Added a new merge policy, called correlated-prefix.

Change-Id: I8f961eb28b4ea460f6326c8b4acaea02b50819e9
Reviewed-by: abdullah alamoudi <>
Tested-by: Jenkins <>
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/aql/translator/ b/asterix-app/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/aql/translator/
index e0635c6..ccf2d35 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/aql/translator/
+++ b/asterix-app/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/aql/translator/
@@ -415,18 +415,32 @@
     private void validateCompactionPolicy(String compactionPolicy, Map<String, String> compactionPolicyProperties,
-            MetadataTransactionContext mdTxnCtx) throws AsterixException, Exception {
+            MetadataTransactionContext mdTxnCtx, boolean isExternalDataset) throws AsterixException, Exception {
         CompactionPolicy compactionPolicyEntity = MetadataManager.INSTANCE.getCompactionPolicy(mdTxnCtx,
                 MetadataConstants.METADATA_DATAVERSE_NAME, compactionPolicy);
         if (compactionPolicyEntity == null) {
-            throw new AsterixException("Unknown compaction policy :" + compactionPolicy);
+            throw new AsterixException("Unknown compaction policy: " + compactionPolicy);
         String compactionPolicyFactoryClassName = compactionPolicyEntity.getClassName();
         ILSMMergePolicyFactory mergePolicyFactory = (ILSMMergePolicyFactory) Class.forName(
-        for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : compactionPolicyProperties.entrySet()) {
-            if (!mergePolicyFactory.getPropertiesNames().contains(entry.getKey())) {
-                throw new AsterixException("Invalid compaction policy property :" + entry.getKey());
+        if (isExternalDataset && mergePolicyFactory.getName().compareTo("correlated-prefix") == 0) {
+            throw new AsterixException("The correlated-prefix merge policy cannot be used with external dataset.");
+        }
+        if (compactionPolicyProperties == null) {
+            if (mergePolicyFactory.getName().compareTo("no-merge") != 0) {
+                throw new AsterixException("Compaction policy properties are missing.");
+            }
+        } else {
+            for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : compactionPolicyProperties.entrySet()) {
+                if (!mergePolicyFactory.getPropertiesNames().contains(entry.getKey())) {
+                    throw new AsterixException("Invalid compaction policy property: " + entry.getKey());
+                }
+            }
+            for (String p : mergePolicyFactory.getPropertiesNames()) {
+                if (!compactionPolicyProperties.containsKey(p)) {
+                    throw new AsterixException("Missing compaction policy property: " + p);
+                }
@@ -489,7 +503,7 @@
                         compactionPolicy = GlobalConfig.DEFAULT_COMPACTION_POLICY_NAME;
                         compactionPolicyProperties = GlobalConfig.DEFAULT_COMPACTION_POLICY_PROPERTIES;
                     } else {
-                        validateCompactionPolicy(compactionPolicy, compactionPolicyProperties, mdTxnCtx);
+                        validateCompactionPolicy(compactionPolicy, compactionPolicyProperties, mdTxnCtx, false);
                     String filterField = ((InternalDetailsDecl) dd.getDatasetDetailsDecl()).getFilterField();
                     if (filterField != null) {
@@ -510,7 +524,7 @@
                         compactionPolicy = GlobalConfig.DEFAULT_COMPACTION_POLICY_NAME;
                         compactionPolicyProperties = GlobalConfig.DEFAULT_COMPACTION_POLICY_PROPERTIES;
                     } else {
-                        validateCompactionPolicy(compactionPolicy, compactionPolicyProperties, mdTxnCtx);
+                        validateCompactionPolicy(compactionPolicy, compactionPolicyProperties, mdTxnCtx, true);
                     datasetDetails = new ExternalDatasetDetails(adapter, properties, ngName, new Date(),
                             ExternalDatasetTransactionState.COMMIT, compactionPolicy, compactionPolicyProperties);
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/metadata/results/basic/metadata_compaction_policy/metadata_compaction_policy.1.adm b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/metadata/results/basic/metadata_compaction_policy/metadata_compaction_policy.1.adm
index 633e93a..6e6be44 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/metadata/results/basic/metadata_compaction_policy/metadata_compaction_policy.1.adm
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/metadata/results/basic/metadata_compaction_policy/metadata_compaction_policy.1.adm
@@ -1,2 +1,4 @@
 { "DataverseName": "Metadata", "CompactionPolicy": "constant", "Classname": "" }
+{ "DataverseName": "Metadata", "CompactionPolicy": "correlated-prefix", "Classname": "edu.uci.ics.asterix.common.context.CorrelatedPrefixMergePolicyFactory" }
+{ "DataverseName": "Metadata", "CompactionPolicy": "no-merge", "Classname": "" }
 { "DataverseName": "Metadata", "CompactionPolicy": "prefix", "Classname": "" }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/dml/using-constant-merge-policy/using-constant-merge-policy.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/dml/using-constant-merge-policy/using-constant-merge-policy.1.ddl.aql
index f96f04f..5942aa2 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/dml/using-constant-merge-policy/using-constant-merge-policy.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/dml/using-constant-merge-policy/using-constant-merge-policy.1.ddl.aql
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
- * Test case Name  : compact-dataset-and-its-indexes.aql
+ * Test case Name  : using-constant-merge-policy.aql
  * Description     : This test is intended to test the compact statement which merge the disk components of a dataset and
- * all of its indexes.
+ * all of its indexes using the constant merge policy.
  * Expected Result : Success
  * Date            : Sep 19 2013
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/dml/using-correlated-prefix-merge-policy/using-correlated-prefix-merge-policy.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/dml/using-correlated-prefix-merge-policy/using-correlated-prefix-merge-policy.1.ddl.aql
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..99ef49a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/dml/using-correlated-prefix-merge-policy/using-correlated-prefix-merge-policy.1.ddl.aql
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+ * Test case Name  : using-correlated-prefix-merge-policy.aql
+ * Description     : This test is intended to test the compact statement which merge the disk components of a dataset and
+ * all of its indexes using the correlated-prefix merge policy.
+ * Expected Result : Success
+ * Date            : Sep 19 2013
+ */
+drop dataverse test if exists;
+create dataverse test;
+use dataverse test;
+create type LineItemType as closed {
+  l_orderkey: int32, 
+  l_partkey: int32, 
+  l_suppkey: int32, 
+  l_linenumber: int32, 
+  l_quantity: int32, 
+  l_extendedprice: double,
+  l_discount: double, 
+  l_tax: double,
+  l_returnflag: string, 
+  l_linestatus: string, 
+  l_shipdate: string,
+  l_commitdate: string, 
+  l_receiptdate: string, 
+  l_shipinstruct: string, 
+  l_shipmode: string, 
+  l_comment: string
+create dataset LineItem(LineItemType)
+  primary key l_orderkey, l_linenumber using compaction policy correlated-prefix
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/dml/using-correlated-prefix-merge-policy/using-correlated-prefix-merge-policy.2.update.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/dml/using-correlated-prefix-merge-policy/using-correlated-prefix-merge-policy.2.update.aql
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..169c6dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/dml/using-correlated-prefix-merge-policy/using-correlated-prefix-merge-policy.2.update.aql
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+use dataverse test;
+load dataset LineItem 
+using "edu.uci.ics.asterix.external.dataset.adapter.NCFileSystemAdapter"
+(("path"="nc1://data/tpch0.001/lineitem.tbl"),("format"="delimited-text"),("delimiter"="|")) pre-sorted;
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/dml/using-correlated-prefix-merge-policy/using-correlated-prefix-merge-policy.3.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/dml/using-correlated-prefix-merge-policy/using-correlated-prefix-merge-policy.3.ddl.aql
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a3572c4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/dml/using-correlated-prefix-merge-policy/using-correlated-prefix-merge-policy.3.ddl.aql
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+use dataverse test;
+create index idx_LineItem_partkey on LineItem(l_linenumber);
+create index idx_LineItem_suppkey on LineItem(l_suppkey);
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/dml/using-correlated-prefix-merge-policy/using-correlated-prefix-merge-policy.4.update.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/dml/using-correlated-prefix-merge-policy/using-correlated-prefix-merge-policy.4.update.aql
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c3bc7d7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/dml/using-correlated-prefix-merge-policy/using-correlated-prefix-merge-policy.4.update.aql
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+use dataverse test;
+delete $l from dataset LineItem where $l.l_suppkey>=2 or $l.l_linenumber>1;
+compact dataset LineItem;
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/dml/using-correlated-prefix-merge-policy/using-correlated-prefix-merge-policy.5.query.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/dml/using-correlated-prefix-merge-policy/using-correlated-prefix-merge-policy.5.query.aql
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..69912f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/dml/using-correlated-prefix-merge-policy/using-correlated-prefix-merge-policy.5.query.aql
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+use dataverse test;
+for $c in dataset('LineItem')
+where $c.l_suppkey<150
+order by $c.l_orderkey, $c.l_linenumber
+return $c
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/dml/using-no-merge-policy/using-no-merge-policy.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/dml/using-no-merge-policy/using-no-merge-policy.1.ddl.aql
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f3e4d29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/dml/using-no-merge-policy/using-no-merge-policy.1.ddl.aql
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+ * Test case Name  : cusing-no-merge-policy.aql
+ * Description     : This test is intended to test the compact statement which merge the disk components of a dataset and
+ * all of its indexes using the no merge policy.
+ * Expected Result : Success
+ * Date            : Sep 19 2013
+ */
+drop dataverse test if exists;
+create dataverse test;
+use dataverse test;
+create type LineItemType as closed {
+  l_orderkey: int32, 
+  l_partkey: int32, 
+  l_suppkey: int32, 
+  l_linenumber: int32, 
+  l_quantity: int32, 
+  l_extendedprice: double,
+  l_discount: double, 
+  l_tax: double,
+  l_returnflag: string, 
+  l_linestatus: string, 
+  l_shipdate: string,
+  l_commitdate: string, 
+  l_receiptdate: string, 
+  l_shipinstruct: string, 
+  l_shipmode: string, 
+  l_comment: string
+create dataset LineItem(LineItemType)
+  primary key l_orderkey, l_linenumber using compaction policy no-merge;
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/dml/using-no-merge-policy/using-no-merge-policy.2.update.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/dml/using-no-merge-policy/using-no-merge-policy.2.update.aql
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..169c6dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/dml/using-no-merge-policy/using-no-merge-policy.2.update.aql
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+use dataverse test;
+load dataset LineItem 
+using "edu.uci.ics.asterix.external.dataset.adapter.NCFileSystemAdapter"
+(("path"="nc1://data/tpch0.001/lineitem.tbl"),("format"="delimited-text"),("delimiter"="|")) pre-sorted;
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/dml/using-no-merge-policy/using-no-merge-policy.3.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/dml/using-no-merge-policy/using-no-merge-policy.3.ddl.aql
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a3572c4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/dml/using-no-merge-policy/using-no-merge-policy.3.ddl.aql
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+use dataverse test;
+create index idx_LineItem_partkey on LineItem(l_linenumber);
+create index idx_LineItem_suppkey on LineItem(l_suppkey);
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/dml/using-no-merge-policy/using-no-merge-policy.4.update.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/dml/using-no-merge-policy/using-no-merge-policy.4.update.aql
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c3bc7d7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/dml/using-no-merge-policy/using-no-merge-policy.4.update.aql
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+use dataverse test;
+delete $l from dataset LineItem where $l.l_suppkey>=2 or $l.l_linenumber>1;
+compact dataset LineItem;
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/dml/using-no-merge-policy/using-no-merge-policy.5.query.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/dml/using-no-merge-policy/using-no-merge-policy.5.query.aql
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..69912f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/dml/using-no-merge-policy/using-no-merge-policy.5.query.aql
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+use dataverse test;
+for $c in dataset('LineItem')
+where $c.l_suppkey<150
+order by $c.l_orderkey, $c.l_linenumber
+return $c
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/dml/using-prefix-merge-policy/using-prefix-merge-policy.1.ddl.aql b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/dml/using-prefix-merge-policy/using-prefix-merge-policy.1.ddl.aql
index a8eab80..b814d32 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/dml/using-prefix-merge-policy/using-prefix-merge-policy.1.ddl.aql
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/dml/using-prefix-merge-policy/using-prefix-merge-policy.1.ddl.aql
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
- * Test case Name  : compact-dataset-and-its-indexes.aql
+ * Test case Name  : cusing-prefix-merge-policy.aql
  * Description     : This test is intended to test the compact statement which merge the disk components of a dataset and
- * all of its indexes.
+ * all of its indexes using the prefix merge policy.
  * Expected Result : Success
  * Date            : Sep 19 2013
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/dml/using-correlated-prefix-merge-policy/using-correlated-prefix-merge-policy.1.adm b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/dml/using-correlated-prefix-merge-policy/using-correlated-prefix-merge-policy.1.adm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0d69984
--- /dev/null
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/dml/using-correlated-prefix-merge-policy/using-correlated-prefix-merge-policy.1.adm
@@ -0,0 +1,167 @@
+{ "l_orderkey": 36, "l_partkey": 120, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 42, "l_extendedprice": 42845.04d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-02-03", "l_commitdate": "1996-01-21", "l_receiptdate": "1996-02-23", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": " careful courts. special " }
+{ "l_orderkey": 68, "l_partkey": 8, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 3, "l_extendedprice": 2724.0d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-07-04", "l_commitdate": "1998-06-05", "l_receiptdate": "1998-07-21", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "fully special instructions cajole. furious" }
+{ "l_orderkey": 162, "l_partkey": 190, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 2, "l_extendedprice": 2180.38d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-09-02", "l_commitdate": "1995-06-17", "l_receiptdate": "1995-09-08", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "es! final somas integrate" }
+{ "l_orderkey": 192, "l_partkey": 98, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 23, "l_extendedprice": 22956.07d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-02-05", "l_commitdate": "1998-02-06", "l_receiptdate": "1998-03-07", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ly pending theodolites haggle quickly fluf" }
+{ "l_orderkey": 197, "l_partkey": 99, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 39, "l_extendedprice": 38964.51d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-07-21", "l_commitdate": "1995-07-01", "l_receiptdate": "1995-08-14", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "press accounts. daringly sp" }
+{ "l_orderkey": 227, "l_partkey": 166, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 19, "l_extendedprice": 20257.04d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-12-10", "l_commitdate": "1996-01-30", "l_receiptdate": "1995-12-26", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "s cajole furiously a" }
+{ "l_orderkey": 290, "l_partkey": 6, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 35, "l_extendedprice": 31710.0d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-04-01", "l_commitdate": "1994-02-05", "l_receiptdate": "1994-04-27", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ove the final foxes detect slyly fluffily" }
+{ "l_orderkey": 325, "l_partkey": 159, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 34, "l_extendedprice": 36011.1d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-10-28", "l_commitdate": "1993-12-13", "l_receiptdate": "1993-11-17", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ly bold deposits. always iron" }
+{ "l_orderkey": 355, "l_partkey": 114, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 31, "l_extendedprice": 31437.41d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-07-13", "l_commitdate": "1994-08-18", "l_receiptdate": "1994-07-18", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "y unusual, ironic" }
+{ "l_orderkey": 389, "l_partkey": 190, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 2, "l_extendedprice": 2180.38d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-04-13", "l_commitdate": "1994-04-10", "l_receiptdate": "1994-04-25", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "fts. courts eat blithely even dependenc" }
+{ "l_orderkey": 391, "l_partkey": 122, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 14, "l_extendedprice": 14309.68d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-02-11", "l_commitdate": "1995-02-03", "l_receiptdate": "1995-02-13", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": " escapades sleep furiously about " }
+{ "l_orderkey": 417, "l_partkey": 40, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 39, "l_extendedprice": 36661.56d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-05-31", "l_commitdate": "1994-05-02", "l_receiptdate": "1994-06-06", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "y regular requests wake along " }
+{ "l_orderkey": 453, "l_partkey": 198, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 45, "l_extendedprice": 49418.55d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-06-30", "l_commitdate": "1997-08-20", "l_receiptdate": "1997-07-19", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ifts wake carefully." }
+{ "l_orderkey": 485, "l_partkey": 150, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 50, "l_extendedprice": 52507.5d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-03-28", "l_commitdate": "1997-05-26", "l_receiptdate": "1997-04-18", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "iously quick excuses. carefully final f" }
+{ "l_orderkey": 545, "l_partkey": 170, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 4, "l_extendedprice": 4280.68d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-02-23", "l_commitdate": "1995-12-16", "l_receiptdate": "1996-03-21", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": ", ironic grouches cajole over" }
+{ "l_orderkey": 581, "l_partkey": 64, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 41, "l_extendedprice": 39526.46d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-05-26", "l_commitdate": "1997-04-06", "l_receiptdate": "1997-06-10", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "nts. quickly" }
+{ "l_orderkey": 647, "l_partkey": 17, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 41, "l_extendedprice": 37597.41d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-11-19", "l_commitdate": "1997-09-24", "l_receiptdate": "1997-12-15", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "r instructions. quickly unusu" }
+{ "l_orderkey": 704, "l_partkey": 190, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 40, "l_extendedprice": 43607.6d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-01-30", "l_commitdate": "1997-01-10", "l_receiptdate": "1997-02-20", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ggle quickly. r" }
+{ "l_orderkey": 738, "l_partkey": 198, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 34, "l_extendedprice": 37338.46d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-06-09", "l_commitdate": "1993-04-15", "l_receiptdate": "1993-07-09", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "s against the ironic exc" }
+{ "l_orderkey": 773, "l_partkey": 100, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 5, "l_extendedprice": 5000.5d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-11-21", "l_commitdate": "1993-12-19", "l_receiptdate": "1993-12-21", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ar requests. regular, thin packages u" }
+{ "l_orderkey": 800, "l_partkey": 72, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 38, "l_extendedprice": 36938.66d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-07-21", "l_commitdate": "1998-09-25", "l_receiptdate": "1998-08-07", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "according to the bold, final dependencies " }
+{ "l_orderkey": 900, "l_partkey": 199, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 44, "l_extendedprice": 48364.36d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-12-15", "l_commitdate": "1994-12-03", "l_receiptdate": "1994-12-27", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": " detect quick" }
+{ "l_orderkey": 931, "l_partkey": 40, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 18, "l_extendedprice": 16920.72d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-04-04", "l_commitdate": "1993-01-11", "l_receiptdate": "1993-04-13", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "slyly ironic re" }
+{ "l_orderkey": 932, "l_partkey": 44, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 41, "l_extendedprice": 38705.64d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-06-05", "l_commitdate": "1997-07-22", "l_receiptdate": "1997-06-26", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "foxes. ironic pl" }
+{ "l_orderkey": 965, "l_partkey": 108, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 20, "l_extendedprice": 20162.0d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-06-16", "l_commitdate": "1995-07-20", "l_receiptdate": "1995-07-06", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "kly. carefully pending requ" }
+{ "l_orderkey": 995, "l_partkey": 173, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 15, "l_extendedprice": 16097.55d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-06-30", "l_commitdate": "1995-08-04", "l_receiptdate": "1995-07-27", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "uses. fluffily fina" }
+{ "l_orderkey": 1025, "l_partkey": 150, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 36, "l_extendedprice": 37805.4d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-05-15", "l_commitdate": "1995-07-05", "l_receiptdate": "1995-06-10", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "e unusual, regular instr" }
+{ "l_orderkey": 1027, "l_partkey": 156, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 43, "l_extendedprice": 45414.45d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-06-17", "l_commitdate": "1992-08-28", "l_receiptdate": "1992-07-10", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "oxes. carefully regular deposits" }
+{ "l_orderkey": 1155, "l_partkey": 70, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 4, "l_extendedprice": 3880.28d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-10-19", "l_commitdate": "1997-12-09", "l_receiptdate": "1997-11-02", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ic foxes according to the carefully final " }
+{ "l_orderkey": 1185, "l_partkey": 72, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 8, "l_extendedprice": 7776.56d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-12-05", "l_commitdate": "1992-10-05", "l_receiptdate": "1992-12-28", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ely according to the furiously regular r" }
+{ "l_orderkey": 1216, "l_partkey": 97, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 8, "l_extendedprice": 7976.72d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-02-01", "l_commitdate": "1993-03-06", "l_receiptdate": "1993-02-08", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": " of the carefully express" }
+{ "l_orderkey": 1223, "l_partkey": 100, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 28, "l_extendedprice": 28002.8d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-08-07", "l_commitdate": "1996-07-24", "l_receiptdate": "1996-08-13", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": " quickly ironic requests. furious" }
+{ "l_orderkey": 1381, "l_partkey": 144, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 47, "l_extendedprice": 49074.58d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-09-22", "l_commitdate": "1998-08-12", "l_receiptdate": "1998-10-12", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ly ironic deposits" }
+{ "l_orderkey": 1409, "l_partkey": 99, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 23, "l_extendedprice": 22979.07d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-04-18", "l_commitdate": "1993-02-25", "l_receiptdate": "1993-05-06", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ions. slyly ironic packages wake quick" }
+{ "l_orderkey": 1445, "l_partkey": 100, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 24, "l_extendedprice": 24002.4d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-02-21", "l_commitdate": "1995-02-22", "l_receiptdate": "1995-03-18", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "al accounts use furiously a" }
+{ "l_orderkey": 1477, "l_partkey": 72, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 31, "l_extendedprice": 30134.17d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-12-16", "l_commitdate": "1997-09-30", "l_receiptdate": "1997-12-17", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": " requests. fluffily final " }
+{ "l_orderkey": 1540, "l_partkey": 173, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 38, "l_extendedprice": 40780.46d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-09-30", "l_commitdate": "1992-10-27", "l_receiptdate": "1992-10-12", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": " final grouches bo" }
+{ "l_orderkey": 1568, "l_partkey": 90, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 36, "l_extendedprice": 35643.24d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-05-31", "l_commitdate": "1997-04-22", "l_receiptdate": "1997-06-21", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "platelets-- furiously sly excu" }
+{ "l_orderkey": 1605, "l_partkey": 142, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 47, "l_extendedprice": 48980.58d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-04-29", "l_commitdate": "1998-06-12", "l_receiptdate": "1998-05-20", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": ". carefully r" }
+{ "l_orderkey": 1607, "l_partkey": 190, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 2, "l_extendedprice": 2180.38d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-01-11", "l_commitdate": "1996-02-15", "l_receiptdate": "1996-01-19", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "packages haggle. regular requests boost s" }
+{ "l_orderkey": 1635, "l_partkey": 71, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 3, "l_extendedprice": 2913.21d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-03-13", "l_commitdate": "1997-03-25", "l_receiptdate": "1997-03-27", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": " quickly ironic r" }
+{ "l_orderkey": 1700, "l_partkey": 140, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 38, "l_extendedprice": 39525.32d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-10-03", "l_commitdate": "1996-07-27", "l_receiptdate": "1996-10-22", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ular dependencies engage slyly " }
+{ "l_orderkey": 1796, "l_partkey": 10, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 28, "l_extendedprice": 25480.28d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-12-01", "l_commitdate": "1993-01-01", "l_receiptdate": "1992-12-24", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "y quickly ironic accounts." }
+{ "l_orderkey": 1825, "l_partkey": 156, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 43, "l_extendedprice": 45414.45d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-02-18", "l_commitdate": "1994-02-19", "l_receiptdate": "1994-03-02", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": " accounts breach fluffily spe" }
+{ "l_orderkey": 1827, "l_partkey": 90, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 47, "l_extendedprice": 46534.23d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-08-01", "l_commitdate": "1996-08-07", "l_receiptdate": "1996-08-23", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": ". pending courts about the even e" }
+{ "l_orderkey": 1893, "l_partkey": 99, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 43, "l_extendedprice": 42960.87d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-01-25", "l_commitdate": "1998-01-06", "l_receiptdate": "1998-02-14", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "he carefully regular " }
+{ "l_orderkey": 1924, "l_partkey": 73, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 7, "l_extendedprice": 6811.49d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-01-01", "l_commitdate": "1996-12-02", "l_receiptdate": "1997-01-08", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "osits. even accounts nag furious" }
+{ "l_orderkey": 1953, "l_partkey": 128, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 25, "l_extendedprice": 25703.0d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-01-07", "l_commitdate": "1994-01-28", "l_receiptdate": "1994-01-29", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ular, regular i" }
+{ "l_orderkey": 1985, "l_partkey": 28, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 33, "l_extendedprice": 30624.66d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-12-04", "l_commitdate": "1994-11-01", "l_receiptdate": "1994-12-05", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "s are express packages. pendin" }
+{ "l_orderkey": 1988, "l_partkey": 72, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 36, "l_extendedprice": 34994.52d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-01-21", "l_commitdate": "1995-11-24", "l_receiptdate": "1996-01-27", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "gular theodolites. " }
+{ "l_orderkey": 2048, "l_partkey": 35, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 7, "l_extendedprice": 6545.21d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-12-07", "l_commitdate": "1994-01-31", "l_receiptdate": "1994-01-05", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "lent platelets boost deposits. carefully sp" }
+{ "l_orderkey": 2086, "l_partkey": 60, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 22, "l_extendedprice": 21121.32d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-12-04", "l_commitdate": "1994-12-16", "l_receiptdate": "1994-12-20", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "idly busy acc" }
+{ "l_orderkey": 2118, "l_partkey": 160, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 24, "l_extendedprice": 25443.84d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-01-06", "l_commitdate": "1996-12-14", "l_receiptdate": "1997-01-14", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "about the slyly bold depende" }
+{ "l_orderkey": 2183, "l_partkey": 71, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 29, "l_extendedprice": 28161.03d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-07-21", "l_commitdate": "1996-08-24", "l_receiptdate": "1996-08-15", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ly unusual deposits sleep carefully" }
+{ "l_orderkey": 2211, "l_partkey": 48, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 25, "l_extendedprice": 23701.0d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-10-09", "l_commitdate": "1994-08-04", "l_receiptdate": "1994-11-03", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "deas. carefully special theodolites along" }
+{ "l_orderkey": 2215, "l_partkey": 73, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 33, "l_extendedprice": 32111.31d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-07-19", "l_commitdate": "1996-08-10", "l_receiptdate": "1996-07-30", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "dolites cajole b" }
+{ "l_orderkey": 2272, "l_partkey": 90, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 18, "l_extendedprice": 17821.62d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-08-01", "l_commitdate": "1993-07-06", "l_receiptdate": "1993-08-25", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ons along the blithely e" }
+{ "l_orderkey": 2342, "l_partkey": 42, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 12, "l_extendedprice": 11304.48d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-07-31", "l_commitdate": "1996-07-26", "l_receiptdate": "1996-08-14", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "print blithely even deposits. carefull" }
+{ "l_orderkey": 2343, "l_partkey": 110, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 27, "l_extendedprice": 27272.97d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-11-10", "l_commitdate": "1995-11-17", "l_receiptdate": "1995-12-10", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "old theodolites." }
+{ "l_orderkey": 2439, "l_partkey": 164, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 2, "l_extendedprice": 2128.32d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-04-14", "l_commitdate": "1997-06-11", "l_receiptdate": "1997-05-09", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "courts boos" }
+{ "l_orderkey": 2469, "l_partkey": 166, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 11, "l_extendedprice": 11727.76d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-02-09", "l_commitdate": "1997-01-26", "l_receiptdate": "1997-02-16", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ies wake carefully b" }
+{ "l_orderkey": 2592, "l_partkey": 90, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 7, "l_extendedprice": 6930.63d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-03-13", "l_commitdate": "1993-04-25", "l_receiptdate": "1993-04-01", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": " carefully special theodolites integrate " }
+{ "l_orderkey": 2625, "l_partkey": 20, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 42, "l_extendedprice": 38640.84d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-10-18", "l_commitdate": "1992-11-17", "l_receiptdate": "1992-10-23", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": " even accounts haggle furiously" }
+{ "l_orderkey": 2659, "l_partkey": 42, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 28, "l_extendedprice": 26377.12d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-03-17", "l_commitdate": "1994-01-24", "l_receiptdate": "1994-03-19", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "idle tithes" }
+{ "l_orderkey": 2689, "l_partkey": 6, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 45, "l_extendedprice": 40770.0d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-04-29", "l_commitdate": "1992-06-22", "l_receiptdate": "1992-04-30", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "e quickly. carefully silent" }
+{ "l_orderkey": 2690, "l_partkey": 140, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 44, "l_extendedprice": 45766.16d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-05-30", "l_commitdate": "1996-05-19", "l_receiptdate": "1996-06-26", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ly alongside of th" }
+{ "l_orderkey": 2692, "l_partkey": 17, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 3, "l_extendedprice": 2751.03d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-02-25", "l_commitdate": "1998-01-29", "l_receiptdate": "1998-03-27", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "equests. bold, even foxes haggle slyl" }
+{ "l_orderkey": 2694, "l_partkey": 153, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 30, "l_extendedprice": 31594.5d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-06-20", "l_commitdate": "1996-06-01", "l_receiptdate": "1996-07-15", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "oxes. never iro" }
+{ "l_orderkey": 2759, "l_partkey": 59, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 10, "l_extendedprice": 9590.5d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-12-14", "l_commitdate": "1994-01-08", "l_receiptdate": "1994-01-01", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "s. busily ironic theodo" }
+{ "l_orderkey": 2819, "l_partkey": 70, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 17, "l_extendedprice": 16491.19d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-07-16", "l_commitdate": "1994-07-15", "l_receiptdate": "1994-07-17", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "en deposits above the f" }
+{ "l_orderkey": 2850, "l_partkey": 97, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 43, "l_extendedprice": 42874.87d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-01-11", "l_commitdate": "1996-11-03", "l_receiptdate": "1997-02-01", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "unusual accounts" }
+{ "l_orderkey": 2886, "l_partkey": 60, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 1, "l_extendedprice": 960.06d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-02-01", "l_commitdate": "1994-12-18", "l_receiptdate": "1995-02-28", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "eposits fr" }
+{ "l_orderkey": 2912, "l_partkey": 122, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 8, "l_extendedprice": 8176.96d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-04-09", "l_commitdate": "1992-04-19", "l_receiptdate": "1992-04-26", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "hs cajole over the slyl" }
+{ "l_orderkey": 2944, "l_partkey": 120, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 44, "l_extendedprice": 44885.28d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-12-25", "l_commitdate": "1997-10-28", "l_receiptdate": "1998-01-21", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ickly special theodolit" }
+{ "l_orderkey": 2947, "l_partkey": 10, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 37, "l_extendedprice": 33670.37d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-08-09", "l_commitdate": "1995-07-05", "l_receiptdate": "1995-08-20", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "e accounts: expres" }
+{ "l_orderkey": 2950, "l_partkey": 130, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 32, "l_extendedprice": 32964.16d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-09-21", "l_commitdate": "1997-08-25", "l_receiptdate": "1997-10-08", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "its wake carefully slyly final ideas." }
+{ "l_orderkey": 2978, "l_partkey": 90, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 29, "l_extendedprice": 28712.61d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-06-03", "l_commitdate": "1995-07-25", "l_receiptdate": "1995-06-06", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ecial ideas promise slyly" }
+{ "l_orderkey": 3143, "l_partkey": 90, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 22, "l_extendedprice": 21781.98d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-05-11", "l_commitdate": "1993-03-26", "l_receiptdate": "1993-05-20", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "l, special instructions nag " }
+{ "l_orderkey": 3264, "l_partkey": 200, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 39, "l_extendedprice": 42907.8d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-11-07", "l_commitdate": "1996-12-12", "l_receiptdate": "1996-11-20", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "sleep carefully after the slyly final" }
+{ "l_orderkey": 3266, "l_partkey": 64, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 31, "l_extendedprice": 29885.86d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-06-19", "l_commitdate": "1995-05-04", "l_receiptdate": "1995-07-06", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "grate among the quickly express deposits" }
+{ "l_orderkey": 3270, "l_partkey": 35, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 11, "l_extendedprice": 10285.33d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-07-29", "l_commitdate": "1997-08-11", "l_receiptdate": "1997-08-05", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": " solve at the regular deposits. " }
+{ "l_orderkey": 3364, "l_partkey": 90, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 49, "l_extendedprice": 48514.41d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-09-17", "l_commitdate": "1997-08-23", "l_receiptdate": "1997-10-06", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "d accounts? caref" }
+{ "l_orderkey": 3366, "l_partkey": 40, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 4, "l_extendedprice": 3760.16d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-05-20", "l_commitdate": "1997-06-25", "l_receiptdate": "1997-06-03", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": " carefully about " }
+{ "l_orderkey": 3425, "l_partkey": 120, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 11, "l_extendedprice": 11221.32d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-04-24", "l_commitdate": "1996-05-29", "l_receiptdate": "1996-05-23", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ckly final deposits use quickly?" }
+{ "l_orderkey": 3460, "l_partkey": 11, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 40, "l_extendedprice": 36440.4d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-12-28", "l_commitdate": "1995-12-14", "l_receiptdate": "1996-01-02", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "odolites are slyly bold deposits" }
+{ "l_orderkey": 3494, "l_partkey": 117, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 40, "l_extendedprice": 40684.4d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-07-10", "l_commitdate": "1993-06-01", "l_receiptdate": "1993-07-25", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "lites haggle furiously about the fin" }
+{ "l_orderkey": 3520, "l_partkey": 28, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 30, "l_extendedprice": 27840.6d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-11-11", "l_commitdate": "1997-10-02", "l_receiptdate": "1997-12-06", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "deas should solve blithely among the ironi" }
+{ "l_orderkey": 3559, "l_partkey": 90, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 29, "l_extendedprice": 28712.61d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-12-10", "l_commitdate": "1992-12-03", "l_receiptdate": "1992-12-20", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "l, regular accounts wake flu" }
+{ "l_orderkey": 3585, "l_partkey": 122, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 21, "l_extendedprice": 21464.52d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-12-04", "l_commitdate": "1994-12-25", "l_receiptdate": "1995-01-01", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ounts use. express, final platelets us" }
+{ "l_orderkey": 3618, "l_partkey": 140, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 38, "l_extendedprice": 39525.32d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-12-22", "l_commitdate": "1998-02-23", "l_receiptdate": "1998-01-03", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "nts haggle fluffily above the regular " }
+{ "l_orderkey": 3715, "l_partkey": 97, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 13, "l_extendedprice": 12962.17d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-05-11", "l_commitdate": "1996-04-25", "l_receiptdate": "1996-06-09", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "e quickly ironic" }
+{ "l_orderkey": 3844, "l_partkey": 135, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 2, "l_extendedprice": 2070.26d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-02-24", "l_commitdate": "1995-02-03", "l_receiptdate": "1995-03-18", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "es haggle final acco" }
+{ "l_orderkey": 3878, "l_partkey": 200, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 6, "l_extendedprice": 6601.2d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-06-21", "l_commitdate": "1997-05-22", "l_receiptdate": "1997-07-01", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "s. regular instru" }
+{ "l_orderkey": 3906, "l_partkey": 153, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 42, "l_extendedprice": 44232.3d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-09-03", "l_commitdate": "1992-07-22", "l_receiptdate": "1992-09-04", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "jole blithely after the furiously regular " }
+{ "l_orderkey": 3974, "l_partkey": 22, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 47, "l_extendedprice": 43334.94d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-06-03", "l_commitdate": "1996-05-08", "l_receiptdate": "1996-06-28", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "dencies above the re" }
+{ "l_orderkey": 4001, "l_partkey": 106, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 26, "l_extendedprice": 26158.6d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-07-26", "l_commitdate": "1997-06-18", "l_receiptdate": "1997-08-08", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "tegrate blithely" }
+{ "l_orderkey": 4005, "l_partkey": 4, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 26, "l_extendedprice": 23504.0d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-12-01", "l_commitdate": "1997-02-03", "l_receiptdate": "1996-12-15", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": " to the quic" }
+{ "l_orderkey": 4033, "l_partkey": 110, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 27, "l_extendedprice": 27272.97d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-08-08", "l_commitdate": "1993-08-14", "l_receiptdate": "1993-08-09", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "pinto beans" }
+{ "l_orderkey": 4034, "l_partkey": 190, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 48, "l_extendedprice": 52329.12d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-03-01", "l_commitdate": "1994-01-16", "l_receiptdate": "1994-03-16", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": " blithely regular requests play carefull" }
+{ "l_orderkey": 4036, "l_partkey": 6, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 46, "l_extendedprice": 41676.0d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-06-21", "l_commitdate": "1997-05-29", "l_receiptdate": "1997-07-18", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "usly across the even th" }
+{ "l_orderkey": 4064, "l_partkey": 199, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 3, "l_extendedprice": 3297.57d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-01-04", "l_commitdate": "1997-01-01", "l_receiptdate": "1997-01-23", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "its! quickly sp" }
+{ "l_orderkey": 4067, "l_partkey": 180, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 18, "l_extendedprice": 19443.24d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-01-24", "l_commitdate": "1992-12-23", "l_receiptdate": "1993-02-20", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "e the slyly final packages d" }
+{ "l_orderkey": 4068, "l_partkey": 110, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 43, "l_extendedprice": 43434.73d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-11-28", "l_commitdate": "1996-11-16", "l_receiptdate": "1996-12-22", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ructions. regular, special packag" }
+{ "l_orderkey": 4098, "l_partkey": 200, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 46, "l_extendedprice": 50609.2d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-01-26", "l_commitdate": "1997-01-27", "l_receiptdate": "1997-02-13", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "e slyly blithely silent deposits. fluff" }
+{ "l_orderkey": 4192, "l_partkey": 11, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 36, "l_extendedprice": 32796.36d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-04-25", "l_commitdate": "1998-05-26", "l_receiptdate": "1998-05-03", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "eodolites sleep" }
+{ "l_orderkey": 4194, "l_partkey": 197, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 43, "l_extendedprice": 47179.17d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-11-06", "l_commitdate": "1994-12-09", "l_receiptdate": "1994-11-16", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "olites are after the exp" }
+{ "l_orderkey": 4261, "l_partkey": 110, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 12, "l_extendedprice": 12121.32d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-11-01", "l_commitdate": "1993-01-01", "l_receiptdate": "1992-11-12", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "into beans " }
+{ "l_orderkey": 4418, "l_partkey": 35, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 32, "l_extendedprice": 29920.96d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-05-28", "l_commitdate": "1993-06-02", "l_receiptdate": "1993-05-30", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ly. bold pinto b" }
+{ "l_orderkey": 4422, "l_partkey": 135, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 5, "l_extendedprice": 5175.65d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-07-17", "l_commitdate": "1995-08-13", "l_receiptdate": "1995-07-25", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "e furiously about t" }
+{ "l_orderkey": 4486, "l_partkey": 135, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 46, "l_extendedprice": 47615.98d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-05-02", "l_commitdate": "1998-04-05", "l_receiptdate": "1998-05-08", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ackages. specia" }
+{ "l_orderkey": 4512, "l_partkey": 162, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 30, "l_extendedprice": 31864.8d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-01-28", "l_commitdate": "1995-12-22", "l_receiptdate": "1996-02-22", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ly unusual package" }
+{ "l_orderkey": 4513, "l_partkey": 170, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 29, "l_extendedprice": 31034.93d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-05-18", "l_commitdate": "1996-05-23", "l_receiptdate": "1996-06-08", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "cajole. regular packages boost. s" }
+{ "l_orderkey": 4545, "l_partkey": 173, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 38, "l_extendedprice": 40780.46d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-01-27", "l_commitdate": "1993-03-01", "l_receiptdate": "1993-02-04", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "nts serve according to th" }
+{ "l_orderkey": 4549, "l_partkey": 159, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 44, "l_extendedprice": 46602.6d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-03-13", "l_commitdate": "1998-04-15", "l_receiptdate": "1998-03-27", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ding to the regular, silent requests" }
+{ "l_orderkey": 4551, "l_partkey": 11, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 6, "l_extendedprice": 5466.06d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-05-18", "l_commitdate": "1996-04-23", "l_receiptdate": "1996-06-13", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "fily silent fo" }
+{ "l_orderkey": 4576, "l_partkey": 90, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 5, "l_extendedprice": 4950.45d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-08-23", "l_commitdate": "1996-11-08", "l_receiptdate": "1996-09-20", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ly express, special asymptote" }
+{ "l_orderkey": 4608, "l_partkey": 173, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 30, "l_extendedprice": 32195.1d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-10-08", "l_commitdate": "1994-07-18", "l_receiptdate": "1994-10-25", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "s cajole. slyly " }
+{ "l_orderkey": 4641, "l_partkey": 190, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 45, "l_extendedprice": 49058.55d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-05-11", "l_commitdate": "1993-04-19", "l_receiptdate": "1993-05-21", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": " about the close " }
+{ "l_orderkey": 4679, "l_partkey": 190, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 7, "l_extendedprice": 7631.33d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-05-11", "l_commitdate": "1993-04-11", "l_receiptdate": "1993-05-16", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "kages. bold, regular packa" }
+{ "l_orderkey": 4769, "l_partkey": 35, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 16, "l_extendedprice": 14960.48d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-07-16", "l_commitdate": "1995-07-05", "l_receiptdate": "1995-07-22", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": " deposits. slyly even asymptote" }
+{ "l_orderkey": 4802, "l_partkey": 40, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 6, "l_extendedprice": 5640.24d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-04-16", "l_commitdate": "1997-03-25", "l_receiptdate": "1997-04-21", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "unusual accounts wake blithely. b" }
+{ "l_orderkey": 4804, "l_partkey": 128, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 44, "l_extendedprice": 45237.28d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-05-02", "l_commitdate": "1992-03-24", "l_receiptdate": "1992-05-28", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "aggle quickly among the slyly fi" }
+{ "l_orderkey": 4805, "l_partkey": 150, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 7, "l_extendedprice": 7351.05d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-05-01", "l_commitdate": "1992-07-09", "l_receiptdate": "1992-05-09", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": " requests. regular deposit" }
+{ "l_orderkey": 4807, "l_partkey": 122, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 9, "l_extendedprice": 9199.08d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-04-23", "l_commitdate": "1997-03-01", "l_receiptdate": "1997-05-15", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "may are blithely. carefully even pinto b" }
+{ "l_orderkey": 4836, "l_partkey": 162, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 22, "l_extendedprice": 23367.52d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-03-03", "l_commitdate": "1997-02-23", "l_receiptdate": "1997-03-04", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "al pinto beans. care" }
+{ "l_orderkey": 4837, "l_partkey": 42, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 16, "l_extendedprice": 15072.64d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-08-12", "l_commitdate": "1998-06-06", "l_receiptdate": "1998-08-26", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ing requests are blithely regular instructi" }
+{ "l_orderkey": 4898, "l_partkey": 72, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 44, "l_extendedprice": 42771.08d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-09-13", "l_commitdate": "1994-08-18", "l_receiptdate": "1994-09-16", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "y regular grouches about" }
+{ "l_orderkey": 4928, "l_partkey": 100, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 4, "l_extendedprice": 4000.4d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-10-25", "l_commitdate": "1993-12-24", "l_receiptdate": "1993-11-16", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "bout the slyly final accounts. carefull" }
+{ "l_orderkey": 4929, "l_partkey": 14, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 20, "l_extendedprice": 18280.2d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-03-12", "l_commitdate": "1996-05-23", "l_receiptdate": "1996-03-20", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": " final pinto beans detect. final," }
+{ "l_orderkey": 4967, "l_partkey": 71, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 50, "l_extendedprice": 48553.5d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-05-27", "l_commitdate": "1997-05-13", "l_receiptdate": "1997-06-12", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "kages. final, unusual accounts c" }
+{ "l_orderkey": 4996, "l_partkey": 56, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 35, "l_extendedprice": 33461.75d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-10-30", "l_commitdate": "1992-10-27", "l_receiptdate": "1992-11-05", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "s. unusual, regular dolphins integrate care" }
+{ "l_orderkey": 5028, "l_partkey": 14, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 15, "l_extendedprice": 13710.15d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-07-17", "l_commitdate": "1992-07-16", "l_receiptdate": "1992-08-05", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "es are quickly final pains. furiously pend" }
+{ "l_orderkey": 5031, "l_partkey": 50, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 15, "l_extendedprice": 14250.75d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-04-01", "l_commitdate": "1995-02-24", "l_receiptdate": "1995-04-12", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "yly pending theodolites." }
+{ "l_orderkey": 5092, "l_partkey": 164, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 30, "l_extendedprice": 31924.8d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-12-27", "l_commitdate": "1995-12-08", "l_receiptdate": "1996-01-09", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ss, ironic deposits. furiously stea" }
+{ "l_orderkey": 5153, "l_partkey": 35, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 42, "l_extendedprice": 39271.26d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-10-03", "l_commitdate": "1995-11-09", "l_receiptdate": "1995-10-11", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "re thinly. ironic" }
+{ "l_orderkey": 5154, "l_partkey": 190, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 11, "l_extendedprice": 11992.09d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-08-06", "l_commitdate": "1997-06-30", "l_receiptdate": "1997-09-04", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "luffily bold foxes. final" }
+{ "l_orderkey": 5185, "l_partkey": 197, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 37, "l_extendedprice": 40596.03d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-08-08", "l_commitdate": "1997-09-08", "l_receiptdate": "1997-08-14", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "gainst the courts dazzle care" }
+{ "l_orderkey": 5187, "l_partkey": 11, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 49, "l_extendedprice": 44639.49d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-10-20", "l_commitdate": "1997-10-12", "l_receiptdate": "1997-10-26", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "l, regular platelets instead of the foxes w" }
+{ "l_orderkey": 5190, "l_partkey": 56, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 43, "l_extendedprice": 41110.15d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-08-19", "l_commitdate": "1992-06-10", "l_receiptdate": "1992-09-01", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "encies use fluffily unusual requests? hoc" }
+{ "l_orderkey": 5217, "l_partkey": 80, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 50, "l_extendedprice": 49004.0d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-12-26", "l_commitdate": "1995-11-21", "l_receiptdate": "1996-01-24", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "s. express, express accounts c" }
+{ "l_orderkey": 5281, "l_partkey": 114, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 37, "l_extendedprice": 37522.07d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-11-10", "l_commitdate": "1996-01-31", "l_receiptdate": "1995-11-22", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ronic dependencies. fluffily final p" }
+{ "l_orderkey": 5284, "l_partkey": 173, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 16, "l_extendedprice": 17170.72d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-08-17", "l_commitdate": "1995-08-23", "l_receiptdate": "1995-08-26", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "unts detect furiously even d" }
+{ "l_orderkey": 5286, "l_partkey": 199, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 1, "l_extendedprice": 1099.19d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-11-25", "l_commitdate": "1997-11-07", "l_receiptdate": "1997-12-17", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ly! furiously final pack" }
+{ "l_orderkey": 5313, "l_partkey": 17, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 34, "l_extendedprice": 31178.34d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-08-07", "l_commitdate": "1997-08-12", "l_receiptdate": "1997-08-24", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ccording to the blithely final account" }
+{ "l_orderkey": 5315, "l_partkey": 35, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 12, "l_extendedprice": 11220.36d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-12-18", "l_commitdate": "1993-01-16", "l_receiptdate": "1993-01-10", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ccounts. furiously ironi" }
+{ "l_orderkey": 5316, "l_partkey": 108, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 29, "l_extendedprice": 29234.9d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-03-28", "l_commitdate": "1994-04-29", "l_receiptdate": "1994-04-09", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ckly unusual foxes bo" }
+{ "l_orderkey": 5379, "l_partkey": 199, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 40, "l_extendedprice": 43967.6d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-10-01", "l_commitdate": "1995-10-19", "l_receiptdate": "1995-10-30", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "carefully final accounts haggle blithely. " }
+{ "l_orderkey": 5441, "l_partkey": 164, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 3, "l_extendedprice": 3192.48d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-08-12", "l_commitdate": "1994-10-14", "l_receiptdate": "1994-09-01", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "are. unusual, " }
+{ "l_orderkey": 5445, "l_partkey": 90, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 33, "l_extendedprice": 32672.97d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-10-21", "l_commitdate": "1993-10-14", "l_receiptdate": "1993-10-28", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ests. final instructions" }
+{ "l_orderkey": 5446, "l_partkey": 190, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 27, "l_extendedprice": 29435.13d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-07-21", "l_commitdate": "1994-08-25", "l_receiptdate": "1994-08-17", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ously across the quic" }
+{ "l_orderkey": 5447, "l_partkey": 99, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 31, "l_extendedprice": 30971.79d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-07-14", "l_commitdate": "1996-05-07", "l_receiptdate": "1996-07-17", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": " foxes sleep. blithely unusual accounts det" }
+{ "l_orderkey": 5476, "l_partkey": 48, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 13, "l_extendedprice": 12324.52d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-12-27", "l_commitdate": "1997-12-08", "l_receiptdate": "1997-12-29", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "iously special ac" }
+{ "l_orderkey": 5506, "l_partkey": 140, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 2, "l_extendedprice": 2080.28d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-02-04", "l_commitdate": "1994-01-13", "l_receiptdate": "1994-02-17", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "onic theodolites are fluffil" }
+{ "l_orderkey": 5536, "l_partkey": 90, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 14, "l_extendedprice": 13861.26d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-05-18", "l_commitdate": "1998-05-08", "l_receiptdate": "1998-06-05", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "instructions sleep " }
+{ "l_orderkey": 5572, "l_partkey": 22, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 24, "l_extendedprice": 22128.48d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-10-30", "l_commitdate": "1994-10-02", "l_receiptdate": "1994-11-27", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ests cajole. evenly ironic exc" }
+{ "l_orderkey": 5664, "l_partkey": 122, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 25, "l_extendedprice": 25553.0d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-10-29", "l_commitdate": "1998-09-23", "l_receiptdate": "1998-11-25", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "eposits: furiously ironic grouch" }
+{ "l_orderkey": 5670, "l_partkey": 90, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 27, "l_extendedprice": 26732.43d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-05-09", "l_commitdate": "1993-05-30", "l_receiptdate": "1993-06-06", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": " ideas promise bli" }
+{ "l_orderkey": 5728, "l_partkey": 44, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 47, "l_extendedprice": 44369.88d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-12-13", "l_commitdate": "1995-01-25", "l_receiptdate": "1994-12-25", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "nd the bravely final deposits. final ideas" }
+{ "l_orderkey": 5735, "l_partkey": 60, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 41, "l_extendedprice": 39362.46d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-12-23", "l_commitdate": "1995-02-10", "l_receiptdate": "1995-01-22", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "lthily ruthless i" }
+{ "l_orderkey": 5826, "l_partkey": 144, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 4, "l_extendedprice": 4176.56d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-07-31", "l_commitdate": "1998-09-10", "l_receiptdate": "1998-08-27", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": " packages across the fluffily spec" }
+{ "l_orderkey": 5829, "l_partkey": 40, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 4, "l_extendedprice": 3760.16d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-03-01", "l_commitdate": "1997-02-17", "l_receiptdate": "1997-03-22", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ithely; accounts cajole ideas. regular foxe" }
+{ "l_orderkey": 5856, "l_partkey": 4, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 1, "l_extendedprice": 904.0d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-12-29", "l_commitdate": "1995-01-07", "l_receiptdate": "1995-01-10", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "tly. special deposits wake blithely even" }
+{ "l_orderkey": 5926, "l_partkey": 90, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 8, "l_extendedprice": 7920.72d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-07-17", "l_commitdate": "1994-07-20", "l_receiptdate": "1994-08-11", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "gle furiously express foxes. bo" }
+{ "l_orderkey": 5927, "l_partkey": 90, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 44, "l_extendedprice": 43563.96d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-11-29", "l_commitdate": "1997-11-21", "l_receiptdate": "1997-12-13", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "rding to the special, final decoy" }
+{ "l_orderkey": 5955, "l_partkey": 140, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 14, "l_extendedprice": 14561.96d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-06-22", "l_commitdate": "1995-05-23", "l_receiptdate": "1995-06-24", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": " unusual, bold theodolit" }
+{ "l_orderkey": 5959, "l_partkey": 135, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 49, "l_extendedprice": 50721.37d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-07-16", "l_commitdate": "1992-08-09", "l_receiptdate": "1992-08-14", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "usual packages haggle slyly pi" }
+{ "l_orderkey": 5988, "l_partkey": 172, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 41, "l_extendedprice": 43958.97d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-01-20", "l_commitdate": "1994-02-06", "l_receiptdate": "1994-02-10", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "the pending, express reque" }
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/dml/using-no-merge-policy/using-no-merge-policy.1.adm b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/dml/using-no-merge-policy/using-no-merge-policy.1.adm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0d69984
--- /dev/null
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/dml/using-no-merge-policy/using-no-merge-policy.1.adm
@@ -0,0 +1,167 @@
+{ "l_orderkey": 36, "l_partkey": 120, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 42, "l_extendedprice": 42845.04d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-02-03", "l_commitdate": "1996-01-21", "l_receiptdate": "1996-02-23", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": " careful courts. special " }
+{ "l_orderkey": 68, "l_partkey": 8, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 3, "l_extendedprice": 2724.0d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-07-04", "l_commitdate": "1998-06-05", "l_receiptdate": "1998-07-21", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "fully special instructions cajole. furious" }
+{ "l_orderkey": 162, "l_partkey": 190, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 2, "l_extendedprice": 2180.38d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-09-02", "l_commitdate": "1995-06-17", "l_receiptdate": "1995-09-08", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "es! final somas integrate" }
+{ "l_orderkey": 192, "l_partkey": 98, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 23, "l_extendedprice": 22956.07d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-02-05", "l_commitdate": "1998-02-06", "l_receiptdate": "1998-03-07", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ly pending theodolites haggle quickly fluf" }
+{ "l_orderkey": 197, "l_partkey": 99, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 39, "l_extendedprice": 38964.51d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-07-21", "l_commitdate": "1995-07-01", "l_receiptdate": "1995-08-14", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "press accounts. daringly sp" }
+{ "l_orderkey": 227, "l_partkey": 166, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 19, "l_extendedprice": 20257.04d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-12-10", "l_commitdate": "1996-01-30", "l_receiptdate": "1995-12-26", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "s cajole furiously a" }
+{ "l_orderkey": 290, "l_partkey": 6, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 35, "l_extendedprice": 31710.0d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-04-01", "l_commitdate": "1994-02-05", "l_receiptdate": "1994-04-27", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ove the final foxes detect slyly fluffily" }
+{ "l_orderkey": 325, "l_partkey": 159, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 34, "l_extendedprice": 36011.1d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-10-28", "l_commitdate": "1993-12-13", "l_receiptdate": "1993-11-17", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ly bold deposits. always iron" }
+{ "l_orderkey": 355, "l_partkey": 114, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 31, "l_extendedprice": 31437.41d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-07-13", "l_commitdate": "1994-08-18", "l_receiptdate": "1994-07-18", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "y unusual, ironic" }
+{ "l_orderkey": 389, "l_partkey": 190, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 2, "l_extendedprice": 2180.38d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-04-13", "l_commitdate": "1994-04-10", "l_receiptdate": "1994-04-25", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "fts. courts eat blithely even dependenc" }
+{ "l_orderkey": 391, "l_partkey": 122, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 14, "l_extendedprice": 14309.68d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-02-11", "l_commitdate": "1995-02-03", "l_receiptdate": "1995-02-13", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": " escapades sleep furiously about " }
+{ "l_orderkey": 417, "l_partkey": 40, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 39, "l_extendedprice": 36661.56d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-05-31", "l_commitdate": "1994-05-02", "l_receiptdate": "1994-06-06", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "y regular requests wake along " }
+{ "l_orderkey": 453, "l_partkey": 198, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 45, "l_extendedprice": 49418.55d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-06-30", "l_commitdate": "1997-08-20", "l_receiptdate": "1997-07-19", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ifts wake carefully." }
+{ "l_orderkey": 485, "l_partkey": 150, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 50, "l_extendedprice": 52507.5d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-03-28", "l_commitdate": "1997-05-26", "l_receiptdate": "1997-04-18", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "iously quick excuses. carefully final f" }
+{ "l_orderkey": 545, "l_partkey": 170, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 4, "l_extendedprice": 4280.68d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-02-23", "l_commitdate": "1995-12-16", "l_receiptdate": "1996-03-21", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": ", ironic grouches cajole over" }
+{ "l_orderkey": 581, "l_partkey": 64, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 41, "l_extendedprice": 39526.46d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-05-26", "l_commitdate": "1997-04-06", "l_receiptdate": "1997-06-10", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "nts. quickly" }
+{ "l_orderkey": 647, "l_partkey": 17, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 41, "l_extendedprice": 37597.41d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-11-19", "l_commitdate": "1997-09-24", "l_receiptdate": "1997-12-15", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "r instructions. quickly unusu" }
+{ "l_orderkey": 704, "l_partkey": 190, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 40, "l_extendedprice": 43607.6d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-01-30", "l_commitdate": "1997-01-10", "l_receiptdate": "1997-02-20", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ggle quickly. r" }
+{ "l_orderkey": 738, "l_partkey": 198, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 34, "l_extendedprice": 37338.46d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-06-09", "l_commitdate": "1993-04-15", "l_receiptdate": "1993-07-09", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "s against the ironic exc" }
+{ "l_orderkey": 773, "l_partkey": 100, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 5, "l_extendedprice": 5000.5d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-11-21", "l_commitdate": "1993-12-19", "l_receiptdate": "1993-12-21", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ar requests. regular, thin packages u" }
+{ "l_orderkey": 800, "l_partkey": 72, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 38, "l_extendedprice": 36938.66d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-07-21", "l_commitdate": "1998-09-25", "l_receiptdate": "1998-08-07", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "according to the bold, final dependencies " }
+{ "l_orderkey": 900, "l_partkey": 199, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 44, "l_extendedprice": 48364.36d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-12-15", "l_commitdate": "1994-12-03", "l_receiptdate": "1994-12-27", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": " detect quick" }
+{ "l_orderkey": 931, "l_partkey": 40, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 18, "l_extendedprice": 16920.72d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-04-04", "l_commitdate": "1993-01-11", "l_receiptdate": "1993-04-13", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "slyly ironic re" }
+{ "l_orderkey": 932, "l_partkey": 44, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 41, "l_extendedprice": 38705.64d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-06-05", "l_commitdate": "1997-07-22", "l_receiptdate": "1997-06-26", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "foxes. ironic pl" }
+{ "l_orderkey": 965, "l_partkey": 108, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 20, "l_extendedprice": 20162.0d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-06-16", "l_commitdate": "1995-07-20", "l_receiptdate": "1995-07-06", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "kly. carefully pending requ" }
+{ "l_orderkey": 995, "l_partkey": 173, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 15, "l_extendedprice": 16097.55d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-06-30", "l_commitdate": "1995-08-04", "l_receiptdate": "1995-07-27", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "uses. fluffily fina" }
+{ "l_orderkey": 1025, "l_partkey": 150, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 36, "l_extendedprice": 37805.4d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-05-15", "l_commitdate": "1995-07-05", "l_receiptdate": "1995-06-10", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "e unusual, regular instr" }
+{ "l_orderkey": 1027, "l_partkey": 156, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 43, "l_extendedprice": 45414.45d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-06-17", "l_commitdate": "1992-08-28", "l_receiptdate": "1992-07-10", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "oxes. carefully regular deposits" }
+{ "l_orderkey": 1155, "l_partkey": 70, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 4, "l_extendedprice": 3880.28d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-10-19", "l_commitdate": "1997-12-09", "l_receiptdate": "1997-11-02", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ic foxes according to the carefully final " }
+{ "l_orderkey": 1185, "l_partkey": 72, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 8, "l_extendedprice": 7776.56d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-12-05", "l_commitdate": "1992-10-05", "l_receiptdate": "1992-12-28", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ely according to the furiously regular r" }
+{ "l_orderkey": 1216, "l_partkey": 97, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 8, "l_extendedprice": 7976.72d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-02-01", "l_commitdate": "1993-03-06", "l_receiptdate": "1993-02-08", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": " of the carefully express" }
+{ "l_orderkey": 1223, "l_partkey": 100, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 28, "l_extendedprice": 28002.8d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-08-07", "l_commitdate": "1996-07-24", "l_receiptdate": "1996-08-13", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": " quickly ironic requests. furious" }
+{ "l_orderkey": 1381, "l_partkey": 144, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 47, "l_extendedprice": 49074.58d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-09-22", "l_commitdate": "1998-08-12", "l_receiptdate": "1998-10-12", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ly ironic deposits" }
+{ "l_orderkey": 1409, "l_partkey": 99, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 23, "l_extendedprice": 22979.07d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-04-18", "l_commitdate": "1993-02-25", "l_receiptdate": "1993-05-06", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ions. slyly ironic packages wake quick" }
+{ "l_orderkey": 1445, "l_partkey": 100, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 24, "l_extendedprice": 24002.4d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-02-21", "l_commitdate": "1995-02-22", "l_receiptdate": "1995-03-18", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "al accounts use furiously a" }
+{ "l_orderkey": 1477, "l_partkey": 72, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 31, "l_extendedprice": 30134.17d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-12-16", "l_commitdate": "1997-09-30", "l_receiptdate": "1997-12-17", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": " requests. fluffily final " }
+{ "l_orderkey": 1540, "l_partkey": 173, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 38, "l_extendedprice": 40780.46d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-09-30", "l_commitdate": "1992-10-27", "l_receiptdate": "1992-10-12", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": " final grouches bo" }
+{ "l_orderkey": 1568, "l_partkey": 90, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 36, "l_extendedprice": 35643.24d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-05-31", "l_commitdate": "1997-04-22", "l_receiptdate": "1997-06-21", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "platelets-- furiously sly excu" }
+{ "l_orderkey": 1605, "l_partkey": 142, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 47, "l_extendedprice": 48980.58d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-04-29", "l_commitdate": "1998-06-12", "l_receiptdate": "1998-05-20", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": ". carefully r" }
+{ "l_orderkey": 1607, "l_partkey": 190, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 2, "l_extendedprice": 2180.38d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-01-11", "l_commitdate": "1996-02-15", "l_receiptdate": "1996-01-19", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "packages haggle. regular requests boost s" }
+{ "l_orderkey": 1635, "l_partkey": 71, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 3, "l_extendedprice": 2913.21d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-03-13", "l_commitdate": "1997-03-25", "l_receiptdate": "1997-03-27", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": " quickly ironic r" }
+{ "l_orderkey": 1700, "l_partkey": 140, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 38, "l_extendedprice": 39525.32d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-10-03", "l_commitdate": "1996-07-27", "l_receiptdate": "1996-10-22", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ular dependencies engage slyly " }
+{ "l_orderkey": 1796, "l_partkey": 10, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 28, "l_extendedprice": 25480.28d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-12-01", "l_commitdate": "1993-01-01", "l_receiptdate": "1992-12-24", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "y quickly ironic accounts." }
+{ "l_orderkey": 1825, "l_partkey": 156, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 43, "l_extendedprice": 45414.45d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-02-18", "l_commitdate": "1994-02-19", "l_receiptdate": "1994-03-02", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": " accounts breach fluffily spe" }
+{ "l_orderkey": 1827, "l_partkey": 90, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 47, "l_extendedprice": 46534.23d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-08-01", "l_commitdate": "1996-08-07", "l_receiptdate": "1996-08-23", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": ". pending courts about the even e" }
+{ "l_orderkey": 1893, "l_partkey": 99, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 43, "l_extendedprice": 42960.87d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-01-25", "l_commitdate": "1998-01-06", "l_receiptdate": "1998-02-14", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "he carefully regular " }
+{ "l_orderkey": 1924, "l_partkey": 73, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 7, "l_extendedprice": 6811.49d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-01-01", "l_commitdate": "1996-12-02", "l_receiptdate": "1997-01-08", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "osits. even accounts nag furious" }
+{ "l_orderkey": 1953, "l_partkey": 128, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 25, "l_extendedprice": 25703.0d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-01-07", "l_commitdate": "1994-01-28", "l_receiptdate": "1994-01-29", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ular, regular i" }
+{ "l_orderkey": 1985, "l_partkey": 28, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 33, "l_extendedprice": 30624.66d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-12-04", "l_commitdate": "1994-11-01", "l_receiptdate": "1994-12-05", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "s are express packages. pendin" }
+{ "l_orderkey": 1988, "l_partkey": 72, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 36, "l_extendedprice": 34994.52d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-01-21", "l_commitdate": "1995-11-24", "l_receiptdate": "1996-01-27", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "gular theodolites. " }
+{ "l_orderkey": 2048, "l_partkey": 35, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 7, "l_extendedprice": 6545.21d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-12-07", "l_commitdate": "1994-01-31", "l_receiptdate": "1994-01-05", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "lent platelets boost deposits. carefully sp" }
+{ "l_orderkey": 2086, "l_partkey": 60, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 22, "l_extendedprice": 21121.32d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-12-04", "l_commitdate": "1994-12-16", "l_receiptdate": "1994-12-20", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "idly busy acc" }
+{ "l_orderkey": 2118, "l_partkey": 160, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 24, "l_extendedprice": 25443.84d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-01-06", "l_commitdate": "1996-12-14", "l_receiptdate": "1997-01-14", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "about the slyly bold depende" }
+{ "l_orderkey": 2183, "l_partkey": 71, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 29, "l_extendedprice": 28161.03d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-07-21", "l_commitdate": "1996-08-24", "l_receiptdate": "1996-08-15", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ly unusual deposits sleep carefully" }
+{ "l_orderkey": 2211, "l_partkey": 48, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 25, "l_extendedprice": 23701.0d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-10-09", "l_commitdate": "1994-08-04", "l_receiptdate": "1994-11-03", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "deas. carefully special theodolites along" }
+{ "l_orderkey": 2215, "l_partkey": 73, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 33, "l_extendedprice": 32111.31d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-07-19", "l_commitdate": "1996-08-10", "l_receiptdate": "1996-07-30", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "dolites cajole b" }
+{ "l_orderkey": 2272, "l_partkey": 90, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 18, "l_extendedprice": 17821.62d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-08-01", "l_commitdate": "1993-07-06", "l_receiptdate": "1993-08-25", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ons along the blithely e" }
+{ "l_orderkey": 2342, "l_partkey": 42, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 12, "l_extendedprice": 11304.48d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-07-31", "l_commitdate": "1996-07-26", "l_receiptdate": "1996-08-14", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "print blithely even deposits. carefull" }
+{ "l_orderkey": 2343, "l_partkey": 110, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 27, "l_extendedprice": 27272.97d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-11-10", "l_commitdate": "1995-11-17", "l_receiptdate": "1995-12-10", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "old theodolites." }
+{ "l_orderkey": 2439, "l_partkey": 164, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 2, "l_extendedprice": 2128.32d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-04-14", "l_commitdate": "1997-06-11", "l_receiptdate": "1997-05-09", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "courts boos" }
+{ "l_orderkey": 2469, "l_partkey": 166, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 11, "l_extendedprice": 11727.76d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-02-09", "l_commitdate": "1997-01-26", "l_receiptdate": "1997-02-16", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ies wake carefully b" }
+{ "l_orderkey": 2592, "l_partkey": 90, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 7, "l_extendedprice": 6930.63d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-03-13", "l_commitdate": "1993-04-25", "l_receiptdate": "1993-04-01", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": " carefully special theodolites integrate " }
+{ "l_orderkey": 2625, "l_partkey": 20, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 42, "l_extendedprice": 38640.84d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-10-18", "l_commitdate": "1992-11-17", "l_receiptdate": "1992-10-23", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": " even accounts haggle furiously" }
+{ "l_orderkey": 2659, "l_partkey": 42, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 28, "l_extendedprice": 26377.12d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-03-17", "l_commitdate": "1994-01-24", "l_receiptdate": "1994-03-19", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "idle tithes" }
+{ "l_orderkey": 2689, "l_partkey": 6, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 45, "l_extendedprice": 40770.0d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-04-29", "l_commitdate": "1992-06-22", "l_receiptdate": "1992-04-30", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "e quickly. carefully silent" }
+{ "l_orderkey": 2690, "l_partkey": 140, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 44, "l_extendedprice": 45766.16d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-05-30", "l_commitdate": "1996-05-19", "l_receiptdate": "1996-06-26", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ly alongside of th" }
+{ "l_orderkey": 2692, "l_partkey": 17, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 3, "l_extendedprice": 2751.03d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-02-25", "l_commitdate": "1998-01-29", "l_receiptdate": "1998-03-27", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "equests. bold, even foxes haggle slyl" }
+{ "l_orderkey": 2694, "l_partkey": 153, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 30, "l_extendedprice": 31594.5d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-06-20", "l_commitdate": "1996-06-01", "l_receiptdate": "1996-07-15", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "oxes. never iro" }
+{ "l_orderkey": 2759, "l_partkey": 59, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 10, "l_extendedprice": 9590.5d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-12-14", "l_commitdate": "1994-01-08", "l_receiptdate": "1994-01-01", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "s. busily ironic theodo" }
+{ "l_orderkey": 2819, "l_partkey": 70, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 17, "l_extendedprice": 16491.19d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-07-16", "l_commitdate": "1994-07-15", "l_receiptdate": "1994-07-17", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "en deposits above the f" }
+{ "l_orderkey": 2850, "l_partkey": 97, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 43, "l_extendedprice": 42874.87d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-01-11", "l_commitdate": "1996-11-03", "l_receiptdate": "1997-02-01", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "unusual accounts" }
+{ "l_orderkey": 2886, "l_partkey": 60, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 1, "l_extendedprice": 960.06d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-02-01", "l_commitdate": "1994-12-18", "l_receiptdate": "1995-02-28", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "eposits fr" }
+{ "l_orderkey": 2912, "l_partkey": 122, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 8, "l_extendedprice": 8176.96d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-04-09", "l_commitdate": "1992-04-19", "l_receiptdate": "1992-04-26", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "hs cajole over the slyl" }
+{ "l_orderkey": 2944, "l_partkey": 120, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 44, "l_extendedprice": 44885.28d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-12-25", "l_commitdate": "1997-10-28", "l_receiptdate": "1998-01-21", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ickly special theodolit" }
+{ "l_orderkey": 2947, "l_partkey": 10, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 37, "l_extendedprice": 33670.37d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-08-09", "l_commitdate": "1995-07-05", "l_receiptdate": "1995-08-20", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "e accounts: expres" }
+{ "l_orderkey": 2950, "l_partkey": 130, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 32, "l_extendedprice": 32964.16d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-09-21", "l_commitdate": "1997-08-25", "l_receiptdate": "1997-10-08", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "its wake carefully slyly final ideas." }
+{ "l_orderkey": 2978, "l_partkey": 90, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 29, "l_extendedprice": 28712.61d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-06-03", "l_commitdate": "1995-07-25", "l_receiptdate": "1995-06-06", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "ecial ideas promise slyly" }
+{ "l_orderkey": 3143, "l_partkey": 90, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 22, "l_extendedprice": 21781.98d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-05-11", "l_commitdate": "1993-03-26", "l_receiptdate": "1993-05-20", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "l, special instructions nag " }
+{ "l_orderkey": 3264, "l_partkey": 200, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 39, "l_extendedprice": 42907.8d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-11-07", "l_commitdate": "1996-12-12", "l_receiptdate": "1996-11-20", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "sleep carefully after the slyly final" }
+{ "l_orderkey": 3266, "l_partkey": 64, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 31, "l_extendedprice": 29885.86d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-06-19", "l_commitdate": "1995-05-04", "l_receiptdate": "1995-07-06", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "grate among the quickly express deposits" }
+{ "l_orderkey": 3270, "l_partkey": 35, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 11, "l_extendedprice": 10285.33d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-07-29", "l_commitdate": "1997-08-11", "l_receiptdate": "1997-08-05", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": " solve at the regular deposits. " }
+{ "l_orderkey": 3364, "l_partkey": 90, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 49, "l_extendedprice": 48514.41d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-09-17", "l_commitdate": "1997-08-23", "l_receiptdate": "1997-10-06", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "d accounts? caref" }
+{ "l_orderkey": 3366, "l_partkey": 40, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 4, "l_extendedprice": 3760.16d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-05-20", "l_commitdate": "1997-06-25", "l_receiptdate": "1997-06-03", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": " carefully about " }
+{ "l_orderkey": 3425, "l_partkey": 120, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 11, "l_extendedprice": 11221.32d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-04-24", "l_commitdate": "1996-05-29", "l_receiptdate": "1996-05-23", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ckly final deposits use quickly?" }
+{ "l_orderkey": 3460, "l_partkey": 11, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 40, "l_extendedprice": 36440.4d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-12-28", "l_commitdate": "1995-12-14", "l_receiptdate": "1996-01-02", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "odolites are slyly bold deposits" }
+{ "l_orderkey": 3494, "l_partkey": 117, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 40, "l_extendedprice": 40684.4d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-07-10", "l_commitdate": "1993-06-01", "l_receiptdate": "1993-07-25", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "lites haggle furiously about the fin" }
+{ "l_orderkey": 3520, "l_partkey": 28, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 30, "l_extendedprice": 27840.6d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-11-11", "l_commitdate": "1997-10-02", "l_receiptdate": "1997-12-06", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "deas should solve blithely among the ironi" }
+{ "l_orderkey": 3559, "l_partkey": 90, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 29, "l_extendedprice": 28712.61d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-12-10", "l_commitdate": "1992-12-03", "l_receiptdate": "1992-12-20", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "l, regular accounts wake flu" }
+{ "l_orderkey": 3585, "l_partkey": 122, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 21, "l_extendedprice": 21464.52d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-12-04", "l_commitdate": "1994-12-25", "l_receiptdate": "1995-01-01", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ounts use. express, final platelets us" }
+{ "l_orderkey": 3618, "l_partkey": 140, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 38, "l_extendedprice": 39525.32d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-12-22", "l_commitdate": "1998-02-23", "l_receiptdate": "1998-01-03", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "nts haggle fluffily above the regular " }
+{ "l_orderkey": 3715, "l_partkey": 97, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 13, "l_extendedprice": 12962.17d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-05-11", "l_commitdate": "1996-04-25", "l_receiptdate": "1996-06-09", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "e quickly ironic" }
+{ "l_orderkey": 3844, "l_partkey": 135, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 2, "l_extendedprice": 2070.26d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-02-24", "l_commitdate": "1995-02-03", "l_receiptdate": "1995-03-18", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "es haggle final acco" }
+{ "l_orderkey": 3878, "l_partkey": 200, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 6, "l_extendedprice": 6601.2d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-06-21", "l_commitdate": "1997-05-22", "l_receiptdate": "1997-07-01", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "s. regular instru" }
+{ "l_orderkey": 3906, "l_partkey": 153, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 42, "l_extendedprice": 44232.3d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-09-03", "l_commitdate": "1992-07-22", "l_receiptdate": "1992-09-04", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "jole blithely after the furiously regular " }
+{ "l_orderkey": 3974, "l_partkey": 22, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 47, "l_extendedprice": 43334.94d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-06-03", "l_commitdate": "1996-05-08", "l_receiptdate": "1996-06-28", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "dencies above the re" }
+{ "l_orderkey": 4001, "l_partkey": 106, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 26, "l_extendedprice": 26158.6d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-07-26", "l_commitdate": "1997-06-18", "l_receiptdate": "1997-08-08", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "tegrate blithely" }
+{ "l_orderkey": 4005, "l_partkey": 4, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 26, "l_extendedprice": 23504.0d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-12-01", "l_commitdate": "1997-02-03", "l_receiptdate": "1996-12-15", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": " to the quic" }
+{ "l_orderkey": 4033, "l_partkey": 110, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 27, "l_extendedprice": 27272.97d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-08-08", "l_commitdate": "1993-08-14", "l_receiptdate": "1993-08-09", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "pinto beans" }
+{ "l_orderkey": 4034, "l_partkey": 190, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 48, "l_extendedprice": 52329.12d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-03-01", "l_commitdate": "1994-01-16", "l_receiptdate": "1994-03-16", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": " blithely regular requests play carefull" }
+{ "l_orderkey": 4036, "l_partkey": 6, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 46, "l_extendedprice": 41676.0d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-06-21", "l_commitdate": "1997-05-29", "l_receiptdate": "1997-07-18", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "usly across the even th" }
+{ "l_orderkey": 4064, "l_partkey": 199, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 3, "l_extendedprice": 3297.57d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-01-04", "l_commitdate": "1997-01-01", "l_receiptdate": "1997-01-23", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "its! quickly sp" }
+{ "l_orderkey": 4067, "l_partkey": 180, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 18, "l_extendedprice": 19443.24d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-01-24", "l_commitdate": "1992-12-23", "l_receiptdate": "1993-02-20", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "e the slyly final packages d" }
+{ "l_orderkey": 4068, "l_partkey": 110, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 43, "l_extendedprice": 43434.73d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-11-28", "l_commitdate": "1996-11-16", "l_receiptdate": "1996-12-22", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ructions. regular, special packag" }
+{ "l_orderkey": 4098, "l_partkey": 200, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 46, "l_extendedprice": 50609.2d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-01-26", "l_commitdate": "1997-01-27", "l_receiptdate": "1997-02-13", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "e slyly blithely silent deposits. fluff" }
+{ "l_orderkey": 4192, "l_partkey": 11, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 36, "l_extendedprice": 32796.36d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-04-25", "l_commitdate": "1998-05-26", "l_receiptdate": "1998-05-03", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "eodolites sleep" }
+{ "l_orderkey": 4194, "l_partkey": 197, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 43, "l_extendedprice": 47179.17d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-11-06", "l_commitdate": "1994-12-09", "l_receiptdate": "1994-11-16", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "olites are after the exp" }
+{ "l_orderkey": 4261, "l_partkey": 110, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 12, "l_extendedprice": 12121.32d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-11-01", "l_commitdate": "1993-01-01", "l_receiptdate": "1992-11-12", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "into beans " }
+{ "l_orderkey": 4418, "l_partkey": 35, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 32, "l_extendedprice": 29920.96d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-05-28", "l_commitdate": "1993-06-02", "l_receiptdate": "1993-05-30", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ly. bold pinto b" }
+{ "l_orderkey": 4422, "l_partkey": 135, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 5, "l_extendedprice": 5175.65d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-07-17", "l_commitdate": "1995-08-13", "l_receiptdate": "1995-07-25", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "e furiously about t" }
+{ "l_orderkey": 4486, "l_partkey": 135, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 46, "l_extendedprice": 47615.98d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-05-02", "l_commitdate": "1998-04-05", "l_receiptdate": "1998-05-08", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ackages. specia" }
+{ "l_orderkey": 4512, "l_partkey": 162, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 30, "l_extendedprice": 31864.8d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-01-28", "l_commitdate": "1995-12-22", "l_receiptdate": "1996-02-22", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ly unusual package" }
+{ "l_orderkey": 4513, "l_partkey": 170, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 29, "l_extendedprice": 31034.93d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-05-18", "l_commitdate": "1996-05-23", "l_receiptdate": "1996-06-08", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "cajole. regular packages boost. s" }
+{ "l_orderkey": 4545, "l_partkey": 173, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 38, "l_extendedprice": 40780.46d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-01-27", "l_commitdate": "1993-03-01", "l_receiptdate": "1993-02-04", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "nts serve according to th" }
+{ "l_orderkey": 4549, "l_partkey": 159, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 44, "l_extendedprice": 46602.6d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-03-13", "l_commitdate": "1998-04-15", "l_receiptdate": "1998-03-27", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ding to the regular, silent requests" }
+{ "l_orderkey": 4551, "l_partkey": 11, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 6, "l_extendedprice": 5466.06d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-05-18", "l_commitdate": "1996-04-23", "l_receiptdate": "1996-06-13", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "fily silent fo" }
+{ "l_orderkey": 4576, "l_partkey": 90, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 5, "l_extendedprice": 4950.45d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-08-23", "l_commitdate": "1996-11-08", "l_receiptdate": "1996-09-20", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ly express, special asymptote" }
+{ "l_orderkey": 4608, "l_partkey": 173, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 30, "l_extendedprice": 32195.1d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-10-08", "l_commitdate": "1994-07-18", "l_receiptdate": "1994-10-25", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "s cajole. slyly " }
+{ "l_orderkey": 4641, "l_partkey": 190, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 45, "l_extendedprice": 49058.55d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-05-11", "l_commitdate": "1993-04-19", "l_receiptdate": "1993-05-21", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": " about the close " }
+{ "l_orderkey": 4679, "l_partkey": 190, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 7, "l_extendedprice": 7631.33d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-05-11", "l_commitdate": "1993-04-11", "l_receiptdate": "1993-05-16", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "kages. bold, regular packa" }
+{ "l_orderkey": 4769, "l_partkey": 35, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 16, "l_extendedprice": 14960.48d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-07-16", "l_commitdate": "1995-07-05", "l_receiptdate": "1995-07-22", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": " deposits. slyly even asymptote" }
+{ "l_orderkey": 4802, "l_partkey": 40, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 6, "l_extendedprice": 5640.24d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-04-16", "l_commitdate": "1997-03-25", "l_receiptdate": "1997-04-21", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "unusual accounts wake blithely. b" }
+{ "l_orderkey": 4804, "l_partkey": 128, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 44, "l_extendedprice": 45237.28d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-05-02", "l_commitdate": "1992-03-24", "l_receiptdate": "1992-05-28", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "aggle quickly among the slyly fi" }
+{ "l_orderkey": 4805, "l_partkey": 150, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 7, "l_extendedprice": 7351.05d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-05-01", "l_commitdate": "1992-07-09", "l_receiptdate": "1992-05-09", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": " requests. regular deposit" }
+{ "l_orderkey": 4807, "l_partkey": 122, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 9, "l_extendedprice": 9199.08d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-04-23", "l_commitdate": "1997-03-01", "l_receiptdate": "1997-05-15", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "may are blithely. carefully even pinto b" }
+{ "l_orderkey": 4836, "l_partkey": 162, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 22, "l_extendedprice": 23367.52d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-03-03", "l_commitdate": "1997-02-23", "l_receiptdate": "1997-03-04", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "al pinto beans. care" }
+{ "l_orderkey": 4837, "l_partkey": 42, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 16, "l_extendedprice": 15072.64d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-08-12", "l_commitdate": "1998-06-06", "l_receiptdate": "1998-08-26", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ing requests are blithely regular instructi" }
+{ "l_orderkey": 4898, "l_partkey": 72, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 44, "l_extendedprice": 42771.08d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-09-13", "l_commitdate": "1994-08-18", "l_receiptdate": "1994-09-16", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "y regular grouches about" }
+{ "l_orderkey": 4928, "l_partkey": 100, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 4, "l_extendedprice": 4000.4d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-10-25", "l_commitdate": "1993-12-24", "l_receiptdate": "1993-11-16", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "bout the slyly final accounts. carefull" }
+{ "l_orderkey": 4929, "l_partkey": 14, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 20, "l_extendedprice": 18280.2d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-03-12", "l_commitdate": "1996-05-23", "l_receiptdate": "1996-03-20", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": " final pinto beans detect. final," }
+{ "l_orderkey": 4967, "l_partkey": 71, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 50, "l_extendedprice": 48553.5d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-05-27", "l_commitdate": "1997-05-13", "l_receiptdate": "1997-06-12", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "kages. final, unusual accounts c" }
+{ "l_orderkey": 4996, "l_partkey": 56, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 35, "l_extendedprice": 33461.75d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-10-30", "l_commitdate": "1992-10-27", "l_receiptdate": "1992-11-05", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "s. unusual, regular dolphins integrate care" }
+{ "l_orderkey": 5028, "l_partkey": 14, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 15, "l_extendedprice": 13710.15d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-07-17", "l_commitdate": "1992-07-16", "l_receiptdate": "1992-08-05", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "es are quickly final pains. furiously pend" }
+{ "l_orderkey": 5031, "l_partkey": 50, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 15, "l_extendedprice": 14250.75d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1995-04-01", "l_commitdate": "1995-02-24", "l_receiptdate": "1995-04-12", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "yly pending theodolites." }
+{ "l_orderkey": 5092, "l_partkey": 164, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 30, "l_extendedprice": 31924.8d, "l_discount": 0.06d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-12-27", "l_commitdate": "1995-12-08", "l_receiptdate": "1996-01-09", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ss, ironic deposits. furiously stea" }
+{ "l_orderkey": 5153, "l_partkey": 35, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 42, "l_extendedprice": 39271.26d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-10-03", "l_commitdate": "1995-11-09", "l_receiptdate": "1995-10-11", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "re thinly. ironic" }
+{ "l_orderkey": 5154, "l_partkey": 190, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 11, "l_extendedprice": 11992.09d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-08-06", "l_commitdate": "1997-06-30", "l_receiptdate": "1997-09-04", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "luffily bold foxes. final" }
+{ "l_orderkey": 5185, "l_partkey": 197, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 37, "l_extendedprice": 40596.03d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-08-08", "l_commitdate": "1997-09-08", "l_receiptdate": "1997-08-14", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "gainst the courts dazzle care" }
+{ "l_orderkey": 5187, "l_partkey": 11, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 49, "l_extendedprice": 44639.49d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-10-20", "l_commitdate": "1997-10-12", "l_receiptdate": "1997-10-26", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "l, regular platelets instead of the foxes w" }
+{ "l_orderkey": 5190, "l_partkey": 56, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 43, "l_extendedprice": 41110.15d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-08-19", "l_commitdate": "1992-06-10", "l_receiptdate": "1992-09-01", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "encies use fluffily unusual requests? hoc" }
+{ "l_orderkey": 5217, "l_partkey": 80, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 50, "l_extendedprice": 49004.0d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-12-26", "l_commitdate": "1995-11-21", "l_receiptdate": "1996-01-24", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "s. express, express accounts c" }
+{ "l_orderkey": 5281, "l_partkey": 114, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 37, "l_extendedprice": 37522.07d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-11-10", "l_commitdate": "1996-01-31", "l_receiptdate": "1995-11-22", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ronic dependencies. fluffily final p" }
+{ "l_orderkey": 5284, "l_partkey": 173, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 16, "l_extendedprice": 17170.72d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-08-17", "l_commitdate": "1995-08-23", "l_receiptdate": "1995-08-26", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "unts detect furiously even d" }
+{ "l_orderkey": 5286, "l_partkey": 199, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 1, "l_extendedprice": 1099.19d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-11-25", "l_commitdate": "1997-11-07", "l_receiptdate": "1997-12-17", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ly! furiously final pack" }
+{ "l_orderkey": 5313, "l_partkey": 17, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 34, "l_extendedprice": 31178.34d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-08-07", "l_commitdate": "1997-08-12", "l_receiptdate": "1997-08-24", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "ccording to the blithely final account" }
+{ "l_orderkey": 5315, "l_partkey": 35, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 12, "l_extendedprice": 11220.36d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-12-18", "l_commitdate": "1993-01-16", "l_receiptdate": "1993-01-10", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "ccounts. furiously ironi" }
+{ "l_orderkey": 5316, "l_partkey": 108, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 29, "l_extendedprice": 29234.9d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-03-28", "l_commitdate": "1994-04-29", "l_receiptdate": "1994-04-09", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ckly unusual foxes bo" }
+{ "l_orderkey": 5379, "l_partkey": 199, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 40, "l_extendedprice": 43967.6d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-10-01", "l_commitdate": "1995-10-19", "l_receiptdate": "1995-10-30", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "carefully final accounts haggle blithely. " }
+{ "l_orderkey": 5441, "l_partkey": 164, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 3, "l_extendedprice": 3192.48d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-08-12", "l_commitdate": "1994-10-14", "l_receiptdate": "1994-09-01", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "are. unusual, " }
+{ "l_orderkey": 5445, "l_partkey": 90, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 33, "l_extendedprice": 32672.97d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-10-21", "l_commitdate": "1993-10-14", "l_receiptdate": "1993-10-28", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": "ests. final instructions" }
+{ "l_orderkey": 5446, "l_partkey": 190, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 27, "l_extendedprice": 29435.13d, "l_discount": 0.05d, "l_tax": 0.07d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-07-21", "l_commitdate": "1994-08-25", "l_receiptdate": "1994-08-17", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "RAIL", "l_comment": "ously across the quic" }
+{ "l_orderkey": 5447, "l_partkey": 99, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 31, "l_extendedprice": 30971.79d, "l_discount": 0.09d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1996-07-14", "l_commitdate": "1996-05-07", "l_receiptdate": "1996-07-17", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": " foxes sleep. blithely unusual accounts det" }
+{ "l_orderkey": 5476, "l_partkey": 48, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 13, "l_extendedprice": 12324.52d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.04d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-12-27", "l_commitdate": "1997-12-08", "l_receiptdate": "1997-12-29", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "iously special ac" }
+{ "l_orderkey": 5506, "l_partkey": 140, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 2, "l_extendedprice": 2080.28d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-02-04", "l_commitdate": "1994-01-13", "l_receiptdate": "1994-02-17", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "onic theodolites are fluffil" }
+{ "l_orderkey": 5536, "l_partkey": 90, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 14, "l_extendedprice": 13861.26d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-05-18", "l_commitdate": "1998-05-08", "l_receiptdate": "1998-06-05", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "instructions sleep " }
+{ "l_orderkey": 5572, "l_partkey": 22, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 24, "l_extendedprice": 22128.48d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-10-30", "l_commitdate": "1994-10-02", "l_receiptdate": "1994-11-27", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "ests cajole. evenly ironic exc" }
+{ "l_orderkey": 5664, "l_partkey": 122, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 25, "l_extendedprice": 25553.0d, "l_discount": 0.0d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-10-29", "l_commitdate": "1998-09-23", "l_receiptdate": "1998-11-25", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "FOB", "l_comment": "eposits: furiously ironic grouch" }
+{ "l_orderkey": 5670, "l_partkey": 90, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 27, "l_extendedprice": 26732.43d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1993-05-09", "l_commitdate": "1993-05-30", "l_receiptdate": "1993-06-06", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "REG AIR", "l_comment": " ideas promise bli" }
+{ "l_orderkey": 5728, "l_partkey": 44, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 47, "l_extendedprice": 44369.88d, "l_discount": 0.1d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-12-13", "l_commitdate": "1995-01-25", "l_receiptdate": "1994-12-25", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "nd the bravely final deposits. final ideas" }
+{ "l_orderkey": 5735, "l_partkey": 60, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 41, "l_extendedprice": 39362.46d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.01d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-12-23", "l_commitdate": "1995-02-10", "l_receiptdate": "1995-01-22", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "lthily ruthless i" }
+{ "l_orderkey": 5826, "l_partkey": 144, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 4, "l_extendedprice": 4176.56d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.06d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1998-07-31", "l_commitdate": "1998-09-10", "l_receiptdate": "1998-08-27", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": " packages across the fluffily spec" }
+{ "l_orderkey": 5829, "l_partkey": 40, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 4, "l_extendedprice": 3760.16d, "l_discount": 0.01d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-03-01", "l_commitdate": "1997-02-17", "l_receiptdate": "1997-03-22", "l_shipinstruct": "NONE", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "ithely; accounts cajole ideas. regular foxe" }
+{ "l_orderkey": 5856, "l_partkey": 4, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 1, "l_extendedprice": 904.0d, "l_discount": 0.03d, "l_tax": 0.02d, "l_returnflag": "A", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-12-29", "l_commitdate": "1995-01-07", "l_receiptdate": "1995-01-10", "l_shipinstruct": "TAKE BACK RETURN", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "tly. special deposits wake blithely even" }
+{ "l_orderkey": 5926, "l_partkey": 90, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 8, "l_extendedprice": 7920.72d, "l_discount": 0.02d, "l_tax": 0.0d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-07-17", "l_commitdate": "1994-07-20", "l_receiptdate": "1994-08-11", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "MAIL", "l_comment": "gle furiously express foxes. bo" }
+{ "l_orderkey": 5927, "l_partkey": 90, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 44, "l_extendedprice": 43563.96d, "l_discount": 0.04d, "l_tax": 0.05d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1997-11-29", "l_commitdate": "1997-11-21", "l_receiptdate": "1997-12-13", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": "rding to the special, final decoy" }
+{ "l_orderkey": 5955, "l_partkey": 140, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 14, "l_extendedprice": 14561.96d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.08d, "l_returnflag": "N", "l_linestatus": "O", "l_shipdate": "1995-06-22", "l_commitdate": "1995-05-23", "l_receiptdate": "1995-06-24", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "TRUCK", "l_comment": " unusual, bold theodolit" }
+{ "l_orderkey": 5959, "l_partkey": 135, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 49, "l_extendedprice": 50721.37d, "l_discount": 0.07d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1992-07-16", "l_commitdate": "1992-08-09", "l_receiptdate": "1992-08-14", "l_shipinstruct": "DELIVER IN PERSON", "l_shipmode": "SHIP", "l_comment": "usual packages haggle slyly pi" }
+{ "l_orderkey": 5988, "l_partkey": 172, "l_suppkey": 1, "l_linenumber": 1, "l_quantity": 41, "l_extendedprice": 43958.97d, "l_discount": 0.08d, "l_tax": 0.03d, "l_returnflag": "R", "l_linestatus": "F", "l_shipdate": "1994-01-20", "l_commitdate": "1994-02-06", "l_receiptdate": "1994-02-10", "l_shipinstruct": "COLLECT COD", "l_shipmode": "AIR", "l_comment": "the pending, express reque" }
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/testsuite.xml b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/testsuite.xml
index 96efb8a..a927e94 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/testsuite.xml
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/testsuite.xml
@@ -1322,6 +1322,16 @@
      <test-case FilePath="dml">
+      <compilation-unit name="using-correlated-prefix-merge-policy">
+        <output-dir compare="Text">using-correlated-prefix-merge-policy</output-dir>
+      </compilation-unit>
+     </test-case>
+     <test-case FilePath="dml">
+      <compilation-unit name="using-no-merge-policy">
+        <output-dir compare="Text">using-no-merge-policy</output-dir>
+      </compilation-unit>
+     </test-case>
+     <test-case FilePath="dml">
       <compilation-unit name="query-issue382">
         <output-dir compare="Text">query-issue382</output-dir>
diff --git a/asterix-aql/src/main/javacc/AQL.jj b/asterix-aql/src/main/javacc/AQL.jj
index bb78860..6be8300 100644
--- a/asterix-aql/src/main/javacc/AQL.jj
+++ b/asterix-aql/src/main/javacc/AQL.jj
@@ -324,7 +324,7 @@
     "using" adapterName = AdapterName() properties = Configuration()
     ("on" nodeGroupName = Identifier() )?
     ( "hints" hints = Properties() )?
-    ( "using" "compaction" "policy" compactionPolicy = CompactionPolicy() compactionPolicyProperties = Configuration() )?
+    ( "using" "compaction" "policy" compactionPolicy = CompactionPolicy() (compactionPolicyProperties = Configuration())? )?
         ExternalDetailsDecl edd = new ExternalDetailsDecl();
@@ -348,7 +348,7 @@
     ("autogenerated" { autogenerated = true; } )? 
     ("on" nodeGroupName = Identifier() )?
     ( "hints" hints = Properties() )?
-    ( "using" "compaction" "policy" compactionPolicy = CompactionPolicy() compactionPolicyProperties = Configuration() )?
+    ( "using" "compaction" "policy" compactionPolicy = CompactionPolicy() (compactionPolicyProperties = Configuration())? )?
     ( "with filter on" filterField = FilterField() )?
         InternalDetailsDecl idd = new InternalDetailsDecl(nodeGroupName != null
diff --git a/asterix-common/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/common/context/ b/asterix-common/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/common/context/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..db9bfe9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/asterix-common/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/common/context/
@@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
+ * Copyright 2009-2013 by The Regents of the University of California
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * you may obtain a copy of the License from
+ * 
+ *
+ * 
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+package edu.uci.ics.asterix.common.context;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+import java.util.Collections;
+import java.util.List;
+import java.util.Map;
+import java.util.Set;
+import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.api.exceptions.HyracksDataException;
+public class CorrelatedPrefixMergePolicy implements ILSMMergePolicy {
+    private long maxMergableComponentSize;
+    private int maxToleranceComponentCount;
+    private final DatasetLifecycleManager datasetLifecycleManager;
+    private final int datasetID;
+    public CorrelatedPrefixMergePolicy(IIndexLifecycleManager datasetLifecycleManager, int datasetID) {
+        this.datasetLifecycleManager = (DatasetLifecycleManager) datasetLifecycleManager;
+        this.datasetID = datasetID;
+    }
+    @Override
+    public void diskComponentAdded(final ILSMIndex index, boolean fullMergeIsRequested) throws HyracksDataException,
+            IndexException {
+        // This merge policy will only look at primary indexes in order to evaluate if a merge operation is needed. If it decides that
+        // a merge operation is needed, then it will merge *all* the indexes that belong to the dataset. The criteria to decide if a merge
+        // is needed is the same as the one that is used in the prefix merge policy:
+        // 1.  Look at the candidate components for merging in oldest-first order.  If one exists, identify the prefix of the sequence of
+        // all such components for which the sum of their sizes exceeds MaxMrgCompSz.  Schedule a merge of those components into a new component.
+        // 2.  If a merge from 1 doesn't happen, see if the set of candidate components for merging exceeds MaxTolCompCnt.  If so, schedule
+        // a merge all of the current candidates into a new single component.
+        List<ILSMComponent> immutableComponents = new ArrayList<ILSMComponent>(index.getImmutableComponents());
+        // Reverse the components order so that we look at components from oldest to newest.
+        Collections.reverse(immutableComponents);
+        for (ILSMComponent c : immutableComponents) {
+            if (c.getState() != ComponentState.READABLE_UNWRITABLE) {
+                return;
+            }
+        }
+        if (fullMergeIsRequested) {
+            ILSMIndexAccessor accessor = (ILSMIndexAccessor) index.createAccessor(NoOpOperationCallback.INSTANCE,
+                    NoOpOperationCallback.INSTANCE);
+            accessor.scheduleFullMerge(index.getIOOperationCallback());
+            return;
+        }
+        if (!index.isPrimaryIndex()) {
+            return;
+        }
+        long totalSize = 0;
+        int startIndex = -1;
+        int minNumComponents = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
+        Set<ILSMIndex> indexes = datasetLifecycleManager.getDatasetIndexes(datasetID);
+        for (ILSMIndex lsmIndex : indexes) {
+            minNumComponents = Math.min(minNumComponents, lsmIndex.getImmutableComponents().size());
+        }
+        for (int i = 0; i < minNumComponents; i++) {
+            ILSMComponent c = immutableComponents.get(i);
+            long componentSize = ((AbstractDiskLSMComponent) c).getComponentSize();
+            if (componentSize > maxMergableComponentSize) {
+                startIndex = i;
+                totalSize = 0;
+                continue;
+            }
+            totalSize += componentSize;
+            boolean isLastComponent = i + 1 == minNumComponents ? true : false;
+            if (totalSize > maxMergableComponentSize
+                    || (isLastComponent && i - startIndex >= maxToleranceComponentCount)) {
+                for (ILSMIndex lsmIndex : indexes) {
+                    List<ILSMComponent> reversedImmutableComponents = new ArrayList<ILSMComponent>(
+                            lsmIndex.getImmutableComponents());
+                    // Reverse the components order so that we look at components from oldest to newest.
+                    Collections.reverse(reversedImmutableComponents);
+                    List<ILSMComponent> mergableComponents = new ArrayList<ILSMComponent>();
+                    for (int j = startIndex + 1; j <= i; j++) {
+                        mergableComponents.add(reversedImmutableComponents.get(j));
+                    }
+                    // Reverse the components order back to its original order
+                    Collections.reverse(mergableComponents);
+                    ILSMIndexAccessor accessor = (ILSMIndexAccessor) lsmIndex.createAccessor(
+                            NoOpOperationCallback.INSTANCE, NoOpOperationCallback.INSTANCE);
+                    accessor.scheduleMerge(lsmIndex.getIOOperationCallback(), mergableComponents);
+                }
+                break;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    @Override
+    public void configure(Map<String, String> properties) {
+        maxMergableComponentSize = Long.parseLong(properties.get("max-mergable-component-size"));
+        maxToleranceComponentCount = Integer.parseInt(properties.get("max-tolerance-component-count"));
+    }
diff --git a/asterix-common/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/common/context/ b/asterix-common/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/common/context/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e9364e3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/asterix-common/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/common/context/
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+ * Copyright 2009-2013 by The Regents of the University of California
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * you may obtain a copy of the License from
+ * 
+ *
+ * 
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+package edu.uci.ics.asterix.common.context;
+import java.util.Arrays;
+import java.util.HashSet;
+import java.util.Map;
+import java.util.Set;
+import edu.uci.ics.asterix.common.api.IAsterixAppRuntimeContext;
+import edu.uci.ics.hyracks.api.context.IHyracksTaskContext;
+public class CorrelatedPrefixMergePolicyFactory implements ILSMMergePolicyFactory {
+    private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
+    private static final String[] SET_VALUES = new String[] { "max-mergable-component-size",
+            "max-tolerance-component-count" };
+    private static final Set<String> PROPERTIES_NAMES = new HashSet<String>(Arrays.asList(SET_VALUES));
+    private int datasetID;
+    @Override
+    public ILSMMergePolicy createMergePolicy(Map<String, String> properties, IHyracksTaskContext ctx) {
+        DatasetLifecycleManager dslcManager = (DatasetLifecycleManager) ((IAsterixAppRuntimeContext) ctx
+                .getJobletContext().getApplicationContext().getApplicationObject()).getIndexLifecycleManager();
+        ILSMMergePolicy policy = new CorrelatedPrefixMergePolicy(dslcManager, datasetID);
+        policy.configure(properties);
+        return policy;
+    }
+    @Override
+    public String getName() {
+        return "correlated-prefix";
+    }
+    @Override
+    public Set<String> getPropertiesNames() {
+        return PROPERTIES_NAMES;
+    }
+    @Override
+    public ILSMMergePolicy createMergePolicy(Map<String, String> properties, IIndexLifecycleManager ilcm) {
+        ILSMMergePolicy policy = new CorrelatedPrefixMergePolicy(ilcm, datasetID);
+        policy.configure(properties);
+        return policy;
+    }
+    public void setDatasetID(int datasetID) {
+        this.datasetID = datasetID;
+    }
diff --git a/asterix-metadata/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/metadata/bootstrap/ b/asterix-metadata/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/metadata/bootstrap/
index 1ad86c2..11ee638 100644
--- a/asterix-metadata/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/metadata/bootstrap/
+++ b/asterix-metadata/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/metadata/bootstrap/
@@ -349,7 +349,9 @@
     private static void insertInitialCompactionPolicies(MetadataTransactionContext mdTxnCtx) throws Exception {
         String[] builtInCompactionPolicyClassNames = new String[] {
-                "", };
+                "",
+                "",
+                "edu.uci.ics.asterix.common.context.CorrelatedPrefixMergePolicyFactory"};
         CompactionPolicy compactionPolicy;
         for (String policyClassName : builtInCompactionPolicyClassNames) {
             compactionPolicy = getCompactionPolicyEntity(policyClassName);
@@ -398,7 +400,7 @@
-                            GlobalConfig.DEFAULT_COMPACTION_POLICY_PROPERTIES), opTracker,
+                            GlobalConfig.DEFAULT_COMPACTION_POLICY_PROPERTIES, indexLifecycleManager), opTracker,
                     LSMBTreeIOOperationCallbackFactory.INSTANCE.createIOOperationCallback(), index.isPrimaryIndex(),
                     null, null, null, null);
@@ -418,10 +420,17 @@
             resourceID = resource.getResourceId();
             lsmBtree = (LSMBTree) indexLifecycleManager.getIndex(resourceID);
             if (lsmBtree == null) {
-                lsmBtree = LSMBTreeUtils.createLSMTree(virtualBufferCaches, file, bufferCache, fileMapProvider,
-                        typeTraits, comparatorFactories, bloomFilterKeyFields, runtimeContext
-                                .getBloomFilterFalsePositiveRate(), runtimeContext.getMetadataMergePolicyFactory()
-                                .createMergePolicy(GlobalConfig.DEFAULT_COMPACTION_POLICY_PROPERTIES), opTracker,
+                lsmBtree = LSMBTreeUtils.createLSMTree(
+                        virtualBufferCaches,
+                        file,
+                        bufferCache,
+                        fileMapProvider,
+                        typeTraits,
+                        comparatorFactories,
+                        bloomFilterKeyFields,
+                        runtimeContext.getBloomFilterFalsePositiveRate(),
+                        runtimeContext.getMetadataMergePolicyFactory().createMergePolicy(
+                                GlobalConfig.DEFAULT_COMPACTION_POLICY_PROPERTIES, indexLifecycleManager), opTracker,
                         runtimeContext.getLSMIOScheduler(), LSMBTreeIOOperationCallbackFactory.INSTANCE
                                 .createIOOperationCallback(), index.isPrimaryIndex(), null, null, null, null);
                 indexLifecycleManager.register(resourceID, lsmBtree);
diff --git a/asterix-metadata/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/metadata/entities/ b/asterix-metadata/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/metadata/entities/
index 0d002d2..d6d0143 100644
--- a/asterix-metadata/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/metadata/entities/
+++ b/asterix-metadata/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/metadata/entities/
@@ -197,13 +197,15 @@
         // write field 7
                 .reset((AOrderedListType) MetadataRecordTypes.INTERNAL_DETAILS_RECORDTYPE.getFieldTypes()[MetadataRecordTypes.INTERNAL_DETAILS_ARECORD_COMPACTION_POLICY_PROPERTIES_FIELD_INDEX]);
-        for (Map.Entry<String, String> property : compactionPolicyProperties.entrySet()) {
-            String name = property.getKey();
-            String value = property.getValue();
-            itemValue.reset();
-            writePropertyTypeRecord(name, value, itemValue.getDataOutput(),
-                    MetadataRecordTypes.COMPACTION_POLICY_PROPERTIES_RECORDTYPE);
-            listBuilder.addItem(itemValue);
+        if (compactionPolicyProperties != null) {
+            for (Map.Entry<String, String> property : compactionPolicyProperties.entrySet()) {
+                String name = property.getKey();
+                String value = property.getValue();
+                itemValue.reset();
+                writePropertyTypeRecord(name, value, itemValue.getDataOutput(),
+                        MetadataRecordTypes.COMPACTION_POLICY_PROPERTIES_RECORDTYPE);
+                listBuilder.addItem(itemValue);
+            }
         listBuilder.write(fieldValue.getDataOutput(), true);
diff --git a/asterix-metadata/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/metadata/utils/ b/asterix-metadata/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/metadata/utils/
index 998d322..f19f6c5 100644
--- a/asterix-metadata/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/metadata/utils/
+++ b/asterix-metadata/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/metadata/utils/
@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@
 import java.util.Map;
 import edu.uci.ics.asterix.common.config.DatasetConfig.DatasetType;
+import edu.uci.ics.asterix.common.context.CorrelatedPrefixMergePolicyFactory;
 import edu.uci.ics.asterix.common.exceptions.AsterixException;
 import edu.uci.ics.asterix.formats.nontagged.AqlTypeTraitProvider;
 import edu.uci.ics.asterix.metadata.MetadataException;
@@ -233,6 +234,9 @@
         ILSMMergePolicyFactory mergePolicyFactory;
         try {
             mergePolicyFactory = (ILSMMergePolicyFactory) Class.forName(compactionPolicyFactoryClassName).newInstance();
+            if (mergePolicyFactory.getName().compareTo("correlated-prefix") == 0) {
+                ((CorrelatedPrefixMergePolicyFactory) mergePolicyFactory).setDatasetID(dataset.getDatasetId());
+            }
         } catch (InstantiationException | IllegalAccessException | ClassNotFoundException e) {
             throw new AlgebricksException(e);
diff --git a/asterix-om/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/om/types/ b/asterix-om/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/om/types/
index abc62fa..d444f31 100644
--- a/asterix-om/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/om/types/
+++ b/asterix-om/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/om/types/
@@ -435,11 +435,12 @@
             case DATE:
             case TIME:
             case DATETIME:
-            case UNION:
             case UUID:
             case YEARMONTHDURATION:
             case DAYTIMEDURATION:
+            case UNION:
+                throw new AlgebricksException("The filter field \"" + filterField + "\" cannot be nullable");
                 throw new AlgebricksException("The field \"" + filterField + "\" which is of type "
                         + fieldType.getTypeTag() + " cannot be used as a filter for a dataset.");
diff --git a/asterix-transactions/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/transaction/management/resource/ b/asterix-transactions/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/transaction/management/resource/
index 4ba6b0a..66906cb 100644
--- a/asterix-transactions/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/transaction/management/resource/
+++ b/asterix-transactions/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/transaction/management/resource/
@@ -46,11 +46,11 @@
         FileReference file = new FileReference(new File(filePath));
         LSMBTree lsmBTree = LSMBTreeUtils.createExternalBTree(file, runtimeContextProvider.getBufferCache(),
                 runtimeContextProvider.getFileMapManager(), typeTraits, cmpFactories, bloomFilterKeyFields,
-                runtimeContextProvider.getBloomFilterFalsePositiveRate(), mergePolicyFactory
-                        .createMergePolicy(mergePolicyProperties), new BaseOperationTracker(
-                        (DatasetLifecycleManager) runtimeContextProvider.getIndexLifecycleManager(), datasetID),
-                runtimeContextProvider.getLSMIOScheduler(), LSMBTreeIOOperationCallbackFactory.INSTANCE
-                        .createIOOperationCallback(), -1);
+                runtimeContextProvider.getBloomFilterFalsePositiveRate(), mergePolicyFactory.createMergePolicy(
+                        mergePolicyProperties, runtimeContextProvider.getIndexLifecycleManager()),
+                new BaseOperationTracker((DatasetLifecycleManager) runtimeContextProvider.getIndexLifecycleManager(),
+                        datasetID), runtimeContextProvider.getLSMIOScheduler(),
+                LSMBTreeIOOperationCallbackFactory.INSTANCE.createIOOperationCallback(), -1);
         return lsmBTree;
diff --git a/asterix-transactions/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/transaction/management/resource/ b/asterix-transactions/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/transaction/management/resource/
index 8cb3eeb..ec9724d 100644
--- a/asterix-transactions/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/transaction/management/resource/
+++ b/asterix-transactions/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/transaction/management/resource/
@@ -59,8 +59,8 @@
         FileReference file = new FileReference(new File(filePath));
         return LSMBTreeUtils.createExternalBTreeWithBuddy(file, runtimeContextProvider.getBufferCache(),
                 runtimeContextProvider.getFileMapManager(), typeTraits, btreeCmpFactories, runtimeContextProvider
-                        .getBloomFilterFalsePositiveRate(),
-                mergePolicyFactory.createMergePolicy(mergePolicyProperties), new BaseOperationTracker(
+                        .getBloomFilterFalsePositiveRate(), mergePolicyFactory.createMergePolicy(mergePolicyProperties,
+                        runtimeContextProvider.getIndexLifecycleManager()), new BaseOperationTracker(
                         (DatasetLifecycleManager) runtimeContextProvider.getIndexLifecycleManager(), datasetID),
                 runtimeContextProvider.getLSMIOScheduler(), LSMBTreeWithBuddyIOOperationCallbackFactory.INSTANCE
                         .createIOOperationCallback(), buddyBtreeFields, -1);
diff --git a/asterix-transactions/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/transaction/management/resource/ b/asterix-transactions/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/transaction/management/resource/
index 333852b..5b9d27a 100644
--- a/asterix-transactions/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/transaction/management/resource/
+++ b/asterix-transactions/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/transaction/management/resource/
@@ -57,7 +57,8 @@
             return LSMRTreeUtils.createExternalRTree(file, runtimeContextProvider.getBufferCache(),
                     runtimeContextProvider.getFileMapManager(), typeTraits, rtreeCmpFactories, btreeCmpFactories,
                     valueProviderFactories, rtreePolicyType, runtimeContextProvider.getBloomFilterFalsePositiveRate(),
-                    mergePolicyFactory.createMergePolicy(mergePolicyProperties), new BaseOperationTracker(
+                    mergePolicyFactory.createMergePolicy(mergePolicyProperties,
+                            runtimeContextProvider.getIndexLifecycleManager()), new BaseOperationTracker(
                             (DatasetLifecycleManager) runtimeContextProvider.getIndexLifecycleManager(), datasetID),
                     runtimeContextProvider.getLSMIOScheduler(), LSMRTreeIOOperationCallbackFactory.INSTANCE
                             .createIOOperationCallback(), linearizeCmpFactory, btreeFields, -1);
diff --git a/asterix-transactions/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/transaction/management/resource/ b/asterix-transactions/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/transaction/management/resource/
index e1700e3..7c7c90e 100644
--- a/asterix-transactions/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/transaction/management/resource/
+++ b/asterix-transactions/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/transaction/management/resource/
@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@
         LSMBTree lsmBTree = LSMBTreeUtils.createLSMTree(virtualBufferCaches, file, runtimeContextProvider
                 .getBufferCache(), runtimeContextProvider.getFileMapManager(), typeTraits, cmpFactories,
                 bloomFilterKeyFields, runtimeContextProvider.getBloomFilterFalsePositiveRate(), mergePolicyFactory
-                        .createMergePolicy(mergePolicyProperties),
+                        .createMergePolicy(mergePolicyProperties, runtimeContextProvider.getIndexLifecycleManager()),
                 isPrimary ? runtimeContextProvider.getLSMBTreeOperationTracker(datasetID) : new BaseOperationTracker(
                         (DatasetLifecycleManager) runtimeContextProvider.getIndexLifecycleManager(), datasetID),
                 runtimeContextProvider.getLSMIOScheduler(), LSMBTreeIOOperationCallbackFactory.INSTANCE
diff --git a/asterix-transactions/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/transaction/management/resource/ b/asterix-transactions/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/transaction/management/resource/
index f4662fa..b7fff02 100644
--- a/asterix-transactions/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/transaction/management/resource/
+++ b/asterix-transactions/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/transaction/management/resource/
@@ -85,7 +85,8 @@
-                        mergePolicyFactory.createMergePolicy(mergePolicyProperties),
+                        mergePolicyFactory.createMergePolicy(mergePolicyProperties,
+                                runtimeContextProvider.getIndexLifecycleManager()),
                         new BaseOperationTracker((DatasetLifecycleManager) runtimeContextProvider
                                 .getIndexLifecycleManager(), datasetID), runtimeContextProvider.getLSMIOScheduler(),
@@ -103,7 +104,8 @@
-                        mergePolicyFactory.createMergePolicy(mergePolicyProperties),
+                        mergePolicyFactory.createMergePolicy(mergePolicyProperties,
+                                runtimeContextProvider.getIndexLifecycleManager()),
                         new BaseOperationTracker((DatasetLifecycleManager) runtimeContextProvider
                                 .getIndexLifecycleManager(), datasetID), runtimeContextProvider.getLSMIOScheduler(),
diff --git a/asterix-transactions/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/transaction/management/resource/ b/asterix-transactions/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/transaction/management/resource/
index db9730c..e7b0fa9 100644
--- a/asterix-transactions/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/transaction/management/resource/
+++ b/asterix-transactions/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/transaction/management/resource/
@@ -50,7 +50,6 @@
     protected final int[] rtreeFields;
     protected final int[] btreeFields;
     public LSMRTreeLocalResourceMetadata(ITypeTraits[] typeTraits, IBinaryComparatorFactory[] rtreeCmpFactories,
             IBinaryComparatorFactory[] btreeCmpFactories, IPrimitiveValueProviderFactory[] valueProviderFactories,
             RTreePolicyType rtreePolicyType, ILinearizeComparatorFactory linearizeCmpFactory, int datasetID,
@@ -79,7 +78,8 @@
             return LSMRTreeUtils.createLSMTree(virtualBufferCaches, file, runtimeContextProvider.getBufferCache(),
                     runtimeContextProvider.getFileMapManager(), typeTraits, rtreeCmpFactories, btreeCmpFactories,
                     valueProviderFactories, rtreePolicyType, runtimeContextProvider.getBloomFilterFalsePositiveRate(),
-                    mergePolicyFactory.createMergePolicy(mergePolicyProperties), new BaseOperationTracker(
+                    mergePolicyFactory.createMergePolicy(mergePolicyProperties,
+                            runtimeContextProvider.getIndexLifecycleManager()), new BaseOperationTracker(
                             (DatasetLifecycleManager) runtimeContextProvider.getIndexLifecycleManager(), datasetID),
                     runtimeContextProvider.getLSMIOScheduler(), LSMRTreeIOOperationCallbackFactory.INSTANCE
                             .createIOOperationCallback(), linearizeCmpFactory, rtreeFields, btreeFields,