Merge branch 'master' into jarodwen/hotfix/issue485_till
diff --git a/asterix-doc/src/site/markdown/ b/asterix-doc/src/site/markdown/
index 2b3523f..3e54d61 100644
--- a/asterix-doc/src/site/markdown/
+++ b/asterix-doc/src/site/markdown/
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
 # Asterix Data Model (ADM) #
-An instance of Asterix data model (ADM) can be a _*primitive type*_ (`Int32`, `Int64`, `String`, `Float`, `Double`, `Date`, `Time`, `Datetime`, etc. or `NULL`) or a _*derived type*_.
+An instance of Asterix data model (ADM) can be a _*primitive type*_ (`int32`, `int64`, `string`, `float`, `double`, `date`, `time`, `datetime`, etc. or `null`) or a _*derived type*_.
 ## Primitive Types ##
 ### Boolean ###
-`Boolean` data type can have one of the two values: _*true*_ or _*false*_.
+`boolean` data type can have one of the two values: _*true*_ or _*false*_.
  * Example:
@@ -24,10 +24,10 @@
 ### Int8 / Int16 / Int32 / Int64 ###
 Integer types using 8, 16, 32, or 64 bits. The ranges of these types are:
-- `Int8`: -127 to 127
-- `Int16`: -32767 to 32767
-- `Int32`: -2147483647 to 2147483647
-- `Int64`: -9223372036854775808 to 9223372036854775807
+- `int8`: -127 to 127
+- `int16`: -32767 to 32767
+- `int32`: -2147483647 to 2147483647
+- `int64`: -9223372036854775808 to 9223372036854775807
  * Example:
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@
 ### Float ###
-`Float` represents approximate numeric data values using 4 bytes. The range of a float value can be from 2^(-149) to (2-2^(-23)·2^(127) for both positive and negative. Beyond these ranges will get `INF` or `-INF`.
+`float` represents approximate numeric data values using 4 bytes. The range of a float value can be from 2^(-149) to (2-2^(-23)·2^(127) for both positive and negative. Beyond these ranges will get `INF` or `-INF`.
  * Example:
@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@
 ### Double ###
-`Double` represents approximate numeric data values using 8 bytes. The range of a double value can be from (2^(-1022)) to (2-2^(-52))·2^(1023) for both positive and negative. Beyond these ranges will get `INF` or `-INF`.
+`double` represents approximate numeric data values using 8 bytes. The range of a double value can be from (2^(-1022)) to (2-2^(-52))·2^(1023) for both positive and negative. Beyond these ranges will get `INF` or `-INF`.
  * Example:
@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@
 ### String ###
-`String` represents a sequence of characters.
+`string` represents a sequence of characters.
  * Example:
@@ -93,7 +93,7 @@
 ### Point ###
-`Point` is the fundamental two-dimensional building block for spatial types. It consists of two `double` coordinates x and y.
+`point` is the fundamental two-dimensional building block for spatial types. It consists of two `double` coordinates x and y.
  * Example:
@@ -108,7 +108,7 @@
 ### Line ###
-`Line` consists of two points that represent the start and the end points of a line segment.
+`line` consists of two points that represent the start and the end points of a line segment.
  * Example:
@@ -123,7 +123,7 @@
 ### Rectangle ###
-`Rectangle` consists of two points that represent the _*bottom left*_ and _*upper right*_ corners of a rectangle.
+`rectangle` consists of two points that represent the _*bottom left*_ and _*upper right*_ corners of a rectangle.
  * Example:
@@ -138,7 +138,7 @@
 ### Circle ###
-`Circle` consists of one point that represents the center of the circle and a radius of type `Double`.
+`circle` consists of one point that represents the center of the circle and a radius of type `double`.
  * Example:
@@ -153,7 +153,7 @@
 ### Polygon ###
-`Polygon` consists of _*n*_ points that represent the vertices of a _*simple closed*_ polygon.
+`polygon` consists of _*n*_ points that represent the vertices of a _*simple closed*_ polygon.
  * Example:
@@ -168,7 +168,7 @@
 ### Date ###
-`Date` represents a time point along the Gregorian calendar system specified by the year, month and day. ASTERIX supports the date from `-9999-01-01` to `9999-12-31`.
+`date` represents a time point along the Gregorian calendar system specified by the year, month and day. ASTERIX supports the date from `-9999-01-01` to `9999-12-31`.
 A date value can be represented in two formats, extended format and basic format.
@@ -188,7 +188,7 @@
 ### Time ###
-`Time` type describes the time within the range of a day. It is represented by three fields: hour, minute and second. Millisecond field is optional as the fraction of the second field. Its extended format is as `hh:mm:ss[.mmm]` and the basic format is `hhmmss[mmm]`. The value domain is from `00:00:00.000` to `23:59:59.999`.
+`time` type describes the time within the range of a day. It is represented by three fields: hour, minute and second. Millisecond field is optional as the fraction of the second field. Its extended format is as `hh:mm:ss[.mmm]` and the basic format is `hhmmss[mmm]`. The value domain is from `00:00:00.000` to `23:59:59.999`.
 Timezone field is optional for a time value. Timezone is represented as `[+|-]hh:mm` for extended format or `[+|-]hhmm` for basic format. Note that the sign designators cannot be omitted. `Z` can also be used to represent the UTC local time. If no timezone information is given, it is UTC by default.
@@ -205,11 +205,11 @@
 ### Datetime ###
-A `Datetime` value is a combination of an `Date` and `Time`, representing a fixed time point along the Gregorian calendar system. The value is among `-9999-01-01 00:00:00.000` and `9999-12-31 23:59:59.999`.
+A `datetime` value is a combination of an `date` and `time`, representing a fixed time point along the Gregorian calendar system. The value is among `-9999-01-01 00:00:00.000` and `9999-12-31 23:59:59.999`.
-A `Datetime` value is represented as a combination of the representation of its `Date` part and `Time` part, separated by a separator `T`. Either extended or basic format can be used, and the two parts should be the same format.
+A `datetime` value is represented as a combination of the representation of its `date` part and `time` part, separated by a separator `T`. Either extended or basic format can be used, and the two parts should be the same format.
-Millisecond field and timezone field are optional, as specified in the `Time` type.
+Millisecond field and timezone field are optional, as specified in the `time` type.
  * Example:
@@ -224,11 +224,11 @@
 ### Duration ###
-`Duration` represents a duration of time. A duration value is specified by integers on at least one of the following fields: year, month, day, hour, minute, second, and millisecond.
+`duration` represents a duration of time. A duration value is specified by integers on at least one of the following fields: year, month, day, hour, minute, second, and millisecond.
 A duration value is in the format of `[-]PnYnMnDTnHnMn.mmmS`. The millisecond part (as the fraction of the second field) is optional, and when no millisecond field is used, the decimal point should also be absent.
-Negative durations are also supported for the arithmetic operations between time instance types (`Date`, `Time` and `Datetime`), and is used to roll the time back for the given duration. For example `date("2012-01-01") + duration("-P3D")` will return `date("2011-12-29")`.
+Negative durations are also supported for the arithmetic operations between time instance types (`date`, `time` and `datetime`), and is used to roll the time back for the given duration. For example `date("2012-01-01") + duration("-P3D")` will return `date("2011-12-29")`.
 Note that a canonical representation of the duration is always returned, regardless whether the duration is in the canonical representation or not from the user's input. More information about canonical representation can be found from [XPath dayTimeDuration Canonical Representation]( and [yearMonthDuration Canonical Representation](
@@ -245,7 +245,7 @@
 ### Interval ###
-`Interval` represents inclusive-exclusive ranges of time. It is defined by two time point values with the same temporal type(`Date`, `Time` or `Datetime`).
+`interval` represents inclusive-exclusive ranges of time. It is defined by two time point values with the same temporal type(`date`, `time` or `datetime`).
  * Example:
@@ -263,7 +263,7 @@
 ## Derived Types ##
 ### Record ###
-A `Record` contains a set of fields, where each field is described by its name and type. A record type is either open or closed. Open records can contain fields that are not part of the type definition, while closed records cannot. Syntactically, record constructors are surrounded by curly braces "{...}".
+A `record` contains a set of fields, where each field is described by its name and type. A record type is either open or closed. Open records can contain fields that are not part of the type definition, while closed records cannot. Syntactically, record constructors are surrounded by curly braces "{...}".
 An example would be
@@ -272,7 +272,7 @@
 ### OrderedList ###
-An `OrderedList` is a sequence of values for which the order is determined by creation or insertion. OrderedList constructors are denoted by brackets: "[...]".
+An `orderedList` is a sequence of values for which the order is determined by creation or insertion. OrderedList constructors are denoted by brackets: "[...]".
 An example would be
@@ -281,7 +281,7 @@
 ### UnorderedList ###
-An `UnorderedList` is an unordered sequence of values, similar to bags in SQL. UnorderedList constructors are denoted by two opening flower braces followed by data and two closing flower braces, like "{{...}}".
+An `unorderedList` is an unordered sequence of values, similar to bags in SQL. UnorderedList constructors are denoted by two opening flower braces followed by data and two closing flower braces, like "{{...}}".
 An example would be
diff --git a/asterix-doc/src/site/markdown/ b/asterix-doc/src/site/markdown/
index d47752c..1f46fca 100644
--- a/asterix-doc/src/site/markdown/
+++ b/asterix-doc/src/site/markdown/
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
  * Converts the string `string_expression` to its code-based representation.
  * Arguments:
-   * `string_expression` : A `String` that will be converted.
+   * `string_expression` : A `string` that will be converted.
  * Return Value:
    * An `OrderedList` of the code points for the string `string_expression`.
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
  * Arguments:
    * `list_expression` : An `OrderedList` of code-points.
  * Return Value:
-   * A `String` representation of `list_expression`.
+   * A `string` representation of `list_expression`.
  * Example:
@@ -42,14 +42,14 @@
 ### contains ###
  * Syntax:
-        contains(string_expression, string_pattern)
+        contains(string_expression, substring_to_contain)
- * Checks whether the string `string_expression` contains the string `string_pattern`
+ * Checks whether the string `string_expression` contains the string `substring_to_contain`
  * Arguments:
-   * `string_expression` : A `String` that might contain the pattern.
-   * `string_pattern` : A target `String` that might be contained.
+   * `string_expression` : A `string` that might contain the given substring.
+   * `substring_to_contain` : A target `string` that might be contained.
  * Return Value:
-   * A `Boolean`, returns `true` if `string_expression` contains `string_pattern`, otherwise returns `false`.
+   * A `boolean`, returns `true` if `string_expression` contains `substring_to_contain`, otherwise returns `false`.
  * Example:
@@ -74,9 +74,9 @@
  * Returns the length of the list `list_expression`.
  * Arguments:
-   * `list_expression` : An `OrderedList`, `UnorderedList` or `NULL`, represents the list need to be checked.
+   * `list_expression` : An `OrderedList`, `UnorderedList` or `null`, represents the list need to be checked.
  * Return Value:
-   * An `Int32` that represents the length of `list_expression`.
+   * An `int32` that represents the length of `list_expression`.
  * Example:
@@ -96,12 +96,12 @@
         like(string_expression, string_pattern)
- * Checks whether the string `string_expression` contains the string `string_pattern`.
+ * Checks whether the string `string_expression` contains the string pattern `string_pattern`. Compared with `contains` function, `like` function also supports regex keywords.
  * Arguments:
-   * `string_expression` : A `String` that might contain the pattern or `NULL`.
-   * `string_pattern` : A pattern `String` that might be contained or `NULL`.
+   * `string_expression` : A `string` that might contain the pattern or `null`.
+   * `string_pattern` : A pattern `string` that might be contained or `null`.
  * Return Value:
-   * A `Boolean`, returns `true` if `string_expression` contains the pattern `string_pattern`, otherwise returns `false`.
+   * A `boolean`, returns `true` if `string_expression` contains the pattern `string_pattern`, otherwise returns `false`.
  * Example:
@@ -122,14 +122,14 @@
 ### starts-with ###
  * Syntax:
-        starts-with(string_expression, string_pattern)
+        starts-with(string_expression, substring_to_start_with)
- * Checks whether the string `string_expression` starts with the string `string_pattern`.
+ * Checks whether the string `string_expression` starts with the string `substring_to_start_with`.
  * Arguments:
-   * `string_expression` : A `String` that might start with the given string.
-   * `string_pattern` : A `String` that might be contained as the starting substring.
+   * `string_expression` : A `string` that might start with the given string.
+   * `substring_to_start_with` : A `string` that might be contained as the starting substring.
  * Return Value:
-   * A `Boolean`, returns `true` if `string_expression` starts with the string `string_pattern`, otherwise returns `false`.
+   * A `boolean`, returns `true` if `string_expression` starts with the string `substring_to_start_with`, otherwise returns `false`.
  * Example:
@@ -151,14 +151,14 @@
 ### ends-with ###
  * Syntax:
-        ends-with(string_expression, string_pattern)
+        ends-with(string_expression, substring_to_end_with)
- * Checks whether the string `string_expression` ends with the string `string_pattern`.
+ * Checks whether the string `string_expression` ends with the string `substring_to_end_with`.
  * Arguments:
-   * `string_expression` : A `String` that might end with the given string.
-   * `string_pattern` : A `String` that might be contained as the ending substring.
+   * `string_expression` : A `string` that might end with the given string.
+   * `substring_to_end_with` : A `string` that might be contained as the ending substring.
  * Return Value:
-   * A `Boolean`, returns `true` if `string_expression` ends with the string `string_pattern`, otherwise returns `false`.
+   * A `boolean`, returns `true` if `string_expression` ends with the string `substring_to_end_with`, otherwise returns `false`.
  * Example:
@@ -183,9 +183,9 @@
  * Concatenates a list of strings `list_expression` into a single string.
  * Arguments:
-   * `list_expression` : An `OrderedList` or `UnorderedList` of `String`s (could be `NULL`) to be concatenated.
+   * `list_expression` : An `OrderedList` or `UnorderedList` of `string`s (could be `null`) to be concatenated.
  * Return Value:
-   * Returns the concatenated `String` value.
+   * Returns the concatenated `string` value.
  * Example:
@@ -207,10 +207,10 @@
  * Checks whether the strings `string_expression1` and `string_expression2` are equal.
  * Arguments:
-   * `string_expression1` : A `String` to be compared.
-   * `string_expression2` : A `String` to be compared with.
+   * `string_expression1` : A `string` to be compared.
+   * `string_expression2` : A `string` to be compared with.
  * Return Value:
-   * A `Boolean`, returns `true` if `string_expression1` and `string_expression2` are equal, otherwise returns `false`.
+   * A `boolean`, returns `true` if `string_expression1` and `string_expression2` are equal, otherwise returns `false`.
  * Example:
@@ -232,8 +232,8 @@
  * Joins a list of strings `list_expression` with the given separator `string_expression` into a single string.
  * Arguments:
-   * `list_expression` : An `OrderedList` or `UnorderedList` of `String`s (could be NULL) to be joined.
-   * `string_expression` : A separator `String` value.
+   * `list_expression` : An `OrderedList` or `UnorderedList` of `string`s (could be `null`) to be joined.
+   * `string_expression` : A `string` as the separator.
  * Return Value:
    * Returns the joined `String`.
@@ -255,11 +255,11 @@
- * Returns the lowercase of a given string `string_expression`.
+ * Converts a given string `string_expression` to its lowercase form.
  * Arguments:
-   * `string_expression` : A `String` to be lowercased.
+   * `string_expression` : A `string` to be converted.
  * Return Value:
-   * Returns the lowercased `String`.
+   * Returns a `string` as the lowercase form of the given `string_expression`.
  * Example:
@@ -281,10 +281,10 @@
  * Checks whether the strings `string_expression` matches the given pattern `string_pattern`.
  * Arguments:
-   * `string_expression` : A `String` that might contain the pattern.
-   * `string_pattern` : A pattern `String` to be matched.
+   * `string_expression` : A `string` that might contain the pattern.
+   * `string_pattern` : A pattern `string` to be matched.
  * Return Value:
-   * A `Boolean`, returns `true` if `string_expression` matches the pattern `string_pattern`, otherwise returns `false`.
+   * A `boolean`, returns `true` if `string_expression` matches the pattern `string_pattern`, otherwise returns `false`.
  * Example:
@@ -308,11 +308,11 @@
  * Checks whether the strings `string_expression` matches the given pattern `string_pattern`, and replace the matched pattern `string_pattern` with the new pattern `string_replacement`.
  * Arguments:
-   * `string_expression` : A `String` that might contain the pattern.
-   * `string_pattern` : A pattern `String` to be matched.
-   * `string_replacement` : A pattern `String` to be used as the replacement.
+   * `string_expression` : A `string` that might contain the pattern.
+   * `string_pattern` : A pattern `string` to be matched.
+   * `string_replacement` : A pattern `string` to be used as the replacement.
  * Return Value:
-   * Returns a `String` that is obtained after the replacements.
+   * Returns a `string` that is obtained after the replacements.
  * Example:
@@ -335,9 +335,9 @@
  * Returns the length of the string `string_expression`.
  * Arguments:
-   * `string_expression` : A `String` or `NULL`, represents the string to be checked.
+   * `string_expression` : A `string` or `null`, represents the string to be checked.
  * Return Value:
-   * An `Int32` that represents the length of `string_expression`.
+   * An `int32` that represents the length of `string_expression`.
  * Example:
@@ -369,15 +369,15 @@
 ### substring ###
  * Syntax:
-        substring(string_expression, offset, length)
+        substring(string_expression, offset[, length])
- * Returns the substring from the given string `string_expression` based on the given start offset `offset`.
+ * Returns the substring from the given string `string_expression` based on the given start offset `offset` with the optional `length`.
  * Arguments:
-   * `string_expression` : A `String` as the string to be extracted.
-   * `offset` : An `Int32` as the starting offset of the substring in `string_expression`.
-   * `length` : (Optional) An `Int32` as the length of the substring.
+   * `string_expression` : A `string` as the string to be extracted.
+   * `offset` : An `int32` as the starting offset of the substring in `string_expression`.
+   * `length` : (Optional) An `int32` as the length of the substring.
  * Return Value:
-   * A `String` that represents the substring.
+   * A `string` that represents the substring.
  * Example:
@@ -400,10 +400,10 @@
  * Returns the substring from the given string `string_expression` before the given pattern `string_pattern`.
  * Arguments:
-   * `string_expression` : A `String` as the string to be extracted.
-   * `string_pattern` : A `String` as the string pattern to be searched.
+   * `string_expression` : A `string` as the string to be extracted.
+   * `string_pattern` : A `string` as the string pattern to be searched.
  * Return Value:
-   * A `String` that represents the substring.
+   * A `string` that represents the substring.
  * Example:
@@ -428,10 +428,10 @@
  * Returns the substring from the given string `string_expression` after the given pattern `string_pattern`.
  * Arguments:
-   * `string_expression` : A `String` as the string to be extracted.
-   * `string_pattern` : A `String` as the string pattern to be searched.
+   * `string_expression` : A `string` as the string to be extracted.
+   * `string_pattern` : A `string` as the string pattern to be searched.
  * Return Value:
-   * A `String` that represents the substring.
+   * A `string` that represents the substring.
  * Example:
@@ -455,12 +455,12 @@
         create-point(latitude, longitude)
- * Creates the primitive type `Point` using `latitude` and `longitude`.
+ * Creates the primitive type `point` using `latitude` and `longitude`.
  * Arguments:
-   * `latitude` : A `Double` that represents the latitude.
-   * `longitude` : A `Double` that represents the longitude.
+   * `latitude` : A `double` that represents the latitude.
+   * `longitude` : A `double` that represents the longitude.
  * Return Value:
-   * A `Point`, represents a spatial point created using the latitude and longitude provided in `latitude` and `longitude`.
+   * A `point`, represents a spatial point created using the latitude and longitude provided in `latitude` and `longitude`.
  * Example:
@@ -480,12 +480,12 @@
         create-line(point_expression1, point_expression2)
- * Creates the primitive type `Line` using `point_expression1` and `point_expression2`.
+ * Creates the primitive type `line` using `point_expression1` and `point_expression2`.
  * Arguments:
-   * `point_expression1` : A `Point` that represents the start point of the line.
-   * `point_expression2` : A `Point` that represents the end point of the line.
+   * `point_expression1` : A `point` that represents the start point of the line.
+   * `point_expression2` : A `point` that represents the end point of the line.
  * Return Value:
-   * A `Line`, represents a spatial line created using the points provided in `point_expression1` and `point_expression2`.
+   * A `line`, represents a spatial line created using the points provided in `point_expression1` and `point_expression2`.
  * Example:
@@ -505,12 +505,12 @@
         create-rectangle(point_expression1, point_expression2)
- * Creates the primitive type Rectangle using `point_expression1` and `point_expression2`.
+ * Creates the primitive type `rectangle` using `point_expression1` and `point_expression2`.
  * Arguments:
-   * `point_expression1` : A `Point` that represents the lower-left point of the rectangle.
-   * `point_expression2` : A `Point` that represents the upper-right point of the rectangle.
+   * `point_expression1` : A `point` that represents the lower-left point of the rectangle.
+   * `point_expression2` : A `point` that represents the upper-right point of the rectangle.
  * Return Value:
-   * A `Rectangle`, represents a spatial rectangle created using the points provided in `point_expression1` and `point_expression2`.
+   * A `rectangle`, represents a spatial rectangle created using the points provided in `point_expression1` and `point_expression2`.
  * Example:
@@ -530,12 +530,12 @@
         create-circle(point_expression, radius)
- * Creates the primitive type `Circle` using `point_expression` and `radius`.
+ * Creates the primitive type `circle` using `point_expression` and `radius`.
  * Arguments:
-   * `point_expression` : A `Point` that represents the center of the circle.
-   * `radius` : A `Double` that represents the radius of the circle.
+   * `point_expression` : A `point` that represents the center of the circle.
+   * `radius` : A `double` that represents the radius of the circle.
  * Return Value:
-   * A `Circle`, represents a spatial circle created using the center point and the radius provided in `point_expression` and `radius`.
+   * A `circle`, represents a spatial circle created using the center point and the radius provided in `point_expression` and `radius`.
  * Example:
@@ -553,13 +553,13 @@
 ### create-polygon ###
  * Syntax:
-        create-polygon(point_expression1, point_expression2, ..., point_expressionn)
+        create-polygon(point_expression1, point_expression2, point_expression3, […, point_expressionn])
- * Creates the primitive type `Polygon` using unlimited number of arguments `point_expression1`, `point_expression2`, ..., `point_expressionn`.
+ * Creates the primitive type `polygon` using unlimited number of arguments `point_expression1`, `point_expression2`, ..., `point_expressionn`. Note that at least three points should be specified.
  * Arguments:
-   * `point_expression1`/.../`point_expressionn` : A `Point` that represents a vertex of the polygon.
+   * `point_expression1`/.../`point_expressionn` : A `point` that represents a vertex of the polygon.
  * Return Value:
-   * A `Polygon`, represents a spatial simple polygon created using the points provided in `point_expression1`, `point_expression2`, ..., `point_expressionn`.
+   * A `polygon`, represents a spatial simple polygon created using the points provided in `point_expression1`, `point_expression2`, ..., `point_expressionn`.
  * Example:
@@ -579,11 +579,11 @@
- * Constructor function for `Point` type by parsing a point string `string_expression`
+ * Constructor function for `point` type by parsing a point string `string_expression`
  * Arguments:
-   * `string_expression` : The `String` value representing a point value.
+   * `string_expression` : The `string` value representing a point value.
  * Return Value:
-   * A `Point` value represented by the given string.
+   * A `point` value represented by the given string.
  * Example:
@@ -604,11 +604,11 @@
- * Constructor function for `Line` type by parsing a line string `string_expression`
+ * Constructor function for `line` type by parsing a line string `string_expression`
  * Arguments:
-   * `string_expression` : The `String` value representing a line value.
+   * `string_expression` : The `string` value representing a line value.
  * Return Value:
-   * A `Line` value represented by the given string.
+   * A `line` value represented by the given string.
  * Example:
@@ -629,11 +629,11 @@
- * Constructor function for `Rectangle` type by parsing a rectangle string `string_expression`
+ * Constructor function for `rectangle` type by parsing a rectangle string `string_expression`
  * Arguments:
-   * `string_expression` : The `String` value representing a rectangle value.
+   * `string_expression` : The `string` value representing a rectangle value.
  * Return Value:
-   * A `Rectangle` value represented by the given string.
+   * A `rectangle` value represented by the given string.
  * Example:
@@ -654,11 +654,11 @@
- * Constructor function for `Circle` type by parsing a circle string `string_expression`
+ * Constructor function for `circle` type by parsing a circle string `string_expression`
  * Arguments:
-   * `string_expression` : The `String` value representing a circle value.
+   * `string_expression` : The `string` value representing a circle value.
  * Return Value:
-   * A `Circle` value represented by the given string.
+   * A `circle` value represented by the given string.
  * Example:
@@ -679,11 +679,11 @@
- * Constructor function for `Polygon` type by parsing a polygon string `string_expression`
+ * Constructor function for `polygon` type by parsing a polygon string `string_expression`
  * Arguments:
-   * `string_expression` : The `String` value representing a polygon value.
+   * `string_expression` : The `string` value representing a polygon value.
  * Return Value:
-   * A `Polygon` value represented by the given string.
+   * A `polygon` value represented by the given string.
  * Example:
@@ -706,9 +706,9 @@
  * Returns the x or y coordinates of a point `point_expression`.
  * Arguments:
-   * `point_expression` : A `Point`.
+   * `point_expression` : A `point`.
  * Return Value:
-   * A `Double`, represents the x or y coordinates of the point `point_expression`.
+   * A `double`, represents the x or y coordinates of the point `point_expression`.
  * Example:
@@ -730,7 +730,7 @@
  * Returns an ordered list of the points forming the spatial object `spatial_expression`.
  * Arguments:
-   * `spatial_expression` : A `Point`, `Line`, `Rectangle`, `Circle`, or `Polygon`.
+   * `spatial_expression` : A `point`, `line`, `rectangle`, `circle`, or `polygon`.
  * Return Value:
    * An `OrderedList` of the points forming the spatial object `spatial_expression`.
@@ -759,9 +759,9 @@
  * Returns the center and the radius of a circle `circle_expression`.
  * Arguments:
-   * `circle_expression` : A `Circle`.
+   * `circle_expression` : A `circle`.
  * Return Value:
-   * A `Point` or `Double`, represent the center or radius of the circle `circle_expression`.
+   * A `point` or `double`, represent the center or radius of the circle `circle_expression`.
  * Example:
@@ -785,10 +785,10 @@
  * Returns the euclidean distance between `point_expression1` and `point_expression2`.
  * Arguments:
-   * `point_expression1` : A `Point`.
-   * `point_expression2` : A `Point`.
+   * `point_expression1` : A `point`.
+   * `point_expression2` : A `point`.
  * Return Value:
-   * A `Double`, represents the euclidean distance between `point_expression1` and `point_expression2`.
+   * A `double`, represents the euclidean distance between `point_expression1` and `point_expression2`.
  * Example:
@@ -823,9 +823,9 @@
  * Returns the spatial area of `spatial_2d_expression`.
  * Arguments:
-   * `spatial_2d_expression` : A `Rectangle`, `Circle`, or `Polygon`.
+   * `spatial_2d_expression` : A `rectangle`, `circle`, or `polygon`.
  * Return Value:
-   * A `Double`, represents the area of `spatial_2d_expression`.
+   * A `double`, represents the area of `spatial_2d_expression`.
  * Example:
@@ -848,10 +848,10 @@
  * Checks whether `@arg1` and `@arg2` spatially intersect each other.
  * Arguments:
-   * `spatial_expression1` : A `Point`, `Line`, `Rectangle`, `Circle`, or `Polygon`.
-   * `spatial_expression2` : A `Point`, `Line`, `Rectangle`, `Circle`, or `Polygon`.
+   * `spatial_expression1` : A `point`, `line`, `rectangle`, `circle`, or `polygon`.
+   * `spatial_expression2` : A `point`, `line`, `rectangle`, `circle`, or `polygon`.
  * Return Value:
-   * A `Boolean`, represents whether `spatial_expression1` and `spatial_expression2` spatially intersect each other.
+   * A `boolean`, represents whether `spatial_expression1` and `spatial_expression2` spatially intersect each other.
  * Example:
@@ -876,12 +876,12 @@
  * Returns the grid cell that `point_expression1` belongs to.
  * Arguments:
-   * `point_expression1` : A `Point`, represents the point of interest that its grid cell will be returned.
-   * `point_expression2` : A `Point`, represents the origin of the grid.
-   * `x_increment` : A `Double`, represents X increments.
-   * `y_increment` : A `Double`, represents Y increments.
+   * `point_expression1` : A `point`, represents the point of interest that its grid cell will be returned.
+   * `point_expression2` : A `point`, represents the origin of the grid.
+   * `x_increment` : A `double`, represents X increments.
+   * `y_increment` : A `double`, represents Y increments.
  * Return Value:
-   * A `Rectangle`, represents the grid cell that `point_expression1` belongs to.
+   * A `rectangle`, represents the grid cell that `point_expression1` belongs to.
  * Example:
@@ -920,10 +920,10 @@
  * Returns the [edit distance]( of `expression1` and `expression2`.
  * Arguments:
-   * `expression1` : A `String` or a homogeneous `OrderedList` of a comparable item type.
+   * `expression1` : A `string` or a homogeneous `OrderedList` of a comparable item type.
    * `expression2` : The same type as `expression1`.
  * Return Value:
-   * An `Int32` that represents the edit-distance similarity of `expression1` and `expression2`.
+   * An `int32` that represents the edit-distance similarity between `expression1` and `expression2`.
  * Example:
@@ -951,13 +951,13 @@
  * Checks whether `expression1` and `expression2` have a [edit distance]( `<= threshold`.  The “check” version of edit distance is faster than the "non-check" version because the former can detect whether two items satisfy a given similarity threshold using early-termination techniques, as opposed to computing their real distance. Although possible, it is not necessary for the user to write queries using the “check” versions explicitly, since a rewrite rule can perform an appropriate transformation from a “non-check” version to a “check” version.
  * Arguments:
-   * `expression1` : A `String` or a homogeneous `OrderedList` of a comparable item type.
+   * `expression1` : A `string` or a homogeneous `OrderedList` of a comparable item type.
    * `expression2` : The same type as `expression1`.
-   * `threshold` : An `Int32` that represents the distance threshold.
+   * `threshold` : An `int32` that represents the distance threshold.
  * Return Value:
    * An `OrderedList` with two items:
-     * The first item contains a `Boolean` value representing whether `expression1` and `expression2` are similar.
-     * The second item contains an `Int32` that represents the edit distance of `expression1` and `expression2` if it is `<= `threshold`, or 0 otherwise.
+     * The first item contains a `boolean` value representing whether `expression1` and `expression2` are similar.
+     * The second item contains an `int32` that represents the edit distance of `expression1` and `expression2` if it is `<= `threshold`, or 0 otherwise.
  * Example:
@@ -984,7 +984,7 @@
    * `list_expression1` : An `UnorderedList` or `OrderedList`.
    * `list_expression2` : An `UnorderedList` or `OrderedList`.
  * Return Value:
-   * A `Float` that represents the Jaccard similarity of `list_expression1` and `list_expression2`.
+   * A `float` that represents the Jaccard similarity of `list_expression1` and `list_expression2`.
  * Example:
@@ -1018,11 +1018,11 @@
  * Arguments:
    * `list_expression1` : An `UnorderedList` or `OrderedList`.
    * `list_expression2` : An `UnorderedList` or `OrderedList`.
-   * `threshold` : A Float that represents the similarity threshold.
+   * `threshold` : A `float` that represents the similarity threshold.
  * Return Value:
    * An `OrderedList` with two items:
-     * The first item contains a `Boolean` value representing whether `list_expression1` and `list_expression2` are similar.
-     * The second item contains a `Float` that represents the Jaccard similarity of `list_expression1` and `list_expression2` if it is >`= `threshold`, or 0 otherwise.
+     * The first item contains a `boolean` value representing whether `list_expression1` and `list_expression2` are similar.
+     * The second item contains a `float` that represents the Jaccard similarity of `list_expression1` and `list_expression2` if it is >`= `threshold`, or 0 otherwise.
  * Example:
@@ -1043,7 +1043,7 @@
 ### Similarity Operator ~# ###
  * "`~=`" is syntactic sugar for expressing a similarity condition with a given similarity threshold.
  * The similarity function and threshold for "`~=`" are controlled via "set" directives.
- * The "`~=`" operator returns a Boolean that represents whether the operands are similar.
+ * The "`~=`" operator returns a `boolean` that represents whether the operands are similar.
  * Example for Jaccard similarity:
@@ -1097,9 +1097,9 @@
  * Returns a list of word tokens of `string_expression`.
  * Arguments:
-   * `string_expression` : A `String` that will be tokenized.
+   * `string_expression` : A `string` that will be tokenized.
  * Return Value:
-   * An `OrderedList` of `String` word tokens.
+   * An `OrderedList` of `string` word tokens.
  * Example:
@@ -1119,16 +1119,16 @@
         { "tweetid": "9", "word-tokens": [ "love", "verizon", "its", "voicemail", "service", "is", "awesome" ] }
-### hashed-word-tokens ###
+<!--### hashed-word-tokens ###
  * Syntax:
  * Returns a list of hashed word tokens of `string_expression`.
  * Arguments:
-   * `string_expression` : A `String` that will be tokenized.
+   * `string_expression` : A `string` that will be tokenized.
  * Return Value:
-   * An `OrderedList` of Int32 hashed tokens.
+   * An `OrderedList` of `int32` hashed tokens.
  * Example:
@@ -1283,7 +1283,7 @@
         -790946468, -69070309, 1561601454, 26169001, -160734571, 1330043462, -486734512, -18796768, -470303314, 113421364, 1615760212, 1688217556, 1223719184, 536568131, 1682609873, 2935161,
         -414769471, -1027490137, 1602276102, 1050490461 ]
 ## Temporal Functions ##
@@ -1292,11 +1292,11 @@
- * Constructor function for `Date` type by parsing a date string `string_expression`
+ * Constructor function for `date` type by parsing a date string `string_expression`
  * Arguments:
-   * `string_expression` : The `String` value representing a date value.
+   * `string_expression` : The `string` value representing a date value.
  * Return Value:
-   * A `Date` value represented by the given string.
+   * A `date` value represented by the given string.
  * Example:
@@ -1319,11 +1319,11 @@
- * Constructor function for `Time` type by parsing a time string `string_expression`
+ * Constructor function for `time` type by parsing a time string `string_expression`
  * Arguments:
-   * `string_expression` : The `String` value representing a time value.
+   * `string_expression` : The `string` value representing a time value.
  * Return Value:
-   * A `Time` value represented by the given string.
+   * A `time` value represented by the given string.
  * Example:
@@ -1346,11 +1346,11 @@
- * Constructor function for `Datetime` type by parsing a datetime string `string_expression`
+ * Constructor function for `datetime` type by parsing a datetime string `string_expression`
  * Arguments:
-   * `string_expression` : The `String` value representing a datetime value.
+   * `string_expression` : The `string` value representing a datetime value.
  * Return Value:
-   * A `Datetime` value represented by the given string.
+   * A `datetime` value represented by the given string.
  * Example:
@@ -1373,12 +1373,12 @@
         interval-from-date(string_expression1, string_expression2)
- * Constructor function for `Interval` type by parsing two date strings.
+ * Constructor function for `interval` type by parsing two date strings.
  * Arguments:
-   * `string_expression1` : The `String` value representing the starting date.
-   * `string_expression2` : The `String` value representing the ending date.
+   * `string_expression1` : The `string` value representing the starting date.
+   * `string_expression2` : The `string` value representing the ending date.
  * Return Value:
-   * An `Interval` value between the two dates.
+   * An `interval` value between the two dates.
  * Example:
@@ -1395,12 +1395,12 @@
         interval-from-time(string_expression1, string_expression2)
- * Constructor function for `Interval` type by parsing two time strings.
+ * Constructor function for `interval` type by parsing two time strings.
  * Arguments:
-   * `string_expression1` : The `String` value representing the starting time.
-   * `string_expression2` : The `String` value representing the ending time.
+   * `string_expression1` : The `string` value representing the starting time.
+   * `string_expression2` : The `string` value representing the ending time.
  * Return Value:
-   * An `Interval` value between the two times.
+   * An `interval` value between the two times.
  * Example:
@@ -1417,12 +1417,12 @@
         interval-from-datetime(string_expression1, string_expression2)
- * Constructor function for `Interval` type by parsing two datetime strings.
+ * Constructor function for `interval` type by parsing two datetime strings.
  * Arguments:
-   * `string_expression1` : The `String` value representing the starting datetime.
-   * `string_expression2` : The `String` value representing the ending datetime.
+   * `string_expression1` : The `string` value representing the starting datetime.
+   * `string_expression2` : The `string` value representing the ending datetime.
  * Return Value:
-   * An `Interval` value between the two datetimes.
+   * An `interval` value between the two datetimes.
  * Example:
@@ -1441,9 +1441,9 @@
  * Accessors for accessing fields in a temporal value
  * Arguments:
-   * `temporal_expression` : a temporal value represented as one of the following types: `Date`, `Datetime`, `Time`, `Duration`.
+   * `temporal_expression` : a temporal value represented as one of the following types: `date`, `datetime`, `time`, `duration`.
  * Return Value:
-   * An `Int32` value representing the field to be extracted.
+   * An `int32` value representing the field to be extracted.
  * Example:
@@ -1468,10 +1468,10 @@
  * Create a new date by adding the duration `duration_expression` to the given date `date_expression`.
  * Arguments:
-   * `date_expression` : The `Date` value to be added onto.
-   * `duration_expression` : The `Duration` to be added.
+   * `date_expression` : The `date` value to be added onto.
+   * `duration_expression` : The `duration` to be added.
  * Return Value:
-   * A `Date` value represents the new date after being adjusted by the duration.
+   * A `date` value represents the new date after being adjusted by the duration.
  * Example:
@@ -1498,10 +1498,10 @@
  * Create a new datetime by adding the duration `duration_expression` to the given datetime `datetime_expression`.
  * Arguments:
-   * `datetime_expression` : The `Datetime` value to be added onto.
-   * `duration_expression` : The `Duration` to be added.
+   * `datetime_expression` : The `datetime` value to be added onto.
+   * `duration_expression` : The `duration` to be added.
  * Return Value:
-   * A `Datetime` value represents the new datetime after being adjusted by the duration.
+   * A `datetime` value represents the new datetime after being adjusted by the duration.
  * Example:
@@ -1527,10 +1527,10 @@
  * Create a new time by adding the duration `duration_expression` to the given time `time_expression`.
  * Arguments:
-   * `time_expression` : The `Time` value to be added onto.
-   * `duration_expression` : The `Duration` to be added.
+   * `time_expression` : The `time` value to be added onto.
+   * `duration_expression` : The `duration` to be added.
  * Return Value:
-   * A `Time` value represents the new time after being adjusted by the duration.
+   * A `time` value represents the new time after being adjusted by the duration.
  * Example:
@@ -1565,10 +1565,10 @@
  * Adjust the given datetime `datetime_expression` by applying the timezone information `string_expression`
  * Arguments:
-   * `datetime_expression` : A `Datetime` value to be adjusted.
-   * `string_expression` : A `String` representing the timezone information.
+   * `datetime_expression` : A `datetime` value to be adjusted.
+   * `string_expression` : A `string` representing the timezone information.
  * Return Value:
-   * A `String` value represents the new datetime after being adjusted by the timezone information.
+   * A `string` value represents the new datetime after being adjusted by the timezone information.
  * Example:
@@ -1601,10 +1601,10 @@
  * Adjust the given time `time_expression` by applying the timezone information `string_expression`
  * Arguments:
-   * `time_expression` : A `Time` value to be adjusted.
-   * `string_expression` : A `String` representing the timezone information.
+   * `time_expression` : A `time` value to be adjusted.
+   * `string_expression` : A `string` representing the timezone information.
  * Return Value:
-   * A `String` value represents the new time after being adjusted by the timezone information.
+   * A `string` value represents the new time after being adjusted by the timezone information.
  * Example:
@@ -1637,10 +1637,10 @@
  * Get a user-friendly representation of the duration `duration_expression` based on the given datetime `datetime_expression`
  * Arguments:
-   * `datetime_expression` : A `Datetime` value to be used as the reference time point.
-   * `duration_expression` : A `Duration` value to be converted
+   * `datetime_expression` : A `datetime` value to be used as the reference time point.
+   * `duration_expression` : A `duration` value to be converted
  * Return Value:
-   * A `Duration` value with the duration as `duration_expression` but with a user-friendly representation.
+   * A `duration` value with the duration as `duration_expression` but with a user-friendly representation.
  * Example:
@@ -1665,10 +1665,10 @@
  * Get a user-friendly representation of the duration `duration_expression` based on the given date `date_expression`
  * Arguments:
-   * `date_expression` : A `Date` value to be used as the reference time point.
-   * `duration_expression` : A `Duration` value to be converted
+   * `date_expression` : A `date` value to be used as the reference time point.
+   * `duration_expression` : A `duration` value to be converted
  * Return Value:
-   * A `Duration` value with the duration as `duration_expression` but with a user-friendly representation.
+   * A `duration` value with the duration as `duration_expression` but with a user-friendly representation.
  * Example:
@@ -1695,7 +1695,7 @@
  * Get the current date
  * Arguments:None
  * Return Value:
-   * A `Date` value of the date when the function is called.
+   * A `date` value of the date when the function is called.
 ### current-time ###
  * Syntax:
@@ -1705,7 +1705,7 @@
  * Get the current time
  * Arguments:None
  * Return Value:
-   * A `Time` value of the time when the function is called.
+   * A `time` value of the time when the function is called.
 ### current-datetime ###
  * Syntax:
@@ -1715,7 +1715,7 @@
  * Get the current datetime
  * Arguments:None
  * Return Value:
-   * A `Datetime` value of the datetime when the function is called.
+   * A `datetime` value of the datetime when the function is called.
  * Example:
@@ -1740,9 +1740,9 @@
  * Get the date value from the given datetime value `datetime_expression`
  * Arguments:
-   * `datetime_expression`: A `Datetime` value to be extracted from
+   * `datetime_expression`: A `datetime` value to be extracted from
  * Return Value:
-   * A `Date` value from the datetime.
+   * A `date` value from the datetime.
 ### time-from-datetime ###
  * Syntax:
@@ -1751,9 +1751,9 @@
  * Get the time value from the given datetime value `datetime_expression`
  * Arguments:
-   * `datetime_expression`: A `Datetime` value to be extracted from
+   * `datetime_expression`: A `datetime` value to be extracted from
  * Return Value:
-   * A `Time` value from the datetime.
+   * A `time` value from the datetime.
  * Example:
@@ -1778,9 +1778,9 @@
  * Get date representing the time after `numeric_expression` days since 1970-01-01
  * Arguments:
-   * `numeric_expression`: A `Int8`/`Int16`/`Int32` value representing the number of days
+   * `numeric_expression`: A `int8`/`int16`/`int32` value representing the number of days
  * Return Value:
-   * A `Date` value as the time after `numeric_expression` days since 1970-01-01
+   * A `date` value as the time after `numeric_expression` days since 1970-01-01
 ### datetime-from-unix-time-in-ms ###
  * Syntax:
@@ -1789,9 +1789,9 @@
  * Get datetime representing the time after `numeric_expression` milliseconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z
  * Arguments:
-   * `numeric_expression`: A `Int8`/`Int16`/`Int32`/`Int64` value representing the number of milliseconds
+   * `numeric_expression`: A `int8`/`int16`/`int32`/`int64` value representing the number of milliseconds
  * Return Value:
-   * A `Datetime` value as the time after `numeric_expression` milliseconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z
+   * A `datetime` value as the time after `numeric_expression` milliseconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z
 ### time-from-unix-time-in-ms ###
  * Syntax:
@@ -1800,9 +1800,9 @@
  * Get time representing the time after `numeric_expression` milliseconds since 00:00:00.000Z
  * Arguments:
-   * `numeric_expression`: A `Int8`/`Int16`/`Int32` value representing the number of milliseconds
+   * `numeric_expression`: A `int8`/`int16`/`int32` value representing the number of milliseconds
  * Return Value:
-   * A `Time` value as the time after `numeric_expression` milliseconds since 00:00:00.000Z
+   * A `time` value as the time after `numeric_expression` milliseconds since 00:00:00.000Z
  * Example:
@@ -1826,10 +1826,10 @@
  * Get the duration between two dates `date_start` and `date_end`
  * Arguments:
-   * `date_start`: the starting `Date`
-   * `date_end`: the ending `Date`
+   * `date_start`: the starting `date`
+   * `date_end`: the ending `date`
  * Return Value:
-   * A `Duration` value between `date_start` and `date_end`
+   * A `duration` value between `date_start` and `date_end`
  * Example:
@@ -1855,10 +1855,10 @@
  * Get the duration between two times `time_start` and `time_end`
  * Arguments:
-   * `time_start`: the starting `Time`
-   * `time_end`: the ending `Time`
+   * `time_start`: the starting `time`
+   * `time_end`: the ending `time`
  * Return Value:
-   * A `Duration` value between `time_start` and `time_end`
+   * A `duration` value between `time_start` and `time_end`
  * Example:
@@ -1884,10 +1884,10 @@
  * Get the duration between two datetimes `datetime_start` and `datetime_end`
  * Arguments:
-   * `datetime_start`: the starting `Datetime`
-   * `datetime_end`: the ending `Datetime`
+   * `datetime_start`: the starting `datetime`
+   * `datetime_end`: the ending `datetime`
  * Return Value:
-   * A `Duration` value between `datetime_start` and `datetime_end`
+   * A `duration` value between `datetime_start` and `datetime_end`
  * Example:
@@ -1908,3 +1908,23 @@
         { "id1": 3, "id2": 7, "diff": duration("P28D") }
         { "id1": 7, "id2": 1, "diff": duration("P13D") }
+### get-interval-start, get-interval-end ###
+ * Syntax:
+        get-interval-start/get-interval-end(interval)
+ * Get the start/end of the given interval
+ * Arguments:
+   * `interval`: the interval to be accessed
+ * Return Value:
+   * A `time`, `date` or `datetime` (depending on the time instances of the interval) representing the starting or ending time.
+ * Example:
+        let $itv := interval-start-from-date("1984-01-01", "P1Y")
+        return {"start": get-interval-start($itv), "end": get-interval-end($itv)}
+ * The expected result is:
+        { "start": date("1984-01-01"), "end": date("1985-01-01") }
\ No newline at end of file