Modifications to Cherry Demo - update syntax
diff --git a/asterix-examples/src/main/resources/cherry/js/cherry.js b/asterix-examples/src/main/resources/cherry/js/cherry.js
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..97625c5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/asterix-examples/src/main/resources/cherry/js/cherry.js
@@ -0,0 +1,953 @@
+$(function() {
+ APIqueryTracker = {};
+ drilldown_data_map = {};
+ drilldown_data_map_vals = {};
+ asyncQueryManager = {};
+ // Review Mode
+ review_mode_tweetbooks = [];
+ review_mode_handles = [];
+ $('#drilldown_modal').modal({ show: false});
+ $('#explore-mode').click( onLaunchExploreMode );
+ $('#review-mode').click( onLaunchReviewMode );
+ /** UI **/
+ map_cells = [];
+ map_tweet_markers = [];
+ param_placeholder = {};
+ $("#clear-button").button().click(function () {
+ mapWidgetClearMap();
+ param_placeholder = {};
+ map.setZoom(4);
+ map.setCenter(new google.maps.LatLng(38.89, -77.03));
+ $('#query-preview-window').html('');
+ $("#metatweetzone").html('');
+ });
+ $("#selection-button").button('toggle');
+ var dialog = $("#dialog").dialog({
+ width: "auto",
+ title: "AQL Query"
+ }).dialog("close");
+ $("#show-query-button")
+ .button()
+ .attr("disabled", true)
+ .click(function (event) {
+ $("#dialog").dialog("open");
+ });
+ // setup grid sliders
+ var updateSliderDisplay = function(event, ui) {
+ if ( == "grid-lat-slider") {
+ $("#gridlat").text(""+ui.value);
+ } else {
+ $("#gridlng").text(""+ui.value);
+ }
+ };
+ sliderOptions = {
+ max: 20,
+ min: .1,
+ step: .1,
+ value: 2.0,
+ slidechange: updateSliderDisplay,
+ slide: updateSliderDisplay,
+ start: updateSliderDisplay,
+ stop: updateSliderDisplay
+ };
+ $("#gridlat").text(""+sliderOptions.value);
+ $("#gridlng").text(""+sliderOptions.value);
+ $(".grid-slider").slider(sliderOptions);
+ // setup datepickers
+ var dateOptions = {
+ dateFormat: "yy-mm-dd",
+ defaultDate: "2012-01-02",
+ navigationAsDateFormat: true,
+ constrainInput: true
+ };
+ var start_dp = $("#start-date").datepicker(dateOptions);
+ start_dp.val(dateOptions.defaultDate);
+ dateOptions['defaultDate'] = "2012-12-31";
+ var end_dp= $("#end-date").datepicker(dateOptions);
+ end_dp.val(dateOptions.defaultDate);
+ // This little bit of code manages period checks of the asynchronous query manager,
+ // which holds onto handles asynchornously received. We can set the handle update
+ // frequency using seconds, and it will let us know when it is ready.
+ var intervalID = setInterval(
+ function() {
+ asynchronousQueryIntervalUpdate();
+ },
+ asynchronousQueryGetInterval()
+ );
+ // setup map
+ onOpenExploreMap();
+ var mapOptions = {
+ center: new google.maps.LatLng(38.89, 77.03),
+ zoom: 4,
+ mapTypeId: google.maps.MapTypeId.ROADMAP, // SATELLITE
+ streetViewControl: false,
+ draggable : false
+ };
+ map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById('map_canvas'), mapOptions);
+ // setup location autocomplete
+ var input = document.getElementById('location-text-box');
+ var autocomplete = new google.maps.places.Autocomplete(input);
+ autocomplete.bindTo('bounds', map);
+ google.maps.event.addListener(autocomplete, 'place_changed', function() {
+ var place = autocomplete.getPlace();
+ if (place.geometry.viewport) {
+ map.fitBounds(place.geometry.viewport);
+ } else {
+ map.setCenter(place.geometry.location);
+ map.setZoom(17); // Why 17? Because it looks good.
+ }
+ var address = '';
+ if (place.address_components) {
+ address = [(place.address_components[0] && place.address_components[0].short_name || ''),
+ (place.address_components[1] && place.address_components[1].short_name || ''),
+ (place.address_components[2] && place.address_components[2].short_name || '') ].join(' ');
+ }
+ });
+ // handle selection rectangle drawing
+ shouldDraw = false;
+ var startLatLng;
+ selectionRect = null;
+ var selectionRadio = $("#selection-button");
+ var firstClick = true;
+ google.maps.event.addListener(map, 'mousedown', function (event) {
+ // only allow drawing if selection is selected
+ if (selectionRadio.hasClass("active")) {
+ startLatLng = event.latLng;
+ shouldDraw = true;
+ }
+ });
+ //triggerUIUpdateOnNewTweetBook({"title" : "Party"});
+ google.maps.event.addListener(map, 'mousemove', drawRect);
+ function drawRect (event) {
+ if (shouldDraw) {
+ if (!selectionRect) {
+ var selectionRectOpts = {
+ bounds: new google.maps.LatLngBounds(startLatLng, event.latLng),
+ map: map,
+ strokeWeight: 1,
+ strokeColor: "2b3f8c",
+ fillColor: "2b3f8c"
+ };
+ selectionRect = new google.maps.Rectangle(selectionRectOpts);
+ google.maps.event.addListener(selectionRect, 'mouseup', function () {
+ shouldDraw = false;
+ //submitQuery();
+ });
+ } else {
+ if (startLatLng.lng() < event.latLng.lng()) {
+ selectionRect.setBounds(new google.maps.LatLngBounds(startLatLng, event.latLng));
+ } else {
+ selectionRect.setBounds(new google.maps.LatLngBounds(event.latLng, startLatLng));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ // toggle location search style: by location or by map selection
+ $('#selection-button').on('click', function (e) {
+ $("#location-text-box").attr("disabled", "disabled");
+ if (selectionRect) {
+ selectionRect.setMap(map);
+ }
+ });
+ $('#location-button').on('click', function (e) {
+ $("#location-text-box").removeAttr("disabled");
+ if (selectionRect) {
+ selectionRect.setMap(null);
+ }
+ });
+ $('.dropdown-menu a.holdmenu').click(function(e) {
+ e.stopPropagation();
+ });
+ $('#new-tweetbook-button').on('click', function (e) {
+ onCreateNewTweetBook($('#new-tweetbook-entry').val());
+ $('#new-tweetbook-entry').val($('#new-tweetbook-entry').attr('placeholder'));
+ });
+ // handle ajax calls
+ $("#submit-button").button().click(function () {
+ // Clear current map on trigger
+ mapWidgetClearMap();
+ // gather all of the data from the inputs
+ var kwterm = $("#keyword-textbox").val();
+ var startdp = $("#start-date").datepicker("getDate");
+ var enddp = $("#end-date").datepicker("getDate");
+ var startdt = $.datepicker.formatDate("yy-mm-dd", startdp)+"T00:00:00Z";
+ var enddt = $.datepicker.formatDate("yy-mm-dd", enddp)+"T23:59:59Z";
+ var formData = {
+ "keyword": kwterm,
+ "startdt": startdt,
+ "enddt": enddt,
+ "gridlat": $("#grid-lat-slider").slider("value"),
+ "gridlng": $("#grid-lng-slider").slider("value")
+ };
+ // Get Map Bounds
+ var bounds;
+ if ($('#selection-button').hasClass("active") && selectionRect) {
+ bounds = selectionRect.getBounds();
+ } else {
+ bounds = map.getBounds();
+ }
+ formData["swLat"] = Math.abs(bounds.getSouthWest().lat());
+ formData["swLng"] = Math.abs(bounds.getSouthWest().lng());
+ formData["neLat"] = Math.abs(bounds.getNorthEast().lat());
+ formData["neLng"] = Math.abs(bounds.getNorthEast().lng());
+ var build_cherry_mode = "synchronous";
+ if ($('#asbox').is(":checked")) {
+ build_cherry_mode = "asynchronous";
+ }
+ // You don't need to run a query to use the API!
+ // It can also be used to generate queries, which can
+ // then be passed into another API call or stored
+ // for a different application purpose.
+ var buildCherryQuery = new AsterixCoreAPI()
+ .aql_for({ "t" : "TweetMessages"})
+ .aql_let({
+ "keyword" : '"' + formData["keyword"] + '"',
+ "region" : new AsterixCoreAPI()
+ .rectangle({
+ "ne" : { "lat" : formData["neLat"], "lng" : formData["neLng"]},
+ "sw" : { "lat" : formData["swLat"], "lng" : formData["swLng"]}
+ }).parameters["statements"]
+ })
+ .aql_where([
+ 'spatial-intersect($t.sender-location, $region)',
+ '$t.send-time > datetime("' + formData["startdt"] + '")',
+ '$t.send-time < datetime("' + formData["enddt"] + '")',
+ 'contains($t.message-text, $keyword)'
+ ])
+ .aql_groupby({
+ "groupby" : "$c := spatial-cell($t.sender-location, create-point(24.5,-125.5), " + formData["gridlat"].toFixed(1) + ", " + formData["gridlng"].toFixed(1) + ")",
+ "with" : "$t"
+ })
+ .aql_return({ "cell" : "$c", "count" : "count($t)" });
+ // Here is an actual API call.
+ var asterixAPICall = new AsterixCoreAPI()
+ .dataverse("twitter")
+ .statements(buildCherryQuery.parameters["statements"])
+ .mode(build_cherry_mode)
+ .success(cherryQuerySyncCallback, true)
+ .success(cherryQueryAsyncCallback, false)
+ .add_extra("payload", formData) // Legacy
+ .add_extra("query_string", buildCherryQuery.parameters["statements"].join(" ")) // Legacy
+ .api_core_query();
+ APIqueryTracker = {
+ "query" : buildCherryQuery.parameters["statements"].join("\n"),
+ "data" : formData
+ };
+ $('#dialog').html(APIqueryTracker["query"]);//.replace("\n", '<br />'));
+ if (!$('#asbox').is(":checked")) {
+ $('#show-query-button').attr("disabled", false);
+ } else {
+ $('#show-query-button').attr("disabled", true);
+ }
+ });
+/** Asynchronous Query Management - Handles & Such **/
+* Checks through each asynchronous query to see if they are ready yet
+function asynchronousQueryIntervalUpdate() {
+ for (var handle_key in asyncQueryManager) {
+ if (!asyncQueryManager[handle_key].hasOwnProperty("ready")) {
+ asynchronousQueryGetAPIQueryStatus( asyncQueryManager[handle_key]["handle"], handle_key );
+ }
+ }
+* Returns current time interval to check for asynchronous query readiness
+* @returns {number} milliseconds between asychronous query checks
+function asynchronousQueryGetInterval() {
+ var seconds = 10;
+ return seconds * 1000;
+* Updates UI when an API Query's status is marked ready
+* @param {Object} res, a result object from the Asterix API
+* @param {object} extra_info, containing the asynchronous handle's id
+function asynchronousQueryAPIStatusReceived (res, extra_info) {
+ var handle_outcome = $.parseJSON(res[0]);
+ var handle_id = extra_info["handle_id"];
+ if (handle_outcome["status"] == "SUCCESS") {
+ // We don't need to check if this one is ready again, it's not going anywhere...
+ // Unless the life cycle of handles has changed drastically
+ asyncQueryManager[handle_id]["ready"] = true;
+ // Make this handle's result look retrievable
+ $('#handle_' + handle_id).addClass("label-success");
+ }
+* Retrieves status of an asynchronous query, using an opaque result handle from API
+* @param {Object} handle, an object previously returned from an async call
+* @param {number} handle_id, the integer ID parsed from the handle object
+function asynchronousQueryGetAPIQueryStatus (handle, handle_id) {
+ var apiQueryStatus = new AsterixCoreAPI()
+ .dataverse("twitter")
+ .handle(handle)
+ .success(asynchronousQueryAPIStatusReceived, true)
+ .add_extra("handle_id", handle_id)
+ .api_core_query_status();
+* On-success callback after async API query
+* @param {object} res, a result object containing an opaque result handle to Asterix
+* @param {object} extra, a result object containing a query string and query parameters
+function cherryQueryAsyncCallback(res, extra) {
+ // Parse handle, handle id and query from async call result
+ var handle = res[0];
+ var handle_query = extra["query_string"];
+ var handle_id = $.parseJSON(handle)["handle"].toString().split(',')[0];
+ // Add to stored map of existing handles
+ asyncQueryManager[handle_id] = {
+ "handle" : handle,
+ "query" : handle_query,
+ "data" : extra["payload"]
+ };
+ $('#review-handles-dropdown').append('<a href="#" class="holdmenu"><span class="label" id="handle_' + handle_id + '">Handle ' + handle_id + '</span></a>');
+ $('#handle_' + handle_id).hover(
+ function(){
+ $('#query-preview-window').html('');
+ $('#query-preview-window').html('<br/><br/>' + asyncQueryManager[handle_id]["query"]);
+ },
+ function() {
+ $('#query-preview-window').html('');
+ }
+ );
+ $('#handle_' + handle_id).on('click', function (e) {
+ // make sure query is ready to be run
+ if (asyncQueryManager[handle_id]["ready"]) {
+ // Update API Query Tracker and view to reflect this query
+ $('#query-preview-window').html('<br/><br/>' + asyncQueryManager[handle_id]["query"]);
+ APIqueryTracker = {
+ "query" : asyncQueryManager[handle_id]["query"],
+ "data" : asyncQueryManager[handle_id]["data"]
+ };
+ $('#dialog').html(APIqueryTracker["query"]);
+ // Generate new Asterix Core API Query
+ var asyncResultQuery = new AsterixCoreAPI()
+ .dataverse("twitter")
+ .handle(asyncQueryManager[handle_id]["handle"])
+ .success(cherryQuerySyncCallback, true)
+ .add_extra("payload", asyncQueryManager[handle_id]["data"]) // Legacy
+ .add_extra("query_string", asyncQueryManager[handle_id]["query"]) // Legacy
+ .api_core_query_result();
+ }
+ });
+/** Core Query Management and Drilldown
+* Utility Method for parsing a record of this form:
+* { "cell": rectangle("22.5,64.5 24.5,66.5"), "count": 5 }
+* returns a json object with keys: weight, latSW, lngSW, latNE, lngNE
+function getRecord(cell_count_record) {
+ var record_representation = {};
+ var rectangle = cell_count_record.split('")')[0].split('("')[1];
+ record_representation["latSW"] = parseFloat(rectangle.split(" ")[0].split(',')[0]);
+ record_representation["lngSW"] = parseFloat(rectangle.split(" ")[0].split(',')[1]);
+ record_representation["latNE"] = parseFloat(rectangle.split(" ")[1].split(',')[0]);
+ record_representation["lngNE"] = parseFloat(rectangle.split(" ")[1].split(',')[1]);
+ record_representation["weight"] = parseInt(cell_count_record.split('count": ')[1].split(" ")[0]);
+ return record_representation;
+* A spatial data cleaning and mapping call
+* @param {Object} res, a result object from a cherry geospatial query
+* @param {Object} extra, extra data passed from the API call - legacy stuff
+function cherryQuerySyncCallback(res, extra) {
+ var response = $.parseJSON(res[0]);
+ records = response["results"];
+ var coordinates = [];
+ var weights = [];
+ for (var subrecord in records) {
+ for (var record in records[subrecord]) {
+ var coordinate = getRecord(records[subrecord][record]);
+ weights.push(coordinate["weight"]);
+ coordinates.push(coordinate);
+ }
+ }
+ triggerUIUpdate(coordinates, extra["payload"], weights);
+* Triggers a map update based on a set of spatial query result cells
+* @param [Array] mapPlotData, an array of coordinate and weight objects
+* @param [Array] params, an object containing original query parameters [LEGACY]
+* @param [Array] plotWeights, a list of weights of the spatial cells - e.g., number of tweets
+function triggerUIUpdate(mapPlotData, params, plotWeights) {
+ /** Clear anything currently on the map **/
+ mapWidgetClearMap();
+ param_placeholder = params;
+ // Compute data point spread
+ var dataBreakpoints = mapWidgetLegendComputeNaturalBreaks(plotWeights);
+ $.each(mapPlotData, function (m, val) {
+ // Only map points in data range of top 4 natural breaks
+ if (mapPlotData[m].weight > dataBreakpoints[0]) {
+ // Get color value of legend
+ var mapColor = mapWidgetLegendGetHeatValue(mapPlotData[m].weight, dataBreakpoints);
+ var markerRadius = mapWidgetComputeCircleRadius(mapPlotData[m], dataBreakpoints);
+ var point_opacity = 1.0; // TODO
+ var point_center = new google.maps.LatLng(
+ (mapPlotData[m].latSW + mapPlotData[m].latNE)/2.0,
+ (mapPlotData[m].lngSW + mapPlotData[m].lngNE)/2.0);
+ // Create and plot marker
+ var map_circle_options = {
+ center: point_center,
+ radius: markerRadius,
+ map: map,
+ fillOpacity: point_opacity,
+ fillColor: mapColor,
+ clickable: true
+ };
+ var map_circle = new google.maps.Circle(map_circle_options);
+ map_circle.val = mapPlotData[m];
+ // Clicking on a circle drills down map to that value
+ google.maps.event.addListener(map_circle, 'click', function (event) {
+ onMapPointDrillDown(map_circle.val);
+ });
+ // Add this marker to global marker cells
+ map_cells.push(map_circle);
+ }
+ });
+ // Add a legend to the map
+ mapControlWidgetAddLegend(dataBreakpoints);
+* prepares an Asterix API query to drill down in a rectangular spatial zone
+* @params {object} marker_borders [LEGACY] a set of bounds for a region from a previous api result
+function onMapPointDrillDown(marker_borders) {
+ var zoneData = APIqueryTracker["data"]; // TODO: Change how this is managed
+ var zswBounds = new google.maps.LatLng(marker_borders.latSW, marker_borders.lngNE);
+ var zneBounds = new google.maps.LatLng(marker_borders.latNE, marker_borders.lngSW);
+ var zoneBounds = new google.maps.LatLngBounds(zswBounds, zneBounds);
+ zoneData["swLat"] = zoneBounds.getSouthWest().lat();
+ zoneData["swLng"] = -1*zoneBounds.getSouthWest().lng();
+ zoneData["neLat"] = zoneBounds.getNorthEast().lat();
+ zoneData["neLng"] = -1*zoneBounds.getNorthEast().lng();
+ mapWidgetClearMap();
+ var customBounds = new google.maps.LatLngBounds();
+ var zoomSWBounds = new google.maps.LatLng(zoneData["swLat"], -1*zoneData["swLng"]);
+ var zoomNEBounds = new google.maps.LatLng(zoneData["neLat"], -1*zoneData["neLng"]);
+ customBounds.extend(zoomSWBounds);
+ customBounds.extend(zoomNEBounds);
+ map.fitBounds(customBounds);
+ var drilldown_string = ["use dataverse " + "twitter" + ";",
+ "for $t in dataset('" + "TweetMessages" + "')",
+ "let $keyword := \"" +zoneData["keyword"] + "\"",
+ "let $region := polygon(\"",
+ zoneData["neLat"] + "," + zoneData["swLng"] + " ",
+ zoneData["swLat"] + "," + zoneData["swLng"] + " ",
+ zoneData["swLat"] + "," + zoneData["neLng"] + " ",
+ zoneData["neLat"] + "," + zoneData["neLng"] + "\")",
+ "where spatial-intersect($t.sender-location, $region) and",
+ "$t.send-time > datetime(\"" + zoneData["startdt"] + "\") and $t.send-time < datetime(\"" + zoneData["enddt"] + "\") and",
+ "contains($t.message-text, $keyword)",
+ "return { \"tweetId\": $t.tweetid, \"tweetText\": $t.message-text, \"tweetLoc\": $t.sender-location}"];
+ var zQ = new AsterixCoreAPI()
+ .dataverse("twitter")
+ .statements(drilldown_string)
+ .add_extra("payload", zoneData) // Legacy
+ .mode("synchronous")
+ .success(onTweetbookQuerySuccessPlot, true)
+ .add_extra("query_string", drilldown_string.join(" "))
+ .add_extra("marker_path", "../img/mobile2.png")
+ .add_extra("on_click_marker", onClickTweetbookMapMarker)
+ .add_extra("on_clean_result", onCleanTweetbookDrilldown)
+ .api_core_query();
+function triggerUIUpdateOnDropTweetBook(extra_info) {
+ // TODO Remove menu entry
+ // review-tweetbook-titles.html('')
+ // Append each in review_mode_tweetbooks if not same as extra_info["title"]
+ // $('#review-tweetbook-titles').append('<li><a href="#">' + extra_info["title"] + '</a></li>');
+function onDrillDownAtLocation(tO) {
+ $('#drilldown_modal_body').append('<div id="drilltweetobj' + tO["tweetEntryId"] + '"></div>');
+ $('#drilltweetobj' + tO["tweetEntryId"]).append('<p>' + tO["tweetText"] + '</p>');
+ $('#drilltweetobj' + tO["tweetEntryId"]).append('<input class="textbox" type="text" id="metacomment' + tO["tweetEntryId"] + '">');
+ if (tO.hasOwnProperty("tweetbookComment")) {
+ $('#metacomment' + tO["tweetEntryId"]).val(tO["tweetbookComment"]);
+ }
+ $('#drilltweetobj' + tO["tweetEntryId"]).append('<button title="' + tO["tweetEntryId"] + '" id="meta' + tO["tweetEntryId"] + '">Add Comment to...</button>');
+ $('#drilltweetobj' + tO["tweetEntryId"]).append('<input class="textbox" type="text" id="tweetbooktarget' + tO["tweetEntryId"] + '">');
+ $('#meta' + tO["tweetEntryId"])
+ .button()
+ .click( function () {
+ var valid = $('#meta' + tO["tweetEntryId"]).attr('title');
+ var valcomment = $("#metacomment" + valid).val();
+ var valtext = drilldown_data_map_vals[valid.toString()]["tweetText"];
+ var tweetbookname = $("#tweetbooktarget" + valid).val();
+ //Try to add the tweetbook, if it does not already exist
+ onCreateNewTweetBook(tweetbookname);
+ var apiCall = new AsterixCoreAPI()
+ .dataverse("twitter")
+ .statements([
+ 'delete $l from dataset ' + tweetbookname + ' where $ = "' + valid + '";',
+ 'insert into dataset ' + tweetbookname + '({ "id" : "' + valid + '", "metacomment" : "' + valcomment + '"});'
+ ])
+ .api_core_update();
+ });
+function onCreateNewTweetBook(tweetbook_title) {
+ var newTweetbookAPICall = new AsterixCoreAPI()
+ .dataverse("twitter")
+ .create_dataset({
+ "dataset" : tweetbook_title,
+ "type" : "MetaTweet",
+ "primary_key" : "id"
+ })
+ .add_extra("title", tweetbook_title)
+ .success(triggerUIUpdateOnNewTweetBook, true)
+ .api_core_update();
+ // Possible bug...ERROR 1: Invalid statement: Non-DDL statement DATASET_DECL to the DDL API.
+ /*var removeTest = new AsterixCoreAPI()
+ .dataverse("twitter")
+ .drop_dataset("blah")
+ .api_core_update(); */
+function onDropTweetBook(tweetbook_title) {
+ var removeTest = new AsterixCoreAPI()
+ .dataverse("twitter")
+ .drop_dataset(tweetbook_title)
+ .success(triggerUIUpdateOnDropTweetBook, true)
+ .api_core_update();
+function onTweetbookQuerySuccessPlot (res, extra) {
+ var response = $.parseJSON(res[0]);
+ var records = response["results"];
+ var coordinates = [];
+ map_tweet_markers = [];
+ map_tweet_overlays = [];
+ drilldown_data_map = {};
+ drilldown_data_map_vals = {};
+ var micon = extra["marker_path"];
+ var marker_click_function = extra["on_click_marker"];
+ var clean_result_function = extra["on_clean_result"];
+ coordinates = clean_result_function(records);
+ for (var dm in coordinates) {
+ var keyLat = coordinates[dm].tweetLat.toString();
+ var keyLng = coordinates[dm].tweetLng.toString();
+ if (!drilldown_data_map.hasOwnProperty(keyLat)) {
+ drilldown_data_map[keyLat] = {};
+ }
+ if (!drilldown_data_map[keyLat].hasOwnProperty(keyLng)) {
+ drilldown_data_map[keyLat][keyLng] = [];
+ }
+ drilldown_data_map[keyLat][keyLng].push(coordinates[dm]);
+ drilldown_data_map_vals[coordinates[dm].tweetEntryId.toString()] = coordinates[dm];
+ }
+ $.each(drilldown_data_map, function(drillKeyLat, valuesAtLat) {
+ $.each(drilldown_data_map[drillKeyLat], function (drillKeyLng, valueAtLng) {
+ // Get subset of drilldown position on map
+ var cposition = new google.maps.LatLng(parseFloat(drillKeyLat), parseFloat(drillKeyLng));
+ // Create a marker using the snazzy phone icon
+ var map_tweet_m = new google.maps.Marker({
+ position: cposition,
+ map: map,
+ icon: micon,
+ clickable: true,
+ });
+ // Open Tweet exploration window on click
+ google.maps.event.addListener(map_tweet_m, 'click', function (event) {
+ marker_click_function(drilldown_data_map[drillKeyLat][drillKeyLng]);
+ });
+ // Add marker to index of tweets
+ map_tweet_markers.push(map_tweet_m);
+ });
+ });
+function triggerUIUpdateOnNewTweetBook(extra_info) {
+ // Add tweetbook to log
+ if (parseInt($.inArray(extra_info["title"], review_mode_tweetbooks)) == -1) {
+ review_mode_tweetbooks.push(extra_info["title"]);
+ // Add menu entry
+ $('#review-tweetbook-titles').append('<li><a href="#"><span id="tbook_' + extra_info["title"] + '">' + extra_info["title"] + '</span></a></li>');
+ // Add on-click behavior
+ $("#tbook_" + extra_info["title"]).on('click', function(e) {
+ var plotTweetbookQuery = new AsterixCoreAPI()
+ .dataverse("twitter")
+ .success(onTweetbookQuerySuccessPlot, true)
+ .aql_for({"mt": extra_info["title"]})
+ .aql_where(["int64($ = 0"])
+ .aql_return({ "id" : "$", "location" : "$mt.loc", "comment" : "$mt.metacomment", "tweet" : "$mt.tweet" })
+ .add_extra("tweetbook_title", extra_info["title"])
+ .add_extra("marker_path", "../img/mobile_green2.png")
+ .add_extra("on_click_marker", onClickTweetbookMapMarker)
+ .add_extra("on_clean_result", onCleanPlotTweetbook)
+ .api_core_query();
+ });
+ }
+function onCleanPlotTweetbook(records) {
+ var toPlot = [];
+ for (var subrecords = 0; subrecords < records.length; subrecords++) {
+ for (var record in records[subrecords]) {
+ var tweetbook_element = {
+ "tweetEntryId" : parseInt(records[subrecords][record].split(",")[0].split(":")[1].split('"')[1]),
+ "tweetLat" : parseFloat(records[subrecords][record].split("location\": point(\"")[1].split(",")[0]),
+ "tweetLng" : -1*parseFloat(records[subrecords][record].split("location\": point(\"")[1].split(",")[1].split("\"")[0]),
+ "tweetText" : records[subrecords][record].split("tweet\": \"")[1].split("\"")[0],
+ "tweetbookComment" : records[subrecords][record].split("comment\": \"")[1].split("\", \"tweet\":")[0]
+ };
+ toPlot.push(tweetbook_element);
+ }
+ }
+ return toPlot;
+function onCleanTweetbookDrilldown (rec) {
+ var drilldown_cleaned = [];
+ for (var subresult = 0; subresult < rec.length; subresult++) {
+ for (var entry in rec[subresult]) {
+ var drill_element = {
+ "tweetEntryId" : parseInt(rec[subresult][entry].split(",")[0].split(":")[1].split('"')[1]),
+ "tweetText" : rec[subresult][entry].split("tweetText\": \"")[1].split("\", \"tweetLoc\":")[0],
+ "tweetLat" : parseFloat(rec[subresult][entry].split("tweetLoc\": point(\"")[1].split(",")[0]),
+ "tweetLng" : -1*parseFloat(rec[subresult][entry].split("tweetLoc\": point(\"")[1].split(",")[1].split("\"")[0])
+ };
+ drilldown_cleaned.push(drill_element);
+ }
+ }
+ return drilldown_cleaned;
+function onClickTweetbookMapMarker(tweet_arr) {
+ $('#drilldown_modal_body').html('');
+ // Clear existing display
+ $.each(tweet_arr, function (t, valueT) {
+ var tweet_obj = tweet_arr[t];
+ onDrillDownAtLocation(tweet_obj);
+ });
+ $('#drilldown_modal').modal('show');
+/** Toggling Review and Explore Modes **/
+* Explore mode: Initial map creation and screen alignment
+function onOpenExploreMap () {
+ var explore_column_height = $('#explore-well').height();
+ $('#map_canvas').height(explore_column_height + "px");
+ $('#review-well').height(explore_column_height + "px");
+ $('#review-well').css('max-height', explore_column_height + "px");
+ var pad = $('#review-well').innerHeight() - $('#review-well').height();
+ var prev_window_target = $('#review-well').height() - 20 - $('#group-tweetbooks').innerHeight() - $('#group-background-query').innerHeight() - 2*pad;
+ $('#query-preview-window').height(prev_window_target +'px');
+* Launching explore mode: clear windows/variables, show correct sidebar
+function onLaunchExploreMode() {
+ $('#review-active').removeClass('active');
+ $('#review-well').hide();
+ $('#explore-active').addClass('active');
+ $('#explore-well').show();
+ $("#clear-button").trigger("click");
+* Launching review mode: clear windows/variables, show correct sidebar
+function onLaunchReviewMode() {
+ $('#explore-active').removeClass('active');
+ $('#explore-well').hide();
+ $('#review-active').addClass('active');
+ $('#review-well').show();
+ $("#clear-button").trigger("click");
+/** Map Widget Utility Methods **/
+* Plots a legend onto the map, with values in progress bars
+* @param {number Array} breakpoints, an array of numbers representing natural breakpoints
+function mapControlWidgetAddLegend(breakpoints) {
+ // Retriever colors, lightest to darkest
+ var colors = mapWidgetGetColorPalette();
+ // Initial div structure
+ $("#map_canvas_legend").html('<div id="legend-holder"><div id="legend-progress-bar" class="progress"></div><span id="legend-label"></span></div>');
+ // Add color scale to legend
+ $('#legend-progress-bar').css("width", "200px").html('');
+ // Add a progress bar for each color
+ for (var color in colors) {
+ // Bar values
+ var upperBound = breakpoints[parseInt(color) + 1];
+ // Create Progress Bar
+ $('<div/>')
+ .attr("class", "bar")
+ .attr("id", "pbar" + color)
+ .css("width" , '25.0%')
+ .html("< " + upperBound)
+ .appendTo('#legend-progress-bar');
+ $('#pbar' + color).css({
+ "background-image" : 'none',
+ "background-color" : colors[parseInt(color)]
+ });
+ // Attach a message showing minimum bounds
+ $('#legend-label').html('Regions with at least ' + breakpoints[0] + ' tweets');
+ $('#legend-label').css({
+ "color" : "black"
+ });
+ }
+ // Add legend to map
+ map.controls[google.maps.ControlPosition.RIGHT_BOTTOM].push(document.getElementById('legend-holder'));
+ $('#map_canvas_legend').show();
+* Clears map elements - legend, plotted items, overlays
+function mapWidgetClearMap() {
+ if (selectionRect) {
+ selectionRect.setMap(null);
+ selectionRect = null;
+ }
+ for (c in map_cells) {
+ map_cells[c].setMap(null);
+ }
+ map_cells = [];
+ for (m in map_tweet_markers) {
+ map_tweet_markers[m].setMap(null);
+ }
+ map_tweet_markers = [];
+ // Remove legend from map
+ map.controls[google.maps.ControlPosition.RIGHT_BOTTOM].clear();
+* Uses jenks algorithm in geostats library to find natural breaks in numeric data
+* @param {number Array} weights of points to plot
+* @returns {number Array} array of natural breakpoints, of which the top 4 subsets will be plotted
+function mapWidgetLegendComputeNaturalBreaks(weights) {
+ var plotDataWeights = new geostats(weights.sort());
+ return plotDataWeights.getJenks(6).slice(2, 7);
+* Computes values for map legend given a value and an array of jenks breakpoints
+* @param {number} weight of point to plot on map
+* @param {number Array} breakpoints, an array of 5 points corresponding to bounds of 4 natural ranges
+* @returns {String} an RGB value corresponding to a subset of data
+function mapWidgetLegendGetHeatValue(weight, breakpoints) {
+ // Determine into which range the weight falls
+ var weightColor = 0;
+ if (weight >= breakpoints[3]) {
+ weightColor = 3;
+ } else if (weight >= breakpoints[2]) {
+ weightColor = 2;
+ } else if (weight >= breakpoints[1]) {
+ weightColor = 1;
+ }
+ // Get default map color palette
+ var colorValues = mapWidgetGetColorPalette();
+ return colorValues[weightColor];
+* Returns an array containing a 4-color palette, lightest to darkest
+* External palette source:
+* @returns {Array} [colors]
+function mapWidgetGetColorPalette() {
+ return [
+ "rgb(115,189,158)",
+ "rgb(74,142,145)",
+ "rgb(19,93,96)",
+ "rgb(7,51,46)"
+ ];
+* Computes radius for a given data point from a spatial cell
+* @param {Object} keys => ["latSW" "lngSW" "latNE" "lngNE" "weight"]
+* @returns {number} radius between 2 points in metres
+function mapWidgetComputeCircleRadius(spatialCell, breakpoints) {
+ var weight = spatialCell.weight;
+ // Compute weight color
+ var weightColor = 0.25;
+ if (weight >= breakpoints[3]) {
+ weightColor = 1.0;
+ } else if (weight >= breakpoints[2]) {
+ weightColor = 0.75;
+ } else if (weight >= breakpoints[1]) {
+ weightColor = 0.5;
+ }
+ // Define Boundary Points
+ var point_center = new google.maps.LatLng((spatialCell.latSW + spatialCell.latNE)/2.0, (spatialCell.lngSW + spatialCell.lngNE)/2.0);
+ var point_left = new google.maps.LatLng((spatialCell.latSW + spatialCell.latNE)/2.0, spatialCell.lngSW);
+ var point_top = new google.maps.LatLng(spatialCell.latNE, (spatialCell.lngSW + spatialCell.lngNE)/2.0);
+ // TODO not actually a weight color :)
+ return weightColor * 1000 * Math.min(distanceBetweenPoints_(point_center, point_left), distanceBetweenPoints_(point_center, point_top));
+/** External Utility Methods **/
+ * Calculates the distance between two latlng locations in km.
+ * @see
+ *
+ * @param {google.maps.LatLng} p1 The first lat lng point.
+ * @param {google.maps.LatLng} p2 The second lat lng point.
+ * @return {number} The distance between the two points in km.
+ * @private
+function distanceBetweenPoints_(p1, p2) {
+ if (!p1 || !p2) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ var R = 6371; // Radius of the Earth in km
+ var dLat = ( - * Math.PI / 180;
+ var dLon = (p2.lng() - p1.lng()) * Math.PI / 180;
+ var a = Math.sin(dLat / 2) * Math.sin(dLat / 2) +
+ Math.cos( * Math.PI / 180) * Math.cos( * Math.PI / 180) *
+ Math.sin(dLon / 2) * Math.sin(dLon / 2);
+ var c = 2 * Math.atan2(Math.sqrt(a), Math.sqrt(1 - a));
+ var d = R * c;
+ return d;