Merged asterix_lsm_stabilization upto r1547
git-svn-id: eaa15691-b419-025a-1212-ee371bd00084
diff --git a/asterix-app/data/custord-tiny/customer-tiny-neg.adm b/asterix-app/data/custord-tiny/customer-tiny-neg.adm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4e8e9ab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/asterix-app/data/custord-tiny/customer-tiny-neg.adm
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+{ "cid": 4440, "name": "Renea Lavelett", "age": 72, "address": { "number": 8963, "street": "Oak St.", "city": "Mountain View" }, "lastorder": { "oid": 20520, "total": 6.198883E-4f } }
+{ "cid": 530, "name": "Clint Coil", "age": 79, "address": { "number": 4491, "street": "7th St.", "city": "San Jose" }, "lastorder": { "oid": 530, "total": 7.5879574f } }
+{ "cid": 76, "name": "Marvella Loud", "age": 72, "address": { "number": 6988, "street": "7th St.", "city": "Sunnyvale" }, "lastorder": { "oid": 76, "total": 12.811708f } }
+{ "cid": 586, "name": "Tamie Pollara", "age": 89, "address": { "number": 7424, "street": "Oak St.", "city": "Sunnyvale" }, "lastorder": { "oid": 586, "total": 22.163845f } }
+{ "cid": 59, "name": "Lance Pracht", "age": 27, "address": { "number": 342, "street": "Washington St.", "city": "Mountain View" }, "lastorder": { "oid": 59, "total": 26.975239f } }
+{ "cid": 939, "name": "Larry Gothier", "age": 34, "address": { "number": 1786, "street": "Park St.", "city": "Mountain View" }, "lastorder": { "oid": 939, "total": 33.49055f } }
+{ "cid": 996, "name": "Obdulia Dicosmo", "age": 14, "address": { "number": 9237, "street": "Cedar St.", "city": "Los Angeles" }, "lastorder": { "oid": 996, "total": 94.23889f } }
+{ "cid": 953, "name": "Elias Leonardo", "age": 62, "address": { "number": 7831, "street": "Main St.", "city": "San Jose" }, "lastorder": { "oid": 953, "total": 79.990875f } }
+{ "cid": 74, "name": "Myrtice Cubias", "age": 11, "address": { "number": 9048, "street": "Park St.", "city": "San Jose" }, "lastorder": { "oid": 74, "total": 47.675938f } }
+{ "cid": 758, "name": "Curt Savage", "age": 81, "address": { "number": 5651, "street": "Main St.", "city": "Seattle" }, "lastorder": { "oid": 758, "total": 45.33596f } }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/asterix-app/data/dblp-small/dblp-small-nulls.adm b/asterix-app/data/dblp-small/dblp-small-nulls.adm
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index 0000000..d943f54
--- /dev/null
+++ b/asterix-app/data/dblp-small/dblp-small-nulls.adm
@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
+{ "id": 2, "dblpid": "books/acm/kim95/Blakeley95", "title": "OQL[C++] Extending C++ with an Object Query Capability.", "authors": "José A. Blakeley", "misc": "2002-01-03 69-88 Modern Database Systems db/books/collections/kim95.html#Blakeley95 1995" }
+{ "id": 4, "dblpid": "books/acm/kim95/ChristodoulakisK95", "title": "Multimedia Information Systems Issues and Approaches.", "authors": "Stavros Christodoulakis Leonidas Koveos", "misc": "2002-01-03 318-337 1995 Modern Database Systems db/books/collections/kim95.html#ChristodoulakisK95" }
+{ "id": 6, "dblpid": "books/acm/kim95/DittrichD95", "title": "Where Object-Oriented DBMSs Should Do Better A Critique Based on Early Experiences.", "authors": "Angelika Kotz Dittrich Klaus R. Dittrich", "misc": "2002-01-03 238-254 1995 Modern Database Systems db/books/collections/kim95.html#DittrichD95" }
+{ "id": 8, "dblpid": "books/acm/kim95/Goodman95", "title": "An Object-Oriented DBMS War Story Developing a Genome Mapping Database in C++.", "authors": "Nathan Goodman", "misc": "2002-01-03 216-237 1995 Modern Database Systems db/books/collections/kim95.html#Goodman95" }
+{ "id": 10, "dblpid": "books/acm/kim95/KelleyGKRG95", "title": "Schema Architecture of the UniSQL/M Multidatabase System", "authors": "William Kelley Sunit K. Gala Won Kim Tom C. Reyes Bruce Graham", "misc": "2004-03-08 Modern Database Systems books/acm/Kim95 621-648 1995 db/books/collections/kim95.html#KelleyGKRG95" }
+{ "id": 12, "dblpid": "books/acm/kim95/Kim95", "authors": "Won Kim", "misc": "2002-01-03 5-17 1995 Modern Database Systems db/books/collections/kim95.html#Kim95" }
+{ "id": 14, "dblpid": "books/acm/kim95/Kim95b", "title": "Introduction to Part 2 Technology for Interoperating Legacy Databases.", "authors": "Won Kim", "misc": "2002-01-03 515-520 1995 Modern Database Systems db/books/collections/kim95.html#Kim95b" }
+{ "id": 16, "dblpid": "books/acm/kim95/KimG95", "authors": "Won Kim Jorge F. Garza", "misc": "2002-01-03 203-215 1995 Modern Database Systems db/books/collections/kim95.html#KimG95" }
+{ "id": 18, "dblpid": "books/acm/kim95/Kowalski95", "title": "The POSC Solution to Managing E&P Data.", "authors": "Vincent J. Kowalski", "misc": "2002-01-03 281-301 1995 Modern Database Systems db/books/collections/kim95.html#Kowalski95" }
+{ "id": 20, "dblpid": "books/acm/kim95/Lunt95", "title": "Authorization in Object-Oriented Databases.", "authors": "Teresa F. Lunt", "misc": "2002-01-03 130-145 1995 Modern Database Systems db/books/collections/kim95.html#Lunt95" }
+{ "id": 22, "dblpid": "books/acm/kim95/Motro95", "authors": "Amihai Motro", "misc": "2002-01-03 457-476 1995 Modern Database Systems db/books/collections/kim95.html#Motro95" }
+{ "id": 24, "dblpid": "books/acm/kim95/OzsuB95", "authors": "M. Tamer Özsu José A. Blakeley", "misc": "2002-01-03 146-174 1995 Modern Database Systems db/books/collections/kim95.html#OzsuB95" }
+{ "id": 26, "dblpid": "books/acm/kim95/Samet95", "title": "Spatial Data Structures.", "authors": "Hanan Samet", "misc": "2004-03-08 361-385 Modern Database Systems books/acm/Kim95 db/books/collections/kim95.html#Samet95 1995" }
+{ "id": 28, "dblpid": "books/acm/kim95/ShanADDK95", "title": "Pegasus A Heterogeneous Information Management System.", "authors": "Ming-Chien Shan Rafi Ahmed Jim Davis Weimin Du William Kent", "misc": "2004-03-08 664-682 Modern Database Systems books/acm/Kim95 db/books/collections/kim95.html#ShanADDK95 1995" }
+{ "id": 30, "dblpid": "books/acm/kim95/SoleyK95", "title": "The OMG Object Model.", "authors": "Richard Mark Soley William Kent", "misc": "2002-01-03 18-41 1995 Modern Database Systems db/books/collections/kim95.html#SoleyK95" }
+{ "id": 32, "dblpid": "books/acm/kim95/Thompson95", "title": "The Changing Database Standards Landscape.", "authors": "Craig W. Thompson", "misc": "2002-01-03 302-317 1995 Modern Database Systems db/books/collections/kim95.html#Thompson95" }
+{ "id": 34, "dblpid": "books/acm/Kim95", "title": "Modern Database Systems The Object Model, Interoperability, and Beyond.", "authors": "", "misc": "2004-03-08 Won Kim Modern Database Systems ACM Press and Addison-Wesley 1995 0-201-59098-0 db/books/collections/kim95.html" }
+{ "id": 36, "dblpid": "books/aw/kimL89/BjornerstedtH89", "title": "Version Control in an Object-Oriented Architecture.", "authors": "Anders Björnerstedt Christer Hulten", "misc": "2006-02-24 451-485 Object-Oriented Concepts, Databases, and Applications ACM Press and Addison-Wesley 1989 db/books/collections/kim89.html#BjornerstedtH89" }
+{ "id": 38, "dblpid": "books/aw/kimL89/CareyDRS89", "title": "Storage Management in EXODUS.", "authors": "Michael J. Carey David J. DeWitt Joel E. Richardson Eugene J. Shekita", "misc": "2002-01-03 341-369 Object-Oriented Concepts, Databases, and Applications ACM Press and Addison-Wesley 1989 db/books/collections/kim89.html#CareyDRS89" }
+{ "id": 40, "dblpid": "books/aw/kimL89/DiederichM89", "title": "Objects, Messages, and Rules in Database Design.", "authors": "Jim Diederich Jack Milton", "misc": "2002-01-03 177-197 1989 Object-Oriented Concepts, Databases, and Applications db/books/collections/kim89.html#DiederichM89" }
+{ "id": 42, "dblpid": "books/aw/kimL89/FishmanABCCDHHKLLMNRSW89", "title": "Overview of the Iris DBMS.", "authors": "Daniel H. Fishman Jurgen Annevelink David Beech E. C. Chow Tim Connors J. W. Davis Waqar Hasan C. G. Hoch William Kent S. Leichner Peter Lyngbæk Brom Mahbod Marie-Anne Neimat Tore Risch Ming-Chien Shan W. Kevin Wilkinson", "misc": "2002-01-03 219-250 Object-Oriented Concepts, Databases, and Applications ACM Press and Addison-Wesley 1989 db/books/collections/kim89.html#FishmanABCCDHHKLLMNRSW89" }
+{ "id": 44, "dblpid": "books/aw/kimL89/KimKD89", "title": "Indexing Techniques for Object-Oriented Databases.", "authors": "Won Kim Kyung-Chang Kim Alfred G. Dale", "misc": "2002-01-03 371-394 Object-Oriented Concepts, Databases, and Applications ACM Press and Addison-Wesley 1989 db/books/collections/kim89.html#KimKD89" }
+{ "id": 46, "dblpid": "books/aw/kimL89/Maier89", "title": "Making Database Systems Fast Enough for CAD Applications.", "authors": "David Maier", "misc": "2002-01-03 573-582 1989 Object-Oriented Concepts, Databases, and Applications db/books/collections/kim89.html#Maier89" }
+{ "id": 48, "dblpid": "books/aw/kimL89/Moon89", "title": "The Common List Object-Oriented Programming Language Standard.", "authors": "David A. Moon", "misc": "2002-01-03 49-78 1989 Object-Oriented Concepts, Databases, and Applications db/books/collections/kim89.html#Moon89" }
+{ "id": 50, "dblpid": "books/aw/kimL89/Nierstrasz89", "title": "A Survey of Object-Oriented Concepts.", "authors": "Oscar Nierstrasz", "misc": "2002-01-03 3-21 1989 Object-Oriented Concepts, Databases, and Applications db/books/collections/kim89.html#Nierstrasz89" }
+{ "id": 52, "dblpid": "books/aw/kimL89/Russinoff89", "title": "Proteus A Frame-Based Nonmonotonic Inference System.", "authors": "David M. Russinoff", "misc": "2002-01-03 127-150 Object-Oriented Concepts, Databases, and Applications ACM Press and Addison-Wesley 1989 db/books/collections/kim89.html#Russinoff89" }
+{ "id": 54, "dblpid": "books/aw/kimL89/SteinLU89", "authors": "Lynn Andrea Stein Henry Lieberman David Ungar", "misc": "2002-01-03 31-48 1989 Object-Oriented Concepts, Databases, and Applications db/books/collections/kim89.html#SteinLU89" }
+{ "id": 56, "dblpid": "books/aw/kimL89/TomlinsonS89", "title": "Concurrent Object-Oriented Programming Languages.", "authors": "Chris Tomlinson Mark Scheevel", "misc": "2002-01-03 79-124 1989 Object-Oriented Concepts, Databases, and Applications db/books/collections/kim89.html#TomlinsonS89" }
+{ "id": 58, "dblpid": "books/aw/kimL89/Wand89", "title": "A Proposal for a Formal Model of Objects.", "authors": "Yair Wand", "misc": "2002-01-03 537-559 1989 Object-Oriented Concepts, Databases, and Applications db/books/collections/kim89.html#Wand89" }
+{ "id": 60, "dblpid": "books/aw/stonebraker86/RoweS86", "authors": "Lawrence A. Rowe Michael Stonebraker", "misc": "2002-01-03 63-82 1986 The INGRES Papers db/books/collections/Stonebraker86.html#RoweS86 db/books/collections/Stonebraker86/RoweS86.html ingres/P063.pdf" }
+{ "id": 62, "dblpid": "books/aw/stonebraker86/Stonebraker86a", "title": "Supporting Studies on Relational Systems (Introduction to Section 2).", "authors": "Michael Stonebraker", "misc": "2002-01-03 83-85 1986 The INGRES Papers db/books/collections/Stonebraker86.html#Stonebraker86a db/books/collections/Stonebraker86/Stonebraker86a.html ingres/P083.pdf" }
+{ "id": 64, "dblpid": "books/aw/stonebraker86/Stonebraker86c", "authors": "Michael Stonebraker", "misc": "2002-01-03 187-196 1986 The INGRES Papers db/books/collections/Stonebraker86.html#Stonebraker86c db/books/collections/Stonebraker86/Stonebraker86c.html ingres/P187.pdf" }
+{ "id": 66, "dblpid": "books/aw/stonebraker86/Stonebraker86e", "title": "Extended Semantics for the Relational Model (Introduction to Section 5).", "authors": "Michael Stonebraker", "misc": "2002-01-03 313-316 1986 The INGRES Papers db/books/collections/Stonebraker86.html#Stonebraker86e db/books/collections/Stonebraker86/Stonebraker86e.html ingres/P313.pdf" }
+{ "id": 68, "dblpid": "books/aw/stonebraker86/X86", "title": "Title, Preface, Contents.", "authors": "", "misc": "2002-01-03 1986 The INGRES Papers db/books/collections/Stonebraker86.html#X86 db/books/collections/Stonebraker86/X86.html ingres/frontmatter.pdf" }
+{ "id": 70, "dblpid": "books/aw/Knuth86a", "title": "TeX The Program", "authors": "Donald E. Knuth", "misc": "2002-01-03 Addison-Wesley 1986 0-201-13437-3" }
+{ "id": 72, "dblpid": "books/aw/Lamport86", "title": "LaTeX User's Guide & Reference Manual", "authors": "Leslie Lamport", "misc": "2002-01-03 Addison-Wesley 1986 0-201-15790-X" }
+{ "id": 74, "dblpid": "books/aw/Lamport2002", "title": "Specifying Systems, The TLA+ Language and Tools for Hardware and Software Engineers", "authors": "Leslie Lamport", "misc": "2005-07-28 Addison-Wesley 2002 0-3211-4306-X http //" }
+{ "id": 76, "dblpid": "books/aw/LewisBK01", "title": "Databases and Transaction Processing An Application-Oriented Approach", "authors": "Philip M. Lewis Arthur J. Bernstein Michael Kifer", "misc": "2002-01-03 Addison-Wesley 2001 0-201-70872-8" }
+{ "id": 78, "dblpid": "books/aw/LindholmY97", "title": "The Java Virtual Machine Specification", "authors": "Tim Lindholm Frank Yellin", "misc": "2002-01-28 Addison-Wesley 1997 0-201-63452-X" }
+{ "id": 80, "dblpid": "books/aw/Sedgewick83", "title": "Algorithms", "authors": "Robert Sedgewick", "misc": "2002-01-03 Addison-Wesley 1983 0-201-06672-6" }
+{ "id": 82, "dblpid": "conf/focs/AspnesW92", "title": "Randomized Consensus in Expected O(n log ^2 n) Operations Per Processor", "authors": "James Aspnes Orli Waarts", "misc": "2006-04-25 137-146 conf/focs/FOCS33 1992 FOCS db/conf/focs/focs92.html#AspnesW92" }
+{ "id": 84, "dblpid": "conf/stoc/Bloniarz80", "title": "A Shortest-Path Algorithm with Expected Time O(n^2 log n log ^* n)", "authors": "Peter A. Bloniarz", "misc": "2006-04-25 378-384 conf/stoc/STOC12 1980 STOC db/conf/stoc/stoc80.html#Bloniarz80" }
+{ "id": 86, "dblpid": "conf/focs/Megiddo82", "title": "Linear-Time Algorithms for Linear Programming in R^3 and Related Problems", "authors": "Nimrod Megiddo", "misc": "2006-04-25 329-338 conf/focs/FOCS23 1982 FOCS db/conf/focs/focs82.html#Megiddo82" }
+{ "id": 88, "dblpid": "conf/focs/MoffatT85", "title": "An All Pairs Shortest Path Algorithm with Expected Running Time O(n^2 log n)", "authors": "Alistair Moffat Tadao Takaoka", "misc": "2006-04-25 101-105 conf/focs/FOCS26 1985 FOCS db/conf/focs/focs85.html#MoffatT85" }
+{ "id": 90, "dblpid": "conf/hicss/SchonfeldL99", "title": "VORTEX Video Retrieval and Tracking from Compressed Multimedia Databases ¾ Visual Search Engine.", "authors": "Dan Schonfeld Dan Lelescu", "misc": "2002-01-03 1999 HICSS http // db/conf/hicss/hicss1999-3.html#SchonfeldL99" }
+{ "id": 92, "dblpid": "conf/stacs/Laue08", "title": "Geometric Set Cover and Hitting Sets for Polytopes in R³.", "authors": "Sören Laue", "misc": "2008-03-04 2008 STACS 479-490 http // conf/stacs/2008 db/conf/stacs/stacs2008.html#Laue08" }
+{ "id": 94, "dblpid": "conf/awoc/IbarraJRC88", "title": "On Some Languages in NC.", "authors": "Oscar H. Ibarra Tao Jiang Bala Ravikumar Jik H. Chang", "misc": "2002-08-06 64-73 1988 conf/awoc/1988 AWOC db/conf/awoc/awoc88.html#IbarraJRC88" }
+{ "id": 96, "dblpid": "conf/focs/GalilHLSW82", "title": "An O(n^3 log n) Deterministic and an O(n^3) Probabilistic Isomorphism Test for Trivalent Graphs", "authors": "Zvi Galil Christoph M. Hoffmann Eugene M. Luks Claus-Peter Schnorr Andreas Weber", "misc": "2006-04-25 118-125 conf/focs/FOCS23 1982 FOCS db/conf/focs/focs82.html#GalilHLSW82" }
+{ "id": 98, "dblpid": "conf/focs/GalilT86", "title": "An O(n^2 (m + n log n) log n) Min-Cost Flow Algorithm", "authors": "Zvi Galil Éva Tardos", "misc": "2006-04-25 1-9 conf/focs/FOCS27 1986 FOCS db/conf/focs/focs86.html#GalilT86" }
+{ "id": 100, "dblpid": "series/synthesis/2009Brozos", "title": "The Geometry of Walker Manifolds", "authors": "Miguel Brozos-Vázquez Eduardo García-Río Peter Gilkey Stana Nikcevic Rámon Vázquez-Lorenzo", "misc": "2009-09-06 The Geometry of Walker Manifolds http // http // 2009 Synthesis Lectures on Mathematics & Statistics Morgan & Claypool Publishers" }
+{ "id": 1, "dblpid": "books/acm/kim95/AnnevelinkACFHK95", "title": "Object SQL - A Language for the Design and Implementation of Object Databases.", "authors": "Jurgen Annevelink Rafiul Ahad Amelia Carlson Daniel H. Fishman Michael L. Heytens William Kent", "misc": "2002-01-03 42-68 1995 Modern Database Systems db/books/collections/kim95.html#AnnevelinkACFHK95" }
+{ "id": 3, "dblpid": "books/acm/kim95/BreitbartGS95", "title": "Transaction Management in Multidatabase Systems.", "authors": "Yuri Breitbart Hector Garcia-Molina Abraham Silberschatz", "misc": "2004-03-08 573-591 Modern Database Systems books/acm/Kim95 db/books/collections/kim95.html#BreitbartGS95 1995" }
+{ "id": 5, "dblpid": "books/acm/kim95/DayalHW95", "title": "Active Database Systems.", "authors": "Umeshwar Dayal Eric N. Hanson Jennifer Widom", "misc": "2002-01-03 434-456 1995 Modern Database Systems db/books/collections/kim95.html#DayalHW95" }
+{ "id": 7, "dblpid": "books/acm/kim95/Garcia-MolinaH95", "title": "Distributed Databases.", "authors": "Hector Garcia-Molina Meichun Hsu", "misc": "2002-01-03 477-493 1995 Modern Database Systems db/books/collections/kim95.html#Garcia-MolinaH95" }
+{ "id": 9, "dblpid": "books/acm/kim95/Kaiser95", "title": "Cooperative Transactions for Multiuser Environments.", "authors": "Gail E. Kaiser", "misc": "2002-01-03 409-433 1995 Modern Database Systems db/books/collections/kim95.html#Kaiser95" }
+{ "id": 11, "dblpid": "books/acm/kim95/KemperM95", "title": "Physical Object Management.", "authors": "Alfons Kemper Guido Moerkotte", "misc": "2002-01-03 175-202 1995 Modern Database Systems db/books/collections/kim95.html#KemperM95" }
+{ "id": 13, "dblpid": "books/acm/kim95/Kim95a", "title": "Object-Oriented Database Systems Promises, Reality, and Future.", "authors": "Won Kim", "misc": "2002-01-03 255-280 1995 Modern Database Systems db/books/collections/kim95.html#Kim95a" }
+{ "id": 15, "dblpid": "books/acm/kim95/KimCGS95", "title": "On Resolving Schematic Heterogeneity in Multidatabase Systems.", "authors": "Won Kim Injun Choi Sunit K. Gala Mark Scheevel", "misc": "2002-01-03 521-550 1995 Modern Database Systems db/books/collections/kim95.html#KimCGS95" }
+{ "id": 17, "dblpid": "books/acm/kim95/KimK95", "title": "On View Support in Object-Oriented Databases Systems.", "authors": "Won Kim William Kelley", "misc": "2002-01-03 108-129 1995 Modern Database Systems db/books/collections/kim95.html#KimK95" }
+{ "id": 19, "dblpid": "books/acm/kim95/KriegerA95", "title": "C++ Bindings to an Object Database.", "authors": "David Krieger Tim Andrews", "misc": "2002-01-03 89-107 1995 Modern Database Systems db/books/collections/kim95.html#KriegerA95" }
+{ "id": 21, "dblpid": "books/acm/kim95/MengY95", "title": "Query Processing in Multidatabase Systems.", "authors": "Weiyi Meng Clement T. Yu", "misc": "2002-01-03 551-572 1995 Modern Database Systems db/books/collections/kim95.html#MengY95" }
+{ "id": 23, "dblpid": "books/acm/kim95/Omiecinski95", "title": "Parallel Relational Database Systems.", "authors": "Edward Omiecinski", "misc": "2002-01-03 494-512 1995 Modern Database Systems db/books/collections/kim95.html#Omiecinski95" }
+{ "id": 25, "dblpid": "books/acm/kim95/RusinkiewiczS95", "title": "Specification and Execution of Transactional Workflows.", "authors": "Marek Rusinkiewicz Amit P. Sheth", "misc": "2004-03-08 592-620 Modern Database Systems books/acm/Kim95 db/books/collections/kim95.html#RusinkiewiczS95 1995" }
+{ "id": 27, "dblpid": "books/acm/kim95/SametA95", "title": "Spatial Data Models and Query Processing.", "authors": "Hanan Samet Walid G. Aref", "misc": "2002-01-03 338-360 1995 Modern Database Systems db/books/collections/kim95.html#SametA95" }
+{ "id": 29, "dblpid": "books/acm/kim95/Snodgrass95", "title": "Temporal Object-Oriented Databases A Critical Comparison.", "authors": "Richard T. Snodgrass", "misc": "2002-01-03 386-408 1995 Modern Database Systems db/books/collections/kim95.html#Snodgrass95" }
+{ "id": 31, "dblpid": "books/acm/kim95/Stout95", "title": "EDA/SQL.", "authors": "Ralph L. Stout", "misc": "2004-03-08 649-663 Modern Database Systems books/acm/Kim95 db/books/collections/kim95.html#Stout95 1995" }
+{ "id": 33, "dblpid": "books/acm/kim95/BreitbartR95", "title": "Overview of the ADDS System.", "authors": "Yuri Breitbart Tom C. Reyes", "misc": "2009-06-12 683-701 Modern Database Systems books/acm/Kim95 db/books/collections/kim95.html#BreitbartR95 1995" }
+{ "id": 35, "dblpid": "books/ap/MarshallO79", "title": "Inequalities Theory of Majorization and Its Application.", "authors": "Albert W. Marshall Ingram Olkin", "misc": "2002-01-03 Academic Press 1979 0-12-473750-1" }
+{ "id": 37, "dblpid": "books/aw/kimL89/BretlMOPSSWW89", "title": "The GemStone Data Management System.", "authors": "Robert Bretl David Maier Allen Otis D. Jason Penney Bruce Schuchardt Jacob Stein E. Harold Williams Monty Williams", "misc": "2002-01-03 283-308 Object-Oriented Concepts, Databases, and Applications ACM Press and Addison-Wesley 1989 db/books/collections/kim89.html#BretlMOPSSWW89" }
+{ "id": 39, "dblpid": "books/aw/kimL89/Decouchant89", "title": "A Distributed Object Manager for the Smalltalk-80 System.", "authors": "Dominique Decouchant", "misc": "2002-01-03 487-520 1989 Object-Oriented Concepts, Databases, and Applications db/books/collections/kim89.html#Decouchant89" }
+{ "id": 41, "dblpid": "books/aw/kimL89/EllisG89", "title": "Active Objects Ealities and Possibilities.", "authors": "Clarence A. Ellis Simon J. Gibbs", "misc": "2002-01-03 561-572 1989 Object-Oriented Concepts, Databases, and Applications db/books/collections/kim89.html#EllisG89" }
+{ "id": 43, "dblpid": "books/aw/kimL89/KimBCGW89", "title": "Features of the ORION Object-Oriented Database System.", "authors": "Won Kim Nat Ballou Hong-Tai Chou Jorge F. Garza Darrell Woelk", "misc": "2002-01-03 251-282 Object-Oriented Concepts, Databases, and Applications ACM Press and Addison-Wesley 1989 db/books/collections/kim89.html#KimBCGW89" }
+{ "id": 45, "dblpid": "books/aw/kimL89/King89", "title": "My Cat Is Object-Oriented.", "authors": "Roger King", "misc": "2002-01-03 23-30 1989 Object-Oriented Concepts, Databases, and Applications db/books/collections/kim89.html#King89" }
+{ "id": 47, "dblpid": "books/aw/kimL89/MellenderRS89", "authors": "Fred Mellender Steve Riegel Andrew Straw", "misc": "2002-01-03 423-450 1989 Object-Oriented Concepts, Databases, and Applications db/books/collections/kim89.html#MellenderRS89" }
+{ "id": 49, "dblpid": "books/aw/kimL89/Moss89", "title": "Object Orientation as Catalyst for Language-Database Inegration.", "authors": "J. Eliot B. Moss", "misc": "2002-01-03 583-592 1989 Object-Oriented Concepts, Databases, and Applications db/books/collections/kim89.html#Moss89" }
+{ "id": 51, "dblpid": "books/aw/kimL89/NierstraszT89", "title": "Integrated Office Systems.", "authors": "Oscar Nierstrasz Dennis Tsichritzis", "misc": "2002-01-03 199-215 1989 Object-Oriented Concepts, Databases, and Applications db/books/collections/kim89.html#NierstraszT89" }
+{ "id": 53, "dblpid": "books/aw/kimL89/SkarraZ89", "title": "Concurrency Control and Object-Oriented Databases.", "authors": "Andrea H. Skarra Stanley B. Zdonik", "misc": "2002-01-03 395-421 1989 Object-Oriented Concepts, Databases, and Applications db/books/collections/kim89.html#SkarraZ89" }
+{ "id": 55, "dblpid": "books/aw/kimL89/TarltonT89", "title": "Pogo A Declarative Representation System for Graphics.", "authors": "Mark A. Tarlton P. Nong Tarlton", "misc": "2002-01-03 151-176 1989 Object-Oriented Concepts, Databases, and Applications db/books/collections/kim89.html#TarltonT89" }
+{ "id": 57, "dblpid": "books/aw/kimL89/TsichritzisN89", "title": "Directions in Object-Oriented Research.", "authors": "Dennis Tsichritzis Oscar Nierstrasz", "misc": "2002-01-03 523-536 1989 Object-Oriented Concepts, Databases, and Applications db/books/collections/kim89.html#TsichritzisN89" }
+{ "id": 59, "dblpid": "books/aw/kimL89/WeiserL89", "title": "OZ+ An Object-Oriented Database System.", "authors": "Stephen P. Weiser Frederick H. Lochovsky", "misc": "2002-01-03 309-337 1989 Object-Oriented Concepts, Databases, and Applications db/books/collections/kim89.html#WeiserL89" }
+{ "id": 61, "dblpid": "books/aw/stonebraker86/Stonebraker86", "title": "Design of Relational Systems (Introduction to Section 1).", "authors": "Michael Stonebraker", "misc": "2002-01-03 1-3 1986 The INGRES Papers db/books/collections/Stonebraker86.html#Stonebraker86 db/books/collections/Stonebraker86/Stonebraker86.html ingres/P001.pdf" }
+{ "id": 63, "dblpid": "books/aw/stonebraker86/Stonebraker86b", "title": "Distributed Database Systems (Introduction to Section 3).", "authors": "Michael Stonebraker", "misc": "2002-01-03 183-186 1986 The INGRES Papers db/books/collections/Stonebraker86.html#Stonebraker86b db/books/collections/Stonebraker86/Stonebraker86b.html ingres/P183.pdf" }
+{ "id": 65, "dblpid": "books/aw/stonebraker86/Stonebraker86d", "title": "User Interfaces for Database Systems (Introduction to Section 4).", "authors": "Michael Stonebraker", "misc": "2002-01-03 243-245 1986 The INGRES Papers db/books/collections/Stonebraker86.html#Stonebraker86d db/books/collections/Stonebraker86/Stonebraker86d.html ingres/P243.pdf" }
+{ "id": 67, "dblpid": "books/aw/stonebraker86/Stonebraker86f", "authors": "Michael Stonebraker", "misc": "2002-01-03 393-394 1986 The INGRES Papers db/books/collections/Stonebraker86.html#Stonebraker86f db/books/collections/Stonebraker86/Stonebraker86f.html ingres/P393.pdf" }
+{ "id": 69, "dblpid": "books/aw/stonebraker86/X86a", "title": "References.", "authors": "", "misc": "2002-01-03 429-444 1986 The INGRES Papers db/books/collections/Stonebraker86.html#X86a db/books/collections/Stonebraker86/X86a.html ingres/P429.pdf" }
+{ "id": 71, "dblpid": "books/aw/AbiteboulHV95", "title": "Foundations of Databases.", "authors": "Serge Abiteboul Richard Hull Victor Vianu", "misc": "2002-01-03 Addison-Wesley 1995 0-201-53771-0 AHV/Toc.pdf ... ... journals/tods/AstrahanBCEGGKLMMPTWW76 books/bc/AtzeniA93 journals/tcs/AtzeniABM82 journals/jcss/AbiteboulB86 journals/csur/AtkinsonB87 conf/pods/AtzeniB87 journals/vldb/AbiteboulB95 conf/sigmod/AbiteboulB91 conf/dood/AtkinsonBDDMZ89 conf/vldb/AlbanoBGO93 ... conf/icdt/Abiteboul88 journals/ipl/Abiteboul89 conf/ds/Abrial74 journals/tods/AhoBU79 books/mk/minker88/AptBW88 conf/vldb/AroraC78 conf/stoc/AfratiC89 journals/tods/AlbanoCO85 conf/pods/AfratiCY91 conf/pods/AusielloDM85 conf/vldb/AbiteboulG85 journals/jacm/AjtaiG87 conf/focs/AjtaiG89 journals/tods/AbiteboulG91 ... ... journals/tods/AbiteboulH87 conf/sigmod/AbiteboulH88 ... conf/sigmod/AbiteboulK89 journals/tcs/AbiteboulKG91 journals/jcss/AbiteboulKRW95 conf/sigmod/AbiteboulLUW93 conf/pods/AtzeniP82 conf/pods/AfratiP87 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+{ "id": 79, "dblpid": "books/aw/AhoSU86", "title": "Compilers Princiles, Techniques, and Tools.", "authors": "Alfred V. Aho Ravi Sethi Jeffrey D. Ullman", "misc": "2002-01-03 Addison-Wesley 1986 0-201-10088-6" }
+{ "id": 81, "dblpid": "journals/siamcomp/AspnesW96", "authors": "James Aspnes Orli Waarts", "misc": "2002-01-03 1024-1044 1996 25 SIAM J. Comput. 5 db/journals/siamcomp/siamcomp25.html#AspnesW96" }
+{ "id": 83, "dblpid": "journals/siamcomp/Bloniarz83", "title": "A Shortest-Path Algorithm with Expected Time O(n² log n log* n).", "authors": "Peter A. Bloniarz", "misc": "2002-01-03 588-600 1983 12 SIAM J. Comput. 3 db/journals/siamcomp/siamcomp12.html#Bloniarz83" }
+{ "id": 85, "dblpid": "journals/siamcomp/Megiddo83a", "title": "Linear-Time Algorithms for Linear Programming in R³ and Related Problems.", "authors": "Nimrod Megiddo", "misc": "2002-01-03 759-776 1983 12 SIAM J. Comput. 4 db/journals/siamcomp/siamcomp12.html#Megiddo83a" }
+{ "id": 87, "dblpid": "journals/siamcomp/MoffatT87", "title": "An All Pairs Shortest Path Algorithm with Expected Time O(n² log n).", "authors": "Alistair Moffat Tadao Takaoka", "misc": "2002-01-03 1023-1031 1987 16 SIAM J. Comput. 6 db/journals/siamcomp/siamcomp16.html#MoffatT87" }
+{ "id": 89, "dblpid": "conf/icip/SchonfeldL98", "title": "VORTEX Video Retrieval and Tracking from Compressed Multimedia Databases.", "authors": "Dan Schonfeld Dan Lelescu", "misc": "2002-11-05 123-127 1998 ICIP (3) db/conf/icip/icip1998-3.html#SchonfeldL98" }
+{ "id": 91, "dblpid": "journals/corr/abs-0802-2861", "title": "Geometric Set Cover and Hitting Sets for Polytopes in $R^3$", "authors": "Sören Laue", "misc": "2008-03-03 http // 2008 CoRR abs/0802.2861 db/journals/corr/corr0802.html#abs-0802-2861 informal publication" }
+{ "id": 93, "dblpid": "journals/iandc/IbarraJCR91", "authors": "Oscar H. Ibarra Tao Jiang Jik H. Chang Bala Ravikumar", "misc": "2006-04-25 86-106 Inf. Comput. January 1991 90 1 db/journals/iandc/iandc90.html#IbarraJCR91" }
+{ "id": 95, "dblpid": "journals/jacm/GalilHLSW87", "title": "An O(n³log n) deterministic and an O(n³) Las Vegs isomorphism test for trivalent graphs.", "authors": "Zvi Galil Christoph M. Hoffmann Eugene M. Luks Claus-Peter Schnorr Andreas Weber", "misc": "2003-11-20 513-531 1987 34 J. ACM 3 http // db/journals/jacm/jacm34.html#GalilHLSW87" }
+{ "id": 97, "dblpid": "journals/jacm/GalilT88", "title": "An O(n²(m + n log n)log n) min-cost flow algorithm.", "authors": "Zvi Galil Éva Tardos", "misc": "2003-11-20 374-386 1988 35 J. ACM 2 http // db/journals/jacm/jacm35.html#GalilT88" }
+{ "id": 99, "dblpid": "series/synthesis/2009Weintraub", "title": "Jordan Canonical Form Theory and Practice", "authors": "Steven H. Weintraub", "misc": "2009-09-06 Jordan Canonical Form Theory and Practice http // http // 2009 Synthesis Lectures on Mathematics & Statistics Morgan & Claypool Publishers" }
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new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/asterix-app/data/empty.adm
diff --git a/asterix-app/data/events/tiny/event.adm b/asterix-app/data/events/tiny/event.adm
index 21fd7e7..5e9d4b3 100644
--- a/asterix-app/data/events/tiny/event.adm
+++ b/asterix-app/data/events/tiny/event.adm
@@ -5,8 +5,8 @@
"sponsoring_sigs": [ { "sig_id": 14, "chapter_name": "San Clemente" },
{ "sig_id": 14, "chapter_name": "Laguna Beach" } ],
"interest_keywords": {{ "art", "landscape", "nature", "vernissage" }},
- "start_time": datetime( "2011-02-23T18:00:00:000-08:00" ),
- "end_time": datetime( "2011-02-23T21:00:00:000-08:00" )
+ "start_time": datetime( "2011-02-23T18:00:00.000-08:00" ),
+ "end_time": datetime( "2011-02-23T21:00:00.000-08:00" )
"event_id": 941,
@@ -16,8 +16,8 @@
"sponsoring_sigs": [ { "sig_id": 31, "chapter_name": "Huntington Beach" } ],
"interest_keywords": {{ "scuba", "diving", "aquatics" }},
"price": 40.00,
- "start_time": datetime( "2010-10-16T09:00:00:000-08:00" ),
- "end_time": datetime( "2010-10-16T12:00:00:000-08:00" )
+ "start_time": datetime( "2010-10-16T09:00:00.000-08:00" ),
+ "end_time": datetime( "2010-10-16T12:00:00.000-08:00" )
"event_id": 1042,
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
"sponsoring_sigs": [ { "sig_id": 14, "chapter_name": "Laguna Beach" } ],
"interest_keywords": {{ "architecture", "photography" }},
"price": 10.00,
- "start_time": datetime( "2011-02-23T17:00:00:000-08:00" ),
- "end_time": datetime( "2011-02-23T19:00:00:000-08:00" )
+ "start_time": datetime( "2011-02-23T17:00:00.000-08:00" ),
+ "end_time": datetime( "2011-02-23T19:00:00.000-08:00" )
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/asterix-app/data/fn-ln.adm b/asterix-app/data/fn-ln.adm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7387288
--- /dev/null
+++ b/asterix-app/data/fn-ln.adm
@@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
+Young Seok|Kim
+Khurram Faraaz|Mohammed
diff --git a/asterix-app/data/hdfs/asterix_info.txt b/asterix-app/data/hdfs/asterix_info.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a9a5596
--- /dev/null
+++ b/asterix-app/data/hdfs/asterix_info.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+The ASTERIX project is developing new technologies for ingesting, storing, managing, indexing, querying, analyzing, and subscribing to vast quantities of semi-structured information.
+The project is combining ideas from three distinct areas semi-structured data, parallel databases, and data-intensive computing to create a next-generation, open source software platform that scales by running on large, shared-nothing commodity computing clusters.
+ASTERIX targets a wide range of semi-structured information, ranging from data use cases where information is well-tagged and highly regular to content use cases where data is irregular and much of each datum is textual.
+ASTERIX is taking an open stance on data formats and addressing research issues including highly scalable data storage and indexing, semi-structured query processing on very large clusters, and merging parallel database techniques with todays data-intensive computing techniques to support performant yet declarative solutions to the problem of analyzing semi-structured information.
diff --git a/asterix-app/data/hdfs/large_text b/asterix-app/data/hdfs/large_text
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..31a394d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/asterix-app/data/hdfs/large_text
@@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
+The ASTERIX project is developing new technologies for ingesting, storing, managing, indexing, querying, analyzing, and subscribing to vast quantities of semi-structured information.
+The project is combining ideas from three distinct areas semi-structured data, parallel databases, and data-intensive computing to create a next-generation, open source software platform that scales by running on large, shared-nothing commodity computing clusters.
+ASTERIX targets a wide range of semi-structured information, ranging from data use cases where information is well-tagged and highly regular to content use cases where data is irregular and much of each datum is textual.
+ASTERIX is taking an open stance on data formats and addressing research issues including highly scalable data storage and indexing, semi-structured query processing on very large clusters, and merging parallel database techniques with todays data-intensive computing techniques to support performant yet declarative solutions to the problem of analyzing semi-structured information.
+The ASTERIX project is developing new technologies for ingesting, storing, managing, indexing, querying, analyzing, and subscribing to vast quantities of semi-structured information.
+The project is combining ideas from three distinct areas semi-structured data, parallel databases, and data-intensive computing to create a next-generation, open source software platform that scales by running on large, shared-nothing commodity computing clusters.
+ASTERIX targets a wide range of semi-structured information, ranging from data use cases where information is well-tagged and highly regular to content use cases where data is irregular and much of each datum is textual.
+ASTERIX is taking an open stance on data formats and addressing research issues including highly scalable data storage and indexing, semi-structured query processing on very large clusters, and merging parallel database techniques with todays data-intensive computing techniques to support performant yet declarative solutions to the problem of analyzing semi-structured information.
+The ASTERIX project is developing new technologies for ingesting, storing, managing, indexing, querying, analyzing, and subscribing to vast quantities of semi-structured information.
+The project is combining ideas from three distinct areas semi-structured data, parallel databases, and data-intensive computing to create a next-generation, open source software platform that scales by running on large, shared-nothing commodity computing clusters.
+ASTERIX targets a wide range of semi-structured information, ranging from data use cases where information is well-tagged and highly regular to content use cases where data is irregular and much of each datum is textual.
+ASTERIX is taking an open stance on data formats and addressing research issues including highly scalable data storage and indexing, semi-structured query processing on very large clusters, and merging parallel database techniques with todays data-intensive computing techniques to support performant yet declarative solutions to the problem of analyzing semi-structured information.
+The ASTERIX project is developing new technologies for ingesting, storing, managing, indexing, querying, analyzing, and subscribing to vast quantities of semi-structured information.
+The project is combining ideas from three distinct areas semi-structured data, parallel databases, and data-intensive computing to create a next-generation, open source software platform that scales by running on large, shared-nothing commodity computing clusters.
+ASTERIX targets a wide range of semi-structured information, ranging from data use cases where information is well-tagged and highly regular to content use cases where data is irregular and much of each datum is textual.
+ASTERIX is taking an open stance on data formats and addressing research issues including highly scalable data storage and indexing, semi-structured query processing on very large clusters, and merging parallel database techniques with todays data-intensive computing techniques to support performant yet declarative solutions to the problem of analyzing semi-structured information.
+The ASTERIX project is developing new technologies for ingesting, storing, managing, indexing, querying, analyzing, and subscribing to vast quantities of semi-structured information.
+The project is combining ideas from three distinct areas semi-structured data, parallel databases, and data-intensive computing to create a next-generation, open source software platform that scales by running on large, shared-nothing commodity computing clusters.
+ASTERIX targets a wide range of semi-structured information, ranging from data use cases where information is well-tagged and highly regular to content use cases where data is irregular and much of each datum is textual.
+ASTERIX is taking an open stance on data formats and addressing research issues including highly scalable data storage and indexing, semi-structured query processing on very large clusters, and merging parallel database techniques with todays data-intensive computing techniques to support performant yet declarative solutions to the problem of analyzing semi-structured information.
+The ASTERIX project is developing new technologies for ingesting, storing, managing, indexing, querying, analyzing, and subscribing to vast quantities of semi-structured information.
+The project is combining ideas from three distinct areas semi-structured data, parallel databases, and data-intensive computing to create a next-generation, open source software platform that scales by running on large, shared-nothing commodity computing clusters.
+ASTERIX targets a wide range of semi-structured information, ranging from data use cases where information is well-tagged and highly regular to content use cases where data is irregular and much of each datum is textual.
+ASTERIX is taking an open stance on data formats and addressing research issues including highly scalable data storage and indexing, semi-structured query processing on very large clusters, and merging parallel database techniques with todays data-intensive computing techniques to support performant yet declarative solutions to the problem of analyzing semi-structured information.
+The ASTERIX project is developing new technologies for ingesting, storing, managing, indexing, querying, analyzing, and subscribing to vast quantities of semi-structured information.
+The project is combining ideas from three distinct areas semi-structured data, parallel databases, and data-intensive computing to create a next-generation, open source software platform that scales by running on large, shared-nothing commodity computing clusters.
+ASTERIX targets a wide range of semi-structured information, ranging from data use cases where information is well-tagged and highly regular to content use cases where data is irregular and much of each datum is textual.
+ASTERIX is taking an open stance on data formats and addressing research issues including highly scalable data storage and indexing, semi-structured query processing on very large clusters, and merging parallel database techniques with todays data-intensive computing techniques to support performant yet declarative solutions to the problem of analyzing semi-structured information.
+The ASTERIX project is developing new technologies for ingesting, storing, managing, indexing, querying, analyzing, and subscribing to vast quantities of semi-structured information.
+The project is combining ideas from three distinct areas semi-structured data, parallel databases, and data-intensive computing to create a next-generation, open source software platform that scales by running on large, shared-nothing commodity computing clusters.
+ASTERIX targets a wide range of semi-structured information, ranging from data use cases where information is well-tagged and highly regular to content use cases where data is irregular and much of each datum is textual.
+ASTERIX is taking an open stance on data formats and addressing research issues including highly scalable data storage and indexing, semi-structured query processing on very large clusters, and merging parallel database techniques with todays data-intensive computing techniques to support performant yet declarative solutions to the problem of analyzing semi-structured information.
+The ASTERIX project is developing new technologies for ingesting, storing, managing, indexing, querying, analyzing, and subscribing to vast quantities of semi-structured information.
+The project is combining ideas from three distinct areas semi-structured data, parallel databases, and data-intensive computing to create a next-generation, open source software platform that scales by running on large, shared-nothing commodity computing clusters.
+ASTERIX targets a wide range of semi-structured information, ranging from data use cases where information is well-tagged and highly regular to content use cases where data is irregular and much of each datum is textual.
+ASTERIX is taking an open stance on data formats and addressing research issues including highly scalable data storage and indexing, semi-structured query processing on very large clusters, and merging parallel database techniques with todays data-intensive computing techniques to support performant yet declarative solutions to the problem of analyzing semi-structured information.
+The ASTERIX project is developing new technologies for ingesting, storing, managing, indexing, querying, analyzing, and subscribing to vast quantities of semi-structured information.
+The project is combining ideas from three distinct areas semi-structured data, parallel databases, and data-intensive computing to create a next-generation, open source software platform that scales by running on large, shared-nothing commodity computing clusters.
+ASTERIX targets a wide range of semi-structured information, ranging from data use cases where information is well-tagged and highly regular to content use cases where data is irregular and much of each datum is textual.
+ASTERIX is taking an open stance on data formats and addressing research issues including highly scalable data storage and indexing, semi-structured query processing on very large clusters, and merging parallel database techniques with todays data-intensive computing techniques to support performant yet declarative solutions to the problem of analyzing semi-structured information.
+The ASTERIX project is developing new technologies for ingesting, storing, managing, indexing, querying, analyzing, and subscribing to vast quantities of semi-structured information.
+The project is combining ideas from three distinct areas semi-structured data, parallel databases, and data-intensive computing to create a next-generation, open source software platform that scales by running on large, shared-nothing commodity computing clusters.
+ASTERIX targets a wide range of semi-structured information, ranging from data use cases where information is well-tagged and highly regular to content use cases where data is irregular and much of each datum is textual.
+ASTERIX is taking an open stance on data formats and addressing research issues including highly scalable data storage and indexing, semi-structured query processing on very large clusters, and merging parallel database techniques with todays data-intensive computing techniques to support performant yet declarative solutions to the problem of analyzing semi-structured information.
+The ASTERIX project is developing new technologies for ingesting, storing, managing, indexing, querying, analyzing, and subscribing to vast quantities of semi-structured information.
+The project is combining ideas from three distinct areas semi-structured data, parallel databases, and data-intensive computing to create a next-generation, open source software platform that scales by running on large, shared-nothing commodity computing clusters.
+ASTERIX targets a wide range of semi-structured information, ranging from data use cases where information is well-tagged and highly regular to content use cases where data is irregular and much of each datum is textual.
+ASTERIX is taking an open stance on data formats and addressing research issues including highly scalable data storage and indexing, semi-structured query processing on very large clusters, and merging parallel database techniques with todays data-intensive computing techniques to support performant yet declarative solutions to the problem of analyzing semi-structured information.
+The ASTERIX project is developing new technologies for ingesting, storing, managing, indexing, querying, analyzing, and subscribing to vast quantities of semi-structured information.
+The project is combining ideas from three distinct areas semi-structured data, parallel databases, and data-intensive computing to create a next-generation, open source software platform that scales by running on large, shared-nothing commodity computing clusters.
+ASTERIX targets a wide range of semi-structured information, ranging from data use cases where information is well-tagged and highly regular to content use cases where data is irregular and much of each datum is textual.
+ASTERIX is taking an open stance on data formats and addressing research issues including highly scalable data storage and indexing, semi-structured query processing on very large clusters, and merging parallel database techniques with todays data-intensive computing techniques to support performant yet declarative solutions to the problem of analyzing semi-structured information.
+The ASTERIX project is developing new technologies for ingesting, storing, managing, indexing, querying, analyzing, and subscribing to vast quantities of semi-structured information.
+The project is combining ideas from three distinct areas semi-structured data, parallel databases, and data-intensive computing to create a next-generation, open source software platform that scales by running on large, shared-nothing commodity computing clusters.
+ASTERIX targets a wide range of semi-structured information, ranging from data use cases where information is well-tagged and highly regular to content use cases where data is irregular and much of each datum is textual.
+ASTERIX is taking an open stance on data formats and addressing research issues including highly scalable data storage and indexing, semi-structured query processing on very large clusters, and merging parallel database techniques with todays data-intensive computing techniques to support performant yet declarative solutions to the problem of analyzing semi-structured information.
+The ASTERIX project is developing new technologies for ingesting, storing, managing, indexing, querying, analyzing, and subscribing to vast quantities of semi-structured information.
+The project is combining ideas from three distinct areas semi-structured data, parallel databases, and data-intensive computing to create a next-generation, open source software platform that scales by running on large, shared-nothing commodity computing clusters.
+ASTERIX targets a wide range of semi-structured information, ranging from data use cases where information is well-tagged and highly regular to content use cases where data is irregular and much of each datum is textual.
+ASTERIX is taking an open stance on data formats and addressing research issues including highly scalable data storage and indexing, semi-structured query processing on very large clusters, and merging parallel database techniques with todays data-intensive computing techniques to support performant yet declarative solutions to the problem of analyzing semi-structured information.
+The ASTERIX project is developing new technologies for ingesting, storing, managing, indexing, querying, analyzing, and subscribing to vast quantities of semi-structured information.
+The project is combining ideas from three distinct areas semi-structured data, parallel databases, and data-intensive computing to create a next-generation, open source software platform that scales by running on large, shared-nothing commodity computing clusters.
+ASTERIX targets a wide range of semi-structured information, ranging from data use cases where information is well-tagged and highly regular to content use cases where data is irregular and much of each datum is textual.
+ASTERIX is taking an open stance on data formats and addressing research issues including highly scalable data storage and indexing, semi-structured query processing on very large clusters, and merging parallel database techniques with todays data-intensive computing techniques to support performant yet declarative solutions to the problem of analyzing semi-structured information.
+The ASTERIX project is developing new technologies for ingesting, storing, managing, indexing, querying, analyzing, and subscribing to vast quantities of semi-structured information.
+The project is combining ideas from three distinct areas semi-structured data, parallel databases, and data-intensive computing to create a next-generation, open source software platform that scales by running on large, shared-nothing commodity computing clusters.
+ASTERIX targets a wide range of semi-structured information, ranging from data use cases where information is well-tagged and highly regular to content use cases where data is irregular and much of each datum is textual.
+ASTERIX is taking an open stance on data formats and addressing research issues including highly scalable data storage and indexing, semi-structured query processing on very large clusters, and merging parallel database techniques with todays data-intensive computing techniques to support performant yet declarative solutions to the problem of analyzing semi-structured information.
+The ASTERIX project is developing new technologies for ingesting, storing, managing, indexing, querying, analyzing, and subscribing to vast quantities of semi-structured information.
+The project is combining ideas from three distinct areas semi-structured data, parallel databases, and data-intensive computing to create a next-generation, open source software platform that scales by running on large, shared-nothing commodity computing clusters.
+ASTERIX targets a wide range of semi-structured information, ranging from data use cases where information is well-tagged and highly regular to content use cases where data is irregular and much of each datum is textual.
+ASTERIX is taking an open stance on data formats and addressing research issues including highly scalable data storage and indexing, semi-structured query processing on very large clusters, and merging parallel database techniques with todays data-intensive computing techniques to support performant yet declarative solutions to the problem of analyzing semi-structured information.
+The ASTERIX project is developing new technologies for ingesting, storing, managing, indexing, querying, analyzing, and subscribing to vast quantities of semi-structured information.
+The project is combining ideas from three distinct areas semi-structured data, parallel databases, and data-intensive computing to create a next-generation, open source software platform that scales by running on large, shared-nothing commodity computing clusters.
+ASTERIX targets a wide range of semi-structured information, ranging from data use cases where information is well-tagged and highly regular to content use cases where data is irregular and much of each datum is textual.
+ASTERIX is taking an open stance on data formats and addressing research issues including highly scalable data storage and indexing, semi-structured query processing on very large clusters, and merging parallel database techniques with todays data-intensive computing techniques to support performant yet declarative solutions to the problem of analyzing semi-structured information.
+The ASTERIX project is developing new technologies for ingesting, storing, managing, indexing, querying, analyzing, and subscribing to vast quantities of semi-structured information.
+The project is combining ideas from three distinct areas semi-structured data, parallel databases, and data-intensive computing to create a next-generation, open source software platform that scales by running on large, shared-nothing commodity computing clusters.
+ASTERIX targets a wide range of semi-structured information, ranging from data use cases where information is well-tagged and highly regular to content use cases where data is irregular and much of each datum is textual.
+ASTERIX is taking an open stance on data formats and addressing research issues including highly scalable data storage and indexing, semi-structured query processing on very large clusters, and merging parallel database techniques with todays data-intensive computing techniques to support performant yet declarative solutions to the problem of analyzing semi-structured information.
+The ASTERIX project is developing new technologies for ingesting, storing, managing, indexing, querying, analyzing, and subscribing to vast quantities of semi-structured information.
+The project is combining ideas from three distinct areas semi-structured data, parallel databases, and data-intensive computing to create a next-generation, open source software platform that scales by running on large, shared-nothing commodity computing clusters.
+ASTERIX targets a wide range of semi-structured information, ranging from data use cases where information is well-tagged and highly regular to content use cases where data is irregular and much of each datum is textual.
+ASTERIX is taking an open stance on data formats and addressing research issues including highly scalable data storage and indexing, semi-structured query processing on very large clusters, and merging parallel database techniques with todays data-intensive computing techniques to support performant yet declarative solutions to the problem of analyzing semi-structured information.
+The ASTERIX project is developing new technologies for ingesting, storing, managing, indexing, querying, analyzing, and subscribing to vast quantities of semi-structured information.
+The project is combining ideas from three distinct areas semi-structured data, parallel databases, and data-intensive computing to create a next-generation, open source software platform that scales by running on large, shared-nothing commodity computing clusters.
+ASTERIX targets a wide range of semi-structured information, ranging from data use cases where information is well-tagged and highly regular to content use cases where data is irregular and much of each datum is textual.
+ASTERIX is taking an open stance on data formats and addressing research issues including highly scalable data storage and indexing, semi-structured query processing on very large clusters, and merging parallel database techniques with todays data-intensive computing techniques to support performant yet declarative solutions to the problem of analyzing semi-structured information.
+The ASTERIX project is developing new technologies for ingesting, storing, managing, indexing, querying, analyzing, and subscribing to vast quantities of semi-structured information.
+The project is combining ideas from three distinct areas semi-structured data, parallel databases, and data-intensive computing to create a next-generation, open source software platform that scales by running on large, shared-nothing commodity computing clusters.
+ASTERIX targets a wide range of semi-structured information, ranging from data use cases where information is well-tagged and highly regular to content use cases where data is irregular and much of each datum is textual.
+ASTERIX is taking an open stance on data formats and addressing research issues including highly scalable data storage and indexing, semi-structured query processing on very large clusters, and merging parallel database techniques with todays data-intensive computing techniques to support performant yet declarative solutions to the problem of analyzing semi-structured information.
+The ASTERIX project is developing new technologies for ingesting, storing, managing, indexing, querying, analyzing, and subscribing to vast quantities of semi-structured information.
+The project is combining ideas from three distinct areas semi-structured data, parallel databases, and data-intensive computing to create a next-generation, open source software platform that scales by running on large, shared-nothing commodity computing clusters.
+ASTERIX targets a wide range of semi-structured information, ranging from data use cases where information is well-tagged and highly regular to content use cases where data is irregular and much of each datum is textual.
+ASTERIX is taking an open stance on data formats and addressing research issues including highly scalable data storage and indexing, semi-structured query processing on very large clusters, and merging parallel database techniques with todays data-intensive computing techniques to support performant yet declarative solutions to the problem of analyzing semi-structured information.
+The ASTERIX project is developing new technologies for ingesting, storing, managing, indexing, querying, analyzing, and subscribing to vast quantities of semi-structured information.
+The project is combining ideas from three distinct areas semi-structured data, parallel databases, and data-intensive computing to create a next-generation, open source software platform that scales by running on large, shared-nothing commodity computing clusters.
+ASTERIX targets a wide range of semi-structured information, ranging from data use cases where information is well-tagged and highly regular to content use cases where data is irregular and much of each datum is textual.
+ASTERIX is taking an open stance on data formats and addressing research issues including highly scalable data storage and indexing, semi-structured query processing on very large clusters, and merging parallel database techniques with todays data-intensive computing techniques to support performant yet declarative solutions to the problem of analyzing semi-structured information.
+The ASTERIX project is developing new technologies for ingesting, storing, managing, indexing, querying, analyzing, and subscribing to vast quantities of semi-structured information.
+The project is combining ideas from three distinct areas semi-structured data, parallel databases, and data-intensive computing to create a next-generation, open source software platform that scales by running on large, shared-nothing commodity computing clusters.
+ASTERIX targets a wide range of semi-structured information, ranging from data use cases where information is well-tagged and highly regular to content use cases where data is irregular and much of each datum is textual.
+ASTERIX is taking an open stance on data formats and addressing research issues including highly scalable data storage and indexing, semi-structured query processing on very large clusters, and merging parallel database techniques with todays data-intensive computing techniques to support performant yet declarative solutions to the problem of analyzing semi-structured information.
+The ASTERIX project is developing new technologies for ingesting, storing, managing, indexing, querying, analyzing, and subscribing to vast quantities of semi-structured information.
+The project is combining ideas from three distinct areas semi-structured data, parallel databases, and data-intensive computing to create a next-generation, open source software platform that scales by running on large, shared-nothing commodity computing clusters.
+ASTERIX targets a wide range of semi-structured information, ranging from data use cases where information is well-tagged and highly regular to content use cases where data is irregular and much of each datum is textual.
+ASTERIX is taking an open stance on data formats and addressing research issues including highly scalable data storage and indexing, semi-structured query processing on very large clusters, and merging parallel database techniques with todays data-intensive computing techniques to support performant yet declarative solutions to the problem of analyzing semi-structured information.
+The ASTERIX project is developing new technologies for ingesting, storing, managing, indexing, querying, analyzing, and subscribing to vast quantities of semi-structured information.
+The project is combining ideas from three distinct areas semi-structured data, parallel databases, and data-intensive computing to create a next-generation, open source software platform that scales by running on large, shared-nothing commodity computing clusters.
+ASTERIX targets a wide range of semi-structured information, ranging from data use cases where information is well-tagged and highly regular to content use cases where data is irregular and much of each datum is textual.
+ASTERIX is taking an open stance on data formats and addressing research issues including highly scalable data storage and indexing, semi-structured query processing on very large clusters, and merging parallel database techniques with todays data-intensive computing techniques to support performant yet declarative solutions to the problem of analyzing semi-structured information.
+The ASTERIX project is developing new technologies for ingesting, storing, managing, indexing, querying, analyzing, and subscribing to vast quantities of semi-structured information.
+The project is combining ideas from three distinct areas semi-structured data, parallel databases, and data-intensive computing to create a next-generation, open source software platform that scales by running on large, shared-nothing commodity computing clusters.
+ASTERIX targets a wide range of semi-structured information, ranging from data use cases where information is well-tagged and highly regular to content use cases where data is irregular and much of each datum is textual.
+ASTERIX is taking an open stance on data formats and addressing research issues including highly scalable data storage and indexing, semi-structured query processing on very large clusters, and merging parallel database techniques with todays data-intensive computing techniques to support performant yet declarative solutions to the problem of analyzing semi-structured information.
+The ASTERIX project is developing new technologies for ingesting, storing, managing, indexing, querying, analyzing, and subscribing to vast quantities of semi-structured information.
+The project is combining ideas from three distinct areas semi-structured data, parallel databases, and data-intensive computing to create a next-generation, open source software platform that scales by running on large, shared-nothing commodity computing clusters.
+ASTERIX targets a wide range of semi-structured information, ranging from data use cases where information is well-tagged and highly regular to content use cases where data is irregular and much of each datum is textual.
+ASTERIX is taking an open stance on data formats and addressing research issues including highly scalable data storage and indexing, semi-structured query processing on very large clusters, and merging parallel database techniques with todays data-intensive computing techniques to support performant yet declarative solutions to the problem of analyzing semi-structured information.
+The ASTERIX project is developing new technologies for ingesting, storing, managing, indexing, querying, analyzing, and subscribing to vast quantities of semi-structured information.
+The project is combining ideas from three distinct areas semi-structured data, parallel databases, and data-intensive computing to create a next-generation, open source software platform that scales by running on large, shared-nothing commodity computing clusters.
+ASTERIX targets a wide range of semi-structured information, ranging from data use cases where information is well-tagged and highly regular to content use cases where data is irregular and much of each datum is textual.
+ASTERIX is taking an open stance on data formats and addressing research issues including highly scalable data storage and indexing, semi-structured query processing on very large clusters, and merging parallel database techniques with todays data-intensive computing techniques to support performant yet declarative solutions to the problem of analyzing semi-structured information.
+The ASTERIX project is developing new technologies for ingesting, storing, managing, indexing, querying, analyzing, and subscribing to vast quantities of semi-structured information.
+The project is combining ideas from three distinct areas semi-structured data, parallel databases, and data-intensive computing to create a next-generation, open source software platform that scales by running on large, shared-nothing commodity computing clusters.
+ASTERIX targets a wide range of semi-structured information, ranging from data use cases where information is well-tagged and highly regular to content use cases where data is irregular and much of each datum is textual.
+ASTERIX is taking an open stance on data formats and addressing research issues including highly scalable data storage and indexing, semi-structured query processing on very large clusters, and merging parallel database techniques with todays data-intensive computing techniques to support performant yet declarative solutions to the problem of analyzing semi-structured information.
+The ASTERIX project is developing new technologies for ingesting, storing, managing, indexing, querying, analyzing, and subscribing to vast quantities of semi-structured information.
+The project is combining ideas from three distinct areas semi-structured data, parallel databases, and data-intensive computing to create a next-generation, open source software platform that scales by running on large, shared-nothing commodity computing clusters.
+ASTERIX targets a wide range of semi-structured information, ranging from data use cases where information is well-tagged and highly regular to content use cases where data is irregular and much of each datum is textual.
+ASTERIX is taking an open stance on data formats and addressing research issues including highly scalable data storage and indexing, semi-structured query processing on very large clusters, and merging parallel database techniques with todays data-intensive computing techniques to support performant yet declarative solutions to the problem of analyzing semi-structured information.
+The ASTERIX project is developing new technologies for ingesting, storing, managing, indexing, querying, analyzing, and subscribing to vast quantities of semi-structured information.
+The project is combining ideas from three distinct areas semi-structured data, parallel databases, and data-intensive computing to create a next-generation, open source software platform that scales by running on large, shared-nothing commodity computing clusters.
+ASTERIX targets a wide range of semi-structured information, ranging from data use cases where information is well-tagged and highly regular to content use cases where data is irregular and much of each datum is textual.
+ASTERIX is taking an open stance on data formats and addressing research issues including highly scalable data storage and indexing, semi-structured query processing on very large clusters, and merging parallel database techniques with todays data-intensive computing techniques to support performant yet declarative solutions to the problem of analyzing semi-structured information.
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2567483
--- /dev/null
+++ b/asterix-app/data/hdfs/obamatweets.adm
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+{ "id": "nc1:1", "username": "BronsonMike", "location": "", "text": "@GottaLaff @reutersus Christie and obama just foul weather friends", "timestamp": "Thu Dec 06 16:53:06 PST 2012" }
+{ "id": "nc1:100", "username": "KidrauhlProuds", "location": "", "text": "RT @01Direclieber: A filha do Michael Jackson uma Belieber,a filha do Eminem e uma Belieber,as filhas de Obama sao Beliebers, e a filha do meu pai e Belieber", "timestamp": "Thu Dec 06 16:53:16 PST 2012" }
+{ "id": "nc1:102", "username": "jaysauce82", "location": "", "text": "Not voting for President Obama #BadDecision", "timestamp": "Thu Dec 06 16:53:16 PST 2012" }
+{ "id": "nc1:104", "username": "princeofsupras", "location": "", "text": "RT @01Direclieber: A filha do Michael Jackson e uma Belieber,a filha do Eminem e uma Belieber,as filhas de Obama sao Beliebers, e a filha do meu pai e Belieber", "timestamp": "Thu Dec 06 16:53:15 PST 2012" }
+{ "id": "nc1:106", "username": "GulfDogs", "location": "", "text": "Obama Admin Knew Libyan Terrorists Had US-Provided Weaponsteaparty #tcot #ccot #NewGuards #BreitbartArmy #patriotwttp://", "timestamp": "Thu Dec 06 16:53:14 PST 2012" }
+{ "id": "nc1:108", "username": "Laugzpz", "location": "", "text": "@AlfredoJalife Maestro Obama se hace de la vista gorda, es un acuerdo de siempre creo yo.", "timestamp": "Thu Dec 06 16:53:14 PST 2012" }
+{ "id": "nc1:11", "username": "magarika", "location": "", "text": "RT @ken24xavier: Obama tells SOROS - our plan is ALMOST finished", "timestamp": "Thu Dec 06 16:53:05 PST 2012" }
+{ "id": "nc1:111", "username": "ToucanMall", "location": "", "text": "RT @WorldWar3Watch: Michelle Obama Gets More Grammy Nominations Than Justin ... #Obama #WW3", "timestamp": "Thu Dec 06 16:53:13 PST 2012" }
+{ "id": "nc1:113", "username": "ToucanMall", "location": "", "text": "RT @ObamaPalooza: Tiffany Shared What $2,000 Meant to Her ... and the President Stopped by to Talk About It #Obama", "timestamp": "Thu Dec 06 16:53:12 PST 2012" }
+{ "id": "nc1:115", "username": "thewildpitch", "location": "", "text": "RT @RevkahJC: Dennis Miller: Obama Should Just Say He Wants To Tax Successful People", "timestamp": "Thu Dec 06 16:53:11 PST 2012" }
+{ "id": "nc1:117", "username": "Rnugent24", "location": "", "text": "RT @ConservativeQuo: unemployment is above 8% again. I wonder how long it will take for Obama to start blaming Bush? 3-2-1 #tcot #antiobama", "timestamp": "Thu Dec 06 16:53:10 PST 2012" }
diff --git a/asterix-app/data/hdfs/textFileS b/asterix-app/data/hdfs/textFileS
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4bd0604
--- /dev/null
+++ b/asterix-app/data/hdfs/textFileS
Binary files differ
diff --git a/asterix-app/data/id-fn-ln.adm b/asterix-app/data/id-fn-ln.adm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..faa342e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/asterix-app/data/id-fn-ln.adm
@@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
+118|Young Seok|Kim
+119|Khurram Faraaz|Mohammed
diff --git a/asterix-app/data/names.adm b/asterix-app/data/names.adm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..35c137e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/asterix-app/data/names.adm
@@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
+3666|Young Seok|Kim|35|Payroll
+9941|Khurram Faraaz|Mohammed|30|HR
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index e70257a..5f7bf3b 100644
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+{ "cid": 748, "name": "Petra Ganes", "interests": [ ], "children": [ { "name": "Perry Ganes" }, { "name": "Krista Ganes", "age": 54 }, { "name": "Kayce Ganes", "age": 52 }, { "name": "Eleni Ganes" } ] }
+{ "cid": 871, "name": "Lona Dacus", "interests": [ "Base Jumping" ], "children": [ { "name": "Pablo Dacus" }, { "name": "Darlene Dacus", "age": 45 }, { "name": "Darius Dacus", "age": 31 }, { "name": "Cordia Dacus" } ] }
+{ "cid": 808, "name": "Brande Decius", "interests": [ "Basketball", "Fishing", "Puzzles" ], "children": [ { "name": "Li Decius", "age": 56 }, { "name": "Eusebio Decius", "age": 50 }, { "name": "Clementina Decius", "age": 29 } ] }
+{ "cid": 276, "name": "Denyse Groth", "age": 81, "address": { "number": 6825, "street": "Main St.", "city": "Sunnyvale" }, "interests": [ "Databases", "Fishing", "Movies" ], "children": [ { "name": "Marilee Groth", "age": 12 }, { "name": "Lyla Groth", "age": 46 }, { "name": "Sarah Groth" } ] }
+{ "cid": 988, "name": "Dagmar Plasky", "age": 89, "address": { "number": 1219, "street": "Park St.", "city": "Portland" }, "interests": [ ], "children": [ { "name": "Dann Plasky", "age": 59 }, { "name": "Raye Plasky" }, { "name": "Sammie Plasky", "age": 36 }, { "name": "Kasi Plasky", "age": 24 } ] }
+{ "cid": 909, "name": "Mariko Sharar", "interests": [ "Squash", "Movies", "Computers" ], "children": [ ] }
+{ "cid": 233, "name": "Sammy Coalter", "interests": [ "Fishing", "Base Jumping" ], "children": [ { "name": "Twana Coalter" }, { "name": "Nenita Coalter", "age": 30 } ] }
+{ "cid": 896, "name": "Georgina Even", "interests": [ "Music", "Databases", "Base Jumping", "Cigars" ], "children": [ { "name": "Angelica Even", "age": 25 } ] }
+{ "cid": 772, "name": "Shan Renney", "interests": [ "Books", "Books", "Bass", "Cooking" ], "children": [ { "name": "Bessie Renney", "age": 32 }, { "name": "Dionna Renney", "age": 46 }, { "name": "Vonda Renney" }, { "name": "Pamella Renney", "age": 16 } ] }
+{ "cid": 723, "name": "Teressa Krol", "age": 22, "address": { "number": 8036, "street": "Park St.", "city": "Seattle" }, "interests": [ "Music" ], "children": [ { "name": "Tuan Krol" }, { "name": "Judi Krol" }, { "name": "Maddie Krol" } ] }
+{ "cid": 43, "name": "Rina Bonyai", "age": 77, "address": { "number": 3640, "street": "Hill St.", "city": "Seattle" }, "interests": [ "Tennis", "Walking", "Computers", "Books" ], "children": [ { "name": "Mirta Bonyai", "age": 51 }, { "name": "Terrance Bonyai" }, { "name": "Maria Bonyai", "age": 51 }, { "name": "Dulcie Bonyai" } ] }
+{ "cid": 816, "name": "Cheyenne Eddie", "interests": [ "Walking", "Cooking" ], "children": [ { "name": "Kathe Eddie" }, { "name": "Charles Eddie" } ] }
+{ "cid": 302, "name": "Rosalie Laderer", "interests": [ "Tennis", "Movies", "Movies" ], "children": [ { "name": "Moriah Laderer" }, { "name": "Liana Laderer", "age": 21 }, { "name": "Genia Laderer", "age": 45 } ] }
+{ "cid": 686, "name": "Trudi Arnette", "interests": [ ], "children": [ { "name": "Adrian Arnette", "age": 43 }, { "name": "Hulda Arnette", "age": 34 }, { "name": "Shamika Arnette" } ] }
+{ "cid": 565, "name": "Shantell Rima", "age": 82, "address": { "number": 205, "street": "Cedar St.", "city": "Sunnyvale" }, "interests": [ ], "children": [ { "name": "Boyce Rima", "age": 67 }, { "name": "Woodrow Rima", "age": 18 }, { "name": "Helene Rima" }, { "name": "David Rima" } ] }
+{ "cid": 334, "name": "Valarie Tattershall", "interests": [ "Books", "Walking", "Skiing", "Movies" ], "children": [ ] }
+{ "cid": 715, "name": "Zoraida Scribner", "interests": [ ], "children": [ { "name": "Ninfa Scribner", "age": 31 } ] }
+{ "cid": 963, "name": "Mila Ditmars", "age": 29, "address": { "number": 5850, "street": "View St.", "city": "Sunnyvale" }, "interests": [ "Music" ], "children": [ ] }
+{ "cid": 966, "name": "Brigitte Quimby", "age": 13, "address": { "number": 203, "street": "Main St.", "city": "Mountain View" }, "interests": [ "Skiing", "Tennis" ], "children": [ { "name": "Ilona Quimby" }, { "name": "Shaunte Quimby" }, { "name": "Lorie Quimby" } ] }
+{ "cid": 826, "name": "Ressie Feenstra", "interests": [ ], "children": [ { "name": "Sasha Feenstra" } ] }
+{ "cid": 238, "name": "Marcelina Redic", "interests": [ "Cigars", "Cigars", "Coffee" ], "children": [ { "name": "Renate Redic" }, { "name": "Kyoko Redic" }, { "name": "Dorthey Redic" } ] }
+{ "cid": 454, "name": "Irving Lhuillier", "interests": [ ], "children": [ { "name": "Emile Lhuillier" }, { "name": "Albert Lhuillier" }, { "name": "Ingeborg Lhuillier", "age": 23 }, { "name": "Shila Lhuillier", "age": 55 } ] }
+{ "cid": 537, "name": "Mara Hugar", "interests": [ "Fishing", "Skiing", "Skiing" ], "children": [ { "name": "Krista Hugar" } ] }
+{ "cid": 794, "name": "Annabel Leins", "age": 75, "address": { "number": 9761, "street": "Park St.", "city": "Los Angeles" }, "interests": [ "Bass", "Computers", "Bass", "Cigars" ], "children": [ { "name": "Oswaldo Leins", "age": 21 } ] }
+{ "cid": 483, "name": "Elsa Vigen", "interests": [ "Wine", "Databases" ], "children": [ { "name": "Larae Vigen" }, { "name": "Elwood Vigen" } ] }
+{ "cid": 746, "name": "Rosalinda Pola", "interests": [ "Cooking", "Computers", "Walking", "Cigars" ], "children": [ { "name": "Maribel Pola", "age": 19 }, { "name": "Chaya Pola" }, { "name": "Shauna Pola" }, { "name": "Elenora Pola", "age": 22 } ] }
+{ "cid": 559, "name": "Carolyne Shiroma", "interests": [ "Movies", "Running" ], "children": [ { "name": "Ying Shiroma", "age": 57 } ] }
+{ "cid": 9, "name": "Dreama Nuccio", "age": 55, "address": { "number": 95, "street": "Main St.", "city": "San Jose" }, "interests": [ ], "children": [ { "name": "Ricardo Nuccio", "age": 28 }, { "name": "See Nuccio", "age": 34 } ] }
+{ "cid": 844, "name": "Madelene Ten", "interests": [ "Squash" ], "children": [ { "name": "Johanne Ten", "age": 39 }, { "name": "Lurline Ten" }, { "name": "Cathy Ten", "age": 49 } ] }
+{ "cid": 526, "name": "Catrice Swantak", "interests": [ "Music", "Cigars", "Base Jumping", "Wine" ], "children": [ { "name": "Eun Swantak" }, { "name": "Waylon Swantak" }, { "name": "Carroll Swantak" } ] }
+{ "cid": 616, "name": "Shanda Dussault", "interests": [ ], "children": [ { "name": "Darrick Dussault" } ] }
+{ "cid": 217, "name": "Scott Fulks", "interests": [ "Computers" ], "children": [ ] }
+{ "cid": 864, "name": "Katharyn Zanotti", "age": 62, "address": { "number": 8336, "street": "7th St.", "city": "Sunnyvale" }, "interests": [ "Puzzles" ], "children": [ { "name": "Magan Zanotti" }, { "name": "Jacinto Zanotti" } ] }
+{ "cid": 902, "name": "Tajuana Foote", "interests": [ "Walking", "Cooking", "Squash", "Tennis" ], "children": [ { "name": "Lesia Foote", "age": 14 }, { "name": "Rene Foote", "age": 11 }, { "name": "Meryl Foote" }, { "name": "Vanetta Foote" } ] }
+{ "cid": 964, "name": "Stephany Soders", "interests": [ "Tennis", "Wine", "Computers" ], "children": [ ] }
+{ "cid": 888, "name": "Natalie Nocella", "age": 66, "address": { "number": 2856, "street": "Lake St.", "city": "Sunnyvale" }, "interests": [ ], "children": [ { "name": "Noel Nocella", "age": 26 }, { "name": "Damon Nocella", "age": 29 }, { "name": "Joesph Nocella", "age": 33 }, { "name": "Nidia Nocella" } ] }
+{ "cid": 991, "name": "Leonel Toepperwein", "age": 62, "address": { "number": 8356, "street": "Washington St.", "city": "Seattle" }, "interests": [ "Coffee", "Books" ], "children": [ { "name": "Sean Toepperwein" }, { "name": "Charline Toepperwein", "age": 49 }, { "name": "Hattie Toepperwein", "age": 22 }, { "name": "Melida Toepperwein" } ] }
+{ "cid": 619, "name": "Luanne Elmquist", "interests": [ ], "children": [ { "name": "Burton Elmquist", "age": 11 }, { "name": "Melvin Elmquist" } ] }
+{ "cid": 20, "name": "Annice Fulwider", "age": 59, "address": { "number": 4257, "street": "Park St.", "city": "Portland" }, "interests": [ ], "children": [ { "name": "Arica Fulwider", "age": 47 }, { "name": "Charlotte Fulwider", "age": 16 }, { "name": "Robbi Fulwider", "age": 29 } ] }
+{ "cid": 905, "name": "Pandora Azzarella", "interests": [ ], "children": [ { "name": "Lane Azzarella" }, { "name": "Joi Azzarella", "age": 19 } ] }
+{ "cid": 839, "name": "Annetta Bertsche", "age": 31, "address": { "number": 5823, "street": "Hill St.", "city": "Portland" }, "interests": [ "Music", "Coffee", "Cigars", "Computers" ], "children": [ { "name": "Annita Bertsche" }, { "name": "Violette Bertsche", "age": 13 }, { "name": "An Bertsche" } ] }
+{ "cid": 873, "name": "Artie Gongalves", "age": 74, "address": { "number": 584, "street": "Cedar St.", "city": "Mountain View" }, "interests": [ "Basketball", "Databases", "Puzzles", "Skiing" ], "children": [ { "name": "Chester Gongalves", "age": 10 } ] }
+{ "cid": 456, "name": "Kim Cervera", "age": 89, "address": { "number": 3967, "street": "Lake St.", "city": "Portland" }, "interests": [ "Fishing" ], "children": [ { "name": "Winona Cervera", "age": 37 }, { "name": "Shanice Cervera" }, { "name": "Michaele Cervera" } ] }
+{ "cid": 666, "name": "Pamila Burzlaff", "age": 68, "address": { "number": 6543, "street": "View St.", "city": "Portland" }, "interests": [ "Squash", "Cigars", "Movies" ], "children": [ ] }
+{ "cid": 64, "name": "Victor Susor", "age": 32, "address": { "number": 1690, "street": "Main St.", "city": "Portland" }, "interests": [ "Running", "Computers" ], "children": [ ] }
+{ "cid": 187, "name": "Seema Hartsch", "age": 80, "address": { "number": 6629, "street": "Lake St.", "city": "Portland" }, "interests": [ "Coffee", "Coffee", "Cigars" ], "children": [ { "name": "Suellen Hartsch" }, { "name": "Pennie Hartsch", "age": 20 }, { "name": "Aubrey Hartsch" }, { "name": "Randy Hartsch", "age": 32 } ] }
+{ "cid": 771, "name": "Marisela Tredo", "interests": [ "Tennis", "Coffee" ], "children": [ { "name": "Ardell Tredo", "age": 21 }, { "name": "Evelynn Tredo", "age": 16 } ] }
+{ "cid": 859, "name": "Mozelle Catillo", "age": 61, "address": { "number": 253, "street": "View St.", "city": "Los Angeles" }, "interests": [ "Databases", "Cooking", "Wine" ], "children": [ ] }
+{ "cid": 609, "name": "Mindi Dieudonne", "interests": [ "Puzzles" ], "children": [ ] }
+{ "cid": 521, "name": "Frankie Hofmann", "interests": [ "Databases", "Movies" ], "children": [ { "name": "Shirlee Hofmann", "age": 32 }, { "name": "Jacque Hofmann", "age": 23 }, { "name": "Jazmin Hofmann" }, { "name": "Serena Hofmann", "age": 56 } ] }
+{ "cid": 994, "name": "Isa Gravelle", "interests": [ ], "children": [ { "name": "Lashonda Gravelle" }, { "name": "Carry Gravelle", "age": 58 } ] }
+{ "cid": 5, "name": "Heide Naifeh", "interests": [ "Music", "Databases" ], "children": [ { "name": "Deirdre Naifeh" }, { "name": "Jacquelyne Naifeh", "age": 39 } ] }
+{ "cid": 531, "name": "Camelia Yoes", "interests": [ ], "children": [ ] }
+{ "cid": 280, "name": "Marlo Maung", "interests": [ "Movies" ], "children": [ { "name": "Harold Maung" } ] }
+{ "cid": 507, "name": "Yuk Flanegan", "interests": [ "Puzzles", "Puzzles", "Squash" ], "children": [ { "name": "Alexander Flanegan" } ] }
+{ "cid": 865, "name": "Moon Marino", "age": 43, "address": { "number": 5710, "street": "Oak St.", "city": "Sunnyvale" }, "interests": [ "Skiing" ], "children": [ { "name": "Markita Marino", "age": 10 } ] }
+{ "cid": 527, "name": "Lance Kenison", "age": 77, "address": { "number": 8750, "street": "Main St.", "city": "San Jose" }, "interests": [ "Squash", "Cooking", "Bass", "Puzzles" ], "children": [ { "name": "Youlanda Kenison" }, { "name": "Lavon Kenison" }, { "name": "Maryann Kenison", "age": 60 }, { "name": "Kecia Kenison", "age": 50 } ] }
+{ "cid": 305, "name": "Tuyet Leinbach", "interests": [ "Puzzles", "Walking" ], "children": [ ] }
+{ "cid": 75, "name": "Monroe Fansher", "interests": [ "Base Jumping", "Tennis", "Books", "Cigars" ], "children": [ { "name": "Honey Fansher" }, { "name": "Sima Fansher", "age": 22 }, { "name": "Cassaundra Fansher" } ] }
+{ "cid": 320, "name": "Charley Hermenegildo", "interests": [ ], "children": [ { "name": "Melda Hermenegildo", "age": 51 }, { "name": "Lashon Hermenegildo" } ] }
+{ "cid": 13, "name": "Nicol Kolmer", "interests": [ "Coffee" ], "children": [ { "name": "Erika Kolmer", "age": 40 }, { "name": "Justin Kolmer" }, { "name": "Dorathy Kolmer" }, { "name": "Anastacia Kolmer", "age": 27 } ] }
+{ "cid": 956, "name": "Laquanda Bynoe", "age": 79, "address": { "number": 6122, "street": "Main St.", "city": "Portland" }, "interests": [ ], "children": [ { "name": "Joel Bynoe" }, { "name": "Brian Bynoe", "age": 61 }, { "name": "Shana Bynoe" } ] }
+{ "cid": 469, "name": "Hilda Grabe", "age": 36, "address": { "number": 9745, "street": "Lake St.", "city": "San Jose" }, "interests": [ "Skiing", "Bass", "Coffee", "Music" ], "children": [ ] }
+{ "cid": 558, "name": "Dorie Schomer", "age": 58, "address": { "number": 9295, "street": "7th St.", "city": "Sunnyvale" }, "interests": [ "Fishing", "Bass", "Cigars", "Movies" ], "children": [ { "name": "Duncan Schomer" }, { "name": "Donn Schomer", "age": 14 }, { "name": "Franklyn Schomer", "age": 41 }, { "name": "Valarie Schomer" } ] }
+{ "cid": 116, "name": "Conrad Zozaya", "age": 81, "address": { "number": 1667, "street": "View St.", "city": "San Jose" }, "interests": [ ], "children": [ { "name": "Jenette Zozaya", "age": 17 } ] }
+{ "cid": 870, "name": "Natosha Lufsey", "interests": [ "Cigars", "Walking" ], "children": [ { "name": "Tiffany Lufsey" } ] }
+{ "cid": 279, "name": "Saundra Croan", "interests": [ "Movies" ], "children": [ { "name": "Jena Croan", "age": 37 }, { "name": "Sarai Croan" }, { "name": "Junita Croan" }, { "name": "Ferdinand Croan", "age": 43 } ] }
+{ "cid": 529, "name": "Cinderella Lewis", "interests": [ "Base Jumping" ], "children": [ { "name": "Flor Lewis" }, { "name": "Alonzo Lewis", "age": 23 } ] }
+{ "cid": 749, "name": "Pearle Mauney", "interests": [ ], "children": [ { "name": "Delpha Mauney" }, { "name": "Micki Mauney", "age": 28 }, { "name": "Wayne Mauney" } ] }
+{ "cid": 463, "name": "Mika Rininger", "interests": [ "Databases", "Cooking" ], "children": [ { "name": "Inez Rininger", "age": 58 }, { "name": "Betty Rininger" }, { "name": "Laurie Rininger", "age": 48 }, { "name": "Billie Rininger" } ] }
+{ "cid": 329, "name": "Dennis Cremins", "interests": [ "Movies", "Fishing", "Music", "Squash" ], "children": [ { "name": "Destiny Cremins" }, { "name": "Garret Cremins", "age": 34 } ] }
+{ "cid": 247, "name": "Minda Heron", "age": 25, "address": { "number": 1629, "street": "Hill St.", "city": "Mountain View" }, "interests": [ "Tennis" ], "children": [ ] }
+{ "cid": 729, "name": "Karren Defrain", "interests": [ "Books", "Walking", "Puzzles", "Tennis" ], "children": [ { "name": "Usha Defrain" }, { "name": "Ahmed Defrain", "age": 14 }, { "name": "Kathryn Defrain" } ] }
+{ "cid": 872, "name": "Michele Herschel", "age": 39, "address": { "number": 4287, "street": "Cedar St.", "city": "Los Angeles" }, "interests": [ ], "children": [ ] }
+{ "cid": 758, "name": "Akiko Hoenstine", "age": 56, "address": { "number": 8888, "street": "Lake St.", "city": "Portland" }, "interests": [ "Movies", "Walking" ], "children": [ { "name": "Maren Hoenstine" }, { "name": "Tyler Hoenstine" }, { "name": "Jesse Hoenstine", "age": 40 } ] }
+{ "cid": 685, "name": "Lois Mcglothian", "interests": [ "Movies", "Skiing" ], "children": [ { "name": "Karon Mcglothian", "age": 35 } ] }
+{ "cid": 949, "name": "Elissa Rogue", "interests": [ "Fishing", "Music" ], "children": [ { "name": "Noriko Rogue", "age": 41 }, { "name": "Lavona Rogue", "age": 39 } ] }
+{ "cid": 841, "name": "Omar Enwall", "interests": [ "Skiing", "Skiing", "Books" ], "children": [ { "name": "Kirby Enwall", "age": 31 }, { "name": "Cythia Enwall", "age": 24 }, { "name": "August Enwall" } ] }
+{ "cid": 936, "name": "Berna Whyman", "interests": [ "Bass", "Cooking", "Running", "Tennis" ], "children": [ { "name": "Marci Whyman", "age": 10 }, { "name": "Hyon Whyman" }, { "name": "Jessia Whyman" } ] }
+{ "cid": 768, "name": "Adelina Troendle", "interests": [ "Computers" ], "children": [ { "name": "Lenna Troendle", "age": 51 }, { "name": "Ines Troendle", "age": 48 }, { "name": "Ora Troendle" } ] }
+{ "cid": 499, "name": "Carlita Tarlton", "age": 43, "address": { "number": 9148, "street": "Main St.", "city": "Sunnyvale" }, "interests": [ "Computers", "Base Jumping", "Video Games" ], "children": [ ] }
+{ "cid": 48, "name": "Delia Salveson", "age": 44, "address": { "number": 5596, "street": "7th St.", "city": "Portland" }, "interests": [ "Cigars", "Running", "Walking", "Running" ], "children": [ { "name": "Logan Salveson", "age": 21 }, { "name": "Temple Salveson", "age": 17 }, { "name": "Kimi Salveson" }, { "name": "Jacob Salveson", "age": 20 } ] }
+{ "cid": 919, "name": "Fairy Wansley", "age": 45, "address": { "number": 9020, "street": "Park St.", "city": "Los Angeles" }, "interests": [ "Wine", "Walking", "Databases", "Video Games" ], "children": [ { "name": "Marvella Wansley" }, { "name": "Hisako Wansley" }, { "name": "Shaunta Wansley" }, { "name": "Gemma Wansley", "age": 21 } ] }
+{ "cid": 524, "name": "Rickie Manche", "interests": [ ], "children": [ ] }
+{ "cid": 214, "name": "Louvenia Zaffalon", "interests": [ "Skiing", "Books" ], "children": [ ] }
+{ "cid": 971, "name": "Loura Paap", "interests": [ "Walking", "Music", "Base Jumping", "Cooking" ], "children": [ { "name": "Eliza Paap", "age": 54 }, { "name": "Dortha Paap" }, { "name": "Robin Paap" } ] }
+{ "cid": 125, "name": "Leigh Pusey", "interests": [ ], "children": [ { "name": "Elbert Pusey", "age": 44 }, { "name": "Golden Pusey" }, { "name": "Maria Pusey" } ] }
+{ "cid": 733, "name": "Edie Stager", "age": 26, "address": { "number": 2691, "street": "Park St.", "city": "Seattle" }, "interests": [ ], "children": [ { "name": "Ethyl Stager", "age": 10 } ] }
+{ "cid": 644, "name": "Julio Gilly", "interests": [ "Puzzles" ], "children": [ { "name": "Eleonore Gilly" } ] }
+{ "cid": 693, "name": "Ela Crisan", "interests": [ "Movies" ], "children": [ ] }
+{ "cid": 149, "name": "Marcella Diamond", "age": 62, "address": { "number": 720, "street": "7th St.", "city": "Mountain View" }, "interests": [ ], "children": [ { "name": "Ezra Diamond" } ] }
+{ "cid": 28, "name": "Ariana Gillert", "age": 54, "address": { "number": 7331, "street": "Lake St.", "city": "Mountain View" }, "interests": [ "Databases" ], "children": [ { "name": "Inge Gillert" }, { "name": "Jeraldine Gillert", "age": 13 } ] }
+{ "cid": 366, "name": "Rosia Wenzinger", "interests": [ ], "children": [ ] }
+{ "cid": 501, "name": "Alyce Coant", "interests": [ "Music", "Base Jumping" ], "children": [ { "name": "Elyse Coant", "age": 50 } ] }
+{ "cid": 705, "name": "Sofia Bonniwell", "age": 81, "address": { "number": 767, "street": "Cedar St.", "city": "Portland" }, "interests": [ "Basketball" ], "children": [ { "name": "Douglass Bonniwell", "age": 58 }, { "name": "Jackeline Bonniwell", "age": 16 } ] }
+{ "cid": 46, "name": "Columbus Huntington", "age": 22, "address": { "number": 3809, "street": "Washington St.", "city": "Mountain View" }, "interests": [ "Movies" ], "children": [ { "name": "Dana Huntington", "age": 10 }, { "name": "Rosa Huntington" } ] }
+{ "cid": 326, "name": "Tad Tellers", "interests": [ "Books", "Tennis", "Base Jumping" ], "children": [ { "name": "Fannie Tellers" } ] }
+{ "cid": 929, "name": "Jean Guitierrez", "age": 75, "address": { "number": 9736, "street": "Lake St.", "city": "Mountain View" }, "interests": [ "Wine", "Wine", "Fishing" ], "children": [ ] }
+{ "cid": 227, "name": "Carlos Skyes", "interests": [ ], "children": [ { "name": "Cortney Skyes", "age": 32 } ] }
+{ "cid": 965, "name": "Mellie Risen", "interests": [ "Tennis" ], "children": [ { "name": "Coreen Risen", "age": 36 }, { "name": "Faith Risen", "age": 34 }, { "name": "Crystle Risen", "age": 54 } ] }
+{ "cid": 987, "name": "Sharolyn Demchak", "age": 36, "address": { "number": 4672, "street": "Lake St.", "city": "San Jose" }, "interests": [ ], "children": [ ] }
+{ "cid": 972, "name": "Ryan Dudgeon", "interests": [ "Cigars", "Movies", "Cigars", "Books" ], "children": [ { "name": "Candelaria Dudgeon", "age": 48 }, { "name": "Donya Dudgeon" } ] }
+{ "cid": 716, "name": "Deirdre Bruderer", "interests": [ "Computers", "Wine" ], "children": [ { "name": "Coralee Bruderer" }, { "name": "Mina Bruderer" }, { "name": "Lindsey Bruderer", "age": 35 }, { "name": "Yi Bruderer" } ] }
+{ "cid": 83, "name": "Filiberto Couillard", "interests": [ "Cooking", "Books" ], "children": [ { "name": "Diane Couillard", "age": 19 }, { "name": "Asa Couillard", "age": 23 }, { "name": "Zaida Couillard", "age": 57 }, { "name": "Shavonne Couillard" } ] }
+{ "cid": 576, "name": "Dean Waltenbaugh", "age": 47, "address": { "number": 9478, "street": "7th St.", "city": "Los Angeles" }, "interests": [ "Music", "Base Jumping", "Puzzles", "Wine" ], "children": [ { "name": "Judy Waltenbaugh" }, { "name": "Omer Waltenbaugh", "age": 11 }, { "name": "Samuel Waltenbaugh", "age": 21 }, { "name": "Neville Waltenbaugh" } ] }
+{ "cid": 372, "name": "Zena Keglovic", "age": 22, "address": { "number": 7675, "street": "Park St.", "city": "Sunnyvale" }, "interests": [ "Basketball", "Wine" ], "children": [ ] }
+{ "cid": 662, "name": "Domonique Corbi", "age": 13, "address": { "number": 7286, "street": "Hill St.", "city": "Seattle" }, "interests": [ "Tennis", "Cooking", "Computers" ], "children": [ { "name": "Katrice Corbi" }, { "name": "Idalia Corbi" }, { "name": "Hayley Corbi" } ] }
+{ "cid": 983, "name": "Leone Aucter", "age": 48, "address": { "number": 4957, "street": "Cedar St.", "city": "Portland" }, "interests": [ "Video Games", "Fishing", "Video Games", "Music" ], "children": [ { "name": "Clement Aucter", "age": 32 }, { "name": "Socorro Aucter", "age": 35 } ] }
+{ "cid": 536, "name": "Wilber Rehrer", "interests": [ "Movies" ], "children": [ { "name": "Zulema Rehrer" }, { "name": "Lavonda Rehrer" }, { "name": "Stacey Rehrer", "age": 59 } ] }
+{ "cid": 938, "name": "Parthenia Dromgoole", "age": 36, "address": { "number": 527, "street": "Lake St.", "city": "Sunnyvale" }, "interests": [ "Fishing" ], "children": [ ] }
+{ "cid": 629, "name": "Mayola Clabo", "interests": [ "Basketball", "Skiing", "Running" ], "children": [ { "name": "Rigoberto Clabo", "age": 58 } ] }
+{ "cid": 197, "name": "Garth Giannitti", "interests": [ "Coffee", "Cigars" ], "children": [ { "name": "Patsy Giannitti" }, { "name": "Ray Giannitti", "age": 35 }, { "name": "Kamala Giannitti", "age": 35 }, { "name": "Lauran Giannitti", "age": 25 } ] }
+{ "cid": 230, "name": "Tobias Vicars", "age": 66, "address": { "number": 638, "street": "Hill St.", "city": "Los Angeles" }, "interests": [ "Wine", "Walking", "Books", "Walking" ], "children": [ ] }
+{ "cid": 978, "name": "Rudy Watsky", "age": 32, "address": { "number": 2754, "street": "Oak St.", "city": "Seattle" }, "interests": [ "Cooking" ], "children": [ ] }
+{ "cid": 478, "name": "Sophia Whitt", "age": 26, "address": { "number": 2787, "street": "Park St.", "city": "Mountain View" }, "interests": [ "Fishing", "Databases" ], "children": [ { "name": "Irving Whitt", "age": 13 }, { "name": "Jeannette Whitt" } ] }
+{ "cid": 727, "name": "Valene Resecker", "interests": [ "Music", "Wine", "Books", "Walking" ], "children": [ ] }
+{ "cid": 511, "name": "Sanda Franson", "interests": [ "Music", "Cooking", "Books", "Cooking" ], "children": [ ] }
+{ "cid": 557, "name": "Kaitlyn Hilleman", "age": 61, "address": { "number": 1076, "street": "Hill St.", "city": "Sunnyvale" }, "interests": [ ], "children": [ { "name": "Corrie Hilleman", "age": 31 }, { "name": "Jovan Hilleman" }, { "name": "Carmine Hilleman" } ] }
+{ "cid": 121, "name": "Shiela Gaustad", "interests": [ ], "children": [ { "name": "Phebe Gaustad" }, { "name": "Mavis Gaustad" }, { "name": "Zula Gaustad", "age": 37 } ] }
+{ "cid": 316, "name": "Patrina Whitting", "age": 74, "address": { "number": 4772, "street": "Washington St.", "city": "Sunnyvale" }, "interests": [ "Music", "Video Games", "Bass" ], "children": [ { "name": "Rubye Whitting" } ] }
+{ "cid": 698, "name": "Tawanna Zanin", "age": 60, "address": { "number": 7979, "street": "View St.", "city": "Seattle" }, "interests": [ ], "children": [ { "name": "Denny Zanin", "age": 31 }, { "name": "Danial Zanin", "age": 43 }, { "name": "Kenyetta Zanin" }, { "name": "Aleisha Zanin" } ] }
+{ "cid": 272, "name": "Frederick Valla", "age": 15, "address": { "number": 6805, "street": "Lake St.", "city": "San Jose" }, "interests": [ "Video Games" ], "children": [ { "name": "Carroll Valla" } ] }
+{ "cid": 440, "name": "Rosie Shappen", "interests": [ "Cooking", "Music", "Cigars" ], "children": [ { "name": "Jung Shappen", "age": 11 } ] }
+{ "cid": 997, "name": "Yesenia Gao", "age": 38, "address": { "number": 5990, "street": "View St.", "city": "Portland" }, "interests": [ "Computers", "Computers", "Puzzles", "Puzzles" ], "children": [ { "name": "Jared Gao", "age": 11 }, { "name": "Sang Gao" }, { "name": "Jeanne Gao", "age": 13 }, { "name": "Lavona Gao", "age": 23 } ] }
+{ "cid": 352, "name": "Bonny Sischo", "interests": [ "Bass", "Movies", "Computers" ], "children": [ { "name": "Judith Sischo", "age": 43 }, { "name": "Adeline Sischo" }, { "name": "Dayna Sischo" } ] }
+{ "cid": 818, "name": "Nellie Whetzell", "interests": [ "Walking" ], "children": [ ] }
+{ "cid": 874, "name": "Jamie Credille", "age": 87, "address": { "number": 3351, "street": "Cedar St.", "city": "Mountain View" }, "interests": [ "Walking", "Movies", "Bass", "Basketball" ], "children": [ { "name": "Shirly Credille" }, { "name": "Digna Credille" }, { "name": "Sabra Credille" }, { "name": "Broderick Credille" } ] }
+{ "cid": 532, "name": "Tania Fraklin", "age": 38, "address": { "number": 2857, "street": "Washington St.", "city": "Seattle" }, "interests": [ "Squash", "Databases" ], "children": [ ] }
+{ "cid": 134, "name": "Alica Frontiero", "interests": [ "Puzzles" ], "children": [ ] }
+{ "cid": 688, "name": "Maryellen Leriche", "interests": [ "Music", "Walking", "Skiing" ], "children": [ { "name": "Dorinda Leriche", "age": 27 } ] }
+{ "cid": 168, "name": "Carlotta Broderson", "interests": [ "Skiing", "Video Games", "Squash", "Databases" ], "children": [ { "name": "Adolfo Broderson", "age": 54 }, { "name": "Vickie Broderson" } ] }
+{ "cid": 402, "name": "Terrilyn Shinall", "interests": [ "Computers", "Skiing", "Music" ], "children": [ { "name": "Minh Shinall" }, { "name": "Diedre Shinall", "age": 22 } ] }
+{ "cid": 984, "name": "Janett Kitchens", "age": 66, "address": { "number": 7558, "street": "View St.", "city": "Mountain View" }, "interests": [ "Coffee", "Movies", "Squash" ], "children": [ { "name": "Grayce Kitchens", "age": 14 }, { "name": "Dwayne Kitchens" }, { "name": "Wilber Kitchens", "age": 51 }, { "name": "Nancey Kitchens" } ] }
+{ "cid": 222, "name": "Malcom Bloomgren", "age": 39, "address": { "number": 4674, "street": "Hill St.", "city": "Mountain View" }, "interests": [ "Databases", "Skiing" ], "children": [ { "name": "Rosia Bloomgren" }, { "name": "Bryant Bloomgren", "age": 15 }, { "name": "Donnie Bloomgren" } ] }
+{ "cid": 809, "name": "Dagny Mangiaracina", "age": 44, "address": { "number": 5993, "street": "Lake St.", "city": "San Jose" }, "interests": [ ], "children": [ { "name": "Bari Mangiaracina", "age": 31 }, { "name": "Tiara Mangiaracina", "age": 12 }, { "name": "Milly Mangiaracina" }, { "name": "Chelsie Mangiaracina" } ] }
+{ "cid": 769, "name": "Isaias Tenny", "age": 71, "address": { "number": 270, "street": "Park St.", "city": "Portland" }, "interests": [ "Wine", "Fishing", "Base Jumping" ], "children": [ { "name": "Theo Tenny" }, { "name": "Shena Tenny" }, { "name": "Coralee Tenny" }, { "name": "Orval Tenny", "age": 39 } ] }
+{ "cid": 159, "name": "Jeanmarie Franchini", "interests": [ "Music" ], "children": [ { "name": "Nikita Franchini" }, { "name": "Willetta Franchini" }, { "name": "Ester Franchini", "age": 12 } ] }
+{ "cid": 198, "name": "Thelma Youkers", "interests": [ "Basketball", "Movies", "Cooking" ], "children": [ { "name": "Shamika Youkers", "age": 28 } ] }
+{ "cid": 856, "name": "Inocencia Petzold", "age": 83, "address": { "number": 4631, "street": "Cedar St.", "city": "Mountain View" }, "interests": [ "Basketball", "Squash", "Movies", "Base Jumping" ], "children": [ ] }
+{ "cid": 394, "name": "Lizette Roux", "age": 57, "address": { "number": 458, "street": "Hill St.", "city": "Los Angeles" }, "interests": [ "Bass", "Books" ], "children": [ { "name": "Doloris Roux" } ] }
+{ "cid": 560, "name": "Karin Dicesare", "interests": [ "Wine", "Puzzles" ], "children": [ ] }
+{ "cid": 813, "name": "Leann Domagala", "age": 47, "address": { "number": 4472, "street": "Cedar St.", "city": "Los Angeles" }, "interests": [ "Computers" ], "children": [ { "name": "Alvera Domagala", "age": 36 }, { "name": "Rosalva Domagala", "age": 27 }, { "name": "Eugenia Domagala" }, { "name": "My Domagala", "age": 32 } ] }
+{ "cid": 165, "name": "Melodie Starrick", "interests": [ "Walking" ], "children": [ { "name": "Adria Starrick" }, { "name": "Tasha Starrick", "age": 25 } ] }
+{ "cid": 268, "name": "Fernando Pingel", "interests": [ "Computers", "Tennis", "Books" ], "children": [ { "name": "Latrice Pingel" }, { "name": "Wade Pingel", "age": 13 }, { "name": "Christal Pingel" }, { "name": "Melania Pingel" } ] }
+{ "cid": 408, "name": "Ava Zornes", "interests": [ "Music" ], "children": [ ] }
+{ "cid": 258, "name": "Florentina Hense", "age": 20, "address": { "number": 8495, "street": "View St.", "city": "Portland" }, "interests": [ ], "children": [ { "name": "Noelle Hense" }, { "name": "Roxann Hense" } ] }
+{ "cid": 59, "name": "Rea Villicana", "interests": [ ], "children": [ ] }
+{ "cid": 774, "name": "Nadene Rigel", "interests": [ "Cigars", "Cigars" ], "children": [ { "name": "Rebbeca Rigel", "age": 33 } ] }
+{ "cid": 606, "name": "Virgilio Liebelt", "age": 11, "address": { "number": 8348, "street": "Cedar St.", "city": "Seattle" }, "interests": [ ], "children": [ { "name": "Stanford Liebelt" }, { "name": "Delaine Liebelt" }, { "name": "Kevin Liebelt" }, { "name": "Michaele Liebelt" } ] }
+{ "cid": 848, "name": "Myrta Kopf", "interests": [ "Wine", "Basketball", "Base Jumping" ], "children": [ ] }
+{ "cid": 817, "name": "Missy Perdue", "age": 59, "address": { "number": 2876, "street": "Cedar St.", "city": "Sunnyvale" }, "interests": [ "Basketball", "Cigars", "Computers", "Books" ], "children": [ { "name": "Shellie Perdue" }, { "name": "Marx Perdue" }, { "name": "Peg Perdue", "age": 39 }, { "name": "Dalton Perdue", "age": 32 } ] }
+{ "cid": 615, "name": "Kimber Warnberg", "age": 77, "address": { "number": 1404, "street": "View St.", "city": "San Jose" }, "interests": [ ], "children": [ { "name": "Kristal Warnberg" } ] }
+{ "cid": 623, "name": "Lorna Krason", "age": 40, "address": { "number": 9398, "street": "View St.", "city": "Seattle" }, "interests": [ "Cigars", "Cigars", "Video Games", "Wine" ], "children": [ ] }
+{ "cid": 90, "name": "Dorethea Korns", "interests": [ "Cooking", "Computers" ], "children": [ { "name": "Catheryn Korns", "age": 22 } ] }
+{ "cid": 467, "name": "Magali Ingerson", "interests": [ "Books", "Base Jumping" ], "children": [ { "name": "Monty Ingerson", "age": 11 }, { "name": "Noelia Ingerson", "age": 47 }, { "name": "Tennie Ingerson" }, { "name": "Merrill Ingerson" } ] }
+{ "cid": 11, "name": "Meta Simek", "age": 13, "address": { "number": 4384, "street": "7th St.", "city": "San Jose" }, "interests": [ "Wine", "Walking" ], "children": [ { "name": "Oretha Simek" }, { "name": "Terence Simek" } ] }
+{ "cid": 175, "name": "Loise Obhof", "interests": [ ], "children": [ { "name": "Susann Obhof" }, { "name": "Signe Obhof", "age": 38 } ] }
+{ "cid": 665, "name": "Garnet Desai", "interests": [ "Databases" ], "children": [ { "name": "Aliza Desai" } ] }
+{ "cid": 588, "name": "Debora Laughinghouse", "age": 87, "address": { "number": 5099, "street": "View St.", "city": "San Jose" }, "interests": [ "Tennis", "Walking", "Databases" ], "children": [ { "name": "Frederica Laughinghouse", "age": 59 }, { "name": "Johnie Laughinghouse", "age": 12 }, { "name": "Numbers Laughinghouse", "age": 73 } ] }
+{ "cid": 66, "name": "Lenny Latson", "interests": [ "Music", "Video Games" ], "children": [ ] }
+{ "cid": 745, "name": "Tabatha Hagwell", "interests": [ ], "children": [ { "name": "Gaynell Hagwell" } ] }
+{ "cid": 726, "name": "Brinda Raudebaugh", "age": 83, "address": { "number": 7179, "street": "View St.", "city": "Mountain View" }, "interests": [ ], "children": [ ] }
+{ "cid": 371, "name": "Agatha Tensley", "age": 13, "address": { "number": 1810, "street": "Hill St.", "city": "San Jose" }, "interests": [ "Bass", "Running", "Movies" ], "children": [ { "name": "Launa Tensley" } ] }
+{ "cid": 474, "name": "Claudie Hunstad", "age": 46, "address": { "number": 3347, "street": "View St.", "city": "Mountain View" }, "interests": [ "Music", "Base Jumping", "Computers", "Cooking" ], "children": [ { "name": "Elanor Hunstad", "age": 35 } ] }
+{ "cid": 761, "name": "Adele Henrikson", "interests": [ "Cooking", "Bass" ], "children": [ { "name": "Paulina Henrikson" }, { "name": "David Henrikson" }, { "name": "Jose Henrikson" }, { "name": "Meg Henrikson" } ] }
+{ "cid": 442, "name": "Val Disorda", "interests": [ "Bass" ], "children": [ { "name": "Simone Disorda", "age": 53 }, { "name": "Jacalyn Disorda", "age": 41 }, { "name": "Ron Disorda" }, { "name": "Clifton Disorda" } ] }
+{ "cid": 892, "name": "Madge Hendson", "age": 79, "address": { "number": 8832, "street": "Cedar St.", "city": "San Jose" }, "interests": [ "Databases", "Fishing", "Skiing" ], "children": [ { "name": "Elia Hendson", "age": 48 }, { "name": "Lashawn Hendson", "age": 27 } ] }
+{ "cid": 244, "name": "Rene Shenk", "interests": [ "Puzzles", "Puzzles", "Skiing" ], "children": [ { "name": "Victor Shenk", "age": 28 }, { "name": "Doris Shenk" }, { "name": "Max Shenk", "age": 51 } ] }
+{ "cid": 375, "name": "Chia Sagaser", "age": 15, "address": { "number": 6025, "street": "Park St.", "city": "Mountain View" }, "interests": [ "Skiing" ], "children": [ { "name": "Garnet Sagaser" }, { "name": "Mario Sagaser" }, { "name": "Sun Sagaser" } ] }
+{ "cid": 344, "name": "Aleshia Hongeva", "age": 70, "address": { "number": 4092, "street": "7th St.", "city": "Los Angeles" }, "interests": [ "Books", "Video Games", "Puzzles", "Music" ], "children": [ ] }
+{ "cid": 127, "name": "Christian Anthes", "age": 32, "address": { "number": 6258, "street": "7th St.", "city": "Portland" }, "interests": [ "Running", "Bass" ], "children": [ { "name": "Sophia Anthes" } ] }
+{ "cid": 182, "name": "Christiana Westlie", "interests": [ "Skiing", "Bass" ], "children": [ { "name": "Ilda Westlie", "age": 18 } ] }
+{ "cid": 787, "name": "Sara Yerly", "age": 12, "address": { "number": 872, "street": "7th St.", "city": "Seattle" }, "interests": [ "Fishing" ], "children": [ { "name": "Nettie Yerly" }, { "name": "Regine Yerly" }, { "name": "Hyo Yerly" } ] }
+{ "cid": 405, "name": "Shawnda Landborg", "age": 73, "address": { "number": 2396, "street": "Hill St.", "city": "Mountain View" }, "interests": [ ], "children": [ { "name": "Cherrie Landborg", "age": 10 } ] }
+{ "cid": 530, "name": "Olevia Sturk", "age": 72, "address": { "number": 1939, "street": "Cedar St.", "city": "Sunnyvale" }, "interests": [ "Computers" ], "children": [ { "name": "Cindy Sturk", "age": 18 }, { "name": "Alishia Sturk" }, { "name": "Sonja Sturk", "age": 51 } ] }
+{ "cid": 152, "name": "Karyn Cockburn", "interests": [ "Puzzles", "Cigars", "Bass", "Computers" ], "children": [ { "name": "Zenobia Cockburn", "age": 44 }, { "name": "Shellie Cockburn" }, { "name": "Kermit Cockburn" } ] }
+{ "cid": 164, "name": "Lucrecia Dahlhauser", "interests": [ "Wine" ], "children": [ ] }
+{ "cid": 322, "name": "Jaclyn Ettl", "age": 83, "address": { "number": 4500, "street": "Main St.", "city": "Sunnyvale" }, "interests": [ "Databases", "Skiing" ], "children": [ { "name": "Noah Ettl", "age": 30 }, { "name": "Kesha Ettl" } ] }
+{ "cid": 556, "name": "Dalene Mateen", "age": 76, "address": { "number": 2854, "street": "7th St.", "city": "Mountain View" }, "interests": [ "Video Games", "Walking", "Databases", "Cooking" ], "children": [ { "name": "Jazmin Mateen", "age": 29 } ] }
+{ "cid": 105, "name": "Camilla Lohman", "interests": [ ], "children": [ { "name": "Melania Lohman", "age": 50 }, { "name": "Mike Lohman", "age": 53 }, { "name": "Cassaundra Lohman", "age": 32 }, { "name": "Jay Lohman" } ] }
+{ "cid": 26, "name": "Jone Okuna", "age": 78, "address": { "number": 6006, "street": "7th St.", "city": "Portland" }, "interests": [ ], "children": [ { "name": "Franchesca Okuna" }, { "name": "Fred Okuna", "age": 17 }, { "name": "Marcellus Okuna" } ] }
+{ "cid": 823, "name": "Deloras Scorzelli", "age": 54, "address": { "number": 6140, "street": "Oak St.", "city": "San Jose" }, "interests": [ "Bass", "Fishing", "Databases", "Fishing" ], "children": [ { "name": "Catharine Scorzelli", "age": 12 }, { "name": "Margarite Scorzelli", "age": 19 }, { "name": "Neomi Scorzelli", "age": 38 }, { "name": "Ossie Scorzelli" } ] }
+{ "cid": 12, "name": "Laurinda Raimann", "interests": [ "Basketball", "Coffee" ], "children": [ { "name": "Lulu Raimann" }, { "name": "Refugia Raimann", "age": 19 }, { "name": "Jimmie Raimann", "age": 10 }, { "name": "Cindy Raimann" } ] }
+{ "cid": 832, "name": "Alina Hosley", "interests": [ "Databases", "Databases", "Music" ], "children": [ { "name": "Sebrina Hosley" }, { "name": "Dyan Hosley" } ] }
+{ "cid": 104, "name": "Neda Dilts", "interests": [ "Basketball" ], "children": [ { "name": "Nona Dilts", "age": 28 }, { "name": "Wm Dilts" }, { "name": "Svetlana Dilts", "age": 46 }, { "name": "Iva Dilts", "age": 59 } ] }
+{ "cid": 836, "name": "Elden Shumski", "interests": [ ], "children": [ { "name": "Weldon Shumski" }, { "name": "Anneliese Shumski" } ] }
+{ "cid": 265, "name": "Donte Stempien", "age": 25, "address": { "number": 3882, "street": "Oak St.", "city": "Los Angeles" }, "interests": [ "Wine", "Books" ], "children": [ ] }
+{ "cid": 578, "name": "Dolly Delphia", "interests": [ "Wine" ], "children": [ { "name": "Sharron Delphia" }, { "name": "Shemeka Delphia" }, { "name": "Rachael Delphia" } ] }
+{ "cid": 954, "name": "Yolonda Pu", "interests": [ "Video Games", "Music", "Cooking", "Skiing" ], "children": [ { "name": "Josephina Pu", "age": 35 } ] }
+{ "cid": 722, "name": "Noel Goncalves", "interests": [ "Books", "Bass", "Books", "Books" ], "children": [ { "name": "Latrice Goncalves" }, { "name": "Evelia Goncalves", "age": 36 }, { "name": "Etta Goncalves", "age": 11 }, { "name": "Collin Goncalves" } ] }
+{ "cid": 224, "name": "Rene Rowey", "interests": [ "Base Jumping", "Base Jumping", "Walking", "Computers" ], "children": [ { "name": "Necole Rowey", "age": 26 }, { "name": "Sharyl Rowey", "age": 20 }, { "name": "Yvone Rowey", "age": 36 } ] }
+{ "cid": 739, "name": "Libbie Thigpin", "interests": [ "Databases" ], "children": [ ] }
+{ "cid": 641, "name": "Barney Perz", "interests": [ "Running", "Running", "Databases", "Running" ], "children": [ { "name": "Cristie Perz" }, { "name": "Troy Perz", "age": 38 } ] }
+{ "cid": 212, "name": "Christi Vichi", "interests": [ "Squash" ], "children": [ ] }
+{ "cid": 337, "name": "Kay Durney", "age": 52, "address": { "number": 4203, "street": "View St.", "city": "Seattle" }, "interests": [ "Walking" ], "children": [ { "name": "Velia Durney", "age": 38 }, { "name": "Erin Durney" } ] }
+{ "cid": 979, "name": "Yoko Bailony", "interests": [ ], "children": [ { "name": "Vivienne Bailony" }, { "name": "Lori Bailony", "age": 47 } ] }
+{ "cid": 312, "name": "Epifania Chorney", "age": 62, "address": { "number": 9749, "street": "Lake St.", "city": "Sunnyvale" }, "interests": [ "Wine", "Puzzles", "Tennis" ], "children": [ { "name": "Lizeth Chorney", "age": 22 } ] }
+{ "cid": 603, "name": "Barry Corkum", "interests": [ "Running", "Running" ], "children": [ { "name": "Charlesetta Corkum" }, { "name": "Helaine Corkum" }, { "name": "Erinn Corkum", "age": 28 }, { "name": "Alesia Corkum", "age": 36 } ] }
+{ "cid": 554, "name": "Darci Yafai", "age": 60, "address": { "number": 4694, "street": "Park St.", "city": "Mountain View" }, "interests": [ ], "children": [ { "name": "Lecia Yafai", "age": 47 } ] }
+{ "cid": 678, "name": "Lekisha Barnell", "interests": [ "Movies", "Skiing", "Running" ], "children": [ { "name": "August Barnell" }, { "name": "Tiffany Barnell", "age": 55 }, { "name": "Meghan Barnell" } ] }
+{ "cid": 582, "name": "Suzie Ocallahan", "interests": [ "Basketball" ], "children": [ { "name": "Tamra Ocallahan" } ] }
+{ "cid": 193, "name": "Melisa Maccarter", "age": 50, "address": { "number": 1494, "street": "View St.", "city": "Los Angeles" }, "interests": [ "Basketball" ], "children": [ { "name": "Yetta Maccarter" }, { "name": "Geralyn Maccarter" } ] }
+{ "cid": 430, "name": "Cari Woll", "age": 45, "address": { "number": 8226, "street": "Park St.", "city": "San Jose" }, "interests": [ "Cooking", "Walking", "Cooking" ], "children": [ { "name": "Tomasa Woll", "age": 32 }, { "name": "Annika Woll", "age": 21 } ] }
+{ "cid": 118, "name": "Ellis Skillom", "age": 78, "address": { "number": 9337, "street": "View St.", "city": "Mountain View" }, "interests": [ "Running", "Cigars" ], "children": [ { "name": "Emory Skillom" } ] }
+{ "cid": 522, "name": "Daryl Kissack", "age": 86, "address": { "number": 7825, "street": "Cedar St.", "city": "Mountain View" }, "interests": [ "Squash", "Base Jumping", "Tennis" ], "children": [ { "name": "Darrel Kissack", "age": 21 } ] }
+{ "cid": 151, "name": "Charlyn Soyars", "age": 21, "address": { "number": 2796, "street": "Hill St.", "city": "Los Angeles" }, "interests": [ ], "children": [ ] }
+{ "cid": 510, "name": "Candace Morello", "interests": [ "Wine", "Base Jumping", "Running" ], "children": [ { "name": "Sandy Morello", "age": 57 }, { "name": "Delois Morello", "age": 15 } ] }
+{ "cid": 655, "name": "Shaun Brandenburg", "interests": [ "Skiing", "Computers", "Base Jumping" ], "children": [ { "name": "Ned Brandenburg" }, { "name": "Takako Brandenburg", "age": 41 }, { "name": "Astrid Brandenburg" }, { "name": "Patience Brandenburg" } ] }
+{ "cid": 308, "name": "Solomon Schwenke", "interests": [ "Puzzles" ], "children": [ { "name": "Gertrude Schwenke" }, { "name": "Marcell Schwenke", "age": 41 }, { "name": "Shalon Schwenke" } ] }
+{ "cid": 502, "name": "Lawana Mulik", "age": 82, "address": { "number": 3071, "street": "Park St.", "city": "Portland" }, "interests": [ "Cigars", "Cigars" ], "children": [ { "name": "Carrie Mulik" }, { "name": "Sharlene Mulik", "age": 33 }, { "name": "Leone Mulik", "age": 46 } ] }
+{ "cid": 740, "name": "Thomasine Collado", "interests": [ "Music" ], "children": [ { "name": "Tabetha Collado" }, { "name": "Alline Collado" }, { "name": "Delisa Collado" }, { "name": "Jack Collado", "age": 56 } ] }
+{ "cid": 386, "name": "Mao Gradowski", "age": 36, "address": { "number": 5116, "street": "Washington St.", "city": "Mountain View" }, "interests": [ "Computers", "Fishing" ], "children": [ { "name": "Jeneva Gradowski" }, { "name": "Thu Gradowski", "age": 22 }, { "name": "Daphine Gradowski" }, { "name": "Providencia Gradowski" } ] }
+{ "cid": 783, "name": "Johnnie Kesby", "age": 56, "address": { "number": 9798, "street": "View St.", "city": "Seattle" }, "interests": [ "Puzzles", "Tennis" ], "children": [ ] }
+{ "cid": 694, "name": "Ariel Soltani", "interests": [ "Databases", "Music", "Puzzles" ], "children": [ { "name": "Aldo Soltani" }, { "name": "Anglea Soltani" } ] }
+{ "cid": 128, "name": "Edwin Harwick", "interests": [ "Fishing", "Squash", "Basketball" ], "children": [ { "name": "Tomeka Harwick", "age": 34 }, { "name": "Caroline Harwick", "age": 57 }, { "name": "Peter Harwick" }, { "name": "Adele Harwick" } ] }
+{ "cid": 348, "name": "Matthew Pantaleo", "age": 80, "address": { "number": 9782, "street": "Washington St.", "city": "Seattle" }, "interests": [ ], "children": [ { "name": "Faviola Pantaleo" }, { "name": "Yang Pantaleo" }, { "name": "Christopher Pantaleo" }, { "name": "Jacqui Pantaleo", "age": 58 } ] }
+{ "cid": 22, "name": "Sarita Burrer", "interests": [ "Cigars", "Computers" ], "children": [ ] }
+{ "cid": 44, "name": "Agustin Clubs", "interests": [ ], "children": [ { "name": "Maxwell Clubs", "age": 31 }, { "name": "Rayna Clubs" }, { "name": "Darwin Clubs" } ] }
+{ "cid": 327, "name": "Minnie Scali", "interests": [ "Cooking", "Squash", "Skiing" ], "children": [ { "name": "Jalisa Scali" }, { "name": "Preston Scali" }, { "name": "Stephani Scali", "age": 47 }, { "name": "Candra Scali" } ] }
+{ "cid": 668, "name": "Dorene Spigelman", "interests": [ ], "children": [ { "name": "Chiquita Spigelman", "age": 29 }, { "name": "Anisha Spigelman", "age": 34 }, { "name": "Micah Spigelman", "age": 28 } ] }
+{ "cid": 53, "name": "Ricardo Greiwe", "age": 24, "address": { "number": 8983, "street": "View St.", "city": "Portland" }, "interests": [ ], "children": [ ] }
+{ "cid": 157, "name": "Mckenzie Tahir", "age": 78, "address": { "number": 6752, "street": "Hill St.", "city": "Seattle" }, "interests": [ ], "children": [ { "name": "Margarita Tahir", "age": 18 }, { "name": "Mia Tahir", "age": 47 }, { "name": "Gaylord Tahir" } ] }
+{ "cid": 504, "name": "Marla Kolenda", "age": 57, "address": { "number": 464, "street": "View St.", "city": "San Jose" }, "interests": [ "Coffee" ], "children": [ { "name": "Iliana Kolenda", "age": 34 }, { "name": "Ammie Kolenda", "age": 20 }, { "name": "Candi Kolenda", "age": 23 }, { "name": "Lyla Kolenda", "age": 23 } ] }
+{ "cid": 601, "name": "Zackary Willier", "interests": [ "Cooking", "Databases", "Databases" ], "children": [ ] }
+{ "cid": 837, "name": "Denice Wolken", "age": 28, "address": { "number": 5010, "street": "7th St.", "city": "Mountain View" }, "interests": [ ], "children": [ { "name": "Kattie Wolken" } ] }
+{ "cid": 144, "name": "Celesta Sosebee", "age": 19, "address": { "number": 2683, "street": "7th St.", "city": "Portland" }, "interests": [ "Databases", "Databases" ], "children": [ { "name": "Jesse Sosebee" }, { "name": "Oralee Sosebee" }, { "name": "Sunday Sosebee" } ] }
+{ "cid": 651, "name": "Delana Henk", "age": 69, "address": { "number": 5497, "street": "Oak St.", "city": "Sunnyvale" }, "interests": [ "Coffee", "Video Games", "Databases" ], "children": [ { "name": "Loan Henk" }, { "name": "Teresa Henk", "age": 20 }, { "name": "Randell Henk" }, { "name": "Micah Henk" } ] }
+{ "cid": 897, "name": "Gerald Roehrman", "interests": [ "Bass", "Wine" ], "children": [ { "name": "Virgie Roehrman", "age": 28 }, { "name": "Akiko Roehrman", "age": 59 }, { "name": "Robbie Roehrman", "age": 10 }, { "name": "Flavia Roehrman" } ] }
+{ "cid": 671, "name": "Harley Emami", "interests": [ "Basketball" ], "children": [ { "name": "Valentine Emami" }, { "name": "Pearlene Emami" } ] }
+{ "cid": 406, "name": "Addie Mandez", "interests": [ "Tennis", "Cigars", "Books" ], "children": [ { "name": "Rosendo Mandez", "age": 34 } ] }
+{ "cid": 955, "name": "Liliana Stenkamp", "interests": [ "Music" ], "children": [ ] }
+{ "cid": 519, "name": "Julianna Goodsell", "age": 59, "address": { "number": 5594, "street": "Lake St.", "city": "Seattle" }, "interests": [ "Video Games", "Fishing" ], "children": [ ] }
+{ "cid": 714, "name": "Felipe Gobel", "interests": [ "Coffee", "Cigars", "Cooking", "Squash" ], "children": [ { "name": "Hortense Gobel", "age": 15 }, { "name": "Thomas Gobel", "age": 25 }, { "name": "Deena Gobel", "age": 53 }, { "name": "Shelby Gobel" } ] }
+{ "cid": 717, "name": "Paulette Moccasin", "age": 87, "address": { "number": 1426, "street": "View St.", "city": "Portland" }, "interests": [ "Fishing" ], "children": [ { "name": "Savannah Moccasin" }, { "name": "Mariela Moccasin", "age": 34 }, { "name": "Isadora Moccasin" }, { "name": "Vivien Moccasin", "age": 31 } ] }
+{ "cid": 982, "name": "Jude Brandsrud", "age": 41, "address": { "number": 7133, "street": "Washington St.", "city": "Seattle" }, "interests": [ "Bass", "Skiing" ], "children": [ { "name": "Scottie Brandsrud" }, { "name": "Gennie Brandsrud", "age": 10 }, { "name": "Agnes Brandsrud" }, { "name": "Clarinda Brandsrud", "age": 17 } ] }
+{ "cid": 254, "name": "Jeanice Longanecker", "age": 74, "address": { "number": 2613, "street": "Oak St.", "city": "San Jose" }, "interests": [ "Books", "Base Jumping" ], "children": [ ] }
+{ "cid": 890, "name": "Janise Maccarthy", "age": 66, "address": { "number": 7337, "street": "Main St.", "city": "San Jose" }, "interests": [ "Wine", "Computers" ], "children": [ ] }
+{ "cid": 996, "name": "Elouise Wider", "interests": [ "Coffee", "Computers", "Base Jumping" ], "children": [ ] }
+{ "cid": 245, "name": "Lupe Abshear", "age": 55, "address": { "number": 7269, "street": "Oak St.", "city": "Sunnyvale" }, "interests": [ ], "children": [ { "name": "Song Abshear" }, { "name": "Honey Abshear", "age": 31 } ] }
+{ "cid": 645, "name": "Shawnda Dollinger", "age": 36, "address": { "number": 5980, "street": "Park St.", "city": "Los Angeles" }, "interests": [ ], "children": [ { "name": "Vicente Dollinger" }, { "name": "Kerrie Dollinger", "age": 10 }, { "name": "Sima Dollinger", "age": 14 } ] }
+{ "cid": 448, "name": "Gracie Pekas", "age": 59, "address": { "number": 4732, "street": "Cedar St.", "city": "San Jose" }, "interests": [ "Base Jumping", "Wine", "Cigars" ], "children": [ { "name": "Jeanett Pekas", "age": 35 }, { "name": "Jennifer Pekas" }, { "name": "Carrol Pekas" } ] }
+{ "cid": 123, "name": "Marian Courrege", "age": 30, "address": { "number": 7321, "street": "Main St.", "city": "Sunnyvale" }, "interests": [ "Coffee" ], "children": [ ] }
+{ "cid": 732, "name": "Dania Fabio", "interests": [ "Skiing" ], "children": [ { "name": "Virgie Fabio" }, { "name": "Nereida Fabio", "age": 37 } ] }
+{ "cid": 589, "name": "Rebeca Blackwell", "age": 66, "address": { "number": 5708, "street": "View St.", "city": "Portland" }, "interests": [ ], "children": [ ] }
+{ "cid": 731, "name": "Yajaira Orto", "interests": [ "Music", "Databases" ], "children": [ { "name": "Eliz Orto", "age": 17 }, { "name": "Gisela Orto" } ] }
+{ "cid": 797, "name": "Frederica Kale", "age": 77, "address": { "number": 6861, "street": "Oak St.", "city": "Los Angeles" }, "interests": [ "Puzzles", "Bass" ], "children": [ { "name": "Shanice Kale" }, { "name": "Soraya Kale", "age": 64 }, { "name": "Laurena Kale", "age": 57 } ] }
+{ "cid": 1, "name": "Trudie Minick", "age": 75, "address": { "number": 6740, "street": "Lake St.", "city": "Sunnyvale" }, "interests": [ "Fishing", "Squash" ], "children": [ { "name": "Arie Minick", "age": 56 }, { "name": "Alline Minick", "age": 57 }, { "name": "Petronila Minick", "age": 56 } ] }
+{ "cid": 289, "name": "Clarence Milette", "age": 16, "address": { "number": 3778, "street": "Oak St.", "city": "Seattle" }, "interests": [ "Books", "Base Jumping", "Music" ], "children": [ ] }
+{ "cid": 846, "name": "Kieth Norlund", "age": 15, "address": { "number": 4039, "street": "Park St.", "city": "Mountain View" }, "interests": [ "Wine", "Walking", "Puzzles" ], "children": [ { "name": "Shawn Norlund" } ] }
+{ "cid": 437, "name": "Marlene Macintyre", "age": 86, "address": { "number": 3708, "street": "Oak St.", "city": "Mountain View" }, "interests": [ "Wine", "Walking", "Music", "Coffee" ], "children": [ { "name": "Todd Macintyre" }, { "name": "Mechelle Macintyre", "age": 50 } ] }
+{ "cid": 881, "name": "Leora Chesnutt", "age": 49, "address": { "number": 6487, "street": "Hill St.", "city": "Seattle" }, "interests": [ "Movies" ], "children": [ { "name": "Myrtle Chesnutt" }, { "name": "Serina Chesnutt", "age": 11 }, { "name": "Jana Chesnutt", "age": 10 } ] }
+{ "cid": 219, "name": "Joelle Valazquez", "age": 73, "address": { "number": 9775, "street": "Park St.", "city": "San Jose" }, "interests": [ ], "children": [ { "name": "Gene Valazquez" }, { "name": "Ilona Valazquez" } ] }
+{ "cid": 191, "name": "Lula Pangburn", "age": 42, "address": { "number": 1309, "street": "Lake St.", "city": "Seattle" }, "interests": [ "Skiing", "Cooking", "Walking", "Video Games" ], "children": [ { "name": "Love Pangburn", "age": 11 }, { "name": "Bryant Pangburn", "age": 13 }, { "name": "Kenda Pangburn", "age": 14 } ] }
+{ "cid": 184, "name": "Mirtha Ricciardi", "interests": [ "Music" ], "children": [ { "name": "Elsa Ricciardi", "age": 30 }, { "name": "Vicente Ricciardi" }, { "name": "Sau Ricciardi", "age": 28 } ] }
+{ "cid": 539, "name": "Nicky Graceffo", "interests": [ "Video Games" ], "children": [ ] }
+{ "cid": 49, "name": "Asa Schwing", "age": 70, "address": { "number": 2261, "street": "7th St.", "city": "Sunnyvale" }, "interests": [ "Tennis" ], "children": [ { "name": "Joy Schwing", "age": 15 } ] }
+{ "cid": 92, "name": "Kenny Laychock", "age": 15, "address": { "number": 4790, "street": "Washington St.", "city": "Portland" }, "interests": [ "Video Games", "Basketball" ], "children": [ ] }
+{ "cid": 19, "name": "Nolan Yaish", "age": 26, "address": { "number": 571, "street": "Lake St.", "city": "San Jose" }, "interests": [ "Fishing", "Running", "Tennis", "Running" ], "children": [ { "name": "Jerold Yaish" }, { "name": "Leatrice Yaish" }, { "name": "Cletus Yaish", "age": 10 } ] }
+{ "cid": 791, "name": "Jame Apresa", "age": 66, "address": { "number": 8417, "street": "Main St.", "city": "San Jose" }, "interests": [ "Running", "Puzzles", "Base Jumping" ], "children": [ { "name": "Awilda Apresa" }, { "name": "Nelle Apresa", "age": 40 }, { "name": "Terrell Apresa" }, { "name": "Malia Apresa", "age": 43 } ] }
+{ "cid": 95, "name": "Gavin Locey", "age": 86, "address": { "number": 8162, "street": "Lake St.", "city": "Portland" }, "interests": [ ], "children": [ { "name": "Terrell Locey" }, { "name": "Kazuko Locey", "age": 36 }, { "name": "Risa Locey" }, { "name": "Dorethea Locey", "age": 13 } ] }
+{ "cid": 790, "name": "Dustin Brumble", "interests": [ "Computers", "Databases", "Tennis" ], "children": [ { "name": "Oda Brumble" }, { "name": "Jennefer Brumble", "age": 26 }, { "name": "Ricardo Brumble", "age": 37 }, { "name": "Graciela Brumble", "age": 10 } ] }
+{ "cid": 824, "name": "Vonda Czaplewski", "age": 72, "address": { "number": 4597, "street": "7th St.", "city": "Portland" }, "interests": [ "Skiing" ], "children": [ { "name": "Gaynelle Czaplewski" }, { "name": "India Czaplewski" } ] }
+{ "cid": 281, "name": "Ivey Riveria", "interests": [ "Cooking", "Puzzles", "Fishing", "Wine" ], "children": [ { "name": "Mohamed Riveria" }, { "name": "Dia Riveria", "age": 17 }, { "name": "Hope Riveria" } ] }
+{ "cid": 624, "name": "Bong Lyall", "interests": [ "Databases", "Music", "Video Games" ], "children": [ ] }
+{ "cid": 754, "name": "Luetta Joern", "age": 25, "address": { "number": 5554, "street": "Hill St.", "city": "Los Angeles" }, "interests": [ ], "children": [ { "name": "Hildegarde Joern" }, { "name": "Lorenza Joern", "age": 13 } ] }
+{ "cid": 466, "name": "Paulene Bagen", "age": 87, "address": { "number": 4093, "street": "View St.", "city": "Mountain View" }, "interests": [ "Music" ], "children": [ { "name": "Antione Bagen" }, { "name": "Samatha Bagen" } ] }
+{ "cid": 194, "name": "Leslee Apking", "age": 41, "address": { "number": 8107, "street": "Washington St.", "city": "Sunnyvale" }, "interests": [ "Puzzles" ], "children": [ { "name": "Irena Apking" }, { "name": "Arla Apking" } ] }
+{ "cid": 620, "name": "Arielle Mackellar", "interests": [ "Cooking", "Bass" ], "children": [ { "name": "Evelin Mackellar", "age": 17 }, { "name": "Theresa Mackellar", "age": 53 }, { "name": "Ronnie Mackellar" }, { "name": "Elwanda Mackellar", "age": 54 } ] }
+{ "cid": 351, "name": "Samual Alsandor", "age": 68, "address": { "number": 33, "street": "Oak St.", "city": "Sunnyvale" }, "interests": [ "Bass", "Cigars", "Cooking", "Coffee" ], "children": [ ] }
+{ "cid": 517, "name": "Alfonso Bruderer", "interests": [ "Bass" ], "children": [ ] }
+{ "cid": 913, "name": "Evelynn Fague", "age": 42, "address": { "number": 5729, "street": "7th St.", "city": "Seattle" }, "interests": [ "Books", "Databases", "Cooking" ], "children": [ ] }
+{ "cid": 541, "name": "Sammy Adamitis", "age": 71, "address": { "number": 5593, "street": "Washington St.", "city": "Seattle" }, "interests": [ "Books", "Tennis", "Cooking" ], "children": [ ] }
+{ "cid": 298, "name": "Brittny Christin", "interests": [ "Databases", "Video Games" ], "children": [ { "name": "Hilario Christin" }, { "name": "Clarine Christin" } ] }
+{ "cid": 489, "name": "Brigid Delosier", "age": 31, "address": { "number": 6082, "street": "Oak St.", "city": "Portland" }, "interests": [ "Tennis", "Cigars", "Music" ], "children": [ { "name": "Allegra Delosier" }, { "name": "Yong Delosier", "age": 10 }, { "name": "Steffanie Delosier", "age": 13 } ] }
+{ "cid": 551, "name": "Dorian Riggins", "age": 85, "address": { "number": 9563, "street": "View St.", "city": "Seattle" }, "interests": [ "Music", "Cigars", "Cigars", "Cooking" ], "children": [ { "name": "Lorine Riggins", "age": 51 }, { "name": "Sung Riggins" }, { "name": "Fletcher Riggins", "age": 60 }, { "name": "Deon Riggins" } ] }
+{ "cid": 878, "name": "Migdalia Bisker", "age": 50, "address": { "number": 6699, "street": "Oak St.", "city": "Los Angeles" }, "interests": [ "Computers", "Basketball" ], "children": [ { "name": "Moira Bisker" }, { "name": "Tanisha Bisker" } ] }
+{ "cid": 412, "name": "Devon Szalai", "age": 26, "address": { "number": 2384, "street": "Lake St.", "city": "Los Angeles" }, "interests": [ "Bass", "Books", "Books" ], "children": [ { "name": "Yolonda Szalai" }, { "name": "Denita Szalai" }, { "name": "Priscila Szalai", "age": 10 }, { "name": "Cassondra Szalai", "age": 12 } ] }
+{ "cid": 608, "name": "Bruce Stanley", "age": 39, "address": { "number": 4532, "street": "Hill St.", "city": "Los Angeles" }, "interests": [ "Tennis" ], "children": [ ] }
+{ "cid": 743, "name": "Nona Debroux", "interests": [ "Bass" ], "children": [ ] }
+{ "cid": 318, "name": "Shaunna Royal", "age": 86, "address": { "number": 8681, "street": "7th St.", "city": "San Jose" }, "interests": [ ], "children": [ { "name": "Shantell Royal", "age": 37 }, { "name": "Shalon Royal", "age": 50 }, { "name": "Chung Royal", "age": 26 } ] }
+{ "cid": 614, "name": "Wallace Chaidy", "interests": [ "Bass", "Movies", "Music" ], "children": [ { "name": "Refugio Chaidy" }, { "name": "Hae Chaidy", "age": 55 }, { "name": "Julian Chaidy" }, { "name": "Tabatha Chaidy" } ] }
+{ "cid": 390, "name": "Shera Cung", "age": 69, "address": { "number": 5850, "street": "Hill St.", "city": "San Jose" }, "interests": [ "Fishing", "Computers", "Cigars", "Base Jumping" ], "children": [ { "name": "Lenore Cung", "age": 20 } ] }
+{ "cid": 518, "name": "Cora Ingargiola", "interests": [ "Skiing", "Squash", "Movies" ], "children": [ { "name": "Katlyn Ingargiola" }, { "name": "Mike Ingargiola" }, { "name": "Lawrence Ingargiola" }, { "name": "Isabelle Ingargiola" } ] }
+{ "cid": 93, "name": "Garth Raigosa", "interests": [ "Basketball" ], "children": [ ] }
+{ "cid": 41, "name": "Kevin Giottonini", "interests": [ "Skiing", "Bass" ], "children": [ { "name": "Victor Giottonini", "age": 37 }, { "name": "Alverta Giottonini" } ] }
+{ "cid": 7, "name": "Karie Kaehler", "age": 59, "address": { "number": 9875, "street": "View St.", "city": "San Jose" }, "interests": [ "Computers", "Skiing", "Basketball", "Movies" ], "children": [ { "name": "Spring Kaehler", "age": 17 } ] }
+{ "cid": 925, "name": "Quintin Kizzie", "interests": [ "Computers", "Tennis", "Bass", "Movies" ], "children": [ { "name": "Julius Kizzie", "age": 11 }, { "name": "Melissia Kizzie" }, { "name": "Olga Kizzie", "age": 42 } ] }
+{ "cid": 819, "name": "Twanna Finnley", "interests": [ "Squash", "Cigars" ], "children": [ { "name": "Reba Finnley" }, { "name": "Moises Finnley" } ] }
+{ "cid": 162, "name": "Chang Reek", "age": 85, "address": { "number": 5943, "street": "Washington St.", "city": "Portland" }, "interests": [ "Tennis", "Movies" ], "children": [ { "name": "Camelia Reek" }, { "name": "Eleonora Reek", "age": 36 }, { "name": "Shalonda Reek", "age": 39 }, { "name": "Stefan Reek", "age": 64 } ] }
+{ "cid": 719, "name": "Antoinette Boursiquot", "age": 47, "address": { "number": 3652, "street": "Cedar St.", "city": "Portland" }, "interests": [ ], "children": [ { "name": "Dennis Boursiquot" }, { "name": "Katelyn Boursiquot" }, { "name": "Gabrielle Boursiquot" }, { "name": "Deidre Boursiquot" } ] }
+{ "cid": 205, "name": "Moises Plake", "interests": [ "Puzzles", "Computers" ], "children": [ ] }
+{ "cid": 319, "name": "Ashlie Rott", "age": 42, "address": { "number": 366, "street": "Cedar St.", "city": "Mountain View" }, "interests": [ "Computers", "Cooking", "Databases" ], "children": [ ] }
+{ "cid": 52, "name": "Janna Tish", "age": 12, "address": { "number": 2598, "street": "Washington St.", "city": "San Jose" }, "interests": [ ], "children": [ { "name": "Mackenzie Tish" }, { "name": "Ettie Tish" }, { "name": "Hortencia Tish" }, { "name": "Paul Tish" } ] }
+{ "cid": 903, "name": "Elise Morenz", "age": 17, "address": { "number": 8968, "street": "View St.", "city": "Mountain View" }, "interests": [ ], "children": [ ] }
+{ "cid": 477, "name": "Onie Kasica", "age": 72, "address": { "number": 7963, "street": "Lake St.", "city": "San Jose" }, "interests": [ "Skiing", "Bass", "Movies", "Skiing" ], "children": [ { "name": "Hallie Kasica", "age": 44 } ] }
+{ "cid": 30, "name": "Deedee Centner", "interests": [ "Skiing", "Wine", "Databases", "Movies" ], "children": [ { "name": "Lorilee Centner", "age": 30 }, { "name": "Thad Centner" } ] }
+{ "cid": 434, "name": "Tamesha Soho", "age": 33, "address": { "number": 4534, "street": "Park St.", "city": "Seattle" }, "interests": [ ], "children": [ { "name": "Cody Soho" }, { "name": "Glennie Soho", "age": 22 } ] }
+{ "cid": 158, "name": "Rosalva Harvath", "age": 84, "address": { "number": 5569, "street": "Washington St.", "city": "Mountain View" }, "interests": [ "Puzzles", "Wine", "Skiing", "Coffee" ], "children": [ { "name": "Taneka Harvath" }, { "name": "Ina Harvath", "age": 54 }, { "name": "Joanne Harvath", "age": 51 } ] }
+{ "cid": 246, "name": "Kenda Heikkinen", "age": 63, "address": { "number": 8924, "street": "View St.", "city": "Mountain View" }, "interests": [ "Databases" ], "children": [ ] }
+{ "cid": 855, "name": "Rosette Reen", "age": 57, "address": { "number": 2767, "street": "Lake St.", "city": "Mountain View" }, "interests": [ "Basketball" ], "children": [ ] }
+{ "cid": 484, "name": "Bennie Dragaj", "interests": [ "Fishing", "Databases", "Wine" ], "children": [ { "name": "Viva Dragaj", "age": 13 } ] }
+{ "cid": 292, "name": "Mariana Cosselman", "interests": [ "Squash" ], "children": [ { "name": "Madge Cosselman", "age": 43 } ] }
+{ "cid": 763, "name": "Candis Deya", "interests": [ "Computers" ], "children": [ { "name": "Lise Deya" }, { "name": "Jeni Deya", "age": 52 }, { "name": "Domonique Deya", "age": 24 }, { "name": "Rubie Deya" } ] }
+{ "cid": 163, "name": "Marcelene Sparano", "age": 36, "address": { "number": 5722, "street": "View St.", "city": "San Jose" }, "interests": [ "Basketball", "Databases" ], "children": [ { "name": "Luz Sparano" }, { "name": "Cassandra Sparano", "age": 21 }, { "name": "Martina Sparano", "age": 21 }, { "name": "Elisabeth Sparano" } ] }
+{ "cid": 260, "name": "Hedwig Caminero", "age": 81, "address": { "number": 4305, "street": "7th St.", "city": "Portland" }, "interests": [ "Video Games", "Databases" ], "children": [ { "name": "Hal Caminero" }, { "name": "Cierra Caminero", "age": 32 } ] }
+{ "cid": 650, "name": "Darrin Orengo", "interests": [ ], "children": [ { "name": "Linwood Orengo", "age": 39 } ] }
+{ "cid": 762, "name": "Towanda Yamat", "interests": [ "Coffee", "Books", "Squash", "Bass" ], "children": [ { "name": "Michiko Yamat", "age": 10 }, { "name": "Ladonna Yamat" }, { "name": "Brenton Yamat" } ] }
+{ "cid": 921, "name": "Mario Nolden", "age": 17, "address": { "number": 3977, "street": "Cedar St.", "city": "Sunnyvale" }, "interests": [ ], "children": [ { "name": "Gertrude Nolden" }, { "name": "Ray Nolden" }, { "name": "Inocencia Nolden" } ] }
+{ "cid": 672, "name": "Pamelia Repka", "age": 30, "address": { "number": 8837, "street": "Oak St.", "city": "San Jose" }, "interests": [ "Coffee", "Base Jumping" ], "children": [ { "name": "Klara Repka", "age": 19 }, { "name": "Bennett Repka" }, { "name": "Randy Repka", "age": 13 }, { "name": "Ervin Repka" } ] }
+{ "cid": 973, "name": "Blanche Scivally", "interests": [ "Movies", "Running", "Video Games", "Books" ], "children": [ { "name": "Josefina Scivally", "age": 43 }, { "name": "Joey Scivally", "age": 34 } ] }
+{ "cid": 345, "name": "Derick Rippel", "age": 79, "address": { "number": 6843, "street": "Oak St.", "city": "Portland" }, "interests": [ "Running", "Basketball", "Computers", "Basketball" ], "children": [ ] }
+{ "cid": 933, "name": "Eartha Hershberger", "age": 81, "address": { "number": 7013, "street": "Cedar St.", "city": "Los Angeles" }, "interests": [ "Puzzles" ], "children": [ { "name": "Waneta Hershberger" }, { "name": "Katherine Hershberger", "age": 67 }, { "name": "Johnnie Hershberger", "age": 25 }, { "name": "Jovan Hershberger", "age": 30 } ] }
+{ "cid": 109, "name": "Rosette Simco", "age": 79, "address": { "number": 5927, "street": "Oak St.", "city": "Sunnyvale" }, "interests": [ "Cooking", "Puzzles", "Basketball", "Skiing" ], "children": [ { "name": "Claudia Simco", "age": 57 }, { "name": "Altagracia Simco" } ] }
+{ "cid": 76, "name": "Opal Blewett", "interests": [ "Running", "Coffee", "Fishing" ], "children": [ { "name": "Violette Blewett" } ] }
+{ "cid": 250, "name": "Angeles Saltonstall", "interests": [ "Tennis", "Fishing", "Movies" ], "children": [ { "name": "Suzanna Saltonstall" } ] }
+{ "cid": 103, "name": "Rosamond Milera", "interests": [ "Cigars" ], "children": [ ] }
+{ "cid": 328, "name": "Mallory Sheffey", "age": 27, "address": { "number": 8532, "street": "Washington St.", "city": "Mountain View" }, "interests": [ "Cooking" ], "children": [ { "name": "Regan Sheffey", "age": 14 } ] }
+{ "cid": 287, "name": "Cheryle Protano", "interests": [ "Walking", "Coffee", "Puzzles", "Coffee" ], "children": [ { "name": "Karine Protano", "age": 41 }, { "name": "Mafalda Protano", "age": 31 } ] }
+{ "cid": 928, "name": "Maddie Diclaudio", "age": 33, "address": { "number": 4674, "street": "Washington St.", "city": "San Jose" }, "interests": [ "Base Jumping", "Databases", "Bass" ], "children": [ { "name": "Dominique Diclaudio", "age": 12 } ] }
+{ "cid": 321, "name": "Lidia Cicatello", "interests": [ "Bass", "Movies", "Cooking", "Wine" ], "children": [ ] }
+{ "cid": 977, "name": "Ferdinand Barchick", "age": 58, "address": { "number": 8278, "street": "7th St.", "city": "Sunnyvale" }, "interests": [ "Puzzles", "Basketball", "Bass", "Fishing" ], "children": [ { "name": "Margeret Barchick", "age": 32 }, { "name": "Dwana Barchick" }, { "name": "Kathryn Barchick" }, { "name": "Tam Barchick" } ] }
+{ "cid": 642, "name": "Odell Nova", "age": 25, "address": { "number": 896, "street": "Park St.", "city": "San Jose" }, "interests": [ "Video Games", "Squash", "Music" ], "children": [ { "name": "Leopoldo Nova" }, { "name": "Rickey Nova" }, { "name": "Mike Nova", "age": 14 }, { "name": "Tamie Nova", "age": 14 } ] }
+{ "cid": 288, "name": "Sharice Bachicha", "interests": [ ], "children": [ ] }
+{ "cid": 261, "name": "Aubrey Smulik", "interests": [ "Music", "Coffee", "Base Jumping", "Fishing" ], "children": [ ] }
+{ "cid": 395, "name": "Bob Layman", "age": 61, "address": { "number": 3646, "street": "Washington St.", "city": "Los Angeles" }, "interests": [ ], "children": [ ] }
+{ "cid": 180, "name": "Theda Hilz", "age": 35, "address": { "number": 9918, "street": "Oak St.", "city": "Los Angeles" }, "interests": [ ], "children": [ { "name": "Ethan Hilz" }, { "name": "Bill Hilz", "age": 12 } ] }
+{ "cid": 814, "name": "Harriette Kasmarek", "age": 68, "address": { "number": 7191, "street": "Washington St.", "city": "Sunnyvale" }, "interests": [ "Music", "Skiing" ], "children": [ { "name": "Melani Kasmarek", "age": 24 }, { "name": "Jesica Kasmarek", "age": 22 } ] }
+{ "cid": 135, "name": "Josette Dries", "interests": [ "Base Jumping", "Movies" ], "children": [ { "name": "Ben Dries", "age": 36 }, { "name": "Wm Dries", "age": 29 } ] }
+{ "cid": 542, "name": "Eveline Smedley", "age": 50, "address": { "number": 5513, "street": "Oak St.", "city": "San Jose" }, "interests": [ "Skiing", "Walking" ], "children": [ { "name": "Lynsey Smedley", "age": 26 } ] }
+{ "cid": 200, "name": "Stacey Bertran", "age": 78, "address": { "number": 9050, "street": "Washington St.", "city": "Sunnyvale" }, "interests": [ ], "children": [ { "name": "Eugenia Bertran", "age": 59 }, { "name": "Lorri Bertran", "age": 29 }, { "name": "Corrie Bertran", "age": 52 } ] }
+{ "cid": 535, "name": "Juana Hirliman", "age": 87, "address": { "number": 6763, "street": "Hill St.", "city": "Sunnyvale" }, "interests": [ "Movies" ], "children": [ { "name": "Ursula Hirliman", "age": 40 }, { "name": "Doretha Hirliman", "age": 30 }, { "name": "Leisha Hirliman", "age": 49 } ] }
+{ "cid": 251, "name": "Janeen Galston", "interests": [ "Basketball", "Base Jumping" ], "children": [ ] }
+{ "cid": 939, "name": "Iris Moore", "age": 23, "address": { "number": 8122, "street": "Cedar St.", "city": "Los Angeles" }, "interests": [ "Books", "Skiing", "Basketball", "Coffee" ], "children": [ { "name": "Consuela Moore" }, { "name": "Delsie Moore" }, { "name": "Stefan Moore", "age": 11 } ] }
+{ "cid": 626, "name": "Sydney Josten", "age": 44, "address": { "number": 4815, "street": "Hill St.", "city": "Sunnyvale" }, "interests": [ "Cigars" ], "children": [ { "name": "Basil Josten", "age": 14 }, { "name": "Yasuko Josten" } ] }
+{ "cid": 438, "name": "Allegra Pefanis", "interests": [ "Computers", "Music", "Cigars" ], "children": [ ] }
+{ "cid": 441, "name": "Jamison Reeser", "age": 84, "address": { "number": 9376, "street": "7th St.", "city": "Mountain View" }, "interests": [ "Tennis" ], "children": [ { "name": "Elena Reeser", "age": 28 } ] }
+{ "cid": 800, "name": "Karon Johnsen", "interests": [ "Movies" ], "children": [ { "name": "Roselee Johnsen", "age": 25 } ] }
+{ "cid": 516, "name": "Taunya Berkbigler", "age": 82, "address": { "number": 5441, "street": "View St.", "city": "Seattle" }, "interests": [ "Databases", "Tennis" ], "children": [ { "name": "Cherry Berkbigler", "age": 27 }, { "name": "Perry Berkbigler" } ] }
+{ "cid": 847, "name": "Ashton Korba", "age": 25, "address": { "number": 6450, "street": "Park St.", "city": "Sunnyvale" }, "interests": [ "Cigars", "Computers", "Walking", "Video Games" ], "children": [ ] }
+{ "cid": 476, "name": "Kai Saggese", "interests": [ "Squash", "Puzzles", "Books", "Movies" ], "children": [ ] }
+{ "cid": 300, "name": "Garret Colgrove", "age": 85, "address": { "number": 9937, "street": "Hill St.", "city": "Sunnyvale" }, "interests": [ "Base Jumping", "Puzzles", "Fishing" ], "children": [ { "name": "Janna Colgrove" }, { "name": "Jerilyn Colgrove", "age": 35 } ] }
+{ "cid": 16, "name": "Felisa Auletta", "age": 55, "address": { "number": 7737, "street": "View St.", "city": "San Jose" }, "interests": [ "Skiing", "Coffee", "Wine" ], "children": [ { "name": "Rosalia Auletta", "age": 36 } ] }
+{ "cid": 23, "name": "Micheal Konen", "interests": [ ], "children": [ { "name": "Myong Konen", "age": 26 }, { "name": "Celinda Konen", "age": 33 }, { "name": "Tammy Konen", "age": 53 }, { "name": "Chester Konen" } ] }
+{ "cid": 580, "name": "Liana Gabbert", "interests": [ "Coffee", "Tennis", "Bass", "Running" ], "children": [ ] }
+{ "cid": 341, "name": "Francene Deats", "interests": [ "Walking", "Databases", "Cigars", "Bass" ], "children": [ { "name": "Caron Deats" }, { "name": "Geralyn Deats" }, { "name": "Darell Deats" } ] }
+{ "cid": 323, "name": "Rebeca Grisostomo", "age": 26, "address": { "number": 399, "street": "View St.", "city": "Portland" }, "interests": [ "Music" ], "children": [ { "name": "Iva Grisostomo", "age": 12 }, { "name": "Ha Grisostomo" }, { "name": "Lorna Grisostomo" } ] }
+{ "cid": 410, "name": "Jennie Longhenry", "age": 82, "address": { "number": 7427, "street": "Main St.", "city": "San Jose" }, "interests": [ ], "children": [ { "name": "Charles Longhenry", "age": 61 }, { "name": "Faviola Longhenry", "age": 25 }, { "name": "Darline Longhenry" }, { "name": "Lorean Longhenry" } ] }
+{ "cid": 4, "name": "Bernita Gungor", "age": 87, "address": { "number": 1208, "street": "Cedar St.", "city": "Mountain View" }, "interests": [ "Walking" ], "children": [ { "name": "Valencia Gungor", "age": 72 }, { "name": "Evangeline Gungor", "age": 76 }, { "name": "Odell Gungor" }, { "name": "Denny Gungor" } ] }
+{ "cid": 204, "name": "Londa Herdt", "interests": [ ], "children": [ { "name": "Marnie Herdt", "age": 47 } ] }
+{ "cid": 270, "name": "Lavon Ascenzo", "interests": [ "Books", "Skiing" ], "children": [ ] }
+{ "cid": 607, "name": "Bert Garigliano", "age": 71, "address": { "number": 3881, "street": "Washington St.", "city": "San Jose" }, "interests": [ "Walking", "Wine" ], "children": [ { "name": "Junior Garigliano", "age": 42 }, { "name": "Willa Garigliano", "age": 21 }, { "name": "Carlo Garigliano" } ] }
+{ "cid": 87, "name": "Torie Horuath", "age": 21, "address": { "number": 2713, "street": "Oak St.", "city": "Sunnyvale" }, "interests": [ "Coffee", "Puzzles", "Cigars", "Walking" ], "children": [ { "name": "Joshua Horuath", "age": 10 } ] }
+{ "cid": 742, "name": "Andy Schifo", "age": 36, "address": { "number": 4422, "street": "View St.", "city": "Los Angeles" }, "interests": [ "Basketball" ], "children": [ ] }
+{ "cid": 840, "name": "Delicia Devoy", "interests": [ "Fishing", "Running", "Skiing", "Video Games" ], "children": [ { "name": "Chan Devoy", "age": 20 }, { "name": "Bobbi Devoy", "age": 30 }, { "name": "Alyse Devoy", "age": 40 } ] }
+{ "cid": 810, "name": "Myron Dumlao", "interests": [ "Wine", "Coffee" ], "children": [ { "name": "Josie Dumlao", "age": 36 } ] }
+{ "cid": 446, "name": "Lilly Grannell", "age": 21, "address": { "number": 5894, "street": "Washington St.", "city": "San Jose" }, "interests": [ "Computers", "Tennis", "Puzzles", "Books" ], "children": [ { "name": "Victor Grannell" } ] }
+{ "cid": 940, "name": "Kitty Nalepka", "interests": [ "Movies", "Wine", "Basketball" ], "children": [ { "name": "Kendra Nalepka" } ] }
+{ "cid": 634, "name": "Katherina Parzych", "interests": [ ], "children": [ { "name": "Modesta Parzych" }, { "name": "Darin Parzych", "age": 20 } ] }
+{ "cid": 493, "name": "Lindsey Trout", "age": 86, "address": { "number": 7619, "street": "Cedar St.", "city": "Portland" }, "interests": [ "Base Jumping", "Skiing" ], "children": [ { "name": "Madlyn Trout", "age": 58 }, { "name": "Amie Trout", "age": 72 } ] }
+{ "cid": 802, "name": "Sang Hollman", "interests": [ "Skiing" ], "children": [ { "name": "Carman Hollman" }, { "name": "Kirstie Hollman", "age": 40 }, { "name": "Jacquetta Hollman" } ] }
+{ "cid": 803, "name": "Yolonda Korf", "interests": [ "Bass", "Skiing", "Music" ], "children": [ { "name": "Ivette Korf" }, { "name": "Lashon Korf" } ] }
+{ "cid": 459, "name": "Mable Ellwein", "age": 60, "address": { "number": 1138, "street": "Lake St.", "city": "Portland" }, "interests": [ ], "children": [ { "name": "Stan Ellwein", "age": 19 }, { "name": "Ashlea Ellwein", "age": 13 }, { "name": "Tiesha Ellwein", "age": 28 } ] }
+{ "cid": 154, "name": "Jonelle Jephson", "age": 39, "address": { "number": 2855, "street": "Washington St.", "city": "Seattle" }, "interests": [ "Movies", "Basketball", "Tennis", "Base Jumping" ], "children": [ ] }
+{ "cid": 959, "name": "Hazel Haydon", "age": 86, "address": { "number": 4530, "street": "Washington St.", "city": "Seattle" }, "interests": [ "Tennis", "Cigars", "Squash", "Basketball" ], "children": [ { "name": "Micki Haydon", "age": 33 }, { "name": "Hollis Haydon", "age": 23 }, { "name": "Sonny Haydon", "age": 71 } ] }
+{ "cid": 471, "name": "Nicol Majersky", "interests": [ "Video Games", "Books" ], "children": [ { "name": "Alise Majersky" }, { "name": "Kathline Majersky", "age": 53 }, { "name": "Charlie Majersky", "age": 45 }, { "name": "Helaine Majersky" } ] }
+{ "cid": 999, "name": "Bo Chaim", "age": 59, "address": { "number": 8050, "street": "View St.", "city": "Seattle" }, "interests": [ ], "children": [ { "name": "Zandra Chaim", "age": 42 }, { "name": "Theda Chaim", "age": 14 }, { "name": "Sharika Chaim", "age": 22 } ] }
+{ "cid": 622, "name": "Telma Rives", "interests": [ "Basketball" ], "children": [ { "name": "Maribeth Rives", "age": 42 }, { "name": "Youlanda Rives", "age": 13 }, { "name": "Trang Rives" }, { "name": "Hyun Rives" } ] }
+{ "cid": 679, "name": "Maggie Kribs", "age": 78, "address": { "number": 2846, "street": "Main St.", "city": "Seattle" }, "interests": [ "Video Games", "Books", "Databases", "Tennis" ], "children": [ { "name": "Estell Kribs", "age": 54 }, { "name": "Ranae Kribs", "age": 54 }, { "name": "Jalisa Kribs" } ] }
+{ "cid": 998, "name": "Barry Schmaus", "age": 65, "address": { "number": 4894, "street": "View St.", "city": "Sunnyvale" }, "interests": [ ], "children": [ { "name": "Ma Schmaus", "age": 40 }, { "name": "Lashawn Schmaus", "age": 13 }, { "name": "Georgianne Schmaus", "age": 38 } ] }
+{ "cid": 206, "name": "Armand Hauersperger", "age": 67, "address": { "number": 7266, "street": "Park St.", "city": "Seattle" }, "interests": [ "Wine" ], "children": [ { "name": "Charlott Hauersperger", "age": 47 }, { "name": "Kayla Hauersperger" }, { "name": "Maris Hauersperger", "age": 52 } ] }
+{ "cid": 424, "name": "Camila Rightmire", "age": 25, "address": { "number": 7542, "street": "Oak St.", "city": "Sunnyvale" }, "interests": [ "Bass", "Running", "Puzzles" ], "children": [ { "name": "Donny Rightmire", "age": 14 }, { "name": "Karlene Rightmire", "age": 10 }, { "name": "Nicholas Rightmire" }, { "name": "Margareta Rightmire" } ] }
+{ "cid": 677, "name": "Brigid Sarabia", "age": 89, "address": { "number": 918, "street": "Park St.", "city": "Los Angeles" }, "interests": [ ], "children": [ { "name": "Elisa Sarabia" }, { "name": "Pura Sarabia", "age": 56 } ] }
+{ "cid": 475, "name": "Brinda Gouker", "interests": [ ], "children": [ { "name": "Gayle Gouker", "age": 52 } ] }
+{ "cid": 683, "name": "Dodie Crall", "age": 37, "address": { "number": 1337, "street": "7th St.", "city": "Mountain View" }, "interests": [ "Wine" ], "children": [ { "name": "Cassy Crall" }, { "name": "Thu Crall", "age": 19 } ] }
+{ "cid": 869, "name": "Lino Wooderson", "interests": [ ], "children": [ { "name": "Nola Wooderson" }, { "name": "Leticia Wooderson", "age": 36 }, { "name": "Bernardine Wooderson" } ] }
+{ "cid": 400, "name": "Jeffery Maresco", "interests": [ "Coffee", "Bass" ], "children": [ ] }
+{ "cid": 756, "name": "Marisol Noyes", "interests": [ ], "children": [ { "name": "Delora Noyes" }, { "name": "Jonelle Noyes", "age": 44 } ] }
+{ "cid": 464, "name": "Petra Kinsel", "interests": [ "Wine" ], "children": [ { "name": "Janise Kinsel" }, { "name": "Donnie Kinsel", "age": 26 }, { "name": "Joana Kinsel", "age": 12 } ] }
+{ "cid": 73, "name": "Kelsey Flever", "age": 20, "address": { "number": 3555, "street": "Main St.", "city": "Portland" }, "interests": [ "Tennis", "Puzzles", "Video Games" ], "children": [ { "name": "Isis Flever" }, { "name": "Gonzalo Flever" } ] }
+{ "cid": 333, "name": "Conchita Olivera", "age": 37, "address": { "number": 8519, "street": "Oak St.", "city": "Mountain View" }, "interests": [ "Base Jumping" ], "children": [ { "name": "Trenton Olivera" }, { "name": "Shin Olivera", "age": 26 }, { "name": "Everett Olivera", "age": 15 }, { "name": "Shera Olivera", "age": 20 } ] }
+{ "cid": 51, "name": "Simonne Cape", "interests": [ "Bass", "Bass", "Books" ], "children": [ { "name": "Leland Cape" }, { "name": "Gearldine Cape" } ] }
+{ "cid": 414, "name": "Sixta Smithheart", "interests": [ "Skiing", "Books", "Computers" ], "children": [ { "name": "Nicholas Smithheart" } ] }
+{ "cid": 367, "name": "Cassondra Fabiani", "interests": [ "Squash", "Tennis" ], "children": [ { "name": "Evia Fabiani" }, { "name": "Chaya Fabiani" }, { "name": "Sherman Fabiani" }, { "name": "Kathi Fabiani", "age": 54 } ] }
+{ "cid": 806, "name": "Corliss Sharratt", "interests": [ "Basketball", "Cigars", "Cooking" ], "children": [ { "name": "Albertine Sharratt" }, { "name": "Nobuko Sharratt", "age": 29 }, { "name": "Neil Sharratt" } ] }
+{ "cid": 944, "name": "Johana Hisman", "interests": [ "Wine" ], "children": [ { "name": "Kirstin Hisman", "age": 43 }, { "name": "Darwin Hisman", "age": 29 } ] }
+{ "cid": 850, "name": "Garnet Younce", "interests": [ "Databases", "Video Games", "Books" ], "children": [ { "name": "Syble Younce", "age": 16 } ] }
+{ "cid": 253, "name": "Rosaura Maitland", "age": 71, "address": { "number": 6403, "street": "Hill St.", "city": "Sunnyvale" }, "interests": [ "Cigars", "Basketball", "Coffee", "Cigars" ], "children": [ { "name": "Letisha Maitland", "age": 43 }, { "name": "Margart Maitland", "age": 13 }, { "name": "Neal Maitland" }, { "name": "Hayden Maitland" } ] }
+{ "cid": 911, "name": "Eileen Bartolomeo", "age": 20, "address": { "number": 8915, "street": "Main St.", "city": "Portland" }, "interests": [ ], "children": [ ] }
+{ "cid": 166, "name": "Gregorio Plummer", "interests": [ "Base Jumping" ], "children": [ { "name": "Santiago Plummer" }, { "name": "Malisa Plummer", "age": 59 }, { "name": "Tracie Plummer", "age": 40 }, { "name": "Florentina Plummer", "age": 23 } ] }
+{ "cid": 45, "name": "Jarrod Ridener", "interests": [ "Skiing", "Tennis", "Squash", "Puzzles" ], "children": [ ] }
+{ "cid": 667, "name": "Shaniqua Deist", "interests": [ "Puzzles", "Books", "Cigars" ], "children": [ ] }
+{ "cid": 385, "name": "Jody Favaron", "age": 73, "address": { "number": 4724, "street": "7th St.", "city": "Sunnyvale" }, "interests": [ "Fishing" ], "children": [ { "name": "Elane Favaron", "age": 47 }, { "name": "Katherine Favaron", "age": 38 } ] }
+{ "cid": 160, "name": "Yevette Chanez", "interests": [ "Bass", "Wine", "Coffee" ], "children": [ { "name": "Walter Chanez", "age": 11 }, { "name": "Pa Chanez", "age": 27 } ] }
+{ "cid": 208, "name": "Mirta Kenison", "age": 68, "address": { "number": 2880, "street": "Lake St.", "city": "Sunnyvale" }, "interests": [ "Base Jumping", "Cigars", "Skiing", "Fishing" ], "children": [ { "name": "Dinorah Kenison", "age": 15 }, { "name": "Roy Kenison" } ] }
+{ "cid": 42, "name": "Asley Simco", "age": 38, "address": { "number": 3322, "street": "Main St.", "city": "Mountain View" }, "interests": [ "Fishing", "Running", "Cigars" ], "children": [ { "name": "Micheal Simco" }, { "name": "Lawerence Simco" } ] }
+{ "cid": 396, "name": "Delfina Calcara", "interests": [ "Base Jumping" ], "children": [ { "name": "Sybil Calcara" } ] }
+{ "cid": 67, "name": "Tobie Mattan", "interests": [ ], "children": [ ] }
+{ "cid": 14, "name": "Chance Nicoson", "interests": [ "Tennis" ], "children": [ { "name": "Willette Nicoson", "age": 39 }, { "name": "Glennis Nicoson" }, { "name": "Philip Nicoson" }, { "name": "Cody Nicoson", "age": 26 } ] }
+{ "cid": 363, "name": "Merlene Hoying", "age": 25, "address": { "number": 2105, "street": "Cedar St.", "city": "Portland" }, "interests": [ "Squash", "Squash", "Music" ], "children": [ { "name": "Andrew Hoying", "age": 10 } ] }
+{ "cid": 658, "name": "Truman Leitner", "interests": [ "Computers", "Bass", "Walking" ], "children": [ ] }
+{ "cid": 78, "name": "Wesley Huggler", "age": 80, "address": { "number": 3078, "street": "7th St.", "city": "Los Angeles" }, "interests": [ "Base Jumping", "Movies", "Skiing" ], "children": [ { "name": "Chassidy Huggler" }, { "name": "Emogene Huggler" }, { "name": "Cheryle Huggler" } ] }
+{ "cid": 436, "name": "Xenia Pool", "interests": [ "Books" ], "children": [ ] }
+{ "cid": 353, "name": "Melody Bernas", "age": 76, "address": { "number": 6783, "street": "Main St.", "city": "San Jose" }, "interests": [ "Base Jumping" ], "children": [ { "name": "Kristel Bernas", "age": 45 }, { "name": "Clorinda Bernas", "age": 10 }, { "name": "Natosha Bernas" } ] }
+{ "cid": 879, "name": "Vinnie Antoniewicz", "age": 45, "address": { "number": 1633, "street": "Hill St.", "city": "Seattle" }, "interests": [ "Cooking", "Puzzles" ], "children": [ ] }
+{ "cid": 449, "name": "Jacinda Markle", "interests": [ "Basketball", "Basketball", "Computers" ], "children": [ { "name": "Tam Markle", "age": 45 } ] }
+{ "cid": 728, "name": "Bruno Freeburger", "age": 84, "address": { "number": 2482, "street": "Cedar St.", "city": "Los Angeles" }, "interests": [ "Computers" ], "children": [ { "name": "Shizuko Freeburger" } ] }
+{ "cid": 488, "name": "Dannielle Wilkie", "interests": [ "Running", "Fishing", "Coffee", "Basketball" ], "children": [ { "name": "Vita Wilkie", "age": 17 }, { "name": "Marisa Wilkie" }, { "name": "Faustino Wilkie" } ] }
+{ "cid": 479, "name": "Danilo Varney", "age": 17, "address": { "number": 9330, "street": "Hill St.", "city": "Portland" }, "interests": [ "Wine" ], "children": [ { "name": "Shelby Varney" }, { "name": "Fidela Varney" }, { "name": "Maynard Varney" }, { "name": "Lindsay Varney" } ] }
+{ "cid": 401, "name": "Moises Jago", "age": 27, "address": { "number": 3773, "street": "Main St.", "city": "San Jose" }, "interests": [ "Music" ], "children": [ { "name": "Shoshana Jago" }, { "name": "Juliet Jago" }, { "name": "Berneice Jago", "age": 13 } ] }
+{ "cid": 338, "name": "Dorthey Roncskevitz", "age": 38, "address": { "number": 4366, "street": "Washington St.", "city": "Sunnyvale" }, "interests": [ "Computers" ], "children": [ { "name": "Mindy Roncskevitz" } ] }
+{ "cid": 445, "name": "Walton Komo", "age": 16, "address": { "number": 8769, "street": "Main St.", "city": "Seattle" }, "interests": [ "Running", "Basketball", "Tennis" ], "children": [ ] }
+{ "cid": 691, "name": "Sharee Charrier", "age": 17, "address": { "number": 6693, "street": "Main St.", "city": "Mountain View" }, "interests": [ "Puzzles", "Cooking", "Bass" ], "children": [ { "name": "Odessa Charrier" } ] }
+{ "cid": 271, "name": "Carey Ronin", "age": 44, "address": { "number": 8141, "street": "Oak St.", "city": "Mountain View" }, "interests": [ "Cigars", "Video Games" ], "children": [ { "name": "Lonny Ronin" }, { "name": "Armanda Ronin" } ] }
+{ "cid": 63, "name": "Mayra Hait", "interests": [ "Cigars", "Cigars", "Bass", "Books" ], "children": [ ] }
+{ "cid": 274, "name": "Claude Harral", "interests": [ "Squash", "Bass", "Cooking" ], "children": [ { "name": "Archie Harral" }, { "name": "Royal Harral" } ] }
+{ "cid": 335, "name": "Odessa Dammeyer", "age": 18, "address": { "number": 6828, "street": "Cedar St.", "city": "Los Angeles" }, "interests": [ "Basketball", "Bass", "Cigars" ], "children": [ { "name": "Lindsey Dammeyer" } ] }
+{ "cid": 985, "name": "Arnette Farlow", "age": 23, "address": { "number": 7843, "street": "Main St.", "city": "Portland" }, "interests": [ "Running", "Databases" ], "children": [ { "name": "Lora Farlow", "age": 12 }, { "name": "Arlen Farlow", "age": 11 }, { "name": "Rodney Farlow" }, { "name": "Tori Farlow", "age": 11 } ] }
+{ "cid": 786, "name": "Johnsie Maheux", "interests": [ "Cigars" ], "children": [ { "name": "Danuta Maheux" } ] }
+{ "cid": 528, "name": "Tamela Witherbee", "interests": [ ], "children": [ { "name": "Penney Witherbee" } ] }
+{ "cid": 186, "name": "Krystle Spangler", "age": 15, "address": { "number": 4697, "street": "Cedar St.", "city": "Seattle" }, "interests": [ "Cigars", "Squash", "Coffee", "Video Games" ], "children": [ ] }
+{ "cid": 721, "name": "Jesica Tinder", "age": 28, "address": { "number": 5526, "street": "7th St.", "city": "Mountain View" }, "interests": [ ], "children": [ ] }
+{ "cid": 415, "name": "Valentin Mclarney", "interests": [ "Squash", "Squash", "Video Games" ], "children": [ { "name": "Vanda Mclarney", "age": 17 } ] }
+{ "cid": 805, "name": "Gaylord Ginder", "interests": [ "Databases", "Coffee" ], "children": [ { "name": "Lucina Ginder" }, { "name": "Harriett Ginder" } ] }
+{ "cid": 142, "name": "Ervin Softleigh", "interests": [ "Computers", "Skiing", "Cooking", "Coffee" ], "children": [ { "name": "Russell Softleigh", "age": 50 }, { "name": "Kristy Softleigh", "age": 54 }, { "name": "Refugio Softleigh" } ] }
+{ "cid": 962, "name": "Taryn Coley", "interests": [ "Running", "Basketball", "Cooking" ], "children": [ ] }
+{ "cid": 935, "name": "Sharita Aspegren", "interests": [ ], "children": [ { "name": "Russell Aspegren", "age": 35 }, { "name": "Bernardina Aspegren" }, { "name": "Isobel Aspegren", "age": 11 }, { "name": "Reva Aspegren" } ] }
+{ "cid": 995, "name": "Kiersten Basila", "interests": [ ], "children": [ { "name": "Norman Basila", "age": 17 }, { "name": "Reginia Basila" }, { "name": "Gilberto Basila" }, { "name": "Elvira Basila", "age": 49 } ] }
+{ "cid": 884, "name": "Laila Marta", "interests": [ "Fishing", "Movies" ], "children": [ { "name": "Carlota Marta", "age": 19 } ] }
+{ "cid": 704, "name": "Melodee Clemons", "interests": [ "Base Jumping", "Tennis", "Video Games" ], "children": [ { "name": "Doreatha Clemons", "age": 22 } ] }
+{ "cid": 680, "name": "Domenica Qunnarath", "interests": [ ], "children": [ ] }
+{ "cid": 138, "name": "Ora Villafane", "interests": [ "Walking", "Cooking" ], "children": [ { "name": "Deeann Villafane", "age": 22 }, { "name": "Cody Villafane", "age": 47 } ] }
+{ "cid": 55, "name": "Terrence Bryant", "age": 12, "address": { "number": 3188, "street": "Park St.", "city": "Seattle" }, "interests": [ "Wine", "Cooking" ], "children": [ { "name": "Dayna Bryant" } ] }
+{ "cid": 562, "name": "Etta Hooton", "interests": [ "Databases", "Cigars", "Music", "Video Games" ], "children": [ { "name": "Sherice Hooton" }, { "name": "Estefana Hooton", "age": 38 }, { "name": "Nidia Hooton", "age": 47 }, { "name": "Erwin Hooton" } ] }
+{ "cid": 827, "name": "Clementina Papin", "interests": [ "Music", "Basketball", "Cigars" ], "children": [ { "name": "Catina Papin" }, { "name": "Demetrius Papin", "age": 59 }, { "name": "Marylou Papin", "age": 12 }, { "name": "Apryl Papin", "age": 16 } ] }
+{ "cid": 256, "name": "Chester Rosenberg", "age": 46, "address": { "number": 8673, "street": "Cedar St.", "city": "San Jose" }, "interests": [ "Basketball" ], "children": [ { "name": "Gemma Rosenberg" }, { "name": "Marty Rosenberg" } ] }
+{ "cid": 628, "name": "Tomoko Alcantara", "age": 56, "address": { "number": 3556, "street": "Oak St.", "city": "Sunnyvale" }, "interests": [ "Running", "Tennis" ], "children": [ { "name": "Babara Alcantara", "age": 31 }, { "name": "Ilana Alcantara" }, { "name": "Maren Alcantara", "age": 45 } ] }
+{ "cid": 696, "name": "Nadia Dunklee", "interests": [ ], "children": [ { "name": "Mendy Dunklee", "age": 17 }, { "name": "Edgar Dunklee" }, { "name": "Pasquale Dunklee" }, { "name": "Colin Dunklee" } ] }
+{ "cid": 760, "name": "Karena Romp", "interests": [ "Cigars", "Databases", "Squash", "Tennis" ], "children": [ { "name": "Donn Romp" }, { "name": "Antonio Romp" }, { "name": "Kattie Romp", "age": 54 }, { "name": "Marylynn Romp", "age": 53 } ] }
+{ "cid": 428, "name": "Tiffany Waye", "interests": [ "Basketball", "Cigars" ], "children": [ { "name": "Berna Waye" }, { "name": "Kiersten Waye" }, { "name": "Romeo Waye" }, { "name": "Marvel Waye", "age": 56 } ] }
+{ "cid": 458, "name": "Ivan Sien", "age": 17, "address": { "number": 9981, "street": "Lake St.", "city": "Portland" }, "interests": [ "Cooking", "Coffee" ], "children": [ { "name": "Laurence Sien" }, { "name": "Nelle Sien" }, { "name": "Thalia Sien" } ] }
+{ "cid": 776, "name": "Dagmar Sarkis", "interests": [ "Basketball", "Running", "Wine" ], "children": [ { "name": "Tari Sarkis" }, { "name": "Rana Sarkis", "age": 56 }, { "name": "Merissa Sarkis" }, { "name": "Lori Sarkis", "age": 26 } ] }
+{ "cid": 381, "name": "Kassandra Ereth", "interests": [ "Base Jumping", "Base Jumping", "Databases", "Walking" ], "children": [ { "name": "Angelina Ereth", "age": 46 }, { "name": "Tristan Ereth" }, { "name": "Johnny Ereth" } ] }
+{ "cid": 172, "name": "Weldon Alquesta", "interests": [ "Music", "Fishing", "Music" ], "children": [ { "name": "Kip Alquesta" } ] }
+{ "cid": 54, "name": "Haywood Vasiloff", "age": 63, "address": { "number": 8780, "street": "View St.", "city": "Sunnyvale" }, "interests": [ ], "children": [ { "name": "Celsa Vasiloff", "age": 40 }, { "name": "Shawana Vasiloff", "age": 43 }, { "name": "Joel Vasiloff", "age": 42 }, { "name": "Timmy Vasiloff", "age": 33 } ] }
+{ "cid": 675, "name": "Camellia Brickett", "interests": [ "Running" ], "children": [ { "name": "Leona Brickett" }, { "name": "Mario Brickett" }, { "name": "Nadine Brickett", "age": 35 }, { "name": "Marlon Brickett", "age": 31 } ] }
+{ "cid": 177, "name": "Wilda Hanisch", "interests": [ "Wine", "Computers" ], "children": [ { "name": "Shannan Hanisch" }, { "name": "Marissa Hanisch", "age": 30 }, { "name": "Keely Hanisch", "age": 54 }, { "name": "Humberto Hanisch", "age": 17 } ] }
+{ "cid": 266, "name": "Carlee Friddle", "age": 74, "address": { "number": 6538, "street": "Main St.", "city": "San Jose" }, "interests": [ "Databases" ], "children": [ { "name": "Candie Friddle" }, { "name": "Zoila Friddle", "age": 59 } ] }
+{ "cid": 584, "name": "Bailey Janes", "interests": [ ], "children": [ { "name": "Marylou Janes" }, { "name": "Andra Janes" } ] }
+{ "cid": 36, "name": "Neoma Preist", "age": 69, "address": { "number": 4830, "street": "Lake St.", "city": "San Jose" }, "interests": [ "Databases", "Computers", "Coffee" ], "children": [ { "name": "Shery Preist" }, { "name": "Kelvin Preist", "age": 43 } ] }
+{ "cid": 417, "name": "Irene Funderberg", "age": 45, "address": { "number": 8503, "street": "Hill St.", "city": "Seattle" }, "interests": [ "Music", "Skiing", "Running" ], "children": [ { "name": "Lyndia Funderberg", "age": 14 }, { "name": "Herta Funderberg" } ] }
+{ "cid": 282, "name": "Emelda Dawood", "age": 32, "address": { "number": 5261, "street": "View St.", "city": "Portland" }, "interests": [ ], "children": [ { "name": "Venus Dawood", "age": 12 }, { "name": "Gertrude Dawood" }, { "name": "Yen Dawood" }, { "name": "Theresa Dawood", "age": 16 } ] }
+{ "cid": 31, "name": "Venus Toboz", "age": 44, "address": { "number": 9465, "street": "View St.", "city": "Mountain View" }, "interests": [ "Running" ], "children": [ { "name": "Ashlie Toboz" } ] }
+{ "cid": 920, "name": "Mirtha Dellbringge", "interests": [ "Walking", "Basketball", "Basketball" ], "children": [ { "name": "Morgan Dellbringge", "age": 51 }, { "name": "Alease Dellbringge", "age": 35 } ] }
+{ "cid": 932, "name": "Kraig Bomia", "interests": [ "Music" ], "children": [ ] }
+{ "cid": 269, "name": "Dante Sharko", "interests": [ "Base Jumping" ], "children": [ { "name": "Ahmad Sharko", "age": 34 }, { "name": "Mona Sharko" }, { "name": "Stephaine Sharko", "age": 42 }, { "name": "Adrianna Sharko" } ] }
+{ "cid": 277, "name": "Malena Smock", "interests": [ "Running", "Base Jumping" ], "children": [ { "name": "Inocencia Smock", "age": 50 }, { "name": "Cleveland Smock" } ] }
+{ "cid": 807, "name": "Maryanne Kuzminski", "age": 21, "address": { "number": 1601, "street": "Hill St.", "city": "Los Angeles" }, "interests": [ "Running" ], "children": [ { "name": "India Kuzminski" }, { "name": "Adell Kuzminski" } ] }
+{ "cid": 515, "name": "Connie Banis", "interests": [ "Coffee" ], "children": [ { "name": "Brittni Banis" }, { "name": "Deloras Banis", "age": 25 } ] }
+{ "cid": 225, "name": "Shantel Drapeaux", "interests": [ "Databases" ], "children": [ { "name": "Felicidad Drapeaux" }, { "name": "Wanetta Drapeaux", "age": 52 }, { "name": "Louise Drapeaux", "age": 28 }, { "name": "Pat Drapeaux" } ] }
+{ "cid": 741, "name": "Lesia Risatti", "age": 48, "address": { "number": 7378, "street": "Cedar St.", "city": "Portland" }, "interests": [ "Fishing", "Wine", "Databases" ], "children": [ { "name": "Tangela Risatti" }, { "name": "Leonel Risatti", "age": 33 }, { "name": "Cythia Risatti", "age": 36 } ] }
+{ "cid": 8, "name": "Audria Haylett", "age": 44, "address": { "number": 4872, "street": "Washington St.", "city": "Portland" }, "interests": [ "Cooking", "Fishing", "Video Games" ], "children": [ { "name": "Lacie Haylett", "age": 19 } ] }
+{ "cid": 33, "name": "Rayford Velmontes", "interests": [ "Fishing", "Video Games" ], "children": [ ] }
+{ "cid": 674, "name": "Alice Gurrola", "interests": [ "Puzzles", "Skiing", "Video Games", "Computers" ], "children": [ { "name": "Lee Gurrola" } ] }
+{ "cid": 788, "name": "Franklyn Crowner", "age": 56, "address": { "number": 4186, "street": "Lake St.", "city": "San Jose" }, "interests": [ "Base Jumping", "Base Jumping", "Books", "Computers" ], "children": [ { "name": "Adrian Crowner", "age": 43 }, { "name": "Vasiliki Crowner" } ] }
+{ "cid": 980, "name": "Harley Lappe", "age": 56, "address": { "number": 647, "street": "Hill St.", "city": "Mountain View" }, "interests": [ "Books", "Cigars", "Basketball" ], "children": [ { "name": "Maxwell Lappe" }, { "name": "Gemma Lappe", "age": 32 }, { "name": "Ester Lappe", "age": 40 }, { "name": "Myles Lappe", "age": 36 } ] }
+{ "cid": 712, "name": "Jack Lamoreux", "age": 32, "address": { "number": 4486, "street": "Cedar St.", "city": "Los Angeles" }, "interests": [ ], "children": [ { "name": "Rubin Lamoreux", "age": 15 }, { "name": "Jonelle Lamoreux", "age": 10 }, { "name": "Shonna Lamoreux" }, { "name": "India Lamoreux", "age": 17 } ] }
+{ "cid": 455, "name": "Manual Altizer", "age": 70, "address": { "number": 6293, "street": "7th St.", "city": "Portland" }, "interests": [ "Running", "Fishing", "Coffee" ], "children": [ { "name": "Katherine Altizer" } ] }
+{ "cid": 904, "name": "Holley Tofil", "age": 51, "address": { "number": 8946, "street": "Oak St.", "city": "Mountain View" }, "interests": [ "Music", "Squash" ], "children": [ { "name": "Kristal Tofil" } ] }
+{ "cid": 880, "name": "Sara Abo", "interests": [ "Squash" ], "children": [ ] }
+{ "cid": 284, "name": "Mason Fuel", "interests": [ "Bass", "Tennis", "Computers", "Coffee" ], "children": [ { "name": "Odis Fuel" }, { "name": "Sanjuanita Fuel" } ] }
+{ "cid": 496, "name": "Lonna Starkweather", "age": 80, "address": { "number": 1162, "street": "Lake St.", "city": "Sunnyvale" }, "interests": [ "Coffee", "Bass", "Running" ], "children": [ { "name": "Matilda Starkweather" } ] }
+{ "cid": 657, "name": "Rory Teachman", "interests": [ ], "children": [ ] }
+{ "cid": 257, "name": "Altha Jastrzebski", "age": 21, "address": { "number": 4405, "street": "Lake St.", "city": "Portland" }, "interests": [ "Puzzles" ], "children": [ ] }
+{ "cid": 450, "name": "Althea Mohammed", "interests": [ "Fishing", "Databases" ], "children": [ { "name": "Jasper Mohammed" } ] }
+{ "cid": 801, "name": "Julio Brun", "age": 13, "address": { "number": 9774, "street": "Main St.", "city": "Sunnyvale" }, "interests": [ "Puzzles", "Running", "Puzzles", "Base Jumping" ], "children": [ { "name": "Peter Brun" }, { "name": "Remona Brun" }, { "name": "Giovanni Brun" } ] }
+{ "cid": 891, "name": "Jesusita Bhatia", "age": 57, "address": { "number": 1476, "street": "Lake St.", "city": "Mountain View" }, "interests": [ "Walking" ], "children": [ ] }
+{ "cid": 520, "name": "Janay Bernbeck", "interests": [ "Databases", "Databases" ], "children": [ { "name": "Aurea Bernbeck" }, { "name": "Tiara Bernbeck" }, { "name": "Alfredia Bernbeck", "age": 26 } ] }
+{ "cid": 505, "name": "Mike Runk", "interests": [ "Databases", "Computers", "Running", "Video Games" ], "children": [ { "name": "Lashawn Runk", "age": 21 } ] }
+{ "cid": 876, "name": "Chelsie Motten", "interests": [ "Music", "Squash", "Music", "Walking" ], "children": [ { "name": "Nida Motten" }, { "name": "Taneka Motten", "age": 10 }, { "name": "Maynard Motten", "age": 57 } ] }
+{ "cid": 993, "name": "Shawn Irie", "interests": [ "Fishing", "Cigars" ], "children": [ { "name": "Tonette Irie" } ] }
+{ "cid": 934, "name": "Dessie Lockmiller", "age": 70, "address": { "number": 4313, "street": "Lake St.", "city": "San Jose" }, "interests": [ "Coffee", "Puzzles" ], "children": [ ] }
+{ "cid": 564, "name": "Inger Dargin", "age": 56, "address": { "number": 8704, "street": "View St.", "city": "Mountain View" }, "interests": [ "Wine", "Running", "Computers" ], "children": [ ] }
+{ "cid": 587, "name": "Santos Monterio", "age": 36, "address": { "number": 4454, "street": "Oak St.", "city": "Sunnyvale" }, "interests": [ "Databases", "Music", "Cooking" ], "children": [ { "name": "Lashonda Monterio" } ] }
+{ "cid": 854, "name": "Angie Oyster", "age": 32, "address": { "number": 8860, "street": "Main St.", "city": "San Jose" }, "interests": [ "Coffee", "Movies", "Fishing" ], "children": [ { "name": "Hugh Oyster", "age": 10 } ] }
+{ "cid": 275, "name": "Natalie Ifeanyi", "interests": [ ], "children": [ ] }
+{ "cid": 398, "name": "Piedad Paranada", "interests": [ ], "children": [ { "name": "Claribel Paranada", "age": 22 }, { "name": "Lincoln Paranada" }, { "name": "Cecilia Paranada" } ] }
+{ "cid": 585, "name": "Young Drube", "age": 21, "address": { "number": 6960, "street": "View St.", "city": "Seattle" }, "interests": [ "Basketball", "Fishing", "Walking" ], "children": [ { "name": "Irwin Drube" }, { "name": "Gustavo Drube" } ] }
+{ "cid": 15, "name": "Berry Faubel", "age": 55, "address": { "number": 2806, "street": "Oak St.", "city": "Seattle" }, "interests": [ ], "children": [ { "name": "Tiffiny Faubel", "age": 12 }, { "name": "Hilaria Faubel", "age": 19 }, { "name": "Wesley Faubel", "age": 37 }, { "name": "Wei Faubel", "age": 28 } ] }
+{ "cid": 695, "name": "Wyatt Eveleth", "age": 28, "address": { "number": 5421, "street": "View St.", "city": "San Jose" }, "interests": [ ], "children": [ { "name": "Orval Eveleth" }, { "name": "Beth Eveleth", "age": 11 }, { "name": "Yuki Eveleth" }, { "name": "Alyse Eveleth", "age": 14 } ] }
+{ "cid": 555, "name": "Agustina Bretthauer", "interests": [ "Cigars" ], "children": [ { "name": "Arthur Bretthauer", "age": 33 }, { "name": "Titus Bretthauer", "age": 33 }, { "name": "Margret Bretthauer" } ] }
+{ "cid": 796, "name": "Daniele Brisk", "interests": [ "Walking", "Bass" ], "children": [ ] }
+{ "cid": 570, "name": "Lee Basora", "interests": [ "Squash", "Cigars" ], "children": [ ] }
+{ "cid": 572, "name": "Darcy Polycarpe", "age": 35, "address": { "number": 8051, "street": "View St.", "city": "Mountain View" }, "interests": [ "Computers", "Coffee", "Walking", "Walking" ], "children": [ { "name": "Kenneth Polycarpe" } ] }
+{ "cid": 25, "name": "Goldie Vanhandel", "age": 37, "address": { "number": 6568, "street": "Lake St.", "city": "Sunnyvale" }, "interests": [ "Bass", "Fishing", "Cigars" ], "children": [ ] }
+{ "cid": 895, "name": "Joie Siffert", "interests": [ "Wine", "Skiing", "Puzzles", "Tennis" ], "children": [ { "name": "Erma Siffert" }, { "name": "Natosha Siffert", "age": 38 }, { "name": "Somer Siffert", "age": 27 } ] }
+{ "cid": 403, "name": "Kayleigh Houey", "interests": [ "Fishing", "Music" ], "children": [ { "name": "Ta Houey" }, { "name": "Ayana Houey" }, { "name": "Dominique Houey" }, { "name": "Denise Houey", "age": 48 } ] }
+{ "cid": 173, "name": "Annamae Lucien", "age": 46, "address": { "number": 1253, "street": "Hill St.", "city": "Mountain View" }, "interests": [ "Puzzles", "Cooking", "Squash" ], "children": [ { "name": "Sanjuana Lucien", "age": 21 }, { "name": "Nathanael Lucien", "age": 27 }, { "name": "Jae Lucien" }, { "name": "Judith Lucien" } ] }
+{ "cid": 490, "name": "Valentine Dolecki", "interests": [ "Video Games", "Video Games", "Bass", "Bass" ], "children": [ { "name": "Rene Dolecki" }, { "name": "Omega Dolecki", "age": 37 }, { "name": "Hedwig Dolecki" } ] }
+{ "cid": 877, "name": "Nicki Lipkind", "interests": [ "Books", "Movies" ], "children": [ { "name": "Yahaira Lipkind", "age": 12 } ] }
+{ "cid": 720, "name": "Vannesa Prabel", "interests": [ "Basketball", "Cigars", "Running", "Video Games" ], "children": [ { "name": "Carter Prabel", "age": 23 }, { "name": "Rodger Prabel", "age": 48 }, { "name": "Odilia Prabel" } ] }
+{ "cid": 237, "name": "Sona Hehn", "age": 47, "address": { "number": 3720, "street": "Oak St.", "city": "Portland" }, "interests": [ "Computers", "Squash", "Coffee" ], "children": [ { "name": "Marquerite Hehn" }, { "name": "Suellen Hehn", "age": 29 }, { "name": "Herb Hehn", "age": 29 } ] }
+{ "cid": 35, "name": "Saundra Aparo", "age": 86, "address": { "number": 9550, "street": "Lake St.", "city": "Portland" }, "interests": [ "Cigars", "Skiing", "Video Games", "Books" ], "children": [ ] }
+{ "cid": 332, "name": "Malcom Cafasso", "interests": [ ], "children": [ { "name": "Marie Cafasso" }, { "name": "Asley Cafasso", "age": 38 } ] }
+{ "cid": 866, "name": "Bonita Kauphusman", "interests": [ ], "children": [ ] }
+{ "cid": 223, "name": "Margurite Embelton", "age": 19, "address": { "number": 554, "street": "Oak St.", "city": "Portland" }, "interests": [ "Running", "Fishing" ], "children": [ { "name": "Sherie Embelton" }, { "name": "Monica Embelton" }, { "name": "Jeanne Embelton" }, { "name": "Santiago Embelton" } ] }
+{ "cid": 825, "name": "Kirstie Rinebold", "age": 57, "address": { "number": 9463, "street": "Oak St.", "city": "Portland" }, "interests": [ "Cooking", "Cigars", "Books" ], "children": [ { "name": "Vonda Rinebold" }, { "name": "Man Rinebold", "age": 21 } ] }
+{ "cid": 336, "name": "Jalisa Talamantez", "age": 78, "address": { "number": 9902, "street": "Lake St.", "city": "Mountain View" }, "interests": [ "Video Games", "Squash" ], "children": [ ] }
+{ "cid": 176, "name": "Kellie Andruszkiewic", "interests": [ "Fishing", "Puzzles", "Wine", "Skiing" ], "children": [ { "name": "Xiao Andruszkiewic" }, { "name": "Al Andruszkiewic", "age": 43 } ] }
+{ "cid": 833, "name": "Lakisha Petkoff", "interests": [ "Coffee" ], "children": [ { "name": "Brittanie Petkoff" }, { "name": "Ashli Petkoff" } ] }
+{ "cid": 192, "name": "Shakira Delmonte", "age": 10, "address": { "number": 8838, "street": "Park St.", "city": "Sunnyvale" }, "interests": [ "Books", "Cigars", "Bass", "Base Jumping" ], "children": [ { "name": "Sergio Delmonte" }, { "name": "Aida Delmonte" }, { "name": "Juliane Delmonte" } ] }
+{ "cid": 737, "name": "Jeffrey Chesson", "age": 13, "address": { "number": 6833, "street": "Lake St.", "city": "Portland" }, "interests": [ "Tennis", "Computers" ], "children": [ { "name": "Clayton Chesson" }, { "name": "Yi Chesson" } ] }
+{ "cid": 567, "name": "Peggie Madhavan", "interests": [ "Computers", "Bass" ], "children": [ ] }
+{ "cid": 286, "name": "Tara Sioma", "age": 18, "address": { "number": 9425, "street": "Cedar St.", "city": "Mountain View" }, "interests": [ "Fishing" ], "children": [ { "name": "Dawna Sioma" }, { "name": "Jeanne Sioma" } ] }
+{ "cid": 586, "name": "Jeannine Donnerberg", "interests": [ ], "children": [ { "name": "Mike Donnerberg" } ] }
+{ "cid": 494, "name": "Delma Deever", "age": 84, "address": { "number": 5044, "street": "7th St.", "city": "Seattle" }, "interests": [ "Computers", "Basketball", "Squash" ], "children": [ ] }
+{ "cid": 922, "name": "Shanice Lingle", "age": 26, "address": { "number": 4753, "street": "Cedar St.", "city": "Los Angeles" }, "interests": [ ], "children": [ { "name": "Sandie Lingle", "age": 12 }, { "name": "Nia Lingle", "age": 13 }, { "name": "Marilyn Lingle", "age": 15 } ] }
+{ "cid": 706, "name": "Miquel Caesar", "age": 16, "address": { "number": 2176, "street": "Park St.", "city": "Mountain View" }, "interests": [ ], "children": [ { "name": "Shaniqua Caesar" }, { "name": "Ellis Caesar" }, { "name": "Bruna Caesar" }, { "name": "Kayleen Caesar" } ] }
+{ "cid": 425, "name": "Hellen Sutton", "interests": [ "Books", "Coffee", "Basketball", "Squash" ], "children": [ { "name": "Nancy Sutton" } ] }
+{ "cid": 313, "name": "Lasandra Raigosa", "interests": [ "Walking", "Walking" ], "children": [ { "name": "Lanelle Raigosa" } ] }
+{ "cid": 382, "name": "Cecily Sopata", "interests": [ "Base Jumping", "Fishing", "Skiing", "Squash" ], "children": [ { "name": "Shonna Sopata" }, { "name": "Stacy Sopata" } ] }
+{ "cid": 975, "name": "Gary Whitemore", "interests": [ ], "children": [ ] }
+{ "cid": 553, "name": "Mina Ciminera", "interests": [ "Base Jumping", "Databases" ], "children": [ { "name": "Cornelius Ciminera" }, { "name": "Rozanne Ciminera" }, { "name": "Byron Ciminera" } ] }
+{ "cid": 525, "name": "Miquel Hodnefield", "age": 12, "address": { "number": 4784, "street": "7th St.", "city": "Sunnyvale" }, "interests": [ ], "children": [ { "name": "Darnell Hodnefield" }, { "name": "Particia Hodnefield" } ] }
+{ "cid": 472, "name": "Kelley Mischler", "age": 38, "address": { "number": 7988, "street": "Lake St.", "city": "Los Angeles" }, "interests": [ "Movies", "Cooking", "Skiing" ], "children": [ { "name": "Keila Mischler", "age": 19 }, { "name": "Evie Mischler", "age": 15 } ] }
+{ "cid": 759, "name": "Alaina Dadds", "interests": [ ], "children": [ { "name": "Athena Dadds", "age": 36 }, { "name": "Denis Dadds" }, { "name": "Nathanial Dadds", "age": 42 }, { "name": "Molly Dadds" } ] }
+{ "cid": 573, "name": "Tyree Ketcher", "interests": [ "Computers", "Walking" ], "children": [ { "name": "Aleisha Ketcher" }, { "name": "Vonda Ketcher" }, { "name": "Cyndy Ketcher", "age": 13 }, { "name": "Chassidy Ketcher", "age": 30 } ] }
+{ "cid": 639, "name": "Zena Seehusen", "age": 24, "address": { "number": 6303, "street": "Hill St.", "city": "Mountain View" }, "interests": [ "Cooking", "Movies", "Music" ], "children": [ { "name": "Hester Seehusen" }, { "name": "Coreen Seehusen", "age": 12 } ] }
+{ "cid": 546, "name": "Shawanna Lontz", "interests": [ "Base Jumping", "Basketball", "Music", "Basketball" ], "children": [ { "name": "Stuart Lontz", "age": 57 }, { "name": "Elizbeth Lontz" }, { "name": "Zulema Lontz", "age": 45 }, { "name": "Brett Lontz" } ] }
+{ "cid": 710, "name": "Arlen Horka", "interests": [ "Movies", "Coffee", "Walking" ], "children": [ { "name": "Valencia Horka" }, { "name": "Wesley Horka" } ] }
+{ "cid": 373, "name": "Heather Seward", "interests": [ "Basketball" ], "children": [ { "name": "Glinda Seward", "age": 59 }, { "name": "Maribeth Seward" }, { "name": "Teofila Seward" }, { "name": "Clemencia Seward", "age": 38 } ] }
+{ "cid": 169, "name": "Casandra Fierge", "age": 55, "address": { "number": 175, "street": "Cedar St.", "city": "Mountain View" }, "interests": [ "Cigars" ], "children": [ ] }
+{ "cid": 422, "name": "Annmarie Whitcher", "interests": [ "Cigars" ], "children": [ { "name": "Honey Whitcher" }, { "name": "Dan Whitcher", "age": 22 } ] }
+{ "cid": 377, "name": "Zona Klint", "age": 22, "address": { "number": 6320, "street": "Hill St.", "city": "Sunnyvale" }, "interests": [ "Puzzles" ], "children": [ { "name": "Evie Klint" }, { "name": "Sharyl Klint", "age": 11 }, { "name": "Joaquina Klint", "age": 11 }, { "name": "Doloris Klint", "age": 11 } ] }
+{ "cid": 139, "name": "Micheline Argenal", "interests": [ "Bass", "Walking", "Movies" ], "children": [ { "name": "Joye Argenal", "age": 51 }, { "name": "Richard Argenal", "age": 46 }, { "name": "Sarah Argenal", "age": 21 }, { "name": "Jacinda Argenal", "age": 21 } ] }
+{ "cid": 713, "name": "Galina Retterbush", "interests": [ "Bass", "Squash" ], "children": [ { "name": "Janene Retterbush" }, { "name": "Toby Retterbush", "age": 15 }, { "name": "Renato Retterbush" }, { "name": "Annice Retterbush", "age": 22 } ] }
+{ "cid": 349, "name": "Cristine Hila", "interests": [ "Books" ], "children": [ { "name": "Nyla Hila", "age": 51 } ] }
+{ "cid": 690, "name": "Gertrudis Gaetz", "interests": [ "Fishing", "Cigars", "Coffee", "Wine" ], "children": [ ] }
+{ "cid": 899, "name": "Ada Kamealoha", "interests": [ ], "children": [ { "name": "Juliann Kamealoha" }, { "name": "Ilana Kamealoha", "age": 25 }, { "name": "Herminia Kamealoha", "age": 55 }, { "name": "Carli Kamealoha" } ] }
+{ "cid": 581, "name": "Leigha Finkenbinder", "interests": [ ], "children": [ { "name": "Lorine Finkenbinder", "age": 29 }, { "name": "Stephanie Finkenbinder", "age": 28 } ] }
+{ "cid": 232, "name": "Joey Potes", "interests": [ "Bass", "Bass", "Base Jumping" ], "children": [ { "name": "Bobby Potes" } ] }
+{ "cid": 664, "name": "Myra Dier", "age": 37, "address": { "number": 8703, "street": "View St.", "city": "San Jose" }, "interests": [ "Wine", "Movies", "Puzzles", "Cooking" ], "children": [ ] }
+{ "cid": 416, "name": "Marcelo Salzar", "age": 74, "address": { "number": 4091, "street": "Main St.", "city": "Mountain View" }, "interests": [ "Skiing", "Base Jumping", "Music", "Running" ], "children": [ { "name": "Nickole Salzar" }, { "name": "Rafael Salzar" }, { "name": "Lois Salzar", "age": 29 }, { "name": "Deeanna Salzar" } ] }
+{ "cid": 492, "name": "Gene Alcazar", "age": 59, "address": { "number": 9650, "street": "Cedar St.", "city": "San Jose" }, "interests": [ "Computers" ], "children": [ { "name": "Olympia Alcazar" }, { "name": "Mark Alcazar", "age": 37 }, { "name": "Danilo Alcazar" } ] }
+{ "cid": 773, "name": "Leatrice Zysett", "interests": [ ], "children": [ { "name": "Bee Zysett", "age": 30 }, { "name": "Russ Zysett", "age": 11 }, { "name": "Jeff Zysett", "age": 39 }, { "name": "Herman Zysett", "age": 27 } ] }
+{ "cid": 0, "name": "Antonia Streva", "age": 39, "address": { "number": 872, "street": "Lake St.", "city": "Los Angeles" }, "interests": [ "Bass", "Tennis", "Bass", "Cooking" ], "children": [ { "name": "Jonathan Streva", "age": 25 }, { "name": "Gricelda Streva", "age": 24 } ] }
+{ "cid": 314, "name": "Gwendolyn Abeb", "age": 85, "address": { "number": 3977, "street": "Hill St.", "city": "Seattle" }, "interests": [ "Basketball", "Music", "Squash", "Walking" ], "children": [ { "name": "Aurelia Abeb", "age": 14 }, { "name": "Young Abeb" }, { "name": "Shay Abeb" }, { "name": "Lavina Abeb", "age": 15 } ] }
+{ "cid": 468, "name": "Raeann Conry", "age": 68, "address": { "number": 4312, "street": "Cedar St.", "city": "Seattle" }, "interests": [ "Squash" ], "children": [ { "name": "Ellena Conry", "age": 36 }, { "name": "Lynwood Conry", "age": 13 }, { "name": "Coreen Conry", "age": 23 } ] }
+{ "cid": 231, "name": "Arianne Wedlow", "age": 68, "address": { "number": 9663, "street": "7th St.", "city": "Sunnyvale" }, "interests": [ ], "children": [ { "name": "Birdie Wedlow", "age": 32 }, { "name": "Pearle Wedlow", "age": 13 }, { "name": "Jordon Wedlow", "age": 43 }, { "name": "Katherin Wedlow", "age": 18 } ] }
+{ "cid": 62, "name": "Kiley Machnik", "interests": [ ], "children": [ ] }
+{ "cid": 97, "name": "Mui Slosek", "interests": [ ], "children": [ { "name": "Susanne Slosek", "age": 29 }, { "name": "Colleen Slosek" } ] }
+{ "cid": 357, "name": "Dario Lobach", "interests": [ ], "children": [ { "name": "Kendall Lobach", "age": 37 } ] }
+{ "cid": 845, "name": "Burt Earp", "age": 21, "address": { "number": 7626, "street": "Lake St.", "city": "Seattle" }, "interests": [ "Computers" ], "children": [ { "name": "Denny Earp" }, { "name": "Blaine Earp" }, { "name": "Wilson Earp", "age": 10 }, { "name": "Joan Earp" } ] }
+{ "cid": 835, "name": "Raphael Marzili", "interests": [ "Music" ], "children": [ { "name": "Angelic Marzili", "age": 38 } ] }
+{ "cid": 811, "name": "Marti Whitmyre", "interests": [ "Music", "Walking" ], "children": [ ] }
+{ "cid": 383, "name": "Marty Castine", "interests": [ ], "children": [ { "name": "Nakisha Castine", "age": 40 }, { "name": "Mina Castine" }, { "name": "Katrice Castine", "age": 56 }, { "name": "Reuben Castine" } ] }
+{ "cid": 309, "name": "Lise Baiz", "age": 46, "address": { "number": 352, "street": "Oak St.", "city": "San Jose" }, "interests": [ "Bass", "Squash" ], "children": [ { "name": "Alisa Baiz", "age": 18 }, { "name": "Elidia Baiz", "age": 28 }, { "name": "Ray Baiz", "age": 19 } ] }
+{ "cid": 295, "name": "Guillermina Florek", "age": 61, "address": { "number": 3704, "street": "Washington St.", "city": "Mountain View" }, "interests": [ "Movies", "Books" ], "children": [ { "name": "Donnie Florek" }, { "name": "Jeannetta Florek", "age": 38 }, { "name": "Leigha Florek" }, { "name": "Zenobia Florek", "age": 10 } ] }
+{ "cid": 273, "name": "Corrinne Seaquist", "age": 24, "address": { "number": 6712, "street": "7th St.", "city": "Portland" }, "interests": [ "Puzzles", "Coffee", "Wine" ], "children": [ { "name": "Mignon Seaquist" }, { "name": "Leo Seaquist" } ] }
+{ "cid": 718, "name": "Tandy Trick", "age": 18, "address": { "number": 1215, "street": "Cedar St.", "city": "San Jose" }, "interests": [ "Fishing", "Fishing" ], "children": [ { "name": "Edyth Trick" }, { "name": "Jimmy Trick" }, { "name": "Jacquline Trick" }, { "name": "Tyler Trick" } ] }
+{ "cid": 751, "name": "Lydia Iannelli", "interests": [ ], "children": [ { "name": "Teri Iannelli", "age": 36 } ] }
+{ "cid": 18, "name": "Dewayne Ardan", "age": 32, "address": { "number": 8229, "street": "Hill St.", "city": "San Jose" }, "interests": [ "Wine", "Walking", "Bass" ], "children": [ { "name": "Wen Ardan" }, { "name": "Sachiko Ardan", "age": 11 }, { "name": "Francis Ardan", "age": 20 } ] }
+{ "cid": 113, "name": "Alayna Daleske", "age": 87, "address": { "number": 4739, "street": "Main St.", "city": "Sunnyvale" }, "interests": [ ], "children": [ { "name": "Hester Daleske" }, { "name": "Magnolia Daleske" }, { "name": "Bettye Daleske", "age": 32 } ] }
+{ "cid": 910, "name": "Everette Moe", "interests": [ ], "children": [ { "name": "Berna Moe", "age": 56 }, { "name": "Harold Moe", "age": 28 }, { "name": "See Moe", "age": 20 } ] }
+{ "cid": 355, "name": "Elois Leckband", "interests": [ "Skiing", "Wine" ], "children": [ ] }
+{ "cid": 347, "name": "Patrick Feighan", "age": 34, "address": { "number": 7613, "street": "Cedar St.", "city": "Los Angeles" }, "interests": [ "Puzzles", "Books" ], "children": [ { "name": "Madaline Feighan" } ] }
+{ "cid": 213, "name": "Micheal Evoy", "age": 68, "address": { "number": 1219, "street": "Cedar St.", "city": "San Jose" }, "interests": [ "Skiing", "Computers", "Books", "Puzzles" ], "children": [ { "name": "Socorro Evoy" }, { "name": "Gertude Evoy", "age": 36 }, { "name": "Araceli Evoy" }, { "name": "Yasmin Evoy" } ] }
+{ "cid": 699, "name": "Lyda Golomb", "age": 46, "address": { "number": 5049, "street": "Main St.", "city": "Seattle" }, "interests": [ "Fishing", "Basketball" ], "children": [ { "name": "Shonta Golomb" }, { "name": "Lynwood Golomb", "age": 26 }, { "name": "Leonila Golomb", "age": 30 }, { "name": "Alejandrina Golomb" } ] }
+{ "cid": 961, "name": "Mirian Herpolsheimer", "interests": [ "Music", "Fishing", "Computers" ], "children": [ { "name": "Larissa Herpolsheimer", "age": 41 }, { "name": "Markus Herpolsheimer" }, { "name": "Natacha Herpolsheimer" } ] }
+{ "cid": 189, "name": "Shyla Saathoff", "age": 85, "address": { "number": 9679, "street": "Main St.", "city": "Mountain View" }, "interests": [ ], "children": [ { "name": "Johanne Saathoff", "age": 61 }, { "name": "Janett Saathoff" } ] }
+{ "cid": 190, "name": "Kristel Axelson", "interests": [ "Movies", "Books" ], "children": [ { "name": "Deja Axelson" } ] }
+{ "cid": 419, "name": "Hector Brisbone", "interests": [ "Databases", "Books", "Walking", "Databases" ], "children": [ { "name": "Frederick Brisbone", "age": 17 } ] }
+{ "cid": 563, "name": "Deirdre Landero", "interests": [ "Books", "Fishing", "Video Games" ], "children": [ { "name": "Norman Landero", "age": 59 }, { "name": "Jennine Landero", "age": 45 }, { "name": "Rutha Landero", "age": 19 }, { "name": "Jackie Landero", "age": 29 } ] }
+{ "cid": 593, "name": "Danial Pittillo", "age": 87, "address": { "number": 815, "street": "Hill St.", "city": "Los Angeles" }, "interests": [ "Tennis", "Base Jumping" ], "children": [ { "name": "Neva Pittillo", "age": 28 }, { "name": "Brooks Pittillo" }, { "name": "Randell Pittillo", "age": 52 }, { "name": "Allyson Pittillo", "age": 51 } ] }
+{ "cid": 37, "name": "Eliana Vient", "age": 89, "address": { "number": 4882, "street": "View St.", "city": "Seattle" }, "interests": [ ], "children": [ { "name": "Dario Vient", "age": 43 } ] }
+{ "cid": 703, "name": "Susanne Pettey", "interests": [ "Squash", "Basketball", "Skiing" ], "children": [ { "name": "Nancey Pettey", "age": 35 }, { "name": "Lawana Pettey" }, { "name": "Percy Pettey", "age": 25 } ] }
+{ "cid": 765, "name": "Mila Barman", "interests": [ "Coffee", "Puzzles", "Bass", "Wine" ], "children": [ { "name": "Lucienne Barman" }, { "name": "Marina Barman" } ] }
+{ "cid": 432, "name": "Judi Vinet", "age": 85, "address": { "number": 7304, "street": "Oak St.", "city": "Los Angeles" }, "interests": [ "Wine" ], "children": [ { "name": "Golden Vinet", "age": 20 }, { "name": "Maragret Vinet" }, { "name": "Keshia Vinet", "age": 10 }, { "name": "Gary Vinet", "age": 73 } ] }
+{ "cid": 61, "name": "Linsey Mose", "age": 17, "address": { "number": 9198, "street": "Lake St.", "city": "Portland" }, "interests": [ "Puzzles" ], "children": [ { "name": "Tilda Mose" }, { "name": "Lillie Mose" }, { "name": "Robyn Mose" } ] }
+{ "cid": 924, "name": "Kathleen Lash", "interests": [ ], "children": [ { "name": "Clementina Lash", "age": 58 }, { "name": "Zula Lash" }, { "name": "Mellissa Lash", "age": 54 } ] }
+{ "cid": 820, "name": "Lacy Caudill", "age": 22, "address": { "number": 8679, "street": "Main St.", "city": "Mountain View" }, "interests": [ "Wine" ], "children": [ { "name": "Sybil Caudill" } ] }
+{ "cid": 590, "name": "Joye Burton", "interests": [ "Bass", "Base Jumping" ], "children": [ { "name": "Noemi Burton", "age": 19 }, { "name": "Hulda Burton" }, { "name": "Cleotilde Burton" }, { "name": "Dara Burton" } ] }
+{ "cid": 969, "name": "Laurinda Gnerre", "age": 42, "address": { "number": 2284, "street": "Hill St.", "city": "Mountain View" }, "interests": [ "Walking", "Bass", "Fishing", "Video Games" ], "children": [ { "name": "Veronica Gnerre" } ] }
+{ "cid": 681, "name": "Iliana Nagele", "interests": [ "Movies", "Running" ], "children": [ { "name": "Sunny Nagele", "age": 55 }, { "name": "Waltraud Nagele", "age": 39 }, { "name": "Darron Nagele" } ] }
+{ "cid": 946, "name": "Taylor Parrigan", "interests": [ "Music" ], "children": [ { "name": "Salome Parrigan", "age": 50 }, { "name": "Gary Parrigan", "age": 25 }, { "name": "Harold Parrigan" } ] }
+{ "cid": 170, "name": "Dana Lese", "age": 38, "address": { "number": 575, "street": "Lake St.", "city": "Seattle" }, "interests": [ "Walking", "Coffee" ], "children": [ { "name": "Yasmine Lese", "age": 24 }, { "name": "Ezekiel Lese", "age": 20 }, { "name": "Ammie Lese", "age": 27 }, { "name": "Robert Lese", "age": 15 } ] }
+{ "cid": 435, "name": "Britni Kazemi", "age": 69, "address": { "number": 7868, "street": "Main St.", "city": "San Jose" }, "interests": [ "Databases", "Music", "Wine" ], "children": [ ] }
+{ "cid": 900, "name": "Rose Mascetti", "age": 73, "address": { "number": 5308, "street": "Park St.", "city": "Sunnyvale" }, "interests": [ "Databases", "Coffee", "Computers", "Books" ], "children": [ ] }
+{ "cid": 17, "name": "Ingeborg Monkhouse", "interests": [ "Base Jumping", "Cigars", "Movies" ], "children": [ ] }
+{ "cid": 887, "name": "Jermaine Folz", "age": 35, "address": { "number": 8487, "street": "Hill St.", "city": "Los Angeles" }, "interests": [ "Computers", "Puzzles", "Cooking" ], "children": [ { "name": "Sharice Folz" } ] }
+{ "cid": 150, "name": "Jesus Vanleeuwen", "interests": [ ], "children": [ { "name": "Sueann Vanleeuwen", "age": 47 }, { "name": "Refugia Vanleeuwen" }, { "name": "Taisha Vanleeuwen" }, { "name": "Nathaniel Vanleeuwen" } ] }
+{ "cid": 267, "name": "Renay Huddelston", "age": 68, "address": { "number": 1939, "street": "Washington St.", "city": "Mountain View" }, "interests": [ "Wine", "Base Jumping" ], "children": [ { "name": "Colene Huddelston" } ] }
+{ "cid": 652, "name": "Armida Moeuy", "age": 34, "address": { "number": 8306, "street": "Washington St.", "city": "Sunnyvale" }, "interests": [ "Running" ], "children": [ { "name": "Sunshine Moeuy" }, { "name": "Leta Moeuy", "age": 19 } ] }
+{ "cid": 747, "name": "Gil Dunnaway", "age": 65, "address": { "number": 3022, "street": "Washington St.", "city": "Sunnyvale" }, "interests": [ "Running", "Squash" ], "children": [ { "name": "Laurice Dunnaway" } ] }
+{ "cid": 689, "name": "Camila Cho", "age": 70, "address": { "number": 7731, "street": "Cedar St.", "city": "Mountain View" }, "interests": [ "Video Games", "Cigars" ], "children": [ { "name": "Myrtie Cho", "age": 57 }, { "name": "Merideth Cho", "age": 45 }, { "name": "Meta Cho", "age": 20 } ] }
+{ "cid": 426, "name": "Agripina Philley", "age": 79, "address": { "number": 1533, "street": "Main St.", "city": "Portland" }, "interests": [ ], "children": [ { "name": "Georgianne Philley" }, { "name": "Neville Philley" }, { "name": "Brande Philley", "age": 42 }, { "name": "Tanisha Philley" } ] }
+{ "cid": 330, "name": "Noma Tollefsen", "interests": [ ], "children": [ { "name": "Melody Tollefsen", "age": 45 }, { "name": "Caridad Tollefsen", "age": 15 } ] }
+{ "cid": 767, "name": "Wendi Hoecker", "interests": [ ], "children": [ ] }
+{ "cid": 673, "name": "Willard Matuszek", "interests": [ "Running" ], "children": [ { "name": "Kyong Matuszek" }, { "name": "Delena Matuszek" }, { "name": "Toney Matuszek" }, { "name": "Shayne Matuszek", "age": 19 } ] }
+{ "cid": 948, "name": "Thad Scialpi", "age": 22, "address": { "number": 8731, "street": "Washington St.", "city": "Portland" }, "interests": [ "Base Jumping", "Tennis", "Wine" ], "children": [ { "name": "Harlan Scialpi", "age": 10 }, { "name": "Lucile Scialpi", "age": 11 }, { "name": "Audria Scialpi" } ] }
+{ "cid": 684, "name": "Elmo Ballenger", "age": 69, "address": { "number": 2657, "street": "Park St.", "city": "Seattle" }, "interests": [ "Wine" ], "children": [ { "name": "Sheena Ballenger", "age": 53 }, { "name": "Abby Ballenger" }, { "name": "Markus Ballenger" } ] }
+{ "cid": 311, "name": "Ria Haflett", "age": 14, "address": { "number": 9513, "street": "Park St.", "city": "Los Angeles" }, "interests": [ "Walking" ], "children": [ { "name": "Jimmie Haflett" }, { "name": "Dario Haflett" }, { "name": "Robbyn Haflett" } ] }
+{ "cid": 181, "name": "Toni Sanghani", "interests": [ ], "children": [ { "name": "Hollie Sanghani", "age": 29 } ] }
+{ "cid": 600, "name": "Cordell Sherburn", "interests": [ "Squash", "Skiing", "Skiing" ], "children": [ { "name": "Shenna Sherburn", "age": 22 }, { "name": "Minna Sherburn", "age": 10 }, { "name": "Tari Sherburn" } ] }
+{ "cid": 753, "name": "Maris Bannett", "interests": [ "Fishing", "Cigars", "Running" ], "children": [ { "name": "Libbie Bannett", "age": 11 }, { "name": "Francina Bannett", "age": 21 }, { "name": "Tuyet Bannett" }, { "name": "Zona Bannett", "age": 32 } ] }
+{ "cid": 132, "name": "Cindi Turntine", "age": 64, "address": { "number": 9432, "street": "Park St.", "city": "Portland" }, "interests": [ "Computers", "Wine" ], "children": [ { "name": "Howard Turntine" } ] }
+{ "cid": 70, "name": "Mellisa Lek", "age": 62, "address": { "number": 4281, "street": "Oak St.", "city": "Mountain View" }, "interests": [ "Bass", "Running", "Databases" ], "children": [ ] }
+{ "cid": 858, "name": "Maricruz Dittberner", "interests": [ "Tennis", "Wine", "Cigars", "Video Games" ], "children": [ ] }
+{ "cid": 777, "name": "Coralee Vaugh", "age": 51, "address": { "number": 4130, "street": "Hill St.", "city": "San Jose" }, "interests": [ ], "children": [ { "name": "Dean Vaugh", "age": 31 }, { "name": "Stanton Vaugh", "age": 39 }, { "name": "Marti Vaugh", "age": 33 }, { "name": "Eden Vaugh", "age": 27 } ] }
+{ "cid": 2, "name": "Elin Debell", "age": 82, "address": { "number": 5649, "street": "Hill St.", "city": "Portland" }, "interests": [ "Bass", "Wine" ], "children": [ { "name": "Elvina Debell" }, { "name": "Renaldo Debell", "age": 51 }, { "name": "Divina Debell", "age": 57 } ] }
+{ "cid": 98, "name": "Casimira Hilbrand", "age": 72, "address": { "number": 9693, "street": "Main St.", "city": "Los Angeles" }, "interests": [ ], "children": [ { "name": "Gudrun Hilbrand", "age": 18 }, { "name": "Dacia Hilbrand", "age": 26 }, { "name": "Kortney Hilbrand" }, { "name": "Luci Hilbrand" } ] }
+{ "cid": 670, "name": "Angelo Kellar", "age": 22, "address": { "number": 3178, "street": "View St.", "city": "Seattle" }, "interests": [ "Wine", "Music", "Fishing" ], "children": [ { "name": "Zula Kellar" }, { "name": "Brittaney Kellar", "age": 10 }, { "name": "Fredia Kellar" } ] }
+{ "cid": 981, "name": "Lilliam Lopus", "interests": [ ], "children": [ { "name": "Tracey Lopus" } ] }
+{ "cid": 669, "name": "Royal Abke", "age": 60, "address": { "number": 1675, "street": "Main St.", "city": "Los Angeles" }, "interests": [ ], "children": [ { "name": "Leandra Abke", "age": 25 }, { "name": "Shawanna Abke" } ] }
+{ "cid": 146, "name": "Glennis Vanruiten", "age": 14, "address": { "number": 8272, "street": "Park St.", "city": "Los Angeles" }, "interests": [ "Squash", "Databases" ], "children": [ { "name": "Joanie Vanruiten" }, { "name": "Long Vanruiten" }, { "name": "Abdul Vanruiten" } ] }
+{ "cid": 431, "name": "Estela Tolbent", "age": 27, "address": { "number": 7186, "street": "7th St.", "city": "Los Angeles" }, "interests": [ "Databases" ], "children": [ { "name": "Joie Tolbent" }, { "name": "Angila Tolbent" }, { "name": "Anastasia Tolbent", "age": 14 } ] }
+{ "cid": 199, "name": "Rogelio Hannan", "interests": [ ], "children": [ { "name": "Blanche Hannan" }, { "name": "Elvira Hannan" }, { "name": "Cinderella Hannan" } ] }
+{ "cid": 248, "name": "Elsy Slack", "interests": [ "Cooking", "Squash", "Cooking", "Coffee" ], "children": [ ] }
+{ "cid": 143, "name": "Katelynn Kanzler", "age": 80, "address": { "number": 9453, "street": "Washington St.", "city": "Seattle" }, "interests": [ ], "children": [ { "name": "Carl Kanzler" } ] }
+{ "cid": 487, "name": "Zenia Virgilio", "age": 46, "address": { "number": 584, "street": "Main St.", "city": "Mountain View" }, "interests": [ "Walking", "Squash", "Wine" ], "children": [ { "name": "Quintin Virgilio" }, { "name": "Edith Virgilio" }, { "name": "Nicolle Virgilio", "age": 33 } ] }
+{ "cid": 285, "name": "Edgar Farlin", "age": 75, "address": { "number": 3833, "street": "Lake St.", "city": "Sunnyvale" }, "interests": [ "Coffee", "Databases" ], "children": [ { "name": "Stefanie Farlin", "age": 60 }, { "name": "Catina Farlin" }, { "name": "Lizzie Farlin" }, { "name": "Beau Farlin" } ] }
+{ "cid": 161, "name": "Lucia Tata", "age": 85, "address": { "number": 8058, "street": "Park St.", "city": "Seattle" }, "interests": [ "Basketball", "Bass" ], "children": [ { "name": "Jenifer Tata", "age": 70 }, { "name": "Erna Tata" } ] }
+{ "cid": 226, "name": "Debrah Deppert", "age": 62, "address": { "number": 7699, "street": "7th St.", "city": "Mountain View" }, "interests": [ "Coffee" ], "children": [ { "name": "Tonie Deppert", "age": 25 }, { "name": "Neil Deppert" } ] }
+{ "cid": 216, "name": "Odilia Lampson", "interests": [ "Wine", "Databases", "Basketball" ], "children": [ { "name": "Callie Lampson" } ] }
+{ "cid": 40, "name": "Fidelia Connie", "age": 81, "address": { "number": 2298, "street": "Washington St.", "city": "Sunnyvale" }, "interests": [ "Basketball", "Base Jumping", "Walking", "Skiing" ], "children": [ { "name": "Elfreda Connie", "age": 43 }, { "name": "Josephine Connie", "age": 30 }, { "name": "Lucas Connie" } ] }
+{ "cid": 209, "name": "Donnette Kreb", "interests": [ "Puzzles", "Cooking", "Tennis", "Tennis" ], "children": [ { "name": "Hobert Kreb" }, { "name": "Ray Kreb" }, { "name": "Carmel Kreb", "age": 56 }, { "name": "Lise Kreb" } ] }
+{ "cid": 766, "name": "Tosha Loffredo", "age": 64, "address": { "number": 5580, "street": "View St.", "city": "Mountain View" }, "interests": [ "Walking" ], "children": [ { "name": "Hellen Loffredo", "age": 32 } ] }
+{ "cid": 656, "name": "Rufus Peaden", "interests": [ ], "children": [ { "name": "Nathanael Peaden", "age": 57 }, { "name": "Jamaal Peaden" } ] }
+{ "cid": 140, "name": "Maryland Neas", "interests": [ ], "children": [ { "name": "Brunilda Neas", "age": 28 } ] }
+{ "cid": 711, "name": "Agnes Andreas", "interests": [ "Books" ], "children": [ { "name": "Fairy Andreas" }, { "name": "Wilhemina Andreas" }, { "name": "Parthenia Andreas", "age": 53 }, { "name": "Maye Andreas" } ] }
+{ "cid": 692, "name": "Nida Picknell", "age": 24, "address": { "number": 9053, "street": "Park St.", "city": "Mountain View" }, "interests": [ "Skiing", "Music", "Wine", "Base Jumping" ], "children": [ { "name": "Caroyln Picknell" }, { "name": "Micheline Picknell", "age": 10 } ] }
+{ "cid": 229, "name": "Raymundo Meurin", "interests": [ "Bass", "Basketball", "Databases" ], "children": [ { "name": "Mariela Meurin" } ] }
+{ "cid": 594, "name": "Zenia Corban", "interests": [ "Puzzles", "Computers", "Video Games", "Cigars" ], "children": [ { "name": "Arielle Corban" }, { "name": "Arthur Corban", "age": 15 }, { "name": "Taneka Corban", "age": 51 }, { "name": "Claire Corban" } ] }
+{ "cid": 927, "name": "Lillia Hartlein", "age": 55, "address": { "number": 5856, "street": "Lake St.", "city": "Sunnyvale" }, "interests": [ "Base Jumping", "Coffee", "Cigars" ], "children": [ { "name": "Nicky Hartlein" }, { "name": "Cassaundra Hartlein", "age": 10 }, { "name": "Micheline Hartlein", "age": 26 }, { "name": "Anton Hartlein", "age": 32 } ] }
+{ "cid": 906, "name": "Marlena Reichenberg", "interests": [ "Tennis", "Bass", "Cigars", "Databases" ], "children": [ { "name": "Annemarie Reichenberg", "age": 54 }, { "name": "Sunshine Reichenberg" }, { "name": "Dion Reichenberg", "age": 49 }, { "name": "Brenda Reichenberg", "age": 43 } ] }
+{ "cid": 350, "name": "Lashandra Noto", "interests": [ "Movies", "Bass", "Coffee", "Squash" ], "children": [ { "name": "Lise Noto" }, { "name": "Kimbra Noto", "age": 36 }, { "name": "Samual Noto" } ] }
+{ "cid": 102, "name": "Melany Rotan", "interests": [ ], "children": [ { "name": "Christiana Rotan", "age": 21 }, { "name": "Lavina Rotan" }, { "name": "Billy Rotan" } ] }
+{ "cid": 804, "name": "Joaquina Burlin", "age": 77, "address": { "number": 5479, "street": "7th St.", "city": "Sunnyvale" }, "interests": [ "Running", "Wine", "Running" ], "children": [ ] }
+{ "cid": 241, "name": "Lesha Ambrosia", "age": 49, "address": { "number": 6133, "street": "Cedar St.", "city": "Portland" }, "interests": [ "Base Jumping", "Running" ], "children": [ { "name": "Venice Ambrosia" } ] }
+{ "cid": 3, "name": "Phung Wheetley", "age": 12, "address": { "number": 5549, "street": "Hill St.", "city": "Mountain View" }, "interests": [ "Wine" ], "children": [ { "name": "Raelene Wheetley" }, { "name": "Dudley Wheetley" } ] }
+{ "cid": 480, "name": "Nigel Pitmon", "interests": [ "Puzzles", "Books" ], "children": [ { "name": "Janene Pitmon" }, { "name": "Louie Pitmon", "age": 19 }, { "name": "Genny Pitmon", "age": 24 }, { "name": "Robby Pitmon", "age": 55 } ] }
+{ "cid": 795, "name": "Sharilyn Branstad", "interests": [ "Databases", "Music" ], "children": [ { "name": "Ashlee Branstad", "age": 24 }, { "name": "Bobbye Branstad", "age": 26 }, { "name": "Natalya Branstad" }, { "name": "Edith Branstad" } ] }
+{ "cid": 548, "name": "Elvia Duchesney", "interests": [ "Basketball" ], "children": [ { "name": "Arcelia Duchesney", "age": 22 } ] }
+{ "cid": 317, "name": "Zona Caffarel", "age": 52, "address": { "number": 9419, "street": "Cedar St.", "city": "Seattle" }, "interests": [ "Tennis", "Coffee" ], "children": [ { "name": "Cortez Caffarel" } ] }
+{ "cid": 77, "name": "Chantal Parriera", "age": 78, "address": { "number": 5967, "street": "Lake St.", "city": "San Jose" }, "interests": [ "Squash", "Movies", "Coffee" ], "children": [ ] }
+{ "cid": 970, "name": "Pia Sudderth", "interests": [ "Databases" ], "children": [ { "name": "Ernestina Sudderth", "age": 15 }, { "name": "Larue Sudderth", "age": 46 }, { "name": "Toshia Sudderth", "age": 27 } ] }
+{ "cid": 68, "name": "Chery Basini", "interests": [ "Video Games" ], "children": [ ] }
+{ "cid": 283, "name": "Pilar Fritts", "interests": [ "Tennis" ], "children": [ { "name": "Jeneva Fritts" }, { "name": "Gail Fritts", "age": 25 } ] }
+{ "cid": 568, "name": "Marilou Veeder", "age": 26, "address": { "number": 5722, "street": "Washington St.", "city": "Seattle" }, "interests": [ "Coffee", "Databases", "Books", "Skiing" ], "children": [ ] }
+{ "cid": 569, "name": "Beata Diles", "age": 88, "address": { "number": 2198, "street": "Park St.", "city": "Mountain View" }, "interests": [ ], "children": [ { "name": "Myrtice Diles", "age": 46 }, { "name": "Stella Diles" }, { "name": "Rowena Diles", "age": 26 } ] }
+{ "cid": 792, "name": "Cassandra Servey", "interests": [ "Databases", "Music", "Books", "Cigars" ], "children": [ ] }
+{ "cid": 482, "name": "Samantha Stonis", "interests": [ "Databases" ], "children": [ ] }
+{ "cid": 663, "name": "Riley Noteboom", "interests": [ ], "children": [ { "name": "Marvis Noteboom", "age": 57 } ] }
+{ "cid": 951, "name": "Janine Martorano", "age": 65, "address": { "number": 6420, "street": "7th St.", "city": "Los Angeles" }, "interests": [ "Books", "Music" ], "children": [ { "name": "Idella Martorano" } ] }
+{ "cid": 29, "name": "Ruthanne Tavana", "interests": [ "Movies" ], "children": [ ] }
+{ "cid": 610, "name": "Elinor Notoma", "age": 66, "address": { "number": 6763, "street": "Lake St.", "city": "Mountain View" }, "interests": [ "Coffee" ], "children": [ { "name": "Dennis Notoma" }, { "name": "Carol Notoma", "age": 21 } ] }
+{ "cid": 122, "name": "Wei Perpall", "age": 43, "address": { "number": 916, "street": "Washington St.", "city": "Los Angeles" }, "interests": [ "Bass" ], "children": [ { "name": "Mitchel Perpall", "age": 11 }, { "name": "Aliza Perpall" }, { "name": "King Perpall" }, { "name": "Santana Perpall", "age": 22 } ] }
+{ "cid": 27, "name": "Hollie Hyun", "interests": [ "Skiing", "Walking" ], "children": [ { "name": "Morton Hyun" }, { "name": "Farrah Hyun", "age": 40 }, { "name": "Ali Hyun" } ] }
+{ "cid": 356, "name": "Pearlene Sakumoto", "age": 22, "address": { "number": 5895, "street": "7th St.", "city": "San Jose" }, "interests": [ "Computers", "Bass", "Base Jumping", "Coffee" ], "children": [ ] }
+{ "cid": 234, "name": "Ilana Brothern", "age": 36, "address": { "number": 4850, "street": "Lake St.", "city": "Portland" }, "interests": [ "Puzzles", "Walking", "Fishing" ], "children": [ { "name": "Shayne Brothern" }, { "name": "Phillis Brothern" } ] }
+{ "cid": 506, "name": "Jonna Kolbusz", "interests": [ ], "children": [ { "name": "Debrah Kolbusz" }, { "name": "Hugh Kolbusz" } ] }
+{ "cid": 315, "name": "Kallie Eiselein", "interests": [ "Computers", "Tennis" ], "children": [ ] }
+{ "cid": 633, "name": "Shalon Grauberger", "age": 34, "address": { "number": 765, "street": "Washington St.", "city": "Sunnyvale" }, "interests": [ "Music", "Base Jumping", "Tennis" ], "children": [ { "name": "Kris Grauberger", "age": 14 }, { "name": "Stuart Grauberger", "age": 12 }, { "name": "Billy Grauberger" } ] }
+{ "cid": 291, "name": "Svetlana Moone", "interests": [ "Skiing", "Computers", "Running", "Walking" ], "children": [ { "name": "Emelina Moone" }, { "name": "Candi Moone" } ] }
+{ "cid": 427, "name": "Janay Presutti", "interests": [ "Walking" ], "children": [ { "name": "Julietta Presutti" } ] }
+{ "cid": 196, "name": "Darwin Seekell", "interests": [ "Skiing" ], "children": [ { "name": "Kathryne Seekell" }, { "name": "Marlon Seekell" }, { "name": "Shiloh Seekell", "age": 51 } ] }
+{ "cid": 220, "name": "Soila Hannemann", "interests": [ "Wine", "Puzzles", "Basketball" ], "children": [ { "name": "Piper Hannemann", "age": 44 } ] }
+{ "cid": 508, "name": "Tiffany Kimmey", "age": 64, "address": { "number": 8625, "street": "7th St.", "city": "Mountain View" }, "interests": [ "Bass", "Walking" ], "children": [ ] }
+{ "cid": 252, "name": "Almeda Charity", "age": 19, "address": { "number": 5553, "street": "View St.", "city": "San Jose" }, "interests": [ ], "children": [ { "name": "Rosia Charity" } ] }
+{ "cid": 21, "name": "Gidget Galamay", "age": 34, "address": { "number": 2854, "street": "Washington St.", "city": "Los Angeles" }, "interests": [ ], "children": [ { "name": "Brunilda Galamay" }, { "name": "Bethel Galamay" }, { "name": "Devon Galamay", "age": 17 } ] }
+{ "cid": 174, "name": "Taneka Baldassare", "age": 50, "address": { "number": 5787, "street": "Park St.", "city": "Portland" }, "interests": [ ], "children": [ { "name": "Junko Baldassare" }, { "name": "Denisha Baldassare" }, { "name": "Hermina Baldassare", "age": 17 }, { "name": "Lexie Baldassare" } ] }
+{ "cid": 550, "name": "Aleisha Brehon", "age": 61, "address": { "number": 7835, "street": "Hill St.", "city": "Mountain View" }, "interests": [ "Squash" ], "children": [ { "name": "Vito Brehon" }, { "name": "Matthew Brehon", "age": 32 } ] }
+{ "cid": 498, "name": "Arleen Sultzer", "interests": [ "Coffee", "Movies", "Skiing" ], "children": [ { "name": "Norine Sultzer", "age": 29 } ] }
+{ "cid": 780, "name": "Penny Poortinga", "interests": [ ], "children": [ { "name": "Estella Poortinga" } ] }
+{ "cid": 613, "name": "Shanelle Leader", "interests": [ "Databases", "Base Jumping", "Wine", "Fishing" ], "children": [ { "name": "Florencia Leader" }, { "name": "Herbert Leader", "age": 11 }, { "name": "Jeanna Leader" } ] }
+{ "cid": 503, "name": "Phyliss Cassani", "interests": [ "Squash", "Tennis" ], "children": [ { "name": "Rolando Cassani", "age": 44 }, { "name": "Rikki Cassani", "age": 18 }, { "name": "Monty Cassani", "age": 40 } ] }
+{ "cid": 294, "name": "Foster Salimi", "age": 79, "address": { "number": 8439, "street": "Cedar St.", "city": "Sunnyvale" }, "interests": [ ], "children": [ { "name": "Pei Salimi" } ] }
+{ "cid": 708, "name": "Elease Holtmann", "age": 75, "address": { "number": 5295, "street": "Washington St.", "city": "Los Angeles" }, "interests": [ ], "children": [ { "name": "Leonardo Holtmann" }, { "name": "Katharine Holtmann" }, { "name": "Chung Holtmann", "age": 20 }, { "name": "Teodoro Holtmann", "age": 19 } ] }
+{ "cid": 547, "name": "Daryl Dambra", "interests": [ ], "children": [ { "name": "Jacquline Dambra" }, { "name": "Seymour Dambra" } ] }
+{ "cid": 108, "name": "Artie Boclair", "age": 55, "address": { "number": 8555, "street": "Oak St.", "city": "Mountain View" }, "interests": [ "Skiing", "Squash", "Skiing", "Fishing" ], "children": [ ] }
+{ "cid": 509, "name": "Alvaro Johnke", "interests": [ "Computers" ], "children": [ { "name": "Allison Johnke" }, { "name": "Ellan Johnke" } ] }
+{ "cid": 378, "name": "Melany Matias", "age": 10, "address": { "number": 8838, "street": "Main St.", "city": "Seattle" }, "interests": [ "Coffee", "Tennis", "Bass" ], "children": [ { "name": "Earnestine Matias" }, { "name": "Lore Matias" } ] }
+{ "cid": 69, "name": "Many Yeargain", "interests": [ "Coffee" ], "children": [ { "name": "Brande Yeargain" }, { "name": "Tawna Yeargain" }, { "name": "Doris Yeargain" }, { "name": "Valeria Yeargain", "age": 51 } ] }
+{ "cid": 912, "name": "Alessandra Kaskey", "age": 52, "address": { "number": 6906, "street": "View St.", "city": "Los Angeles" }, "interests": [ "Skiing", "Walking", "Basketball" ], "children": [ { "name": "Mack Kaskey" } ] }
+{ "cid": 201, "name": "Tiny Hoysradt", "interests": [ ], "children": [ { "name": "Simon Hoysradt", "age": 24 } ] }
+{ "cid": 124, "name": "Kelley Dressman", "interests": [ "Squash", "Databases", "Fishing" ], "children": [ { "name": "Evie Dressman" }, { "name": "Fredericka Dressman" }, { "name": "Leigh Dressman" }, { "name": "Luna Dressman", "age": 29 } ] }
+{ "cid": 583, "name": "Bev Yerena", "interests": [ "Puzzles", "Wine" ], "children": [ { "name": "Larhonda Yerena", "age": 45 }, { "name": "Josefina Yerena" }, { "name": "Sydney Yerena", "age": 42 } ] }
+{ "cid": 960, "name": "Lenore Limardi", "interests": [ "Music" ], "children": [ { "name": "Kris Limardi", "age": 12 } ] }
+{ "cid": 32, "name": "Tia Berkley", "age": 30, "address": { "number": 4507, "street": "Park St.", "city": "Sunnyvale" }, "interests": [ "Base Jumping", "Music" ], "children": [ { "name": "Carmon Berkley" }, { "name": "Kristina Berkley" }, { "name": "Cristi Berkley", "age": 19 } ] }
+{ "cid": 365, "name": "Aiko Curra", "interests": [ "Fishing", "Fishing", "Bass", "Cooking" ], "children": [ { "name": "Janelle Curra" } ] }
+{ "cid": 384, "name": "Perla Giarrano", "age": 88, "address": { "number": 4523, "street": "Cedar St.", "city": "Seattle" }, "interests": [ "Base Jumping", "Cooking", "Tennis", "Cigars" ], "children": [ { "name": "Melania Giarrano", "age": 71 }, { "name": "Evalyn Giarrano", "age": 67 }, { "name": "Kathrine Giarrano" }, { "name": "Lizeth Giarrano" } ] }
+{ "cid": 242, "name": "Jerold Shabot", "interests": [ "Fishing", "Walking", "Walking", "Puzzles" ], "children": [ { "name": "Marie Shabot", "age": 26 } ] }
+{ "cid": 941, "name": "Jamey Jakobson", "interests": [ "Books", "Cooking", "Video Games" ], "children": [ { "name": "Elmer Jakobson", "age": 14 }, { "name": "Minh Jakobson", "age": 30 } ] }
+{ "cid": 218, "name": "Clarinda Stagliano", "age": 76, "address": { "number": 3258, "street": "Park St.", "city": "San Jose" }, "interests": [ "Video Games", "Cigars" ], "children": [ ] }
+{ "cid": 701, "name": "Ahmed Schnider", "age": 61, "address": { "number": 2619, "street": "Hill St.", "city": "Sunnyvale" }, "interests": [ "Cooking", "Bass", "Movies", "Video Games" ], "children": [ { "name": "Marcel Schnider", "age": 13 }, { "name": "Micaela Schnider", "age": 28 }, { "name": "Roderick Schnider" } ] }
+{ "cid": 148, "name": "Coy Dulay", "age": 66, "address": { "number": 9793, "street": "Hill St.", "city": "Seattle" }, "interests": [ ], "children": [ { "name": "Emile Dulay" }, { "name": "Letitia Dulay", "age": 38 } ] }
+{ "cid": 612, "name": "Keneth Ganie", "age": 57, "address": { "number": 7712, "street": "Washington St.", "city": "Portland" }, "interests": [ "Cigars", "Base Jumping" ], "children": [ { "name": "Connie Ganie" }, { "name": "Kamala Ganie", "age": 25 }, { "name": "Beulah Ganie", "age": 15 } ] }
+{ "cid": 514, "name": "Raleigh Belling", "age": 56, "address": { "number": 7408, "street": "View St.", "city": "Mountain View" }, "interests": [ "Running" ], "children": [ ] }
+{ "cid": 145, "name": "Carey Bousman", "age": 61, "address": { "number": 16, "street": "Oak St.", "city": "Mountain View" }, "interests": [ ], "children": [ { "name": "Lynda Bousman", "age": 32 }, { "name": "Evalyn Bousman", "age": 17 } ] }
+{ "cid": 883, "name": "Odilia Bugtong", "interests": [ ], "children": [ { "name": "Mark Bugtong", "age": 15 }, { "name": "Paula Bugtong" }, { "name": "Jenee Bugtong", "age": 17 }, { "name": "Lilian Bugtong", "age": 44 } ] }
+{ "cid": 957, "name": "Lucius Schurr", "age": 75, "address": { "number": 3918, "street": "Main St.", "city": "Mountain View" }, "interests": [ ], "children": [ { "name": "Willetta Schurr", "age": 22 }, { "name": "Andre Schurr" }, { "name": "Merrilee Schurr", "age": 32 } ] }
+{ "cid": 444, "name": "Demetra Sava", "interests": [ "Music", "Fishing", "Databases", "Wine" ], "children": [ { "name": "Fidel Sava", "age": 16 } ] }
+{ "cid": 543, "name": "Pearl Nollette", "interests": [ "Base Jumping", "Running" ], "children": [ ] }
+{ "cid": 798, "name": "Senaida Hickerson", "age": 59, "address": { "number": 8248, "street": "7th St.", "city": "San Jose" }, "interests": [ "Bass", "Coffee", "Video Games", "Coffee" ], "children": [ { "name": "Long Hickerson", "age": 17 }, { "name": "Logan Hickerson", "age": 43 }, { "name": "Toi Hickerson", "age": 12 } ] }
+{ "cid": 307, "name": "Abraham Lanphear", "age": 20, "address": { "number": 7552, "street": "Washington St.", "city": "San Jose" }, "interests": [ "Video Games" ], "children": [ { "name": "Toccara Lanphear" }, { "name": "Milly Lanphear" } ] }
+{ "cid": 882, "name": "Erin Birdsall", "interests": [ "Music", "Walking", "Basketball", "Base Jumping" ], "children": [ { "name": "Bibi Birdsall" }, { "name": "Richard Birdsall", "age": 49 }, { "name": "Evelina Birdsall", "age": 33 } ] }
+{ "cid": 278, "name": "Deb Nicole", "age": 59, "address": { "number": 9003, "street": "Park St.", "city": "Seattle" }, "interests": [ "Books", "Computers", "Walking", "Cooking" ], "children": [ { "name": "Len Nicole" } ] }
+{ "cid": 638, "name": "Obdulia Dicosmo", "age": 14, "address": { "number": 9237, "street": "Cedar St.", "city": "Los Angeles" }, "interests": [ "Base Jumping", "Music", "Video Games", "Video Games" ], "children": [ { "name": "Han Dicosmo" }, { "name": "Yang Dicosmo" } ] }
+{ "cid": 523, "name": "Johanne Huls", "interests": [ "Books", "Bass" ], "children": [ { "name": "Melynda Huls" }, { "name": "Vicky Huls", "age": 16 }, { "name": "Charlott Huls" } ] }
+{ "cid": 461, "name": "Dessie Schnibbe", "interests": [ ], "children": [ ] }
+{ "cid": 618, "name": "Janella Hurtt", "interests": [ "Skiing", "Coffee", "Skiing" ], "children": [ { "name": "Lupe Hurtt", "age": 17 }, { "name": "Jae Hurtt", "age": 14 }, { "name": "Evan Hurtt", "age": 45 } ] }
+{ "cid": 65, "name": "Voncile Villaneuva", "age": 46, "address": { "number": 9976, "street": "Cedar St.", "city": "Mountain View" }, "interests": [ "Skiing", "Basketball", "Running", "Running" ], "children": [ { "name": "An Villaneuva", "age": 12 } ] }
+{ "cid": 346, "name": "Elden Choma", "interests": [ ], "children": [ { "name": "Valorie Choma" }, { "name": "Leslee Choma" } ] }
+{ "cid": 380, "name": "Silva Purdue", "age": 33, "address": { "number": 1759, "street": "7th St.", "city": "Portland" }, "interests": [ "Music", "Squash" ], "children": [ { "name": "Marshall Purdue" }, { "name": "Yuki Purdue" }, { "name": "Val Purdue", "age": 12 }, { "name": "Dominica Purdue" } ] }
+{ "cid": 974, "name": "Alexis Malcomson", "interests": [ "Movies", "Books" ], "children": [ { "name": "Kerri Malcomson" } ] }
+{ "cid": 195, "name": "Annetta Demille", "age": 17, "address": { "number": 5722, "street": "Park St.", "city": "Portland" }, "interests": [ "Bass" ], "children": [ { "name": "Natacha Demille" }, { "name": "Giuseppe Demille" }, { "name": "Kami Demille" }, { "name": "Jewell Demille" } ] }
+{ "cid": 860, "name": "Isabelle Sept", "age": 88, "address": { "number": 4382, "street": "Washington St.", "city": "Portland" }, "interests": [ "Puzzles", "Books" ], "children": [ ] }
+{ "cid": 117, "name": "Leana Grims", "interests": [ "Coffee", "Base Jumping", "Fishing", "Running" ], "children": [ { "name": "Tiara Grims" } ] }
+{ "cid": 566, "name": "Asley Grow", "interests": [ "Coffee", "Books", "Tennis" ], "children": [ { "name": "Dale Grow" } ] }
+{ "cid": 632, "name": "Keeley Goga", "interests": [ "Books", "Base Jumping" ], "children": [ { "name": "Walter Goga", "age": 39 }, { "name": "Chaya Goga" }, { "name": "Melodie Goga" }, { "name": "Isidro Goga", "age": 32 } ] }
+{ "cid": 687, "name": "Adriene Glowinski", "interests": [ ], "children": [ ] }
+{ "cid": 649, "name": "Anisha Sender", "interests": [ "Tennis", "Databases", "Bass" ], "children": [ { "name": "Viva Sender", "age": 40 }, { "name": "Terica Sender" } ] }
+{ "cid": 653, "name": "Robbie Rhump", "interests": [ "Squash", "Computers" ], "children": [ { "name": "Alishia Rhump", "age": 14 }, { "name": "Lyndsay Rhump", "age": 27 } ] }
+{ "cid": 908, "name": "Ferdinand Auila", "age": 82, "address": { "number": 1071, "street": "Lake St.", "city": "Portland" }, "interests": [ "Base Jumping", "Running", "Wine" ], "children": [ { "name": "Ai Auila", "age": 69 }, { "name": "Laurel Auila" } ] }
+{ "cid": 778, "name": "Shellie Sario", "interests": [ "Puzzles" ], "children": [ ] }
+{ "cid": 137, "name": "Camellia Pressman", "age": 81, "address": { "number": 3947, "street": "Park St.", "city": "Seattle" }, "interests": [ "Movies", "Books", "Bass" ], "children": [ { "name": "Dwana Pressman" }, { "name": "Johnathan Pressman" }, { "name": "Kasey Pressman" }, { "name": "Mitch Pressman" } ] }
+{ "cid": 443, "name": "Kylee Kowalczyk", "age": 47, "address": { "number": 1555, "street": "Hill St.", "city": "Portland" }, "interests": [ "Music", "Books", "Books", "Wine" ], "children": [ { "name": "Erwin Kowalczyk", "age": 29 } ] }
+{ "cid": 110, "name": "Karmen Milanesi", "age": 67, "address": { "number": 6223, "street": "Cedar St.", "city": "Portland" }, "interests": [ "Squash", "Squash" ], "children": [ { "name": "Emely Milanesi" }, { "name": "Adam Milanesi" }, { "name": "Gregg Milanesi" }, { "name": "Sean Milanesi", "age": 37 } ] }
+{ "cid": 709, "name": "Jazmine Twiddy", "interests": [ "Puzzles", "Computers", "Wine" ], "children": [ { "name": "Veronika Twiddy", "age": 21 } ] }
+{ "cid": 297, "name": "Adeline Frierson", "interests": [ "Coffee", "Computers", "Fishing" ], "children": [ { "name": "Marci Frierson" }, { "name": "Rolanda Frierson" }, { "name": "Del Frierson" } ] }
+{ "cid": 851, "name": "Darrel Machia", "age": 31, "address": { "number": 3290, "street": "View St.", "city": "Seattle" }, "interests": [ ], "children": [ { "name": "Coy Machia", "age": 13 }, { "name": "Janean Machia", "age": 13 }, { "name": "Sandi Machia", "age": 18 } ] }
+{ "cid": 512, "name": "Paul Cobian", "interests": [ ], "children": [ { "name": "Will Cobian", "age": 30 }, { "name": "Conrad Cobian", "age": 35 }, { "name": "Justin Cobian", "age": 11 } ] }
+{ "cid": 420, "name": "Coralie Regueira", "interests": [ "Books", "Tennis" ], "children": [ { "name": "Latoyia Regueira", "age": 31 }, { "name": "Obdulia Regueira", "age": 12 }, { "name": "Herlinda Regueira" } ] }
+{ "cid": 926, "name": "Krishna Barkdull", "age": 31, "address": { "number": 2640, "street": "Cedar St.", "city": "Sunnyvale" }, "interests": [ "Cigars", "Skiing", "Video Games", "Coffee" ], "children": [ { "name": "Nilsa Barkdull" }, { "name": "Denver Barkdull", "age": 10 }, { "name": "Jenell Barkdull", "age": 15 } ] }
+{ "cid": 885, "name": "Les Legere", "age": 87, "address": { "number": 3998, "street": "Cedar St.", "city": "Portland" }, "interests": [ "Bass", "Tennis", "Fishing" ], "children": [ { "name": "Concetta Legere", "age": 45 }, { "name": "Tamica Legere" }, { "name": "Aurora Legere" } ] }
+{ "cid": 155, "name": "Aubrey Kleve", "age": 24, "address": { "number": 809, "street": "Oak St.", "city": "San Jose" }, "interests": [ "Coffee", "Bass", "Bass", "Fishing" ], "children": [ ] }
+{ "cid": 303, "name": "Michel Bayird", "age": 37, "address": { "number": 7939, "street": "Hill St.", "city": "Los Angeles" }, "interests": [ ], "children": [ { "name": "Shan Bayird", "age": 12 } ] }
+{ "cid": 264, "name": "Leon Yoshizawa", "age": 81, "address": { "number": 608, "street": "Washington St.", "city": "San Jose" }, "interests": [ "Running", "Books", "Running" ], "children": [ { "name": "Carmela Yoshizawa", "age": 34 } ] }
+{ "cid": 500, "name": "Tierra Bjorklund", "interests": [ "Puzzles", "Skiing" ], "children": [ { "name": "Avelina Bjorklund", "age": 54 }, { "name": "Mallory Bjorklund" } ] }
+{ "cid": 299, "name": "Jacob Wainman", "age": 76, "address": { "number": 4551, "street": "Washington St.", "city": "Portland" }, "interests": [ "Base Jumping", "Wine", "Coffee" ], "children": [ { "name": "Abram Wainman", "age": 28 }, { "name": "Ramonita Wainman", "age": 18 }, { "name": "Sheryll Wainman" } ] }
+{ "cid": 822, "name": "Shane Deleonardo", "interests": [ "Skiing", "Books", "Fishing", "Puzzles" ], "children": [ ] }
+{ "cid": 636, "name": "Babara Shore", "age": 83, "address": { "number": 9452, "street": "Oak St.", "city": "Los Angeles" }, "interests": [ "Databases", "Movies", "Tennis" ], "children": [ { "name": "Candy Shore", "age": 58 }, { "name": "Nanci Shore" }, { "name": "Asia Shore" } ] }
+{ "cid": 423, "name": "Elayne Twichell", "interests": [ "Video Games", "Video Games", "Fishing", "Databases" ], "children": [ { "name": "Rickie Twichell", "age": 27 }, { "name": "Leonor Twichell" }, { "name": "Shon Twichell", "age": 39 } ] }
+{ "cid": 361, "name": "Angela Lacki", "age": 35, "address": { "number": 9710, "street": "Hill St.", "city": "Seattle" }, "interests": [ "Skiing" ], "children": [ ] }
+{ "cid": 596, "name": "Juliane Maddy", "interests": [ "Coffee", "Computers", "Walking", "Basketball" ], "children": [ { "name": "Joannie Maddy" }, { "name": "Penny Maddy", "age": 35 }, { "name": "Joette Maddy", "age": 35 }, { "name": "Karla Maddy", "age": 54 } ] }
+{ "cid": 894, "name": "Reginald Julien", "age": 16, "address": { "number": 1107, "street": "Lake St.", "city": "Mountain View" }, "interests": [ "Databases", "Wine" ], "children": [ { "name": "Arthur Julien" }, { "name": "Evia Julien" } ] }
+{ "cid": 821, "name": "Carole Edlund", "age": 76, "address": { "number": 4008, "street": "Park St.", "city": "Los Angeles" }, "interests": [ "Computers", "Cooking", "Running", "Basketball" ], "children": [ { "name": "Garfield Edlund", "age": 54 }, { "name": "Brooks Edlund" }, { "name": "Gertrudis Edlund" }, { "name": "Tabitha Edlund", "age": 58 } ] }
+{ "cid": 228, "name": "Donnette Brumbley", "interests": [ "Databases", "Music" ], "children": [ { "name": "Madlyn Brumbley" }, { "name": "Apolonia Brumbley", "age": 13 }, { "name": "Stephine Brumbley" }, { "name": "Zelma Brumbley", "age": 51 } ] }
+{ "cid": 79, "name": "Alyce Schoenle", "age": 57, "address": { "number": 1345, "street": "Main St.", "city": "Portland" }, "interests": [ ], "children": [ { "name": "Stewart Schoenle", "age": 16 }, { "name": "Bruce Schoenle", "age": 44 } ] }
+{ "cid": 133, "name": "Carey Smitty", "interests": [ "Books", "Bass", "Video Games", "Wine" ], "children": [ { "name": "Cyrstal Smitty", "age": 31 } ] }
+{ "cid": 452, "name": "Casie Marasigan", "interests": [ "Walking", "Computers" ], "children": [ { "name": "Connie Marasigan" }, { "name": "Kimberlie Marasigan" } ] }
+{ "cid": 80, "name": "Dominique Gulbransen", "interests": [ "Base Jumping", "Databases", "Movies", "Coffee" ], "children": [ { "name": "Elizabeth Gulbransen", "age": 44 }, { "name": "Lesley Gulbransen", "age": 14 } ] }
+{ "cid": 391, "name": "Lynn Gregory", "age": 51, "address": { "number": 1249, "street": "Hill St.", "city": "San Jose" }, "interests": [ ], "children": [ { "name": "Jeannine Gregory" }, { "name": "Jaymie Gregory" }, { "name": "Lorrine Gregory", "age": 37 } ] }
+{ "cid": 853, "name": "Denisse Peralto", "age": 25, "address": { "number": 3931, "street": "7th St.", "city": "Portland" }, "interests": [ "Tennis", "Walking", "Basketball" ], "children": [ { "name": "Asha Peralto", "age": 14 }, { "name": "Clark Peralto" }, { "name": "Jessika Peralto" }, { "name": "Nadene Peralto" } ] }
+{ "cid": 923, "name": "Bobbi Ursino", "interests": [ "Movies", "Books", "Walking" ], "children": [ { "name": "Shon Ursino" }, { "name": "Lorean Ursino" } ] }
+{ "cid": 976, "name": "Madalyn Nidiffer", "age": 35, "address": { "number": 7635, "street": "Main St.", "city": "San Jose" }, "interests": [ "Coffee", "Wine", "Music" ], "children": [ { "name": "Tricia Nidiffer", "age": 10 }, { "name": "Kevin Nidiffer", "age": 24 }, { "name": "Elyse Nidiffer" } ] }
+{ "cid": 473, "name": "Cordell Solas", "interests": [ "Squash", "Music", "Bass", "Puzzles" ], "children": [ { "name": "Douglass Solas" }, { "name": "Claribel Solas" }, { "name": "Fred Solas" }, { "name": "Ahmed Solas", "age": 21 } ] }
+{ "cid": 661, "name": "Lorita Kraut", "age": 43, "address": { "number": 5017, "street": "Park St.", "city": "Los Angeles" }, "interests": [ "Tennis", "Movies", "Bass" ], "children": [ { "name": "Mirian Kraut" } ] }
+{ "cid": 411, "name": "Cindi Pepin", "interests": [ ], "children": [ { "name": "Fallon Pepin", "age": 39 }, { "name": "Armanda Pepin" }, { "name": "Loriann Pepin" }, { "name": "Bambi Pepin", "age": 43 } ] }
+{ "cid": 952, "name": "Brianne Norg", "age": 62, "address": { "number": 8650, "street": "Washington St.", "city": "San Jose" }, "interests": [ "Tennis", "Movies", "Computers", "Basketball" ], "children": [ { "name": "Cherish Norg", "age": 41 }, { "name": "Frances Norg", "age": 49 }, { "name": "Irwin Norg" } ] }
+{ "cid": 863, "name": "Caroll Jett", "age": 70, "address": { "number": 8918, "street": "Washington St.", "city": "Seattle" }, "interests": [ "Wine", "Cigars", "Cooking", "Wine" ], "children": [ { "name": "Heide Jett", "age": 58 }, { "name": "Bernarda Jett", "age": 47 }, { "name": "Milagros Jett", "age": 34 } ] }
+{ "cid": 418, "name": "Gavin Delpino", "interests": [ "Basketball", "Skiing", "Wine", "Fishing" ], "children": [ { "name": "Gianna Delpino" }, { "name": "Carmella Delpino", "age": 55 } ] }
+{ "cid": 943, "name": "Kathryne Blacock", "age": 82, "address": { "number": 3510, "street": "Oak St.", "city": "Sunnyvale" }, "interests": [ "Running", "Bass", "Music" ], "children": [ ] }
+{ "cid": 707, "name": "Nicholle Heibult", "age": 67, "address": { "number": 1264, "street": "Lake St.", "city": "Mountain View" }, "interests": [ "Movies", "Basketball", "Squash", "Skiing" ], "children": [ ] }
+{ "cid": 379, "name": "Penney Huslander", "age": 58, "address": { "number": 6919, "street": "7th St.", "city": "Portland" }, "interests": [ "Cooking", "Running" ], "children": [ { "name": "Magaret Huslander" }, { "name": "Dodie Huslander", "age": 14 } ] }
+{ "cid": 211, "name": "Kristian Knepshield", "interests": [ ], "children": [ ] }
+{ "cid": 574, "name": "Camellia Toxey", "age": 52, "address": { "number": 5437, "street": "Hill St.", "city": "Portland" }, "interests": [ ], "children": [ { "name": "Deandrea Toxey" }, { "name": "Danille Toxey" } ] }
+{ "cid": 597, "name": "Clarine Eutsey", "age": 39, "address": { "number": 9112, "street": "7th St.", "city": "Portland" }, "interests": [ "Video Games", "Cigars", "Walking" ], "children": [ ] }
+{ "cid": 457, "name": "Jenice Boger", "interests": [ "Skiing", "Databases", "Running" ], "children": [ ] }
+{ "cid": 782, "name": "Shameka Haifa", "age": 16, "address": { "number": 9555, "street": "Cedar St.", "city": "San Jose" }, "interests": [ "Cigars", "Computers", "Coffee", "Skiing" ], "children": [ { "name": "Dannette Haifa" } ] }
+{ "cid": 86, "name": "Sofia Mongiovi", "interests": [ ], "children": [ { "name": "Rosamaria Mongiovi", "age": 25 } ] }
+{ "cid": 861, "name": "Hugh Mcbrien", "interests": [ "Skiing", "Cigars", "Cooking" ], "children": [ { "name": "Otha Mcbrien", "age": 38 } ] }
+{ "cid": 989, "name": "Loyce Ferryman", "age": 21, "address": { "number": 8937, "street": "Main St.", "city": "Seattle" }, "interests": [ "Puzzles", "Tennis", "Databases", "Base Jumping" ], "children": [ { "name": "Vada Ferryman" }, { "name": "Reyes Ferryman" } ] }
+{ "cid": 901, "name": "Riva Ziko", "interests": [ "Running", "Tennis", "Video Games" ], "children": [ { "name": "Leandra Ziko", "age": 49 }, { "name": "Torrie Ziko" } ] }
+{ "cid": 433, "name": "Caleb Merrbach", "interests": [ ], "children": [ { "name": "Amado Merrbach", "age": 45 } ] }
+{ "cid": 793, "name": "Shondra Gollman", "interests": [ "Skiing" ], "children": [ { "name": "Paul Gollman", "age": 30 }, { "name": "Katherina Gollman", "age": 53 } ] }
+{ "cid": 263, "name": "Mellisa Machalek", "interests": [ "Bass", "Coffee", "Skiing" ], "children": [ ] }
+{ "cid": 239, "name": "Celsa Fondow", "interests": [ "Base Jumping", "Computers", "Cooking", "Wine" ], "children": [ ] }
+{ "cid": 852, "name": "Terrell Ramsay", "interests": [ ], "children": [ ] }
+{ "cid": 918, "name": "Melia Caparelli", "age": 22, "address": { "number": 16, "street": "Washington St.", "city": "Sunnyvale" }, "interests": [ "Puzzles", "Fishing", "Coffee", "Music" ], "children": [ ] }
+{ "cid": 534, "name": "Bridgett Ebel", "interests": [ "Cigars" ], "children": [ ] }
+{ "cid": 744, "name": "Crysta Christen", "age": 57, "address": { "number": 439, "street": "Hill St.", "city": "Portland" }, "interests": [ "Basketball", "Squash", "Base Jumping" ], "children": [ ] }
+{ "cid": 815, "name": "Leigha Bires", "age": 11, "address": { "number": 7263, "street": "Oak St.", "city": "Portland" }, "interests": [ "Running" ], "children": [ { "name": "Val Bires" } ] }
+{ "cid": 243, "name": "Love Hoftiezer", "age": 88, "address": { "number": 2491, "street": "Main St.", "city": "Portland" }, "interests": [ "Cigars", "Coffee", "Books" ], "children": [ { "name": "Kellee Hoftiezer", "age": 77 } ] }
+{ "cid": 561, "name": "Renetta Cudworth", "interests": [ "Skiing", "Basketball" ], "children": [ ] }
+{ "cid": 429, "name": "Eladia Scannell", "age": 20, "address": { "number": 5036, "street": "Main St.", "city": "Portland" }, "interests": [ "Skiing", "Music", "Movies" ], "children": [ ] }
+{ "cid": 439, "name": "Lillia Villnave", "age": 34, "address": { "number": 9212, "street": "Oak St.", "city": "Sunnyvale" }, "interests": [ ], "children": [ { "name": "Otis Villnave" } ] }
+{ "cid": 293, "name": "Terresa Hofstetter", "age": 15, "address": { "number": 3338, "street": "Lake St.", "city": "Los Angeles" }, "interests": [ "Computers", "Running", "Cigars", "Fishing" ], "children": [ { "name": "Hubert Hofstetter" }, { "name": "Jolie Hofstetter" } ] }
+{ "cid": 734, "name": "Lera Korn", "interests": [ "Tennis", "Puzzles", "Cigars" ], "children": [ { "name": "Criselda Korn", "age": 37 } ] }
+{ "cid": 914, "name": "Hunter Flournoy", "interests": [ "Cooking", "Squash" ], "children": [ { "name": "Christopher Flournoy", "age": 59 }, { "name": "Earnestine Flournoy" } ] }
+{ "cid": 648, "name": "Isaac Eagen", "interests": [ "Fishing", "Cooking", "Basketball", "Books" ], "children": [ { "name": "Onita Eagen" }, { "name": "Anjanette Eagen" } ] }
+{ "cid": 843, "name": "Lenny Acerno", "age": 64, "address": { "number": 7656, "street": "Main St.", "city": "Seattle" }, "interests": [ "Base Jumping", "Squash" ], "children": [ ] }
+{ "cid": 100, "name": "Taisha Wills", "interests": [ "Base Jumping", "Music", "Skiing", "Databases" ], "children": [ ] }
+{ "cid": 6, "name": "Cris Kager", "age": 70, "address": { "number": 8402, "street": "View St.", "city": "Los Angeles" }, "interests": [ "Walking" ], "children": [ { "name": "Carmelo Kager", "age": 34 }, { "name": "Faustina Kager" } ] }
+{ "cid": 571, "name": "Lenita Tentler", "interests": [ "Running", "Fishing" ], "children": [ { "name": "Damian Tentler", "age": 16 }, { "name": "Camellia Tentler" }, { "name": "Vern Tentler", "age": 15 } ] }
+{ "cid": 324, "name": "Wendolyn Centorino", "interests": [ ], "children": [ ] }
+{ "cid": 592, "name": "Rachelle Spare", "age": 13, "address": { "number": 8088, "street": "Oak St.", "city": "Portland" }, "interests": [ "Squash", "Puzzles" ], "children": [ { "name": "Theo Spare" }, { "name": "Shizue Spare" } ] }
+{ "cid": 752, "name": "Maria Lebovic", "interests": [ "Bass" ], "children": [ { "name": "Thi Lebovic" }, { "name": "Rosamaria Lebovic", "age": 23 }, { "name": "Brinda Lebovic", "age": 39 } ] }
+{ "cid": 591, "name": "Matthew Tenhaeff", "interests": [ "Databases", "Video Games" ], "children": [ { "name": "Jan Tenhaeff", "age": 25 }, { "name": "Nana Tenhaeff" }, { "name": "Laticia Tenhaeff" }, { "name": "Ara Tenhaeff", "age": 44 } ] }
+{ "cid": 404, "name": "Harriette Abo", "interests": [ "Walking", "Running" ], "children": [ ] }
+{ "cid": 621, "name": "Theresa Satterthwaite", "age": 16, "address": { "number": 3249, "street": "Main St.", "city": "Mountain View" }, "interests": [ "Wine", "Skiing", "Wine", "Fishing" ], "children": [ { "name": "Rickie Satterthwaite" }, { "name": "Rina Satterthwaite" } ] }
+{ "cid": 215, "name": "Ashton Schadegg", "interests": [ "Databases", "Music" ], "children": [ { "name": "Ciara Schadegg" }, { "name": "Karisa Schadegg", "age": 11 }, { "name": "Hayden Schadegg", "age": 44 } ] }
+{ "cid": 640, "name": "Willy Bielak", "interests": [ "Squash" ], "children": [ ] }
+{ "cid": 486, "name": "Willa Patman", "interests": [ ], "children": [ { "name": "Ross Patman", "age": 42 }, { "name": "Erin Patman" }, { "name": "Vannessa Patman", "age": 11 }, { "name": "Hilaria Patman", "age": 28 } ] }
+{ "cid": 389, "name": "Loraine Morfee", "age": 72, "address": { "number": 2945, "street": "Lake St.", "city": "Seattle" }, "interests": [ "Wine", "Walking" ], "children": [ { "name": "Berry Morfee", "age": 30 } ] }
+{ "cid": 339, "name": "Sharonda Catalino", "age": 15, "address": { "number": 7616, "street": "Washington St.", "city": "Portland" }, "interests": [ ], "children": [ { "name": "Lorine Catalino" } ] }
+{ "cid": 399, "name": "Myra Millwee", "interests": [ "Tennis", "Running", "Tennis" ], "children": [ { "name": "Gaye Millwee" } ] }
+{ "cid": 202, "name": "Evangelina Poloskey", "age": 46, "address": { "number": 8285, "street": "Main St.", "city": "Los Angeles" }, "interests": [ "Wine", "Squash" ], "children": [ { "name": "Anthony Poloskey", "age": 27 }, { "name": "Olga Poloskey", "age": 10 }, { "name": "Carmon Poloskey", "age": 13 }, { "name": "Tanja Poloskey", "age": 20 } ] }
+{ "cid": 631, "name": "Brook Jenks", "interests": [ "Wine" ], "children": [ { "name": "Eldon Jenks" }, { "name": "Luann Jenks", "age": 53 }, { "name": "Aurora Jenks", "age": 37 } ] }
+{ "cid": 549, "name": "Kathrin Cruff", "age": 63, "address": { "number": 9002, "street": "Washington St.", "city": "Sunnyvale" }, "interests": [ "Tennis", "Books" ], "children": [ { "name": "Candi Cruff", "age": 49 }, { "name": "Barry Cruff", "age": 17 }, { "name": "Shane Cruff", "age": 18 }, { "name": "Brendon Cruff" } ] }
+{ "cid": 179, "name": "Antonette Bernice", "interests": [ ], "children": [ { "name": "Solange Bernice" } ] }
+{ "cid": 74, "name": "Lonnie Ercolani", "age": 79, "address": { "number": 2655, "street": "Lake St.", "city": "Los Angeles" }, "interests": [ "Music", "Coffee" ], "children": [ { "name": "Cassi Ercolani" } ] }
+{ "cid": 249, "name": "Kiana Satiago", "interests": [ ], "children": [ { "name": "Stacy Satiago" } ] }
+{ "cid": 114, "name": "Stephine Capinpin", "age": 78, "address": { "number": 5618, "street": "Main St.", "city": "Sunnyvale" }, "interests": [ "Puzzles", "Basketball" ], "children": [ { "name": "Krystal Capinpin", "age": 31 }, { "name": "Angelic Capinpin", "age": 45 } ] }
+{ "cid": 945, "name": "Hildegard Dedinas", "age": 70, "address": { "number": 3273, "street": "View St.", "city": "Sunnyvale" }, "interests": [ ], "children": [ { "name": "Renato Dedinas", "age": 35 } ] }
+{ "cid": 397, "name": "Blake Kealy", "age": 34, "address": { "number": 2156, "street": "Cedar St.", "city": "Los Angeles" }, "interests": [ "Databases", "Wine", "Cigars" ], "children": [ { "name": "Lorenza Kealy" }, { "name": "Beula Kealy", "age": 15 }, { "name": "Kristofer Kealy" }, { "name": "Shayne Kealy" } ] }
+{ "cid": 915, "name": "Eugene Okorududu", "age": 62, "address": { "number": 8364, "street": "Hill St.", "city": "Sunnyvale" }, "interests": [ "Wine", "Skiing", "Cooking", "Movies" ], "children": [ { "name": "Renee Okorududu" }, { "name": "Enid Okorududu" }, { "name": "Tammy Okorududu" }, { "name": "Shirlee Okorududu", "age": 28 } ] }
+{ "cid": 646, "name": "Pablo Catterton", "interests": [ "Fishing", "Computers" ], "children": [ ] }
+{ "cid": 359, "name": "Sharika Vientos", "age": 42, "address": { "number": 5981, "street": "Hill St.", "city": "Mountain View" }, "interests": [ "Walking", "Bass", "Fishing", "Movies" ], "children": [ { "name": "Clifton Vientos", "age": 21 }, { "name": "Renae Vientos" }, { "name": "Marcelo Vientos", "age": 31 }, { "name": "Jacalyn Vientos" } ] }
+{ "cid": 99, "name": "Bernardina Thacher", "age": 35, "address": { "number": 1582, "street": "Main St.", "city": "Los Angeles" }, "interests": [ "Movies", "Fishing", "Fishing" ], "children": [ { "name": "Randee Thacher" }, { "name": "China Thacher" } ] }
+{ "cid": 58, "name": "Rosemarie Mattei", "age": 80, "address": { "number": 1390, "street": "Park St.", "city": "Sunnyvale" }, "interests": [ ], "children": [ { "name": "Sonya Mattei", "age": 52 }, { "name": "Elenor Mattei" } ] }
+{ "cid": 931, "name": "Octavia Koiner", "interests": [ ], "children": [ { "name": "Ardath Koiner", "age": 32 }, { "name": "Milly Koiner" }, { "name": "Arlinda Koiner" }, { "name": "Debby Koiner" } ] }
+{ "cid": 779, "name": "Vinita Bockskopf", "interests": [ "Tennis", "Video Games" ], "children": [ ] }
+{ "cid": 491, "name": "Tobi Celani", "age": 63, "address": { "number": 2200, "street": "Main St.", "city": "Mountain View" }, "interests": [ "Fishing", "Running", "Bass", "Fishing" ], "children": [ { "name": "Alana Celani" }, { "name": "Lashaun Celani" }, { "name": "Sirena Celani", "age": 23 }, { "name": "Tami Celani" } ] }
+{ "cid": 131, "name": "Kourtney Whitesel", "interests": [ ], "children": [ ] }
+{ "cid": 828, "name": "Marcelle Steinhour", "interests": [ "Running", "Basketball", "Walking" ], "children": [ { "name": "Jimmie Steinhour", "age": 13 }, { "name": "Kirstie Steinhour", "age": 19 } ] }
+{ "cid": 304, "name": "Francine Reddin", "age": 39, "address": { "number": 9392, "street": "Hill St.", "city": "Seattle" }, "interests": [ "Music", "Base Jumping" ], "children": [ { "name": "Millicent Reddin" } ] }
+{ "cid": 545, "name": "Dolores Ferer", "interests": [ "Coffee", "Bass", "Tennis" ], "children": [ { "name": "Bridgette Ferer" } ] }
+{ "cid": 992, "name": "Staci Alexandropoul", "interests": [ "Databases", "Movies", "Tennis" ], "children": [ { "name": "Casimira Alexandropoul" }, { "name": "Kena Alexandropoul", "age": 54 }, { "name": "Ellie Alexandropoul" }, { "name": "Ambrose Alexandropoul" } ] }
+{ "cid": 112, "name": "Dorie Lave", "age": 10, "address": { "number": 2286, "street": "Lake St.", "city": "Los Angeles" }, "interests": [ "Coffee" ], "children": [ { "name": "Grady Lave" }, { "name": "Daysi Lave" } ] }
+{ "cid": 47, "name": "Britni Haider", "age": 86, "address": { "number": 9172, "street": "Park St.", "city": "Seattle" }, "interests": [ "Basketball", "Fishing", "Tennis", "Fishing" ], "children": [ { "name": "Vergie Haider" } ] }
+{ "cid": 725, "name": "Sallie Calderon", "interests": [ ], "children": [ ] }
+{ "cid": 354, "name": "Marian Munzell", "age": 73, "address": { "number": 4504, "street": "Oak St.", "city": "San Jose" }, "interests": [ "Fishing", "Puzzles" ], "children": [ ] }
+{ "cid": 210, "name": "Jillian Roadruck", "interests": [ "Coffee", "Tennis" ], "children": [ { "name": "Marguerite Roadruck" }, { "name": "Ilana Roadruck" }, { "name": "Chantelle Roadruck", "age": 19 }, { "name": "Nikia Roadruck", "age": 43 } ] }
+{ "cid": 736, "name": "Desmond Branam", "interests": [ ], "children": [ { "name": "Manuel Branam", "age": 51 } ] }
+{ "cid": 682, "name": "Krystle Weingartner", "age": 87, "address": { "number": 5293, "street": "Hill St.", "city": "Los Angeles" }, "interests": [ "Squash" ], "children": [ { "name": "Bryanna Weingartner", "age": 19 }, { "name": "Rubie Weingartner", "age": 32 }, { "name": "Raye Weingartner" } ] }
+{ "cid": 637, "name": "George Beamer", "age": 53, "address": { "number": 9464, "street": "Park St.", "city": "Mountain View" }, "interests": [ "Fishing", "Running", "Books", "Music" ], "children": [ { "name": "Mayra Beamer", "age": 12 }, { "name": "Bernadette Beamer", "age": 39 }, { "name": "Nicky Beamer" }, { "name": "Cheree Beamer" } ] }
+{ "cid": 10, "name": "Trent Liedy", "age": 51, "address": { "number": 1758, "street": "Oak St.", "city": "San Jose" }, "interests": [ ], "children": [ ] }
+{ "cid": 60, "name": "Dorthey Gradowski", "interests": [ "Tennis", "Tennis", "Databases", "Squash" ], "children": [ { "name": "Andera Gradowski", "age": 15 }, { "name": "Demetrice Gradowski", "age": 13 } ] }
+{ "cid": 50, "name": "Lise Gorelli", "interests": [ "Books", "Wine", "Skiing", "Computers" ], "children": [ { "name": "Darleen Gorelli" }, { "name": "Latia Gorelli" }, { "name": "Page Gorelli" }, { "name": "Columbus Gorelli" } ] }
+{ "cid": 185, "name": "Abigail Zugg", "age": 22, "address": { "number": 6676, "street": "Washington St.", "city": "Seattle" }, "interests": [ "Computers", "Basketball", "Video Games", "Basketball" ], "children": [ { "name": "Peter Zugg", "age": 10 }, { "name": "Ariane Zugg" } ] }
+{ "cid": 630, "name": "Darla Domenick", "age": 14, "address": { "number": 3315, "street": "Park St.", "city": "San Jose" }, "interests": [ "Databases" ], "children": [ { "name": "Verda Domenick" } ] }
+{ "cid": 453, "name": "Sherlyn Deadmond", "interests": [ "Tennis", "Puzzles", "Base Jumping" ], "children": [ { "name": "Torrie Deadmond", "age": 46 }, { "name": "Cleotilde Deadmond", "age": 55 }, { "name": "Garry Deadmond", "age": 34 }, { "name": "Valrie Deadmond" } ] }
+{ "cid": 785, "name": "Gabriel Breidel", "age": 32, "address": { "number": 9288, "street": "Park St.", "city": "San Jose" }, "interests": [ "Cigars", "Bass" ], "children": [ { "name": "Bernie Breidel" } ] }
+{ "cid": 540, "name": "Bryanna Herling", "age": 67, "address": { "number": 7682, "street": "View St.", "city": "Sunnyvale" }, "interests": [ ], "children": [ { "name": "Cyrstal Herling", "age": 50 }, { "name": "Vallie Herling", "age": 54 }, { "name": "Doris Herling" } ] }
+{ "cid": 659, "name": "Daniel Groskreutz", "interests": [ "Databases" ], "children": [ { "name": "Mariam Groskreutz", "age": 21 }, { "name": "Carlton Groskreutz" } ] }
+{ "cid": 85, "name": "Fatimah Steltenpohl", "age": 25, "address": { "number": 6175, "street": "Park St.", "city": "Sunnyvale" }, "interests": [ ], "children": [ { "name": "Genoveva Steltenpohl", "age": 14 } ] }
+{ "cid": 755, "name": "Bette Trentz", "age": 57, "address": { "number": 2794, "street": "Park St.", "city": "Portland" }, "interests": [ ], "children": [ { "name": "Christa Trentz", "age": 14 }, { "name": "Jestine Trentz", "age": 22 }, { "name": "Shantel Trentz", "age": 37 }, { "name": "Jacklyn Trentz" } ] }
+{ "cid": 942, "name": "Emerson Keblish", "interests": [ "Tennis" ], "children": [ { "name": "Leonora Keblish" } ] }
+{ "cid": 290, "name": "Kimberly Gullatte", "age": 51, "address": { "number": 4130, "street": "Park St.", "city": "San Jose" }, "interests": [ "Running", "Squash", "Databases" ], "children": [ { "name": "Micheal Gullatte" }, { "name": "Estrella Gullatte", "age": 40 }, { "name": "Corrine Gullatte" }, { "name": "Ward Gullatte" } ] }
+{ "cid": 115, "name": "Jason Oakden", "age": 89, "address": { "number": 8182, "street": "Park St.", "city": "Los Angeles" }, "interests": [ "Music", "Basketball", "Movies" ], "children": [ { "name": "Johnson Oakden" }, { "name": "Neva Oakden" }, { "name": "Juliann Oakden" }, { "name": "Elmer Oakden" } ] }
+{ "cid": 409, "name": "Edwardo Brayton", "age": 28, "address": { "number": 473, "street": "7th St.", "city": "Los Angeles" }, "interests": [ "Databases", "Basketball", "Computers", "Fishing" ], "children": [ { "name": "Werner Brayton" } ] }
+{ "cid": 757, "name": "Bertie Flemming", "interests": [ "Tennis", "Music", "Running", "Cooking" ], "children": [ { "name": "Temeka Flemming", "age": 46 }, { "name": "Terrance Flemming" }, { "name": "Jenette Flemming", "age": 23 }, { "name": "Debra Flemming" } ] }
+{ "cid": 236, "name": "Muriel Laib", "age": 25, "address": { "number": 4481, "street": "Oak St.", "city": "San Jose" }, "interests": [ "Fishing", "Tennis" ], "children": [ { "name": "Jann Laib" }, { "name": "Lila Laib", "age": 10 }, { "name": "Elyse Laib", "age": 11 } ] }
+{ "cid": 262, "name": "Diane Bowersmith", "interests": [ "Basketball", "Movies", "Music", "Squash" ], "children": [ { "name": "Errol Bowersmith", "age": 16 }, { "name": "Lien Bowersmith", "age": 10 } ] }
+{ "cid": 575, "name": "Phyliss Mattes", "age": 26, "address": { "number": 3956, "street": "Washington St.", "city": "Los Angeles" }, "interests": [ "Tennis", "Music", "Running", "Music" ], "children": [ ] }
+{ "cid": 799, "name": "Ronny Piefer", "age": 45, "address": { "number": 7724, "street": "7th St.", "city": "Mountain View" }, "interests": [ "Fishing" ], "children": [ { "name": "Chantal Piefer", "age": 24 }, { "name": "Tiffany Piefer" }, { "name": "Farrah Piefer", "age": 21 }, { "name": "Dee Piefer" } ] }
+{ "cid": 676, "name": "Ima Juart", "age": 64, "address": { "number": 2498, "street": "Cedar St.", "city": "Portland" }, "interests": [ "Walking" ], "children": [ { "name": "Cortez Juart", "age": 17 }, { "name": "Guillermo Juart" }, { "name": "Shelley Juart", "age": 20 }, { "name": "Daryl Juart" } ] }
+{ "cid": 781, "name": "Christy Darcangelo", "age": 42, "address": { "number": 2178, "street": "Washington St.", "city": "Portland" }, "interests": [ "Computers", "Fishing" ], "children": [ { "name": "Luis Darcangelo", "age": 21 }, { "name": "Omega Darcangelo", "age": 26 }, { "name": "Remedios Darcangelo", "age": 28 }, { "name": "Domenic Darcangelo", "age": 21 } ] }
+{ "cid": 495, "name": "Lashaun Gaud", "interests": [ "Music", "Music", "Coffee", "Basketball" ], "children": [ { "name": "Elizabeth Gaud" }, { "name": "Eloise Gaud" }, { "name": "Dell Gaud" }, { "name": "Lala Gaud" } ] }
+{ "cid": 886, "name": "Jerry Defusco", "interests": [ "Databases", "Puzzles", "Puzzles", "Basketball" ], "children": [ { "name": "Caroyln Defusco" }, { "name": "Eilene Defusco" } ] }
+{ "cid": 119, "name": "Chan Morreau", "age": 22, "address": { "number": 1774, "street": "Lake St.", "city": "Mountain View" }, "interests": [ "Puzzles", "Squash" ], "children": [ { "name": "Arlette Morreau" } ] }
+{ "cid": 750, "name": "Rosaura Gaul", "interests": [ "Music", "Books", "Tennis" ], "children": [ { "name": "Letisha Gaul", "age": 41 } ] }
+{ "cid": 770, "name": "Merrill Tilson", "interests": [ "Computers", "Skiing" ], "children": [ { "name": "Elna Tilson" } ] }
+{ "cid": 374, "name": "Clair Quinn", "interests": [ "Walking", "Books" ], "children": [ { "name": "Wesley Quinn", "age": 17 }, { "name": "Maren Quinn", "age": 50 }, { "name": "Ila Quinn", "age": 43 }, { "name": "Casie Quinn" } ] }
+{ "cid": 812, "name": "Bee Godette", "age": 26, "address": { "number": 1757, "street": "Washington St.", "city": "Portland" }, "interests": [ "Video Games", "Base Jumping", "Tennis" ], "children": [ { "name": "Madaline Godette", "age": 10 }, { "name": "Shasta Godette", "age": 15 }, { "name": "Parthenia Godette", "age": 11 }, { "name": "Priscila Godette", "age": 13 } ] }
+{ "cid": 462, "name": "Margaret Galvis", "interests": [ "Base Jumping", "Movies", "Movies" ], "children": [ { "name": "Isaac Galvis", "age": 48 }, { "name": "Mei Galvis" }, { "name": "Asha Galvis" }, { "name": "Zachery Galvis" } ] }
+{ "cid": 38, "name": "Lawanna Abadi", "age": 35, "address": { "number": 6942, "street": "Cedar St.", "city": "Los Angeles" }, "interests": [ ], "children": [ { "name": "Arthur Abadi", "age": 10 } ] }
+{ "cid": 362, "name": "Alta Bantug", "interests": [ "Computers" ], "children": [ ] }
+{ "cid": 387, "name": "Leonard Mabie", "age": 33, "address": { "number": 6703, "street": "View St.", "city": "Mountain View" }, "interests": [ "Bass", "Running", "Walking" ], "children": [ { "name": "Jone Mabie", "age": 16 }, { "name": "Claire Mabie" }, { "name": "Larraine Mabie" }, { "name": "Corrina Mabie" } ] }
+{ "cid": 56, "name": "Andria Killelea", "interests": [ "Cigars", "Skiing" ], "children": [ ] }
+{ "cid": 369, "name": "Nickole Dory", "age": 10, "address": { "number": 4761, "street": "View St.", "city": "Portland" }, "interests": [ "Walking", "Cooking" ], "children": [ { "name": "Annmarie Dory" }, { "name": "Michele Dory" }, { "name": "Annamae Dory" }, { "name": "Flora Dory" } ] }
+{ "cid": 862, "name": "Constance Bries", "age": 77, "address": { "number": 2585, "street": "Oak St.", "city": "Los Angeles" }, "interests": [ ], "children": [ { "name": "Lizzie Bries", "age": 42 }, { "name": "Shenika Bries" }, { "name": "Phillip Bries" } ] }
+{ "cid": 39, "name": "Brock Froncillo", "age": 72, "address": { "number": 4645, "street": "Cedar St.", "city": "San Jose" }, "interests": [ "Base Jumping", "Skiing" ], "children": [ { "name": "Cole Froncillo" }, { "name": "Ivana Froncillo" }, { "name": "Hugh Froncillo", "age": 23 } ] }
+{ "cid": 310, "name": "Lyda Madriz", "age": 42, "address": { "number": 8543, "street": "Oak St.", "city": "Los Angeles" }, "interests": [ "Databases", "Databases", "Running", "Cooking" ], "children": [ { "name": "Jamila Madriz" }, { "name": "Micah Madriz" }, { "name": "Judie Madriz", "age": 29 }, { "name": "Joselyn Madriz", "age": 31 } ] }
+{ "cid": 34, "name": "Sam Tannahill", "interests": [ "Books" ], "children": [ ] }
+{ "cid": 325, "name": "Ai Tarleton", "interests": [ "Coffee", "Music" ], "children": [ { "name": "Risa Tarleton", "age": 24 }, { "name": "Leonila Tarleton" }, { "name": "Thomasina Tarleton" } ] }
+{ "cid": 392, "name": "Isiah Nussbaumer", "interests": [ "Squash" ], "children": [ ] }
+{ "cid": 447, "name": "Iris Schoneman", "age": 34, "address": { "number": 7648, "street": "Washington St.", "city": "Seattle" }, "interests": [ "Bass", "Wine", "Puzzles", "Cigars" ], "children": [ { "name": "Shemika Schoneman", "age": 11 }, { "name": "Maritza Schoneman", "age": 21 }, { "name": "Martha Schoneman", "age": 20 } ] }
+{ "cid": 240, "name": "Will Marien", "interests": [ "Basketball", "Music", "Video Games", "Coffee" ], "children": [ { "name": "Hue Marien" }, { "name": "Waltraud Marien" }, { "name": "Kai Marien", "age": 15 }, { "name": "Tracie Marien", "age": 42 } ] }
+{ "cid": 24, "name": "Hosea Wilburn", "interests": [ ], "children": [ ] }
+{ "cid": 917, "name": "Jerri Blachowski", "interests": [ "Skiing" ], "children": [ { "name": "Chet Blachowski", "age": 43 }, { "name": "Mallory Blachowski" }, { "name": "Akilah Blachowski" } ] }
+{ "cid": 147, "name": "Marla Pollan", "age": 24, "address": { "number": 9271, "street": "Oak St.", "city": "Portland" }, "interests": [ "Music" ], "children": [ { "name": "Song Pollan", "age": 11 }, { "name": "Lili Pollan", "age": 13 }, { "name": "Shaunte Pollan", "age": 12 }, { "name": "Sandie Pollan" } ] }
+{ "cid": 178, "name": "Athena Kaluna", "interests": [ "Running", "Computers", "Basketball" ], "children": [ { "name": "Rosalba Kaluna", "age": 48 }, { "name": "Max Kaluna", "age": 10 } ] }
+{ "cid": 889, "name": "Elvis Schoff", "age": 83, "address": { "number": 6724, "street": "Hill St.", "city": "Mountain View" }, "interests": [ ], "children": [ { "name": "Spring Schoff", "age": 43 }, { "name": "Davis Schoff", "age": 55 }, { "name": "Ryann Schoff", "age": 58 }, { "name": "Clarinda Schoff", "age": 11 } ] }
+{ "cid": 360, "name": "Billye Grumet", "age": 82, "address": { "number": 7052, "street": "Main St.", "city": "Portland" }, "interests": [ "Coffee" ], "children": [ { "name": "Linnea Grumet" }, { "name": "Charline Grumet", "age": 67 } ] }
+{ "cid": 141, "name": "Adena Klockars", "interests": [ "Skiing", "Computers", "Bass", "Cigars" ], "children": [ ] }
+{ "cid": 364, "name": "Joni Dazey", "age": 14, "address": { "number": 1237, "street": "Oak St.", "city": "Mountain View" }, "interests": [ ], "children": [ { "name": "Kraig Dazey" } ] }
+{ "cid": 598, "name": "Venus Peat", "interests": [ "Coffee", "Walking", "Cigars" ], "children": [ { "name": "Antonetta Peat" }, { "name": "Shane Peat" } ] }
+{ "cid": 376, "name": "Jeffrey Hegarty", "interests": [ "Puzzles" ], "children": [ { "name": "April Hegarty" }, { "name": "Wilbur Hegarty" }, { "name": "Hanh Hegarty" } ] }
+{ "cid": 544, "name": "Silas Demay", "age": 69, "address": { "number": 447, "street": "Main St.", "city": "Portland" }, "interests": [ "Tennis", "Bass" ], "children": [ { "name": "Latonya Demay" }, { "name": "Lissette Demay", "age": 37 }, { "name": "Lynell Demay", "age": 42 }, { "name": "Mikel Demay", "age": 17 } ] }
+{ "cid": 538, "name": "Mack Vollick", "interests": [ "Base Jumping", "Fishing", "Walking", "Computers" ], "children": [ { "name": "Gil Vollick", "age": 11 }, { "name": "Marica Vollick" } ] }
+{ "cid": 88, "name": "Courtney Muckleroy", "interests": [ "Wine", "Movies", "Skiing" ], "children": [ { "name": "Alona Muckleroy", "age": 30 }, { "name": "Flora Muckleroy", "age": 41 }, { "name": "Angel Muckleroy" }, { "name": "Daniella Muckleroy" } ] }
+{ "cid": 136, "name": "Aubrey Kasuboski", "interests": [ "Cigars" ], "children": [ ] }
+{ "cid": 91, "name": "Luna Machen", "interests": [ "Wine" ], "children": [ { "name": "Randal Machen", "age": 59 }, { "name": "Emely Machen" } ] }
+{ "cid": 497, "name": "Chantay Balak", "interests": [ "Bass", "Fishing" ], "children": [ { "name": "John Balak" }, { "name": "Thu Balak", "age": 38 } ] }
+{ "cid": 296, "name": "Doreen Kea", "age": 89, "address": { "number": 7034, "street": "Cedar St.", "city": "Sunnyvale" }, "interests": [ "Movies" ], "children": [ { "name": "Lyndsay Kea", "age": 68 }, { "name": "Trena Kea", "age": 18 } ] }
+{ "cid": 106, "name": "Charles Verna", "interests": [ "Bass", "Books" ], "children": [ { "name": "Betsy Verna", "age": 37 }, { "name": "Chae Verna", "age": 35 }, { "name": "Naoma Verna", "age": 42 } ] }
+{ "cid": 893, "name": "Norberto Banchero", "interests": [ ], "children": [ ] }
+{ "cid": 953, "name": "Erasmo Nate", "interests": [ "Bass", "Cigars", "Books", "Basketball" ], "children": [ { "name": "Doloris Nate", "age": 11 } ] }
+{ "cid": 643, "name": "Juliet Skreen", "interests": [ "Walking" ], "children": [ ] }
+{ "cid": 579, "name": "Sabra Yuenger", "age": 45, "address": { "number": 2681, "street": "Cedar St.", "city": "Sunnyvale" }, "interests": [ "Puzzles" ], "children": [ { "name": "Eddie Yuenger" } ] }
+{ "cid": 94, "name": "Edgardo Dunnegan", "interests": [ ], "children": [ { "name": "Lyndia Dunnegan" } ] }
+{ "cid": 617, "name": "Jacques Gaskill", "interests": [ "Cigars", "Coffee", "Computers", "Wine" ], "children": [ { "name": "Angelyn Gaskill" }, { "name": "Jeanett Gaskill", "age": 40 }, { "name": "Emelda Gaskill", "age": 34 } ] }
+{ "cid": 605, "name": "Sue Henriksen", "age": 78, "address": { "number": 7208, "street": "Cedar St.", "city": "Los Angeles" }, "interests": [ ], "children": [ { "name": "Lauretta Henriksen" }, { "name": "Leigh Henriksen", "age": 11 } ] }
+{ "cid": 660, "name": "Israel Aday", "interests": [ "Wine", "Bass", "Cigars" ], "children": [ { "name": "Mi Aday" } ] }
+{ "cid": 71, "name": "Alva Sieger", "interests": [ "Movies", "Walking" ], "children": [ { "name": "Renetta Sieger" }, { "name": "Shiloh Sieger", "age": 57 }, { "name": "Lavina Sieger" }, { "name": "Larraine Sieger" } ] }
+{ "cid": 730, "name": "Marti Vandoren", "interests": [ "Skiing", "Bass" ], "children": [ { "name": "Carroll Vandoren" }, { "name": "Lorretta Vandoren", "age": 30 }, { "name": "Chloe Vandoren", "age": 42 }, { "name": "Ilona Vandoren" } ] }
+{ "cid": 388, "name": "Laree Faist", "age": 20, "address": { "number": 1003, "street": "Main St.", "city": "Seattle" }, "interests": [ "Skiing", "Movies", "Video Games", "Cooking" ], "children": [ { "name": "Parthenia Faist" }, { "name": "Maxima Faist" }, { "name": "Merissa Faist" } ] }
+{ "cid": 958, "name": "Ricardo Pezzica", "interests": [ ], "children": [ { "name": "Delois Pezzica", "age": 11 } ] }
+{ "cid": 485, "name": "Gene Rogoff", "interests": [ "Fishing" ], "children": [ { "name": "Ebonie Rogoff" } ] }
+{ "cid": 470, "name": "Yesenia Doyon", "age": 78, "address": { "number": 3641, "street": "7th St.", "city": "Seattle" }, "interests": [ "Databases", "Puzzles" ], "children": [ { "name": "Halley Doyon" }, { "name": "Teisha Doyon", "age": 33 }, { "name": "Warren Doyon" } ] }
+{ "cid": 625, "name": "Gale Marrazzo", "age": 25, "address": { "number": 2307, "street": "View St.", "city": "San Jose" }, "interests": [ "Fishing", "Base Jumping", "Walking", "Cooking" ], "children": [ { "name": "Coleman Marrazzo" }, { "name": "Frances Marrazzo" }, { "name": "Camellia Marrazzo", "age": 11 } ] }
+{ "cid": 72, "name": "Clarissa Geraldes", "age": 67, "address": { "number": 8248, "street": "Park St.", "city": "Los Angeles" }, "interests": [ "Cigars", "Walking", "Databases", "Video Games" ], "children": [ { "name": "Vina Geraldes", "age": 51 } ] }
+{ "cid": 188, "name": "Brynn Bendorf", "age": 23, "address": { "number": 1168, "street": "Lake St.", "city": "Sunnyvale" }, "interests": [ "Skiing" ], "children": [ { "name": "Leesa Bendorf", "age": 11 }, { "name": "Daine Bendorf" } ] }
+{ "cid": 635, "name": "Angelena Braegelmann", "age": 36, "address": { "number": 4158, "street": "Park St.", "city": "San Jose" }, "interests": [ "Wine", "Skiing" ], "children": [ { "name": "Daisey Braegelmann", "age": 18 }, { "name": "Gaston Braegelmann", "age": 19 }, { "name": "Louella Braegelmann" }, { "name": "Leonie Braegelmann" } ] }
+{ "cid": 595, "name": "Samuel Brawdy", "age": 28, "address": { "number": 453, "street": "Main St.", "city": "Los Angeles" }, "interests": [ "Books", "Basketball" ], "children": [ { "name": "Marlen Brawdy", "age": 14 }, { "name": "Lorine Brawdy", "age": 13 }, { "name": "Brad Brawdy" } ] }
+{ "cid": 916, "name": "Kris Mcmarlin", "interests": [ "Movies", "Music", "Puzzles" ], "children": [ ] }
+{ "cid": 101, "name": "Meaghan Vandel", "interests": [ "Music", "Base Jumping", "Books" ], "children": [ { "name": "Larissa Vandel" } ] }
+{ "cid": 393, "name": "Rossana Monton", "age": 34, "address": { "number": 4490, "street": "Main St.", "city": "Portland" }, "interests": [ "Skiing", "Base Jumping" ], "children": [ { "name": "Glayds Monton" }, { "name": "Lily Monton" }, { "name": "Raina Monton" }, { "name": "Hilma Monton" } ] }
+{ "cid": 857, "name": "Kasie Fujioka", "interests": [ "Skiing", "Cigars" ], "children": [ { "name": "Leontine Fujioka" }, { "name": "Nga Fujioka", "age": 21 }, { "name": "Nathanael Fujioka", "age": 27 } ] }
+{ "cid": 57, "name": "Celestine Mac", "interests": [ "Wine", "Computers", "Books" ], "children": [ { "name": "Kathyrn Mac", "age": 44 } ] }
+{ "cid": 724, "name": "Merle Bakula", "interests": [ ], "children": [ { "name": "Margart Bakula", "age": 49 }, { "name": "Mathew Bakula", "age": 36 } ] }
+{ "cid": 407, "name": "Bebe Cotney", "interests": [ "Books", "Tennis" ], "children": [ { "name": "Daren Cotney" }, { "name": "Lady Cotney", "age": 48 } ] }
+{ "cid": 611, "name": "Evelyne Bassette", "interests": [ "Coffee" ], "children": [ { "name": "Angla Bassette", "age": 13 } ] }
+{ "cid": 460, "name": "Jeraldine Choules", "interests": [ "Fishing" ], "children": [ { "name": "Berneice Choules", "age": 16 }, { "name": "Jaime Choules", "age": 21 }, { "name": "Li Choules", "age": 20 }, { "name": "Leah Choules" } ] }
+{ "cid": 120, "name": "Jan Gianandrea", "interests": [ "Databases", "Movies", "Cigars" ], "children": [ { "name": "Keesha Gianandrea" }, { "name": "Vashti Gianandrea", "age": 35 }, { "name": "Larry Gianandrea", "age": 29 } ] }
+{ "cid": 81, "name": "Lavonda Manford", "age": 87, "address": { "number": 2423, "street": "Main St.", "city": "San Jose" }, "interests": [ ], "children": [ ] }
+{ "cid": 421, "name": "Rubye Dillabough", "age": 55, "address": { "number": 6980, "street": "View St.", "city": "Sunnyvale" }, "interests": [ "Squash" ], "children": [ { "name": "Hyacinth Dillabough", "age": 19 }, { "name": "Arie Dillabough" } ] }
+{ "cid": 875, "name": "Ramon Crepps", "interests": [ "Coffee", "Movies", "Skiing" ], "children": [ { "name": "Elisha Crepps" } ] }
+{ "cid": 842, "name": "Omega Vanhoozer", "age": 67, "address": { "number": 7806, "street": "View St.", "city": "Portland" }, "interests": [ "Music", "Walking", "Bass", "Wine" ], "children": [ { "name": "Lavina Vanhoozer" }, { "name": "Mike Vanhoozer" } ] }
+{ "cid": 831, "name": "Raina Rys", "age": 62, "address": { "number": 7048, "street": "Oak St.", "city": "Sunnyvale" }, "interests": [ "Walking" ], "children": [ { "name": "Ezra Rys" }, { "name": "Carl Rys" }, { "name": "Loraine Rys" } ] }
+{ "cid": 950, "name": "Young Bayn", "interests": [ ], "children": [ { "name": "Evangeline Bayn", "age": 38 }, { "name": "Darcy Bayn", "age": 45 }, { "name": "Rosita Bayn" }, { "name": "Austin Bayn", "age": 46 } ] }
+{ "cid": 107, "name": "Abigail Niemiec", "age": 87, "address": { "number": 39, "street": "Washington St.", "city": "Portland" }, "interests": [ "Tennis", "Databases", "Skiing", "Music" ], "children": [ { "name": "Cecil Niemiec", "age": 66 } ] }
+{ "cid": 702, "name": "Lane Krog", "age": 50, "address": { "number": 1646, "street": "Lake St.", "city": "Mountain View" }, "interests": [ "Running" ], "children": [ { "name": "Carri Krog" }, { "name": "Sage Krog" }, { "name": "Bronwyn Krog" } ] }
+{ "cid": 764, "name": "Nakita Sharlow", "interests": [ "Databases", "Basketball", "Cigars", "Base Jumping" ], "children": [ { "name": "Della Sharlow", "age": 52 }, { "name": "Horacio Sharlow", "age": 22 }, { "name": "Samual Sharlow" } ] }
+{ "cid": 829, "name": "Donnette Lebel", "interests": [ "Tennis", "Coffee", "Running", "Fishing" ], "children": [ { "name": "Junior Lebel" } ] }
+{ "cid": 370, "name": "Shonta Furby", "age": 18, "address": { "number": 5792, "street": "Cedar St.", "city": "Mountain View" }, "interests": [ "Databases" ], "children": [ { "name": "Raleigh Furby" }, { "name": "Britta Furby" }, { "name": "Gay Furby" }, { "name": "Elenor Furby" } ] }
+{ "cid": 697, "name": "Claud Coffel", "age": 72, "address": { "number": 8483, "street": "Cedar St.", "city": "Mountain View" }, "interests": [ ], "children": [ { "name": "Katheleen Coffel", "age": 38 }, { "name": "Tashina Coffel" } ] }
+{ "cid": 604, "name": "Clyde Remak", "interests": [ "Tennis", "Tennis", "Books", "Computers" ], "children": [ { "name": "Ward Remak" } ] }
+{ "cid": 342, "name": "Maxima Cason", "age": 67, "address": { "number": 6644, "street": "Main St.", "city": "Portland" }, "interests": [ "Cigars", "Tennis", "Puzzles", "Basketball" ], "children": [ { "name": "Alba Cason" } ] }
+{ "cid": 602, "name": "Clyde Salada", "age": 59, "address": { "number": 8316, "street": "7th St.", "city": "Sunnyvale" }, "interests": [ "Movies", "Skiing", "Cooking" ], "children": [ ] }
+{ "cid": 84, "name": "Huong Kachel", "interests": [ "Music", "Tennis", "Base Jumping" ], "children": [ { "name": "Katlyn Kachel", "age": 40 }, { "name": "Sherman Kachel" }, { "name": "Susana Kachel", "age": 32 } ] }
+{ "cid": 784, "name": "Omar Hasen", "interests": [ "Movies" ], "children": [ { "name": "Hugh Hasen" } ] }
+{ "cid": 451, "name": "Lelia Sondelski", "age": 60, "address": { "number": 4044, "street": "Park St.", "city": "Portland" }, "interests": [ "Books", "Squash", "Walking" ], "children": [ ] }
+{ "cid": 413, "name": "Maurice Landrie", "interests": [ "Computers", "Coffee" ], "children": [ { "name": "Gail Landrie", "age": 37 }, { "name": "Carylon Landrie" }, { "name": "Allen Landrie", "age": 16 }, { "name": "Andreas Landrie" } ] }
+{ "cid": 156, "name": "Bobbye Kauppi", "age": 79, "address": { "number": 2051, "street": "Hill St.", "city": "Sunnyvale" }, "interests": [ "Base Jumping", "Cigars", "Movies" ], "children": [ ] }
+{ "cid": 255, "name": "Cherri Piegaro", "age": 64, "address": { "number": 3802, "street": "Oak St.", "city": "Sunnyvale" }, "interests": [ ], "children": [ { "name": "Elwood Piegaro" } ] }
+{ "cid": 343, "name": "Kaylee Ozaine", "age": 78, "address": { "number": 3367, "street": "Washington St.", "city": "Seattle" }, "interests": [ ], "children": [ { "name": "Darwin Ozaine", "age": 35 }, { "name": "Anne Ozaine", "age": 13 }, { "name": "Kenneth Ozaine" }, { "name": "Pat Ozaine", "age": 53 } ] }
+{ "cid": 898, "name": "Thao Seufert", "age": 78, "address": { "number": 3529, "street": "Hill St.", "city": "Seattle" }, "interests": [ "Bass", "Squash", "Coffee" ], "children": [ { "name": "Classie Seufert" } ] }
+{ "cid": 301, "name": "Cherry Steenwyk", "age": 88, "address": { "number": 4138, "street": "Lake St.", "city": "San Jose" }, "interests": [ "Movies" ], "children": [ { "name": "Toccara Steenwyk", "age": 66 }, { "name": "Tari Steenwyk" }, { "name": "Lawanna Steenwyk" }, { "name": "Ossie Steenwyk", "age": 26 } ] }
+{ "cid": 465, "name": "Rey Arango", "age": 68, "address": { "number": 1788, "street": "View St.", "city": "Los Angeles" }, "interests": [ "Tennis" ], "children": [ ] }
+{ "cid": 775, "name": "Jerry Lowing", "age": 62, "address": { "number": 1055, "street": "Hill St.", "city": "Los Angeles" }, "interests": [ "Puzzles", "Books", "Running", "Bass" ], "children": [ { "name": "Emmitt Lowing" }, { "name": "Kimberly Lowing" } ] }
+{ "cid": 340, "name": "Erick Faiola", "interests": [ "Coffee" ], "children": [ { "name": "Marquita Faiola" }, { "name": "Tasia Faiola" }, { "name": "Micheal Faiola", "age": 24 }, { "name": "Salvatore Faiola" } ] }
+{ "cid": 577, "name": "Alejandro Oblinger", "interests": [ "Movies", "Movies" ], "children": [ { "name": "Tenesha Oblinger", "age": 56 }, { "name": "Loni Oblinger", "age": 12 }, { "name": "Sherryl Oblinger" } ] }
+{ "cid": 838, "name": "Karan Aharon", "age": 88, "address": { "number": 8033, "street": "Washington St.", "city": "Portland" }, "interests": [ "Computers", "Movies", "Walking" ], "children": [ { "name": "Matha Aharon", "age": 16 } ] }
+{ "cid": 235, "name": "Orpha Craycraft", "interests": [ "Skiing", "Squash" ], "children": [ ] }
+{ "cid": 868, "name": "Berry Steward", "age": 12, "address": { "number": 8594, "street": "Park St.", "city": "San Jose" }, "interests": [ "Fishing", "Tennis", "Movies", "Video Games" ], "children": [ { "name": "Mason Steward" }, { "name": "Yoshiko Steward" }, { "name": "Toni Steward" } ] }
+{ "cid": 153, "name": "Randy Hueso", "age": 11, "address": { "number": 1957, "street": "Oak St.", "city": "San Jose" }, "interests": [ "Computers", "Wine", "Databases", "Walking" ], "children": [ ] }
+{ "cid": 82, "name": "Gloria Junkins", "interests": [ "Basketball" ], "children": [ ] }
+{ "cid": 990, "name": "Javier Searer", "age": 38, "address": { "number": 3817, "street": "Park St.", "city": "Sunnyvale" }, "interests": [ "Databases", "Cigars", "Fishing", "Basketball" ], "children": [ { "name": "Griselda Searer", "age": 13 }, { "name": "Josephina Searer", "age": 27 }, { "name": "Brice Searer", "age": 22 }, { "name": "Kelly Searer" } ] }
+{ "cid": 89, "name": "Calandra Hedden", "age": 33, "address": { "number": 1231, "street": "Hill St.", "city": "Los Angeles" }, "interests": [ "Wine" ], "children": [ { "name": "Damien Hedden", "age": 19 } ] }
+{ "cid": 171, "name": "Eddie Shebchuk", "age": 86, "address": { "number": 3304, "street": "Lake St.", "city": "Portland" }, "interests": [ "Books" ], "children": [ { "name": "Harmony Shebchuk" } ] }
+{ "cid": 513, "name": "Marianna Gortman", "age": 49, "address": { "number": 927, "street": "Cedar St.", "city": "San Jose" }, "interests": [ "Databases", "Databases" ], "children": [ ] }
+{ "cid": 907, "name": "Princess Sudol", "age": 73, "address": { "number": 9770, "street": "Oak St.", "city": "San Jose" }, "interests": [ "Computers", "Base Jumping" ], "children": [ { "name": "Bronwyn Sudol", "age": 22 }, { "name": "Judith Sudol" } ] }
+{ "cid": 627, "name": "Fernande Ede", "age": 75, "address": { "number": 9316, "street": "Cedar St.", "city": "Mountain View" }, "interests": [ ], "children": [ { "name": "Rebeca Ede" }, { "name": "Raymond Ede", "age": 57 } ] }
+{ "cid": 647, "name": "Jodi Dearson", "interests": [ "Fishing", "Movies" ], "children": [ ] }
+{ "cid": 111, "name": "Eddy Ortea", "age": 16, "address": { "number": 6874, "street": "Main St.", "city": "Los Angeles" }, "interests": [ ], "children": [ { "name": "Shera Ortea" } ] }
+{ "cid": 830, "name": "Laurice Halik", "interests": [ "Puzzles", "Tennis", "Tennis", "Books" ], "children": [ { "name": "Bobby Halik" }, { "name": "Stormy Halik" } ] }
+{ "cid": 331, "name": "Willena Provenza", "age": 43, "address": { "number": 6742, "street": "Main St.", "city": "Portland" }, "interests": [ "Basketball" ], "children": [ { "name": "Alesha Provenza", "age": 32 }, { "name": "Marty Provenza" }, { "name": "Lindy Provenza", "age": 21 }, { "name": "Junita Provenza" } ] }
+{ "cid": 849, "name": "Kristen Zapalac", "age": 14, "address": { "number": 4087, "street": "Lake St.", "city": "Sunnyvale" }, "interests": [ "Wine", "Cooking", "Running", "Computers" ], "children": [ ] }
+{ "cid": 700, "name": "Suk Blondin", "interests": [ "Wine" ], "children": [ { "name": "Brenton Blondin" }, { "name": "Charlotte Blondin" }, { "name": "Eldon Blondin", "age": 10 }, { "name": "Leanne Blondin" } ] }
+{ "cid": 481, "name": "Leana Revera", "interests": [ "Running", "Skiing" ], "children": [ { "name": "Marquita Revera" } ] }
+{ "cid": 306, "name": "Laurie Tuff", "interests": [ "Computers", "Base Jumping", "Bass", "Basketball" ], "children": [ { "name": "Sharie Tuff" }, { "name": "Ollie Tuff", "age": 53 }, { "name": "Gonzalo Tuff" }, { "name": "Thomas Tuff" } ] }
+{ "cid": 533, "name": "Trinity Urquidez", "interests": [ ], "children": [ { "name": "Corrine Urquidez", "age": 29 }, { "name": "Markita Urquidez", "age": 19 }, { "name": "Danette Urquidez" } ] }
+{ "cid": 968, "name": "Alix Levier", "age": 44, "address": { "number": 7241, "street": "Hill St.", "city": "Los Angeles" }, "interests": [ "Databases", "Fishing", "Wine" ], "children": [ { "name": "Florentina Levier" }, { "name": "Hyon Levier" }, { "name": "Dannielle Levier" } ] }
+{ "cid": 834, "name": "Luvenia Grandstaff", "interests": [ "Squash" ], "children": [ { "name": "Joleen Grandstaff", "age": 28 }, { "name": "Elvera Grandstaff" }, { "name": "Leonia Grandstaff", "age": 35 }, { "name": "Jaclyn Grandstaff", "age": 28 } ] }
+{ "cid": 129, "name": "Marisha Canzoneri", "age": 84, "address": { "number": 5507, "street": "View St.", "city": "Mountain View" }, "interests": [ "Music", "Databases", "Walking", "Walking" ], "children": [ ] }
+{ "cid": 735, "name": "Lonnie Bechel", "age": 36, "address": { "number": 592, "street": "Main St.", "city": "Sunnyvale" }, "interests": [ "Walking", "Cigars", "Squash", "Wine" ], "children": [ ] }
+{ "cid": 358, "name": "Fredricka Krum", "interests": [ ], "children": [ { "name": "Darrick Krum" }, { "name": "Julieann Krum" }, { "name": "Sun Krum" }, { "name": "Rosamaria Krum", "age": 16 } ] }
+{ "cid": 937, "name": "Annika Pauline", "age": 78, "address": { "number": 8563, "street": "Hill St.", "city": "Los Angeles" }, "interests": [ ], "children": [ { "name": "Mikki Pauline", "age": 34 } ] }
+{ "cid": 183, "name": "Ladawn Vyas", "age": 64, "address": { "number": 2663, "street": "View St.", "city": "Portland" }, "interests": [ ], "children": [ ] }
+{ "cid": 738, "name": "Josphine Rohrer", "age": 75, "address": { "number": 862, "street": "Main St.", "city": "Los Angeles" }, "interests": [ "Databases" ], "children": [ { "name": "Marvin Rohrer", "age": 22 }, { "name": "Wyatt Rohrer" }, { "name": "Deloras Rohrer" } ] }
+{ "cid": 599, "name": "Alva Molaison", "age": 87, "address": { "number": 5974, "street": "Washington St.", "city": "Seattle" }, "interests": [ "Wine", "Squash" ], "children": [ { "name": "Milo Molaison", "age": 39 } ] }
+{ "cid": 167, "name": "Philomena Alsop", "age": 45, "address": { "number": 9468, "street": "7th St.", "city": "Mountain View" }, "interests": [ "Cigars", "Walking", "Tennis", "Base Jumping" ], "children": [ { "name": "Antoinette Alsop", "age": 13 }, { "name": "Emile Alsop" } ] }
+{ "cid": 986, "name": "Tennille Wikle", "age": 78, "address": { "number": 3428, "street": "View St.", "city": "Portland" }, "interests": [ "Movies", "Databases", "Wine" ], "children": [ { "name": "Lourie Wikle" }, { "name": "Laure Wikle" } ] }
+{ "cid": 96, "name": "Mara Aument", "age": 72, "address": { "number": 7709, "street": "Hill St.", "city": "Sunnyvale" }, "interests": [ "Cigars", "Cooking", "Movies" ], "children": [ { "name": "Leonardo Aument", "age": 22 } ] }
+{ "cid": 130, "name": "Kandis Hissem", "interests": [ "Tennis" ], "children": [ { "name": "Arianna Hissem" }, { "name": "Necole Hissem", "age": 53 }, { "name": "Manie Hissem" }, { "name": "Deshawn Hissem", "age": 27 } ] }
+{ "cid": 259, "name": "Aurelio Darrigo", "age": 45, "address": { "number": 1114, "street": "Park St.", "city": "San Jose" }, "interests": [ "Cooking", "Running" ], "children": [ { "name": "Leonard Darrigo", "age": 22 }, { "name": "Aron Darrigo" }, { "name": "Pamelia Darrigo", "age": 14 } ] }
+{ "cid": 221, "name": "Delois Fiqueroa", "interests": [ ], "children": [ { "name": "Cherri Fiqueroa" } ] }
+{ "cid": 207, "name": "Phyliss Honda", "age": 22, "address": { "number": 8387, "street": "Lake St.", "city": "Seattle" }, "interests": [ "Cooking", "Music", "Books" ], "children": [ { "name": "Bee Honda" }, { "name": "Cyril Honda" }, { "name": "Vertie Honda" } ] }
+{ "cid": 947, "name": "Fernande Shogren", "age": 10, "address": { "number": 3449, "street": "Lake St.", "city": "Los Angeles" }, "interests": [ "Cooking", "Puzzles", "Music", "Squash" ], "children": [ { "name": "Buford Shogren" }, { "name": "Verla Shogren" }, { "name": "Stefania Shogren" }, { "name": "Annika Shogren" } ] }
+{ "cid": 368, "name": "Tequila Scandalios", "interests": [ ], "children": [ { "name": "Nilsa Scandalios" }, { "name": "Kaye Scandalios", "age": 23 }, { "name": "Angelo Scandalios", "age": 24 } ] }
+{ "cid": 930, "name": "Kathie Gier", "age": 37, "address": { "number": 5075, "street": "Main St.", "city": "Portland" }, "interests": [ ], "children": [ { "name": "Onie Gier", "age": 16 } ] }
+{ "cid": 867, "name": "Denise Dipiero", "interests": [ "Basketball", "Cigars", "Cooking", "Running" ], "children": [ { "name": "Santa Dipiero" } ] }
+{ "cid": 552, "name": "Marlena Humann", "interests": [ ], "children": [ ] }
+{ "cid": 126, "name": "Grayce Keir", "interests": [ "Wine" ], "children": [ { "name": "Antonia Keir", "age": 25 } ] }
+{ "cid": 789, "name": "Carli Notto", "interests": [ "Cigars" ], "children": [ ] }
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+{ "cid": 203, "name": "Elke Mazurowski", "age": 52, "address": { "number": 9276, "street": "View St.", "city": "Mountain View" }, "interests": [ ], "children": [ { "name": "Esta Mazurowski" }, { "name": "Clarence Mazurowski", "age": 14 } ] }
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\ No newline at end of file
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\ No newline at end of file
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new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
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+{ "id": "nc1:1", "username": "BronsonMike", "location": "", "text": "@GottaLaff @reutersus Christie and obama just foul weather friends", "timestamp": "Thu Dec 06 16:53:06 PST 2012" }
+{ "id": "nc1:100", "username": "KidrauhlProuds", "location": "", "text": "RT @01Direclieber: A filha do Michael Jackson uma Belieber,a filha do Eminem e uma Belieber,as filhas de Obama sao Beliebers, e a filha do meu pai e Belieber", "timestamp": "Thu Dec 06 16:53:16 PST 2012" }
+{ "id": "nc1:102", "username": "jaysauce82", "location": "", "text": "Not voting for President Obama #BadDecision", "timestamp": "Thu Dec 06 16:53:16 PST 2012" }
+{ "id": "nc1:104", "username": "princeofsupras", "location": "", "text": "RT @01Direclieber: A filha do Michael Jackson e uma Belieber,a filha do Eminem e uma Belieber,as filhas de Obama sao Beliebers, e a filha do meu pai e Belieber", "timestamp": "Thu Dec 06 16:53:15 PST 2012" }
+{ "id": "nc1:106", "username": "GulfDogs", "location": "", "text": "Obama Admin Knew Libyan Terrorists Had US-Provided Weaponsteaparty #tcot #ccot #NewGuards #BreitbartArmy #patriotwttp://", "timestamp": "Thu Dec 06 16:53:14 PST 2012" }
+{ "id": "nc1:108", "username": "Laugzpz", "location": "", "text": "@AlfredoJalife Maestro Obama se hace de la vista gorda, es un acuerdo de siempre creo yo.", "timestamp": "Thu Dec 06 16:53:14 PST 2012" }
+{ "id": "nc1:11", "username": "magarika", "location": "", "text": "RT @ken24xavier: Obama tells SOROS - our plan is ALMOST finished", "timestamp": "Thu Dec 06 16:53:05 PST 2012" }
+{ "id": "nc1:111", "username": "ToucanMall", "location": "", "text": "RT @WorldWar3Watch: Michelle Obama Gets More Grammy Nominations Than Justin ... #Obama #WW3", "timestamp": "Thu Dec 06 16:53:13 PST 2012" }
+{ "id": "nc1:113", "username": "ToucanMall", "location": "", "text": "RT @ObamaPalooza: Tiffany Shared What $2,000 Meant to Her ... and the President Stopped by to Talk About It #Obama", "timestamp": "Thu Dec 06 16:53:12 PST 2012" }
+{ "id": "nc1:115", "username": "thewildpitch", "location": "", "text": "RT @RevkahJC: Dennis Miller: Obama Should Just Say He Wants To Tax Successful People", "timestamp": "Thu Dec 06 16:53:11 PST 2012" }
+{ "id": "nc1:117", "username": "Rnugent24", "location": "", "text": "RT @ConservativeQuo: unemployment is above 8% again. I wonder how long it will take for Obama to start blaming Bush? 3-2-1 #tcot #antiobama", "timestamp": "Thu Dec 06 16:53:10 PST 2012" }
+{ "id": "nc1:119", "username": "ToucanMall", "location": "", "text": "RT @Newitrsdotcom: I hope #Obama will win re-election... Other four years without meaningless #wars", "timestamp": "Thu Dec 06 16:53:09 PST 2012" }
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+{"tweetid":"1","tweetid-copy":"1","user":{"screen-name":"RollandEckhardstein#211","lang":"en","friends_count":3657079,"statuses_count":268,"name":"Rolland Eckhardstein","followers_count":3311368},"sender-location":point("42.13,80.43"),"send-time":datetime("2005-12-05T21:06:41"),"send-time-copy":datetime("2005-12-05T21:06:41"),"referred-topics":{{"samsung","plan"}},"message-text":" love samsung the plan is amazing"}
+{"tweetid":"2","tweetid-copy":"2","user":{"screen-name":"RollandEckhardstein#211","lang":"en","friends_count":3657079,"statuses_count":268,"name":"David Eckhardstein","followers_count":3311368},"sender-location":point("28.86,70.44"),"send-time":datetime("2007-08-15T06:44:17"),"send-time-copy":datetime("2007-08-15T06:44:17"),"referred-topics":{{"sprint","voice-clarity"}},"message-text":" like sprint its voice-clarity is mind-blowing"}
+{"tweetid":"3","tweetid-copy":"3","user":{"screen-name":"RollandEckhard#500","lang":"en","friends_count":3657079,"statuses_count":268,"name":"Rolland Hetfield","followers_count":3311368},"sender-location":point("39.84,86.48"),"send-time":datetime("2008-12-24T00:07:04"),"send-time-copy":datetime("2008-12-24T00:07:04"),"referred-topics":{{"verizon","voice-command"}},"message-text":" can't stand verizon its voice-command is terrible:("}
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+{"tweetid":"6","tweetid-copy":"6","user":{"screen-name":"Rollkhardstein#211","lang":"en","friends_count":3657079,"statuses_count":268,"name":"Kirk Hammette ","followers_count":3311368},"sender-location":point("45.62,84.78"),"send-time":datetime("2012-01-23T06:23:13"),"send-time-copy":datetime("2012-01-23T06:23:13"),"referred-topics":{{"iphone","network"}},"message-text":" like iphone its network is awesome:)"}
+{"tweetid":"7","tweetid-copy":"7","user":{"screen-name":"andEckhardstein#211","lang":"en","friends_count":3657079,"statuses_count":268,"name":"Rolland khardstein","followers_count":3311368},"sender-location":point("44.12,81.46"),"send-time":datetime("2012-02-17T17:30:26"),"send-time-copy":datetime("2012-02-17T17:30:26"),"referred-topics":{{"t-mobile","network"}},"message-text":" hate t-mobile the network is bad"}
+{"tweetid":"8","tweetid-copy":"8","user":{"screen-name":"Rolltein#211","lang":"en","friends_count":3657079,"statuses_count":268,"name":"Ron Eckhardstein","followers_count":3311368},"sender-location":point("36.86,90.71"),"send-time":datetime("2009-03-12T13:18:04"),"send-time-copy":datetime("2009-03-12T13:18:04"),"referred-topics":{{"at&t","touch-screen"}},"message-text":" dislike at&t its touch-screen is OMG"}
+{"tweetid":"9","tweetid-copy":"9","user":{"screen-name":"Roldstein#211","lang":"en","friends_count":3657079,"statuses_count":268,"name":"Rolland Eckdstein","followers_count":3311368},"sender-location":point("29.07,97.05"),"send-time":datetime("2012-08-15T20:19:46"),"send-time-copy":datetime("2012-08-15T20:19:46"),"referred-topics":{{"verizon","speed"}},"message-text":" hate verizon its speed is bad"}
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\ No newline at end of file