Added more tests for the new indexed NL fuzzy join using surrogates.
git-svn-id: eaa15691-b419-025a-1212-ee371bd00084
diff --git a/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/inverted-index-join-noeqjoin/ngram-jaccard-inline.adm b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/inverted-index-join-noeqjoin/ngram-jaccard-inline.adm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f6c6049
--- /dev/null
+++ b/asterix-app/src/test/resources/runtimets/results/inverted-index-join-noeqjoin/ngram-jaccard-inline.adm
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+{ "a": "Transaction Management in Multidatabase Systems.", "b": "Overview of Multidatabase Transaction Management", "jacc": 0.55932206f }
+{ "a": "Transaction Management in Multidatabase Systems.", "b": "Overview of Multidatabase Transaction Management", "jacc": 0.55932206f }
+{ "a": "Active Database Systems.", "b": "Active Database Systems", "jacc": 0.95454544f }
+{ "a": "Integrated Office Systems.", "b": "Integrated Office Systems", "jacc": 0.9583333f }
+{ "a": "Integrated Office Systems.", "b": "Integrated Office Systems", "jacc": 0.9583333f }
+{ "a": "A Shared View of Sharing The Treaty of Orlando.", "b": "A Shared View of Sharing The Treaty of Orlando", "jacc": 0.9782609f }
+{ "a": "Specification and Execution of Transactional Workflows.", "b": "Specification and Execution of Transactional Workflows", "jacc": 0.9811321f }