Weird cross-domain behavior work-around - moved example to be with SDK
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/main/resources/sdk/static/js/asterix-sdk-stable.js b/asterix-app/src/main/resources/sdk/static/js/asterix-sdk-stable.js
index b068209..c179b38 100644
--- a/asterix-app/src/main/resources/sdk/static/js/asterix-sdk-stable.js
+++ b/asterix-app/src/main/resources/sdk/static/js/asterix-sdk-stable.js
@@ -1,106 +1,3 @@
-// AsterixSDK
-// Core Object for REST API communication
-// Handles callbacks to client applications, communication to REST API, and
-// endpoint selection. Initializes an RPC consumer object.
-// Usage:
-// var a = new AsterixSDK();
-function AsterixSDK() {
- // Asterix SDK request handler initialization
- // TODO Depending on configuration, may need multiples of these...
- this.xhr = new easyXDM.Rpc({
- remote: "http://localhost:19002/sdk/static/client.html"
- }, {
- remote: {
- post: {}
- }
- });
- // Asterix SDK => send
- // Posts a message containing an API endpoint, json data,
- // and a UI callback function.
- //
- // Usage:
- // var a = AsterixSDK();
- // a.send(
- // http://localhost:19002/XYZ,
- // json
- // );
- myThis = this;
- this.send = function (endpoint, data, extras) {
- this.extras = extras;
- endpoint,
- data,
- this.branch
- );
- };
- // Set callback functions
- this.callbacks = {};
- this.callback = function(fn, mode) {
- if (mode == "sync" || mode == "async") {
- this.callbacks[mode] = fn;
- }
- return this;
- };
- // Set branching method on send
- this.branch = function(response) {
- if (response && response["error-code"]) {
- alert("Error [Code" + response["error-code"][0] + "]: " + response["error-code"][1]);
- } else if (response && response["results"]) {
- var fn_callback = myThis.callbacks["sync"];
- fn_callback(response, myThis.extras);
- } else if (response["handle"]) {
- var fn_callback = myThis.callbacks["async"];
- fn_callback(response, myThis.extras);
- } else if (response["status"]) {
- var fn_callback = myThis.callbacks["sync"];
- fn_callback(response, myThis.extras);
- }
- }
- // Asterix SDK => requestHandler
- // Handlers remote requests to Asterix REST API
- // using the easyXDM RPC protocol
- // Usually should only be called by client side, could be overridden
- // TODO Get rid of jQuery ajax notation in favor of xmlhttprequest pure js
- this.requestHandler = function() {
- var rpc = new easyXDM.Rpc({}, {
- local: {
- post: {
- method: function(url, data, fn, fnError){
- $.ajax({
- type : 'GET',
- url : url,
- data : data,
- dataType : "json",
- success : function(res) {
- fn(res);
- }
- });
- }
- }
- }
- });
- }
// Temporary AsterixExpression Placeholder
function AExpression () {
this._properties = {};
@@ -127,16 +24,37 @@
}; = function() {
- var success_fn = this._success; = function(endpoint, payload, callbacks, extras) {
+ this._extras = extras;
+ this._callbacks = callbacks;
+ myThis = this;
type : 'GET',
- url : "http://localhost:19002/query",
- data : {"query" : this.val()},
+ url : endpoint,
+ data : payload,
dataType : "json",
- success : function(data) {
- success_fn(data);
+ success : function(response) {
+ if (response && response["error-code"]) {
+ alert("Error [Code" + response["error-code"][0] + "]: " + response["error-code"][1]);
+ } else if (response && response["results"]) {
+ var fn_callback = myThis._callbacks["sync"];
+ fn_callback(response, myThis._extras);
+ } else if (response["handle"]) {
+ var fn_callback = myThis._callbacks["async"];
+ fn_callback(response, myThis._extras);
+ } else if (response["status"]) {
+ var fn_callback = myThis._callbacks["sync"];
+ fn_callback(response, myThis._extras);
+ }
@@ -144,6 +62,9 @@
AExpression.prototype.val = function() {
var value = "";