- Added Tokenize Operator in addition to the bulkload operator changes that were made by Zachary Heilbron.
   The tokenize operator is only added to the logical plan when bulk-loading the data.
 - Each secondary index is now updated in the separate branch by using the replicate operator.
 - Sink Operator now accepts multiple inputs.
 - Fixed the bulk-load so that it correctly produces auto-generated PK.

Change-Id: Ifb591754dba5eb4a9207edaa4e658f4cc745893a
Reviewed-on: http://fulliautomatix.ics.uci.edu:8443/78
Reviewed-by: Young-Seok Kim <kisskys@gmail.com>
Tested-by: Jenkins <jenkins@fulliautomatix.ics.uci.edu>
55 files changed
tree: 447c7b0407519b095492bbe2e634c4aa1bd5d530
  1. .gitignore
  2. algebricks/
  3. hivesterix/
  4. hyracks/
  5. pom.xml
  6. pregelix/