Merge branch 'master' into westmann/doc
diff --git a/asterix-doc/src/site/markdown/aql/ b/asterix-doc/src/site/markdown/aql/
index da51dee..f1c3fbd 100644
--- a/asterix-doc/src/site/markdown/aql/
+++ b/asterix-doc/src/site/markdown/aql/
@@ -601,14 +601,23 @@
 The following example creates an rtree index called fbSenderLocIdx on the sender-location field of the FacebookMessages dataset.
 This index can be useful for accelerating queries that use the
 [`spatial-intersect` function](functions.html#spatial-intersect) in a predicate involving the 
-sender-loction field.
+sender-location field.
 ##### Example
     create index fbSenderLocIndex on FacebookMessages(sender-location) type rtree;
+The following example creates a 3-gram index called fbUserIdx on the name field of the FacebookUsers dataset.
+This index can be used to accelerate some similarity or substring maching queries on the name field.
+For details refer to the [document on similarity queries](similarity.html#NGram_Index).
+##### Example
+    create index fbUserIdx on FacebookUsers(name) type ngram(3);
 The following example creates a keyword index called fbMessageIdx on the message field of the FacebookMessages dataset.
-This index can be useful for accelerating text searches involving the message field.
+This keyword index can be used to optimize queries with token-based similarity predicates on the message field.
+For details refer to the [document on similarity queries](similarity.html#Keyword_Index).
 ##### Example