partkey": 78, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 27.0d, "l_extendedprice": 26407.89d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-09-04", "l_commitdate": "1995-11-11", "l_receiptdate": "1995-09-12", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "rding to the regu" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2918, "l_partkey": 78, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 24.0d, "l_extendedprice": 23473.68d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-12-20", "l_commitdate": "1996-10-28", "l_receiptdate": "1996-12-26", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": " quickly. express requests haggle careful" }
, { "l_orderkey": 3719, "l_partkey": 78, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 19.0d, "l_extendedprice": 18583.33d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-05-22", "l_commitdate": "1997-03-20", "l_receiptdate": "1997-06-12", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "he regular ideas integrate acros" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4359, "l_partkey": 78, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 1.0d, "l_extendedprice": 978.07d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-04-27", "l_commitdate": "1993-05-09", "l_receiptdate": "1993-05-08", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": " fluffily ironic, bold pac" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4704, "l_partkey": 78, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 14.0d, "l_extendedprice": 13692.98d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-10-27", "l_commitdate": "1996-11-02", "l_receiptdate": "1996-11-07", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": " above the slyly final requests. quickly " }
, { "l_orderkey": 5088, "l_partkey": 78, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 23.0d, "l_extendedprice": 22495.61d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-03-03", "l_commitdate": "1993-03-07", "l_receiptdate": "1993-03-08", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "cording to the fluffily expr" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4166, "l_partkey": 77, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 5.0d, "l_extendedprice": 4885.35d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-06-19", "l_commitdate": "1993-04-24", "l_receiptdate": "1993-06-27", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "hely unusual packages are above the f" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4900, "l_partkey": 77, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 33.0d, "l_extendedprice": 32243.31d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-08-18", "l_commitdate": "1992-09-20", "l_receiptdate": "1992-08-19", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "nto beans nag slyly reg" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5059, "l_partkey": 77, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 45.0d, "l_extendedprice": 43968.15d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-01-28", "l_commitdate": "1994-01-08", "l_receiptdate": "1994-02-18", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "enly. requests doze. express, close pa" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5477, "l_partkey": 77, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 21.0d, "l_extendedprice": 20518.47d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-01-28", "l_commitdate": "1998-02-15", "l_receiptdate": "1998-02-24", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "blate slyly. silent" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5702, "l_partkey": 77, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 44.0d, "l_extendedprice": 42991.08d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-01-04", "l_commitdate": "1993-11-25", "l_receiptdate": "1994-01-22", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "lites. carefully final requests doze b" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1411, "l_partkey": 77, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 30.0d, "l_extendedprice": 29312.1d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-01-12", "l_commitdate": "1995-02-01", "l_receiptdate": "1995-01-23", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ious foxes wake courts. caref" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1891, "l_partkey": 77, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 45.0d, "l_extendedprice": 43968.15d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-12-20", "l_commitdate": "1995-01-16", "l_receiptdate": "1995-01-05", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ests along" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4293, "l_partkey": 77, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 50.0d, "l_extendedprice": 48853.5d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-11-27", "l_commitdate": "1996-10-30", "l_receiptdate": "1996-12-22", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": " special deposits. furiousl" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4546, "l_partkey": 77, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 4.0d, "l_extendedprice": 3908.28d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-08-14", "l_commitdate": "1995-10-07", "l_receiptdate": "1995-08-16", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "kly pending dependencies along the furio" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4929, "l_partkey": 77, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 32.0d, "l_extendedprice": 31266.24d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-04-28", "l_commitdate": "1996-05-23", "l_receiptdate": "1996-04-30", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "usly at the blithely pending pl" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5126, "l_partkey": 78, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 23.0d, "l_extendedprice": 22495.61d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-01-02", "l_commitdate": "1993-01-02", "l_receiptdate": "1993-01-05", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "egular, blithe packages." }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5538, "l_partkey": 78, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 9.0d, "l_extendedprice": 8802.63d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-12-26", "l_commitdate": "1994-01-31", "l_receiptdate": "1994-01-03", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "encies across the blithely fina" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5829, "l_partkey": 78, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 27.0d, "l_extendedprice": 26407.89d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-02-25", "l_commitdate": "1997-03-31", "l_receiptdate": "1997-03-03", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ns about the excuses are c" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5895, "l_partkey": 78, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 15.0d, "l_extendedprice": 14671.05d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-04-19", "l_commitdate": "1997-03-09", "l_receiptdate": "1997-05-13", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "silent package" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 451, "l_partkey": 77, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 28.0d, "l_extendedprice": 27357.96d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-06-16", "l_commitdate": "1998-07-09", "l_receiptdate": "1998-06-17", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": " theodolites. even cou" }
, { "l_orderkey": 5824, "l_partkey": 77, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 40.0d, "l_extendedprice": 39082.8d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-01-14", "l_commitdate": "1997-01-17", "l_receiptdate": "1997-02-02", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "he final packag" }
, { "l_orderkey": 484, "l_partkey": 77, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 48.0d, "l_extendedprice": 46899.36d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-03-05", "l_commitdate": "1997-02-08", "l_receiptdate": "1997-03-22", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "l, bold packages? even mult" }
, { "l_orderkey": 1157, "l_partkey": 77, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 46.0d, "l_extendedprice": 44945.22d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-04-19", "l_commitdate": "1998-03-13", "l_receiptdate": "1998-04-23", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "slyly regular excuses. accounts" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2497, "l_partkey": 77, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 15.0d, "l_extendedprice": 14656.05d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-12-23", "l_commitdate": "1992-11-20", "l_receiptdate": "1993-01-18", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "sly against the" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3494, "l_partkey": 77, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 30.0d, "l_extendedprice": 29312.1d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-07-01", "l_commitdate": "1993-06-08", "l_receiptdate": "1993-07-15", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ns are quickly regular, " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4708, "l_partkey": 77, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 32.0d, "l_extendedprice": 31266.24d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-11-12", "l_commitdate": "1994-11-14", "l_receiptdate": "1994-11-23", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "the accounts. e" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5889, "l_partkey": 77, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 17.0d, "l_extendedprice": 16610.19d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-07-01", "l_commitdate": "1995-08-12", "l_receiptdate": "1995-07-25", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "blithely pending packages. flu" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 451, "l_partkey": 77, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 28.0d, "l_extendedprice": 27357.96d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-06-16", "l_commitdate": "1998-07-09", "l_receiptdate": "1998-06-17", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": " theodolites. even cou" }
, { "l_orderkey": 1635, "l_partkey": 77, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 40.0d, "l_extendedprice": 39082.8d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-02-25", "l_commitdate": "1997-03-20", "l_receiptdate": "1997-03-12", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "uriously up the ironic deposits. slyly i" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3494, "l_partkey": 77, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 30.0d, "l_extendedprice": 29312.1d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-07-01", "l_commitdate": "1993-06-08", "l_receiptdate": "1993-07-15", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ns are quickly regular, " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4166, "l_partkey": 77, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 5.0d, "l_extendedprice": 4885.35d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-06-19", "l_commitdate": "1993-04-24", "l_receiptdate": "1993-06-27", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "hely unusual packages are above the f" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4293, "l_partkey": 77, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 50.0d, "l_extendedprice": 48853.5d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-11-27", "l_commitdate": "1996-10-30", "l_receiptdate": "1996-12-22", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": " special deposits. furiousl" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4900, "l_partkey": 77, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 33.0d, "l_extendedprice": 32243.31d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-08-18", "l_commitdate": "1992-09-20", "l_receiptdate": "1992-08-19", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "nto beans nag slyly reg" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1891, "l_partkey": 77, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 45.0d, "l_extendedprice": 43968.15d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-12-20", "l_commitdate": "1995-01-16", "l_receiptdate": "1995-01-05", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ests along" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5059, "l_partkey": 77, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 45.0d, "l_extendedprice": 43968.15d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-01-28", "l_commitdate": "1994-01-08", "l_receiptdate": "1994-02-18", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "enly. requests doze. express, close pa" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5477, "l_partkey": 77, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 21.0d, "l_extendedprice": 20518.47d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-01-28", "l_commitdate": "1998-02-15", "l_receiptdate": "1998-02-24", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "blate slyly. silent" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1411, "l_partkey": 77, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 30.0d, "l_extendedprice": 29312.1d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-01-12", "l_commitdate": "1995-02-01", "l_receiptdate": "1995-01-23", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ious foxes wake courts. caref" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2497, "l_partkey": 77, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 15.0d, "l_extendedprice": 14656.05d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-12-23", "l_commitdate": "1992-11-20", "l_receiptdate": "1993-01-18", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "sly against the" }
, { "l_orderkey": 3815, "l_partkey": 77, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 3.0d, "l_extendedprice": 2931.21d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-11-16", "l_commitdate": "1997-11-15", "l_receiptdate": "1997-11-30", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "egular, express ideas. ironic, final dep" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 486, "l_partkey": 76, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 36.0d, "l_extendedprice": 35138.52d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-06-25", "l_commitdate": "1996-05-06", "l_receiptdate": "1996-07-07", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "deposits around the quickly regular packa" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4546, "l_partkey": 77, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 4.0d, "l_extendedprice": 3908.28d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-08-14", "l_commitdate": "1995-10-07", "l_receiptdate": "1995-08-16", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "kly pending dependencies along the furio" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4708, "l_partkey": 77, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 32.0d, "l_extendedprice": 31266.24d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-11-12", "l_commitdate": "1994-11-14", "l_receiptdate": "1994-11-23", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "the accounts. e" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4929, "l_partkey": 77, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 32.0d, "l_extendedprice": 31266.24d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-04-28", "l_commitdate": "1996-05-23", "l_receiptdate": "1996-04-30", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "usly at the blithely pending pl" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5702, "l_partkey": 77, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 44.0d, "l_extendedprice": 42991.08d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-01-04", "l_commitdate": "1993-11-25", "l_receiptdate": "1994-01-22", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "lites. carefully final requests doze b" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5889, "l_partkey": 77, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 17.0d, "l_extendedprice": 16610.19d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-07-01", "l_commitdate": "1995-08-12", "l_receiptdate": "1995-07-25", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "blithely pending packages. flu" }
, { "l_orderkey": 1408, "l_partkey": 76, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 11.0d, "l_extendedprice": 10736.77d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-04-04", "l_commitdate": "1998-01-29", "l_receiptdate": "1998-04-18", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "y even accounts thrash care" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1924, "l_partkey": 76, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 15.0d, "l_extendedprice": 14641.05d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-01-04", "l_commitdate": "1996-11-13", "l_receiptdate": "1997-01-27", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "he package" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3649, "l_partkey": 76, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 40.0d, "l_extendedprice": 39042.8d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-07-20", "l_commitdate": "1994-08-30", "l_receiptdate": "1994-08-14", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "luffy somas sleep quickly-- ironic de" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4836, "l_partkey": 76, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 14.0d, "l_extendedprice": 13664.98d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-02-21", "l_commitdate": "1997-02-06", "l_receiptdate": "1997-03-08", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "lites. unusual, bold dolphins ar" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 676, "l_partkey": 76, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 33.0d, "l_extendedprice": 32210.31d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-03-02", "l_commitdate": "1997-02-22", "l_receiptdate": "1997-03-19", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "as wake slyly furiously close pinto b" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1120, "l_partkey": 76, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 21.0d, "l_extendedprice": 20497.47d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-01-11", "l_commitdate": "1998-02-04", "l_receiptdate": "1998-01-19", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "s: fluffily even packages c" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1607, "l_partkey": 76, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 34.0d, "l_extendedprice": 33186.38d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-01-06", "l_commitdate": "1996-02-24", "l_receiptdate": "1996-01-10", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": " quickly above the " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3751, "l_partkey": 76, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 39.0d, "l_extendedprice": 38066.73d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-08-01", "l_commitdate": "1994-06-01", "l_receiptdate": "1994-08-26", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "to beans. pending, express packages c" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5408, "l_partkey": 76, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 34.0d, "l_extendedprice": 33186.38d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-10-22", "l_commitdate": "1992-08-25", "l_receiptdate": "1992-11-16", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "requests detect blithely a" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 804, "l_partkey": 76, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 44.0d, "l_extendedprice": 42947.08d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-07-06", "l_commitdate": "1993-04-13", "l_receiptdate": "1993-07-28", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ly final deposits? special " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 805, "l_partkey": 76, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 26.0d, "l_extendedprice": 25377.82d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-08-28", "l_commitdate": "1995-09-24", "l_receiptdate": "1995-09-11", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": ". ironic deposits sleep across " }
, { "l_orderkey": 1634, "l_partkey": 76, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 2.0d, "l_extendedprice": 1952.14d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-11-22", "l_commitdate": "1996-10-28", "l_receiptdate": "1996-12-17", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ly. carefully regular asymptotes wake" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2565, "l_partkey": 76, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 26.0d, "l_extendedprice": 25377.82d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-03-05", "l_commitdate": "1998-04-11", "l_receiptdate": "1998-03-11", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ites wake. ironic acco" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3649, "l_partkey": 76, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 40.0d, "l_extendedprice": 39042.8d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-07-20", "l_commitdate": "1994-08-30", "l_receiptdate": "1994-08-14", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "luffy somas sleep quickly-- ironic de" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3751, "l_partkey": 76, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 39.0d, "l_extendedprice": 38066.73d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-08-01", "l_commitdate": "1994-06-01", "l_receiptdate": "1994-08-26", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "to beans. pending, express packages c" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4836, "l_partkey": 76, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 14.0d, "l_extendedprice": 13664.98d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-02-21", "l_commitdate": "1997-02-06", "l_receiptdate": "1997-03-08", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "lites. unusual, bold dolphins ar" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5408, "l_partkey": 76, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 34.0d, "l_extendedprice": 33186.38d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-10-22", "l_commitdate": "1992-08-25", "l_receiptdate": "1992-11-16", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "requests detect blithely a" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1924, "l_partkey": 76, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 15.0d, "l_extendedprice": 14641.05d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-01-04", "l_commitdate": "1996-11-13", "l_receiptdate": "1997-01-27", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "he package" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2272, "l_partkey": 76, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 12.0d, "l_extendedprice": 11712.84d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-04-19", "l_commitdate": "1993-05-14", "l_receiptdate": "1993-04-23", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": " accounts cajole. quickly b" }
, { "l_orderkey": 4066, "l_partkey": 76, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 8.0d, "l_extendedprice": 7808.56d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-04-24", "l_commitdate": "1997-03-11", "l_receiptdate": "1997-05-20", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "accounts. special pinto beans" }
, { "l_orderkey": 4262, "l_partkey": 76, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 30.0d, "l_extendedprice": 29282.1d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-08-11", "l_commitdate": "1996-10-11", "l_receiptdate": "1996-09-09", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "tes after the carefully" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4966, "l_partkey": 76, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 10.0d, "l_extendedprice": 9760.7d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-09-23", "l_commitdate": "1996-11-02", "l_receiptdate": "1996-10-07", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": " requests. carefully pending requests" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4963, "l_partkey": 76, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 16.0d, "l_extendedprice": 15617.12d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-11-20", "l_commitdate": "1997-01-13", "l_receiptdate": "1996-12-06", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": " carefully slyly u" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 486, "l_partkey": 76, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 36.0d, "l_extendedprice": 35138.52d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-06-25", "l_commitdate": "1996-05-06", "l_receiptdate": "1996-07-07", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "deposits around the quickly regular packa" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 805, "l_partkey": 76, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 26.0d, "l_extendedprice": 25377.82d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-08-28", "l_commitdate": "1995-09-24", "l_receiptdate": "1995-09-11", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": ". ironic deposits sleep across " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1120, "l_partkey": 76, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 21.0d, "l_extendedprice": 20497.47d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-01-11", "l_commitdate": "1998-02-04", "l_receiptdate": "1998-01-19", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "s: fluffily even packages c" }
, { "l_orderkey": 2214, "l_partkey": 76, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 27.0d, "l_extendedprice": 26353.89d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-05-31", "l_commitdate": "1998-06-07", "l_receiptdate": "1998-06-19", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "x fluffily along the even packages-- " }
, { "l_orderkey": 2245, "l_partkey": 76, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 44.0d, "l_extendedprice": 42947.08d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-06-12", "l_commitdate": "1993-06-10", "l_receiptdate": "1993-06-16", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "refully even sheaves" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2272, "l_partkey": 76, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 12.0d, "l_extendedprice": 11712.84d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-04-19", "l_commitdate": "1993-05-14", "l_receiptdate": "1993-04-23", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": " accounts cajole. quickly b" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4963, "l_partkey": 76, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 16.0d, "l_extendedprice": 15617.12d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-11-20", "l_commitdate": "1997-01-13", "l_receiptdate": "1996-12-06", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": " carefully slyly u" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 420, "l_partkey": 75, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 12.0d, "l_extendedprice": 11700.84d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-02-05", "l_commitdate": "1996-01-03", "l_receiptdate": "1996-02-12", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "c instructions are " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4966, "l_partkey": 76, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 10.0d, "l_extendedprice": 9760.7d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-09-23", "l_commitdate": "1996-11-02", "l_receiptdate": "1996-10-07", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": " requests. carefully pending requests" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 676, "l_partkey": 76, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 33.0d, "l_extendedprice": 32210.31d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-03-02", "l_commitdate": "1997-02-22", "l_receiptdate": "1997-03-19", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "as wake slyly furiously close pinto b" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 804, "l_partkey": 76, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 44.0d, "l_extendedprice": 42947.08d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-07-06", "l_commitdate": "1993-04-13", "l_receiptdate": "1993-07-28", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ly final deposits? special " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1607, "l_partkey": 76, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 34.0d, "l_extendedprice": 33186.38d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-01-06", "l_commitdate": "1996-02-24", "l_receiptdate": "1996-01-10", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": " quickly above the " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2565, "l_partkey": 76, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 26.0d, "l_extendedprice": 25377.82d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-03-05", "l_commitdate": "1998-04-11", "l_receiptdate": "1998-03-11", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ites wake. ironic acco" }
, { "l_orderkey": 581, "l_partkey": 75, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 30.0d, "l_extendedprice": 29252.1d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-06-19", "l_commitdate": "1997-05-21", "l_receiptdate": "1997-06-22", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": " regular ideas grow furio" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 992, "l_partkey": 75, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 41.0d, "l_extendedprice": 39977.87d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-11-14", "l_commitdate": "1998-02-04", "l_receiptdate": "1997-11-23", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "eodolites cajole across the accounts." }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1697, "l_partkey": 75, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 6.0d, "l_extendedprice": 5850.42d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-01-28", "l_commitdate": "1996-11-27", "l_receiptdate": "1997-01-31", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "accounts breach slyly even de" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2534, "l_partkey": 75, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 43.0d, "l_extendedprice": 41928.01d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-10-25", "l_commitdate": "1996-09-30", "l_receiptdate": "1996-11-05", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ngly final depos" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3494, "l_partkey": 75, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 23.0d, "l_extendedprice": 22426.61d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-06-19", "l_commitdate": "1993-06-04", "l_receiptdate": "1993-07-14", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "osits nag " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4103, "l_partkey": 75, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 40.0d, "l_extendedprice": 39002.8d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-09-19", "l_commitdate": "1992-08-14", "l_receiptdate": "1992-09-21", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "usly across the slyly busy accounts! fin" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5892, "l_partkey": 75, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 23.0d, "l_extendedprice": 22426.61d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-05-18", "l_commitdate": "1995-07-06", "l_receiptdate": "1995-05-29", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": " foxes nag slyly about the qui" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2791, "l_partkey": 75, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 9.0d, "l_extendedprice": 8775.63d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-11-19", "l_commitdate": "1994-12-14", "l_receiptdate": "1994-12-10", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "pendencies. blithely bold patterns acr" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2944, "l_partkey": 75, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 18.0d, "l_extendedprice": 17551.26d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-01-07", "l_commitdate": "1997-10-26", "l_receiptdate": "1998-01-27", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": " furiously slyl" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3014, "l_partkey": 75, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 28.0d, "l_extendedprice": 27301.96d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-01-09", "l_commitdate": "1992-12-18", "l_receiptdate": "1993-01-10", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "es are. final braids nag slyly. fluff" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4230, "l_partkey": 75, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 28.0d, "l_extendedprice": 27301.96d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-05-12", "l_commitdate": "1992-05-10", "l_receiptdate": "1992-06-01", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "nt instruct" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4417, "l_partkey": 75, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 28.0d, "l_extendedprice": 27301.96d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-09-04", "l_commitdate": "1998-10-04", "l_receiptdate": "1998-09-19", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ies across the furious" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5472, "l_partkey": 75, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 40.0d, "l_extendedprice": 39002.8d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-04-13", "l_commitdate": "1993-07-04", "l_receiptdate": "1993-05-04", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "e requests detect furiously. ruthlessly un" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1124, "l_partkey": 75, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 33.0d, "l_extendedprice": 32177.31d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-10-19", "l_commitdate": "1998-09-17", "l_receiptdate": "1998-10-26", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "eposits sleep slyly. stealthily f" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1216, "l_partkey": 75, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 48.0d, "l_extendedprice": 46803.36d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-01-17", "l_commitdate": "1993-02-01", "l_receiptdate": "1993-02-13", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "symptotes use against th" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 900, "l_partkey": 75, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 24.0d, "l_extendedprice": 23401.68d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-10-21", "l_commitdate": "1994-12-25", "l_receiptdate": "1994-10-22", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "-ray furiously un" }
, { "l_orderkey": 1569, "l_partkey": 75, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 5.0d, "l_extendedprice": 4875.35d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-04-16", "l_commitdate": "1998-06-21", "l_receiptdate": "1998-04-18", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": " packages. ironic, even excuses a" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1668, "l_partkey": 75, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 42.0d, "l_extendedprice": 40952.94d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-08-09", "l_commitdate": "1997-09-08", "l_receiptdate": "1997-08-31", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ole carefully excuses. final" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4000, "l_partkey": 75, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 44.0d, "l_extendedprice": 42903.08d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-03-27", "l_commitdate": "1992-02-18", "l_receiptdate": "1992-03-31", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "equests use blithely blithely bold d" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4230, "l_partkey": 75, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 28.0d, "l_extendedprice": 27301.96d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-05-12", "l_commitdate": "1992-05-10", "l_receiptdate": "1992-06-01", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "nt instruct" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4610, "l_partkey": 75, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 26.0d, "l_extendedprice": 25351.82d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-07-01", "l_commitdate": "1993-07-19", "l_receiptdate": "1993-07-19", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": " to the fluffily ironic requests h" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5472, "l_partkey": 75, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 40.0d, "l_extendedprice": 39002.8d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-04-13", "l_commitdate": "1993-07-04", "l_receiptdate": "1993-05-04", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "e requests detect furiously. ruthlessly un" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2944, "l_partkey": 75, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 18.0d, "l_extendedprice": 17551.26d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-01-07", "l_commitdate": "1997-10-26", "l_receiptdate": "1998-01-27", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": " furiously slyl" }
, { "l_orderkey": 3234, "l_partkey": 75, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 16.0d, "l_extendedprice": 15601.12d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-06-10", "l_commitdate": "1996-05-30", "l_receiptdate": "1996-06-18", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ithely ironic accounts wake along t" }
, { "l_orderkey": 3525, "l_partkey": 75, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 31.0d, "l_extendedprice": 30227.17d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-03-08", "l_commitdate": "1996-02-27", "l_receiptdate": "1996-03-13", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "he careful" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4000, "l_partkey": 75, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 44.0d, "l_extendedprice": 42903.08d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-03-27", "l_commitdate": "1992-02-18", "l_receiptdate": "1992-03-31", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "equests use blithely blithely bold d" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4227, "l_partkey": 75, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 11.0d, "l_extendedprice": 10725.77d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-03-30", "l_commitdate": "1995-05-02", "l_receiptdate": "1995-04-26", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "l requests-- bold requests cajole dogg" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4610, "l_partkey": 75, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 26.0d, "l_extendedprice": 25351.82d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-07-01", "l_commitdate": "1993-07-19", "l_receiptdate": "1993-07-19", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": " to the fluffily ironic requests h" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 900, "l_partkey": 75, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 24.0d, "l_extendedprice": 23401.68d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-10-21", "l_commitdate": "1994-12-25", "l_receiptdate": "1994-10-22", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "-ray furiously un" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1859, "l_partkey": 75, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 18.0d, "l_extendedprice": 17551.26d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-08-08", "l_commitdate": "1997-06-30", "l_receiptdate": "1997-08-26", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "e carefully a" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2082, "l_partkey": 75, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 36.0d, "l_extendedprice": 35102.52d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-01-20", "l_commitdate": "1995-03-18", "l_receiptdate": "1995-01-31", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "haggle furiously silent pinto beans" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3396, "l_partkey": 75, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 32.0d, "l_extendedprice": 31202.24d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-08-07", "l_commitdate": "1994-08-10", "l_receiptdate": "1994-09-05", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "osits are slyly. final, bold foxes s" }
, { "l_orderkey": 4708, "l_partkey": 75, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 5.0d, "l_extendedprice": 4875.35d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-10-15", "l_commitdate": "1994-12-02", "l_receiptdate": "1994-11-12", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ely. carefully sp" }
, { "l_orderkey": 5062, "l_partkey": 75, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 4.0d, "l_extendedprice": 3900.28d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-02-06", "l_commitdate": "1992-12-14", "l_receiptdate": "1993-03-03", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ke furiously express theodolites. " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 801, "l_partkey": 74, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 45.0d, "l_extendedprice": 43833.15d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-03-22", "l_commitdate": "1992-03-22", "l_receiptdate": "1992-03-25", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": " even asymptotes" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1124, "l_partkey": 75, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 33.0d, "l_extendedprice": 32177.31d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-10-19", "l_commitdate": "1998-09-17", "l_receiptdate": "1998-10-26", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "eposits sleep slyly. stealthily f" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1216, "l_partkey": 75, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 48.0d, "l_extendedprice": 46803.36d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-01-17", "l_commitdate": "1993-02-01", "l_receiptdate": "1993-02-13", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "symptotes use against th" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1668, "l_partkey": 75, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 42.0d, "l_extendedprice": 40952.94d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-08-09", "l_commitdate": "1997-09-08", "l_receiptdate": "1997-08-31", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ole carefully excuses. final" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3014, "l_partkey": 75, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 28.0d, "l_extendedprice": 27301.96d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-01-09", "l_commitdate": "1992-12-18", "l_receiptdate": "1993-01-10", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "es are. final braids nag slyly. fluff" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3396, "l_partkey": 75, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 32.0d, "l_extendedprice": 31202.24d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-08-07", "l_commitdate": "1994-08-10", "l_receiptdate": "1994-09-05", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "osits are slyly. final, bold foxes s" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3494, "l_partkey": 75, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 23.0d, "l_extendedprice": 22426.61d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-06-19", "l_commitdate": "1993-06-04", "l_receiptdate": "1993-07-14", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "osits nag " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4103, "l_partkey": 75, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 40.0d, "l_extendedprice": 39002.8d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-09-19", "l_commitdate": "1992-08-14", "l_receiptdate": "1992-09-21", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "usly across the slyly busy accounts! fin" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4227, "l_partkey": 75, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 11.0d, "l_extendedprice": 10725.77d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-03-30", "l_commitdate": "1995-05-02", "l_receiptdate": "1995-04-26", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "l requests-- bold requests cajole dogg" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4417, "l_partkey": 75, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 28.0d, "l_extendedprice": 27301.96d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-09-04", "l_commitdate": "1998-10-04", "l_receiptdate": "1998-09-19", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ies across the furious" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 420, "l_partkey": 75, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 12.0d, "l_extendedprice": 11700.84d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-02-05", "l_commitdate": "1996-01-03", "l_receiptdate": "1996-02-12", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "c instructions are " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 992, "l_partkey": 75, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 41.0d, "l_extendedprice": 39977.87d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-11-14", "l_commitdate": "1998-02-04", "l_receiptdate": "1997-11-23", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "eodolites cajole across the accounts." }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1697, "l_partkey": 75, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 6.0d, "l_extendedprice": 5850.42d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-01-28", "l_commitdate": "1996-11-27", "l_receiptdate": "1997-01-31", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "accounts breach slyly even de" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1859, "l_partkey": 75, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 18.0d, "l_extendedprice": 17551.26d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-08-08", "l_commitdate": "1997-06-30", "l_receiptdate": "1997-08-26", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "e carefully a" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2082, "l_partkey": 75, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 36.0d, "l_extendedprice": 35102.52d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-01-20", "l_commitdate": "1995-03-18", "l_receiptdate": "1995-01-31", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "haggle furiously silent pinto beans" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2534, "l_partkey": 75, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 43.0d, "l_extendedprice": 41928.01d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-10-25", "l_commitdate": "1996-09-30", "l_receiptdate": "1996-11-05", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ngly final depos" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2791, "l_partkey": 75, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 9.0d, "l_extendedprice": 8775.63d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-11-19", "l_commitdate": "1994-12-14", "l_receiptdate": "1994-12-10", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "pendencies. blithely bold patterns acr" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5892, "l_partkey": 75, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 23.0d, "l_extendedprice": 22426.61d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-05-18", "l_commitdate": "1995-07-06", "l_receiptdate": "1995-05-29", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": " foxes nag slyly about the qui" }
, { "l_orderkey": 1888, "l_partkey": 74, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 38.0d, "l_extendedprice": 37014.66d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-11-29", "l_commitdate": "1994-01-16", "l_receiptdate": "1993-12-08", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "dazzle carefull" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3460, "l_partkey": 74, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 3.0d, "l_extendedprice": 2922.21d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-01-19", "l_commitdate": "1995-12-28", "l_receiptdate": "1996-01-31", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "er quickly " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3587, "l_partkey": 74, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 23.0d, "l_extendedprice": 22403.61d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-08-30", "l_commitdate": "1996-07-01", "l_receiptdate": "1996-09-10", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "l multipliers sleep theodolites-- slyly " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4097, "l_partkey": 74, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 46.0d, "l_extendedprice": 44807.22d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-07-29", "l_commitdate": "1996-08-19", "l_receiptdate": "1996-08-25", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": " even depend" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4100, "l_partkey": 74, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 4.0d, "l_extendedprice": 3896.28d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-06-20", "l_commitdate": "1996-04-29", "l_receiptdate": "1996-06-21", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "lyly regular, bold requ" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4162, "l_partkey": 74, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 45.0d, "l_extendedprice": 43833.15d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-03-21", "l_commitdate": "1992-05-02", "l_receiptdate": "1992-03-29", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "elets. slyly regular i" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4775, "l_partkey": 74, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 1.0d, "l_extendedprice": 974.07d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-09-06", "l_commitdate": "1995-09-28", "l_receiptdate": "1995-09-29", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "furiously ironic theodolite" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5093, "l_partkey": 74, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 15.0d, "l_extendedprice": 14611.05d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-12-02", "l_commitdate": "1993-11-18", "l_receiptdate": "1994-01-01", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ly among the unusual foxe" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5831, "l_partkey": 74, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 33.0d, "l_extendedprice": 32144.31d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-11-20", "l_commitdate": "1997-01-18", "l_receiptdate": "1996-12-18", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": " instructions wake. slyly sil" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 801, "l_partkey": 74, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 45.0d, "l_extendedprice": 43833.15d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-03-22", "l_commitdate": "1992-03-22", "l_receiptdate": "1992-03-25", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": " even asymptotes" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1156, "l_partkey": 74, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 49.0d, "l_extendedprice": 47729.43d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-11-16", "l_commitdate": "1996-12-02", "l_receiptdate": "1996-12-05", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ithely unusual in" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2208, "l_partkey": 74, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 41.0d, "l_extendedprice": 39936.87d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-08-18", "l_commitdate": "1995-06-19", "l_receiptdate": "1995-09-05", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "nd the furious, express dependencies." }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3046, "l_partkey": 74, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 44.0d, "l_extendedprice": 42859.08d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-03-03", "l_commitdate": "1996-02-25", "l_receiptdate": "1996-04-01", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": " are quickly. blithe" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4262, "l_partkey": 74, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 45.0d, "l_extendedprice": 43833.15d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-11-09", "l_commitdate": "1996-09-09", "l_receiptdate": "1996-11-12", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ackages boost. pending, even instruction" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4288, "l_partkey": 74, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 32.0d, "l_extendedprice": 31170.24d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-03-19", "l_commitdate": "1993-01-26", "l_receiptdate": "1993-04-18", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "e blithely even instructions. speci" }
, { "l_orderkey": 2374, "l_partkey": 74, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 28.0d, "l_extendedprice": 27273.96d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-02-19", "l_commitdate": "1993-12-16", "l_receiptdate": "1994-03-15", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ets cajole fu" }
, { "l_orderkey": 2528, "l_partkey": 74, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 13.0d, "l_extendedprice": 12662.91d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-11-27", "l_commitdate": "1995-01-20", "l_receiptdate": "1994-12-03", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ggle furiously. slyly final asympt" }
, { "l_orderkey": 4004, "l_partkey": 74, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 46.0d, "l_extendedprice": 44807.22d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-09-04", "l_commitdate": "1993-07-13", "l_receiptdate": "1993-09-28", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ncies. slyly pending dolphins sleep furio" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4097, "l_partkey": 74, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 50.0d, "l_extendedprice": 48703.5d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-08-31", "l_commitdate": "1996-08-14", "l_receiptdate": "1996-09-27", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "egular deposits. blithely pending" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4097, "l_partkey": 74, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 46.0d, "l_extendedprice": 44807.22d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-07-29", "l_commitdate": "1996-08-19", "l_receiptdate": "1996-08-25", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": " even depend" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4100, "l_partkey": 74, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 4.0d, "l_extendedprice": 3896.28d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-06-20", "l_commitdate": "1996-04-29", "l_receiptdate": "1996-06-21", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "lyly regular, bold requ" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4288, "l_partkey": 74, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 32.0d, "l_extendedprice": 31170.24d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-03-19", "l_commitdate": "1993-01-26", "l_receiptdate": "1993-04-18", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "e blithely even instructions. speci" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5412, "l_partkey": 74, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 31.0d, "l_extendedprice": 30196.17d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-03-23", "l_commitdate": "1998-04-17", "l_receiptdate": "1998-04-10", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "t the accounts detect slyly about the c" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 929, "l_partkey": 74, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 14.0d, "l_extendedprice": 13636.98d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-10-21", "l_commitdate": "1992-11-17", "l_receiptdate": "1992-11-15", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "gainst the" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4162, "l_partkey": 74, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 45.0d, "l_extendedprice": 43833.15d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-03-21", "l_commitdate": "1992-05-02", "l_receiptdate": "1992-03-29", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "elets. slyly regular i" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4262, "l_partkey": 74, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 45.0d, "l_extendedprice": 43833.15d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-11-09", "l_commitdate": "1996-09-09", "l_receiptdate": "1996-11-12", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ackages boost. pending, even instruction" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4775, "l_partkey": 74, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 1.0d, "l_extendedprice": 974.07d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-09-06", "l_commitdate": "1995-09-28", "l_receiptdate": "1995-09-29", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "furiously ironic theodolite" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5831, "l_partkey": 74, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 33.0d, "l_extendedprice": 32144.31d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-11-20", "l_commitdate": "1997-01-18", "l_receiptdate": "1996-12-18", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": " instructions wake. slyly sil" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 65, "l_partkey": 74, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 22.0d, "l_extendedprice": 21429.54d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-07-17", "l_commitdate": "1995-06-04", "l_receiptdate": "1995-07-19", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": " ideas. special, r" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1156, "l_partkey": 74, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 49.0d, "l_extendedprice": 47729.43d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-11-16", "l_commitdate": "1996-12-02", "l_receiptdate": "1996-12-05", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ithely unusual in" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2208, "l_partkey": 74, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 41.0d, "l_extendedprice": 39936.87d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-08-18", "l_commitdate": "1995-06-19", "l_receiptdate": "1995-09-05", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "nd the furious, express dependencies." }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2245, "l_partkey": 74, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 28.0d, "l_extendedprice": 27273.96d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-08-19", "l_commitdate": "1993-07-27", "l_receiptdate": "1993-09-04", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "e requests sleep furiou" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3046, "l_partkey": 74, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 44.0d, "l_extendedprice": 42859.08d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-03-03", "l_commitdate": "1996-02-25", "l_receiptdate": "1996-04-01", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": " are quickly. blithe" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3460, "l_partkey": 74, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 3.0d, "l_extendedprice": 2922.21d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-01-19", "l_commitdate": "1995-12-28", "l_receiptdate": "1996-01-31", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "er quickly " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3587, "l_partkey": 74, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 23.0d, "l_extendedprice": 22403.61d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-08-30", "l_commitdate": "1996-07-01", "l_receiptdate": "1996-09-10", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "l multipliers sleep theodolites-- slyly " }
, { "l_orderkey": 4578, "l_partkey": 74, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 10.0d, "l_extendedprice": 9740.7d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-01-01", "l_commitdate": "1992-11-19", "l_receiptdate": "1993-01-28", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "uests. blithely unus" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5093, "l_partkey": 74, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 15.0d, "l_extendedprice": 14611.05d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-12-02", "l_commitdate": "1993-11-18", "l_receiptdate": "1994-01-01", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ly among the unusual foxe" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 65, "l_partkey": 74, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 22.0d, "l_extendedprice": 21429.54d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-07-17", "l_commitdate": "1995-06-04", "l_receiptdate": "1995-07-19", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": " ideas. special, r" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 929, "l_partkey": 74, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 14.0d, "l_extendedprice": 13636.98d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-10-21", "l_commitdate": "1992-11-17", "l_receiptdate": "1992-11-15", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "gainst the" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2245, "l_partkey": 74, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 28.0d, "l_extendedprice": 27273.96d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-08-19", "l_commitdate": "1993-07-27", "l_receiptdate": "1993-09-04", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "e requests sleep furiou" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4097, "l_partkey": 74, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 50.0d, "l_extendedprice": 48703.5d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-08-31", "l_commitdate": "1996-08-14", "l_receiptdate": "1996-09-27", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "egular deposits. blithely pending" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5412, "l_partkey": 74, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 31.0d, "l_extendedprice": 30196.17d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-03-23", "l_commitdate": "1998-04-17", "l_receiptdate": "1998-04-10", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "t the accounts detect slyly about the c" }
, { "l_orderkey": 5606, "l_partkey": 74, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 46.0d, "l_extendedprice": 44807.22d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-02-01", "l_commitdate": "1997-01-31", "l_receiptdate": "1997-02-15", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ow requests wake around the regular accoun" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1732, "l_partkey": 73, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 16.0d, "l_extendedprice": 15569.12d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-01-07", "l_commitdate": "1994-01-02", "l_receiptdate": "1994-01-25", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ix carefully at the furiously regular pac" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1927, "l_partkey": 73, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 15.0d, "l_extendedprice": 14596.05d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-12-25", "l_commitdate": "1995-12-26", "l_receiptdate": "1995-12-31", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": " carefully regular requests sleep car" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2757, "l_partkey": 73, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 17.0d, "l_extendedprice": 16542.19d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-09-06", "l_commitdate": "1995-09-27", "l_receiptdate": "1995-09-22", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "er the furiously silent " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3840, "l_partkey": 73, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 45.0d, "l_extendedprice": 43788.15d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-10-12", "l_commitdate": "1998-10-12", "l_receiptdate": "1998-10-28", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "onic, even packages are. pe" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5824, "l_partkey": 73, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 16.0d, "l_extendedprice": 15569.12d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-02-13", "l_commitdate": "1997-01-07", "l_receiptdate": "1997-02-17", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "sly express Ti" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1378, "l_partkey": 73, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 11.0d, "l_extendedprice": 10703.77d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-06-07", "l_commitdate": "1996-05-09", "l_receiptdate": "1996-07-05", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": " blithely express hoc" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1379, "l_partkey": 73, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 13.0d, "l_extendedprice": 12649.91d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-06-08", "l_commitdate": "1998-07-13", "l_receiptdate": "1998-06-16", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ully across the furiously iron" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1761, "l_partkey": 73, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 49.0d, "l_extendedprice": 47680.43d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-01-08", "l_commitdate": "1994-03-03", "l_receiptdate": "1994-02-05", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "y even packages promise" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1762, "l_partkey": 73, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 47.0d, "l_extendedprice": 45734.29d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-11-02", "l_commitdate": "1994-10-07", "l_receiptdate": "1994-11-08", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": " blithely brave" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2050, "l_partkey": 73, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 47.0d, "l_extendedprice": 45734.29d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-08-25", "l_commitdate": "1994-07-18", "l_receiptdate": "1994-09-15", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "tside the blithely pending packages eat f" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2951, "l_partkey": 73, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 21.0d, "l_extendedprice": 20434.47d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-04-12", "l_commitdate": "1996-04-27", "l_receiptdate": "1996-04-14", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "nt instructions toward the f" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4614, "l_partkey": 73, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 24.0d, "l_extendedprice": 23353.68d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-07-01", "l_commitdate": "1996-06-24", "l_receiptdate": "1996-07-08", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "regular, even" }
, { "l_orderkey": 420, "l_partkey": 73, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 37.0d, "l_extendedprice": 36003.59d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-11-16", "l_commitdate": "1995-12-13", "l_receiptdate": "1995-11-19", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "rbits. bold requests along the quickl" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1637, "l_partkey": 73, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 1.0d, "l_extendedprice": 973.07d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-02-14", "l_commitdate": "1995-03-26", "l_receiptdate": "1995-03-09", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ly final pinto beans. furiously" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1762, "l_partkey": 73, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 47.0d, "l_extendedprice": 45734.29d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-11-02", "l_commitdate": "1994-10-07", "l_receiptdate": "1994-11-08", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": " blithely brave" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4167, "l_partkey": 73, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 1.0d, "l_extendedprice": 973.07d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-10-11", "l_commitdate": "1998-08-14", "l_receiptdate": "1998-10-13", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "xpress platelets. blithely " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4994, "l_partkey": 73, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 6.0d, "l_extendedprice": 5838.42d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-09-05", "l_commitdate": "1996-08-04", "l_receiptdate": "1996-09-30", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "grate carefully around th" }
, { "l_orderkey": 676, "l_partkey": 73, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 24.0d, "l_extendedprice": 23353.68d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-02-05", "l_commitdate": "1997-01-16", "l_receiptdate": "1997-03-07", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ress, regular dep" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 998, "l_partkey": 73, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 1.0d, "l_extendedprice": 973.07d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-01-05", "l_commitdate": "1995-01-06", "l_receiptdate": "1995-01-13", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "es sleep. regular dependencies use bl" }
, { "l_orderkey": 3783, "l_partkey": 73, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 36.0d, "l_extendedprice": 35030.52d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-03-02", "l_commitdate": "1994-02-09", "l_receiptdate": "1994-03-15", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "egular accounts" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3840, "l_partkey": 73, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 45.0d, "l_extendedprice": 43788.15d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-10-12", "l_commitdate": "1998-10-12", "l_receiptdate": "1998-10-28", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "onic, even packages are. pe" }
, { "l_orderkey": 4741, "l_partkey": 73, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 24.0d, "l_extendedprice": 23353.68d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-09-16", "l_commitdate": "1992-09-19", "l_receiptdate": "1992-09-20", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "deas boost furiously slyly regular id" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1379, "l_partkey": 73, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 13.0d, "l_extendedprice": 12649.91d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-06-08", "l_commitdate": "1998-07-13", "l_receiptdate": "1998-06-16", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ully across the furiously iron" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1927, "l_partkey": 73, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 15.0d, "l_extendedprice": 14596.05d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-12-25", "l_commitdate": "1995-12-26", "l_receiptdate": "1995-12-31", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": " carefully regular requests sleep car" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2050, "l_partkey": 73, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 47.0d, "l_extendedprice": 45734.29d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-08-25", "l_commitdate": "1994-07-18", "l_receiptdate": "1994-09-15", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "tside the blithely pending packages eat f" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2215, "l_partkey": 73, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 33.0d, "l_extendedprice": 32111.31d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-07-19", "l_commitdate": "1996-08-10", "l_receiptdate": "1996-07-30", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "dolites cajole b" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2757, "l_partkey": 73, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 17.0d, "l_extendedprice": 16542.19d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-09-06", "l_commitdate": "1995-09-27", "l_receiptdate": "1995-09-22", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "er the furiously silent " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4743, "l_partkey": 73, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 21.0d, "l_extendedprice": 20434.47d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-07-02", "l_commitdate": "1993-06-15", "l_receiptdate": "1993-07-26", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ake blithely against the packages. reg" }
, { "l_orderkey": 4868, "l_partkey": 73, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 47.0d, "l_extendedprice": 45734.29d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-04-29", "l_commitdate": "1997-04-27", "l_receiptdate": "1997-05-11", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "gle unusual, fluffy packages. foxes cajol" }
, { "l_orderkey": 5601, "l_partkey": 73, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 38.0d, "l_extendedprice": 36976.66d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-01-08", "l_commitdate": "1992-03-01", "l_receiptdate": "1992-01-09", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ter the evenly final deposit" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1637, "l_partkey": 73, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 1.0d, "l_extendedprice": 973.07d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-02-14", "l_commitdate": "1995-03-26", "l_receiptdate": "1995-03-09", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ly final pinto beans. furiously" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5824, "l_partkey": 73, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 16.0d, "l_extendedprice": 15569.12d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-02-13", "l_commitdate": "1997-01-07", "l_receiptdate": "1997-02-17", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "sly express Ti" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 998, "l_partkey": 73, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 1.0d, "l_extendedprice": 973.07d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-01-05", "l_commitdate": "1995-01-06", "l_receiptdate": "1995-01-13", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "es sleep. regular dependencies use bl" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1378, "l_partkey": 73, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 11.0d, "l_extendedprice": 10703.77d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-06-07", "l_commitdate": "1996-05-09", "l_receiptdate": "1996-07-05", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": " blithely express hoc" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1732, "l_partkey": 73, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 16.0d, "l_extendedprice": 15569.12d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-01-07", "l_commitdate": "1994-01-02", "l_receiptdate": "1994-01-25", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ix carefully at the furiously regular pac" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1761, "l_partkey": 73, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 49.0d, "l_extendedprice": 47680.43d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-01-08", "l_commitdate": "1994-03-03", "l_receiptdate": "1994-02-05", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "y even packages promise" }
, { "l_orderkey": 1924, "l_partkey": 73, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 7.0d, "l_extendedprice": 6811.49d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-01-01", "l_commitdate": "1996-12-02", "l_receiptdate": "1997-01-08", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "osits. even accounts nag furious" }
, { "l_orderkey": 1958, "l_partkey": 73, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 9.0d, "l_extendedprice": 8757.63d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-12-08", "l_commitdate": "1995-12-17", "l_receiptdate": "1995-12-18", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ickly. slyly bold " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2215, "l_partkey": 73, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 33.0d, "l_extendedprice": 32111.31d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-07-19", "l_commitdate": "1996-08-10", "l_receiptdate": "1996-07-30", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "dolites cajole b" }
, { "l_orderkey": 2790, "l_partkey": 73, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 13.0d, "l_extendedprice": 12649.91d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-09-20", "l_commitdate": "1994-10-10", "l_receiptdate": "1994-10-20", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "n deposits according to the regul" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4167, "l_partkey": 73, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 1.0d, "l_extendedprice": 973.07d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-10-11", "l_commitdate": "1998-08-14", "l_receiptdate": "1998-10-13", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "xpress platelets. blithely " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4743, "l_partkey": 73, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 21.0d, "l_extendedprice": 20434.47d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-07-02", "l_commitdate": "1993-06-15", "l_receiptdate": "1993-07-26", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ake blithely against the packages. reg" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4994, "l_partkey": 73, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 6.0d, "l_extendedprice": 5838.42d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-09-05", "l_commitdate": "1996-08-04", "l_receiptdate": "1996-09-30", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "grate carefully around th" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1185, "l_partkey": 72, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 8.0d, "l_extendedprice": 7776.56d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-12-05", "l_commitdate": "1992-10-05", "l_receiptdate": "1992-12-28", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ely according to the furiously regular r" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2560, "l_partkey": 72, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 36.0d, "l_extendedprice": 34994.52d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-10-18", "l_commitdate": "1992-10-30", "l_receiptdate": "1992-11-05", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "accounts alongside of the excuses are " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2821, "l_partkey": 72, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 4.0d, "l_extendedprice": 3888.28d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-11-19", "l_commitdate": "1993-09-20", "l_receiptdate": "1993-11-27", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ual multipliers. final deposits cajol" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3013, "l_partkey": 72, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 19.0d, "l_extendedprice": 18469.33d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-05-11", "l_commitdate": "1997-04-18", "l_receiptdate": "1997-05-15", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "fluffily pending packages nag furiously al" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3077, "l_partkey": 72, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 25.0d, "l_extendedprice": 24301.75d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-09-14", "l_commitdate": "1997-10-16", "l_receiptdate": "1997-10-06", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "lent account" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3174, "l_partkey": 72, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 39.0d, "l_extendedprice": 37910.73d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-12-02", "l_commitdate": "1996-02-08", "l_receiptdate": "1995-12-12", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": " wake slyly foxes. bold requests p" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3655, "l_partkey": 72, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 35.0d, "l_extendedprice": 34022.45d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-10-17", "l_commitdate": "1992-12-23", "l_receiptdate": "1992-10-28", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ng foxes cajole fluffily slyly final fo" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4672, "l_partkey": 72, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 38.0d, "l_extendedprice": 36938.66d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-11-28", "l_commitdate": "1995-12-08", "l_receiptdate": "1995-12-13", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ests. idle, regular ex" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5635, "l_partkey": 72, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 5.0d, "l_extendedprice": 4860.35d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-10-02", "l_commitdate": "1992-11-05", "l_receiptdate": "1992-10-26", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "yly along the ironic, fi" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1222, "l_partkey": 72, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 12.0d, "l_extendedprice": 11664.84d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-02-12", "l_commitdate": "1993-03-14", "l_receiptdate": "1993-03-12", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "s print permanently unusual packages. " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1477, "l_partkey": 72, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 31.0d, "l_extendedprice": 30134.17d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-12-16", "l_commitdate": "1997-09-30", "l_receiptdate": "1997-12-17", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": " requests. fluffily final " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3265, "l_partkey": 72, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 7.0d, "l_extendedprice": 6804.49d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-09-16", "l_commitdate": "1992-09-04", "l_receiptdate": "1992-10-14", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "he forges. fluffily regular asym" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3969, "l_partkey": 72, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 40.0d, "l_extendedprice": 38882.8d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-05-19", "l_commitdate": "1997-08-02", "l_receiptdate": "1997-06-05", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "lar requests cajole furiously blithely regu" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4005, "l_partkey": 72, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 28.0d, "l_extendedprice": 27217.96d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-12-08", "l_commitdate": "1997-01-14", "l_receiptdate": "1996-12-30", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "y pending dependenc" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4196, "l_partkey": 72, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 3.0d, "l_extendedprice": 2916.21d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-05-17", "l_commitdate": "1998-07-21", "l_receiptdate": "1998-05-18", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": " accounts. fu" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4742, "l_partkey": 72, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 15.0d, "l_extendedprice": 14581.05d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-07-20", "l_commitdate": "1995-05-26", "l_receiptdate": "1995-08-11", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "terns are sl" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5443, "l_partkey": 72, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 39.0d, "l_extendedprice": 37910.73d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-11-01", "l_commitdate": "1996-11-30", "l_receiptdate": "1996-11-19", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "gage carefully across the furiously" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5540, "l_partkey": 72, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 24.0d, "l_extendedprice": 23329.68d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-01-09", "l_commitdate": "1996-12-02", "l_receiptdate": "1997-01-23", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "deposits! ironic depths may engage-- b" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5635, "l_partkey": 72, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 12.0d, "l_extendedprice": 11664.84d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-10-18", "l_commitdate": "1992-09-24", "l_receiptdate": "1992-11-17", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ke slyly against the carefully final req" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 486, "l_partkey": 72, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 38.0d, "l_extendedprice": 36938.66d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-05-07", "l_commitdate": "1996-04-26", "l_receiptdate": "1996-05-26", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": " blithely final pinto " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2951, "l_partkey": 73, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 21.0d, "l_extendedprice": 20434.47d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-04-12", "l_commitdate": "1996-04-27", "l_receiptdate": "1996-04-14", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "nt instructions toward the f" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4614, "l_partkey": 73, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 24.0d, "l_extendedprice": 23353.68d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-07-01", "l_commitdate": "1996-06-24", "l_receiptdate": "1996-07-08", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "regular, even" }
, { "l_orderkey": 1060, "l_partkey": 72, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 26.0d, "l_extendedprice": 25273.82d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-02-28", "l_commitdate": "1993-04-01", "l_receiptdate": "1993-03-09", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "quickly abo" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1446, "l_partkey": 72, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 31.0d, "l_extendedprice": 30134.17d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-05-01", "l_commitdate": "1998-05-17", "l_receiptdate": "1998-05-30", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": ". slyly reg" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1988, "l_partkey": 72, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 36.0d, "l_extendedprice": 34994.52d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-01-21", "l_commitdate": "1995-11-24", "l_receiptdate": "1996-01-27", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "gular theodolites. " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2501, "l_partkey": 72, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 20.0d, "l_extendedprice": 19441.4d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-09-23", "l_commitdate": "1997-07-01", "l_receiptdate": "1997-10-03", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "equests. furiou" }
, { "l_orderkey": 2594, "l_partkey": 72, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 7.0d, "l_extendedprice": 6804.49d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-03-26", "l_commitdate": "1993-03-05", "l_receiptdate": "1993-04-24", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "arls cajole " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2756, "l_partkey": 72, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 30.0d, "l_extendedprice": 29162.1d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-06-05", "l_commitdate": "1994-06-30", "l_receiptdate": "1994-06-14", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ular packages. regular deposi" }
, { "l_orderkey": 2945, "l_partkey": 72, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 30.0d, "l_extendedprice": 29162.1d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-01-19", "l_commitdate": "1996-02-11", "l_receiptdate": "1996-01-26", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ular instructions" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3238, "l_partkey": 72, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 12.0d, "l_extendedprice": 11664.84d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-03-06", "l_commitdate": "1993-05-08", "l_receiptdate": "1993-04-01", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ackages affix furiously. furiously bol" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4806, "l_partkey": 72, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 6.0d, "l_extendedprice": 5832.42d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-05-17", "l_commitdate": "1993-07-19", "l_receiptdate": "1993-05-29", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "even theodolites. packages sl" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4898, "l_partkey": 72, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 44.0d, "l_extendedprice": 42771.08d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-09-13", "l_commitdate": "1994-08-18", "l_receiptdate": "1994-09-16", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "y regular grouches about" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 800, "l_partkey": 72, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 38.0d, "l_extendedprice": 36938.66d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-07-21", "l_commitdate": "1998-09-25", "l_receiptdate": "1998-08-07", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "according to the bold, final dependencies " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3558, "l_partkey": 72, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 17.0d, "l_extendedprice": 16525.19d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-03-14", "l_commitdate": "1996-05-04", "l_receiptdate": "1996-04-05", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ithely unusual packa" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3969, "l_partkey": 72, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 40.0d, "l_extendedprice": 38882.8d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-05-19", "l_commitdate": "1997-08-02", "l_receiptdate": "1997-06-05", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "lar requests cajole furiously blithely regu" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5635, "l_partkey": 72, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 5.0d, "l_extendedprice": 4860.35d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-10-02", "l_commitdate": "1992-11-05", "l_receiptdate": "1992-10-26", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "yly along the ironic, fi" }
, { "l_orderkey": 1441, "l_partkey": 72, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 34.0d, "l_extendedprice": 33050.38d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-06-12", "l_commitdate": "1997-05-11", "l_receiptdate": "1997-06-29", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "e carefully. blithely ironic dep" }
, { "l_orderkey": 2435, "l_partkey": 72, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 3.0d, "l_extendedprice": 2916.21d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-06-01", "l_commitdate": "1993-03-25", "l_receiptdate": "1993-06-27", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": " final accounts ar" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3393, "l_partkey": 72, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 48.0d, "l_extendedprice": 46659.36d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-07-12", "l_commitdate": "1995-09-15", "l_receiptdate": "1995-08-02", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": " blithely final reques" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3558, "l_partkey": 72, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 17.0d, "l_extendedprice": 16525.19d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-03-14", "l_commitdate": "1996-05-04", "l_receiptdate": "1996-04-05", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ithely unusual packa" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2501, "l_partkey": 72, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 20.0d, "l_extendedprice": 19441.4d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-09-23", "l_commitdate": "1997-07-01", "l_receiptdate": "1997-10-03", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "equests. furiou" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4005, "l_partkey": 72, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 28.0d, "l_extendedprice": 27217.96d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-12-08", "l_commitdate": "1997-01-14", "l_receiptdate": "1996-12-30", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "y pending dependenc" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4196, "l_partkey": 72, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 3.0d, "l_extendedprice": 2916.21d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-05-17", "l_commitdate": "1998-07-21", "l_receiptdate": "1998-05-18", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": " accounts. fu" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4672, "l_partkey": 72, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 38.0d, "l_extendedprice": 36938.66d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-11-28", "l_commitdate": "1995-12-08", "l_receiptdate": "1995-12-13", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ests. idle, regular ex" }
, { "l_orderkey": 5313, "l_partkey": 72, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 30.0d, "l_extendedprice": 29162.1d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-06-27", "l_commitdate": "1997-07-18", "l_receiptdate": "1997-06-30", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "nding packages use" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 518, "l_partkey": 71, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 16.0d, "l_extendedprice": 15537.12d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-03-15", "l_commitdate": "1998-03-24", "l_receiptdate": "1998-04-08", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "use quickly expre" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1635, "l_partkey": 71, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 3.0d, "l_extendedprice": 2913.21d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-03-13", "l_commitdate": "1997-03-25", "l_receiptdate": "1997-03-27", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": " quickly ironic r" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2017, "l_partkey": 71, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 14.0d, "l_extendedprice": 13594.98d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-06-28", "l_commitdate": "1998-06-15", "l_receiptdate": "1998-07-11", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ily final w" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2497, "l_partkey": 71, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 19.0d, "l_extendedprice": 18450.33d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-11-10", "l_commitdate": "1992-11-20", "l_receiptdate": "1992-12-05", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": " instructions? carefully daring accounts" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3207, "l_partkey": 71, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 42.0d, "l_extendedprice": 40784.94d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-05-02", "l_commitdate": "1998-05-10", "l_receiptdate": "1998-06-01", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "to the quickly special accounts? ironically" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4611, "l_partkey": 71, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 48.0d, "l_extendedprice": 46611.36d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-02-28", "l_commitdate": "1993-02-12", "l_receiptdate": "1993-03-01", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ular accounts " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4870, "l_partkey": 71, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 36.0d, "l_extendedprice": 34958.52d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-09-06", "l_commitdate": "1994-09-17", "l_receiptdate": "1994-10-01", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": " instructions. carefully pending pac" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 673, "l_partkey": 71, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 22.0d, "l_extendedprice": 21363.54d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-03-15", "l_commitdate": "1994-04-27", "l_receiptdate": "1994-03-29", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": " the regular, even requests. carefully fin" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 899, "l_partkey": 71, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 4.0d, "l_extendedprice": 3884.28d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-04-11", "l_commitdate": "1998-05-14", "l_receiptdate": "1998-04-27", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ges. blithe, ironic waters cajole care" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5635, "l_partkey": 72, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 12.0d, "l_extendedprice": 11664.84d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-10-18", "l_commitdate": "1992-09-24", "l_receiptdate": "1992-11-17", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ke slyly against the carefully final req" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 486, "l_partkey": 72, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 38.0d, "l_extendedprice": 36938.66d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-05-07", "l_commitdate": "1996-04-26", "l_receiptdate": "1996-05-26", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": " blithely final pinto " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 800, "l_partkey": 72, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 38.0d, "l_extendedprice": 36938.66d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-07-21", "l_commitdate": "1998-09-25", "l_receiptdate": "1998-08-07", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "according to the bold, final dependencies " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1185, "l_partkey": 72, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 8.0d, "l_extendedprice": 7776.56d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-12-05", "l_commitdate": "1992-10-05", "l_receiptdate": "1992-12-28", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ely according to the furiously regular r" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1222, "l_partkey": 72, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 12.0d, "l_extendedprice": 11664.84d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-02-12", "l_commitdate": "1993-03-14", "l_receiptdate": "1993-03-12", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "s print permanently unusual packages. " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1446, "l_partkey": 72, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 31.0d, "l_extendedprice": 30134.17d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-05-01", "l_commitdate": "1998-05-17", "l_receiptdate": "1998-05-30", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": ". slyly reg" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1477, "l_partkey": 72, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 31.0d, "l_extendedprice": 30134.17d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-12-16", "l_commitdate": "1997-09-30", "l_receiptdate": "1997-12-17", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": " requests. fluffily final " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2560, "l_partkey": 72, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 36.0d, "l_extendedprice": 34994.52d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-10-18", "l_commitdate": "1992-10-30", "l_receiptdate": "1992-11-05", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "accounts alongside of the excuses are " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3013, "l_partkey": 72, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 19.0d, "l_extendedprice": 18469.33d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-05-11", "l_commitdate": "1997-04-18", "l_receiptdate": "1997-05-15", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "fluffily pending packages nag furiously al" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3077, "l_partkey": 72, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 25.0d, "l_extendedprice": 24301.75d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-09-14", "l_commitdate": "1997-10-16", "l_receiptdate": "1997-10-06", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "lent account" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3393, "l_partkey": 72, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 48.0d, "l_extendedprice": 46659.36d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-07-12", "l_commitdate": "1995-09-15", "l_receiptdate": "1995-08-02", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": " blithely final reques" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4898, "l_partkey": 72, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 44.0d, "l_extendedprice": 42771.08d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-09-13", "l_commitdate": "1994-08-18", "l_receiptdate": "1994-09-16", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "y regular grouches about" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5443, "l_partkey": 72, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 39.0d, "l_extendedprice": 37910.73d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-11-01", "l_commitdate": "1996-11-30", "l_receiptdate": "1996-11-19", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "gage carefully across the furiously" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5540, "l_partkey": 72, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 24.0d, "l_extendedprice": 23329.68d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-01-09", "l_commitdate": "1996-12-02", "l_receiptdate": "1997-01-23", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "deposits! ironic depths may engage-- b" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1988, "l_partkey": 72, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 36.0d, "l_extendedprice": 34994.52d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-01-21", "l_commitdate": "1995-11-24", "l_receiptdate": "1996-01-27", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "gular theodolites. " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2756, "l_partkey": 72, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 30.0d, "l_extendedprice": 29162.1d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-06-05", "l_commitdate": "1994-06-30", "l_receiptdate": "1994-06-14", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ular packages. regular deposi" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2821, "l_partkey": 72, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 4.0d, "l_extendedprice": 3888.28d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-11-19", "l_commitdate": "1993-09-20", "l_receiptdate": "1993-11-27", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ual multipliers. final deposits cajol" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3174, "l_partkey": 72, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 39.0d, "l_extendedprice": 37910.73d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-12-02", "l_commitdate": "1996-02-08", "l_receiptdate": "1995-12-12", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": " wake slyly foxes. bold requests p" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3238, "l_partkey": 72, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 12.0d, "l_extendedprice": 11664.84d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-03-06", "l_commitdate": "1993-05-08", "l_receiptdate": "1993-04-01", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ackages affix furiously. furiously bol" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3265, "l_partkey": 72, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 7.0d, "l_extendedprice": 6804.49d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-09-16", "l_commitdate": "1992-09-04", "l_receiptdate": "1992-10-14", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "he forges. fluffily regular asym" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3655, "l_partkey": 72, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 35.0d, "l_extendedprice": 34022.45d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-10-17", "l_commitdate": "1992-12-23", "l_receiptdate": "1992-10-28", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ng foxes cajole fluffily slyly final fo" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4742, "l_partkey": 72, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 15.0d, "l_extendedprice": 14581.05d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-07-20", "l_commitdate": "1995-05-26", "l_receiptdate": "1995-08-11", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "terns are sl" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4806, "l_partkey": 72, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 6.0d, "l_extendedprice": 5832.42d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-05-17", "l_commitdate": "1993-07-19", "l_receiptdate": "1993-05-29", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "even theodolites. packages sl" }
, { "l_orderkey": 1606, "l_partkey": 71, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 14.0d, "l_extendedprice": 13594.98d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-05-19", "l_commitdate": "1997-07-05", "l_receiptdate": "1997-06-10", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "structions haggle f" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2146, "l_partkey": 71, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 32.0d, "l_extendedprice": 31074.24d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-01-10", "l_commitdate": "1992-10-19", "l_receiptdate": "1993-02-05", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "y regular foxes wake among the final" }
, { "l_orderkey": 2183, "l_partkey": 71, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 29.0d, "l_extendedprice": 28161.03d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-07-21", "l_commitdate": "1996-08-24", "l_receiptdate": "1996-08-15", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ly unusual deposits sleep carefully" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2407, "l_partkey": 71, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 18.0d, "l_extendedprice": 17479.26d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-10-03", "l_commitdate": "1998-08-30", "l_receiptdate": "1998-10-19", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": " wake carefully. fluffily " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2497, "l_partkey": 71, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 19.0d, "l_extendedprice": 18450.33d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-11-10", "l_commitdate": "1992-11-20", "l_receiptdate": "1992-12-05", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": " instructions? carefully daring accounts" }
, { "l_orderkey": 3360, "l_partkey": 71, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 42.0d, "l_extendedprice": 40784.94d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-05-07", "l_commitdate": "1998-04-18", "l_receiptdate": "1998-06-04", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ages cajole. pending, " }
, { "l_orderkey": 4295, "l_partkey": 71, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 4.0d, "l_extendedprice": 3884.28d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-06-05", "l_commitdate": "1996-04-26", "l_receiptdate": "1996-06-13", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "arefully according to the pending ac" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4482, "l_partkey": 71, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 32.0d, "l_extendedprice": 31074.24d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-05-16", "l_commitdate": "1995-07-22", "l_receiptdate": "1995-06-07", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": " quickly pendin" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4544, "l_partkey": 71, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 20.0d, "l_extendedprice": 19421.4d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-10-12", "l_commitdate": "1997-10-11", "l_receiptdate": "1997-10-13", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": " waters about the" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4839, "l_partkey": 71, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 9.0d, "l_extendedprice": 8739.63d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-06-17", "l_commitdate": "1994-06-18", "l_receiptdate": "1994-07-10", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ounts haggle carefully above" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4772, "l_partkey": 71, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 15.0d, "l_extendedprice": 14566.05d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-09-19", "l_commitdate": "1994-10-22", "l_receiptdate": "1994-09-26", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": " requests. express, regular th" }
, { "l_orderkey": 4967, "l_partkey": 71, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 50.0d, "l_extendedprice": 48553.5d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-05-27", "l_commitdate": "1997-05-13", "l_receiptdate": "1997-06-12", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "kages. final, unusual accounts c" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 419, "l_partkey": 71, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 15.0d, "l_extendedprice": 14566.05d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-12-17", "l_commitdate": "1996-11-28", "l_receiptdate": "1996-12-19", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": " sleep final, regular theodolites. fluffi" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 518, "l_partkey": 71, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 16.0d, "l_extendedprice": 15537.12d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-03-15", "l_commitdate": "1998-03-24", "l_receiptdate": "1998-04-08", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "use quickly expre" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 547, "l_partkey": 71, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 44.0d, "l_extendedprice": 42727.08d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-10-18", "l_commitdate": "1996-08-17", "l_receiptdate": "1996-10-27", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "thely express dependencies. qu" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 673, "l_partkey": 71, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 22.0d, "l_extendedprice": 21363.54d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-03-15", "l_commitdate": "1994-04-27", "l_receiptdate": "1994-03-29", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": " the regular, even requests. carefully fin" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1543, "l_partkey": 71, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 34.0d, "l_extendedprice": 33016.38d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-05-25", "l_commitdate": "1997-03-30", "l_receiptdate": "1997-06-04", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ic requests are ac" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4482, "l_partkey": 71, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 32.0d, "l_extendedprice": 31074.24d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-05-16", "l_commitdate": "1995-07-22", "l_receiptdate": "1995-06-07", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": " quickly pendin" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4611, "l_partkey": 71, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 48.0d, "l_extendedprice": 46611.36d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-02-28", "l_commitdate": "1993-02-12", "l_receiptdate": "1993-03-01", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ular accounts " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4839, "l_partkey": 71, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 9.0d, "l_extendedprice": 8739.63d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-06-17", "l_commitdate": "1994-06-18", "l_receiptdate": "1994-07-10", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ounts haggle carefully above" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4870, "l_partkey": 71, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 36.0d, "l_extendedprice": 34958.52d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-09-06", "l_commitdate": "1994-09-17", "l_receiptdate": "1994-10-01", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": " instructions. carefully pending pac" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5952, "l_partkey": 71, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 43.0d, "l_extendedprice": 41756.01d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-06-29", "l_commitdate": "1997-06-06", "l_receiptdate": "1997-07-15", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "posits sleep furiously quickly final p" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 641, "l_partkey": 71, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 25.0d, "l_extendedprice": 24276.75d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-12-04", "l_commitdate": "1993-11-18", "l_receiptdate": "1993-12-18", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "d, regular d" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 899, "l_partkey": 71, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 4.0d, "l_extendedprice": 3884.28d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-04-11", "l_commitdate": "1998-05-14", "l_receiptdate": "1998-04-27", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ges. blithe, ironic waters cajole care" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1635, "l_partkey": 71, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 3.0d, "l_extendedprice": 2913.21d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-03-13", "l_commitdate": "1997-03-25", "l_receiptdate": "1997-03-27", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": " quickly ironic r" }
, { "l_orderkey": 1921, "l_partkey": 71, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 27.0d, "l_extendedprice": 26218.89d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-04-26", "l_commitdate": "1994-04-07", "l_receiptdate": "1994-04-30", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ing pinto beans above the pend" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2146, "l_partkey": 71, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 32.0d, "l_extendedprice": 31074.24d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-01-10", "l_commitdate": "1992-10-19", "l_receiptdate": "1993-02-05", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "y regular foxes wake among the final" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2341, "l_partkey": 71, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 37.0d, "l_extendedprice": 35929.59d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-09-23", "l_commitdate": "1993-07-25", "l_receiptdate": "1993-10-14", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "was blithel" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3910, "l_partkey": 71, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 31.0d, "l_extendedprice": 30103.17d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-12-22", "l_commitdate": "1996-11-14", "l_receiptdate": "1997-01-01", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ess instructions. " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4544, "l_partkey": 71, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 20.0d, "l_extendedprice": 19421.4d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-10-12", "l_commitdate": "1997-10-11", "l_receiptdate": "1997-10-13", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": " waters about the" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4834, "l_partkey": 71, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 26.0d, "l_extendedprice": 25247.82d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-10-04", "l_commitdate": "1996-10-21", "l_receiptdate": "1996-10-10", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ages dazzle carefully. slyly daring foxes" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2017, "l_partkey": 71, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 14.0d, "l_extendedprice": 13594.98d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-06-28", "l_commitdate": "1998-06-15", "l_receiptdate": "1998-07-11", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ily final w" }
, { "l_orderkey": 2112, "l_partkey": 71, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 18.0d, "l_extendedprice": 17479.26d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-05-02", "l_commitdate": "1997-03-16", "l_receiptdate": "1997-05-25", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "lphins solve ideas. even, special reque" }
, { "l_orderkey": 2212, "l_partkey": 71, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 18.0d, "l_extendedprice": 17479.26d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-06-22", "l_commitdate": "1994-06-18", "l_receiptdate": "1994-06-25", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": " cajole. final, pending ideas should are bl" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2341, "l_partkey": 71, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 37.0d, "l_extendedprice": 35929.59d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-09-23", "l_commitdate": "1993-07-25", "l_receiptdate": "1993-10-14", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "was blithel" }
, { "l_orderkey": 2884, "l_partkey": 71, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 41.0d, "l_extendedprice": 39813.87d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-01-02", "l_commitdate": "1997-12-17", "l_receiptdate": "1998-01-20", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ep. slyly even accounts a" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4772, "l_partkey": 71, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 15.0d, "l_extendedprice": 14566.05d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-09-19", "l_commitdate": "1994-10-22", "l_receiptdate": "1994-09-26", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": " requests. express, regular th" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 419, "l_partkey": 71, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 15.0d, "l_extendedprice": 14566.05d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-12-17", "l_commitdate": "1996-11-28", "l_receiptdate": "1996-12-19", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": " sleep final, regular theodolites. fluffi" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 547, "l_partkey": 71, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 44.0d, "l_extendedprice": 42727.08d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-10-18", "l_commitdate": "1996-08-17", "l_receiptdate": "1996-10-27", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "thely express dependencies. qu" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 641, "l_partkey": 71, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 25.0d, "l_extendedprice": 24276.75d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-12-04", "l_commitdate": "1993-11-18", "l_receiptdate": "1993-12-18", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "d, regular d" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1543, "l_partkey": 71, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 34.0d, "l_extendedprice": 33016.38d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-05-25", "l_commitdate": "1997-03-30", "l_receiptdate": "1997-06-04", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ic requests are ac" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2407, "l_partkey": 71, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 18.0d, "l_extendedprice": 17479.26d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-10-03", "l_commitdate": "1998-08-30", "l_receiptdate": "1998-10-19", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": " wake carefully. fluffily " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3910, "l_partkey": 71, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 31.0d, "l_extendedprice": 30103.17d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-12-22", "l_commitdate": "1996-11-14", "l_receiptdate": "1997-01-01", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ess instructions. " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4834, "l_partkey": 71, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 26.0d, "l_extendedprice": 25247.82d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-10-04", "l_commitdate": "1996-10-21", "l_receiptdate": "1996-10-10", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ages dazzle carefully. slyly daring foxes" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3207, "l_partkey": 71, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 42.0d, "l_extendedprice": 40784.94d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-05-02", "l_commitdate": "1998-05-10", "l_receiptdate": "1998-06-01", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "to the quickly special accounts? ironically" }
, { "l_orderkey": 5285, "l_partkey": 71, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 1.0d, "l_extendedprice": 971.07d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-03-14", "l_commitdate": "1994-02-20", "l_receiptdate": "1994-04-10", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "e fluffily about the slyly special pa" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5952, "l_partkey": 71, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 43.0d, "l_extendedprice": 41756.01d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-06-29", "l_commitdate": "1997-06-06", "l_receiptdate": "1997-07-15", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "posits sleep furiously quickly final p" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1253, "l_partkey": 70, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 22.0d, "l_extendedprice": 21341.54d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-02-23", "l_commitdate": "1993-04-06", "l_receiptdate": "1993-03-07", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "telets cajole alongside of the final reques" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1984, "l_partkey": 70, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 35.0d, "l_extendedprice": 33952.45d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-05-18", "l_commitdate": "1998-05-04", "l_receiptdate": "1998-06-01", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "tes. quickly pending packages haggle boldl" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3872, "l_partkey": 70, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 42.0d, "l_extendedprice": 40742.94d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-01-03", "l_commitdate": "1996-10-12", "l_receiptdate": "1997-01-16", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "s the furio" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4199, "l_partkey": 70, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 16.0d, "l_extendedprice": 15521.12d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-06-11", "l_commitdate": "1992-04-10", "l_receiptdate": "1992-07-10", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ncies. furiously special accounts" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4992, "l_partkey": 70, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 25.0d, "l_extendedprice": 24251.75d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-08-06", "l_commitdate": "1992-07-11", "l_receiptdate": "1992-08-20", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ly about the never ironic requests. pe" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 130, "l_partkey": 70, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 31.0d, "l_extendedprice": 30072.17d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-09-01", "l_commitdate": "1992-07-18", "l_receiptdate": "1992-09-02", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "thily about the ruth" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1569, "l_partkey": 70, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 30.0d, "l_extendedprice": 29102.1d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-07-19", "l_commitdate": "1998-06-04", "l_receiptdate": "1998-08-10", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "packages. excuses lose evenly carefully reg" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2213, "l_partkey": 70, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 1.0d, "l_extendedprice": 970.07d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-04-25", "l_commitdate": "1993-04-06", "l_receiptdate": "1993-04-28", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "s along the ironic reques" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2949, "l_partkey": 70, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 50.0d, "l_extendedprice": 48503.5d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-08-04", "l_commitdate": "1994-06-23", "l_receiptdate": "1994-08-17", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "gular courts cajole across t" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3079, "l_partkey": 70, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 20.0d, "l_extendedprice": 19401.4d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-10-18", "l_commitdate": "1997-10-26", "l_receiptdate": "1997-11-14", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ets are according to the quickly dari" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3205, "l_partkey": 70, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 18.0d, "l_extendedprice": 17461.26d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-07-04", "l_commitdate": "1992-06-14", "l_receiptdate": "1992-08-03", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "symptotes. slyly even deposits ar" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4455, "l_partkey": 70, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 20.0d, "l_extendedprice": 19401.4d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-01-31", "l_commitdate": "1993-11-21", "l_receiptdate": "1994-03-02", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": " express packages. packages boost quickly" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4513, "l_partkey": 70, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 39.0d, "l_extendedprice": 37832.73d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-06-25", "l_commitdate": "1996-05-14", "l_receiptdate": "1996-07-24", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "slyly furiously unusual deposits. blit" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5059, "l_partkey": 70, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 5.0d, "l_extendedprice": 4850.35d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-12-23", "l_commitdate": "1994-01-12", "l_receiptdate": "1993-12-24", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ts affix slyly accordi" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5124, "l_partkey": 70, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 36.0d, "l_extendedprice": 34922.52d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-04-20", "l_commitdate": "1997-07-03", "l_receiptdate": "1997-05-04", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "r deposits ab" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5605, "l_partkey": 70, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 39.0d, "l_extendedprice": 37832.73d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-12-13", "l_commitdate": "1996-11-03", "l_receiptdate": "1996-12-24", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "cial deposits. theodolites w" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 417, "l_partkey": 70, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 18.0d, "l_extendedprice": 17461.26d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-03-29", "l_commitdate": "1994-04-10", "l_receiptdate": "1994-04-26", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "- final requests sle" }
, { "l_orderkey": 1155, "l_partkey": 70, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 4.0d, "l_extendedprice": 3880.28d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-10-19", "l_commitdate": "1997-12-09", "l_receiptdate": "1997-11-02", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ic foxes according to the carefully final " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2982, "l_partkey": 70, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 21.0d, "l_extendedprice": 20371.47d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-04-19", "l_commitdate": "1995-06-03", "l_receiptdate": "1995-04-28", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "egular ideas use furiously? bl" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3650, "l_partkey": 70, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 43.0d, "l_extendedprice": 41713.01d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-06-25", "l_commitdate": "1992-07-09", "l_receiptdate": "1992-07-22", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "structions use caref" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3718, "l_partkey": 70, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 8.0d, "l_extendedprice": 7760.56d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-12-06", "l_commitdate": "1996-12-06", "l_receiptdate": "1996-12-15", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": " the even deposits sleep carefully b" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4197, "l_partkey": 70, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 39.0d, "l_extendedprice": 37832.73d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-10-07", "l_commitdate": "1996-10-11", "l_receiptdate": "1996-10-18", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ronic requests. quickly bold packages in" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5636, "l_partkey": 70, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 18.0d, "l_extendedprice": 17461.26d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-05-14", "l_commitdate": "1995-05-17", "l_receiptdate": "1995-06-12", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "slyly express requests. furiously pen" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5636, "l_partkey": 70, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 26.0d, "l_extendedprice": 25221.82d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-03-05", "l_commitdate": "1995-05-16", "l_receiptdate": "1995-03-23", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": " furiously final pinto beans o" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 645, "l_partkey": 70, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 46.0d, "l_extendedprice": 44623.22d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-01-04", "l_commitdate": "1995-02-21", "l_receiptdate": "1995-01-21", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": " regular dependencies across the speci" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2629, "l_partkey": 70, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 33.0d, "l_extendedprice": 32012.31d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-05-29", "l_commitdate": "1998-05-14", "l_receiptdate": "1998-05-30", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "es. slowly express accounts are along the" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2757, "l_partkey": 70, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 14.0d, "l_extendedprice": 13580.98d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-09-01", "l_commitdate": "1995-08-24", "l_receiptdate": "1995-09-03", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "special deposits u" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2213, "l_partkey": 70, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 1.0d, "l_extendedprice": 970.07d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-04-25", "l_commitdate": "1993-04-06", "l_receiptdate": "1993-04-28", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "s along the ironic reques" }
, { "l_orderkey": 2819, "l_partkey": 70, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 17.0d, "l_extendedprice": 16491.19d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-07-16", "l_commitdate": "1994-07-15", "l_receiptdate": "1994-07-17", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "en deposits above the f" }
, { "l_orderkey": 2977, "l_partkey": 70, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 25.0d, "l_extendedprice": 24251.75d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-09-21", "l_commitdate": "1996-10-06", "l_receiptdate": "1996-10-13", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "furiously pe" }
, { "l_orderkey": 3587, "l_partkey": 70, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 12.0d, "l_extendedprice": 11640.84d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-08-30", "l_commitdate": "1996-07-04", "l_receiptdate": "1996-09-22", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "g the even pinto beans. special," }
, { "l_orderkey": 3649, "l_partkey": 70, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 14.0d, "l_extendedprice": 13580.98d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-09-19", "l_commitdate": "1994-08-17", "l_receiptdate": "1994-10-12", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ithely bold accounts wake " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3937, "l_partkey": 70, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 48.0d, "l_extendedprice": 46563.36d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-03-15", "l_commitdate": "1998-02-22", "l_receiptdate": "1998-03-30", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "gainst the thinl" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3650, "l_partkey": 70, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 43.0d, "l_extendedprice": 41713.01d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-06-25", "l_commitdate": "1992-07-09", "l_receiptdate": "1992-07-22", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "structions use caref" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3718, "l_partkey": 70, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 8.0d, "l_extendedprice": 7760.56d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-12-06", "l_commitdate": "1996-12-06", "l_receiptdate": "1996-12-15", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": " the even deposits sleep carefully b" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4455, "l_partkey": 70, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 20.0d, "l_extendedprice": 19401.4d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-01-31", "l_commitdate": "1993-11-21", "l_receiptdate": "1994-03-02", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": " express packages. packages boost quickly" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5124, "l_partkey": 70, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 36.0d, "l_extendedprice": 34922.52d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-04-20", "l_commitdate": "1997-07-03", "l_receiptdate": "1997-05-04", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "r deposits ab" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5636, "l_partkey": 70, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 18.0d, "l_extendedprice": 17461.26d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-05-14", "l_commitdate": "1995-05-17", "l_receiptdate": "1995-06-12", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "slyly express requests. furiously pen" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 417, "l_partkey": 70, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 18.0d, "l_extendedprice": 17461.26d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-03-29", "l_commitdate": "1994-04-10", "l_receiptdate": "1994-04-26", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "- final requests sle" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 645, "l_partkey": 70, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 46.0d, "l_extendedprice": 44623.22d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-01-04", "l_commitdate": "1995-02-21", "l_receiptdate": "1995-01-21", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": " regular dependencies across the speci" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1253, "l_partkey": 70, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 22.0d, "l_extendedprice": 21341.54d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-02-23", "l_commitdate": "1993-04-06", "l_receiptdate": "1993-03-07", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "telets cajole alongside of the final reques" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1984, "l_partkey": 70, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 35.0d, "l_extendedprice": 33952.45d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-05-18", "l_commitdate": "1998-05-04", "l_receiptdate": "1998-06-01", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "tes. quickly pending packages haggle boldl" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2629, "l_partkey": 70, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 33.0d, "l_extendedprice": 32012.31d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-05-29", "l_commitdate": "1998-05-14", "l_receiptdate": "1998-05-30", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "es. slowly express accounts are along the" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2949, "l_partkey": 70, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 50.0d, "l_extendedprice": 48503.5d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-08-04", "l_commitdate": "1994-06-23", "l_receiptdate": "1994-08-17", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "gular courts cajole across t" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2982, "l_partkey": 70, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 21.0d, "l_extendedprice": 20371.47d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-04-19", "l_commitdate": "1995-06-03", "l_receiptdate": "1995-04-28", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "egular ideas use furiously? bl" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3079, "l_partkey": 70, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 20.0d, "l_extendedprice": 19401.4d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-10-18", "l_commitdate": "1997-10-26", "l_receiptdate": "1997-11-14", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ets are according to the quickly dari" }
, { "l_orderkey": 5473, "l_partkey": 70, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 27.0d, "l_extendedprice": 26191.89d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-04-06", "l_commitdate": "1992-04-26", "l_receiptdate": "1992-04-29", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "the deposits. warthogs wake fur" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2757, "l_partkey": 70, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 14.0d, "l_extendedprice": 13580.98d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-09-01", "l_commitdate": "1995-08-24", "l_receiptdate": "1995-09-03", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "special deposits u" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3872, "l_partkey": 70, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 42.0d, "l_extendedprice": 40742.94d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-01-03", "l_commitdate": "1996-10-12", "l_receiptdate": "1997-01-16", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "s the furio" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3937, "l_partkey": 70, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 48.0d, "l_extendedprice": 46563.36d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-03-15", "l_commitdate": "1998-02-22", "l_receiptdate": "1998-03-30", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "gainst the thinl" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4199, "l_partkey": 70, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 16.0d, "l_extendedprice": 15521.12d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-06-11", "l_commitdate": "1992-04-10", "l_receiptdate": "1992-07-10", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ncies. furiously special accounts" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4992, "l_partkey": 70, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 25.0d, "l_extendedprice": 24251.75d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-08-06", "l_commitdate": "1992-07-11", "l_receiptdate": "1992-08-20", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ly about the never ironic requests. pe" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5059, "l_partkey": 70, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 5.0d, "l_extendedprice": 4850.35d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-12-23", "l_commitdate": "1994-01-12", "l_receiptdate": "1993-12-24", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ts affix slyly accordi" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5605, "l_partkey": 70, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 39.0d, "l_extendedprice": 37832.73d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-12-13", "l_commitdate": "1996-11-03", "l_receiptdate": "1996-12-24", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "cial deposits. theodolites w" }
, { "l_orderkey": 5984, "l_partkey": 70, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 13.0d, "l_extendedprice": 12610.91d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-10-16", "l_commitdate": "1994-09-06", "l_receiptdate": "1994-11-11", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "lar platelets. f" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1025, "l_partkey": 69, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 23.0d, "l_extendedprice": 22288.38d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-06-02", "l_commitdate": "1995-07-29", "l_receiptdate": "1995-06-23", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": " regular platelets nag carefu" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2500, "l_partkey": 69, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 17.0d, "l_extendedprice": 16474.02d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-09-30", "l_commitdate": "1992-10-16", "l_receiptdate": "1992-10-05", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "encies-- ironic, even packages" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3045, "l_partkey": 69, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 48.0d, "l_extendedprice": 46514.88d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-10-01", "l_commitdate": "1995-12-16", "l_receiptdate": "1995-10-10", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ole quickly outside th" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3714, "l_partkey": 69, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 13.0d, "l_extendedprice": 12597.78d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-06-26", "l_commitdate": "1998-06-17", "l_receiptdate": "1998-07-07", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": " the furiously final" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 130, "l_partkey": 70, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 31.0d, "l_extendedprice": 30072.17d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-09-01", "l_commitdate": "1992-07-18", "l_receiptdate": "1992-09-02", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "thily about the ruth" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1569, "l_partkey": 70, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 30.0d, "l_extendedprice": 29102.1d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-07-19", "l_commitdate": "1998-06-04", "l_receiptdate": "1998-08-10", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "packages. excuses lose evenly carefully reg" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3205, "l_partkey": 70, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 18.0d, "l_extendedprice": 17461.26d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-07-04", "l_commitdate": "1992-06-14", "l_receiptdate": "1992-08-03", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "symptotes. slyly even deposits ar" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4197, "l_partkey": 70, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 39.0d, "l_extendedprice": 37832.73d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-10-07", "l_commitdate": "1996-10-11", "l_receiptdate": "1996-10-18", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ronic requests. quickly bold packages in" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4513, "l_partkey": 70, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 39.0d, "l_extendedprice": 37832.73d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-06-25", "l_commitdate": "1996-05-14", "l_receiptdate": "1996-07-24", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "slyly furiously unusual deposits. blit" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5636, "l_partkey": 70, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 26.0d, "l_extendedprice": 25221.82d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-03-05", "l_commitdate": "1995-05-16", "l_receiptdate": "1995-03-23", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": " furiously final pinto beans o" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1221, "l_partkey": 69, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 3.0d, "l_extendedprice": 2907.18d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-07-01", "l_commitdate": "1992-06-04", "l_receiptdate": "1992-07-27", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ing to the fluffily" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1600, "l_partkey": 69, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 25.0d, "l_extendedprice": 24226.5d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-05-25", "l_commitdate": "1993-04-07", "l_receiptdate": "1993-06-05", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "press packages. ironic excuses bo" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1824, "l_partkey": 69, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 40.0d, "l_extendedprice": 38762.4d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-05-08", "l_commitdate": "1994-07-24", "l_receiptdate": "1994-06-06", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "es mold furiously final instructions. s" }
, { "l_orderkey": 3717, "l_partkey": 69, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 5.0d, "l_extendedprice": 4845.3d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-09-02", "l_commitdate": "1998-08-20", "l_receiptdate": "1998-09-26", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "quickly among " }
, { "l_orderkey": 4102, "l_partkey": 69, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 5.0d, "l_extendedprice": 4845.3d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-05-11", "l_commitdate": "1996-05-11", "l_receiptdate": "1996-05-16", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": " the furiously even" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4322, "l_partkey": 69, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 39.0d, "l_extendedprice": 37793.34d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-04-27", "l_commitdate": "1998-06-03", "l_receiptdate": "1998-05-04", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "its integrate fluffily " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4737, "l_partkey": 69, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 22.0d, "l_extendedprice": 21319.32d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-03-29", "l_commitdate": "1993-05-22", "l_receiptdate": "1993-04-16", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": " hang fluffily around t" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5216, "l_partkey": 69, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 17.0d, "l_extendedprice": 16474.02d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-08-20", "l_commitdate": "1997-11-07", "l_receiptdate": "1997-09-14", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "s according to the accounts bo" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1477, "l_partkey": 69, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 49.0d, "l_extendedprice": 47483.94d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-11-18", "l_commitdate": "1997-11-06", "l_receiptdate": "1997-11-27", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ise according to the sly, bold p" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1600, "l_partkey": 69, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 25.0d, "l_extendedprice": 24226.5d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-05-25", "l_commitdate": "1993-04-07", "l_receiptdate": "1993-06-05", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "press packages. ironic excuses bo" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3205, "l_partkey": 69, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 36.0d, "l_extendedprice": 34886.16d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-05-31", "l_commitdate": "1992-06-19", "l_receiptdate": "1992-06-03", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "s. ironic platelets above the s" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5767, "l_partkey": 69, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 15.0d, "l_extendedprice": 14535.9d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-06-05", "l_commitdate": "1992-07-28", "l_receiptdate": "1992-06-08", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "warthogs. carefully unusual g" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 386, "l_partkey": 69, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 16.0d, "l_extendedprice": 15504.96d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-04-12", "l_commitdate": "1995-04-18", "l_receiptdate": "1995-05-11", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "lithely fluffi" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1221, "l_partkey": 69, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 3.0d, "l_extendedprice": 2907.18d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-07-01", "l_commitdate": "1992-06-04", "l_receiptdate": "1992-07-27", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ing to the fluffily" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1824, "l_partkey": 69, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 40.0d, "l_extendedprice": 38762.4d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-05-08", "l_commitdate": "1994-07-24", "l_receiptdate": "1994-06-06", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "es mold furiously final instructions. s" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3459, "l_partkey": 69, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 10.0d, "l_extendedprice": 9690.6d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-10-06", "l_commitdate": "1994-09-16", "l_receiptdate": "1994-11-03", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": " furiously silent dolphi" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3940, "l_partkey": 69, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 40.0d, "l_extendedprice": 38762.4d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-02-29", "l_commitdate": "1996-03-22", "l_receiptdate": "1996-03-04", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ts. regular fox" }
, { "l_orderkey": 4769, "l_partkey": 69, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 45.0d, "l_extendedprice": 43607.7d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-06-01", "l_commitdate": "1995-07-13", "l_receiptdate": "1995-06-04", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "accounts are. even accounts sleep" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5216, "l_partkey": 69, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 17.0d, "l_extendedprice": 16474.02d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-08-20", "l_commitdate": "1997-11-07", "l_receiptdate": "1997-09-14", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "s according to the accounts bo" }
, { "l_orderkey": 5348, "l_partkey": 69, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 21.0d, "l_extendedprice": 20350.26d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-12-11", "l_commitdate": "1997-12-24", "l_receiptdate": "1997-12-28", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": " regular theodolites haggle car" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2849, "l_partkey": 69, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 30.0d, "l_extendedprice": 29071.8d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-06-20", "l_commitdate": "1996-07-23", "l_receiptdate": "1996-07-06", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "yly furiously even id" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3429, "l_partkey": 69, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 10.0d, "l_extendedprice": 9690.6d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-01-19", "l_commitdate": "1997-02-22", "l_receiptdate": "1997-01-25", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ackages. quickly e" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3591, "l_partkey": 69, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 24.0d, "l_extendedprice": 23257.44d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-12-26", "l_commitdate": "1994-01-07", "l_receiptdate": "1994-01-25", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ages. slyly regular dependencies cajo" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1025, "l_partkey": 69, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 23.0d, "l_extendedprice": 22288.38d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-06-02", "l_commitdate": "1995-07-29", "l_receiptdate": "1995-06-23", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": " regular platelets nag carefu" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3940, "l_partkey": 69, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 40.0d, "l_extendedprice": 38762.4d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-02-29", "l_commitdate": "1996-03-22", "l_receiptdate": "1996-03-04", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ts. regular fox" }
, { "l_orderkey": 4577, "l_partkey": 69, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 12.0d, "l_extendedprice": 11628.72d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-07-29", "l_commitdate": "1998-06-17", "l_receiptdate": "1998-08-04", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "equests alongsi" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 486, "l_partkey": 68, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 40.0d, "l_extendedprice": 38722.4d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-05-21", "l_commitdate": "1996-06-06", "l_receiptdate": "1996-06-07", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ts nag quickly among the slyl" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1473, "l_partkey": 68, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 32.0d, "l_extendedprice": 30977.92d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-04-18", "l_commitdate": "1997-05-12", "l_receiptdate": "1997-05-10", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "out the packages lose furiously ab" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4737, "l_partkey": 69, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 22.0d, "l_extendedprice": 21319.32d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-03-29", "l_commitdate": "1993-05-22", "l_receiptdate": "1993-04-16", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": " hang fluffily around t" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3045, "l_partkey": 69, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 48.0d, "l_extendedprice": 46514.88d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-10-01", "l_commitdate": "1995-12-16", "l_receiptdate": "1995-10-10", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ole quickly outside th" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3429, "l_partkey": 69, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 10.0d, "l_extendedprice": 9690.6d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-01-19", "l_commitdate": "1997-02-22", "l_receiptdate": "1997-01-25", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ackages. quickly e" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3459, "l_partkey": 69, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 10.0d, "l_extendedprice": 9690.6d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-10-06", "l_commitdate": "1994-09-16", "l_receiptdate": "1994-11-03", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": " furiously silent dolphi" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 386, "l_partkey": 69, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 16.0d, "l_extendedprice": 15504.96d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-04-12", "l_commitdate": "1995-04-18", "l_receiptdate": "1995-05-11", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "lithely fluffi" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1477, "l_partkey": 69, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 49.0d, "l_extendedprice": 47483.94d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-11-18", "l_commitdate": "1997-11-06", "l_receiptdate": "1997-11-27", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ise according to the sly, bold p" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2500, "l_partkey": 69, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 17.0d, "l_extendedprice": 16474.02d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-09-30", "l_commitdate": "1992-10-16", "l_receiptdate": "1992-10-05", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "encies-- ironic, even packages" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2849, "l_partkey": 69, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 30.0d, "l_extendedprice": 29071.8d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-06-20", "l_commitdate": "1996-07-23", "l_receiptdate": "1996-07-06", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "yly furiously even id" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3205, "l_partkey": 69, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 36.0d, "l_extendedprice": 34886.16d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-05-31", "l_commitdate": "1992-06-19", "l_receiptdate": "1992-06-03", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "s. ironic platelets above the s" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3591, "l_partkey": 69, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 24.0d, "l_extendedprice": 23257.44d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-12-26", "l_commitdate": "1994-01-07", "l_receiptdate": "1994-01-25", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ages. slyly regular dependencies cajo" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3714, "l_partkey": 69, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 13.0d, "l_extendedprice": 12597.78d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-06-26", "l_commitdate": "1998-06-17", "l_receiptdate": "1998-07-07", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": " the furiously final" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4322, "l_partkey": 69, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 39.0d, "l_extendedprice": 37793.34d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-04-27", "l_commitdate": "1998-06-03", "l_receiptdate": "1998-05-04", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "its integrate fluffily " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5767, "l_partkey": 69, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 15.0d, "l_extendedprice": 14535.9d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-06-05", "l_commitdate": "1992-07-28", "l_receiptdate": "1992-06-08", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "warthogs. carefully unusual g" }
, { "l_orderkey": 1507, "l_partkey": 68, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 25.0d, "l_extendedprice": 24201.5d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-01-07", "l_commitdate": "1994-01-06", "l_receiptdate": "1994-01-11", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "xes. slyly busy de" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1861, "l_partkey": 68, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 7.0d, "l_extendedprice": 6776.42d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-01-14", "l_commitdate": "1994-04-03", "l_receiptdate": "1994-01-16", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "s foxes. slyly" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1927, "l_partkey": 68, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 3.0d, "l_extendedprice": 2904.18d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-10-06", "l_commitdate": "1995-12-08", "l_receiptdate": "1995-11-05", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ccounts affi" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2052, "l_partkey": 68, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 50.0d, "l_extendedprice": 48403.0d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-06-22", "l_commitdate": "1992-06-03", "l_receiptdate": "1992-07-19", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "wake after the decoy" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4865, "l_partkey": 68, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 44.0d, "l_extendedprice": 42594.64d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-07-25", "l_commitdate": "1997-08-20", "l_receiptdate": "1997-08-22", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "even deposits sleep against the quickly r" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5921, "l_partkey": 68, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 17.0d, "l_extendedprice": 16457.02d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-05-20", "l_commitdate": "1994-05-26", "l_receiptdate": "1994-05-23", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "final asymptotes. even packages boost " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 39, "l_partkey": 68, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 46.0d, "l_extendedprice": 44530.76d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-09-26", "l_commitdate": "1996-12-19", "l_receiptdate": "1996-10-26", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "he carefully e" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1543, "l_partkey": 68, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 3.0d, "l_extendedprice": 2904.18d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-03-22", "l_commitdate": "1997-04-06", "l_receiptdate": "1997-03-30", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "quickly. final accounts haggle slyl" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2465, "l_partkey": 68, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 27.0d, "l_extendedprice": 26137.62d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-09-05", "l_commitdate": "1995-09-07", "l_receiptdate": "1995-09-17", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "posits boost carefully unusual instructio" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3041, "l_partkey": 68, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 9.0d, "l_extendedprice": 8712.54d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-08-28", "l_commitdate": "1997-07-23", "l_receiptdate": "1997-09-16", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "scapades after the special" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3842, "l_partkey": 68, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 13.0d, "l_extendedprice": 12584.78d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-04-13", "l_commitdate": "1992-06-22", "l_receiptdate": "1992-05-11", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "t blithely. busily regular accounts alon" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4706, "l_partkey": 68, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 6.0d, "l_extendedprice": 5808.36d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-01-20", "l_commitdate": "1993-03-18", "l_receiptdate": "1993-01-26", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "efully eve" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4837, "l_partkey": 68, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 42.0d, "l_extendedprice": 40658.52d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-06-19", "l_commitdate": "1998-07-06", "l_receiptdate": "1998-06-23", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "o the furiously final theodolites boost" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5252, "l_partkey": 68, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 24.0d, "l_extendedprice": 23233.44d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-05-11", "l_commitdate": "1996-04-17", "l_receiptdate": "1996-05-12", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "posits after the fluffi" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5414, "l_partkey": 68, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 40.0d, "l_extendedprice": 38722.4d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-04-07", "l_commitdate": "1993-05-18", "l_receiptdate": "1993-04-23", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ts are evenly across" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5504, "l_partkey": 68, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 4.0d, "l_extendedprice": 3872.24d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-04-30", "l_commitdate": "1993-03-01", "l_receiptdate": "1993-05-22", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "into beans boost. " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5857, "l_partkey": 68, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 1.0d, "l_extendedprice": 968.06d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-02-01", "l_commitdate": "1997-12-09", "l_receiptdate": "1998-02-20", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "instructions detect final reques" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 135, "l_partkey": 68, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 34.0d, "l_extendedprice": 32914.04d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-01-12", "l_commitdate": "1996-01-19", "l_receiptdate": "1996-02-05", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "counts doze against the blithely ironi" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1826, "l_partkey": 68, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 9.0d, "l_extendedprice": 8712.54d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-07-12", "l_commitdate": "1992-07-11", "l_receiptdate": "1992-07-15", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": " blithely special" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3873, "l_partkey": 68, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 19.0d, "l_extendedprice": 18393.14d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-05-15", "l_commitdate": "1998-05-10", "l_receiptdate": "1998-05-17", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "y final ac" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5153, "l_partkey": 68, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 30.0d, "l_extendedprice": 29041.8d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-11-10", "l_commitdate": "1995-11-14", "l_receiptdate": "1995-11-16", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "beans sleep bl" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1, "l_partkey": 68, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 36.0d, "l_extendedprice": 34850.16d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-04-12", "l_commitdate": "1996-02-28", "l_receiptdate": "1996-04-20", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ly final dependencies: slyly bold " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 610, "l_partkey": 68, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 11.0d, "l_extendedprice": 10648.66d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-10-31", "l_commitdate": "1995-10-25", "l_receiptdate": "1995-11-18", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "blithely final " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 868, "l_partkey": 68, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 19.0d, "l_extendedprice": 18393.14d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-06-22", "l_commitdate": "1992-08-27", "l_receiptdate": "1992-07-04", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "lyly ironic platelets wake. rut" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1539, "l_partkey": 68, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 7.0d, "l_extendedprice": 6776.42d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-05-14", "l_commitdate": "1995-04-16", "l_receiptdate": "1995-05-30", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": ". fluffily reg" }
, { "l_orderkey": 1634, "l_partkey": 68, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 17.0d, "l_extendedprice": 16457.02d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-10-29", "l_commitdate": "1996-10-15", "l_receiptdate": "1996-11-02", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "cial, bold platelets alongside of the f" }
, { "l_orderkey": 1890, "l_partkey": 68, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 43.0d, "l_extendedprice": 41626.58d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-04-08", "l_commitdate": "1997-02-19", "l_receiptdate": "1997-04-30", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "lyly. instructions across the furiously" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1926, "l_partkey": 68, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 13.0d, "l_extendedprice": 12584.78d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-04-26", "l_commitdate": "1996-04-13", "l_receiptdate": "1996-05-08", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "eans wake bli" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2438, "l_partkey": 68, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 10.0d, "l_extendedprice": 9680.6d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-08-18", "l_commitdate": "1993-08-28", "l_receiptdate": "1993-09-08", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "engage car" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1927, "l_partkey": 68, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 3.0d, "l_extendedprice": 2904.18d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-10-06", "l_commitdate": "1995-12-08", "l_receiptdate": "1995-11-05", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ccounts affi" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2052, "l_partkey": 68, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 50.0d, "l_extendedprice": 48403.0d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-06-22", "l_commitdate": "1992-06-03", "l_receiptdate": "1992-07-19", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "wake after the decoy" }
, { "l_orderkey": 3205, "l_partkey": 68, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 7.0d, "l_extendedprice": 6776.42d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-07-05", "l_commitdate": "1992-06-17", "l_receiptdate": "1992-07-07", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ly alongsi" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3873, "l_partkey": 68, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 19.0d, "l_extendedprice": 18393.14d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-05-15", "l_commitdate": "1998-05-10", "l_receiptdate": "1998-05-17", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "y final ac" }
, { "l_orderkey": 5121, "l_partkey": 68, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 10.0d, "l_extendedprice": 9680.6d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-06-08", "l_commitdate": "1992-07-10", "l_receiptdate": "1992-07-02", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "e quickly according " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5472, "l_partkey": 68, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 28.0d, "l_extendedprice": 27105.68d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-07-28", "l_commitdate": "1993-05-28", "l_receiptdate": "1993-08-11", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ffily pendin" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5414, "l_partkey": 68, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 40.0d, "l_extendedprice": 38722.4d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-04-07", "l_commitdate": "1993-05-18", "l_receiptdate": "1993-04-23", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ts are evenly across" }
, { "l_orderkey": 5602, "l_partkey": 68, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 30.0d, "l_extendedprice": 29041.8d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-09-20", "l_commitdate": "1997-10-25", "l_receiptdate": "1997-10-12", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "e slyly even packages. careful" }
, { "l_orderkey": 5664, "l_partkey": 68, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 34.0d, "l_extendedprice": 32914.04d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-09-10", "l_commitdate": "1998-10-05", "l_receiptdate": "1998-09-15", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "st. fluffily pending foxes na" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 612, "l_partkey": 67, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 49.0d, "l_extendedprice": 47385.94d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-01-08", "l_commitdate": "1992-11-25", "l_receiptdate": "1993-01-17", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "theodolite" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3136, "l_partkey": 67, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 2.0d, "l_extendedprice": 1934.12d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-11-21", "l_commitdate": "1994-11-03", "l_receiptdate": "1994-11-26", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "? special, silent " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3426, "l_partkey": 67, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 19.0d, "l_extendedprice": 18374.14d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-12-07", "l_commitdate": "1996-12-15", "l_receiptdate": "1996-12-14", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "c accounts cajole carefu" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5632, "l_partkey": 67, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 24.0d, "l_extendedprice": 23209.44d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-03-23", "l_commitdate": "1996-04-02", "l_receiptdate": "1996-03-30", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "beans detect. quickly final i" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5734, "l_partkey": 67, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 10.0d, "l_extendedprice": 9670.6d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-12-28", "l_commitdate": "1997-12-24", "l_receiptdate": "1998-01-24", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "equests; accounts above" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1, "l_partkey": 68, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 36.0d, "l_extendedprice": 34850.16d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-04-12", "l_commitdate": "1996-02-28", "l_receiptdate": "1996-04-20", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ly final dependencies: slyly bold " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 868, "l_partkey": 68, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 19.0d, "l_extendedprice": 18393.14d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-06-22", "l_commitdate": "1992-08-27", "l_receiptdate": "1992-07-04", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "lyly ironic platelets wake. rut" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2465, "l_partkey": 68, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 27.0d, "l_extendedprice": 26137.62d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-09-05", "l_commitdate": "1995-09-07", "l_receiptdate": "1995-09-17", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "posits boost carefully unusual instructio" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4706, "l_partkey": 68, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 6.0d, "l_extendedprice": 5808.36d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-01-20", "l_commitdate": "1993-03-18", "l_receiptdate": "1993-01-26", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "efully eve" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4865, "l_partkey": 68, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 44.0d, "l_extendedprice": 42594.64d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-07-25", "l_commitdate": "1997-08-20", "l_receiptdate": "1997-08-22", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "even deposits sleep against the quickly r" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5472, "l_partkey": 68, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 28.0d, "l_extendedprice": 27105.68d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-07-28", "l_commitdate": "1993-05-28", "l_receiptdate": "1993-08-11", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ffily pendin" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5921, "l_partkey": 68, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 17.0d, "l_extendedprice": 16457.02d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-05-20", "l_commitdate": "1994-05-26", "l_receiptdate": "1994-05-23", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "final asymptotes. even packages boost " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 39, "l_partkey": 68, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 46.0d, "l_extendedprice": 44530.76d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-09-26", "l_commitdate": "1996-12-19", "l_receiptdate": "1996-10-26", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "he carefully e" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 135, "l_partkey": 68, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 34.0d, "l_extendedprice": 32914.04d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-01-12", "l_commitdate": "1996-01-19", "l_receiptdate": "1996-02-05", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "counts doze against the blithely ironi" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1473, "l_partkey": 68, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 32.0d, "l_extendedprice": 30977.92d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-04-18", "l_commitdate": "1997-05-12", "l_receiptdate": "1997-05-10", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "out the packages lose furiously ab" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1543, "l_partkey": 68, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 3.0d, "l_extendedprice": 2904.18d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-03-22", "l_commitdate": "1997-04-06", "l_receiptdate": "1997-03-30", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "quickly. final accounts haggle slyl" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1826, "l_partkey": 68, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 9.0d, "l_extendedprice": 8712.54d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-07-12", "l_commitdate": "1992-07-11", "l_receiptdate": "1992-07-15", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": " blithely special" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1926, "l_partkey": 68, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 13.0d, "l_extendedprice": 12584.78d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-04-26", "l_commitdate": "1996-04-13", "l_receiptdate": "1996-05-08", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "eans wake bli" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2438, "l_partkey": 68, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 10.0d, "l_extendedprice": 9680.6d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-08-18", "l_commitdate": "1993-08-28", "l_receiptdate": "1993-09-08", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "engage car" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3041, "l_partkey": 68, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 9.0d, "l_extendedprice": 8712.54d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-08-28", "l_commitdate": "1997-07-23", "l_receiptdate": "1997-09-16", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "scapades after the special" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4837, "l_partkey": 68, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 42.0d, "l_extendedprice": 40658.52d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-06-19", "l_commitdate": "1998-07-06", "l_receiptdate": "1998-06-23", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "o the furiously final theodolites boost" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5252, "l_partkey": 68, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 24.0d, "l_extendedprice": 23233.44d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-05-11", "l_commitdate": "1996-04-17", "l_receiptdate": "1996-05-12", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "posits after the fluffi" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5504, "l_partkey": 68, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 4.0d, "l_extendedprice": 3872.24d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-04-30", "l_commitdate": "1993-03-01", "l_receiptdate": "1993-05-22", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "into beans boost. " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 486, "l_partkey": 68, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 40.0d, "l_extendedprice": 38722.4d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-05-21", "l_commitdate": "1996-06-06", "l_receiptdate": "1996-06-07", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ts nag quickly among the slyl" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 610, "l_partkey": 68, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 11.0d, "l_extendedprice": 10648.66d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-10-31", "l_commitdate": "1995-10-25", "l_receiptdate": "1995-11-18", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "blithely final " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1539, "l_partkey": 68, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 7.0d, "l_extendedprice": 6776.42d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-05-14", "l_commitdate": "1995-04-16", "l_receiptdate": "1995-05-30", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": ". fluffily reg" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1861, "l_partkey": 68, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 7.0d, "l_extendedprice": 6776.42d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-01-14", "l_commitdate": "1994-04-03", "l_receiptdate": "1994-01-16", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "s foxes. slyly" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3842, "l_partkey": 68, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 13.0d, "l_extendedprice": 12584.78d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-04-13", "l_commitdate": "1992-06-22", "l_receiptdate": "1992-05-11", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "t blithely. busily regular accounts alon" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5153, "l_partkey": 68, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 30.0d, "l_extendedprice": 29041.8d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-11-10", "l_commitdate": "1995-11-14", "l_receiptdate": "1995-11-16", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "beans sleep bl" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5857, "l_partkey": 68, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 1.0d, "l_extendedprice": 968.06d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-02-01", "l_commitdate": "1997-12-09", "l_receiptdate": "1998-02-20", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "instructions detect final reques" }
, { "l_orderkey": 1445, "l_partkey": 67, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 48.0d, "l_extendedprice": 46418.88d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-02-28", "l_commitdate": "1995-03-16", "l_receiptdate": "1995-03-12", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": ". final ideas are carefully dar" }
, { "l_orderkey": 1702, "l_partkey": 67, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 19.0d, "l_extendedprice": 18374.14d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-06-02", "l_commitdate": "1995-06-30", "l_receiptdate": "1995-06-29", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ies haggle blith" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2631, "l_partkey": 67, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 4.0d, "l_extendedprice": 3868.24d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-11-03", "l_commitdate": "1993-12-17", "l_receiptdate": "1993-11-05", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "special theodolites. a" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2661, "l_partkey": 67, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 11.0d, "l_extendedprice": 10637.66d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-04-14", "l_commitdate": "1997-02-11", "l_receiptdate": "1997-05-05", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "equests are a" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4102, "l_partkey": 67, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 39.0d, "l_extendedprice": 37715.34d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-04-14", "l_commitdate": "1996-05-18", "l_receiptdate": "1996-04-20", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ffix blithely slyly special " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1543, "l_partkey": 67, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 42.0d, "l_extendedprice": 40616.52d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-05-26", "l_commitdate": "1997-03-30", "l_receiptdate": "1997-06-12", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "its sleep until the fur" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3399, "l_partkey": 67, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 3.0d, "l_extendedprice": 2901.18d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-06-16", "l_commitdate": "1995-04-04", "l_receiptdate": "1995-06-23", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "hely pending dugouts " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4929, "l_partkey": 67, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 24.0d, "l_extendedprice": 23209.44d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-04-15", "l_commitdate": "1996-04-30", "l_receiptdate": "1996-05-09", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": " accounts boost" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5317, "l_partkey": 67, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 50.0d, "l_extendedprice": 48353.0d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-10-17", "l_commitdate": "1994-10-25", "l_receiptdate": "1994-11-03", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "cajole furiously. accounts use quick" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5441, "l_partkey": 67, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 47.0d, "l_extendedprice": 45451.82d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-11-19", "l_commitdate": "1994-10-16", "l_receiptdate": "1994-12-16", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ounts wake slyly about the express instr" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3136, "l_partkey": 67, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 2.0d, "l_extendedprice": 1934.12d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-11-21", "l_commitdate": "1994-11-03", "l_receiptdate": "1994-11-26", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "? special, silent " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5344, "l_partkey": 67, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 26.0d, "l_extendedprice": 25143.56d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-08-27", "l_commitdate": "1998-08-22", "l_receiptdate": "1998-09-24", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "furiously pending, silent multipliers." }
, { "l_orderkey": 5507, "l_partkey": 67, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 22.0d, "l_extendedprice": 21275.32d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-07-08", "l_commitdate": "1998-08-10", "l_receiptdate": "1998-07-22", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "gular ideas. carefully unu" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1543, "l_partkey": 67, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 42.0d, "l_extendedprice": 40616.52d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-05-26", "l_commitdate": "1997-03-30", "l_receiptdate": "1997-06-12", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "its sleep until the fur" }
, { "l_orderkey": 1764, "l_partkey": 67, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 3.0d, "l_extendedprice": 2901.18d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-05-13", "l_commitdate": "1992-06-07", "l_receiptdate": "1992-05-26", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "es wake slowly. " }
, { "l_orderkey": 2049, "l_partkey": 67, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 18.0d, "l_extendedprice": 17407.08d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-01-09", "l_commitdate": "1996-01-22", "l_receiptdate": "1996-01-25", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": " sleep fluffily. dependencies use never" }
, { "l_orderkey": 2819, "l_partkey": 67, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 12.0d, "l_extendedprice": 11604.72d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-07-18", "l_commitdate": "1994-06-24", "l_receiptdate": "1994-07-28", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": " regular, regular a" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5344, "l_partkey": 67, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 26.0d, "l_extendedprice": 25143.56d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-08-27", "l_commitdate": "1998-08-22", "l_receiptdate": "1998-09-24", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "furiously pending, silent multipliers." }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3426, "l_partkey": 67, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 19.0d, "l_extendedprice": 18374.14d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-12-07", "l_commitdate": "1996-12-15", "l_receiptdate": "1996-12-14", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "c accounts cajole carefu" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4102, "l_partkey": 67, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 39.0d, "l_extendedprice": 37715.34d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-04-14", "l_commitdate": "1996-05-18", "l_receiptdate": "1996-04-20", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ffix blithely slyly special " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5441, "l_partkey": 67, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 47.0d, "l_extendedprice": 45451.82d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-11-19", "l_commitdate": "1994-10-16", "l_receiptdate": "1994-12-16", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ounts wake slyly about the express instr" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5734, "l_partkey": 67, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 10.0d, "l_extendedprice": 9670.6d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-12-28", "l_commitdate": "1997-12-24", "l_receiptdate": "1998-01-24", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "equests; accounts above" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 612, "l_partkey": 67, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 49.0d, "l_extendedprice": 47385.94d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-01-08", "l_commitdate": "1992-11-25", "l_receiptdate": "1993-01-17", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "theodolite" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2631, "l_partkey": 67, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 4.0d, "l_extendedprice": 3868.24d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-11-03", "l_commitdate": "1993-12-17", "l_receiptdate": "1993-11-05", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "special theodolites. a" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2661, "l_partkey": 67, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 11.0d, "l_extendedprice": 10637.66d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-04-14", "l_commitdate": "1997-02-11", "l_receiptdate": "1997-05-05", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "equests are a" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3399, "l_partkey": 67, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 3.0d, "l_extendedprice": 2901.18d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-06-16", "l_commitdate": "1995-04-04", "l_receiptdate": "1995-06-23", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "hely pending dugouts " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4929, "l_partkey": 67, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 24.0d, "l_extendedprice": 23209.44d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-04-15", "l_commitdate": "1996-04-30", "l_receiptdate": "1996-05-09", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": " accounts boost" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5317, "l_partkey": 67, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 50.0d, "l_extendedprice": 48353.0d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-10-17", "l_commitdate": "1994-10-25", "l_receiptdate": "1994-11-03", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "cajole furiously. accounts use quick" }
, { "l_orderkey": 5543, "l_partkey": 67, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 3.0d, "l_extendedprice": 2901.18d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-11-18", "l_commitdate": "1993-11-05", "l_receiptdate": "1993-12-17", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ress, even " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 740, "l_partkey": 66, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 35.0d, "l_extendedprice": 33812.1d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-09-06", "l_commitdate": "1995-08-22", "l_receiptdate": "1995-10-02", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "p quickly. fu" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1410, "l_partkey": 66, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 25.0d, "l_extendedprice": 24151.5d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-05-07", "l_commitdate": "1997-07-10", "l_receiptdate": "1997-05-16", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "unts haggle against the furiously fina" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2562, "l_partkey": 66, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 25.0d, "l_extendedprice": 24151.5d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-11-23", "l_commitdate": "1992-10-08", "l_receiptdate": "1992-12-19", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": " accounts-- silent, unusual ideas a" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2887, "l_partkey": 66, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 11.0d, "l_extendedprice": 10626.66d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-07-08", "l_commitdate": "1997-07-17", "l_receiptdate": "1997-07-15", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ackages. unusual, speci" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3143, "l_partkey": 66, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 46.0d, "l_extendedprice": 44438.76d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-04-19", "l_commitdate": "1993-03-21", "l_receiptdate": "1993-05-05", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "low forges haggle. even packages use bli" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4550, "l_partkey": 66, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 19.0d, "l_extendedprice": 18355.14d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-01-01", "l_commitdate": "1995-02-13", "l_receiptdate": "1995-01-20", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "quests. express " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5380, "l_partkey": 66, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 6.0d, "l_extendedprice": 5796.36d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-11-15", "l_commitdate": "1998-01-08", "l_receiptdate": "1997-12-11", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "es. fluffily brave accounts across t" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5412, "l_partkey": 66, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 48.0d, "l_extendedprice": 46370.88d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-02-22", "l_commitdate": "1998-03-28", "l_receiptdate": "1998-03-18", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "s. slyly final packages cajole blithe" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5632, "l_partkey": 67, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 24.0d, "l_extendedprice": 23209.44d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-03-23", "l_commitdate": "1996-04-02", "l_receiptdate": "1996-03-30", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "beans detect. quickly final i" }
, { "l_orderkey": 194, "l_partkey": 66, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 13.0d, "l_extendedprice": 12558.78d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-05-07", "l_commitdate": "1992-06-18", "l_receiptdate": "1992-05-10", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "about the blit" }
, { "l_orderkey": 609, "l_partkey": 66, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 21.0d, "l_extendedprice": 20287.26d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-08-24", "l_commitdate": "1994-08-23", "l_receiptdate": "1994-08-27", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "de of the special warthogs. excu" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1733, "l_partkey": 66, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 9.0d, "l_extendedprice": 8694.54d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-05-25", "l_commitdate": "1996-07-23", "l_receiptdate": "1996-06-10", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ven foxes was according to t" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2343, "l_partkey": 66, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 35.0d, "l_extendedprice": 33812.1d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-10-24", "l_commitdate": "1995-11-09", "l_receiptdate": "1995-10-26", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ges haggle furiously carefully regular req" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2950, "l_partkey": 66, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 18.0d, "l_extendedprice": 17389.08d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-07-19", "l_commitdate": "1997-08-29", "l_receiptdate": "1997-08-17", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "uests cajole furio" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3814, "l_partkey": 66, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 20.0d, "l_extendedprice": 19321.2d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-02-23", "l_commitdate": "1995-03-26", "l_receiptdate": "1995-03-04", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": ". doggedly ironic deposits will have to wa" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4645, "l_partkey": 66, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 32.0d, "l_extendedprice": 30913.92d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-11-17", "l_commitdate": "1994-10-30", "l_receiptdate": "1994-11-18", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": " final accounts alongside" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5922, "l_partkey": 66, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 13.0d, "l_extendedprice": 12558.78d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-03-08", "l_commitdate": "1996-12-26", "l_receiptdate": "1997-04-03", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "sly special accounts wake ironically." }
, { "l_orderkey": 1280, "l_partkey": 66, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 9.0d, "l_extendedprice": 8694.54d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-04-18", "l_commitdate": "1993-03-28", "l_receiptdate": "1993-05-04", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "usual accou" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1316, "l_partkey": 66, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 15.0d, "l_extendedprice": 14490.9d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-12-17", "l_commitdate": "1994-02-04", "l_receiptdate": "1993-12-20", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "fully express dugouts. furiously silent ide" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4195, "l_partkey": 66, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 22.0d, "l_extendedprice": 21253.32d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-07-01", "l_commitdate": "1993-07-23", "l_receiptdate": "1993-07-28", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "lly express pinto bea" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5637, "l_partkey": 66, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 16.0d, "l_extendedprice": 15456.96d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-09-08", "l_commitdate": "1996-08-31", "l_receiptdate": "1996-09-29", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "d packages. express requests" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 71, "l_partkey": 66, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 3.0d, "l_extendedprice": 2898.18d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-05-23", "l_commitdate": "1998-04-03", "l_receiptdate": "1998-06-02", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "y. pinto beans haggle after the" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 261, "l_partkey": 66, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 20.0d, "l_extendedprice": 19321.2d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-10-21", "l_commitdate": "1993-08-02", "l_receiptdate": "1993-11-04", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ites hinder " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 549, "l_partkey": 66, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 36.0d, "l_extendedprice": 34778.16d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-09-11", "l_commitdate": "1992-10-11", "l_receiptdate": "1992-09-12", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ts against the ironic, even theodolites eng" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 995, "l_partkey": 66, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 25.0d, "l_extendedprice": 24151.5d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-09-08", "l_commitdate": "1995-08-05", "l_receiptdate": "1995-09-28", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "lyly even " }
, { "l_orderkey": 1603, "l_partkey": 66, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 29.0d, "l_extendedprice": 28015.74d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-09-28", "l_commitdate": "1993-09-20", "l_receiptdate": "1993-10-28", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ses wake furiously. theodolite" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2592, "l_partkey": 66, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 2.0d, "l_extendedprice": 1932.12d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-03-24", "l_commitdate": "1993-04-05", "l_receiptdate": "1993-04-16", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "side of the b" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2914, "l_partkey": 66, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 22.0d, "l_extendedprice": 21253.32d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-05-11", "l_commitdate": "1993-04-09", "l_receiptdate": "1993-05-22", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": " carefully about the fluffily ironic gifts" }
, { "l_orderkey": 3015, "l_partkey": 66, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 18.0d, "l_extendedprice": 17389.08d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-10-10", "l_commitdate": "1992-11-19", "l_receiptdate": "1992-10-18", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "equests wake fluffil" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 740, "l_partkey": 66, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 35.0d, "l_extendedprice": 33812.1d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-09-06", "l_commitdate": "1995-08-22", "l_receiptdate": "1995-10-02", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "p quickly. fu" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 995, "l_partkey": 66, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 25.0d, "l_extendedprice": 24151.5d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-09-08", "l_commitdate": "1995-08-05", "l_receiptdate": "1995-09-28", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "lyly even " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1733, "l_partkey": 66, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 9.0d, "l_extendedprice": 8694.54d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-05-25", "l_commitdate": "1996-07-23", "l_receiptdate": "1996-06-10", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ven foxes was according to t" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2562, "l_partkey": 66, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 25.0d, "l_extendedprice": 24151.5d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-11-23", "l_commitdate": "1992-10-08", "l_receiptdate": "1992-12-19", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": " accounts-- silent, unusual ideas a" }
, { "l_orderkey": 4193, "l_partkey": 66, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 21.0d, "l_extendedprice": 20287.26d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-04-26", "l_commitdate": "1994-03-22", "l_receiptdate": "1994-05-23", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "accounts cajole b" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 70, "l_partkey": 65, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 8.0d, "l_extendedprice": 7720.48d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-01-12", "l_commitdate": "1994-02-27", "l_receiptdate": "1994-01-14", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ggle. carefully pending dependenc" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 935, "l_partkey": 65, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 23.0d, "l_extendedprice": 22196.38d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-01-11", "l_commitdate": "1997-11-25", "l_receiptdate": "1998-02-05", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "hes haggle furiously dolphins. qu" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5380, "l_partkey": 66, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 6.0d, "l_extendedprice": 5796.36d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-11-15", "l_commitdate": "1998-01-08", "l_receiptdate": "1997-12-11", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "es. fluffily brave accounts across t" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5412, "l_partkey": 66, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 48.0d, "l_extendedprice": 46370.88d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-02-22", "l_commitdate": "1998-03-28", "l_receiptdate": "1998-03-18", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "s. slyly final packages cajole blithe" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5637, "l_partkey": 66, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 16.0d, "l_extendedprice": 15456.96d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-09-08", "l_commitdate": "1996-08-31", "l_receiptdate": "1996-09-29", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "d packages. express requests" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5922, "l_partkey": 66, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 13.0d, "l_extendedprice": 12558.78d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-03-08", "l_commitdate": "1996-12-26", "l_receiptdate": "1997-04-03", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "sly special accounts wake ironically." }
+, { "l_orderkey": 71, "l_partkey": 66, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 3.0d, "l_extendedprice": 2898.18d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-05-23", "l_commitdate": "1998-04-03", "l_receiptdate": "1998-06-02", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "y. pinto beans haggle after the" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 549, "l_partkey": 66, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 36.0d, "l_extendedprice": 34778.16d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-09-11", "l_commitdate": "1992-10-11", "l_receiptdate": "1992-09-12", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ts against the ironic, even theodolites eng" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1410, "l_partkey": 66, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 25.0d, "l_extendedprice": 24151.5d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-05-07", "l_commitdate": "1997-07-10", "l_receiptdate": "1997-05-16", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "unts haggle against the furiously fina" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2343, "l_partkey": 66, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 35.0d, "l_extendedprice": 33812.1d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-10-24", "l_commitdate": "1995-11-09", "l_receiptdate": "1995-10-26", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ges haggle furiously carefully regular req" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2887, "l_partkey": 66, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 11.0d, "l_extendedprice": 10626.66d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-07-08", "l_commitdate": "1997-07-17", "l_receiptdate": "1997-07-15", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ackages. unusual, speci" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2914, "l_partkey": 66, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 22.0d, "l_extendedprice": 21253.32d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-05-11", "l_commitdate": "1993-04-09", "l_receiptdate": "1993-05-22", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": " carefully about the fluffily ironic gifts" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2950, "l_partkey": 66, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 18.0d, "l_extendedprice": 17389.08d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-07-19", "l_commitdate": "1997-08-29", "l_receiptdate": "1997-08-17", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "uests cajole furio" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3143, "l_partkey": 66, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 46.0d, "l_extendedprice": 44438.76d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-04-19", "l_commitdate": "1993-03-21", "l_receiptdate": "1993-05-05", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "low forges haggle. even packages use bli" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4195, "l_partkey": 66, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 22.0d, "l_extendedprice": 21253.32d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-07-01", "l_commitdate": "1993-07-23", "l_receiptdate": "1993-07-28", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "lly express pinto bea" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 261, "l_partkey": 66, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 20.0d, "l_extendedprice": 19321.2d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-10-21", "l_commitdate": "1993-08-02", "l_receiptdate": "1993-11-04", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ites hinder " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1316, "l_partkey": 66, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 15.0d, "l_extendedprice": 14490.9d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-12-17", "l_commitdate": "1994-02-04", "l_receiptdate": "1993-12-20", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "fully express dugouts. furiously silent ide" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2592, "l_partkey": 66, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 2.0d, "l_extendedprice": 1932.12d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-03-24", "l_commitdate": "1993-04-05", "l_receiptdate": "1993-04-16", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "side of the b" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3814, "l_partkey": 66, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 20.0d, "l_extendedprice": 19321.2d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-02-23", "l_commitdate": "1995-03-26", "l_receiptdate": "1995-03-04", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": ". doggedly ironic deposits will have to wa" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4550, "l_partkey": 66, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 19.0d, "l_extendedprice": 18355.14d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-01-01", "l_commitdate": "1995-02-13", "l_receiptdate": "1995-01-20", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "quests. express " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4645, "l_partkey": 66, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 32.0d, "l_extendedprice": 30913.92d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-11-17", "l_commitdate": "1994-10-30", "l_receiptdate": "1994-11-18", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": " final accounts alongside" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 166, "l_partkey": 65, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 37.0d, "l_extendedprice": 35707.22d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-11-16", "l_commitdate": "1995-10-17", "l_receiptdate": "1995-12-13", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "lar frays wake blithely a" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 419, "l_partkey": 65, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 32.0d, "l_extendedprice": 30881.92d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-12-04", "l_commitdate": "1996-12-04", "l_receiptdate": "1996-12-24", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "blithely regular requests. special pinto" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 903, "l_partkey": 65, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 27.0d, "l_extendedprice": 26056.62d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-09-18", "l_commitdate": "1995-09-20", "l_receiptdate": "1995-10-02", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "lly pending foxes. furiously" }
, { "l_orderkey": 1347, "l_partkey": 65, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 9.0d, "l_extendedprice": 8685.54d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-08-28", "l_commitdate": "1997-09-16", "l_receiptdate": "1997-09-26", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": " detect blithely above the fina" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2503, "l_partkey": 65, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 28.0d, "l_extendedprice": 27021.68d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-08-08", "l_commitdate": "1993-08-31", "l_receiptdate": "1993-08-10", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "s wake quickly slyly " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2848, "l_partkey": 65, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 44.0d, "l_extendedprice": 42462.64d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-04-14", "l_commitdate": "1992-05-09", "l_receiptdate": "1992-04-19", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ions. slyly express instructions n" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4711, "l_partkey": 65, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 8.0d, "l_extendedprice": 7720.48d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-06-17", "l_commitdate": "1998-06-13", "l_receiptdate": "1998-06-27", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "g to the carefully ironic deposits. specia" }
, { "l_orderkey": 1927, "l_partkey": 65, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 6.0d, "l_extendedprice": 5790.36d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-11-29", "l_commitdate": "1995-11-20", "l_receiptdate": "1995-12-08", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "furiously even wat" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2053, "l_partkey": 65, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 46.0d, "l_extendedprice": 44392.76d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-04-01", "l_commitdate": "1995-04-02", "l_receiptdate": "1995-04-18", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "tions. furiously even requests hagg" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2503, "l_partkey": 65, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 28.0d, "l_extendedprice": 27021.68d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-08-08", "l_commitdate": "1993-08-31", "l_receiptdate": "1993-08-10", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "s wake quickly slyly " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2528, "l_partkey": 65, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 37.0d, "l_extendedprice": 35707.22d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-12-25", "l_commitdate": "1995-02-02", "l_receiptdate": "1994-12-31", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ng the pending excuses haggle after the bl" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2848, "l_partkey": 65, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 44.0d, "l_extendedprice": 42462.64d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-04-14", "l_commitdate": "1992-05-09", "l_receiptdate": "1992-04-19", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ions. slyly express instructions n" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4354, "l_partkey": 65, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 37.0d, "l_extendedprice": 35707.22d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-01-13", "l_commitdate": "1994-12-29", "l_receiptdate": "1995-01-31", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "deas use blithely! special foxes print af" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4804, "l_partkey": 65, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 33.0d, "l_extendedprice": 31846.98d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-03-02", "l_commitdate": "1992-04-14", "l_receiptdate": "1992-03-13", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": ", thin excuses. " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4995, "l_partkey": 65, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 16.0d, "l_extendedprice": 15440.96d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-02-27", "l_commitdate": "1996-04-03", "l_receiptdate": "1996-02-29", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "egular, bold packages. accou" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 70, "l_partkey": 65, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 8.0d, "l_extendedprice": 7720.48d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-01-12", "l_commitdate": "1994-02-27", "l_receiptdate": "1994-01-14", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ggle. carefully pending dependenc" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 930, "l_partkey": 65, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 10.0d, "l_extendedprice": 9650.6d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-12-18", "l_commitdate": "1995-01-27", "l_receiptdate": "1995-01-16", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ckly regular requests: regular instructions" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3751, "l_partkey": 65, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 45.0d, "l_extendedprice": 43427.7d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-05-27", "l_commitdate": "1994-06-19", "l_receiptdate": "1994-06-14", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "according to " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4614, "l_partkey": 65, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 3.0d, "l_extendedprice": 2895.18d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-07-22", "l_commitdate": "1996-07-21", "l_receiptdate": "1996-08-07", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ions engage final, ironic " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4711, "l_partkey": 65, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 8.0d, "l_extendedprice": 7720.48d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-06-17", "l_commitdate": "1998-06-13", "l_receiptdate": "1998-06-27", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "g to the carefully ironic deposits. specia" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4805, "l_partkey": 65, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 13.0d, "l_extendedprice": 12545.78d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-07-16", "l_commitdate": "1992-06-07", "l_receiptdate": "1992-08-10", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "its serve about the accounts. slyly regu" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5095, "l_partkey": 65, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 46.0d, "l_extendedprice": 44392.76d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-06-26", "l_commitdate": "1992-06-25", "l_receiptdate": "1992-07-05", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "egular instruction" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 388, "l_partkey": 65, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 40.0d, "l_extendedprice": 38602.4d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-12-24", "l_commitdate": "1993-01-28", "l_receiptdate": "1993-01-19", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "quests against the carefully unusual epi" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 512, "l_partkey": 65, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 6.0d, "l_extendedprice": 5790.36d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-06-10", "l_commitdate": "1995-06-21", "l_receiptdate": "1995-06-16", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "en ideas haggle " }
, { "l_orderkey": 2785, "l_partkey": 65, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 33.0d, "l_extendedprice": 31846.98d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-10-16", "l_commitdate": "1995-08-24", "l_receiptdate": "1995-11-02", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "fter the furiously final p" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3106, "l_partkey": 65, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 16.0d, "l_extendedprice": 15440.96d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-02-25", "l_commitdate": "1997-04-10", "l_receiptdate": "1997-03-16", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "sits wake slyl" }
, { "l_orderkey": 3430, "l_partkey": 65, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 50.0d, "l_extendedprice": 48253.0d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-12-15", "l_commitdate": "1995-03-03", "l_receiptdate": "1994-12-24", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ironic theodolites. carefully regular pac" }
, { "l_orderkey": 3553, "l_partkey": 65, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 26.0d, "l_extendedprice": 25091.56d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-08-06", "l_commitdate": "1994-07-30", "l_receiptdate": "1994-08-23", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "fily special p" }
, { "l_orderkey": 4257, "l_partkey": 65, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 3.0d, "l_extendedprice": 2895.18d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-06-18", "l_commitdate": "1995-05-01", "l_receiptdate": "1995-07-12", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "thin the theodolites use after the bl" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4354, "l_partkey": 65, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 37.0d, "l_extendedprice": 35707.22d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-01-13", "l_commitdate": "1994-12-29", "l_receiptdate": "1995-01-31", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "deas use blithely! special foxes print af" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4805, "l_partkey": 65, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 13.0d, "l_extendedprice": 12545.78d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-07-16", "l_commitdate": "1992-06-07", "l_receiptdate": "1992-08-10", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "its serve about the accounts. slyly regu" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4388, "l_partkey": 65, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 30.0d, "l_extendedprice": 28951.8d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-06-07", "l_commitdate": "1996-05-07", "l_receiptdate": "1996-06-22", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "s cajole fluffil" }
, { "l_orderkey": 5539, "l_partkey": 65, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 42.0d, "l_extendedprice": 40532.52d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-09-29", "l_commitdate": "1994-09-17", "l_receiptdate": "1994-10-20", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ons across the carefully si" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 419, "l_partkey": 65, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 32.0d, "l_extendedprice": 30881.92d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-12-04", "l_commitdate": "1996-12-04", "l_receiptdate": "1996-12-24", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "blithely regular requests. special pinto" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 512, "l_partkey": 65, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 6.0d, "l_extendedprice": 5790.36d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-06-10", "l_commitdate": "1995-06-21", "l_receiptdate": "1995-06-16", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "en ideas haggle " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 903, "l_partkey": 65, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 27.0d, "l_extendedprice": 26056.62d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-09-18", "l_commitdate": "1995-09-20", "l_receiptdate": "1995-10-02", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "lly pending foxes. furiously" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 930, "l_partkey": 65, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 10.0d, "l_extendedprice": 9650.6d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-12-18", "l_commitdate": "1995-01-27", "l_receiptdate": "1995-01-16", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ckly regular requests: regular instructions" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 935, "l_partkey": 65, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 23.0d, "l_extendedprice": 22196.38d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-01-11", "l_commitdate": "1997-11-25", "l_receiptdate": "1998-02-05", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "hes haggle furiously dolphins. qu" }
, { "l_orderkey": 994, "l_partkey": 65, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 4.0d, "l_extendedprice": 3860.24d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-07-05", "l_commitdate": "1994-05-21", "l_receiptdate": "1994-07-20", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "aggle carefully acc" }
, { "l_orderkey": 1030, "l_partkey": 65, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 17.0d, "l_extendedprice": 16406.02d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-10-13", "l_commitdate": "1994-08-01", "l_receiptdate": "1994-11-10", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ly. carefully even packages dazz" }
, { "l_orderkey": 1409, "l_partkey": 65, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 36.0d, "l_extendedprice": 34742.16d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-01-27", "l_commitdate": "1993-01-31", "l_receiptdate": "1993-02-07", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ncies sleep carefully r" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2528, "l_partkey": 65, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 37.0d, "l_extendedprice": 35707.22d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-12-25", "l_commitdate": "1995-02-02", "l_receiptdate": "1994-12-31", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ng the pending excuses haggle after the bl" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3751, "l_partkey": 65, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 45.0d, "l_extendedprice": 43427.7d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-05-27", "l_commitdate": "1994-06-19", "l_receiptdate": "1994-06-14", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "according to " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4804, "l_partkey": 65, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 33.0d, "l_extendedprice": 31846.98d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-03-02", "l_commitdate": "1992-04-14", "l_receiptdate": "1992-03-13", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": ", thin excuses. " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4865, "l_partkey": 65, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 47.0d, "l_extendedprice": 45357.82d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-08-26", "l_commitdate": "1997-08-07", "l_receiptdate": "1997-08-31", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "y unusual packages. packages" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4995, "l_partkey": 65, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 16.0d, "l_extendedprice": 15440.96d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-02-27", "l_commitdate": "1996-04-03", "l_receiptdate": "1996-02-29", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "egular, bold packages. accou" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 166, "l_partkey": 65, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 37.0d, "l_extendedprice": 35707.22d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-11-16", "l_commitdate": "1995-10-17", "l_receiptdate": "1995-12-13", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "lar frays wake blithely a" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 388, "l_partkey": 65, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 40.0d, "l_extendedprice": 38602.4d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-12-24", "l_commitdate": "1993-01-28", "l_receiptdate": "1993-01-19", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "quests against the carefully unusual epi" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2053, "l_partkey": 65, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 46.0d, "l_extendedprice": 44392.76d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-04-01", "l_commitdate": "1995-04-02", "l_receiptdate": "1995-04-18", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "tions. furiously even requests hagg" }
, { "l_orderkey": 2563, "l_partkey": 65, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 10.0d, "l_extendedprice": 9650.6d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-01-26", "l_commitdate": "1993-12-19", "l_receiptdate": "1994-01-28", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "tealthily abo" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3106, "l_partkey": 65, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 16.0d, "l_extendedprice": 15440.96d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-02-25", "l_commitdate": "1997-04-10", "l_receiptdate": "1997-03-16", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "sits wake slyl" }
, { "l_orderkey": 3270, "l_partkey": 65, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 20.0d, "l_extendedprice": 19301.2d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-08-26", "l_commitdate": "1997-07-31", "l_receiptdate": "1997-08-30", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "en accounts among the c" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4388, "l_partkey": 65, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 30.0d, "l_extendedprice": 28951.8d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-06-07", "l_commitdate": "1996-05-07", "l_receiptdate": "1996-06-22", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "s cajole fluffil" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4614, "l_partkey": 65, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 3.0d, "l_extendedprice": 2895.18d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-07-22", "l_commitdate": "1996-07-21", "l_receiptdate": "1996-08-07", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ions engage final, ironic " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5095, "l_partkey": 65, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 46.0d, "l_extendedprice": 44392.76d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-06-26", "l_commitdate": "1992-06-25", "l_receiptdate": "1992-07-05", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "egular instruction" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4865, "l_partkey": 65, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 47.0d, "l_extendedprice": 45357.82d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-08-26", "l_commitdate": "1997-08-07", "l_receiptdate": "1997-08-31", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "y unusual packages. packages" }
, { "l_orderkey": 5376, "l_partkey": 65, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 18.0d, "l_extendedprice": 17371.08d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-10-29", "l_commitdate": "1994-09-13", "l_receiptdate": "1994-11-01", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": " accounts boo" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 352, "l_partkey": 64, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 17.0d, "l_extendedprice": 16389.02d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-06-02", "l_commitdate": "1994-05-31", "l_receiptdate": "1994-06-29", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "pending deposits sleep furiously " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1, "l_partkey": 64, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 8.0d, "l_extendedprice": 7712.48d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-01-29", "l_commitdate": "1996-03-05", "l_receiptdate": "1996-01-31", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "riously. regular, express dep" }
, { "l_orderkey": 581, "l_partkey": 64, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 41.0d, "l_extendedprice": 39526.46d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-05-26", "l_commitdate": "1997-04-06", "l_receiptdate": "1997-06-10", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "nts. quickly" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2755, "l_partkey": 64, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 21.0d, "l_extendedprice": 20245.26d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-02-13", "l_commitdate": "1992-04-20", "l_receiptdate": "1992-03-02", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "furious re" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3331, "l_partkey": 64, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 9.0d, "l_extendedprice": 8676.54d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-07-18", "l_commitdate": "1993-07-03", "l_receiptdate": "1993-08-16", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "odolites. bold accounts" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3717, "l_partkey": 64, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 38.0d, "l_extendedprice": 36634.28d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-07-10", "l_commitdate": "1998-07-08", "l_receiptdate": "1998-07-29", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ly about the car" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2470, "l_partkey": 64, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 10.0d, "l_extendedprice": 9640.6d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-06-20", "l_commitdate": "1997-06-19", "l_receiptdate": "1997-06-24", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": " ironic requests a" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3266, "l_partkey": 64, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 31.0d, "l_extendedprice": 29885.86d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-06-19", "l_commitdate": "1995-05-04", "l_receiptdate": "1995-07-06", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "grate among the quickly express deposits" }
, { "l_orderkey": 4037, "l_partkey": 64, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 32.0d, "l_extendedprice": 30849.92d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-05-06", "l_commitdate": "1993-06-08", "l_receiptdate": "1993-05-31", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "e of the pending, iron" }
, { "l_orderkey": 4039, "l_partkey": 64, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 9.0d, "l_extendedprice": 8676.54d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-03-08", "l_commitdate": "1998-02-05", "l_receiptdate": "1998-04-05", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "t? pinto beans cajole across the thinly r" }
, { "l_orderkey": 4832, "l_partkey": 64, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 6.0d, "l_extendedprice": 5784.36d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-12-08", "l_commitdate": "1998-02-03", "l_receiptdate": "1997-12-10", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ages cajole after the bold requests. furi" }
, { "l_orderkey": 5409, "l_partkey": 64, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 14.0d, "l_extendedprice": 13496.84d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-02-14", "l_commitdate": "1992-03-26", "l_receiptdate": "1992-02-29", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "osits cajole furiously" }
, { "l_orderkey": 5540, "l_partkey": 64, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 19.0d, "l_extendedprice": 18317.14d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-02-06", "l_commitdate": "1996-11-18", "l_receiptdate": "1997-02-20", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": " slyly slyl" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 384, "l_partkey": 64, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 49.0d, "l_extendedprice": 47238.94d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-04-01", "l_commitdate": "1992-04-25", "l_receiptdate": "1992-04-18", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "refully carefully ironic instructions. bl" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2213, "l_partkey": 64, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 3.0d, "l_extendedprice": 2892.18d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-03-09", "l_commitdate": "1993-03-17", "l_receiptdate": "1993-04-07", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "o wake. ironic platel" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2470, "l_partkey": 64, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 10.0d, "l_extendedprice": 9640.6d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-06-20", "l_commitdate": "1997-06-19", "l_receiptdate": "1997-06-24", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": " ironic requests a" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3271, "l_partkey": 64, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 29.0d, "l_extendedprice": 27957.74d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-03-10", "l_commitdate": "1992-02-05", "l_receiptdate": "1992-03-14", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "lar instructions. carefully regular" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3520, "l_partkey": 64, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 41.0d, "l_extendedprice": 39526.46d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-08-06", "l_commitdate": "1997-09-20", "l_receiptdate": "1997-08-20", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": " carefully pendi" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1, "l_partkey": 64, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 8.0d, "l_extendedprice": 7712.48d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-01-29", "l_commitdate": "1996-03-05", "l_receiptdate": "1996-01-31", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "riously. regular, express dep" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1666, "l_partkey": 64, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 20.0d, "l_extendedprice": 19281.2d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-01-27", "l_commitdate": "1995-12-12", "l_receiptdate": "1996-01-31", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "uietly regular foxes wake quick" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 352, "l_partkey": 64, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 17.0d, "l_extendedprice": 16389.02d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-06-02", "l_commitdate": "1994-05-31", "l_receiptdate": "1994-06-29", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "pending deposits sleep furiously " }
, { "l_orderkey": 2407, "l_partkey": 64, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 14.0d, "l_extendedprice": 13496.84d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-10-10", "l_commitdate": "1998-08-25", "l_receiptdate": "1998-10-27", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "l dependencies s" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3172, "l_partkey": 64, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 31.0d, "l_extendedprice": 29885.86d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-09-01", "l_commitdate": "1992-08-27", "l_receiptdate": "1992-09-23", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": ". slyly regular dependencies haggle quiet" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3712, "l_partkey": 64, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 44.0d, "l_extendedprice": 42418.64d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-03-26", "l_commitdate": "1992-02-19", "l_receiptdate": "1992-04-18", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ously permanently regular req" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3653, "l_partkey": 64, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 29.0d, "l_extendedprice": 27957.74d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-04-11", "l_commitdate": "1994-06-11", "l_receiptdate": "1994-04-29", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ording to the special, final" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3717, "l_partkey": 64, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 38.0d, "l_extendedprice": 36634.28d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-07-10", "l_commitdate": "1998-07-08", "l_receiptdate": "1998-07-29", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ly about the car" }
, { "l_orderkey": 4004, "l_partkey": 64, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 47.0d, "l_extendedprice": 45310.82d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-06-25", "l_commitdate": "1993-08-03", "l_receiptdate": "1993-07-12", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "thely instead of the even, unu" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4676, "l_partkey": 64, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 13.0d, "l_extendedprice": 12532.78d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-11-18", "l_commitdate": "1995-11-07", "l_receiptdate": "1995-12-10", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": " at the slyly bold attainments. silently e" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4704, "l_partkey": 64, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 44.0d, "l_extendedprice": 42418.64d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-09-02", "l_commitdate": "1996-10-07", "l_receiptdate": "1996-09-17", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "out the care" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 384, "l_partkey": 64, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 49.0d, "l_extendedprice": 47238.94d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-04-01", "l_commitdate": "1992-04-25", "l_receiptdate": "1992-04-18", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "refully carefully ironic instructions. bl" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3172, "l_partkey": 64, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 31.0d, "l_extendedprice": 29885.86d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-09-01", "l_commitdate": "1992-08-27", "l_receiptdate": "1992-09-23", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": ". slyly regular dependencies haggle quiet" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3331, "l_partkey": 64, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 9.0d, "l_extendedprice": 8676.54d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-07-18", "l_commitdate": "1993-07-03", "l_receiptdate": "1993-08-16", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "odolites. bold accounts" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3520, "l_partkey": 64, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 41.0d, "l_extendedprice": 39526.46d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-08-06", "l_commitdate": "1997-09-20", "l_receiptdate": "1997-08-20", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": " carefully pendi" }
, { "l_orderkey": 5826, "l_partkey": 64, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 18.0d, "l_extendedprice": 17353.08d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-07-17", "l_commitdate": "1998-09-03", "l_receiptdate": "1998-07-22", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "atelets use above t" }
, { "l_orderkey": 577, "l_partkey": 64, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 14.0d, "l_extendedprice": 13496.84d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-03-19", "l_commitdate": "1995-02-25", "l_receiptdate": "1995-04-09", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "l accounts wake deposits. ironic packa" }
, { "l_orderkey": 1541, "l_partkey": 64, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 44.0d, "l_extendedprice": 42418.64d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-08-24", "l_commitdate": "1995-07-13", "l_receiptdate": "1995-08-26", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "o beans boost fluffily abou" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1666, "l_partkey": 64, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 20.0d, "l_extendedprice": 19281.2d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-01-27", "l_commitdate": "1995-12-12", "l_receiptdate": "1996-01-31", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "uietly regular foxes wake quick" }
, { "l_orderkey": 2209, "l_partkey": 64, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 11.0d, "l_extendedprice": 10604.66d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-07-12", "l_commitdate": "1992-08-24", "l_receiptdate": "1992-08-10", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "express, regular pinto be" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2213, "l_partkey": 64, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 3.0d, "l_extendedprice": 2892.18d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-03-09", "l_commitdate": "1993-03-17", "l_receiptdate": "1993-04-07", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "o wake. ironic platel" }
, { "l_orderkey": 2628, "l_partkey": 64, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 42.0d, "l_extendedprice": 40490.52d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-11-20", "l_commitdate": "1994-01-04", "l_receiptdate": "1993-12-19", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ld notornis alongside " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3266, "l_partkey": 64, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 31.0d, "l_extendedprice": 29885.86d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-06-19", "l_commitdate": "1995-05-04", "l_receiptdate": "1995-07-06", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "grate among the quickly express deposits" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3653, "l_partkey": 64, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 29.0d, "l_extendedprice": 27957.74d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-04-11", "l_commitdate": "1994-06-11", "l_receiptdate": "1994-04-29", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ording to the special, final" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2755, "l_partkey": 64, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 21.0d, "l_extendedprice": 20245.26d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-02-13", "l_commitdate": "1992-04-20", "l_receiptdate": "1992-03-02", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "furious re" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3271, "l_partkey": 64, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 29.0d, "l_extendedprice": 27957.74d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-03-10", "l_commitdate": "1992-02-05", "l_receiptdate": "1992-03-14", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "lar instructions. carefully regular" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3712, "l_partkey": 64, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 44.0d, "l_extendedprice": 42418.64d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-03-26", "l_commitdate": "1992-02-19", "l_receiptdate": "1992-04-18", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ously permanently regular req" }
, { "l_orderkey": 4545, "l_partkey": 64, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 2.0d, "l_extendedprice": 1928.12d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-04-16", "l_commitdate": "1993-04-17", "l_receiptdate": "1993-05-03", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ages use. slyly even i" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4704, "l_partkey": 64, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 44.0d, "l_extendedprice": 42418.64d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-09-02", "l_commitdate": "1996-10-07", "l_receiptdate": "1996-09-17", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "out the care" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4676, "l_partkey": 64, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 13.0d, "l_extendedprice": 12532.78d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-11-18", "l_commitdate": "1995-11-07", "l_receiptdate": "1995-12-10", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": " at the slyly bold attainments. silently e" }
, { "l_orderkey": 3, "l_partkey": 63, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 26.0d, "l_extendedprice": 25039.56d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-10-29", "l_commitdate": "1993-12-18", "l_receiptdate": "1993-11-04", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ges sleep after the caref" }
, { "l_orderkey": 100, "l_partkey": 63, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 28.0d, "l_extendedprice": 26965.68d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-05-08", "l_commitdate": "1998-05-13", "l_receiptdate": "1998-06-07", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "sts haggle. slowl" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1986, "l_partkey": 63, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 14.0d, "l_extendedprice": 13482.84d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-07-14", "l_commitdate": "1994-06-19", "l_receiptdate": "1994-08-08", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "the packages. pending, unusual" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2886, "l_partkey": 63, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 2.0d, "l_extendedprice": 1926.12d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-11-18", "l_commitdate": "1995-01-31", "l_receiptdate": "1994-12-05", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ar theodolites. e" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4160, "l_partkey": 63, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 48.0d, "l_extendedprice": 46226.88d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-09-19", "l_commitdate": "1996-11-02", "l_receiptdate": "1996-09-24", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": " unusual dolphins " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4998, "l_partkey": 63, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 47.0d, "l_extendedprice": 45263.82d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-02-07", "l_commitdate": "1992-03-07", "l_receiptdate": "1992-02-19", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "mong the careful" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5702, "l_partkey": 63, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 31.0d, "l_extendedprice": 29854.86d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-01-04", "l_commitdate": "1993-10-22", "l_receiptdate": "1994-01-26", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "pinto beans. blithely " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1636, "l_partkey": 63, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 34.0d, "l_extendedprice": 32744.04d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-08-11", "l_commitdate": "1997-09-09", "l_receiptdate": "1997-08-23", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ular depos" }
, { "l_orderkey": 2624, "l_partkey": 63, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 15.0d, "l_extendedprice": 14445.9d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-02-28", "l_commitdate": "1997-02-19", "l_receiptdate": "1997-03-21", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "le. quickly pending requests" }
, { "l_orderkey": 2791, "l_partkey": 63, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 4.0d, "l_extendedprice": 3852.24d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-01-02", "l_commitdate": "1994-12-28", "l_receiptdate": "1995-01-29", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "slyly bold packages boost. slyly" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3460, "l_partkey": 63, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 46.0d, "l_extendedprice": 44300.76d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-01-27", "l_commitdate": "1996-01-01", "l_receiptdate": "1996-02-01", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "uses run among the carefully even deposits" }
, { "l_orderkey": 3650, "l_partkey": 63, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 31.0d, "l_extendedprice": 29854.86d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-06-15", "l_commitdate": "1992-07-01", "l_receiptdate": "1992-07-15", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": " against the ironic accounts cajol" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4545, "l_partkey": 63, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 27.0d, "l_extendedprice": 26002.62d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-02-07", "l_commitdate": "1993-02-18", "l_receiptdate": "1993-02-18", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ously bold asymptotes! blithely pen" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5381, "l_partkey": 63, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 49.0d, "l_extendedprice": 47189.94d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-05-08", "l_commitdate": "1993-04-07", "l_receiptdate": "1993-06-03", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": " accounts. regular, regula" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 869, "l_partkey": 63, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 27.0d, "l_extendedprice": 26002.62d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-01-30", "l_commitdate": "1997-02-17", "l_receiptdate": "1997-02-26", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "uffily even excuses? slyly even deposits " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1636, "l_partkey": 63, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 34.0d, "l_extendedprice": 32744.04d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-08-11", "l_commitdate": "1997-09-09", "l_receiptdate": "1997-08-23", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ular depos" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1863, "l_partkey": 63, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 48.0d, "l_extendedprice": 46226.88d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-10-10", "l_commitdate": "1993-12-09", "l_receiptdate": "1993-10-19", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ans hinder furiou" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3104, "l_partkey": 63, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 11.0d, "l_extendedprice": 10593.66d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-10-05", "l_commitdate": "1993-11-30", "l_receiptdate": "1993-10-27", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": " special deposits u" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3618, "l_partkey": 63, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 24.0d, "l_extendedprice": 23113.44d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-01-26", "l_commitdate": "1998-01-15", "l_receiptdate": "1998-02-17", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "xpress acc" }
, { "l_orderkey": 4130, "l_partkey": 63, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 2.0d, "l_extendedprice": 1926.12d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-05-19", "l_commitdate": "1996-04-24", "l_receiptdate": "1996-06-17", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "uriously regular instructions around th" }
, { "l_orderkey": 4451, "l_partkey": 63, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 34.0d, "l_extendedprice": 32744.04d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-11-30", "l_commitdate": "1994-12-04", "l_receiptdate": "1994-12-13", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": " regular ideas." }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4769, "l_partkey": 63, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 34.0d, "l_extendedprice": 32744.04d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-07-26", "l_commitdate": "1995-05-18", "l_receiptdate": "1995-08-03", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ven instructions. ca" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5575, "l_partkey": 63, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 16.0d, "l_extendedprice": 15408.96d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-08-17", "l_commitdate": "1995-10-14", "l_receiptdate": "1995-08-30", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "jole boldly beyond the final as" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4998, "l_partkey": 63, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 47.0d, "l_extendedprice": 45263.82d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-02-07", "l_commitdate": "1992-03-07", "l_receiptdate": "1992-02-19", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "mong the careful" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1863, "l_partkey": 63, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 48.0d, "l_extendedprice": 46226.88d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-10-10", "l_commitdate": "1993-12-09", "l_receiptdate": "1993-10-19", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ans hinder furiou" }
, { "l_orderkey": 2016, "l_partkey": 63, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 15.0d, "l_extendedprice": 14445.9d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-09-24", "l_commitdate": "1996-10-05", "l_receiptdate": "1996-10-21", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "uests haggle carefully furiously regul" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3264, "l_partkey": 63, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 6.0d, "l_extendedprice": 5778.36d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-11-10", "l_commitdate": "1996-12-05", "l_receiptdate": "1996-11-22", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "press packages. ironical" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3104, "l_partkey": 63, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 11.0d, "l_extendedprice": 10593.66d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-10-05", "l_commitdate": "1993-11-30", "l_receiptdate": "1993-10-27", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": " special deposits u" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3460, "l_partkey": 63, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 46.0d, "l_extendedprice": 44300.76d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-01-27", "l_commitdate": "1996-01-01", "l_receiptdate": "1996-02-01", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "uses run among the carefully even deposits" }
, { "l_orderkey": 3461, "l_partkey": 63, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 27.0d, "l_extendedprice": 26002.62d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-02-10", "l_commitdate": "1993-03-02", "l_receiptdate": "1993-03-04", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ely unusual deposits. quickly ir" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4160, "l_partkey": 63, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 48.0d, "l_extendedprice": 46226.88d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-09-19", "l_commitdate": "1996-11-02", "l_receiptdate": "1996-09-24", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": " unusual dolphins " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4545, "l_partkey": 63, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 27.0d, "l_extendedprice": 26002.62d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-02-07", "l_commitdate": "1993-02-18", "l_receiptdate": "1993-02-18", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ously bold asymptotes! blithely pen" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4769, "l_partkey": 63, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 34.0d, "l_extendedprice": 32744.04d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-07-26", "l_commitdate": "1995-05-18", "l_receiptdate": "1995-08-03", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ven instructions. ca" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5381, "l_partkey": 63, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 49.0d, "l_extendedprice": 47189.94d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-05-08", "l_commitdate": "1993-04-07", "l_receiptdate": "1993-06-03", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": " accounts. regular, regula" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 869, "l_partkey": 63, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 27.0d, "l_extendedprice": 26002.62d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-01-30", "l_commitdate": "1997-02-17", "l_receiptdate": "1997-02-26", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "uffily even excuses? slyly even deposits " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1986, "l_partkey": 63, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 14.0d, "l_extendedprice": 13482.84d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-07-14", "l_commitdate": "1994-06-19", "l_receiptdate": "1994-08-08", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "the packages. pending, unusual" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3264, "l_partkey": 63, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 6.0d, "l_extendedprice": 5778.36d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-11-10", "l_commitdate": "1996-12-05", "l_receiptdate": "1996-11-22", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "press packages. ironical" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3618, "l_partkey": 63, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 24.0d, "l_extendedprice": 23113.44d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-01-26", "l_commitdate": "1998-01-15", "l_receiptdate": "1998-02-17", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "xpress acc" }
, { "l_orderkey": 4871, "l_partkey": 63, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 3.0d, "l_extendedprice": 2889.18d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-10-03", "l_commitdate": "1995-08-10", "l_receiptdate": "1995-10-06", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "y special packages wak" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 33, "l_partkey": 62, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 31.0d, "l_extendedprice": 29823.86d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-10-29", "l_commitdate": "1993-12-19", "l_receiptdate": "1993-11-08", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ng to the furiously ironic package" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2886, "l_partkey": 63, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 2.0d, "l_extendedprice": 1926.12d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-11-18", "l_commitdate": "1995-01-31", "l_receiptdate": "1994-12-05", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ar theodolites. e" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5575, "l_partkey": 63, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 16.0d, "l_extendedprice": 15408.96d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-08-17", "l_commitdate": "1995-10-14", "l_receiptdate": "1995-08-30", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "jole boldly beyond the final as" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5702, "l_partkey": 63, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 31.0d, "l_extendedprice": 29854.86d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-01-04", "l_commitdate": "1993-10-22", "l_receiptdate": "1994-01-26", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "pinto beans. blithely " }
, { "l_orderkey": 354, "l_partkey": 62, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 36.0d, "l_extendedprice": 34634.16d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-03-19", "l_commitdate": "1996-05-29", "l_receiptdate": "1996-03-30", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "onic requests thrash bold g" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1287, "l_partkey": 62, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 10.0d, "l_extendedprice": 9620.6d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-09-03", "l_commitdate": "1994-08-12", "l_receiptdate": "1994-09-16", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ding, regular accounts" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3393, "l_partkey": 62, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 17.0d, "l_extendedprice": 16355.02d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-08-15", "l_commitdate": "1995-09-07", "l_receiptdate": "1995-09-10", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "kly ironic deposits could" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4450, "l_partkey": 62, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 13.0d, "l_extendedprice": 12506.78d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-08-26", "l_commitdate": "1997-09-18", "l_receiptdate": "1997-09-20", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": " brave foxes. slyly unusual" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 513, "l_partkey": 62, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 20.0d, "l_extendedprice": 19241.2d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-07-12", "l_commitdate": "1995-05-31", "l_receiptdate": "1995-07-31", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "efully ironic ideas doze slyl" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1511, "l_partkey": 62, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 32.0d, "l_extendedprice": 30785.92d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-01-06", "l_commitdate": "1997-03-21", "l_receiptdate": "1997-01-26", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": " deposits. carefully ironi" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3907, "l_partkey": 62, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 22.0d, "l_extendedprice": 21165.32d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-09-20", "l_commitdate": "1992-10-30", "l_receiptdate": "1992-09-29", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ly. furiously unusual deposits use afte" }
, { "l_orderkey": 5027, "l_partkey": 62, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 39.0d, "l_extendedprice": 37520.34d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-09-09", "l_commitdate": "1997-11-13", "l_receiptdate": "1997-09-21", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ess requests! quickly regular pac" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5955, "l_partkey": 62, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 15.0d, "l_extendedprice": 14430.9d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-04-22", "l_commitdate": "1995-05-28", "l_receiptdate": "1995-04-27", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "y final accounts above the regu" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1248, "l_partkey": 62, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 30.0d, "l_extendedprice": 28861.8d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-02-01", "l_commitdate": "1992-03-24", "l_receiptdate": "1992-02-08", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "fily special foxes kindle am" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1287, "l_partkey": 62, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 10.0d, "l_extendedprice": 9620.6d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-09-03", "l_commitdate": "1994-08-12", "l_receiptdate": "1994-09-16", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ding, regular accounts" }
, { "l_orderkey": 2087, "l_partkey": 62, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 1.0d, "l_extendedprice": 962.06d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-05-27", "l_commitdate": "1998-04-11", "l_receiptdate": "1998-06-12", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "hely final acc" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3936, "l_partkey": 62, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 12.0d, "l_extendedprice": 11544.72d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-11-25", "l_commitdate": "1997-01-09", "l_receiptdate": "1996-12-06", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ithely across the carefully brave req" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5888, "l_partkey": 62, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 46.0d, "l_extendedprice": 44254.76d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-11-18", "l_commitdate": "1996-11-05", "l_receiptdate": "1996-12-08", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "yly final accounts hag" }
, { "l_orderkey": 4070, "l_partkey": 62, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 11.0d, "l_extendedprice": 10582.66d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-08-23", "l_commitdate": "1995-08-15", "l_receiptdate": "1995-08-31", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": " carefully final pack" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4453, "l_partkey": 62, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 48.0d, "l_extendedprice": 46178.88d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-05-29", "l_commitdate": "1997-06-24", "l_receiptdate": "1997-06-03", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "eep. fluffily express accounts at the furi" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4483, "l_partkey": 62, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 50.0d, "l_extendedprice": 48103.0d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-06-19", "l_commitdate": "1992-05-12", "l_receiptdate": "1992-07-08", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ag blithely even" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5382, "l_partkey": 62, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 20.0d, "l_extendedprice": 19241.2d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-03-26", "l_commitdate": "1992-02-17", "l_receiptdate": "1992-04-15", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "carefully regular accounts. slyly ev" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5888, "l_partkey": 62, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 46.0d, "l_extendedprice": 44254.76d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-11-18", "l_commitdate": "1996-11-05", "l_receiptdate": "1996-12-08", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "yly final accounts hag" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 33, "l_partkey": 62, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 31.0d, "l_extendedprice": 29823.86d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-10-29", "l_commitdate": "1993-12-19", "l_receiptdate": "1993-11-08", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ng to the furiously ironic package" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 482, "l_partkey": 62, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 31.0d, "l_extendedprice": 29823.86d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-06-01", "l_commitdate": "1996-05-06", "l_receiptdate": "1996-06-17", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": " blithe pin" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1248, "l_partkey": 62, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 30.0d, "l_extendedprice": 28861.8d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-02-01", "l_commitdate": "1992-03-24", "l_receiptdate": "1992-02-08", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "fily special foxes kindle am" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3936, "l_partkey": 62, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 12.0d, "l_extendedprice": 11544.72d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-11-25", "l_commitdate": "1997-01-09", "l_receiptdate": "1996-12-06", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ithely across the carefully brave req" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5378, "l_partkey": 62, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 46.0d, "l_extendedprice": 44254.76d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-02-17", "l_commitdate": "1993-01-20", "l_receiptdate": "1993-02-26", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "into beans sleep. fu" }
, { "l_orderkey": 5536, "l_partkey": 62, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 20.0d, "l_extendedprice": 19241.2d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-05-08", "l_commitdate": "1998-05-10", "l_receiptdate": "1998-05-31", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "equests mo" }
, { "l_orderkey": 5602, "l_partkey": 62, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 31.0d, "l_extendedprice": 29823.86d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-09-04", "l_commitdate": "1997-10-24", "l_receiptdate": "1997-09-07", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "rate fluffily regular platelets. blithel" }
, { "l_orderkey": 71, "l_partkey": 62, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 25.0d, "l_extendedprice": 24051.5d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-04-10", "l_commitdate": "1998-04-22", "l_receiptdate": "1998-04-11", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ckly. slyly" }
, { "l_orderkey": 102, "l_partkey": 62, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 15.0d, "l_extendedprice": 14430.9d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-06-02", "l_commitdate": "1997-07-13", "l_receiptdate": "1997-06-04", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "final packages. carefully even excu" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 482, "l_partkey": 62, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 31.0d, "l_extendedprice": 29823.86d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-06-01", "l_commitdate": "1996-05-06", "l_receiptdate": "1996-06-17", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": " blithe pin" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 513, "l_partkey": 62, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 20.0d, "l_extendedprice": 19241.2d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-07-12", "l_commitdate": "1995-05-31", "l_receiptdate": "1995-07-31", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "efully ironic ideas doze slyl" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1511, "l_partkey": 62, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 32.0d, "l_extendedprice": 30785.92d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-01-06", "l_commitdate": "1997-03-21", "l_receiptdate": "1997-01-26", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": " deposits. carefully ironi" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3907, "l_partkey": 62, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 22.0d, "l_extendedprice": 21165.32d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-09-20", "l_commitdate": "1992-10-30", "l_receiptdate": "1992-09-29", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ly. furiously unusual deposits use afte" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4483, "l_partkey": 62, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 50.0d, "l_extendedprice": 48103.0d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-06-19", "l_commitdate": "1992-05-12", "l_receiptdate": "1992-07-08", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ag blithely even" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5378, "l_partkey": 62, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 46.0d, "l_extendedprice": 44254.76d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-02-17", "l_commitdate": "1993-01-20", "l_receiptdate": "1993-02-26", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "into beans sleep. fu" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5382, "l_partkey": 62, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 20.0d, "l_extendedprice": 19241.2d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-03-26", "l_commitdate": "1992-02-17", "l_receiptdate": "1992-04-15", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "carefully regular accounts. slyly ev" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 33, "l_partkey": 61, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 32.0d, "l_extendedprice": 30753.92d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-12-09", "l_commitdate": "1994-01-04", "l_receiptdate": "1993-12-28", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "gular theodolites" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1380, "l_partkey": 61, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 33.0d, "l_extendedprice": 31714.98d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-08-23", "l_commitdate": "1996-10-01", "l_receiptdate": "1996-09-18", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "e ironic, even excuses haggle " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2020, "l_partkey": 61, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 27.0d, "l_extendedprice": 25948.62d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-07-14", "l_commitdate": "1993-09-02", "l_receiptdate": "1993-08-03", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "e of the bold foxes haggle " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2370, "l_partkey": 61, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 32.0d, "l_extendedprice": 30753.92d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-04-24", "l_commitdate": "1994-03-03", "l_receiptdate": "1994-05-15", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ies since the final deposits" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3463, "l_partkey": 61, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 45.0d, "l_extendedprice": 43247.7d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-10-30", "l_commitdate": "1993-11-04", "l_receiptdate": "1993-11-08", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "nts are slyly " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3846, "l_partkey": 61, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 15.0d, "l_extendedprice": 14415.9d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-02-17", "l_commitdate": "1998-04-27", "l_receiptdate": "1998-02-21", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "uternes. carefully even" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3968, "l_partkey": 61, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 7.0d, "l_extendedprice": 6727.42d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-03-30", "l_commitdate": "1997-05-01", "l_receiptdate": "1997-04-12", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "efully bold instructions. express" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3974, "l_partkey": 61, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 17.0d, "l_extendedprice": 16338.02d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-04-05", "l_commitdate": "1996-05-21", "l_receiptdate": "1996-04-28", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ions eat slyly after the blithely " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5442, "l_partkey": 61, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 12.0d, "l_extendedprice": 11532.72d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-04-15", "l_commitdate": "1998-03-18", "l_receiptdate": "1998-05-05", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "fully final" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 261, "l_partkey": 61, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 49.0d, "l_extendedprice": 47091.94d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-09-29", "l_commitdate": "1993-09-08", "l_receiptdate": "1993-10-01", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": " pinto beans haggle slyly furiously pending" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 262, "l_partkey": 61, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 33.0d, "l_extendedprice": 31714.98d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-03-10", "l_commitdate": "1996-01-31", "l_receiptdate": "1996-03-27", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "atelets sleep furiously. requests cajole. b" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3393, "l_partkey": 62, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 17.0d, "l_extendedprice": 16355.02d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-08-15", "l_commitdate": "1995-09-07", "l_receiptdate": "1995-09-10", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "kly ironic deposits could" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4450, "l_partkey": 62, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 13.0d, "l_extendedprice": 12506.78d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-08-26", "l_commitdate": "1997-09-18", "l_receiptdate": "1997-09-20", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": " brave foxes. slyly unusual" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4453, "l_partkey": 62, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 48.0d, "l_extendedprice": 46178.88d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-05-29", "l_commitdate": "1997-06-24", "l_receiptdate": "1997-06-03", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "eep. fluffily express accounts at the furi" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5955, "l_partkey": 62, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 15.0d, "l_extendedprice": 14430.9d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-04-22", "l_commitdate": "1995-05-28", "l_receiptdate": "1995-04-27", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "y final accounts above the regu" }
, { "l_orderkey": 291, "l_partkey": 61, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 30.0d, "l_extendedprice": 28831.8d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-03-22", "l_commitdate": "1994-04-30", "l_receiptdate": "1994-03-24", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": " fluffily regular deposits. quickl" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 295, "l_partkey": 61, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 26.0d, "l_extendedprice": 24987.56d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-01-12", "l_commitdate": "1994-11-22", "l_receiptdate": "1995-01-22", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": " carefully iron" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1093, "l_partkey": 61, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 34.0d, "l_extendedprice": 32676.04d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-11-07", "l_commitdate": "1997-09-06", "l_receiptdate": "1997-11-28", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "sits. express accounts play carefully. bol" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1763, "l_partkey": 61, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 44.0d, "l_extendedprice": 42286.64d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-12-04", "l_commitdate": "1997-01-06", "l_receiptdate": "1996-12-25", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": " instructions need to integrate deposits. " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4672, "l_partkey": 61, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 41.0d, "l_extendedprice": 39403.46d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-12-01", "l_commitdate": "1995-12-15", "l_receiptdate": "1995-12-12", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": " slyly quie" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5312, "l_partkey": 61, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 27.0d, "l_extendedprice": 25948.62d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-04-20", "l_commitdate": "1995-04-09", "l_receiptdate": "1995-04-25", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "tructions cajol" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2595, "l_partkey": 61, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 42.0d, "l_extendedprice": 40364.52d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-03-24", "l_commitdate": "1996-01-28", "l_receiptdate": "1996-04-10", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ggle furiou" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3682, "l_partkey": 61, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 6.0d, "l_extendedprice": 5766.36d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-05-06", "l_commitdate": "1997-04-04", "l_receiptdate": "1997-05-11", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ronic deposits wake slyly. ca" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4167, "l_partkey": 61, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 47.0d, "l_extendedprice": 45169.82d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-08-02", "l_commitdate": "1998-08-24", "l_receiptdate": "1998-08-28", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": " carefully final asymptotes. slyly bo" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5318, "l_partkey": 61, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 13.0d, "l_extendedprice": 12493.78d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-07-15", "l_commitdate": "1993-06-25", "l_receiptdate": "1993-08-13", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ly silent ideas. ideas haggle among the " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5376, "l_partkey": 61, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 42.0d, "l_extendedprice": 40364.52d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-09-20", "l_commitdate": "1994-08-30", "l_receiptdate": "1994-09-29", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "y even asymptotes. courts are unusual pa" }
, { "l_orderkey": 899, "l_partkey": 61, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 18.0d, "l_extendedprice": 17299.08d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-08-06", "l_commitdate": "1998-05-09", "l_receiptdate": "1998-09-05", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "re daring, pending deposits. blit" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 999, "l_partkey": 61, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 34.0d, "l_extendedprice": 32676.04d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-10-30", "l_commitdate": "1993-10-17", "l_receiptdate": "1993-10-31", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "its. daringly final instruc" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1319, "l_partkey": 61, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 21.0d, "l_extendedprice": 20182.26d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-10-05", "l_commitdate": "1996-12-02", "l_receiptdate": "1996-10-28", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "s: carefully express " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2117, "l_partkey": 61, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 19.0d, "l_extendedprice": 18260.14d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-07-30", "l_commitdate": "1997-06-18", "l_receiptdate": "1997-08-13", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "s between the slyly regula" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1380, "l_partkey": 61, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 33.0d, "l_extendedprice": 31714.98d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-08-23", "l_commitdate": "1996-10-01", "l_receiptdate": "1996-09-18", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "e ironic, even excuses haggle " }
, { "l_orderkey": 2374, "l_partkey": 61, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 2.0d, "l_extendedprice": 1922.12d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-12-30", "l_commitdate": "1994-01-24", "l_receiptdate": "1994-01-02", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": ", unusual ideas. deposits cajole quietl" }
, { "l_orderkey": 2950, "l_partkey": 61, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 46.0d, "l_extendedprice": 44208.76d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-07-15", "l_commitdate": "1997-09-30", "l_receiptdate": "1997-07-25", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "to the regular accounts are slyly carefu" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3682, "l_partkey": 61, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 6.0d, "l_extendedprice": 5766.36d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-05-06", "l_commitdate": "1997-04-04", "l_receiptdate": "1997-05-11", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ronic deposits wake slyly. ca" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3968, "l_partkey": 61, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 7.0d, "l_extendedprice": 6727.42d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-03-30", "l_commitdate": "1997-05-01", "l_receiptdate": "1997-04-12", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "efully bold instructions. express" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5318, "l_partkey": 61, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 13.0d, "l_extendedprice": 12493.78d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-07-15", "l_commitdate": "1993-06-25", "l_receiptdate": "1993-08-13", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ly silent ideas. ideas haggle among the " }
, { "l_orderkey": 5797, "l_partkey": 61, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 17.0d, "l_extendedprice": 16338.02d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-12-13", "l_commitdate": "1998-01-12", "l_receiptdate": "1997-12-23", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "the ironic, even theodoli" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 992, "l_partkey": 60, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 14.0d, "l_extendedprice": 13440.84d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-01-29", "l_commitdate": "1997-12-29", "l_receiptdate": "1998-02-18", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "the unusual, even dependencies affix fluff" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 33, "l_partkey": 61, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 32.0d, "l_extendedprice": 30753.92d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-12-09", "l_commitdate": "1994-01-04", "l_receiptdate": "1993-12-28", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "gular theodolites" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 262, "l_partkey": 61, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 33.0d, "l_extendedprice": 31714.98d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-03-10", "l_commitdate": "1996-01-31", "l_receiptdate": "1996-03-27", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "atelets sleep furiously. requests cajole. b" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1093, "l_partkey": 61, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 34.0d, "l_extendedprice": 32676.04d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-11-07", "l_commitdate": "1997-09-06", "l_receiptdate": "1997-11-28", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "sits. express accounts play carefully. bol" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1763, "l_partkey": 61, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 44.0d, "l_extendedprice": 42286.64d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-12-04", "l_commitdate": "1997-01-06", "l_receiptdate": "1996-12-25", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": " instructions need to integrate deposits. " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3463, "l_partkey": 61, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 45.0d, "l_extendedprice": 43247.7d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-10-30", "l_commitdate": "1993-11-04", "l_receiptdate": "1993-11-08", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "nts are slyly " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5442, "l_partkey": 61, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 12.0d, "l_extendedprice": 11532.72d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-04-15", "l_commitdate": "1998-03-18", "l_receiptdate": "1998-05-05", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "fully final" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 261, "l_partkey": 61, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 49.0d, "l_extendedprice": 47091.94d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-09-29", "l_commitdate": "1993-09-08", "l_receiptdate": "1993-10-01", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": " pinto beans haggle slyly furiously pending" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1319, "l_partkey": 61, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 21.0d, "l_extendedprice": 20182.26d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-10-05", "l_commitdate": "1996-12-02", "l_receiptdate": "1996-10-28", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "s: carefully express " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2117, "l_partkey": 61, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 19.0d, "l_extendedprice": 18260.14d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-07-30", "l_commitdate": "1997-06-18", "l_receiptdate": "1997-08-13", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "s between the slyly regula" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2595, "l_partkey": 61, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 42.0d, "l_extendedprice": 40364.52d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-03-24", "l_commitdate": "1996-01-28", "l_receiptdate": "1996-04-10", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ggle furiou" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4167, "l_partkey": 61, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 47.0d, "l_extendedprice": 45169.82d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-08-02", "l_commitdate": "1998-08-24", "l_receiptdate": "1998-08-28", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": " carefully final asymptotes. slyly bo" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5312, "l_partkey": 61, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 27.0d, "l_extendedprice": 25948.62d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-04-20", "l_commitdate": "1995-04-09", "l_receiptdate": "1995-04-25", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "tructions cajol" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 295, "l_partkey": 61, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 26.0d, "l_extendedprice": 24987.56d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-01-12", "l_commitdate": "1994-11-22", "l_receiptdate": "1995-01-22", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": " carefully iron" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 999, "l_partkey": 61, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 34.0d, "l_extendedprice": 32676.04d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-10-30", "l_commitdate": "1993-10-17", "l_receiptdate": "1993-10-31", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "its. daringly final instruc" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2020, "l_partkey": 61, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 27.0d, "l_extendedprice": 25948.62d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-07-14", "l_commitdate": "1993-09-02", "l_receiptdate": "1993-08-03", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "e of the bold foxes haggle " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2370, "l_partkey": 61, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 32.0d, "l_extendedprice": 30753.92d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-04-24", "l_commitdate": "1994-03-03", "l_receiptdate": "1994-05-15", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ies since the final deposits" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3846, "l_partkey": 61, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 15.0d, "l_extendedprice": 14415.9d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-02-17", "l_commitdate": "1998-04-27", "l_receiptdate": "1998-02-21", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "uternes. carefully even" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3974, "l_partkey": 61, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 17.0d, "l_extendedprice": 16338.02d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-04-05", "l_commitdate": "1996-05-21", "l_receiptdate": "1996-04-28", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ions eat slyly after the blithely " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4672, "l_partkey": 61, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 41.0d, "l_extendedprice": 39403.46d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-12-01", "l_commitdate": "1995-12-15", "l_receiptdate": "1995-12-12", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": " slyly quie" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5376, "l_partkey": 61, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 42.0d, "l_extendedprice": 40364.52d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-09-20", "l_commitdate": "1994-08-30", "l_receiptdate": "1994-09-29", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "y even asymptotes. courts are unusual pa" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 65, "l_partkey": 60, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 26.0d, "l_extendedprice": 24961.56d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-04-20", "l_commitdate": "1995-04-25", "l_receiptdate": "1995-05-13", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "pending deposits nag even packages. ca" }
, { "l_orderkey": 2086, "l_partkey": 60, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 22.0d, "l_extendedprice": 21121.32d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-12-04", "l_commitdate": "1994-12-16", "l_receiptdate": "1994-12-20", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "idly busy acc" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2149, "l_partkey": 60, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 22.0d, "l_extendedprice": 21121.32d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-05-24", "l_commitdate": "1993-04-23", "l_receiptdate": "1993-06-20", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ptotes sleep along the blithely ir" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2849, "l_partkey": 60, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 24.0d, "l_extendedprice": 23041.44d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-06-12", "l_commitdate": "1996-07-10", "l_receiptdate": "1996-06-27", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "e slyly even asymptotes. slo" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4743, "l_partkey": 60, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 19.0d, "l_extendedprice": 18241.14d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-06-23", "l_commitdate": "1993-05-03", "l_receiptdate": "1993-07-20", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "hely even accounts" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4839, "l_partkey": 60, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 5.0d, "l_extendedprice": 4800.3d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-09-07", "l_commitdate": "1994-07-15", "l_receiptdate": "1994-10-05", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ses integrate. regular deposits are about " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4961, "l_partkey": 60, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 1.0d, "l_extendedprice": 960.06d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-07-08", "l_commitdate": "1998-05-25", "l_receiptdate": "1998-07-12", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "s affix carefully silent dependen" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5570, "l_partkey": 60, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 29.0d, "l_extendedprice": 27841.74d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-10-12", "l_commitdate": "1996-10-20", "l_receiptdate": "1996-11-08", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "he silent, enticing requests." }
+, { "l_orderkey": 579, "l_partkey": 60, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 6.0d, "l_extendedprice": 5760.36d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-04-24", "l_commitdate": "1998-05-03", "l_receiptdate": "1998-05-08", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ickly final requests-- bold accou" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1991, "l_partkey": 60, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 49.0d, "l_extendedprice": 47042.94d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-09-10", "l_commitdate": "1992-11-30", "l_receiptdate": "1992-10-07", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "quests cajole blithely" }
, { "l_orderkey": 2213, "l_partkey": 60, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 4.0d, "l_extendedprice": 3840.24d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-04-15", "l_commitdate": "1993-04-15", "l_receiptdate": "1993-05-05", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": " affix carefully furiously " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2406, "l_partkey": 60, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 30.0d, "l_extendedprice": 28801.8d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-01-17", "l_commitdate": "1997-01-12", "l_receiptdate": "1997-01-22", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": " final pinto beans han" }
, { "l_orderkey": 2817, "l_partkey": 60, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 25.0d, "l_extendedprice": 24001.5d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-04-21", "l_commitdate": "1994-06-20", "l_receiptdate": "1994-05-07", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "doze blithely." }
, { "l_orderkey": 3043, "l_partkey": 60, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 42.0d, "l_extendedprice": 40322.52d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-07-15", "l_commitdate": "1992-06-19", "l_receiptdate": "1992-07-23", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ide of the un" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4839, "l_partkey": 60, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 5.0d, "l_extendedprice": 4800.3d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-09-07", "l_commitdate": "1994-07-15", "l_receiptdate": "1994-10-05", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ses integrate. regular deposits are about " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2886, "l_partkey": 60, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 1.0d, "l_extendedprice": 960.06d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-02-01", "l_commitdate": "1994-12-18", "l_receiptdate": "1995-02-28", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "eposits fr" }
, { "l_orderkey": 4322, "l_partkey": 60, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 39.0d, "l_extendedprice": 37442.34d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-03-16", "l_commitdate": "1998-05-21", "l_receiptdate": "1998-04-11", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ccounts. dogged pin" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4423, "l_partkey": 60, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 2.0d, "l_extendedprice": 1920.12d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-03-04", "l_commitdate": "1995-04-04", "l_receiptdate": "1995-03-08", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "old sheaves sleep" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4961, "l_partkey": 60, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 1.0d, "l_extendedprice": 960.06d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-07-08", "l_commitdate": "1998-05-25", "l_receiptdate": "1998-07-12", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "s affix carefully silent dependen" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5735, "l_partkey": 60, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 41.0d, "l_extendedprice": 39362.46d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-12-23", "l_commitdate": "1995-02-10", "l_receiptdate": "1995-01-22", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "lthily ruthless i" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 294, "l_partkey": 60, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 31.0d, "l_extendedprice": 29761.86d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-08-06", "l_commitdate": "1993-08-19", "l_receiptdate": "1993-08-13", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "le fluffily along the quick" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1540, "l_partkey": 60, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 35.0d, "l_extendedprice": 33602.1d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-10-31", "l_commitdate": "1992-09-04", "l_receiptdate": "1992-11-05", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "e blithely a" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1991, "l_partkey": 60, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 49.0d, "l_extendedprice": 47042.94d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-09-10", "l_commitdate": "1992-11-30", "l_receiptdate": "1992-10-07", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "quests cajole blithely" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2406, "l_partkey": 60, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 30.0d, "l_extendedprice": 28801.8d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-01-17", "l_commitdate": "1997-01-12", "l_receiptdate": "1997-01-22", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": " final pinto beans han" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4743, "l_partkey": 60, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 19.0d, "l_extendedprice": 18241.14d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-06-23", "l_commitdate": "1993-05-03", "l_receiptdate": "1993-07-20", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "hely even accounts" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4839, "l_partkey": 60, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 18.0d, "l_extendedprice": 17281.08d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-05-18", "l_commitdate": "1994-06-13", "l_receiptdate": "1994-06-09", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "blithely ironic theodolites use along" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 65, "l_partkey": 60, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 26.0d, "l_extendedprice": 24961.56d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-04-20", "l_commitdate": "1995-04-25", "l_receiptdate": "1995-05-13", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "pending deposits nag even packages. ca" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 579, "l_partkey": 60, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 6.0d, "l_extendedprice": 5760.36d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-04-24", "l_commitdate": "1998-05-03", "l_receiptdate": "1998-05-08", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ickly final requests-- bold accou" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 992, "l_partkey": 60, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 14.0d, "l_extendedprice": 13440.84d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-01-29", "l_commitdate": "1997-12-29", "l_receiptdate": "1998-02-18", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "the unusual, even dependencies affix fluff" }
, { "l_orderkey": 1217, "l_partkey": 60, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 45.0d, "l_extendedprice": 43202.7d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-07-01", "l_commitdate": "1992-06-23", "l_receiptdate": "1992-07-06", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "riously close ideas" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1540, "l_partkey": 60, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 35.0d, "l_extendedprice": 33602.1d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-10-31", "l_commitdate": "1992-09-04", "l_receiptdate": "1992-11-05", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "e blithely a" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2149, "l_partkey": 60, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 22.0d, "l_extendedprice": 21121.32d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-05-24", "l_commitdate": "1993-04-23", "l_receiptdate": "1993-06-20", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ptotes sleep along the blithely ir" }
, { "l_orderkey": 2305, "l_partkey": 60, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 39.0d, "l_extendedprice": 37442.34d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-04-16", "l_commitdate": "1993-04-17", "l_receiptdate": "1993-04-22", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ms after the foxes " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2849, "l_partkey": 60, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 24.0d, "l_extendedprice": 23041.44d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-06-12", "l_commitdate": "1996-07-10", "l_receiptdate": "1996-06-27", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "e slyly even asymptotes. slo" }
, { "l_orderkey": 2944, "l_partkey": 60, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 17.0d, "l_extendedprice": 16321.02d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-10-18", "l_commitdate": "1997-11-27", "l_receiptdate": "1997-10-29", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "slyly final dolphins sleep silent the" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3008, "l_partkey": 60, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 48.0d, "l_extendedprice": 46082.88d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-01-23", "l_commitdate": "1996-01-07", "l_receiptdate": "1996-02-09", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ld theodolites. fluffily bold theodolit" }
, { "l_orderkey": 3013, "l_partkey": 60, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 20.0d, "l_extendedprice": 19201.2d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-05-06", "l_commitdate": "1997-03-18", "l_receiptdate": "1997-05-12", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "unts boost regular ideas. slyly pe" }
, { "l_orderkey": 3168, "l_partkey": 60, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 46.0d, "l_extendedprice": 44162.76d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-02-14", "l_commitdate": "1992-03-02", "l_receiptdate": "1992-03-02", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "y across the express accounts. fluff" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5570, "l_partkey": 60, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 29.0d, "l_extendedprice": 27841.74d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-10-12", "l_commitdate": "1996-10-20", "l_receiptdate": "1996-11-08", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "he silent, enticing requests." }
-, { "l_orderkey": 165, "l_partkey": 59, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 15.0d, "l_extendedprice": 14385.75d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-04-10", "l_commitdate": "1993-03-29", "l_receiptdate": "1993-05-01", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": " bold packages mainta" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 262, "l_partkey": 59, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 35.0d, "l_extendedprice": 33566.75d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-03-12", "l_commitdate": "1996-02-14", "l_receiptdate": "1996-04-11", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "lites cajole along the pending packag" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 354, "l_partkey": 59, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 50.0d, "l_extendedprice": 47952.5d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-03-21", "l_commitdate": "1996-05-20", "l_receiptdate": "1996-04-04", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "to beans s" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 677, "l_partkey": 59, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 32.0d, "l_extendedprice": 30689.6d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-01-06", "l_commitdate": "1994-01-31", "l_receiptdate": "1994-02-02", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "slyly final" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2087, "l_partkey": 59, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 6.0d, "l_extendedprice": 5754.3d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-04-23", "l_commitdate": "1998-03-27", "l_receiptdate": "1998-05-18", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "dazzle after the slyly si" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2406, "l_partkey": 59, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 22.0d, "l_extendedprice": 21099.1d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-11-22", "l_commitdate": "1997-01-17", "l_receiptdate": "1996-12-15", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "hely even foxes unwind furiously aga" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5157, "l_partkey": 59, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 25.0d, "l_extendedprice": 23976.25d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-08-24", "l_commitdate": "1997-09-23", "l_receiptdate": "1997-08-28", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": " packages detect. even requests against th" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5569, "l_partkey": 59, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 15.0d, "l_extendedprice": 14385.75d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-06-29", "l_commitdate": "1993-07-06", "l_receiptdate": "1993-07-05", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "lithely bold requests boost fur" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5923, "l_partkey": 59, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 35.0d, "l_extendedprice": 33566.75d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-07-21", "l_commitdate": "1997-07-11", "l_receiptdate": "1997-08-01", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "sts affix unusual, final requests. request" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 674, "l_partkey": 59, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 4.0d, "l_extendedprice": 3836.2d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-10-05", "l_commitdate": "1992-11-22", "l_receiptdate": "1992-10-22", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ly express pinto beans sleep car" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1282, "l_partkey": 59, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 19.0d, "l_extendedprice": 18221.95d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-06-20", "l_commitdate": "1992-04-17", "l_receiptdate": "1992-07-05", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "nto beans. carefully close theodo" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4423, "l_partkey": 60, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 2.0d, "l_extendedprice": 1920.12d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-03-04", "l_commitdate": "1995-04-04", "l_receiptdate": "1995-03-08", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "old sheaves sleep" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4839, "l_partkey": 60, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 18.0d, "l_extendedprice": 17281.08d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-05-18", "l_commitdate": "1994-06-13", "l_receiptdate": "1994-06-09", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "blithely ironic theodolites use along" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 294, "l_partkey": 60, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 31.0d, "l_extendedprice": 29761.86d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-08-06", "l_commitdate": "1993-08-19", "l_receiptdate": "1993-08-13", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "le fluffily along the quick" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2886, "l_partkey": 60, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 1.0d, "l_extendedprice": 960.06d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-02-01", "l_commitdate": "1994-12-18", "l_receiptdate": "1995-02-28", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "eposits fr" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3008, "l_partkey": 60, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 48.0d, "l_extendedprice": 46082.88d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-01-23", "l_commitdate": "1996-01-07", "l_receiptdate": "1996-02-09", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ld theodolites. fluffily bold theodolit" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5735, "l_partkey": 60, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 41.0d, "l_extendedprice": 39362.46d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-12-23", "l_commitdate": "1995-02-10", "l_receiptdate": "1995-01-22", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "lthily ruthless i" }
, { "l_orderkey": 1571, "l_partkey": 59, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 18.0d, "l_extendedprice": 17262.9d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-01-09", "l_commitdate": "1993-01-12", "l_receiptdate": "1993-01-31", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": " pending grouches " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2688, "l_partkey": 59, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 22.0d, "l_extendedprice": 21099.1d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-02-09", "l_commitdate": "1992-04-09", "l_receiptdate": "1992-02-11", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "press, ironic excuses wake carefully id" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2791, "l_partkey": 59, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 49.0d, "l_extendedprice": 46993.45d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-01-11", "l_commitdate": "1994-11-10", "l_receiptdate": "1995-02-08", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": " accounts sleep at the bold, regular pinto " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3521, "l_partkey": 59, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 48.0d, "l_extendedprice": 46034.4d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-01-03", "l_commitdate": "1992-12-31", "l_receiptdate": "1993-01-22", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ses use. furiously express ideas wake f" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3620, "l_partkey": 59, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 41.0d, "l_extendedprice": 39321.05d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-03-21", "l_commitdate": "1997-04-20", "l_receiptdate": "1997-03-30", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "t attainments cajole qui" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4672, "l_partkey": 59, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 22.0d, "l_extendedprice": 21099.1d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-12-03", "l_commitdate": "1995-12-08", "l_receiptdate": "1995-12-17", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "l instructions. blithely ironic packages " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5696, "l_partkey": 59, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 46.0d, "l_extendedprice": 44116.3d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-08-10", "l_commitdate": "1995-07-08", "l_receiptdate": "1995-08-25", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ter the instruct" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5957, "l_partkey": 59, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 46.0d, "l_extendedprice": 44116.3d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-01-23", "l_commitdate": "1994-01-30", "l_receiptdate": "1994-02-07", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "platelets. furiously unusual requests " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 935, "l_partkey": 59, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 1.0d, "l_extendedprice": 959.05d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-12-14", "l_commitdate": "1997-11-22", "l_receiptdate": "1998-01-08", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": " instructions. ironic acc" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 967, "l_partkey": 59, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 41.0d, "l_extendedprice": 39321.05d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-09-21", "l_commitdate": "1992-08-15", "l_receiptdate": "1992-10-21", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ld foxes wake closely special" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1249, "l_partkey": 59, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 49.0d, "l_extendedprice": 46993.45d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-03-03", "l_commitdate": "1994-02-28", "l_receiptdate": "1994-03-08", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ffily express theodo" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1510, "l_partkey": 59, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 27.0d, "l_extendedprice": 25894.35d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-10-20", "l_commitdate": "1996-12-05", "l_receiptdate": "1996-11-02", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "he blithely regular req" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1667, "l_partkey": 59, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 24.0d, "l_extendedprice": 23017.2d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-10-14", "l_commitdate": "1997-12-01", "l_receiptdate": "1997-11-09", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "hrash final requests. care" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1605, "l_partkey": 59, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 39.0d, "l_extendedprice": 37402.95d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-07-12", "l_commitdate": "1998-06-05", "l_receiptdate": "1998-08-09", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "nal dependencies-- quickly final frets acc" }
, { "l_orderkey": 1890, "l_partkey": 59, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 24.0d, "l_extendedprice": 23017.2d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-02-09", "l_commitdate": "1997-02-10", "l_receiptdate": "1997-02-12", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "is wake carefully above the even id" }
, { "l_orderkey": 2759, "l_partkey": 59, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 10.0d, "l_extendedprice": 9590.5d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-12-14", "l_commitdate": "1994-01-08", "l_receiptdate": "1994-01-01", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "s. busily ironic theodo" }
, { "l_orderkey": 2816, "l_partkey": 59, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 33.0d, "l_extendedprice": 31648.65d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-10-19", "l_commitdate": "1994-11-10", "l_receiptdate": "1994-11-09", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "s; slyly even theodo" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4672, "l_partkey": 59, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 22.0d, "l_extendedprice": 21099.1d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-12-03", "l_commitdate": "1995-12-08", "l_receiptdate": "1995-12-17", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "l instructions. blithely ironic packages " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4998, "l_partkey": 59, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 27.0d, "l_extendedprice": 25894.35d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-03-17", "l_commitdate": "1992-02-26", "l_receiptdate": "1992-04-05", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "the blithely ironic " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5472, "l_partkey": 59, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 27.0d, "l_extendedprice": 25894.35d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-08-04", "l_commitdate": "1993-07-07", "l_receiptdate": "1993-09-03", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "fily pending attainments. unus" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 165, "l_partkey": 59, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 15.0d, "l_extendedprice": 14385.75d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-04-10", "l_commitdate": "1993-03-29", "l_receiptdate": "1993-05-01", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": " bold packages mainta" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 354, "l_partkey": 59, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 50.0d, "l_extendedprice": 47952.5d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-03-21", "l_commitdate": "1996-05-20", "l_receiptdate": "1996-04-04", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "to beans s" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 677, "l_partkey": 59, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 32.0d, "l_extendedprice": 30689.6d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-01-06", "l_commitdate": "1994-01-31", "l_receiptdate": "1994-02-02", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "slyly final" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1249, "l_partkey": 59, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 49.0d, "l_extendedprice": 46993.45d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-03-03", "l_commitdate": "1994-02-28", "l_receiptdate": "1994-03-08", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ffily express theodo" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1282, "l_partkey": 59, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 19.0d, "l_extendedprice": 18221.95d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-06-20", "l_commitdate": "1992-04-17", "l_receiptdate": "1992-07-05", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "nto beans. carefully close theodo" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1667, "l_partkey": 59, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 24.0d, "l_extendedprice": 23017.2d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-10-14", "l_commitdate": "1997-12-01", "l_receiptdate": "1997-11-09", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "hrash final requests. care" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2087, "l_partkey": 59, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 6.0d, "l_extendedprice": 5754.3d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-04-23", "l_commitdate": "1998-03-27", "l_receiptdate": "1998-05-18", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "dazzle after the slyly si" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2688, "l_partkey": 59, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 22.0d, "l_extendedprice": 21099.1d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-02-09", "l_commitdate": "1992-04-09", "l_receiptdate": "1992-02-11", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "press, ironic excuses wake carefully id" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2791, "l_partkey": 59, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 49.0d, "l_extendedprice": 46993.45d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-01-11", "l_commitdate": "1994-11-10", "l_receiptdate": "1995-02-08", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": " accounts sleep at the bold, regular pinto " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5157, "l_partkey": 59, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 25.0d, "l_extendedprice": 23976.25d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-08-24", "l_commitdate": "1997-09-23", "l_receiptdate": "1997-08-28", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": " packages detect. even requests against th" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5444, "l_partkey": 59, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 33.0d, "l_extendedprice": 31648.65d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-06-24", "l_commitdate": "1995-04-24", "l_receiptdate": "1995-07-13", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ut the courts cajole blithely excuses" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 935, "l_partkey": 59, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 1.0d, "l_extendedprice": 959.05d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-12-14", "l_commitdate": "1997-11-22", "l_receiptdate": "1998-01-08", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": " instructions. ironic acc" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1510, "l_partkey": 59, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 27.0d, "l_extendedprice": 25894.35d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-10-20", "l_commitdate": "1996-12-05", "l_receiptdate": "1996-11-02", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "he blithely regular req" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2406, "l_partkey": 59, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 22.0d, "l_extendedprice": 21099.1d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-11-22", "l_commitdate": "1997-01-17", "l_receiptdate": "1996-12-15", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "hely even foxes unwind furiously aga" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3521, "l_partkey": 59, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 48.0d, "l_extendedprice": 46034.4d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-01-03", "l_commitdate": "1992-12-31", "l_receiptdate": "1993-01-22", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ses use. furiously express ideas wake f" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3620, "l_partkey": 59, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 41.0d, "l_extendedprice": 39321.05d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-03-21", "l_commitdate": "1997-04-20", "l_receiptdate": "1997-03-30", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "t attainments cajole qui" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3845, "l_partkey": 59, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 17.0d, "l_extendedprice": 16303.85d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-06-12", "l_commitdate": "1992-07-05", "l_receiptdate": "1992-06-26", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "counts haggle. reg" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5696, "l_partkey": 59, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 46.0d, "l_extendedprice": 44116.3d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-08-10", "l_commitdate": "1995-07-08", "l_receiptdate": "1995-08-25", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ter the instruct" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5957, "l_partkey": 59, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 46.0d, "l_extendedprice": 44116.3d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-01-23", "l_commitdate": "1994-01-30", "l_receiptdate": "1994-02-07", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "platelets. furiously unusual requests " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 262, "l_partkey": 59, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 35.0d, "l_extendedprice": 33566.75d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-03-12", "l_commitdate": "1996-02-14", "l_receiptdate": "1996-04-11", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "lites cajole along the pending packag" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 674, "l_partkey": 59, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 4.0d, "l_extendedprice": 3836.2d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-10-05", "l_commitdate": "1992-11-22", "l_receiptdate": "1992-10-22", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ly express pinto beans sleep car" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 967, "l_partkey": 59, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 41.0d, "l_extendedprice": 39321.05d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-09-21", "l_commitdate": "1992-08-15", "l_receiptdate": "1992-10-21", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ld foxes wake closely special" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1284, "l_partkey": 59, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 1.0d, "l_extendedprice": 959.05d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-04-28", "l_commitdate": "1996-04-02", "l_receiptdate": "1996-05-08", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "al packages use carefully express de" }
, { "l_orderkey": 2945, "l_partkey": 59, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 37.0d, "l_extendedprice": 35484.85d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-02-10", "l_commitdate": "1996-03-20", "l_receiptdate": "1996-02-12", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "l instructions. regular, regular " }
, { "l_orderkey": 3429, "l_partkey": 59, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 15.0d, "l_extendedprice": 14385.75d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-02-04", "l_commitdate": "1997-03-09", "l_receiptdate": "1997-03-01", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "beans are fu" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3845, "l_partkey": 59, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 17.0d, "l_extendedprice": 16303.85d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-06-12", "l_commitdate": "1992-07-05", "l_receiptdate": "1992-06-26", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "counts haggle. reg" }
, { "l_orderkey": 3906, "l_partkey": 59, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 36.0d, "l_extendedprice": 34525.8d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-08-07", "l_commitdate": "1992-08-08", "l_receiptdate": "1992-08-24", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "y. ironic deposits haggle sl" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4998, "l_partkey": 59, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 27.0d, "l_extendedprice": 25894.35d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-03-17", "l_commitdate": "1992-02-26", "l_receiptdate": "1992-04-05", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "the blithely ironic " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5444, "l_partkey": 59, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 33.0d, "l_extendedprice": 31648.65d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-06-24", "l_commitdate": "1995-04-24", "l_receiptdate": "1995-07-13", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ut the courts cajole blithely excuses" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1284, "l_partkey": 59, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 1.0d, "l_extendedprice": 959.05d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-04-28", "l_commitdate": "1996-04-02", "l_receiptdate": "1996-05-08", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "al packages use carefully express de" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1605, "l_partkey": 59, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 39.0d, "l_extendedprice": 37402.95d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-07-12", "l_commitdate": "1998-06-05", "l_receiptdate": "1998-08-09", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "nal dependencies-- quickly final frets acc" }
, { "l_orderkey": 4099, "l_partkey": 59, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 39.0d, "l_extendedprice": 37402.95d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-12-13", "l_commitdate": "1992-11-13", "l_receiptdate": "1992-12-26", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "fluffy accounts impress pending, iro" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5472, "l_partkey": 59, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 27.0d, "l_extendedprice": 25894.35d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-08-04", "l_commitdate": "1993-07-07", "l_receiptdate": "1993-09-03", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "fily pending attainments. unus" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3685, "l_partkey": 58, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 7.0d, "l_extendedprice": 6706.35d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-05-16", "l_commitdate": "1992-02-23", "l_receiptdate": "1992-05-17", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "sits. special asymptotes about the r" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5282, "l_partkey": 58, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 28.0d, "l_extendedprice": 26825.4d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-05-06", "l_commitdate": "1998-04-24", "l_receiptdate": "1998-05-30", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "fily final instruc" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5857, "l_partkey": 58, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 25.0d, "l_extendedprice": 23951.25d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-12-02", "l_commitdate": "1997-12-17", "l_receiptdate": "1997-12-08", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ding platelets. pending excu" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1412, "l_partkey": 58, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 37.0d, "l_extendedprice": 35447.85d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-04-10", "l_commitdate": "1993-04-19", "l_receiptdate": "1993-04-12", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "hely express excuses are " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2208, "l_partkey": 58, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 48.0d, "l_extendedprice": 45986.4d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-05-13", "l_commitdate": "1995-06-30", "l_receiptdate": "1995-05-20", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "sits. idly permanent request" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2695, "l_partkey": 58, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 16.0d, "l_extendedprice": 15328.8d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-11-16", "l_commitdate": "1996-10-05", "l_receiptdate": "1996-11-22", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "its. theodolites sleep slyly" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3010, "l_partkey": 58, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 24.0d, "l_extendedprice": 22993.2d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-05-09", "l_commitdate": "1996-03-14", "l_receiptdate": "1996-05-15", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ar, even reques" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3111, "l_partkey": 58, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 30.0d, "l_extendedprice": 28741.5d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-10-05", "l_commitdate": "1995-11-15", "l_receiptdate": "1995-11-01", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "eas are furiously slyly special deposits." }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3360, "l_partkey": 58, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 4.0d, "l_extendedprice": 3832.2d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-02-27", "l_commitdate": "1998-03-23", "l_receiptdate": "1998-03-28", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ly busy inst" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3586, "l_partkey": 58, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 2.0d, "l_extendedprice": 1916.1d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-03-22", "l_commitdate": "1994-02-20", "l_receiptdate": "1994-04-08", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "unts. slyly final ideas agai" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3751, "l_partkey": 58, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 12.0d, "l_extendedprice": 11496.6d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-08-09", "l_commitdate": "1994-06-30", "l_receiptdate": "1994-08-12", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "accounts wake furious" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4896, "l_partkey": 58, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 6.0d, "l_extendedprice": 5748.3d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-10-30", "l_commitdate": "1992-11-12", "l_receiptdate": "1992-11-28", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "usly regular deposits" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5920, "l_partkey": 58, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 24.0d, "l_extendedprice": 22993.2d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-12-28", "l_commitdate": "1995-01-21", "l_receiptdate": "1994-12-31", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "fully regular dolphins. furiousl" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5569, "l_partkey": 59, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 15.0d, "l_extendedprice": 14385.75d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-06-29", "l_commitdate": "1993-07-06", "l_receiptdate": "1993-07-05", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "lithely bold requests boost fur" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5923, "l_partkey": 59, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 35.0d, "l_extendedprice": 33566.75d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-07-21", "l_commitdate": "1997-07-11", "l_receiptdate": "1997-08-01", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "sts affix unusual, final requests. request" }
, { "l_orderkey": 935, "l_partkey": 58, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 13.0d, "l_extendedprice": 12454.65d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-01-13", "l_commitdate": "1997-11-30", "l_receiptdate": "1998-02-08", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ld platelet" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1542, "l_partkey": 58, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 37.0d, "l_extendedprice": 35447.85d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-12-15", "l_commitdate": "1993-10-17", "l_receiptdate": "1994-01-07", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "e blithely unusual accounts. quic" }
, { "l_orderkey": 2117, "l_partkey": 58, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 43.0d, "l_extendedprice": 41196.15d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-06-27", "l_commitdate": "1997-06-12", "l_receiptdate": "1997-07-22", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": " foxes sleep furiously " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2310, "l_partkey": 58, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 36.0d, "l_extendedprice": 34489.8d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-10-09", "l_commitdate": "1996-10-28", "l_receiptdate": "1996-10-29", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "iously against the slyly special accounts" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4869, "l_partkey": 58, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 24.0d, "l_extendedprice": 22993.2d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-11-17", "l_commitdate": "1994-11-07", "l_receiptdate": "1994-11-27", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "olites cajole after the ideas. special t" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4997, "l_partkey": 58, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 24.0d, "l_extendedprice": 22993.2d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-04-20", "l_commitdate": "1998-04-23", "l_receiptdate": "1998-05-16", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "xpress, bo" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5569, "l_partkey": 58, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 26.0d, "l_extendedprice": 24909.3d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-08-21", "l_commitdate": "1993-07-22", "l_receiptdate": "1993-09-09", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "pitaphs. ironic req" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5796, "l_partkey": 58, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 27.0d, "l_extendedprice": 25867.35d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-04-06", "l_commitdate": "1996-02-29", "l_receiptdate": "1996-04-20", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "s wake quickly aro" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1126, "l_partkey": 58, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 7.0d, "l_extendedprice": 6706.35d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-05-02", "l_commitdate": "1998-03-22", "l_receiptdate": "1998-05-21", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ons. final, unusual" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2501, "l_partkey": 58, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 26.0d, "l_extendedprice": 24909.3d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-07-15", "l_commitdate": "1997-08-15", "l_receiptdate": "1997-07-28", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "c accounts. express, iron" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4576, "l_partkey": 58, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 43.0d, "l_extendedprice": 41196.15d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-10-24", "l_commitdate": "1996-09-23", "l_receiptdate": "1996-11-10", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ly final deposits. never" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3111, "l_partkey": 58, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 30.0d, "l_extendedprice": 28741.5d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-10-05", "l_commitdate": "1995-11-15", "l_receiptdate": "1995-11-01", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "eas are furiously slyly special deposits." }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3586, "l_partkey": 58, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 2.0d, "l_extendedprice": 1916.1d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-03-22", "l_commitdate": "1994-02-20", "l_receiptdate": "1994-04-08", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "unts. slyly final ideas agai" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3685, "l_partkey": 58, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 7.0d, "l_extendedprice": 6706.35d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-05-16", "l_commitdate": "1992-02-23", "l_receiptdate": "1992-05-17", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "sits. special asymptotes about the r" }
, { "l_orderkey": 4678, "l_partkey": 58, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 35.0d, "l_extendedprice": 33531.75d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-11-27", "l_commitdate": "1998-10-02", "l_receiptdate": "1998-12-17", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "he accounts. fluffily bold sheaves b" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4869, "l_partkey": 58, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 24.0d, "l_extendedprice": 22993.2d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-11-17", "l_commitdate": "1994-11-07", "l_receiptdate": "1994-11-27", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "olites cajole after the ideas. special t" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5920, "l_partkey": 58, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 24.0d, "l_extendedprice": 22993.2d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-12-28", "l_commitdate": "1995-01-21", "l_receiptdate": "1994-12-31", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "fully regular dolphins. furiousl" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2310, "l_partkey": 58, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 36.0d, "l_extendedprice": 34489.8d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-10-09", "l_commitdate": "1996-10-28", "l_receiptdate": "1996-10-29", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "iously against the slyly special accounts" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2501, "l_partkey": 58, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 26.0d, "l_extendedprice": 24909.3d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-07-15", "l_commitdate": "1997-08-15", "l_receiptdate": "1997-07-28", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "c accounts. express, iron" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3010, "l_partkey": 58, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 24.0d, "l_extendedprice": 22993.2d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-05-09", "l_commitdate": "1996-03-14", "l_receiptdate": "1996-05-15", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ar, even reques" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3751, "l_partkey": 58, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 12.0d, "l_extendedprice": 11496.6d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-08-09", "l_commitdate": "1994-06-30", "l_receiptdate": "1994-08-12", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "accounts wake furious" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4997, "l_partkey": 58, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 24.0d, "l_extendedprice": 22993.2d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-04-20", "l_commitdate": "1998-04-23", "l_receiptdate": "1998-05-16", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "xpress, bo" }
, { "l_orderkey": 5024, "l_partkey": 58, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 41.0d, "l_extendedprice": 39280.05d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-11-09", "l_commitdate": "1996-12-03", "l_receiptdate": "1996-12-01", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "osits hinder carefully " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5569, "l_partkey": 58, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 26.0d, "l_extendedprice": 24909.3d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-08-21", "l_commitdate": "1993-07-22", "l_receiptdate": "1993-09-09", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "pitaphs. ironic req" }
, { "l_orderkey": 5575, "l_partkey": 58, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 7.0d, "l_extendedprice": 6706.35d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-10-01", "l_commitdate": "1995-09-30", "l_receiptdate": "1995-10-06", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "s. slyly pending theodolites prin" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5857, "l_partkey": 58, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 25.0d, "l_extendedprice": 23951.25d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-12-02", "l_commitdate": "1997-12-17", "l_receiptdate": "1997-12-08", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ding platelets. pending excu" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1126, "l_partkey": 58, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 7.0d, "l_extendedprice": 6706.35d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-05-02", "l_commitdate": "1998-03-22", "l_receiptdate": "1998-05-21", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ons. final, unusual" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1412, "l_partkey": 58, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 37.0d, "l_extendedprice": 35447.85d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-04-10", "l_commitdate": "1993-04-19", "l_receiptdate": "1993-04-12", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "hely express excuses are " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2695, "l_partkey": 58, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 16.0d, "l_extendedprice": 15328.8d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-11-16", "l_commitdate": "1996-10-05", "l_receiptdate": "1996-11-22", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "its. theodolites sleep slyly" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4896, "l_partkey": 58, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 6.0d, "l_extendedprice": 5748.3d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-10-30", "l_commitdate": "1992-11-12", "l_receiptdate": "1992-11-28", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "usly regular deposits" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5282, "l_partkey": 58, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 28.0d, "l_extendedprice": 26825.4d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-05-06", "l_commitdate": "1998-04-24", "l_receiptdate": "1998-05-30", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "fily final instruc" }
, { "l_orderkey": 5698, "l_partkey": 58, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 15.0d, "l_extendedprice": 14370.75d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-06-29", "l_commitdate": "1994-07-03", "l_receiptdate": "1994-07-02", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ly ironic frets haggle carefully " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1542, "l_partkey": 58, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 37.0d, "l_extendedprice": 35447.85d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-12-15", "l_commitdate": "1993-10-17", "l_receiptdate": "1994-01-07", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "e blithely unusual accounts. quic" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2208, "l_partkey": 58, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 48.0d, "l_extendedprice": 45986.4d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-05-13", "l_commitdate": "1995-06-30", "l_receiptdate": "1995-05-20", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "sits. idly permanent request" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3360, "l_partkey": 58, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 4.0d, "l_extendedprice": 3832.2d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-02-27", "l_commitdate": "1998-03-23", "l_receiptdate": "1998-03-28", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ly busy inst" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4576, "l_partkey": 58, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 43.0d, "l_extendedprice": 41196.15d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-10-24", "l_commitdate": "1996-09-23", "l_receiptdate": "1996-11-10", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ly final deposits. never" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5796, "l_partkey": 58, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 27.0d, "l_extendedprice": 25867.35d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-04-06", "l_commitdate": "1996-02-29", "l_receiptdate": "1996-04-20", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "s wake quickly aro" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 194, "l_partkey": 57, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 8.0d, "l_extendedprice": 7656.4d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-07-06", "l_commitdate": "1992-06-25", "l_receiptdate": "1992-07-11", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "uriously unusual excuses" }
, { "l_orderkey": 450, "l_partkey": 57, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 40.0d, "l_extendedprice": 38282.0d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-03-20", "l_commitdate": "1995-05-25", "l_receiptdate": "1995-04-14", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ve. asymptote" }
, { "l_orderkey": 736, "l_partkey": 57, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 13.0d, "l_extendedprice": 12441.65d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-08-16", "l_commitdate": "1998-07-26", "l_receiptdate": "1998-08-19", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "st furiously among the " }
, { "l_orderkey": 805, "l_partkey": 57, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 29.0d, "l_extendedprice": 27754.45d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-08-24", "l_commitdate": "1995-08-15", "l_receiptdate": "1995-09-16", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "dolites according to the slyly f" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 962, "l_partkey": 57, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 36.0d, "l_extendedprice": 34453.8d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-08-09", "l_commitdate": "1994-07-10", "l_receiptdate": "1994-09-02", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "al foxes. iron" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 962, "l_partkey": 57, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 20.0d, "l_extendedprice": 19141.0d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-08-26", "l_commitdate": "1994-06-27", "l_receiptdate": "1994-09-11", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": " deposits use fluffily according to " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2372, "l_partkey": 57, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 19.0d, "l_extendedprice": 18183.95d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-12-26", "l_commitdate": "1998-02-19", "l_receiptdate": "1998-01-02", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": " beans haggle sometimes" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3072, "l_partkey": 57, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 6.0d, "l_extendedprice": 5742.3d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-02-09", "l_commitdate": "1994-03-24", "l_receiptdate": "1994-02-28", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "gular requests abov" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3270, "l_partkey": 57, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 29.0d, "l_extendedprice": 27754.45d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-08-22", "l_commitdate": "1997-08-17", "l_receiptdate": "1997-09-06", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ptotes nag above the quickly bold deposits" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3975, "l_partkey": 57, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 38.0d, "l_extendedprice": 36367.9d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-08-02", "l_commitdate": "1995-06-18", "l_receiptdate": "1995-08-19", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "es are furiously: furi" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 198, "l_partkey": 57, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 33.0d, "l_extendedprice": 31582.65d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-01-05", "l_commitdate": "1998-03-20", "l_receiptdate": "1998-01-10", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "carefully caref" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 582, "l_partkey": 57, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 7.0d, "l_extendedprice": 6699.35d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-11-16", "l_commitdate": "1997-11-29", "l_receiptdate": "1997-12-10", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ithely unusual t" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1664, "l_partkey": 57, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 9.0d, "l_extendedprice": 8613.45d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-04-15", "l_commitdate": "1996-05-14", "l_receiptdate": "1996-05-11", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ges. fluffil" }
, { "l_orderkey": 2146, "l_partkey": 57, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 42.0d, "l_extendedprice": 40196.1d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-09-21", "l_commitdate": "1992-11-02", "l_receiptdate": "1992-09-23", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ns according to the doggedly " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2404, "l_partkey": 57, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 19.0d, "l_extendedprice": 18183.95d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-05-07", "l_commitdate": "1997-05-24", "l_receiptdate": "1997-05-24", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "cuses. quickly even in" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3271, "l_partkey": 57, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 30.0d, "l_extendedprice": 28711.5d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-01-16", "l_commitdate": "1992-03-20", "l_receiptdate": "1992-01-17", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "r the unusual Tiresia" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2630, "l_partkey": 57, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 8.0d, "l_extendedprice": 7656.4d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-11-16", "l_commitdate": "1993-01-01", "l_receiptdate": "1992-12-07", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "indle fluffily silent, ironic pi" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3072, "l_partkey": 57, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 6.0d, "l_extendedprice": 5742.3d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-02-09", "l_commitdate": "1994-03-24", "l_receiptdate": "1994-02-28", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "gular requests abov" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3682, "l_partkey": 57, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 30.0d, "l_extendedprice": 28711.5d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-04-16", "l_commitdate": "1997-04-16", "l_receiptdate": "1997-04-29", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "he requests cajole quickly pending package" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3975, "l_partkey": 57, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 38.0d, "l_extendedprice": 36367.9d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-08-02", "l_commitdate": "1995-06-18", "l_receiptdate": "1995-08-19", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "es are furiously: furi" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4068, "l_partkey": 57, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 31.0d, "l_extendedprice": 29668.55d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-12-11", "l_commitdate": "1996-12-07", "l_receiptdate": "1996-12-30", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ds wake carefully amon" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4672, "l_partkey": 57, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 13.0d, "l_extendedprice": 12441.65d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-02-02", "l_commitdate": "1995-12-13", "l_receiptdate": "1996-03-02", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ar requests? pending accounts against" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 231, "l_partkey": 57, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 31.0d, "l_extendedprice": 29668.55d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-11-05", "l_commitdate": "1994-12-27", "l_receiptdate": "1994-11-30", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "iously special decoys wake q" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 582, "l_partkey": 57, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 7.0d, "l_extendedprice": 6699.35d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-11-16", "l_commitdate": "1997-11-29", "l_receiptdate": "1997-12-10", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ithely unusual t" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 837, "l_partkey": 57, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 39.0d, "l_extendedprice": 37324.95d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-07-22", "l_commitdate": "1994-08-10", "l_receiptdate": "1994-08-11", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ecial pinto bea" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1444, "l_partkey": 57, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 34.0d, "l_extendedprice": 32539.7d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-02-22", "l_commitdate": "1995-02-15", "l_receiptdate": "1995-03-19", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "y. doggedly pend" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3270, "l_partkey": 57, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 29.0d, "l_extendedprice": 27754.45d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-08-22", "l_commitdate": "1997-08-17", "l_receiptdate": "1997-09-06", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ptotes nag above the quickly bold deposits" }
, { "l_orderkey": 3778, "l_partkey": 57, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 21.0d, "l_extendedprice": 20098.05d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-05-27", "l_commitdate": "1993-07-10", "l_receiptdate": "1993-06-03", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ts. blithely special theodoli" }
, { "l_orderkey": 4007, "l_partkey": 57, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 32.0d, "l_extendedprice": 30625.6d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-09-30", "l_commitdate": "1993-08-16", "l_receiptdate": "1993-10-03", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "nal accounts across t" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4096, "l_partkey": 57, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 17.0d, "l_extendedprice": 16269.85d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-09-30", "l_commitdate": "1992-08-11", "l_receiptdate": "1992-10-11", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "platelets alongside of the " }
, { "l_orderkey": 5922, "l_partkey": 57, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 39.0d, "l_extendedprice": 37324.95d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-03-04", "l_commitdate": "1997-01-17", "l_receiptdate": "1997-03-25", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "e of the instructions. quick" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 194, "l_partkey": 57, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 8.0d, "l_extendedprice": 7656.4d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-07-06", "l_commitdate": "1992-06-25", "l_receiptdate": "1992-07-11", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "uriously unusual excuses" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 231, "l_partkey": 57, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 31.0d, "l_extendedprice": 29668.55d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-11-05", "l_commitdate": "1994-12-27", "l_receiptdate": "1994-11-30", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "iously special decoys wake q" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1632, "l_partkey": 57, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 33.0d, "l_extendedprice": 31582.65d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-04-01", "l_commitdate": "1997-02-24", "l_receiptdate": "1997-04-29", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ructions! slyly" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2215, "l_partkey": 57, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 30.0d, "l_extendedprice": 28711.5d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-09-09", "l_commitdate": "1996-07-20", "l_receiptdate": "1996-09-28", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "against the carefu" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 198, "l_partkey": 57, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 33.0d, "l_extendedprice": 31582.65d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-01-05", "l_commitdate": "1998-03-20", "l_receiptdate": "1998-01-10", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "carefully caref" }
, { "l_orderkey": 548, "l_partkey": 57, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 21.0d, "l_extendedprice": 20098.05d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-10-27", "l_commitdate": "1994-12-04", "l_receiptdate": "1994-11-21", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": " engage quickly. regular theo" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 837, "l_partkey": 57, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 39.0d, "l_extendedprice": 37324.95d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-07-22", "l_commitdate": "1994-08-10", "l_receiptdate": "1994-08-11", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ecial pinto bea" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 962, "l_partkey": 57, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 36.0d, "l_extendedprice": 34453.8d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-08-09", "l_commitdate": "1994-07-10", "l_receiptdate": "1994-09-02", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "al foxes. iron" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 962, "l_partkey": 57, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 20.0d, "l_extendedprice": 19141.0d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-08-26", "l_commitdate": "1994-06-27", "l_receiptdate": "1994-09-11", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": " deposits use fluffily according to " }
, { "l_orderkey": 964, "l_partkey": 57, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 49.0d, "l_extendedprice": 46895.45d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-09-06", "l_commitdate": "1995-08-10", "l_receiptdate": "1995-10-05", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ounts. blithely regular packag" }
, { "l_orderkey": 1189, "l_partkey": 57, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 22.0d, "l_extendedprice": 21055.1d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-06-09", "l_commitdate": "1994-06-29", "l_receiptdate": "1994-06-23", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "quickly unusual platelets lose forges. ca" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1924, "l_partkey": 57, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 40.0d, "l_extendedprice": 38282.0d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-10-31", "l_commitdate": "1996-11-30", "l_receiptdate": "1996-11-21", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ains sleep carefully" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2215, "l_partkey": 57, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 30.0d, "l_extendedprice": 28711.5d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-09-09", "l_commitdate": "1996-07-20", "l_receiptdate": "1996-09-28", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "against the carefu" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4034, "l_partkey": 57, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 47.0d, "l_extendedprice": 44981.35d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-01-27", "l_commitdate": "1993-12-26", "l_receiptdate": "1994-02-04", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "eodolites was slyly ironic ideas. de" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4068, "l_partkey": 57, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 31.0d, "l_extendedprice": 29668.55d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-12-11", "l_commitdate": "1996-12-07", "l_receiptdate": "1996-12-30", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ds wake carefully amon" }
, { "l_orderkey": 1345, "l_partkey": 57, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 31.0d, "l_extendedprice": 29668.55d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-12-02", "l_commitdate": "1992-12-29", "l_receiptdate": "1992-12-14", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": ". slyly silent accounts sublat" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1444, "l_partkey": 57, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 34.0d, "l_extendedprice": 32539.7d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-02-22", "l_commitdate": "1995-02-15", "l_receiptdate": "1995-03-19", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "y. doggedly pend" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1632, "l_partkey": 57, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 33.0d, "l_extendedprice": 31582.65d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-04-01", "l_commitdate": "1997-02-24", "l_receiptdate": "1997-04-29", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ructions! slyly" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1664, "l_partkey": 57, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 9.0d, "l_extendedprice": 8613.45d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-04-15", "l_commitdate": "1996-05-14", "l_receiptdate": "1996-05-11", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ges. fluffil" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1924, "l_partkey": 57, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 40.0d, "l_extendedprice": 38282.0d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-10-31", "l_commitdate": "1996-11-30", "l_receiptdate": "1996-11-21", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ains sleep carefully" }
, { "l_orderkey": 2177, "l_partkey": 57, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 46.0d, "l_extendedprice": 44024.3d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-05-10", "l_commitdate": "1997-02-23", "l_receiptdate": "1997-05-28", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ending asymptotes." }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2630, "l_partkey": 57, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 8.0d, "l_extendedprice": 7656.4d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-11-16", "l_commitdate": "1993-01-01", "l_receiptdate": "1992-12-07", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "indle fluffily silent, ironic pi" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2372, "l_partkey": 57, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 19.0d, "l_extendedprice": 18183.95d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-12-26", "l_commitdate": "1998-02-19", "l_receiptdate": "1998-01-02", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": " beans haggle sometimes" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2404, "l_partkey": 57, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 19.0d, "l_extendedprice": 18183.95d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-05-07", "l_commitdate": "1997-05-24", "l_receiptdate": "1997-05-24", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "cuses. quickly even in" }
, { "l_orderkey": 3110, "l_partkey": 57, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 31.0d, "l_extendedprice": 29668.55d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-03-31", "l_commitdate": "1995-03-07", "l_receiptdate": "1995-04-21", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "en deposits. ironic" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3682, "l_partkey": 57, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 30.0d, "l_extendedprice": 28711.5d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-04-16", "l_commitdate": "1997-04-16", "l_receiptdate": "1997-04-29", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "he requests cajole quickly pending package" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4672, "l_partkey": 57, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 13.0d, "l_extendedprice": 12441.65d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-02-02", "l_commitdate": "1995-12-13", "l_receiptdate": "1996-03-02", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ar requests? pending accounts against" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 70, "l_partkey": 56, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 19.0d, "l_extendedprice": 18164.95d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-01-26", "l_commitdate": "1994-02-17", "l_receiptdate": "1994-02-06", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": " packages wake pending accounts." }
-, { "l_orderkey": 387, "l_partkey": 56, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 19.0d, "l_extendedprice": 18164.95d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-03-14", "l_commitdate": "1997-04-21", "l_receiptdate": "1997-04-04", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "gular dependencies" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2308, "l_partkey": 56, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 36.0d, "l_extendedprice": 34417.8d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-11-11", "l_commitdate": "1992-11-27", "l_receiptdate": "1992-11-23", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ong the pending hockey players. blithe" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2752, "l_partkey": 56, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 4.0d, "l_extendedprice": 3824.2d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-12-14", "l_commitdate": "1994-02-13", "l_receiptdate": "1994-01-05", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "telets haggle. regular, final " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4421, "l_partkey": 56, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 46.0d, "l_extendedprice": 43978.3d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-04-21", "l_commitdate": "1997-05-13", "l_receiptdate": "1997-05-15", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "reful packages. bold, " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5190, "l_partkey": 56, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 43.0d, "l_extendedprice": 41110.15d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-08-19", "l_commitdate": "1992-06-10", "l_receiptdate": "1992-09-01", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "encies use fluffily unusual requests? hoc" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1248, "l_partkey": 56, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 26.0d, "l_extendedprice": 24857.3d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-01-16", "l_commitdate": "1992-03-01", "l_receiptdate": "1992-02-06", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": " ironic dependen" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4996, "l_partkey": 56, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 35.0d, "l_extendedprice": 33461.75d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-10-30", "l_commitdate": "1992-10-27", "l_receiptdate": "1992-11-05", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "s. unusual, regular dolphins integrate care" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3271, "l_partkey": 57, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 30.0d, "l_extendedprice": 28711.5d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-01-16", "l_commitdate": "1992-03-20", "l_receiptdate": "1992-01-17", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "r the unusual Tiresia" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4034, "l_partkey": 57, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 47.0d, "l_extendedprice": 44981.35d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-01-27", "l_commitdate": "1993-12-26", "l_receiptdate": "1994-02-04", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "eodolites was slyly ironic ideas. de" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4096, "l_partkey": 57, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 17.0d, "l_extendedprice": 16269.85d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-09-30", "l_commitdate": "1992-08-11", "l_receiptdate": "1992-10-11", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "platelets alongside of the " }
, { "l_orderkey": 903, "l_partkey": 56, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 9.0d, "l_extendedprice": 8604.45d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-10-06", "l_commitdate": "1995-09-14", "l_receiptdate": "1995-10-24", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "he slyly ev" }
, { "l_orderkey": 1638, "l_partkey": 56, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 19.0d, "l_extendedprice": 18164.95d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-10-15", "l_commitdate": "1997-10-27", "l_receiptdate": "1997-11-03", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": " quickly expres" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2531, "l_partkey": 56, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 28.0d, "l_extendedprice": 26769.4d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-07-06", "l_commitdate": "1996-07-31", "l_receiptdate": "1996-07-19", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "its. busily" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3590, "l_partkey": 56, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 26.0d, "l_extendedprice": 24857.3d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-07-08", "l_commitdate": "1995-06-17", "l_receiptdate": "1995-08-02", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "arefully along th" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 708, "l_partkey": 56, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 5.0d, "l_extendedprice": 4780.25d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-07-22", "l_commitdate": "1998-08-15", "l_receiptdate": "1998-07-28", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "c pinto beans nag after the account" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1248, "l_partkey": 56, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 26.0d, "l_extendedprice": 24857.3d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-01-16", "l_commitdate": "1992-03-01", "l_receiptdate": "1992-02-06", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": " ironic dependen" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2272, "l_partkey": 56, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 36.0d, "l_extendedprice": 34417.8d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-05-25", "l_commitdate": "1993-05-23", "l_receiptdate": "1993-06-09", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "about the ironic packages; quickly iron" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2752, "l_partkey": 56, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 4.0d, "l_extendedprice": 3824.2d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-12-14", "l_commitdate": "1994-02-13", "l_receiptdate": "1994-01-05", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "telets haggle. regular, final " }
, { "l_orderkey": 3685, "l_partkey": 56, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 37.0d, "l_extendedprice": 35373.85d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-03-02", "l_commitdate": "1992-04-10", "l_receiptdate": "1992-03-04", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": ". carefully sly requests are regular, regu" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4450, "l_partkey": 56, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 6.0d, "l_extendedprice": 5736.3d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-09-02", "l_commitdate": "1997-09-30", "l_receiptdate": "1997-09-09", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "eposits. foxes cajole unusual fox" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5190, "l_partkey": 56, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 43.0d, "l_extendedprice": 41110.15d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-08-19", "l_commitdate": "1992-06-10", "l_receiptdate": "1992-09-01", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "encies use fluffily unusual requests? hoc" }
, { "l_orderkey": 5411, "l_partkey": 56, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 5.0d, "l_extendedprice": 4780.25d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-09-12", "l_commitdate": "1997-08-03", "l_receiptdate": "1997-09-23", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": " bold, ironic theodo" }
, { "l_orderkey": 5697, "l_partkey": 56, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 42.0d, "l_extendedprice": 40154.1d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-12-19", "l_commitdate": "1992-12-08", "l_receiptdate": "1993-01-03", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "inal theodolites cajole after the bli" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 387, "l_partkey": 56, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 19.0d, "l_extendedprice": 18164.95d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-03-14", "l_commitdate": "1997-04-21", "l_receiptdate": "1997-04-04", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "gular dependencies" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2531, "l_partkey": 56, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 28.0d, "l_extendedprice": 26769.4d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-07-06", "l_commitdate": "1996-07-31", "l_receiptdate": "1996-07-19", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "its. busily" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4421, "l_partkey": 56, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 46.0d, "l_extendedprice": 43978.3d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-04-21", "l_commitdate": "1997-05-13", "l_receiptdate": "1997-05-15", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "reful packages. bold, " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4705, "l_partkey": 56, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 16.0d, "l_extendedprice": 15296.8d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-07-02", "l_commitdate": "1992-06-06", "l_receiptdate": "1992-07-06", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "special ideas nag sl" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4996, "l_partkey": 56, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 35.0d, "l_extendedprice": 33461.75d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-10-30", "l_commitdate": "1992-10-27", "l_receiptdate": "1992-11-05", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "s. unusual, regular dolphins integrate care" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 70, "l_partkey": 56, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 19.0d, "l_extendedprice": 18164.95d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-01-26", "l_commitdate": "1994-02-17", "l_receiptdate": "1994-02-06", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": " packages wake pending accounts." }
, { "l_orderkey": 356, "l_partkey": 56, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 41.0d, "l_extendedprice": 39198.05d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-09-28", "l_commitdate": "1994-09-20", "l_receiptdate": "1994-10-07", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": " according to the express foxes will" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 708, "l_partkey": 56, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 5.0d, "l_extendedprice": 4780.25d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-07-22", "l_commitdate": "1998-08-15", "l_receiptdate": "1998-07-28", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "c pinto beans nag after the account" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2272, "l_partkey": 56, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 36.0d, "l_extendedprice": 34417.8d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-05-25", "l_commitdate": "1993-05-23", "l_receiptdate": "1993-06-09", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "about the ironic packages; quickly iron" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2308, "l_partkey": 56, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 36.0d, "l_extendedprice": 34417.8d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-11-11", "l_commitdate": "1992-11-27", "l_receiptdate": "1992-11-23", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ong the pending hockey players. blithe" }
, { "l_orderkey": 3205, "l_partkey": 56, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 10.0d, "l_extendedprice": 9560.5d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-06-18", "l_commitdate": "1992-07-04", "l_receiptdate": "1992-07-16", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": " deposits cajole careful" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3590, "l_partkey": 56, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 26.0d, "l_extendedprice": 24857.3d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-07-08", "l_commitdate": "1995-06-17", "l_receiptdate": "1995-08-02", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "arefully along th" }
, { "l_orderkey": 3680, "l_partkey": 56, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 33.0d, "l_extendedprice": 31549.65d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-03-16", "l_commitdate": "1993-02-19", "l_receiptdate": "1993-04-05", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ts. ironic, fina" }
, { "l_orderkey": 4129, "l_partkey": 56, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 32.0d, "l_extendedprice": 30593.6d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-09-16", "l_commitdate": "1993-08-25", "l_receiptdate": "1993-09-25", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ckages haggl" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4705, "l_partkey": 56, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 16.0d, "l_extendedprice": 15296.8d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-07-02", "l_commitdate": "1992-06-06", "l_receiptdate": "1992-07-06", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "special ideas nag sl" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4450, "l_partkey": 56, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 6.0d, "l_extendedprice": 5736.3d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-09-02", "l_commitdate": "1997-09-30", "l_receiptdate": "1997-09-09", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "eposits. foxes cajole unusual fox" }
, { "l_orderkey": 5347, "l_partkey": 56, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 6.0d, "l_extendedprice": 5736.3d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-04-11", "l_commitdate": "1995-04-14", "l_receiptdate": "1995-05-02", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "lly unusual ideas. sl" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2849, "l_partkey": 55, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 48.0d, "l_extendedprice": 45842.4d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-05-03", "l_commitdate": "1996-06-05", "l_receiptdate": "1996-05-28", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "mong the carefully regular theodol" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3588, "l_partkey": 55, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 28.0d, "l_extendedprice": 26741.4d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-04-23", "l_commitdate": "1995-05-25", "l_receiptdate": "1995-04-28", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": " express sheaves. unusual theodo" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5157, "l_partkey": 55, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 35.0d, "l_extendedprice": 33426.75d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-07-28", "l_commitdate": "1997-09-30", "l_receiptdate": "1997-08-15", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "to the furiously sil" }
, { "l_orderkey": 928, "l_partkey": 55, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 50.0d, "l_extendedprice": 47752.5d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-06-07", "l_commitdate": "1995-04-15", "l_receiptdate": "1995-07-01", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": " slyly slyly special request" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 964, "l_partkey": 55, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 44.0d, "l_extendedprice": 42022.2d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-09-18", "l_commitdate": "1995-08-02", "l_receiptdate": "1995-10-17", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ronic deposit" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2022, "l_partkey": 55, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 38.0d, "l_extendedprice": 36291.9d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-06-17", "l_commitdate": "1992-05-15", "l_receiptdate": "1992-06-28", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "instructions dazzle carefull" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2177, "l_partkey": 55, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 34.0d, "l_extendedprice": 32471.7d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-02-03", "l_commitdate": "1997-04-10", "l_receiptdate": "1997-02-21", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "tes are doggedly quickly" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5382, "l_partkey": 55, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 13.0d, "l_extendedprice": 12415.65d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-01-16", "l_commitdate": "1992-03-12", "l_receiptdate": "1992-02-06", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "eodolites. final foxes " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 39, "l_partkey": 55, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 43.0d, "l_extendedprice": 41067.15d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-10-17", "l_commitdate": "1996-11-14", "l_receiptdate": "1996-10-26", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "yly regular i" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2180, "l_partkey": 55, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 48.0d, "l_extendedprice": 45842.4d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-12-30", "l_commitdate": "1996-11-22", "l_receiptdate": "1997-01-16", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "nic instructions haggle careful" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2181, "l_partkey": 55, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 28.0d, "l_extendedprice": 26741.4d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-12-21", "l_commitdate": "1995-10-23", "l_receiptdate": "1996-01-04", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "s excuses sleep car" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2657, "l_partkey": 55, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 11.0d, "l_extendedprice": 10505.55d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-11-19", "l_commitdate": "1995-12-11", "l_receiptdate": "1995-11-24", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ckly enticing requests. fur" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4006, "l_partkey": 55, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 11.0d, "l_extendedprice": 10505.55d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-04-29", "l_commitdate": "1995-02-21", "l_receiptdate": "1995-05-20", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ress foxes cajole quick" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4519, "l_partkey": 55, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 30.0d, "l_extendedprice": 28651.5d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-04-11", "l_commitdate": "1993-06-05", "l_receiptdate": "1993-04-22", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "totes. slyly bold somas after the " }
, { "l_orderkey": 4897, "l_partkey": 55, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 26.0d, "l_extendedprice": 24831.3d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-12-22", "l_commitdate": "1992-10-25", "l_receiptdate": "1992-12-27", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": ". carefully ironic dep" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5124, "l_partkey": 55, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 43.0d, "l_extendedprice": 41067.15d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-07-10", "l_commitdate": "1997-05-13", "l_receiptdate": "1997-07-31", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "onic package" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5186, "l_partkey": 55, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 38.0d, "l_extendedprice": 36291.9d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-11-23", "l_commitdate": "1996-09-21", "l_receiptdate": "1996-12-11", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "y ruthless foxes. fluffily " }
, { "l_orderkey": 5956, "l_partkey": 55, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 23.0d, "l_extendedprice": 21966.15d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-06-06", "l_commitdate": "1998-07-10", "l_receiptdate": "1998-06-15", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ly slyly special " }
, { "l_orderkey": 871, "l_partkey": 55, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 47.0d, "l_extendedprice": 44887.35d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-12-25", "l_commitdate": "1996-02-01", "l_receiptdate": "1996-01-24", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ss, final dep" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2022, "l_partkey": 55, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 38.0d, "l_extendedprice": 36291.9d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-06-17", "l_commitdate": "1992-05-15", "l_receiptdate": "1992-06-28", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "instructions dazzle carefull" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2177, "l_partkey": 55, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 34.0d, "l_extendedprice": 32471.7d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-02-03", "l_commitdate": "1997-04-10", "l_receiptdate": "1997-02-21", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "tes are doggedly quickly" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2180, "l_partkey": 55, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 48.0d, "l_extendedprice": 45842.4d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-12-30", "l_commitdate": "1996-11-22", "l_receiptdate": "1997-01-16", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "nic instructions haggle careful" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5157, "l_partkey": 55, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 35.0d, "l_extendedprice": 33426.75d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-07-28", "l_commitdate": "1997-09-30", "l_receiptdate": "1997-08-15", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "to the furiously sil" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 39, "l_partkey": 55, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 43.0d, "l_extendedprice": 41067.15d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-10-17", "l_commitdate": "1996-11-14", "l_receiptdate": "1996-10-26", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "yly regular i" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2181, "l_partkey": 55, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 28.0d, "l_extendedprice": 26741.4d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-12-21", "l_commitdate": "1995-10-23", "l_receiptdate": "1996-01-04", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "s excuses sleep car" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2849, "l_partkey": 55, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 48.0d, "l_extendedprice": 45842.4d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-05-03", "l_commitdate": "1996-06-05", "l_receiptdate": "1996-05-28", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "mong the carefully regular theodol" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3399, "l_partkey": 55, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 8.0d, "l_extendedprice": 7640.4d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-05-15", "l_commitdate": "1995-04-19", "l_receiptdate": "1995-06-05", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "s use carefully carefully ir" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4006, "l_partkey": 55, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 11.0d, "l_extendedprice": 10505.55d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-04-29", "l_commitdate": "1995-02-21", "l_receiptdate": "1995-05-20", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ress foxes cajole quick" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4672, "l_partkey": 55, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 45.0d, "l_extendedprice": 42977.25d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-02-07", "l_commitdate": "1996-01-16", "l_receiptdate": "1996-02-14", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": " platelets use amon" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4897, "l_partkey": 55, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 42.0d, "l_extendedprice": 40112.1d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-09-23", "l_commitdate": "1992-10-28", "l_receiptdate": "1992-10-02", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "sts. blithely regular deposits will have" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5382, "l_partkey": 55, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 13.0d, "l_extendedprice": 12415.65d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-01-16", "l_commitdate": "1992-03-12", "l_receiptdate": "1992-02-06", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "eodolites. final foxes " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5697, "l_partkey": 55, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 24.0d, "l_extendedprice": 22921.2d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-10-27", "l_commitdate": "1992-11-28", "l_receiptdate": "1992-11-20", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "uffily iro" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5699, "l_partkey": 55, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 26.0d, "l_extendedprice": 24831.3d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-08-11", "l_commitdate": "1992-09-21", "l_receiptdate": "1992-08-14", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "y final deposits wake fluffily u" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 964, "l_partkey": 55, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 44.0d, "l_extendedprice": 42022.2d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-09-18", "l_commitdate": "1995-08-02", "l_receiptdate": "1995-10-17", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ronic deposit" }
, { "l_orderkey": 1408, "l_partkey": 55, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 26.0d, "l_extendedprice": 24831.3d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-03-19", "l_commitdate": "1998-03-14", "l_receiptdate": "1998-04-01", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ic foxes ca" }
, { "l_orderkey": 1574, "l_partkey": 55, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 25.0d, "l_extendedprice": 23876.25d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-01-16", "l_commitdate": "1997-02-14", "l_receiptdate": "1997-02-12", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ly silent accounts." }
, { "l_orderkey": 1856, "l_partkey": 55, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 10.0d, "l_extendedprice": 9550.5d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-05-11", "l_commitdate": "1992-05-20", "l_receiptdate": "1992-06-02", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "he furiously even theodolites. account" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3399, "l_partkey": 55, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 8.0d, "l_extendedprice": 7640.4d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-05-15", "l_commitdate": "1995-04-19", "l_receiptdate": "1995-06-05", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "s use carefully carefully ir" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4519, "l_partkey": 55, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 30.0d, "l_extendedprice": 28651.5d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-04-11", "l_commitdate": "1993-06-05", "l_receiptdate": "1993-04-22", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "totes. slyly bold somas after the " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4672, "l_partkey": 55, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 45.0d, "l_extendedprice": 42977.25d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-02-07", "l_commitdate": "1996-01-16", "l_receiptdate": "1996-02-14", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": " platelets use amon" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4897, "l_partkey": 55, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 42.0d, "l_extendedprice": 40112.1d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-09-23", "l_commitdate": "1992-10-28", "l_receiptdate": "1992-10-02", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "sts. blithely regular deposits will have" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5124, "l_partkey": 55, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 43.0d, "l_extendedprice": 41067.15d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-07-10", "l_commitdate": "1997-05-13", "l_receiptdate": "1997-07-31", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "onic package" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5186, "l_partkey": 55, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 38.0d, "l_extendedprice": 36291.9d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-11-23", "l_commitdate": "1996-09-21", "l_receiptdate": "1996-12-11", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "y ruthless foxes. fluffily " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2657, "l_partkey": 55, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 11.0d, "l_extendedprice": 10505.55d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-11-19", "l_commitdate": "1995-12-11", "l_receiptdate": "1995-11-24", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ckly enticing requests. fur" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3588, "l_partkey": 55, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 28.0d, "l_extendedprice": 26741.4d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-04-23", "l_commitdate": "1995-05-25", "l_receiptdate": "1995-04-28", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": " express sheaves. unusual theodo" }
, { "l_orderkey": 5569, "l_partkey": 55, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 48.0d, "l_extendedprice": 45842.4d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-06-16", "l_commitdate": "1993-06-15", "l_receiptdate": "1993-07-09", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "the fluffily" }
, { "l_orderkey": 5605, "l_partkey": 55, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 45.0d, "l_extendedprice": 42977.25d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-09-05", "l_commitdate": "1996-10-04", "l_receiptdate": "1996-09-13", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ly unusual instructions. carefully ironic p" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5697, "l_partkey": 55, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 24.0d, "l_extendedprice": 22921.2d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-10-27", "l_commitdate": "1992-11-28", "l_receiptdate": "1992-11-20", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "uffily iro" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5699, "l_partkey": 55, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 26.0d, "l_extendedprice": 24831.3d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-08-11", "l_commitdate": "1992-09-21", "l_receiptdate": "1992-08-14", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "y final deposits wake fluffily u" }
, { "l_orderkey": 5699, "l_partkey": 55, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 46.0d, "l_extendedprice": 43932.3d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-11-28", "l_commitdate": "1992-09-23", "l_receiptdate": "1992-12-27", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "o the slyly" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 833, "l_partkey": 54, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 1.0d, "l_extendedprice": 954.05d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-04-26", "l_commitdate": "1994-04-05", "l_receiptdate": "1994-04-29", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ffily ironic theodolites" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1473, "l_partkey": 54, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 50.0d, "l_extendedprice": 47702.5d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-05-05", "l_commitdate": "1997-05-20", "l_receiptdate": "1997-05-09", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "requests wake express deposits. special, ir" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2784, "l_partkey": 54, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 23.0d, "l_extendedprice": 21943.15d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-03-28", "l_commitdate": "1998-02-07", "l_receiptdate": "1998-04-17", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "uests lose after " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3427, "l_partkey": 54, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 41.0d, "l_extendedprice": 39116.05d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-09-11", "l_commitdate": "1997-07-03", "l_receiptdate": "1997-10-04", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "s the carefully" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3968, "l_partkey": 54, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 27.0d, "l_extendedprice": 25759.35d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-04-25", "l_commitdate": "1997-04-17", "l_receiptdate": "1997-05-11", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "t silently." }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5350, "l_partkey": 54, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 12.0d, "l_extendedprice": 11448.6d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-01-30", "l_commitdate": "1993-11-21", "l_receiptdate": "1994-02-15", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": " cajole. even instructions haggle. blithe" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5408, "l_partkey": 54, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 48.0d, "l_extendedprice": 45794.4d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-09-30", "l_commitdate": "1992-08-27", "l_receiptdate": "1992-10-27", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": ". furiously regular " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5412, "l_partkey": 54, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 2.0d, "l_extendedprice": 1908.1d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-04-14", "l_commitdate": "1998-04-02", "l_receiptdate": "1998-04-19", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": " sleep above the furiou" }
, { "l_orderkey": 385, "l_partkey": 54, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 46.0d, "l_extendedprice": 43886.3d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-03-29", "l_commitdate": "1996-05-17", "l_receiptdate": "1996-04-18", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "lthily ironic f" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 642, "l_partkey": 54, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 26.0d, "l_extendedprice": 24805.3d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-04-16", "l_commitdate": "1994-02-01", "l_receiptdate": "1994-04-27", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "quests according to the unu" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 833, "l_partkey": 54, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 1.0d, "l_extendedprice": 954.05d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-04-26", "l_commitdate": "1994-04-05", "l_receiptdate": "1994-04-29", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ffily ironic theodolites" }
, { "l_orderkey": 1253, "l_partkey": 54, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 13.0d, "l_extendedprice": 12402.65d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-03-05", "l_commitdate": "1993-04-26", "l_receiptdate": "1993-03-08", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "al packages" }
, { "l_orderkey": 1346, "l_partkey": 54, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 13.0d, "l_extendedprice": 12402.65d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-07-22", "l_commitdate": "1992-08-10", "l_receiptdate": "1992-08-06", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "arefully brave deposits into the slyly iro" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3271, "l_partkey": 54, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 18.0d, "l_extendedprice": 17172.9d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-05-01", "l_commitdate": "1992-03-28", "l_receiptdate": "1992-05-29", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": " packages eat around the furiously regul" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3749, "l_partkey": 54, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 10.0d, "l_extendedprice": 9540.5d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-06-24", "l_commitdate": "1995-05-24", "l_receiptdate": "1995-07-18", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "essly. regular pi" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 100, "l_partkey": 54, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 37.0d, "l_extendedprice": 35299.85d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-03-06", "l_commitdate": "1998-04-16", "l_receiptdate": "1998-03-31", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "nd the quickly s" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 772, "l_partkey": 54, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 42.0d, "l_extendedprice": 40070.1d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-06-09", "l_commitdate": "1993-07-16", "l_receiptdate": "1993-06-12", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": " express foxes abo" }
, { "l_orderkey": 1350, "l_partkey": 54, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 21.0d, "l_extendedprice": 20035.05d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-12-17", "l_commitdate": "1993-10-17", "l_receiptdate": "1993-12-25", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "lyly above the evenly " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2150, "l_partkey": 54, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 39.0d, "l_extendedprice": 37207.95d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-07-31", "l_commitdate": "1994-08-17", "l_receiptdate": "1994-08-11", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ess accounts nag. unusual asymptotes haggl" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4515, "l_partkey": 54, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 32.0d, "l_extendedprice": 30529.6d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-04-07", "l_commitdate": "1992-05-11", "l_receiptdate": "1992-04-09", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "carefully express depo" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5701, "l_partkey": 54, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 17.0d, "l_extendedprice": 16218.85d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-03-27", "l_commitdate": "1997-04-08", "l_receiptdate": "1997-04-21", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "tes. quickly final a" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5925, "l_partkey": 54, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 30.0d, "l_extendedprice": 28621.5d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-02-21", "l_commitdate": "1996-02-11", "l_receiptdate": "1996-03-10", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": " the packa" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 770, "l_partkey": 54, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 25.0d, "l_extendedprice": 23851.25d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-05-26", "l_commitdate": "1998-07-23", "l_receiptdate": "1998-06-04", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": " deposits dazzle fluffily alongside of " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 803, "l_partkey": 54, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 8.0d, "l_extendedprice": 7632.4d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-08-04", "l_commitdate": "1997-06-19", "l_receiptdate": "1997-08-12", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ronic theodo" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1701, "l_partkey": 54, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 2.0d, "l_extendedprice": 1908.1d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-06-24", "l_commitdate": "1992-07-12", "l_receiptdate": "1992-06-29", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ween the pending, final accounts. " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1988, "l_partkey": 54, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 8.0d, "l_extendedprice": 7632.4d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-10-20", "l_commitdate": "1995-11-11", "l_receiptdate": "1995-11-18", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "le quickly ac" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2311, "l_partkey": 54, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 15.0d, "l_extendedprice": 14310.75d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-06-23", "l_commitdate": "1995-06-06", "l_receiptdate": "1995-07-09", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ve the blithely pending accounts. furio" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2533, "l_partkey": 54, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 36.0d, "l_extendedprice": 34345.8d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-06-10", "l_commitdate": "1997-04-28", "l_receiptdate": "1997-07-01", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ss requests sleep neve" }
, { "l_orderkey": 2535, "l_partkey": 54, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 5.0d, "l_extendedprice": 4770.25d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-07-28", "l_commitdate": "1993-08-14", "l_receiptdate": "1993-08-11", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": " across the express requests. silent, eve" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3427, "l_partkey": 54, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 41.0d, "l_extendedprice": 39116.05d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-09-11", "l_commitdate": "1997-07-03", "l_receiptdate": "1997-10-04", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "s the carefully" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3968, "l_partkey": 54, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 27.0d, "l_extendedprice": 25759.35d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-04-25", "l_commitdate": "1997-04-17", "l_receiptdate": "1997-05-11", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "t silently." }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5408, "l_partkey": 54, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 48.0d, "l_extendedprice": 45794.4d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-09-30", "l_commitdate": "1992-08-27", "l_receiptdate": "1992-10-27", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": ". furiously regular " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5701, "l_partkey": 54, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 17.0d, "l_extendedprice": 16218.85d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-03-27", "l_commitdate": "1997-04-08", "l_receiptdate": "1997-04-21", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "tes. quickly final a" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 642, "l_partkey": 54, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 26.0d, "l_extendedprice": 24805.3d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-04-16", "l_commitdate": "1994-02-01", "l_receiptdate": "1994-04-27", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "quests according to the unu" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 803, "l_partkey": 54, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 8.0d, "l_extendedprice": 7632.4d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-08-04", "l_commitdate": "1997-06-19", "l_receiptdate": "1997-08-12", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ronic theodo" }
, { "l_orderkey": 3046, "l_partkey": 54, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 46.0d, "l_extendedprice": 43886.3d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-03-22", "l_commitdate": "1996-02-28", "l_receiptdate": "1996-04-07", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "sits sleep furious" }
, { "l_orderkey": 3111, "l_partkey": 54, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 14.0d, "l_extendedprice": 13356.7d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-10-17", "l_commitdate": "1995-10-19", "l_receiptdate": "1995-10-19", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "re. pinto " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5925, "l_partkey": 54, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 30.0d, "l_extendedprice": 28621.5d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-02-21", "l_commitdate": "1996-02-11", "l_receiptdate": "1996-03-10", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": " the packa" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 100, "l_partkey": 54, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 37.0d, "l_extendedprice": 35299.85d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-03-06", "l_commitdate": "1998-04-16", "l_receiptdate": "1998-03-31", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "nd the quickly s" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 772, "l_partkey": 54, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 42.0d, "l_extendedprice": 40070.1d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-06-09", "l_commitdate": "1993-07-16", "l_receiptdate": "1993-06-12", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": " express foxes abo" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3271, "l_partkey": 54, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 18.0d, "l_extendedprice": 17172.9d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-05-01", "l_commitdate": "1992-03-28", "l_receiptdate": "1992-05-29", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": " packages eat around the furiously regul" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3749, "l_partkey": 54, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 10.0d, "l_extendedprice": 9540.5d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-06-24", "l_commitdate": "1995-05-24", "l_receiptdate": "1995-07-18", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "essly. regular pi" }
, { "l_orderkey": 4034, "l_partkey": 54, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 43.0d, "l_extendedprice": 41024.15d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-11-29", "l_commitdate": "1994-01-08", "l_receiptdate": "1993-12-10", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "posits wake carefully af" }
, { "l_orderkey": 4321, "l_partkey": 54, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 45.0d, "l_extendedprice": 42932.25d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-11-13", "l_commitdate": "1994-09-15", "l_receiptdate": "1994-11-18", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": " haggle ironically bold theodolites. quick" }
, { "l_orderkey": 4645, "l_partkey": 54, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 25.0d, "l_extendedprice": 23851.25d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-10-25", "l_commitdate": "1994-12-11", "l_receiptdate": "1994-11-14", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "braids. ironic dependencies main" }
, { "l_orderkey": 4865, "l_partkey": 54, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 33.0d, "l_extendedprice": 31483.65d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-07-17", "l_commitdate": "1997-08-16", "l_receiptdate": "1997-07-30", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "y pending notornis ab" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 772, "l_partkey": 53, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 35.0d, "l_extendedprice": 33356.75d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-07-05", "l_commitdate": "1993-06-05", "l_receiptdate": "1993-08-02", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "kly thin packages wake slowly" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 770, "l_partkey": 54, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 25.0d, "l_extendedprice": 23851.25d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-05-26", "l_commitdate": "1998-07-23", "l_receiptdate": "1998-06-04", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": " deposits dazzle fluffily alongside of " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1473, "l_partkey": 54, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 50.0d, "l_extendedprice": 47702.5d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-05-05", "l_commitdate": "1997-05-20", "l_receiptdate": "1997-05-09", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "requests wake express deposits. special, ir" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1701, "l_partkey": 54, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 2.0d, "l_extendedprice": 1908.1d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-06-24", "l_commitdate": "1992-07-12", "l_receiptdate": "1992-06-29", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ween the pending, final accounts. " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1988, "l_partkey": 54, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 8.0d, "l_extendedprice": 7632.4d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-10-20", "l_commitdate": "1995-11-11", "l_receiptdate": "1995-11-18", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "le quickly ac" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2150, "l_partkey": 54, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 39.0d, "l_extendedprice": 37207.95d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-07-31", "l_commitdate": "1994-08-17", "l_receiptdate": "1994-08-11", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ess accounts nag. unusual asymptotes haggl" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2311, "l_partkey": 54, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 15.0d, "l_extendedprice": 14310.75d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-06-23", "l_commitdate": "1995-06-06", "l_receiptdate": "1995-07-09", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ve the blithely pending accounts. furio" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2533, "l_partkey": 54, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 36.0d, "l_extendedprice": 34345.8d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-06-10", "l_commitdate": "1997-04-28", "l_receiptdate": "1997-07-01", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ss requests sleep neve" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2784, "l_partkey": 54, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 23.0d, "l_extendedprice": 21943.15d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-03-28", "l_commitdate": "1998-02-07", "l_receiptdate": "1998-04-17", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "uests lose after " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4515, "l_partkey": 54, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 32.0d, "l_extendedprice": 30529.6d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-04-07", "l_commitdate": "1992-05-11", "l_receiptdate": "1992-04-09", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "carefully express depo" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5350, "l_partkey": 54, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 12.0d, "l_extendedprice": 11448.6d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-01-30", "l_commitdate": "1993-11-21", "l_receiptdate": "1994-02-15", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": " cajole. even instructions haggle. blithe" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5412, "l_partkey": 54, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 2.0d, "l_extendedprice": 1908.1d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-04-14", "l_commitdate": "1998-04-02", "l_receiptdate": "1998-04-19", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": " sleep above the furiou" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 480, "l_partkey": 53, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 22.0d, "l_extendedprice": 20967.1d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-06-16", "l_commitdate": "1993-07-28", "l_receiptdate": "1993-07-09", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "into beans cajole furiously. accounts s" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1698, "l_partkey": 53, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 37.0d, "l_extendedprice": 35262.85d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-05-16", "l_commitdate": "1997-05-29", "l_receiptdate": "1997-05-27", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ly regular ideas. deposit" }
, { "l_orderkey": 1984, "l_partkey": 53, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 45.0d, "l_extendedprice": 42887.25d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-04-09", "l_commitdate": "1998-06-11", "l_receiptdate": "1998-05-01", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "p. quickly final ideas sle" }
, { "l_orderkey": 1991, "l_partkey": 53, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 49.0d, "l_extendedprice": 46699.45d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-10-19", "l_commitdate": "1992-11-29", "l_receiptdate": "1992-10-25", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "nd the ideas affi" }
, { "l_orderkey": 2240, "l_partkey": 53, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 39.0d, "l_extendedprice": 37168.95d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-05-22", "l_commitdate": "1992-05-10", "l_receiptdate": "1992-06-08", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "y orbits. final depos" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2400, "l_partkey": 53, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 23.0d, "l_extendedprice": 21920.15d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-08-05", "l_commitdate": "1998-08-28", "l_receiptdate": "1998-08-30", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "tions. fluffily ironic platelets cajole c" }
, { "l_orderkey": 2950, "l_partkey": 53, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 14.0d, "l_extendedprice": 13342.7d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-07-29", "l_commitdate": "1997-08-05", "l_receiptdate": "1997-07-31", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ccounts haggle carefully according " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3717, "l_partkey": 53, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 3.0d, "l_extendedprice": 2859.15d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-06-09", "l_commitdate": "1998-07-31", "l_receiptdate": "1998-06-14", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "nside the regular packages sleep" }
, { "l_orderkey": 4036, "l_partkey": 53, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 21.0d, "l_extendedprice": 20014.05d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-08-08", "l_commitdate": "1997-06-28", "l_receiptdate": "1997-08-09", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "e carefully. qui" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5664, "l_partkey": 53, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 31.0d, "l_extendedprice": 29544.55d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-11-10", "l_commitdate": "1998-09-12", "l_receiptdate": "1998-12-07", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ainst the never silent request" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1731, "l_partkey": 53, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 37.0d, "l_extendedprice": 35262.85d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-04-30", "l_commitdate": "1996-03-17", "l_receiptdate": "1996-05-27", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": " beans use furiously slyly b" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4800, "l_partkey": 53, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 24.0d, "l_extendedprice": 22873.2d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-01-14", "l_commitdate": "1992-02-23", "l_receiptdate": "1992-01-25", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ully carefully r" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 480, "l_partkey": 53, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 22.0d, "l_extendedprice": 20967.1d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-06-16", "l_commitdate": "1993-07-28", "l_receiptdate": "1993-07-09", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "into beans cajole furiously. accounts s" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1060, "l_partkey": 53, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 1.0d, "l_extendedprice": 953.05d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-06-19", "l_commitdate": "1993-05-10", "l_receiptdate": "1993-06-21", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "posits detect carefully abo" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1698, "l_partkey": 53, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 37.0d, "l_extendedprice": 35262.85d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-05-16", "l_commitdate": "1997-05-29", "l_receiptdate": "1997-05-27", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ly regular ideas. deposit" }
, { "l_orderkey": 1893, "l_partkey": 53, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 6.0d, "l_extendedprice": 5718.3d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-01-23", "l_commitdate": "1997-12-22", "l_receiptdate": "1998-02-09", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ar accounts use. daringly ironic packag" }
, { "l_orderkey": 1952, "l_partkey": 53, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 7.0d, "l_extendedprice": 6671.35d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-05-06", "l_commitdate": "1994-06-11", "l_receiptdate": "1994-05-12", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "about the express, even requ" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2532, "l_partkey": 53, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 3.0d, "l_extendedprice": 2859.15d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-12-14", "l_commitdate": "1995-11-28", "l_receiptdate": "1995-12-15", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "unusual sentiments. even pinto" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2400, "l_partkey": 53, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 23.0d, "l_extendedprice": 21920.15d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-08-05", "l_commitdate": "1998-08-28", "l_receiptdate": "1998-08-30", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "tions. fluffily ironic platelets cajole c" }
, { "l_orderkey": 2562, "l_partkey": 53, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 28.0d, "l_extendedprice": 26685.4d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-10-04", "l_commitdate": "1992-09-24", "l_receiptdate": "1992-10-09", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ans haggle special, special packages. " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4967, "l_partkey": 53, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 43.0d, "l_extendedprice": 40981.15d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-05-28", "l_commitdate": "1997-04-10", "l_receiptdate": "1997-06-09", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ons. slyly ironic requests" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1888, "l_partkey": 53, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 48.0d, "l_extendedprice": 45746.4d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-02-28", "l_commitdate": "1993-12-16", "l_receiptdate": "1994-03-15", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ar ideas cajole. regular p" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2246, "l_partkey": 53, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 22.0d, "l_extendedprice": 20967.1d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-07-25", "l_commitdate": "1996-08-03", "l_receiptdate": "1996-08-24", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ructions wake carefully fina" }
, { "l_orderkey": 5153, "l_partkey": 53, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 14.0d, "l_extendedprice": 13342.7d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-11-29", "l_commitdate": "1995-10-21", "l_receiptdate": "1995-12-08", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": " slyly daring pinto beans lose blithely fi" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5664, "l_partkey": 53, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 31.0d, "l_extendedprice": 29544.55d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-11-10", "l_commitdate": "1998-09-12", "l_receiptdate": "1998-12-07", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ainst the never silent request" }
, { "l_orderkey": 5793, "l_partkey": 53, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 20.0d, "l_extendedprice": 19061.0d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-10-05", "l_commitdate": "1997-09-04", "l_receiptdate": "1997-10-30", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "e carefully ex" }
, { "l_orderkey": 5924, "l_partkey": 53, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 49.0d, "l_extendedprice": 46699.45d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-10-25", "l_commitdate": "1995-12-11", "l_receiptdate": "1995-11-08", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "inly final excuses. blithely regular requ" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1280, "l_partkey": 52, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 24.0d, "l_extendedprice": 22849.2d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-03-20", "l_commitdate": "1993-03-01", "l_receiptdate": "1993-04-09", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "y pending orbits boost after the slyly" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3075, "l_partkey": 52, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 2.0d, "l_extendedprice": 1904.1d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-06-14", "l_commitdate": "1994-06-10", "l_receiptdate": "1994-06-25", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": ". unusual, unusual accounts haggle furious" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3111, "l_partkey": 52, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 10.0d, "l_extendedprice": 9520.5d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-11-10", "l_commitdate": "1995-11-02", "l_receiptdate": "1995-12-04", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ng the slyly ironic inst" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3907, "l_partkey": 52, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 45.0d, "l_extendedprice": 42842.25d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-09-21", "l_commitdate": "1992-09-19", "l_receiptdate": "1992-10-18", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": " about the regular pac" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5159, "l_partkey": 52, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 5.0d, "l_extendedprice": 4760.25d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-11-25", "l_commitdate": "1996-12-19", "l_receiptdate": "1996-12-25", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "nal deposits. pending, ironic ideas grow" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 928, "l_partkey": 52, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 43.0d, "l_extendedprice": 40938.15d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-04-14", "l_commitdate": "1995-04-21", "l_receiptdate": "1995-05-09", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "blithely. express, silent requests doze at" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 772, "l_partkey": 53, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 35.0d, "l_extendedprice": 33356.75d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-07-05", "l_commitdate": "1993-06-05", "l_receiptdate": "1993-08-02", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "kly thin packages wake slowly" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1731, "l_partkey": 53, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 37.0d, "l_extendedprice": 35262.85d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-04-30", "l_commitdate": "1996-03-17", "l_receiptdate": "1996-05-27", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": " beans use furiously slyly b" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1888, "l_partkey": 53, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 48.0d, "l_extendedprice": 45746.4d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-02-28", "l_commitdate": "1993-12-16", "l_receiptdate": "1994-03-15", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ar ideas cajole. regular p" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2246, "l_partkey": 53, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 22.0d, "l_extendedprice": 20967.1d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-07-25", "l_commitdate": "1996-08-03", "l_receiptdate": "1996-08-24", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ructions wake carefully fina" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4800, "l_partkey": 53, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 24.0d, "l_extendedprice": 22873.2d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-01-14", "l_commitdate": "1992-02-23", "l_receiptdate": "1992-01-25", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ully carefully r" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1060, "l_partkey": 53, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 1.0d, "l_extendedprice": 953.05d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-06-19", "l_commitdate": "1993-05-10", "l_receiptdate": "1993-06-21", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "posits detect carefully abo" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2532, "l_partkey": 53, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 3.0d, "l_extendedprice": 2859.15d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-12-14", "l_commitdate": "1995-11-28", "l_receiptdate": "1995-12-15", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "unusual sentiments. even pinto" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3717, "l_partkey": 53, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 3.0d, "l_extendedprice": 2859.15d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-06-09", "l_commitdate": "1998-07-31", "l_receiptdate": "1998-06-14", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "nside the regular packages sleep" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4967, "l_partkey": 53, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 43.0d, "l_extendedprice": 40981.15d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-05-28", "l_commitdate": "1997-04-10", "l_receiptdate": "1997-06-09", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ons. slyly ironic requests" }
, { "l_orderkey": 1313, "l_partkey": 52, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 48.0d, "l_extendedprice": 45698.4d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-12-20", "l_commitdate": "1994-10-29", "l_receiptdate": "1995-01-07", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "s are quick" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1799, "l_partkey": 52, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 8.0d, "l_extendedprice": 7616.4d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-06-14", "l_commitdate": "1994-05-27", "l_receiptdate": "1994-06-27", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ealms upon the special, ironic waters" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1571, "l_partkey": 52, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 47.0d, "l_extendedprice": 44746.35d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-12-07", "l_commitdate": "1993-02-24", "l_receiptdate": "1993-01-01", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ng to the fluffily unusual " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2279, "l_partkey": 52, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 42.0d, "l_extendedprice": 39986.1d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-02-28", "l_commitdate": "1993-04-25", "l_receiptdate": "1993-03-02", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": " above the furiously ironic deposits. " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3075, "l_partkey": 52, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 2.0d, "l_extendedprice": 1904.1d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-06-14", "l_commitdate": "1994-06-10", "l_receiptdate": "1994-06-25", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": ". unusual, unusual accounts haggle furious" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3907, "l_partkey": 52, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 45.0d, "l_extendedprice": 42842.25d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-09-21", "l_commitdate": "1992-09-19", "l_receiptdate": "1992-10-18", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": " about the regular pac" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4388, "l_partkey": 52, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 13.0d, "l_extendedprice": 12376.65d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-06-28", "l_commitdate": "1996-05-23", "l_receiptdate": "1996-07-04", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ly even, expre" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 928, "l_partkey": 52, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 43.0d, "l_extendedprice": 40938.15d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-04-14", "l_commitdate": "1995-04-21", "l_receiptdate": "1995-05-09", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "blithely. express, silent requests doze at" }
, { "l_orderkey": 2019, "l_partkey": 52, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 18.0d, "l_extendedprice": 17136.9d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-01-24", "l_commitdate": "1992-12-22", "l_receiptdate": "1993-02-02", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "are carefully furiously regular requ" }
, { "l_orderkey": 2183, "l_partkey": 52, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 25.0d, "l_extendedprice": 23801.25d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-07-06", "l_commitdate": "1996-08-21", "l_receiptdate": "1996-08-05", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "he quickly f" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2338, "l_partkey": 52, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 30.0d, "l_extendedprice": 28561.5d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-12-10", "l_commitdate": "1997-10-15", "l_receiptdate": "1997-12-11", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ould have to nag quickly" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3430, "l_partkey": 52, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 23.0d, "l_extendedprice": 21897.15d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-03-06", "l_commitdate": "1995-03-01", "l_receiptdate": "1995-03-10", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "eas according to the" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3111, "l_partkey": 52, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 10.0d, "l_extendedprice": 9520.5d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-11-10", "l_commitdate": "1995-11-02", "l_receiptdate": "1995-12-04", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ng the slyly ironic inst" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3969, "l_partkey": 52, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 39.0d, "l_extendedprice": 37129.95d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-06-12", "l_commitdate": "1997-06-13", "l_receiptdate": "1997-07-05", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ly bold ideas s" }
, { "l_orderkey": 4003, "l_partkey": 52, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 18.0d, "l_extendedprice": 17136.9d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-02-02", "l_commitdate": "1993-04-15", "l_receiptdate": "1993-02-28", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ar grouches s" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4454, "l_partkey": 52, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 48.0d, "l_extendedprice": 45698.4d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-04-23", "l_commitdate": "1994-04-03", "l_receiptdate": "1994-04-26", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "to beans wake across th" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5282, "l_partkey": 52, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 32.0d, "l_extendedprice": 30465.6d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-03-01", "l_commitdate": "1998-03-31", "l_receiptdate": "1998-03-03", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "onic deposits; furiou" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1057, "l_partkey": 52, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 19.0d, "l_extendedprice": 18088.95d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-05-31", "l_commitdate": "1992-05-09", "l_receiptdate": "1992-06-02", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "r-- packages haggle alon" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1637, "l_partkey": 52, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 21.0d, "l_extendedprice": 19993.05d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-04-30", "l_commitdate": "1995-04-30", "l_receiptdate": "1995-05-05", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ly ironic theodolites use b" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1761, "l_partkey": 52, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 33.0d, "l_extendedprice": 31417.65d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-01-03", "l_commitdate": "1994-01-23", "l_receiptdate": "1994-01-31", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "s. excuses a" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1761, "l_partkey": 52, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 37.0d, "l_extendedprice": 35225.85d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-02-17", "l_commitdate": "1994-03-08", "l_receiptdate": "1994-03-16", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": " integrate. quickly unusual" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1767, "l_partkey": 52, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 40.0d, "l_extendedprice": 38082.0d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-04-16", "l_commitdate": "1995-05-06", "l_receiptdate": "1995-04-21", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ep. accounts nag blithely fu" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2279, "l_partkey": 52, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 42.0d, "l_extendedprice": 39986.1d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-02-28", "l_commitdate": "1993-04-25", "l_receiptdate": "1993-03-02", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": " above the furiously ironic deposits. " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2567, "l_partkey": 52, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 6.0d, "l_extendedprice": 5712.3d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-04-21", "l_commitdate": "1998-04-14", "l_receiptdate": "1998-05-11", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "s cajole regular, final acco" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3040, "l_partkey": 52, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 43.0d, "l_extendedprice": 40938.15d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-05-21", "l_commitdate": "1993-05-25", "l_receiptdate": "1993-05-26", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "sts nag slyly alongside of the depos" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3106, "l_partkey": 52, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 42.0d, "l_extendedprice": 39986.1d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-04-05", "l_commitdate": "1997-03-17", "l_receiptdate": "1997-04-22", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "nstructions wake. furiously " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4388, "l_partkey": 52, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 13.0d, "l_extendedprice": 12376.65d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-06-28", "l_commitdate": "1996-05-23", "l_receiptdate": "1996-07-04", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ly even, expre" }
, { "l_orderkey": 4611, "l_partkey": 52, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 47.0d, "l_extendedprice": 44746.35d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-03-05", "l_commitdate": "1993-03-01", "l_receiptdate": "1993-03-17", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "iously. furiously regular" }
, { "l_orderkey": 4934, "l_partkey": 52, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 42.0d, "l_extendedprice": 39986.1d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-03-19", "l_commitdate": "1997-05-05", "l_receiptdate": "1997-03-25", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ven, ironic ideas" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1571, "l_partkey": 52, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 47.0d, "l_extendedprice": 44746.35d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-12-07", "l_commitdate": "1993-02-24", "l_receiptdate": "1993-01-01", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ng to the fluffily unusual " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1637, "l_partkey": 52, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 21.0d, "l_extendedprice": 19993.05d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-04-30", "l_commitdate": "1995-04-30", "l_receiptdate": "1995-05-05", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ly ironic theodolites use b" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1767, "l_partkey": 52, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 40.0d, "l_extendedprice": 38082.0d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-04-16", "l_commitdate": "1995-05-06", "l_receiptdate": "1995-04-21", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ep. accounts nag blithely fu" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1799, "l_partkey": 52, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 8.0d, "l_extendedprice": 7616.4d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-06-14", "l_commitdate": "1994-05-27", "l_receiptdate": "1994-06-27", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ealms upon the special, ironic waters" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2338, "l_partkey": 52, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 30.0d, "l_extendedprice": 28561.5d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-12-10", "l_commitdate": "1997-10-15", "l_receiptdate": "1997-12-11", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ould have to nag quickly" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2567, "l_partkey": 52, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 6.0d, "l_extendedprice": 5712.3d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-04-21", "l_commitdate": "1998-04-14", "l_receiptdate": "1998-05-11", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "s cajole regular, final acco" }
, { "l_orderkey": 2945, "l_partkey": 52, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 47.0d, "l_extendedprice": 44746.35d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-01-05", "l_commitdate": "1996-02-11", "l_receiptdate": "1996-01-12", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "quests use" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3969, "l_partkey": 52, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 39.0d, "l_extendedprice": 37129.95d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-06-12", "l_commitdate": "1997-06-13", "l_receiptdate": "1997-07-05", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ly bold ideas s" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4448, "l_partkey": 52, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 24.0d, "l_extendedprice": 22849.2d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-09-09", "l_commitdate": "1998-07-06", "l_receiptdate": "1998-09-27", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "nal packages along the ironic instructi" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3040, "l_partkey": 52, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 43.0d, "l_extendedprice": 40938.15d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-05-21", "l_commitdate": "1993-05-25", "l_receiptdate": "1993-05-26", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "sts nag slyly alongside of the depos" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4454, "l_partkey": 52, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 48.0d, "l_extendedprice": 45698.4d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-04-23", "l_commitdate": "1994-04-03", "l_receiptdate": "1994-04-26", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "to beans wake across th" }
, { "l_orderkey": 4838, "l_partkey": 52, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 26.0d, "l_extendedprice": 24753.3d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-09-03", "l_commitdate": "1992-10-25", "l_receiptdate": "1992-09-11", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ular requests boost about the packages. r" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 676, "l_partkey": 51, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 9.0d, "l_extendedprice": 8559.45d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-04-03", "l_commitdate": "1997-02-02", "l_receiptdate": "1997-04-08", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "aintain sl" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1920, "l_partkey": 51, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 31.0d, "l_extendedprice": 29482.55d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-08-01", "l_commitdate": "1998-08-30", "l_receiptdate": "1998-08-17", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "lly. ideas wa" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1926, "l_partkey": 51, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 24.0d, "l_extendedprice": 22825.2d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-05-04", "l_commitdate": "1996-03-14", "l_receiptdate": "1996-06-01", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "e theodolites." }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5159, "l_partkey": 52, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 5.0d, "l_extendedprice": 4760.25d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-11-25", "l_commitdate": "1996-12-19", "l_receiptdate": "1996-12-25", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "nal deposits. pending, ironic ideas grow" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1057, "l_partkey": 52, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 19.0d, "l_extendedprice": 18088.95d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-05-31", "l_commitdate": "1992-05-09", "l_receiptdate": "1992-06-02", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "r-- packages haggle alon" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1280, "l_partkey": 52, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 24.0d, "l_extendedprice": 22849.2d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-03-20", "l_commitdate": "1993-03-01", "l_receiptdate": "1993-04-09", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "y pending orbits boost after the slyly" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1761, "l_partkey": 52, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 33.0d, "l_extendedprice": 31417.65d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-01-03", "l_commitdate": "1994-01-23", "l_receiptdate": "1994-01-31", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "s. excuses a" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1761, "l_partkey": 52, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 37.0d, "l_extendedprice": 35225.85d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-02-17", "l_commitdate": "1994-03-08", "l_receiptdate": "1994-03-16", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": " integrate. quickly unusual" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3106, "l_partkey": 52, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 42.0d, "l_extendedprice": 39986.1d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-04-05", "l_commitdate": "1997-03-17", "l_receiptdate": "1997-04-22", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "nstructions wake. furiously " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3430, "l_partkey": 52, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 23.0d, "l_extendedprice": 21897.15d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-03-06", "l_commitdate": "1995-03-01", "l_receiptdate": "1995-03-10", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "eas according to the" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4448, "l_partkey": 52, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 24.0d, "l_extendedprice": 22849.2d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-09-09", "l_commitdate": "1998-07-06", "l_receiptdate": "1998-09-27", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "nal packages along the ironic instructi" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5282, "l_partkey": 52, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 32.0d, "l_extendedprice": 30465.6d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-03-01", "l_commitdate": "1998-03-31", "l_receiptdate": "1998-03-03", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "onic deposits; furiou" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 224, "l_partkey": 51, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 4.0d, "l_extendedprice": 3804.2d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-09-08", "l_commitdate": "1994-08-24", "l_receiptdate": "1994-10-04", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "tructions " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1347, "l_partkey": 51, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 10.0d, "l_extendedprice": 9510.5d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-07-04", "l_commitdate": "1997-07-23", "l_receiptdate": "1997-07-05", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "y ironic pin" }
, { "l_orderkey": 2144, "l_partkey": 51, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 46.0d, "l_extendedprice": 43748.3d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-04-08", "l_commitdate": "1994-04-29", "l_receiptdate": "1994-05-07", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": " foxes haggle blithel" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2244, "l_partkey": 51, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 3.0d, "l_extendedprice": 2853.15d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-04-30", "l_commitdate": "1993-03-15", "l_receiptdate": "1993-05-19", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": " beans for the regular platel" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2561, "l_partkey": 51, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 14.0d, "l_extendedprice": 13314.7d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-03-07", "l_commitdate": "1998-02-04", "l_receiptdate": "1998-03-21", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ep unusual, ironic accounts" }
, { "l_orderkey": 2690, "l_partkey": 51, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 50.0d, "l_extendedprice": 47552.5d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-06-13", "l_commitdate": "1996-05-22", "l_receiptdate": "1996-06-14", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": " doubt careful" }
, { "l_orderkey": 3233, "l_partkey": 51, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 23.0d, "l_extendedprice": 21874.15d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-12-07", "l_commitdate": "1995-01-11", "l_receiptdate": "1994-12-26", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "pending instructions use after the carefu" }
, { "l_orderkey": 4193, "l_partkey": 51, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 29.0d, "l_extendedprice": 27580.45d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-02-11", "l_commitdate": "1994-03-11", "l_receiptdate": "1994-03-13", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ly. final packages use blit" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5088, "l_partkey": 51, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 41.0d, "l_extendedprice": 38993.05d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-01-22", "l_commitdate": "1993-03-07", "l_receiptdate": "1993-02-09", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ing requests. " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 288, "l_partkey": 51, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 31.0d, "l_extendedprice": 29482.55d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-03-17", "l_commitdate": "1997-04-28", "l_receiptdate": "1997-04-06", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "instructions wa" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 512, "l_partkey": 51, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 2.0d, "l_extendedprice": 1902.1d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-06-19", "l_commitdate": "1995-08-13", "l_receiptdate": "1995-06-24", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "e slyly silent accounts serve with" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 582, "l_partkey": 51, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 49.0d, "l_extendedprice": 46601.45d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-12-17", "l_commitdate": "1998-01-12", "l_receiptdate": "1997-12-31", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "nts according to the furiously regular pin" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 643, "l_partkey": 51, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 48.0d, "l_extendedprice": 45650.4d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-07-10", "l_commitdate": "1995-06-07", "l_receiptdate": "1995-08-01", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ly ironic accounts" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 644, "l_partkey": 51, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 38.0d, "l_extendedprice": 36139.9d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-05-17", "l_commitdate": "1992-07-10", "l_receiptdate": "1992-06-06", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": " packages. blithely slow accounts nag quic" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2305, "l_partkey": 51, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 7.0d, "l_extendedprice": 6657.35d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-05-15", "l_commitdate": "1993-04-25", "l_receiptdate": "1993-06-09", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "gular deposits boost about the foxe" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2465, "l_partkey": 51, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 34.0d, "l_extendedprice": 32335.7d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-10-02", "l_commitdate": "1995-08-04", "l_receiptdate": "1995-10-09", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "posits wake. regular package" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2561, "l_partkey": 51, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 14.0d, "l_extendedprice": 13314.7d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-03-07", "l_commitdate": "1998-02-04", "l_receiptdate": "1998-03-21", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ep unusual, ironic accounts" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2786, "l_partkey": 51, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 42.0d, "l_extendedprice": 39944.1d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-05-15", "l_commitdate": "1992-04-22", "l_receiptdate": "1992-05-30", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "unts are against the furious" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2951, "l_partkey": 51, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 15.0d, "l_extendedprice": 14265.75d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-03-25", "l_commitdate": "1996-04-23", "l_receiptdate": "1996-03-27", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "inal account" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3972, "l_partkey": 51, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 2.0d, "l_extendedprice": 1902.1d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-07-24", "l_commitdate": "1994-06-30", "l_receiptdate": "1994-08-13", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "y final theodolite" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4741, "l_partkey": 51, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 39.0d, "l_extendedprice": 37090.95d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-10-28", "l_commitdate": "1992-10-03", "l_receiptdate": "1992-11-11", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "t, regular requests" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1731, "l_partkey": 51, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 50.0d, "l_extendedprice": 47552.5d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-01-14", "l_commitdate": "1996-03-13", "l_receiptdate": "1996-01-29", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ly slyly speci" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2115, "l_partkey": 51, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 3.0d, "l_extendedprice": 2853.15d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-07-23", "l_commitdate": "1998-07-30", "l_receiptdate": "1998-08-14", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "quickly ironic dolphin" }
, { "l_orderkey": 4354, "l_partkey": 51, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 2.0d, "l_extendedprice": 1902.1d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-01-09", "l_commitdate": "1994-12-15", "l_receiptdate": "1995-01-24", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "s nag quickly " }
, { "l_orderkey": 4544, "l_partkey": 51, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 39.0d, "l_extendedprice": 37090.95d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-08-20", "l_commitdate": "1997-09-07", "l_receiptdate": "1997-08-27", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ular packages. s" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 224, "l_partkey": 51, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 4.0d, "l_extendedprice": 3804.2d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-09-08", "l_commitdate": "1994-08-24", "l_receiptdate": "1994-10-04", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "tructions " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1189, "l_partkey": 51, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 23.0d, "l_extendedprice": 21874.15d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-07-25", "l_commitdate": "1994-06-07", "l_receiptdate": "1994-08-02", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "s. fluffy Tiresias run quickly. bra" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1347, "l_partkey": 51, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 10.0d, "l_extendedprice": 9510.5d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-07-04", "l_commitdate": "1997-07-23", "l_receiptdate": "1997-07-05", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "y ironic pin" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1508, "l_partkey": 51, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 16.0d, "l_extendedprice": 15216.8d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-06-21", "l_commitdate": "1998-05-30", "l_receiptdate": "1998-07-11", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "riously across the ironic, unusua" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3104, "l_partkey": 51, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 20.0d, "l_extendedprice": 19021.0d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-12-31", "l_commitdate": "1993-11-24", "l_receiptdate": "1994-01-12", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "s are. furiously s" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4099, "l_partkey": 51, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 36.0d, "l_extendedprice": 34237.8d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-11-06", "l_commitdate": "1992-09-28", "l_receiptdate": "1992-12-02", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "beans cajole slyly quickly ironic " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4324, "l_partkey": 51, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 44.0d, "l_extendedprice": 41846.2d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-10-15", "l_commitdate": "1995-09-07", "l_receiptdate": "1995-11-07", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ainst the u" }
, { "l_orderkey": 4836, "l_partkey": 51, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 12.0d, "l_extendedprice": 11412.6d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-02-02", "l_commitdate": "1997-02-10", "l_receiptdate": "1997-02-03", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "sly ironic accoun" }
, { "l_orderkey": 4932, "l_partkey": 51, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 13.0d, "l_extendedprice": 12363.65d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-09-13", "l_commitdate": "1993-10-16", "l_receiptdate": "1993-09-20", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "slyly according to the furiously fin" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 512, "l_partkey": 51, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 2.0d, "l_extendedprice": 1902.1d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-06-19", "l_commitdate": "1995-08-13", "l_receiptdate": "1995-06-24", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "e slyly silent accounts serve with" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 643, "l_partkey": 51, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 48.0d, "l_extendedprice": 45650.4d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-07-10", "l_commitdate": "1995-06-07", "l_receiptdate": "1995-08-01", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ly ironic accounts" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 676, "l_partkey": 51, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 9.0d, "l_extendedprice": 8559.45d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-04-03", "l_commitdate": "1997-02-02", "l_receiptdate": "1997-04-08", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "aintain sl" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1189, "l_partkey": 51, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 23.0d, "l_extendedprice": 21874.15d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-07-25", "l_commitdate": "1994-06-07", "l_receiptdate": "1994-08-02", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "s. fluffy Tiresias run quickly. bra" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2244, "l_partkey": 51, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 3.0d, "l_extendedprice": 2853.15d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-04-30", "l_commitdate": "1993-03-15", "l_receiptdate": "1993-05-19", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": " beans for the regular platel" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2305, "l_partkey": 51, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 7.0d, "l_extendedprice": 6657.35d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-05-15", "l_commitdate": "1993-04-25", "l_receiptdate": "1993-06-09", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "gular deposits boost about the foxe" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2951, "l_partkey": 51, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 15.0d, "l_extendedprice": 14265.75d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-03-25", "l_commitdate": "1996-04-23", "l_receiptdate": "1996-03-27", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "inal account" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3104, "l_partkey": 51, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 20.0d, "l_extendedprice": 19021.0d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-12-31", "l_commitdate": "1993-11-24", "l_receiptdate": "1994-01-12", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "s are. furiously s" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4324, "l_partkey": 51, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 44.0d, "l_extendedprice": 41846.2d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-10-15", "l_commitdate": "1995-09-07", "l_receiptdate": "1995-11-07", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ainst the u" }
, { "l_orderkey": 5860, "l_partkey": 51, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 10.0d, "l_extendedprice": 9510.5d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-03-11", "l_commitdate": "1992-03-30", "l_receiptdate": "1992-03-31", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ual patterns try to eat carefully above" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 97, "l_partkey": 50, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 37.0d, "l_extendedprice": 35151.85d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-04-13", "l_commitdate": "1993-03-30", "l_receiptdate": "1993-04-14", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ic requests boost carefully quic" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1124, "l_partkey": 50, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 25.0d, "l_extendedprice": 23751.25d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-08-05", "l_commitdate": "1998-10-14", "l_receiptdate": "1998-08-11", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ggle slyly according" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1475, "l_partkey": 50, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 12.0d, "l_extendedprice": 11400.6d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-01-09", "l_commitdate": "1997-12-30", "l_receiptdate": "1998-01-23", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "arefully-- excuses sublate" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4034, "l_partkey": 50, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 5.0d, "l_extendedprice": 4750.25d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-02-12", "l_commitdate": "1994-01-24", "l_receiptdate": "1994-02-13", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "fully around the furiously ironic re" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4131, "l_partkey": 50, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 6.0d, "l_extendedprice": 5700.3d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-04-27", "l_commitdate": "1998-04-18", "l_receiptdate": "1998-04-29", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ns cajole slyly. even, iro" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4967, "l_partkey": 50, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 15.0d, "l_extendedprice": 14250.75d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-04-16", "l_commitdate": "1997-04-12", "l_receiptdate": "1997-05-08", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "y. blithel" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5031, "l_partkey": 50, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 15.0d, "l_extendedprice": 14250.75d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-04-01", "l_commitdate": "1995-02-24", "l_receiptdate": "1995-04-12", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "yly pending theodolites." }
-, { "l_orderkey": 354, "l_partkey": 50, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 14.0d, "l_extendedprice": 13300.7d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-04-12", "l_commitdate": "1996-06-03", "l_receiptdate": "1996-05-08", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "quickly regular grouches will eat. careful" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 644, "l_partkey": 50, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 23.0d, "l_extendedprice": 21851.15d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-07-31", "l_commitdate": "1992-07-28", "l_receiptdate": "1992-08-13", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "uctions nag quickly alongside of t" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 870, "l_partkey": 50, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 36.0d, "l_extendedprice": 34201.8d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-10-18", "l_commitdate": "1993-09-16", "l_receiptdate": "1993-11-15", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "fily. furiously final accounts are " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 644, "l_partkey": 51, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 38.0d, "l_extendedprice": 36139.9d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-05-17", "l_commitdate": "1992-07-10", "l_receiptdate": "1992-06-06", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": " packages. blithely slow accounts nag quic" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1731, "l_partkey": 51, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 50.0d, "l_extendedprice": 47552.5d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-01-14", "l_commitdate": "1996-03-13", "l_receiptdate": "1996-01-29", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ly slyly speci" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1926, "l_partkey": 51, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 24.0d, "l_extendedprice": 22825.2d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-05-04", "l_commitdate": "1996-03-14", "l_receiptdate": "1996-06-01", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "e theodolites." }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4741, "l_partkey": 51, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 39.0d, "l_extendedprice": 37090.95d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-10-28", "l_commitdate": "1992-10-03", "l_receiptdate": "1992-11-11", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "t, regular requests" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5088, "l_partkey": 51, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 41.0d, "l_extendedprice": 38993.05d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-01-22", "l_commitdate": "1993-03-07", "l_receiptdate": "1993-02-09", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ing requests. " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 288, "l_partkey": 51, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 31.0d, "l_extendedprice": 29482.55d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-03-17", "l_commitdate": "1997-04-28", "l_receiptdate": "1997-04-06", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "instructions wa" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 582, "l_partkey": 51, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 49.0d, "l_extendedprice": 46601.45d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-12-17", "l_commitdate": "1998-01-12", "l_receiptdate": "1997-12-31", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "nts according to the furiously regular pin" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1508, "l_partkey": 51, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 16.0d, "l_extendedprice": 15216.8d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-06-21", "l_commitdate": "1998-05-30", "l_receiptdate": "1998-07-11", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "riously across the ironic, unusua" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1920, "l_partkey": 51, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 31.0d, "l_extendedprice": 29482.55d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-08-01", "l_commitdate": "1998-08-30", "l_receiptdate": "1998-08-17", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "lly. ideas wa" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2115, "l_partkey": 51, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 3.0d, "l_extendedprice": 2853.15d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-07-23", "l_commitdate": "1998-07-30", "l_receiptdate": "1998-08-14", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "quickly ironic dolphin" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2465, "l_partkey": 51, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 34.0d, "l_extendedprice": 32335.7d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-10-02", "l_commitdate": "1995-08-04", "l_receiptdate": "1995-10-09", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "posits wake. regular package" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2786, "l_partkey": 51, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 42.0d, "l_extendedprice": 39944.1d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-05-15", "l_commitdate": "1992-04-22", "l_receiptdate": "1992-05-30", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "unts are against the furious" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3972, "l_partkey": 51, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 2.0d, "l_extendedprice": 1902.1d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-07-24", "l_commitdate": "1994-06-30", "l_receiptdate": "1994-08-13", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "y final theodolite" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4099, "l_partkey": 51, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 36.0d, "l_extendedprice": 34237.8d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-11-06", "l_commitdate": "1992-09-28", "l_receiptdate": "1992-12-02", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "beans cajole slyly quickly ironic " }
, { "l_orderkey": 1089, "l_partkey": 50, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 35.0d, "l_extendedprice": 33251.75d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-08-14", "l_commitdate": "1996-07-10", "l_receiptdate": "1996-08-26", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ly express deposits haggle" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1506, "l_partkey": 50, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 38.0d, "l_extendedprice": 36101.9d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-12-02", "l_commitdate": "1992-12-19", "l_receiptdate": "1992-12-29", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "xpress, regular excuse" }
, { "l_orderkey": 2432, "l_partkey": 50, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 30.0d, "l_extendedprice": 28501.5d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-09-05", "l_commitdate": "1996-10-10", "l_receiptdate": "1996-10-05", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": " requests wake alongside of" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2724, "l_partkey": 50, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 22.0d, "l_extendedprice": 20901.1d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-09-19", "l_commitdate": "1994-11-18", "l_receiptdate": "1994-10-17", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "express fo" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2885, "l_partkey": 50, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 40.0d, "l_extendedprice": 38002.0d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-09-23", "l_commitdate": "1992-11-15", "l_receiptdate": "1992-10-07", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": " express depos" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3877, "l_partkey": 50, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 12.0d, "l_extendedprice": 11400.6d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-05-30", "l_commitdate": "1993-08-09", "l_receiptdate": "1993-06-24", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "nal requests. even requests are. pac" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4612, "l_partkey": 50, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 17.0d, "l_extendedprice": 16150.85d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-01-09", "l_commitdate": "1993-11-08", "l_receiptdate": "1994-02-06", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "equests haggle carefully silent excus" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4865, "l_partkey": 50, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 21.0d, "l_extendedprice": 19951.05d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-07-17", "l_commitdate": "1997-08-10", "l_receiptdate": "1997-07-21", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "eposits detect sly" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5249, "l_partkey": 50, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 31.0d, "l_extendedprice": 29451.55d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-11-21", "l_commitdate": "1994-11-19", "l_receiptdate": "1994-12-08", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "f the excuses. furiously fin" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5347, "l_partkey": 50, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 18.0d, "l_extendedprice": 17100.9d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-05-24", "l_commitdate": "1995-05-07", "l_receiptdate": "1995-06-19", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "he ideas among the requests " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5573, "l_partkey": 50, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 2.0d, "l_extendedprice": 1900.1d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-08-26", "l_commitdate": "1996-09-29", "l_receiptdate": "1996-09-04", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": " even foxes. specia" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5925, "l_partkey": 50, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 48.0d, "l_extendedprice": 45602.4d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-02-03", "l_commitdate": "1996-01-19", "l_receiptdate": "1996-03-04", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": " haggle after the fo" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1281, "l_partkey": 50, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 4.0d, "l_extendedprice": 3800.2d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-03-15", "l_commitdate": "1995-02-21", "l_receiptdate": "1995-03-20", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ggle against the even requests. requests " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2406, "l_partkey": 50, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 16.0d, "l_extendedprice": 15200.8d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-10-31", "l_commitdate": "1996-11-28", "l_receiptdate": "1996-11-08", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": " special accou" }
, { "l_orderkey": 2562, "l_partkey": 50, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 17.0d, "l_extendedprice": 16150.85d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-10-15", "l_commitdate": "1992-10-08", "l_receiptdate": "1992-10-26", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "lar pinto beans. blithely ev" }
, { "l_orderkey": 3522, "l_partkey": 50, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 27.0d, "l_extendedprice": 25651.35d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-11-29", "l_commitdate": "1994-12-15", "l_receiptdate": "1994-12-08", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ic tithes. car" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3841, "l_partkey": 50, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 9.0d, "l_extendedprice": 8550.45d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-11-21", "l_commitdate": "1994-12-26", "l_receiptdate": "1994-11-26", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "s according to the courts shall nag s" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3523, "l_partkey": 50, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 24.0d, "l_extendedprice": 22801.2d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-08-02", "l_commitdate": "1998-06-22", "l_receiptdate": "1998-08-27", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ke according to the doggedly re" }
, { "l_orderkey": 3943, "l_partkey": 50, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 5.0d, "l_extendedprice": 4750.25d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-01-09", "l_commitdate": "1996-11-10", "l_receiptdate": "1997-02-06", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "arefully regular deposits accord" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4645, "l_partkey": 50, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 45.0d, "l_extendedprice": 42752.25d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-12-27", "l_commitdate": "1994-11-02", "l_receiptdate": "1994-12-31", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ular ideas. slyly" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4706, "l_partkey": 50, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 27.0d, "l_extendedprice": 25651.35d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-04-04", "l_commitdate": "1993-03-11", "l_receiptdate": "1993-04-09", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "into beans. finally special instruct" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5410, "l_partkey": 50, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 8.0d, "l_extendedprice": 7600.4d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-09-12", "l_commitdate": "1998-10-22", "l_receiptdate": "1998-09-22", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ly. fluffily ironic platelets alon" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5926, "l_partkey": 50, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 27.0d, "l_extendedprice": 25651.35d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-07-05", "l_commitdate": "1994-08-11", "l_receiptdate": "1994-08-02", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ironic requests" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4581, "l_partkey": 50, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 7.0d, "l_extendedprice": 6650.35d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-10-09", "l_commitdate": "1992-10-20", "l_receiptdate": "1992-10-21", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "express accounts d" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5573, "l_partkey": 50, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 2.0d, "l_extendedprice": 1900.1d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-08-26", "l_commitdate": "1996-09-29", "l_receiptdate": "1996-09-04", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": " even foxes. specia" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 644, "l_partkey": 50, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 23.0d, "l_extendedprice": 21851.15d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-07-31", "l_commitdate": "1992-07-28", "l_receiptdate": "1992-08-13", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "uctions nag quickly alongside of t" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1124, "l_partkey": 50, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 25.0d, "l_extendedprice": 23751.25d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-08-05", "l_commitdate": "1998-10-14", "l_receiptdate": "1998-08-11", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ggle slyly according" }
, { "l_orderkey": 1762, "l_partkey": 50, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 39.0d, "l_extendedprice": 37051.95d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-09-12", "l_commitdate": "1994-11-09", "l_receiptdate": "1994-10-08", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": " ironic platelets sleep along t" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2753, "l_partkey": 50, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 17.0d, "l_extendedprice": 16150.85d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-03-08", "l_commitdate": "1994-01-17", "l_receiptdate": "1994-03-11", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": " carefully bold deposits sublate s" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2724, "l_partkey": 50, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 22.0d, "l_extendedprice": 20901.1d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-09-19", "l_commitdate": "1994-11-18", "l_receiptdate": "1994-10-17", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "express fo" }
, { "l_orderkey": 2786, "l_partkey": 50, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 43.0d, "l_extendedprice": 40852.15d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-04-22", "l_commitdate": "1992-05-13", "l_receiptdate": "1992-04-29", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ons. theodolites after" }
, { "l_orderkey": 3458, "l_partkey": 50, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 46.0d, "l_extendedprice": 43702.3d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-03-08", "l_commitdate": "1995-01-21", "l_receiptdate": "1995-03-10", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "nod across the boldly even instruct" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3523, "l_partkey": 50, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 24.0d, "l_extendedprice": 22801.2d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-08-02", "l_commitdate": "1998-06-22", "l_receiptdate": "1998-08-27", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ke according to the doggedly re" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3841, "l_partkey": 50, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 9.0d, "l_extendedprice": 8550.45d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-11-21", "l_commitdate": "1994-12-26", "l_receiptdate": "1994-11-26", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "s according to the courts shall nag s" }
, { "l_orderkey": 4324, "l_partkey": 50, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 14.0d, "l_extendedprice": 13300.7d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-09-20", "l_commitdate": "1995-10-08", "l_receiptdate": "1995-10-06", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": " express ideas. blithely blit" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4581, "l_partkey": 50, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 7.0d, "l_extendedprice": 6650.35d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-10-09", "l_commitdate": "1992-10-20", "l_receiptdate": "1992-10-21", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "express accounts d" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 768, "l_partkey": 49, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 33.0d, "l_extendedprice": 31318.32d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-09-06", "l_commitdate": "1996-09-29", "l_receiptdate": "1996-10-01", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "sly ironic instructions. excuses can hagg" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1191, "l_partkey": 49, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 29.0d, "l_extendedprice": 27522.16d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-01-24", "l_commitdate": "1996-01-28", "l_receiptdate": "1996-02-17", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": " regular pin" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2022, "l_partkey": 49, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 48.0d, "l_extendedprice": 45553.92d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-06-14", "l_commitdate": "1992-06-04", "l_receiptdate": "1992-07-12", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "counts. slyly enticing accounts are during " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2050, "l_partkey": 49, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 29.0d, "l_extendedprice": 27522.16d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-09-23", "l_commitdate": "1994-08-01", "l_receiptdate": "1994-10-23", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "oxes alongsid" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2983, "l_partkey": 49, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 11.0d, "l_extendedprice": 10439.44d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-04-29", "l_commitdate": "1992-02-27", "l_receiptdate": "1992-05-26", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "aids integrate s" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3683, "l_partkey": 49, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 41.0d, "l_extendedprice": 38910.64d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-03-26", "l_commitdate": "1993-05-06", "l_receiptdate": "1993-04-09", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ress instructions. slyly express a" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4771, "l_partkey": 49, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 9.0d, "l_extendedprice": 8541.36d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-02-28", "l_commitdate": "1993-02-19", "l_receiptdate": "1993-03-25", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "riously after the packages. fina" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1157, "l_partkey": 49, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 16.0d, "l_extendedprice": 15184.64d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-04-12", "l_commitdate": "1998-03-09", "l_receiptdate": "1998-04-23", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "tions hang" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2115, "l_partkey": 49, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 47.0d, "l_extendedprice": 44604.88d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-08-29", "l_commitdate": "1998-07-30", "l_receiptdate": "1998-09-05", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "regular accounts integrate brav" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2435, "l_partkey": 49, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 43.0d, "l_extendedprice": 40808.72d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-03-27", "l_commitdate": "1993-05-20", "l_receiptdate": "1993-04-18", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "alongside of the s" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2464, "l_partkey": 49, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 10.0d, "l_extendedprice": 9490.4d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-02-04", "l_commitdate": "1997-12-29", "l_receiptdate": "1998-02-16", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "slyly final pinto bean" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3396, "l_partkey": 49, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 43.0d, "l_extendedprice": 40808.72d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-07-03", "l_commitdate": "1994-08-09", "l_receiptdate": "1994-07-14", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "cial packages cajole blithely around the " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4486, "l_partkey": 49, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 19.0d, "l_extendedprice": 18031.76d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-06-07", "l_commitdate": "1998-05-28", "l_receiptdate": "1998-07-02", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "pending foxes after" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4706, "l_partkey": 50, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 27.0d, "l_extendedprice": 25651.35d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-04-04", "l_commitdate": "1993-03-11", "l_receiptdate": "1993-04-09", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "into beans. finally special instruct" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4865, "l_partkey": 50, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 21.0d, "l_extendedprice": 19951.05d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-07-17", "l_commitdate": "1997-08-10", "l_receiptdate": "1997-07-21", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "eposits detect sly" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5347, "l_partkey": 50, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 18.0d, "l_extendedprice": 17100.9d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-05-24", "l_commitdate": "1995-05-07", "l_receiptdate": "1995-06-19", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "he ideas among the requests " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 354, "l_partkey": 50, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 14.0d, "l_extendedprice": 13300.7d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-04-12", "l_commitdate": "1996-06-03", "l_receiptdate": "1996-05-08", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "quickly regular grouches will eat. careful" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1281, "l_partkey": 50, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 4.0d, "l_extendedprice": 3800.2d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-03-15", "l_commitdate": "1995-02-21", "l_receiptdate": "1995-03-20", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ggle against the even requests. requests " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2406, "l_partkey": 50, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 16.0d, "l_extendedprice": 15200.8d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-10-31", "l_commitdate": "1996-11-28", "l_receiptdate": "1996-11-08", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": " special accou" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2753, "l_partkey": 50, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 17.0d, "l_extendedprice": 16150.85d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-03-08", "l_commitdate": "1994-01-17", "l_receiptdate": "1994-03-11", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": " carefully bold deposits sublate s" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3877, "l_partkey": 50, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 12.0d, "l_extendedprice": 11400.6d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-05-30", "l_commitdate": "1993-08-09", "l_receiptdate": "1993-06-24", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "nal requests. even requests are. pac" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4034, "l_partkey": 50, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 5.0d, "l_extendedprice": 4750.25d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-02-12", "l_commitdate": "1994-01-24", "l_receiptdate": "1994-02-13", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "fully around the furiously ironic re" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4645, "l_partkey": 50, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 45.0d, "l_extendedprice": 42752.25d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-12-27", "l_commitdate": "1994-11-02", "l_receiptdate": "1994-12-31", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ular ideas. slyly" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4967, "l_partkey": 50, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 15.0d, "l_extendedprice": 14250.75d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-04-16", "l_commitdate": "1997-04-12", "l_receiptdate": "1997-05-08", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "y. blithel" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5249, "l_partkey": 50, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 31.0d, "l_extendedprice": 29451.55d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-11-21", "l_commitdate": "1994-11-19", "l_receiptdate": "1994-12-08", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "f the excuses. furiously fin" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5410, "l_partkey": 50, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 8.0d, "l_extendedprice": 7600.4d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-09-12", "l_commitdate": "1998-10-22", "l_receiptdate": "1998-09-22", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ly. fluffily ironic platelets alon" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5926, "l_partkey": 50, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 27.0d, "l_extendedprice": 25651.35d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-07-05", "l_commitdate": "1994-08-11", "l_receiptdate": "1994-08-02", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ironic requests" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 97, "l_partkey": 50, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 37.0d, "l_extendedprice": 35151.85d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-04-13", "l_commitdate": "1993-03-30", "l_receiptdate": "1993-04-14", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ic requests boost carefully quic" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 870, "l_partkey": 50, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 36.0d, "l_extendedprice": 34201.8d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-10-18", "l_commitdate": "1993-09-16", "l_receiptdate": "1993-11-15", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "fily. furiously final accounts are " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1475, "l_partkey": 50, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 12.0d, "l_extendedprice": 11400.6d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-01-09", "l_commitdate": "1997-12-30", "l_receiptdate": "1998-01-23", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "arefully-- excuses sublate" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1506, "l_partkey": 50, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 38.0d, "l_extendedprice": 36101.9d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-12-02", "l_commitdate": "1992-12-19", "l_receiptdate": "1992-12-29", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "xpress, regular excuse" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2885, "l_partkey": 50, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 40.0d, "l_extendedprice": 38002.0d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-09-23", "l_commitdate": "1992-11-15", "l_receiptdate": "1992-10-07", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": " express depos" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4131, "l_partkey": 50, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 6.0d, "l_extendedprice": 5700.3d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-04-27", "l_commitdate": "1998-04-18", "l_receiptdate": "1998-04-29", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ns cajole slyly. even, iro" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4612, "l_partkey": 50, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 17.0d, "l_extendedprice": 16150.85d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-01-09", "l_commitdate": "1993-11-08", "l_receiptdate": "1994-02-06", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "equests haggle carefully silent excus" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5031, "l_partkey": 50, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 15.0d, "l_extendedprice": 14250.75d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-04-01", "l_commitdate": "1995-02-24", "l_receiptdate": "1995-04-12", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "yly pending theodolites." }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5925, "l_partkey": 50, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 48.0d, "l_extendedprice": 45602.4d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-02-03", "l_commitdate": "1996-01-19", "l_receiptdate": "1996-03-04", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": " haggle after the fo" }
, { "l_orderkey": 739, "l_partkey": 49, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 12.0d, "l_extendedprice": 11388.48d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-08-20", "l_commitdate": "1998-07-24", "l_receiptdate": "1998-08-22", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "le slyly along the close i" }
, { "l_orderkey": 898, "l_partkey": 49, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 11.0d, "l_extendedprice": 10439.44d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-09-13", "l_commitdate": "1993-08-31", "l_receiptdate": "1993-09-25", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "etly bold accounts " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 933, "l_partkey": 49, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 23.0d, "l_extendedprice": 21827.92d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-08-13", "l_commitdate": "1992-09-18", "l_receiptdate": "1992-08-25", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": " the furiously bold dinos. sly" }
, { "l_orderkey": 1286, "l_partkey": 49, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 48.0d, "l_extendedprice": 45553.92d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-07-11", "l_commitdate": "1993-07-11", "l_receiptdate": "1993-08-01", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "unts alongs" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1543, "l_partkey": 49, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 3.0d, "l_extendedprice": 2847.12d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-03-29", "l_commitdate": "1997-05-10", "l_receiptdate": "1997-04-22", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "sleep along the furiou" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2022, "l_partkey": 49, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 48.0d, "l_extendedprice": 45553.92d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-06-14", "l_commitdate": "1992-06-04", "l_receiptdate": "1992-07-12", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "counts. slyly enticing accounts are during " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2050, "l_partkey": 49, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 29.0d, "l_extendedprice": 27522.16d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-09-23", "l_commitdate": "1994-08-01", "l_receiptdate": "1994-10-23", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "oxes alongsid" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2464, "l_partkey": 49, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 10.0d, "l_extendedprice": 9490.4d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-02-04", "l_commitdate": "1997-12-29", "l_receiptdate": "1998-02-16", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "slyly final pinto bean" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3683, "l_partkey": 49, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 41.0d, "l_extendedprice": 38910.64d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-03-26", "l_commitdate": "1993-05-06", "l_receiptdate": "1993-04-09", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ress instructions. slyly express a" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5157, "l_partkey": 49, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 12.0d, "l_extendedprice": 11388.48d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-10-19", "l_commitdate": "1997-08-07", "l_receiptdate": "1997-10-26", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "es. busily " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1157, "l_partkey": 49, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 16.0d, "l_extendedprice": 15184.64d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-04-12", "l_commitdate": "1998-03-09", "l_receiptdate": "1998-04-23", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "tions hang" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1220, "l_partkey": 49, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 25.0d, "l_extendedprice": 23726.0d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-09-11", "l_commitdate": "1996-10-09", "l_receiptdate": "1996-09-25", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "packages affi" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1761, "l_partkey": 49, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 37.0d, "l_extendedprice": 35114.48d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-01-02", "l_commitdate": "1994-03-12", "l_receiptdate": "1994-01-25", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "regular packages wake after" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2115, "l_partkey": 49, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 47.0d, "l_extendedprice": 44604.88d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-08-29", "l_commitdate": "1998-07-30", "l_receiptdate": "1998-09-05", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "regular accounts integrate brav" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3396, "l_partkey": 49, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 43.0d, "l_extendedprice": 40808.72d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-07-03", "l_commitdate": "1994-08-09", "l_receiptdate": "1994-07-14", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "cial packages cajole blithely around the " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3426, "l_partkey": 49, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 31.0d, "l_extendedprice": 29420.24d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-11-11", "l_commitdate": "1996-12-10", "l_receiptdate": "1996-12-10", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": " even sentiment" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4771, "l_partkey": 49, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 9.0d, "l_extendedprice": 8541.36d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-02-28", "l_commitdate": "1993-02-19", "l_receiptdate": "1993-03-25", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "riously after the packages. fina" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 768, "l_partkey": 49, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 33.0d, "l_extendedprice": 31318.32d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-09-06", "l_commitdate": "1996-09-29", "l_receiptdate": "1996-10-01", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "sly ironic instructions. excuses can hagg" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 933, "l_partkey": 49, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 23.0d, "l_extendedprice": 21827.92d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-08-13", "l_commitdate": "1992-09-18", "l_receiptdate": "1992-08-25", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": " the furiously bold dinos. sly" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1191, "l_partkey": 49, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 29.0d, "l_extendedprice": 27522.16d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-01-24", "l_commitdate": "1996-01-28", "l_receiptdate": "1996-02-17", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": " regular pin" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2149, "l_partkey": 49, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 47.0d, "l_extendedprice": 44604.88d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-06-27", "l_commitdate": "1993-05-12", "l_receiptdate": "1993-07-11", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "hely final depo" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4486, "l_partkey": 49, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 19.0d, "l_extendedprice": 18031.76d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-06-07", "l_commitdate": "1998-05-28", "l_receiptdate": "1998-07-02", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "pending foxes after" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 455, "l_partkey": 49, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 45.0d, "l_extendedprice": 42706.8d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-12-20", "l_commitdate": "1997-01-31", "l_receiptdate": "1997-01-07", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "thrash ironically regular packages. qui" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1569, "l_partkey": 49, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 43.0d, "l_extendedprice": 40808.72d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-06-05", "l_commitdate": "1998-05-31", "l_receiptdate": "1998-06-28", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": " instructions." }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2435, "l_partkey": 49, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 43.0d, "l_extendedprice": 40808.72d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-03-27", "l_commitdate": "1993-05-20", "l_receiptdate": "1993-04-18", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "alongside of the s" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2983, "l_partkey": 49, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 11.0d, "l_extendedprice": 10439.44d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-04-29", "l_commitdate": "1992-02-27", "l_receiptdate": "1992-05-26", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "aids integrate s" }
, { "l_orderkey": 3653, "l_partkey": 49, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 2.0d, "l_extendedprice": 1898.08d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-06-02", "l_commitdate": "1994-05-31", "l_receiptdate": "1994-06-29", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "n accounts. fina" }
, { "l_orderkey": 4225, "l_partkey": 49, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 25.0d, "l_extendedprice": 23726.0d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-07-10", "l_commitdate": "1997-08-08", "l_receiptdate": "1997-07-31", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "se fluffily. busily ironic requests are;" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5157, "l_partkey": 49, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 12.0d, "l_extendedprice": 11388.48d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-10-19", "l_commitdate": "1997-08-07", "l_receiptdate": "1997-10-26", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "es. busily " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 455, "l_partkey": 49, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 45.0d, "l_extendedprice": 42706.8d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-12-20", "l_commitdate": "1997-01-31", "l_receiptdate": "1997-01-07", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "thrash ironically regular packages. qui" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1220, "l_partkey": 49, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 25.0d, "l_extendedprice": 23726.0d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-09-11", "l_commitdate": "1996-10-09", "l_receiptdate": "1996-09-25", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "packages affi" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1543, "l_partkey": 49, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 3.0d, "l_extendedprice": 2847.12d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-03-29", "l_commitdate": "1997-05-10", "l_receiptdate": "1997-04-22", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "sleep along the furiou" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1569, "l_partkey": 49, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 43.0d, "l_extendedprice": 40808.72d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-06-05", "l_commitdate": "1998-05-31", "l_receiptdate": "1998-06-28", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": " instructions." }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1761, "l_partkey": 49, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 37.0d, "l_extendedprice": 35114.48d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-01-02", "l_commitdate": "1994-03-12", "l_receiptdate": "1994-01-25", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "regular packages wake after" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2149, "l_partkey": 49, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 47.0d, "l_extendedprice": 44604.88d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-06-27", "l_commitdate": "1993-05-12", "l_receiptdate": "1993-07-11", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "hely final depo" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3426, "l_partkey": 49, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 31.0d, "l_extendedprice": 29420.24d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-11-11", "l_commitdate": "1996-12-10", "l_receiptdate": "1996-12-10", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": " even sentiment" }
, { "l_orderkey": 4711, "l_partkey": 49, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 15.0d, "l_extendedprice": 14235.6d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-09-03", "l_commitdate": "1998-07-15", "l_receiptdate": "1998-09-13", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ld requests: furiously final inst" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1157, "l_partkey": 48, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 8.0d, "l_extendedprice": 7584.32d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-03-25", "l_commitdate": "1998-03-16", "l_receiptdate": "1998-03-29", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "blithely even pa" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1634, "l_partkey": 48, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 21.0d, "l_extendedprice": 19908.84d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-10-04", "l_commitdate": "1996-10-22", "l_receiptdate": "1996-11-01", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "counts alo" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1831, "l_partkey": 48, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 9.0d, "l_extendedprice": 8532.36d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-03-22", "l_commitdate": "1994-01-07", "l_receiptdate": "1994-04-06", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ent deposits. regular saute" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2050, "l_partkey": 48, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 25.0d, "l_extendedprice": 23701.0d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-08-18", "l_commitdate": "1994-07-04", "l_receiptdate": "1994-09-04", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "y according to " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2785, "l_partkey": 48, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 34.0d, "l_extendedprice": 32233.36d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-09-16", "l_commitdate": "1995-09-09", "l_receiptdate": "1995-10-11", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "kages wake carefully silent " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3937, "l_partkey": 48, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 30.0d, "l_extendedprice": 28441.2d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-01-17", "l_commitdate": "1998-01-03", "l_receiptdate": "1998-02-08", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "al packages slee" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 997, "l_partkey": 48, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 17.0d, "l_extendedprice": 16116.68d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-07-28", "l_commitdate": "1997-07-26", "l_receiptdate": "1997-08-20", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "aggle quickly furiously" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3104, "l_partkey": 48, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 47.0d, "l_extendedprice": 44557.88d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-12-25", "l_commitdate": "1993-11-02", "l_receiptdate": "1994-01-12", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ily daring acc" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3619, "l_partkey": 48, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 46.0d, "l_extendedprice": 43609.84d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-01-31", "l_commitdate": "1997-01-27", "l_receiptdate": "1997-02-11", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "press, expres" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4192, "l_partkey": 48, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 48.0d, "l_extendedprice": 45505.92d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-08-17", "l_commitdate": "1998-07-11", "l_receiptdate": "1998-09-03", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ests. quickly bol" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4324, "l_partkey": 48, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 12.0d, "l_extendedprice": 11376.48d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-10-05", "l_commitdate": "1995-09-07", "l_receiptdate": "1995-10-18", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "c packages. furiously express sauternes" }
, { "l_orderkey": 4422, "l_partkey": 48, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 41.0d, "l_extendedprice": 38869.64d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-06-12", "l_commitdate": "1995-07-09", "l_receiptdate": "1995-06-20", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": " theodolites shal" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5090, "l_partkey": 48, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 21.0d, "l_extendedprice": 19908.84d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-03-29", "l_commitdate": "1997-04-24", "l_receiptdate": "1997-04-25", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ly express accounts. slyly even r" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5155, "l_partkey": 48, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 1.0d, "l_extendedprice": 948.04d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-07-03", "l_commitdate": "1994-08-11", "l_receiptdate": "1994-07-29", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "oze slyly after the silent, regular idea" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5473, "l_partkey": 48, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 9.0d, "l_extendedprice": 8532.36d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-06-03", "l_commitdate": "1992-05-30", "l_receiptdate": "1992-06-09", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": " excuses sleep blithely! regular dep" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 832, "l_partkey": 48, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 24.0d, "l_extendedprice": 22752.96d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-06-15", "l_commitdate": "1992-07-14", "l_receiptdate": "1992-06-17", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ully. carefully speci" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1218, "l_partkey": 48, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 44.0d, "l_extendedprice": 41713.76d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-10-05", "l_commitdate": "1994-09-03", "l_receiptdate": "1994-10-30", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "thely ironic accounts wake slyly" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1574, "l_partkey": 48, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 41.0d, "l_extendedprice": 38869.64d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-03-08", "l_commitdate": "1997-02-09", "l_receiptdate": "1997-04-01", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "s. slyly regular depen" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2304, "l_partkey": 48, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 3.0d, "l_extendedprice": 2844.12d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-03-19", "l_commitdate": "1994-03-04", "l_receiptdate": "1994-03-20", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "l excuses after the ev" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2503, "l_partkey": 48, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 3.0d, "l_extendedprice": 2844.12d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-07-10", "l_commitdate": "1993-09-17", "l_receiptdate": "1993-07-19", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "s cajole. slyly close courts nod f" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2753, "l_partkey": 48, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 40.0d, "l_extendedprice": 37921.6d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-01-06", "l_commitdate": "1994-02-13", "l_receiptdate": "1994-02-03", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "latelets kindle slyly final depos" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3585, "l_partkey": 48, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 33.0d, "l_extendedprice": 31285.32d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-12-14", "l_commitdate": "1995-01-19", "l_receiptdate": "1994-12-22", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ironic dependencies serve furi" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4870, "l_partkey": 48, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 49.0d, "l_extendedprice": 46453.96d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-11-14", "l_commitdate": "1994-10-24", "l_receiptdate": "1994-12-12", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": " regular packages " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 992, "l_partkey": 48, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 21.0d, "l_extendedprice": 19908.84d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-11-13", "l_commitdate": "1997-12-28", "l_receiptdate": "1997-12-10", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "fily. quickly special deposit" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1831, "l_partkey": 48, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 9.0d, "l_extendedprice": 8532.36d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-03-22", "l_commitdate": "1994-01-07", "l_receiptdate": "1994-04-06", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ent deposits. regular saute" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2211, "l_partkey": 48, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 25.0d, "l_extendedprice": 23701.0d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-10-09", "l_commitdate": "1994-08-04", "l_receiptdate": "1994-11-03", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "deas. carefully special theodolites along" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3042, "l_partkey": 48, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 19.0d, "l_extendedprice": 18012.76d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-03-05", "l_commitdate": "1995-01-24", "l_receiptdate": "1995-03-17", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "e carefully. regul" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3937, "l_partkey": 48, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 30.0d, "l_extendedprice": 28441.2d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-01-17", "l_commitdate": "1998-01-03", "l_receiptdate": "1998-02-08", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "al packages slee" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4836, "l_partkey": 48, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 16.0d, "l_extendedprice": 15168.64d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-01-14", "l_commitdate": "1997-03-05", "l_receiptdate": "1997-01-30", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "gular packages against the express reque" }
, { "l_orderkey": 5474, "l_partkey": 48, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 31.0d, "l_extendedprice": 29389.24d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-08-02", "l_commitdate": "1992-07-12", "l_receiptdate": "1992-08-04", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "the furiously express ideas. speci" }
, { "l_orderkey": 420, "l_partkey": 48, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 45.0d, "l_extendedprice": 42661.8d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-01-14", "l_commitdate": "1996-01-01", "l_receiptdate": "1996-01-26", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": " final accounts. furiously express forges" }
, { "l_orderkey": 928, "l_partkey": 48, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 24.0d, "l_extendedprice": 22752.96d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-04-06", "l_commitdate": "1995-05-08", "l_receiptdate": "1995-04-24", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "s the furiously regular warthogs im" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1218, "l_partkey": 48, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 44.0d, "l_extendedprice": 41713.76d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-10-05", "l_commitdate": "1994-09-03", "l_receiptdate": "1994-10-30", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "thely ironic accounts wake slyly" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1157, "l_partkey": 48, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 8.0d, "l_extendedprice": 7584.32d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-03-25", "l_commitdate": "1998-03-16", "l_receiptdate": "1998-03-29", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "blithely even pa" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1634, "l_partkey": 48, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 21.0d, "l_extendedprice": 19908.84d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-10-04", "l_commitdate": "1996-10-22", "l_receiptdate": "1996-11-01", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "counts alo" }
, { "l_orderkey": 1667, "l_partkey": 48, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 6.0d, "l_extendedprice": 5688.24d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-01-21", "l_commitdate": "1997-12-19", "l_receiptdate": "1998-01-28", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": " nag quickly above th" }
, { "l_orderkey": 1793, "l_partkey": 48, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 29.0d, "l_extendedprice": 27493.16d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-10-24", "l_commitdate": "1992-09-20", "l_receiptdate": "1992-11-23", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ar excuses. " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2050, "l_partkey": 48, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 25.0d, "l_extendedprice": 23701.0d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-08-18", "l_commitdate": "1994-07-04", "l_receiptdate": "1994-09-04", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "y according to " }
, { "l_orderkey": 2213, "l_partkey": 48, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 41.0d, "l_extendedprice": 38869.64d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-01-31", "l_commitdate": "1993-03-31", "l_receiptdate": "1993-02-28", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": " carefully pend" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2691, "l_partkey": 48, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 2.0d, "l_extendedprice": 1896.08d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-05-10", "l_commitdate": "1992-06-04", "l_receiptdate": "1992-05-11", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "s cajole at the blithely ironic warthog" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4836, "l_partkey": 48, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 16.0d, "l_extendedprice": 15168.64d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-01-14", "l_commitdate": "1997-03-05", "l_receiptdate": "1997-01-30", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "gular packages against the express reque" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5056, "l_partkey": 48, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 7.0d, "l_extendedprice": 6636.28d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-04-28", "l_commitdate": "1997-04-07", "l_receiptdate": "1997-05-15", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "rouches after the pending instruc" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 832, "l_partkey": 48, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 24.0d, "l_extendedprice": 22752.96d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-06-15", "l_commitdate": "1992-07-14", "l_receiptdate": "1992-06-17", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ully. carefully speci" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1574, "l_partkey": 48, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 41.0d, "l_extendedprice": 38869.64d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-03-08", "l_commitdate": "1997-02-09", "l_receiptdate": "1997-04-01", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "s. slyly regular depen" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2503, "l_partkey": 48, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 3.0d, "l_extendedprice": 2844.12d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-07-10", "l_commitdate": "1993-09-17", "l_receiptdate": "1993-07-19", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "s cajole. slyly close courts nod f" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3585, "l_partkey": 48, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 33.0d, "l_extendedprice": 31285.32d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-12-14", "l_commitdate": "1995-01-19", "l_receiptdate": "1994-12-22", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ironic dependencies serve furi" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4192, "l_partkey": 48, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 48.0d, "l_extendedprice": 45505.92d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-08-17", "l_commitdate": "1998-07-11", "l_receiptdate": "1998-09-03", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ests. quickly bol" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4870, "l_partkey": 48, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 49.0d, "l_extendedprice": 46453.96d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-11-14", "l_commitdate": "1994-10-24", "l_receiptdate": "1994-12-12", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": " regular packages " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 992, "l_partkey": 48, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 21.0d, "l_extendedprice": 19908.84d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-11-13", "l_commitdate": "1997-12-28", "l_receiptdate": "1997-12-10", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "fily. quickly special deposit" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 997, "l_partkey": 48, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 17.0d, "l_extendedprice": 16116.68d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-07-28", "l_commitdate": "1997-07-26", "l_receiptdate": "1997-08-20", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "aggle quickly furiously" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2211, "l_partkey": 48, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 25.0d, "l_extendedprice": 23701.0d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-10-09", "l_commitdate": "1994-08-04", "l_receiptdate": "1994-11-03", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "deas. carefully special theodolites along" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2304, "l_partkey": 48, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 3.0d, "l_extendedprice": 2844.12d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-03-19", "l_commitdate": "1994-03-04", "l_receiptdate": "1994-03-20", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "l excuses after the ev" }
, { "l_orderkey": 2660, "l_partkey": 48, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 17.0d, "l_extendedprice": 16116.68d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-08-18", "l_commitdate": "1995-09-13", "l_receiptdate": "1995-09-17", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "al pinto beans wake after the furious" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2753, "l_partkey": 48, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 40.0d, "l_extendedprice": 37921.6d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-01-06", "l_commitdate": "1994-02-13", "l_receiptdate": "1994-02-03", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "latelets kindle slyly final depos" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3042, "l_partkey": 48, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 19.0d, "l_extendedprice": 18012.76d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-03-05", "l_commitdate": "1995-01-24", "l_receiptdate": "1995-03-17", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "e carefully. regul" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3104, "l_partkey": 48, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 47.0d, "l_extendedprice": 44557.88d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-12-25", "l_commitdate": "1993-11-02", "l_receiptdate": "1994-01-12", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ily daring acc" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3619, "l_partkey": 48, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 46.0d, "l_extendedprice": 43609.84d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-01-31", "l_commitdate": "1997-01-27", "l_receiptdate": "1997-02-11", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "press, expres" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4324, "l_partkey": 48, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 12.0d, "l_extendedprice": 11376.48d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-10-05", "l_commitdate": "1995-09-07", "l_receiptdate": "1995-10-18", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "c packages. furiously express sauternes" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5155, "l_partkey": 48, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 1.0d, "l_extendedprice": 948.04d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-07-03", "l_commitdate": "1994-08-11", "l_receiptdate": "1994-07-29", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "oze slyly after the silent, regular idea" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5473, "l_partkey": 48, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 9.0d, "l_extendedprice": 8532.36d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-06-03", "l_commitdate": "1992-05-30", "l_receiptdate": "1992-06-09", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": " excuses sleep blithely! regular dep" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2691, "l_partkey": 48, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 2.0d, "l_extendedprice": 1896.08d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-05-10", "l_commitdate": "1992-06-04", "l_receiptdate": "1992-05-11", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "s cajole at the blithely ironic warthog" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2785, "l_partkey": 48, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 34.0d, "l_extendedprice": 32233.36d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-09-16", "l_commitdate": "1995-09-09", "l_receiptdate": "1995-10-11", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "kages wake carefully silent " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5056, "l_partkey": 48, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 7.0d, "l_extendedprice": 6636.28d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-04-28", "l_commitdate": "1997-04-07", "l_receiptdate": "1997-05-15", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "rouches after the pending instruc" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5090, "l_partkey": 48, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 21.0d, "l_extendedprice": 19908.84d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-03-29", "l_commitdate": "1997-04-24", "l_receiptdate": "1997-04-25", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ly express accounts. slyly even r" }
, { "l_orderkey": 5476, "l_partkey": 48, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 13.0d, "l_extendedprice": 12324.52d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-12-27", "l_commitdate": "1997-12-08", "l_receiptdate": "1997-12-29", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "iously special ac" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 519, "l_partkey": 47, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 27.0d, "l_extendedprice": 25570.08d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-11-20", "l_commitdate": "1997-12-06", "l_receiptdate": "1997-12-16", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "le. even, final dependencies" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1184, "l_partkey": 47, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 27.0d, "l_extendedprice": 25570.08d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-01-10", "l_commitdate": "1997-12-02", "l_receiptdate": "1998-02-06", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "s wake fluffily. fl" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1665, "l_partkey": 47, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 4.0d, "l_extendedprice": 3788.16d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-09-01", "l_commitdate": "1994-06-07", "l_receiptdate": "1994-09-12", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ely final requests. requests" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2311, "l_partkey": 47, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 1.0d, "l_extendedprice": 947.04d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-06-07", "l_commitdate": "1995-06-20", "l_receiptdate": "1995-06-10", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ptotes. furiously regular theodolite" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3682, "l_partkey": 47, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 17.0d, "l_extendedprice": 16099.68d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-02-12", "l_commitdate": "1997-04-04", "l_receiptdate": "1997-02-22", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": ", ironic packages wake a" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3685, "l_partkey": 47, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 37.0d, "l_extendedprice": 35040.48d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-03-11", "l_commitdate": "1992-04-09", "l_receiptdate": "1992-04-05", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ress attai" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4037, "l_partkey": 47, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 4.0d, "l_extendedprice": 3788.16d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-07-05", "l_commitdate": "1993-06-12", "l_receiptdate": "1993-08-03", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "s around the blithely ironic ac" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5636, "l_partkey": 47, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 13.0d, "l_extendedprice": 12311.52d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-05-11", "l_commitdate": "1995-04-27", "l_receiptdate": "1995-05-26", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "en, fluffy accounts amon" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5637, "l_partkey": 47, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 14.0d, "l_extendedprice": 13258.56d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-07-20", "l_commitdate": "1996-07-26", "l_receiptdate": "1996-08-14", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "y bold deposits wak" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5639, "l_partkey": 47, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 11.0d, "l_extendedprice": 10417.44d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-09-18", "l_commitdate": "1994-07-10", "l_receiptdate": "1994-10-12", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "g the unusual pinto beans caj" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 100, "l_partkey": 47, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 46.0d, "l_extendedprice": 43563.84d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-05-02", "l_commitdate": "1998-04-10", "l_receiptdate": "1998-05-22", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ular accounts. even" }
, { "l_orderkey": 486, "l_partkey": 47, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 46.0d, "l_extendedprice": 43563.84d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-04-18", "l_commitdate": "1996-05-02", "l_receiptdate": "1996-04-20", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "theodolites eat carefully furious" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 805, "l_partkey": 47, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 12.0d, "l_extendedprice": 11364.48d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-07-13", "l_commitdate": "1995-09-27", "l_receiptdate": "1995-08-02", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": " regular foxes. furio" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4421, "l_partkey": 47, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 44.0d, "l_extendedprice": 41669.76d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-06-17", "l_commitdate": "1997-06-20", "l_receiptdate": "1997-06-29", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "le carefully. bl" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4608, "l_partkey": 47, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 50.0d, "l_extendedprice": 47352.0d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-07-25", "l_commitdate": "1994-09-01", "l_receiptdate": "1994-08-10", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": " theodolites" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4609, "l_partkey": 47, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 28.0d, "l_extendedprice": 26517.12d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-02-02", "l_commitdate": "1997-02-17", "l_receiptdate": "1997-03-02", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ously. quickly final requests cajole fl" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 869, "l_partkey": 47, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 36.0d, "l_extendedprice": 34093.44d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-05-03", "l_commitdate": "1997-03-17", "l_receiptdate": "1997-05-24", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ong the furiously bold instructi" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2341, "l_partkey": 47, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 12.0d, "l_extendedprice": 11364.48d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-06-06", "l_commitdate": "1993-07-08", "l_receiptdate": "1993-06-17", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": ". quickly final deposits sl" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2375, "l_partkey": 47, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 26.0d, "l_extendedprice": 24623.04d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-03-18", "l_commitdate": "1997-02-02", "l_receiptdate": "1997-03-29", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "rate across the" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 519, "l_partkey": 47, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 27.0d, "l_extendedprice": 25570.08d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-11-20", "l_commitdate": "1997-12-06", "l_receiptdate": "1997-12-16", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "le. even, final dependencies" }
, { "l_orderkey": 3105, "l_partkey": 47, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 30.0d, "l_extendedprice": 28411.2d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-03-03", "l_commitdate": "1997-02-03", "l_receiptdate": "1997-03-05", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ess accounts boost among t" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4387, "l_partkey": 47, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 9.0d, "l_extendedprice": 8523.36d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-01-04", "l_commitdate": "1995-12-26", "l_receiptdate": "1996-01-12", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "c ideas. slyly regular packages sol" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4548, "l_partkey": 47, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 17.0d, "l_extendedprice": 16099.68d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-07-23", "l_commitdate": "1996-09-21", "l_receiptdate": "1996-07-26", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "y ironic requests above the fluffily d" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5761, "l_partkey": 47, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 41.0d, "l_extendedprice": 38828.64d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-07-31", "l_commitdate": "1998-08-09", "l_receiptdate": "1998-08-08", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "pecial deposits. qu" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 289, "l_partkey": 47, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 13.0d, "l_extendedprice": 12311.52d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-06-08", "l_commitdate": "1997-04-06", "l_receiptdate": "1997-06-18", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ts. quickly bold deposits alongside" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 768, "l_partkey": 47, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 47.0d, "l_extendedprice": 44510.88d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-11-28", "l_commitdate": "1996-10-30", "l_receiptdate": "1996-12-12", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "foxes. slyly ironic deposits a" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 899, "l_partkey": 47, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 25.0d, "l_extendedprice": 23676.0d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-07-21", "l_commitdate": "1998-05-12", "l_receiptdate": "1998-08-16", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "rly final sentiments. bold pinto beans " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1156, "l_partkey": 47, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 20.0d, "l_extendedprice": 18940.8d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-01-01", "l_commitdate": "1997-01-06", "l_receiptdate": "1997-01-16", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "deposits sleep bravel" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2465, "l_partkey": 47, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 50.0d, "l_extendedprice": 47352.0d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-09-01", "l_commitdate": "1995-09-06", "l_receiptdate": "1995-09-18", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "the pending th" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3171, "l_partkey": 47, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 34.0d, "l_extendedprice": 32199.36d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-05-30", "l_commitdate": "1993-05-27", "l_receiptdate": "1993-06-06", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "r the final, even packages. quickly" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3682, "l_partkey": 47, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 17.0d, "l_extendedprice": 16099.68d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-02-12", "l_commitdate": "1997-04-04", "l_receiptdate": "1997-02-22", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": ", ironic packages wake a" }
, { "l_orderkey": 4194, "l_partkey": 47, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 18.0d, "l_extendedprice": 17046.72d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-02-14", "l_commitdate": "1994-12-04", "l_receiptdate": "1995-03-11", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ld packages. quickly eve" }
, { "l_orderkey": 4769, "l_partkey": 47, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 36.0d, "l_extendedprice": 34093.44d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-07-22", "l_commitdate": "1995-06-16", "l_receiptdate": "1995-08-11", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": ". slyly even deposit" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5761, "l_partkey": 47, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 41.0d, "l_extendedprice": 38828.64d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-07-31", "l_commitdate": "1998-08-09", "l_receiptdate": "1998-08-08", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "pecial deposits. qu" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 289, "l_partkey": 47, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 13.0d, "l_extendedprice": 12311.52d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-06-08", "l_commitdate": "1997-04-06", "l_receiptdate": "1997-06-18", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ts. quickly bold deposits alongside" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 869, "l_partkey": 47, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 36.0d, "l_extendedprice": 34093.44d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-05-03", "l_commitdate": "1997-03-17", "l_receiptdate": "1997-05-24", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ong the furiously bold instructi" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1665, "l_partkey": 47, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 4.0d, "l_extendedprice": 3788.16d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-09-01", "l_commitdate": "1994-06-07", "l_receiptdate": "1994-09-12", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ely final requests. requests" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2341, "l_partkey": 47, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 12.0d, "l_extendedprice": 11364.48d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-06-06", "l_commitdate": "1993-07-08", "l_receiptdate": "1993-06-17", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": ". quickly final deposits sl" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2465, "l_partkey": 47, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 50.0d, "l_extendedprice": 47352.0d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-09-01", "l_commitdate": "1995-09-06", "l_receiptdate": "1995-09-18", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "the pending th" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3685, "l_partkey": 47, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 37.0d, "l_extendedprice": 35040.48d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-03-11", "l_commitdate": "1992-04-09", "l_receiptdate": "1992-04-05", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ress attai" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5639, "l_partkey": 47, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 11.0d, "l_extendedprice": 10417.44d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-09-18", "l_commitdate": "1994-07-10", "l_receiptdate": "1994-10-12", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "g the unusual pinto beans caj" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 100, "l_partkey": 47, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 46.0d, "l_extendedprice": 43563.84d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-05-02", "l_commitdate": "1998-04-10", "l_receiptdate": "1998-05-22", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ular accounts. even" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 768, "l_partkey": 47, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 47.0d, "l_extendedprice": 44510.88d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-11-28", "l_commitdate": "1996-10-30", "l_receiptdate": "1996-12-12", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "foxes. slyly ironic deposits a" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 805, "l_partkey": 47, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 12.0d, "l_extendedprice": 11364.48d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-07-13", "l_commitdate": "1995-09-27", "l_receiptdate": "1995-08-02", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": " regular foxes. furio" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1156, "l_partkey": 47, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 20.0d, "l_extendedprice": 18940.8d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-01-01", "l_commitdate": "1997-01-06", "l_receiptdate": "1997-01-16", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "deposits sleep bravel" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1184, "l_partkey": 47, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 27.0d, "l_extendedprice": 25570.08d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-01-10", "l_commitdate": "1997-12-02", "l_receiptdate": "1998-02-06", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "s wake fluffily. fl" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2375, "l_partkey": 47, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 26.0d, "l_extendedprice": 24623.04d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-03-18", "l_commitdate": "1997-02-02", "l_receiptdate": "1997-03-29", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "rate across the" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3171, "l_partkey": 47, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 34.0d, "l_extendedprice": 32199.36d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-05-30", "l_commitdate": "1993-05-27", "l_receiptdate": "1993-06-06", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "r the final, even packages. quickly" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4037, "l_partkey": 47, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 4.0d, "l_extendedprice": 3788.16d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-07-05", "l_commitdate": "1993-06-12", "l_receiptdate": "1993-08-03", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "s around the blithely ironic ac" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4387, "l_partkey": 47, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 9.0d, "l_extendedprice": 8523.36d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-01-04", "l_commitdate": "1995-12-26", "l_receiptdate": "1996-01-12", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "c ideas. slyly regular packages sol" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4609, "l_partkey": 47, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 28.0d, "l_extendedprice": 26517.12d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-02-02", "l_commitdate": "1997-02-17", "l_receiptdate": "1997-03-02", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ously. quickly final requests cajole fl" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5636, "l_partkey": 47, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 13.0d, "l_extendedprice": 12311.52d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-05-11", "l_commitdate": "1995-04-27", "l_receiptdate": "1995-05-26", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "en, fluffy accounts amon" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5637, "l_partkey": 47, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 14.0d, "l_extendedprice": 13258.56d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-07-20", "l_commitdate": "1996-07-26", "l_receiptdate": "1996-08-14", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "y bold deposits wak" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 899, "l_partkey": 47, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 25.0d, "l_extendedprice": 23676.0d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-07-21", "l_commitdate": "1998-05-12", "l_receiptdate": "1998-08-16", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "rly final sentiments. bold pinto beans " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2311, "l_partkey": 47, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 1.0d, "l_extendedprice": 947.04d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-06-07", "l_commitdate": "1995-06-20", "l_receiptdate": "1995-06-10", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ptotes. furiously regular theodolite" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4421, "l_partkey": 47, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 44.0d, "l_extendedprice": 41669.76d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-06-17", "l_commitdate": "1997-06-20", "l_receiptdate": "1997-06-29", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "le carefully. bl" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4548, "l_partkey": 47, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 17.0d, "l_extendedprice": 16099.68d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-07-23", "l_commitdate": "1996-09-21", "l_receiptdate": "1996-07-26", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "y ironic requests above the fluffily d" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4608, "l_partkey": 47, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 50.0d, "l_extendedprice": 47352.0d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-07-25", "l_commitdate": "1994-09-01", "l_receiptdate": "1994-08-10", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": " theodolites" }
, { "l_orderkey": 166, "l_partkey": 46, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 8.0d, "l_extendedprice": 7568.32d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-12-30", "l_commitdate": "1995-11-29", "l_receiptdate": "1996-01-29", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "e carefully bold " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 356, "l_partkey": 46, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 4.0d, "l_extendedprice": 3784.16d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-07-28", "l_commitdate": "1994-08-01", "l_receiptdate": "1994-08-04", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": " the dependencies nod unusual, final ac" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1031, "l_partkey": 46, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 15.0d, "l_extendedprice": 14190.6d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-11-07", "l_commitdate": "1994-10-29", "l_receiptdate": "1994-11-09", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "about the carefully bold a" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1120, "l_partkey": 46, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 22.0d, "l_extendedprice": 20812.88d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-11-15", "l_commitdate": "1998-01-25", "l_receiptdate": "1997-12-07", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ons. slyly silent requests sleep silent" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3684, "l_partkey": 46, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 6.0d, "l_extendedprice": 5676.24d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-08-09", "l_commitdate": "1993-10-05", "l_receiptdate": "1993-09-06", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "he silent requests. packages sleep fu" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4514, "l_partkey": 46, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 15.0d, "l_extendedprice": 14190.6d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-08-24", "l_commitdate": "1994-07-11", "l_receiptdate": "1994-09-14", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "! unusual, special deposits afte" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4676, "l_partkey": 46, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 8.0d, "l_extendedprice": 7568.32d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-12-05", "l_commitdate": "1995-10-18", "l_receiptdate": "1996-01-02", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "cuses boost above" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5665, "l_partkey": 46, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 47.0d, "l_extendedprice": 44463.88d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-10-06", "l_commitdate": "1993-09-19", "l_receiptdate": "1993-11-01", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "s mold fluffily. final deposits along the" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1859, "l_partkey": 46, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 11.0d, "l_extendedprice": 10406.44d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-07-15", "l_commitdate": "1997-06-05", "l_receiptdate": "1997-07-29", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ffily ironic pac" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2370, "l_partkey": 46, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 3.0d, "l_extendedprice": 2838.12d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-03-24", "l_commitdate": "1994-03-26", "l_receiptdate": "1994-04-15", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ly regular Tiresia" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 901, "l_partkey": 46, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 2.0d, "l_extendedprice": 1892.08d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-10-25", "l_commitdate": "1998-09-27", "l_receiptdate": "1998-11-01", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "d foxes use slyly" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2560, "l_partkey": 46, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 31.0d, "l_extendedprice": 29327.24d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-11-14", "l_commitdate": "1992-10-14", "l_receiptdate": "1992-12-11", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "to beans. blithely regular Tiresias int" }
, { "l_orderkey": 3043, "l_partkey": 46, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 23.0d, "l_extendedprice": 21758.92d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-05-08", "l_commitdate": "1992-07-22", "l_receiptdate": "1992-05-18", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "uickly above the pending," }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3201, "l_partkey": 46, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 11.0d, "l_extendedprice": 10406.44d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-09-27", "l_commitdate": "1993-08-29", "l_receiptdate": "1993-10-18", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ing to the furiously expr" }
, { "l_orderkey": 3840, "l_partkey": 46, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 12.0d, "l_extendedprice": 11352.48d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-10-02", "l_commitdate": "1998-08-19", "l_receiptdate": "1998-10-20", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "xpress pinto beans. accounts a" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3845, "l_partkey": 46, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 1.0d, "l_extendedprice": 946.04d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-05-21", "l_commitdate": "1992-06-07", "l_receiptdate": "1992-06-17", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": " blithely ironic t" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4230, "l_partkey": 46, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 38.0d, "l_extendedprice": 35949.52d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-04-28", "l_commitdate": "1992-04-21", "l_receiptdate": "1992-05-28", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ly regular packages. regular ideas boost" }
, { "l_orderkey": 4320, "l_partkey": 46, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 28.0d, "l_extendedprice": 26489.12d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-01-28", "l_commitdate": "1997-02-07", "l_receiptdate": "1997-02-07", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "nts. even, ironic excuses hagg" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5633, "l_partkey": 46, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 27.0d, "l_extendedprice": 25543.08d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-09-28", "l_commitdate": "1998-07-28", "l_receiptdate": "1998-10-12", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ructions. even ideas haggle carefully r" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5859, "l_partkey": 46, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 33.0d, "l_extendedprice": 31219.32d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-07-08", "l_commitdate": "1997-06-22", "l_receiptdate": "1997-07-18", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "eposits unwind furiously final pinto bea" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4711, "l_partkey": 46, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 18.0d, "l_extendedprice": 17028.72d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-07-03", "l_commitdate": "1998-07-31", "l_receiptdate": "1998-07-23", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": " blithely. bold asymptote" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1318, "l_partkey": 46, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 26.0d, "l_extendedprice": 24597.04d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-09-26", "l_commitdate": "1998-08-09", "l_receiptdate": "1998-10-07", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ly. regular, u" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1859, "l_partkey": 46, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 11.0d, "l_extendedprice": 10406.44d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-07-15", "l_commitdate": "1997-06-05", "l_receiptdate": "1997-07-29", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ffily ironic pac" }
, { "l_orderkey": 2503, "l_partkey": 46, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 50.0d, "l_extendedprice": 47302.0d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-09-22", "l_commitdate": "1993-08-17", "l_receiptdate": "1993-09-29", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "s around the slyly " }
, { "l_orderkey": 2919, "l_partkey": 46, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 44.0d, "l_extendedprice": 41625.76d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-04-01", "l_commitdate": "1994-01-12", "l_receiptdate": "1994-04-07", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "final ideas haggle carefully fluff" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3141, "l_partkey": 46, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 47.0d, "l_extendedprice": 44463.88d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-11-29", "l_commitdate": "1996-01-13", "l_receiptdate": "1995-12-10", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": " are slyly pi" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3201, "l_partkey": 46, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 11.0d, "l_extendedprice": 10406.44d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-09-27", "l_commitdate": "1993-08-29", "l_receiptdate": "1993-10-18", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ing to the furiously expr" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3648, "l_partkey": 46, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 34.0d, "l_extendedprice": 32165.36d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-08-21", "l_commitdate": "1993-07-25", "l_receiptdate": "1993-09-15", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": " deposits are furiously. careful, " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3779, "l_partkey": 46, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 28.0d, "l_extendedprice": 26489.12d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-05-06", "l_commitdate": "1997-04-01", "l_receiptdate": "1997-05-18", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "s. close requests sleep" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4322, "l_partkey": 46, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 17.0d, "l_extendedprice": 16082.68d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-05-31", "l_commitdate": "1998-05-31", "l_receiptdate": "1998-06-10", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ructions boost " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 70, "l_partkey": 46, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 11.0d, "l_extendedprice": 10406.44d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-03-17", "l_commitdate": "1994-03-17", "l_receiptdate": "1994-03-27", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "alongside of the deposits. fur" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 901, "l_partkey": 46, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 2.0d, "l_extendedprice": 1892.08d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-10-25", "l_commitdate": "1998-09-27", "l_receiptdate": "1998-11-01", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "d foxes use slyly" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1318, "l_partkey": 46, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 26.0d, "l_extendedprice": 24597.04d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-09-26", "l_commitdate": "1998-08-09", "l_receiptdate": "1998-10-07", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ly. regular, u" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2435, "l_partkey": 46, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 17.0d, "l_extendedprice": 16082.68d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-06-05", "l_commitdate": "1993-05-05", "l_receiptdate": "1993-06-14", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "cajole aft" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2499, "l_partkey": 46, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 48.0d, "l_extendedprice": 45409.92d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-10-14", "l_commitdate": "1995-12-12", "l_receiptdate": "1995-11-11", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ronic ideas cajole quickly requests. caref" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2560, "l_partkey": 46, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 31.0d, "l_extendedprice": 29327.24d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-11-14", "l_commitdate": "1992-10-14", "l_receiptdate": "1992-12-11", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "to beans. blithely regular Tiresias int" }
, { "l_orderkey": 3173, "l_partkey": 46, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 16.0d, "l_extendedprice": 15136.64d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-08-12", "l_commitdate": "1996-09-21", "l_receiptdate": "1996-08-22", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "e special," }
, { "l_orderkey": 3525, "l_partkey": 46, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 12.0d, "l_extendedprice": 11352.48d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-03-08", "l_commitdate": "1996-03-18", "l_receiptdate": "1996-03-16", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "lar excuses wake carefull" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4711, "l_partkey": 46, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 18.0d, "l_extendedprice": 17028.72d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-07-03", "l_commitdate": "1998-07-31", "l_receiptdate": "1998-07-23", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": " blithely. bold asymptote" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4514, "l_partkey": 46, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 15.0d, "l_extendedprice": 14190.6d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-08-24", "l_commitdate": "1994-07-11", "l_receiptdate": "1994-09-14", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "! unusual, special deposits afte" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5633, "l_partkey": 46, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 27.0d, "l_extendedprice": 25543.08d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-09-28", "l_commitdate": "1998-07-28", "l_receiptdate": "1998-10-12", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ructions. even ideas haggle carefully r" }
, { "l_orderkey": 5767, "l_partkey": 46, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 36.0d, "l_extendedprice": 34057.44d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-07-17", "l_commitdate": "1992-06-10", "l_receiptdate": "1992-07-19", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ake carefully. packages " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2278, "l_partkey": 45, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 36.0d, "l_extendedprice": 34021.44d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-06-04", "l_commitdate": "1998-06-06", "l_receiptdate": "1998-06-30", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "y ironic pinto beans br" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2278, "l_partkey": 45, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 50.0d, "l_extendedprice": 47252.0d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-08-09", "l_commitdate": "1998-07-08", "l_receiptdate": "1998-09-05", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "into beans. blit" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2720, "l_partkey": 45, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 5.0d, "l_extendedprice": 4725.2d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-06-24", "l_commitdate": "1993-08-08", "l_receiptdate": "1993-07-08", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ously ironic foxes thrash" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3239, "l_partkey": 45, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 50.0d, "l_extendedprice": 47252.0d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-02-09", "l_commitdate": "1998-04-02", "l_receiptdate": "1998-02-22", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "d blithely stea" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3239, "l_partkey": 45, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 43.0d, "l_extendedprice": 40636.72d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-01-15", "l_commitdate": "1998-03-12", "l_receiptdate": "1998-01-29", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "y. bold pinto beans use " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4548, "l_partkey": 45, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 36.0d, "l_extendedprice": 34021.44d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-08-19", "l_commitdate": "1996-09-12", "l_receiptdate": "1996-09-08", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "tions integrat" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4935, "l_partkey": 45, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 49.0d, "l_extendedprice": 46306.96d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-09-16", "l_commitdate": "1993-08-21", "l_receiptdate": "1993-10-12", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ffily after the furiou" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5122, "l_partkey": 45, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 12.0d, "l_extendedprice": 11340.48d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-04-02", "l_commitdate": "1996-04-27", "l_receiptdate": "1996-04-10", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "lar instructions " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 98, "l_partkey": 45, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 14.0d, "l_extendedprice": 13230.56d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-12-30", "l_commitdate": "1994-11-22", "l_receiptdate": "1995-01-27", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": " cajole furiously. blithely ironic ideas " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 70, "l_partkey": 46, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 11.0d, "l_extendedprice": 10406.44d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-03-17", "l_commitdate": "1994-03-17", "l_receiptdate": "1994-03-27", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "alongside of the deposits. fur" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1031, "l_partkey": 46, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 15.0d, "l_extendedprice": 14190.6d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-11-07", "l_commitdate": "1994-10-29", "l_receiptdate": "1994-11-09", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "about the carefully bold a" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1120, "l_partkey": 46, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 22.0d, "l_extendedprice": 20812.88d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-11-15", "l_commitdate": "1998-01-25", "l_receiptdate": "1997-12-07", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ons. slyly silent requests sleep silent" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2435, "l_partkey": 46, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 17.0d, "l_extendedprice": 16082.68d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-06-05", "l_commitdate": "1993-05-05", "l_receiptdate": "1993-06-14", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "cajole aft" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3141, "l_partkey": 46, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 47.0d, "l_extendedprice": 44463.88d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-11-29", "l_commitdate": "1996-01-13", "l_receiptdate": "1995-12-10", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": " are slyly pi" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3648, "l_partkey": 46, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 34.0d, "l_extendedprice": 32165.36d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-08-21", "l_commitdate": "1993-07-25", "l_receiptdate": "1993-09-15", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": " deposits are furiously. careful, " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3684, "l_partkey": 46, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 6.0d, "l_extendedprice": 5676.24d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-08-09", "l_commitdate": "1993-10-05", "l_receiptdate": "1993-09-06", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "he silent requests. packages sleep fu" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3845, "l_partkey": 46, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 1.0d, "l_extendedprice": 946.04d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-05-21", "l_commitdate": "1992-06-07", "l_receiptdate": "1992-06-17", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": " blithely ironic t" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4676, "l_partkey": 46, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 8.0d, "l_extendedprice": 7568.32d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-12-05", "l_commitdate": "1995-10-18", "l_receiptdate": "1996-01-02", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "cuses boost above" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5859, "l_partkey": 46, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 33.0d, "l_extendedprice": 31219.32d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-07-08", "l_commitdate": "1997-06-22", "l_receiptdate": "1997-07-18", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "eposits unwind furiously final pinto bea" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 356, "l_partkey": 46, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 4.0d, "l_extendedprice": 3784.16d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-07-28", "l_commitdate": "1994-08-01", "l_receiptdate": "1994-08-04", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": " the dependencies nod unusual, final ac" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2370, "l_partkey": 46, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 3.0d, "l_extendedprice": 2838.12d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-03-24", "l_commitdate": "1994-03-26", "l_receiptdate": "1994-04-15", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ly regular Tiresia" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2499, "l_partkey": 46, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 48.0d, "l_extendedprice": 45409.92d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-10-14", "l_commitdate": "1995-12-12", "l_receiptdate": "1995-11-11", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ronic ideas cajole quickly requests. caref" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3779, "l_partkey": 46, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 28.0d, "l_extendedprice": 26489.12d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-05-06", "l_commitdate": "1997-04-01", "l_receiptdate": "1997-05-18", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "s. close requests sleep" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4230, "l_partkey": 46, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 38.0d, "l_extendedprice": 35949.52d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-04-28", "l_commitdate": "1992-04-21", "l_receiptdate": "1992-05-28", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ly regular packages. regular ideas boost" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4322, "l_partkey": 46, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 17.0d, "l_extendedprice": 16082.68d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-05-31", "l_commitdate": "1998-05-31", "l_receiptdate": "1998-06-10", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ructions boost " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5665, "l_partkey": 46, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 47.0d, "l_extendedprice": 44463.88d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-10-06", "l_commitdate": "1993-09-19", "l_receiptdate": "1993-11-01", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "s mold fluffily. final deposits along the" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 417, "l_partkey": 45, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 41.0d, "l_extendedprice": 38746.64d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-04-11", "l_commitdate": "1994-03-08", "l_receiptdate": "1994-05-06", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "tes. regular requests across the " }
, { "l_orderkey": 517, "l_partkey": 45, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 28.0d, "l_extendedprice": 26461.12d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-04-30", "l_commitdate": "1997-05-18", "l_receiptdate": "1997-05-17", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": " requests. special, fi" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 643, "l_partkey": 45, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 39.0d, "l_extendedprice": 36856.56d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-06-08", "l_commitdate": "1995-06-16", "l_receiptdate": "1995-06-13", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": " the pains. carefully s" }
, { "l_orderkey": 2055, "l_partkey": 45, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 15.0d, "l_extendedprice": 14175.6d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-09-15", "l_commitdate": "1993-10-06", "l_receiptdate": "1993-10-07", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "furiously bold " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3009, "l_partkey": 45, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 48.0d, "l_extendedprice": 45361.92d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-03-19", "l_commitdate": "1997-05-13", "l_receiptdate": "1997-04-11", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": " dependencies sleep quickly a" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2278, "l_partkey": 45, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 50.0d, "l_extendedprice": 47252.0d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-08-09", "l_commitdate": "1998-07-08", "l_receiptdate": "1998-09-05", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "into beans. blit" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2337, "l_partkey": 45, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 49.0d, "l_extendedprice": 46306.96d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-08-08", "l_commitdate": "1997-08-15", "l_receiptdate": "1997-08-31", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": " along the packages. furiously p" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2720, "l_partkey": 45, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 5.0d, "l_extendedprice": 4725.2d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-06-24", "l_commitdate": "1993-08-08", "l_receiptdate": "1993-07-08", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ously ironic foxes thrash" }
, { "l_orderkey": 3105, "l_partkey": 45, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 9.0d, "l_extendedprice": 8505.36d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-12-25", "l_commitdate": "1997-02-04", "l_receiptdate": "1997-01-09", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "es wake among t" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3460, "l_partkey": 45, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 28.0d, "l_extendedprice": 26461.12d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-10-28", "l_commitdate": "1995-11-13", "l_receiptdate": "1995-11-17", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "inal, ironic instructions. carefully" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3686, "l_partkey": 45, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 31.0d, "l_extendedprice": 29296.24d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-09-09", "l_commitdate": "1998-08-28", "l_receiptdate": "1998-10-09", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "gle across the courts. furiously regu" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3239, "l_partkey": 45, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 43.0d, "l_extendedprice": 40636.72d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-01-15", "l_commitdate": "1998-03-12", "l_receiptdate": "1998-01-29", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "y. bold pinto beans use " }
, { "l_orderkey": 4518, "l_partkey": 45, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 19.0d, "l_extendedprice": 17955.76d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-08-09", "l_commitdate": "1997-06-06", "l_receiptdate": "1997-08-27", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ter the slyly bo" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5092, "l_partkey": 45, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 34.0d, "l_extendedprice": 32131.36d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-12-09", "l_commitdate": "1995-12-26", "l_receiptdate": "1995-12-21", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ckages nag " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5507, "l_partkey": 45, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 4.0d, "l_extendedprice": 3780.16d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-06-06", "l_commitdate": "1998-07-02", "l_receiptdate": "1998-06-27", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "into beans are" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 131, "l_partkey": 45, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 50.0d, "l_extendedprice": 47252.0d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-09-17", "l_commitdate": "1994-08-10", "l_receiptdate": "1994-09-21", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ending requests. final, ironic pearls slee" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1893, "l_partkey": 45, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 3.0d, "l_extendedprice": 2835.12d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-02-10", "l_commitdate": "1998-01-18", "l_receiptdate": "1998-02-25", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "gular, even ideas. fluffily bol" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3879, "l_partkey": 45, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 35.0d, "l_extendedprice": 33076.4d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-12-08", "l_commitdate": "1996-01-23", "l_receiptdate": "1995-12-28", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "o beans. accounts cajole furiously. re" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4515, "l_partkey": 45, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 22.0d, "l_extendedprice": 20790.88d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-07-16", "l_commitdate": "1992-05-07", "l_receiptdate": "1992-07-23", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "le quickly above the even, bold ideas." }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4547, "l_partkey": 45, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 15.0d, "l_extendedprice": 14175.6d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-11-18", "l_commitdate": "1993-10-06", "l_receiptdate": "1993-12-13", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "e carefully across the unus" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4935, "l_partkey": 45, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 49.0d, "l_extendedprice": 46306.96d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-09-16", "l_commitdate": "1993-08-21", "l_receiptdate": "1993-10-12", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ffily after the furiou" }
, { "l_orderkey": 4960, "l_partkey": 45, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 6.0d, "l_extendedprice": 5670.24d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-03-21", "l_commitdate": "1995-05-13", "l_receiptdate": "1995-04-14", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ual package" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5507, "l_partkey": 45, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 4.0d, "l_extendedprice": 3780.16d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-06-06", "l_commitdate": "1998-07-02", "l_receiptdate": "1998-06-27", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "into beans are" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 98, "l_partkey": 45, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 14.0d, "l_extendedprice": 13230.56d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-12-30", "l_commitdate": "1994-11-22", "l_receiptdate": "1995-01-27", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": " cajole furiously. blithely ironic ideas " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1158, "l_partkey": 45, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 5.0d, "l_extendedprice": 4725.2d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-10-20", "l_commitdate": "1996-07-30", "l_receiptdate": "1996-11-14", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "symptotes along the care" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2278, "l_partkey": 45, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 36.0d, "l_extendedprice": 34021.44d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-06-04", "l_commitdate": "1998-06-06", "l_receiptdate": "1998-06-30", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "y ironic pinto beans br" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3879, "l_partkey": 45, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 35.0d, "l_extendedprice": 33076.4d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-12-08", "l_commitdate": "1996-01-23", "l_receiptdate": "1995-12-28", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "o beans. accounts cajole furiously. re" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4548, "l_partkey": 45, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 36.0d, "l_extendedprice": 34021.44d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-08-19", "l_commitdate": "1996-09-12", "l_receiptdate": "1996-09-08", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "tions integrat" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5158, "l_partkey": 45, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 43.0d, "l_extendedprice": 40636.72d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-04-10", "l_commitdate": "1997-03-06", "l_receiptdate": "1997-04-15", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "nusual platelets. slyly even foxes cajole " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 32, "l_partkey": 45, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 2.0d, "l_extendedprice": 1890.08d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-08-07", "l_commitdate": "1995-10-07", "l_receiptdate": "1995-08-23", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": " express accounts wake according to the" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 131, "l_partkey": 45, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 50.0d, "l_extendedprice": 47252.0d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-09-17", "l_commitdate": "1994-08-10", "l_receiptdate": "1994-09-21", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ending requests. final, ironic pearls slee" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 643, "l_partkey": 45, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 39.0d, "l_extendedprice": 36856.56d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-06-08", "l_commitdate": "1995-06-16", "l_receiptdate": "1995-06-13", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": " the pains. carefully s" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1893, "l_partkey": 45, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 3.0d, "l_extendedprice": 2835.12d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-02-10", "l_commitdate": "1998-01-18", "l_receiptdate": "1998-02-25", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "gular, even ideas. fluffily bol" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3009, "l_partkey": 45, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 48.0d, "l_extendedprice": 45361.92d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-03-19", "l_commitdate": "1997-05-13", "l_receiptdate": "1997-04-11", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": " dependencies sleep quickly a" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3460, "l_partkey": 45, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 28.0d, "l_extendedprice": 26461.12d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-10-28", "l_commitdate": "1995-11-13", "l_receiptdate": "1995-11-17", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "inal, ironic instructions. carefully" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4515, "l_partkey": 45, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 22.0d, "l_extendedprice": 20790.88d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-07-16", "l_commitdate": "1992-05-07", "l_receiptdate": "1992-07-23", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "le quickly above the even, bold ideas." }
+, { "l_orderkey": 930, "l_partkey": 45, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 36.0d, "l_extendedprice": 34021.44d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-12-21", "l_commitdate": "1995-02-20", "l_receiptdate": "1994-12-24", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "quickly regular pinto beans sle" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2818, "l_partkey": 45, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 11.0d, "l_extendedprice": 10395.44d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-02-18", "l_commitdate": "1995-02-11", "l_receiptdate": "1995-03-19", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ggle across the carefully blithe" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3239, "l_partkey": 45, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 50.0d, "l_extendedprice": 47252.0d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-02-09", "l_commitdate": "1998-04-02", "l_receiptdate": "1998-02-22", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "d blithely stea" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3686, "l_partkey": 45, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 31.0d, "l_extendedprice": 29296.24d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-09-09", "l_commitdate": "1998-08-28", "l_receiptdate": "1998-10-09", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "gle across the courts. furiously regu" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5092, "l_partkey": 45, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 34.0d, "l_extendedprice": 32131.36d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-12-09", "l_commitdate": "1995-12-26", "l_receiptdate": "1995-12-21", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ckages nag " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5122, "l_partkey": 45, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 12.0d, "l_extendedprice": 11340.48d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-04-02", "l_commitdate": "1996-04-27", "l_receiptdate": "1996-04-10", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "lar instructions " }
, { "l_orderkey": 5223, "l_partkey": 45, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 24.0d, "l_extendedprice": 22680.96d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-10-03", "l_commitdate": "1994-09-20", "l_receiptdate": "1994-10-11", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "refully bold courts besides the regular," }
, { "l_orderkey": 5537, "l_partkey": 45, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 10.0d, "l_extendedprice": 9450.4d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-01-13", "l_commitdate": "1996-12-25", "l_receiptdate": "1997-01-28", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": " sleep carefully slyly bold depos" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 32, "l_partkey": 45, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 2.0d, "l_extendedprice": 1890.08d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-08-07", "l_commitdate": "1995-10-07", "l_receiptdate": "1995-08-23", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": " express accounts wake according to the" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 417, "l_partkey": 45, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 41.0d, "l_extendedprice": 38746.64d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-04-11", "l_commitdate": "1994-03-08", "l_receiptdate": "1994-05-06", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "tes. regular requests across the " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 930, "l_partkey": 45, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 36.0d, "l_extendedprice": 34021.44d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-12-21", "l_commitdate": "1995-02-20", "l_receiptdate": "1994-12-24", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "quickly regular pinto beans sle" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1158, "l_partkey": 45, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 5.0d, "l_extendedprice": 4725.2d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-10-20", "l_commitdate": "1996-07-30", "l_receiptdate": "1996-11-14", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "symptotes along the care" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2337, "l_partkey": 45, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 49.0d, "l_extendedprice": 46306.96d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-08-08", "l_commitdate": "1997-08-15", "l_receiptdate": "1997-08-31", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": " along the packages. furiously p" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2818, "l_partkey": 45, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 11.0d, "l_extendedprice": 10395.44d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-02-18", "l_commitdate": "1995-02-11", "l_receiptdate": "1995-03-19", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ggle across the carefully blithe" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4547, "l_partkey": 45, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 15.0d, "l_extendedprice": 14175.6d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-11-18", "l_commitdate": "1993-10-06", "l_receiptdate": "1993-12-13", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "e carefully across the unus" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5158, "l_partkey": 45, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 43.0d, "l_extendedprice": 40636.72d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-04-10", "l_commitdate": "1997-03-06", "l_receiptdate": "1997-04-15", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "nusual platelets. slyly even foxes cajole " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 932, "l_partkey": 44, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 41.0d, "l_extendedprice": 38705.64d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-06-05", "l_commitdate": "1997-07-22", "l_receiptdate": "1997-06-26", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "foxes. ironic pl" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2147, "l_partkey": 44, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 34.0d, "l_extendedprice": 32097.36d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-11-29", "l_commitdate": "1992-11-08", "l_receiptdate": "1992-12-22", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "egular deposits hang car" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3073, "l_partkey": 44, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 11.0d, "l_extendedprice": 10384.44d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-05-01", "l_commitdate": "1994-03-06", "l_receiptdate": "1994-05-08", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "instructions sleep according to the " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3269, "l_partkey": 44, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 39.0d, "l_extendedprice": 36817.56d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-03-13", "l_commitdate": "1996-05-26", "l_receiptdate": "1996-03-19", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "he express packages?" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3621, "l_partkey": 44, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 20.0d, "l_extendedprice": 18880.8d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-05-27", "l_commitdate": "1993-07-04", "l_receiptdate": "1993-06-22", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "gular accounts use carefully with" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5568, "l_partkey": 44, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 18.0d, "l_extendedprice": 16992.72d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-08-19", "l_commitdate": "1995-08-18", "l_receiptdate": "1995-08-24", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "structions haggle. carefully regular " }
, { "l_orderkey": 739, "l_partkey": 44, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 47.0d, "l_extendedprice": 44369.88d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-08-12", "l_commitdate": "1998-07-09", "l_receiptdate": "1998-08-28", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "deas according to the theodolites sn" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1153, "l_partkey": 44, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 25.0d, "l_extendedprice": 23601.0d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-06-18", "l_commitdate": "1996-06-28", "l_receiptdate": "1996-07-09", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": " theodolites" }
, { "l_orderkey": 1600, "l_partkey": 44, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 48.0d, "l_extendedprice": 45313.92d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-04-17", "l_commitdate": "1993-04-14", "l_receiptdate": "1993-05-03", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "furiously silent foxes could wake. car" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3138, "l_partkey": 44, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 25.0d, "l_extendedprice": 23601.0d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-05-19", "l_commitdate": "1994-04-07", "l_receiptdate": "1994-06-17", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "dolites around the carefully busy the" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4961, "l_partkey": 44, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 38.0d, "l_extendedprice": 35873.52d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-07-09", "l_commitdate": "1998-06-03", "l_receiptdate": "1998-07-11", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "e on the blithely bold accounts. unu" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3073, "l_partkey": 44, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 11.0d, "l_extendedprice": 10384.44d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-05-01", "l_commitdate": "1994-03-06", "l_receiptdate": "1994-05-08", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "instructions sleep according to the " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3621, "l_partkey": 44, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 20.0d, "l_extendedprice": 18880.8d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-05-27", "l_commitdate": "1993-07-04", "l_receiptdate": "1993-06-22", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "gular accounts use carefully with" }
, { "l_orderkey": 5284, "l_partkey": 44, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 24.0d, "l_extendedprice": 22656.96d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-10-21", "l_commitdate": "1995-08-23", "l_receiptdate": "1995-10-27", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": " haggle according " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5319, "l_partkey": 44, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 39.0d, "l_extendedprice": 36817.56d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-05-17", "l_commitdate": "1996-03-14", "l_receiptdate": "1996-06-11", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "unts. furiously silent" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5728, "l_partkey": 44, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 47.0d, "l_extendedprice": 44369.88d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-12-13", "l_commitdate": "1995-01-25", "l_receiptdate": "1994-12-25", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "nd the bravely final deposits. final ideas" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 322, "l_partkey": 44, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 48.0d, "l_extendedprice": 45313.92d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-06-11", "l_commitdate": "1992-06-16", "l_receiptdate": "1992-06-26", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "dolites detect qu" }
, { "l_orderkey": 838, "l_partkey": 44, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 18.0d, "l_extendedprice": 16992.72d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-03-28", "l_commitdate": "1998-04-06", "l_receiptdate": "1998-03-31", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "hely unusual foxes. furio" }
, { "l_orderkey": 1024, "l_partkey": 44, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 28.0d, "l_extendedprice": 26433.12d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-03-04", "l_commitdate": "1998-03-12", "l_receiptdate": "1998-03-15", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "e blithely regular pi" }
, { "l_orderkey": 1350, "l_partkey": 44, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 32.0d, "l_extendedprice": 30209.28d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-11-18", "l_commitdate": "1993-09-30", "l_receiptdate": "1993-12-16", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ic, final " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4292, "l_partkey": 44, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 22.0d, "l_extendedprice": 20768.88d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-02-14", "l_commitdate": "1992-02-16", "l_receiptdate": "1992-03-01", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "refully expres" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5250, "l_partkey": 44, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 2.0d, "l_extendedprice": 1888.08d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-08-09", "l_commitdate": "1995-10-10", "l_receiptdate": "1995-08-13", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "its. final pinto" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5381, "l_partkey": 44, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 31.0d, "l_extendedprice": 29265.24d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-04-10", "l_commitdate": "1993-03-22", "l_receiptdate": "1993-04-13", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "the carefully expre" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5728, "l_partkey": 44, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 47.0d, "l_extendedprice": 44369.88d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-12-13", "l_commitdate": "1995-01-25", "l_receiptdate": "1994-12-25", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "nd the bravely final deposits. final ideas" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 322, "l_partkey": 44, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 48.0d, "l_extendedprice": 45313.92d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-06-11", "l_commitdate": "1992-06-16", "l_receiptdate": "1992-06-26", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "dolites detect qu" }
, { "l_orderkey": 3138, "l_partkey": 44, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 27.0d, "l_extendedprice": 25489.08d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-03-24", "l_commitdate": "1994-03-23", "l_receiptdate": "1994-04-18", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "counts cajole fluffily carefully special i" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5250, "l_partkey": 44, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 2.0d, "l_extendedprice": 1888.08d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-08-09", "l_commitdate": "1995-10-10", "l_receiptdate": "1995-08-13", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "its. final pinto" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5319, "l_partkey": 44, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 39.0d, "l_extendedprice": 36817.56d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-05-17", "l_commitdate": "1996-03-14", "l_receiptdate": "1996-06-11", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "unts. furiously silent" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5381, "l_partkey": 44, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 31.0d, "l_extendedprice": 29265.24d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-04-10", "l_commitdate": "1993-03-22", "l_receiptdate": "1993-04-13", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "the carefully expre" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5568, "l_partkey": 44, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 18.0d, "l_extendedprice": 16992.72d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-08-19", "l_commitdate": "1995-08-18", "l_receiptdate": "1995-08-24", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "structions haggle. carefully regular " }
, { "l_orderkey": 5859, "l_partkey": 44, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 9.0d, "l_extendedprice": 8496.36d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-06-15", "l_commitdate": "1997-06-06", "l_receiptdate": "1997-06-20", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ges boost quickly. blithely r" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2208, "l_partkey": 43, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 50.0d, "l_extendedprice": 47152.0d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-06-11", "l_commitdate": "1995-05-31", "l_receiptdate": "1995-06-29", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "al foxes will hav" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3555, "l_partkey": 43, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 25.0d, "l_extendedprice": 23576.0d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-10-01", "l_commitdate": "1996-08-23", "l_receiptdate": "1996-10-24", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "sual packages. quickly " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4259, "l_partkey": 43, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 14.0d, "l_extendedprice": 13202.56d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-01-09", "l_commitdate": "1997-11-21", "l_receiptdate": "1998-01-29", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": " furiously pending excuses. ideas hagg" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4324, "l_partkey": 43, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 31.0d, "l_extendedprice": 29234.24d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-10-23", "l_commitdate": "1995-09-14", "l_receiptdate": "1995-11-09", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "efully flu" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4517, "l_partkey": 43, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 50.0d, "l_extendedprice": 47152.0d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-06-08", "l_commitdate": "1998-04-18", "l_receiptdate": "1998-06-20", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "refully pending acco" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5191, "l_partkey": 43, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 27.0d, "l_extendedprice": 25462.08d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-12-26", "l_commitdate": "1995-01-24", "l_receiptdate": "1995-01-14", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "tructions nag bravely within the re" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5281, "l_partkey": 43, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 33.0d, "l_extendedprice": 31120.32d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-03-01", "l_commitdate": "1995-12-28", "l_receiptdate": "1996-03-05", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ly brave foxes. bold deposits above the " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5831, "l_partkey": 43, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 37.0d, "l_extendedprice": 34892.48d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-01-17", "l_commitdate": "1997-02-08", "l_receiptdate": "1997-02-01", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "uriously even requests" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 707, "l_partkey": 43, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 22.0d, "l_extendedprice": 20746.88d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-01-12", "l_commitdate": "1994-12-28", "l_receiptdate": "1995-01-16", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": " kindle ironically" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2147, "l_partkey": 44, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 34.0d, "l_extendedprice": 32097.36d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-11-29", "l_commitdate": "1992-11-08", "l_receiptdate": "1992-12-22", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "egular deposits hang car" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3138, "l_partkey": 44, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 25.0d, "l_extendedprice": 23601.0d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-05-19", "l_commitdate": "1994-04-07", "l_receiptdate": "1994-06-17", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "dolites around the carefully busy the" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3269, "l_partkey": 44, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 39.0d, "l_extendedprice": 36817.56d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-03-13", "l_commitdate": "1996-05-26", "l_receiptdate": "1996-03-19", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "he express packages?" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4292, "l_partkey": 44, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 22.0d, "l_extendedprice": 20768.88d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-02-14", "l_commitdate": "1992-02-16", "l_receiptdate": "1992-03-01", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "refully expres" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 932, "l_partkey": 44, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 41.0d, "l_extendedprice": 38705.64d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-06-05", "l_commitdate": "1997-07-22", "l_receiptdate": "1997-06-26", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "foxes. ironic pl" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1153, "l_partkey": 44, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 25.0d, "l_extendedprice": 23601.0d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-06-18", "l_commitdate": "1996-06-28", "l_receiptdate": "1996-07-09", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": " theodolites" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4961, "l_partkey": 44, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 38.0d, "l_extendedprice": 35873.52d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-07-09", "l_commitdate": "1998-06-03", "l_receiptdate": "1998-07-11", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "e on the blithely bold accounts. unu" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 326, "l_partkey": 43, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 47.0d, "l_extendedprice": 44322.88d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-09-16", "l_commitdate": "1995-07-04", "l_receiptdate": "1995-10-04", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": " special accounts sleep " }
, { "l_orderkey": 1892, "l_partkey": 43, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 35.0d, "l_extendedprice": 33006.4d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-04-05", "l_commitdate": "1994-05-09", "l_receiptdate": "1994-05-03", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "hes nod furiously around the instruc" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2023, "l_partkey": 43, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 29.0d, "l_extendedprice": 27348.16d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-08-29", "l_commitdate": "1992-07-28", "l_receiptdate": "1992-09-18", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "usual instructions. bli" }
, { "l_orderkey": 2372, "l_partkey": 43, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 42.0d, "l_extendedprice": 39607.68d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-01-04", "l_commitdate": "1998-01-02", "l_receiptdate": "1998-02-02", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "lar packages. regular" }
, { "l_orderkey": 3333, "l_partkey": 43, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 45.0d, "l_extendedprice": 42436.8d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-10-04", "l_commitdate": "1992-11-08", "l_receiptdate": "1992-10-27", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "dolites. quickly r" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3808, "l_partkey": 43, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 28.0d, "l_extendedprice": 26405.12d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-05-27", "l_commitdate": "1994-06-18", "l_receiptdate": "1994-06-22", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "lly final accounts alo" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4069, "l_partkey": 43, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 32.0d, "l_extendedprice": 30177.28d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-06-18", "l_commitdate": "1992-07-20", "l_receiptdate": "1992-07-07", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "unts. deposit" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 326, "l_partkey": 43, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 47.0d, "l_extendedprice": 44322.88d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-09-16", "l_commitdate": "1995-07-04", "l_receiptdate": "1995-10-04", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": " special accounts sleep " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 678, "l_partkey": 43, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 11.0d, "l_extendedprice": 10373.44d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-04-28", "l_commitdate": "1993-05-16", "l_receiptdate": "1993-05-11", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ess deposits dazzle f" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4259, "l_partkey": 43, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 14.0d, "l_extendedprice": 13202.56d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-01-09", "l_commitdate": "1997-11-21", "l_receiptdate": "1998-01-29", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": " furiously pending excuses. ideas hagg" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5959, "l_partkey": 43, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 47.0d, "l_extendedprice": 44322.88d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-08-28", "l_commitdate": "1992-07-24", "l_receiptdate": "1992-09-09", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "deposits. slyly special cou" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 707, "l_partkey": 43, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 22.0d, "l_extendedprice": 20746.88d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-01-12", "l_commitdate": "1994-12-28", "l_receiptdate": "1995-01-16", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": " kindle ironically" }
, { "l_orderkey": 901, "l_partkey": 43, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 37.0d, "l_extendedprice": 34892.48d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-11-01", "l_commitdate": "1998-09-13", "l_receiptdate": "1998-11-05", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ickly final deposits " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1639, "l_partkey": 43, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 38.0d, "l_extendedprice": 35835.52d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-08-23", "l_commitdate": "1995-11-09", "l_receiptdate": "1995-08-29", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "y regular packages. b" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2023, "l_partkey": 43, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 29.0d, "l_extendedprice": 27348.16d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-08-29", "l_commitdate": "1992-07-28", "l_receiptdate": "1992-09-18", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "usual instructions. bli" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2371, "l_partkey": 43, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 33.0d, "l_extendedprice": 31120.32d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-03-30", "l_commitdate": "1998-02-06", "l_receiptdate": "1998-04-05", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "deas are. express r" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3395, "l_partkey": 43, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 43.0d, "l_extendedprice": 40550.72d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-12-13", "l_commitdate": "1995-01-07", "l_receiptdate": "1994-12-14", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ckages above the furiously regu" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5191, "l_partkey": 43, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 27.0d, "l_extendedprice": 25462.08d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-12-26", "l_commitdate": "1995-01-24", "l_receiptdate": "1995-01-14", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "tructions nag bravely within the re" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5285, "l_partkey": 43, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 12.0d, "l_extendedprice": 11316.48d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-04-22", "l_commitdate": "1994-04-07", "l_receiptdate": "1994-05-19", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": " deposits-- quickly bold requests hag" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5444, "l_partkey": 43, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 40.0d, "l_extendedprice": 37721.6d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-07-09", "l_commitdate": "1995-04-25", "l_receiptdate": "1995-07-19", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ously bold ideas. instructions wake slyl" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5831, "l_partkey": 43, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 37.0d, "l_extendedprice": 34892.48d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-01-17", "l_commitdate": "1997-02-08", "l_receiptdate": "1997-02-01", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "uriously even requests" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 678, "l_partkey": 43, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 11.0d, "l_extendedprice": 10373.44d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-04-28", "l_commitdate": "1993-05-16", "l_receiptdate": "1993-05-11", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ess deposits dazzle f" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1127, "l_partkey": 43, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 35.0d, "l_extendedprice": 33006.4d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-11-25", "l_commitdate": "1995-11-03", "l_receiptdate": "1995-12-17", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "l instructions boost blithely according " }
, { "l_orderkey": 2052, "l_partkey": 43, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 16.0d, "l_extendedprice": 15088.64d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-06-30", "l_commitdate": "1992-07-09", "l_receiptdate": "1992-07-12", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "y final deposits cajole according " }
, { "l_orderkey": 2659, "l_partkey": 43, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 21.0d, "l_extendedprice": 19803.84d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-12-23", "l_commitdate": "1994-02-10", "l_receiptdate": "1994-01-17", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "y beyond the furiously even co" }
, { "l_orderkey": 3653, "l_partkey": 43, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 9.0d, "l_extendedprice": 8487.36d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-07-21", "l_commitdate": "1994-05-31", "l_receiptdate": "1994-08-17", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "tes: blithely bo" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5444, "l_partkey": 43, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 40.0d, "l_extendedprice": 37721.6d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-07-09", "l_commitdate": "1995-04-25", "l_receiptdate": "1995-07-19", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ously bold ideas. instructions wake slyl" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5793, "l_partkey": 43, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 8.0d, "l_extendedprice": 7544.32d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-08-16", "l_commitdate": "1997-09-08", "l_receiptdate": "1997-08-28", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "al foxes l" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1127, "l_partkey": 43, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 35.0d, "l_extendedprice": 33006.4d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-11-25", "l_commitdate": "1995-11-03", "l_receiptdate": "1995-12-17", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "l instructions boost blithely according " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1639, "l_partkey": 43, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 38.0d, "l_extendedprice": 35835.52d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-08-23", "l_commitdate": "1995-11-09", "l_receiptdate": "1995-08-29", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "y regular packages. b" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2371, "l_partkey": 43, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 33.0d, "l_extendedprice": 31120.32d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-03-30", "l_commitdate": "1998-02-06", "l_receiptdate": "1998-04-05", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "deas are. express r" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2978, "l_partkey": 43, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 26.0d, "l_extendedprice": 24519.04d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-07-29", "l_commitdate": "1995-07-22", "l_receiptdate": "1995-08-20", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "as haggle against the carefully express dep" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3395, "l_partkey": 43, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 43.0d, "l_extendedprice": 40550.72d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-12-13", "l_commitdate": "1995-01-07", "l_receiptdate": "1994-12-14", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ckages above the furiously regu" }
, { "l_orderkey": 3811, "l_partkey": 43, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 19.0d, "l_extendedprice": 17917.76d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-07-20", "l_commitdate": "1998-06-14", "l_receiptdate": "1998-07-29", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "s boost blithely furiou" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5285, "l_partkey": 43, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 12.0d, "l_extendedprice": 11316.48d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-04-22", "l_commitdate": "1994-04-07", "l_receiptdate": "1994-05-19", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": " deposits-- quickly bold requests hag" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4517, "l_partkey": 43, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 50.0d, "l_extendedprice": 47152.0d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-06-08", "l_commitdate": "1998-04-18", "l_receiptdate": "1998-06-20", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "refully pending acco" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5793, "l_partkey": 43, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 8.0d, "l_extendedprice": 7544.32d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-08-16", "l_commitdate": "1997-09-08", "l_receiptdate": "1997-08-28", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "al foxes l" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2208, "l_partkey": 43, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 50.0d, "l_extendedprice": 47152.0d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-06-11", "l_commitdate": "1995-05-31", "l_receiptdate": "1995-06-29", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "al foxes will hav" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2978, "l_partkey": 43, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 26.0d, "l_extendedprice": 24519.04d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-07-29", "l_commitdate": "1995-07-22", "l_receiptdate": "1995-08-20", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "as haggle against the carefully express dep" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3555, "l_partkey": 43, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 25.0d, "l_extendedprice": 23576.0d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-10-01", "l_commitdate": "1996-08-23", "l_receiptdate": "1996-10-24", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "sual packages. quickly " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3808, "l_partkey": 43, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 28.0d, "l_extendedprice": 26405.12d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-05-27", "l_commitdate": "1994-06-18", "l_receiptdate": "1994-06-22", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "lly final accounts alo" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4069, "l_partkey": 43, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 32.0d, "l_extendedprice": 30177.28d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-06-18", "l_commitdate": "1992-07-20", "l_receiptdate": "1992-07-07", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "unts. deposit" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4324, "l_partkey": 43, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 31.0d, "l_extendedprice": 29234.24d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-10-23", "l_commitdate": "1995-09-14", "l_receiptdate": "1995-11-09", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "efully flu" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5281, "l_partkey": 43, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 33.0d, "l_extendedprice": 31120.32d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-03-01", "l_commitdate": "1995-12-28", "l_receiptdate": "1996-03-05", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ly brave foxes. bold deposits above the " }
, { "l_orderkey": 5958, "l_partkey": 43, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 23.0d, "l_extendedprice": 21689.92d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-09-26", "l_commitdate": "1995-10-19", "l_receiptdate": "1995-09-27", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "regular requests. bold, bold deposits unwin" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5959, "l_partkey": 43, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 47.0d, "l_extendedprice": 44322.88d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-08-28", "l_commitdate": "1992-07-24", "l_receiptdate": "1992-09-09", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "deposits. slyly special cou" }
, { "l_orderkey": 260, "l_partkey": 42, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 27.0d, "l_extendedprice": 25435.08d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-03-23", "l_commitdate": "1997-02-15", "l_receiptdate": "1997-04-22", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ions according to the" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 771, "l_partkey": 42, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 7.0d, "l_extendedprice": 6594.28d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-06-18", "l_commitdate": "1995-08-31", "l_receiptdate": "1995-06-20", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "theodolites after the fluffily express " }
, { "l_orderkey": 903, "l_partkey": 42, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 1.0d, "l_extendedprice": 942.04d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-10-22", "l_commitdate": "1995-09-13", "l_receiptdate": "1995-11-03", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "y final platelets sublate among the " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1218, "l_partkey": 42, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 1.0d, "l_extendedprice": 942.04d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-09-15", "l_commitdate": "1994-09-07", "l_receiptdate": "1994-10-03", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "press furio" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1767, "l_partkey": 42, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 1.0d, "l_extendedprice": 942.04d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-06-23", "l_commitdate": "1995-05-25", "l_receiptdate": "1995-07-03", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ing to the slyly fin" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1152, "l_partkey": 42, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 6.0d, "l_extendedprice": 5652.24d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-12-07", "l_commitdate": "1994-11-05", "l_receiptdate": "1994-12-25", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "p furiously; packages above th" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1604, "l_partkey": 42, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 15.0d, "l_extendedprice": 14130.6d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-09-22", "l_commitdate": "1993-09-03", "l_receiptdate": "1993-09-29", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": " instructions haggle" }
, { "l_orderkey": 2560, "l_partkey": 42, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 9.0d, "l_extendedprice": 8478.36d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-10-23", "l_commitdate": "1992-10-29", "l_receiptdate": "1992-11-02", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": " deposits affix quickly. unusual, eve" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2599, "l_partkey": 42, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 26.0d, "l_extendedprice": 24493.04d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-11-08", "l_commitdate": "1996-12-21", "l_receiptdate": "1996-11-24", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "nag carefully " }
, { "l_orderkey": 3268, "l_partkey": 42, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 40.0d, "l_extendedprice": 37681.6d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-06-30", "l_commitdate": "1994-08-22", "l_receiptdate": "1994-07-25", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ly. bold, eve" }
, { "l_orderkey": 3488, "l_partkey": 42, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 12.0d, "l_extendedprice": 11304.48d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-04-27", "l_commitdate": "1995-02-16", "l_receiptdate": "1995-05-09", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "e slyly; furiously final packages wak" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4837, "l_partkey": 42, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 16.0d, "l_extendedprice": 15072.64d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-08-12", "l_commitdate": "1998-06-06", "l_receiptdate": "1998-08-26", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ing requests are blithely regular instructi" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1152, "l_partkey": 42, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 6.0d, "l_extendedprice": 5652.24d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-12-07", "l_commitdate": "1994-11-05", "l_receiptdate": "1994-12-25", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "p furiously; packages above th" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1413, "l_partkey": 42, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 6.0d, "l_extendedprice": 5652.24d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-09-07", "l_commitdate": "1997-07-30", "l_receiptdate": "1997-09-21", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "lithely excuses. f" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1604, "l_partkey": 42, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 15.0d, "l_extendedprice": 14130.6d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-09-22", "l_commitdate": "1993-09-03", "l_receiptdate": "1993-09-29", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": " instructions haggle" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4994, "l_partkey": 42, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 24.0d, "l_extendedprice": 22608.96d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-08-19", "l_commitdate": "1996-09-24", "l_receiptdate": "1996-08-25", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "s. slyly ironic deposits cajole f" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4645, "l_partkey": 42, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 27.0d, "l_extendedprice": 25435.08d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-11-26", "l_commitdate": "1994-10-25", "l_receiptdate": "1994-12-04", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ously express pinto beans. ironic depos" }
, { "l_orderkey": 5442, "l_partkey": 42, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 16.0d, "l_extendedprice": 15072.64d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-04-12", "l_commitdate": "1998-03-03", "l_receiptdate": "1998-05-04", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "r packages. accounts haggle dependencies. f" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5765, "l_partkey": 42, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 21.0d, "l_extendedprice": 19782.84d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-04-05", "l_commitdate": "1995-02-12", "l_receiptdate": "1995-05-05", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ole furiously. quick, special dependencies " }
, { "l_orderkey": 197, "l_partkey": 42, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 14.0d, "l_extendedprice": 13188.56d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-05-08", "l_commitdate": "1995-05-24", "l_receiptdate": "1995-05-12", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "use slyly slyly silent depo" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1702, "l_partkey": 42, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 28.0d, "l_extendedprice": 26377.12d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-08-14", "l_commitdate": "1995-07-31", "l_receiptdate": "1995-09-08", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ackages sleep. furiously even excuses snooz" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2310, "l_partkey": 42, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 48.0d, "l_extendedprice": 45217.92d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-10-04", "l_commitdate": "1996-11-20", "l_receiptdate": "1996-10-25", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ep slyly alongside of the " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2599, "l_partkey": 42, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 26.0d, "l_extendedprice": 24493.04d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-11-08", "l_commitdate": "1996-12-21", "l_receiptdate": "1996-11-24", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "nag carefully " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4576, "l_partkey": 42, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 14.0d, "l_extendedprice": 13188.56d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-09-12", "l_commitdate": "1996-09-30", "l_receiptdate": "1996-09-24", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "detect slyly." }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4579, "l_partkey": 42, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 28.0d, "l_extendedprice": 26377.12d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-01-22", "l_commitdate": "1996-02-13", "l_receiptdate": "1996-02-03", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "slyly across the " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4994, "l_partkey": 42, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 24.0d, "l_extendedprice": 22608.96d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-08-19", "l_commitdate": "1996-09-24", "l_receiptdate": "1996-08-25", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "s. slyly ironic deposits cajole f" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1413, "l_partkey": 42, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 6.0d, "l_extendedprice": 5652.24d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-09-07", "l_commitdate": "1997-07-30", "l_receiptdate": "1997-09-21", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "lithely excuses. f" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3585, "l_partkey": 42, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 45.0d, "l_extendedprice": 42391.8d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-01-20", "l_commitdate": "1995-02-19", "l_receiptdate": "1995-02-11", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "are blithely c" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4837, "l_partkey": 42, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 16.0d, "l_extendedprice": 15072.64d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-08-12", "l_commitdate": "1998-06-06", "l_receiptdate": "1998-08-26", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ing requests are blithely regular instructi" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5765, "l_partkey": 42, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 21.0d, "l_extendedprice": 19782.84d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-04-05", "l_commitdate": "1995-02-12", "l_receiptdate": "1995-05-05", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ole furiously. quick, special dependencies " }
, { "l_orderkey": 327, "l_partkey": 42, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 9.0d, "l_extendedprice": 8478.36d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-05-24", "l_commitdate": "1995-07-11", "l_receiptdate": "1995-06-05", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": " asymptotes are fu" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1216, "l_partkey": 42, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 18.0d, "l_extendedprice": 16956.72d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-01-20", "l_commitdate": "1993-01-28", "l_receiptdate": "1993-02-02", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "y final packages nod " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1218, "l_partkey": 42, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 1.0d, "l_extendedprice": 942.04d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-09-15", "l_commitdate": "1994-09-07", "l_receiptdate": "1994-10-03", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "press furio" }
, { "l_orderkey": 1571, "l_partkey": 42, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 10.0d, "l_extendedprice": 9420.4d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-12-12", "l_commitdate": "1993-02-13", "l_receiptdate": "1992-12-29", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "lets. carefully regular ideas wake" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1767, "l_partkey": 42, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 1.0d, "l_extendedprice": 942.04d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-06-23", "l_commitdate": "1995-05-25", "l_receiptdate": "1995-07-03", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ing to the slyly fin" }
, { "l_orderkey": 2342, "l_partkey": 42, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 12.0d, "l_extendedprice": 11304.48d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-07-31", "l_commitdate": "1996-07-26", "l_receiptdate": "1996-08-14", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "print blithely even deposits. carefull" }
, { "l_orderkey": 2566, "l_partkey": 42, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 3.0d, "l_extendedprice": 2826.12d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-11-04", "l_commitdate": "1992-12-30", "l_receiptdate": "1992-12-04", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ckages are ironic Tiresias. furious" }
, { "l_orderkey": 2659, "l_partkey": 42, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 28.0d, "l_extendedprice": 26377.12d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-03-17", "l_commitdate": "1994-01-24", "l_receiptdate": "1994-03-19", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "idle tithes" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4576, "l_partkey": 42, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 14.0d, "l_extendedprice": 13188.56d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-09-12", "l_commitdate": "1996-09-30", "l_receiptdate": "1996-09-24", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "detect slyly." }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4645, "l_partkey": 42, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 27.0d, "l_extendedprice": 25435.08d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-11-26", "l_commitdate": "1994-10-25", "l_receiptdate": "1994-12-04", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ously express pinto beans. ironic depos" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 771, "l_partkey": 42, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 7.0d, "l_extendedprice": 6594.28d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-06-18", "l_commitdate": "1995-08-31", "l_receiptdate": "1995-06-20", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "theodolites after the fluffily express " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1216, "l_partkey": 42, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 18.0d, "l_extendedprice": 16956.72d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-01-20", "l_commitdate": "1993-01-28", "l_receiptdate": "1993-02-02", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "y final packages nod " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1702, "l_partkey": 42, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 28.0d, "l_extendedprice": 26377.12d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-08-14", "l_commitdate": "1995-07-31", "l_receiptdate": "1995-09-08", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ackages sleep. furiously even excuses snooz" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2310, "l_partkey": 42, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 48.0d, "l_extendedprice": 45217.92d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-10-04", "l_commitdate": "1996-11-20", "l_receiptdate": "1996-10-25", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ep slyly alongside of the " }
, { "l_orderkey": 2882, "l_partkey": 42, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 30.0d, "l_extendedprice": 28261.2d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-10-15", "l_commitdate": "1995-10-13", "l_receiptdate": "1995-10-25", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "among the furiously even theodolites. regu" }
, { "l_orderkey": 2944, "l_partkey": 42, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 44.0d, "l_extendedprice": 41449.76d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-10-28", "l_commitdate": "1997-11-22", "l_receiptdate": "1997-11-10", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ickly. regular requests haggle. idea" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3585, "l_partkey": 42, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 45.0d, "l_extendedprice": 42391.8d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-01-20", "l_commitdate": "1995-02-19", "l_receiptdate": "1995-02-11", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "are blithely c" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4579, "l_partkey": 42, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 28.0d, "l_extendedprice": 26377.12d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-01-22", "l_commitdate": "1996-02-13", "l_receiptdate": "1996-02-03", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "slyly across the " }
, { "l_orderkey": 98, "l_partkey": 41, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 28.0d, "l_extendedprice": 26349.12d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-12-24", "l_commitdate": "1994-10-25", "l_receiptdate": "1995-01-16", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": " pending, regular accounts s" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 517, "l_partkey": 41, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 9.0d, "l_extendedprice": 8469.36d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-05-03", "l_commitdate": "1997-06-16", "l_receiptdate": "1997-05-24", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": " slyly stealthily express instructions. " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2852, "l_partkey": 41, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 24.0d, "l_extendedprice": 22584.96d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-01-18", "l_commitdate": "1993-03-13", "l_receiptdate": "1993-02-14", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": " the blithe" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3073, "l_partkey": 41, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 25.0d, "l_extendedprice": 23526.0d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-04-14", "l_commitdate": "1994-03-07", "l_receiptdate": "1994-04-22", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "nag asymptotes. pinto beans sleep " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4896, "l_partkey": 41, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 19.0d, "l_extendedprice": 17879.76d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-12-13", "l_commitdate": "1992-11-13", "l_receiptdate": "1993-01-09", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "nusual requ" }
, { "l_orderkey": 226, "l_partkey": 41, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 45.0d, "l_extendedprice": 42346.8d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-04-17", "l_commitdate": "1993-05-27", "l_receiptdate": "1993-05-11", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": " carefully pending pi" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1316, "l_partkey": 41, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 40.0d, "l_extendedprice": 37641.6d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-02-04", "l_commitdate": "1994-02-09", "l_receiptdate": "1994-02-27", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "l dugouts. co" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3170, "l_partkey": 41, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 34.0d, "l_extendedprice": 31995.36d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-02-01", "l_commitdate": "1998-01-11", "l_receiptdate": "1998-02-20", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "s about the fluffily final de" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3459, "l_partkey": 41, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 45.0d, "l_extendedprice": 42346.8d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-07-31", "l_commitdate": "1994-09-09", "l_receiptdate": "1994-08-02", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ntly speci" }
, { "l_orderkey": 3878, "l_partkey": 41, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 20.0d, "l_extendedprice": 18820.8d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-06-20", "l_commitdate": "1997-05-24", "l_receiptdate": "1997-07-20", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "the furiously careful ideas cajole slyly sl" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3941, "l_partkey": 41, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 47.0d, "l_extendedprice": 44228.88d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-11-24", "l_commitdate": "1996-10-09", "l_receiptdate": "1996-12-22", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": " carefully pending" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4964, "l_partkey": 41, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 42.0d, "l_extendedprice": 39523.68d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-09-04", "l_commitdate": "1997-08-28", "l_receiptdate": "1997-10-02", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": " hinder. idly even" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 67, "l_partkey": 41, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 23.0d, "l_extendedprice": 21643.92d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-04-19", "l_commitdate": "1997-02-14", "l_receiptdate": "1997-05-06", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ly regular deposit" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2279, "l_partkey": 41, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 38.0d, "l_extendedprice": 35759.52d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-06-09", "l_commitdate": "1993-04-06", "l_receiptdate": "1993-06-26", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "s above the furiously express dep" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3367, "l_partkey": 41, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 27.0d, "l_extendedprice": 25408.08d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-04-13", "l_commitdate": "1993-03-16", "l_receiptdate": "1993-04-26", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "kly even instructions caj" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4001, "l_partkey": 41, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 19.0d, "l_extendedprice": 17879.76d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-08-23", "l_commitdate": "1997-06-15", "l_receiptdate": "1997-09-18", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ackages. carefully ironi" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4165, "l_partkey": 41, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 12.0d, "l_extendedprice": 11292.48d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-09-20", "l_commitdate": "1997-10-20", "l_receiptdate": "1997-10-12", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "nwind slow theodolites. carefully pending " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4448, "l_partkey": 41, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 35.0d, "l_extendedprice": 32936.4d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-09-18", "l_commitdate": "1998-07-27", "l_receiptdate": "1998-10-08", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "aggle carefully alongside of the q" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4869, "l_partkey": 41, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 31.0d, "l_extendedprice": 29172.24d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-01-17", "l_commitdate": "1994-11-30", "l_receiptdate": "1995-02-02", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ins. always unusual ideas across the ir" }
, { "l_orderkey": 1314, "l_partkey": 41, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 11.0d, "l_extendedprice": 10351.44d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-05-16", "l_commitdate": "1994-07-30", "l_receiptdate": "1994-05-31", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "tegrate furious" }
, { "l_orderkey": 2085, "l_partkey": 41, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 45.0d, "l_extendedprice": 42346.8d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-02-27", "l_commitdate": "1994-01-11", "l_receiptdate": "1994-03-29", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": ". carefully e" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2406, "l_partkey": 41, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 40.0d, "l_extendedprice": 37641.6d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-01-09", "l_commitdate": "1996-12-02", "l_receiptdate": "1997-01-16", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "gular accounts caj" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2917, "l_partkey": 41, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 37.0d, "l_extendedprice": 34818.48d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-12-12", "l_commitdate": "1998-02-03", "l_receiptdate": "1997-12-23", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "dependencies. express " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2852, "l_partkey": 41, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 24.0d, "l_extendedprice": 22584.96d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-01-18", "l_commitdate": "1993-03-13", "l_receiptdate": "1993-02-14", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": " the blithe" }
, { "l_orderkey": 3617, "l_partkey": 41, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 22.0d, "l_extendedprice": 20702.88d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-07-11", "l_commitdate": "1996-05-02", "l_receiptdate": "1996-07-25", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "uffily even accounts. packages sleep blithe" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3941, "l_partkey": 41, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 47.0d, "l_extendedprice": 44228.88d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-11-24", "l_commitdate": "1996-10-09", "l_receiptdate": "1996-12-22", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": " carefully pending" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4165, "l_partkey": 41, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 12.0d, "l_extendedprice": 11292.48d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-09-20", "l_commitdate": "1997-10-20", "l_receiptdate": "1997-10-12", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "nwind slow theodolites. carefully pending " }
, { "l_orderkey": 4512, "l_partkey": 41, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 24.0d, "l_extendedprice": 22584.96d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-12-16", "l_commitdate": "1996-01-16", "l_receiptdate": "1995-12-25", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ly regular pinto beans. carefully bold depo" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1507, "l_partkey": 40, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 33.0d, "l_extendedprice": 31021.32d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-10-29", "l_commitdate": "1993-12-23", "l_receiptdate": "1993-11-14", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": " asymptotes nag furiously above t" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3973, "l_partkey": 40, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 40.0d, "l_extendedprice": 37601.6d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-05-03", "l_commitdate": "1992-06-09", "l_receiptdate": "1992-05-21", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "g the carefully blithe f" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4646, "l_partkey": 40, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 38.0d, "l_extendedprice": 35721.52d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-09-01", "l_commitdate": "1996-08-23", "l_receiptdate": "1996-09-27", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "al platelets cajole. slyly final dol" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5286, "l_partkey": 40, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 6.0d, "l_extendedprice": 5640.24d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-10-15", "l_commitdate": "1997-12-05", "l_receiptdate": "1997-11-12", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "y special a" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5347, "l_partkey": 40, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 4.0d, "l_extendedprice": 3760.16d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-03-24", "l_commitdate": "1995-04-03", "l_receiptdate": "1995-04-01", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ldly pending asymptotes ki" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5505, "l_partkey": 40, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 18.0d, "l_extendedprice": 16920.72d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-10-25", "l_commitdate": "1997-12-12", "l_receiptdate": "1997-10-30", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": " to the quickly express pac" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 993, "l_partkey": 40, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 10.0d, "l_extendedprice": 9400.4d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-12-17", "l_commitdate": "1995-11-13", "l_receiptdate": "1995-12-20", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "encies wake fur" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1926, "l_partkey": 40, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 29.0d, "l_extendedprice": 27261.16d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-02-29", "l_commitdate": "1996-03-13", "l_receiptdate": "1996-03-24", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "hily unusual packages are fluffily am" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3110, "l_partkey": 40, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 16.0d, "l_extendedprice": 15040.64d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-01-10", "l_commitdate": "1995-02-06", "l_receiptdate": "1995-01-26", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "across the regular acco" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3170, "l_partkey": 40, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 12.0d, "l_extendedprice": 11280.48d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-02-12", "l_commitdate": "1998-01-17", "l_receiptdate": "1998-02-24", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ing accounts along the speci" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3366, "l_partkey": 40, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 4.0d, "l_extendedprice": 3760.16d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-05-20", "l_commitdate": "1997-06-25", "l_receiptdate": "1997-06-03", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": " carefully about " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4064, "l_partkey": 40, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 15.0d, "l_extendedprice": 14100.6d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-11-09", "l_commitdate": "1996-12-04", "l_receiptdate": "1996-11-18", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "braids affix across the regular sheave" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4935, "l_partkey": 40, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 37.0d, "l_extendedprice": 34781.48d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-08-30", "l_commitdate": "1993-07-23", "l_receiptdate": "1993-09-07", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "y even dependencies nag a" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4997, "l_partkey": 40, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 5.0d, "l_extendedprice": 4700.2d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-06-12", "l_commitdate": "1998-04-24", "l_receiptdate": "1998-06-13", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "aggle slyly alongside of the slyly i" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 67, "l_partkey": 41, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 23.0d, "l_extendedprice": 21643.92d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-04-19", "l_commitdate": "1997-02-14", "l_receiptdate": "1997-05-06", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ly regular deposit" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 517, "l_partkey": 41, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 9.0d, "l_extendedprice": 8469.36d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-05-03", "l_commitdate": "1997-06-16", "l_receiptdate": "1997-05-24", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": " slyly stealthily express instructions. " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2279, "l_partkey": 41, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 38.0d, "l_extendedprice": 35759.52d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-06-09", "l_commitdate": "1993-04-06", "l_receiptdate": "1993-06-26", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "s above the furiously express dep" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2917, "l_partkey": 41, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 37.0d, "l_extendedprice": 34818.48d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-12-12", "l_commitdate": "1998-02-03", "l_receiptdate": "1997-12-23", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "dependencies. express " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3170, "l_partkey": 41, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 34.0d, "l_extendedprice": 31995.36d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-02-01", "l_commitdate": "1998-01-11", "l_receiptdate": "1998-02-20", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "s about the fluffily final de" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3459, "l_partkey": 41, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 45.0d, "l_extendedprice": 42346.8d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-07-31", "l_commitdate": "1994-09-09", "l_receiptdate": "1994-08-02", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ntly speci" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4448, "l_partkey": 41, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 35.0d, "l_extendedprice": 32936.4d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-09-18", "l_commitdate": "1998-07-27", "l_receiptdate": "1998-10-08", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "aggle carefully alongside of the q" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4869, "l_partkey": 41, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 31.0d, "l_extendedprice": 29172.24d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-01-17", "l_commitdate": "1994-11-30", "l_receiptdate": "1995-02-02", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ins. always unusual ideas across the ir" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4896, "l_partkey": 41, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 19.0d, "l_extendedprice": 17879.76d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-12-13", "l_commitdate": "1992-11-13", "l_receiptdate": "1993-01-09", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "nusual requ" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4964, "l_partkey": 41, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 42.0d, "l_extendedprice": 39523.68d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-09-04", "l_commitdate": "1997-08-28", "l_receiptdate": "1997-10-02", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": " hinder. idly even" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1316, "l_partkey": 41, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 40.0d, "l_extendedprice": 37641.6d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-02-04", "l_commitdate": "1994-02-09", "l_receiptdate": "1994-02-27", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "l dugouts. co" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2406, "l_partkey": 41, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 40.0d, "l_extendedprice": 37641.6d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-01-09", "l_commitdate": "1996-12-02", "l_receiptdate": "1997-01-16", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "gular accounts caj" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3073, "l_partkey": 41, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 25.0d, "l_extendedprice": 23526.0d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-04-14", "l_commitdate": "1994-03-07", "l_receiptdate": "1994-04-22", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "nag asymptotes. pinto beans sleep " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3367, "l_partkey": 41, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 27.0d, "l_extendedprice": 25408.08d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-04-13", "l_commitdate": "1993-03-16", "l_receiptdate": "1993-04-26", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "kly even instructions caj" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4001, "l_partkey": 41, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 19.0d, "l_extendedprice": 17879.76d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-08-23", "l_commitdate": "1997-06-15", "l_receiptdate": "1997-09-18", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ackages. carefully ironi" }
, { "l_orderkey": 129, "l_partkey": 40, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 33.0d, "l_extendedprice": 31021.32d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-01-08", "l_commitdate": "1993-02-14", "l_receiptdate": "1993-01-29", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "sts nag bravely. fluffily" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 417, "l_partkey": 40, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 39.0d, "l_extendedprice": 36661.56d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-05-31", "l_commitdate": "1994-05-02", "l_receiptdate": "1994-06-06", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "y regular requests wake along " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 931, "l_partkey": 40, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 18.0d, "l_extendedprice": 16920.72d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-04-04", "l_commitdate": "1993-01-11", "l_receiptdate": "1993-04-13", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "slyly ironic re" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1667, "l_partkey": 40, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 19.0d, "l_extendedprice": 17860.76d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-01-23", "l_commitdate": "1997-11-24", "l_receiptdate": "1998-01-26", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "around the pinto beans. express, special" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1924, "l_partkey": 40, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 21.0d, "l_extendedprice": 19740.84d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-09-21", "l_commitdate": "1996-11-12", "l_receiptdate": "1996-10-02", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": " blithely reg" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1926, "l_partkey": 40, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 29.0d, "l_extendedprice": 27261.16d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-02-29", "l_commitdate": "1996-03-13", "l_receiptdate": "1996-03-24", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "hily unusual packages are fluffily am" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4231, "l_partkey": 40, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 35.0d, "l_extendedprice": 32901.4d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-02-21", "l_commitdate": "1998-01-24", "l_receiptdate": "1998-03-18", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "le quickly regular, unus" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4802, "l_partkey": 40, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 6.0d, "l_extendedprice": 5640.24d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-04-16", "l_commitdate": "1997-03-25", "l_receiptdate": "1997-04-21", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "unusual accounts wake blithely. b" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4935, "l_partkey": 40, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 37.0d, "l_extendedprice": 34781.48d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-08-30", "l_commitdate": "1993-07-23", "l_receiptdate": "1993-09-07", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "y even dependencies nag a" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5505, "l_partkey": 40, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 18.0d, "l_extendedprice": 16920.72d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-10-25", "l_commitdate": "1997-12-12", "l_receiptdate": "1997-10-30", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": " to the quickly express pac" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5829, "l_partkey": 40, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 4.0d, "l_extendedprice": 3760.16d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-03-01", "l_commitdate": "1997-02-17", "l_receiptdate": "1997-03-22", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ithely; accounts cajole ideas. regular foxe" }
, { "l_orderkey": 1252, "l_partkey": 40, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 19.0d, "l_extendedprice": 17860.76d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-10-13", "l_commitdate": "1997-10-23", "l_receiptdate": "1997-10-18", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ts wake carefully-- packages sleep. quick " }
, { "l_orderkey": 1543, "l_partkey": 40, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 9.0d, "l_extendedprice": 8460.36d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-03-14", "l_commitdate": "1997-05-19", "l_receiptdate": "1997-03-26", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ravely special requests " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1924, "l_partkey": 40, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 21.0d, "l_extendedprice": 19740.84d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-09-21", "l_commitdate": "1996-11-12", "l_receiptdate": "1996-10-02", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": " blithely reg" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2818, "l_partkey": 40, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 32.0d, "l_extendedprice": 30081.28d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-02-04", "l_commitdate": "1995-03-05", "l_receiptdate": "1995-02-18", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "arefully! ac" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3366, "l_partkey": 40, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 4.0d, "l_extendedprice": 3760.16d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-05-20", "l_commitdate": "1997-06-25", "l_receiptdate": "1997-06-03", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": " carefully about " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 417, "l_partkey": 40, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 39.0d, "l_extendedprice": 36661.56d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-05-31", "l_commitdate": "1994-05-02", "l_receiptdate": "1994-06-06", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "y regular requests wake along " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3110, "l_partkey": 40, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 16.0d, "l_extendedprice": 15040.64d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-01-10", "l_commitdate": "1995-02-06", "l_receiptdate": "1995-01-26", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "across the regular acco" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3170, "l_partkey": 40, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 12.0d, "l_extendedprice": 11280.48d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-02-12", "l_commitdate": "1998-01-17", "l_receiptdate": "1998-02-24", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ing accounts along the speci" }
, { "l_orderkey": 3462, "l_partkey": 40, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 43.0d, "l_extendedprice": 40421.72d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-08-01", "l_commitdate": "1997-07-18", "l_receiptdate": "1997-08-29", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": " carefully. final, final ideas sleep slyly" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3906, "l_partkey": 40, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 50.0d, "l_extendedprice": 47002.0d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-09-24", "l_commitdate": "1992-08-24", "l_receiptdate": "1992-09-29", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ke slyly. stealt" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4231, "l_partkey": 40, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 35.0d, "l_extendedprice": 32901.4d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-02-21", "l_commitdate": "1998-01-24", "l_receiptdate": "1998-03-18", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "le quickly regular, unus" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4292, "l_partkey": 40, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 1.0d, "l_extendedprice": 940.04d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-02-07", "l_commitdate": "1992-03-16", "l_receiptdate": "1992-02-10", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": " the furiously ev" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4802, "l_partkey": 40, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 6.0d, "l_extendedprice": 5640.24d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-04-16", "l_commitdate": "1997-03-25", "l_receiptdate": "1997-04-21", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "unusual accounts wake blithely. b" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4995, "l_partkey": 40, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 9.0d, "l_extendedprice": 8460.36d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-03-07", "l_commitdate": "1996-03-17", "l_receiptdate": "1996-03-11", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": " ironic packages cajole across t" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4064, "l_partkey": 40, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 15.0d, "l_extendedprice": 14100.6d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-11-09", "l_commitdate": "1996-12-04", "l_receiptdate": "1996-11-18", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "braids affix across the regular sheave" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5286, "l_partkey": 40, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 6.0d, "l_extendedprice": 5640.24d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-10-15", "l_commitdate": "1997-12-05", "l_receiptdate": "1997-11-12", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "y special a" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5347, "l_partkey": 40, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 4.0d, "l_extendedprice": 3760.16d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-03-24", "l_commitdate": "1995-04-03", "l_receiptdate": "1995-04-01", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ldly pending asymptotes ki" }
, { "l_orderkey": 289, "l_partkey": 40, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 48.0d, "l_extendedprice": 45121.92d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-03-14", "l_commitdate": "1997-03-30", "l_receiptdate": "1997-03-24", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "sits cajole. bold pinto beans x-ray fl" }
, { "l_orderkey": 773, "l_partkey": 40, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 43.0d, "l_extendedprice": 40421.72d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-11-06", "l_commitdate": "1993-11-20", "l_receiptdate": "1993-11-08", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "furiously bold dependencies. blithel" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1667, "l_partkey": 40, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 19.0d, "l_extendedprice": 17860.76d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-01-23", "l_commitdate": "1997-11-24", "l_receiptdate": "1998-01-26", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "around the pinto beans. express, special" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 931, "l_partkey": 40, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 18.0d, "l_extendedprice": 16920.72d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-04-04", "l_commitdate": "1993-01-11", "l_receiptdate": "1993-04-13", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "slyly ironic re" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 993, "l_partkey": 40, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 10.0d, "l_extendedprice": 9400.4d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-12-17", "l_commitdate": "1995-11-13", "l_receiptdate": "1995-12-20", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "encies wake fur" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1507, "l_partkey": 40, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 33.0d, "l_extendedprice": 31021.32d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-10-29", "l_commitdate": "1993-12-23", "l_receiptdate": "1993-11-14", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": " asymptotes nag furiously above t" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2818, "l_partkey": 40, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 32.0d, "l_extendedprice": 30081.28d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-02-04", "l_commitdate": "1995-03-05", "l_receiptdate": "1995-02-18", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "arefully! ac" }
, { "l_orderkey": 3139, "l_partkey": 40, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 46.0d, "l_extendedprice": 43241.84d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-04-28", "l_commitdate": "1992-03-04", "l_receiptdate": "1992-05-19", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "of the unusual, unusual re" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3906, "l_partkey": 40, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 50.0d, "l_extendedprice": 47002.0d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-09-24", "l_commitdate": "1992-08-24", "l_receiptdate": "1992-09-29", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ke slyly. stealt" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3973, "l_partkey": 40, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 40.0d, "l_extendedprice": 37601.6d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-05-03", "l_commitdate": "1992-06-09", "l_receiptdate": "1992-05-21", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "g the carefully blithe f" }
, { "l_orderkey": 4002, "l_partkey": 40, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 6.0d, "l_extendedprice": 5640.24d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-05-02", "l_commitdate": "1997-07-07", "l_receiptdate": "1997-05-16", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": " furiously furiously special theodoli" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5829, "l_partkey": 40, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 4.0d, "l_extendedprice": 3760.16d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-03-01", "l_commitdate": "1997-02-17", "l_receiptdate": "1997-03-22", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ithely; accounts cajole ideas. regular foxe" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4292, "l_partkey": 40, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 1.0d, "l_extendedprice": 940.04d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-02-07", "l_commitdate": "1992-03-16", "l_receiptdate": "1992-02-10", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": " the furiously ev" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4646, "l_partkey": 40, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 38.0d, "l_extendedprice": 35721.52d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-09-01", "l_commitdate": "1996-08-23", "l_receiptdate": "1996-09-27", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "al platelets cajole. slyly final dol" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4995, "l_partkey": 40, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 9.0d, "l_extendedprice": 8460.36d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-03-07", "l_commitdate": "1996-03-17", "l_receiptdate": "1996-03-11", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": " ironic packages cajole across t" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4997, "l_partkey": 40, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 5.0d, "l_extendedprice": 4700.2d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-06-12", "l_commitdate": "1998-04-24", "l_receiptdate": "1998-06-13", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "aggle slyly alongside of the slyly i" }
, { "l_orderkey": 5959, "l_partkey": 40, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 37.0d, "l_extendedprice": 34781.48d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-06-05", "l_commitdate": "1992-07-18", "l_receiptdate": "1992-06-29", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "endencies. brai" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 482, "l_partkey": 39, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 46.0d, "l_extendedprice": 43195.38d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-07-19", "l_commitdate": "1996-06-05", "l_receiptdate": "1996-08-10", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "furiously thin realms. final, fina" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1447, "l_partkey": 39, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 9.0d, "l_extendedprice": 8451.27d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-11-15", "l_commitdate": "1993-01-07", "l_receiptdate": "1992-11-29", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "counts wake s" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1600, "l_partkey": 39, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 8.0d, "l_extendedprice": 7512.24d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-03-07", "l_commitdate": "1993-04-22", "l_receiptdate": "1993-03-26", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "cajole furiously fluf" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2596, "l_partkey": 39, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 19.0d, "l_extendedprice": 17841.57d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-09-02", "l_commitdate": "1996-11-03", "l_receiptdate": "1996-09-06", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ias mold! sp" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4994, "l_partkey": 39, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 40.0d, "l_extendedprice": 37561.2d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-08-25", "l_commitdate": "1996-08-16", "l_receiptdate": "1996-09-07", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "eposits. regula" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5287, "l_partkey": 39, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 32.0d, "l_extendedprice": 30048.96d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-01-29", "l_commitdate": "1994-01-27", "l_receiptdate": "1994-02-08", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "heodolites haggle caref" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5344, "l_partkey": 39, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 21.0d, "l_extendedprice": 19719.63d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-08-31", "l_commitdate": "1998-09-06", "l_receiptdate": "1998-09-02", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "xes. furiously even pinto beans sleep f" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 612, "l_partkey": 39, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 28.0d, "l_extendedprice": 26292.84d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-11-12", "l_commitdate": "1992-12-05", "l_receiptdate": "1992-12-02", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "lyly regular asym" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1958, "l_partkey": 39, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 29.0d, "l_extendedprice": 27231.87d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-10-14", "l_commitdate": "1995-11-06", "l_receiptdate": "1995-11-01", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "final requests nag according to the " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2435, "l_partkey": 39, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 8.0d, "l_extendedprice": 7512.24d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-06-08", "l_commitdate": "1993-04-04", "l_receiptdate": "1993-06-29", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "e fluffily quickly final accounts. care" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5958, "l_partkey": 39, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 18.0d, "l_extendedprice": 16902.54d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-12-02", "l_commitdate": "1995-10-17", "l_receiptdate": "1995-12-22", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "regular requests haggle" }
, { "l_orderkey": 100, "l_partkey": 39, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 14.0d, "l_extendedprice": 13146.42d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-05-22", "l_commitdate": "1998-05-01", "l_receiptdate": "1998-06-03", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "y. furiously ironic ideas gr" }
, { "l_orderkey": 896, "l_partkey": 39, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 47.0d, "l_extendedprice": 44134.41d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-05-28", "l_commitdate": "1993-05-15", "l_receiptdate": "1993-06-15", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ly even pinto beans integrate. b" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2435, "l_partkey": 39, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 8.0d, "l_extendedprice": 7512.24d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-06-08", "l_commitdate": "1993-04-04", "l_receiptdate": "1993-06-29", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "e fluffily quickly final accounts. care" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 482, "l_partkey": 39, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 46.0d, "l_extendedprice": 43195.38d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-07-19", "l_commitdate": "1996-06-05", "l_receiptdate": "1996-08-10", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "furiously thin realms. final, fina" }
, { "l_orderkey": 1569, "l_partkey": 39, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 16.0d, "l_extendedprice": 15024.48d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-04-26", "l_commitdate": "1998-06-16", "l_receiptdate": "1998-05-26", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "deposits. blithely final asymptotes ac" }
, { "l_orderkey": 2535, "l_partkey": 39, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 12.0d, "l_extendedprice": 11268.36d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-07-17", "l_commitdate": "1993-08-17", "l_receiptdate": "1993-07-31", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "uses sleep among the packages. excuses " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3461, "l_partkey": 39, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 44.0d, "l_extendedprice": 41317.32d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-05-20", "l_commitdate": "1993-04-03", "l_receiptdate": "1993-05-27", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": " haggle quickly even ideas. fin" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4774, "l_partkey": 39, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 4.0d, "l_extendedprice": 3756.12d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-08-03", "l_commitdate": "1993-05-30", "l_receiptdate": "1993-08-19", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "xes according to the foxes wake above the f" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5570, "l_partkey": 39, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 15.0d, "l_extendedprice": 14085.45d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-10-04", "l_commitdate": "1996-10-05", "l_receiptdate": "1996-10-28", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "beans nag slyly special, regular pack" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4994, "l_partkey": 39, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 40.0d, "l_extendedprice": 37561.2d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-08-25", "l_commitdate": "1996-08-16", "l_receiptdate": "1996-09-07", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "eposits. regula" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1447, "l_partkey": 39, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 9.0d, "l_extendedprice": 8451.27d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-11-15", "l_commitdate": "1993-01-07", "l_receiptdate": "1992-11-29", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "counts wake s" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1600, "l_partkey": 39, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 8.0d, "l_extendedprice": 7512.24d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-03-07", "l_commitdate": "1993-04-22", "l_receiptdate": "1993-03-26", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "cajole furiously fluf" }
, { "l_orderkey": 1603, "l_partkey": 39, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 1.0d, "l_extendedprice": 939.03d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-08-17", "l_commitdate": "1993-09-04", "l_receiptdate": "1993-08-22", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "d accounts. special warthogs use fur" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1958, "l_partkey": 39, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 29.0d, "l_extendedprice": 27231.87d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-10-14", "l_commitdate": "1995-11-06", "l_receiptdate": "1995-11-01", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "final requests nag according to the " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2596, "l_partkey": 39, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 19.0d, "l_extendedprice": 17841.57d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-09-02", "l_commitdate": "1996-11-03", "l_receiptdate": "1996-09-06", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ias mold! sp" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4774, "l_partkey": 39, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 4.0d, "l_extendedprice": 3756.12d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-08-03", "l_commitdate": "1993-05-30", "l_receiptdate": "1993-08-19", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "xes according to the foxes wake above the f" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5287, "l_partkey": 39, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 32.0d, "l_extendedprice": 30048.96d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-01-29", "l_commitdate": "1994-01-27", "l_receiptdate": "1994-02-08", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "heodolites haggle caref" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5344, "l_partkey": 39, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 21.0d, "l_extendedprice": 19719.63d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-08-31", "l_commitdate": "1998-09-06", "l_receiptdate": "1998-09-02", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "xes. furiously even pinto beans sleep f" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5570, "l_partkey": 39, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 15.0d, "l_extendedprice": 14085.45d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-10-04", "l_commitdate": "1996-10-05", "l_receiptdate": "1996-10-28", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "beans nag slyly special, regular pack" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5958, "l_partkey": 39, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 18.0d, "l_extendedprice": 16902.54d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-12-02", "l_commitdate": "1995-10-17", "l_receiptdate": "1995-12-22", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "regular requests haggle" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 612, "l_partkey": 39, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 28.0d, "l_extendedprice": 26292.84d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-11-12", "l_commitdate": "1992-12-05", "l_receiptdate": "1992-12-02", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "lyly regular asym" }
, { "l_orderkey": 3396, "l_partkey": 39, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 18.0d, "l_extendedprice": 16902.54d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-07-27", "l_commitdate": "1994-06-26", "l_receiptdate": "1994-08-25", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "l requests haggle furiously along the fur" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3461, "l_partkey": 39, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 44.0d, "l_extendedprice": 41317.32d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-05-20", "l_commitdate": "1993-04-03", "l_receiptdate": "1993-05-27", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": " haggle quickly even ideas. fin" }
, { "l_orderkey": 3588, "l_partkey": 39, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 46.0d, "l_extendedprice": 43195.38d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-06-06", "l_commitdate": "1995-05-08", "l_receiptdate": "1995-06-08", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": " slyly ironic deposits sublate ab" }
, { "l_orderkey": 4515, "l_partkey": 39, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 15.0d, "l_extendedprice": 14085.45d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-05-26", "l_commitdate": "1992-05-25", "l_receiptdate": "1992-06-03", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "posits wake" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5, "l_partkey": 38, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 50.0d, "l_extendedprice": 46901.5d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-08-08", "l_commitdate": "1994-10-13", "l_receiptdate": "1994-08-26", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "eodolites. fluffily unusual" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 226, "l_partkey": 38, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 35.0d, "l_extendedprice": 32831.05d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-03-31", "l_commitdate": "1993-05-18", "l_receiptdate": "1993-04-01", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "osits cajole. final, even foxes a" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 992, "l_partkey": 38, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 34.0d, "l_extendedprice": 31893.02d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-11-29", "l_commitdate": "1998-01-21", "l_receiptdate": "1997-11-30", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "s use silently. blithely regular ideas b" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1091, "l_partkey": 38, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 40.0d, "l_extendedprice": 37521.2d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-12-17", "l_commitdate": "1996-10-14", "l_receiptdate": "1996-12-24", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "platelets. regular packag" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3462, "l_partkey": 38, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 14.0d, "l_extendedprice": 13132.42d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-05-31", "l_commitdate": "1997-07-05", "l_receiptdate": "1997-06-24", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "yly. blithely bold theodolites wa" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4864, "l_partkey": 38, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 38.0d, "l_extendedprice": 35645.14d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-12-20", "l_commitdate": "1993-01-07", "l_receiptdate": "1993-01-06", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ording to the ironic, ir" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4993, "l_partkey": 38, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 34.0d, "l_extendedprice": 31893.02d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-09-21", "l_commitdate": "1994-10-31", "l_receiptdate": "1994-09-24", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ular, pending packages at the even packa" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1026, "l_partkey": 38, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 36.0d, "l_extendedprice": 33769.08d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-06-14", "l_commitdate": "1997-07-20", "l_receiptdate": "1997-06-23", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "st the ide" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2023, "l_partkey": 38, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 2.0d, "l_extendedprice": 1876.06d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-08-27", "l_commitdate": "1992-07-16", "l_receiptdate": "1992-08-29", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ing packages. fluffily silen" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3104, "l_partkey": 38, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 26.0d, "l_extendedprice": 24388.78d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-01-02", "l_commitdate": "1993-12-05", "l_receiptdate": "1994-01-31", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "es boost carefully. slyly " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3269, "l_partkey": 38, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 46.0d, "l_extendedprice": 43149.38d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-04-21", "l_commitdate": "1996-04-12", "l_receiptdate": "1996-05-10", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "final asymptotes nag" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4033, "l_partkey": 38, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 34.0d, "l_extendedprice": 31893.02d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-07-19", "l_commitdate": "1993-08-05", "l_receiptdate": "1993-07-26", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "t the blithely dogg" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 69, "l_partkey": 38, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 3.0d, "l_extendedprice": 2814.09d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-06-06", "l_commitdate": "1994-07-27", "l_receiptdate": "1994-06-15", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": " blithely final d" }
, { "l_orderkey": 70, "l_partkey": 38, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 37.0d, "l_extendedprice": 34707.11d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-02-13", "l_commitdate": "1994-03-16", "l_receiptdate": "1994-02-21", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "n accounts are. q" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 322, "l_partkey": 38, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 5.0d, "l_extendedprice": 4690.15d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-04-15", "l_commitdate": "1992-05-12", "l_receiptdate": "1992-04-26", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": " special grouches sleep quickly instructio" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1414, "l_partkey": 38, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 39.0d, "l_extendedprice": 36583.17d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-09-22", "l_commitdate": "1995-09-30", "l_receiptdate": "1995-10-07", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "quickly aro" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1026, "l_partkey": 38, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 36.0d, "l_extendedprice": 33769.08d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-06-14", "l_commitdate": "1997-07-20", "l_receiptdate": "1997-06-23", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "st the ide" }
, { "l_orderkey": 1699, "l_partkey": 38, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 50.0d, "l_extendedprice": 46901.5d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-03-26", "l_commitdate": "1994-03-23", "l_receiptdate": "1994-04-20", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "to the final requests are carefully silent " }
, { "l_orderkey": 2213, "l_partkey": 38, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 43.0d, "l_extendedprice": 40335.29d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-04-18", "l_commitdate": "1993-03-11", "l_receiptdate": "1993-05-11", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "r packages are along the carefully bol" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3462, "l_partkey": 38, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 14.0d, "l_extendedprice": 13132.42d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-05-31", "l_commitdate": "1997-07-05", "l_receiptdate": "1997-06-24", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "yly. blithely bold theodolites wa" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4613, "l_partkey": 38, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 17.0d, "l_extendedprice": 15946.51d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-06-07", "l_commitdate": "1998-05-11", "l_receiptdate": "1998-06-29", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "liers cajole a" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4864, "l_partkey": 38, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 38.0d, "l_extendedprice": 35645.14d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-12-20", "l_commitdate": "1993-01-07", "l_receiptdate": "1993-01-06", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ording to the ironic, ir" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 804, "l_partkey": 38, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 21.0d, "l_extendedprice": 19698.63d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-04-12", "l_commitdate": "1993-06-06", "l_receiptdate": "1993-04-20", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ular, ironic foxes. quickly even accounts" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1091, "l_partkey": 38, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 40.0d, "l_extendedprice": 37521.2d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-12-17", "l_commitdate": "1996-10-14", "l_receiptdate": "1996-12-24", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "platelets. regular packag" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1414, "l_partkey": 38, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 39.0d, "l_extendedprice": 36583.17d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-09-22", "l_commitdate": "1995-09-30", "l_receiptdate": "1995-10-07", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "quickly aro" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3014, "l_partkey": 38, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 30.0d, "l_extendedprice": 28140.9d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-02-28", "l_commitdate": "1993-01-02", "l_receiptdate": "1993-03-20", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": " final foxes." }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3104, "l_partkey": 38, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 26.0d, "l_extendedprice": 24388.78d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-01-02", "l_commitdate": "1993-12-05", "l_receiptdate": "1994-01-31", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "es boost carefully. slyly " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3266, "l_partkey": 38, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 43.0d, "l_extendedprice": 40335.29d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-05-04", "l_commitdate": "1995-05-30", "l_receiptdate": "1995-05-11", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ular asymptotes use careful" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4033, "l_partkey": 38, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 34.0d, "l_extendedprice": 31893.02d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-07-19", "l_commitdate": "1993-08-05", "l_receiptdate": "1993-07-26", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "t the blithely dogg" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5798, "l_partkey": 38, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 9.0d, "l_extendedprice": 8442.27d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-05-05", "l_commitdate": "1998-05-25", "l_receiptdate": "1998-05-09", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "e blithely" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 226, "l_partkey": 38, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 35.0d, "l_extendedprice": 32831.05d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-03-31", "l_commitdate": "1993-05-18", "l_receiptdate": "1993-04-01", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "osits cajole. final, even foxes a" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2023, "l_partkey": 38, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 2.0d, "l_extendedprice": 1876.06d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-08-27", "l_commitdate": "1992-07-16", "l_receiptdate": "1992-08-29", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ing packages. fluffily silen" }
, { "l_orderkey": 3270, "l_partkey": 38, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 44.0d, "l_extendedprice": 41273.32d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-07-20", "l_commitdate": "1997-08-15", "l_receiptdate": "1997-08-04", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": " accounts. carefully even " }
, { "l_orderkey": 3904, "l_partkey": 38, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 22.0d, "l_extendedprice": 20636.66d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-02-02", "l_commitdate": "1998-02-09", "l_receiptdate": "1998-02-10", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "structions cajole carefully. carefully f" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4613, "l_partkey": 38, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 17.0d, "l_extendedprice": 15946.51d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-06-07", "l_commitdate": "1998-05-11", "l_receiptdate": "1998-06-29", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "liers cajole a" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 804, "l_partkey": 38, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 21.0d, "l_extendedprice": 19698.63d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-04-12", "l_commitdate": "1993-06-06", "l_receiptdate": "1993-04-20", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ular, ironic foxes. quickly even accounts" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3014, "l_partkey": 38, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 30.0d, "l_extendedprice": 28140.9d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-02-28", "l_commitdate": "1993-01-02", "l_receiptdate": "1993-03-20", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": " final foxes." }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3266, "l_partkey": 38, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 43.0d, "l_extendedprice": 40335.29d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-05-04", "l_commitdate": "1995-05-30", "l_receiptdate": "1995-05-11", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ular asymptotes use careful" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4993, "l_partkey": 38, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 34.0d, "l_extendedprice": 31893.02d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-09-21", "l_commitdate": "1994-10-31", "l_receiptdate": "1994-09-24", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ular, pending packages at the even packa" }
, { "l_orderkey": 5601, "l_partkey": 38, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 29.0d, "l_extendedprice": 27202.87d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-04-06", "l_commitdate": "1992-02-24", "l_receiptdate": "1992-04-29", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": " ironic ideas. final" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5798, "l_partkey": 38, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 9.0d, "l_extendedprice": 8442.27d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-05-05", "l_commitdate": "1998-05-25", "l_receiptdate": "1998-05-09", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "e blithely" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1220, "l_partkey": 37, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 3.0d, "l_extendedprice": 2811.09d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-09-06", "l_commitdate": "1996-11-03", "l_receiptdate": "1996-09-10", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": " final theodolites. blithely silent " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2500, "l_partkey": 37, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 34.0d, "l_extendedprice": 31859.02d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-10-03", "l_commitdate": "1992-11-11", "l_receiptdate": "1992-10-29", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": " stealthy a" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3074, "l_partkey": 37, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 50.0d, "l_extendedprice": 46851.5d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-01-31", "l_commitdate": "1992-12-15", "l_receiptdate": "1993-02-20", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "furiously pending requests haggle s" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4224, "l_partkey": 37, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 20.0d, "l_extendedprice": 18740.6d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-11-09", "l_commitdate": "1997-08-23", "l_receiptdate": "1997-11-14", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "unts promise across the requests. blith" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 576, "l_partkey": 37, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 6.0d, "l_extendedprice": 5622.18d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-08-28", "l_commitdate": "1997-06-16", "l_receiptdate": "1997-09-25", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ts. ironic multipliers " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 678, "l_partkey": 37, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 22.0d, "l_extendedprice": 20614.66d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-05-10", "l_commitdate": "1993-04-29", "l_receiptdate": "1993-06-08", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "de of the carefully even requests. bl" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1026, "l_partkey": 37, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 6.0d, "l_extendedprice": 5622.18d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-07-07", "l_commitdate": "1997-08-16", "l_receiptdate": "1997-07-14", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "to beans. special, regular packages hagg" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1088, "l_partkey": 37, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 11.0d, "l_extendedprice": 10307.33d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-08-30", "l_commitdate": "1992-07-25", "l_receiptdate": "1992-09-10", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "inal requests. fluffily express theod" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1923, "l_partkey": 37, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 50.0d, "l_extendedprice": 46851.5d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-11-04", "l_commitdate": "1997-08-08", "l_receiptdate": "1997-11-25", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "uickly along the bold courts. bold the" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2980, "l_partkey": 37, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 2.0d, "l_extendedprice": 1874.06d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-11-18", "l_commitdate": "1996-10-22", "l_receiptdate": "1996-11-27", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "enly across the special, pending packag" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4645, "l_partkey": 37, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 42.0d, "l_extendedprice": 39355.26d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-12-02", "l_commitdate": "1994-12-18", "l_receiptdate": "1994-12-16", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "regular pinto beans amon" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2981, "l_partkey": 37, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 14.0d, "l_extendedprice": 13118.42d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-08-30", "l_commitdate": "1998-10-04", "l_receiptdate": "1998-09-04", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "kages detect furiously express requests." }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3589, "l_partkey": 37, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 42.0d, "l_extendedprice": 39355.26d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-08-11", "l_commitdate": "1994-07-17", "l_receiptdate": "1994-08-23", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "he blithely unusual pac" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 163, "l_partkey": 37, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 27.0d, "l_extendedprice": 25299.81d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-12-26", "l_commitdate": "1997-11-28", "l_receiptdate": "1998-01-05", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ously express dependen" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5, "l_partkey": 38, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 50.0d, "l_extendedprice": 46901.5d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-08-08", "l_commitdate": "1994-10-13", "l_receiptdate": "1994-08-26", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "eodolites. fluffily unusual" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 69, "l_partkey": 38, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 3.0d, "l_extendedprice": 2814.09d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-06-06", "l_commitdate": "1994-07-27", "l_receiptdate": "1994-06-15", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": " blithely final d" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 322, "l_partkey": 38, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 5.0d, "l_extendedprice": 4690.15d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-04-15", "l_commitdate": "1992-05-12", "l_receiptdate": "1992-04-26", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": " special grouches sleep quickly instructio" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 992, "l_partkey": 38, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 34.0d, "l_extendedprice": 31893.02d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-11-29", "l_commitdate": "1998-01-21", "l_receiptdate": "1997-11-30", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "s use silently. blithely regular ideas b" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3269, "l_partkey": 38, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 46.0d, "l_extendedprice": 43149.38d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-04-21", "l_commitdate": "1996-04-12", "l_receiptdate": "1996-05-10", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "final asymptotes nag" }
, { "l_orderkey": 1319, "l_partkey": 37, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 12.0d, "l_extendedprice": 11244.36d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-11-05", "l_commitdate": "1996-12-12", "l_receiptdate": "1996-11-29", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "packages integrate furiously. expres" }
, { "l_orderkey": 1923, "l_partkey": 37, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 9.0d, "l_extendedprice": 8433.27d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-08-29", "l_commitdate": "1997-09-13", "l_receiptdate": "1997-09-07", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "lites. ironic instructions integrate bravel" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2980, "l_partkey": 37, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 2.0d, "l_extendedprice": 1874.06d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-11-18", "l_commitdate": "1996-10-22", "l_receiptdate": "1996-11-27", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "enly across the special, pending packag" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3074, "l_partkey": 37, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 50.0d, "l_extendedprice": 46851.5d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-01-31", "l_commitdate": "1992-12-15", "l_receiptdate": "1993-02-20", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "furiously pending requests haggle s" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4224, "l_partkey": 37, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 20.0d, "l_extendedprice": 18740.6d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-11-09", "l_commitdate": "1997-08-23", "l_receiptdate": "1997-11-14", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "unts promise across the requests. blith" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1026, "l_partkey": 37, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 6.0d, "l_extendedprice": 5622.18d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-07-07", "l_commitdate": "1997-08-16", "l_receiptdate": "1997-07-14", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "to beans. special, regular packages hagg" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1088, "l_partkey": 37, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 11.0d, "l_extendedprice": 10307.33d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-08-30", "l_commitdate": "1992-07-25", "l_receiptdate": "1992-09-10", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "inal requests. fluffily express theod" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1220, "l_partkey": 37, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 3.0d, "l_extendedprice": 2811.09d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-09-06", "l_commitdate": "1996-11-03", "l_receiptdate": "1996-09-10", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": " final theodolites. blithely silent " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2500, "l_partkey": 37, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 34.0d, "l_extendedprice": 31859.02d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-10-03", "l_commitdate": "1992-11-11", "l_receiptdate": "1992-10-29", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": " stealthy a" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 163, "l_partkey": 37, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 27.0d, "l_extendedprice": 25299.81d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-12-26", "l_commitdate": "1997-11-28", "l_receiptdate": "1998-01-05", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ously express dependen" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1923, "l_partkey": 37, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 50.0d, "l_extendedprice": 46851.5d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-11-04", "l_commitdate": "1997-08-08", "l_receiptdate": "1997-11-25", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "uickly along the bold courts. bold the" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2981, "l_partkey": 37, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 14.0d, "l_extendedprice": 13118.42d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-08-30", "l_commitdate": "1998-10-04", "l_receiptdate": "1998-09-04", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "kages detect furiously express requests." }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3589, "l_partkey": 37, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 42.0d, "l_extendedprice": 39355.26d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-08-11", "l_commitdate": "1994-07-17", "l_receiptdate": "1994-08-23", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "he blithely unusual pac" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4645, "l_partkey": 37, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 42.0d, "l_extendedprice": 39355.26d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-12-02", "l_commitdate": "1994-12-18", "l_receiptdate": "1994-12-16", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "regular pinto beans amon" }
, { "l_orderkey": 5057, "l_partkey": 37, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 38.0d, "l_extendedprice": 35607.14d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-10-24", "l_commitdate": "1997-09-07", "l_receiptdate": "1997-10-30", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "packages. stealthily bold wa" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 576, "l_partkey": 37, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 6.0d, "l_extendedprice": 5622.18d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-08-28", "l_commitdate": "1997-06-16", "l_receiptdate": "1997-09-25", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ts. ironic multipliers " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 678, "l_partkey": 37, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 22.0d, "l_extendedprice": 20614.66d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-05-10", "l_commitdate": "1993-04-29", "l_receiptdate": "1993-06-08", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "de of the carefully even requests. bl" }
, { "l_orderkey": 962, "l_partkey": 36, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 27.0d, "l_extendedprice": 25272.81d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-05-11", "l_commitdate": "1994-07-10", "l_receiptdate": "1994-06-03", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "y slyly express deposits. final i" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1575, "l_partkey": 36, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 39.0d, "l_extendedprice": 36505.17d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-10-30", "l_commitdate": "1995-10-15", "l_receiptdate": "1995-11-10", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": " ironic requests snooze ironic, regular acc" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2371, "l_partkey": 36, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 32.0d, "l_extendedprice": 29952.96d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-02-15", "l_commitdate": "1998-04-03", "l_receiptdate": "1998-02-23", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "the ruthless accounts. " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1154, "l_partkey": 36, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 18.0d, "l_extendedprice": 16848.54d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-02-26", "l_commitdate": "1992-03-24", "l_receiptdate": "1992-03-20", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "y regular excuses cajole blithely. fi" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2404, "l_partkey": 36, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 1.0d, "l_extendedprice": 936.03d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-05-22", "l_commitdate": "1997-06-06", "l_receiptdate": "1997-05-28", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "from the final orbits? even pinto beans hag" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3296, "l_partkey": 36, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 6.0d, "l_extendedprice": 5616.18d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-01-03", "l_commitdate": "1994-12-23", "l_receiptdate": "1995-01-27", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "carefully fur" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3302, "l_partkey": 36, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 45.0d, "l_extendedprice": 42121.35d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-01-24", "l_commitdate": "1995-12-16", "l_receiptdate": "1996-02-13", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "counts use quickl" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3303, "l_partkey": 36, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 26.0d, "l_extendedprice": 24336.78d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-01-18", "l_commitdate": "1998-03-11", "l_receiptdate": "1998-02-11", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ickly permanent requests w" }
, { "l_orderkey": 3521, "l_partkey": 36, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 28.0d, "l_extendedprice": 26208.84d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-01-06", "l_commitdate": "1993-01-22", "l_receiptdate": "1993-02-02", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "e slyly above the slyly final" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 134, "l_partkey": 36, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 12.0d, "l_extendedprice": 11232.36d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-07-03", "l_commitdate": "1992-06-01", "l_receiptdate": "1992-07-11", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "nts are quic" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2371, "l_partkey": 36, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 32.0d, "l_extendedprice": 29952.96d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-02-15", "l_commitdate": "1998-04-03", "l_receiptdate": "1998-02-23", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "the ruthless accounts. " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2853, "l_partkey": 36, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 1.0d, "l_extendedprice": 936.03d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-09-01", "l_commitdate": "1994-06-27", "l_receiptdate": "1994-09-12", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "refully slyly quick packages. final c" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1575, "l_partkey": 36, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 39.0d, "l_extendedprice": 36505.17d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-10-30", "l_commitdate": "1995-10-15", "l_receiptdate": "1995-11-10", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": " ironic requests snooze ironic, regular acc" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4038, "l_partkey": 36, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 6.0d, "l_extendedprice": 5616.18d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-02-09", "l_commitdate": "1996-03-05", "l_receiptdate": "1996-03-10", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": " special instructions. packa" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4484, "l_partkey": 36, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 29.0d, "l_extendedprice": 27144.87d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-12-27", "l_commitdate": "1997-03-10", "l_receiptdate": "1997-01-13", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": " wake blithely ironic" }
, { "l_orderkey": 4768, "l_partkey": 36, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 5.0d, "l_extendedprice": 4680.15d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-12-27", "l_commitdate": "1994-02-09", "l_receiptdate": "1994-01-11", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "egular accounts. bravely final fra" }
, { "l_orderkey": 4833, "l_partkey": 36, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 19.0d, "l_extendedprice": 17784.57d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-08-21", "l_commitdate": "1996-07-09", "l_receiptdate": "1996-09-10", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "y quick theodolit" }
, { "l_orderkey": 258, "l_partkey": 36, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 25.0d, "l_extendedprice": 23400.75d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-04-13", "l_commitdate": "1994-02-26", "l_receiptdate": "1994-04-29", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "leep pending packages." }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1924, "l_partkey": 36, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 17.0d, "l_extendedprice": 15912.51d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-12-31", "l_commitdate": "1996-11-12", "l_receiptdate": "1997-01-25", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "e carefully theodolites. ironically ironic " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3302, "l_partkey": 36, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 45.0d, "l_extendedprice": 42121.35d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-01-24", "l_commitdate": "1995-12-16", "l_receiptdate": "1996-02-13", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "counts use quickl" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4131, "l_partkey": 36, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 8.0d, "l_extendedprice": 7488.24d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-03-03", "l_commitdate": "1998-03-15", "l_receiptdate": "1998-03-26", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": " after the furiously ironic d" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4901, "l_partkey": 36, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 41.0d, "l_extendedprice": 38377.23d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-03-18", "l_commitdate": "1998-02-18", "l_receiptdate": "1998-04-14", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "efully bold packages affix carefully eve" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 134, "l_partkey": 36, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 12.0d, "l_extendedprice": 11232.36d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-07-03", "l_commitdate": "1992-06-01", "l_receiptdate": "1992-07-11", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "nts are quic" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1154, "l_partkey": 36, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 18.0d, "l_extendedprice": 16848.54d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-02-26", "l_commitdate": "1992-03-24", "l_receiptdate": "1992-03-20", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "y regular excuses cajole blithely. fi" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1988, "l_partkey": 36, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 27.0d, "l_extendedprice": 25272.81d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-01-27", "l_commitdate": "1995-12-24", "l_receiptdate": "1996-02-24", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "uests. regular requests are according to t" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3296, "l_partkey": 36, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 6.0d, "l_extendedprice": 5616.18d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-01-03", "l_commitdate": "1994-12-23", "l_receiptdate": "1995-01-27", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "carefully fur" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3303, "l_partkey": 36, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 26.0d, "l_extendedprice": 24336.78d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-01-18", "l_commitdate": "1998-03-11", "l_receiptdate": "1998-02-11", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ickly permanent requests w" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3395, "l_partkey": 36, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 38.0d, "l_extendedprice": 35569.14d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-01-13", "l_commitdate": "1995-01-13", "l_receiptdate": "1995-01-25", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": " silent accounts are blithely" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4038, "l_partkey": 36, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 6.0d, "l_extendedprice": 5616.18d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-02-09", "l_commitdate": "1996-03-05", "l_receiptdate": "1996-03-10", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": " special instructions. packa" }
, { "l_orderkey": 1126, "l_partkey": 36, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 44.0d, "l_extendedprice": 41185.32d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-05-07", "l_commitdate": "1998-04-02", "l_receiptdate": "1998-05-29", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "es. carefully special" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1924, "l_partkey": 36, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 17.0d, "l_extendedprice": 15912.51d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-12-31", "l_commitdate": "1996-11-12", "l_receiptdate": "1997-01-25", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "e carefully theodolites. ironically ironic " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1988, "l_partkey": 36, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 27.0d, "l_extendedprice": 25272.81d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-01-27", "l_commitdate": "1995-12-24", "l_receiptdate": "1996-02-24", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "uests. regular requests are according to t" }
, { "l_orderkey": 2342, "l_partkey": 36, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 1.0d, "l_extendedprice": 936.03d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-08-31", "l_commitdate": "1996-08-09", "l_receiptdate": "1996-09-07", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ffily. unusual pinto beans wake c" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2404, "l_partkey": 36, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 1.0d, "l_extendedprice": 936.03d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-05-22", "l_commitdate": "1997-06-06", "l_receiptdate": "1997-05-28", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "from the final orbits? even pinto beans hag" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2853, "l_partkey": 36, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 1.0d, "l_extendedprice": 936.03d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-09-01", "l_commitdate": "1994-06-27", "l_receiptdate": "1994-09-12", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "refully slyly quick packages. final c" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4484, "l_partkey": 36, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 29.0d, "l_extendedprice": 27144.87d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-12-27", "l_commitdate": "1997-03-10", "l_receiptdate": "1997-01-13", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": " wake blithely ironic" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3395, "l_partkey": 36, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 38.0d, "l_extendedprice": 35569.14d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-01-13", "l_commitdate": "1995-01-13", "l_receiptdate": "1995-01-25", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": " silent accounts are blithely" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4131, "l_partkey": 36, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 8.0d, "l_extendedprice": 7488.24d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-03-03", "l_commitdate": "1998-03-15", "l_receiptdate": "1998-03-26", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": " after the furiously ironic d" }
, { "l_orderkey": 4641, "l_partkey": 36, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 15.0d, "l_extendedprice": 14040.45d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-01-25", "l_commitdate": "1993-04-09", "l_receiptdate": "1993-02-05", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "s. carefully even exc" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4901, "l_partkey": 36, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 41.0d, "l_extendedprice": 38377.23d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-03-18", "l_commitdate": "1998-02-18", "l_receiptdate": "1998-04-14", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "efully bold packages affix carefully eve" }
, { "l_orderkey": 5666, "l_partkey": 36, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 14.0d, "l_extendedprice": 13104.42d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-02-27", "l_commitdate": "1994-04-11", "l_receiptdate": "1994-03-06", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "lar deposits nag against the slyly final d" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 418, "l_partkey": 35, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 3.0d, "l_extendedprice": 2805.09d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-06-29", "l_commitdate": "1995-07-12", "l_receiptdate": "1995-07-01", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ly furiously regular w" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2880, "l_partkey": 35, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 40.0d, "l_extendedprice": 37401.2d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-05-26", "l_commitdate": "1992-06-01", "l_receiptdate": "1992-05-31", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "even requests. quick" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4258, "l_partkey": 35, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 22.0d, "l_extendedprice": 20570.66d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-12-12", "l_commitdate": "1996-12-06", "l_receiptdate": "1996-12-20", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "e regular, even asym" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4418, "l_partkey": 35, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 32.0d, "l_extendedprice": 29920.96d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-05-28", "l_commitdate": "1993-06-02", "l_receiptdate": "1993-05-30", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ly. bold pinto b" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4833, "l_partkey": 35, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 4.0d, "l_extendedprice": 3740.12d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-08-16", "l_commitdate": "1996-06-29", "l_receiptdate": "1996-08-22", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "y pending packages sleep blithely regular r" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5414, "l_partkey": 35, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 23.0d, "l_extendedprice": 21505.69d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-07-22", "l_commitdate": "1993-05-26", "l_receiptdate": "1993-08-08", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "e bold, express dolphins. spec" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5856, "l_partkey": 35, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 35.0d, "l_extendedprice": 32726.05d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-11-24", "l_commitdate": "1994-12-23", "l_receiptdate": "1994-11-30", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "excuses. finally ir" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 68, "l_partkey": 35, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 46.0d, "l_extendedprice": 43011.38d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-08-13", "l_commitdate": "1998-07-08", "l_receiptdate": "1998-08-29", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "egular dependencies affix ironically along " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 326, "l_partkey": 35, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 31.0d, "l_extendedprice": 28985.93d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-09-27", "l_commitdate": "1995-07-06", "l_receiptdate": "1995-10-22", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "cies sleep quick" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4230, "l_partkey": 35, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 30.0d, "l_extendedprice": 28050.9d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-03-11", "l_commitdate": "1992-04-29", "l_receiptdate": "1992-03-30", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "s. final excuses across the" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4257, "l_partkey": 35, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 5.0d, "l_extendedprice": 4675.15d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-04-29", "l_commitdate": "1995-06-05", "l_receiptdate": "1995-05-13", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "n deposits. furiously e" }
, { "l_orderkey": 71, "l_partkey": 35, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 45.0d, "l_extendedprice": 42076.35d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-02-23", "l_commitdate": "1998-03-20", "l_receiptdate": "1998-03-24", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": " ironic packages believe blithely a" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1697, "l_partkey": 35, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 19.0d, "l_extendedprice": 17765.57d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-01-08", "l_commitdate": "1996-11-12", "l_receiptdate": "1997-01-11", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ons? special, special accounts after" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1701, "l_partkey": 35, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 26.0d, "l_extendedprice": 24310.78d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-06-04", "l_commitdate": "1992-07-11", "l_receiptdate": "1992-07-04", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": " accounts. blithely pending pinto be" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 326, "l_partkey": 35, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 31.0d, "l_extendedprice": 28985.93d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-09-27", "l_commitdate": "1995-07-06", "l_receiptdate": "1995-10-22", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "cies sleep quick" }
, { "l_orderkey": 2049, "l_partkey": 35, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 31.0d, "l_extendedprice": 28985.93d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-12-25", "l_commitdate": "1996-02-25", "l_receiptdate": "1995-12-29", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": " packages are slyly alongside" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2371, "l_partkey": 35, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 21.0d, "l_extendedprice": 19635.63d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-04-14", "l_commitdate": "1998-02-14", "l_receiptdate": "1998-04-18", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "gle furiously regu" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2880, "l_partkey": 35, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 40.0d, "l_extendedprice": 37401.2d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-05-26", "l_commitdate": "1992-06-01", "l_receiptdate": "1992-05-31", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "even requests. quick" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4418, "l_partkey": 35, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 32.0d, "l_extendedprice": 29920.96d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-05-28", "l_commitdate": "1993-06-02", "l_receiptdate": "1993-05-30", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ly. bold pinto b" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4769, "l_partkey": 35, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 16.0d, "l_extendedprice": 14960.48d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-07-16", "l_commitdate": "1995-07-05", "l_receiptdate": "1995-07-22", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": " deposits. slyly even asymptote" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5315, "l_partkey": 35, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 12.0d, "l_extendedprice": 11220.36d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-12-18", "l_commitdate": "1993-01-16", "l_receiptdate": "1993-01-10", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ccounts. furiously ironi" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5414, "l_partkey": 35, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 23.0d, "l_extendedprice": 21505.69d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-07-22", "l_commitdate": "1993-05-26", "l_receiptdate": "1993-08-08", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "e bold, express dolphins. spec" }
, { "l_orderkey": 2724, "l_partkey": 35, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 1.0d, "l_extendedprice": 935.03d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-12-26", "l_commitdate": "1994-11-27", "l_receiptdate": "1995-01-07", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "lyly carefully blithe theodolites-- pl" }
, { "l_orderkey": 2914, "l_partkey": 35, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 4.0d, "l_extendedprice": 3740.12d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-06-11", "l_commitdate": "1993-04-09", "l_receiptdate": "1993-06-14", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "s integrate. bold deposits sleep req" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3270, "l_partkey": 35, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 11.0d, "l_extendedprice": 10285.33d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-07-29", "l_commitdate": "1997-08-11", "l_receiptdate": "1997-08-05", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": " solve at the regular deposits. " }
, { "l_orderkey": 3460, "l_partkey": 35, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 40.0d, "l_extendedprice": 37401.2d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-10-29", "l_commitdate": "1995-11-10", "l_receiptdate": "1995-11-24", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "o the even deposits" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4611, "l_partkey": 35, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 31.0d, "l_extendedprice": 28985.93d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-01-28", "l_commitdate": "1993-02-14", "l_receiptdate": "1993-01-29", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": " final pinto beans. permanent, sp" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4769, "l_partkey": 35, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 16.0d, "l_extendedprice": 14960.48d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-07-16", "l_commitdate": "1995-07-05", "l_receiptdate": "1995-07-22", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": " deposits. slyly even asymptote" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2048, "l_partkey": 35, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 7.0d, "l_extendedprice": 6545.21d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-12-07", "l_commitdate": "1994-01-31", "l_receiptdate": "1994-01-05", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "lent platelets boost deposits. carefully sp" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4804, "l_partkey": 35, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 41.0d, "l_extendedprice": 38336.23d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-04-06", "l_commitdate": "1992-04-12", "l_receiptdate": "1992-05-03", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": ". deposits haggle express tithes?" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4230, "l_partkey": 35, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 30.0d, "l_extendedprice": 28050.9d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-03-11", "l_commitdate": "1992-04-29", "l_receiptdate": "1992-03-30", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "s. final excuses across the" }
, { "l_orderkey": 5153, "l_partkey": 35, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 42.0d, "l_extendedprice": 39271.26d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-10-03", "l_commitdate": "1995-11-09", "l_receiptdate": "1995-10-11", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "re thinly. ironic" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5315, "l_partkey": 35, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 12.0d, "l_extendedprice": 11220.36d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-12-18", "l_commitdate": "1993-01-16", "l_receiptdate": "1993-01-10", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ccounts. furiously ironi" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 33, "l_partkey": 34, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 41.0d, "l_extendedprice": 38295.23d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-11-09", "l_commitdate": "1994-01-24", "l_receiptdate": "1993-11-11", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "unusual packages doubt caref" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 576, "l_partkey": 34, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 6.0d, "l_extendedprice": 5604.18d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-05-15", "l_commitdate": "1997-07-26", "l_receiptdate": "1997-06-03", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "al deposits. slyly even sauternes a" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 68, "l_partkey": 35, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 46.0d, "l_extendedprice": 43011.38d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-08-13", "l_commitdate": "1998-07-08", "l_receiptdate": "1998-08-29", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "egular dependencies affix ironically along " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 418, "l_partkey": 35, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 3.0d, "l_extendedprice": 2805.09d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-06-29", "l_commitdate": "1995-07-12", "l_receiptdate": "1995-07-01", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ly furiously regular w" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1697, "l_partkey": 35, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 19.0d, "l_extendedprice": 17765.57d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-01-08", "l_commitdate": "1996-11-12", "l_receiptdate": "1997-01-11", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ons? special, special accounts after" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1701, "l_partkey": 35, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 26.0d, "l_extendedprice": 24310.78d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-06-04", "l_commitdate": "1992-07-11", "l_receiptdate": "1992-07-04", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": " accounts. blithely pending pinto be" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2048, "l_partkey": 35, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 7.0d, "l_extendedprice": 6545.21d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-12-07", "l_commitdate": "1994-01-31", "l_receiptdate": "1994-01-05", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "lent platelets boost deposits. carefully sp" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4611, "l_partkey": 35, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 31.0d, "l_extendedprice": 28985.93d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-01-28", "l_commitdate": "1993-02-14", "l_receiptdate": "1993-01-29", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": " final pinto beans. permanent, sp" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4804, "l_partkey": 35, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 41.0d, "l_extendedprice": 38336.23d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-04-06", "l_commitdate": "1992-04-12", "l_receiptdate": "1992-05-03", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": ". deposits haggle express tithes?" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4833, "l_partkey": 35, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 4.0d, "l_extendedprice": 3740.12d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-08-16", "l_commitdate": "1996-06-29", "l_receiptdate": "1996-08-22", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "y pending packages sleep blithely regular r" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2371, "l_partkey": 35, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 21.0d, "l_extendedprice": 19635.63d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-04-14", "l_commitdate": "1998-02-14", "l_receiptdate": "1998-04-18", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "gle furiously regu" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3270, "l_partkey": 35, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 11.0d, "l_extendedprice": 10285.33d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-07-29", "l_commitdate": "1997-08-11", "l_receiptdate": "1997-08-05", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": " solve at the regular deposits. " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4257, "l_partkey": 35, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 5.0d, "l_extendedprice": 4675.15d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-04-29", "l_commitdate": "1995-06-05", "l_receiptdate": "1995-05-13", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "n deposits. furiously e" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4258, "l_partkey": 35, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 22.0d, "l_extendedprice": 20570.66d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-12-12", "l_commitdate": "1996-12-06", "l_receiptdate": "1996-12-20", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "e regular, even asym" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5856, "l_partkey": 35, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 35.0d, "l_extendedprice": 32726.05d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-11-24", "l_commitdate": "1994-12-23", "l_receiptdate": "1994-11-30", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "excuses. finally ir" }
, { "l_orderkey": 645, "l_partkey": 34, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 18.0d, "l_extendedprice": 16812.54d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-03-02", "l_commitdate": "1995-02-08", "l_receiptdate": "1995-03-03", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ep. slyly even " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3270, "l_partkey": 34, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 32.0d, "l_extendedprice": 29888.96d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-09-23", "l_commitdate": "1997-08-17", "l_receiptdate": "1997-09-27", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "promise carefully." }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4646, "l_partkey": 34, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 18.0d, "l_extendedprice": 16812.54d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-06-30", "l_commitdate": "1996-08-10", "l_receiptdate": "1996-07-12", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "beans sleep car" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4707, "l_partkey": 34, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 7.0d, "l_extendedprice": 6538.21d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-05-14", "l_commitdate": "1995-04-06", "l_receiptdate": "1995-06-06", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ecial sheaves boost blithely accor" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4899, "l_partkey": 34, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 14.0d, "l_extendedprice": 13076.42d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-11-10", "l_commitdate": "1994-01-10", "l_receiptdate": "1993-11-20", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": " foxes eat" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5089, "l_partkey": 34, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 38.0d, "l_extendedprice": 35493.14d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-11-23", "l_commitdate": "1992-09-11", "l_receiptdate": "1992-12-22", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "regular instructions are" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5285, "l_partkey": 34, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 24.0d, "l_extendedprice": 22416.72d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-04-19", "l_commitdate": "1994-04-03", "l_receiptdate": "1994-04-25", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ess packages. quick, even deposits snooze b" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 165, "l_partkey": 34, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 3.0d, "l_extendedprice": 2802.09d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-03-29", "l_commitdate": "1993-03-06", "l_receiptdate": "1993-04-12", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "riously requests. depos" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 230, "l_partkey": 34, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 8.0d, "l_extendedprice": 7472.24d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-11-21", "l_commitdate": "1994-01-05", "l_receiptdate": "1993-12-19", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "nal ideas. silent, reg" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1733, "l_partkey": 34, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 22.0d, "l_extendedprice": 20548.66d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-07-16", "l_commitdate": "1996-07-24", "l_receiptdate": "1996-07-30", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "gainst the final deposits. carefully final " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1381, "l_partkey": 34, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 12.0d, "l_extendedprice": 11208.36d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-08-13", "l_commitdate": "1998-08-12", "l_receiptdate": "1998-08-28", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": " furiously regular package" }
, { "l_orderkey": 2272, "l_partkey": 34, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 40.0d, "l_extendedprice": 37361.2d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-04-25", "l_commitdate": "1993-07-12", "l_receiptdate": "1993-05-15", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "lithely ir" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2307, "l_partkey": 34, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 7.0d, "l_extendedprice": 6538.21d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-08-03", "l_commitdate": "1993-09-04", "l_receiptdate": "1993-08-28", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ven instructions wake fluffily " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4614, "l_partkey": 34, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 32.0d, "l_extendedprice": 29888.96d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-08-21", "l_commitdate": "1996-05-28", "l_receiptdate": "1996-09-16", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ickly furio" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4675, "l_partkey": 34, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 26.0d, "l_extendedprice": 24284.78d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-12-16", "l_commitdate": "1993-12-29", "l_receiptdate": "1993-12-23", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "nts. express requests are quickly " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2722, "l_partkey": 34, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 16.0d, "l_extendedprice": 14944.48d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-05-25", "l_commitdate": "1994-06-09", "l_receiptdate": "1994-05-26", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ts besides the fluffy," }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3270, "l_partkey": 34, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 32.0d, "l_extendedprice": 29888.96d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-09-23", "l_commitdate": "1997-08-17", "l_receiptdate": "1997-09-27", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "promise carefully." }
, { "l_orderkey": 4743, "l_partkey": 34, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 27.0d, "l_extendedprice": 25218.81d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-07-26", "l_commitdate": "1993-05-27", "l_receiptdate": "1993-08-24", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "aids use. express deposits" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5345, "l_partkey": 34, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 22.0d, "l_extendedprice": 20548.66d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-08-27", "l_commitdate": "1997-11-22", "l_receiptdate": "1997-09-10", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "leep slyly regular fox" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 322, "l_partkey": 34, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 3.0d, "l_extendedprice": 2802.09d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-07-03", "l_commitdate": "1992-05-10", "l_receiptdate": "1992-07-28", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ending, ironic deposits along the blith" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 961, "l_partkey": 34, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 29.0d, "l_extendedprice": 27086.87d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-06-10", "l_commitdate": "1995-08-20", "l_receiptdate": "1995-06-26", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "l accounts use blithely against the" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 576, "l_partkey": 34, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 6.0d, "l_extendedprice": 5604.18d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-05-15", "l_commitdate": "1997-07-26", "l_receiptdate": "1997-06-03", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "al deposits. slyly even sauternes a" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1284, "l_partkey": 34, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 9.0d, "l_extendedprice": 8406.27d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-03-03", "l_commitdate": "1996-03-19", "l_receiptdate": "1996-04-01", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "after the pending" }
, { "l_orderkey": 1443, "l_partkey": 34, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 47.0d, "l_extendedprice": 43899.41d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-02-05", "l_commitdate": "1997-02-02", "l_receiptdate": "1997-03-03", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "carefully ironic requests sl" }
, { "l_orderkey": 1478, "l_partkey": 34, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 21.0d, "l_extendedprice": 19614.63d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-09-20", "l_commitdate": "1997-10-25", "l_receiptdate": "1997-10-06", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": " fluffily pending acc" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1766, "l_partkey": 34, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 12.0d, "l_extendedprice": 11208.36d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-10-28", "l_commitdate": "1996-12-18", "l_receiptdate": "1996-11-15", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "heodolites above the final, regular acc" }
, { "l_orderkey": 1920, "l_partkey": 34, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 14.0d, "l_extendedprice": 13076.42d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-10-22", "l_commitdate": "1998-08-10", "l_receiptdate": "1998-10-27", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ickly ironic d" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2020, "l_partkey": 34, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 50.0d, "l_extendedprice": 46701.5d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-07-12", "l_commitdate": "1993-08-28", "l_receiptdate": "1993-08-02", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ts against the pending ideas serve along" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2722, "l_partkey": 34, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 16.0d, "l_extendedprice": 14944.48d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-05-25", "l_commitdate": "1994-06-09", "l_receiptdate": "1994-05-26", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ts besides the fluffy," }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1284, "l_partkey": 34, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 9.0d, "l_extendedprice": 8406.27d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-03-03", "l_commitdate": "1996-03-19", "l_receiptdate": "1996-04-01", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "after the pending" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1381, "l_partkey": 34, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 12.0d, "l_extendedprice": 11208.36d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-08-13", "l_commitdate": "1998-08-12", "l_receiptdate": "1998-08-28", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": " furiously regular package" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2307, "l_partkey": 34, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 7.0d, "l_extendedprice": 6538.21d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-08-03", "l_commitdate": "1993-09-04", "l_receiptdate": "1993-08-28", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ven instructions wake fluffily " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4646, "l_partkey": 34, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 18.0d, "l_extendedprice": 16812.54d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-06-30", "l_commitdate": "1996-08-10", "l_receiptdate": "1996-07-12", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "beans sleep car" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4899, "l_partkey": 34, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 14.0d, "l_extendedprice": 13076.42d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-11-10", "l_commitdate": "1994-01-10", "l_receiptdate": "1993-11-20", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": " foxes eat" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5345, "l_partkey": 34, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 22.0d, "l_extendedprice": 20548.66d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-08-27", "l_commitdate": "1997-11-22", "l_receiptdate": "1997-09-10", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "leep slyly regular fox" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 33, "l_partkey": 34, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 41.0d, "l_extendedprice": 38295.23d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-11-09", "l_commitdate": "1994-01-24", "l_receiptdate": "1993-11-11", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "unusual packages doubt caref" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 961, "l_partkey": 34, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 29.0d, "l_extendedprice": 27086.87d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-06-10", "l_commitdate": "1995-08-20", "l_receiptdate": "1995-06-26", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "l accounts use blithely against the" }
, { "l_orderkey": 1571, "l_partkey": 34, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 24.0d, "l_extendedprice": 22416.72d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-03-22", "l_commitdate": "1993-01-31", "l_receiptdate": "1993-04-09", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "warthogs wake carefully acro" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1924, "l_partkey": 34, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 31.0d, "l_extendedprice": 28954.93d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-09-20", "l_commitdate": "1996-10-19", "l_receiptdate": "1996-10-19", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": " the slyly regular foxes. ruthle" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1733, "l_partkey": 34, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 22.0d, "l_extendedprice": 20548.66d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-07-16", "l_commitdate": "1996-07-24", "l_receiptdate": "1996-07-30", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "gainst the final deposits. carefully final " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1766, "l_partkey": 34, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 12.0d, "l_extendedprice": 11208.36d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-10-28", "l_commitdate": "1996-12-18", "l_receiptdate": "1996-11-15", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "heodolites above the final, regular acc" }
, { "l_orderkey": 2275, "l_partkey": 34, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 30.0d, "l_extendedprice": 28020.9d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-01-10", "l_commitdate": "1992-11-21", "l_receiptdate": "1993-01-22", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "re slyly slyly special idea" }
, { "l_orderkey": 2497, "l_partkey": 34, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 28.0d, "l_extendedprice": 26152.84d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-12-02", "l_commitdate": "1992-11-21", "l_receiptdate": "1992-12-04", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ouches. special, regular requests" }
, { "l_orderkey": 3845, "l_partkey": 34, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 44.0d, "l_extendedprice": 41097.32d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-07-20", "l_commitdate": "1992-07-15", "l_receiptdate": "1992-07-24", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "s haggle among the fluffily regula" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4614, "l_partkey": 34, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 32.0d, "l_extendedprice": 29888.96d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-08-21", "l_commitdate": "1996-05-28", "l_receiptdate": "1996-09-16", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ickly furio" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4707, "l_partkey": 34, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 7.0d, "l_extendedprice": 6538.21d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-05-14", "l_commitdate": "1995-04-06", "l_receiptdate": "1995-06-06", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ecial sheaves boost blithely accor" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 165, "l_partkey": 34, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 3.0d, "l_extendedprice": 2802.09d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-03-29", "l_commitdate": "1993-03-06", "l_receiptdate": "1993-04-12", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "riously requests. depos" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 230, "l_partkey": 34, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 8.0d, "l_extendedprice": 7472.24d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-11-21", "l_commitdate": "1994-01-05", "l_receiptdate": "1993-12-19", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "nal ideas. silent, reg" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 322, "l_partkey": 34, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 3.0d, "l_extendedprice": 2802.09d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-07-03", "l_commitdate": "1992-05-10", "l_receiptdate": "1992-07-28", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ending, ironic deposits along the blith" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1924, "l_partkey": 34, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 31.0d, "l_extendedprice": 28954.93d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-09-20", "l_commitdate": "1996-10-19", "l_receiptdate": "1996-10-19", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": " the slyly regular foxes. ruthle" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2020, "l_partkey": 34, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 50.0d, "l_extendedprice": 46701.5d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-07-12", "l_commitdate": "1993-08-28", "l_receiptdate": "1993-08-02", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ts against the pending ideas serve along" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4675, "l_partkey": 34, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 26.0d, "l_extendedprice": 24284.78d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-12-16", "l_commitdate": "1993-12-29", "l_receiptdate": "1993-12-23", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "nts. express requests are quickly " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5089, "l_partkey": 34, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 38.0d, "l_extendedprice": 35493.14d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-11-23", "l_commitdate": "1992-09-11", "l_receiptdate": "1992-12-22", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "regular instructions are" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5285, "l_partkey": 34, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 24.0d, "l_extendedprice": 22416.72d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-04-19", "l_commitdate": "1994-04-03", "l_receiptdate": "1994-04-25", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ess packages. quick, even deposits snooze b" }
, { "l_orderkey": 1377, "l_partkey": 33, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 3.0d, "l_extendedprice": 2799.09d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-04-30", "l_commitdate": "1998-07-02", "l_receiptdate": "1998-05-14", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "yly enticing requ" }
, { "l_orderkey": 1444, "l_partkey": 33, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 42.0d, "l_extendedprice": 39187.26d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-12-16", "l_commitdate": "1995-02-18", "l_receiptdate": "1994-12-22", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ss requests. ironic ideas wake above" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2053, "l_partkey": 33, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 34.0d, "l_extendedprice": 31723.02d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-03-15", "l_commitdate": "1995-03-20", "l_receiptdate": "1995-04-09", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ions. unusual dependencies" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3747, "l_partkey": 33, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 21.0d, "l_extendedprice": 19593.63d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-11-18", "l_commitdate": "1996-09-23", "l_receiptdate": "1996-11-26", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ithely bold orbits mold furiously blit" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5351, "l_partkey": 33, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 47.0d, "l_extendedprice": 43852.41d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-05-30", "l_commitdate": "1998-08-08", "l_receiptdate": "1998-06-23", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "s. grouches cajole. sile" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5733, "l_partkey": 33, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 39.0d, "l_extendedprice": 36388.17d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-03-22", "l_commitdate": "1993-05-24", "l_receiptdate": "1993-04-04", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "side of the" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 388, "l_partkey": 33, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 42.0d, "l_extendedprice": 39187.26d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-02-21", "l_commitdate": "1993-02-26", "l_receiptdate": "1993-03-15", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "accounts sleep furiously" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 451, "l_partkey": 33, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 42.0d, "l_extendedprice": 39187.26d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-08-01", "l_commitdate": "1998-08-05", "l_receiptdate": "1998-08-30", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "express excuses. blithely ironic pin" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1156, "l_partkey": 33, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 21.0d, "l_extendedprice": 19593.63d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-11-07", "l_commitdate": "1997-01-14", "l_receiptdate": "1996-12-03", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "dolphins. fluffily ironic packages sleep re" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4359, "l_partkey": 33, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 22.0d, "l_extendedprice": 20526.66d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-03-28", "l_commitdate": "1993-06-01", "l_receiptdate": "1993-04-13", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "accounts wake ironic deposits. ironic" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5346, "l_partkey": 33, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 6.0d, "l_extendedprice": 5598.18d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-03-01", "l_commitdate": "1994-02-04", "l_receiptdate": "1994-03-09", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "escapades sleep furiously beside the " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5574, "l_partkey": 33, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 21.0d, "l_extendedprice": 19593.63d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-03-22", "l_commitdate": "1992-04-26", "l_receiptdate": "1992-04-16", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "fully final dugouts. express foxes nag " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 483, "l_partkey": 33, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 8.0d, "l_extendedprice": 7464.24d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-08-22", "l_commitdate": "1995-08-23", "l_receiptdate": "1995-09-18", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "osits. carefully fin" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 579, "l_partkey": 33, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 39.0d, "l_extendedprice": 36388.17d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-06-21", "l_commitdate": "1998-06-03", "l_receiptdate": "1998-06-26", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ncies. furiously final r" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1377, "l_partkey": 33, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 19.0d, "l_extendedprice": 17727.57d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-06-20", "l_commitdate": "1998-06-27", "l_receiptdate": "1998-07-20", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ught to are bold foxes" }
, { "l_orderkey": 2787, "l_partkey": 33, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 4.0d, "l_extendedprice": 3732.12d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-01-26", "l_commitdate": "1995-11-26", "l_receiptdate": "1996-02-20", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ts. instructions nag furiously according " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2855, "l_partkey": 33, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 50.0d, "l_extendedprice": 46651.5d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-05-20", "l_commitdate": "1993-06-28", "l_receiptdate": "1993-06-16", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "beans. deposits " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4163, "l_partkey": 33, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 13.0d, "l_extendedprice": 12129.39d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-02-17", "l_commitdate": "1993-03-13", "l_receiptdate": "1993-03-15", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "phins wake. pending requests inte" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3555, "l_partkey": 33, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 29.0d, "l_extendedprice": 27057.87d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-08-02", "l_commitdate": "1996-09-04", "l_receiptdate": "1996-08-08", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "deas. carefully s" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4359, "l_partkey": 33, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 22.0d, "l_extendedprice": 20526.66d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-03-28", "l_commitdate": "1993-06-01", "l_receiptdate": "1993-04-13", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "accounts wake ironic deposits. ironic" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5574, "l_partkey": 33, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 21.0d, "l_extendedprice": 19593.63d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-03-22", "l_commitdate": "1992-04-26", "l_receiptdate": "1992-04-16", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "fully final dugouts. express foxes nag " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5733, "l_partkey": 33, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 39.0d, "l_extendedprice": 36388.17d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-03-22", "l_commitdate": "1993-05-24", "l_receiptdate": "1993-04-04", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "side of the" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 483, "l_partkey": 33, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 8.0d, "l_extendedprice": 7464.24d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-08-22", "l_commitdate": "1995-08-23", "l_receiptdate": "1995-09-18", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "osits. carefully fin" }
, { "l_orderkey": 512, "l_partkey": 33, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 12.0d, "l_extendedprice": 11196.36d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-05-21", "l_commitdate": "1995-08-03", "l_receiptdate": "1995-06-09", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "old furiously express deposits. specia" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1377, "l_partkey": 33, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 19.0d, "l_extendedprice": 17727.57d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-06-20", "l_commitdate": "1998-06-27", "l_receiptdate": "1998-07-20", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ught to are bold foxes" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 388, "l_partkey": 33, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 42.0d, "l_extendedprice": 39187.26d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-02-21", "l_commitdate": "1993-02-26", "l_receiptdate": "1993-03-15", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "accounts sleep furiously" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2053, "l_partkey": 33, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 34.0d, "l_extendedprice": 31723.02d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-03-15", "l_commitdate": "1995-03-20", "l_receiptdate": "1995-04-09", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ions. unusual dependencies" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2855, "l_partkey": 33, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 50.0d, "l_extendedprice": 46651.5d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-05-20", "l_commitdate": "1993-06-28", "l_receiptdate": "1993-06-16", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "beans. deposits " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3747, "l_partkey": 33, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 21.0d, "l_extendedprice": 19593.63d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-11-18", "l_commitdate": "1996-09-23", "l_receiptdate": "1996-11-26", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ithely bold orbits mold furiously blit" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5346, "l_partkey": 33, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 6.0d, "l_extendedprice": 5598.18d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-03-01", "l_commitdate": "1994-02-04", "l_receiptdate": "1994-03-09", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "escapades sleep furiously beside the " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 451, "l_partkey": 33, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 42.0d, "l_extendedprice": 39187.26d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-08-01", "l_commitdate": "1998-08-05", "l_receiptdate": "1998-08-30", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "express excuses. blithely ironic pin" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 579, "l_partkey": 33, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 39.0d, "l_extendedprice": 36388.17d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-06-21", "l_commitdate": "1998-06-03", "l_receiptdate": "1998-06-26", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ncies. furiously final r" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1156, "l_partkey": 33, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 21.0d, "l_extendedprice": 19593.63d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-11-07", "l_commitdate": "1997-01-14", "l_receiptdate": "1996-12-03", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "dolphins. fluffily ironic packages sleep re" }
, { "l_orderkey": 1280, "l_partkey": 33, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 13.0d, "l_extendedprice": 12129.39d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-03-06", "l_commitdate": "1993-03-11", "l_receiptdate": "1993-03-18", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "blithely final accounts use evenly " }
, { "l_orderkey": 2215, "l_partkey": 33, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 30.0d, "l_extendedprice": 27990.9d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-08-15", "l_commitdate": "1996-09-10", "l_receiptdate": "1996-08-25", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ckages caj" }
, { "l_orderkey": 2784, "l_partkey": 33, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 45.0d, "l_extendedprice": 41986.35d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-02-15", "l_commitdate": "1998-04-07", "l_receiptdate": "1998-02-26", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "yly along the asymptotes. reque" }
, { "l_orderkey": 3526, "l_partkey": 33, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 20.0d, "l_extendedprice": 18660.6d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-06-16", "l_commitdate": "1995-04-26", "l_receiptdate": "1995-06-22", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "kages. bold, special requests detect sl" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3555, "l_partkey": 33, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 29.0d, "l_extendedprice": 27057.87d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-08-02", "l_commitdate": "1996-09-04", "l_receiptdate": "1996-08-08", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "deas. carefully s" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4163, "l_partkey": 33, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 13.0d, "l_extendedprice": 12129.39d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-02-17", "l_commitdate": "1993-03-13", "l_receiptdate": "1993-03-15", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "phins wake. pending requests inte" }
, { "l_orderkey": 4227, "l_partkey": 33, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 8.0d, "l_extendedprice": 7464.24d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-06-11", "l_commitdate": "1995-04-30", "l_receiptdate": "1995-06-28", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": " packages since the bold, u" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5351, "l_partkey": 33, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 47.0d, "l_extendedprice": 43852.41d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-05-30", "l_commitdate": "1998-08-08", "l_receiptdate": "1998-06-23", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "s. grouches cajole. sile" }
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+, { "l_orderkey": 1475, "l_partkey": 32, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 33.0d, "l_extendedprice": 30756.99d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-01-02", "l_commitdate": "1998-01-27", "l_receiptdate": "1998-01-11", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "quickly fluffy" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2817, "l_partkey": 32, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 5.0d, "l_extendedprice": 4660.15d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-05-07", "l_commitdate": "1994-05-31", "l_receiptdate": "1994-05-12", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "furiously unusual theodolites use furiou" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2885, "l_partkey": 32, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 15.0d, "l_extendedprice": 13980.45d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-10-31", "l_commitdate": "1992-11-24", "l_receiptdate": "1992-11-21", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "odolites. boldly pending packages han" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3716, "l_partkey": 32, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 10.0d, "l_extendedprice": 9320.3d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-12-02", "l_commitdate": "1997-11-09", "l_receiptdate": "1997-12-14", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ts. quickly sly ideas slee" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4449, "l_partkey": 32, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 42.0d, "l_extendedprice": 39145.26d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-03-22", "l_commitdate": "1998-05-09", "l_receiptdate": "1998-04-03", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": " packages. blithely final " }
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, { "l_orderkey": 775, "l_partkey": 32, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 16.0d, "l_extendedprice": 14912.48d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-05-23", "l_commitdate": "1995-05-07", "l_receiptdate": "1995-06-19", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "un quickly slyly" }
, { "l_orderkey": 2465, "l_partkey": 32, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 8.0d, "l_extendedprice": 7456.24d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-10-16", "l_commitdate": "1995-08-26", "l_receiptdate": "1995-11-07", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "s across the express deposits wak" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2817, "l_partkey": 32, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 5.0d, "l_extendedprice": 4660.15d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-05-07", "l_commitdate": "1994-05-31", "l_receiptdate": "1994-05-12", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "furiously unusual theodolites use furiou" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3716, "l_partkey": 32, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 10.0d, "l_extendedprice": 9320.3d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-12-02", "l_commitdate": "1997-11-09", "l_receiptdate": "1997-12-14", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ts. quickly sly ideas slee" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4038, "l_partkey": 32, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 24.0d, "l_extendedprice": 22368.72d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-04-06", "l_commitdate": "1996-02-15", "l_receiptdate": "1996-04-18", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "the furiously regu" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4449, "l_partkey": 32, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 42.0d, "l_extendedprice": 39145.26d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-03-22", "l_commitdate": "1998-05-09", "l_receiptdate": "1998-04-03", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": " packages. blithely final " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4933, "l_partkey": 32, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 48.0d, "l_extendedprice": 44737.44d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-10-10", "l_commitdate": "1995-10-03", "l_receiptdate": "1995-11-04", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ideas. sly" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5127, "l_partkey": 32, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 20.0d, "l_extendedprice": 18640.6d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-05-11", "l_commitdate": "1997-02-26", "l_receiptdate": "1997-05-12", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "dolites about the final platelets w" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5249, "l_partkey": 32, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 13.0d, "l_extendedprice": 12116.39d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-09-27", "l_commitdate": "1994-10-20", "l_receiptdate": "1994-10-05", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ites. finally exp" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 129, "l_partkey": 32, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 24.0d, "l_extendedprice": 22368.72d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-12-07", "l_commitdate": "1993-01-02", "l_receiptdate": "1992-12-11", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "uests. foxes cajole slyly after the ca" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1447, "l_partkey": 32, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 6.0d, "l_extendedprice": 5592.18d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-10-24", "l_commitdate": "1992-12-10", "l_receiptdate": "1992-11-05", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "as! regular packages poach above the" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1670, "l_partkey": 32, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 41.0d, "l_extendedprice": 38213.23d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-07-19", "l_commitdate": "1997-08-20", "l_receiptdate": "1997-07-23", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "thely according to the sly" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2723, "l_partkey": 32, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 10.0d, "l_extendedprice": 9320.3d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-11-27", "l_commitdate": "1995-11-29", "l_receiptdate": "1995-12-12", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "al, special r" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1762, "l_partkey": 32, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 7.0d, "l_extendedprice": 6524.21d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-09-03", "l_commitdate": "1994-10-02", "l_receiptdate": "1994-09-10", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "uickly express packages wake slyly-- regul" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2885, "l_partkey": 32, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 15.0d, "l_extendedprice": 13980.45d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-10-31", "l_commitdate": "1992-11-24", "l_receiptdate": "1992-11-21", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "odolites. boldly pending packages han" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4770, "l_partkey": 32, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 41.0d, "l_extendedprice": 38213.23d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-09-04", "l_commitdate": "1995-08-08", "l_receiptdate": "1995-09-10", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ithely even packages sleep caref" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4900, "l_partkey": 32, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 20.0d, "l_extendedprice": 18640.6d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-09-22", "l_commitdate": "1992-09-23", "l_receiptdate": "1992-09-27", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "yers. accounts affix somet" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 640, "l_partkey": 32, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 45.0d, "l_extendedprice": 41941.35d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-04-15", "l_commitdate": "1993-04-23", "l_receiptdate": "1993-04-21", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ong the qui" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1028, "l_partkey": 32, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 26.0d, "l_extendedprice": 24232.78d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-03-18", "l_commitdate": "1994-02-08", "l_receiptdate": "1994-03-19", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ronic platelets. carefully f" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1475, "l_partkey": 32, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 33.0d, "l_extendedprice": 30756.99d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-01-02", "l_commitdate": "1998-01-27", "l_receiptdate": "1998-01-11", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "quickly fluffy" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2050, "l_partkey": 32, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 11.0d, "l_extendedprice": 10252.33d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-07-27", "l_commitdate": "1994-08-18", "l_receiptdate": "1994-08-02", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ns. bold, final ideas cajole among the fi" }
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+, { "l_orderkey": 5127, "l_partkey": 32, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 20.0d, "l_extendedprice": 18640.6d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-05-11", "l_commitdate": "1997-02-26", "l_receiptdate": "1997-05-12", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "dolites about the final platelets w" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1028, "l_partkey": 32, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 26.0d, "l_extendedprice": 24232.78d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-03-18", "l_commitdate": "1994-02-08", "l_receiptdate": "1994-03-19", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ronic platelets. carefully f" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1670, "l_partkey": 32, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 41.0d, "l_extendedprice": 38213.23d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-07-19", "l_commitdate": "1997-08-20", "l_receiptdate": "1997-07-23", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "thely according to the sly" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2050, "l_partkey": 32, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 11.0d, "l_extendedprice": 10252.33d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-07-27", "l_commitdate": "1994-08-18", "l_receiptdate": "1994-08-02", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ns. bold, final ideas cajole among the fi" }
, { "l_orderkey": 4197, "l_partkey": 32, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 28.0d, "l_extendedprice": 26096.84d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-10-05", "l_commitdate": "1996-10-24", "l_receiptdate": "1996-10-22", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "regular pin" }
, { "l_orderkey": 4419, "l_partkey": 32, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 42.0d, "l_extendedprice": 39145.26d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-09-18", "l_commitdate": "1996-07-25", "l_receiptdate": "1996-09-21", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "sts. furious" }
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-, { "l_orderkey": 5060, "l_partkey": 32, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 28.0d, "l_extendedprice": 26096.84d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-09-25", "l_commitdate": "1992-08-11", "l_receiptdate": "1992-10-09", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "c requests" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5603, "l_partkey": 32, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 49.0d, "l_extendedprice": 45669.47d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-10-07", "l_commitdate": "1992-07-21", "l_receiptdate": "1992-10-10", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "nic, pending dependencies print" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1573, "l_partkey": 31, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 17.0d, "l_extendedprice": 15827.51d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-02-24", "l_commitdate": "1993-02-16", "l_receiptdate": "1993-03-08", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "carefully regular deposits. " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1797, "l_partkey": 31, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 17.0d, "l_extendedprice": 15827.51d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-08-06", "l_commitdate": "1996-07-11", "l_receiptdate": "1996-08-29", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": " cajole carefully. unusual Tiresias e" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3335, "l_partkey": 31, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 44.0d, "l_extendedprice": 40965.32d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-01-05", "l_commitdate": "1995-12-25", "l_receiptdate": "1996-01-18", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "r packages cajole ac" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4197, "l_partkey": 31, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 48.0d, "l_extendedprice": 44689.44d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-10-07", "l_commitdate": "1996-10-25", "l_receiptdate": "1996-10-23", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": " final instructions. blithe, spe" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4645, "l_partkey": 31, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 42.0d, "l_extendedprice": 39103.26d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-12-31", "l_commitdate": "1994-10-22", "l_receiptdate": "1995-01-28", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "e slyly regular pinto beans. thin" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5253, "l_partkey": 31, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 35.0d, "l_extendedprice": 32586.05d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-07-23", "l_commitdate": "1995-06-12", "l_receiptdate": "1995-08-03", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ven deposits. careful" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5249, "l_partkey": 32, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 13.0d, "l_extendedprice": 12116.39d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-09-27", "l_commitdate": "1994-10-20", "l_receiptdate": "1994-10-05", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ites. finally exp" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 129, "l_partkey": 32, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 24.0d, "l_extendedprice": 22368.72d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-12-07", "l_commitdate": "1993-01-02", "l_receiptdate": "1992-12-11", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "uests. foxes cajole slyly after the ca" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 640, "l_partkey": 32, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 45.0d, "l_extendedprice": 41941.35d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-04-15", "l_commitdate": "1993-04-23", "l_receiptdate": "1993-04-21", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ong the qui" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1447, "l_partkey": 32, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 6.0d, "l_extendedprice": 5592.18d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-10-24", "l_commitdate": "1992-12-10", "l_receiptdate": "1992-11-05", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "as! regular packages poach above the" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1762, "l_partkey": 32, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 7.0d, "l_extendedprice": 6524.21d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-09-03", "l_commitdate": "1994-10-02", "l_receiptdate": "1994-09-10", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "uickly express packages wake slyly-- regul" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2723, "l_partkey": 32, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 10.0d, "l_extendedprice": 9320.3d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-11-27", "l_commitdate": "1995-11-29", "l_receiptdate": "1995-12-12", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "al, special r" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4038, "l_partkey": 32, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 24.0d, "l_extendedprice": 22368.72d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-04-06", "l_commitdate": "1996-02-15", "l_receiptdate": "1996-04-18", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "the furiously regu" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4900, "l_partkey": 32, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 20.0d, "l_extendedprice": 18640.6d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-09-22", "l_commitdate": "1992-09-23", "l_receiptdate": "1992-09-27", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "yers. accounts affix somet" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1638, "l_partkey": 31, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 5.0d, "l_extendedprice": 4655.15d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-10-15", "l_commitdate": "1997-11-01", "l_receiptdate": "1997-11-08", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "xcuses sleep furiou" }
, { "l_orderkey": 5415, "l_partkey": 31, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 16.0d, "l_extendedprice": 14896.48d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-09-29", "l_commitdate": "1992-09-12", "l_receiptdate": "1992-10-10", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "pinto beans haggle furiously" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2403, "l_partkey": 31, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 30.0d, "l_extendedprice": 27930.9d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-08-08", "l_commitdate": "1998-06-17", "l_receiptdate": "1998-08-20", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ackages sleep furiously pendin" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3556, "l_partkey": 31, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 43.0d, "l_extendedprice": 40034.29d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-01-18", "l_commitdate": "1992-11-09", "l_receiptdate": "1993-02-04", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "wake carefull" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4705, "l_partkey": 31, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 14.0d, "l_extendedprice": 13034.42d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-07-14", "l_commitdate": "1992-05-23", "l_receiptdate": "1992-07-25", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ain carefully amon" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5285, "l_partkey": 31, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 37.0d, "l_extendedprice": 34448.11d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-02-26", "l_commitdate": "1994-02-18", "l_receiptdate": "1994-03-27", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "uffily regu" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1028, "l_partkey": 31, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 22.0d, "l_extendedprice": 20482.66d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-04-24", "l_commitdate": "1994-02-27", "l_receiptdate": "1994-05-08", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": " Tiresias alongside of the carefully spec" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2752, "l_partkey": 31, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 41.0d, "l_extendedprice": 38172.23d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-03-02", "l_commitdate": "1994-01-31", "l_receiptdate": "1994-03-06", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "tructions hag" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4355, "l_partkey": 31, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 50.0d, "l_extendedprice": 46551.5d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-11-25", "l_commitdate": "1997-01-01", "l_receiptdate": "1996-12-06", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": " regular accounts boost along the " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4608, "l_partkey": 31, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 36.0d, "l_extendedprice": 33517.08d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-10-04", "l_commitdate": "1994-08-02", "l_receiptdate": "1994-10-21", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ages wake quickly slyly iron" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4864, "l_partkey": 31, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 46.0d, "l_extendedprice": 42827.38d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-02-24", "l_commitdate": "1993-01-02", "l_receiptdate": "1993-03-17", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "sts use carefully across the carefull" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5249, "l_partkey": 31, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 44.0d, "l_extendedprice": 40965.32d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-12-28", "l_commitdate": "1994-11-29", "l_receiptdate": "1994-12-29", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ole furiousl" }
, { "l_orderkey": 35, "l_partkey": 31, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 28.0d, "l_extendedprice": 26068.84d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-02-01", "l_commitdate": "1995-12-24", "l_receiptdate": "1996-02-28", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ly alongside of " }
, { "l_orderkey": 354, "l_partkey": 31, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 18.0d, "l_extendedprice": 16758.54d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-03-31", "l_commitdate": "1996-05-13", "l_receiptdate": "1996-04-27", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": " about the carefully unusual " }
, { "l_orderkey": 484, "l_partkey": 31, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 49.0d, "l_extendedprice": 45620.47d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-03-06", "l_commitdate": "1997-02-28", "l_receiptdate": "1997-03-23", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ven accounts" }
, { "l_orderkey": 994, "l_partkey": 31, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 5.0d, "l_extendedprice": 4655.15d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-06-24", "l_commitdate": "1994-06-14", "l_receiptdate": "1994-06-26", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ainst the pending requests. packages sl" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1185, "l_partkey": 31, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 28.0d, "l_extendedprice": 26068.84d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-09-24", "l_commitdate": "1992-10-07", "l_receiptdate": "1992-10-10", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ke. slyly regular t" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1476, "l_partkey": 31, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 20.0d, "l_extendedprice": 18620.6d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-08-11", "l_commitdate": "1996-09-18", "l_receiptdate": "1996-08-26", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": ". bold deposits are carefully amo" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1638, "l_partkey": 31, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 5.0d, "l_extendedprice": 4655.15d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-10-15", "l_commitdate": "1997-11-01", "l_receiptdate": "1997-11-08", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "xcuses sleep furiou" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2753, "l_partkey": 31, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 7.0d, "l_extendedprice": 6517.21d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-02-11", "l_commitdate": "1994-01-22", "l_receiptdate": "1994-03-10", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "xpress ideas detect b" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3781, "l_partkey": 31, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 15.0d, "l_extendedprice": 13965.45d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-08-23", "l_commitdate": "1996-08-08", "l_receiptdate": "1996-09-06", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": " carefully blithe" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1028, "l_partkey": 31, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 22.0d, "l_extendedprice": 20482.66d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-04-24", "l_commitdate": "1994-02-27", "l_receiptdate": "1994-05-08", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": " Tiresias alongside of the carefully spec" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2403, "l_partkey": 31, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 30.0d, "l_extendedprice": 27930.9d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-08-08", "l_commitdate": "1998-06-17", "l_receiptdate": "1998-08-20", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ackages sleep furiously pendin" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2752, "l_partkey": 31, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 41.0d, "l_extendedprice": 38172.23d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-03-02", "l_commitdate": "1994-01-31", "l_receiptdate": "1994-03-06", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "tructions hag" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3556, "l_partkey": 31, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 43.0d, "l_extendedprice": 40034.29d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-01-18", "l_commitdate": "1992-11-09", "l_receiptdate": "1993-02-04", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "wake carefull" }
, { "l_orderkey": 3808, "l_partkey": 31, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 45.0d, "l_extendedprice": 41896.35d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-07-03", "l_commitdate": "1994-05-29", "l_receiptdate": "1994-07-14", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": " carefully special" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4258, "l_partkey": 31, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 46.0d, "l_extendedprice": 42827.38d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-01-02", "l_commitdate": "1996-12-26", "l_receiptdate": "1997-01-12", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": " furiously pend" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4197, "l_partkey": 31, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 48.0d, "l_extendedprice": 44689.44d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-10-07", "l_commitdate": "1996-10-25", "l_receiptdate": "1996-10-23", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": " final instructions. blithe, spe" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4355, "l_partkey": 31, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 50.0d, "l_extendedprice": 46551.5d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-11-25", "l_commitdate": "1997-01-01", "l_receiptdate": "1996-12-06", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": " regular accounts boost along the " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4645, "l_partkey": 31, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 42.0d, "l_extendedprice": 39103.26d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-12-31", "l_commitdate": "1994-10-22", "l_receiptdate": "1995-01-28", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "e slyly regular pinto beans. thin" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4864, "l_partkey": 31, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 46.0d, "l_extendedprice": 42827.38d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-02-24", "l_commitdate": "1993-01-02", "l_receiptdate": "1993-03-17", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "sts use carefully across the carefull" }
, { "l_orderkey": 4870, "l_partkey": 31, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 5.0d, "l_extendedprice": 4655.15d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-10-11", "l_commitdate": "1994-10-07", "l_receiptdate": "1994-10-24", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "s haggle furiously. slyly ironic dinos" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5253, "l_partkey": 31, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 35.0d, "l_extendedprice": 32586.05d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-07-23", "l_commitdate": "1995-06-12", "l_receiptdate": "1995-08-03", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ven deposits. careful" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5285, "l_partkey": 31, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 37.0d, "l_extendedprice": 34448.11d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-02-26", "l_commitdate": "1994-02-18", "l_receiptdate": "1994-03-27", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "uffily regu" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1476, "l_partkey": 31, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 20.0d, "l_extendedprice": 18620.6d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-08-11", "l_commitdate": "1996-09-18", "l_receiptdate": "1996-08-26", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": ". bold deposits are carefully amo" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1797, "l_partkey": 31, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 17.0d, "l_extendedprice": 15827.51d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-08-06", "l_commitdate": "1996-07-11", "l_receiptdate": "1996-08-29", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": " cajole carefully. unusual Tiresias e" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3335, "l_partkey": 31, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 44.0d, "l_extendedprice": 40965.32d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-01-05", "l_commitdate": "1995-12-25", "l_receiptdate": "1996-01-18", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "r packages cajole ac" }
, { "l_orderkey": 5413, "l_partkey": 31, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 32.0d, "l_extendedprice": 29792.96d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-10-23", "l_commitdate": "1997-12-09", "l_receiptdate": "1997-11-17", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "he quickly ironic ideas. slyly ironic ide" }
, { "l_orderkey": 5575, "l_partkey": 31, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 23.0d, "l_extendedprice": 21413.69d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-10-26", "l_commitdate": "1995-10-09", "l_receiptdate": "1995-11-13", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "enticingly final requests. ironically" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3, "l_partkey": 30, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 2.0d, "l_extendedprice": 1860.06d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-12-04", "l_commitdate": "1994-01-07", "l_receiptdate": "1994-01-01", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "y. fluffily pending d" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2208, "l_partkey": 30, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 43.0d, "l_extendedprice": 39991.29d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-05-10", "l_commitdate": "1995-06-02", "l_receiptdate": "1995-06-09", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "es. accounts cajole. fi" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3655, "l_partkey": 30, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 35.0d, "l_extendedprice": 32551.05d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-12-20", "l_commitdate": "1992-11-16", "l_receiptdate": "1993-01-15", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "blithely even accounts! furiously regular" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3714, "l_partkey": 30, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 44.0d, "l_extendedprice": 40921.32d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-07-18", "l_commitdate": "1998-07-10", "l_receiptdate": "1998-07-22", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "s. quickly ironic dugouts sublat" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3781, "l_partkey": 30, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 17.0d, "l_extendedprice": 15810.51d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-06-23", "l_commitdate": "1996-09-04", "l_receiptdate": "1996-07-19", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": ". theodolite" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 646, "l_partkey": 30, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 24.0d, "l_extendedprice": 22320.72d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-02-20", "l_commitdate": "1994-12-30", "l_receiptdate": "1995-03-16", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "regular accounts haggle dog" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1121, "l_partkey": 30, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 47.0d, "l_extendedprice": 43711.41d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-04-27", "l_commitdate": "1997-03-28", "l_receiptdate": "1997-05-14", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ly idle, i" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1702, "l_partkey": 30, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 38.0d, "l_extendedprice": 35341.14d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-09-01", "l_commitdate": "1995-06-10", "l_receiptdate": "1995-09-10", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "as believe blithely. bo" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1185, "l_partkey": 31, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 28.0d, "l_extendedprice": 26068.84d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-09-24", "l_commitdate": "1992-10-07", "l_receiptdate": "1992-10-10", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ke. slyly regular t" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1573, "l_partkey": 31, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 17.0d, "l_extendedprice": 15827.51d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-02-24", "l_commitdate": "1993-02-16", "l_receiptdate": "1993-03-08", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "carefully regular deposits. " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2753, "l_partkey": 31, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 7.0d, "l_extendedprice": 6517.21d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-02-11", "l_commitdate": "1994-01-22", "l_receiptdate": "1994-03-10", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "xpress ideas detect b" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3781, "l_partkey": 31, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 15.0d, "l_extendedprice": 13965.45d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-08-23", "l_commitdate": "1996-08-08", "l_receiptdate": "1996-09-06", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": " carefully blithe" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4258, "l_partkey": 31, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 46.0d, "l_extendedprice": 42827.38d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-01-02", "l_commitdate": "1996-12-26", "l_receiptdate": "1997-01-12", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": " furiously pend" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4608, "l_partkey": 31, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 36.0d, "l_extendedprice": 33517.08d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-10-04", "l_commitdate": "1994-08-02", "l_receiptdate": "1994-10-21", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ages wake quickly slyly iron" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4705, "l_partkey": 31, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 14.0d, "l_extendedprice": 13034.42d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-07-14", "l_commitdate": "1992-05-23", "l_receiptdate": "1992-07-25", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ain carefully amon" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5249, "l_partkey": 31, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 44.0d, "l_extendedprice": 40965.32d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-12-28", "l_commitdate": "1994-11-29", "l_receiptdate": "1994-12-29", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ole furiousl" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1282, "l_partkey": 30, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 10.0d, "l_extendedprice": 9300.3d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-04-10", "l_commitdate": "1992-04-16", "l_receiptdate": "1992-05-01", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "r theodolite" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1925, "l_partkey": 30, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 17.0d, "l_extendedprice": 15810.51d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-05-18", "l_commitdate": "1992-04-06", "l_receiptdate": "1992-06-16", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "instructions sleep. pinto bea" }
, { "l_orderkey": 2339, "l_partkey": 30, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 28.0d, "l_extendedprice": 26040.84d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-01-25", "l_commitdate": "1994-01-22", "l_receiptdate": "1994-01-28", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "e bold, even packag" }
, { "l_orderkey": 2533, "l_partkey": 30, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 17.0d, "l_extendedprice": 15810.51d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-05-23", "l_commitdate": "1997-05-10", "l_receiptdate": "1997-06-18", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ackages. blith" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5986, "l_partkey": 30, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 1.0d, "l_extendedprice": 930.03d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-05-21", "l_commitdate": "1992-06-21", "l_receiptdate": "1992-05-24", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "fix quickly quickly final deposits. fluffil" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3, "l_partkey": 30, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 2.0d, "l_extendedprice": 1860.06d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-12-04", "l_commitdate": "1994-01-07", "l_receiptdate": "1994-01-01", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "y. fluffily pending d" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1702, "l_partkey": 30, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 38.0d, "l_extendedprice": 35341.14d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-09-01", "l_commitdate": "1995-06-10", "l_receiptdate": "1995-09-10", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "as believe blithely. bo" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2208, "l_partkey": 30, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 43.0d, "l_extendedprice": 39991.29d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-05-10", "l_commitdate": "1995-06-02", "l_receiptdate": "1995-06-09", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "es. accounts cajole. fi" }
, { "l_orderkey": 2662, "l_partkey": 30, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 34.0d, "l_extendedprice": 31621.02d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-10-04", "l_commitdate": "1996-11-05", "l_receiptdate": "1996-10-19", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ding theodolites use carefully. p" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3200, "l_partkey": 30, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 11.0d, "l_extendedprice": 10230.33d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-03-18", "l_commitdate": "1996-03-21", "l_receiptdate": "1996-04-14", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "osits sleep fur" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3781, "l_partkey": 30, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 17.0d, "l_extendedprice": 15810.51d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-06-23", "l_commitdate": "1996-09-04", "l_receiptdate": "1996-07-19", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": ". theodolite" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3970, "l_partkey": 30, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 23.0d, "l_extendedprice": 21390.69d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-06-04", "l_commitdate": "1992-06-14", "l_receiptdate": "1992-06-13", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": " above the final braids. regular" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3973, "l_partkey": 30, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 21.0d, "l_extendedprice": 19530.63d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-06-18", "l_commitdate": "1992-06-03", "l_receiptdate": "1992-07-02", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "equests. furiously" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5025, "l_partkey": 30, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 11.0d, "l_extendedprice": 10230.33d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-02-21", "l_commitdate": "1997-04-16", "l_receiptdate": "1997-03-14", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "the carefully final esc" }
, { "l_orderkey": 5377, "l_partkey": 30, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 17.0d, "l_extendedprice": 15810.51d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-07-05", "l_commitdate": "1997-05-25", "l_receiptdate": "1997-07-22", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "dencies. carefully regular re" }
, { "l_orderkey": 103, "l_partkey": 30, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 32.0d, "l_extendedprice": 29760.96d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-07-30", "l_commitdate": "1996-08-06", "l_receiptdate": "1996-08-04", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "kages doze. special, regular deposit" }
, { "l_orderkey": 1862, "l_partkey": 30, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 41.0d, "l_extendedprice": 38131.23d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-06-05", "l_commitdate": "1998-05-17", "l_receiptdate": "1998-07-04", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": " carefully along" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3200, "l_partkey": 30, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 11.0d, "l_extendedprice": 10230.33d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-03-18", "l_commitdate": "1996-03-21", "l_receiptdate": "1996-04-14", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "osits sleep fur" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3970, "l_partkey": 30, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 23.0d, "l_extendedprice": 21390.69d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-06-04", "l_commitdate": "1992-06-14", "l_receiptdate": "1992-06-13", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": " above the final braids. regular" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3973, "l_partkey": 30, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 21.0d, "l_extendedprice": 19530.63d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-06-18", "l_commitdate": "1992-06-03", "l_receiptdate": "1992-07-02", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "equests. furiously" }
, { "l_orderkey": 5891, "l_partkey": 30, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 10.0d, "l_extendedprice": 9300.3d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-04-14", "l_commitdate": "1993-02-07", "l_receiptdate": "1993-04-15", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "nding requests. b" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1282, "l_partkey": 30, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 10.0d, "l_extendedprice": 9300.3d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-04-10", "l_commitdate": "1992-04-16", "l_receiptdate": "1992-05-01", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "r theodolite" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1925, "l_partkey": 30, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 17.0d, "l_extendedprice": 15810.51d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-05-18", "l_commitdate": "1992-04-06", "l_receiptdate": "1992-06-16", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "instructions sleep. pinto bea" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5025, "l_partkey": 30, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 11.0d, "l_extendedprice": 10230.33d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-02-21", "l_commitdate": "1997-04-16", "l_receiptdate": "1997-03-14", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "the carefully final esc" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5986, "l_partkey": 30, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 1.0d, "l_extendedprice": 930.03d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-05-21", "l_commitdate": "1992-06-21", "l_receiptdate": "1992-05-24", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "fix quickly quickly final deposits. fluffil" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 646, "l_partkey": 30, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 24.0d, "l_extendedprice": 22320.72d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-02-20", "l_commitdate": "1994-12-30", "l_receiptdate": "1995-03-16", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "regular accounts haggle dog" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1121, "l_partkey": 30, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 47.0d, "l_extendedprice": 43711.41d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-04-27", "l_commitdate": "1997-03-28", "l_receiptdate": "1997-05-14", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ly idle, i" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3655, "l_partkey": 30, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 35.0d, "l_extendedprice": 32551.05d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-12-20", "l_commitdate": "1992-11-16", "l_receiptdate": "1993-01-15", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "blithely even accounts! furiously regular" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3714, "l_partkey": 30, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 44.0d, "l_extendedprice": 40921.32d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-07-18", "l_commitdate": "1998-07-10", "l_receiptdate": "1998-07-22", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "s. quickly ironic dugouts sublat" }
, { "l_orderkey": 103, "l_partkey": 29, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 23.0d, "l_extendedprice": 21367.46d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-09-11", "l_commitdate": "1996-09-18", "l_receiptdate": "1996-09-26", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ironic accou" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 868, "l_partkey": 29, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 13.0d, "l_extendedprice": 12077.26d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-07-25", "l_commitdate": "1992-08-26", "l_receiptdate": "1992-08-04", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "gged instructi" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1059, "l_partkey": 29, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 7.0d, "l_extendedprice": 6503.14d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-03-30", "l_commitdate": "1994-04-01", "l_receiptdate": "1994-04-24", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "the furiously silent excuses are e" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3298, "l_partkey": 29, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 25.0d, "l_extendedprice": 23225.5d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-06-30", "l_commitdate": "1996-05-31", "l_receiptdate": "1996-07-23", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ly express f" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3591, "l_partkey": 29, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 21.0d, "l_extendedprice": 19509.42d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-02-25", "l_commitdate": "1994-02-02", "l_receiptdate": "1994-03-05", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "structions against " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3778, "l_partkey": 29, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 32.0d, "l_extendedprice": 29728.64d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-06-22", "l_commitdate": "1993-08-18", "l_receiptdate": "1993-07-03", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "tes affix carefully above the " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4161, "l_partkey": 29, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 46.0d, "l_extendedprice": 42734.92d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-11-09", "l_commitdate": "1993-11-17", "l_receiptdate": "1993-11-17", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "he stealthily ironic foxes. ideas haggl" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4647, "l_partkey": 29, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 28.0d, "l_extendedprice": 26012.56d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-08-25", "l_commitdate": "1994-08-06", "l_receiptdate": "1994-09-18", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": " are above the fluffily fin" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4738, "l_partkey": 29, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 22.0d, "l_extendedprice": 20438.44d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-05-25", "l_commitdate": "1992-05-19", "l_receiptdate": "1992-06-12", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ld, even packages. furio" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 486, "l_partkey": 29, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 3.0d, "l_extendedprice": 2787.06d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-07-07", "l_commitdate": "1996-04-20", "l_receiptdate": "1996-07-23", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ccounts ha" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1575, "l_partkey": 29, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 42.0d, "l_extendedprice": 39018.84d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-10-21", "l_commitdate": "1995-11-25", "l_receiptdate": "1995-10-24", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ly pending pinto beans." }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2658, "l_partkey": 29, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 22.0d, "l_extendedprice": 20438.44d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-11-12", "l_commitdate": "1995-11-18", "l_receiptdate": "1995-11-14", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ts cajole. pending packages affix" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3205, "l_partkey": 29, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 32.0d, "l_extendedprice": 29728.64d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-06-01", "l_commitdate": "1992-07-10", "l_receiptdate": "1992-06-06", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "lar accoun" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3489, "l_partkey": 29, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 46.0d, "l_extendedprice": 42734.92d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-08-02", "l_commitdate": "1993-10-09", "l_receiptdate": "1993-08-10", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "xcuses? quickly stealthy dependenci" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3558, "l_partkey": 29, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 38.0d, "l_extendedprice": 35302.76d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-05-29", "l_commitdate": "1996-05-02", "l_receiptdate": "1996-06-09", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "refully permanently iron" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4070, "l_partkey": 29, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 46.0d, "l_extendedprice": 42734.92d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-06-22", "l_commitdate": "1995-07-14", "l_receiptdate": "1995-07-11", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "nticing ideas. boldly" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4263, "l_partkey": 29, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 6.0d, "l_extendedprice": 5574.12d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-05-01", "l_commitdate": "1998-06-02", "l_receiptdate": "1998-05-14", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "g the final, regular instructions: " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4295, "l_partkey": 29, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 49.0d, "l_extendedprice": 45521.98d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-05-25", "l_commitdate": "1996-03-17", "l_receiptdate": "1996-06-19", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "refully silent requests. f" }
, { "l_orderkey": 773, "l_partkey": 29, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 28.0d, "l_extendedprice": 26012.56d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-01-19", "l_commitdate": "1993-11-05", "l_receiptdate": "1994-01-23", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "he furiously slow deposits." }
, { "l_orderkey": 838, "l_partkey": 29, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 27.0d, "l_extendedprice": 25083.54d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-02-15", "l_commitdate": "1998-04-03", "l_receiptdate": "1998-02-20", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": " pending pinto beans haggle about t" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1575, "l_partkey": 29, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 42.0d, "l_extendedprice": 39018.84d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-10-21", "l_commitdate": "1995-11-25", "l_receiptdate": "1995-10-24", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ly pending pinto beans." }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1028, "l_partkey": 29, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 27.0d, "l_extendedprice": 25083.54d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-04-03", "l_commitdate": "1994-02-07", "l_receiptdate": "1994-04-26", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ial accounts nag. slyly" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2147, "l_partkey": 29, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 50.0d, "l_extendedprice": 46451.0d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-11-18", "l_commitdate": "1992-11-30", "l_receiptdate": "1992-11-30", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "al accounts. even, even foxes wake" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2791, "l_partkey": 29, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 26.0d, "l_extendedprice": 24154.52d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-02-06", "l_commitdate": "1994-12-07", "l_receiptdate": "1995-02-23", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "uriously special instructio" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4806, "l_partkey": 29, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 8.0d, "l_extendedprice": 7432.16d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-05-08", "l_commitdate": "1993-07-16", "l_receiptdate": "1993-05-28", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "requests boost blithely. qui" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4997, "l_partkey": 29, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 2.0d, "l_extendedprice": 1858.04d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-07-09", "l_commitdate": "1998-06-10", "l_receiptdate": "1998-07-21", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "counts. slyl" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5254, "l_partkey": 29, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 23.0d, "l_extendedprice": 21367.46d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-08-16", "l_commitdate": "1992-09-05", "l_receiptdate": "1992-09-15", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "lyly regular accounts. furiously pendin" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5410, "l_partkey": 29, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 40.0d, "l_extendedprice": 37160.8d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-11-17", "l_commitdate": "1998-10-02", "l_receiptdate": "1998-11-27", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "iously special accounts are along th" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5569, "l_partkey": 29, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 25.0d, "l_extendedprice": 23225.5d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-06-29", "l_commitdate": "1993-07-18", "l_receiptdate": "1993-07-05", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": " deposits cajole above" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 132, "l_partkey": 29, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 23.0d, "l_extendedprice": 21367.46d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-06-16", "l_commitdate": "1993-08-27", "l_receiptdate": "1993-06-23", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "refully blithely bold acco" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 358, "l_partkey": 29, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 18.0d, "l_extendedprice": 16722.36d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-10-07", "l_commitdate": "1993-11-01", "l_receiptdate": "1993-10-26", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "olphins haggle ironic accounts. f" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1956, "l_partkey": 29, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 11.0d, "l_extendedprice": 10219.22d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-12-19", "l_commitdate": "1992-10-29", "l_receiptdate": "1993-01-07", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": " the braids slee" }
, { "l_orderkey": 2630, "l_partkey": 29, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 46.0d, "l_extendedprice": 42734.92d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-11-05", "l_commitdate": "1992-12-17", "l_receiptdate": "1992-12-05", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "uests cajole. e" }
, { "l_orderkey": 2784, "l_partkey": 29, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 3.0d, "l_extendedprice": 2787.06d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-01-19", "l_commitdate": "1998-04-05", "l_receiptdate": "1998-02-05", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "n packages. foxes haggle quickly sile" }
, { "l_orderkey": 2978, "l_partkey": 29, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 33.0d, "l_extendedprice": 30657.66d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-05-06", "l_commitdate": "1995-07-23", "l_receiptdate": "1995-05-16", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "s. blithely unusual pack" }
, { "l_orderkey": 3073, "l_partkey": 29, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 14.0d, "l_extendedprice": 13006.28d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-03-24", "l_commitdate": "1994-04-01", "l_receiptdate": "1994-04-07", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ilently quiet epitaphs." }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3489, "l_partkey": 29, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 46.0d, "l_extendedprice": 42734.92d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-08-02", "l_commitdate": "1993-10-09", "l_receiptdate": "1993-08-10", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "xcuses? quickly stealthy dependenci" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4806, "l_partkey": 29, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 8.0d, "l_extendedprice": 7432.16d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-05-08", "l_commitdate": "1993-07-16", "l_receiptdate": "1993-05-28", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "requests boost blithely. qui" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5254, "l_partkey": 29, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 23.0d, "l_extendedprice": 21367.46d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-08-16", "l_commitdate": "1992-09-05", "l_receiptdate": "1992-09-15", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "lyly regular accounts. furiously pendin" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 132, "l_partkey": 29, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 23.0d, "l_extendedprice": 21367.46d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-06-16", "l_commitdate": "1993-08-27", "l_receiptdate": "1993-06-23", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "refully blithely bold acco" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1028, "l_partkey": 29, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 27.0d, "l_extendedprice": 25083.54d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-04-03", "l_commitdate": "1994-02-07", "l_receiptdate": "1994-04-26", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ial accounts nag. slyly" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2147, "l_partkey": 29, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 50.0d, "l_extendedprice": 46451.0d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-11-18", "l_commitdate": "1992-11-30", "l_receiptdate": "1992-11-30", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "al accounts. even, even foxes wake" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3778, "l_partkey": 29, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 32.0d, "l_extendedprice": 29728.64d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-06-22", "l_commitdate": "1993-08-18", "l_receiptdate": "1993-07-03", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "tes affix carefully above the " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4070, "l_partkey": 29, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 46.0d, "l_extendedprice": 42734.92d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-06-22", "l_commitdate": "1995-07-14", "l_receiptdate": "1995-07-11", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "nticing ideas. boldly" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4161, "l_partkey": 29, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 46.0d, "l_extendedprice": 42734.92d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-11-09", "l_commitdate": "1993-11-17", "l_receiptdate": "1993-11-17", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "he stealthily ironic foxes. ideas haggl" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4295, "l_partkey": 29, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 49.0d, "l_extendedprice": 45521.98d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-05-25", "l_commitdate": "1996-03-17", "l_receiptdate": "1996-06-19", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "refully silent requests. f" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4647, "l_partkey": 29, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 28.0d, "l_extendedprice": 26012.56d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-08-25", "l_commitdate": "1994-08-06", "l_receiptdate": "1994-09-18", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": " are above the fluffily fin" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4738, "l_partkey": 29, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 22.0d, "l_extendedprice": 20438.44d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-05-25", "l_commitdate": "1992-05-19", "l_receiptdate": "1992-06-12", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ld, even packages. furio" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5410, "l_partkey": 29, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 40.0d, "l_extendedprice": 37160.8d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-11-17", "l_commitdate": "1998-10-02", "l_receiptdate": "1998-11-27", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "iously special accounts are along th" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 486, "l_partkey": 29, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 3.0d, "l_extendedprice": 2787.06d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-07-07", "l_commitdate": "1996-04-20", "l_receiptdate": "1996-07-23", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ccounts ha" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 868, "l_partkey": 29, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 13.0d, "l_extendedprice": 12077.26d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-07-25", "l_commitdate": "1992-08-26", "l_receiptdate": "1992-08-04", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "gged instructi" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1956, "l_partkey": 29, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 11.0d, "l_extendedprice": 10219.22d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-12-19", "l_commitdate": "1992-10-29", "l_receiptdate": "1993-01-07", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": " the braids slee" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3558, "l_partkey": 29, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 38.0d, "l_extendedprice": 35302.76d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-05-29", "l_commitdate": "1996-05-02", "l_receiptdate": "1996-06-09", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "refully permanently iron" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4263, "l_partkey": 29, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 6.0d, "l_extendedprice": 5574.12d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-05-01", "l_commitdate": "1998-06-02", "l_receiptdate": "1998-05-14", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "g the final, regular instructions: " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4997, "l_partkey": 29, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 2.0d, "l_extendedprice": 1858.04d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-07-09", "l_commitdate": "1998-06-10", "l_receiptdate": "1998-07-21", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "counts. slyl" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5569, "l_partkey": 29, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 25.0d, "l_extendedprice": 23225.5d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-06-29", "l_commitdate": "1993-07-18", "l_receiptdate": "1993-07-05", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": " deposits cajole above" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 358, "l_partkey": 29, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 18.0d, "l_extendedprice": 16722.36d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-10-07", "l_commitdate": "1993-11-01", "l_receiptdate": "1993-10-26", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "olphins haggle ironic accounts. f" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1059, "l_partkey": 29, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 7.0d, "l_extendedprice": 6503.14d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-03-30", "l_commitdate": "1994-04-01", "l_receiptdate": "1994-04-24", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "the furiously silent excuses are e" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2658, "l_partkey": 29, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 22.0d, "l_extendedprice": 20438.44d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-11-12", "l_commitdate": "1995-11-18", "l_receiptdate": "1995-11-14", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ts cajole. pending packages affix" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2791, "l_partkey": 29, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 26.0d, "l_extendedprice": 24154.52d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-02-06", "l_commitdate": "1994-12-07", "l_receiptdate": "1995-02-23", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "uriously special instructio" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3205, "l_partkey": 29, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 32.0d, "l_extendedprice": 29728.64d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-06-01", "l_commitdate": "1992-07-10", "l_receiptdate": "1992-06-06", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "lar accoun" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3298, "l_partkey": 29, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 25.0d, "l_extendedprice": 23225.5d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-06-30", "l_commitdate": "1996-05-31", "l_receiptdate": "1996-07-23", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ly express f" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3591, "l_partkey": 29, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 21.0d, "l_extendedprice": 19509.42d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-02-25", "l_commitdate": "1994-02-02", "l_receiptdate": "1994-03-05", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "structions against " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 485, "l_partkey": 28, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 40.0d, "l_extendedprice": 37120.8d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-04-29", "l_commitdate": "1997-05-08", "l_receiptdate": "1997-04-30", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "al escapades" }
, { "l_orderkey": 935, "l_partkey": 28, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 23.0d, "l_extendedprice": 21344.46d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-11-11", "l_commitdate": "1997-11-22", "l_receiptdate": "1997-11-29", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ular accounts about" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1509, "l_partkey": 28, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 14.0d, "l_extendedprice": 12992.28d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-10-04", "l_commitdate": "1993-09-25", "l_receiptdate": "1993-10-21", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "nal realms" }
, { "l_orderkey": 2849, "l_partkey": 28, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 30.0d, "l_extendedprice": 27840.6d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-08-24", "l_commitdate": "1996-07-08", "l_receiptdate": "1996-09-03", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ly. carefully silent" }
, { "l_orderkey": 4034, "l_partkey": 28, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 46.0d, "l_extendedprice": 42688.92d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-02-22", "l_commitdate": "1994-01-09", "l_receiptdate": "1994-03-04", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "uests. furiously unusual instructions wake" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1445, "l_partkey": 28, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 17.0d, "l_extendedprice": 15776.34d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-04-02", "l_commitdate": "1995-04-04", "l_receiptdate": "1995-05-01", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ges. furiously regular pint" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2240, "l_partkey": 28, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 37.0d, "l_extendedprice": 34336.74d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-03-16", "l_commitdate": "1992-05-31", "l_receiptdate": "1992-04-05", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": " quickly after the packages? blithely si" }
, { "l_orderkey": 4039, "l_partkey": 28, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 43.0d, "l_extendedprice": 39904.86d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-01-02", "l_commitdate": "1997-12-22", "l_receiptdate": "1998-01-15", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "beans believe bene" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4704, "l_partkey": 28, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 7.0d, "l_extendedprice": 6496.14d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-12-04", "l_commitdate": "1996-10-30", "l_receiptdate": "1996-12-23", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ers wake car" }
, { "l_orderkey": 5699, "l_partkey": 28, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 21.0d, "l_extendedprice": 19488.42d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-10-13", "l_commitdate": "1992-09-30", "l_receiptdate": "1992-10-19", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "lyly final pla" }
, { "l_orderkey": 455, "l_partkey": 28, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 44.0d, "l_extendedprice": 40832.88d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-01-17", "l_commitdate": "1997-02-22", "l_receiptdate": "1997-02-12", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": " accounts sleep slyly ironic asymptote" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 485, "l_partkey": 28, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 40.0d, "l_extendedprice": 37120.8d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-04-29", "l_commitdate": "1997-05-08", "l_receiptdate": "1997-04-30", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "al escapades" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1506, "l_partkey": 28, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 37.0d, "l_extendedprice": 34336.74d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-11-04", "l_commitdate": "1992-12-01", "l_receiptdate": "1992-11-23", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "carefully bold dolphins. accounts su" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2240, "l_partkey": 28, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 37.0d, "l_extendedprice": 34336.74d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-03-16", "l_commitdate": "1992-05-31", "l_receiptdate": "1992-04-05", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": " quickly after the packages? blithely si" }
, { "l_orderkey": 3520, "l_partkey": 28, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 30.0d, "l_extendedprice": 27840.6d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-11-11", "l_commitdate": "1997-10-02", "l_receiptdate": "1997-12-06", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "deas should solve blithely among the ironi" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4704, "l_partkey": 28, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 7.0d, "l_extendedprice": 6496.14d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-12-04", "l_commitdate": "1996-10-30", "l_receiptdate": "1996-12-23", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ers wake car" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 645, "l_partkey": 28, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 9.0d, "l_extendedprice": 8352.18d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-12-25", "l_commitdate": "1995-01-04", "l_receiptdate": "1995-01-15", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "special deposits. regular, final th" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1985, "l_partkey": 28, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 33.0d, "l_extendedprice": 30624.66d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-12-04", "l_commitdate": "1994-11-01", "l_receiptdate": "1994-12-05", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "s are express packages. pendin" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2978, "l_partkey": 28, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 7.0d, "l_extendedprice": 6496.14d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-07-18", "l_commitdate": "1995-07-03", "l_receiptdate": "1995-07-23", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": ". final ideas are blithe" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3495, "l_partkey": 28, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 20.0d, "l_extendedprice": 18560.4d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-04-24", "l_commitdate": "1996-05-18", "l_receiptdate": "1996-05-01", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "posits are carefully; forges cajole qui" }
, { "l_orderkey": 3555, "l_partkey": 28, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 33.0d, "l_extendedprice": 30624.66d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-09-20", "l_commitdate": "1996-09-23", "l_receiptdate": "1996-10-05", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "fluffily regular a" }
, { "l_orderkey": 3746, "l_partkey": 28, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 11.0d, "l_extendedprice": 10208.22d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-10-02", "l_commitdate": "1994-11-19", "l_receiptdate": "1994-10-10", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": " ironic theodolites are among th" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4161, "l_partkey": 28, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 47.0d, "l_extendedprice": 43616.94d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-12-20", "l_commitdate": "1993-10-29", "l_receiptdate": "1994-01-19", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "r requests about the final, even foxes hag" }
, { "l_orderkey": 5921, "l_partkey": 28, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 26.0d, "l_extendedprice": 24128.52d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-05-03", "l_commitdate": "1994-07-06", "l_receiptdate": "1994-05-06", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "hy dependenc" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1411, "l_partkey": 27, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 37.0d, "l_extendedprice": 34299.74d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-02-27", "l_commitdate": "1995-03-02", "l_receiptdate": "1995-03-24", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "d excuses. furiously final pear" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1728, "l_partkey": 27, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 34.0d, "l_extendedprice": 31518.68d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-08-28", "l_commitdate": "1996-07-20", "l_receiptdate": "1996-09-12", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "special req" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1861, "l_partkey": 27, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 31.0d, "l_extendedprice": 28737.62d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-01-29", "l_commitdate": "1994-03-07", "l_receiptdate": "1994-02-15", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "arefully unusual" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 645, "l_partkey": 28, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 9.0d, "l_extendedprice": 8352.18d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-12-25", "l_commitdate": "1995-01-04", "l_receiptdate": "1995-01-15", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "special deposits. regular, final th" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1506, "l_partkey": 28, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 37.0d, "l_extendedprice": 34336.74d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-11-04", "l_commitdate": "1992-12-01", "l_receiptdate": "1992-11-23", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "carefully bold dolphins. accounts su" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1509, "l_partkey": 28, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 14.0d, "l_extendedprice": 12992.28d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-10-04", "l_commitdate": "1993-09-25", "l_receiptdate": "1993-10-21", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "nal realms" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1985, "l_partkey": 28, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 33.0d, "l_extendedprice": 30624.66d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-12-04", "l_commitdate": "1994-11-01", "l_receiptdate": "1994-12-05", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "s are express packages. pendin" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3495, "l_partkey": 28, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 20.0d, "l_extendedprice": 18560.4d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-04-24", "l_commitdate": "1996-05-18", "l_receiptdate": "1996-05-01", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "posits are carefully; forges cajole qui" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4161, "l_partkey": 28, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 47.0d, "l_extendedprice": 43616.94d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-12-20", "l_commitdate": "1993-10-29", "l_receiptdate": "1994-01-19", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "r requests about the final, even foxes hag" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1445, "l_partkey": 28, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 17.0d, "l_extendedprice": 15776.34d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-04-02", "l_commitdate": "1995-04-04", "l_receiptdate": "1995-05-01", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ges. furiously regular pint" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2978, "l_partkey": 28, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 7.0d, "l_extendedprice": 6496.14d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-07-18", "l_commitdate": "1995-07-03", "l_receiptdate": "1995-07-23", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": ". final ideas are blithe" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 448, "l_partkey": 27, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 35.0d, "l_extendedprice": 32445.7d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-09-27", "l_commitdate": "1995-11-19", "l_receiptdate": "1995-10-20", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ses nag quickly quickly ir" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2084, "l_partkey": 27, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 28.0d, "l_extendedprice": 25956.56d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-05-04", "l_commitdate": "1993-05-14", "l_receiptdate": "1993-05-31", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "cajole quickly carefu" }
, { "l_orderkey": 3783, "l_partkey": 27, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 37.0d, "l_extendedprice": 34299.74d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-12-09", "l_commitdate": "1994-02-17", "l_receiptdate": "1993-12-30", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ing to the ideas. regular accounts de" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4129, "l_partkey": 27, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 39.0d, "l_extendedprice": 36153.78d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-10-21", "l_commitdate": "1993-08-04", "l_receiptdate": "1993-10-29", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "y regular foxes. slyly ironic deposits " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1799, "l_partkey": 27, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 42.0d, "l_extendedprice": 38934.84d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-04-05", "l_commitdate": "1994-04-28", "l_receiptdate": "1994-04-09", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "es pending " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1411, "l_partkey": 27, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 37.0d, "l_extendedprice": 34299.74d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-02-27", "l_commitdate": "1995-03-02", "l_receiptdate": "1995-03-24", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "d excuses. furiously final pear" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1861, "l_partkey": 27, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 31.0d, "l_extendedprice": 28737.62d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-01-29", "l_commitdate": "1994-03-07", "l_receiptdate": "1994-02-15", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "arefully unusual" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2534, "l_partkey": 27, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 49.0d, "l_extendedprice": 45423.98d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-09-01", "l_commitdate": "1996-08-20", "l_receiptdate": "1996-09-06", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "sometimes regular requests. blithely unus" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3782, "l_partkey": 27, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 29.0d, "l_extendedprice": 26883.58d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-09-17", "l_commitdate": "1996-10-03", "l_receiptdate": "1996-10-07", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "quickly unusual pinto beans. carefully fina" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4294, "l_partkey": 27, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 16.0d, "l_extendedprice": 14832.32d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-08-17", "l_commitdate": "1992-09-24", "l_receiptdate": "1992-09-04", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "lithely pint" }
, { "l_orderkey": 2405, "l_partkey": 27, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 30.0d, "l_extendedprice": 27810.6d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-03-24", "l_commitdate": "1997-03-10", "l_receiptdate": "1997-04-14", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "y final deposits are slyly caref" }
, { "l_orderkey": 4096, "l_partkey": 27, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 31.0d, "l_extendedprice": 28737.62d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-07-14", "l_commitdate": "1992-09-03", "l_receiptdate": "1992-07-31", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "y final, even platelets. boldly" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4129, "l_partkey": 27, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 39.0d, "l_extendedprice": 36153.78d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-10-21", "l_commitdate": "1993-08-04", "l_receiptdate": "1993-10-29", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "y regular foxes. slyly ironic deposits " }
, { "l_orderkey": 4544, "l_partkey": 27, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 8.0d, "l_extendedprice": 7416.16d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-10-13", "l_commitdate": "1997-10-06", "l_receiptdate": "1997-10-25", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "olites. fi" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4640, "l_partkey": 27, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 18.0d, "l_extendedprice": 16686.36d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-02-28", "l_commitdate": "1996-03-06", "l_receiptdate": "1996-03-28", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "boost furiously accord" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1826, "l_partkey": 27, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 4.0d, "l_extendedprice": 3708.08d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-07-05", "l_commitdate": "1992-06-12", "l_receiptdate": "1992-08-04", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "alongside of the quickly unusual re" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2084, "l_partkey": 27, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 28.0d, "l_extendedprice": 25956.56d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-05-04", "l_commitdate": "1993-05-14", "l_receiptdate": "1993-05-31", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "cajole quickly carefu" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2534, "l_partkey": 27, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 49.0d, "l_extendedprice": 45423.98d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-09-01", "l_commitdate": "1996-08-20", "l_receiptdate": "1996-09-06", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "sometimes regular requests. blithely unus" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4294, "l_partkey": 27, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 16.0d, "l_extendedprice": 14832.32d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-08-17", "l_commitdate": "1992-09-24", "l_receiptdate": "1992-09-04", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "lithely pint" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 448, "l_partkey": 27, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 35.0d, "l_extendedprice": 32445.7d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-09-27", "l_commitdate": "1995-11-19", "l_receiptdate": "1995-10-20", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ses nag quickly quickly ir" }
, { "l_orderkey": 1124, "l_partkey": 27, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 43.0d, "l_extendedprice": 39861.86d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-09-19", "l_commitdate": "1998-10-28", "l_receiptdate": "1998-10-10", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "across the " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1728, "l_partkey": 27, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 34.0d, "l_extendedprice": 31518.68d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-08-28", "l_commitdate": "1996-07-20", "l_receiptdate": "1996-09-12", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "special req" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1799, "l_partkey": 27, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 42.0d, "l_extendedprice": 38934.84d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-04-05", "l_commitdate": "1994-04-28", "l_receiptdate": "1994-04-09", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "es pending " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1826, "l_partkey": 27, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 4.0d, "l_extendedprice": 3708.08d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-07-05", "l_commitdate": "1992-06-12", "l_receiptdate": "1992-08-04", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "alongside of the quickly unusual re" }
, { "l_orderkey": 2342, "l_partkey": 27, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 22.0d, "l_extendedprice": 20394.44d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-08-10", "l_commitdate": "1996-08-02", "l_receiptdate": "1996-08-31", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "s. ironic " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3782, "l_partkey": 27, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 29.0d, "l_extendedprice": 26883.58d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-09-17", "l_commitdate": "1996-10-03", "l_receiptdate": "1996-10-07", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "quickly unusual pinto beans. carefully fina" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4640, "l_partkey": 27, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 18.0d, "l_extendedprice": 16686.36d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-02-28", "l_commitdate": "1996-03-06", "l_receiptdate": "1996-03-28", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "boost furiously accord" }
, { "l_orderkey": 453, "l_partkey": 26, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 32.0d, "l_extendedprice": 29632.64d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-07-15", "l_commitdate": "1997-06-27", "l_receiptdate": "1997-07-18", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "s. fluffily bold packages cajole. unu" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 801, "l_partkey": 26, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 11.0d, "l_extendedprice": 10186.22d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-05-09", "l_commitdate": "1992-04-19", "l_receiptdate": "1992-05-15", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "y special pinto beans cajole " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 961, "l_partkey": 26, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 38.0d, "l_extendedprice": 35188.76d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-08-21", "l_commitdate": "1995-07-19", "l_receiptdate": "1995-08-27", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "he blithely special requests. furiousl" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1028, "l_partkey": 26, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 39.0d, "l_extendedprice": 36114.78d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-02-27", "l_commitdate": "1994-02-16", "l_receiptdate": "1994-03-02", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "c theodoli" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1089, "l_partkey": 26, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 23.0d, "l_extendedprice": 21298.46d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-06-24", "l_commitdate": "1996-07-25", "l_receiptdate": "1996-07-20", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "g dolphins. deposits integrate. s" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1541, "l_partkey": 26, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 8.0d, "l_extendedprice": 7408.16d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-06-05", "l_commitdate": "1995-08-07", "l_receiptdate": "1995-06-21", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "y pending packages. blithely fi" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3968, "l_partkey": 26, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 45.0d, "l_extendedprice": 41670.9d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-06-18", "l_commitdate": "1997-04-24", "l_receiptdate": "1997-06-25", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ully slyly fi" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4646, "l_partkey": 26, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 22.0d, "l_extendedprice": 20372.44d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-07-14", "l_commitdate": "1996-08-06", "l_receiptdate": "1996-07-29", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "cies are blithely after the slyly reg" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2758, "l_partkey": 26, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 1.0d, "l_extendedprice": 926.02d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-10-09", "l_commitdate": "1998-09-15", "l_receiptdate": "1998-10-16", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ake furious" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3527, "l_partkey": 26, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 33.0d, "l_extendedprice": 30558.66d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-09-25", "l_commitdate": "1997-09-17", "l_receiptdate": "1997-10-12", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "kly alongside of " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4131, "l_partkey": 26, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 25.0d, "l_extendedprice": 23150.5d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-02-24", "l_commitdate": "1998-03-01", "l_receiptdate": "1998-02-27", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "uickly exp" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4801, "l_partkey": 26, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 34.0d, "l_extendedprice": 31484.68d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-02-05", "l_commitdate": "1996-04-16", "l_receiptdate": "1996-02-23", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "y final requests " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1442, "l_partkey": 26, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 8.0d, "l_extendedprice": 7408.16d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-10-31", "l_commitdate": "1994-09-04", "l_receiptdate": "1994-11-25", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "c deposits haggle after the even" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2146, "l_partkey": 26, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 31.0d, "l_extendedprice": 28706.62d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-01-04", "l_commitdate": "1992-10-24", "l_receiptdate": "1993-01-15", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "lly even deposit" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5123, "l_partkey": 26, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 13.0d, "l_extendedprice": 12038.26d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-05-17", "l_commitdate": "1998-03-23", "l_receiptdate": "1998-06-02", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "regular pearls" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 577, "l_partkey": 26, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 25.0d, "l_extendedprice": 23150.5d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-04-09", "l_commitdate": "1995-02-20", "l_receiptdate": "1995-05-09", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ve slyly of the frets. careful" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1762, "l_partkey": 26, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 15.0d, "l_extendedprice": 13890.3d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-12-18", "l_commitdate": "1994-10-29", "l_receiptdate": "1995-01-17", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "old packages thrash. care" }
, { "l_orderkey": 2567, "l_partkey": 26, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 39.0d, "l_extendedprice": 36114.78d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-05-10", "l_commitdate": "1998-05-10", "l_receiptdate": "1998-05-21", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ns. furiously final dependencies cajo" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2884, "l_partkey": 26, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 8.0d, "l_extendedprice": 7408.16d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-11-30", "l_commitdate": "1997-11-28", "l_receiptdate": "1997-12-14", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "pending accounts about " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4007, "l_partkey": 26, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 23.0d, "l_extendedprice": 21298.46d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-10-08", "l_commitdate": "1993-09-09", "l_receiptdate": "1993-10-23", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ter the accounts. expr" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3527, "l_partkey": 26, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 33.0d, "l_extendedprice": 30558.66d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-09-25", "l_commitdate": "1997-09-17", "l_receiptdate": "1997-10-12", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "kly alongside of " }
, { "l_orderkey": 4800, "l_partkey": 26, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 1.0d, "l_extendedprice": 926.02d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-02-23", "l_commitdate": "1992-03-16", "l_receiptdate": "1992-03-20", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "nal accounts are blithely deposits. bol" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 801, "l_partkey": 26, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 11.0d, "l_extendedprice": 10186.22d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-05-09", "l_commitdate": "1992-04-19", "l_receiptdate": "1992-05-15", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "y special pinto beans cajole " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1089, "l_partkey": 26, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 23.0d, "l_extendedprice": 21298.46d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-06-24", "l_commitdate": "1996-07-25", "l_receiptdate": "1996-07-20", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "g dolphins. deposits integrate. s" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2758, "l_partkey": 26, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 1.0d, "l_extendedprice": 926.02d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-10-09", "l_commitdate": "1998-09-15", "l_receiptdate": "1998-10-16", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ake furious" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2884, "l_partkey": 26, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 8.0d, "l_extendedprice": 7408.16d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-11-30", "l_commitdate": "1997-11-28", "l_receiptdate": "1997-12-14", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "pending accounts about " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3968, "l_partkey": 26, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 45.0d, "l_extendedprice": 41670.9d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-06-18", "l_commitdate": "1997-04-24", "l_receiptdate": "1997-06-25", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ully slyly fi" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4007, "l_partkey": 26, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 23.0d, "l_extendedprice": 21298.46d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-10-08", "l_commitdate": "1993-09-09", "l_receiptdate": "1993-10-23", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ter the accounts. expr" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4646, "l_partkey": 26, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 22.0d, "l_extendedprice": 20372.44d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-07-14", "l_commitdate": "1996-08-06", "l_receiptdate": "1996-07-29", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "cies are blithely after the slyly reg" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 577, "l_partkey": 26, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 25.0d, "l_extendedprice": 23150.5d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-04-09", "l_commitdate": "1995-02-20", "l_receiptdate": "1995-05-09", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ve slyly of the frets. careful" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 961, "l_partkey": 26, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 38.0d, "l_extendedprice": 35188.76d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-08-21", "l_commitdate": "1995-07-19", "l_receiptdate": "1995-08-27", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "he blithely special requests. furiousl" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1442, "l_partkey": 26, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 8.0d, "l_extendedprice": 7408.16d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-10-31", "l_commitdate": "1994-09-04", "l_receiptdate": "1994-11-25", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "c deposits haggle after the even" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4801, "l_partkey": 26, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 34.0d, "l_extendedprice": 31484.68d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-02-05", "l_commitdate": "1996-04-16", "l_receiptdate": "1996-02-23", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "y final requests " }
, { "l_orderkey": 5027, "l_partkey": 26, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 37.0d, "l_extendedprice": 34262.74d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-10-05", "l_commitdate": "1997-10-30", "l_receiptdate": "1997-10-26", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ost slyly fluffily" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5123, "l_partkey": 26, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 13.0d, "l_extendedprice": 12038.26d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-05-17", "l_commitdate": "1998-03-23", "l_receiptdate": "1998-06-02", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "regular pearls" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1028, "l_partkey": 26, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 39.0d, "l_extendedprice": 36114.78d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-02-27", "l_commitdate": "1994-02-16", "l_receiptdate": "1994-03-02", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "c theodoli" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1541, "l_partkey": 26, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 8.0d, "l_extendedprice": 7408.16d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-06-05", "l_commitdate": "1995-08-07", "l_receiptdate": "1995-06-21", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "y pending packages. blithely fi" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1762, "l_partkey": 26, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 15.0d, "l_extendedprice": 13890.3d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-12-18", "l_commitdate": "1994-10-29", "l_receiptdate": "1995-01-17", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "old packages thrash. care" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2146, "l_partkey": 26, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 31.0d, "l_extendedprice": 28706.62d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-01-04", "l_commitdate": "1992-10-24", "l_receiptdate": "1993-01-15", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "lly even deposit" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4131, "l_partkey": 26, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 25.0d, "l_extendedprice": 23150.5d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-02-24", "l_commitdate": "1998-03-01", "l_receiptdate": "1998-02-27", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "uickly exp" }
, { "l_orderkey": 5572, "l_partkey": 26, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 24.0d, "l_extendedprice": 22224.48d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-09-26", "l_commitdate": "1994-09-04", "l_receiptdate": "1994-10-22", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": " beans. foxes sleep fluffily across th" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 868, "l_partkey": 25, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 27.0d, "l_extendedprice": 24975.54d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-08-01", "l_commitdate": "1992-08-25", "l_receiptdate": "1992-08-12", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "oss the fluffily unusual pinto " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1767, "l_partkey": 25, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 32.0d, "l_extendedprice": 29600.64d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-05-22", "l_commitdate": "1995-05-14", "l_receiptdate": "1995-05-23", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "to the bravely ironic requests i" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2051, "l_partkey": 25, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 43.0d, "l_extendedprice": 39775.86d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-04-22", "l_commitdate": "1996-06-16", "l_receiptdate": "1996-04-28", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ounts sleep fluffily even requ" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2146, "l_partkey": 25, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 14.0d, "l_extendedprice": 12950.28d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-09-16", "l_commitdate": "1992-10-16", "l_receiptdate": "1992-09-20", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ecial, express a" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1, "l_partkey": 25, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 24.0d, "l_extendedprice": 22200.48d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-03-30", "l_commitdate": "1996-03-14", "l_receiptdate": "1996-04-01", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": " pending foxes. slyly re" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 516, "l_partkey": 25, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 11.0d, "l_extendedprice": 10175.22d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-05-02", "l_commitdate": "1998-05-23", "l_receiptdate": "1998-05-12", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ongside of the blithely final reque" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 768, "l_partkey": 25, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 37.0d, "l_extendedprice": 34225.74d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-10-02", "l_commitdate": "1996-09-23", "l_receiptdate": "1996-10-14", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ending requests across the quickly" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1441, "l_partkey": 25, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 15.0d, "l_extendedprice": 13875.3d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-05-21", "l_commitdate": "1997-05-06", "l_receiptdate": "1997-06-04", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": " dependencies-- cour" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2688, "l_partkey": 25, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 3.0d, "l_extendedprice": 2775.06d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-02-04", "l_commitdate": "1992-03-18", "l_receiptdate": "1992-02-24", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "e fluffily " }
, { "l_orderkey": 2980, "l_partkey": 25, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 49.0d, "l_extendedprice": 45325.98d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-10-04", "l_commitdate": "1996-12-04", "l_receiptdate": "1996-10-06", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "hy packages sleep quic" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3523, "l_partkey": 25, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 15.0d, "l_extendedprice": 13875.3d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-06-26", "l_commitdate": "1998-05-22", "l_receiptdate": "1998-07-24", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "se slyly pending, sp" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5505, "l_partkey": 25, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 43.0d, "l_extendedprice": 39775.86d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-12-30", "l_commitdate": "1997-11-28", "l_receiptdate": "1998-01-09", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "y alongside of the special requests." }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5762, "l_partkey": 25, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 28.0d, "l_extendedprice": 25900.56d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-02-22", "l_commitdate": "1997-03-25", "l_receiptdate": "1997-02-24", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ic foxes among the blithely qui" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1540, "l_partkey": 25, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 6.0d, "l_extendedprice": 5550.12d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-08-28", "l_commitdate": "1992-09-17", "l_receiptdate": "1992-09-14", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ing to the slyly express asymptote" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2146, "l_partkey": 25, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 14.0d, "l_extendedprice": 12950.28d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-09-16", "l_commitdate": "1992-10-16", "l_receiptdate": "1992-09-20", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ecial, express a" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2146, "l_partkey": 25, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 39.0d, "l_extendedprice": 36075.78d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-01-05", "l_commitdate": "1992-11-06", "l_receiptdate": "1993-01-14", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "uickly regular excuses detect. regular c" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2561, "l_partkey": 25, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 32.0d, "l_extendedprice": 29600.64d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-01-05", "l_commitdate": "1997-12-28", "l_receiptdate": "1998-01-26", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "bold packages wake slyly. slyly" }
, { "l_orderkey": 3105, "l_partkey": 25, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 48.0d, "l_extendedprice": 44400.96d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-02-28", "l_commitdate": "1997-01-31", "l_receiptdate": "1997-03-18", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ending platelets wake carefully ironic inst" }
, { "l_orderkey": 3585, "l_partkey": 25, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 13.0d, "l_extendedprice": 12025.26d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-03-15", "l_commitdate": "1995-01-22", "l_receiptdate": "1995-03-17", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ccording to the foxes. slyly iro" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1, "l_partkey": 25, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 24.0d, "l_extendedprice": 22200.48d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-03-30", "l_commitdate": "1996-03-14", "l_receiptdate": "1996-04-01", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": " pending foxes. slyly re" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 768, "l_partkey": 25, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 37.0d, "l_extendedprice": 34225.74d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-10-02", "l_commitdate": "1996-09-23", "l_receiptdate": "1996-10-14", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ending requests across the quickly" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2561, "l_partkey": 25, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 32.0d, "l_extendedprice": 29600.64d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-01-05", "l_commitdate": "1997-12-28", "l_receiptdate": "1998-01-26", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "bold packages wake slyly. slyly" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2688, "l_partkey": 25, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 3.0d, "l_extendedprice": 2775.06d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-02-04", "l_commitdate": "1992-03-18", "l_receiptdate": "1992-02-24", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "e fluffily " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3265, "l_partkey": 25, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 8.0d, "l_extendedprice": 7400.16d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-09-01", "l_commitdate": "1992-09-12", "l_receiptdate": "1992-09-27", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "thely ironic requests sleep slyly-- i" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3523, "l_partkey": 25, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 15.0d, "l_extendedprice": 13875.3d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-06-26", "l_commitdate": "1998-05-22", "l_receiptdate": "1998-07-24", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "se slyly pending, sp" }
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-, { "l_orderkey": 5762, "l_partkey": 25, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 28.0d, "l_extendedprice": 25900.56d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-02-22", "l_commitdate": "1997-03-25", "l_receiptdate": "1997-02-24", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ic foxes among the blithely qui" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1441, "l_partkey": 25, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 15.0d, "l_extendedprice": 13875.3d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-05-21", "l_commitdate": "1997-05-06", "l_receiptdate": "1997-06-04", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": " dependencies-- cour" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1540, "l_partkey": 25, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 6.0d, "l_extendedprice": 5550.12d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-08-28", "l_commitdate": "1992-09-17", "l_receiptdate": "1992-09-14", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ing to the slyly express asymptote" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1763, "l_partkey": 25, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 16.0d, "l_extendedprice": 14800.32d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-12-12", "l_commitdate": "1996-12-04", "l_receiptdate": "1996-12-25", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ously pending asymptotes a" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1830, "l_partkey": 25, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 9.0d, "l_extendedprice": 8325.18d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-03-09", "l_commitdate": "1995-05-24", "l_receiptdate": "1995-03-14", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "st furiously among " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5505, "l_partkey": 25, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 43.0d, "l_extendedprice": 39775.86d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-12-30", "l_commitdate": "1997-11-28", "l_receiptdate": "1998-01-09", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "y alongside of the special requests." }
-, { "l_orderkey": 516, "l_partkey": 25, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 11.0d, "l_extendedprice": 10175.22d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-05-02", "l_commitdate": "1998-05-23", "l_receiptdate": "1998-05-12", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ongside of the blithely final reque" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 868, "l_partkey": 25, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 27.0d, "l_extendedprice": 24975.54d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-08-01", "l_commitdate": "1992-08-25", "l_receiptdate": "1992-08-12", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "oss the fluffily unusual pinto " }
, { "l_orderkey": 1508, "l_partkey": 25, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 20.0d, "l_extendedprice": 18500.4d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-04-17", "l_commitdate": "1998-06-11", "l_receiptdate": "1998-05-17", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "nic platelets. carefully final fra" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1767, "l_partkey": 25, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 32.0d, "l_extendedprice": 29600.64d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-05-22", "l_commitdate": "1995-05-14", "l_receiptdate": "1995-05-23", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "to the bravely ironic requests i" }
, { "l_orderkey": 1793, "l_partkey": 25, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 42.0d, "l_extendedprice": 38850.84d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-10-13", "l_commitdate": "1992-10-02", "l_receiptdate": "1992-11-06", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "uctions sleep carefully special, fl" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2146, "l_partkey": 25, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 39.0d, "l_extendedprice": 36075.78d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-01-05", "l_commitdate": "1992-11-06", "l_receiptdate": "1993-01-14", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "uickly regular excuses detect. regular c" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3265, "l_partkey": 25, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 8.0d, "l_extendedprice": 7400.16d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-09-01", "l_commitdate": "1992-09-12", "l_receiptdate": "1992-09-27", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "thely ironic requests sleep slyly-- i" }
, { "l_orderkey": 5060, "l_partkey": 25, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 27.0d, "l_extendedprice": 24975.54d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-07-23", "l_commitdate": "1992-09-05", "l_receiptdate": "1992-08-07", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "s. ironic " }
, { "l_orderkey": 5185, "l_partkey": 25, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 32.0d, "l_extendedprice": 29600.64d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-08-17", "l_commitdate": "1997-09-30", "l_receiptdate": "1997-08-24", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ackages. slyly even requests" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1763, "l_partkey": 25, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 16.0d, "l_extendedprice": 14800.32d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-12-12", "l_commitdate": "1996-12-04", "l_receiptdate": "1996-12-25", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ously pending asymptotes a" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1830, "l_partkey": 25, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 9.0d, "l_extendedprice": 8325.18d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-03-09", "l_commitdate": "1995-05-24", "l_receiptdate": "1995-03-14", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "st furiously among " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2051, "l_partkey": 25, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 43.0d, "l_extendedprice": 39775.86d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-04-22", "l_commitdate": "1996-06-16", "l_receiptdate": "1996-04-28", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ounts sleep fluffily even requ" }
, { "l_orderkey": 259, "l_partkey": 24, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 42.0d, "l_extendedprice": 38808.84d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-10-20", "l_commitdate": "1993-11-18", "l_receiptdate": "1993-11-12", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "the slyly ironic pinto beans. fi" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 263, "l_partkey": 24, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 22.0d, "l_extendedprice": 20328.44d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-08-24", "l_commitdate": "1994-06-20", "l_receiptdate": "1994-09-09", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "efully express fo" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 549, "l_partkey": 24, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 38.0d, "l_extendedprice": 35112.76d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-08-23", "l_commitdate": "1992-08-12", "l_receiptdate": "1992-08-25", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "eposits. carefully regular depos" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2369, "l_partkey": 24, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 30.0d, "l_extendedprice": 27720.6d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-04-23", "l_commitdate": "1997-02-12", "l_receiptdate": "1997-05-21", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "pecial deposits sleep. blithely unusual w" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3008, "l_partkey": 24, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 40.0d, "l_extendedprice": 36960.8d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-12-18", "l_commitdate": "1996-01-06", "l_receiptdate": "1996-01-11", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "esias. theodolites detect blithely " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3010, "l_partkey": 24, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 28.0d, "l_extendedprice": 25872.56d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-03-05", "l_commitdate": "1996-03-28", "l_receiptdate": "1996-04-03", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ake carefully carefully even request" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3623, "l_partkey": 24, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 21.0d, "l_extendedprice": 19404.42d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-01-19", "l_commitdate": "1997-03-18", "l_receiptdate": "1997-01-24", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ress ideas are furio" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4006, "l_partkey": 24, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 15.0d, "l_extendedprice": 13860.3d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-02-23", "l_commitdate": "1995-04-02", "l_receiptdate": "1995-02-25", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "n deposits cajole slyl" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4192, "l_partkey": 24, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 32.0d, "l_extendedprice": 29568.64d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-06-23", "l_commitdate": "1998-06-25", "l_receiptdate": "1998-07-17", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ounts are fluffily slyly bold req" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5061, "l_partkey": 24, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 26.0d, "l_extendedprice": 24024.52d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-11-07", "l_commitdate": "1993-09-13", "l_receiptdate": "1993-11-13", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": " cajole slyly. carefully spe" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5126, "l_partkey": 24, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 33.0d, "l_extendedprice": 30492.66d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-02-04", "l_commitdate": "1992-12-23", "l_receiptdate": "1993-02-14", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ipliers promise furiously whithout the " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 677, "l_partkey": 24, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 46.0d, "l_extendedprice": 42504.92d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-12-02", "l_commitdate": "1994-02-12", "l_receiptdate": "1993-12-06", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ng theodolites. furiously unusual theodo" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1572, "l_partkey": 24, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 41.0d, "l_extendedprice": 37884.82d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-05-16", "l_commitdate": "1996-04-09", "l_receiptdate": "1996-05-28", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": ". pinto beans alongside" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1861, "l_partkey": 24, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 23.0d, "l_extendedprice": 21252.46d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-04-09", "l_commitdate": "1994-03-04", "l_receiptdate": "1994-04-11", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "in packages sleep silent dolphins; sly" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2755, "l_partkey": 24, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 11.0d, "l_extendedprice": 10164.22d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-04-12", "l_commitdate": "1992-05-07", "l_receiptdate": "1992-04-21", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "egular excuses sleep carefully." }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4224, "l_partkey": 24, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 4.0d, "l_extendedprice": 3696.08d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-09-07", "l_commitdate": "1997-09-05", "l_receiptdate": "1997-09-25", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": " even dinos. carefull" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4260, "l_partkey": 24, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 21.0d, "l_extendedprice": 19404.42d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-08-06", "l_commitdate": "1992-06-18", "l_receiptdate": "1992-08-22", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "al, pending accounts must" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1761, "l_partkey": 24, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 12.0d, "l_extendedprice": 11088.24d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-04-16", "l_commitdate": "1994-03-08", "l_receiptdate": "1994-04-21", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": " sleep furiously. deposits are acco" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3584, "l_partkey": 24, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 6.0d, "l_extendedprice": 5544.12d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-10-28", "l_commitdate": "1997-11-09", "l_receiptdate": "1997-11-24", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "deposits across the" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 517, "l_partkey": 24, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 23.0d, "l_extendedprice": 21252.46d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-04-19", "l_commitdate": "1997-05-07", "l_receiptdate": "1997-05-12", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": " kindle. furiously bold requests mus" }
, { "l_orderkey": 551, "l_partkey": 24, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 8.0d, "l_extendedprice": 7392.16d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-07-29", "l_commitdate": "1995-07-18", "l_receiptdate": "1995-08-02", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": " wake quickly slyly pending platel" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 995, "l_partkey": 24, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 18.0d, "l_extendedprice": 16632.36d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-07-03", "l_commitdate": "1995-07-29", "l_receiptdate": "1995-07-22", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": " even accounts unwind c" }
, { "l_orderkey": 1733, "l_partkey": 24, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 16.0d, "l_extendedprice": 14784.32d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-08-28", "l_commitdate": "1996-07-25", "l_receiptdate": "1996-09-27", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "slyly express deposits sleep abo" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2083, "l_partkey": 24, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 37.0d, "l_extendedprice": 34188.74d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-09-07", "l_commitdate": "1993-09-30", "l_receiptdate": "1993-09-18", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ng the special foxes wake packages. f" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2496, "l_partkey": 24, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 30.0d, "l_extendedprice": 27720.6d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-01-27", "l_commitdate": "1994-03-11", "l_receiptdate": "1994-01-31", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ake. ironic foxes cajole quickly. fu" }
, { "l_orderkey": 2595, "l_partkey": 24, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 19.0d, "l_extendedprice": 17556.38d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-12-23", "l_commitdate": "1996-03-02", "l_receiptdate": "1996-01-17", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ns are neve" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3623, "l_partkey": 24, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 21.0d, "l_extendedprice": 19404.42d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-01-19", "l_commitdate": "1997-03-18", "l_receiptdate": "1997-01-24", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ress ideas are furio" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3845, "l_partkey": 24, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 16.0d, "l_extendedprice": 14784.32d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-08-08", "l_commitdate": "1992-06-08", "l_receiptdate": "1992-08-26", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ely bold ideas use. ex" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 263, "l_partkey": 24, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 22.0d, "l_extendedprice": 20328.44d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-08-24", "l_commitdate": "1994-06-20", "l_receiptdate": "1994-09-09", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "efully express fo" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 517, "l_partkey": 24, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 23.0d, "l_extendedprice": 21252.46d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-04-19", "l_commitdate": "1997-05-07", "l_receiptdate": "1997-05-12", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": " kindle. furiously bold requests mus" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 677, "l_partkey": 24, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 46.0d, "l_extendedprice": 42504.92d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-12-02", "l_commitdate": "1994-02-12", "l_receiptdate": "1993-12-06", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ng theodolites. furiously unusual theodo" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 995, "l_partkey": 24, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 18.0d, "l_extendedprice": 16632.36d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-07-03", "l_commitdate": "1995-07-29", "l_receiptdate": "1995-07-22", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": " even accounts unwind c" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1572, "l_partkey": 24, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 41.0d, "l_extendedprice": 37884.82d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-05-16", "l_commitdate": "1996-04-09", "l_receiptdate": "1996-05-28", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": ". pinto beans alongside" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2083, "l_partkey": 24, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 37.0d, "l_extendedprice": 34188.74d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-09-07", "l_commitdate": "1993-09-30", "l_receiptdate": "1993-09-18", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ng the special foxes wake packages. f" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2369, "l_partkey": 24, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 30.0d, "l_extendedprice": 27720.6d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-04-23", "l_commitdate": "1997-02-12", "l_receiptdate": "1997-05-21", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "pecial deposits sleep. blithely unusual w" }
, { "l_orderkey": 2752, "l_partkey": 24, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 40.0d, "l_extendedprice": 36960.8d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-01-24", "l_commitdate": "1994-01-18", "l_receiptdate": "1994-02-22", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "into beans are after the sly" }
, { "l_orderkey": 3079, "l_partkey": 24, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 2.0d, "l_extendedprice": 1848.04d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-01-05", "l_commitdate": "1997-11-17", "l_receiptdate": "1998-01-28", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ly busy requests believ" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3845, "l_partkey": 24, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 16.0d, "l_extendedprice": 14784.32d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-08-08", "l_commitdate": "1992-06-08", "l_receiptdate": "1992-08-26", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ely bold ideas use. ex" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3584, "l_partkey": 24, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 6.0d, "l_extendedprice": 5544.12d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-10-28", "l_commitdate": "1997-11-09", "l_receiptdate": "1997-11-24", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "deposits across the" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4192, "l_partkey": 24, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 32.0d, "l_extendedprice": 29568.64d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-06-23", "l_commitdate": "1998-06-25", "l_receiptdate": "1998-07-17", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ounts are fluffily slyly bold req" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4260, "l_partkey": 24, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 21.0d, "l_extendedprice": 19404.42d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-08-06", "l_commitdate": "1992-06-18", "l_receiptdate": "1992-08-22", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "al, pending accounts must" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 549, "l_partkey": 24, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 38.0d, "l_extendedprice": 35112.76d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-08-23", "l_commitdate": "1992-08-12", "l_receiptdate": "1992-08-25", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "eposits. carefully regular depos" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1761, "l_partkey": 24, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 12.0d, "l_extendedprice": 11088.24d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-04-16", "l_commitdate": "1994-03-08", "l_receiptdate": "1994-04-21", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": " sleep furiously. deposits are acco" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2755, "l_partkey": 24, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 11.0d, "l_extendedprice": 10164.22d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-04-12", "l_commitdate": "1992-05-07", "l_receiptdate": "1992-04-21", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "egular excuses sleep carefully." }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4006, "l_partkey": 24, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 15.0d, "l_extendedprice": 13860.3d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-02-23", "l_commitdate": "1995-04-02", "l_receiptdate": "1995-02-25", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "n deposits cajole slyl" }
, { "l_orderkey": 4133, "l_partkey": 24, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 35.0d, "l_extendedprice": 32340.7d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-11-25", "l_commitdate": "1992-09-15", "l_receiptdate": "1992-12-25", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "g above the quickly bold packages. ev" }
, { "l_orderkey": 4166, "l_partkey": 24, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 26.0d, "l_extendedprice": 24024.52d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-03-17", "l_commitdate": "1993-05-09", "l_receiptdate": "1993-03-25", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "lar dependencies. s" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4224, "l_partkey": 24, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 4.0d, "l_extendedprice": 3696.08d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-09-07", "l_commitdate": "1997-09-05", "l_receiptdate": "1997-09-25", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": " even dinos. carefull" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5510, "l_partkey": 24, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 29.0d, "l_extendedprice": 26796.58d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-02-28", "l_commitdate": "1993-03-28", "l_receiptdate": "1993-03-12", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "lithely fluffily ironic req" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1861, "l_partkey": 24, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 23.0d, "l_extendedprice": 21252.46d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-04-09", "l_commitdate": "1994-03-04", "l_receiptdate": "1994-04-11", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "in packages sleep silent dolphins; sly" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2496, "l_partkey": 24, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 30.0d, "l_extendedprice": 27720.6d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-01-27", "l_commitdate": "1994-03-11", "l_receiptdate": "1994-01-31", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ake. ironic foxes cajole quickly. fu" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3008, "l_partkey": 24, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 40.0d, "l_extendedprice": 36960.8d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-12-18", "l_commitdate": "1996-01-06", "l_receiptdate": "1996-01-11", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "esias. theodolites detect blithely " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3010, "l_partkey": 24, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 28.0d, "l_extendedprice": 25872.56d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-03-05", "l_commitdate": "1996-03-28", "l_receiptdate": "1996-04-03", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ake carefully carefully even request" }
, { "l_orderkey": 4261, "l_partkey": 24, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 28.0d, "l_extendedprice": 25872.56d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-10-08", "l_commitdate": "1992-12-23", "l_receiptdate": "1992-10-11", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "packages. fluffily i" }
, { "l_orderkey": 4481, "l_partkey": 24, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 50.0d, "l_extendedprice": 46201.0d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-07-22", "l_commitdate": "1996-05-13", "l_receiptdate": "1996-08-14", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ar packages. regula" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5510, "l_partkey": 24, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 29.0d, "l_extendedprice": 26796.58d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-02-28", "l_commitdate": "1993-03-28", "l_receiptdate": "1993-03-12", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "lithely fluffily ironic req" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5061, "l_partkey": 24, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 26.0d, "l_extendedprice": 24024.52d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-11-07", "l_commitdate": "1993-09-13", "l_receiptdate": "1993-11-13", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": " cajole slyly. carefully spe" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5126, "l_partkey": 24, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 33.0d, "l_extendedprice": 30492.66d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-02-04", "l_commitdate": "1992-12-23", "l_receiptdate": "1993-02-14", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ipliers promise furiously whithout the " }
, { "l_orderkey": 5572, "l_partkey": 24, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 34.0d, "l_extendedprice": 31416.68d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-10-22", "l_commitdate": "1994-08-16", "l_receiptdate": "1994-11-08", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "asymptotes integrate. s" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 37, "l_partkey": 23, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 40.0d, "l_extendedprice": 36920.8d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-07-21", "l_commitdate": "1992-08-01", "l_receiptdate": "1992-08-15", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "luffily regular requests. slyly final acco" }
, { "l_orderkey": 512, "l_partkey": 23, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 37.0d, "l_extendedprice": 34151.74d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-06-20", "l_commitdate": "1995-07-05", "l_receiptdate": "1995-07-16", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "nic depths cajole? blithely b" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 708, "l_partkey": 23, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 7.0d, "l_extendedprice": 6461.14d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-08-16", "l_commitdate": "1998-08-15", "l_receiptdate": "1998-09-10", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "lly express ac" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1412, "l_partkey": 23, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 2.0d, "l_extendedprice": 1846.04d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-04-01", "l_commitdate": "1993-05-03", "l_receiptdate": "1993-04-12", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "s among the requests are a" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1767, "l_partkey": 23, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 50.0d, "l_extendedprice": 46151.0d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-05-29", "l_commitdate": "1995-04-14", "l_receiptdate": "1995-06-15", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "y unusual foxe" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1025, "l_partkey": 23, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 25.0d, "l_extendedprice": 23075.5d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-05-29", "l_commitdate": "1995-06-21", "l_receiptdate": "1995-06-13", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "xpress foxes. furiousl" }
, { "l_orderkey": 2758, "l_partkey": 23, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 17.0d, "l_extendedprice": 15691.34d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-09-25", "l_commitdate": "1998-10-03", "l_receiptdate": "1998-10-25", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": " accounts! qui" }
, { "l_orderkey": 4609, "l_partkey": 23, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 46.0d, "l_extendedprice": 42458.92d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-02-11", "l_commitdate": "1997-01-16", "l_receiptdate": "1997-03-07", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "r foxes. fluffily ironic ideas ha" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 37, "l_partkey": 23, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 40.0d, "l_extendedprice": 36920.8d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-07-21", "l_commitdate": "1992-08-01", "l_receiptdate": "1992-08-15", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "luffily regular requests. slyly final acco" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1025, "l_partkey": 23, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 25.0d, "l_extendedprice": 23075.5d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-05-29", "l_commitdate": "1995-06-21", "l_receiptdate": "1995-06-13", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "xpress foxes. furiousl" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1382, "l_partkey": 23, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 5.0d, "l_extendedprice": 4615.1d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-10-02", "l_commitdate": "1993-09-29", "l_receiptdate": "1993-10-12", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ter the carefully final excuses. blit" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1282, "l_partkey": 23, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 14.0d, "l_extendedprice": 12922.28d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-06-29", "l_commitdate": "1992-04-05", "l_receiptdate": "1992-07-21", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ecial deposit" }
, { "l_orderkey": 1856, "l_partkey": 23, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 36.0d, "l_extendedprice": 33228.72d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-06-19", "l_commitdate": "1992-05-12", "l_receiptdate": "1992-06-28", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ly even foxes kindle blithely even realm" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2786, "l_partkey": 23, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 24.0d, "l_extendedprice": 22152.48d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-04-04", "l_commitdate": "1992-06-09", "l_receiptdate": "1992-05-02", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ans. slyly unusual platelets detect. unus" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2789, "l_partkey": 23, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 41.0d, "l_extendedprice": 37843.82d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-03-20", "l_commitdate": "1998-05-15", "l_receiptdate": "1998-03-21", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "d packages-- fluffily specia" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5987, "l_partkey": 23, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 1.0d, "l_extendedprice": 923.02d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-09-13", "l_commitdate": "1996-10-29", "l_receiptdate": "1996-09-21", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "refully final excuses haggle furiously ag" }
, { "l_orderkey": 2209, "l_partkey": 23, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 40.0d, "l_extendedprice": 36920.8d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-11-01", "l_commitdate": "1992-09-25", "l_receiptdate": "1992-11-08", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ully special sheaves serve" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2759, "l_partkey": 23, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 31.0d, "l_extendedprice": 28613.62d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-01-11", "l_commitdate": "1994-01-15", "l_receiptdate": "1994-01-23", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ithely aft" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4640, "l_partkey": 23, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 36.0d, "l_extendedprice": 33228.72d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-01-03", "l_commitdate": "1996-03-09", "l_receiptdate": "1996-01-11", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "iously furious accounts boost. carefully" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4834, "l_partkey": 23, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 34.0d, "l_extendedprice": 31382.68d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-12-09", "l_commitdate": "1996-11-26", "l_receiptdate": "1996-12-10", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ounts haggle bo" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2566, "l_partkey": 23, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 18.0d, "l_extendedprice": 16614.36d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-11-16", "l_commitdate": "1992-12-24", "l_receiptdate": "1992-12-16", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": " braids according t" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5987, "l_partkey": 23, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 1.0d, "l_extendedprice": 923.02d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-09-13", "l_commitdate": "1996-10-29", "l_receiptdate": "1996-09-21", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "refully final excuses haggle furiously ag" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1412, "l_partkey": 23, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 2.0d, "l_extendedprice": 1846.04d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-04-01", "l_commitdate": "1993-05-03", "l_receiptdate": "1993-04-12", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "s among the requests are a" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1767, "l_partkey": 23, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 50.0d, "l_extendedprice": 46151.0d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-05-29", "l_commitdate": "1995-04-14", "l_receiptdate": "1995-06-15", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "y unusual foxe" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2496, "l_partkey": 23, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 39.0d, "l_extendedprice": 35997.78d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-03-23", "l_commitdate": "1994-02-18", "l_receiptdate": "1994-04-10", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "arefully special dependencies abo" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2598, "l_partkey": 23, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 19.0d, "l_extendedprice": 17537.38d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-04-09", "l_commitdate": "1996-05-30", "l_receiptdate": "1996-04-17", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "nic packages. even accounts" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2789, "l_partkey": 23, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 41.0d, "l_extendedprice": 37843.82d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-03-20", "l_commitdate": "1998-05-15", "l_receiptdate": "1998-03-21", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "d packages-- fluffily specia" }
, { "l_orderkey": 4896, "l_partkey": 23, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 5.0d, "l_extendedprice": 4615.1d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-12-02", "l_commitdate": "1992-11-11", "l_receiptdate": "1992-12-19", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "eposits hang carefully. sly" }
, { "l_orderkey": 5347, "l_partkey": 23, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 34.0d, "l_extendedprice": 31382.68d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-05-18", "l_commitdate": "1995-04-04", "l_receiptdate": "1995-06-02", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": " pending deposits. fluffily regular senti" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1282, "l_partkey": 23, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 14.0d, "l_extendedprice": 12922.28d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-06-29", "l_commitdate": "1992-04-05", "l_receiptdate": "1992-07-21", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ecial deposit" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2496, "l_partkey": 23, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 39.0d, "l_extendedprice": 35997.78d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-03-23", "l_commitdate": "1994-02-18", "l_receiptdate": "1994-04-10", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "arefully special dependencies abo" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2566, "l_partkey": 23, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 18.0d, "l_extendedprice": 16614.36d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-11-16", "l_commitdate": "1992-12-24", "l_receiptdate": "1992-12-16", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": " braids according t" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2598, "l_partkey": 23, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 19.0d, "l_extendedprice": 17537.38d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-04-09", "l_commitdate": "1996-05-30", "l_receiptdate": "1996-04-17", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "nic packages. even accounts" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 708, "l_partkey": 23, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 7.0d, "l_extendedprice": 6461.14d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-08-16", "l_commitdate": "1998-08-15", "l_receiptdate": "1998-09-10", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "lly express ac" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1382, "l_partkey": 23, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 5.0d, "l_extendedprice": 4615.1d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-10-02", "l_commitdate": "1993-09-29", "l_receiptdate": "1993-10-12", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ter the carefully final excuses. blit" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2759, "l_partkey": 23, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 31.0d, "l_extendedprice": 28613.62d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-01-11", "l_commitdate": "1994-01-15", "l_receiptdate": "1994-01-23", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ithely aft" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2786, "l_partkey": 23, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 24.0d, "l_extendedprice": 22152.48d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-04-04", "l_commitdate": "1992-06-09", "l_receiptdate": "1992-05-02", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ans. slyly unusual platelets detect. unus" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4640, "l_partkey": 23, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 36.0d, "l_extendedprice": 33228.72d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-01-03", "l_commitdate": "1996-03-09", "l_receiptdate": "1996-01-11", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "iously furious accounts boost. carefully" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4834, "l_partkey": 23, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 34.0d, "l_extendedprice": 31382.68d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-12-09", "l_commitdate": "1996-11-26", "l_receiptdate": "1996-12-10", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ounts haggle bo" }
, { "l_orderkey": 67, "l_partkey": 22, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 4.0d, "l_extendedprice": 3688.08d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-04-17", "l_commitdate": "1997-01-31", "l_receiptdate": "1997-04-20", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": " cajole thinly expres" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2566, "l_partkey": 22, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 9.0d, "l_extendedprice": 8298.18d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-12-14", "l_commitdate": "1992-12-28", "l_receiptdate": "1992-12-16", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "blithely bold accounts? quickl" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3553, "l_partkey": 22, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 18.0d, "l_extendedprice": 16596.36d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-07-03", "l_commitdate": "1994-06-30", "l_receiptdate": "1994-07-07", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": ". quickly ironic" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3970, "l_partkey": 22, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 34.0d, "l_extendedprice": 31348.68d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-06-25", "l_commitdate": "1992-05-23", "l_receiptdate": "1992-07-12", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "y final gifts are. carefully pe" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4418, "l_partkey": 22, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 14.0d, "l_extendedprice": 12908.28d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-05-20", "l_commitdate": "1993-06-18", "l_receiptdate": "1993-06-05", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": " blithely regular requests. blith" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1447, "l_partkey": 22, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 8.0d, "l_extendedprice": 7376.16d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-11-20", "l_commitdate": "1993-01-12", "l_receiptdate": "1992-12-14", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ost carefully " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1637, "l_partkey": 22, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 10.0d, "l_extendedprice": 9220.2d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-02-21", "l_commitdate": "1995-03-17", "l_receiptdate": "1995-03-11", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "uriously? blithely even sauternes wake. " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2626, "l_partkey": 22, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 45.0d, "l_extendedprice": 41490.9d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-11-22", "l_commitdate": "1995-11-01", "l_receiptdate": "1995-11-23", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "deposits wake blithely according to " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2757, "l_partkey": 22, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 12.0d, "l_extendedprice": 11064.24d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-08-01", "l_commitdate": "1995-09-04", "l_receiptdate": "1995-08-08", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": " regular, eve" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3719, "l_partkey": 22, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 35.0d, "l_extendedprice": 32270.7d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-06-11", "l_commitdate": "1997-04-03", "l_receiptdate": "1997-06-15", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ly foxes. pending braids haggle furio" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4803, "l_partkey": 22, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 24.0d, "l_extendedprice": 22128.48d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-02-24", "l_commitdate": "1996-04-02", "l_receiptdate": "1996-02-28", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "t blithely slyly special decoys. " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4997, "l_partkey": 22, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 46.0d, "l_extendedprice": 42412.92d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-04-28", "l_commitdate": "1998-06-04", "l_receiptdate": "1998-05-08", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ecial courts are carefully" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5572, "l_partkey": 22, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 24.0d, "l_extendedprice": 22128.48d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-10-30", "l_commitdate": "1994-10-02", "l_receiptdate": "1994-11-27", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ests cajole. evenly ironic exc" }
, { "l_orderkey": 966, "l_partkey": 22, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 42.0d, "l_extendedprice": 38724.84d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-06-15", "l_commitdate": "1998-06-08", "l_receiptdate": "1998-07-05", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "sly ironic asymptotes hagg" }
, { "l_orderkey": 1348, "l_partkey": 22, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 41.0d, "l_extendedprice": 37802.82d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-05-02", "l_commitdate": "1998-05-26", "l_receiptdate": "1998-05-09", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "kages. platelets about the ca" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1510, "l_partkey": 22, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 50.0d, "l_extendedprice": 46101.0d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-11-01", "l_commitdate": "1996-10-17", "l_receiptdate": "1996-11-28", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "even packages. carefully regular fo" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1667, "l_partkey": 22, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 29.0d, "l_extendedprice": 26738.58d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-10-15", "l_commitdate": "1997-11-09", "l_receiptdate": "1997-11-11", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "l accounts. furiously final courts h" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3073, "l_partkey": 22, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 47.0d, "l_extendedprice": 43334.94d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-03-26", "l_commitdate": "1994-02-12", "l_receiptdate": "1994-04-21", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "eposits. fluffily" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3492, "l_partkey": 22, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 47.0d, "l_extendedprice": 43334.94d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-12-12", "l_commitdate": "1995-01-18", "l_receiptdate": "1994-12-26", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ronic instructions u" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3362, "l_partkey": 22, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 14.0d, "l_extendedprice": 12908.28d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-08-01", "l_commitdate": "1995-09-06", "l_receiptdate": "1995-08-22", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "even Tires" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4678, "l_partkey": 22, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 23.0d, "l_extendedprice": 21206.46d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-09-03", "l_commitdate": "1998-09-20", "l_receiptdate": "1998-09-04", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ily sly deposi" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4803, "l_partkey": 22, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 24.0d, "l_extendedprice": 22128.48d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-02-24", "l_commitdate": "1996-04-02", "l_receiptdate": "1996-02-28", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "t blithely slyly special decoys. " }
, { "l_orderkey": 5090, "l_partkey": 22, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 22.0d, "l_extendedprice": 20284.44d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-05-10", "l_commitdate": "1997-05-25", "l_receiptdate": "1997-05-24", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ets integrate ironic, regul" }
, { "l_orderkey": 901, "l_partkey": 22, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 36.0d, "l_extendedprice": 33192.72d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-08-11", "l_commitdate": "1998-10-09", "l_receiptdate": "1998-08-27", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": ". accounts are care" }
, { "l_orderkey": 1090, "l_partkey": 22, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 5.0d, "l_extendedprice": 4610.1d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-02-19", "l_commitdate": "1997-12-25", "l_receiptdate": "1998-02-24", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "s above the " }
, { "l_orderkey": 1285, "l_partkey": 22, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 12.0d, "l_extendedprice": 11064.24d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-06-21", "l_commitdate": "1992-08-16", "l_receiptdate": "1992-07-12", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ss foxes. blithe theodolites cajole slyly" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2913, "l_partkey": 22, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 22.0d, "l_extendedprice": 20284.44d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-09-18", "l_commitdate": "1997-08-11", "l_receiptdate": "1997-10-02", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "riously pending realms. blithely even pac" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3362, "l_partkey": 22, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 14.0d, "l_extendedprice": 12908.28d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-08-01", "l_commitdate": "1995-09-06", "l_receiptdate": "1995-08-22", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "even Tires" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1637, "l_partkey": 22, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 10.0d, "l_extendedprice": 9220.2d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-02-21", "l_commitdate": "1995-03-17", "l_receiptdate": "1995-03-11", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "uriously? blithely even sauternes wake. " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2566, "l_partkey": 22, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 9.0d, "l_extendedprice": 8298.18d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-12-14", "l_commitdate": "1992-12-28", "l_receiptdate": "1992-12-16", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "blithely bold accounts? quickl" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4997, "l_partkey": 22, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 46.0d, "l_extendedprice": 42412.92d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-04-28", "l_commitdate": "1998-06-04", "l_receiptdate": "1998-05-08", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ecial courts are carefully" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1447, "l_partkey": 22, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 8.0d, "l_extendedprice": 7376.16d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-11-20", "l_commitdate": "1993-01-12", "l_receiptdate": "1992-12-14", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ost carefully " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1510, "l_partkey": 22, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 50.0d, "l_extendedprice": 46101.0d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-11-01", "l_commitdate": "1996-10-17", "l_receiptdate": "1996-11-28", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "even packages. carefully regular fo" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1667, "l_partkey": 22, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 29.0d, "l_extendedprice": 26738.58d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-10-15", "l_commitdate": "1997-11-09", "l_receiptdate": "1997-11-11", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "l accounts. furiously final courts h" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3073, "l_partkey": 22, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 47.0d, "l_extendedprice": 43334.94d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-03-26", "l_commitdate": "1994-02-12", "l_receiptdate": "1994-04-21", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "eposits. fluffily" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3492, "l_partkey": 22, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 47.0d, "l_extendedprice": 43334.94d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-12-12", "l_commitdate": "1995-01-18", "l_receiptdate": "1994-12-26", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ronic instructions u" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3719, "l_partkey": 22, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 35.0d, "l_extendedprice": 32270.7d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-06-11", "l_commitdate": "1997-04-03", "l_receiptdate": "1997-06-15", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ly foxes. pending braids haggle furio" }
, { "l_orderkey": 3974, "l_partkey": 22, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 47.0d, "l_extendedprice": 43334.94d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-06-03", "l_commitdate": "1996-05-08", "l_receiptdate": "1996-06-28", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "dencies above the re" }
, { "l_orderkey": 4551, "l_partkey": 22, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 22.0d, "l_extendedprice": 20284.44d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-05-12", "l_commitdate": "1996-03-17", "l_receiptdate": "1996-05-29", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ly ironic reques" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4678, "l_partkey": 22, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 23.0d, "l_extendedprice": 21206.46d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-09-03", "l_commitdate": "1998-09-20", "l_receiptdate": "1998-09-04", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ily sly deposi" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5572, "l_partkey": 22, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 24.0d, "l_extendedprice": 22128.48d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-10-30", "l_commitdate": "1994-10-02", "l_receiptdate": "1994-11-27", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ests cajole. evenly ironic exc" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2626, "l_partkey": 22, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 45.0d, "l_extendedprice": 41490.9d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-11-22", "l_commitdate": "1995-11-01", "l_receiptdate": "1995-11-23", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "deposits wake blithely according to " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2757, "l_partkey": 22, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 12.0d, "l_extendedprice": 11064.24d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-08-01", "l_commitdate": "1995-09-04", "l_receiptdate": "1995-08-08", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": " regular, eve" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2913, "l_partkey": 22, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 22.0d, "l_extendedprice": 20284.44d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-09-18", "l_commitdate": "1997-08-11", "l_receiptdate": "1997-10-02", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "riously pending realms. blithely even pac" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3553, "l_partkey": 22, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 18.0d, "l_extendedprice": 16596.36d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-07-03", "l_commitdate": "1994-06-30", "l_receiptdate": "1994-07-07", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": ". quickly ironic" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3970, "l_partkey": 22, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 34.0d, "l_extendedprice": 31348.68d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-06-25", "l_commitdate": "1992-05-23", "l_receiptdate": "1992-07-12", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "y final gifts are. carefully pe" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4418, "l_partkey": 22, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 14.0d, "l_extendedprice": 12908.28d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-05-20", "l_commitdate": "1993-06-18", "l_receiptdate": "1993-06-05", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": " blithely regular requests. blith" }
, { "l_orderkey": 67, "l_partkey": 21, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 12.0d, "l_extendedprice": 11052.24d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-01-27", "l_commitdate": "1997-02-21", "l_receiptdate": "1997-02-22", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": " even packages cajole" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1985, "l_partkey": 21, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 50.0d, "l_extendedprice": 46051.0d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-09-30", "l_commitdate": "1994-10-18", "l_receiptdate": "1994-10-12", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ate carefully. carefully" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3331, "l_partkey": 21, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 38.0d, "l_extendedprice": 34998.76d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-07-24", "l_commitdate": "1993-06-22", "l_receiptdate": "1993-08-23", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ymptotes haggle across the ca" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4642, "l_partkey": 21, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 10.0d, "l_extendedprice": 9210.2d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-04-16", "l_commitdate": "1995-04-28", "l_receiptdate": "1995-04-24", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "urts. even deposits nag beneath " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1024, "l_partkey": 21, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 49.0d, "l_extendedprice": 45129.98d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-02-27", "l_commitdate": "1998-03-10", "l_receiptdate": "1998-03-27", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": " carefully bold " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1698, "l_partkey": 21, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 22.0d, "l_extendedprice": 20262.44d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-08-07", "l_commitdate": "1997-05-28", "l_receiptdate": "1997-08-24", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "oward the furiously iro" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2917, "l_partkey": 21, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 20.0d, "l_extendedprice": 18420.4d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-12-31", "l_commitdate": "1998-01-22", "l_receiptdate": "1998-01-12", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "slyly even ideas wa" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4327, "l_partkey": 21, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 8.0d, "l_extendedprice": 7368.16d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-05-26", "l_commitdate": "1995-05-28", "l_receiptdate": "1995-06-19", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "eodolites cajole; unusual Tiresias" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4581, "l_partkey": 21, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 46.0d, "l_extendedprice": 42366.92d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-09-09", "l_commitdate": "1992-11-27", "l_receiptdate": "1992-09-26", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "nag toward the carefully final accounts. " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5573, "l_partkey": 21, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 32.0d, "l_extendedprice": 29472.64d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-09-30", "l_commitdate": "1996-10-25", "l_receiptdate": "1996-10-15", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "egular depths haggl" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 39, "l_partkey": 21, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 32.0d, "l_extendedprice": 29472.64d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-10-02", "l_commitdate": "1996-12-19", "l_receiptdate": "1996-10-14", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "heodolites sleep silently pending foxes. ac" }
, { "l_orderkey": 481, "l_partkey": 21, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 19.0d, "l_extendedprice": 17499.38d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-01-09", "l_commitdate": "1992-11-27", "l_receiptdate": "1993-01-14", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "p blithely after t" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 549, "l_partkey": 21, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 18.0d, "l_extendedprice": 16578.36d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-07-31", "l_commitdate": "1992-09-11", "l_receiptdate": "1992-08-08", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ely regular accounts above the " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1698, "l_partkey": 21, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 22.0d, "l_extendedprice": 20262.44d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-08-07", "l_commitdate": "1997-05-28", "l_receiptdate": "1997-08-24", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "oward the furiously iro" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1921, "l_partkey": 21, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 9.0d, "l_extendedprice": 8289.18d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-02-01", "l_commitdate": "1994-03-20", "l_receiptdate": "1994-03-01", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "to beans. even excuses integrate specia" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2917, "l_partkey": 21, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 20.0d, "l_extendedprice": 18420.4d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-12-31", "l_commitdate": "1998-01-22", "l_receiptdate": "1998-01-12", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "slyly even ideas wa" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3718, "l_partkey": 21, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 40.0d, "l_extendedprice": 36840.8d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-11-20", "l_commitdate": "1996-12-17", "l_receiptdate": "1996-12-03", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "out the express deposits" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3841, "l_partkey": 21, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 31.0d, "l_extendedprice": 28551.62d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-01-24", "l_commitdate": "1994-11-25", "l_receiptdate": "1995-02-20", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "n theodolites shall promise carefully. qui" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4327, "l_partkey": 21, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 8.0d, "l_extendedprice": 7368.16d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-05-26", "l_commitdate": "1995-05-28", "l_receiptdate": "1995-06-19", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "eodolites cajole; unusual Tiresias" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1024, "l_partkey": 21, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 49.0d, "l_extendedprice": 45129.98d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-02-27", "l_commitdate": "1998-03-10", "l_receiptdate": "1998-03-27", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": " carefully bold " }
, { "l_orderkey": 1667, "l_partkey": 21, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 6.0d, "l_extendedprice": 5526.12d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-12-07", "l_commitdate": "1997-11-16", "l_receiptdate": "1998-01-02", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "riously busy requests. blithely final a" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1827, "l_partkey": 21, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 7.0d, "l_extendedprice": 6447.14d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-08-28", "l_commitdate": "1996-08-07", "l_receiptdate": "1996-08-31", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "egular foxes" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1985, "l_partkey": 21, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 50.0d, "l_extendedprice": 46051.0d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-09-30", "l_commitdate": "1994-10-18", "l_receiptdate": "1994-10-12", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ate carefully. carefully" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2468, "l_partkey": 21, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 43.0d, "l_extendedprice": 39603.86d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-08-17", "l_commitdate": "1997-08-21", "l_receiptdate": "1997-08-30", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "uriously eve" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 39, "l_partkey": 21, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 32.0d, "l_extendedprice": 29472.64d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-10-02", "l_commitdate": "1996-12-19", "l_receiptdate": "1996-10-14", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "heodolites sleep silently pending foxes. ac" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 549, "l_partkey": 21, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 18.0d, "l_extendedprice": 16578.36d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-07-31", "l_commitdate": "1992-09-11", "l_receiptdate": "1992-08-08", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ely regular accounts above the " }
, { "l_orderkey": 2530, "l_partkey": 21, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 9.0d, "l_extendedprice": 8289.18d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-05-10", "l_commitdate": "1994-04-30", "l_receiptdate": "1994-05-24", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "lyly ironic" }
, { "l_orderkey": 2949, "l_partkey": 21, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 4.0d, "l_extendedprice": 3684.08d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-06-07", "l_commitdate": "1994-06-17", "l_receiptdate": "1994-07-04", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "gular pinto beans wake alongside of the reg" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3303, "l_partkey": 21, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 15.0d, "l_extendedprice": 13815.3d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-01-29", "l_commitdate": "1998-01-22", "l_receiptdate": "1998-02-21", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": " detect sly" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3841, "l_partkey": 21, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 31.0d, "l_extendedprice": 28551.62d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-01-24", "l_commitdate": "1994-11-25", "l_receiptdate": "1995-02-20", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "n theodolites shall promise carefully. qui" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4581, "l_partkey": 21, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 46.0d, "l_extendedprice": 42366.92d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-09-09", "l_commitdate": "1992-11-27", "l_receiptdate": "1992-09-26", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "nag toward the carefully final accounts. " }
, { "l_orderkey": 160, "l_partkey": 21, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 34.0d, "l_extendedprice": 31314.68d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-01-31", "l_commitdate": "1997-03-13", "l_receiptdate": "1997-02-14", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "st sleep even gifts. dependencies along" }
, { "l_orderkey": 1287, "l_partkey": 21, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 26.0d, "l_extendedprice": 23946.52d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-10-03", "l_commitdate": "1994-09-27", "l_receiptdate": "1994-10-30", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "egular foxes. theodolites nag along t" }
, { "l_orderkey": 1604, "l_partkey": 21, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 23.0d, "l_extendedprice": 21183.46d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-10-11", "l_commitdate": "1993-08-30", "l_receiptdate": "1993-10-18", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "en requests. blithely fin" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1827, "l_partkey": 21, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 7.0d, "l_extendedprice": 6447.14d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-08-28", "l_commitdate": "1996-08-07", "l_receiptdate": "1996-08-31", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "egular foxes" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1921, "l_partkey": 21, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 9.0d, "l_extendedprice": 8289.18d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-02-01", "l_commitdate": "1994-03-20", "l_receiptdate": "1994-03-01", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "to beans. even excuses integrate specia" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2468, "l_partkey": 21, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 43.0d, "l_extendedprice": 39603.86d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-08-17", "l_commitdate": "1997-08-21", "l_receiptdate": "1997-08-30", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "uriously eve" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3718, "l_partkey": 21, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 40.0d, "l_extendedprice": 36840.8d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-11-20", "l_commitdate": "1996-12-17", "l_receiptdate": "1996-12-03", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "out the express deposits" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3303, "l_partkey": 21, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 15.0d, "l_extendedprice": 13815.3d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-01-29", "l_commitdate": "1998-01-22", "l_receiptdate": "1998-02-21", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": " detect sly" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3331, "l_partkey": 21, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 38.0d, "l_extendedprice": 34998.76d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-07-24", "l_commitdate": "1993-06-22", "l_receiptdate": "1993-08-23", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ymptotes haggle across the ca" }
, { "l_orderkey": 4064, "l_partkey": 21, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 12.0d, "l_extendedprice": 11052.24d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-02-08", "l_commitdate": "1996-12-18", "l_receiptdate": "1997-03-06", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ding to the requests" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1120, "l_partkey": 20, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 49.0d, "l_extendedprice": 45080.98d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-01-03", "l_commitdate": "1998-02-02", "l_receiptdate": "1998-01-09", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "heodolites. quick re" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1504, "l_partkey": 20, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 7.0d, "l_extendedprice": 6440.14d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-11-20", "l_commitdate": "1992-11-23", "l_receiptdate": "1992-12-13", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "y final packa" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1509, "l_partkey": 20, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 11.0d, "l_extendedprice": 10120.22d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-11-04", "l_commitdate": "1993-10-03", "l_receiptdate": "1993-11-14", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ily ironic packages nod carefully." }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2625, "l_partkey": 20, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 42.0d, "l_extendedprice": 38640.84d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-10-18", "l_commitdate": "1992-11-17", "l_receiptdate": "1992-10-23", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": " even accounts haggle furiously" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3202, "l_partkey": 20, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 22.0d, "l_extendedprice": 20240.44d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-02-16", "l_commitdate": "1993-02-16", "l_receiptdate": "1993-03-16", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "the express packages. fu" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5348, "l_partkey": 20, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 7.0d, "l_extendedprice": 6440.14d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-01-29", "l_commitdate": "1997-12-20", "l_receiptdate": "1998-02-10", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "even foxes. epitap" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5956, "l_partkey": 20, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 40.0d, "l_extendedprice": 36800.8d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-06-11", "l_commitdate": "1998-07-19", "l_receiptdate": "1998-06-21", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "final theodolites sleep carefully ironic c" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1444, "l_partkey": 20, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 35.0d, "l_extendedprice": 32200.7d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-02-25", "l_commitdate": "1995-03-05", "l_receiptdate": "1995-03-24", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "aggle furiou" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4642, "l_partkey": 21, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 10.0d, "l_extendedprice": 9210.2d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-04-16", "l_commitdate": "1995-04-28", "l_receiptdate": "1995-04-24", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "urts. even deposits nag beneath " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5573, "l_partkey": 21, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 32.0d, "l_extendedprice": 29472.64d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-09-30", "l_commitdate": "1996-10-25", "l_receiptdate": "1996-10-15", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "egular depths haggl" }
, { "l_orderkey": 1985, "l_partkey": 20, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 2.0d, "l_extendedprice": 1840.04d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-11-25", "l_commitdate": "1994-10-09", "l_receiptdate": "1994-12-25", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": " silent inst" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2273, "l_partkey": 20, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 7.0d, "l_extendedprice": 6440.14d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-02-19", "l_commitdate": "1997-01-22", "l_receiptdate": "1997-02-21", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ts. furiou" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3330, "l_partkey": 20, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 49.0d, "l_extendedprice": 45080.98d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-03-02", "l_commitdate": "1995-03-03", "l_receiptdate": "1995-03-16", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "haggle carefully alongside of the bold r" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5444, "l_partkey": 20, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 21.0d, "l_extendedprice": 19320.42d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-03-30", "l_commitdate": "1995-05-01", "l_receiptdate": "1995-03-31", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "furiously even theodolites." }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3, "l_partkey": 20, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 49.0d, "l_extendedprice": 45080.98d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-11-09", "l_commitdate": "1993-12-20", "l_receiptdate": "1993-11-24", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": " unusual accounts. eve" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 865, "l_partkey": 20, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 3.0d, "l_extendedprice": 2760.06d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-07-17", "l_commitdate": "1993-07-14", "l_receiptdate": "1993-08-01", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "fully regular the" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1127, "l_partkey": 20, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 29.0d, "l_extendedprice": 26680.58d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-09-20", "l_commitdate": "1995-11-21", "l_receiptdate": "1995-10-11", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "y. blithely r" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2694, "l_partkey": 20, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 12.0d, "l_extendedprice": 11040.24d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-04-24", "l_commitdate": "1996-04-22", "l_receiptdate": "1996-05-14", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "foxes atop the hockey pla" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3910, "l_partkey": 20, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 6.0d, "l_extendedprice": 5520.12d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-12-08", "l_commitdate": "1996-10-30", "l_receiptdate": "1996-12-31", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ly sly platelets are fluffily slyly si" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4193, "l_partkey": 20, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 50.0d, "l_extendedprice": 46001.0d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-04-28", "l_commitdate": "1994-03-23", "l_receiptdate": "1994-05-09", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": " beans. regular accounts cajole. de" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4386, "l_partkey": 20, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 16.0d, "l_extendedprice": 14720.32d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-05-05", "l_commitdate": "1998-03-17", "l_receiptdate": "1998-06-03", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "e furiously final pint" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 326, "l_partkey": 20, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 38.0d, "l_extendedprice": 34960.76d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-09-12", "l_commitdate": "1995-08-23", "l_receiptdate": "1995-09-14", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "es sleep slyly. carefully regular inst" }
, { "l_orderkey": 2023, "l_partkey": 20, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 22.0d, "l_extendedprice": 20240.44d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-06-15", "l_commitdate": "1992-07-13", "l_receiptdate": "1992-06-21", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ronic attainments. " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2273, "l_partkey": 20, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 7.0d, "l_extendedprice": 6440.14d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-02-19", "l_commitdate": "1997-01-22", "l_receiptdate": "1997-02-21", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ts. furiou" }
, { "l_orderkey": 2372, "l_partkey": 20, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 5.0d, "l_extendedprice": 4600.1d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-02-08", "l_commitdate": "1998-01-18", "l_receiptdate": "1998-03-02", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ets against the " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3778, "l_partkey": 20, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 26.0d, "l_extendedprice": 23920.52d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-09-24", "l_commitdate": "1993-07-06", "l_receiptdate": "1993-10-22", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": " against the fluffily" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4773, "l_partkey": 20, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 49.0d, "l_extendedprice": 45080.98d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-01-12", "l_commitdate": "1996-02-17", "l_receiptdate": "1996-02-05", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ly pending theodolites cajole caref" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5254, "l_partkey": 20, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 9.0d, "l_extendedprice": 8280.18d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-07-29", "l_commitdate": "1992-10-15", "l_receiptdate": "1992-08-20", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": " wake blithely fluff" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2694, "l_partkey": 20, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 12.0d, "l_extendedprice": 11040.24d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-04-24", "l_commitdate": "1996-04-22", "l_receiptdate": "1996-05-14", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "foxes atop the hockey pla" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3202, "l_partkey": 20, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 22.0d, "l_extendedprice": 20240.44d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-02-16", "l_commitdate": "1993-02-16", "l_receiptdate": "1993-03-16", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "the express packages. fu" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4193, "l_partkey": 20, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 50.0d, "l_extendedprice": 46001.0d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-04-28", "l_commitdate": "1994-03-23", "l_receiptdate": "1994-05-09", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": " beans. regular accounts cajole. de" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5348, "l_partkey": 20, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 7.0d, "l_extendedprice": 6440.14d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-01-29", "l_commitdate": "1997-12-20", "l_receiptdate": "1998-02-10", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "even foxes. epitap" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5444, "l_partkey": 20, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 21.0d, "l_extendedprice": 19320.42d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-03-30", "l_commitdate": "1995-05-01", "l_receiptdate": "1995-03-31", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "furiously even theodolites." }
, { "l_orderkey": 5476, "l_partkey": 20, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 17.0d, "l_extendedprice": 15640.34d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-02-02", "l_commitdate": "1998-01-28", "l_receiptdate": "1998-02-14", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ng dependencies until the f" }
, { "l_orderkey": 5510, "l_partkey": 20, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 46.0d, "l_extendedprice": 42320.92d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-03-12", "l_commitdate": "1993-02-09", "l_receiptdate": "1993-03-19", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "silent packages cajole doggedly regular " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1888, "l_partkey": 19, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 9.0d, "l_extendedprice": 8271.09d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-02-09", "l_commitdate": "1994-01-22", "l_receiptdate": "1994-02-19", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": " packages are blithely. carefu" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2023, "l_partkey": 19, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 25.0d, "l_extendedprice": 22975.25d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-07-19", "l_commitdate": "1992-07-07", "l_receiptdate": "1992-08-15", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": " wake furiously among the slyly final" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2437, "l_partkey": 19, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 10.0d, "l_extendedprice": 9190.1d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-05-20", "l_commitdate": "1993-06-23", "l_receiptdate": "1993-05-22", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "unts. even, ironic pl" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3207, "l_partkey": 19, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 32.0d, "l_extendedprice": 29408.32d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-06-17", "l_commitdate": "1998-04-26", "l_receiptdate": "1998-07-07", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "y across the slyly express foxes. bl" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3874, "l_partkey": 19, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 48.0d, "l_extendedprice": 44112.48d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-06-13", "l_commitdate": "1993-07-20", "l_receiptdate": "1993-06-20", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": " ideas throughout " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5127, "l_partkey": 19, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 33.0d, "l_extendedprice": 30327.33d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-03-25", "l_commitdate": "1997-03-02", "l_receiptdate": "1997-04-04", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": " bold deposits use carefully a" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 325, "l_partkey": 19, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 35.0d, "l_extendedprice": 32165.35d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-12-06", "l_commitdate": "1994-01-03", "l_receiptdate": "1993-12-26", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "packages wa" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3, "l_partkey": 20, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 49.0d, "l_extendedprice": 45080.98d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-11-09", "l_commitdate": "1993-12-20", "l_receiptdate": "1993-11-24", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": " unusual accounts. eve" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 326, "l_partkey": 20, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 38.0d, "l_extendedprice": 34960.76d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-09-12", "l_commitdate": "1995-08-23", "l_receiptdate": "1995-09-14", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "es sleep slyly. carefully regular inst" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 865, "l_partkey": 20, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 3.0d, "l_extendedprice": 2760.06d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-07-17", "l_commitdate": "1993-07-14", "l_receiptdate": "1993-08-01", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "fully regular the" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1127, "l_partkey": 20, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 29.0d, "l_extendedprice": 26680.58d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-09-20", "l_commitdate": "1995-11-21", "l_receiptdate": "1995-10-11", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "y. blithely r" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1509, "l_partkey": 20, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 11.0d, "l_extendedprice": 10120.22d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-11-04", "l_commitdate": "1993-10-03", "l_receiptdate": "1993-11-14", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ily ironic packages nod carefully." }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3330, "l_partkey": 20, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 49.0d, "l_extendedprice": 45080.98d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-03-02", "l_commitdate": "1995-03-03", "l_receiptdate": "1995-03-16", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "haggle carefully alongside of the bold r" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5254, "l_partkey": 20, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 9.0d, "l_extendedprice": 8280.18d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-07-29", "l_commitdate": "1992-10-15", "l_receiptdate": "1992-08-20", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": " wake blithely fluff" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1120, "l_partkey": 20, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 49.0d, "l_extendedprice": 45080.98d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-01-03", "l_commitdate": "1998-02-02", "l_receiptdate": "1998-01-09", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "heodolites. quick re" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1444, "l_partkey": 20, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 35.0d, "l_extendedprice": 32200.7d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-02-25", "l_commitdate": "1995-03-05", "l_receiptdate": "1995-03-24", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "aggle furiou" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1504, "l_partkey": 20, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 7.0d, "l_extendedprice": 6440.14d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-11-20", "l_commitdate": "1992-11-23", "l_receiptdate": "1992-12-13", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "y final packa" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2625, "l_partkey": 20, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 42.0d, "l_extendedprice": 38640.84d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-10-18", "l_commitdate": "1992-11-17", "l_receiptdate": "1992-10-23", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": " even accounts haggle furiously" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3778, "l_partkey": 20, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 26.0d, "l_extendedprice": 23920.52d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-09-24", "l_commitdate": "1993-07-06", "l_receiptdate": "1993-10-22", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": " against the fluffily" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3910, "l_partkey": 20, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 6.0d, "l_extendedprice": 5520.12d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-12-08", "l_commitdate": "1996-10-30", "l_receiptdate": "1996-12-31", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ly sly platelets are fluffily slyly si" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4386, "l_partkey": 20, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 16.0d, "l_extendedprice": 14720.32d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-05-05", "l_commitdate": "1998-03-17", "l_receiptdate": "1998-06-03", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "e furiously final pint" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4773, "l_partkey": 20, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 49.0d, "l_extendedprice": 45080.98d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-01-12", "l_commitdate": "1996-02-17", "l_receiptdate": "1996-02-05", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ly pending theodolites cajole caref" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5956, "l_partkey": 20, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 40.0d, "l_extendedprice": 36800.8d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-06-11", "l_commitdate": "1998-07-19", "l_receiptdate": "1998-06-21", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "final theodolites sleep carefully ironic c" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 164, "l_partkey": 19, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 24.0d, "l_extendedprice": 22056.24d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-12-22", "l_commitdate": "1992-11-27", "l_receiptdate": "1993-01-06", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "side of the slyly unusual theodolites. f" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 230, "l_partkey": 19, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 8.0d, "l_extendedprice": 7352.08d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-11-03", "l_commitdate": "1994-01-20", "l_receiptdate": "1993-11-11", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "g the instructions. fluffil" }
, { "l_orderkey": 418, "l_partkey": 19, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 31.0d, "l_extendedprice": 28489.31d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-06-05", "l_commitdate": "1995-06-18", "l_receiptdate": "1995-06-26", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "final theodolites. fluffil" }
, { "l_orderkey": 1634, "l_partkey": 19, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 21.0d, "l_extendedprice": 19299.21d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-11-16", "l_commitdate": "1996-10-21", "l_receiptdate": "1996-11-27", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "y along the excuses." }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2304, "l_partkey": 19, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 48.0d, "l_extendedprice": 44112.48d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-02-12", "l_commitdate": "1994-02-16", "l_receiptdate": "1994-03-10", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": " deposits cajole blithely e" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3585, "l_partkey": 19, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 40.0d, "l_extendedprice": 36760.4d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-01-22", "l_commitdate": "1995-01-17", "l_receiptdate": "1995-02-07", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "elets affix. even asymptotes play care" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3651, "l_partkey": 19, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 20.0d, "l_extendedprice": 18380.2d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-06-10", "l_commitdate": "1998-06-06", "l_receiptdate": "1998-06-23", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "tect quickly among the r" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3874, "l_partkey": 19, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 48.0d, "l_extendedprice": 44112.48d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-06-13", "l_commitdate": "1993-07-20", "l_receiptdate": "1993-06-20", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": " ideas throughout " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4263, "l_partkey": 19, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 20.0d, "l_extendedprice": 18380.2d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-04-09", "l_commitdate": "1998-04-30", "l_receiptdate": "1998-05-04", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "uietly regular deposits. sly deposits w" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 481, "l_partkey": 19, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 17.0d, "l_extendedprice": 15623.17d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-10-21", "l_commitdate": "1992-12-09", "l_receiptdate": "1992-11-19", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": ". quickly final accounts among the " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4962, "l_partkey": 19, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 46.0d, "l_extendedprice": 42274.46d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-08-23", "l_commitdate": "1993-09-04", "l_receiptdate": "1993-08-27", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": " pinto beans grow about the sl" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 69, "l_partkey": 19, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 23.0d, "l_extendedprice": 21137.23d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-10-03", "l_commitdate": "1994-08-06", "l_receiptdate": "1994-10-24", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "nding accounts ca" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 325, "l_partkey": 19, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 35.0d, "l_extendedprice": 32165.35d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-12-06", "l_commitdate": "1994-01-03", "l_receiptdate": "1993-12-26", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "packages wa" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 999, "l_partkey": 19, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 3.0d, "l_extendedprice": 2757.03d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-09-17", "l_commitdate": "1993-10-22", "l_receiptdate": "1993-10-13", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "nic, pending ideas. bl" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2149, "l_partkey": 19, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 12.0d, "l_extendedprice": 11028.12d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-06-01", "l_commitdate": "1993-05-06", "l_receiptdate": "1993-06-11", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "riously bl" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2437, "l_partkey": 19, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 10.0d, "l_extendedprice": 9190.1d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-05-20", "l_commitdate": "1993-06-23", "l_receiptdate": "1993-05-22", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "unts. even, ironic pl" }
, { "l_orderkey": 2503, "l_partkey": 19, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 17.0d, "l_extendedprice": 15623.17d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-09-04", "l_commitdate": "1993-07-31", "l_receiptdate": "1993-09-23", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "c accounts haggle blithel" }
, { "l_orderkey": 2694, "l_partkey": 19, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 15.0d, "l_extendedprice": 13785.15d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-06-30", "l_commitdate": "1996-05-01", "l_receiptdate": "1996-07-25", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "e blithely even platelets. special wa" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3207, "l_partkey": 19, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 32.0d, "l_extendedprice": 29408.32d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-06-17", "l_commitdate": "1998-04-26", "l_receiptdate": "1998-07-07", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "y across the slyly express foxes. bl" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3425, "l_partkey": 19, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 37.0d, "l_extendedprice": 34003.37d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-07-10", "l_commitdate": "1996-05-10", "l_receiptdate": "1996-08-02", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ngside of the furiously thin dol" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5127, "l_partkey": 19, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 33.0d, "l_extendedprice": 30327.33d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-03-25", "l_commitdate": "1997-03-02", "l_receiptdate": "1997-04-04", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": " bold deposits use carefully a" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5344, "l_partkey": 19, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 6.0d, "l_extendedprice": 5514.06d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-08-04", "l_commitdate": "1998-09-03", "l_receiptdate": "1998-08-11", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ithely about the pending plate" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1636, "l_partkey": 19, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 22.0d, "l_extendedprice": 20218.22d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-07-22", "l_commitdate": "1997-08-18", "l_receiptdate": "1997-08-03", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ular, regu" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1888, "l_partkey": 19, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 9.0d, "l_extendedprice": 8271.09d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-02-09", "l_commitdate": "1994-01-22", "l_receiptdate": "1994-02-19", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": " packages are blithely. carefu" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2023, "l_partkey": 19, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 25.0d, "l_extendedprice": 22975.25d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-07-19", "l_commitdate": "1992-07-07", "l_receiptdate": "1992-08-15", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": " wake furiously among the slyly final" }
, { "l_orderkey": 2695, "l_partkey": 19, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 44.0d, "l_extendedprice": 40436.44d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-10-05", "l_commitdate": "1996-10-10", "l_receiptdate": "1996-11-01", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ts. busy platelets boost" }
, { "l_orderkey": 3044, "l_partkey": 19, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 47.0d, "l_extendedprice": 43193.47d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-05-24", "l_commitdate": "1996-06-22", "l_receiptdate": "1996-05-30", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ly around the car" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4263, "l_partkey": 19, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 20.0d, "l_extendedprice": 18380.2d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-04-09", "l_commitdate": "1998-04-30", "l_receiptdate": "1998-05-04", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "uietly regular deposits. sly deposits w" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 69, "l_partkey": 19, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 23.0d, "l_extendedprice": 21137.23d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-10-03", "l_commitdate": "1994-08-06", "l_receiptdate": "1994-10-24", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "nding accounts ca" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 164, "l_partkey": 19, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 24.0d, "l_extendedprice": 22056.24d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-12-22", "l_commitdate": "1992-11-27", "l_receiptdate": "1993-01-06", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "side of the slyly unusual theodolites. f" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 481, "l_partkey": 19, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 17.0d, "l_extendedprice": 15623.17d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-10-21", "l_commitdate": "1992-12-09", "l_receiptdate": "1992-11-19", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": ". quickly final accounts among the " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 999, "l_partkey": 19, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 3.0d, "l_extendedprice": 2757.03d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-09-17", "l_commitdate": "1993-10-22", "l_receiptdate": "1993-10-13", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "nic, pending ideas. bl" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1636, "l_partkey": 19, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 22.0d, "l_extendedprice": 20218.22d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-07-22", "l_commitdate": "1997-08-18", "l_receiptdate": "1997-08-03", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ular, regu" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2149, "l_partkey": 19, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 12.0d, "l_extendedprice": 11028.12d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-06-01", "l_commitdate": "1993-05-06", "l_receiptdate": "1993-06-11", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "riously bl" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2304, "l_partkey": 19, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 48.0d, "l_extendedprice": 44112.48d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-02-12", "l_commitdate": "1994-02-16", "l_receiptdate": "1994-03-10", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": " deposits cajole blithely e" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3425, "l_partkey": 19, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 37.0d, "l_extendedprice": 34003.37d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-07-10", "l_commitdate": "1996-05-10", "l_receiptdate": "1996-08-02", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ngside of the furiously thin dol" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3585, "l_partkey": 19, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 40.0d, "l_extendedprice": 36760.4d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-01-22", "l_commitdate": "1995-01-17", "l_receiptdate": "1995-02-07", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "elets affix. even asymptotes play care" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5344, "l_partkey": 19, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 6.0d, "l_extendedprice": 5514.06d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-08-04", "l_commitdate": "1998-09-03", "l_receiptdate": "1998-08-11", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ithely about the pending plate" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 230, "l_partkey": 19, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 8.0d, "l_extendedprice": 7352.08d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-11-03", "l_commitdate": "1994-01-20", "l_receiptdate": "1993-11-11", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "g the instructions. fluffil" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3651, "l_partkey": 19, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 20.0d, "l_extendedprice": 18380.2d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-06-10", "l_commitdate": "1998-06-06", "l_receiptdate": "1998-06-23", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "tect quickly among the r" }
, { "l_orderkey": 3719, "l_partkey": 19, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 16.0d, "l_extendedprice": 14704.16d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-03-02", "l_commitdate": "1997-03-18", "l_receiptdate": "1997-03-28", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": " express asymptotes. ir" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4962, "l_partkey": 19, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 46.0d, "l_extendedprice": 42274.46d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-08-23", "l_commitdate": "1993-09-04", "l_receiptdate": "1993-08-27", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": " pinto beans grow about the sl" }
, { "l_orderkey": 5538, "l_partkey": 19, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 38.0d, "l_extendedprice": 34922.38d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-03-17", "l_commitdate": "1994-02-11", "l_receiptdate": "1994-04-10", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ular pinto beans. silent ideas above " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 164, "l_partkey": 18, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 32.0d, "l_extendedprice": 29376.32d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-12-21", "l_commitdate": "1992-12-23", "l_receiptdate": "1992-12-28", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ts wake again" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2818, "l_partkey": 18, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 42.0d, "l_extendedprice": 38556.42d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-02-12", "l_commitdate": "1995-02-19", "l_receiptdate": "1995-03-13", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ar accounts wake carefully a" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3175, "l_partkey": 18, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 47.0d, "l_extendedprice": 43146.47d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-08-08", "l_commitdate": "1994-09-10", "l_receiptdate": "1994-08-21", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": " final requests x-r" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 768, "l_partkey": 18, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 2.0d, "l_extendedprice": 1836.02d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-11-13", "l_commitdate": "1996-10-03", "l_receiptdate": "1996-11-25", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ular courts. slyly dogged accou" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 901, "l_partkey": 18, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 11.0d, "l_extendedprice": 10098.11d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-11-13", "l_commitdate": "1998-10-19", "l_receiptdate": "1998-11-14", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ourts among the quickly expre" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1920, "l_partkey": 18, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 6.0d, "l_extendedprice": 5508.06d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-10-01", "l_commitdate": "1998-08-20", "l_receiptdate": "1998-10-24", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "l ideas boost slyly pl" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2151, "l_partkey": 18, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 28.0d, "l_extendedprice": 25704.28d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-12-11", "l_commitdate": "1996-12-26", "l_receiptdate": "1996-12-12", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "y special packages. carefully ironic instru" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2880, "l_partkey": 18, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 46.0d, "l_extendedprice": 42228.46d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-04-21", "l_commitdate": "1992-06-05", "l_receiptdate": "1992-05-16", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "eep quickly according to t" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3040, "l_partkey": 18, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 10.0d, "l_extendedprice": 9180.1d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-05-16", "l_commitdate": "1993-06-24", "l_receiptdate": "1993-06-11", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ely regular foxes haggle dari" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3584, "l_partkey": 18, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 39.0d, "l_extendedprice": 35802.39d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-09-20", "l_commitdate": "1997-10-31", "l_receiptdate": "1997-10-06", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "eposits. carefu" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4071, "l_partkey": 18, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 47.0d, "l_extendedprice": 43146.47d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-11-04", "l_commitdate": "1996-12-09", "l_receiptdate": "1996-11-16", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ts cajole furiously along the" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5186, "l_partkey": 18, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 28.0d, "l_extendedprice": 25704.28d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-10-05", "l_commitdate": "1996-10-27", "l_receiptdate": "1996-10-19", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "al decoys. blit" }
, { "l_orderkey": 197, "l_partkey": 18, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 25.0d, "l_extendedprice": 22950.25d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-06-13", "l_commitdate": "1995-05-23", "l_receiptdate": "1995-06-24", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "s-- quickly final accounts" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 965, "l_partkey": 18, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 23.0d, "l_extendedprice": 21114.23d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-07-12", "l_commitdate": "1995-07-08", "l_receiptdate": "1995-08-11", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ld kindle carefully across th" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1537, "l_partkey": 18, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 17.0d, "l_extendedprice": 15606.17d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-04-12", "l_commitdate": "1992-04-19", "l_receiptdate": "1992-04-13", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "he regular pack" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1955, "l_partkey": 18, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 2.0d, "l_extendedprice": 1836.02d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-07-06", "l_commitdate": "1992-07-06", "l_receiptdate": "1992-08-01", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ickly aroun" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2150, "l_partkey": 18, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 29.0d, "l_extendedprice": 26622.29d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-09-02", "l_commitdate": "1994-08-04", "l_receiptdate": "1994-10-02", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "y ironic theodolites. foxes ca" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2246, "l_partkey": 18, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 11.0d, "l_extendedprice": 10098.11d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-06-21", "l_commitdate": "1996-07-24", "l_receiptdate": "1996-07-18", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "quests alongside o" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2404, "l_partkey": 18, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 41.0d, "l_extendedprice": 37638.41d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-06-12", "l_commitdate": "1997-05-03", "l_receiptdate": "1997-07-12", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": " dolphins are" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2658, "l_partkey": 18, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 13.0d, "l_extendedprice": 11934.13d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-10-24", "l_commitdate": "1995-12-12", "l_receiptdate": "1995-11-14", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "s kindle blithely regular accounts." }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2854, "l_partkey": 18, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 13.0d, "l_extendedprice": 11934.13d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-09-15", "l_commitdate": "1994-08-18", "l_receiptdate": "1994-09-19", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": " excuses wak" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3109, "l_partkey": 18, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 32.0d, "l_extendedprice": 29376.32d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-09-05", "l_commitdate": "1993-10-06", "l_receiptdate": "1993-09-18", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ecial orbits are furiou" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3777, "l_partkey": 18, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 35.0d, "l_extendedprice": 32130.35d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-05-25", "l_commitdate": "1994-05-26", "l_receiptdate": "1994-06-13", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "s. carefully express asymptotes accordi" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4960, "l_partkey": 18, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 36.0d, "l_extendedprice": 33048.36d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-03-06", "l_commitdate": "1995-05-04", "l_receiptdate": "1995-04-05", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "c, unusual accou" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5699, "l_partkey": 18, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 48.0d, "l_extendedprice": 44064.48d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-11-23", "l_commitdate": "1992-10-20", "l_receiptdate": "1992-11-29", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "s. carefully regul" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 768, "l_partkey": 18, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 2.0d, "l_extendedprice": 1836.02d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-11-13", "l_commitdate": "1996-10-03", "l_receiptdate": "1996-11-25", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ular courts. slyly dogged accou" }
, { "l_orderkey": 930, "l_partkey": 18, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 47.0d, "l_extendedprice": 43146.47d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-03-20", "l_commitdate": "1995-02-04", "l_receiptdate": "1995-04-04", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ackages. fluffily e" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1924, "l_partkey": 18, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 47.0d, "l_extendedprice": 43146.47d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-11-24", "l_commitdate": "1996-10-18", "l_receiptdate": "1996-12-13", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "silent requests cajole blithely final pack" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2151, "l_partkey": 18, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 28.0d, "l_extendedprice": 25704.28d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-12-11", "l_commitdate": "1996-12-26", "l_receiptdate": "1996-12-12", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "y special packages. carefully ironic instru" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2246, "l_partkey": 18, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 11.0d, "l_extendedprice": 10098.11d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-06-21", "l_commitdate": "1996-07-24", "l_receiptdate": "1996-07-18", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "quests alongside o" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2658, "l_partkey": 18, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 13.0d, "l_extendedprice": 11934.13d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-10-24", "l_commitdate": "1995-12-12", "l_receiptdate": "1995-11-14", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "s kindle blithely regular accounts." }
, { "l_orderkey": 2688, "l_partkey": 18, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 45.0d, "l_extendedprice": 41310.45d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-05-21", "l_commitdate": "1992-04-14", "l_receiptdate": "1992-05-28", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "sits run carefully" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3015, "l_partkey": 18, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 17.0d, "l_extendedprice": 15606.17d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-10-16", "l_commitdate": "1992-11-20", "l_receiptdate": "1992-10-28", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "s above the fluffily final t" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2818, "l_partkey": 18, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 42.0d, "l_extendedprice": 38556.42d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-02-12", "l_commitdate": "1995-02-19", "l_receiptdate": "1995-03-13", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ar accounts wake carefully a" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3109, "l_partkey": 18, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 32.0d, "l_extendedprice": 29376.32d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-09-05", "l_commitdate": "1993-10-06", "l_receiptdate": "1993-09-18", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ecial orbits are furiou" }
, { "l_orderkey": 4263, "l_partkey": 18, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 9.0d, "l_extendedprice": 8262.09d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-04-04", "l_commitdate": "1998-04-29", "l_receiptdate": "1998-05-04", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "structions cajole quic" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5186, "l_partkey": 18, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 28.0d, "l_extendedprice": 25704.28d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-10-05", "l_commitdate": "1996-10-27", "l_receiptdate": "1996-10-19", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "al decoys. blit" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 901, "l_partkey": 18, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 11.0d, "l_extendedprice": 10098.11d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-11-13", "l_commitdate": "1998-10-19", "l_receiptdate": "1998-11-14", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ourts among the quickly expre" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1955, "l_partkey": 18, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 2.0d, "l_extendedprice": 1836.02d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-07-06", "l_commitdate": "1992-07-06", "l_receiptdate": "1992-08-01", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ickly aroun" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2404, "l_partkey": 18, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 41.0d, "l_extendedprice": 37638.41d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-06-12", "l_commitdate": "1997-05-03", "l_receiptdate": "1997-07-12", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": " dolphins are" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2854, "l_partkey": 18, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 13.0d, "l_extendedprice": 11934.13d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-09-15", "l_commitdate": "1994-08-18", "l_receiptdate": "1994-09-19", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": " excuses wak" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3777, "l_partkey": 18, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 35.0d, "l_extendedprice": 32130.35d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-05-25", "l_commitdate": "1994-05-26", "l_receiptdate": "1994-06-13", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "s. carefully express asymptotes accordi" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 965, "l_partkey": 18, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 23.0d, "l_extendedprice": 21114.23d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-07-12", "l_commitdate": "1995-07-08", "l_receiptdate": "1995-08-11", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ld kindle carefully across th" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1920, "l_partkey": 18, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 6.0d, "l_extendedprice": 5508.06d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-10-01", "l_commitdate": "1998-08-20", "l_receiptdate": "1998-10-24", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "l ideas boost slyly pl" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1924, "l_partkey": 18, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 47.0d, "l_extendedprice": 43146.47d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-11-24", "l_commitdate": "1996-10-18", "l_receiptdate": "1996-12-13", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "silent requests cajole blithely final pack" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2150, "l_partkey": 18, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 29.0d, "l_extendedprice": 26622.29d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-09-02", "l_commitdate": "1994-08-04", "l_receiptdate": "1994-10-02", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "y ironic theodolites. foxes ca" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3584, "l_partkey": 18, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 39.0d, "l_extendedprice": 35802.39d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-09-20", "l_commitdate": "1997-10-31", "l_receiptdate": "1997-10-06", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "eposits. carefu" }
, { "l_orderkey": 4833, "l_partkey": 18, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 26.0d, "l_extendedprice": 23868.26d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-05-13", "l_commitdate": "1996-07-12", "l_receiptdate": "1996-05-31", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "s packages. even gif" }
, { "l_orderkey": 5829, "l_partkey": 18, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 17.0d, "l_extendedprice": 15606.17d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-04-10", "l_commitdate": "1997-03-29", "l_receiptdate": "1997-04-22", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "after the furiously ironic ideas no" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 289, "l_partkey": 17, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 44.0d, "l_extendedprice": 40348.44d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-06-05", "l_commitdate": "1997-04-20", "l_receiptdate": "1997-07-02", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ly ironic foxes. asymptotes " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 647, "l_partkey": 17, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 41.0d, "l_extendedprice": 37597.41d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-11-19", "l_commitdate": "1997-09-24", "l_receiptdate": "1997-12-15", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "r instructions. quickly unusu" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 967, "l_partkey": 17, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 41.0d, "l_extendedprice": 37597.41d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-07-23", "l_commitdate": "1992-08-07", "l_receiptdate": "1992-08-13", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "efully special ide" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2405, "l_partkey": 17, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 49.0d, "l_extendedprice": 44933.49d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-12-24", "l_commitdate": "1997-03-23", "l_receiptdate": "1997-01-01", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "cial requests. ironic, regu" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2692, "l_partkey": 17, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 3.0d, "l_extendedprice": 2751.03d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-02-25", "l_commitdate": "1998-01-29", "l_receiptdate": "1998-03-27", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "equests. bold, even foxes haggle slyl" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2720, "l_partkey": 17, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 42.0d, "l_extendedprice": 38514.42d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-07-25", "l_commitdate": "1993-07-23", "l_receiptdate": "1993-08-23", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "fter the inst" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3079, "l_partkey": 17, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 40.0d, "l_extendedprice": 36680.4d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-09-26", "l_commitdate": "1997-12-11", "l_receiptdate": "1997-10-09", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ide of the pending, special deposi" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4005, "l_partkey": 17, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 28.0d, "l_extendedprice": 25676.28d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-12-11", "l_commitdate": "1997-01-24", "l_receiptdate": "1996-12-17", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ly carefully ironic deposits. slyly" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4355, "l_partkey": 17, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 4.0d, "l_extendedprice": 3668.04d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-02-25", "l_commitdate": "1997-01-29", "l_receiptdate": "1997-03-17", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "slyly blithely regular packag" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5159, "l_partkey": 17, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 46.0d, "l_extendedprice": 42182.46d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-12-15", "l_commitdate": "1996-12-07", "l_receiptdate": "1996-12-30", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "s kindle slyly carefully regular" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1411, "l_partkey": 17, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 9.0d, "l_extendedprice": 8253.09d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-03-08", "l_commitdate": "1995-03-04", "l_receiptdate": "1995-03-11", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "accounts. furiou" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1825, "l_partkey": 17, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 7.0d, "l_extendedprice": 6419.07d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-01-02", "l_commitdate": "1994-01-30", "l_receiptdate": "1994-01-30", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "fully ironic requests. requests cajole ex" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1958, "l_partkey": 17, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 44.0d, "l_extendedprice": 40348.44d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-12-17", "l_commitdate": "1995-11-30", "l_receiptdate": "1996-01-15", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "c theodolites after the unusual deposit" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3943, "l_partkey": 17, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 32.0d, "l_extendedprice": 29344.32d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-10-22", "l_commitdate": "1996-12-17", "l_receiptdate": "1996-11-04", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": " unusual ideas into the furiously even pack" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4262, "l_partkey": 17, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 26.0d, "l_extendedprice": 23842.26d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-08-29", "l_commitdate": "1996-09-25", "l_receiptdate": "1996-08-31", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "s boost slyly along the bold, iro" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5313, "l_partkey": 17, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 34.0d, "l_extendedprice": 31178.34d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-08-07", "l_commitdate": "1997-08-12", "l_receiptdate": "1997-08-24", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ccording to the blithely final account" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 164, "l_partkey": 18, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 32.0d, "l_extendedprice": 29376.32d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-12-21", "l_commitdate": "1992-12-23", "l_receiptdate": "1992-12-28", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ts wake again" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1537, "l_partkey": 18, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 17.0d, "l_extendedprice": 15606.17d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-04-12", "l_commitdate": "1992-04-19", "l_receiptdate": "1992-04-13", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "he regular pack" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2880, "l_partkey": 18, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 46.0d, "l_extendedprice": 42228.46d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-04-21", "l_commitdate": "1992-06-05", "l_receiptdate": "1992-05-16", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "eep quickly according to t" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3015, "l_partkey": 18, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 17.0d, "l_extendedprice": 15606.17d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-10-16", "l_commitdate": "1992-11-20", "l_receiptdate": "1992-10-28", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "s above the fluffily final t" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3040, "l_partkey": 18, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 10.0d, "l_extendedprice": 9180.1d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-05-16", "l_commitdate": "1993-06-24", "l_receiptdate": "1993-06-11", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ely regular foxes haggle dari" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3175, "l_partkey": 18, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 47.0d, "l_extendedprice": 43146.47d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-08-08", "l_commitdate": "1994-09-10", "l_receiptdate": "1994-08-21", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": " final requests x-r" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4071, "l_partkey": 18, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 47.0d, "l_extendedprice": 43146.47d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-11-04", "l_commitdate": "1996-12-09", "l_receiptdate": "1996-11-16", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ts cajole furiously along the" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4960, "l_partkey": 18, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 36.0d, "l_extendedprice": 33048.36d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-03-06", "l_commitdate": "1995-05-04", "l_receiptdate": "1995-04-05", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "c, unusual accou" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5699, "l_partkey": 18, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 48.0d, "l_extendedprice": 44064.48d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-11-23", "l_commitdate": "1992-10-20", "l_receiptdate": "1992-11-29", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "s. carefully regul" }
, { "l_orderkey": 774, "l_partkey": 17, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 3.0d, "l_extendedprice": 2751.03d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-02-13", "l_commitdate": "1996-01-14", "l_receiptdate": "1996-03-04", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": " slyly even courts nag blith" }
, { "l_orderkey": 931, "l_partkey": 17, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 10.0d, "l_extendedprice": 9170.1d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-03-01", "l_commitdate": "1993-01-09", "l_receiptdate": "1993-03-07", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ajole quickly. slyly sil" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2437, "l_partkey": 17, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 29.0d, "l_extendedprice": 26593.29d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-05-12", "l_commitdate": "1993-06-10", "l_receiptdate": "1993-05-25", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ress dolphins. furiously fin" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2565, "l_partkey": 17, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 25.0d, "l_extendedprice": 22925.25d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-06-27", "l_commitdate": "1998-05-20", "l_receiptdate": "1998-07-13", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": ", express accounts. final id" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3872, "l_partkey": 17, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 38.0d, "l_extendedprice": 34846.38d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-10-18", "l_commitdate": "1996-12-03", "l_receiptdate": "1996-11-15", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "iously against the ironic, unusual a" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5189, "l_partkey": 17, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 41.0d, "l_extendedprice": 37597.41d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-12-12", "l_commitdate": "1994-02-05", "l_receiptdate": "1994-01-09", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ial theodolites cajole slyly. slyly unus" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5827, "l_partkey": 17, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 14.0d, "l_extendedprice": 12838.14d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-08-31", "l_commitdate": "1998-09-06", "l_receiptdate": "1998-09-13", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "rges. fluffily pending " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5924, "l_partkey": 17, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 24.0d, "l_extendedprice": 22008.24d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-01-12", "l_commitdate": "1995-12-13", "l_receiptdate": "1996-01-25", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": " use carefully. special, e" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 611, "l_partkey": 17, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 39.0d, "l_extendedprice": 35763.39d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-05-06", "l_commitdate": "1993-04-09", "l_receiptdate": "1993-05-22", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "nto beans " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2400, "l_partkey": 17, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 23.0d, "l_extendedprice": 21091.23d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-10-04", "l_commitdate": "1998-10-04", "l_receiptdate": "1998-10-31", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ages lose carefully around the regula" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 967, "l_partkey": 17, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 41.0d, "l_extendedprice": 37597.41d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-07-23", "l_commitdate": "1992-08-07", "l_receiptdate": "1992-08-13", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "efully special ide" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2692, "l_partkey": 17, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 3.0d, "l_extendedprice": 2751.03d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-02-25", "l_commitdate": "1998-01-29", "l_receiptdate": "1998-03-27", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "equests. bold, even foxes haggle slyl" }
, { "l_orderkey": 2944, "l_partkey": 17, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 23.0d, "l_extendedprice": 21091.23d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-01-12", "l_commitdate": "1997-12-03", "l_receiptdate": "1998-01-17", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": " excuses? regular platelets e" }
, { "l_orderkey": 3621, "l_partkey": 17, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 29.0d, "l_extendedprice": 26593.29d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-08-03", "l_commitdate": "1993-07-08", "l_receiptdate": "1993-08-10", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "al requests. fl" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3872, "l_partkey": 17, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 38.0d, "l_extendedprice": 34846.38d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-10-18", "l_commitdate": "1996-12-03", "l_receiptdate": "1996-11-15", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "iously against the ironic, unusual a" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4005, "l_partkey": 17, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 28.0d, "l_extendedprice": 25676.28d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-12-11", "l_commitdate": "1997-01-24", "l_receiptdate": "1996-12-17", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ly carefully ironic deposits. slyly" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 289, "l_partkey": 17, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 44.0d, "l_extendedprice": 40348.44d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-06-05", "l_commitdate": "1997-04-20", "l_receiptdate": "1997-07-02", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ly ironic foxes. asymptotes " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1411, "l_partkey": 17, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 9.0d, "l_extendedprice": 8253.09d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-03-08", "l_commitdate": "1995-03-04", "l_receiptdate": "1995-03-11", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "accounts. furiou" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1825, "l_partkey": 17, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 7.0d, "l_extendedprice": 6419.07d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-01-02", "l_commitdate": "1994-01-30", "l_receiptdate": "1994-01-30", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "fully ironic requests. requests cajole ex" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2437, "l_partkey": 17, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 29.0d, "l_extendedprice": 26593.29d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-05-12", "l_commitdate": "1993-06-10", "l_receiptdate": "1993-05-25", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ress dolphins. furiously fin" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2565, "l_partkey": 17, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 25.0d, "l_extendedprice": 22925.25d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-06-27", "l_commitdate": "1998-05-20", "l_receiptdate": "1998-07-13", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": ", express accounts. final id" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2720, "l_partkey": 17, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 42.0d, "l_extendedprice": 38514.42d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-07-25", "l_commitdate": "1993-07-23", "l_receiptdate": "1993-08-23", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "fter the inst" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3079, "l_partkey": 17, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 40.0d, "l_extendedprice": 36680.4d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-09-26", "l_commitdate": "1997-12-11", "l_receiptdate": "1997-10-09", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ide of the pending, special deposi" }
, { "l_orderkey": 4673, "l_partkey": 17, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 8.0d, "l_extendedprice": 7336.08d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-10-12", "l_commitdate": "1996-10-05", "l_receiptdate": "1996-11-04", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "lithely final re" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4997, "l_partkey": 17, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 5.0d, "l_extendedprice": 4585.05d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-05-16", "l_commitdate": "1998-06-05", "l_receiptdate": "1998-06-07", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "cuses are furiously unusual asymptotes" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5159, "l_partkey": 17, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 46.0d, "l_extendedprice": 42182.46d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-12-15", "l_commitdate": "1996-12-07", "l_receiptdate": "1996-12-30", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "s kindle slyly carefully regular" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5313, "l_partkey": 17, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 34.0d, "l_extendedprice": 31178.34d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-08-07", "l_commitdate": "1997-08-12", "l_receiptdate": "1997-08-24", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ccording to the blithely final account" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 611, "l_partkey": 17, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 39.0d, "l_extendedprice": 35763.39d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-05-06", "l_commitdate": "1993-04-09", "l_receiptdate": "1993-05-22", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "nto beans " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1958, "l_partkey": 17, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 44.0d, "l_extendedprice": 40348.44d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-12-17", "l_commitdate": "1995-11-30", "l_receiptdate": "1996-01-15", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "c theodolites after the unusual deposit" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5189, "l_partkey": 17, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 41.0d, "l_extendedprice": 37597.41d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-12-12", "l_commitdate": "1994-02-05", "l_receiptdate": "1994-01-09", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ial theodolites cajole slyly. slyly unus" }
, { "l_orderkey": 5348, "l_partkey": 17, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 16.0d, "l_extendedprice": 14672.16d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-02-28", "l_commitdate": "1997-12-25", "l_receiptdate": "1998-03-12", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "uriously thin pinto beans " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1315, "l_partkey": 16, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 15.0d, "l_extendedprice": 13740.15d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-07-12", "l_commitdate": "1998-06-10", "l_receiptdate": "1998-08-07", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": ". foxes integrate carefully special" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 647, "l_partkey": 17, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 41.0d, "l_extendedprice": 37597.41d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-11-19", "l_commitdate": "1997-09-24", "l_receiptdate": "1997-12-15", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "r instructions. quickly unusu" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2400, "l_partkey": 17, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 23.0d, "l_extendedprice": 21091.23d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-10-04", "l_commitdate": "1998-10-04", "l_receiptdate": "1998-10-31", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ages lose carefully around the regula" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2405, "l_partkey": 17, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 49.0d, "l_extendedprice": 44933.49d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-12-24", "l_commitdate": "1997-03-23", "l_receiptdate": "1997-01-01", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "cial requests. ironic, regu" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3943, "l_partkey": 17, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 32.0d, "l_extendedprice": 29344.32d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-10-22", "l_commitdate": "1996-12-17", "l_receiptdate": "1996-11-04", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": " unusual ideas into the furiously even pack" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4262, "l_partkey": 17, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 26.0d, "l_extendedprice": 23842.26d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-08-29", "l_commitdate": "1996-09-25", "l_receiptdate": "1996-08-31", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "s boost slyly along the bold, iro" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4355, "l_partkey": 17, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 4.0d, "l_extendedprice": 3668.04d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-02-25", "l_commitdate": "1997-01-29", "l_receiptdate": "1997-03-17", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "slyly blithely regular packag" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4997, "l_partkey": 17, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 5.0d, "l_extendedprice": 4585.05d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-05-16", "l_commitdate": "1998-06-05", "l_receiptdate": "1998-06-07", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "cuses are furiously unusual asymptotes" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5827, "l_partkey": 17, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 14.0d, "l_extendedprice": 12838.14d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-08-31", "l_commitdate": "1998-09-06", "l_receiptdate": "1998-09-13", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "rges. fluffily pending " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5924, "l_partkey": 17, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 24.0d, "l_extendedprice": 22008.24d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-01-12", "l_commitdate": "1995-12-13", "l_receiptdate": "1996-01-25", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": " use carefully. special, e" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 420, "l_partkey": 16, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 39.0d, "l_extendedprice": 35724.39d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-12-09", "l_commitdate": "1995-12-16", "l_receiptdate": "1995-12-31", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "s. ironic waters about the car" }
, { "l_orderkey": 2180, "l_partkey": 16, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 31.0d, "l_extendedprice": 28396.31d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-10-20", "l_commitdate": "1996-11-21", "l_receiptdate": "1996-11-06", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "n requests are furiously at the quickly" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3040, "l_partkey": 16, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 18.0d, "l_extendedprice": 16488.18d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-06-25", "l_commitdate": "1993-07-06", "l_receiptdate": "1993-07-19", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ly thin accou" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2789, "l_partkey": 16, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 47.0d, "l_extendedprice": 43052.47d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-03-29", "l_commitdate": "1998-05-05", "l_receiptdate": "1998-04-07", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "usly busy packages wake against the unusual" }
, { "l_orderkey": 4771, "l_partkey": 16, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 21.0d, "l_extendedprice": 19236.21d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-01-19", "l_commitdate": "1993-02-10", "l_receiptdate": "1993-02-01", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "fluffily pendi" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5286, "l_partkey": 16, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 3.0d, "l_extendedprice": 2748.03d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-12-04", "l_commitdate": "1997-11-06", "l_receiptdate": "1997-12-09", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "re fluffily" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1, "l_partkey": 16, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 32.0d, "l_extendedprice": 29312.32d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-01-30", "l_commitdate": "1996-02-07", "l_receiptdate": "1996-02-03", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "arefully slyly ex" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 295, "l_partkey": 16, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 8.0d, "l_extendedprice": 7328.08d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-01-13", "l_commitdate": "1994-11-17", "l_receiptdate": "1995-01-25", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": " final instructions h" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1315, "l_partkey": 16, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 15.0d, "l_extendedprice": 13740.15d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-07-12", "l_commitdate": "1998-06-10", "l_receiptdate": "1998-08-07", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": ". foxes integrate carefully special" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2178, "l_partkey": 16, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 27.0d, "l_extendedprice": 24732.27d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-02-26", "l_commitdate": "1997-02-19", "l_receiptdate": "1997-03-25", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": " across the ironic reques" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3781, "l_partkey": 16, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 23.0d, "l_extendedprice": 21068.23d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-09-05", "l_commitdate": "1996-08-18", "l_receiptdate": "1996-09-27", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "pendencies are b" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5184, "l_partkey": 16, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 47.0d, "l_extendedprice": 43052.47d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-11-02", "l_commitdate": "1998-08-19", "l_receiptdate": "1998-11-07", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "se. carefully express pinto beans x" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5189, "l_partkey": 16, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 38.0d, "l_extendedprice": 34808.38d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-03-26", "l_commitdate": "1994-01-28", "l_receiptdate": "1994-04-20", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ideas. idle, final deposits de" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5415, "l_partkey": 16, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 43.0d, "l_extendedprice": 39388.43d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-11-17", "l_commitdate": "1992-09-14", "l_receiptdate": "1992-12-14", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "yly blithely stealthy deposits. carefu" }
, { "l_orderkey": 5442, "l_partkey": 16, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 25.0d, "l_extendedprice": 22900.25d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-03-29", "l_commitdate": "1998-02-13", "l_receiptdate": "1998-04-13", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ake furiously. slyly express th" }
, { "l_orderkey": 5510, "l_partkey": 16, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 8.0d, "l_extendedprice": 7328.08d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-03-16", "l_commitdate": "1993-03-29", "l_receiptdate": "1993-03-24", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "n packages boost sly" }
, { "l_orderkey": 5858, "l_partkey": 16, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 36.0d, "l_extendedprice": 32976.36d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-09-25", "l_commitdate": "1992-08-16", "l_receiptdate": "1992-10-11", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "osits wake quickly quickly sile" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1, "l_partkey": 16, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 32.0d, "l_extendedprice": 29312.32d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-01-30", "l_commitdate": "1996-02-07", "l_receiptdate": "1996-02-03", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "arefully slyly ex" }
, { "l_orderkey": 198, "l_partkey": 16, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 20.0d, "l_extendedprice": 18320.2d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-01-15", "l_commitdate": "1998-03-31", "l_receiptdate": "1998-01-25", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "carefully final escapades a" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1696, "l_partkey": 16, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 8.0d, "l_extendedprice": 7328.08d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-04-28", "l_commitdate": "1998-02-07", "l_receiptdate": "1998-05-10", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "the blithely" }
, { "l_orderkey": 1987, "l_partkey": 16, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 7.0d, "l_extendedprice": 6412.07d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-07-30", "l_commitdate": "1994-07-06", "l_receiptdate": "1994-08-29", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": " regular a" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3458, "l_partkey": 16, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 16.0d, "l_extendedprice": 14656.16d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-03-01", "l_commitdate": "1995-02-25", "l_receiptdate": "1995-03-06", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "s grow carefully. express, final grouc" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4806, "l_partkey": 16, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 26.0d, "l_extendedprice": 23816.26d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-05-28", "l_commitdate": "1993-06-07", "l_receiptdate": "1993-05-29", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": " bold pearls sublate blithely. quickly pe" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5217, "l_partkey": 16, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 23.0d, "l_extendedprice": 21068.23d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-01-18", "l_commitdate": "1995-12-24", "l_receiptdate": "1996-02-10", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ven ideas. requests amo" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5286, "l_partkey": 16, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 3.0d, "l_extendedprice": 2748.03d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-12-04", "l_commitdate": "1997-11-06", "l_receiptdate": "1997-12-09", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "re fluffily" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 295, "l_partkey": 16, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 8.0d, "l_extendedprice": 7328.08d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-01-13", "l_commitdate": "1994-11-17", "l_receiptdate": "1995-01-25", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": " final instructions h" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 420, "l_partkey": 16, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 39.0d, "l_extendedprice": 35724.39d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-12-09", "l_commitdate": "1995-12-16", "l_receiptdate": "1995-12-31", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "s. ironic waters about the car" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1346, "l_partkey": 16, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 45.0d, "l_extendedprice": 41220.45d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-09-11", "l_commitdate": "1992-08-06", "l_receiptdate": "1992-09-12", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "press deposits." }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1861, "l_partkey": 16, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 2.0d, "l_extendedprice": 1832.02d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-04-26", "l_commitdate": "1994-03-15", "l_receiptdate": "1994-05-15", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "e final, regular requests. carefully " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3717, "l_partkey": 16, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 7.0d, "l_extendedprice": 6412.07d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-09-08", "l_commitdate": "1998-07-18", "l_receiptdate": "1998-09-10", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": " after the packa" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5189, "l_partkey": 16, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 38.0d, "l_extendedprice": 34808.38d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-03-26", "l_commitdate": "1994-01-28", "l_receiptdate": "1994-04-20", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ideas. idle, final deposits de" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5415, "l_partkey": 16, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 43.0d, "l_extendedprice": 39388.43d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-11-17", "l_commitdate": "1992-09-14", "l_receiptdate": "1992-12-14", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "yly blithely stealthy deposits. carefu" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2178, "l_partkey": 16, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 27.0d, "l_extendedprice": 24732.27d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-02-26", "l_commitdate": "1997-02-19", "l_receiptdate": "1997-03-25", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": " across the ironic reques" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2789, "l_partkey": 16, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 47.0d, "l_extendedprice": 43052.47d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-03-29", "l_commitdate": "1998-05-05", "l_receiptdate": "1998-04-07", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "usly busy packages wake against the unusual" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3040, "l_partkey": 16, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 18.0d, "l_extendedprice": 16488.18d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-06-25", "l_commitdate": "1993-07-06", "l_receiptdate": "1993-07-19", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ly thin accou" }
, { "l_orderkey": 3365, "l_partkey": 16, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 2.0d, "l_extendedprice": 1832.02d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-02-04", "l_commitdate": "1994-12-30", "l_receiptdate": "1995-03-06", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "es cajole fluffily pe" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3781, "l_partkey": 16, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 23.0d, "l_extendedprice": 21068.23d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-09-05", "l_commitdate": "1996-08-18", "l_receiptdate": "1996-09-27", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "pendencies are b" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3458, "l_partkey": 16, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 16.0d, "l_extendedprice": 14656.16d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-03-01", "l_commitdate": "1995-02-25", "l_receiptdate": "1995-03-06", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "s grow carefully. express, final grouc" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3717, "l_partkey": 16, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 7.0d, "l_extendedprice": 6412.07d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-09-08", "l_commitdate": "1998-07-18", "l_receiptdate": "1998-09-10", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": " after the packa" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4806, "l_partkey": 16, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 26.0d, "l_extendedprice": 23816.26d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-05-28", "l_commitdate": "1993-06-07", "l_receiptdate": "1993-05-29", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": " bold pearls sublate blithely. quickly pe" }
, { "l_orderkey": 4966, "l_partkey": 16, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 26.0d, "l_extendedprice": 23816.26d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-11-14", "l_commitdate": "1996-11-29", "l_receiptdate": "1996-12-05", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "nt pearls haggle carefully slyly even " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5184, "l_partkey": 16, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 47.0d, "l_extendedprice": 43052.47d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-11-02", "l_commitdate": "1998-08-19", "l_receiptdate": "1998-11-07", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "se. carefully express pinto beans x" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1346, "l_partkey": 16, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 45.0d, "l_extendedprice": 41220.45d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-09-11", "l_commitdate": "1992-08-06", "l_receiptdate": "1992-09-12", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "press deposits." }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1696, "l_partkey": 16, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 8.0d, "l_extendedprice": 7328.08d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-04-28", "l_commitdate": "1998-02-07", "l_receiptdate": "1998-05-10", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "the blithely" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1861, "l_partkey": 16, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 2.0d, "l_extendedprice": 1832.02d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-04-26", "l_commitdate": "1994-03-15", "l_receiptdate": "1994-05-15", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "e final, regular requests. carefully " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5217, "l_partkey": 16, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 23.0d, "l_extendedprice": 21068.23d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-01-18", "l_commitdate": "1995-12-24", "l_receiptdate": "1996-02-10", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ven ideas. requests amo" }
, { "l_orderkey": 5697, "l_partkey": 16, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 43.0d, "l_extendedprice": 39388.43d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-12-08", "l_commitdate": "1992-12-03", "l_receiptdate": "1992-12-17", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "blithely reg" }
, { "l_orderkey": 1474, "l_partkey": 15, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 5.0d, "l_extendedprice": 4575.05d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-04-22", "l_commitdate": "1995-02-20", "l_receiptdate": "1995-05-06", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ully final a" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4005, "l_partkey": 15, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 49.0d, "l_extendedprice": 44835.49d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-01-31", "l_commitdate": "1996-12-24", "l_receiptdate": "1997-03-02", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "tions sleep across the silent d" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4450, "l_partkey": 15, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 9.0d, "l_extendedprice": 8235.09d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-08-13", "l_commitdate": "1997-08-16", "l_receiptdate": "1997-08-15", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "gular requests cajole carefully. regular c" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2151, "l_partkey": 15, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 29.0d, "l_extendedprice": 26535.29d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-03-04", "l_commitdate": "1996-12-27", "l_receiptdate": "1997-03-21", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": " bold packages acro" }
, { "l_orderkey": 2563, "l_partkey": 15, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 42.0d, "l_extendedprice": 38430.42d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-02-21", "l_commitdate": "1994-02-14", "l_receiptdate": "1994-03-04", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ymptotes nag furiously slyly even inst" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2913, "l_partkey": 15, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 13.0d, "l_extendedprice": 11895.13d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-10-02", "l_commitdate": "1997-08-20", "l_receiptdate": "1997-10-26", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "inos are carefully alongside of the bol" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3846, "l_partkey": 15, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 49.0d, "l_extendedprice": 44835.49d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-02-14", "l_commitdate": "1998-03-22", "l_receiptdate": "1998-02-17", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "efully even packages against the blithe" }
, { "l_orderkey": 4065, "l_partkey": 15, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 46.0d, "l_extendedprice": 42090.46d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-06-29", "l_commitdate": "1994-08-01", "l_receiptdate": "1994-07-03", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": ", regular requests may mold above the " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 160, "l_partkey": 15, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 36.0d, "l_extendedprice": 32940.36d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-03-11", "l_commitdate": "1997-03-11", "l_receiptdate": "1997-03-20", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "old, ironic deposits are quickly abov" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2309, "l_partkey": 15, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 5.0d, "l_extendedprice": 4575.05d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-12-10", "l_commitdate": "1995-10-29", "l_receiptdate": "1996-01-06", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "s. requests wake blithely specia" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3843, "l_partkey": 15, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 7.0d, "l_extendedprice": 6405.07d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-02-13", "l_commitdate": "1997-02-21", "l_receiptdate": "1997-02-20", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "slyly even instructions. furiously eve" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4832, "l_partkey": 15, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 23.0d, "l_extendedprice": 21045.23d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-12-05", "l_commitdate": "1998-01-05", "l_receiptdate": "1997-12-10", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "y express depo" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5472, "l_partkey": 15, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 1.0d, "l_extendedprice": 915.01d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-04-14", "l_commitdate": "1993-06-28", "l_receiptdate": "1993-04-16", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "s use furiou" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5473, "l_partkey": 15, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 33.0d, "l_extendedprice": 30195.33d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-05-18", "l_commitdate": "1992-06-10", "l_receiptdate": "1992-06-13", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "efully above the even, " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5895, "l_partkey": 15, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 38.0d, "l_extendedprice": 34770.38d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-04-05", "l_commitdate": "1997-03-06", "l_receiptdate": "1997-05-03", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ts are furiously. regular, final excuses " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5957, "l_partkey": 15, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 37.0d, "l_extendedprice": 33855.37d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-04-18", "l_commitdate": "1994-02-19", "l_receiptdate": "1994-05-11", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": " ideas use ruthlessly." }
-, { "l_orderkey": 774, "l_partkey": 15, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 8.0d, "l_extendedprice": 7320.08d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-01-24", "l_commitdate": "1996-01-15", "l_receiptdate": "1996-02-13", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ully ironic requests c" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2688, "l_partkey": 15, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 46.0d, "l_extendedprice": 42090.46d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-05-24", "l_commitdate": "1992-04-01", "l_receiptdate": "1992-05-26", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "elets. regular reque" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3109, "l_partkey": 15, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 10.0d, "l_extendedprice": 9150.1d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-10-26", "l_commitdate": "1993-10-03", "l_receiptdate": "1993-11-09", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "sits haggle carefully. regular, unusual ac" }
, { "l_orderkey": 4132, "l_partkey": 15, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 23.0d, "l_extendedprice": 21045.23d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-06-27", "l_commitdate": "1995-07-27", "l_receiptdate": "1995-07-13", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "d deposits. fluffily even requests haggle b" }
, { "l_orderkey": 4354, "l_partkey": 15, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 30.0d, "l_extendedprice": 27450.3d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-01-27", "l_commitdate": "1994-11-24", "l_receiptdate": "1995-02-25", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "around the ir" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1510, "l_partkey": 14, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 3.0d, "l_extendedprice": 2742.03d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-10-31", "l_commitdate": "1996-12-03", "l_receiptdate": "1996-11-13", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "along the slyly regular pin" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3042, "l_partkey": 14, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 34.0d, "l_extendedprice": 31076.34d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-12-11", "l_commitdate": "1995-02-03", "l_receiptdate": "1994-12-21", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "can wake after the enticingly stealthy i" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4832, "l_partkey": 15, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 23.0d, "l_extendedprice": 21045.23d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-12-05", "l_commitdate": "1998-01-05", "l_receiptdate": "1997-12-10", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "y express depo" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 774, "l_partkey": 15, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 8.0d, "l_extendedprice": 7320.08d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-01-24", "l_commitdate": "1996-01-15", "l_receiptdate": "1996-02-13", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ully ironic requests c" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3109, "l_partkey": 15, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 10.0d, "l_extendedprice": 9150.1d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-10-26", "l_commitdate": "1993-10-03", "l_receiptdate": "1993-11-09", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "sits haggle carefully. regular, unusual ac" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3846, "l_partkey": 15, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 49.0d, "l_extendedprice": 44835.49d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-02-14", "l_commitdate": "1998-03-22", "l_receiptdate": "1998-02-17", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "efully even packages against the blithe" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5895, "l_partkey": 15, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 38.0d, "l_extendedprice": 34770.38d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-04-05", "l_commitdate": "1997-03-06", "l_receiptdate": "1997-05-03", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ts are furiously. regular, final excuses " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5957, "l_partkey": 15, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 37.0d, "l_extendedprice": 33855.37d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-04-18", "l_commitdate": "1994-02-19", "l_receiptdate": "1994-05-11", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": " ideas use ruthlessly." }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2151, "l_partkey": 15, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 29.0d, "l_extendedprice": 26535.29d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-03-04", "l_commitdate": "1996-12-27", "l_receiptdate": "1997-03-21", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": " bold packages acro" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2309, "l_partkey": 15, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 5.0d, "l_extendedprice": 4575.05d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-12-10", "l_commitdate": "1995-10-29", "l_receiptdate": "1996-01-06", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "s. requests wake blithely specia" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2913, "l_partkey": 15, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 13.0d, "l_extendedprice": 11895.13d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-10-02", "l_commitdate": "1997-08-20", "l_receiptdate": "1997-10-26", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "inos are carefully alongside of the bol" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3843, "l_partkey": 15, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 7.0d, "l_extendedprice": 6405.07d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-02-13", "l_commitdate": "1997-02-21", "l_receiptdate": "1997-02-20", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "slyly even instructions. furiously eve" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4450, "l_partkey": 15, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 9.0d, "l_extendedprice": 8235.09d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-08-13", "l_commitdate": "1997-08-16", "l_receiptdate": "1997-08-15", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "gular requests cajole carefully. regular c" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 160, "l_partkey": 15, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 36.0d, "l_extendedprice": 32940.36d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-03-11", "l_commitdate": "1997-03-11", "l_receiptdate": "1997-03-20", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "old, ironic deposits are quickly abov" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2688, "l_partkey": 15, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 46.0d, "l_extendedprice": 42090.46d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-05-24", "l_commitdate": "1992-04-01", "l_receiptdate": "1992-05-26", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "elets. regular reque" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4005, "l_partkey": 15, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 49.0d, "l_extendedprice": 44835.49d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-01-31", "l_commitdate": "1996-12-24", "l_receiptdate": "1997-03-02", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "tions sleep across the silent d" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5472, "l_partkey": 15, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 1.0d, "l_extendedprice": 915.01d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-04-14", "l_commitdate": "1993-06-28", "l_receiptdate": "1993-04-16", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "s use furiou" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5473, "l_partkey": 15, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 33.0d, "l_extendedprice": 30195.33d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-05-18", "l_commitdate": "1992-06-10", "l_receiptdate": "1992-06-13", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "efully above the even, " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 453, "l_partkey": 14, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 38.0d, "l_extendedprice": 34732.38d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-08-10", "l_commitdate": "1997-07-24", "l_receiptdate": "1997-09-07", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "sts cajole. furiously un" }
, { "l_orderkey": 3047, "l_partkey": 14, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 23.0d, "l_extendedprice": 21022.23d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-05-20", "l_commitdate": "1997-06-14", "l_receiptdate": "1997-05-28", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": " slyly ironi" }
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-, { "l_orderkey": 5028, "l_partkey": 14, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 15.0d, "l_extendedprice": 13710.15d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-07-17", "l_commitdate": "1992-07-16", "l_receiptdate": "1992-08-05", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "es are quickly final pains. furiously pend" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 899, "l_partkey": 14, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 11.0d, "l_extendedprice": 10054.11d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-06-03", "l_commitdate": "1998-06-15", "l_receiptdate": "1998-06-20", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "t the ironic" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2368, "l_partkey": 14, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 32.0d, "l_extendedprice": 29248.32d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-09-23", "l_commitdate": "1993-10-07", "l_receiptdate": "1993-09-27", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "gular courts use blithely around the" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2466, "l_partkey": 14, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 29.0d, "l_extendedprice": 26506.29d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-06-11", "l_commitdate": "1994-04-27", "l_receiptdate": "1994-07-10", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ckages. bold requests nag carefully." }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3399, "l_partkey": 14, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 21.0d, "l_extendedprice": 19194.21d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-03-12", "l_commitdate": "1995-05-18", "l_receiptdate": "1995-03-28", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "se final courts. exc" }
, { "l_orderkey": 3426, "l_partkey": 14, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 19.0d, "l_extendedprice": 17366.19d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-11-02", "l_commitdate": "1997-01-13", "l_receiptdate": "1996-11-15", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "slyly special packages oug" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3751, "l_partkey": 14, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 39.0d, "l_extendedprice": 35646.39d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-08-16", "l_commitdate": "1994-07-11", "l_receiptdate": "1994-09-12", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "refully according to the iro" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4322, "l_partkey": 14, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 34.0d, "l_extendedprice": 31076.34d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-05-27", "l_commitdate": "1998-04-12", "l_receiptdate": "1998-06-16", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ounts haggle fluffily ideas. pend" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5253, "l_partkey": 14, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 9.0d, "l_extendedprice": 8226.09d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-06-08", "l_commitdate": "1995-05-12", "l_receiptdate": "1995-06-23", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "lyly express deposits use furiou" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5731, "l_partkey": 14, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 6.0d, "l_extendedprice": 5484.06d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-09-07", "l_commitdate": "1997-06-20", "l_receiptdate": "1997-09-20", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "rs. quickly regular theo" }
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-, { "l_orderkey": 1858, "l_partkey": 14, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 33.0d, "l_extendedprice": 30162.33d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-12-28", "l_commitdate": "1998-02-03", "l_receiptdate": "1998-01-13", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "tect along the slyly final" }
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-, { "l_orderkey": 2020, "l_partkey": 14, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 30.0d, "l_extendedprice": 27420.3d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-09-08", "l_commitdate": "1993-08-11", "l_receiptdate": "1993-09-29", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ly about the blithely ironic foxes. bold" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2981, "l_partkey": 14, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 17.0d, "l_extendedprice": 15538.17d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-10-17", "l_commitdate": "1998-10-02", "l_receiptdate": "1998-10-21", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": ", unusual packages x-ray. furious" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4929, "l_partkey": 14, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 20.0d, "l_extendedprice": 18280.2d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-03-12", "l_commitdate": "1996-05-23", "l_receiptdate": "1996-03-20", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": " final pinto beans detect. final," }
+, { "l_orderkey": 899, "l_partkey": 14, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 11.0d, "l_extendedprice": 10054.11d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-06-03", "l_commitdate": "1998-06-15", "l_receiptdate": "1998-06-20", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "t the ironic" }
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+, { "l_orderkey": 3399, "l_partkey": 14, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 21.0d, "l_extendedprice": 19194.21d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-03-12", "l_commitdate": "1995-05-18", "l_receiptdate": "1995-03-28", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "se final courts. exc" }
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+, { "l_orderkey": 5253, "l_partkey": 14, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 9.0d, "l_extendedprice": 8226.09d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-06-08", "l_commitdate": "1995-05-12", "l_receiptdate": "1995-06-23", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "lyly express deposits use furiou" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1858, "l_partkey": 14, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 33.0d, "l_extendedprice": 30162.33d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-12-28", "l_commitdate": "1998-02-03", "l_receiptdate": "1998-01-13", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "tect along the slyly final" }
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+, { "l_orderkey": 4322, "l_partkey": 14, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 34.0d, "l_extendedprice": 31076.34d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-05-27", "l_commitdate": "1998-04-12", "l_receiptdate": "1998-06-16", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ounts haggle fluffily ideas. pend" }
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+, { "l_orderkey": 1953, "l_partkey": 14, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 35.0d, "l_extendedprice": 31990.35d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-02-03", "l_commitdate": "1994-02-25", "l_receiptdate": "1994-02-14", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "among the fur" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2020, "l_partkey": 14, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 30.0d, "l_extendedprice": 27420.3d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-09-08", "l_commitdate": "1993-08-11", "l_receiptdate": "1993-09-29", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ly about the blithely ironic foxes. bold" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2279, "l_partkey": 14, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 12.0d, "l_extendedprice": 10968.12d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-05-10", "l_commitdate": "1993-03-25", "l_receiptdate": "1993-06-02", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "lets across the excuses nag quickl" }
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+, { "l_orderkey": 2466, "l_partkey": 14, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 29.0d, "l_extendedprice": 26506.29d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-06-11", "l_commitdate": "1994-04-27", "l_receiptdate": "1994-07-10", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ckages. bold requests nag carefully." }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2981, "l_partkey": 14, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 17.0d, "l_extendedprice": 15538.17d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-10-17", "l_commitdate": "1998-10-02", "l_receiptdate": "1998-10-21", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": ", unusual packages x-ray. furious" }
, { "l_orderkey": 3425, "l_partkey": 14, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 8.0d, "l_extendedprice": 7312.08d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-07-22", "l_commitdate": "1996-06-07", "l_receiptdate": "1996-07-26", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "iously regular theodolites wake. s" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 37, "l_partkey": 13, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 43.0d, "l_extendedprice": 39259.43d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-07-10", "l_commitdate": "1992-07-06", "l_receiptdate": "1992-08-02", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "iously ste" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 514, "l_partkey": 13, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 6.0d, "l_extendedprice": 5478.06d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-05-30", "l_commitdate": "1996-06-04", "l_receiptdate": "1996-06-28", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "as haggle blithely; quickly s" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 579, "l_partkey": 13, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 28.0d, "l_extendedprice": 25564.28d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-07-10", "l_commitdate": "1998-05-24", "l_receiptdate": "1998-07-19", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ic ideas until th" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1379, "l_partkey": 13, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 24.0d, "l_extendedprice": 21912.24d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-07-06", "l_commitdate": "1998-07-09", "l_receiptdate": "1998-07-29", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ages cajole carefully idly express re" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2081, "l_partkey": 13, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 32.0d, "l_extendedprice": 29216.32d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-09-05", "l_commitdate": "1997-09-26", "l_receiptdate": "1997-10-03", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "e. final, regular dependencies sleep slyly!" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4674, "l_partkey": 13, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 21.0d, "l_extendedprice": 19173.21d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-05-08", "l_commitdate": "1994-07-02", "l_receiptdate": "1994-06-04", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ent accounts sublate deposits. instruc" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4965, "l_partkey": 13, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 25.0d, "l_extendedprice": 22825.25d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-02-05", "l_commitdate": "1993-12-15", "l_receiptdate": "1994-02-24", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "wake at the carefully speci" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5831, "l_partkey": 13, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 46.0d, "l_extendedprice": 41998.46d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-02-24", "l_commitdate": "1997-01-18", "l_receiptdate": "1997-03-02", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ly final pa" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5953, "l_partkey": 13, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 34.0d, "l_extendedprice": 31042.34d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-05-04", "l_commitdate": "1992-06-12", "l_receiptdate": "1992-06-02", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "hockey players use furiously against th" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 643, "l_partkey": 13, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 28.0d, "l_extendedprice": 25564.28d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-04-13", "l_commitdate": "1995-05-12", "l_receiptdate": "1995-04-14", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ly regular requests nag sly" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2432, "l_partkey": 13, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 14.0d, "l_extendedprice": 12782.14d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-08-18", "l_commitdate": "1996-09-04", "l_receiptdate": "1996-08-27", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "riously regular packages. p" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2723, "l_partkey": 13, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 47.0d, "l_extendedprice": 42911.47d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-12-05", "l_commitdate": "1995-11-19", "l_receiptdate": "1995-12-11", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "furiously r" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3239, "l_partkey": 13, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 13.0d, "l_extendedprice": 11869.13d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-02-10", "l_commitdate": "1998-02-19", "l_receiptdate": "1998-02-25", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "r deposits solve fluf" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3397, "l_partkey": 13, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 11.0d, "l_extendedprice": 10043.11d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-07-29", "l_commitdate": "1994-09-18", "l_receiptdate": "1994-08-12", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "iously careful packages. s" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5313, "l_partkey": 13, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 17.0d, "l_extendedprice": 15521.17d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-09-02", "l_commitdate": "1997-08-20", "l_receiptdate": "1997-09-07", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "uests wake" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5763, "l_partkey": 13, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 25.0d, "l_extendedprice": 22825.25d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-10-04", "l_commitdate": "1998-08-16", "l_receiptdate": "1998-10-09", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "inal theodolites. even re" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5792, "l_partkey": 14, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 14.0d, "l_extendedprice": 12796.14d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-07-28", "l_commitdate": "1993-06-17", "l_receiptdate": "1993-08-27", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "olites print carefully" }
, { "l_orderkey": 322, "l_partkey": 13, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 20.0d, "l_extendedprice": 18260.2d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-04-26", "l_commitdate": "1992-05-04", "l_receiptdate": "1992-05-22", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ckly toward " }
, { "l_orderkey": 933, "l_partkey": 13, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 27.0d, "l_extendedprice": 24651.27d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-10-03", "l_commitdate": "1992-10-02", "l_receiptdate": "1992-10-26", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ests. express" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 935, "l_partkey": 13, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 8.0d, "l_extendedprice": 7304.08d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-01-12", "l_commitdate": "1997-11-02", "l_receiptdate": "1998-02-05", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "cept the quickly regular p" }
, { "l_orderkey": 1634, "l_partkey": 13, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 35.0d, "l_extendedprice": 31955.35d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-11-25", "l_commitdate": "1996-11-25", "l_receiptdate": "1996-12-12", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "cies. regular, special de" }
, { "l_orderkey": 1828, "l_partkey": 13, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 40.0d, "l_extendedprice": 36520.4d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-05-05", "l_commitdate": "1994-07-02", "l_receiptdate": "1994-05-19", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "s use above the quietly fin" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2432, "l_partkey": 13, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 14.0d, "l_extendedprice": 12782.14d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-08-18", "l_commitdate": "1996-09-04", "l_receiptdate": "1996-08-27", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "riously regular packages. p" }
, { "l_orderkey": 2438, "l_partkey": 13, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 31.0d, "l_extendedprice": 28303.31d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-10-16", "l_commitdate": "1993-08-31", "l_receiptdate": "1993-11-10", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "t. slyly ironic sh" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1537, "l_partkey": 13, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 44.0d, "l_extendedprice": 40172.44d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-04-01", "l_commitdate": "1992-03-31", "l_receiptdate": "1992-04-21", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "lar courts." }
, { "l_orderkey": 2753, "l_partkey": 13, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 6.0d, "l_extendedprice": 5478.06d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-12-30", "l_commitdate": "1994-01-28", "l_receiptdate": "1994-01-29", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "s accounts" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5313, "l_partkey": 13, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 17.0d, "l_extendedprice": 15521.17d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-09-02", "l_commitdate": "1997-08-20", "l_receiptdate": "1997-09-07", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "uests wake" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5763, "l_partkey": 13, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 25.0d, "l_extendedprice": 22825.25d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-10-04", "l_commitdate": "1998-08-16", "l_receiptdate": "1998-10-09", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "inal theodolites. even re" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5953, "l_partkey": 13, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 34.0d, "l_extendedprice": 31042.34d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-05-04", "l_commitdate": "1992-06-12", "l_receiptdate": "1992-06-02", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "hockey players use furiously against th" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 514, "l_partkey": 13, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 6.0d, "l_extendedprice": 5478.06d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-05-30", "l_commitdate": "1996-06-04", "l_receiptdate": "1996-06-28", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "as haggle blithely; quickly s" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 579, "l_partkey": 13, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 28.0d, "l_extendedprice": 25564.28d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-07-10", "l_commitdate": "1998-05-24", "l_receiptdate": "1998-07-19", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ic ideas until th" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 935, "l_partkey": 13, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 8.0d, "l_extendedprice": 7304.08d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-01-12", "l_commitdate": "1997-11-02", "l_receiptdate": "1998-02-05", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "cept the quickly regular p" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1537, "l_partkey": 13, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 44.0d, "l_extendedprice": 40172.44d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-04-01", "l_commitdate": "1992-03-31", "l_receiptdate": "1992-04-21", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "lar courts." }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2723, "l_partkey": 13, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 47.0d, "l_extendedprice": 42911.47d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-12-05", "l_commitdate": "1995-11-19", "l_receiptdate": "1995-12-11", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "furiously r" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3239, "l_partkey": 13, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 13.0d, "l_extendedprice": 11869.13d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-02-10", "l_commitdate": "1998-02-19", "l_receiptdate": "1998-02-25", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "r deposits solve fluf" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5831, "l_partkey": 13, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 46.0d, "l_extendedprice": 41998.46d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-02-24", "l_commitdate": "1997-01-18", "l_receiptdate": "1997-03-02", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ly final pa" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 37, "l_partkey": 13, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 43.0d, "l_extendedprice": 39259.43d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-07-10", "l_commitdate": "1992-07-06", "l_receiptdate": "1992-08-02", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "iously ste" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 643, "l_partkey": 13, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 28.0d, "l_extendedprice": 25564.28d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-04-13", "l_commitdate": "1995-05-12", "l_receiptdate": "1995-04-14", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ly regular requests nag sly" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1379, "l_partkey": 13, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 24.0d, "l_extendedprice": 21912.24d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-07-06", "l_commitdate": "1998-07-09", "l_receiptdate": "1998-07-29", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ages cajole carefully idly express re" }
, { "l_orderkey": 3648, "l_partkey": 13, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 16.0d, "l_extendedprice": 14608.16d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-07-27", "l_commitdate": "1993-08-26", "l_receiptdate": "1993-08-24", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "uriously stealthy deposits haggle furi" }
, { "l_orderkey": 5445, "l_partkey": 13, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 14.0d, "l_extendedprice": 12782.14d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-11-19", "l_commitdate": "1993-10-18", "l_receiptdate": "1993-12-07", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": " requests. bravely i" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1156, "l_partkey": 12, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 29.0d, "l_extendedprice": 26448.29d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-01-24", "l_commitdate": "1996-12-26", "l_receiptdate": "1997-02-04", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ts sleep sly" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2274, "l_partkey": 12, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 18.0d, "l_extendedprice": 16416.18d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-09-06", "l_commitdate": "1993-12-03", "l_receiptdate": "1993-09-22", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "usly final re" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2435, "l_partkey": 12, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 24.0d, "l_extendedprice": 21888.24d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-03-14", "l_commitdate": "1993-05-20", "l_receiptdate": "1993-03-26", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "s. carefully regular d" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2081, "l_partkey": 13, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 32.0d, "l_extendedprice": 29216.32d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-09-05", "l_commitdate": "1997-09-26", "l_receiptdate": "1997-10-03", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "e. final, regular dependencies sleep slyly!" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3397, "l_partkey": 13, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 11.0d, "l_extendedprice": 10043.11d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-07-29", "l_commitdate": "1994-09-18", "l_receiptdate": "1994-08-12", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "iously careful packages. s" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4674, "l_partkey": 13, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 21.0d, "l_extendedprice": 19173.21d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-05-08", "l_commitdate": "1994-07-02", "l_receiptdate": "1994-06-04", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ent accounts sublate deposits. instruc" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4965, "l_partkey": 13, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 25.0d, "l_extendedprice": 22825.25d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-02-05", "l_commitdate": "1993-12-15", "l_receiptdate": "1994-02-24", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "wake at the carefully speci" }
, { "l_orderkey": 322, "l_partkey": 12, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 35.0d, "l_extendedprice": 31920.35d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-07-17", "l_commitdate": "1992-05-03", "l_receiptdate": "1992-08-14", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "egular accounts cajole carefully. even d" }
, { "l_orderkey": 1797, "l_partkey": 12, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 21.0d, "l_extendedprice": 19152.21d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-08-05", "l_commitdate": "1996-08-05", "l_receiptdate": "1996-08-06", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ns. regular, regular deposit" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2274, "l_partkey": 12, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 18.0d, "l_extendedprice": 16416.18d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-09-06", "l_commitdate": "1993-12-03", "l_receiptdate": "1993-09-22", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "usly final re" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2311, "l_partkey": 12, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 32.0d, "l_extendedprice": 29184.32d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-07-19", "l_commitdate": "1995-06-26", "l_receiptdate": "1995-07-26", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "sts along the slyly" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5762, "l_partkey": 12, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 12.0d, "l_extendedprice": 10944.12d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-04-18", "l_commitdate": "1997-04-27", "l_receiptdate": "1997-05-11", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ages are abo" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5920, "l_partkey": 12, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 28.0d, "l_extendedprice": 25536.28d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-12-17", "l_commitdate": "1995-02-13", "l_receiptdate": "1994-12-31", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "le slyly slyly even deposits. f" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 807, "l_partkey": 12, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 11.0d, "l_extendedprice": 10032.11d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-03-25", "l_commitdate": "1994-01-26", "l_receiptdate": "1994-04-14", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "unts above the slyly final ex" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 928, "l_partkey": 12, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 38.0d, "l_extendedprice": 34656.38d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-06-08", "l_commitdate": "1995-04-15", "l_receiptdate": "1995-06-30", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "xpress grouc" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1156, "l_partkey": 12, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 29.0d, "l_extendedprice": 26448.29d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-01-24", "l_commitdate": "1996-12-26", "l_receiptdate": "1997-02-04", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ts sleep sly" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1763, "l_partkey": 12, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 22.0d, "l_extendedprice": 20064.22d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-01-17", "l_commitdate": "1997-01-15", "l_receiptdate": "1997-02-03", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ld. fluffily final ideas boos" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3204, "l_partkey": 12, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 10.0d, "l_extendedprice": 9120.1d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-01-27", "l_commitdate": "1993-03-08", "l_receiptdate": "1993-01-29", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "counts. bold " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3239, "l_partkey": 12, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 31.0d, "l_extendedprice": 28272.31d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-04-14", "l_commitdate": "1998-03-24", "l_receiptdate": "1998-04-17", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "foxes. pendin" }
, { "l_orderkey": 3715, "l_partkey": 12, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 37.0d, "l_extendedprice": 33744.37d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-05-03", "l_commitdate": "1996-04-30", "l_receiptdate": "1996-05-17", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ut the carefully expr" }
, { "l_orderkey": 4038, "l_partkey": 12, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 37.0d, "l_extendedprice": 33744.37d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-03-17", "l_commitdate": "1996-03-19", "l_receiptdate": "1996-04-07", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": " packages " }
, { "l_orderkey": 4771, "l_partkey": 12, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 5.0d, "l_extendedprice": 4560.05d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-01-07", "l_commitdate": "1993-01-19", "l_receiptdate": "1993-01-26", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ar, quiet accounts nag furiously express id" }
, { "l_orderkey": 5636, "l_partkey": 12, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 33.0d, "l_extendedprice": 30096.33d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-03-09", "l_commitdate": "1995-04-05", "l_receiptdate": "1995-03-23", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ding to the " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5762, "l_partkey": 12, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 12.0d, "l_extendedprice": 10944.12d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-04-18", "l_commitdate": "1997-04-27", "l_receiptdate": "1997-05-11", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ages are abo" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 359, "l_partkey": 12, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 18.0d, "l_extendedprice": 16416.18d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-01-27", "l_commitdate": "1995-03-18", "l_receiptdate": "1995-01-31", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "unusual warthogs. ironically sp" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1123, "l_partkey": 12, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 10.0d, "l_extendedprice": 9120.1d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-11-12", "l_commitdate": "1996-10-04", "l_receiptdate": "1996-11-30", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ckages are above the depths. slyly ir" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1345, "l_partkey": 12, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 37.0d, "l_extendedprice": 33744.37d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-11-27", "l_commitdate": "1992-12-11", "l_receiptdate": "1992-12-07", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "e slyly express requests. ironic accounts c" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2435, "l_partkey": 12, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 24.0d, "l_extendedprice": 21888.24d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-03-14", "l_commitdate": "1993-05-20", "l_receiptdate": "1993-03-26", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "s. carefully regular d" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2497, "l_partkey": 12, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 34.0d, "l_extendedprice": 31008.34d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-09-02", "l_commitdate": "1992-10-19", "l_receiptdate": "1992-09-12", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ronic accounts. p" }
, { "l_orderkey": 32, "l_partkey": 12, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 6.0d, "l_extendedprice": 5472.06d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-07-21", "l_commitdate": "1995-09-23", "l_receiptdate": "1995-07-25", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": " gifts cajole carefully." }
, { "l_orderkey": 130, "l_partkey": 12, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 18.0d, "l_extendedprice": 16416.18d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-07-04", "l_commitdate": "1992-06-14", "l_receiptdate": "1992-07-29", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": " slyly ironic decoys abou" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 807, "l_partkey": 12, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 11.0d, "l_extendedprice": 10032.11d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-03-25", "l_commitdate": "1994-01-26", "l_receiptdate": "1994-04-14", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "unts above the slyly final ex" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1345, "l_partkey": 12, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 37.0d, "l_extendedprice": 33744.37d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-11-27", "l_commitdate": "1992-12-11", "l_receiptdate": "1992-12-07", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "e slyly express requests. ironic accounts c" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2311, "l_partkey": 12, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 32.0d, "l_extendedprice": 29184.32d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-07-19", "l_commitdate": "1995-06-26", "l_receiptdate": "1995-07-26", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "sts along the slyly" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2497, "l_partkey": 12, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 34.0d, "l_extendedprice": 31008.34d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-09-02", "l_commitdate": "1992-10-19", "l_receiptdate": "1992-09-12", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ronic accounts. p" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3239, "l_partkey": 12, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 31.0d, "l_extendedprice": 28272.31d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-04-14", "l_commitdate": "1998-03-24", "l_receiptdate": "1998-04-17", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "foxes. pendin" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 359, "l_partkey": 12, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 18.0d, "l_extendedprice": 16416.18d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-01-27", "l_commitdate": "1995-03-18", "l_receiptdate": "1995-01-31", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "unusual warthogs. ironically sp" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 928, "l_partkey": 12, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 38.0d, "l_extendedprice": 34656.38d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-06-08", "l_commitdate": "1995-04-15", "l_receiptdate": "1995-06-30", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "xpress grouc" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1123, "l_partkey": 12, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 10.0d, "l_extendedprice": 9120.1d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-11-12", "l_commitdate": "1996-10-04", "l_receiptdate": "1996-11-30", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ckages are above the depths. slyly ir" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1763, "l_partkey": 12, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 22.0d, "l_extendedprice": 20064.22d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-01-17", "l_commitdate": "1997-01-15", "l_receiptdate": "1997-02-03", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ld. fluffily final ideas boos" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3204, "l_partkey": 12, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 10.0d, "l_extendedprice": 9120.1d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-01-27", "l_commitdate": "1993-03-08", "l_receiptdate": "1993-01-29", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "counts. bold " }
, { "l_orderkey": 5729, "l_partkey": 12, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 50.0d, "l_extendedprice": 45600.5d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-12-09", "l_commitdate": "1994-12-31", "l_receiptdate": "1994-12-24", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ly special sentiments. car" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5920, "l_partkey": 12, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 28.0d, "l_extendedprice": 25536.28d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-12-17", "l_commitdate": "1995-02-13", "l_receiptdate": "1994-12-31", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "le slyly slyly even deposits. f" }
, { "l_orderkey": 773, "l_partkey": 11, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 31.0d, "l_extendedprice": 28241.31d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-12-30", "l_commitdate": "1993-11-02", "l_receiptdate": "1994-01-01", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "e slyly unusual deposit" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1509, "l_partkey": 11, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 46.0d, "l_extendedprice": 41906.46d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-10-15", "l_commitdate": "1993-10-04", "l_receiptdate": "1993-11-01", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "uriously regula" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2466, "l_partkey": 11, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 29.0d, "l_extendedprice": 26419.29d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-04-01", "l_commitdate": "1994-04-20", "l_receiptdate": "1994-04-23", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "es boost fluffily ab" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2469, "l_partkey": 11, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 48.0d, "l_extendedprice": 43728.48d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-01-11", "l_commitdate": "1997-01-03", "l_receiptdate": "1997-01-15", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "riously even theodolites u" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3872, "l_partkey": 11, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 41.0d, "l_extendedprice": 37351.41d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-11-23", "l_commitdate": "1996-11-12", "l_receiptdate": "1996-12-03", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ly regular epitaphs boost" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4192, "l_partkey": 11, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 36.0d, "l_extendedprice": 32796.36d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-04-25", "l_commitdate": "1998-05-26", "l_receiptdate": "1998-05-03", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "eodolites sleep" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4934, "l_partkey": 11, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 2.0d, "l_extendedprice": 1822.02d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-06-05", "l_commitdate": "1997-03-26", "l_receiptdate": "1997-06-09", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ongside of the brave, regula" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4935, "l_partkey": 11, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 24.0d, "l_extendedprice": 21864.24d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-05-29", "l_commitdate": "1993-08-17", "l_receiptdate": "1993-06-22", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ly quickly s" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5573, "l_partkey": 11, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 46.0d, "l_extendedprice": 41906.46d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-11-04", "l_commitdate": "1996-10-02", "l_receiptdate": "1996-11-15", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "s haggle qu" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2979, "l_partkey": 11, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 47.0d, "l_extendedprice": 42817.47d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-03-25", "l_commitdate": "1996-05-13", "l_receiptdate": "1996-04-04", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "iously unusual dependencies wake across" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3237, "l_partkey": 11, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 11.0d, "l_extendedprice": 10021.11d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-08-03", "l_commitdate": "1992-07-31", "l_receiptdate": "1992-08-13", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "es. permanently express platelets besid" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4800, "l_partkey": 11, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 21.0d, "l_extendedprice": 19131.21d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-02-14", "l_commitdate": "1992-03-15", "l_receiptdate": "1992-02-26", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ithely according to " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5633, "l_partkey": 11, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 39.0d, "l_extendedprice": 35529.39d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-07-12", "l_commitdate": "1998-07-03", "l_receiptdate": "1998-07-13", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ding ideas cajole furiously after" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5858, "l_partkey": 11, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 50.0d, "l_extendedprice": 45550.5d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-07-20", "l_commitdate": "1992-10-07", "l_receiptdate": "1992-07-25", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "r the ironic ex" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 103, "l_partkey": 11, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 37.0d, "l_extendedprice": 33707.37d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-09-17", "l_commitdate": "1996-07-27", "l_receiptdate": "1996-09-20", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ies. quickly ironic requests use blithely" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 998, "l_partkey": 11, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 6.0d, "l_extendedprice": 5466.06d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-03-20", "l_commitdate": "1994-12-27", "l_receiptdate": "1995-04-13", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "refully accounts. carefully express ac" }
, { "l_orderkey": 2054, "l_partkey": 11, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 4.0d, "l_extendedprice": 3644.04d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-08-12", "l_commitdate": "1992-08-31", "l_receiptdate": "1992-08-15", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "lyly careful requests wake fl" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4263, "l_partkey": 11, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 38.0d, "l_extendedprice": 34618.38d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-07-10", "l_commitdate": "1998-05-08", "l_receiptdate": "1998-07-17", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "rding to the dep" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2979, "l_partkey": 11, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 47.0d, "l_extendedprice": 42817.47d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-03-25", "l_commitdate": "1996-05-13", "l_receiptdate": "1996-04-04", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "iously unusual dependencies wake across" }
, { "l_orderkey": 4389, "l_partkey": 11, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 22.0d, "l_extendedprice": 20042.22d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-07-05", "l_commitdate": "1994-06-12", "l_receiptdate": "1994-07-12", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "lly silent de" }
, { "l_orderkey": 4551, "l_partkey": 11, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 6.0d, "l_extendedprice": 5466.06d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-05-18", "l_commitdate": "1996-04-23", "l_receiptdate": "1996-06-13", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "fily silent fo" }
, { "l_orderkey": 4866, "l_partkey": 11, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 9.0d, "l_extendedprice": 8199.09d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-08-30", "l_commitdate": "1997-09-18", "l_receiptdate": "1997-09-24", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ven dependencies x-ray. quic" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 198, "l_partkey": 11, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 35.0d, "l_extendedprice": 31885.35d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-02-27", "l_commitdate": "1998-03-23", "l_receiptdate": "1998-03-14", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ests nod quickly furiously sly pinto be" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 103, "l_partkey": 11, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 37.0d, "l_extendedprice": 33707.37d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-09-17", "l_commitdate": "1996-07-27", "l_receiptdate": "1996-09-20", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ies. quickly ironic requests use blithely" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 998, "l_partkey": 11, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 6.0d, "l_extendedprice": 5466.06d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-03-20", "l_commitdate": "1994-12-27", "l_receiptdate": "1995-04-13", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "refully accounts. carefully express ac" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2466, "l_partkey": 11, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 29.0d, "l_extendedprice": 26419.29d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-04-01", "l_commitdate": "1994-04-20", "l_receiptdate": "1994-04-23", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "es boost fluffily ab" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2469, "l_partkey": 11, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 48.0d, "l_extendedprice": 43728.48d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-01-11", "l_commitdate": "1997-01-03", "l_receiptdate": "1997-01-15", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "riously even theodolites u" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3584, "l_partkey": 11, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 4.0d, "l_extendedprice": 3644.04d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-08-16", "l_commitdate": "1997-10-31", "l_receiptdate": "1997-08-28", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "nal packag" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3872, "l_partkey": 11, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 41.0d, "l_extendedprice": 37351.41d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-11-23", "l_commitdate": "1996-11-12", "l_receiptdate": "1996-12-03", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ly regular epitaphs boost" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4192, "l_partkey": 11, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 36.0d, "l_extendedprice": 32796.36d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-04-25", "l_commitdate": "1998-05-26", "l_receiptdate": "1998-05-03", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "eodolites sleep" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5573, "l_partkey": 11, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 46.0d, "l_extendedprice": 41906.46d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-11-04", "l_commitdate": "1996-10-02", "l_receiptdate": "1996-11-15", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "s haggle qu" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5698, "l_partkey": 11, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 30.0d, "l_extendedprice": 27330.3d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-05-26", "l_commitdate": "1994-08-16", "l_receiptdate": "1994-06-19", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "its. quickly regular foxes aro" }
, { "l_orderkey": 928, "l_partkey": 11, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 11.0d, "l_extendedprice": 10021.11d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-04-29", "l_commitdate": "1995-04-16", "l_receiptdate": "1995-04-30", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "longside of" }
, { "l_orderkey": 2147, "l_partkey": 11, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 11.0d, "l_extendedprice": 10021.11d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-09-27", "l_commitdate": "1992-11-16", "l_receiptdate": "1992-10-16", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": " the fluffily" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4263, "l_partkey": 11, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 38.0d, "l_extendedprice": 34618.38d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-07-10", "l_commitdate": "1998-05-08", "l_receiptdate": "1998-07-17", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "rding to the dep" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4800, "l_partkey": 11, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 21.0d, "l_extendedprice": 19131.21d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-02-14", "l_commitdate": "1992-03-15", "l_receiptdate": "1992-02-26", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ithely according to " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4934, "l_partkey": 11, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 2.0d, "l_extendedprice": 1822.02d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-06-05", "l_commitdate": "1997-03-26", "l_receiptdate": "1997-06-09", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ongside of the brave, regula" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4935, "l_partkey": 11, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 24.0d, "l_extendedprice": 21864.24d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-05-29", "l_commitdate": "1993-08-17", "l_receiptdate": "1993-06-22", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ly quickly s" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5633, "l_partkey": 11, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 39.0d, "l_extendedprice": 35529.39d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-07-12", "l_commitdate": "1998-07-03", "l_receiptdate": "1998-07-13", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ding ideas cajole furiously after" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 198, "l_partkey": 11, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 35.0d, "l_extendedprice": 31885.35d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-02-27", "l_commitdate": "1998-03-23", "l_receiptdate": "1998-03-14", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ests nod quickly furiously sly pinto be" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1509, "l_partkey": 11, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 46.0d, "l_extendedprice": 41906.46d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-10-15", "l_commitdate": "1993-10-04", "l_receiptdate": "1993-11-01", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "uriously regula" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3237, "l_partkey": 11, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 11.0d, "l_extendedprice": 10021.11d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-08-03", "l_commitdate": "1992-07-31", "l_receiptdate": "1992-08-13", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "es. permanently express platelets besid" }
, { "l_orderkey": 3460, "l_partkey": 11, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 40.0d, "l_extendedprice": 36440.4d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-12-28", "l_commitdate": "1995-12-14", "l_receiptdate": "1996-01-02", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "odolites are slyly bold deposits" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3584, "l_partkey": 11, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 4.0d, "l_extendedprice": 3644.04d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-08-16", "l_commitdate": "1997-10-31", "l_receiptdate": "1997-08-28", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "nal packag" }
, { "l_orderkey": 5187, "l_partkey": 11, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 49.0d, "l_extendedprice": 44639.49d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-10-20", "l_commitdate": "1997-10-12", "l_receiptdate": "1997-10-26", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "l, regular platelets instead of the foxes w" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5698, "l_partkey": 11, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 30.0d, "l_extendedprice": 27330.3d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-05-26", "l_commitdate": "1994-08-16", "l_receiptdate": "1994-06-19", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "its. quickly regular foxes aro" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 196, "l_partkey": 10, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 15.0d, "l_extendedprice": 13650.15d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-07-05", "l_commitdate": "1993-05-08", "l_receiptdate": "1993-07-06", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "s accounts. furio" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5858, "l_partkey": 11, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 50.0d, "l_extendedprice": 45550.5d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-07-20", "l_commitdate": "1992-10-07", "l_receiptdate": "1992-07-25", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "r the ironic ex" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 994, "l_partkey": 10, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 11.0d, "l_extendedprice": 10010.11d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-05-03", "l_commitdate": "1994-06-10", "l_receiptdate": "1994-05-22", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ular accounts sleep " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1382, "l_partkey": 10, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 38.0d, "l_extendedprice": 34580.38d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-11-17", "l_commitdate": "1993-09-28", "l_receiptdate": "1993-11-20", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ake pending pinto beans. s" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1922, "l_partkey": 10, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 13.0d, "l_extendedprice": 11830.13d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-10-24", "l_commitdate": "1996-09-21", "l_receiptdate": "1996-11-15", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "quests. furiously" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2976, "l_partkey": 10, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 35.0d, "l_extendedprice": 31850.35d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-12-19", "l_commitdate": "1994-02-14", "l_receiptdate": "1994-01-11", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "boost slyly about the regular, regular re" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3363, "l_partkey": 10, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 42.0d, "l_extendedprice": 38220.42d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-11-09", "l_commitdate": "1995-11-25", "l_receiptdate": "1995-11-15", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": " blithely final ideas nag after" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3558, "l_partkey": 10, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 28.0d, "l_extendedprice": 25480.28d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-06-02", "l_commitdate": "1996-04-18", "l_receiptdate": "1996-06-24", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "l deposits " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5507, "l_partkey": 10, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 23.0d, "l_extendedprice": 20930.23d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-09-04", "l_commitdate": "1998-07-04", "l_receiptdate": "1998-09-18", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ously slow packages poach whithout the" }
, { "l_orderkey": 998, "l_partkey": 10, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 22.0d, "l_extendedprice": 20020.22d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-12-03", "l_commitdate": "1995-02-17", "l_receiptdate": "1994-12-19", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "lites. qui" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1668, "l_partkey": 10, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 38.0d, "l_extendedprice": 34580.38d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-08-26", "l_commitdate": "1997-09-17", "l_receiptdate": "1997-09-05", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ep slyly across the furi" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1796, "l_partkey": 10, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 28.0d, "l_extendedprice": 25480.28d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-12-01", "l_commitdate": "1993-01-01", "l_receiptdate": "1992-12-24", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "y quickly ironic accounts." }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2980, "l_partkey": 10, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 48.0d, "l_extendedprice": 43680.48d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-09-25", "l_commitdate": "1996-12-09", "l_receiptdate": "1996-10-12", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "totes. regular pinto " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4161, "l_partkey": 10, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 45.0d, "l_extendedprice": 40950.45d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-10-22", "l_commitdate": "1993-10-17", "l_receiptdate": "1993-10-30", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "about the ironic packages cajole blithe" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4807, "l_partkey": 10, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 41.0d, "l_extendedprice": 37310.41d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-05-02", "l_commitdate": "1997-03-31", "l_receiptdate": "1997-05-15", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": " fluffily re" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4999, "l_partkey": 10, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 44.0d, "l_extendedprice": 40040.44d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-08-01", "l_commitdate": "1993-08-04", "l_receiptdate": "1993-08-17", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ependencies. slowly regu" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 230, "l_partkey": 10, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 44.0d, "l_extendedprice": 40040.44d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-02-09", "l_commitdate": "1994-01-18", "l_receiptdate": "1994-03-11", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "deposits integrate slyly sile" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 449, "l_partkey": 10, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 3.0d, "l_extendedprice": 2730.03d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-07-28", "l_commitdate": "1995-09-11", "l_receiptdate": "1995-08-01", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": " bold deposits. express theodolites haggle" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 519, "l_partkey": 10, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 13.0d, "l_extendedprice": 11830.13d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-02-06", "l_commitdate": "1997-12-02", "l_receiptdate": "1998-03-03", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "c accounts wake along the ironic so" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1730, "l_partkey": 10, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 40.0d, "l_extendedprice": 36400.4d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-10-02", "l_commitdate": "1998-10-06", "l_receiptdate": "1998-10-03", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ven dinos slee" }
, { "l_orderkey": 2946, "l_partkey": 10, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 25.0d, "l_extendedprice": 22750.25d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-05-06", "l_commitdate": "1996-04-23", "l_receiptdate": "1996-05-16", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ic deposits. furiously" }
, { "l_orderkey": 2947, "l_partkey": 10, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 37.0d, "l_extendedprice": 33670.37d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-08-09", "l_commitdate": "1995-07-05", "l_receiptdate": "1995-08-20", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "e accounts: expres" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2976, "l_partkey": 10, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 35.0d, "l_extendedprice": 31850.35d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-12-19", "l_commitdate": "1994-02-14", "l_receiptdate": "1994-01-11", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "boost slyly about the regular, regular re" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3141, "l_partkey": 10, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 37.0d, "l_extendedprice": 33670.37d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-01-24", "l_commitdate": "1995-12-16", "l_receiptdate": "1996-01-27", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "press pinto beans. bold accounts boost b" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3558, "l_partkey": 10, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 28.0d, "l_extendedprice": 25480.28d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-06-02", "l_commitdate": "1996-04-18", "l_receiptdate": "1996-06-24", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "l deposits " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3941, "l_partkey": 10, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 2.0d, "l_extendedprice": 1820.02d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-12-04", "l_commitdate": "1996-10-01", "l_receiptdate": "1996-12-25", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "es wake after the" }
, { "l_orderkey": 4102, "l_partkey": 10, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 17.0d, "l_extendedprice": 15470.17d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-06-03", "l_commitdate": "1996-05-06", "l_receiptdate": "1996-07-02", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ly silent theodolites sleep unusual exc" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5507, "l_partkey": 10, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 23.0d, "l_extendedprice": 20930.23d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-09-04", "l_commitdate": "1998-07-04", "l_receiptdate": "1998-09-18", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ously slow packages poach whithout the" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1382, "l_partkey": 10, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 38.0d, "l_extendedprice": 34580.38d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-11-17", "l_commitdate": "1993-09-28", "l_receiptdate": "1993-11-20", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ake pending pinto beans. s" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1730, "l_partkey": 10, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 40.0d, "l_extendedprice": 36400.4d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-10-02", "l_commitdate": "1998-10-06", "l_receiptdate": "1998-10-03", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ven dinos slee" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1796, "l_partkey": 10, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 28.0d, "l_extendedprice": 25480.28d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-12-01", "l_commitdate": "1993-01-01", "l_receiptdate": "1992-12-24", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "y quickly ironic accounts." }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2881, "l_partkey": 10, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 1.0d, "l_extendedprice": 910.01d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-05-13", "l_commitdate": "1992-07-21", "l_receiptdate": "1992-05-18", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "final theodolites. quickly" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2980, "l_partkey": 10, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 48.0d, "l_extendedprice": 43680.48d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-09-25", "l_commitdate": "1996-12-09", "l_receiptdate": "1996-10-12", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "totes. regular pinto " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3138, "l_partkey": 10, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 12.0d, "l_extendedprice": 10920.12d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-03-04", "l_commitdate": "1994-04-11", "l_receiptdate": "1994-03-21", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": ". bold pinto beans haggl" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3363, "l_partkey": 10, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 42.0d, "l_extendedprice": 38220.42d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-11-09", "l_commitdate": "1995-11-25", "l_receiptdate": "1995-11-15", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": " blithely final ideas nag after" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4161, "l_partkey": 10, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 45.0d, "l_extendedprice": 40950.45d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-10-22", "l_commitdate": "1993-10-17", "l_receiptdate": "1993-10-30", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "about the ironic packages cajole blithe" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4999, "l_partkey": 10, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 44.0d, "l_extendedprice": 40040.44d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-08-01", "l_commitdate": "1993-08-04", "l_receiptdate": "1993-08-17", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ependencies. slowly regu" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5632, "l_partkey": 10, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 48.0d, "l_extendedprice": 43680.48d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-05-08", "l_commitdate": "1996-03-24", "l_receiptdate": "1996-06-04", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "unts. decoys u" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 230, "l_partkey": 10, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 44.0d, "l_extendedprice": 40040.44d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-02-09", "l_commitdate": "1994-01-18", "l_receiptdate": "1994-03-11", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "deposits integrate slyly sile" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 519, "l_partkey": 10, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 13.0d, "l_extendedprice": 11830.13d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-02-06", "l_commitdate": "1997-12-02", "l_receiptdate": "1998-03-03", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "c accounts wake along the ironic so" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 994, "l_partkey": 10, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 11.0d, "l_extendedprice": 10010.11d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-05-03", "l_commitdate": "1994-06-10", "l_receiptdate": "1994-05-22", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ular accounts sleep " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1922, "l_partkey": 10, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 13.0d, "l_extendedprice": 11830.13d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-10-24", "l_commitdate": "1996-09-21", "l_receiptdate": "1996-11-15", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "quests. furiously" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5378, "l_partkey": 10, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 18.0d, "l_extendedprice": 16380.18d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-11-25", "l_commitdate": "1992-12-21", "l_receiptdate": "1992-12-10", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "onic accounts was bold, " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 449, "l_partkey": 10, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 3.0d, "l_extendedprice": 2730.03d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-07-28", "l_commitdate": "1995-09-11", "l_receiptdate": "1995-08-01", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": " bold deposits. express theodolites haggle" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1668, "l_partkey": 10, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 38.0d, "l_extendedprice": 34580.38d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-08-26", "l_commitdate": "1997-09-17", "l_receiptdate": "1997-09-05", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ep slyly across the furi" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1989, "l_partkey": 10, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 47.0d, "l_extendedprice": 42770.47d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-06-21", "l_commitdate": "1994-05-27", "l_receiptdate": "1994-06-22", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "final deposits s" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4807, "l_partkey": 10, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 41.0d, "l_extendedprice": 37310.41d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-05-02", "l_commitdate": "1997-03-31", "l_receiptdate": "1997-05-15", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": " fluffily re" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4839, "l_partkey": 10, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 25.0d, "l_extendedprice": 22750.25d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-05-20", "l_commitdate": "1994-07-08", "l_receiptdate": "1994-05-30", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "regular packages ab" }
, { "l_orderkey": 4935, "l_partkey": 10, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 14.0d, "l_extendedprice": 12740.14d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-05-30", "l_commitdate": "1993-07-25", "l_receiptdate": "1993-05-31", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "slowly. blith" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 419, "l_partkey": 9, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 15.0d, "l_extendedprice": 13635.0d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-01-09", "l_commitdate": "1996-12-22", "l_receiptdate": "1997-01-25", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "of the careful, thin theodolites. quickly s" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1152, "l_partkey": 9, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 23.0d, "l_extendedprice": 20907.0d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-10-14", "l_commitdate": "1994-10-22", "l_receiptdate": "1994-10-21", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "equests alongside of the unusual " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1955, "l_partkey": 9, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 16.0d, "l_extendedprice": 14544.0d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-04-30", "l_commitdate": "1992-06-23", "l_receiptdate": "1992-05-23", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "odolites eat s" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4096, "l_partkey": 9, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 21.0d, "l_extendedprice": 19089.0d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-08-24", "l_commitdate": "1992-09-04", "l_receiptdate": "1992-09-11", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "tes mold flu" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4199, "l_partkey": 9, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 18.0d, "l_extendedprice": 16362.0d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-06-01", "l_commitdate": "1992-03-30", "l_receiptdate": "1992-06-28", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "pending, regular accounts. carefully" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4416, "l_partkey": 9, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 45.0d, "l_extendedprice": 40905.0d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-10-16", "l_commitdate": "1992-09-09", "l_receiptdate": "1992-10-28", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "the final pinto beans. special frets " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4545, "l_partkey": 9, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 36.0d, "l_extendedprice": 32724.0d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-01-28", "l_commitdate": "1993-03-30", "l_receiptdate": "1993-02-04", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "sublate slyly. furiously ironic accounts b" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5536, "l_partkey": 9, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 30.0d, "l_extendedprice": 27270.0d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-04-15", "l_commitdate": "1998-05-23", "l_receiptdate": "1998-05-03", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "arefully regular theodolites according" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5859, "l_partkey": 9, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 17.0d, "l_extendedprice": 15453.0d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-05-15", "l_commitdate": "1997-06-30", "l_receiptdate": "1997-05-26", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ly ironic requests. quickly unusual pin" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 293, "l_partkey": 9, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 14.0d, "l_extendedprice": 12726.0d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-10-19", "l_commitdate": "1992-12-23", "l_receiptdate": "1992-11-10", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "es. packages above the" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1568, "l_partkey": 9, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 46.0d, "l_extendedprice": 41814.0d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-04-06", "l_commitdate": "1997-04-08", "l_receiptdate": "1997-04-23", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "g the blithely even acco" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2976, "l_partkey": 9, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 32.0d, "l_extendedprice": 29088.0d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-01-26", "l_commitdate": "1994-02-13", "l_receiptdate": "1994-02-10", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "nding, ironic deposits sleep f" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2979, "l_partkey": 9, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 8.0d, "l_extendedprice": 7272.0d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-06-18", "l_commitdate": "1996-05-21", "l_receiptdate": "1996-07-06", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "st blithely; blithely regular gifts dazz" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4805, "l_partkey": 9, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 42.0d, "l_extendedprice": 38178.0d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-08-17", "l_commitdate": "1992-07-03", "l_receiptdate": "1992-09-14", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "the regular, fina" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 903, "l_partkey": 9, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 35.0d, "l_extendedprice": 31815.0d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-09-18", "l_commitdate": "1995-08-21", "l_receiptdate": "1995-10-12", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "rets wake fin" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1792, "l_partkey": 9, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 5.0d, "l_extendedprice": 4545.0d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-02-13", "l_commitdate": "1994-01-03", "l_receiptdate": "1994-02-28", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ely regular accounts are slyly. pending, bo" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2055, "l_partkey": 9, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 15.0d, "l_extendedprice": 13635.0d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-10-30", "l_commitdate": "1993-11-21", "l_receiptdate": "1993-11-22", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "gular foxes. b" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2693, "l_partkey": 9, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 26.0d, "l_extendedprice": 23634.0d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-09-14", "l_commitdate": "1996-10-07", "l_receiptdate": "1996-10-03", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "cajole alo" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3233, "l_partkey": 9, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 25.0d, "l_extendedprice": 22725.0d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-11-24", "l_commitdate": "1995-01-07", "l_receiptdate": "1994-12-11", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "oss the pl" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4483, "l_partkey": 9, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 50.0d, "l_extendedprice": 45450.0d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-06-10", "l_commitdate": "1992-04-18", "l_receiptdate": "1992-06-17", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ackages. furiously ironi" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4771, "l_partkey": 9, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 21.0d, "l_extendedprice": 19089.0d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-12-20", "l_commitdate": "1993-01-22", "l_receiptdate": "1992-12-26", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": " carefully re" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 196, "l_partkey": 10, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 15.0d, "l_extendedprice": 13650.15d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-07-05", "l_commitdate": "1993-05-08", "l_receiptdate": "1993-07-06", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "s accounts. furio" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1989, "l_partkey": 10, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 47.0d, "l_extendedprice": 42770.47d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-06-21", "l_commitdate": "1994-05-27", "l_receiptdate": "1994-06-22", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "final deposits s" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2881, "l_partkey": 10, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 1.0d, "l_extendedprice": 910.01d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-05-13", "l_commitdate": "1992-07-21", "l_receiptdate": "1992-05-18", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "final theodolites. quickly" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3138, "l_partkey": 10, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 12.0d, "l_extendedprice": 10920.12d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-03-04", "l_commitdate": "1994-04-11", "l_receiptdate": "1994-03-21", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": ". bold pinto beans haggl" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3141, "l_partkey": 10, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 37.0d, "l_extendedprice": 33670.37d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-01-24", "l_commitdate": "1995-12-16", "l_receiptdate": "1996-01-27", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "press pinto beans. bold accounts boost b" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3941, "l_partkey": 10, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 2.0d, "l_extendedprice": 1820.02d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-12-04", "l_commitdate": "1996-10-01", "l_receiptdate": "1996-12-25", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "es wake after the" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4839, "l_partkey": 10, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 25.0d, "l_extendedprice": 22750.25d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-05-20", "l_commitdate": "1994-07-08", "l_receiptdate": "1994-05-30", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "regular packages ab" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5378, "l_partkey": 10, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 18.0d, "l_extendedprice": 16380.18d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-11-25", "l_commitdate": "1992-12-21", "l_receiptdate": "1992-12-10", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "onic accounts was bold, " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5632, "l_partkey": 10, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 48.0d, "l_extendedprice": 43680.48d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-05-08", "l_commitdate": "1996-03-24", "l_receiptdate": "1996-06-04", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "unts. decoys u" }
, { "l_orderkey": 903, "l_partkey": 9, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 33.0d, "l_extendedprice": 29997.0d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-09-24", "l_commitdate": "1995-09-01", "l_receiptdate": "1995-10-12", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ely ironic packages wake blithely" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1152, "l_partkey": 9, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 23.0d, "l_extendedprice": 20907.0d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-10-14", "l_commitdate": "1994-10-22", "l_receiptdate": "1994-10-21", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "equests alongside of the unusual " }
, { "l_orderkey": 1792, "l_partkey": 9, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 8.0d, "l_extendedprice": 7272.0d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-02-21", "l_commitdate": "1994-01-26", "l_receiptdate": "1994-02-27", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "nts. fluffily special instructions integr" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3075, "l_partkey": 9, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 39.0d, "l_extendedprice": 35451.0d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-06-10", "l_commitdate": "1994-06-21", "l_receiptdate": "1994-06-20", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ing deposits nag " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3970, "l_partkey": 9, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 46.0d, "l_extendedprice": 41814.0d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-04-29", "l_commitdate": "1992-05-14", "l_receiptdate": "1992-05-24", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "yly ironic" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2055, "l_partkey": 9, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 15.0d, "l_extendedprice": 13635.0d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-10-30", "l_commitdate": "1993-11-21", "l_receiptdate": "1993-11-22", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "gular foxes. b" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2976, "l_partkey": 9, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 32.0d, "l_extendedprice": 29088.0d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-01-26", "l_commitdate": "1994-02-13", "l_receiptdate": "1994-02-10", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "nding, ironic deposits sleep f" }
, { "l_orderkey": 4196, "l_partkey": 9, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 31.0d, "l_extendedprice": 28179.0d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-06-12", "l_commitdate": "1998-07-28", "l_receiptdate": "1998-07-11", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ut the blithely ironic inst" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4483, "l_partkey": 9, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 50.0d, "l_extendedprice": 45450.0d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-06-10", "l_commitdate": "1992-04-18", "l_receiptdate": "1992-06-17", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ackages. furiously ironi" }
, { "l_orderkey": 5221, "l_partkey": 9, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 34.0d, "l_extendedprice": 30906.0d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-09-11", "l_commitdate": "1995-07-17", "l_receiptdate": "1995-10-10", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "eans. furio" }
, { "l_orderkey": 5414, "l_partkey": 9, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 19.0d, "l_extendedprice": 17271.0d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-04-06", "l_commitdate": "1993-05-12", "l_receiptdate": "1993-05-02", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ffily silent theodolites na" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 293, "l_partkey": 9, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 14.0d, "l_extendedprice": 12726.0d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-10-19", "l_commitdate": "1992-12-23", "l_receiptdate": "1992-11-10", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "es. packages above the" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 419, "l_partkey": 9, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 15.0d, "l_extendedprice": 13635.0d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-01-09", "l_commitdate": "1996-12-22", "l_receiptdate": "1997-01-25", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "of the careful, thin theodolites. quickly s" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 903, "l_partkey": 9, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 35.0d, "l_extendedprice": 31815.0d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-09-18", "l_commitdate": "1995-08-21", "l_receiptdate": "1995-10-12", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "rets wake fin" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1792, "l_partkey": 9, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 5.0d, "l_extendedprice": 4545.0d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-02-13", "l_commitdate": "1994-01-03", "l_receiptdate": "1994-02-28", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ely regular accounts are slyly. pending, bo" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2979, "l_partkey": 9, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 8.0d, "l_extendedprice": 7272.0d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-06-18", "l_commitdate": "1996-05-21", "l_receiptdate": "1996-07-06", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "st blithely; blithely regular gifts dazz" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4416, "l_partkey": 9, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 45.0d, "l_extendedprice": 40905.0d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-10-16", "l_commitdate": "1992-09-09", "l_receiptdate": "1992-10-28", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "the final pinto beans. special frets " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4771, "l_partkey": 9, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 21.0d, "l_extendedprice": 19089.0d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-12-20", "l_commitdate": "1993-01-22", "l_receiptdate": "1992-12-26", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": " carefully re" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1568, "l_partkey": 9, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 46.0d, "l_extendedprice": 41814.0d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-04-06", "l_commitdate": "1997-04-08", "l_receiptdate": "1997-04-23", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "g the blithely even acco" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1955, "l_partkey": 9, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 16.0d, "l_extendedprice": 14544.0d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-04-30", "l_commitdate": "1992-06-23", "l_receiptdate": "1992-05-23", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "odolites eat s" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2693, "l_partkey": 9, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 26.0d, "l_extendedprice": 23634.0d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-09-14", "l_commitdate": "1996-10-07", "l_receiptdate": "1996-10-03", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "cajole alo" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3970, "l_partkey": 9, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 46.0d, "l_extendedprice": 41814.0d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-04-29", "l_commitdate": "1992-05-14", "l_receiptdate": "1992-05-24", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "yly ironic" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4096, "l_partkey": 9, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 21.0d, "l_extendedprice": 19089.0d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-08-24", "l_commitdate": "1992-09-04", "l_receiptdate": "1992-09-11", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "tes mold flu" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5536, "l_partkey": 9, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 30.0d, "l_extendedprice": 27270.0d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-04-15", "l_commitdate": "1998-05-23", "l_receiptdate": "1998-05-03", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "arefully regular theodolites according" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3075, "l_partkey": 9, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 39.0d, "l_extendedprice": 35451.0d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-06-10", "l_commitdate": "1994-06-21", "l_receiptdate": "1994-06-20", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ing deposits nag " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3233, "l_partkey": 9, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 25.0d, "l_extendedprice": 22725.0d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-11-24", "l_commitdate": "1995-01-07", "l_receiptdate": "1994-12-11", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "oss the pl" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4199, "l_partkey": 9, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 18.0d, "l_extendedprice": 16362.0d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-06-01", "l_commitdate": "1992-03-30", "l_receiptdate": "1992-06-28", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "pending, regular accounts. carefully" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4545, "l_partkey": 9, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 36.0d, "l_extendedprice": 32724.0d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-01-28", "l_commitdate": "1993-03-30", "l_receiptdate": "1993-02-04", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "sublate slyly. furiously ironic accounts b" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4805, "l_partkey": 9, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 42.0d, "l_extendedprice": 38178.0d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-08-17", "l_commitdate": "1992-07-03", "l_receiptdate": "1992-09-14", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "the regular, fina" }
, { "l_orderkey": 5511, "l_partkey": 9, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 23.0d, "l_extendedprice": 20907.0d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-03-11", "l_commitdate": "1995-01-21", "l_receiptdate": "1995-03-27", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ing dugouts " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5859, "l_partkey": 9, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 17.0d, "l_extendedprice": 15453.0d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-05-15", "l_commitdate": "1997-06-30", "l_receiptdate": "1997-05-26", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ly ironic requests. quickly unusual pin" }
, { "l_orderkey": 68, "l_partkey": 8, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 3.0d, "l_extendedprice": 2724.0d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-07-04", "l_commitdate": "1998-06-05", "l_receiptdate": "1998-07-21", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "fully special instructions cajole. furious" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 230, "l_partkey": 8, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 1.0d, "l_extendedprice": 908.0d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-01-22", "l_commitdate": "1994-01-03", "l_receiptdate": "1994-02-05", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "blithely unusual dolphins. bold, ex" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1060, "l_partkey": 8, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 26.0d, "l_extendedprice": 23608.0d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-04-12", "l_commitdate": "1993-04-01", "l_receiptdate": "1993-04-20", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "counts; even deposits are carefull" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1222, "l_partkey": 8, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 26.0d, "l_extendedprice": 23608.0d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-02-13", "l_commitdate": "1993-03-20", "l_receiptdate": "1993-02-22", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": ", even accounts are ironic" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1828, "l_partkey": 8, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 45.0d, "l_extendedprice": 40860.0d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-05-15", "l_commitdate": "1994-05-29", "l_receiptdate": "1994-05-28", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": " accounts run slyly " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3777, "l_partkey": 8, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 10.0d, "l_extendedprice": 9080.0d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-05-22", "l_commitdate": "1994-05-29", "l_receiptdate": "1994-06-13", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "le. ironic depths a" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4613, "l_partkey": 8, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 36.0d, "l_extendedprice": 32688.0d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-04-22", "l_commitdate": "1998-05-05", "l_receiptdate": "1998-05-04", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "gainst the furiously ironic" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5635, "l_partkey": 8, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 40.0d, "l_extendedprice": 36320.0d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-09-25", "l_commitdate": "1992-11-05", "l_receiptdate": "1992-10-11", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "pending foxes. regular packages" }
, { "l_orderkey": 225, "l_partkey": 8, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 31.0d, "l_extendedprice": 28148.0d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-06-21", "l_commitdate": "1995-07-24", "l_receiptdate": "1995-07-04", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "special platelets. quickly r" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1472, "l_partkey": 8, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 36.0d, "l_extendedprice": 32688.0d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-11-06", "l_commitdate": "1996-11-13", "l_receiptdate": "1996-11-12", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "riously silent deposits to the pending d" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1762, "l_partkey": 8, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 49.0d, "l_extendedprice": 44492.0d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-10-20", "l_commitdate": "1994-11-02", "l_receiptdate": "1994-11-10", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": " packages sleep fluffily pen" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4291, "l_partkey": 8, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 25.0d, "l_extendedprice": 22700.0d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-02-14", "l_commitdate": "1994-02-08", "l_receiptdate": "1994-03-15", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "uctions. furiously regular ins" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4322, "l_partkey": 8, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 12.0d, "l_extendedprice": 10896.0d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-03-29", "l_commitdate": "1998-06-05", "l_receiptdate": "1998-04-16", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "e blithely against the slyly unusu" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 230, "l_partkey": 8, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 1.0d, "l_extendedprice": 908.0d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-01-22", "l_commitdate": "1994-01-03", "l_receiptdate": "1994-02-05", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "blithely unusual dolphins. bold, ex" }
, { "l_orderkey": 1283, "l_partkey": 8, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 30.0d, "l_extendedprice": 27240.0d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-11-22", "l_commitdate": "1996-11-22", "l_receiptdate": "1996-12-15", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "t the fluffily" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1760, "l_partkey": 8, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 3.0d, "l_extendedprice": 2724.0d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-07-18", "l_commitdate": "1996-07-01", "l_receiptdate": "1996-08-01", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "lyly bold dolphins haggle carefully. sl" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4614, "l_partkey": 8, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 36.0d, "l_extendedprice": 32688.0d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-07-05", "l_commitdate": "1996-06-26", "l_receiptdate": "1996-07-07", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "onic foxes affix furi" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1540, "l_partkey": 8, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 25.0d, "l_extendedprice": 22700.0d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-11-15", "l_commitdate": "1992-10-24", "l_receiptdate": "1992-12-14", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ironic deposits amo" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2048, "l_partkey": 8, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 5.0d, "l_extendedprice": 4540.0d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-01-18", "l_commitdate": "1994-02-01", "l_receiptdate": "1994-01-29", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "affix carefully against " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1472, "l_partkey": 8, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 36.0d, "l_extendedprice": 32688.0d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-11-06", "l_commitdate": "1996-11-13", "l_receiptdate": "1996-11-12", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "riously silent deposits to the pending d" }
, { "l_orderkey": 2277, "l_partkey": 8, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 2.0d, "l_extendedprice": 1816.0d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-02-01", "l_commitdate": "1995-02-04", "l_receiptdate": "1995-03-02", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "endencies sleep idly pending p" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4420, "l_partkey": 8, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 7.0d, "l_extendedprice": 6356.0d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-08-30", "l_commitdate": "1994-09-03", "l_receiptdate": "1994-09-25", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": " regular instructions sleep around" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5057, "l_partkey": 8, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 45.0d, "l_extendedprice": 40860.0d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-09-20", "l_commitdate": "1997-10-02", "l_receiptdate": "1997-10-20", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": " asymptotes wake slyl" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4613, "l_partkey": 8, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 36.0d, "l_extendedprice": 32688.0d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-04-22", "l_commitdate": "1998-05-05", "l_receiptdate": "1998-05-04", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "gainst the furiously ironic" }
, { "l_orderkey": 5478, "l_partkey": 8, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 39.0d, "l_extendedprice": 35412.0d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-08-19", "l_commitdate": "1996-06-25", "l_receiptdate": "1996-09-08", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "s. furiously " }
, { "l_orderkey": 5600, "l_partkey": 8, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 19.0d, "l_extendedprice": 17252.0d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-04-10", "l_commitdate": "1997-03-24", "l_receiptdate": "1997-04-16", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "dencies. carefully p" }
, { "l_orderkey": 5894, "l_partkey": 8, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 23.0d, "l_extendedprice": 20884.0d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-09-05", "l_commitdate": "1994-10-27", "l_receiptdate": "1994-09-13", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": " furiously even deposits haggle alw" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2659, "l_partkey": 7, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 9.0d, "l_extendedprice": 8163.0d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-02-07", "l_commitdate": "1994-03-17", "l_receiptdate": "1994-03-04", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ly final packages sleep ac" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5351, "l_partkey": 7, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 36.0d, "l_extendedprice": 32652.0d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-07-27", "l_commitdate": "1998-07-06", "l_receiptdate": "1998-08-25", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ss the ironic, regular asymptotes cajole " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5670, "l_partkey": 7, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 24.0d, "l_extendedprice": 21768.0d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-07-17", "l_commitdate": "1993-07-01", "l_receiptdate": "1993-08-03", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "press, express requests haggle" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 579, "l_partkey": 7, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 41.0d, "l_extendedprice": 37187.0d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-05-28", "l_commitdate": "1998-05-01", "l_receiptdate": "1998-06-04", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "bold, express requests sublate slyly. blith" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1760, "l_partkey": 8, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 3.0d, "l_extendedprice": 2724.0d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-07-18", "l_commitdate": "1996-07-01", "l_receiptdate": "1996-08-01", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "lyly bold dolphins haggle carefully. sl" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2048, "l_partkey": 8, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 5.0d, "l_extendedprice": 4540.0d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-01-18", "l_commitdate": "1994-02-01", "l_receiptdate": "1994-01-29", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "affix carefully against " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3777, "l_partkey": 8, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 10.0d, "l_extendedprice": 9080.0d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-05-22", "l_commitdate": "1994-05-29", "l_receiptdate": "1994-06-13", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "le. ironic depths a" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4322, "l_partkey": 8, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 12.0d, "l_extendedprice": 10896.0d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-03-29", "l_commitdate": "1998-06-05", "l_receiptdate": "1998-04-16", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "e blithely against the slyly unusu" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5057, "l_partkey": 8, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 45.0d, "l_extendedprice": 40860.0d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-09-20", "l_commitdate": "1997-10-02", "l_receiptdate": "1997-10-20", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": " asymptotes wake slyl" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1060, "l_partkey": 8, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 26.0d, "l_extendedprice": 23608.0d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-04-12", "l_commitdate": "1993-04-01", "l_receiptdate": "1993-04-20", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "counts; even deposits are carefull" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1222, "l_partkey": 8, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 26.0d, "l_extendedprice": 23608.0d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-02-13", "l_commitdate": "1993-03-20", "l_receiptdate": "1993-02-22", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": ", even accounts are ironic" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1828, "l_partkey": 8, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 45.0d, "l_extendedprice": 40860.0d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-05-15", "l_commitdate": "1994-05-29", "l_receiptdate": "1994-05-28", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": " accounts run slyly " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4291, "l_partkey": 8, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 25.0d, "l_extendedprice": 22700.0d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-02-14", "l_commitdate": "1994-02-08", "l_receiptdate": "1994-03-15", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "uctions. furiously regular ins" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4420, "l_partkey": 8, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 7.0d, "l_extendedprice": 6356.0d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-08-30", "l_commitdate": "1994-09-03", "l_receiptdate": "1994-09-25", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": " regular instructions sleep around" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5635, "l_partkey": 8, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 40.0d, "l_extendedprice": 36320.0d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-09-25", "l_commitdate": "1992-11-05", "l_receiptdate": "1992-10-11", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "pending foxes. regular packages" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1540, "l_partkey": 8, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 25.0d, "l_extendedprice": 22700.0d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-11-15", "l_commitdate": "1992-10-24", "l_receiptdate": "1992-12-14", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ironic deposits amo" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1762, "l_partkey": 8, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 49.0d, "l_extendedprice": 44492.0d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-10-20", "l_commitdate": "1994-11-02", "l_receiptdate": "1994-11-10", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": " packages sleep fluffily pen" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4614, "l_partkey": 8, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 36.0d, "l_extendedprice": 32688.0d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-07-05", "l_commitdate": "1996-06-26", "l_receiptdate": "1996-07-07", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "onic foxes affix furi" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 771, "l_partkey": 7, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 12.0d, "l_extendedprice": 10884.0d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-07-18", "l_commitdate": "1995-08-02", "l_receiptdate": "1995-08-07", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "carefully. pending in" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 771, "l_partkey": 7, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 14.0d, "l_extendedprice": 12698.0d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-07-31", "l_commitdate": "1995-08-13", "l_receiptdate": "1995-08-07", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "r, final packages are slyly iro" }
, { "l_orderkey": 1281, "l_partkey": 7, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 37.0d, "l_extendedprice": 33559.0d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-03-19", "l_commitdate": "1995-02-02", "l_receiptdate": "1995-03-27", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ounts detect" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2182, "l_partkey": 7, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 12.0d, "l_extendedprice": 10884.0d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-05-08", "l_commitdate": "1994-06-02", "l_receiptdate": "1994-05-09", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ments are fu" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2598, "l_partkey": 7, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 12.0d, "l_extendedprice": 10884.0d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-06-17", "l_commitdate": "1996-04-12", "l_receiptdate": "1996-06-24", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "express packages nag sly" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2658, "l_partkey": 7, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 45.0d, "l_extendedprice": 40815.0d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-11-02", "l_commitdate": "1995-11-08", "l_receiptdate": "1995-11-29", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "e special requests. quickly ex" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2080, "l_partkey": 7, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 5.0d, "l_extendedprice": 4535.0d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-08-26", "l_commitdate": "1993-08-07", "l_receiptdate": "1993-09-02", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "refully unusual theo" }
, { "l_orderkey": 2752, "l_partkey": 7, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 29.0d, "l_extendedprice": 26303.0d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-01-22", "l_commitdate": "1994-01-08", "l_receiptdate": "1994-01-28", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "gly blithely re" }
, { "l_orderkey": 3140, "l_partkey": 7, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 21.0d, "l_extendedprice": 19047.0d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-04-12", "l_commitdate": "1992-05-31", "l_receiptdate": "1992-04-21", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": " furiously sly excuses according to the" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 771, "l_partkey": 7, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 14.0d, "l_extendedprice": 12698.0d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-07-31", "l_commitdate": "1995-08-13", "l_receiptdate": "1995-08-07", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "r, final packages are slyly iro" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2150, "l_partkey": 7, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 12.0d, "l_extendedprice": 10884.0d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-08-27", "l_commitdate": "1994-08-22", "l_receiptdate": "1994-09-18", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "press platelets haggle until the slyly fi" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 771, "l_partkey": 7, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 12.0d, "l_extendedprice": 10884.0d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-07-18", "l_commitdate": "1995-08-02", "l_receiptdate": "1995-08-07", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "carefully. pending in" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 834, "l_partkey": 7, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 11.0d, "l_extendedprice": 9977.0d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-09-18", "l_commitdate": "1994-08-03", "l_receiptdate": "1994-10-02", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "inst the regular packa" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2080, "l_partkey": 7, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 5.0d, "l_extendedprice": 4535.0d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-08-26", "l_commitdate": "1993-08-07", "l_receiptdate": "1993-09-02", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "refully unusual theo" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2208, "l_partkey": 7, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 45.0d, "l_extendedprice": 40815.0d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-05-05", "l_commitdate": "1995-06-10", "l_receiptdate": "1995-05-11", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "e fluffily regular theodolites caj" }
, { "l_orderkey": 3204, "l_partkey": 7, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 39.0d, "l_extendedprice": 35373.0d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-02-11", "l_commitdate": "1993-03-19", "l_receiptdate": "1993-02-28", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "sits sleep theodolites. slyly bo" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4166, "l_partkey": 7, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 17.0d, "l_extendedprice": 15419.0d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-06-29", "l_commitdate": "1993-05-15", "l_receiptdate": "1993-07-24", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ackages. re" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4614, "l_partkey": 7, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 19.0d, "l_extendedprice": 17233.0d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-05-17", "l_commitdate": "1996-06-21", "l_receiptdate": "1996-06-08", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ix. carefully regular " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5318, "l_partkey": 7, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 37.0d, "l_extendedprice": 33559.0d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-07-09", "l_commitdate": "1993-06-22", "l_receiptdate": "1993-07-21", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ickly final deposi" }
, { "l_orderkey": 5606, "l_partkey": 7, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 25.0d, "l_extendedprice": 22675.0d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-12-25", "l_commitdate": "1997-01-12", "l_receiptdate": "1997-01-11", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "breach about the furiously bold " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 579, "l_partkey": 7, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 41.0d, "l_extendedprice": 37187.0d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-05-28", "l_commitdate": "1998-05-01", "l_receiptdate": "1998-06-04", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "bold, express requests sublate slyly. blith" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2598, "l_partkey": 7, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 12.0d, "l_extendedprice": 10884.0d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-06-17", "l_commitdate": "1996-04-12", "l_receiptdate": "1996-06-24", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "express packages nag sly" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4166, "l_partkey": 7, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 17.0d, "l_extendedprice": 15419.0d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-06-29", "l_commitdate": "1993-05-15", "l_receiptdate": "1993-07-24", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ackages. re" }
, { "l_orderkey": 5794, "l_partkey": 7, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 15.0d, "l_extendedprice": 13605.0d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-06-25", "l_commitdate": "1993-06-27", "l_receiptdate": "1993-07-09", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "blithely regular ideas. final foxes haggle " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 260, "l_partkey": 6, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 29.0d, "l_extendedprice": 26274.0d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-03-15", "l_commitdate": "1997-01-14", "l_receiptdate": "1997-04-13", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "fluffily even asymptotes. express wa" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 768, "l_partkey": 6, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 30.0d, "l_extendedprice": 27180.0d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-09-22", "l_commitdate": "1996-11-03", "l_receiptdate": "1996-10-13", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": " furiously fluffy pinto beans haggle along" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1124, "l_partkey": 6, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 13.0d, "l_extendedprice": 11778.0d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-09-05", "l_commitdate": "1998-10-03", "l_receiptdate": "1998-09-30", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "t the slyly " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1542, "l_partkey": 6, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 18.0d, "l_extendedprice": 16308.0d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-10-17", "l_commitdate": "1993-11-15", "l_receiptdate": "1993-10-26", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "pending instr" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2049, "l_partkey": 6, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 39.0d, "l_extendedprice": 35334.0d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-01-17", "l_commitdate": "1996-01-21", "l_receiptdate": "1996-02-03", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "the even pinto beans " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4036, "l_partkey": 6, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 46.0d, "l_extendedprice": 41676.0d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-06-21", "l_commitdate": "1997-05-29", "l_receiptdate": "1997-07-18", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "usly across the even th" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4483, "l_partkey": 6, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 32.0d, "l_extendedprice": 28992.0d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-04-05", "l_commitdate": "1992-05-25", "l_receiptdate": "1992-04-08", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ests haggle. slyl" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4485, "l_partkey": 6, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 47.0d, "l_extendedprice": 42582.0d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-03-11", "l_commitdate": "1995-01-11", "l_receiptdate": "1995-03-21", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "luffily pending acc" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4676, "l_partkey": 6, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 33.0d, "l_extendedprice": 29898.0d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-12-29", "l_commitdate": "1995-10-01", "l_receiptdate": "1996-01-18", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "yly express " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4870, "l_partkey": 6, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 4.0d, "l_extendedprice": 3624.0d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-10-23", "l_commitdate": "1994-09-16", "l_receiptdate": "1994-11-04", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "its wake quickly. slyly quick" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5957, "l_partkey": 6, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 41.0d, "l_extendedprice": 37146.0d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-03-25", "l_commitdate": "1994-02-20", "l_receiptdate": "1994-03-31", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "es across the regular requests maint" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1284, "l_partkey": 6, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 4.0d, "l_extendedprice": 3624.0d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-02-29", "l_commitdate": "1996-02-11", "l_receiptdate": "1996-03-01", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": " regular asymptotes. " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2370, "l_partkey": 6, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 21.0d, "l_extendedprice": 19026.0d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-02-01", "l_commitdate": "1994-02-19", "l_receiptdate": "1994-02-09", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ecial dependencies must have to " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2689, "l_partkey": 6, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 45.0d, "l_extendedprice": 40770.0d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-04-29", "l_commitdate": "1992-06-22", "l_receiptdate": "1992-04-30", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "e quickly. carefully silent" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3043, "l_partkey": 6, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 15.0d, "l_extendedprice": 13590.0d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-05-27", "l_commitdate": "1992-06-03", "l_receiptdate": "1992-06-09", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "usly furiously" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4387, "l_partkey": 6, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 40.0d, "l_extendedprice": 36240.0d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-11-29", "l_commitdate": "1995-12-10", "l_receiptdate": "1995-12-20", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "deas according to the blithely regular fox" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 834, "l_partkey": 7, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 11.0d, "l_extendedprice": 9977.0d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-09-18", "l_commitdate": "1994-08-03", "l_receiptdate": "1994-10-02", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "inst the regular packa" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2150, "l_partkey": 7, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 12.0d, "l_extendedprice": 10884.0d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-08-27", "l_commitdate": "1994-08-22", "l_receiptdate": "1994-09-18", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "press platelets haggle until the slyly fi" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2182, "l_partkey": 7, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 12.0d, "l_extendedprice": 10884.0d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-05-08", "l_commitdate": "1994-06-02", "l_receiptdate": "1994-05-09", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ments are fu" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2208, "l_partkey": 7, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 45.0d, "l_extendedprice": 40815.0d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-05-05", "l_commitdate": "1995-06-10", "l_receiptdate": "1995-05-11", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "e fluffily regular theodolites caj" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5318, "l_partkey": 7, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 37.0d, "l_extendedprice": 33559.0d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-07-09", "l_commitdate": "1993-06-22", "l_receiptdate": "1993-07-21", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ickly final deposi" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5351, "l_partkey": 7, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 36.0d, "l_extendedprice": 32652.0d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-07-27", "l_commitdate": "1998-07-06", "l_receiptdate": "1998-08-25", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ss the ironic, regular asymptotes cajole " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5670, "l_partkey": 7, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 24.0d, "l_extendedprice": 21768.0d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-07-17", "l_commitdate": "1993-07-01", "l_receiptdate": "1993-08-03", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "press, express requests haggle" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2658, "l_partkey": 7, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 45.0d, "l_extendedprice": 40815.0d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-11-02", "l_commitdate": "1995-11-08", "l_receiptdate": "1995-11-29", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "e special requests. quickly ex" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2659, "l_partkey": 7, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 9.0d, "l_extendedprice": 8163.0d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-02-07", "l_commitdate": "1994-03-17", "l_receiptdate": "1994-03-04", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ly final packages sleep ac" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4614, "l_partkey": 7, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 19.0d, "l_extendedprice": 17233.0d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-05-17", "l_commitdate": "1996-06-21", "l_receiptdate": "1996-06-08", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ix. carefully regular " }
, { "l_orderkey": 290, "l_partkey": 6, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 35.0d, "l_extendedprice": 31710.0d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-04-01", "l_commitdate": "1994-02-05", "l_receiptdate": "1994-04-27", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ove the final foxes detect slyly fluffily" }
, { "l_orderkey": 801, "l_partkey": 6, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 13.0d, "l_extendedprice": 11778.0d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-04-25", "l_commitdate": "1992-04-24", "l_receiptdate": "1992-05-16", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "s are fluffily stealthily expres" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1124, "l_partkey": 6, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 13.0d, "l_extendedprice": 11778.0d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-09-05", "l_commitdate": "1998-10-03", "l_receiptdate": "1998-09-30", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "t the slyly " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1284, "l_partkey": 6, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 4.0d, "l_extendedprice": 3624.0d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-02-29", "l_commitdate": "1996-02-11", "l_receiptdate": "1996-03-01", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": " regular asymptotes. " }
, { "l_orderkey": 1638, "l_partkey": 6, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 46.0d, "l_extendedprice": 41676.0d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-10-16", "l_commitdate": "1997-10-28", "l_receiptdate": "1997-11-09", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "otes haggle before the slyly bold instructi" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2054, "l_partkey": 6, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 40.0d, "l_extendedprice": 36240.0d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-06-23", "l_commitdate": "1992-08-09", "l_receiptdate": "1992-07-04", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "n pinto beans. ironic courts are iro" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1827, "l_partkey": 6, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 38.0d, "l_extendedprice": 34428.0d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-10-17", "l_commitdate": "1996-08-29", "l_receiptdate": "1996-11-07", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": " blithely. express, bo" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2049, "l_partkey": 6, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 39.0d, "l_extendedprice": 35334.0d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-01-17", "l_commitdate": "1996-01-21", "l_receiptdate": "1996-02-03", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "the even pinto beans " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4483, "l_partkey": 6, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 32.0d, "l_extendedprice": 28992.0d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-04-05", "l_commitdate": "1992-05-25", "l_receiptdate": "1992-04-08", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ests haggle. slyl" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5957, "l_partkey": 6, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 41.0d, "l_extendedprice": 37146.0d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-03-25", "l_commitdate": "1994-02-20", "l_receiptdate": "1994-03-31", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "es across the regular requests maint" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3329, "l_partkey": 6, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 9.0d, "l_extendedprice": 8154.0d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-07-24", "l_commitdate": "1995-08-02", "l_receiptdate": "1995-08-01", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "lly final depo" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3426, "l_partkey": 6, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 9.0d, "l_extendedprice": 8154.0d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-12-24", "l_commitdate": "1997-01-14", "l_receiptdate": "1997-01-13", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "pecial theodolites haggle fluf" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4005, "l_partkey": 6, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 14.0d, "l_extendedprice": 12684.0d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-11-27", "l_commitdate": "1997-01-09", "l_receiptdate": "1996-12-25", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ld requests. slyly final instructi" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4676, "l_partkey": 6, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 33.0d, "l_extendedprice": 29898.0d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-12-29", "l_commitdate": "1995-10-01", "l_receiptdate": "1996-01-18", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "yly express " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4870, "l_partkey": 6, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 4.0d, "l_extendedprice": 3624.0d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-10-23", "l_commitdate": "1994-09-16", "l_receiptdate": "1994-11-04", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "its wake quickly. slyly quick" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5124, "l_partkey": 6, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 41.0d, "l_extendedprice": 37146.0d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-07-05", "l_commitdate": "1997-06-29", "l_receiptdate": "1997-07-23", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "wake across the" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5125, "l_partkey": 6, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 38.0d, "l_extendedprice": 34428.0d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-03-20", "l_commitdate": "1998-04-14", "l_receiptdate": "1998-03-22", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ily even deposits w" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 260, "l_partkey": 6, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 29.0d, "l_extendedprice": 26274.0d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-03-15", "l_commitdate": "1997-01-14", "l_receiptdate": "1997-04-13", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "fluffily even asymptotes. express wa" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 768, "l_partkey": 6, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 30.0d, "l_extendedprice": 27180.0d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-09-22", "l_commitdate": "1996-11-03", "l_receiptdate": "1996-10-13", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": " furiously fluffy pinto beans haggle along" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1542, "l_partkey": 6, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 18.0d, "l_extendedprice": 16308.0d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-10-17", "l_commitdate": "1993-11-15", "l_receiptdate": "1993-10-26", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "pending instr" }
, { "l_orderkey": 2179, "l_partkey": 6, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 24.0d, "l_extendedprice": 21744.0d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-10-26", "l_commitdate": "1996-11-05", "l_receiptdate": "1996-11-16", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": " cajole carefully. " }
, { "l_orderkey": 2276, "l_partkey": 6, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 4.0d, "l_extendedprice": 3624.0d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-07-05", "l_commitdate": "1996-06-30", "l_receiptdate": "1996-08-04", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "s. deposits " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3329, "l_partkey": 6, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 9.0d, "l_extendedprice": 8154.0d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-07-24", "l_commitdate": "1995-08-02", "l_receiptdate": "1995-08-01", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "lly final depo" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4005, "l_partkey": 6, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 14.0d, "l_extendedprice": 12684.0d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-11-27", "l_commitdate": "1997-01-09", "l_receiptdate": "1996-12-25", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ld requests. slyly final instructi" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4195, "l_partkey": 6, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 14.0d, "l_extendedprice": 12684.0d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-09-06", "l_commitdate": "1993-07-21", "l_receiptdate": "1993-09-18", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ironic packages. carefully express" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2689, "l_partkey": 6, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 45.0d, "l_extendedprice": 40770.0d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-04-29", "l_commitdate": "1992-06-22", "l_receiptdate": "1992-04-30", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "e quickly. carefully silent" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4485, "l_partkey": 6, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 47.0d, "l_extendedprice": 42582.0d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-03-11", "l_commitdate": "1995-01-11", "l_receiptdate": "1995-03-21", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "luffily pending acc" }
, { "l_orderkey": 4612, "l_partkey": 6, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 20.0d, "l_extendedprice": 18120.0d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-09-24", "l_commitdate": "1993-12-18", "l_receiptdate": "1993-10-22", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "beans sleep blithely iro" }
, { "l_orderkey": 5760, "l_partkey": 6, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 24.0d, "l_extendedprice": 21744.0d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-07-15", "l_commitdate": "1994-07-04", "l_receiptdate": "1994-08-08", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "s. bravely ironic accounts among" }
, { "l_orderkey": 1220, "l_partkey": 6, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 36.0d, "l_extendedprice": 32616.0d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-12-12", "l_commitdate": "1996-10-03", "l_receiptdate": "1996-12-15", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "unusual, silent pinto beans aga" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1827, "l_partkey": 6, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 38.0d, "l_extendedprice": 34428.0d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-10-17", "l_commitdate": "1996-08-29", "l_receiptdate": "1996-11-07", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": " blithely. express, bo" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2054, "l_partkey": 6, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 40.0d, "l_extendedprice": 36240.0d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-06-23", "l_commitdate": "1992-08-09", "l_receiptdate": "1992-07-04", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "n pinto beans. ironic courts are iro" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2370, "l_partkey": 6, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 21.0d, "l_extendedprice": 19026.0d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-02-01", "l_commitdate": "1994-02-19", "l_receiptdate": "1994-02-09", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ecial dependencies must have to " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3043, "l_partkey": 6, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 15.0d, "l_extendedprice": 13590.0d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-05-27", "l_commitdate": "1992-06-03", "l_receiptdate": "1992-06-09", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "usly furiously" }
, { "l_orderkey": 3137, "l_partkey": 6, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 4.0d, "l_extendedprice": 3624.0d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-10-01", "l_commitdate": "1995-09-11", "l_receiptdate": "1995-10-30", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "posits wake. silent excuses boost about" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3426, "l_partkey": 6, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 9.0d, "l_extendedprice": 8154.0d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-12-24", "l_commitdate": "1997-01-14", "l_receiptdate": "1997-01-13", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "pecial theodolites haggle fluf" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5124, "l_partkey": 6, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 41.0d, "l_extendedprice": 37146.0d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-07-05", "l_commitdate": "1997-06-29", "l_receiptdate": "1997-07-23", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "wake across the" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5125, "l_partkey": 6, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 38.0d, "l_extendedprice": 34428.0d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-03-20", "l_commitdate": "1998-04-14", "l_receiptdate": "1998-03-22", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ily even deposits w" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4036, "l_partkey": 6, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 46.0d, "l_extendedprice": 41676.0d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-06-21", "l_commitdate": "1997-05-29", "l_receiptdate": "1997-07-18", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "usly across the even th" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4195, "l_partkey": 6, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 14.0d, "l_extendedprice": 12684.0d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-09-06", "l_commitdate": "1993-07-21", "l_receiptdate": "1993-09-18", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ironic packages. carefully express" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4387, "l_partkey": 6, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 40.0d, "l_extendedprice": 36240.0d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-11-29", "l_commitdate": "1995-12-10", "l_receiptdate": "1995-12-20", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "deas according to the blithely regular fox" }
, { "l_orderkey": 5223, "l_partkey": 6, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 19.0d, "l_extendedprice": 17214.0d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-10-28", "l_commitdate": "1994-08-26", "l_receiptdate": "1994-10-31", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ntly. furiously even excuses a" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 228, "l_partkey": 5, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 3.0d, "l_extendedprice": 2715.0d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-05-20", "l_commitdate": "1993-04-08", "l_receiptdate": "1993-05-26", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ckages. sly" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 354, "l_partkey": 5, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 14.0d, "l_extendedprice": 12670.0d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-07-06", "l_commitdate": "1996-06-08", "l_receiptdate": "1996-07-10", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "t thinly above the ironic, " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 645, "l_partkey": 5, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 43.0d, "l_extendedprice": 38915.0d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-02-12", "l_commitdate": "1995-02-27", "l_receiptdate": "1995-03-06", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": " furiously accounts. slyly" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1058, "l_partkey": 5, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 25.0d, "l_extendedprice": 22625.0d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-05-27", "l_commitdate": "1993-06-10", "l_receiptdate": "1993-06-20", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": " the final requests believe carefully " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1633, "l_partkey": 5, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 15.0d, "l_extendedprice": 13575.0d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-12-13", "l_commitdate": "1995-11-13", "l_receiptdate": "1996-01-04", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ges wake fluffil" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1732, "l_partkey": 5, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 50.0d, "l_extendedprice": 45250.0d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-12-05", "l_commitdate": "1994-01-23", "l_receiptdate": "1993-12-20", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "fily final asymptotes according " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3328, "l_partkey": 5, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 23.0d, "l_extendedprice": 20815.0d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-01-12", "l_commitdate": "1993-02-07", "l_receiptdate": "1993-01-30", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "y. careful" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3555, "l_partkey": 5, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 19.0d, "l_extendedprice": 17195.0d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-09-08", "l_commitdate": "1996-09-14", "l_receiptdate": "1996-10-01", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "leep special theodolit" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5665, "l_partkey": 5, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 14.0d, "l_extendedprice": 12670.0d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-06-29", "l_commitdate": "1993-09-16", "l_receiptdate": "1993-07-16", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "- special pinto beans sleep quickly blithel" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5959, "l_partkey": 5, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 4.0d, "l_extendedprice": 3620.0d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-06-14", "l_commitdate": "1992-07-05", "l_receiptdate": "1992-07-01", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "gular requests ar" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1829, "l_partkey": 5, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 11.0d, "l_extendedprice": 9955.0d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-05-18", "l_commitdate": "1994-06-13", "l_receiptdate": "1994-06-07", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ding orbits" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3076, "l_partkey": 5, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 31.0d, "l_extendedprice": 28055.0d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-08-10", "l_commitdate": "1993-09-17", "l_receiptdate": "1993-08-17", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "regular depos" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3649, "l_partkey": 5, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 25.0d, "l_extendedprice": 22625.0d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-10-27", "l_commitdate": "1994-08-23", "l_receiptdate": "1994-11-05", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "special re" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3970, "l_partkey": 5, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 46.0d, "l_extendedprice": 41630.0d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-05-02", "l_commitdate": "1992-05-12", "l_receiptdate": "1992-05-10", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ix slyly. quickly silen" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5283, "l_partkey": 5, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 20.0d, "l_extendedprice": 18100.0d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-09-16", "l_commitdate": "1994-08-03", "l_receiptdate": "1994-10-15", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "al deposits? blithely even pinto beans" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3, "l_partkey": 5, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 45.0d, "l_extendedprice": 40725.0d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-02-02", "l_commitdate": "1994-01-04", "l_receiptdate": "1994-02-23", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ongside of the furiously brave acco" }
, { "l_orderkey": 320, "l_partkey": 5, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 30.0d, "l_extendedprice": 27150.0d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-12-04", "l_commitdate": "1998-01-21", "l_receiptdate": "1997-12-13", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": " ironic, final accounts wake quick de" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 548, "l_partkey": 5, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 6.0d, "l_extendedprice": 5430.0d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-01-18", "l_commitdate": "1994-12-08", "l_receiptdate": "1995-02-10", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "sits wake furiously regular" }
, { "l_orderkey": 966, "l_partkey": 5, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 20.0d, "l_extendedprice": 18100.0d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-07-19", "l_commitdate": "1998-07-15", "l_receiptdate": "1998-07-27", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "pecial ins" }
, { "l_orderkey": 993, "l_partkey": 5, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 15.0d, "l_extendedprice": 13575.0d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-09-27", "l_commitdate": "1995-10-21", "l_receiptdate": "1995-10-17", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "sits. pending pinto beans haggle? ca" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1637, "l_partkey": 5, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 25.0d, "l_extendedprice": 22625.0d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-06-07", "l_commitdate": "1995-03-26", "l_receiptdate": "1995-06-08", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": " haggle carefully silent accou" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2178, "l_partkey": 5, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 40.0d, "l_extendedprice": 36200.0d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-03-17", "l_commitdate": "1997-02-09", "l_receiptdate": "1997-04-15", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "foxes are slowly regularly specia" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1058, "l_partkey": 5, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 25.0d, "l_extendedprice": 22625.0d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-05-27", "l_commitdate": "1993-06-10", "l_receiptdate": "1993-06-20", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": " the final requests believe carefully " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1829, "l_partkey": 5, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 11.0d, "l_extendedprice": 9955.0d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-05-18", "l_commitdate": "1994-06-13", "l_receiptdate": "1994-06-07", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ding orbits" }
, { "l_orderkey": 2819, "l_partkey": 5, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 28.0d, "l_extendedprice": 25340.0d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-05-09", "l_commitdate": "1994-07-02", "l_receiptdate": "1994-05-15", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ckages sublate carefully closely regular " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3076, "l_partkey": 5, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 31.0d, "l_extendedprice": 28055.0d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-08-10", "l_commitdate": "1993-09-17", "l_receiptdate": "1993-08-17", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "regular depos" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 354, "l_partkey": 5, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 14.0d, "l_extendedprice": 12670.0d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-07-06", "l_commitdate": "1996-06-08", "l_receiptdate": "1996-07-10", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "t thinly above the ironic, " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 645, "l_partkey": 5, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 43.0d, "l_extendedprice": 38915.0d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-02-12", "l_commitdate": "1995-02-27", "l_receiptdate": "1995-03-06", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": " furiously accounts. slyly" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1633, "l_partkey": 5, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 15.0d, "l_extendedprice": 13575.0d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-12-13", "l_commitdate": "1995-11-13", "l_receiptdate": "1996-01-04", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ges wake fluffil" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1637, "l_partkey": 5, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 25.0d, "l_extendedprice": 22625.0d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-06-07", "l_commitdate": "1995-03-26", "l_receiptdate": "1995-06-08", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": " haggle carefully silent accou" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2725, "l_partkey": 5, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 41.0d, "l_extendedprice": 37105.0d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-07-05", "l_commitdate": "1994-06-29", "l_receiptdate": "1994-08-02", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ns sleep furiously c" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3328, "l_partkey": 5, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 23.0d, "l_extendedprice": 20815.0d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-01-12", "l_commitdate": "1993-02-07", "l_receiptdate": "1993-01-30", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "y. careful" }
, { "l_orderkey": 3680, "l_partkey": 5, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 41.0d, "l_extendedprice": 37105.0d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-01-06", "l_commitdate": "1993-03-02", "l_receiptdate": "1993-01-08", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "iously ironic platelets in" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3877, "l_partkey": 5, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 41.0d, "l_extendedprice": 37105.0d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-06-30", "l_commitdate": "1993-07-20", "l_receiptdate": "1993-07-01", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "integrate against the expres" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3, "l_partkey": 5, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 45.0d, "l_extendedprice": 40725.0d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-02-02", "l_commitdate": "1994-01-04", "l_receiptdate": "1994-02-23", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ongside of the furiously brave acco" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 228, "l_partkey": 5, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 3.0d, "l_extendedprice": 2715.0d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-05-20", "l_commitdate": "1993-04-08", "l_receiptdate": "1993-05-26", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ckages. sly" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 548, "l_partkey": 5, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 6.0d, "l_extendedprice": 5430.0d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-01-18", "l_commitdate": "1994-12-08", "l_receiptdate": "1995-02-10", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "sits wake furiously regular" }
, { "l_orderkey": 675, "l_partkey": 5, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 46.0d, "l_extendedprice": 41630.0d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-09-18", "l_commitdate": "1997-10-14", "l_receiptdate": "1997-10-01", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": " deposits along the express foxes " }
, { "l_orderkey": 1155, "l_partkey": 5, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 49.0d, "l_extendedprice": 44345.0d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-12-07", "l_commitdate": "1997-12-30", "l_receiptdate": "1997-12-08", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ccounts are alongside of t" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1574, "l_partkey": 5, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 42.0d, "l_extendedprice": 38010.0d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-12-19", "l_commitdate": "1997-01-13", "l_receiptdate": "1996-12-28", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "o beans according t" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2241, "l_partkey": 5, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 25.0d, "l_extendedprice": 22625.0d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-08-11", "l_commitdate": "1993-07-23", "l_receiptdate": "1993-09-01", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": " final deposits use fluffily. even f" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1732, "l_partkey": 5, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 50.0d, "l_extendedprice": 45250.0d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-12-05", "l_commitdate": "1994-01-23", "l_receiptdate": "1993-12-20", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "fily final asymptotes according " }
, { "l_orderkey": 2375, "l_partkey": 5, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 5.0d, "l_extendedprice": 4525.0d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-01-31", "l_commitdate": "1997-01-25", "l_receiptdate": "1997-02-22", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "final packages cajole according to the furi" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2725, "l_partkey": 5, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 41.0d, "l_extendedprice": 37105.0d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-07-05", "l_commitdate": "1994-06-29", "l_receiptdate": "1994-08-02", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ns sleep furiously c" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3877, "l_partkey": 5, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 41.0d, "l_extendedprice": 37105.0d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-06-30", "l_commitdate": "1993-07-20", "l_receiptdate": "1993-07-01", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "integrate against the expres" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3970, "l_partkey": 5, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 46.0d, "l_extendedprice": 41630.0d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-05-02", "l_commitdate": "1992-05-12", "l_receiptdate": "1992-05-10", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ix slyly. quickly silen" }
, { "l_orderkey": 4229, "l_partkey": 5, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 34.0d, "l_extendedprice": 30770.0d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-05-26", "l_commitdate": "1998-04-13", "l_receiptdate": "1998-06-08", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "thely final accounts use even packa" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5283, "l_partkey": 5, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 20.0d, "l_extendedprice": 18100.0d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-09-16", "l_commitdate": "1994-08-03", "l_receiptdate": "1994-10-15", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "al deposits? blithely even pinto beans" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1574, "l_partkey": 5, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 42.0d, "l_extendedprice": 38010.0d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-12-19", "l_commitdate": "1997-01-13", "l_receiptdate": "1996-12-28", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "o beans according t" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2178, "l_partkey": 5, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 40.0d, "l_extendedprice": 36200.0d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-03-17", "l_commitdate": "1997-02-09", "l_receiptdate": "1997-04-15", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "foxes are slowly regularly specia" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2241, "l_partkey": 5, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 25.0d, "l_extendedprice": 22625.0d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-08-11", "l_commitdate": "1993-07-23", "l_receiptdate": "1993-09-01", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": " final deposits use fluffily. even f" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3555, "l_partkey": 5, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 19.0d, "l_extendedprice": 17195.0d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-09-08", "l_commitdate": "1996-09-14", "l_receiptdate": "1996-10-01", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "leep special theodolit" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3649, "l_partkey": 5, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 25.0d, "l_extendedprice": 22625.0d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-10-27", "l_commitdate": "1994-08-23", "l_receiptdate": "1994-11-05", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "special re" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5665, "l_partkey": 5, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 14.0d, "l_extendedprice": 12670.0d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-06-29", "l_commitdate": "1993-09-16", "l_receiptdate": "1993-07-16", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "- special pinto beans sleep quickly blithel" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5959, "l_partkey": 5, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 4.0d, "l_extendedprice": 3620.0d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-06-14", "l_commitdate": "1992-07-05", "l_receiptdate": "1992-07-01", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "gular requests ar" }
, { "l_orderkey": 704, "l_partkey": 4, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 14.0d, "l_extendedprice": 12656.0d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-02-02", "l_commitdate": "1996-12-26", "l_receiptdate": "1997-02-19", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ve the quickly final forges. furiously p" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2790, "l_partkey": 4, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 32.0d, "l_extendedprice": 28928.0d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-09-25", "l_commitdate": "1994-10-26", "l_receiptdate": "1994-10-01", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ully pending" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2885, "l_partkey": 4, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 6.0d, "l_extendedprice": 5424.0d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-01-05", "l_commitdate": "1992-12-12", "l_receiptdate": "1993-01-19", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ctions solve. slyly regular requests n" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3522, "l_partkey": 4, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 6.0d, "l_extendedprice": 5424.0d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-01-21", "l_commitdate": "1994-12-09", "l_receiptdate": "1995-01-23", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "tes snooze " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 641, "l_partkey": 4, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 41.0d, "l_extendedprice": 37064.0d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-11-29", "l_commitdate": "1993-10-27", "l_receiptdate": "1993-12-04", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": " asymptotes are quickly. bol" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1316, "l_partkey": 4, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 7.0d, "l_extendedprice": 6328.0d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-12-09", "l_commitdate": "1994-01-12", "l_receiptdate": "1993-12-30", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": ". furiously even accounts a" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2019, "l_partkey": 4, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 31.0d, "l_extendedprice": 28024.0d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-11-18", "l_commitdate": "1992-12-26", "l_receiptdate": "1992-11-24", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "l ideas across the slowl" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2144, "l_partkey": 4, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 29.0d, "l_extendedprice": 26216.0d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-05-03", "l_commitdate": "1994-05-16", "l_receiptdate": "1994-06-01", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ns wake carefully carefully ironic" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2404, "l_partkey": 4, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 18.0d, "l_extendedprice": 16272.0d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-06-25", "l_commitdate": "1997-05-06", "l_receiptdate": "1997-07-02", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "packages. even requests according to " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2976, "l_partkey": 4, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 24.0d, "l_extendedprice": 21696.0d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-03-19", "l_commitdate": "1994-01-26", "l_receiptdate": "1994-04-18", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ronic pinto beans. slyly bol" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4196, "l_partkey": 4, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 3.0d, "l_extendedprice": 2712.0d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-08-05", "l_commitdate": "1998-07-28", "l_receiptdate": "1998-08-15", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "y regular packages haggle furiously alongs" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5411, "l_partkey": 4, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 19.0d, "l_extendedprice": 17176.0d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-05-25", "l_commitdate": "1997-07-30", "l_receiptdate": "1997-06-19", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ial accounts according to the f" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1251, "l_partkey": 4, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 37.0d, "l_extendedprice": 33448.0d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-12-21", "l_commitdate": "1998-01-12", "l_receiptdate": "1997-12-26", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": ". furiously" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2560, "l_partkey": 4, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 27.0d, "l_extendedprice": 24408.0d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-12-03", "l_commitdate": "1992-11-16", "l_receiptdate": "1992-12-30", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": " against the carefully" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2279, "l_partkey": 4, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 3.0d, "l_extendedprice": 2712.0d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-05-31", "l_commitdate": "1993-05-07", "l_receiptdate": "1993-06-05", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ing foxes above the even accounts use slyly" }
, { "l_orderkey": 2593, "l_partkey": 4, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 3.0d, "l_extendedprice": 2712.0d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-12-16", "l_commitdate": "1993-11-01", "l_receiptdate": "1993-12-29", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "the furiously " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4099, "l_partkey": 4, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 29.0d, "l_extendedprice": 26216.0d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-11-21", "l_commitdate": "1992-11-04", "l_receiptdate": "1992-11-30", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": " slowly final warthogs sleep blithely. q" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2885, "l_partkey": 4, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 6.0d, "l_extendedprice": 5424.0d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-01-05", "l_commitdate": "1992-12-12", "l_receiptdate": "1993-01-19", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ctions solve. slyly regular requests n" }
, { "l_orderkey": 4292, "l_partkey": 4, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 47.0d, "l_extendedprice": 42488.0d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-05-02", "l_commitdate": "1992-03-21", "l_receiptdate": "1992-05-27", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "y packages; even ideas boost" }
, { "l_orderkey": 4736, "l_partkey": 4, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 43.0d, "l_extendedprice": 38872.0d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-02-05", "l_commitdate": "1995-12-21", "l_receiptdate": "1996-02-06", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "quests. carefully " }
, { "l_orderkey": 5349, "l_partkey": 4, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 6.0d, "l_extendedprice": 5424.0d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-12-30", "l_commitdate": "1996-10-08", "l_receiptdate": "1997-01-01", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "inal deposits affix carefully" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5856, "l_partkey": 4, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 1.0d, "l_extendedprice": 904.0d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-12-29", "l_commitdate": "1995-01-07", "l_receiptdate": "1995-01-10", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "tly. special deposits wake blithely even" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 641, "l_partkey": 4, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 41.0d, "l_extendedprice": 37064.0d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-11-29", "l_commitdate": "1993-10-27", "l_receiptdate": "1993-12-04", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": " asymptotes are quickly. bol" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2019, "l_partkey": 4, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 31.0d, "l_extendedprice": 28024.0d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-11-18", "l_commitdate": "1992-12-26", "l_receiptdate": "1992-11-24", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "l ideas across the slowl" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2144, "l_partkey": 4, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 29.0d, "l_extendedprice": 26216.0d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-05-03", "l_commitdate": "1994-05-16", "l_receiptdate": "1994-06-01", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ns wake carefully carefully ironic" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2560, "l_partkey": 4, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 27.0d, "l_extendedprice": 24408.0d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-12-03", "l_commitdate": "1992-11-16", "l_receiptdate": "1992-12-30", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": " against the carefully" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2976, "l_partkey": 4, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 24.0d, "l_extendedprice": 21696.0d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-03-19", "l_commitdate": "1994-01-26", "l_receiptdate": "1994-04-18", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ronic pinto beans. slyly bol" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4099, "l_partkey": 4, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 29.0d, "l_extendedprice": 26216.0d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-11-21", "l_commitdate": "1992-11-04", "l_receiptdate": "1992-11-30", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": " slowly final warthogs sleep blithely. q" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5411, "l_partkey": 4, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 19.0d, "l_extendedprice": 17176.0d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-05-25", "l_commitdate": "1997-07-30", "l_receiptdate": "1997-06-19", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ial accounts according to the f" }
, { "l_orderkey": 164, "l_partkey": 4, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 23.0d, "l_extendedprice": 20792.0d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-11-03", "l_commitdate": "1992-12-02", "l_receiptdate": "1992-11-12", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ress packages haggle ideas. blithely spec" }
, { "l_orderkey": 739, "l_partkey": 4, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 50.0d, "l_extendedprice": 45200.0d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-08-26", "l_commitdate": "1998-07-16", "l_receiptdate": "1998-09-02", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ndencies. blith" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2279, "l_partkey": 4, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 3.0d, "l_extendedprice": 2712.0d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-05-31", "l_commitdate": "1993-05-07", "l_receiptdate": "1993-06-05", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ing foxes above the even accounts use slyly" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1251, "l_partkey": 4, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 37.0d, "l_extendedprice": 33448.0d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-12-21", "l_commitdate": "1998-01-12", "l_receiptdate": "1997-12-26", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": ". furiously" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1316, "l_partkey": 4, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 7.0d, "l_extendedprice": 6328.0d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-12-09", "l_commitdate": "1994-01-12", "l_receiptdate": "1993-12-30", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": ". furiously even accounts a" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2404, "l_partkey": 4, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 18.0d, "l_extendedprice": 16272.0d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-06-25", "l_commitdate": "1997-05-06", "l_receiptdate": "1997-07-02", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "packages. even requests according to " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2790, "l_partkey": 4, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 32.0d, "l_extendedprice": 28928.0d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-09-25", "l_commitdate": "1994-10-26", "l_receiptdate": "1994-10-01", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ully pending" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3522, "l_partkey": 4, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 6.0d, "l_extendedprice": 5424.0d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-01-21", "l_commitdate": "1994-12-09", "l_receiptdate": "1995-01-23", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "tes snooze " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4196, "l_partkey": 4, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 3.0d, "l_extendedprice": 2712.0d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-08-05", "l_commitdate": "1998-07-28", "l_receiptdate": "1998-08-15", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "y regular packages haggle furiously alongs" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5668, "l_partkey": 4, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 15.0d, "l_extendedprice": 13560.0d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-04-06", "l_commitdate": "1995-05-12", "l_receiptdate": "1995-04-17", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": " the express, pending requests. bo" }
, { "l_orderkey": 2882, "l_partkey": 4, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 14.0d, "l_extendedprice": 12656.0d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-09-28", "l_commitdate": "1995-11-11", "l_receiptdate": "1995-10-18", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "kly. even requests w" }
, { "l_orderkey": 4005, "l_partkey": 4, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 26.0d, "l_extendedprice": 23504.0d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-12-01", "l_commitdate": "1997-02-03", "l_receiptdate": "1996-12-15", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": " to the quic" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5668, "l_partkey": 4, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 15.0d, "l_extendedprice": 13560.0d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-04-06", "l_commitdate": "1995-05-12", "l_receiptdate": "1995-04-17", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": " the express, pending requests. bo" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5856, "l_partkey": 4, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 1.0d, "l_extendedprice": 904.0d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-12-29", "l_commitdate": "1995-01-07", "l_receiptdate": "1995-01-10", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "tly. special deposits wake blithely even" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 39, "l_partkey": 3, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 44.0d, "l_extendedprice": 39732.0d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-11-14", "l_commitdate": "1996-12-15", "l_receiptdate": "1996-12-12", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "eodolites. careful" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1, "l_partkey": 3, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 28.0d, "l_extendedprice": 25284.0d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-04-21", "l_commitdate": "1996-03-30", "l_receiptdate": "1996-05-16", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "lites. fluffily even de" }
, { "l_orderkey": 129, "l_partkey": 3, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 46.0d, "l_extendedprice": 41538.0d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-02-15", "l_commitdate": "1993-01-24", "l_receiptdate": "1993-03-05", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "uietly bold theodolites. fluffil" }
, { "l_orderkey": 194, "l_partkey": 3, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 17.0d, "l_extendedprice": 15351.0d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-05-24", "l_commitdate": "1992-05-22", "l_receiptdate": "1992-05-30", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": " regular deposi" }
, { "l_orderkey": 519, "l_partkey": 3, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 38.0d, "l_extendedprice": 34314.0d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-02-19", "l_commitdate": "1997-12-15", "l_receiptdate": "1998-03-19", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "gular excuses detect quickly furiously " }
, { "l_orderkey": 999, "l_partkey": 3, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 10.0d, "l_extendedprice": 9030.0d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-11-23", "l_commitdate": "1993-12-02", "l_receiptdate": "1993-11-29", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "efully pending" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1186, "l_partkey": 3, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 28.0d, "l_extendedprice": 25284.0d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-12-08", "l_commitdate": "1996-10-17", "l_receiptdate": "1996-12-15", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ffily spec" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1508, "l_partkey": 3, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 5.0d, "l_extendedprice": 4515.0d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-05-22", "l_commitdate": "1998-07-06", "l_receiptdate": "1998-06-04", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "cording to the furiously ironic depe" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1542, "l_partkey": 3, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 12.0d, "l_extendedprice": 10836.0d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-10-29", "l_commitdate": "1993-11-02", "l_receiptdate": "1993-11-09", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "carefully " }
, { "l_orderkey": 2401, "l_partkey": 3, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 49.0d, "l_extendedprice": 44247.0d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-09-02", "l_commitdate": "1997-09-11", "l_receiptdate": "1997-09-13", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "lites cajole carefully " }
, { "l_orderkey": 2721, "l_partkey": 3, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 2.0d, "l_extendedprice": 1806.0d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-02-13", "l_commitdate": "1996-03-14", "l_receiptdate": "1996-02-28", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": " slyly final requests against " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2951, "l_partkey": 3, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 5.0d, "l_extendedprice": 4515.0d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-03-27", "l_commitdate": "1996-04-16", "l_receiptdate": "1996-03-30", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "to beans wake ac" }
, { "l_orderkey": 3137, "l_partkey": 3, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 6.0d, "l_extendedprice": 5418.0d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-09-19", "l_commitdate": "1995-10-23", "l_receiptdate": "1995-10-16", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ly express as" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4484, "l_partkey": 3, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 42.0d, "l_extendedprice": 37926.0d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-03-25", "l_commitdate": "1997-02-21", "l_receiptdate": "1997-04-05", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ding, pending requests wake. fluffily " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5252, "l_partkey": 3, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 41.0d, "l_extendedprice": 37023.0d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-03-16", "l_commitdate": "1996-04-18", "l_receiptdate": "1996-03-17", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ording to the blithely express somas sho" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 32, "l_partkey": 3, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 4.0d, "l_extendedprice": 3612.0d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-08-04", "l_commitdate": "1995-10-01", "l_receiptdate": "1995-09-03", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "e slyly final pac" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1542, "l_partkey": 3, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 12.0d, "l_extendedprice": 10836.0d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-10-29", "l_commitdate": "1993-11-02", "l_receiptdate": "1993-11-09", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "carefully " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2372, "l_partkey": 3, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 17.0d, "l_extendedprice": 15351.0d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-12-17", "l_commitdate": "1998-01-17", "l_receiptdate": "1997-12-25", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "xcuses. slyly ironic theod" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3331, "l_partkey": 3, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 26.0d, "l_extendedprice": 23478.0d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-08-05", "l_commitdate": "1993-07-17", "l_receiptdate": "1993-08-29", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "p asymptotes. carefully unusual in" }
, { "l_orderkey": 3937, "l_partkey": 3, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 29.0d, "l_extendedprice": 26187.0d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-03-06", "l_commitdate": "1998-02-22", "l_receiptdate": "1998-03-14", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "nt pinto beans above the pending instr" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5892, "l_partkey": 3, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 28.0d, "l_extendedprice": 25284.0d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-08-16", "l_commitdate": "1995-07-06", "l_receiptdate": "1995-08-22", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ithely unusual accounts will have to integ" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1, "l_partkey": 3, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 28.0d, "l_extendedprice": 25284.0d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-04-21", "l_commitdate": "1996-03-30", "l_receiptdate": "1996-05-16", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "lites. fluffily even de" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2946, "l_partkey": 3, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 35.0d, "l_extendedprice": 31605.0d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-03-15", "l_commitdate": "1996-04-02", "l_receiptdate": "1996-03-26", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": " sublate along the fluffily iron" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3110, "l_partkey": 3, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 34.0d, "l_extendedprice": 30702.0d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-02-23", "l_commitdate": "1995-01-27", "l_receiptdate": "1995-03-09", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ly pending requests ha" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 39, "l_partkey": 3, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 44.0d, "l_extendedprice": 39732.0d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-11-14", "l_commitdate": "1996-12-15", "l_receiptdate": "1996-12-12", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "eodolites. careful" }
, { "l_orderkey": 801, "l_partkey": 3, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 21.0d, "l_extendedprice": 18963.0d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-04-25", "l_commitdate": "1992-03-20", "l_receiptdate": "1992-05-04", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "cial, special packages." }
-, { "l_orderkey": 993, "l_partkey": 3, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 28.0d, "l_extendedprice": 25284.0d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-10-24", "l_commitdate": "1995-11-20", "l_receiptdate": "1995-11-06", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "lites. even theodolite" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3015, "l_partkey": 3, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 5.0d, "l_extendedprice": 4515.0d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-01-10", "l_commitdate": "1992-12-02", "l_receiptdate": "1993-01-19", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": " the furiously pendi" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3776, "l_partkey": 3, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 39.0d, "l_extendedprice": 35217.0d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-01-03", "l_commitdate": "1993-02-05", "l_receiptdate": "1993-01-08", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "yly blithely pending packages" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1508, "l_partkey": 3, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 5.0d, "l_extendedprice": 4515.0d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-05-22", "l_commitdate": "1998-07-06", "l_receiptdate": "1998-06-04", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "cording to the furiously ironic depe" }
, { "l_orderkey": 4740, "l_partkey": 3, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 22.0d, "l_extendedprice": 19866.0d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-10-04", "l_commitdate": "1996-08-17", "l_receiptdate": "1996-10-05", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "final dependencies nag " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 130, "l_partkey": 2, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 48.0d, "l_extendedprice": 43296.0d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-07-01", "l_commitdate": "1992-07-12", "l_receiptdate": "1992-07-24", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "lithely alongside of the regu" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 290, "l_partkey": 2, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 5.0d, "l_extendedprice": 4510.0d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-01-19", "l_commitdate": "1994-02-24", "l_receiptdate": "1994-01-27", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ans integrate. requests sleep. fur" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1696, "l_partkey": 2, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 19.0d, "l_extendedprice": 17138.0d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-05-03", "l_commitdate": "1998-03-13", "l_receiptdate": "1998-05-28", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "its maintain alongside of the f" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2656, "l_partkey": 2, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 19.0d, "l_extendedprice": 17138.0d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-08-03", "l_commitdate": "1993-07-25", "l_receiptdate": "1993-08-20", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ts serve deposi" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3811, "l_partkey": 2, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 35.0d, "l_extendedprice": 31570.0d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-04-17", "l_commitdate": "1998-06-30", "l_receiptdate": "1998-04-25", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "yly final dolphins? quickly ironic frets" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5348, "l_partkey": 2, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 37.0d, "l_extendedprice": 33374.0d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-12-01", "l_commitdate": "1998-02-02", "l_receiptdate": "1997-12-07", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "y according to the carefully pending acco" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5957, "l_partkey": 2, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 17.0d, "l_extendedprice": 15334.0d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-01-24", "l_commitdate": "1994-02-16", "l_receiptdate": "1994-02-08", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": ". final, pending packages" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 418, "l_partkey": 2, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 1.0d, "l_extendedprice": 902.0d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-06-23", "l_commitdate": "1995-06-16", "l_receiptdate": "1995-07-23", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "regular, silent pinto" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1575, "l_partkey": 2, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 12.0d, "l_extendedprice": 10824.0d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-12-27", "l_commitdate": "1995-11-11", "l_receiptdate": "1996-01-23", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": " bold accounts. furi" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2370, "l_partkey": 2, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 24.0d, "l_extendedprice": 21648.0d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-05-15", "l_commitdate": "1994-04-09", "l_receiptdate": "1994-06-12", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "final depen" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2437, "l_partkey": 2, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 23.0d, "l_extendedprice": 20746.0d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-08-15", "l_commitdate": "1993-06-28", "l_receiptdate": "1993-08-23", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "s deposits. pendi" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3362, "l_partkey": 2, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 3.0d, "l_extendedprice": 2706.0d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-08-26", "l_commitdate": "1995-09-02", "l_receiptdate": "1995-09-17", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "its cajole blithely excuses. de" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4135, "l_partkey": 2, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 23.0d, "l_extendedprice": 20746.0d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-04-09", "l_commitdate": "1997-05-12", "l_receiptdate": "1997-04-16", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "posits cajole furiously carefully" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4387, "l_partkey": 2, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 15.0d, "l_extendedprice": 13530.0d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-01-11", "l_commitdate": "1996-01-14", "l_receiptdate": "1996-01-30", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "s hinder quietly across the pla" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5312, "l_partkey": 2, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 43.0d, "l_extendedprice": 38786.0d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-03-24", "l_commitdate": "1995-05-07", "l_receiptdate": "1995-03-28", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ly unusual" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5828, "l_partkey": 2, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 28.0d, "l_extendedprice": 25256.0d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-05-15", "l_commitdate": "1994-05-20", "l_receiptdate": "1994-06-08", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": " special ideas haggle slyly ac" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 65, "l_partkey": 2, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 21.0d, "l_extendedprice": 18942.0d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-07-06", "l_commitdate": "1995-05-14", "l_receiptdate": "1995-07-31", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "bove the even packages. accounts nag carefu" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1250, "l_partkey": 2, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 15.0d, "l_extendedprice": 13530.0d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-11-05", "l_commitdate": "1992-12-17", "l_receiptdate": "1992-12-03", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": " regular, i" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3046, "l_partkey": 2, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 31.0d, "l_extendedprice": 27962.0d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-03-24", "l_commitdate": "1996-01-30", "l_receiptdate": "1996-03-26", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "y pending somas alongside of the slyly iro" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3650, "l_partkey": 2, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 1.0d, "l_extendedprice": 902.0d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-06-23", "l_commitdate": "1992-07-18", "l_receiptdate": "1992-07-08", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "re about the pinto " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3654, "l_partkey": 2, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 37.0d, "l_extendedprice": 33374.0d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-09-22", "l_commitdate": "1992-07-20", "l_receiptdate": "1992-10-19", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "unts doze bravely ab" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4001, "l_partkey": 2, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 39.0d, "l_extendedprice": 35178.0d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-06-13", "l_commitdate": "1997-06-17", "l_receiptdate": "1997-06-25", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": " dogged excuses. blithe" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4032, "l_partkey": 2, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 27.0d, "l_extendedprice": 24354.0d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-05-31", "l_commitdate": "1998-04-19", "l_receiptdate": "1998-06-24", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "le furiously according to" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4454, "l_partkey": 2, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 1.0d, "l_extendedprice": 902.0d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-02-05", "l_commitdate": "1994-04-19", "l_receiptdate": "1994-02-12", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "equests run." }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5252, "l_partkey": 3, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 41.0d, "l_extendedprice": 37023.0d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-03-16", "l_commitdate": "1996-04-18", "l_receiptdate": "1996-03-17", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ording to the blithely express somas sho" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5892, "l_partkey": 3, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 28.0d, "l_extendedprice": 25284.0d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-08-16", "l_commitdate": "1995-07-06", "l_receiptdate": "1995-08-22", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ithely unusual accounts will have to integ" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 32, "l_partkey": 3, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 4.0d, "l_extendedprice": 3612.0d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-08-04", "l_commitdate": "1995-10-01", "l_receiptdate": "1995-09-03", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "e slyly final pac" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 993, "l_partkey": 3, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 28.0d, "l_extendedprice": 25284.0d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-10-24", "l_commitdate": "1995-11-20", "l_receiptdate": "1995-11-06", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "lites. even theodolite" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1186, "l_partkey": 3, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 28.0d, "l_extendedprice": 25284.0d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-12-08", "l_commitdate": "1996-10-17", "l_receiptdate": "1996-12-15", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ffily spec" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2372, "l_partkey": 3, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 17.0d, "l_extendedprice": 15351.0d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-12-17", "l_commitdate": "1998-01-17", "l_receiptdate": "1997-12-25", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "xcuses. slyly ironic theod" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2946, "l_partkey": 3, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 35.0d, "l_extendedprice": 31605.0d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-03-15", "l_commitdate": "1996-04-02", "l_receiptdate": "1996-03-26", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": " sublate along the fluffily iron" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3015, "l_partkey": 3, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 5.0d, "l_extendedprice": 4515.0d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-01-10", "l_commitdate": "1992-12-02", "l_receiptdate": "1993-01-19", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": " the furiously pendi" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3110, "l_partkey": 3, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 34.0d, "l_extendedprice": 30702.0d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-02-23", "l_commitdate": "1995-01-27", "l_receiptdate": "1995-03-09", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ly pending requests ha" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3331, "l_partkey": 3, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 26.0d, "l_extendedprice": 23478.0d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-08-05", "l_commitdate": "1993-07-17", "l_receiptdate": "1993-08-29", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "p asymptotes. carefully unusual in" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2951, "l_partkey": 3, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 5.0d, "l_extendedprice": 4515.0d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-03-27", "l_commitdate": "1996-04-16", "l_receiptdate": "1996-03-30", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "to beans wake ac" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3776, "l_partkey": 3, "l_suppkey": 10, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 39.0d, "l_extendedprice": 35217.0d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-01-03", "l_commitdate": "1993-02-05", "l_receiptdate": "1993-01-08", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "yly blithely pending packages" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4484, "l_partkey": 3, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 42.0d, "l_extendedprice": 37926.0d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-03-25", "l_commitdate": "1997-02-21", "l_receiptdate": "1997-04-05", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ding, pending requests wake. fluffily " }
, { "l_orderkey": 261, "l_partkey": 2, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 34.0d, "l_extendedprice": 30668.0d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-08-18", "l_commitdate": "1993-09-24", "l_receiptdate": "1993-08-20", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "c packages. asymptotes da" }
, { "l_orderkey": 740, "l_partkey": 2, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 22.0d, "l_extendedprice": 19844.0d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-07-24", "l_commitdate": "1995-09-11", "l_receiptdate": "1995-08-11", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "odolites cajole ironic, pending instruc" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 896, "l_partkey": 2, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 7.0d, "l_extendedprice": 6314.0d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-05-02", "l_commitdate": "1993-05-24", "l_receiptdate": "1993-05-31", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": " requests " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2662, "l_partkey": 2, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 6.0d, "l_extendedprice": 5412.0d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-11-30", "l_commitdate": "1996-09-20", "l_receiptdate": "1996-12-03", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "olites cajole quickly along the b" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4389, "l_partkey": 2, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 22.0d, "l_extendedprice": 19844.0d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-06-07", "l_commitdate": "1994-06-29", "l_receiptdate": "1994-06-19", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "at the final excuses hinder carefully a" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1575, "l_partkey": 2, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 12.0d, "l_extendedprice": 10824.0d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-12-27", "l_commitdate": "1995-11-11", "l_receiptdate": "1996-01-23", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": " bold accounts. furi" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3362, "l_partkey": 2, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 3.0d, "l_extendedprice": 2706.0d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-08-26", "l_commitdate": "1995-09-02", "l_receiptdate": "1995-09-17", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "its cajole blithely excuses. de" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3650, "l_partkey": 2, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 1.0d, "l_extendedprice": 902.0d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-06-23", "l_commitdate": "1992-07-18", "l_receiptdate": "1992-07-08", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "re about the pinto " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3654, "l_partkey": 2, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 37.0d, "l_extendedprice": 33374.0d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-09-22", "l_commitdate": "1992-07-20", "l_receiptdate": "1992-10-19", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "unts doze bravely ab" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4032, "l_partkey": 2, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 27.0d, "l_extendedprice": 24354.0d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-05-31", "l_commitdate": "1998-04-19", "l_receiptdate": "1998-06-24", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "le furiously according to" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4387, "l_partkey": 2, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 15.0d, "l_extendedprice": 13530.0d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-01-11", "l_commitdate": "1996-01-14", "l_receiptdate": "1996-01-30", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "s hinder quietly across the pla" }
, { "l_orderkey": 5090, "l_partkey": 2, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 22.0d, "l_extendedprice": 19844.0d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-07-03", "l_commitdate": "1997-04-12", "l_receiptdate": "1997-07-26", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ular requests su" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5478, "l_partkey": 2, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 47.0d, "l_extendedprice": 42394.0d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-08-15", "l_commitdate": "1996-07-12", "l_receiptdate": "1996-08-31", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": " instructions; slyly even accounts hagg" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5699, "l_partkey": 2, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 24.0d, "l_extendedprice": 21648.0d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-10-21", "l_commitdate": "1992-09-04", "l_receiptdate": "1992-11-04", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "kages. fin" }
, { "l_orderkey": 5862, "l_partkey": 2, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 29.0d, "l_extendedprice": 26158.0d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-04-02", "l_commitdate": "1997-04-16", "l_receiptdate": "1997-04-04", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "e fluffily. furiously" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 896, "l_partkey": 2, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 7.0d, "l_extendedprice": 6314.0d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-05-02", "l_commitdate": "1993-05-24", "l_receiptdate": "1993-05-31", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": " requests " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1696, "l_partkey": 2, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 19.0d, "l_extendedprice": 17138.0d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-05-03", "l_commitdate": "1998-03-13", "l_receiptdate": "1998-05-28", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "its maintain alongside of the f" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2370, "l_partkey": 2, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 24.0d, "l_extendedprice": 21648.0d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-05-15", "l_commitdate": "1994-04-09", "l_receiptdate": "1994-06-12", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "final depen" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2437, "l_partkey": 2, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 23.0d, "l_extendedprice": 20746.0d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-08-15", "l_commitdate": "1993-06-28", "l_receiptdate": "1993-08-23", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "s deposits. pendi" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5478, "l_partkey": 2, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 47.0d, "l_extendedprice": 42394.0d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-08-15", "l_commitdate": "1996-07-12", "l_receiptdate": "1996-08-31", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": " instructions; slyly even accounts hagg" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5828, "l_partkey": 2, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 28.0d, "l_extendedprice": 25256.0d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-05-15", "l_commitdate": "1994-05-20", "l_receiptdate": "1994-06-08", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": " special ideas haggle slyly ac" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 65, "l_partkey": 2, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 21.0d, "l_extendedprice": 18942.0d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-07-06", "l_commitdate": "1995-05-14", "l_receiptdate": "1995-07-31", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "bove the even packages. accounts nag carefu" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 130, "l_partkey": 2, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 48.0d, "l_extendedprice": 43296.0d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-07-01", "l_commitdate": "1992-07-12", "l_receiptdate": "1992-07-24", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "lithely alongside of the regu" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 290, "l_partkey": 2, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 5.0d, "l_extendedprice": 4510.0d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-01-19", "l_commitdate": "1994-02-24", "l_receiptdate": "1994-01-27", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ans integrate. requests sleep. fur" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1250, "l_partkey": 2, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 15.0d, "l_extendedprice": 13530.0d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-11-05", "l_commitdate": "1992-12-17", "l_receiptdate": "1992-12-03", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": " regular, i" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3811, "l_partkey": 2, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 35.0d, "l_extendedprice": 31570.0d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-04-17", "l_commitdate": "1998-06-30", "l_receiptdate": "1998-04-25", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "yly final dolphins? quickly ironic frets" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4389, "l_partkey": 2, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 22.0d, "l_extendedprice": 19844.0d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-06-07", "l_commitdate": "1994-06-29", "l_receiptdate": "1994-06-19", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "at the final excuses hinder carefully a" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4454, "l_partkey": 2, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 1.0d, "l_extendedprice": 902.0d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-02-05", "l_commitdate": "1994-04-19", "l_receiptdate": "1994-02-12", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "equests run." }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5348, "l_partkey": 2, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 37.0d, "l_extendedprice": 33374.0d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-12-01", "l_commitdate": "1998-02-02", "l_receiptdate": "1997-12-07", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "y according to the carefully pending acco" }
, { "l_orderkey": 5893, "l_partkey": 2, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 2.0d, "l_extendedprice": 1804.0d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-07-18", "l_commitdate": "1992-09-10", "l_receiptdate": "1992-08-12", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ckages wake sly" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 134, "l_partkey": 1, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 21.0d, "l_extendedprice": 18921.0d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-07-17", "l_commitdate": "1992-07-08", "l_receiptdate": "1992-07-26", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "s. quickly regular" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 418, "l_partkey": 2, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 1.0d, "l_extendedprice": 902.0d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-06-23", "l_commitdate": "1995-06-16", "l_receiptdate": "1995-07-23", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "regular, silent pinto" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2656, "l_partkey": 2, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 19.0d, "l_extendedprice": 17138.0d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-08-03", "l_commitdate": "1993-07-25", "l_receiptdate": "1993-08-20", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ts serve deposi" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2662, "l_partkey": 2, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 6.0d, "l_extendedprice": 5412.0d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-11-30", "l_commitdate": "1996-09-20", "l_receiptdate": "1996-12-03", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "olites cajole quickly along the b" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3046, "l_partkey": 2, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 31.0d, "l_extendedprice": 27962.0d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-03-24", "l_commitdate": "1996-01-30", "l_receiptdate": "1996-03-26", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "y pending somas alongside of the slyly iro" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4001, "l_partkey": 2, "l_suppkey": 9, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 39.0d, "l_extendedprice": 35178.0d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-06-13", "l_commitdate": "1997-06-17", "l_receiptdate": "1997-06-25", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": " dogged excuses. blithe" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4135, "l_partkey": 2, "l_suppkey": 3, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 23.0d, "l_extendedprice": 20746.0d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-04-09", "l_commitdate": "1997-05-12", "l_receiptdate": "1997-04-16", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "posits cajole furiously carefully" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5312, "l_partkey": 2, "l_suppkey": 5, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 43.0d, "l_extendedprice": 38786.0d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-03-24", "l_commitdate": "1995-05-07", "l_receiptdate": "1995-03-28", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ly unusual" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5699, "l_partkey": 2, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 24.0d, "l_extendedprice": 21648.0d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-10-21", "l_commitdate": "1992-09-04", "l_receiptdate": "1992-11-04", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "kages. fin" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5957, "l_partkey": 2, "l_suppkey": 7, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 17.0d, "l_extendedprice": 15334.0d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-01-24", "l_commitdate": "1994-02-16", "l_receiptdate": "1994-02-08", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": ". final, pending packages" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 35, "l_partkey": 1, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 24.0d, "l_extendedprice": 21624.0d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-02-21", "l_commitdate": "1996-01-03", "l_receiptdate": "1996-03-18", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": ", regular tithe" }
, { "l_orderkey": 321, "l_partkey": 1, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 21.0d, "l_extendedprice": 18921.0d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-07-18", "l_commitdate": "1993-04-24", "l_receiptdate": "1993-08-13", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "hockey players sleep slyly sl" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1154, "l_partkey": 1, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 35.0d, "l_extendedprice": 31535.0d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-03-30", "l_commitdate": "1992-04-02", "l_receiptdate": "1992-04-21", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "the carefully regular pinto beans boost" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1472, "l_partkey": 1, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 6.0d, "l_extendedprice": 5406.0d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-10-24", "l_commitdate": "1996-11-19", "l_receiptdate": "1996-11-23", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "onic theodolites hinder slyly slyly r" }
, { "l_orderkey": 1668, "l_partkey": 1, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 25.0d, "l_extendedprice": 22525.0d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-08-08", "l_commitdate": "1997-09-28", "l_receiptdate": "1997-09-01", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "y ironic requests. bold, final ideas a" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1761, "l_partkey": 1, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 13.0d, "l_extendedprice": 11713.0d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-03-06", "l_commitdate": "1994-03-18", "l_receiptdate": "1994-03-22", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ons boost fu" }
, { "l_orderkey": 2374, "l_partkey": 1, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 25.0d, "l_extendedprice": 22525.0d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-11-26", "l_commitdate": "1993-12-15", "l_receiptdate": "1993-12-10", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "refully pending d" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2528, "l_partkey": 1, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 10.0d, "l_extendedprice": 9010.0d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-12-12", "l_commitdate": "1994-12-29", "l_receiptdate": "1994-12-28", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ely. fluffily even re" }
, { "l_orderkey": 2726, "l_partkey": 1, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 50.0d, "l_extendedprice": 45050.0d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-03-04", "l_commitdate": "1993-01-29", "l_receiptdate": "1993-03-28", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": " furiously bold theodolites" }
, { "l_orderkey": 2883, "l_partkey": 1, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 33.0d, "l_extendedprice": 29733.0d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-02-26", "l_commitdate": "1995-03-04", "l_receiptdate": "1995-03-01", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "s. final i" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3940, "l_partkey": 1, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 41.0d, "l_extendedprice": 36941.0d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-05-08", "l_commitdate": "1996-05-03", "l_receiptdate": "1996-06-03", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "thily. deposits cajole." }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2885, "l_partkey": 1, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 45.0d, "l_extendedprice": 40545.0d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-12-24", "l_commitdate": "1992-10-30", "l_receiptdate": "1993-01-04", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ess ideas. regular, silen" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3175, "l_partkey": 1, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 32.0d, "l_extendedprice": 28832.0d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-09-29", "l_commitdate": "1994-09-20", "l_receiptdate": "1994-10-10", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "lites sleep" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 5634, "l_partkey": 1, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 1.0d, "l_extendedprice": 901.0d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-10-02", "l_commitdate": "1996-10-21", "l_receiptdate": "1996-10-27", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ctions haggle carefully. carefully clo" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 807, "l_partkey": 1, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 19.0d, "l_extendedprice": 17119.0d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-02-10", "l_commitdate": "1994-02-20", "l_receiptdate": "1994-03-06", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ns haggle quickly across the furi" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1761, "l_partkey": 1, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 13.0d, "l_extendedprice": 11713.0d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-03-06", "l_commitdate": "1994-03-18", "l_receiptdate": "1994-03-22", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ons boost fu" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3843, "l_partkey": 1, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 30.0d, "l_extendedprice": 27030.0d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-02-14", "l_commitdate": "1997-03-25", "l_receiptdate": "1997-03-13", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": " wake. slyly even packages boost " }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4355, "l_partkey": 1, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 13.0d, "l_extendedprice": 11713.0d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-01-21", "l_commitdate": "1996-12-22", "l_receiptdate": "1997-02-14", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": " ought to mold. blithely pending ideas " }
, { "l_orderkey": 5121, "l_partkey": 1, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 2.0d, "l_extendedprice": 1802.0d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-08-10", "l_commitdate": "1992-06-28", "l_receiptdate": "1992-08-11", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": " final, regular account" }
, { "l_orderkey": 5409, "l_partkey": 1, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 9.0d, "l_extendedprice": 8109.0d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-02-15", "l_commitdate": "1992-04-02", "l_receiptdate": "1992-02-28", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": " unusual, unusual reques" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 5634, "l_partkey": 1, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 1.0d, "l_extendedprice": 901.0d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-10-02", "l_commitdate": "1996-10-21", "l_receiptdate": "1996-10-27", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ctions haggle carefully. carefully clo" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1122, "l_partkey": 1, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 38.0d, "l_extendedprice": 34238.0d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-01-23", "l_commitdate": "1997-04-02", "l_receiptdate": "1997-02-16", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "t theodolites sleep. even, ironic" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 1287, "l_partkey": 1, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 30.0d, "l_extendedprice": 27030.0d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-07-12", "l_commitdate": "1994-09-23", "l_receiptdate": "1994-08-07", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ar packages. even, even" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2885, "l_partkey": 1, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 45.0d, "l_extendedprice": 40545.0d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-12-24", "l_commitdate": "1992-10-30", "l_receiptdate": "1993-01-04", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ess ideas. regular, silen" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4293, "l_partkey": 1, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 34.0d, "l_extendedprice": 30634.0d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-11-05", "l_commitdate": "1996-10-12", "l_receiptdate": "1996-12-04", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ions sleep blithely on" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4323, "l_partkey": 1, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 33.0d, "l_extendedprice": 29733.0d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-05-04", "l_commitdate": "1994-03-06", "l_receiptdate": "1994-05-23", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "the slyly bold deposits slee" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4355, "l_partkey": 1, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 13.0d, "l_extendedprice": 11713.0d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-01-21", "l_commitdate": "1996-12-22", "l_receiptdate": "1997-02-14", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": " ought to mold. blithely pending ideas " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 807, "l_partkey": 1, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 19.0d, "l_extendedprice": 17119.0d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-02-10", "l_commitdate": "1994-02-20", "l_receiptdate": "1994-03-06", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ns haggle quickly across the furi" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2117, "l_partkey": 1, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 27.0d, "l_extendedprice": 24327.0d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-06-30", "l_commitdate": "1997-06-27", "l_receiptdate": "1997-07-11", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": " the carefully ironic ideas" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3175, "l_partkey": 1, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 38.0d, "l_extendedprice": 34238.0d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-10-10", "l_commitdate": "1994-08-25", "l_receiptdate": "1994-10-28", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "the quickly even dolph" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3843, "l_partkey": 1, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 30.0d, "l_extendedprice": 27030.0d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-02-14", "l_commitdate": "1997-03-25", "l_receiptdate": "1997-03-13", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": " wake. slyly even packages boost " }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4102, "l_partkey": 1, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 32.0d, "l_extendedprice": 28832.0d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-05-14", "l_commitdate": "1996-04-29", "l_receiptdate": "1996-05-29", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": " the even requests; regular pinto" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 4580, "l_partkey": 1, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 41.0d, "l_extendedprice": 36941.0d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-12-13", "l_commitdate": "1994-01-31", "l_receiptdate": "1994-01-06", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "requests. quickly silent asymptotes sle" }
, { "l_orderkey": 5760, "l_partkey": 1, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 6.0d, "l_extendedprice": 5406.0d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-07-30", "l_commitdate": "1994-07-31", "l_receiptdate": "1994-08-16", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ng the acco" }
, { "l_orderkey": 5984, "l_partkey": 1, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 8.0d, "l_extendedprice": 7208.0d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-09-17", "l_commitdate": "1994-08-28", "l_receiptdate": "1994-09-25", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "its. express," }
-, { "l_orderkey": 35, "l_partkey": 1, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 24.0d, "l_extendedprice": 21624.0d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-02-21", "l_commitdate": "1996-01-03", "l_receiptdate": "1996-03-18", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": ", regular tithe" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 548, "l_partkey": 1, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 21.0d, "l_extendedprice": 18921.0d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-01-13", "l_commitdate": "1994-12-18", "l_receiptdate": "1995-01-25", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ideas. special accounts above the furiou" }
, { "l_orderkey": 640, "l_partkey": 1, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 40.0d, "l_extendedprice": 36040.0d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-05-11", "l_commitdate": "1993-04-11", "l_receiptdate": "1993-05-15", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "oach according to the bol" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 2534, "l_partkey": 1, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 50.0d, "l_extendedprice": 45050.0d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-09-25", "l_commitdate": "1996-10-07", "l_receiptdate": "1996-10-09", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ideas. deposits use. slyly regular pa" }
-, { "l_orderkey": 3175, "l_partkey": 1, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 32.0d, "l_extendedprice": 28832.0d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-09-29", "l_commitdate": "1994-09-20", "l_receiptdate": "1994-10-10", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "lites sleep" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1122, "l_partkey": 1, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 7, "l_quantity": 38.0d, "l_extendedprice": 34238.0d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-01-23", "l_commitdate": "1997-04-02", "l_receiptdate": "1997-02-16", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "t theodolites sleep. even, ironic" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1154, "l_partkey": 1, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 35.0d, "l_extendedprice": 31535.0d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-03-30", "l_commitdate": "1992-04-02", "l_receiptdate": "1992-04-21", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "the carefully regular pinto beans boost" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1472, "l_partkey": 1, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 6.0d, "l_extendedprice": 5406.0d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-10-24", "l_commitdate": "1996-11-19", "l_receiptdate": "1996-11-23", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "onic theodolites hinder slyly slyly r" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3175, "l_partkey": 1, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 38.0d, "l_extendedprice": 34238.0d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-10-10", "l_commitdate": "1994-08-25", "l_receiptdate": "1994-10-28", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "the quickly even dolph" }
, { "l_orderkey": 3457, "l_partkey": 1, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 4, "l_quantity": 24.0d, "l_extendedprice": 21624.0d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-08-03", "l_commitdate": "1995-05-30", "l_receiptdate": "1995-08-14", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "tructions haggle alongsid" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4102, "l_partkey": 1, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 32.0d, "l_extendedprice": 28832.0d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-05-14", "l_commitdate": "1996-04-29", "l_receiptdate": "1996-05-29", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": " the even requests; regular pinto" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4293, "l_partkey": 1, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 34.0d, "l_extendedprice": 30634.0d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-11-05", "l_commitdate": "1996-10-12", "l_receiptdate": "1996-12-04", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ions sleep blithely on" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4323, "l_partkey": 1, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 33.0d, "l_extendedprice": 29733.0d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-05-04", "l_commitdate": "1994-03-06", "l_receiptdate": "1994-05-23", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "the slyly bold deposits slee" }
, { "l_orderkey": 4452, "l_partkey": 1, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 2, "l_quantity": 47.0d, "l_extendedprice": 42347.0d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-10-08", "l_commitdate": "1994-08-09", "l_receiptdate": "1994-10-09", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ts. slyly regular cour" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 134, "l_partkey": 1, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 21.0d, "l_extendedprice": 18921.0d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-07-17", "l_commitdate": "1992-07-08", "l_receiptdate": "1992-07-26", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "s. quickly regular" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 548, "l_partkey": 1, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 21.0d, "l_extendedprice": 18921.0d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-01-13", "l_commitdate": "1994-12-18", "l_receiptdate": "1995-01-25", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ideas. special accounts above the furiou" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 1287, "l_partkey": 1, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 30.0d, "l_extendedprice": 27030.0d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-07-12", "l_commitdate": "1994-09-23", "l_receiptdate": "1994-08-07", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ar packages. even, even" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2117, "l_partkey": 1, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 6, "l_quantity": 27.0d, "l_extendedprice": 24327.0d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-06-30", "l_commitdate": "1997-06-27", "l_receiptdate": "1997-07-11", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": " the carefully ironic ideas" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2528, "l_partkey": 1, "l_suppkey": 2, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 10.0d, "l_extendedprice": 9010.0d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-12-12", "l_commitdate": "1994-12-29", "l_receiptdate": "1994-12-28", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ely. fluffily even re" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 2534, "l_partkey": 1, "l_suppkey": 4, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 50.0d, "l_extendedprice": 45050.0d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-09-25", "l_commitdate": "1996-10-07", "l_receiptdate": "1996-10-09", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ideas. deposits use. slyly regular pa" }
+, { "l_orderkey": 3940, "l_partkey": 1, "l_suppkey": 6, "l_linenumber": 5, "l_quantity": 41.0d, "l_extendedprice": 36941.0d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-05-08", "l_commitdate": "1996-05-03", "l_receiptdate": "1996-06-03", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "thily. deposits cajole." }
+, { "l_orderkey": 4580, "l_partkey": 1, "l_suppkey": 8, "l_linenumber": 3, "l_quantity": 41.0d, "l_extendedprice": 36941.0d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-12-13", "l_commitdate": "1994-01-31", "l_receiptdate": "1994-01-06", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "requests. quickly silent asymptotes sle" }
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--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/numeric/abs0/abs0.1.adm
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/numeric/abs0/abs0.1.adm
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
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+[ { "f0": 0i8, "f1": 0i16, "f2": 0i32, "f3": 0, "f4": 0i8, "f5": 0i16, "f6": 0i32, "f7": 0 }
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+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/numeric/abs1/abs1.1.adm
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
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+[ { "f0": 20i8, "f1": 23i16, "f2": 29i32, "f3": 21, "f4": 20i8, "f5": 22i16, "f6": 23i32, "f7": 27 }
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/numeric/add_int16/add_int16.1.adm b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/numeric/add_int16/add_int16.1.adm
index c0d3b90..26e3dd9 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/numeric/add_int16/add_int16.1.adm
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/numeric/add_int16/add_int16.1.adm
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-[ { "result1": 3i16, "result2": 4i16, "result3": 5, "result4": -2i64, "result5": -3.5f, "result6": -4.5d, "result7": null }
+[ { "result1": 3i16, "result2": 4i16, "result3": 5i32, "result4": -2, "result5": -3.5f, "result6": -4.5d, "result7": null }
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/numeric/add_int32/add_int32.1.adm b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/numeric/add_int32/add_int32.1.adm
index c5c1e63..215b877 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/numeric/add_int32/add_int32.1.adm
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/numeric/add_int32/add_int32.1.adm
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-[ { "result1": 4, "result2": 5, "result3": 6, "result4": -1i64, "result5": -2.5f, "result6": -3.5d, "result7": null }
+[ { "result1": 4i32, "result2": 5i32, "result3": 6i32, "result4": -1, "result5": -2.5f, "result6": -3.5d, "result7": null }
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--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/numeric/add_int64/add_int64.1.adm
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/numeric/add_int64/add_int64.1.adm
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
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+[ { "result1": -3, "result2": -2, "result3": -1, "result4": -8, "result5": -9.5f, "result6": -10.5d, "result7": null }
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+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/numeric/add_int8/add_int8.1.adm
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
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+[ { "result1": 2i8, "result2": 3i16, "result3": 4i32, "result4": -3, "result5": -4.5f, "result6": -5.5d, "result7": null }
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+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/numeric/ceiling0/ceiling0.1.adm
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
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+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/numeric/ceiling1/ceiling1.1.adm
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
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@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
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@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
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--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/numeric/divide_int8/divide_int8.1.adm
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/numeric/divide_int8/divide_int8.1.adm
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
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index 2352bed..2202dcf 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/numeric/floor0/floor0.1.adm
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/numeric/floor0/floor0.1.adm
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-[ { "f0": 0i8, "f1": 0i16, "f2": 0, "f3": 0i64, "f4": 0i8, "f5": 0i16, "f6": 0, "f7": 0i64 }
+[ { "f0": 0i8, "f1": 0i16, "f2": 0i32, "f3": 0, "f4": 0i8, "f5": 0i16, "f6": 0i32, "f7": 0 }
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--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/numeric/floor1/floor1.1.adm
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/numeric/floor1/floor1.1.adm
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-[ { "f0": -20i8, "f1": -23i16, "f2": -29, "f3": -21i64, "f4": 20i8, "f5": 22i16, "f6": 23, "f7": 27i64 }
+[ { "f0": -20i8, "f1": -23i16, "f2": -29i32, "f3": -21, "f4": 20i8, "f5": 22i16, "f6": 23i32, "f7": 27 }
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--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/numeric/multiply_int16/multiply_int16.1.adm
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/numeric/multiply_int16/multiply_int16.1.adm
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-[ { "result1": 2i16, "result2": 4i16, "result3": 6, "result4": -8i64, "result5": -11.0f, "result6": -13.0d, "result7": null }
+[ { "result1": 2i16, "result2": 4i16, "result3": 6i32, "result4": -8, "result5": -11.0f, "result6": -13.0d, "result7": null }
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index 4bcf78b..f89871e 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/numeric/multiply_int32/multiply_int32.1.adm
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/numeric/multiply_int32/multiply_int32.1.adm
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-[ { "result1": 3, "result2": 6, "result3": 9, "result4": -12i64, "result5": -16.5f, "result6": -19.5d, "result7": null }
+[ { "result1": 3i32, "result2": 6i32, "result3": 9i32, "result4": -12, "result5": -16.5f, "result6": -19.5d, "result7": null }
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index 65c4522..bcf557f 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/numeric/multiply_int64/multiply_int64.1.adm
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/numeric/multiply_int64/multiply_int64.1.adm
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-[ { "result1": -4i64, "result2": -8i64, "result3": -12i64, "result4": 16i64, "result5": 22.0f, "result6": 26.0d, "result7": null }
+[ { "result1": -4, "result2": -8, "result3": -12, "result4": 16, "result5": 22.0f, "result6": 26.0d, "result7": null }
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/numeric/multiply_int8/multiply_int8.1.adm b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/numeric/multiply_int8/multiply_int8.1.adm
index d85bd47..4855d43 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/numeric/multiply_int8/multiply_int8.1.adm
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/numeric/multiply_int8/multiply_int8.1.adm
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-[ { "result1": 1i8, "result2": 2i16, "result3": 3, "result4": -4i64, "result5": -5.5f, "result6": -6.5d, "result7": null }
+[ { "result1": 1i8, "result2": 2i16, "result3": 3i32, "result4": -4, "result5": -5.5f, "result6": -6.5d, "result7": null }
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index 2352bed..2202dcf 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/numeric/round-half-to-even0/round-half-to-even0.1.adm
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/numeric/round-half-to-even0/round-half-to-even0.1.adm
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-[ { "f0": 0i8, "f1": 0i16, "f2": 0, "f3": 0i64, "f4": 0i8, "f5": 0i16, "f6": 0, "f7": 0i64 }
+[ { "f0": 0i8, "f1": 0i16, "f2": 0i32, "f3": 0, "f4": 0i8, "f5": 0i16, "f6": 0i32, "f7": 0 }
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index 2a77048..a0fb1bb 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/numeric/round-half-to-even1/round-half-to-even1.1.adm
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/numeric/round-half-to-even1/round-half-to-even1.1.adm
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-[ { "f0": -20i8, "f1": -23i16, "f2": -29, "f3": -21i64, "f4": 20i8, "f5": 22i16, "f6": 23, "f7": 27i64 }
+[ { "f0": -20i8, "f1": -23i16, "f2": -29i32, "f3": -21, "f4": 20i8, "f5": 22i16, "f6": 23i32, "f7": 27 }
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index 2352bed..2202dcf 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/numeric/round-half-to-even20/round-half-to-even20.1.adm
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/numeric/round-half-to-even20/round-half-to-even20.1.adm
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-[ { "f0": 0i8, "f1": 0i16, "f2": 0, "f3": 0i64, "f4": 0i8, "f5": 0i16, "f6": 0, "f7": 0i64 }
+[ { "f0": 0i8, "f1": 0i16, "f2": 0i32, "f3": 0, "f4": 0i8, "f5": 0i16, "f6": 0i32, "f7": 0 }
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index 2a77048..a0fb1bb 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/numeric/round-half-to-even21/round-half-to-even21.1.adm
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/numeric/round-half-to-even21/round-half-to-even21.1.adm
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-[ { "f0": -20i8, "f1": -23i16, "f2": -29, "f3": -21i64, "f4": 20i8, "f5": 22i16, "f6": 23, "f7": 27i64 }
+[ { "f0": -20i8, "f1": -23i16, "f2": -29i32, "f3": -21, "f4": 20i8, "f5": 22i16, "f6": 23i32, "f7": 27 }
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index 2352bed..2202dcf 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/numeric/round0/round0.1.adm
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/numeric/round0/round0.1.adm
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-[ { "f0": 0i8, "f1": 0i16, "f2": 0, "f3": 0i64, "f4": 0i8, "f5": 0i16, "f6": 0, "f7": 0i64 }
+[ { "f0": 0i8, "f1": 0i16, "f2": 0i32, "f3": 0, "f4": 0i8, "f5": 0i16, "f6": 0i32, "f7": 0 }
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index 2a77048..a0fb1bb 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/numeric/round1/round1.1.adm
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/numeric/round1/round1.1.adm
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-[ { "f0": -20i8, "f1": -23i16, "f2": -29, "f3": -21i64, "f4": 20i8, "f5": 22i16, "f6": 23, "f7": 27i64 }
+[ { "f0": -20i8, "f1": -23i16, "f2": -29i32, "f3": -21, "f4": 20i8, "f5": 22i16, "f6": 23i32, "f7": 27 }
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/numeric/subtract_int16/subtract_int16.1.adm b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/numeric/subtract_int16/subtract_int16.1.adm
index dd5c85f..e762a55 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/numeric/subtract_int16/subtract_int16.1.adm
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/numeric/subtract_int16/subtract_int16.1.adm
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-[ { "result1": 1i16, "result2": 0i16, "result3": -1, "result4": 6i64, "result5": 7.5f, "result6": 8.5d, "result7": null }
+[ { "result1": 1i16, "result2": 0i16, "result3": -1i32, "result4": 6, "result5": 7.5f, "result6": 8.5d, "result7": null }
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/numeric/subtract_int32/subtract_int32.1.adm b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/numeric/subtract_int32/subtract_int32.1.adm
index ddaf4c3..b33ec04 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/numeric/subtract_int32/subtract_int32.1.adm
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/numeric/subtract_int32/subtract_int32.1.adm
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-[ { "result1": 2, "result2": 1, "result3": 0, "result4": 7i64, "result5": 8.5f, "result6": 9.5d, "result7": null }
+[ { "result1": 2i32, "result2": 1i32, "result3": 0i32, "result4": 7, "result5": 8.5f, "result6": 9.5d, "result7": null }
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/numeric/subtract_int64/subtract_int64.1.adm b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/numeric/subtract_int64/subtract_int64.1.adm
index fc428b8..f2949be 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/numeric/subtract_int64/subtract_int64.1.adm
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/numeric/subtract_int64/subtract_int64.1.adm
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-[ { "result1": -5i64, "result2": -6i64, "result3": -7i64, "result4": 0i64, "result5": 1.5f, "result6": 2.5d, "result7": null }
+[ { "result1": -5, "result2": -6, "result3": -7, "result4": 0, "result5": 1.5f, "result6": 2.5d, "result7": null }
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/numeric/subtract_int8/subtract_int8.1.adm b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/numeric/subtract_int8/subtract_int8.1.adm
index a0b2e19..8174794 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/numeric/subtract_int8/subtract_int8.1.adm
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/numeric/subtract_int8/subtract_int8.1.adm
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-[ { "result1": 0i8, "result2": -1i16, "result3": -2, "result4": 5i64, "result5": 6.5f, "result6": 7.5d, "result7": null }
+[ { "result1": 0i8, "result2": -1i16, "result3": -2i32, "result4": 5, "result5": 6.5f, "result6": 7.5d, "result7": null }
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/numeric/unary-minus_int_02/unary-minus_int_02.1.adm b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/numeric/unary-minus_int_02/unary-minus_int_02.1.adm
index 3a6086b..bee4639 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/numeric/unary-minus_int_02/unary-minus_int_02.1.adm
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/numeric/unary-minus_int_02/unary-minus_int_02.1.adm
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-[ { "int8": -80i8, "int16": -160i16, "int32": -320, "int64": 640i64 }
+[ { "int8": -80i8, "int16": -160i16, "int32": -320i32, "int64": 640 }
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/open-closed/query-issue208/query-issue208.1.adm b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/open-closed/query-issue208/query-issue208.1.adm
index e0a22d6..44834f6 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/open-closed/query-issue208/query-issue208.1.adm
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/open-closed/query-issue208/query-issue208.1.adm
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
-[ { "count": 1i64, "user": "RollandEckhard#500" }
-, { "count": 2i64, "user": "RollandEckhardstein#211" }
-, { "count": 1i64, "user": "RollandEckhardstein#221" }
-, { "count": 1i64, "user": "RollandEcstein#211" }
-, { "count": 1i64, "user": "Rolldstein#211" }
-, { "count": 1i64, "user": "Rolltein#211" }
+[ { "count": 1, "user": "RollandEckhard#500" }
+, { "count": 2, "user": "RollandEckhardstein#211" }
+, { "count": 1, "user": "RollandEckhardstein#221" }
+, { "count": 1, "user": "RollandEcstein#211" }
+, { "count": 1, "user": "Rolldstein#211" }
+, { "count": 1, "user": "Rolltein#211" }
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/open-closed/query-issue456/query-issue456.1.adm b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/open-closed/query-issue456/query-issue456.1.adm
index 0fe4724..59c9447 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/open-closed/query-issue456/query-issue456.1.adm
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/open-closed/query-issue456/query-issue456.1.adm
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
-[ [ 1, 8i64 ]
-, [ 2, 8i64 ]
+[ [ 1, 8 ]
+, [ 2, 8 ]
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/open-closed/query-proposal/query-proposal.1.adm b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/open-closed/query-proposal/query-proposal.1.adm
index d90028f..16747e9 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/open-closed/query-proposal/query-proposal.1.adm
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/open-closed/query-proposal/query-proposal.1.adm
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-[ { "topic": "at&t", "count": 1i64 }
-, { "topic": "att", "count": 1i64 }
-, { "topic": "commercials", "count": 1i64 }
-, { "topic": "iphone", "count": 1i64 }
-, { "topic": "verizon", "count": 3i64 }
+[ { "topic": "at&t", "count": 1 }
+, { "topic": "att", "count": 1 }
+, { "topic": "commercials", "count": 1 }
+, { "topic": "iphone", "count": 1 }
+, { "topic": "verizon", "count": 3 }
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/open-closed/query-proposal02/query-proposal02.1.adm b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/open-closed/query-proposal02/query-proposal02.1.adm
index d90028f..16747e9 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/open-closed/query-proposal02/query-proposal02.1.adm
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/open-closed/query-proposal02/query-proposal02.1.adm
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-[ { "topic": "at&t", "count": 1i64 }
-, { "topic": "att", "count": 1i64 }
-, { "topic": "commercials", "count": 1i64 }
-, { "topic": "iphone", "count": 1i64 }
-, { "topic": "verizon", "count": 3i64 }
+[ { "topic": "at&t", "count": 1 }
+, { "topic": "att", "count": 1 }
+, { "topic": "commercials", "count": 1 }
+, { "topic": "iphone", "count": 1 }
+, { "topic": "verizon", "count": 3 }
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/scan/numeric_types_01/numeric_types_01.1.adm b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/scan/numeric_types_01/numeric_types_01.1.adm
index 1b9ed32..724e0e5 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/scan/numeric_types_01/numeric_types_01.1.adm
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/scan/numeric_types_01/numeric_types_01.1.adm
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
-[ { "id": 10, "int8Field": 48i8, "int16Field": -16i16, "int32Field": -32, "int64Field": -64i64, "floatField": 64.0f, "doubleField": 64.0d, "int8Field2": 48i8, "int16Field2": 16i16, "int32Field2": 32, "int64Field2": 64i64, "int8Field3": 48i8, "int16Field3": 16i16, "int32Field3": 32, "int64Field3": 64i64, "int8Field4": -48i8, "int16Field4": -16i16, "int32Field4": -32, "int64Field4": -64i64, "floatco2": 0.64f, "doubleco2": 0.64d, "floatco3": 64.1f, "doubleco3": 64.1d, "floatco4": 4.9999999E10f, "doubleco4": 5.0E10d, "floatco5": 4.9999999E10f, "doubleco5": 5.0E10d, "floatco6": 5.0E-10f, "doubleco6": 5.0E-10d }
+[ { "id": 10, "int8Field": 48i8, "int16Field": -16i16, "int32Field": -32i32, "int64Field": -64, "floatField": 64.0f, "doubleField": 64.0d, "int8Field2": 48i8, "int16Field2": 16i16, "int32Field2": 32i32, "int64Field2": 64, "int8Field3": 48i8, "int16Field3": 16i16, "int32Field3": 32i32, "int64Field3": 64, "int8Field4": -48i8, "int16Field4": -16i16, "int32Field4": -32i32, "int64Field4": -64, "floatco2": 0.64f, "doubleco2": 0.64d, "floatco3": 64.1f, "doubleco3": 64.1d, "floatco4": 4.9999999E10f, "doubleco4": 5.0E10d, "floatco5": 4.9999999E10f, "doubleco5": 5.0E10d, "floatco6": 5.0E-10f, "doubleco6": 5.0E-10d }
, { "id": 11, "int8Field": null, "int16Field": null, "int32Field": null, "int64Field": null, "floatField": null, "doubleField": null }
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/semistructured/count-nullable/count-nullable.1.adm b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/semistructured/count-nullable/count-nullable.1.adm
index 7b6b9f3..1b48cdd 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/semistructured/count-nullable/count-nullable.1.adm
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/semistructured/count-nullable/count-nullable.1.adm
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-[ { "custage": null, "count": 2i64 }
-, { "custage": 10, "count": 1i64 }
-, { "custage": 15, "count": 1i64 }
+[ { "custage": null, "count": 2 }
+, { "custage": 10, "count": 1 }
+, { "custage": 15, "count": 1 }
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/similarity/prefix-len-jaccard/prefix-len-jaccard.1.adm b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/similarity/prefix-len-jaccard/prefix-len-jaccard.1.adm
index 5d313ae..cb3904e 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/similarity/prefix-len-jaccard/prefix-len-jaccard.1.adm
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/similarity/prefix-len-jaccard/prefix-len-jaccard.1.adm
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-[ [ 2, 1, 3, 2, 4, 2 ]
+[ [ 2i32, 1i32, 3i32, 2i32, 4i32, 2i32 ]
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/spatial/cell-aggregation-with-filtering/cell-aggregation-with-filtering.1.adm b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/spatial/cell-aggregation-with-filtering/cell-aggregation-with-filtering.1.adm
index 7ebbdf7..c014372 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/spatial/cell-aggregation-with-filtering/cell-aggregation-with-filtering.1.adm
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/spatial/cell-aggregation-with-filtering/cell-aggregation-with-filtering.1.adm
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
-[ { "cell": rectangle("33.5,-101.5 36.5,-98.5"), "count": 1i64 }
-, { "cell": rectangle("33.5,-98.5 36.5,-95.5"), "count": 2i64 }
+[ { "cell": rectangle("33.5,-101.5 36.5,-98.5"), "count": 1 }
+, { "cell": rectangle("33.5,-98.5 36.5,-95.5"), "count": 2 }
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/spatial/cell-aggregation/cell-aggregation.1.adm b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/spatial/cell-aggregation/cell-aggregation.1.adm
index 017550e..46323cb 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/spatial/cell-aggregation/cell-aggregation.1.adm
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/spatial/cell-aggregation/cell-aggregation.1.adm
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-[ { "cell": rectangle("5.0,5.0 10.0,10.0"), "count": 1i64 }
-, { "cell": rectangle("5.0,0.0 10.0,5.0"), "count": 3i64 }
-, { "cell": rectangle("0.0,0.0 5.0,5.0"), "count": 12i64 }
+[ { "cell": rectangle("5.0,5.0 10.0,10.0"), "count": 1 }
+, { "cell": rectangle("5.0,0.0 10.0,5.0"), "count": 3 }
+, { "cell": rectangle("0.0,0.0 5.0,5.0"), "count": 12 }
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/string/constructor/constructor.1.adm b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/string/constructor/constructor.1.adm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c6dadbc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/string/constructor/constructor.1.adm
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+[ "1"
+, "2"
+, "c"
+ ]
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/temporal/interval_bin_gby_0/interval_bin_gby_0.1.adm b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/temporal/interval_bin_gby_0/interval_bin_gby_0.1.adm
index 61aeb1f..61ccfdd 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/temporal/interval_bin_gby_0/interval_bin_gby_0.1.adm
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/temporal/interval_bin_gby_0/interval_bin_gby_0.1.adm
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-[ { "tbin": interval-datetime("-1990-01-01T00:00:00.000Z, -1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z"), "count": 4i64 }
-, { "tbin": interval-datetime("-0990-01-01T00:00:00.000Z, -0970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z"), "count": 1i64 }
-, { "tbin": interval-datetime("1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z, 1990-01-01T00:00:00.000Z"), "count": 5i64 }
-, { "tbin": interval-datetime("2010-01-01T00:00:00.000Z, 2030-01-01T00:00:00.000Z"), "count": 2i64 }
+[ { "tbin": interval-datetime("-1990-01-01T00:00:00.000Z, -1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z"), "count": 4 }
+, { "tbin": interval-datetime("-0990-01-01T00:00:00.000Z, -0970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z"), "count": 1 }
+, { "tbin": interval-datetime("1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z, 1990-01-01T00:00:00.000Z"), "count": 5 }
+, { "tbin": interval-datetime("2010-01-01T00:00:00.000Z, 2030-01-01T00:00:00.000Z"), "count": 2 }
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/temporal/interval_bin_gby_1/interval_bin_gby_1.1.adm b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/temporal/interval_bin_gby_1/interval_bin_gby_1.1.adm
index c55fcd0..6f0cf58 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/temporal/interval_bin_gby_1/interval_bin_gby_1.1.adm
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/temporal/interval_bin_gby_1/interval_bin_gby_1.1.adm
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
-[ { "tbin": interval-time("00:20:00.000Z, 00:30:00.000Z"), "count": 1i64 }
-, { "tbin": interval-time("09:30:00.000Z, 09:40:00.000Z"), "count": 1i64 }
-, { "tbin": interval-time("17:20:00.000Z, 17:30:00.000Z"), "count": 1i64 }
-, { "tbin": interval-time("18:00:00.000Z, 18:10:00.000Z"), "count": 1i64 }
-, { "tbin": interval-time("23:20:00.000Z, 23:30:00.000Z"), "count": 1i64 }
-, { "tbin": interval-time("23:30:00.000Z, 23:40:00.000Z"), "count": 1i64 }
-, { "tbin": interval-time("23:40:00.000Z, 23:50:00.000Z"), "count": 5i64 }
-, { "tbin": interval-time("23:50:00.000Z, 00:00:00.000Z"), "count": 1i64 }
+[ { "tbin": interval-time("00:20:00.000Z, 00:30:00.000Z"), "count": 1 }
+, { "tbin": interval-time("09:30:00.000Z, 09:40:00.000Z"), "count": 1 }
+, { "tbin": interval-time("17:20:00.000Z, 17:30:00.000Z"), "count": 1 }
+, { "tbin": interval-time("18:00:00.000Z, 18:10:00.000Z"), "count": 1 }
+, { "tbin": interval-time("23:20:00.000Z, 23:30:00.000Z"), "count": 1 }
+, { "tbin": interval-time("23:30:00.000Z, 23:40:00.000Z"), "count": 1 }
+, { "tbin": interval-time("23:40:00.000Z, 23:50:00.000Z"), "count": 5 }
+, { "tbin": interval-time("23:50:00.000Z, 00:00:00.000Z"), "count": 1 }
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/tinysocial/tinysocial-suite/tinysocial-suite.14.adm b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/tinysocial/tinysocial-suite/tinysocial-suite.14.adm
index 5e13e97..3dec557 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/tinysocial/tinysocial-suite/tinysocial-suite.14.adm
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/tinysocial/tinysocial-suite/tinysocial-suite.14.adm
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-[ 10i64
+[ 10
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/tinysocial/tinysocial-suite/tinysocial-suite.15.adm b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/tinysocial/tinysocial-suite/tinysocial-suite.15.adm
index d46a896..7968fe9 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/tinysocial/tinysocial-suite/tinysocial-suite.15.adm
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/tinysocial/tinysocial-suite/tinysocial-suite.15.adm
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-[ { "user": "ChangEwing_573", "count": 1i64 }
-, { "user": "ColineGeyer@63", "count": 3i64 }
-, { "user": "NathanGiesen@211", "count": 6i64 }
-, { "user": "NilaMilliron_tw", "count": 1i64 }
-, { "user": "OliJackson_512", "count": 1i64 }
+[ { "user": "ChangEwing_573", "count": 1 }
+, { "user": "ColineGeyer@63", "count": 3 }
+, { "user": "NathanGiesen@211", "count": 6 }
+, { "user": "NilaMilliron_tw", "count": 1 }
+, { "user": "OliJackson_512", "count": 1 }
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/tinysocial/tinysocial-suite/tinysocial-suite.16.adm b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/tinysocial/tinysocial-suite/tinysocial-suite.16.adm
index d46a896..7968fe9 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/tinysocial/tinysocial-suite/tinysocial-suite.16.adm
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/tinysocial/tinysocial-suite/tinysocial-suite.16.adm
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-[ { "user": "ChangEwing_573", "count": 1i64 }
-, { "user": "ColineGeyer@63", "count": 3i64 }
-, { "user": "NathanGiesen@211", "count": 6i64 }
-, { "user": "NilaMilliron_tw", "count": 1i64 }
-, { "user": "OliJackson_512", "count": 1i64 }
+[ { "user": "ChangEwing_573", "count": 1 }
+, { "user": "ColineGeyer@63", "count": 3 }
+, { "user": "NathanGiesen@211", "count": 6 }
+, { "user": "NilaMilliron_tw", "count": 1 }
+, { "user": "OliJackson_512", "count": 1 }
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/tinysocial/tinysocial-suite/tinysocial-suite.17.adm b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/tinysocial/tinysocial-suite/tinysocial-suite.17.adm
index 01e4983..5db7e14 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/tinysocial/tinysocial-suite/tinysocial-suite.17.adm
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/tinysocial/tinysocial-suite/tinysocial-suite.17.adm
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-[ { "user": "OliJackson_512", "count": 1i64 }
-, { "user": "NilaMilliron_tw", "count": 1i64 }
-, { "user": "ChangEwing_573", "count": 1i64 }
+[ { "user": "OliJackson_512", "count": 1 }
+, { "user": "NilaMilliron_tw", "count": 1 }
+, { "user": "ChangEwing_573", "count": 1 }
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/tinysocial/tinysocial-suite/tinysocial-suite.22.adm b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/tinysocial/tinysocial-suite/tinysocial-suite.22.adm
index 96ec850..80d09a4 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/tinysocial/tinysocial-suite/tinysocial-suite.22.adm
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/tinysocial/tinysocial-suite/tinysocial-suite.22.adm
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-[ 0i64
+[ 0
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/tokenizers/counthashed-gram-tokens_01/counthashed-gram-tokens_01.1.adm b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/tokenizers/counthashed-gram-tokens_01/counthashed-gram-tokens_01.1.adm
index 3f36160..a41e768 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/tokenizers/counthashed-gram-tokens_01/counthashed-gram-tokens_01.1.adm
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/tokenizers/counthashed-gram-tokens_01/counthashed-gram-tokens_01.1.adm
@@ -1,22 +1,22 @@
-[ -1895661610
-, 2022078353
-, -1944142198
-, -898179210
-, -1712392941
-, 1702404885
-, -1281248611
-, 1450533749
-, 1413087969
-, -531484724
-, -898179209
-, 1055048688
-, 761248729
-, 1187999872
-, -1432187294
-, 879525917
-, -34183865
-, 89896238
-, 674313314
-, 1037568428
-, 1367408986
+[ -1895661610i32
+, 2022078353i32
+, -1944142198i32
+, -898179210i32
+, -1712392941i32
+, 1702404885i32
+, -1281248611i32
+, 1450533749i32
+, 1413087969i32
+, -531484724i32
+, -898179209i32
+, 1055048688i32
+, 761248729i32
+, 1187999872i32
+, -1432187294i32
+, 879525917i32
+, -34183865i32
+, 89896238i32
+, 674313314i32
+, 1037568428i32
+, 1367408986i32
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/tokenizers/counthashed-gram-tokens_02/counthashed-gram-tokens_02.1.adm b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/tokenizers/counthashed-gram-tokens_02/counthashed-gram-tokens_02.1.adm
index 1c5aa6f..99fbaef 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/tokenizers/counthashed-gram-tokens_02/counthashed-gram-tokens_02.1.adm
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/tokenizers/counthashed-gram-tokens_02/counthashed-gram-tokens_02.1.adm
@@ -1,26 +1,26 @@
-[ -1565053580
-, 606856189
-, -1895661610
-, 2022078353
-, -1944142198
-, -898179210
-, -1712392941
-, 1702404885
-, -1281248611
-, 1450533749
-, 1413087969
-, -531484724
-, -898179209
-, 1055048688
-, 761248729
-, 1187999872
-, -1432187294
-, 879525917
-, -34183865
-, 89896238
-, 674313314
-, 1037568428
-, 1367408986
-, 1058447951
-, -1066889308
+[ -1565053580i32
+, 606856189i32
+, -1895661610i32
+, 2022078353i32
+, -1944142198i32
+, -898179210i32
+, -1712392941i32
+, 1702404885i32
+, -1281248611i32
+, 1450533749i32
+, 1413087969i32
+, -531484724i32
+, -898179209i32
+, 1055048688i32
+, 761248729i32
+, 1187999872i32
+, -1432187294i32
+, 879525917i32
+, -34183865i32
+, 89896238i32
+, 674313314i32
+, 1037568428i32
+, 1367408986i32
+, 1058447951i32
+, -1066889308i32
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/tokenizers/counthashed-word-tokens_01/counthashed-word-tokens_01.1.adm b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/tokenizers/counthashed-word-tokens_01/counthashed-word-tokens_01.1.adm
index 552ef35..afdbeca 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/tokenizers/counthashed-word-tokens_01/counthashed-word-tokens_01.1.adm
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/tokenizers/counthashed-word-tokens_01/counthashed-word-tokens_01.1.adm
@@ -1,19 +1,19 @@
-[ 868875244
-, -407964676
-, 442128209
-, -1772403051
-, 597155235
-, 346507643
-, 77426041
-, -198276237
-, 1184281537
-, 1841942721
-, -1989515082
-, 1184281538
-, 1470103152
-, 1787809249
-, -477612705
-, 1470103153
-, 1787809250
-, -215395238
+[ 868875244i32
+, -407964676i32
+, 442128209i32
+, -1772403051i32
+, 597155235i32
+, 346507643i32
+, 77426041i32
+, -198276237i32
+, 1184281537i32
+, 1841942721i32
+, -1989515082i32
+, 1184281538i32
+, 1470103152i32
+, 1787809249i32
+, -477612705i32
+, 1470103153i32
+, 1787809250i32
+, -215395238i32
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/tokenizers/hashed-gram-tokens_01/hashed-gram-tokens_01.1.adm b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/tokenizers/hashed-gram-tokens_01/hashed-gram-tokens_01.1.adm
index 21ac05c..6491db1 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/tokenizers/hashed-gram-tokens_01/hashed-gram-tokens_01.1.adm
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/tokenizers/hashed-gram-tokens_01/hashed-gram-tokens_01.1.adm
@@ -1,22 +1,22 @@
-[ -1895661610
-, 2022078353
-, -1944142198
-, -898179210
-, -1712392941
-, 1702404885
-, -1281248611
-, 1450533749
-, 1413087969
-, -531484724
-, -898179210
-, 1055048688
-, 761248729
-, 1187999872
-, -1432187294
-, 879525917
-, -34183865
-, 89896238
-, 674313314
-, 1037568428
-, 1367408986
+[ -1895661610i32
+, 2022078353i32
+, -1944142198i32
+, -898179210i32
+, -1712392941i32
+, 1702404885i32
+, -1281248611i32
+, 1450533749i32
+, 1413087969i32
+, -531484724i32
+, -898179210i32
+, 1055048688i32
+, 761248729i32
+, 1187999872i32
+, -1432187294i32
+, 879525917i32
+, -34183865i32
+, 89896238i32
+, 674313314i32
+, 1037568428i32
+, 1367408986i32
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/tokenizers/hashed-gram-tokens_02/hashed-gram-tokens_02.1.adm b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/tokenizers/hashed-gram-tokens_02/hashed-gram-tokens_02.1.adm
index f466fb6..45db4f9 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/tokenizers/hashed-gram-tokens_02/hashed-gram-tokens_02.1.adm
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/tokenizers/hashed-gram-tokens_02/hashed-gram-tokens_02.1.adm
@@ -1,26 +1,26 @@
-[ -1565053580
-, 606856189
-, -1895661610
-, 2022078353
-, -1944142198
-, -898179210
-, -1712392941
-, 1702404885
-, -1281248611
-, 1450533749
-, 1413087969
-, -531484724
-, -898179210
-, 1055048688
-, 761248729
-, 1187999872
-, -1432187294
-, 879525917
-, -34183865
-, 89896238
-, 674313314
-, 1037568428
-, 1367408986
-, 1058447951
-, -1066889308
+[ -1565053580i32
+, 606856189i32
+, -1895661610i32
+, 2022078353i32
+, -1944142198i32
+, -898179210i32
+, -1712392941i32
+, 1702404885i32
+, -1281248611i32
+, 1450533749i32
+, 1413087969i32
+, -531484724i32
+, -898179210i32
+, 1055048688i32
+, 761248729i32
+, 1187999872i32
+, -1432187294i32
+, 879525917i32
+, -34183865i32
+, 89896238i32
+, 674313314i32
+, 1037568428i32
+, 1367408986i32
+, 1058447951i32
+, -1066889308i32
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/tokenizers/hashed-word-tokens_01/hashed-word-tokens_01.1.adm b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/tokenizers/hashed-word-tokens_01/hashed-word-tokens_01.1.adm
index cffda3b..11f1746 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/tokenizers/hashed-word-tokens_01/hashed-word-tokens_01.1.adm
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/tokenizers/hashed-word-tokens_01/hashed-word-tokens_01.1.adm
@@ -1,19 +1,19 @@
-[ 868875244
-, -407964676
-, 442128209
-, -1772403051
-, 597155235
-, 346507643
-, 77426041
-, -198276237
-, 1184281537
-, 1841942721
-, -1989515082
-, 1184281537
-, 1470103152
-, 1787809249
-, -477612705
-, 1470103152
-, 1787809249
-, -215395238
+[ 868875244i32
+, -407964676i32
+, 442128209i32
+, -1772403051i32
+, 597155235i32
+, 346507643i32
+, 77426041i32
+, -198276237i32
+, 1184281537i32
+, 1841942721i32
+, -1989515082i32
+, 1184281537i32
+, 1470103152i32
+, 1787809249i32
+, -477612705i32
+, 1470103152i32
+, 1787809249i32
+, -215395238i32
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/tpch-sql-like/q01_pricing_summary_report_nt/q01_pricing_summary_report_nt.1.adm b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/tpch-sql-like/q01_pricing_summary_report_nt/q01_pricing_summary_report_nt.1.adm
index 9a9ee67..774e16e 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/tpch-sql-like/q01_pricing_summary_report_nt/q01_pricing_summary_report_nt.1.adm
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/tpch-sql-like/q01_pricing_summary_report_nt/q01_pricing_summary_report_nt.1.adm
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-[ { "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "sum_qty": 37474.0d, "sum_base_price": 3.7569624640000015E7d, "sum_disc_price": 3.567619209699997E7d, "sum_charge": 3.7101416222424E7d, "ave_qty": 25.354533152909337d, "ave_price": 25419.231826792973d, "ave_disc": 0.05086603518267936d, "count_order": 1478i64 }
-, { "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "F", "sum_qty": 1041.0d, "sum_base_price": 1041301.0700000001d, "sum_disc_price": 999060.898d, "sum_charge": 1036450.8022800002d, "ave_qty": 27.394736842105264d, "ave_price": 27402.659736842106d, "ave_disc": 0.04289473684210526d, "count_order": 38i64 }
-, { "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "sum_qty": 75168.0d, "sum_base_price": 7.538495537000003E7d, "sum_disc_price": 7.165316630340004E7d, "sum_charge": 7.449879813307303E7d, "ave_qty": 25.558653519211152d, "ave_price": 25632.422771166282d, "ave_disc": 0.04969738184291074d, "count_order": 2941i64 }
-, { "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "sum_qty": 36511.0d, "sum_base_price": 3.657084124000002E7d, "sum_disc_price": 3.473847287579997E7d, "sum_charge": 3.616906011219299E7d, "ave_qty": 25.059025394646532d, "ave_price": 25100.09693891559d, "ave_disc": 0.05002745367192867d, "count_order": 1457i64 }
+[ { "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "sum_qty": 37474.0d, "sum_base_price": 3.7569624640000015E7d, "sum_disc_price": 3.567619209699997E7d, "sum_charge": 3.7101416222424E7d, "ave_qty": 25.354533152909337d, "ave_price": 25419.231826792973d, "ave_disc": 0.05086603518267936d, "count_order": 1478 }
+, { "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "F", "sum_qty": 1041.0d, "sum_base_price": 1041301.0700000001d, "sum_disc_price": 999060.898d, "sum_charge": 1036450.8022800002d, "ave_qty": 27.394736842105264d, "ave_price": 27402.659736842106d, "ave_disc": 0.04289473684210526d, "count_order": 38 }
+, { "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "sum_qty": 75168.0d, "sum_base_price": 7.538495537000003E7d, "sum_disc_price": 7.165316630340004E7d, "sum_charge": 7.449879813307303E7d, "ave_qty": 25.558653519211152d, "ave_price": 25632.422771166282d, "ave_disc": 0.04969738184291074d, "count_order": 2941 }
+, { "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "sum_qty": 36511.0d, "sum_base_price": 3.657084124000002E7d, "sum_disc_price": 3.473847287579997E7d, "sum_charge": 3.616906011219299E7d, "ave_qty": 25.059025394646532d, "ave_price": 25100.09693891559d, "ave_disc": 0.05002745367192867d, "count_order": 1457 }
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/tpch-sql-like/q04_order_priority/q04_order_priority.1.adm b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/tpch-sql-like/q04_order_priority/q04_order_priority.1.adm
index eb1df68..3a6a6a2 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/tpch-sql-like/q04_order_priority/q04_order_priority.1.adm
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/tpch-sql-like/q04_order_priority/q04_order_priority.1.adm
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-[ { "order_priority": "1-URGENT", "count": 9i64 }
-, { "order_priority": "2-HIGH", "count": 7i64 }
-, { "order_priority": "3-MEDIUM", "count": 9i64 }
-, { "order_priority": "4-NOT SPECIFIED", "count": 8i64 }
-, { "order_priority": "5-LOW", "count": 12i64 }
+[ { "order_priority": "1-URGENT", "count": 9 }
+, { "order_priority": "2-HIGH", "count": 7 }
+, { "order_priority": "3-MEDIUM", "count": 9 }
+, { "order_priority": "4-NOT SPECIFIED", "count": 8 }
+, { "order_priority": "5-LOW", "count": 12 }
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/tpch-sql-like/q10_returned_item/q10_returned_ite.1.adm b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/tpch-sql-like/q10_returned_item/q10_returned_ite.1.adm
index 01f2321..4dff4fc 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/tpch-sql-like/q10_returned_item/q10_returned_ite.1.adm
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/tpch-sql-like/q10_returned_item/q10_returned_ite.1.adm
@@ -1,21 +1,21 @@
-[ { "c_custkey": 121, "c_name": "Customer#000000121", "revenue": 282635.1719d, "c_acctbal": 6428.32d, "n_name": "PERU", "c_address": "tv nCR2YKupGN73mQudO", "c_phone": "27-411-990-2959", "c_comment": "uriously stealthy ideas. carefully final courts use carefully" }
-, { "c_custkey": 124, "c_name": "Customer#000000124", "revenue": 222182.5188d, "c_acctbal": 1842.49d, "n_name": "CHINA", "c_address": "aTbyVAW5tCd,v09O", "c_phone": "28-183-750-7809", "c_comment": "le fluffily even dependencies. quietly s" }
-, { "c_custkey": 106, "c_name": "Customer#000000106", "revenue": 190241.3334d, "c_acctbal": 3288.42d, "n_name": "ARGENTINA", "c_address": "xGCOEAUjUNG", "c_phone": "11-751-989-4627", "c_comment": "lose slyly. ironic accounts along the evenly regular theodolites wake about the special, final gifts. " }
-, { "c_custkey": 16, "c_name": "Customer#000000016", "revenue": 161422.04609999998d, "c_acctbal": 4681.03d, "n_name": "IRAN", "c_address": "cYiaeMLZSMAOQ2 d0W,", "c_phone": "20-781-609-3107", "c_comment": "kly silent courts. thinly regular theodolites sleep fluffily after " }
-, { "c_custkey": 44, "c_name": "Customer#000000044", "revenue": 149364.5652d, "c_acctbal": 7315.94d, "n_name": "MOZAMBIQUE", "c_address": "Oi,dOSPwDu4jo4x,,P85E0dmhZGvNtBwi", "c_phone": "26-190-260-5375", "c_comment": "r requests around the unusual, bold a" }
-, { "c_custkey": 71, "c_name": "Customer#000000071", "revenue": 129481.02450000001d, "c_acctbal": -611.19d, "n_name": "GERMANY", "c_address": "TlGalgdXWBmMV,6agLyWYDyIz9MKzcY8gl,w6t1B", "c_phone": "17-710-812-5403", "c_comment": "g courts across the regular, final pinto beans are blithely pending ac" }
-, { "c_custkey": 89, "c_name": "Customer#000000089", "revenue": 121663.1243d, "c_acctbal": 1530.76d, "n_name": "KENYA", "c_address": "dtR, y9JQWUO6FoJExyp8whOU", "c_phone": "24-394-451-5404", "c_comment": "counts are slyly beyond the slyly final accounts. quickly final ideas wake. r" }
-, { "c_custkey": 112, "c_name": "Customer#000000112", "revenue": 111137.7141d, "c_acctbal": 2953.35d, "n_name": "ROMANIA", "c_address": "RcfgG3bO7QeCnfjqJT1", "c_phone": "29-233-262-8382", "c_comment": "rmanently unusual multipliers. blithely ruthless deposits are furiously along the" }
-, { "c_custkey": 62, "c_name": "Customer#000000062", "revenue": 106368.0153d, "c_acctbal": 595.61d, "n_name": "GERMANY", "c_address": "upJK2Dnw13,", "c_phone": "17-361-978-7059", "c_comment": "kly special dolphins. pinto beans are slyly. quickly regular accounts are furiously a" }
-, { "c_custkey": 146, "c_name": "Customer#000000146", "revenue": 103265.98879999999d, "c_acctbal": 3328.68d, "n_name": "CANADA", "c_address": "GdxkdXG9u7iyI1,,y5tq4ZyrcEy", "c_phone": "13-835-723-3223", "c_comment": "ffily regular dinos are slyly unusual requests. slyly specia" }
-, { "c_custkey": 19, "c_name": "Customer#000000019", "revenue": 99306.0127d, "c_acctbal": 8914.71d, "n_name": "CHINA", "c_address": "uc,3bHIx84H,wdrmLOjVsiqXCq2tr", "c_phone": "28-396-526-5053", "c_comment": " nag. furiously careful packages are slyly at the accounts. furiously regular in" }
-, { "c_custkey": 145, "c_name": "Customer#000000145", "revenue": 99256.9018d, "c_acctbal": 9748.93d, "n_name": "JORDAN", "c_address": "kQjHmt2kcec cy3hfMh969u", "c_phone": "23-562-444-8454", "c_comment": "ests? express, express instructions use. blithely fina" }
-, { "c_custkey": 103, "c_name": "Customer#000000103", "revenue": 97311.77240000002d, "c_acctbal": 2757.45d, "n_name": "INDONESIA", "c_address": "8KIsQX4LJ7QMsj6DrtFtXu0nUEdV,8a", "c_phone": "19-216-107-2107", "c_comment": "furiously pending notornis boost slyly around the blithely ironic ideas? final, even instructions cajole fl" }
-, { "c_custkey": 136, "c_name": "Customer#000000136", "revenue": 95855.39799999999d, "c_acctbal": -842.39d, "n_name": "GERMANY", "c_address": "QoLsJ0v5C1IQbh,DS1", "c_phone": "17-501-210-4726", "c_comment": "ackages sleep ironic, final courts. even requests above the blithely bold requests g" }
-, { "c_custkey": 53, "c_name": "Customer#000000053", "revenue": 92568.9124d, "c_acctbal": 4113.64d, "n_name": "MOROCCO", "c_address": "HnaxHzTfFTZs8MuCpJyTbZ47Cm4wFOOgib", "c_phone": "25-168-852-5363", "c_comment": "ar accounts are. even foxes are blithely. fluffily pending deposits boost" }
-, { "c_custkey": 49, "c_name": "Customer#000000049", "revenue": 90965.7262d, "c_acctbal": 4573.94d, "n_name": "IRAN", "c_address": "cNgAeX7Fqrdf7HQN9EwjUa4nxT,68L FKAxzl", "c_phone": "20-908-631-4424", "c_comment": "nusual foxes! fluffily pending packages maintain to the regular " }
-, { "c_custkey": 37, "c_name": "Customer#000000037", "revenue": 88065.74579999999d, "c_acctbal": -917.75d, "n_name": "INDIA", "c_address": "7EV4Pwh,3SboctTWt", "c_phone": "18-385-235-7162", "c_comment": "ilent packages are carefully among the deposits. furiousl" }
-, { "c_custkey": 82, "c_name": "Customer#000000082", "revenue": 86998.9644d, "c_acctbal": 9468.34d, "n_name": "CHINA", "c_address": "zhG3EZbap4c992Gj3bK,3Ne,Xn", "c_phone": "28-159-442-5305", "c_comment": "s wake. bravely regular accounts are furiously. regula" }
-, { "c_custkey": 125, "c_name": "Customer#000000125", "revenue": 84808.068d, "c_acctbal": -234.12d, "n_name": "ROMANIA", "c_address": ",wSZXdVR xxIIfm9s8ITyLl3kgjT6UC07GY0Y", "c_phone": "29-261-996-3120", "c_comment": "x-ray finally after the packages? regular requests c" }
-, { "c_custkey": 59, "c_name": "Customer#000000059", "revenue": 84655.5711d, "c_acctbal": 3458.6d, "n_name": "ARGENTINA", "c_address": "zLOCP0wh92OtBihgspOGl4", "c_phone": "11-355-584-3112", "c_comment": "ously final packages haggle blithely after the express deposits. furiou" }
+[ { "c_custkey": 121i32, "c_name": "Customer#000000121", "revenue": 282635.1719d, "c_acctbal": 6428.32d, "n_name": "PERU", "c_address": "tv nCR2YKupGN73mQudO", "c_phone": "27-411-990-2959", "c_comment": "uriously stealthy ideas. carefully final courts use carefully" }
+, { "c_custkey": 124i32, "c_name": "Customer#000000124", "revenue": 222182.51880000002d, "c_acctbal": 1842.49d, "n_name": "CHINA", "c_address": "aTbyVAW5tCd,v09O", "c_phone": "28-183-750-7809", "c_comment": "le fluffily even dependencies. quietly s" }
+, { "c_custkey": 106i32, "c_name": "Customer#000000106", "revenue": 190241.3334d, "c_acctbal": 3288.42d, "n_name": "ARGENTINA", "c_address": "xGCOEAUjUNG", "c_phone": "11-751-989-4627", "c_comment": "lose slyly. ironic accounts along the evenly regular theodolites wake about the special, final gifts. " }
+, { "c_custkey": 16i32, "c_name": "Customer#000000016", "revenue": 161422.04609999998d, "c_acctbal": 4681.03d, "n_name": "IRAN", "c_address": "cYiaeMLZSMAOQ2 d0W,", "c_phone": "20-781-609-3107", "c_comment": "kly silent courts. thinly regular theodolites sleep fluffily after " }
+, { "c_custkey": 44i32, "c_name": "Customer#000000044", "revenue": 149364.5652d, "c_acctbal": 7315.94d, "n_name": "MOZAMBIQUE", "c_address": "Oi,dOSPwDu4jo4x,,P85E0dmhZGvNtBwi", "c_phone": "26-190-260-5375", "c_comment": "r requests around the unusual, bold a" }
+, { "c_custkey": 71i32, "c_name": "Customer#000000071", "revenue": 129481.0245d, "c_acctbal": -611.19d, "n_name": "GERMANY", "c_address": "TlGalgdXWBmMV,6agLyWYDyIz9MKzcY8gl,w6t1B", "c_phone": "17-710-812-5403", "c_comment": "g courts across the regular, final pinto beans are blithely pending ac" }
+, { "c_custkey": 89i32, "c_name": "Customer#000000089", "revenue": 121663.1243d, "c_acctbal": 1530.76d, "n_name": "KENYA", "c_address": "dtR, y9JQWUO6FoJExyp8whOU", "c_phone": "24-394-451-5404", "c_comment": "counts are slyly beyond the slyly final accounts. quickly final ideas wake. r" }
+, { "c_custkey": 112i32, "c_name": "Customer#000000112", "revenue": 111137.71409999998d, "c_acctbal": 2953.35d, "n_name": "ROMANIA", "c_address": "RcfgG3bO7QeCnfjqJT1", "c_phone": "29-233-262-8382", "c_comment": "rmanently unusual multipliers. blithely ruthless deposits are furiously along the" }
+, { "c_custkey": 62i32, "c_name": "Customer#000000062", "revenue": 106368.0153d, "c_acctbal": 595.61d, "n_name": "GERMANY", "c_address": "upJK2Dnw13,", "c_phone": "17-361-978-7059", "c_comment": "kly special dolphins. pinto beans are slyly. quickly regular accounts are furiously a" }
+, { "c_custkey": 146i32, "c_name": "Customer#000000146", "revenue": 103265.98879999999d, "c_acctbal": 3328.68d, "n_name": "CANADA", "c_address": "GdxkdXG9u7iyI1,,y5tq4ZyrcEy", "c_phone": "13-835-723-3223", "c_comment": "ffily regular dinos are slyly unusual requests. slyly specia" }
+, { "c_custkey": 19i32, "c_name": "Customer#000000019", "revenue": 99306.0127d, "c_acctbal": 8914.71d, "n_name": "CHINA", "c_address": "uc,3bHIx84H,wdrmLOjVsiqXCq2tr", "c_phone": "28-396-526-5053", "c_comment": " nag. furiously careful packages are slyly at the accounts. furiously regular in" }
+, { "c_custkey": 145i32, "c_name": "Customer#000000145", "revenue": 99256.90179999999d, "c_acctbal": 9748.93d, "n_name": "JORDAN", "c_address": "kQjHmt2kcec cy3hfMh969u", "c_phone": "23-562-444-8454", "c_comment": "ests? express, express instructions use. blithely fina" }
+, { "c_custkey": 103i32, "c_name": "Customer#000000103", "revenue": 97311.77240000002d, "c_acctbal": 2757.45d, "n_name": "INDONESIA", "c_address": "8KIsQX4LJ7QMsj6DrtFtXu0nUEdV,8a", "c_phone": "19-216-107-2107", "c_comment": "furiously pending notornis boost slyly around the blithely ironic ideas? final, even instructions cajole fl" }
+, { "c_custkey": 136i32, "c_name": "Customer#000000136", "revenue": 95855.39799999999d, "c_acctbal": -842.39d, "n_name": "GERMANY", "c_address": "QoLsJ0v5C1IQbh,DS1", "c_phone": "17-501-210-4726", "c_comment": "ackages sleep ironic, final courts. even requests above the blithely bold requests g" }
+, { "c_custkey": 53i32, "c_name": "Customer#000000053", "revenue": 92568.9124d, "c_acctbal": 4113.64d, "n_name": "MOROCCO", "c_address": "HnaxHzTfFTZs8MuCpJyTbZ47Cm4wFOOgib", "c_phone": "25-168-852-5363", "c_comment": "ar accounts are. even foxes are blithely. fluffily pending deposits boost" }
+, { "c_custkey": 49i32, "c_name": "Customer#000000049", "revenue": 90965.72619999999d, "c_acctbal": 4573.94d, "n_name": "IRAN", "c_address": "cNgAeX7Fqrdf7HQN9EwjUa4nxT,68L FKAxzl", "c_phone": "20-908-631-4424", "c_comment": "nusual foxes! fluffily pending packages maintain to the regular " }
+, { "c_custkey": 37i32, "c_name": "Customer#000000037", "revenue": 88065.74579999999d, "c_acctbal": -917.75d, "n_name": "INDIA", "c_address": "7EV4Pwh,3SboctTWt", "c_phone": "18-385-235-7162", "c_comment": "ilent packages are carefully among the deposits. furiousl" }
+, { "c_custkey": 82i32, "c_name": "Customer#000000082", "revenue": 86998.9644d, "c_acctbal": 9468.34d, "n_name": "CHINA", "c_address": "zhG3EZbap4c992Gj3bK,3Ne,Xn", "c_phone": "28-159-442-5305", "c_comment": "s wake. bravely regular accounts are furiously. regula" }
+, { "c_custkey": 125i32, "c_name": "Customer#000000125", "revenue": 84808.068d, "c_acctbal": -234.12d, "n_name": "ROMANIA", "c_address": ",wSZXdVR xxIIfm9s8ITyLl3kgjT6UC07GY0Y", "c_phone": "29-261-996-3120", "c_comment": "x-ray finally after the packages? regular requests c" }
+, { "c_custkey": 59i32, "c_name": "Customer#000000059", "revenue": 84655.5711d, "c_acctbal": 3458.6d, "n_name": "ARGENTINA", "c_address": "zLOCP0wh92OtBihgspOGl4", "c_phone": "11-355-584-3112", "c_comment": "ously final packages haggle blithely after the express deposits. furiou" }
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/tpch-sql-like/q10_returned_item_int64/q10_returned_item_int64.1.adm b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/tpch-sql-like/q10_returned_item_int64/q10_returned_item_int64.1.adm
index 5fafae7..01f2321 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/tpch-sql-like/q10_returned_item_int64/q10_returned_item_int64.1.adm
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/tpch-sql-like/q10_returned_item_int64/q10_returned_item_int64.1.adm
@@ -1,21 +1,21 @@
-[ { "c_custkey": 121i64, "c_name": "Customer#000000121", "revenue": 282635.1719d, "c_acctbal": 6428.32d, "n_name": "PERU", "c_address": "tv nCR2YKupGN73mQudO", "c_phone": "27-411-990-2959", "c_comment": "uriously stealthy ideas. carefully final courts use carefully" }
-, { "c_custkey": 124i64, "c_name": "Customer#000000124", "revenue": 222182.5188d, "c_acctbal": 1842.49d, "n_name": "CHINA", "c_address": "aTbyVAW5tCd,v09O", "c_phone": "28-183-750-7809", "c_comment": "le fluffily even dependencies. quietly s" }
-, { "c_custkey": 106i64, "c_name": "Customer#000000106", "revenue": 190241.3334d, "c_acctbal": 3288.42d, "n_name": "ARGENTINA", "c_address": "xGCOEAUjUNG", "c_phone": "11-751-989-4627", "c_comment": "lose slyly. ironic accounts along the evenly regular theodolites wake about the special, final gifts. " }
-, { "c_custkey": 16i64, "c_name": "Customer#000000016", "revenue": 161422.04609999998d, "c_acctbal": 4681.03d, "n_name": "IRAN", "c_address": "cYiaeMLZSMAOQ2 d0W,", "c_phone": "20-781-609-3107", "c_comment": "kly silent courts. thinly regular theodolites sleep fluffily after " }
-, { "c_custkey": 44i64, "c_name": "Customer#000000044", "revenue": 149364.5652d, "c_acctbal": 7315.94d, "n_name": "MOZAMBIQUE", "c_address": "Oi,dOSPwDu4jo4x,,P85E0dmhZGvNtBwi", "c_phone": "26-190-260-5375", "c_comment": "r requests around the unusual, bold a" }
-, { "c_custkey": 71i64, "c_name": "Customer#000000071", "revenue": 129481.02450000001d, "c_acctbal": -611.19d, "n_name": "GERMANY", "c_address": "TlGalgdXWBmMV,6agLyWYDyIz9MKzcY8gl,w6t1B", "c_phone": "17-710-812-5403", "c_comment": "g courts across the regular, final pinto beans are blithely pending ac" }
-, { "c_custkey": 89i64, "c_name": "Customer#000000089", "revenue": 121663.1243d, "c_acctbal": 1530.76d, "n_name": "KENYA", "c_address": "dtR, y9JQWUO6FoJExyp8whOU", "c_phone": "24-394-451-5404", "c_comment": "counts are slyly beyond the slyly final accounts. quickly final ideas wake. r" }
-, { "c_custkey": 112i64, "c_name": "Customer#000000112", "revenue": 111137.7141d, "c_acctbal": 2953.35d, "n_name": "ROMANIA", "c_address": "RcfgG3bO7QeCnfjqJT1", "c_phone": "29-233-262-8382", "c_comment": "rmanently unusual multipliers. blithely ruthless deposits are furiously along the" }
-, { "c_custkey": 62i64, "c_name": "Customer#000000062", "revenue": 106368.0153d, "c_acctbal": 595.61d, "n_name": "GERMANY", "c_address": "upJK2Dnw13,", "c_phone": "17-361-978-7059", "c_comment": "kly special dolphins. pinto beans are slyly. quickly regular accounts are furiously a" }
-, { "c_custkey": 146i64, "c_name": "Customer#000000146", "revenue": 103265.98879999999d, "c_acctbal": 3328.68d, "n_name": "CANADA", "c_address": "GdxkdXG9u7iyI1,,y5tq4ZyrcEy", "c_phone": "13-835-723-3223", "c_comment": "ffily regular dinos are slyly unusual requests. slyly specia" }
-, { "c_custkey": 19i64, "c_name": "Customer#000000019", "revenue": 99306.0127d, "c_acctbal": 8914.71d, "n_name": "CHINA", "c_address": "uc,3bHIx84H,wdrmLOjVsiqXCq2tr", "c_phone": "28-396-526-5053", "c_comment": " nag. furiously careful packages are slyly at the accounts. furiously regular in" }
-, { "c_custkey": 145i64, "c_name": "Customer#000000145", "revenue": 99256.9018d, "c_acctbal": 9748.93d, "n_name": "JORDAN", "c_address": "kQjHmt2kcec cy3hfMh969u", "c_phone": "23-562-444-8454", "c_comment": "ests? express, express instructions use. blithely fina" }
-, { "c_custkey": 103i64, "c_name": "Customer#000000103", "revenue": 97311.77240000002d, "c_acctbal": 2757.45d, "n_name": "INDONESIA", "c_address": "8KIsQX4LJ7QMsj6DrtFtXu0nUEdV,8a", "c_phone": "19-216-107-2107", "c_comment": "furiously pending notornis boost slyly around the blithely ironic ideas? final, even instructions cajole fl" }
-, { "c_custkey": 136i64, "c_name": "Customer#000000136", "revenue": 95855.39799999999d, "c_acctbal": -842.39d, "n_name": "GERMANY", "c_address": "QoLsJ0v5C1IQbh,DS1", "c_phone": "17-501-210-4726", "c_comment": "ackages sleep ironic, final courts. even requests above the blithely bold requests g" }
-, { "c_custkey": 53i64, "c_name": "Customer#000000053", "revenue": 92568.9124d, "c_acctbal": 4113.64d, "n_name": "MOROCCO", "c_address": "HnaxHzTfFTZs8MuCpJyTbZ47Cm4wFOOgib", "c_phone": "25-168-852-5363", "c_comment": "ar accounts are. even foxes are blithely. fluffily pending deposits boost" }
-, { "c_custkey": 49i64, "c_name": "Customer#000000049", "revenue": 90965.7262d, "c_acctbal": 4573.94d, "n_name": "IRAN", "c_address": "cNgAeX7Fqrdf7HQN9EwjUa4nxT,68L FKAxzl", "c_phone": "20-908-631-4424", "c_comment": "nusual foxes! fluffily pending packages maintain to the regular " }
-, { "c_custkey": 37i64, "c_name": "Customer#000000037", "revenue": 88065.74579999999d, "c_acctbal": -917.75d, "n_name": "INDIA", "c_address": "7EV4Pwh,3SboctTWt", "c_phone": "18-385-235-7162", "c_comment": "ilent packages are carefully among the deposits. furiousl" }
-, { "c_custkey": 82i64, "c_name": "Customer#000000082", "revenue": 86998.9644d, "c_acctbal": 9468.34d, "n_name": "CHINA", "c_address": "zhG3EZbap4c992Gj3bK,3Ne,Xn", "c_phone": "28-159-442-5305", "c_comment": "s wake. bravely regular accounts are furiously. regula" }
-, { "c_custkey": 125i64, "c_name": "Customer#000000125", "revenue": 84808.068d, "c_acctbal": -234.12d, "n_name": "ROMANIA", "c_address": ",wSZXdVR xxIIfm9s8ITyLl3kgjT6UC07GY0Y", "c_phone": "29-261-996-3120", "c_comment": "x-ray finally after the packages? regular requests c" }
-, { "c_custkey": 59i64, "c_name": "Customer#000000059", "revenue": 84655.5711d, "c_acctbal": 3458.6d, "n_name": "ARGENTINA", "c_address": "zLOCP0wh92OtBihgspOGl4", "c_phone": "11-355-584-3112", "c_comment": "ously final packages haggle blithely after the express deposits. furiou" }
+[ { "c_custkey": 121, "c_name": "Customer#000000121", "revenue": 282635.1719d, "c_acctbal": 6428.32d, "n_name": "PERU", "c_address": "tv nCR2YKupGN73mQudO", "c_phone": "27-411-990-2959", "c_comment": "uriously stealthy ideas. carefully final courts use carefully" }
+, { "c_custkey": 124, "c_name": "Customer#000000124", "revenue": 222182.5188d, "c_acctbal": 1842.49d, "n_name": "CHINA", "c_address": "aTbyVAW5tCd,v09O", "c_phone": "28-183-750-7809", "c_comment": "le fluffily even dependencies. quietly s" }
+, { "c_custkey": 106, "c_name": "Customer#000000106", "revenue": 190241.3334d, "c_acctbal": 3288.42d, "n_name": "ARGENTINA", "c_address": "xGCOEAUjUNG", "c_phone": "11-751-989-4627", "c_comment": "lose slyly. ironic accounts along the evenly regular theodolites wake about the special, final gifts. " }
+, { "c_custkey": 16, "c_name": "Customer#000000016", "revenue": 161422.04609999998d, "c_acctbal": 4681.03d, "n_name": "IRAN", "c_address": "cYiaeMLZSMAOQ2 d0W,", "c_phone": "20-781-609-3107", "c_comment": "kly silent courts. thinly regular theodolites sleep fluffily after " }
+, { "c_custkey": 44, "c_name": "Customer#000000044", "revenue": 149364.5652d, "c_acctbal": 7315.94d, "n_name": "MOZAMBIQUE", "c_address": "Oi,dOSPwDu4jo4x,,P85E0dmhZGvNtBwi", "c_phone": "26-190-260-5375", "c_comment": "r requests around the unusual, bold a" }
+, { "c_custkey": 71, "c_name": "Customer#000000071", "revenue": 129481.02450000001d, "c_acctbal": -611.19d, "n_name": "GERMANY", "c_address": "TlGalgdXWBmMV,6agLyWYDyIz9MKzcY8gl,w6t1B", "c_phone": "17-710-812-5403", "c_comment": "g courts across the regular, final pinto beans are blithely pending ac" }
+, { "c_custkey": 89, "c_name": "Customer#000000089", "revenue": 121663.1243d, "c_acctbal": 1530.76d, "n_name": "KENYA", "c_address": "dtR, y9JQWUO6FoJExyp8whOU", "c_phone": "24-394-451-5404", "c_comment": "counts are slyly beyond the slyly final accounts. quickly final ideas wake. r" }
+, { "c_custkey": 112, "c_name": "Customer#000000112", "revenue": 111137.7141d, "c_acctbal": 2953.35d, "n_name": "ROMANIA", "c_address": "RcfgG3bO7QeCnfjqJT1", "c_phone": "29-233-262-8382", "c_comment": "rmanently unusual multipliers. blithely ruthless deposits are furiously along the" }
+, { "c_custkey": 62, "c_name": "Customer#000000062", "revenue": 106368.0153d, "c_acctbal": 595.61d, "n_name": "GERMANY", "c_address": "upJK2Dnw13,", "c_phone": "17-361-978-7059", "c_comment": "kly special dolphins. pinto beans are slyly. quickly regular accounts are furiously a" }
+, { "c_custkey": 146, "c_name": "Customer#000000146", "revenue": 103265.98879999999d, "c_acctbal": 3328.68d, "n_name": "CANADA", "c_address": "GdxkdXG9u7iyI1,,y5tq4ZyrcEy", "c_phone": "13-835-723-3223", "c_comment": "ffily regular dinos are slyly unusual requests. slyly specia" }
+, { "c_custkey": 19, "c_name": "Customer#000000019", "revenue": 99306.0127d, "c_acctbal": 8914.71d, "n_name": "CHINA", "c_address": "uc,3bHIx84H,wdrmLOjVsiqXCq2tr", "c_phone": "28-396-526-5053", "c_comment": " nag. furiously careful packages are slyly at the accounts. furiously regular in" }
+, { "c_custkey": 145, "c_name": "Customer#000000145", "revenue": 99256.9018d, "c_acctbal": 9748.93d, "n_name": "JORDAN", "c_address": "kQjHmt2kcec cy3hfMh969u", "c_phone": "23-562-444-8454", "c_comment": "ests? express, express instructions use. blithely fina" }
+, { "c_custkey": 103, "c_name": "Customer#000000103", "revenue": 97311.77240000002d, "c_acctbal": 2757.45d, "n_name": "INDONESIA", "c_address": "8KIsQX4LJ7QMsj6DrtFtXu0nUEdV,8a", "c_phone": "19-216-107-2107", "c_comment": "furiously pending notornis boost slyly around the blithely ironic ideas? final, even instructions cajole fl" }
+, { "c_custkey": 136, "c_name": "Customer#000000136", "revenue": 95855.39799999999d, "c_acctbal": -842.39d, "n_name": "GERMANY", "c_address": "QoLsJ0v5C1IQbh,DS1", "c_phone": "17-501-210-4726", "c_comment": "ackages sleep ironic, final courts. even requests above the blithely bold requests g" }
+, { "c_custkey": 53, "c_name": "Customer#000000053", "revenue": 92568.9124d, "c_acctbal": 4113.64d, "n_name": "MOROCCO", "c_address": "HnaxHzTfFTZs8MuCpJyTbZ47Cm4wFOOgib", "c_phone": "25-168-852-5363", "c_comment": "ar accounts are. even foxes are blithely. fluffily pending deposits boost" }
+, { "c_custkey": 49, "c_name": "Customer#000000049", "revenue": 90965.7262d, "c_acctbal": 4573.94d, "n_name": "IRAN", "c_address": "cNgAeX7Fqrdf7HQN9EwjUa4nxT,68L FKAxzl", "c_phone": "20-908-631-4424", "c_comment": "nusual foxes! fluffily pending packages maintain to the regular " }
+, { "c_custkey": 37, "c_name": "Customer#000000037", "revenue": 88065.74579999999d, "c_acctbal": -917.75d, "n_name": "INDIA", "c_address": "7EV4Pwh,3SboctTWt", "c_phone": "18-385-235-7162", "c_comment": "ilent packages are carefully among the deposits. furiousl" }
+, { "c_custkey": 82, "c_name": "Customer#000000082", "revenue": 86998.9644d, "c_acctbal": 9468.34d, "n_name": "CHINA", "c_address": "zhG3EZbap4c992Gj3bK,3Ne,Xn", "c_phone": "28-159-442-5305", "c_comment": "s wake. bravely regular accounts are furiously. regula" }
+, { "c_custkey": 125, "c_name": "Customer#000000125", "revenue": 84808.068d, "c_acctbal": -234.12d, "n_name": "ROMANIA", "c_address": ",wSZXdVR xxIIfm9s8ITyLl3kgjT6UC07GY0Y", "c_phone": "29-261-996-3120", "c_comment": "x-ray finally after the packages? regular requests c" }
+, { "c_custkey": 59, "c_name": "Customer#000000059", "revenue": 84655.5711d, "c_acctbal": 3458.6d, "n_name": "ARGENTINA", "c_address": "zLOCP0wh92OtBihgspOGl4", "c_phone": "11-355-584-3112", "c_comment": "ously final packages haggle blithely after the express deposits. furiou" }
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/tpch-sql-like/q13_customer_distribution/q13_customer_distribution.1.adm b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/tpch-sql-like/q13_customer_distribution/q13_customer_distribution.1.adm
index c7e34a3..ab4fc9a 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/tpch-sql-like/q13_customer_distribution/q13_customer_distribution.1.adm
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/tpch-sql-like/q13_customer_distribution/q13_customer_distribution.1.adm
@@ -1,28 +1,28 @@
-[ { "c_count": 0i64, "custdist": 50i64 }
-, { "c_count": 16i64, "custdist": 8i64 }
-, { "c_count": 17i64, "custdist": 7i64 }
-, { "c_count": 20i64, "custdist": 6i64 }
-, { "c_count": 13i64, "custdist": 6i64 }
-, { "c_count": 12i64, "custdist": 6i64 }
-, { "c_count": 9i64, "custdist": 6i64 }
-, { "c_count": 23i64, "custdist": 5i64 }
-, { "c_count": 14i64, "custdist": 5i64 }
-, { "c_count": 10i64, "custdist": 5i64 }
-, { "c_count": 21i64, "custdist": 4i64 }
-, { "c_count": 18i64, "custdist": 4i64 }
-, { "c_count": 11i64, "custdist": 4i64 }
-, { "c_count": 8i64, "custdist": 4i64 }
-, { "c_count": 7i64, "custdist": 4i64 }
-, { "c_count": 26i64, "custdist": 3i64 }
-, { "c_count": 22i64, "custdist": 3i64 }
-, { "c_count": 6i64, "custdist": 3i64 }
-, { "c_count": 5i64, "custdist": 3i64 }
-, { "c_count": 4i64, "custdist": 3i64 }
-, { "c_count": 29i64, "custdist": 2i64 }
-, { "c_count": 24i64, "custdist": 2i64 }
-, { "c_count": 19i64, "custdist": 2i64 }
-, { "c_count": 15i64, "custdist": 2i64 }
-, { "c_count": 28i64, "custdist": 1i64 }
-, { "c_count": 25i64, "custdist": 1i64 }
-, { "c_count": 3i64, "custdist": 1i64 }
+[ { "c_count": 0, "custdist": 50 }
+, { "c_count": 16, "custdist": 8 }
+, { "c_count": 17, "custdist": 7 }
+, { "c_count": 20, "custdist": 6 }
+, { "c_count": 13, "custdist": 6 }
+, { "c_count": 12, "custdist": 6 }
+, { "c_count": 9, "custdist": 6 }
+, { "c_count": 23, "custdist": 5 }
+, { "c_count": 14, "custdist": 5 }
+, { "c_count": 10, "custdist": 5 }
+, { "c_count": 21, "custdist": 4 }
+, { "c_count": 18, "custdist": 4 }
+, { "c_count": 11, "custdist": 4 }
+, { "c_count": 8, "custdist": 4 }
+, { "c_count": 7, "custdist": 4 }
+, { "c_count": 26, "custdist": 3 }
+, { "c_count": 22, "custdist": 3 }
+, { "c_count": 6, "custdist": 3 }
+, { "c_count": 5, "custdist": 3 }
+, { "c_count": 4, "custdist": 3 }
+, { "c_count": 29, "custdist": 2 }
+, { "c_count": 24, "custdist": 2 }
+, { "c_count": 19, "custdist": 2 }
+, { "c_count": 15, "custdist": 2 }
+, { "c_count": 28, "custdist": 1 }
+, { "c_count": 25, "custdist": 1 }
+, { "c_count": 3, "custdist": 1 }
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index c3429a8..ff769a2 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/tpch-sql-like/q16_parts_supplier_relationship/q16_parts_supplier_relationship.1.adm
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/tpch-sql-like/q16_parts_supplier_relationship/q16_parts_supplier_relationship.1.adm
@@ -1,35 +1,35 @@
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-, { "p_brand": "Brand#31", "p_type": "ECONOMY PLATED STEEL", "p_size": 23, "supplier_cnt": 4i64 }
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-, { "p_brand": "Brand#34", "p_type": "MEDIUM BRUSHED COPPER", "p_size": 9, "supplier_cnt": 4i64 }
-, { "p_brand": "Brand#34", "p_type": "SMALL PLATED BRASS", "p_size": 14, "supplier_cnt": 4i64 }
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-, { "p_brand": "Brand#43", "p_type": "MEDIUM ANODIZED BRASS", "p_size": 14, "supplier_cnt": 4i64 }
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-, { "p_brand": "Brand#43", "p_type": "SMALL BRUSHED NICKEL", "p_size": 9, "supplier_cnt": 4i64 }
-, { "p_brand": "Brand#44", "p_type": "SMALL PLATED COPPER", "p_size": 19, "supplier_cnt": 4i64 }
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-, { "p_brand": "Brand#53", "p_type": "LARGE BURNISHED NICKEL", "p_size": 23, "supplier_cnt": 4i64 }
-, { "p_brand": "Brand#53", "p_type": "MEDIUM BRUSHED COPPER", "p_size": 3, "supplier_cnt": 4i64 }
-, { "p_brand": "Brand#53", "p_type": "STANDARD PLATED STEEL", "p_size": 45, "supplier_cnt": 4i64 }
-, { "p_brand": "Brand#54", "p_type": "ECONOMY ANODIZED BRASS", "p_size": 9, "supplier_cnt": 4i64 }
-, { "p_brand": "Brand#55", "p_type": "STANDARD ANODIZED BRASS", "p_size": 36, "supplier_cnt": 4i64 }
-, { "p_brand": "Brand#55", "p_type": "STANDARD BRUSHED COPPER", "p_size": 3, "supplier_cnt": 4i64 }
-, { "p_brand": "Brand#25", "p_type": "SMALL BURNISHED COPPER", "p_size": 3, "supplier_cnt": 3i64 }
+[ { "p_brand": "Brand#11", "p_type": "PROMO ANODIZED TIN", "p_size": 45, "supplier_cnt": 4 }
+, { "p_brand": "Brand#11", "p_type": "SMALL PLATED COPPER", "p_size": 45, "supplier_cnt": 4 }
+, { "p_brand": "Brand#11", "p_type": "STANDARD POLISHED TIN", "p_size": 45, "supplier_cnt": 4 }
+, { "p_brand": "Brand#13", "p_type": "MEDIUM ANODIZED STEEL", "p_size": 36, "supplier_cnt": 4 }
+, { "p_brand": "Brand#13", "p_type": "SMALL BRUSHED NICKEL", "p_size": 19, "supplier_cnt": 4 }
+, { "p_brand": "Brand#14", "p_type": "SMALL ANODIZED NICKEL", "p_size": 45, "supplier_cnt": 4 }
+, { "p_brand": "Brand#15", "p_type": "LARGE ANODIZED BRASS", "p_size": 45, "supplier_cnt": 4 }
+, { "p_brand": "Brand#21", "p_type": "LARGE BURNISHED COPPER", "p_size": 19, "supplier_cnt": 4 }
+, { "p_brand": "Brand#23", "p_type": "ECONOMY BRUSHED COPPER", "p_size": 9, "supplier_cnt": 4 }
+, { "p_brand": "Brand#24", "p_type": "MEDIUM PLATED STEEL", "p_size": 19, "supplier_cnt": 4 }
+, { "p_brand": "Brand#25", "p_type": "MEDIUM PLATED BRASS", "p_size": 45, "supplier_cnt": 4 }
+, { "p_brand": "Brand#31", "p_type": "ECONOMY PLATED STEEL", "p_size": 23, "supplier_cnt": 4 }
+, { "p_brand": "Brand#31", "p_type": "PROMO POLISHED TIN", "p_size": 23, "supplier_cnt": 4 }
+, { "p_brand": "Brand#32", "p_type": "MEDIUM BURNISHED BRASS", "p_size": 49, "supplier_cnt": 4 }
+, { "p_brand": "Brand#33", "p_type": "LARGE BRUSHED TIN", "p_size": 36, "supplier_cnt": 4 }
+, { "p_brand": "Brand#33", "p_type": "SMALL BURNISHED NICKEL", "p_size": 3, "supplier_cnt": 4 }
+, { "p_brand": "Brand#34", "p_type": "LARGE PLATED BRASS", "p_size": 45, "supplier_cnt": 4 }
+, { "p_brand": "Brand#34", "p_type": "MEDIUM BRUSHED COPPER", "p_size": 9, "supplier_cnt": 4 }
+, { "p_brand": "Brand#34", "p_type": "SMALL PLATED BRASS", "p_size": 14, "supplier_cnt": 4 }
+, { "p_brand": "Brand#35", "p_type": "STANDARD ANODIZED STEEL", "p_size": 23, "supplier_cnt": 4 }
+, { "p_brand": "Brand#43", "p_type": "MEDIUM ANODIZED BRASS", "p_size": 14, "supplier_cnt": 4 }
+, { "p_brand": "Brand#43", "p_type": "PROMO POLISHED BRASS", "p_size": 19, "supplier_cnt": 4 }
+, { "p_brand": "Brand#43", "p_type": "SMALL BRUSHED NICKEL", "p_size": 9, "supplier_cnt": 4 }
+, { "p_brand": "Brand#44", "p_type": "SMALL PLATED COPPER", "p_size": 19, "supplier_cnt": 4 }
+, { "p_brand": "Brand#51", "p_type": "ECONOMY POLISHED STEEL", "p_size": 49, "supplier_cnt": 4 }
+, { "p_brand": "Brand#52", "p_type": "MEDIUM BURNISHED TIN", "p_size": 45, "supplier_cnt": 4 }
+, { "p_brand": "Brand#52", "p_type": "SMALL BURNISHED NICKEL", "p_size": 14, "supplier_cnt": 4 }
+, { "p_brand": "Brand#53", "p_type": "LARGE BURNISHED NICKEL", "p_size": 23, "supplier_cnt": 4 }
+, { "p_brand": "Brand#53", "p_type": "MEDIUM BRUSHED COPPER", "p_size": 3, "supplier_cnt": 4 }
+, { "p_brand": "Brand#53", "p_type": "STANDARD PLATED STEEL", "p_size": 45, "supplier_cnt": 4 }
+, { "p_brand": "Brand#54", "p_type": "ECONOMY ANODIZED BRASS", "p_size": 9, "supplier_cnt": 4 }
+, { "p_brand": "Brand#55", "p_type": "STANDARD ANODIZED BRASS", "p_size": 36, "supplier_cnt": 4 }
+, { "p_brand": "Brand#55", "p_type": "STANDARD BRUSHED COPPER", "p_size": 3, "supplier_cnt": 4 }
+, { "p_brand": "Brand#25", "p_type": "SMALL BURNISHED COPPER", "p_size": 3, "supplier_cnt": 3 }
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/tpch-sql-like/q17_large_gby_variant/q17_large_gby_variant.3.adm b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/tpch-sql-like/q17_large_gby_variant/q17_large_gby_variant.3.adm
index 5a801a5..c0500b2 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/tpch-sql-like/q17_large_gby_variant/q17_large_gby_variant.3.adm
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/tpch-sql-like/q17_large_gby_variant/q17_large_gby_variant.3.adm
@@ -1,201 +1,201 @@
-[ { "t_partkey": 1, "t_count": 35i64, "t_avg_quantity": 5.28d, "t_max_suppkey": 8, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 23786.4d, "t_avg_discount": 0.044000000000000004d, "t_avg_tax": 0.049142857142857155d, "t_max_shipdate": "1997-08-08", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-04-02", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-02-28", "t_max_comment": "y ironic requests. bold, final ideas a" }
-, { "t_partkey": 2, "t_count": 34i64, "t_avg_quantity": 4.347058823529411d, "t_max_suppkey": 9, "t_max_linenumber": 6, "t_avg_extendedprice": 19605.235294117647d, "t_avg_discount": 0.049705882352941176d, "t_avg_tax": 0.04d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-05-31", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-07-12", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-07-08", "t_max_comment": "yly final dolphins? quickly ironic frets" }
-, { "t_partkey": 3, "t_count": 27i64, "t_avg_quantity": 4.896296296296296d, "t_max_suppkey": 10, "t_max_linenumber": 6, "t_avg_extendedprice": 22106.777777777777d, "t_avg_discount": 0.05481481481481482d, "t_avg_tax": 0.04185185185185186d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-05-22", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-03-20", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-05-04", "t_max_comment": "yly blithely pending packages" }
-, { "t_partkey": 4, "t_count": 26i64, "t_avg_quantity": 4.2615384615384615d, "t_max_suppkey": 9, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 19262.153846153848d, "t_avg_discount": 0.056538461538461544d, "t_avg_tax": 0.04d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-08-26", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-03-21", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-05-27", "t_max_comment": "y regular packages haggle furiously alongs" }
-, { "t_partkey": 5, "t_count": 32i64, "t_avg_quantity": 5.4750000000000005d, "t_max_suppkey": 10, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 24774.375d, "t_avg_discount": 0.04125d, "t_avg_tax": 0.0390625d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-07-19", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-05-12", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-05-10", "t_max_comment": "y. careful" }
-, { "t_partkey": 6, "t_count": 34i64, "t_avg_quantity": 5.2058823529411775d, "t_max_suppkey": 9, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 23582.647058823528d, "t_avg_discount": 0.05676470588235293d, "t_avg_tax": 0.04176470588235294d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-09-05", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-04-24", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-04-08", "t_max_comment": "yly express " }
-, { "t_partkey": 7, "t_count": 22i64, "t_avg_quantity": 4.7d, "t_max_suppkey": 10, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 21314.5d, "t_avg_discount": 0.05772727272727273d, "t_avg_tax": 0.041818181818181824d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-07-27", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-05-31", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-04-21", "t_max_comment": "ss the ironic, regular asymptotes cajole " }
-, { "t_partkey": 8, "t_count": 24i64, "t_avg_quantity": 4.783333333333334d, "t_max_suppkey": 9, "t_max_linenumber": 6, "t_avg_extendedprice": 21716.333333333332d, "t_avg_discount": 0.055d, "t_avg_tax": 0.04958333333333333d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-07-04", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-10-24", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-10-11", "t_max_comment": "uctions. furiously regular ins" }
-, { "t_partkey": 9, "t_count": 29i64, "t_avg_quantity": 5.331034482758621d, "t_max_suppkey": 10, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 24229.55172413793d, "t_avg_discount": 0.04206896551724139d, "t_avg_tax": 0.03896551724137932d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-06-12", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-03-30", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-05-23", "t_max_comment": "yly ironic" }
-, { "t_partkey": 10, "t_count": 31i64, "t_avg_quantity": 5.509677419354839d, "t_max_suppkey": 7, "t_max_linenumber": 6, "t_avg_extendedprice": 25069.307741935485d, "t_avg_discount": 0.052903225806451626d, "t_avg_tax": 0.04548387096774194d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-10-02", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-07-21", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-05-18", "t_max_comment": "y quickly ironic accounts." }
-, { "t_partkey": 11, "t_count": 28i64, "t_avg_quantity": 5.521428571428572d, "t_max_suppkey": 8, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 25150.383214285714d, "t_avg_discount": 0.05d, "t_avg_tax": 0.046071428571428576d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-07-12", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-03-15", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-02-26", "t_max_comment": "ven dependencies x-ray. quic" }
-, { "t_partkey": 12, "t_count": 24i64, "t_avg_quantity": 4.966666666666667d, "t_max_suppkey": 9, "t_max_linenumber": 6, "t_avg_extendedprice": 22648.248333333333d, "t_avg_discount": 0.04791666666666667d, "t_avg_tax": 0.05083333333333334d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-04-14", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-05-03", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-07-29", "t_max_comment": "xpress grouc" }
-, { "t_partkey": 13, "t_count": 26i64, "t_avg_quantity": 5.038461538461539d, "t_max_suppkey": 10, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 23000.828846153847d, "t_avg_discount": 0.04153846153846154d, "t_avg_tax": 0.04d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-10-04", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-03-31", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-04-21", "t_max_comment": "wake at the carefully speci" }
-, { "t_partkey": 14, "t_count": 25i64, "t_avg_quantity": 4.5840000000000005d, "t_max_suppkey": 8, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 20949.1092d, "t_avg_discount": 0.055600000000000004d, "t_avg_tax": 0.0436d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-10-17", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-07-16", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-08-05", "t_max_comment": "thely. furio" }
-, { "t_partkey": 15, "t_count": 21i64, "t_avg_quantity": 5.133333333333334d, "t_max_suppkey": 9, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 23485.256666666664d, "t_avg_discount": 0.051428571428571435d, "t_avg_tax": 0.03142857142857143d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-02-14", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-04-01", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-05-26", "t_max_comment": "ymptotes nag furiously slyly even inst" }
-, { "t_partkey": 16, "t_count": 29i64, "t_avg_quantity": 4.731034482758621d, "t_max_suppkey": 10, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 21668.37448275862d, "t_avg_discount": 0.049310344827586214d, "t_avg_tax": 0.034482758620689655d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-11-02", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-08-06", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-09-12", "t_max_comment": "yly blithely stealthy deposits. carefu" }
-, { "t_partkey": 17, "t_count": 31i64, "t_avg_quantity": 5.270967741935484d, "t_max_suppkey": 8, "t_max_linenumber": 6, "t_avg_extendedprice": 24167.650645161288d, "t_avg_discount": 0.05387096774193549d, "t_avg_tax": 0.04709677419354839d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-10-04", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-08-07", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-08-13", "t_max_comment": "uriously thin pinto beans " }
-, { "t_partkey": 18, "t_count": 32i64, "t_avg_quantity": 5.4437500000000005d, "t_max_suppkey": 9, "t_max_linenumber": 6, "t_avg_extendedprice": 24987.0846875d, "t_avg_discount": 0.05500000000000001d, "t_avg_tax": 0.039375d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-11-13", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-04-14", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-04-13", "t_max_comment": "y special packages. carefully ironic instru" }
-, { "t_partkey": 19, "t_count": 29i64, "t_avg_quantity": 5.151724137931034d, "t_max_suppkey": 10, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 23672.43d, "t_avg_discount": 0.05275862068965517d, "t_avg_tax": 0.03896551724137932d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-08-04", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-07-07", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-08-15", "t_max_comment": "y along the excuses." }
-, { "t_partkey": 20, "t_count": 27i64, "t_avg_quantity": 4.955555555555556d, "t_max_suppkey": 10, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 22796.05111111111d, "t_avg_discount": 0.042222222222222223d, "t_avg_tax": 0.035555555555555556d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-06-11", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-07-13", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-06-21", "t_max_comment": "y. blithely r" }
-, { "t_partkey": 21, "t_count": 26i64, "t_avg_quantity": 4.730769230769231d, "t_max_suppkey": 10, "t_max_linenumber": 6, "t_avg_extendedprice": 21785.665384615386d, "t_avg_discount": 0.054615384615384614d, "t_avg_tax": 0.04076923076923077d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-02-27", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-09-11", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-08-08", "t_max_comment": "ymptotes haggle across the ca" }
-, { "t_partkey": 22, "t_count": 28i64, "t_avg_quantity": 5.300000000000001d, "t_max_suppkey": 7, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 24433.53d, "t_avg_discount": 0.057857142857142864d, "t_avg_tax": 0.045d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-09-03", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-05-23", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-07-12", "t_max_comment": "y final gifts are. carefully pe" }
-, { "t_partkey": 23, "t_count": 23i64, "t_avg_quantity": 5.22608695652174d, "t_max_suppkey": 8, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 24118.913913043478d, "t_avg_discount": 0.051304347826086956d, "t_avg_tax": 0.03173913043478261d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-09-25", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-04-05", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-05-02", "t_max_comment": "y unusual foxe" }
-, { "t_partkey": 24, "t_count": 35i64, "t_avg_quantity": 5.154285714285715d, "t_max_suppkey": 9, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 23813.31542857143d, "t_avg_discount": 0.046d, "t_avg_tax": 0.04d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-06-23", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-05-07", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-04-21", "t_max_comment": "the slyly ironic pinto beans. fi" }
-, { "t_partkey": 25, "t_count": 26i64, "t_avg_quantity": 5.061538461538461d, "t_max_suppkey": 10, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 23410.121538461535d, "t_avg_discount": 0.054615384615384614d, "t_avg_tax": 0.034999999999999996d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-06-26", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-03-18", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-02-24", "t_max_comment": "y alongside of the special requests." }
-, { "t_partkey": 26, "t_count": 23i64, "t_avg_quantity": 4.6521739130434785d, "t_max_suppkey": 9, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 21540.030434782606d, "t_avg_discount": 0.03956521739130436d, "t_avg_tax": 0.043043478260869565d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-10-09", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-03-16", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-03-20", "t_max_comment": "y special pinto beans cajole " }
-, { "t_partkey": 27, "t_count": 18i64, "t_avg_quantity": 5.9222222222222225d, "t_max_suppkey": 10, "t_max_linenumber": 6, "t_avg_extendedprice": 27450.092222222225d, "t_avg_discount": 0.061111111111111116d, "t_avg_tax": 0.045000000000000005d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-09-19", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-06-12", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-07-31", "t_max_comment": "y regular foxes. slyly ironic deposits " }
-, { "t_partkey": 28, "t_count": 21i64, "t_avg_quantity": 5.476190476190476d, "t_max_suppkey": 9, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 25410.071428571428d, "t_avg_discount": 0.04285714285714286d, "t_avg_tax": 0.032857142857142856d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-01-02", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-05-31", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-04-05", "t_max_comment": "ular accounts about" }
-, { "t_partkey": 29, "t_count": 35i64, "t_avg_quantity": 5.171428571428572d, "t_max_suppkey": 10, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 24021.802857142855d, "t_avg_discount": 0.05657142857142857d, "t_avg_tax": 0.03942857142857143d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-11-17", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-05-19", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-06-06", "t_max_comment": "xcuses? quickly stealthy dependenci" }
-, { "t_partkey": 30, "t_count": 22i64, "t_avg_quantity": 4.754545454545455d, "t_max_suppkey": 9, "t_max_linenumber": 5, "t_avg_extendedprice": 22109.349545454545d, "t_avg_discount": 0.04727272727272727d, "t_avg_tax": 0.03318181818181818d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-07-18", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-04-06", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-05-01", "t_max_comment": "y. fluffily pending d" }
-, { "t_partkey": 31, "t_count": 31i64, "t_avg_quantity": 5.858064516129033d, "t_max_suppkey": 7, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 27270.16903225807d, "t_avg_discount": 0.050645161290322586d, "t_avg_tax": 0.035483870967741936d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-08-08", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-05-23", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-07-25", "t_max_comment": "xpress ideas detect b" }
-, { "t_partkey": 32, "t_count": 28i64, "t_avg_quantity": 5.050000000000001d, "t_max_suppkey": 8, "t_max_linenumber": 5, "t_avg_extendedprice": 23533.7575d, "t_avg_discount": 0.05249999999999999d, "t_avg_tax": 0.03321428571428571d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-03-22", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-07-21", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-09-27", "t_max_comment": "yers. accounts affix somet" }
-, { "t_partkey": 33, "t_count": 25i64, "t_avg_quantity": 5.04d, "t_max_suppkey": 9, "t_max_linenumber": 6, "t_avg_extendedprice": 23512.356d, "t_avg_discount": 0.044000000000000004d, "t_avg_tax": 0.03440000000000001d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-08-01", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-04-26", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-04-16", "t_max_comment": "yly enticing requ" }
-, { "t_partkey": 34, "t_count": 33i64, "t_avg_quantity": 4.575757575757576d, "t_max_suppkey": 10, "t_max_linenumber": 6, "t_avg_extendedprice": 21369.474242424243d, "t_avg_discount": 0.04666666666666667d, "t_avg_tax": 0.04363636363636364d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-10-22", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-05-10", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-07-24", "t_max_comment": "warthogs wake carefully acro" }
-, { "t_partkey": 35, "t_count": 26i64, "t_avg_quantity": 4.753846153846154d, "t_max_suppkey": 6, "t_max_linenumber": 6, "t_avg_extendedprice": 22224.94384615385d, "t_avg_discount": 0.05615384615384615d, "t_avg_tax": 0.04307692307692308d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-08-13", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-04-12", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-03-30", "t_max_comment": "y pending packages sleep blithely regular r" }
-, { "t_partkey": 36, "t_count": 25i64, "t_avg_quantity": 4.192d, "t_max_suppkey": 7, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 19619.188800000004d, "t_avg_discount": 0.054000000000000006d, "t_avg_tax": 0.034d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-05-07", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-03-24", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-03-20", "t_max_comment": "y slyly express deposits. final i" }
-, { "t_partkey": 37, "t_count": 17i64, "t_avg_quantity": 4.564705882352942d, "t_max_suppkey": 8, "t_max_linenumber": 6, "t_avg_extendedprice": 21386.331764705883d, "t_avg_discount": 0.06058823529411765d, "t_avg_tax": 0.05d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-08-30", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-07-25", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-09-10", "t_max_comment": "unts promise across the requests. blith" }
-, { "t_partkey": 38, "t_count": 26i64, "t_avg_quantity": 6.0076923076923086d, "t_max_suppkey": 9, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 28176.978076923075d, "t_avg_discount": 0.05653846153846154d, "t_avg_tax": 0.030384615384615385d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-06-07", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-02-24", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-04-26", "t_max_comment": "yly. blithely bold theodolites wa" }
-, { "t_partkey": 39, "t_count": 22i64, "t_avg_quantity": 4.454545454545455d, "t_max_suppkey": 10, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 20914.75909090909d, "t_avg_discount": 0.05318181818181819d, "t_avg_tax": 0.034999999999999996d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-08-31", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-05-25", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-06-03", "t_max_comment": "y. furiously ironic ideas gr" }
-, { "t_partkey": 40, "t_count": 34i64, "t_avg_quantity": 4.61764705882353d, "t_max_suppkey": 6, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 21703.864705882355d, "t_avg_discount": 0.0511764705882353d, "t_avg_tax": 0.03735294117647059d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-06-12", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-03-04", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-02-10", "t_max_comment": "y special a" }
-, { "t_partkey": 41, "t_count": 25i64, "t_avg_quantity": 5.936d, "t_max_suppkey": 10, "t_max_linenumber": 5, "t_avg_extendedprice": 27930.0672d, "t_avg_discount": 0.0484d, "t_avg_tax": 0.0444d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-09-18", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-11-13", "t_min_receiptdate": "1993-01-09", "t_max_comment": "uffily even accounts. packages sleep blithe" }
-, { "t_partkey": 42, "t_count": 31i64, "t_avg_quantity": 3.7806451612903227d, "t_max_suppkey": 9, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 17807.594838709676d, "t_avg_discount": 0.05193548387096774d, "t_avg_tax": 0.0364516129032258d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-08-12", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-10-29", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-11-02", "t_max_comment": "y final platelets sublate among the " }
-, { "t_partkey": 43, "t_count": 32i64, "t_avg_quantity": 6.03125d, "t_max_suppkey": 10, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 28438.550000000003d, "t_avg_discount": 0.045000000000000005d, "t_avg_tax": 0.047812499999999994d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-11-01", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-07-09", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-07-07", "t_max_comment": "y regular packages. b" }
-, { "t_partkey": 44, "t_count": 23i64, "t_avg_quantity": 5.852173913043479d, "t_max_suppkey": 7, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 27623.43130434783d, "t_avg_discount": 0.05565217391304349d, "t_avg_tax": 0.04391304347826087d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-08-12", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-02-16", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-03-01", "t_max_comment": "unts. furiously silent" }
-, { "t_partkey": 45, "t_count": 34i64, "t_avg_quantity": 5.305882352941177d, "t_max_suppkey": 8, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 25071.35529411765d, "t_avg_discount": 0.05147058823529413d, "t_avg_tax": 0.039411764705882354d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-09-09", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-05-07", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-07-23", "t_max_comment": "y. bold pinto beans use " }
-, { "t_partkey": 46, "t_count": 34i64, "t_avg_quantity": 4.405882352941177d, "t_max_suppkey": 9, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 20840.704705882352d, "t_avg_discount": 0.05823529411764706d, "t_avg_tax": 0.0411764705882353d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-10-25", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-04-21", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-05-18", "t_max_comment": "xpress pinto beans. accounts a" }
-, { "t_partkey": 47, "t_count": 31i64, "t_avg_quantity": 5.129032258064516d, "t_max_suppkey": 10, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 24286.993548387094d, "t_avg_discount": 0.05064516129032258d, "t_avg_tax": 0.03967741935483871d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-07-31", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-04-09", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-04-05", "t_max_comment": "y ironic requests above the fluffily d" }
-, { "t_partkey": 48, "t_count": 37i64, "t_avg_quantity": 4.8756756756756765d, "t_max_suppkey": 9, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 23111.67783783784d, "t_avg_discount": 0.04054054054054054d, "t_avg_tax": 0.03918918918918919d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-08-17", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-05-30", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-05-11", "t_max_comment": "y according to " }
-, { "t_partkey": 49, "t_count": 28i64, "t_avg_quantity": 5.4071428571428575d, "t_max_suppkey": 10, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 25657.97428571429d, "t_avg_discount": 0.0475d, "t_avg_tax": 0.04107142857142857d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-09-03", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-02-27", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-05-26", "t_max_comment": "unts alongs" }
-, { "t_partkey": 50, "t_count": 39i64, "t_avg_quantity": 4.4974358974358974d, "t_max_suppkey": 9, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 21363.944871794873d, "t_avg_discount": 0.04820512820512821d, "t_avg_tax": 0.04025641025641026d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-09-12", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-05-13", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-04-29", "t_max_comment": "yly pending theodolites." }
-, { "t_partkey": 51, "t_count": 35i64, "t_avg_quantity": 4.908571428571429d, "t_max_suppkey": 9, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 23341.484285714283d, "t_avg_discount": 0.04914285714285715d, "t_avg_tax": 0.039428571428571424d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-08-01", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-03-30", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-03-31", "t_max_comment": "y ironic pin" }
-, { "t_partkey": 52, "t_count": 32i64, "t_avg_quantity": 5.91875d, "t_max_suppkey": 10, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 28174.7296875d, "t_avg_discount": 0.051250000000000004d, "t_avg_tax": 0.049375d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-09-09", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-05-09", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-06-02", "t_max_comment": "y pending orbits boost after the slyly" }
-, { "t_partkey": 53, "t_count": 24i64, "t_avg_quantity": 5.175000000000001d, "t_max_suppkey": 8, "t_max_linenumber": 6, "t_avg_extendedprice": 24660.16875d, "t_avg_discount": 0.04875000000000001d, "t_avg_tax": 0.04583333333333333d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-11-10", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-02-23", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-01-25", "t_max_comment": "y orbits. final depos" }
-, { "t_partkey": 54, "t_count": 34i64, "t_avg_quantity": 5.01764705882353d, "t_max_suppkey": 9, "t_max_linenumber": 6, "t_avg_extendedprice": 23935.430882352943d, "t_avg_discount": 0.05205882352941177d, "t_avg_tax": 0.04147058823529412d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-05-26", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-03-28", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-04-09", "t_max_comment": "y pending notornis ab" }
-, { "t_partkey": 55, "t_count": 30i64, "t_avg_quantity": 6.553333333333334d, "t_max_suppkey": 10, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 31293.805d, "t_avg_discount": 0.050666666666666665d, "t_avg_tax": 0.03933333333333334d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-06-06", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-03-12", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-02-06", "t_max_comment": "yly regular i" }
-, { "t_partkey": 56, "t_count": 24i64, "t_avg_quantity": 4.825d, "t_max_suppkey": 8, "t_max_linenumber": 6, "t_avg_extendedprice": 23064.70625d, "t_avg_discount": 0.05583333333333334d, "t_avg_tax": 0.037916666666666675d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-07-22", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-03-01", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-02-06", "t_max_comment": "ts. ironic, fina" }
-, { "t_partkey": 57, "t_count": 37i64, "t_avg_quantity": 5.5297297297297305d, "t_max_suppkey": 9, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 26461.139189189194d, "t_avg_discount": 0.05297297297297297d, "t_avg_tax": 0.03945945945945946d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-08-16", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-03-20", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-01-17", "t_max_comment": "y. doggedly pend" }
-, { "t_partkey": 58, "t_count": 28i64, "t_avg_quantity": 4.764285714285715d, "t_max_suppkey": 10, "t_max_linenumber": 5, "t_avg_extendedprice": 22822.119642857146d, "t_avg_discount": 0.05571428571428571d, "t_avg_tax": 0.04535714285714286d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-11-27", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-02-23", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-05-17", "t_max_comment": "xpress, bo" }
-, { "t_partkey": 59, "t_count": 37i64, "t_avg_quantity": 5.567567567567568d, "t_max_suppkey": 10, "t_max_linenumber": 6, "t_avg_extendedprice": 26697.87837837838d, "t_avg_discount": 0.042702702702702704d, "t_avg_tax": 0.049459459459459454d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-07-12", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-02-26", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-02-11", "t_max_comment": "y. ironic deposits haggle sl" }
-, { "t_partkey": 60, "t_count": 28i64, "t_avg_quantity": 5.0d, "t_max_suppkey": 8, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 24001.5d, "t_avg_discount": 0.05428571428571429d, "t_avg_tax": 0.042499999999999996d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-07-08", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-03-02", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-03-02", "t_max_comment": "y across the express accounts. fluff" }
-, { "t_partkey": 61, "t_count": 29i64, "t_avg_quantity": 5.593103448275862d, "t_max_suppkey": 10, "t_max_linenumber": 5, "t_avg_extendedprice": 26876.539999999997d, "t_avg_discount": 0.04931034482758621d, "t_avg_tax": 0.04103448275862069d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-08-06", "t_min_commitdate": "1993-06-25", "t_min_receiptdate": "1993-08-03", "t_max_comment": "y even asymptotes. courts are unusual pa" }
-, { "t_partkey": 62, "t_count": 24i64, "t_avg_quantity": 5.175000000000001d, "t_max_suppkey": 9, "t_max_linenumber": 6, "t_avg_extendedprice": 24893.3025d, "t_avg_discount": 0.048749999999999995d, "t_avg_tax": 0.04d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-05-27", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-02-17", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-02-08", "t_max_comment": "yly final accounts hag" }
-, { "t_partkey": 63, "t_count": 26i64, "t_avg_quantity": 4.992307692307692d, "t_max_suppkey": 10, "t_max_linenumber": 6, "t_avg_extendedprice": 24039.45923076923d, "t_avg_discount": 0.052307692307692305d, "t_avg_tax": 0.04884615384615386d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-05-08", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-03-07", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-02-19", "t_max_comment": "y special packages wak" }
-, { "t_partkey": 64, "t_count": 31i64, "t_avg_quantity": 4.838709677419356d, "t_max_suppkey": 9, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 23324.032258064515d, "t_avg_discount": 0.050645161290322586d, "t_avg_tax": 0.03709677419354839d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-10-10", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-02-05", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-02-29", "t_max_comment": "uietly regular foxes wake quick" }
-, { "t_partkey": 65, "t_count": 36i64, "t_avg_quantity": 5.033333333333334d, "t_max_suppkey": 10, "t_max_linenumber": 6, "t_avg_extendedprice": 24287.343333333338d, "t_avg_discount": 0.049166666666666664d, "t_avg_tax": 0.04083333333333334d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-06-17", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-04-14", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-03-13", "t_max_comment": "y unusual packages. packages" }
-, { "t_partkey": 66, "t_count": 29i64, "t_avg_quantity": 4.23448275862069d, "t_max_suppkey": 7, "t_max_linenumber": 6, "t_avg_extendedprice": 20453.82206896552d, "t_avg_discount": 0.05068965517241379d, "t_avg_tax": 0.051034482758620686d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-05-23", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-06-18", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-05-10", "t_max_comment": "y. pinto beans haggle after the" }
-, { "t_partkey": 67, "t_count": 21i64, "t_avg_quantity": 4.523809523809525d, "t_max_suppkey": 8, "t_max_linenumber": 5, "t_avg_extendedprice": 21873.976190476194d, "t_avg_discount": 0.05428571428571429d, "t_avg_tax": 0.04476190476190477d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-08-27", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-06-07", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-05-26", "t_max_comment": "theodolite" }
-, { "t_partkey": 68, "t_count": 36i64, "t_avg_quantity": 4.388888888888888d, "t_max_suppkey": 9, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 21243.53888888889d, "t_avg_discount": 0.059444444444444446d, "t_avg_tax": 0.04305555555555555d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-09-10", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-06-03", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-05-11", "t_max_comment": "y final ac" }
-, { "t_partkey": 69, "t_count": 24i64, "t_avg_quantity": 4.708333333333334d, "t_max_suppkey": 10, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 22813.287499999995d, "t_avg_discount": 0.059166666666666666d, "t_avg_tax": 0.03958333333333333d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-09-02", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-06-04", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-06-03", "t_max_comment": "yly furiously even id" }
-, { "t_partkey": 70, "t_count": 34i64, "t_avg_quantity": 5.029411764705883d, "t_max_suppkey": 9, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 24394.407352941176d, "t_avg_discount": 0.04558823529411765d, "t_avg_tax": 0.04352941176470588d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-07-19", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-04-10", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-04-29", "t_max_comment": "ts affix slyly accordi" }
-, { "t_partkey": 71, "t_count": 33i64, "t_avg_quantity": 5.024242424242424d, "t_max_suppkey": 10, "t_max_linenumber": 6, "t_avg_extendedprice": 24394.455454545456d, "t_avg_discount": 0.04515151515151515d, "t_avg_tax": 0.03818181818181819d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-10-03", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-10-19", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-12-05", "t_max_comment": "y regular foxes wake among the final" }
-, { "t_partkey": 72, "t_count": 36i64, "t_avg_quantity": 4.833333333333334d, "t_max_suppkey": 10, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 23491.691666666666d, "t_avg_discount": 0.053888888888888896d, "t_avg_tax": 0.038055555555555565d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-07-21", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-09-04", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-10-14", "t_max_comment": "yly along the ironic, fi" }
-, { "t_partkey": 73, "t_count": 27i64, "t_avg_quantity": 4.5851851851851855d, "t_max_suppkey": 4, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 22308.530740740738d, "t_avg_discount": 0.04481481481481482d, "t_avg_tax": 0.03333333333333333d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-10-12", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-03-01", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-01-09", "t_max_comment": "y even packages promise" }
-, { "t_partkey": 74, "t_count": 25i64, "t_avg_quantity": 6.016d, "t_max_suppkey": 5, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 29300.025600000004d, "t_avg_discount": 0.0528d, "t_avg_tax": 0.0388d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-03-23", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-03-22", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-03-25", "t_max_comment": "uests. blithely unus" }
-, { "t_partkey": 75, "t_count": 29i64, "t_avg_quantity": 5.131034482758621d, "t_max_suppkey": 6, "t_max_linenumber": 6, "t_avg_extendedprice": 25015.58896551724d, "t_avg_discount": 0.06310344827586208d, "t_avg_tax": 0.02896551724137931d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-10-19", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-02-18", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-03-31", "t_max_comment": "usly across the slyly busy accounts! fin" }
-, { "t_partkey": 76, "t_count": 21i64, "t_avg_quantity": 4.9714285714285715d, "t_max_suppkey": 7, "t_max_linenumber": 6, "t_avg_extendedprice": 24262.31142857143d, "t_avg_discount": 0.04d, "t_avg_tax": 0.041428571428571426d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-05-31", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-08-25", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-11-16", "t_max_comment": "y even accounts thrash care" }
-, { "t_partkey": 77, "t_count": 20i64, "t_avg_quantity": 6.08d, "t_max_suppkey": 8, "t_max_linenumber": 6, "t_avg_extendedprice": 29702.927999999996d, "t_avg_discount": 0.053500000000000006d, "t_avg_tax": 0.037d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-06-16", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-09-20", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-08-19", "t_max_comment": "usly at the blithely pending pl" }
-, { "t_partkey": 78, "t_count": 35i64, "t_avg_quantity": 4.485714285714286d, "t_max_suppkey": 9, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 21936.71285714286d, "t_avg_discount": 0.05942857142857143d, "t_avg_tax": 0.042285714285714295d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-08-03", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-03-24", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-03-21", "t_max_comment": "yly after the fluffily regul" }
-, { "t_partkey": 79, "t_count": 37i64, "t_avg_quantity": 5.65945945945946d, "t_max_suppkey": 10, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 27705.03486486486d, "t_avg_discount": 0.04810810810810811d, "t_avg_tax": 0.042432432432432436d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-10-09", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-05-23", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-08-24", "t_max_comment": "y slyly final" }
-, { "t_partkey": 80, "t_count": 29i64, "t_avg_quantity": 6.172413793103448d, "t_max_suppkey": 10, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 30247.296551724135d, "t_avg_discount": 0.04655172413793104d, "t_avg_tax": 0.03413793103448276d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-10-08", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-07-01", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-06-07", "t_max_comment": "yly ironic frets. pending foxes after " }
-, { "t_partkey": 81, "t_count": 21i64, "t_avg_quantity": 5.371428571428572d, "t_max_suppkey": 2, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 26349.005714285708d, "t_avg_discount": 0.044285714285714296d, "t_avg_tax": 0.04095238095238095d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-06-02", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-04-18", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-04-22", "t_max_comment": "yly even accounts. spe" }
-, { "t_partkey": 82, "t_count": 23i64, "t_avg_quantity": 4.3130434782608695d, "t_max_suppkey": 3, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 21178.768695652176d, "t_avg_discount": 0.05260869565217391d, "t_avg_tax": 0.043043478260869565d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-04-09", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-08-17", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-07-22", "t_max_comment": "ut the carefully special foxes. idle," }
-, { "t_partkey": 83, "t_count": 33i64, "t_avg_quantity": 5.115151515151515d, "t_max_suppkey": 4, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 25143.01575757576d, "t_avg_discount": 0.05303030303030303d, "t_avg_tax": 0.043030303030303044d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-10-12", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-07-05", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-06-25", "t_max_comment": "yly. slyly regular courts use silentl" }
-, { "t_partkey": 84, "t_count": 28i64, "t_avg_quantity": 5.585714285714285d, "t_max_suppkey": 5, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 27483.948571428573d, "t_avg_discount": 0.05464285714285715d, "t_avg_tax": 0.039999999999999994d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-10-03", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-08-25", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-09-16", "t_max_comment": "yly brave theod" }
-, { "t_partkey": 85, "t_count": 28i64, "t_avg_quantity": 4.121428571428572d, "t_max_suppkey": 6, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 20299.684285714284d, "t_avg_discount": 0.041785714285714294d, "t_avg_tax": 0.041785714285714294d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-07-23", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-04-24", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-03-10", "t_max_comment": "y. enticingly final depos" }
-, { "t_partkey": 86, "t_count": 36i64, "t_avg_quantity": 5.427777777777778d, "t_max_suppkey": 7, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 26761.115555555552d, "t_avg_discount": 0.049999999999999996d, "t_avg_tax": 0.04555555555555556d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-07-10", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-04-14", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-06-23", "t_max_comment": "unts. furiously express accounts w" }
-, { "t_partkey": 87, "t_count": 34i64, "t_avg_quantity": 4.658823529411765d, "t_max_suppkey": 8, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 22993.157647058822d, "t_avg_discount": 0.052352941176470595d, "t_avg_tax": 0.036470588235294116d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-09-18", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-10-18", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-10-15", "t_max_comment": "y final de" }
-, { "t_partkey": 88, "t_count": 29i64, "t_avg_quantity": 4.613793103448276d, "t_max_suppkey": 9, "t_max_linenumber": 6, "t_avg_extendedprice": 22793.983448275863d, "t_avg_discount": 0.04724137931034483d, "t_avg_tax": 0.039655172413793106d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-10-27", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-06-03", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-05-16", "t_max_comment": "y slyly ironic accounts. foxes haggle slyl" }
-, { "t_partkey": 89, "t_count": 28i64, "t_avg_quantity": 4.864285714285715d, "t_max_suppkey": 10, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 24055.838571428576d, "t_avg_discount": 0.04642857142857143d, "t_avg_tax": 0.05035714285714286d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-10-23", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-03-18", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-05-07", "t_max_comment": "y carefully final ideas. f" }
-, { "t_partkey": 90, "t_count": 48i64, "t_avg_quantity": 5.4d, "t_max_suppkey": 1, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 26732.430000000004d, "t_avg_discount": 0.044583333333333336d, "t_avg_tax": 0.04229166666666667d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-10-09", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-04-25", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-03-17", "t_max_comment": "y regular notornis k" }
-, { "t_partkey": 91, "t_count": 28i64, "t_avg_quantity": 4.1571428571428575d, "t_max_suppkey": 5, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 20600.513571428568d, "t_avg_discount": 0.055714285714285716d, "t_avg_tax": 0.04107142857142858d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-09-07", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-06-08", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-06-20", "t_max_comment": "ven deposits about the regular, ironi" }
-, { "t_partkey": 92, "t_count": 30i64, "t_avg_quantity": 5.466666666666667d, "t_max_suppkey": 6, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 27117.126666666667d, "t_avg_discount": 0.060666666666666674d, "t_avg_tax": 0.044000000000000004d, "t_max_shipdate": "1997-11-30", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-03-15", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-02-14", "t_max_comment": "warhorses wake never for the care" }
-, { "t_partkey": 93, "t_count": 31i64, "t_avg_quantity": 5.219354838709678d, "t_max_suppkey": 7, "t_max_linenumber": 6, "t_avg_extendedprice": 25916.445483870968d, "t_avg_discount": 0.05903225806451613d, "t_avg_tax": 0.04096774193548387d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-11-25", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-05-29", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-06-02", "t_max_comment": "ut the slyly bold pinto beans; fi" }
-, { "t_partkey": 94, "t_count": 32i64, "t_avg_quantity": 5.7d, "t_max_suppkey": 8, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 28331.565d, "t_avg_discount": 0.05d, "t_avg_tax": 0.040625d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-03-09", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-04-09", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-05-23", "t_max_comment": "y furious depen" }
-, { "t_partkey": 95, "t_count": 31i64, "t_avg_quantity": 4.7290322580645165d, "t_max_suppkey": 9, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 23529.063548387097d, "t_avg_discount": 0.050967741935483875d, "t_avg_tax": 0.038387096774193545d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-10-07", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-02-14", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-03-23", "t_max_comment": "y final excuses. ironic, special requests a" }
-, { "t_partkey": 96, "t_count": 38i64, "t_avg_quantity": 5.368421052631579d, "t_max_suppkey": 10, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 26737.15263157895d, "t_avg_discount": 0.04315789473684212d, "t_avg_tax": 0.04026315789473684d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-11-03", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-05-16", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-07-02", "t_max_comment": "y. slyly iron" }
-, { "t_partkey": 97, "t_count": 39i64, "t_avg_quantity": 4.774358974358974d, "t_max_suppkey": 10, "t_max_linenumber": 6, "t_avg_extendedprice": 23802.327948717946d, "t_avg_discount": 0.04717948717948718d, "t_avg_tax": 0.03794871794871795d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-05-15", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-03-16", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-02-19", "t_max_comment": "y slyly express theodolites. slyly bo" }
-, { "t_partkey": 98, "t_count": 29i64, "t_avg_quantity": 4.441379310344828d, "t_max_suppkey": 10, "t_max_linenumber": 6, "t_avg_extendedprice": 22164.481379310342d, "t_avg_discount": 0.0506896551724138d, "t_avg_tax": 0.03862068965517241d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-10-04", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-08-20", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-10-08", "t_max_comment": "ven requests should sleep along " }
-, { "t_partkey": 99, "t_count": 22i64, "t_avg_quantity": 4.609090909090909d, "t_max_suppkey": 10, "t_max_linenumber": 6, "t_avg_extendedprice": 23024.48318181818d, "t_avg_discount": 0.05318181818181818d, "t_avg_tax": 0.038181818181818185d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-02-16", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-03-03", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-05-24", "t_max_comment": "yly pending excu" }
-, { "t_partkey": 100, "t_count": 41i64, "t_avg_quantity": 5.51219512195122d, "t_max_suppkey": 4, "t_max_linenumber": 6, "t_avg_extendedprice": 27563.731707317078d, "t_avg_discount": 0.05048780487804879d, "t_avg_tax": 0.04048780487804878d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-06-24", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-03-06", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-04-13", "t_max_comment": "xpress accounts sleep slyly re" }
-, { "t_partkey": 101, "t_count": 28i64, "t_avg_quantity": 5.707142857142857d, "t_max_suppkey": 8, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 28567.103571428568d, "t_avg_discount": 0.054285714285714284d, "t_avg_tax": 0.04571428571428572d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-02-25", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-07-26", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-08-20", "t_max_comment": "uses are care" }
-, { "t_partkey": 102, "t_count": 38i64, "t_avg_quantity": 4.263157894736842d, "t_max_suppkey": 9, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 21360.552631578947d, "t_avg_discount": 0.05052631578947368d, "t_avg_tax": 0.04315789473684211d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-09-01", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-09-09", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-08-28", "t_max_comment": "y unusual packa" }
-, { "t_partkey": 103, "t_count": 25i64, "t_avg_quantity": 6.16d, "t_max_suppkey": 10, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 30895.48d, "t_avg_discount": 0.0408d, "t_avg_tax": 0.0432d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-11-16", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-05-16", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-04-20", "t_max_comment": "yly. unusu" }
-, { "t_partkey": 104, "t_count": 19i64, "t_avg_quantity": 5.178947368421053d, "t_max_suppkey": 9, "t_max_linenumber": 6, "t_avg_extendedprice": 26000.9052631579d, "t_avg_discount": 0.04263157894736842d, "t_avg_tax": 0.034210526315789476d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-04-17", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-03-29", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-04-13", "t_max_comment": "yly even gifts after the sl" }
-, { "t_partkey": 105, "t_count": 36i64, "t_avg_quantity": 5.194444444444445d, "t_max_suppkey": 10, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 26104.68055555556d, "t_avg_discount": 0.05055555555555556d, "t_avg_tax": 0.03888888888888889d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-08-25", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-03-19", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-02-25", "t_max_comment": "yly into the carefully even " }
-, { "t_partkey": 106, "t_count": 27i64, "t_avg_quantity": 4.451851851851852d, "t_max_suppkey": 9, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 22395.040740740744d, "t_avg_discount": 0.039259259259259265d, "t_avg_tax": 0.039259259259259265d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-07-25", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-05-18", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-07-21", "t_max_comment": "y ironic foxes caj" }
-, { "t_partkey": 107, "t_count": 27i64, "t_avg_quantity": 4.733333333333333d, "t_max_suppkey": 10, "t_max_linenumber": 6, "t_avg_extendedprice": 23834.7d, "t_avg_discount": 0.04518518518518518d, "t_avg_tax": 0.037037037037037035d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-09-29", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-06-25", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-06-11", "t_max_comment": "y ruthless dolphins to " }
-, { "t_partkey": 108, "t_count": 28i64, "t_avg_quantity": 4.692857142857143d, "t_max_suppkey": 9, "t_max_linenumber": 6, "t_avg_extendedprice": 23654.346428571425d, "t_avg_discount": 0.05750000000000001d, "t_avg_tax": 0.046071428571428576d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-09-07", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-06-14", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-08-03", "t_max_comment": "y pending platelets x-ray ironically! pend" }
-, { "t_partkey": 109, "t_count": 35i64, "t_avg_quantity": 5.331428571428572d, "t_max_suppkey": 10, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 26899.722857142857d, "t_avg_discount": 0.048571428571428564d, "t_avg_tax": 0.044571428571428574d, "t_max_shipdate": "1997-08-27", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-06-18", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-07-05", "t_max_comment": "ts wake furiously " }
-, { "t_partkey": 110, "t_count": 29i64, "t_avg_quantity": 4.86896551724138d, "t_max_suppkey": 7, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 24590.95379310345d, "t_avg_discount": 0.05344827586206897d, "t_avg_tax": 0.03517241379310345d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-05-03", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-10-29", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-09-27", "t_max_comment": "xcuses sleep quickly along th" }
-, { "t_partkey": 111, "t_count": 26i64, "t_avg_quantity": 6.130769230769231d, "t_max_suppkey": 8, "t_max_linenumber": 5, "t_avg_extendedprice": 30994.410384615392d, "t_avg_discount": 0.05038461538461539d, "t_avg_tax": 0.03576923076923077d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-06-18", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-05-11", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-07-29", "t_max_comment": "usy pinto beans b" }
-, { "t_partkey": 112, "t_count": 28i64, "t_avg_quantity": 5.457142857142857d, "t_max_suppkey": 9, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 27616.144285714287d, "t_avg_discount": 0.038571428571428576d, "t_avg_tax": 0.041785714285714294d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-10-18", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-10-23", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-09-29", "t_max_comment": "zle carefully sauternes. quickly" }
-, { "t_partkey": 113, "t_count": 28i64, "t_avg_quantity": 5.078571428571429d, "t_max_suppkey": 10, "t_max_linenumber": 6, "t_avg_extendedprice": 25725.7575d, "t_avg_discount": 0.04785714285714287d, "t_avg_tax": 0.048571428571428564d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-06-28", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-08-10", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-06-14", "t_max_comment": "yly silent deposit" }
-, { "t_partkey": 114, "t_count": 24i64, "t_avg_quantity": 5.041666666666667d, "t_max_suppkey": 8, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 25564.02291666667d, "t_avg_discount": 0.057916666666666665d, "t_avg_tax": 0.03958333333333334d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-09-27", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-10-25", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-12-04", "t_max_comment": "y unusual, ironic" }
-, { "t_partkey": 115, "t_count": 34i64, "t_avg_quantity": 4.594117647058823d, "t_max_suppkey": 9, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 23317.673823529414d, "t_avg_discount": 0.045588235294117645d, "t_avg_tax": 0.03588235294117647d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-04-27", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-04-19", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-03-30", "t_max_comment": "y. final pearls kindle. accounts " }
-, { "t_partkey": 116, "t_count": 25i64, "t_avg_quantity": 5.5200000000000005d, "t_max_suppkey": 10, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 28044.635999999995d, "t_avg_discount": 0.0512d, "t_avg_tax": 0.046d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-06-24", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-03-10", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-04-14", "t_max_comment": "yly even epitaphs for the " }
-, { "t_partkey": 117, "t_count": 35i64, "t_avg_quantity": 5.337142857142858d, "t_max_suppkey": 8, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 27142.306857142856d, "t_avg_discount": 0.05742857142857143d, "t_avg_tax": 0.044285714285714296d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-10-30", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-05-06", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-05-11", "t_max_comment": "y ironic accounts. furiously even packa" }
-, { "t_partkey": 118, "t_count": 38i64, "t_avg_quantity": 4.321052631578947d, "t_max_suppkey": 9, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 21996.53447368421d, "t_avg_discount": 0.05342105263157895d, "t_avg_tax": 0.035526315789473684d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-08-31", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-05-19", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-07-02", "t_max_comment": "y. furiously even pinto be" }
-, { "t_partkey": 119, "t_count": 30i64, "t_avg_quantity": 5.4d, "t_max_suppkey": 10, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 27515.970000000005d, "t_avg_discount": 0.058333333333333334d, "t_avg_tax": 0.043000000000000003d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-08-15", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-05-19", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-06-05", "t_max_comment": "y regular theodolites w" }
-, { "t_partkey": 120, "t_count": 36i64, "t_avg_quantity": 5.75d, "t_max_suppkey": 10, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 29328.449999999997d, "t_avg_discount": 0.05222222222222223d, "t_avg_tax": 0.045000000000000005d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-08-25", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-04-04", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-04-02", "t_max_comment": "yly regular p" }
-, { "t_partkey": 121, "t_count": 34i64, "t_avg_quantity": 4.576470588235295d, "t_max_suppkey": 10, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 23365.628235294116d, "t_avg_discount": 0.052352941176470595d, "t_avg_tax": 0.03470588235294118d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-08-22", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-05-22", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-05-03", "t_max_comment": "y quickly regular packages. car" }
-, { "t_partkey": 122, "t_count": 44i64, "t_avg_quantity": 4.677272727272728d, "t_max_suppkey": 7, "t_max_linenumber": 6, "t_avg_extendedprice": 23903.67d, "t_avg_discount": 0.05113636363636364d, "t_avg_tax": 0.03977272727272727d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-10-29", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-03-23", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-04-07", "t_max_comment": "y bold package" }
-, { "t_partkey": 123, "t_count": 30i64, "t_avg_quantity": 5.213333333333334d, "t_max_suppkey": 8, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 26669.327999999994d, "t_avg_discount": 0.04466666666666666d, "t_avg_tax": 0.04066666666666666d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-09-23", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-03-18", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-02-29", "t_max_comment": "y quickly regular theodolites. final t" }
-, { "t_partkey": 124, "t_count": 32i64, "t_avg_quantity": 4.9375d, "t_max_suppkey": 9, "t_max_linenumber": 6, "t_avg_extendedprice": 25282.962499999998d, "t_avg_discount": 0.0553125d, "t_avg_tax": 0.043125d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-11-15", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-07-21", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-06-18", "t_max_comment": "y express ideas impress" }
-, { "t_partkey": 125, "t_count": 20i64, "t_avg_quantity": 6.07d, "t_max_suppkey": 10, "t_max_linenumber": 6, "t_avg_extendedprice": 31112.392000000003d, "t_avg_discount": 0.035500000000000004d, "t_avg_tax": 0.034d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-05-05", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-04-24", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-04-12", "t_max_comment": "y final deposits wake furiously! slyl" }
-, { "t_partkey": 126, "t_count": 31i64, "t_avg_quantity": 4.812903225806452d, "t_max_suppkey": 9, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 24693.08129032258d, "t_avg_discount": 0.04387096774193548d, "t_avg_tax": 0.03483870967741936d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-01-30", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-07-09", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-08-21", "t_max_comment": "x furiously bold packages. expres" }
-, { "t_partkey": 127, "t_count": 25i64, "t_avg_quantity": 4.744d, "t_max_suppkey": 10, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 24363.2864d, "t_avg_discount": 0.055600000000000004d, "t_avg_tax": 0.034d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-05-25", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-06-30", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-06-10", "t_max_comment": "ts integrate. courts haggl" }
-, { "t_partkey": 128, "t_count": 27i64, "t_avg_quantity": 5.155555555555556d, "t_max_suppkey": 9, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 26502.648888888885d, "t_avg_discount": 0.047407407407407405d, "t_avg_tax": 0.042222222222222223d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-07-09", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-03-24", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-03-15", "t_max_comment": "usly bold requests sleep dogge" }
-, { "t_partkey": 129, "t_count": 35i64, "t_avg_quantity": 5.262857142857143d, "t_max_suppkey": 10, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 27080.557714285715d, "t_avg_discount": 0.05600000000000001d, "t_avg_tax": 0.03514285714285714d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-08-25", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-04-17", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-04-02", "t_max_comment": "ven theodolites nag quickly. fluffi" }
-, { "t_partkey": 130, "t_count": 28i64, "t_avg_quantity": 6.0d, "t_max_suppkey": 9, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 30903.9d, "t_avg_discount": 0.04464285714285714d, "t_avg_tax": 0.04357142857142858d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-07-19", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-05-30", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-04-05", "t_max_comment": "ven theodolites around the slyly" }
-, { "t_partkey": 131, "t_count": 33i64, "t_avg_quantity": 4.715151515151515d, "t_max_suppkey": 7, "t_max_linenumber": 6, "t_avg_extendedprice": 24309.67090909091d, "t_avg_discount": 0.04454545454545455d, "t_avg_tax": 0.03878787878787879d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-08-20", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-02-24", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-03-09", "t_max_comment": "usual pinto beans." }
-, { "t_partkey": 132, "t_count": 30i64, "t_avg_quantity": 4.0200000000000005d, "t_max_suppkey": 8, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 20745.813000000002d, "t_avg_discount": 0.04733333333333334d, "t_avg_tax": 0.03766666666666667d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-07-21", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-02-12", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-04-30", "t_max_comment": "yly ironic foxes. regular requests h" }
-, { "t_partkey": 133, "t_count": 28i64, "t_avg_quantity": 5.6000000000000005d, "t_max_suppkey": 9, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 28927.639999999996d, "t_avg_discount": 0.048571428571428564d, "t_avg_tax": 0.029285714285714283d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-05-12", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-07-07", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-07-08", "t_max_comment": "xcuses would boost against the fluffily eve" }
-, { "t_partkey": 134, "t_count": 32i64, "t_avg_quantity": 5.6312500000000005d, "t_max_suppkey": 10, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 29117.222812499997d, "t_avg_discount": 0.051875000000000004d, "t_avg_tax": 0.0346875d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-07-22", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-03-16", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-06-06", "t_max_comment": "usly busy account" }
-, { "t_partkey": 135, "t_count": 29i64, "t_avg_quantity": 4.793103448275862d, "t_max_suppkey": 6, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 24807.42586206897d, "t_avg_discount": 0.054827586206896546d, "t_avg_tax": 0.03482758620689656d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-08-03", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-04-10", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-05-14", "t_max_comment": "y; excuses use. ironic, close instru" }
-, { "t_partkey": 136, "t_count": 35i64, "t_avg_quantity": 5.16d, "t_max_suppkey": 7, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 26732.154000000002d, "t_avg_discount": 0.04542857142857143d, "t_avg_tax": 0.036d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-08-06", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-04-24", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-05-24", "t_max_comment": "y final pinto " }
-, { "t_partkey": 137, "t_count": 38i64, "t_avg_quantity": 5.736842105263158d, "t_max_suppkey": 8, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 29749.2552631579d, "t_avg_discount": 0.04026315789473685d, "t_avg_tax": 0.04421052631578948d, "t_max_shipdate": "1997-08-19", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-06-29", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-06-19", "t_max_comment": "uests cajole carefully." }
-, { "t_partkey": 138, "t_count": 42i64, "t_avg_quantity": 5.666666666666667d, "t_max_suppkey": 9, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 29413.68333333333d, "t_avg_discount": 0.05452380952380952d, "t_avg_tax": 0.03928571428571429d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-08-29", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-04-12", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-07-09", "t_max_comment": "yly idle deposits. final, final fox" }
-, { "t_partkey": 139, "t_count": 34i64, "t_avg_quantity": 5.364705882352942d, "t_max_suppkey": 10, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 27873.13411764706d, "t_avg_discount": 0.050588235294117656d, "t_avg_tax": 0.047058823529411764d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-03-01", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-04-15", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-04-28", "t_max_comment": "y express accounts above the exp" }
-, { "t_partkey": 140, "t_count": 35i64, "t_avg_quantity": 5.034285714285715d, "t_max_suppkey": 6, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 26181.809714285715d, "t_avg_discount": 0.054571428571428576d, "t_avg_tax": 0.04257142857142857d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-06-24", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-04-14", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-03-21", "t_max_comment": "y among the furiously special" }
-, { "t_partkey": 141, "t_count": 38i64, "t_avg_quantity": 5.5473684210526315d, "t_max_suppkey": 10, "t_max_linenumber": 6, "t_avg_extendedprice": 28877.935789473686d, "t_avg_discount": 0.037368421052631585d, "t_avg_tax": 0.052105263157894745d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-10-26", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-02-26", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-01-20", "t_max_comment": "yly silent ideas affix furiousl" }
-, { "t_partkey": 142, "t_count": 26i64, "t_avg_quantity": 6.138461538461539d, "t_max_suppkey": 9, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 31985.681538461537d, "t_avg_discount": 0.05d, "t_avg_tax": 0.047692307692307694d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-06-06", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-12-21", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-10-16", "t_max_comment": "usly bold instructions affix idly unusual, " }
-, { "t_partkey": 143, "t_count": 36i64, "t_avg_quantity": 4.95d, "t_max_suppkey": 10, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 25817.715000000004d, "t_avg_discount": 0.045000000000000005d, "t_avg_tax": 0.03972222222222222d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-07-16", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-04-26", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-05-17", "t_max_comment": "y pending foxes nag blithely " }
-, { "t_partkey": 144, "t_count": 32i64, "t_avg_quantity": 4.91875d, "t_max_suppkey": 7, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 25679.318125d, "t_avg_discount": 0.0465625d, "t_avg_tax": 0.0434375d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-09-22", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-07-19", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-07-30", "t_max_comment": "ve the fluffily " }
-, { "t_partkey": 145, "t_count": 24i64, "t_avg_quantity": 5.566666666666666d, "t_max_suppkey": 8, "t_max_linenumber": 6, "t_avg_extendedprice": 29089.73d, "t_avg_discount": 0.04541666666666667d, "t_avg_tax": 0.03666666666666666d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-07-23", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-03-16", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-01-27", "t_max_comment": "yly even platelets wake. " }
-, { "t_partkey": 146, "t_count": 27i64, "t_avg_quantity": 4.792592592592593d, "t_max_suppkey": 9, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 25068.614074074078d, "t_avg_discount": 0.05925925925925926d, "t_avg_tax": 0.04407407407407408d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-07-09", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-05-18", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-05-27", "t_max_comment": "ut the slyly specia" }
-, { "t_partkey": 147, "t_count": 31i64, "t_avg_quantity": 4.625806451612903d, "t_max_suppkey": 10, "t_max_linenumber": 6, "t_avg_extendedprice": 24219.334838709678d, "t_avg_discount": 0.05451612903225806d, "t_avg_tax": 0.04741935483870968d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-06-18", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-07-06", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-06-23", "t_max_comment": "yly special excuses. fluffily " }
-, { "t_partkey": 148, "t_count": 43i64, "t_avg_quantity": 5.158139534883722d, "t_max_suppkey": 9, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 27032.261860465118d, "t_avg_discount": 0.0516279069767442d, "t_avg_tax": 0.04093023255813954d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-07-21", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-03-16", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-01-27", "t_max_comment": "y special theodolites. carefully" }
-, { "t_partkey": 149, "t_count": 33i64, "t_avg_quantity": 4.363636363636363d, "t_max_suppkey": 10, "t_max_linenumber": 6, "t_avg_extendedprice": 22890.327272727274d, "t_avg_discount": 0.05d, "t_avg_tax": 0.03909090909090909d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-06-06", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-03-06", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-04-19", "t_max_comment": "y regular requests. furious" }
-, { "t_partkey": 150, "t_count": 29i64, "t_avg_quantity": 5.027586206896552d, "t_max_suppkey": 9, "t_max_linenumber": 6, "t_avg_extendedprice": 26398.598275862067d, "t_avg_discount": 0.05517241379310344d, "t_avg_tax": 0.04206896551724138d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-08-06", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-05-26", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-05-09", "t_max_comment": "thely around the bli" }
-, { "t_partkey": 151, "t_count": 24i64, "t_avg_quantity": 4.175d, "t_max_suppkey": 9, "t_max_linenumber": 6, "t_avg_extendedprice": 21942.756249999995d, "t_avg_discount": 0.045000000000000005d, "t_avg_tax": 0.03291666666666667d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-08-09", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-02-05", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-02-13", "t_max_comment": "y unusual foxes " }
-, { "t_partkey": 152, "t_count": 27i64, "t_avg_quantity": 4.970370370370371d, "t_max_suppkey": 10, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 26147.875925925924d, "t_avg_discount": 0.050370370370370364d, "t_avg_tax": 0.03888888888888889d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-04-20", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-05-10", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-07-04", "t_max_comment": "ully. carefully final accounts accordi" }
-, { "t_partkey": 153, "t_count": 35i64, "t_avg_quantity": 5.514285714285715d, "t_max_suppkey": 8, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 29036.85d, "t_avg_discount": 0.045714285714285714d, "t_avg_tax": 0.03885714285714286d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-08-17", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-02-18", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-03-02", "t_max_comment": "y above the bli" }
-, { "t_partkey": 154, "t_count": 30i64, "t_avg_quantity": 4.54d, "t_max_suppkey": 9, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 23929.205d, "t_avg_discount": 0.04933333333333333d, "t_avg_tax": 0.041666666666666664d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-09-29", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-03-06", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-03-01", "t_max_comment": "vely ironic accounts. furiously unusual acc" }
-, { "t_partkey": 155, "t_count": 23i64, "t_avg_quantity": 6.069565217391305d, "t_max_suppkey": 10, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 32021.508695652174d, "t_avg_discount": 0.0508695652173913d, "t_avg_tax": 0.037391304347826095d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-07-27", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-10-21", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-09-30", "t_max_comment": "y regular requests haggle." }
-, { "t_partkey": 156, "t_count": 39i64, "t_avg_quantity": 5.333333333333334d, "t_max_suppkey": 8, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 28164.0d, "t_avg_discount": 0.0458974358974359d, "t_avg_tax": 0.04410256410256411d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-08-09", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-02-18", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-05-03", "t_max_comment": "y regular instructions doze furiously. reg" }
-, { "t_partkey": 157, "t_count": 28i64, "t_avg_quantity": 5.414285714285715d, "t_max_suppkey": 9, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 28618.560714285715d, "t_avg_discount": 0.05714285714285714d, "t_avg_tax": 0.03964285714285714d, "t_max_shipdate": "1997-11-27", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-06-30", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-08-01", "t_max_comment": "y regular requests engage furiously final d" }
-, { "t_partkey": 158, "t_count": 25i64, "t_avg_quantity": 5.144d, "t_max_suppkey": 10, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 27215.618000000002d, "t_avg_discount": 0.044000000000000004d, "t_avg_tax": 0.036800000000000006d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-07-16", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-06-04", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-08-07", "t_max_comment": "uctions cajole" }
-, { "t_partkey": 159, "t_count": 32i64, "t_avg_quantity": 4.9625d, "t_max_suppkey": 10, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 26280.159375000003d, "t_avg_discount": 0.0578125d, "t_avg_tax": 0.043125000000000004d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-05-25", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-02-10", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-05-20", "t_max_comment": "y special ideas. express packages pr" }
-, { "t_partkey": 160, "t_count": 42i64, "t_avg_quantity": 4.338095238095238d, "t_max_suppkey": 8, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 22995.37523809524d, "t_avg_discount": 0.04690476190476191d, "t_avg_tax": 0.03785714285714287d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-08-14", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-04-07", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-05-13", "t_max_comment": "yly silent deposits" }
-, { "t_partkey": 161, "t_count": 33i64, "t_avg_quantity": 5.109090909090909d, "t_max_suppkey": 10, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 27107.814545454545d, "t_avg_discount": 0.04666666666666667d, "t_avg_tax": 0.04606060606060606d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-09-11", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-04-27", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-04-09", "t_max_comment": "y ironic pin" }
-, { "t_partkey": 162, "t_count": 42i64, "t_avg_quantity": 4.895238095238096d, "t_max_suppkey": 9, "t_max_linenumber": 6, "t_avg_extendedprice": 25997.630476190476d, "t_avg_discount": 0.05833333333333335d, "t_avg_tax": 0.03547619047619048d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-09-18", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-04-27", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-04-14", "t_max_comment": "y asymptotes. regular depen" }
-, { "t_partkey": 163, "t_count": 28i64, "t_avg_quantity": 5.550000000000001d, "t_max_suppkey": 10, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 29502.690000000002d, "t_avg_discount": 0.045d, "t_avg_tax": 0.032499999999999994d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-04-18", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-03-07", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-03-09", "t_max_comment": "y fluffily stealt" }
-, { "t_partkey": 164, "t_count": 26i64, "t_avg_quantity": 4.915384615384616d, "t_max_suppkey": 9, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 26153.778461538463d, "t_avg_discount": 0.04076923076923077d, "t_avg_tax": 0.04115384615384616d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-10-17", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-03-31", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-04-04", "t_max_comment": "ymptotes boost. furiously bold p" }
-, { "t_partkey": 165, "t_count": 36i64, "t_avg_quantity": 5.561111111111112d, "t_max_suppkey": 10, "t_max_linenumber": 5, "t_avg_extendedprice": 29617.365555555552d, "t_avg_discount": 0.05277777777777778d, "t_avg_tax": 0.03777777777777778d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-06-07", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-03-17", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-04-07", "t_max_comment": "y unusual deposits prom" }
-, { "t_partkey": 166, "t_count": 33i64, "t_avg_quantity": 4.830303030303031d, "t_max_suppkey": 7, "t_max_linenumber": 6, "t_avg_extendedprice": 25749.37939393939d, "t_avg_discount": 0.04666666666666667d, "t_avg_tax": 0.03878787878787879d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-08-11", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-06-07", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-08-16", "t_max_comment": "uses detect spec" }
-, { "t_partkey": 167, "t_count": 31i64, "t_avg_quantity": 4.851612903225806d, "t_max_suppkey": 8, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 25887.236129032255d, "t_avg_discount": 0.052258064516129035d, "t_avg_tax": 0.037096774193548385d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-05-02", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-05-30", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-06-08", "t_max_comment": "yly final packages according to the quickl" }
-, { "t_partkey": 168, "t_count": 36i64, "t_avg_quantity": 5.1722222222222225d, "t_max_suppkey": 9, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 27623.804444444442d, "t_avg_discount": 0.04944444444444445d, "t_avg_tax": 0.03666666666666667d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-06-26", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-05-20", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-05-07", "t_max_comment": "xpress requests haggle after the final, fi" }
-, { "t_partkey": 169, "t_count": 35i64, "t_avg_quantity": 5.822857142857143d, "t_max_suppkey": 10, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 31127.829714285715d, "t_avg_discount": 0.047999999999999994d, "t_avg_tax": 0.038857142857142854d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-07-30", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-04-18", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-04-18", "t_max_comment": "yly final theodolites. furi" }
-, { "t_partkey": 170, "t_count": 27i64, "t_avg_quantity": 4.874074074074074d, "t_max_suppkey": 9, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 26080.43925925926d, "t_avg_discount": 0.050740740740740746d, "t_avg_tax": 0.044814814814814814d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-10-30", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-06-24", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-08-13", "t_max_comment": "yly ironic " }
-, { "t_partkey": 171, "t_count": 18i64, "t_avg_quantity": 4.533333333333334d, "t_max_suppkey": 10, "t_max_linenumber": 6, "t_avg_extendedprice": 24279.853333333333d, "t_avg_discount": 0.04055555555555555d, "t_avg_tax": 0.036666666666666674d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-07-28", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-10-15", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-11-11", "t_max_comment": "uriously ironic accounts. ironic, ir" }
-, { "t_partkey": 172, "t_count": 18i64, "t_avg_quantity": 5.1000000000000005d, "t_max_suppkey": 10, "t_max_linenumber": 6, "t_avg_extendedprice": 27340.335d, "t_avg_discount": 0.05222222222222222d, "t_avg_tax": 0.03722222222222223d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-08-21", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-09-18", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-09-26", "t_max_comment": "wake carefully alongside of " }
-, { "t_partkey": 173, "t_count": 34i64, "t_avg_quantity": 5.247058823529412d, "t_max_suppkey": 4, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 28154.930588235293d, "t_avg_discount": 0.054411764705882354d, "t_avg_tax": 0.048529411764705876d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-09-17", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-06-20", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-06-21", "t_max_comment": "uses. fluffily fina" }
-, { "t_partkey": 174, "t_count": 31i64, "t_avg_quantity": 5.3419354838709685d, "t_max_suppkey": 5, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 28690.734193548382d, "t_avg_discount": 0.05354838709677419d, "t_avg_tax": 0.046129032258064515d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-05-31", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-09-05", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-07-14", "t_max_comment": "y unusual packages thrash pinto " }
-, { "t_partkey": 175, "t_count": 31i64, "t_avg_quantity": 5.658064516129032d, "t_max_suppkey": 6, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 30416.906129032257d, "t_avg_discount": 0.04548387096774193d, "t_avg_tax": 0.03387096774193549d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-09-06", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-09-30", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-10-22", "t_max_comment": "yly special " }
-, { "t_partkey": 176, "t_count": 28i64, "t_avg_quantity": 6.078571428571429d, "t_max_suppkey": 7, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 32707.88107142857d, "t_avg_discount": 0.06d, "t_avg_tax": 0.03642857142857143d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-11-11", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-02-28", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-02-21", "t_max_comment": "y unusual foxes cajole ab" }
-, { "t_partkey": 177, "t_count": 29i64, "t_avg_quantity": 4.675862068965517d, "t_max_suppkey": 8, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 25183.491724137926d, "t_avg_discount": 0.045517241379310354d, "t_avg_tax": 0.04482758620689655d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-08-24", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-04-05", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-05-04", "t_max_comment": "y ironic instructions cajole" }
-, { "t_partkey": 178, "t_count": 41i64, "t_avg_quantity": 5.414634146341464d, "t_max_suppkey": 9, "t_max_linenumber": 6, "t_avg_extendedprice": 29189.480487804878d, "t_avg_discount": 0.04878048780487805d, "t_avg_tax": 0.038780487804878055d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-11-11", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-06-01", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-06-18", "t_max_comment": "yly ironic decoys; regular, iron" }
-, { "t_partkey": 179, "t_count": 19i64, "t_avg_quantity": 6.010526315789474d, "t_max_suppkey": 10, "t_max_linenumber": 6, "t_avg_extendedprice": 32431.898421052636d, "t_avg_discount": 0.04263157894736842d, "t_avg_tax": 0.02368421052631579d, "t_max_shipdate": "1997-06-03", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-04-18", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-06-10", "t_max_comment": "y regular pain" }
-, { "t_partkey": 180, "t_count": 29i64, "t_avg_quantity": 4.096551724137931d, "t_max_suppkey": 10, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 22125.06620689655d, "t_avg_discount": 0.04758620689655172d, "t_avg_tax": 0.036551724137931035d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-10-28", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-04-02", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-03-18", "t_max_comment": "y final foxes by the sl" }
-, { "t_partkey": 181, "t_count": 26i64, "t_avg_quantity": 4.307692307692308d, "t_max_suppkey": 2, "t_max_linenumber": 6, "t_avg_extendedprice": 23286.953846153843d, "t_avg_discount": 0.05615384615384615d, "t_avg_tax": 0.05153846153846154d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-10-23", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-07-25", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-07-02", "t_max_comment": "ts across the even requests doze furiously" }
-, { "t_partkey": 182, "t_count": 23i64, "t_avg_quantity": 4.234782608695652d, "t_max_suppkey": 3, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 22913.985217391306d, "t_avg_discount": 0.03782608695652174d, "t_avg_tax": 0.036521739130434785d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-11-04", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-04-21", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-03-13", "t_max_comment": "yly. express ideas agai" }
-, { "t_partkey": 183, "t_count": 31i64, "t_avg_quantity": 4.851612903225806d, "t_max_suppkey": 4, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 26275.85032258064d, "t_avg_discount": 0.043225806451612905d, "t_avg_tax": 0.04064516129032259d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-05-26", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-03-21", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-05-02", "t_max_comment": "y. even excuses" }
-, { "t_partkey": 184, "t_count": 42i64, "t_avg_quantity": 5.380952380952381d, "t_max_suppkey": 5, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 29169.604761904764d, "t_avg_discount": 0.048809523809523817d, "t_avg_tax": 0.035d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-07-14", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-04-23", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-04-14", "t_max_comment": "y regular pinto beans. evenly regular packa" }
-, { "t_partkey": 185, "t_count": 21i64, "t_avg_quantity": 4.542857142857144d, "t_max_suppkey": 6, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 24649.088571428572d, "t_avg_discount": 0.04619047619047619d, "t_avg_tax": 0.042857142857142864d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-06-16", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-02-11", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-05-30", "t_max_comment": "unusual theodol" }
-, { "t_partkey": 186, "t_count": 30i64, "t_avg_quantity": 4.206666666666667d, "t_max_suppkey": 7, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 22845.986d, "t_avg_discount": 0.04766666666666667d, "t_avg_tax": 0.044666666666666674d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-03-06", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-07-07", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-08-04", "t_max_comment": "ymptotes could u" }
-, { "t_partkey": 187, "t_count": 29i64, "t_avg_quantity": 5.627586206896552d, "t_max_suppkey": 8, "t_max_linenumber": 6, "t_avg_extendedprice": 30590.99586206896d, "t_avg_discount": 0.048965517241379306d, "t_avg_tax": 0.04103448275862069d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-11-11", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-05-01", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-04-13", "t_max_comment": "y even forges. fluffily furious accounts" }
-, { "t_partkey": 188, "t_count": 31i64, "t_avg_quantity": 4.2129032258064525d, "t_max_suppkey": 9, "t_max_linenumber": 6, "t_avg_extendedprice": 22921.98516129032d, "t_avg_discount": 0.06483870967741935d, "t_avg_tax": 0.03483870967741936d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-06-19", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-08-05", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-10-05", "t_max_comment": "y regular asymptotes doz" }
-, { "t_partkey": 189, "t_count": 33i64, "t_avg_quantity": 4.533333333333334d, "t_max_suppkey": 10, "t_max_linenumber": 6, "t_avg_extendedprice": 24688.079999999998d, "t_avg_discount": 0.053333333333333344d, "t_avg_tax": 0.03757575757575757d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-07-26", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-06-08", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-07-03", "t_max_comment": "y sly theodolites. ironi" }
-, { "t_partkey": 190, "t_count": 39i64, "t_avg_quantity": 4.912820512820513d, "t_max_suppkey": 1, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 26779.538974358973d, "t_avg_discount": 0.04743589743589744d, "t_avg_tax": 0.03538461538461539d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-09-24", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-05-02", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-05-11", "t_max_comment": "y final foxes sleep blithely sl" }
-, { "t_partkey": 191, "t_count": 40i64, "t_avg_quantity": 5.5200000000000005d, "t_max_suppkey": 5, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 30116.844d, "t_avg_discount": 0.0475d, "t_avg_tax": 0.04025d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-10-08", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-06-09", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-08-09", "t_max_comment": "ys engage. th" }
-, { "t_partkey": 192, "t_count": 29i64, "t_avg_quantity": 4.655172413793103d, "t_max_suppkey": 6, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 25421.66379310345d, "t_avg_discount": 0.04724137931034483d, "t_avg_tax": 0.04586206896551724d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-05-26", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-04-06", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-03-02", "t_max_comment": "y. fluffily bold accounts grow. furio" }
-, { "t_partkey": 193, "t_count": 27i64, "t_avg_quantity": 4.4222222222222225d, "t_max_suppkey": 7, "t_max_linenumber": 6, "t_avg_extendedprice": 24171.64555555556d, "t_avg_discount": 0.044814814814814814d, "t_avg_tax": 0.02851851851851852d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-08-19", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-05-05", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-06-03", "t_max_comment": "y players sleep along the final, pending " }
-, { "t_partkey": 194, "t_count": 28i64, "t_avg_quantity": 4.457142857142857d, "t_max_suppkey": 8, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 24384.80571428571d, "t_avg_discount": 0.04071428571428572d, "t_avg_tax": 0.031785714285714285d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-07-06", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-03-18", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-02-23", "t_max_comment": "y silent requests. regular, even accounts" }
-, { "t_partkey": 195, "t_count": 30i64, "t_avg_quantity": 5.053333333333334d, "t_max_suppkey": 9, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 27671.800666666666d, "t_avg_discount": 0.04833333333333333d, "t_avg_tax": 0.045000000000000005d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-01-21", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-02-12", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-05-05", "t_max_comment": "yly pending packages snooz" }
-, { "t_partkey": 196, "t_count": 36i64, "t_avg_quantity": 5.011111111111112d, "t_max_suppkey": 10, "t_max_linenumber": 6, "t_avg_extendedprice": 27465.649444444443d, "t_avg_discount": 0.04972222222222223d, "t_avg_tax": 0.03944444444444444d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-10-17", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-03-14", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-03-27", "t_max_comment": "y quickly " }
-, { "t_partkey": 197, "t_count": 32i64, "t_avg_quantity": 5.2125d, "t_max_suppkey": 10, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 28595.514375d, "t_avg_discount": 0.0553125d, "t_avg_tax": 0.0378125d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-05-19", "t_min_commitdate": "1993-09-09", "t_min_receiptdate": "1993-08-23", "t_max_comment": "warhorses slee" }
-, { "t_partkey": 198, "t_count": 31i64, "t_avg_quantity": 4.587096774193548d, "t_max_suppkey": 10, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 25187.519032258064d, "t_avg_discount": 0.03967741935483871d, "t_avg_tax": 0.035806451612903224d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-10-06", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-02-23", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-05-15", "t_max_comment": "y even accounts. quickly bold decoys" }
-, { "t_partkey": 199, "t_count": 32i64, "t_avg_quantity": 5.5062500000000005d, "t_max_suppkey": 10, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 30262.0746875d, "t_avg_discount": 0.052812500000000005d, "t_avg_tax": 0.043750000000000004d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-08-14", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-05-13", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-03-28", "t_max_comment": "y carefully ironi" }
-, { "t_partkey": 200, "t_count": 24i64, "t_avg_quantity": 5.458333333333334d, "t_max_suppkey": 4, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 30026.291666666668d, "t_avg_discount": 0.049166666666666664d, "t_avg_tax": 0.03375d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-09-04", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-05-28", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-05-12", "t_max_comment": "y silent foxes! carefully ruthless cour" }
+[ { "t_partkey": 1, "t_count": 35, "t_avg_quantity": 5.28d, "t_max_suppkey": 8, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 23786.4d, "t_avg_discount": 0.044000000000000004d, "t_avg_tax": 0.049142857142857155d, "t_max_shipdate": "1997-08-08", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-04-02", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-02-28", "t_max_comment": "y ironic requests. bold, final ideas a" }
+, { "t_partkey": 2, "t_count": 34, "t_avg_quantity": 4.347058823529411d, "t_max_suppkey": 9, "t_max_linenumber": 6, "t_avg_extendedprice": 19605.235294117647d, "t_avg_discount": 0.049705882352941176d, "t_avg_tax": 0.04d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-05-31", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-07-12", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-07-08", "t_max_comment": "yly final dolphins? quickly ironic frets" }
+, { "t_partkey": 3, "t_count": 27, "t_avg_quantity": 4.896296296296296d, "t_max_suppkey": 10, "t_max_linenumber": 6, "t_avg_extendedprice": 22106.777777777777d, "t_avg_discount": 0.05481481481481482d, "t_avg_tax": 0.04185185185185186d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-05-22", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-03-20", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-05-04", "t_max_comment": "yly blithely pending packages" }
+, { "t_partkey": 4, "t_count": 26, "t_avg_quantity": 4.2615384615384615d, "t_max_suppkey": 9, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 19262.153846153848d, "t_avg_discount": 0.056538461538461544d, "t_avg_tax": 0.04d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-08-26", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-03-21", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-05-27", "t_max_comment": "y regular packages haggle furiously alongs" }
+, { "t_partkey": 5, "t_count": 32, "t_avg_quantity": 5.4750000000000005d, "t_max_suppkey": 10, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 24774.375d, "t_avg_discount": 0.04125d, "t_avg_tax": 0.0390625d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-07-19", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-05-12", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-05-10", "t_max_comment": "y. careful" }
+, { "t_partkey": 6, "t_count": 34, "t_avg_quantity": 5.2058823529411775d, "t_max_suppkey": 9, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 23582.647058823528d, "t_avg_discount": 0.05676470588235293d, "t_avg_tax": 0.04176470588235294d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-09-05", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-04-24", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-04-08", "t_max_comment": "yly express " }
+, { "t_partkey": 7, "t_count": 22, "t_avg_quantity": 4.7d, "t_max_suppkey": 10, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 21314.5d, "t_avg_discount": 0.05772727272727273d, "t_avg_tax": 0.041818181818181824d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-07-27", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-05-31", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-04-21", "t_max_comment": "ss the ironic, regular asymptotes cajole " }
+, { "t_partkey": 8, "t_count": 24, "t_avg_quantity": 4.783333333333334d, "t_max_suppkey": 9, "t_max_linenumber": 6, "t_avg_extendedprice": 21716.333333333332d, "t_avg_discount": 0.055d, "t_avg_tax": 0.04958333333333333d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-07-04", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-10-24", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-10-11", "t_max_comment": "uctions. furiously regular ins" }
+, { "t_partkey": 9, "t_count": 29, "t_avg_quantity": 5.331034482758621d, "t_max_suppkey": 10, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 24229.55172413793d, "t_avg_discount": 0.04206896551724139d, "t_avg_tax": 0.03896551724137932d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-06-12", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-03-30", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-05-23", "t_max_comment": "yly ironic" }
+, { "t_partkey": 10, "t_count": 31, "t_avg_quantity": 5.509677419354839d, "t_max_suppkey": 7, "t_max_linenumber": 6, "t_avg_extendedprice": 25069.307741935485d, "t_avg_discount": 0.052903225806451626d, "t_avg_tax": 0.04548387096774194d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-10-02", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-07-21", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-05-18", "t_max_comment": "y quickly ironic accounts." }
+, { "t_partkey": 11, "t_count": 28, "t_avg_quantity": 5.521428571428572d, "t_max_suppkey": 8, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 25150.383214285714d, "t_avg_discount": 0.05d, "t_avg_tax": 0.046071428571428576d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-07-12", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-03-15", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-02-26", "t_max_comment": "ven dependencies x-ray. quic" }
+, { "t_partkey": 12, "t_count": 24, "t_avg_quantity": 4.966666666666667d, "t_max_suppkey": 9, "t_max_linenumber": 6, "t_avg_extendedprice": 22648.248333333333d, "t_avg_discount": 0.04791666666666667d, "t_avg_tax": 0.05083333333333334d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-04-14", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-05-03", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-07-29", "t_max_comment": "xpress grouc" }
+, { "t_partkey": 13, "t_count": 26, "t_avg_quantity": 5.038461538461539d, "t_max_suppkey": 10, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 23000.828846153847d, "t_avg_discount": 0.04153846153846154d, "t_avg_tax": 0.04d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-10-04", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-03-31", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-04-21", "t_max_comment": "wake at the carefully speci" }
+, { "t_partkey": 14, "t_count": 25, "t_avg_quantity": 4.5840000000000005d, "t_max_suppkey": 8, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 20949.1092d, "t_avg_discount": 0.055600000000000004d, "t_avg_tax": 0.0436d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-10-17", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-07-16", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-08-05", "t_max_comment": "thely. furio" }
+, { "t_partkey": 15, "t_count": 21, "t_avg_quantity": 5.133333333333334d, "t_max_suppkey": 9, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 23485.256666666664d, "t_avg_discount": 0.051428571428571435d, "t_avg_tax": 0.03142857142857143d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-02-14", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-04-01", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-05-26", "t_max_comment": "ymptotes nag furiously slyly even inst" }
+, { "t_partkey": 16, "t_count": 29, "t_avg_quantity": 4.731034482758621d, "t_max_suppkey": 10, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 21668.37448275862d, "t_avg_discount": 0.049310344827586214d, "t_avg_tax": 0.034482758620689655d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-11-02", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-08-06", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-09-12", "t_max_comment": "yly blithely stealthy deposits. carefu" }
+, { "t_partkey": 17, "t_count": 31, "t_avg_quantity": 5.270967741935484d, "t_max_suppkey": 8, "t_max_linenumber": 6, "t_avg_extendedprice": 24167.650645161288d, "t_avg_discount": 0.05387096774193549d, "t_avg_tax": 0.04709677419354839d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-10-04", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-08-07", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-08-13", "t_max_comment": "uriously thin pinto beans " }
+, { "t_partkey": 18, "t_count": 32, "t_avg_quantity": 5.4437500000000005d, "t_max_suppkey": 9, "t_max_linenumber": 6, "t_avg_extendedprice": 24987.0846875d, "t_avg_discount": 0.05500000000000001d, "t_avg_tax": 0.039375d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-11-13", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-04-14", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-04-13", "t_max_comment": "y special packages. carefully ironic instru" }
+, { "t_partkey": 19, "t_count": 29, "t_avg_quantity": 5.151724137931034d, "t_max_suppkey": 10, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 23672.43d, "t_avg_discount": 0.05275862068965517d, "t_avg_tax": 0.03896551724137932d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-08-04", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-07-07", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-08-15", "t_max_comment": "y along the excuses." }
+, { "t_partkey": 20, "t_count": 27, "t_avg_quantity": 4.955555555555556d, "t_max_suppkey": 10, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 22796.05111111111d, "t_avg_discount": 0.042222222222222223d, "t_avg_tax": 0.035555555555555556d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-06-11", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-07-13", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-06-21", "t_max_comment": "y. blithely r" }
+, { "t_partkey": 21, "t_count": 26, "t_avg_quantity": 4.730769230769231d, "t_max_suppkey": 10, "t_max_linenumber": 6, "t_avg_extendedprice": 21785.665384615386d, "t_avg_discount": 0.054615384615384614d, "t_avg_tax": 0.04076923076923077d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-02-27", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-09-11", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-08-08", "t_max_comment": "ymptotes haggle across the ca" }
+, { "t_partkey": 22, "t_count": 28, "t_avg_quantity": 5.300000000000001d, "t_max_suppkey": 7, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 24433.53d, "t_avg_discount": 0.057857142857142864d, "t_avg_tax": 0.045d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-09-03", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-05-23", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-07-12", "t_max_comment": "y final gifts are. carefully pe" }
+, { "t_partkey": 23, "t_count": 23, "t_avg_quantity": 5.22608695652174d, "t_max_suppkey": 8, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 24118.913913043478d, "t_avg_discount": 0.051304347826086956d, "t_avg_tax": 0.03173913043478261d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-09-25", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-04-05", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-05-02", "t_max_comment": "y unusual foxe" }
+, { "t_partkey": 24, "t_count": 35, "t_avg_quantity": 5.154285714285715d, "t_max_suppkey": 9, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 23813.31542857143d, "t_avg_discount": 0.046d, "t_avg_tax": 0.04d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-06-23", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-05-07", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-04-21", "t_max_comment": "the slyly ironic pinto beans. fi" }
+, { "t_partkey": 25, "t_count": 26, "t_avg_quantity": 5.061538461538461d, "t_max_suppkey": 10, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 23410.121538461535d, "t_avg_discount": 0.054615384615384614d, "t_avg_tax": 0.034999999999999996d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-06-26", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-03-18", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-02-24", "t_max_comment": "y alongside of the special requests." }
+, { "t_partkey": 26, "t_count": 23, "t_avg_quantity": 4.6521739130434785d, "t_max_suppkey": 9, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 21540.030434782606d, "t_avg_discount": 0.03956521739130436d, "t_avg_tax": 0.043043478260869565d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-10-09", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-03-16", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-03-20", "t_max_comment": "y special pinto beans cajole " }
+, { "t_partkey": 27, "t_count": 18, "t_avg_quantity": 5.9222222222222225d, "t_max_suppkey": 10, "t_max_linenumber": 6, "t_avg_extendedprice": 27450.092222222225d, "t_avg_discount": 0.061111111111111116d, "t_avg_tax": 0.045000000000000005d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-09-19", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-06-12", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-07-31", "t_max_comment": "y regular foxes. slyly ironic deposits " }
+, { "t_partkey": 28, "t_count": 21, "t_avg_quantity": 5.476190476190476d, "t_max_suppkey": 9, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 25410.071428571428d, "t_avg_discount": 0.04285714285714286d, "t_avg_tax": 0.032857142857142856d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-01-02", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-05-31", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-04-05", "t_max_comment": "ular accounts about" }
+, { "t_partkey": 29, "t_count": 35, "t_avg_quantity": 5.171428571428572d, "t_max_suppkey": 10, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 24021.802857142855d, "t_avg_discount": 0.05657142857142857d, "t_avg_tax": 0.03942857142857143d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-11-17", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-05-19", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-06-06", "t_max_comment": "xcuses? quickly stealthy dependenci" }
+, { "t_partkey": 30, "t_count": 22, "t_avg_quantity": 4.754545454545455d, "t_max_suppkey": 9, "t_max_linenumber": 5, "t_avg_extendedprice": 22109.349545454545d, "t_avg_discount": 0.04727272727272727d, "t_avg_tax": 0.03318181818181818d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-07-18", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-04-06", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-05-01", "t_max_comment": "y. fluffily pending d" }
+, { "t_partkey": 31, "t_count": 31, "t_avg_quantity": 5.858064516129033d, "t_max_suppkey": 7, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 27270.16903225807d, "t_avg_discount": 0.050645161290322586d, "t_avg_tax": 0.035483870967741936d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-08-08", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-05-23", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-07-25", "t_max_comment": "xpress ideas detect b" }
+, { "t_partkey": 32, "t_count": 28, "t_avg_quantity": 5.050000000000001d, "t_max_suppkey": 8, "t_max_linenumber": 5, "t_avg_extendedprice": 23533.7575d, "t_avg_discount": 0.05249999999999999d, "t_avg_tax": 0.03321428571428571d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-03-22", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-07-21", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-09-27", "t_max_comment": "yers. accounts affix somet" }
+, { "t_partkey": 33, "t_count": 25, "t_avg_quantity": 5.04d, "t_max_suppkey": 9, "t_max_linenumber": 6, "t_avg_extendedprice": 23512.356d, "t_avg_discount": 0.044000000000000004d, "t_avg_tax": 0.03440000000000001d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-08-01", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-04-26", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-04-16", "t_max_comment": "yly enticing requ" }
+, { "t_partkey": 34, "t_count": 33, "t_avg_quantity": 4.575757575757576d, "t_max_suppkey": 10, "t_max_linenumber": 6, "t_avg_extendedprice": 21369.474242424243d, "t_avg_discount": 0.04666666666666667d, "t_avg_tax": 0.04363636363636364d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-10-22", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-05-10", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-07-24", "t_max_comment": "warthogs wake carefully acro" }
+, { "t_partkey": 35, "t_count": 26, "t_avg_quantity": 4.753846153846154d, "t_max_suppkey": 6, "t_max_linenumber": 6, "t_avg_extendedprice": 22224.94384615385d, "t_avg_discount": 0.05615384615384615d, "t_avg_tax": 0.04307692307692308d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-08-13", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-04-12", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-03-30", "t_max_comment": "y pending packages sleep blithely regular r" }
+, { "t_partkey": 36, "t_count": 25, "t_avg_quantity": 4.192d, "t_max_suppkey": 7, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 19619.188800000004d, "t_avg_discount": 0.054000000000000006d, "t_avg_tax": 0.034d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-05-07", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-03-24", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-03-20", "t_max_comment": "y slyly express deposits. final i" }
+, { "t_partkey": 37, "t_count": 17, "t_avg_quantity": 4.564705882352942d, "t_max_suppkey": 8, "t_max_linenumber": 6, "t_avg_extendedprice": 21386.331764705883d, "t_avg_discount": 0.06058823529411765d, "t_avg_tax": 0.05d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-08-30", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-07-25", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-09-10", "t_max_comment": "unts promise across the requests. blith" }
+, { "t_partkey": 38, "t_count": 26, "t_avg_quantity": 6.0076923076923086d, "t_max_suppkey": 9, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 28176.978076923075d, "t_avg_discount": 0.05653846153846154d, "t_avg_tax": 0.030384615384615385d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-06-07", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-02-24", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-04-26", "t_max_comment": "yly. blithely bold theodolites wa" }
+, { "t_partkey": 39, "t_count": 22, "t_avg_quantity": 4.454545454545455d, "t_max_suppkey": 10, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 20914.75909090909d, "t_avg_discount": 0.05318181818181819d, "t_avg_tax": 0.034999999999999996d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-08-31", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-05-25", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-06-03", "t_max_comment": "y. furiously ironic ideas gr" }
+, { "t_partkey": 40, "t_count": 34, "t_avg_quantity": 4.61764705882353d, "t_max_suppkey": 6, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 21703.864705882355d, "t_avg_discount": 0.0511764705882353d, "t_avg_tax": 0.03735294117647059d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-06-12", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-03-04", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-02-10", "t_max_comment": "y special a" }
+, { "t_partkey": 41, "t_count": 25, "t_avg_quantity": 5.936d, "t_max_suppkey": 10, "t_max_linenumber": 5, "t_avg_extendedprice": 27930.0672d, "t_avg_discount": 0.0484d, "t_avg_tax": 0.0444d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-09-18", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-11-13", "t_min_receiptdate": "1993-01-09", "t_max_comment": "uffily even accounts. packages sleep blithe" }
+, { "t_partkey": 42, "t_count": 31, "t_avg_quantity": 3.7806451612903227d, "t_max_suppkey": 9, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 17807.594838709676d, "t_avg_discount": 0.05193548387096774d, "t_avg_tax": 0.0364516129032258d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-08-12", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-10-29", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-11-02", "t_max_comment": "y final platelets sublate among the " }
+, { "t_partkey": 43, "t_count": 32, "t_avg_quantity": 6.03125d, "t_max_suppkey": 10, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 28438.550000000003d, "t_avg_discount": 0.045000000000000005d, "t_avg_tax": 0.047812499999999994d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-11-01", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-07-09", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-07-07", "t_max_comment": "y regular packages. b" }
+, { "t_partkey": 44, "t_count": 23, "t_avg_quantity": 5.852173913043479d, "t_max_suppkey": 7, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 27623.43130434783d, "t_avg_discount": 0.05565217391304349d, "t_avg_tax": 0.04391304347826087d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-08-12", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-02-16", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-03-01", "t_max_comment": "unts. furiously silent" }
+, { "t_partkey": 45, "t_count": 34, "t_avg_quantity": 5.305882352941177d, "t_max_suppkey": 8, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 25071.35529411765d, "t_avg_discount": 0.05147058823529413d, "t_avg_tax": 0.039411764705882354d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-09-09", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-05-07", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-07-23", "t_max_comment": "y. bold pinto beans use " }
+, { "t_partkey": 46, "t_count": 34, "t_avg_quantity": 4.405882352941177d, "t_max_suppkey": 9, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 20840.704705882352d, "t_avg_discount": 0.05823529411764706d, "t_avg_tax": 0.0411764705882353d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-10-25", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-04-21", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-05-18", "t_max_comment": "xpress pinto beans. accounts a" }
+, { "t_partkey": 47, "t_count": 31, "t_avg_quantity": 5.129032258064516d, "t_max_suppkey": 10, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 24286.993548387094d, "t_avg_discount": 0.05064516129032258d, "t_avg_tax": 0.03967741935483871d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-07-31", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-04-09", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-04-05", "t_max_comment": "y ironic requests above the fluffily d" }
+, { "t_partkey": 48, "t_count": 37, "t_avg_quantity": 4.8756756756756765d, "t_max_suppkey": 9, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 23111.67783783784d, "t_avg_discount": 0.04054054054054054d, "t_avg_tax": 0.03918918918918919d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-08-17", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-05-30", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-05-11", "t_max_comment": "y according to " }
+, { "t_partkey": 49, "t_count": 28, "t_avg_quantity": 5.4071428571428575d, "t_max_suppkey": 10, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 25657.97428571429d, "t_avg_discount": 0.0475d, "t_avg_tax": 0.04107142857142857d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-09-03", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-02-27", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-05-26", "t_max_comment": "unts alongs" }
+, { "t_partkey": 50, "t_count": 39, "t_avg_quantity": 4.4974358974358974d, "t_max_suppkey": 9, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 21363.944871794873d, "t_avg_discount": 0.04820512820512821d, "t_avg_tax": 0.04025641025641026d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-09-12", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-05-13", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-04-29", "t_max_comment": "yly pending theodolites." }
+, { "t_partkey": 51, "t_count": 35, "t_avg_quantity": 4.908571428571429d, "t_max_suppkey": 9, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 23341.484285714283d, "t_avg_discount": 0.04914285714285715d, "t_avg_tax": 0.039428571428571424d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-08-01", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-03-30", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-03-31", "t_max_comment": "y ironic pin" }
+, { "t_partkey": 52, "t_count": 32, "t_avg_quantity": 5.91875d, "t_max_suppkey": 10, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 28174.7296875d, "t_avg_discount": 0.051250000000000004d, "t_avg_tax": 0.049375d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-09-09", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-05-09", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-06-02", "t_max_comment": "y pending orbits boost after the slyly" }
+, { "t_partkey": 53, "t_count": 24, "t_avg_quantity": 5.175000000000001d, "t_max_suppkey": 8, "t_max_linenumber": 6, "t_avg_extendedprice": 24660.16875d, "t_avg_discount": 0.04875000000000001d, "t_avg_tax": 0.04583333333333333d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-11-10", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-02-23", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-01-25", "t_max_comment": "y orbits. final depos" }
+, { "t_partkey": 54, "t_count": 34, "t_avg_quantity": 5.01764705882353d, "t_max_suppkey": 9, "t_max_linenumber": 6, "t_avg_extendedprice": 23935.430882352943d, "t_avg_discount": 0.05205882352941177d, "t_avg_tax": 0.04147058823529412d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-05-26", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-03-28", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-04-09", "t_max_comment": "y pending notornis ab" }
+, { "t_partkey": 55, "t_count": 30, "t_avg_quantity": 6.553333333333334d, "t_max_suppkey": 10, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 31293.805d, "t_avg_discount": 0.050666666666666665d, "t_avg_tax": 0.03933333333333334d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-06-06", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-03-12", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-02-06", "t_max_comment": "yly regular i" }
+, { "t_partkey": 56, "t_count": 24, "t_avg_quantity": 4.825d, "t_max_suppkey": 8, "t_max_linenumber": 6, "t_avg_extendedprice": 23064.70625d, "t_avg_discount": 0.05583333333333334d, "t_avg_tax": 0.037916666666666675d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-07-22", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-03-01", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-02-06", "t_max_comment": "ts. ironic, fina" }
+, { "t_partkey": 57, "t_count": 37, "t_avg_quantity": 5.5297297297297305d, "t_max_suppkey": 9, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 26461.139189189194d, "t_avg_discount": 0.05297297297297297d, "t_avg_tax": 0.03945945945945946d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-08-16", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-03-20", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-01-17", "t_max_comment": "y. doggedly pend" }
+, { "t_partkey": 58, "t_count": 28, "t_avg_quantity": 4.764285714285715d, "t_max_suppkey": 10, "t_max_linenumber": 5, "t_avg_extendedprice": 22822.119642857146d, "t_avg_discount": 0.05571428571428571d, "t_avg_tax": 0.04535714285714286d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-11-27", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-02-23", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-05-17", "t_max_comment": "xpress, bo" }
+, { "t_partkey": 59, "t_count": 37, "t_avg_quantity": 5.567567567567568d, "t_max_suppkey": 10, "t_max_linenumber": 6, "t_avg_extendedprice": 26697.87837837838d, "t_avg_discount": 0.042702702702702704d, "t_avg_tax": 0.049459459459459454d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-07-12", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-02-26", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-02-11", "t_max_comment": "y. ironic deposits haggle sl" }
+, { "t_partkey": 60, "t_count": 28, "t_avg_quantity": 5.0d, "t_max_suppkey": 8, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 24001.5d, "t_avg_discount": 0.05428571428571429d, "t_avg_tax": 0.042499999999999996d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-07-08", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-03-02", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-03-02", "t_max_comment": "y across the express accounts. fluff" }
+, { "t_partkey": 61, "t_count": 29, "t_avg_quantity": 5.593103448275862d, "t_max_suppkey": 10, "t_max_linenumber": 5, "t_avg_extendedprice": 26876.539999999997d, "t_avg_discount": 0.04931034482758621d, "t_avg_tax": 0.04103448275862069d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-08-06", "t_min_commitdate": "1993-06-25", "t_min_receiptdate": "1993-08-03", "t_max_comment": "y even asymptotes. courts are unusual pa" }
+, { "t_partkey": 62, "t_count": 24, "t_avg_quantity": 5.175000000000001d, "t_max_suppkey": 9, "t_max_linenumber": 6, "t_avg_extendedprice": 24893.3025d, "t_avg_discount": 0.048749999999999995d, "t_avg_tax": 0.04d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-05-27", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-02-17", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-02-08", "t_max_comment": "yly final accounts hag" }
+, { "t_partkey": 63, "t_count": 26, "t_avg_quantity": 4.992307692307692d, "t_max_suppkey": 10, "t_max_linenumber": 6, "t_avg_extendedprice": 24039.45923076923d, "t_avg_discount": 0.052307692307692305d, "t_avg_tax": 0.04884615384615386d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-05-08", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-03-07", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-02-19", "t_max_comment": "y special packages wak" }
+, { "t_partkey": 64, "t_count": 31, "t_avg_quantity": 4.838709677419356d, "t_max_suppkey": 9, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 23324.032258064515d, "t_avg_discount": 0.050645161290322586d, "t_avg_tax": 0.03709677419354839d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-10-10", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-02-05", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-02-29", "t_max_comment": "uietly regular foxes wake quick" }
+, { "t_partkey": 65, "t_count": 36, "t_avg_quantity": 5.033333333333334d, "t_max_suppkey": 10, "t_max_linenumber": 6, "t_avg_extendedprice": 24287.343333333338d, "t_avg_discount": 0.049166666666666664d, "t_avg_tax": 0.04083333333333334d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-06-17", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-04-14", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-03-13", "t_max_comment": "y unusual packages. packages" }
+, { "t_partkey": 66, "t_count": 29, "t_avg_quantity": 4.23448275862069d, "t_max_suppkey": 7, "t_max_linenumber": 6, "t_avg_extendedprice": 20453.82206896552d, "t_avg_discount": 0.05068965517241379d, "t_avg_tax": 0.051034482758620686d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-05-23", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-06-18", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-05-10", "t_max_comment": "y. pinto beans haggle after the" }
+, { "t_partkey": 67, "t_count": 21, "t_avg_quantity": 4.523809523809525d, "t_max_suppkey": 8, "t_max_linenumber": 5, "t_avg_extendedprice": 21873.976190476194d, "t_avg_discount": 0.05428571428571429d, "t_avg_tax": 0.04476190476190477d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-08-27", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-06-07", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-05-26", "t_max_comment": "theodolite" }
+, { "t_partkey": 68, "t_count": 36, "t_avg_quantity": 4.388888888888888d, "t_max_suppkey": 9, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 21243.53888888889d, "t_avg_discount": 0.059444444444444446d, "t_avg_tax": 0.04305555555555555d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-09-10", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-06-03", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-05-11", "t_max_comment": "y final ac" }
+, { "t_partkey": 69, "t_count": 24, "t_avg_quantity": 4.708333333333334d, "t_max_suppkey": 10, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 22813.287499999995d, "t_avg_discount": 0.059166666666666666d, "t_avg_tax": 0.03958333333333333d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-09-02", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-06-04", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-06-03", "t_max_comment": "yly furiously even id" }
+, { "t_partkey": 70, "t_count": 34, "t_avg_quantity": 5.029411764705883d, "t_max_suppkey": 9, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 24394.407352941176d, "t_avg_discount": 0.04558823529411765d, "t_avg_tax": 0.04352941176470588d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-07-19", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-04-10", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-04-29", "t_max_comment": "ts affix slyly accordi" }
+, { "t_partkey": 71, "t_count": 33, "t_avg_quantity": 5.024242424242424d, "t_max_suppkey": 10, "t_max_linenumber": 6, "t_avg_extendedprice": 24394.455454545456d, "t_avg_discount": 0.04515151515151515d, "t_avg_tax": 0.03818181818181819d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-10-03", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-10-19", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-12-05", "t_max_comment": "y regular foxes wake among the final" }
+, { "t_partkey": 72, "t_count": 36, "t_avg_quantity": 4.833333333333334d, "t_max_suppkey": 10, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 23491.691666666666d, "t_avg_discount": 0.053888888888888896d, "t_avg_tax": 0.038055555555555565d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-07-21", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-09-04", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-10-14", "t_max_comment": "yly along the ironic, fi" }
+, { "t_partkey": 73, "t_count": 27, "t_avg_quantity": 4.5851851851851855d, "t_max_suppkey": 4, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 22308.530740740738d, "t_avg_discount": 0.04481481481481482d, "t_avg_tax": 0.03333333333333333d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-10-12", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-03-01", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-01-09", "t_max_comment": "y even packages promise" }
+, { "t_partkey": 74, "t_count": 25, "t_avg_quantity": 6.016d, "t_max_suppkey": 5, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 29300.025600000004d, "t_avg_discount": 0.0528d, "t_avg_tax": 0.0388d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-03-23", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-03-22", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-03-25", "t_max_comment": "uests. blithely unus" }
+, { "t_partkey": 75, "t_count": 29, "t_avg_quantity": 5.131034482758621d, "t_max_suppkey": 6, "t_max_linenumber": 6, "t_avg_extendedprice": 25015.58896551724d, "t_avg_discount": 0.06310344827586208d, "t_avg_tax": 0.02896551724137931d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-10-19", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-02-18", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-03-31", "t_max_comment": "usly across the slyly busy accounts! fin" }
+, { "t_partkey": 76, "t_count": 21, "t_avg_quantity": 4.9714285714285715d, "t_max_suppkey": 7, "t_max_linenumber": 6, "t_avg_extendedprice": 24262.31142857143d, "t_avg_discount": 0.04d, "t_avg_tax": 0.041428571428571426d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-05-31", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-08-25", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-11-16", "t_max_comment": "y even accounts thrash care" }
+, { "t_partkey": 77, "t_count": 20, "t_avg_quantity": 6.08d, "t_max_suppkey": 8, "t_max_linenumber": 6, "t_avg_extendedprice": 29702.927999999996d, "t_avg_discount": 0.053500000000000006d, "t_avg_tax": 0.037d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-06-16", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-09-20", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-08-19", "t_max_comment": "usly at the blithely pending pl" }
+, { "t_partkey": 78, "t_count": 35, "t_avg_quantity": 4.485714285714286d, "t_max_suppkey": 9, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 21936.71285714286d, "t_avg_discount": 0.05942857142857143d, "t_avg_tax": 0.042285714285714295d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-08-03", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-03-24", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-03-21", "t_max_comment": "yly after the fluffily regul" }
+, { "t_partkey": 79, "t_count": 37, "t_avg_quantity": 5.65945945945946d, "t_max_suppkey": 10, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 27705.03486486486d, "t_avg_discount": 0.04810810810810811d, "t_avg_tax": 0.042432432432432436d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-10-09", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-05-23", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-08-24", "t_max_comment": "y slyly final" }
+, { "t_partkey": 80, "t_count": 29, "t_avg_quantity": 6.172413793103448d, "t_max_suppkey": 10, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 30247.296551724135d, "t_avg_discount": 0.04655172413793104d, "t_avg_tax": 0.03413793103448276d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-10-08", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-07-01", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-06-07", "t_max_comment": "yly ironic frets. pending foxes after " }
+, { "t_partkey": 81, "t_count": 21, "t_avg_quantity": 5.371428571428572d, "t_max_suppkey": 2, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 26349.005714285708d, "t_avg_discount": 0.044285714285714296d, "t_avg_tax": 0.04095238095238095d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-06-02", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-04-18", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-04-22", "t_max_comment": "yly even accounts. spe" }
+, { "t_partkey": 82, "t_count": 23, "t_avg_quantity": 4.3130434782608695d, "t_max_suppkey": 3, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 21178.768695652176d, "t_avg_discount": 0.05260869565217391d, "t_avg_tax": 0.043043478260869565d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-04-09", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-08-17", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-07-22", "t_max_comment": "ut the carefully special foxes. idle," }
+, { "t_partkey": 83, "t_count": 33, "t_avg_quantity": 5.115151515151515d, "t_max_suppkey": 4, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 25143.01575757576d, "t_avg_discount": 0.05303030303030303d, "t_avg_tax": 0.043030303030303044d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-10-12", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-07-05", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-06-25", "t_max_comment": "yly. slyly regular courts use silentl" }
+, { "t_partkey": 84, "t_count": 28, "t_avg_quantity": 5.585714285714285d, "t_max_suppkey": 5, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 27483.948571428573d, "t_avg_discount": 0.05464285714285715d, "t_avg_tax": 0.039999999999999994d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-10-03", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-08-25", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-09-16", "t_max_comment": "yly brave theod" }
+, { "t_partkey": 85, "t_count": 28, "t_avg_quantity": 4.121428571428572d, "t_max_suppkey": 6, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 20299.684285714284d, "t_avg_discount": 0.041785714285714294d, "t_avg_tax": 0.041785714285714294d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-07-23", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-04-24", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-03-10", "t_max_comment": "y. enticingly final depos" }
+, { "t_partkey": 86, "t_count": 36, "t_avg_quantity": 5.427777777777778d, "t_max_suppkey": 7, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 26761.115555555552d, "t_avg_discount": 0.049999999999999996d, "t_avg_tax": 0.04555555555555556d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-07-10", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-04-14", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-06-23", "t_max_comment": "unts. furiously express accounts w" }
+, { "t_partkey": 87, "t_count": 34, "t_avg_quantity": 4.658823529411765d, "t_max_suppkey": 8, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 22993.157647058822d, "t_avg_discount": 0.052352941176470595d, "t_avg_tax": 0.036470588235294116d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-09-18", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-10-18", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-10-15", "t_max_comment": "y final de" }
+, { "t_partkey": 88, "t_count": 29, "t_avg_quantity": 4.613793103448276d, "t_max_suppkey": 9, "t_max_linenumber": 6, "t_avg_extendedprice": 22793.983448275863d, "t_avg_discount": 0.04724137931034483d, "t_avg_tax": 0.039655172413793106d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-10-27", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-06-03", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-05-16", "t_max_comment": "y slyly ironic accounts. foxes haggle slyl" }
+, { "t_partkey": 89, "t_count": 28, "t_avg_quantity": 4.864285714285715d, "t_max_suppkey": 10, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 24055.838571428576d, "t_avg_discount": 0.04642857142857143d, "t_avg_tax": 0.05035714285714286d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-10-23", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-03-18", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-05-07", "t_max_comment": "y carefully final ideas. f" }
+, { "t_partkey": 90, "t_count": 48, "t_avg_quantity": 5.4d, "t_max_suppkey": 1, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 26732.430000000004d, "t_avg_discount": 0.044583333333333336d, "t_avg_tax": 0.04229166666666667d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-10-09", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-04-25", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-03-17", "t_max_comment": "y regular notornis k" }
+, { "t_partkey": 91, "t_count": 28, "t_avg_quantity": 4.1571428571428575d, "t_max_suppkey": 5, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 20600.513571428568d, "t_avg_discount": 0.055714285714285716d, "t_avg_tax": 0.04107142857142858d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-09-07", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-06-08", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-06-20", "t_max_comment": "ven deposits about the regular, ironi" }
+, { "t_partkey": 92, "t_count": 30, "t_avg_quantity": 5.466666666666667d, "t_max_suppkey": 6, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 27117.126666666667d, "t_avg_discount": 0.060666666666666674d, "t_avg_tax": 0.044000000000000004d, "t_max_shipdate": "1997-11-30", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-03-15", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-02-14", "t_max_comment": "warhorses wake never for the care" }
+, { "t_partkey": 93, "t_count": 31, "t_avg_quantity": 5.219354838709678d, "t_max_suppkey": 7, "t_max_linenumber": 6, "t_avg_extendedprice": 25916.445483870968d, "t_avg_discount": 0.05903225806451613d, "t_avg_tax": 0.04096774193548387d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-11-25", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-05-29", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-06-02", "t_max_comment": "ut the slyly bold pinto beans; fi" }
+, { "t_partkey": 94, "t_count": 32, "t_avg_quantity": 5.7d, "t_max_suppkey": 8, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 28331.565d, "t_avg_discount": 0.05d, "t_avg_tax": 0.040625d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-03-09", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-04-09", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-05-23", "t_max_comment": "y furious depen" }
+, { "t_partkey": 95, "t_count": 31, "t_avg_quantity": 4.7290322580645165d, "t_max_suppkey": 9, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 23529.063548387097d, "t_avg_discount": 0.050967741935483875d, "t_avg_tax": 0.038387096774193545d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-10-07", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-02-14", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-03-23", "t_max_comment": "y final excuses. ironic, special requests a" }
+, { "t_partkey": 96, "t_count": 38, "t_avg_quantity": 5.368421052631579d, "t_max_suppkey": 10, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 26737.15263157895d, "t_avg_discount": 0.04315789473684212d, "t_avg_tax": 0.04026315789473684d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-11-03", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-05-16", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-07-02", "t_max_comment": "y. slyly iron" }
+, { "t_partkey": 97, "t_count": 39, "t_avg_quantity": 4.774358974358974d, "t_max_suppkey": 10, "t_max_linenumber": 6, "t_avg_extendedprice": 23802.327948717946d, "t_avg_discount": 0.04717948717948718d, "t_avg_tax": 0.03794871794871795d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-05-15", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-03-16", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-02-19", "t_max_comment": "y slyly express theodolites. slyly bo" }
+, { "t_partkey": 98, "t_count": 29, "t_avg_quantity": 4.441379310344828d, "t_max_suppkey": 10, "t_max_linenumber": 6, "t_avg_extendedprice": 22164.481379310342d, "t_avg_discount": 0.0506896551724138d, "t_avg_tax": 0.03862068965517241d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-10-04", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-08-20", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-10-08", "t_max_comment": "ven requests should sleep along " }
+, { "t_partkey": 99, "t_count": 22, "t_avg_quantity": 4.609090909090909d, "t_max_suppkey": 10, "t_max_linenumber": 6, "t_avg_extendedprice": 23024.48318181818d, "t_avg_discount": 0.05318181818181818d, "t_avg_tax": 0.038181818181818185d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-02-16", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-03-03", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-05-24", "t_max_comment": "yly pending excu" }
+, { "t_partkey": 100, "t_count": 41, "t_avg_quantity": 5.51219512195122d, "t_max_suppkey": 4, "t_max_linenumber": 6, "t_avg_extendedprice": 27563.731707317078d, "t_avg_discount": 0.05048780487804879d, "t_avg_tax": 0.04048780487804878d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-06-24", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-03-06", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-04-13", "t_max_comment": "xpress accounts sleep slyly re" }
+, { "t_partkey": 101, "t_count": 28, "t_avg_quantity": 5.707142857142857d, "t_max_suppkey": 8, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 28567.103571428568d, "t_avg_discount": 0.054285714285714284d, "t_avg_tax": 0.04571428571428572d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-02-25", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-07-26", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-08-20", "t_max_comment": "uses are care" }
+, { "t_partkey": 102, "t_count": 38, "t_avg_quantity": 4.263157894736842d, "t_max_suppkey": 9, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 21360.552631578947d, "t_avg_discount": 0.05052631578947368d, "t_avg_tax": 0.04315789473684211d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-09-01", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-09-09", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-08-28", "t_max_comment": "y unusual packa" }
+, { "t_partkey": 103, "t_count": 25, "t_avg_quantity": 6.16d, "t_max_suppkey": 10, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 30895.48d, "t_avg_discount": 0.0408d, "t_avg_tax": 0.0432d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-11-16", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-05-16", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-04-20", "t_max_comment": "yly. unusu" }
+, { "t_partkey": 104, "t_count": 19, "t_avg_quantity": 5.178947368421053d, "t_max_suppkey": 9, "t_max_linenumber": 6, "t_avg_extendedprice": 26000.9052631579d, "t_avg_discount": 0.04263157894736842d, "t_avg_tax": 0.034210526315789476d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-04-17", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-03-29", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-04-13", "t_max_comment": "yly even gifts after the sl" }
+, { "t_partkey": 105, "t_count": 36, "t_avg_quantity": 5.194444444444445d, "t_max_suppkey": 10, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 26104.68055555556d, "t_avg_discount": 0.05055555555555556d, "t_avg_tax": 0.03888888888888889d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-08-25", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-03-19", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-02-25", "t_max_comment": "yly into the carefully even " }
+, { "t_partkey": 106, "t_count": 27, "t_avg_quantity": 4.451851851851852d, "t_max_suppkey": 9, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 22395.040740740744d, "t_avg_discount": 0.039259259259259265d, "t_avg_tax": 0.039259259259259265d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-07-25", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-05-18", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-07-21", "t_max_comment": "y ironic foxes caj" }
+, { "t_partkey": 107, "t_count": 27, "t_avg_quantity": 4.733333333333333d, "t_max_suppkey": 10, "t_max_linenumber": 6, "t_avg_extendedprice": 23834.7d, "t_avg_discount": 0.04518518518518518d, "t_avg_tax": 0.037037037037037035d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-09-29", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-06-25", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-06-11", "t_max_comment": "y ruthless dolphins to " }
+, { "t_partkey": 108, "t_count": 28, "t_avg_quantity": 4.692857142857143d, "t_max_suppkey": 9, "t_max_linenumber": 6, "t_avg_extendedprice": 23654.346428571425d, "t_avg_discount": 0.05750000000000001d, "t_avg_tax": 0.046071428571428576d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-09-07", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-06-14", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-08-03", "t_max_comment": "y pending platelets x-ray ironically! pend" }
+, { "t_partkey": 109, "t_count": 35, "t_avg_quantity": 5.331428571428572d, "t_max_suppkey": 10, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 26899.722857142857d, "t_avg_discount": 0.048571428571428564d, "t_avg_tax": 0.044571428571428574d, "t_max_shipdate": "1997-08-27", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-06-18", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-07-05", "t_max_comment": "ts wake furiously " }
+, { "t_partkey": 110, "t_count": 29, "t_avg_quantity": 4.86896551724138d, "t_max_suppkey": 7, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 24590.95379310345d, "t_avg_discount": 0.05344827586206897d, "t_avg_tax": 0.03517241379310345d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-05-03", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-10-29", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-09-27", "t_max_comment": "xcuses sleep quickly along th" }
+, { "t_partkey": 111, "t_count": 26, "t_avg_quantity": 6.130769230769231d, "t_max_suppkey": 8, "t_max_linenumber": 5, "t_avg_extendedprice": 30994.410384615392d, "t_avg_discount": 0.05038461538461539d, "t_avg_tax": 0.03576923076923077d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-06-18", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-05-11", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-07-29", "t_max_comment": "usy pinto beans b" }
+, { "t_partkey": 112, "t_count": 28, "t_avg_quantity": 5.457142857142857d, "t_max_suppkey": 9, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 27616.144285714287d, "t_avg_discount": 0.038571428571428576d, "t_avg_tax": 0.041785714285714294d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-10-18", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-10-23", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-09-29", "t_max_comment": "zle carefully sauternes. quickly" }
+, { "t_partkey": 113, "t_count": 28, "t_avg_quantity": 5.078571428571429d, "t_max_suppkey": 10, "t_max_linenumber": 6, "t_avg_extendedprice": 25725.7575d, "t_avg_discount": 0.04785714285714287d, "t_avg_tax": 0.048571428571428564d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-06-28", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-08-10", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-06-14", "t_max_comment": "yly silent deposit" }
+, { "t_partkey": 114, "t_count": 24, "t_avg_quantity": 5.041666666666667d, "t_max_suppkey": 8, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 25564.02291666667d, "t_avg_discount": 0.057916666666666665d, "t_avg_tax": 0.03958333333333334d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-09-27", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-10-25", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-12-04", "t_max_comment": "y unusual, ironic" }
+, { "t_partkey": 115, "t_count": 34, "t_avg_quantity": 4.594117647058823d, "t_max_suppkey": 9, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 23317.673823529414d, "t_avg_discount": 0.045588235294117645d, "t_avg_tax": 0.03588235294117647d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-04-27", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-04-19", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-03-30", "t_max_comment": "y. final pearls kindle. accounts " }
+, { "t_partkey": 116, "t_count": 25, "t_avg_quantity": 5.5200000000000005d, "t_max_suppkey": 10, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 28044.635999999995d, "t_avg_discount": 0.0512d, "t_avg_tax": 0.046d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-06-24", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-03-10", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-04-14", "t_max_comment": "yly even epitaphs for the " }
+, { "t_partkey": 117, "t_count": 35, "t_avg_quantity": 5.337142857142858d, "t_max_suppkey": 8, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 27142.306857142856d, "t_avg_discount": 0.05742857142857143d, "t_avg_tax": 0.044285714285714296d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-10-30", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-05-06", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-05-11", "t_max_comment": "y ironic accounts. furiously even packa" }
+, { "t_partkey": 118, "t_count": 38, "t_avg_quantity": 4.321052631578947d, "t_max_suppkey": 9, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 21996.53447368421d, "t_avg_discount": 0.05342105263157895d, "t_avg_tax": 0.035526315789473684d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-08-31", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-05-19", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-07-02", "t_max_comment": "y. furiously even pinto be" }
+, { "t_partkey": 119, "t_count": 30, "t_avg_quantity": 5.4d, "t_max_suppkey": 10, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 27515.970000000005d, "t_avg_discount": 0.058333333333333334d, "t_avg_tax": 0.043000000000000003d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-08-15", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-05-19", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-06-05", "t_max_comment": "y regular theodolites w" }
+, { "t_partkey": 120, "t_count": 36, "t_avg_quantity": 5.75d, "t_max_suppkey": 10, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 29328.449999999997d, "t_avg_discount": 0.05222222222222223d, "t_avg_tax": 0.045000000000000005d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-08-25", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-04-04", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-04-02", "t_max_comment": "yly regular p" }
+, { "t_partkey": 121, "t_count": 34, "t_avg_quantity": 4.576470588235295d, "t_max_suppkey": 10, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 23365.628235294116d, "t_avg_discount": 0.052352941176470595d, "t_avg_tax": 0.03470588235294118d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-08-22", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-05-22", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-05-03", "t_max_comment": "y quickly regular packages. car" }
+, { "t_partkey": 122, "t_count": 44, "t_avg_quantity": 4.677272727272728d, "t_max_suppkey": 7, "t_max_linenumber": 6, "t_avg_extendedprice": 23903.67d, "t_avg_discount": 0.05113636363636364d, "t_avg_tax": 0.03977272727272727d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-10-29", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-03-23", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-04-07", "t_max_comment": "y bold package" }
+, { "t_partkey": 123, "t_count": 30, "t_avg_quantity": 5.213333333333334d, "t_max_suppkey": 8, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 26669.327999999994d, "t_avg_discount": 0.04466666666666666d, "t_avg_tax": 0.04066666666666666d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-09-23", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-03-18", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-02-29", "t_max_comment": "y quickly regular theodolites. final t" }
+, { "t_partkey": 124, "t_count": 32, "t_avg_quantity": 4.9375d, "t_max_suppkey": 9, "t_max_linenumber": 6, "t_avg_extendedprice": 25282.962499999998d, "t_avg_discount": 0.0553125d, "t_avg_tax": 0.043125d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-11-15", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-07-21", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-06-18", "t_max_comment": "y express ideas impress" }
+, { "t_partkey": 125, "t_count": 20, "t_avg_quantity": 6.07d, "t_max_suppkey": 10, "t_max_linenumber": 6, "t_avg_extendedprice": 31112.392000000003d, "t_avg_discount": 0.035500000000000004d, "t_avg_tax": 0.034d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-05-05", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-04-24", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-04-12", "t_max_comment": "y final deposits wake furiously! slyl" }
+, { "t_partkey": 126, "t_count": 31, "t_avg_quantity": 4.812903225806452d, "t_max_suppkey": 9, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 24693.08129032258d, "t_avg_discount": 0.04387096774193548d, "t_avg_tax": 0.03483870967741936d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-01-30", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-07-09", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-08-21", "t_max_comment": "x furiously bold packages. expres" }
+, { "t_partkey": 127, "t_count": 25, "t_avg_quantity": 4.744d, "t_max_suppkey": 10, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 24363.2864d, "t_avg_discount": 0.055600000000000004d, "t_avg_tax": 0.034d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-05-25", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-06-30", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-06-10", "t_max_comment": "ts integrate. courts haggl" }
+, { "t_partkey": 128, "t_count": 27, "t_avg_quantity": 5.155555555555556d, "t_max_suppkey": 9, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 26502.648888888885d, "t_avg_discount": 0.047407407407407405d, "t_avg_tax": 0.042222222222222223d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-07-09", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-03-24", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-03-15", "t_max_comment": "usly bold requests sleep dogge" }
+, { "t_partkey": 129, "t_count": 35, "t_avg_quantity": 5.262857142857143d, "t_max_suppkey": 10, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 27080.557714285715d, "t_avg_discount": 0.05600000000000001d, "t_avg_tax": 0.03514285714285714d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-08-25", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-04-17", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-04-02", "t_max_comment": "ven theodolites nag quickly. fluffi" }
+, { "t_partkey": 130, "t_count": 28, "t_avg_quantity": 6.0d, "t_max_suppkey": 9, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 30903.9d, "t_avg_discount": 0.04464285714285714d, "t_avg_tax": 0.04357142857142858d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-07-19", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-05-30", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-04-05", "t_max_comment": "ven theodolites around the slyly" }
+, { "t_partkey": 131, "t_count": 33, "t_avg_quantity": 4.715151515151515d, "t_max_suppkey": 7, "t_max_linenumber": 6, "t_avg_extendedprice": 24309.67090909091d, "t_avg_discount": 0.04454545454545455d, "t_avg_tax": 0.03878787878787879d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-08-20", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-02-24", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-03-09", "t_max_comment": "usual pinto beans." }
+, { "t_partkey": 132, "t_count": 30, "t_avg_quantity": 4.0200000000000005d, "t_max_suppkey": 8, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 20745.813000000002d, "t_avg_discount": 0.04733333333333334d, "t_avg_tax": 0.03766666666666667d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-07-21", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-02-12", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-04-30", "t_max_comment": "yly ironic foxes. regular requests h" }
+, { "t_partkey": 133, "t_count": 28, "t_avg_quantity": 5.6000000000000005d, "t_max_suppkey": 9, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 28927.639999999996d, "t_avg_discount": 0.048571428571428564d, "t_avg_tax": 0.029285714285714283d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-05-12", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-07-07", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-07-08", "t_max_comment": "xcuses would boost against the fluffily eve" }
+, { "t_partkey": 134, "t_count": 32, "t_avg_quantity": 5.6312500000000005d, "t_max_suppkey": 10, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 29117.222812499997d, "t_avg_discount": 0.051875000000000004d, "t_avg_tax": 0.0346875d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-07-22", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-03-16", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-06-06", "t_max_comment": "usly busy account" }
+, { "t_partkey": 135, "t_count": 29, "t_avg_quantity": 4.793103448275862d, "t_max_suppkey": 6, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 24807.42586206897d, "t_avg_discount": 0.054827586206896546d, "t_avg_tax": 0.03482758620689656d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-08-03", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-04-10", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-05-14", "t_max_comment": "y; excuses use. ironic, close instru" }
+, { "t_partkey": 136, "t_count": 35, "t_avg_quantity": 5.16d, "t_max_suppkey": 7, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 26732.154000000002d, "t_avg_discount": 0.04542857142857143d, "t_avg_tax": 0.036d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-08-06", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-04-24", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-05-24", "t_max_comment": "y final pinto " }
+, { "t_partkey": 137, "t_count": 38, "t_avg_quantity": 5.736842105263158d, "t_max_suppkey": 8, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 29749.2552631579d, "t_avg_discount": 0.04026315789473685d, "t_avg_tax": 0.04421052631578948d, "t_max_shipdate": "1997-08-19", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-06-29", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-06-19", "t_max_comment": "uests cajole carefully." }
+, { "t_partkey": 138, "t_count": 42, "t_avg_quantity": 5.666666666666667d, "t_max_suppkey": 9, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 29413.68333333333d, "t_avg_discount": 0.05452380952380952d, "t_avg_tax": 0.03928571428571429d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-08-29", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-04-12", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-07-09", "t_max_comment": "yly idle deposits. final, final fox" }
+, { "t_partkey": 139, "t_count": 34, "t_avg_quantity": 5.364705882352942d, "t_max_suppkey": 10, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 27873.13411764706d, "t_avg_discount": 0.050588235294117656d, "t_avg_tax": 0.047058823529411764d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-03-01", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-04-15", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-04-28", "t_max_comment": "y express accounts above the exp" }
+, { "t_partkey": 140, "t_count": 35, "t_avg_quantity": 5.034285714285715d, "t_max_suppkey": 6, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 26181.809714285715d, "t_avg_discount": 0.054571428571428576d, "t_avg_tax": 0.04257142857142857d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-06-24", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-04-14", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-03-21", "t_max_comment": "y among the furiously special" }
+, { "t_partkey": 141, "t_count": 38, "t_avg_quantity": 5.5473684210526315d, "t_max_suppkey": 10, "t_max_linenumber": 6, "t_avg_extendedprice": 28877.935789473686d, "t_avg_discount": 0.037368421052631585d, "t_avg_tax": 0.052105263157894745d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-10-26", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-02-26", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-01-20", "t_max_comment": "yly silent ideas affix furiousl" }
+, { "t_partkey": 142, "t_count": 26, "t_avg_quantity": 6.138461538461539d, "t_max_suppkey": 9, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 31985.681538461537d, "t_avg_discount": 0.05d, "t_avg_tax": 0.047692307692307694d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-06-06", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-12-21", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-10-16", "t_max_comment": "usly bold instructions affix idly unusual, " }
+, { "t_partkey": 143, "t_count": 36, "t_avg_quantity": 4.95d, "t_max_suppkey": 10, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 25817.715000000004d, "t_avg_discount": 0.045000000000000005d, "t_avg_tax": 0.03972222222222222d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-07-16", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-04-26", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-05-17", "t_max_comment": "y pending foxes nag blithely " }
+, { "t_partkey": 144, "t_count": 32, "t_avg_quantity": 4.91875d, "t_max_suppkey": 7, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 25679.318125d, "t_avg_discount": 0.0465625d, "t_avg_tax": 0.0434375d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-09-22", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-07-19", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-07-30", "t_max_comment": "ve the fluffily " }
+, { "t_partkey": 145, "t_count": 24, "t_avg_quantity": 5.566666666666666d, "t_max_suppkey": 8, "t_max_linenumber": 6, "t_avg_extendedprice": 29089.73d, "t_avg_discount": 0.04541666666666667d, "t_avg_tax": 0.03666666666666666d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-07-23", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-03-16", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-01-27", "t_max_comment": "yly even platelets wake. " }
+, { "t_partkey": 146, "t_count": 27, "t_avg_quantity": 4.792592592592593d, "t_max_suppkey": 9, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 25068.614074074078d, "t_avg_discount": 0.05925925925925926d, "t_avg_tax": 0.04407407407407408d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-07-09", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-05-18", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-05-27", "t_max_comment": "ut the slyly specia" }
+, { "t_partkey": 147, "t_count": 31, "t_avg_quantity": 4.625806451612903d, "t_max_suppkey": 10, "t_max_linenumber": 6, "t_avg_extendedprice": 24219.334838709678d, "t_avg_discount": 0.05451612903225806d, "t_avg_tax": 0.04741935483870968d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-06-18", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-07-06", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-06-23", "t_max_comment": "yly special excuses. fluffily " }
+, { "t_partkey": 148, "t_count": 43, "t_avg_quantity": 5.158139534883722d, "t_max_suppkey": 9, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 27032.261860465118d, "t_avg_discount": 0.0516279069767442d, "t_avg_tax": 0.04093023255813954d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-07-21", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-03-16", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-01-27", "t_max_comment": "y special theodolites. carefully" }
+, { "t_partkey": 149, "t_count": 33, "t_avg_quantity": 4.363636363636363d, "t_max_suppkey": 10, "t_max_linenumber": 6, "t_avg_extendedprice": 22890.327272727274d, "t_avg_discount": 0.05d, "t_avg_tax": 0.03909090909090909d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-06-06", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-03-06", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-04-19", "t_max_comment": "y regular requests. furious" }
+, { "t_partkey": 150, "t_count": 29, "t_avg_quantity": 5.027586206896552d, "t_max_suppkey": 9, "t_max_linenumber": 6, "t_avg_extendedprice": 26398.598275862067d, "t_avg_discount": 0.05517241379310344d, "t_avg_tax": 0.04206896551724138d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-08-06", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-05-26", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-05-09", "t_max_comment": "thely around the bli" }
+, { "t_partkey": 151, "t_count": 24, "t_avg_quantity": 4.175d, "t_max_suppkey": 9, "t_max_linenumber": 6, "t_avg_extendedprice": 21942.756249999995d, "t_avg_discount": 0.045000000000000005d, "t_avg_tax": 0.03291666666666667d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-08-09", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-02-05", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-02-13", "t_max_comment": "y unusual foxes " }
+, { "t_partkey": 152, "t_count": 27, "t_avg_quantity": 4.970370370370371d, "t_max_suppkey": 10, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 26147.875925925924d, "t_avg_discount": 0.050370370370370364d, "t_avg_tax": 0.03888888888888889d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-04-20", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-05-10", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-07-04", "t_max_comment": "ully. carefully final accounts accordi" }
+, { "t_partkey": 153, "t_count": 35, "t_avg_quantity": 5.514285714285715d, "t_max_suppkey": 8, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 29036.85d, "t_avg_discount": 0.045714285714285714d, "t_avg_tax": 0.03885714285714286d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-08-17", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-02-18", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-03-02", "t_max_comment": "y above the bli" }
+, { "t_partkey": 154, "t_count": 30, "t_avg_quantity": 4.54d, "t_max_suppkey": 9, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 23929.205d, "t_avg_discount": 0.04933333333333333d, "t_avg_tax": 0.041666666666666664d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-09-29", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-03-06", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-03-01", "t_max_comment": "vely ironic accounts. furiously unusual acc" }
+, { "t_partkey": 155, "t_count": 23, "t_avg_quantity": 6.069565217391305d, "t_max_suppkey": 10, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 32021.508695652174d, "t_avg_discount": 0.0508695652173913d, "t_avg_tax": 0.037391304347826095d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-07-27", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-10-21", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-09-30", "t_max_comment": "y regular requests haggle." }
+, { "t_partkey": 156, "t_count": 39, "t_avg_quantity": 5.333333333333334d, "t_max_suppkey": 8, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 28164.0d, "t_avg_discount": 0.0458974358974359d, "t_avg_tax": 0.04410256410256411d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-08-09", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-02-18", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-05-03", "t_max_comment": "y regular instructions doze furiously. reg" }
+, { "t_partkey": 157, "t_count": 28, "t_avg_quantity": 5.414285714285715d, "t_max_suppkey": 9, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 28618.560714285715d, "t_avg_discount": 0.05714285714285714d, "t_avg_tax": 0.03964285714285714d, "t_max_shipdate": "1997-11-27", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-06-30", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-08-01", "t_max_comment": "y regular requests engage furiously final d" }
+, { "t_partkey": 158, "t_count": 25, "t_avg_quantity": 5.144d, "t_max_suppkey": 10, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 27215.618000000002d, "t_avg_discount": 0.044000000000000004d, "t_avg_tax": 0.036800000000000006d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-07-16", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-06-04", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-08-07", "t_max_comment": "uctions cajole" }
+, { "t_partkey": 159, "t_count": 32, "t_avg_quantity": 4.9625d, "t_max_suppkey": 10, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 26280.159375000003d, "t_avg_discount": 0.0578125d, "t_avg_tax": 0.043125000000000004d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-05-25", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-02-10", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-05-20", "t_max_comment": "y special ideas. express packages pr" }
+, { "t_partkey": 160, "t_count": 42, "t_avg_quantity": 4.338095238095238d, "t_max_suppkey": 8, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 22995.37523809524d, "t_avg_discount": 0.04690476190476191d, "t_avg_tax": 0.03785714285714287d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-08-14", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-04-07", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-05-13", "t_max_comment": "yly silent deposits" }
+, { "t_partkey": 161, "t_count": 33, "t_avg_quantity": 5.109090909090909d, "t_max_suppkey": 10, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 27107.814545454545d, "t_avg_discount": 0.04666666666666667d, "t_avg_tax": 0.04606060606060606d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-09-11", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-04-27", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-04-09", "t_max_comment": "y ironic pin" }
+, { "t_partkey": 162, "t_count": 42, "t_avg_quantity": 4.895238095238096d, "t_max_suppkey": 9, "t_max_linenumber": 6, "t_avg_extendedprice": 25997.630476190476d, "t_avg_discount": 0.05833333333333335d, "t_avg_tax": 0.03547619047619048d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-09-18", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-04-27", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-04-14", "t_max_comment": "y asymptotes. regular depen" }
+, { "t_partkey": 163, "t_count": 28, "t_avg_quantity": 5.550000000000001d, "t_max_suppkey": 10, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 29502.690000000002d, "t_avg_discount": 0.045d, "t_avg_tax": 0.032499999999999994d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-04-18", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-03-07", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-03-09", "t_max_comment": "y fluffily stealt" }
+, { "t_partkey": 164, "t_count": 26, "t_avg_quantity": 4.915384615384616d, "t_max_suppkey": 9, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 26153.778461538463d, "t_avg_discount": 0.04076923076923077d, "t_avg_tax": 0.04115384615384616d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-10-17", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-03-31", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-04-04", "t_max_comment": "ymptotes boost. furiously bold p" }
+, { "t_partkey": 165, "t_count": 36, "t_avg_quantity": 5.561111111111112d, "t_max_suppkey": 10, "t_max_linenumber": 5, "t_avg_extendedprice": 29617.365555555552d, "t_avg_discount": 0.05277777777777778d, "t_avg_tax": 0.03777777777777778d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-06-07", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-03-17", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-04-07", "t_max_comment": "y unusual deposits prom" }
+, { "t_partkey": 166, "t_count": 33, "t_avg_quantity": 4.830303030303031d, "t_max_suppkey": 7, "t_max_linenumber": 6, "t_avg_extendedprice": 25749.37939393939d, "t_avg_discount": 0.04666666666666667d, "t_avg_tax": 0.03878787878787879d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-08-11", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-06-07", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-08-16", "t_max_comment": "uses detect spec" }
+, { "t_partkey": 167, "t_count": 31, "t_avg_quantity": 4.851612903225806d, "t_max_suppkey": 8, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 25887.236129032255d, "t_avg_discount": 0.052258064516129035d, "t_avg_tax": 0.037096774193548385d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-05-02", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-05-30", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-06-08", "t_max_comment": "yly final packages according to the quickl" }
+, { "t_partkey": 168, "t_count": 36, "t_avg_quantity": 5.1722222222222225d, "t_max_suppkey": 9, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 27623.804444444442d, "t_avg_discount": 0.04944444444444445d, "t_avg_tax": 0.03666666666666667d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-06-26", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-05-20", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-05-07", "t_max_comment": "xpress requests haggle after the final, fi" }
+, { "t_partkey": 169, "t_count": 35, "t_avg_quantity": 5.822857142857143d, "t_max_suppkey": 10, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 31127.829714285715d, "t_avg_discount": 0.047999999999999994d, "t_avg_tax": 0.038857142857142854d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-07-30", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-04-18", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-04-18", "t_max_comment": "yly final theodolites. furi" }
+, { "t_partkey": 170, "t_count": 27, "t_avg_quantity": 4.874074074074074d, "t_max_suppkey": 9, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 26080.43925925926d, "t_avg_discount": 0.050740740740740746d, "t_avg_tax": 0.044814814814814814d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-10-30", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-06-24", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-08-13", "t_max_comment": "yly ironic " }
+, { "t_partkey": 171, "t_count": 18, "t_avg_quantity": 4.533333333333334d, "t_max_suppkey": 10, "t_max_linenumber": 6, "t_avg_extendedprice": 24279.853333333333d, "t_avg_discount": 0.04055555555555555d, "t_avg_tax": 0.036666666666666674d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-07-28", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-10-15", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-11-11", "t_max_comment": "uriously ironic accounts. ironic, ir" }
+, { "t_partkey": 172, "t_count": 18, "t_avg_quantity": 5.1000000000000005d, "t_max_suppkey": 10, "t_max_linenumber": 6, "t_avg_extendedprice": 27340.335d, "t_avg_discount": 0.05222222222222222d, "t_avg_tax": 0.03722222222222223d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-08-21", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-09-18", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-09-26", "t_max_comment": "wake carefully alongside of " }
+, { "t_partkey": 173, "t_count": 34, "t_avg_quantity": 5.247058823529412d, "t_max_suppkey": 4, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 28154.930588235293d, "t_avg_discount": 0.054411764705882354d, "t_avg_tax": 0.048529411764705876d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-09-17", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-06-20", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-06-21", "t_max_comment": "uses. fluffily fina" }
+, { "t_partkey": 174, "t_count": 31, "t_avg_quantity": 5.3419354838709685d, "t_max_suppkey": 5, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 28690.734193548382d, "t_avg_discount": 0.05354838709677419d, "t_avg_tax": 0.046129032258064515d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-05-31", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-09-05", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-07-14", "t_max_comment": "y unusual packages thrash pinto " }
+, { "t_partkey": 175, "t_count": 31, "t_avg_quantity": 5.658064516129032d, "t_max_suppkey": 6, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 30416.906129032257d, "t_avg_discount": 0.04548387096774193d, "t_avg_tax": 0.03387096774193549d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-09-06", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-09-30", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-10-22", "t_max_comment": "yly special " }
+, { "t_partkey": 176, "t_count": 28, "t_avg_quantity": 6.078571428571429d, "t_max_suppkey": 7, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 32707.88107142857d, "t_avg_discount": 0.06d, "t_avg_tax": 0.03642857142857143d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-11-11", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-02-28", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-02-21", "t_max_comment": "y unusual foxes cajole ab" }
+, { "t_partkey": 177, "t_count": 29, "t_avg_quantity": 4.675862068965517d, "t_max_suppkey": 8, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 25183.491724137926d, "t_avg_discount": 0.045517241379310354d, "t_avg_tax": 0.04482758620689655d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-08-24", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-04-05", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-05-04", "t_max_comment": "y ironic instructions cajole" }
+, { "t_partkey": 178, "t_count": 41, "t_avg_quantity": 5.414634146341464d, "t_max_suppkey": 9, "t_max_linenumber": 6, "t_avg_extendedprice": 29189.480487804878d, "t_avg_discount": 0.04878048780487805d, "t_avg_tax": 0.038780487804878055d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-11-11", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-06-01", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-06-18", "t_max_comment": "yly ironic decoys; regular, iron" }
+, { "t_partkey": 179, "t_count": 19, "t_avg_quantity": 6.010526315789474d, "t_max_suppkey": 10, "t_max_linenumber": 6, "t_avg_extendedprice": 32431.898421052636d, "t_avg_discount": 0.04263157894736842d, "t_avg_tax": 0.02368421052631579d, "t_max_shipdate": "1997-06-03", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-04-18", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-06-10", "t_max_comment": "y regular pain" }
+, { "t_partkey": 180, "t_count": 29, "t_avg_quantity": 4.096551724137931d, "t_max_suppkey": 10, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 22125.06620689655d, "t_avg_discount": 0.04758620689655172d, "t_avg_tax": 0.036551724137931035d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-10-28", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-04-02", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-03-18", "t_max_comment": "y final foxes by the sl" }
+, { "t_partkey": 181, "t_count": 26, "t_avg_quantity": 4.307692307692308d, "t_max_suppkey": 2, "t_max_linenumber": 6, "t_avg_extendedprice": 23286.953846153843d, "t_avg_discount": 0.05615384615384615d, "t_avg_tax": 0.05153846153846154d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-10-23", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-07-25", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-07-02", "t_max_comment": "ts across the even requests doze furiously" }
+, { "t_partkey": 182, "t_count": 23, "t_avg_quantity": 4.234782608695652d, "t_max_suppkey": 3, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 22913.985217391306d, "t_avg_discount": 0.03782608695652174d, "t_avg_tax": 0.036521739130434785d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-11-04", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-04-21", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-03-13", "t_max_comment": "yly. express ideas agai" }
+, { "t_partkey": 183, "t_count": 31, "t_avg_quantity": 4.851612903225806d, "t_max_suppkey": 4, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 26275.85032258064d, "t_avg_discount": 0.043225806451612905d, "t_avg_tax": 0.04064516129032259d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-05-26", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-03-21", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-05-02", "t_max_comment": "y. even excuses" }
+, { "t_partkey": 184, "t_count": 42, "t_avg_quantity": 5.380952380952381d, "t_max_suppkey": 5, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 29169.604761904764d, "t_avg_discount": 0.048809523809523817d, "t_avg_tax": 0.035d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-07-14", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-04-23", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-04-14", "t_max_comment": "y regular pinto beans. evenly regular packa" }
+, { "t_partkey": 185, "t_count": 21, "t_avg_quantity": 4.542857142857144d, "t_max_suppkey": 6, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 24649.088571428572d, "t_avg_discount": 0.04619047619047619d, "t_avg_tax": 0.042857142857142864d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-06-16", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-02-11", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-05-30", "t_max_comment": "unusual theodol" }
+, { "t_partkey": 186, "t_count": 30, "t_avg_quantity": 4.206666666666667d, "t_max_suppkey": 7, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 22845.986d, "t_avg_discount": 0.04766666666666667d, "t_avg_tax": 0.044666666666666674d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-03-06", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-07-07", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-08-04", "t_max_comment": "ymptotes could u" }
+, { "t_partkey": 187, "t_count": 29, "t_avg_quantity": 5.627586206896552d, "t_max_suppkey": 8, "t_max_linenumber": 6, "t_avg_extendedprice": 30590.99586206896d, "t_avg_discount": 0.048965517241379306d, "t_avg_tax": 0.04103448275862069d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-11-11", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-05-01", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-04-13", "t_max_comment": "y even forges. fluffily furious accounts" }
+, { "t_partkey": 188, "t_count": 31, "t_avg_quantity": 4.2129032258064525d, "t_max_suppkey": 9, "t_max_linenumber": 6, "t_avg_extendedprice": 22921.98516129032d, "t_avg_discount": 0.06483870967741935d, "t_avg_tax": 0.03483870967741936d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-06-19", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-08-05", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-10-05", "t_max_comment": "y regular asymptotes doz" }
+, { "t_partkey": 189, "t_count": 33, "t_avg_quantity": 4.533333333333334d, "t_max_suppkey": 10, "t_max_linenumber": 6, "t_avg_extendedprice": 24688.079999999998d, "t_avg_discount": 0.053333333333333344d, "t_avg_tax": 0.03757575757575757d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-07-26", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-06-08", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-07-03", "t_max_comment": "y sly theodolites. ironi" }
+, { "t_partkey": 190, "t_count": 39, "t_avg_quantity": 4.912820512820513d, "t_max_suppkey": 1, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 26779.538974358973d, "t_avg_discount": 0.04743589743589744d, "t_avg_tax": 0.03538461538461539d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-09-24", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-05-02", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-05-11", "t_max_comment": "y final foxes sleep blithely sl" }
+, { "t_partkey": 191, "t_count": 40, "t_avg_quantity": 5.5200000000000005d, "t_max_suppkey": 5, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 30116.844d, "t_avg_discount": 0.0475d, "t_avg_tax": 0.04025d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-10-08", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-06-09", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-08-09", "t_max_comment": "ys engage. th" }
+, { "t_partkey": 192, "t_count": 29, "t_avg_quantity": 4.655172413793103d, "t_max_suppkey": 6, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 25421.66379310345d, "t_avg_discount": 0.04724137931034483d, "t_avg_tax": 0.04586206896551724d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-05-26", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-04-06", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-03-02", "t_max_comment": "y. fluffily bold accounts grow. furio" }
+, { "t_partkey": 193, "t_count": 27, "t_avg_quantity": 4.4222222222222225d, "t_max_suppkey": 7, "t_max_linenumber": 6, "t_avg_extendedprice": 24171.64555555556d, "t_avg_discount": 0.044814814814814814d, "t_avg_tax": 0.02851851851851852d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-08-19", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-05-05", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-06-03", "t_max_comment": "y players sleep along the final, pending " }
+, { "t_partkey": 194, "t_count": 28, "t_avg_quantity": 4.457142857142857d, "t_max_suppkey": 8, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 24384.80571428571d, "t_avg_discount": 0.04071428571428572d, "t_avg_tax": 0.031785714285714285d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-07-06", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-03-18", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-02-23", "t_max_comment": "y silent requests. regular, even accounts" }
+, { "t_partkey": 195, "t_count": 30, "t_avg_quantity": 5.053333333333334d, "t_max_suppkey": 9, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 27671.800666666666d, "t_avg_discount": 0.04833333333333333d, "t_avg_tax": 0.045000000000000005d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-01-21", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-02-12", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-05-05", "t_max_comment": "yly pending packages snooz" }
+, { "t_partkey": 196, "t_count": 36, "t_avg_quantity": 5.011111111111112d, "t_max_suppkey": 10, "t_max_linenumber": 6, "t_avg_extendedprice": 27465.649444444443d, "t_avg_discount": 0.04972222222222223d, "t_avg_tax": 0.03944444444444444d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-10-17", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-03-14", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-03-27", "t_max_comment": "y quickly " }
+, { "t_partkey": 197, "t_count": 32, "t_avg_quantity": 5.2125d, "t_max_suppkey": 10, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 28595.514375d, "t_avg_discount": 0.0553125d, "t_avg_tax": 0.0378125d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-05-19", "t_min_commitdate": "1993-09-09", "t_min_receiptdate": "1993-08-23", "t_max_comment": "warhorses slee" }
+, { "t_partkey": 198, "t_count": 31, "t_avg_quantity": 4.587096774193548d, "t_max_suppkey": 10, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 25187.519032258064d, "t_avg_discount": 0.03967741935483871d, "t_avg_tax": 0.035806451612903224d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-10-06", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-02-23", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-05-15", "t_max_comment": "y even accounts. quickly bold decoys" }
+, { "t_partkey": 199, "t_count": 32, "t_avg_quantity": 5.5062500000000005d, "t_max_suppkey": 10, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 30262.0746875d, "t_avg_discount": 0.052812500000000005d, "t_avg_tax": 0.043750000000000004d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-08-14", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-05-13", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-03-28", "t_max_comment": "y carefully ironi" }
+, { "t_partkey": 200, "t_count": 24, "t_avg_quantity": 5.458333333333334d, "t_max_suppkey": 4, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 30026.291666666668d, "t_avg_discount": 0.049166666666666664d, "t_avg_tax": 0.03375d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-09-04", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-05-28", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-05-12", "t_max_comment": "y silent foxes! carefully ruthless cour" }
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/tpch-sql-like/q21_suppliers_who_kept_orders_waiting/q21_suppliers_who_kept_orders_waiting.1.adm b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/tpch-sql-like/q21_suppliers_who_kept_orders_waiting/q21_suppliers_who_kept_orders_waiting.1.adm
index 4a070c6..d4fd239 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/tpch-sql-like/q21_suppliers_who_kept_orders_waiting/q21_suppliers_who_kept_orders_waiting.1.adm
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/tpch-sql-like/q21_suppliers_who_kept_orders_waiting/q21_suppliers_who_kept_orders_waiting.1.adm
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
-[ { "s_name": "Supplier#000000007", "numwait": 431i64 }
-, { "s_name": "Supplier#000000005", "numwait": 417i64 }
-, { "s_name": "Supplier#000000001", "numwait": 403i64 }
-, { "s_name": "Supplier#000000009", "numwait": 373i64 }
-, { "s_name": "Supplier#000000004", "numwait": 367i64 }
-, { "s_name": "Supplier#000000002", "numwait": 364i64 }
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+[ { "s_name": "Supplier#000000007", "numwait": 431 }
+, { "s_name": "Supplier#000000005", "numwait": 417 }
+, { "s_name": "Supplier#000000001", "numwait": 403 }
+, { "s_name": "Supplier#000000009", "numwait": 373 }
+, { "s_name": "Supplier#000000004", "numwait": 367 }
+, { "s_name": "Supplier#000000002", "numwait": 364 }
+, { "s_name": "Supplier#000000010", "numwait": 358 }
+, { "s_name": "Supplier#000000003", "numwait": 349 }
+, { "s_name": "Supplier#000000008", "numwait": 347 }
+, { "s_name": "Supplier#000000006", "numwait": 343 }
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index dce0fd7..203e0fe 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/tpch-sql-like/q22_global_sales_opportunity/q22_global_sales_opportunity.1.adm
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@@ -1,24 +1,24 @@
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-, { "cntrycode": "17", "numcust": 1i64, "totacctbal": 9127.27d }
-, { "cntrycode": "18", "numcust": 3i64, "totacctbal": 22156.91d }
-, { "cntrycode": "19", "numcust": 6i64, "totacctbal": 43758.41d }
-, { "cntrycode": "20", "numcust": 3i64, "totacctbal": 23085.67d }
-, { "cntrycode": "21", "numcust": 3i64, "totacctbal": 19400.52d }
-, { "cntrycode": "22", "numcust": 3i64, "totacctbal": 20332.18d }
-, { "cntrycode": "23", "numcust": 3i64, "totacctbal": 25483.06d }
-, { "cntrycode": "25", "numcust": 3i64, "totacctbal": 19038.36d }
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-, { "cntrycode": "27", "numcust": 2i64, "totacctbal": 13248.06d }
-, { "cntrycode": "28", "numcust": 5i64, "totacctbal": 42700.5d }
-, { "cntrycode": "29", "numcust": 4i64, "totacctbal": 36059.01d }
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-, { "cntrycode": "32", "numcust": 4i64, "totacctbal": 25754.22d }
-, { "cntrycode": "33", "numcust": 3i64, "totacctbal": 20359.59d }
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+, { "cntrycode": "13", "numcust": 2, "totacctbal": 13545.3d }
+, { "cntrycode": "14", "numcust": 1, "totacctbal": 9963.15d }
+, { "cntrycode": "15", "numcust": 2, "totacctbal": 14624.84d }
+, { "cntrycode": "16", "numcust": 2, "totacctbal": 11239.02d }
+, { "cntrycode": "17", "numcust": 1, "totacctbal": 9127.27d }
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+, { "cntrycode": "20", "numcust": 3, "totacctbal": 23085.67d }
+, { "cntrycode": "21", "numcust": 3, "totacctbal": 19400.52d }
+, { "cntrycode": "22", "numcust": 3, "totacctbal": 20332.18d }
+, { "cntrycode": "23", "numcust": 3, "totacctbal": 25483.06d }
+, { "cntrycode": "25", "numcust": 3, "totacctbal": 19038.36d }
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+, { "cntrycode": "27", "numcust": 2, "totacctbal": 13248.06d }
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+, { "cntrycode": "30", "numcust": 2, "totacctbal": 17528.46d }
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+, { "cntrycode": "33", "numcust": 3, "totacctbal": 20359.59d }
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index 5dd52b1..0ab4cb8 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/tpch-sql-like/query-issue601/query-issue601.1.adm
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/tpch-sql-like/query-issue601/query-issue601.1.adm
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
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-, { "l_linenumber": 2, "count_order": 1291i64 }
-, { "l_linenumber": 3, "count_order": 1077i64 }
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-, { "l_linenumber": 7, "count_order": 211i64 }
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+, { "l_linenumber": 4, "count_order": 862 }
+, { "l_linenumber": 3, "count_order": 1077 }
+, { "l_linenumber": 5, "count_order": 632 }
+, { "l_linenumber": 7, "count_order": 211 }
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index 4837987..95892b6 100644
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+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/tpch-sql-like/query-issue785-2/query-issue785-2.1.adm
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
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@@ -1,25 +1,25 @@
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+, { "nation_key": 7, "sum_price": [ { "orderdate": "1995-03-19", "sum_price": 207925.83d }, { "orderdate": "1992-03-15", "sum_price": 206742.11d }, { "orderdate": "1992-05-10", "sum_price": 203904.8d } ] }
+, { "nation_key": 17, "sum_price": [ { "orderdate": "1997-07-05", "sum_price": 233874.09d }, { "orderdate": "1993-10-31", "sum_price": 224724.11d }, { "orderdate": "1996-04-18", "sum_price": 220727.97d } ] }
+, { "nation_key": 18, "sum_price": [ { "orderdate": "1995-10-03", "sum_price": 245976.74d }, { "orderdate": "1992-06-03", "sum_price": 233161.66d }, { "orderdate": "1996-09-20", "sum_price": 219707.84d } ] }
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/tpch/nest_aggregate/nest_aggregate.1.adm b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/tpch/nest_aggregate/nest_aggregate.1.adm
index b18ad52..74a0b01 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/tpch/nest_aggregate/nest_aggregate.1.adm
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/tpch/nest_aggregate/nest_aggregate.1.adm
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
-[ { "nation_key": 1, "name": "ARGENTINA", "aggregates": [ { "order_date": "1997-08-14", "sum_price": 16763.95d }, { "order_date": "1997-11-26", "sum_price": 18653.09d }, { "order_date": "1998-04-20", "sum_price": 24637.96d } ] }
-, { "nation_key": 2, "name": "BRAZIL", "aggregates": [ { "order_date": "1993-03-05", "sum_price": 8225.96d }, { "order_date": "1994-08-31", "sum_price": 19056.99d }, { "order_date": "1997-05-04", "sum_price": 23984.88d } ] }
-, { "nation_key": 19, "name": "ROMANIA", "aggregates": [ { "order_date": "1994-07-05", "sum_price": 7108.12d }, { "order_date": "1994-11-17", "sum_price": 13282.23d }, { "order_date": "1997-02-07", "sum_price": 16689.19d } ] }
-, { "nation_key": 21, "name": "VIETNAM", "aggregates": [ { "order_date": "1994-02-17", "sum_price": 1984.14d }, { "order_date": "1995-08-05", "sum_price": 16922.51d }, { "order_date": "1994-06-01", "sum_price": 21088.59d } ] }
-, { "nation_key": 3, "name": "CANADA", "aggregates": [ { "order_date": "1992-02-22", "sum_price": 1084.38d }, { "order_date": "1992-11-28", "sum_price": 4766.19d }, { "order_date": "1995-02-17", "sum_price": 4913.06d } ] }
+[ { "nation_key": 21, "name": "VIETNAM", "aggregates": [ { "order_date": "1994-02-17", "sum_price": 1984.14d }, { "order_date": "1995-08-05", "sum_price": 16922.51d }, { "order_date": "1994-06-01", "sum_price": 21088.59d } ] }
, { "nation_key": 23, "name": "UNITED KINGDOM", "aggregates": [ { "order_date": "1997-12-18", "sum_price": 10934.84d }, { "order_date": "1995-05-26", "sum_price": 11474.95d }, { "order_date": "1997-05-13", "sum_price": 18307.45d } ] }
+, { "nation_key": 1, "name": "ARGENTINA", "aggregates": [ { "order_date": "1997-08-14", "sum_price": 16763.95d }, { "order_date": "1997-11-26", "sum_price": 18653.09d }, { "order_date": "1998-04-20", "sum_price": 24637.96d } ] }
+, { "nation_key": 2, "name": "BRAZIL", "aggregates": [ { "order_date": "1993-03-05", "sum_price": 8225.96d }, { "order_date": "1994-08-31", "sum_price": 19056.99d }, { "order_date": "1997-05-04", "sum_price": 23984.88d } ] }
, { "nation_key": 4, "name": "EGYPT", "aggregates": [ { "order_date": "1998-04-19", "sum_price": 3089.42d }, { "order_date": "1996-03-12", "sum_price": 3892.77d }, { "order_date": "1997-07-25", "sum_price": 11405.4d } ] }
+, { "nation_key": 19, "name": "ROMANIA", "aggregates": [ { "order_date": "1994-07-05", "sum_price": 7108.12d }, { "order_date": "1994-11-17", "sum_price": 13282.23d }, { "order_date": "1997-02-07", "sum_price": 16689.19d } ] }
+, { "nation_key": 20, "name": "SAUDI ARABIA", "aggregates": [ { "order_date": "1994-04-30", "sum_price": 6406.29d }, { "order_date": "1992-05-10", "sum_price": 45695.84d }, { "order_date": "1994-01-31", "sum_price": 62316.61d } ] }
, { "nation_key": 22, "name": "RUSSIA", "aggregates": [ { "order_date": "1993-11-16", "sum_price": 7471.75d }, { "order_date": "1996-01-11", "sum_price": 8720.45d }, { "order_date": "1995-07-15", "sum_price": 27016.74d } ] }
, { "nation_key": 24, "name": "UNITED STATES", "aggregates": [ ] }
, { "nation_key": 0, "name": "ALGERIA", "aggregates": [ { "order_date": "1994-05-27", "sum_price": 1051.15d }, { "order_date": "1994-05-08", "sum_price": 4819.91d }, { "order_date": "1993-08-27", "sum_price": 10500.27d } ] }
-, { "nation_key": 20, "name": "SAUDI ARABIA", "aggregates": [ { "order_date": "1994-04-30", "sum_price": 6406.29d }, { "order_date": "1992-05-10", "sum_price": 45695.84d }, { "order_date": "1994-01-31", "sum_price": 62316.61d } ] }
+, { "nation_key": 3, "name": "CANADA", "aggregates": [ { "order_date": "1992-02-22", "sum_price": 1084.38d }, { "order_date": "1992-11-28", "sum_price": 4766.19d }, { "order_date": "1995-02-17", "sum_price": 4913.06d } ] }
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/tpch/q01_pricing_summary_report_nt/q01_pricing_summary_report_nt.1.adm b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/tpch/q01_pricing_summary_report_nt/q01_pricing_summary_report_nt.1.adm
index 9a9ee67..774e16e 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/tpch/q01_pricing_summary_report_nt/q01_pricing_summary_report_nt.1.adm
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/tpch/q01_pricing_summary_report_nt/q01_pricing_summary_report_nt.1.adm
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-[ { "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "sum_qty": 37474.0d, "sum_base_price": 3.7569624640000015E7d, "sum_disc_price": 3.567619209699997E7d, "sum_charge": 3.7101416222424E7d, "ave_qty": 25.354533152909337d, "ave_price": 25419.231826792973d, "ave_disc": 0.05086603518267936d, "count_order": 1478i64 }
-, { "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "F", "sum_qty": 1041.0d, "sum_base_price": 1041301.0700000001d, "sum_disc_price": 999060.898d, "sum_charge": 1036450.8022800002d, "ave_qty": 27.394736842105264d, "ave_price": 27402.659736842106d, "ave_disc": 0.04289473684210526d, "count_order": 38i64 }
-, { "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "sum_qty": 75168.0d, "sum_base_price": 7.538495537000003E7d, "sum_disc_price": 7.165316630340004E7d, "sum_charge": 7.449879813307303E7d, "ave_qty": 25.558653519211152d, "ave_price": 25632.422771166282d, "ave_disc": 0.04969738184291074d, "count_order": 2941i64 }
-, { "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "sum_qty": 36511.0d, "sum_base_price": 3.657084124000002E7d, "sum_disc_price": 3.473847287579997E7d, "sum_charge": 3.616906011219299E7d, "ave_qty": 25.059025394646532d, "ave_price": 25100.09693891559d, "ave_disc": 0.05002745367192867d, "count_order": 1457i64 }
+[ { "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "sum_qty": 37474.0d, "sum_base_price": 3.7569624640000015E7d, "sum_disc_price": 3.567619209699997E7d, "sum_charge": 3.7101416222424E7d, "ave_qty": 25.354533152909337d, "ave_price": 25419.231826792973d, "ave_disc": 0.05086603518267936d, "count_order": 1478 }
+, { "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "F", "sum_qty": 1041.0d, "sum_base_price": 1041301.0700000001d, "sum_disc_price": 999060.898d, "sum_charge": 1036450.8022800002d, "ave_qty": 27.394736842105264d, "ave_price": 27402.659736842106d, "ave_disc": 0.04289473684210526d, "count_order": 38 }
+, { "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "sum_qty": 75168.0d, "sum_base_price": 7.538495537000003E7d, "sum_disc_price": 7.165316630340004E7d, "sum_charge": 7.449879813307303E7d, "ave_qty": 25.558653519211152d, "ave_price": 25632.422771166282d, "ave_disc": 0.04969738184291074d, "count_order": 2941 }
+, { "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "sum_qty": 36511.0d, "sum_base_price": 3.657084124000002E7d, "sum_disc_price": 3.473847287579997E7d, "sum_charge": 3.616906011219299E7d, "ave_qty": 25.059025394646532d, "ave_price": 25100.09693891559d, "ave_disc": 0.05002745367192867d, "count_order": 1457 }
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/tpch/q04_order_priority/q04_order_priority.1.adm b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/tpch/q04_order_priority/q04_order_priority.1.adm
index eb1df68..3a6a6a2 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/tpch/q04_order_priority/q04_order_priority.1.adm
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/tpch/q04_order_priority/q04_order_priority.1.adm
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-[ { "order_priority": "1-URGENT", "count": 9i64 }
-, { "order_priority": "2-HIGH", "count": 7i64 }
-, { "order_priority": "3-MEDIUM", "count": 9i64 }
-, { "order_priority": "4-NOT SPECIFIED", "count": 8i64 }
-, { "order_priority": "5-LOW", "count": 12i64 }
+[ { "order_priority": "1-URGENT", "count": 9 }
+, { "order_priority": "2-HIGH", "count": 7 }
+, { "order_priority": "3-MEDIUM", "count": 9 }
+, { "order_priority": "4-NOT SPECIFIED", "count": 8 }
+, { "order_priority": "5-LOW", "count": 12 }
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/tpch/q10_returned_item/q10_returned_ite.1.adm b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/tpch/q10_returned_item/q10_returned_ite.1.adm
index 01f2321..13349b1 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/tpch/q10_returned_item/q10_returned_ite.1.adm
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/tpch/q10_returned_item/q10_returned_ite.1.adm
@@ -1,21 +1,21 @@
-[ { "c_custkey": 121, "c_name": "Customer#000000121", "revenue": 282635.1719d, "c_acctbal": 6428.32d, "n_name": "PERU", "c_address": "tv nCR2YKupGN73mQudO", "c_phone": "27-411-990-2959", "c_comment": "uriously stealthy ideas. carefully final courts use carefully" }
-, { "c_custkey": 124, "c_name": "Customer#000000124", "revenue": 222182.5188d, "c_acctbal": 1842.49d, "n_name": "CHINA", "c_address": "aTbyVAW5tCd,v09O", "c_phone": "28-183-750-7809", "c_comment": "le fluffily even dependencies. quietly s" }
-, { "c_custkey": 106, "c_name": "Customer#000000106", "revenue": 190241.3334d, "c_acctbal": 3288.42d, "n_name": "ARGENTINA", "c_address": "xGCOEAUjUNG", "c_phone": "11-751-989-4627", "c_comment": "lose slyly. ironic accounts along the evenly regular theodolites wake about the special, final gifts. " }
-, { "c_custkey": 16, "c_name": "Customer#000000016", "revenue": 161422.04609999998d, "c_acctbal": 4681.03d, "n_name": "IRAN", "c_address": "cYiaeMLZSMAOQ2 d0W,", "c_phone": "20-781-609-3107", "c_comment": "kly silent courts. thinly regular theodolites sleep fluffily after " }
-, { "c_custkey": 44, "c_name": "Customer#000000044", "revenue": 149364.5652d, "c_acctbal": 7315.94d, "n_name": "MOZAMBIQUE", "c_address": "Oi,dOSPwDu4jo4x,,P85E0dmhZGvNtBwi", "c_phone": "26-190-260-5375", "c_comment": "r requests around the unusual, bold a" }
-, { "c_custkey": 71, "c_name": "Customer#000000071", "revenue": 129481.02450000001d, "c_acctbal": -611.19d, "n_name": "GERMANY", "c_address": "TlGalgdXWBmMV,6agLyWYDyIz9MKzcY8gl,w6t1B", "c_phone": "17-710-812-5403", "c_comment": "g courts across the regular, final pinto beans are blithely pending ac" }
-, { "c_custkey": 89, "c_name": "Customer#000000089", "revenue": 121663.1243d, "c_acctbal": 1530.76d, "n_name": "KENYA", "c_address": "dtR, y9JQWUO6FoJExyp8whOU", "c_phone": "24-394-451-5404", "c_comment": "counts are slyly beyond the slyly final accounts. quickly final ideas wake. r" }
-, { "c_custkey": 112, "c_name": "Customer#000000112", "revenue": 111137.7141d, "c_acctbal": 2953.35d, "n_name": "ROMANIA", "c_address": "RcfgG3bO7QeCnfjqJT1", "c_phone": "29-233-262-8382", "c_comment": "rmanently unusual multipliers. blithely ruthless deposits are furiously along the" }
-, { "c_custkey": 62, "c_name": "Customer#000000062", "revenue": 106368.0153d, "c_acctbal": 595.61d, "n_name": "GERMANY", "c_address": "upJK2Dnw13,", "c_phone": "17-361-978-7059", "c_comment": "kly special dolphins. pinto beans are slyly. quickly regular accounts are furiously a" }
-, { "c_custkey": 146, "c_name": "Customer#000000146", "revenue": 103265.98879999999d, "c_acctbal": 3328.68d, "n_name": "CANADA", "c_address": "GdxkdXG9u7iyI1,,y5tq4ZyrcEy", "c_phone": "13-835-723-3223", "c_comment": "ffily regular dinos are slyly unusual requests. slyly specia" }
-, { "c_custkey": 19, "c_name": "Customer#000000019", "revenue": 99306.0127d, "c_acctbal": 8914.71d, "n_name": "CHINA", "c_address": "uc,3bHIx84H,wdrmLOjVsiqXCq2tr", "c_phone": "28-396-526-5053", "c_comment": " nag. furiously careful packages are slyly at the accounts. furiously regular in" }
-, { "c_custkey": 145, "c_name": "Customer#000000145", "revenue": 99256.9018d, "c_acctbal": 9748.93d, "n_name": "JORDAN", "c_address": "kQjHmt2kcec cy3hfMh969u", "c_phone": "23-562-444-8454", "c_comment": "ests? express, express instructions use. blithely fina" }
-, { "c_custkey": 103, "c_name": "Customer#000000103", "revenue": 97311.77240000002d, "c_acctbal": 2757.45d, "n_name": "INDONESIA", "c_address": "8KIsQX4LJ7QMsj6DrtFtXu0nUEdV,8a", "c_phone": "19-216-107-2107", "c_comment": "furiously pending notornis boost slyly around the blithely ironic ideas? final, even instructions cajole fl" }
-, { "c_custkey": 136, "c_name": "Customer#000000136", "revenue": 95855.39799999999d, "c_acctbal": -842.39d, "n_name": "GERMANY", "c_address": "QoLsJ0v5C1IQbh,DS1", "c_phone": "17-501-210-4726", "c_comment": "ackages sleep ironic, final courts. even requests above the blithely bold requests g" }
-, { "c_custkey": 53, "c_name": "Customer#000000053", "revenue": 92568.9124d, "c_acctbal": 4113.64d, "n_name": "MOROCCO", "c_address": "HnaxHzTfFTZs8MuCpJyTbZ47Cm4wFOOgib", "c_phone": "25-168-852-5363", "c_comment": "ar accounts are. even foxes are blithely. fluffily pending deposits boost" }
-, { "c_custkey": 49, "c_name": "Customer#000000049", "revenue": 90965.7262d, "c_acctbal": 4573.94d, "n_name": "IRAN", "c_address": "cNgAeX7Fqrdf7HQN9EwjUa4nxT,68L FKAxzl", "c_phone": "20-908-631-4424", "c_comment": "nusual foxes! fluffily pending packages maintain to the regular " }
-, { "c_custkey": 37, "c_name": "Customer#000000037", "revenue": 88065.74579999999d, "c_acctbal": -917.75d, "n_name": "INDIA", "c_address": "7EV4Pwh,3SboctTWt", "c_phone": "18-385-235-7162", "c_comment": "ilent packages are carefully among the deposits. furiousl" }
-, { "c_custkey": 82, "c_name": "Customer#000000082", "revenue": 86998.9644d, "c_acctbal": 9468.34d, "n_name": "CHINA", "c_address": "zhG3EZbap4c992Gj3bK,3Ne,Xn", "c_phone": "28-159-442-5305", "c_comment": "s wake. bravely regular accounts are furiously. regula" }
-, { "c_custkey": 125, "c_name": "Customer#000000125", "revenue": 84808.068d, "c_acctbal": -234.12d, "n_name": "ROMANIA", "c_address": ",wSZXdVR xxIIfm9s8ITyLl3kgjT6UC07GY0Y", "c_phone": "29-261-996-3120", "c_comment": "x-ray finally after the packages? regular requests c" }
-, { "c_custkey": 59, "c_name": "Customer#000000059", "revenue": 84655.5711d, "c_acctbal": 3458.6d, "n_name": "ARGENTINA", "c_address": "zLOCP0wh92OtBihgspOGl4", "c_phone": "11-355-584-3112", "c_comment": "ously final packages haggle blithely after the express deposits. furiou" }
+[ { "c_custkey": 121i32, "c_name": "Customer#000000121", "revenue": 282635.1719d, "c_acctbal": 6428.32d, "n_name": "PERU", "c_address": "tv nCR2YKupGN73mQudO", "c_phone": "27-411-990-2959", "c_comment": "uriously stealthy ideas. carefully final courts use carefully" }
+, { "c_custkey": 124i32, "c_name": "Customer#000000124", "revenue": 222182.51880000002d, "c_acctbal": 1842.49d, "n_name": "CHINA", "c_address": "aTbyVAW5tCd,v09O", "c_phone": "28-183-750-7809", "c_comment": "le fluffily even dependencies. quietly s" }
+, { "c_custkey": 106i32, "c_name": "Customer#000000106", "revenue": 190241.3334d, "c_acctbal": 3288.42d, "n_name": "ARGENTINA", "c_address": "xGCOEAUjUNG", "c_phone": "11-751-989-4627", "c_comment": "lose slyly. ironic accounts along the evenly regular theodolites wake about the special, final gifts. " }
+, { "c_custkey": 16i32, "c_name": "Customer#000000016", "revenue": 161422.04609999998d, "c_acctbal": 4681.03d, "n_name": "IRAN", "c_address": "cYiaeMLZSMAOQ2 d0W,", "c_phone": "20-781-609-3107", "c_comment": "kly silent courts. thinly regular theodolites sleep fluffily after " }
+, { "c_custkey": 44i32, "c_name": "Customer#000000044", "revenue": 149364.5652d, "c_acctbal": 7315.94d, "n_name": "MOZAMBIQUE", "c_address": "Oi,dOSPwDu4jo4x,,P85E0dmhZGvNtBwi", "c_phone": "26-190-260-5375", "c_comment": "r requests around the unusual, bold a" }
+, { "c_custkey": 71i32, "c_name": "Customer#000000071", "revenue": 129481.0245d, "c_acctbal": -611.19d, "n_name": "GERMANY", "c_address": "TlGalgdXWBmMV,6agLyWYDyIz9MKzcY8gl,w6t1B", "c_phone": "17-710-812-5403", "c_comment": "g courts across the regular, final pinto beans are blithely pending ac" }
+, { "c_custkey": 89i32, "c_name": "Customer#000000089", "revenue": 121663.1243d, "c_acctbal": 1530.76d, "n_name": "KENYA", "c_address": "dtR, y9JQWUO6FoJExyp8whOU", "c_phone": "24-394-451-5404", "c_comment": "counts are slyly beyond the slyly final accounts. quickly final ideas wake. r" }
+, { "c_custkey": 112i32, "c_name": "Customer#000000112", "revenue": 111137.7141d, "c_acctbal": 2953.35d, "n_name": "ROMANIA", "c_address": "RcfgG3bO7QeCnfjqJT1", "c_phone": "29-233-262-8382", "c_comment": "rmanently unusual multipliers. blithely ruthless deposits are furiously along the" }
+, { "c_custkey": 62i32, "c_name": "Customer#000000062", "revenue": 106368.0153d, "c_acctbal": 595.61d, "n_name": "GERMANY", "c_address": "upJK2Dnw13,", "c_phone": "17-361-978-7059", "c_comment": "kly special dolphins. pinto beans are slyly. quickly regular accounts are furiously a" }
+, { "c_custkey": 146i32, "c_name": "Customer#000000146", "revenue": 103265.98879999999d, "c_acctbal": 3328.68d, "n_name": "CANADA", "c_address": "GdxkdXG9u7iyI1,,y5tq4ZyrcEy", "c_phone": "13-835-723-3223", "c_comment": "ffily regular dinos are slyly unusual requests. slyly specia" }
+, { "c_custkey": 19i32, "c_name": "Customer#000000019", "revenue": 99306.0127d, "c_acctbal": 8914.71d, "n_name": "CHINA", "c_address": "uc,3bHIx84H,wdrmLOjVsiqXCq2tr", "c_phone": "28-396-526-5053", "c_comment": " nag. furiously careful packages are slyly at the accounts. furiously regular in" }
+, { "c_custkey": 145i32, "c_name": "Customer#000000145", "revenue": 99256.9018d, "c_acctbal": 9748.93d, "n_name": "JORDAN", "c_address": "kQjHmt2kcec cy3hfMh969u", "c_phone": "23-562-444-8454", "c_comment": "ests? express, express instructions use. blithely fina" }
+, { "c_custkey": 103i32, "c_name": "Customer#000000103", "revenue": 97311.77240000002d, "c_acctbal": 2757.45d, "n_name": "INDONESIA", "c_address": "8KIsQX4LJ7QMsj6DrtFtXu0nUEdV,8a", "c_phone": "19-216-107-2107", "c_comment": "furiously pending notornis boost slyly around the blithely ironic ideas? final, even instructions cajole fl" }
+, { "c_custkey": 136i32, "c_name": "Customer#000000136", "revenue": 95855.39799999999d, "c_acctbal": -842.39d, "n_name": "GERMANY", "c_address": "QoLsJ0v5C1IQbh,DS1", "c_phone": "17-501-210-4726", "c_comment": "ackages sleep ironic, final courts. even requests above the blithely bold requests g" }
+, { "c_custkey": 53i32, "c_name": "Customer#000000053", "revenue": 92568.9124d, "c_acctbal": 4113.64d, "n_name": "MOROCCO", "c_address": "HnaxHzTfFTZs8MuCpJyTbZ47Cm4wFOOgib", "c_phone": "25-168-852-5363", "c_comment": "ar accounts are. even foxes are blithely. fluffily pending deposits boost" }
+, { "c_custkey": 49i32, "c_name": "Customer#000000049", "revenue": 90965.7262d, "c_acctbal": 4573.94d, "n_name": "IRAN", "c_address": "cNgAeX7Fqrdf7HQN9EwjUa4nxT,68L FKAxzl", "c_phone": "20-908-631-4424", "c_comment": "nusual foxes! fluffily pending packages maintain to the regular " }
+, { "c_custkey": 37i32, "c_name": "Customer#000000037", "revenue": 88065.74579999999d, "c_acctbal": -917.75d, "n_name": "INDIA", "c_address": "7EV4Pwh,3SboctTWt", "c_phone": "18-385-235-7162", "c_comment": "ilent packages are carefully among the deposits. furiousl" }
+, { "c_custkey": 82i32, "c_name": "Customer#000000082", "revenue": 86998.9644d, "c_acctbal": 9468.34d, "n_name": "CHINA", "c_address": "zhG3EZbap4c992Gj3bK,3Ne,Xn", "c_phone": "28-159-442-5305", "c_comment": "s wake. bravely regular accounts are furiously. regula" }
+, { "c_custkey": 125i32, "c_name": "Customer#000000125", "revenue": 84808.068d, "c_acctbal": -234.12d, "n_name": "ROMANIA", "c_address": ",wSZXdVR xxIIfm9s8ITyLl3kgjT6UC07GY0Y", "c_phone": "29-261-996-3120", "c_comment": "x-ray finally after the packages? regular requests c" }
+, { "c_custkey": 59i32, "c_name": "Customer#000000059", "revenue": 84655.5711d, "c_acctbal": 3458.6d, "n_name": "ARGENTINA", "c_address": "zLOCP0wh92OtBihgspOGl4", "c_phone": "11-355-584-3112", "c_comment": "ously final packages haggle blithely after the express deposits. furiou" }
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/tpch/q10_returned_item_int64/q10_returned_item_int64.1.adm b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/tpch/q10_returned_item_int64/q10_returned_item_int64.1.adm
index 5fafae7..01f2321 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/tpch/q10_returned_item_int64/q10_returned_item_int64.1.adm
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/tpch/q10_returned_item_int64/q10_returned_item_int64.1.adm
@@ -1,21 +1,21 @@
-[ { "c_custkey": 121i64, "c_name": "Customer#000000121", "revenue": 282635.1719d, "c_acctbal": 6428.32d, "n_name": "PERU", "c_address": "tv nCR2YKupGN73mQudO", "c_phone": "27-411-990-2959", "c_comment": "uriously stealthy ideas. carefully final courts use carefully" }
-, { "c_custkey": 124i64, "c_name": "Customer#000000124", "revenue": 222182.5188d, "c_acctbal": 1842.49d, "n_name": "CHINA", "c_address": "aTbyVAW5tCd,v09O", "c_phone": "28-183-750-7809", "c_comment": "le fluffily even dependencies. quietly s" }
-, { "c_custkey": 106i64, "c_name": "Customer#000000106", "revenue": 190241.3334d, "c_acctbal": 3288.42d, "n_name": "ARGENTINA", "c_address": "xGCOEAUjUNG", "c_phone": "11-751-989-4627", "c_comment": "lose slyly. ironic accounts along the evenly regular theodolites wake about the special, final gifts. " }
-, { "c_custkey": 16i64, "c_name": "Customer#000000016", "revenue": 161422.04609999998d, "c_acctbal": 4681.03d, "n_name": "IRAN", "c_address": "cYiaeMLZSMAOQ2 d0W,", "c_phone": "20-781-609-3107", "c_comment": "kly silent courts. thinly regular theodolites sleep fluffily after " }
-, { "c_custkey": 44i64, "c_name": "Customer#000000044", "revenue": 149364.5652d, "c_acctbal": 7315.94d, "n_name": "MOZAMBIQUE", "c_address": "Oi,dOSPwDu4jo4x,,P85E0dmhZGvNtBwi", "c_phone": "26-190-260-5375", "c_comment": "r requests around the unusual, bold a" }
-, { "c_custkey": 71i64, "c_name": "Customer#000000071", "revenue": 129481.02450000001d, "c_acctbal": -611.19d, "n_name": "GERMANY", "c_address": "TlGalgdXWBmMV,6agLyWYDyIz9MKzcY8gl,w6t1B", "c_phone": "17-710-812-5403", "c_comment": "g courts across the regular, final pinto beans are blithely pending ac" }
-, { "c_custkey": 89i64, "c_name": "Customer#000000089", "revenue": 121663.1243d, "c_acctbal": 1530.76d, "n_name": "KENYA", "c_address": "dtR, y9JQWUO6FoJExyp8whOU", "c_phone": "24-394-451-5404", "c_comment": "counts are slyly beyond the slyly final accounts. quickly final ideas wake. r" }
-, { "c_custkey": 112i64, "c_name": "Customer#000000112", "revenue": 111137.7141d, "c_acctbal": 2953.35d, "n_name": "ROMANIA", "c_address": "RcfgG3bO7QeCnfjqJT1", "c_phone": "29-233-262-8382", "c_comment": "rmanently unusual multipliers. blithely ruthless deposits are furiously along the" }
-, { "c_custkey": 62i64, "c_name": "Customer#000000062", "revenue": 106368.0153d, "c_acctbal": 595.61d, "n_name": "GERMANY", "c_address": "upJK2Dnw13,", "c_phone": "17-361-978-7059", "c_comment": "kly special dolphins. pinto beans are slyly. quickly regular accounts are furiously a" }
-, { "c_custkey": 146i64, "c_name": "Customer#000000146", "revenue": 103265.98879999999d, "c_acctbal": 3328.68d, "n_name": "CANADA", "c_address": "GdxkdXG9u7iyI1,,y5tq4ZyrcEy", "c_phone": "13-835-723-3223", "c_comment": "ffily regular dinos are slyly unusual requests. slyly specia" }
-, { "c_custkey": 19i64, "c_name": "Customer#000000019", "revenue": 99306.0127d, "c_acctbal": 8914.71d, "n_name": "CHINA", "c_address": "uc,3bHIx84H,wdrmLOjVsiqXCq2tr", "c_phone": "28-396-526-5053", "c_comment": " nag. furiously careful packages are slyly at the accounts. furiously regular in" }
-, { "c_custkey": 145i64, "c_name": "Customer#000000145", "revenue": 99256.9018d, "c_acctbal": 9748.93d, "n_name": "JORDAN", "c_address": "kQjHmt2kcec cy3hfMh969u", "c_phone": "23-562-444-8454", "c_comment": "ests? express, express instructions use. blithely fina" }
-, { "c_custkey": 103i64, "c_name": "Customer#000000103", "revenue": 97311.77240000002d, "c_acctbal": 2757.45d, "n_name": "INDONESIA", "c_address": "8KIsQX4LJ7QMsj6DrtFtXu0nUEdV,8a", "c_phone": "19-216-107-2107", "c_comment": "furiously pending notornis boost slyly around the blithely ironic ideas? final, even instructions cajole fl" }
-, { "c_custkey": 136i64, "c_name": "Customer#000000136", "revenue": 95855.39799999999d, "c_acctbal": -842.39d, "n_name": "GERMANY", "c_address": "QoLsJ0v5C1IQbh,DS1", "c_phone": "17-501-210-4726", "c_comment": "ackages sleep ironic, final courts. even requests above the blithely bold requests g" }
-, { "c_custkey": 53i64, "c_name": "Customer#000000053", "revenue": 92568.9124d, "c_acctbal": 4113.64d, "n_name": "MOROCCO", "c_address": "HnaxHzTfFTZs8MuCpJyTbZ47Cm4wFOOgib", "c_phone": "25-168-852-5363", "c_comment": "ar accounts are. even foxes are blithely. fluffily pending deposits boost" }
-, { "c_custkey": 49i64, "c_name": "Customer#000000049", "revenue": 90965.7262d, "c_acctbal": 4573.94d, "n_name": "IRAN", "c_address": "cNgAeX7Fqrdf7HQN9EwjUa4nxT,68L FKAxzl", "c_phone": "20-908-631-4424", "c_comment": "nusual foxes! fluffily pending packages maintain to the regular " }
-, { "c_custkey": 37i64, "c_name": "Customer#000000037", "revenue": 88065.74579999999d, "c_acctbal": -917.75d, "n_name": "INDIA", "c_address": "7EV4Pwh,3SboctTWt", "c_phone": "18-385-235-7162", "c_comment": "ilent packages are carefully among the deposits. furiousl" }
-, { "c_custkey": 82i64, "c_name": "Customer#000000082", "revenue": 86998.9644d, "c_acctbal": 9468.34d, "n_name": "CHINA", "c_address": "zhG3EZbap4c992Gj3bK,3Ne,Xn", "c_phone": "28-159-442-5305", "c_comment": "s wake. bravely regular accounts are furiously. regula" }
-, { "c_custkey": 125i64, "c_name": "Customer#000000125", "revenue": 84808.068d, "c_acctbal": -234.12d, "n_name": "ROMANIA", "c_address": ",wSZXdVR xxIIfm9s8ITyLl3kgjT6UC07GY0Y", "c_phone": "29-261-996-3120", "c_comment": "x-ray finally after the packages? regular requests c" }
-, { "c_custkey": 59i64, "c_name": "Customer#000000059", "revenue": 84655.5711d, "c_acctbal": 3458.6d, "n_name": "ARGENTINA", "c_address": "zLOCP0wh92OtBihgspOGl4", "c_phone": "11-355-584-3112", "c_comment": "ously final packages haggle blithely after the express deposits. furiou" }
+[ { "c_custkey": 121, "c_name": "Customer#000000121", "revenue": 282635.1719d, "c_acctbal": 6428.32d, "n_name": "PERU", "c_address": "tv nCR2YKupGN73mQudO", "c_phone": "27-411-990-2959", "c_comment": "uriously stealthy ideas. carefully final courts use carefully" }
+, { "c_custkey": 124, "c_name": "Customer#000000124", "revenue": 222182.5188d, "c_acctbal": 1842.49d, "n_name": "CHINA", "c_address": "aTbyVAW5tCd,v09O", "c_phone": "28-183-750-7809", "c_comment": "le fluffily even dependencies. quietly s" }
+, { "c_custkey": 106, "c_name": "Customer#000000106", "revenue": 190241.3334d, "c_acctbal": 3288.42d, "n_name": "ARGENTINA", "c_address": "xGCOEAUjUNG", "c_phone": "11-751-989-4627", "c_comment": "lose slyly. ironic accounts along the evenly regular theodolites wake about the special, final gifts. " }
+, { "c_custkey": 16, "c_name": "Customer#000000016", "revenue": 161422.04609999998d, "c_acctbal": 4681.03d, "n_name": "IRAN", "c_address": "cYiaeMLZSMAOQ2 d0W,", "c_phone": "20-781-609-3107", "c_comment": "kly silent courts. thinly regular theodolites sleep fluffily after " }
+, { "c_custkey": 44, "c_name": "Customer#000000044", "revenue": 149364.5652d, "c_acctbal": 7315.94d, "n_name": "MOZAMBIQUE", "c_address": "Oi,dOSPwDu4jo4x,,P85E0dmhZGvNtBwi", "c_phone": "26-190-260-5375", "c_comment": "r requests around the unusual, bold a" }
+, { "c_custkey": 71, "c_name": "Customer#000000071", "revenue": 129481.02450000001d, "c_acctbal": -611.19d, "n_name": "GERMANY", "c_address": "TlGalgdXWBmMV,6agLyWYDyIz9MKzcY8gl,w6t1B", "c_phone": "17-710-812-5403", "c_comment": "g courts across the regular, final pinto beans are blithely pending ac" }
+, { "c_custkey": 89, "c_name": "Customer#000000089", "revenue": 121663.1243d, "c_acctbal": 1530.76d, "n_name": "KENYA", "c_address": "dtR, y9JQWUO6FoJExyp8whOU", "c_phone": "24-394-451-5404", "c_comment": "counts are slyly beyond the slyly final accounts. quickly final ideas wake. r" }
+, { "c_custkey": 112, "c_name": "Customer#000000112", "revenue": 111137.7141d, "c_acctbal": 2953.35d, "n_name": "ROMANIA", "c_address": "RcfgG3bO7QeCnfjqJT1", "c_phone": "29-233-262-8382", "c_comment": "rmanently unusual multipliers. blithely ruthless deposits are furiously along the" }
+, { "c_custkey": 62, "c_name": "Customer#000000062", "revenue": 106368.0153d, "c_acctbal": 595.61d, "n_name": "GERMANY", "c_address": "upJK2Dnw13,", "c_phone": "17-361-978-7059", "c_comment": "kly special dolphins. pinto beans are slyly. quickly regular accounts are furiously a" }
+, { "c_custkey": 146, "c_name": "Customer#000000146", "revenue": 103265.98879999999d, "c_acctbal": 3328.68d, "n_name": "CANADA", "c_address": "GdxkdXG9u7iyI1,,y5tq4ZyrcEy", "c_phone": "13-835-723-3223", "c_comment": "ffily regular dinos are slyly unusual requests. slyly specia" }
+, { "c_custkey": 19, "c_name": "Customer#000000019", "revenue": 99306.0127d, "c_acctbal": 8914.71d, "n_name": "CHINA", "c_address": "uc,3bHIx84H,wdrmLOjVsiqXCq2tr", "c_phone": "28-396-526-5053", "c_comment": " nag. furiously careful packages are slyly at the accounts. furiously regular in" }
+, { "c_custkey": 145, "c_name": "Customer#000000145", "revenue": 99256.9018d, "c_acctbal": 9748.93d, "n_name": "JORDAN", "c_address": "kQjHmt2kcec cy3hfMh969u", "c_phone": "23-562-444-8454", "c_comment": "ests? express, express instructions use. blithely fina" }
+, { "c_custkey": 103, "c_name": "Customer#000000103", "revenue": 97311.77240000002d, "c_acctbal": 2757.45d, "n_name": "INDONESIA", "c_address": "8KIsQX4LJ7QMsj6DrtFtXu0nUEdV,8a", "c_phone": "19-216-107-2107", "c_comment": "furiously pending notornis boost slyly around the blithely ironic ideas? final, even instructions cajole fl" }
+, { "c_custkey": 136, "c_name": "Customer#000000136", "revenue": 95855.39799999999d, "c_acctbal": -842.39d, "n_name": "GERMANY", "c_address": "QoLsJ0v5C1IQbh,DS1", "c_phone": "17-501-210-4726", "c_comment": "ackages sleep ironic, final courts. even requests above the blithely bold requests g" }
+, { "c_custkey": 53, "c_name": "Customer#000000053", "revenue": 92568.9124d, "c_acctbal": 4113.64d, "n_name": "MOROCCO", "c_address": "HnaxHzTfFTZs8MuCpJyTbZ47Cm4wFOOgib", "c_phone": "25-168-852-5363", "c_comment": "ar accounts are. even foxes are blithely. fluffily pending deposits boost" }
+, { "c_custkey": 49, "c_name": "Customer#000000049", "revenue": 90965.7262d, "c_acctbal": 4573.94d, "n_name": "IRAN", "c_address": "cNgAeX7Fqrdf7HQN9EwjUa4nxT,68L FKAxzl", "c_phone": "20-908-631-4424", "c_comment": "nusual foxes! fluffily pending packages maintain to the regular " }
+, { "c_custkey": 37, "c_name": "Customer#000000037", "revenue": 88065.74579999999d, "c_acctbal": -917.75d, "n_name": "INDIA", "c_address": "7EV4Pwh,3SboctTWt", "c_phone": "18-385-235-7162", "c_comment": "ilent packages are carefully among the deposits. furiousl" }
+, { "c_custkey": 82, "c_name": "Customer#000000082", "revenue": 86998.9644d, "c_acctbal": 9468.34d, "n_name": "CHINA", "c_address": "zhG3EZbap4c992Gj3bK,3Ne,Xn", "c_phone": "28-159-442-5305", "c_comment": "s wake. bravely regular accounts are furiously. regula" }
+, { "c_custkey": 125, "c_name": "Customer#000000125", "revenue": 84808.068d, "c_acctbal": -234.12d, "n_name": "ROMANIA", "c_address": ",wSZXdVR xxIIfm9s8ITyLl3kgjT6UC07GY0Y", "c_phone": "29-261-996-3120", "c_comment": "x-ray finally after the packages? regular requests c" }
+, { "c_custkey": 59, "c_name": "Customer#000000059", "revenue": 84655.5711d, "c_acctbal": 3458.6d, "n_name": "ARGENTINA", "c_address": "zLOCP0wh92OtBihgspOGl4", "c_phone": "11-355-584-3112", "c_comment": "ously final packages haggle blithely after the express deposits. furiou" }
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/tpch/q13_customer_distribution/q13_customer_distribution.1.adm b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/tpch/q13_customer_distribution/q13_customer_distribution.1.adm
index c7e34a3..ab4fc9a 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/tpch/q13_customer_distribution/q13_customer_distribution.1.adm
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/tpch/q13_customer_distribution/q13_customer_distribution.1.adm
@@ -1,28 +1,28 @@
-[ { "c_count": 0i64, "custdist": 50i64 }
-, { "c_count": 16i64, "custdist": 8i64 }
-, { "c_count": 17i64, "custdist": 7i64 }
-, { "c_count": 20i64, "custdist": 6i64 }
-, { "c_count": 13i64, "custdist": 6i64 }
-, { "c_count": 12i64, "custdist": 6i64 }
-, { "c_count": 9i64, "custdist": 6i64 }
-, { "c_count": 23i64, "custdist": 5i64 }
-, { "c_count": 14i64, "custdist": 5i64 }
-, { "c_count": 10i64, "custdist": 5i64 }
-, { "c_count": 21i64, "custdist": 4i64 }
-, { "c_count": 18i64, "custdist": 4i64 }
-, { "c_count": 11i64, "custdist": 4i64 }
-, { "c_count": 8i64, "custdist": 4i64 }
-, { "c_count": 7i64, "custdist": 4i64 }
-, { "c_count": 26i64, "custdist": 3i64 }
-, { "c_count": 22i64, "custdist": 3i64 }
-, { "c_count": 6i64, "custdist": 3i64 }
-, { "c_count": 5i64, "custdist": 3i64 }
-, { "c_count": 4i64, "custdist": 3i64 }
-, { "c_count": 29i64, "custdist": 2i64 }
-, { "c_count": 24i64, "custdist": 2i64 }
-, { "c_count": 19i64, "custdist": 2i64 }
-, { "c_count": 15i64, "custdist": 2i64 }
-, { "c_count": 28i64, "custdist": 1i64 }
-, { "c_count": 25i64, "custdist": 1i64 }
-, { "c_count": 3i64, "custdist": 1i64 }
+[ { "c_count": 0, "custdist": 50 }
+, { "c_count": 16, "custdist": 8 }
+, { "c_count": 17, "custdist": 7 }
+, { "c_count": 20, "custdist": 6 }
+, { "c_count": 13, "custdist": 6 }
+, { "c_count": 12, "custdist": 6 }
+, { "c_count": 9, "custdist": 6 }
+, { "c_count": 23, "custdist": 5 }
+, { "c_count": 14, "custdist": 5 }
+, { "c_count": 10, "custdist": 5 }
+, { "c_count": 21, "custdist": 4 }
+, { "c_count": 18, "custdist": 4 }
+, { "c_count": 11, "custdist": 4 }
+, { "c_count": 8, "custdist": 4 }
+, { "c_count": 7, "custdist": 4 }
+, { "c_count": 26, "custdist": 3 }
+, { "c_count": 22, "custdist": 3 }
+, { "c_count": 6, "custdist": 3 }
+, { "c_count": 5, "custdist": 3 }
+, { "c_count": 4, "custdist": 3 }
+, { "c_count": 29, "custdist": 2 }
+, { "c_count": 24, "custdist": 2 }
+, { "c_count": 19, "custdist": 2 }
+, { "c_count": 15, "custdist": 2 }
+, { "c_count": 28, "custdist": 1 }
+, { "c_count": 25, "custdist": 1 }
+, { "c_count": 3, "custdist": 1 }
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/tpch/q16_parts_supplier_relationship/q16_parts_supplier_relationship.1.adm b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/tpch/q16_parts_supplier_relationship/q16_parts_supplier_relationship.1.adm
index c3429a8..ff769a2 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/tpch/q16_parts_supplier_relationship/q16_parts_supplier_relationship.1.adm
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/tpch/q16_parts_supplier_relationship/q16_parts_supplier_relationship.1.adm
@@ -1,35 +1,35 @@
-[ { "p_brand": "Brand#11", "p_type": "PROMO ANODIZED TIN", "p_size": 45, "supplier_cnt": 4i64 }
-, { "p_brand": "Brand#11", "p_type": "SMALL PLATED COPPER", "p_size": 45, "supplier_cnt": 4i64 }
-, { "p_brand": "Brand#11", "p_type": "STANDARD POLISHED TIN", "p_size": 45, "supplier_cnt": 4i64 }
-, { "p_brand": "Brand#13", "p_type": "MEDIUM ANODIZED STEEL", "p_size": 36, "supplier_cnt": 4i64 }
-, { "p_brand": "Brand#13", "p_type": "SMALL BRUSHED NICKEL", "p_size": 19, "supplier_cnt": 4i64 }
-, { "p_brand": "Brand#14", "p_type": "SMALL ANODIZED NICKEL", "p_size": 45, "supplier_cnt": 4i64 }
-, { "p_brand": "Brand#15", "p_type": "LARGE ANODIZED BRASS", "p_size": 45, "supplier_cnt": 4i64 }
-, { "p_brand": "Brand#21", "p_type": "LARGE BURNISHED COPPER", "p_size": 19, "supplier_cnt": 4i64 }
-, { "p_brand": "Brand#23", "p_type": "ECONOMY BRUSHED COPPER", "p_size": 9, "supplier_cnt": 4i64 }
-, { "p_brand": "Brand#24", "p_type": "MEDIUM PLATED STEEL", "p_size": 19, "supplier_cnt": 4i64 }
-, { "p_brand": "Brand#25", "p_type": "MEDIUM PLATED BRASS", "p_size": 45, "supplier_cnt": 4i64 }
-, { "p_brand": "Brand#31", "p_type": "ECONOMY PLATED STEEL", "p_size": 23, "supplier_cnt": 4i64 }
-, { "p_brand": "Brand#31", "p_type": "PROMO POLISHED TIN", "p_size": 23, "supplier_cnt": 4i64 }
-, { "p_brand": "Brand#32", "p_type": "MEDIUM BURNISHED BRASS", "p_size": 49, "supplier_cnt": 4i64 }
-, { "p_brand": "Brand#33", "p_type": "LARGE BRUSHED TIN", "p_size": 36, "supplier_cnt": 4i64 }
-, { "p_brand": "Brand#33", "p_type": "SMALL BURNISHED NICKEL", "p_size": 3, "supplier_cnt": 4i64 }
-, { "p_brand": "Brand#34", "p_type": "LARGE PLATED BRASS", "p_size": 45, "supplier_cnt": 4i64 }
-, { "p_brand": "Brand#34", "p_type": "MEDIUM BRUSHED COPPER", "p_size": 9, "supplier_cnt": 4i64 }
-, { "p_brand": "Brand#34", "p_type": "SMALL PLATED BRASS", "p_size": 14, "supplier_cnt": 4i64 }
-, { "p_brand": "Brand#35", "p_type": "STANDARD ANODIZED STEEL", "p_size": 23, "supplier_cnt": 4i64 }
-, { "p_brand": "Brand#43", "p_type": "MEDIUM ANODIZED BRASS", "p_size": 14, "supplier_cnt": 4i64 }
-, { "p_brand": "Brand#43", "p_type": "PROMO POLISHED BRASS", "p_size": 19, "supplier_cnt": 4i64 }
-, { "p_brand": "Brand#43", "p_type": "SMALL BRUSHED NICKEL", "p_size": 9, "supplier_cnt": 4i64 }
-, { "p_brand": "Brand#44", "p_type": "SMALL PLATED COPPER", "p_size": 19, "supplier_cnt": 4i64 }
-, { "p_brand": "Brand#51", "p_type": "ECONOMY POLISHED STEEL", "p_size": 49, "supplier_cnt": 4i64 }
-, { "p_brand": "Brand#52", "p_type": "MEDIUM BURNISHED TIN", "p_size": 45, "supplier_cnt": 4i64 }
-, { "p_brand": "Brand#52", "p_type": "SMALL BURNISHED NICKEL", "p_size": 14, "supplier_cnt": 4i64 }
-, { "p_brand": "Brand#53", "p_type": "LARGE BURNISHED NICKEL", "p_size": 23, "supplier_cnt": 4i64 }
-, { "p_brand": "Brand#53", "p_type": "MEDIUM BRUSHED COPPER", "p_size": 3, "supplier_cnt": 4i64 }
-, { "p_brand": "Brand#53", "p_type": "STANDARD PLATED STEEL", "p_size": 45, "supplier_cnt": 4i64 }
-, { "p_brand": "Brand#54", "p_type": "ECONOMY ANODIZED BRASS", "p_size": 9, "supplier_cnt": 4i64 }
-, { "p_brand": "Brand#55", "p_type": "STANDARD ANODIZED BRASS", "p_size": 36, "supplier_cnt": 4i64 }
-, { "p_brand": "Brand#55", "p_type": "STANDARD BRUSHED COPPER", "p_size": 3, "supplier_cnt": 4i64 }
-, { "p_brand": "Brand#25", "p_type": "SMALL BURNISHED COPPER", "p_size": 3, "supplier_cnt": 3i64 }
+[ { "p_brand": "Brand#11", "p_type": "PROMO ANODIZED TIN", "p_size": 45, "supplier_cnt": 4 }
+, { "p_brand": "Brand#11", "p_type": "SMALL PLATED COPPER", "p_size": 45, "supplier_cnt": 4 }
+, { "p_brand": "Brand#11", "p_type": "STANDARD POLISHED TIN", "p_size": 45, "supplier_cnt": 4 }
+, { "p_brand": "Brand#13", "p_type": "MEDIUM ANODIZED STEEL", "p_size": 36, "supplier_cnt": 4 }
+, { "p_brand": "Brand#13", "p_type": "SMALL BRUSHED NICKEL", "p_size": 19, "supplier_cnt": 4 }
+, { "p_brand": "Brand#14", "p_type": "SMALL ANODIZED NICKEL", "p_size": 45, "supplier_cnt": 4 }
+, { "p_brand": "Brand#15", "p_type": "LARGE ANODIZED BRASS", "p_size": 45, "supplier_cnt": 4 }
+, { "p_brand": "Brand#21", "p_type": "LARGE BURNISHED COPPER", "p_size": 19, "supplier_cnt": 4 }
+, { "p_brand": "Brand#23", "p_type": "ECONOMY BRUSHED COPPER", "p_size": 9, "supplier_cnt": 4 }
+, { "p_brand": "Brand#24", "p_type": "MEDIUM PLATED STEEL", "p_size": 19, "supplier_cnt": 4 }
+, { "p_brand": "Brand#25", "p_type": "MEDIUM PLATED BRASS", "p_size": 45, "supplier_cnt": 4 }
+, { "p_brand": "Brand#31", "p_type": "ECONOMY PLATED STEEL", "p_size": 23, "supplier_cnt": 4 }
+, { "p_brand": "Brand#31", "p_type": "PROMO POLISHED TIN", "p_size": 23, "supplier_cnt": 4 }
+, { "p_brand": "Brand#32", "p_type": "MEDIUM BURNISHED BRASS", "p_size": 49, "supplier_cnt": 4 }
+, { "p_brand": "Brand#33", "p_type": "LARGE BRUSHED TIN", "p_size": 36, "supplier_cnt": 4 }
+, { "p_brand": "Brand#33", "p_type": "SMALL BURNISHED NICKEL", "p_size": 3, "supplier_cnt": 4 }
+, { "p_brand": "Brand#34", "p_type": "LARGE PLATED BRASS", "p_size": 45, "supplier_cnt": 4 }
+, { "p_brand": "Brand#34", "p_type": "MEDIUM BRUSHED COPPER", "p_size": 9, "supplier_cnt": 4 }
+, { "p_brand": "Brand#34", "p_type": "SMALL PLATED BRASS", "p_size": 14, "supplier_cnt": 4 }
+, { "p_brand": "Brand#35", "p_type": "STANDARD ANODIZED STEEL", "p_size": 23, "supplier_cnt": 4 }
+, { "p_brand": "Brand#43", "p_type": "MEDIUM ANODIZED BRASS", "p_size": 14, "supplier_cnt": 4 }
+, { "p_brand": "Brand#43", "p_type": "PROMO POLISHED BRASS", "p_size": 19, "supplier_cnt": 4 }
+, { "p_brand": "Brand#43", "p_type": "SMALL BRUSHED NICKEL", "p_size": 9, "supplier_cnt": 4 }
+, { "p_brand": "Brand#44", "p_type": "SMALL PLATED COPPER", "p_size": 19, "supplier_cnt": 4 }
+, { "p_brand": "Brand#51", "p_type": "ECONOMY POLISHED STEEL", "p_size": 49, "supplier_cnt": 4 }
+, { "p_brand": "Brand#52", "p_type": "MEDIUM BURNISHED TIN", "p_size": 45, "supplier_cnt": 4 }
+, { "p_brand": "Brand#52", "p_type": "SMALL BURNISHED NICKEL", "p_size": 14, "supplier_cnt": 4 }
+, { "p_brand": "Brand#53", "p_type": "LARGE BURNISHED NICKEL", "p_size": 23, "supplier_cnt": 4 }
+, { "p_brand": "Brand#53", "p_type": "MEDIUM BRUSHED COPPER", "p_size": 3, "supplier_cnt": 4 }
+, { "p_brand": "Brand#53", "p_type": "STANDARD PLATED STEEL", "p_size": 45, "supplier_cnt": 4 }
+, { "p_brand": "Brand#54", "p_type": "ECONOMY ANODIZED BRASS", "p_size": 9, "supplier_cnt": 4 }
+, { "p_brand": "Brand#55", "p_type": "STANDARD ANODIZED BRASS", "p_size": 36, "supplier_cnt": 4 }
+, { "p_brand": "Brand#55", "p_type": "STANDARD BRUSHED COPPER", "p_size": 3, "supplier_cnt": 4 }
+, { "p_brand": "Brand#25", "p_type": "SMALL BURNISHED COPPER", "p_size": 3, "supplier_cnt": 3 }
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/tpch/q17_large_gby_variant/q17_large_gby_variant.3.adm b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/tpch/q17_large_gby_variant/q17_large_gby_variant.3.adm
index 5a801a5..c0500b2 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/tpch/q17_large_gby_variant/q17_large_gby_variant.3.adm
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/tpch/q17_large_gby_variant/q17_large_gby_variant.3.adm
@@ -1,201 +1,201 @@
-[ { "t_partkey": 1, "t_count": 35i64, "t_avg_quantity": 5.28d, "t_max_suppkey": 8, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 23786.4d, "t_avg_discount": 0.044000000000000004d, "t_avg_tax": 0.049142857142857155d, "t_max_shipdate": "1997-08-08", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-04-02", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-02-28", "t_max_comment": "y ironic requests. bold, final ideas a" }
-, { "t_partkey": 2, "t_count": 34i64, "t_avg_quantity": 4.347058823529411d, "t_max_suppkey": 9, "t_max_linenumber": 6, "t_avg_extendedprice": 19605.235294117647d, "t_avg_discount": 0.049705882352941176d, "t_avg_tax": 0.04d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-05-31", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-07-12", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-07-08", "t_max_comment": "yly final dolphins? quickly ironic frets" }
-, { "t_partkey": 3, "t_count": 27i64, "t_avg_quantity": 4.896296296296296d, "t_max_suppkey": 10, "t_max_linenumber": 6, "t_avg_extendedprice": 22106.777777777777d, "t_avg_discount": 0.05481481481481482d, "t_avg_tax": 0.04185185185185186d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-05-22", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-03-20", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-05-04", "t_max_comment": "yly blithely pending packages" }
-, { "t_partkey": 4, "t_count": 26i64, "t_avg_quantity": 4.2615384615384615d, "t_max_suppkey": 9, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 19262.153846153848d, "t_avg_discount": 0.056538461538461544d, "t_avg_tax": 0.04d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-08-26", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-03-21", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-05-27", "t_max_comment": "y regular packages haggle furiously alongs" }
-, { "t_partkey": 5, "t_count": 32i64, "t_avg_quantity": 5.4750000000000005d, "t_max_suppkey": 10, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 24774.375d, "t_avg_discount": 0.04125d, "t_avg_tax": 0.0390625d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-07-19", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-05-12", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-05-10", "t_max_comment": "y. careful" }
-, { "t_partkey": 6, "t_count": 34i64, "t_avg_quantity": 5.2058823529411775d, "t_max_suppkey": 9, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 23582.647058823528d, "t_avg_discount": 0.05676470588235293d, "t_avg_tax": 0.04176470588235294d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-09-05", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-04-24", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-04-08", "t_max_comment": "yly express " }
-, { "t_partkey": 7, "t_count": 22i64, "t_avg_quantity": 4.7d, "t_max_suppkey": 10, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 21314.5d, "t_avg_discount": 0.05772727272727273d, "t_avg_tax": 0.041818181818181824d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-07-27", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-05-31", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-04-21", "t_max_comment": "ss the ironic, regular asymptotes cajole " }
-, { "t_partkey": 8, "t_count": 24i64, "t_avg_quantity": 4.783333333333334d, "t_max_suppkey": 9, "t_max_linenumber": 6, "t_avg_extendedprice": 21716.333333333332d, "t_avg_discount": 0.055d, "t_avg_tax": 0.04958333333333333d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-07-04", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-10-24", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-10-11", "t_max_comment": "uctions. furiously regular ins" }
-, { "t_partkey": 9, "t_count": 29i64, "t_avg_quantity": 5.331034482758621d, "t_max_suppkey": 10, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 24229.55172413793d, "t_avg_discount": 0.04206896551724139d, "t_avg_tax": 0.03896551724137932d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-06-12", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-03-30", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-05-23", "t_max_comment": "yly ironic" }
-, { "t_partkey": 10, "t_count": 31i64, "t_avg_quantity": 5.509677419354839d, "t_max_suppkey": 7, "t_max_linenumber": 6, "t_avg_extendedprice": 25069.307741935485d, "t_avg_discount": 0.052903225806451626d, "t_avg_tax": 0.04548387096774194d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-10-02", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-07-21", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-05-18", "t_max_comment": "y quickly ironic accounts." }
-, { "t_partkey": 11, "t_count": 28i64, "t_avg_quantity": 5.521428571428572d, "t_max_suppkey": 8, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 25150.383214285714d, "t_avg_discount": 0.05d, "t_avg_tax": 0.046071428571428576d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-07-12", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-03-15", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-02-26", "t_max_comment": "ven dependencies x-ray. quic" }
-, { "t_partkey": 12, "t_count": 24i64, "t_avg_quantity": 4.966666666666667d, "t_max_suppkey": 9, "t_max_linenumber": 6, "t_avg_extendedprice": 22648.248333333333d, "t_avg_discount": 0.04791666666666667d, "t_avg_tax": 0.05083333333333334d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-04-14", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-05-03", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-07-29", "t_max_comment": "xpress grouc" }
-, { "t_partkey": 13, "t_count": 26i64, "t_avg_quantity": 5.038461538461539d, "t_max_suppkey": 10, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 23000.828846153847d, "t_avg_discount": 0.04153846153846154d, "t_avg_tax": 0.04d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-10-04", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-03-31", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-04-21", "t_max_comment": "wake at the carefully speci" }
-, { "t_partkey": 14, "t_count": 25i64, "t_avg_quantity": 4.5840000000000005d, "t_max_suppkey": 8, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 20949.1092d, "t_avg_discount": 0.055600000000000004d, "t_avg_tax": 0.0436d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-10-17", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-07-16", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-08-05", "t_max_comment": "thely. furio" }
-, { "t_partkey": 15, "t_count": 21i64, "t_avg_quantity": 5.133333333333334d, "t_max_suppkey": 9, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 23485.256666666664d, "t_avg_discount": 0.051428571428571435d, "t_avg_tax": 0.03142857142857143d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-02-14", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-04-01", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-05-26", "t_max_comment": "ymptotes nag furiously slyly even inst" }
-, { "t_partkey": 16, "t_count": 29i64, "t_avg_quantity": 4.731034482758621d, "t_max_suppkey": 10, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 21668.37448275862d, "t_avg_discount": 0.049310344827586214d, "t_avg_tax": 0.034482758620689655d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-11-02", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-08-06", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-09-12", "t_max_comment": "yly blithely stealthy deposits. carefu" }
-, { "t_partkey": 17, "t_count": 31i64, "t_avg_quantity": 5.270967741935484d, "t_max_suppkey": 8, "t_max_linenumber": 6, "t_avg_extendedprice": 24167.650645161288d, "t_avg_discount": 0.05387096774193549d, "t_avg_tax": 0.04709677419354839d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-10-04", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-08-07", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-08-13", "t_max_comment": "uriously thin pinto beans " }
-, { "t_partkey": 18, "t_count": 32i64, "t_avg_quantity": 5.4437500000000005d, "t_max_suppkey": 9, "t_max_linenumber": 6, "t_avg_extendedprice": 24987.0846875d, "t_avg_discount": 0.05500000000000001d, "t_avg_tax": 0.039375d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-11-13", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-04-14", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-04-13", "t_max_comment": "y special packages. carefully ironic instru" }
-, { "t_partkey": 19, "t_count": 29i64, "t_avg_quantity": 5.151724137931034d, "t_max_suppkey": 10, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 23672.43d, "t_avg_discount": 0.05275862068965517d, "t_avg_tax": 0.03896551724137932d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-08-04", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-07-07", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-08-15", "t_max_comment": "y along the excuses." }
-, { "t_partkey": 20, "t_count": 27i64, "t_avg_quantity": 4.955555555555556d, "t_max_suppkey": 10, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 22796.05111111111d, "t_avg_discount": 0.042222222222222223d, "t_avg_tax": 0.035555555555555556d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-06-11", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-07-13", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-06-21", "t_max_comment": "y. blithely r" }
-, { "t_partkey": 21, "t_count": 26i64, "t_avg_quantity": 4.730769230769231d, "t_max_suppkey": 10, "t_max_linenumber": 6, "t_avg_extendedprice": 21785.665384615386d, "t_avg_discount": 0.054615384615384614d, "t_avg_tax": 0.04076923076923077d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-02-27", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-09-11", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-08-08", "t_max_comment": "ymptotes haggle across the ca" }
-, { "t_partkey": 22, "t_count": 28i64, "t_avg_quantity": 5.300000000000001d, "t_max_suppkey": 7, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 24433.53d, "t_avg_discount": 0.057857142857142864d, "t_avg_tax": 0.045d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-09-03", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-05-23", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-07-12", "t_max_comment": "y final gifts are. carefully pe" }
-, { "t_partkey": 23, "t_count": 23i64, "t_avg_quantity": 5.22608695652174d, "t_max_suppkey": 8, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 24118.913913043478d, "t_avg_discount": 0.051304347826086956d, "t_avg_tax": 0.03173913043478261d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-09-25", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-04-05", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-05-02", "t_max_comment": "y unusual foxe" }
-, { "t_partkey": 24, "t_count": 35i64, "t_avg_quantity": 5.154285714285715d, "t_max_suppkey": 9, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 23813.31542857143d, "t_avg_discount": 0.046d, "t_avg_tax": 0.04d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-06-23", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-05-07", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-04-21", "t_max_comment": "the slyly ironic pinto beans. fi" }
-, { "t_partkey": 25, "t_count": 26i64, "t_avg_quantity": 5.061538461538461d, "t_max_suppkey": 10, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 23410.121538461535d, "t_avg_discount": 0.054615384615384614d, "t_avg_tax": 0.034999999999999996d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-06-26", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-03-18", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-02-24", "t_max_comment": "y alongside of the special requests." }
-, { "t_partkey": 26, "t_count": 23i64, "t_avg_quantity": 4.6521739130434785d, "t_max_suppkey": 9, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 21540.030434782606d, "t_avg_discount": 0.03956521739130436d, "t_avg_tax": 0.043043478260869565d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-10-09", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-03-16", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-03-20", "t_max_comment": "y special pinto beans cajole " }
-, { "t_partkey": 27, "t_count": 18i64, "t_avg_quantity": 5.9222222222222225d, "t_max_suppkey": 10, "t_max_linenumber": 6, "t_avg_extendedprice": 27450.092222222225d, "t_avg_discount": 0.061111111111111116d, "t_avg_tax": 0.045000000000000005d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-09-19", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-06-12", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-07-31", "t_max_comment": "y regular foxes. slyly ironic deposits " }
-, { "t_partkey": 28, "t_count": 21i64, "t_avg_quantity": 5.476190476190476d, "t_max_suppkey": 9, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 25410.071428571428d, "t_avg_discount": 0.04285714285714286d, "t_avg_tax": 0.032857142857142856d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-01-02", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-05-31", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-04-05", "t_max_comment": "ular accounts about" }
-, { "t_partkey": 29, "t_count": 35i64, "t_avg_quantity": 5.171428571428572d, "t_max_suppkey": 10, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 24021.802857142855d, "t_avg_discount": 0.05657142857142857d, "t_avg_tax": 0.03942857142857143d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-11-17", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-05-19", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-06-06", "t_max_comment": "xcuses? quickly stealthy dependenci" }
-, { "t_partkey": 30, "t_count": 22i64, "t_avg_quantity": 4.754545454545455d, "t_max_suppkey": 9, "t_max_linenumber": 5, "t_avg_extendedprice": 22109.349545454545d, "t_avg_discount": 0.04727272727272727d, "t_avg_tax": 0.03318181818181818d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-07-18", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-04-06", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-05-01", "t_max_comment": "y. fluffily pending d" }
-, { "t_partkey": 31, "t_count": 31i64, "t_avg_quantity": 5.858064516129033d, "t_max_suppkey": 7, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 27270.16903225807d, "t_avg_discount": 0.050645161290322586d, "t_avg_tax": 0.035483870967741936d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-08-08", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-05-23", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-07-25", "t_max_comment": "xpress ideas detect b" }
-, { "t_partkey": 32, "t_count": 28i64, "t_avg_quantity": 5.050000000000001d, "t_max_suppkey": 8, "t_max_linenumber": 5, "t_avg_extendedprice": 23533.7575d, "t_avg_discount": 0.05249999999999999d, "t_avg_tax": 0.03321428571428571d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-03-22", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-07-21", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-09-27", "t_max_comment": "yers. accounts affix somet" }
-, { "t_partkey": 33, "t_count": 25i64, "t_avg_quantity": 5.04d, "t_max_suppkey": 9, "t_max_linenumber": 6, "t_avg_extendedprice": 23512.356d, "t_avg_discount": 0.044000000000000004d, "t_avg_tax": 0.03440000000000001d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-08-01", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-04-26", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-04-16", "t_max_comment": "yly enticing requ" }
-, { "t_partkey": 34, "t_count": 33i64, "t_avg_quantity": 4.575757575757576d, "t_max_suppkey": 10, "t_max_linenumber": 6, "t_avg_extendedprice": 21369.474242424243d, "t_avg_discount": 0.04666666666666667d, "t_avg_tax": 0.04363636363636364d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-10-22", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-05-10", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-07-24", "t_max_comment": "warthogs wake carefully acro" }
-, { "t_partkey": 35, "t_count": 26i64, "t_avg_quantity": 4.753846153846154d, "t_max_suppkey": 6, "t_max_linenumber": 6, "t_avg_extendedprice": 22224.94384615385d, "t_avg_discount": 0.05615384615384615d, "t_avg_tax": 0.04307692307692308d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-08-13", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-04-12", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-03-30", "t_max_comment": "y pending packages sleep blithely regular r" }
-, { "t_partkey": 36, "t_count": 25i64, "t_avg_quantity": 4.192d, "t_max_suppkey": 7, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 19619.188800000004d, "t_avg_discount": 0.054000000000000006d, "t_avg_tax": 0.034d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-05-07", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-03-24", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-03-20", "t_max_comment": "y slyly express deposits. final i" }
-, { "t_partkey": 37, "t_count": 17i64, "t_avg_quantity": 4.564705882352942d, "t_max_suppkey": 8, "t_max_linenumber": 6, "t_avg_extendedprice": 21386.331764705883d, "t_avg_discount": 0.06058823529411765d, "t_avg_tax": 0.05d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-08-30", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-07-25", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-09-10", "t_max_comment": "unts promise across the requests. blith" }
-, { "t_partkey": 38, "t_count": 26i64, "t_avg_quantity": 6.0076923076923086d, "t_max_suppkey": 9, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 28176.978076923075d, "t_avg_discount": 0.05653846153846154d, "t_avg_tax": 0.030384615384615385d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-06-07", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-02-24", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-04-26", "t_max_comment": "yly. blithely bold theodolites wa" }
-, { "t_partkey": 39, "t_count": 22i64, "t_avg_quantity": 4.454545454545455d, "t_max_suppkey": 10, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 20914.75909090909d, "t_avg_discount": 0.05318181818181819d, "t_avg_tax": 0.034999999999999996d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-08-31", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-05-25", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-06-03", "t_max_comment": "y. furiously ironic ideas gr" }
-, { "t_partkey": 40, "t_count": 34i64, "t_avg_quantity": 4.61764705882353d, "t_max_suppkey": 6, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 21703.864705882355d, "t_avg_discount": 0.0511764705882353d, "t_avg_tax": 0.03735294117647059d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-06-12", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-03-04", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-02-10", "t_max_comment": "y special a" }
-, { "t_partkey": 41, "t_count": 25i64, "t_avg_quantity": 5.936d, "t_max_suppkey": 10, "t_max_linenumber": 5, "t_avg_extendedprice": 27930.0672d, "t_avg_discount": 0.0484d, "t_avg_tax": 0.0444d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-09-18", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-11-13", "t_min_receiptdate": "1993-01-09", "t_max_comment": "uffily even accounts. packages sleep blithe" }
-, { "t_partkey": 42, "t_count": 31i64, "t_avg_quantity": 3.7806451612903227d, "t_max_suppkey": 9, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 17807.594838709676d, "t_avg_discount": 0.05193548387096774d, "t_avg_tax": 0.0364516129032258d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-08-12", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-10-29", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-11-02", "t_max_comment": "y final platelets sublate among the " }
-, { "t_partkey": 43, "t_count": 32i64, "t_avg_quantity": 6.03125d, "t_max_suppkey": 10, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 28438.550000000003d, "t_avg_discount": 0.045000000000000005d, "t_avg_tax": 0.047812499999999994d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-11-01", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-07-09", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-07-07", "t_max_comment": "y regular packages. b" }
-, { "t_partkey": 44, "t_count": 23i64, "t_avg_quantity": 5.852173913043479d, "t_max_suppkey": 7, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 27623.43130434783d, "t_avg_discount": 0.05565217391304349d, "t_avg_tax": 0.04391304347826087d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-08-12", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-02-16", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-03-01", "t_max_comment": "unts. furiously silent" }
-, { "t_partkey": 45, "t_count": 34i64, "t_avg_quantity": 5.305882352941177d, "t_max_suppkey": 8, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 25071.35529411765d, "t_avg_discount": 0.05147058823529413d, "t_avg_tax": 0.039411764705882354d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-09-09", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-05-07", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-07-23", "t_max_comment": "y. bold pinto beans use " }
-, { "t_partkey": 46, "t_count": 34i64, "t_avg_quantity": 4.405882352941177d, "t_max_suppkey": 9, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 20840.704705882352d, "t_avg_discount": 0.05823529411764706d, "t_avg_tax": 0.0411764705882353d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-10-25", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-04-21", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-05-18", "t_max_comment": "xpress pinto beans. accounts a" }
-, { "t_partkey": 47, "t_count": 31i64, "t_avg_quantity": 5.129032258064516d, "t_max_suppkey": 10, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 24286.993548387094d, "t_avg_discount": 0.05064516129032258d, "t_avg_tax": 0.03967741935483871d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-07-31", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-04-09", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-04-05", "t_max_comment": "y ironic requests above the fluffily d" }
-, { "t_partkey": 48, "t_count": 37i64, "t_avg_quantity": 4.8756756756756765d, "t_max_suppkey": 9, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 23111.67783783784d, "t_avg_discount": 0.04054054054054054d, "t_avg_tax": 0.03918918918918919d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-08-17", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-05-30", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-05-11", "t_max_comment": "y according to " }
-, { "t_partkey": 49, "t_count": 28i64, "t_avg_quantity": 5.4071428571428575d, "t_max_suppkey": 10, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 25657.97428571429d, "t_avg_discount": 0.0475d, "t_avg_tax": 0.04107142857142857d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-09-03", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-02-27", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-05-26", "t_max_comment": "unts alongs" }
-, { "t_partkey": 50, "t_count": 39i64, "t_avg_quantity": 4.4974358974358974d, "t_max_suppkey": 9, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 21363.944871794873d, "t_avg_discount": 0.04820512820512821d, "t_avg_tax": 0.04025641025641026d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-09-12", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-05-13", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-04-29", "t_max_comment": "yly pending theodolites." }
-, { "t_partkey": 51, "t_count": 35i64, "t_avg_quantity": 4.908571428571429d, "t_max_suppkey": 9, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 23341.484285714283d, "t_avg_discount": 0.04914285714285715d, "t_avg_tax": 0.039428571428571424d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-08-01", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-03-30", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-03-31", "t_max_comment": "y ironic pin" }
-, { "t_partkey": 52, "t_count": 32i64, "t_avg_quantity": 5.91875d, "t_max_suppkey": 10, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 28174.7296875d, "t_avg_discount": 0.051250000000000004d, "t_avg_tax": 0.049375d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-09-09", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-05-09", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-06-02", "t_max_comment": "y pending orbits boost after the slyly" }
-, { "t_partkey": 53, "t_count": 24i64, "t_avg_quantity": 5.175000000000001d, "t_max_suppkey": 8, "t_max_linenumber": 6, "t_avg_extendedprice": 24660.16875d, "t_avg_discount": 0.04875000000000001d, "t_avg_tax": 0.04583333333333333d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-11-10", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-02-23", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-01-25", "t_max_comment": "y orbits. final depos" }
-, { "t_partkey": 54, "t_count": 34i64, "t_avg_quantity": 5.01764705882353d, "t_max_suppkey": 9, "t_max_linenumber": 6, "t_avg_extendedprice": 23935.430882352943d, "t_avg_discount": 0.05205882352941177d, "t_avg_tax": 0.04147058823529412d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-05-26", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-03-28", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-04-09", "t_max_comment": "y pending notornis ab" }
-, { "t_partkey": 55, "t_count": 30i64, "t_avg_quantity": 6.553333333333334d, "t_max_suppkey": 10, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 31293.805d, "t_avg_discount": 0.050666666666666665d, "t_avg_tax": 0.03933333333333334d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-06-06", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-03-12", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-02-06", "t_max_comment": "yly regular i" }
-, { "t_partkey": 56, "t_count": 24i64, "t_avg_quantity": 4.825d, "t_max_suppkey": 8, "t_max_linenumber": 6, "t_avg_extendedprice": 23064.70625d, "t_avg_discount": 0.05583333333333334d, "t_avg_tax": 0.037916666666666675d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-07-22", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-03-01", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-02-06", "t_max_comment": "ts. ironic, fina" }
-, { "t_partkey": 57, "t_count": 37i64, "t_avg_quantity": 5.5297297297297305d, "t_max_suppkey": 9, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 26461.139189189194d, "t_avg_discount": 0.05297297297297297d, "t_avg_tax": 0.03945945945945946d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-08-16", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-03-20", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-01-17", "t_max_comment": "y. doggedly pend" }
-, { "t_partkey": 58, "t_count": 28i64, "t_avg_quantity": 4.764285714285715d, "t_max_suppkey": 10, "t_max_linenumber": 5, "t_avg_extendedprice": 22822.119642857146d, "t_avg_discount": 0.05571428571428571d, "t_avg_tax": 0.04535714285714286d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-11-27", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-02-23", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-05-17", "t_max_comment": "xpress, bo" }
-, { "t_partkey": 59, "t_count": 37i64, "t_avg_quantity": 5.567567567567568d, "t_max_suppkey": 10, "t_max_linenumber": 6, "t_avg_extendedprice": 26697.87837837838d, "t_avg_discount": 0.042702702702702704d, "t_avg_tax": 0.049459459459459454d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-07-12", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-02-26", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-02-11", "t_max_comment": "y. ironic deposits haggle sl" }
-, { "t_partkey": 60, "t_count": 28i64, "t_avg_quantity": 5.0d, "t_max_suppkey": 8, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 24001.5d, "t_avg_discount": 0.05428571428571429d, "t_avg_tax": 0.042499999999999996d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-07-08", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-03-02", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-03-02", "t_max_comment": "y across the express accounts. fluff" }
-, { "t_partkey": 61, "t_count": 29i64, "t_avg_quantity": 5.593103448275862d, "t_max_suppkey": 10, "t_max_linenumber": 5, "t_avg_extendedprice": 26876.539999999997d, "t_avg_discount": 0.04931034482758621d, "t_avg_tax": 0.04103448275862069d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-08-06", "t_min_commitdate": "1993-06-25", "t_min_receiptdate": "1993-08-03", "t_max_comment": "y even asymptotes. courts are unusual pa" }
-, { "t_partkey": 62, "t_count": 24i64, "t_avg_quantity": 5.175000000000001d, "t_max_suppkey": 9, "t_max_linenumber": 6, "t_avg_extendedprice": 24893.3025d, "t_avg_discount": 0.048749999999999995d, "t_avg_tax": 0.04d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-05-27", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-02-17", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-02-08", "t_max_comment": "yly final accounts hag" }
-, { "t_partkey": 63, "t_count": 26i64, "t_avg_quantity": 4.992307692307692d, "t_max_suppkey": 10, "t_max_linenumber": 6, "t_avg_extendedprice": 24039.45923076923d, "t_avg_discount": 0.052307692307692305d, "t_avg_tax": 0.04884615384615386d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-05-08", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-03-07", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-02-19", "t_max_comment": "y special packages wak" }
-, { "t_partkey": 64, "t_count": 31i64, "t_avg_quantity": 4.838709677419356d, "t_max_suppkey": 9, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 23324.032258064515d, "t_avg_discount": 0.050645161290322586d, "t_avg_tax": 0.03709677419354839d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-10-10", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-02-05", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-02-29", "t_max_comment": "uietly regular foxes wake quick" }
-, { "t_partkey": 65, "t_count": 36i64, "t_avg_quantity": 5.033333333333334d, "t_max_suppkey": 10, "t_max_linenumber": 6, "t_avg_extendedprice": 24287.343333333338d, "t_avg_discount": 0.049166666666666664d, "t_avg_tax": 0.04083333333333334d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-06-17", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-04-14", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-03-13", "t_max_comment": "y unusual packages. packages" }
-, { "t_partkey": 66, "t_count": 29i64, "t_avg_quantity": 4.23448275862069d, "t_max_suppkey": 7, "t_max_linenumber": 6, "t_avg_extendedprice": 20453.82206896552d, "t_avg_discount": 0.05068965517241379d, "t_avg_tax": 0.051034482758620686d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-05-23", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-06-18", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-05-10", "t_max_comment": "y. pinto beans haggle after the" }
-, { "t_partkey": 67, "t_count": 21i64, "t_avg_quantity": 4.523809523809525d, "t_max_suppkey": 8, "t_max_linenumber": 5, "t_avg_extendedprice": 21873.976190476194d, "t_avg_discount": 0.05428571428571429d, "t_avg_tax": 0.04476190476190477d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-08-27", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-06-07", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-05-26", "t_max_comment": "theodolite" }
-, { "t_partkey": 68, "t_count": 36i64, "t_avg_quantity": 4.388888888888888d, "t_max_suppkey": 9, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 21243.53888888889d, "t_avg_discount": 0.059444444444444446d, "t_avg_tax": 0.04305555555555555d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-09-10", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-06-03", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-05-11", "t_max_comment": "y final ac" }
-, { "t_partkey": 69, "t_count": 24i64, "t_avg_quantity": 4.708333333333334d, "t_max_suppkey": 10, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 22813.287499999995d, "t_avg_discount": 0.059166666666666666d, "t_avg_tax": 0.03958333333333333d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-09-02", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-06-04", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-06-03", "t_max_comment": "yly furiously even id" }
-, { "t_partkey": 70, "t_count": 34i64, "t_avg_quantity": 5.029411764705883d, "t_max_suppkey": 9, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 24394.407352941176d, "t_avg_discount": 0.04558823529411765d, "t_avg_tax": 0.04352941176470588d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-07-19", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-04-10", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-04-29", "t_max_comment": "ts affix slyly accordi" }
-, { "t_partkey": 71, "t_count": 33i64, "t_avg_quantity": 5.024242424242424d, "t_max_suppkey": 10, "t_max_linenumber": 6, "t_avg_extendedprice": 24394.455454545456d, "t_avg_discount": 0.04515151515151515d, "t_avg_tax": 0.03818181818181819d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-10-03", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-10-19", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-12-05", "t_max_comment": "y regular foxes wake among the final" }
-, { "t_partkey": 72, "t_count": 36i64, "t_avg_quantity": 4.833333333333334d, "t_max_suppkey": 10, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 23491.691666666666d, "t_avg_discount": 0.053888888888888896d, "t_avg_tax": 0.038055555555555565d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-07-21", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-09-04", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-10-14", "t_max_comment": "yly along the ironic, fi" }
-, { "t_partkey": 73, "t_count": 27i64, "t_avg_quantity": 4.5851851851851855d, "t_max_suppkey": 4, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 22308.530740740738d, "t_avg_discount": 0.04481481481481482d, "t_avg_tax": 0.03333333333333333d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-10-12", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-03-01", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-01-09", "t_max_comment": "y even packages promise" }
-, { "t_partkey": 74, "t_count": 25i64, "t_avg_quantity": 6.016d, "t_max_suppkey": 5, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 29300.025600000004d, "t_avg_discount": 0.0528d, "t_avg_tax": 0.0388d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-03-23", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-03-22", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-03-25", "t_max_comment": "uests. blithely unus" }
-, { "t_partkey": 75, "t_count": 29i64, "t_avg_quantity": 5.131034482758621d, "t_max_suppkey": 6, "t_max_linenumber": 6, "t_avg_extendedprice": 25015.58896551724d, "t_avg_discount": 0.06310344827586208d, "t_avg_tax": 0.02896551724137931d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-10-19", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-02-18", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-03-31", "t_max_comment": "usly across the slyly busy accounts! fin" }
-, { "t_partkey": 76, "t_count": 21i64, "t_avg_quantity": 4.9714285714285715d, "t_max_suppkey": 7, "t_max_linenumber": 6, "t_avg_extendedprice": 24262.31142857143d, "t_avg_discount": 0.04d, "t_avg_tax": 0.041428571428571426d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-05-31", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-08-25", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-11-16", "t_max_comment": "y even accounts thrash care" }
-, { "t_partkey": 77, "t_count": 20i64, "t_avg_quantity": 6.08d, "t_max_suppkey": 8, "t_max_linenumber": 6, "t_avg_extendedprice": 29702.927999999996d, "t_avg_discount": 0.053500000000000006d, "t_avg_tax": 0.037d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-06-16", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-09-20", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-08-19", "t_max_comment": "usly at the blithely pending pl" }
-, { "t_partkey": 78, "t_count": 35i64, "t_avg_quantity": 4.485714285714286d, "t_max_suppkey": 9, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 21936.71285714286d, "t_avg_discount": 0.05942857142857143d, "t_avg_tax": 0.042285714285714295d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-08-03", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-03-24", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-03-21", "t_max_comment": "yly after the fluffily regul" }
-, { "t_partkey": 79, "t_count": 37i64, "t_avg_quantity": 5.65945945945946d, "t_max_suppkey": 10, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 27705.03486486486d, "t_avg_discount": 0.04810810810810811d, "t_avg_tax": 0.042432432432432436d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-10-09", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-05-23", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-08-24", "t_max_comment": "y slyly final" }
-, { "t_partkey": 80, "t_count": 29i64, "t_avg_quantity": 6.172413793103448d, "t_max_suppkey": 10, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 30247.296551724135d, "t_avg_discount": 0.04655172413793104d, "t_avg_tax": 0.03413793103448276d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-10-08", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-07-01", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-06-07", "t_max_comment": "yly ironic frets. pending foxes after " }
-, { "t_partkey": 81, "t_count": 21i64, "t_avg_quantity": 5.371428571428572d, "t_max_suppkey": 2, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 26349.005714285708d, "t_avg_discount": 0.044285714285714296d, "t_avg_tax": 0.04095238095238095d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-06-02", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-04-18", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-04-22", "t_max_comment": "yly even accounts. spe" }
-, { "t_partkey": 82, "t_count": 23i64, "t_avg_quantity": 4.3130434782608695d, "t_max_suppkey": 3, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 21178.768695652176d, "t_avg_discount": 0.05260869565217391d, "t_avg_tax": 0.043043478260869565d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-04-09", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-08-17", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-07-22", "t_max_comment": "ut the carefully special foxes. idle," }
-, { "t_partkey": 83, "t_count": 33i64, "t_avg_quantity": 5.115151515151515d, "t_max_suppkey": 4, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 25143.01575757576d, "t_avg_discount": 0.05303030303030303d, "t_avg_tax": 0.043030303030303044d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-10-12", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-07-05", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-06-25", "t_max_comment": "yly. slyly regular courts use silentl" }
-, { "t_partkey": 84, "t_count": 28i64, "t_avg_quantity": 5.585714285714285d, "t_max_suppkey": 5, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 27483.948571428573d, "t_avg_discount": 0.05464285714285715d, "t_avg_tax": 0.039999999999999994d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-10-03", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-08-25", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-09-16", "t_max_comment": "yly brave theod" }
-, { "t_partkey": 85, "t_count": 28i64, "t_avg_quantity": 4.121428571428572d, "t_max_suppkey": 6, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 20299.684285714284d, "t_avg_discount": 0.041785714285714294d, "t_avg_tax": 0.041785714285714294d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-07-23", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-04-24", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-03-10", "t_max_comment": "y. enticingly final depos" }
-, { "t_partkey": 86, "t_count": 36i64, "t_avg_quantity": 5.427777777777778d, "t_max_suppkey": 7, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 26761.115555555552d, "t_avg_discount": 0.049999999999999996d, "t_avg_tax": 0.04555555555555556d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-07-10", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-04-14", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-06-23", "t_max_comment": "unts. furiously express accounts w" }
-, { "t_partkey": 87, "t_count": 34i64, "t_avg_quantity": 4.658823529411765d, "t_max_suppkey": 8, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 22993.157647058822d, "t_avg_discount": 0.052352941176470595d, "t_avg_tax": 0.036470588235294116d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-09-18", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-10-18", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-10-15", "t_max_comment": "y final de" }
-, { "t_partkey": 88, "t_count": 29i64, "t_avg_quantity": 4.613793103448276d, "t_max_suppkey": 9, "t_max_linenumber": 6, "t_avg_extendedprice": 22793.983448275863d, "t_avg_discount": 0.04724137931034483d, "t_avg_tax": 0.039655172413793106d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-10-27", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-06-03", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-05-16", "t_max_comment": "y slyly ironic accounts. foxes haggle slyl" }
-, { "t_partkey": 89, "t_count": 28i64, "t_avg_quantity": 4.864285714285715d, "t_max_suppkey": 10, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 24055.838571428576d, "t_avg_discount": 0.04642857142857143d, "t_avg_tax": 0.05035714285714286d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-10-23", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-03-18", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-05-07", "t_max_comment": "y carefully final ideas. f" }
-, { "t_partkey": 90, "t_count": 48i64, "t_avg_quantity": 5.4d, "t_max_suppkey": 1, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 26732.430000000004d, "t_avg_discount": 0.044583333333333336d, "t_avg_tax": 0.04229166666666667d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-10-09", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-04-25", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-03-17", "t_max_comment": "y regular notornis k" }
-, { "t_partkey": 91, "t_count": 28i64, "t_avg_quantity": 4.1571428571428575d, "t_max_suppkey": 5, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 20600.513571428568d, "t_avg_discount": 0.055714285714285716d, "t_avg_tax": 0.04107142857142858d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-09-07", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-06-08", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-06-20", "t_max_comment": "ven deposits about the regular, ironi" }
-, { "t_partkey": 92, "t_count": 30i64, "t_avg_quantity": 5.466666666666667d, "t_max_suppkey": 6, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 27117.126666666667d, "t_avg_discount": 0.060666666666666674d, "t_avg_tax": 0.044000000000000004d, "t_max_shipdate": "1997-11-30", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-03-15", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-02-14", "t_max_comment": "warhorses wake never for the care" }
-, { "t_partkey": 93, "t_count": 31i64, "t_avg_quantity": 5.219354838709678d, "t_max_suppkey": 7, "t_max_linenumber": 6, "t_avg_extendedprice": 25916.445483870968d, "t_avg_discount": 0.05903225806451613d, "t_avg_tax": 0.04096774193548387d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-11-25", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-05-29", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-06-02", "t_max_comment": "ut the slyly bold pinto beans; fi" }
-, { "t_partkey": 94, "t_count": 32i64, "t_avg_quantity": 5.7d, "t_max_suppkey": 8, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 28331.565d, "t_avg_discount": 0.05d, "t_avg_tax": 0.040625d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-03-09", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-04-09", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-05-23", "t_max_comment": "y furious depen" }
-, { "t_partkey": 95, "t_count": 31i64, "t_avg_quantity": 4.7290322580645165d, "t_max_suppkey": 9, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 23529.063548387097d, "t_avg_discount": 0.050967741935483875d, "t_avg_tax": 0.038387096774193545d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-10-07", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-02-14", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-03-23", "t_max_comment": "y final excuses. ironic, special requests a" }
-, { "t_partkey": 96, "t_count": 38i64, "t_avg_quantity": 5.368421052631579d, "t_max_suppkey": 10, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 26737.15263157895d, "t_avg_discount": 0.04315789473684212d, "t_avg_tax": 0.04026315789473684d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-11-03", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-05-16", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-07-02", "t_max_comment": "y. slyly iron" }
-, { "t_partkey": 97, "t_count": 39i64, "t_avg_quantity": 4.774358974358974d, "t_max_suppkey": 10, "t_max_linenumber": 6, "t_avg_extendedprice": 23802.327948717946d, "t_avg_discount": 0.04717948717948718d, "t_avg_tax": 0.03794871794871795d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-05-15", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-03-16", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-02-19", "t_max_comment": "y slyly express theodolites. slyly bo" }
-, { "t_partkey": 98, "t_count": 29i64, "t_avg_quantity": 4.441379310344828d, "t_max_suppkey": 10, "t_max_linenumber": 6, "t_avg_extendedprice": 22164.481379310342d, "t_avg_discount": 0.0506896551724138d, "t_avg_tax": 0.03862068965517241d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-10-04", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-08-20", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-10-08", "t_max_comment": "ven requests should sleep along " }
-, { "t_partkey": 99, "t_count": 22i64, "t_avg_quantity": 4.609090909090909d, "t_max_suppkey": 10, "t_max_linenumber": 6, "t_avg_extendedprice": 23024.48318181818d, "t_avg_discount": 0.05318181818181818d, "t_avg_tax": 0.038181818181818185d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-02-16", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-03-03", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-05-24", "t_max_comment": "yly pending excu" }
-, { "t_partkey": 100, "t_count": 41i64, "t_avg_quantity": 5.51219512195122d, "t_max_suppkey": 4, "t_max_linenumber": 6, "t_avg_extendedprice": 27563.731707317078d, "t_avg_discount": 0.05048780487804879d, "t_avg_tax": 0.04048780487804878d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-06-24", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-03-06", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-04-13", "t_max_comment": "xpress accounts sleep slyly re" }
-, { "t_partkey": 101, "t_count": 28i64, "t_avg_quantity": 5.707142857142857d, "t_max_suppkey": 8, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 28567.103571428568d, "t_avg_discount": 0.054285714285714284d, "t_avg_tax": 0.04571428571428572d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-02-25", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-07-26", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-08-20", "t_max_comment": "uses are care" }
-, { "t_partkey": 102, "t_count": 38i64, "t_avg_quantity": 4.263157894736842d, "t_max_suppkey": 9, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 21360.552631578947d, "t_avg_discount": 0.05052631578947368d, "t_avg_tax": 0.04315789473684211d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-09-01", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-09-09", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-08-28", "t_max_comment": "y unusual packa" }
-, { "t_partkey": 103, "t_count": 25i64, "t_avg_quantity": 6.16d, "t_max_suppkey": 10, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 30895.48d, "t_avg_discount": 0.0408d, "t_avg_tax": 0.0432d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-11-16", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-05-16", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-04-20", "t_max_comment": "yly. unusu" }
-, { "t_partkey": 104, "t_count": 19i64, "t_avg_quantity": 5.178947368421053d, "t_max_suppkey": 9, "t_max_linenumber": 6, "t_avg_extendedprice": 26000.9052631579d, "t_avg_discount": 0.04263157894736842d, "t_avg_tax": 0.034210526315789476d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-04-17", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-03-29", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-04-13", "t_max_comment": "yly even gifts after the sl" }
-, { "t_partkey": 105, "t_count": 36i64, "t_avg_quantity": 5.194444444444445d, "t_max_suppkey": 10, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 26104.68055555556d, "t_avg_discount": 0.05055555555555556d, "t_avg_tax": 0.03888888888888889d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-08-25", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-03-19", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-02-25", "t_max_comment": "yly into the carefully even " }
-, { "t_partkey": 106, "t_count": 27i64, "t_avg_quantity": 4.451851851851852d, "t_max_suppkey": 9, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 22395.040740740744d, "t_avg_discount": 0.039259259259259265d, "t_avg_tax": 0.039259259259259265d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-07-25", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-05-18", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-07-21", "t_max_comment": "y ironic foxes caj" }
-, { "t_partkey": 107, "t_count": 27i64, "t_avg_quantity": 4.733333333333333d, "t_max_suppkey": 10, "t_max_linenumber": 6, "t_avg_extendedprice": 23834.7d, "t_avg_discount": 0.04518518518518518d, "t_avg_tax": 0.037037037037037035d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-09-29", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-06-25", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-06-11", "t_max_comment": "y ruthless dolphins to " }
-, { "t_partkey": 108, "t_count": 28i64, "t_avg_quantity": 4.692857142857143d, "t_max_suppkey": 9, "t_max_linenumber": 6, "t_avg_extendedprice": 23654.346428571425d, "t_avg_discount": 0.05750000000000001d, "t_avg_tax": 0.046071428571428576d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-09-07", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-06-14", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-08-03", "t_max_comment": "y pending platelets x-ray ironically! pend" }
-, { "t_partkey": 109, "t_count": 35i64, "t_avg_quantity": 5.331428571428572d, "t_max_suppkey": 10, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 26899.722857142857d, "t_avg_discount": 0.048571428571428564d, "t_avg_tax": 0.044571428571428574d, "t_max_shipdate": "1997-08-27", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-06-18", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-07-05", "t_max_comment": "ts wake furiously " }
-, { "t_partkey": 110, "t_count": 29i64, "t_avg_quantity": 4.86896551724138d, "t_max_suppkey": 7, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 24590.95379310345d, "t_avg_discount": 0.05344827586206897d, "t_avg_tax": 0.03517241379310345d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-05-03", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-10-29", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-09-27", "t_max_comment": "xcuses sleep quickly along th" }
-, { "t_partkey": 111, "t_count": 26i64, "t_avg_quantity": 6.130769230769231d, "t_max_suppkey": 8, "t_max_linenumber": 5, "t_avg_extendedprice": 30994.410384615392d, "t_avg_discount": 0.05038461538461539d, "t_avg_tax": 0.03576923076923077d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-06-18", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-05-11", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-07-29", "t_max_comment": "usy pinto beans b" }
-, { "t_partkey": 112, "t_count": 28i64, "t_avg_quantity": 5.457142857142857d, "t_max_suppkey": 9, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 27616.144285714287d, "t_avg_discount": 0.038571428571428576d, "t_avg_tax": 0.041785714285714294d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-10-18", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-10-23", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-09-29", "t_max_comment": "zle carefully sauternes. quickly" }
-, { "t_partkey": 113, "t_count": 28i64, "t_avg_quantity": 5.078571428571429d, "t_max_suppkey": 10, "t_max_linenumber": 6, "t_avg_extendedprice": 25725.7575d, "t_avg_discount": 0.04785714285714287d, "t_avg_tax": 0.048571428571428564d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-06-28", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-08-10", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-06-14", "t_max_comment": "yly silent deposit" }
-, { "t_partkey": 114, "t_count": 24i64, "t_avg_quantity": 5.041666666666667d, "t_max_suppkey": 8, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 25564.02291666667d, "t_avg_discount": 0.057916666666666665d, "t_avg_tax": 0.03958333333333334d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-09-27", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-10-25", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-12-04", "t_max_comment": "y unusual, ironic" }
-, { "t_partkey": 115, "t_count": 34i64, "t_avg_quantity": 4.594117647058823d, "t_max_suppkey": 9, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 23317.673823529414d, "t_avg_discount": 0.045588235294117645d, "t_avg_tax": 0.03588235294117647d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-04-27", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-04-19", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-03-30", "t_max_comment": "y. final pearls kindle. accounts " }
-, { "t_partkey": 116, "t_count": 25i64, "t_avg_quantity": 5.5200000000000005d, "t_max_suppkey": 10, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 28044.635999999995d, "t_avg_discount": 0.0512d, "t_avg_tax": 0.046d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-06-24", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-03-10", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-04-14", "t_max_comment": "yly even epitaphs for the " }
-, { "t_partkey": 117, "t_count": 35i64, "t_avg_quantity": 5.337142857142858d, "t_max_suppkey": 8, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 27142.306857142856d, "t_avg_discount": 0.05742857142857143d, "t_avg_tax": 0.044285714285714296d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-10-30", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-05-06", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-05-11", "t_max_comment": "y ironic accounts. furiously even packa" }
-, { "t_partkey": 118, "t_count": 38i64, "t_avg_quantity": 4.321052631578947d, "t_max_suppkey": 9, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 21996.53447368421d, "t_avg_discount": 0.05342105263157895d, "t_avg_tax": 0.035526315789473684d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-08-31", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-05-19", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-07-02", "t_max_comment": "y. furiously even pinto be" }
-, { "t_partkey": 119, "t_count": 30i64, "t_avg_quantity": 5.4d, "t_max_suppkey": 10, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 27515.970000000005d, "t_avg_discount": 0.058333333333333334d, "t_avg_tax": 0.043000000000000003d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-08-15", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-05-19", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-06-05", "t_max_comment": "y regular theodolites w" }
-, { "t_partkey": 120, "t_count": 36i64, "t_avg_quantity": 5.75d, "t_max_suppkey": 10, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 29328.449999999997d, "t_avg_discount": 0.05222222222222223d, "t_avg_tax": 0.045000000000000005d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-08-25", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-04-04", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-04-02", "t_max_comment": "yly regular p" }
-, { "t_partkey": 121, "t_count": 34i64, "t_avg_quantity": 4.576470588235295d, "t_max_suppkey": 10, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 23365.628235294116d, "t_avg_discount": 0.052352941176470595d, "t_avg_tax": 0.03470588235294118d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-08-22", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-05-22", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-05-03", "t_max_comment": "y quickly regular packages. car" }
-, { "t_partkey": 122, "t_count": 44i64, "t_avg_quantity": 4.677272727272728d, "t_max_suppkey": 7, "t_max_linenumber": 6, "t_avg_extendedprice": 23903.67d, "t_avg_discount": 0.05113636363636364d, "t_avg_tax": 0.03977272727272727d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-10-29", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-03-23", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-04-07", "t_max_comment": "y bold package" }
-, { "t_partkey": 123, "t_count": 30i64, "t_avg_quantity": 5.213333333333334d, "t_max_suppkey": 8, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 26669.327999999994d, "t_avg_discount": 0.04466666666666666d, "t_avg_tax": 0.04066666666666666d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-09-23", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-03-18", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-02-29", "t_max_comment": "y quickly regular theodolites. final t" }
-, { "t_partkey": 124, "t_count": 32i64, "t_avg_quantity": 4.9375d, "t_max_suppkey": 9, "t_max_linenumber": 6, "t_avg_extendedprice": 25282.962499999998d, "t_avg_discount": 0.0553125d, "t_avg_tax": 0.043125d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-11-15", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-07-21", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-06-18", "t_max_comment": "y express ideas impress" }
-, { "t_partkey": 125, "t_count": 20i64, "t_avg_quantity": 6.07d, "t_max_suppkey": 10, "t_max_linenumber": 6, "t_avg_extendedprice": 31112.392000000003d, "t_avg_discount": 0.035500000000000004d, "t_avg_tax": 0.034d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-05-05", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-04-24", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-04-12", "t_max_comment": "y final deposits wake furiously! slyl" }
-, { "t_partkey": 126, "t_count": 31i64, "t_avg_quantity": 4.812903225806452d, "t_max_suppkey": 9, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 24693.08129032258d, "t_avg_discount": 0.04387096774193548d, "t_avg_tax": 0.03483870967741936d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-01-30", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-07-09", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-08-21", "t_max_comment": "x furiously bold packages. expres" }
-, { "t_partkey": 127, "t_count": 25i64, "t_avg_quantity": 4.744d, "t_max_suppkey": 10, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 24363.2864d, "t_avg_discount": 0.055600000000000004d, "t_avg_tax": 0.034d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-05-25", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-06-30", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-06-10", "t_max_comment": "ts integrate. courts haggl" }
-, { "t_partkey": 128, "t_count": 27i64, "t_avg_quantity": 5.155555555555556d, "t_max_suppkey": 9, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 26502.648888888885d, "t_avg_discount": 0.047407407407407405d, "t_avg_tax": 0.042222222222222223d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-07-09", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-03-24", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-03-15", "t_max_comment": "usly bold requests sleep dogge" }
-, { "t_partkey": 129, "t_count": 35i64, "t_avg_quantity": 5.262857142857143d, "t_max_suppkey": 10, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 27080.557714285715d, "t_avg_discount": 0.05600000000000001d, "t_avg_tax": 0.03514285714285714d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-08-25", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-04-17", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-04-02", "t_max_comment": "ven theodolites nag quickly. fluffi" }
-, { "t_partkey": 130, "t_count": 28i64, "t_avg_quantity": 6.0d, "t_max_suppkey": 9, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 30903.9d, "t_avg_discount": 0.04464285714285714d, "t_avg_tax": 0.04357142857142858d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-07-19", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-05-30", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-04-05", "t_max_comment": "ven theodolites around the slyly" }
-, { "t_partkey": 131, "t_count": 33i64, "t_avg_quantity": 4.715151515151515d, "t_max_suppkey": 7, "t_max_linenumber": 6, "t_avg_extendedprice": 24309.67090909091d, "t_avg_discount": 0.04454545454545455d, "t_avg_tax": 0.03878787878787879d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-08-20", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-02-24", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-03-09", "t_max_comment": "usual pinto beans." }
-, { "t_partkey": 132, "t_count": 30i64, "t_avg_quantity": 4.0200000000000005d, "t_max_suppkey": 8, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 20745.813000000002d, "t_avg_discount": 0.04733333333333334d, "t_avg_tax": 0.03766666666666667d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-07-21", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-02-12", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-04-30", "t_max_comment": "yly ironic foxes. regular requests h" }
-, { "t_partkey": 133, "t_count": 28i64, "t_avg_quantity": 5.6000000000000005d, "t_max_suppkey": 9, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 28927.639999999996d, "t_avg_discount": 0.048571428571428564d, "t_avg_tax": 0.029285714285714283d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-05-12", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-07-07", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-07-08", "t_max_comment": "xcuses would boost against the fluffily eve" }
-, { "t_partkey": 134, "t_count": 32i64, "t_avg_quantity": 5.6312500000000005d, "t_max_suppkey": 10, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 29117.222812499997d, "t_avg_discount": 0.051875000000000004d, "t_avg_tax": 0.0346875d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-07-22", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-03-16", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-06-06", "t_max_comment": "usly busy account" }
-, { "t_partkey": 135, "t_count": 29i64, "t_avg_quantity": 4.793103448275862d, "t_max_suppkey": 6, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 24807.42586206897d, "t_avg_discount": 0.054827586206896546d, "t_avg_tax": 0.03482758620689656d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-08-03", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-04-10", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-05-14", "t_max_comment": "y; excuses use. ironic, close instru" }
-, { "t_partkey": 136, "t_count": 35i64, "t_avg_quantity": 5.16d, "t_max_suppkey": 7, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 26732.154000000002d, "t_avg_discount": 0.04542857142857143d, "t_avg_tax": 0.036d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-08-06", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-04-24", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-05-24", "t_max_comment": "y final pinto " }
-, { "t_partkey": 137, "t_count": 38i64, "t_avg_quantity": 5.736842105263158d, "t_max_suppkey": 8, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 29749.2552631579d, "t_avg_discount": 0.04026315789473685d, "t_avg_tax": 0.04421052631578948d, "t_max_shipdate": "1997-08-19", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-06-29", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-06-19", "t_max_comment": "uests cajole carefully." }
-, { "t_partkey": 138, "t_count": 42i64, "t_avg_quantity": 5.666666666666667d, "t_max_suppkey": 9, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 29413.68333333333d, "t_avg_discount": 0.05452380952380952d, "t_avg_tax": 0.03928571428571429d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-08-29", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-04-12", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-07-09", "t_max_comment": "yly idle deposits. final, final fox" }
-, { "t_partkey": 139, "t_count": 34i64, "t_avg_quantity": 5.364705882352942d, "t_max_suppkey": 10, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 27873.13411764706d, "t_avg_discount": 0.050588235294117656d, "t_avg_tax": 0.047058823529411764d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-03-01", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-04-15", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-04-28", "t_max_comment": "y express accounts above the exp" }
-, { "t_partkey": 140, "t_count": 35i64, "t_avg_quantity": 5.034285714285715d, "t_max_suppkey": 6, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 26181.809714285715d, "t_avg_discount": 0.054571428571428576d, "t_avg_tax": 0.04257142857142857d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-06-24", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-04-14", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-03-21", "t_max_comment": "y among the furiously special" }
-, { "t_partkey": 141, "t_count": 38i64, "t_avg_quantity": 5.5473684210526315d, "t_max_suppkey": 10, "t_max_linenumber": 6, "t_avg_extendedprice": 28877.935789473686d, "t_avg_discount": 0.037368421052631585d, "t_avg_tax": 0.052105263157894745d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-10-26", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-02-26", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-01-20", "t_max_comment": "yly silent ideas affix furiousl" }
-, { "t_partkey": 142, "t_count": 26i64, "t_avg_quantity": 6.138461538461539d, "t_max_suppkey": 9, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 31985.681538461537d, "t_avg_discount": 0.05d, "t_avg_tax": 0.047692307692307694d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-06-06", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-12-21", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-10-16", "t_max_comment": "usly bold instructions affix idly unusual, " }
-, { "t_partkey": 143, "t_count": 36i64, "t_avg_quantity": 4.95d, "t_max_suppkey": 10, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 25817.715000000004d, "t_avg_discount": 0.045000000000000005d, "t_avg_tax": 0.03972222222222222d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-07-16", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-04-26", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-05-17", "t_max_comment": "y pending foxes nag blithely " }
-, { "t_partkey": 144, "t_count": 32i64, "t_avg_quantity": 4.91875d, "t_max_suppkey": 7, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 25679.318125d, "t_avg_discount": 0.0465625d, "t_avg_tax": 0.0434375d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-09-22", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-07-19", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-07-30", "t_max_comment": "ve the fluffily " }
-, { "t_partkey": 145, "t_count": 24i64, "t_avg_quantity": 5.566666666666666d, "t_max_suppkey": 8, "t_max_linenumber": 6, "t_avg_extendedprice": 29089.73d, "t_avg_discount": 0.04541666666666667d, "t_avg_tax": 0.03666666666666666d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-07-23", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-03-16", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-01-27", "t_max_comment": "yly even platelets wake. " }
-, { "t_partkey": 146, "t_count": 27i64, "t_avg_quantity": 4.792592592592593d, "t_max_suppkey": 9, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 25068.614074074078d, "t_avg_discount": 0.05925925925925926d, "t_avg_tax": 0.04407407407407408d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-07-09", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-05-18", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-05-27", "t_max_comment": "ut the slyly specia" }
-, { "t_partkey": 147, "t_count": 31i64, "t_avg_quantity": 4.625806451612903d, "t_max_suppkey": 10, "t_max_linenumber": 6, "t_avg_extendedprice": 24219.334838709678d, "t_avg_discount": 0.05451612903225806d, "t_avg_tax": 0.04741935483870968d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-06-18", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-07-06", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-06-23", "t_max_comment": "yly special excuses. fluffily " }
-, { "t_partkey": 148, "t_count": 43i64, "t_avg_quantity": 5.158139534883722d, "t_max_suppkey": 9, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 27032.261860465118d, "t_avg_discount": 0.0516279069767442d, "t_avg_tax": 0.04093023255813954d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-07-21", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-03-16", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-01-27", "t_max_comment": "y special theodolites. carefully" }
-, { "t_partkey": 149, "t_count": 33i64, "t_avg_quantity": 4.363636363636363d, "t_max_suppkey": 10, "t_max_linenumber": 6, "t_avg_extendedprice": 22890.327272727274d, "t_avg_discount": 0.05d, "t_avg_tax": 0.03909090909090909d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-06-06", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-03-06", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-04-19", "t_max_comment": "y regular requests. furious" }
-, { "t_partkey": 150, "t_count": 29i64, "t_avg_quantity": 5.027586206896552d, "t_max_suppkey": 9, "t_max_linenumber": 6, "t_avg_extendedprice": 26398.598275862067d, "t_avg_discount": 0.05517241379310344d, "t_avg_tax": 0.04206896551724138d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-08-06", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-05-26", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-05-09", "t_max_comment": "thely around the bli" }
-, { "t_partkey": 151, "t_count": 24i64, "t_avg_quantity": 4.175d, "t_max_suppkey": 9, "t_max_linenumber": 6, "t_avg_extendedprice": 21942.756249999995d, "t_avg_discount": 0.045000000000000005d, "t_avg_tax": 0.03291666666666667d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-08-09", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-02-05", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-02-13", "t_max_comment": "y unusual foxes " }
-, { "t_partkey": 152, "t_count": 27i64, "t_avg_quantity": 4.970370370370371d, "t_max_suppkey": 10, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 26147.875925925924d, "t_avg_discount": 0.050370370370370364d, "t_avg_tax": 0.03888888888888889d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-04-20", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-05-10", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-07-04", "t_max_comment": "ully. carefully final accounts accordi" }
-, { "t_partkey": 153, "t_count": 35i64, "t_avg_quantity": 5.514285714285715d, "t_max_suppkey": 8, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 29036.85d, "t_avg_discount": 0.045714285714285714d, "t_avg_tax": 0.03885714285714286d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-08-17", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-02-18", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-03-02", "t_max_comment": "y above the bli" }
-, { "t_partkey": 154, "t_count": 30i64, "t_avg_quantity": 4.54d, "t_max_suppkey": 9, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 23929.205d, "t_avg_discount": 0.04933333333333333d, "t_avg_tax": 0.041666666666666664d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-09-29", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-03-06", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-03-01", "t_max_comment": "vely ironic accounts. furiously unusual acc" }
-, { "t_partkey": 155, "t_count": 23i64, "t_avg_quantity": 6.069565217391305d, "t_max_suppkey": 10, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 32021.508695652174d, "t_avg_discount": 0.0508695652173913d, "t_avg_tax": 0.037391304347826095d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-07-27", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-10-21", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-09-30", "t_max_comment": "y regular requests haggle." }
-, { "t_partkey": 156, "t_count": 39i64, "t_avg_quantity": 5.333333333333334d, "t_max_suppkey": 8, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 28164.0d, "t_avg_discount": 0.0458974358974359d, "t_avg_tax": 0.04410256410256411d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-08-09", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-02-18", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-05-03", "t_max_comment": "y regular instructions doze furiously. reg" }
-, { "t_partkey": 157, "t_count": 28i64, "t_avg_quantity": 5.414285714285715d, "t_max_suppkey": 9, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 28618.560714285715d, "t_avg_discount": 0.05714285714285714d, "t_avg_tax": 0.03964285714285714d, "t_max_shipdate": "1997-11-27", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-06-30", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-08-01", "t_max_comment": "y regular requests engage furiously final d" }
-, { "t_partkey": 158, "t_count": 25i64, "t_avg_quantity": 5.144d, "t_max_suppkey": 10, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 27215.618000000002d, "t_avg_discount": 0.044000000000000004d, "t_avg_tax": 0.036800000000000006d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-07-16", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-06-04", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-08-07", "t_max_comment": "uctions cajole" }
-, { "t_partkey": 159, "t_count": 32i64, "t_avg_quantity": 4.9625d, "t_max_suppkey": 10, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 26280.159375000003d, "t_avg_discount": 0.0578125d, "t_avg_tax": 0.043125000000000004d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-05-25", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-02-10", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-05-20", "t_max_comment": "y special ideas. express packages pr" }
-, { "t_partkey": 160, "t_count": 42i64, "t_avg_quantity": 4.338095238095238d, "t_max_suppkey": 8, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 22995.37523809524d, "t_avg_discount": 0.04690476190476191d, "t_avg_tax": 0.03785714285714287d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-08-14", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-04-07", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-05-13", "t_max_comment": "yly silent deposits" }
-, { "t_partkey": 161, "t_count": 33i64, "t_avg_quantity": 5.109090909090909d, "t_max_suppkey": 10, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 27107.814545454545d, "t_avg_discount": 0.04666666666666667d, "t_avg_tax": 0.04606060606060606d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-09-11", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-04-27", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-04-09", "t_max_comment": "y ironic pin" }
-, { "t_partkey": 162, "t_count": 42i64, "t_avg_quantity": 4.895238095238096d, "t_max_suppkey": 9, "t_max_linenumber": 6, "t_avg_extendedprice": 25997.630476190476d, "t_avg_discount": 0.05833333333333335d, "t_avg_tax": 0.03547619047619048d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-09-18", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-04-27", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-04-14", "t_max_comment": "y asymptotes. regular depen" }
-, { "t_partkey": 163, "t_count": 28i64, "t_avg_quantity": 5.550000000000001d, "t_max_suppkey": 10, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 29502.690000000002d, "t_avg_discount": 0.045d, "t_avg_tax": 0.032499999999999994d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-04-18", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-03-07", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-03-09", "t_max_comment": "y fluffily stealt" }
-, { "t_partkey": 164, "t_count": 26i64, "t_avg_quantity": 4.915384615384616d, "t_max_suppkey": 9, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 26153.778461538463d, "t_avg_discount": 0.04076923076923077d, "t_avg_tax": 0.04115384615384616d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-10-17", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-03-31", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-04-04", "t_max_comment": "ymptotes boost. furiously bold p" }
-, { "t_partkey": 165, "t_count": 36i64, "t_avg_quantity": 5.561111111111112d, "t_max_suppkey": 10, "t_max_linenumber": 5, "t_avg_extendedprice": 29617.365555555552d, "t_avg_discount": 0.05277777777777778d, "t_avg_tax": 0.03777777777777778d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-06-07", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-03-17", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-04-07", "t_max_comment": "y unusual deposits prom" }
-, { "t_partkey": 166, "t_count": 33i64, "t_avg_quantity": 4.830303030303031d, "t_max_suppkey": 7, "t_max_linenumber": 6, "t_avg_extendedprice": 25749.37939393939d, "t_avg_discount": 0.04666666666666667d, "t_avg_tax": 0.03878787878787879d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-08-11", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-06-07", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-08-16", "t_max_comment": "uses detect spec" }
-, { "t_partkey": 167, "t_count": 31i64, "t_avg_quantity": 4.851612903225806d, "t_max_suppkey": 8, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 25887.236129032255d, "t_avg_discount": 0.052258064516129035d, "t_avg_tax": 0.037096774193548385d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-05-02", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-05-30", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-06-08", "t_max_comment": "yly final packages according to the quickl" }
-, { "t_partkey": 168, "t_count": 36i64, "t_avg_quantity": 5.1722222222222225d, "t_max_suppkey": 9, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 27623.804444444442d, "t_avg_discount": 0.04944444444444445d, "t_avg_tax": 0.03666666666666667d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-06-26", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-05-20", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-05-07", "t_max_comment": "xpress requests haggle after the final, fi" }
-, { "t_partkey": 169, "t_count": 35i64, "t_avg_quantity": 5.822857142857143d, "t_max_suppkey": 10, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 31127.829714285715d, "t_avg_discount": 0.047999999999999994d, "t_avg_tax": 0.038857142857142854d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-07-30", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-04-18", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-04-18", "t_max_comment": "yly final theodolites. furi" }
-, { "t_partkey": 170, "t_count": 27i64, "t_avg_quantity": 4.874074074074074d, "t_max_suppkey": 9, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 26080.43925925926d, "t_avg_discount": 0.050740740740740746d, "t_avg_tax": 0.044814814814814814d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-10-30", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-06-24", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-08-13", "t_max_comment": "yly ironic " }
-, { "t_partkey": 171, "t_count": 18i64, "t_avg_quantity": 4.533333333333334d, "t_max_suppkey": 10, "t_max_linenumber": 6, "t_avg_extendedprice": 24279.853333333333d, "t_avg_discount": 0.04055555555555555d, "t_avg_tax": 0.036666666666666674d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-07-28", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-10-15", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-11-11", "t_max_comment": "uriously ironic accounts. ironic, ir" }
-, { "t_partkey": 172, "t_count": 18i64, "t_avg_quantity": 5.1000000000000005d, "t_max_suppkey": 10, "t_max_linenumber": 6, "t_avg_extendedprice": 27340.335d, "t_avg_discount": 0.05222222222222222d, "t_avg_tax": 0.03722222222222223d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-08-21", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-09-18", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-09-26", "t_max_comment": "wake carefully alongside of " }
-, { "t_partkey": 173, "t_count": 34i64, "t_avg_quantity": 5.247058823529412d, "t_max_suppkey": 4, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 28154.930588235293d, "t_avg_discount": 0.054411764705882354d, "t_avg_tax": 0.048529411764705876d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-09-17", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-06-20", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-06-21", "t_max_comment": "uses. fluffily fina" }
-, { "t_partkey": 174, "t_count": 31i64, "t_avg_quantity": 5.3419354838709685d, "t_max_suppkey": 5, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 28690.734193548382d, "t_avg_discount": 0.05354838709677419d, "t_avg_tax": 0.046129032258064515d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-05-31", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-09-05", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-07-14", "t_max_comment": "y unusual packages thrash pinto " }
-, { "t_partkey": 175, "t_count": 31i64, "t_avg_quantity": 5.658064516129032d, "t_max_suppkey": 6, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 30416.906129032257d, "t_avg_discount": 0.04548387096774193d, "t_avg_tax": 0.03387096774193549d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-09-06", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-09-30", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-10-22", "t_max_comment": "yly special " }
-, { "t_partkey": 176, "t_count": 28i64, "t_avg_quantity": 6.078571428571429d, "t_max_suppkey": 7, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 32707.88107142857d, "t_avg_discount": 0.06d, "t_avg_tax": 0.03642857142857143d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-11-11", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-02-28", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-02-21", "t_max_comment": "y unusual foxes cajole ab" }
-, { "t_partkey": 177, "t_count": 29i64, "t_avg_quantity": 4.675862068965517d, "t_max_suppkey": 8, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 25183.491724137926d, "t_avg_discount": 0.045517241379310354d, "t_avg_tax": 0.04482758620689655d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-08-24", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-04-05", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-05-04", "t_max_comment": "y ironic instructions cajole" }
-, { "t_partkey": 178, "t_count": 41i64, "t_avg_quantity": 5.414634146341464d, "t_max_suppkey": 9, "t_max_linenumber": 6, "t_avg_extendedprice": 29189.480487804878d, "t_avg_discount": 0.04878048780487805d, "t_avg_tax": 0.038780487804878055d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-11-11", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-06-01", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-06-18", "t_max_comment": "yly ironic decoys; regular, iron" }
-, { "t_partkey": 179, "t_count": 19i64, "t_avg_quantity": 6.010526315789474d, "t_max_suppkey": 10, "t_max_linenumber": 6, "t_avg_extendedprice": 32431.898421052636d, "t_avg_discount": 0.04263157894736842d, "t_avg_tax": 0.02368421052631579d, "t_max_shipdate": "1997-06-03", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-04-18", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-06-10", "t_max_comment": "y regular pain" }
-, { "t_partkey": 180, "t_count": 29i64, "t_avg_quantity": 4.096551724137931d, "t_max_suppkey": 10, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 22125.06620689655d, "t_avg_discount": 0.04758620689655172d, "t_avg_tax": 0.036551724137931035d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-10-28", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-04-02", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-03-18", "t_max_comment": "y final foxes by the sl" }
-, { "t_partkey": 181, "t_count": 26i64, "t_avg_quantity": 4.307692307692308d, "t_max_suppkey": 2, "t_max_linenumber": 6, "t_avg_extendedprice": 23286.953846153843d, "t_avg_discount": 0.05615384615384615d, "t_avg_tax": 0.05153846153846154d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-10-23", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-07-25", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-07-02", "t_max_comment": "ts across the even requests doze furiously" }
-, { "t_partkey": 182, "t_count": 23i64, "t_avg_quantity": 4.234782608695652d, "t_max_suppkey": 3, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 22913.985217391306d, "t_avg_discount": 0.03782608695652174d, "t_avg_tax": 0.036521739130434785d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-11-04", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-04-21", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-03-13", "t_max_comment": "yly. express ideas agai" }
-, { "t_partkey": 183, "t_count": 31i64, "t_avg_quantity": 4.851612903225806d, "t_max_suppkey": 4, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 26275.85032258064d, "t_avg_discount": 0.043225806451612905d, "t_avg_tax": 0.04064516129032259d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-05-26", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-03-21", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-05-02", "t_max_comment": "y. even excuses" }
-, { "t_partkey": 184, "t_count": 42i64, "t_avg_quantity": 5.380952380952381d, "t_max_suppkey": 5, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 29169.604761904764d, "t_avg_discount": 0.048809523809523817d, "t_avg_tax": 0.035d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-07-14", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-04-23", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-04-14", "t_max_comment": "y regular pinto beans. evenly regular packa" }
-, { "t_partkey": 185, "t_count": 21i64, "t_avg_quantity": 4.542857142857144d, "t_max_suppkey": 6, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 24649.088571428572d, "t_avg_discount": 0.04619047619047619d, "t_avg_tax": 0.042857142857142864d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-06-16", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-02-11", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-05-30", "t_max_comment": "unusual theodol" }
-, { "t_partkey": 186, "t_count": 30i64, "t_avg_quantity": 4.206666666666667d, "t_max_suppkey": 7, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 22845.986d, "t_avg_discount": 0.04766666666666667d, "t_avg_tax": 0.044666666666666674d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-03-06", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-07-07", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-08-04", "t_max_comment": "ymptotes could u" }
-, { "t_partkey": 187, "t_count": 29i64, "t_avg_quantity": 5.627586206896552d, "t_max_suppkey": 8, "t_max_linenumber": 6, "t_avg_extendedprice": 30590.99586206896d, "t_avg_discount": 0.048965517241379306d, "t_avg_tax": 0.04103448275862069d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-11-11", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-05-01", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-04-13", "t_max_comment": "y even forges. fluffily furious accounts" }
-, { "t_partkey": 188, "t_count": 31i64, "t_avg_quantity": 4.2129032258064525d, "t_max_suppkey": 9, "t_max_linenumber": 6, "t_avg_extendedprice": 22921.98516129032d, "t_avg_discount": 0.06483870967741935d, "t_avg_tax": 0.03483870967741936d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-06-19", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-08-05", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-10-05", "t_max_comment": "y regular asymptotes doz" }
-, { "t_partkey": 189, "t_count": 33i64, "t_avg_quantity": 4.533333333333334d, "t_max_suppkey": 10, "t_max_linenumber": 6, "t_avg_extendedprice": 24688.079999999998d, "t_avg_discount": 0.053333333333333344d, "t_avg_tax": 0.03757575757575757d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-07-26", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-06-08", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-07-03", "t_max_comment": "y sly theodolites. ironi" }
-, { "t_partkey": 190, "t_count": 39i64, "t_avg_quantity": 4.912820512820513d, "t_max_suppkey": 1, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 26779.538974358973d, "t_avg_discount": 0.04743589743589744d, "t_avg_tax": 0.03538461538461539d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-09-24", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-05-02", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-05-11", "t_max_comment": "y final foxes sleep blithely sl" }
-, { "t_partkey": 191, "t_count": 40i64, "t_avg_quantity": 5.5200000000000005d, "t_max_suppkey": 5, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 30116.844d, "t_avg_discount": 0.0475d, "t_avg_tax": 0.04025d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-10-08", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-06-09", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-08-09", "t_max_comment": "ys engage. th" }
-, { "t_partkey": 192, "t_count": 29i64, "t_avg_quantity": 4.655172413793103d, "t_max_suppkey": 6, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 25421.66379310345d, "t_avg_discount": 0.04724137931034483d, "t_avg_tax": 0.04586206896551724d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-05-26", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-04-06", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-03-02", "t_max_comment": "y. fluffily bold accounts grow. furio" }
-, { "t_partkey": 193, "t_count": 27i64, "t_avg_quantity": 4.4222222222222225d, "t_max_suppkey": 7, "t_max_linenumber": 6, "t_avg_extendedprice": 24171.64555555556d, "t_avg_discount": 0.044814814814814814d, "t_avg_tax": 0.02851851851851852d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-08-19", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-05-05", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-06-03", "t_max_comment": "y players sleep along the final, pending " }
-, { "t_partkey": 194, "t_count": 28i64, "t_avg_quantity": 4.457142857142857d, "t_max_suppkey": 8, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 24384.80571428571d, "t_avg_discount": 0.04071428571428572d, "t_avg_tax": 0.031785714285714285d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-07-06", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-03-18", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-02-23", "t_max_comment": "y silent requests. regular, even accounts" }
-, { "t_partkey": 195, "t_count": 30i64, "t_avg_quantity": 5.053333333333334d, "t_max_suppkey": 9, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 27671.800666666666d, "t_avg_discount": 0.04833333333333333d, "t_avg_tax": 0.045000000000000005d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-01-21", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-02-12", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-05-05", "t_max_comment": "yly pending packages snooz" }
-, { "t_partkey": 196, "t_count": 36i64, "t_avg_quantity": 5.011111111111112d, "t_max_suppkey": 10, "t_max_linenumber": 6, "t_avg_extendedprice": 27465.649444444443d, "t_avg_discount": 0.04972222222222223d, "t_avg_tax": 0.03944444444444444d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-10-17", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-03-14", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-03-27", "t_max_comment": "y quickly " }
-, { "t_partkey": 197, "t_count": 32i64, "t_avg_quantity": 5.2125d, "t_max_suppkey": 10, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 28595.514375d, "t_avg_discount": 0.0553125d, "t_avg_tax": 0.0378125d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-05-19", "t_min_commitdate": "1993-09-09", "t_min_receiptdate": "1993-08-23", "t_max_comment": "warhorses slee" }
-, { "t_partkey": 198, "t_count": 31i64, "t_avg_quantity": 4.587096774193548d, "t_max_suppkey": 10, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 25187.519032258064d, "t_avg_discount": 0.03967741935483871d, "t_avg_tax": 0.035806451612903224d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-10-06", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-02-23", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-05-15", "t_max_comment": "y even accounts. quickly bold decoys" }
-, { "t_partkey": 199, "t_count": 32i64, "t_avg_quantity": 5.5062500000000005d, "t_max_suppkey": 10, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 30262.0746875d, "t_avg_discount": 0.052812500000000005d, "t_avg_tax": 0.043750000000000004d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-08-14", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-05-13", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-03-28", "t_max_comment": "y carefully ironi" }
-, { "t_partkey": 200, "t_count": 24i64, "t_avg_quantity": 5.458333333333334d, "t_max_suppkey": 4, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 30026.291666666668d, "t_avg_discount": 0.049166666666666664d, "t_avg_tax": 0.03375d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-09-04", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-05-28", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-05-12", "t_max_comment": "y silent foxes! carefully ruthless cour" }
+[ { "t_partkey": 1, "t_count": 35, "t_avg_quantity": 5.28d, "t_max_suppkey": 8, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 23786.4d, "t_avg_discount": 0.044000000000000004d, "t_avg_tax": 0.049142857142857155d, "t_max_shipdate": "1997-08-08", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-04-02", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-02-28", "t_max_comment": "y ironic requests. bold, final ideas a" }
+, { "t_partkey": 2, "t_count": 34, "t_avg_quantity": 4.347058823529411d, "t_max_suppkey": 9, "t_max_linenumber": 6, "t_avg_extendedprice": 19605.235294117647d, "t_avg_discount": 0.049705882352941176d, "t_avg_tax": 0.04d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-05-31", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-07-12", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-07-08", "t_max_comment": "yly final dolphins? quickly ironic frets" }
+, { "t_partkey": 3, "t_count": 27, "t_avg_quantity": 4.896296296296296d, "t_max_suppkey": 10, "t_max_linenumber": 6, "t_avg_extendedprice": 22106.777777777777d, "t_avg_discount": 0.05481481481481482d, "t_avg_tax": 0.04185185185185186d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-05-22", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-03-20", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-05-04", "t_max_comment": "yly blithely pending packages" }
+, { "t_partkey": 4, "t_count": 26, "t_avg_quantity": 4.2615384615384615d, "t_max_suppkey": 9, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 19262.153846153848d, "t_avg_discount": 0.056538461538461544d, "t_avg_tax": 0.04d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-08-26", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-03-21", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-05-27", "t_max_comment": "y regular packages haggle furiously alongs" }
+, { "t_partkey": 5, "t_count": 32, "t_avg_quantity": 5.4750000000000005d, "t_max_suppkey": 10, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 24774.375d, "t_avg_discount": 0.04125d, "t_avg_tax": 0.0390625d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-07-19", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-05-12", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-05-10", "t_max_comment": "y. careful" }
+, { "t_partkey": 6, "t_count": 34, "t_avg_quantity": 5.2058823529411775d, "t_max_suppkey": 9, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 23582.647058823528d, "t_avg_discount": 0.05676470588235293d, "t_avg_tax": 0.04176470588235294d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-09-05", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-04-24", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-04-08", "t_max_comment": "yly express " }
+, { "t_partkey": 7, "t_count": 22, "t_avg_quantity": 4.7d, "t_max_suppkey": 10, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 21314.5d, "t_avg_discount": 0.05772727272727273d, "t_avg_tax": 0.041818181818181824d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-07-27", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-05-31", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-04-21", "t_max_comment": "ss the ironic, regular asymptotes cajole " }
+, { "t_partkey": 8, "t_count": 24, "t_avg_quantity": 4.783333333333334d, "t_max_suppkey": 9, "t_max_linenumber": 6, "t_avg_extendedprice": 21716.333333333332d, "t_avg_discount": 0.055d, "t_avg_tax": 0.04958333333333333d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-07-04", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-10-24", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-10-11", "t_max_comment": "uctions. furiously regular ins" }
+, { "t_partkey": 9, "t_count": 29, "t_avg_quantity": 5.331034482758621d, "t_max_suppkey": 10, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 24229.55172413793d, "t_avg_discount": 0.04206896551724139d, "t_avg_tax": 0.03896551724137932d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-06-12", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-03-30", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-05-23", "t_max_comment": "yly ironic" }
+, { "t_partkey": 10, "t_count": 31, "t_avg_quantity": 5.509677419354839d, "t_max_suppkey": 7, "t_max_linenumber": 6, "t_avg_extendedprice": 25069.307741935485d, "t_avg_discount": 0.052903225806451626d, "t_avg_tax": 0.04548387096774194d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-10-02", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-07-21", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-05-18", "t_max_comment": "y quickly ironic accounts." }
+, { "t_partkey": 11, "t_count": 28, "t_avg_quantity": 5.521428571428572d, "t_max_suppkey": 8, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 25150.383214285714d, "t_avg_discount": 0.05d, "t_avg_tax": 0.046071428571428576d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-07-12", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-03-15", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-02-26", "t_max_comment": "ven dependencies x-ray. quic" }
+, { "t_partkey": 12, "t_count": 24, "t_avg_quantity": 4.966666666666667d, "t_max_suppkey": 9, "t_max_linenumber": 6, "t_avg_extendedprice": 22648.248333333333d, "t_avg_discount": 0.04791666666666667d, "t_avg_tax": 0.05083333333333334d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-04-14", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-05-03", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-07-29", "t_max_comment": "xpress grouc" }
+, { "t_partkey": 13, "t_count": 26, "t_avg_quantity": 5.038461538461539d, "t_max_suppkey": 10, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 23000.828846153847d, "t_avg_discount": 0.04153846153846154d, "t_avg_tax": 0.04d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-10-04", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-03-31", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-04-21", "t_max_comment": "wake at the carefully speci" }
+, { "t_partkey": 14, "t_count": 25, "t_avg_quantity": 4.5840000000000005d, "t_max_suppkey": 8, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 20949.1092d, "t_avg_discount": 0.055600000000000004d, "t_avg_tax": 0.0436d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-10-17", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-07-16", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-08-05", "t_max_comment": "thely. furio" }
+, { "t_partkey": 15, "t_count": 21, "t_avg_quantity": 5.133333333333334d, "t_max_suppkey": 9, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 23485.256666666664d, "t_avg_discount": 0.051428571428571435d, "t_avg_tax": 0.03142857142857143d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-02-14", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-04-01", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-05-26", "t_max_comment": "ymptotes nag furiously slyly even inst" }
+, { "t_partkey": 16, "t_count": 29, "t_avg_quantity": 4.731034482758621d, "t_max_suppkey": 10, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 21668.37448275862d, "t_avg_discount": 0.049310344827586214d, "t_avg_tax": 0.034482758620689655d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-11-02", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-08-06", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-09-12", "t_max_comment": "yly blithely stealthy deposits. carefu" }
+, { "t_partkey": 17, "t_count": 31, "t_avg_quantity": 5.270967741935484d, "t_max_suppkey": 8, "t_max_linenumber": 6, "t_avg_extendedprice": 24167.650645161288d, "t_avg_discount": 0.05387096774193549d, "t_avg_tax": 0.04709677419354839d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-10-04", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-08-07", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-08-13", "t_max_comment": "uriously thin pinto beans " }
+, { "t_partkey": 18, "t_count": 32, "t_avg_quantity": 5.4437500000000005d, "t_max_suppkey": 9, "t_max_linenumber": 6, "t_avg_extendedprice": 24987.0846875d, "t_avg_discount": 0.05500000000000001d, "t_avg_tax": 0.039375d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-11-13", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-04-14", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-04-13", "t_max_comment": "y special packages. carefully ironic instru" }
+, { "t_partkey": 19, "t_count": 29, "t_avg_quantity": 5.151724137931034d, "t_max_suppkey": 10, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 23672.43d, "t_avg_discount": 0.05275862068965517d, "t_avg_tax": 0.03896551724137932d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-08-04", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-07-07", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-08-15", "t_max_comment": "y along the excuses." }
+, { "t_partkey": 20, "t_count": 27, "t_avg_quantity": 4.955555555555556d, "t_max_suppkey": 10, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 22796.05111111111d, "t_avg_discount": 0.042222222222222223d, "t_avg_tax": 0.035555555555555556d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-06-11", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-07-13", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-06-21", "t_max_comment": "y. blithely r" }
+, { "t_partkey": 21, "t_count": 26, "t_avg_quantity": 4.730769230769231d, "t_max_suppkey": 10, "t_max_linenumber": 6, "t_avg_extendedprice": 21785.665384615386d, "t_avg_discount": 0.054615384615384614d, "t_avg_tax": 0.04076923076923077d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-02-27", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-09-11", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-08-08", "t_max_comment": "ymptotes haggle across the ca" }
+, { "t_partkey": 22, "t_count": 28, "t_avg_quantity": 5.300000000000001d, "t_max_suppkey": 7, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 24433.53d, "t_avg_discount": 0.057857142857142864d, "t_avg_tax": 0.045d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-09-03", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-05-23", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-07-12", "t_max_comment": "y final gifts are. carefully pe" }
+, { "t_partkey": 23, "t_count": 23, "t_avg_quantity": 5.22608695652174d, "t_max_suppkey": 8, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 24118.913913043478d, "t_avg_discount": 0.051304347826086956d, "t_avg_tax": 0.03173913043478261d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-09-25", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-04-05", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-05-02", "t_max_comment": "y unusual foxe" }
+, { "t_partkey": 24, "t_count": 35, "t_avg_quantity": 5.154285714285715d, "t_max_suppkey": 9, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 23813.31542857143d, "t_avg_discount": 0.046d, "t_avg_tax": 0.04d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-06-23", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-05-07", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-04-21", "t_max_comment": "the slyly ironic pinto beans. fi" }
+, { "t_partkey": 25, "t_count": 26, "t_avg_quantity": 5.061538461538461d, "t_max_suppkey": 10, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 23410.121538461535d, "t_avg_discount": 0.054615384615384614d, "t_avg_tax": 0.034999999999999996d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-06-26", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-03-18", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-02-24", "t_max_comment": "y alongside of the special requests." }
+, { "t_partkey": 26, "t_count": 23, "t_avg_quantity": 4.6521739130434785d, "t_max_suppkey": 9, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 21540.030434782606d, "t_avg_discount": 0.03956521739130436d, "t_avg_tax": 0.043043478260869565d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-10-09", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-03-16", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-03-20", "t_max_comment": "y special pinto beans cajole " }
+, { "t_partkey": 27, "t_count": 18, "t_avg_quantity": 5.9222222222222225d, "t_max_suppkey": 10, "t_max_linenumber": 6, "t_avg_extendedprice": 27450.092222222225d, "t_avg_discount": 0.061111111111111116d, "t_avg_tax": 0.045000000000000005d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-09-19", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-06-12", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-07-31", "t_max_comment": "y regular foxes. slyly ironic deposits " }
+, { "t_partkey": 28, "t_count": 21, "t_avg_quantity": 5.476190476190476d, "t_max_suppkey": 9, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 25410.071428571428d, "t_avg_discount": 0.04285714285714286d, "t_avg_tax": 0.032857142857142856d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-01-02", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-05-31", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-04-05", "t_max_comment": "ular accounts about" }
+, { "t_partkey": 29, "t_count": 35, "t_avg_quantity": 5.171428571428572d, "t_max_suppkey": 10, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 24021.802857142855d, "t_avg_discount": 0.05657142857142857d, "t_avg_tax": 0.03942857142857143d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-11-17", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-05-19", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-06-06", "t_max_comment": "xcuses? quickly stealthy dependenci" }
+, { "t_partkey": 30, "t_count": 22, "t_avg_quantity": 4.754545454545455d, "t_max_suppkey": 9, "t_max_linenumber": 5, "t_avg_extendedprice": 22109.349545454545d, "t_avg_discount": 0.04727272727272727d, "t_avg_tax": 0.03318181818181818d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-07-18", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-04-06", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-05-01", "t_max_comment": "y. fluffily pending d" }
+, { "t_partkey": 31, "t_count": 31, "t_avg_quantity": 5.858064516129033d, "t_max_suppkey": 7, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 27270.16903225807d, "t_avg_discount": 0.050645161290322586d, "t_avg_tax": 0.035483870967741936d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-08-08", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-05-23", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-07-25", "t_max_comment": "xpress ideas detect b" }
+, { "t_partkey": 32, "t_count": 28, "t_avg_quantity": 5.050000000000001d, "t_max_suppkey": 8, "t_max_linenumber": 5, "t_avg_extendedprice": 23533.7575d, "t_avg_discount": 0.05249999999999999d, "t_avg_tax": 0.03321428571428571d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-03-22", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-07-21", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-09-27", "t_max_comment": "yers. accounts affix somet" }
+, { "t_partkey": 33, "t_count": 25, "t_avg_quantity": 5.04d, "t_max_suppkey": 9, "t_max_linenumber": 6, "t_avg_extendedprice": 23512.356d, "t_avg_discount": 0.044000000000000004d, "t_avg_tax": 0.03440000000000001d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-08-01", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-04-26", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-04-16", "t_max_comment": "yly enticing requ" }
+, { "t_partkey": 34, "t_count": 33, "t_avg_quantity": 4.575757575757576d, "t_max_suppkey": 10, "t_max_linenumber": 6, "t_avg_extendedprice": 21369.474242424243d, "t_avg_discount": 0.04666666666666667d, "t_avg_tax": 0.04363636363636364d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-10-22", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-05-10", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-07-24", "t_max_comment": "warthogs wake carefully acro" }
+, { "t_partkey": 35, "t_count": 26, "t_avg_quantity": 4.753846153846154d, "t_max_suppkey": 6, "t_max_linenumber": 6, "t_avg_extendedprice": 22224.94384615385d, "t_avg_discount": 0.05615384615384615d, "t_avg_tax": 0.04307692307692308d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-08-13", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-04-12", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-03-30", "t_max_comment": "y pending packages sleep blithely regular r" }
+, { "t_partkey": 36, "t_count": 25, "t_avg_quantity": 4.192d, "t_max_suppkey": 7, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 19619.188800000004d, "t_avg_discount": 0.054000000000000006d, "t_avg_tax": 0.034d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-05-07", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-03-24", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-03-20", "t_max_comment": "y slyly express deposits. final i" }
+, { "t_partkey": 37, "t_count": 17, "t_avg_quantity": 4.564705882352942d, "t_max_suppkey": 8, "t_max_linenumber": 6, "t_avg_extendedprice": 21386.331764705883d, "t_avg_discount": 0.06058823529411765d, "t_avg_tax": 0.05d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-08-30", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-07-25", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-09-10", "t_max_comment": "unts promise across the requests. blith" }
+, { "t_partkey": 38, "t_count": 26, "t_avg_quantity": 6.0076923076923086d, "t_max_suppkey": 9, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 28176.978076923075d, "t_avg_discount": 0.05653846153846154d, "t_avg_tax": 0.030384615384615385d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-06-07", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-02-24", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-04-26", "t_max_comment": "yly. blithely bold theodolites wa" }
+, { "t_partkey": 39, "t_count": 22, "t_avg_quantity": 4.454545454545455d, "t_max_suppkey": 10, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 20914.75909090909d, "t_avg_discount": 0.05318181818181819d, "t_avg_tax": 0.034999999999999996d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-08-31", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-05-25", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-06-03", "t_max_comment": "y. furiously ironic ideas gr" }
+, { "t_partkey": 40, "t_count": 34, "t_avg_quantity": 4.61764705882353d, "t_max_suppkey": 6, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 21703.864705882355d, "t_avg_discount": 0.0511764705882353d, "t_avg_tax": 0.03735294117647059d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-06-12", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-03-04", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-02-10", "t_max_comment": "y special a" }
+, { "t_partkey": 41, "t_count": 25, "t_avg_quantity": 5.936d, "t_max_suppkey": 10, "t_max_linenumber": 5, "t_avg_extendedprice": 27930.0672d, "t_avg_discount": 0.0484d, "t_avg_tax": 0.0444d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-09-18", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-11-13", "t_min_receiptdate": "1993-01-09", "t_max_comment": "uffily even accounts. packages sleep blithe" }
+, { "t_partkey": 42, "t_count": 31, "t_avg_quantity": 3.7806451612903227d, "t_max_suppkey": 9, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 17807.594838709676d, "t_avg_discount": 0.05193548387096774d, "t_avg_tax": 0.0364516129032258d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-08-12", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-10-29", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-11-02", "t_max_comment": "y final platelets sublate among the " }
+, { "t_partkey": 43, "t_count": 32, "t_avg_quantity": 6.03125d, "t_max_suppkey": 10, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 28438.550000000003d, "t_avg_discount": 0.045000000000000005d, "t_avg_tax": 0.047812499999999994d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-11-01", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-07-09", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-07-07", "t_max_comment": "y regular packages. b" }
+, { "t_partkey": 44, "t_count": 23, "t_avg_quantity": 5.852173913043479d, "t_max_suppkey": 7, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 27623.43130434783d, "t_avg_discount": 0.05565217391304349d, "t_avg_tax": 0.04391304347826087d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-08-12", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-02-16", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-03-01", "t_max_comment": "unts. furiously silent" }
+, { "t_partkey": 45, "t_count": 34, "t_avg_quantity": 5.305882352941177d, "t_max_suppkey": 8, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 25071.35529411765d, "t_avg_discount": 0.05147058823529413d, "t_avg_tax": 0.039411764705882354d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-09-09", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-05-07", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-07-23", "t_max_comment": "y. bold pinto beans use " }
+, { "t_partkey": 46, "t_count": 34, "t_avg_quantity": 4.405882352941177d, "t_max_suppkey": 9, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 20840.704705882352d, "t_avg_discount": 0.05823529411764706d, "t_avg_tax": 0.0411764705882353d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-10-25", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-04-21", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-05-18", "t_max_comment": "xpress pinto beans. accounts a" }
+, { "t_partkey": 47, "t_count": 31, "t_avg_quantity": 5.129032258064516d, "t_max_suppkey": 10, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 24286.993548387094d, "t_avg_discount": 0.05064516129032258d, "t_avg_tax": 0.03967741935483871d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-07-31", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-04-09", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-04-05", "t_max_comment": "y ironic requests above the fluffily d" }
+, { "t_partkey": 48, "t_count": 37, "t_avg_quantity": 4.8756756756756765d, "t_max_suppkey": 9, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 23111.67783783784d, "t_avg_discount": 0.04054054054054054d, "t_avg_tax": 0.03918918918918919d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-08-17", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-05-30", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-05-11", "t_max_comment": "y according to " }
+, { "t_partkey": 49, "t_count": 28, "t_avg_quantity": 5.4071428571428575d, "t_max_suppkey": 10, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 25657.97428571429d, "t_avg_discount": 0.0475d, "t_avg_tax": 0.04107142857142857d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-09-03", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-02-27", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-05-26", "t_max_comment": "unts alongs" }
+, { "t_partkey": 50, "t_count": 39, "t_avg_quantity": 4.4974358974358974d, "t_max_suppkey": 9, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 21363.944871794873d, "t_avg_discount": 0.04820512820512821d, "t_avg_tax": 0.04025641025641026d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-09-12", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-05-13", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-04-29", "t_max_comment": "yly pending theodolites." }
+, { "t_partkey": 51, "t_count": 35, "t_avg_quantity": 4.908571428571429d, "t_max_suppkey": 9, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 23341.484285714283d, "t_avg_discount": 0.04914285714285715d, "t_avg_tax": 0.039428571428571424d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-08-01", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-03-30", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-03-31", "t_max_comment": "y ironic pin" }
+, { "t_partkey": 52, "t_count": 32, "t_avg_quantity": 5.91875d, "t_max_suppkey": 10, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 28174.7296875d, "t_avg_discount": 0.051250000000000004d, "t_avg_tax": 0.049375d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-09-09", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-05-09", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-06-02", "t_max_comment": "y pending orbits boost after the slyly" }
+, { "t_partkey": 53, "t_count": 24, "t_avg_quantity": 5.175000000000001d, "t_max_suppkey": 8, "t_max_linenumber": 6, "t_avg_extendedprice": 24660.16875d, "t_avg_discount": 0.04875000000000001d, "t_avg_tax": 0.04583333333333333d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-11-10", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-02-23", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-01-25", "t_max_comment": "y orbits. final depos" }
+, { "t_partkey": 54, "t_count": 34, "t_avg_quantity": 5.01764705882353d, "t_max_suppkey": 9, "t_max_linenumber": 6, "t_avg_extendedprice": 23935.430882352943d, "t_avg_discount": 0.05205882352941177d, "t_avg_tax": 0.04147058823529412d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-05-26", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-03-28", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-04-09", "t_max_comment": "y pending notornis ab" }
+, { "t_partkey": 55, "t_count": 30, "t_avg_quantity": 6.553333333333334d, "t_max_suppkey": 10, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 31293.805d, "t_avg_discount": 0.050666666666666665d, "t_avg_tax": 0.03933333333333334d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-06-06", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-03-12", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-02-06", "t_max_comment": "yly regular i" }
+, { "t_partkey": 56, "t_count": 24, "t_avg_quantity": 4.825d, "t_max_suppkey": 8, "t_max_linenumber": 6, "t_avg_extendedprice": 23064.70625d, "t_avg_discount": 0.05583333333333334d, "t_avg_tax": 0.037916666666666675d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-07-22", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-03-01", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-02-06", "t_max_comment": "ts. ironic, fina" }
+, { "t_partkey": 57, "t_count": 37, "t_avg_quantity": 5.5297297297297305d, "t_max_suppkey": 9, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 26461.139189189194d, "t_avg_discount": 0.05297297297297297d, "t_avg_tax": 0.03945945945945946d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-08-16", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-03-20", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-01-17", "t_max_comment": "y. doggedly pend" }
+, { "t_partkey": 58, "t_count": 28, "t_avg_quantity": 4.764285714285715d, "t_max_suppkey": 10, "t_max_linenumber": 5, "t_avg_extendedprice": 22822.119642857146d, "t_avg_discount": 0.05571428571428571d, "t_avg_tax": 0.04535714285714286d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-11-27", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-02-23", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-05-17", "t_max_comment": "xpress, bo" }
+, { "t_partkey": 59, "t_count": 37, "t_avg_quantity": 5.567567567567568d, "t_max_suppkey": 10, "t_max_linenumber": 6, "t_avg_extendedprice": 26697.87837837838d, "t_avg_discount": 0.042702702702702704d, "t_avg_tax": 0.049459459459459454d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-07-12", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-02-26", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-02-11", "t_max_comment": "y. ironic deposits haggle sl" }
+, { "t_partkey": 60, "t_count": 28, "t_avg_quantity": 5.0d, "t_max_suppkey": 8, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 24001.5d, "t_avg_discount": 0.05428571428571429d, "t_avg_tax": 0.042499999999999996d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-07-08", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-03-02", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-03-02", "t_max_comment": "y across the express accounts. fluff" }
+, { "t_partkey": 61, "t_count": 29, "t_avg_quantity": 5.593103448275862d, "t_max_suppkey": 10, "t_max_linenumber": 5, "t_avg_extendedprice": 26876.539999999997d, "t_avg_discount": 0.04931034482758621d, "t_avg_tax": 0.04103448275862069d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-08-06", "t_min_commitdate": "1993-06-25", "t_min_receiptdate": "1993-08-03", "t_max_comment": "y even asymptotes. courts are unusual pa" }
+, { "t_partkey": 62, "t_count": 24, "t_avg_quantity": 5.175000000000001d, "t_max_suppkey": 9, "t_max_linenumber": 6, "t_avg_extendedprice": 24893.3025d, "t_avg_discount": 0.048749999999999995d, "t_avg_tax": 0.04d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-05-27", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-02-17", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-02-08", "t_max_comment": "yly final accounts hag" }
+, { "t_partkey": 63, "t_count": 26, "t_avg_quantity": 4.992307692307692d, "t_max_suppkey": 10, "t_max_linenumber": 6, "t_avg_extendedprice": 24039.45923076923d, "t_avg_discount": 0.052307692307692305d, "t_avg_tax": 0.04884615384615386d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-05-08", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-03-07", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-02-19", "t_max_comment": "y special packages wak" }
+, { "t_partkey": 64, "t_count": 31, "t_avg_quantity": 4.838709677419356d, "t_max_suppkey": 9, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 23324.032258064515d, "t_avg_discount": 0.050645161290322586d, "t_avg_tax": 0.03709677419354839d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-10-10", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-02-05", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-02-29", "t_max_comment": "uietly regular foxes wake quick" }
+, { "t_partkey": 65, "t_count": 36, "t_avg_quantity": 5.033333333333334d, "t_max_suppkey": 10, "t_max_linenumber": 6, "t_avg_extendedprice": 24287.343333333338d, "t_avg_discount": 0.049166666666666664d, "t_avg_tax": 0.04083333333333334d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-06-17", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-04-14", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-03-13", "t_max_comment": "y unusual packages. packages" }
+, { "t_partkey": 66, "t_count": 29, "t_avg_quantity": 4.23448275862069d, "t_max_suppkey": 7, "t_max_linenumber": 6, "t_avg_extendedprice": 20453.82206896552d, "t_avg_discount": 0.05068965517241379d, "t_avg_tax": 0.051034482758620686d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-05-23", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-06-18", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-05-10", "t_max_comment": "y. pinto beans haggle after the" }
+, { "t_partkey": 67, "t_count": 21, "t_avg_quantity": 4.523809523809525d, "t_max_suppkey": 8, "t_max_linenumber": 5, "t_avg_extendedprice": 21873.976190476194d, "t_avg_discount": 0.05428571428571429d, "t_avg_tax": 0.04476190476190477d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-08-27", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-06-07", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-05-26", "t_max_comment": "theodolite" }
+, { "t_partkey": 68, "t_count": 36, "t_avg_quantity": 4.388888888888888d, "t_max_suppkey": 9, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 21243.53888888889d, "t_avg_discount": 0.059444444444444446d, "t_avg_tax": 0.04305555555555555d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-09-10", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-06-03", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-05-11", "t_max_comment": "y final ac" }
+, { "t_partkey": 69, "t_count": 24, "t_avg_quantity": 4.708333333333334d, "t_max_suppkey": 10, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 22813.287499999995d, "t_avg_discount": 0.059166666666666666d, "t_avg_tax": 0.03958333333333333d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-09-02", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-06-04", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-06-03", "t_max_comment": "yly furiously even id" }
+, { "t_partkey": 70, "t_count": 34, "t_avg_quantity": 5.029411764705883d, "t_max_suppkey": 9, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 24394.407352941176d, "t_avg_discount": 0.04558823529411765d, "t_avg_tax": 0.04352941176470588d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-07-19", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-04-10", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-04-29", "t_max_comment": "ts affix slyly accordi" }
+, { "t_partkey": 71, "t_count": 33, "t_avg_quantity": 5.024242424242424d, "t_max_suppkey": 10, "t_max_linenumber": 6, "t_avg_extendedprice": 24394.455454545456d, "t_avg_discount": 0.04515151515151515d, "t_avg_tax": 0.03818181818181819d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-10-03", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-10-19", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-12-05", "t_max_comment": "y regular foxes wake among the final" }
+, { "t_partkey": 72, "t_count": 36, "t_avg_quantity": 4.833333333333334d, "t_max_suppkey": 10, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 23491.691666666666d, "t_avg_discount": 0.053888888888888896d, "t_avg_tax": 0.038055555555555565d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-07-21", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-09-04", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-10-14", "t_max_comment": "yly along the ironic, fi" }
+, { "t_partkey": 73, "t_count": 27, "t_avg_quantity": 4.5851851851851855d, "t_max_suppkey": 4, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 22308.530740740738d, "t_avg_discount": 0.04481481481481482d, "t_avg_tax": 0.03333333333333333d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-10-12", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-03-01", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-01-09", "t_max_comment": "y even packages promise" }
+, { "t_partkey": 74, "t_count": 25, "t_avg_quantity": 6.016d, "t_max_suppkey": 5, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 29300.025600000004d, "t_avg_discount": 0.0528d, "t_avg_tax": 0.0388d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-03-23", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-03-22", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-03-25", "t_max_comment": "uests. blithely unus" }
+, { "t_partkey": 75, "t_count": 29, "t_avg_quantity": 5.131034482758621d, "t_max_suppkey": 6, "t_max_linenumber": 6, "t_avg_extendedprice": 25015.58896551724d, "t_avg_discount": 0.06310344827586208d, "t_avg_tax": 0.02896551724137931d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-10-19", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-02-18", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-03-31", "t_max_comment": "usly across the slyly busy accounts! fin" }
+, { "t_partkey": 76, "t_count": 21, "t_avg_quantity": 4.9714285714285715d, "t_max_suppkey": 7, "t_max_linenumber": 6, "t_avg_extendedprice": 24262.31142857143d, "t_avg_discount": 0.04d, "t_avg_tax": 0.041428571428571426d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-05-31", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-08-25", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-11-16", "t_max_comment": "y even accounts thrash care" }
+, { "t_partkey": 77, "t_count": 20, "t_avg_quantity": 6.08d, "t_max_suppkey": 8, "t_max_linenumber": 6, "t_avg_extendedprice": 29702.927999999996d, "t_avg_discount": 0.053500000000000006d, "t_avg_tax": 0.037d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-06-16", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-09-20", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-08-19", "t_max_comment": "usly at the blithely pending pl" }
+, { "t_partkey": 78, "t_count": 35, "t_avg_quantity": 4.485714285714286d, "t_max_suppkey": 9, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 21936.71285714286d, "t_avg_discount": 0.05942857142857143d, "t_avg_tax": 0.042285714285714295d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-08-03", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-03-24", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-03-21", "t_max_comment": "yly after the fluffily regul" }
+, { "t_partkey": 79, "t_count": 37, "t_avg_quantity": 5.65945945945946d, "t_max_suppkey": 10, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 27705.03486486486d, "t_avg_discount": 0.04810810810810811d, "t_avg_tax": 0.042432432432432436d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-10-09", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-05-23", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-08-24", "t_max_comment": "y slyly final" }
+, { "t_partkey": 80, "t_count": 29, "t_avg_quantity": 6.172413793103448d, "t_max_suppkey": 10, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 30247.296551724135d, "t_avg_discount": 0.04655172413793104d, "t_avg_tax": 0.03413793103448276d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-10-08", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-07-01", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-06-07", "t_max_comment": "yly ironic frets. pending foxes after " }
+, { "t_partkey": 81, "t_count": 21, "t_avg_quantity": 5.371428571428572d, "t_max_suppkey": 2, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 26349.005714285708d, "t_avg_discount": 0.044285714285714296d, "t_avg_tax": 0.04095238095238095d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-06-02", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-04-18", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-04-22", "t_max_comment": "yly even accounts. spe" }
+, { "t_partkey": 82, "t_count": 23, "t_avg_quantity": 4.3130434782608695d, "t_max_suppkey": 3, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 21178.768695652176d, "t_avg_discount": 0.05260869565217391d, "t_avg_tax": 0.043043478260869565d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-04-09", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-08-17", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-07-22", "t_max_comment": "ut the carefully special foxes. idle," }
+, { "t_partkey": 83, "t_count": 33, "t_avg_quantity": 5.115151515151515d, "t_max_suppkey": 4, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 25143.01575757576d, "t_avg_discount": 0.05303030303030303d, "t_avg_tax": 0.043030303030303044d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-10-12", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-07-05", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-06-25", "t_max_comment": "yly. slyly regular courts use silentl" }
+, { "t_partkey": 84, "t_count": 28, "t_avg_quantity": 5.585714285714285d, "t_max_suppkey": 5, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 27483.948571428573d, "t_avg_discount": 0.05464285714285715d, "t_avg_tax": 0.039999999999999994d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-10-03", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-08-25", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-09-16", "t_max_comment": "yly brave theod" }
+, { "t_partkey": 85, "t_count": 28, "t_avg_quantity": 4.121428571428572d, "t_max_suppkey": 6, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 20299.684285714284d, "t_avg_discount": 0.041785714285714294d, "t_avg_tax": 0.041785714285714294d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-07-23", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-04-24", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-03-10", "t_max_comment": "y. enticingly final depos" }
+, { "t_partkey": 86, "t_count": 36, "t_avg_quantity": 5.427777777777778d, "t_max_suppkey": 7, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 26761.115555555552d, "t_avg_discount": 0.049999999999999996d, "t_avg_tax": 0.04555555555555556d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-07-10", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-04-14", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-06-23", "t_max_comment": "unts. furiously express accounts w" }
+, { "t_partkey": 87, "t_count": 34, "t_avg_quantity": 4.658823529411765d, "t_max_suppkey": 8, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 22993.157647058822d, "t_avg_discount": 0.052352941176470595d, "t_avg_tax": 0.036470588235294116d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-09-18", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-10-18", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-10-15", "t_max_comment": "y final de" }
+, { "t_partkey": 88, "t_count": 29, "t_avg_quantity": 4.613793103448276d, "t_max_suppkey": 9, "t_max_linenumber": 6, "t_avg_extendedprice": 22793.983448275863d, "t_avg_discount": 0.04724137931034483d, "t_avg_tax": 0.039655172413793106d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-10-27", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-06-03", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-05-16", "t_max_comment": "y slyly ironic accounts. foxes haggle slyl" }
+, { "t_partkey": 89, "t_count": 28, "t_avg_quantity": 4.864285714285715d, "t_max_suppkey": 10, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 24055.838571428576d, "t_avg_discount": 0.04642857142857143d, "t_avg_tax": 0.05035714285714286d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-10-23", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-03-18", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-05-07", "t_max_comment": "y carefully final ideas. f" }
+, { "t_partkey": 90, "t_count": 48, "t_avg_quantity": 5.4d, "t_max_suppkey": 1, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 26732.430000000004d, "t_avg_discount": 0.044583333333333336d, "t_avg_tax": 0.04229166666666667d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-10-09", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-04-25", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-03-17", "t_max_comment": "y regular notornis k" }
+, { "t_partkey": 91, "t_count": 28, "t_avg_quantity": 4.1571428571428575d, "t_max_suppkey": 5, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 20600.513571428568d, "t_avg_discount": 0.055714285714285716d, "t_avg_tax": 0.04107142857142858d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-09-07", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-06-08", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-06-20", "t_max_comment": "ven deposits about the regular, ironi" }
+, { "t_partkey": 92, "t_count": 30, "t_avg_quantity": 5.466666666666667d, "t_max_suppkey": 6, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 27117.126666666667d, "t_avg_discount": 0.060666666666666674d, "t_avg_tax": 0.044000000000000004d, "t_max_shipdate": "1997-11-30", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-03-15", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-02-14", "t_max_comment": "warhorses wake never for the care" }
+, { "t_partkey": 93, "t_count": 31, "t_avg_quantity": 5.219354838709678d, "t_max_suppkey": 7, "t_max_linenumber": 6, "t_avg_extendedprice": 25916.445483870968d, "t_avg_discount": 0.05903225806451613d, "t_avg_tax": 0.04096774193548387d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-11-25", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-05-29", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-06-02", "t_max_comment": "ut the slyly bold pinto beans; fi" }
+, { "t_partkey": 94, "t_count": 32, "t_avg_quantity": 5.7d, "t_max_suppkey": 8, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 28331.565d, "t_avg_discount": 0.05d, "t_avg_tax": 0.040625d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-03-09", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-04-09", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-05-23", "t_max_comment": "y furious depen" }
+, { "t_partkey": 95, "t_count": 31, "t_avg_quantity": 4.7290322580645165d, "t_max_suppkey": 9, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 23529.063548387097d, "t_avg_discount": 0.050967741935483875d, "t_avg_tax": 0.038387096774193545d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-10-07", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-02-14", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-03-23", "t_max_comment": "y final excuses. ironic, special requests a" }
+, { "t_partkey": 96, "t_count": 38, "t_avg_quantity": 5.368421052631579d, "t_max_suppkey": 10, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 26737.15263157895d, "t_avg_discount": 0.04315789473684212d, "t_avg_tax": 0.04026315789473684d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-11-03", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-05-16", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-07-02", "t_max_comment": "y. slyly iron" }
+, { "t_partkey": 97, "t_count": 39, "t_avg_quantity": 4.774358974358974d, "t_max_suppkey": 10, "t_max_linenumber": 6, "t_avg_extendedprice": 23802.327948717946d, "t_avg_discount": 0.04717948717948718d, "t_avg_tax": 0.03794871794871795d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-05-15", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-03-16", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-02-19", "t_max_comment": "y slyly express theodolites. slyly bo" }
+, { "t_partkey": 98, "t_count": 29, "t_avg_quantity": 4.441379310344828d, "t_max_suppkey": 10, "t_max_linenumber": 6, "t_avg_extendedprice": 22164.481379310342d, "t_avg_discount": 0.0506896551724138d, "t_avg_tax": 0.03862068965517241d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-10-04", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-08-20", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-10-08", "t_max_comment": "ven requests should sleep along " }
+, { "t_partkey": 99, "t_count": 22, "t_avg_quantity": 4.609090909090909d, "t_max_suppkey": 10, "t_max_linenumber": 6, "t_avg_extendedprice": 23024.48318181818d, "t_avg_discount": 0.05318181818181818d, "t_avg_tax": 0.038181818181818185d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-02-16", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-03-03", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-05-24", "t_max_comment": "yly pending excu" }
+, { "t_partkey": 100, "t_count": 41, "t_avg_quantity": 5.51219512195122d, "t_max_suppkey": 4, "t_max_linenumber": 6, "t_avg_extendedprice": 27563.731707317078d, "t_avg_discount": 0.05048780487804879d, "t_avg_tax": 0.04048780487804878d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-06-24", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-03-06", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-04-13", "t_max_comment": "xpress accounts sleep slyly re" }
+, { "t_partkey": 101, "t_count": 28, "t_avg_quantity": 5.707142857142857d, "t_max_suppkey": 8, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 28567.103571428568d, "t_avg_discount": 0.054285714285714284d, "t_avg_tax": 0.04571428571428572d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-02-25", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-07-26", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-08-20", "t_max_comment": "uses are care" }
+, { "t_partkey": 102, "t_count": 38, "t_avg_quantity": 4.263157894736842d, "t_max_suppkey": 9, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 21360.552631578947d, "t_avg_discount": 0.05052631578947368d, "t_avg_tax": 0.04315789473684211d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-09-01", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-09-09", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-08-28", "t_max_comment": "y unusual packa" }
+, { "t_partkey": 103, "t_count": 25, "t_avg_quantity": 6.16d, "t_max_suppkey": 10, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 30895.48d, "t_avg_discount": 0.0408d, "t_avg_tax": 0.0432d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-11-16", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-05-16", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-04-20", "t_max_comment": "yly. unusu" }
+, { "t_partkey": 104, "t_count": 19, "t_avg_quantity": 5.178947368421053d, "t_max_suppkey": 9, "t_max_linenumber": 6, "t_avg_extendedprice": 26000.9052631579d, "t_avg_discount": 0.04263157894736842d, "t_avg_tax": 0.034210526315789476d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-04-17", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-03-29", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-04-13", "t_max_comment": "yly even gifts after the sl" }
+, { "t_partkey": 105, "t_count": 36, "t_avg_quantity": 5.194444444444445d, "t_max_suppkey": 10, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 26104.68055555556d, "t_avg_discount": 0.05055555555555556d, "t_avg_tax": 0.03888888888888889d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-08-25", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-03-19", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-02-25", "t_max_comment": "yly into the carefully even " }
+, { "t_partkey": 106, "t_count": 27, "t_avg_quantity": 4.451851851851852d, "t_max_suppkey": 9, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 22395.040740740744d, "t_avg_discount": 0.039259259259259265d, "t_avg_tax": 0.039259259259259265d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-07-25", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-05-18", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-07-21", "t_max_comment": "y ironic foxes caj" }
+, { "t_partkey": 107, "t_count": 27, "t_avg_quantity": 4.733333333333333d, "t_max_suppkey": 10, "t_max_linenumber": 6, "t_avg_extendedprice": 23834.7d, "t_avg_discount": 0.04518518518518518d, "t_avg_tax": 0.037037037037037035d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-09-29", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-06-25", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-06-11", "t_max_comment": "y ruthless dolphins to " }
+, { "t_partkey": 108, "t_count": 28, "t_avg_quantity": 4.692857142857143d, "t_max_suppkey": 9, "t_max_linenumber": 6, "t_avg_extendedprice": 23654.346428571425d, "t_avg_discount": 0.05750000000000001d, "t_avg_tax": 0.046071428571428576d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-09-07", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-06-14", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-08-03", "t_max_comment": "y pending platelets x-ray ironically! pend" }
+, { "t_partkey": 109, "t_count": 35, "t_avg_quantity": 5.331428571428572d, "t_max_suppkey": 10, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 26899.722857142857d, "t_avg_discount": 0.048571428571428564d, "t_avg_tax": 0.044571428571428574d, "t_max_shipdate": "1997-08-27", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-06-18", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-07-05", "t_max_comment": "ts wake furiously " }
+, { "t_partkey": 110, "t_count": 29, "t_avg_quantity": 4.86896551724138d, "t_max_suppkey": 7, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 24590.95379310345d, "t_avg_discount": 0.05344827586206897d, "t_avg_tax": 0.03517241379310345d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-05-03", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-10-29", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-09-27", "t_max_comment": "xcuses sleep quickly along th" }
+, { "t_partkey": 111, "t_count": 26, "t_avg_quantity": 6.130769230769231d, "t_max_suppkey": 8, "t_max_linenumber": 5, "t_avg_extendedprice": 30994.410384615392d, "t_avg_discount": 0.05038461538461539d, "t_avg_tax": 0.03576923076923077d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-06-18", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-05-11", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-07-29", "t_max_comment": "usy pinto beans b" }
+, { "t_partkey": 112, "t_count": 28, "t_avg_quantity": 5.457142857142857d, "t_max_suppkey": 9, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 27616.144285714287d, "t_avg_discount": 0.038571428571428576d, "t_avg_tax": 0.041785714285714294d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-10-18", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-10-23", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-09-29", "t_max_comment": "zle carefully sauternes. quickly" }
+, { "t_partkey": 113, "t_count": 28, "t_avg_quantity": 5.078571428571429d, "t_max_suppkey": 10, "t_max_linenumber": 6, "t_avg_extendedprice": 25725.7575d, "t_avg_discount": 0.04785714285714287d, "t_avg_tax": 0.048571428571428564d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-06-28", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-08-10", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-06-14", "t_max_comment": "yly silent deposit" }
+, { "t_partkey": 114, "t_count": 24, "t_avg_quantity": 5.041666666666667d, "t_max_suppkey": 8, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 25564.02291666667d, "t_avg_discount": 0.057916666666666665d, "t_avg_tax": 0.03958333333333334d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-09-27", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-10-25", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-12-04", "t_max_comment": "y unusual, ironic" }
+, { "t_partkey": 115, "t_count": 34, "t_avg_quantity": 4.594117647058823d, "t_max_suppkey": 9, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 23317.673823529414d, "t_avg_discount": 0.045588235294117645d, "t_avg_tax": 0.03588235294117647d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-04-27", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-04-19", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-03-30", "t_max_comment": "y. final pearls kindle. accounts " }
+, { "t_partkey": 116, "t_count": 25, "t_avg_quantity": 5.5200000000000005d, "t_max_suppkey": 10, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 28044.635999999995d, "t_avg_discount": 0.0512d, "t_avg_tax": 0.046d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-06-24", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-03-10", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-04-14", "t_max_comment": "yly even epitaphs for the " }
+, { "t_partkey": 117, "t_count": 35, "t_avg_quantity": 5.337142857142858d, "t_max_suppkey": 8, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 27142.306857142856d, "t_avg_discount": 0.05742857142857143d, "t_avg_tax": 0.044285714285714296d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-10-30", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-05-06", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-05-11", "t_max_comment": "y ironic accounts. furiously even packa" }
+, { "t_partkey": 118, "t_count": 38, "t_avg_quantity": 4.321052631578947d, "t_max_suppkey": 9, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 21996.53447368421d, "t_avg_discount": 0.05342105263157895d, "t_avg_tax": 0.035526315789473684d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-08-31", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-05-19", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-07-02", "t_max_comment": "y. furiously even pinto be" }
+, { "t_partkey": 119, "t_count": 30, "t_avg_quantity": 5.4d, "t_max_suppkey": 10, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 27515.970000000005d, "t_avg_discount": 0.058333333333333334d, "t_avg_tax": 0.043000000000000003d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-08-15", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-05-19", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-06-05", "t_max_comment": "y regular theodolites w" }
+, { "t_partkey": 120, "t_count": 36, "t_avg_quantity": 5.75d, "t_max_suppkey": 10, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 29328.449999999997d, "t_avg_discount": 0.05222222222222223d, "t_avg_tax": 0.045000000000000005d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-08-25", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-04-04", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-04-02", "t_max_comment": "yly regular p" }
+, { "t_partkey": 121, "t_count": 34, "t_avg_quantity": 4.576470588235295d, "t_max_suppkey": 10, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 23365.628235294116d, "t_avg_discount": 0.052352941176470595d, "t_avg_tax": 0.03470588235294118d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-08-22", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-05-22", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-05-03", "t_max_comment": "y quickly regular packages. car" }
+, { "t_partkey": 122, "t_count": 44, "t_avg_quantity": 4.677272727272728d, "t_max_suppkey": 7, "t_max_linenumber": 6, "t_avg_extendedprice": 23903.67d, "t_avg_discount": 0.05113636363636364d, "t_avg_tax": 0.03977272727272727d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-10-29", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-03-23", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-04-07", "t_max_comment": "y bold package" }
+, { "t_partkey": 123, "t_count": 30, "t_avg_quantity": 5.213333333333334d, "t_max_suppkey": 8, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 26669.327999999994d, "t_avg_discount": 0.04466666666666666d, "t_avg_tax": 0.04066666666666666d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-09-23", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-03-18", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-02-29", "t_max_comment": "y quickly regular theodolites. final t" }
+, { "t_partkey": 124, "t_count": 32, "t_avg_quantity": 4.9375d, "t_max_suppkey": 9, "t_max_linenumber": 6, "t_avg_extendedprice": 25282.962499999998d, "t_avg_discount": 0.0553125d, "t_avg_tax": 0.043125d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-11-15", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-07-21", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-06-18", "t_max_comment": "y express ideas impress" }
+, { "t_partkey": 125, "t_count": 20, "t_avg_quantity": 6.07d, "t_max_suppkey": 10, "t_max_linenumber": 6, "t_avg_extendedprice": 31112.392000000003d, "t_avg_discount": 0.035500000000000004d, "t_avg_tax": 0.034d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-05-05", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-04-24", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-04-12", "t_max_comment": "y final deposits wake furiously! slyl" }
+, { "t_partkey": 126, "t_count": 31, "t_avg_quantity": 4.812903225806452d, "t_max_suppkey": 9, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 24693.08129032258d, "t_avg_discount": 0.04387096774193548d, "t_avg_tax": 0.03483870967741936d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-01-30", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-07-09", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-08-21", "t_max_comment": "x furiously bold packages. expres" }
+, { "t_partkey": 127, "t_count": 25, "t_avg_quantity": 4.744d, "t_max_suppkey": 10, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 24363.2864d, "t_avg_discount": 0.055600000000000004d, "t_avg_tax": 0.034d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-05-25", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-06-30", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-06-10", "t_max_comment": "ts integrate. courts haggl" }
+, { "t_partkey": 128, "t_count": 27, "t_avg_quantity": 5.155555555555556d, "t_max_suppkey": 9, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 26502.648888888885d, "t_avg_discount": 0.047407407407407405d, "t_avg_tax": 0.042222222222222223d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-07-09", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-03-24", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-03-15", "t_max_comment": "usly bold requests sleep dogge" }
+, { "t_partkey": 129, "t_count": 35, "t_avg_quantity": 5.262857142857143d, "t_max_suppkey": 10, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 27080.557714285715d, "t_avg_discount": 0.05600000000000001d, "t_avg_tax": 0.03514285714285714d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-08-25", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-04-17", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-04-02", "t_max_comment": "ven theodolites nag quickly. fluffi" }
+, { "t_partkey": 130, "t_count": 28, "t_avg_quantity": 6.0d, "t_max_suppkey": 9, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 30903.9d, "t_avg_discount": 0.04464285714285714d, "t_avg_tax": 0.04357142857142858d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-07-19", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-05-30", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-04-05", "t_max_comment": "ven theodolites around the slyly" }
+, { "t_partkey": 131, "t_count": 33, "t_avg_quantity": 4.715151515151515d, "t_max_suppkey": 7, "t_max_linenumber": 6, "t_avg_extendedprice": 24309.67090909091d, "t_avg_discount": 0.04454545454545455d, "t_avg_tax": 0.03878787878787879d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-08-20", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-02-24", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-03-09", "t_max_comment": "usual pinto beans." }
+, { "t_partkey": 132, "t_count": 30, "t_avg_quantity": 4.0200000000000005d, "t_max_suppkey": 8, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 20745.813000000002d, "t_avg_discount": 0.04733333333333334d, "t_avg_tax": 0.03766666666666667d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-07-21", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-02-12", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-04-30", "t_max_comment": "yly ironic foxes. regular requests h" }
+, { "t_partkey": 133, "t_count": 28, "t_avg_quantity": 5.6000000000000005d, "t_max_suppkey": 9, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 28927.639999999996d, "t_avg_discount": 0.048571428571428564d, "t_avg_tax": 0.029285714285714283d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-05-12", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-07-07", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-07-08", "t_max_comment": "xcuses would boost against the fluffily eve" }
+, { "t_partkey": 134, "t_count": 32, "t_avg_quantity": 5.6312500000000005d, "t_max_suppkey": 10, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 29117.222812499997d, "t_avg_discount": 0.051875000000000004d, "t_avg_tax": 0.0346875d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-07-22", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-03-16", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-06-06", "t_max_comment": "usly busy account" }
+, { "t_partkey": 135, "t_count": 29, "t_avg_quantity": 4.793103448275862d, "t_max_suppkey": 6, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 24807.42586206897d, "t_avg_discount": 0.054827586206896546d, "t_avg_tax": 0.03482758620689656d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-08-03", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-04-10", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-05-14", "t_max_comment": "y; excuses use. ironic, close instru" }
+, { "t_partkey": 136, "t_count": 35, "t_avg_quantity": 5.16d, "t_max_suppkey": 7, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 26732.154000000002d, "t_avg_discount": 0.04542857142857143d, "t_avg_tax": 0.036d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-08-06", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-04-24", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-05-24", "t_max_comment": "y final pinto " }
+, { "t_partkey": 137, "t_count": 38, "t_avg_quantity": 5.736842105263158d, "t_max_suppkey": 8, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 29749.2552631579d, "t_avg_discount": 0.04026315789473685d, "t_avg_tax": 0.04421052631578948d, "t_max_shipdate": "1997-08-19", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-06-29", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-06-19", "t_max_comment": "uests cajole carefully." }
+, { "t_partkey": 138, "t_count": 42, "t_avg_quantity": 5.666666666666667d, "t_max_suppkey": 9, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 29413.68333333333d, "t_avg_discount": 0.05452380952380952d, "t_avg_tax": 0.03928571428571429d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-08-29", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-04-12", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-07-09", "t_max_comment": "yly idle deposits. final, final fox" }
+, { "t_partkey": 139, "t_count": 34, "t_avg_quantity": 5.364705882352942d, "t_max_suppkey": 10, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 27873.13411764706d, "t_avg_discount": 0.050588235294117656d, "t_avg_tax": 0.047058823529411764d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-03-01", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-04-15", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-04-28", "t_max_comment": "y express accounts above the exp" }
+, { "t_partkey": 140, "t_count": 35, "t_avg_quantity": 5.034285714285715d, "t_max_suppkey": 6, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 26181.809714285715d, "t_avg_discount": 0.054571428571428576d, "t_avg_tax": 0.04257142857142857d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-06-24", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-04-14", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-03-21", "t_max_comment": "y among the furiously special" }
+, { "t_partkey": 141, "t_count": 38, "t_avg_quantity": 5.5473684210526315d, "t_max_suppkey": 10, "t_max_linenumber": 6, "t_avg_extendedprice": 28877.935789473686d, "t_avg_discount": 0.037368421052631585d, "t_avg_tax": 0.052105263157894745d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-10-26", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-02-26", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-01-20", "t_max_comment": "yly silent ideas affix furiousl" }
+, { "t_partkey": 142, "t_count": 26, "t_avg_quantity": 6.138461538461539d, "t_max_suppkey": 9, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 31985.681538461537d, "t_avg_discount": 0.05d, "t_avg_tax": 0.047692307692307694d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-06-06", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-12-21", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-10-16", "t_max_comment": "usly bold instructions affix idly unusual, " }
+, { "t_partkey": 143, "t_count": 36, "t_avg_quantity": 4.95d, "t_max_suppkey": 10, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 25817.715000000004d, "t_avg_discount": 0.045000000000000005d, "t_avg_tax": 0.03972222222222222d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-07-16", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-04-26", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-05-17", "t_max_comment": "y pending foxes nag blithely " }
+, { "t_partkey": 144, "t_count": 32, "t_avg_quantity": 4.91875d, "t_max_suppkey": 7, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 25679.318125d, "t_avg_discount": 0.0465625d, "t_avg_tax": 0.0434375d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-09-22", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-07-19", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-07-30", "t_max_comment": "ve the fluffily " }
+, { "t_partkey": 145, "t_count": 24, "t_avg_quantity": 5.566666666666666d, "t_max_suppkey": 8, "t_max_linenumber": 6, "t_avg_extendedprice": 29089.73d, "t_avg_discount": 0.04541666666666667d, "t_avg_tax": 0.03666666666666666d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-07-23", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-03-16", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-01-27", "t_max_comment": "yly even platelets wake. " }
+, { "t_partkey": 146, "t_count": 27, "t_avg_quantity": 4.792592592592593d, "t_max_suppkey": 9, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 25068.614074074078d, "t_avg_discount": 0.05925925925925926d, "t_avg_tax": 0.04407407407407408d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-07-09", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-05-18", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-05-27", "t_max_comment": "ut the slyly specia" }
+, { "t_partkey": 147, "t_count": 31, "t_avg_quantity": 4.625806451612903d, "t_max_suppkey": 10, "t_max_linenumber": 6, "t_avg_extendedprice": 24219.334838709678d, "t_avg_discount": 0.05451612903225806d, "t_avg_tax": 0.04741935483870968d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-06-18", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-07-06", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-06-23", "t_max_comment": "yly special excuses. fluffily " }
+, { "t_partkey": 148, "t_count": 43, "t_avg_quantity": 5.158139534883722d, "t_max_suppkey": 9, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 27032.261860465118d, "t_avg_discount": 0.0516279069767442d, "t_avg_tax": 0.04093023255813954d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-07-21", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-03-16", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-01-27", "t_max_comment": "y special theodolites. carefully" }
+, { "t_partkey": 149, "t_count": 33, "t_avg_quantity": 4.363636363636363d, "t_max_suppkey": 10, "t_max_linenumber": 6, "t_avg_extendedprice": 22890.327272727274d, "t_avg_discount": 0.05d, "t_avg_tax": 0.03909090909090909d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-06-06", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-03-06", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-04-19", "t_max_comment": "y regular requests. furious" }
+, { "t_partkey": 150, "t_count": 29, "t_avg_quantity": 5.027586206896552d, "t_max_suppkey": 9, "t_max_linenumber": 6, "t_avg_extendedprice": 26398.598275862067d, "t_avg_discount": 0.05517241379310344d, "t_avg_tax": 0.04206896551724138d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-08-06", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-05-26", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-05-09", "t_max_comment": "thely around the bli" }
+, { "t_partkey": 151, "t_count": 24, "t_avg_quantity": 4.175d, "t_max_suppkey": 9, "t_max_linenumber": 6, "t_avg_extendedprice": 21942.756249999995d, "t_avg_discount": 0.045000000000000005d, "t_avg_tax": 0.03291666666666667d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-08-09", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-02-05", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-02-13", "t_max_comment": "y unusual foxes " }
+, { "t_partkey": 152, "t_count": 27, "t_avg_quantity": 4.970370370370371d, "t_max_suppkey": 10, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 26147.875925925924d, "t_avg_discount": 0.050370370370370364d, "t_avg_tax": 0.03888888888888889d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-04-20", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-05-10", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-07-04", "t_max_comment": "ully. carefully final accounts accordi" }
+, { "t_partkey": 153, "t_count": 35, "t_avg_quantity": 5.514285714285715d, "t_max_suppkey": 8, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 29036.85d, "t_avg_discount": 0.045714285714285714d, "t_avg_tax": 0.03885714285714286d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-08-17", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-02-18", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-03-02", "t_max_comment": "y above the bli" }
+, { "t_partkey": 154, "t_count": 30, "t_avg_quantity": 4.54d, "t_max_suppkey": 9, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 23929.205d, "t_avg_discount": 0.04933333333333333d, "t_avg_tax": 0.041666666666666664d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-09-29", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-03-06", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-03-01", "t_max_comment": "vely ironic accounts. furiously unusual acc" }
+, { "t_partkey": 155, "t_count": 23, "t_avg_quantity": 6.069565217391305d, "t_max_suppkey": 10, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 32021.508695652174d, "t_avg_discount": 0.0508695652173913d, "t_avg_tax": 0.037391304347826095d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-07-27", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-10-21", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-09-30", "t_max_comment": "y regular requests haggle." }
+, { "t_partkey": 156, "t_count": 39, "t_avg_quantity": 5.333333333333334d, "t_max_suppkey": 8, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 28164.0d, "t_avg_discount": 0.0458974358974359d, "t_avg_tax": 0.04410256410256411d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-08-09", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-02-18", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-05-03", "t_max_comment": "y regular instructions doze furiously. reg" }
+, { "t_partkey": 157, "t_count": 28, "t_avg_quantity": 5.414285714285715d, "t_max_suppkey": 9, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 28618.560714285715d, "t_avg_discount": 0.05714285714285714d, "t_avg_tax": 0.03964285714285714d, "t_max_shipdate": "1997-11-27", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-06-30", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-08-01", "t_max_comment": "y regular requests engage furiously final d" }
+, { "t_partkey": 158, "t_count": 25, "t_avg_quantity": 5.144d, "t_max_suppkey": 10, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 27215.618000000002d, "t_avg_discount": 0.044000000000000004d, "t_avg_tax": 0.036800000000000006d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-07-16", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-06-04", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-08-07", "t_max_comment": "uctions cajole" }
+, { "t_partkey": 159, "t_count": 32, "t_avg_quantity": 4.9625d, "t_max_suppkey": 10, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 26280.159375000003d, "t_avg_discount": 0.0578125d, "t_avg_tax": 0.043125000000000004d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-05-25", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-02-10", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-05-20", "t_max_comment": "y special ideas. express packages pr" }
+, { "t_partkey": 160, "t_count": 42, "t_avg_quantity": 4.338095238095238d, "t_max_suppkey": 8, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 22995.37523809524d, "t_avg_discount": 0.04690476190476191d, "t_avg_tax": 0.03785714285714287d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-08-14", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-04-07", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-05-13", "t_max_comment": "yly silent deposits" }
+, { "t_partkey": 161, "t_count": 33, "t_avg_quantity": 5.109090909090909d, "t_max_suppkey": 10, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 27107.814545454545d, "t_avg_discount": 0.04666666666666667d, "t_avg_tax": 0.04606060606060606d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-09-11", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-04-27", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-04-09", "t_max_comment": "y ironic pin" }
+, { "t_partkey": 162, "t_count": 42, "t_avg_quantity": 4.895238095238096d, "t_max_suppkey": 9, "t_max_linenumber": 6, "t_avg_extendedprice": 25997.630476190476d, "t_avg_discount": 0.05833333333333335d, "t_avg_tax": 0.03547619047619048d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-09-18", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-04-27", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-04-14", "t_max_comment": "y asymptotes. regular depen" }
+, { "t_partkey": 163, "t_count": 28, "t_avg_quantity": 5.550000000000001d, "t_max_suppkey": 10, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 29502.690000000002d, "t_avg_discount": 0.045d, "t_avg_tax": 0.032499999999999994d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-04-18", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-03-07", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-03-09", "t_max_comment": "y fluffily stealt" }
+, { "t_partkey": 164, "t_count": 26, "t_avg_quantity": 4.915384615384616d, "t_max_suppkey": 9, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 26153.778461538463d, "t_avg_discount": 0.04076923076923077d, "t_avg_tax": 0.04115384615384616d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-10-17", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-03-31", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-04-04", "t_max_comment": "ymptotes boost. furiously bold p" }
+, { "t_partkey": 165, "t_count": 36, "t_avg_quantity": 5.561111111111112d, "t_max_suppkey": 10, "t_max_linenumber": 5, "t_avg_extendedprice": 29617.365555555552d, "t_avg_discount": 0.05277777777777778d, "t_avg_tax": 0.03777777777777778d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-06-07", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-03-17", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-04-07", "t_max_comment": "y unusual deposits prom" }
+, { "t_partkey": 166, "t_count": 33, "t_avg_quantity": 4.830303030303031d, "t_max_suppkey": 7, "t_max_linenumber": 6, "t_avg_extendedprice": 25749.37939393939d, "t_avg_discount": 0.04666666666666667d, "t_avg_tax": 0.03878787878787879d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-08-11", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-06-07", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-08-16", "t_max_comment": "uses detect spec" }
+, { "t_partkey": 167, "t_count": 31, "t_avg_quantity": 4.851612903225806d, "t_max_suppkey": 8, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 25887.236129032255d, "t_avg_discount": 0.052258064516129035d, "t_avg_tax": 0.037096774193548385d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-05-02", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-05-30", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-06-08", "t_max_comment": "yly final packages according to the quickl" }
+, { "t_partkey": 168, "t_count": 36, "t_avg_quantity": 5.1722222222222225d, "t_max_suppkey": 9, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 27623.804444444442d, "t_avg_discount": 0.04944444444444445d, "t_avg_tax": 0.03666666666666667d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-06-26", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-05-20", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-05-07", "t_max_comment": "xpress requests haggle after the final, fi" }
+, { "t_partkey": 169, "t_count": 35, "t_avg_quantity": 5.822857142857143d, "t_max_suppkey": 10, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 31127.829714285715d, "t_avg_discount": 0.047999999999999994d, "t_avg_tax": 0.038857142857142854d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-07-30", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-04-18", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-04-18", "t_max_comment": "yly final theodolites. furi" }
+, { "t_partkey": 170, "t_count": 27, "t_avg_quantity": 4.874074074074074d, "t_max_suppkey": 9, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 26080.43925925926d, "t_avg_discount": 0.050740740740740746d, "t_avg_tax": 0.044814814814814814d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-10-30", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-06-24", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-08-13", "t_max_comment": "yly ironic " }
+, { "t_partkey": 171, "t_count": 18, "t_avg_quantity": 4.533333333333334d, "t_max_suppkey": 10, "t_max_linenumber": 6, "t_avg_extendedprice": 24279.853333333333d, "t_avg_discount": 0.04055555555555555d, "t_avg_tax": 0.036666666666666674d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-07-28", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-10-15", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-11-11", "t_max_comment": "uriously ironic accounts. ironic, ir" }
+, { "t_partkey": 172, "t_count": 18, "t_avg_quantity": 5.1000000000000005d, "t_max_suppkey": 10, "t_max_linenumber": 6, "t_avg_extendedprice": 27340.335d, "t_avg_discount": 0.05222222222222222d, "t_avg_tax": 0.03722222222222223d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-08-21", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-09-18", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-09-26", "t_max_comment": "wake carefully alongside of " }
+, { "t_partkey": 173, "t_count": 34, "t_avg_quantity": 5.247058823529412d, "t_max_suppkey": 4, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 28154.930588235293d, "t_avg_discount": 0.054411764705882354d, "t_avg_tax": 0.048529411764705876d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-09-17", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-06-20", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-06-21", "t_max_comment": "uses. fluffily fina" }
+, { "t_partkey": 174, "t_count": 31, "t_avg_quantity": 5.3419354838709685d, "t_max_suppkey": 5, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 28690.734193548382d, "t_avg_discount": 0.05354838709677419d, "t_avg_tax": 0.046129032258064515d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-05-31", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-09-05", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-07-14", "t_max_comment": "y unusual packages thrash pinto " }
+, { "t_partkey": 175, "t_count": 31, "t_avg_quantity": 5.658064516129032d, "t_max_suppkey": 6, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 30416.906129032257d, "t_avg_discount": 0.04548387096774193d, "t_avg_tax": 0.03387096774193549d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-09-06", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-09-30", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-10-22", "t_max_comment": "yly special " }
+, { "t_partkey": 176, "t_count": 28, "t_avg_quantity": 6.078571428571429d, "t_max_suppkey": 7, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 32707.88107142857d, "t_avg_discount": 0.06d, "t_avg_tax": 0.03642857142857143d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-11-11", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-02-28", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-02-21", "t_max_comment": "y unusual foxes cajole ab" }
+, { "t_partkey": 177, "t_count": 29, "t_avg_quantity": 4.675862068965517d, "t_max_suppkey": 8, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 25183.491724137926d, "t_avg_discount": 0.045517241379310354d, "t_avg_tax": 0.04482758620689655d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-08-24", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-04-05", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-05-04", "t_max_comment": "y ironic instructions cajole" }
+, { "t_partkey": 178, "t_count": 41, "t_avg_quantity": 5.414634146341464d, "t_max_suppkey": 9, "t_max_linenumber": 6, "t_avg_extendedprice": 29189.480487804878d, "t_avg_discount": 0.04878048780487805d, "t_avg_tax": 0.038780487804878055d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-11-11", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-06-01", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-06-18", "t_max_comment": "yly ironic decoys; regular, iron" }
+, { "t_partkey": 179, "t_count": 19, "t_avg_quantity": 6.010526315789474d, "t_max_suppkey": 10, "t_max_linenumber": 6, "t_avg_extendedprice": 32431.898421052636d, "t_avg_discount": 0.04263157894736842d, "t_avg_tax": 0.02368421052631579d, "t_max_shipdate": "1997-06-03", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-04-18", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-06-10", "t_max_comment": "y regular pain" }
+, { "t_partkey": 180, "t_count": 29, "t_avg_quantity": 4.096551724137931d, "t_max_suppkey": 10, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 22125.06620689655d, "t_avg_discount": 0.04758620689655172d, "t_avg_tax": 0.036551724137931035d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-10-28", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-04-02", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-03-18", "t_max_comment": "y final foxes by the sl" }
+, { "t_partkey": 181, "t_count": 26, "t_avg_quantity": 4.307692307692308d, "t_max_suppkey": 2, "t_max_linenumber": 6, "t_avg_extendedprice": 23286.953846153843d, "t_avg_discount": 0.05615384615384615d, "t_avg_tax": 0.05153846153846154d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-10-23", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-07-25", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-07-02", "t_max_comment": "ts across the even requests doze furiously" }
+, { "t_partkey": 182, "t_count": 23, "t_avg_quantity": 4.234782608695652d, "t_max_suppkey": 3, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 22913.985217391306d, "t_avg_discount": 0.03782608695652174d, "t_avg_tax": 0.036521739130434785d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-11-04", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-04-21", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-03-13", "t_max_comment": "yly. express ideas agai" }
+, { "t_partkey": 183, "t_count": 31, "t_avg_quantity": 4.851612903225806d, "t_max_suppkey": 4, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 26275.85032258064d, "t_avg_discount": 0.043225806451612905d, "t_avg_tax": 0.04064516129032259d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-05-26", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-03-21", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-05-02", "t_max_comment": "y. even excuses" }
+, { "t_partkey": 184, "t_count": 42, "t_avg_quantity": 5.380952380952381d, "t_max_suppkey": 5, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 29169.604761904764d, "t_avg_discount": 0.048809523809523817d, "t_avg_tax": 0.035d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-07-14", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-04-23", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-04-14", "t_max_comment": "y regular pinto beans. evenly regular packa" }
+, { "t_partkey": 185, "t_count": 21, "t_avg_quantity": 4.542857142857144d, "t_max_suppkey": 6, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 24649.088571428572d, "t_avg_discount": 0.04619047619047619d, "t_avg_tax": 0.042857142857142864d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-06-16", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-02-11", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-05-30", "t_max_comment": "unusual theodol" }
+, { "t_partkey": 186, "t_count": 30, "t_avg_quantity": 4.206666666666667d, "t_max_suppkey": 7, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 22845.986d, "t_avg_discount": 0.04766666666666667d, "t_avg_tax": 0.044666666666666674d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-03-06", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-07-07", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-08-04", "t_max_comment": "ymptotes could u" }
+, { "t_partkey": 187, "t_count": 29, "t_avg_quantity": 5.627586206896552d, "t_max_suppkey": 8, "t_max_linenumber": 6, "t_avg_extendedprice": 30590.99586206896d, "t_avg_discount": 0.048965517241379306d, "t_avg_tax": 0.04103448275862069d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-11-11", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-05-01", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-04-13", "t_max_comment": "y even forges. fluffily furious accounts" }
+, { "t_partkey": 188, "t_count": 31, "t_avg_quantity": 4.2129032258064525d, "t_max_suppkey": 9, "t_max_linenumber": 6, "t_avg_extendedprice": 22921.98516129032d, "t_avg_discount": 0.06483870967741935d, "t_avg_tax": 0.03483870967741936d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-06-19", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-08-05", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-10-05", "t_max_comment": "y regular asymptotes doz" }
+, { "t_partkey": 189, "t_count": 33, "t_avg_quantity": 4.533333333333334d, "t_max_suppkey": 10, "t_max_linenumber": 6, "t_avg_extendedprice": 24688.079999999998d, "t_avg_discount": 0.053333333333333344d, "t_avg_tax": 0.03757575757575757d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-07-26", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-06-08", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-07-03", "t_max_comment": "y sly theodolites. ironi" }
+, { "t_partkey": 190, "t_count": 39, "t_avg_quantity": 4.912820512820513d, "t_max_suppkey": 1, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 26779.538974358973d, "t_avg_discount": 0.04743589743589744d, "t_avg_tax": 0.03538461538461539d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-09-24", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-05-02", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-05-11", "t_max_comment": "y final foxes sleep blithely sl" }
+, { "t_partkey": 191, "t_count": 40, "t_avg_quantity": 5.5200000000000005d, "t_max_suppkey": 5, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 30116.844d, "t_avg_discount": 0.0475d, "t_avg_tax": 0.04025d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-10-08", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-06-09", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-08-09", "t_max_comment": "ys engage. th" }
+, { "t_partkey": 192, "t_count": 29, "t_avg_quantity": 4.655172413793103d, "t_max_suppkey": 6, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 25421.66379310345d, "t_avg_discount": 0.04724137931034483d, "t_avg_tax": 0.04586206896551724d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-05-26", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-04-06", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-03-02", "t_max_comment": "y. fluffily bold accounts grow. furio" }
+, { "t_partkey": 193, "t_count": 27, "t_avg_quantity": 4.4222222222222225d, "t_max_suppkey": 7, "t_max_linenumber": 6, "t_avg_extendedprice": 24171.64555555556d, "t_avg_discount": 0.044814814814814814d, "t_avg_tax": 0.02851851851851852d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-08-19", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-05-05", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-06-03", "t_max_comment": "y players sleep along the final, pending " }
+, { "t_partkey": 194, "t_count": 28, "t_avg_quantity": 4.457142857142857d, "t_max_suppkey": 8, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 24384.80571428571d, "t_avg_discount": 0.04071428571428572d, "t_avg_tax": 0.031785714285714285d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-07-06", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-03-18", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-02-23", "t_max_comment": "y silent requests. regular, even accounts" }
+, { "t_partkey": 195, "t_count": 30, "t_avg_quantity": 5.053333333333334d, "t_max_suppkey": 9, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 27671.800666666666d, "t_avg_discount": 0.04833333333333333d, "t_avg_tax": 0.045000000000000005d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-01-21", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-02-12", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-05-05", "t_max_comment": "yly pending packages snooz" }
+, { "t_partkey": 196, "t_count": 36, "t_avg_quantity": 5.011111111111112d, "t_max_suppkey": 10, "t_max_linenumber": 6, "t_avg_extendedprice": 27465.649444444443d, "t_avg_discount": 0.04972222222222223d, "t_avg_tax": 0.03944444444444444d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-10-17", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-03-14", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-03-27", "t_max_comment": "y quickly " }
+, { "t_partkey": 197, "t_count": 32, "t_avg_quantity": 5.2125d, "t_max_suppkey": 10, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 28595.514375d, "t_avg_discount": 0.0553125d, "t_avg_tax": 0.0378125d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-05-19", "t_min_commitdate": "1993-09-09", "t_min_receiptdate": "1993-08-23", "t_max_comment": "warhorses slee" }
+, { "t_partkey": 198, "t_count": 31, "t_avg_quantity": 4.587096774193548d, "t_max_suppkey": 10, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 25187.519032258064d, "t_avg_discount": 0.03967741935483871d, "t_avg_tax": 0.035806451612903224d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-10-06", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-02-23", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-05-15", "t_max_comment": "y even accounts. quickly bold decoys" }
+, { "t_partkey": 199, "t_count": 32, "t_avg_quantity": 5.5062500000000005d, "t_max_suppkey": 10, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 30262.0746875d, "t_avg_discount": 0.052812500000000005d, "t_avg_tax": 0.043750000000000004d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-08-14", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-05-13", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-03-28", "t_max_comment": "y carefully ironi" }
+, { "t_partkey": 200, "t_count": 24, "t_avg_quantity": 5.458333333333334d, "t_max_suppkey": 4, "t_max_linenumber": 7, "t_avg_extendedprice": 30026.291666666668d, "t_avg_discount": 0.049166666666666664d, "t_avg_tax": 0.03375d, "t_max_shipdate": "1998-09-04", "t_min_commitdate": "1992-05-28", "t_min_receiptdate": "1992-05-12", "t_max_comment": "y silent foxes! carefully ruthless cour" }
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/tpch/q21_suppliers_who_kept_orders_waiting/q21_suppliers_who_kept_orders_waiting.1.adm b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/tpch/q21_suppliers_who_kept_orders_waiting/q21_suppliers_who_kept_orders_waiting.1.adm
index 4a070c6..d4fd239 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/tpch/q21_suppliers_who_kept_orders_waiting/q21_suppliers_who_kept_orders_waiting.1.adm
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/tpch/q21_suppliers_who_kept_orders_waiting/q21_suppliers_who_kept_orders_waiting.1.adm
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
-[ { "s_name": "Supplier#000000007", "numwait": 431i64 }
-, { "s_name": "Supplier#000000005", "numwait": 417i64 }
-, { "s_name": "Supplier#000000001", "numwait": 403i64 }
-, { "s_name": "Supplier#000000009", "numwait": 373i64 }
-, { "s_name": "Supplier#000000004", "numwait": 367i64 }
-, { "s_name": "Supplier#000000002", "numwait": 364i64 }
-, { "s_name": "Supplier#000000010", "numwait": 358i64 }
-, { "s_name": "Supplier#000000003", "numwait": 349i64 }
-, { "s_name": "Supplier#000000008", "numwait": 347i64 }
-, { "s_name": "Supplier#000000006", "numwait": 343i64 }
+[ { "s_name": "Supplier#000000007", "numwait": 431 }
+, { "s_name": "Supplier#000000005", "numwait": 417 }
+, { "s_name": "Supplier#000000001", "numwait": 403 }
+, { "s_name": "Supplier#000000009", "numwait": 373 }
+, { "s_name": "Supplier#000000004", "numwait": 367 }
+, { "s_name": "Supplier#000000002", "numwait": 364 }
+, { "s_name": "Supplier#000000010", "numwait": 358 }
+, { "s_name": "Supplier#000000003", "numwait": 349 }
+, { "s_name": "Supplier#000000008", "numwait": 347 }
+, { "s_name": "Supplier#000000006", "numwait": 343 }
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/tpch/q22_global_sales_opportunity/q22_global_sales_opportunity.1.adm b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/tpch/q22_global_sales_opportunity/q22_global_sales_opportunity.1.adm
index dce0fd7..203e0fe 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/tpch/q22_global_sales_opportunity/q22_global_sales_opportunity.1.adm
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/tpch/q22_global_sales_opportunity/q22_global_sales_opportunity.1.adm
@@ -1,24 +1,24 @@
-[ { "cntrycode": "10", "numcust": 3i64, "totacctbal": 20747.13d }
-, { "cntrycode": "11", "numcust": 5i64, "totacctbal": 35208.88d }
-, { "cntrycode": "12", "numcust": 2i64, "totacctbal": 13735.27d }
-, { "cntrycode": "13", "numcust": 2i64, "totacctbal": 13545.3d }
-, { "cntrycode": "14", "numcust": 1i64, "totacctbal": 9963.15d }
-, { "cntrycode": "15", "numcust": 2i64, "totacctbal": 14624.84d }
-, { "cntrycode": "16", "numcust": 2i64, "totacctbal": 11239.02d }
-, { "cntrycode": "17", "numcust": 1i64, "totacctbal": 9127.27d }
-, { "cntrycode": "18", "numcust": 3i64, "totacctbal": 22156.91d }
-, { "cntrycode": "19", "numcust": 6i64, "totacctbal": 43758.41d }
-, { "cntrycode": "20", "numcust": 3i64, "totacctbal": 23085.67d }
-, { "cntrycode": "21", "numcust": 3i64, "totacctbal": 19400.52d }
-, { "cntrycode": "22", "numcust": 3i64, "totacctbal": 20332.18d }
-, { "cntrycode": "23", "numcust": 3i64, "totacctbal": 25483.06d }
-, { "cntrycode": "25", "numcust": 3i64, "totacctbal": 19038.36d }
-, { "cntrycode": "26", "numcust": 5i64, "totacctbal": 38943.9d }
-, { "cntrycode": "27", "numcust": 2i64, "totacctbal": 13248.06d }
-, { "cntrycode": "28", "numcust": 5i64, "totacctbal": 42700.5d }
-, { "cntrycode": "29", "numcust": 4i64, "totacctbal": 36059.01d }
-, { "cntrycode": "30", "numcust": 2i64, "totacctbal": 17528.46d }
-, { "cntrycode": "31", "numcust": 3i64, "totacctbal": 23599.109999999997d }
-, { "cntrycode": "32", "numcust": 4i64, "totacctbal": 25754.22d }
-, { "cntrycode": "33", "numcust": 3i64, "totacctbal": 20359.59d }
+[ { "cntrycode": "10", "numcust": 3, "totacctbal": 20747.13d }
+, { "cntrycode": "11", "numcust": 5, "totacctbal": 35208.88d }
+, { "cntrycode": "12", "numcust": 2, "totacctbal": 13735.27d }
+, { "cntrycode": "13", "numcust": 2, "totacctbal": 13545.3d }
+, { "cntrycode": "14", "numcust": 1, "totacctbal": 9963.15d }
+, { "cntrycode": "15", "numcust": 2, "totacctbal": 14624.84d }
+, { "cntrycode": "16", "numcust": 2, "totacctbal": 11239.02d }
+, { "cntrycode": "17", "numcust": 1, "totacctbal": 9127.27d }
+, { "cntrycode": "18", "numcust": 3, "totacctbal": 22156.91d }
+, { "cntrycode": "19", "numcust": 6, "totacctbal": 43758.41d }
+, { "cntrycode": "20", "numcust": 3, "totacctbal": 23085.67d }
+, { "cntrycode": "21", "numcust": 3, "totacctbal": 19400.52d }
+, { "cntrycode": "22", "numcust": 3, "totacctbal": 20332.18d }
+, { "cntrycode": "23", "numcust": 3, "totacctbal": 25483.06d }
+, { "cntrycode": "25", "numcust": 3, "totacctbal": 19038.36d }
+, { "cntrycode": "26", "numcust": 5, "totacctbal": 38943.9d }
+, { "cntrycode": "27", "numcust": 2, "totacctbal": 13248.06d }
+, { "cntrycode": "28", "numcust": 5, "totacctbal": 42700.5d }
+, { "cntrycode": "29", "numcust": 4, "totacctbal": 36059.01d }
+, { "cntrycode": "30", "numcust": 2, "totacctbal": 17528.46d }
+, { "cntrycode": "31", "numcust": 3, "totacctbal": 23599.109999999997d }
+, { "cntrycode": "32", "numcust": 4, "totacctbal": 25754.22d }
+, { "cntrycode": "33", "numcust": 3, "totacctbal": 20359.59d }
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/tpch/query-issue562/query-issue562.1.adm b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/tpch/query-issue562/query-issue562.1.adm
index bd0bb4b..0f6c775 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/tpch/query-issue562/query-issue562.1.adm
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/tpch/query-issue562/query-issue562.1.adm
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
-[ { "cntrycode": "13", "numcust": 1i64, "totacctbal": 5679.84d }
-, { "cntrycode": "17", "numcust": 2i64, "totacctbal": 11309.79d }
-, { "cntrycode": "18", "numcust": 3i64, "totacctbal": 16076.24d }
-, { "cntrycode": "23", "numcust": 2i64, "totacctbal": 12652.16d }
-, { "cntrycode": "29", "numcust": 2i64, "totacctbal": 17195.08d }
-, { "cntrycode": "30", "numcust": 2i64, "totacctbal": 9662.279999999999d }
-, { "cntrycode": "31", "numcust": 3i64, "totacctbal": 18470.33d }
+[ { "cntrycode": "13", "numcust": 1, "totacctbal": 5679.84d }
+, { "cntrycode": "17", "numcust": 2, "totacctbal": 11309.79d }
+, { "cntrycode": "18", "numcust": 3, "totacctbal": 16076.24d }
+, { "cntrycode": "23", "numcust": 2, "totacctbal": 12652.16d }
+, { "cntrycode": "29", "numcust": 2, "totacctbal": 17195.08d }
+, { "cntrycode": "30", "numcust": 2, "totacctbal": 9662.279999999999d }
+, { "cntrycode": "31", "numcust": 3, "totacctbal": 18470.33d }
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/tpch/query-issue601/query-issue601.1.adm b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/tpch/query-issue601/query-issue601.1.adm
index 5dd52b1..0ab4cb8 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/tpch/query-issue601/query-issue601.1.adm
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/tpch/query-issue601/query-issue601.1.adm
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
-[ { "l_linenumber": 1, "count_order": 1500i64 }
-, { "l_linenumber": 2, "count_order": 1291i64 }
-, { "l_linenumber": 3, "count_order": 1077i64 }
-, { "l_linenumber": 6, "count_order": 432i64 }
-, { "l_linenumber": 7, "count_order": 211i64 }
-, { "l_linenumber": 4, "count_order": 862i64 }
-, { "l_linenumber": 5, "count_order": 632i64 }
+[ { "l_linenumber": 6, "count_order": 432 }
+, { "l_linenumber": 1, "count_order": 1500 }
+, { "l_linenumber": 2, "count_order": 1291 }
+, { "l_linenumber": 4, "count_order": 862 }
+, { "l_linenumber": 3, "count_order": 1077 }
+, { "l_linenumber": 5, "count_order": 632 }
+, { "l_linenumber": 7, "count_order": 211 }
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/tpch/query-issue785-2/query-issue785-2.1.adm b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/tpch/query-issue785-2/query-issue785-2.1.adm
index 4837987..95892b6 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/tpch/query-issue785-2/query-issue785-2.1.adm
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/tpch/query-issue785-2/query-issue785-2.1.adm
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
-[ { "nation_key": 1, "sum_price": [ { "orderdate": "1993-05-26", "sum_price": 221036.31d }, { "orderdate": "1992-03-20", "sum_price": 216230.27000000002d }, { "orderdate": "1993-12-24", "sum_price": 211925.95d } ] }
-, { "nation_key": 2, "sum_price": [ { "orderdate": "1996-03-01", "sum_price": 218697.85d }, { "orderdate": "1996-08-13", "sum_price": 217709.03d }, { "orderdate": "1992-08-21", "sum_price": 207364.8d } ] }
-, { "nation_key": 19, "sum_price": [ { "orderdate": "1993-12-29", "sum_price": 328959.87d }, { "orderdate": "1997-08-04", "sum_price": 244636.7d }, { "orderdate": "1996-11-20", "sum_price": 222274.54d } ] }
-, { "nation_key": 21, "sum_price": [ { "orderdate": "1994-02-27", "sum_price": 198360.22d }, { "orderdate": "1992-07-07", "sum_price": 180692.9d }, { "orderdate": "1996-06-28", "sum_price": 139915.23d } ] }
-, { "nation_key": 3, "sum_price": [ { "orderdate": "1997-04-23", "sum_price": 351762.82999999996d }, { "orderdate": "1995-11-13", "sum_price": 242588.87d }, { "orderdate": "1993-07-15", "sum_price": 214494.39d } ] }
+[ { "nation_key": 21, "sum_price": [ { "orderdate": "1994-02-27", "sum_price": 198360.22d }, { "orderdate": "1992-07-07", "sum_price": 180692.9d }, { "orderdate": "1996-06-28", "sum_price": 139915.23d } ] }
, { "nation_key": 23, "sum_price": [ { "orderdate": "1993-06-08", "sum_price": 161307.05d }, { "orderdate": "1995-12-07", "sum_price": 153048.74d }, { "orderdate": "1994-08-22", "sum_price": 147071.86d } ] }
+, { "nation_key": 1, "sum_price": [ { "orderdate": "1993-05-26", "sum_price": 221036.31d }, { "orderdate": "1992-03-20", "sum_price": 216230.27000000002d }, { "orderdate": "1993-12-24", "sum_price": 211925.95d } ] }
+, { "nation_key": 2, "sum_price": [ { "orderdate": "1996-03-01", "sum_price": 218697.85d }, { "orderdate": "1996-08-13", "sum_price": 217709.03d }, { "orderdate": "1992-08-21", "sum_price": 207364.8d } ] }
, { "nation_key": 4, "sum_price": [ { "orderdate": "1993-09-20", "sum_price": 226806.66d }, { "orderdate": "1992-03-04", "sum_price": 219709.6d }, { "orderdate": "1996-01-06", "sum_price": 190490.78d } ] }
+, { "nation_key": 19, "sum_price": [ { "orderdate": "1993-12-29", "sum_price": 328959.87d }, { "orderdate": "1997-08-04", "sum_price": 244636.7d }, { "orderdate": "1996-11-20", "sum_price": 222274.54d } ] }
+, { "nation_key": 20, "sum_price": [ { "orderdate": "1993-01-31", "sum_price": 190960.69d }, { "orderdate": "1998-07-17", "sum_price": 187156.38d }, { "orderdate": "1993-03-25", "sum_price": 167017.39d } ] }
, { "nation_key": 22, "sum_price": [ { "orderdate": "1998-02-27", "sum_price": 263411.29d }, { "orderdate": "1993-04-11", "sum_price": 221636.83d }, { "orderdate": "1993-05-07", "sum_price": 220715.14d } ] }
, { "nation_key": 0, "sum_price": [ { "orderdate": "1997-01-13", "sum_price": 241837.88d }, { "orderdate": "1997-01-21", "sum_price": 240284.95d }, { "orderdate": "1997-08-24", "sum_price": 231831.35d } ] }
-, { "nation_key": 20, "sum_price": [ { "orderdate": "1993-01-31", "sum_price": 190960.69d }, { "orderdate": "1998-07-17", "sum_price": 187156.38d }, { "orderdate": "1993-03-25", "sum_price": 167017.39d } ] }
+, { "nation_key": 3, "sum_price": [ { "orderdate": "1997-04-23", "sum_price": 351762.82999999996d }, { "orderdate": "1995-11-13", "sum_price": 242588.87d }, { "orderdate": "1993-07-15", "sum_price": 214494.39d } ] }
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/tpch/query-issue785/query-issue785.1.adm b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/tpch/query-issue785/query-issue785.1.adm
index 5808972..953cd01 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/tpch/query-issue785/query-issue785.1.adm
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/tpch/query-issue785/query-issue785.1.adm
@@ -1,25 +1,25 @@
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+[ { "nation_key": 6, "sum_price": [ { "orderdate": "1992-05-28", "sum_price": 335178.33d }, { "orderdate": "1997-05-26", "sum_price": 216826.73d }, { "orderdate": "1996-04-30", "sum_price": 180054.29d } ] }
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+[ { "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "count_cheaps": 680, "avg_expensive_discounts": 0.025714285714285662d, "sum_disc_prices": 3.5676192097E7d, "total_charges": 3.7101416222424E7d }
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+, { "emp.id": 5, "emp.supvrid": 1.0d }
+ ]
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ecc0067
--- /dev/null
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/types/promotion_opentype_field_vs_constant_04/promotion_opentype_field_vs_constant_04.1.adm
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+[ { "emp.id": 2, "emp.supvrid": 1 }
+, { "emp.id": 3, "emp.supvrid": 1 }
+, { "emp.id": 5, "emp.supvrid": 1.0d }
+ ]
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/types/promotion_opentype_field_vs_constant_05/promotion_opentype_field_vs_constant_05.1.adm b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/types/promotion_opentype_field_vs_constant_05/promotion_opentype_field_vs_constant_05.1.adm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ecc0067
--- /dev/null
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/types/promotion_opentype_field_vs_constant_05/promotion_opentype_field_vs_constant_05.1.adm
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+[ { "emp.id": 2, "emp.supvrid": 1 }
+, { "emp.id": 3, "emp.supvrid": 1 }
+, { "emp.id": 5, "emp.supvrid": 1.0d }
+ ]
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/types/promotion_opentype_field_vs_constant_06/promotion_opentype_field_vs_constant_06.1.adm b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/types/promotion_opentype_field_vs_constant_06/promotion_opentype_field_vs_constant_06.1.adm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ecc0067
--- /dev/null
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/types/promotion_opentype_field_vs_constant_06/promotion_opentype_field_vs_constant_06.1.adm
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+[ { "emp.id": 2, "emp.supvrid": 1 }
+, { "emp.id": 3, "emp.supvrid": 1 }
+, { "emp.id": 5, "emp.supvrid": 1.0d }
+ ]
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/types/promotion_opentype_field_vs_constant_07/promotion_opentype_field_vs_constant_07.1.adm b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/types/promotion_opentype_field_vs_constant_07/promotion_opentype_field_vs_constant_07.1.adm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b52ba84
--- /dev/null
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/types/promotion_opentype_field_vs_constant_07/promotion_opentype_field_vs_constant_07.1.adm
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+[ { "emp.id": 4, "emp.supvrid": "1" }
+ ]
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/types/promotion_opentype_field_vs_constant_08/promotion_opentype_field_vs_constant_08.1.adm b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/types/promotion_opentype_field_vs_constant_08/promotion_opentype_field_vs_constant_08.1.adm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..73049a0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/types/promotion_opentype_field_vs_constant_08/promotion_opentype_field_vs_constant_08.1.adm
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+[ { "emp.id": 51, "emp.supvrid": point("80.1,-1000000.0") }
+ ]
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/types/promotion_opentype_field_vs_opentype_field_01/promotion_opentype_field_vs_opentype_field_01.1.adm b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/types/promotion_opentype_field_vs_opentype_field_01/promotion_opentype_field_vs_opentype_field_01.1.adm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..46e5188
--- /dev/null
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/types/promotion_opentype_field_vs_opentype_field_01/promotion_opentype_field_vs_opentype_field_01.1.adm
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+[ { "emp.id": 2, "emp.suprvrid": 1, "dept.dmgrid2": 1 }
+, { "emp.id": 3, "emp.suprvrid": 1, "dept.dmgrid2": 1 }
+, { "emp.id": 5, "emp.suprvrid": 1.0d, "dept.dmgrid2": 1 }
+, { "emp.id": 7, "emp.suprvrid": 2, "dept.dmgrid2": 2 }
+, { "emp.id": 8, "emp.suprvrid": 2, "dept.dmgrid2": 2 }
+, { "emp.id": 10, "emp.suprvrid": 2.0d, "dept.dmgrid2": 2 }
+, { "emp.id": 12, "emp.suprvrid": 3, "dept.dmgrid2": 3 }
+, { "emp.id": 13, "emp.suprvrid": 3, "dept.dmgrid2": 3 }
+, { "emp.id": 15, "emp.suprvrid": 3.0d, "dept.dmgrid2": 3 }
+, { "emp.id": 17, "emp.suprvrid": 4, "dept.dmgrid2": 4 }
+, { "emp.id": 18, "emp.suprvrid": 4, "dept.dmgrid2": 4 }
+, { "emp.id": 20, "emp.suprvrid": 4.0d, "dept.dmgrid2": 4 }
+, { "emp.id": 22, "emp.suprvrid": 5, "dept.dmgrid2": 5 }
+, { "emp.id": 23, "emp.suprvrid": 5, "dept.dmgrid2": 5 }
+, { "emp.id": 25, "emp.suprvrid": 5.0d, "dept.dmgrid2": 5 }
+, { "emp.id": 27, "emp.suprvrid": 6, "dept.dmgrid2": 6 }
+, { "emp.id": 28, "emp.suprvrid": 6, "dept.dmgrid2": 6 }
+, { "emp.id": 30, "emp.suprvrid": 6.0d, "dept.dmgrid2": 6 }
+, { "emp.id": 32, "emp.suprvrid": 7, "dept.dmgrid2": 7 }
+, { "emp.id": 33, "emp.suprvrid": 7, "dept.dmgrid2": 7 }
+, { "emp.id": 35, "emp.suprvrid": 7.0d, "dept.dmgrid2": 7 }
+, { "emp.id": 37, "emp.suprvrid": 8, "dept.dmgrid2": 8 }
+, { "emp.id": 38, "emp.suprvrid": 8, "dept.dmgrid2": 8 }
+, { "emp.id": 40, "emp.suprvrid": 8.0d, "dept.dmgrid2": 8 }
+, { "emp.id": 42, "emp.suprvrid": 9, "dept.dmgrid2": 9 }
+, { "emp.id": 43, "emp.suprvrid": 9, "dept.dmgrid2": 9 }
+, { "emp.id": 45, "emp.suprvrid": 9.0d, "dept.dmgrid2": 9 }
+, { "emp.id": 47, "emp.suprvrid": 10, "dept.dmgrid2": 10 }
+, { "emp.id": 48, "emp.suprvrid": 10, "dept.dmgrid2": 10 }
+, { "emp.id": 50, "emp.suprvrid": 10.0d, "dept.dmgrid2": 10 }
+, { "emp.id": 53, "emp.suprvrid": circle("10.1234,1.11 0.102"), "dept.dmgrid2": circle("10.1234,1.11 0.102") }
+ ]
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/types/promotion_opentype_field_vs_opentype_field_02/promotion_opentype_field_vs_opentype_field_02.1.adm b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/types/promotion_opentype_field_vs_opentype_field_02/promotion_opentype_field_vs_opentype_field_02.1.adm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..46e5188
--- /dev/null
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/types/promotion_opentype_field_vs_opentype_field_02/promotion_opentype_field_vs_opentype_field_02.1.adm
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+[ { "emp.id": 2, "emp.suprvrid": 1, "dept.dmgrid2": 1 }
+, { "emp.id": 3, "emp.suprvrid": 1, "dept.dmgrid2": 1 }
+, { "emp.id": 5, "emp.suprvrid": 1.0d, "dept.dmgrid2": 1 }
+, { "emp.id": 7, "emp.suprvrid": 2, "dept.dmgrid2": 2 }
+, { "emp.id": 8, "emp.suprvrid": 2, "dept.dmgrid2": 2 }
+, { "emp.id": 10, "emp.suprvrid": 2.0d, "dept.dmgrid2": 2 }
+, { "emp.id": 12, "emp.suprvrid": 3, "dept.dmgrid2": 3 }
+, { "emp.id": 13, "emp.suprvrid": 3, "dept.dmgrid2": 3 }
+, { "emp.id": 15, "emp.suprvrid": 3.0d, "dept.dmgrid2": 3 }
+, { "emp.id": 17, "emp.suprvrid": 4, "dept.dmgrid2": 4 }
+, { "emp.id": 18, "emp.suprvrid": 4, "dept.dmgrid2": 4 }
+, { "emp.id": 20, "emp.suprvrid": 4.0d, "dept.dmgrid2": 4 }
+, { "emp.id": 22, "emp.suprvrid": 5, "dept.dmgrid2": 5 }
+, { "emp.id": 23, "emp.suprvrid": 5, "dept.dmgrid2": 5 }
+, { "emp.id": 25, "emp.suprvrid": 5.0d, "dept.dmgrid2": 5 }
+, { "emp.id": 27, "emp.suprvrid": 6, "dept.dmgrid2": 6 }
+, { "emp.id": 28, "emp.suprvrid": 6, "dept.dmgrid2": 6 }
+, { "emp.id": 30, "emp.suprvrid": 6.0d, "dept.dmgrid2": 6 }
+, { "emp.id": 32, "emp.suprvrid": 7, "dept.dmgrid2": 7 }
+, { "emp.id": 33, "emp.suprvrid": 7, "dept.dmgrid2": 7 }
+, { "emp.id": 35, "emp.suprvrid": 7.0d, "dept.dmgrid2": 7 }
+, { "emp.id": 37, "emp.suprvrid": 8, "dept.dmgrid2": 8 }
+, { "emp.id": 38, "emp.suprvrid": 8, "dept.dmgrid2": 8 }
+, { "emp.id": 40, "emp.suprvrid": 8.0d, "dept.dmgrid2": 8 }
+, { "emp.id": 42, "emp.suprvrid": 9, "dept.dmgrid2": 9 }
+, { "emp.id": 43, "emp.suprvrid": 9, "dept.dmgrid2": 9 }
+, { "emp.id": 45, "emp.suprvrid": 9.0d, "dept.dmgrid2": 9 }
+, { "emp.id": 47, "emp.suprvrid": 10, "dept.dmgrid2": 10 }
+, { "emp.id": 48, "emp.suprvrid": 10, "dept.dmgrid2": 10 }
+, { "emp.id": 50, "emp.suprvrid": 10.0d, "dept.dmgrid2": 10 }
+, { "emp.id": 53, "emp.suprvrid": circle("10.1234,1.11 0.102"), "dept.dmgrid2": circle("10.1234,1.11 0.102") }
+ ]
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/types/type_promotion_0/type_promotion_0.1.adm b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/types/type_promotion_0/type_promotion_0.1.adm
index c369be9..2ab77f3 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/types/type_promotion_0/type_promotion_0.1.adm
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/types/type_promotion_0/type_promotion_0.1.adm
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-[ { "myint64": 11i64, "myoptint64": 3i64, "myint32": 2, "myoptint32": 3, "myint16": 9i16, "myoptint16": 10i16, "mydouble": 2.0d, "myoptdouble": 32.0d, "myfloat": 9.0f, "myoptfloat": null }
-, { "myint64": 12i64, "myoptint64": null, "myint32": 2, "myoptint32": null, "myint16": 9i16, "myoptint16": null, "mydouble": 2.119999885559082d, "myoptdouble": null, "myfloat": 9.0f, "myoptfloat": null }
-, { "myint64": 13i64, "myoptint64": 13i64, "myint32": 2, "myoptint32": 3, "myint16": 9i16, "myoptint16": 10i16, "mydouble": 2.119999885559082d, "myoptdouble": 32.0d, "myfloat": 9.0f, "myoptfloat": 328.0f }
+[ { "myint64": 11, "myoptint64": 3, "myint32": 2i32, "myoptint32": 3i32, "myint16": 9i16, "myoptint16": 10i16, "mydouble": 2.0d, "myoptdouble": 32.0d, "myfloat": 9.0f, "myoptfloat": null }
+, { "myint64": 12, "myoptint64": null, "myint32": 2i32, "myoptint32": null, "myint16": 9i16, "myoptint16": null, "mydouble": 2.119999885559082d, "myoptdouble": null, "myfloat": 9.0f, "myoptfloat": null }
+, { "myint64": 13, "myoptint64": 13, "myint32": 2i32, "myoptint32": 3i32, "myint16": 9i16, "myoptint16": 10i16, "mydouble": 2.119999885559082d, "myoptdouble": 32.0d, "myfloat": 9.0f, "myoptfloat": 328.0f }
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/types/type_promotion_1/type_promotion_1.1.adm b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/types/type_promotion_1/type_promotion_1.1.adm
index 455fd39..d16f7cb 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/types/type_promotion_1/type_promotion_1.1.adm
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/types/type_promotion_1/type_promotion_1.1.adm
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-[ { "id": 1i64, "int8_u": {{ 100i8 }}, "int8_o": [ 100i8 ], "int16_u": {{ 100i16, 10000i16 }}, "int16_o": [ 100i16, 10000i16 ], "int32_u": {{ 100, 10000, 1000000 }}, "int32_o": [ 100, 10000, 1000000 ], "int64_u": {{ 100i64, 10000i64, 1000000i64, 10000000000i64 }}, "int64_o": [ 100i64, 10000i64, 1000000i64, 10000000000i64 ], "float_u": {{ 100.0f, 10000.0f, 1000000.0f }}, "float_o": [ 100.0f, 10000.0f, 1000000.0f ], "double_u": {{ 100.0d, 10000.0d, 1000000.0d, 1.0E10d }}, "double_o": [ 100.0d, 10000.0d, 1000000.0d, 1.0E10d ] }
+[ { "id": 1, "int8_u": {{ 100i8 }}, "int8_o": [ 100i8 ], "int16_u": {{ 100i16, 10000i16 }}, "int16_o": [ 100i16, 10000i16 ], "int32_u": {{ 100i32, 10000i32, 1000000i32 }}, "int32_o": [ 100i32, 10000i32, 1000000i32 ], "int64_u": {{ 100, 10000, 1000000, 10000000000 }}, "int64_o": [ 100, 10000, 1000000, 10000000000 ], "float_u": {{ 100.0f, 10000.0f, 1000000.0f }}, "float_o": [ 100.0f, 10000.0f, 1000000.0f ], "double_u": {{ 100.0d, 10000.0d, 1000000.0d, 1.0E10d }}, "double_o": [ 100.0d, 10000.0d, 1000000.0d, 1.0E10d ] }
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/user-defined-functions/query-issue489/query-issue489.2.adm b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/user-defined-functions/query-issue489/query-issue489.2.adm
index fd3f2931..c799c76 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/user-defined-functions/query-issue489/query-issue489.2.adm
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/user-defined-functions/query-issue489/query-issue489.2.adm
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-[ 2i64
+[ 2
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/user-defined-functions/query-issue489/query-issue489.4.adm b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/user-defined-functions/query-issue489/query-issue489.4.adm
index 96ec850..80d09a4 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/user-defined-functions/query-issue489/query-issue489.4.adm
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/user-defined-functions/query-issue489/query-issue489.4.adm
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-[ 0i64
+[ 0
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/testsuite.xml b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/testsuite.xml
index 60f8e83..645b5bf 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/testsuite.xml
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/testsuite.xml
@@ -3904,6 +3904,11 @@
<test-case FilePath="string">
+ <compilation-unit name="constructor">
+ <output-dir compare="Text">constructor</output-dir>
+ </compilation-unit>
+ </test-case>
+ <test-case FilePath="string">
<compilation-unit name="contains_01">
<output-dir compare="Text">contains_01</output-dir>
@@ -5420,82 +5425,237 @@
<test-group name="index-leftouterjoin">
- <test-case FilePath="index-leftouterjoin">
- <compilation-unit name="probe-pidx-with-join-btree-sidx1">
- <output-dir compare="Text">probe-pidx-with-join-btree-sidx1</output-dir>
- </compilation-unit>
- </test-case>
- <test-case FilePath="index-leftouterjoin">
- <compilation-unit name="probe-pidx-with-join-btree-sidx2">
- <output-dir compare="Text">probe-pidx-with-join-btree-sidx2</output-dir>
- </compilation-unit>
- </test-case>
- <test-case FilePath="index-leftouterjoin">
- <compilation-unit name="probe-pidx-with-join-rtree-sidx1">
- <output-dir compare="Text">probe-pidx-with-join-rtree-sidx1</output-dir>
- </compilation-unit>
- </test-case>
- <test-case FilePath="index-leftouterjoin">
- <compilation-unit name="probe-pidx-with-join-rtree-sidx2">
- <output-dir compare="Text">probe-pidx-with-join-rtree-sidx2</output-dir>
- </compilation-unit>
- </test-case>
- <test-case FilePath="index-leftouterjoin">
- <compilation-unit name="probe-pidx-with-join-invidx-sidx1">
- <output-dir compare="Text">probe-pidx-with-join-invidx-sidx1</output-dir>
- </compilation-unit>
- </test-case>
- <test-case FilePath="index-leftouterjoin">
- <compilation-unit name="probe-pidx-with-join-invidx-sidx2">
- <output-dir compare="Text">probe-pidx-with-join-invidx-sidx2</output-dir>
- </compilation-unit>
- </test-case>
- </test-group>
- <test-group name="distinct">
- <test-case FilePath="distinct">
- <compilation-unit name="query-issue443">
- <output-dir compare="Text">query-issue443</output-dir>
- </compilation-unit>
- </test-case>
- <test-case FilePath="distinct">
- <compilation-unit name="query-issue443-2">
- <output-dir compare="Text">query-issue443-2</output-dir>
- </compilation-unit>
- </test-case>
- </test-group>
- <test-group name="tinysocial">
- <test-case FilePath="tinysocial">
- <compilation-unit name="tinysocial-suite">
- <output-dir compare="Text">tinysocial-suite</output-dir>
- </compilation-unit>
- </test-case>
- </test-group>
- <test-group name="types">
- <test-case FilePath="types">
- <compilation-unit name="record01">
- <output-dir compare="Text">record01</output-dir>
- </compilation-unit>
- </test-case>
- <test-case FilePath="types">
- <compilation-unit name="type_promotion_0">
- <output-dir compare="Text">type_promotion_0</output-dir>
- </compilation-unit>
- </test-case>
- <test-case FilePath="types">
- <compilation-unit name="type_promotion_1">
- <output-dir compare="Text">type_promotion_1</output-dir>
- </compilation-unit>
- </test-case>
- </test-group>
- <test-group name="materialization">
- <test-case FilePath="materialization">
- <compilation-unit name="assign-reuse">
- <output-dir compare="Text">assign-reuse</output-dir>
- </compilation-unit>
- </test-case>
- </test-group>
- <test-group name="filters">
- <test-case FilePath="filters">
+ <test-case FilePath="index-leftouterjoin">
+ <compilation-unit name="probe-pidx-with-join-btree-sidx1">
+ <output-dir compare="Text">probe-pidx-with-join-btree-sidx1</output-dir>
+ </compilation-unit>
+ </test-case>
+ <test-case FilePath="index-leftouterjoin">
+ <compilation-unit name="probe-pidx-with-join-btree-sidx2">
+ <output-dir compare="Text">probe-pidx-with-join-btree-sidx2</output-dir>
+ </compilation-unit>
+ </test-case>
+ <test-case FilePath="index-leftouterjoin">
+ <compilation-unit name="probe-pidx-with-join-rtree-sidx1">
+ <output-dir compare="Text">probe-pidx-with-join-rtree-sidx1</output-dir>
+ </compilation-unit>
+ </test-case>
+ <test-case FilePath="index-leftouterjoin">
+ <compilation-unit name="probe-pidx-with-join-rtree-sidx2">
+ <output-dir compare="Text">probe-pidx-with-join-rtree-sidx2</output-dir>
+ </compilation-unit>
+ </test-case>
+ <test-case FilePath="index-leftouterjoin">
+ <compilation-unit name="probe-pidx-with-join-invidx-sidx1">
+ <output-dir compare="Text">probe-pidx-with-join-invidx-sidx1</output-dir>
+ </compilation-unit>
+ </test-case>
+ <test-case FilePath="index-leftouterjoin">
+ <compilation-unit name="probe-pidx-with-join-invidx-sidx2">
+ <output-dir compare="Text">probe-pidx-with-join-invidx-sidx2</output-dir>
+ </compilation-unit>
+ </test-case>
+ </test-group>
+ <test-group name="distinct">
+ <test-case FilePath="distinct">
+ <compilation-unit name="query-issue443">
+ <output-dir compare="Text">query-issue443</output-dir>
+ </compilation-unit>
+ </test-case>
+ <test-case FilePath="distinct">
+ <compilation-unit name="query-issue443-2">
+ <output-dir compare="Text">query-issue443-2</output-dir>
+ </compilation-unit>
+ </test-case>
+ </test-group>
+ <test-group name="tinysocial">
+ <test-case FilePath="tinysocial">
+ <compilation-unit name="tinysocial-suite">
+ <output-dir compare="Text">tinysocial-suite</output-dir>
+ </compilation-unit>
+ </test-case>
+ </test-group>
+ <test-group name="types">
+ <test-case FilePath="types">
+ <compilation-unit name="record01">
+ <output-dir compare="Text">record01</output-dir>
+ </compilation-unit>
+ </test-case>
+ <test-case FilePath="types">
+ <compilation-unit name="type_promotion_0">
+ <output-dir compare="Text">type_promotion_0</output-dir>
+ </compilation-unit>
+ </test-case>
+ <test-case FilePath="types">
+ <compilation-unit name="type_promotion_1">
+ <output-dir compare="Text">type_promotion_1</output-dir>
+ </compilation-unit>
+ </test-case>
+ <test-case FilePath="types">
+ <compilation-unit name="opentype_orderby_01">
+ <output-dir compare="Text">opentype_orderby_01</output-dir>
+ </compilation-unit>
+ </test-case>
+ <test-case FilePath="types">
+ <compilation-unit name="promotion_closedtype_field_vs_closedtype_field_01">
+ <output-dir compare="Text">promotion_closedtype_field_vs_closedtype_field_01</output-dir>
+ </compilation-unit>
+ </test-case>
+ <test-case FilePath="types">
+ <compilation-unit name="promotion_closedtype_field_vs_closedtype_field_02">
+ <output-dir compare="Text">promotion_closedtype_field_vs_closedtype_field_02</output-dir>
+ </compilation-unit>
+ </test-case>
+ <test-case FilePath="types">
+ <compilation-unit name="promotion_closedtype_field_vs_closedtype_field_03">
+ <output-dir compare="Text">promotion_closedtype_field_vs_closedtype_field_03</output-dir>
+ </compilation-unit>
+ </test-case>
+ <test-case FilePath="types">
+ <compilation-unit name="promotion_closedtype_field_vs_closedtype_field_04">
+ <output-dir compare="Text">promotion_closedtype_field_vs_closedtype_field_04</output-dir>
+ </compilation-unit>
+ </test-case>
+ <test-case FilePath="types">
+ <compilation-unit name="promotion_closedtype_field_vs_closedtype_field_05">
+ <output-dir compare="Text">promotion_closedtype_field_vs_closedtype_field_05</output-dir>
+ </compilation-unit>
+ </test-case>
+ <test-case FilePath="types">
+ <compilation-unit name="promotion_closedtype_field_vs_constant_01">
+ <output-dir compare="Text">promotion_closedtype_field_vs_constant_01</output-dir>
+ </compilation-unit>
+ </test-case>
+ <test-case FilePath="types">
+ <compilation-unit name="promotion_closedtype_field_vs_constant_02">
+ <output-dir compare="Text">promotion_closedtype_field_vs_constant_02</output-dir>
+ </compilation-unit>
+ </test-case>
+ <test-case FilePath="types">
+ <compilation-unit name="promotion_closedtype_field_vs_constant_03">
+ <output-dir compare="Text">promotion_closedtype_field_vs_constant_03</output-dir>
+ </compilation-unit>
+ </test-case>
+ <test-case FilePath="types">
+ <compilation-unit name="promotion_closedtype_field_vs_constant_04">
+ <output-dir compare="Text">promotion_closedtype_field_vs_constant_04</output-dir>
+ </compilation-unit>
+ </test-case>
+ <test-case FilePath="types">
+ <compilation-unit name="promotion_closedtype_field_vs_constant_05">
+ <output-dir compare="Text">promotion_closedtype_field_vs_constant_05</output-dir>
+ </compilation-unit>
+ </test-case>
+ <test-case FilePath="types">
+ <compilation-unit name="promotion_closedtype_field_vs_constant_06">
+ <output-dir compare="Text">promotion_closedtype_field_vs_constant_06</output-dir>
+ </compilation-unit>
+ </test-case>
+ <test-case FilePath="types">
+ <compilation-unit name="promotion_closedtype_field_vs_constant_07">
+ <output-dir compare="Text">promotion_closedtype_field_vs_constant_07</output-dir>
+ </compilation-unit>
+ </test-case>
+ <test-case FilePath="types">
+ <compilation-unit name="promotion_closedtype_field_vs_constant_08">
+ <output-dir compare="Text">promotion_closedtype_field_vs_constant_08</output-dir>
+ </compilation-unit>
+ </test-case>
+ <test-case FilePath="types">
+ <compilation-unit name="promotion_closedtype_field_vs_constant_09">
+ <output-dir compare="Text">promotion_closedtype_field_vs_constant_09</output-dir>
+ </compilation-unit>
+ </test-case>
+ <test-case FilePath="types">
+ <compilation-unit name="promotion_closedtype_field_vs_constant_10">
+ <output-dir compare="Text">promotion_closedtype_field_vs_constant_10</output-dir>
+ </compilation-unit>
+ </test-case>
+ <test-case FilePath="types">
+ <compilation-unit name="promotion_closedtype_field_vs_constant_11">
+ <output-dir compare="Text">promotion_closedtype_field_vs_constant_11</output-dir>
+ </compilation-unit>
+ </test-case>
+ <test-case FilePath="types">
+ <compilation-unit name="promotion_closedtype_field_vs_opentype_field_01">
+ <output-dir compare="Text">promotion_closedtype_field_vs_opentype_field_01</output-dir>
+ </compilation-unit>
+ </test-case>
+ <test-case FilePath="types">
+ <compilation-unit name="promotion_closedtype_field_vs_opentype_field_02">
+ <output-dir compare="Text">promotion_closedtype_field_vs_opentype_field_02</output-dir>
+ </compilation-unit>
+ </test-case>
+ <test-case FilePath="types">
+ <compilation-unit name="promotion_closedtype_field_vs_opentype_field_03">
+ <output-dir compare="Text">promotion_closedtype_field_vs_opentype_field_03</output-dir>
+ </compilation-unit>
+ </test-case>
+ <test-case FilePath="types">
+ <compilation-unit name="promotion_closedtype_field_vs_opentype_field_04">
+ <output-dir compare="Text">promotion_closedtype_field_vs_opentype_field_04</output-dir>
+ </compilation-unit>
+ </test-case>
+ <test-case FilePath="types">
+ <compilation-unit name="promotion_opentype_field_vs_constant_01">
+ <output-dir compare="Text">promotion_opentype_field_vs_constant_01</output-dir>
+ </compilation-unit>
+ </test-case>
+ <test-case FilePath="types">
+ <compilation-unit name="promotion_opentype_field_vs_constant_02">
+ <output-dir compare="Text">promotion_opentype_field_vs_constant_02</output-dir>
+ </compilation-unit>
+ </test-case>
+ <test-case FilePath="types">
+ <compilation-unit name="promotion_opentype_field_vs_constant_03">
+ <output-dir compare="Text">promotion_opentype_field_vs_constant_03</output-dir>
+ </compilation-unit>
+ </test-case>
+ <test-case FilePath="types">
+ <compilation-unit name="promotion_opentype_field_vs_constant_04">
+ <output-dir compare="Text">promotion_opentype_field_vs_constant_04</output-dir>
+ </compilation-unit>
+ </test-case>
+ <test-case FilePath="types">
+ <compilation-unit name="promotion_opentype_field_vs_constant_05">
+ <output-dir compare="Text">promotion_opentype_field_vs_constant_05</output-dir>
+ </compilation-unit>
+ </test-case>
+ <test-case FilePath="types">
+ <compilation-unit name="promotion_opentype_field_vs_constant_06">
+ <output-dir compare="Text">promotion_opentype_field_vs_constant_06</output-dir>
+ </compilation-unit>
+ </test-case>
+ <test-case FilePath="types">
+ <compilation-unit name="promotion_opentype_field_vs_constant_07">
+ <output-dir compare="Text">promotion_opentype_field_vs_constant_07</output-dir>
+ </compilation-unit>
+ </test-case>
+ <test-case FilePath="types">
+ <compilation-unit name="promotion_opentype_field_vs_constant_08">
+ <output-dir compare="Text">promotion_opentype_field_vs_constant_08</output-dir>
+ </compilation-unit>
+ </test-case>
+ <test-case FilePath="types">
+ <compilation-unit name="promotion_opentype_field_vs_opentype_field_01">
+ <output-dir compare="Text">promotion_opentype_field_vs_opentype_field_01</output-dir>
+ </compilation-unit>
+ </test-case>
+ <test-case FilePath="types">
+ <compilation-unit name="promotion_opentype_field_vs_opentype_field_02">
+ <output-dir compare="Text">promotion_opentype_field_vs_opentype_field_02</output-dir>
+ </compilation-unit>
+ </test-case>
+ </test-group>
+ <test-group name="materialization">
+ <test-case FilePath="materialization">
+ <compilation-unit name="assign-reuse">
+ <output-dir compare="Text">assign-reuse</output-dir>
+ </compilation-unit>
+ </test-case>
+ </test-group>
+ <test-group name="filters">
+ <test-case FilePath="filters">
<compilation-unit name="equality-predicate">
<output-dir compare="Text">equality-predicate</output-dir>
diff --git a/asterix-aql/src/main/javacc/AQL.jj b/asterix-aql/src/main/javacc/AQL.jj
index ac4f527..e85b56b 100644
--- a/asterix-aql/src/main/javacc/AQL.jj
+++ b/asterix-aql/src/main/javacc/AQL.jj
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
options {
STATIC = false;
@@ -36,6 +36,7 @@
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.common.config.DatasetConfig.IndexType;
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.aql.expression.visitor.AQLPrintVisitor;
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.aql.expression.UnaryExpr.Sign;
+import edu.uci.ics.asterix.aql.expression.TypeExpression.TypeExprKind;
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.aql.base.Statement.Kind;
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.aql.context.Scope;
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.aql.context.RootScopeFactory;
@@ -70,49 +71,49 @@
private static final String DATETIME_BETWEEN_YEARS_HINT = "datetime-between-years";
private static final String DATE_BETWEEN_YEARS_HINT = "date-between-years";
private static final String DATETIME_ADD_RAND_HOURS_HINT = "datetime-add-rand-hours";
- private static final String AUTO_HINT = "auto";
- private static final String GEN_FIELDS_HINT = "gen-fields";
+ private static final String AUTO_HINT = "auto";
+ private static final String GEN_FIELDS_HINT = "gen-fields";
// data generator hints
private static final String DGEN_HINT = "dgen";
private static class IndexParams {
public IndexType type;
public int gramLength;
public IndexParams(IndexType type, int gramLength) {
this.type = type;
this.gramLength = gramLength;
- };
+ };
private static class FunctionName {
- public String dataverse = null;
- public String library = null;
- public String function = null;
- }
+ public String dataverse = null;
+ public String library = null;
+ public String function = null;
+ }
private static String getHint(Token t) {
if (t.specialToken == null) {
return null;
- }
+ }
String s = t.specialToken.image;
int n = s.length();
if (n < 2) {
return null;
- }
+ }
return s.substring(1).trim();
private static IRecordFieldDataGen parseFieldDataGen(String hint) throws ParseException {
IRecordFieldDataGen rfdg = null;
String splits[] = hint.split(" +");
- if (splits[0].equals(VAL_FILE_HINT)) {
+ if (splits[0].equals(VAL_FILE_HINT)) {
File[] valFiles = new File[splits.length - 1];
for (int k=1; k<splits.length; k++) {
valFiles[k-1] = new File(splits[k]);
- }
+ }
rfdg = new FieldValFileDataGen(valFiles);
} else if (splits[0].equals(VAL_FILE_SAME_INDEX_HINT)) {
rfdg = new FieldValFileSameIndexDataGen(new File(splits[1]), splits[2]);
@@ -133,7 +134,7 @@
} else {
throw new ParseException("Unknown type for interval data gen: " + splits[1]);
- rfdg = new FieldIntervalDataGen(vt, splits[2], splits[3]);
+ rfdg = new FieldIntervalDataGen(vt, splits[2], splits[3]);
} else if (splits[0].equals(INSERT_RAND_INT_HINT)) {
rfdg = new InsertRandIntDataGen(splits[1], splits[2]);
} else if (splits[0].equals(DATE_BETWEEN_YEARS_HINT)) {
@@ -189,7 +190,7 @@
- return decls;
+ return decls;
@@ -208,7 +209,7 @@
| stmt = SetStatement()
| stmt = InsertStatement()
| stmt = DeleteStatement()
- | stmt = UpdateStatement()
+ | stmt = UpdateStatement()
| stmt = FeedStatement()
| stmt = CompactStatement()
| stmt = Query()
@@ -245,16 +246,16 @@
hint = getHint(token);
if (hint != null && hint.startsWith(DGEN_HINT)) {
dgen = true;
- }
+ }
stmt = TypeSpecification(hint, dgen)
| stmt = NodegroupSpecification()
- | stmt = DatasetSpecification()
+ | stmt = DatasetSpecification()
| stmt = IndexSpecification()
| stmt = DataverseSpecification()
| stmt = FunctionSpecification()
| stmt = FeedSpecification()
- )
+ )
return stmt;
@@ -272,14 +273,14 @@
long numValues = -1;
String filename = null;
- if (dgen) {
+ if (dgen) {
String splits[] = hint.split(" +");
if (splits.length != 3) {
throw new ParseException("Expecting /*+ dgen <filename> <numberOfItems> */");
- }
+ }
filename = splits[1];
numValues = Long.parseLong(splits[2]);
- }
+ }
TypeDataGen tddg = new TypeDataGen(dgen, filename, numValues);
return new TypeDecl(nameComponents.first, nameComponents.second, typeExpr, tddg, ifNotExists);
@@ -312,7 +313,7 @@
DatasetDecl DatasetSpecification() throws ParseException:
- Pair<Identifier,Identifier> nameComponents = null;
+ Pair<Identifier,Identifier> nameComponents = null;
boolean ifNotExists = false;
String typeName = null;
String adapterName = null;
@@ -321,7 +322,7 @@
FunctionSignature appliedFunction = null;
List<String> primaryKeyFields = null;
String nodeGroupName = null;
- Map<String,String> hints = new HashMap<String,String>();
+ Map<String,String> hints = new HashMap<String,String>();
DatasetDecl dsetDecl = null;
boolean autogenerated = false;
String compactionPolicy = null;
@@ -350,13 +351,13 @@
- }
+ }
| ("internal")? <DATASET> nameComponents = QualifiedName()
<LEFTPAREN> typeName = Identifier() <RIGHTPAREN>
ifNotExists = IfNotExists()
- primaryKeyFields = PrimaryKey()
- ("autogenerated" { autogenerated = true; } )?
+ primaryKeyFields = PrimaryKey()
+ ("autogenerated" { autogenerated = true; } )?
("on" nodeGroupName = Identifier() )?
( "hints" hints = Properties() )?
( "using" "compaction" "policy" compactionPolicy = CompactionPolicy() (compactionPolicyProperties = Configuration())? )?
@@ -391,12 +392,12 @@
String datasetName = null;
- "refresh external" <DATASET> nameComponents = QualifiedName()
- {
- redss.setDataverseName(nameComponents.first);
- redss.setDatasetName(nameComponents.second);
- return redss;
- }
+ "refresh external" <DATASET> nameComponents = QualifiedName()
+ {
+ redss.setDataverseName(nameComponents.first);
+ redss.setDatasetName(nameComponents.second);
+ return redss;
+ }
RunStatement RunStatement() throws ParseException:
@@ -414,7 +415,7 @@
<FROM> <DATASET> nameComponentsFrom = QualifiedName()
- "to" <DATASET> nameComponentsTo = QualifiedName()
+ "to" <DATASET> nameComponentsTo = QualifiedName()
return new RunStatement(system, parameters, nameComponentsFrom.first, nameComponentsFrom.second, nameComponentsTo.first, nameComponentsTo.second);
@@ -432,7 +433,7 @@
"index" indexName = Identifier()
ifNotExists = IfNotExists()
- "on" nameComponents = QualifiedName()
+ "on" nameComponents = QualifiedName()
<LEFTPAREN> ( fieldExpr = Identifier()
@@ -462,7 +463,7 @@
compactionPolicy = Identifier()
- return compactionPolicy;
+ return compactionPolicy;
@@ -473,7 +474,7 @@
filterField = Identifier()
- return filterField;
+ return filterField;
@@ -486,7 +487,7 @@
type = IndexType.BTREE;
- }
+ }
| "rtree"
type = IndexType.RTREE;
@@ -532,7 +533,7 @@
Token beginPos;
Token endPos;
FunctionName fctName = null;
@@ -542,7 +543,7 @@
beginPos = token;
- }
+ }
functionBodyExpr = Expression() <RIGHTBRACE>
endPos = token;
@@ -557,7 +558,7 @@
CreateFeedStatement FeedSpecification() throws ParseException:
- Pair<Identifier,Identifier> nameComponents = null;
+ Pair<Identifier,Identifier> nameComponents = null;
boolean ifNotExists = false;
String adapterName = null;
Map<String,String> properties = null;
@@ -573,8 +574,8 @@
cfs = new CreateFeedStatement(nameComponents.first,
nameComponents.second, adapterName, properties, appliedFunction, ifNotExists);
- }
+ }
return cfs;
@@ -641,12 +642,12 @@
String policy = null;
- "using" "policy" policy = Identifier()
+ "using" "policy" policy = Identifier()
return policy;
FunctionSignature FunctionSignature() throws ParseException:
@@ -654,15 +655,15 @@
int arity = 0;
- fctName = FunctionName() "@" <INTEGER_LITERAL>
- {
+ fctName = FunctionName() "@" <INTEGER_LITERAL>
+ {
arity = new Integer(token.image);
if (arity < 0 && arity != FunctionIdentifier.VARARGS) {
throw new ParseException(" invalid arity:" + arity);
// TODO use fctName.library
- String fqFunctionName = fctName.library == null ? fctName.function : fctName.library + "#" + fctName.function;
+ String fqFunctionName = fctName.library == null ? fctName.function : fctName.library + "#" + fctName.function;
return new FunctionSignature(fctName.dataverse, fqFunctionName, arity);
@@ -726,10 +727,10 @@
| "feed" pairId = QualifiedName() ifExists = IfExists()
stmt = new FeedDropStatement(pairId.first, pairId.second, ifExists);
- }
+ }
- return stmt;
+ return stmt;
@@ -767,14 +768,14 @@
// This is related to the new metadata lock management
setDataverses(new ArrayList<String>());
setDatasets(new ArrayList<String>());
"delete" var = Variable()
- <FROM> <DATASET> nameComponents = QualifiedName()
+ <FROM> <DATASET> nameComponents = QualifiedName()
(<WHERE> condition = Expression())?
// First we get the dataverses and datasets that we want to lock
@@ -783,8 +784,8 @@
// we remove the pointer to the dataverses and datasets
- return new DeleteStatement(var, nameComponents.first, nameComponents.second,
- condition, getVarCounter(), dataverses, datasets);
+ return new DeleteStatement(var, nameComponents.first, nameComponents.second,
+ condition, getVarCounter(), dataverses, datasets);
@@ -798,7 +799,7 @@
"update" vars = Variable() <IN> target = Expression()
- <WHERE> condition = Expression()
+ <WHERE> condition = Expression()
<LEFTPAREN> (uc = UpdateClause()
@@ -816,7 +817,7 @@
UpdateClause UpdateClause() throws ParseException:
Expression target = null;
- Expression value = null ;
+ Expression value = null ;
InsertStatement is = null;
DeleteStatement ds = null;
UpdateStatement us = null;
@@ -825,13 +826,13 @@
UpdateClause elsebranch = null;
- "set" target = Expression() <ASSIGN> value = Expression()
+ "set" target = Expression() <ASSIGN> value = Expression()
| is = InsertStatement()
| ds = DeleteStatement()
| us = UpdateStatement()
| <IF> <LEFTPAREN> condition = Expression() <RIGHTPAREN>
<THEN> ifbranch = UpdateClause()
- [LOOKAHEAD(1) <ELSE> elsebranch = UpdateClause()]
+ [LOOKAHEAD(1) <ELSE> elsebranch = UpdateClause()]
return new UpdateClause(target, value, is, ds, us, condition, ifbranch, elsebranch);
@@ -860,8 +861,8 @@
"write" "output" "to" nodeName = Identifier() <COLON> fileName = StringLiteral()
( "using" writerClass = StringLiteral() )?
- {
- return new WriteStatement(new Identifier(nodeName), fileName, writerClass);
+ {
+ return new WriteStatement(new Identifier(nodeName), fileName, writerClass);
@@ -881,14 +882,14 @@
datasetName = nameComponents.second;
"using" adapterName = AdapterName() properties = Configuration()
- ("pre-sorted"
+ ("pre-sorted"
alreadySorted = true;
return new LoadStatement(dataverseName, datasetName, adapterName, properties, alreadySorted);
- }
+ }
@@ -899,7 +900,7 @@
adapterName = Identifier()
- return adapterName;
+ return adapterName;
@@ -911,10 +912,10 @@
"compact" <DATASET> nameComponents = QualifiedName()
- stmt = new CompactStatement(nameComponents.first, nameComponents.second);
+ stmt = new CompactStatement(nameComponents.first, nameComponents.second);
- return stmt;
+ return stmt;
@@ -922,14 +923,14 @@
Pair<Identifier,Identifier> feedNameComponents = null;
Pair<Identifier,Identifier> datasetNameComponents = null;
Map<String,String> configuration = null;
Statement stmt = null;
String policy = null;
- "connect" "feed" feedNameComponents = QualifiedName() "to" <DATASET> datasetNameComponents = QualifiedName() (policy = GetPolicy())?
+ "connect" "feed" feedNameComponents = QualifiedName() "to" <DATASET> datasetNameComponents = QualifiedName() (policy = GetPolicy())?
stmt = new ConnectFeedStatement(feedNameComponents, datasetNameComponents, policy, getVarCounter());
@@ -945,8 +946,8 @@
Map<String,String> Configuration() throws ParseException :
- Map<String,String> configuration = new LinkedHashMap<String,String>();
- Pair<String, String> keyValuePair = null;
+ Map<String,String> configuration = new LinkedHashMap<String,String>();
+ Pair<String, String> keyValuePair = null;
<LEFTPAREN> ( keyValuePair = KeyValuePair()
@@ -972,7 +973,7 @@
<LEFTPAREN> key = StringLiteral() <EQ> value = StringLiteral() <RIGHTPAREN>
return new Pair<String, String>(key, value);
- }
+ }
Map<String,String> Properties() throws ParseException:
@@ -985,7 +986,7 @@
properties.put(property.first, property.second);
- ( <COMMA> property = Property()
+ ( <COMMA> property = Property()
properties.put(property.first, property.second);
@@ -1006,13 +1007,13 @@
try {
value = "" + Long.valueOf(token.image);
} catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
- throw new ParseException("inapproriate value: " + token.image);
+ throw new ParseException("inapproriate value: " + token.image);
return new Pair<String, String>(key.toUpperCase(), value);
- }
+ }
TypeExpression TypeExpr() throws ParseException:
@@ -1024,8 +1025,8 @@
typeExpr = RecordTypeDef()
| typeExpr = TypeReference()
| typeExpr = OrderedListTypeDef()
- | typeExpr = UnorderedListTypeDef()
- )
+ | typeExpr = UnorderedListTypeDef()
+ )
return typeExpr;
@@ -1034,15 +1035,15 @@
RecordTypeDefinition RecordTypeDef() throws ParseException:
RecordTypeDefinition recType = new RecordTypeDefinition();
- RecordTypeDefinition.RecordKind recordKind = null;
+ RecordTypeDefinition.RecordKind recordKind = null;
- ( "closed" { recordKind = RecordTypeDefinition.RecordKind.CLOSED; }
+ ( "closed" { recordKind = RecordTypeDefinition.RecordKind.CLOSED; }
| "open" { recordKind = RecordTypeDefinition.RecordKind.OPEN; } )?
String hint = getHint(token);
- if (hint != null) {
+ if (hint != null) {
String splits[] = hint.split(" +");
if (splits[0].equals(GEN_FIELDS_HINT)) {
if (splits.length != 5) {
@@ -1050,18 +1051,18 @@
if (!splits[1].equals("int")) {
throw new ParseException("The only supported type for gen-fields is int.");
- }
- UndeclaredFieldsDataGen ufdg = new UndeclaredFieldsDataGen(UndeclaredFieldsDataGen.Type.INT,
+ }
+ UndeclaredFieldsDataGen ufdg = new UndeclaredFieldsDataGen(UndeclaredFieldsDataGen.Type.INT,
Integer.parseInt(splits[2]), Integer.parseInt(splits[3]), splits[4]);
- recType.setUndeclaredFieldsDataGen(ufdg);
+ recType.setUndeclaredFieldsDataGen(ufdg);
- }
+ }
- (
- RecordField(recType)
- ( <COMMA> RecordField(recType) )*
- )?
+ (
+ RecordField(recType)
+ ( <COMMA> RecordField(recType) )*
+ )?
if (recordKind == null) {
@@ -1069,13 +1070,13 @@
return recType;
- }
+ }
void RecordField(RecordTypeDefinition recType) throws ParseException:
String fieldName;
- TypeExpression type = null;
+ TypeExpression type = null;
boolean nullable = false;
@@ -1087,7 +1088,7 @@
<COLON> type = TypeExpr() (<QUES> { nullable = true; } )?
recType.addField(fieldName, type, nullable, rfdg);
- }
+ }
TypeReferenceExpression TypeReference() throws ParseException:
@@ -1097,12 +1098,16 @@
id = Identifier()
+ if (id.equalsIgnoreCase("int")) {
+ id = "int64";
+ }
return new TypeReferenceExpression(new Identifier(id));
OrderedListTypeDefinition OrderedListTypeDef() throws ParseException:
TypeExpression type = null;
@@ -1116,7 +1121,7 @@
UnorderedListTypeDefinition UnorderedListTypeDef() throws ParseException:
TypeExpression type = null;
@@ -1145,25 +1150,29 @@
FunctionName result = new FunctionName();
if (second == null) {
result.dataverse = defaultDataverse;
- result.library = null;
- result.function = first;
+ result.library = null;
+ result.function = first;
} else if (third == null) {
if (secondAfterDot) {
result.dataverse = first;
result.library = null;
- result.function = second;
+ result.function = second;
} else {
result.dataverse = defaultDataverse;
result.library = first;
- result.function = second;
+ result.function = second;
} else {
result.dataverse = first;
result.library = second;
result.function = third;
+ if (result.function.equalsIgnoreCase("int")) {
+ result.function = "int64";
+ }
return result;
- }
+ }
@@ -1193,7 +1202,7 @@
| lit = StringLiteral()
return lit;
- }
+ }
String StringLiteral() throws ParseException:
@@ -1224,9 +1233,9 @@
id2 = new Identifier(second);
return new Pair<Identifier,Identifier>(id1, id2);
- }
+ }
Triple<Identifier,Identifier,Identifier> DoubleQualifiedName() throws ParseException:
String first = null;
@@ -1248,8 +1257,8 @@
id3 = new Identifier(third);
return new Triple<Identifier,Identifier,Identifier>(id1, id2, id3);
- }
+ }
FunctionDecl FunctionDeclaration() throws ParseException:
@@ -1292,7 +1301,7 @@
return query;
@@ -1304,18 +1313,18 @@
//OperatorExpr | IfThenElse | FLWOGRExpression | QuantifiedExpression
expr = OperatorExpr()
| expr = IfThenElse()
| expr = FLWOGR()
| expr = QuantifiedExpression()
- {
- return (exprP==null) ? expr : exprP;
- }
+ {
+ return (exprP==null) ? expr : exprP;
+ }
@@ -1326,29 +1335,29 @@
Expression operand = null;
- operand = AndExpr()
- (
- <OR>
- {
- if (op == null) {
- op = new OperatorExpr();
- op.addOperand(operand);
- op.setCurrentop(true);
- }
+ operand = AndExpr()
+ (
+ <OR>
+ {
+ if (op == null) {
+ op = new OperatorExpr();
+ op.addOperand(operand);
+ op.setCurrentop(true);
+ }
- }
+ }
- operand = AndExpr()
- {
- op.addOperand(operand);
- }
+ operand = AndExpr()
+ {
+ op.addOperand(operand);
+ }
- )*
- {
- return op==null? operand: op;
- }
+ )*
+ {
+ return op==null? operand: op;
+ }
Expression AndExpr()throws ParseException:
@@ -1357,29 +1366,29 @@
Expression operand = null;
- operand = RelExpr()
- (
- <AND>
- {
- if (op == null) {
- op = new OperatorExpr();
- op.addOperand(operand);
- op.setCurrentop(true);
- }
+ operand = RelExpr()
+ (
+ <AND>
+ {
+ if (op == null) {
+ op = new OperatorExpr();
+ op.addOperand(operand);
+ op.setCurrentop(true);
+ }
- }
+ }
- operand = RelExpr()
- {
- op.addOperand(operand);
- }
+ operand = RelExpr()
+ {
+ op.addOperand(operand);
+ }
- )*
- {
- return op==null? operand: op;
- }
+ )*
+ {
+ return op==null? operand: op;
+ }
@@ -1393,83 +1402,83 @@
operand = AddExpr()
- {
- if (operand instanceof VariableExpr) {
- String hint = getHint(token);
+ {
+ if (operand instanceof VariableExpr) {
+ String hint = getHint(token);
if (hint != null && hint.equals(BROADCAST_JOIN_HINT)) {
broadcast = true;
- }
+ }
LOOKAHEAD(2)( <LT> | <GT> | <LE> | <GE> | <EQ> | <NE> |<SIMILAR>)
- {
- String mhint = getHint(token);
- if (mhint != null) {
- if (mhint.equals(INDEXED_NESTED_LOOP_JOIN_HINT)) {
+ {
+ String mhint = getHint(token);
+ if (mhint != null) {
+ if (mhint.equals(INDEXED_NESTED_LOOP_JOIN_HINT)) {
annotation = IndexedNLJoinExpressionAnnotation.INSTANCE;
} else if (mhint.equals(SKIP_SECONDARY_INDEX_SEARCH_HINT)) {
annotation = SkipSecondaryIndexSearchExpressionAnnotation.INSTANCE;
- if (op == null) {
- op = new OperatorExpr();
- op.addOperand(operand, broadcast);
+ if (op == null) {
+ op = new OperatorExpr();
+ op.addOperand(operand, broadcast);
broadcast = false;
- }
+ }
- }
- operand = AddExpr()
- {
- broadcast = false;
+ }
+ operand = AddExpr()
+ {
+ broadcast = false;
if (operand instanceof VariableExpr) {
- String hint = getHint(token);
+ String hint = getHint(token);
if (hint != null && hint.equals(BROADCAST_JOIN_HINT)) {
broadcast = true;
op.addOperand(operand, broadcast);
- }
+ }
- {
- if (annotation != null) {
- op.addHint(annotation);
- }
- return op==null? operand: op;
- }
+ {
+ if (annotation != null) {
+ op.addHint(annotation);
+ }
+ return op==null? operand: op;
+ }
Expression AddExpr()throws ParseException:
OperatorExpr op = null;
- Expression operand = null;
+ Expression operand = null;
- operand = MultExpr()
+ operand = MultExpr()
- ( (<PLUS> | <MINUS>)
- {
- if (op == null) {
- op = new OperatorExpr();
- op.addOperand(operand);
- op.setCurrentop(true);
- }
- ((OperatorExpr)op).addOperator(token.image);
- }
+ ( (<PLUS> | <MINUS>)
+ {
+ if (op == null) {
+ op = new OperatorExpr();
+ op.addOperand(operand);
+ op.setCurrentop(true);
+ }
+ ((OperatorExpr)op).addOperator(token.image);
+ }
- operand = MultExpr()
- {
- op.addOperand(operand);
- }
- )*
- {
- return op==null? operand: op;
- }
+ operand = MultExpr()
+ {
+ op.addOperand(operand);
+ }
+ )*
+ {
+ return op==null? operand: op;
+ }
Expression MultExpr()throws ParseException:
@@ -1478,26 +1487,26 @@
Expression operand = null;
- operand = UnionExpr()
+ operand = UnionExpr()
- (( <MUL> | <DIV> | <MOD> | <CARET> | <IDIV>)
- {
- if (op == null) {
- op = new OperatorExpr();
+ (( <MUL> | <DIV> | <MOD> | <CARET> | <IDIV>)
+ {
+ if (op == null) {
+ op = new OperatorExpr();
- op.setCurrentop(true);
- }
- op.addOperator(token.image);
- }
- operand = UnionExpr()
- {
- op.addOperand(operand);
- }
- )*
- {
- return op==null?operand:op;
- }
+ op.setCurrentop(true);
+ }
+ op.addOperator(token.image);
+ }
+ operand = UnionExpr()
+ {
+ op.addOperand(operand);
+ }
+ )*
+ {
+ return op==null?operand:op;
+ }
Expression UnionExpr() throws ParseException:
@@ -1507,14 +1516,14 @@
Expression operand2 = null;
- operand1 = UnaryExpr()
- (<UNION>
+ operand1 = UnaryExpr()
+ (<UNION>
(operand2 = UnaryExpr()) {
if (union == null) {
union = new UnionExpr();
- union.addExpr(operand1);
+ union.addExpr(operand1);
- union.addExpr(operand2);
+ union.addExpr(operand2);
} )*
return (union == null)? operand1: union;
@@ -1523,32 +1532,32 @@
Expression UnaryExpr() throws ParseException:
- Expression uexpr = null;
- Expression expr = null;
+ Expression uexpr = null;
+ Expression expr = null;
- ( (<PLUS> | <MINUS>)
- {
- uexpr = new UnaryExpr();
- if("+".equals(token.image))
- ((UnaryExpr)uexpr).setSign(Sign.POSITIVE);
- else if("-".equals(token.image))
- ((UnaryExpr)uexpr).setSign(Sign.NEGATIVE);
- else
- throw new ParseException();
- }
- )?
- expr = ValueExpr()
- {
- if(uexpr!=null){
- ((UnaryExpr)uexpr).setExpr(expr);
- return uexpr;
- }
- else{
- return expr;
- }
- }
+ ( (<PLUS> | <MINUS>)
+ {
+ uexpr = new UnaryExpr();
+ if("+".equals(token.image))
+ ((UnaryExpr)uexpr).setSign(Sign.POSITIVE);
+ else if("-".equals(token.image))
+ ((UnaryExpr)uexpr).setSign(Sign.NEGATIVE);
+ else
+ throw new ParseException();
+ }
+ )?
+ expr = ValueExpr()
+ {
+ if(uexpr!=null){
+ ((UnaryExpr)uexpr).setExpr(expr);
+ return uexpr;
+ }
+ else{
+ return expr;
+ }
+ }
Expression ValueExpr()throws ParseException:
@@ -1560,8 +1569,8 @@
expr = PrimaryExpr() ( ident = Field()
- {
- fa = (fa == null ? new FieldAccessor(expr, ident)
+ {
+ fa = (fa == null ? new FieldAccessor(expr, ident)
: new FieldAccessor(fa, ident));
| indexExpr = Index()
@@ -1588,29 +1597,29 @@
Expression Index() throws ParseException:
- Expression expr = null;
+ Expression expr = null;
<LEFTBRACKET> ( expr = Expression()
- {
- if(expr.getKind() == Expression.Kind.LITERAL_EXPRESSION)
- {
- Literal lit = ((LiteralExpr)expr).getValue();
- if(lit.getLiteralType() != Literal.Type.INTEGER &&
- lit.getLiteralType() != Literal.Type.LONG) {
- throw new ParseException("Index should be an INTEGER");
+ {
+ if(expr.getKind() == Expression.Kind.LITERAL_EXPRESSION)
+ {
+ Literal lit = ((LiteralExpr)expr).getValue();
+ if(lit.getLiteralType() != Literal.Type.INTEGER &&
+ lit.getLiteralType() != Literal.Type.LONG) {
+ throw new ParseException("Index should be an INTEGER");
- }
- }
+ }
+ }
- | <QUES> // ANY
- )
+ | <QUES> // ANY
+ )
- {
- return expr;
- }
+ {
+ return expr;
+ }
@@ -1619,11 +1628,11 @@
Expression expr = null;
expr = FunctionCallExpr()
| expr = Literal()
| expr = DatasetAccessExpression()
- | expr = VariableRef()
+ | expr = VariableRef()
if(((VariableExpr)expr).getIsNewVar() == true)
throw new ParseException("can't find variable " + ((VariableExpr)expr).getVar());
@@ -1649,11 +1658,7 @@
- try {
- lit.setValue(new IntegerLiteral(new Integer(token.image)));
- } catch(NumberFormatException ex) {
- lit.setValue(new LongIntegerLiteral(new Long(token.image)));
- }
+ lit.setValue(new LongIntegerLiteral(new Long(token.image)));
@@ -1670,7 +1675,7 @@
| <TRUE>
- }
+ }
@@ -1684,24 +1689,24 @@
VariableExpr VariableRef() throws ParseException:
- VariableExpr varExp = new VariableExpr();
- VarIdentifier var = new VarIdentifier();
+ VariableExpr varExp = new VariableExpr();
+ VarIdentifier var = new VarIdentifier();
- String varName = token.image;
+ String varName = token.image;
Identifier ident = lookupSymbol(varName);
if (isInForbiddenScopes(varName)) {
throw new ParseException("Inside limit clauses, it is disallowed to reference a variable having the same name as any variable bound in the same scope as the limit clause.");
if(ident != null) { // exist such ident
- varExp.setVar((VarIdentifier)ident);
+ varExp.setVar((VarIdentifier)ident);
} else {
- varExp.setVar(var);
+ varExp.setVar(var);
- var.setValue(varName);
+ var.setValue(varName);
return varExp;
@@ -1709,8 +1714,8 @@
VariableExpr Variable() throws ParseException:
- VariableExpr varExp = new VariableExpr();
- VarIdentifier var = new VarIdentifier();
+ VariableExpr varExp = new VariableExpr();
+ VarIdentifier var = new VarIdentifier();
@@ -1718,22 +1723,22 @@
Identifier ident = lookupSymbol(token.image);
if(ident != null) { // exist such ident
- }
- varExp.setVar(var);
- var.setValue(token.image);
+ }
+ varExp.setVar(var);
+ var.setValue(token.image);
return varExp;
Expression ListConstructor() throws ParseException:
- Expression expr = null;
+ Expression expr = null;
- expr = OrderedListConstructor() | expr = UnorderedListConstructor()
+ expr = OrderedListConstructor() | expr = UnorderedListConstructor()
return expr;
@@ -1742,55 +1747,55 @@
ListConstructor OrderedListConstructor() throws ParseException:
- ListConstructor expr = new ListConstructor();
- Expression tmp = null;
- List<Expression> exprList = new ArrayList<Expression>();
- expr.setType(ListConstructor.Type.ORDERED_LIST_CONSTRUCTOR);
+ ListConstructor expr = new ListConstructor();
+ Expression tmp = null;
+ List<Expression> exprList = new ArrayList<Expression>();
+ expr.setType(ListConstructor.Type.ORDERED_LIST_CONSTRUCTOR);
- ( tmp = Expression()
- {
- exprList.add(tmp);
- }
- (<COMMA> tmp = Expression() { exprList.add(tmp); })*
- )?
+ ( tmp = Expression()
+ {
+ exprList.add(tmp);
+ }
+ (<COMMA> tmp = Expression() { exprList.add(tmp); })*
+ )?
return expr;
- }
+ }
ListConstructor UnorderedListConstructor() throws ParseException:
- ListConstructor expr = new ListConstructor();
- Expression tmp = null;
- List<Expression> exprList = new ArrayList<Expression>();
- expr.setType(ListConstructor.Type.UNORDERED_LIST_CONSTRUCTOR);
+ ListConstructor expr = new ListConstructor();
+ Expression tmp = null;
+ List<Expression> exprList = new ArrayList<Expression>();
+ expr.setType(ListConstructor.Type.UNORDERED_LIST_CONSTRUCTOR);
<LEFTDBLBRACE> ( tmp = Expression()
- {
- exprList.add(tmp);
- }
+ {
+ exprList.add(tmp);
+ }
(<COMMA> tmp = Expression() { exprList.add(tmp); })*)? <RIGHTDBLBRACE>
return expr;
- }
+ }
RecordConstructor RecordConstructor() throws ParseException:
- RecordConstructor expr = new RecordConstructor();
- FieldBinding tmp = null;
- List<FieldBinding> fbList = new ArrayList<FieldBinding>();
+ RecordConstructor expr = new RecordConstructor();
+ FieldBinding tmp = null;
+ List<FieldBinding> fbList = new ArrayList<FieldBinding>();
<LEFTBRACE> (tmp = FieldBinding()
@@ -1801,13 +1806,13 @@
return expr;
- }
+ }
FieldBinding FieldBinding() throws ParseException:
- FieldBinding fb = new FieldBinding();
- Expression left, right;
+ FieldBinding fb = new FieldBinding();
+ Expression left, right;
left = Expression() <COLON> right = Expression()
@@ -1828,7 +1833,7 @@
FunctionName funcName = null;
String hint = null;
funcName = FunctionName()
hint = getHint(token);
@@ -1872,25 +1877,25 @@
String arg2 = null;
Expression nameArg;
funcName = token.image;
- ( ( arg1 = Identifier() ( <DOT> arg2 = Identifier() )? )
+ ( ( arg1 = Identifier() ( <DOT> arg2 = Identifier() )? )
String name = arg2 == null ? arg1 : arg1 + "." + arg2;
LiteralExpr ds = new LiteralExpr();
ds.setValue( new StringLiteral(name) );
nameArg = ds;
if(arg2 != null){
- addDataverse(arg1.toString());
- addDataset(name);
+ addDataverse(arg1.toString());
+ addDataset(name);
} else {
- addDataset(defaultDataverse + "." + name);
+ addDataset(defaultDataverse + "." + name);
- | ( <LEFTPAREN> nameArg = Expression() <RIGHTPAREN> ) )
+ | ( <LEFTPAREN> nameArg = Expression() <RIGHTPAREN> ) )
String dataverse = MetadataConstants.METADATA_DATAVERSE_NAME;
FunctionSignature signature = lookupFunctionSignature(dataverse, funcName, 1);
@@ -1934,11 +1939,11 @@
Expression FLWOGR() throws ParseException:
- FLWOGRExpression flworg = new FLWOGRExpression();
- List<Clause> clauseList = new ArrayList<Clause>();
- Expression returnExpr;
- Clause tmp;
- createNewScope();
+ FLWOGRExpression flworg = new FLWOGRExpression();
+ List<Clause> clauseList = new ArrayList<Clause>();
+ Expression returnExpr;
+ Clause tmp;
+ createNewScope();
(tmp = ForClause() {clauseList.add(tmp);} | tmp = LetClause() {clauseList.add(tmp);})
@@ -1958,11 +1963,11 @@
- clause = ForClause()
- | clause = LetClause()
- | clause = WhereClause()
- | clause = OrderbyClause()
- | clause = GroupClause()
+ clause = ForClause()
+ | clause = LetClause()
+ | clause = WhereClause()
+ | clause = OrderbyClause()
+ | clause = GroupClause()
| clause = LimitClause()
| clause = DistinctClause()
@@ -1973,11 +1978,11 @@
Clause ForClause()throws ParseException :
- ForClause fc = new ForClause();
- VariableExpr varExp;
- VariableExpr varPos = null;
- Expression inExp;
- extendCurrentScope();
+ ForClause fc = new ForClause();
+ VariableExpr varExp;
+ VariableExpr varPos = null;
+ Expression inExp;
+ extendCurrentScope();
(<FOR>|<FROM>) varExp = Variable() (<AT> varPos = Variable())? <IN> ( inExp = Expression() )
@@ -1987,7 +1992,7 @@
if (varPos != null) {
- getCurrentScope().addNewVarSymbolToScope(varPos.getVar());
+ getCurrentScope().addNewVarSymbolToScope(varPos.getVar());
return fc;
@@ -1995,10 +2000,10 @@
Clause LetClause() throws ParseException:
- LetClause lc = new LetClause();
- VariableExpr varExp;
- Expression beExp;
- extendCurrentScope();
+ LetClause lc = new LetClause();
+ VariableExpr varExp;
+ Expression beExp;
+ extendCurrentScope();
(<LET>|<WITH>) varExp = Variable() <ASSIGN> beExp = Expression()
@@ -2033,28 +2038,28 @@
String hint = getHint(token);
if (hint != null && hint.startsWith(INMEMORY_HINT)) {
- String splits[] = hint.split(" +");
+ String splits[] = hint.split(" +");
int numFrames = Integer.parseInt(splits[1]);
int numTuples = Integer.parseInt(splits[2]);
- oc.setNumTuples(numTuples);
- }
- }
+ oc.setNumTuples(numTuples);
+ }
+ }
<BY> orderbyExpr = Expression()
- OrderbyClause.OrderModifier modif = OrderbyClause.OrderModifier.ASC;
+ OrderbyClause.OrderModifier modif = OrderbyClause.OrderModifier.ASC;
( (<ASC> { modif = OrderbyClause.OrderModifier.ASC; })
| (<DESC> { modif = OrderbyClause.OrderModifier.DESC; }))?
(<COMMA> orderbyExpr = Expression()
@@ -2064,7 +2069,7 @@
| (<DESC> { modif = OrderbyClause.OrderModifier.DESC; }))?
- }
+ }
@@ -2075,73 +2080,73 @@
Clause GroupClause()throws ParseException :
- GroupbyClause gbc = new GroupbyClause();
- // GbyVariableExpressionPair pair = new GbyVariableExpressionPair();
- List<GbyVariableExpressionPair> vePairList = new ArrayList<GbyVariableExpressionPair>();
+ GroupbyClause gbc = new GroupbyClause();
+ // GbyVariableExpressionPair pair = new GbyVariableExpressionPair();
+ List<GbyVariableExpressionPair> vePairList = new ArrayList<GbyVariableExpressionPair>();
List<GbyVariableExpressionPair> decorPairList = new ArrayList<GbyVariableExpressionPair>();
- List<VariableExpr> withVarList= new ArrayList<VariableExpr>();
- VariableExpr var = null;
- VariableExpr withVar = null;
- Expression expr = null;
- VariableExpr decorVar = null;
- Expression decorExpr = null;
+ List<VariableExpr> withVarList= new ArrayList<VariableExpr>();
+ VariableExpr var = null;
+ VariableExpr withVar = null;
+ Expression expr = null;
+ VariableExpr decorVar = null;
+ Expression decorExpr = null;
- {
- Scope newScope = extendCurrentScopeNoPush(true);
- // extendCurrentScope(true);
- }
+ {
+ Scope newScope = extendCurrentScopeNoPush(true);
+ // extendCurrentScope(true);
+ }
String hint = getHint(token);
if (hint != null && hint.equals(HASH_GROUP_BY_HINT)) {
- gbc.setHashGroupByHint(true);
- }
- }
+ gbc.setHashGroupByHint(true);
+ }
+ }
<BY> (LOOKAHEAD(2) var = Variable()
} <ASSIGN>)?
- expr = Expression()
+ expr = Expression()
- GbyVariableExpressionPair pair1 = new GbyVariableExpressionPair(var, expr);
+ GbyVariableExpressionPair pair1 = new GbyVariableExpressionPair(var, expr);
(<COMMA> ( LOOKAHEAD(2) var = Variable()
} <ASSIGN>)?
- expr = Expression()
- {
- GbyVariableExpressionPair pair2 = new GbyVariableExpressionPair(var, expr);
+ expr = Expression()
+ {
+ GbyVariableExpressionPair pair2 = new GbyVariableExpressionPair(var, expr);
- )*
+ )*
(<DECOR> decorVar = Variable() <ASSIGN> decorExpr = Expression()
- {
- newScope.addNewVarSymbolToScope(decorVar.getVar());
+ {
+ newScope.addNewVarSymbolToScope(decorVar.getVar());
GbyVariableExpressionPair pair3 = new GbyVariableExpressionPair(decorVar, decorExpr);
(<COMMA> <DECOR> decorVar = Variable() <ASSIGN> decorExpr = Expression()
- {
- newScope.addNewVarSymbolToScope(decorVar.getVar());
+ {
+ newScope.addNewVarSymbolToScope(decorVar.getVar());
GbyVariableExpressionPair pair4 = new GbyVariableExpressionPair(decorVar, decorExpr);
- decorPairList.add(pair4);
+ decorPairList.add(pair4);
- )*
- )?
+ )*
+ )?
(<WITH>|<KEEPING>) withVar = VariableRef()
- throw new ParseException("can't find variable " + withVar.getVar());
+ throw new ParseException("can't find variable " + withVar.getVar());
(<COMMA> withVar = VariableRef()
- throw new ParseException("can't find variable " + withVar.getVar());
+ throw new ParseException("can't find variable " + withVar.getVar());
@@ -2157,16 +2162,16 @@
LimitClause LimitClause() throws ParseException:
- LimitClause lc = new LimitClause();
- Expression expr;
- pushForbiddenScope(getCurrentScope());
+ LimitClause lc = new LimitClause();
+ Expression expr;
+ pushForbiddenScope(getCurrentScope());
<LIMIT> expr = Expression() { lc.setLimitExpr(expr); }
(<OFFSET> expr = Expression() { lc.setOffset(expr); })?
- popForbiddenScope();
+ popForbiddenScope();
return lc;
@@ -2177,17 +2182,17 @@
Expression expr;
- <DISTINCT> <BY> expr = Expression()
+ <DISTINCT> <BY> expr = Expression()
- (<COMMA> expr = Expression()
- {
- exprs.add(expr);
- }
+ (<COMMA> expr = Expression()
+ {
+ exprs.add(expr);
+ }
- return new DistinctClause(exprs);
+ return new DistinctClause(exprs);
@@ -2204,41 +2209,41 @@
( (<SOME> { qc.setQuantifier(QuantifiedExpression.Quantifier.SOME); })
- | (<EVERY> { qc.setQuantifier(QuantifiedExpression.Quantifier.EVERY); }))
- var = Variable() <IN> inExpr = Expression()
- {
- pair = new QuantifiedPair(var, inExpr);
- getCurrentScope().addNewVarSymbolToScope(var.getVar());
- quantifiedList.add(pair);
- }
- (
- <COMMA> var = Variable() <IN> inExpr = Expression()
- {
+ | (<EVERY> { qc.setQuantifier(QuantifiedExpression.Quantifier.EVERY); }))
+ var = Variable() <IN> inExpr = Expression()
+ {
pair = new QuantifiedPair(var, inExpr);
- quantifiedList.add(pair);
- }
- )*
- <SATISFIES> satisfiesExpr = Expression()
- {
- qc.setSatisfiesExpr(satisfiesExpr);
- qc.setQuantifiedList(quantifiedList);
- removeCurrentScope();
- return qc;
- }
+ quantifiedList.add(pair);
+ }
+ (
+ <COMMA> var = Variable() <IN> inExpr = Expression()
+ {
+ pair = new QuantifiedPair(var, inExpr);
+ getCurrentScope().addNewVarSymbolToScope(var.getVar());
+ quantifiedList.add(pair);
+ }
+ )*
+ <SATISFIES> satisfiesExpr = Expression()
+ {
+ qc.setSatisfiesExpr(satisfiesExpr);
+ qc.setQuantifiedList(quantifiedList);
+ removeCurrentScope();
+ return qc;
+ }
public int commentDepth = 0;
public IntStack lexerStateStack = new IntStack();
public void pushState() {
lexerStateStack.push( curLexState );
public void popState(String token) {
if (lexerStateStack.size() > 0) {
SwitchTo( lexerStateStack.pop() );
@@ -2448,7 +2453,7 @@
- <"//" (~["\n","\r"])* ("\n"|"\r"|"\r\n")?>
+ <"//" (~["\n","\r"])* ("\n"|"\r"|"\r\n")?>
diff --git a/asterix-doc/src/site/markdown/aql/functions.md b/asterix-doc/src/site/markdown/aql/functions.md
index 28a655e..89f6f64 100644
--- a/asterix-doc/src/site/markdown/aql/functions.md
+++ b/asterix-doc/src/site/markdown/aql/functions.md
@@ -197,7 +197,7 @@
* `substring_to_contain` : A target `string` that might be contained.
* Return Value:
* A `boolean` value, `true` if `string_expression` contains `substring_to_contain`, and `false` otherwise.
+ * Note: An n-gram index can be utilized for this function.
* Example:
use dataverse TinySocial;
@@ -417,7 +417,7 @@
* The expected result is:
### matches ###
* Syntax:
@@ -482,7 +482,7 @@
* Arguments:
* `string_expression` : A `string` or `null` that represents the string to be checked.
* Return Value:
- * An `int32` that represents the length of `string_expression`.
+ * An `int64` that represents the length of `string_expression`.
* Example:
@@ -519,8 +519,8 @@
* Returns the substring from the given string `string_expression` based on the given start offset `offset` with the optional `length`.
* Arguments:
* `string_expression` : A `string` to be extracted.
- * `offset` : An `int32` as the starting offset of the substring in `string_expression`.
- * `length` : (Optional) An `int32` as the length of the substring.
+ * `offset` : An `int64` as the starting offset of the substring in `string_expression`.
+ * `length` : (Optional) An `int64` as the length of the substring.
* Return Value:
* A `string` that represents the substring.
@@ -592,7 +592,7 @@
" its touch-screen is horrible"
" the voice-command is bad:("
" the voicemail-service is awesome"
## <a id="AggregateFunctions">Aggregate Functions</a> <font size="4"><a href="#toc">[Back to TOC]</a></font> ##
### count ###
* Syntax:
@@ -648,7 +648,7 @@
* Arguments:
* `num_list`: An `orderedList` or `unorderedList` containing numeric or null values, or a `null` value.
* Return Value:
- * The sum of the numbers in the given list. The returning type is decided by the item type with the highest order in the numeric type promotion order (`int8`-> `int16`->`int32`->`float`->`double`, `int32`->`int64`->`double`) among items. `null` is returned if the input is `null`, or the input list contains `null`. Non-numeric types in the input list will cause an error.
+ * The sum of the numbers in the given list. The returning type is decided by the item type with the highest order in the numeric type promotion order (`int8`-> `int16`->`int32`->`int64`->`float`->`double`) among items. `null` is returned if the input is `null`, or the input list contains `null`. Non-numeric types in the input list will cause an error.
* Example:
@@ -670,7 +670,7 @@
* Arguments:
* `num_list`: An `orderedList` or `unorderedList` containing the items to be compared, or a `null` value.
* Return Value:
- * The min/max value of the given list. The returning type is decided by the item type with the highest order in the numeric type promotion order (`int8`-> `int16`->`int32`->`float`->`double`, `int32`->`int64`->`double`) among items. `null` is returned if the input is `null`, or the input list contains `null`. Non-numeric types in the input list will cause an error.
+ * The min/max value of the given list. The returning type is decided by the item type with the highest order in the numeric type promotion order (`int8`-> `int16`->`int32`->`int64`->`float`->`double`) among items. `null` is returned if the input is `null`, or the input list contains `null`. Non-numeric types in the input list will cause an error.
* Example:
@@ -737,7 +737,7 @@
* Arguments:
* `num_list`: An `orderedList` or `unorderedList` containing numeric or null values, or a `null` value.
* Return Value:
- * The sum of the non-null numbers in the given list. The returning type is decided by the item type with the highest order in the numeric type promotion order (`int8`-> `int16`->`int32`->`float`->`double`, `int32`->`int64`->`double`) among items. The value `null` is returned if the input is `null`. Non-numeric types in the input list will cause an error.
+ * The sum of the non-null numbers in the given list. The returning type is decided by the item type with the highest order in the numeric type promotion order (`int8`-> `int16`->`int32`->`int64`->`float`->`double`) among items. The value `null` is returned if the input is `null`. Non-numeric types in the input list will cause an error.
* Example:
@@ -758,7 +758,7 @@
* Arguments:
* `num_list`: An `orderedList` or `unorderedList` containing the items to be compared, or a `null` value.
* Return Value:
- * The min/max value of the given list. The returning type is decided by the item type with the highest order in the numeric type promotion order (`int8`-> `int16`->`int32`->`float`->`double`, `int32`->`int64`->`double`) among items. The value `null` is returned if the input is `null`. Non-numeric types in the input list will cause an error.
+ * The min/max value of the given list. The returning type is decided by the item type with the highest order in the numeric type promotion order (`int8`-> `int16`->`int32`->`int64`->`float`->`double`) among items. The value `null` is returned if the input is `null`. Non-numeric types in the input list will cause an error.
* Example:
@@ -1118,8 +1118,8 @@
* `expression1` : A `string` or a homogeneous `OrderedList` of a comparable item type.
* `expression2` : The same type as `expression1`.
* Return Value:
- * An `int32` that represents the edit distance between `expression1` and `expression2`.
+ * An `int64` that represents the edit distance between `expression1` and `expression2`.
+ * Note: An n-gram index can be utilized for this function.
* Example:
use dataverse TinySocial;
@@ -1148,12 +1148,12 @@
* Arguments:
* `expression1` : A `string` or a homogeneous `OrderedList` of a comparable item type.
* `expression2` : The same type as `expression1`.
- * `threshold` : An `int32` that represents the distance threshold.
+ * `threshold` : An `int64` that represents the distance threshold.
* Return Value:
* An `OrderedList` with two items:
* The first item contains a `boolean` value representing whether `expression1` and `expression2` are similar.
- * The second item contains an `int32` that represents the edit distance of `expression1` and `expression2` if it is within the threshold, or 0 otherwise.
+ * The second item contains an `int64` that represents the edit distance of `expression1` and `expression2` if it is within the threshold, or 0 otherwise.
+ * Note: An n-gram index can be utilized for this function.
* Example:
use dataverse TinySocial;
@@ -1183,7 +1183,7 @@
* An `OrderedList` with two items:
* The first item contains a `boolean` value representing whether `expression1` can contain `expression2`.
* The second item contains an `int32` that represents the required edit distance for `expression1` to contain `expression2` if the first item is true.
+* Note: An n-gram index can be utilized for this function.
* Example:
let $i := edit-distance-contains("happy","hapr",2)
return $i;
@@ -1206,7 +1206,7 @@
* `list_expression2` : An `UnorderedList` or `OrderedList`.
* Return Value:
* A `float` that represents the Jaccard similarity of `list_expression1` and `list_expression2`.
+ * Note: A keyword index can be utilized for this function.
* Example:
use dataverse TinySocial;
@@ -1244,7 +1244,7 @@
* An `OrderedList` with two items:
* The first item contains a `boolean` value representing whether `list_expression1` and `list_expression2` are similar.
* The second item contains a `float` that represents the Jaccard similarity of `list_expression1` and `list_expression2` if it is greater than or equal to the threshold, or 0 otherwise.
+ * Note: A keyword index can be utilized for this function.
* Example:
use dataverse TinySocial;
@@ -1584,7 +1584,7 @@
* Arguments:
* `temporal_expression` : a temporal value represented as one of the following types: `date`, `datetime`, `time`, and `duration`.
* Return Value:
- * An `int32` value representing the field to be extracted.
+ * An `int64` value representing the field to be extracted.
* Example:
@@ -1879,7 +1879,7 @@
* Gets a date representing the time after `numeric_expression` days since 1970-01-01.
* Arguments:
- * `numeric_expression`: A `int8`/`int16`/`int32` value representing the number of days.
+ * `numeric_expression`: A `int8`/`int16`/`int32`/`int64` value representing the number of days.
* Return Value:
* A `date` value as the time after `numeric_expression` days since 1970-01-01.
@@ -1925,7 +1925,7 @@
* Gets a time representing the time after `numeric_expression` milliseconds since 00:00:00.000Z.
* Arguments:
- * `numeric_expression`: A `int8`/`int16`/`int32` value representing the number of milliseconds.
+ * `numeric_expression`: A `int8`/`int16`/`int32`/`int64` value representing the number of milliseconds.
* Return Value:
* A `time` value as the time after `numeric_expression` milliseconds since 00:00:00.000Z.
diff --git a/asterix-doc/src/site/markdown/aql/primer.md b/asterix-doc/src/site/markdown/aql/primer.md
index b254e46..6ec7022 100644
--- a/asterix-doc/src/site/markdown/aql/primer.md
+++ b/asterix-doc/src/site/markdown/aql/primer.md
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
This document assumes that you are at least vaguely familiar with AsterixDB and why you might want to use it.
Most importantly, it assumes you already have a running instance of AsterixDB and that you know how to query
it using AsterixDB's basic web interface.
-For more information on these topics, you should go through the steps in
+For more information on these topics, you should go through the steps in
[Installing Asterix Using Managix](../install.html)
before reading this document and make sure that you have a running AsterixDB instance ready to go.
To get your feet wet, you should probably start with a simple local installation of AsterixDB on your favorite
@@ -69,48 +69,48 @@
drop dataverse TinySocial if exists;
create dataverse TinySocial;
use dataverse TinySocial;
create type TwitterUserType as open {
- screen-name: string,
- lang: string,
- friends_count: int32,
- statuses_count: int32,
- name: string,
- followers_count: int32
+ screen-name: string,
+ lang: string,
+ friends_count: int64,
+ statuses_count: int64,
+ name: string,
+ followers_count: int64
create type TweetMessageType as closed {
- tweetid: string,
- user: TwitterUserType,
- sender-location: point?,
- send-time: datetime,
- referred-topics: {{ string }},
- message-text: string
+ tweetid: string,
+ user: TwitterUserType,
+ sender-location: point?,
+ send-time: datetime,
+ referred-topics: {{ string }},
+ message-text: string
create type EmploymentType as open {
- organization-name: string,
- start-date: date,
- end-date: date?
+ organization-name: string,
+ start-date: date,
+ end-date: date?
create type FacebookUserType as closed {
- id: int32,
- alias: string,
- name: string,
- user-since: datetime,
- friend-ids: {{ int32 }},
- employment: [EmploymentType]
+ id: int64,
+ alias: string,
+ name: string,
+ user-since: datetime,
+ friend-ids: {{ int64 }},
+ employment: [EmploymentType]
create type FacebookMessageType as closed {
- message-id: int32,
- author-id: int32,
- in-response-to: int32?,
- sender-location: point?,
- message: string
+ message-id: int64,
+ author-id: int64,
+ in-response-to: int64?,
+ sender-location: point?,
+ message: string
The first three lines above tell AsterixDB to drop the old TinySocial dataverse, if one already
@@ -159,30 +159,30 @@
We can do this as follows, utilizing the DDL capabilities of AsterixDB.
use dataverse TinySocial;
create dataset FacebookUsers(FacebookUserType)
primary key id;
create dataset FacebookMessages(FacebookMessageType)
primary key message-id;
create dataset TwitterUsers(TwitterUserType)
primary key screen-name;
create dataset TweetMessages(TweetMessageType)
primary key tweetid
create index fbUserSinceIdx on FacebookUsers(user-since);
create index fbAuthorIdx on FacebookMessages(author-id) type btree;
create index fbSenderLocIndex on FacebookMessages(sender-location) type rtree;
create index fbMessageIdx on FacebookMessages(message) type keyword;
for $ds in dataset Metadata.Dataset return $ds;
for $ix in dataset Metadata.Index return $ix;
The ADM DDL statements above create four datasets for holding our social data in the TinySocial
@@ -310,16 +310,16 @@
use dataverse TinySocial;
load dataset FacebookUsers using localfs
(("path"="<Host Name>://<Absolute File Path>/fbu.adm"),("format"="adm"));
load dataset FacebookMessages using localfs
(("path"="<Host Name>://<Absolute File Path>/fbm.adm"),("format"="adm"));
load dataset TwitterUsers using localfs
(("path"="<Host Name>://<Absolute File Path>/twu.adm"),("format"="adm"));
load dataset TweetMessages using localfs
(("path"="<Host Name>://<Absolute File Path>/twm.adm"),("format"="adm"));
@@ -376,7 +376,7 @@
use dataverse TinySocial;
for $user in dataset FacebookUsers
where $user.id = 8
return $user;
@@ -397,7 +397,7 @@
For example, for our next query, let's find the Facebook users whose ids are in the range between 2 and 4:
use dataverse TinySocial;
for $user in dataset FacebookUsers
where $user.id >= 2 and $user.id <= 4
return $user;
@@ -414,7 +414,7 @@
As an example, this next query retrieves the Facebook users who joined between July 22, 2010 and July 29, 2012:
use dataverse TinySocial;
for $user in dataset FacebookUsers
where $user.user-since >= datetime('2010-07-22T00:00:00')
and $user.user-since <= datetime('2012-07-29T23:59:59')
@@ -437,7 +437,7 @@
We could do this as follows in AQL:
use dataverse TinySocial;
for $user in dataset FacebookUsers
for $message in dataset FacebookMessages
where $message.author-id = $user.id
@@ -488,7 +488,7 @@
should consider employing an index-based nested-loop join technique to process the query:
use dataverse TinySocial;
for $user in dataset FacebookUsers
for $message in dataset FacebookMessages
where $message.author-id /*+ indexnl */ = $user.id
@@ -496,7 +496,7 @@
"uname": $user.name,
"message": $message.message
The expected result is (of course) the same as before, modulo the order of the instances.
Result ordering is (intentionally) undefined in AQL in the absence of an _order by_ clause.
@@ -539,13 +539,13 @@
In AQL, this sort of use case can be handled (more naturally) as follows:
use dataverse TinySocial;
for $user in dataset FacebookUsers
return {
"uname": $user.name,
"messages": for $message in dataset FacebookMessages
- where $message.author-id = $user.id
- return $message.message
+ where $message.author-id = $user.id
+ return $message.message
This AQL query binds the variable `$user` to the data instances in FacebookUsers;
@@ -582,13 +582,13 @@
functions on the spatial data type instead of id equality in the correlated query's _where_ clause:
use dataverse TinySocial;
for $t in dataset TweetMessages
return {
"message": $t.message-text,
"nearby-messages": for $t2 in dataset TweetMessages
- where spatial-distance($t.sender-location, $t2.sender-location) <= 1
- return { "msgtxt":$t2.message-text}
+ where spatial-distance($t.sender-location, $t2.sender-location) <= 1
+ return { "msgtxt":$t2.message-text}
Here is the expected result for this query:
@@ -616,21 +616,21 @@
for testing whether or not two values are similar:
use dataverse TinySocial;
set simfunction "edit-distance";
set simthreshold "3";
for $fbu in dataset FacebookUsers
return {
"id": $fbu.id,
"name": $fbu.name,
"similar-users": for $t in dataset TweetMessages
- let $tu := $t.user
- where $tu.name ~= $fbu.name
- return {
- "twitter-screenname": $tu.screen-name,
- "twitter-name": $tu.name
- }
+ let $tu := $t.user
+ where $tu.name ~= $fbu.name
+ return {
+ "twitter-screenname": $tu.screen-name,
+ "twitter-name": $tu.name
+ }
The expected result for this query against our sample data is:
@@ -655,7 +655,7 @@
following AQL query:
use dataverse TinySocial;
for $fbu in dataset FacebookUsers
where (some $e in $fbu.employment satisfies is-null($e.end-date))
return $fbu;
@@ -677,7 +677,7 @@
following AQL query:
use dataverse TinySocial;
for $fbu in dataset FacebookUsers
where (every $e in $fbu.employment satisfies not(is-null($e.end-date)))
return $fbu;
@@ -694,7 +694,7 @@
As a very simple example, the following AQL query computes the total number of Facebook users:
use dataverse TinySocial;
count(for $fbu in dataset FacebookUsers return $fbu);
In AQL, aggregate functions can be applied to arbitrary subquery results; in this case, the count function
@@ -709,7 +709,7 @@
For every Twitter user, the following group-by/aggregate query counts the number of tweets sent by that user:
use dataverse TinySocial;
for $t in dataset TweetMessages
group by $uid := $t.user.screen-name with $t
return {
@@ -749,7 +749,7 @@
The following query is similar to Query 9-A, but adds a hash-based aggregation hint:
use dataverse TinySocial;
for $t in dataset TweetMessages
/*+ hash*/
group by $uid := $t.user.screen-name with $t
@@ -776,15 +776,15 @@
The following AQL query returns the top 3 Twitter users based on who has issued the most tweets:
use dataverse TinySocial;
for $t in dataset TweetMessages
group by $uid := $t.user.screen-name with $t
let $c := count($t)
order by $c desc
limit 3
return {
- "user": $uid,
- "count": $c
+ "user": $uid,
+ "count": $c
The expected result for this query is:
@@ -799,17 +799,17 @@
finds all of the tweets that are similar based on the topics that they refer to:
use dataverse TinySocial;
set simfunction "jaccard";
set simthreshold "0.3";
for $t in dataset TweetMessages
return {
"tweet": $t,
"similar-tweets": for $t2 in dataset TweetMessages
- where $t2.referred-topics ~= $t.referred-topics
- and $t2.tweetid != $t.tweetid
- return $t2.referred-topics
+ where $t2.referred-topics ~= $t.referred-topics
+ and $t2.tweetid != $t.tweetid
+ return $t2.referred-topics
This query illustrates several things worth knowing in order to write fuzzy queries in AQL.
@@ -843,7 +843,7 @@
have all gone up in the interim, although he appears not to have moved in the last half hour.)
use dataverse TinySocial;
insert into dataset TweetMessages
@@ -874,7 +874,7 @@
The following example deletes the tweet that we just added from user "NathanGiesen@211". (Easy come, easy go. :-))
use dataverse TinySocial;
delete $tm from dataset TweetMessages where $tm.tweetid = "13";
It should be noted that one form of data change not yet supported by AsterixDB is in-place data modification (_update_).
diff --git a/asterix-doc/src/site/markdown/aql/similarity.md b/asterix-doc/src/site/markdown/aql/similarity.md
index 12cfb10..9e07ea1 100644
--- a/asterix-doc/src/site/markdown/aql/similarity.md
+++ b/asterix-doc/src/site/markdown/aql/similarity.md
@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@
`Suzanna Tilson`, i.e., their edit distance is at most 2.
use dataverse TinySocial;
for $user in dataset('FacebookUsers')
let $ed := edit-distance($user.name, "Suzanna Tilson")
where $ed <= 2
@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@
similar to `[1,5,9]`, i.e., their Jaccard similarity is at least 0.6.
use dataverse TinySocial;
for $user in dataset('FacebookUsers')
let $sim := similarity-jaccard($user.friend-ids, [1,5,9])
where $sim >= 0.6f
@@ -73,10 +73,10 @@
equivalently written as:
use dataverse TinySocial;
set simfunction "jaccard";
set simthreshold "0.6f";
for $user in dataset('FacebookUsers')
where $user.friend-ids ~= [1,5,9]
return $user
@@ -94,10 +94,10 @@
similar to their name based on the edit distance.
use dataverse TinySocial;
set simfunction "edit-distance";
set simthreshold "3";
for $fbu in dataset FacebookUsers
return {
"id": $fbu.id,
@@ -131,25 +131,70 @@
`FacebookUsers.name` attribute using an inverted index of 3-grams.
use dataverse TinySocial;
create index fbUserIdx on FacebookUsers(name) type ngram(3);
The number "3" in "ngram(3)" is the length "n" in the grams. This
index can be used to optimize similarity queries on this attribute
-or [jaccard-check](functions.html#similarity-jaccard-check)
+or [similarity-jaccard-check](functions.html#similarity-jaccard-check)
queries on this attribute where the
similarity is defined on sets of 3-grams. This index can also be used
to optimize queries with the "[contains()]((functions.html#contains))" predicate (i.e., substring
matching) since it can be also be solved by counting on the inverted
lists of the grams in the query string.
+#### NGram Index usage case - [edit-distance](functions.html#edit-distance) ####
+ use dataverse TinySocial;
+ for $user in dataset('FacebookUsers')
+ let $ed := edit-distance($user.name, "Suzanna Tilson")
+ where $ed <= 2
+ return $user
+#### NGram Index usage case - [edit-distance-check](functions.html#edit-distance-check) ####
+ use dataverse TinySocial;
+ for $user in dataset('FacebookUsers')
+ let $ed := edit-distance-check($user.name, "Suzanna Tilson", 2)
+ where $ed[0]
+ return $ed[1]
+#### NGram Index usage case - [similarity-jaccard](functions.html#similarity-jaccard) ####
+ use dataverse TinySocial;
+ for $user in dataset('FacebookUsers')
+ let $sim := similarity-jaccard($user.friend-ids, [1,5,9])
+ where $sim >= 0.6f
+ return $user
+#### NGram Index usage case - [similarity-jaccard-check](functions.html#similarity-jaccard-check) ####
+ use dataverse TinySocial;
+ for $user in dataset('FacebookUsers')
+ let $sim := similarity-jaccard($user.friend-ids, [1,5,9])
+ where $sim >= 0.6f
+ return $user
+#### NGram Index usage case - [contains()]((functions.html#contains)) ####
+ use dataverse TinySocial;
+ for $i in dataset('FacebookMessages')
+ where contains($i.message, "phone")
+ return {"mid": $i.message-id, "message": $i.message}
### Keyword Index ###
-A "keyword index" is constructed on a set of strings or sets (e.g., OrderedList, UnorderedList). Instead of
+A "keyword index" is constructed on a set of strings or sets (e.g., OrderedList, UnorderedList). Instead of
generating grams as in an ngram index, we generate tokens (e.g., words) and for each token, construct an inverted list that includes the ids of the
records with this token. The following two examples show how to create keyword index on two different types:
@@ -164,9 +209,9 @@
let $jacc := similarity-jaccard-check(word-tokens($o.message), word-tokens("love like verizon"), 0.2f)
where $jacc[0]
return $o
#### Keyword Index on UnorderedList Type ####
use dataverse TinySocial;
create index fbUserIdx_fids on FacebookUsers(friend-ids) type keyword;
@@ -175,7 +220,7 @@
let $jacc := similarity-jaccard-check($c.friend-ids, {{3,10}}, 0.5f)
where $jacc[0]
return $c
As shown above, keyword index can be used to optimize queries with token-based similarity predicates, including
[similarity-jaccard](functions.html#similarity-jaccard) and
diff --git a/asterix-external-data/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/external/library/ExternalFunction.java b/asterix-external-data/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/external/library/ExternalFunction.java
index 5f0badd..a148e66 100755
--- a/asterix-external-data/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/external/library/ExternalFunction.java
+++ b/asterix-external-data/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/external/library/ExternalFunction.java
@@ -3,9 +3,9 @@
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* you may obtain a copy of the License from
- *
+ *
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
+ *
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
@@ -20,6 +20,9 @@
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.formats.nontagged.AqlSerializerDeserializerProvider;
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.metadata.functions.ExternalLibraryManager;
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.functions.IExternalFunctionInfo;
+import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.types.ATypeTag;
+import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.types.EnumDeserializer;
+import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.types.hierachy.ATypeHierarchy;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.algebricks.common.exceptions.AlgebricksException;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.algebricks.runtime.base.ICopyEvaluator;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.algebricks.runtime.base.ICopyEvaluatorFactory;
@@ -36,6 +39,7 @@
protected final ICopyEvaluatorFactory[] evaluatorFactories;
protected final IDataOutputProvider out;
protected final ArrayBackedValueStorage inputVal = new ArrayBackedValueStorage();
+ protected final ArrayBackedValueStorage castBuffer = new ArrayBackedValueStorage();
protected final ICopyEvaluator[] argumentEvaluators;
protected final JavaFunctionHelper functionHelper;
@@ -77,7 +81,19 @@
for (int i = 0; i < evaluatorFactories.length; i++) {
- functionHelper.setArgument(i, inputVal.getByteArray());
+ // Type-cast the source array based on the input type that this function wants to receive.
+ ATypeTag targetTypeTag = finfo.getParamList().get(i).getTypeTag();
+ ATypeTag sourceTypeTag = EnumDeserializer.ATYPETAGDESERIALIZER.deserialize(inputVal.getByteArray()[inputVal
+ .getStartOffset()]);
+ if (sourceTypeTag != targetTypeTag) {
+ castBuffer.reset();
+ ATypeHierarchy.convertNumericTypeByteArray(inputVal.getByteArray(), inputVal.getStartOffset(),
+ inputVal.getLength(), targetTypeTag, castBuffer.getDataOutput());
+ functionHelper.setArgument(i, castBuffer.getByteArray());
+ } else {
+ functionHelper.setArgument(i, inputVal.getByteArray());
+ }
diff --git a/asterix-external-data/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/external/library/java/JObjectUtil.java b/asterix-external-data/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/external/library/java/JObjectUtil.java
index 0c5d287..277bced 100644
--- a/asterix-external-data/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/external/library/java/JObjectUtil.java
+++ b/asterix-external-data/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/external/library/java/JObjectUtil.java
@@ -3,9 +3,9 @@
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* you may obtain a copy of the License from
- *
+ *
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
+ *
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
@@ -52,6 +52,7 @@
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.types.IAType;
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.util.NonTaggedFormatUtil;
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.util.container.IObjectPool;
+import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.api.exceptions.HyracksDataException;
public class JObjectUtil {
@@ -406,6 +407,10 @@
fieldNames[i] = recType2.getFieldNames()[j];
fieldTypes[i] = recType2.getFieldTypes()[j];
- return new ARecordType(null, fieldNames, fieldTypes, true);
+ try {
+ return new ARecordType(null, fieldNames, fieldTypes, true);
+ } catch (HyracksDataException e) {
+ throw new AsterixException(e);
+ }
diff --git a/asterix-external-data/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/external/library/java/JObjects.java b/asterix-external-data/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/external/library/java/JObjects.java
index e53f252..b9b4c41 100644
--- a/asterix-external-data/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/external/library/java/JObjects.java
+++ b/asterix-external-data/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/external/library/java/JObjects.java
@@ -3,9 +3,9 @@
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* you may obtain a copy of the License from
- *
+ *
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
+ *
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
@@ -50,6 +50,7 @@
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.types.AUnorderedListType;
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.types.BuiltinType;
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.types.IAType;
+import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.api.exceptions.HyracksDataException;
public class JObjects {
@@ -708,7 +709,12 @@
for (IJObject jObj : fields) {
fieldTypes[index++] = jObj.getIAObject().getType();
- ARecordType recordType = new ARecordType(null, fieldNames, fieldTypes, false);
+ ARecordType recordType;
+ try {
+ recordType = new ARecordType(null, fieldNames, fieldTypes, false);
+ } catch (HyracksDataException e) {
+ throw new AsterixException(e);
+ }
return recordType;
diff --git a/asterix-external-data/src/test/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/external/library/adapter/TestTypedAdapterFactory.java b/asterix-external-data/src/test/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/external/library/adapter/TestTypedAdapterFactory.java
index ed953af..c722b6e 100644
--- a/asterix-external-data/src/test/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/external/library/adapter/TestTypedAdapterFactory.java
+++ b/asterix-external-data/src/test/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/external/library/adapter/TestTypedAdapterFactory.java
@@ -26,6 +26,7 @@
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.algebricks.common.constraints.AlgebricksCountPartitionConstraint;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.algebricks.common.constraints.AlgebricksPartitionConstraint;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.api.context.IHyracksTaskContext;
+import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.api.exceptions.HyracksDataException;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.dataflow.std.file.ITupleParserFactory;
public class TestTypedAdapterFactory implements ITypedAdapterFactory {
@@ -49,7 +50,7 @@
ARecordType outputType = null;
try {
outputType = new ARecordType("TestTypedAdapterOutputType", fieldNames, fieldTypes, false);
- } catch (AsterixException exception) {
+ } catch (AsterixException | HyracksDataException exception) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Unable to create output type for adapter " + NAME);
return outputType;
@@ -72,7 +73,8 @@
public IDatasourceAdapter createAdapter(IHyracksTaskContext ctx, int partition) throws Exception {
- ITupleParserFactory tupleParserFactory = new AdmSchemafullRecordParserFactory(adapterOutputType, false, -1, null);
+ ITupleParserFactory tupleParserFactory = new AdmSchemafullRecordParserFactory(adapterOutputType, false, -1,
+ null);
return new TestTypedAdapter(tupleParserFactory, adapterOutputType, ctx, configuration);
diff --git a/asterix-fuzzyjoin/pom.xml b/asterix-fuzzyjoin/pom.xml
index 2066ed0..8d19efbc 100644
--- a/asterix-fuzzyjoin/pom.xml
+++ b/asterix-fuzzyjoin/pom.xml
@@ -21,28 +21,28 @@
- <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId>
- <artifactId>maven-compiler-plugin</artifactId>
- <version>2.3.2</version>
- <configuration>
- <source>1.7</source>
- <target>1.7</target>
- <compilerArguments>
- <encoding>utf8</encoding>
- </compilerArguments>
- </configuration>
+ <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId>
+ <artifactId>maven-compiler-plugin</artifactId>
+ <version>2.3.2</version>
+ <configuration>
+ <source>1.7</source>
+ <target>1.7</target>
+ <compilerArguments>
+ <encoding>utf8</encoding>
+ </compilerArguments>
+ </configuration>
- <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId>
- <artifactId>maven-jar-plugin</artifactId>
- <version>2.4</version>
- <executions>
- <execution>
- <goals>
- <goal>test-jar</goal>
- </goals>
+ <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId>
+ <artifactId>maven-jar-plugin</artifactId>
+ <version>2.4</version>
+ <executions>
+ <execution>
+ <goals>
+ <goal>test-jar</goal>
+ </goals>
- </execution>
+ </execution>
@@ -57,6 +57,10 @@
+ <dependency>
+ <groupId>edu.uci.ics.hyracks</groupId>
+ <artifactId>hyracks-api</artifactId>
+ </dependency>
diff --git a/asterix-fuzzyjoin/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/fuzzyjoin/similarity/IGenericSimilarityMetric.java b/asterix-fuzzyjoin/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/fuzzyjoin/similarity/IGenericSimilarityMetric.java
index 85d1785..50ba7df 100644
--- a/asterix-fuzzyjoin/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/fuzzyjoin/similarity/IGenericSimilarityMetric.java
+++ b/asterix-fuzzyjoin/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/fuzzyjoin/similarity/IGenericSimilarityMetric.java
@@ -13,17 +13,20 @@
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations under
* the License.
- *
+ *
* Author: Alexander Behm <abehm (at) ics.uci.edu>
package edu.uci.ics.asterix.fuzzyjoin.similarity;
+import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.api.exceptions.HyracksDataException;
public interface IGenericSimilarityMetric {
// returns similarity
- public float getSimilarity(IListIterator firstList, IListIterator secondList);
+ public float getSimilarity(IListIterator firstList, IListIterator secondList) throws HyracksDataException;
// returns -1 if does not satisfy threshold
// else returns similarity
- public float getSimilarity(IListIterator firstList, IListIterator secondList, float simThresh);
+ public float getSimilarity(IListIterator firstList, IListIterator secondList, float simThresh)
+ throws HyracksDataException;
diff --git a/asterix-fuzzyjoin/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/fuzzyjoin/similarity/IListIterator.java b/asterix-fuzzyjoin/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/fuzzyjoin/similarity/IListIterator.java
index 647c35f..b4fbcef 100644
--- a/asterix-fuzzyjoin/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/fuzzyjoin/similarity/IListIterator.java
+++ b/asterix-fuzzyjoin/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/fuzzyjoin/similarity/IListIterator.java
@@ -13,14 +13,16 @@
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations under
* the License.
- *
+ *
* Author: Alexander Behm <abehm (at) ics.uci.edu>
package edu.uci.ics.asterix.fuzzyjoin.similarity;
+import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.api.exceptions.HyracksDataException;
public interface IListIterator {
- public int compare(IListIterator cmpIter);
+ public int compare(IListIterator cmpIter) throws HyracksDataException;
public byte[] getData();
diff --git a/asterix-fuzzyjoin/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/fuzzyjoin/similarity/SimilarityMetric.java b/asterix-fuzzyjoin/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/fuzzyjoin/similarity/SimilarityMetric.java
index 415e785..a633e0e 100644
--- a/asterix-fuzzyjoin/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/fuzzyjoin/similarity/SimilarityMetric.java
+++ b/asterix-fuzzyjoin/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/fuzzyjoin/similarity/SimilarityMetric.java
@@ -13,17 +13,18 @@
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations under
* the License.
- *
+ *
* Author: Rares Vernica <rares (at) ics.uci.edu>
package edu.uci.ics.asterix.fuzzyjoin.similarity;
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.fuzzyjoin.tokenizer.Tokenizer;
+import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.api.exceptions.HyracksDataException;
public abstract class SimilarityMetric {
- public static int getIntersectSize(IListIterator tokensX, IListIterator tokensY) {
+ public static int getIntersectSize(IListIterator tokensX, IListIterator tokensY) throws HyracksDataException {
int intersectSize = 0;
while (tokensX.hasNext() && tokensY.hasNext()) {
int cmp = tokensX.compare(tokensY);
@@ -169,7 +170,7 @@
// public abstract float getSimilarity(DataBag tokensX, int lengthX,
// DataBag tokensY, int lengthY);
- public float getSimilarity(IListIterator tokensX, IListIterator tokensY) {
+ public float getSimilarity(IListIterator tokensX, IListIterator tokensY) throws HyracksDataException {
int intersectionSize = SimilarityMetric.getIntersectSize(tokensX, tokensY);
int totalSize = tokensX.size() + tokensY.size();
diff --git a/asterix-fuzzyjoin/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/fuzzyjoin/similarity/SimilarityMetricEditDistance.java b/asterix-fuzzyjoin/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/fuzzyjoin/similarity/SimilarityMetricEditDistance.java
index ab60b2c..f723998 100644
--- a/asterix-fuzzyjoin/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/fuzzyjoin/similarity/SimilarityMetricEditDistance.java
+++ b/asterix-fuzzyjoin/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/fuzzyjoin/similarity/SimilarityMetricEditDistance.java
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations under
* the License.
- *
+ *
* Author: Alexander Behm <abehm (at) ics.uci.edu>
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@
import java.util.Arrays;
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.fuzzyjoin.tokenizer.StringUtils;
+import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.api.exceptions.HyracksDataException;
public class SimilarityMetricEditDistance implements IGenericSimilarityMetric {
@@ -42,7 +43,7 @@
- public float getSimilarity(IListIterator firstList, IListIterator secondList) {
+ public float getSimilarity(IListIterator firstList, IListIterator secondList) throws HyracksDataException {
int flLen = firstList.size();
int slLen = secondList.size();
@@ -84,7 +85,8 @@
- public float getSimilarity(IListIterator firstList, IListIterator secondList, float simThresh) {
+ public float getSimilarity(IListIterator firstList, IListIterator secondList, float simThresh)
+ throws HyracksDataException {
int edThresh = (int) simThresh;
@@ -104,7 +106,8 @@
- public int getSimilarityContains(IListIterator exprList, IListIterator patternList, int simThresh) {
+ public int getSimilarityContains(IListIterator exprList, IListIterator patternList, int simThresh)
+ throws HyracksDataException {
int exprLen = exprList.size();
int patternLen = patternList.size();
diff --git a/asterix-fuzzyjoin/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/fuzzyjoin/similarity/SimilarityMetricJaccard.java b/asterix-fuzzyjoin/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/fuzzyjoin/similarity/SimilarityMetricJaccard.java
index b0c0638..f8cd3ec 100644
--- a/asterix-fuzzyjoin/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/fuzzyjoin/similarity/SimilarityMetricJaccard.java
+++ b/asterix-fuzzyjoin/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/fuzzyjoin/similarity/SimilarityMetricJaccard.java
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations under
* the License.
- *
+ *
* Author: Rares Vernica <rares (at) ics.uci.edu>
@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@
import java.util.TreeSet;
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.fuzzyjoin.tokenizer.Tokenizer;
+import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.api.exceptions.HyracksDataException;
public class SimilarityMetricJaccard extends SimilarityMetric implements IGenericSimilarityMetric {
@@ -60,7 +61,7 @@
// }
- public float getSimilarity(IListIterator tokensX, IListIterator tokensY) {
+ public float getSimilarity(IListIterator tokensX, IListIterator tokensY) throws HyracksDataException {
int intersectionSize = SimilarityMetric.getIntersectSize(tokensX, tokensY);
int totalSize = tokensX.size() + tokensY.size();
@@ -68,7 +69,8 @@
- public float getSimilarity(IListIterator firstList, IListIterator secondList, float simThresh) {
+ public float getSimilarity(IListIterator firstList, IListIterator secondList, float simThresh)
+ throws HyracksDataException {
// apply length filter
int lengthLowerBound = (int) Math.ceil(simThresh * firstList.size());
diff --git a/asterix-installer/src/test/resources/integrationts/library/queries/library-functions/toUpper/toUpper.2.query.aql b/asterix-installer/src/test/resources/integrationts/library/queries/library-functions/toUpper/toUpper.2.query.aql
index a742203..ba10fd7 100644
--- a/asterix-installer/src/test/resources/integrationts/library/queries/library-functions/toUpper/toUpper.2.query.aql
+++ b/asterix-installer/src/test/resources/integrationts/library/queries/library-functions/toUpper/toUpper.2.query.aql
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
use dataverse externallibtest;
-let $input:={"id": 1, "text":"university of california, irvine"}
+let $input:={"id": int32("1"), "text":"university of california, irvine"}
let $x:=testlib#toUpper($input)
return $x
diff --git a/asterix-installer/src/test/resources/integrationts/library/results/library-adapters/typed_adapter/typed_adapter.1.adm b/asterix-installer/src/test/resources/integrationts/library/results/library-adapters/typed_adapter/typed_adapter.1.adm
index e901810..6ec20b5 100644
--- a/asterix-installer/src/test/resources/integrationts/library/results/library-adapters/typed_adapter/typed_adapter.1.adm
+++ b/asterix-installer/src/test/resources/integrationts/library/results/library-adapters/typed_adapter/typed_adapter.1.adm
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-[ { "tweetid": 1i64, "message-text": "1" }
-, { "tweetid": 2i64, "message-text": "2" }
-, { "tweetid": 3i64, "message-text": "3" }
-, { "tweetid": 4i64, "message-text": "4" }
-, { "tweetid": 5i64, "message-text": "5" }
+[ { "tweetid": 1, "message-text": "1" }
+, { "tweetid": 2, "message-text": "2" }
+, { "tweetid": 3, "message-text": "3" }
+, { "tweetid": 4, "message-text": "4" }
+, { "tweetid": 5, "message-text": "5" }
diff --git a/asterix-installer/src/test/resources/integrationts/library/results/library-functions/insert-from-select/insert-from-select.1.adm b/asterix-installer/src/test/resources/integrationts/library/results/library-functions/insert-from-select/insert-from-select.1.adm
index eedcac6..44b8ed5 100644
--- a/asterix-installer/src/test/resources/integrationts/library/results/library-functions/insert-from-select/insert-from-select.1.adm
+++ b/asterix-installer/src/test/resources/integrationts/library/results/library-functions/insert-from-select/insert-from-select.1.adm
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-[ { "id": -1, "text": "UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, IRVINE" }
+[ { "id": -1i32, "text": "UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, IRVINE" }
diff --git a/asterix-installer/src/test/resources/integrationts/library/results/library-functions/mysum/mysum.1.adm b/asterix-installer/src/test/resources/integrationts/library/results/library-functions/mysum/mysum.1.adm
index 5c7018d..b67d9d5 100644
--- a/asterix-installer/src/test/resources/integrationts/library/results/library-functions/mysum/mysum.1.adm
+++ b/asterix-installer/src/test/resources/integrationts/library/results/library-functions/mysum/mysum.1.adm
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-[ 7
+[ 7i32
diff --git a/asterix-installer/src/test/resources/integrationts/library/results/library-functions/toUpper/toUpper.1.adm b/asterix-installer/src/test/resources/integrationts/library/results/library-functions/toUpper/toUpper.1.adm
index eedcac6..44b8ed5 100644
--- a/asterix-installer/src/test/resources/integrationts/library/results/library-functions/toUpper/toUpper.1.adm
+++ b/asterix-installer/src/test/resources/integrationts/library/results/library-functions/toUpper/toUpper.1.adm
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-[ { "id": -1, "text": "UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, IRVINE" }
+[ { "id": -1i32, "text": "UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, IRVINE" }
diff --git a/asterix-installer/src/test/resources/transactionts/results/recovery_ddl/delete_after_recovery/delete_after_recovery.1.adm b/asterix-installer/src/test/resources/transactionts/results/recovery_ddl/delete_after_recovery/delete_after_recovery.1.adm
index 4f8b278..5c1b51d 100644
--- a/asterix-installer/src/test/resources/transactionts/results/recovery_ddl/delete_after_recovery/delete_after_recovery.1.adm
+++ b/asterix-installer/src/test/resources/transactionts/results/recovery_ddl/delete_after_recovery/delete_after_recovery.1.adm
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-[ 129088i64
+[ 129088
diff --git a/asterix-installer/src/test/resources/transactionts/results/recovery_ddl/insert_after_recovery/insert_after_recovery.1.adm b/asterix-installer/src/test/resources/transactionts/results/recovery_ddl/insert_after_recovery/insert_after_recovery.1.adm
index 9bba76d5..de0b6c2 100644
--- a/asterix-installer/src/test/resources/transactionts/results/recovery_ddl/insert_after_recovery/insert_after_recovery.1.adm
+++ b/asterix-installer/src/test/resources/transactionts/results/recovery_ddl/insert_after_recovery/insert_after_recovery.1.adm
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-[ 258176i64
+[ 258176
diff --git a/asterix-installer/src/test/resources/transactionts/results/recovery_ddl/load_after_recovery/load_after_recovery.1.adm b/asterix-installer/src/test/resources/transactionts/results/recovery_ddl/load_after_recovery/load_after_recovery.1.adm
index 9bba76d5..de0b6c2 100644
--- a/asterix-installer/src/test/resources/transactionts/results/recovery_ddl/load_after_recovery/load_after_recovery.1.adm
+++ b/asterix-installer/src/test/resources/transactionts/results/recovery_ddl/load_after_recovery/load_after_recovery.1.adm
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-[ 258176i64
+[ 258176
diff --git a/asterix-metadata/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/metadata/MetadataManager.java b/asterix-metadata/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/metadata/MetadataManager.java
index 07cb8ab..a42eee7 100644
--- a/asterix-metadata/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/metadata/MetadataManager.java
+++ b/asterix-metadata/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/metadata/MetadataManager.java
@@ -3,9 +3,9 @@
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* you may obtain a copy of the License from
- *
+ *
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
+ *
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
@@ -47,6 +47,7 @@
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.types.ARecordType;
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.transaction.management.service.transaction.JobIdFactory;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.api.client.IHyracksClientConnection;
+import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.api.exceptions.HyracksDataException;
* Provides access to Asterix metadata via remote methods to the metadata node.
@@ -393,7 +394,7 @@
return new Datatype(datatype.getDataverseName(), datatype.getDatatypeName(), new ARecordType(
aRecType.getTypeName(), aRecType.getFieldNames(), aRecType.getFieldTypes(), aRecType.isOpen()),
- } catch (AsterixException e) {
+ } catch (AsterixException | HyracksDataException e) {
throw new MetadataException(e);
@@ -860,8 +861,8 @@
public void dropExternalFile(MetadataTransactionContext ctx, ExternalFile externalFile) throws MetadataException {
try {
- metadataNode.dropExternalFile(ctx.getJobId(), externalFile.getDataverseName(), externalFile.getDatasetName(),
- externalFile.getFileNumber());
+ metadataNode.dropExternalFile(ctx.getJobId(), externalFile.getDataverseName(),
+ externalFile.getDatasetName(), externalFile.getFileNumber());
} catch (RemoteException e) {
throw new MetadataException(e);
diff --git a/asterix-metadata/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/metadata/bootstrap/MetadataRecordTypes.java b/asterix-metadata/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/metadata/bootstrap/MetadataRecordTypes.java
index 1aa5dee..b584ee5 100644
--- a/asterix-metadata/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/metadata/bootstrap/MetadataRecordTypes.java
+++ b/asterix-metadata/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/metadata/bootstrap/MetadataRecordTypes.java
@@ -3,9 +3,9 @@
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* you may obtain a copy of the License from
- *
+ *
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
+ *
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
@@ -26,6 +26,7 @@
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.types.AUnorderedListType;
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.types.BuiltinType;
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.types.IAType;
+import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.api.exceptions.HyracksDataException;
* Contains static ARecordType's of all metadata record types.
@@ -114,7 +115,11 @@
AUnorderedListType listPropertiesType = new AUnorderedListType(POLICY_PARAMS_RECORDTYPE, null);
String[] fieldNames = { "DataverseName", "PolicyName", "Description", "Properties" };
IAType[] fieldTypes = { BuiltinType.ASTRING, BuiltinType.ASTRING, BuiltinType.ASTRING, listPropertiesType };
- return new ARecordType("FeedPolicyRecordType", fieldNames, fieldTypes, true);
+ try {
+ return new ARecordType("FeedPolicyRecordType", fieldNames, fieldTypes, true);
+ } catch (HyracksDataException e) {
+ throw new AsterixException(e);
+ }
// Helper constants for accessing fields in an ARecord of type
@@ -125,9 +130,13 @@
private static final ARecordType createDataverseRecordType() throws AsterixException {
- return new ARecordType("DataverseRecordType", new String[] { "DataverseName", "DataFormat", "Timestamp",
- "PendingOp" }, new IAType[] { BuiltinType.ASTRING, BuiltinType.ASTRING, BuiltinType.ASTRING,
- BuiltinType.AINT32 }, true);
+ try {
+ return new ARecordType("DataverseRecordType", new String[] { "DataverseName", "DataFormat", "Timestamp",
+ "PendingOp" }, new IAType[] { BuiltinType.ASTRING, BuiltinType.ASTRING, BuiltinType.ASTRING,
+ BuiltinType.AINT32 }, true);
+ } catch (HyracksDataException e) {
+ throw new AsterixException(e);
+ }
// Helper constants for accessing fields in an ARecord of anonymous type
@@ -139,7 +148,11 @@
private static final ARecordType createPropertiesRecordType() throws AsterixException {
String[] fieldNames = { "Name", "Value" };
IAType[] fieldTypes = { BuiltinType.ASTRING, BuiltinType.ASTRING };
- return new ARecordType(null, fieldNames, fieldTypes, true);
+ try {
+ return new ARecordType(null, fieldNames, fieldTypes, true);
+ } catch (HyracksDataException e) {
+ throw new AsterixException(e);
+ }
// Helper constants for accessing fields in an ARecord of anonymous type
@@ -161,7 +174,11 @@
"Autogenerated", "CompactionPolicy", "CompactionPolicyProperties" };
IAType[] fieldTypes = { BuiltinType.ASTRING, BuiltinType.ASTRING, olType, olType, BuiltinType.ASTRING,
BuiltinType.ABOOLEAN, BuiltinType.ASTRING, compactionPolicyPropertyListType };
- return new ARecordType(null, fieldNames, fieldTypes, true);
+ try {
+ return new ARecordType(null, fieldNames, fieldTypes, true);
+ } catch (HyracksDataException e) {
+ throw new AsterixException(e);
+ }
// Helper constants for accessing fields in an ARecord of anonymous type
@@ -183,7 +200,11 @@
"CompactionPolicy", "CompactionPolicyProperties" };
IAType[] fieldTypes = { BuiltinType.ASTRING, orderedPropertyListType, BuiltinType.ASTRING,
BuiltinType.ADATETIME, BuiltinType.AINT32, BuiltinType.ASTRING, compactionPolicyPropertyListType };
- return new ARecordType(null, fieldNames, fieldTypes, true);
+ try {
+ return new ARecordType(null, fieldNames, fieldTypes, true);
+ } catch (HyracksDataException e) {
+ throw new AsterixException(e);
+ }
@@ -193,7 +214,11 @@
private static ARecordType createCompactionPolicyRecordType() throws AsterixException {
String[] fieldNames = { "DataverseName", "CompactionPolicy", "Classname" };
IAType[] fieldTypes = { BuiltinType.ASTRING, BuiltinType.ASTRING, BuiltinType.ASTRING };
- return new ARecordType("CompactionPolicyRecordType", fieldNames, fieldTypes, true);
+ try {
+ return new ARecordType("CompactionPolicyRecordType", fieldNames, fieldTypes, true);
+ } catch (HyracksDataException e) {
+ throw new AsterixException(e);
+ }
@@ -227,7 +252,11 @@
BuiltinType.ASTRING, BuiltinType.ASTRING, orderedListOfPropertiesType, feedFunctionUnion,
BuiltinType.ASTRING, BuiltinType.ASTRING, compactionPolicyPropertyListType };
- return new ARecordType(null, fieldNames, fieldTypes, true);
+ try {
+ return new ARecordType(null, fieldNames, fieldTypes, true);
+ } catch (HyracksDataException e) {
+ throw new AsterixException(e);
+ }
@@ -260,7 +289,11 @@
IAType[] fieldTypes = { BuiltinType.ASTRING, BuiltinType.ASTRING, BuiltinType.ASTRING, BuiltinType.ASTRING,
internalRecordUnion, externalRecordUnion, unorderedListOfHintsType, BuiltinType.ASTRING,
BuiltinType.AINT32, BuiltinType.AINT32 };
- return new ARecordType("DatasetRecordType", fieldNames, fieldTypes, true);
+ try {
+ return new ARecordType("DatasetRecordType", fieldNames, fieldTypes, true);
+ } catch (HyracksDataException e) {
+ throw new AsterixException(e);
+ }
// Helper constants for accessing fields in an ARecord of anonymous type
@@ -271,7 +304,11 @@
private static final ARecordType createFieldRecordType() throws AsterixException {
String[] fieldNames = { "FieldName", "FieldType" };
IAType[] fieldTypes = { BuiltinType.ASTRING, BuiltinType.ASTRING };
- return new ARecordType(null, fieldNames, fieldTypes, true);
+ try {
+ return new ARecordType(null, fieldNames, fieldTypes, true);
+ } catch (HyracksDataException e) {
+ throw new AsterixException(e);
+ }
// Helper constants for accessing fields in an ARecord of anonymous type
@@ -283,7 +320,11 @@
AOrderedListType olType = new AOrderedListType(FIELD_RECORDTYPE, null);
String[] fieldNames = { "IsOpen", "Fields" };
IAType[] fieldTypes = { BuiltinType.ABOOLEAN, olType };
- return new ARecordType(null, fieldNames, fieldTypes, true);
+ try {
+ return new ARecordType(null, fieldNames, fieldTypes, true);
+ } catch (HyracksDataException e) {
+ throw new AsterixException(e);
+ }
// Helper constants for accessing fields in an ARecord of anonymous type
@@ -315,7 +356,11 @@
IAType[] fieldTypes = { BuiltinType.ASTRING, BuiltinType.ABOOLEAN, unionUnion, recordUnion, unionUnion,
collectionUnion, collectionUnion };
- return new ARecordType(null, fieldNames, fieldTypes, true);
+ try {
+ return new ARecordType(null, fieldNames, fieldTypes, true);
+ } catch (HyracksDataException e) {
+ throw new AsterixException(e);
+ }
// Helper constants for accessing fields in an ARecord of type
@@ -332,7 +377,11 @@
AUnionType recordUnion = new AUnionType(recordUnionList, null);
IAType[] fieldTypes = { BuiltinType.ASTRING, BuiltinType.ASTRING, recordUnion, BuiltinType.ASTRING };
- return new ARecordType("DatatypeRecordType", fieldNames, fieldTypes, true);
+ try {
+ return new ARecordType("DatatypeRecordType", fieldNames, fieldTypes, true);
+ } catch (HyracksDataException e) {
+ throw new AsterixException(e);
+ }
// Helper constants for accessing fields in an ARecord of type
@@ -352,7 +401,11 @@
"IsPrimary", "Timestamp", "PendingOp" };
IAType[] fieldTypes = { BuiltinType.ASTRING, BuiltinType.ASTRING, BuiltinType.ASTRING, BuiltinType.ASTRING,
olType, BuiltinType.ABOOLEAN, BuiltinType.ASTRING, BuiltinType.AINT32 };
- return new ARecordType("IndexRecordType", fieldNames, fieldTypes, true);
+ try {
+ return new ARecordType("IndexRecordType", fieldNames, fieldTypes, true);
+ } catch (HyracksDataException e) {
+ throw new AsterixException(e);
+ }
// Helper constants for accessing fields in an ARecord of type
@@ -363,8 +416,12 @@
private static final ARecordType createNodeRecordType() throws AsterixException {
String[] fieldNames = { "NodeName", "NumberOfCores", "WorkingMemorySize" };
- IAType[] fieldTypes = { BuiltinType.ASTRING, BuiltinType.AINT32, BuiltinType.AINT32 };
- return new ARecordType("NodeRecordType", fieldNames, fieldTypes, true);
+ IAType[] fieldTypes = { BuiltinType.ASTRING, BuiltinType.AINT64, BuiltinType.AINT64 };
+ try {
+ return new ARecordType("NodeRecordType", fieldNames, fieldTypes, true);
+ } catch (HyracksDataException e) {
+ throw new AsterixException(e);
+ }
// Helper constants for accessing fields in an ARecord of type
@@ -377,7 +434,11 @@
AUnorderedListType ulType = new AUnorderedListType(BuiltinType.ASTRING, null);
String[] fieldNames = { "GroupName", "NodeNames", "Timestamp" };
IAType[] fieldTypes = { BuiltinType.ASTRING, ulType, BuiltinType.ASTRING };
- return new ARecordType("NodeGroupRecordType", fieldNames, fieldTypes, true);
+ try {
+ return new ARecordType("NodeGroupRecordType", fieldNames, fieldTypes, true);
+ } catch (HyracksDataException e) {
+ throw new AsterixException(e);
+ }
private static IAType createFunctionParamsRecordType() {
@@ -402,7 +463,11 @@
IAType[] fieldTypes = { BuiltinType.ASTRING, BuiltinType.ASTRING, BuiltinType.ASTRING,
createFunctionParamsRecordType(), BuiltinType.ASTRING, BuiltinType.ASTRING, BuiltinType.ASTRING,
BuiltinType.ASTRING };
- return new ARecordType("FunctionRecordType", fieldNames, fieldTypes, true);
+ try {
+ return new ARecordType("FunctionRecordType", fieldNames, fieldTypes, true);
+ } catch (HyracksDataException e) {
+ throw new AsterixException(e);
+ }
@@ -415,7 +480,11 @@
String[] fieldNames = { "DataverseName", "Name", "Classname", "Type", "Timestamp" };
IAType[] fieldTypes = { BuiltinType.ASTRING, BuiltinType.ASTRING, BuiltinType.ASTRING, BuiltinType.ASTRING,
BuiltinType.ASTRING };
- return new ARecordType("DatasourceAdapterRecordType", fieldNames, fieldTypes, true);
+ try {
+ return new ARecordType("DatasourceAdapterRecordType", fieldNames, fieldTypes, true);
+ } catch (HyracksDataException e) {
+ throw new AsterixException(e);
+ }
// Helper constants for accessing fields in an ARecord of type
@@ -434,7 +503,11 @@
"Timestamp" };
IAType[] fieldTypes = { BuiltinType.ASTRING, BuiltinType.ASTRING, BuiltinType.ASTRING, BuiltinType.AINT32,
BuiltinType.ASTRING, unorderedPropertyListType, BuiltinType.ASTRING };
- return new ARecordType("FeedActivityRecordType", fieldNames, fieldTypes, true);
+ try {
+ return new ARecordType("FeedActivityRecordType", fieldNames, fieldTypes, true);
+ } catch (HyracksDataException e) {
+ throw new AsterixException(e);
+ }
public static final int FEED_ARECORD_DATAVERSE_NAME_FIELD_INDEX = 0;
@@ -459,7 +532,11 @@
IAType[] fieldTypes = { BuiltinType.ASTRING, BuiltinType.ASTRING, BuiltinType.ASTRING,
unorderedAdapterPropertyListType, feedFunctionUnion, BuiltinType.ASTRING };
- return new ARecordType("FeedRecordType", fieldNames, fieldTypes, true);
+ try {
+ return new ARecordType("FeedRecordType", fieldNames, fieldTypes, true);
+ } catch (HyracksDataException e) {
+ throw new AsterixException(e);
+ }
@@ -470,7 +547,11 @@
private static ARecordType createLibraryRecordType() throws AsterixException {
String[] fieldNames = { "DataverseName", "Name", "Timestamp" };
IAType[] fieldTypes = { BuiltinType.ASTRING, BuiltinType.ASTRING, BuiltinType.ASTRING };
- return new ARecordType("LibraryRecordType", fieldNames, fieldTypes, true);
+ try {
+ return new ARecordType("LibraryRecordType", fieldNames, fieldTypes, true);
+ } catch (HyracksDataException e) {
+ throw new AsterixException(e);
+ }
@@ -486,6 +567,10 @@
"PendingOp" };
IAType[] fieldTypes = { BuiltinType.ASTRING, BuiltinType.ASTRING, BuiltinType.AINT32, BuiltinType.ASTRING,
BuiltinType.AINT64, BuiltinType.ADATETIME, BuiltinType.AINT32 };
- return new ARecordType("ExternalFileRecordType", fieldNames, fieldTypes, true);
+ try {
+ return new ARecordType("ExternalFileRecordType", fieldNames, fieldTypes, true);
+ } catch (HyracksDataException e) {
+ throw new AsterixException(e);
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/asterix-metadata/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/metadata/entities/Node.java b/asterix-metadata/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/metadata/entities/Node.java
index ac5102d..bc5b47c 100644
--- a/asterix-metadata/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/metadata/entities/Node.java
+++ b/asterix-metadata/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/metadata/entities/Node.java
@@ -3,9 +3,9 @@
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* you may obtain a copy of the License from
- *
+ *
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
+ *
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
@@ -25,20 +25,20 @@
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
// Enforced to be unique within a Hyracks cluster.
private final String nodeName;
- private final int numberOfCores;
- private final int workingMemorySize;
+ private final long numberOfCores;
+ private final long workingMemorySize;
- public Node(String nodeName, int noOfCores, int workingMemorySize) {
+ public Node(String nodeName, long noOfCores, long workingMemorySize) {
this.nodeName = nodeName;
this.numberOfCores = noOfCores;
this.workingMemorySize = workingMemorySize;
- public int getWorkingMemorySize() {
+ public long getWorkingMemorySize() {
return workingMemorySize;
- public int getNumberOfCores() {
+ public long getNumberOfCores() {
return numberOfCores;
diff --git a/asterix-metadata/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/metadata/entitytupletranslators/DatatypeTupleTranslator.java b/asterix-metadata/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/metadata/entitytupletranslators/DatatypeTupleTranslator.java
index fd4ac16..f5e6b71 100644
--- a/asterix-metadata/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/metadata/entitytupletranslators/DatatypeTupleTranslator.java
+++ b/asterix-metadata/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/metadata/entitytupletranslators/DatatypeTupleTranslator.java
@@ -3,9 +3,9 @@
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* you may obtain a copy of the License from
- *
+ *
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
+ *
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
@@ -145,7 +145,7 @@
try {
return new Datatype(dataverseName, datatypeName, new ARecordType(datatypeName, fieldNames,
fieldTypes, isOpen), isAnonymous);
- } catch (AsterixException e) {
+ } catch (AsterixException | HyracksDataException e) {
throw new MetadataException(e);
diff --git a/asterix-metadata/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/metadata/entitytupletranslators/NodeTupleTranslator.java b/asterix-metadata/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/metadata/entitytupletranslators/NodeTupleTranslator.java
index 5ddcc5b..f27bc78 100644
--- a/asterix-metadata/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/metadata/entitytupletranslators/NodeTupleTranslator.java
+++ b/asterix-metadata/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/metadata/entitytupletranslators/NodeTupleTranslator.java
@@ -3,9 +3,9 @@
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* you may obtain a copy of the License from
- *
+ *
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
+ *
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
@@ -23,8 +23,8 @@
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.metadata.bootstrap.MetadataPrimaryIndexes;
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.metadata.bootstrap.MetadataRecordTypes;
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.metadata.entities.Node;
-import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.base.AInt32;
-import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.base.AMutableInt32;
+import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.base.AInt64;
+import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.base.AMutableInt64;
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.types.BuiltinType;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.algebricks.common.exceptions.NotImplementedException;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.api.dataflow.value.ISerializerDeserializer;
@@ -41,10 +41,10 @@
// Payload field containing serialized Node.
public static final int NODE_PAYLOAD_TUPLE_FIELD_INDEX = 1;
- private AMutableInt32 aInt32 = new AMutableInt32(-1);
+ private AMutableInt64 aInt64 = new AMutableInt64(-1);
- private ISerializerDeserializer<AInt32> int32Serde = AqlSerializerDeserializerProvider.INSTANCE
- .getSerializerDeserializer(BuiltinType.AINT32);
+ private ISerializerDeserializer<AInt64> int64Serde = AqlSerializerDeserializerProvider.INSTANCE
+ .getSerializerDeserializer(BuiltinType.AINT64);
// @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
// private ISerializerDeserializer<ARecord> recordSerDes =
@@ -99,14 +99,14 @@
// write field 1
- aInt32.setValue(instance.getNumberOfCores());
- int32Serde.serialize(aInt32, fieldValue.getDataOutput());
+ aInt64.setValue(instance.getNumberOfCores());
+ int64Serde.serialize(aInt64, fieldValue.getDataOutput());
recordBuilder.addField(MetadataRecordTypes.NODE_ARECORD_NUMBEROFCORES_FIELD_INDEX, fieldValue);
// write field 2
- aInt32.setValue(instance.getWorkingMemorySize());
- int32Serde.serialize(aInt32, fieldValue.getDataOutput());
+ aInt64.setValue(instance.getWorkingMemorySize());
+ int64Serde.serialize(aInt64, fieldValue.getDataOutput());
recordBuilder.addField(MetadataRecordTypes.NODE_ARECORD_WORKINGMEMORYSIZE_FIELD_INDEX, fieldValue);
// write field 3
diff --git a/asterix-om/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/builders/RecordBuilder.java b/asterix-om/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/builders/RecordBuilder.java
index a1148cf..520b577 100644
--- a/asterix-om/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/builders/RecordBuilder.java
+++ b/asterix-om/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/builders/RecordBuilder.java
@@ -3,9 +3,9 @@
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* you may obtain a copy of the License from
- *
+ *
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
+ *
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.util.NonTaggedFormatUtil;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.api.dataflow.value.IBinaryComparator;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.api.dataflow.value.IBinaryHashFunction;
+import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.api.exceptions.HyracksDataException;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.data.std.accessors.PointableBinaryComparatorFactory;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.data.std.accessors.PointableBinaryHashFunctionFactory;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.data.std.api.IValueReference;
@@ -162,10 +163,21 @@
openFieldNameLengths = Arrays.copyOf(openFieldNameLengths, openFieldNameLengths.length
- int fieldNameHashCode = utf8HashFunction.hash(name.getByteArray(), name.getStartOffset() + 1, name.getLength() - 1);
- if (recType != null) {
- int cFieldPos = recType.findFieldPosition(name.getByteArray(), name.getStartOffset() + 1,
+ int fieldNameHashCode;
+ try {
+ fieldNameHashCode = utf8HashFunction.hash(name.getByteArray(), name.getStartOffset() + 1,
name.getLength() - 1);
+ } catch (HyracksDataException e1) {
+ throw new AsterixException(e1);
+ }
+ if (recType != null) {
+ int cFieldPos;
+ try {
+ cFieldPos = recType.findFieldPosition(name.getByteArray(), name.getStartOffset() + 1,
+ name.getLength() - 1);
+ } catch (HyracksDataException e) {
+ throw new AsterixException(e);
+ }
if (cFieldPos >= 0) {
throw new AsterixException("Open field \"" + recType.getFieldNames()[cFieldPos]
+ "\" has the same field name as closed field at index " + cFieldPos);
diff --git a/asterix-om/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/dataflow/data/nontagged/comparators/ABinaryComparator.java b/asterix-om/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/dataflow/data/nontagged/comparators/ABinaryComparator.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..788701d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/asterix-om/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/dataflow/data/nontagged/comparators/ABinaryComparator.java
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+ * Copyright 2009-2013 by The Regents of the University of California
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * you may obtain a copy of the License from
+ *
+ * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+package edu.uci.ics.asterix.dataflow.data.nontagged.comparators;
+import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.types.ATypeTag;
+import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.types.EnumDeserializer;
+import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.types.hierachy.ATypeHierarchy;
+import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.api.dataflow.value.BinaryComparatorConstant.ComparableResultCode;
+import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.api.dataflow.value.IBinaryComparator;
+import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.api.exceptions.HyracksDataException;
+ * Asterix-level comparators will extend this class so that they can execute isComparable() first before doing actual compare().
+ */
+public abstract class ABinaryComparator implements IBinaryComparator {
+ public static ComparableResultCode isComparable(byte[] b1, int s1, int l1, byte[] b2, int s2, int l2) {
+ // NULL Check. If one type is NULL, then we return NULL
+ if (b1[s1] == ATypeTag.NULL.serialize() || b2[s2] == ATypeTag.NULL.serialize() || b1[s1] == 0 || b1[s2] == 0) {
+ return ComparableResultCode.UNKNOWN;
+ }
+ // Checks whether two types are comparable or not
+ ATypeTag tag1 = EnumDeserializer.ATYPETAGDESERIALIZER.deserialize(b1[s1]);
+ ATypeTag tag2 = EnumDeserializer.ATYPETAGDESERIALIZER.deserialize(b2[s2]);
+ // Are two types compatible, meaning that they can be compared? (e.g., compare between numeric types
+ if (ATypeHierarchy.isCompatible(tag1, tag2)) {
+ return ComparableResultCode.TRUE;
+ } else {
+ return ComparableResultCode.FALSE;
+ }
+ }
+ public abstract int compare(byte[] b1, int s1, int l1, byte[] b2, int s2, int l2) throws HyracksDataException;
diff --git a/asterix-om/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/dataflow/data/nontagged/comparators/AObjectAscBinaryComparatorFactory.java b/asterix-om/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/dataflow/data/nontagged/comparators/AObjectAscBinaryComparatorFactory.java
index 739064e..565548b 100644
--- a/asterix-om/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/dataflow/data/nontagged/comparators/AObjectAscBinaryComparatorFactory.java
+++ b/asterix-om/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/dataflow/data/nontagged/comparators/AObjectAscBinaryComparatorFactory.java
@@ -3,9 +3,9 @@
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* you may obtain a copy of the License from
- *
+ *
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
+ *
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
@@ -14,12 +14,24 @@
package edu.uci.ics.asterix.dataflow.data.nontagged.comparators;
+import java.io.IOException;
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.types.ATypeTag;
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.types.EnumDeserializer;
+import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.types.hierachy.ATypeHierarchy;
+import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.types.hierachy.ITypeConvertComputer;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.api.dataflow.value.IBinaryComparator;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.api.dataflow.value.IBinaryComparatorFactory;
+import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.api.exceptions.HyracksDataException;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.data.std.accessors.PointableBinaryComparatorFactory;
-import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.data.std.primitive.*;
+import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.data.std.primitive.ByteArrayPointable;
+import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.data.std.primitive.BytePointable;
+import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.data.std.primitive.DoublePointable;
+import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.data.std.primitive.FloatPointable;
+import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.data.std.primitive.IntegerPointable;
+import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.data.std.primitive.ShortPointable;
+import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.data.std.primitive.UTF8StringPointable;
+import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.data.std.util.ArrayBackedValueStorage;
public class AObjectAscBinaryComparatorFactory implements IBinaryComparatorFactory {
@@ -32,40 +44,71 @@
public IBinaryComparator createBinaryComparator() {
- return new IBinaryComparator() {
+ return new ABinaryComparator() {
+ // a storage to promote a value
+ private ArrayBackedValueStorage castBuffer = new ArrayBackedValueStorage();
+ private ITypeConvertComputer promoteComputer;
final IBinaryComparator ascBoolComp = BooleanBinaryComparatorFactory.INSTANCE.createBinaryComparator();
+ // INT8
+ final IBinaryComparator ascByteComp = new PointableBinaryComparatorFactory(BytePointable.FACTORY)
+ .createBinaryComparator();
+ // INT16
+ final IBinaryComparator ascShortComp = new PointableBinaryComparatorFactory(ShortPointable.FACTORY)
+ .createBinaryComparator();
+ // INT32
final IBinaryComparator ascIntComp = new PointableBinaryComparatorFactory(IntegerPointable.FACTORY)
+ // INT64
final IBinaryComparator ascLongComp = LongBinaryComparatorFactory.INSTANCE.createBinaryComparator();
final IBinaryComparator ascStrComp = new PointableBinaryComparatorFactory(UTF8StringPointable.FACTORY)
final IBinaryComparator ascByteArrayComp = new PointableBinaryComparatorFactory(ByteArrayPointable.FACTORY)
+ // FLOAT
final IBinaryComparator ascFloatComp = new PointableBinaryComparatorFactory(FloatPointable.FACTORY)
final IBinaryComparator ascDoubleComp = new PointableBinaryComparatorFactory(DoublePointable.FACTORY)
final IBinaryComparator ascRectangleComp = ARectanglePartialBinaryComparatorFactory.INSTANCE
final IBinaryComparator ascCircleComp = ACirclePartialBinaryComparatorFactory.INSTANCE
final IBinaryComparator ascDurationComp = ADurationPartialBinaryComparatorFactory.INSTANCE
final IBinaryComparator ascIntervalComp = AIntervalPartialBinaryComparatorFactory.INSTANCE
+ // LINE
final IBinaryComparator ascLineComp = ALinePartialBinaryComparatorFactory.INSTANCE.createBinaryComparator();
+ // POINT
final IBinaryComparator ascPointComp = APointPartialBinaryComparatorFactory.INSTANCE
+ // POINT3D
final IBinaryComparator ascPoint3DComp = APoint3DPartialBinaryComparatorFactory.INSTANCE
final IBinaryComparator ascPolygonComp = APolygonPartialBinaryComparatorFactory.INSTANCE
+ // UUID
final IBinaryComparator ascUUIDComp = AUUIDPartialBinaryComparatorFactory.INSTANCE.createBinaryComparator();
+ // RAW
final IBinaryComparator rawComp = RawBinaryComparatorFactory.INSTANCE.createBinaryComparator();
- public int compare(byte[] b1, int s1, int l1, byte[] b2, int s2, int l2) {
+ public int compare(byte[] b1, int s1, int l1, byte[] b2, int s2, int l2) throws HyracksDataException {
+ // Normally, comparing between NULL and non-NULL values should return UNKNOWN as the result.
+ // However, at this point, we assume that NULL check between two types is already done.
+ // Therefore, inside this method, we return an order between two values even if one value is NULL.
if (b1[s1] == ATypeTag.NULL.serialize()) {
if (b2[s2] == ATypeTag.NULL.serialize())
return 0;
@@ -78,32 +121,156 @@
ATypeTag tag1 = EnumDeserializer.ATYPETAGDESERIALIZER.deserialize(b1[s1]);
ATypeTag tag2 = EnumDeserializer.ATYPETAGDESERIALIZER.deserialize(b2[s2]);
- if (tag1 != tag2) {
- throw new IllegalStateException("The values of two inconsistent types (" + tag1 + " and " + tag2
- + ") cannot be compared!");
+ // If one of tag is null, that means we are dealing with an empty byte array in one side.
+ // And, we don't need to continue. We just compare raw byte by byte.
+ if (tag1 == null || tag2 == null) {
+ return rawComp.compare(b1, s1, l1, b2, s2, l2);
- switch (tag1) {
+ // If two type does not match, we identify the source and the target and
+ // promote the source to the target type if they are compatible.
+ ATypeTag sourceTypeTag = null;
+ ATypeTag targetTypeTag = null;
+ boolean areTwoTagsEqual = false;
+ boolean typePromotionApplied = false;
+ boolean leftValueChanged = false;
+ if (tag1 != tag2) {
+ // tag1 can be promoted to tag2 (e.g. tag1: INT16, tag2: INT32)
+ if (ATypeHierarchy.canPromote(tag1, tag2)) {
+ sourceTypeTag = tag1;
+ targetTypeTag = tag2;
+ typePromotionApplied = true;
+ leftValueChanged = true;
+ // or tag2 can be promoted to tag1 (e.g. tag2: INT32, tag1: DOUBLE)
+ } else if (ATypeHierarchy.canPromote(tag2, tag1)) {
+ sourceTypeTag = tag2;
+ targetTypeTag = tag1;
+ typePromotionApplied = true;
+ }
+ // we promote the source to the target by using a promoteComputer
+ if (typePromotionApplied) {
+ castBuffer.reset();
+ promoteComputer = ATypeHierarchy.getTypePromoteComputer(sourceTypeTag, targetTypeTag);
+ if (promoteComputer != null) {
+ try {
+ if (leftValueChanged) {
+ // left side is the source
+ promoteComputer.convertType(b1, s1 + 1, l1 - 1, castBuffer.getDataOutput());
+ } else {
+ // right side is the source
+ promoteComputer.convertType(b2, s2 + 1, l2 - 1, castBuffer.getDataOutput());
+ }
+ } catch (IOException e) {
+ throw new HyracksDataException("ComparatorFactory - failed to promote the type:"
+ + sourceTypeTag + " to the type:" + targetTypeTag);
+ }
+ } else {
+ // No appropriate typePromoteComputer.
+ throw new HyracksDataException("No appropriate typePromoteComputer exists for "
+ + sourceTypeTag + " to the " + targetTypeTag + " type. Please check the code.");
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ // tag1 == tag2.
+ sourceTypeTag = tag1;
+ targetTypeTag = tag1;
+ areTwoTagsEqual = true;
+ }
+ // If two tags are not compatible, then we compare raw byte by byte, including the type tag.
+ // This is especially useful when we need to generate some order between any two types.
+ if ((!areTwoTagsEqual && !typePromotionApplied)) {
+ return rawComp.compare(b1, s1, l1, b2, s2, l2);
+ }
+ // Conduct actual compare()
+ switch (targetTypeTag) {
case UUID:
return ascUUIDComp.compare(b1, s1 + 1, l1 - 1, b2, s2 + 1, l2 - 1);
case BOOLEAN: {
return ascBoolComp.compare(b1, s1 + 1, l1 - 1, b2, s2 + 1, l2 - 1);
+ case INT8: {
+ // No type promotion from another type to the INT8 can happen
+ return ascByteComp.compare(b1, s1 + 1, l1 - 1, b2, s2 + 1, l2 - 1);
+ }
+ case INT16: {
+ if (!typePromotionApplied) {
+ // No type promotion case
+ return ascShortComp.compare(b1, s1 + 1, l1 - 1, b2, s2 + 1, l2 - 1);
+ } else if (leftValueChanged) {
+ // Type promotion happened. Left side was the source
+ return ascShortComp.compare(castBuffer.getByteArray(), castBuffer.getStartOffset() + 1,
+ castBuffer.getLength() - 1, b2, s2 + 1, l2 - 1);
+ } else {
+ // Type promotion happened. Right side was the source
+ return ascShortComp.compare(b1, s1 + 1, l1 - 1, castBuffer.getByteArray(),
+ castBuffer.getStartOffset() + 1, castBuffer.getLength() - 1);
+ }
+ }
case TIME:
case DATE:
case INT32: {
- return ascIntComp.compare(b1, s1 + 1, l1 - 1, b2, s2 + 1, l2 - 1);
+ if (!typePromotionApplied) {
+ // No type promotion case
+ return ascIntComp.compare(b1, s1 + 1, l1 - 1, b2, s2 + 1, l2 - 1);
+ } else if (leftValueChanged) {
+ // Type promotion happened. Left side was the source
+ return ascIntComp.compare(castBuffer.getByteArray(), castBuffer.getStartOffset() + 1,
+ castBuffer.getLength() - 1, b2, s2 + 1, l2 - 1);
+ } else {
+ // Type promotion happened. Right side was the source
+ return ascIntComp.compare(b1, s1 + 1, l1 - 1, castBuffer.getByteArray(),
+ castBuffer.getStartOffset() + 1, castBuffer.getLength() - 1);
+ }
case INT64: {
- return ascLongComp.compare(b1, s1 + 1, l1 - 1, b2, s2 + 1, l2 - 1);
+ if (!typePromotionApplied) {
+ // No type promotion case
+ return ascLongComp.compare(b1, s1 + 1, l1 - 1, b2, s2 + 1, l2 - 1);
+ } else if (leftValueChanged) {
+ // Type promotion happened. Left side was the source
+ return ascLongComp.compare(castBuffer.getByteArray(), castBuffer.getStartOffset() + 1,
+ castBuffer.getLength() - 1, b2, s2 + 1, l2 - 1);
+ } else {
+ // Type promotion happened. Right side was the source
+ return ascLongComp.compare(b1, s1 + 1, l1 - 1, castBuffer.getByteArray(),
+ castBuffer.getStartOffset() + 1, castBuffer.getLength() - 1);
+ }
case FLOAT: {
- return ascFloatComp.compare(b1, s1 + 1, l1 - 1, b2, s2 + 1, l2 - 1);
+ if (!typePromotionApplied) {
+ // No type promotion case
+ return ascFloatComp.compare(b1, s1 + 1, l1 - 1, b2, s2 + 1, l2 - 1);
+ } else if (leftValueChanged) {
+ // Type promotion happened. Left side was the source
+ return ascFloatComp.compare(castBuffer.getByteArray(), castBuffer.getStartOffset() + 1,
+ castBuffer.getLength() - 1, b2, s2 + 1, l2 - 1);
+ } else {
+ // Type promotion happened. Right side was the source
+ return ascFloatComp.compare(b1, s1 + 1, l1 - 1, castBuffer.getByteArray(),
+ castBuffer.getStartOffset() + 1, castBuffer.getLength() - 1);
+ }
case DOUBLE: {
- return ascDoubleComp.compare(b1, s1 + 1, l1 - 1, b2, s2 + 1, l2 - 1);
+ if (!typePromotionApplied) {
+ // No type promotion case
+ return ascDoubleComp.compare(b1, s1 + 1, l1 - 1, b2, s2 + 1, l2 - 1);
+ } else if (leftValueChanged) {
+ // Type promotion happened. Left side was the source
+ return ascDoubleComp.compare(castBuffer.getByteArray(), castBuffer.getStartOffset() + 1,
+ castBuffer.getLength() - 1, b2, s2 + 1, l2 - 1);
+ } else {
+ // Type promotion happened. Right side was the source
+ return ascDoubleComp.compare(b1, s1 + 1, l1 - 1, castBuffer.getByteArray(),
+ castBuffer.getStartOffset() + 1, castBuffer.getLength() - 1);
+ }
case STRING: {
return ascStrComp.compare(b1, s1 + 1, l1 - 1, b2, s2 + 1, l2 - 1);
@@ -133,10 +300,11 @@
return ascIntervalComp.compare(b1, s1 + 1, l1 - 1, b2, s2 + 1, l2 - 1);
case BINARY: {
- return ascByteArrayComp.compare(b1, s1 + 1, l1 - 1, b2, s2 + 1, l2 -1);
+ return ascByteArrayComp.compare(b1, s1 + 1, l1 - 1, b2, s2 + 1, l2 - 1);
default: {
- return rawComp.compare(b1, s1 + 1, l1 - 1, b2, s2 + 1, l2 - 1);
+ // We include typeTag in comparison to compare between two type to enforce some ordering
+ return rawComp.compare(b1, s1, l1, b2, s2, l2);
diff --git a/asterix-om/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/dataflow/data/nontagged/comparators/AObjectDescBinaryComparatorFactory.java b/asterix-om/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/dataflow/data/nontagged/comparators/AObjectDescBinaryComparatorFactory.java
index ee8433c..28015af 100644
--- a/asterix-om/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/dataflow/data/nontagged/comparators/AObjectDescBinaryComparatorFactory.java
+++ b/asterix-om/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/dataflow/data/nontagged/comparators/AObjectDescBinaryComparatorFactory.java
@@ -3,9 +3,9 @@
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* you may obtain a copy of the License from
- *
+ *
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
+ *
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.api.dataflow.value.IBinaryComparator;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.api.dataflow.value.IBinaryComparatorFactory;
+import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.api.exceptions.HyracksDataException;
public class AObjectDescBinaryComparatorFactory implements IBinaryComparatorFactory {
@@ -28,11 +29,11 @@
public IBinaryComparator createBinaryComparator() {
- return new IBinaryComparator() {
+ return new ABinaryComparator() {
final IBinaryComparator ascComp = AObjectAscBinaryComparatorFactory.INSTANCE.createBinaryComparator();
- public int compare(byte[] b1, int s1, int l1, byte[] b2, int s2, int l2) {
+ public int compare(byte[] b1, int s1, int l1, byte[] b2, int s2, int l2) throws HyracksDataException {
return -ascComp.compare(b1, s1, l1, b2, s2, l2);
diff --git a/asterix-om/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/dataflow/data/nontagged/comparators/ListItemBinaryComparatorFactory.java b/asterix-om/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/dataflow/data/nontagged/comparators/ListItemBinaryComparatorFactory.java
index c0cc407..38e9220 100644
--- a/asterix-om/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/dataflow/data/nontagged/comparators/ListItemBinaryComparatorFactory.java
+++ b/asterix-om/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/dataflow/data/nontagged/comparators/ListItemBinaryComparatorFactory.java
@@ -3,9 +3,9 @@
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* you may obtain a copy of the License from
- *
+ *
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
+ *
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
@@ -20,8 +20,13 @@
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.types.EnumDeserializer;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.api.dataflow.value.IBinaryComparator;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.api.dataflow.value.IBinaryComparatorFactory;
+import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.api.exceptions.HyracksDataException;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.data.std.accessors.PointableBinaryComparatorFactory;
-import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.data.std.primitive.*;
+import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.data.std.primitive.ByteArrayPointable;
+import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.data.std.primitive.DoublePointable;
+import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.data.std.primitive.FloatPointable;
+import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.data.std.primitive.IntegerPointable;
+import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.data.std.primitive.UTF8StringPointable;
public class ListItemBinaryComparatorFactory implements IBinaryComparatorFactory {
@@ -73,7 +78,7 @@
final IBinaryComparator rawComp = RawBinaryComparatorFactory.INSTANCE.createBinaryComparator();
- public int compare(byte[] b1, int s1, int l1, byte[] b2, int s2, int l2) {
+ public int compare(byte[] b1, int s1, int l1, byte[] b2, int s2, int l2) throws HyracksDataException {
if (b1[s1] == ATypeTag.NULL.serialize()) {
if (b2[s2] == ATypeTag.NULL.serialize())
diff --git a/asterix-om/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/dataflow/data/nontagged/hash/AMurmurHash3BinaryHashFunctionFamily.java b/asterix-om/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/dataflow/data/nontagged/hash/AMurmurHash3BinaryHashFunctionFamily.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0d0d475
--- /dev/null
+++ b/asterix-om/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/dataflow/data/nontagged/hash/AMurmurHash3BinaryHashFunctionFamily.java
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+ * Copyright 2009-2013 by The Regents of the University of California
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * you may obtain a copy of the License from
+ *
+ * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+package edu.uci.ics.asterix.dataflow.data.nontagged.hash;
+import java.io.DataOutput;
+import java.io.IOException;
+import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.types.ATypeTag;
+import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.types.EnumDeserializer;
+import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.types.hierachy.FloatToDoubleTypeConvertComputer;
+import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.types.hierachy.IntegerToDoubleTypeConvertComputer;
+import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.api.dataflow.value.IBinaryHashFunction;
+import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.api.dataflow.value.IBinaryHashFunctionFamily;
+import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.api.exceptions.HyracksDataException;
+import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.data.std.accessors.MurmurHash3BinaryHash;
+import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.data.std.util.ArrayBackedValueStorage;
+public class AMurmurHash3BinaryHashFunctionFamily implements IBinaryHashFunctionFamily {
+ public static final IBinaryHashFunctionFamily INSTANCE = new AMurmurHash3BinaryHashFunctionFamily();
+ private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
+ private AMurmurHash3BinaryHashFunctionFamily() {
+ }
+ // This hash function family is used to promote a numeric type to a DOUBLE numeric type
+ // to return same hash value for the original numeric value, regardless of the numeric type.
+ // (e.g., h( int64("1") ) = h( double("1.0") )
+ @Override
+ public IBinaryHashFunction createBinaryHashFunction(final int seed) {
+ return new IBinaryHashFunction() {
+ private ArrayBackedValueStorage fieldValueBuffer = new ArrayBackedValueStorage();
+ private DataOutput fieldValueBufferOutput = fieldValueBuffer.getDataOutput();
+ private ATypeTag sourceTag = null;
+ private boolean numericTypePromotionApplied = false;
+ @Override
+ public int hash(byte[] bytes, int offset, int length) throws HyracksDataException {
+ // If a numeric type is encountered, then we promote each numeric type to the DOUBLE type.
+ fieldValueBuffer.reset();
+ sourceTag = EnumDeserializer.ATYPETAGDESERIALIZER.deserialize(bytes[offset]);
+ switch (sourceTag) {
+ case INT8:
+ case INT16:
+ case INT32:
+ case INT64:
+ try {
+ IntegerToDoubleTypeConvertComputer.INSTANCE.convertType(bytes, offset + 1, length - 1,
+ fieldValueBufferOutput);
+ } catch (IOException e) {
+ throw new HyracksDataException(
+ "A numeric type promotion error has occurred before doing hash(). Can't continue process. Detailed Error message:"
+ + e.getMessage());
+ }
+ numericTypePromotionApplied = true;
+ break;
+ case FLOAT:
+ try {
+ FloatToDoubleTypeConvertComputer.INSTANCE.convertType(bytes, offset + 1, length - 1,
+ fieldValueBufferOutput);
+ } catch (IOException e) {
+ throw new HyracksDataException(
+ "A numeric type promotion error has occurred before doing hash(). Can't continue process. Detailed Error message:"
+ + e.getMessage());
+ }
+ numericTypePromotionApplied = true;
+ break;
+ default:
+ numericTypePromotionApplied = false;
+ break;
+ }
+ // If a numeric type promotion happened
+ if (numericTypePromotionApplied) {
+ return MurmurHash3BinaryHash.hash(fieldValueBuffer.getByteArray(),
+ fieldValueBuffer.getStartOffset(), fieldValueBuffer.getLength(), seed);
+ } else {
+ // Usual case for non numeric types and the DOBULE numeric type
+ return MurmurHash3BinaryHash.hash(bytes, offset, length, seed);
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/asterix-om/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/dataflow/data/nontagged/hash/AObjectBinaryHashFunctionFactory.java b/asterix-om/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/dataflow/data/nontagged/hash/AObjectBinaryHashFunctionFactory.java
index fb7ea68..2dbc9a4 100644
--- a/asterix-om/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/dataflow/data/nontagged/hash/AObjectBinaryHashFunctionFactory.java
+++ b/asterix-om/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/dataflow/data/nontagged/hash/AObjectBinaryHashFunctionFactory.java
@@ -3,9 +3,9 @@
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* you may obtain a copy of the License from
- *
+ *
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
+ *
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.api.dataflow.value.IBinaryHashFunction;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.api.dataflow.value.IBinaryHashFunctionFactory;
+import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.api.exceptions.HyracksDataException;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.data.std.accessors.MurmurHash3BinaryHashFunctionFamily;
public class AObjectBinaryHashFunctionFactory implements IBinaryHashFunctionFactory {
@@ -34,7 +35,7 @@
- public int hash(byte[] bytes, int offset, int length) {
+ public int hash(byte[] bytes, int offset, int length) throws HyracksDataException {
return genericBinaryHash.hash(bytes, offset, length);
diff --git a/asterix-om/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/dataflow/data/nontagged/hash/ListItemBinaryHashFunctionFactory.java b/asterix-om/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/dataflow/data/nontagged/hash/ListItemBinaryHashFunctionFactory.java
index a965871..2f45a12 100644
--- a/asterix-om/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/dataflow/data/nontagged/hash/ListItemBinaryHashFunctionFactory.java
+++ b/asterix-om/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/dataflow/data/nontagged/hash/ListItemBinaryHashFunctionFactory.java
@@ -3,9 +3,9 @@
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* you may obtain a copy of the License from
- *
+ *
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
+ *
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.types.EnumDeserializer;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.api.dataflow.value.IBinaryHashFunction;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.api.dataflow.value.IBinaryHashFunctionFactory;
+import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.api.exceptions.HyracksDataException;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.data.std.accessors.MurmurHash3BinaryHashFunctionFamily;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.data.std.accessors.PointableBinaryHashFunctionFactory;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.data.std.util.GrowableArray;
@@ -55,7 +56,7 @@
private GrowableArray taggedBytes = new GrowableArray();
- public int hash(byte[] bytes, int offset, int length) {
+ public int hash(byte[] bytes, int offset, int length) throws HyracksDataException {
ATypeTag tag = itemTypeTag;
int skip = 0;
if (itemTypeTag == ATypeTag.ANY) {
diff --git a/asterix-om/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/dataflow/data/nontagged/printers/AInt32Printer.java b/asterix-om/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/dataflow/data/nontagged/printers/AInt32Printer.java
index f124f80..dc9225f 100644
--- a/asterix-om/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/dataflow/data/nontagged/printers/AInt32Printer.java
+++ b/asterix-om/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/dataflow/data/nontagged/printers/AInt32Printer.java
@@ -3,9 +3,9 @@
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* you may obtain a copy of the License from
- *
+ *
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
+ *
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
@@ -14,6 +14,8 @@
package edu.uci.ics.asterix.dataflow.data.nontagged.printers;
+import java.io.DataOutput;
+import java.io.DataOutputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.PrintStream;
@@ -21,14 +23,30 @@
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.algebricks.common.exceptions.AlgebricksException;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.algebricks.data.IPrinter;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.algebricks.data.utils.WriteValueTools;
+import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.data.std.util.ByteArrayAccessibleOutputStream;
public class AInt32Printer implements IPrinter {
+ private static final String SUFFIX_STRING = "i32";
+ private static byte[] _suffix;
+ private static int _suffix_count;
+ static {
+ ByteArrayAccessibleOutputStream interm = new ByteArrayAccessibleOutputStream();
+ DataOutput dout = new DataOutputStream(interm);
+ try {
+ dout.writeUTF(SUFFIX_STRING);
+ interm.close();
+ } catch (IOException e) {
+ e.printStackTrace();
+ }
+ _suffix = interm.getByteArray();
+ _suffix_count = interm.size();
+ }
public static final AInt32Printer INSTANCE = new AInt32Printer();
public void init() {
@@ -36,6 +54,7 @@
int d = AInt32SerializerDeserializer.getInt(b, s + 1);
try {
WriteValueTools.writeInt(d, ps);
+ WriteValueTools.writeUTF8StringNoQuotes(_suffix, 0, _suffix_count, ps);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new AlgebricksException(e);
diff --git a/asterix-om/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/dataflow/data/nontagged/printers/AInt64Printer.java b/asterix-om/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/dataflow/data/nontagged/printers/AInt64Printer.java
index 9c84865..591d6c7 100644
--- a/asterix-om/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/dataflow/data/nontagged/printers/AInt64Printer.java
+++ b/asterix-om/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/dataflow/data/nontagged/printers/AInt64Printer.java
@@ -3,9 +3,9 @@
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* you may obtain a copy of the License from
- *
+ *
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
+ *
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
@@ -14,8 +14,6 @@
package edu.uci.ics.asterix.dataflow.data.nontagged.printers;
-import java.io.DataOutput;
-import java.io.DataOutputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.PrintStream;
@@ -23,30 +21,14 @@
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.algebricks.common.exceptions.AlgebricksException;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.algebricks.data.IPrinter;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.algebricks.data.utils.WriteValueTools;
-import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.data.std.util.ByteArrayAccessibleOutputStream;
public class AInt64Printer implements IPrinter {
- private static final String SUFFIX_STRING = "i64";
- private static byte[] _suffix;
- private static int _suffix_count;
- static {
- ByteArrayAccessibleOutputStream interm = new ByteArrayAccessibleOutputStream();
- DataOutput dout = new DataOutputStream(interm);
- try {
- dout.writeUTF(SUFFIX_STRING);
- interm.close();
- } catch (IOException e) {
- e.printStackTrace();
- }
- _suffix = interm.getByteArray();
- _suffix_count = interm.size();
- }
public static final AInt64Printer INSTANCE = new AInt64Printer();
public void init() {
@@ -54,9 +36,8 @@
long d = AInt64SerializerDeserializer.getLong(b, s + 1);
try {
WriteValueTools.writeLong(d, ps);
- WriteValueTools.writeUTF8StringNoQuotes(_suffix, 0, _suffix_count, ps);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new AlgebricksException(e);
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/asterix-om/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/dataflow/data/nontagged/serde/ARecordSerializerDeserializer.java b/asterix-om/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/dataflow/data/nontagged/serde/ARecordSerializerDeserializer.java
index cb3849a..0413591 100644
--- a/asterix-om/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/dataflow/data/nontagged/serde/ARecordSerializerDeserializer.java
+++ b/asterix-om/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/dataflow/data/nontagged/serde/ARecordSerializerDeserializer.java
@@ -182,7 +182,11 @@
fieldNames[i] = recType2.getFieldNames()[j];
fieldTypes[i] = recType2.getFieldTypes()[j];
- return new ARecordType(null, fieldNames, fieldTypes, true);
+ try {
+ return new ARecordType(null, fieldNames, fieldTypes, true);
+ } catch (HyracksDataException e) {
+ throw new AsterixException(e);
+ }
@@ -194,7 +198,7 @@
public void serialize(ARecord instance, DataOutput out, boolean writeTypeTag) throws HyracksDataException {
IARecordBuilder recordBuilder = new RecordBuilder();
ArrayBackedValueStorage fieldValue = new ArrayBackedValueStorage();
if (recordType != null) {
@@ -265,7 +269,7 @@
return getFieldOffsetById(serRecord, 0, fieldId, nullBitmapSize, isOpen);
- public static final int getFieldOffsetByName(byte[] serRecord, byte[] fieldName) {
+ public static final int getFieldOffsetByName(byte[] serRecord, byte[] fieldName) throws HyracksDataException {
int openPartOffset = 0;
if (serRecord[0] == ATypeTag.RECORD.serialize())
diff --git a/asterix-om/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/formats/nontagged/AqlBinaryComparatorFactoryProvider.java b/asterix-om/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/formats/nontagged/AqlBinaryComparatorFactoryProvider.java
index 4d323cf..3af8fd4 100644
--- a/asterix-om/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/formats/nontagged/AqlBinaryComparatorFactoryProvider.java
+++ b/asterix-om/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/formats/nontagged/AqlBinaryComparatorFactoryProvider.java
@@ -3,9 +3,9 @@
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* you may obtain a copy of the License from
- *
+ *
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
+ *
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@
import java.io.Serializable;
+import edu.uci.ics.asterix.dataflow.data.nontagged.comparators.ABinaryComparator;
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.dataflow.data.nontagged.comparators.ACirclePartialBinaryComparatorFactory;
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.dataflow.data.nontagged.comparators.ADurationPartialBinaryComparatorFactory;
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.dataflow.data.nontagged.comparators.AIntervalPartialBinaryComparatorFactory;
@@ -34,6 +35,7 @@
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.algebricks.data.IBinaryComparatorFactoryProvider;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.api.dataflow.value.IBinaryComparator;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.api.dataflow.value.IBinaryComparatorFactory;
+import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.api.exceptions.HyracksDataException;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.data.std.accessors.PointableBinaryComparatorFactory;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.data.std.primitive.ByteArrayPointable;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.data.std.primitive.BytePointable;
@@ -62,7 +64,7 @@
public static final PointableBinaryComparatorFactory UTF8STRING_POINTABLE_INSTANCE = new PointableBinaryComparatorFactory(
- // Equivalent to UTF8STRING_POINTABLE_INSTANCE but all characters are considered lower case to implement case-insensitive comparisons.
+ // Equivalent to UTF8STRING_POINTABLE_INSTANCE but all characters are considered lower case to implement case-insensitive comparisons.
public static final PointableBinaryComparatorFactory UTF8STRING_LOWERCASE_POINTABLE_INSTANCE = new PointableBinaryComparatorFactory(
public static final PointableBinaryComparatorFactory BINARY_POINTABLE_INSTANCE = new PointableBinaryComparatorFactory(
@@ -86,11 +88,9 @@
public IBinaryComparatorFactory getBinaryComparatorFactory(Object type, boolean ascending) {
- if (type == null) {
- return anyBinaryComparatorFactory(ascending);
- }
- IAType aqlType = (IAType) type;
- return getBinaryComparatorFactory(aqlType.getTypeTag(), ascending);
+ // During a comparison, since proper type promotion among several numeric types are required,
+ // we will use AObjectAscBinaryComparatorFactory, instead of using a specific comparator
+ return anyBinaryComparatorFactory(ascending);
public IBinaryComparatorFactory getBinaryComparatorFactory(ATypeTag type, boolean ascending) {
@@ -190,17 +190,19 @@
public IBinaryComparator createBinaryComparator() {
final IBinaryComparator bc = inst.createBinaryComparator();
if (ascending) {
- return new IBinaryComparator() {
+ return new ABinaryComparator() {
- public int compare(byte[] b1, int s1, int l1, byte[] b2, int s2, int l2) {
+ public int compare(byte[] b1, int s1, int l1, byte[] b2, int s2, int l2)
+ throws HyracksDataException {
return bc.compare(b1, s1 + 1, l1 - 1, b2, s2 + 1, l2 - 1);
} else {
- return new IBinaryComparator() {
+ return new ABinaryComparator() {
- public int compare(byte[] b1, int s1, int l1, byte[] b2, int s2, int l2) {
+ public int compare(byte[] b1, int s1, int l1, byte[] b2, int s2, int l2)
+ throws HyracksDataException {
return -bc.compare(b1, s1 + 1, l1 - 1, b2, s2 + 1, l2 - 1);
@@ -216,4 +218,5 @@
return AObjectDescBinaryComparatorFactory.INSTANCE;
diff --git a/asterix-om/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/formats/nontagged/AqlBinaryHashFunctionFactoryProvider.java b/asterix-om/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/formats/nontagged/AqlBinaryHashFunctionFactoryProvider.java
index 90e46f3..8828ac9 100644
--- a/asterix-om/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/formats/nontagged/AqlBinaryHashFunctionFactoryProvider.java
+++ b/asterix-om/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/formats/nontagged/AqlBinaryHashFunctionFactoryProvider.java
@@ -3,9 +3,9 @@
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* you may obtain a copy of the License from
- *
+ *
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
+ *
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
@@ -16,10 +16,10 @@
import java.io.Serializable;
+import edu.uci.ics.asterix.dataflow.data.nontagged.hash.AMurmurHash3BinaryHashFunctionFamily;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.algebricks.data.IBinaryHashFunctionFactoryProvider;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.api.dataflow.value.IBinaryHashFunction;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.api.dataflow.value.IBinaryHashFunctionFactory;
-import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.data.std.accessors.MurmurHash3BinaryHashFunctionFamily;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.data.std.accessors.PointableBinaryHashFunctionFactory;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.data.std.primitive.DoublePointable;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.data.std.primitive.FloatPointable;
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@
public static final PointableBinaryHashFunctionFactory UTF8STRING_POINTABLE_INSTANCE = new PointableBinaryHashFunctionFactory(
- // Equivalent to UTF8STRING_POINTABLE_INSTANCE but all characters are considered lower case to implement case-insensitive hashing.
+ // Equivalent to UTF8STRING_POINTABLE_INSTANCE but all characters are considered lower case to implement case-insensitive hashing.
public static final PointableBinaryHashFunctionFactory UTF8STRING_LOWERCASE_POINTABLE_INSTANCE = new PointableBinaryHashFunctionFactory(
@@ -53,7 +53,8 @@
public IBinaryHashFunction createBinaryHashFunction() {
- return MurmurHash3BinaryHashFunctionFamily.INSTANCE.createBinaryHashFunction(0);
+ // Actual numeric type promotion happens in the createBinaryHashFunction()
+ return AMurmurHash3BinaryHashFunctionFamily.INSTANCE.createBinaryHashFunction(0);
diff --git a/asterix-om/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/formats/nontagged/AqlBinaryHashFunctionFamilyProvider.java b/asterix-om/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/formats/nontagged/AqlBinaryHashFunctionFamilyProvider.java
index cd7e1fd..8f4a343 100644
--- a/asterix-om/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/formats/nontagged/AqlBinaryHashFunctionFamilyProvider.java
+++ b/asterix-om/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/formats/nontagged/AqlBinaryHashFunctionFamilyProvider.java
@@ -3,9 +3,9 @@
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* you may obtain a copy of the License from
- *
+ *
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
+ *
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
@@ -17,14 +17,14 @@
import java.io.Serializable;
+import edu.uci.ics.asterix.dataflow.data.nontagged.hash.AMurmurHash3BinaryHashFunctionFamily;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.algebricks.common.exceptions.AlgebricksException;
-import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.data.std.accessors.MurmurHash3BinaryHashFunctionFamily;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.algebricks.data.IBinaryHashFunctionFamilyProvider;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.api.dataflow.value.IBinaryHashFunctionFamily;
- * We use a type-independent binary hash function family from the hyracks
- * codebase
+ * We use a binary hash function that promotes numeric types (INT8,INT16,INT32,INT64,FLOAT) to DOUBLE if requested.
+ * Non-numeric types will be hashed without type promotion.
public class AqlBinaryHashFunctionFamilyProvider implements IBinaryHashFunctionFamilyProvider, Serializable {
@@ -37,7 +37,8 @@
public IBinaryHashFunctionFamily getBinaryHashFunctionFamily(Object type) throws AlgebricksException {
- return MurmurHash3BinaryHashFunctionFamily.INSTANCE;
+ // AMurmurHash3BinaryHashFunctionFamily converts numeric type to double type before doing hash()
+ return AMurmurHash3BinaryHashFunctionFamily.INSTANCE;
diff --git a/asterix-om/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/formats/nontagged/AqlBinaryIntegerInspector.java b/asterix-om/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/formats/nontagged/AqlBinaryIntegerInspector.java
index 3ac66d8..4413a43 100644
--- a/asterix-om/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/formats/nontagged/AqlBinaryIntegerInspector.java
+++ b/asterix-om/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/formats/nontagged/AqlBinaryIntegerInspector.java
@@ -14,12 +14,14 @@
package edu.uci.ics.asterix.formats.nontagged;
+import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.types.hierachy.ATypeHierarchy;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.algebricks.data.IBinaryIntegerInspector;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.algebricks.data.IBinaryIntegerInspectorFactory;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.api.context.IHyracksTaskContext;
-import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.data.std.primitive.IntegerPointable;
+import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.api.exceptions.HyracksDataException;
public class AqlBinaryIntegerInspector implements IBinaryIntegerInspector {
public static final IBinaryIntegerInspectorFactory FACTORY = new IBinaryIntegerInspectorFactory() {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
@@ -33,7 +35,7 @@
- public int getIntegerValue(byte[] bytes, int offset, int length) {
- return IntegerPointable.getInteger(bytes, offset + 1);
+ public int getIntegerValue(byte[] bytes, int offset, int length) throws HyracksDataException {
+ return ATypeHierarchy.getIntegerValue(bytes, offset);
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/asterix-om/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/formats/nontagged/AqlLinearizeComparatorFactoryProvider.java b/asterix-om/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/formats/nontagged/AqlLinearizeComparatorFactoryProvider.java
index f331d34..b439367 100644
--- a/asterix-om/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/formats/nontagged/AqlLinearizeComparatorFactoryProvider.java
+++ b/asterix-om/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/formats/nontagged/AqlLinearizeComparatorFactoryProvider.java
@@ -3,9 +3,9 @@
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* you may obtain a copy of the License from
- *
+ *
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
+ *
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.api.dataflow.value.IBinaryComparatorFactory;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.api.dataflow.value.ILinearizeComparator;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.api.dataflow.value.ILinearizeComparatorFactory;
+import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.api.exceptions.HyracksDataException;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.storage.am.rtree.linearize.HilbertDoubleComparatorFactory;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.storage.am.rtree.linearize.ZCurveDoubleComparatorFactory;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.storage.am.rtree.linearize.ZCurveIntComparatorFactory;
@@ -65,7 +66,8 @@
return new ILinearizeComparator() {
- public int compare(byte[] b1, int s1, int l1, byte[] b2, int s2, int l2) {
+ public int compare(byte[] b1, int s1, int l1, byte[] b2, int s2, int l2)
+ throws HyracksDataException {
return bc.compare(b1, s1 + 1, l1, b2, s2 + 1, l2);
@@ -79,7 +81,8 @@
return new ILinearizeComparator() {
- public int compare(byte[] b1, int s1, int l1, byte[] b2, int s2, int l2) {
+ public int compare(byte[] b1, int s1, int l1, byte[] b2, int s2, int l2)
+ throws HyracksDataException {
return -bc.compare(b1, s1 + 1, l1, b2, s2 + 1, l2);
diff --git a/asterix-om/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/om/functions/AsterixBuiltinFunctions.java b/asterix-om/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/om/functions/AsterixBuiltinFunctions.java
index 3aa5cc1..af8f6bc 100644
--- a/asterix-om/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/om/functions/AsterixBuiltinFunctions.java
+++ b/asterix-om/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/om/functions/AsterixBuiltinFunctions.java
@@ -3,9 +3,9 @@
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* you may obtain a copy of the License from
- *
+ *
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
+ *
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
@@ -86,6 +86,7 @@
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.typecomputer.impl.OptionalAYearMonthDurationTypeComputer;
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.typecomputer.impl.OrderedListConstructorResultType;
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.typecomputer.impl.OrderedListOfAInt32TypeComputer;
+import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.typecomputer.impl.OrderedListOfAInt64TypeComputer;
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.typecomputer.impl.OrderedListOfAPointTypeComputer;
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.typecomputer.impl.OrderedListOfAStringTypeComputer;
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.typecomputer.impl.OrderedListOfAnyTypeComputer;
@@ -96,9 +97,9 @@
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.typecomputer.impl.SubstringTypeComputer;
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.typecomputer.impl.TripleStringBoolOrNullTypeComputer;
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.typecomputer.impl.TripleStringStringOrNullTypeComputer;
-import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.typecomputer.impl.UnaryBinaryInt32OrNullTypeComputer;
+import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.typecomputer.impl.UnaryBinaryInt64OrNullTypeComputer;
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.typecomputer.impl.UnaryBooleanOrNullFunctionTypeComputer;
-import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.typecomputer.impl.UnaryStringInt32OrNullTypeComputer;
+import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.typecomputer.impl.UnaryStringInt64OrNullTypeComputer;
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.typecomputer.impl.UnaryStringOrNullTypeComputer;
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.typecomputer.impl.UnorderedListConstructorResultType;
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.types.AOrderedListType;
@@ -747,7 +748,7 @@
addFunction(DURATION_CONSTRUCTOR, OptionalADurationTypeComputer.INSTANCE, true);
addFunction(YEAR_MONTH_DURATION_CONSTRUCTOR, OptionalAYearMonthDurationTypeComputer.INSTANCE, true);
addFunction(DAY_TIME_DURATION_CONSTRUCTOR, OptionalADayTimeDurationTypeComputer.INSTANCE, true);
- addFunction(EDIT_DISTANCE, AInt32TypeComputer.INSTANCE, true);
+ addFunction(EDIT_DISTANCE, AInt64TypeComputer.INSTANCE, true);
addFunction(EDIT_DISTANCE_CHECK, OrderedListOfAnyTypeComputer.INSTANCE, true);
addPrivateFunction(EDIT_DISTANCE_STRING_IS_FILTERABLE, ABooleanTypeComputer.INSTANCE, true);
addPrivateFunction(EDIT_DISTANCE_LIST_IS_FILTERABLE, ABooleanTypeComputer.INSTANCE, true);
@@ -784,7 +785,7 @@
addFunction(INT16_CONSTRUCTOR, OptionalAInt16TypeComputer.INSTANCE, true);
addFunction(INT32_CONSTRUCTOR, OptionalAInt32TypeComputer.INSTANCE, true);
addFunction(INT64_CONSTRUCTOR, OptionalAInt64TypeComputer.INSTANCE, true);
- addFunction(LEN, OptionalAInt32TypeComputer.INSTANCE, true);
+ addFunction(LEN, OptionalAInt64TypeComputer.INSTANCE, true);
addFunction(LIKE, BinaryBooleanOrNullFunctionTypeComputer.INSTANCE, true);
addFunction(LINE_CONSTRUCTOR, OptionalALineTypeComputer.INSTANCE, true);
addPrivateFunction(LISTIFY, OrderedListConstructorResultType.INSTANCE, true);
@@ -802,7 +803,7 @@
addPrivateFunction(NUMERIC_MULTIPLY, NonTaggedNumericAddSubMulDivTypeComputer.INSTANCE, true);
addPrivateFunction(NUMERIC_DIVIDE, NonTaggedNumericAddSubMulDivTypeComputer.INSTANCE, true);
addPrivateFunction(NUMERIC_MOD, NonTaggedNumericAddSubMulDivTypeComputer.INSTANCE, true);
- addPrivateFunction(NUMERIC_IDIV, AInt32TypeComputer.INSTANCE, true);
+ addPrivateFunction(NUMERIC_IDIV, AInt64TypeComputer.INSTANCE, true);
addFunction(NUMERIC_ABS, NonTaggedNumericUnaryFunctionTypeComputer.INSTANCE, true);
addFunction(NUMERIC_CEILING, NonTaggedNumericUnaryFunctionTypeComputer.INSTANCE, true);
@@ -811,20 +812,20 @@
addFunction(NUMERIC_ROUND_HALF_TO_EVEN, NonTaggedNumericUnaryFunctionTypeComputer.INSTANCE, true);
addFunction(NUMERIC_ROUND_HALF_TO_EVEN2, NonTaggedNumericRoundHalfToEven2TypeComputer.INSTANCE, true);
- addFunction(BINARY_LENGTH, UnaryBinaryInt32OrNullTypeComputer.INSTANCE, true);
+ addFunction(BINARY_LENGTH, UnaryBinaryInt64OrNullTypeComputer.INSTANCE, true);
addFunction(PARSE_BINARY, OptionalABinaryTypeComputer.INSTANCE, true);
addFunction(PRINT_BINARY, OptionalAStringTypeComputer.INSTANCE, true);
addFunction(BINARY_CONCAT, OptionalABinaryTypeComputer.INSTANCE, true);
addFunction(SUBBINARY_FROM, OptionalABinaryTypeComputer.INSTANCE, true);
addFunction(SUBBINARY_FROM_TO, OptionalABinaryTypeComputer.INSTANCE, true);
- addFunction(FIND_BINARY, OptionalAInt32TypeComputer.INSTANCE, true);
- addFunction(FIND_BINARY_FROM, OptionalAInt32TypeComputer.INSTANCE, true);
+ addFunction(FIND_BINARY, OptionalAInt64TypeComputer.INSTANCE, true);
+ addFunction(FIND_BINARY_FROM, OptionalAInt64TypeComputer.INSTANCE, true);
- addFunction(STRING_TO_CODEPOINT, OrderedListOfAInt32TypeComputer.INSTANCE, true);
+ addFunction(STRING_TO_CODEPOINT, OrderedListOfAInt64TypeComputer.INSTANCE, true);
addFunction(CODEPOINT_TO_STRING, AStringTypeComputer.INSTANCE, true);
addFunction(STRING_CONCAT, OptionalAStringTypeComputer.INSTANCE, true);
addFunction(SUBSTRING2, Substring2TypeComputer.INSTANCE, true);
- addFunction(STRING_LENGTH, UnaryStringInt32OrNullTypeComputer.INSTANCE, true);
+ addFunction(STRING_LENGTH, UnaryStringInt64OrNullTypeComputer.INSTANCE, true);
addFunction(STRING_LOWERCASE, UnaryStringOrNullTypeComputer.INSTANCE, true);
addFunction(STRING_UPPERCASE, UnaryStringOrNullTypeComputer.INSTANCE, true);
addFunction(STRING_START_WITH, BinaryStringBoolOrNullTypeComputer.INSTANCE, true);
@@ -844,7 +845,7 @@
addFunction(POINT3D_CONSTRUCTOR, OptionalAPoint3DTypeComputer.INSTANCE, true);
addFunction(POLYGON_CONSTRUCTOR, OptionalAPolygonTypeComputer.INSTANCE, true);
addPrivateFunction(PREFIX_LEN_JACCARD, AInt32TypeComputer.INSTANCE, true);
- addFunction(RANGE, AInt32TypeComputer.INSTANCE, true);
+ addFunction(RANGE, AInt64TypeComputer.INSTANCE, true);
addFunction(RECTANGLE_CONSTRUCTOR, OptionalARectangleTypeComputer.INSTANCE, true);
// SQL Aggregate Functions
@@ -955,7 +956,7 @@
addPrivateFunction(CAST_RECORD, CastRecordResultTypeComputer.INSTANCE, true);
addPrivateFunction(CAST_LIST, CastListResultTypeComputer.INSTANCE, true);
- addFunction(TID, AInt32TypeComputer.INSTANCE, true);
+ addFunction(TID, AInt64TypeComputer.INSTANCE, true);
addFunction(TIME_CONSTRUCTOR, OptionalATimeTypeComputer.INSTANCE, true);
addPrivateFunction(TYPE_OF, null, true);
addPrivateFunction(UNORDERED_LIST_CONSTRUCTOR, UnorderedListConstructorResultType.INSTANCE, true);
@@ -968,13 +969,13 @@
}, true);
// temporal type accessors
- addFunction(ACCESSOR_TEMPORAL_YEAR, OptionalAInt32TypeComputer.INSTANCE, true);
- addFunction(ACCESSOR_TEMPORAL_MONTH, OptionalAInt32TypeComputer.INSTANCE, true);
- addFunction(ACCESSOR_TEMPORAL_DAY, OptionalAInt32TypeComputer.INSTANCE, true);
- addFunction(ACCESSOR_TEMPORAL_HOUR, OptionalAInt32TypeComputer.INSTANCE, true);
- addFunction(ACCESSOR_TEMPORAL_MIN, OptionalAInt32TypeComputer.INSTANCE, true);
- addFunction(ACCESSOR_TEMPORAL_SEC, OptionalAInt32TypeComputer.INSTANCE, true);
- addFunction(ACCESSOR_TEMPORAL_MILLISEC, OptionalAInt32TypeComputer.INSTANCE, true);
+ addFunction(ACCESSOR_TEMPORAL_YEAR, OptionalAInt64TypeComputer.INSTANCE, true);
+ addFunction(ACCESSOR_TEMPORAL_MONTH, OptionalAInt64TypeComputer.INSTANCE, true);
+ addFunction(ACCESSOR_TEMPORAL_DAY, OptionalAInt64TypeComputer.INSTANCE, true);
+ addFunction(ACCESSOR_TEMPORAL_HOUR, OptionalAInt64TypeComputer.INSTANCE, true);
+ addFunction(ACCESSOR_TEMPORAL_MIN, OptionalAInt64TypeComputer.INSTANCE, true);
+ addFunction(ACCESSOR_TEMPORAL_SEC, OptionalAInt64TypeComputer.INSTANCE, true);
+ addFunction(ACCESSOR_TEMPORAL_MILLISEC, OptionalAInt64TypeComputer.INSTANCE, true);
addFunction(ACCESSOR_TEMPORAL_INTERVAL_START, OptionalATemporalInstanceTypeComputer.INSTANCE, true);
addFunction(ACCESSOR_TEMPORAL_INTERVAL_END, OptionalATemporalInstanceTypeComputer.INSTANCE, true);
@@ -1013,12 +1014,12 @@
addPrivateFunction(DURATION_EQUAL, OptionalABooleanTypeComputer.INSTANCE, true);
addFunction(DURATION_FROM_MONTHS, OptionalADurationTypeComputer.INSTANCE, true);
addFunction(DURATION_FROM_MILLISECONDS, OptionalADurationTypeComputer.INSTANCE, true);
- addFunction(MONTHS_FROM_YEAR_MONTH_DURATION, OptionalAInt32TypeComputer.INSTANCE, true);
+ addFunction(MONTHS_FROM_YEAR_MONTH_DURATION, OptionalAInt64TypeComputer.INSTANCE, true);
addFunction(MILLISECONDS_FROM_DAY_TIME_DURATION, OptionalAInt64TypeComputer.INSTANCE, true);
addFunction(GET_DAY_TIME_DURATION, OptionalADayTimeDurationTypeComputer.INSTANCE, true);
addFunction(GET_YEAR_MONTH_DURATION, OptionalAYearMonthDurationTypeComputer.INSTANCE, true);
addFunction(INTERVAL_BIN, OptionalAIntervalTypeComputer.INSTANCE, true);
- addFunction(DAY_OF_WEEK, OptionalAInt32TypeComputer.INSTANCE, true);
+ addFunction(DAY_OF_WEEK, OptionalAInt64TypeComputer.INSTANCE, true);
addFunction(PARSE_DATE, OptionalADateTypeComputer.INSTANCE, true);
addFunction(PARSE_TIME, OptionalATimeTypeComputer.INSTANCE, true);
addFunction(PARSE_DATETIME, OptionalADateTimeTypeComputer.INSTANCE, true);
diff --git a/asterix-om/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/om/pointables/base/DefaultOpenFieldType.java b/asterix-om/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/om/pointables/base/DefaultOpenFieldType.java
index 45ae5c5..d207eee 100644
--- a/asterix-om/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/om/pointables/base/DefaultOpenFieldType.java
+++ b/asterix-om/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/om/pointables/base/DefaultOpenFieldType.java
@@ -3,9 +3,9 @@
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* you may obtain a copy of the License from
- *
+ *
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
+ *
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.types.AUnorderedListType;
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.types.BuiltinType;
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.types.IAType;
+import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.api.exceptions.HyracksDataException;
* This class serves as the repository for the default record type and list type
@@ -38,7 +39,7 @@
static {
try {
NESTED_OPEN_RECORD_TYPE = new ARecordType("nested-open", new String[] {}, new IAType[] {}, true);
- } catch (AsterixException e) {
+ } catch (AsterixException | HyracksDataException e) {
throw new AsterixRuntimeException();
diff --git a/asterix-om/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/om/pointables/cast/ACastVisitor.java b/asterix-om/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/om/pointables/cast/ACastVisitor.java
index e93048e..beda251 100644
--- a/asterix-om/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/om/pointables/cast/ACastVisitor.java
+++ b/asterix-om/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/om/pointables/cast/ACastVisitor.java
@@ -3,9 +3,9 @@
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* you may obtain a copy of the License from
- *
+ *
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
+ *
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@
package edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.pointables.cast;
+import java.io.DataOutput;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
@@ -32,7 +33,7 @@
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.types.EnumDeserializer;
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.types.IAType;
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.types.hierachy.ATypeHierarchy;
-import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.types.hierachy.ITypePromoteComputer;
+import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.types.hierachy.ITypeConvertComputer;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.algebricks.common.utils.Triple;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.data.std.util.ArrayBackedValueStorage;
@@ -106,20 +107,16 @@
} else {
ArrayBackedValueStorage castBuffer = new ArrayBackedValueStorage();
- ITypePromoteComputer promoteComputer = ATypeHierarchy.getTypePromoteComputer(inputTypeTag, reqTypeTag);
- if (promoteComputer != null) {
- try {
- // do the promotion; note that the type tag field should be skipped
- promoteComputer.promote(accessor.getByteArray(), accessor.getStartOffset() + 1,
- accessor.getLength() - 1, castBuffer.getDataOutput());
- arg.first.set(castBuffer);
- } catch (IOException e) {
- throw new AsterixException(e);
- }
- } else {
- throw new AsterixException("Type mismatch: cannot cast type " + inputTypeTag + " to " + reqTypeTag);
+ try {
+ ATypeHierarchy.convertNumericTypeByteArray(accessor.getByteArray(), accessor.getStartOffset(),
+ accessor.getLength(), reqTypeTag, castBuffer.getDataOutput());
+ arg.first.set(castBuffer);
+ } catch (IOException e1) {
+ throw new AsterixException("Type mismatch: cannot cast the " + inputTypeTag + " type to the "
+ + reqTypeTag + " type.");
return null;
diff --git a/asterix-om/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/om/pointables/cast/ARecordCaster.java b/asterix-om/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/om/pointables/cast/ARecordCaster.java
index e7e0ef2..7630e8f 100644
--- a/asterix-om/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/om/pointables/cast/ARecordCaster.java
+++ b/asterix-om/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/om/pointables/cast/ARecordCaster.java
@@ -3,9 +3,9 @@
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* you may obtain a copy of the License from
- *
+ *
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
+ *
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
@@ -43,6 +43,7 @@
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.algebricks.common.utils.Triple;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.api.dataflow.value.IBinaryComparator;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.api.dataflow.value.INullWriter;
+import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.api.exceptions.HyracksDataException;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.data.std.accessors.PointableBinaryComparatorFactory;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.data.std.api.IValueReference;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.data.std.primitive.UTF8StringPointable;
@@ -189,7 +190,7 @@
private void matchClosedPart(List<IVisitablePointable> fieldNames, List<IVisitablePointable> fieldTypeTags,
- List<IVisitablePointable> fieldValues) throws AsterixException {
+ List<IVisitablePointable> fieldValues) throws AsterixException, HyracksDataException {
// sort-merge based match
quickSort(fieldNamesSortedIndex, fieldNames, 0, numInputFields - 1);
int fnStart = 0;
@@ -213,7 +214,8 @@
ATypeTag requiredTypeTag = EnumDeserializer.ATYPETAGDESERIALIZER.deserialize(reqFieldTypeTag
- if (ATypeHierarchy.canPromote(inputTypeTag, requiredTypeTag)) {
+ if (ATypeHierarchy.canPromote(inputTypeTag, requiredTypeTag)
+ || ATypeHierarchy.canDemote(inputTypeTag, requiredTypeTag)) {
fieldPermutation[reqFnPos] = fnPos;
openFields[fnPos] = false;
@@ -319,7 +321,8 @@
recBuilder.write(output, true);
- private void quickSort(int[] index, List<IVisitablePointable> names, int start, int end) {
+ private void quickSort(int[] index, List<IVisitablePointable> names, int start, int end)
+ throws HyracksDataException {
if (end <= start)
int i = partition(index, names, start, end);
@@ -327,7 +330,8 @@
quickSort(index, names, i + 1, end);
- private int partition(int[] index, List<IVisitablePointable> names, int left, int right) {
+ private int partition(int[] index, List<IVisitablePointable> names, int left, int right)
+ throws HyracksDataException {
int i = left - 1;
int j = right;
while (true) {
@@ -353,7 +357,7 @@
array[j] = temp;
- private int compare(IValueReference a, IValueReference b) {
+ private int compare(IValueReference a, IValueReference b) throws HyracksDataException {
// start+1 and len-1 due to the type tag
return fieldNameComparator.compare(a.getByteArray(), a.getStartOffset() + 1, a.getLength() - 1,
b.getByteArray(), b.getStartOffset() + 1, b.getLength() - 1);
diff --git a/asterix-om/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/om/typecomputer/impl/ClosedRecordConstructorResultType.java b/asterix-om/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/om/typecomputer/impl/ClosedRecordConstructorResultType.java
index 8ed2084..b7f2222 100644
--- a/asterix-om/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/om/typecomputer/impl/ClosedRecordConstructorResultType.java
+++ b/asterix-om/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/om/typecomputer/impl/ClosedRecordConstructorResultType.java
@@ -3,9 +3,9 @@
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* you may obtain a copy of the License from
- *
+ *
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
+ *
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.algebricks.core.algebra.expressions.ConstantExpression;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.algebricks.core.algebra.expressions.IVariableTypeEnvironment;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.algebricks.core.algebra.metadata.IMetadataProvider;
+import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.api.exceptions.HyracksDataException;
public class ClosedRecordConstructorResultType implements IResultTypeComputer {
@@ -71,7 +72,7 @@
try {
return new ARecordType(null, fieldNames, fieldTypes, false);
- } catch (AsterixException e) {
+ } catch (AsterixException | HyracksDataException e) {
throw new AlgebricksException(e);
diff --git a/asterix-om/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/om/typecomputer/impl/NonTaggedLocalAvgTypeComputer.java b/asterix-om/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/om/typecomputer/impl/NonTaggedLocalAvgTypeComputer.java
index ee52425..22c7f6f 100644
--- a/asterix-om/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/om/typecomputer/impl/NonTaggedLocalAvgTypeComputer.java
+++ b/asterix-om/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/om/typecomputer/impl/NonTaggedLocalAvgTypeComputer.java
@@ -3,9 +3,9 @@
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* you may obtain a copy of the License from
- *
+ *
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
+ *
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.algebricks.core.algebra.base.ILogicalExpression;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.algebricks.core.algebra.expressions.IVariableTypeEnvironment;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.algebricks.core.algebra.metadata.IMetadataProvider;
+import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.api.exceptions.HyracksDataException;
public class NonTaggedLocalAvgTypeComputer implements IResultTypeComputer {
@@ -42,7 +43,7 @@
try {
return new ARecordType(null, new String[] { "sum", "count" }, new IAType[] {
new AUnionType(unionList, "OptionalDouble"), BuiltinType.AINT32 }, false);
- } catch (AsterixException e) {
+ } catch (AsterixException | HyracksDataException e) {
throw new AlgebricksException(e);
diff --git a/asterix-om/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/om/typecomputer/impl/OpenRecordConstructorResultType.java b/asterix-om/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/om/typecomputer/impl/OpenRecordConstructorResultType.java
index 0c6fc55..358fc14 100644
--- a/asterix-om/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/om/typecomputer/impl/OpenRecordConstructorResultType.java
+++ b/asterix-om/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/om/typecomputer/impl/OpenRecordConstructorResultType.java
@@ -3,9 +3,9 @@
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* you may obtain a copy of the License from
- *
+ *
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
+ *
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
@@ -36,6 +36,7 @@
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.algebricks.core.algebra.expressions.ConstantExpression;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.algebricks.core.algebra.expressions.IVariableTypeEnvironment;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.algebricks.core.algebra.metadata.IMetadataProvider;
+import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.api.exceptions.HyracksDataException;
public class OpenRecordConstructorResultType implements IResultTypeComputer {
@@ -75,7 +76,7 @@
fieldTypes = typesList.toArray(fieldTypes);
try {
return new ARecordType(null, fieldNames, fieldTypes, true);
- } catch (AsterixException e) {
+ } catch (AsterixException | HyracksDataException e) {
throw new AlgebricksException(e);
diff --git a/asterix-om/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/om/typecomputer/impl/OrderedListOfAInt64TypeComputer.java b/asterix-om/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/om/typecomputer/impl/OrderedListOfAInt64TypeComputer.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..60e887b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/asterix-om/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/om/typecomputer/impl/OrderedListOfAInt64TypeComputer.java
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+ * Copyright 2009-2013 by The Regents of the University of California
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * you may obtain a copy of the License from
+ *
+ * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+package edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.typecomputer.impl;
+import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.typecomputer.base.IResultTypeComputer;
+import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.types.AOrderedListType;
+import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.types.BuiltinType;
+import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.types.IAType;
+import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.algebricks.common.exceptions.AlgebricksException;
+import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.algebricks.core.algebra.base.ILogicalExpression;
+import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.algebricks.core.algebra.expressions.IVariableTypeEnvironment;
+import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.algebricks.core.algebra.metadata.IMetadataProvider;
+public class OrderedListOfAInt64TypeComputer implements IResultTypeComputer {
+ public static final OrderedListOfAInt64TypeComputer INSTANCE = new OrderedListOfAInt64TypeComputer();
+ private OrderedListOfAInt64TypeComputer() {
+ }
+ @Override
+ public IAType computeType(ILogicalExpression expression, IVariableTypeEnvironment env,
+ IMetadataProvider<?, ?> metadataProvider) throws AlgebricksException {
+ return new AOrderedListType(BuiltinType.AINT64, null);
+ }
diff --git a/asterix-om/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/om/typecomputer/impl/RecordConstructorResultType.java b/asterix-om/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/om/typecomputer/impl/RecordConstructorResultType.java
index 1f072f0..fd1bfa1 100644
--- a/asterix-om/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/om/typecomputer/impl/RecordConstructorResultType.java
+++ b/asterix-om/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/om/typecomputer/impl/RecordConstructorResultType.java
@@ -3,9 +3,9 @@
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* you may obtain a copy of the License from
- *
+ *
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
+ *
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
@@ -33,6 +33,7 @@
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.algebricks.core.algebra.expressions.ConstantExpression;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.algebricks.core.algebra.expressions.IVariableTypeEnvironment;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.algebricks.core.algebra.metadata.IMetadataProvider;
+import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.api.exceptions.HyracksDataException;
public class RecordConstructorResultType implements IResultTypeComputer {
@@ -76,7 +77,7 @@
try {
return new ARecordType(null, fieldNames, fieldTypes, isOpen);
- } catch (AsterixException e) {
+ } catch (AsterixException | HyracksDataException e) {
throw new AlgebricksException(e);
diff --git a/asterix-om/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/om/typecomputer/impl/RecordMergeTypeComputer.java b/asterix-om/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/om/typecomputer/impl/RecordMergeTypeComputer.java
index 9f963f4..d4a4311 100644
--- a/asterix-om/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/om/typecomputer/impl/RecordMergeTypeComputer.java
+++ b/asterix-om/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/om/typecomputer/impl/RecordMergeTypeComputer.java
@@ -32,6 +32,7 @@
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.algebricks.core.algebra.expressions.AbstractFunctionCallExpression;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.algebricks.core.algebra.expressions.IVariableTypeEnvironment;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.algebricks.core.algebra.metadata.IMetadataProvider;
+import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.api.exceptions.HyracksDataException;
public class RecordMergeTypeComputer implements IResultTypeComputer {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
@@ -107,7 +108,7 @@
try {
resultType = new ARecordType(resultTypeName, resultFieldNames.toArray(new String[] {}),
resultFieldTypes.toArray(new IAType[] {}), isOpen);
- } catch (AsterixException e) {
+ } catch (AsterixException | HyracksDataException e) {
throw new AlgebricksException(e);
diff --git a/asterix-om/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/om/typecomputer/impl/UnaryBinaryInt32OrNullTypeComputer.java b/asterix-om/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/om/typecomputer/impl/UnaryBinaryInt64OrNullTypeComputer.java
similarity index 90%
rename from asterix-om/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/om/typecomputer/impl/UnaryBinaryInt32OrNullTypeComputer.java
rename to asterix-om/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/om/typecomputer/impl/UnaryBinaryInt64OrNullTypeComputer.java
index 3a28b52..0855ddb 100644
--- a/asterix-om/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/om/typecomputer/impl/UnaryBinaryInt32OrNullTypeComputer.java
+++ b/asterix-om/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/om/typecomputer/impl/UnaryBinaryInt64OrNullTypeComputer.java
@@ -30,10 +30,10 @@
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
-public class UnaryBinaryInt32OrNullTypeComputer implements IResultTypeComputer {
- public static final UnaryBinaryInt32OrNullTypeComputer INSTANCE = new UnaryBinaryInt32OrNullTypeComputer();
+public class UnaryBinaryInt64OrNullTypeComputer implements IResultTypeComputer {
+ public static final UnaryBinaryInt64OrNullTypeComputer INSTANCE = new UnaryBinaryInt64OrNullTypeComputer();
- private UnaryBinaryInt32OrNullTypeComputer() {
+ private UnaryBinaryInt64OrNullTypeComputer() {
@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@
if (t0.getTypeTag() == ATypeTag.BINARY || t0.getTypeTag().equals(ATypeTag.UNION)) {
- unionList.add(BuiltinType.AINT32);
+ unionList.add(BuiltinType.AINT64);
return new AUnionType(unionList, "binary-length-Result");
diff --git a/asterix-om/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/om/typecomputer/impl/UnaryStringInt32OrNullTypeComputer.java b/asterix-om/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/om/typecomputer/impl/UnaryStringInt64OrNullTypeComputer.java
similarity index 90%
rename from asterix-om/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/om/typecomputer/impl/UnaryStringInt32OrNullTypeComputer.java
rename to asterix-om/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/om/typecomputer/impl/UnaryStringInt64OrNullTypeComputer.java
index 1770685..ef24315 100644
--- a/asterix-om/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/om/typecomputer/impl/UnaryStringInt32OrNullTypeComputer.java
+++ b/asterix-om/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/om/typecomputer/impl/UnaryStringInt64OrNullTypeComputer.java
@@ -3,9 +3,9 @@
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* you may obtain a copy of the License from
- *
+ *
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
+ *
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
@@ -32,11 +32,11 @@
* @author Xiaoyu Ma
-public class UnaryStringInt32OrNullTypeComputer implements IResultTypeComputer {
+public class UnaryStringInt64OrNullTypeComputer implements IResultTypeComputer {
- public static final UnaryStringInt32OrNullTypeComputer INSTANCE = new UnaryStringInt32OrNullTypeComputer();
+ public static final UnaryStringInt64OrNullTypeComputer INSTANCE = new UnaryStringInt64OrNullTypeComputer();
- private UnaryStringInt32OrNullTypeComputer() {
+ private UnaryStringInt64OrNullTypeComputer() {
@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@
if (t0.getTypeTag() == ATypeTag.STRING || t0.getTypeTag().equals(ATypeTag.UNION)) {
- unionList.add(BuiltinType.AINT32);
+ unionList.add(BuiltinType.AINT64);
return new AUnionType(unionList, "String-length-Result");
diff --git a/asterix-om/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/om/types/ARecordType.java b/asterix-om/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/om/types/ARecordType.java
index be14ef7..9aec249 100644
--- a/asterix-om/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/om/types/ARecordType.java
+++ b/asterix-om/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/om/types/ARecordType.java
@@ -35,6 +35,7 @@
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.algebricks.common.exceptions.AlgebricksException;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.api.dataflow.value.IBinaryComparator;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.api.dataflow.value.IBinaryHashFunction;
+import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.api.exceptions.HyracksDataException;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.data.std.accessors.PointableBinaryComparatorFactory;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.data.std.accessors.PointableBinaryHashFunctionFactory;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.data.std.primitive.UTF8StringPointable;
@@ -66,10 +67,11 @@
* whether the record is open
* @throws AsterixException
* if there are duplicate field names or if there is an error serializing the field names
+ * @throws HyracksDataException
public ARecordType(String typeName, String[] fieldNames, IAType[] fieldTypes, boolean isOpen)
- throws AsterixException {
+ throws AsterixException, HyracksDataException {
this.fieldNames = fieldNames;
this.fieldTypes = fieldTypes;
@@ -135,8 +137,9 @@
* @param length
* the length of the field name in bytes
* @return the position of the field in the closed schema or -1 if the field does not exist.
+ * @throws HyracksDataException
- public int findFieldPosition(byte[] bytes, int start, int length) {
+ public int findFieldPosition(byte[] bytes, int start, int length) throws HyracksDataException {
if (hashCodeIndexPairs.length == 0) {
return -1;
@@ -302,7 +305,8 @@
IAType fieldType = getFieldType(fieldName);
if (fieldType == null) {
if (autogenerated) {
- throw new AsterixException("Primary key field: " + fieldName + " should be defined in the type that the dataset is using.");
+ throw new AsterixException("Primary key field: " + fieldName
+ + " should be defined in the type that the dataset is using.");
} else {
throw new AsterixException("Primary key field: " + fieldName + " could not be found.");
diff --git a/asterix-om/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/om/types/hierachy/ATypeHierarchy.java b/asterix-om/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/om/types/hierachy/ATypeHierarchy.java
index 254a904..db1f701 100644
--- a/asterix-om/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/om/types/hierachy/ATypeHierarchy.java
+++ b/asterix-om/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/om/types/hierachy/ATypeHierarchy.java
@@ -3,9 +3,9 @@
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* you may obtain a copy of the License from
- *
+ *
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
+ *
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
@@ -14,60 +14,756 @@
package edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.types.hierachy;
+import java.io.DataOutput;
+import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.BitSet;
import java.util.HashMap;
+import edu.uci.ics.asterix.common.exceptions.AsterixException;
+import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.base.ADouble;
+import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.base.AFloat;
+import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.base.AInt16;
+import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.base.AInt32;
+import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.base.AInt64;
+import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.base.AInt8;
+import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.base.IAObject;
+import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.constants.AsterixConstantValue;
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.types.ATypeTag;
+import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.types.EnumDeserializer;
+import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.algebricks.common.exceptions.AlgebricksException;
+import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.api.exceptions.HyracksDataException;
+import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.data.std.primitive.DoublePointable;
+import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.data.std.primitive.FloatPointable;
+import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.data.std.primitive.IntegerPointable;
+import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.data.std.primitive.LongPointable;
+import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.data.std.primitive.ShortPointable;
public class ATypeHierarchy {
- private static BitSet typeHierachyMap = new BitSet(ATypeTag.TYPE_COUNT * ATypeTag.TYPE_COUNT);
- private static HashMap<Integer, ITypePromoteComputer> promoteComputerMap = new HashMap<Integer, ITypePromoteComputer>();
+ private static BitSet typePromotionHierachyMap = new BitSet(ATypeTag.TYPE_COUNT * ATypeTag.TYPE_COUNT);
+ private static BitSet typeDemotionHierachyMap = new BitSet(ATypeTag.TYPE_COUNT * ATypeTag.TYPE_COUNT);
+ private static HashMap<Integer, ITypeConvertComputer> promoteComputerMap = new HashMap<Integer, ITypeConvertComputer>();
+ private static HashMap<Integer, ITypeConvertComputer> demoteComputerMap = new HashMap<Integer, ITypeConvertComputer>();
+ private static ITypeConvertComputer convertComputer;
- // allow type promotion to the type itself
+ // allow type promotion or demotion to the type itself
static {
for (int i = 0; i < ATypeTag.TYPE_COUNT; i++) {
- typeHierachyMap.set(i * ATypeTag.TYPE_COUNT + i);
+ typePromotionHierachyMap.set(i * ATypeTag.TYPE_COUNT + i);
+ typeDemotionHierachyMap.set(i * ATypeTag.TYPE_COUNT + i);
// add default type promotion rules
static {
- addPromotionRule(ATypeTag.INT8, ATypeTag.INT16, IntegerToInt16TypePromoteComputer.INSTANCE);
- addPromotionRule(ATypeTag.INT8, ATypeTag.INT32, IntegerToInt32TypePromoteComputer.INSTANCE);
- addPromotionRule(ATypeTag.INT8, ATypeTag.INT64, IntegerToInt64TypePromoteComputer.INSTANCE);
- addPromotionRule(ATypeTag.INT16, ATypeTag.INT32, IntegerToInt32TypePromoteComputer.INSTANCE);
- addPromotionRule(ATypeTag.INT16, ATypeTag.INT64, IntegerToInt64TypePromoteComputer.INSTANCE);
- addPromotionRule(ATypeTag.INT32, ATypeTag.INT64, IntegerToInt64TypePromoteComputer.INSTANCE);
- addPromotionRule(ATypeTag.INT8, ATypeTag.DOUBLE, IntegerToDoubleTypePromoteComputer.INSTANCE);
- addPromotionRule(ATypeTag.INT16, ATypeTag.DOUBLE, IntegerToDoubleTypePromoteComputer.INSTANCE);
- addPromotionRule(ATypeTag.INT32, ATypeTag.DOUBLE, IntegerToDoubleTypePromoteComputer.INSTANCE);
- addPromotionRule(ATypeTag.INT64, ATypeTag.DOUBLE, IntegerToDoubleTypePromoteComputer.INSTANCE);
- addPromotionRule(ATypeTag.FLOAT, ATypeTag.DOUBLE, FloatToDoubleTypePromoteComputer.INSTANCE);
- addPromotionRule(ATypeTag.INT8, ATypeTag.FLOAT, IntegerToFloatTypePromoteComputer.INSTANCE);
- addPromotionRule(ATypeTag.INT16, ATypeTag.FLOAT, IntegerToFloatTypePromoteComputer.INSTANCE);
- addPromotionRule(ATypeTag.INT32, ATypeTag.FLOAT, IntegerToFloatTypePromoteComputer.INSTANCE);
+ // Promotion (widening): INT8 -> INT16 -> INT32 -> INT64 -> FLOAT -> DOUBLE
+ // No precision and range loss
+ addPromotionRule(ATypeTag.INT8, ATypeTag.INT16, IntegerToInt16TypeConvertComputer.INSTANCE);
+ addPromotionRule(ATypeTag.INT8, ATypeTag.INT32, IntegerToInt32TypeConvertComputer.INSTANCE);
+ addPromotionRule(ATypeTag.INT8, ATypeTag.INT64, IntegerToInt64TypeConvertComputer.INSTANCE);
+ addPromotionRule(ATypeTag.INT16, ATypeTag.INT32, IntegerToInt32TypeConvertComputer.INSTANCE);
+ addPromotionRule(ATypeTag.INT16, ATypeTag.INT64, IntegerToInt64TypeConvertComputer.INSTANCE);
+ addPromotionRule(ATypeTag.INT32, ATypeTag.INT64, IntegerToInt64TypeConvertComputer.INSTANCE);
+ addPromotionRule(ATypeTag.INT8, ATypeTag.DOUBLE, IntegerToDoubleTypeConvertComputer.INSTANCE);
+ addPromotionRule(ATypeTag.INT16, ATypeTag.DOUBLE, IntegerToDoubleTypeConvertComputer.INSTANCE);
+ addPromotionRule(ATypeTag.INT32, ATypeTag.DOUBLE, IntegerToDoubleTypeConvertComputer.INSTANCE);
+ addPromotionRule(ATypeTag.INT64, ATypeTag.DOUBLE, IntegerToDoubleTypeConvertComputer.INSTANCE);
+ addPromotionRule(ATypeTag.FLOAT, ATypeTag.DOUBLE, FloatToDoubleTypeConvertComputer.INSTANCE);
+ addPromotionRule(ATypeTag.INT8, ATypeTag.FLOAT, IntegerToFloatTypeConvertComputer.INSTANCE);
+ addPromotionRule(ATypeTag.INT16, ATypeTag.FLOAT, IntegerToFloatTypeConvertComputer.INSTANCE);
+ addPromotionRule(ATypeTag.INT32, ATypeTag.FLOAT, IntegerToFloatTypeConvertComputer.INSTANCE);
+ addPromotionRule(ATypeTag.INT64, ATypeTag.FLOAT, IntegerToFloatTypeConvertComputer.INSTANCE);
- public static void addPromotionRule(ATypeTag type1, ATypeTag type2, ITypePromoteComputer promoteComputer) {
+ static {
+ // Demotion (narrowing): DOUBLE -> FLOAT -> INT64 -> INT32 -> INT16 -> INT8
+ // Possible precision loss (e.g., FLOAT to INT)
+ // This may produce an exception (if source value is greater than target.MAX or less than target.MIN)
+ addDemotionRule(ATypeTag.INT16, ATypeTag.INT8, IntegerToInt8TypeConvertComputer.INSTANCE);
+ addDemotionRule(ATypeTag.INT32, ATypeTag.INT8, IntegerToInt8TypeConvertComputer.INSTANCE);
+ addDemotionRule(ATypeTag.INT64, ATypeTag.INT8, IntegerToInt8TypeConvertComputer.INSTANCE);
+ addDemotionRule(ATypeTag.INT32, ATypeTag.INT16, IntegerToInt16TypeConvertComputer.INSTANCE);
+ addDemotionRule(ATypeTag.INT64, ATypeTag.INT16, IntegerToInt16TypeConvertComputer.INSTANCE);
+ addDemotionRule(ATypeTag.INT64, ATypeTag.INT32, IntegerToInt32TypeConvertComputer.INSTANCE);
+ addDemotionRule(ATypeTag.FLOAT, ATypeTag.INT8, FloatToInt8TypeConvertComputer.INSTANCE);
+ addDemotionRule(ATypeTag.FLOAT, ATypeTag.INT16, FloatToInt16TypeConvertComputer.INSTANCE);
+ addDemotionRule(ATypeTag.FLOAT, ATypeTag.INT32, FloatToInt32TypeConvertComputer.INSTANCE);
+ addDemotionRule(ATypeTag.FLOAT, ATypeTag.INT64, FloatToInt64TypeConvertComputer.INSTANCE);
+ addDemotionRule(ATypeTag.DOUBLE, ATypeTag.INT8, DoubleToInt8TypeConvertComputer.INSTANCE);
+ addDemotionRule(ATypeTag.DOUBLE, ATypeTag.INT16, DoubleToInt16TypeConvertComputer.INSTANCE);
+ addDemotionRule(ATypeTag.DOUBLE, ATypeTag.INT32, DoubleToInt32TypeConvertComputer.INSTANCE);
+ addDemotionRule(ATypeTag.DOUBLE, ATypeTag.INT64, DoubleToInt64TypeConvertComputer.INSTANCE);
+ addDemotionRule(ATypeTag.DOUBLE, ATypeTag.FLOAT, DoubleToFloatTypeConvertComputer.INSTANCE);
+ }
+ public static void addPromotionRule(ATypeTag type1, ATypeTag type2, ITypeConvertComputer promoteComputer) {
int index = type1.ordinal() * ATypeTag.TYPE_COUNT + type2.ordinal();
- typeHierachyMap.set(index);
+ typePromotionHierachyMap.set(index);
promoteComputerMap.put(index, promoteComputer);
- public static ITypePromoteComputer getTypePromoteComputer(ATypeTag type1, ATypeTag type2) {
+ public static void addDemotionRule(ATypeTag type1, ATypeTag type2, ITypeConvertComputer demoteComputer) {
+ int index = type1.ordinal() * ATypeTag.TYPE_COUNT + type2.ordinal();
+ typeDemotionHierachyMap.set(index);
+ demoteComputerMap.put(index, demoteComputer);
+ }
+ public static ITypeConvertComputer getTypePromoteComputer(ATypeTag type1, ATypeTag type2) {
if (canPromote(type1, type2)) {
return promoteComputerMap.get(type1.ordinal() * ATypeTag.TYPE_COUNT + type2.ordinal());
return null;
+ public static ITypeConvertComputer getTypeDemoteComputer(ATypeTag type1, ATypeTag type2) {
+ if (canDemote(type1, type2)) {
+ return demoteComputerMap.get(type1.ordinal() * ATypeTag.TYPE_COUNT + type2.ordinal());
+ }
+ return null;
+ }
public static boolean canPromote(ATypeTag type1, ATypeTag type2) {
- return typeHierachyMap.get(type1.ordinal() * ATypeTag.TYPE_COUNT + type2.ordinal());
+ return typePromotionHierachyMap.get(type1.ordinal() * ATypeTag.TYPE_COUNT + type2.ordinal());
+ }
+ public static boolean canDemote(ATypeTag type1, ATypeTag type2) {
+ return typeDemotionHierachyMap.get(type1.ordinal() * ATypeTag.TYPE_COUNT + type2.ordinal());
public static boolean isCompatible(ATypeTag type1, ATypeTag type2) {
return canPromote(type1, type2) | canPromote(type2, type1);
+ public static boolean isDemoteCompatible(ATypeTag type1, ATypeTag type2) {
+ return canDemote(type1, type2) | canDemote(type2, type1);
+ }
+ // Get an AsterixConstantValue from a source Object
+ public static AsterixConstantValue getAsterixConstantValueFromNumericTypeObject(IAObject sourceObject,
+ ATypeTag targetTypeTag) throws AlgebricksException {
+ ATypeTag sourceTypeTag = sourceObject.getType().getTypeTag();
+ AsterixConstantValue asterixNewConstantValue = null;
+ short tmpShortValue = 0;
+ int tmpIntValue = 0;
+ long tmpLongValue = 0;
+ float tmpFloatValue = 0.0f;
+ double tmpDoubleValue = 0.0;
+ // if the constant type and target type does not match, we do a type conversion
+ if (sourceTypeTag != targetTypeTag) {
+ switch (targetTypeTag) {
+ //Target Field Type:INT64
+ case INT64:
+ // Change the Constant Type to INT64 Type
+ switch (sourceTypeTag) {
+ case INT8:
+ asterixNewConstantValue = new AsterixConstantValue(new AInt64(
+ (long) ((AInt8) sourceObject).getByteValue()));
+ break;
+ case INT16:
+ asterixNewConstantValue = new AsterixConstantValue(new AInt64(
+ (long) ((AInt16) sourceObject).getShortValue()));
+ break;
+ case INT32:
+ asterixNewConstantValue = new AsterixConstantValue(new AInt64(
+ (long) ((AInt32) sourceObject).getIntegerValue()));
+ break;
+ case FLOAT:
+ tmpFloatValue = ((AFloat) sourceObject).getFloatValue();
+ // Check whether this value is within the range of the field type
+ valueSanitycheck(ATypeTag.FLOAT, ATypeTag.INT64, tmpFloatValue);
+ asterixNewConstantValue = new AsterixConstantValue(new AInt64((long) tmpFloatValue));
+ break;
+ case DOUBLE:
+ tmpDoubleValue = ((ADouble) sourceObject).getDoubleValue();
+ // Check whether this value is within the range of the field type
+ valueSanitycheck(ATypeTag.DOUBLE, ATypeTag.INT64, tmpDoubleValue);
+ asterixNewConstantValue = new AsterixConstantValue(new AInt64((long) tmpDoubleValue));
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ break;
+ //Target Field Type:INT32
+ case INT32:
+ // Change the Constant Type to INT32 Type
+ switch (sourceTypeTag) {
+ case INT8:
+ asterixNewConstantValue = new AsterixConstantValue(new AInt32(
+ (int) ((AInt8) sourceObject).getByteValue()));
+ break;
+ case INT16:
+ asterixNewConstantValue = new AsterixConstantValue(new AInt32(
+ (int) ((AInt16) sourceObject).getShortValue()));
+ break;
+ case INT64:
+ tmpLongValue = ((AInt64) sourceObject).getLongValue();
+ // Check whether this value is within the range of the field type
+ valueSanitycheck(ATypeTag.INT64, ATypeTag.INT32, tmpLongValue);
+ asterixNewConstantValue = new AsterixConstantValue(new AInt32((int) tmpLongValue));
+ break;
+ case FLOAT:
+ tmpFloatValue = ((AFloat) sourceObject).getFloatValue();
+ // Check whether this value is within the range of the field type
+ valueSanitycheck(ATypeTag.FLOAT, ATypeTag.INT32, tmpFloatValue);
+ asterixNewConstantValue = new AsterixConstantValue(new AInt32((int) tmpFloatValue));
+ break;
+ case DOUBLE:
+ tmpDoubleValue = ((ADouble) sourceObject).getDoubleValue();
+ // Check whether this value is within the range of the field type
+ valueSanitycheck(ATypeTag.FLOAT, ATypeTag.INT32, tmpDoubleValue);
+ asterixNewConstantValue = new AsterixConstantValue(new AInt32((int) tmpDoubleValue));
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ break;
+ //Target Field Type:INT8
+ case INT8:
+ // Change the Constant Type to INT8 Type
+ switch (sourceTypeTag) {
+ case INT16:
+ tmpShortValue = ((AInt16) sourceObject).getShortValue();
+ // Check whether this value is within the range of the field type
+ valueSanitycheck(ATypeTag.INT16, ATypeTag.INT8, tmpShortValue);
+ asterixNewConstantValue = new AsterixConstantValue(new AInt8((byte) tmpShortValue));
+ break;
+ case INT32:
+ tmpIntValue = ((AInt32) sourceObject).getIntegerValue();
+ // Check whether this value is within the range of the field type
+ valueSanitycheck(ATypeTag.INT32, ATypeTag.INT8, tmpIntValue);
+ asterixNewConstantValue = new AsterixConstantValue(new AInt8((byte) tmpIntValue));
+ break;
+ case INT64:
+ tmpLongValue = ((AInt64) sourceObject).getLongValue();
+ // Check whether this value is within the range of the field type
+ valueSanitycheck(ATypeTag.INT64, ATypeTag.INT8, tmpLongValue);
+ asterixNewConstantValue = new AsterixConstantValue(new AInt8((byte) tmpLongValue));
+ break;
+ case FLOAT:
+ tmpFloatValue = ((AFloat) sourceObject).getFloatValue();
+ // Check whether this value is within the range of the field type
+ valueSanitycheck(ATypeTag.FLOAT, ATypeTag.INT8, tmpFloatValue);
+ asterixNewConstantValue = new AsterixConstantValue(new AInt8((byte) tmpFloatValue));
+ break;
+ case DOUBLE:
+ tmpDoubleValue = ((ADouble) sourceObject).getDoubleValue();
+ // Check whether this value is within the range of the field type
+ valueSanitycheck(ATypeTag.DOUBLE, ATypeTag.INT8, tmpDoubleValue);
+ asterixNewConstantValue = new AsterixConstantValue(new AInt8((byte) tmpDoubleValue));
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ break;
+ //Target Field Type:INT16
+ case INT16:
+ // Change the Constant Type to INT16 Type
+ switch (sourceTypeTag) {
+ case INT8:
+ asterixNewConstantValue = new AsterixConstantValue(new AInt16(
+ (short) ((AInt8) sourceObject).getByteValue()));
+ break;
+ case INT32:
+ tmpIntValue = ((AInt32) sourceObject).getIntegerValue();
+ // Check whether this value is within the range of the field type
+ valueSanitycheck(ATypeTag.INT32, ATypeTag.INT16, tmpIntValue);
+ asterixNewConstantValue = new AsterixConstantValue(new AInt16((short) tmpIntValue));
+ break;
+ case INT64:
+ tmpLongValue = ((AInt64) sourceObject).getLongValue();
+ // Check whether this value is within the range of the field type
+ valueSanitycheck(ATypeTag.INT64, ATypeTag.INT16, tmpLongValue);
+ asterixNewConstantValue = new AsterixConstantValue(new AInt16((short) tmpLongValue));
+ break;
+ case FLOAT:
+ tmpFloatValue = ((AFloat) sourceObject).getFloatValue();
+ // Check whether this value is within the range of the field type
+ valueSanitycheck(ATypeTag.FLOAT, ATypeTag.INT16, tmpFloatValue);
+ asterixNewConstantValue = new AsterixConstantValue(new AInt16((short) tmpFloatValue));
+ break;
+ case DOUBLE:
+ tmpDoubleValue = ((ADouble) sourceObject).getDoubleValue();
+ // Check whether this value is within the range of the field type
+ valueSanitycheck(ATypeTag.DOUBLE, ATypeTag.INT16, tmpDoubleValue);
+ asterixNewConstantValue = new AsterixConstantValue(new AInt16((short) tmpDoubleValue));
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ break;
+ //Target Field Type:FLOAT
+ case FLOAT:
+ // Change the Constant Type to FLOAT Type
+ switch (sourceTypeTag) {
+ case INT8:
+ asterixNewConstantValue = new AsterixConstantValue(new AFloat(
+ (float) ((AInt8) sourceObject).getByteValue()));
+ break;
+ case INT16:
+ asterixNewConstantValue = new AsterixConstantValue(new AFloat(
+ (float) ((AInt16) sourceObject).getShortValue()));
+ break;
+ case INT32:
+ asterixNewConstantValue = new AsterixConstantValue(new AFloat(
+ (float) (int) ((AInt32) sourceObject).getIntegerValue()));
+ break;
+ case INT64:
+ asterixNewConstantValue = new AsterixConstantValue(new AFloat(
+ (float) ((AInt64) sourceObject).getLongValue()));
+ break;
+ case DOUBLE:
+ tmpDoubleValue = ((ADouble) sourceObject).getDoubleValue();
+ // Check whether this value is within the range of the field type
+ valueSanitycheck(ATypeTag.DOUBLE, ATypeTag.FLOAT, tmpDoubleValue);
+ asterixNewConstantValue = new AsterixConstantValue(new AFloat((float) tmpDoubleValue));
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ break;
+ //Target Field Type:DOUBLE
+ case DOUBLE:
+ // Change the Constant Type to DOUBLE Type
+ switch (sourceTypeTag) {
+ case INT8:
+ asterixNewConstantValue = new AsterixConstantValue(new ADouble(
+ (double) ((AInt8) sourceObject).getByteValue()));
+ break;
+ case INT16:
+ asterixNewConstantValue = new AsterixConstantValue(new ADouble(
+ (double) ((AInt16) sourceObject).getShortValue()));
+ break;
+ case INT32:
+ asterixNewConstantValue = new AsterixConstantValue(new ADouble(
+ (double) (int) ((AInt32) sourceObject).getIntegerValue()));
+ break;
+ case INT64:
+ asterixNewConstantValue = new AsterixConstantValue(new ADouble(
+ (double) ((AInt64) sourceObject).getLongValue()));
+ break;
+ case FLOAT:
+ asterixNewConstantValue = new AsterixConstantValue(new ADouble(
+ (double) ((AFloat) sourceObject).getFloatValue()));
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ return asterixNewConstantValue;
+ } else {
+ return new AsterixConstantValue(sourceObject);
+ }
+ }
+ // checks whether the source value is within the range of the target type
+ private static void valueSanitycheck(ATypeTag sourceType, ATypeTag targetType, double sourceValue)
+ throws AlgebricksException {
+ boolean canConvert = true;
+ switch (targetType) {
+ case INT8:
+ if (sourceValue > Byte.MAX_VALUE || sourceValue < Byte.MIN_VALUE) {
+ canConvert = false;
+ }
+ break;
+ case INT16:
+ if (sourceValue > Short.MAX_VALUE || sourceValue < Short.MIN_VALUE) {
+ canConvert = false;
+ }
+ break;
+ case INT32:
+ if (sourceValue > Integer.MAX_VALUE || sourceValue < Integer.MIN_VALUE) {
+ canConvert = false;
+ }
+ break;
+ case INT64:
+ if (sourceValue > Long.MAX_VALUE || sourceValue < Long.MIN_VALUE) {
+ canConvert = false;
+ }
+ break;
+ case FLOAT:
+ if (sourceValue > Float.MAX_VALUE || sourceValue < Float.MIN_VALUE) {
+ canConvert = false;
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ if (!canConvert) {
+ throw new AlgebricksException("Can't cast a value: " + sourceValue + " from " + sourceType + " type to "
+ + targetType + " type because of the out-of-range error.");
+ }
+ }
+ // Type Casting from source Object to an Object with Target type
+ public static IAObject convertNumericTypeObject(IAObject sourceObject, ATypeTag targetTypeTag)
+ throws AsterixException {
+ ATypeTag sourceTypeTag = sourceObject.getType().getTypeTag();
+ switch (sourceTypeTag) {
+ case INT8:
+ switch (targetTypeTag) {
+ case INT8:
+ return sourceObject;
+ case INT16:
+ return new AInt16((short) ((AInt8) sourceObject).getByteValue());
+ case INT32:
+ return new AInt32((int) ((AInt8) sourceObject).getByteValue());
+ case INT64:
+ return new AInt64((long) ((AInt8) sourceObject).getByteValue());
+ case FLOAT:
+ return new AFloat((float) ((AInt8) sourceObject).getByteValue());
+ case DOUBLE:
+ return new ADouble((double) ((AInt8) sourceObject).getByteValue());
+ default:
+ throw new AsterixException("Can't convert the " + sourceTypeTag + " type to the "
+ + targetTypeTag + " type.");
+ }
+ case INT16:
+ switch (targetTypeTag) {
+ case INT8:
+ // an exception can happen because of a type demotion from INT16 to INT8
+ return new AInt8((byte) ((AInt16) sourceObject).getShortValue());
+ case INT16:
+ return sourceObject;
+ case INT32:
+ return new AInt32((int) ((AInt16) sourceObject).getShortValue());
+ case INT64:
+ return new AInt64((long) ((AInt16) sourceObject).getShortValue());
+ case FLOAT:
+ return new AFloat((float) ((AInt16) sourceObject).getShortValue());
+ case DOUBLE:
+ return new ADouble((double) ((AInt16) sourceObject).getShortValue());
+ default:
+ throw new AsterixException("Can't convert the " + sourceTypeTag + " type to the "
+ + targetTypeTag + " type.");
+ }
+ case INT32:
+ switch (targetTypeTag) {
+ case INT8:
+ // an exception can happen because of a type demotion from INT32 to INT8
+ return new AInt8((byte) ((AInt32) sourceObject).getIntegerValue().byteValue());
+ case INT16:
+ // an exception can happen because of a type demotion from INT32 to INT16
+ return new AInt16((short) ((AInt32) sourceObject).getIntegerValue().shortValue());
+ case INT32:
+ return sourceObject;
+ case INT64:
+ return new AInt64((long) ((AInt32) sourceObject).getIntegerValue());
+ case FLOAT:
+ return new AFloat((float) ((AInt32) sourceObject).getIntegerValue());
+ case DOUBLE:
+ return new ADouble((double) ((AInt32) sourceObject).getIntegerValue());
+ default:
+ throw new AsterixException("Can't convert the " + sourceTypeTag + " type to the "
+ + targetTypeTag + " type.");
+ }
+ case INT64:
+ switch (targetTypeTag) {
+ case INT8:
+ // an exception can happen because of a type demotion from INT64 to INT8
+ return new AInt8((byte) ((AInt64) sourceObject).getLongValue());
+ case INT16:
+ // an exception can happen because of a type demotion from INT64 to INT16
+ return new AInt16((short) ((AInt64) sourceObject).getLongValue());
+ case INT32:
+ // an exception can happen because of a type demotion from INT64 to INT32
+ return new AInt32((int) ((AInt64) sourceObject).getLongValue());
+ case INT64:
+ return sourceObject;
+ case FLOAT:
+ return new AFloat((float) ((AInt64) sourceObject).getLongValue());
+ case DOUBLE:
+ return new ADouble((double) ((AInt64) sourceObject).getLongValue());
+ default:
+ throw new AsterixException("Can't convert the " + sourceTypeTag + " type to the "
+ + targetTypeTag + " type.");
+ }
+ case FLOAT:
+ switch (targetTypeTag) {
+ case INT8:
+ // an exception can happen because of a type demotion from FLOAT to INT8
+ return new AInt8((byte) ((AFloat) sourceObject).getFloatValue());
+ case INT16:
+ // an exception can happen because of a type demotion from FLOAT to INT16
+ return new AInt16((short) ((AFloat) sourceObject).getFloatValue());
+ case INT32:
+ // an exception can happen because of a type demotion from FLOAT to INT32
+ return new AInt32((int) ((AFloat) sourceObject).getFloatValue());
+ case INT64:
+ // an exception can happen because of a type demotion from FLOAT to INT64
+ return new AInt64((long) ((AFloat) sourceObject).getFloatValue());
+ case FLOAT:
+ return sourceObject;
+ case DOUBLE:
+ return new ADouble((double) ((AFloat) sourceObject).getFloatValue());
+ default:
+ throw new AsterixException("Can't convert the " + sourceTypeTag + " type to the "
+ + targetTypeTag + " type.");
+ }
+ case DOUBLE:
+ switch (targetTypeTag) {
+ case INT8:
+ // an exception can happen because of a type demotion from DOUBLE to INT8
+ return new AInt8((byte) ((ADouble) sourceObject).getDoubleValue());
+ case INT16:
+ // an exception can happen because of a type demotion from DOUBLE to INT16
+ return new AInt16((short) ((ADouble) sourceObject).getDoubleValue());
+ case INT32:
+ // an exception can happen because of a type demotion from DOUBLE to INT32
+ return new AInt32((int) ((ADouble) sourceObject).getDoubleValue());
+ case INT64:
+ // an exception can happen because of a type demotion from DOUBLE to INT64
+ return new AInt64((long) ((ADouble) sourceObject).getDoubleValue());
+ case FLOAT:
+ // an exception can happen because of a type demotion from DOUBLE to FLOAT
+ return new AFloat((float) ((ADouble) sourceObject).getDoubleValue());
+ case DOUBLE:
+ return sourceObject;
+ default:
+ throw new AsterixException("Can't convert the " + sourceTypeTag + " type to the "
+ + targetTypeTag + " type.");
+ }
+ default:
+ throw new AsterixException("Source type is not a numeric type.");
+ }
+ }
+ // convert a numeric value in a byte array to the target type value
+ public static void convertNumericTypeByteArray(byte[] sourceByteArray, int s1, int l1, ATypeTag targetTypeTag,
+ DataOutput out) throws AsterixException, IOException {
+ ATypeTag sourceTypeTag = EnumDeserializer.ATYPETAGDESERIALIZER.deserialize(sourceByteArray[s1]);
+ if (sourceTypeTag != targetTypeTag) {
+ // source tag can be promoted to target tag (e.g. tag1: INT16, tag2: INT32)
+ if (ATypeHierarchy.canPromote(sourceTypeTag, targetTypeTag)) {
+ convertComputer = ATypeHierarchy.getTypePromoteComputer(sourceTypeTag, targetTypeTag);;
+ convertComputer.convertType(sourceByteArray, s1 + 1, l1 - 1, out);
+ // source tag can be demoted to target tag
+ } else if (ATypeHierarchy.canDemote(sourceTypeTag, targetTypeTag)) {
+ convertComputer = ATypeHierarchy.getTypeDemoteComputer(sourceTypeTag, targetTypeTag);;
+ convertComputer.convertType(sourceByteArray, s1 + 1, l1 - 1, out);
+ } else {
+ throw new IOException("Can't convert the " + sourceTypeTag + " type to the " + targetTypeTag + " type.");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Get an INT value from numeric types array. We assume the first byte contains the type tag.
+ public static int getIntegerValue(byte[] bytes, int offset) throws HyracksDataException {
+ return getIntegerValueWithDifferentTypeTagPosition(bytes, offset + 1, offset);
+ }
+ // Get an INT value from numeric types array. We assume the specific location of a byte array contains the type tag.
+ public static int getIntegerValueWithDifferentTypeTagPosition(byte[] bytes, int offset, int typeTagPosition)
+ throws HyracksDataException {
+ int value = 0;
+ ATypeTag sourceTypeTag = ATypeTag.VALUE_TYPE_MAPPING[bytes[typeTagPosition]];
+ switch (sourceTypeTag) {
+ case INT64:
+ value = (int) LongPointable.getLong(bytes, offset);
+ break;
+ case INT32:
+ value = IntegerPointable.getInteger(bytes, offset);
+ break;
+ case INT8:
+ value = (int) bytes[offset];
+ break;
+ case INT16:
+ value = (int) ShortPointable.getShort(bytes, offset);
+ break;
+ case FLOAT:
+ value = (int) FloatPointable.getFloat(bytes, offset);
+ break;
+ case DOUBLE:
+ value = (int) DoublePointable.getDouble(bytes, offset);
+ break;
+ default:
+ throw new HyracksDataException(
+ "Type casting error while getting an INT32 value: expected INT8/16/32/64/FLOAT/DOUBLE but got "
+ + sourceTypeTag + ".");
+ }
+ return value;
+ }
+ // Get a LONG (INT64) value from numeric types array. We assume the first byte contains the type tag.
+ public static long getLongValue(byte[] bytes, int offset) throws HyracksDataException {
+ return getLongValueWithDifferentTypeTagPosition(bytes, offset + 1, offset);
+ }
+ // Get a LONG (INT64) value from numeric types array. We assume the specific location of a byte array contains the type tag.
+ public static long getLongValueWithDifferentTypeTagPosition(byte[] bytes, int offset, int typeTagPosition)
+ throws HyracksDataException {
+ long value = 0;
+ ATypeTag sourceTypeTag = ATypeTag.VALUE_TYPE_MAPPING[bytes[typeTagPosition]];
+ switch (sourceTypeTag) {
+ case INT64:
+ value = LongPointable.getLong(bytes, offset);
+ break;
+ case INT32:
+ value = (long) IntegerPointable.getInteger(bytes, offset);
+ break;
+ case INT8:
+ value = (long) bytes[offset];
+ break;
+ case INT16:
+ value = (long) ShortPointable.getShort(bytes, offset);
+ break;
+ case FLOAT:
+ value = (long) FloatPointable.getFloat(bytes, offset);
+ break;
+ case DOUBLE:
+ value = (long) DoublePointable.getDouble(bytes, offset);
+ break;
+ default:
+ throw new HyracksDataException(
+ "Type casting error while getting an INT64 value: expected INT8/16/32/64/FLOAT/DOUBLE but got "
+ + sourceTypeTag + ".");
+ }
+ return value;
+ }
+ // Get a FLOAT value from numeric types array. We assume the first byte contains the type tag.
+ public static float getFloatValue(byte[] bytes, int offset) throws HyracksDataException {
+ return getFloatValueWithDifferentTypeTagPosition(bytes, offset + 1, offset);
+ }
+ // Get a FLOAT value from numeric types array. We assume the specific location of a byte array contains the type tag.
+ public static float getFloatValueWithDifferentTypeTagPosition(byte[] bytes, int offset, int typeTagPosition)
+ throws HyracksDataException {
+ float value = 0;
+ ATypeTag sourceTypeTag = ATypeTag.VALUE_TYPE_MAPPING[bytes[typeTagPosition]];
+ switch (sourceTypeTag) {
+ case INT64:
+ value = (float) LongPointable.getLong(bytes, offset);
+ break;
+ case INT32:
+ value = (float) IntegerPointable.getInteger(bytes, offset);
+ break;
+ case INT8:
+ value = (float) bytes[offset];
+ break;
+ case INT16:
+ value = (float) ShortPointable.getShort(bytes, offset);
+ break;
+ case FLOAT:
+ value = FloatPointable.getFloat(bytes, offset);
+ break;
+ case DOUBLE:
+ value = (float) DoublePointable.getDouble(bytes, offset);
+ break;
+ default:
+ throw new HyracksDataException(
+ "Type casting error while getting a FLOAT value: expected INT8/16/32/64/FLOAT/DOUBLE but got "
+ + sourceTypeTag + ".");
+ }
+ return value;
+ }
+ // Get a DOUBLE value from numeric types array. We assume the first byte contains the type tag.
+ public static double getDoubleValue(byte[] bytes, int offset) throws HyracksDataException {
+ return getDoubleValueWithDifferentTypeTagPosition(bytes, offset + 1, offset);
+ }
+ // Get a DOUBLE value from numeric types array. We assume the specific location of a byte array contains the type tag.
+ public static double getDoubleValueWithDifferentTypeTagPosition(byte[] bytes, int offset, int typeTagPosition)
+ throws HyracksDataException {
+ double value = 0;
+ ATypeTag sourceTypeTag = ATypeTag.VALUE_TYPE_MAPPING[bytes[typeTagPosition]];
+ switch (sourceTypeTag) {
+ case INT64:
+ value = (double) LongPointable.getLong(bytes, offset);
+ break;
+ case INT32:
+ value = (double) IntegerPointable.getInteger(bytes, offset);
+ break;
+ case INT8:
+ value = (double) bytes[offset];
+ break;
+ case INT16:
+ value = (double) ShortPointable.getShort(bytes, offset);
+ break;
+ case FLOAT:
+ value = (double) FloatPointable.getFloat(bytes, offset);
+ break;
+ case DOUBLE:
+ value = DoublePointable.getDouble(bytes, offset);
+ break;
+ default:
+ throw new HyracksDataException(
+ "Type casting error while getting a DOUBLE value: expected INT8/16/32/64/FLOAT/DOUBLE but got "
+ + sourceTypeTag + ".");
+ }
+ return value;
+ }
diff --git a/asterix-om/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/om/types/hierachy/AbstractIntegerTypeConvertComputer.java b/asterix-om/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/om/types/hierachy/AbstractIntegerTypeConvertComputer.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ee58003
--- /dev/null
+++ b/asterix-om/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/om/types/hierachy/AbstractIntegerTypeConvertComputer.java
@@ -0,0 +1,141 @@
+ * Copyright 2009-2013 by The Regents of the University of California
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * you may obtain a copy of the License from
+ *
+ * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+package edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.types.hierachy;
+import java.io.DataOutput;
+import java.io.IOException;
+import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.types.ATypeTag;
+public abstract class AbstractIntegerTypeConvertComputer implements ITypeConvertComputer {
+ // Refer to the following to convert byte array to integer types, and vice versa.
+ // https://docs.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/api/java/io/DataOutput.html
+ // https://docs.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/api/java/io/DataInput.html
+ public void convertIntegerType(byte[] data, int start, int length, DataOutput out, ATypeTag targetType,
+ int targetTypeLength) throws IOException {
+ long num = 0;
+ // for (int i = start; i < start + length; i++) {
+ // num += (data[i] & 0xff) << ((length - 1 - (i - start)) * 8);
+ // }
+ // Read source values
+ switch (length) {
+ case 1:
+ // INT8
+ num = (data[start] & 0xff);
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ // INT16
+ num = (short) ((data[start] << 8) | (data[start + 1] & 0xff));
+ break;
+ case 4:
+ // INT32
+ num = (int) (((data[start] & 0xff) << 24) | ((data[start + 1] & 0xff) << 16)
+ | ((data[start + 2] & 0xff) << 8) | (data[start + 3] & 0xff));
+ break;
+ case 8:
+ // INT64
+ num = (((long) (data[start] & 0xff) << 56) | ((long) (data[start + 1] & 0xff) << 48)
+ | ((long) (data[start + 2] & 0xff) << 40) | ((long) (data[start + 3] & 0xff) << 32)
+ | ((long) (data[start + 4] & 0xff) << 24) | ((long) (data[start + 5] & 0xff) << 16)
+ | ((long) (data[start + 6] & 0xff) << 8) | ((long) (data[start + 7] & 0xff)));
+ break;
+ default:
+ throw new IOException("Can't convert integer types. The source type should be one of INT8/16/32/64.");
+ }
+ // Boundary check
+ switch (targetType) {
+ case INT8:
+ if (num > Byte.MAX_VALUE || num < Byte.MIN_VALUE) {
+ throw new IOException("Source value " + num
+ + " is out of range that INT8 can hold - INT8.MAX_VALUE:" + Byte.MAX_VALUE
+ + ", INT8.MIN_VALUE:" + Byte.MIN_VALUE);
+ }
+ break;
+ case INT16:
+ if (num > Short.MAX_VALUE || num < Short.MIN_VALUE) {
+ throw new IOException("Source value " + num
+ + " is out of range that INT16 can hold - INT16.MAX_VALUE:" + Short.MAX_VALUE
+ + ", INT16.MIN_VALUE:" + Short.MIN_VALUE);
+ }
+ break;
+ case INT32:
+ if (num > Integer.MAX_VALUE || num < Integer.MIN_VALUE) {
+ throw new IOException("Source value " + num
+ + " is out of range that INT32 can hold - INT32.MAX_VALUE:" + Integer.MAX_VALUE
+ + ", INT32.MIN_VALUE:" + Integer.MIN_VALUE);
+ }
+ break;
+ case INT64:
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ out.writeByte(targetType.serialize());
+ // Write actual target value
+ switch (targetTypeLength) {
+ case 1:
+ // INT8
+ out.writeByte((byte) (num & 0xff));
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ // INT16
+ out.writeByte((byte) ((num >> 8) & 0xff));
+ out.writeByte((byte) (num & 0xff));
+ break;
+ case 4:
+ // INT32
+ out.writeByte((byte) ((num >> 24) & 0xff));
+ out.writeByte((byte) ((num >> 16) & 0xff));
+ out.writeByte((byte) ((num >> 8) & 0xff));
+ out.writeByte((byte) (num & 0xff));
+ break;
+ case 8:
+ // INT64
+ out.writeByte((byte) ((num >> 56) & 0xff));
+ out.writeByte((byte) ((num >> 48) & 0xff));
+ out.writeByte((byte) ((num >> 40) & 0xff));
+ out.writeByte((byte) ((num >> 32) & 0xff));
+ out.writeByte((byte) ((num >> 24) & 0xff));
+ out.writeByte((byte) ((num >> 16) & 0xff));
+ out.writeByte((byte) ((num >> 8) & 0xff));
+ out.writeByte((byte) (num & 0xff));
+ break;
+ default:
+ throw new IOException("Can't convert integer types. The target type should be one of INT8/16/32/64.");
+ }
+// for (int i = targetTypeLength - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
+// out.writeByte((byte) ((num >>> (i * 8)) & 0xFF));
+// }
+ }
diff --git a/asterix-om/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/om/types/hierachy/AbstractIntegerTypePromoteComputer.java b/asterix-om/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/om/types/hierachy/AbstractIntegerTypePromoteComputer.java
deleted file mode 100644
index e10e41a..0000000
--- a/asterix-om/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/om/types/hierachy/AbstractIntegerTypePromoteComputer.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright 2009-2013 by The Regents of the University of California
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * you may obtain a copy of the License from
- *
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-package edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.types.hierachy;
-import java.io.DataOutput;
-import java.io.IOException;
-import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.types.ATypeTag;
-public abstract class AbstractIntegerTypePromoteComputer implements ITypePromoteComputer {
- public void promoteIntegerType(byte[] data, int start, int length, DataOutput out,
- ATypeTag targetType, int targetTypeLength) throws IOException {
- out.writeByte(targetType.serialize());
- long num = 0;
- for (int i = start; i < start + length; i++) {
- num += (data[i] & 0xff) << ((length - 1 - (i - start)) * 8);
- }
- for (int i = targetTypeLength - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
- out.writeByte((byte) ((num >>> (i * 8)) & 0xFF));
- }
- }
diff --git a/asterix-om/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/om/types/hierachy/DoubleToFloatTypeConvertComputer.java b/asterix-om/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/om/types/hierachy/DoubleToFloatTypeConvertComputer.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..faeee57
--- /dev/null
+++ b/asterix-om/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/om/types/hierachy/DoubleToFloatTypeConvertComputer.java
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+ * Copyright 2009-2013 by The Regents of the University of California
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * you may obtain a copy of the License from
+ *
+ * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+package edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.types.hierachy;
+import java.io.DataOutput;
+import java.io.IOException;
+import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.types.ATypeTag;
+import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.data.std.primitive.DoublePointable;
+public class DoubleToFloatTypeConvertComputer implements ITypeConvertComputer {
+ public static final DoubleToFloatTypeConvertComputer INSTANCE = new DoubleToFloatTypeConvertComputer();
+ private DoubleToFloatTypeConvertComputer() {
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void convertType(byte[] data, int start, int length, DataOutput out) throws IOException {
+ double sourceValue = DoublePointable.getDouble(data, start);
+ // Boundary check
+ if (sourceValue > Float.MAX_VALUE || sourceValue < Float.MIN_VALUE) {
+ throw new IOException("Cannot convert Double to Float - Double value " + sourceValue
+ + " is out of range that Float type can hold: Float.MAX_VALUE:" + Float.MAX_VALUE
+ + ", Float.MIN_VALUE: " + Float.MIN_VALUE);
+ }
+ out.writeByte(ATypeTag.FLOAT.serialize());
+ out.writeFloat((float) sourceValue);
+ }
diff --git a/asterix-om/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/om/types/hierachy/DoubleToInt16TypeConvertComputer.java b/asterix-om/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/om/types/hierachy/DoubleToInt16TypeConvertComputer.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f88ce80
--- /dev/null
+++ b/asterix-om/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/om/types/hierachy/DoubleToInt16TypeConvertComputer.java
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+ * Copyright 2009-2013 by The Regents of the University of California
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * you may obtain a copy of the License from
+ *
+ * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+package edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.types.hierachy;
+import java.io.DataOutput;
+import java.io.IOException;
+import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.types.ATypeTag;
+import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.data.std.primitive.DoublePointable;
+public class DoubleToInt16TypeConvertComputer implements ITypeConvertComputer {
+ public static final DoubleToInt16TypeConvertComputer INSTANCE = new DoubleToInt16TypeConvertComputer();
+ private DoubleToInt16TypeConvertComputer() {
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void convertType(byte[] data, int start, int length, DataOutput out) throws IOException {
+ double sourceValue = DoublePointable.getDouble(data, start);
+ // Boundary check
+ if (sourceValue > Short.MAX_VALUE || sourceValue < Short.MIN_VALUE) {
+ throw new IOException("Cannot convert Double to INT16 - Double value " + sourceValue
+ + " is out of range that INT16 type can hold: INT16.MAX_VALUE:" + Short.MAX_VALUE
+ + ", INT16.MIN_VALUE: " + Short.MIN_VALUE);
+ }
+ // Math.floor to truncate decimal portion
+ short targetValue = (short) Math.floor(sourceValue);
+ out.writeByte(ATypeTag.INT16.serialize());
+ out.writeShort(targetValue);
+ }
diff --git a/asterix-om/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/om/types/hierachy/DoubleToInt32TypeConvertComputer.java b/asterix-om/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/om/types/hierachy/DoubleToInt32TypeConvertComputer.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cfd0a59
--- /dev/null
+++ b/asterix-om/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/om/types/hierachy/DoubleToInt32TypeConvertComputer.java
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+ * Copyright 2009-2013 by The Regents of the University of California
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * you may obtain a copy of the License from
+ *
+ * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+package edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.types.hierachy;
+import java.io.DataOutput;
+import java.io.IOException;
+import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.types.ATypeTag;
+import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.data.std.primitive.DoublePointable;
+public class DoubleToInt32TypeConvertComputer implements ITypeConvertComputer {
+ public static final DoubleToInt32TypeConvertComputer INSTANCE = new DoubleToInt32TypeConvertComputer();
+ private DoubleToInt32TypeConvertComputer() {
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void convertType(byte[] data, int start, int length, DataOutput out) throws IOException {
+ double sourceValue = DoublePointable.getDouble(data, start);
+ // Boundary check
+ if (sourceValue > Integer.MAX_VALUE || sourceValue < Integer.MIN_VALUE) {
+ throw new IOException("Cannot convert Double to INT32 - Double value " + sourceValue
+ + " is out of range that INT32 type can hold: INT32.MAX_VALUE:" + Integer.MAX_VALUE
+ + ", INT32.MIN_VALUE: " + Integer.MIN_VALUE);
+ }
+ // Math.floor to truncate decimal portion
+ int targetValue = (int) Math.floor(sourceValue);
+ out.writeByte(ATypeTag.INT32.serialize());
+ out.writeInt(targetValue);
+ }
diff --git a/asterix-om/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/om/types/hierachy/DoubleToInt64TypeConvertComputer.java b/asterix-om/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/om/types/hierachy/DoubleToInt64TypeConvertComputer.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..04c0443
--- /dev/null
+++ b/asterix-om/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/om/types/hierachy/DoubleToInt64TypeConvertComputer.java
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+ * Copyright 2009-2013 by The Regents of the University of California
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * you may obtain a copy of the License from
+ *
+ * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+package edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.types.hierachy;
+import java.io.DataOutput;
+import java.io.IOException;
+import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.types.ATypeTag;
+import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.data.std.primitive.DoublePointable;
+public class DoubleToInt64TypeConvertComputer implements ITypeConvertComputer {
+ public static final DoubleToInt64TypeConvertComputer INSTANCE = new DoubleToInt64TypeConvertComputer();
+ private DoubleToInt64TypeConvertComputer() {
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void convertType(byte[] data, int start, int length, DataOutput out) throws IOException {
+ double sourceValue = DoublePointable.getDouble(data, start);
+ // Boundary check
+ if (sourceValue > Long.MAX_VALUE || sourceValue < Long.MIN_VALUE) {
+ throw new IOException("Cannot convert Double to INT64 - Double value " + sourceValue
+ + " is out of range that INT64 type can hold: INT64.MAX_VALUE:" + Long.MAX_VALUE
+ + ", INT64.MIN_VALUE: " + Long.MIN_VALUE);
+ }
+ // Math.floor to truncate decimal portion
+ long targetValue = (long) Math.floor(sourceValue);
+ out.writeByte(ATypeTag.INT64.serialize());
+ out.writeLong(targetValue);
+ }
diff --git a/asterix-om/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/om/types/hierachy/DoubleToInt8TypeConvertComputer.java b/asterix-om/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/om/types/hierachy/DoubleToInt8TypeConvertComputer.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..91e8e50
--- /dev/null
+++ b/asterix-om/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/om/types/hierachy/DoubleToInt8TypeConvertComputer.java
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+ * Copyright 2009-2013 by The Regents of the University of California
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * you may obtain a copy of the License from
+ *
+ * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+package edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.types.hierachy;
+import java.io.DataOutput;
+import java.io.IOException;
+import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.types.ATypeTag;
+import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.data.std.primitive.DoublePointable;
+public class DoubleToInt8TypeConvertComputer implements ITypeConvertComputer {
+ public static final DoubleToInt8TypeConvertComputer INSTANCE = new DoubleToInt8TypeConvertComputer();
+ private DoubleToInt8TypeConvertComputer() {
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void convertType(byte[] data, int start, int length, DataOutput out) throws IOException {
+ double sourceValue = DoublePointable.getDouble(data, start);
+ // Boundary check
+ if (sourceValue > Byte.MAX_VALUE || sourceValue < Byte.MIN_VALUE) {
+ throw new IOException("Cannot convert Double to INT8 - Double value " + sourceValue
+ + " is out of range that INT8 type can hold: INT8.MAX_VALUE:" + Byte.MAX_VALUE
+ + ", INT8.MIN_VALUE: " + Byte.MIN_VALUE);
+ }
+ // Math.floor to truncate decimal portion
+ byte targetValue = (byte) Math.floor(sourceValue);
+ out.writeByte(ATypeTag.INT8.serialize());
+ out.writeByte(targetValue);
+ }
diff --git a/asterix-om/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/om/types/hierachy/FloatToDoubleTypePromoteComputer.java b/asterix-om/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/om/types/hierachy/FloatToDoubleTypeConvertComputer.java
similarity index 68%
rename from asterix-om/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/om/types/hierachy/FloatToDoubleTypePromoteComputer.java
rename to asterix-om/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/om/types/hierachy/FloatToDoubleTypeConvertComputer.java
index 48802a6..f07e5a1 100644
--- a/asterix-om/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/om/types/hierachy/FloatToDoubleTypePromoteComputer.java
+++ b/asterix-om/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/om/types/hierachy/FloatToDoubleTypeConvertComputer.java
@@ -21,20 +21,16 @@
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.data.std.primitive.FloatPointable;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.dataflow.common.data.marshalling.DoubleSerializerDeserializer;
-public class FloatToDoubleTypePromoteComputer implements ITypePromoteComputer {
+public class FloatToDoubleTypeConvertComputer implements ITypeConvertComputer {
- public static final FloatToDoubleTypePromoteComputer INSTANCE = new FloatToDoubleTypePromoteComputer();
+ public static final FloatToDoubleTypeConvertComputer INSTANCE = new FloatToDoubleTypeConvertComputer();
- private FloatToDoubleTypePromoteComputer() {
+ private FloatToDoubleTypeConvertComputer() {
- /* (non-Javadoc)
- * @see edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.types.hierachy.ITypePromoteComputer#promote(byte[], int, int, edu.uci.ics.hyracks.data.std.api.IMutableValueStorage)
- */
- public void promote(byte[] data, int start, int length, DataOutput out)
- throws IOException {
+ public void convertType(byte[] data, int start, int length, DataOutput out) throws IOException {
DoubleSerializerDeserializer.INSTANCE.serialize((double) (FloatPointable.getFloat(data, start)),
diff --git a/asterix-om/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/om/types/hierachy/FloatToInt16TypeConvertComputer.java b/asterix-om/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/om/types/hierachy/FloatToInt16TypeConvertComputer.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3a3e84a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/asterix-om/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/om/types/hierachy/FloatToInt16TypeConvertComputer.java
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+ * Copyright 2009-2013 by The Regents of the University of California
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * you may obtain a copy of the License from
+ *
+ * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+package edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.types.hierachy;
+import java.io.DataOutput;
+import java.io.IOException;
+import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.types.ATypeTag;
+import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.data.std.primitive.FloatPointable;
+public class FloatToInt16TypeConvertComputer implements ITypeConvertComputer {
+ public static final FloatToInt16TypeConvertComputer INSTANCE = new FloatToInt16TypeConvertComputer();
+ private FloatToInt16TypeConvertComputer() {
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void convertType(byte[] data, int start, int length, DataOutput out) throws IOException {
+ float sourceValue = FloatPointable.getFloat(data, start);
+ // Boundary check
+ if (sourceValue > Short.MAX_VALUE || sourceValue < Short.MIN_VALUE) {
+ throw new IOException("Cannot convert Float to INT16 - Float value " + sourceValue
+ + " is out of range that INT16 type can hold: INT16.MAX_VALUE:" + Short.MAX_VALUE
+ + ", INT16.MIN_VALUE: " + Short.MIN_VALUE);
+ }
+ // Math.floor to truncate decimal portion
+ short targetValue = (short) Math.floor(sourceValue);
+ out.writeByte(ATypeTag.INT16.serialize());
+ out.writeShort(targetValue);
+ }
diff --git a/asterix-om/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/om/types/hierachy/FloatToInt32TypeConvertComputer.java b/asterix-om/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/om/types/hierachy/FloatToInt32TypeConvertComputer.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3823a8d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/asterix-om/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/om/types/hierachy/FloatToInt32TypeConvertComputer.java
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+ * Copyright 2009-2013 by The Regents of the University of California
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * you may obtain a copy of the License from
+ *
+ * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+package edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.types.hierachy;
+import java.io.DataOutput;
+import java.io.IOException;
+import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.types.ATypeTag;
+import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.data.std.primitive.FloatPointable;
+public class FloatToInt32TypeConvertComputer implements ITypeConvertComputer {
+ public static final FloatToInt32TypeConvertComputer INSTANCE = new FloatToInt32TypeConvertComputer();
+ private FloatToInt32TypeConvertComputer() {
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void convertType(byte[] data, int start, int length, DataOutput out) throws IOException {
+ float sourceValue = FloatPointable.getFloat(data, start);
+ // Boundary check
+ if (sourceValue > Integer.MAX_VALUE || sourceValue < Integer.MIN_VALUE) {
+ throw new IOException("Cannot convert Float to INT32 - Float value " + sourceValue
+ + " is out of range that INT32 type can hold: INT32.MAX_VALUE:" + Integer.MAX_VALUE
+ + ", INT32.MIN_VALUE: " + Integer.MIN_VALUE);
+ }
+ // Math.floor to truncate decimal portion
+ int targetValue = (int) Math.floor(sourceValue);
+ out.writeByte(ATypeTag.INT32.serialize());
+ out.writeInt(targetValue);
+ }
diff --git a/asterix-om/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/om/types/hierachy/FloatToInt64TypeConvertComputer.java b/asterix-om/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/om/types/hierachy/FloatToInt64TypeConvertComputer.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6c49bb1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/asterix-om/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/om/types/hierachy/FloatToInt64TypeConvertComputer.java
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+ * Copyright 2009-2013 by The Regents of the University of California
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * you may obtain a copy of the License from
+ *
+ * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+package edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.types.hierachy;
+import java.io.DataOutput;
+import java.io.IOException;
+import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.types.ATypeTag;
+import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.data.std.primitive.FloatPointable;
+public class FloatToInt64TypeConvertComputer implements ITypeConvertComputer {
+ public static final FloatToInt64TypeConvertComputer INSTANCE = new FloatToInt64TypeConvertComputer();
+ private FloatToInt64TypeConvertComputer() {
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void convertType(byte[] data, int start, int length, DataOutput out) throws IOException {
+ float sourceValue = FloatPointable.getFloat(data, start);
+ // Boundary check
+ if (sourceValue > Long.MAX_VALUE || sourceValue < Long.MIN_VALUE) {
+ throw new IOException("Cannot convert Float to INT64 - Float value " + sourceValue
+ + " is out of range that INT64 type can hold: INT64.MAX_VALUE:" + Long.MAX_VALUE
+ + ", INT64.MIN_VALUE: " + Long.MIN_VALUE);
+ }
+ // Math.floor to truncate decimal portion
+ long targetValue = (long) Math.floor(sourceValue);
+ out.writeByte(ATypeTag.INT64.serialize());
+ out.writeLong(targetValue);
+ }
diff --git a/asterix-om/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/om/types/hierachy/FloatToInt8TypeConvertComputer.java b/asterix-om/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/om/types/hierachy/FloatToInt8TypeConvertComputer.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9ea7ae6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/asterix-om/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/om/types/hierachy/FloatToInt8TypeConvertComputer.java
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+ * Copyright 2009-2013 by The Regents of the University of California
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * you may obtain a copy of the License from
+ *
+ * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+package edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.types.hierachy;
+import java.io.DataOutput;
+import java.io.IOException;
+import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.types.ATypeTag;
+import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.data.std.primitive.FloatPointable;
+public class FloatToInt8TypeConvertComputer implements ITypeConvertComputer {
+ public static final FloatToInt8TypeConvertComputer INSTANCE = new FloatToInt8TypeConvertComputer();
+ private FloatToInt8TypeConvertComputer() {
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void convertType(byte[] data, int start, int length, DataOutput out) throws IOException {
+ float sourceValue = FloatPointable.getFloat(data, start);
+ // Boundary check
+ if (sourceValue > Byte.MAX_VALUE || sourceValue < Byte.MIN_VALUE) {
+ throw new IOException("Cannot convert Float to INT8 - Float value " + sourceValue
+ + " is out of range that INT8 type can hold: INT8.MAX_VALUE:" + Byte.MAX_VALUE
+ + ", INT8.MIN_VALUE: " + Byte.MIN_VALUE);
+ }
+ // Math.floor to truncate decimal portion
+ byte targetValue = (byte) Math.floor(sourceValue);
+ out.writeByte(ATypeTag.INT8.serialize());
+ out.writeByte(targetValue);
+ }
diff --git a/asterix-om/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/om/types/hierachy/ITypePromoteComputer.java b/asterix-om/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/om/types/hierachy/ITypeConvertComputer.java
similarity index 79%
rename from asterix-om/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/om/types/hierachy/ITypePromoteComputer.java
rename to asterix-om/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/om/types/hierachy/ITypeConvertComputer.java
index 995b61a..23f78b2 100644
--- a/asterix-om/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/om/types/hierachy/ITypePromoteComputer.java
+++ b/asterix-om/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/om/types/hierachy/ITypeConvertComputer.java
@@ -3,9 +3,9 @@
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* you may obtain a copy of the License from
- *
+ *
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
+ *
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
@@ -17,8 +17,9 @@
import java.io.DataOutput;
import java.io.IOException;
-public interface ITypePromoteComputer {
+public interface ITypeConvertComputer {
- void promote(byte[] data, int start, int length, DataOutput out) throws IOException;
+ // promote or demote a type to a different type
+ void convertType(byte[] data, int start, int length, DataOutput out) throws IOException;
diff --git a/asterix-om/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/om/types/hierachy/IntegerToDoubleTypeConvertComputer.java b/asterix-om/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/om/types/hierachy/IntegerToDoubleTypeConvertComputer.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0120023
--- /dev/null
+++ b/asterix-om/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/om/types/hierachy/IntegerToDoubleTypeConvertComputer.java
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+ * Copyright 2009-2013 by The Regents of the University of California
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * you may obtain a copy of the License from
+ *
+ * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+package edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.types.hierachy;
+import java.io.DataOutput;
+import java.io.IOException;
+import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.types.ATypeTag;
+import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.dataflow.common.data.marshalling.DoubleSerializerDeserializer;
+public class IntegerToDoubleTypeConvertComputer implements ITypeConvertComputer {
+ public static final IntegerToDoubleTypeConvertComputer INSTANCE = new IntegerToDoubleTypeConvertComputer();
+ private IntegerToDoubleTypeConvertComputer() {
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void convertType(byte[] data, int start, int length, DataOutput out) throws IOException {
+ long val = 0L;
+ // In order to convert a negative number correctly,
+ // proper casting per INT type is needed.
+ //
+ switch (length) {
+ case 1:
+ // INT8
+ val = (data[start] & 0xff);
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ // INT16
+ val = (short) ((data[start] << 8) | (data[start + 1] & 0xff));
+ break;
+ case 4:
+ // INT32
+ val = (int) (((data[start] & 0xff) << 24) | ((data[start + 1] & 0xff) << 16)
+ | ((data[start + 2] & 0xff) << 8) | (data[start + 3] & 0xff));
+ break;
+ case 8:
+ // INT64
+ val = (((long) (data[start] & 0xff) << 56) | ((long) (data[start + 1] & 0xff) << 48)
+ | ((long) (data[start + 2] & 0xff) << 40) | ((long) (data[start + 3] & 0xff) << 32)
+ | ((long) (data[start + 4] & 0xff) << 24) | ((long) (data[start + 5] & 0xff) << 16)
+ | ((long) (data[start + 6] & 0xff) << 8) | ((long) (data[start + 7] & 0xff)));
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ out.writeByte(ATypeTag.DOUBLE.serialize());
+ DoubleSerializerDeserializer.INSTANCE.serialize(Double.valueOf(val), out);
+ }
diff --git a/asterix-om/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/om/types/hierachy/IntegerToDoubleTypePromoteComputer.java b/asterix-om/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/om/types/hierachy/IntegerToDoubleTypePromoteComputer.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 4987b94..0000000
--- a/asterix-om/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/om/types/hierachy/IntegerToDoubleTypePromoteComputer.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright 2009-2013 by The Regents of the University of California
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * you may obtain a copy of the License from
- *
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-package edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.types.hierachy;
-import java.io.DataOutput;
-import java.io.IOException;
-import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.types.ATypeTag;
-import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.dataflow.common.data.marshalling.DoubleSerializerDeserializer;
-public class IntegerToDoubleTypePromoteComputer implements ITypePromoteComputer {
- public static final IntegerToDoubleTypePromoteComputer INSTANCE = new IntegerToDoubleTypePromoteComputer();
- private IntegerToDoubleTypePromoteComputer() {
- }
- @Override
- public void promote(byte[] data, int start, int length, DataOutput out)
- throws IOException {
- out.writeByte(ATypeTag.DOUBLE.serialize());
- long val = 0L;
- for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
- val += ((long) (data[start + i] & 0xff)) << (8 * (length - 1 - i));
- }
- DoubleSerializerDeserializer.INSTANCE.serialize(Double.valueOf(val), out);
- }
diff --git a/asterix-om/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/om/types/hierachy/IntegerToFloatTypeConvertComputer.java b/asterix-om/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/om/types/hierachy/IntegerToFloatTypeConvertComputer.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e2c09d4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/asterix-om/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/om/types/hierachy/IntegerToFloatTypeConvertComputer.java
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+ * Copyright 2009-2013 by The Regents of the University of California
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * you may obtain a copy of the License from
+ *
+ * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+package edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.types.hierachy;
+import java.io.DataOutput;
+import java.io.IOException;
+import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.types.ATypeTag;
+import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.dataflow.common.data.marshalling.FloatSerializerDeserializer;
+public class IntegerToFloatTypeConvertComputer implements ITypeConvertComputer {
+ public static final IntegerToFloatTypeConvertComputer INSTANCE = new IntegerToFloatTypeConvertComputer();
+ private IntegerToFloatTypeConvertComputer() {
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void convertType(byte[] data, int start, int length, DataOutput out) throws IOException {
+ float val = 0;
+ // In order to convert a negative number correctly,
+ // proper casting per INT type is needed.
+ //
+ switch (length) {
+ case 1:
+ // INT8
+ val = (data[start] & 0xff);
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ // INT16
+ val = (short) ((data[start] << 8) | (data[start + 1] & 0xff));
+ break;
+ case 4:
+ // INT32
+ val = (int) (((data[start] & 0xff) << 24) | ((data[start + 1] & 0xff) << 16)
+ | ((data[start + 2] & 0xff) << 8) | (data[start + 3] & 0xff));
+ break;
+ case 8:
+ // INT64
+ val = (((long) (data[start] & 0xff) << 56) | ((long) (data[start + 1] & 0xff) << 48)
+ | ((long) (data[start + 2] & 0xff) << 40) | ((long) (data[start + 3] & 0xff) << 32)
+ | ((long) (data[start + 4] & 0xff) << 24) | ((long) (data[start + 5] & 0xff) << 16)
+ | ((long) (data[start + 6] & 0xff) << 8) | ((long) (data[start + 7] & 0xff)));
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ out.writeByte(ATypeTag.FLOAT.serialize());
+ FloatSerializerDeserializer.INSTANCE.serialize(val, out);
+ }
diff --git a/asterix-om/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/om/types/hierachy/IntegerToFloatTypePromoteComputer.java b/asterix-om/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/om/types/hierachy/IntegerToFloatTypePromoteComputer.java
deleted file mode 100644
index db8d59a..0000000
--- a/asterix-om/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/om/types/hierachy/IntegerToFloatTypePromoteComputer.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright 2009-2013 by The Regents of the University of California
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * you may obtain a copy of the License from
- *
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-package edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.types.hierachy;
-import java.io.DataOutput;
-import java.io.IOException;
-import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.types.ATypeTag;
-import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.dataflow.common.data.marshalling.FloatSerializerDeserializer;
-public class IntegerToFloatTypePromoteComputer implements ITypePromoteComputer {
- public static final IntegerToFloatTypePromoteComputer INSTANCE = new IntegerToFloatTypePromoteComputer();
- private IntegerToFloatTypePromoteComputer() {
- }
- /* (non-Javadoc)
- * @see edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.types.hierachy.ITypePromoteComputer#promote(byte[], int, int, edu.uci.ics.hyracks.data.std.api.IMutableValueStorage)
- */
- @Override
- public void promote(byte[] data, int start, int length, DataOutput out)
- throws IOException {
- out.writeByte(ATypeTag.FLOAT.serialize());
- float val = 0;
- for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
- val += (data[start + i] & 0xff) << (8 * (length - 1 - i));
- }
- FloatSerializerDeserializer.INSTANCE.serialize(val, out);
- }
diff --git a/asterix-om/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/om/types/hierachy/IntegerToInt32TypePromoteComputer.java b/asterix-om/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/om/types/hierachy/IntegerToInt16TypeConvertComputer.java
similarity index 64%
copy from asterix-om/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/om/types/hierachy/IntegerToInt32TypePromoteComputer.java
copy to asterix-om/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/om/types/hierachy/IntegerToInt16TypeConvertComputer.java
index 6e3978c..f0cf7b2 100644
--- a/asterix-om/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/om/types/hierachy/IntegerToInt32TypePromoteComputer.java
+++ b/asterix-om/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/om/types/hierachy/IntegerToInt16TypeConvertComputer.java
@@ -3,9 +3,9 @@
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* you may obtain a copy of the License from
- *
+ *
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
+ *
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
@@ -19,17 +19,17 @@
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.types.ATypeTag;
-public class IntegerToInt32TypePromoteComputer extends AbstractIntegerTypePromoteComputer {
+public class IntegerToInt16TypeConvertComputer extends AbstractIntegerTypeConvertComputer {
- public static final IntegerToInt32TypePromoteComputer INSTANCE = new IntegerToInt32TypePromoteComputer();
+ public static final IntegerToInt16TypeConvertComputer INSTANCE = new IntegerToInt16TypeConvertComputer();
- private IntegerToInt32TypePromoteComputer() {
+ private IntegerToInt16TypeConvertComputer() {
- public void promote(byte[] data, int start, int length, DataOutput out)
- throws IOException {
- promoteIntegerType(data, start, length, out, ATypeTag.INT32, 4);
+ public void convertType(byte[] data, int start, int length, DataOutput out) throws IOException {
+ convertIntegerType(data, start, length, out, ATypeTag.INT16, 2);
diff --git a/asterix-om/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/om/types/hierachy/IntegerToInt16TypePromoteComputer.java b/asterix-om/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/om/types/hierachy/IntegerToInt16TypePromoteComputer.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 6731c8c..0000000
--- a/asterix-om/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/om/types/hierachy/IntegerToInt16TypePromoteComputer.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright 2009-2013 by The Regents of the University of California
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * you may obtain a copy of the License from
- *
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-package edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.types.hierachy;
-import java.io.DataOutput;
-import java.io.IOException;
-import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.types.ATypeTag;
-public class IntegerToInt16TypePromoteComputer extends AbstractIntegerTypePromoteComputer {
- public static final IntegerToInt16TypePromoteComputer INSTANCE = new IntegerToInt16TypePromoteComputer();
- private IntegerToInt16TypePromoteComputer() {
- }
- /* (non-Javadoc)
- * @see edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.types.hierachy.ITypePromoteComputer#promote(byte[], int, int, edu.uci.ics.hyracks.data.std.api.IMutableValueStorage)
- */
- @Override
- public void promote(byte[] data, int start, int length, DataOutput out)
- throws IOException {
- promoteIntegerType(data, start, length, out, ATypeTag.INT16, 2);
- }
diff --git a/asterix-om/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/om/types/hierachy/IntegerToInt32TypePromoteComputer.java b/asterix-om/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/om/types/hierachy/IntegerToInt32TypeConvertComputer.java
similarity index 65%
rename from asterix-om/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/om/types/hierachy/IntegerToInt32TypePromoteComputer.java
rename to asterix-om/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/om/types/hierachy/IntegerToInt32TypeConvertComputer.java
index 6e3978c..190987c 100644
--- a/asterix-om/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/om/types/hierachy/IntegerToInt32TypePromoteComputer.java
+++ b/asterix-om/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/om/types/hierachy/IntegerToInt32TypeConvertComputer.java
@@ -3,9 +3,9 @@
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* you may obtain a copy of the License from
- *
+ *
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
+ *
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
@@ -19,17 +19,16 @@
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.types.ATypeTag;
-public class IntegerToInt32TypePromoteComputer extends AbstractIntegerTypePromoteComputer {
+public class IntegerToInt32TypeConvertComputer extends AbstractIntegerTypeConvertComputer {
- public static final IntegerToInt32TypePromoteComputer INSTANCE = new IntegerToInt32TypePromoteComputer();
+ public static final IntegerToInt32TypeConvertComputer INSTANCE = new IntegerToInt32TypeConvertComputer();
- private IntegerToInt32TypePromoteComputer() {
+ private IntegerToInt32TypeConvertComputer() {
- public void promote(byte[] data, int start, int length, DataOutput out)
- throws IOException {
- promoteIntegerType(data, start, length, out, ATypeTag.INT32, 4);
+ public void convertType(byte[] data, int start, int length, DataOutput out) throws IOException {
+ convertIntegerType(data, start, length, out, ATypeTag.INT32, 4);
diff --git a/asterix-om/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/om/types/hierachy/IntegerToInt32TypePromoteComputer.java b/asterix-om/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/om/types/hierachy/IntegerToInt64TypeConvertComputer.java
similarity index 64%
copy from asterix-om/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/om/types/hierachy/IntegerToInt32TypePromoteComputer.java
copy to asterix-om/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/om/types/hierachy/IntegerToInt64TypeConvertComputer.java
index 6e3978c..d76065a 100644
--- a/asterix-om/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/om/types/hierachy/IntegerToInt32TypePromoteComputer.java
+++ b/asterix-om/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/om/types/hierachy/IntegerToInt64TypeConvertComputer.java
@@ -3,9 +3,9 @@
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* you may obtain a copy of the License from
- *
+ *
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
+ *
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
@@ -19,17 +19,16 @@
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.types.ATypeTag;
-public class IntegerToInt32TypePromoteComputer extends AbstractIntegerTypePromoteComputer {
+public class IntegerToInt64TypeConvertComputer extends AbstractIntegerTypeConvertComputer {
- public static final IntegerToInt32TypePromoteComputer INSTANCE = new IntegerToInt32TypePromoteComputer();
+ public static final IntegerToInt64TypeConvertComputer INSTANCE = new IntegerToInt64TypeConvertComputer();
- private IntegerToInt32TypePromoteComputer() {
+ private IntegerToInt64TypeConvertComputer() {
- public void promote(byte[] data, int start, int length, DataOutput out)
- throws IOException {
- promoteIntegerType(data, start, length, out, ATypeTag.INT32, 4);
+ public void convertType(byte[] data, int start, int length, DataOutput out) throws IOException {
+ convertIntegerType(data, start, length, out, ATypeTag.INT64, 8);
diff --git a/asterix-om/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/om/types/hierachy/IntegerToInt64TypePromoteComputer.java b/asterix-om/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/om/types/hierachy/IntegerToInt64TypePromoteComputer.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 448dd8e..0000000
--- a/asterix-om/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/om/types/hierachy/IntegerToInt64TypePromoteComputer.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright 2009-2013 by The Regents of the University of California
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * you may obtain a copy of the License from
- *
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-package edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.types.hierachy;
-import java.io.DataOutput;
-import java.io.IOException;
-import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.types.ATypeTag;
-public class IntegerToInt64TypePromoteComputer extends AbstractIntegerTypePromoteComputer {
- public static final IntegerToInt64TypePromoteComputer INSTANCE = new IntegerToInt64TypePromoteComputer();
- private IntegerToInt64TypePromoteComputer() {
- }
- /* (non-Javadoc)
- * @see edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.types.hierachy.ITypePromoteComputer#promote(byte[], int, int, edu.uci.ics.hyracks.data.std.api.IMutableValueStorage)
- */
- @Override
- public void promote(byte[] data, int start, int length, DataOutput out)
- throws IOException {
- promoteIntegerType(data, start, length, out, ATypeTag.INT64, 8);
- }
diff --git a/asterix-om/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/om/types/hierachy/IntegerToInt32TypePromoteComputer.java b/asterix-om/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/om/types/hierachy/IntegerToInt8TypeConvertComputer.java
similarity index 64%
copy from asterix-om/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/om/types/hierachy/IntegerToInt32TypePromoteComputer.java
copy to asterix-om/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/om/types/hierachy/IntegerToInt8TypeConvertComputer.java
index 6e3978c..a42a19c 100644
--- a/asterix-om/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/om/types/hierachy/IntegerToInt32TypePromoteComputer.java
+++ b/asterix-om/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/om/types/hierachy/IntegerToInt8TypeConvertComputer.java
@@ -3,9 +3,9 @@
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* you may obtain a copy of the License from
- *
+ *
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
+ *
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
@@ -19,17 +19,17 @@
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.types.ATypeTag;
-public class IntegerToInt32TypePromoteComputer extends AbstractIntegerTypePromoteComputer {
+public class IntegerToInt8TypeConvertComputer extends AbstractIntegerTypeConvertComputer {
- public static final IntegerToInt32TypePromoteComputer INSTANCE = new IntegerToInt32TypePromoteComputer();
+ public static final IntegerToInt8TypeConvertComputer INSTANCE = new IntegerToInt8TypeConvertComputer();
- private IntegerToInt32TypePromoteComputer() {
+ private IntegerToInt8TypeConvertComputer() {
- public void promote(byte[] data, int start, int length, DataOutput out)
- throws IOException {
- promoteIntegerType(data, start, length, out, ATypeTag.INT32, 4);
+ public void convertType(byte[] data, int start, int length, DataOutput out) throws IOException {
+ convertIntegerType(data, start, length, out, ATypeTag.INT8, 1);
diff --git a/asterix-runtime/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/runtime/aggregates/serializable/std/AbstractSerializableAvgAggregateFunction.java b/asterix-runtime/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/runtime/aggregates/serializable/std/AbstractSerializableAvgAggregateFunction.java
index 8f99129..738918c 100644
--- a/asterix-runtime/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/runtime/aggregates/serializable/std/AbstractSerializableAvgAggregateFunction.java
+++ b/asterix-runtime/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/runtime/aggregates/serializable/std/AbstractSerializableAvgAggregateFunction.java
@@ -3,9 +3,9 @@
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* you may obtain a copy of the License from
- *
+ *
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
+ *
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
@@ -47,6 +47,7 @@
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.algebricks.runtime.base.ICopyEvaluatorFactory;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.algebricks.runtime.base.ICopySerializableAggregateFunction;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.api.dataflow.value.ISerializerDeserializer;
+import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.api.exceptions.HyracksDataException;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.data.std.util.ArrayBackedValueStorage;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.data.std.util.ByteArrayAccessibleOutputStream;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.dataflow.common.data.accessors.IFrameTupleReference;
@@ -179,7 +180,7 @@
try {
recType = new ARecordType(null, new String[] { "sum", "count" }, new IAType[] { BuiltinType.ADOUBLE,
BuiltinType.AINT64 }, false);
- } catch (AsterixException e) {
+ } catch (AsterixException | HyracksDataException e) {
throw new AlgebricksException(e);
recordEval = new ClosedRecordConstructorEval(recType, new ICopyEvaluator[] { evalSum, evalCount },
diff --git a/asterix-runtime/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/runtime/aggregates/std/AbstractAvgAggregateFunction.java b/asterix-runtime/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/runtime/aggregates/std/AbstractAvgAggregateFunction.java
index f83f097..1b2caf6 100644
--- a/asterix-runtime/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/runtime/aggregates/std/AbstractAvgAggregateFunction.java
+++ b/asterix-runtime/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/runtime/aggregates/std/AbstractAvgAggregateFunction.java
@@ -3,9 +3,9 @@
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* you may obtain a copy of the License from
- *
+ *
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
+ *
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
@@ -47,6 +47,7 @@
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.algebricks.runtime.base.ICopyEvaluator;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.algebricks.runtime.base.ICopyEvaluatorFactory;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.api.dataflow.value.ISerializerDeserializer;
+import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.api.exceptions.HyracksDataException;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.data.std.api.IDataOutputProvider;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.data.std.util.ArrayBackedValueStorage;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.data.std.util.ByteArrayAccessibleOutputStream;
@@ -95,7 +96,7 @@
try {
tmpRecType = new ARecordType(null, new String[] { "sum", "count" }, new IAType[] { BuiltinType.ADOUBLE,
BuiltinType.AINT64 }, false);
- } catch (AsterixException e) {
+ } catch (AsterixException | HyracksDataException e) {
throw new AlgebricksException(e);
diff --git a/asterix-runtime/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/runtime/aggregates/std/AbstractMinMaxAggregateFunction.java b/asterix-runtime/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/runtime/aggregates/std/AbstractMinMaxAggregateFunction.java
index b961ef1..bffa7b0 100644
--- a/asterix-runtime/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/runtime/aggregates/std/AbstractMinMaxAggregateFunction.java
+++ b/asterix-runtime/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/runtime/aggregates/std/AbstractMinMaxAggregateFunction.java
@@ -3,9 +3,9 @@
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* you may obtain a copy of the License from
- *
+ *
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
+ *
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
@@ -21,13 +21,14 @@
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.types.ATypeTag;
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.types.EnumDeserializer;
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.types.hierachy.ATypeHierarchy;
-import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.types.hierachy.ITypePromoteComputer;
+import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.types.hierachy.ITypeConvertComputer;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.algebricks.common.exceptions.AlgebricksException;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.algebricks.runtime.base.ICopyAggregateFunction;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.algebricks.runtime.base.ICopyEvaluator;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.algebricks.runtime.base.ICopyEvaluatorFactory;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.api.dataflow.value.IBinaryComparator;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.api.dataflow.value.IBinaryComparatorFactory;
+import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.api.exceptions.HyracksDataException;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.data.std.api.IDataOutputProvider;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.data.std.util.ArrayBackedValueStorage;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.dataflow.common.data.accessors.IFrameTupleReference;
@@ -40,7 +41,7 @@
private ICopyEvaluator eval;
protected ATypeTag aggType;
private IBinaryComparator cmp;
- private ITypePromoteComputer tpc;
+ private ITypeConvertComputer tpc;
private final boolean isMin;
public AbstractMinMaxAggregateFunction(ICopyEvaluatorFactory[] args, IDataOutputProvider provider, boolean isMin)
@@ -100,7 +101,7 @@
if (tpc != null) {
try {
- tpc.promote(outputVal.getByteArray(), outputVal.getStartOffset() + 1,
+ tpc.convertType(outputVal.getByteArray(), outputVal.getStartOffset() + 1,
outputVal.getLength() - 1, tempValForCasting.getDataOutput());
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new AlgebricksException(e);
@@ -108,9 +109,13 @@
- if (cmp.compare(inputVal.getByteArray(), inputVal.getStartOffset(), inputVal.getLength(),
- outputVal.getByteArray(), outputVal.getStartOffset(), outputVal.getLength()) < 0) {
- outputVal.assign(inputVal);
+ try {
+ if (cmp.compare(inputVal.getByteArray(), inputVal.getStartOffset(), inputVal.getLength(),
+ outputVal.getByteArray(), outputVal.getStartOffset(), outputVal.getLength()) < 0) {
+ outputVal.assign(inputVal);
+ }
+ } catch (HyracksDataException e) {
+ throw new AlgebricksException(e);
} else {
@@ -118,20 +123,28 @@
if (tpc != null) {
try {
- tpc.promote(inputVal.getByteArray(), inputVal.getStartOffset() + 1, inputVal.getLength() - 1,
- tempValForCasting.getDataOutput());
+ tpc.convertType(inputVal.getByteArray(), inputVal.getStartOffset() + 1,
+ inputVal.getLength() - 1, tempValForCasting.getDataOutput());
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new AlgebricksException(e);
- if (cmp.compare(tempValForCasting.getByteArray(), tempValForCasting.getStartOffset(),
- tempValForCasting.getLength(), outputVal.getByteArray(), outputVal.getStartOffset(),
- outputVal.getLength()) < 0) {
- outputVal.assign(tempValForCasting);
+ try {
+ if (cmp.compare(tempValForCasting.getByteArray(), tempValForCasting.getStartOffset(),
+ tempValForCasting.getLength(), outputVal.getByteArray(), outputVal.getStartOffset(),
+ outputVal.getLength()) < 0) {
+ outputVal.assign(tempValForCasting);
+ }
+ } catch (HyracksDataException e) {
+ throw new AlgebricksException(e);
} else {
- if (cmp.compare(inputVal.getByteArray(), inputVal.getStartOffset(), inputVal.getLength(),
- outputVal.getByteArray(), outputVal.getStartOffset(), outputVal.getLength()) < 0) {
- outputVal.assign(inputVal);
+ try {
+ if (cmp.compare(inputVal.getByteArray(), inputVal.getStartOffset(), inputVal.getLength(),
+ outputVal.getByteArray(), outputVal.getStartOffset(), outputVal.getLength()) < 0) {
+ outputVal.assign(inputVal);
+ }
+ } catch (HyracksDataException e) {
+ throw new AlgebricksException(e);
diff --git a/asterix-runtime/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/runtime/evaluators/accessors/TemporalDayAccessor.java b/asterix-runtime/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/runtime/evaluators/accessors/TemporalDayAccessor.java
index 88285e4..fb9bf4c 100644
--- a/asterix-runtime/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/runtime/evaluators/accessors/TemporalDayAccessor.java
+++ b/asterix-runtime/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/runtime/evaluators/accessors/TemporalDayAccessor.java
@@ -3,9 +3,9 @@
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* you may obtain a copy of the License from
- *
+ *
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
+ *
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
@@ -21,8 +21,8 @@
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.dataflow.data.nontagged.serde.AInt32SerializerDeserializer;
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.dataflow.data.nontagged.serde.AInt64SerializerDeserializer;
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.formats.nontagged.AqlSerializerDeserializerProvider;
-import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.base.AInt32;
-import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.base.AMutableInt32;
+import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.base.AInt64;
+import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.base.AMutableInt64;
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.base.ANull;
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.base.temporal.GregorianCalendarSystem;
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.functions.AsterixBuiltinFunctions;
@@ -83,9 +83,9 @@
// for output: type integer
- private ISerializerDeserializer<AInt32> intSerde = AqlSerializerDeserializerProvider.INSTANCE
- .getSerializerDeserializer(BuiltinType.AINT32);
- private AMutableInt32 aMutableInt32 = new AMutableInt32(0);
+ private ISerializerDeserializer<AInt64> intSerde = AqlSerializerDeserializerProvider.INSTANCE
+ .getSerializerDeserializer(BuiltinType.AINT64);
+ private AMutableInt64 aMutableInt64 = new AMutableInt64(0);
private ISerializerDeserializer<ANull> nullSerde = AqlSerializerDeserializerProvider.INSTANCE
@@ -99,9 +99,9 @@
try {
if (bytes[0] == SER_DURATION_TYPE_TAG) {
- aMutableInt32.setValue(calSystem.getDurationDay(ADurationSerializerDeserializer
+ aMutableInt64.setValue(calSystem.getDurationDay(ADurationSerializerDeserializer
.getDayTime(bytes, 1)));
- intSerde.serialize(aMutableInt32, out);
+ intSerde.serialize(aMutableInt64, out);
@@ -122,8 +122,8 @@
int month = calSystem.getMonthOfYear(chrononTimeInMs, year);
int day = calSystem.getDayOfMonthYear(chrononTimeInMs, year, month);
- aMutableInt32.setValue(day);
- intSerde.serialize(aMutableInt32, out);
+ aMutableInt64.setValue(day);
+ intSerde.serialize(aMutableInt64, out);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new AlgebricksException(e);
diff --git a/asterix-runtime/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/runtime/evaluators/accessors/TemporalHourAccessor.java b/asterix-runtime/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/runtime/evaluators/accessors/TemporalHourAccessor.java
index dee5723..33dc9fd 100644
--- a/asterix-runtime/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/runtime/evaluators/accessors/TemporalHourAccessor.java
+++ b/asterix-runtime/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/runtime/evaluators/accessors/TemporalHourAccessor.java
@@ -3,9 +3,9 @@
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* you may obtain a copy of the License from
- *
+ *
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
+ *
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
@@ -21,8 +21,8 @@
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.dataflow.data.nontagged.serde.AInt32SerializerDeserializer;
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.dataflow.data.nontagged.serde.AInt64SerializerDeserializer;
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.formats.nontagged.AqlSerializerDeserializerProvider;
-import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.base.AInt32;
-import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.base.AMutableInt32;
+import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.base.AInt64;
+import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.base.AMutableInt64;
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.base.ANull;
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.base.temporal.GregorianCalendarSystem;
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.functions.AsterixBuiltinFunctions;
@@ -84,9 +84,9 @@
// for output: type integer
- private ISerializerDeserializer<AInt32> intSerde = AqlSerializerDeserializerProvider.INSTANCE
- .getSerializerDeserializer(BuiltinType.AINT32);
- private AMutableInt32 aMutableInt32 = new AMutableInt32(0);
+ private ISerializerDeserializer<AInt64> intSerde = AqlSerializerDeserializerProvider.INSTANCE
+ .getSerializerDeserializer(BuiltinType.AINT64);
+ private AMutableInt64 aMutableInt64 = new AMutableInt64(0);
private ISerializerDeserializer<ANull> nullSerde = AqlSerializerDeserializerProvider.INSTANCE
@@ -100,9 +100,9 @@
try {
if (bytes[0] == SER_DURATION_TYPE_TAG) {
- aMutableInt32.setValue(calSystem.getDurationHour(ADurationSerializerDeserializer
+ aMutableInt64.setValue(calSystem.getDurationHour(ADurationSerializerDeserializer
.getDayTime(bytes, 1)));
- intSerde.serialize(aMutableInt32, out);
+ intSerde.serialize(aMutableInt64, out);
@@ -120,8 +120,8 @@
int hour = calSystem.getHourOfDay(chrononTimeInMs);
- aMutableInt32.setValue(hour);
- intSerde.serialize(aMutableInt32, out);
+ aMutableInt64.setValue(hour);
+ intSerde.serialize(aMutableInt64, out);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new AlgebricksException(e);
diff --git a/asterix-runtime/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/runtime/evaluators/accessors/TemporalMillisecondAccessor.java b/asterix-runtime/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/runtime/evaluators/accessors/TemporalMillisecondAccessor.java
index f75f9f1..701ecd3 100644
--- a/asterix-runtime/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/runtime/evaluators/accessors/TemporalMillisecondAccessor.java
+++ b/asterix-runtime/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/runtime/evaluators/accessors/TemporalMillisecondAccessor.java
@@ -3,9 +3,9 @@
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* you may obtain a copy of the License from
- *
+ *
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
+ *
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
@@ -21,8 +21,8 @@
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.dataflow.data.nontagged.serde.AInt32SerializerDeserializer;
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.dataflow.data.nontagged.serde.AInt64SerializerDeserializer;
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.formats.nontagged.AqlSerializerDeserializerProvider;
-import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.base.AInt32;
-import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.base.AMutableInt32;
+import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.base.AInt64;
+import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.base.AMutableInt64;
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.base.ANull;
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.base.temporal.GregorianCalendarSystem;
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.functions.AsterixBuiltinFunctions;
@@ -84,9 +84,9 @@
// for output: type integer
- private ISerializerDeserializer<AInt32> intSerde = AqlSerializerDeserializerProvider.INSTANCE
- .getSerializerDeserializer(BuiltinType.AINT32);
- private AMutableInt32 aMutableInt32 = new AMutableInt32(0);
+ private ISerializerDeserializer<AInt64> intSerde = AqlSerializerDeserializerProvider.INSTANCE
+ .getSerializerDeserializer(BuiltinType.AINT64);
+ private AMutableInt64 aMutableInt64 = new AMutableInt64(0);
private ISerializerDeserializer<ANull> nullSerde = AqlSerializerDeserializerProvider.INSTANCE
@@ -100,9 +100,9 @@
try {
if (bytes[0] == SER_DURATION_TYPE_TAG) {
- aMutableInt32.setValue(calSystem.getDurationMillisecond(ADurationSerializerDeserializer
+ aMutableInt64.setValue(calSystem.getDurationMillisecond(ADurationSerializerDeserializer
.getDayTime(bytes, 1)));
- intSerde.serialize(aMutableInt32, out);
+ intSerde.serialize(aMutableInt64, out);
@@ -120,8 +120,8 @@
int ms = calSystem.getMillisOfSec(chrononTimeInMs);
- aMutableInt32.setValue(ms);
- intSerde.serialize(aMutableInt32, out);
+ aMutableInt64.setValue(ms);
+ intSerde.serialize(aMutableInt64, out);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new AlgebricksException(e);
diff --git a/asterix-runtime/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/runtime/evaluators/accessors/TemporalMinuteAccessor.java b/asterix-runtime/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/runtime/evaluators/accessors/TemporalMinuteAccessor.java
index eb09547..13c3213 100644
--- a/asterix-runtime/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/runtime/evaluators/accessors/TemporalMinuteAccessor.java
+++ b/asterix-runtime/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/runtime/evaluators/accessors/TemporalMinuteAccessor.java
@@ -3,9 +3,9 @@
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* you may obtain a copy of the License from
- *
+ *
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
+ *
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
@@ -21,8 +21,8 @@
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.dataflow.data.nontagged.serde.AInt32SerializerDeserializer;
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.dataflow.data.nontagged.serde.AInt64SerializerDeserializer;
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.formats.nontagged.AqlSerializerDeserializerProvider;
-import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.base.AInt32;
-import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.base.AMutableInt32;
+import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.base.AInt64;
+import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.base.AMutableInt64;
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.base.ANull;
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.base.temporal.GregorianCalendarSystem;
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.functions.AsterixBuiltinFunctions;
@@ -84,9 +84,9 @@
// for output: type integer
- private ISerializerDeserializer<AInt32> intSerde = AqlSerializerDeserializerProvider.INSTANCE
- .getSerializerDeserializer(BuiltinType.AINT32);
- private AMutableInt32 aMutableInt32 = new AMutableInt32(0);
+ private ISerializerDeserializer<AInt64> intSerde = AqlSerializerDeserializerProvider.INSTANCE
+ .getSerializerDeserializer(BuiltinType.AINT64);
+ private AMutableInt64 aMutableInt64 = new AMutableInt64(0);
private ISerializerDeserializer<ANull> nullSerde = AqlSerializerDeserializerProvider.INSTANCE
@@ -100,9 +100,9 @@
try {
if (bytes[0] == SER_DURATION_TYPE_TAG) {
- aMutableInt32.setValue(calSystem.getDurationMinute(ADurationSerializerDeserializer
+ aMutableInt64.setValue(calSystem.getDurationMinute(ADurationSerializerDeserializer
.getDayTime(bytes, 1)));
- intSerde.serialize(aMutableInt32, out);
+ intSerde.serialize(aMutableInt64, out);
@@ -120,8 +120,8 @@
int min = calSystem.getMinOfHour(chrononTimeInMs);
- aMutableInt32.setValue(min);
- intSerde.serialize(aMutableInt32, out);
+ aMutableInt64.setValue(min);
+ intSerde.serialize(aMutableInt64, out);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new AlgebricksException(e);
diff --git a/asterix-runtime/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/runtime/evaluators/accessors/TemporalMonthAccessor.java b/asterix-runtime/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/runtime/evaluators/accessors/TemporalMonthAccessor.java
index a1abbfc..85c6aee 100644
--- a/asterix-runtime/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/runtime/evaluators/accessors/TemporalMonthAccessor.java
+++ b/asterix-runtime/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/runtime/evaluators/accessors/TemporalMonthAccessor.java
@@ -3,9 +3,9 @@
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* you may obtain a copy of the License from
- *
+ *
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
+ *
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
@@ -21,8 +21,8 @@
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.dataflow.data.nontagged.serde.AInt32SerializerDeserializer;
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.dataflow.data.nontagged.serde.AInt64SerializerDeserializer;
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.formats.nontagged.AqlSerializerDeserializerProvider;
-import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.base.AInt32;
-import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.base.AMutableInt32;
+import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.base.AInt64;
+import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.base.AMutableInt64;
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.base.ANull;
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.base.temporal.GregorianCalendarSystem;
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.functions.AsterixBuiltinFunctions;
@@ -84,9 +84,9 @@
// for output: type integer
- private ISerializerDeserializer<AInt32> intSerde = AqlSerializerDeserializerProvider.INSTANCE
- .getSerializerDeserializer(BuiltinType.AINT32);
- private AMutableInt32 aMutableInt32 = new AMutableInt32(0);
+ private ISerializerDeserializer<AInt64> intSerde = AqlSerializerDeserializerProvider.INSTANCE
+ .getSerializerDeserializer(BuiltinType.AINT64);
+ private AMutableInt64 aMutableInt64 = new AMutableInt64(0);
private ISerializerDeserializer<ANull> nullSerde = AqlSerializerDeserializerProvider.INSTANCE
@@ -100,9 +100,9 @@
try {
if (bytes[0] == SER_DURATION_TYPE_TAG) {
- aMutableInt32.setValue(calSystem.getDurationMonth(ADurationSerializerDeserializer
+ aMutableInt64.setValue(calSystem.getDurationMonth(ADurationSerializerDeserializer
.getYearMonth(bytes, 1)));
- intSerde.serialize(aMutableInt32, out);
+ intSerde.serialize(aMutableInt64, out);
@@ -122,8 +122,8 @@
int year = calSystem.getYear(chrononTimeInMs);
int month = calSystem.getMonthOfYear(chrononTimeInMs, year);
- aMutableInt32.setValue(month);
- intSerde.serialize(aMutableInt32, out);
+ aMutableInt64.setValue(month);
+ intSerde.serialize(aMutableInt64, out);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new AlgebricksException(e);
diff --git a/asterix-runtime/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/runtime/evaluators/accessors/TemporalSecondAccessor.java b/asterix-runtime/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/runtime/evaluators/accessors/TemporalSecondAccessor.java
index 6c61935..25ebbbc 100644
--- a/asterix-runtime/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/runtime/evaluators/accessors/TemporalSecondAccessor.java
+++ b/asterix-runtime/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/runtime/evaluators/accessors/TemporalSecondAccessor.java
@@ -3,9 +3,9 @@
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* you may obtain a copy of the License from
- *
+ *
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
+ *
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
@@ -21,8 +21,8 @@
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.dataflow.data.nontagged.serde.AInt32SerializerDeserializer;
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.dataflow.data.nontagged.serde.AInt64SerializerDeserializer;
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.formats.nontagged.AqlSerializerDeserializerProvider;
-import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.base.AInt32;
-import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.base.AMutableInt32;
+import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.base.AInt64;
+import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.base.AMutableInt64;
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.base.ANull;
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.base.temporal.GregorianCalendarSystem;
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.functions.AsterixBuiltinFunctions;
@@ -84,9 +84,9 @@
// for output: type integer
- private ISerializerDeserializer<AInt32> intSerde = AqlSerializerDeserializerProvider.INSTANCE
- .getSerializerDeserializer(BuiltinType.AINT32);
- private AMutableInt32 aMutableInt32 = new AMutableInt32(0);
+ private ISerializerDeserializer<AInt64> intSerde = AqlSerializerDeserializerProvider.INSTANCE
+ .getSerializerDeserializer(BuiltinType.AINT64);
+ private AMutableInt64 aMutableInt64 = new AMutableInt64(0);
private ISerializerDeserializer<ANull> nullSerde = AqlSerializerDeserializerProvider.INSTANCE
@@ -100,9 +100,9 @@
try {
if (bytes[0] == SER_DURATION_TYPE_TAG) {
- aMutableInt32.setValue(calSystem.getDurationSecond(ADurationSerializerDeserializer
+ aMutableInt64.setValue(calSystem.getDurationSecond(ADurationSerializerDeserializer
.getDayTime(bytes, 1)));
- intSerde.serialize(aMutableInt32, out);
+ intSerde.serialize(aMutableInt64, out);
@@ -120,8 +120,8 @@
int sec = calSystem.getSecOfMin(chrononTimeInMs);
- aMutableInt32.setValue(sec);
- intSerde.serialize(aMutableInt32, out);
+ aMutableInt64.setValue(sec);
+ intSerde.serialize(aMutableInt64, out);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new AlgebricksException(e);
diff --git a/asterix-runtime/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/runtime/evaluators/accessors/TemporalYearAccessor.java b/asterix-runtime/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/runtime/evaluators/accessors/TemporalYearAccessor.java
index 852852b..b9520d9 100644
--- a/asterix-runtime/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/runtime/evaluators/accessors/TemporalYearAccessor.java
+++ b/asterix-runtime/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/runtime/evaluators/accessors/TemporalYearAccessor.java
@@ -3,9 +3,9 @@
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* you may obtain a copy of the License from
- *
+ *
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
+ *
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
@@ -21,8 +21,8 @@
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.dataflow.data.nontagged.serde.AInt32SerializerDeserializer;
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.dataflow.data.nontagged.serde.AInt64SerializerDeserializer;
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.formats.nontagged.AqlSerializerDeserializerProvider;
-import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.base.AInt32;
-import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.base.AMutableInt32;
+import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.base.AInt64;
+import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.base.AMutableInt64;
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.base.ANull;
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.base.temporal.GregorianCalendarSystem;
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.functions.AsterixBuiltinFunctions;
@@ -82,9 +82,9 @@
// for output: type integer
- private ISerializerDeserializer<AInt32> intSerde = AqlSerializerDeserializerProvider.INSTANCE
- .getSerializerDeserializer(BuiltinType.AINT32);
- private AMutableInt32 aMutableInt32 = new AMutableInt32(0);
+ private ISerializerDeserializer<AInt64> intSerde = AqlSerializerDeserializerProvider.INSTANCE
+ .getSerializerDeserializer(BuiltinType.AINT64);
+ private AMutableInt64 aMutableInt64 = new AMutableInt64(0);
private ISerializerDeserializer<ANull> nullSerde = AqlSerializerDeserializerProvider.INSTANCE
@@ -98,9 +98,9 @@
try {
if (bytes[0] == SER_DURATION_TYPE_TAG) {
- aMutableInt32.setValue(calSystem.getDurationYear(ADurationSerializerDeserializer
+ aMutableInt64.setValue(calSystem.getDurationYear(ADurationSerializerDeserializer
.getYearMonth(bytes, 1)));
- intSerde.serialize(aMutableInt32, out);
+ intSerde.serialize(aMutableInt64, out);
@@ -128,8 +128,8 @@
+ (UTF8StringPointable.charAt(bytes, 5) - '0') * 10
+ (UTF8StringPointable.charAt(bytes, 6) - '0');
- aMutableInt32.setValue(year);
- intSerde.serialize(aMutableInt32, out);
+ aMutableInt64.setValue(year);
+ intSerde.serialize(aMutableInt64, out);
} else {
throw new AlgebricksException("Inapplicable input type: " + bytes[0]);
@@ -137,8 +137,8 @@
int year = calSystem.getYear(chrononTimeInMs);
- aMutableInt32.setValue(year);
- intSerde.serialize(aMutableInt32, out);
+ aMutableInt64.setValue(year);
+ intSerde.serialize(aMutableInt64, out);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new AlgebricksException(e);
diff --git a/asterix-runtime/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/runtime/evaluators/common/AbstractAsterixListIterator.java b/asterix-runtime/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/runtime/evaluators/common/AbstractAsterixListIterator.java
index e95e9cb..7dad6ee 100644
--- a/asterix-runtime/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/runtime/evaluators/common/AbstractAsterixListIterator.java
+++ b/asterix-runtime/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/runtime/evaluators/common/AbstractAsterixListIterator.java
@@ -3,9 +3,9 @@
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* you may obtain a copy of the License from
- *
+ *
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
+ *
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
@@ -17,10 +17,11 @@
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.common.exceptions.AsterixException;
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.common.exceptions.AsterixRuntimeException;
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.formats.nontagged.AqlBinaryComparatorFactoryProvider;
+import edu.uci.ics.asterix.fuzzyjoin.similarity.IListIterator;
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.types.ATypeTag;
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.types.EnumDeserializer;
-import edu.uci.ics.asterix.fuzzyjoin.similarity.IListIterator;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.api.dataflow.value.IBinaryComparator;
+import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.api.exceptions.HyracksDataException;
public abstract class AbstractAsterixListIterator implements IListIterator {
@@ -38,7 +39,7 @@
protected final boolean ignoreCase = true;
- public int compare(IListIterator cmpIter) {
+ public int compare(IListIterator cmpIter) throws HyracksDataException {
return cmp.compare(data, pos, -1, cmpIter.getData(), cmpIter.getPos(), -1);
@@ -103,10 +104,22 @@
this.listLength = getListLength(data, startOff);
ATypeTag tag = EnumDeserializer.ATYPETAGDESERIALIZER.deserialize(data[startOff + 1]);
switch (tag) {
+ case INT64: {
+ cmp = AqlBinaryComparatorFactoryProvider.LONG_POINTABLE_INSTANCE.createBinaryComparator();
+ break;
+ }
case INT32: {
cmp = AqlBinaryComparatorFactoryProvider.INTEGER_POINTABLE_INSTANCE.createBinaryComparator();
+ case INT16: {
+ cmp = AqlBinaryComparatorFactoryProvider.SHORT_POINTABLE_INSTANCE.createBinaryComparator();
+ break;
+ }
+ case INT8: {
+ cmp = AqlBinaryComparatorFactoryProvider.BYTE_POINTABLE_INSTANCE.createBinaryComparator();
+ break;
+ }
case FLOAT: {
cmp = AqlBinaryComparatorFactoryProvider.FLOAT_POINTABLE_INSTANCE.createBinaryComparator();
diff --git a/asterix-runtime/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/runtime/evaluators/common/EditDistanceCheckEvaluator.java b/asterix-runtime/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/runtime/evaluators/common/EditDistanceCheckEvaluator.java
index 272b417..cd1c55f 100644
--- a/asterix-runtime/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/runtime/evaluators/common/EditDistanceCheckEvaluator.java
+++ b/asterix-runtime/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/runtime/evaluators/common/EditDistanceCheckEvaluator.java
@@ -23,20 +23,20 @@
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.types.AOrderedListType;
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.types.ATypeTag;
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.types.BuiltinType;
-import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.types.EnumDeserializer;
+import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.types.hierachy.ATypeHierarchy;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.algebricks.common.exceptions.AlgebricksException;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.algebricks.runtime.base.ICopyEvaluator;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.algebricks.runtime.base.ICopyEvaluatorFactory;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.api.dataflow.value.ISerializerDeserializer;
+import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.api.exceptions.HyracksDataException;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.data.std.api.IDataOutputProvider;
-import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.data.std.primitive.IntegerPointable;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.data.std.util.ArrayBackedValueStorage;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.dataflow.common.data.accessors.IFrameTupleReference;
public class EditDistanceCheckEvaluator extends EditDistanceEvaluator {
protected final ICopyEvaluator edThreshEval;
- protected int edThresh = -1;
+ protected long edThresh = -1;
protected final OrderedListBuilder listBuilder;
protected ArrayBackedValueStorage listItemVal;
@@ -57,21 +57,21 @@
int edThreshStart = argOut.getLength();
- if (argOut.getByteArray()[edThreshStart] != SER_INT32_TYPE_TAG) {
- throw new AlgebricksException("Invalid threshold type, expected INT32 but got "
- + EnumDeserializer.ATYPETAGDESERIALIZER.deserialize(argOut.getByteArray()[edThreshStart]) + ".");
+ try {
+ edThresh = ATypeHierarchy.getIntegerValue(argOut.getByteArray(), edThreshStart);
+ } catch (HyracksDataException e) {
+ throw new AlgebricksException(e);
- edThresh = IntegerPointable.getInteger(argOut.getByteArray(), edThreshStart + typeIndicatorSize);
protected int computeResult(byte[] bytes, int firstStart, int secondStart, ATypeTag argType)
- throws AlgebricksException {
+ throws AlgebricksException, HyracksDataException {
switch (argType) {
case STRING: {
- return ed.UTF8StringEditDistance(bytes, firstStart + typeIndicatorSize, secondStart
- + typeIndicatorSize, edThresh);
+ return ed.UTF8StringEditDistance(bytes, firstStart + typeIndicatorSize,
+ secondStart + typeIndicatorSize, (int) edThresh);
@@ -98,8 +98,8 @@
- aInt32.setValue((matches) ? ed : Integer.MAX_VALUE);
- int32Serde.serialize(aInt32, listItemVal.getDataOutput());
+ aInt64.setValue((matches) ? ed : Integer.MAX_VALUE);
+ int64Serde.serialize(aInt64, listItemVal.getDataOutput());
listBuilder.write(out, true);
diff --git a/asterix-runtime/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/runtime/evaluators/common/EditDistanceContainsEvaluator.java b/asterix-runtime/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/runtime/evaluators/common/EditDistanceContainsEvaluator.java
index 1dac595..73da275 100644
--- a/asterix-runtime/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/runtime/evaluators/common/EditDistanceContainsEvaluator.java
+++ b/asterix-runtime/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/runtime/evaluators/common/EditDistanceContainsEvaluator.java
@@ -3,9 +3,9 @@
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* you may obtain a copy of the License from
- *
+ *
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
+ *
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
@@ -18,10 +18,11 @@
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.types.ATypeTag;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.algebricks.common.exceptions.AlgebricksException;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.algebricks.runtime.base.ICopyEvaluatorFactory;
+import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.api.exceptions.HyracksDataException;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.data.std.api.IDataOutputProvider;
public class EditDistanceContainsEvaluator extends EditDistanceCheckEvaluator {
public EditDistanceContainsEvaluator(ICopyEvaluatorFactory[] args, IDataOutputProvider output)
throws AlgebricksException {
super(args, output);
@@ -34,13 +35,17 @@
case STRING: {
return ed.UTF8StringEditDistanceContains(argOut.getByteArray(), firstStart + typeIndicatorSize,
- secondStart + typeIndicatorSize, edThresh);
+ secondStart + typeIndicatorSize, (int) edThresh);
firstOrdListIter.reset(bytes, firstStart);
secondOrdListIter.reset(bytes, secondStart);
- return ed.getSimilarityContains(firstOrdListIter, secondOrdListIter, edThresh);
+ try {
+ return ed.getSimilarityContains(firstOrdListIter, secondOrdListIter, (int) edThresh);
+ } catch (HyracksDataException e) {
+ throw new AlgebricksException(e);
+ }
default: {
diff --git a/asterix-runtime/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/runtime/evaluators/common/EditDistanceEvaluator.java b/asterix-runtime/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/runtime/evaluators/common/EditDistanceEvaluator.java
index 7ddd957..4268437 100644
--- a/asterix-runtime/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/runtime/evaluators/common/EditDistanceEvaluator.java
+++ b/asterix-runtime/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/runtime/evaluators/common/EditDistanceEvaluator.java
@@ -3,9 +3,9 @@
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* you may obtain a copy of the License from
- *
+ *
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
+ *
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
@@ -18,17 +18,18 @@
import java.io.IOException;
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.formats.nontagged.AqlSerializerDeserializerProvider;
-import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.base.AInt32;
-import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.base.AMutableInt32;
+import edu.uci.ics.asterix.fuzzyjoin.similarity.SimilarityMetricEditDistance;
+import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.base.AInt64;
+import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.base.AMutableInt64;
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.base.ANull;
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.types.ATypeTag;
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.types.BuiltinType;
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.types.EnumDeserializer;
-import edu.uci.ics.asterix.fuzzyjoin.similarity.SimilarityMetricEditDistance;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.algebricks.common.exceptions.AlgebricksException;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.algebricks.runtime.base.ICopyEvaluator;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.algebricks.runtime.base.ICopyEvaluatorFactory;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.api.dataflow.value.ISerializerDeserializer;
+import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.api.exceptions.HyracksDataException;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.data.std.api.IDataOutputProvider;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.data.std.util.ArrayBackedValueStorage;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.dataflow.common.data.accessors.IFrameTupleReference;
@@ -46,10 +47,10 @@
protected final AsterixOrderedListIterator firstOrdListIter = new AsterixOrderedListIterator();
protected final AsterixOrderedListIterator secondOrdListIter = new AsterixOrderedListIterator();
protected int editDistance = 0;
- protected final AMutableInt32 aInt32 = new AMutableInt32(-1);
+ protected final AMutableInt64 aInt64 = new AMutableInt64(-1);
- protected final ISerializerDeserializer<AInt32> int32Serde = AqlSerializerDeserializerProvider.INSTANCE
- .getSerializerDeserializer(BuiltinType.AINT32);
+ protected final ISerializerDeserializer<AInt64> int64Serde = AqlSerializerDeserializerProvider.INSTANCE
+ .getSerializerDeserializer(BuiltinType.AINT64);
private final ISerializerDeserializer<ANull> nullSerde = AqlSerializerDeserializerProvider.INSTANCE
@@ -82,7 +83,11 @@
if (itemTypeTag == ATypeTag.ANY)
throw new AlgebricksException("\n Edit Distance can only be called on homogenous lists");
- editDistance = computeResult(argOut.getByteArray(), firstStart, secondStart, firstTypeTag);
+ try {
+ editDistance = computeResult(argOut.getByteArray(), firstStart, secondStart, firstTypeTag);
+ } catch (HyracksDataException e1) {
+ throw new AlgebricksException(e1);
+ }
try {
@@ -104,7 +109,7 @@
protected int computeResult(byte[] bytes, int firstStart, int secondStart, ATypeTag argType)
- throws AlgebricksException {
+ throws AlgebricksException, HyracksDataException {
switch (argType) {
case STRING: {
@@ -115,7 +120,11 @@
firstOrdListIter.reset(bytes, firstStart);
secondOrdListIter.reset(bytes, secondStart);
- return (int) ed.getSimilarity(firstOrdListIter, secondOrdListIter);
+ try {
+ return (int) ed.getSimilarity(firstOrdListIter, secondOrdListIter);
+ } catch (HyracksDataException e) {
+ throw new AlgebricksException(e);
+ }
default: {
@@ -130,7 +139,7 @@
// edit distance between null and anything else is undefined
if (typeTag1 == ATypeTag.NULL || typeTag2 == ATypeTag.NULL) {
try {
- nullSerde.serialize(ANull.NULL, out);
+ nullSerde.serialize(ANull.NULL, out);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new AlgebricksException(e);
@@ -146,7 +155,7 @@
protected void writeResult(int ed) throws IOException {
- aInt32.setValue(ed);
- int32Serde.serialize(aInt32, out);
+ aInt64.setValue(ed);
+ int64Serde.serialize(aInt64, out);
diff --git a/asterix-runtime/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/runtime/evaluators/common/GramTokensEvaluator.java b/asterix-runtime/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/runtime/evaluators/common/GramTokensEvaluator.java
index d96a268..7a11c04 100644
--- a/asterix-runtime/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/runtime/evaluators/common/GramTokensEvaluator.java
+++ b/asterix-runtime/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/runtime/evaluators/common/GramTokensEvaluator.java
@@ -20,12 +20,13 @@
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.builders.OrderedListBuilder;
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.types.AOrderedListType;
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.types.BuiltinType;
+import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.types.hierachy.ATypeHierarchy;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.algebricks.common.exceptions.AlgebricksException;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.algebricks.runtime.base.ICopyEvaluator;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.algebricks.runtime.base.ICopyEvaluatorFactory;
+import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.api.exceptions.HyracksDataException;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.data.std.api.IDataOutputProvider;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.data.std.primitive.BooleanPointable;
-import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.data.std.primitive.IntegerPointable;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.data.std.util.ArrayBackedValueStorage;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.dataflow.common.data.accessors.IFrameTupleReference;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.storage.am.lsm.invertedindex.tokenizers.IBinaryTokenizer;
@@ -66,7 +67,14 @@
byte[] bytes = argOut.getByteArray();
- int gramLength = IntegerPointable.getInteger(bytes, gramLengthOff + typeIndicatorSize);
+ int gramLength = 0;
+ try {
+ gramLength = ATypeHierarchy.getIntegerValue(bytes, gramLengthOff);
+ } catch (HyracksDataException e1) {
+ throw new AlgebricksException(e1);
+ }
boolean prePost = BooleanPointable.getBoolean(bytes, prePostOff + typeIndicatorSize);
diff --git a/asterix-runtime/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/runtime/evaluators/common/SimilarityJaccardCheckEvaluator.java b/asterix-runtime/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/runtime/evaluators/common/SimilarityJaccardCheckEvaluator.java
index d6fae85..84f8e6a 100644
--- a/asterix-runtime/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/runtime/evaluators/common/SimilarityJaccardCheckEvaluator.java
+++ b/asterix-runtime/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/runtime/evaluators/common/SimilarityJaccardCheckEvaluator.java
@@ -3,9 +3,9 @@
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* you may obtain a copy of the License from
- *
+ *
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
+ *
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.algebricks.runtime.base.ICopyEvaluator;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.algebricks.runtime.base.ICopyEvaluatorFactory;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.api.dataflow.value.ISerializerDeserializer;
+import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.api.exceptions.HyracksDataException;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.data.std.api.IDataOutputProvider;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.data.std.primitive.IntegerPointable;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.data.std.util.ArrayBackedValueStorage;
@@ -62,7 +63,8 @@
- protected int probeHashMap(AbstractAsterixListIterator probeIter, int buildListSize, int probeListSize) {
+ protected int probeHashMap(AbstractAsterixListIterator probeIter, int buildListSize, int probeListSize)
+ throws HyracksDataException {
// Apply length filter.
int lengthLowerBound = (int) Math.ceil(jaccThresh * probeListSize);
if ((lengthLowerBound > buildListSize) || (buildListSize > (int) Math.floor(1.0f / jaccThresh * probeListSize))) {
diff --git a/asterix-runtime/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/runtime/evaluators/common/SimilarityJaccardEvaluator.java b/asterix-runtime/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/runtime/evaluators/common/SimilarityJaccardEvaluator.java
index 77f758b..2546fd0 100644
--- a/asterix-runtime/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/runtime/evaluators/common/SimilarityJaccardEvaluator.java
+++ b/asterix-runtime/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/runtime/evaluators/common/SimilarityJaccardEvaluator.java
@@ -3,9 +3,9 @@
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* you may obtain a copy of the License from
- *
+ *
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
+ *
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.api.dataflow.value.IBinaryComparator;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.api.dataflow.value.IBinaryHashFunction;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.api.dataflow.value.ISerializerDeserializer;
+import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.api.exceptions.HyracksDataException;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.data.std.api.IDataOutputProvider;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.data.std.primitive.IntegerPointable;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.data.std.util.ArrayBackedValueStorage;
@@ -157,17 +158,21 @@
ATypeTag probeItemTypeTag = (probeList == firstListIter) ? firstItemTypeTag : secondItemTypeTag;
setHashMap(bytes, buildItemTypeTag, probeItemTypeTag);
- buildHashMap(buildList);
- int intersectionSize = probeHashMap(probeList, buildListSize, probeListSize);
- // Special indicator for the "check" version of jaccard.
- if (intersectionSize < 0) {
- return -1;
+ try {
+ buildHashMap(buildList);
+ int intersectionSize = probeHashMap(probeList, buildListSize, probeListSize);
+ // Special indicator for the "check" version of jaccard.
+ if (intersectionSize < 0) {
+ return -1;
+ }
+ unionSize -= intersectionSize;
+ return (float) intersectionSize / (float) unionSize;
+ } catch (HyracksDataException e) {
+ throw new AlgebricksException(e);
- unionSize -= intersectionSize;
- return (float) intersectionSize / (float) unionSize;
- protected void buildHashMap(AbstractAsterixListIterator buildIter) {
+ protected void buildHashMap(AbstractAsterixListIterator buildIter) throws HyracksDataException {
// Build phase: Add items into hash map, starting with first list.
// Value in map is a pair of integers. Set first integer to 1.
IntegerPointable.setInteger(valEntry.buf, 0, 1);
@@ -186,7 +191,8 @@
- protected int probeHashMap(AbstractAsterixListIterator probeIter, int probeListSize, int buildListSize) {
+ protected int probeHashMap(AbstractAsterixListIterator probeIter, int probeListSize, int buildListSize)
+ throws HyracksDataException {
// Probe phase: Probe items from second list, and compute intersection size.
int intersectionSize = 0;
while (probeIter.hasNext()) {
diff --git a/asterix-runtime/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/runtime/evaluators/common/SimilarityJaccardPrefixEvaluator.java b/asterix-runtime/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/runtime/evaluators/common/SimilarityJaccardPrefixEvaluator.java
index a8dd3dd..e5c8571 100644
--- a/asterix-runtime/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/runtime/evaluators/common/SimilarityJaccardPrefixEvaluator.java
+++ b/asterix-runtime/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/runtime/evaluators/common/SimilarityJaccardPrefixEvaluator.java
@@ -31,12 +31,13 @@
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.types.ATypeTag;
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.types.BuiltinType;
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.types.EnumDeserializer;
+import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.types.hierachy.ATypeHierarchy;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.algebricks.common.exceptions.AlgebricksException;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.algebricks.runtime.base.ICopyEvaluator;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.algebricks.runtime.base.ICopyEvaluatorFactory;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.api.dataflow.value.ISerializerDeserializer;
+import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.api.exceptions.HyracksDataException;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.data.std.api.IDataOutputProvider;
-import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.data.std.primitive.IntegerPointable;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.data.std.util.ArrayBackedValueStorage;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.dataflow.common.data.accessors.IFrameTupleReference;
@@ -97,11 +98,23 @@
- int length1 = IntegerPointable.getInteger(inputVal.getByteArray(), 1);
+ int length1 = 0;
+ try {
+ length1 = ATypeHierarchy.getIntegerValue(inputVal.getByteArray(), 0);
+ } catch (HyracksDataException e1) {
+ throw new AlgebricksException(e1);
+ }
- int length2 = IntegerPointable.getInteger(inputVal.getByteArray(), 1);
+ int length2 = 0;
+ try {
+ length2 = ATypeHierarchy.getIntegerValue(inputVal.getByteArray(), 0);
+ } catch (HyracksDataException e1) {
+ throw new AlgebricksException(e1);
+ }
// -- - length filter - --
@@ -126,24 +139,39 @@
// read tokens
for (i = 0; i < lengthTokens1; i++) {
int itemOffset;
+ int token;
try {
itemOffset = AOrderedListSerializerDeserializer.getItemOffset(serList, i);
} catch (AsterixException e) {
throw new AlgebricksException(e);
- tokens1.add(IntegerPointable.getInteger(serList, itemOffset));
+ try {
+ token = ATypeHierarchy.getIntegerValueWithDifferentTypeTagPosition(serList, itemOffset, 1);
+ } catch (HyracksDataException e) {
+ throw new AlgebricksException(e);
+ }
+ tokens1.add(token);
} else {
lengthTokens1 = AUnorderedListSerializerDeserializer.getNumberOfItems(inputVal.getByteArray());
// read tokens
for (i = 0; i < lengthTokens1; i++) {
int itemOffset;
+ int token;
try {
itemOffset = AUnorderedListSerializerDeserializer.getItemOffset(serList, i);
} catch (AsterixException e) {
throw new AlgebricksException(e);
- tokens1.add(IntegerPointable.getInteger(serList, itemOffset));
+ try {
+ token = ATypeHierarchy.getIntegerValueWithDifferentTypeTagPosition(serList, itemOffset, 1);
+ } catch (HyracksDataException e) {
+ throw new AlgebricksException(e);
+ }
+ tokens1.add(token);
// pad tokens
@@ -168,24 +196,40 @@
// read tokens
for (i = 0; i < lengthTokens2; i++) {
int itemOffset;
+ int token;
try {
itemOffset = AOrderedListSerializerDeserializer.getItemOffset(serList, i);
} catch (AsterixException e) {
throw new AlgebricksException(e);
- tokens2.add(IntegerPointable.getInteger(serList, itemOffset));
+ try {
+ token = ATypeHierarchy.getIntegerValueWithDifferentTypeTagPosition(serList, itemOffset, 1);
+ } catch (HyracksDataException e) {
+ throw new AlgebricksException(e);
+ }
+ tokens2.add(token);
} else {
lengthTokens2 = AUnorderedListSerializerDeserializer.getNumberOfItems(inputVal.getByteArray());
// read tokens
for (i = 0; i < lengthTokens2; i++) {
int itemOffset;
+ int token;
try {
itemOffset = AUnorderedListSerializerDeserializer.getItemOffset(serList, i);
} catch (AsterixException e) {
throw new AlgebricksException(e);
- tokens2.add(IntegerPointable.getInteger(serList, itemOffset));
+ try {
+ token = ATypeHierarchy.getIntegerValueWithDifferentTypeTagPosition(serList, itemOffset, 1);
+ } catch (HyracksDataException e) {
+ throw new AlgebricksException(e);
+ }
+ tokens2.add(token);
// pad tokens
@@ -196,7 +240,14 @@
// -- - token prefix - --
- int tokenPrefix = IntegerPointable.getInteger(inputVal.getByteArray(), 1);
+ int tokenPrefix = 0;
+ try {
+ tokenPrefix = ATypeHierarchy.getIntegerValue(inputVal.getByteArray(), 0);
+ } catch (HyracksDataException e) {
+ throw new AlgebricksException(e);
+ }
// -- - position filter - --
diff --git a/asterix-runtime/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/runtime/evaluators/common/SimilarityJaccardSortedCheckEvaluator.java b/asterix-runtime/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/runtime/evaluators/common/SimilarityJaccardSortedCheckEvaluator.java
index 15f788c..26a82e9 100644
--- a/asterix-runtime/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/runtime/evaluators/common/SimilarityJaccardSortedCheckEvaluator.java
+++ b/asterix-runtime/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/runtime/evaluators/common/SimilarityJaccardSortedCheckEvaluator.java
@@ -3,9 +3,9 @@
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* you may obtain a copy of the License from
- *
+ *
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
+ *
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
@@ -14,10 +14,11 @@
package edu.uci.ics.asterix.runtime.evaluators.common;
-import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.types.ATypeTag;
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.fuzzyjoin.similarity.SimilarityMetricJaccard;
+import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.types.ATypeTag;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.algebricks.common.exceptions.AlgebricksException;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.algebricks.runtime.base.ICopyEvaluatorFactory;
+import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.api.exceptions.HyracksDataException;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.data.std.api.IDataOutputProvider;
public class SimilarityJaccardSortedCheckEvaluator extends SimilarityJaccardCheckEvaluator {
@@ -32,6 +33,10 @@
protected float computeResult(byte[] bytes, int firstStart, int secondStart, ATypeTag argType)
throws AlgebricksException {
- return jaccard.getSimilarity(firstListIter, secondListIter, jaccThresh);
+ try {
+ return jaccard.getSimilarity(firstListIter, secondListIter, jaccThresh);
+ } catch (HyracksDataException e) {
+ throw new AlgebricksException(e);
+ }
diff --git a/asterix-runtime/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/runtime/evaluators/common/SimilarityJaccardSortedEvaluator.java b/asterix-runtime/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/runtime/evaluators/common/SimilarityJaccardSortedEvaluator.java
index 079df7a..08a57c0 100644
--- a/asterix-runtime/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/runtime/evaluators/common/SimilarityJaccardSortedEvaluator.java
+++ b/asterix-runtime/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/runtime/evaluators/common/SimilarityJaccardSortedEvaluator.java
@@ -3,9 +3,9 @@
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* you may obtain a copy of the License from
- *
+ *
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
+ *
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
@@ -14,10 +14,11 @@
package edu.uci.ics.asterix.runtime.evaluators.common;
-import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.types.ATypeTag;
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.fuzzyjoin.similarity.SimilarityMetricJaccard;
+import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.types.ATypeTag;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.algebricks.common.exceptions.AlgebricksException;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.algebricks.runtime.base.ICopyEvaluatorFactory;
+import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.api.exceptions.HyracksDataException;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.data.std.api.IDataOutputProvider;
// Assumes that both arguments are sorted by the same ordering.
@@ -32,6 +33,10 @@
protected float computeResult(byte[] bytes, int firstStart, int secondStart, ATypeTag argType)
throws AlgebricksException {
- return jaccard.getSimilarity(firstListIter, secondListIter);
+ try {
+ return jaccard.getSimilarity(firstListIter, secondListIter);
+ } catch (HyracksDataException e) {
+ throw new AlgebricksException(e);
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/asterix-runtime/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/runtime/evaluators/comparisons/AbstractComparisonEvaluator.java b/asterix-runtime/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/runtime/evaluators/comparisons/AbstractComparisonEvaluator.java
index a6ec388..6cce1da 100644
--- a/asterix-runtime/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/runtime/evaluators/comparisons/AbstractComparisonEvaluator.java
+++ b/asterix-runtime/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/runtime/evaluators/comparisons/AbstractComparisonEvaluator.java
@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@
import java.io.DataOutput;
+import edu.uci.ics.asterix.dataflow.data.nontagged.comparators.ABinaryComparator;
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.dataflow.data.nontagged.comparators.ACirclePartialBinaryComparatorFactory;
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.dataflow.data.nontagged.comparators.ADurationPartialBinaryComparatorFactory;
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.dataflow.data.nontagged.comparators.AIntervalPartialBinaryComparatorFactory;
@@ -40,8 +41,10 @@
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.algebricks.common.exceptions.AlgebricksException;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.algebricks.runtime.base.ICopyEvaluator;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.algebricks.runtime.base.ICopyEvaluatorFactory;
+import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.api.dataflow.value.BinaryComparatorConstant.ComparableResultCode;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.api.dataflow.value.IBinaryComparator;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.api.dataflow.value.ISerializerDeserializer;
+import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.api.exceptions.HyracksDataException;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.data.std.accessors.PointableBinaryComparatorFactory;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.data.std.primitive.ByteArrayPointable;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.data.std.primitive.FloatPointable;
@@ -90,8 +93,7 @@
protected IBinaryComparator rectangleBinaryComparator = ARectanglePartialBinaryComparatorFactory.INSTANCE
protected final IBinaryComparator byteArrayComparator = new PointableBinaryComparatorFactory(
- ByteArrayPointable.FACTORY)
- .createBinaryComparator();
+ ByteArrayPointable.FACTORY).createBinaryComparator();
public AbstractComparisonEvaluator(DataOutput out, ICopyEvaluatorFactory evalLeftFactory,
ICopyEvaluatorFactory evalRightFactory) throws AlgebricksException {
@@ -107,7 +109,9 @@
- protected void checkComparable() throws AlgebricksException {
+ // checks whether we can apply >, >=, <, and <= operations to the given type since
+ // these operations can not be defined for certain types.
+ protected void checkTotallyOrderable() throws AlgebricksException {
if (outLeft.getLength() != 0) {
ATypeTag typeTag = EnumDeserializer.ATYPETAGDESERIALIZER.deserialize(outLeft.getByteArray()[0]);
switch (typeTag) {
@@ -119,13 +123,20 @@
case CIRCLE:
- throw new AlgebricksException("Inequality comparison for " + typeTag + " is not defined.");
+ throw new AlgebricksException("Comparison operations (GT, GE, LT, and LE) for the " + typeTag
+ + " type are not defined.");
+ // checks whether two types are comparable
+ protected ComparableResultCode comparabilityCheck() {
+ // just check TypeTags
+ return ABinaryComparator.isComparable(outLeft.getByteArray(), 0, 1, outRight.getByteArray(), 0, 1);
+ }
protected ComparisonResult compareResults() throws AlgebricksException {
boolean isLeftNull = false;
boolean isRightNull = false;
@@ -192,56 +203,60 @@
+ actualTypeTag + ".");
int result = 0;
- switch (actualTypeTag) {
- case TIME:
- case DATE:
- result = Integer.compare(AInt32SerializerDeserializer.getInt(outLeft.getByteArray(), 1),
- AInt32SerializerDeserializer.getInt(outRight.getByteArray(), 1));
- break;
- case DATETIME:
- result = Long.compare(AInt64SerializerDeserializer.getLong(outLeft.getByteArray(), 1),
- AInt64SerializerDeserializer.getLong(outRight.getByteArray(), 1));
- break;
- case CIRCLE:
- result = circleBinaryComp.compare(outLeft.getByteArray(), 1, outLeft.getLength() - 1,
- outRight.getByteArray(), 1, outRight.getLength() - 1);
- break;
- case LINE:
- result = lineBinaryComparator.compare(outLeft.getByteArray(), 1, outLeft.getLength() - 1,
- outRight.getByteArray(), 1, outRight.getLength() - 1);
- break;
- case POINT:
- result = pointBinaryComparator.compare(outLeft.getByteArray(), 1, outLeft.getLength() - 1,
- outRight.getByteArray(), 1, outRight.getLength() - 1);
- break;
- case POINT3D:
- result = point3DBinaryComparator.compare(outLeft.getByteArray(), 1, outLeft.getLength() - 1,
- outRight.getByteArray(), 1, outRight.getLength() - 1);
- break;
- case POLYGON:
- result = polygonBinaryComparator.compare(outLeft.getByteArray(), 1, outLeft.getLength() - 1,
- outRight.getByteArray(), 1, outRight.getLength() - 1);
- break;
- case DURATION:
- result = durationBinaryComp.compare(outLeft.getByteArray(), 1, outLeft.getLength() - 1,
- outRight.getByteArray(), 1, outRight.getLength() - 1);
- break;
- case INTERVAL:
- result = intervalBinaryComp.compare(outLeft.getByteArray(), 1, outLeft.getLength() - 1,
- outRight.getByteArray(), 1, outRight.getLength() - 1);
- break;
- result = rectangleBinaryComparator.compare(outLeft.getByteArray(), 1, outLeft.getLength() - 1,
- outRight.getByteArray(), 1, outRight.getLength() - 1);
- break;
- case BINARY:
- result = byteArrayComparator.compare(outLeft.getByteArray(), 1, outLeft.getLength() - 1,
- outRight.getByteArray(), 1, outRight.getLength() - 1);
- break;
- default:
- throw new AlgebricksException("Comparison for " + actualTypeTag + " is not supported.");
+ try {
+ switch (actualTypeTag) {
+ case TIME:
+ case DATE:
+ result = Integer.compare(AInt32SerializerDeserializer.getInt(outLeft.getByteArray(), 1),
+ AInt32SerializerDeserializer.getInt(outRight.getByteArray(), 1));
+ break;
+ case DATETIME:
+ result = Long.compare(AInt64SerializerDeserializer.getLong(outLeft.getByteArray(), 1),
+ AInt64SerializerDeserializer.getLong(outRight.getByteArray(), 1));
+ break;
+ case CIRCLE:
+ result = circleBinaryComp.compare(outLeft.getByteArray(), 1, outLeft.getLength() - 1,
+ outRight.getByteArray(), 1, outRight.getLength() - 1);
+ break;
+ case LINE:
+ result = lineBinaryComparator.compare(outLeft.getByteArray(), 1, outLeft.getLength() - 1,
+ outRight.getByteArray(), 1, outRight.getLength() - 1);
+ break;
+ case POINT:
+ result = pointBinaryComparator.compare(outLeft.getByteArray(), 1, outLeft.getLength() - 1,
+ outRight.getByteArray(), 1, outRight.getLength() - 1);
+ break;
+ case POINT3D:
+ result = point3DBinaryComparator.compare(outLeft.getByteArray(), 1, outLeft.getLength() - 1,
+ outRight.getByteArray(), 1, outRight.getLength() - 1);
+ break;
+ case POLYGON:
+ result = polygonBinaryComparator.compare(outLeft.getByteArray(), 1, outLeft.getLength() - 1,
+ outRight.getByteArray(), 1, outRight.getLength() - 1);
+ break;
+ case DURATION:
+ result = durationBinaryComp.compare(outLeft.getByteArray(), 1, outLeft.getLength() - 1,
+ outRight.getByteArray(), 1, outRight.getLength() - 1);
+ break;
+ case INTERVAL:
+ result = intervalBinaryComp.compare(outLeft.getByteArray(), 1, outLeft.getLength() - 1,
+ outRight.getByteArray(), 1, outRight.getLength() - 1);
+ break;
+ result = rectangleBinaryComparator.compare(outLeft.getByteArray(), 1, outLeft.getLength() - 1,
+ outRight.getByteArray(), 1, outRight.getLength() - 1);
+ break;
+ case BINARY:
+ result = byteArrayComparator.compare(outLeft.getByteArray(), 1, outLeft.getLength() - 1,
+ outRight.getByteArray(), 1, outRight.getLength() - 1);
+ break;
+ default:
+ throw new AlgebricksException("Comparison for " + actualTypeTag + " is not supported.");
+ }
+ } catch (HyracksDataException e) {
+ throw new AlgebricksException(e);
if (result == 0) {
return ComparisonResult.EQUAL;
@@ -263,8 +278,13 @@
private ComparisonResult compareStringWithArg(ATypeTag typeTag2) throws AlgebricksException {
if (typeTag2 == ATypeTag.STRING) {
- int result = strBinaryComp.compare(outLeft.getByteArray(), 1, outLeft.getLength() - 1,
- outRight.getByteArray(), 1, outRight.getLength() - 1);
+ int result;
+ try {
+ result = strBinaryComp.compare(outLeft.getByteArray(), 1, outLeft.getLength() - 1,
+ outRight.getByteArray(), 1, outRight.getLength() - 1);
+ } catch (HyracksDataException e) {
+ throw new AlgebricksException(e);
+ }
if (result == 0) {
return ComparisonResult.EQUAL;
} else if (result < 0) {
diff --git a/asterix-runtime/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/runtime/evaluators/comparisons/ComparisonEvalFactory.java b/asterix-runtime/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/runtime/evaluators/comparisons/ComparisonEvalFactory.java
index d62db02..ad3d007 100644
--- a/asterix-runtime/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/runtime/evaluators/comparisons/ComparisonEvalFactory.java
+++ b/asterix-runtime/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/runtime/evaluators/comparisons/ComparisonEvalFactory.java
@@ -3,9 +3,9 @@
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* you may obtain a copy of the License from
- *
+ *
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
+ *
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
@@ -79,21 +79,41 @@
public void evaluate(IFrameTupleReference tuple) throws AlgebricksException {
- ComparisonResult r = compareResults();
- if (r == ComparisonResult.UNKNOWN) {
- try {
- nullSerde.serialize(ANull.NULL, out);
- return;
- } catch (HyracksDataException e) {
- throw new AlgebricksException(e);
- }
+ // Checks whether two types are comparable
+ switch (comparabilityCheck()) {
+ case UNKNOWN:
+ // result:UNKNOWN - NULL value found
+ try {
+ nullSerde.serialize(ANull.NULL, out);
+ return;
+ } catch (HyracksDataException e) {
+ throw new AlgebricksException(e);
+ }
+ case FALSE:
+ // result:FALSE - two types cannot be compared. Thus we return FALSE since this is equality comparison
+ ABoolean b = ABoolean.FALSE;
+ try {
+ serde.serialize(b, out);
+ } catch (HyracksDataException e) {
+ throw new AlgebricksException(e);
+ }
+ break;
+ case TRUE:
+ // Two types can be compared
+ ComparisonResult r = compareResults();
+ ABoolean b1 = (r == ComparisonResult.EQUAL) ? ABoolean.TRUE : ABoolean.FALSE;
+ try {
+ serde.serialize(b1, out);
+ } catch (HyracksDataException e) {
+ throw new AlgebricksException(e);
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ throw new AlgebricksException(
+ "Equality Comparison cannot be processed. The return code from ComparabilityCheck is not correct.");
- ABoolean b = (r == ComparisonResult.EQUAL) ? ABoolean.TRUE : ABoolean.FALSE;
- try {
- serde.serialize(b, out);
- } catch (HyracksDataException e) {
- throw new AlgebricksException(e);
- }
@@ -107,21 +127,41 @@
public void evaluate(IFrameTupleReference tuple) throws AlgebricksException {
- ComparisonResult r = compareResults();
- if (r == ComparisonResult.UNKNOWN) {
- try {
- nullSerde.serialize(ANull.NULL, out);
- return;
- } catch (HyracksDataException e) {
- throw new AlgebricksException(e);
- }
+ // Checks whether two types are comparable
+ switch (comparabilityCheck()) {
+ case UNKNOWN:
+ // result:UNKNOWN - NULL value found
+ try {
+ nullSerde.serialize(ANull.NULL, out);
+ return;
+ } catch (HyracksDataException e) {
+ throw new AlgebricksException(e);
+ }
+ case FALSE:
+ // result:FALSE - two types cannot be compared. Thus we return TRUE since this is NOT EQ comparison.
+ ABoolean b = ABoolean.TRUE;
+ try {
+ serde.serialize(b, out);
+ } catch (HyracksDataException e) {
+ throw new AlgebricksException(e);
+ }
+ break;
+ case TRUE:
+ // Two types can be compared
+ ComparisonResult r = compareResults();
+ ABoolean b1 = (r != ComparisonResult.EQUAL) ? ABoolean.TRUE : ABoolean.FALSE;
+ try {
+ serde.serialize(b1, out);
+ } catch (HyracksDataException e) {
+ throw new AlgebricksException(e);
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ throw new AlgebricksException(
+ "Inequality Comparison cannot be processed. The return code from ComparabilityCheck is not correct.");
- ABoolean b = (r != ComparisonResult.EQUAL) ? ABoolean.TRUE : ABoolean.FALSE;
- try {
- serde.serialize(b, out);
- } catch (HyracksDataException e) {
- throw new AlgebricksException(e);
- }
@@ -135,23 +175,46 @@
public void evaluate(IFrameTupleReference tuple) throws AlgebricksException {
- checkComparable();
- ComparisonResult r = compareResults();
- if (r == ComparisonResult.UNKNOWN) {
- try {
- nullSerde.serialize(ANull.NULL, out);
- return;
- } catch (HyracksDataException e) {
- throw new AlgebricksException(e);
- }
+ // checks whether we can apply >, >=, <, and <= to the given type since
+ // these operations cannot be defined for certain types.
+ checkTotallyOrderable();
+ // Checks whether two types are comparable
+ switch (comparabilityCheck()) {
+ case UNKNOWN:
+ // result:UNKNOWN - NULL value found
+ try {
+ nullSerde.serialize(ANull.NULL, out);
+ return;
+ } catch (HyracksDataException e) {
+ throw new AlgebricksException(e);
+ }
+ case FALSE:
+ // result:FALSE - two types cannot be compared. Thus we return FALSE since this is an inequality comparison.
+ ABoolean b = ABoolean.FALSE;
+ try {
+ serde.serialize(b, out);
+ } catch (HyracksDataException e) {
+ throw new AlgebricksException(e);
+ }
+ break;
+ case TRUE:
+ // Two types can be compared
+ ComparisonResult r = compareResults();
+ ABoolean b1 = (r == ComparisonResult.EQUAL || r == ComparisonResult.GREATER_THAN) ? ABoolean.TRUE
+ : ABoolean.FALSE;
+ try {
+ serde.serialize(b1, out);
+ } catch (HyracksDataException e) {
+ throw new AlgebricksException(e);
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ throw new AlgebricksException(
+ "Inequality Comparison cannot be processed. The return code from ComparabilityCheck is not correct.");
- ABoolean b = (r == ComparisonResult.EQUAL || r == ComparisonResult.GREATER_THAN) ? ABoolean.TRUE
- : ABoolean.FALSE;
- try {
- serde.serialize(b, out);
- } catch (HyracksDataException e) {
- throw new AlgebricksException(e);
- }
@@ -165,22 +228,45 @@
public void evaluate(IFrameTupleReference tuple) throws AlgebricksException {
- checkComparable();
- ComparisonResult r = compareResults();
- if (r == ComparisonResult.UNKNOWN) {
- try {
- nullSerde.serialize(ANull.NULL, out);
- return;
- } catch (HyracksDataException e) {
- throw new AlgebricksException(e);
- }
+ // checks whether we can apply >, >=, <, and <= to the given type since
+ // these operations cannot be defined for certain types.
+ checkTotallyOrderable();
+ // Checks whether two types are comparable
+ switch (comparabilityCheck()) {
+ case UNKNOWN:
+ // result:UNKNOWN - NULL value found
+ try {
+ nullSerde.serialize(ANull.NULL, out);
+ return;
+ } catch (HyracksDataException e) {
+ throw new AlgebricksException(e);
+ }
+ case FALSE:
+ // result:FALSE - two types cannot be compared. Thus we return FALSE since this is an inequality comparison.
+ ABoolean b = ABoolean.FALSE;
+ try {
+ serde.serialize(b, out);
+ } catch (HyracksDataException e) {
+ throw new AlgebricksException(e);
+ }
+ break;
+ case TRUE:
+ // Two types can be compared
+ ComparisonResult r = compareResults();
+ ABoolean b1 = (r == ComparisonResult.GREATER_THAN) ? ABoolean.TRUE : ABoolean.FALSE;
+ try {
+ serde.serialize(b1, out);
+ } catch (HyracksDataException e) {
+ throw new AlgebricksException(e);
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ throw new AlgebricksException(
+ "Inequality Comparison cannot be processed. The return code from ComparabilityCheck is not correct.");
- ABoolean b = (r == ComparisonResult.GREATER_THAN) ? ABoolean.TRUE : ABoolean.FALSE;
- try {
- serde.serialize(b, out);
- } catch (HyracksDataException e) {
- throw new AlgebricksException(e);
- }
@@ -194,23 +280,46 @@
public void evaluate(IFrameTupleReference tuple) throws AlgebricksException {
- checkComparable();
- ComparisonResult r = compareResults();
- if (r == ComparisonResult.UNKNOWN) {
- try {
- nullSerde.serialize(ANull.NULL, out);
- return;
- } catch (HyracksDataException e) {
- throw new AlgebricksException(e);
- }
+ // checks whether we can apply >, >=, <, and <= to the given type since
+ // these operations cannot be defined for certain types.
+ checkTotallyOrderable();
+ // Checks whether two types are comparable
+ switch (comparabilityCheck()) {
+ case UNKNOWN:
+ // result:UNKNOWN - NULL value found
+ try {
+ nullSerde.serialize(ANull.NULL, out);
+ return;
+ } catch (HyracksDataException e) {
+ throw new AlgebricksException(e);
+ }
+ case FALSE:
+ // result:FALSE - two types cannot be compared. Thus we return FALSE since this is an inequality comparison.
+ ABoolean b = ABoolean.FALSE;
+ try {
+ serde.serialize(b, out);
+ } catch (HyracksDataException e) {
+ throw new AlgebricksException(e);
+ }
+ break;
+ case TRUE:
+ // Two types can be compared
+ ComparisonResult r = compareResults();
+ ABoolean b1 = (r == ComparisonResult.EQUAL || r == ComparisonResult.LESS_THAN) ? ABoolean.TRUE
+ : ABoolean.FALSE;
+ try {
+ serde.serialize(b1, out);
+ } catch (HyracksDataException e) {
+ throw new AlgebricksException(e);
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ throw new AlgebricksException(
+ "Inequality Comparison cannot be processed. The return code from ComparabilityCheck is not correct.");
- ABoolean b = (r == ComparisonResult.EQUAL || r == ComparisonResult.LESS_THAN) ? ABoolean.TRUE
- : ABoolean.FALSE;
- try {
- serde.serialize(b, out);
- } catch (HyracksDataException e) {
- throw new AlgebricksException(e);
- }
@@ -224,22 +333,45 @@
public void evaluate(IFrameTupleReference tuple) throws AlgebricksException {
- checkComparable();
- ComparisonResult r = compareResults();
- if (r == ComparisonResult.UNKNOWN) {
- try {
- nullSerde.serialize(ANull.NULL, out);
- return;
- } catch (HyracksDataException e) {
- throw new AlgebricksException(e);
- }
+ // checks whether we can apply >, >=, <, and <= to the given type since
+ // these operations cannot be defined for certain types.
+ checkTotallyOrderable();
+ // Checks whether two types are comparable
+ switch (comparabilityCheck()) {
+ case UNKNOWN:
+ // result:UNKNOWN - NULL value found
+ try {
+ nullSerde.serialize(ANull.NULL, out);
+ return;
+ } catch (HyracksDataException e) {
+ throw new AlgebricksException(e);
+ }
+ case FALSE:
+ // result:FALSE - two types cannot be compared. Thus we return FALSE since this is an inequality comparison.
+ ABoolean b = ABoolean.FALSE;
+ try {
+ serde.serialize(b, out);
+ } catch (HyracksDataException e) {
+ throw new AlgebricksException(e);
+ }
+ break;
+ case TRUE:
+ // Two types can be compared
+ ComparisonResult r = compareResults();
+ ABoolean b1 = (r == ComparisonResult.LESS_THAN) ? ABoolean.TRUE : ABoolean.FALSE;
+ try {
+ serde.serialize(b1, out);
+ } catch (HyracksDataException e) {
+ throw new AlgebricksException(e);
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ throw new AlgebricksException(
+ "Inequality Comparison cannot be processed. The return code from ComparabilityCheck is not correct.");
- ABoolean b = (r == ComparisonResult.LESS_THAN) ? ABoolean.TRUE : ABoolean.FALSE;
- try {
- serde.serialize(b, out);
- } catch (HyracksDataException e) {
- throw new AlgebricksException(e);
- }
diff --git a/asterix-runtime/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/runtime/evaluators/constructors/AStringConstructorDescriptor.java b/asterix-runtime/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/runtime/evaluators/constructors/AStringConstructorDescriptor.java
index 7cf588e..e860ef9 100644
--- a/asterix-runtime/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/runtime/evaluators/constructors/AStringConstructorDescriptor.java
+++ b/asterix-runtime/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/runtime/evaluators/constructors/AStringConstructorDescriptor.java
@@ -3,9 +3,9 @@
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* you may obtain a copy of the License from
- *
+ *
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
+ *
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
@@ -76,6 +76,7 @@
public void evaluate(IFrameTupleReference tuple) throws AlgebricksException {
try {
+ baaos.reset();
byte[] serString = outInput.getByteArray();
diff --git a/asterix-runtime/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/runtime/evaluators/functions/BinaryHashMap.java b/asterix-runtime/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/runtime/evaluators/functions/BinaryHashMap.java
index 7451ac3..bd056cf 100644
--- a/asterix-runtime/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/runtime/evaluators/functions/BinaryHashMap.java
+++ b/asterix-runtime/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/runtime/evaluators/functions/BinaryHashMap.java
@@ -3,9 +3,9 @@
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* you may obtain a copy of the License from
- *
+ *
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
+ *
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
@@ -91,27 +91,29 @@
* Inserts key, value into the hash map. If key already exists, returns
* existing entry. Otherwise, returns null.
- *
+ *
* @param key
* @param value
* @return
+ * @throws HyracksDataException
- public BinaryEntry put(BinaryEntry key, BinaryEntry value) {
+ public BinaryEntry put(BinaryEntry key, BinaryEntry value) throws HyracksDataException {
return getPutInternal(key, value, true);
* Retrieves value for given key. Returns null if key doesn't exist.
- *
+ *
* @param key
* @param value
* @return
+ * @throws HyracksDataException
- public BinaryEntry get(BinaryEntry key) {
+ public BinaryEntry get(BinaryEntry key) throws HyracksDataException {
return getPutInternal(key, null, false);
- private BinaryEntry getPutInternal(BinaryEntry key, BinaryEntry value, boolean put) {
+ private BinaryEntry getPutInternal(BinaryEntry key, BinaryEntry value, boolean put) throws HyracksDataException {
int bucket;
if (put) {
bucket = Math.abs(putHashFunc.hash(key.buf, key.off, key.len) % listHeads.length);
diff --git a/asterix-runtime/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/runtime/evaluators/functions/CastRecordDescriptor.java b/asterix-runtime/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/runtime/evaluators/functions/CastRecordDescriptor.java
index fbdbaf3..534dd58 100644
--- a/asterix-runtime/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/runtime/evaluators/functions/CastRecordDescriptor.java
+++ b/asterix-runtime/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/runtime/evaluators/functions/CastRecordDescriptor.java
@@ -3,9 +3,9 @@
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* you may obtain a copy of the License from
- *
+ *
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
+ *
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
@@ -31,6 +31,7 @@
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.algebricks.core.algebra.functions.FunctionIdentifier;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.algebricks.runtime.base.ICopyEvaluator;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.algebricks.runtime.base.ICopyEvaluatorFactory;
+import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.api.exceptions.HyracksDataException;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.data.std.api.IDataOutputProvider;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.data.std.util.ArrayBackedValueStorage;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.dataflow.common.data.accessors.IFrameTupleReference;
@@ -73,7 +74,7 @@
try {
clonedRecType = new ARecordType(reqType.getTypeName(), reqType.getFieldNames(),
reqType.getFieldTypes(), reqType.isOpen());
- } catch (AsterixException e) {
+ } catch (AsterixException | HyracksDataException e) {
throw new AlgebricksException(e);
diff --git a/asterix-runtime/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/runtime/evaluators/functions/CodePointToStringDescriptor.java b/asterix-runtime/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/runtime/evaluators/functions/CodePointToStringDescriptor.java
index 934810f..cb64c5d 100644
--- a/asterix-runtime/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/runtime/evaluators/functions/CodePointToStringDescriptor.java
+++ b/asterix-runtime/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/runtime/evaluators/functions/CodePointToStringDescriptor.java
@@ -3,9 +3,9 @@
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* you may obtain a copy of the License from
- *
+ *
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
+ *
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
@@ -18,13 +18,13 @@
import java.io.IOException;
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.common.exceptions.AsterixException;
-import edu.uci.ics.asterix.dataflow.data.nontagged.serde.AInt32SerializerDeserializer;
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.dataflow.data.nontagged.serde.AOrderedListSerializerDeserializer;
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.functions.AsterixBuiltinFunctions;
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.functions.IFunctionDescriptor;
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.functions.IFunctionDescriptorFactory;
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.types.ATypeTag;
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.types.EnumDeserializer;
+import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.types.hierachy.ATypeHierarchy;
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.runtime.evaluators.base.AbstractScalarFunctionDynamicDescriptor;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.algebricks.common.exceptions.AlgebricksException;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.algebricks.core.algebra.functions.FunctionIdentifier;
@@ -43,8 +43,6 @@
return new CodePointToStringDescriptor();
- private final static byte SER_ORDEREDLIST_TYPE_TAG = ATypeTag.ORDEREDLIST.serialize();
- private final static byte SER_INT32_TYPE_TAG = ATypeTag.INT32.serialize();
private final static byte[] currentUTF8 = new byte[6];
private final byte stringTypeTag = ATypeTag.STRING.serialize();
@@ -108,20 +106,35 @@
byte[] serOrderedList = outInputList.getByteArray();
- if (serOrderedList[0] != SER_ORDEREDLIST_TYPE_TAG
- && serOrderedList[1] != SER_INT32_TYPE_TAG) {
- throw new AlgebricksException(AsterixBuiltinFunctions.CODEPOINT_TO_STRING.getName()
- + ": expects input type ORDEREDLIST but got "
- + EnumDeserializer.ATYPETAGDESERIALIZER.deserialize(serOrderedList[0]));
+ int size = 0;
+ if (ATypeTag.VALUE_TYPE_MAPPING[serOrderedList[0]] != ATypeTag.ORDEREDLIST) {
+ cannotProcessException(serOrderedList[0], serOrderedList[1]);
+ } else {
+ switch (ATypeTag.VALUE_TYPE_MAPPING[serOrderedList[1]]) {
+ case INT8:
+ case INT16:
+ case INT32:
+ case INT64:
+ case FLOAT:
+ case DOUBLE:
+ case ANY:
+ size = AOrderedListSerializerDeserializer.getNumberOfItems(serOrderedList);
+ break;
+ default:
+ cannotProcessException(serOrderedList[0], serOrderedList[1]);
+ }
- int size = AOrderedListSerializerDeserializer.getNumberOfItems(serOrderedList);
try {
// calculate length first
int utf_8_len = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
int itemOffset = AOrderedListSerializerDeserializer
.getItemOffset(serOrderedList, i);
- int codePoint = AInt32SerializerDeserializer.getInt(serOrderedList, itemOffset);
+ int codePoint = 0;
+ codePoint = ATypeHierarchy.getIntegerValueWithDifferentTypeTagPosition(
+ serOrderedList, itemOffset, 1);
utf_8_len += codePointToUTF8(codePoint);
@@ -129,7 +142,9 @@
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
int itemOffset = AOrderedListSerializerDeserializer
.getItemOffset(serOrderedList, i);
- int codePoint = AInt32SerializerDeserializer.getInt(serOrderedList, itemOffset);
+ int codePoint = 0;
+ codePoint = ATypeHierarchy.getIntegerValueWithDifferentTypeTagPosition(
+ serOrderedList, itemOffset, 1);
utf_8_len = codePointToUTF8(codePoint);
for (int j = 0; j < utf_8_len; j++) {
@@ -151,4 +166,12 @@
public FunctionIdentifier getIdentifier() {
return AsterixBuiltinFunctions.CODEPOINT_TO_STRING;
+ private void cannotProcessException(byte tag1, byte tag2) throws AlgebricksException {
+ throw new AlgebricksException(AsterixBuiltinFunctions.CODEPOINT_TO_STRING.getName()
+ + ": expects input type ORDEREDLIST/[INT8|INT16|INT32|INT64|FLOAT|DOUBLE] but got "
+ + EnumDeserializer.ATYPETAGDESERIALIZER.deserialize(tag1) + "/"
+ + EnumDeserializer.ATYPETAGDESERIALIZER.deserialize(tag2));
+ }
diff --git a/asterix-runtime/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/runtime/evaluators/functions/EditDistanceListIsFilterable.java b/asterix-runtime/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/runtime/evaluators/functions/EditDistanceListIsFilterable.java
index e0383a5..4b892cf 100644
--- a/asterix-runtime/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/runtime/evaluators/functions/EditDistanceListIsFilterable.java
+++ b/asterix-runtime/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/runtime/evaluators/functions/EditDistanceListIsFilterable.java
@@ -26,14 +26,15 @@
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.types.ATypeTag;
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.types.BuiltinType;
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.types.EnumDeserializer;
+import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.types.hierachy.ATypeHierarchy;
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.runtime.evaluators.base.AbstractScalarFunctionDynamicDescriptor;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.algebricks.common.exceptions.AlgebricksException;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.algebricks.core.algebra.functions.FunctionIdentifier;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.algebricks.runtime.base.ICopyEvaluator;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.algebricks.runtime.base.ICopyEvaluatorFactory;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.api.dataflow.value.ISerializerDeserializer;
+import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.api.exceptions.HyracksDataException;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.data.std.api.IDataOutputProvider;
-import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.data.std.primitive.IntegerPointable;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.data.std.util.ArrayBackedValueStorage;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.dataflow.common.data.accessors.IFrameTupleReference;
@@ -47,6 +48,7 @@
public class EditDistanceListIsFilterable extends AbstractScalarFunctionDynamicDescriptor {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
public static final IFunctionDescriptorFactory FACTORY = new IFunctionDescriptorFactory() {
public IFunctionDescriptor createFunctionDescriptor() {
return new EditDistanceListIsFilterable();
@@ -97,7 +99,7 @@
typeTag = EnumDeserializer.ATYPETAGDESERIALIZER.deserialize(argBuf.getByteArray()[0]);
- int listLen = 0;
+ long listLen = 0;
switch (typeTag) {
listLen = AUnorderedListSerializerDeserializer.getNumberOfItems(argBuf.getByteArray(), 0);
@@ -118,14 +120,16 @@
typeTag = EnumDeserializer.ATYPETAGDESERIALIZER.deserialize(argBuf.getByteArray()[0]);
- if (!typeTag.equals(ATypeTag.INT32)) {
- throw new AlgebricksException(AsterixBuiltinFunctions.EDIT_DISTANCE_LIST_IS_FILTERABLE.getName()
- + ": expected type INT32 as the second argument, but got " + typeTag + ".");
+ long edThresh;
+ try {
+ edThresh = ATypeHierarchy.getIntegerValue(argBuf.getByteArray(), 0);
+ } catch (HyracksDataException e1) {
+ throw new AlgebricksException(e1);
- int edThresh = IntegerPointable.getInteger(argBuf.getByteArray(), 1);
// Compute result.
- int lowerBound = listLen - edThresh;
+ long lowerBound = listLen - edThresh;
try {
if (lowerBound <= 0) {
booleanSerde.serialize(ABoolean.FALSE, output.getDataOutput());
diff --git a/asterix-runtime/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/runtime/evaluators/functions/EditDistanceStringIsFilterable.java b/asterix-runtime/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/runtime/evaluators/functions/EditDistanceStringIsFilterable.java
index 33469e2..d5135db 100644
--- a/asterix-runtime/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/runtime/evaluators/functions/EditDistanceStringIsFilterable.java
+++ b/asterix-runtime/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/runtime/evaluators/functions/EditDistanceStringIsFilterable.java
@@ -24,15 +24,16 @@
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.types.ATypeTag;
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.types.BuiltinType;
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.types.EnumDeserializer;
+import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.types.hierachy.ATypeHierarchy;
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.runtime.evaluators.base.AbstractScalarFunctionDynamicDescriptor;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.algebricks.common.exceptions.AlgebricksException;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.algebricks.core.algebra.functions.FunctionIdentifier;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.algebricks.runtime.base.ICopyEvaluator;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.algebricks.runtime.base.ICopyEvaluatorFactory;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.api.dataflow.value.ISerializerDeserializer;
+import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.api.exceptions.HyracksDataException;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.data.std.api.IDataOutputProvider;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.data.std.primitive.BooleanPointable;
-import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.data.std.primitive.IntegerPointable;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.data.std.primitive.UTF8StringPointable;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.data.std.util.ArrayBackedValueStorage;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.dataflow.common.data.accessors.IFrameTupleReference;
@@ -107,7 +108,7 @@
int utf8Length = UTF8StringPointable.getUTFLength(argBuf.getByteArray(), 1);
int pos = 3;
- int strLen = 0;
+ long strLen = 0;
int end = pos + utf8Length;
while (pos < end) {
@@ -118,21 +119,26 @@
typeTag = EnumDeserializer.ATYPETAGDESERIALIZER.deserialize(argBuf.getByteArray()[0]);
- if (!typeTag.equals(ATypeTag.INT32)) {
- throw new AlgebricksException(AsterixBuiltinFunctions.EDIT_DISTANCE_STRING_IS_FILTERABLE.getName()
- + ": expects input type INT32 as second argument, but got " + typeTag + ".");
+ long edThresh = 0;
+ try {
+ edThresh = ATypeHierarchy.getIntegerValue(argBuf.getByteArray(), 0);
+ } catch (HyracksDataException e1) {
+ throw new AlgebricksException(e1);
- int edThresh = IntegerPointable.getInteger(argBuf.getByteArray(), 1);
// Check type and extract gram length.
typeTag = EnumDeserializer.ATYPETAGDESERIALIZER.deserialize(argBuf.getByteArray()[0]);
- if (!typeTag.equals(ATypeTag.INT32)) {
- throw new AlgebricksException(AsterixBuiltinFunctions.EDIT_DISTANCE_STRING_IS_FILTERABLE.getName()
- + ": expects input type INT32 as third argument, but got " + typeTag + ".");
+ long gramLen = 0;
+ try {
+ gramLen = ATypeHierarchy.getIntegerValue(argBuf.getByteArray(), 0);
+ } catch (HyracksDataException e1) {
+ throw new AlgebricksException(e1);
- int gramLen = IntegerPointable.getInteger(argBuf.getByteArray(), 1);
// Check type and extract usePrePost flag.
@@ -145,8 +151,8 @@
boolean usePrePost = BooleanPointable.getBoolean(argBuf.getByteArray(), 1);
// Compute result.
- int numGrams = (usePrePost) ? strLen + gramLen - 1 : strLen - gramLen + 1;
- int lowerBound = numGrams - edThresh * gramLen;
+ long numGrams = (usePrePost) ? strLen + gramLen - 1 : strLen - gramLen + 1;
+ long lowerBound = numGrams - edThresh * gramLen;
try {
if (lowerBound <= 0 || strLen == 0) {
booleanSerde.serialize(ABoolean.FALSE, output.getDataOutput());
diff --git a/asterix-runtime/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/runtime/evaluators/functions/GetItemDescriptor.java b/asterix-runtime/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/runtime/evaluators/functions/GetItemDescriptor.java
index 8aea6c1..c1480f6 100644
--- a/asterix-runtime/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/runtime/evaluators/functions/GetItemDescriptor.java
+++ b/asterix-runtime/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/runtime/evaluators/functions/GetItemDescriptor.java
@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.types.ATypeTag;
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.types.BuiltinType;
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.types.EnumDeserializer;
+import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.types.hierachy.ATypeHierarchy;
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.util.NonTaggedFormatUtil;
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.runtime.evaluators.base.AbstractScalarFunctionDynamicDescriptor;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.algebricks.common.exceptions.AlgebricksException;
@@ -35,7 +36,6 @@
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.algebricks.runtime.base.ICopyEvaluatorFactory;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.api.dataflow.value.ISerializerDeserializer;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.data.std.api.IDataOutputProvider;
-import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.data.std.primitive.IntegerPointable;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.data.std.util.ArrayBackedValueStorage;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.dataflow.common.data.accessors.IFrameTupleReference;
@@ -66,7 +66,6 @@
private ICopyEvaluatorFactory indexEvalFactory;
private final static byte SER_ORDEREDLIST_TYPE_TAG = ATypeTag.ORDEREDLIST.serialize();
private final static byte SER_NULL_TYPE_TAG = ATypeTag.NULL.serialize();
- private final static byte SER_INT32_TYPE_TAG = ATypeTag.INT32.serialize();
private byte serItemTypeTag;
private ATypeTag itemTag;
private boolean selfDescList = false;
@@ -107,16 +106,18 @@
- if (serOrderedList[0] != SER_ORDEREDLIST_TYPE_TAG
- || outInputIdx.getByteArray()[0] != SER_INT32_TYPE_TAG) {
- throw new AlgebricksException(AsterixBuiltinFunctions.GET_ITEM.getName()
- + ": expects input type (NULL/ORDEREDLIST, INT32), but got ("
- + EnumDeserializer.ATYPETAGDESERIALIZER.deserialize(serOrderedList[0]) + ", "
- + EnumDeserializer.ATYPETAGDESERIALIZER.deserialize(outInputIdx.getByteArray()[0])
- + ").");
+ if (serOrderedList[0] == SER_ORDEREDLIST_TYPE_TAG) {
+ itemIndex = ATypeHierarchy.getIntegerValue(outInputIdx.getByteArray(), 0);
+ } else {
+ throw new AlgebricksException(
+ AsterixBuiltinFunctions.GET_ITEM.getName()
+ + ": expects input type (NULL/ORDEREDLIST, [INT8/16/32/64/FLOAT/DOUBLE]), but got ("
+ + EnumDeserializer.ATYPETAGDESERIALIZER.deserialize(serOrderedList[0])
+ + ", "
+ + EnumDeserializer.ATYPETAGDESERIALIZER.deserialize(outInputIdx
+ .getByteArray()[0]) + ").");
- itemIndex = IntegerPointable.getInteger(outInputIdx.getByteArray(), 1);
if (itemIndex >= AOrderedListSerializerDeserializer.getNumberOfItems(serOrderedList)) {
diff --git a/asterix-runtime/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/runtime/evaluators/functions/LenDescriptor.java b/asterix-runtime/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/runtime/evaluators/functions/LenDescriptor.java
index 9ff22ce..df531f2 100644
--- a/asterix-runtime/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/runtime/evaluators/functions/LenDescriptor.java
+++ b/asterix-runtime/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/runtime/evaluators/functions/LenDescriptor.java
@@ -3,9 +3,9 @@
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* you may obtain a copy of the License from
- *
+ *
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
+ *
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
@@ -20,8 +20,8 @@
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.dataflow.data.nontagged.serde.AOrderedListSerializerDeserializer;
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.dataflow.data.nontagged.serde.AUnorderedListSerializerDeserializer;
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.formats.nontagged.AqlSerializerDeserializerProvider;
-import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.base.AInt32;
-import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.base.AMutableInt32;
+import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.base.AInt64;
+import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.base.AMutableInt64;
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.base.ANull;
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.functions.AsterixBuiltinFunctions;
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.functions.IFunctionDescriptor;
@@ -68,10 +68,10 @@
private final ICopyEvaluator evalList = args[0].createEvaluator(inputVal);
// result
- private final AMutableInt32 res = new AMutableInt32(0);
+ private final AMutableInt64 res = new AMutableInt64(0);
- private final ISerializerDeserializer<AInt32> int32Serde = AqlSerializerDeserializerProvider.INSTANCE
- .getSerializerDeserializer(BuiltinType.AINT32);
+ private final ISerializerDeserializer<AInt64> int64Serde = AqlSerializerDeserializerProvider.INSTANCE
+ .getSerializerDeserializer(BuiltinType.AINT64);
private ISerializerDeserializer<ANull> nullSerde = AqlSerializerDeserializerProvider.INSTANCE
@@ -106,7 +106,7 @@
try {
- int32Serde.serialize(res, out);
+ int64Serde.serialize(res, out);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new AlgebricksException(e);
diff --git a/asterix-runtime/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/runtime/evaluators/functions/PrefixLenJaccardDescriptor.java b/asterix-runtime/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/runtime/evaluators/functions/PrefixLenJaccardDescriptor.java
index 5886a1d..670375c 100644
--- a/asterix-runtime/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/runtime/evaluators/functions/PrefixLenJaccardDescriptor.java
+++ b/asterix-runtime/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/runtime/evaluators/functions/PrefixLenJaccardDescriptor.java
@@ -28,14 +28,15 @@
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.types.ATypeTag;
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.types.BuiltinType;
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.types.EnumDeserializer;
+import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.types.hierachy.ATypeHierarchy;
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.runtime.evaluators.base.AbstractScalarFunctionDynamicDescriptor;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.algebricks.common.exceptions.AlgebricksException;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.algebricks.core.algebra.functions.FunctionIdentifier;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.algebricks.runtime.base.ICopyEvaluator;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.algebricks.runtime.base.ICopyEvaluatorFactory;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.api.dataflow.value.ISerializerDeserializer;
+import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.api.exceptions.HyracksDataException;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.data.std.api.IDataOutputProvider;
-import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.data.std.primitive.IntegerPointable;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.data.std.util.ArrayBackedValueStorage;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.dataflow.common.data.accessors.IFrameTupleReference;
@@ -43,8 +44,6 @@
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
- // allowed input types
- private final static byte SER_INT32_TYPE_TAG = ATypeTag.INT32.serialize();
private final static byte SER_FLOAT_TYPE_TAG = ATypeTag.FLOAT.serialize();
public static final IFunctionDescriptorFactory FACTORY = new IFunctionDescriptorFactory() {
@@ -68,6 +67,7 @@
private final ArrayBackedValueStorage inputVal = new ArrayBackedValueStorage();
private final ICopyEvaluator evalLen = args[0].createEvaluator(inputVal);
private final ICopyEvaluator evalThreshold = args[1].createEvaluator(inputVal);
+ private final ArrayBackedValueStorage castBuffer = new ArrayBackedValueStorage();
private float similarityThresholdCache;
private SimilarityFiltersJaccard similarityFilters;
@@ -83,12 +83,12 @@
// length
- if (inputVal.getByteArray()[0] != SER_INT32_TYPE_TAG) {
- throw new AlgebricksException(AsterixBuiltinFunctions.PREFIX_LEN_JACCARD.getName()
- + ": expects type Int32 the first argument but got "
- + EnumDeserializer.ATYPETAGDESERIALIZER.deserialize(inputVal.getByteArray()[0]));
+ int length = 0;
+ try {
+ length = ATypeHierarchy.getIntegerValue(inputVal.getByteArray(), 0);
+ } catch (HyracksDataException e1) {
+ throw new AlgebricksException(e1);
- int length = IntegerPointable.getInteger(inputVal.getByteArray(), 1);
// similarity threshold
diff --git a/asterix-runtime/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/runtime/evaluators/functions/RecordMergeDescriptor.java b/asterix-runtime/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/runtime/evaluators/functions/RecordMergeDescriptor.java
index 9aa6057..e956e14 100644
--- a/asterix-runtime/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/runtime/evaluators/functions/RecordMergeDescriptor.java
+++ b/asterix-runtime/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/runtime/evaluators/functions/RecordMergeDescriptor.java
@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@
try {
recType = new ARecordType(outRecType.getTypeName(), outRecType.getFieldNames(),
outRecType.getFieldTypes(), outRecType.isOpen());
- } catch (AsterixException e) {
+ } catch (AsterixException | HyracksDataException e) {
throw new IllegalStateException();
diff --git a/asterix-runtime/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/runtime/evaluators/functions/StringLengthDescriptor.java b/asterix-runtime/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/runtime/evaluators/functions/StringLengthDescriptor.java
index f58fbb5..b0471e0 100644
--- a/asterix-runtime/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/runtime/evaluators/functions/StringLengthDescriptor.java
+++ b/asterix-runtime/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/runtime/evaluators/functions/StringLengthDescriptor.java
@@ -3,9 +3,9 @@
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* you may obtain a copy of the License from
- *
+ *
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
+ *
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
@@ -18,8 +18,8 @@
import java.io.IOException;
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.formats.nontagged.AqlSerializerDeserializerProvider;
-import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.base.AInt32;
-import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.base.AMutableInt32;
+import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.base.AInt64;
+import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.base.AMutableInt64;
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.base.ANull;
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.functions.AsterixBuiltinFunctions;
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.functions.IFunctionDescriptor;
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@
public ICopyEvaluator createEvaluator(final IDataOutputProvider output) throws AlgebricksException {
return new ICopyEvaluator() {
- private AMutableInt32 result = new AMutableInt32(0);
+ private AMutableInt64 result = new AMutableInt64(0);
private DataOutput out = output.getDataOutput();
private ArrayBackedValueStorage outInput = new ArrayBackedValueStorage();
private ICopyEvaluator eval = args[0].createEvaluator(outInput);
@@ -65,8 +65,8 @@
private ISerializerDeserializer<ANull> nullSerde = AqlSerializerDeserializerProvider.INSTANCE
- private ISerializerDeserializer<AInt32> intSerde = AqlSerializerDeserializerProvider.INSTANCE
- .getSerializerDeserializer(BuiltinType.AINT32);
+ private ISerializerDeserializer<AInt64> int64Serde = AqlSerializerDeserializerProvider.INSTANCE
+ .getSerializerDeserializer(BuiltinType.AINT64);
public void evaluate(IFrameTupleReference tuple) throws AlgebricksException {
@@ -77,8 +77,8 @@
byte[] serString = outInput.getByteArray();
if (serString[0] == SER_STRING_TYPE_TAG) {
int len = UTF8StringPointable.getUTFLength(outInput.getByteArray(), 1);
- result.setValue(len);
- intSerde.serialize(result, out);
+ result.setValue((long) len);
+ int64Serde.serialize(result, out);
} else if (serString[0] == SER_NULL_TYPE_TAG)
nullSerde.serialize(ANull.NULL, out);
else {
diff --git a/asterix-runtime/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/runtime/evaluators/functions/StringToCodePointDescriptor.java b/asterix-runtime/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/runtime/evaluators/functions/StringToCodePointDescriptor.java
index bff90f6..1b1472e 100644
--- a/asterix-runtime/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/runtime/evaluators/functions/StringToCodePointDescriptor.java
+++ b/asterix-runtime/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/runtime/evaluators/functions/StringToCodePointDescriptor.java
@@ -3,9 +3,9 @@
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* you may obtain a copy of the License from
- *
+ *
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
+ *
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
@@ -19,8 +19,8 @@
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.builders.OrderedListBuilder;
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.formats.nontagged.AqlSerializerDeserializerProvider;
-import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.base.AInt32;
-import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.base.AMutableInt32;
+import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.base.AInt64;
+import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.base.AMutableInt64;
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.functions.AsterixBuiltinFunctions;
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.functions.IFunctionDescriptor;
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.functions.IFunctionDescriptorFactory;
@@ -61,15 +61,15 @@
protected final DataOutput out = output.getDataOutput();;
protected final ArrayBackedValueStorage argOut = new ArrayBackedValueStorage();
protected final ICopyEvaluator stringEval = args[0].createEvaluator(argOut);
- protected final AOrderedListType intListType = new AOrderedListType(BuiltinType.AINT32, null);
+ protected final AOrderedListType intListType = new AOrderedListType(BuiltinType.AINT64, null);
private OrderedListBuilder listBuilder = new OrderedListBuilder();
private ArrayBackedValueStorage inputVal = new ArrayBackedValueStorage();
- private final ISerializerDeserializer<AInt32> int32Serde = AqlSerializerDeserializerProvider.INSTANCE
- .getSerializerDeserializer(BuiltinType.AINT32);
- private final AMutableInt32 aInt32 = new AMutableInt32(0);
+ private final ISerializerDeserializer<AInt64> int64Serde = AqlSerializerDeserializerProvider.INSTANCE
+ .getSerializerDeserializer(BuiltinType.AINT64);
+ private final AMutableInt64 aInt64 = new AMutableInt64(0);
int UTF8ToCodePoint(byte[] b, int s) {
if (b[s] >> 7 == 0) {
@@ -119,8 +119,8 @@
pos += UTF8StringPointable.charSize(bytes, pos);
- aInt32.setValue(codePoint);
- int32Serde.serialize(aInt32, inputVal.getDataOutput());
+ aInt64.setValue(codePoint);
+ int64Serde.serialize(aInt64, inputVal.getDataOutput());
diff --git a/asterix-runtime/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/runtime/evaluators/functions/Substring2Descriptor.java b/asterix-runtime/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/runtime/evaluators/functions/Substring2Descriptor.java
index 96fea1c..5b179ce 100644
--- a/asterix-runtime/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/runtime/evaluators/functions/Substring2Descriptor.java
+++ b/asterix-runtime/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/runtime/evaluators/functions/Substring2Descriptor.java
@@ -22,13 +22,14 @@
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.functions.IFunctionDescriptorFactory;
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.types.ATypeTag;
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.types.EnumDeserializer;
+import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.types.hierachy.ATypeHierarchy;
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.runtime.evaluators.base.AbstractScalarFunctionDynamicDescriptor;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.algebricks.common.exceptions.AlgebricksException;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.algebricks.core.algebra.functions.FunctionIdentifier;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.algebricks.runtime.base.ICopyEvaluator;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.algebricks.runtime.base.ICopyEvaluatorFactory;
+import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.api.exceptions.HyracksDataException;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.data.std.api.IDataOutputProvider;
-import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.data.std.primitive.IntegerPointable;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.data.std.primitive.UTF8StringPointable;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.data.std.util.ArrayBackedValueStorage;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.dataflow.common.data.accessors.IFrameTupleReference;
@@ -38,7 +39,6 @@
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
// allowed input types
- private static final byte SER_INT32_TYPE_TAG = ATypeTag.INT32.serialize();
private static final byte SER_STRING_TYPE_TAG = ATypeTag.STRING.serialize();
public static final IFunctionDescriptorFactory FACTORY = new IFunctionDescriptorFactory() {
@@ -66,12 +66,13 @@
public void evaluate(IFrameTupleReference tuple) throws AlgebricksException {
- if (argOut.getByteArray()[0] != SER_INT32_TYPE_TAG) {
- throw new AlgebricksException(AsterixBuiltinFunctions.SUBSTRING2.getName()
- + ": expects type INT32 for the second argument but got "
- + EnumDeserializer.ATYPETAGDESERIALIZER.deserialize(argOut.getByteArray()[0]));
+ int start = 0;
+ try {
+ start = ATypeHierarchy.getIntegerValue(argOut.getByteArray(), 0) - 1;
+ } catch (HyracksDataException e1) {
+ throw new AlgebricksException(e1);
- int start = IntegerPointable.getInteger(argOut.getByteArray(), 1) - 1;
@@ -85,6 +86,7 @@
int sStart = 3;
int c = 0;
int idxPos1 = 0;
// skip to start
while (idxPos1 < start && c < utflen) {
c += UTF8StringPointable.charSize(bytes, sStart + c);
diff --git a/asterix-runtime/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/runtime/evaluators/functions/SubstringDescriptor.java b/asterix-runtime/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/runtime/evaluators/functions/SubstringDescriptor.java
index 0c851c6..c7f6d5f 100644
--- a/asterix-runtime/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/runtime/evaluators/functions/SubstringDescriptor.java
+++ b/asterix-runtime/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/runtime/evaluators/functions/SubstringDescriptor.java
@@ -3,9 +3,9 @@
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* you may obtain a copy of the License from
- *
+ *
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
+ *
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
@@ -21,27 +21,25 @@
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.functions.IFunctionDescriptor;
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.functions.IFunctionDescriptorFactory;
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.types.ATypeTag;
-import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.types.EnumDeserializer;
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.runtime.evaluators.base.AbstractScalarFunctionDynamicDescriptor;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.algebricks.common.exceptions.AlgebricksException;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.algebricks.core.algebra.functions.FunctionIdentifier;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.algebricks.runtime.base.ICopyEvaluator;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.algebricks.runtime.base.ICopyEvaluatorFactory;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.data.std.api.IDataOutputProvider;
+import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.data.std.primitive.DoublePointable;
+import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.data.std.primitive.FloatPointable;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.data.std.primitive.IntegerPointable;
+import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.data.std.primitive.LongPointable;
+import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.data.std.primitive.ShortPointable;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.data.std.primitive.UTF8StringPointable;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.data.std.util.ArrayBackedValueStorage;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.dataflow.common.data.accessors.IFrameTupleReference;
-import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.dataflow.common.data.marshalling.IntegerSerializerDeserializer;
public class SubstringDescriptor extends AbstractScalarFunctionDynamicDescriptor {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
- // allowed input types
- private static final byte SER_INT32_TYPE_TAG = ATypeTag.INT32.serialize();
- private static final byte SER_STRING_TYPE_TAG = ATypeTag.STRING.serialize();
public static final IFunctionDescriptorFactory FACTORY = new IFunctionDescriptorFactory() {
public IFunctionDescriptor createFunctionDescriptor() {
return new SubstringDescriptor();
@@ -68,30 +66,75 @@
public void evaluate(IFrameTupleReference tuple) throws AlgebricksException {
- if (argOut.getByteArray()[0] != SER_INT32_TYPE_TAG) {
- throw new AlgebricksException(AsterixBuiltinFunctions.SUBSTRING.getName()
- + ": expects type INT32 for the second argument but got "
- + EnumDeserializer.ATYPETAGDESERIALIZER.deserialize(argOut.getByteArray()[0]));
+ int start = 0;
+ ATypeTag argOutTypeTag = ATypeTag.VALUE_TYPE_MAPPING[argOut.getByteArray()[0]];
+ switch (argOutTypeTag) {
+ case INT64:
+ start = (int) LongPointable.getLong(argOut.getByteArray(), 1) - 1;
+ break;
+ case INT32:
+ start = IntegerPointable.getInteger(argOut.getByteArray(), 1) - 1;
+ break;
+ case INT8:
+ start = argOut.getByteArray()[1] - 1;
+ break;
+ case INT16:
+ start = (int) ShortPointable.getShort(argOut.getByteArray(), 1) - 1;
+ break;
+ case FLOAT:
+ start = (int) FloatPointable.getFloat(argOut.getByteArray(), 1) - 1;
+ break;
+ case DOUBLE:
+ start = (int) DoublePointable.getDouble(argOut.getByteArray(), 1) - 1;
+ break;
+ default:
+ throw new AlgebricksException(AsterixBuiltinFunctions.SUBSTRING.getName()
+ + ": expects type INT8/16/32/64/FLOAT/DOUBLE for the second argument but got "
+ + argOutTypeTag);
- int start = IntegerPointable.getInteger(argOut.getByteArray(), 1) - 1;
- if (argOut.getByteArray()[0] != SER_INT32_TYPE_TAG) {
- throw new AlgebricksException(AsterixBuiltinFunctions.SUBSTRING.getName()
- + ": expects type INT32 for the third argument but got "
- + EnumDeserializer.ATYPETAGDESERIALIZER.deserialize(argOut.getByteArray()[0]));
+ int len = 0;
+ argOutTypeTag = ATypeTag.VALUE_TYPE_MAPPING[argOut.getByteArray()[0]];
+ switch (argOutTypeTag) {
+ case INT64:
+ len = (int) LongPointable.getLong(argOut.getByteArray(), 1);
+ break;
+ case INT32:
+ len = IntegerPointable.getInteger(argOut.getByteArray(), 1);
+ break;
+ case INT8:
+ len = argOut.getByteArray()[1];
+ break;
+ case INT16:
+ len = (int) ShortPointable.getShort(argOut.getByteArray(), 1);
+ break;
+ case FLOAT:
+ len = (int) FloatPointable.getFloat(argOut.getByteArray(), 1);
+ break;
+ case DOUBLE:
+ len = (int) DoublePointable.getDouble(argOut.getByteArray(), 1);
+ break;
+ default:
+ throw new AlgebricksException(AsterixBuiltinFunctions.SUBSTRING.getName()
+ + ": expects type INT8/16/32/64/FLOAT/DOUBLE for the third argument but got "
+ + argOutTypeTag);
- int len = IntegerPointable.getInteger(argOut.getByteArray(), 1);
byte[] bytes = argOut.getByteArray();
+ argOutTypeTag = ATypeTag.VALUE_TYPE_MAPPING[bytes[0]];
- if (bytes[0] != SER_STRING_TYPE_TAG) {
+ if (argOutTypeTag != ATypeTag.STRING) {
throw new AlgebricksException(AsterixBuiltinFunctions.SUBSTRING.getName()
- + ": expects type STRING for the first argument but got "
- + EnumDeserializer.ATYPETAGDESERIALIZER.deserialize(argOut.getByteArray()[0]));
+ + ": expects type STRING for the first argument but got " + argOutTypeTag);
int utflen = UTF8StringPointable.getUTFLength(bytes, 1);
int sStart = 3;
diff --git a/asterix-runtime/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/runtime/evaluators/functions/binary/AbstractCopyEvaluator.java b/asterix-runtime/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/runtime/evaluators/functions/binary/AbstractCopyEvaluator.java
index 09dc82d..3c8013f 100644
--- a/asterix-runtime/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/runtime/evaluators/functions/binary/AbstractCopyEvaluator.java
+++ b/asterix-runtime/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/runtime/evaluators/functions/binary/AbstractCopyEvaluator.java
@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.base.ANull;
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.types.ATypeTag;
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.types.BuiltinType;
+import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.types.hierachy.ATypeHierarchy;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.algebricks.common.exceptions.AlgebricksException;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.algebricks.runtime.base.ICopyEvaluator;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.algebricks.runtime.base.ICopyEvaluatorFactory;
@@ -92,8 +93,11 @@
throws AlgebricksException {
for (int i = 0; i < expected.length; i++) {
if (expected[i] != actual[i]) {
- throw new AlgebricksException(title +
- ": expects " + expected[i] + " at " + idToString(i + 1) + " argument, but got " + actual[i]);
+ if (!ATypeHierarchy.canPromote(actual[i], expected[i])
+ && !ATypeHierarchy.canPromote(expected[i], actual[i])) {
+ throw new AlgebricksException(title + ": expects " + expected[i] + " at " + idToString(i + 1)
+ + " argument, but got " + actual[i]);
+ }
diff --git a/asterix-runtime/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/runtime/evaluators/functions/binary/BinaryLengthDescriptor.java b/asterix-runtime/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/runtime/evaluators/functions/binary/BinaryLengthDescriptor.java
index 1d4717e..3555d41 100644
--- a/asterix-runtime/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/runtime/evaluators/functions/binary/BinaryLengthDescriptor.java
+++ b/asterix-runtime/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/runtime/evaluators/functions/binary/BinaryLengthDescriptor.java
@@ -16,8 +16,8 @@
package edu.uci.ics.asterix.runtime.evaluators.functions.binary;
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.formats.nontagged.AqlSerializerDeserializerProvider;
-import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.base.AInt32;
-import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.base.AMutableInt32;
+import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.base.AInt64;
+import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.base.AMutableInt64;
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.functions.AsterixBuiltinFunctions;
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.functions.IFunctionDescriptor;
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.functions.IFunctionDescriptorFactory;
@@ -51,10 +51,10 @@
throws AlgebricksException {
return new AbstractCopyEvaluator(output, args) {
- private AMutableInt32 result = new AMutableInt32(0);
+ private AMutableInt64 result = new AMutableInt64(0);
- private ISerializerDeserializer<AInt32> intSerde = AqlSerializerDeserializerProvider.INSTANCE
- .getSerializerDeserializer(BuiltinType.AINT32);
+ private ISerializerDeserializer<AInt64> intSerde = AqlSerializerDeserializerProvider.INSTANCE
+ .getSerializerDeserializer(BuiltinType.AINT64);
@Override public void evaluate(IFrameTupleReference tuple) throws AlgebricksException {
ATypeTag tag = evaluateTuple(tuple, 0);
diff --git a/asterix-runtime/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/runtime/evaluators/functions/binary/FindBinaryDescriptor.java b/asterix-runtime/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/runtime/evaluators/functions/binary/FindBinaryDescriptor.java
index 4ba91d9..028b145 100644
--- a/asterix-runtime/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/runtime/evaluators/functions/binary/FindBinaryDescriptor.java
+++ b/asterix-runtime/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/runtime/evaluators/functions/binary/FindBinaryDescriptor.java
@@ -16,8 +16,8 @@
package edu.uci.ics.asterix.runtime.evaluators.functions.binary;
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.formats.nontagged.AqlSerializerDeserializerProvider;
-import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.base.AInt32;
-import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.base.AMutableInt32;
+import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.base.AInt64;
+import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.base.AMutableInt64;
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.functions.AsterixBuiltinFunctions;
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.functions.IFunctionDescriptor;
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.functions.IFunctionDescriptorFactory;
@@ -71,11 +71,11 @@
protected String functionName;
- protected AMutableInt32 result = new AMutableInt32(-1);
+ protected AMutableInt64 result = new AMutableInt64(-1);
- protected ISerializerDeserializer<AInt32> intSerde = AqlSerializerDeserializerProvider.INSTANCE
- .getSerializerDeserializer(BuiltinType.AINT32);
+ protected ISerializerDeserializer<AInt64> intSerde = AqlSerializerDeserializerProvider.INSTANCE
+ .getSerializerDeserializer(BuiltinType.AINT64);
@Override public void evaluate(IFrameTupleReference tuple) throws AlgebricksException {
ATypeTag textTag = evaluateTuple(tuple, 0);
diff --git a/asterix-runtime/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/runtime/evaluators/functions/binary/FindBinaryFromDescriptor.java b/asterix-runtime/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/runtime/evaluators/functions/binary/FindBinaryFromDescriptor.java
index 0ad806f..7b330ad 100644
--- a/asterix-runtime/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/runtime/evaluators/functions/binary/FindBinaryFromDescriptor.java
+++ b/asterix-runtime/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/runtime/evaluators/functions/binary/FindBinaryFromDescriptor.java
@@ -19,38 +19,48 @@
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.functions.IFunctionDescriptor;
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.functions.IFunctionDescriptorFactory;
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.types.ATypeTag;
+import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.types.hierachy.ATypeHierarchy;
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.runtime.evaluators.base.AbstractScalarFunctionDynamicDescriptor;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.algebricks.common.exceptions.AlgebricksException;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.algebricks.core.algebra.functions.FunctionIdentifier;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.algebricks.runtime.base.ICopyEvaluator;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.algebricks.runtime.base.ICopyEvaluatorFactory;
+import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.api.exceptions.HyracksDataException;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.data.std.api.IDataOutputProvider;
-import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.data.std.primitive.IntegerPointable;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.dataflow.common.data.accessors.IFrameTupleReference;
-public class FindBinaryFromDescriptor extends AbstractScalarFunctionDynamicDescriptor{
+public class FindBinaryFromDescriptor extends AbstractScalarFunctionDynamicDescriptor {
public static final IFunctionDescriptorFactory FACTORY = new IFunctionDescriptorFactory() {
- @Override public IFunctionDescriptor createFunctionDescriptor() {
+ @Override
+ public IFunctionDescriptor createFunctionDescriptor() {
return new FindBinaryFromDescriptor();
- @Override public FunctionIdentifier getIdentifier() {
+ @Override
+ public FunctionIdentifier getIdentifier() {
return AsterixBuiltinFunctions.FIND_BINARY_FROM;
- @Override public ICopyEvaluatorFactory createEvaluatorFactory(final ICopyEvaluatorFactory[] args)
- throws AlgebricksException {
+ @Override
+ public ICopyEvaluatorFactory createEvaluatorFactory(final ICopyEvaluatorFactory[] args) throws AlgebricksException {
return new ICopyEvaluatorFactory() {
- @Override public ICopyEvaluator createEvaluator(final IDataOutputProvider output) throws AlgebricksException {
+ @Override
+ public ICopyEvaluator createEvaluator(final IDataOutputProvider output) throws AlgebricksException {
return new FindBinaryDescriptor.AbstractFindBinaryCopyEvaluator(output, args, getIdentifier().getName()) {
- @Override protected int getFromOffset(IFrameTupleReference tuple) throws AlgebricksException {
+ @Override
+ protected int getFromOffset(IFrameTupleReference tuple) throws AlgebricksException {
ATypeTag offsetTag = evaluateTuple(tuple, 2);
- if (offsetTag != ATypeTag.INT32){
- throw new AlgebricksException(functionName + ":expects INT32 at 3rd arguments, but got " + offsetTag);
+ int getFrom = 0;
+ try {
+ getFrom = ATypeHierarchy.getIntegerValue(storages[2].getByteArray(), 0);
+ } catch (HyracksDataException e) {
+ throw new AlgebricksException(e);
- return IntegerPointable.getInteger(storages[2].getByteArray(), 1);
+ return getFrom;
diff --git a/asterix-runtime/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/runtime/evaluators/functions/binary/SubBinaryFromToDescriptor.java b/asterix-runtime/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/runtime/evaluators/functions/binary/SubBinaryFromToDescriptor.java
index b03a643..0b8675c 100644
--- a/asterix-runtime/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/runtime/evaluators/functions/binary/SubBinaryFromToDescriptor.java
+++ b/asterix-runtime/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/runtime/evaluators/functions/binary/SubBinaryFromToDescriptor.java
@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.functions.IFunctionDescriptor;
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.functions.IFunctionDescriptorFactory;
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.types.ATypeTag;
+import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.types.hierachy.ATypeHierarchy;
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.runtime.evaluators.base.AbstractScalarFunctionDynamicDescriptor;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.algebricks.common.exceptions.AlgebricksException;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.algebricks.core.algebra.functions.FunctionIdentifier;
@@ -29,34 +30,39 @@
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.api.exceptions.HyracksDataException;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.data.std.api.IDataOutputProvider;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.data.std.primitive.ByteArrayPointable;
-import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.data.std.primitive.IntegerPointable;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.dataflow.common.data.accessors.IFrameTupleReference;
public class SubBinaryFromToDescriptor extends AbstractScalarFunctionDynamicDescriptor {
public static final IFunctionDescriptorFactory FACTORY = new IFunctionDescriptorFactory() {
- @Override public IFunctionDescriptor createFunctionDescriptor() {
+ @Override
+ public IFunctionDescriptor createFunctionDescriptor() {
return new SubBinaryFromToDescriptor();
- @Override public FunctionIdentifier getIdentifier() {
+ @Override
+ public FunctionIdentifier getIdentifier() {
return AsterixBuiltinFunctions.SUBBINARY_FROM_TO;
- @Override public ICopyEvaluatorFactory createEvaluatorFactory(final ICopyEvaluatorFactory[] args)
- throws AlgebricksException {
+ @Override
+ public ICopyEvaluatorFactory createEvaluatorFactory(final ICopyEvaluatorFactory[] args) throws AlgebricksException {
return new ICopyEvaluatorFactory() {
- @Override public ICopyEvaluator createEvaluator(final IDataOutputProvider output)
- throws AlgebricksException {
+ @Override
+ public ICopyEvaluator createEvaluator(final IDataOutputProvider output) throws AlgebricksException {
return new AbstractSubBinaryCopyEvaluator(output, args, getIdentifier().getName()) {
- @Override protected int getSubLength(IFrameTupleReference tuple) throws AlgebricksException {
+ @Override
+ protected int getSubLength(IFrameTupleReference tuple) throws AlgebricksException {
ATypeTag tagSubLength = evaluateTuple(tuple, 2);
- if (tagSubLength != ATypeTag.INT32) {
- throw new AlgebricksException(
- functionName + ":expects INT32 at 3rd arguments, but got " + tagSubLength);
+ int subLength = 0;
+ try {
+ subLength = ATypeHierarchy.getIntegerValue(storages[2].getByteArray(), 0);
+ } catch (HyracksDataException e) {
+ throw new AlgebricksException(e);
- return IntegerPointable.getInteger(storages[2].getByteArray(), 1);
+ return subLength;
@@ -65,8 +71,7 @@
static abstract class AbstractSubBinaryCopyEvaluator extends AbstractCopyEvaluator {
public AbstractSubBinaryCopyEvaluator(IDataOutputProvider output,
- ICopyEvaluatorFactory[] copyEvaluatorFactories, String functionName)
- throws AlgebricksException {
+ ICopyEvaluatorFactory[] copyEvaluatorFactories, String functionName) throws AlgebricksException {
super(output, copyEvaluatorFactories);
this.functionName = functionName;
@@ -75,7 +80,8 @@
static final ATypeTag[] EXPECTED_INPUT_TAGS = { ATypeTag.BINARY, ATypeTag.INT32 };
- @Override public void evaluate(IFrameTupleReference tuple) throws AlgebricksException {
+ @Override
+ public void evaluate(IFrameTupleReference tuple) throws AlgebricksException {
ATypeTag argTag0 = evaluateTuple(tuple, 0);
ATypeTag argTag1 = evaluateTuple(tuple, 1);
@@ -84,13 +90,16 @@
if (serializeNullIfAnyNull(argTag0, argTag1)) {
- checkTypeMachingThrowsIfNot(functionName, EXPECTED_INPUT_TAGS, argTag0,
- argTag1);
+ checkTypeMachingThrowsIfNot(functionName, EXPECTED_INPUT_TAGS, argTag0, argTag1);
byte[] binaryBytes = storages[0].getByteArray();
byte[] startBytes = storages[1].getByteArray();
- int start = IntegerPointable.getInteger(startBytes, 1) - 1; // strange SQL index convention
+ int start = 0;
+ // strange SQL index convention
+ start = ATypeHierarchy.getIntegerValue(startBytes, 0) - 1;
int totalLength = ByteArrayPointable.getLength(binaryBytes, 1);
int subLength = getSubLength(tuple);
@@ -106,8 +115,7 @@
- dataOutput
- .write(binaryBytes, 1 + ByteArrayPointable.SIZE_OF_LENGTH + start, subLength);
+ dataOutput.write(binaryBytes, 1 + ByteArrayPointable.SIZE_OF_LENGTH + start, subLength);
} catch (HyracksDataException e) {
throw new AlgebricksException(e);
} catch (IOException e) {
diff --git a/asterix-runtime/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/runtime/evaluators/functions/temporal/DateFromUnixTimeInDaysDescriptor.java b/asterix-runtime/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/runtime/evaluators/functions/temporal/DateFromUnixTimeInDaysDescriptor.java
index 1adf8c2..4608b84 100644
--- a/asterix-runtime/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/runtime/evaluators/functions/temporal/DateFromUnixTimeInDaysDescriptor.java
+++ b/asterix-runtime/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/runtime/evaluators/functions/temporal/DateFromUnixTimeInDaysDescriptor.java
@@ -3,9 +3,9 @@
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* you may obtain a copy of the License from
- *
+ *
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
+ *
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
@@ -16,9 +16,6 @@
import java.io.DataOutput;
-import edu.uci.ics.asterix.dataflow.data.nontagged.serde.AInt16SerializerDeserializer;
-import edu.uci.ics.asterix.dataflow.data.nontagged.serde.AInt32SerializerDeserializer;
-import edu.uci.ics.asterix.dataflow.data.nontagged.serde.AInt8SerializerDeserializer;
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.formats.nontagged.AqlSerializerDeserializerProvider;
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.base.ADate;
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.base.AMutableDate;
@@ -28,7 +25,7 @@
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.functions.IFunctionDescriptorFactory;
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.types.ATypeTag;
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.types.BuiltinType;
-import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.types.EnumDeserializer;
+import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.types.hierachy.ATypeHierarchy;
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.runtime.evaluators.base.AbstractScalarFunctionDynamicDescriptor;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.algebricks.common.exceptions.AlgebricksException;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.algebricks.core.algebra.functions.FunctionIdentifier;
@@ -47,9 +44,6 @@
// allowed input types
private static final byte SER_NULL_TYPE_TAG = ATypeTag.NULL.serialize();
- private static final byte SER_INT8_TYPE_TAG = ATypeTag.INT8.serialize();
- private static final byte SER_INT16_TYPE_TAG = ATypeTag.INT16.serialize();
- private static final byte SER_INT32_TYPE_TAG = ATypeTag.INT32.serialize();
public final static IFunctionDescriptorFactory FACTORY = new IFunctionDescriptorFactory() {
@@ -91,19 +85,7 @@
if (argOut.getByteArray()[0] == SER_NULL_TYPE_TAG) {
nullSerde.serialize(ANull.NULL, out);
} else {
- if (argOut.getByteArray()[0] == SER_INT8_TYPE_TAG) {
- aDate.setValue(AInt8SerializerDeserializer.getByte(argOut.getByteArray(), 1));
- } else if (argOut.getByteArray()[0] == SER_INT16_TYPE_TAG) {
- aDate.setValue(AInt16SerializerDeserializer.getShort(argOut.getByteArray(), 1));
- } else if (argOut.getByteArray()[0] == SER_INT32_TYPE_TAG) {
- aDate.setValue(AInt32SerializerDeserializer.getInt(argOut.getByteArray(), 1));
- } else {
- throw new AlgebricksException(
- FID.getName()
- + ": expects type INT8/INT16/INT32/INT64/NULL but got "
- + EnumDeserializer.ATYPETAGDESERIALIZER.deserialize(argOut
- .getByteArray()[0]));
- }
+ aDate.setValue(ATypeHierarchy.getIntegerValue(argOut.getByteArray(), 0));
dateSerde.serialize(aDate, out);
} catch (HyracksDataException hex) {
diff --git a/asterix-runtime/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/runtime/evaluators/functions/temporal/DatetimeFromUnixTimeInMsDescriptor.java b/asterix-runtime/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/runtime/evaluators/functions/temporal/DatetimeFromUnixTimeInMsDescriptor.java
index cf70d0a..0c742b7 100644
--- a/asterix-runtime/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/runtime/evaluators/functions/temporal/DatetimeFromUnixTimeInMsDescriptor.java
+++ b/asterix-runtime/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/runtime/evaluators/functions/temporal/DatetimeFromUnixTimeInMsDescriptor.java
@@ -3,9 +3,9 @@
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* you may obtain a copy of the License from
- *
+ *
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
+ *
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
@@ -29,7 +29,6 @@
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.functions.IFunctionDescriptorFactory;
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.types.ATypeTag;
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.types.BuiltinType;
-import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.types.EnumDeserializer;
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.runtime.evaluators.base.AbstractScalarFunctionDynamicDescriptor;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.algebricks.common.exceptions.AlgebricksException;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.algebricks.core.algebra.functions.FunctionIdentifier;
@@ -46,13 +45,6 @@
private final static long serialVersionUID = 1L;
public final static FunctionIdentifier FID = AsterixBuiltinFunctions.DATETIME_FROM_UNIX_TIME_IN_MS;
- // allowed input types
- private final static byte SER_NULL_TYPE_TAG = ATypeTag.NULL.serialize();
- private final static byte SER_INT8_TYPE_TAG = ATypeTag.INT8.serialize();
- private final static byte SER_INT16_TYPE_TAG = ATypeTag.INT16.serialize();
- private final static byte SER_INT32_TYPE_TAG = ATypeTag.INT32.serialize();
- private final static byte SER_INT64_TYPE_TAG = ATypeTag.INT64.serialize();
public final static IFunctionDescriptorFactory FACTORY = new IFunctionDescriptorFactory() {
@@ -93,26 +85,36 @@
try {
- if (argOut.getByteArray()[0] == SER_NULL_TYPE_TAG) {
+ ATypeTag argOutTypeTag = ATypeTag.VALUE_TYPE_MAPPING[argOut.getByteArray()[0]];
+ if (argOutTypeTag == ATypeTag.NULL) {
nullSerde.serialize(ANull.NULL, out);
} else {
- if (argOut.getByteArray()[0] == SER_INT8_TYPE_TAG) {
- aDatetime.setValue(AInt8SerializerDeserializer.getByte(argOut.getByteArray(), 1));
- } else if (argOut.getByteArray()[0] == SER_INT16_TYPE_TAG) {
- aDatetime.setValue(AInt16SerializerDeserializer.getShort(argOut.getByteArray(), 1));
- } else if (argOut.getByteArray()[0] == SER_INT32_TYPE_TAG) {
- aDatetime.setValue(AInt32SerializerDeserializer.getInt(argOut.getByteArray(), 1));
- } else if (argOut.getByteArray()[0] == SER_INT64_TYPE_TAG) {
- aDatetime.setValue(AInt64SerializerDeserializer.getLong(argOut.getByteArray(), 1));
- } else {
- throw new AlgebricksException(
- FID.getName()
- + ": expects type INT8/INT16/INT32/INT64/NULL but got "
- + EnumDeserializer.ATYPETAGDESERIALIZER.deserialize(argOut
- .getByteArray()[0]));
+ switch (argOutTypeTag) {
+ case INT8:
+ aDatetime
+ .setValue(AInt8SerializerDeserializer.getByte(argOut.getByteArray(), 1));
+ break;
+ case INT16:
+ aDatetime.setValue(AInt16SerializerDeserializer.getShort(argOut.getByteArray(),
+ 1));
+ break;
+ case INT32:
+ aDatetime
+ .setValue(AInt32SerializerDeserializer.getInt(argOut.getByteArray(), 1));
+ break;
+ case INT64:
+ aDatetime.setValue(AInt64SerializerDeserializer.getLong(argOut.getByteArray(),
+ 1));
+ break;
+ default:
+ throw new AlgebricksException(FID.getName()
+ + ": expects type INT8/INT16/INT32/INT64/NULL but got " + argOutTypeTag);
datetimeSerde.serialize(aDatetime, out);
} catch (HyracksDataException hex) {
throw new AlgebricksException(hex);
diff --git a/asterix-runtime/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/runtime/evaluators/functions/temporal/DatetimeFromUnixTimeInSecsDescriptor.java b/asterix-runtime/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/runtime/evaluators/functions/temporal/DatetimeFromUnixTimeInSecsDescriptor.java
index f5c3afb..a0facc7 100644
--- a/asterix-runtime/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/runtime/evaluators/functions/temporal/DatetimeFromUnixTimeInSecsDescriptor.java
+++ b/asterix-runtime/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/runtime/evaluators/functions/temporal/DatetimeFromUnixTimeInSecsDescriptor.java
@@ -3,9 +3,9 @@
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* you may obtain a copy of the License from
- *
+ *
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
+ *
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
@@ -29,7 +29,6 @@
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.functions.IFunctionDescriptorFactory;
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.types.ATypeTag;
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.types.BuiltinType;
-import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.types.EnumDeserializer;
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.runtime.evaluators.base.AbstractScalarFunctionDynamicDescriptor;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.algebricks.common.exceptions.AlgebricksException;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.algebricks.core.algebra.functions.FunctionIdentifier;
@@ -46,13 +45,6 @@
private final static long serialVersionUID = 1L;
public final static FunctionIdentifier FID = AsterixBuiltinFunctions.DATETIME_FROM_UNIX_TIME_IN_SECS;
- // allowed input types
- private final static byte SER_NULL_TYPE_TAG = ATypeTag.NULL.serialize();
- private final static byte SER_INT8_TYPE_TAG = ATypeTag.INT8.serialize();
- private final static byte SER_INT16_TYPE_TAG = ATypeTag.INT16.serialize();
- private final static byte SER_INT32_TYPE_TAG = ATypeTag.INT32.serialize();
- private final static byte SER_INT64_TYPE_TAG = ATypeTag.INT64.serialize();
public final static IFunctionDescriptorFactory FACTORY = new IFunctionDescriptorFactory() {
@@ -93,29 +85,40 @@
try {
- if (argOut.getByteArray()[0] == SER_NULL_TYPE_TAG) {
+ ATypeTag argOutTypeTag = ATypeTag.VALUE_TYPE_MAPPING[argOut.getByteArray()[0]];
+ if (argOutTypeTag == ATypeTag.NULL) {
nullSerde.serialize(ANull.NULL, out);
} else {
- if (argOut.getByteArray()[0] == SER_INT8_TYPE_TAG) {
- aDatetime.setValue((AInt8SerializerDeserializer.getByte(argOut.getByteArray(), 1)*1000l));
- } else if (argOut.getByteArray()[0] == SER_INT16_TYPE_TAG) {
- aDatetime.setValue((AInt16SerializerDeserializer.getShort(argOut.getByteArray(), 1)*1000l));
- } else if (argOut.getByteArray()[0] == SER_INT32_TYPE_TAG) {
- aDatetime.setValue((AInt32SerializerDeserializer.getInt(argOut.getByteArray(), 1)*1000l));
- } else if (argOut.getByteArray()[0] == SER_INT64_TYPE_TAG) {
- aDatetime.setValue((AInt64SerializerDeserializer.getLong(argOut.getByteArray(), 1)*1000l));
- } else {
- throw new AlgebricksException(
- FID.getName()
- + ": expects type INT8/INT16/INT32/INT64/NULL but got "
- + EnumDeserializer.ATYPETAGDESERIALIZER.deserialize(argOut
- .getByteArray()[0]));
+ switch (argOutTypeTag) {
+ case INT8:
+ aDatetime.setValue((AInt8SerializerDeserializer.getByte(argOut.getByteArray(),
+ 1) * 1000l));
+ break;
+ case INT16:
+ aDatetime.setValue((AInt16SerializerDeserializer.getShort(
+ argOut.getByteArray(), 1) * 1000l));
+ break;
+ case INT32:
+ aDatetime.setValue((AInt32SerializerDeserializer.getInt(argOut.getByteArray(),
+ 1) * 1000l));
+ break;
+ case INT64:
+ aDatetime.setValue((AInt64SerializerDeserializer.getLong(argOut.getByteArray(),
+ 1) * 1000l));
+ break;
+ default:
+ throw new AlgebricksException(FID.getName()
+ + ": expects type INT8/INT16/INT32/INT64/NULL but got " + argOutTypeTag);
datetimeSerde.serialize(aDatetime, out);
} catch (HyracksDataException hex) {
throw new AlgebricksException(hex);
diff --git a/asterix-runtime/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/runtime/evaluators/functions/temporal/DayOfWeekDescriptor.java b/asterix-runtime/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/runtime/evaluators/functions/temporal/DayOfWeekDescriptor.java
index 11ba264..dd062fb 100644
--- a/asterix-runtime/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/runtime/evaluators/functions/temporal/DayOfWeekDescriptor.java
+++ b/asterix-runtime/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/runtime/evaluators/functions/temporal/DayOfWeekDescriptor.java
@@ -3,9 +3,9 @@
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* you may obtain a copy of the License from
- *
+ *
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
+ *
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
@@ -19,8 +19,8 @@
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.dataflow.data.nontagged.serde.ADateSerializerDeserializer;
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.dataflow.data.nontagged.serde.ADateTimeSerializerDeserializer;
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.formats.nontagged.AqlSerializerDeserializerProvider;
-import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.base.AInt32;
-import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.base.AMutableInt32;
+import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.base.AInt64;
+import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.base.AMutableInt64;
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.base.ANull;
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.base.temporal.GregorianCalendarSystem;
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.functions.AsterixBuiltinFunctions;
@@ -78,9 +78,9 @@
// possible returning types
- private ISerializerDeserializer<AInt32> int32Serde = AqlSerializerDeserializerProvider.INSTANCE
- .getSerializerDeserializer(BuiltinType.AINT32);
- private AMutableInt32 aInt32 = new AMutableInt32(0);
+ private ISerializerDeserializer<AInt64> int64Serde = AqlSerializerDeserializerProvider.INSTANCE
+ .getSerializerDeserializer(BuiltinType.AINT64);
+ private AMutableInt64 aInt64 = new AMutableInt64(0);
private ISerializerDeserializer<ANull> nullSerde = AqlSerializerDeserializerProvider.INSTANCE
@@ -116,7 +116,7 @@
daysSinceAnchor -= 1;
- // compute the weekday (0-based, and 0 = Sunday). Adjustment is needed as the anchor day is Thursday
+ // compute the weekday (0-based, and 0 = Sunday). Adjustment is needed as the anchor day is Thursday
int weekday = (daysSinceAnchor + ANCHOR_WEEKDAY) % 7;
// handle the negative weekday
@@ -129,9 +129,9 @@
weekday = 7;
- aInt32.setValue(weekday);
+ aInt64.setValue(weekday);
- int32Serde.serialize(aInt32, out);
+ int64Serde.serialize(aInt64, out);
} catch (HyracksDataException hex) {
throw new AlgebricksException(hex);
diff --git a/asterix-runtime/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/runtime/evaluators/functions/temporal/DurationFromMillisecondsDescriptor.java b/asterix-runtime/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/runtime/evaluators/functions/temporal/DurationFromMillisecondsDescriptor.java
index 267f4a7..a3762cf 100644
--- a/asterix-runtime/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/runtime/evaluators/functions/temporal/DurationFromMillisecondsDescriptor.java
+++ b/asterix-runtime/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/runtime/evaluators/functions/temporal/DurationFromMillisecondsDescriptor.java
@@ -3,9 +3,9 @@
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* you may obtain a copy of the License from
- *
+ *
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
+ *
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
@@ -29,7 +29,6 @@
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.functions.IFunctionDescriptorFactory;
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.types.ATypeTag;
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.types.BuiltinType;
-import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.types.EnumDeserializer;
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.runtime.evaluators.base.AbstractScalarFunctionDynamicDescriptor;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.algebricks.common.exceptions.AlgebricksException;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.algebricks.core.algebra.functions.FunctionIdentifier;
@@ -46,13 +45,6 @@
private final static long serialVersionUID = 1L;
public final static FunctionIdentifier FID = AsterixBuiltinFunctions.DURATION_FROM_MILLISECONDS;
- // allowed input types
- private final static byte SER_NULL_TYPE_TAG = ATypeTag.NULL.serialize();
- private final static byte SER_INT8_TYPE_TAG = ATypeTag.INT8.serialize();
- private final static byte SER_INT16_TYPE_TAG = ATypeTag.INT16.serialize();
- private final static byte SER_INT32_TYPE_TAG = ATypeTag.INT32.serialize();
- private final static byte SER_INT64_TYPE_TAG = ATypeTag.INT64.serialize();
public final static IFunctionDescriptorFactory FACTORY = new IFunctionDescriptorFactory() {
@@ -91,30 +83,40 @@
try {
- if (argOut0.getByteArray()[0] == SER_NULL_TYPE_TAG) {
+ ATypeTag argOutTypeTag = ATypeTag.VALUE_TYPE_MAPPING[argOut0.getByteArray()[0]];
+ if (argOutTypeTag == ATypeTag.NULL) {
nullSerde.serialize(ANull.NULL, out);
- return;
- }
- if (argOut0.getByteArray()[0] == SER_INT8_TYPE_TAG) {
- aDuration.setValue(0, AInt8SerializerDeserializer.getByte(argOut0.getByteArray(), 1));
- } else if (argOut0.getByteArray()[0] == SER_INT16_TYPE_TAG) {
- aDuration.setValue(0, AInt16SerializerDeserializer.getShort(argOut0.getByteArray(), 1));
- } else if (argOut0.getByteArray()[0] == SER_INT32_TYPE_TAG) {
- aDuration.setValue(0, AInt32SerializerDeserializer.getInt(argOut0.getByteArray(), 1));
- } else if (argOut0.getByteArray()[0] == SER_INT64_TYPE_TAG) {
- aDuration.setValue(0, AInt64SerializerDeserializer.getLong(argOut0.getByteArray(), 1));
} else {
- throw new AlgebricksException(FID.getName()
- + ": expects NULL/INT8/INT16/INT32/INT64, but got "
- + EnumDeserializer.ATYPETAGDESERIALIZER.deserialize(argOut0.getByteArray()[0]));
+ switch (argOutTypeTag) {
+ case INT8:
+ aDuration.setValue(0,
+ AInt8SerializerDeserializer.getByte(argOut0.getByteArray(), 1));
+ break;
+ case INT16:
+ aDuration.setValue(0,
+ AInt16SerializerDeserializer.getShort(argOut0.getByteArray(), 1));
+ break;
+ case INT32:
+ aDuration.setValue(0,
+ AInt32SerializerDeserializer.getInt(argOut0.getByteArray(), 1));
+ break;
+ case INT64:
+ aDuration.setValue(0,
+ AInt64SerializerDeserializer.getLong(argOut0.getByteArray(), 1));
+ break;
+ default:
+ throw new AlgebricksException(FID.getName()
+ + ": expects type INT8/INT16/INT32/INT64/NULL but got " + argOutTypeTag);
+ }
+ durationSerde.serialize(aDuration, out);
- durationSerde.serialize(aDuration, out);
} catch (HyracksDataException hex) {
throw new AlgebricksException(hex);
diff --git a/asterix-runtime/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/runtime/evaluators/functions/temporal/DurationFromMonthsDescriptor.java b/asterix-runtime/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/runtime/evaluators/functions/temporal/DurationFromMonthsDescriptor.java
index f8b7a3e..75795cf 100644
--- a/asterix-runtime/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/runtime/evaluators/functions/temporal/DurationFromMonthsDescriptor.java
+++ b/asterix-runtime/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/runtime/evaluators/functions/temporal/DurationFromMonthsDescriptor.java
@@ -3,9 +3,9 @@
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* you may obtain a copy of the License from
- *
+ *
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
+ *
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
@@ -16,9 +16,6 @@
import java.io.DataOutput;
-import edu.uci.ics.asterix.dataflow.data.nontagged.serde.AInt16SerializerDeserializer;
-import edu.uci.ics.asterix.dataflow.data.nontagged.serde.AInt32SerializerDeserializer;
-import edu.uci.ics.asterix.dataflow.data.nontagged.serde.AInt8SerializerDeserializer;
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.formats.nontagged.AqlSerializerDeserializerProvider;
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.base.ADuration;
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.base.AMutableDuration;
@@ -28,7 +25,7 @@
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.functions.IFunctionDescriptorFactory;
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.types.ATypeTag;
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.types.BuiltinType;
-import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.types.EnumDeserializer;
+import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.types.hierachy.ATypeHierarchy;
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.runtime.evaluators.base.AbstractScalarFunctionDynamicDescriptor;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.algebricks.common.exceptions.AlgebricksException;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.algebricks.core.algebra.functions.FunctionIdentifier;
@@ -47,9 +44,6 @@
// allowed input types
private final static byte SER_NULL_TYPE_TAG = ATypeTag.NULL.serialize();
- private final static byte SER_INT8_TYPE_TAG = ATypeTag.INT8.serialize();
- private final static byte SER_INT16_TYPE_TAG = ATypeTag.INT16.serialize();
- private final static byte SER_INT32_TYPE_TAG = ATypeTag.INT32.serialize();
public final static IFunctionDescriptorFactory FACTORY = new IFunctionDescriptorFactory() {
@@ -94,18 +88,7 @@
- if (argOut0.getByteArray()[0] == SER_INT8_TYPE_TAG) {
- aDuration.setValue(AInt8SerializerDeserializer.getByte(argOut0.getByteArray(), 1), 0);
- } else if (argOut0.getByteArray()[0] == SER_INT16_TYPE_TAG) {
- aDuration.setValue(AInt16SerializerDeserializer.getShort(argOut0.getByteArray(), 1), 0);
- } else if (argOut0.getByteArray()[0] == SER_INT32_TYPE_TAG) {
- aDuration.setValue(AInt32SerializerDeserializer.getInt(argOut0.getByteArray(), 1), 0);
- } else {
- throw new AlgebricksException(FID.getName()
- + ": expects NULL/INT8/INT16/INT32, but got "
- + EnumDeserializer.ATYPETAGDESERIALIZER.deserialize(argOut0.getByteArray()[0]));
- }
+ aDuration.setValue(ATypeHierarchy.getIntegerValue(argOut0.getByteArray(), 0), 0);
durationSerde.serialize(aDuration, out);
} catch (HyracksDataException hex) {
diff --git a/asterix-runtime/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/runtime/evaluators/functions/temporal/MonthsFromYearMonthDurationDescriptor.java b/asterix-runtime/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/runtime/evaluators/functions/temporal/MonthsFromYearMonthDurationDescriptor.java
index d2f2b07..59d2855 100644
--- a/asterix-runtime/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/runtime/evaluators/functions/temporal/MonthsFromYearMonthDurationDescriptor.java
+++ b/asterix-runtime/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/runtime/evaluators/functions/temporal/MonthsFromYearMonthDurationDescriptor.java
@@ -3,9 +3,9 @@
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* you may obtain a copy of the License from
- *
+ *
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
+ *
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
@@ -18,8 +18,8 @@
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.dataflow.data.nontagged.serde.AYearMonthDurationSerializerDeserializer;
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.formats.nontagged.AqlSerializerDeserializerProvider;
-import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.base.AInt32;
-import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.base.AMutableInt32;
+import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.base.AInt64;
+import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.base.AMutableInt64;
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.base.ANull;
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.functions.AsterixBuiltinFunctions;
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.functions.IFunctionDescriptor;
@@ -74,10 +74,10 @@
private ISerializerDeserializer<ANull> nullSerde = AqlSerializerDeserializerProvider.INSTANCE
- private ISerializerDeserializer<AInt32> int32Serde = AqlSerializerDeserializerProvider.INSTANCE
- .getSerializerDeserializer(BuiltinType.AINT32);
+ private ISerializerDeserializer<AInt64> int64Serde = AqlSerializerDeserializerProvider.INSTANCE
+ .getSerializerDeserializer(BuiltinType.AINT64);
- AMutableInt32 aInt32 = new AMutableInt32(0);
+ AMutableInt64 aInt64 = new AMutableInt64(0);
public void evaluate(IFrameTupleReference tuple) throws AlgebricksException {
@@ -96,10 +96,10 @@
+ EnumDeserializer.ATYPETAGDESERIALIZER.deserialize(argOut0.getByteArray()[0]));
- aInt32.setValue(AYearMonthDurationSerializerDeserializer.getYearMonth(
+ aInt64.setValue(AYearMonthDurationSerializerDeserializer.getYearMonth(
argOut0.getByteArray(), 1));
- int32Serde.serialize(aInt32, out);
+ int64Serde.serialize(aInt64, out);
} catch (HyracksDataException hex) {
throw new AlgebricksException(hex);
diff --git a/asterix-runtime/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/runtime/evaluators/functions/temporal/TimeFromUnixTimeInMsDescriptor.java b/asterix-runtime/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/runtime/evaluators/functions/temporal/TimeFromUnixTimeInMsDescriptor.java
index 0f8cfe8..40d7739 100644
--- a/asterix-runtime/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/runtime/evaluators/functions/temporal/TimeFromUnixTimeInMsDescriptor.java
+++ b/asterix-runtime/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/runtime/evaluators/functions/temporal/TimeFromUnixTimeInMsDescriptor.java
@@ -3,9 +3,9 @@
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* you may obtain a copy of the License from
- *
+ *
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
+ *
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
@@ -16,9 +16,6 @@
import java.io.DataOutput;
-import edu.uci.ics.asterix.dataflow.data.nontagged.serde.AInt16SerializerDeserializer;
-import edu.uci.ics.asterix.dataflow.data.nontagged.serde.AInt32SerializerDeserializer;
-import edu.uci.ics.asterix.dataflow.data.nontagged.serde.AInt8SerializerDeserializer;
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.formats.nontagged.AqlSerializerDeserializerProvider;
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.base.AMutableTime;
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.base.ANull;
@@ -28,7 +25,7 @@
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.functions.IFunctionDescriptorFactory;
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.types.ATypeTag;
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.types.BuiltinType;
-import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.types.EnumDeserializer;
+import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.types.hierachy.ATypeHierarchy;
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.runtime.evaluators.base.AbstractScalarFunctionDynamicDescriptor;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.algebricks.common.exceptions.AlgebricksException;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.algebricks.core.algebra.functions.FunctionIdentifier;
@@ -47,9 +44,6 @@
// allowed input types
private final static byte SER_NULL_TYPE_TAG = ATypeTag.NULL.serialize();
- private final static byte SER_INT8_TYPE_TAG = ATypeTag.INT8.serialize();
- private final static byte SER_INT16_TYPE_TAG = ATypeTag.INT16.serialize();
- private final static byte SER_INT32_TYPE_TAG = ATypeTag.INT32.serialize();
public final static IFunctionDescriptorFactory FACTORY = new IFunctionDescriptorFactory() {
@@ -94,19 +88,7 @@
if (argOut.getByteArray()[0] == SER_NULL_TYPE_TAG) {
nullSerde.serialize(ANull.NULL, out);
} else {
- if (argOut.getByteArray()[0] == SER_INT8_TYPE_TAG) {
- aTime.setValue(AInt8SerializerDeserializer.getByte(argOut.getByteArray(), 1));
- } else if (argOut.getByteArray()[0] == SER_INT16_TYPE_TAG) {
- aTime.setValue(AInt16SerializerDeserializer.getShort(argOut.getByteArray(), 1));
- } else if (argOut.getByteArray()[0] == SER_INT32_TYPE_TAG) {
- aTime.setValue(AInt32SerializerDeserializer.getInt(argOut.getByteArray(), 1));
- } else {
- throw new AlgebricksException(
- FID.getName()
- + ": expects input type INT8/INT16/INT32/NULL but got "
- + EnumDeserializer.ATYPETAGDESERIALIZER.deserialize(argOut
- .getByteArray()[0]));
- }
+ aTime.setValue(ATypeHierarchy.getIntegerValue(argOut.getByteArray(), 0));
timeSerde.serialize(aTime, out);
} catch (HyracksDataException hex) {
diff --git a/asterix-runtime/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/runtime/operators/file/ADMDataParser.java b/asterix-runtime/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/runtime/operators/file/ADMDataParser.java
index a6419fe..31a1319 100644
--- a/asterix-runtime/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/runtime/operators/file/ADMDataParser.java
+++ b/asterix-runtime/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/runtime/operators/file/ADMDataParser.java
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.types.AUnorderedListType;
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.types.IAType;
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.types.hierachy.ATypeHierarchy;
-import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.types.hierachy.ITypePromoteComputer;
+import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.types.hierachy.ITypeConvertComputer;
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.util.NonTaggedFormatUtil;
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.runtime.operators.file.adm.AdmLexer;
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.runtime.operators.file.adm.AdmLexerException;
@@ -122,8 +122,8 @@
// Constructor for dealing with auto-generated PK
- public ADMDataParser(String filename, boolean isPKAutoGenerated,
- int primaryKeyPosition, ARecordType origRecTypeForAutoGeneratedPK) {
+ public ADMDataParser(String filename, boolean isPKAutoGenerated, int primaryKeyPosition,
+ ARecordType origRecTypeForAutoGeneratedPK) {
this.filename = filename;
this.isPKAutoGenerated = isPKAutoGenerated;
this.primaryKeyPosition = primaryKeyPosition;
@@ -237,7 +237,8 @@
case AdmLexer.TOKEN_INT_LITERAL: {
- parseToNumericTarget(ATypeTag.INT32, objectType, out);
+ // For an INT value without any suffix, we return it as INT64 type value since it is the default integer type.
+ parseAndCastNumeric(ATypeTag.INT64, objectType, out);
case AdmLexer.TOKEN_INT32_LITERAL: {
@@ -505,12 +506,19 @@
if (aObjectType.getTypeTag() != ATypeTag.UNION) {
final ATypeTag typeTag = aObjectType.getTypeTag();
- return ATypeHierarchy.canPromote(expectedTypeTag, typeTag) ? typeTag : null;
+ if (ATypeHierarchy.canPromote(expectedTypeTag, typeTag)
+ || ATypeHierarchy.canDemote(expectedTypeTag, typeTag)) {
+ return typeTag;
+ } else {
+ return null;
+ }
+ // return ATypeHierarchy.canPromote(expectedTypeTag, typeTag) ? typeTag : null;
} else { // union
List<IAType> unionList = ((AUnionType) aObjectType).getUnionList();
for (IAType t : unionList) {
final ATypeTag typeTag = t.getTypeTag();
- if (ATypeHierarchy.canPromote(expectedTypeTag, typeTag)) {
+ if (ATypeHierarchy.canPromote(expectedTypeTag, typeTag)
+ || ATypeHierarchy.canDemote(expectedTypeTag, typeTag)) {
return typeTag;
@@ -649,10 +657,10 @@
- Integer64SerializerDeserializer.INSTANCE
- .serialize(aUUID.getMostSignificantBits(), fieldValueBuffer.getDataOutput());
- Integer64SerializerDeserializer.INSTANCE
- .serialize(aUUID.getLeastSignificantBits(), fieldValueBuffer.getDataOutput());
+ Integer64SerializerDeserializer.INSTANCE.serialize(aUUID.getMostSignificantBits(),
+ fieldValueBuffer.getDataOutput());
+ Integer64SerializerDeserializer.INSTANCE.serialize(aUUID.getLeastSignificantBits(),
+ fieldValueBuffer.getDataOutput());
recBuilder.addField(primaryKeyPosition, fieldValueBuffer);
insertedAutoGeneratedPK = true;
@@ -844,8 +852,8 @@
- private void parseToBinaryTarget(int lexerToken, String tokenImage, DataOutput out)
- throws ParseException, HyracksDataException {
+ private void parseToBinaryTarget(int lexerToken, String tokenImage, DataOutput out) throws ParseException,
+ HyracksDataException {
switch (lexerToken) {
case AdmLexer.TOKEN_HEX_CONS: {
parseHexBinaryString(tokenImage.toCharArray(), 1, tokenImage.length() - 2, out);
@@ -879,13 +887,27 @@
throw new ParseException(mismatchErrorMessage + objectType.getTypeName() + mismatchErrorMessage2 + typeTag);
+ // If two type tags are not the same, either we try to promote or demote source type to the target type
if (targetTypeTag != typeTag) {
- ITypePromoteComputer promoteComputer = ATypeHierarchy.getTypePromoteComputer(typeTag, targetTypeTag);
- // the availability if the promote computer should be consistent with the availability of a target type
- assert promoteComputer != null;
- // do the promotion; note that the type tag field should be skipped
- promoteComputer.promote(castBuffer.getByteArray(), castBuffer.getStartOffset() + 1,
- castBuffer.getLength() - 1, out);
+ if (ATypeHierarchy.canPromote(typeTag, targetTypeTag)) {
+ // can promote typeTag to targetTypeTag
+ ITypeConvertComputer promoteComputer = ATypeHierarchy.getTypePromoteComputer(typeTag, targetTypeTag);
+ if (promoteComputer == null) {
+ throw new AsterixException("Can't cast the " + typeTag + " type to the " + targetTypeTag + " type.");
+ }
+ // do the promotion; note that the type tag field should be skipped
+ promoteComputer.convertType(castBuffer.getByteArray(), castBuffer.getStartOffset() + 1,
+ castBuffer.getLength() - 1, out);
+ } else if (ATypeHierarchy.canDemote(typeTag, targetTypeTag)) {
+ //can demote source type to the target type
+ ITypeConvertComputer demoteComputer = ATypeHierarchy.getTypeDemoteComputer(typeTag, targetTypeTag);
+ if (demoteComputer == null) {
+ throw new AsterixException("Can't cast the " + typeTag + " type to the " + targetTypeTag + " type.");
+ }
+ // do the demotion; note that the type tag field should be skipped
+ demoteComputer.convertType(castBuffer.getByteArray(), castBuffer.getStartOffset() + 1,
+ castBuffer.getLength() - 1, out);
+ }
@@ -911,12 +933,12 @@
token = admLexer.next();
if (token == AdmLexer.TOKEN_CONSTRUCTOR_CLOSE) {
if (targetTypeTag != typeTag) {
- ITypePromoteComputer promoteComputer = ATypeHierarchy.getTypePromoteComputer(typeTag,
+ ITypeConvertComputer promoteComputer = ATypeHierarchy.getTypePromoteComputer(typeTag,
// the availability if the promote computer should be consistent with the availability of a target type
assert promoteComputer != null;
// do the promotion; note that the type tag field should be skipped
- promoteComputer.promote(castBuffer.getByteArray(), castBuffer.getStartOffset() + 1,
+ promoteComputer.convertType(castBuffer.getByteArray(), castBuffer.getStartOffset() + 1,
castBuffer.getLength() - 1, out);
@@ -1059,8 +1081,8 @@
for (; offset < int16.length(); offset++) {
if (int16.charAt(offset) >= '0' && int16.charAt(offset) <= '9') {
value = (short) (value * 10 + int16.charAt(offset) - '0');
- } else if (int16.charAt(offset) == 'i' && int16.charAt(offset + 1) == '1' && int16.charAt(offset + 2) == '6'
- && offset + 3 == int16.length()) {
+ } else if (int16.charAt(offset) == 'i' && int16.charAt(offset + 1) == '1'
+ && int16.charAt(offset + 2) == '6' && offset + 3 == int16.length()) {
} else {
throw new ParseException(errorMessage);
@@ -1091,8 +1113,8 @@
for (; offset < int32.length(); offset++) {
if (int32.charAt(offset) >= '0' && int32.charAt(offset) <= '9') {
value = (value * 10 + int32.charAt(offset) - '0');
- } else if (int32.charAt(offset) == 'i' && int32.charAt(offset + 1) == '3' && int32.charAt(offset + 2) == '2'
- && offset + 3 == int32.length()) {
+ } else if (int32.charAt(offset) == 'i' && int32.charAt(offset + 1) == '3'
+ && int32.charAt(offset + 2) == '2' && offset + 3 == int32.length()) {
} else {
throw new ParseException(errorMessage);
@@ -1124,8 +1146,8 @@
for (; offset < int64.length(); offset++) {
if (int64.charAt(offset) >= '0' && int64.charAt(offset) <= '9') {
value = (value * 10 + int64.charAt(offset) - '0');
- } else if (int64.charAt(offset) == 'i' && int64.charAt(offset + 1) == '6' && int64.charAt(offset + 2) == '4'
- && offset + 3 == int64.length()) {
+ } else if (int64.charAt(offset) == 'i' && int64.charAt(offset + 1) == '6'
+ && int64.charAt(offset + 2) == '4' && offset + 3 == int64.length()) {
} else {
throw new ParseException(errorMessage);
diff --git a/asterix-runtime/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/runtime/operators/file/DelimitedDataParser.java b/asterix-runtime/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/runtime/operators/file/DelimitedDataParser.java
index c3ddde6..41cc7cf 100644
--- a/asterix-runtime/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/runtime/operators/file/DelimitedDataParser.java
+++ b/asterix-runtime/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/runtime/operators/file/DelimitedDataParser.java
@@ -18,8 +18,6 @@
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.io.InputStreamReader;
-import java.io.Reader;
-import java.util.Arrays;
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.builders.IARecordBuilder;
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.builders.RecordBuilder;
@@ -36,6 +34,7 @@
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.dataflow.common.data.marshalling.Integer64SerializerDeserializer;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.dataflow.common.data.parsers.IValueParser;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.dataflow.common.data.parsers.IValueParserFactory;
+import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.dataflow.std.file.FieldCursorForDelimitedDataParser;
public class DelimitedDataParser extends AbstractDataParser implements IDataParser {
@@ -49,7 +48,7 @@
private ArrayBackedValueStorage fieldValueBuffer;
private DataOutput fieldValueBufferOutput;
private IValueParser[] valueParsers;
- private FieldCursor cursor;
+ private FieldCursorForDelimitedDataParser cursor;
private byte[] fieldTypeTags;
private int[] fldIds;
private ArrayBackedValueStorage[] nameBuffers;
@@ -61,20 +60,16 @@
private final ARecordType origRecordTypeForAutoGeneratedPK;
private boolean areAllNullFields;
- private boolean isDoubleQuoteIncludedInThisField;
- private int doubleQuoteCount;
- private int lineCount;
private int fieldCount;
public DelimitedDataParser(ARecordType recordType, IValueParserFactory[] valueParserFactories, char fieldDelimter,
- char quote, boolean hasHeader) {
+ char quote, boolean hasHeader) {
this(recordType, valueParserFactories, fieldDelimter, quote, hasHeader, false, -1, null);
public DelimitedDataParser(ARecordType recordType, IValueParserFactory[] valueParserFactories, char fieldDelimter,
- char quote, boolean hasHeader, boolean isPKAutoGenerated, int primaryKeyPosition,
- ARecordType origRecordTypeForAutoGeneratedPK) {
+ char quote, boolean hasHeader, boolean isPKAutoGenerated, int primaryKeyPosition,
+ ARecordType origRecordTypeForAutoGeneratedPK) {
this.recordType = recordType;
this.valueParserFactories = valueParserFactories;
this.fieldDelimiter = fieldDelimter;
@@ -95,15 +90,11 @@
recordTypeToApply = recordType;
- lineCount = 1;
valueParsers = new IValueParser[valueParserFactories.length];
for (int i = 0; i < valueParserFactories.length; ++i) {
valueParsers[i] = valueParserFactories[i].createValueParser();
- isDoubleQuoteIncludedInThisField = false;
fieldValueBuffer = new ArrayBackedValueStorage();
fieldValueBufferOutput = fieldValueBuffer.getDataOutput();
@@ -136,15 +127,15 @@
- cursor = new FieldCursor(new InputStreamReader(in));
+ cursor = new FieldCursorForDelimitedDataParser(new InputStreamReader(in), fieldDelimiter, quote);
public boolean parse(DataOutput out) throws AsterixException, IOException {
- if (hasHeader && lineCount == 1) {
+ if (hasHeader && cursor.lineCount == 1) {
// Consume all fields of first record
- while (cursor.nextField());
+ while (cursor.nextField(fieldCount));
while (cursor.nextRecord()) {
// If PK is auto-generated, then we need to use the recordType that
@@ -160,7 +151,7 @@
fieldCount = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < valueParsers.length; ++i) {
- if (!cursor.nextField()) {
+ if (!cursor.nextField(fieldCount)) {
@@ -172,7 +163,7 @@
// empty string
if (recordType.getFieldTypes()[i].getTypeTag() != ATypeTag.UNION
|| !NonTaggedFormatUtil.isOptionalField((AUnionType) recordType.getFieldTypes()[i])) {
- throw new AsterixException("At line: " + lineCount + " - Field " + i
+ throw new AsterixException("At line: " + cursor.lineCount + " - Field " + i
+ " is not an optional type so it cannot accept null value. ");
@@ -180,10 +171,10 @@
} else {
// Eliminate doule quotes in the field that we are going to parse
- if (isDoubleQuoteIncludedInThisField) {
- eliminateDoubleQuote(cursor.buffer, cursor.fStart, cursor.fEnd - cursor.fStart);
- cursor.fEnd -= doubleQuoteCount;
- isDoubleQuoteIncludedInThisField = false;
+ if (cursor.isDoubleQuoteIncludedInThisField) {
+ cursor.eliminateDoubleQuote(cursor.buffer, cursor.fStart, cursor.fEnd - cursor.fStart);
+ cursor.fEnd -= cursor.doubleQuoteCount;
+ cursor.isDoubleQuoteIncludedInThisField = false;
valueParsers[i].parse(cursor.buffer, cursor.fStart, cursor.fEnd - cursor.fStart,
@@ -215,7 +206,7 @@
} else if (isPKAutoGenerated && fieldCount >= origRecordTypeForAutoGeneratedPK.getFieldTypes().length) {
// If we have all fields in the file including auto-generated PK,
// throw an exception
- throw new AsterixException("At line: " + lineCount
+ throw new AsterixException("At line: " + cursor.lineCount
+ " - check number of fields. Auto-generated PK field should not exist in the input data.");
@@ -239,329 +230,4 @@
- protected enum State {
- EOR,
- CR,
- }
- protected class FieldCursor {
- private static final int INITIAL_BUFFER_SIZE = 4096;
- private static final int INCREMENT = 4096;
- private final Reader in;
- private char[] buffer;
- private int start;
- private int end;
- private State state;
- private int fStart;
- private int fEnd;
- private int lastQuotePosition;
- private int lastDoubleQuotePosition;
- private int lastDelimiterPosition;
- private int quoteCount;
- private boolean startedQuote;
- public FieldCursor(Reader in) {
- this.in = in;
- buffer = new char[INITIAL_BUFFER_SIZE];
- start = 0;
- end = 0;
- state = State.INIT;
- lastDelimiterPosition = -99;
- lastQuotePosition = -99;
- lastDoubleQuotePosition = -99;
- quoteCount = 0;
- startedQuote = false;
- }
- public boolean nextRecord() throws IOException {
- while (true) {
- switch (state) {
- case INIT:
- boolean eof = !readMore();
- if (eof) {
- state = State.EOF;
- return false;
- } else {
- state = State.IN_RECORD;
- return true;
- }
- case IN_RECORD:
- int p = start;
- while (true) {
- if (p >= end) {
- int s = start;
- eof = !readMore();
- if (eof) {
- state = State.EOF;
- return start < end;
- }
- p -= (s - start);
- lastQuotePosition -= (s - start);
- lastDoubleQuotePosition -= (s - start);
- lastDelimiterPosition -= (s - start);
- }
- char ch = buffer[p];
- // We perform rough format correctness (delimiter, quote) check here
- // to set the starting position of a record.
- // In the field level, more checking will be conducted.
- if (ch == quote) {
- startedQuote = true;
- // check two quotes in a row - "". This is an escaped quote
- if (lastQuotePosition == p - 1 && start != p - 1 && lastDoubleQuotePosition != p - 1) {
- lastDoubleQuotePosition = p;
- }
- lastQuotePosition = p;
- } else if (ch == fieldDelimiter) {
- if (startedQuote && lastQuotePosition == p - 1 && lastDoubleQuotePosition != p - 1) {
- startedQuote = false;
- lastDelimiterPosition = p;
- }
- } else if (ch == '\n' && !startedQuote) {
- start = p + 1;
- state = State.EOR;
- lineCount++;
- lastDelimiterPosition = p;
- break;
- } else if (ch == '\r' && !startedQuote) {
- start = p + 1;
- state = State.CR;
- break;
- }
- ++p;
- }
- break;
- case CR:
- if (start >= end) {
- eof = !readMore();
- if (eof) {
- state = State.EOF;
- return false;
- }
- }
- char ch = buffer[start];
- if (ch == '\n' && !startedQuote) {
- ++start;
- state = State.EOR;
- lineCount++;
- } else {
- state = State.IN_RECORD;
- return true;
- }
- case EOR:
- if (start >= end) {
- eof = !readMore();
- if (eof) {
- state = State.EOF;
- return false;
- }
- }
- state = State.IN_RECORD;
- lastDelimiterPosition = start;
- return start < end;
- case EOF:
- return false;
- }
- }
- }
- public boolean nextField() throws IOException {
- switch (state) {
- case INIT:
- case EOR:
- case EOF:
- case CR:
- return false;
- case IN_RECORD:
- boolean eof;
- // reset quote related values
- startedQuote = false;
- isDoubleQuoteIncludedInThisField = false;
- lastQuotePosition = -99;
- lastDoubleQuotePosition = -99;
- quoteCount = 0;
- doubleQuoteCount = 0;
- int p = start;
- while (true) {
- if (p >= end) {
- int s = start;
- eof = !readMore();
- p -= (s - start);
- lastQuotePosition -= (s - start);
- lastDoubleQuotePosition -= (s - start);
- lastDelimiterPosition -= (s - start);
- if (eof) {
- state = State.EOF;
- if (startedQuote && lastQuotePosition == p - 1 && lastDoubleQuotePosition != p - 1
- && quoteCount == doubleQuoteCount * 2 + 2) {
- // set the position of fStart to +1, fEnd to -1 to remove quote character
- fStart = start + 1;
- fEnd = p - 1;
- } else {
- fStart = start;
- fEnd = p;
- }
- return true;
- }
- }
- char ch = buffer[p];
- if (ch == quote) {
- // If this is first quote in the field, then it needs to be placed in the beginning.
- if (!startedQuote) {
- if (lastDelimiterPosition == p - 1 || lastDelimiterPosition == -99) {
- startedQuote = true;
- } else {
- // In this case, we don't have a quote in the beginning of a field.
- throw new IOException(
- "At line: "
- + lineCount
- + ", field#: "
- + (fieldCount+1)
- + " - a quote enclosing a field needs to be placed in the beginning of that field.");
- }
- }
- // Check double quotes - "". We check [start != p-2]
- // to avoid false positive where there is no value in a field,
- // since it looks like a double quote. However, it's not a double quote.
- // (e.g. if field2 has no value:
- // field1,"",field3 ... )
- if (lastQuotePosition == p - 1 && lastDelimiterPosition != p - 2
- && lastDoubleQuotePosition != p - 1) {
- isDoubleQuoteIncludedInThisField = true;
- doubleQuoteCount++;
- lastDoubleQuotePosition = p;
- }
- lastQuotePosition = p;
- quoteCount++;
- } else if (ch == fieldDelimiter) {
- // If there was no quote in the field,
- // then we assume that the field contains a valid string.
- if (!startedQuote) {
- fStart = start;
- fEnd = p;
- start = p + 1;
- lastDelimiterPosition = p;
- return true;
- } else if (startedQuote) {
- if (lastQuotePosition == p - 1 && lastDoubleQuotePosition != p - 1) {
- // There is a quote right before the delimiter (e.g. ",) and it is not two quote,
- // then the field contains a valid string.
- // We set the position of fStart to +1, fEnd to -1 to remove quote character
- fStart = start + 1;
- fEnd = p - 1;
- start = p + 1;
- lastDelimiterPosition = p;
- return true;
- } else if (lastQuotePosition < p - 1 && lastQuotePosition != lastDoubleQuotePosition
- && quoteCount == doubleQuoteCount * 2 + 2) {
- // There is a quote before the delimiter, however it is not directly placed before the delimiter.
- // In this case, we throw an exception.
- // quoteCount == doubleQuoteCount * 2 + 2 : only true when we have two quotes except double-quotes.
- throw new IOException("At line: " + lineCount + ", field#: " + (fieldCount+1)
- + " - A quote enclosing a field needs to be followed by the delimiter.");
- }
- }
- // If the control flow reaches here: we have a delimiter in this field and
- // there should be a quote in the beginning and the end of
- // this field. So, just continue reading next character
- } else if (ch == '\n') {
- if (!startedQuote) {
- fStart = start;
- fEnd = p;
- start = p + 1;
- state = State.EOR;
- lineCount++;
- lastDelimiterPosition = p;
- return true;
- } else if (startedQuote && lastQuotePosition == p - 1 && lastDoubleQuotePosition != p - 1
- && quoteCount == doubleQuoteCount * 2 + 2) {
- // set the position of fStart to +1, fEnd to -1 to remove quote character
- fStart = start + 1;
- fEnd = p - 1;
- lastDelimiterPosition = p;
- start = p + 1;
- state = State.EOR;
- lineCount++;
- return true;
- }
- } else if (ch == '\r') {
- if (!startedQuote) {
- fStart = start;
- fEnd = p;
- start = p + 1;
- state = State.CR;
- lastDelimiterPosition = p;
- return true;
- } else if (startedQuote && lastQuotePosition == p - 1 && lastDoubleQuotePosition != p - 1
- && quoteCount == doubleQuoteCount * 2 + 2) {
- // set the position of fStart to +1, fEnd to -1 to remove quote character
- fStart = start + 1;
- fEnd = p - 1;
- lastDelimiterPosition = p;
- start = p + 1;
- state = State.CR;
- startedQuote = false;
- return true;
- }
- }
- ++p;
- }
- }
- throw new IllegalStateException();
- }
- protected boolean readMore() throws IOException {
- if (start > 0) {
- System.arraycopy(buffer, start, buffer, 0, end - start);
- }
- end -= start;
- start = 0;
- if (end == buffer.length) {
- buffer = Arrays.copyOf(buffer, buffer.length + INCREMENT);
- }
- int n = in.read(buffer, end, buffer.length - end);
- if (n < 0) {
- return false;
- }
- end += n;
- return true;
- }
- }
- // Eliminate escaped double quotes("") in a field
- protected void eliminateDoubleQuote(char[] buffer, int start, int length) {
- int lastDoubleQuotePosition = -99;
- int writepos = start;
- int readpos = start;
- // Find positions where double quotes appear
- for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
- // Skip double quotes
- if (buffer[readpos] == quote && lastDoubleQuotePosition != readpos - 1) {
- lastDoubleQuotePosition = readpos;
- readpos++;
- } else {
- // Moving characters except double quote to the front
- if (writepos != readpos) {
- buffer[writepos] = buffer[readpos];
- }
- writepos++;
- readpos++;
- }
- }
- }
diff --git a/asterix-runtime/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/runtime/runningaggregates/std/TidRunningAggregateDescriptor.java b/asterix-runtime/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/runtime/runningaggregates/std/TidRunningAggregateDescriptor.java
index a199f2d..f904601 100644
--- a/asterix-runtime/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/runtime/runningaggregates/std/TidRunningAggregateDescriptor.java
+++ b/asterix-runtime/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/runtime/runningaggregates/std/TidRunningAggregateDescriptor.java
@@ -3,9 +3,9 @@
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* you may obtain a copy of the License from
- *
+ *
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
+ *
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
@@ -17,8 +17,8 @@
import java.io.DataOutput;
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.formats.nontagged.AqlSerializerDeserializerProvider;
-import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.base.AInt32;
-import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.base.AMutableInt32;
+import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.base.AInt64;
+import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.base.AMutableInt64;
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.functions.AsterixBuiltinFunctions;
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.functions.IFunctionDescriptor;
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.functions.IFunctionDescriptorFactory;
@@ -62,9 +62,9 @@
return new ICopyRunningAggregateFunction() {
int cnt;
- ISerializerDeserializer<AInt32> serde = AqlSerializerDeserializerProvider.INSTANCE
- .getSerializerDeserializer(BuiltinType.AINT32);
- AMutableInt32 m = new AMutableInt32(0);
+ ISerializerDeserializer<AInt64> serde = AqlSerializerDeserializerProvider.INSTANCE
+ .getSerializerDeserializer(BuiltinType.AINT64);
+ AMutableInt64 m = new AMutableInt64(0);
public void step(IFrameTupleReference tuple) throws AlgebricksException {
diff --git a/asterix-runtime/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/runtime/unnestingfunctions/std/RangeDescriptor.java b/asterix-runtime/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/runtime/unnestingfunctions/std/RangeDescriptor.java
index 1c32442..431ba85 100644
--- a/asterix-runtime/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/runtime/unnestingfunctions/std/RangeDescriptor.java
+++ b/asterix-runtime/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/runtime/unnestingfunctions/std/RangeDescriptor.java
@@ -17,11 +17,12 @@
import java.io.DataOutput;
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.formats.nontagged.AqlSerializerDeserializerProvider;
-import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.base.AMutableInt32;
+import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.base.AMutableInt64;
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.functions.AsterixBuiltinFunctions;
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.functions.IFunctionDescriptor;
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.functions.IFunctionDescriptorFactory;
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.types.BuiltinType;
+import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.types.hierachy.ATypeHierarchy;
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.runtime.unnestingfunctions.base.AbstractUnnestingFunctionDynamicDescriptor;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.algebricks.common.exceptions.AlgebricksException;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.algebricks.core.algebra.functions.FunctionIdentifier;
@@ -32,7 +33,6 @@
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.api.dataflow.value.ISerializerDeserializer;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.api.exceptions.HyracksDataException;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.data.std.api.IDataOutputProvider;
-import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.data.std.primitive.IntegerPointable;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.data.std.util.ArrayBackedValueStorage;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.dataflow.common.data.accessors.IFrameTupleReference;
@@ -66,22 +66,30 @@
private DataOutput out = provider.getDataOutput();
private ISerializerDeserializer serde = AqlSerializerDeserializerProvider.INSTANCE
- .getSerializerDeserializer(BuiltinType.AINT32);
+ .getSerializerDeserializer(BuiltinType.AINT64);
private ArrayBackedValueStorage inputVal = new ArrayBackedValueStorage();
private ICopyEvaluator eval0 = args[0].createEvaluator(inputVal);
private ICopyEvaluator eval1 = args[1].createEvaluator(inputVal);
- private AMutableInt32 aInt32 = new AMutableInt32(0);
- private int current;
- private int max;
+ private AMutableInt64 aInt64 = new AMutableInt64(0);
+ private long current;
+ private long max;
public void init(IFrameTupleReference tuple) throws AlgebricksException {
- current = IntegerPointable.getInteger(inputVal.getByteArray(), 1);
+ try {
+ current = ATypeHierarchy.getLongValue(inputVal.getByteArray(), 0);
+ } catch (HyracksDataException e) {
+ throw new AlgebricksException(e);
+ }
- max = IntegerPointable.getInteger(inputVal.getByteArray(), 1);
+ try {
+ max = ATypeHierarchy.getLongValue(inputVal.getByteArray(), 0);
+ } catch (HyracksDataException e) {
+ throw new AlgebricksException(e);
+ }
@@ -90,9 +98,9 @@
if (current > max) {
return false;
- aInt32.setValue(current);
+ aInt64.setValue(current);
try {
- serde.serialize(aInt32, out);
+ serde.serialize(aInt64, out);
} catch (HyracksDataException e) {
throw new AlgebricksException(e);
diff --git a/asterix-runtime/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/runtime/unnestingfunctions/std/SubsetCollectionDescriptor.java b/asterix-runtime/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/runtime/unnestingfunctions/std/SubsetCollectionDescriptor.java
index 84a528f..20ffbc7 100644
--- a/asterix-runtime/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/runtime/unnestingfunctions/std/SubsetCollectionDescriptor.java
+++ b/asterix-runtime/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/runtime/unnestingfunctions/std/SubsetCollectionDescriptor.java
@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.types.ATypeTag;
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.types.BuiltinType;
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.types.EnumDeserializer;
+import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.types.hierachy.ATypeHierarchy;
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.om.util.NonTaggedFormatUtil;
import edu.uci.ics.asterix.runtime.unnestingfunctions.base.AbstractUnnestingFunctionDynamicDescriptor;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.algebricks.common.exceptions.AlgebricksException;
@@ -38,7 +39,6 @@
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.algebricks.runtime.base.ICopyUnnestingFunctionFactory;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.api.dataflow.value.ISerializerDeserializer;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.data.std.api.IDataOutputProvider;
-import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.data.std.primitive.IntegerPointable;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.data.std.util.ArrayBackedValueStorage;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.dataflow.common.data.accessors.IFrameTupleReference;
@@ -88,11 +88,13 @@
try {
- posStart = IntegerPointable.getInteger(inputVal.getByteArray(), 1);
+ posStart = ATypeHierarchy.getIntegerValue(inputVal.getByteArray(), 0);
- numItems = IntegerPointable.getInteger(inputVal.getByteArray(), 1);
+ numItems = ATypeHierarchy.getIntegerValue(inputVal.getByteArray(), 0);
diff --git a/asterix-runtime/src/main/resources/adm.grammar b/asterix-runtime/src/main/resources/adm.grammar
index b0ca26f..2446e48 100644
--- a/asterix-runtime/src/main/resources/adm.grammar
+++ b/asterix-runtime/src/main/resources/adm.grammar
@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@
INT16_CONS = string(int16)
INT32_CONS = string(int32)
INT64_CONS = string(int64)
+INT64_CONS = string(int)
FLOAT_CONS = string(float)
DOUBLE_CONS = string(double)
DATE_CONS = string(date)
diff --git a/asterix-tools/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/tools/external/data/SocketClientAdapterFactory.java b/asterix-tools/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/tools/external/data/SocketClientAdapterFactory.java
index 0b39f0c..2827610 100644
--- a/asterix-tools/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/tools/external/data/SocketClientAdapterFactory.java
+++ b/asterix-tools/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/tools/external/data/SocketClientAdapterFactory.java
@@ -26,6 +26,7 @@
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.algebricks.common.constraints.AlgebricksPartitionConstraint;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.algebricks.common.utils.Pair;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.api.context.IHyracksTaskContext;
+import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.api.exceptions.HyracksDataException;
public class SocketClientAdapterFactory implements ITypedAdapterFactory {
@@ -62,7 +63,7 @@
BuiltinType.ADATETIME, unorderedListType, BuiltinType.ASTRING };
outputType = new ARecordType("TweetMessageType", fieldNames, fieldTypes, false);
- } catch (AsterixException e) {
+ } catch (AsterixException | HyracksDataException e) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Unable to initialize output type");
return outputType;
diff --git a/asterix-tools/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/tools/external/data/TwitterFirehoseFeedAdapterFactory.java b/asterix-tools/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/tools/external/data/TwitterFirehoseFeedAdapterFactory.java
index 4ec4650..51fe45f 100644
--- a/asterix-tools/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/tools/external/data/TwitterFirehoseFeedAdapterFactory.java
+++ b/asterix-tools/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/tools/external/data/TwitterFirehoseFeedAdapterFactory.java
@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.algebricks.common.constraints.AlgebricksAbsolutePartitionConstraint;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.algebricks.common.constraints.AlgebricksPartitionConstraint;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.api.context.IHyracksTaskContext;
+import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.api.exceptions.HyracksDataException;
* Factory class for creating @see{TwitterFirehoseFeedAdapter}.
@@ -125,7 +126,7 @@
BuiltinType.ADATETIME, unorderedListType, BuiltinType.ASTRING };
outputType = new ARecordType("TweetMessageType", fieldNames, fieldTypes, false);
- } catch (AsterixException e) {
+ } catch (AsterixException | HyracksDataException e) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Unable to initialize output type");
return outputType;
diff --git a/asterix-transactions/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/transaction/management/service/transaction/FieldsHashValueGenerator.java b/asterix-transactions/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/transaction/management/service/transaction/FieldsHashValueGenerator.java
index 0b915c1..97bb47b 100644
--- a/asterix-transactions/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/transaction/management/service/transaction/FieldsHashValueGenerator.java
+++ b/asterix-transactions/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/transaction/management/service/transaction/FieldsHashValueGenerator.java
@@ -3,9 +3,9 @@
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* you may obtain a copy of the License from
- *
+ *
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
+ *
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
@@ -16,11 +16,12 @@
package edu.uci.ics.asterix.transaction.management.service.transaction;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.api.dataflow.value.IBinaryHashFunction;
+import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.api.exceptions.HyracksDataException;
import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.dataflow.common.data.accessors.ITupleReference;
public class FieldsHashValueGenerator {
public static int computeFieldsHashValue(ITupleReference tuple, int[] fieldIndexes,
- IBinaryHashFunction[] fieldHashFunctions) {
+ IBinaryHashFunction[] fieldHashFunctions) throws HyracksDataException {
int h = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < fieldIndexes.length; i++) {
int primaryKeyFieldIdx = fieldIndexes[i];
diff --git a/pom.xml b/pom.xml
index 5e9f643..b00fdeb 100644
--- a/pom.xml
+++ b/pom.xml
@@ -45,8 +45,8 @@
<!-- Versions under dependencymanagement or used in many projects via properties -->
- <algebricks.version>0.2.15-SNAPSHOT</algebricks.version>
- <hyracks.version>0.2.15-SNAPSHOT</hyracks.version>
+ <algebricks.version>0.2.16-SNAPSHOT</algebricks.version>
+ <hyracks.version>0.2.16-SNAPSHOT</hyracks.version>