Miscellaneous Functions


  • Syntax:

  • Generates a uuid.

  • Arguments:

    • none
  • Return Value:

    • a generated, random uuid.


  • Syntax:


  • Returns the length of the array array.

  • Arguments:

    • array : an array, multiset, null, or missing, represents the collection that needs to be checked.
  • Return Value:

    • an integer that represents the length of input array or the size of the input multiset,
    • missing if any argument is a missing value,
    • null if any argument is a null value but no argument is a missing value.
  • Example:

     len(["Hello", "World"])
  • The expected result is:



  • Syntax:

  • Inverts a boolean value

  • Arguments:

    • expr : an expression
  • Return Value:

    • a boolean, the inverse of expr,
    • missing if any argument is a missing value,
    • null if any argument is a null value but no argument is a missing value,
    • other non-boolean argument value will cause a type error.
  • Example:

     { "v1": `not`(true), "v2": `not`(false), "v3": `not`(null), "v4": `not`(missing) };
  • The expected result is:

     { "v1": false, "v2": true, "v3": null }


  • Syntax:

     random( [seed_value] )
  • Returns a random number, accepting an optional seed value

  • Arguments:

    • seed_value: an optional tinyint/smallint/integer/bigint/float/double value representing the seed number.
  • Return Value:

    • A random number of type double between 0 and 1,
    • missing if the argument is a missing value,
    • null if the argument is a null value,
    • any other non-numeric input value will cause a type error.
  • Example:

       "v1": random(),
       "v2": random(unix_time_from_datetime_in_ms(current_datetime()))


  • Syntax:

     range(start_numeric_value, end_numeric_value)
  • Generates a series of bigint values based start the start_numeric_value until the end_numeric_value.

  • Arguments:

    • start_numeric_value: a tinyint/smallint/integer/bigint value representing the start value.
    • end_numeric_value: a tinyint/smallint/integer/bigint value representing the max final value.
  • Return Value:

    • an array that starts with the integer value of start_numeric_value and ends with the integer value of end_numeric_value, where the value of each entry in the array is the integer successor of the value in the preceding entry.
  • Example:

      range(0, 3);
  • The expected result is:

     [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ]


  • Syntax:

         case1, case1_result,
         case2, case2_result,
         default, default_result
  • Switches amongst a sequence of cases and returns the result of the first matching case. If no match is found, the result of the default case is returned.

  • Arguments:

    • condition: a variable (any type is allowed).
    • caseI/default: a variable (any type is allowed).
    • caseI/default_result: a variable (any type is allowed).
  • Return Value:

    • caseI_result if condition matches caseI, otherwise default_result.
  • Example 1:

         "a", 0,
         "x", 1,
         "y", 2,
         "z", 3
  • The expected result is:

  • Example 2:

         "x", 1,
         "y", 2,
         "z", 3
  • The expected result is:



  • Syntax:

      deep_equal(expr1, expr2)
  • Assess the equality between two expressions of any type (e.g., object, arrays, or multiset). Two objects are deeply equal iff both their types and values are equal.

  • Arguments:

    • expr1 : an expression,
    • expr2 : an expression.
  • Return Value:

    • true or false depending on the data equality,
    • missing if any argument is a missing value,
    • null if any argument is a null value but no argument is a missing value.
  • Example:

                  "address":{"city":"Irvine", "state":"CA"},
                  "related":["Hivestrix", "Preglix", "Apache VXQuery"]
                  "address":{"city":"San Diego", "state":"CA"},
                  "related":["Hivestrix", "Preglix", "Apache VXQuery"]
  • The expected result is:
