blob: e4bd564e9cc11c44676ff5e838773fad00a0c877 [file] [log] [blame]
function AsterixDBConnection(configuration) {
this._properties = {};
this._properties["dataverse"] = "";
this._properties["mode"] = "synchronous";
var configuration = arguments || {};
for (var key in configuration) {
this._properties[key] = configuration[key];
return this;
AsterixDBConnection.prototype.dataverse = function(dataverseName) {
this._properties["dataverse"] = dataverseName;
return this;
AsterixDBConnection.prototype.query = function(statements, successFn) {
if ( typeof statements === 'string') {
statements = [ statements ];
var query = "use dataverse " + this._properties["dataverse"] + ";\n" + statements.join("\n");
var mode = this._properties["mode"];
"query" : query,
"mode" : mode
return this;
AsterixDBConnection.prototype._api = function(json, onSuccess, endpoint) {
var success_fn = onSuccess;
type: 'GET',
url: endpoint,
data : json,
dataType: "json",
success: function(data) {
// TODO error:
return this;
// Asterix Expressions
function AExpression () {
this._properties = {};
this._success = function() {};
return this;
AExpression.prototype.bind = function(options) {
var options = options || {};
if (options.hasOwnProperty("success")) {
this._success = options["success"];
if (options.hasOwnProperty("return")) {
this._properties["return"] = " return " + options["return"].val();
}; = function(successFn) {
var success_fn = successFn;
type : 'GET',
url : "http://localhost:19002/query",
data : {"query" : "use dataverse TinySocial;\n" + this.val()},
dataType : "json",
success : function(data) {
error: function(r) {
"type" : 'GET',
"url" : endpoint,
"data" : payload,
"dataType" : "json",
"success" : function(response) {
alert("DEBUG: Run Response: " + JSON.stringify(response));
if (response && response["error-code"]) {
alert("Error [Code" + response["error-code"][0] + "]: " + response["error-code"][1]);
} else if (response && response["results"]) {
var fn_callback = myThis._callbacks["sync"];
fn_callback(response, myThis._extras);
} else if (response["handle"]) {
var fn_callback = myThis._callbacks["async"];
fn_callback(response, myThis._extras);
} else if (response["status"]) {
var fn_callback = myThis._callbacks["sync"];
fn_callback(response, myThis._extras);
"error": function (xhr, ajaxOptions, thrownError) {
alert("AJAX ERROR " + thrownError);
return this;
AExpression.prototype.val = function() {
var value = "";
// If there is a dataverse defined, provide it.
if (this._properties.hasOwnProperty("dataverse")) {
value += "use dataverse " + this._properties["dataverse"] + ";\n";
if (this._properties.hasOwnProperty("value")) {
value += this._properties["value"];
return value;
// @param expressionValue [String]
AExpression.prototype.set = function(expressionValue) {
this._properties["value"] = expressionValue;
return this;
// FunctionExpression
// Parent: AsterixExpression
// @param options [Various],
// @key function [String], a function to be applid to the expression
// @key expression [AsterixExpression or AQLClause] an AsterixExpression/Clause to which the fn will be applied
function FunctionExpression() {
// Initialize superclass;
this._properties["function"] = "";
this._properties["expression"] = new AExpression().set("");
// Check for fn/expression input
if (arguments.length == 2 && typeof arguments[0] == "string" &&
(arguments[1] instanceof AExpression || arguments[1] instanceof AQLClause)) {
this._properties["function"] = arguments[0];
this._properties["expression"] = arguments[1];
// Return object
return this;
FunctionExpression.prototype = Object.create(AExpression.prototype);
FunctionExpression.prototype.constructor = FunctionExpression;
FunctionExpression.prototype.fn = function(fnName) {
if (typeof fnName == "string") {
this._properties["function"] = fnName;
return this;
FunctionExpression.prototype.expression = function(expression) {
if (expression instanceof AExpression || expression instanceof AQLClause) {
this._properties["expression"] = expression;
return this;
FunctionExpression.prototype.val = function () {
return this._properties["function"] + "(" + this._properties["expression"].val() + ")";
// FLWOGRExpression
// FLWOGRExpression ::= ( ForClause | LetClause ) ( Clause )* "return" Expression
function FLWOGRExpression (options) {
// Initialize superclass;
this._properties["clauses"] = [];
this._properties["minSize"] = 0;
// Bind options and return
return this;
FLWOGRExpression.prototype = Object.create(AExpression.prototype);
FLWOGRExpression.prototype.constructor = FLWOGRExpression;
FLWOGRExpression.prototype.bind = function(options) {, options);
var options = options || {};
if (options instanceof SetStatement) {
this._properties["minSize"] += 1;
if (this._properties["clauses"].length <= this._properties["minSize"]) {
// Needs to start with for or let clause
if (options instanceof ForClause || options instanceof LetClause) {
} else {
if (options instanceof AQLClause) {
return this;
FLWOGRExpression.prototype.val = function() {
var value =;
var clauseValues = [];
for (var c in this._properties["clauses"]) {
return value + clauseValues.join("\n");// + ";";
FLWOGRExpression.prototype.ReturnClause = function(expression) {
return this.bind(new ReturnClause(expression));
// AQLClause
// Base Clause ::= ForClause | LetClause | WhereClause | OrderbyClause | GroupClause | LimitClause | DistinctClause
function AQLClause() {
this._properties = {};
this._properties["clause"] = "";
AQLClause.prototype.val = function() {
var value = this._properties["clause"];
return value;
AQLClause.prototype.bind = function(options) {
if (options instanceof AQLClause) {
this._properties["clause"] += " " + options.val();
return this;
AQLClause.prototype.set = function(value) {
this._properties["clause"] = value;
return this;
// ForClause
// Grammar:
// "for" Variable ( "at" Variable )? "in" ( Expression )
// @param for_variable [String], REQUIRED, first variable in clause
// @param at_variable [String], NOT REQUIRED, first variable in clause
// @param expression [AsterixExpression], REQUIRED, expression to evaluate
function ForClause(for_variable, at_variable, expression) {;
this._properties["clause"] = "for " + arguments[0];
if (arguments.length == 3) {
this._properties["clause"] += " at " + arguments[1];
this._properties["clause"] += " in " + arguments[2].val();
} else if (arguments.length == 2) {
this._properties["clause"] += " in " + arguments[1].val();
return this;
ForClause.prototype = Object.create(AQLClause.prototype);
ForClause.prototype.constructor = ForClause;
// LetClause
// Grammar:
// LetClause ::= "let" Variable ":=" Expression
// @param let_variable [String]
// @param expression [AExpression]
// TODO Vigorous error checking
function LetClause(let_variable, expression) {;
this._properties["clause"] = "let " + let_variable + " := ";
this._properties["clause"] += expression.val();
return this;
LetClause.prototype = Object.create(AQLClause.prototype);
LetClause.prototype.constructor = LetClause;
// ReturnClause
// Grammar:
// return [AQLExpression]
function ReturnClause(expression) {;
this._properties["clause"] = "return ";
if (expression instanceof AExpression || expression instanceof AQLClause) {
this._properties["clause"] += expression.val();
} else if ( typeof expression == "object" && Object.getPrototypeOf( expression ) === Object.prototype ) {
// TODO Null object check
this._properties["clause"] += "{";
var returnStatements = [];
for (returnValue in expression) {
if (expression[returnValue] instanceof AExpression) {
returnStatements.push('"' + returnValue + '" ' + " : " + expression[returnValue].val());
} else if (typeof expression[returnValue] == "string") {
returnStatements.push('"' + returnValue + '" ' + " : " + expression[returnValue]);
this._properties["clause"] += returnStatements.join(",\n");
this._properties["clause"] += "\n}";
} else {
this._properties["clause"] += new AQLClause().set(expression).val();
return this;
ReturnClause.prototype = Object.create(AQLClause.prototype);
ReturnClause.prototype.constructor = ReturnClause;
// WhereClause
// Grammar:
// ::= "where" Expression
// @param expression [BooleanExpression], pushes this expression onto the stack
function WhereClause(expression) {;
this._properties["stack"] = [];
return this;
WhereClause.prototype = Object.create(AQLClause.prototype);
WhereClause.prototype.constructor = WhereClause;
WhereClause.prototype.bind = function(expression) {
if (expression instanceof AExpression) {
WhereClause.prototype.val = function() {
var value = "where ";
var count = this._properties["stack"].length - 1;
while (count >= 0) {
value += this._properties["stack"][count].val() + " ";
count -= 1;
return value;
WhereClause.prototype.and = function() {
var andClauses = [];
for (var expression in arguments) {
if (arguments[expression] instanceof AExpression) {
if (andClauses.length > 0) {
this._properties["stack"].push(new AExpression().set(andClauses.join(" and ")));
return this;
WhereClause.prototype.or = function() {
var orClauses = [];
for (var expression in arguments) {
if (arguments[expression] instanceof AExpression) {
if (andClauses.length > 0) {
this._properties["stack"].push(new AExpression().set(orClauses.join(" and ")));
return this;
// LimitClause
// Grammar:
// LimitClause ::= "limit" Expression ( "offset" Expression )?
// @param limitExpression [REQUIRED, AQLExpression]
// @param offsetExpression [OPTIONAL, AQLExpression]
function LimitClause(limitExpression, offsetExpression) {;
// limitExpression required
this._properties["clause"] = "limit " + limitExpression.val();
// Optional: Offset
var offset = typeof offsetExpression ? offsetExpression : null;
if (offset != null) {
this._properties["clause"] += " offset " + offsetExpression.val();
return this;
LimitClause.prototype = Object.create(AQLClause.prototype);
LimitClause.prototype.constructor = LimitClause;
// OrderbyClause
// Grammar:
// OrderbyClause ::= "order" "by" Expression ( ( "asc" ) | ( "desc" ) )? ( "," Expression ( ( "asc" ) | ( "desc" ) )? )*
// @params AQLExpressions and asc/desc strings, in any quantity. At least one required.
function OrderbyClause() {;
// At least one argument expression is required, and first should be expression
if (arguments.length == 0 || !(arguments[0] instanceof AExpression)) {
// TODO Not sure which error to throw for an empty OrderBy but this should fail.
alert("Order By Error");
this._properties["clause"] = null;
return this;
var expc = 0;
var expressions = [];
while (expc < arguments.length) {
var expression = "";
if (arguments[expc] instanceof AExpression) {
expression += arguments[expc].val();
var next = expc + 1;
if (next < arguments.length && (arguments[next] == "asc" || arguments[next] == "desc")) {
expression += " " + arguments[expc];
this._properties["clause"] = "order by " + expressions.join(", ");
return this;
OrderbyClause.prototype = Object.create(AQLClause.prototype);
OrderbyClause.prototype.constructor = OrderbyClause;
// GroupClause
// Grammar:
// GroupClause ::= "group" "by" ( Variable ":=" )? Expression ( "," ( Variable ":=" )? Expression )* ( "decor" Variable ":=" Expression ( "," "decor" Variable ":=" Expression )* )? "with" VariableRef ( "," VariableRef )*
function GroupClause() {;
if (arguments.length == 0) {
// TODO Not sure which error to throw for an empty GroupBy but this should fail.
alert("Group Error");
this._properties["clause"] = null;
return this;
var expc = 0;
var expressions = [];
var variableRefs = [];
var isDecor = false;
while (expc < arguments.length) {
if (arguments[expc] instanceof AExpression) {
isDecor = false;
} else if (typeof arguments[expc] == "string") {
// Special keywords, decor & with
if (arguments[expc] == "decor") {
isDecor = true;
} else if (arguments[expc] == "with") {
isDecor = false;
while (expc < arguments.length) {
variableRefs.push("$" + arguments[expc]);
// Variables and variable refs
} else {
var nextc = expc + 1;
var expression = "";
if (isDecor) {
expression += "decor ";
isDecor = false;
expression += "$" + arguments[expc] + " := " + arguments[nextc].val();
this._properties["clause"] = "group by " + expressions.join(", ") + " with " + variableRefs.join(", ");
return this;
GroupClause.prototype = Object.create(AQLClause.prototype);
GroupClause.prototype.constructor = GroupClause;
// SetStatement
// Grammar
// "set" Identifier StringLiteral
function SetStatement (identifier, stringLiteral) {;
var statement = "set " + identifier + ' "' + stringLiteral + '";';, statement);
return this;
SetStatement.prototype = Object.create(AExpression.prototype);
SetStatement.prototype.constructor = SetStatement;
// Quantified Expression
// Grammar
// QuantifiedExpression ::= ( ( "some" ) | ( "every" ) ) Variable "in" Expression ( "," Variable "in" Expression )* "satisfies" Expression
// @param String some/every
// @param [AExpression]
// @param [Aexpression] satisfiesExpression
function QuantifiedExpression (keyword, expressions, satisfiesExpression) {;
var expression = keyword + " ";
var varsInExpressions = [];
for (var varInExpression in expressions) {
varsInExpressions.push(varInExpression + " in " + expressions[varInExpression].val());
expression += varsInExpressions.join(", ") + " satisfies " + satisfiesExpression.val();, expression);
return this;
QuantifiedExpression.prototype = Object.create(AExpression.prototype);
QuantifiedExpression.prototype.constructor = QuantifiedExpression;
QuantifiedExpression.prototype.val = function() {
var value =;
return "(" + value + ")";