NCService documentation improvements
Change-Id: I8a775498e758e900013db1116fef593d292cf8af
Sonar-Qube: Jenkins <>
Tested-by: Jenkins <>
Integration-Tests: Jenkins <>
Reviewed-by: Till Westmann <>
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new file mode 100644
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@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+ procs/.style={
+ rectangle,
+ rounded corners,
+ draw=black, thick,
+ text width=13em,
+ minimum height=.5em,
+ text centered},
+ % Define arrow style
+ msgs/.style={
+ ->,
+ thick,
+ shorten <=2pt,
+ shorten >=2pt,}
+\begin{tikzpicture}[node distance=1cm, auto,]
+ \node[procs] (nc) {\large Node Controller (NC)};
+ \node[procs,above=of nc] (ncservice) {\large NC Service};
+ \node[procs, above= of ncservice] (cc) {\large Cluster Controller (CC)};
+ \path [draw, -latex'] (ncservice) -- node {\scriptsize 2. NC startup}(nc);
+ \path [draw, -latex'] (cc) -- node {\scriptsize 1. NC parameters }(ncservice);
+ \draw [->] (nc.east) -- ++(1em,0) node[near end, rotate=-90,xshift=-4em] {\scriptsize 3. NC registration} |- (cc.east);
+\end{tikzpicture} \\*
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## <a id="toc">Table of Contents</a> ##
-* [Starting a small cluster using the NCService](#Small_cluster)
-* [Parameter setting](#Parameters)
+* [Quick Start](#quickstart)
+* [Starting a small single-machine cluster using the NCService](#Small_cluster)
+* [Deploying AsterixDB via NCService in a multi-machine setup](#Multi_machine)
+* [Available Configuration Parameters](#Parameters)
-# <a id="Small_cluster">Starting a small cluster using the NCService</a>
-When running a cluster using the `NCService` there are 3 different kind of
+# <a id="quickstart">Quick Start</a>
+The fastest way to get set up with a single-machine sample instance of AsterixDB is
+to use the included sample helper scripts. To do so, in the extracted `asterix-server`
+directory, navigate to `opt/local/bin/`
+ user@localhost:~/
+ $cd asterix-server/
+ user@localhost:~/asterix-server
+ $cd opt/local/bin
+This folder should contain 4 scripts, two pairs of `.sh` and `.bat` files
+respectively. `` will simply start a basic sample cluster
+using the coniguration files located in `samples/local/conf/`.
+ user@localhost:~/a/o/l/bin
+ $./
+ CLUSTERDIR=/home/user/asterix-server/opt/local
+ INSTALLDIR=/home/user/asterix-server
+ LOGSDIR=/home/user/asterix-server/samples/opt/logs
+ INFO: Starting sample cluster...
+ INFO: Waiting up to 30 seconds for cluster to be available.
+ INFO: Cluster started and is ACTIVE.
+ user@localhost:~/a/o/l/bin
+ $
+Now, there should be a running AsterixDB cluster on the machine. To go to the
+Web Interface, visit [http://localhost:19001](http://localhost:19001)
+<div class="source">
+<img src="images/asterixdb_interface.png" alt="The AsterixDB Web Interface"/>
+<em>Fig. 1</em>: The AsterixDB Web Interface
+# <a id="Small_cluster">Starting a small single-machine cluster using NCService</a>
+The above cluster was started using a script, but below is a description in detail
+of how precisely this was achieved. The config files here are analagous to the
+ones within `samples/local/conf`.
+When running a cluster using the `NCService` there are 3 different kinds of
processes involved:
-1. `NCDriver` does the work of a NodeController
-2. `NCService` configures and starts an `NCDriver`
-3. `CCDriver` does the work of a ClusterController and sends the
- configuration to the `NCServices`
+- `NCDriver`, also known as the Node Controller or NC for short. This is the
+ process that does the actual work of queries and data management within the
+ AsterixDB cluster
+- `NCService` configures and starts the `NCDriver` process. It is a simple
+ daemon whose only purpose is to wait for the `CCDriver` process to call
+ upon it to initiate cluster bootup.
+- `CCDriver`, which is the Cluster Controller process, also known as the CC.
+ This process manages the distribution of tasks to all NCs, as well as providing
+ the parameters of each NC to the NCService upon cluster startup. It also hosts
+ the Web interface and query compiler and optimizer.
+The cluster startup follows a particular sequence, which is as follows:
+0. Each host on which an NC is desired and is mentioned in the configuration,
+ the `NCService` daemon is started first. It will listen and wait for the CC
+ to contact it.
+1. The one host on which the CC is to be placed is started with an appropriate
+ configuration file.
+2. The CC contacts all `NCService` daemons and the `NCService` subsequently starts
+ and `NCDriver` process with the configration supplied by the `CC`
+3. Each `NCDriver` then contacts the CC to register itself as started
+This process is briefly illustrated in the diagram below:
+<div class="source">
+<img src="images/ncservice.png" alt="The AsterixDB Web Interface"/>
+<em>Fig. 2</em>: NCService startup sequence
To start a small cluster consisting of 2 NodeControllers (`red` and `blue`)
and 1 ClusterController (`cc`) on a single machine only 2 configuration
@@ -81,25 +152,37 @@
To start the cluster simply use the following steps
-1. Set BASEDIR to location of an unzipped asterix-server binary assembly (in
-the source tree that's at `asterixdb/asterix-server/target`).
+1. Change directory into the asterix-server binary folder
- $ export BASEDIR=[..]/asterix-server-0.8.9-SNAPSHOT-binary-assembly
+ ```
+ user@localhost:~/
+ $cd asterix-server/
+ user@localhost:~/asterix-server
+ $cd samples/local/bin
+ ```
2. Start the 2 `NCServices` for `red` and `blue`.
- $ $BASEDIR/bin/asterixncservice -config-file blue.conf > blue-service.log 2>&1 &
- $ $BASEDIR/bin/asterixncservice >red-service.log 2>&1 &
+ ```
+ user@localhost:~/asterix-server
+ $bin/asterixncservice -config-file blue.conf > blue-service.log 2>&1 &
+ user@localhost:~/asterix-server
+ $bin/asterixncservice >red-service.log 2>&1 &
+ ```
3. Start the `CCDriver`.
- $ $BASEDIR/bin/asterixcc -config-file cc.conf > cc.log 2>&1 &
+ ```
+ user@localhost:~/asterix-server
+ $bin/asterixcc -config-file cc.conf > cc.log 2>&1 &
+ ```
The `CCDriver` will connect to the `NCServices` and thus initiate the
configuration and the start of the `NCDrivers`.
After running these scripts, `jps` should show a result similar to this:
- $ jps
+ user@localhost:~/asterix-server
+ $jps
13184 NCService
13200 NCDriver
13185 NCService
@@ -115,7 +198,60 @@
to kill all processes.
-# <a id="Parameters">Parameter settings</a>
+# <a id="Multi_machine">Deploying AsterixDB via NCService in a multi-machine setup</a>
+Deploying on multiple machines only differs in the configuration file and where each process
+is actually resident. Take for example a deployment on 3 machines, `cacofonix-1`,`cacofonix-2`,and `cacofonix-3`.
+`cacofonix-1` will be the CC, and `cacofonix-2` and `cacofonix-3` will be the two NCs, respectively.
+The configuration would be as follows:
+ [nc/red]
+ txnlogdir=/lv_scratch/asterix/red/txnlog
+ coredumpdir=/lv_scratch/asterix/red/coredump
+ iodevices=/lv_scratch/asterix/red
+ address=cacofonix-2
+ [nc/blue]
+ txnlogdir=/lv_scratch/asterix/blue/txnlog
+ coredumpdir=/lv_scratch/asterix/blue/coredump
+ iodevices=/lv_scratch/asterix/blue
+ address=cacofonix-3
+ [nc]
+ app.class=org.apache.asterix.hyracks.bootstrap.NCApplicationEntryPoint
+ storagedir=storage
+ command=asterixnc
+ [cc]
+ cluster.address = cacofonix-1
+To deploy, first the `asterix-server` binary must be present on each machine. Any method to transfer
+the archive to each machine will work, but here `scp` will be used for simplicity's sake.
+ user@localhost:~
+ $for f in {1,2,3}; scp cacofonix-$f:~/; end
+Then unzip the binary on each machine. First, start the `NCService` processes on each of the slave
+machines. Any way of getting a shell on the machine is fine, be it physical or via `ssh`.
+ user@cacofonix-2 12:41:42 ~/asterix-server/
+ $ bin/asterixncservice > red-service.log 2>&1 &
+ user@cacofonix-3 12:41:42 ~/asterix-server/
+ $ bin/asterixncservice > blue-service.log 2>&1 &
+Now that each `NCService` is waiting, the CC can be started.
+ user@cacofonix-1 12:41:42 ~/asterix-server/
+ $ bin/asterixcc -config-file cc.conf > cc.log 2>&1 &
+The cluster should now be started and the Web UI available on the CC host at the default port.
+# <a id="Parameters">Available Configuration Parameters</a>
The following parameters are for the master process, under the "[cc]" section.
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<menu name="API/SDK">
<item name="HTTP API" href="api.html"/>
+ <item name="CSV Output" href="csv.html"/>
<menu ref="reports"/>