ASTERIXDB-1135 Fix Feed Policy Creation From File

Change-Id: I452ac11714e20e2ecc31ab8b96a9964ca9d9d6cd
Sonar-Qube: Jenkins <>
Tested-by: Jenkins <>
Integration-Tests: Jenkins <>
Reviewed-by: abdullah alamoudi <>
diff --git a/asterixdb/asterix-app/data/feed-policy/ b/asterixdb/asterix-app/data/feed-policy/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bd065f0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/asterixdb/asterix-app/data/feed-policy/
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+name = testname
+value = testvalue
+key = testkey
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/asterixdb/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries_sqlpp/feeds/issue_711_feeds/issue_711_feeds.2.update.sqlpp b/asterixdb/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/feeds/create-policy-from-file/create-policy-from-file.1.ddl.aql
similarity index 71%
copy from asterixdb/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries_sqlpp/feeds/issue_711_feeds/issue_711_feeds.2.update.sqlpp
copy to asterixdb/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/feeds/create-policy-from-file/create-policy-from-file.1.ddl.aql
index f024df2..aa8f8b5 100644
--- a/asterixdb/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries_sqlpp/feeds/issue_711_feeds/issue_711_feeds.2.update.sqlpp
+++ b/asterixdb/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/feeds/create-policy-from-file/create-policy-from-file.1.ddl.aql
@@ -17,11 +17,13 @@
  * under the License.
- * Description  : Create a dataset with a secondary btree index.
+ * Description  : Create a feed policy from file on CC
+ * Expected Res : Success
+ * Date         : 25th Jul 2016
+ */
+drop dataverse experiments if exists;
+create dataverse experiments;
+use dataverse experiments;
-use feeds;
-set `wait-for-completion-feed` `true`;
-connect  feed TweetFeed to  table Tweets using policy `BasicFT`;
+create ingestion policy testPolicy from path "data/feed-policy/"
+definition "someString";
diff --git a/asterixdb/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries_sqlpp/feeds/issue_711_feeds/issue_711_feeds.2.update.sqlpp b/asterixdb/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/feeds/create-policy-from-file/create-policy-from-file.2.query.aql
similarity index 79%
copy from asterixdb/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries_sqlpp/feeds/issue_711_feeds/issue_711_feeds.2.update.sqlpp
copy to asterixdb/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/feeds/create-policy-from-file/create-policy-from-file.2.query.aql
index f024df2..23f0e2f 100644
--- a/asterixdb/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries_sqlpp/feeds/issue_711_feeds/issue_711_feeds.2.update.sqlpp
+++ b/asterixdb/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/feeds/create-policy-from-file/create-policy-from-file.2.query.aql
@@ -17,11 +17,11 @@
  * under the License.
- * Description  : Create a dataset with a secondary btree index.
+ * Description  : Create a feed policy from file on CC
+ * Expected Res : Success
+ * Date         : 25th Jul 2016
+ */
-use feeds;
-set `wait-for-completion-feed` `true`;
-connect  feed TweetFeed to  table Tweets using policy `BasicFT`;
+for $x in dataset Metadata.FeedPolicy
+where $x.DataverseName = "experiments"
+return $x;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/asterixdb/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries_sqlpp/feeds/issue_711_feeds/issue_711_feeds.2.update.sqlpp b/asterixdb/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/feeds/create-policy-from-file/create-policy-from-file.3.ddl.aql
similarity index 79%
copy from asterixdb/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries_sqlpp/feeds/issue_711_feeds/issue_711_feeds.2.update.sqlpp
copy to asterixdb/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/feeds/create-policy-from-file/create-policy-from-file.3.ddl.aql
index f024df2..2877e5c 100644
--- a/asterixdb/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries_sqlpp/feeds/issue_711_feeds/issue_711_feeds.2.update.sqlpp
+++ b/asterixdb/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/feeds/create-policy-from-file/create-policy-from-file.3.ddl.aql
@@ -17,11 +17,11 @@
  * under the License.
- * Description  : Create a dataset with a secondary btree index.
+ * Description  : Create a feed policy from file on CC
+ * Expected Res : Success
+ * Date         : 25th Jul 2016
+ */
-use feeds;
-set `wait-for-completion-feed` `true`;
-connect  feed TweetFeed to  table Tweets using policy `BasicFT`;
+use dataverse experiments;
+drop ingestion policy testPolicy;
+drop dataverse experiments;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/asterixdb/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/feeds/feeds_04/feeds_04.1.ddl.aql b/asterixdb/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/feeds/feeds_04/feeds_04.1.ddl.aql
deleted file mode 100644
index 62430db..0000000
--- a/asterixdb/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/feeds/feeds_04/feeds_04.1.ddl.aql
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
- * distributed with this work for additional information
- * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
- * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
- * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
- * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
- * specific language governing permissions and limitations
- * under the License.
- */
- * Description  : Create a feed dataset that uses the feed simulator adapter. 
-                  The feed simulator simulates feed from a file in the HDFS. 
-                  Begin ingestion and verify contents of the dataset post completion.  
- * Expected Res : Success
- * Date         : 24th Dec 2012
- */
-drop dataverse feeds if exists;
-create dataverse feeds;
-use dataverse feeds;
-create type TweetType as closed {
-  id: string,
-  username : string,
-  location : string,
-  text : string,
-  timestamp : string
-create dataset Tweets(TweetType)
-primary key id;
-create feed TweetFeed
-using file_feed
diff --git a/asterixdb/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/feeds/feeds_04/feeds_04.2.update.aql b/asterixdb/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/feeds/feeds_04/feeds_04.2.update.aql
deleted file mode 100644
index 6870ea8..0000000
--- a/asterixdb/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/feeds/feeds_04/feeds_04.2.update.aql
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
- * distributed with this work for additional information
- * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
- * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
- * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
- * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
- * specific language governing permissions and limitations
- * under the License.
- */
- * Description  : Create a feed dataset that uses the feed simulator adapter. 
-                  The feed simulator simulates feed from a file in the HDFS. 
-                  Begin ingestion and verify contents of the dataset post completion.  
- * Expected Res : Success
- * Date         : 24th Dec 2012
- */
-use dataverse feeds;
-set wait-for-completion-feed "true";
-connect feed TweetFeed to dataset Tweets;
diff --git a/asterixdb/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/feeds/feeds_04/feeds_04.3.query.aql b/asterixdb/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/feeds/feeds_04/feeds_04.3.query.aql
deleted file mode 100644
index 39d193a..0000000
--- a/asterixdb/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/feeds/feeds_04/feeds_04.3.query.aql
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
- * distributed with this work for additional information
- * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
- * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
- * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
- * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
- * specific language governing permissions and limitations
- * under the License.
- */
- * Description  : Create a feed dataset that uses the feed simulator adapter. 
-                  The feed simulator simulates feed from a file in the HDFS. 
-                  Begin ingestion and verify contents of the dataset post completion.  
- * Expected Res : Success
- * Date         : 24th Dec 2012
- */
-use dataverse feeds;
-for $x in dataset('Tweets')
-order by $
-return $x
diff --git a/asterixdb/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/feeds/feeds_05/feeds_05.1.ddl.aql b/asterixdb/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/feeds/feeds_05/feeds_05.1.ddl.aql
deleted file mode 100644
index ea64bef..0000000
--- a/asterixdb/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/feeds/feeds_05/feeds_05.1.ddl.aql
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
- * distributed with this work for additional information
- * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
- * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
- * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
- * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
- * specific language governing permissions and limitations
- * under the License.
- */
- * Description  : Create a feed dataset that uses the synthetic feed simulator adapter.
-                  The synthetic feed simulator uses the Social-Data generator to generate data and simulate a feed.
-                  The feed lasts a configured duration with data arriving at a configured rate (tweets per second).
-                  Verify the existence of data after the feed finishes.
- * Expected Res : Success
- * Date         : 20th Jun 2013
- */
-drop dataverse feeds if exists;
-create dataverse feeds;
-use dataverse feeds;
-create type TwitterUserType as closed {
-    screen-name: string,
-    lang: string,
-    friends_count: int32,
-    statuses_count: int32,
-    name: string,
-    followers_count: int32
-create type TweetMessageType as closed {
-    tweetid: string,
-    user: TwitterUserType,
-    sender-location: point,
-    send-time: datetime,
-    referred-topics: {{ string }},
-    message-text: string
-create dataset SyntheticTweets(TweetMessageType)
-primary key tweetid;
-create feed  SyntheticTweetFeed
-using twitter_firehose
diff --git a/asterixdb/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/feeds/feeds_05/feeds_05.2.update.aql b/asterixdb/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/feeds/feeds_05/feeds_05.2.update.aql
deleted file mode 100644
index 054c3b9..0000000
--- a/asterixdb/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/feeds/feeds_05/feeds_05.2.update.aql
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
- * distributed with this work for additional information
- * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
- * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
- * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
- * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
- * specific language governing permissions and limitations
- * under the License.
- */
- * Description  : Create a feed dataset that uses the synthetic feed simulator adapter.
-                  The synthetic feed simulator uses the Social-Data generator to generate data and simulate a feed. 
-                  The feed lasts a configured duration with data arriving at a configured rate (tweets per second).
-                  Verify the existence of data after the feed finishes.
- * Expected Res : Success
- * Date         : 20th Jun 2013
- */
-use dataverse feeds;
-set wait-for-completion-feed "true";
-connect feed SyntheticTweetFeed to dataset SyntheticTweets;
diff --git a/asterixdb/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/feeds/feeds_05/feeds_05.3.query.aql b/asterixdb/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/feeds/feeds_05/feeds_05.3.query.aql
deleted file mode 100644
index 44ec41b..0000000
--- a/asterixdb/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/feeds/feeds_05/feeds_05.3.query.aql
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
- * distributed with this work for additional information
- * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
- * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
- * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
- * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
- * specific language governing permissions and limitations
- * under the License.
- */
- * Description  : Create a feed dataset that uses the synthetic feed simulator adapter.
-                  The synthetic feed simulator uses the Social-Data generator to generate data and simulate a feed. 
-                  The feed lasts a configured duration with data arriving at a configured rate (tweets per second).
-                  Verify the existence of data after the feed finishes.
- * Expected Res : Success
- * Date         : 20th Jun 2013
- */
-use dataverse feeds;
-let $totalTweets:=count(
-for $x in dataset('SyntheticTweets')
-return $x)
-(if($totalTweets > 0)
-  then 1
-  0
diff --git a/asterixdb/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/feeds/feeds_06/feeds_06.1.ddl.aql b/asterixdb/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/feeds/feeds_06/feeds_06.1.ddl.aql
deleted file mode 100644
index 64aeef5..0000000
--- a/asterixdb/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/feeds/feeds_06/feeds_06.1.ddl.aql
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,65 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
- * distributed with this work for additional information
- * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
- * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
- * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
- * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
- * specific language governing permissions and limitations
- * under the License.
- */
- * Description  : Create a feed dataset and a feed using the generic socket feed adapter. 
-                  To drive the socket adapter based feed, we define another feed using the 
-                  client socket test adapter. Content from the file is read by the test adapter
-                  and forwarded to the socket feed adapter that is listening at a known socket. 
-                  At the end, data is collected in the dataset that was fed by the socket feed adapter. 
-                  Verify the existence of data in the dataset.
- * Expected Res : Success
- * Date         : 20th Nov 2013
- */
-drop dataverse feeds if exists;
-create dataverse feeds;
-use dataverse feeds;
-create type TwitterUserType as closed {
-screen-name: string,
-lang: string,
-friends_count: int32,
-statuses_count: int32,
-name: string,
-followers_count: int32
-create type TweetMessageType as closed {
-tweetid: int64,
-user: TwitterUserType,
-sender-location: point,
-send-time: datetime,
-referred-topics: {{ string }},
-message-text: string
-create dataset MyTweets(TweetMessageType)
-primary key tweetid;
-create dataset DummyTweets(TweetMessageType)
-primary key tweetid;
-create feed socket_feed
-using socket_adapter 
-create feed client_test_feed 
-using socket_client
diff --git a/asterixdb/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/feeds/feeds_06/feeds_06.2.update.aql b/asterixdb/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/feeds/feeds_06/feeds_06.2.update.aql
deleted file mode 100644
index ef6f31e..0000000
--- a/asterixdb/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/feeds/feeds_06/feeds_06.2.update.aql
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
- * distributed with this work for additional information
- * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
- * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
- * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
- * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
- * specific language governing permissions and limitations
- * under the License.
- */
- * Description  : Create a feed dataset and a feed using the generic socket feed adapter.
-                  To drive the socket adapter based feed, we define another feed using the
-                  client socket test adapter. Content from the file is read by the test adapter
-                  and forwarded to the socket feed adapter that is listening at a known socket.
-                  At the end, data is collected in the dataset that was fed by the socket feed adapter.
-                  Verify the existence of data in the dataset.
- * Expected Res : Success
- * Date         : 20th Nov 2013
-use dataverse feeds;
-set wait-for-completion-feed "false";
-connect feed socket_feed to dataset MyTweets;
diff --git a/asterixdb/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/feeds/feeds_06/feeds_06.4.update.aql b/asterixdb/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/feeds/feeds_06/feeds_06.4.update.aql
deleted file mode 100644
index a550ced..0000000
--- a/asterixdb/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/feeds/feeds_06/feeds_06.4.update.aql
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
- * distributed with this work for additional information
- * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
- * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
- * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
- * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
- * specific language governing permissions and limitations
- * under the License.
- */
- * Description  : Create a feed dataset and a feed using the generic socket feed adapter.
-                  To drive the socket adapter based feed, we define another feed using the
-                  client socket test adapter. Content from the file is read by the test adapter
-                  and forwarded to the socket feed adapter that is listening at a known socket.
-                  At the end, data is collected in the dataset that was fed by the socket feed adapter.
-                  Verify the existence of data in the dataset.
- * Expected Res : Success
- * Date         : 20th Nov 2013
-use dataverse feeds;
-set wait-for-completion-feed "true";
-connect feed client_test_feed to dataset DummyTweets;
diff --git a/asterixdb/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/feeds/feeds_06/feeds_06.5.query.aql b/asterixdb/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/feeds/feeds_06/feeds_06.5.query.aql
deleted file mode 100644
index 83d77da..0000000
--- a/asterixdb/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/feeds/feeds_06/feeds_06.5.query.aql
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
- * distributed with this work for additional information
- * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
- * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
- * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
- * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
- * specific language governing permissions and limitations
- * under the License.
- */
- * Description  : Create a feed dataset and a feed using the generic socket feed adapter.
-                  To drive the socket adapter based feed, we define another feed using the
-                  client socket test adapter. Content from the file is read by the test adapter
-                  and forwarded to the socket feed adapter that is listening at a known socket.
-                  At the end, data is collected in the dataset that was fed by the socket feed adapter.
-                  Verify the existence of data in the dataset.
- * Expected Res : Success
- * Date         : 20th Nov 2013
-use dataverse feeds;
-for $x in dataset MyTweets
-order by $x.tweetid
-return $x
diff --git a/asterixdb/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/feeds/issue_711_feeds/issue_711_feeds.1.ddl.aql b/asterixdb/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/feeds/issue_711_feeds/issue_711_feeds.1.ddl.aql
deleted file mode 100644
index b150fd0..0000000
--- a/asterixdb/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/feeds/issue_711_feeds/issue_711_feeds.1.ddl.aql
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
- * distributed with this work for additional information
- * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
- * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
- * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
- * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
- * specific language governing permissions and limitations
- * under the License.
- */
- * Description  : Create a dataset with a secondary btree index.
-                  Create a feed that uses the file_feed adapter.
-                  The file_feed adapter simulates a feed from a file in the HDFS.
-                  Connect the feed to the dataset and verify contents of the dataset post completion.
- * Issue        : 711
- * Expected Res : Success
- * Date         : 6th Feb 2014
- */
-drop dataverse feeds if exists;
-create dataverse feeds;
-use dataverse feeds;
-create type TweetType as closed {
-  id: string,
-  username : string,
-  location : string,
-  text : string,
-  timestamp : string
-create dataset Tweets(TweetType)
-primary key id;
-create index usernameIdx on Tweets(username) type btree;
-create feed TweetFeed
-using file_feed
diff --git a/asterixdb/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/feeds/issue_711_feeds/issue_711_feeds.2.update.aql b/asterixdb/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/feeds/issue_711_feeds/issue_711_feeds.2.update.aql
deleted file mode 100644
index f4bbb24..0000000
--- a/asterixdb/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/feeds/issue_711_feeds/issue_711_feeds.2.update.aql
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
- * distributed with this work for additional information
- * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
- * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
- * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
- * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
- * specific language governing permissions and limitations
- * under the License.
- */
- * Description  : Create a dataset with a secondary btree index.
-                  Create a feed that uses the file_feed adapter.
-                  The file_feed adapter simulates a feed from a file in the HDFS.
-                  Connect the feed to the dataset and verify contents of the dataset post completion.
- * Issue        : 711
- * Expected Res : Success
- * Date         : 6th Feb 2014
- */
-use dataverse feeds;
-set wait-for-completion-feed "true";
-connect feed TweetFeed to dataset Tweets;
diff --git a/asterixdb/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/feeds/issue_711_feeds/issue_711_feeds.3.query.aql b/asterixdb/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/feeds/issue_711_feeds/issue_711_feeds.3.query.aql
deleted file mode 100644
index 809f365..0000000
--- a/asterixdb/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/feeds/issue_711_feeds/issue_711_feeds.3.query.aql
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
- * distributed with this work for additional information
- * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
- * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
- * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
- * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
- * specific language governing permissions and limitations
- * under the License.
- */
- * Description  : Create a dataset with a secondary btree index.
-                  Create a feed that uses the file_feed adapter.
-                  The file_feed adapter simulates a feed from a file in the HDFS.
-                  Connect the feed to the dataset and verify contents of the dataset post completion.
- * Issue        : 711
- * Expected Res : Success
- * Date         : 6th Feb 2014
- */
-use dataverse feeds;
-for $x in dataset('Tweets')
-order by $
-return $x
diff --git a/asterixdb/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries_sqlpp/feeds/issue_711_feeds/issue_711_feeds.2.update.sqlpp b/asterixdb/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries_sqlpp/feeds/create-policy-from-file/create-policy-from-file.1.ddl.sqlpp
similarity index 72%
copy from asterixdb/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries_sqlpp/feeds/issue_711_feeds/issue_711_feeds.2.update.sqlpp
copy to asterixdb/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries_sqlpp/feeds/create-policy-from-file/create-policy-from-file.1.ddl.sqlpp
index f024df2..d5ccbb9 100644
--- a/asterixdb/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries_sqlpp/feeds/issue_711_feeds/issue_711_feeds.2.update.sqlpp
+++ b/asterixdb/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries_sqlpp/feeds/create-policy-from-file/create-policy-from-file.1.ddl.sqlpp
@@ -17,11 +17,13 @@
  * under the License.
- * Description  : Create a dataset with a secondary btree index.
+ * Description  : Create a feed policy from file on CC
+ * Expected Res : Success
+ * Date         : 25th Jul 2016
+ */
+drop database experiments if exists;
+create database experiments;
+use experiments;
-use feeds;
-set `wait-for-completion-feed` `true`;
-connect  feed TweetFeed to  table Tweets using policy `BasicFT`;
+create ingestion policy testPolicy from path 'data/feed-policy/'
+definition 'someString';
diff --git a/asterixdb/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries_sqlpp/feeds/issue_711_feeds/issue_711_feeds.2.update.sqlpp b/asterixdb/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries_sqlpp/feeds/create-policy-from-file/create-policy-from-file.2.query.sqlpp
similarity index 79%
copy from asterixdb/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries_sqlpp/feeds/issue_711_feeds/issue_711_feeds.2.update.sqlpp
copy to asterixdb/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries_sqlpp/feeds/create-policy-from-file/create-policy-from-file.2.query.sqlpp
index f024df2..8a50280 100644
--- a/asterixdb/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries_sqlpp/feeds/issue_711_feeds/issue_711_feeds.2.update.sqlpp
+++ b/asterixdb/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries_sqlpp/feeds/create-policy-from-file/create-policy-from-file.2.query.sqlpp
@@ -17,11 +17,10 @@
  * under the License.
- * Description  : Create a dataset with a secondary btree index.
+ * Description  : Create a feed policy from file on CC
+ * Expected Res : Success
+ * Date         : 25th Jul 2016
+ */
-use feeds;
-set `wait-for-completion-feed` `true`;
-connect  feed TweetFeed to  table Tweets using policy `BasicFT`;
+select element x from `Metadata.FeedPolicy` as x
+where x.DataverseName = 'experiments';
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/asterixdb/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries_sqlpp/feeds/issue_711_feeds/issue_711_feeds.2.update.sqlpp b/asterixdb/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries_sqlpp/feeds/create-policy-from-file/create-policy-from-file.3.ddl.sqlpp
similarity index 80%
rename from asterixdb/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries_sqlpp/feeds/issue_711_feeds/issue_711_feeds.2.update.sqlpp
rename to asterixdb/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries_sqlpp/feeds/create-policy-from-file/create-policy-from-file.3.ddl.sqlpp
index f024df2..f85bde8 100644
--- a/asterixdb/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries_sqlpp/feeds/issue_711_feeds/issue_711_feeds.2.update.sqlpp
+++ b/asterixdb/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries_sqlpp/feeds/create-policy-from-file/create-policy-from-file.3.ddl.sqlpp
@@ -17,11 +17,11 @@
  * under the License.
- * Description  : Create a dataset with a secondary btree index.
+ * Description  : Create a feed policy from file on CC
+ * Expected Res : Success
+ * Date         : 25th Jul 2016
+ */
-use feeds;
-set `wait-for-completion-feed` `true`;
-connect  feed TweetFeed to  table Tweets using policy `BasicFT`;
+use experiments;
+drop ingestion policy testPolicy;
+drop database experiments;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/asterixdb/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries_sqlpp/feeds/feeds_01/feeds_01.1.ddl.sqlpp b/asterixdb/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries_sqlpp/feeds/feeds_01/feeds_01.1.ddl.sqlpp
index 0d0c4d4..f9f1aa5 100644
--- a/asterixdb/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries_sqlpp/feeds/feeds_01/feeds_01.1.ddl.sqlpp
+++ b/asterixdb/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries_sqlpp/feeds/feeds_01/feeds_01.1.ddl.sqlpp
@@ -39,4 +39,5 @@
 create  table Tweets(TweetType) primary key id;
-create  primary feed TweetFeed using file_feed ((`output-type-name`=`TweetType`),(`fs`=`localfs`),(`path`=`asterix_nc1://data/twitter/obamatweets.adm`),(`format`=`adm`),(`tuple-interval`=`10`));
+create primary feed TweetFeed using localfs
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/asterixdb/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries_sqlpp/feeds/feeds_02/feeds_02.1.ddl.sqlpp b/asterixdb/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries_sqlpp/feeds/feeds_02/feeds_02.1.ddl.sqlpp
index 8ffcda2..5fec6e6 100644
--- a/asterixdb/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries_sqlpp/feeds/feeds_02/feeds_02.1.ddl.sqlpp
+++ b/asterixdb/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries_sqlpp/feeds/feeds_02/feeds_02.1.ddl.sqlpp
@@ -18,6 +18,10 @@
  * Description  : Create a feed dataset that uses the feed simulator adapter.
+                  Begin ingestion and verify contents of the dataset post completion.
+ * Expected Res : Success
+ * Date         : 24th Dec 2012
+ */
 drop  database feeds if exists;
 create  database feeds;
@@ -35,5 +39,8 @@
 create  table Tweets(TweetType) primary key id;
-create  primary feed TweetFeed using file_feed ((`fs`=`localfs`),(`path`=`asterix_nc1://data/twitter/obamatweets.adm`),(`format`=`adm`),(`type-name`=`TweetType`),(`tuple-interval`=`10`));
+create  primary feed TweetFeed using localfs
diff --git a/asterixdb/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries_sqlpp/feeds/feeds_02/feeds_02.2.update.sqlpp b/asterixdb/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries_sqlpp/feeds/feeds_02/feeds_02.2.update.sqlpp
index c596583..9c3031d 100644
--- a/asterixdb/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries_sqlpp/feeds/feeds_02/feeds_02.2.update.sqlpp
+++ b/asterixdb/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries_sqlpp/feeds/feeds_02/feeds_02.2.update.sqlpp
@@ -18,10 +18,11 @@
  * Description  : Create a feed dataset that uses the feed simulator adapter.
+                  Begin ingestion and verify contents of the dataset post completion.
+ * Expected Res : Success
+ * Date         : 24th Dec 2012
+ */
 use feeds;
 set `wait-for-completion-feed` `true`;
-connect  feed TweetFeed to  table Tweets using policy `BasicFT`;
+connect feed TweetFeed to  table Tweets;
diff --git a/asterixdb/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries_sqlpp/feeds/feeds_02/feeds_02.3.query.sqlpp b/asterixdb/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries_sqlpp/feeds/feeds_02/feeds_02.3.query.sqlpp
index b392ce8..cb9d8c7 100644
--- a/asterixdb/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries_sqlpp/feeds/feeds_02/feeds_02.3.query.sqlpp
+++ b/asterixdb/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries_sqlpp/feeds/feeds_02/feeds_02.3.query.sqlpp
@@ -18,11 +18,12 @@
  * Description  : Create a feed dataset that uses the feed simulator adapter.
+                  Begin ingestion and verify contents of the dataset post completion.
+ * Expected Res : Success
+ * Date         : 24th Dec 2012
+ */
 use feeds;
 select element x
 from  Tweets as x
-order by
+order by;
diff --git a/asterixdb/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries_sqlpp/feeds/feeds_03/feeds_03.1.ddl.sqlpp b/asterixdb/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries_sqlpp/feeds/feeds_03/feeds_03.1.ddl.sqlpp
index 63c9909..b1b11c2 100644
--- a/asterixdb/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries_sqlpp/feeds/feeds_03/feeds_03.1.ddl.sqlpp
+++ b/asterixdb/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries_sqlpp/feeds/feeds_03/feeds_03.1.ddl.sqlpp
@@ -22,3 +22,26 @@
  * Date         : 24th Dec 2012
+drop database feeds if exists;
+create database feeds;
+use feeds;
+create type TweetType as closed {
+  id: string,
+  username : string,
+  location : string,
+  text : string,
+  timestamp : string
+create table Tweets(TweetType)
+primary key id;
+create function feed_processor(x) {
+create feed TweetFeed
+using localfs
+apply function feed_processor;
diff --git a/asterixdb/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries_sqlpp/feeds/feeds_04/feeds_04.1.ddl.sqlpp b/asterixdb/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries_sqlpp/feeds/feeds_04/feeds_04.1.ddl.sqlpp
deleted file mode 100644
index ce87221..0000000
--- a/asterixdb/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries_sqlpp/feeds/feeds_04/feeds_04.1.ddl.sqlpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
- * distributed with this work for additional information
- * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
- * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
- * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
- * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
- * specific language governing permissions and limitations
- * under the License.
- */
- * Description  : Create a feed dataset that uses the feed simulator adapter.
-drop  database feeds if exists;
-create  database feeds;
-use feeds;
-create type feeds.TweetType as
- closed {
-  id : string,
-  username : string,
-  location : string,
-  text : string,
-  timestamp : string
-create  table Tweets(TweetType) primary key id;
-create  primary feed TweetFeed using file_feed ((`fs`=`hdfs`),(`hdfs`=`hdfs://`),(`path`=`/asterix/obamatweets.adm`),(`format`=`adm`),(`input-format`=`text-input-format`),(`type-name`=`TweetType`),(`tuple-interval`=`10`));
diff --git a/asterixdb/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries_sqlpp/feeds/feeds_04/feeds_04.2.update.sqlpp b/asterixdb/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries_sqlpp/feeds/feeds_04/feeds_04.2.update.sqlpp
deleted file mode 100644
index c596583..0000000
--- a/asterixdb/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries_sqlpp/feeds/feeds_04/feeds_04.2.update.sqlpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
- * distributed with this work for additional information
- * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
- * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
- * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
- * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
- * specific language governing permissions and limitations
- * under the License.
- */
- * Description  : Create a feed dataset that uses the feed simulator adapter.
-use feeds;
-set `wait-for-completion-feed` `true`;
-connect  feed TweetFeed to  table Tweets using policy `BasicFT`;
diff --git a/asterixdb/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries_sqlpp/feeds/feeds_04/feeds_04.3.query.sqlpp b/asterixdb/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries_sqlpp/feeds/feeds_04/feeds_04.3.query.sqlpp
deleted file mode 100644
index b392ce8..0000000
--- a/asterixdb/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries_sqlpp/feeds/feeds_04/feeds_04.3.query.sqlpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
- * distributed with this work for additional information
- * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
- * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
- * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
- * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
- * specific language governing permissions and limitations
- * under the License.
- */
- * Description  : Create a feed dataset that uses the feed simulator adapter.
-use feeds;
-select element x
-from  Tweets as x
-order by
diff --git a/asterixdb/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries_sqlpp/feeds/feeds_05/feeds_05.1.ddl.sqlpp b/asterixdb/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries_sqlpp/feeds/feeds_05/feeds_05.1.ddl.sqlpp
deleted file mode 100644
index ced5ffd..0000000
--- a/asterixdb/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries_sqlpp/feeds/feeds_05/feeds_05.1.ddl.sqlpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
- * distributed with this work for additional information
- * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
- * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
- * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
- * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
- * specific language governing permissions and limitations
- * under the License.
- */
- * Description  : Create a feed dataset that uses the synthetic feed simulator adapter.
-drop  database feeds if exists;
-create  database feeds;
-use feeds;
-create type feeds.TwitterUserType as
- closed {
-  `screen-name` : string,
-  lang : string,
-  friends_count : int32,
-  statuses_count : int32,
-  name : string,
-  followers_count : int32
-create type feeds.TweetMessageType as
- closed {
-  tweetid : string,
-  user : TwitterUserType,
-  `sender-location` : point,
-  `send-time` : datetime,
-  `referred-topics` : {{string}},
-  `message-text` : string
-create  table SyntheticTweets(TweetMessageType) primary key tweetid;
-create  primary feed SyntheticTweetFeed using twitter_firehose ((`duration`=`5`),(`tps`=`50`),(`type-name`=`TweetMessageType`),(`tput-duration`=`5`),(`dataverse-dataset`=`feeds:SyntheticTweets`),(`mode`=`controlled`));
diff --git a/asterixdb/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries_sqlpp/feeds/feeds_05/feeds_05.2.update.sqlpp b/asterixdb/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries_sqlpp/feeds/feeds_05/feeds_05.2.update.sqlpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 0397965..0000000
--- a/asterixdb/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries_sqlpp/feeds/feeds_05/feeds_05.2.update.sqlpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
- * distributed with this work for additional information
- * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
- * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
- * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
- * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
- * specific language governing permissions and limitations
- * under the License.
- */
- * Description  : Create a feed dataset that uses the synthetic feed simulator adapter.
-use feeds;
-set `wait-for-completion-feed` `true`;
-connect  feed SyntheticTweetFeed to  table SyntheticTweets using policy `BasicFT`;
diff --git a/asterixdb/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries_sqlpp/feeds/feeds_05/feeds_05.3.query.sqlpp b/asterixdb/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries_sqlpp/feeds/feeds_05/feeds_05.3.query.sqlpp
deleted file mode 100644
index ba6c676..0000000
--- a/asterixdb/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries_sqlpp/feeds/feeds_05/feeds_05.3.query.sqlpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
- * distributed with this work for additional information
- * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
- * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
- * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
- * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
- * specific language governing permissions and limitations
- * under the License.
- */
- * Description  : Create a feed dataset that uses the synthetic feed simulator adapter.
-use feeds;
-if ((feeds.coll_count((
-      select element x
-      from  SyntheticTweets as x
-  )) > 0))
-then 1
-else 0;
diff --git a/asterixdb/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries_sqlpp/feeds/feeds_06/feeds_06.1.ddl.sqlpp b/asterixdb/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries_sqlpp/feeds/feeds_06/feeds_06.1.ddl.sqlpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 5b00071..0000000
--- a/asterixdb/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries_sqlpp/feeds/feeds_06/feeds_06.1.ddl.sqlpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
- * distributed with this work for additional information
- * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
- * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
- * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
- * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
- * specific language governing permissions and limitations
- * under the License.
- */
- * Description  : Create a feed dataset and a feed using the generic socket feed adapter.
-drop  database feeds if exists;
-create  database feeds;
-use feeds;
-create type feeds.TwitterUserType as
- closed {
-  `screen-name` : string,
-  lang : string,
-  friends_count : int32,
-  statuses_count : int32,
-  name : string,
-  followers_count : int32
-create type feeds.TweetMessageType as
- closed {
-  tweetid : int64,
-  user : TwitterUserType,
-  `sender-location` : point,
-  `send-time` : datetime,
-  `referred-topics` : {{string}},
-  `message-text` : string
-create  table MyTweets(TweetMessageType) primary key tweetid;
-create  table DummyTweets(TweetMessageType) primary key tweetid;
-create  primary feed socket_feed using socket_adapter ((`sockets`=``),(`addressType`=`IP`),(`type-name`=`TweetMessageType`),(`format`=`adm`));
-create  primary feed client_test_feed using socket_client ((`sockets`=``),(`type-name`=`TweetMessageType`),(`addressType`=`IP`),(`format`=`adm`),(`file_splits`=`data/twitter/tw_messages_100.adm`));
diff --git a/asterixdb/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries_sqlpp/feeds/feeds_06/feeds_06.2.update.sqlpp b/asterixdb/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries_sqlpp/feeds/feeds_06/feeds_06.2.update.sqlpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 88db055..0000000
--- a/asterixdb/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries_sqlpp/feeds/feeds_06/feeds_06.2.update.sqlpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
- * distributed with this work for additional information
- * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
- * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
- * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
- * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
- * specific language governing permissions and limitations
- * under the License.
- */
- * Description  : Create a feed dataset and a feed using the generic socket feed adapter.
-use feeds;
-set `wait-for-completion-feed` `false`;
-connect  feed socket_feed to  table MyTweets using policy `BasicFT`;
diff --git a/asterixdb/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries_sqlpp/feeds/feeds_06/feeds_06.4.update.sqlpp b/asterixdb/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries_sqlpp/feeds/feeds_06/feeds_06.4.update.sqlpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 4eb8b0d..0000000
--- a/asterixdb/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries_sqlpp/feeds/feeds_06/feeds_06.4.update.sqlpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
- * distributed with this work for additional information
- * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
- * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
- * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
- * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
- * specific language governing permissions and limitations
- * under the License.
- */
- * Description  : Create a feed dataset and a feed using the generic socket feed adapter.
-use feeds;
-set `wait-for-completion-feed` `true`;
-connect  feed client_test_feed to  table DummyTweets using policy `BasicFT`;
diff --git a/asterixdb/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries_sqlpp/feeds/feeds_06/feeds_06.5.query.sqlpp b/asterixdb/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries_sqlpp/feeds/feeds_06/feeds_06.5.query.sqlpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 839b7e7..0000000
--- a/asterixdb/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries_sqlpp/feeds/feeds_06/feeds_06.5.query.sqlpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
- * distributed with this work for additional information
- * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
- * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
- * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
- * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
- * specific language governing permissions and limitations
- * under the License.
- */
- * Description  : Create a feed dataset and a feed using the generic socket feed adapter.
-use feeds;
-select element x
-from  MyTweets as x
-order by x.tweetid
diff --git a/asterixdb/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries_sqlpp/feeds/feeds_07/feeds_07.1.ddl.sqlpp b/asterixdb/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries_sqlpp/feeds/feeds_07/feeds_07.1.ddl.sqlpp
index f78f3af..69dcc06 100644
--- a/asterixdb/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries_sqlpp/feeds/feeds_07/feeds_07.1.ddl.sqlpp
+++ b/asterixdb/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries_sqlpp/feeds/feeds_07/feeds_07.1.ddl.sqlpp
@@ -16,23 +16,20 @@
  * specific language governing permissions and limitations
  * under the License.
- * Description  : Create a feed using the synthetic feed simulator adapter.
-drop  database feeds if exists;
-create  database feeds;
+drop database feeds if exists;
+create database feeds;
 use feeds;
 create type feeds.TwitterUserType as
  closed {
-  `screen-name` : string,
-  lang : string,
-  friends_count : int32,
-  statuses_count : int32,
-  name : string,
-  followers_count : int32
+  `screen_name`: string,
+  language: string,
+  friends_count: int32,
+  status_count: int32,
+  name: string,
+  followers_count: int32
 create type feeds.TweetMessageType as
@@ -41,7 +38,6 @@
   user : TwitterUserType,
   latitude : double,
   longitude : double,
-  `send-time` : datetime,
   message_text : string,
   created_at : string,
   country : string
@@ -49,6 +45,12 @@
 create  table SyntheticTweets(TweetMessageType) primary key id;
-create  index locationIdx  on SyntheticTweets (`sender-location`) type rtree;
-create  primary feed SyntheticTweetFeed using twitter_firehose ((`duration`=`5`),(`tps`=`50`),(`type-name`=`TweetMessageType`),(`tput-duration`=`5`),(`dataverse-dataset`=`feeds:SyntheticTweets`),(`mode`=`controlled`));
+create  primary feed SyntheticTweetFeed using twitter_firehose(
diff --git a/asterixdb/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries_sqlpp/feeds/feeds_07/feeds_07.2.update.sqlpp b/asterixdb/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries_sqlpp/feeds/feeds_07/feeds_07.2.update.sqlpp
index 59d8012..a41f2ef 100644
--- a/asterixdb/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries_sqlpp/feeds/feeds_07/feeds_07.2.update.sqlpp
+++ b/asterixdb/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries_sqlpp/feeds/feeds_07/feeds_07.2.update.sqlpp
@@ -16,12 +16,9 @@
  * specific language governing permissions and limitations
  * under the License.
- * Description  : Create a feed using the synthetic feed simulator adapter.
 use feeds;
 set `wait-for-completion-feed` `true`;
-connect  feed SyntheticTweetFeed to  table SyntheticTweets using policy `BasicFT`;
+connect  feed SyntheticTweetFeed to  table SyntheticTweets;
diff --git a/asterixdb/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries_sqlpp/feeds/feeds_07/feeds_07.3.query.sqlpp b/asterixdb/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries_sqlpp/feeds/feeds_07/feeds_07.3.query.sqlpp
index 7760608..49fb04c 100644
--- a/asterixdb/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries_sqlpp/feeds/feeds_07/feeds_07.3.query.sqlpp
+++ b/asterixdb/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries_sqlpp/feeds/feeds_07/feeds_07.3.query.sqlpp
@@ -16,15 +16,11 @@
  * specific language governing permissions and limitations
  * under the License.
- * Description  : Create a feed using the synthetic feed simulator adapter.
 use feeds;
-if ((feeds.coll_count((
-      select element x
-      from  SyntheticTweets as x
-  )) > 0))
-then 1
-else 0;
+ when ((feeds.coll_count((select element x from  SyntheticTweets as x )) > 0))
+  then 1
+  else 0
+ end;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/asterixdb/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries_sqlpp/feeds/feeds_08/feeds_08.1.ddl.sqlpp b/asterixdb/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries_sqlpp/feeds/feeds_08/feeds_08.1.ddl.sqlpp
index da08848..75e4dbc 100644
--- a/asterixdb/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries_sqlpp/feeds/feeds_08/feeds_08.1.ddl.sqlpp
+++ b/asterixdb/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries_sqlpp/feeds/feeds_08/feeds_08.1.ddl.sqlpp
@@ -16,15 +16,12 @@
  * specific language governing permissions and limitations
  * under the License.
- * Description  : Create a feed using the synthetic feed simulator adapter.
 drop  database feeds if exists;
 create  database feeds;
 use feeds;
 create type feeds.TwitterUserType as
  closed {
   screen_name : string,
@@ -47,7 +44,12 @@
 create  table SyntheticTweets(TweetMessageType) primary key id;
 create  index ngram_index  on SyntheticTweets (message_text) type ngram (3);
-create  primary feed SyntheticTweetFeed using twitter_firehose ((`duration`=`5`),(`tps`=`50`),(`type-name`=`TweetMessageType`),(`tput-duration`=`5`),(`dataverse-dataset`=`feeds:SyntheticTweets`),(`mode`=`controlled`));
+create  primary feed SyntheticTweetFeed using twitter_firehose (
diff --git a/asterixdb/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries_sqlpp/feeds/feeds_08/feeds_08.2.update.sqlpp b/asterixdb/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries_sqlpp/feeds/feeds_08/feeds_08.2.update.sqlpp
index 59d8012..6b0bd75 100644
--- a/asterixdb/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries_sqlpp/feeds/feeds_08/feeds_08.2.update.sqlpp
+++ b/asterixdb/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries_sqlpp/feeds/feeds_08/feeds_08.2.update.sqlpp
@@ -16,12 +16,9 @@
  * specific language governing permissions and limitations
  * under the License.
- * Description  : Create a feed using the synthetic feed simulator adapter.
 use feeds;
 set `wait-for-completion-feed` `true`;
 connect  feed SyntheticTweetFeed to  table SyntheticTweets using policy `BasicFT`;
diff --git a/asterixdb/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries_sqlpp/feeds/feeds_08/feeds_08.3.query.sqlpp b/asterixdb/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries_sqlpp/feeds/feeds_08/feeds_08.3.query.sqlpp
index 7760608..f7ae3c8 100644
--- a/asterixdb/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries_sqlpp/feeds/feeds_08/feeds_08.3.query.sqlpp
+++ b/asterixdb/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries_sqlpp/feeds/feeds_08/feeds_08.3.query.sqlpp
@@ -16,15 +16,11 @@
  * specific language governing permissions and limitations
  * under the License.
- * Description  : Create a feed using the synthetic feed simulator adapter.
 use feeds;
-if ((feeds.coll_count((
-      select element x
-      from  SyntheticTweets as x
-  )) > 0))
-then 1
-else 0;
+ when ((feeds.coll_count((select element x from  SyntheticTweets as x )) > 0))
+  then 1
+  else 0
+ end;
diff --git a/asterixdb/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/feeds/feeds_06/feeds_06.3.sleep.aql b/asterixdb/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries_sqlpp/feeds/feeds_08/feeds_08.4.sleep.sqlpp
similarity index 98%
rename from asterixdb/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/feeds/feeds_06/feeds_06.3.sleep.aql
rename to asterixdb/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries_sqlpp/feeds/feeds_08/feeds_08.4.sleep.sqlpp
index 67009c5..6559ae8 100644
--- a/asterixdb/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries/feeds/feeds_06/feeds_06.3.sleep.aql
+++ b/asterixdb/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries_sqlpp/feeds/feeds_08/feeds_08.4.sleep.sqlpp
@@ -16,4 +16,4 @@
  * specific language governing permissions and limitations
  * under the License.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/asterixdb/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries_sqlpp/feeds/feeds_09/feeds_09.1.ddl.sqlpp b/asterixdb/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries_sqlpp/feeds/feeds_09/feeds_09.1.ddl.sqlpp
index 610f3e8..7ffd538 100644
--- a/asterixdb/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries_sqlpp/feeds/feeds_09/feeds_09.1.ddl.sqlpp
+++ b/asterixdb/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries_sqlpp/feeds/feeds_09/feeds_09.1.ddl.sqlpp
@@ -16,8 +16,6 @@
  * specific language governing permissions and limitations
  * under the License.
- * Description  : Create a feed using the synthetic feed simulator adapter.
 drop  database feeds_09 if exists;
 create  database feeds_09;
@@ -45,9 +43,9 @@
   created_at : string,
   country : string
 create  table SyntheticTweets(TweetMessageType) primary key id;
 create  index message_text  on SyntheticTweets (message_text) type btree;
-create  primary feed SyntheticTweetFeed using twitter_firehose ((`duration`=`5`),(`tps`=`50`),(`tput-duration`=`5`),(`type-name`=`TweetMessageType`),(`dataverse-dataset`=`feeds:SyntheticTweets`),(`mode`=`controlled`));
+create  primary feed SyntheticTweetFeed using twitter_firehose ((`duration`=`5`),
diff --git a/asterixdb/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries_sqlpp/feeds/feeds_09/feeds_09.2.update.sqlpp b/asterixdb/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries_sqlpp/feeds/feeds_09/feeds_09.2.update.sqlpp
index 4be1b58..b3242e0 100644
--- a/asterixdb/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries_sqlpp/feeds/feeds_09/feeds_09.2.update.sqlpp
+++ b/asterixdb/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries_sqlpp/feeds/feeds_09/feeds_09.2.update.sqlpp
@@ -16,12 +16,7 @@
  * specific language governing permissions and limitations
  * under the License.
- * Description  : Create a feed using the synthetic feed simulator adapter.
 use feeds_09;
 set `wait-for-completion-feed` `true`;
 connect  feed SyntheticTweetFeed to  table SyntheticTweets using policy `BasicFT`;
diff --git a/asterixdb/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries_sqlpp/feeds/feeds_09/feeds_09.3.query.sqlpp b/asterixdb/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries_sqlpp/feeds/feeds_09/feeds_09.3.query.sqlpp
index 3b4fbad..d0f5898 100644
--- a/asterixdb/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries_sqlpp/feeds/feeds_09/feeds_09.3.query.sqlpp
+++ b/asterixdb/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries_sqlpp/feeds/feeds_09/feeds_09.3.query.sqlpp
@@ -16,15 +16,11 @@
  * specific language governing permissions and limitations
  * under the License.
- * Description  : Create a feed using the synthetic feed simulator adapter.
 use feeds_09;
-if ((feeds_09.coll_count((
-      select element x
-      from  SyntheticTweets as x
-  )) > 0))
-then 1
-else 0;
+ when ((feeds_09.coll_count(( select element x from  SyntheticTweets as x )) > 0))
+  then 1
+  else 0
+ end;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/asterixdb/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries_sqlpp/feeds/feeds_06/feeds_06.3.sleep.sqlpp b/asterixdb/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries_sqlpp/feeds/feeds_09/feeds_09.4.ddl.sqlpp
similarity index 96%
rename from asterixdb/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries_sqlpp/feeds/feeds_06/feeds_06.3.sleep.sqlpp
rename to asterixdb/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries_sqlpp/feeds/feeds_09/feeds_09.4.ddl.sqlpp
index c516444..d5cbb9e 100644
--- a/asterixdb/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries_sqlpp/feeds/feeds_06/feeds_06.3.sleep.sqlpp
+++ b/asterixdb/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries_sqlpp/feeds/feeds_09/feeds_09.4.ddl.sqlpp
@@ -17,4 +17,4 @@
  * under the License.
-select element 2000;
+drop database feeds_09;
diff --git a/asterixdb/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries_sqlpp/feeds/feeds_10/feeds_10.1.ddl.sqlpp b/asterixdb/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries_sqlpp/feeds/feeds_10/feeds_10.1.ddl.sqlpp
index b598d02..5e48597 100644
--- a/asterixdb/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries_sqlpp/feeds/feeds_10/feeds_10.1.ddl.sqlpp
+++ b/asterixdb/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries_sqlpp/feeds/feeds_10/feeds_10.1.ddl.sqlpp
@@ -16,8 +16,6 @@
  * specific language governing permissions and limitations
  * under the License.
- * Description  : Create a dataset with a secondary btree index.
 drop  database feeds_10 if exists;
 create  database feeds_10;
@@ -38,4 +36,8 @@
 create  index usernameIdx  on Tweets (username) type btree;
-create  primary feed TweetFeed using file_feed ((`fs`=`localfs`),(`path`=`asterix_nc1://data/twitter/obamatweets.adm`),(`format`=`adm`),(`type-name`=`TweetType`),(`tuple-interval`=`10`));
+create  primary feed TweetFeed using localfs
diff --git a/asterixdb/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries_sqlpp/feeds/feeds_10/feeds_10.2.update.sqlpp b/asterixdb/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries_sqlpp/feeds/feeds_10/feeds_10.2.update.sqlpp
index 8ee6007..338c441 100644
--- a/asterixdb/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries_sqlpp/feeds/feeds_10/feeds_10.2.update.sqlpp
+++ b/asterixdb/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries_sqlpp/feeds/feeds_10/feeds_10.2.update.sqlpp
@@ -16,12 +16,7 @@
  * specific language governing permissions and limitations
  * under the License.
- * Description  : Create a dataset with a secondary btree index.
 use feeds_10;
 set `wait-for-completion-feed` `true`;
 connect  feed TweetFeed to  table Tweets using policy `BasicFT`;
diff --git a/asterixdb/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries_sqlpp/feeds/feeds_10/feeds_10.3.query.sqlpp b/asterixdb/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries_sqlpp/feeds/feeds_10/feeds_10.3.query.sqlpp
index b6d486c..b763e83 100644
--- a/asterixdb/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries_sqlpp/feeds/feeds_10/feeds_10.3.query.sqlpp
+++ b/asterixdb/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries_sqlpp/feeds/feeds_10/feeds_10.3.query.sqlpp
@@ -16,12 +16,9 @@
  * specific language governing permissions and limitations
  * under the License.
- * Description  : Create a dataset with a secondary btree index.
 use feeds_10;
 select element feeds_10.coll_count((
     select element x
     from  Tweets as x
diff --git a/asterixdb/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries_sqlpp/feeds/feeds_06/feeds_06.3.sleep.sqlpp b/asterixdb/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries_sqlpp/feeds/feeds_10/feeds_10.4.ddl.sqlpp
similarity index 95%
copy from asterixdb/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries_sqlpp/feeds/feeds_06/feeds_06.3.sleep.sqlpp
copy to asterixdb/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries_sqlpp/feeds/feeds_10/feeds_10.4.ddl.sqlpp
index c516444..196a790 100644
--- a/asterixdb/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries_sqlpp/feeds/feeds_06/feeds_06.3.sleep.sqlpp
+++ b/asterixdb/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries_sqlpp/feeds/feeds_10/feeds_10.4.ddl.sqlpp
@@ -17,4 +17,4 @@
  * under the License.
-select element 2000;
+drop database feeds_10 if exists;
diff --git a/asterixdb/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries_sqlpp/feeds/feeds_11/feeds_11.1.ddl.sqlpp b/asterixdb/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries_sqlpp/feeds/feeds_11/feeds_11.1.ddl.sqlpp
index 8ffcda2..face22d 100644
--- a/asterixdb/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries_sqlpp/feeds/feeds_11/feeds_11.1.ddl.sqlpp
+++ b/asterixdb/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries_sqlpp/feeds/feeds_11/feeds_11.1.ddl.sqlpp
@@ -16,15 +16,11 @@
  * specific language governing permissions and limitations
  * under the License.
- * Description  : Create a feed dataset that uses the feed simulator adapter.
 drop  database feeds if exists;
 create  database feeds;
 use feeds;
 create type feeds.TweetType as
  closed {
   id : string,
@@ -35,5 +31,8 @@
 create  table Tweets(TweetType) primary key id;
-create  primary feed TweetFeed using file_feed ((`fs`=`localfs`),(`path`=`asterix_nc1://data/twitter/obamatweets.adm`),(`format`=`adm`),(`type-name`=`TweetType`),(`tuple-interval`=`10`));
+create  primary feed TweetFeed using localfs
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/asterixdb/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries_sqlpp/feeds/feeds_11/feeds_11.2.update.sqlpp b/asterixdb/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries_sqlpp/feeds/feeds_11/feeds_11.2.update.sqlpp
index 3dbd6fd..fee995b 100644
--- a/asterixdb/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries_sqlpp/feeds/feeds_11/feeds_11.2.update.sqlpp
+++ b/asterixdb/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries_sqlpp/feeds/feeds_11/feeds_11.2.update.sqlpp
@@ -16,12 +16,7 @@
  * specific language governing permissions and limitations
  * under the License.
- * Description  : Create a feed dataset that uses the feed simulator adapter.
 use feeds;
 set `wait-for-completion-feed` `true`;
 connect  feed feeds.TweetFeed to  table feeds.Tweets using policy `BasicFT`;
diff --git a/asterixdb/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries_sqlpp/feeds/feeds_11/feeds_11.3.query.sqlpp b/asterixdb/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries_sqlpp/feeds/feeds_11/feeds_11.3.query.sqlpp
index b392ce8..04f970b 100644
--- a/asterixdb/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries_sqlpp/feeds/feeds_11/feeds_11.3.query.sqlpp
+++ b/asterixdb/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries_sqlpp/feeds/feeds_11/feeds_11.3.query.sqlpp
@@ -16,13 +16,8 @@
  * specific language governing permissions and limitations
  * under the License.
- * Description  : Create a feed dataset that uses the feed simulator adapter.
 use feeds;
 select element x
 from  Tweets as x
-order by
+order by;
diff --git a/asterixdb/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries_sqlpp/feeds/feeds_12/feeds_12.1.ddl.sqlpp b/asterixdb/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries_sqlpp/feeds/feeds_12/feeds_12.1.ddl.sqlpp
index 52e45d9..f6a5a79 100644
--- a/asterixdb/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries_sqlpp/feeds/feeds_12/feeds_12.1.ddl.sqlpp
+++ b/asterixdb/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries_sqlpp/feeds/feeds_12/feeds_12.1.ddl.sqlpp
@@ -16,8 +16,6 @@
  * specific language governing permissions and limitations
  * under the License.
- * Description  : Create a feed from the contents of  a file using a file_feed adaptor.
 drop  database feeds_12 if exists;
 create  database feeds_12;
@@ -36,4 +34,8 @@
 create  table Tweets(TweetType) primary key id;
-create  primary feed TweetFeed using file_feed ((`fs`=`localfs`),(`path`=`asterix_nc1://data/twitter/obamatweets_duplicate.adm`),(`format`=`adm`),(`type-name`=`TweetType`),(`tuple-interval`=`10`));
+create  primary feed TweetFeed using localfs
diff --git a/asterixdb/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries_sqlpp/feeds/feeds_12/feeds_12.2.update.sqlpp b/asterixdb/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries_sqlpp/feeds/feeds_12/feeds_12.2.update.sqlpp
index 6d10700..e5f1d42 100644
--- a/asterixdb/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries_sqlpp/feeds/feeds_12/feeds_12.2.update.sqlpp
+++ b/asterixdb/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries_sqlpp/feeds/feeds_12/feeds_12.2.update.sqlpp
@@ -16,12 +16,7 @@
  * specific language governing permissions and limitations
  * under the License.
- * Description  : Create a feed dataset that uses the feed simulator adapter.
 use feeds_12;
 set `wait-for-completion-feed` `true`;
 connect  feed TweetFeed to  table Tweets using policy `BasicFT`;
diff --git a/asterixdb/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries_sqlpp/feeds/feeds_12/feeds_12.3.query.sqlpp b/asterixdb/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries_sqlpp/feeds/feeds_12/feeds_12.3.query.sqlpp
index ffaa57f..7c8b570 100644
--- a/asterixdb/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries_sqlpp/feeds/feeds_12/feeds_12.3.query.sqlpp
+++ b/asterixdb/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries_sqlpp/feeds/feeds_12/feeds_12.3.query.sqlpp
@@ -16,13 +16,9 @@
  * specific language governing permissions and limitations
  * under the License.
- * Description  : Create a feed dataset that uses the feed simulator adapter.
 use feeds_12;
 select element x
 from  Tweets as x
-order by
+order by;
diff --git a/asterixdb/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries_sqlpp/feeds/feeds_06/feeds_06.3.sleep.sqlpp b/asterixdb/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries_sqlpp/feeds/feeds_12/feeds_12.4.ddl.sqlpp
similarity index 95%
copy from asterixdb/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries_sqlpp/feeds/feeds_06/feeds_06.3.sleep.sqlpp
copy to asterixdb/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries_sqlpp/feeds/feeds_12/feeds_12.4.ddl.sqlpp
index c516444..dd1fe66 100644
--- a/asterixdb/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries_sqlpp/feeds/feeds_06/feeds_06.3.sleep.sqlpp
+++ b/asterixdb/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries_sqlpp/feeds/feeds_12/feeds_12.4.ddl.sqlpp
@@ -17,4 +17,4 @@
  * under the License.
-select element 2000;
+drop database feeds_12 if exists;
diff --git a/asterixdb/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries_sqlpp/feeds/issue_230_feeds/issue_230_feeds.1.ddl.sqlpp b/asterixdb/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries_sqlpp/feeds/issue_230_feeds/issue_230_feeds.1.ddl.sqlpp
index 8ffcda2..f3afdee 100644
--- a/asterixdb/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries_sqlpp/feeds/issue_230_feeds/issue_230_feeds.1.ddl.sqlpp
+++ b/asterixdb/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries_sqlpp/feeds/issue_230_feeds/issue_230_feeds.1.ddl.sqlpp
@@ -16,8 +16,6 @@
  * specific language governing permissions and limitations
  * under the License.
- * Description  : Create a feed dataset that uses the feed simulator adapter.
 drop  database feeds if exists;
 create  database feeds;
@@ -36,4 +34,8 @@
 create  table Tweets(TweetType) primary key id;
-create  primary feed TweetFeed using file_feed ((`fs`=`localfs`),(`path`=`asterix_nc1://data/twitter/obamatweets.adm`),(`format`=`adm`),(`type-name`=`TweetType`),(`tuple-interval`=`10`));
+create  primary feed TweetFeed using localfs
diff --git a/asterixdb/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries_sqlpp/feeds/issue_230_feeds/issue_230_feeds.2.update.sqlpp b/asterixdb/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries_sqlpp/feeds/issue_230_feeds/issue_230_feeds.2.update.sqlpp
index 3dbd6fd..fee995b 100644
--- a/asterixdb/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries_sqlpp/feeds/issue_230_feeds/issue_230_feeds.2.update.sqlpp
+++ b/asterixdb/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries_sqlpp/feeds/issue_230_feeds/issue_230_feeds.2.update.sqlpp
@@ -16,12 +16,7 @@
  * specific language governing permissions and limitations
  * under the License.
- * Description  : Create a feed dataset that uses the feed simulator adapter.
 use feeds;
 set `wait-for-completion-feed` `true`;
 connect  feed feeds.TweetFeed to  table feeds.Tweets using policy `BasicFT`;
diff --git a/asterixdb/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries_sqlpp/feeds/issue_230_feeds/issue_230_feeds.3.query.sqlpp b/asterixdb/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries_sqlpp/feeds/issue_230_feeds/issue_230_feeds.3.query.sqlpp
index b392ce8..972cb98 100644
--- a/asterixdb/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries_sqlpp/feeds/issue_230_feeds/issue_230_feeds.3.query.sqlpp
+++ b/asterixdb/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries_sqlpp/feeds/issue_230_feeds/issue_230_feeds.3.query.sqlpp
@@ -16,13 +16,9 @@
  * specific language governing permissions and limitations
  * under the License.
- * Description  : Create a feed dataset that uses the feed simulator adapter.
 use feeds;
 select element x
 from  Tweets as x
-order by
+order by;
diff --git a/asterixdb/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries_sqlpp/feeds/feeds_06/feeds_06.3.sleep.sqlpp b/asterixdb/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries_sqlpp/feeds/issue_230_feeds/issue_230_feeds.4.ddl.sqlpp
similarity index 95%
copy from asterixdb/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries_sqlpp/feeds/feeds_06/feeds_06.3.sleep.sqlpp
copy to asterixdb/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries_sqlpp/feeds/issue_230_feeds/issue_230_feeds.4.ddl.sqlpp
index c516444..c6ccc11 100644
--- a/asterixdb/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries_sqlpp/feeds/feeds_06/feeds_06.3.sleep.sqlpp
+++ b/asterixdb/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries_sqlpp/feeds/issue_230_feeds/issue_230_feeds.4.ddl.sqlpp
@@ -17,4 +17,4 @@
  * under the License.
-select element 2000;
+drop database feeds if exists;
diff --git a/asterixdb/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries_sqlpp/feeds/issue_711_feeds/issue_711_feeds.1.ddl.sqlpp b/asterixdb/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries_sqlpp/feeds/issue_711_feeds/issue_711_feeds.1.ddl.sqlpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 325ab0f..0000000
--- a/asterixdb/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries_sqlpp/feeds/issue_711_feeds/issue_711_feeds.1.ddl.sqlpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
- * distributed with this work for additional information
- * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
- * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
- * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
- * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
- * specific language governing permissions and limitations
- * under the License.
- */
- * Description  : Create a dataset with a secondary btree index.
-drop  database feeds if exists;
-create  database feeds;
-use feeds;
-create type feeds.TweetType as
- closed {
-  id : string,
-  username : string,
-  location : string,
-  text : string,
-  timestamp : string
-create  table Tweets(TweetType) primary key id;
-create  index usernameIdx  on Tweets (username) type btree;
-create  primary feed TweetFeed using file_feed ((`fs`=`hdfs`),(`hdfs`=`hdfs://`),(`path`=`/asterix/obamatweets.adm`),(`format`=`adm`),(`input-format`=`text-input-format`),(`type-name`=`TweetType`),(`tuple-interval`=`10`));
diff --git a/asterixdb/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries_sqlpp/feeds/issue_711_feeds/issue_711_feeds.3.query.sqlpp b/asterixdb/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries_sqlpp/feeds/issue_711_feeds/issue_711_feeds.3.query.sqlpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 8c545a9..0000000
--- a/asterixdb/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/queries_sqlpp/feeds/issue_711_feeds/issue_711_feeds.3.query.sqlpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
- * distributed with this work for additional information
- * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
- * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
- * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
- * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
- * specific language governing permissions and limitations
- * under the License.
- */
- * Description  : Create a dataset with a secondary btree index.
-use feeds;
-select element x
-from  Tweets as x
-order by
diff --git a/asterixdb/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/feeds/create-policy-from-file/create-policy-from-file.1.adm b/asterixdb/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/feeds/create-policy-from-file/create-policy-from-file.1.adm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7c4c53b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/asterixdb/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/feeds/create-policy-from-file/create-policy-from-file.1.adm
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+{ "DataverseName": "experiments", "PolicyName": "someString", "Description": "experiments", "Properties": {{ { "Name": "name", "Value": "testname" }, { "Name": "value", "Value": "testvalue" }, { "Name": "key", "Value": "testkey" } }} }
diff --git a/asterixdb/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/feeds/feeds_04/feeds_04.1.adm b/asterixdb/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/feeds/feeds_04/feeds_04.1.adm
deleted file mode 100644
index 2567483..0000000
--- a/asterixdb/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/feeds/feeds_04/feeds_04.1.adm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-{ "id": "nc1:1", "username": "BronsonMike", "location": "", "text": "@GottaLaff @reutersus Christie and obama just foul weather friends", "timestamp": "Thu Dec 06 16:53:06 PST 2012" }
-{ "id": "nc1:100", "username": "KidrauhlProuds", "location": "", "text": "RT @01Direclieber: A filha do Michael Jackson  uma Belieber,a filha do Eminem e uma Belieber,as filhas de Obama sao Beliebers, e a filha do meu pai e Belieber", "timestamp": "Thu Dec 06 16:53:16 PST 2012" }
-{ "id": "nc1:102", "username": "jaysauce82", "location": "", "text": "Not voting for President Obama #BadDecision", "timestamp": "Thu Dec 06 16:53:16 PST 2012" }
-{ "id": "nc1:104", "username": "princeofsupras", "location": "", "text": "RT @01Direclieber: A filha do Michael Jackson e uma Belieber,a filha do Eminem e uma Belieber,as filhas de Obama sao Beliebers, e a filha do meu pai e Belieber", "timestamp": "Thu Dec 06 16:53:15 PST 2012" }
-{ "id": "nc1:106", "username": "GulfDogs", "location": "", "text": "Obama Admin Knew Libyan Terrorists Had US-Provided Weaponsteaparty #tcot #ccot #NewGuards #BreitbartArmy #patriotwttp://", "timestamp": "Thu Dec 06 16:53:14 PST 2012" }
-{ "id": "nc1:108", "username": "Laugzpz", "location": "", "text": "@AlfredoJalife Maestro Obama se hace de la vista gorda, es un acuerdo de siempre creo yo.", "timestamp": "Thu Dec 06 16:53:14 PST 2012" }
-{ "id": "nc1:11", "username": "magarika", "location": "", "text": "RT @ken24xavier: Obama tells SOROS - our plan is ALMOST finished", "timestamp": "Thu Dec 06 16:53:05 PST 2012" }
-{ "id": "nc1:111", "username": "ToucanMall", "location": "", "text": "RT @WorldWar3Watch: Michelle Obama Gets More Grammy Nominations Than Justin ...  #Obama #WW3", "timestamp": "Thu Dec 06 16:53:13 PST 2012" }
-{ "id": "nc1:113", "username": "ToucanMall", "location": "", "text": "RT @ObamaPalooza: Tiffany Shared What $2,000 Meant to Her ... and the President Stopped by to Talk About It #Obama", "timestamp": "Thu Dec 06 16:53:12 PST 2012" }
-{ "id": "nc1:115", "username": "thewildpitch", "location": "", "text": "RT @RevkahJC: Dennis Miller: Obama Should Just Say He Wants To Tax Successful People", "timestamp": "Thu Dec 06 16:53:11 PST 2012" }
-{ "id": "nc1:117", "username": "Rnugent24", "location": "", "text": "RT @ConservativeQuo: unemployment is above 8% again. I wonder how long it will take for Obama to start blaming Bush? 3-2-1 #tcot #antiobama", "timestamp": "Thu Dec 06 16:53:10 PST 2012" }
diff --git a/asterixdb/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/feeds/feeds_05/feeds_05.1.adm b/asterixdb/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/feeds/feeds_05/feeds_05.1.adm
deleted file mode 100644
index d00491f..0000000
--- a/asterixdb/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/feeds/feeds_05/feeds_05.1.adm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/asterixdb/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/feeds/feeds_06/feeds_06.1.adm b/asterixdb/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/feeds/feeds_06/feeds_06.1.adm
deleted file mode 100644
index f60be3e..0000000
--- a/asterixdb/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/feeds/feeds_06/feeds_06.1.adm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,100 +0,0 @@
-{ "tweetid": 1i64, "user": { "screen-name": "EdwardLeslie#333", "lang": "en", "friends_count": 31, "statuses_count": 107, "name": "Edward Leslie", "followers_count": 80 }, "sender-location": point("29.37,78.8"), "send-time": datetime("2005-10-14T10:10:00.000Z"), "referred-topics": {{ "at&t", "network" }}, "message-text": " can't stand at&t the network is terrible:(" }
-{ "tweetid": 2i64, "user": { "screen-name": "PenniBauerle$865", "lang": "en", "friends_count": 32, "statuses_count": 308, "name": "Penni Bauerle", "followers_count": 97 }, "sender-location": point("37.99,83.51"), "send-time": datetime("2011-09-23T10:10:00.000Z"), "referred-topics": {{ "iphone", "plan" }}, "message-text": " love iphone its plan is awesome" }
-{ "tweetid": 3i64, "user": { "screen-name": "TrudiSaline$17", "lang": "en", "friends_count": 2, "statuses_count": 248, "name": "Trudi Saline", "followers_count": 154 }, "sender-location": point("48.17,93.4"), "send-time": datetime("2007-07-02T10:10:00.000Z"), "referred-topics": {{ "sprint", "3G" }}, "message-text": " like sprint its 3G is good:)" }
-{ "tweetid": 4i64, "user": { "screen-name": "EdytheMurray#502", "lang": "en", "friends_count": 23, "statuses_count": 142, "name": "Edythe Murray", "followers_count": 164 }, "sender-location": point("24.63,90.02"), "send-time": datetime("2008-03-16T10:10:00.000Z"), "referred-topics": {{ "t-mobile", "voice-clarity" }}, "message-text": " like t-mobile the voice-clarity is good:)" }
-{ "tweetid": 5i64, "user": { "screen-name": "CoralMoon#517", "lang": "en", "friends_count": 35, "statuses_count": 3, "name": "Coral Moon", "followers_count": 67 }, "sender-location": point("32.05,75.79"), "send-time": datetime("2006-02-18T10:10:00.000Z"), "referred-topics": {{ "samsung", "touch-screen" }}, "message-text": " love samsung the touch-screen is mind-blowing" }
-{ "tweetid": 6i64, "user": { "screen-name": "CarriePinney#881", "lang": "en", "friends_count": 77, "statuses_count": 113, "name": "Carrie Pinney", "followers_count": 120 }, "sender-location": point("45.72,93.27"), "send-time": datetime("2011-12-02T10:10:00.000Z"), "referred-topics": {{ "sprint", "speed" }}, "message-text": " love sprint its speed is awesome:)" }
-{ "tweetid": 7i64, "user": { "screen-name": "AmadoTomey_367", "lang": "en", "friends_count": 28, "statuses_count": 379, "name": "Amado Tomey", "followers_count": 119 }, "sender-location": point("43.0,96.53"), "send-time": datetime("2011-07-04T10:10:00.000Z"), "referred-topics": {{ "verizon", "platform" }}, "message-text": " hate verizon its platform is OMG:(" }
-{ "tweetid": 8i64, "user": { "screen-name": "OdellWallace#398", "lang": "en", "friends_count": 10, "statuses_count": 89, "name": "Odell Wallace", "followers_count": 4 }, "sender-location": point("28.61,90.69"), "send-time": datetime("2012-01-09T10:10:00.000Z"), "referred-topics": {{ "motorola", "signal" }}, "message-text": " love motorola its signal is amazing:)" }
-{ "tweetid": 9i64, "user": { "screen-name": "NickLing#80", "lang": "en", "friends_count": 99, "statuses_count": 291, "name": "Nick Ling", "followers_count": 144 }, "sender-location": point("33.59,71.74"), "send-time": datetime("2011-05-14T10:10:00.000Z"), "referred-topics": {{ "t-mobile", "speed" }}, "message-text": " hate t-mobile the speed is horrible:(" }
-{ "tweetid": 10i64, "user": { "screen-name": "MickeyDunkle_962", "lang": "en", "friends_count": 46, "statuses_count": 429, "name": "Mickey Dunkle", "followers_count": 110 }, "sender-location": point("28.72,70.51"), "send-time": datetime("2006-05-02T10:10:00.000Z"), "referred-topics": {{ "at&t", "reachability" }}, "message-text": " can't stand at&t its reachability is OMG:(" }
-{ "tweetid": 11i64, "user": { "screen-name": "AlaynaKnopsnider$684", "lang": "en", "friends_count": 70, "statuses_count": 425, "name": "Alayna Knopsnider", "followers_count": 106 }, "sender-location": point("35.4,69.61"), "send-time": datetime("2012-08-15T10:10:00.000Z"), "referred-topics": {{ "sprint", "voice-command" }}, "message-text": " dislike sprint the voice-command is bad" }
-{ "tweetid": 12i64, "user": { "screen-name": "SeraphinaWall_37", "lang": "en", "friends_count": 34, "statuses_count": 43, "name": "Seraphina Wall", "followers_count": 101 }, "sender-location": point("27.83,95.15"), "send-time": datetime("2010-02-08T10:10:00.000Z"), "referred-topics": {{ "motorola", "signal" }}, "message-text": " like motorola its signal is amazing:)" }
-{ "tweetid": 13i64, "user": { "screen-name": "TonyaKnopsnider#342", "lang": "en", "friends_count": 96, "statuses_count": 479, "name": "Tonya Knopsnider", "followers_count": 105 }, "sender-location": point("27.95,74.39"), "send-time": datetime("2008-05-26T10:10:00.000Z"), "referred-topics": {{ "motorola", "voicemail-service" }}, "message-text": " dislike motorola its voicemail-service is bad" }
-{ "tweetid": 14i64, "user": { "screen-name": "SkylerStough#713", "lang": "en", "friends_count": 29, "statuses_count": 41, "name": "Skyler Stough", "followers_count": 118 }, "sender-location": point("39.72,68.97"), "send-time": datetime("2012-05-21T10:10:00.000Z"), "referred-topics": {{ "iphone", "3G" }}, "message-text": " love iphone its 3G is awesome:)" }
-{ "tweetid": 15i64, "user": { "screen-name": "IrisMillard$830", "lang": "en", "friends_count": 9, "statuses_count": 56, "name": "Iris Millard", "followers_count": 127 }, "sender-location": point("27.59,95.34"), "send-time": datetime("2010-02-07T10:10:00.000Z"), "referred-topics": {{ "sprint", "voice-clarity" }}, "message-text": " like sprint the voice-clarity is amazing" }
-{ "tweetid": 16i64, "user": { "screen-name": "KaylynBrinigh_817", "lang": "en", "friends_count": 11, "statuses_count": 448, "name": "Kaylyn Brinigh", "followers_count": 53 }, "sender-location": point("25.19,79.71"), "send-time": datetime("2005-04-06T10:10:00.000Z"), "referred-topics": {{ "samsung", "customization" }}, "message-text": " love samsung its customization is amazing:)" }
-{ "tweetid": 17i64, "user": { "screen-name": "SungHoopengarner#732", "lang": "en", "friends_count": 55, "statuses_count": 129, "name": "Sung Hoopengarner", "followers_count": 152 }, "sender-location": point("47.75,93.12"), "send-time": datetime("2010-01-04T10:10:00.000Z"), "referred-topics": {{ "motorola", "voice-command" }}, "message-text": " dislike motorola its voice-command is horrible:(" }
-{ "tweetid": 18i64, "user": { "screen-name": "RenatoRyals_261", "lang": "en", "friends_count": 46, "statuses_count": 439, "name": "Renato Ryals", "followers_count": 73 }, "sender-location": point("38.48,75.0"), "send-time": datetime("2010-04-14T10:10:00.000Z"), "referred-topics": {{ "sprint", "signal" }}, "message-text": " love sprint its signal is good:)" }
-{ "tweetid": 19i64, "user": { "screen-name": "JohnnieHanseu#755", "lang": "en", "friends_count": 84, "statuses_count": 281, "name": "Johnnie Hanseu", "followers_count": 70 }, "sender-location": point("42.75,70.91"), "send-time": datetime("2010-06-12T10:10:00.000Z"), "referred-topics": {{ "t-mobile", "3G" }}, "message-text": " like t-mobile its 3G is mind-blowing:)" }
-{ "tweetid": 20i64, "user": { "screen-name": "LindseyRahl#362", "lang": "en", "friends_count": 27, "statuses_count": 458, "name": "Lindsey Rahl", "followers_count": 24 }, "sender-location": point("36.2,94.8"), "send-time": datetime("2007-01-02T10:10:00.000Z"), "referred-topics": {{ "at&t", "voice-command" }}, "message-text": " can't stand at&t the voice-command is horrible:(" }
-{ "tweetid": 21i64, "user": { "screen-name": "CearaLing$289", "lang": "en", "friends_count": 39, "statuses_count": 177, "name": "Ceara Ling", "followers_count": 40 }, "sender-location": point("39.58,71.28"), "send-time": datetime("2008-05-20T10:10:00.000Z"), "referred-topics": {{ "samsung", "reachability" }}, "message-text": " like samsung the reachability is amazing:)" }
-{ "tweetid": 22i64, "user": { "screen-name": "DomoniqueEisenmann_636", "lang": "en", "friends_count": 27, "statuses_count": 465, "name": "Domonique Eisenmann", "followers_count": 166 }, "sender-location": point("47.11,77.87"), "send-time": datetime("2008-10-24T10:10:00.000Z"), "referred-topics": {{ "sprint", "voice-command" }}, "message-text": " can't stand sprint its voice-command is horrible:(" }
-{ "tweetid": 23i64, "user": { "screen-name": "MelanieGadow$539", "lang": "en", "friends_count": 34, "statuses_count": 112, "name": "Melanie Gadow", "followers_count": 65 }, "sender-location": point("31.9,87.22"), "send-time": datetime("2012-07-26T10:10:00.000Z"), "referred-topics": {{ "sprint", "speed" }}, "message-text": " like sprint its speed is mind-blowing:)" }
-{ "tweetid": 24i64, "user": { "screen-name": "HewiePeters#654", "lang": "en", "friends_count": 8, "statuses_count": 309, "name": "Hewie Peters", "followers_count": 15 }, "sender-location": point("42.84,90.27"), "send-time": datetime("2011-02-09T10:10:00.000Z"), "referred-topics": {{ "at&t", "wireless" }}, "message-text": " hate at&t its wireless is terrible:(" }
-{ "tweetid": 25i64, "user": { "screen-name": "HollisJudge#731", "lang": "en", "friends_count": 58, "statuses_count": 211, "name": "Hollis Judge", "followers_count": 190 }, "sender-location": point("34.33,83.22"), "send-time": datetime("2006-11-21T10:10:00.000Z"), "referred-topics": {{ "samsung", "voice-clarity" }}, "message-text": " dislike samsung its voice-clarity is OMG:(" }
-{ "tweetid": 26i64, "user": { "screen-name": "DemarcusHarrow$822", "lang": "en", "friends_count": 60, "statuses_count": 171, "name": "Demarcus Harrow", "followers_count": 151 }, "sender-location": point("37.01,80.04"), "send-time": datetime("2012-07-19T10:10:00.000Z"), "referred-topics": {{ "at&t", "shortcut-menu" }}, "message-text": " like at&t its shortcut-menu is awesome" }
-{ "tweetid": 27i64, "user": { "screen-name": "OrsonBauerle$52", "lang": "en", "friends_count": 91, "statuses_count": 271, "name": "Orson Bauerle", "followers_count": 144 }, "sender-location": point("48.91,75.54"), "send-time": datetime("2010-02-18T10:10:00.000Z"), "referred-topics": {{ "samsung", "speed" }}, "message-text": " love samsung the speed is amazing:)" }
-{ "tweetid": 28i64, "user": { "screen-name": "ChadBeach#363", "lang": "en", "friends_count": 88, "statuses_count": 275, "name": "Chad Beach", "followers_count": 142 }, "sender-location": point("35.5,73.83"), "send-time": datetime("2007-07-28T10:10:00.000Z"), "referred-topics": {{ "motorola", "signal" }}, "message-text": " love motorola its signal is mind-blowing" }
-{ "tweetid": 29i64, "user": { "screen-name": "LupeNewbern#345", "lang": "en", "friends_count": 99, "statuses_count": 45, "name": "Lupe Newbern", "followers_count": 86 }, "sender-location": point("35.07,70.43"), "send-time": datetime("2010-12-23T10:10:00.000Z"), "referred-topics": {{ "t-mobile", "voicemail-service" }}, "message-text": " love t-mobile its voicemail-service is awesome" }
-{ "tweetid": 30i64, "user": { "screen-name": "LoydJohnston@664", "lang": "en", "friends_count": 86, "statuses_count": 10, "name": "Loyd Johnston", "followers_count": 58 }, "sender-location": point("42.55,72.33"), "send-time": datetime("2010-02-01T10:10:00.000Z"), "referred-topics": {{ "iphone", "network" }}, "message-text": " like iphone the network is awesome" }
-{ "tweetid": 31i64, "user": { "screen-name": "VerityMunson#211", "lang": "en", "friends_count": 75, "statuses_count": 359, "name": "Verity Munson", "followers_count": 165 }, "sender-location": point("30.65,77.21"), "send-time": datetime("2009-01-06T10:10:00.000Z"), "referred-topics": {{ "verizon", "voice-command" }}, "message-text": " can't stand verizon the voice-command is bad:(" }
-{ "tweetid": 32i64, "user": { "screen-name": "RinaHerndon#616", "lang": "en", "friends_count": 19, "statuses_count": 265, "name": "Rina Herndon", "followers_count": 26 }, "sender-location": point("40.76,75.79"), "send-time": datetime("2009-09-19T10:10:00.000Z"), "referred-topics": {{ "verizon", "shortcut-menu" }}, "message-text": " love verizon the shortcut-menu is mind-blowing:)" }
-{ "tweetid": 33i64, "user": { "screen-name": "MadelaineSchreckengost@250", "lang": "en", "friends_count": 45, "statuses_count": 310, "name": "Madelaine Schreckengost", "followers_count": 153 }, "sender-location": point("30.35,66.43"), "send-time": datetime("2005-07-08T10:10:00.000Z"), "referred-topics": {{ "at&t", "plan" }}, "message-text": " can't stand at&t the plan is bad" }
-{ "tweetid": 34i64, "user": { "screen-name": "RadclyffeStaymates_289", "lang": "en", "friends_count": 50, "statuses_count": 188, "name": "Radclyffe Staymates", "followers_count": 97 }, "sender-location": point("45.42,77.18"), "send-time": datetime("2012-05-06T10:10:00.000Z"), "referred-topics": {{ "at&t", "customer-service" }}, "message-text": " hate at&t its customer-service is OMG" }
-{ "tweetid": 35i64, "user": { "screen-name": "VernieAlice$968", "lang": "en", "friends_count": 70, "statuses_count": 491, "name": "Vernie Alice", "followers_count": 193 }, "sender-location": point("28.03,79.37"), "send-time": datetime("2010-01-19T10:10:00.000Z"), "referred-topics": {{ "motorola", "voice-command" }}, "message-text": " can't stand motorola the voice-command is horrible" }
-{ "tweetid": 36i64, "user": { "screen-name": "GertieDugger#987", "lang": "en", "friends_count": 22, "statuses_count": 72, "name": "Gertie Dugger", "followers_count": 12 }, "sender-location": point("25.77,92.7"), "send-time": datetime("2009-09-25T10:10:00.000Z"), "referred-topics": {{ "sprint", "touch-screen" }}, "message-text": " like sprint its touch-screen is awesome" }
-{ "tweetid": 37i64, "user": { "screen-name": "AggieBollinger@675", "lang": "en", "friends_count": 45, "statuses_count": 175, "name": "Aggie Bollinger", "followers_count": 67 }, "sender-location": point("42.6,68.28"), "send-time": datetime("2012-02-22T10:10:00.000Z"), "referred-topics": {{ "sprint", "voice-clarity" }}, "message-text": " love sprint its voice-clarity is awesome" }
-{ "tweetid": 38i64, "user": { "screen-name": "JocelynPatton$328", "lang": "en", "friends_count": 35, "statuses_count": 484, "name": "Jocelyn Patton", "followers_count": 174 }, "sender-location": point("28.77,88.28"), "send-time": datetime("2006-12-09T10:10:00.000Z"), "referred-topics": {{ "at&t", "wireless" }}, "message-text": " hate at&t the wireless is horrible:(" }
-{ "tweetid": 39i64, "user": { "screen-name": "CandelariaHujsak#602", "lang": "en", "friends_count": 28, "statuses_count": 499, "name": "Candelaria Hujsak", "followers_count": 94 }, "sender-location": point("36.09,96.94"), "send-time": datetime("2007-11-23T10:10:00.000Z"), "referred-topics": {{ "t-mobile", "wireless" }}, "message-text": " can't stand t-mobile the wireless is terrible:(" }
-{ "tweetid": 40i64, "user": { "screen-name": "DamarisMueller#283", "lang": "en", "friends_count": 46, "statuses_count": 122, "name": "Damaris Mueller", "followers_count": 189 }, "sender-location": point("44.31,73.93"), "send-time": datetime("2012-02-28T10:10:00.000Z"), "referred-topics": {{ "sprint", "wireless" }}, "message-text": " like sprint its wireless is awesome" }
-{ "tweetid": 41i64, "user": { "screen-name": "ChuckPhilbrick_884", "lang": "en", "friends_count": 73, "statuses_count": 237, "name": "Chuck Philbrick", "followers_count": 35 }, "sender-location": point("35.39,81.04"), "send-time": datetime("2012-05-07T10:10:00.000Z"), "referred-topics": {{ "verizon", "plan" }}, "message-text": " love verizon its plan is good:)" }
-{ "tweetid": 42i64, "user": { "screen-name": "BraxtonKifer_723", "lang": "en", "friends_count": 65, "statuses_count": 459, "name": "Braxton Kifer", "followers_count": 6 }, "sender-location": point("30.23,70.06"), "send-time": datetime("2007-10-15T10:10:00.000Z"), "referred-topics": {{ "verizon", "touch-screen" }}, "message-text": " dislike verizon the touch-screen is horrible" }
-{ "tweetid": 43i64, "user": { "screen-name": "DeshawnPorter#734", "lang": "en", "friends_count": 26, "statuses_count": 408, "name": "Deshawn Porter", "followers_count": 14 }, "sender-location": point("35.2,82.65"), "send-time": datetime("2005-10-06T10:10:00.000Z"), "referred-topics": {{ "sprint", "wireless" }}, "message-text": " love sprint its wireless is amazing" }
-{ "tweetid": 44i64, "user": { "screen-name": "SamanthaBeach$879", "lang": "en", "friends_count": 95, "statuses_count": 481, "name": "Samantha Beach", "followers_count": 119 }, "sender-location": point("30.28,89.79"), "send-time": datetime("2005-09-20T10:10:00.000Z"), "referred-topics": {{ "motorola", "network" }}, "message-text": " love motorola the network is mind-blowing:)" }
-{ "tweetid": 45i64, "user": { "screen-name": "NoelleBash_83", "lang": "en", "friends_count": 4, "statuses_count": 148, "name": "Noelle Bash", "followers_count": 139 }, "sender-location": point("42.4,96.94"), "send-time": datetime("2007-01-05T10:10:00.000Z"), "referred-topics": {{ "iphone", "platform" }}, "message-text": " hate iphone its platform is terrible:(" }
-{ "tweetid": 46i64, "user": { "screen-name": "RuthWells#712", "lang": "en", "friends_count": 51, "statuses_count": 415, "name": "Ruth Wells", "followers_count": 57 }, "sender-location": point("31.93,82.03"), "send-time": datetime("2007-04-21T10:10:00.000Z"), "referred-topics": {{ "iphone", "customization" }}, "message-text": " dislike iphone the customization is bad:(" }
-{ "tweetid": 47i64, "user": { "screen-name": "NakiaClose@771", "lang": "en", "friends_count": 59, "statuses_count": 239, "name": "Nakia Close", "followers_count": 105 }, "sender-location": point("47.06,92.54"), "send-time": datetime("2005-02-18T10:10:00.000Z"), "referred-topics": {{ "motorola", "3G" }}, "message-text": " can't stand motorola its 3G is OMG:(" }
-{ "tweetid": 48i64, "user": { "screen-name": "EmLinton#420", "lang": "en", "friends_count": 87, "statuses_count": 481, "name": "Em Linton", "followers_count": 141 }, "sender-location": point("35.6,88.2"), "send-time": datetime("2006-09-24T10:10:00.000Z"), "referred-topics": {{ "iphone", "customer-service" }}, "message-text": " hate iphone its customer-service is horrible" }
-{ "tweetid": 49i64, "user": { "screen-name": "DarbyPatton_703", "lang": "en", "friends_count": 40, "statuses_count": 79, "name": "Darby Patton", "followers_count": 159 }, "sender-location": point("36.57,84.01"), "send-time": datetime("2006-06-14T10:10:00.000Z"), "referred-topics": {{ "verizon", "platform" }}, "message-text": " love verizon its platform is good" }
-{ "tweetid": 50i64, "user": { "screen-name": "WilburStephenson$295", "lang": "en", "friends_count": 57, "statuses_count": 337, "name": "Wilbur Stephenson", "followers_count": 188 }, "sender-location": point("38.35,83.92"), "send-time": datetime("2006-10-14T10:10:00.000Z"), "referred-topics": {{ "motorola", "plan" }}, "message-text": " dislike motorola the plan is OMG:(" }
-{ "tweetid": 51i64, "user": { "screen-name": "PalmerHahn@368", "lang": "en", "friends_count": 13, "statuses_count": 196, "name": "Palmer Hahn", "followers_count": 69 }, "sender-location": point("48.96,88.74"), "send-time": datetime("2006-01-07T10:10:00.000Z"), "referred-topics": {{ "samsung", "shortcut-menu" }}, "message-text": " like samsung its shortcut-menu is awesome" }
-{ "tweetid": 52i64, "user": { "screen-name": "HarlanWynne_297", "lang": "en", "friends_count": 71, "statuses_count": 262, "name": "Harlan Wynne", "followers_count": 151 }, "sender-location": point("41.05,93.92"), "send-time": datetime("2008-07-08T10:10:00.000Z"), "referred-topics": {{ "samsung", "platform" }}, "message-text": " like samsung its platform is awesome" }
-{ "tweetid": 53i64, "user": { "screen-name": "GrettaCable#405", "lang": "en", "friends_count": 7, "statuses_count": 324, "name": "Gretta Cable", "followers_count": 82 }, "sender-location": point("40.6,71.86"), "send-time": datetime("2010-11-16T10:10:00.000Z"), "referred-topics": {{ "iphone", "network" }}, "message-text": " like iphone its network is amazing:)" }
-{ "tweetid": 54i64, "user": { "screen-name": "PhilipaRing_461", "lang": "en", "friends_count": 43, "statuses_count": 53, "name": "Philipa Ring", "followers_count": 164 }, "sender-location": point("30.47,90.14"), "send-time": datetime("2011-12-24T10:10:00.000Z"), "referred-topics": {{ "motorola", "voicemail-service" }}, "message-text": " like motorola its voicemail-service is amazing" }
-{ "tweetid": 55i64, "user": { "screen-name": "LindseyBurch_187", "lang": "en", "friends_count": 9, "statuses_count": 54, "name": "Lindsey Burch", "followers_count": 6 }, "sender-location": point("31.66,68.68"), "send-time": datetime("2011-12-21T10:10:00.000Z"), "referred-topics": {{ "samsung", "touch-screen" }}, "message-text": " can't stand samsung its touch-screen is terrible" }
-{ "tweetid": 56i64, "user": { "screen-name": "AnnabelLosey_61", "lang": "en", "friends_count": 53, "statuses_count": 381, "name": "Annabel Losey", "followers_count": 133 }, "sender-location": point("37.33,85.16"), "send-time": datetime("2005-11-14T10:10:00.000Z"), "referred-topics": {{ "sprint", "customization" }}, "message-text": " can't stand sprint the customization is horrible:(" }
-{ "tweetid": 57i64, "user": { "screen-name": "HectorLalty@132", "lang": "en", "friends_count": 2, "statuses_count": 195, "name": "Hector Lalty", "followers_count": 92 }, "sender-location": point("46.52,80.45"), "send-time": datetime("2012-04-15T10:10:00.000Z"), "referred-topics": {{ "iphone", "reachability" }}, "message-text": " hate iphone the reachability is bad:(" }
-{ "tweetid": 58i64, "user": { "screen-name": "KatieWilkins_817", "lang": "en", "friends_count": 95, "statuses_count": 476, "name": "Katie Wilkins", "followers_count": 151 }, "sender-location": point("44.72,69.13"), "send-time": datetime("2006-11-01T10:10:00.000Z"), "referred-topics": {{ "sprint", "voice-command" }}, "message-text": " like sprint the voice-command is amazing:)" }
-{ "tweetid": 59i64, "user": { "screen-name": "BrianneRamsey$451", "lang": "en", "friends_count": 13, "statuses_count": 69, "name": "Brianne Ramsey", "followers_count": 102 }, "sender-location": point("37.02,80.95"), "send-time": datetime("2007-02-08T10:10:00.000Z"), "referred-topics": {{ "verizon", "network" }}, "message-text": " dislike verizon the network is terrible" }
-{ "tweetid": 60i64, "user": { "screen-name": "RinaHujsak#7", "lang": "en", "friends_count": 69, "statuses_count": 73, "name": "Rina Hujsak", "followers_count": 63 }, "sender-location": point("28.27,73.68"), "send-time": datetime("2009-03-28T10:10:00.000Z"), "referred-topics": {{ "t-mobile", "network" }}, "message-text": " like t-mobile its network is amazing:)" }
-{ "tweetid": 61i64, "user": { "screen-name": "GertieSadley$508", "lang": "en", "friends_count": 35, "statuses_count": 235, "name": "Gertie Sadley", "followers_count": 87 }, "sender-location": point("40.19,86.0"), "send-time": datetime("2006-07-27T10:10:00.000Z"), "referred-topics": {{ "at&t", "reachability" }}, "message-text": " love at&t its reachability is mind-blowing:)" }
-{ "tweetid": 62i64, "user": { "screen-name": "AaronJackson_273", "lang": "en", "friends_count": 98, "statuses_count": 205, "name": "Aaron Jackson", "followers_count": 128 }, "sender-location": point("48.11,85.01"), "send-time": datetime("2011-05-14T10:10:00.000Z"), "referred-topics": {{ "iphone", "voice-command" }}, "message-text": " like iphone the voice-command is awesome:)" }
-{ "tweetid": 63i64, "user": { "screen-name": "CreightonHujsak$142", "lang": "en", "friends_count": 21, "statuses_count": 68, "name": "Creighton Hujsak", "followers_count": 70 }, "sender-location": point("40.55,90.98"), "send-time": datetime("2010-08-15T10:10:00.000Z"), "referred-topics": {{ "samsung", "voicemail-service" }}, "message-text": " love samsung the voicemail-service is amazing" }
-{ "tweetid": 64i64, "user": { "screen-name": "KazukoWilkinson$204", "lang": "en", "friends_count": 51, "statuses_count": 147, "name": "Kazuko Wilkinson", "followers_count": 86 }, "sender-location": point("29.64,94.45"), "send-time": datetime("2008-08-24T10:10:00.000Z"), "referred-topics": {{ "motorola", "speed" }}, "message-text": " love motorola the speed is mind-blowing:)" }
-{ "tweetid": 65i64, "user": { "screen-name": "GonzaloDiegel#186", "lang": "en", "friends_count": 80, "statuses_count": 149, "name": "Gonzalo Diegel", "followers_count": 89 }, "sender-location": point("48.68,83.09"), "send-time": datetime("2008-04-24T10:10:00.000Z"), "referred-topics": {{ "at&t", "voicemail-service" }}, "message-text": " dislike at&t its voicemail-service is horrible:(" }
-{ "tweetid": 66i64, "user": { "screen-name": "KizzyKanaga$317", "lang": "en", "friends_count": 52, "statuses_count": 330, "name": "Kizzy Kanaga", "followers_count": 6 }, "sender-location": point("27.96,90.03"), "send-time": datetime("2009-10-19T10:10:00.000Z"), "referred-topics": {{ "at&t", "touch-screen" }}, "message-text": " like at&t the touch-screen is amazing" }
-{ "tweetid": 67i64, "user": { "screen-name": "CraigTreeby@171", "lang": "en", "friends_count": 72, "statuses_count": 44, "name": "Craig Treeby", "followers_count": 155 }, "sender-location": point("48.99,91.21"), "send-time": datetime("2006-02-14T10:10:00.000Z"), "referred-topics": {{ "samsung", "signal" }}, "message-text": " love samsung the signal is amazing:)" }
-{ "tweetid": 68i64, "user": { "screen-name": "BrionySaltser#395", "lang": "en", "friends_count": 21, "statuses_count": 422, "name": "Briony Saltser", "followers_count": 129 }, "sender-location": point("37.33,67.08"), "send-time": datetime("2006-03-07T10:10:00.000Z"), "referred-topics": {{ "samsung", "shortcut-menu" }}, "message-text": " love samsung its shortcut-menu is amazing:)" }
-{ "tweetid": 69i64, "user": { "screen-name": "MagdaleneWerner$925", "lang": "en", "friends_count": 46, "statuses_count": 446, "name": "Magdalene Werner", "followers_count": 75 }, "sender-location": point("45.77,83.23"), "send-time": datetime("2005-06-09T10:10:00.000Z"), "referred-topics": {{ "iphone", "signal" }}, "message-text": " like iphone the signal is mind-blowing" }
-{ "tweetid": 70i64, "user": { "screen-name": "FlossieBaker$898", "lang": "en", "friends_count": 67, "statuses_count": 63, "name": "Flossie Baker", "followers_count": 50 }, "sender-location": point("44.37,89.4"), "send-time": datetime("2011-07-16T10:10:00.000Z"), "referred-topics": {{ "motorola", "network" }}, "message-text": " like motorola its network is good" }
-{ "tweetid": 71i64, "user": { "screen-name": "GradyGraff$247", "lang": "en", "friends_count": 21, "statuses_count": 58, "name": "Grady Graff", "followers_count": 45 }, "sender-location": point("24.81,67.13"), "send-time": datetime("2012-04-09T10:10:00.000Z"), "referred-topics": {{ "motorola", "reachability" }}, "message-text": " like motorola the reachability is good" }
-{ "tweetid": 72i64, "user": { "screen-name": "MelitaLombardi@324", "lang": "en", "friends_count": 39, "statuses_count": 32, "name": "Melita Lombardi", "followers_count": 167 }, "sender-location": point("24.23,73.03"), "send-time": datetime("2011-02-26T10:10:00.000Z"), "referred-topics": {{ "verizon", "network" }}, "message-text": " hate verizon the network is terrible:(" }
-{ "tweetid": 73i64, "user": { "screen-name": "HerbertPowell_651", "lang": "en", "friends_count": 17, "statuses_count": 57, "name": "Herbert Powell", "followers_count": 167 }, "sender-location": point("47.22,92.69"), "send-time": datetime("2005-01-25T10:10:00.000Z"), "referred-topics": {{ "t-mobile", "customization" }}, "message-text": " love t-mobile its customization is awesome:)" }
-{ "tweetid": 74i64, "user": { "screen-name": "BasilSanborn$23", "lang": "en", "friends_count": 38, "statuses_count": 391, "name": "Basil Sanborn", "followers_count": 108 }, "sender-location": point("30.96,68.0"), "send-time": datetime("2008-12-25T10:10:00.000Z"), "referred-topics": {{ "samsung", "network" }}, "message-text": " can't stand samsung the network is bad" }
-{ "tweetid": 75i64, "user": { "screen-name": "LaurineZoucks$307", "lang": "en", "friends_count": 27, "statuses_count": 161, "name": "Laurine Zoucks", "followers_count": 144 }, "sender-location": point("40.78,91.08"), "send-time": datetime("2009-11-02T10:10:00.000Z"), "referred-topics": {{ "motorola", "customer-service" }}, "message-text": " like motorola the customer-service is amazing" }
-{ "tweetid": 76i64, "user": { "screen-name": "LincolnMarriman@675", "lang": "en", "friends_count": 3, "statuses_count": 389, "name": "Lincoln Marriman", "followers_count": 125 }, "sender-location": point("28.4,83.82"), "send-time": datetime("2006-11-04T10:10:00.000Z"), "referred-topics": {{ "verizon", "customer-service" }}, "message-text": " like verizon the customer-service is mind-blowing" }
-{ "tweetid": 77i64, "user": { "screen-name": "FrancesFinlay#683", "lang": "en", "friends_count": 71, "statuses_count": 174, "name": "Frances Finlay", "followers_count": 32 }, "sender-location": point("29.71,66.36"), "send-time": datetime("2012-04-18T10:10:00.000Z"), "referred-topics": {{ "iphone", "customization" }}, "message-text": " love iphone the customization is awesome" }
-{ "tweetid": 78i64, "user": { "screen-name": "ModestoMarriman_627", "lang": "en", "friends_count": 76, "statuses_count": 2, "name": "Modesto Marriman", "followers_count": 33 }, "sender-location": point("33.77,92.15"), "send-time": datetime("2011-09-26T10:10:00.000Z"), "referred-topics": {{ "samsung", "network" }}, "message-text": " love samsung its network is mind-blowing" }
-{ "tweetid": 79i64, "user": { "screen-name": "FlossieCamp#59", "lang": "en", "friends_count": 17, "statuses_count": 484, "name": "Flossie Camp", "followers_count": 142 }, "sender-location": point("24.67,77.24"), "send-time": datetime("2005-07-03T10:10:00.000Z"), "referred-topics": {{ "iphone", "reachability" }}, "message-text": " like iphone its reachability is awesome:)" }
-{ "tweetid": 80i64, "user": { "screen-name": "DouglasKing@553", "lang": "en", "friends_count": 62, "statuses_count": 251, "name": "Douglas King", "followers_count": 180 }, "sender-location": point("24.84,74.15"), "send-time": datetime("2009-10-09T10:10:00.000Z"), "referred-topics": {{ "sprint", "speed" }}, "message-text": " can't stand sprint the speed is bad:(" }
-{ "tweetid": 81i64, "user": { "screen-name": "WardCasteel@972", "lang": "en", "friends_count": 8, "statuses_count": 358, "name": "Ward Casteel", "followers_count": 51 }, "sender-location": point("41.41,91.32"), "send-time": datetime("2007-05-08T10:10:00.000Z"), "referred-topics": {{ "at&t", "voice-command" }}, "message-text": " can't stand at&t the voice-command is terrible:(" }
-{ "tweetid": 82i64, "user": { "screen-name": "AdelaErskine#579", "lang": "en", "friends_count": 97, "statuses_count": 354, "name": "Adela Erskine", "followers_count": 155 }, "sender-location": point("35.56,68.19"), "send-time": datetime("2009-03-23T10:10:00.000Z"), "referred-topics": {{ "samsung", "touch-screen" }}, "message-text": " hate samsung the touch-screen is bad:(" }
-{ "tweetid": 83i64, "user": { "screen-name": "ClevelandPrevatt#255", "lang": "en", "friends_count": 24, "statuses_count": 159, "name": "Cleveland Prevatt", "followers_count": 68 }, "sender-location": point("38.6,67.51"), "send-time": datetime("2006-10-09T10:10:00.000Z"), "referred-topics": {{ "sprint", "platform" }}, "message-text": " hate sprint its platform is OMG:(" }
-{ "tweetid": 84i64, "user": { "screen-name": "MaxwellTreeby@610", "lang": "en", "friends_count": 21, "statuses_count": 168, "name": "Maxwell Treeby", "followers_count": 138 }, "sender-location": point("38.37,79.64"), "send-time": datetime("2007-07-17T10:10:00.000Z"), "referred-topics": {{ "motorola", "speed" }}, "message-text": " like motorola its speed is mind-blowing" }
-{ "tweetid": 85i64, "user": { "screen-name": "BobbyBastion$235", "lang": "en", "friends_count": 48, "statuses_count": 251, "name": "Bobby Bastion", "followers_count": 123 }, "sender-location": point("45.84,83.03"), "send-time": datetime("2009-03-14T10:10:00.000Z"), "referred-topics": {{ "samsung", "voice-command" }}, "message-text": " love samsung its voice-command is amazing" }
-{ "tweetid": 86i64, "user": { "screen-name": "ClairKanaga$512", "lang": "en", "friends_count": 88, "statuses_count": 274, "name": "Clair Kanaga", "followers_count": 77 }, "sender-location": point("46.34,84.86"), "send-time": datetime("2006-07-15T10:10:00.000Z"), "referred-topics": {{ "samsung", "reachability" }}, "message-text": " love samsung its reachability is mind-blowing:)" }
-{ "tweetid": 87i64, "user": { "screen-name": "HueyLosey_966", "lang": "en", "friends_count": 78, "statuses_count": 32, "name": "Huey Losey", "followers_count": 2 }, "sender-location": point("25.61,78.89"), "send-time": datetime("2011-03-22T10:10:00.000Z"), "referred-topics": {{ "samsung", "reachability" }}, "message-text": " like samsung its reachability is good:)" }
-{ "tweetid": 88i64, "user": { "screen-name": "SooThigpen#463", "lang": "en", "friends_count": 5, "statuses_count": 429, "name": "Soo Thigpen", "followers_count": 18 }, "sender-location": point("34.84,74.43"), "send-time": datetime("2009-03-09T10:10:00.000Z"), "referred-topics": {{ "motorola", "wireless" }}, "message-text": " love motorola the wireless is good:)" }
-{ "tweetid": 89i64, "user": { "screen-name": "LacreshaWire_320", "lang": "en", "friends_count": 92, "statuses_count": 127, "name": "Lacresha Wire", "followers_count": 194 }, "sender-location": point("47.73,86.79"), "send-time": datetime("2007-08-04T10:10:00.000Z"), "referred-topics": {{ "verizon", "wireless" }}, "message-text": " can't stand verizon its wireless is OMG:(" }
-{ "tweetid": 90i64, "user": { "screen-name": "MyriamLambert@966", "lang": "en", "friends_count": 22, "statuses_count": 452, "name": "Myriam Lambert", "followers_count": 193 }, "sender-location": point("41.85,88.44"), "send-time": datetime("2008-12-02T10:10:00.000Z"), "referred-topics": {{ "t-mobile", "plan" }}, "message-text": " hate t-mobile the plan is bad" }
-{ "tweetid": 91i64, "user": { "screen-name": "WoodyWhite@341", "lang": "en", "friends_count": 12, "statuses_count": 183, "name": "Woody White", "followers_count": 31 }, "sender-location": point("29.04,85.35"), "send-time": datetime("2006-02-06T10:10:00.000Z"), "referred-topics": {{ "t-mobile", "network" }}, "message-text": " like t-mobile its network is good" }
-{ "tweetid": 92i64, "user": { "screen-name": "QuinDickinson#157", "lang": "en", "friends_count": 84, "statuses_count": 415, "name": "Quin Dickinson", "followers_count": 9 }, "sender-location": point("40.86,67.52"), "send-time": datetime("2006-01-26T10:10:00.000Z"), "referred-topics": {{ "t-mobile", "signal" }}, "message-text": " can't stand t-mobile the signal is horrible:(" }
-{ "tweetid": 93i64, "user": { "screen-name": "BettieRing@713", "lang": "en", "friends_count": 39, "statuses_count": 373, "name": "Bettie Ring", "followers_count": 98 }, "sender-location": point("26.37,69.03"), "send-time": datetime("2005-10-04T10:10:00.000Z"), "referred-topics": {{ "t-mobile", "reachability" }}, "message-text": " dislike t-mobile the reachability is terrible:(" }
-{ "tweetid": 94i64, "user": { "screen-name": "LinaDraudy_733", "lang": "en", "friends_count": 70, "statuses_count": 228, "name": "Lina Draudy", "followers_count": 9 }, "sender-location": point("39.58,97.38"), "send-time": datetime("2012-03-13T10:10:00.000Z"), "referred-topics": {{ "verizon", "network" }}, "message-text": " like verizon the network is awesome:)" }
-{ "tweetid": 95i64, "user": { "screen-name": "StacyFleming#907", "lang": "en", "friends_count": 37, "statuses_count": 119, "name": "Stacy Fleming", "followers_count": 113 }, "sender-location": point("24.27,94.53"), "send-time": datetime("2007-10-08T10:10:00.000Z"), "referred-topics": {{ "samsung", "platform" }}, "message-text": " love samsung its platform is amazing:)" }
-{ "tweetid": 96i64, "user": { "screen-name": "AmbroseAllshouse_786", "lang": "en", "friends_count": 24, "statuses_count": 299, "name": "Ambrose Allshouse", "followers_count": 23 }, "sender-location": point("34.88,73.05"), "send-time": datetime("2009-01-09T10:10:00.000Z"), "referred-topics": {{ "verizon", "speed" }}, "message-text": " hate verizon the speed is horrible:(" }
-{ "tweetid": 97i64, "user": { "screen-name": "VaughnFocell_20", "lang": "en", "friends_count": 68, "statuses_count": 388, "name": "Vaughn Focell", "followers_count": 171 }, "sender-location": point("34.67,73.46"), "send-time": datetime("2012-01-24T10:10:00.000Z"), "referred-topics": {{ "t-mobile", "customer-service" }}, "message-text": " can't stand t-mobile its customer-service is terrible" }
-{ "tweetid": 98i64, "user": { "screen-name": "UlyssesCrissman#115", "lang": "en", "friends_count": 90, "statuses_count": 250, "name": "Ulysses Crissman", "followers_count": 110 }, "sender-location": point("24.81,93.59"), "send-time": datetime("2008-04-02T10:10:00.000Z"), "referred-topics": {{ "motorola", "customer-service" }}, "message-text": " love motorola its customer-service is awesome" }
-{ "tweetid": 99i64, "user": { "screen-name": "WatCrissman#703", "lang": "en", "friends_count": 50, "statuses_count": 244, "name": "Wat Crissman", "followers_count": 123 }, "sender-location": point("33.22,92.64"), "send-time": datetime("2006-09-15T10:10:00.000Z"), "referred-topics": {{ "motorola", "plan" }}, "message-text": " can't stand motorola the plan is terrible" }
-{ "tweetid": 100i64, "user": { "screen-name": "BambiLaurence$910", "lang": "en", "friends_count": 57, "statuses_count": 311, "name": "Bambi Laurence", "followers_count": 136 }, "sender-location": point("36.88,80.08"), "send-time": datetime("2008-04-26T10:10:00.000Z"), "referred-topics": {{ "sprint", "speed" }}, "message-text": " love sprint its speed is mind-blowing" }
diff --git a/asterixdb/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/feeds/issue_711_feeds/issue_711_feeds.1.adm b/asterixdb/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/feeds/issue_711_feeds/issue_711_feeds.1.adm
deleted file mode 100644
index 2567483..0000000
--- a/asterixdb/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/feeds/issue_711_feeds/issue_711_feeds.1.adm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-{ "id": "nc1:1", "username": "BronsonMike", "location": "", "text": "@GottaLaff @reutersus Christie and obama just foul weather friends", "timestamp": "Thu Dec 06 16:53:06 PST 2012" }
-{ "id": "nc1:100", "username": "KidrauhlProuds", "location": "", "text": "RT @01Direclieber: A filha do Michael Jackson  uma Belieber,a filha do Eminem e uma Belieber,as filhas de Obama sao Beliebers, e a filha do meu pai e Belieber", "timestamp": "Thu Dec 06 16:53:16 PST 2012" }
-{ "id": "nc1:102", "username": "jaysauce82", "location": "", "text": "Not voting for President Obama #BadDecision", "timestamp": "Thu Dec 06 16:53:16 PST 2012" }
-{ "id": "nc1:104", "username": "princeofsupras", "location": "", "text": "RT @01Direclieber: A filha do Michael Jackson e uma Belieber,a filha do Eminem e uma Belieber,as filhas de Obama sao Beliebers, e a filha do meu pai e Belieber", "timestamp": "Thu Dec 06 16:53:15 PST 2012" }
-{ "id": "nc1:106", "username": "GulfDogs", "location": "", "text": "Obama Admin Knew Libyan Terrorists Had US-Provided Weaponsteaparty #tcot #ccot #NewGuards #BreitbartArmy #patriotwttp://", "timestamp": "Thu Dec 06 16:53:14 PST 2012" }
-{ "id": "nc1:108", "username": "Laugzpz", "location": "", "text": "@AlfredoJalife Maestro Obama se hace de la vista gorda, es un acuerdo de siempre creo yo.", "timestamp": "Thu Dec 06 16:53:14 PST 2012" }
-{ "id": "nc1:11", "username": "magarika", "location": "", "text": "RT @ken24xavier: Obama tells SOROS - our plan is ALMOST finished", "timestamp": "Thu Dec 06 16:53:05 PST 2012" }
-{ "id": "nc1:111", "username": "ToucanMall", "location": "", "text": "RT @WorldWar3Watch: Michelle Obama Gets More Grammy Nominations Than Justin ...  #Obama #WW3", "timestamp": "Thu Dec 06 16:53:13 PST 2012" }
-{ "id": "nc1:113", "username": "ToucanMall", "location": "", "text": "RT @ObamaPalooza: Tiffany Shared What $2,000 Meant to Her ... and the President Stopped by to Talk About It #Obama", "timestamp": "Thu Dec 06 16:53:12 PST 2012" }
-{ "id": "nc1:115", "username": "thewildpitch", "location": "", "text": "RT @RevkahJC: Dennis Miller: Obama Should Just Say He Wants To Tax Successful People", "timestamp": "Thu Dec 06 16:53:11 PST 2012" }
-{ "id": "nc1:117", "username": "Rnugent24", "location": "", "text": "RT @ConservativeQuo: unemployment is above 8% again. I wonder how long it will take for Obama to start blaming Bush? 3-2-1 #tcot #antiobama", "timestamp": "Thu Dec 06 16:53:10 PST 2012" }
diff --git a/asterixdb/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/testsuite.xml b/asterixdb/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/testsuite.xml
index 41514f3..b675ece 100644
--- a/asterixdb/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/testsuite.xml
+++ b/asterixdb/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/testsuite.xml
@@ -92,6 +92,11 @@
   <test-group name="feeds">
     <test-case FilePath="feeds">
+      <compilation-unit name="create-policy-from-file">
+        <output-dir compare="Text">create-policy-from-file</output-dir>
+      </compilation-unit>
+    </test-case>
+    <test-case FilePath="feeds">
       <compilation-unit name="change-feed-with-meta-with-mixed-index">
         <output-dir compare="Text">change-feed-with-meta-with-mixed-index</output-dir>
@@ -189,12 +194,6 @@
         <output-dir compare="Text">feeds_07</output-dir>
-    <!-- Fails constantly and not clear what is intended
-    <test-case FilePath="feeds">
-      <compilation-unit name="feeds_06">
-        <output-dir compare="Text">feeds_06</output-dir>
-      </compilation-unit>
-    </test-case> -->
     <test-case FilePath="feeds">
       <compilation-unit name="drop-dataverse-with-disconnected-feed">
         <output-dir compare="Text">drop-dataverse-with-disconnected-feed</output-dir>
@@ -220,13 +219,6 @@
         <output-dir compare="Text">feeds_03</output-dir>
-    <!-- Fails constantly
-    <test-case FilePath="feeds">
-        <compilation-unit name="feeds_04">
-            <output-dir compare="Text">feeds_04</output-dir>
-        </compilation-unit>
-    </test-case>
-    -->
     <test-case FilePath="feeds">
       <compilation-unit name="feeds_08">
         <output-dir compare="Text">feeds_08</output-dir>
@@ -257,11 +249,6 @@
         <output-dir compare="Text">issue_230_feeds</output-dir>
-    <!--<test-case FilePath="feeds">
-      <compilation-unit name="issue_711_feeds">
-        <output-dir compare="Text">issue_711_feeds</output-dir>
-      </compilation-unit>
-    </test-case>-->
   <test-group name="upsert">
     <test-case FilePath="upsert">
diff --git a/asterixdb/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/testsuite_sqlpp.xml b/asterixdb/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/testsuite_sqlpp.xml
index 83c2ef6..99e4935 100644
--- a/asterixdb/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/testsuite_sqlpp.xml
+++ b/asterixdb/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/testsuite_sqlpp.xml
@@ -20,11 +20,7 @@
   <!ENTITY RecordsQueries SYSTEM "queries_sqlpp/records/RecordsQueries.xml">
-             xmlns=""
-             ResultOffsetPath="results"
-             QueryOffsetPath="queries_sqlpp"
-             QueryFileExtension=".sqlpp">
+<test-suite xmlns="" ResultOffsetPath="results" QueryOffsetPath="queries_sqlpp" QueryFileExtension=".sqlpp">
   <test-group name="flwor">
     <test-case FilePath="flwor">
       <compilation-unit name="at00">
@@ -5391,9 +5387,9 @@
       <compilation-unit name="alias_negative">
         <output-dir compare="Text">alias_negative</output-dir>
         <expected-error>Need an alias for the enclosed expression</expected-error>
-        </compilation-unit>
+      </compilation-unit>
-     <test-case FilePath="subquery">
+    <test-case FilePath="subquery">
       <compilation-unit name="relational_division">
         <output-dir compare="Text">relational_division</output-dir>
@@ -6876,81 +6872,61 @@
   <test-group name="feeds">
-    <!--Disable it because of sporadic failures. Raman will re-enable it.
-        <test-case FilePath="feeds">
-            <compilation-unit name="feeds_01">
-                <output-dir compare="Text">feeds_01</output-dir>
-            </compilation-unit>
-        </test-case>
-        <test-case FilePath="feeds">
-            <compilation-unit name="feeds_02">
-                <output-dir compare="Text">feeds_02</output-dir>
-            </compilation-unit>
-        </test-case>
-        <test-case FilePath="feeds">
-            <compilation-unit name="feeds_03">
-                <output-dir compare="Text">feeds_03</output-dir>
-            </compilation-unit>
-        </test-case>
-        <test-case FilePath="feeds">
-            <compilation-unit name="feeds_04">
-                <output-dir compare="Text">feeds_04</output-dir>
-            </compilation-unit>
-        </test-case>
-        <test-case FilePath="feeds">
-          <compilation-unit name="feeds_06">
-            <output-dir compare="Text">feeds_06</output-dir>
-          </compilation-unit>
-        </test-case>
-        <test-case FilePath="feeds">
-            <compilation-unit name="feeds_07">
-                <output-dir compare="Text">feeds_07</output-dir>
-            </compilation-unit>
-        </test-case>
-        <test-case FilePath="feeds">
-            <compilation-unit name="feeds_08">
-                <output-dir compare="Text">feeds_08</output-dir>
-            </compilation-unit>
-        </test-case>
-        <test-case FilePath="feeds">
-            <compilation-unit name="feeds_09">
-                <output-dir compare="Text">feeds_09</output-dir>
-            </compilation-unit>
-        </test-case>
-        <test-case FilePath="feeds">
-            <compilation-unit name="feeds_10">
-                <output-dir compare="Text">feeds_10</output-dir>
-            </compilation-unit>
-        </test-case>
-        <test-case FilePath="feeds">
-            <compilation-unit name="feeds_11">
-                <output-dir compare="Text">feeds_11</output-dir>
-            </compilation-unit>
-        </test-case>
-        <test-case FilePath="feeds">
-            <compilation-unit name="feeds_12">
-                <output-dir compare="Text">feeds_12</output-dir>
-            </compilation-unit>
-        </test-case>
-        <test-case FilePath="feeds">
-            <compilation-unit name="issue_230_feeds">
-                <output-dir compare="Text">issue_230_feeds</output-dir>
-            </compilation-unit>
-        </test-case>
-        <test-case FilePath="feeds">
-            <compilation-unit name="issue_711_feeds">
-                <output-dir compare="Text">issue_711_feeds</output-dir>
-            </compilation-unit>
-        </test-case>
-        -->
+    <test-case FilePath="feeds">
+      <compilation-unit name="feeds_07">
+        <output-dir compare="Text">feeds_07</output-dir>
+      </compilation-unit>
+    </test-case>
+    <test-case FilePath="feeds">
+      <compilation-unit name="feeds_08">
+        <output-dir compare="Text">feeds_08</output-dir>
+      </compilation-unit>
+    </test-case>
+    <test-case FilePath="feeds">
+      <compilation-unit name="feeds_09">
+        <output-dir compare="Text">feeds_09</output-dir>
+      </compilation-unit>
+    </test-case>
+    <test-case FilePath="feeds">
+      <compilation-unit name="create-policy-from-file">
+        <output-dir compare="Text">create-policy-from-file</output-dir>
+      </compilation-unit>
+    </test-case>
+    <test-case FilePath="feeds">
+      <compilation-unit name="feeds_01">
+        <output-dir compare="Text">feeds_01</output-dir>
+      </compilation-unit>
+    </test-case>
+    <test-case FilePath="feeds">
+      <compilation-unit name="feeds_02">
+        <output-dir compare="Text">feeds_02</output-dir>
+      </compilation-unit>
+    </test-case>
+    <test-case FilePath="feeds">
+      <compilation-unit name="feeds_03">
+        <output-dir compare="Text">feeds_03</output-dir>
+      </compilation-unit>
+    </test-case>
+    <test-case FilePath="feeds">
+      <compilation-unit name="feeds_10">
+        <output-dir compare="Text">feeds_10</output-dir>
+      </compilation-unit>
+    </test-case>
+    <test-case FilePath="feeds">
+      <compilation-unit name="feeds_11">
+        <output-dir compare="Text">feeds_11</output-dir>
+      </compilation-unit>
+    </test-case>
+    <test-case FilePath="feeds">
+      <compilation-unit name="feeds_12">
+        <output-dir compare="Text">feeds_12</output-dir>
+      </compilation-unit>
+    </test-case>
+    <test-case FilePath="feeds">
+      <compilation-unit name="issue_230_feeds">
+        <output-dir compare="Text">issue_230_feeds</output-dir>
+      </compilation-unit>
+    </test-case>
   <test-group name="hdfs">
     <test-case FilePath="hdfs">
@@ -7528,31 +7504,26 @@
         <output-dir compare="Text">parse</output-dir>
     <test-case FilePath="binary">
       <compilation-unit name="print">
         <output-dir compare="Text">print</output-dir>
     <test-case FilePath="binary">
       <compilation-unit name="concat">
         <output-dir compare="Text">concat</output-dir>
     <test-case FilePath="binary">
       <compilation-unit name="subbinary">
         <output-dir compare="Text">subbinary</output-dir>
     <test-case FilePath="binary">
       <compilation-unit name="find">
         <output-dir compare="Text">find</output-dir>
     <test-case FilePath="binary">
       <compilation-unit name="insert">
         <output-dir compare="Text">insert</output-dir>
diff --git a/asterixdb/asterix-lang-aql/src/main/javacc/AQL.jj b/asterixdb/asterix-lang-aql/src/main/javacc/AQL.jj
index 0c8a911..172e534 100644
--- a/asterixdb/asterix-lang-aql/src/main/javacc/AQL.jj
+++ b/asterixdb/asterix-lang-aql/src/main/javacc/AQL.jj
@@ -109,6 +109,7 @@
 import org.apache.asterix.lang.common.statement.DropStatement;
 import org.apache.asterix.lang.common.statement.ExternalDetailsDecl;
 import org.apache.asterix.lang.common.statement.FeedDropStatement;
+import org.apache.asterix.lang.common.statement.FeedPolicyDropStatement;
 import org.apache.asterix.lang.common.statement.FunctionDecl;
 import org.apache.asterix.lang.common.statement.FunctionDropStatement;
 import org.apache.asterix.lang.common.statement.IndexDropStatement;
@@ -725,7 +726,7 @@
         cfps = new CreateFeedPolicyStatement(policyName, basePolicyName, properties, definition, ifNotExists);
-     |<PATH> sourcePolicyFile = Identifier() (<DEFINITION> definition = StringLiteral())?
+     |<PATH> sourcePolicyFile = StringLiteral() (<DEFINITION> definition = StringLiteral())?
         cfps = new CreateFeedPolicyStatement(policyName, sourcePolicyFile, definition, ifNotExists);
@@ -885,6 +886,10 @@
         stmt = new FeedDropStatement(pairId.first, pairId.second, ifExists);
+    | <INGESTION> <POLICY> pairId = QualifiedName() ifExists = IfExists()
+      {
+        stmt = new FeedPolicyDropStatement(pairId.first, pairId.second, ifExists);
+      }
     return stmt;
diff --git a/asterixdb/asterix-lang-sqlpp/src/main/javacc/SQLPP.jj b/asterixdb/asterix-lang-sqlpp/src/main/javacc/SQLPP.jj
index 603295a..afc970a 100644
--- a/asterixdb/asterix-lang-sqlpp/src/main/javacc/SQLPP.jj
+++ b/asterixdb/asterix-lang-sqlpp/src/main/javacc/SQLPP.jj
@@ -105,6 +105,7 @@
 import org.apache.asterix.lang.common.statement.DropStatement;
 import org.apache.asterix.lang.common.statement.ExternalDetailsDecl;
 import org.apache.asterix.lang.common.statement.FeedDropStatement;
+import org.apache.asterix.lang.common.statement.FeedPolicyDropStatement;
 import org.apache.asterix.lang.common.statement.FunctionDecl;
 import org.apache.asterix.lang.common.statement.FunctionDropStatement;
 import org.apache.asterix.lang.common.statement.IndexDropStatement;
@@ -738,7 +739,7 @@
         cfps = new CreateFeedPolicyStatement(policyName,
                                    basePolicyName, properties, definition, ifNotExists);
-     | <PATH> sourcePolicyFile = Identifier() (<DEFINITION> definition = ConstantString())?
+     | <PATH> sourcePolicyFile = ConstantString() (<DEFINITION> definition = ConstantString())?
         cfps = new CreateFeedPolicyStatement(policyName, sourcePolicyFile, definition, ifNotExists);
@@ -894,6 +895,10 @@
         stmt = new FeedDropStatement(pairId.first, pairId.second, ifExists);
+    | <INGESTION> <POLICY> pairId = QualifiedName() ifExists = IfExists()
+      {
+        stmt = new FeedPolicyDropStatement(pairId.first, pairId.second, ifExists);
+      }
     return stmt;
diff --git a/asterixdb/asterix-metadata/src/main/java/org/apache/asterix/metadata/utils/ b/asterixdb/asterix-metadata/src/main/java/org/apache/asterix/metadata/utils/
index 5cecd84..f16919d 100644
--- a/asterixdb/asterix-metadata/src/main/java/org/apache/asterix/metadata/utils/
+++ b/asterixdb/asterix-metadata/src/main/java/org/apache/asterix/metadata/utils/
@@ -471,8 +471,8 @@
     public void dropFeedPolicyBegin(String dataverseName, String policyName) {
-        releaseFeedWriteLock(policyName);
-        releaseDataverseReadLock(dataverseName);
+        acquireFeedWriteLock(policyName);
+        acquireDataverseReadLock(dataverseName);
     public void dropFeedPolicyEnd(String dataverseName, String policyName) {