Fix a merge issue with the file.
The issue actually arose due to formatting changes.
git-svn-id: eaa15691-b419-025a-1212-ee371bd00084
diff --git a/asterix-runtime/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/runtime/formats/ b/asterix-runtime/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/runtime/formats/
index 5db5252..f12ea91 100644
--- a/asterix-runtime/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/runtime/formats/
+++ b/asterix-runtime/src/main/java/edu/uci/ics/asterix/runtime/formats/
@@ -266,58 +266,51 @@
public class NonTaggedDataFormat implements IDataFormat {
- private static boolean registered = false;
+ private static boolean registered = false;
- public static final NonTaggedDataFormat INSTANCE = new NonTaggedDataFormat();
+ public static final NonTaggedDataFormat INSTANCE = new NonTaggedDataFormat();
- private static LogicalVariable METADATA_DUMMY_VAR = new LogicalVariable(-1);
+ private static LogicalVariable METADATA_DUMMY_VAR = new LogicalVariable(-1);
- private static final HashMap<ATypeTag, IValueParserFactory> typeToValueParserFactMap = new HashMap<ATypeTag, IValueParserFactory>();
+ private static final HashMap<ATypeTag, IValueParserFactory> typeToValueParserFactMap = new HashMap<ATypeTag, IValueParserFactory>();
- public static final String NON_TAGGED_DATA_FORMAT = "edu.uci.ics.asterix.runtime.formats.NonTaggedDataFormat";
+ public static final String NON_TAGGED_DATA_FORMAT = "edu.uci.ics.asterix.runtime.formats.NonTaggedDataFormat";
- static {
- typeToValueParserFactMap.put(ATypeTag.INT32,
- IntegerParserFactory.INSTANCE);
- typeToValueParserFactMap.put(ATypeTag.FLOAT,
- FloatParserFactory.INSTANCE);
- typeToValueParserFactMap.put(ATypeTag.DOUBLE,
- DoubleParserFactory.INSTANCE);
- typeToValueParserFactMap
- .put(ATypeTag.INT64, LongParserFactory.INSTANCE);
- typeToValueParserFactMap.put(ATypeTag.STRING,
- UTF8StringParserFactory.INSTANCE);
- }
+ static {
+ typeToValueParserFactMap.put(ATypeTag.INT32, IntegerParserFactory.INSTANCE);
+ typeToValueParserFactMap.put(ATypeTag.FLOAT, FloatParserFactory.INSTANCE);
+ typeToValueParserFactMap.put(ATypeTag.DOUBLE, DoubleParserFactory.INSTANCE);
+ typeToValueParserFactMap.put(ATypeTag.INT64, LongParserFactory.INSTANCE);
+ typeToValueParserFactMap.put(ATypeTag.STRING, UTF8StringParserFactory.INSTANCE);
+ }
- public NonTaggedDataFormat() {
- }
+ public NonTaggedDataFormat() {
+ }
- public void registerRuntimeFunctions() throws AlgebricksException {
+ public void registerRuntimeFunctions() throws AlgebricksException {
- if (registered) {
- return;
- }
- registered = true;
+ if (registered) {
+ return;
+ }
+ registered = true;
- if (FunctionManagerHolder.getFunctionManager() != null) {
- return;
- }
+ if (FunctionManagerHolder.getFunctionManager() != null) {
+ return;
+ }
- List<IFunctionDescriptorFactory> temp = new ArrayList<IFunctionDescriptorFactory>();
+ List<IFunctionDescriptorFactory> temp = new ArrayList<IFunctionDescriptorFactory>();
- // format-independent
- temp.add(ContainsDescriptor.FACTORY);
- temp.add(EndsWithDescriptor.FACTORY);
- temp.add(StartsWithDescriptor.FACTORY);
- temp.add(SubstringDescriptor.FACTORY);
- temp.add(TidRunningAggregateDescriptor.FACTORY);
+ // format-independent
+ temp.add(ContainsDescriptor.FACTORY);
+ temp.add(EndsWithDescriptor.FACTORY);
+ temp.add(StartsWithDescriptor.FACTORY);
+ temp.add(SubstringDescriptor.FACTORY);
+ temp.add(TidRunningAggregateDescriptor.FACTORY);
// format-dependent
- temp.add(YearDescriptor.FACTORY);
@@ -330,138 +323,138 @@
- temp.add(NumericAddDescriptor.FACTORY);
- temp.add(NumericDivideDescriptor.FACTORY);
- temp.add(NumericMultiplyDescriptor.FACTORY);
- temp.add(NumericSubtractDescriptor.FACTORY);
- temp.add(NumericModuloDescriptor.FACTORY);
- temp.add(IsNullDescriptor.FACTORY);
- temp.add(NotDescriptor.FACTORY);
- temp.add(LenDescriptor.FACTORY);
- temp.add(EmptyStreamAggregateDescriptor.FACTORY);
- temp.add(NonEmptyStreamAggregateDescriptor.FACTORY);
- temp.add(RangeDescriptor.FACTORY);
+ temp.add(NumericAddDescriptor.FACTORY);
+ temp.add(NumericDivideDescriptor.FACTORY);
+ temp.add(NumericMultiplyDescriptor.FACTORY);
+ temp.add(NumericSubtractDescriptor.FACTORY);
+ temp.add(NumericModuloDescriptor.FACTORY);
+ temp.add(IsNullDescriptor.FACTORY);
+ temp.add(NotDescriptor.FACTORY);
+ temp.add(LenDescriptor.FACTORY);
+ temp.add(EmptyStreamAggregateDescriptor.FACTORY);
+ temp.add(NonEmptyStreamAggregateDescriptor.FACTORY);
+ temp.add(RangeDescriptor.FACTORY);
- temp.add(NumericAbsDescriptor.FACTORY);
- temp.add(NumericCeilingDescriptor.FACTORY);
- temp.add(NumericFloorDescriptor.FACTORY);
- temp.add(NumericRoundDescriptor.FACTORY);
- temp.add(NumericRoundHalfToEvenDescriptor.FACTORY);
- temp.add(NumericRoundHalfToEven2Descriptor.FACTORY);
- // String functions
- temp.add(StringEqualDescriptor.FACTORY);
- temp.add(StringStartWithDescrtiptor.FACTORY);
- temp.add(StringEndWithDescrtiptor.FACTORY);
- temp.add(StringMatchesDescriptor.FACTORY);
- temp.add(StringLowerCaseDescriptor.FACTORY);
- temp.add(StringMatchesWithFlagDescriptor.FACTORY);
- temp.add(StringReplaceDescriptor.FACTORY);
- temp.add(StringReplaceWithFlagsDescriptor.FACTORY);
- temp.add(StringLengthDescriptor.FACTORY);
- temp.add(Substring2Descriptor.FACTORY);
- temp.add(SubstringBeforeDescriptor.FACTORY);
- temp.add(SubstringAfterDescriptor.FACTORY);
- temp.add(StringToCodePointDescriptor.FACTORY);
- temp.add(CodePointToStringDescriptor.FACTORY);
- temp.add(StringConcatDescriptor.FACTORY);
- temp.add(StringJoinDescriptor.FACTORY);
+ temp.add(NumericAbsDescriptor.FACTORY);
+ temp.add(NumericCeilingDescriptor.FACTORY);
+ temp.add(NumericFloorDescriptor.FACTORY);
+ temp.add(NumericRoundDescriptor.FACTORY);
+ temp.add(NumericRoundHalfToEvenDescriptor.FACTORY);
+ temp.add(NumericRoundHalfToEven2Descriptor.FACTORY);
+ // String functions
+ temp.add(StringEqualDescriptor.FACTORY);
+ temp.add(StringStartWithDescrtiptor.FACTORY);
+ temp.add(StringEndWithDescrtiptor.FACTORY);
+ temp.add(StringMatchesDescriptor.FACTORY);
+ temp.add(StringLowerCaseDescriptor.FACTORY);
+ temp.add(StringMatchesWithFlagDescriptor.FACTORY);
+ temp.add(StringReplaceDescriptor.FACTORY);
+ temp.add(StringReplaceWithFlagsDescriptor.FACTORY);
+ temp.add(StringLengthDescriptor.FACTORY);
+ temp.add(Substring2Descriptor.FACTORY);
+ temp.add(SubstringBeforeDescriptor.FACTORY);
+ temp.add(SubstringAfterDescriptor.FACTORY);
+ temp.add(StringToCodePointDescriptor.FACTORY);
+ temp.add(CodePointToStringDescriptor.FACTORY);
+ temp.add(StringConcatDescriptor.FACTORY);
+ temp.add(StringJoinDescriptor.FACTORY);
- // aggregates
- temp.add(ListifyAggregateDescriptor.FACTORY);
- temp.add(CountAggregateDescriptor.FACTORY);
- temp.add(AvgAggregateDescriptor.FACTORY);
- temp.add(LocalAvgAggregateDescriptor.FACTORY);
- temp.add(GlobalAvgAggregateDescriptor.FACTORY);
- temp.add(SumAggregateDescriptor.FACTORY);
- temp.add(LocalSumAggregateDescriptor.FACTORY);
- temp.add(MaxAggregateDescriptor.FACTORY);
- temp.add(LocalMaxAggregateDescriptor.FACTORY);
- temp.add(MinAggregateDescriptor.FACTORY);
- temp.add(LocalMinAggregateDescriptor.FACTORY);
+ // aggregates
+ temp.add(ListifyAggregateDescriptor.FACTORY);
+ temp.add(CountAggregateDescriptor.FACTORY);
+ temp.add(AvgAggregateDescriptor.FACTORY);
+ temp.add(LocalAvgAggregateDescriptor.FACTORY);
+ temp.add(GlobalAvgAggregateDescriptor.FACTORY);
+ temp.add(SumAggregateDescriptor.FACTORY);
+ temp.add(LocalSumAggregateDescriptor.FACTORY);
+ temp.add(MaxAggregateDescriptor.FACTORY);
+ temp.add(LocalMaxAggregateDescriptor.FACTORY);
+ temp.add(MinAggregateDescriptor.FACTORY);
+ temp.add(LocalMinAggregateDescriptor.FACTORY);
- // serializable aggregates
- temp.add(SerializableCountAggregateDescriptor.FACTORY);
- temp.add(SerializableAvgAggregateDescriptor.FACTORY);
- temp.add(SerializableLocalAvgAggregateDescriptor.FACTORY);
- temp.add(SerializableGlobalAvgAggregateDescriptor.FACTORY);
- temp.add(SerializableSumAggregateDescriptor.FACTORY);
- temp.add(SerializableLocalSumAggregateDescriptor.FACTORY);
+ // serializable aggregates
+ temp.add(SerializableCountAggregateDescriptor.FACTORY);
+ temp.add(SerializableAvgAggregateDescriptor.FACTORY);
+ temp.add(SerializableLocalAvgAggregateDescriptor.FACTORY);
+ temp.add(SerializableGlobalAvgAggregateDescriptor.FACTORY);
+ temp.add(SerializableSumAggregateDescriptor.FACTORY);
+ temp.add(SerializableLocalSumAggregateDescriptor.FACTORY);
- // scalar aggregates
- temp.add(ScalarCountAggregateDescriptor.FACTORY);
- temp.add(ScalarAvgAggregateDescriptor.FACTORY);
- temp.add(ScalarSumAggregateDescriptor.FACTORY);
- temp.add(ScalarMaxAggregateDescriptor.FACTORY);
- temp.add(ScalarMinAggregateDescriptor.FACTORY);
+ // scalar aggregates
+ temp.add(ScalarCountAggregateDescriptor.FACTORY);
+ temp.add(ScalarAvgAggregateDescriptor.FACTORY);
+ temp.add(ScalarSumAggregateDescriptor.FACTORY);
+ temp.add(ScalarMaxAggregateDescriptor.FACTORY);
+ temp.add(ScalarMinAggregateDescriptor.FACTORY);
- // new functions - constructors
- temp.add(ABooleanConstructorDescriptor.FACTORY);
- temp.add(ANullConstructorDescriptor.FACTORY);
- temp.add(AStringConstructorDescriptor.FACTORY);
- temp.add(AInt8ConstructorDescriptor.FACTORY);
- temp.add(AInt16ConstructorDescriptor.FACTORY);
- temp.add(AInt32ConstructorDescriptor.FACTORY);
- temp.add(AInt64ConstructorDescriptor.FACTORY);
- temp.add(AFloatConstructorDescriptor.FACTORY);
- temp.add(ADoubleConstructorDescriptor.FACTORY);
- temp.add(APointConstructorDescriptor.FACTORY);
- temp.add(APoint3DConstructorDescriptor.FACTORY);
- temp.add(ALineConstructorDescriptor.FACTORY);
- temp.add(APolygonConstructorDescriptor.FACTORY);
- temp.add(ACircleConstructorDescriptor.FACTORY);
- temp.add(ARectangleConstructorDescriptor.FACTORY);
- temp.add(ATimeConstructorDescriptor.FACTORY);
- temp.add(ADateConstructorDescriptor.FACTORY);
- temp.add(ADateTimeConstructorDescriptor.FACTORY);
- temp.add(ADurationConstructorDescriptor.FACTORY);
+ // new functions - constructors
+ temp.add(ABooleanConstructorDescriptor.FACTORY);
+ temp.add(ANullConstructorDescriptor.FACTORY);
+ temp.add(AStringConstructorDescriptor.FACTORY);
+ temp.add(AInt8ConstructorDescriptor.FACTORY);
+ temp.add(AInt16ConstructorDescriptor.FACTORY);
+ temp.add(AInt32ConstructorDescriptor.FACTORY);
+ temp.add(AInt64ConstructorDescriptor.FACTORY);
+ temp.add(AFloatConstructorDescriptor.FACTORY);
+ temp.add(ADoubleConstructorDescriptor.FACTORY);
+ temp.add(APointConstructorDescriptor.FACTORY);
+ temp.add(APoint3DConstructorDescriptor.FACTORY);
+ temp.add(ALineConstructorDescriptor.FACTORY);
+ temp.add(APolygonConstructorDescriptor.FACTORY);
+ temp.add(ACircleConstructorDescriptor.FACTORY);
+ temp.add(ARectangleConstructorDescriptor.FACTORY);
+ temp.add(ATimeConstructorDescriptor.FACTORY);
+ temp.add(ADateConstructorDescriptor.FACTORY);
+ temp.add(ADateTimeConstructorDescriptor.FACTORY);
+ temp.add(ADurationConstructorDescriptor.FACTORY);
- // Spatial
- temp.add(CreatePointDescriptor.FACTORY);
- temp.add(CreateLineDescriptor.FACTORY);
- temp.add(CreatePolygonDescriptor.FACTORY);
- temp.add(CreateCircleDescriptor.FACTORY);
- temp.add(CreateRectangleDescriptor.FACTORY);
- temp.add(SpatialAreaDescriptor.FACTORY);
- temp.add(SpatialDistanceDescriptor.FACTORY);
- temp.add(SpatialIntersectDescriptor.FACTORY);
- temp.add(CreateMBRDescriptor.FACTORY);
- temp.add(SpatialCellDescriptor.FACTORY);
- temp.add(PointXCoordinateAccessor.FACTORY);
- temp.add(PointYCoordinateAccessor.FACTORY);
- temp.add(CircleRadiusAccessor.FACTORY);
- temp.add(CircleCenterAccessor.FACTORY);
- temp.add(LineRectanglePolygonAccessor.FACTORY);
+ // Spatial
+ temp.add(CreatePointDescriptor.FACTORY);
+ temp.add(CreateLineDescriptor.FACTORY);
+ temp.add(CreatePolygonDescriptor.FACTORY);
+ temp.add(CreateCircleDescriptor.FACTORY);
+ temp.add(CreateRectangleDescriptor.FACTORY);
+ temp.add(SpatialAreaDescriptor.FACTORY);
+ temp.add(SpatialDistanceDescriptor.FACTORY);
+ temp.add(SpatialIntersectDescriptor.FACTORY);
+ temp.add(CreateMBRDescriptor.FACTORY);
+ temp.add(SpatialCellDescriptor.FACTORY);
+ temp.add(PointXCoordinateAccessor.FACTORY);
+ temp.add(PointYCoordinateAccessor.FACTORY);
+ temp.add(CircleRadiusAccessor.FACTORY);
+ temp.add(CircleCenterAccessor.FACTORY);
+ temp.add(LineRectanglePolygonAccessor.FACTORY);
- // fuzzyjoin function
- temp.add(FuzzyEqDescriptor.FACTORY);
- temp.add(SubsetCollectionDescriptor.FACTORY);
- temp.add(PrefixLenJaccardDescriptor.FACTORY);
+ // fuzzyjoin function
+ temp.add(FuzzyEqDescriptor.FACTORY);
+ temp.add(SubsetCollectionDescriptor.FACTORY);
+ temp.add(PrefixLenJaccardDescriptor.FACTORY);
- temp.add(WordTokensDescriptor.FACTORY);
- temp.add(HashedWordTokensDescriptor.FACTORY);
- temp.add(CountHashedWordTokensDescriptor.FACTORY);
+ temp.add(WordTokensDescriptor.FACTORY);
+ temp.add(HashedWordTokensDescriptor.FACTORY);
+ temp.add(CountHashedWordTokensDescriptor.FACTORY);
- temp.add(GramTokensDescriptor.FACTORY);
- temp.add(HashedGramTokensDescriptor.FACTORY);
- temp.add(CountHashedGramTokensDescriptor.FACTORY);
+ temp.add(GramTokensDescriptor.FACTORY);
+ temp.add(HashedGramTokensDescriptor.FACTORY);
+ temp.add(CountHashedGramTokensDescriptor.FACTORY);
- temp.add(EditDistanceDescriptor.FACTORY);
- temp.add(EditDistanceCheckDescriptor.FACTORY);
- temp.add(EditDistanceStringIsFilterable.FACTORY);
- temp.add(EditDistanceListIsFilterable.FACTORY);
+ temp.add(EditDistanceDescriptor.FACTORY);
+ temp.add(EditDistanceCheckDescriptor.FACTORY);
+ temp.add(EditDistanceStringIsFilterable.FACTORY);
+ temp.add(EditDistanceListIsFilterable.FACTORY);
- temp.add(SimilarityJaccardDescriptor.FACTORY);
- temp.add(SimilarityJaccardCheckDescriptor.FACTORY);
- temp.add(SimilarityJaccardSortedDescriptor.FACTORY);
- temp.add(SimilarityJaccardSortedCheckDescriptor.FACTORY);
- temp.add(SimilarityJaccardPrefixDescriptor.FACTORY);
- temp.add(SimilarityJaccardPrefixCheckDescriptor.FACTORY);
+ temp.add(SimilarityJaccardDescriptor.FACTORY);
+ temp.add(SimilarityJaccardCheckDescriptor.FACTORY);
+ temp.add(SimilarityJaccardSortedDescriptor.FACTORY);
+ temp.add(SimilarityJaccardSortedCheckDescriptor.FACTORY);
+ temp.add(SimilarityJaccardPrefixDescriptor.FACTORY);
+ temp.add(SimilarityJaccardPrefixCheckDescriptor.FACTORY);
- temp.add(SwitchCaseDescriptor.FACTORY);
- temp.add(RegExpDescriptor.FACTORY);
- temp.add(InjectFailureDescriptor.FACTORY);
- temp.add(CastRecordDescriptor.FACTORY);
- temp.add(NotNullDescriptor.FACTORY);
+ temp.add(SwitchCaseDescriptor.FACTORY);
+ temp.add(RegExpDescriptor.FACTORY);
+ temp.add(InjectFailureDescriptor.FACTORY);
+ temp.add(CastRecordDescriptor.FACTORY);
+ temp.add(NotNullDescriptor.FACTORY);
// Spatial and temporal type accessors
@@ -521,429 +514,377 @@
- @Override
- public IBinaryBooleanInspectorFactory getBinaryBooleanInspectorFactory() {
- return AqlBinaryBooleanInspectorImpl.FACTORY;
- }
+ @Override
+ public IBinaryBooleanInspectorFactory getBinaryBooleanInspectorFactory() {
+ return AqlBinaryBooleanInspectorImpl.FACTORY;
+ }
- @Override
- public IBinaryComparatorFactoryProvider getBinaryComparatorFactoryProvider() {
- return AqlBinaryComparatorFactoryProvider.INSTANCE;
- }
+ @Override
+ public IBinaryComparatorFactoryProvider getBinaryComparatorFactoryProvider() {
+ return AqlBinaryComparatorFactoryProvider.INSTANCE;
+ }
- @Override
- public IBinaryHashFunctionFactoryProvider getBinaryHashFunctionFactoryProvider() {
- return AqlBinaryHashFunctionFactoryProvider.INSTANCE;
- }
+ @Override
+ public IBinaryHashFunctionFactoryProvider getBinaryHashFunctionFactoryProvider() {
+ return AqlBinaryHashFunctionFactoryProvider.INSTANCE;
+ }
- @Override
- public ISerializerDeserializerProvider getSerdeProvider() {
- return AqlSerializerDeserializerProvider.INSTANCE; // done
- }
+ @Override
+ public ISerializerDeserializerProvider getSerdeProvider() {
+ return AqlSerializerDeserializerProvider.INSTANCE; // done
+ }
- @Override
- public ITypeTraitProvider getTypeTraitProvider() {
- return AqlTypeTraitProvider.INSTANCE;
- }
+ @Override
+ public ITypeTraitProvider getTypeTraitProvider() {
+ return AqlTypeTraitProvider.INSTANCE;
+ }
- @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
- @Override
- public ICopyEvaluatorFactory getFieldAccessEvaluatorFactory(
- ARecordType recType, String fldName, int recordColumn)
- throws AlgebricksException {
- String[] names = recType.getFieldNames();
- int n = names.length;
- for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
- if (names[i].equals(fldName)) {
- ICopyEvaluatorFactory recordEvalFactory = new ColumnAccessEvalFactory(
- recordColumn);
- ArrayBackedValueStorage abvs = new ArrayBackedValueStorage();
- DataOutput dos = abvs.getDataOutput();
- try {
- AInt32 ai = new AInt32(i);
- AqlSerializerDeserializerProvider.INSTANCE
- .getSerializerDeserializer(ai.getType()).serialize(
- ai, dos);
- } catch (HyracksDataException e) {
- throw new AlgebricksException(e);
- }
- ICopyEvaluatorFactory fldIndexEvalFactory = new ConstantEvalFactory(
- Arrays.copyOf(abvs.getByteArray(), abvs.getLength()));
- ICopyEvaluatorFactory evalFactory = new FieldAccessByIndexEvalFactory(
- recordEvalFactory, fldIndexEvalFactory, recType);
- return evalFactory;
- }
- }
- throw new AlgebricksException("Could not find field " + fldName
- + " in the schema.");
- }
+ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
+ @Override
+ public ICopyEvaluatorFactory getFieldAccessEvaluatorFactory(ARecordType recType, String fldName, int recordColumn)
+ throws AlgebricksException {
+ String[] names = recType.getFieldNames();
+ int n = names.length;
+ for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
+ if (names[i].equals(fldName)) {
+ ICopyEvaluatorFactory recordEvalFactory = new ColumnAccessEvalFactory(recordColumn);
+ ArrayBackedValueStorage abvs = new ArrayBackedValueStorage();
+ DataOutput dos = abvs.getDataOutput();
+ try {
+ AInt32 ai = new AInt32(i);
+ AqlSerializerDeserializerProvider.INSTANCE.getSerializerDeserializer(ai.getType()).serialize(ai,
+ dos);
+ } catch (HyracksDataException e) {
+ throw new AlgebricksException(e);
+ }
+ ICopyEvaluatorFactory fldIndexEvalFactory = new ConstantEvalFactory(Arrays.copyOf(abvs.getByteArray(),
+ abvs.getLength()));
+ ICopyEvaluatorFactory evalFactory = new FieldAccessByIndexEvalFactory(recordEvalFactory,
+ fldIndexEvalFactory, recType);
+ return evalFactory;
+ }
+ }
+ throw new AlgebricksException("Could not find field " + fldName + " in the schema.");
+ }
- @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
- @Override
- public ICopyEvaluatorFactory[] createMBRFactory(ARecordType recType,
- String fldName, int recordColumn, int dimension)
- throws AlgebricksException {
- ICopyEvaluatorFactory evalFactory = getFieldAccessEvaluatorFactory(
- recType, fldName, recordColumn);
- int numOfFields = dimension * 2;
- ICopyEvaluatorFactory[] evalFactories = new ICopyEvaluatorFactory[numOfFields];
+ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
+ @Override
+ public ICopyEvaluatorFactory[] createMBRFactory(ARecordType recType, String fldName, int recordColumn, int dimension)
+ throws AlgebricksException {
+ ICopyEvaluatorFactory evalFactory = getFieldAccessEvaluatorFactory(recType, fldName, recordColumn);
+ int numOfFields = dimension * 2;
+ ICopyEvaluatorFactory[] evalFactories = new ICopyEvaluatorFactory[numOfFields];
- ArrayBackedValueStorage abvs1 = new ArrayBackedValueStorage();
- DataOutput dos1 = abvs1.getDataOutput();
- try {
- AInt32 ai = new AInt32(dimension);
- AqlSerializerDeserializerProvider.INSTANCE
- .getSerializerDeserializer(ai.getType())
- .serialize(ai, dos1);
- } catch (HyracksDataException e) {
- throw new AlgebricksException(e);
- }
- ICopyEvaluatorFactory dimensionEvalFactory = new ConstantEvalFactory(
- Arrays.copyOf(abvs1.getByteArray(), abvs1.getLength()));
+ ArrayBackedValueStorage abvs1 = new ArrayBackedValueStorage();
+ DataOutput dos1 = abvs1.getDataOutput();
+ try {
+ AInt32 ai = new AInt32(dimension);
+ AqlSerializerDeserializerProvider.INSTANCE.getSerializerDeserializer(ai.getType()).serialize(ai, dos1);
+ } catch (HyracksDataException e) {
+ throw new AlgebricksException(e);
+ }
+ ICopyEvaluatorFactory dimensionEvalFactory = new ConstantEvalFactory(Arrays.copyOf(abvs1.getByteArray(),
+ abvs1.getLength()));
- for (int i = 0; i < numOfFields; i++) {
- ArrayBackedValueStorage abvs2 = new ArrayBackedValueStorage();
- DataOutput dos2 = abvs2.getDataOutput();
- try {
- AInt32 ai = new AInt32(i);
- AqlSerializerDeserializerProvider.INSTANCE
- .getSerializerDeserializer(ai.getType()).serialize(ai,
- dos2);
- } catch (HyracksDataException e) {
- throw new AlgebricksException(e);
- }
- ICopyEvaluatorFactory coordinateEvalFactory = new ConstantEvalFactory(
- Arrays.copyOf(abvs2.getByteArray(), abvs2.getLength()));
+ for (int i = 0; i < numOfFields; i++) {
+ ArrayBackedValueStorage abvs2 = new ArrayBackedValueStorage();
+ DataOutput dos2 = abvs2.getDataOutput();
+ try {
+ AInt32 ai = new AInt32(i);
+ AqlSerializerDeserializerProvider.INSTANCE.getSerializerDeserializer(ai.getType()).serialize(ai, dos2);
+ } catch (HyracksDataException e) {
+ throw new AlgebricksException(e);
+ }
+ ICopyEvaluatorFactory coordinateEvalFactory = new ConstantEvalFactory(Arrays.copyOf(abvs2.getByteArray(),
+ abvs2.getLength()));
- evalFactories[i] = new CreateMBREvalFactory(evalFactory,
- dimensionEvalFactory, coordinateEvalFactory);
- }
- return evalFactories;
- }
+ evalFactories[i] = new CreateMBREvalFactory(evalFactory, dimensionEvalFactory, coordinateEvalFactory);
+ }
+ return evalFactories;
+ }
- @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
- @Override
- public Triple<ICopyEvaluatorFactory, ScalarFunctionCallExpression, IAType> partitioningEvaluatorFactory(
- ARecordType recType, String fldName) throws AlgebricksException {
- String[] names = recType.getFieldNames();
- int n = names.length;
- for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
- if (names[i].equals(fldName)) {
- ICopyEvaluatorFactory recordEvalFactory = new ColumnAccessEvalFactory(
- ArrayBackedValueStorage abvs = new ArrayBackedValueStorage();
- DataOutput dos = abvs.getDataOutput();
- try {
- AInt32 ai = new AInt32(i);
- AqlSerializerDeserializerProvider.INSTANCE
- .getSerializerDeserializer(ai.getType()).serialize(
- ai, dos);
- } catch (HyracksDataException e) {
- throw new AlgebricksException(e);
- }
- ICopyEvaluatorFactory fldIndexEvalFactory = new ConstantEvalFactory(
- Arrays.copyOf(abvs.getByteArray(), abvs.getLength()));
- ICopyEvaluatorFactory evalFactory = new FieldAccessByIndexEvalFactory(
- recordEvalFactory, fldIndexEvalFactory, recType);
- IFunctionInfo finfoAccess = AsterixBuiltinFunctions
- .getAsterixFunctionInfo(AsterixBuiltinFunctions.FIELD_ACCESS_BY_INDEX);
+ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
+ @Override
+ public Triple<ICopyEvaluatorFactory, ScalarFunctionCallExpression, IAType> partitioningEvaluatorFactory(
+ ARecordType recType, String fldName) throws AlgebricksException {
+ String[] names = recType.getFieldNames();
+ int n = names.length;
+ for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
+ if (names[i].equals(fldName)) {
+ ICopyEvaluatorFactory recordEvalFactory = new ColumnAccessEvalFactory(
+ ArrayBackedValueStorage abvs = new ArrayBackedValueStorage();
+ DataOutput dos = abvs.getDataOutput();
+ try {
+ AInt32 ai = new AInt32(i);
+ AqlSerializerDeserializerProvider.INSTANCE.getSerializerDeserializer(ai.getType()).serialize(ai,
+ dos);
+ } catch (HyracksDataException e) {
+ throw new AlgebricksException(e);
+ }
+ ICopyEvaluatorFactory fldIndexEvalFactory = new ConstantEvalFactory(Arrays.copyOf(abvs.getByteArray(),
+ abvs.getLength()));
+ ICopyEvaluatorFactory evalFactory = new FieldAccessByIndexEvalFactory(recordEvalFactory,
+ fldIndexEvalFactory, recType);
+ IFunctionInfo finfoAccess = AsterixBuiltinFunctions
+ .getAsterixFunctionInfo(AsterixBuiltinFunctions.FIELD_ACCESS_BY_INDEX);
- ScalarFunctionCallExpression partitionFun = new ScalarFunctionCallExpression(
- finfoAccess,
- new MutableObject<ILogicalExpression>(
- new VariableReferenceExpression(
- new MutableObject<ILogicalExpression>(
- new ConstantExpression(
- new AsterixConstantValue(new AInt32(i)))));
- return new Triple<ICopyEvaluatorFactory, ScalarFunctionCallExpression, IAType>(
- evalFactory, partitionFun, recType.getFieldTypes()[i]);
- }
- }
- throw new AlgebricksException("Could not find field " + fldName
- + " in the schema.");
- }
+ ScalarFunctionCallExpression partitionFun = new ScalarFunctionCallExpression(finfoAccess,
+ new MutableObject<ILogicalExpression>(new VariableReferenceExpression(METADATA_DUMMY_VAR)),
+ new MutableObject<ILogicalExpression>(new ConstantExpression(new AsterixConstantValue(
+ new AInt32(i)))));
+ return new Triple<ICopyEvaluatorFactory, ScalarFunctionCallExpression, IAType>(evalFactory,
+ partitionFun, recType.getFieldTypes()[i]);
+ }
+ }
+ throw new AlgebricksException("Could not find field " + fldName + " in the schema.");
+ }
- @Override
- public IFunctionDescriptor resolveFunction(ILogicalExpression expr,
- IVariableTypeEnvironment context) throws AlgebricksException {
- FunctionIdentifier fnId = ((AbstractFunctionCallExpression) expr)
- .getFunctionIdentifier();
- IFunctionManager mgr = FunctionManagerHolder.getFunctionManager();
- IFunctionDescriptor fd = mgr.lookupFunction(fnId);
- if (fd == null) {
- throw new AsterixRuntimeException("Unresolved function " + fnId);
- }
- typeInference(expr, fd, context);
- return fd;
- }
+ @Override
+ public IFunctionDescriptor resolveFunction(ILogicalExpression expr, IVariableTypeEnvironment context)
+ throws AlgebricksException {
+ FunctionIdentifier fnId = ((AbstractFunctionCallExpression) expr).getFunctionIdentifier();
+ IFunctionManager mgr = FunctionManagerHolder.getFunctionManager();
+ IFunctionDescriptor fd = mgr.lookupFunction(fnId);
+ if (fd == null) {
+ throw new AsterixRuntimeException("Unresolved function " + fnId);
+ }
+ typeInference(expr, fd, context);
+ return fd;
+ }
- private void typeInference(ILogicalExpression expr, IFunctionDescriptor fd,
- IVariableTypeEnvironment context) throws AlgebricksException {
- if (fd.getIdentifier().equals(AsterixBuiltinFunctions.LISTIFY)) {
- AbstractFunctionCallExpression f = (AbstractFunctionCallExpression) expr;
- if (f.getArguments().size() == 0) {
- ((ListifyAggregateDescriptor) fd).reset(new AOrderedListType(
- null, null));
- } else {
- IAType itemType = (IAType) context.getType(f.getArguments()
- .get(0).getValue());
- // Convert UNION types into ANY.
- if (itemType instanceof AUnionType) {
- itemType = BuiltinType.ANY;
- }
- ((ListifyAggregateDescriptor) fd).reset(new AOrderedListType(
- itemType, null));
- }
- }
- if (fd.getIdentifier().equals(AsterixBuiltinFunctions.CAST_RECORD)) {
- ARecordType rt = (ARecordType) TypeComputerUtilities
- .getRequiredType((AbstractFunctionCallExpression) expr);
- ARecordType it = (ARecordType) TypeComputerUtilities
- .getInputType((AbstractFunctionCallExpression) expr);
- ((CastRecordDescriptor) fd).reset(rt, it);
- }
- if (fd.getIdentifier().equals(
- AsterixBuiltinFunctions.OPEN_RECORD_CONSTRUCTOR)) {
- ARecordType rt = (ARecordType) context.getType(expr);
- ((OpenRecordConstructorDescriptor) fd)
- .reset(rt,
- computeOpenFields(
- (AbstractFunctionCallExpression) expr, rt));
- }
- if (fd.getIdentifier().equals(
- AsterixBuiltinFunctions.CLOSED_RECORD_CONSTRUCTOR)) {
- ((ClosedRecordConstructorDescriptor) fd)
- .reset((ARecordType) context.getType(expr));
- }
- if (fd.getIdentifier().equals(
- AsterixBuiltinFunctions.ORDERED_LIST_CONSTRUCTOR)) {
- ((OrderedListConstructorDescriptor) fd)
- .reset((AOrderedListType) context.getType(expr));
- }
- if (fd.getIdentifier().equals(
- AsterixBuiltinFunctions.UNORDERED_LIST_CONSTRUCTOR)) {
- ((UnorderedListConstructorDescriptor) fd)
- .reset((AUnorderedListType) context.getType(expr));
- }
- if (fd.getIdentifier().equals(
- AsterixBuiltinFunctions.FIELD_ACCESS_BY_INDEX)) {
- AbstractFunctionCallExpression fce = (AbstractFunctionCallExpression) expr;
- IAType t = (IAType) context.getType(fce.getArguments().get(0)
- .getValue());
- switch (t.getTypeTag()) {
- case RECORD: {
- ARecordType recType = (ARecordType) t;
- ((FieldAccessByIndexDescriptor) fd).reset(recType);
- break;
- }
- case UNION: {
- AUnionType unionT = (AUnionType) t;
- if (unionT.isNullableType()) {
- IAType t2 = unionT.getUnionList().get(1);
- if (t2.getTypeTag() == ATypeTag.RECORD) {
- ARecordType recType = (ARecordType) t2;
- ((FieldAccessByIndexDescriptor) fd).reset(recType);
- break;
- }
- }
- throw new NotImplementedException(
- "field-access-by-index for data of type " + t);
- }
- default: {
- throw new NotImplementedException(
- "field-access-by-index for data of type " + t);
- }
- }
- }
- }
+ private void typeInference(ILogicalExpression expr, IFunctionDescriptor fd, IVariableTypeEnvironment context)
+ throws AlgebricksException {
+ if (fd.getIdentifier().equals(AsterixBuiltinFunctions.LISTIFY)) {
+ AbstractFunctionCallExpression f = (AbstractFunctionCallExpression) expr;
+ if (f.getArguments().size() == 0) {
+ ((ListifyAggregateDescriptor) fd).reset(new AOrderedListType(null, null));
+ } else {
+ IAType itemType = (IAType) context.getType(f.getArguments().get(0).getValue());
+ // Convert UNION types into ANY.
+ if (itemType instanceof AUnionType) {
+ itemType = BuiltinType.ANY;
+ }
+ ((ListifyAggregateDescriptor) fd).reset(new AOrderedListType(itemType, null));
+ }
+ }
+ if (fd.getIdentifier().equals(AsterixBuiltinFunctions.CAST_RECORD)) {
+ ARecordType rt = (ARecordType) TypeComputerUtilities.getRequiredType((AbstractFunctionCallExpression) expr);
+ ARecordType it = (ARecordType) TypeComputerUtilities.getInputType((AbstractFunctionCallExpression) expr);
+ ((CastRecordDescriptor) fd).reset(rt, it);
+ }
+ if (fd.getIdentifier().equals(AsterixBuiltinFunctions.OPEN_RECORD_CONSTRUCTOR)) {
+ ARecordType rt = (ARecordType) context.getType(expr);
+ ((OpenRecordConstructorDescriptor) fd).reset(rt,
+ computeOpenFields((AbstractFunctionCallExpression) expr, rt));
+ }
+ if (fd.getIdentifier().equals(AsterixBuiltinFunctions.CLOSED_RECORD_CONSTRUCTOR)) {
+ ((ClosedRecordConstructorDescriptor) fd).reset((ARecordType) context.getType(expr));
+ }
+ if (fd.getIdentifier().equals(AsterixBuiltinFunctions.ORDERED_LIST_CONSTRUCTOR)) {
+ ((OrderedListConstructorDescriptor) fd).reset((AOrderedListType) context.getType(expr));
+ }
+ if (fd.getIdentifier().equals(AsterixBuiltinFunctions.UNORDERED_LIST_CONSTRUCTOR)) {
+ ((UnorderedListConstructorDescriptor) fd).reset((AUnorderedListType) context.getType(expr));
+ }
+ if (fd.getIdentifier().equals(AsterixBuiltinFunctions.FIELD_ACCESS_BY_INDEX)) {
+ AbstractFunctionCallExpression fce = (AbstractFunctionCallExpression) expr;
+ IAType t = (IAType) context.getType(fce.getArguments().get(0).getValue());
+ switch (t.getTypeTag()) {
+ case RECORD: {
+ ARecordType recType = (ARecordType) t;
+ ((FieldAccessByIndexDescriptor) fd).reset(recType);
+ break;
+ }
+ case UNION: {
+ AUnionType unionT = (AUnionType) t;
+ if (unionT.isNullableType()) {
+ IAType t2 = unionT.getUnionList().get(1);
+ if (t2.getTypeTag() == ATypeTag.RECORD) {
+ ARecordType recType = (ARecordType) t2;
+ ((FieldAccessByIndexDescriptor) fd).reset(recType);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ throw new NotImplementedException("field-access-by-index for data of type " + t);
+ }
+ default: {
+ throw new NotImplementedException("field-access-by-index for data of type " + t);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
- private boolean[] computeOpenFields(AbstractFunctionCallExpression expr,
- ARecordType recType) {
- int n = expr.getArguments().size() / 2;
- boolean[] open = new boolean[n];
- for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
- Mutable<ILogicalExpression> argRef = expr.getArguments().get(2 * i);
- ILogicalExpression arg = argRef.getValue();
- if (arg.getExpressionTag() == LogicalExpressionTag.CONSTANT) {
- String fn = ((AString) ((AsterixConstantValue) ((ConstantExpression) arg)
- .getValue()).getObject()).getStringValue();
- open[i] = true;
- for (String s : recType.getFieldNames()) {
- if (s.equals(fn)) {
- open[i] = false;
- break;
- }
- }
- } else {
- open[i] = true;
- }
- }
- return open;
- }
+ private boolean[] computeOpenFields(AbstractFunctionCallExpression expr, ARecordType recType) {
+ int n = expr.getArguments().size() / 2;
+ boolean[] open = new boolean[n];
+ for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
+ Mutable<ILogicalExpression> argRef = expr.getArguments().get(2 * i);
+ ILogicalExpression arg = argRef.getValue();
+ if (arg.getExpressionTag() == LogicalExpressionTag.CONSTANT) {
+ String fn = ((AString) ((AsterixConstantValue) ((ConstantExpression) arg).getValue()).getObject())
+ .getStringValue();
+ open[i] = true;
+ for (String s : recType.getFieldNames()) {
+ if (s.equals(fn)) {
+ open[i] = false;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ open[i] = true;
+ }
+ }
+ return open;
+ }
- @Override
- public IPrinterFactoryProvider getPrinterFactoryProvider() {
- return AqlPrinterFactoryProvider.INSTANCE;
- }
+ @Override
+ public IPrinterFactoryProvider getPrinterFactoryProvider() {
+ return AqlPrinterFactoryProvider.INSTANCE;
+ }
public IPrinterFactoryProvider getJSONPrinterFactoryProvider() {
return AqlJSONPrinterFactoryProvider.INSTANCE;
- @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
- @Override
- public ICopyEvaluatorFactory getConstantEvalFactory(
- IAlgebricksConstantValue value) throws AlgebricksException {
- IAObject obj = null;
- if (value.isNull()) {
- obj = ANull.NULL;
- } else if (value.isTrue()) {
- obj = ABoolean.TRUE;
- } else if (value.isFalse()) {
- obj = ABoolean.FALSE;
- } else {
- AsterixConstantValue acv = (AsterixConstantValue) value;
- obj = acv.getObject();
- }
- ArrayBackedValueStorage abvs = new ArrayBackedValueStorage();
- DataOutput dos = abvs.getDataOutput();
- try {
- AqlSerializerDeserializerProvider.INSTANCE
- .getSerializerDeserializer(obj.getType()).serialize(obj,
- dos);
- } catch (HyracksDataException e) {
- throw new AlgebricksException(e);
- }
- return new ConstantEvalFactory(Arrays.copyOf(abvs.getByteArray(),
- abvs.getLength()));
- }
+ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
+ @Override
+ public ICopyEvaluatorFactory getConstantEvalFactory(IAlgebricksConstantValue value) throws AlgebricksException {
+ IAObject obj = null;
+ if (value.isNull()) {
+ obj = ANull.NULL;
+ } else if (value.isTrue()) {
+ obj = ABoolean.TRUE;
+ } else if (value.isFalse()) {
+ obj = ABoolean.FALSE;
+ } else {
+ AsterixConstantValue acv = (AsterixConstantValue) value;
+ obj = acv.getObject();
+ }
+ ArrayBackedValueStorage abvs = new ArrayBackedValueStorage();
+ DataOutput dos = abvs.getDataOutput();
+ try {
+ AqlSerializerDeserializerProvider.INSTANCE.getSerializerDeserializer(obj.getType()).serialize(obj, dos);
+ } catch (HyracksDataException e) {
+ throw new AlgebricksException(e);
+ }
+ return new ConstantEvalFactory(Arrays.copyOf(abvs.getByteArray(), abvs.getLength()));
+ }
- @Override
- public IBinaryIntegerInspectorFactory getBinaryIntegerInspectorFactory() {
- return AqlBinaryIntegerInspector.FACTORY;
- }
+ @Override
+ public IBinaryIntegerInspectorFactory getBinaryIntegerInspectorFactory() {
+ return AqlBinaryIntegerInspector.FACTORY;
+ }
- @Override
- public ITupleParserFactory createTupleParser(ARecordType recType,
- IParseFileSplitsDecl decl) {
- if (decl.isDelimitedFileFormat()) {
- int n = recType.getFieldTypes().length;
- IValueParserFactory[] fieldParserFactories = new IValueParserFactory[n];
- for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
- ATypeTag tag = recType.getFieldTypes()[i].getTypeTag();
- IValueParserFactory vpf = typeToValueParserFactMap.get(tag);
- if (vpf == null) {
- throw new NotImplementedException(
- "No value parser factory for delimited fields of type "
- + tag);
- }
- fieldParserFactories[i] = vpf;
- }
- return new NtDelimitedDataTupleParserFactory(recType,
- fieldParserFactories, decl.getDelimChar());
- } else {
- return new AdmSchemafullRecordParserFactory(recType);
- }
- }
+ @Override
+ public ITupleParserFactory createTupleParser(ARecordType recType, IParseFileSplitsDecl decl) {
+ if (decl.isDelimitedFileFormat()) {
+ int n = recType.getFieldTypes().length;
+ IValueParserFactory[] fieldParserFactories = new IValueParserFactory[n];
+ for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
+ ATypeTag tag = recType.getFieldTypes()[i].getTypeTag();
+ IValueParserFactory vpf = typeToValueParserFactMap.get(tag);
+ if (vpf == null) {
+ throw new NotImplementedException("No value parser factory for delimited fields of type " + tag);
+ }
+ fieldParserFactories[i] = vpf;
+ }
+ return new NtDelimitedDataTupleParserFactory(recType, fieldParserFactories, decl.getDelimChar());
+ } else {
+ return new AdmSchemafullRecordParserFactory(recType);
+ }
+ }
- @Override
- public ITupleParserFactory createTupleParser(ARecordType recType,
- boolean delimitedFormat, Character delimiter) {
- if (delimitedFormat) {
- int n = recType.getFieldTypes().length;
- IValueParserFactory[] fieldParserFactories = new IValueParserFactory[n];
- for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
- ATypeTag tag = recType.getFieldTypes()[i].getTypeTag();
- IValueParserFactory vpf = typeToValueParserFactMap.get(tag);
- if (vpf == null) {
- throw new NotImplementedException(
- "No value parser factory for delimited fields of type "
- + tag);
- }
- fieldParserFactories[i] = vpf;
- }
- return new NtDelimitedDataTupleParserFactory(recType,
- fieldParserFactories, delimiter);
- } else {
- return new AdmSchemafullRecordParserFactory(recType);
- }
- }
+ @Override
+ public ITupleParserFactory createTupleParser(ARecordType recType, boolean delimitedFormat, Character delimiter) {
+ if (delimitedFormat) {
+ int n = recType.getFieldTypes().length;
+ IValueParserFactory[] fieldParserFactories = new IValueParserFactory[n];
+ for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
+ ATypeTag tag = recType.getFieldTypes()[i].getTypeTag();
+ IValueParserFactory vpf = typeToValueParserFactMap.get(tag);
+ if (vpf == null) {
+ throw new NotImplementedException("No value parser factory for delimited fields of type " + tag);
+ }
+ fieldParserFactories[i] = vpf;
+ }
+ return new NtDelimitedDataTupleParserFactory(recType, fieldParserFactories, delimiter);
+ } else {
+ return new AdmSchemafullRecordParserFactory(recType);
+ }
+ }
- @Override
- public INullWriterFactory getNullWriterFactory() {
- return AqlNullWriterFactory.INSTANCE;
- }
+ @Override
+ public INullWriterFactory getNullWriterFactory() {
+ return AqlNullWriterFactory.INSTANCE;
+ }
- @Override
- public IExpressionEvalSizeComputer getExpressionEvalSizeComputer() {
- return new IExpressionEvalSizeComputer() {
- @Override
- public int getEvalSize(ILogicalExpression expr,
- IVariableEvalSizeEnvironment env)
- throws AlgebricksException {
- switch (expr.getExpressionTag()) {
- case CONSTANT: {
- ConstantExpression c = (ConstantExpression) expr;
- if (c == ConstantExpression.NULL) {
- return 1;
- } else if (c == ConstantExpression.FALSE
- || c == ConstantExpression.TRUE) {
- return 2;
- } else {
- AsterixConstantValue acv = (AsterixConstantValue) c
- .getValue();
- IAObject o = acv.getObject();
- switch (o.getType().getTypeTag()) {
- case DOUBLE: {
- return 9;
- }
- case BOOLEAN: {
- return 2;
- }
- case NULL: {
- return 1;
- }
- case INT32: {
- return 5;
- }
- case INT64: {
- return 9;
- }
- default: {
- // TODO
- return -1;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- AbstractFunctionCallExpression f = (AbstractFunctionCallExpression) expr;
- if (f.getFunctionIdentifier().equals(
- AsterixBuiltinFunctions.TID)) {
- return 5;
- } else {
- // TODO
- return -1;
- }
- }
- default: {
- // TODO
- return -1;
- }
- }
- }
- };
- }
+ @Override
+ public IExpressionEvalSizeComputer getExpressionEvalSizeComputer() {
+ return new IExpressionEvalSizeComputer() {
+ @Override
+ public int getEvalSize(ILogicalExpression expr, IVariableEvalSizeEnvironment env)
+ throws AlgebricksException {
+ switch (expr.getExpressionTag()) {
+ case CONSTANT: {
+ ConstantExpression c = (ConstantExpression) expr;
+ if (c == ConstantExpression.NULL) {
+ return 1;
+ } else if (c == ConstantExpression.FALSE || c == ConstantExpression.TRUE) {
+ return 2;
+ } else {
+ AsterixConstantValue acv = (AsterixConstantValue) c.getValue();
+ IAObject o = acv.getObject();
+ switch (o.getType().getTypeTag()) {
+ case DOUBLE: {
+ return 9;
+ }
+ case BOOLEAN: {
+ return 2;
+ }
+ case NULL: {
+ return 1;
+ }
+ case INT32: {
+ return 5;
+ }
+ case INT64: {
+ return 9;
+ }
+ default: {
+ // TODO
+ return -1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ AbstractFunctionCallExpression f = (AbstractFunctionCallExpression) expr;
+ if (f.getFunctionIdentifier().equals(AsterixBuiltinFunctions.TID)) {
+ return 5;
+ } else {
+ // TODO
+ return -1;
+ }
+ }
+ default: {
+ // TODO
+ return -1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ }
- @Override
- public INormalizedKeyComputerFactoryProvider getNormalizedKeyComputerFactoryProvider() {
- return AqlNormalizedKeyComputerFactoryProvider.INSTANCE;
- }
+ @Override
+ public INormalizedKeyComputerFactoryProvider getNormalizedKeyComputerFactoryProvider() {
+ return AqlNormalizedKeyComputerFactoryProvider.INSTANCE;
+ }
- @Override
- public IBinaryHashFunctionFamilyProvider getBinaryHashFunctionFamilyProvider() {
- return AqlBinaryHashFunctionFamilyProvider.INSTANCE;
- }
+ @Override
+ public IBinaryHashFunctionFamilyProvider getBinaryHashFunctionFamilyProvider() {
+ return AqlBinaryHashFunctionFamilyProvider.INSTANCE;
+ }