Asterix: Using Functions

Asterix provides various classes of functions to support operations on numeric, string, spatial, and temporal data. This document explains how to use these functions.

Numeric Functions


  • Syntax:

  • Computes the absolute value of the argument.

  • Arguments:

    • numeric_expression: A int8/int16/int32/int64/float/double value.
  • Return Value:

    • The absolute value of the argument with the same type as the input argument, or null if the argument is a null value.
  • Example:

     let $v1 := numeric-abs(2013)
     let $v2 := numeric-abs(-4036)
     let $v3 := numeric-abs(0)
     let $v4 := numeric-abs(float("-2013.5"))
     let $v5 := numeric-abs(double("-2013.593823748327284"))
     return { "v1": $v1, "v2": $v2, "v3": $v3, "v4": $v4, "v5": $v5 }
  • The expected result is:

     { "v1": 2013, "v2": 4036, "v3": 0, "v4": 2013.5f, "v5": 2013.5938237483274d }


  • Syntax:

  • Computes the smallest (closest to negative infinity) number with no fractional part that is not less than the value of the argument. If the argument is already equal to mathematical integer, then the result is the same as the argument.

  • Arguments:

    • numeric_expression: A int8/int16/int32/int64/float/double value.
  • Return Value:

    • The ceiling value for the given number in the same type as the input argument, or null if the input is null.
  • Example:

     let $v1 := numeric-ceiling(2013)
     let $v2 := numeric-ceiling(-4036)
     let $v3 := numeric-ceiling(0.3)
     let $v4 := numeric-ceiling(float("-2013.2"))
     let $v5 := numeric-ceiling(double("-2013.893823748327284"))
     return { "v1": $v1, "v2": $v2, "v3": $v3, "v4": $v4, "v5": $v5 }
  • The expected result is:

     { "v1": 2013, "v2": -4036, "v3": 1.0d, "v4": -2013.0f, "v5": -2013.0d }


  • Syntax:

  • Computes the largest (closest to positive infinity) number with no fractional part that is not greater than the value. If the argument is already equal to mathematical integer, then the result is the same as the argument.

  • Arguments:

    • numeric_expression: A int8/int16/int32/int64/float/double value.
  • Return Value:

    • The floor value for the given number in the same type as the input argument, or null if the input is null.
  • Example:

     let $v1 := numeric-floor(2013)
     let $v2 := numeric-floor(-4036)
     let $v3 := numeric-floor(0.8)
     let $v4 := numeric-floor(float("-2013.2"))
     let $v5 := numeric-floor(double("-2013.893823748327284"))
     return { "v1": $v1, "v2": $v2, "v3": $v3, "v4": $v4, "v5": $v5 }
  • The expected result is:

     { "v1": 2013, "v2": -4036, "v3": 0.0d, "v4": -2014.0f, "v5": -2014.0d }


  • Syntax:

  • Computes the number with no fractional part that is closest (and also closest to positive infinity) to the argument.

  • Arguments:

    • numeric_expression: A int8/int16/int32/int64/float/double value.
  • Return Value:

    • The rounded value for the given number in the same type as the input argument, or null if the input is null.
  • Example:

     let $v1 := numeric-round(2013)
     let $v2 := numeric-round(-4036)
     let $v3 := numeric-round(0.8)
     let $v4 := numeric-round(float("-2013.256"))
     let $v5 := numeric-round(double("-2013.893823748327284"))
     return { "v1": $v1, "v2": $v2, "v3": $v3, "v4": $v4, "v5": $v5 }
  • The expected result is:

     { "v1": 2013, "v2": -4036, "v3": 1.0d, "v4": -2013.0f, "v5": -2014.0d }


  • Syntax:

     numeric-round-half-to-even(numeric_expression, [precision])
  • Computes the closest numeric value to numeric_expression that is a multiple of ten to the power of minus precision. precision is optional and by default value 0 is used.

  • Arguments:

    • numeric_expression: A int8/int16/int32/int64/float/double value.
    • precision: An optional integer field representing the number of digits in the fraction of the the result
  • Return Value:

    • The rounded value for the given number in the same type as the input argument, or null if the input is null.
  • Example:

     let $v1 := numeric-round-half-to-even(2013)
     let $v2 := numeric-round-half-to-even(-4036)
     let $v3 := numeric-round-half-to-even(0.8)
     let $v4 := numeric-round-half-to-even(float("-2013.256"))
     let $v5 := numeric-round-half-to-even(double("-2013.893823748327284"))
     let $v6 := numeric-round-half-to-even(double("-2013.893823748327284"), 2)
     let $v7 := numeric-round-half-to-even(2013, 4)
     let $v8 := numeric-round-half-to-even(float("-2013.256"), 5)
     return { "v1": $v1, "v2": $v2, "v3": $v3, "v4": $v4, "v5": $v5, "v6": $v6, "v7": $v7, "v8": $v8 }
  • The expected result is:

     { "v1": 2013, "v2": -4036, "v3": 1.0d, "v4": -2013.0f, "v5": -2014.0d, "v6": -2013.89d, "v7": 2013, "v8": -2013.256f }

String Functions


  • Syntax:

  • Converts the string string_expression to its code-based representation.

  • Arguments:

    • string_expression : A string that will be converted.
  • Return Value:

    • An OrderedList of the code points for the string string_expression.


  • Syntax:

  • Converts the ordered code-based representation list_expression to the corresponding string.

  • Arguments:

    • list_expression : An OrderedList of code-points.
  • Return Value:

    • A string representation of list_expression.
  • Example:

     use dataverse TinySocial;
     let $s := "Hello ASTERIX!"
     let $l := string-to-codepoint($s)
     let $ss := codepoint-to-string($l)
     return {"codes": $l, "string": $ss}
  • The expected result is:

     { "codes": [ 72, 101, 108, 108, 111, 32, 65, 83, 84, 69, 82, 73, 88, 33 ], "string": "Hello ASTERIX!" }


  • Syntax:

     contains(string_expression, substring_to_contain)
  • Checks whether the string string_expression contains the string substring_to_contain

  • Arguments:

    • string_expression : A string that might contain the given substring.
    • substring_to_contain : A target string that might be contained.
  • Return Value:

    • A boolean value, true if string_expression contains substring_to_contain, and false otherwise.
  • Example:

     use dataverse TinySocial;
     for $i in dataset('FacebookMessages')
     where contains($i.message, "phone")
     return {"mid": $i.message-id, "message": $i.message}
  • The expected result is:

     { "mid": 2, "message": " dislike iphone its touch-screen is horrible" }
     { "mid": 13, "message": " dislike iphone the voice-command is bad:(" }
     { "mid": 15, "message": " like iphone the voicemail-service is awesome" }


  • Syntax:

     like(string_expression, string_pattern)
  • Checks whether the string string_expression contains the string pattern string_pattern. Compared to the contains function, the like function also supports regular expressions.

  • Arguments:

    • string_expression : A string that might contain the pattern or null.
    • string_pattern : A pattern string that might be contained or null.
  • Return Value:

    • A boolean value, true if string_expression contains the pattern string_pattern, and false otherwise.
  • Example:

     use dataverse TinySocial;
     for $i in dataset('FacebookMessages')
     where like($i.message, "%at&t%")
     return $i.message
  • The expected result is:

     " can't stand at&t the network is horrible:("
     " can't stand at&t its plan is terrible"
     " love at&t its 3G is good:)"


  • Syntax:

     starts-with(string_expression, substring_to_start_with)
  • Checks whether the string string_expression starts with the string substring_to_start_with.

  • Arguments:

    • string_expression : A string that might start with the given string.
    • substring_to_start_with : A string that might be contained as the starting substring.
  • Return Value:

    • A boolean, returns true if string_expression starts with the string substring_to_start_with, and false otherwise.
  • Example:

     use dataverse TinySocial;
     for $i in dataset('FacebookMessages')
     where starts-with($i.message, " like")
     return $i.message
  • The expected result is:

     " like samsung the plan is amazing"
     " like t-mobile its platform is mind-blowing"
     " like verizon the 3G is awesome:)"
     " like iphone the voicemail-service is awesome"


  • Syntax:

     ends-with(string_expression, substring_to_end_with)
  • Checks whether the string string_expression ends with the string substring_to_end_with.

  • Arguments:

    • string_expression : A string that might end with the given string.
    • substring_to_end_with : A string that might be contained as the ending substring.
  • Return Value:

    • A boolean, returns true if string_expression ends with the string substring_to_end_with, and false otherwise.
  • Example:

     use dataverse TinySocial;
     for $i in dataset('FacebookMessages')
     where ends-with($i.message, ":)")
     return $i.message
  • The expected result is:

     " love sprint its shortcut-menu is awesome:)"
     " like verizon the 3G is awesome:)"
     " love at&t its 3G is good:)"


  • Syntax:

  • Concatenates a list of strings list_expression into a single string.

  • Arguments:

    • list_expression : An OrderedList or UnorderedList of strings (could be null) to be concatenated.
  • Return Value:

    • Returns the concatenated string value.
  • Example:

     let $i := "ASTERIX"
     let $j := " "
     let $k := "ROCKS!"
     return string-concat([$i, $j, $k])
  • The expected result is:



  • Syntax:

     string-join(list_expression, string_expression)
  • Joins a list of strings list_expression with the given separator string_expression into a single string.

  • Arguments:

    • list_expression : An OrderedList or UnorderedList of strings (could be null) to be joined.
    • string_expression : A string as the separator.
  • Return Value:

    • Returns the joined String.
  • Example:

     use dataverse TinySocial;
     let $i := ["ASTERIX", "ROCKS~"]
     return string-join($i, "!! ")
  • The expected result is:



  • Syntax:

  • Converts a given string string_expression to its lowercase form.

  • Arguments:

    • string_expression : A string to be converted.
  • Return Value:

    • Returns a string as the lowercase form of the given string_expression.
  • Example:

     use dataverse TinySocial;
     let $i := "ASTERIX"
     return lowercase($i)
  • The expected result is:



  • Syntax:

     matches(string_expression, string_pattern)
  • Checks whether the strings string_expression matches the given pattern string_pattern.

  • Arguments:

    • string_expression : A string that might contain the pattern.
    • string_pattern : A pattern string to be matched.
  • Return Value:

    • A boolean, returns true if string_expression matches the pattern string_pattern, and false otherwise.
  • Example:

     use dataverse TinySocial;
     for $i in dataset('FacebookMessages')
     where matches($i.message, "dislike iphone")
     return $i.message
  • The expected result is:

     " dislike iphone its touch-screen is horrible"
     " dislike iphone the voice-command is bad:("


  • Syntax:

     replace(string_expression, string_pattern, string_replacement)
  • Checks whether the string string_expression matches the given pattern string_pattern, and replace the matched pattern string_pattern with the new pattern string_replacement.

  • Arguments:

    • string_expression : A string that might contain the pattern.
    • string_pattern : A pattern string to be matched.
    • string_replacement : A pattern string to be used as the replacement.
  • Return Value:

    • Returns a string that is obtained after the replacements.
  • Example:

     use dataverse TinySocial;
     for $i in dataset('FacebookMessages')
     where matches($i.message, " like iphone")
     return replace($i.message, " like iphone", "like android")
  • The expected result is:

     "like android the voicemail-service is awesome"


  • Syntax:

  • Returns the length of the string string_expression.

  • Arguments:

    • string_expression : A string or null that represents the string to be checked.
  • Return Value:

    • An int32 that represents the length of string_expression.
  • Example:

     use dataverse TinySocial;
     for $i in dataset('FacebookMessages')
     return {"mid": $i.message-id, "message-len": string-length($i.message)}
  • The expected result is:

     { "mid": 1, "message-len": 43 }
     { "mid": 2, "message-len": 44 }
     { "mid": 3, "message-len": 33 }
     { "mid": 4, "message-len": 43 }
     { "mid": 5, "message-len": 46 }
     { "mid": 6, "message-len": 43 }
     { "mid": 7, "message-len": 37 }
     { "mid": 8, "message-len": 33 }
     { "mid": 9, "message-len": 34 }
     { "mid": 10, "message-len": 50 }
     { "mid": 11, "message-len": 38 }
     { "mid": 12, "message-len": 52 }
     { "mid": 13, "message-len": 42 }
     { "mid": 14, "message-len": 27 }
     { "mid": 15, "message-len": 45 }


  • Syntax:

     substring(string_expression, offset[, length])
  • Returns the substring from the given string string_expression based on the given start offset offset with the optional length.

  • Arguments:

    • string_expression : A string to be extracted.
    • offset : An int32 as the starting offset of the substring in string_expression.
    • length : (Optional) An int32 as the length of the substring.
  • Return Value:

    • A string that represents the substring.
  • Example:

     use dataverse TinySocial;
     for $i in dataset('FacebookMessages')
     where string-length($i.message) > 50
     return substring($i.message, 50)
  • The expected result is:



  • Syntax:

     substring-before(string_expression, string_pattern)
  • Returns the substring from the given string string_expression before the given pattern string_pattern.

  • Arguments:

    • string_expression : A string to be extracted.
    • string_pattern : A string pattern to be searched.
  • Return Value:

    • A string that represents the substring.
  • Example:

     use dataverse TinySocial;
     for $i in dataset('FacebookMessages')
     where contains($i.message, "iphone")
     return substring-before($i.message, "iphone")
  • The expected result is:

     " dislike "
     " dislike "
     " like "


  • Syntax:

     substring-after(string_expression, string_pattern)
  • Returns the substring from the given string string_expression after the given pattern string_pattern.

  • Arguments:

    • string_expression : A string to be extracted.
    • string_pattern : A string pattern to be searched.
  • Return Value:

    • A string that represents the substring.
  • Example:

     use dataverse TinySocial;
     for $i in dataset('FacebookMessages')
     where contains($i.message, "iphone")
     return substring-after($i.message, "iphone")
  • The expected result is:

     " its touch-screen is horrible"
     " the voice-command is bad:("
     " the voicemail-service is awesome"

Spatial Functions


  • Syntax:

     create-point(latitude, longitude)
  • Creates the primitive type point using latitude and longitude.

  • Arguments:

    • latitude : A double that represents the latitude.
    • longitude : A double that represents the longitude.
  • Return Value:

    • A spatial point created using the latitude and longitude provided in latitude and longitude.
  • Example:

     use dataverse TinySocial;
     let $c :=  create-point(30.0,70.0)
     return {"point": $c}
  • The expected result is:

     { "point": point("30.0,70.0") }


  • Syntax:

     create-line(point_expression1, point_expression2)
  • Creates the primitive type line using point_expression1 and point_expression2.

  • Arguments:

    • point_expression1 : A point that represents the start point of the line.
    • point_expression2 : A point that represents the end point of the line.
  • Return Value:

    • A spatial line created using the points provided in point_expression1 and point_expression2.
  • Example:

     use dataverse TinySocial;
     let $c :=  create-line(create-point(30.0,70.0), create-point(50.0,90.0))
     return {"line": $c}
  • The expected result is:

     { "line": line("30.0,70.0 50.0,90.0") }


  • Syntax:

     create-rectangle(point_expression1, point_expression2)
  • Creates the primitive type rectangle using point_expression1 and point_expression2.

  • Arguments:

    • point_expression1 : A point that represents the lower-left point of the rectangle.
    • point_expression2 : A point that represents the upper-right point of the rectangle.
  • Return Value:

    • A spatial rectangle created using the points provided in point_expression1 and point_expression2.
  • Example:

     use dataverse TinySocial;
     let $c :=  create-rectangle(create-point(30.0,70.0), create-point(50.0,90.0))
     return {"rectangle": $c}
  • The expected result is:

     { "rectangle": rectangle("30.0,70.0 50.0,90.0") }


  • Syntax:

     create-circle(point_expression, radius)
  • Creates the primitive type circle using point_expression and radius.

  • Arguments:

    • point_expression : A point that represents the center of the circle.
    • radius : A double that represents the radius of the circle.
  • Return Value:

    • A spatial circle created using the center point and the radius provided in point_expression and radius.
  • Example:

     use dataverse TinySocial;
     let $c :=  create-circle(create-point(30.0,70.0), 5.0)
     return {"circle": $c}
  • The expected result is:

     { "circle": circle("30.0,70.0 5.0") }


  • Syntax:

     create-polygon(point_expression1, point_expression2, point_expression3, […, point_expressionn])
  • Creates the primitive type polygon using an unlimited number of arguments point_expression1, point_expression2, ..., point_expressionn. Note that at least three points should be specified.

  • Arguments:

    • point_expression1/.../point_expressionn : A point that represents a vertex of the polygon.
  • Return Value:

    • A spatial polygon created using the points provided in point_expression1, point_expression2, ..., point_expressionn.
  • Example:

     use dataverse TinySocial;
     let $c :=  create-polygon(create-point(1.0,1.0), create-point(2.0,2.0), create-point(3.0,3.0), create-point(4.0,4.0))
     return {"polygon": $c}
  • The expected result is:

     { "polygon": polygon("1.0,1.0 2.0,2.0 3.0,3.0 4.0,4.0") }


  • Syntax:

  • Constructor function for the point type by parsing a point string string_expression

  • Arguments:

    • string_expression : The string value representing a point value.
  • Return Value:

    • A point value represented by the given string.
  • Example:

     use dataverse TinySocial;
     let $c := point("55.05,-138.04")
     return {"point": $c}
  • The expected result is:

     { "point": point("55.05,-138.04") }


  • Syntax:

  • Constructor function for line type by parsing a line string string_expression

  • Arguments:

    • string_expression : The string value representing a line value.
  • Return Value:

    • A line value represented by the given string.
  • Example:

     use dataverse TinySocial;
     let $c := line("55.05,-138.04 13.54,-138.04")
     return {"line": $c}
  • The expected result is:

     { "line": line("55.05,-138.04 13.54,-138.04") }


  • Syntax:

  • Constructor function for rectangle type by parsing a rectangle string string_expression

  • Arguments:

    • string_expression : The string value representing a rectangle value.
  • Return Value:

    • A rectangle value represented by the given string.
  • Example:

     use dataverse TinySocial;
     let $c := rectangle("20.05,-125.0 40.67,-100.87")
     return {"rectangle": $c}
  • The expected result is:

     { "rectangle": rectangle("20.05,-125.0 40.67,-100.87") }


  • Syntax:

  • Constructor function for circle type by parsing a circle string string_expression

  • Arguments:

    • string_expression : The string value representing a circle value.
  • Return Value:

    • A circle value represented by the given string.
  • Example:

     use dataverse TinySocial;
     let $c := circle("55.05,-138.04 10.0")
     return {"circle": $c}
  • The expected result is:

     { "circle": circle("55.05,-138.04 10.0") }


  • Syntax:

  • Constructor function for polygon type by parsing a polygon string string_expression

  • Arguments:

    • string_expression : The string value representing a polygon value.
  • Return Value:

    • A polygon value represented by the given string.
  • Example:

     use dataverse TinySocial;
     let $c := polygon("55.05,-138.04 13.54,-138.04 13.54,-53.31 55.05,-53.31")
     return {"polygon": $c}
  • The expected result is:

     { "polygon": polygon("55.05,-138.04 13.54,-138.04 13.54,-53.31 55.05,-53.31") }


  • Syntax:

     get-x(point_expression) or get-y(point_expression)
  • Returns the x or y coordinates of a point point_expression.

  • Arguments:

    • point_expression : A point.
  • Return Value:

    • A double representing the x or y coordinates of the point point_expression.
  • Example:

     use dataverse TinySocial;
     let $point := create-point(2.3,5.0)
     return {"x-coordinate": get-x($point), "y-coordinate": get-y($point)}
  • The expected result is:

     { "x-coordinate": 2.3d, "y-coordinate": 5.0d }


  • Syntax:

  • Returns an ordered list of the points forming the spatial object spatial_expression.

  • Arguments:

    • spatial_expression : A point, line, rectangle, circle, or polygon.
  • Return Value:

    • An OrderedList of the points forming the spatial object spatial_expression.
  • Example:

     use dataverse TinySocial;
     let $line := create-line(create-point(100.6,99.4), create-point(-72.0,-76.9))
     let $rectangle := create-rectangle(create-point(9.2,49.0), create-point(77.8,111.1))
     let $polygon := create-polygon(create-point(1.0,1.0), create-point(2.0,2.0), create-point(3.0,3.0), create-point(4.0,4.0))
     let $line_list := get-points($line)
     let $rectangle_list := get-points($rectangle)
     let $polygon_list := get-points($polygon)
     return {"line-first-point": $line_list[0], "line-second-point": $line_list[1], "rectangle-left-bottom-point": $rectangle_list[0], "rectangle-top-upper-point": $rectangle_list[1], "polygon-first-point": $polygon_list[0], "polygon-second-point": $polygon_list[1], "polygon-third-point": $polygon_list[2], "polygon-forth-point": $polygon_list[3]}
  • The expected result is:

     { "line-first-point": point("100.6,99.4"), "line-second-point": point("-72.0,-76.9"), "rectangle-left-bottom-point": point("9.2,49.0"), "rectangle-top-upper-point": point("77.8,111.1"), "polygon-first-point": point("1.0,1.0"), "polygon-second-point": point("2.0,2.0"), "polygon-third-point": point("3.0,3.0"), "polygon-forth-point": point("4.0,4.0") }


  • Syntax:

     get-center(circle_expression) or get-radius(circle_expression)
  • Returns the center and the radius of a circle circle_expression, respectively.

  • Arguments:

    • circle_expression : A circle.
  • Return Value:

    • A point or double, represent the center or radius of the circle circle_expression.
  • Example:

     use dataverse TinySocial;
     let $circle := create-circle(create-point(6.0,3.0), 1.0)
     return {"circle-radius": get-radius($circle), "circle-center": get-center($circle)}
  • The expected result is:

     { "circle-radius": 1.0d, "circle-center": point("6.0,3.0") }


  • Syntax:

     spatial-distance(point_expression1, point_expression2)
  • Returns the Euclidean distance between point_expression1 and point_expression2.

  • Arguments:

    • point_expression1 : A point.
    • point_expression2 : A point.
  • Return Value:

    • A double as the Euclidean distance between point_expression1 and point_expression2.
  • Example:

     use dataverse TinySocial;
     for $t in dataset('TweetMessages')
     let $d :=  spatial-distance($t.sender-location, create-point(30.0,70.0))
     return {"point": $t.sender-location, "distance": $d}
  • The expected result is:

     { "point": point("47.44,80.65"), "distance": 20.434678857275934d }
     { "point": point("29.15,76.53"), "distance": 6.585089217315132d }
     { "point": point("37.59,68.42"), "distance": 7.752709203884797d }
     { "point": point("24.82,94.63"), "distance": 25.168816023007512d }
     { "point": point("32.84,67.14"), "distance": 4.030533463451212d }
     { "point": point("29.72,75.8"), "distance": 5.806754687430835d }
     { "point": point("39.28,70.48"), "distance": 9.292405501268227d }
     { "point": point("40.09,92.69"), "distance": 24.832321679617472d }
     { "point": point("47.51,83.99"), "distance": 22.41250097601782d }
     { "point": point("36.21,72.6"), "distance": 6.73231758015024d }
     { "point": point("46.05,93.34"), "distance": 28.325926286707734d }
     { "point": point("36.86,74.62"), "distance": 8.270671073135482d }


  • Syntax:

  • Returns the spatial area of spatial_2d_expression.

  • Arguments:

    • spatial_2d_expression : A rectangle, circle, or polygon.
  • Return Value:

    • A double representing the area of spatial_2d_expression.
  • Example:

     use dataverse TinySocial;
     let $circleArea := spatial-area(create-circle(create-point(0.0,0.0), 5.0))
     return {"Area":$circleArea}
  • The expected result is:

     { "Area": 78.53981625d }


  • Syntax:

     spatial-intersect(spatial_expression1, spatial_expression2)
  • Checks whether @arg1 and @arg2 spatially intersect each other.

  • Arguments:

    • spatial_expression1 : A point, line, rectangle, circle, or polygon.
    • spatial_expression2 : A point, line, rectangle, circle, or polygon.
  • Return Value:

    • A boolean representing whether spatial_expression1 and spatial_expression2 spatially overlap with each other.
  • Example:

     use dataverse TinySocial;
     for $t in dataset('TweetMessages')
     where spatial-intersect($t.sender-location, create-rectangle(create-point(30.0,70.0), create-point(40.0,80.0)))
     return $t
  • The expected result is:

     { "tweetid": "4", "user": { "screen-name": "NathanGiesen@211", "lang": "en", "friends_count": 39339, "statuses_count": 473, "name": "Nathan Giesen", "followers_count": 49416 }, "sender-location": point("39.28,70.48"), "send-time": datetime("2011-12-26T10:10:00.000Z"), "referred-topics": {{ "sprint", "voice-command" }}, "message-text": " like sprint the voice-command is mind-blowing:)" }
     { "tweetid": "7", "user": { "screen-name": "ChangEwing_573", "lang": "en", "friends_count": 182, "statuses_count": 394, "name": "Chang Ewing", "followers_count": 32136 }, "sender-location": point("36.21,72.6"), "send-time": datetime("2011-08-25T10:10:00.000Z"), "referred-topics": {{ "samsung", "platform" }}, "message-text": " like samsung the platform is good" }
     { "tweetid": "9", "user": { "screen-name": "NathanGiesen@211", "lang": "en", "friends_count": 39339, "statuses_count": 473, "name": "Nathan Giesen", "followers_count": 49416 }, "sender-location": point("36.86,74.62"), "send-time": datetime("2012-07-21T10:10:00.000Z"), "referred-topics": {{ "verizon", "voicemail-service" }}, "message-text": " love verizon its voicemail-service is awesome" }


  • Syntax:

     spatial-cell(point_expression1, point_expression2, x_increment, y_increment)
  • Returns the grid cell that point_expression1 belongs to.

  • Arguments:

    • point_expression1 : A point representing the point of interest that its grid cell will be returned.
    • point_expression2 : A point representing the origin of the grid.
    • x_increment : A double, represents X increments.
    • y_increment : A double, represents Y increments.
  • Return Value:

    • A rectangle representing the grid cell that point_expression1 belongs to.
  • Example:

     use dataverse TinySocial;
     for $t in dataset('TweetMessages')
     group by $c :=  spatial-cell($t.sender-location, create-point(20.0,50.0), 5.5, 6.0) with $t
     let $num :=  count($t)
     return { "cell": $c, "count": $num}
  • The expected result is:

     { "cell": rectangle("20.0,92.0 25.5,98.0"), "count": 1i64 }
     { "cell": rectangle("25.5,74.0 31.0,80.0"), "count": 2i64 }
     { "cell": rectangle("31.0,62.0 36.5,68.0"), "count": 1i64 }
     { "cell": rectangle("31.0,68.0 36.5,74.0"), "count": 1i64 }
     { "cell": rectangle("36.5,68.0 42.0,74.0"), "count": 2i64 }
     { "cell": rectangle("36.5,74.0 42.0,80.0"), "count": 1i64 }
     { "cell": rectangle("36.5,92.0 42.0,98.0"), "count": 1i64 }
     { "cell": rectangle("42.0,80.0 47.5,86.0"), "count": 1i64 }
     { "cell": rectangle("42.0,92.0 47.5,98.0"), "count": 1i64 }
     { "cell": rectangle("47.5,80.0 53.0,86.0"), "count": 1i64 }

Similarity Functions

AsterixDB supports queries with different similarity functions, including edit distance and Jaccard.


  • Syntax:

     edit-distance(expression1, expression2)
  • Returns the edit distance of expression1 and expression2.

  • Arguments:

    • expression1 : A string or a homogeneous OrderedList of a comparable item type.
    • expression2 : The same type as expression1.
  • Return Value:

    • An int32 that represents the edit distance between expression1 and expression2.
  • Example:

     use dataverse TinySocial;
     for $user in dataset('FacebookUsers')
     let $ed := edit-distance($, "Suzanna Tilson")
     where $ed <= 2
     return $user
  • The expected result is:

     "id": 7, "alias": "Suzanna", "name": "SuzannaTillson", "user-since": datetime("2012-08-07T10:10:00.000Z"), "friend-ids": {{ 6 }},
     "employment": [ { "organization-name": "Labzatron", "start-date": date("2011-04-19"), "end-date": null } ]


  • Syntax:

     edit-distance-check(expression1, expression2, threshold)
  • Checks whether expression1 and expression2 have an edit distance within a given threshold. The “check” version of edit distance is faster than the "non-check" version because the former can detect whether two items satisfy a given threshold using early-termination techniques, as opposed to computing their real distance. Although possible, it is not necessary for the user to write queries using the “check” versions explicitly, since a rewrite rule can perform an appropriate transformation from a “non-check” version to a “check” version.

  • Arguments:

    • expression1 : A string or a homogeneous OrderedList of a comparable item type.
    • expression2 : The same type as expression1.
    • threshold : An int32 that represents the distance threshold.
  • Return Value:

    • An OrderedList with two items:
      • The first item contains a boolean value representing whether expression1 and expression2 are similar.
      • The second item contains an int32 that represents the edit distance of expression1 and expression2 if it is within the threshold, or 0 otherwise.
  • Example:

     use dataverse TinySocial;
     for $user in dataset('FacebookUsers')
     let $ed := edit-distance-check($, "Suzanna Tilson", 2)
     where $ed[0]
     return $ed[1]
  • The expected result is:



  • Syntax:

     similarity-jaccard(list_expression1, list_expression2)
  • Returns the Jaccard similarity of list_expression1 and list_expression2.

  • Arguments:

    • list_expression1 : An UnorderedList or OrderedList.
    • list_expression2 : An UnorderedList or OrderedList.
  • Return Value:

    • A float that represents the Jaccard similarity of list_expression1 and list_expression2.
  • Example:

     use dataverse TinySocial;
     for $user in dataset('FacebookUsers')
     let $sim := similarity-jaccard($user.friend-ids, [1,5,9])
     where $sim >= 0.6f
     return $user
  • The expected result is:

     "id": 3, "alias": "Emory", "name": "EmoryUnk", "user-since": datetime("2012-07-10T10:10:00.000Z"), "friend-ids": {{ 1, 5, 8, 9 }},
     "employment": [ { "organization-name": "geomedia", "start-date": date("2010-06-17"), "end-date": date("2010-01-26") } ]
     "id": 10, "alias": "Bram", "name": "BramHatch", "user-since": datetime("2010-10-16T10:10:00.000Z"), "friend-ids": {{ 1, 5, 9 }},
     "employment": [ { "organization-name": "physcane", "start-date": date("2007-06-05"), "end-date": date("2011-11-05") } ]


  • Syntax:

     similarity-jaccard-check(list_expression1, list_expression2, threshold)
  • Checks whether list_expression1 and list_expression2 have a Jaccard similarity greater than or equal to threshold. Again, the “check” version of Jaccard is faster than the "non-check" version.

  • Arguments:

    • list_expression1 : An UnorderedList or OrderedList.
    • list_expression2 : An UnorderedList or OrderedList.
    • threshold : A float that represents the similarity threshold.
  • Return Value:

    • An OrderedList with two items:
    • The first item contains a boolean value representing whether list_expression1 and list_expression2 are similar.
    • The second item contains a float that represents the Jaccard similarity of list_expression1 and list_expression2 if it is greater than or equal to the threshold, or 0 otherwise.
  • Example:

     use dataverse TinySocial;
     for $user in dataset('FacebookUsers')
     let $sim := similarity-jaccard-check($user.friend-ids, [1,5,9], 0.6f)
     where $sim[0]
     return $sim[1]
  • The expected result is:


Similarity Operator ~#

  • "~=" is syntactic sugar for expressing a similarity condition with a given similarity threshold.

  • The similarity function and threshold for "~=" are controlled via "set" directives.

  • The "~=" operator returns a boolean value that represents whether the operands are similar.

  • Example for Jaccard similarity:

     use dataverse TinySocial;
     set simfunction "jaccard";
     set simthreshold "0.6f";
     for $user in dataset('FacebookUsers')
     where $user.friend-ids ~= [1,5,9]
     return $user
  • The expected result is:

     "id": 3, "alias": "Emory", "name": "EmoryUnk", "user-since": datetime("2012-07-10T10:10:00.000Z"), "friend-ids": {{ 1, 5, 8, 9 }},
     "employment": [ { "organization-name": "geomedia", "start-date": date("2010-06-17"), "end-date": date("2010-01-26") } ]
     "id": 10, "alias": "Bram", "name": "BramHatch", "user-since": datetime("2010-10-16T10:10:00.000Z"), "friend-ids": {{ 1, 5, 9 }},
     "employment": [ { "organization-name": "physcane", "start-date": date("2007-06-05"), "end-date": date("2011-11-05") } ]
  • Example for edit-distance similarity:

     use dataverse TinySocial;
     set simfunction "edit-distance";
     set simthreshold "2";
     for $user in dataset('FacebookUsers')
     where $ ~= "Suzanna Tilson"
     return $user
  • The expected output is:

     "id": 7, "alias": "Suzanna", "name": "SuzannaTillson", "user-since": datetime("2012-08-07T10:10:00.000Z"), "friend-ids": {{ 6 }},
     "employment": [ { "organization-name": "Labzatron", "start-date": date("2011-04-19"), "end-date": null } ]

Tokenizing Functions


  • Syntax:

  • Returns a list of word tokens of string_expression.

  • Arguments:

    • string_expression : A string that will be tokenized.
  • Return Value:

    • An OrderedList of string word tokens.
  • Example:

     use dataverse TinySocial;
     for $t in dataset('TweetMessages')
     let $tokens := word-tokens($t.message-text)
     where $t.send-time >= datetime('2012-01-01T00:00:00')
     return {
     "tweetid": $t.tweetid,
     "word-tokens": $tokens
  • The expected result is:

     { "tweetid": "9", "word-tokens": [ "love", "verizon", "its", "voicemail", "service", "is", "awesome" ] }

Temporal Functions


  • Syntax:

  • Constructor function for date type by parsing a date string string_expression.

  • Arguments:

    • string_expression : The string value representing a date value.
  • Return Value:

    • A date value represented by the given string.
  • Example:

     "date-extended": date("2013-04-01"),
     "date-basic": date("20130401")
  • The expected result is:

     "date-extended": date("2013-04-01"),
     "date-basic": date("2013-04-01")


  • Syntax:

  • Constructor function for time type by parsing a time string string_expression.

  • Arguments:

    • string_expression : The string value representing a time value.
  • Return Value:

    • A time value represented by the given string.
  • Example:

     "time-extended": time("12:30:45.678+08:00"),
     "time-basic": time("123045678+0800")
  • The expected result is:

     "time-extended": time("04:30:45.678Z"),
     "time-basic": time("04:30:45.678Z")


  • Syntax:

  • Constructor function for the datetime type by parsing a datetime string string_expression.

  • Arguments:

    • string_expression : The string value representing a datetime value.
  • Return Value:

    • A datetime value represented by the given string.
  • Example:

     "datetime-extended": datetime("2013-04-01T12:30:45.678+08:00"),
     "datetime-basic": datetime("20130401T123045678+0800")
  • The expected result is:

     "datetime-extended": datetime("2013-04-01T04:30:45.678Z"),
     "datetime-basic": datetime("2013-04-01T04:30:45.678Z")


  • Syntax:

     interval-from-date(string_expression1, string_expression2)
  • Constructor function for the interval type by parsing two date strings.

  • Arguments:

    • string_expression1 : The string value representing the starting date.
    • string_expression2 : The string value representing the ending date.
  • Return Value:

    • An interval value between the two dates.
  • Example:

     {"date-interval": interval-from-date("2012-01-01", "2013-04-01")}
  • The expected result is:

     { "date-interval": interval-date("2012-01-01, 2013-04-01") }


  • Syntax:

     interval-from-time(string_expression1, string_expression2)
  • Constructor function for the interval type by parsing two time strings.

  • Arguments:

    • string_expression1 : The string value representing the starting time.
    • string_expression2 : The string value representing the ending time.
  • Return Value:

    • An interval value between the two times.
  • Example:

     {"time-interval": interval-from-time("12:23:34.456Z", "233445567+0800")}
  • The expected result is:

     { "time-interval": interval-time("12:23:34.456Z, 15:34:45.567Z") }


  • Syntax:

     interval-from-datetime(string_expression1, string_expression2)
  • Constructor function for interval type by parsing two datetime strings.

  • Arguments:

    • string_expression1 : The string value representing the starting datetime.
    • string_expression2 : The string value representing the ending datetime.
  • Return Value:

    • An interval value between the two datetimes.
  • Example:

     {"datetime-interval": interval-from-datetime("2012-01-01T12:23:34.456+08:00", "20130401T153445567Z")}
  • The expected result is:

     { "datetime-interval": interval-datetime("2012-01-01T04:23:34.456Z, 2013-04-01T15:34:45.567Z") }


  • Syntax:

  • Accessors for accessing fields in a temporal value

  • Arguments:

    • temporal_expression : a temporal value represented as one of the following types: date, datetime, time, and duration.
  • Return Value:

    • An int32 value representing the field to be extracted.
  • Example:

     let $c1 := date("2010-10-30")
     let $c2 := datetime("1987-11-19T23:49:23.938")
     let $c3 := time("12:23:34.930+07:00")
     let $c4 := duration("P3Y73M632DT49H743M3948.94S")
     return {"year": get-year($c1), "month": get-month($c2), "day": get-day($c1), "hour": get-hour($c3), "min": get-minute($c4), "second": get-second($c2), "ms": get-millisecond($c4)}
  • The expected result is:

     { "year": 2010, "month": 11, "day": 30, "hour": 5, "min": 28, "second": 23, "ms": 94 }


  • Syntax:

     adjust-datetime-for-timezone(datetime_expression, string_expression)
  • Adjusts the given datetime datetime_expression by applying the timezone information string_expression.

  • Arguments:

    • datetime_expression : A datetime value to be adjusted.
    • string_expression : A string representing the timezone information.
  • Return Value:

    • A string value representing the new datetime after being adjusted by the timezone information.
  • Example:

     use dataverse TinySocial;
     for $i in dataset('TweetMessages')
     return {"adjusted-send-time": adjust-datetime-for-timezone($i.send-time, "+08:00"), "message": $i.message-text}
  • The expected result is:

     { "adjusted-send-time": "2008-04-26T18:10:00.000+08:00", "message": " love t-mobile its customization is good:)" }
     { "adjusted-send-time": "2010-05-13T18:10:00.000+08:00", "message": " like verizon its shortcut-menu is awesome:)" }
     { "adjusted-send-time": "2006-11-04T18:10:00.000+08:00", "message": " like motorola the speed is good:)" }
     { "adjusted-send-time": "2011-12-26T18:10:00.000+08:00", "message": " like sprint the voice-command is mind-blowing:)" }
     { "adjusted-send-time": "2006-08-04T18:10:00.000+08:00", "message": " can't stand motorola its speed is terrible:(" }
     { "adjusted-send-time": "2010-05-07T18:10:00.000+08:00", "message": " like iphone the voice-clarity is good:)" }
     { "adjusted-send-time": "2011-08-25T18:10:00.000+08:00", "message": " like samsung the platform is good" }
     { "adjusted-send-time": "2005-10-14T18:10:00.000+08:00", "message": " like t-mobile the shortcut-menu is awesome:)" }
     { "adjusted-send-time": "2012-07-21T18:10:00.000+08:00", "message": " love verizon its voicemail-service is awesome" }
     { "adjusted-send-time": "2008-01-26T18:10:00.000+08:00", "message": " hate verizon its voice-clarity is OMG:(" }
     { "adjusted-send-time": "2008-03-09T18:10:00.000+08:00", "message": " can't stand iphone its platform is terrible" }
     { "adjusted-send-time": "2010-02-13T18:10:00.000+08:00", "message": " like samsung the voice-command is amazing:)" }


  • Syntax:

     adjust-time-for-timezone(time_expression, string_expression)
  • Adjusts the given time time_expression by applying the timezone information string_expression.

  • Arguments:

    • time_expression : A time value to be adjusted.
    • string_expression : A string representing the timezone information.
  • Return Value:

    • A string value representing the new time after being adjusted by the timezone information.
  • Example:

     use dataverse TinySocial;
     for $i in dataset('TweetMessages')
     return {"adjusted-send-time": adjust-time-for-timezone(time-from-datetime($i.send-time), "+08:00"), "message": $i.message-text}
  • The expected result is:

     { "adjusted-send-time": "18:10:00.000+08:00", "message": " love t-mobile its customization is good:)" }
     { "adjusted-send-time": "18:10:00.000+08:00", "message": " like verizon its shortcut-menu is awesome:)" }
     { "adjusted-send-time": "18:10:00.000+08:00", "message": " like motorola the speed is good:)" }
     { "adjusted-send-time": "18:10:00.000+08:00", "message": " like sprint the voice-command is mind-blowing:)" }
     { "adjusted-send-time": "18:10:00.000+08:00", "message": " can't stand motorola its speed is terrible:(" }
     { "adjusted-send-time": "18:10:00.000+08:00", "message": " like iphone the voice-clarity is good:)" }
     { "adjusted-send-time": "18:10:00.000+08:00", "message": " like samsung the platform is good" }
     { "adjusted-send-time": "18:10:00.000+08:00", "message": " like t-mobile the shortcut-menu is awesome:)" }
     { "adjusted-send-time": "18:10:00.000+08:00", "message": " love verizon its voicemail-service is awesome" }
     { "adjusted-send-time": "18:10:00.000+08:00", "message": " hate verizon its voice-clarity is OMG:(" }
     { "adjusted-send-time": "18:10:00.000+08:00", "message": " can't stand iphone its platform is terrible" }
     { "adjusted-send-time": "18:10:00.000+08:00", "message": " like samsung the voice-command is amazing:)" }


  • Syntax:

     calendar-duration-from-datetime(datetime_expression, duration_expression)
  • Gets a user-friendly representation of the duration duration_expression based on the given datetime datetime_expression.

  • Arguments:

    • datetime_expression : A datetime value to be used as the reference time point.
    • duration_expression : A duration value to be converted.
  • Return Value:

    • A duration value with the duration as duration_expression but with a user-friendly representation.
  • Example:

     use dataverse TinySocial;
     for $i in dataset('TweetMessages')
     where $i.send-time > datetime("2011-01-01T00:00:00")
     return {"since-2011": subtract-datetime($i.send-time, datetime("2011-01-01T00:00:00")), "since-2011-user-friendly": calendar-duration-from-datetime($i.send-time, subtract-datetime($i.send-time, datetime("2011-01-01T00:00:00")))}
  • The expected result is:

     { "since-2011": duration("P359DT10H10M"), "since-2011-user-friendly": duration("P11M23DT10H10M") }
     { "since-2011": duration("P236DT10H10M"), "since-2011-user-friendly": duration("P7M23DT10H10M") }
     { "since-2011": duration("P567DT10H10M"), "since-2011-user-friendly": duration("P1Y6M18DT10H10M") }


  • Syntax:

     calendar-duration-from-date(date_expression, duration_expression)
  • Gets a user-friendly representation of the duration duration_expression based on the given date date_expression.

  • Arguments:

    • date_expression : A date value to be used as the reference time point.
    • duration_expression : A duration value to be converted.
  • Return Value:

    • A duration value with the duration as duration_expression but with a user-friendly representation.
  • Example:

     use dataverse TinySocial;
     for $i in dataset('TweetMessages')
     where $i.send-time > datetime("2011-01-01T00:00:00")
     return {"since-2011": subtract-datetime($i.send-time, datetime("2011-01-01T00:00:00")),
     "since-2011-user-friendly": calendar-duration-from-date(date-from-datetime($i.send-time), subtract-datetime($i.send-time, datetime("2011-01-01T00:00:00")))}
  • The expected result is:

     { "since-2011": duration("P359DT10H10M"), "since-2011-user-friendly": duration("P11M23DT10H10M") }
     { "since-2011": duration("P236DT10H10M"), "since-2011-user-friendly": duration("P7M23DT10H10M") }
     { "since-2011": duration("P567DT10H10M"), "since-2011-user-friendly": duration("P1Y6M18DT10H10M") }


  • Syntax:

  • Gets the current date.

  • Arguments: None

  • Return Value:

    • A date value of the date when the function is called.


  • Syntax:

  • Get the current time

  • Arguments: None

  • Return Value:

    • A time value of the time when the function is called.


  • Syntax:

  • Get the current datetime

  • Arguments: None

  • Return Value:

    • A datetime value of the datetime when the function is called.
  • Example:

     use dataverse TinySocial;
     {"current-date": current-date(),
     "current-time": current-time(),
     "current-datetime": current-datetime()}
  • The expected result is:

     { "current-date": date("2013-04-06"),
     "current-time": time("00:48:44.093Z"),
     "current-datetime": datetime("2013-04-06T00:48:44.093Z") }


  • Syntax:

  • Gets the date value from the given datetime value datetime_expression.

  • Arguments:

    • datetime_expression: A datetime value to be extracted from.
  • Return Value:

    • A date value from the datetime.


  • Syntax:

  • Get the time value from the given datetime value datetime_expression

  • Arguments:

    • datetime_expression: A datetime value to be extracted from
  • Return Value:

    • A time value from the datetime.
  • Example:

     use dataverse TinySocial;
     for $i in dataset('TweetMessages')
     where $i.send-time > datetime("2011-01-01T00:00:00")
     return {"send-date": date-from-datetime($i.send-time), "send-time": time-from-datetime($i.send-time)}
  • The expected result is:

     { "send-date": date("2011-12-26"), "send-time": time("10:10:00.000Z") }
     { "send-date": date("2011-08-25"), "send-time": time("10:10:00.000Z") }
     { "send-date": date("2012-07-21"), "send-time": time("10:10:00.000Z") }


  • Syntax:

  • Gets a date representing the time after numeric_expression days since 1970-01-01.

  • Arguments:

    • numeric_expression: A int8/int16/int32 value representing the number of days.
  • Return Value:

    • A date value as the time after numeric_expression days since 1970-01-01.


  • Syntax:

  • Gets a datetime representing the time after numeric_expression milliseconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z.

  • Arguments:

    • numeric_expression: A int8/int16/int32/int64 value representing the number of milliseconds.
  • Return Value:

    • A datetime value as the time after numeric_expression milliseconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z.


  • Syntax:

  • Gets a time representing the time after numeric_expression milliseconds since 00:00:00.000Z.

  • Arguments:

    • numeric_expression: A int8/int16/int32 value representing the number of milliseconds.
  • Return Value:

    • A time value as the time after numeric_expression milliseconds since 00:00:00.000Z.
  • Example:

     use dataverse TinySocial;
     let $d := date-from-unix-time-in-days(15800)
     let $dt := datetime-from-unix-time-in-ms(1365139700000)
     let $t := time-from-unix-time-in-ms(3748)
     return {"date": $d, "datetime": $dt, "time": $t}
  • The expected result is:

     { "date": date("2013-04-05"), "datetime": datetime("2013-04-05T05:28:20.000Z"), "time": time("00:00:03.748Z") }


  • Syntax:

     subtract-date(date_start, date_end)
  • Get the duration between two dates date_start and date_end

  • Arguments:

    • date_start: the starting date
    • date_end: the ending date
  • Return Value:

    • A duration value between date_start and date_end
  • Example:

     use dataverse TinySocial;
     for $i in dataset('FacebookUser')
     for $j in dataset('FacebookUser')
     where $i.user-since < $j.user-since and $i.user-since > datetime("2012-01-01T00:00:00")
     return {"id1": $, "id2": $, "diff": subtract-date(date-from-datetime($j.user-since), date-from-datetime($i.user-since))}
  • The expected result is:

     { "id1": 3, "id2": 1, "diff": duration("P41D") }
     { "id1": 3, "id2": 7, "diff": duration("P28D") }
     { "id1": 7, "id2": 1, "diff": duration("P13D") }


  • Syntax:

     subtract-time(time_start, time_end)
  • Get the duration between two times time_start and time_end

  • Arguments:

    • time_start: the starting time
    • time_end: the ending time
  • Return Value:

    • A duration value between time_start and time_end
  • Example:

     use dataverse TinySocial;
     for $i in dataset('FacebookUser')
     for $j in dataset('FacebookUser')
     where $i.user-since < $j.user-since and $i.user-since > datetime("2012-01-01T00:00:00")
     return {"id1": $, "id2": $, "diff": subtract-time(time-from-datetime($j.user-since), time("02:50:48.938"))}
  • The expected result is:

     { "id1": 3, "id2": 1, "diff": duration("PT7H19M11.62S") }
     { "id1": 3, "id2": 7, "diff": duration("PT7H19M11.62S") }
     { "id1": 7, "id2": 1, "diff": duration("PT7H19M11.62S") }


  • Syntax:

     subtract-datetime(datetime_start, datetime_end)
  • Get the duration between two datetimes datetime_start and datetime_end

  • Arguments:

    • datetime_start: the starting datetime
    • datetime_end: the ending datetime
  • Return Value:

    • A duration value between datetime_start and datetime_end
  • Example:

     use dataverse TinySocial;
     for $i in dataset('FacebookUser')
     for $j in dataset('FacebookUser')
     where $i.user-since < $j.user-since and $i.user-since > datetime("2011-01-01T00:00:00")
     return {"id1": $, "id2": $, "diff": subtract-datetime($j.user-since, $i.user-since)}
  • The expected result is:

     { "id1": 2, "id2": 1, "diff": duration("P576D") }
     { "id1": 2, "id2": 3, "diff": duration("P535D") }
     { "id1": 2, "id2": 7, "diff": duration("P563D") }
     { "id1": 3, "id2": 1, "diff": duration("P41D") }
     { "id1": 3, "id2": 7, "diff": duration("P28D") }
     { "id1": 7, "id2": 1, "diff": duration("P13D") }


  • Syntax:

     interval-start-from-date/time/datetime(date/time/datetime, duration)
  • Construct an interval value by the given starting date/time/datetime and the duration that the interval lasts.

  • Arguments:

    • date/time/datetime: a string representing a date, time or datetime, or a date/time/datetime value, representing the starting time point.
    • duration: a string or duration value representing the duration of the interval. Note that duration cannot be negative value.
  • Return Value:

    • An interval value representing the interval starting from the given time point with the length of duration.
  • Example:

     let $itv1 := interval-start-from-date("1984-01-01", "P1Y")
     let $itv2 := interval-start-from-time(time("02:23:28.394"), "PT3H24M")
     let $itv3 := interval-start-from-datetime("1999-09-09T09:09:09.999", duration("P2M30D"))
     return {"interval1": $itv1, "interval2": $itv2, "interval3": $itv3}
  • The expectecd result is:

     { "interval1": interval-date("1984-01-01, 1985-01-01"), "interval2": interval-time("02:23:28.394Z, 05:47:28.394Z"), "interval3": interval-datetime("1999-09-09T09:09:09.999Z, 1999-12-09T09:09:09.999Z") }

get-interval-start, get-interval-end

  • Syntax:

  • Gets the start/end of the given interval.

  • Arguments:

    • interval: the interval to be accessed.
  • Return Value:

    • A time, date, or datetime (depending on the time instances of the interval) representing the starting or ending time.
  • Example:

     let $itv := interval-start-from-date("1984-01-01", "P1Y")
     return {"start": get-interval-start($itv), "end": get-interval-end($itv)}
  • The expected result is:

     { "start": date("1984-01-01"), "end": date("1985-01-01") }