blob: 5188d13b74f0144682cf138af1382c8e2e458a6c [file] [log] [blame]
function AsterixSDK() {
// Asterix SDK => send
// Posts a message containing an API endpoint, json data,
// and a UI callback function.
// @param handler [Asterix REST Controller], a handler object
// that provides REST request information.
// Anticipated Usage:
// var a = AsterixSDK();
// var e = Expression;
// var h = AsterixRestController.bind(e);
// a.send(h);
myThis = this;
this.callbacks = {
"sync" : function() { alert("default sync"); },
"async" : function() {}
this.send = function(handler, cb) {
myThis.callbacks = cb;
this.handler = handler;
this.extras = handler["extras"];
this.branch = function(response) {
if (response && response["error-code"]) {
alert("Error [Code" + response["error-code"][0] + "]: " + response["error-code"][1]);
} else if (response && response["results"]) {
var fn_callback = myThis.callbacks["sync"];
fn_callback(response, myThis.extras);
} else if (response["handle"]) {
var fn_callback = this.callbacks["async"];
fn_callback(response, extra);
} else if (response["status"]) {
var fn_callback = this.callbacks["sync"];
fn_callback(response, extra);
// Asterix SDK => bindingHandler
// AsterixExpression form handler where a new REST API point is bound. Takes as input any
// AsterixExpression, each of which is bindable.
this.bindingHandler = new AsterixExpression();
this.bind = this.bindingHandler.bind;
function AsterixExpression() {
return this;
AsterixExpression.prototype.init = function () {
this.dataverse = ""; // TODO This shouldn't make it to send
this.boundTo = {};
this.clauses = [];
this.ui_callback_on_success = function() {};
this.ui_callback_on_success_async = function() {};
AsterixExpression.prototype.bind = function(expression) {
// If expression is an AsterixExpression, it becomes base
if (expression instanceof AsterixExpression) {
this.boundTo = expression;
} else if (expression instanceof AsterixClause) {
return this;
AsterixExpression.prototype.send = function(arc) {
// Hackiest of hacks
var g = new AsterixSDK();
g.send(arc, arc["callback"]);
AsterixExpression.prototype.clear = function() {
this.clauses.length = 0;
return this;
AsterixExpression.prototype.val = function() {
return this.clauses.join("\n");
AsterixExpression.prototype.success = function(fn, isSync) {
if (isSync) {
this.ui_callback_on_success = fn;
} else {
this.ui_callback_on_success_async = fn;
return this;
AsterixExpression.prototype.set = function(statements_arr) {
for (var i = 0; i < statements_arr.length; i++) {
return this;
AsterixExpression.prototype.use_dataverse = function(dv) {
this.dataverse = dv;
this.clauses.push("use dataverse " + dv + ";");
return this;
AsterixExpression.prototype.return = function(return_object) {
var components = [];
for (var key in return_object) {
components.push('"' + key + '" : ' + return_object[key]);
var return_expression = 'return { ' + components.join(', ') + ' }';
return this;
// Temporary AsterixExpression Placeholder
function AExpression () {
this._properties = {};
this._success = function() {};
return this;
AExpression.prototype.bind = function(options) {
var options = options || {};
if (options.hasOwnProperty("dataverse")) {
this._properties["dataverse"] = options["dataverse"];
if (options.hasOwnProperty("success")) {
this._success = options["success"];
if (options.hasOwnProperty("return")) {
this._properties["return"] = " return " + options["return"].val();
}; = function() {
var success_fn = this._success;
type : 'GET',
url : "http://localhost:19101/query",
data : {"query" : this.val()},
dataType : "json",
success : function(data) {
return this;
AExpression.prototype.val = function() {
// If there is a dataverse defined, provide it.
if (this._properties.hasOwnProperty("dataverse")) {
return "use dataverse " + this._properties["dataverse"] + ";\n";
} else {
return this.error("Missing dataverse.");
AExpression.prototype.onReturn = function() {
var ret = "";
if (this._properties.hasOwnProperty("return")) {
ret += this._properties["return"] + ";";
return ret;
AExpression.prototype.error = function(msg) {
return "Asterix FunctionExpression Error: " + msg;
// FunctionExpression
// Parent: AsterixExpression
// @param options [Various],
// @key function [String], a function to be applid to the expression
// @key expression [AsterixExpression or AsterixClause] an AsterixExpression/Clause to which the fn will be applied
function FunctionExpression(options) {
// Initialize superclass;
// Possible to initialize a function epxression without inputs, or with them
// Return object
return this;
FunctionExpression.prototype = Object.create(AExpression.prototype);
FunctionExpression.prototype.constructor = FunctionExpression;
FunctionExpression.prototype.bind = function(options) {, options);
var options = options || {};
if (options.hasOwnProperty("function")) {
this._properties["function"] = options["function"];
if (options.hasOwnProperty("expression")) {
this._properties["expression"] = options["expression"];
return this;
FunctionExpression.prototype.val = function () {
var value =;
return value + this._properties["function"] + "(" + this._properties["expression"].val() + ");" +;
// FLWOGR ::= ( ForClause | LetClause ) ( Clause )* "return" Expression
// Clause ::= ForClause | LetClause | WhereClause | OrderbyClause | GroupClause | LimitClause | DistinctClause
// WhereClause ::= "where" Expression
// OrderbyClause ::= "order" "by" Expression ( ( "asc" ) | ( "desc" ) )? ( "," Expression ( ( "asc" ) | ( "desc" ) )? )*
// GroupClause ::= "group" "by" ( Variable ":=" )? Expression ( "," ( Variable ":=" )? Expression )* ( "decor" Variable ":=" Expression ( "," "decor" Variable ":=" Expression )* )? "with" VariableRef ( "," VariableRef )*
// LimitClause ::= "limit" Expression ( "offset" Expression )?
// DistinctClause ::= "distinct" "by" Expression ( "," Expression )*
// FLWOGRExpression
// FLWOGRExpression ::= ( ForClause | LetClause ) ( Clause )* "return" Expression
function FLWOGRExpression (options) {
// Initialize superclass;
this._properties["clauses"] = [];
// Bind options and return
return this;
FLWOGRExpression.prototype = Object.create(AExpression.prototype);
FLWOGRExpression.prototype.constructor = FLWOGRExpression;
FLWOGRExpression.prototype.bind = function(options) {, options);
var options = options || {};
if (this._properties["clauses"].length == 0) {
// Needs to start with for or let clause
if (options instanceof ForClause || options instanceof LetClause) {
} else {
if (options instanceof AQLClause) {
return this;
FLWOGRExpression.prototype.val = function() {
var value =;
for (var c in this._properties["clauses"]) {
value += this._properties["clauses"][c].val() + " ";
return value +;
// AQLClause
// Base Clause ::= ForClause | LetClause | WhereClause | OrderbyClause | GroupClause | LimitClause | DistinctClause
function AQLClause() {
this._properties = {};
this._properties["clause"] = "";
AQLClause.prototype.val = function() {
var value = this._properties["clause"];
if (this._properties.hasOwnProperty("return")) {
value += " return " + this._properties["return"].val();
return value;
AQLClause.prototype.bind = function(options) {
var options = options || {};
if (options.hasOwnProperty("return")) {
this._properties["return"] = options["return"];
return this;
// ForClause
// Grammar:
// "for" Variable ( "at" Variable )? "in" ( Expression )
// @param for_variable [String], REQUIRED, first variable in clause
// @param at_variable [String], NOT REQUIRED, first variable in clause
// @param expression [AsterixExpression], REQUIRED, expression to evaluate
// TODO Error Checking
function ForClause(for_variable, at_variable, expression) {;
// at_variable is optional, check if defined
var at = typeof at_variable ? at_variable : null;
// Prepare clause
this._properties["clause"] = "for $" + for_variable;
if (at != null) {
this._properties["clause"] += " at $" + at_variable;
this._properties["clause"] += " in " + expression.val();
return this;
ForClause.prototype = Object.create(AQLClause.prototype);
ForClause.prototype.constructor = ForClause;
// LetClause
// Grammar:
// LetClause ::= "let" Variable ":=" Expression
// @param let_variable [String]
// @param expression [AExpression]
// TODO Vigorous error checking
function LetClause(let_variable, expression) {;
this._properties["clause"] = "let $" + let_variable + " := ";
this._properties["clause"] += expression.val();
return this;
LetClause.prototype = Object.create(AQLClause.prototype);
LetClause.prototype.constructor = LetClause;
// WhereClause
// Grammar:
// ::= "where" Expression
// @param expression [BooleanExpression], pushes this expression onto the stack
// TODO Error fixing
function WhereClause(expression) {;
this._properties["stack"] = [];
return this;
WhereClause.prototype = Object.create(AQLClause.prototype);
WhereClause.prototype.constructor = WhereClause;
WhereClause.prototype.bind = function(expression) {
if (expression instanceof BooleanExpression) {
WhereClause.prototype.val = function() {
var value = "where ";
var count = this._properties["stack"].length - 1;
while (count >= 0) {
value += this._properties["stack"][count].val() + " ";
count -= 1;
return value;
// BooleanExpression
function BooleanExpression(expression) {
this.value = expression;
BooleanExpression.prototype.val = function() {
return this.value;