[ASTERIXDB-3384][DOC] Document COPY

Add some brief documentation about each COPY
statement. Also add the simplified BNF for railroad
diagrams for each.

Change-Id: Ibdacf4e6b156a3b6ef15b1420a4102c122f8bf1c
Reviewed-on: https://asterix-gerrit.ics.uci.edu/c/asterixdb/+/18243
Reviewed-by: Ian Maxon <imaxon@uci.edu>
Reviewed-by: Wail Alkowaileet <wael.y.k@gmail.com>
Integration-Tests: Jenkins <jenkins@fulliautomatix.ics.uci.edu>
Tested-by: Jenkins <jenkins@fulliautomatix.ics.uci.edu>
diff --git a/asterixdb/asterix-doc/src/main/grammar/sqlpp.ebnf b/asterixdb/asterix-doc/src/main/grammar/sqlpp.ebnf
index af67e33..cbfa92e 100644
--- a/asterixdb/asterix-doc/src/main/grammar/sqlpp.ebnf
+++ b/asterixdb/asterix-doc/src/main/grammar/sqlpp.ebnf
@@ -258,4 +258,9 @@
 UpsertStmnt ::= "UPSERT" "INTO" QualifiedName ("AS" Variable)? Query ("RETURNING" Expr)?
+CopyStmnt ::= "COPY" "INTO"? QualifiedName ("AS" Variable)? "FROM" Identifier "AT" QualifiedName ("PATH" StringLiteral)? (WITH ObjectConstructor)?
+CopyToStmnt ::= "COPY" ( QualifiedName | "(" Query ")" ) "TO" AdapterName "PATH" ParenthesizedArrayConstructor ("OVER" "(" ("PARTITION" "BY" Expr ("AS" Variable)? ("," Expr ("AS" Variable)? )? )? OrderbyClause ")" )? WITH ObjectConstructor
 DeleteStmnt ::= "DELETE" "FROM" QualifiedName (("AS")? Variable)? ("WHERE" Expr)?
diff --git a/asterixdb/asterix-doc/src/main/markdown/sqlpp/7_ddl_dml.md b/asterixdb/asterix-doc/src/main/markdown/sqlpp/7_ddl_dml.md
index 4ec5033..71e6af5 100644
--- a/asterixdb/asterix-doc/src/main/markdown/sqlpp/7_ddl_dml.md
+++ b/asterixdb/asterix-doc/src/main/markdown/sqlpp/7_ddl_dml.md
@@ -697,3 +697,77 @@
     DELETE FROM customers WHERE custid = "C47";
+### <a id="Copy">Copy Statement</a>
+##### CopyStmnt
+The `COPY` statement is used to load data in bulk from an external source into a dataset. It differs from `LOAD` in that
+it can be performed multiple times, to upsert new data into the dataset that may have changed in the source.
+For example, this statement would copy the contents of the JSON file `customerData.json` residing on the NC named `asterix_nc1`
+into the Customers dataset.
+##### Example
+    COPY Customers
+    FROM localfs
+    PATH ("asterix_nc1://data/nontagged/customerData.json")
+    WITH {
+    "format": "json"
+    };
+### <a id="CopyTo">Copy To Statement</a>
+##### CopyToStmnt
+The `COPY TO` statement allows easy export of the result of a query, or an entire dataset, into a file or set of files on
+an external source. This can be any source that has an adapter. 
+For example, this statement would create a copy of `ColumnDataset` on an S3 bucket, myBucket:
+##### Example
+    COPY ColumnDataset
+    TO s3
+    PATH("CopyToResult/")
+    WITH {
+    "format" : "json"
+    "container": "myBucket",
+    "accessKeyId": "<access-key>",
+    "secretAccessKey": "<secret-key>",
+    "region": "us-west-2"
+    };
+The statement allows for much more precise exports than this, however. A typical pattern of data accessed via object stores
+like S3 is for it to be partitioned into files, with each folder containing some of those files representing a key. The use
+of `OVER` and `PARTITION BY` allow exports to match this. For example:
+##### Example
+    COPY (SELECT cd.uid uid,
+    cd.sensor_info.name name,
+    to_bigint(cd.sensor_info.battery_status) battery_status
+    FROM ColumnDataset cd
+    ) toWrite
+    TO s3
+    PATH("CopyToResult", to_string(b))
+    OVER (
+    PARTITION BY toWrite.battery_status b
+    ORDER BY toWrite.name
+    )
+    WITH {
+    "format" : "json",
+    "compression": "gzip",
+    "max-objects-per-file": 1000,
+    "container": "myBucket",
+    "accessKeyId": "<access-key>",
+    "secretAccessKey": "<secret-key>",
+    "region": "us-west-2"
+    };
+This query will be exported as partitions into a set of folders, with one folder for each value of `battery_status`. 
+Each partition itself will also be sorted by the `name` field, and compressed with `gzip` and divided into files of 100
+objects or fewer per file.