Fixes for ASTERIXDB-1636

The index of the tuple field for filters from SecondaryIndexOperationsHelper and AqlMetadataProvider
differed. The one in AqlMetadataProvider was wrong, as it was attempting to take into account the
presence of a partitioning field in the incoming tuple, which is not there in the case of an

There was also an issue where on merge, for components with a filter page but no min/max, the merge
would fail. I fixed this by skipping over null entries while getting the min/max of merging components.

Finally, there was a very silly error in LSMComponentFilterManager which was causing the filter page
to appear as blank, because the page was being pinned with the wrong argument. That is also fixed.

Change-Id: Ib4bc413fcda9a5c98ae57f94e1c8a68fe9aacda3
Sonar-Qube: Jenkins <>
Reviewed-by: Taewoo Kim <>
Tested-by: Jenkins <>
Integration-Tests: Jenkins <>
3 files changed
tree: 6d249f526d161ee815339dc6bd830cbe50400694
  1. .gitattributes
  2. .gitignore
  4. asterixdb/
  5. build.xml
  6. hyracks-fullstack/
  7. pom.xml


AsterixDB is a BDMS (Big Data Management System) with a rich feature set that sets it apart from other Big Data platforms. Its feature set makes it well-suited to modern needs such as web data warehousing and social data storage and analysis. AsterixDB has:

  • A semistructured NoSQL style data model (ADM) resulting from extending JSON with object database ideas
  • An expressive and declarative query language (AQL) that supports a broad range of queries and analysis over semistructured data
  • A parallel runtime query execution engine, Apache Hyracks, that has been scale-tested on up to 1000+ cores and 500+ disks
  • Partitioned LSM-based data storage and indexing to support efficient ingestion and management of semistructured data
  • Support for query access to externally stored data (e.g., data in HDFS) as well as to data stored natively by AsterixDB
  • A rich set of primitive data types, including spatial and temporal data in addition to integer, floating point, and textual data
  • Secondary indexing options that include B+ trees, R trees, and inverted keyword (exact and fuzzy) index types
  • Support for fuzzy and spatial queries as well as for more traditional parametric queries
  • Basic transactional (concurrency and recovery) capabilities akin to those of a NoSQL store

Learn more about AsterixDB at [] (

##Building AsterixDB

To build AsterixDB from source, you should have a platform with the following:

  • A Unix-ish environment (Linux, OS X, will all do).
  • git
  • Maven 3.1.1 or newer.
  • Java 8 or newer.

Additionally to run all the integration tests you should be running sshd locally, and have passwordless ssh logins enabled for the account which is running the tests.

Instructions for building the master:

  • Checkout AsterixDB master:

      $git clone
  • Build AsterixDB master:

      $cd asterixdb
      $mvn clean package -DskipTests

##Running AsterixDB (on your machine from your build) Here are steps to get AsterixDB running on your machine:

  • Create a directory as the home for AsterixDB installer program, i.e., managix:

      $mkdir ~/managix
  • Copy AsterixDB binary artifact into the installer directory and unzip it:

      $cp asterixdb/asterix-installer/target/asterix-installer-* ~/managix/
      $cd ~/managix
      $unzip asterix-installer-*
  • Configure the installer:

      $bin/managix configure
  • Validate if the computer environment is suitable:

      $bin/managix validate
  • Create and start your instance:

      $bin/managix create -n test -c clusters/local/local.xml
  • Good to go and run queries in your browser at:

  • Read more documentations to learn the data model, query language, and how to create a cluster instance: [] (


AsterixDB's official documentation resides at [] ( This is built from the maven project under asterix-doc/ as a maven site. The documentation on the official website refers to the most stable build version, so for pre-release versions one should refer to the compiled documentation.


If you have any questions, please feel free to ask on our mailing list, Join the list by sending an email to If you are interested in the internals or developement of AsterixDB, also please feel free to subscribe to our developer mailing list,, by sending an email to